Gramatica Si Vocabular Lb Engleza

Gramatică şi Vocabular (Grammar and Vocabulary) SUMAR Gramatică (Grammar) Sunetele limbii engleze; alfabetul limbii engleze; clasificarea verbului, diateze, aspect, moduri, timpuri verbale; Prezentul simplu şi continuu – formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii Trecutul simplu şi continuu – formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii Prezentul Perfect simplu şi continuu – formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii Mai mult ca perfectul simplu şi continuu – formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii Viitorul – formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii Modul Condiţional şi If clause – formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii Concordanţa timpurilor – formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii Modul Subjonctiv – formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii Modul Imperativ – formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii Diateza pasivă – formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii 3

Transcript of Gramatica Si Vocabular Lb Engleza

Gramatică şi Vocabular (Grammar and Vocabulary)


Gramatică (Grammar) Sunetele limbii engleze; alfabetul limbii

engleze; clasificarea verbului, diateze,aspect, moduri, timpuri verbale;

Prezentul simplu şi continuu – formă şiutilizare; Exerciţii

Trecutul simplu şi continuu – formă şiutilizare; Exerciţii

Prezentul Perfect simplu şi continuu – formăşi utilizare; Exerciţii

Mai mult ca perfectul simplu şi continuu –formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii

Viitorul – formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii Modul Condiţional şi If clause – formă şi

utilizare; Exerciţii Concordanţa timpurilor – formă şi utilizare;

Exerciţii Modul Subjonctiv – formă şi utilizare;

Exerciţii Modul Imperativ – formă şi utilizare;

Exerciţii Diateza pasivă – formă şi utilizare;



Verbe modale I – formă şi utilizare;Exerciţii

Verbe modale II – formă şi utilizare;Exerciţii

Infinitivul – formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii Formele în Ing – utilizare; Exerciţii Verbe care primesc infinitive sau forma în –

Ing; Exerciţii Verbe complexe – formă şi utilizare;

Exerciţii Vorbirea indirectă – formă şi utilizare;

Exerciţii Prepoziţii, Conjuncţii – formă şi utilizare;

Exerciţii Substantivul – formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii Articolul – formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii Adjectivul – formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii Pronumele – formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii Adverbul – formă şi utilizare; Exerciţii Vocabular (Vocabulary) The car and On the road Travelling Holidays. Staying in a hotel Food. At the restaurant Shopping Health service Postal and telephone service



Moravec-Ocampo; A., Farrugia, A. – LimbaEngleză – gramatica de bază, Editura Teora,Bucureşti, 1999

Paidos, Constantin – Gramatica limbiiengleze – Verbul, Institutul European, Iaşi,1992

Gălăţeanu-Fârnoagă, Georgiana; Sachelarie-Lecca, Doina - Limba Engleză în conversaţie,Editura ştiinţifică şi enciclopedică,Bucureşti, 1982

Gălăţeanu, Georgiana – Exerciţii degramatică engleză, Timpurile verbale,Editura Albatros, Bucureşti, 1979

Ţăranu, Mariana – Limba engleză, Exerciţiipentru nivelul superior, Editura Corint,Bucureşti, 1996

Ministerul Educaţiei şi Învăţământului,Universitatea Bucureşti – Limba Engleză,Exerciţii pentru admiterea în învăţământulsuperior, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică,Bucureşti, 1978

Misztal, Mariusz – Test your vocabulary,Editura Teora, Bucureşti, 1994

Misztal, Mariusz – Test your Englishgrammar, Editura Teora, Bucureşti, 1999

The New International Webster ’s Pocket Business Dictionary of the English Language– Trident Press International, 1997


Pawlowska, Barbara; Kempinski, Zbigniew –Teste de limba engleză, Editura Teora,Bucureşti, 1999

Timar, Eszter – Limba engleză în teste şiexerciţii, Editura Teora, Bucureşti, 1999

Chiriacescu, Adriana; Mureşan, Laura;Barghiel, Virginia; Hollinger, Alexander –Corespondenţă de afaceri în limbile românăşi engleză, Editura Teora, Bucureşti, 1995

Geoghegan, C.G.; Geoghegan, J.Y. – Englezapentru negocieri, Editura Teora, Bucureşti,2000

Roland, Marie-Claude; Mast-Grand, Martha –CV în limba engleză, un pas spre angajare,Editura Teora, Bucureşti, 2000

Dayan, A.; Lindsay, W.H.; Janakiewicz, A.;Marcheteau, M. – Engleza pentru marketing şipublicitate, Editura Teora, Bucureşti, 2000

Bantaş, Andrei; Porţeanu, Rodica – Limbaengleză pentru ştiinţă şi tehnică, EdituraNiculescu, Bucureşti, 1995

Laun, Flavia E. – Birotics andTelecommunication Explanatory Dictionary,Editura Dacia, Cluj-Napoca, 1996

Mănăilă, D.; Popa, C.; Popa, D.; Popescu,I.M.; Vlad, V.I. – Mic dicţionar poliglot defizică, tehnică şi matematică, Editura AcoraPress, Bucureşti, 1995

Cotton, David – Keys to management, Longman,1996


Cotton, David; Robbins, Sue – BusinessClass, Nelson English Language Teaching,London, 1993

Le Divenach, Éloi – Engleza în presă,Editura Teora, Bucureşti, 1999

Marcheteau, Michel – Berman, Jean-Pierre –Savio, Michel, Engleza comercială în 40 delecţii, Editura Niculescu, Bucureşti, 2001

I. Sunetele limbii engleze; alfabetul limbiiengleze; clasificarea verbului; moduri;diateze; aspect; timpuri verbale

1.Sunetele limbii engleze


Simbolul fonetic Exemplu Transcriereafonetică1. i: sea si:2. i it it3. e ten ten


4. æ man mæn5. a: part pa:t6. o dog dog7. o: short ∫o:t8. u book buk9. u: moon mu:n10. sun sn11. ∂: first f∂:st12. ∂ a ∂


13. ei name neim14. ou home houm15. ai nine nain16. au now nau17. oi boy boi18. i∂ here hi∂19. ∂ there ð∂ 20. o∂ door do∂21. u∂ poor pu∂Triftongi

22. ai∂ fire fai∂23. au∂ flower flau∂


24. j yes jes25. w well wel




26. b big big27. d day dei28. v very veri29. g garden ga:dn30. z zero zi∂rou31. з pleasure pleз∂32. dз jam dзæm33. ð this ðis34. r red red35. l lost lost36. m many meni37. n not not38. ŋ thing θiŋ


39. p pen pen40. t too tu:41. f five faiv42. k cake keik43. s say sei44. ∫ she ∫i:45. t∫ child t∫aild46. θ thin θin


47. h horse ho:s

Vocala i: este o vocală lungă. Este aproapeidentică cu i românesc din cuvintele în careaccentuăm această vocală în mod deosebit, cade pildă în exclamaţia: biine! (în sens deconcesie).

Vocala i este o vocală scurtă, un sunetintermediar între i şi e din limba romînă.

Vocala e este o vocală scurtă şi foarteapropiată de e românesc, fiind însă ceva maideschisă. Ea seamănă îndeosebi cu e dinlimba română, când acesta e urmat de r, cade exemplu în cuvintele mere, pere etc.

Vocala æ este o vocală scurtă şi ocupă opoziţie intermediară între a şi e; æ nu sepoate compara cu nici un sunet din limbaromână. Se obţine deschizând gura pentru aşi pronunţând e.

Vocala a: e o vocală lungă şi se formeazăîn partea din fund a gurii, ceea ce îi dă orezonanţă de sunet profund. Pronunţând un aromânesc prelungit şi din fundul gurii vomobţine un a: englezesc corect.

Vocala o este o vocală scurtă. Ea nu poatefi comparată cu nici un sunet existent înlimba română. Pentru cine cunoaşte însălimba maghiară, sunetul englez este uşor depronunţat, el fiind foarte apropiat devocala o din această limbă. o este un sunet


intermediar între sunetele a şi o şi sepronunţă mult mai din fundul gurii decât oromânesc şi cu gura mult mai deschisă.

Vocala o: este o vocală lungă. Ea sedeosebeşte de vocala o care este mult maideschisă spre a. Pronunţând un o românesclung şi din fundul gurii vom obţine un sunetfoarte apropiat de o: englezesc.

Vocala u este o vocală scurtă, foarteapropiată de u românesc. Se pronunţă cubuzele mai puţin rotunjite decât în cazullui u din limba română.

Vocala u: este o vocală lungă şi seamănăfoarte mult cu un u românesc prelungit.

Vocala e o vocală scurtă şi seamănă foartemult cu un a românesc scurt. Pentrupronunţarea lui este necesar să întindempuţin buzele lateral şi să ponunţăm un aretrăgând limba puţin înapoi.

Vocala ∂: este o vocală lungă, asemănătoarelui ă românesc prelungit. Pentru a o rosticorect trebuie să ţinem maxilarele apropiateşi buzele întinse lateral. Este absolutnecesar ca în timpul pronunţării lui ∂:buzele să fie numai uşor întredeschise.

Vocala ∂ este o vocală scurtă, niciodatăaccentuată şi corespunde vocalei ă din limbaromână.

Diftongul ei se aseamănă cu diftongulromânesc din cuvintele mei, tei, lei etc.


Elementul al doilea al diftongului estesunetul i scurt englezesc.

Diftongul ou. Primul element al acestuidiftong este o vocală încă neîntâlnită,vocala o. O obţinem rotunjind buzele pentruo şi pronunţând ă. Al doilea element aldiftongului este u, despre care reamintimcă este un sunet scurt.

Diftongul ai se apropie foarte mult dediftongul românesc din cuvintele mai, cai, daietc., cu deosebirea că elementul al doileaal difotngului este sunetul i scurtenglezesc.

Diftongul au se apropie de asemenea foartemult de diftongul românesc din cuvinteledau, sau etc. Elementul al doilea aldiftongului este sunetul u scurt englezesc.

Diftongul oi se apropie de diftongulromânesc oi din cuvintele ca noi, doi, voi etc.Totuşi primul element, o, e mai deschisdecât în limba română, iar cel de-al doileaelement este i scurt englezesc.

Diftongii i∂ şi u∂ conţin sunetecunoscute. La pronunţarea lor trebuie săavem în vedere sunetele specific englezeştii şi u.

Diftongul ∂ conţine o vocală nouă, .Această vocală este mai deschisă decât e şimai închisă decât æ.

Diftongul o∂. Primul element al acestuidiftong este vocala scurtă o urmată fărăefort de ∂ (amintim că avem de-a face cu un


o deschis spre a). Acest diftong tinde săfie înlocuit de vocala lungă o:.

Triftongul ai∂ Pronunţaţi într-o singurăsilabă acest triftong, ţinând seama decaracterul vocalei englezeşti i: fire fai∂,tired tai∂d.

Triftongul au∂ este format din sunetecunoscute. La pronunţarea lui trebuie săţinem seama de caracterul vocalei englezeştiu.Nu-l pronunţaţi pe u din triftongul au∂ cuemitere puternică de aer, pentru a nu-ltransforma în semivocala w. Obţineţi opronunţie corectă a acestui triftong dacărostiţi într-o singură silabă grupul desunete româneşti aâă.

Semivocala w se pronunţă ca un u foartescurt, cu puternică emitere de aer printrebuze, semănând cu sunetul u pe care îladăugăm în pronunţare la începutul unorcuvinte ca oală, oaie etc.

Semivocala j, cea de-a doua semivocală dinlimba engleză, se poate compara cu un ifoarte scurt, cu rezonanţă consonantică. Ease întâlneşte şi în limba română în cuvinteca: este, ei, iarnă, iertare etc.

Consoana d prezintă o particularitate faţăde limba română, în sensul că la articularea


ei vârful limbii se sprijină pe alveole (perădăcina dinţilor).

Consoanele b, v, g, z, m, n pot ficonsiderate ca fiind identice cu consoanelecorespunzătoare din limba română.

Consoana з este aceeaşi ca şi consoanaromânească din jar, ajun etc. Reţineţi semnulз pentru sunetul j românesc; reamintiţi-văcă semnul j reprezintă o semivocalăasemănătoare sunetului i din cuvinteleromâneşti: iarnă, chiar, iată etc.

Consoana dз este corespondenta sonoră aconsoanei surde t∫. O întâlnim în româneşteîn cuvinte ca: gimnastică, geam, legi etc.Observaţi că în limba română aceastăconsoană poate fi urmată numai de vocale esau i. Trecerea la oricare din celelaltevocale (o, a, u) se face cu ajutorul unui isau e de legătură. De exemplu: geam, George,giulgiu. În limba engleză, trecerea de la dзla oricare dintre vocale se face direct. Deexemplu: John dзon, George dзo:dз. Nupronunţaţi deci cuvântul John ca gion. Înlimba engleză, sunetul dз termină cuvântul.De exemplu: Geroge dзo:dз, judge dзdз. Nupronunţaţi giorgi şi giagi.

Consoana ð este o consoană sonoră (ca b, g,m, z etc) pe care o putem rosti corectpronunţând un d (sau z) românesc cu vârfullimbii între dinţi. Exerciţiul trebuierepetat de foarte multe ori în faţa oglinziipentru a controla poziţia limbii.


Consoana r se deosebeşte fundamental deconsoana românească r, fiind de fapt cutotul altă consoană, deşi e reprezentată deaceeaşi literă a alfabetului. Astfel, întimp ce r românesc este o consoană vibrantă,r englezesc se rosteşte fără vibraţie (caşi consoanele s şi j, de pildă). Pentru aobţine r englezesc, pronunţaţi j cu guramult deschisă. Până când vă deprindeţi cupronunţarea firească a lui r, căutaţi sărostiţi un r românesc cât mai şters şi fărăca vârful limbii să atingă cerul gurii.

Consoana l - în limba engleză există douăvariante ale consoanei l. Înainte devocală, l este identic cu l românesc; deexemplu în cuvintele live, lily. În poziţiefinală sau înainte de consoană, l este unsunet voalat. La rostirea lui, parteaposterioară a limbii se ridică spre cerulgurii. Într-un cuvânt ca apple, l esteprecedat de un î foarte scurt. Pronunţaţideci æpîl şi nu æplî.

Consoana ŋ este asemănătoare cu consoanaromânească n din cuvintele în care n esteurmat de c sau de g: încă, Anghel, singular,unde n devine în parte gutural.

Consoanele p, t, k sunt consoane surde.Spre deosebire de consoanele corespunzătoaredin limba română, ele sunt urmate – când nusunt precedate de altă consoană şi sunt însilabă accentuată – de un uşor sunet h.


Consoana t se pronunţă cu vârful limbiisprijinit pe alveole (pe rădăcina dinţilor).

Consoanele f şi s pot fi considerate cafiind identice cu consoanele corespunzătoaredin limba română.

Consoana ∫ este aceeaşi ca şi consoanaromânească ş.

Consoana t∫ este aproape identică cuconsoana românească din cuvinte ca: cine,ceas, cel etc., şi se pronunţă cu o uşoarăaspiraţie, ca şi k, p, t. Consoana englezească rămâne însă perfectsurdă şi poate fi urmată direct de oricevocală, fără a necesita un e sau i delegătură, ca în limba română: child t∫aild.De semenea, consoana t∫ finală, spredeosebire de consoana corespunzătoare dinlimba română, nu este urmată de un i asilabic(care nu formează silabă) ca în cinci, plecietc. De exemplu: much mt∫. Este necesar sădăm o deosebită atenţie pronunţării acesteiconsoane când este urmată de alte vocaledecât i şi e, sau când este în poziţiefinală. Deci pronunţaţi t∫aild şi nu ciaild,mt∫ şi nu maci.

Consoana θ este perechea surdă a consoaneið, care se deosebeşte prin aceea că lapronunţarea ei coardele vocale nu vibrează.Pentru a pronunţa sunetul θ, vom ţinevârful limbii între dinţi şi vom articula unt (sau s) românesc, fără efort. Ca şi încazul lui ð, exerciţiile trebuie făcute în


faţa oglinzii. Consoanele ð şi θ suntreperezentate în scriere prin grupul th.

Consoana h se pronunţă cu aspiraţie(emitere de aer) mai puternică decât înlimba română.

2. The Alphabet

a ei n enb bi: o ouc si: p pi:d di: q kju:e i: r a:f ef s esg dзi: t ti:h eit∫ u ju:i ai v vi:

j dзeiw dblju:

k kei x eksl el y waim em z zed

3. Clasificarea Verbelor


* Conjugarea verbelor engleze se bazează petrei forme principale. Acestea sunt formele dedicţionar ale verbelor engleze:

I formă a II-a formăa III-a formă

(to) work worked worked

(to) give gave given

* Verbele engleze se clasifică în verbeobişnuite şi speciale. Cele obişnuite pot firegulate sau neregulate, iar cele speciale suntîmpărţite în verbe auxiliare şi verbe modale.Verbele obişnuite au un sens propriu şi potavea funcţia de predicat în propoziţie. Verbele speciale nu au un sens propriu şi ajutăla formarea timpurilor verbale compuse.

a. Verbe regulateVerbele regulate formează past tense şi pastparticiple prin adăugarea terminaţiei –ED. Ex:Worked; cleaned; closed b. Verbe neregulateVerbele neregulate formează past tense şi pastparticiple neregulat şi aceste forme trebuieînvăţate. Verbele neregulate se împart în 3 categorii:


- grupa verbelor care nu suportă nici omodificare

cut – cut – cutput – put – put

- grupa verbelor care suportă o modificarebring – brought – broughtmeet – met – met

- grupa verbelor care suportă două modificărido – did – donering – rang – rung

c. Verbe auxiliareSunt formatori temporali, ajută la formareatimpurilor verbale compuse.- DO – se foloseşte la present tense simple şi

past tense simple - forma interogativă şinegativă; (do, does, did)

- BE – se foloseşte la formarea diatezeipasive şi a timpurilor verbale continue;(am, are, is, was, were)

- HAVE – se foloseşte la formarea timpurilorverbale perfecte; (have, has, had)

- SHALL, WILL – se folosesc la formareatimpurilor verbale de viitor;

- SHOULD, WOULD – se folosesc la formarea luiFuture-in-the-Past şi a modului Condiţional;

- LET – se foloseşte la formarea Imperativuluipentru persoana I-a sg şi pl şi persoana aIII-a sg şi pl.

d. Verbe modale


Sunt o clasă specială de verbe care exprimăpermisiunea, abilitatea, probabilitatea,obligaţia, necesitatea: MAY, MIGHT, CAN, COULD,MUST, NEED, SHOULD, OUGHT TO, HAVE TO, NEED TO.

* Formele Verbale se împart în predicative –pot forma predicatul în propoziţie şi au unsubiect - şi nepredicative – nu pot formapredicatul în propoziţie (infinitivul,participiul, gerund-ul).* Modul înseamnă maniera sau modul în careacţiunea este exprimată de verb. Modurilelimbii engleze sunt: Indicativ, Imperativ,Subjonctiv şi Condiţional.

* Diateza este forma verbului care indică dacăo persoană sau un lucru face acţiunea sau osuferă. În limba engleză sunt 2 diateze:- Diateza activă ne indică faptul că o

persoană sau un lucru care e şi subiectulpropoziţiei face acţiunea. Aceasta poate fisuferită de o altă persoană sau lucru sau deacceaşi persoană care o realizează (acţiunereflexivă).Ex: Her grandparents brought her up.

I wash myself every day.- Diateza pasivă ne indică faptul că persoana

sau lucrul care este subiectul gramatical alpropoziţiei suferă acţiunea făcută dealtcineva (subiectul logic).Ex: English is spoken all over the world.

He was educated in Cambridge.


* Aspectul indică durata, realizarea completăsau incompletă a unei acţiuni. Aspectul simplu- acţiunea este văzută ca un fapt general,obişnuit sau particular. Aspectul continuuexprimă o acţiune în proces, în desfăşurare laun anumit moment în timp. Ex: We get up at six every morning.

It is beginning to rain.

* Timpurile verbale (Tenses) sunt construcţiiverbale care exprimă diverse relaţii temporale.A nu se confunda time cu tense! Noţiunea de timp(time) este universală şi independentă de oricelimbă. Timpurile verbale (tenses) diferă înfuncţie de fiecare limbă în parte.Timpurile în limba engleză indică dacă oacţiune este realizată în prezent, în trecutsau în viitor:

- Timpuri verbale legate de present:Present Tense Simple: The teacher comes in.Present Tense Continuous: What are we doing?Present Perfect Simple: I have been ill for twoweeks.Present Perfect Continuous: We have beenwriting for him for half an hour.- Timpuri verbale legate de trecut:Past Tense Simple: When did you come home?Past Tense Continuous: It was raining all dayyesterday.


Past Perfect Tense Simple: He said he had spenttwo months there.Past Perfect Tense Continuous: By that time Ihad been learning English for five years.

- Timpuri verbale legate de viitor:Future Tense Simple: We shall meet them atseven.Future Tense Continuous: They will betravelling all night.Future Perfect Tense Simple: I shall have doneit by four o’clock.Future Perfect Tense Continuous: By the firstof January they will have been working here forthen years.



FormăFormaţi prezentul simplu folosindindicativul. Adăugaţi s sau es pentrupersoana a III-a singular la afirmativ.

AfirmativI / you / we / you / they – workHe / she / it – works



I / you / we / you / they – do not workHe / she / it – does not work

InterogativDo - I / you / we / you / they - work?Does – he / she / it – work?

Negativ-InterogativDo I not work? Do you not work? Does he notwork? Etc.Forma contrasă:Do not = don’tDoes not = doesn’t

UtilizarePrezentul simplu se foloseşte:1. pentru activităţi repetate, obişnuite,

permanente.We go to school every morning. (repetată)Father smokes too much. (obişnuită)Jane works in a big factory. (permanentă)

2. pentru acţiuni care sunt adevăruri generalvalabile.Ice melts in the sun.The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

3. când se vorbeşte despre orare şi programefixe, cu sens de viitor.The film starts at 10.30. (will start)The championship starts next Saturday.The train leaves at 8.00. (will leave)

4. pentru a introduce un citat; în comentariilesportive; în proverbe, zicători; în


prospecte de medicamente, reţete şiinstrucţiuni de folosire a diverseloraparate.Shakespeare says: “Not marble, nor the gildedmonuments/ of princes shall outlive thispowerful rhyme.” (Sonnet 55) (citat)The goal-keeper passes to Maradona, but Hagiintercepts; Hagi to Lăcătuş and he shoots andit’s a goal! (comentarii sportive)Despair gives courage to a coward. (proverb)First, I take the potatoes and slice them.Then, I slice the tomatoes, fry the onion….(reţete)

NotăAdverbele de frecvenţă sunt deseori folositepentru a sublinia repetarea. Cele mai comuneadverbe de frecvenţă sunt: usually, always,never, ever, often, seldom, rarely, sometimes,generally, occasionally.Pentru a sublinia repetarea unei acţiuni se maipoate folosi adverbul every în combinaţie cuanumite cuvinte ce definesc momente în timp:every day/week/month/year etc. THE PRESENT TENSE CONTINUOUS

FormăFormaţi prezentul continuu cu to be + …ing

AfirmativI am workingYou are workingHe / she / it is working


We / you / they are working

NegativI am not workingYou are not workingHe / she / it is not workingWe / you / they are not working

InterogativAm I working?Are you working?Is he / she / it working?Are we / you / they working?

Interogativ-NegativAm I not (aren’t I) working? Are you not (aren’tyou) working? Is he not (isn’t he) working?

Forma contrasă este uzuală în engleza vorbită.I am = I’mYou are = you’reIt is/ he is/ she is = it’s/ he’s/ she’sIt is not = it isn’t sau it’s notWe are not = we’re not sau we aren’tThey are not = they’re not sau they aren’t

UtilizarePrezentul continuu se foloseşte:

1. pentru acţiuni care se petrec în momentulvorbirii.Kate is at school. She is reading a book.


Pete is at home with mum. He is playing.2. pentru acţiuni care se petrec în preajma

momentului vorbirii, dar nu neapărat înmomentul vorbirii; cu today, these days, thisterm, at the moment etc. Beatrice isn’t studying English this year. Shewants to concentrate on another foreignlanguage.

3. pentru a exprima un aranjament anume într-unviitor apropiat.What are you doing tomorrow?

4. pentru a exprima viitorul, în special cuverbe de mişcare: to come, arrive, go, leave. Our friends are arriving tomorrow.He is going to London on Friday

5. cu always (însemnând “prea mult”) pentru aexprima iritarea.Your children are always running on my lawn.I can’t stand him; he’s always interupting me.

6. pentru a exprima o acţiune temporară.We usually go to work by bus, but today weare going by cab.

7. pentru acţiuni în desfăşurare într-operioadă limitată în preajma momentuluivorbirii.John is looking for a job.

8. pentru acţiuni care indică o schimbare sautrecerea de la o stare la alta.Is your English improving?The traffic is getting worse and worse in

Tokyo.The children are growing up very fast.


NotăCu prezentul continuu se folosesc adverbele nowşi just, dar ele nu sunt menţionate când sensullor este subînţeles.Look, the children are sleeping!

Verbe care nu se folosesc la timpul continuu:1. verbe de percepţie: to feel, hear, notice, see,

smell, taste.Când verbele de percepţie îşi schimbăsensul, ele pot fi folosite la timpulcontinuu.To seeA avea o întâlnire fixată, un interviu.I am seeing my dentist on Friday.Jane is seeing the manager now.A face o vizită. Mary is seeing the sights so she will be alittle late.To see about (a face aranjamente).Our form master is seeing about the trip tothe mountains.To see to (a aranja ceva, a verifica).The mechanic is just seeing to the engine ofour car.To see somebody off/up/down/out/ (a conducepe cineva).Tom is seeing his grandfather off at therailway station now.A avea halucinaţii.I’m seeing things.


To hearA primi ştiri despre ceva sau cineva.I’m hearing interesting things about our newneighbour.A audia (în cadrul judecătoriei).The judge is hearing the witness.To feelA avea o anumită senzaţie.The doctor is feeling the patient’s arm.To smell – to tasteAcţiune voluntarăThe girl is smelling the flowers in thegarden now.My mother is tasting the soup as she wantsto feed the baby.

2. verbe care exprimă activităţi mentale: to agree,believe, distrust, doubt, find, foresee,forget, guess, imagine, know, mean, mind,remember, recognize, recollect, regard,suppose, think that, trust, understand.To forgetO pierdere graduală a memoriei.I’m forgetting figures.To thinkA se gândi la ceva ( nu se exprimă nici oopinie).What are you thinking about? I’m thinkingabout our new teachers.

To mindA avea grijă de cineva (to look after).


At the moment Ann is minding her sickmother.

3. verbe care exprimă dorinţa: to desire, intend,want, wish.

4. verbe care exprimă atitudini, sentimente, stări emoţionale:to abhor, adore, detest, dislike, displease,like, love, hate, please, prefer.

5. verbe care exprimă posesiunea: to belong to, have,hold, keep, owe, own, possess.

6. verbe care exprimă o stare, o condiţie: to appear, be,consist of, contain, differ, deserve, equal,resemble, seem, suit

7. verbe diverse: to compare, expect, matter,result from, suffice.

Exerciţii:Puneţi verbele din paranteză la prezentulsimplu sau continuu.1. I (go) out to get the evening paper. 2. …..this book (belong) to you? 3. You (always,beat) me at chees! 4. What time (usually, getup) you…? 5. Everybody (like) summer. 6. We(go) to the circus this evening. 7. I (have) anappointment with my dentist at 5 o’clock. 8.Jane (make) all her clothes herself. 9. All thestudents in this class (read) English well. 10.I (know) what you (mean). 11. The park (look)beautiful in spring. 12. Hey! You (drink) frommy glass! 13. I must go, mother (wait) for me.14. The train (arrive) at the North Station at


6.30. 15. Don’t disturb her, she (feed) thebaby. 16. I can’t go away; I (see) the Managerat the beginning of next week. 17. During theweek we generally (get up) early. 18. I (hope)our school team will win the football match.19. Our aunt (come) to see us this afternoon.20. I (not approve) of your behaviour. 21. We(get) a lot of snow in the mountains in winter.22. He (fly) from Bucharest to Sibiu tomorrow.23. John (forever, boast) of what he has done.24. They (want) to see you for a minute. 25. He(walk) to hospital every day. 26. She (move)her books into her new bookcase. 27. He usually(speak) his mother tongue, but today he (speak)English. 28. You (drink) coffe or tea? 29. You(understand) the Present Tenses in English? 30.He (play) the piano like a professionalmusician. 31. You can’t speak to Mary now; she(sleep). 32. I (not hear) what you (say). 33.It’s autumn. The leaves (turn) yellow and(fall) down. 34. I (wear) a raincoat because it(rain). 35. Something (burn) in the oven, I(see) that smoke (come) out of it. 36. We (notdrink) tea with milk in our country. 37. We(spend) next week with our parents; we (go) ona trip with them. 38. You (go) to town thisafternoon? 39. My friend (come) to see us nextmonth. 40. Here (come) our long waited forteacher!

Cheia exerciţiului:


1. am going 2. does this book belong 3. arealways beating 4. do you usually get up 5.likes 6. are going 7. am having 8. makes 10. know – mean 11. looks 12. aredrinking 13. is waiting 14. arrives 15. isfeeding 16. am seeing 17. get up 18. hope coming 20. do not approve 21. get 22. isflying 23. is forever boasting 24. want 25.walks 26. is moving 27. speaks; is speaking 28.are you drinking 29. do you understand 30.plays 31. is sleeping 32. don’t hear; aresaying 33. are turning; are falling 34. amwearing; is raining 35. is burning (can) see;is coming 36. do not drink 37. are spending;are going 38. are you going? 39. is coming 40.comes.



În funcţie de modalitatea de formare atrecutului şi a participiului trecut, verbeleengleze se împart în regulate şi neregulate(vezi pagina 11).

Reguli de ortografie:


1. când infinitivul scurt se termină în –e mut,se adaugă numai –d (to dance – danced; to recite –recited).

2. când verbele dintr-o silabă se termină înconsoană (cu excepţia lui c, w sau x) precedată deo vocală, consoana finală este dublată şi seadaugă –ed (to drop – dropped; to pat – patted).

3. verbele care se termină în –c, primesc un kînainte de sufixul –ed (to panic – panicked; topicnic – picnicked).

4. când un verb format din mai multe silabe setermină într-o singură consoană precedată de ovocală, consoana finală se dublează dacăsilaba finală este accentuată (to omit –omitted; to occur – occurred). Excepţii: to kidnap –kidnapped; to handicap – handicapped.

5. când infinitivul scurt se termină în –yprecedat de o vocală, -y nu se schimbă. Dacă –y esteprecedat de o consoană, se schimbă în –i şi se adaugă –ed(to play – played; to try – tried).

FormăFormaţi afirmativul trecutului simplu alverbelor regulate adăugând terminaţia –edinfinitivului fără to.

Infinitiv: Trecutul simplu regulat:To work worked (work + ed)

Negativul se formează cu did not + infinitiv


Interogativul se formează cu did + subiect +infinitiv

AfirmativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / theyworked

NegativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / they didnot work

InterogativDid I / you / he / she / it / we / you / theywork ?

Se foloseşte aceeaşi formă pentru toatepersoanele.Forma contrasă a lui did not este didn’t.

Interogativ negativ: did they not (didn’t they)work?

Formarea afirmativului verbelor neregulate nuurmează nici o regulă. Verbele neregulatetrebuie memorate.

Infinitiv Trecutul simplu neregulat

To go wentTo speak spokeTo bring brought


UtilizareTrecutul simplu se foloseşte:1. pentru o acţiune finalizată în trecut când

este menţionat momentul acţiunii:Tom arrived yesterday.Colombus discovered America in 1492.

Adverbele sau expresiile de timp pot fi o marcăa trecutului simplu: yesterday, last week, twoyears ago, last summer, a month ago etc.2. pentru o acţiune finalizată sigur în trecut

chiar dacă timpul nu este menţionat:Brutus assassinated Julius Caesar.Did you ever see Winston Churchill in person?

3. pentru o obişnuinţă din trecut:She always woke up early on school days.Sarah never ate liver as a child.

4. pentru o naraţiune în trecut:I stopped to buy a newspaper and then sat downon a bench to read it. The news was quitedepressing. So I got up and took a walk andtried to think happy thoughts.

NotăTrecutul simplu folosit pentru acţiuniobişnuite din trecut este adesea însoţit deadverbe de frecvenţă: sometimes, always, often,usually, rarely, seldom etc.


NotăTraducerea lui Past Tense Simple în limbaromână:1. perfectul simplu; perfectul compus:

When he opened the door, he saw the dog.Când a deschis uşa, văzu câinele.

2. imperfect:The little boy was very tired.Băieţelul era foarte obosit.

3. conjunctiv prezent:Helen said she felt lonely before she methim.Elena a spus că se simţea singură înaintesă-l fi întâlnit.

4. condiţional prezent:I would read that book if he gave it to me.Aş citi cartea aceea dacă el mi-ar da-o.

5. prezent:I didn’t know she loved music.Nu ştiam că-i place muzica.

6. viitor:The girl said that she would come here whenshe was free.Fata a spus că va veni aici când va filiberă.



FormăFormaţi trecutul continuu cu forma de trecut alui to be + -ing

AfirmativI / he / she / it was workingYou / we / you / they were workingNegativI / he / she / it was not workingYou / we / you / they were not working

InterogativWas I / he / she / it working?Were You / we / you / they working?Interogativ-negativ: Was he not (wasn’t he)working? Were they not (weren’t they) working?

De reţinut !Unele verbe nu pot fi folosite la timpurilecontinue. (vezi pagina 18-19)

UtilizareTrecutul continuu se foloseşte:1. pentru acţiuni trecute cu o anumită durată,

dar ale căror limite precise în timp nu suntcunoscute:It was raining and getting colder.

2. pentru acţiuni trecute care au început şi aucontinuat probabil după un anumit momentdat:


At noon the sun was shining.At ten o’clock at night Jerry was studying.Momentul dat poate fi exprimat şi de oexpresie de timp la trecutul simplu:When Tom arrived, the sun was shining.

3. pentru descrieri în trecut:The flowers were blooming, the birds were singingand the breeze was blowing softly.

4. pentru a indica o acţiune care se desfăşoarăca fundal (backgorund) în momentul în care oaltă acţiune, scurtă, mai importantă(foreground), are loc:While Mary was crossing (backgorund) the roadyesterday, she saw (foreground) a flyingsaucer in the sky.

5. pentru a indica două sau mai multe acţiunicare se desfăşoară simultan, în trecut:While mother was cooking, father was reading anewspaper and the children were playing in thegarden.

6. pentru a indica o acţiune repetată, care îlirită pe vorbitor, se foloseşte împreună cuadverbul always: The two pupils were always laughing during myclasses.

Notă:Observaţi diferenţa:* When the bell rang, Sam was having breakfast.(Sam was in the middle of breakfast when thebell started to ring).


* When the door bell rang, Sam ran to open thedoor. (Sam ran to the door as soon as the doorbell rang).

Exerciţii:Puneţi verbele din paranteză la trecutul simplusau continuu:1. He (go) to school by bicycle last year. 2.My friends (watch) television when I phonedthem. 3. They (invite) me to see the film whenI phoned them. 4. Bob (write) the letter in tenminutes. 5. Father (read) the newspaper when Icame home. 6. While he (write) the letter, hissister laid the table. 7. She (ask) me about myholidays when we met. 8. I (read) a travelbrochure when we met. 9. We (see) a very goodfilm yesterday. 10. The sun (shine) when wearrived. 11. He (drive) all the way to London.12. I saw Mary just as she (get) into theclassroom. 13. They (spend) a beautiful holidayat the seaside last year. 14. She (run) to thedoor the moment she heard the bell. 15. Whenshe reached the door, the bell (ring) still.16. They (fly) to Constantza last night. 17.Michael missed the flight. The plane (take off)when he arrived at the airport. 18. The house(burn) when we came out. 19. Mary (talk) alwaysabout fashion and this annoyed her friends. 20.The Grants (live) in Braşov when I met them. 21. Fire at Grand Hotel last night. WilliamBarnes (see) it as he (walk) past. 22. He


(wake) the porter and then (phone) the firebrigade. 23. After that they (wake) the hotelguests who (sleep) in their rooms. 24. MargaretDavidson who (stay) in a room on the firstfloor, (get) frightened and (jump) out of awindow. 25. Mary Stevens, from the same room,(get) badly burnt while she (run) down thestairs and (be) taken to hospital. 26. Soon thefire brigade (arrive). 27. One fireman (break)his leg when he (try) to get into the building.Nobody else was hurt. 28. Finally they (put)out the fire. 29. George and Harry (play)tennis yesterday when it started to rain. 30.George went home, but Harry (decide) to go outin the car. 31. He was driving along the streetwhen he (see) Margaret, a friend from work. 32.While Margaret (look) at a shop window, Harrycalled her name. 33. Margaret (get) into thecar and they talked for a long time. 34. They(still, talk) when a policeman arrived andshowed Harry the “No Parking” sign. 35. Just asthe policeman (write) down the number ofHarry’s car he (hear) a scream. 36. He lookedup and (see) an old lady who (cross) the road.37. A big dog (bark) at her fiercely. 38. Asthe policeman (cross) the road to chase the dogaway, Harry and Margaret (drive) away in thecar! 39. What … you (do) yesterday afternoon when I(phone) you? 40. What time … you (phone) me?


Cheia exerciţiilor:1. went 2. were watching 3. invited 4. wrote5. was reading 6. was writing 7. asked 8. wasreading 9. saw 10. was shining 11. drove 12.was getting 13. spent 14. ran 15. was stillringing 16. flew 17. Was taking off 18. wasburning 19. was always talking 20. were living21. saw, was walking 22. woke, phoned 23.woke, were sleeping 24. was staying, got,jumped 25. got, was running, was 26. arrived27. broke, was trying 28. put 29. were playing30. decided 31. saw 32. was looking 33. got34. were still talking 35. was writing, heard36. saw, was crossing 37. was barking 38. wascrossing, drove 39. were you doing, phoned 40.did you phone



FormăFormaţi perfectul prezent cu prezentul lui have+ participiu trecutParticipiul trecut al verbelor regulate areaceeaşi formă ca trecutul simplu: infinitiv + -ed.


Participiul trecut al verbelor neregulatevariază şi trebuie memorat.

AfirmativI / you / we / you / they have workedHe / she / it has worked

NegativI / you / we / you / they have not workedHe / she / it has not worked

InterogativHave I / you / we / you / they worked?Has he / she / it worked?

Interogativ negativ: Have they not (haven’tthey) worked? Has she not (hasn’t they) worked?

Forme contraseI have – I’ve; you have – you’ve; he has –he’s; she has – she’s; have not- haven’t; hasnot – hasn’t


O acţiune anterioară momentului prezent poatefi exprimată atât prin Past Tense cât şi prinPresent Perfect Tense. Dar, în timp ce PastTense prezintă o acţiune fără nici o referinţăla momentul prezent, Present Perfect leagă


acţiunea din trectut cu prezentul. Prezentulperfect simplu se foloseşte:1. pentru o acţiune în trecut, nu ne

interesează momentul în care a avut loc cirezultatele ei în prezent:I have visited an interesting museum. (I stillremember the things seen there)

2. pentru o acţiune care continuă în prezentşi, poate, va continua şi în viitor:Many pupils have learnt in this school. (in thepast, some children learnt here, in thepresent others are learning and, of course,in the future, other pupils will learn here,too)

3. pentru a exprima o acţiune completă într-untrecut foarte apropiat de prezent. Sefoloseşte cu: just, lately, recently, of late, latterly,till now, up to now, so far, up to the present, during thelast week, the last few days, these twenty minutes, etc.The train has just left.We have not seen Jack lately.

4. pentru a desemna o acţiune care sedesfăşoară într-o perioadă de timpincompletă. Se foloseşte cu: today, this week,this month, this year, all day, all night, this night,etc.Last week we wrote three letters, but thisweek we have written only one.Dacă this morning, all night, all evening exprimă operioadă de timp completă, atunci folosimPast Tense:


I have seen a good film this morning. (we arebefore 12 o’clock at noon)I saw a good film this morning. (we are inthe afternoon or in the evening)

5. cu how long pentru a exprima o acţiune carese extinde până în prezent:How long have you been ill? (you are still ill)Dar când este vorba doar de o acţiune întrecut, avem:How long did you stay in London last year?How long had you known him when he died?

6. cu adeverbe de frecvenţă: ever, never, often,seldom, always, several times:We have never visited New Yprk.Have you ever been to the North Pole?

7. cu adverbele already şi yetLa interogativ pot apărea amândouă, Alreadyexprimă surpriza că acţiunea s-a desfăşuratdeja:Have you got up already?Cu yet vrem să aflăm dacă acţiunea s-aterminat sau nu:Have you got up yet?Already poate să apară în propoziţiiafirmative:The student has already translated the lesson.În propoziţii negative, yet are sensul de nuîncă:Albert has not learnt the poem yet.

8. cu since şi for.


Since arată momentul, punctul, când începeacţiunea care se extinde până în prezent. Setraduce în limba română prin din, de la, de când:They have not seen Alice since 1989 / Christmas /she went to London.For exprimă perioada de timp care continuăpână în prezent. În limba română se traduceprin de atâta…timp:These boys have been here for half an hour.

9. pentru acţiuni trecute, fără menţionareatimpului:Has Peter had lunch?

10. în ziare, ştiri de televiziune, pentru aintroduce o acţiune care va fi descrisă prinPast Tense:A terrible accident has happened; a car raninto a group of children and killed three ofthem.

NotăGo şi be sunt diferite ca sens:Tony has gone to York. (a plecat şi e încăplecat)Tony has been to York. (a fost în vizită înYork şi acum s-a întors)


FormăFormaţi timpul perfect prezent continuu cuperfectul prezent al lui to be + -ing


AfirmativI / you / we / you / they have been workingHe / she / it has been working

NegativI / you / we / you / they have not been workingHe / she / it has not been working

InterogativHave I / you / we / you / they been workingHas He / she / it been workingInterogativ negativ: Have I not (haven’t I) beenworking? Has she not (hasn’t she) been working?

Forme contrase: I have – I’ve; he has – he’s; Ihave not – haven’t; he has not – hasn’t

De reţinut!Unele verbe nu pot fi folosite la timpurile

continue.I have known Jim for five years.She has loved you since that day.

UtilizarePrezentul perfect continuu se foloseşte:1. pentru acţiuni care au început în trecut şi

continuă până în momentul prezent:I have been waiting for an hour and the museumhas still not opened!


2. pune accentul pe durată, pe continuitateaacţiunii în prezent:Mary has been watering the flowers for half anhour. (she is still doing the job)

Următoarele verbe se folosesc frecvent laperfectul prezent continuu: expect, learn,hope, live, sleep, look, sit, rain, stand,stay, teach, study, work, wait:I have been learning English since I was achild.

Comparaţi următoarele propoziţii:I have been drinking tea since 5 o’clock.(acţiune neîntreruptă)I have drunk three cups of tea since 5o’clock. (câte ceşti de ceai – numărul)

Exerciţii:Puneţi verbele din paranteză la trecutul simplusau prezentul perfect:1. I (live) in this city all my life. Myparents come (here when they were very young.2. It (rain) very much in this region in thespring, but it (not rain) much ever since. 3.We (see) the famous Heroes’ Monument severaltimes so far. The last time we (see) it was twoweeks ago. 4. Mr. Martin (teach) English fromthree o’clock to six o’clock. He’s no longer inthe school. He (leave) half an hour ago. 5. We(have) a test almost every day this week. We(have) the first test on Monday morning. 6. Theweather (be) terrible ever since last Sunday.


It (rain) every day this week! 7. The plumber(be) here for the past two weeks. He (repair)the radiators in all the rooms. 8. We (learn) agreat deal of English since we (come) to thisschool. 9. Our grandmother (be) with us for thelast three months. She (go) away this morning.Mother (help) her with her packing before sheleft. 10. I (read) many books on cooking andnow I can cook a lot of dishes. 11. Mr. Grant(have) a car for years but he (never drive) atnight. 12. Mary (make) a lot of friendsrecently. 13. Tom always (play) in the park infront of his house when he was young. 14. Mr.Plumb (have) a lot of trouble with his carlately. He (repair) it twice so far. 15. “You(meet) Ann?” “Yes, we (meet) at the schoolfestival two weeks ago.” 16. Mr. Barton is nothere. He (go) out of town for the weekend. 17.This famous writer (write) several novels andlast year he (write) a successful play. 18. Theguests (have) a good time ever since theirarrival. They (arrive) by plane three days ago.19. The students (start) the exercise at 8o’clock. They (not finish) it yet. 20. I (take)a lot of photographs this holiday but they arenot as good as those I (take) last holiday. 21.Margaret (buy) a pretty dress for her birthdayparty. She (buy) it at the Unirea departmentstore. 22. My friend Michael is in hospitalbecause he (break) his leg: he (break) it twoweeks ago in a car accident. 23. I’m sorry, I(forget) his telephone number. 24. I (read)


nearly all Ivasiuc’s novels. Last week I(start) to read ‘The Water’ and I nearly(finish) it now. During the winter holiday I(read) ‘The Birds’. 25. Up to now I(understand) every lesson in the book. 26. Noone (find) Barbara’s glasses yet. She (lose)them during the Physical Education lesson. 27.We (receive) his telegram at six o’clockyesterday. We (already, send) him a specialdelivery reply. 28. I (pay) the telephone billat the beginning of the month. 29. Grandfather(never, fly) in a plane before. This month he(fly) twice. 30. Mr. Martin is my Englishteacher. He (teach) in our school for fiveyears. He (graduate) from the University in1970.

Puneţi verbele din paranteză la trecutulsimplu, prezentul perfect simplu sau continuu:1. Since Michael last (visit) me, he (be) tomany places. 2. Dan (wait) for Henry sinceeight o’clock. It’s now half past eight, butHenry (not arrive) yet. 3. Where (you, be) allthis morning? It’s nearly noon now. 4. Where(be) Paul this morning? I rang him up severaltimes before noon. 5. I (never, read) such agood book as this. 6. Mr. Brown (tell) Williamto go to the grocer’s since breakfast, but he(not go) yet. 7. (you, ever, see) any bears? 8.As soon as I (do) my homework I’ll watchtelevision and then I‘ll go to bed. 9. I (know)Peter for years; as a matter of fact I (know)


him since I (be) a little child. 10. Pleaseexcuse the disorder in the house. I (move)furniture. 11. How long (you watch) television?We (watch) television since eight o’clock, butwe (talk) most of the time. 12. I still (notmend) the dress I (tear) last week. 13. I(phone) you for at least two hours. Where (you,be)? 14. We (watch) the TV programme severaltimes this week. 15. (you, meet) Doris at fiveo’clock on Monday? Yes, I (do), but I (notmeet) her since. 16. The baby (cry) for atleast twenty minutes. He (cry) a lot recently.17. We (not receive) any letter from him yetbut we (already, get) a phone call. 18. What(you, do) with my handbag? It (be) here amoment ago. 19. Jim (often, try) to jump overthe wall. 20. Mr. Brown (work) on his reportsince he (come) in.

Cheia exerciţiilor:1. have lived, came 2. rained, hasn’t rained 3.have seen, saw 4. taught, left 5. have had,had 6. Has been, has rained 7. has been, hasrepaired 8. have learnt, came 9. has been,went, helped 10. have read 11. has had, hasnever driven 12. has made 13. played 14. hashad, has repaired 15. have you met, met 16. hasgone 17. has written, wrote 18. have had,arrived 19. started, haven’t finished it yet20. have taken, took 21. has bought, bought 22.has broken, broke 23. have forgotten 24. haveread, started, have finished, read 25. have


understood 26. has found, lost 27. received,have already sent 28. paid 29. has never flown,has flown 30. has taught, graduated1. visited, has been 2. has been waiting, hasnot arrived 3. have you been 4. was 5. havenever read 6. has been telling, hasn’t gone 7.have you ever seen 8. have done 9. have known,have known, was 10. have been moving 11. haveyou been watching, have been watching, havebeen talking 12. haven’t mended, tore 13. havebeen phoning, have you been 14. have watched15. did you meet, did, haven’t met 16. has beencrying, has cried 17. haven’t received, havealready got 18. have you done, was 19. hasoften tried 20. has been working, came



Formaţi mai mult ca perfectul cu had +participiul trecut


AfirmativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / they hadworked.


NegativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / they hadnot worked.

InterogativHad I / you / he / she / it / we / you / theyworked?

Interogativ negativ: Had I not (hadn’t I)worked?

Forme contrase: I had, you had – I’d, you’d;hadn not – hadn’t

UtilizareMai mult ca perfectul simplu se foloseşte:1. ca echivalentul trecut al Prezentului

perfect – exprimă o acţiune care are locînaintea unei alte acţiuni din trecut:The boy explained that he had seen somebodyin the garden.When father came home, Dick had done hishomework.

Observaţi folosirea adverbelor when, before,now that, as soon as şi after în unelepropoziţii care conţin mai mult caperfectul.Dick had done his homework before father camehome.


2. pentru a exprima durata până la un anumitmoment în trecut:By the time the rain started, we had dug thewhole garden.

3. cu just, already, hardly, barely, scarcely şi nosooner pentru a arăta că o acţiune s-aterminat chiar înaintea unei alte acţiunidin trecut:Mary told us that her brother had just left.I had hardly/scarcely entered the room whensomebody knocked at the door.

4. cu since şi for când punctul de referinţă esteîn trecut:In 1980 I had been a teacher for ten years.I knew she had not seen him since Christmas.

5. pentru a exprima o acţiune viitoare care areloc înaintea unei alte acţiuni exprimate deFuture-in-the past:I told my friend that I would lend him thebook after I had read it.

6. cu verbe ca to expect, to hope, to intend, to mean,to think pentru a exprima o speranţă,intenţie, din trecut care nu s-a îndeplinit:I had hoped/ intended/ meant to find tickets forthat performance but I wasn’t able to.


Formaţi mai mult ca perfectul continuu cu hadbeen + -ing



AfirmativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / they hadbeen working.

NegativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / they hadnot been working.

InterogativHad I / you / he / she / it / we / you / theybeen working?

Interogativ negativ: Had I not (hadn’t I) beenworking?

Forme contraseI had, you had – I’d had, you’d had; had not –hadn’t

De reţinut!Unele verbe nu pot fi folosite la timpulcontinuu. (vezi pagina 18-19)

UtilizareMai mult ca perfectul continuu se foloseşte:


1. pentru a sublinia continuitatea unei acţiunidin trecut până la un alt moment din trecutsau doar până foarte aproape de el:The pupils had been reading the lesson for fiveminutes when the school master entered theclassroom.

Exprimarea unor acţiuni obişnuite saurepetate în trecut

Acţiunile obişnuite sau repetate legate de operioadă de timp din trecut se pot exprimafolosind:1. trecutul simplu:

My father always got up at daybreak.2. used to + infinitiv:

My father used to get up at daybreak.3. would + infinitiv:

My father would get up at daybreak.4. mai mult ca perfectul poate exprima o

acţiune din trecut repetată, care a duratpână la un moment dat:My father had been getting up at daybreak untilhis accident.

Atenţie! – Nu confundaţi used to + infinitiv cu to beused to + -ing!

Dr. Nelson used to work late. (obicei întrecut)


Dr. Nelson is used to working late. (obicei înprezent)

Exerciţii:Puneţi verbele din paranteză la trecutulsimplu, mai mult ca perfectul simplu saucontinuu:1. By the time Helen (reach) the store, she(forget) what she wanted to buy. 2. The ground(be) wet because it (rain) for five days. 3.First the weather (be) fine. Later it (start)to rain. Then we (decide) to go back home. 4.Michael (feel) rather unwell for a few days sohe (go) to see his doctor. 5. By the end oflast year they (study) English for six years.6. Yesterday Mary (tell) her mother about abeautiful dress she (see) a few hours earlier.7. When Stephen the Great (die) in 1504, he(reign) for 47 years. 8. The party was a greatsuccess. Tom (feel) happier than he (ever,feel) before. 9. Bill (go) to the policestation with a purse he (find) on the pavement.10. We (wait) for more than half an hour butthere was still no sign of Mary. 11. When I(phone) Gerald, he (not finish) his homeworkyet. 12. He (write) to say that he (just, buy)a car. 13. After they (play) records for anhour they (go out) for a walk. 14. Sally wasstill singing at noon yesterday. She (sing) allmorning. 15. Patricia (design) herself a summer


dress yesterday. She (never, design) clothesfor herself before. 16. I (see) Alice yesterdayafternoon. She (tell) me she (just, come) backfrom her holiday. 17. The telephone (ring)again a few minutes ago. It (ring) severaltimes during the day. 18. The brass bands(play) ever since the first people (get) intothe park. 19. By the time we (get) to thecinema, the film (already, begin). 20. Mr. Wood(drive) a few kilometers before he (realize)that one of his tyres was flat. 21. Alice wasreading when her parents (come) home from work.She (read) for two hours. She (read) fiftypages.

Cheia exerciţiilor:1. reached, had forgotten 2. was, had beenraining 3. was, started, decided 4. Had beenfeeling, went 5. had been studying 6. told, hadseen 7. died, had reigned 8. felt, had everfelt 9. went, had found 10. had been waiting11. phoned, hadn’t finished 12. wrote, had justbought 13. played, went out 14. had beensinging 15. designed, had never designed 16.saw, told, had just come 17. rang, had rung 18.had been playing, got 19. got, had alreadybegun 20. had driven, realized 21. came, hadbeen reading, had read



Există mai multe modalităţi de exprimare aacţiunilor viitoare. Alegerea unei anumitemodalităţi depinde de felul acţiunii viitoare:planificată, intenţionată, aşteptată, iminentăsau dacă face parte dintr-un program.


FormăFormaţi viitorul cu shall /will + infinitivfără to

AfirmativI / we shall workyou / he / she / it / you / they will work

NegativI / we shall not workyou / he / she / it / you / they will not work

InterogativShall I / we work?Will you / he / she / it / you / they work?

Interogativ negativ: Shall I not (shan’t I) work?Will you not (won’t you) work? Will he not (won’t he)work?


Forme contraseI shall – I’ll; you will – you’ll; he will –he’ll; we shall – we’ll

NotăDeoarece în limba vorbită will îl înlocuieşte peshall, tendinţa actuală este de înlocuire a luishall cu will chiar şi în scris.

UtilizareViitorul simplu se foloseşte:1. pentru a exprima o reacţie sau decizie

spontană sau neplanificată, făcută lamomentul vorbirii:Mary, the phone is ringing. Oh. Is it? I’llanswer it.I’m too tired to go out tonight. I think I’llstay home.

NotăPentru deciziile neplanificate, făcute înmomentul vorbirii, se foloseşte viitorulsimplu. Pentru referirile ulterioare la acestedecizii se foloseşte prezentul continuu cu sensde viitor sau forma cu going to în loculviitorului cu will.

2. pentru evenimente probabile în viitor:pentru a transmite ceea ce vorbitorul ştie,crede, speră, presupune, se teme, se îndoieşte, se


aşteaptă să, se întreabă dacă ştie că se vaîntâmpla:After this rainy summer, I expect the harvestwill be good.I hope Lucky Jim will win, I’ve bet 100 $ onhim.

3. pentru a prezice evenimente viitoare:By the year 2050 we will all be driving electriccars.

4. pentru a te oferi să faci ceva:I can’t do my homework. Don’t worry. I’ll helpyou.pentru a accepta sau refuza să faci ceva:Can you give me a lift to the stationtomorrow morning? Of course, I’ll pick you up at8.30.pentru a promite că faci/ nu faci ceva:I’ll say hello to Kathy for you.I won’t tell anybody about what happened lastnight.pentru a cera cuiva să facă ceva:I’m trying to do some work. Will you be quiet,please?

NotăWill not (sau won’t) se foloseşte adesea pentru

a exprima o intenţie negativă foarte clară:He won’t move his car = He refuses to move his




Will se foloseşte cu adverbe deprobabilitate, cum sunt: probably, perhaps,certainly:The factory workers will probably get a payincrease this year.

NotăShall se poate folosi pentru sugestii sauoferte la persoana I singular şi plural –shall I …? Shall we …?Where shall I put these boxes? (= where do yousuggest I put them?)Shall we go now?

Răspunsuri scurte şi interogaţii disjunctivePentru a forma răspunsuri scurte, lui yessau no li se poate adăuga structura subiect +willWill it break if I sit on it? Yes, it will.


Uneori se mai numeşte şi viitorul progresiv.

FormăFormaţi viitorul continuu cu shall /will be + …ing

AfirmativI / we shall be workingYou/ he / she / it / you / they will be working


NegativI / we shall not be workingYou/ he / she / it / you / they will not be workingInterogativShall I / we be working?Will you/ he / she / it / you / they be working?Interogativ negativ: Shall I not (shan’t I) beworking? Will you not (won’t you) be working? Willhe not (won’t he) be working?

UtilizareViitorul continuu se foloseşte:1. pentru a exprima acţiuni în desfăşurare în

viitor, când timpul este menţionat saudedus:Margaret will be wearing her usual red dress atthe party on Saturday night.This time next week I’ll be lying on a hot sunnybeach. What will you be doing?

2. pentru a exprima ceva care a fost dejaplănuit sau decis, fără intenţiavorbitorului şi fără a se menţiona un timpanume:I’ll be going to the newsagent’s soon. Can I getyou a newspaper?

3. pentru a întreba politicos despre planurilealtora. Această formă sugerează că dorim să


ne potrivim cu planurile celeilaltepersoane, nu să le schimbăm:Will you be using your car this evening? No,why? Could I borrow it?


FormăFormaţi viitorul perfect cu shall / will + have+ participiul trecut

AfirmativI / we shall have workedYou/ he / she / it / you / they will have workedNegativI / we shall not have workedYou/ he / she / it / you / they will not haveworked

InterogativShall I / we have worked?Will you/ he / she / it / you / they have worked?

Interogativ negativ: Shall I not (shan’t I) haveworked? Will you not (won’t you) have worked? Willhe not (won’t he) have worked?

UtilizareViitorul perfect se foloseşte:


1. pentru a exprima o acţiune care se va fipetrecut deja până la un anumit moment dinviitor. Este importantă menţionareamomentului:I will have retired from work by the time I’m 65.Jack is running for the 8.10 train. He looksat his watch; it’s now 8.12. He thinks tohimself, it’s useless running, the train willhave left by now.


FormăFormaţi viitorul perfect continuu cu shall /will + have been + …ing

AfirmativI / we shall have been workingYou/ he / she / it / you / they will have beenworking

NegativI / we shall not have been workingYou/ he / she / it / you / they will not have beenworking

InterogativShall I / we have been working?Will you/ he / she / it / you / they have worked?Interogativ negativ: Shall I not (shan’t I) havebeen working? Will you not (won’t you) have beenworking? Will he not (won’t he) have been working?


UtilizareViitorul perfect continuu se foloseşte:1. pentru a exprima faptul că o acţiune se va

afla încă în desfăşurare la un anumit momentîn viitor:They will have been building that house for 2years next Christmas.

NotăDiferenţa dintre timpurile perfect prezent şitimpurile viitoare perfecte:Perfect prezent simplu:Mr. + Mrs. Fox have known each other for 7years.Viitorul perfect simplu:Mr. + Mrs. Fox will have known each other for 8years next April.

…………………………….. 7 yearspast now

…………………………….. 7 years …… 8 yearspast now nextApril

Prezent perfect continuu:Mr. + Mrs. Fox have been living together for 7years.Viitorul perfect continuu:Mr. + Mrs. Fox will have been living together for 8years next April.



FormăFormaţi viitorul în trecut simplu cu should /would + infinitivul scurt

AfirmativI / we should workYou/ he / she / it / you / they would workNegativI / we should not workYou/ he / she / it / you / they would not work

InterogativShould I / we work?Would you/ he / she / it / you / they work?

Interogativ negativ: Should I not (shouldn’t I)work? Would you not (wouldn’t you) work?

UtilizareViitorul în trecut se foloseşte:1. pentru a exprima o acţiune viitoare văzută

dintr-un punct de vedere trecut. Sefoloseşte în propoziţii subordonatecompletive directe:She told me that she would go there soon.



FormăFormaţi viitorul în trecut continuu cu should /would + be + participiul prezent

AfirmativI / we should be workingYou/ he / she / it / you / they would be working

NegativI / we should not be workingYou/ he / she / it / you / they would not beworking

InterogativShould I / we be working?Would you/ he / she / it / you / they beworking?Interogativ negativ: Should I not (shouldn’t I) beworking? Would you not (wouldn’t you) be working?

UtilizareViitorul în trecut continuu se foloseşte:1. pentru a exprima un viitor continuu dintr-un

punct de vedere trecut:The woman assured us that, in less than halfan hour, her baby would be sleeping.




Viitorul cu to be to se foloseşte:1. pentru ceva care este destinat să se

întâmple:The famous tennis player began the match inwhich he was to break his arm.

2. pentru un plan sau un aranjament oficial:The President was to arrive at 10 o’clock.

3. pentru voinţa unei persoane, alta decâtvorbitorul:This bad news is to be given to him after hisexam.

4. pentru o datorie:What exercises are we to do?

5. pentru o posibilitate, probabilitate:Prices are to be much higher soon.


UtilizareViitorul cu to be about to se foloseşte:1. pentru a exprima ceva care e pe punctul de a

se întâmpla:Our guests are about to leave.I am about to go to the seaside

9. TO BE GOING TO FUTURE (The Near Future)

FormăSe formează cu to be + going to + infinitiv



I am / you are/ he, she, it is/ we, you, theyare going to work

NegativI am / you are/ he, she, it is/ we, you, theyare not going to work

InterogativAm I / are you / is he, she, it / are we, you,they going to work?

Interogativ negativ: Am I not (aren’t I) going towork? Are you not (aren’t you) going to work? Is henot (isn’t he) going to work?

UtilizareForma cu going to se foloseşte:1. pentru a exprima intenţia de a face în

viitor ceva ce nu a fost aranjat darprobabil se va întâmpla:Jim and Sue are going to move to Liverpool whenthey finish their training.Sarah and John are going to get married next year.

2. pentru a prezice o întâmplare în viitor:Acest timp se foloseşte pentru a exprimaceea ce credem că se va întâmpla, în specialatunci când ceva din situaţia prezentăindică un rezultat în viitorul imediat.Timpul nu este de obicei menţionat.Look how fast those cars are moving. There isgoing to be an accident.


That little girl isn’t looking where she’sgoing. She is going to walk into that tree.

3. forma cu was/were going to e folosită pentrua exprima o intenţie din trecut care nu s-arealizat:I was going to phone you last night but I fellasleep in front of the TVMy parents were going to go to Scotland fortheir holidays but they changed their mindsand went to Ireland instead.


Puneţi verbele din paranteză la forma corectăfolosind will sau going to:1. The fire has gone out. Oh, yes! I (go) andget some wood. 2. What are you doing with thatpan? I (get) lunch ready. 3. Mr. Doyle has justarrived. Oh, good, I (meet) him at the lift. 4.I haven’t bought any cigarettes because I (try)to give up smoking. 5. I’ve got a hole in mytrousers. Give them to me. I (mend) them foryou. 6. Look what I bought at the auction thismorning! How nice, where (you/ put) it? 7. Didyou post that letter for me? I completelyforgot. I (do) it now. 8. What would you liketo drink: red or white wine? I (have) red,please. 9. I see you are wearing your overalls.…(you/fix) your car? 10. Have you booked theflight? Not yet, I (do) it tomorrow. 11. I (go)shopping later. Really, I (come) with you. 12.


What (you/do) when you leave university? Idon’t know yet; perhaps I (travel) aroundEurope for a year. 13. You look exhausted. Sitdown and I (make) you a cup of tea. 14. When(you/buy) a new car? This one is falling topieces. I can’t afford it now, I (change) itnext year when I get a pay rise. 15. (you/pass)me the salt, please? 16. (you/park) my car forme? 17. I (make) a cup of coffee, if you wish.18. (you/decorate) the whole house yourself?19. Do you want me to help you with that mathsexercises? No, thanks I (solve) it myself. 20.I (not buy) any more new clothes until I’velost five kilos.

Puneţi verbele din paranteză la viitorul simplusau continuu:1. The weather (probably, be) fine tomorrow sowe (go) on a trip to the seaside. 2. We (lie)on the beach and (swim) in the water between 10and 12 in the morning. 3. At noon we (have)lunch in a restaurant on the pier. 4. Then we(walk) along the shore and (look) at the shipsfor a while. 5. We (eat) ice-creams and(listen) to the brass band between 4 and 5 inthe afternoon. 6. About 5 o’clock in theafternoon we (go) to our car and (drive) backhome. 7. In the evening we (sit) round thetable in the living-room and (tell) jockes. 8.We (go) to bed about 10 o’clock. I’m sure we(have) a good time tomorrow.


Puneţi verbele din paranteză la forma corectă:prezent, viitor sau viitor perfect:1. By the time the writer (meet) his readers,he (write) 200 pages of his novel. 2. I (give)Cathy your message before you (see) her. 3. Mr.Brown (teach) our class until 10 o’clock. By10.05 he (leave) the classroom. 4. When father(return) from his trip, we (already, leave) onholiday. 5. The cook (prepare) the dinnerbefore the guests (arrive). 6. The next timeyou (meet) George, he (be) an engineer for twomonths. 7. When you (go) into the office, thepost (already, arrive). 8. They (close) theshop by the time you (get) there. 9. Thecompany (deliver) the materials until thebeginning of the May. They (deliver) everythingby the first of May. 10. When you (see) Jacknext month, he (almost, finish) his militaryservice.

Puneţi verbele din paranteză la prezent,prezentul perfect, viitor sau viitorul perfect(simplu sau continuu):1. What (you, do) when you (graduate)? 2. Bynext December, Henry (work) in this factory fortwo years and he (learn) a lot of usefulthings. 3. Mr. Brown (fly) to America tomorrow.He (eat) his lunch while he (fly) over theocean. 4. Mrs. Barton (wait) in the car whileher husband (get) the petrol. 5. Next week my


friends (lie) on the beach while I (write)examination papers. I (work) hard for a week;when I (finish), I (be) exhausted. 6. I(already, have) lunch by the time you (arrive).7. I (go) to bed as soon as I (finish) my work.8. I (just, come) back from school by seveno’clock tomorrow. 9. When I (live) in thisdistrict for a few months, I (know) the namesof all the streets. 10. The doctor (operate)from eight to ten in the morning; don’t letanyone get into the operating theatre.

Cheia exerciţiilor:*1. I’ll go 2. I’m going to get 3. I’ll meet 4.I’m going to try 5. I’ll mend 6. are you goingto put 7. I’ll do 8. I’ll have 9. are you goingto fix 10. I’ll do 11. I am going to go, I’llcome 12. are you going to do, I’ll travel 13.I’ll make 14. are you going to buy 15. will youpass 16. will you park 17. I’ll make 18. areyou going to decorate 19. I’ll solve 20. I’mnot going to buy* 1. will probably be fine, we’ll go 2. will belying, will be swimming 3. will be having 4.will be walking, we’ll look 5. We’ll be eating,we’ll be listening to 6. We’ll go, we’ll drive7. We’ll be sitting, we’ll be telling 8. We’llgo, we’ll have* 1. meets, will have written 2. I’ll give, see3. will teach, will has left 4. returns, willalready have left 5. will prepare, arrive 6.


meet, will have been 7. go, will already havearrived 8. will have closed, get 9. willdeliver, will have delivered 10. See, willalmost has finished* 1. are you going to do, graduate 2. will havebeen working, will have learnt 3. Is flying,we’ll be eating, will be flying 4. will bewaiting, gets 5. will be lying, I am writing,I’ll work, I’ll finish, I’ll be exhausted 6.I’ll already have had lunch, arrive 7. I’ll go,finish 8. I’ll just have come back 9. I’velived, I’ll know 10. will be operating



FormăFormaţi condiţionalul prezent cu verbulwould / should + infinitiv

AfirmativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / theywould - work

NegativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / theywould not - work


InterogativWould I / you / he / she / it / we / you / they– work?

Negativ-InterogativWould I not / wouldn’t I / work? Would younot / wouldn’t you / work?

Forma contrasăI would = I’d / you would = you’dHe would not = he wouldn’t / they would not =they wouldn’t

Should poate fi folosit pentru toate persoanelepentru a exprima îndatorirea sau sugestia:

I should work today but I’m too tired.(datorie)

Alan should work harder to earn moremoney. (sugestie)


FormăFormaţi condiţionalul perfect cu would /should + have + participiu trecut

AfirmativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / theywould have - worked


NegativI / you / he / she / it / we / you / theywould not have - worked

InterogativWould I / you / he / she / it / we / you / theyhave - worked

Negativ-InterogativWould I not have (wouldn’t I have) worked?

UtilizareTimpurile condiţionale se folosesc:1. la fel ca viitorul simplu (future-in-the-

past) când verbul principal este la trecut:I think he will come. – I thought he would come.

2. pentru a face referiri la acţiuni obişnuitedin trecut:When we lived in Africa we would often spendour weekends in the bush.When Elena was a baby she would cry all nightlong.

3. în propoziţii subordonate după: advise, agree,arrange, ask, beg, command, decide, demand,determine, insist, order, propose, recommend, request,suggest, be anxious, be determinedThe doctor decided (that) the patient shouldhave his appendix out.Mr. Walker is anxious (that) her son should getthe job.


4. cu it is / was + adjectiv + that… shouldIt’s essential that the students should get totheir lesson on time.It was strange that he should say that.

5. după can’t think, don’t know why sau see no reasonwhyI see no reason why we should worry.I don’t know why my neighbour should do that.I can’t think why Frank should apologise.

6. cu oferte şi cereri:Would you prefer tea or coffee?Would you like to see my stamp collection?

NotăWould rather… înseamnă a prefera saI would rather have coffee than tea.We would rather take the bus than walk.

7. în propoziţii condiţionaleExistă trei tipuri de propoziţii condiţionale(IF Cluase)

IF Clause – Tipul I: pentru a indicaprobabilitatea



Formaţi primul tip de propoziţie condiţionalăcu If + prezent simplu şi will / prezent simplu /imperativ + infinitiv scurt (în propoziţia principală)

If I run, I will catch the train.She smiles if you greets her.Read that book, if you find it.

NotăForma contrasă este cea uzuală în englezavorbită.If Frank doesn’t come, we’ll start without him. NotăEste posibilă inversarea subordonatei cupropoziţia principală:If I get home early, I’ll phone you.I’ll phone you, if I get home early.

UtilizareCondiţionalul de tip I se foloseşte astfel:1. când situaţia din propoziţia condiţională

este probabilă sau se presupune că se vaîntâmpla. Deşi sensul poate fi de prezentsau viitor, verbul din propoziţiacondiţională este întotdeauna la timpulprezent.The vase will break, if you drop it.Will you get me some milk, if you go to thesupermarket?

2. verbele modale precum can, may, must, shouldîl înlocuiesc pe will în propoziţiaprincipală:


You can enter the stadium, if you have aticket.If he isn’t in, you may leave a message.John must work very hard, if he wants to getelected.If you want to wear that dress this summer,you should lose some weight.

3. cu două timpuri prezente (unul în fiecarepropoziţie) pentru a indica rezultateautomate sau obişnuinţe:If you push that button, it comes on.If you mix red and blue, you get purple.

NotăShould poate fi plasat după sau în loc de ifcând vorbim despre o posibilitate mai puţinprobabilă. Notaţi că subiectul este aşezat dupăshould.If I should visit India, I’ll go and see the TajMahal.Should I visit India, I’ll go and see the TajMahal. NotăPentru a indica sfatul, comanda sau cererea, înpropoziţia principală se pot folosi: could,would, had better, ought to:Bill had better get his hair cut, if he wants toget that job.I would pay the fine, if you don’t want to getinto trouble with the police.

4. cu timpuri prezente alternative (continuesau perfecte) în propoziţia condiţională:


If you are making a cup of coffee, I’ll haveone too.If the children have finished dinner, I’ll washup.

NotăUnless = If … notUnless it’s a sunny day tomorrow, we won’t go onthat picnic = If it is not a sunny day tomorrow,we won’t go on that picnic.Otherwise = or elseIf you don’t study, you’ll fail the exam = youmust study, otherwise you’ll fail the exam = youmust study, or else you’ll fail the exam.

IF Clause – Tipul II : pentru a indicaimprobabilitatea sau ipoteza

FormăFormaţi al doilea tip de propoziţiecondiţională cu If + past simple şi would + infinitivulscurt (în propoziţia principală)If you invited her she would come. If you did not invite her she would not come.

NotăTipul II de condiţional se referă la prezentsau la viitor. Trecutul din subordonatacondiţională nu are sens de trecut. Este un


conjunctiv care indică improbabilitatea sauipoteza.

UtilizareCondiţionalul de tipul II se foloseşte:1. când situaţia din subordonata condiţională

este puţin probabil să se petreacă saureprezintă exprimarea unei posibilităţiipotetice:If I won the lottery, I would stop working.(but I don’t belive I win)

2. cu referire la o situaţie prezentă sauviitoare, foarte improbabilă sau ireală:If I were you, I’d buy a bigger car. (but I’mnot you)If the distance to the train station wereshorter, I’d walk there. (the distance isunlikely to change)

NotăConjunctivul verbului to be este were pentrutoate persoanele. Totuşi, în engleza vorbităauzim uneori was la persoana I şi a III-a.If I was to visit… If it was a nice day…

3. pentru a face o sugestie politicoasă saupentru a exprima o ipoteză perfectrealizabilă:If we go in two cars, we’ll be morecomfortable.


If we went in two cars, we’d be morecomfortable.

NotăCondiţionalul de tipul II este considerat maipoliticos pentru a face o sugestie sau a da unsfat:Will I catch the shops open, if I run?You will catch them open, if you walk. Sau maipoliticos:You would catch them open, if you walked.

4. verbele modale la un timp trecut îl potînlocui pe would. Sensurile se modifică înmod corespunzător:If Mr. Lynch applied for the job, he would getit. (sigur în mod virtual)If Mr. Lynch applied for the job, he might getit. (posibil)If Mr. Lynch got the job, he could start nextMonday. (abilitate)

5. cu forme continue fie în subordonatacondiţională, fie în propoziţia principală:If I weren’t at work today, I would be at homemowing the lawn.If I were giving a presentation, I’d useslides.


IF Clause – Tipul III : pentru a indicaimposibilitatea

FormăFormaţi al treilea tip de propoziţiecondiţională cu If + mai mult ca perfect şi wouldhave + participiu trecut (în propoziţia principală)If they have invited David he would have gone.

Forma contrasă: atât I had cât şi I would = I’dIf they’d invited David, he’d have gone.

NotăTipul III de condiţional se referă la trecut şiindică imposibilitatea. Este imposibilăîndeplinirea acţiunii din principală pentru căacţiunea din subordonata condiţională nu s-apetrecut.

UtilizareCondiţionalul de tipul III se foloseşte:1. când situaţia din subordonata condiţională

este în trecut, deci imposibilă:If we had taken an umbrella with us lastnight, we would not have got wet. (We didn’ttake an umbrella last night so we got wet.)

2. cu could (cu referire la abilitate saupermisiune) şi might (cu referire laposibilitate) în locul lui would înpropoziţia principală:


I could have made a cake, if you had told me itwas your husband’s birthday. (abilitate)I might have won the squash game last night,if I hadn’t eaten such a big meal beforeplaying.

3. cu forme continue fie în subordonatacondiţională fie în principală:If the driver hadn’t been going slowly, he wouldhave crashed into the car in front.He would have been driving faster, if he hadn’trealised the danger.

NotăÎn engleza vorbită tipurile II şi III decondiţional apar amestecate:Luckily it didn’t rain. If it had rained, I wouldbe wet now.I didn’t pass my driving test. If I had passedit, I could be driving my car now.

IF ONLYIf only se poate folosi la toate cele trei tipuride condiţional pentru a sublinia speranţa sauregretulIf only the wind blows in the right direction,we’ll get back to the shore safe ans sound.(prezent = speranţă)If only we had an engine on this boat, we could getback in no time. (trecut simplu = dorinţă)If only we had taken a siren with us, we could havesent an S.O.S. (mai mult ca perfectul = regret)


NotăWill / would / could / should şi alte verbemodale nu se folosesc de obicei în propoziţiacondiţională. Există şi excepţii:If you would ask him for me, I would be grateful.(solicitare politicoasă)If my brother would tell me why he’s so upset,perhaps I could help. (pentru a indica voinţa)If you will eat so much all the time, you arebound to get fat. (pentru a indica voinţa,încăpăţânarea)

NotăInversiune:If he had the time, he…Had he had the time, he…


Alegeţi should sau would pentru a completaspaţiile în această povestire:It is only fair that you ….(1) know aboutHarry’s past before you marry him. When he wasa child he ….(2) always get himself intotrouble and his father always insisted that he…. (3) tell us where he was going. Once he wentdown to the river to fish, he said. But I couldsee no reason why he ….(4) take his air-riflewith him. I was so worried that I begged thathis father ….(5) follow him; he did just thatand to his surprise he saw that Harry wasshooting at the fish instead of catching them


with a rod. His father was so furious that heordered that Harry ….(6) hand his rifle over tothe police. He said he …..(7) but we suspect hekept it hidden away somewhere because we …..(8)hear shooting in the fields every now and then.Well my dear, it is better that you …..(9) hearthese things before making an importantdecision. …..(10) you perhaps prefer to meetHarry’d older brother? Now he is a completelydifferent person!

Puneţi verbele din paranteze la forma corectă:condiţionalul I, II sau III:1. We (drive) out of town after dinner unlessyou are too tired. 2. If I (be) able to spellcorrectly, I’d be so happy! 3. If you hadarrived in the daytime I (meet) you at thestation. 4. If you keep calm, you (remember)what to do. 5. If Mr. Brown (drive) morecarefully he wouldn’t have had the accident. 6.She would get too hot if you (cover) her up. 7.He would have known what was wrong if he (look)at the engine. 8. If the engine had beenrepaired he (be able) to use the car. 9. Theywill send you the spare parts you need oncondition they (get) your order. 10. Aninterpreter (help) you if you cannot understandthe Customs officer.

Puneţi verbele din paranteze la forma corectă:prezent, viitor, imperativ


1. Unless Betty (have) enough money, she (notbe able) to buy the sweater. 2. The boys (notgo) up the mountain tomorrow if it (be) foggy.3. If the television programme (be) good onSundays, my parents always (stay) at home and(watch) TV. 4. She (buy) a large car providedshe (win) the lottery. 5. If you (put) sugar inwarm water, it (dissolve).Puneţi verbele din paranteze la forma corectă:1. If you would come with me, I (show) you thetown. 2. If I were you I (be) more careful. 3.She (get) a job as an interpreter on conditionshe knew two languages well. 4. He wouldn’tstart work on the project unless his manager(agree) to the plan. 5. If I (know) thislanguage well, I could translate the book intoRomanian.

Puneţi verbele din paranteze la forma corectă:1. Vera: Thank goodness! I thought you’d missedit. Laura: I very nearly did. What (you, do) ifI (miss) it? 2. Vera: I think I (get) out ofthe train. Then I (wait) for you on theplatform. 3. Laura: If I (not, find) a taxi I(not, get) here in time. 4. Vera: I thought youwere coming by bus. Laura: I was, but it brokedown when we were halfway here. If I (wait) foranother one, I (certainly, miss) this train. 5.Vera: How lucky that you found a taxi. Laura:Oh, yes. It (be) a nuisance if we (miss) thetrain.


Cheia exerciţiilor:* 1. Should 2. Would 3. Should 4. Should 5.Should 6. Should 7. Would 8. Would 9. Should10. Would

* 1. We’ll drive 2. Were 3. Would have met 4.You’ll remember 5. Had driven 6. Covered 7. Hadlooked 8. Would have been able 9. Get 10. Willhelp

* 1. Has, will not be able 2. Will not go, is3. Is, stay, watch 4. Will buy, wins 5. Put,dissolves

* 1. Would show 2. Would be 3. Would get 4.Agreed 5. knew* 1. would you have done, had missed 2. Wouldhave got, would have waited 3. Hadn’t found,wouldn’t have got 4. Had waited, wouldcertainly have missed 5. Would have been, hadmissed


NotăConcordanţa timpurilor în limba engleză seaplică la trei tipuri de propoziţiisubordonate: subordonata completivă directă,


subordonata condiţională şi subordonatatemporală.În continuare ne vom referi doar la două dincele trei tipuri de subordonate, ceacondiţională fiind tratată în capitolul XII.

DIRECT OBJECT CLAUSE(Propoziţia Subordonată Completivă Directă)

Main/Regent ClauseSubordinate Clause

(Propoziţia principală)(Propoziţia subordonată)

1. Prezent Orice timp verbalcerut de Prezentul Perfect sensulsubordonateiViitor

Mary explains/has explained/will explain that shegoes/will go/has gone/went/had gone to London.2. Timpul trecut Trecutul

perfect pentru oacţiune anterioară He said that he had seenthe movie.

Timpul trecut


pentru oacţiune simultană

I thought that theywere at home.


pentru o acţiuneposterioarăThey promised they wouldwrite that exerciseagain.

NotăExistă şi câteva excepţii:1. Verbele to ask, demand, insist, order,

recommend, require, urge, în propoziţiaprincipală, sunt urmate de SubjonctivulAnalitic (British English) şi deSubjonctivul Sintetic (American English)

She demands that you should arrive in time.She demands that you arrive in time.

2. Pentru adevăruri general valabile şiireversibile

It was proved that water boils at 100 Celsiusdegrees. I knew that she is a widow.


TIME CLAUSE(Propoziţia Subordonată Temporală)

Regulă de bază: în propoziţia temporală nu sepoate folosi viitorul.

Main/Regent ClauseSubordinate Clause

(Propoziţia principală)(Propoziţia subordonată)

1. Viitor Timpul Prezent pentruacţiuni simultane

Mary will tell us the truth whenshe knows it.


pentruacţiuni anterioare The boy will translate the lesson after he haslearnt the new words.2. Timpul Trecut Timpul Trecut

Future-in-the-Past pentruacţiuni simultane

Mary visited uswhenever she was free.

I promised mother I would buythat book when I saw it.



pentruacţiuni anterioare The children went to bedafter they had done their lessons.We understood that they would come home afterthey had finished their work.

NotăÎn alte tipuri de subordonate se folosesc aceletimpuri verbale care sunt cerute de sensulsubordonatei respective, fără nici oconstrângere:

Yesterday I bought a book which is very interesting/Iwill read this week/I have been looking for since April.(propoziţie atributivă)

Jack played tennis that day as he will never be able toplay again. (propoziţie completivă de mod)

Last year Mary spoke English better than her sisterdoes now. (propoziţie completivă de comparaţie)

My brother finished his work in the morningbecause he will go to a party this evening. (propoziţiecompletivă cauzală)

ExerciţiiPuneţi verbele din paranteze la forma corectă(Prezent, timpul trecut, prezentul perfect,trecutul perfect, viitor):


A. 1. Arnold (to be) born in a village and he(to spend) his childhood there. He (to move) toLeeds when he (to be) fifteen years old and he(to live) there since his sister (to get)married. 2. At present, he (to work) in anoffice but he (to use) to work at a bankbefore. 3 .next year he (to go) to London tostudy at the University, but only after he (tofinish) writing the novel he (to work) at now.4. I (to write) to him a long letter severaldays ago and (to ask) him how many chapters healready (to write). 5. Arnold’s daughter hopesthat her father (to finish) his book by the endof August. 6. I (to see) her yesterday whileshe (to cross) the street. 7. When I (to talk)to her, she (to tell) me that she (to be) verytired because she (to type) all the morning.B. 1. As soon as she (to see) us, she (to stop)singing. 2. The tailor (to promise) me thenthat my suit (to be) ready in a week’s time. 3.Why didn’t you explain to them when you (to be)able to give them the money back? 4. I wonderedwhere he (to study) and how many years beforehe (to take) his degree. 5. Before paper (tobe) invented, people (to write) their thoughtsupon various other materials. 6. History (tobe) engraved on stone monuments and ourknowledge of what ancient people (to do), (tobe) chiefly taken from the stone tables andbuildings which they (to erect).


Cheia exerciţiilor:

A. 1. Was, spent, moved, was, has been living,got 2. Is working, used to work 3. Will go, hasfinished, is working 4. Wrote, asked, hadalready written 5. Will finish 6. Saw, wascrossing 7. Talked, told, was had typed

B. 1. See, stops 2. Promised, would be ready 3.Were able 4. Had studied, took 5. Was, hadwritten 6. Is, have done, is, erected


Conjunctivul a dispărut aproape complet înengleză. Se mai păstrează anumite forme – maiales la trecut – pentru a exprima îndoiala,regretul sau situaţiile ireale.


A. Subjonctivul sintetic prezentSubjonctivul prezent are aceeaşi formă caInfinitivul fără TO. Are aceeaşi formă pentru toatepersoanele.

God save the king!They be damned!


Se foloseşte:1. pentru a exprima dorinţe, urări sau exclamaţii devenite

expresiiHeaven help us all!Be that as it may!God forgive/bless you!Damn you!God bless you!

2. în propoziţiile condiţionaleIf this be true, we must inform theauthorities.

3. în propoziţiile subordonate introduse de THAT când înpropoziţia principală se exprimă o dorinţă, o cerere, oobligaţie, o necesitate

- în propoziţii completive directe dupăurmătoarele verbe: to suggest, order, demand,urge, recommend, insist, command, propose, arrange,decide, agree, arrange, determineI insist that he go. (Insist să se ducă)She urged that he sit down and listen crefully.

- în propoziţiile subiective după următoareleconstrucţii impersonale: it is natural, important,advisable, necessary, possible, impossibleIt is important that he go. It is necessary that your friend arrive therefirst.


B. Subjonctivul sintetic trecutSubjonctivul trecut are aceeaşi formă ca şitrecutul simplu. Verbul be are forma werepentru toate persoanele.

It’s time we went home.I wish he were nicer.

C. Subjonctivul sintetic mai mult ca perfectSubjonctivul mai mult ca perfect are aceeaşiformă ca mai mult ca perfectul.

We wished we had had better weather.

Se foloseşte:1. în propoziţiile condiţionale pentru a exprima un

Condiţional prezent sau un Condiţional trecutIf I were you, I would try to talk to her.The children will like this film if they sawit.I would have bought that book if I had foundit.

2. pentru a exprima irealitatea după wish, as if/though,even if/though, would rather/sooner, it’s high time,suppose (that)


Wish + Would +Infinitiv (nu este un subjonctiv!) –exprimă o dorinţă în viitor


I wish he would write to me. Wish + Past Tense Simple- pentru a indica o situaţie nereală în prezent (regret

pentru o acţiune sau situaţie care se produce sau nu)I wish they agreed to my proposal.

- wish + couldWhat a pity! I wish you could sing.

- cu referire la obiceiuri, stări prezente şi acţiuni regulateI wish I got up early in the morning.

- wish + past tense continuous cu referire la acţiuni carese desfăşoară la momentul prezent sau acţiuni carecontinuă pe o perioadă care include şi momentulprezentI wish he were playing in the park.

- wish + was going to pentru referinţe în viitorI wish I was going to do the houseworktomorrow.

wish + Past Perfect cu referire la situaţii dorite dar carenu se pot realiza sau pentru acţiuni în trecutHe wishes he had bought his newspaper.

wished + Past Tense - cele două acţiuni sunt simultaneShe wished she weren’t ill.

wished + Past Perfect – când acţiunea dorită se producesau nu înainte de momentul trecut exprimat de wishedMary wished she hadn’t been ill during herholiday.

Main Clause SubjunctiveFormI wish = aş vrea 1. You came = să viiI wished = aş fi vrut would come now = cen-aş da să vii


had come yesterday = săfi venit


As if/thorugh + Past Tense Simple - pentru a indicanesiguranţa sau dubiul în prezent (acţiuni contrarefaptului prezent)He behaves as if he were a teacher.

As if + Past Tense of Going to – pentru situaţii ipoteticeîn viitorHe talks as if it were going to rain.

As if + Past Perfect – pentru a indica îndoiala,incertitudinea în legătură cu o acţiune trecută (acţiunecontrară faptului trecut)She talks/ talked as if/ as though she had boughtit.

Main Clause SubjunctiveFormHe is/was walking as if he did notknow - simultan

as though he hadalready known -anterior


Would rather + Infinitiv (persoana care exprimăpreferinţa este aceeaşi cu subiectul acţiunii careurmează)


Bill would rather play tennis than football. Would rather + Infinitiv perfect (acelaşi subiect)

She would rather have travelled by plane. Would rather + Past Tense Simple (subiectul lui would

rather este diferit de subiectul acţiunii care urmează)I would rather you got up early.

Would rather + Past Perfect (subiecte diferite)I would rather they had left on time.

Would rather + would + infinitiv (cu referire la uneveniment dorit în viitor)I would rather you would come tomorrow.


If only + Past Tense – pentru dorinţe care se referă fie laprezent fie la viitor, în special cu verbe care exprimăacţiuni obişnuite, obiceiuri sau stăriIf only she didn’t eat so much!

If only + Past Tense Continuous – pentru a indica odorinţă care se refer la viitor sau prezentIf only I were leaving, too.

If only + Past Perfect – pentru a exprima un regretpentru o acţiune care nu s-a produsIf only they had come, this wouldn’t havehappened.

If only + Would + Infinitiv – pentru a exprima o dorinţăîn legătură cu viitorul dar fără speranţăIf only he would buy me a watch!

If only + Present / Future Tense – ca unechivalentpentrupropoziţiile care încep cu HOPEI hope she will come in time.If only she comes in time!



It’s Time + Past Tense Simple It’s time you finished reading the newspaper.

It’s time + Past Tense Continuous – pentru a accentuanatura progresivă a acţiuniiIt’s time you were decorating your house.

It’s time + For + Infinitiv – a sosit timpul să faci cevaIt’s time for you to have lunch.

It’s time + Past Tense – este deja cam târziu să mai facicevaIt’s time you had your lunch.

Main Clause SubjunctiveFormI would rather/sooner = aş prefera he leftnow = să pleceIf only = măcar dacăSuppose = dacă cumva! He had arrived= să fi sositIt is high time = e vremea săD. Subjonctivul analiticSubjonctivul analitic este mai des folositdecât cel sintetic şi poate apărea atât însubordonată cât şi în propoziţia principală.Este format dintr-un verb modal – shall, should,will, would, may, might, can, could şi Infinitivul Prezent sauPerfect.

Se foloseşte: Shall + Infinitiv


Shall I help you with your homework?They have decided that you shall go there.(you must go)

Should + Infinitiv – in main clausesWhy should they come so early?

Should + Infinitiv – după următoarele construcţii: it is/wasimportant, necessary, natural, surprising, advisableIt’s necessary that you should be present.

Should + Infinitiv – după următoarele verbe: to demand,insist, command, propose, request, suggestThey suggested that you should tell them thetruth.

Should + Infinitiv – în propoziţii subordonate de scopintroduse de lest, for fear (that), in caseWe left in a hurry lest she should see us there.(= ca să nu ne vadă)Where would you sleep in case you should missthe train?

Should + Infinitiv – în propoziţii subordonate atributiveHis desire that no one should enter that roomsurprised us.

Should + Infinitiv – în propoziţii concesive introduse dethough, although, whateverWhatever she should say, don’t contradict her.

May/ Might + Infinitiv – in main clausesMay all your dreams come true!Just imagine, next year we might have a car!

May/ Might + Infinitiv – în propoziţii subordonate dupăurmătoarele construcţiiit is/was possible, probable, likelyIt is probable that our friend might have knownyou.It is possible that she may come today.


May/ Might + Infinitiv – în propoziţii subordonate de scopintroduse de that, in order that, so thatHe took a seat in the first row so that hemight hear the actors well.

May/ Might + Infinitiv – în propoziţii subordonateconcesive introduse de though, although, however,whatever, no matterHowever painful it may be to you, you mustknow the truth.No matter how expensive that car might be shestill wants to buy it.

Would + Infinitiv – în propoziţii completive directe dupăwishThey wish we would pay them a visit.

Would + Infinitiv – în propoziţii subordonate de scopShe learnt all the new words so that she wouldbe able to translate the text.

Could + Infinitiv – pentru a exprima scopul, ca oalternativă la may/might, având un grad mai mare decertitudineShe studied a lot so that she could pass thedifficult exam.


Puneţi verbele din paranteze la forma corectă:past tense simple, past perfect sau would +infinitiv:1. We had lots of fun at the party. I wish you(be) there, too. 2. The plants need a lot ofwater at this time of the year and it hasn’t


rained for a long time. I wish it (rain) now.3. I wish my mother (be) here now to help me.4. Tom forgot to buy the sports newspaper thismorning. He wishes he (buy) it, as he doesn’tknow the football results. 5. We wish theteacher (explain) the grammar rules again nextweek. 6. I’d like to go to the concert, but Ihaven’t got a ticket. I wish I (buy) one thismorning. 7. The lecturer is already half anhour late. We wish he (come). 8. I didn’t likethe film yesterday. I wish I (not stay) up tothe end. 9. I wish you (pay) more attention toyour spelling in the future. 10. I wish I(follow) the doctor’s advice. I wouldn’t be soill now. 11. The teacher wishes someone (offer)to bring some coloured chalk to schooltomorrow. 12. I wish you (inform) me about thismatter several months ago.

Traduceţi următoarele propoziţii în limbaromână:1. I wish you would listen more carefully toyour teacher. 2. Do you wish they had sent youa card? 3. I wished she had posted this letterfor me. 4. Don’t your friends wish you would goon the trip with them? 5. Mother wishes I gotbetter marks at school. 6. The little boyswished they were allowed to swim in the lake.7. Don’t you wish it were summer now? 8.Doesn’t your teacher wish you would improveyour pronunciation?


Puneţi verbele din paranteze la forma corectă:1. He is speaking as if he (answer) anexamination. 2. I always get seasick when Itravel by sea. If only I (not take) the boatand (come) by plane! 3. If only you (give) me achance to try again, Cecily begged. 4. I wishyou (stay) with me for a while. I feel verylonely. 5. She went on talking as if she (nothear) what I had said. 6. It’s time you (stop)making a nuisance of yourself. 7. It’s a pityyou left so early. I’d rather you (stay) alittle longer. 8. For the first time in hislife he felt as if he (be) in a hurry to getwhere he was going. 9. She acted as though she(be) born an actress.

Traduceţi următoarele propoziţii în limbaengleză:

1. Ana ar dori să nu fie atât de ocupatăsăptămâna asta. 2. Va trebui să aşteptăm 20 deminute până la sosirea trenului. Ce păcat că amplecat de acasă atât de devreme! 3. Băieţelular dori ca părinţii să-l trimită în tabăra devară de la Sinaia, dar sunt sigură că ei îl vorduce la ţară la bunici. 4. Numai de-aş puteagăsi cuvintele cele mai potrivite! 5. Se lăudacă a rezolvat singur toate problemele dematematică. Numai de l-ai fi auzit! 6. Aş dori


ca ea să treacă acest examen dificil. 7. Maidegrabă m-aş duce să văd un film decât să-mipierd timpul aşteptându-te. 8. Luna viitoare eprimul examen; e timpul să te apuci serios deînvăţat. 9. A trecut o săptămână de când aiprimit scrisoarea de la Angela. E timpul să-irăspunzi la scrisoare. 10. Numai de nu s-aropri motorul chiar la mijlocul pantei! 11.Diana vorbeşte de parcă n-ar şti nimic despreconferinţă. 12. Aş fi preferat ca el să spunăadevărul. 13. Se comportă de parcă el ar fifăcut toate pregătirile pentru serbare. 14.Toţi prietenii mei joacă handbal pe terenul desport. Ce păcat că nu ştiu să joc handbal!

Traduceţi următoarele propoziţii în limbaromână:

1. E ciudat că cheltuieşte aşa de puţini banicând ştie că scumpul mai mult păgubeşte. 2. Ede necrezut că citea când trebuia să lucreze lateza de doctorat. 3. E remarcabil că ei lucraude două ore şi terminaseră treaba când aisosit. 4. Nu ţi se pare de necrezut să sestrice untul aşa de repede? 5. Insist să trecideoparte, fiindcă stai în drum. 6. Copilulacesta e bun la toate jocurile, aşa că va jucaorice îi ceri. 7. Zise că e competent înmeseria lui, ca să avem încredere în el. 8. Eîncântat de ideea de a merge la mare de parcăn-ar şti că-i prea frig acum acolo. 9. Sătrăieşti mult şi să fii fericit! 10. Orice ar


fi gătit când ai sosit tu, trebuia să-ţi dea oporţie.

Cheia exerciţiilor:

* 1. had been 2. were raining 3. were 4. hadbought 5. would explain 6. had bought 7. werecoming 8. hadn’t stayed 9. would pay 19. hadfollowed 11. would offer 12. had informed

* 1. ce n-aş da să o asculţi mai atent peprofesoară. 2. Ai dori să-ţi fi trimis oilustrată? 3. Aş fi dorit să îmi fi pusscrisoarea la poştă pentru mine. 4. Nu îşidoresc prietenii tăi să mergi cu ei înexcursie? 5. Ce n-ar da mama să iau note maibune la şcoală. 6. Băieţeii şi-ar fi dorit săaibă voie să înoate în lac. 7. Nu ţi-ai dori săfie vară acum? 8. Nu îşi doreşte profesoara tasă îţi îmbunătăţeşti pronunţia?

*1. were answering 2. hadn’t taken, had come 3.would give 4. would stay 5. hadn’t heard 6.stopped 7. had stayed 8. was 9. had been

* 1. Ann wishes she weren’t /wasn’t so busythis week. 2. We’ll have to wait for tewntyminutes until the train comes in. I wish Ihadn’t left home so early! 3. The little boywishes his parents would send him to the Sinaia


summer camp, but I’m sure they’ll take him tohis grandparents in the country. 4. If only Icould find the most suitable words! 5. Heboasted he had solved all the maths problems byhimself. If only you had heard him! 6. I wishshe will pass / passes this difficultexamination! 7. I’d rather go and see a filmthan waste my time waiting for you. 8. Yourfirst exam is next Monday, it’s time you gotdown to work. 9. It’s a week since you receivedAngla’s letter. It’s time you answered herletter. 10. If only the engine wouldn’t stopright in the middle of the bend! 11. Diana istalking as if/ as though she didn’t knowanything about the conference. 12. I’d ratherhe had told the truth. 13. He behaved as if /though he himself had made all the preparationsfor the festival. 14. All my friends areplaying handball in the sportsground. I wish /if only I could play handball.

* 1. It is strange that he should spend solittle when he knows that cheapest is thedearest. 2. It is unbelivable that he shouldhave been reading when he should have beenworking on his dissertation. 3. It isremarkable that they should have been workingfor two hours and had finished the job when youarrived. 4. Don’t you think it unbelivable thatthe butter should go bad so soon? 5. I insistthat you should go aside because you are in theway. 6. The boy is clever at all games, so he


will play anything you ask him to. 7. He saidhe was competent at his job so that we mighttrust him. 8. He is delighted with the idea ofgoing to the seaside as though he did not knowit was too cold there now. 9. May you live longand be happy! 10. Whatever he may be cookingwhen you arrived, he ought to have given you ahelping.



Imperativul persoanei a II-a se formează cuInfinitivul fără TO, fără subiect, pentru a faceinvitaţii, cereri sau pentru a da sfaturi,instrucţiuni şi atenţionări. Negativul seformează cu DO NOT + Infinitiv fără TO.

Come!Do not go!

Imperativul persoanei I se formează cu LET +ME/US + Infinitiv fără TO pentru a da sugestii şi aface oferte. Negativul se formează cu DO NOT +Infinitiv fără TO.

Let me help!Let us dance!Let’s go!



Imperativul persoanei a II-a se foloseşte:

1. pentru a cere cevaGive John this letter when you see him.Don’t tell Mary what I said last night.

2. pentru a face invitaţiiCome to my party on Saturday night. Don’t ask him to stay over the night.

3. pentru a da sfaturi sau a atenţionaTake an umbrella with you, it’s raining.Eat your vegetables. They’re good for you.

4. pentru a da indicaţiiTurn the engine off, open the bonnet andunscrew the cap slowly.

5. cu interogaţii disjunctive: will/won’t/would you? şican/can’t/could you?Have something to drink, will you?

NotăSe poate folosi DO pentru a sublinia sensulimperativ

Do help yourself to anything you want.

NotăImperativele nu au subiect, deşi uneori seadaugă un substantiv sau pronume pentru aidentifica persoana căreia i se vorbeşte.

Have another drink, Bill.Children, be quiet, please!

Imperativul cu Let se foloseşte:


1. cu Me, pentru a face oferteLet me explain in more detail.Let me get you a drink, Harry.

2. cu Us, pentru a oferi sugestiiI think we are lost. Let’s ask a policeman.Let’s not watch TV tonight. Let’s go out for astroll.

3. cu interogaţii disjunctive: will you? după let me/ let himetc. şi shall we? după let usLet me/let him/let them etc. go first for once,will you?Let’s not argue about it, shall we?

4. cu răspunsuri scurte la sugestiiI’m too tired to walk. Shall we take a taxi?Yes, let’s.

NotăExistă şi o formă de persoana a III-aimperativ: LET + Substantiv sau complementpronominal + Infinitiv fără TO (cu sensul de apermite)

Let everyone come in now in single file.Let him continue.Don’t let them stop you, it’s your decision.



Numai verbele tranzitive au diateză pasivă.John cried. Cry este un verb intranzitiv. Nu arepasiv.John sold the house. Sell este un verbtranzitiv. Are pasiv.

Regulă generală

Pentru a transforma o propoziţie la diatezaactivă într-una la diateza pasivă:1. complementul direct devine subiect2. be are acelaşi timp ca verbul principal3. verbul principal devine participiu trecut4. subiectul devine agentul, precedat de by

NotăAgentul se exprimă de obicei cu by. Dar cândagentul este o substanţă sau materie primăfolosiţi with.

The novel was written by Defoe.The floor was covered with mud.

Adesea nu este necesară specificarea agentului.The burglar was sentenced one year in


Echivalenţele activ – pasiv:

He keeps the door open. The dooris kept open.


He is selling the car. The caris being sold.He closed the window. The window wasclosed.He was opening the gate. The gate wasbeing opened.Ha has shut the book. The book hasbeen shut.He had written the letter. The letter hadbeen written.He will carry the bag. The bagwill be carried.He would buy the pen. The pen wouldbe bought.He would have repaired the box. The box wouldhave been repaired.He is thought to have arrested her. She isthought to have been arrested.Locking the safe… The safe beinglocked…Having rescued the boy… The boy having beenrescued…

NotăÎn engleza vorbită, get (în locul lui be) sefoloseşte adesea pentru diateza pasivă.

The house got sold. = the house was sold.You’ll get hurt. = you’ll be hurt.

Reguli speciale


Pentru a transforma o propoziţie la diatezaactivă într-una la diateza pasivă

1. Infinitivul activ devine Infinitiv pasiva. după verbele modale

Activ PasivTom may write the book. The book may bewritten.You must tell him. He must be told.

b. după like/love/wish/want + complement directActiv PasivShe liked us to water the She liked the flowers tobeflowers at dawn. watered at dawn.

NotăAlte combinaţii verb + complement + infinitivformează în mod normal pasivul:Activ PasivThey told us to go. We were told togo.He is asking Sue to dance. Sue is beingasked to dance.

Infinitivele pasive sunt de obieci infinitivecu to!They saw Emmy jump. Emmy was seen tojump.He makes Ed rest. Ed is made to rest.


2. folosiţi that… should + infinitiv pasiv

a. după agree, decide, arrange, demand + infinitiv +complement

Activ PasivWe agreed to take Tim. We agreed that Timshould be taken.They decided to reduce the price. They decided that theprice should

be reduced.

b. după advise, insist, propose, recommedn, suggest +forma în –ing + complement

Activ PasivShe adivised finishing the job. She advised that the job

should be finished.

NotăDupă need folosiţi un gerunziu sau infinitivpasiv. Sensul este identic. Ambele propoziţiisunt pasive.The phone needs repairing.The phone needs to be repaired.

3. două forme alternative de pasiv se potfolosi în mod impersonal cu: assume, belive,claim, estimate, find, know, presume, report, say,suppose, understand

Activ Pasiv


They say that he is a genius. It is said that heis a genius.

He is said to be agenius.

4. prepoziţiile sunt plasate după verbul pasiv:

a. verbe complexe (verb + prepoziţie)Activ PasivThey looked for C. everywhere. C.was looked for everywhere.

b. verb + prepoziţie + complementActiv PasivHe had to write to his parents daily. His

parents had to bewritten to daily.

5. propoziţiile cu două complemente (complementdirect şi indirect) au două forme posibilede pasiv:

Activ PasivHe told her a lie. She was told a lie.

A lie was told toher.They sent him a letter. He was sent aletter.

A letter was sent tohim. UtilizarePasivul se foloseşte:1. pentru a sublinia acţiunea şi nu agentul


The criminal was arrested.2. când agentul este necunoscut, neimportant sau evident

Clinton was elected president.He is said to be a bad-tempered man.

Exerciţii:Traduceţi în limba engleză următoarelepropoziţii

1. În astfel de cazuri se trimite după doctor.2. Ţi se oferă o îngheţată, de ce n-o iei? 3. Afost aşteptat două ore aseară. 4. Mi se arătacasa, când s-a stins lumina. 5. Nu îmi potînchipui de când îi cunoşti pe aceştiscriitori. 6. Nu-mi puteam aduce aminte în ce afost preschimbată veveriţa. 7. Va fi consultatdoctorul în această chestiune şi sper că va ştice este. 8. Va fi fost apărat de toţi duşmaniiînainte să ceară ajutor. 9. Vânătorul prezisecă se va trage în vulpe şi nu va fi nimerită.10. Dacă ai fi împiedicat să-ţi faci temele,copiii care o fac ar fi pedepsiţi. 11. Ar fifost el operat dacă nu-l cunoştea chirurgul?

Cheia exerciţiilor:1. In such cases a doctor is sent for. 2. Youare offered an ice-cream, why don’t you takeit? 3. He was waited for for two hours lastnight. 4. I was being shown around the housewhen the light went out. 5. I can’t imagine how


long you have been acquainted with thesewriters. 6. I could not remember what thesquirrel had been changed into. 7. The doctorwill be consulted on this matter and I hope hewill know what it is. 8. He will have beendefended from all his enemies before he asksfor help. 9. The hunter predicted the fox wouldbe fired at and missed. 10. If you werehindered from doing your homework, the childrenwho did that would be punished. 11. Would hehave been operated on if the surgeon had notknown him?


MAY şi CAN(Permisiune, probabilitate, abilitate)

May şi can sunt verbe modale sau ajutătoare:ele sunt verbe defective, deoarece:- au numai 3 timpuri: indicativ prezent,

indicativ trecut şi condiţional prezent- nu primesc s la persoana a III-a singular- nu primesc do, does, did la interogativ sau

negativ- sunt urmate de infinitivul fără TO

Timpurile care lipsesc sunt înlocuite cu:- to be able to – (abilitatea)


- to be allowed to- to be permitted to – (permisiunea)- to be likely to – (probabilitatea)

May / MightMay se folosesşte la prezent. Might lacondiţional prezent. Ambele sunt invariabile şisunt urmate de un infinitiv fără To.Forme contrase: mayn’t / mightn’t


1. May se foloseşte cu referire la evenimentesau acţiuni posibile sau probabile înprezent, adesea cu sens de viitor. Mightpoate fi folosit pentru a sublinia o foarteredusă posibilitate.

There’s a black cloud above us. It may rain.Alice may get angry if you tell her.If you try hard enough, you might convincehim to come.

NotăFormele alternative sunt:Maybe it will rain.It is likely to rain.


2. pentru a cere, a oferi sau a refuzapermisiunea politicos

May I open the window? It’s very hot in thisoffice.You may not smoke in my car.

Might indică adesea teama vorbitorului dea nu primi un răspuns negativ, sau faptul că elcere prea mult:

Might I borrow your Rolls Royce for theweekend?

NotăForme alternative:Am I allowed to open the window?You are not permitted to smoke in my car.

3. cu well pentru a indica o foarte mareprobabilitate

I think it may well rain today, look at thoseblack clouds.Put some money in the box, it might well befor a good cause.

NotăForme alternative:I think it is very likely to rain today. NotăMay / might as well are alt sens:


There is nothing interesting on TV thisevening, I may / might as well have an early night.

4. cu o construcţie perfectă pentru a facereferire la o presupunere în trecut

Bill isn’t in his office, he may have gonehome early. (It’s possible that he wenthome.)

5. cu o construcţie perfectă pentru a facereferire la ceva care s-ar fi putut petreceîn trecut dar nu s-a petrecut, se poatefolosi numai might

You might have burnt your hand while takingthat hot tray out of the oven (but youdidn’t).

Can / CouldCan se foloseşte la prezent, adesea cu sens deviitor. Could se foloseşte la trecut şicondiţional prezent. Ambele sunt invariabile şisunt urmate de infinitiv fără To.

Forme contrase: can’t / couldn’t



1. Can se foloseşte pentru a cere, a acorda saua refuza permisiunea, similar cu may, darmai puţin formal

You can drive at seventeen in the UK.Can I borrow your pen, please? I’ve left mineat home.You cannot go hunting out of season.

NotăForme alternative:You are permitted to drive at seventeen in UK.You are allowed to drive at seventeen in UK.You may drive at seventeen in UK.

NotăLa negativ, could şi might au sensuri diferite.Ken could not be building the house by himself.(It’s impossible. It is too much work.)Ken might not be building the house by himself.(He isn’t building the house himself. Heprobably has help.)

2. pentru a face referire la probabilitate,posibilitate sau imposibilitate în prezent,în trecut sau la condiţional

Look, there’s plenty of snow, we can goskiing today.Let’s try his office; he could be there.


3. pentru a face referire la abilitate sauîndemânare în prezent, în trecut sau lacondiţional

Can you lay bricks?My old car cannot go over 80 km an hour.The girl can sing but she can’t dance for thelife of her.Could you drink as much?

NotăPentru alte timpuri se foloseşte to be able toShe will be able to type 100 words a minute soon.

4. folosiţi could + infinitiv perfect pentru a văreferi la o acţiune care nu a avut loc

I could have driven you to the airport, but Ididn’t have my car.

Sau când nu ştim dacă acţiunea s-a petrecutsau nu

Have you seen my umbrella? Dan could have takenit; it was raining when he left.

NotăForme alternative:You might have hurt your back lifting thatheavy table.You would probably have hurt your back liftingthat heavy table.


NotăMay / might şi can / could se repetă înîntrebări disjunctive şi răspunsuri scurte.He can’t go, can he?May Sally come in? Yes, she may.

NotăTo be able to exprimă abilitatea. Este oalternativă formală pentru can / could înprezent, în trecut sau la condiţional. Pentrutoate celelalte timpuri putem folosi numai tobe able to.Exerciţii: Traduceţi în limba engleză următoarelepropoziţii

1. Aceasta este o masă veche, pe care n-o poateridica nimeni. 2. Nu ştia să înoate, aşa căatunci când s-a scufundat vasul, s-a inecat. 3.Nu ai dreptul să înaintezi, acest teren eproprietate privată. 4. Nu ai dreptul să vinzice nu-ti aparţine. 5. Nu se poate să te fihotărât să-i refuzi orice ajutor tocmai cândare mai mare nevoie de el. 6. Idila lui cu eanu poate să fi durat mai mult de o lună. 7. Ecu putinţă să se joace când i-am spus să-şifacă mai întâi temele? 8. Ai să-i poţi face peplac, ştiind că e aşa de sensibil? 9. Niciodatăn-am fost în stare să ţin minte propoziţiiîntregi. 10. Savantul a spus că ştie de mult sănumere. 11. Zise că-mi poate da sifon dacă mi-e


sete. 12. Speram să pot merge pe jos până lagară, dar m-am oprit la o staţie de autobuz.13. L-ai putea aştepta în birou dacă ai vrea.14. Ar fi putut să se aşeze pe un scaun gol,dar a preferat să stea în picioare. 15. Puteaisă te uiţi pe gaura cheii, dacă erai aşa decurios.

1. Pot să te ajut cu ceva? 2. Îmi permiţi să teajut? 3. Poate că se plimbă prin grădină, habarn-am unde e. 4. Poate că spune adevărul, maibine ai asculta ce are de spus. 5. Poate că-mivoi fi terminat lucrarea până vii tu să măajuţi. 6. Poate că bătrâna sufla greu după ce aurcat scările acelea, fiindcă liftul eradefect. 7. Poate că voi fi ajuns la gară pânăva pleca trenul. 8. M-am gândit că s-ar puteasă plouă, aşa că mi-am luat umbrela. 9. I-amspus că n-are nimeni voie să intre-n camera meacând dorm. 10. S-ar putea să tuşească dacă arăcit. 11. La-i putea ajuta să-şi ducă geanta,dacă-l vezi gâfâind. 12. Puteai să-i împrumuţinişte bani, dacă ştiai că are greutăţi.

Cheia exerciţiilor:

1. This is an old table which no one can lift.2. He could not swim, so when the ship sank hedrowned. 3. You can’t proceed, this land isprivate property. 4. You can’t sell what does


not belong to you. 5. You can’t have resolvedto deny him all help when he most needs it. 6.His romance with her can’t have lasted morethan a month. 7. Can he be playing when I toldhim to do his homework first? 8. Will you beable to please him, knowing he is so sensitive?9. I have never been able to remember longsentences. 10. The scholar said he had beenable to count for a very long time. 11. He saidhe could give me soda if I was thirsty. 12. Ihoped I could walk to the station but I stoppedat a bus stop. 13. You could wait for him inthe study if you would. 14. He could have takena vacant seat, but he preferred standing. 15.You could have peeped through the keyhole ifyou were so curious.

1.Can I help you? 2. May I help you? 3. She maybe walking in the garden, I have no idea whereshe is. 4. She may be telling the truth, youhad better listen to what she has to say. 5. Imay have finished my paper by the time you cometo help me. 6. The old lady may have beenbreathing hard after she had climed all thosestairs, because the elevator was out of order.7. I may reached the station before the trainleaves. 8. I thought it might rain, so I havetaken my umbrella. 9. I told him no one mightenter my room when I was asleep. 10. He mightcough if he has caught cold. 11. You might helphim carry his bag if you see him gasping for


breath. 12. You might have lent him some moneyif you knew he was in need.


MUST, NEED, HAVE TO, SHOULD, OUGHT TO(Obligaţie şi necesitate)

Must, need, should şi ought to sunt verbemodale; ele sunt defective, având:- timpuri lipsă- persoana a III-a singular fără s- interogativul şi negativul prezentului fără

do sau does- sunt urmate de infinitiv fără To

NotăToate timpurile care lipsesc sunt înlocuite cuverbe normale: To have to sau to need to

NotăTo have to exprimă atât obligaţia cât şinecesitatea la timpurile la care el reprezintă


singura posibilitate (infinitiv, trecut simplu,perfect prezent, viitor, forma în –ing etc.).

Dar la prezent, formele alternative nu suntîntotdeauna înlocuibile reciproc. O formă poateexprima obligaţia, iar cealaltă necesitatea.John must not shout. (= John are obligaţia de anu striga.)John doesn’t have to shout. (= Nu e necesar caJohn să strige.)

To need to exprimă întotdeauna necesitatea.Harry didn’t need to go on a diet. (= Nu eranecesar ca Harry să ţină regim.)

Must / Have to / Need to

Must este invariabil pentru toate persoanele,în timp ce have to şi need to urmează regulileverbelor normale.Forme contrase: mustn’tUtilizare:

1. Have to se foloseşte întotdeauna pentru aface referire la obligaţie sau necesitate laprezent afirmativ şi interogativ, adesea cusens de viitor. Must se referă la obligaţie.I must phone my husband before he leaves theoffice.The builders have to finish the work beforewinter sets in.


NotăMust se foloseşte de obicei când obligaţia vinedin partea vorbitorului care-şi exprimăpropriile sentimente.Have to se foloseşte când obligaţia vine dinpartea unei a treia persoane.You must tidy up your room before you go out.(= Îţi ordon)You have to drive on the left in Great Britain.(= Aşa spune legea)

2. La forma negativă must şi have to au sensuricomplet diferite:Must not înseamnă că eşti obligat să nu faciceva.Don’t have to sau haven’t got to înseamnă că nueste necesar:

You mustn’t exceed the speed limit on themotorway. (= Eşti obligat de lege.)You haven’t got to go to that meeting if you aretoo busy. (= Nu e necesar să te duci.)

NotăÎn general have to şi have got to se folosescla fel numai la prezent.Have got to este considerat mai formal.Have to se foloseşte pentru acţiuni repetate,de obicei întărit cu un adverb de frecvenţă.Chris has to visit her ill mother every day.


Chirs has got to do some shopping for her illmother today.

3. Have to poate fi folosit la toate celelaltetimpuri.I have never had to work so much before.The police would have had to open fire if thecriminals hadn’t surrendered.

NotăDeducţia negativă se poate exprima cu can’t saucan’t have:It’s only eleven o’clock, Tim can’t be hungry!The Smiths are in China. They can’t have sentthat post-card from Peru.

4. Must se foloseşte pentru deducţii pozitiveîn prezent.Must + construcţie perfectă se referă la deducţiipozitive în trecut.The baby is crying. She must be hungry.There was no reply; he must have been workingin the garden.

Utilizare: Need este considerat atât verbpropriu-zis cât şi auxiliar.

1. Need to, ca verb propriu-zis, urmează formeleverbelor regulate normale şi este folositpentru a se face referire la necesitate.You will need flour and water to make bread.I don’t need to see the doctor. I feel fine.


NotăHave to exprimă necesitatea, poate fi folositşi la negativ şi interogativ.We didn’t have to book the restaurant. There wasplenty of room.Do we have to rush?

2. Need ca auxiliar este un verb modal şi areaceeaşi formă pentru toate persoanele. Poatefi folosit numai la prezent (adesea cu sens deviitor) mai ales în construcţii negative sauinterogative.Construcţie negativă: Need not este similarcu don’t have to. Ambele exprimă absenţaunei obligaţii sau necesităţi.We need not rush. There’s plenty of time.

Construcţie interogativă:Need we rush? There’s plenty of time.

3. Need not + infinitiv perfect se referă la o acţiunetrecută care s-a petrecut fără a fi fostnecesară.You needn’t have told her about the accident.She will only worry.

NotăNeed not + infinitiv perfect diferă de did notneed to. Jack need not have gone to the dentist. (= Jack s-a dus, dar nu era necesar.)


Jack did not need to go to the dentist. (= Nu eranecesar ca Jack să se ducă, dar nu ştim dacă s-a dus sau nu.)

Ought to / Should

Ought to şi Should au sens identic şi pot fifolosite la fel. Ele sunt invariabile pentutoate persoanele şi pot fi urmate de infinitiv fărăTo.

Forme contrase: oughtn’t / shouldn’t


1. Cu referire la o obligaţie sau îndatorire.I ought to mow the lawn this weekend; it’sovergrown.Little girls shouldn’t tell lies.

Poate urma şi forma în –ing.Tim oughtn’t to be watching TV. He ought to be doinghis homework.We should be standing in that queue, not thisone.

2. Pentru a cere şi a da sfaturi.Do you think I should have my hair cut short?Mike ought to see a doctor if it hurts somuch.


3. Cu referire la ceea ce consideră că estecorect sau incorect din punct de vederemoral.We should all help the poor.People oughtn’t to treat animals badly. Theybelong here, too.

4. Cu referire la o întâmplare probabilă.I’ll prepare dinner tonight. I should be homequite early.I told him several times, so he ought toremember.

5. Cu o construcţie perfectă pentru a facereferire la ceva ce urma să se petreacă întrecut, dar nu s-a petrecut. Sau cu referirela ceva ce a constituit o greşeală.The plane should have arrived at seven o’clock,but it was delayed because of fog.Michael Jackson ought to have started his tourlast night, but he was taken ill.


1. A replicat că trebuie să aibă grijă desilueta ei. 2. Nu ştiam că trebuie să plătescamendă dacă-mi parchez maşina aici. 3. Nu sepoate să nu stai la masă! 4. Neapărat să-miarăţi rochia ta cea nouă! 5. E precis la birou,completând formulare, cum face zilnic. 6. Nu-lvăd pe aici, trebuie că joacă baschet pe


undeva. 7. Nu e acasă, precis colindă străzileşi târguieşte cu hărnicie. 8. Se vede căcicatricea a fost o rană gravă mai de mult. 9.Se vede că studia la bibliotecă atunci când îlcăutai. 10. Copiii nu trebuie să vorbească cuprimarul când e ocupat. 11. A trebuit să ascultde două ore vorbele lui supărătoare, dar n-amde gând să mai tolerez acest lucru. 12.Funcţionarul declară că a trebuit să vorbeascăcu nevasta lui despre schimbarea slujbei,fiindcă întârziase de prea multe ori. 13. Enevoie să vină azi la bibliotecă, ori poateaştepta până mâine? 14. Nu era nevoie să vinăaşa de curând, puteam aştepta. 15. Nu eranevoie să cumpere ea pălăria, avea el de gândsă i-o cumpere.

1. Lectorul medită unde să-şi ţină următoareaprelegere. 2. Pianistului i-ar fi plăcut să ise spună ce să cânte. 3. Cântăreaţa de operă nuştia a cui ofertă s-o accepte. 4. Fotografulvru să ştie dacă să facă una sau douăfotografii. 5. De ce l-ai ajuta, dacă nu teroagă? 6. Dacă s-ar întâmpla să se întâlneascăîntr-o cafenea, i-ar vedea toţi împreună şioamenii ar începe să bârfească. 7. Ar trebui săîi spun că era exact ce merita. 8. Ar fitrebuit să se logodească de mult, dar părinţiiei s-au opus căsătoriei. 9. Ar fi trebuit să-imărturiseşti în cele din urmă că i-ai furatceasul, fiindcă nu vroiai să plece atât de


iute. 10. Studenţii ar fi trebuit să asculteexpunerea aseară.

Cheia exerciţiilor:

1. She retorted she must take care of herfigure. 2. I did not know I must pay a fine ifI parked my car her. 3. But you must stay fordinner! 4. You must show me your new dress! 5.He must be at his office, fiiling in forms, ashe does daily. 6. I do not see him around, hemust be playing basketball somewhere. 7. He isnot at home, he must be roaming the streets andshopping with industry. 8. That scar must havebeen a bad injury a while ago. 9. He must havebeen studying at the library when you werelooking for him. 10. Children must not talk tothe mayor when he is busy. 11. I have had tolisten to his offensive words for two hours,but I am not going to put up with it anylonger. 12. The officer stated that he had hadto talk to his wife about changing his jobbecause he had been late too many times. 13.Need he come to the library today or can hewait untill tomorrow? 14. They needn’t havecome so soon, I could have wited. 15. Sheneedn’t have bought that hat, he was going tobuy it for her.

1. The lecturer meditated where he shoulddeliver his next lecture. 2. The pianist would


have liked to be told what he should play. 3.The opera singer did not know whose offer sheshould accept. 4. The cameraman wanted to knowif he should take one or two photographs. 5.Why should you assist him if he does not askyou? 6. If they should meet in a café, everyonewould see them together and people would startgossiping. 7. I ought to tell him it wasexactly what he deserved. 8. They ought to havebeen engaged long ago, but her parents objectedto their marriage. 9. You ought to haveconfessed to him eventually that you hadstollen his watch because you did not want himto leave so soon. 10. The students ought tohave been listening to the exposition lastnight. XIV. INFINITIVUL

FormăFormele principale de infinitiv sunt:Infinitiv prezent to workInfinitiv prezent continuu to be workingInfinitiv perfect to have workedInfinitiv perfect continuu to have beenworkingInfinitiv pasiv to be worked

Utilizare: Infinitivul cu TO


Infinitivul cu to se poate folosi ca:1. Subiect

To leave the front door unlocked is risky.Dar este mai folosită propoziţia care începecu it:It is risky to leave the front doorunlocked.

2. complementprincipalele verbe urmate de infinitiv cuto:

agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, be about, care choose,consent, decide, do one’s best, decline, demand, expect, fail,forget, happen, hate, hope, hurry, learn, like, love, manage,mean/intend, neglect, offer, plan, prefer, prepare, pretend,promise, prove, refuse, remember, seem, tend, try, turn out,volunteer, want, be able to afford, make up one’s mind

The couple appears to be happy.I can’t afford to study abroad.She refused to go with him.

NotăUnele verbe – like, love, hate, prefer, care,mean, intend – pot fi urmate de infinitivul cuto şi de forma în –ing.She likes to skate.She likes skating.

Ori condiţionalulI’d love to see Eve.Would you prefer to do it now?


That… should (be) este o construcţie carepoate urma şi după agree, arrange, ask,decide, demand.The girls agreed to organize a party.The girls agreed that they should organize a party.The girls agreed that a party should be organized.

Infinitivul continuu urmează adesea dupăappear, happen, pretend, seem.It seems to be raining.The children pretended to be hiding.

3. pentru a exprima scopul:The dog buried the bone to hide it.In order şi so as pot fi folosite pentru asublinia scopul:Matt is memorizing the rules in order to passthe test.We cut the hedge so as to improve the view.Pentru a exprima scopul sau funcţia unuiobiect, folosiţi infinitivul cu TO sau for + -ingHe used the scissors to cut the rope.He used the scissors for cutting the rope.

NotăCând două subiecte diferite fac necesarăfolosirea unei subordonate, folosiţi so thatpentru a introduce subordonata şi a exprimascopul.I deposited the money in the bank so that my soncan use it in later years.



Pentru a exprima negaţia puneţi not înainteainfinitivului cu TO.He ran in order not to be late.

NotăFolosiţi and (în loc de TO) pentru a exprimascopul după go sau come.We should go and buy some milk.Come and visit us!

4. după un verb urmat de how, what, when,where, why.Principalele verbe sunt: ask, decide, discover, findout, forget, know, see, learn, remember, understand, think,wonderWe wondered how to do it.I couldn’t decide what to wear.

NotăWhether + infinitiv cu to poate fi folosit:După wonder şi know.Alex wondered whether to knock or wait outside.După formele interogative şi negative aleverbelor decide, know, remember.Did you finally decide whether to go camping ornot?

5. după un verb urmat de complementverbele principale sunt: advise, allow, command,enable, encourage, forbid, expect, force, invite, oblige,order, permit, persuade, remind, request, teach, tell, like,help, want


Tony advised me to finish the job quickly.We invited our friends to ski with us.

NotăInfinitivul cu to poate înlocui o propoziţierelativă:După the only, the last, the first, the second etc.Joe was the first to board the submarine. (= Joe afost primul care s-a îmbarcat pe submarin.)

După substantive / pronume, pentru a arăta carele este utilizarea.I need a pot to make a tea. (= Am nevoie de unibric în care să pot face ceai.)

NotăRemind, teach şi tell pot fi şi ele urmate dethat:He reminded Sue to come on time.He reminded Sue that she had to /should come ontime.Dar tell îşi schimbă sensul în funcţie deconstrucţie:Tod told her to stop. = Tod ordered her to stop.Tod told her that the water was boiling. = Todinformed her that the water was boiling.

6. după pasivul verbelor assume, believe,consider, feel, know, understand, supposeThey are assumed to be fair players.Aceste verbe pot fi urmate de complement +infinitiv cu TO şi de that:


He assumes them to be fair players.He assumes that they are fair players.

NotăSuppose işi poate schimba sensul la pasiv:You are supposed to… înseamnă Este datoria ta să…

7. după anumite substantiveprincipalele verbe sunt: ability/inability, ambition,decision, demand, desire, determination, effort, failure,offer, plan, promise, refusal, wishWe made our wish to help them quite obvious.Hillary’s failure to pass the exam disappointedthem.

8. după anumite adjectiveprincipalele adjective sunt: cruel, good, rude,anxious, glad, kind, nice, pleased, surprised, easy, difficult,likely, prepared, ready, late, earlyShe was pleased to hear from us.You are likely to meet them.

NotăÎn construcţiile cu it, of +pronume/substantiv, urmează adesea dupăadjectiv.It was nice of you to come.It was rude of the man to slam the door.9. după too + adjectiv/adverb şi după adjectiv/adverb

+ enough şi după have + enough + substantivThe soup was too hot to eat.


The water wasn’t warm enough to swim in.We didn’t have enough time to finish the test.

NotăFor + substantiv/pronume pot fi introduse înfaţa infinitivului:He ran too fast for us to follow.

Infinitivul fără TO

Infinitivul fără TO poate fi folosit după:

1. verbe modalemay, can, must, shall, should, will, wouldWe may come tomorrow.

2. feel, see, hear, watch, let la forma activăClaire heard him cough.

NotăForma în – ing se foloseşte adesea după feel, see,hear, watch (atât forme active cât şi pasive)Claire heard him coughing. / He was heard coughing.

3. had better şi would rather Dan had better study harder.

4. makeThe teacher made Ellen correct her errors.

NotăLa forma pasivă make este urmat de infinitiv cuTO:


Ellen was made to correct her errors (by theteacher).

5. but sau exceptJack and Karen do nothing but argue.I’ve done it all except do the calculations.

6. why sau why notWhy waste your energy on such a hopelesscause?Why not go and ask him now?

7. folosiţi infinitivul perfect fără to:Cu must pentru a exprima deducţii pozitiveîn trecut:There’s Al’s cap. He must have come home.

Cu can’t/couldn’t pentru a exprima deducţiinegative în trecut:I can hear noise. They can’t have gone to bedyet.


1. A fost văzut cum fură batista unei bătrâne.2. Se ştie că a îmblânzit o căprioară. 3. Separe că i s-a terminat zahărul. 4. S-a doveditcă hoţul a spus adevărul. 5. N-aş vrea să fiplecat singur de acasă. 6. Îşi ordon să plecichiar acum. 7. Cred că s-a măritat de mult. 8.


Aştept să pleci. 9. Se zice că s-a întors dinstrăinătate. 10. I s-a ordonat să uite tot ce avăzut. 11. Din întâmplare încă n-a sosit. 12.Cu cine se zice că seamănă? 13. De ce se zicecă e hoţ?

Cheia exerciţiilor:

1. He was seen to steal an old lady’shandkerchief. 2. She is known to have tamed adeer. 3. He seems to have run out of sugar. 4.The thief turned out to have told the truth. 5.I should not like him to have left alone. 6. Iorder you to leave right now. 7. I think her tohave got married long ago. 8. I am waiting foryou to leave. 9. He is said to have returnedfrom abroad. 10. He was ordered to forgeteverything he had seen. 11. He happens not tohave arrived yet. 12. Whom is she said to looklike? 13. Why is he said to be a thief?

XV. FORMELE ÎN – ING (Participiul şi Gerund-ul)

Din punct de vedere gramatical, forma în –ingpoate fi sau un gerund sau un participiu. Înambele cazuri, forma este aceeaşi.


Formă: forma în –ing regulată se obţineadăugând –ing infinitivului fără TO. (go –going)


Gerund-ul poate fi folosit ca:1. subiect

Smoking is dangerous for your health.2. complement

Emily loves teaching.3. interdicţii scurte

No fishing.4. după prepoziţiiVerbele care urmează după prepoziţii trebuie săfie la forma în –ingFrancis is interested in learning Polish.I am sorry for hurting your feelings.Verbele care urmează după verbele complexe cuprepoziţie sunt de obicei la forma în -ingMy father has just given up smoking.I am looking forward to seeing you soon.Darunele verbe complexe cu prepoziţie pot fiurmate de infinitivThe researcher set out to prove his theory.

NotăCuvântul TO este o sursă de confuzii. Uneori toeste o prepoziţie urmată de –ing. Alteori tointoduce un infinitiv complet.Kevin looked forward to seeing her.


Kevin wanted to see her.I am used to studying until late. = I amaccustomed to studying late.I used to study until late. = I always studieduntil late.5. după anumite verbe şi expresiiPrincipalele verbe şi expresii sunt: admit, avoid,delay, detest, enjoy, finish, imagine, mind, miss, postpone,practise, remember, resist, stop, can’t stand, can’t help, beworth, be busy, be no good, be no use, deny, keep, riskDid you mind selling your house?I missed listening to her play the piano.We stopped studying in the summer.

NotăNotaţi diferenţa dintre:He remembered writing to us. = Îşi amintea că ne-a scris.They remembered to write to us. = Nu au uitat săne scrie.He stopped eating. = El a terminat de mâncat.He stopped to eat. = S-a oprit din alte treburica să mănânce.

NotăAdmit, deny, remember primesc şi pe that:They remembered that they had sent us the bill.

NotăHate, like, love, prefer pot primi infinitiv + to.I love dancing. = I love to dance.


Dar la condiţional ele primesc de obiceiinfinitiv cu to:I’d love to dance.

6. după anumite verbe + adjectiv posesiv/complement pronominal

Principalele verbe sunt: dislike, dread, mind,remember, resent, stop, understand, object to, appreciate,excuse, forgive, prevent, (dis)approve ofI don’t mind his/him staying with us.I truly appreciate their/them being so hospitable.Utilizarea adjectivului posesiv este maiformală:The committee resented his being so frank.Utilizarea complementului pronominal este mairăspândită în engleza vorbită:I certainly understand him getting upset.

NotăIată câteva modificări ortografice:1. Dispare –e final.Live livingGive givingDar nu pentru:Be beingAge ageingDye dyeingGlue glueing2. Finala în –ie se schimbă în –y.Die dyingLie lying3. Se dublează consoana finală.


Stop stoppingTravel travellingBegin beginningDar nu şi pentru:Read readingPeel peelingSuffer suffering


Participiul poate fi folosit:1. la timpurile continue.

He is working.You were singing.

2. ca adjective.annoying, frightening, depressing, embarrassing, relaxing,exciting, shocking, charming, interesting, boring

3. în substantive compuse.a washing machine, a diving board, a sewing kit, a walkingstick, a fishing rod, a gardening tool

4. după spend şi waste (timp, bani, effort,energie).They spent a fortune building that house.He wasted all his energy getting that contract.

5. după go şi come (activitate fizică).I’m coming shopping with you.Eileen and Paul are going swimming.

6. după see, hear, feel, listen to , notice, watch +complement.The entire family watched Tim skating.


NotăAceleaşi verbe pot fi urmate şi de complement +infinitiv fără TO.He heard the baby cry.

7. după catch, find, leave + complement.The baker caught the boy stealing rolls.

8. în locul subordonatelor:A. în locul unei subordonate relative

We watched the boy working. (= We watched theboy who was working.)

B. în locul subordonatelor.când două acţiuni se petrec la acelaşi momentîn timp.Smiling warmly, she shook Hector’s hand. (= Shesmiled warmly as she shook Hector’s hand.)Learning to ski, Sam broke his leg. (= While Samwas learning to ski, he broke his leg.)pentru a înlocui o propoziţie care începe cusince sau because.Thinking Joan was honest, he lent her the money.(= Because he thought Joan was honest, he lenther the money.)Being curious, he looked through the keyhole. (=Since he was curious, he looked through thekeyhole.)când acţiunea unei subordonate se petrece înmod clar înainte de acţiunea celeilaltesubordonate se foloseşte participiul perfect.


Having got divorced once, Al decided not to marryagain. (= After he had got divorced once, Aldecided not to marry again.)


Formă: Verbele care urmează altor verbe au unadin formele: infinitiv + to sau forma în –ing.

Verbele se împart în patru categoriiprincipale:1. Verbe care pot fi urmate numai de infinitiv

+ TO.We agreed to meet at noon.

2. Verbe care pot fi urmate numai de forma în –ing.You risk being late.

3. Verbe care pot fi urmate fie de un infinitiv + TOfie de forma în –ing fără a înregistra omodificare de sens.I see Harry has started to play golf again. (=în general)I see Harry has started playing golf again. (=în general sau numai în momentul de faţă)

4. verbe care pot fi urmate de infinitiv + to fiede forma în –ing dar cu o schimbare majoră desens.


I forgot to go to the bank yesterday. (= Num-am dus)I have forgotten going to the bank yesterday.(= Nu-mi amintesc să fi fost)

Utilizare: 1. Infinitivul + to se foloseşte de obicei

după: afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt,decide, expect, fail, help, hope, learn, manage, mean, offer,plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, tend,threaten, want, wishI can’t afford to buy a new car now.I fail to see the point you are making.

NotăForma negativă este not to + infinitiv.Clive Waston decided not to accept the new joboffer.

NotăDupă help, TO este opţional.Emma’s mother always helps her (to) do herhomework.

Dar can’t help înseamnă “a nu putea evita” şiaici se foloseşte forma în –ing.I can’t help thinking about what she said lastnight.


Seem, appear şi pretend pot primi şi un infinitivcontinuu (to be doing) sau un infinitiv perfect (tohave done).Bill seems to be sleeping a lot lately.The criminal pretended to have lost his memory.

După ask, decide, explain, know, remember, forget,understand urmate de cuvinte interogative: how,what, when, which, where, whether etc.I don’t know how to get to the cathedral fromhere.The teacher will explain what to do tomorrow.

După ask, enable, force, get, invite, order, persuade, remind,teach, tell, warn + complement.Can you ask them to leave, please?I persuaded Jane to come hiking with me tomorrow.După make în propoziţii pasive.When I was at school, I was made to wear auniform.

2. Forma în –ing este de obicei folosită după:admit, avoid, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, fancy, feellike, finish, give up, imagine, involve, keep on, mind, miss,postpone, practise, risk, stand (=bear), suggest, mention,recall, regretHe admitted stealing the jewels.Have you considered moving abroad?

NotăForma negativă este: not + -ingI enjoy not having to work.


NotăForma pasivă este posibilă şi cu being +participiu trecut.Helen enjoys being involved in the local comunity.Verbe ca: admit, deny, mention, recall, regret pot primi:having + participiu trecut cu referire laacţiuni finalizate în trecut.Tom now regrets having moved to Paris.

NotăDupă: admit, deny, regret, suggest se poate folosi şithat.Sam denied that he had shot his wife.SauSam denied shooting his wife.După verbe complexe: carry on, end up, give up, goround, keep on, put off, set aboutYou carry on thinking while I eat my lunch.Frank is always trying hard to give up smoking.

3. Se pot folosi atât infinitivul + TO cât şiforma în –ing fără diferenţe de sens dupăverbele: begin, continue, hate, like, love, prefer, startI began to play squash three years ago.I began playing squash three years ago.

Morris loves to drive fast cars.Morris loves driving fast cars.


4. Infinitivul + to sau forma în –ing ausensuri foarte diferite după: remember, forget,try, stop, go on, regret

Have you forgotten posting that letter? (= Aitrimis-o dar nu-ţi aminteşti)Have you forgotten to post that letter? (= Nu aitrimis-o?)

I stopped smoking cigarettes because they werebad for me. (= Nu mai fumez)I stopped to smoke a cigarette. (= M-am opritşi am fumat o ţigară)


Puneţi verbele din paranteză fie la infinitivfie la gerund:

1. He used (dance) a lot but he hasn’t had anyopportunity of (do) is since he began (prepare)for the entrance examination. 2. They were usedto (live) alone, so they didn’t really mind thelonely life they led on the moon. 3. I like(skate) and (ski), but it is very difficult forme (say) which I like better. 4. We got tiredof (wait) for him (come) and eventually decided(go) out without (leave) any notice to him. 5.I remember (hear) her (say) the flowers needed(water). 6. We highly appreciate (you, want)(help) our son, but it’s time he began (do) hishomwork by himself. 7. We don’t remember (you,


say) before that John wanted (buy) our car. 8.I wonder why he hated (I, smoke) at the officesince he often enjoys (smoke) a cigarettehimself. 9. It is no use (you, ask) me (insist)on (Mike, come) in time as he can’t get rid ofhis bad habit; he often tried (be) punctual buthe always failed. 10. Wherever I set to work, Irecollect (my father, say) that if a job isworth (do) at all it is worth (do) well.

Traduceţi în limba engleză următoarelepropoziţii folosind Gerund-ul:

1. Vara florile au nevoie de apă (de a fiudate) în fiecare zi. 2. Îmi face multă plăceresă-i accept invitaţia deoarece ea întotdeaunareuşeşte să gătească mâncăruri foarte gustoase.3. Iertaţi-mă că vă deranjez, aveţi cumva unchibrit? 4. Îmi place să mănânc îngheţată chiarcând e frig. 5. Vă deranjează dacă deschidfereastra pentru câteva minute? E un aer foarteinchis aici. 6. N-are nici un rost să plecimiercuri, se aşteaptă ca tu să fii acolosâmbătă. 7. Au insistat să le scriu în fiecarezi, dar asta mă exasperează deoarece mie nu-miplace să scriu scrisori. 8. Ei au refuzat să nepermită să intrăm fără a cumpăra bilete, deşifusesem invitaţi la premieră. 9. A trebuit săne amânăm plecarea pentru că Jane era bolnavă.10. Nu-mi place ca cineva să se uite la minecând încerc să învăţ a merge pe bicicletă.


Cheia exerciţiilor:

1. To dance, doing, to prepare 2. Living 3.Skating, skiing, to say 4. Waiting, to come, togo, leaving 5. Hearing, say (saying), watering6. Your / you wanting, to help, doing 7. Your /you having said, to buy 8. My / me smoking,smoking 9. Your / you asking, to insist, Mike’s/ Mike coming, to be 10. My father saying,doing, doing

1. In summer flowers need watering every day.2. I am very pleased to accept her invitationas he always succeeds in cooking very tastydishes. 3. Forgive my bothering you, do youhappen to have a match? 4. I enjoy eating ice-cream even when it is cold. 5. Do you mind myopening the window for a few minutes? It’s verystuffy in here. 6. There is no need for yourleaving on Wednesday, you are expected there(on) Saturday. 7. They insisted on my writingto them every day, but it puts me beside myselfbecause I hate writing letters. 8. They refusedto let us in without buying tickets although wehad been invited to the first night. 9. We hadto delay our departure because of Jane’s beingill. 10. I dislike being looked at whileattempting to learn how to ride a bicycle.



Un verb complex este o combinaţie între un verb+ prepoziţie / particulă adverbială. Sensul unui verb complex fie nu are legătură cuelementele componente luate separat, fie esterezultatul elementelor componente (verb +prepoziţie/adverb) luate ca întreg.

Verbele complexe pot fi împăţite în:1. Verb + prepoziţie

Verb + prepoziţie + complement prepoziţionalWe apologise for any inconvenience caused bythe delay.

Verb + prepoziţie + V … ingThey succeeded in boosting pre-tax profits.

NotăCând verbele complexe sunt urmate de un verb,acest verb este de obicei la forma în –ing.

NotăNu folosim prepoziţii după următoarele verbe:answer, ask, call, phone, ring, discuss, enter, meet, reach, suit,tell

NotăExemple de verbe + prepoziţie:agree to something; agree with somebody/something; allowfor something; amount for something; apologise forsomething; apply for something; approve of


somebody/something; attend to somebody/something;complain (to somebody) about somebody/something;conform to something; consent to something; consist ofsomething; depend on something; hear about something;hear from somebody; hope for something; insist onsomething; look at somebody/something; look forsomebody/something; look forward to something; pay(somebody) for something; refer to something; rely onsomebody/something; succeed in something; think aboutsomething (= concentrate on); think of something (= consider);wait for somebody/something2. Verb + complement + prepoziţie

Verb + complement + prepoziţie + complementprepoziţionalProtect us from unfaircompetitionVerb + complement + prepoziţie + V… ingPrevent us from entering theJapanese market.

NotăPrepoziţia from se foloseşte după verbe careexprimă refuzul: prohibit, restrain, forbid, prevent, ban,veto, stopThey prevented us from exporting the goods.

NotăDupă verbe care exprimă acceptul se foloseştecomplement + infinitiv: allow, authorise, help, permit,enable, encourageThey helped us to export the goods.


NotăExemple de verbe + complement + prepoziţie:accuse somebody of something; advise somebody of/aboutsomething; compare somebody/something withsomebody/something; congratulate somebody on something;convince somebody of something; describe something tosomebody; divide/cut/split something into something; dosomething about somebody/something; explain somethingto somebody; interest somebody in something; prefersomebody/something to somebody/something; preventsomebody/something from somebody/something; protectsomebody/something from somebody/something; providesomebody with something; remind somebody of something;spend money on something; tell somebody about something

3. Verb + adverb (phrasal verb)

Verb + adverb + complement + restul propoziţieiFill in this form induplicateTurn up early at thestand

NotăCele mai frecvente adverbe folosite sunt: about,along, away, back, down, forward, in, off, on, out, over, round,through, up



Unele dintre phrasal verbs îşi păstrează sensulindividual al verbului + cel al adverbului:I’ve brought back the plans. Would you like tosee them?

Alte phrasal verbs au un sens diferit de cel alelementelor componente:He made up a wonderful story about hisadventures in Rotaronga. (make up = invent)

NotăExemple de Phrasal verbs:Break down (stop working); bring about (cause); call off(cancel); call round (visit); close down (stop the operations of);come along (come); fill in (complete by writing in relevantinformation); find out (discover); look over (examine quickly);make up (invent); move in (take possesssion of new premises);put on (turn on); send back (return); speak up (speak louder);speed up (make faster); throw away; turn down (reject); turnup (arrive); walk through; write down

Exerciţii:Traduceţi în limba engleză folosind get caphrasal verb:1. Tom promise că se va apuca serios de treabă darnumai începând de lunea viitoare. 2. Şterge-o.Degeaba încerci să mă cucereşti. 3. De când i s-apublicat lucrarea nu îşi mai încape în piele demândrie. 4. Şi-a dat seama că nu poţi rămânenedescoperit când faci o crimă. 5. Ai scăpat ieftin!


6. Ştie cum s-o ia pe mătuşa ei şi s-o facă să-icumpere tot ce-şi doreşte.

Traduceţi în limba engleză folosind give şicarry ca phrasal verb:1. Talentatul scriitor a luat premiul pentruliteratură. 2. Ştie să vorbească fără să setrădeze cu nimic. 3. A fost scos din fire de obrăzniciacu care îi replica puştiul. 4. Fusese preasigur că norocul nu-l va părăsi. 5. Aceastăfereastră dă spre malul mării.

Traduceţi în limba engleză folosind look caphrasal verb:1. Va trebui să te descurci fără să te îngrijeascăMary. 2. Aştept cu nerăbdare să-mi spui că aiexaminat chestiunea cu grijă. 3. Acum treburilelui promit să meargă mai bine. 4. Treci să mă vezimâine după ora cinci.

Traduceţi în limba engleză folosind make şi beca phrasal verb:1. Cei doi veri nu se împacă deloc bine. 2. Ştiucă nu e perfect, dar calităţile lui îicompensează lipsurile. 3. Nu îţi pot descrifascrisul, e prea neciteţ. 4. Lucrăm numai cumaterialul clientului. 5. Filmul acesta ruleazăde o lună, trebuie să fie bun. 6. Hai să neîmpăcam!

Cheia exerciţiilor:


* 1. Tom promised to get down to work but onlybeginning with next Monday. 2. Get along withyou! You are trying in vain to get round me. 3.Since he had his work published he has simplygot above himself. 4. He realized one can’t getaway with crime. 5. You got off cheaply! 6. Sheknows how to get round her aunt and make herbuy her whatever she wishes.

* 1. The gifted writer carried off the Prizefor Literature. 2. He knows how to talk withoutgiving himself away at all. 3. He was carriedaway by the impudence of the urchin’s retorts.4. He had been too sure his luck would not giveout. 5. This window gives on (to) the seashore.

* 1. You’ll have to manage without Mary lookingafter you. 2. I’m looking forward to yourtelling me you’ve looked into the mattercarefully. 3. His affairs seem to be lookingup. 4. Look me up tomorrow after five o’clock.

* 1. The two cousins don’t get on well at all.2. I know he is not perfect but his qualitiesmake up for his defects. 3. I cannot make outyour hand writing, it is really illegible. 4.Only customers’ materials made up here. 5. Thisfilm has been on for a month; it must be a goodone. 6. Let’s make it up!



Vorbirea indirectă se foloseşte pentru a relatacuvintele unei alte persoane. Principalelecategorii ale vorbirii indirecte sunt:afirmaţii, interogaţii, comenzi.

Vorbirea indirectă poate avea două forme:1. O propoziţie principală cu un verb al

relatării + o propoziţie subordonatăThey say that we will receive the confirmation next week.

2. o propoziţie principală cu un verb alrelatării + un infinitiv cu ToThey asked us to send confirmation as soon aspossible.

Regula de bază pentru a determina timpul verbaldin subordonată este după cum urmează:

Dacă verbul relatării este la: În vorbireaindirectă:PrezentViitor nici oschimbarePrezent perfect


Dacă verbul relatării este la: În Vorbireaindirectă:Trecut present …….pastTrecut perfect past ……...past / past perfect

presentperfect….past perfect

will ……….. would

NotăCondiţionalele de tipul II şi III nu semodifică în vorbirea indirectă. Condiţionala detipul I se modifică într-una de tipul II.Jo said: “If I listen, I will learn.”Jo said that if he listened, he would learn.Verbele modale se modifică astfel:Can – could; may – might; will – would; shall –should; must – must/had to; could – could;might – might; should – should; ought to –ought to; would – would; used to – used toPronumele şi adjectivele se modifică astfel:

Vorbirea directă Vorbirea indirectăI / you he / sheWe / you theyMe / you him / herUs / you themMy / mine his – her / his – hersYour my – his – her – our –their


Yours mine – his – hers –ours – theirsOur / ours their / theirsThis / these that / those

NotăCând vorbitorul îşi relatează propriul discurs,pronumele şi adjectivele rămân neschimbate.I said: “I am angry.” I said that I wasangry.

Adverbele şi expresiile adverbiale se modificăastfel:

Vorbirea directă Vorbirea indirectăHere there, in that placeNow then, at that timeToday that dayYesterday the day beforeThe day before yesterday two days beforeTomorrow the day afterThe day after tomorrow in two daysAn hour/week/month ago an hour/week/monthbeforeNext week/year the followingweek/yearLast week/month a week/month before



Principalele verbe ale vorbirii indirecte suntsay şi tell.Tell cere persoana cu care se vorbeşteSay poate funcţiona singur sau poate primi to +persoana cu care se vorbeşte:

Tom told us that he was leaving.Tom said that he was leaving.Tom said to us that he was leaving.

Alte verbe ale vorbirii indirecte pot fi:accept, add, admit, affirm, agree, allege, announce, answer,apologieze, argue, assert, claim, comment, communicate,convey, declare, demonstrate, disclose, divulge, emphasise,explain, highlight, imply, indicate, inform, maintain, notify,object, offer, promise, protest, prove, recount, refuse, remark,reply, report, restate, reveal, show, state, stress, suggest,transmit


Topica verbelor interogative în interogaţiadirectă se modifică în interogaţia indirectădevenind topica verbelor afirmativeI asked: ”Who did she go with?”I asked who she had gone with.Există două tipuri de întrebări directe: Wh-questions şi yes/no questions. În vorbirea indirectă se menţin cuvinteleinterogative cu Wh-When exactly will you be in Poland?He asked when exactly I would be in Poland.


Pentru întrebările cu yes/no, folosim if şi whether:Does your company provide investment advice?She asked if/whether our company providedinvestment advice.

NotăVerbe ale relatării utilizate pentru întrebări:ask, demand, examine, inquire, investigate, query, questionComenzi, cerinţe, sfaturi

În vorbirea indirectă verbul de la imperativ setranformă în verb urmat de complement + infinitivulcu TOHe said: “Claire, stand up!”He told Claire to stand up.

Pentru o comandă negativă, forma indirectăprimeşte pe NOT înaintea infinitivuluiBarbara said: “Don’t touch!”Barbara asked me/us not to touch.Chiar dacă în comanda directă nu este menţionatcomplementul, la forma indirectă este necesarun complement pronominal!He said: “Stand up!” He told her/him/us tostand up.

NotăVerbele relatării folosite pentru comenzi,cerinţe, sfaturi sunt: ask, beg, brief, call for,command, direct, implore, instruct, invite, press, request,require, tell, urge


NotăAlte verbe folosite în vorbirea indirectă.Unele dintre aceste verbe cer o propoziţiesubordonată (1), altele un infinitiv cu To (2),iar altele cer ambele variante(1,2):convince (1,2), encourage (1,2), entreat (2), indoctrinate (2),invite (2), motivate (2), persuade (1,2), threaten (2), urge (1,2),warn (1,2)


Următoarele propoziţii sunt în vorbireadirectă:Don’t wait for me if I’m late.Will you marry me?Hurry up!Can you open your bag, please?Please slow down!Don’t worry, Sue.Mind your own business.Could you repeat what you said, please?Do you think you could give me a hand, Tom?

Alegeţi una dintre aceste propoziţii pentu acompleta propoziţiile de mai jos. Folosiţivorbirea indirectă:1. Bill was talking a long time to get ready,so ….2. Sarah was driving too fast, so I asked ….3. Sue was very pessimistic about thesituation. I told …


4. I couldn’t move the piano alone, so I …5. The customs officer looked at mesuspiciously and …6. I had difficulty understanding him, so I …7. I didn’t want to delay Ann, so I …8. John was very much in love with Mary, so he…9. He started asking me personal questions, so…

Cheia exerciţiilor:So I told him to hurry up.So I asked her to slow down.I told her not to worry.So I asked Tom to give me a hand.And asked me to open my bag.So I asked him to repeat what he had said.So I told her not to wait for me if I was late.So he asked her to marry him.So I told him to mind his own business.


Prepoziţiile sunt în mod normal aşezate în faţasubstantivelor sau pronumelor şi după verbe.Ele pot de asemenea preceda verbele în –ing. Există puţine reguli referitoare laprepoziţiile limbii engleze. Foarte adeseautilizarea lor trebuie învăţată pe dinafară.Prepoziţiile creează probleme considerabilecelor care învaţă engleza deoarece o anume


propoziţie care în propria sa limbă va cere oanumită prepoziţie va avea în engleză o altăprepoziţie.

Prepoziţii de mişcare

1. Mişcare în sus/în josDown (to) up (to) on (to) off

Down: o mişcare în jos sau scădere arespectului statutului.

Sam broke his arm when he fell down theslope.

The Conservative Government went down atthe last electionsDown to: o mişcare către sud.

I was staying in Paris but I went down toNice to visit an old friend of mine.

Up: o mişcare în sus sau a dobândi respectsocial.

Next door’s cat always climbs up a treeto hide whenever it hears our dog bark.Dr. Barnard went up in people’sestimation when he performed the firstheart operation.

Up to: o mişcare către nord sau o mişcare însus a statutului social.

John works in Rome now but he is beingmoved up to Milan next week.


Joe has done well in his career; he’sbeen promoted up to managing director injust four years.

On(to): o mişcare spre o suprafaţă mai înaltă.I had to move the books on(to) the topshelf so my child couldn’t reach them.

Off: o mişcare spre o suprafaţă mai joasă.When the cat saw a mouse running acrossthe floor it jumped off the sofa to chaseit.

NotăUtilizare specială. Este destul de comunăfolosirea structurilor-tip, precum:Up/down the streetUp to/down to the supermarketOn/off a bus, bicycle, plane, ship, sau oricealt mijloc de transport. (dar: into/out of acar)

2. Deplasare printr-un spaţiuAcross along by past through over

Across: o mişcare dintr-o parte spre cealaltă,pe sau aproape de suprafaţă.

It takes a long time to sail across theAtlantic.Along: a parcurge lungimea a ceva


If you walk along the Champs Elysees youwill eventually reach the Eiffel Tower.

By: a se mişca de-a lungul sau în apropierea aceva.

If you pass by the shops today, will youget me a litre of milk?

Past: a se mişca de pe o parte a ceva pecealaltă.

I am sure I saw a thief move past thewindow.

Through: a se mişca printre lucruri.The gateway was so narrow that the truckdriver had problems getting through it.

Over: a se mişca pe deasupra unei suprafeţedintr-o parte în alta a ceva.

It’s quicker to fly over the Atlantic thanto sail across it.

3. DirecţiiAround at away from for into onto outof to towards

Around: mişcări pe o traiectorie circulară.I went all around the house to find anopen window, but I couldn’t.


At: către ceva sau cineva.He looked at me as if I were a criminal.

Away from: a părăsi, a pleca de la cineva sauceva.

When I was a boy I ran away from schoolbecause I didn’t like it.

Away from poate fi folosit şi în sens abstract:= free from everything.

I can’t wait to get away from it all.

For: a se mişca cu o destinaţie precisă.Sherlock Holmes left for Glasgow as soonas he received the news of the murder.

Into: a se deplasa către interiorul a ceva.The last they saw of the explorer waswhen he went into the jungle to hunt fortigers.

Onto: a aşeza ceva peste altceva.The professor put his papers onto thelectern and began his lesson.

Out of: a ieşi din ceva.The prisoner was let out of prison after a

ten year sentence.

To: a se delpasa în direcţia unei anumitepersoane sau a unui lucru.


Can you give me a lift to work tomorrowmorning, please?Towards: a se delpasa către ceva sau cineva

I think we should head towards themountain; it’s much coller there at thistime of the year.

NotăYou shout at somebody (când eşti nervos)But you shout to somebody (când vrei să atragiatenţia)You throw something to somebody (când vrei săprindă ce arunci)But you throw something at somebody orsomething (când vrei să loveşti pe cineva sauceva)

4. Mişcări comparativeAfter ahead of / in front of behind

After: a urma sau urmăriThe shop-keeper ran after the boy who

smashed his window.

Ahead of / in front of: a preceda pe cineva sauceva

I’ll go on ahead of / in front of you and finda place to camp for the night.

Behind: a urmări pe cineva sau ceva, a urmacuiva…


The old lady drove so close behind methat, when I braked, she crashed into me.

Prepoziţii de poziţie

1. Poziţii pe verticalăAbove after below down in on overto under(neath) up

Above: mult mai sus decât altceva, chiar şifigurativ

I am above his insults.

After: ceva puţin inferior unui alt lucruCarl Lewis came in second in the 100meters after Linford Christie.

Below: ceva imediat inferior unui alt lucru,sau mai puţin important

In a company structure a salesrepresentative comes below a salesmanager.

Down: a fi partea inferioară a ceva, şi a aveamai puţin respect pentru cineva

She went down in my estimation when shesaid those things.

On: similar cu above, dar în contact cu cevaThere’s a telephone on the wall over



Over: similar cu above, dar obiectul este maiaproape de ceva

The horse jumped over the obstaclesbeautifully.

To: estimări relativeThe Marketing Manager of I.B.U. reports tothe General Manager.

Under: similar cu below, dar obiectul este maiaproape de ceva

That bridge is too low for that truck togo under.

Underneath: la fel ca under dar mai formalThe tunnel underneath the English Channelwas opened in the summer of 1994.

Up: contrarul lui down“Is this the shop?” “No, it’s further up

the street.”

In: un spaţiu închisMy little boy closed himself in thebathroom and couldn’t get out.

2. Poziţii relative


Against along alongside around atbeside by on the right / on the left ofnear next to towards

Against: în contact cu altceva sau altcinevaDon’t lean against that post. It’s just

been painted.Along: de-a lungul a ceva

An Avenue usually has trees along it.

Alongside: aşezat alături de ceva sau cinevaThe newly weds walked alongside each other

down the aisle.

Around: vecinătateHe must be around here somewhere; I can

see his footprints.

At: o poziţie precisăIf you don’t wait at the bus stop, the bus

won’t stop.

Beside: similar cu alongsideThe anxious mother sat beside her ill baby

all night.

By: în vecinătateaBill’s very lucky; he has a summer house

by the sea.

On the right of / on the left of: aşezat ladreapta / stânga a ceva sau a cuiva


There’s a suspicious looking man standingon the left of the president.

Near: aproape de ceva sau cinevaI live near my office, so I can walk to


Next to: în direcţia a ceva sau a cuivaNights get darker as we get towards


3. Poziţii opuseAcross after before behind facing infront of opposite overAcross: trecut de o anumită limită

If you look across the field you’ll see thechurch.

After: o poziţie consecutivăMy best friend had five children, one after

the other.

Before: a se desfăşura înainte de altcevaYou must learn to walk before you run.

A se desfăşura în prezenţa cuivaStand before the Judge and swear to tell

the truth.

Behind: aşezat în spatele a ceva sau al cuivaDon’t turn round, Jack. There’s a snake

behind you.


Facing: privind în direcţia a ceva sau a cuivaTurn your seat facing me so I can see you


In front of: aşezat înaintea a ceva sau cuivaThere’s a long queue in front of me. I can’t

possibly wait.

Opposite: similar cu facingThey built a warehouse opposite my houseand blocked out my view of Monte Vecchia.

Over: ceva aflat de cealaltă parte a altcevaDover is over the Channel from Calais.

Prepoziţii de timp

1. Timpul pe ceasAbout around at in on

About: un timp aproximativMy appointment at the dentist’s is at10.00 o’clock, but he’s always about halfan hour late.

Around: la fel ca aboutMy dentis is never punctual; he’s always

around half an hour late.

At: timpul exactThe film starts at 8 o’clock.


NotăAt se foloseşte şi pentru a face referiri laperioada din preajma sărbătorilor:

I always go skiing for a week atChristmas.

In: o parte a zilei, luni, anotimpuri şi aniI like to have a big breakfast in the

morning.It doesn’t rain much in Greece in summer.

On: cu zile ale săptămânii / date / zile anumteThe road works will start on Monday andfinish on Wednesday.I last saw him on July 4th.

NotăSe spune:In the morning/ afternoon / eveningDar At night

2. timpul de dinainte şi de după…after before by past to

After: mai târziu decât un timp sau evenimentdat

As my first appointment is after nine, Ican catch a later train.

Before: înaintea unui timp sau eveniment dat


Before we start, I’d just like to introducemyself.

By: ceva care se petrece înainte sau nu maitârziu de un moment dat

Applications must be sumitted by June 5th.

Past: similar cu after dar mai colocvial,folosit şi pentru a exprima ora

I’m tired. It’s past my bed time.

To: folosit de asemenea pentru a exprima oraIt’s a quarter to midnight: only 15minutes to go before the New Year.

3. Durata în timpAbout between during for in sinceuntil

About: durata estimatăThe play will probably last about two and

a half hours.

Between: de la un punct dat în timp la un altulThe period between leaving school and goingto university was a stressful one.

During: o perioadă stabilită în timpI managed not to do any work during myholiday, though I should have.


For: durata unei perioada date de timpWorld War II went on for six years.

In: o anumită duratăI’m going to the shops. I’ll be back in an


Since: de la punctul de început din trecut pânăîn prezent

Italy has been a republic since 1945.

Until: durata până la un punct dat în timpHong Kong will belong to England until1997, when it goes back to China.


Because of: cauzaThe UK is suffering because of the economic


For: similar cu because of dar legat în generalde credinţe

Nadir Tylon lived and died for hiscountry.

ScopA knife is used for cutting things.

In: parte a unui procesNowadays a lot of aluminium is used in the

car industry.


Of: cauza unei acţiuniLots of people in India are dying of


With: un sentiment care determină o acţiuneSusana cried with joy when she read her

exam results.folosirea unui instrumentDon’t put that screw in with a hammer. Doit with a screwdriver.

By: prin acţiunea sau creaţia cuiva / a cevaJohn Lennon was killed by an assassin’s


Like: un anumit comportamentMy husband acts like a child when he can’t

get his own way.pentru a compara fiinţe/lucruri similareEven though they are twins they don’t

look like each other.

As: profesia cuivaShe works as a nurse in Guys Hospital


But: cu excepţia a ceva sau cinevaHe took everything but the kitchen sink.


At: abilităţi într-o anume activitate


My daughter, Emma, has always been good atdrawing.In: similar cu at, dar nu se poate folosi cugood sau bad

My daughter, Emma, has always beeninterested in drawing.

From: origineaMy family come from Warrington in


With: legătură, ataşamentThe little girl always goes to sleep with

her cuddly teddy.

Without: opusul lui withI always drink coffee without sugar.

For: ceva sau cineva potrivit sau destinatThis grammar book is for foreign students

of English.

Conjuncţiile sau cuvintele de legătură sefolosesc pentru a lega propoziţii. Acest capitol se ocupă cu perechi de cuvinte delegătură care ar putea provoca anumite confuziipentru cei ce studiază engleza.


Conjuncţii de timp


1. as, when, while se folosesc cu referire la oacţiune care se petrece în acelaşi timp cualta.When my alarm clock rings at 7 o’clock I getup.As I was looking out of the window, I saw himarriving.While you were out shopping, John rang.

2. after, as soon as, before, when se folosesccu referire la o acţiune care se petreceimediat după o alta.After I left university, I went to workabroad.As soon as I heard him speak on TV, I changedthe channel.When I finished typing those letters, Iposted them.The client put the phone down before I couldgive an explanation.

3. until / till se referă la durata în timp aunei situaţii.I can’t go out until my mother comes back.I can’t change my car till I have finishedpaying for it.

NotăJust poate fi folosit în faţa acestorconjuncţii pentru a sublinia apropierea în timpa acelor două acţiuni


Just as he noticed he was being watched, heran off.

Conjuncţii contrastive

1. although, even though, though se folosesc cureferire la afirmaţii opuse sau contraste,înaintea subiectului sau verbului.Although he is a good writer, he has neverpublished a book.Even though there’s a speed limit he alwaysexceds it.

NotăThough este o alternativă mai puţin formalăpentru although şi even though. În engleza vorbităapare de obicei la sfârşitul propoziţiei. George studied hard. He didn’t manage topass his exam though.

2. in spite of sau despite se folosesc cureferire la afirmaţii opuse saucontrastante, în faţa unui substantiv,pronume sau gerunziu.In spite of the traffic, he still managed to gethere in time.Despite the weather, we decided to go anyway.

NotăIn spite of şi despite pot fi folosite şi cuthe fact that.


In spite of the fact that he was very busy, hetook time off work.

3. while, whereas se folosesc cu referire lacontrastul dintre două afirmaţii.Brian eats a lot, while Henry hardly eats atall.My old car was very slow, whereas my new oneis much faster.

4. however se foloseşte cu referire lacontradicţia dintre două propoziţii.The secret agent was told to be at themeeting point at 6 o’clock sharp. However,when he arrived, his contact wasn’t there.

Conjuncţii de cauză şi efect

1. because, because of, as, since se folosesccu referire la motivele de a face o acţiune.The baby cried because it was hungry.Dad is not going to work today because of thestrike.As it’s raining, you had better take anumbrella.Since the president is abroad, the vice-president will take his place today at thepresentation.

NotăBecause, because of, as şi since au acelaşisens dar folosesc construcţii diferite.


Because se foloseşte înainte de subiect şiverb.Because of se foloseşte înainte de substantiv.As şi since se folosesc amândouă la începutulpropoziţiei.

2. so, therefore se referă la rezultatul uneiacţiuni.Joe has exams all next week, so he can’t goout in the evenings.The Mayor has attend an urgent meeting.Therefore he’ll have to cancel the lunchengagement.

NotăSo şi therefore au acelaşi sens. So este maifrecvent în engleza vorbită.


Substantivele au diferite funcţii într-opropoziţie.Ele pot fi:

Subiectul sau complementul direct sauindirect al unui verb

Numele predicativ al verbelor be, becomeşi seem

Complement prepoziţional


În cazul genitiv (Genitivul saxon sausintetic)În engleză substantivele au în toate acestecazuri aceeaşi formă – cu excepţia genitivuluisintetic.

NotăÎn engleză toate propoziţiile trebuie să aibăsubiect. Subiectul poate fi un substantiv sauun pronume.

Substantivele în limba engleză se pot împărţiîn patru tipuri:Substantive proprii: Ann, China, Paris, DrMoodySubstantive comune: doll, apple, plate, treeSubstantive abstracte: happiness, love,honesty, fearSubstantive colective: family, group, herd,staff

NotăSubstantivele proprii se scriu întotdeauna cuiniţială majusculă.

Substantivele limbii engleze pot varia după genşi număr.



1. Cele mai multe substantive au aceeaşi formăpentru toate genurile.friend child doctor cousin baby teenager artistcookdancer driver teachergenul poate fi indicat de un pronume

însoţitor.My friend sent her son a present.The doctor opened his bag.

Child şi baby pot fi considerate neutre.The baby closed its eyes and fell asleep.

Numele de ţări sunt şi ele considerateneutre.

Lately, Kenya has greatly improved itseconomy.

2. Multe substantive care denumesc oameni şianimale au o formă feminină şi una masculinăSon, daughter nephew, niece uncle, aunt Actor, actress waiter, waitress gentleman,

ladyFather, mother husband, wife man, womanBachelor, spinster heir, heirwss hero, heroineMale, female bull, cow rooster, hen

Genul poate fi indicat combinând substantivefără gen cu: boy, girl, male, female, man, woman


Boyfriend, girlfriend male pilot, female pilotMan dentist, woman dentist policeman,policewoman

NotăRecent, în încercarea de a elimina“discriminarea de gen”, există o tendinţă dea înlocui “terminaţiile” man şi woman cuperson sau de a le elimina complet. În altecazuri au fost create alte expresii sau altecuvinte lipsite de gen.

Vechea folosire Noua folosire

Salesman, saleswoman salespersonChairman, chairwoman chairperson,chairSteward, stewardess flightattendant


În enlgeză substantivele se împart în douăcategorii: numărabile şi nenumărabile.


Substantivele numărabile se pot număra, adicăau număr. Pot avea atât forme de singular câtşi de plural. La singular pot fi precedate dea(n) sau one.


Forme regulate:1. La majoritatea substantivelor se adaugă –s

formei de singular.Book, books day, days house, housesDonkey, donkeys safe, safes girl,


2. Substantivele terminate în o, ch, sh, s saux primesc –es.Potato, potatoes church, churches

brush, brushesBus, buses box, boxes kiss,


3. Substantivele terminate în consoană + ypierd pe y şi primesc –ies.Baby, babies factory, factories fly,


NotăExistă excepţii: kilo, kilos photo, photos piano,pianos radio, radios soprano, sopranos


Forme neregulate1. Unele substantive elimină –f / fe de la

final şi primesc –ves.Calf, calves wife, wives wolf, wolvesLoaf, loaves leaf, leaves life, livesShelf, shelves thief, thieves knife, knives self, selves

2. Unele substantive îşi modifică vocalele.Foot, feet tooth, teeth goose, geese man, menWoman, women mouse, mice louse, lice

NotăAtenţie! Child, children person, people

3. Unele substantive au aceeaşi formă lasingular şi la plural:Sheep,deer, aircraft, trout, series, species, salmon, means,fish, headquarters

4. Unele substantive există numai la forma deplural.Clothes, pants, pyjamas, scissors, glasses, scales, stairs,savings, outskirts, grounds, goods, earnings, valuables,surroundings, arms (weapons), archives, belongings,proceeds, wages, premises, the Middle Ages, braces,customs, trousers

NotăPolice este considerat a fi la plural.The police are inspecting their house.



Aceste substantive nu sunt Niciodată precedatede numere (one, two, three etc.). pentru aindica numărul, folosiţi some, a little, etc.sau pair/set, group etc. + of. Ten pairs of pants, three sets of archives, a roomful ofbelongings etc.

5. Unele substantive împrumutate păstreazăpluralul greces, italian sau latin.Crisis, crises cactus, cacti phenomenon, phenomenaDatum, data libretto, libretti

fungus, fungiNucleus, nuclei stimulus, stimuli criterion, criteriaBasis, bases thesis, theses oasis, oasesAxis, axes medium, media bacterium,bacteria

NotăEngleza modernă foloseşte adesea data, media şibacteria cu sens plural dar cu un verb lasingular

The latest data is highly encouraging.

6. Numele de familie se pot folosi la pluralpentru a indica întreaga familie. Numelui ise adaugă un –s. Nu au loc schimbări deortografie. The Kennedys are world-famous.

7. Substantivele colective se referă la un grupde oameni sau lucruri. Sunt în mod normalfolosite la singular. În engleza britanică


se pot folosi atât verbe la singular cât şila plural. În engleza americană auîntotdeauna un verb la singular.Family aristocracy enemy company councilNobility gouvernment group proletariat pressOppositiongang jury community army publicAudience crew navy staff team committee

The jury are about to give their verdict.(engleza britanică)The public is opposed to the new tax.

NotăSpre deosebire de substantivele numărabilenormale, substantivele colective nu pot fidirect precedate de numere sau “some”. Five OF THE group stayed past midnight. Some OF THE opposition switched sides.

NotăOcazional substantivele colective sunt folositela plural şi sunt numărabile. Romeo and Juliet came from two feudingfamilies. Only two teams can get to the finals.Substantivele nenumărabile nu pot fi numărate,adică nu au număr. De obicei au numai formă desingular. Nu pot fi precedate de a(n) sau denumere.

Substantivele nenumărabile se împart înurmătoarele grupuri:


1. substantive concretewater wood metal paper grass glass oilsilver gold sand snow rain bread milkcoffee butter wine fire food salt

2. substantive abstractelove beauty hope relief experience advicepurity joy freedom information couragedesign duty capacity education eviltime patience reality intelligence

NotăWork este nenumărabil dar job este numărabil:Harriet is looking for work. John has found twojobs.

Works înseamnă: fabrică, parte mecanică,producţie literară, fapte sau acte.Mother Theresa of Calcutta is known for hergood works.

NotăIată câteva substantive nenumărabile care înalte limbi se pot deseori număra:Advice baggage luggage furnitureDamage hair shopping homework informationKnowledge money weather research

progressBusiness spaghetti news equipment


3. Substantive verbale (gerunzii sau verbe în –ing).Camping dancing shopping jogging

singingSmoking is bad for your health.

4. Nume de limbiGerman English Chinese Italian


5. Unele nume de boli, ştiinţe şi jocuri auformă de plural dar în mod normal primesc unverb la singular. Sunt consideratenenumărabile.Measles mumps billiards dominoesPhysics politics ethics acousticsStatistics mathematics news electronicsMathematics is an important subiect.

NotăUnele substantive sunt atât numărabile cât şinenumărabile. Dar sensul lor e diferit înfiecare caz.numărabile nenumărabilea paper papera light lighta wood wooda glass glassan iron irona hair hair


He buys a paper everyday. The student hadwritten an interesting paper on Keats. Paper ismade of wood pulp.

NotăSubstantivele nenumărabile nu sunt niciodatăprecedate de numere (a, an, one, two, threeetc). Iată câteva expresii folosite pentru aindica numărul/cantitatea:A piece ofinformation/furniture/advice/equipment/glass/paper/newsA type of atmosphere/behaviour/violenceAn item of luggage/news/baggageA case of mumps/measles/fluA ray of hope/sunshineA lot of strenght/security

Adjective folosite ca substantive

Folosiţi the + adjectiv pentru:

1. grupuri de persoane cu aceleaşicaracteristici. Urmează un verb la plural.The rich are not always as happy as we imagine.

2. calitate impersonală. Urmează un verb lasingular.The impossible has strong attraction for somepeople.


3. naţionalitate (dacă există un cuvântseparat).The French the Chinese the English theJapaneseDarThe Poles the Germans the Scots the Finns

Substantive compuse

Substantivele compuse sunt formate din două saumai multe cuvinte care, împreună, creează unnou substantiv cu un nou sensBabysitter chec-kup swimming poolmother-in-lawSubstantivele compuse pot fi:

1. scrise ca un singur cuvânt, cuvinte separatesau cu cratimă. Dacă aveţi îndoieli cel maibine e să consultaţi întotdeaunadicţionarul.Armchair can opener cover-up one-way street

2. numărabile sau nenumărabilealarm clock fast foodcompact disc human racetoothbrush drinking waterwaiting room welfare stateyellow pages pocket money

3. compuse din două substantive. Primulsubstantiv este folosit ca adjectiv şi estela singular.Chain factory (a factory for chains)


Cotton skirt (a skirt made of coton)A ten-year-old girl (a girl who is ten years old)Car accident (accident involving cars)A two-week cruise (a cruise lasting two weeks)

4. substantivele compuse numărabile formeazăpluralul aplicând regulile normale de pluralultimului substantiv.Mail boxes dish washers sleepingbags T-shirts

NotăUneori (dar rar) substantivele la plural pot fifolosite ca adjective:Sports car customs department clothes storeSales divison savings bank news item

5. substantivele compuse formate din verbecomplexe sau substantive legate cu of şi inau plurale neregulate.Passers-by runners-up sisters-in-law

Lilies of the valley

Posesia: of şi genitivul sintetic

Posesia se poate exprima folosind:

1. OFÎn multe cazuri folosim of pentru a exprimaposesia. Substantivele, folosite caadjective, pot şi ele uneori indica posesia.


Door of the car car doorFrame of the picture picture frameHeadquarters of the company company headquartersThe color of the wall the wall colorNeedles of the pine tree pine tree needlesEngine of the car car engine

NotăAdjectivele nu au număr. Substantivele caredevin adjective sunt la singular.The tops of the boxes. The box tops2. Genitivul sintetic

În cazul persoanelor şi animalelor folosimgenitivul sintetic pentru a exprima posesia.

Formă: formaţi genitivul saxon adăugând ‘s sau‘ substantivelor

‘s ‘toate substantivele singularesubstantivele plurale terminate substantivele plurale care în –sNU se termină în –sNancy’s the teachers’James’s the Gallaghers’His mother’s the Waleses’My children’s his sisters'

Utilizare: folosiţi genitivul sintetic:

1. pentru a exprima posesia cu referire lapersoane şi animale


Helen’s mother is ill.The old horse’s mane is still very beautiful.

2. în expresii temporaleone week’s pay today’s news a year’s leavetwo hour’s wait a month’s holiday yesterday’spartythe The plane had an hour’s delay.In two weeks’ time I’ll be lying on the beachin Bali.

3. cu pronume nehotărâte ca: everybody, someone,anybody, anyone, nobody, no one – mai ales dacăsunt însoţite de else.It’s nobody’s fault.That must be somebody else’s bag.

4. cu anumite instituţii, grupuri, expresiigeograficeThe government’s decision will be made publictomorrow.The world’s lakes and rivers are in adisastruous condition.

5. singur, când al doilea substantiv înseamnă:store, shop, studio, office, restaurant, church saucathedral.Go and buy a loaf of bread at the baker’s(shop).Their weeding was at St.Patrick’s (cathedral).


6. cu OF (posesiv dublu).Mandy is a friend of Ann’s. = Mandy is one ofAnn’s friends.

NotăObiectul posedat pierde articolele şi pronumelecare îl preced când este folosit cu un genitivsintetic.His child owns THAT bicycle. It is broken. Hischild’s bicycle is broken.

NotăNU folosim genitivul sintetic:Cu adjective folosite ca substantive:He intends to improve the condition of the poor.

Când posesorul este determinat de propoziţiisubordonate sau expresii lungi.I’d like you to meet the mother of the boy who won first prize.


Alegeţi forma potrivită a verbelor. Observaţidiferenţa de sens a substantivelor care primescatât verbe la singular cât şi la plural.1. His phonetics is/are much better than hers.2. My trousers is/are flared. 3. The scissorsis/are lost for ever, I guess. 4. Statisticsis/are his favourite study. 5. Cod eats/eat avariety of food. 6. Acoustics is/are a branch


of physics. 7. The new statistics shows/show agreat increase in manufactured goods. 8. Youthtoday is/are turning away from the church. 9.What is/are the most efficient means of dealingwith this problem? 10. The pliers is/are on thetable. 11. The acoustics of the NationalTheatre Hall is/are excellent. 12. Politicsis/are the art of the possible. 13. Poultrywas/were expensive that winter. 14. What is/areyour politics? 15. The people of the countrylives/live beyond their means. 16. He had notime for visitors while the poultry was/werebeing fed. 17. Everybody’s means is/are beingtested. 18. Mathematics is/are given toppriority nowadays. 19. What is/are cattle goodfor? 20. The police has/have made no arrestyet. 21. Fresh-water fish includes/includesalmon, trout, carp and eels. 22. Gymnasticsis/are not given enough attention in ourschool. 23. The Italian clergy was/were opposedto divorce. 24. Advice is/are readily given onall the technical aspects.

Combinaţi expresiile partitive din coloana A cusubstantivele nenumărabile din coloana B.Traduceţi-le în limba română.

A BAn article of sugarA bar of meatA cake of breadA grain of paper


A heap of soapAn item of chocolateA loaf of landA lump of riceA pice of rubbishA pile of evidenceA sheet of informationA slice of adviceA strip of luggageA word of furniture


Cheia exerciţiilor:

1. Are 2. Are 3. Are 4. Is 5. Eat 6. Is 7.Show 8. Are 9. Is 10. Are 11. Are 12. Is 13.Was 14. Are 15. Live 16. Were 17. Are 18. Is19. Are 20. Have 21. Include 22. Are 23.Were 24. Is

a lump / a piece of sugar (o bucată dezahăr)a piece of meat (o bucată de carne)a slice / loaf of bread (o felie de pâine /o franzelă, o pâine)a sheet / piece of paper (o foaie / bucatăde hârtie)a cake / bar of soap (un săpun)a bar / piece of chocolate (un baton deciocolată)


a piece / strip of land (o bucată, o fîşiede pământ)

a grain of rice (un bob de orez)a pile / heap of rubbish (o grămadă degunoi)a piece of evidence (o probă)a piece / an item of information (oinformaţie) a piece / word of advice (un sfat)a piece of luggage (un bagaj)a piece / an article of furniture (o piesă

de mobilier)a piece / an item of news (o ştire)


Formă: În engleză articolele au două forme:nehotărât A sau AN şi hotărât THE. Articolelesunt invariabile şi nu au gen.

1. A se foloseşte în faţa cuvintelor care începcu un sunet consonantic chiar dacă primaliteră e o vocală. An se foloseşte în faţacuvintelor care încep cu vocală sau h mut.Ambele se pot folosi numai cu substantivenumărabile la singular.

A dog a computer


A desk a university (sunetconsonantic)A man a houseAn orange a sonAn umbrella an hour (h mut)An idea an honour (h mut)A building an example

NotăThe se pronunţă (ð∂) când stă în faţa unuisubstantiv care începe cu un sunet consonanticşi (ði:) înaintea unui substantiv care începecu un sunet vocalic.2. The se foloseşte în faţa oricărui substantiv

numărabil sau nenumărabil, atât la singularcât şi la plural.

The dog the dogsThe atmosphere the wineThe house the timeThe eggs the informationThe rice the apple

NotăCând ne referim la acelaşi lucru sau aceeaşipersoană pentru a doua oară, folosim de obiceipe the.There is an apple and an orange for the dessert.I’ll eat the apple.

Utilizare: A sau AN se folosesc:


1. înaintea unui substantiv pentru a ne referila ceva sau cineva pentru prima dată.I’ve received a postcard from a friend of mine inthe US.

2. pentru a exprima ce este ceva sau cineva,inclusiv slujbe sau profesii.My next-door neighbour is a dentist and hiswife an architect.Jenny doesn’t eat meat; she’s a vegetarian.That was a kind thing to say.

3. după verbul be sau verbe copulative urmatede un adjectiv sau substantiv sau când esteurmat de locuţiuni prepoziţionale saupropoziţii relative care oferă mai multăinformaţie despre cineva sau ceva:Jack’s son is a talented artist.I bought a painting that reminded me of my childhoodhome.

4. cu unele expresii numerice însemnând unu saucu expresii ale preţului, vitezei,raportului şi cantităţii.A hundred guests were invited.Petrol costs £ 1.50 a litre in England.He’s crazy driving at 190 kilometres anhour.

NotăA / An şi one sunt uneori interschimbabile darnu în toate cazurile.Spunem:


A hundred pounds sau one hundred poundsDara lot of / a great deal of

5. cu substantive numărabile la singular pentrua da definiţii, a face afirmaţii generale,exclamaţii sau când exprimăm dorinţe.A dog is more company than a cat.I’d like a nice cool glass of beer.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Utilizare: THE se foloseşte:

1. înaintea unui substantiv singular numărabilsau nenumărabil sau a unui substantiv pluralnumărabil pentru a face o nouă referire laceva ce a fost deja menţionat sau la care s-a făcut deja aluzie.He wanted to go to a bank to change somemoney, but all the banks were on strike.Do you remember the fun we had when we were atschool together?

2. pentru a face referire la cineva sau cevaanume.I like the painting above the fire place.The American economy is suffering at themoment.


3. în faţa unui substantiv reprezentând o anumepersoană sau un lucru sau un grup depersoane sau lucruri.Shall I drive the car? (această maşină)Will you make the tea, please? (ceaiul pe carene pregătim să-l bem)

4. cu referire la ceva unic în mod absolut.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.The President of the United States visited the Popelast May.

5. în faţa adjectivelor pentru a face referirela un anumit grup sau clasă de oameni. Înacest caz nu este nevoie de substantiv.Only the strong survive.Robin Hood stole from the rich to give to thepoor.

6. în faţa unui substantiv la singular pentru ase referi la un anume grup de oameni,animale sau obiecte.The Indian elephant is smaller than the Africanelephant.The customer is always right.

NotăExistă excepţii.Omaha is in North America.The branch manager was sent to South-East Asia on areconnaissance trip.


7. înaintea unor substantive proprii pentru adenumi zone geografice, nume de mări şirâuri, lanţuri muntoase, grupuri de insule,nume la plural de ţări şi deşerturi.

The Atlantic, the Bay of Biscay, the MiddleEast, the north of England, the West ofIreland, the Ivory Coast, the Black Country

The Mediterranean Sea, the English Channel, theRiver thames, the Rhein, the Straits ofGibraltar

The Himalayas, the Pennines The Channel Islands, the Hawaiian Islands, the

Falklands The United States of America, the Netherlands The Arizona Desert, the Gibbon Desert

NotăThe nu se foloseşte cu nume de munţi izolaţi:Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Scotland.

NotăNu se foloseşte the cu nume de lacuri.Lake Windermere, Lake Superior, Lake Victoria

8. în faţa numelor de instrumente muzicale.The guitar has always been my favouriteinstrument.Do you think your father will let us play thedrums in his garage?

9. în faţa unor adjective – naţionalităţi cureferire la oameni dintr-o anumită ţară-aici se foloseşte un verb la plural.


The French and the British have workedtogether to build the “Channel”.The Dutch are said to be hard workers.

NotăÎn anumite cazuri se pot folosi numaisubstantive la plural.The Germans were upset about losing the semi-finals.The Americans hosted the 1994 World FootballChampionship.

10. înaintea adjectivelor superlative şi anumeralelor ordinale.Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on themoon.That is the silliest thing I have ever heard.

NotăUneori numeralele ordinale pot fi folosite fărăthe atunci când se face referire la ordinea încare se petrec evenimentele.Brendan came first and Collin second in the 100meters.We went to Manhattan first, then on to Brooklyn.

Utilizare: Nu se foloseşte articolul:

1. în faţa substantivelor nenumărabile saunumărabile la plural când se face oafirmaţie generală.


Pollution in big cities is very worrying.Dogs make good companions.

Aceste cuvinte sunt adesea precedate dedeterminanţi ca: some, any, a piece of, a lot ofIs there any bread in the kitchen?Are there any apples in the bowl?

NotăIată o listă de substantive care sunt de obiceila singular şi nenumărabile în engleză, daruneori nu şi în alte limbi:Luggage, baggage, furniture, news, information, advice,behaviour, damage, permission, traffic, weather, work,accommodation, bread, luck, progresss, hair

2. în faţa substantivelor abstracte când suntfolosite în mod generic: beauty, happiness, fear,hope, knowledge, intelligence; cu excepţiacazurilor când sunt folosite cu sens maibine specificat.Knowledge comes to us through our senses.She got the job because she has a knowledge ofEnglish.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.What a beauty!

3. în faţa substantivelor proprii, nume depersoane şi numele unei companii, cuexcepţia situaţiilor când se vorbeşte defamilie ca de un tot.He works for Unimotor Ltd.


Helene and Geoff Parker are coming to dinnertonight.Dar The Parkers are coming to dinner tonight.

4. pentru a vorbi despre sporturi, în faţanumelor de echipeHe loves football but she isn’t keen of golf.She supports Manchester United.

5. înaintea numelor meselor zilei: breakfast, lunch,dinner, supper.Where did you have breakfast?

6. înaintea cuvintelor home, church, university, prison,hospital, market, atunci când ele reprezintă oinstituţie sau o idee generală. The sefoloseşte totuşi atunci când se face oreferire specială la locul respectiv.John Bragg was arrested and put into prisonfor corruption.His wife can go to the prison once a week tovisit him.

Emma and Sam are at school.Their mother often goes to the school to talkto their teacher.



Alegeţi articolele: a, an, the, Ø1. Nearly all … furniture had been taken out of… dining-room. 2. … big piano was put in …corner and then there came … row of flower potsand then there came … goldy chairs. 3. That wasfor … concert. 4. When Sun looked in … white-faced man sat at … piano – not playing, butbanging at it. 5. He had … bag of … tools on …piano and he had stuck his hat on … statueagainst … wall. 6. So they went into thedining-room; … red ribbons and … bunches of …roses tied up … table at … corners. 7. In …middle was … lake with … rose-petals floatingon it. 8. ‘That’s where … ice-pudding is tobe’ said … Cook. 9. Two silver lions with …wings had … fruit on their backs. 10. And all …winking glasses and shining plates, and all …food! 11. ‘Are … people going to eat … food?’asked Sun. 12. While they were being unbuttoned… Mother looked in with … white thing over hershoulders; she was rubbing … stuff on her face.13. ‘I’ll ring for them when I want them, …Nurse.’

Alegeţi articolele: a, an, the, Ø1. Out of … ignorance he made … mistake after …mistake. 2. They sailed through … Straits ofMagellan. 3. … school and … home were far away.4. I’ll start as … deck boy at … pound … month.5. … children of … lane used to play togetherin … field: … Browns, … Pages, little Tom …


cripple. 6. They walked along … North StrandRoad till they came to … Finlandia House andthen turned to … right along … Wharf Road. 7. Iwent from … room to … room singing. 8. At …Victoria Station … crowd of … people pressed to… carriage doors. 9. That’s an order, said …Major Dunn. 10. … police officer Dan Taylorstood guard over her outside … St. FrancisHotel. 11. … judge James Taylor was notlenient. 12. … Chinese language is totallyunlike … Japanese. 13. … Japanese havetranscribed their language into … Romanalphabet as well. 14. I thought about it … dayand … night. 15. They transmitted televisionpictures back to … earth. 16. … earth shone …brilliant blue green, curved at … horizon,against … blackness of … space, below the twoships as … Soyuz trailed … Apollo. 17. Shesettled down to sip … tea from … paper cup. 18.… crocodiles can be bred commercially just like… cows or … pigs. 19. … lava and … ash from …Merapi Volcano, … Central Jawa have forced 170families to flee their homes. 20. … femalecrocodile lays about 40 eggs … year. 21. … farmlife doesn’t agree with them. 22. She wastraining for … Swan Lake. 23. … lack of …parking space forces … motorists to double-parkreducing … wide streets to … narrow lanes. 24.They discovered … fossils of … bony fishes on …field trip to … Ellesmore Island in … Artic.25. The fire broke out near … Lake Hemet,


south of … mountain resort of … Idyllwild, andburned to … southeast.

Cheia exerciţiilor:1. The, the 2. The, a, a, the 3. The 4. a, the5. A, Ø, the, a, the 6. Ø, Ø, Ø, the, the 7.The, a, Ø 8. The, Ø 9. Ø, Ø 10. The, the 11. Ø,the 12. Ø, a, Ø 13. Ø

1. Ø, Ø, Ø 2. The 3. Ø, Ø 4.a, a, a 5. The,the, the, the, the, the 6. The, Ø, the, the 7.Ø, Ø 8. Ø, a, Ø, the 9. Ø 10. The, Ø 11. Ø 12.The, Ø 13. The, the 14. Ø, Ø 15. Ø 16. The, a,the, the, Ø, the, the 17. Ø, a 18. Ø, Ø, Ø 19.Ø, Ø, Ø, Ø 20. A, a 21. Ø 22. Ø 23. The, Ø, Ø,Ø, Ø 24. Ø, Ø, a, Ø, the 25. Ø, the, Ø, the


Formă: adjectivele limbii engleze suntinvariabile. Ele nu au gen sau număr.

NotăAdjectivele demonstrative sunt SINGURAexcepţie. Aceste adjective sunt variabile. This,that se folosesc su substantive la singular.These, those se folosesc cu substantive la plural.


This shirt has been ironed. That blouse looksdirty.These flowers are beautiful. Those bushes needcutting.

Poziţie: adjectivele sunt aşezate:

1. în faţa substantivelor.I’m reading an interesting book.

2. după verbele: be, become, seem, appear, feel, sound,taste, make, keep, look (= appear), get/turn/grow (=become)I feel sad.The weather grew cool.He makes Janice happy.

3. după un complement directJane found the programme boring.She painted her nails bright red.

NotăUnele dintre aceste verbe pot avea alte sensuriatunci când sunt determinate de adverbe:Gladys looked (= appeared) attractive.Gladys looked (= examined) carefully the pricetag.

Tipuri: adjectivele se împart în şase tipuri:calificative, posesive, interogative,cantitative, demonstrative şi distributive.1. Adjectivele calificative


Formă: exemple de astfel de adjective sunt:young, empty, small, spacious, black, elegant, ugly, strong,lonely, intelligent, round, happy The old man was sitting in the sun.

NotăAdjectivele pot fi folosite ca substantive. Elecer un verb la plural.The young are often impacient.

NotăFaceţi diferenţa între little (= mic), little(= nu mult) şi a little (= o cantitate mică).She babysits for a little girl.Fish eat little food.He lent me a little money.

Participiile prezente (formele în –ing) şiparticipiile trecute (formele de tipul –ed)sunt folosite ca adjective calificative.Participiile prezente au sens activ, iarparticipiile trecute au sens pasiv.

Participiu prezent ParticipiutrecutBoring boredAmusing amusedInteresting interestedTiring tiredFrightening frightened


The student grew bored during the lecture.Spielberg’s new film is frightening.

NotăPretty este atât adejectiv cât şi adverb.Ellie is a pretty girl. (= attractive)Arnold is pretty rich. (= rather)

NotăAdjectivele sunt determinate de adverbe.Those boots are very tight.I feel totally exhausted.

Utilizare: adjectivele şi prepoziţiile

Adjectivele sunt adesea urmate de prepoziţii.

At to about ofBad married sad

rudeExpert cruel sincere

stupidGood kind sorry kindSlow loyal sure niceQuick polite thrilled

politeExcited faithful worried

sureShocked sensitive curious



Surprised rude enthusiasticAmused anxious

With on inDelighted dependent interestedDisgusted expertPleased


NotăUnele adjective îşi schimbă sensul când primesco altă prepoziţie.Todd is good at algebra. /Todd is good to hissister.They are always kind to us. / It’s kind of Helen tohelp.


Când două sau mai multe adjective sunt folositeîmpreună:1. adjectivele subiective sau de opinie (boring,

lovely, lazy) sunt aşezate în faţa adjectivelorobiective sau concrete (old, red, square).Ann is an active young lady.

2. adjectivele obiective sau concrete stau înumrătoarea ordine:


dimensiune – vârstă – formă – culoare – origine– material – scopa small oval plate / an antique French table / ablack metal walking stick / an enormous black steel liftingdevice

3. după un verb ultimele două adjective suntlegate cu AND.Sam grew bitter and aggressive.The bread smelled fresh, fragrant, and appetizing.

Comparaţia adjectivelor

A. Comparativul şi superlativul adjectivelor seformează:

1. adăugând –er şi –est la sfârşitul:adjectivelor monosilabiceadjectivelor terminate în –y, -er, -ly

NotăAdjectivele de o silabă terminate într-oconsoană, dublează consoana: fat, fatter, fattestAdjectivele terminate în consoană + y:transfomră pe y în i: pretty, prettier, prettiest

2. adăugând more şi most înaintea adjectivelorde două sau mai multe silabe

Comparaţia regulatăAdjectiv comparativ superlativWarm warmer thewarmest


Happy happier thehappiestClever cleverer the cleverestBoring more boring the most boringExcited more excited the most excited

Comparaţia neregulatăAdjectiv comparativ superlativGood, well better the bestBad worse the worstLittle less the leastMuch, many more the mostFar farther the farthest

further the furthestold older the oldest

elder the eldestlate later the latest

the lastnear nearer the nearest

the next NotăGood şi well au sensuri diferite:Beth is good. (= behaves well) Beth is well. (= she is in good health)Farther şi further se referă ambele ladistanţă, dar further mai poate însemna şi înplus / extraBoston is farther / further than Plymouth.Further testing will be necessary.Older şi elder se referă ambele la vârstă, darelder se foloseşte pentru relaţii de familieThe cathedral is the oldest building in town.


Jason is the eldest brother.The latest înseamnă cel mai recent, the lastînseamnă cel final, ultimulThe latest news was broadcast five minutes ago.The last news report is at midnight.The nearest se referă la distanţă, the next latimp / cronologieThe nearest hotel is ten miles away.The next train is leaving in half an hour.

B. pentru a face comparaţii, folosiţi:

1. as + adjectiv + as în propoziţii afirmativepentru a exprima egalitateaas/so + adjectiv + as în propoziţii negativeYour eyesight is as good as mine.Peter isn’t as/so short as his brother.

2. adjectivul la comparativ + than pentru aexprima diferenţaThat watch is more expensive than this Timex.

NotăPentru a forma comparaţii cu substantive,pronume şi verbe în –ing, folosiţi prepoziţialikeHe works like a dog.Try to behave like him.It’s like talking to a brick wall.Comparaţi


Comparaţiile pot fi făcute cu more cât şi culessParis is more interesting than Houston.Houston is less interesting than Paris.

NotăExistă o diferenţă între engleza formală şi ceafamiliară.Formal: than/as + i/he/she/we/they + verbFamiliar: than/as + me/him/her/us/them

Formal FamiliarYou are as tall as I am. You are astall as me.Bill is older than she is. Bill is olderthan her.

NotăCând acelaşi verb se repetă în aceeaşipropoziţie, folosiţi un auxiliar pentru aldoilea verb.This CD sounds better than that CD sounds. =This CD sounds better than that CD does.

3. comparativ + and + comparativpentru a exprima creşterea sau descreştereagradată a calităţiiThe baby is growing bigger and bigger.I’m feeling more and more irritated with Eric.

4. the + adjectiv la superlativ… + of/in


pentru a exprima superioritatea sauinferioritateaOF se foloseşte pentru a indica un grup deoameni sau obiecte.IN se foloseşte pentru a indica un loc.This is the oldest book in the library.This book is the best of/in the series.

3. Adjectivele posesive

Formă: adjectivele posesive sunt:My your his/her/its our your their

NotăIts este adjectiv posesiv.It’s este forma contrasă a lui it + is.

Utilizare: adjectivele se folosesc:

1. pentru a face referire la posesor.I took off my coat.We drove our car.

2. cu părţi ale corpului şi haine.The children washed their hands before dinner.Jim puts on his new hiking boots.

3. cu own, pentru a întări ideea de posesie.She cleaned her own room.



Adjectivele posesive sunt invariabile. Ele auaceeaşi formă pentru substantive la singular şila plural.My book, my books his pen, his pens

3. Adjectivele interogative

Formă: Există trei adjective interogative: what,which şi whose

Utilizare: Adjectivele interogative se folosescastfel:

1. what se foloseşte pentru lucuri:What book are you reading?which se foloseşte pentru persoane saulucuri în cazul unei alegeri limitate:Which book do you prefer?whose se foloseşte pentru persoane şiexprimă posesia:Whose car have they borrowed?

NotăAdjectivele interogative sunt invariabile. Eleau aceeali formă pentru substantive la singularşi la plural.What photo,what photos / which pen,which pens / whosecoat,whose coats

2. whose precedă substantivul pe care îldetermină.Whose cat is this?Whose bags are over there?


3. când what/which/whose + substantiv joacărolul de subiect al unei propoziţii, verbuleste la forma afirmativă.când what/which/whose + substantiv joacărolul de complement al unei propoziţii,verbul este la forma interogativă.

Subiect ComplementWhat team won? What team did youapplaud?Which trainarrived late? Which train didMary take?Whose coat lost a button? Whose coat didBen borrow?

4. Adjective cantitative

Formă: adjectivele cantitative sunt: much, many,little, few, some, any, no şi toate numerele.

Utilizare: A. much, many, little, few

1. many şi few se folosesc cu substantivenumărabile.much şi little se folosec cu substantivenenumărabile.Many magazines, few inhabitants Much money, little happines

2. much şi many se folosesc de obicei înpropoziţii negative şi interogative. În


propoziţii afirmative folosiţi a lot of,plenty of, a great deal of, a large numberof.Neagativ şi interogativThere isn’t much ice in the freezer.Do you have many friends?AfirmativThe plum tree has pleanty of plums this year.

3. much şi many se pot combina cu how.How much money do you need?How many birds live in that nest?

NotăMuch şi many se folosesc uneori în propoziţiiafirmative.Many guests complained.Much time has been wasted.

NotăHow much / many + substantiv poate fi subiectsau complement. Verbul din propoziţie semodifică în mod corespunzător.How much money did he take?How much is missing?

B. some, any, no sunt adesea denumitepartitive.

1. some şi any indică o anumită cantitateno înseamnă nici unele, nici unii, delocSe folosesc cu: substantive la plural.

substantive nenumărabile lasingular.


There is some bread but no milk in thekitchen.Have you bought any biscuits?

2. some se foloseşte în:propoziţii afirmativeWe earned some money picking strawberries.

Întrebări, când se aşteaptă un răspunsafirmativHaven’t you lost some buttons on thatjacket?

Oferte şi cereriWould you like some coffee?

3. any se foloseşte în:propoziţii negativeI can’t lend you any flour.Propoziţii interogativeDoes Sarah have any talent?

Propoziţii subordonate cu if/whetherWe don’t know if there are any survivors.După withoutHe left for London without any baggage.

Propoziţii afirmative cu un substantiv lasingular, cu sensul de tot, oricare, indiferent careAny advice is welcome.Buy any brand of toothpaste.


4. no se foloseşte în:propoziţii afirmative pentru a exprimanegaţiaMy husband speaks no Spanish.No drinks were offered during the flight.

După withHe left for London with no baggage.

NotăSome, any, no se combină cu –one, -body, -thing formând cuvintele compuse: someone,somebody, something, anyone, anybody, anything, no one,nobody, nothing

Aceste pronume urmează aceleaşi reguli.Does anyone want to accompany me?They saw something strange that night.No one answered the phone.The test flight took place without anybody onboard.

5. Adjectivele demonstrative: this, that, these,those

1. Demonstrativele sunt singurele adjectivevariabile din limba engleză. Se acordă înnumăr cu substantivul determinat.Singular pluralThis rug these rugsThat tree those trees


2. This, these se referă la persoane şi lucruridin apropierea vorbitorului.That, those se referă la persoane şi lucruriaflate mai departe de vorbitor.These pastries are delicious.This chair is rather uncomfortable.That airplane is flying too low.Those clouds look fluffy.

6. Adjective distributive: each, every, all, both,either, neither

Utilizare: A: each, all, every

1. each înseamnă “considerat separat sauindividual”. E urmat de substantiv lasingular.Each child received a prize.

2. all înseamnă “consideraţi împreună”, cagrup. Substantivele numărabile care urmeazăsunt la plural.All men are created equal.

3. every poate însemna “consideraţi împreună”sau “consideraţi separat”. Urmează unsubstantiv la singular.Every girl had a red hair ribbon.

C. bothboth înseamnă “amândoi, amândouă”


I’ve read both books.

D. either, neithereither înseamnă “oricare din cei/celedoi/două”. Urmează un substantiv lasingular.Either dress is suitable for the party.

neither înseamnă “nici unul/una din cei/celedoi/două”. Urmează un substantiv lasingular. Verbul trebuie să fie afirmativ.Neither dress is suitable for the party.

NotăEither … or implică o alegere:You can have either eggs or bacon for breakfast.

Neither … nor subliniază cele două negaţii:Neither women nor children were admitted.

În acest timp de expresie substantivelenumărabile sunt la plural.

NotăAdjectivele sunt adesea urmate de construcţiiinfinitivale.That’s nice to know!It was foolish to do that!We found it easy to memorize.It is dangerous to ski there.



Alegeţi forma corectă a adjectivului dinparanteză:1. This is the … book I have read for a longtime (good). 2. He has one of the … cars on theroad (fast). 3. The work you are doing today is… than the work you did yesterday (easy). 4.Ann often wears … dresses then her mother(expensive). 5. Which is the … play you havelately read? (interesting). 6. The actress onthe stage was the … girl I have ever seen(striking). 7. Tom is … than his friend (tall).8. They have a … garden than ours (lovely). 9.He said this was the … day in his life(important). 10. He was … than his wife whenthe child broke the window (angry). 11. He wasthe … man in the world to do that (late). 12.A: ‘Which was your … subject at school andwhich was your … (good, bad)?’ B: ‘Physics wasmy … and history my … (good, bad).’ 13. IsBucharest or Prague the … from London (far)?14. Tom is 17 years old, his brother Jack is 19and his sister Jane is 15. Therefore Jane isthe … and Jack is the … (young, old).

Alegeţi forma corectă a adjectivelor dinparanteză:1. What is the (late) information you’ve got?2. Her (old) brother is called Jim. 3. We werein a hurry to catch the (late) bus. 4. Which is(old) of the two? 5. Who is the (old) member ofthe students’ club? 6. They got down tobusiness without (far) delay. 7. I’ve got a


still (old) edition of the dictionary. 8. The(old) sister was twenty years (old) then theyoungest. 9. The (late) half of May was quiterainy. 10. I was told to wait until (far)notice. 11. I wish I had bought it at the(near) shop. 12. He provided them with (far)information as agreed. 13. The (near) stationis Calea Victoriei. 14. John’s (late) novel wasa (good) seller and for sure it won’t be his(late) one. 15. He is the (little) writer ofthe two. 16. I saw him meet her at the (far)end of the street. 17. I shall need (far) helpwith this.

Cheia exerciţiilor:

1. Best 2. Fastest 3. Easier 4. More expensive5. Most interesting 6. Most striking 7. Taller8. More lovely 9. Most important 10. Angrier11. Last 12. Best, worst, best, worst 13.Farther 14. Youngest, oldest

1. Latest 2. Elder 3. Last 4. Older 5. Oldest6. Further 7. Older 8. Eldest, older 9. Latter10. Further 11. Nearest 12. Further 13. Next14. Latest, best, last 15. Lesser 16. Farthest17. Further



Pronumele înlocuiesc substantive. Cele şasetipuri de adjective (calitativ, posesiv,interogativ, cantitativ, demonstrativ,distributiv) au forme pronominale. Ele urmeazăîn general reguli identice. Există de asemeneaşi pronume personale şi reflexive.

1. Adjective Calificative + one/ones = Pronume

1. adjectiv calificativ + one/ones înlocuieşteun substantiv care a fost menţionat maidevreme.I won’t lend you my new pen. You can borrowmy old one.

2. superlativele şi culorile pot fi folositesingure.Sandra is the best (dancer).Don’t wear your blue shoes. The black (ones)look better.

2. Pronume Posesive

Formă: pronumele posesive sunt:Mine oursYours yoursHis/hers theirs

Utilizare: pronumele posesive înlocuiescadjectivele posesive. Substantivul carelipseşte a fost menţionat înainte.This is my book. This book is mine.Come to my house, not his.



Of yours înseamnă one of your + substantivOf mine înseamnă one of my + substantivJohn is a friend of ours. = John is one of our friends.

3. Pronume Interogative

Pronumele interogative sunt: who, whom, whose,what, which

Utilizare: pronumele interogative se folosescastfel:

Persoane LucruriSubiect who what

Which whichComplement whom, who what

Which whichPosesiv whose

NotăPronumele interogative sunt invariabile. Ele auo singură formă.Who is that girl?Who are those men?

NotăWhich se foloseşte într-un context cu alegerelimitată. În rest se foloseşte what.What do you see? (poţi vedea orice)Which (one) is singing? (care persoană, dingrupul respectiv, este cea care cântă?)


1. pronumele interogative ca SUBIECTcând who, what, whose şi which sunt subiectulunei propoziţii, verbul este afirmativ.Who is calling me?What happened?

2. pronumele interogative ca şi COMPLEMENTcând who, whom, what, whose, which suntcomplementul unei propoziţii, verbul este lainterogativ.Whom did you call?What has he done?

NotăÎn engleza formală whom este folosit ca şicomplement obiect direct. Engleza vorbită îlfoloseşte pe who.Formal: Whom did you see?Vorbit: Who did you see?

3. pronume interogative ca şi COMPLEMENT PREPOZIŢIONAL

Whom, what, which ca şi complementeprepoziţionale.With whom did Meg speak?In what are you interested?To which of the two addresses did they sendit?



Engleza modernă preferă să transfereprepoziţiile la SFÂRŞITUL propoziţiei. În acestcaz whom devine who.Who did Meg speak with?What are you interested in?Which of the two addresses did they send it to? NotăWhat + be? şi what + be … like? Sunt întrebăridiferite.What is Mr. Parker? He is a lawyer.What is Mr. Parker like? He is short and arrogant.4. Pronume CantitativePronumele cantitative sunt: much, many, little,few, some, any, none.

Utilizare: much, many, little, few

1. many şi few înlocuiesc substantivenumărabilemuch şi little înlocuiesc substantivenenumărabileMany are called but few are chosen.He didn’t spend much money. În fact he spentvery little.

2. much şi many se folosesc în mod normal înpropoziţii negative şi interogative. Înpropoziţii afirmative folosiţi a lot/lotssau a great deal.The baby isn’t eating much. It usually eatsa great deal.Did you buy many books? Yes, I bought lots.


NotăMuch şi many se pot combina cu how.How much did it cost?How many came?

Some, any, none

1. some, any şi none înlocuiesc substantive laplural sau nenumărabile la singular.

2. some se foloseşte în:a. propoziţii afirmativeb. întrebări când se aşteaptă ca răspunsul

să fie afirmativc. oferte şi cereriThere are deer in the park. We saw sometoday.You need some medicine. Did the doctorprescribe you some?I’ve just lost all my money. Could you lendme some?

3. any se foloseşte în:a. propoziţii negativeb. propoziţii interogativec. subordonate cu if/whetherd. după withoutI meant to buy a dozen eggs but they hadn’tgot any.Aren’t there any in the fridge?If you see any, let me know.What about money? He left without any.


4. none se foloseşte în:a. propoziţii afirmative pentru a exprima

negaţiab. după withIf all friends were like Harry, I’d ratherhave none.Sam hates carying suitcases. He travels withnone.

NotăPronumele somebody, someone, something, anybody,anyone, anything, no one, nobody, nothing urmeazăaceleaşi reguli.

5. Pronumele DemonstrativePronumele demonstrative sunt: this, that, theseşi those


1. Pronumele demonstrative se acordă în numărcu substantivul pe care îl înlocuiesc.This (umbrella) is mine. That is his.

2. this, these se referă la obiecte din preajmavorbitorului.that, those se referă la obiecte aflate maideparte de vorbitor.This (one) is here, that (one) is there.

3. this se foloseşte pentru a face prezentărilesau la telefon.


Mrs Jones, this is my friend, Alison Hughes.

6. Pronumele Distributive:

Each, all, everyone/everybody, everything,both, either, neither

Utilizare: each, all

1. each înseamnă “consideraţi individual”.Urmează un verb la singular.Each chose the colour he preferred.

2. all înseamnă “consideraţi împreună”. Urmeazăun verb la plural.All are welcome.

3. each şi all pot fi urmate de OF + substantiv/ pronume.Each of the boys felt ashamed.All of the trees are dying.

Everyone, everybody, everything

1. everyone şi everybody înseamnă “toată lumea”Everybody in the room applauded.

2. everything înseamnă “toate lucrurile”Everything ended well.



1. both înseamnă “cei doi/cele două”Both refused the invitation.

2. both poate fi urmat de OF + substantiv /pronumeBoth of his grandparents are still living.

NotăAll şi both se pot folosi pentru a întărisubiectul pronominal. În acest caz ele suntplasate în faţa verbului principal.You have all been very kind to me.We both came.Either, neither

1. either înseamnă “unul dintre cei doi”.neither înseamnă “nici unul dintre cei doi”.

2. either, neither pot fi urmate de OF +substantiv / pronumeEither of you can go.Neither of the men wanted to do it.

7. Pronume Personale

Formă: subiectcomplement

I meYou you


He himShe herIt itWe usThey them


1. toate verbele limbii engleze (cu excepţiaimperativelor) trebuie să aibă un subiectpronominal.They dislike inefficiency.darCome here!

2. complementele pronominale (directe sauindirecte) urmează o prepoziţie sau verbul(cu funcţie de complemente directe sauindirecte.)I spoke to her yesterday.We saw them on the beach.

NotăDe obicei complementul indirect precedăcomplementul direct.She sent me a long letter.Dar După verbe ca: explain, introduce, translate, describe, say,suggest, recommendDarDacă ambele complemente sunt pronume:


Complementul direct este primul iarcomplementul indirect e introdus printr-oprepoziţie.She sent it to me.I explained it to them.

3. you şi one sunt folosite impersonal cusensul de everyone, no one sau anyone. One areaspect formal. You este frecvent folosit înengleza vorbită.You/one should always tell the truth.

4. they este folosit impersonal cu sensul de“lumea spune”, “se zice”They say he’s dishonest. (= People say he’sdishonest.)

5. it + be se foloseşte:

pentru lucruri sau fiinţe cu genulnecunoscut.Where’s my book? It is on the shelf.

Cu un substantiv / complement pronominalpentru a se referi la persoane.Who’s at the door? It’s Olivia.

În expresii despre vreme, temperatură, timp,date, distanţeIt’s cold outside.What time is it? It’s nine o’clock.It’s the fourth of July.


How far is it to Chicago? It’s ten miles.

Cu un adjectiv pentru a introduce osubordonată infinitivalăIt is difficult to understand her.

8. Pronume Reflexive

Formă: singular pluralMyself ourselvesYourself yourselvesHimself themselvesHerselfItself

NotăExistă o diferenţă între yourself şiyourselves.Did you enjoy yourself at the party?Did John and you enjoy yourselves at the party?

Utilizare: Pronumele reflexive se folosesc:

1. cu verbe reflexive.

Cele mai frecvente verbe reflexive sunt:To enjoy oneself, to amuse oneself, to help oneself, to hurtoneself, to trouble oneself, to cut oneself, to wash oneselfThe little boy hurt himself during the game.


Multe verbe care sunt în mod normalreflexive în alte limbi NU sunt reflexive înengleză. Astfel de verbe sunt: to wash, dress,comb, shave, meet, etc.Sue and Brian met last year.

2. cu funcţie de complemente prepoziţionaleShe looked at herself in the mirror.Why are you so angry with yourself?

3. pentru întărireThe president himself attended the meeting.

NotăBy + pronume reflexiv înseamnă singurUn pronume reflexiv folosit cu un verbnereflexiv înseamnă “fără ajutorul nimănui”.I live by myself. = I live alone.I fixed it myself. = I fixed it without anyhelp.

NotăEach other înseamnă reciprocitate între douăpersoane.



Folosiţi it sau there, acolo unde e necesar:1. … is time to go to bed. 2. … is three milesto the Zoo. 3. … is a long time since I gave upsmoking. 4. … is so much work to do that Ihaven’t time to think about my own problems. 5.… is time to finish the cleaning before we go.6. … is very strange that they should havearrived at the same time. 7. … is no place likehome. 8. … is two years since they married. 9.… is only a short way now. 10. Don’t eat that …is a poisonous mushroom. … are many of them inthese parts. 11. … is a shame that even today …are so many unkempt gardens around. 12. … is notime to stop and talk. … is a bus to catch, …is a fair distance to the stop.

Completaţi spaţiile cu much, many, (a) little, (a) few:1. The people involved are only as … as half adozen. 2. Ask … to have … . 3. … have no recordat all. 4. The workers were quite upset; …threatened to down tools; … chose to go onworking. 5. They don’t give you … for this kindof work, do they? 6. … is being done to laytheir suspicions. 7. What about buses? … arebroken down, … are in good repair. 8. Some gofor crisps but quite … go for popcorn in a bigway. 9. A: ‘Anything to drink? The pineapplesquash is very nice indeed.’ B: ‘Yes, please,I’ll have …’. 10. It was quite a shock for allof them, but … were seriously injured.Folosiţi either, neither sau none:


1. a. I like … of the two. b. I don’t like … ofthe two, they are both too fanciful for mytaste. 2. … was worth mentioning. 3. A: ‘Whichof the two paintings did you buy?’ B:’…’. 4. Itdoesn’t matter which you choose. a. I don’tlike … b. I like … 5. A: ‘Which of her friendsdo you like best?’ B: ‘I like … of them.’ 6. A:‘Have you seen my husband or my son?’ B: ‘I’veseen … of them.’ 8. A: ‘Have you read theEnglish of the Romanian version?’ B: ‘I haven’tread … of them.’

Completaţi spaţiile goale cu who, whose, whom,which, that:1. The girl … umbrella you took is ragingagainst you. 2. The apples … he saw on thetable were not big at all. 3. The play … we sawlast week was rather dull. 4. The girl with …you saw me yesterday studies Spanish. 5. Thestudent to … you were talking looked veryclever. 6. The boys … are playing footballunder your windows are brothers. 7. The raft on… he was standing was caught in a whirl. 8.They have cut down the tree … used to standhere. 9. The only opponenet … can defeat him isJoe Bugner. 10. The only opponent … he isafraid of is Joe Bugner. 11. The most unusualbook … has appeared this winter is a book oncaterpillars. 12. Frank is no the man … he was.13. Here’s the man … car was stolen. 14. Isthis the box … you took it out of? 15. It’slibrary … object is to serve the neighbouring


villages. 16. Everybody … one asks says he isinnocent. 17. This is the funniest story … hehas written. 18. She is the sort of girl … willdo her best to persuade him. 19. All … they cando is pacify him. 20. You’re the only man …I’ve ever met … can really play bridge.

Cheia exerciţiilor:1. It 2. It 3. It 4. There 5. There 6. It 7.There 8. It 9. It 10. It, there 11. It, there12. There, there, it

1. Few 2. Much, a little 3. Many 4. Many, few5. Much 6. Little 7. Few, many 8. Few 9. Alittle 10. Few

1. Neither, either 2. None 3. Neither 4.Either, neither 5. None 6. Neither 7. None 8.Either 1. Whose 2. That/which 3. Which/that 4. Whom 5.Whom 6. Who 7. Which 8. That 9. Who 10.Whom/that 11. That 12. That 13. Whose 14.Which/that 15. Whose 16. (That) 17. (That) 18.That 19. (That) 20. (That), who


Formă: Adverbele se formează în diferitefeluri:


1. unele adverbe sunt cuvinte independente:often, when?, now, very, soon, always

2. unele adverbe au aceeaşi formă caadjectivele: daily, early, fast, low, straight, well, back,enough, far, ill, little, long, pretty, near, wrong, still, short,late, high, left, right, hard

NotăDintre aceste adverbe, unele au şi o formă în –LY dar sensul este altul:HardLY = very little They were highlyimpacient.LateLY = recently It hasn’t rainedlately.NearLY = almost Dinner is nearly ready.ShortLY = soon, briefly Mr. Smith willbe here shortly.PrettiLY = attractively The baby wasprettily dressed.

NotăDupă be, become, feel, get, look, seem,folosiţi un adjectiv (nu un adverb).She felt happy.Mrs. Poole looks tired.

3. unel adverbe (în special cele de mod şigrad) se formează adăugând adjectivelorterminaţia –LY:


kind, kindly automatic, automaticallyslow, slowly

simple, simply happy, happily careful,carefully

NotăAdverbul corespunzător lui Good este Well.

NotăUnel cuvinte terminate în –LY sunt adjective(nu adverbe)!Lonely, lovely, likely, friendly, ugly, silly


y final se schimbă în –i: merry,merrily (dar shy, shyly)-e final se păstrează: wise, wisely(dar true, truly)dacă se termină în consoană+ -le, –e dispare şi se adaugă -y: gentle,gently cuvintelor terminate în –ic scientific,scientificallyli se adaugă –ally: (dar public,publicly)



Topica adverbelor variază. Ea depinde în primulrând de tipul de adverbe folosit. Întărireapoate şi ea afecta topica.

Există trei poziţii de bază pentru adverbe:

1. la început:Adverbul e plasat înainte de subiect.Unfortunately, I couldn’t identify the thief.

2. la sfârşit:Adverbul este plasat după complement sau,dacă nu există complement, imediat dupăverb.That young man likes Melanie very much.

NotăNu plasaţi niciodată un adverb între verb şicomplement!I drink coffee slowly. (Nu I drink slowlycoffee.)3. la mijloc:

Adverbul este plasat:înainte de verbul principal.He usually comes for tea.

după verbul be.She is always smiling.

după primul verb auxiliar sau modal.They have rarely come to visit.


înainte de used to, have to, ought to.We certainly ought to be more careful.

Tipuri de adverbe

Adverbele se împart în şapte tipuri diferite:de mod, loc, timp, frecvenţă, opinie, grad şiinterogative.

1. Adverbe de mod

Kindly, easily, well, happily, fast,carefully, secretly, beautifully,reluctanty, foolishly, badly etc.Adverbele de mod arată CUM se petrece oacţiune.Poziţia lor este:de obicei la sfârşit, adică după verb şicomplement.Pavarotti sang beautifully.

NotăÎn propoziţii cu pasivul, WELL şi BADLY suntplasate înainte de participiul trecut:The book was well written.


înainte de verb, DACĂ există un complementlung.

The teacher carefully picked up all the exam papersscattered over the floor.

Adverbele referitoare la caracter sauinteligenţă (foolish, generously, sweetly, kindly,stupidly etc.) îşi schimbă sensul în funcţie depoziţie.I stupidly replied. (= It was stupid of me toreply.)I replied stupidly. (= I gave a stupidreply.)

2. Adverbe de loc

Here, up, abroad, out, outside, in, away,everywhere, somewhere, nowhere, there etc.

Adverbele de loc arată UNDE se petreceacţiunea.Poziţia lor este:de obicei la sfârşit, adică după verb şicomplement.They went everywhere.

NotăAdverbele de loc funcţionează adesea şi caprepoziţii.Joe ran down the stairs.


NotăHERE / THERE + be / come / go + subiectsubstantiv:There’s Henry! Here comes the train!Dar HERE / THERE + subiect pronume + be / come /go:There he is! Here it comes!

3. Adverbe de timpYesterday, now, afterwards, still, soon,eventually, then, today, at once, till,tomorrow, since then etc.

Adverbele de timp arată CÂND se petreceacţiunea.Poziţia lor este:de obicei la început (înaintea subiectului)sau la sfârşit (după verb şi complement).Tomorrow will begin the next lesson.

cu imperative: la sfârşitDo it now!

Cu YET: la sfârşitYET se foloseşte mai ales la negativ şiinterogativ. Înseamnă “până acum”.Mr Jones hasn’t finished yet.Have you asked him yet?

Cu STILL: după BE şi înaintea tuturorcelorlalte verbe.


STILL se foloseşte la afirmativ, negativ, şiinterogativ. El subliniază continuarea uneisituaţii / stări de fapt.Stephanie is still unwell.

Cu ALREADY: după BE sau primul auxiliar şiînainte de verbul principal.ALREADY se foloseşte mai ales la afirmativ.Înseamnă “deja”.He is already fifteen years old.

NotăSince then se foloseşte cu timpurileperfecte.We haven’t seen the Nelsons since then.

NotăDe obicei adverbele au următoarea ordine:

MOD – LOC – TIMPThe baby slept well yesterday.Mark worked hard at school last year.

4. Adverbe de frecvenţă

Always, usually, never, ever, hardly ever,often, twice, once, continually, seldom,rarely, periodically etc.


Adverbele de frecvenţă arată CÂT DE DES sepetrece o acţiune.Poziţia lor este:de obicei la mijloc, adică:înainte de verbul principal şi have to, used to,ought todupă verbul BE şi primul auxiliar.You can sometimes park over there.The little girls are always playing dolls.

Continually, frequently, occasionally, once, twice, often,sometimes, normally şi repeatedly pot fi plasateşi la sfârşit (după verb şi complement) saula început (înainte de subiect):He comes to see us often.Repeatedly, the pupils made the same mistake.

Expresiile adverbiale de frecvenţă (every day,once a month) sunt plasate la sfârşit sauînceput:Our children walk to school every morning.

NotăNEVER se foloseşte cu verbe afirmative.Înseamnă “niciodată”.I have never been to Japan.

EVER se foloseşte în special în propoziţiiinterogative sau superlative. Înseamnă“oricând / vreodată”.


Has Ted ever studied statistics?Jack Gallagher is the best player we haveever had.NOT + EVER = NEVERI haven’t ever read Pinter. = I have never readPinter.

5. Adverbele de opiniePersonally, obviously, frankly, certainly,luckily, actually, probably, definitely,surely etc.

Adverbele de opinie exprimă opiniavorbitorului.Aceste adverbe se pot împărţi în douăgrupuri:

a. actually, certainly, apparently, clearly, obviously,probably, definitely, undoubtedly.

Poziţia adverbelor din grupul A este lamijloc:The child is actually very bright.

b. perhaps, maybe, possibly, frankly, naturally, luckily,unluckily, honestly, fortunately, unfortunately.

Poziţia adverbelor din grupul B este deobicei la început:Perhaps we can go out tonight.


6. Adverbe de grad

Fairly, quite, hardly, too, almost, pretty,rather, barely, completely, enough, nearly,really, just, so , even, very etc.

Adverbele de grad determină în generaladjective sau adverbe care indică extindereasau intensitatea (gradul).

Poziţia lor este:în mod normal chiar înaintea adjectivuluisau adverbului.He is entirely right.The shoes are too wide.

ENOUGH urmează după adjectiv sau adverb.My steak isn’t big enough.

NotăENOUGH stă înaintea unui substantiv:We don’t have enough money.Adverbele de grad determină uneori verbe. Olistă parţială include: almost, barely, enough,hardly, just, only, much, a lot, nearly, quite, rather, really,scarcely.

Poziţia lor este înainte de verbulprincipal.MUCH şi ENOUGH sunt excepţii şi urmează dupăverb.


JUST şi ONLY se află exact înaintea verbuluideterminat.They could barely hear the speaker.DarThe pianist hasn’t practiced enough.I liked him a lot.I have just deposited the money. (= Ideposited it a little while ago.)I deposited just the money. (= I deposited themoney and nothing else.)

NotăVERY se foloseşte cu adjective şi adverbe.VERY MUCH se foloseşte cu verbe.We are very happy to be here.DarThank you very much.

NotăQUITE poate însemna şi “complet”.You’re quite right! (= You’re completelyright.)

Comparaţi sensurile a cinci adverbe de gradfolosite cu adjective şi adverbe.

Slab Puternicfairly rather/pretty quite


The boxer is fairly strong. (= he ismoderately strong.)


Your cake is pretty good. (= it is certainlynot bad.)That music is quite loud. (= it isconsiderably loud.)Your result is very good. (= it is close toexcellent.)

7. Adverbe interogative

When?, where?, why?, how?

Adverbele interogative se folosesc înîntrebări.Poziţia lor este la început, înainteaauxiliarului, subiectului şi verbuluiprincipal.Why is Cindy crying?Where does she teach?When did they send the letter?How do you spell your name?

NotăHOW poate fi folosit cu:Adjective:How tall is he?Much / many:How much milk does she drink?Adverbe:How often does Chris go dancing?

Comparaţia adverbelor


Formă: comparativul şi superlativuladverbelor se formează:

1. adăugând –er şi –est adverbelor de osilabă

2. punând, more şi most în faţa adverbelorde două sau mai multe silabe

pozitiv comparativ superlativfast faster thefastestslowly more slowly the mostslowly

NotăEarly – earlier – the earliest

Comparative neregulateWell better the bestBadly worse the worstLittle less the leastMuch more the mostFar farther/further thefarthest/furthest

NotăFarther / farthest se referă numai ladistanţăHe ran farther than planned.Further / furthest se foloseşte mai mult îngeneral.He inquired further into the matter.


Utilizare: pentru a construi comparaţiiadverbiale, folosiţi:

1. AS + adverb + AS în propoziţii afirmativepentru a exprima egalitatea,AS/SO + adverb + AS în propoziţiinegative.Pam Hardy ran as fast as she could.The puppy doesn’t eat as/so well as I hopped.

2. adverbul COMPARATIV + THAN pentru aexprima diferenţa.Eric writes better than Brian.

3. THE + adverb SUPERLATIV pentru a exprimasuperioritatea (sau inferioritatea). THEeste adesea omis. Superlativul poate fiurmat de OF + substantiv / pronume.He plays tennis (the) best of all.Dan skied (the) fastest (of all theracers).

NotăCând acelaşi verb apare în ambele părţi alepropoziţiei, folosiţi un auxiliar pentru celde-al doilea verb. Astfel evitaţi repetiţia.I don’t think as much as you do.



Anumite adverbe sau expresii adverbiale pot fiplasate la început pentru întărire. Subiectulşi verbul care umează se inversează.

Iată o listă parţială a adverbelor şiexpresiilor adverbiale care se pot folosiastfel: in/under no circumstances, neither/nor, never, nosooner … then, not only, only by, only in this way, only lately,only then, little, so, seldom, on no account.

Only in this way can you master the language.On no account is Jody to turn on the gas.Seldom have I met such a fascinating woman.


Alegeţi cuvântul potrivit:1. You are an excellent cook. The food tastes(good, well). 2. It was a lovely day with birdssinging and the sun shining (bright, brightly)and girls wearing (bright, brightly)- coloureddresses. 3. I hate taking medicine. It tastes(bitter, bitterly). 4. I don’t think he is ill.His voice sounds (merry, merrily). 5. It rains(heavy, heavily). 6. It is (near, nearly) fiveo’clock. 7. You must work (hard, hardly) foryour exams. 8. He spoke so (quick, quickly)that we could (hard, hardly) follow him. 9.When did you (last, lastly) see him? 10. I am(direct, directly) interested in what youthink. 11. He couldn’t move as he was (dead,


deadly) tired. 12. His eyes hurt him (bad,badly). 13. Mr Jones held it (tight, tightly).14. It was six o’clock as (near, nearly) as hecould guess. 15. (last, lastly) I must accountfor my sister’s behaviour.

Puneţi adverbele în ordinea corectă:1. Tim and Becky had been wandering (for manyhours, about the cave). 2. Jim was to recitehis poem (that very morning, in the centre ofthe examination hall). 3. Though I was verybusy I snatched a minute to answer his letter(yesterday, at the office). 4. Tom, Huck andJoe decided to run away (at daybreak, fromhome). 5. I wish I were (now, over there). 6.They returned (in the evening, to the camp,late). 7. I had the pleasure of meeting a finewoman of about fifty (the other day, in NewYork, here). 8. My brothers and my husband willbe (soon, home) from the shooting. 9. Bathingis very good, when the sea is mostly calm(here, in summer). 10. The great fire brokeout, and aided by the east wind, burnt down thewooden houses of which a large proportion ofthe town was built (in 1666, in London, in abaker’s shop, in September).

Cheia exerciţiilor:


1. Good. 2. Bright, brightly-coloured 3. Bitter4. Merry 5. Heavily 6. Nearly 7. Hard 8.Quickly, hardly 9. Last 10. Directly 11. Dead12. Badly 13. Tight / tightly 14. Near 15.Lastly

1. Tim and Becky had been wandering about thecave for many hours 2. Jim was to recite a poemin the centre of the examination hall that verymorning 3. Though I was very busy at the officeyesterday, I snatched a minute to answer hisletter 4. Tom, Huck and Joe decided to run awayfrom home at daybreak 5. I wish I were overthere now 6. They returned to the camp late inthe evening 7. The other day, here in NewYork, I had the pleasure of meeting a finewoman of about fifty. 8. My brothers and myhusband will be home soon from the shooting. 9.Bathing is very good here, in summer, when thesea is mostly calm. 10. The great fire brokeout in a baker’s shop in London in September1666 and aided by the east wind, burnt down thewooden houses of which a large proportion ofthe town was built.


Basic Vocabulary

Traffic – circulaţie, trafic


Traffic lights – semafor, stopTraffic jam – blocare a circulaţiei (dinpricina traficului intens)Traffic policeman – agent de circulaţieTraffic accident – accident de circulaţie Traffic policewoman – agentă de circulaţieTraffic-warden (în Anglia) – persoană carecontrolează parcarea maşinilor şi traficulrutierPedestrian – pieton Zebra / crossing – trecere de pietoniPavement – trotuar Island – refugiu pentru pietoniRoad marking – indicator rutier (pe şosea)Kerb – bordură, margine a trotuaruluiLamp-post – stâlp de felinar Road sign – semn de circulaţieRoad conditions – condiţii de drum, stareadrumului Built-up area – zonă locuităMilestone – piatră indicatoare de mile (de-alungul drumului) Driving licence – permis de conducereKilometer-stone – piatră de kilometraj, bornăde kilometraj Rush-hour – oră de vârfDriving test – examen pentru obţinereapermisului de conducereRoad - drum, cale, şosea Motorway – autostradăMain street – stradă principală


Highway – şoseaSide street / by-street – stradă laterală Band – bandă de circulaţieBoulevard – bulevard Asphalt – asfaltThoroughfare [θr∂f∂] – arteră importantă Cobble-stone – piatră de pavajAvenue – drum, cale, alee (plantată cu pomi)Lane – 1. drum îngust, cărare. 2. bandă decirculaţieCul-de-sac / blind alley – fundătură, stradăînfundată(foot) path – potecă, cărareCarriage way – bandă de circulaţie; partecarosabilă, şoseaCar – maşină, autoturism Taxi / cab – taxiCar-park – parcare Tram – tramvaiPetrol station – staţie de benzină Tube / underground – metrouBus – autobuz Stop – staţieCoach – autocar Lorry – camionRequest stop – staţie facultativă Fare – bilet, costul unei călătoriiVan – furgonetă Conductor – conductor, taxator, vatmanMobile shop – auto magazin


Top deck – (în Anglia) partea de sus a unuiautobuz cu etaj (double decker)Railway Station – gară Fire Station – post de pompieriBus Station – autogară General Post-Office – poşta centralăMarket Hall – hală, piaţa centrală Town Hall – primărieTelephone Exchange – centrală telefonică (aunei localităţi)Wheel – roată Spare wheel – roată de rezervăExhaust pipe – ţeavă de eşapament Bonnet – capotăMudguard – apărătoare (de noroi) Bumper – bară de protecţieNumber plate – placă cu numărul maşinii Windscreen – parbrizWindscreen wipers – ştergătoare Headlight – far, faza mareTraffic indicator light / trafficator –semnalizator de direcţie Parking light – luminăde poziţieDipped light – faza scurtă Luggage boot – portbagajTyre – anvelopă, cauciuc Engine – motorRadiator – radiator Radiator grill – masca radiatoruluiBattery – baterie, acumulator Horn – claxon


Clutch – ambreiajSteering wheel – volan Handbrake – frână de mână Footbrake – frână de piciorAccelerator – accelerator Gear lever – schimbător de vitezăSpeedometer – vitezometru Dash-board – tablou de bordPetrol tank – rezervor de benzină Petrol gauge – indicator de combustibilIgnition key – cheie de contact Plug – bujie Heater – sistem de încălzire Carburettor – carburator Ventilation – ventilaţieSuspension – suspensieTransmission – transmisieFlat tyre – cauciuc dezumflat Congested parking – parcaj aglomeratPuncture – pană de cauciucBreakdown – pană de motor Faulty traffic lights– semafoare defecteBroad / wide – lat, larg (despre drum) Wet – udNarrow – îngustIcy – îngheţatStraight – drept Crowded – aglomeratWinding – şerpuitAmber – lumina galbenă a semaforuluiPaved – pavat


Red – roşu (la semafor)Unpaved – nepavat Green – verde (la semafor)To drive - a conduce (un autovehicul) To cross – a traversaTo watch out (for) / to look out – a fi atent(la) To slow down – a încetiniTo give way – a ceda trecerea To overtake – a depăşi To warn – a avertizaTo brake – a frâna, a pune frânăTo overturn – a se răsturna To run into – a intra înTo have a crash – a avea / a suferi un accidentTo come into a collision with – a se ciocni de To park – a parcaTo injure – a răniTo endanger – a pune în pericol To catch (a bus) – a prinde autobuzulTo get on (a bus) – a se urca în autobuz To get off (a bus) – a se coborî din autobuzTo turn the ignition key – a porni maşina, aface contactTo pump up the tyres – a umfla cauciucurileTo ease out the choke – a trage şocul To release the handbrake – a da drumul la frânade mânăTo depress the clutch – a apăsa pe ambreiaj To press the accelerator – a apăsa peaccelerator


To select first gear – a băga în viteza întâi To sound the horn – a claxonaTo rev the engine – a ambala motorul To run out of petrol – a i se termina benzinaTo fill up the car – a umple, a alimenta maşinaTo check the tyre pressure – a verificapresiunea cauciucurilorTo drive under the influence of alcohol – aconduce sub influenţa alcooluluiTo exceed the speed limit – a depăşi vitezalegală To pay a fine – a plăti amendăTo be charged with motoring offence – a fiacuzat de o contravenţie de la legeacirculaţieiTo have one’s driving licence endorsed – a i seînregistra în permis contravenţia comisăHighway Code – Regulamentul de circulaţieBend to right – curbă la dreaptaSlippery road – drum alunecos Side road – intersecţie cu un drum fărăprioritateCrossroads – intersecţie, încrucişare dedrumuri Road works ahead – lucrăriT junction – interesecţie în formă de T Roundabout – sens giratoriuTwo-way traffic – zonă de circulaţie în ambelesensuri One-way traffic – sens unic


Pedestrian crossing ahead – atenţie, trecerepentru pietoni Uneven road – drum cu denivelăriLevel crossing with gate or barrier – trecerela nivel cu bariere Level crossing without gate or barrier –trecere la nivel fără bariereKeep straight on – mergeţi drept înainte It’s next door to… - e alături de…Turn right / left – faceţi la dreapta / lastânga It’s opposite… - e vizavi de…On the corner - pe / la colţ Not far from – nu departe de…At the end of – tocmai la capătul… How can I get to…? – cum pot să ajung la…?Could you tell me the way to…? – puteţi să-mispuneţi care e drumul spre…/ cum să ajung la…?Excuse me, does this bus go to…? – scuzaţi-mă,autobuzul acesta merge la…?Excuse me, can you tell me where to get off? –scuzaţi-mă, puteţi să-mi spuneţi unde să cobor?


You don’t need to change gears (să schimbivitezele). This is an automatic!

It’s really hot. Open the sunroof, please.


If you don’t mind, I’ll turn on the airconditioning (aer condiţionat).

This car is very manoevrable and really easyto park. It’s got power steering (servo-direcţie).

I’m afraid you’ll have to climb in the back.This is a three-door.

This is an American car. It’s got cruisecontrol (dispozitiv de control automat al vitezei).That’s why I haven’t got my foot on theaccelerator/gas pedal.

Dip your headlights (a micşora lumina farurilor).You’re blinding the cars on the other sideof the road!

The windows are all frosted over (îngheţate).I’ll turn on the heated rear windscreen.

Don’t bother locking your side. It’s gotcentral locking (sistem central de închidere aluşilor).

Don’t worry, it’ll fit in the boot. There’sloads of luggage space.

We can park here and have a game of cards.The front seats swivel round (scaunele frontalesunt rotative), you know. They do on peoplecarriers.

There’s so much headroom and legroom. It’sreally comfortable.

Wow! I just love the leather upholstery(tapiţerie din piele) and the walnut dash (bord dinlemn de nuc)

The interior trim (căptuşeala interioară a maşinii)is so stylish!


It handles (a se manevra) like a dream! What a smooth ride – and really low road

noise (zgomot de drum scăzut)! Yes, it’s got fully independent suspension. I wanted a really smart car, so I opted for

alloy wheels (roţi legate între ele) as anoptional.

What size engine has this car got? It’s a 1,4 (one point four). It’s got great acceleration. It does 0

(nought) to 60 in 7 seconds from a standingstart (de la punctul de pornire).

This is a really powerful engine. Whatinsurance group is it in?

Nobody can steal my car. It’s got the mostsophisticated car alarm on the market. Andif anyone tries to drive it away withoutputting the key in the ignition, it’s got animmobiliser (imobilizator) that cuts the engineoff (a se opri motorul).

Even if my car gets stolen I’ll always beable to find it. I’ve had a satellite-tracking device (un sistem de urmărire prin satelit)installed.

I didn’t want to buy a foreign car becausespares/spare parts (elemente de rezervă) arealways more expensive.

This car should keep its value. It doesn’tdepreciate quickly so I should be able totrade it in (a comercializa) for a good pricein a couple of years if I keep it in goodcondition.


The on-the-road price (preţul de cumpărare, final)including delivery and VAT – was aboutfifteen thousand dollars.

This cost a bit more than the standardversion because it’s got metallic paint.

It’s really fuel-efficient (competitiv din punctde vedere al combustibilului). It does about 40miles per gallon (mpg).

This must be the most environment-friendly(care protejează mediul) car on the market. Ituses unleaded fuel (benzină fără plumb) and hasgot a catalytic converter (convertor catalitic).

But are all the body parts recyclable? No, but it’s got a computerised engine

management system and I can switch (a schimba,a trece pe) from petrol to natural gas evenwhile I’m on the road.


Until 1904, when the USA took the lead in carproduction, France had been the largestautomobile manufacturer (producător), giving uswords such as chassis (şasiu), garage and coupe.


In 1769 Nicholas Cugnot built the firstself-propelled vehicle, a steam-poweredtractor, but in 1884 Gottlieb Daimlerbuilt the world’s first real passengercar. This new vehicle was at first knownby a number of names, such aslocomotive, road locomotive, horse-less

The first cars were built by craftsmen(meşteşugari), using the same methods andmaterials as had been used to build horse-drawncarriages (trăsuri trase de cai). This has given uswords such as coachwork (structura exterioară amaşinii), still sometimes used to describe thebodywork (corpul maşinii) of a car, and dashboard(tablou de bord) (the panel in front of the driverwith the gauges (elementele de măsură) andindicators) (indicatoarele), which was originallythe board placed at the front of a carriage toprevent dirt and mud flying up onto the driverand passengers of the coach. Early cars weresteered (conduse) like a boat, with a tiller(cârmă) rather than a steering wheel.

Roads and Fuel

Gradually the world began to change toaccommodate the car; although road building wasat first very slow in the US, in Britain theTar-Macadam Company was established in 1901,producing the smooth road surface we now knowas Tarmac or asphalt (US). The first roadsidefuel pumps (pompe de benzină pe marginea drumului)were introduced in the US in 1906 and so thefilling station or gas station (benzinărie) wasborn. Motor fuel was known as gasoline or gasin the US, but in Britain the new word petrolhad been coined (a inventa) in 1893. Thisdifference in terms still survives, as do manyothers.


Terms of Endurance

Many terms we still use today were coinedsurprisingly early on. A blowout (explozie), forexample, was first used in 1915 to describe aburst tyre and a year later drivers werealready being told to step on the gas (aaccelera) (drive faster) by speed-thirstypassengers. In 1905, British motorists formedthe Automobile Association (AA) expressly towarn each other about police-operated speedtraps (capcane ale poliţiei pentru viteză). The RoadFund Licence (road tax) was first levied (a fipercepută) in Britain in 1910. Many famous namesalso appeared early on in the history of thecar: for example, Chevrolet was named after aSwiss engineer, who was then sacked, and Rovercars were given their name because they wouldallow the driver to rove the country (a cutreieraprin ţară); in 1917 this name was also given to avehicle designed to explore the moon – theLunar Rover.

US Domination

In 1903 the Ford motor company was founded, andthe US soon became the world’s biggest carmanufacturer. The famous model T appeared in1908 – famously available in “any colour solong as it’s black”. Ford’s mass productiontechniques (tehnici de producere în masă) led to the


democratisation of car ownership and carengineering underwent rapid development; thefeatures (elementele, trăsăturile) we take forgranted today began to appear – electricwindscreen wipers were introduced in 1923, andelectric dipping headlights in 1924. Car radioswere widely available as early as 1927. Thehuge growth in the number of cars during theinter-war years led to developments in the roadsafety (siguranţa drumului) and traffic control(controlul traficului). In Britain, for example,Belisha Beacons – the orange flashing lights atpedestrian crossing (trecere pentru pietoni) – wereintroduced in 1935, and the same year saw thefounding of the company which produced thereflective studs called cats-eyes (ochi de pisică)(designed for night driving) you can see downthe middle of British roads. On the downside,speeding tickets (amendă pentru depăşirea vitezei)also appeared around this time in the US, asdid parking meters, first used in Oklahoma Cityin 1935. America, however, was eagerly adaptingto the car. The first drive-in cinema (cinema cuvizionare din maşină) appeared in 1933; LuxuriousGrand Tourers drove the rich to their countryestates, and the Hollywood stars werechauffeured around in fabulous Packards orCadillacs. But during the Second World Warproduction shifted to military vehicles; onevehicle with lasting popularity appeared in1940, the US army’s General-Purpose vehicle orGP – pronounced Jeep! After the war, the post-


war boom in the US meant that car productiontook off again. Cheap petrol, a national moodof confidence and a fascination with the powerof modern science led to the archetypal fiftiescars designed by Harley Earl. The most typicalof these designs was the ’59 Cadillac – afterthis beauty, design became less exaggerated andthe sixties saw the muscle car, with theemphasis now on the brute power andperformance.


European design, however, had never copied thebig American cars; in 1959 the Austin Minirevolutionised small car design, and in 1973the big gas-guzzlers (mari consumatori de benzină)ran into trouble as the OPEC countries raisedoil prices and precipitated the oil crisis.Fuel economy became a selling point (element alvânzării), and new consumer awareness (vigilenţaconsumatorilor) meant that compact cars,economical on fuel, were now in demand. In theUS, a 50 miles per hour speed limit was imposedto cut fuel consumption. Japanese cars madehuge inroads (atac, năvală) into the auto market,offering economy and reliability.

Green and Safe

Today’s customers want their cars to be safe,environment-friendly and efficient. Designers


reflect the desire to keep fuel consumption lowby minimising aerodynamic resistance (reducere arezistenţei aerodinamice). As for the future, cardesign is becoming ever more sophisticated, butthe internal combustion engine (motor cucombustie internă) looks safe for the time being –although cars must become greener (ecologice).The common or garden saloon will lose ground toSUVs (Sport-Utility Vehicles), MPVs (Multi-Purpose Vehicle) people carriers and tiny Microcars, which can cope with (a face faţă) citytraffic and parking. But amid all this frenzied(frenetic) development, old and revered (venerat,adorat) makes survive and flourish – the thrilland fascination of the car will neverdisappear.


Asking for directions: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the

town hall, please? Could you tell me how to get to the Mulberry

Parkway, please? Which way to the university campus, please? Excuse me, where’s the nearest garage?Giving directions: Go straight on… Go down this street…


Take the first right/the first turning onthe right…

Follow the main road, then bear right at thefork.

Turn left at the lights. Go straight across/over the lights… Go back the way you’ve just come. When you get to the T-junction, turn left. Keep in the right-hand lane and you can’t go

wrong! Go straight across/over the roundabout. Take the third exit off the roundabout.In the US, many towns are laid out on a gridpattern: Go north two blocks, then hang a left. Go east along Huron St. then turn south on

Dearborn St.At a gas station (US) or petrol station (UK): 10 gallons, please. Fill her up! Unleaded, please. Five gallons of four star, please. High octane, please. I’d like a full tank of diesel, please.In the US, you may need a key if you want touse the toilet: Can I have the keys to the bathroom, please?If you need something from the pump attendantin the US: I need an oil change. Could you check the tyres please, I think

they’re a bit low.


Would you check the shocks? Could you check the battery, please? Can you give it a quick recharge? Would you clean the windscreen, please?If the police stop you for speeding, here area few things you might hear: Do you know how fast you were travelling? Do you know the speed limit here? Do you know that you were going 50 miles an

hour in a 30 mile an hour zone? Where’s the fire? Could I see your licence, please?If you’re lucky, the officer will say: I’ll let you off with a warning this time –

but don’t let it happen again.


US Road Systems

If you’re planning a serious coast-to-coastroad tour, you’ll probably spend a fair amountof time on the Interstate Highway system. Someof these roads are thousands of miles long –Interstate 10, for example, goes fromJacksonville, Florida, to Santa Monica,California, the entire width of the continent!On the road signs and maps, the InterstateHighways are indicated with a capital ‘I’ (forInterstate) plus a number: for example I-10.As these numbers are extensively used, it’smuch easier to plan your route by writing down


the numbers than the place names: the name ofyour destination may not even appear on theInterstate road sign! Unlike Britain’smotorways, the exits from the Interstates areoften very far apart, so take great care notto miss yours. Exits often lead off the fastlane (banda de lângă axul drumului), so get into theright lane long before you need to turn off.If you do overshoot the exit (a rata ieşirea), onno account think of backing up (a da înapoi). Onturnpikes (barieră a oraşului) you are given adistance card before entering and you pay whenyou reach your exit. Some expressways, bridgesand tunnels also levy (a percepe) a small toll(taxă), so it'’ a good idea to keep some loosechange (monede) handy. In towns and cities,you will find that streets are laid outaccording to the four compass bearings (punctelecardinale): East-West and North-South. Whenasking for directions, you are likely to betold to ‘go North on La Brea until you get toSunset Boulevard, then go West’, for example.These instructions are easy to follow as everystreet corner has a sign indicating the blocknumber (numărul cvartalului) (the house numbers atthat corner) and the direction it runs in.

The British Road System

When deciding how to get from city to city inBritain, choose the motorway (autostradă), ifone exists. These are all numbered and


preceded with a capital ‘M’ (for motorway: forexample, the M5) and marked in blue on roadmaps and road signs. Exits, which are alwaysfrom the slow lane, include the destination,and are fairly frequent. If there is nomotorway, take an A road, or main road. Again,these are numbered (for example, the A36) andare marked in red on the map (but not on roadsigns). A roads often have dual carriage-ways(două părţi carosabile) at various points, to allowyou to overtake slower vehicles (a depăşivehiculele cu viteză redusă). Failing that, you willhave to take a minor road, or B road, againnumbered (the B318, for example) and marked inbrown or yellow on the map. Finding your wayabout in towns and cities is not always quiteas simple. In London, for example, not only isthere a Belsize Square (piaţă), Belsize Road(şosea), Belsize Avenue (bulevard), Belsize Mews(garaje), Belsize Park (parc), Belsize Grove(pădurice), Belsize Street and Belsize Terrace(terasă); there are also four Belsize Roads andthree Belsize Avenues in different areas. Geta copy of The A to Z of London, take a deepbreath and give yourself an hour more than younormally would! If you get lost, ask a cabdriver; they’re usually quite helpful.

Road Markings

In the States, lines marking the separation oftwo-way traffic are yellow, whereas lines


separating traffic travelling in the samedirection are white. Lines along the edge ofthe road (de-a lungul marginii drumului) to guidetraffic in poor visibility are white or, incertain cases, yellow. In Britain, linesmarking the separation of traffic are alwayswhite: if the line is continuous, you must notovertake under any circumstances; if the lineclosest to you is broken, you may overtake ifit is safe to do so. In some parts of thecountry you will find white road studs (ţintepentru drum) in the middle of the road thatreflect the light from your headlamps at night.These are commonly called cats’ eyes. Do notpark on the side of the road if you see doubleyellows lines. You will almost certainly get afine or find your car clamped (blocat) when youreturn. A single yellow line means restrictedparking: look for the yellow sign that tellsyou when you cannot park, for example 8 am – 6pm.

THE LAW – Speeding, parking and crashing


If you’re given a spot fine (amendă pentru excesulde viteză) in the US you may find yourself payingabout $50 plus another $5 for every mile anhour you were travelling over the limit. If youget a parking ticket (amendă pentru parcarenepermisă) in the UK, pay it quickly – leave it


for too long and you’ll have to pay a lot more.If you’ve parked your car in a no-parking zone,you may only find a parking ticket, or you mayreturn to find your car’s been towed away(remorcat). If this happens, you go to the carpound (depozit) and pay – often after a longwait – to be able to drive your car away.Alternatively, your car may have been clamped.In the US this clamp is called the Denver Bootas it was first tried out in Denver. You’llfind a note on the windscreen, which tells youwhere to go and pay the fine. Once again, you’’probably have to wait for some time before thepolice arrive to unlock the clamp. In Britainand the US the police often sub-contractclamping and towing to private companies whoget paid on a per car basis – so they’re very,very keen!

The Police

If you get stopped by the police, do be polite– and if when, travelling in the US you seeflashing lights behind you, pull over and waitfor the police officer to come to you. Staycool, keep your hands on the wheel and don’tmake any movements that might make the officernervous. Don’t, for example, open the glovecompartment (torpedou) to get your licence andcar documents: the officer might think you’rereaching for a gun!



If you have engine problems on the road in theUS, contact the Highway Patrol or call thePolice who will help you contact the HighwayPatrol. In Britain, contact the Police; if youare on the motorway, wait on the hard shoulder(banda de avarie, refugiu) until a patrol vehicle(maşină de patrulare) sees you or use one of theemergency phones along the motorway.

AccidentsIf you have an accident: Inform the police Exchange name, address and telephone number

with the other driver Exchange insurance details Make a note of the make and registration

number of the other car Make a note of the weather conditions and

road conditions Draw a map of the situation before and after

the accident, showing distances betweenvehicles and the distances from junctions

Note street names Note the direction and speed of the cars

involved Note any skid-marks (semne de derapaj) Get the name and address of any witnesses.

ROAD SAFETY – Avoiding accidents


The Do’s and Don’ts

Be aware of what’s going on around you –scan the road ahead constantly.

Keep an adequate separation distance fromthe vehicle in front – following too closeis called tailgating.

Use your mirrors constantly, especially whenyou’re pulling out, overtaking or changinglanes.

Remember that the door pillars and windowframes (tocurile geamurilor) of the car willblock your vision of some areas, creatingblind spots (locuri fără vizibilitate). Don’t get inother drivers’ blind spots.

Don’t try to beat the traffic lights (a ajungela semafor, dacă eşti departe) by acceleratingacross them when you think they are about tochange.

Don’t start your manoeuvre immediately aftersignalling.

Give way to buses pulling out. Keep an eye out for pedestrians appearing

from behind a stationary (care staţionează) bus. Follow the mirror/signal/manoeuvre routine

if you need to turn or pull out: check fortraffic behind you in the rearview mirror(oglinda retrovizoare), signal and then when it’ssafe, carry out your manoeuvre.

Take care when approaching a junction or abend – remember that another vehicle mayemerge suddenly.


Show patience and consideration towardsother drivers.

Don’t just look at what’s happening – act onwhat you see.

Watch your speed – always make sure you’reable to stop within the distance that youcan see to be clear ahead.

Anticipate other drivers’ actions. Don’t use your horn aggressively. Give yourself enough time to react to any

potential danger. Travel at a speed, which is suitable for the

road and traffic conditions.

Safety check

Road-craft (măiestria de a conduce) isn’t just aboutbeing able to handle a car well – it alsoinvolves the ability to think about what’sgoing to happen, to drive according tocircumstances and to drive safely andconsiderately. The first step is to check yourvehicle before driving off. Use the acronym P-O-W-E-R to help you remember: Petrol – make sure your tank is full enough

to get you where you’re going; running outcan leave you stranded (în pană, aflat în nevoie)in a dangerous situation.

Oil – allowing your oil level to drop toolow can lead to breakdown and can ruin yourengine. Use your dipstick and check the oillevel.


Water – have you ever been standing at theroadside with the bonnet (UK) or hood (US)up, with steam billowing everywhere? Checkthe water before you set off!

Electrics – check the lights, wipers andwashers and don’t forget the horn!

Rubber – all those rubber parts which maywear out (a se uza, a se roade) more quickly thanyou expect – wiper blades and tyres; checkthese for adequate tread depth (adâncimeaşanţurilor) and pressure.


It happens to the best of us – someone pulledout too quickly in front of you, you’ve crashedinto them and had a collision (accident în caredouă sau mai multe maşini s-au lovit), a fender-bender(US) (accident de maşină cu avarii minore) or a smash(accident grav de circulaţie). If it’s a little oneit’s only a bump (un accident în care maşina este lovită,dar şoferul nu a păţit nimic), and all that it’s doneis leave a dent (gaură prin lovire) or a scratch(zgârietură). It may be worse than you thinkthough, as the wheel may be buckled (volanulcurbat, îndoit) or the axle bent (osia îndoită) – andwho knows what’s come loose! (ce se mai poateîntâmpla) If it’s so bad that the car cannot berepaired, then your car’s a write-off (rablă,hârb).

Be Prepared!


Apart from selling fuel (unleaded, four star ordiesel), many garages (UK) or gas stations (US)have a shop which may sell anything from foodto fan belts (curea pentru ventilator). Here are afew items the well-equipped driver may need: awarning triangle (triunghi de avertisment) to placebehind your car if you break down on the road;spare bulbs (becuri de rezervă) in case somethinggoes wrong with your lights. If there’s anelectrical fault, a new fuse (siguranţă) may dothe trick. If you find yourself with a flatbattery (pană de baterie) and passing motorist hasstopped to help, you’ll need some jump leads(cabluri groase folosite pewntru a lua curent de la altăbaterie). If you still can’t start the car, a towrope (cablu de tractare) will be necessary. If youdon’t wear tights, it’s wise to carry a sparefan belt (curea de rezervă pentru ventilator), too. Ifyou’re travelling in winter and the windscreenis iced up, you’ll need a de-icer spray. Damp(umiditate) in the engine or tight nuts andscrews (şuruburi şi piuliţe blocate) can often besorted out with one of those magic anti-dampsprays; ask for WD-40 in Britain. A can orjerrycan (canistră) is useful for carrying petrol– and don’t forget the brake fluid (lichid defrână). If you’ve got any money left, why notbuy one of those gadgets (dispozitive) for yourdashboard that holds your coffee cup steady?And you thought you were just going to get somegas!



Basic Vocabulary

Travel – călătorieJourney – călătorie, voiaj (mai ales pe uscat)Voyage – călătorie, voiaj (pe apă)Motoring – automobilismCycling – mers cu bicicleta, ciclismHitch-hiking [hit∫haikiŋ]– autostopTrip – călătorie, excursie, voiaj de agrementOne-way trip – călătorie într-un singur sensRound trip – călătorie dus şi întorsCircle trip – călătorie în circuitOfficial, business/ pleasure trip – călătorieîn interes de serviciu, de afaceri/ de plăcereDeparture / the eve of the departure –plecare / ajunul plecăriiArrival – sosireStopover – escalăDelay – întârziereConnection – legăturăDestination – destinaţie Tranzit – transit Means of transport – mijloace de transportTaxi rank – staţie de taxi-uriLuggage / baggage – bagajLuggage-rack – plasă pentru bagaje (în tren)Hand baggage – bagaj de mânăTrolley – cărucior de bagaje


Bag/ sack/ net-shopping bag – geantă, poşetă,valiză, sac/ sacoşăSuitcase – geamantanTrunk – cufăr de voiajRucksack – rucsacBriefcase – servietăString bag – plasă, sacoşăTicket – biletTravel ticket – bilet de călătorieSingle ticket – bilet pentru o singurăcălătorieReturn ticket – bilet dus-întorsFull ticket/ half fare – bilet întreg, ½ biletWeekend/ supplementary ticket – bilet pentruweekend, supliment First-class – bilet clasa ISecond-class – bilet clasa a II-aSeason ticket – abonamentSeat reservation – rezervare de locuriReduced fare – bilet cu preţ redusTimetable – mersul trenurilor, avioanelor, etc.Route – rutăTrain – trenExpress train/ non-stop train – expresFast train – rapid, acceleratSlow train – personal, cursăPassenger train – tren de pasageriGoods train – marfarHovercraft – vehicol pe pernă de aerLocal train – tren local, cursăLong-distance train – tren de cursă lungă


Through train – tren directDown train – tren care circulă din capitală sauoraşele principale spre localităţi de provincieUp train – tren care circulă din localităţilede provincie spre capitală sau oraşeleprincipaleRailway station/ main station – gară, staţie/staţie principalăTravel agency – agenţie de voiajBooking-office – casă de bilete (la gară)Information desk / inquiry office – birou deinformaţiiLeft-luggage office – depozit de bagajeLeft-luggage ticket – recipisă pentru bagajelelăsate la depozitParcels office – coletărieRefreshment office / buffet – bufet (mai alesla gară)Station restaurant – restaurantul găriiPlatform/ platform ticket – peron/ bilet deperonBook-stall – stand de cărţi, chioşc de ziareSlot-machine - automatWaiting-room – sală de aşteptareEngine / locomotive/ engine driver –locomotivă/ mecanic Carriage / car – vagon de pasageriDining-car / restaurant car – vagon restaurantSleeping-car / sleeper – vagon de dormitBuffet car – vagon cu bufetSmoker – vagon pentru fumători


Non-smoker – vagon pentru nefumătoriLuggage van – vagon de bagajeMail van – vagon poştalBerth – cuşetăCompartment – compartimentCorridor – coridorLabel – etichetăTag – etichetă, carte de vizită atârnată debagajeRails – şineJunction – pod feroviarCommunication cord – semnal de alarmăStarting signal – semnal de plecareFerry-boat/ larboard/ cargo ship, freighter –bac/ babord/ cargobotSailing-board/ life ~/ rowing ~/ motor ~/fishing ~ – barcă cu pânze/ ~ de salvare/ ~ cuvâsle/ ~ cu motor/ ~ de pescuitTrain ferry – feribotYacht – iahtOcean liner – transatlantic Tanker – petrolierSubmarine – submarin Raft – plutăBarge – şlepMan-of-war – vas de războiTug – remorcher Sea route – rută maritimăMast – catargRudder – cârmăPorthole - hublou


Deck/ main ~ / below ~ – punte/ ~ principală/ ~secundarăBell – clopotLife-belt – colac de salvareFunnel – coş de vaporChart – hartă maritimăCrane/ derrick crane – macara/ macara turlăColours – pavilion, steagSail – pânzăLog-book – jurnal de bordCaptain’s bridge – punte de comandăTank – rezervorEngine room – sala motoarelorStarboard – tribordFleet/ navy – flotă/ flotă de războiMerchant marine – marina comercialăNaval/ naval officer – naval/ ofiţer navalMate/ first mate – ofiţer/ ofiţer secundBreakwater- digLanding stage/ wharf – debarcaderDock/ docker/ floating ~ - doc/ docher/ docplutitorPort authorities – autorităţi portuareShipwreck/ wreck/ shipwrecked – naufragiu/epavă/ naufragiatS.O.S. (save our souls) – S.O.S. (salvaţisufletele noastre)Beacons/ flag signals – semnale/ semnale cudrapeleAntenna/ antenna of radio beacons – antenă/ ~pentru semnale radioPilot – pilot


Vessel – vas, vaporSteamer – vaporShip – navăDepth of the sea – adâncimea măriiCoast – coastăGulf, bay – golfIsland/ peninsula – insulă/ peninsulăSeascape – peisaj marinLand – pământStraits – strâmtoareChannel/ canal – canal/ canal artificialPier/ quay – cheiBuoys – geamanduriLighthouse – farSea/ ocean/ lake/ river/ brook, rivulet,stream/ spring – mare/ ocean/ lac/ râu/ pârâu/izvorHarbour/ seaport – port/ port maritimHydro-electric power station - hidrocentralăShipyard – şantier navalTo steer – a cârmiTo go on a cruise – a pleca într-o croazierăTo land – a debarcaTo weather a storm – a înfrunta o furtunăTo load/ to unload – a încărca/ a descărcaTo sail for/ towards – a naviga spre, înspreTo raise the gangway – a ridica pasarela/ scaraTo sink – a se scufundaAirport/ aviation/ air force – aeroport/aviaţie/ aviaţie militarăAirfield – teren de aterizare, aerodrom


Ground – pământ, teren, sol, pământ solid (subpicioare)Terminal – terminus, cap de liniePlane/ scouting ~ / ambulance ~ – avion/ ~ derecunoaştere/ ~ sanitarAircraft/ air liner – aparat de zbor, navă(aeriană), avion/ avion mareJet/ supersonic passenger plane – avion cureacţie/ avion supersonicBalloon – balonAirshed, hangar – hangarHelicopter/ heliport – elicopter/ aeroportpentru elicoptereSeaplane – hidroavionAviation engineer – inginer de aviaţieAircraft mechanic – mecanic de bordSpace boat/ space ship – navă spaţialăParachute – paraşutăGround staff – personal terestruDive, nose-dive – picaj Automatic pilot – pilot automatGlider/ gliding – planor/ planorismRocket/ space rocket – rachetă/ rachetă cosmicăRadar equipment – echipament radarWireless operator – radio-telegrafistAdjustable/ recicling chair – scaun rabatabil/înclinatUndercarriage – tren de aterizareGood/ poor visibility – vizibilitate bună/redusăFighter plane/ bomber – avion devânătoare/avion de bombardament


Seat-belt – curea de siguranţăCockpit – carlingăFuselage – fuselajPropeller, airscrew – eliceWing – aripăAerial – antenăControl tower – turnul de controlCabin/ compartment – cabină/ compartimentpentru pasageriSoundproof cabin – cabină izolată fonicLaggage/ baggage hold – cabină/ cală pentrubagajeBlind landing – aterizare fără vizibilitateTo make a forced landing – a face o aterizareforţatăTo hijack – a deturna, a răpi un avionTo fly over – a zbura peste, deasupraTo refuel – a se alimentaCommander – comandant de aeronavăCrew – echipajIntercom – sistem de comunicare internă aavionuluiFlight/ motorless ~/ blind ~ – zbor/ ~ fărămotor/ ~ fără vizibilitateFlight number/ ~ coupon – numărul zborului/talon de zborReturn reservation – rezervare dus – întorsFree baggage allowance – cantitatea de bagajepermisă (pentru care nu se plăteşte)Excess baggage charges – taxă pentru greutatesuplimentară


Check-in time – timpul de sosire (la aeroport)Schedule – orarCafeteria – bufet cu autoservireCurrency exchange – schimb valutarCar-hire – închiriere de maşiniPublic address system – sistem deanunţare/informare a pasagerilor (în aeroport)Baggage reclaim unit – locul de colectare abagajelor care vin de la avionCustoms formalities – formalităţi vamaleCustoms clearence area – zona de control vamalRandom checks – verificări prin sondaj Citizen – cetăţeanPersonal belongings – lucruri personaleQuestionnaire – chestionarTo fill in a questionnaire – a completa unchestionarRead this list through. It mentions thearticles liable of duty, duty-free andprohibited – citiţi lista aceasta. Aici sunttrecute articolele impozabile, scutite de vamăşi cele interziseThe extension of your stay permit was grantedon condition that … - v-a fost aprobatăprelungirea permisului de şedere cu condiţiaca..Particulars – detaliiDocuments, papers – documente, hârtiiFragile – fragilExport/ import licence – permis, licenţă deexport/ import


Customs regulations – regulament vamalStranger/ foreigner – străin de loc/ de ţară

Customs duties – taxe vamaleTo be through with the customs – a termina cuformalităţile vamaleRestrictions – restricţiiTourist visa – viză turisticăTo produce the passport – a prezenta paşaportulPassenger – pasagerCommuter – navetistStation-master – şef de garăGuard – şef de trenTicket-collector – controlor de bileteTicket-inspector – inspector de trenPorter – hamalNewspaper boy – vânzător de ziareClerk – funcţionarPilot – pilotAir hostess/ stewardess – stevardesăCramped / crowded – aglomeratComfortable – confortabil, comodCheap – ieftinExpensive – scumpDangerous – periculosFast – iute, rapid, repedeTo travel by land peuscat

by car cumaşina


by train / by rail a călători cutrenul

by air / by plane cuavionul

by sea cuvaporul / pe mareTo go on a trip, journey – a pleca într-oexcursie, călătorieTo take/ make a trip – a face o excursieTo set out on foot – a pleca pe josTo go abroad – a pleca în străinătateTo book (tickets) / to reserve – a rezervabileteTo queue up – a sta la coadăTo arrive – a sosiTo depart – a plecaTo see (somebody) off – a conduce pe cineva lagară, aeroport, etc.To break one’s journey – a-şi întrerupecălătoriaTo deposit luggage – a depune (bagajele)To insure the luggage/ baggage – a asigurabagajeleTo get on/ off the train – a se urca în tren/ acoborî din trenTo get into the compartment – a intra încompartimentTo show one’s ticket – a prezenta biletul lacontrolTo send someone to fetch the baggage – atrimite pe cineva să ridice bagajeleTo check – a controla, a verifica


To weigh – a cântăriTo declare – a declaraTo inspect – a controla, a inspectaTo confirm – a confirmaTo reconfirm – a reconfirmaTo cancel – a anulaTo postpone/ put off – a amânaTo announce – a anunţaTo get information – a se informa, a obţineinformaţiiTo take off – a decolaTo land – a aterizaTo fasten – a fixa, a legaTo operate on schedule – a merge conformoraruluiTo wander around – a hoinări, a merge fără unscop precisTo come into operation – a intra în vigoareTo walk about town – a merge, a se plimba prinoraşTo pack – a împachetaTo travel light – a călători cu bagaj puţinTo be air-sick – a avea rău de avionTo be car-sick – a avea rău de maşinăTo be sea-sick – a avea rău de mareThe train is in – trenul a sositThe train is off – trenul a plecatYou’ll have to hurry up – va trebui să văgrăbiţiThe train is due out in ten minutes – trenultrebuie să plece peste zece minute.


Will you change seats with me? – vreţi săschimbaţi locul cu mine?I am sorry, did I tread on your foot? –scuzaţi-mă, v-am călcat pe picior?The train pulls out slowly – trenul se pune înmişcare încetDon’t lean out of the window, it’s dangerous –nu te apleca peste fereastră, este periculosDo you mind if I open the window? – vă supărădacă deschid fereastra?It’s rather stuffy hot/ cold here – aerul estecam îmbâcsit (este cald/ frig aici)It’s a bit draughty – trage puţin. Este curent.Shall I pull up/ down the window? – să ridic/cobor fereastra?Shall I turn on/ off the heating? – să deschid/să închid încălzirea?What time do we arrive in/ at ? – la ce orăsosim în/ la?Hurry up and get hold of two seats one facingthe engine/ one back to the engine – grăbeşte-te şi ocupă două locuri, unul cu faţa sprelocomotivă, unul cu spatele la locomotivăOur company runs home and international routes.– societatea noastră deserveşte linii interneşi internaţionaleWould you like to have any of your luggageregistered? – doriţi să predaţi vreunul dinbagajele Dvs. la vagonul de bagaje?


Will you lend me a hand to put this box on therack? – mă ajutaţi să pun cutia aceasta înplasă?Will you keep an eye on my luggag while I tryto…? – vreţi să supravegheaţi bagajele mele întimp ce ….?Did you hit any air-pockets? – aţi întâlnitvreun gol de aer?The passengers begin to alight – pasageriiîncep să coboareThe plane was delayed on account of a heavystorm – avionul a fost întârziat din cauza uneifurtuni puterniceThe whole view is blotted out – întreagaprivelişte este estompatăWill you show me to the seat? – vreţi să-miarătaţi care este locul meu?The pilot steers eastward towards… - pilotulvirează spre est către…The plane begins to taxi along the run way/ topick up speed/ to climb quickly/ to gain height– avionul începe să ruleze pe pista dedecolare/ să prindă viteză/ să urce repede/ săia înălţime Will you tell me, please, the name of …? –vreţi să-mi spuneţi numele…, vă rog?Can I book two tickets on the plane bound forBerlin via Prague? – pot reţine două bilete laavionul pentru Berlin via Praga?Is the ship bound to Marseilles? – vaporul areca destinaţie Marsilia?


Is the ship sure to call at Naples on her/ theway to London? – vaporul face sigur escală laNeapole în drum spre Londra?When does the Manhattan weigh anchor? – cândridică ancora vaporul Manhattan?How long does the passage take? – cât dureazăcălătoria?When can I embark for…? – când pot să mă îmbarcpentru…?Are we allowed to go ashore? – putem să coborâmpe uscat?What quay does the boat lie? – la ce chei esteacostat vasul?I have secured a first-class cabin on board the“Star” – am reţinut o cabină de clasa I labordul vasului “Star”Where has the ship been docked? – unde se aflăvaporul?Don’t lean against the railing – nu te rezemade balustradăThe ship is pitching heavily – vaporultanghează puternicNow the stern dips, now the bow dips – ba seafundă pupa, ba se afundă proraThis ship sails into the hrabour/ drops anchor/picks up and drops passengers, cargoes and mail– vaporul intră în port/ aruncă ancora/ ia şilasă pasageri, încărcături/ mărfuri şi poştaExcuse me, is this the way to…? – scuzaţi-mă,acesta este drumul spre…?


Will you kindly show me the way to VictoriaStation? – sunteţi amabil să-mi arătaţi drumulspre gara Victoria?Can you tell me…? – puteţi să-mi spuneţi…?Follow this street to the end – mergeţi pestrada asta până la capătGo straight on – mergeţi drept înainte You are going on the right/ wrong way – mergeţiîn direcţia bună/ greşităHow long will it take me to get to…? – cât timpîmi ia să ajung la…?Is it a long way to/ far? – este departe până…?Does this bus go to…? – autobuzul merge spre…?Insert a penny into the pay-box – introduceţiun penny în caseta de autotaxareTear off a ticket – detaşaţi un biletThere is a vacant seat at the front – este unloc liber în faţăBag two seats, will you? – ocupă două locuri,te rogMove up to the front, please – avansaţi, vă rogDrive me to the Astoria hotel – du-mă lahotelul AstoriaDrop me at the corner of the street – lasă-măla colţul străziiWhat’s the fare – care este taxa?Let’s call a taxi – să chemăm un taxi


“ British Airways brings you to Heathrow,London’s main airport. Heathrow handles more


international flights than any other airport in theworld, so that its passenger arrangements haveto be good. Terminal 3, where intercontinentaltravellers arrive and depart, has been muchenlarged to meet the big-jet era, inaugurated bythe Boeing 747. Down a flight of stairs marked by your flightnumber is your baggage reclaim unit. The customsclearance area is close at hand, and you mustdecide on the red or green channel. Red meansyou have something to declare, and your baggagewill be inspected. Green means nothing todeclare, and the customs men make only randomchecks. You will probably be able to manage yourluggage yourself, with the help of a trolley.Porters are recognizable by their blue uniformswith red lapels. Once trough customs you are inthe arrival hall with bar, cafeteria, toilets, andcurrency exchange facilities and the desks of two car-hire firms. The answer to every problem is to befound at the Information Desks of British Airwaysand the Airport Authority.If you want to announce your arrival to friendswho have missed you for some reason, the publicaddress system is at your disposal.


Fill in the blank spaces with the words givenbelow:


1. When arriving at the airport, passengersusually take a trolley to carry their luggageto the …….. to have their bags weighed andtaken to the plane. 2. At the check-in deskpassengers receive a …… which allows them toget on the plane. 3. Every passenger shows hispassport for …….. before going through SecurityCheck. 4. All passengers have to go through …….where the hand luggage is also checked. 5.Passengers wait in the ……. for their flight tobe announced. 6. While waiting in the departurelounge passengers can visit the ……. where theycan buy goods at cheaper price. 7. When theyhear the announcement for their flight,passengers proceed to the ….. to board theplane. 8. You have to follow the ….. sign ifyou are ending your journey to London ortransferring to another flight within UK. 9.You must have your passport and any necessaryvisa ready for control when you ……. 10. Godown-stairs to the …… to collect your baggage;free trolleys are available for your bags. 11.Clear Customs by taking the Red Channel if youhave …… and the Green Channel if you have …….12. You will then be in the ……. for transportinto London or transfer to other flights. 13.When waiting for a flight you can park your carin the …… 14. Outside the airport, there arecabs and you can take one if you want to go toa hotel. Say to the driver:….. 15. At thehotel, first you want to…… 16. You may ask fora ….. if you are alone or a ….. if you are


accompanied. 17. If you want to be sure thatyou will have a room on a certain day in ahotel you have to ….. before or make …… 18.When you got into your room maybe there aresome things out of order and you want to …..19. Because you have a very importantappointment in the morning, you want ….. 20.You dial for the ….. if you want to ……

car park; things to declare; check-in; an early morning call;duty-free shop; arrival hall; security check; double room;passport control; gate; arrival; operator; a reservation;could you take me to the Astoria hotel?; book it; baggagereclaim; departure lounge; boarding pass; single room;nothing to declare; make a complain; make a call; Check-indesk; go through Customs.


Heathrow, London’s main airport, handles moreinternational flights than any other airport inthe world. Every 45 seconds a plane takes offor lands here and all the four terminals areextremely busy. Another airport, Stansted wasbuilt in the 1980’s to relieve the congestionof Heathrow. The airport at Gatwick alsohandles many international flights.



The first underground railway in the world wasLondon’s Metropolitan line, built in 1863.Londoners call their underground the tube. Thereare 273 different stations now and the deepeststation is Hempstead, 58 metres below theground.


Here we are at the railway station. Our friendsare going away for their holidays. They havebooked their tickets in advance, so there is no needfor them to queue up at the booking office now. As it is rather early, and their train has notarrived yet, they have to wait in the waitingroom. Next door to the waiting room is therefreshment room; and there are other noticesover the entrances to offices and room: stationmaster’s office, inquiry office, left-luggage and parcelsoffice.The porters are busy carrying the luggage to thetrain or pushing it on their trolleys.All kind of trains are passing through thestation: passenger trains – express, fast or slow– goods trains, local and long distance trains.After a while, the public address system announcesthat our friends’ train is in. They pass throughonto the platforms and the ticket- collector examinestheir tickets. (In British railway stations,there is a gate at the end of each platforms.The ticket-collector stands at the gate andchecks the travellers’ tickets.)


Immediately behind the engine are the frontluggage van and the guard’s van, followed bypassengers’ carriages of the first and second class,with smoking and non-smoking compartments.The train also has dining car and a sleeper withupper and lower berths. As they walk along theplatform, they pass the bookstall where peopleare buying newspapers and magazines to readduring the journey.Finally, they find their compartment – asecond-class non-smoker. They put their bags onthe luggage rack and open the window.The large hand of the station clock points to30 minutes. The guard waves his flag and blowshis whistle. The train is off. The travellers wavegood-bye to the people who have come to see themoff. The train moves slowly out of the station.


The Union Jack is the name of the British flag.It consists of three crosses: of England,Scotland and Ireland. The jack used to be thename of the flag, which hung from the back of aship.

Uncle Sam is the nickname for federalgovernment or the typical citizen of the USA.It arose in the neighbourhood of New York about1812, as a colloquial way of reading the


initials US, frequently used on governmentsupplies to the army.


Passenger InformationReservationsAirlines make every effort to provide seats forwhich reservations have been made.Nevertheless, no absolute guarantee of seatavailability is denoted by the expression‘reservations’ and ‘bookings’ and the timingattached to them.Your fare includesOn British Airways services your fare includesall meals and gratuities in flight and on theground from the departure of the aircraft untilarrival at the airport of destination shown onthe flight coupon of your ticket.StopoversIn most cases, you may break your journey atone or more places on route, and retain thebenefit of the through fare, provided notice isgiven at the time of reservation. Hotelexpenses at each stopover will be yourresponsibility.

ValidityTickets issued at normal one way, round orcircle trip fares are valid for one year.Reduced fares


Group travel offers big reductions for membersof an organization travelling together. Fulldetails on request.Health regulationsValid certificates of inoculation and/orvaccination, issued on a special internationalform, are definitely required by mostcountries.Portable electronic equipmentPlease do not switch on portable radioreceivers, transmitters or television setswhilst on board as they can cause seriousinterference with the aircraft radio navigationequipment. Portable recorders, hearing aids andheart pacemakers may be used on board.Punctuality While every effort is made to ensure thepunctuality of our services, British Airwayscannot accept responsibility for the delay orsuspension of a service, nor guarantee thatconnections will be made with other services.Baggage free allowanceOn First Class services the free baggageallowance is 30 kilos. On Economy Classservices it is 20 kilos.Excess chargesBaggage in excess of the free allowance isnormally charged at 1% of the First Classsingle fare per kilo.Your departureThe departure time shown in this timetable andon your ticket-coupon is the scheduled take-off


time. The check-in time at the airport or townterminal shown on your ticket-cover allowsminimum time to complete all the formalities.In your own interest you should plan to arriveat the town terminal or airport in good time asthis will help to ensure that your aircraftoperates on schedule. Reconfirmation – cancellationsIf you hold a return reservation, it isnecessary to reconfirm your intention to travelwith the local Reservations Office of theCarrier at least 72 hours before departure.

Travel advicePack all you need during the flight in a smallcabin bag. All other articles should be packedin registered baggage. Carry your passport andhealth certificates with you. Do not pack them.Carry any valuables, such as jewellery,personally. For further details please see ourbooklet ‘Before you take off”.


Basic VocabularyHoliday – concediu, vacanţă, zi de odihnăPackage holiday / all in price holiday –excursie în grup organizat, cu traseu fix,plătită dinainte


Sporting holiday – excursie cu profil sportivStudy tour – excursie de studiiExcursion – excursieOff season – sezon mortPeak month – lună de vârfFortnight – două săptămâniFishing – pescuitBathing – baie, scăldatSunbathing – plajăClimbing – mers pe munte, alpinismCamping out – 1. drumeţie, excursie; 2. CampingSand – nisipSands / beach – plajăSandcastle – castel de nisipTide – flux şi refluxSeaweed – algă de mareShell – scoicăRock-pool – ochi liniştit de apă (printrestânci)Holiday camp – tabără de vacanţăTraining camp – cantonament Rest home – casă de odihnăHoliday village – sat de vacanţăHoliday town – oraş de vacanţăResort – staţiuneSeaside resort/ winter resort – staţiune pelitoral/ staţiune de iarnăHealth resort – staţiune de odihnă /balneoclimatericăSpa – staţiune balneo-climaterică (cu apeminerale)


Hotel – hotelMotel – motelHostel – 1. Cămin de studenţi; 2. Cabană, hotelturisticBoarding house – pensiuneGuest-house – casă de oaspeţiInn/ innkeeper – han/ hangiuChalet/ hut – cabanăCaravan / trailer – rulotăTrailer camp – camping de ruloteSummer camp – tabără de varăCamping site – loc de tabără, campingTent – cortTent-trailer – rulotă pentru cortSleeping bag – sac de dormitFolding bed – pat pliantFold-up table – masă pliantăFold-up chair – scaun pliantFirst-aid kit – trusă de prim ajutorSun-tan lotion – loţiune pentru bronzareapieliiShorts – şortWind-jacket – vintiac, jachetă contra vântuluiAccomodation – cazareSingle room – cameră cu un patDouble room – cameră cu două paturiSuite – apartamentConveniences – confortFacilities – condiţii; dotări; posibilităţiLaundry service – spălătorie


Air-conditioning – instalaţie de aercondiţionatTV lounge – hol pentru televizorBar – barNight club – bar de noapteDisco – discotecăLobby – hol de hotelFire exit – ieşire în caz de incendiuBack stairs – scară de serviciuGarage – garajSmoking room – fumoarReception desk – recepţieHotel office – direcţia hoteluluiService bureau – biroul serviciiCold and hot running water – apă rece şi caldăBed clothes, bedding – aşternut de patRadiator – caloriferBed sheet – cearşafSwitch, switcher – comutatorBed spread, coverlet – cuvertură de patPillow case, slip – faţă de pernăWashing list – listă de rufe pentru spălatBlanket – păturăCurtain – perdea, draperiePillow, cushion – pernă, pernă de dormitQuilt, counterpane – plapumăPlaid – pledTap – robinetMattress/ spring mattress – saltea/ somierăCoat hanger – umeraş pentru haineCandlestick - sfeşnic


Arrival card – fişă, formular de sosireSurname – nume de familieFirst name – prenumeNationality – naţionalitateDate and place of birth – data şi loculnaşteriiPermanent address – domiciliu stabilPurpose of visit – scopul vizitei, călătorieiPassport – paşaportIdentity card – legitimaţie, buletin deidentitateSignature – semnăturăReception clerk / receptionist – recepţionerDoorman – portar, uşierBell-boy – băiat de serviciuSteward – ospătar, stevardHall porter – portar de hotelLift-boy – liftier Shoeblack / bootboy – lustragiuChamber-maid – cameristăRent – chirieTrems – condiţiiLandlord/ landlady – gazdăHost/ hostess – gazdă, amfitrionLodger, tenant/ co-tenant – locatar/ colocatarBoard and lodging – masă şi casă Boarder – persoana care stă în pensiuneThe owner of a house – proprietarul unei caseTo share the room with – a împărţi casa cuShrine – raclă, mormânt (mai ales sfânt)Tomb – mormânt


Memorial – monument comemorativCroft – fermă micăScenery – peisajHeight – înălţimeCleanliness – curăţenieFriendliness – amabilitate, bunăvoinţăEntertainment – amuzament, distracţieSight – loc, monument, privelişte demnă devăzutSightseeing – tur al oraşului, excursieLandmark – punct de reper, loc importantPlace of interes – obiectiv turistic Private (d. baie, etc) – separatQuiet – liniştitAvailable – disponibil, liber; la dispoziţieRelaxed – relaxatBoring – plicitisitorNagging – cicălitorEnergetic – plin de energie, activYoung – tânărMiddle-aged – de vârstă mijlocieOld – în vârstă, bătrânHelpful – îndatoritorTo sign in – a se înregistra (la venire)To sign out – a se înregistra (la plecare)To register – a se înregistra, a înscrie unnume în registruTo fill in – a completaTo inquire – a se informa, a se interesaTo vacate – a se elibera, a goliTo charge – a taxa, a pune la socoteală


To disturb – a deranjaTo overlook / to look out on – a da spre, aavea vedere laTo cruise – a face o croazierăTo splash – a împroşca, a stropiTo stroll – a se plimbaTo plan one’s holiday – a face planuri devacanţă, concediuTo have a successful holiday – a avea unconcediu, o vacanţă reuşităTo get away – a pleca din oraşTo go on holiday – a pleca, merge în vacanţă,concediuTo lay out a camp – a aşeza o tabărăTo put at a hotel/ an inn – a se stabili la unhotel/ la un hanTo go to the mountains – a merge la munteTo go to the seaside – a merge la mareTo air the room – a aerisi cameraTo tidy up the room – a face ordine în camerăTo lock/ unlock the door – a încuia/ a descuiauşaTo put up for the night – a înnopta undevaTo raise/ lower the blinds – a ridica/ a coborîjaluzeleleTo light/ put out the fire – a aprinde/ astinge foculThe modern love of moving around – pasiuneapentru mişcare a epocii moderneThe ease of travel – uşurinţa de a călători


The need for quiet and fresh air – nevoia delinişte şi aer curatThe love of solitude – dorinţa de singurătateBed and breakfast – cazare şi mic dejun inclusFull board – pensiune completăCan I help you? – cu ce pot să vă fiu de folos?Will you sign the register please? – semnaţi înregistru, vă rogI’d like a room – aş dori o camerăMind the step – aveţi grijă la scarăLead the way, please – luaţi-o înainte, vă rogWe are quite full at the present – nu mai avemnici o cameră liberăI’d like to be called in the morning at 7o’clock – aş dori să mă sculaţi la ora 7dimineaţaTake your pick – alegeţi ce vă placeWhat will be the charge per day? – la câtrevine pe zi?How long will you be staying? – cât timpintenţionaţi să rămâneţi?Would you care to see the room? – doriţi săvedeţi camera?Are there any extras? – există vreo taxăsuplimentară?Step in, please. We’ll walk upstairs. Your roomis on the first floor. – intraţi, vă rog. Vomurca pe scări. Camera Dvs. este la etajul I.I’ll show you up to your room. – vă conduc lacamera Dvs.Will come this way, please? – pe aici, vă rog


Where does this room look to? – unde dă cameraasta?Show me a room facing the street/ overlookingthe park opposite – arătaţi-mi o cameră lastradă/ cu vedere spre parkWhat will it come to all in all? – la cât seridică cu totul?Would you fill in this form/ card/ yourparticulars? – vreţi să completaţi acestformular/ datele personale?Can I have my dress/ suit brushed and pressed?– imi puteţi peria şi călca rochia şi costumul?Can I have my shoes cleaned and polished? – îmiputeţi curăţa şi lustrui pantofii?Can I have my linen washed and ironed? – îmiputeţi spăla şi curăţa lenjeria?Will you bring/ fetch me a cake of soap? – îmiaduceţi, vă rog, o bucată de săpun?Tell me, please, where is the men’s/ ladies’room? – puteţi să-mi spuneţi unde este toaletapentru bărbaţi/ femei?I would like to know if I can make a longdistance call from here? – aş vrea să ştiu dacăpot obţine de aici o convorbire internaţională.I would like to know if I can have my breakfastbrought up to my room – aş vrea să ştiu dacă mise poate aduce micul dejun în camerăThis door opens out on the balcony – uşa astadă pe balconAre light, heating and service included? –lumina, încălzitul şi serviciul sunt incluse înpreţ?


We have special monthly rates – avem tarifelunare avantajoaseHere is the receipt – aveţi aici recipisaYour luggage will be sent for – vom trimitedupă bagajele Dvs.Make yourself at home/ comfortable – faceţi-văcomodCan I move in today? – pot sa mă mut astăzi?Will you get a taxi for me? – vreţi să chemaţiun taxi?I’m expecting a visitor… – aştept un vizitator…I’m waiting for a telephone call – aştept untelefonIf anyone calls while I am out/ away you maysay I’ll be back in an hour – dacă vine cinevacât sunt plecat puteţi spune că mă întorc într-o orăDid anybody inquire after me? – a întrebatcineva de mine?Shall I pass him on the phone or show him up toyour room? – să vi-l dau la telefon sau să-lconduc la camera Dvs.?I expect to leave the day after tomorrow – credcă plec poimâineWill you, please, forward all my mail to thisaddress? – vreţi să expediaţi toatăcorespondenţa mea la adresa aceasta?Make out the bill, please – vă rog să-mi faceţinotaI’d like to settle it now – aş dori să plătescacumYou’ve charged too much – aţi încărcat nota


I’d like to see the manager – aş vrea săvorbesc cu directorulLet someone carry down my luggage – cineva să-mi coboare bagajeleCan anyone wake me up at six o’clock in themorning? – poate cineva să mă trezească la şasedimineaţa?


When applied to holidays the expressionspackage and all-in-price mean that theindividual costs of accommodation, transportand perhaps excursions or other activities havebeen carefully planned and joined together sothat they may be conveniently bought as acomplete “package”.Not only does this save the trouble ofinquiring about each item and bookingseparately, but the cost is often appreciablyless than buying the same services bit by bit.An extra advantage with package arrangements isthat the cost is often reduced for holidaysoutside the peak summer months.There are many interesting package holidaysavailable in England. They range from specialinterest study tours or sporting holidays to athoroughly lazy fortnight canal cruisingthrough our restful countryside.The popularity of camping and caravanning hasalso grown over recent years due to the appealof flexible holiday, combined with the


provision of more and better sites, and a widechoice of equipment. Many organized campingsites offer such facilities as shops, showersand laundry rooms, as well as the essentialservices. Equipment available ranges fromsleeping bags, folding beds, cooking equipment,fold-up tables and chairs to tents and tent-trailers.A caravanning holiday offers the same relaxedatmosphere of camping but the comfort of a warmcaravan may induce you to try the off-seasonspring and autumn months when the roads are notso crowded.


When I was a boy every holiday that I hadseemed ideal. My parents took me by car or bytrain to a hotel by the sea. All day I playedon the sands with other children. We madesandcastles with huge yellow walls, and watchedthe incoming tide destroy them; we playedfootball with a large rubber ball and wesplashed each other in the water. When the tidewent out, we climbed over the rocks and stareddown at the fish and the seaweed in the rock-pools.In those far-off days the sun seemed to shineall day and the water was always warm.Sometimes we left the beach and walked in thetown, exploring ruins and visiting museums.There were always sweets in mother’s pockets or


places where we could buy ice cream. Each dayseemed a lifetime.Although I am now an adult, my idea of aholiday is much the same as it was. I stilllike the sun and the warm sand and I enjoysplashing in the water.I no longer wish to build sandcastles and Idislike sweets intensely, but I love sunbathingand I look forward to sitting down to a goodmeal and a bottle of wine in the evening.I still need my companions not, of course, toplay on the sands and eat ices with, but todrink with and talk to on warm moonlit nights.Sometimes I wonder what my ideal holiday willbe when I am old. All I shall want to do then,I expect, will be to lie in bed, reading booksabout children who make sandcastles with hugewalls, who watch the incoming tide, who makethemselves sick on too many ices…


Imagine yourself in London. There are so manythings to do and see on any day in London – andit’s possible that your hotel may be right onthe doorstep of an historic sight.Take the new Tower Hotel, for instance. Whenyou wake in the morning your first glimpsethrough the window may be across the road tothe Tower of London, built by King William I inthe 11th century. Or you may look down on Tower


Bridge, or on the now-peaceful basins of theonce crowded and busy docks.

Take your pick Almost anywhere you stay is a good centre foryour sightseeing. If your hotel is right in theheart of the West End, you won’t be far fromPiccadilly Circus and the familiar islandstatue of Eros, theatreland and some of themost famous shopping streets in the world.You can stroll up Regent Street to OxfordStreet; or go down Haymarket to TrafalgarSquare – where Nelson’s Column is one ofLondon’s prominent landmarks – Whitehall andParliament Square to Westminster Abbey. Andthen you can go further east from TrafalgarSquare, along The Strand and Fleet Street to St.Paul’s Cathedral.

Cathedral and Abbey At St. Paul’s you can sit under Sir ChristopherWren’s massive 18th century dome (built inbaroque style, after the Great Fire); walk upto the famous Whispering Gallery or go down tothe crypt where some of Britain’s heroes lieburied, including Admiral Lord Nelson and theDuke of Wellington, victors at the Battles ofTrafalgar (1805) and Waterloo (1815).Westminster Abbey was founded by King Edward theConfessor, who died in 1065, and facing hisshrine you can see the oaken Coronation Chair(made in 1300) which has been used at every


Coronation since that of Edward II in 1307.There are also the tombs of numerous “royals”,including Queen Elisabeth I and Mary Queen ofScots – graves of kings and queens, politiciansand churchmen and in “Poets Corner” you can seethe memorials of many of Britain’s literaryfigures.The Abbey’s Chapter House was the meeting placeof the House of Commons for 200 years until1547, when the members moved round the cornerto the site of the present Houses of Parliamentwhere “Big Ben” booms out the hours from theclock tower.The British Museum shows the works of man fromprehistoric times to the present day. There arepermanent displays of antiquities from Egypt,Western Asia, Greece and Rome. It also includesone of the most famous libraries in the worlds.The National Gallery, situated on the north side ofTrafalgar Square, houses one of the richestcollection of paintings. Most famous areRenaissance and Impressionist worksMadame Tussaud’s exhibits wax models of famoushistorical characters, Royalty internationalstatesmen, film and sports stars, artists andentertainers.Barbican Arts Centre is a good example of modernarchitecture in Britain. The complex of glass,concrete (beton) and steel (oţel) buildingsincludes a concert hall, a theatre and artgalleries.


Piccadilly Circus is one of the busiest junctions inthe city and the heart of London’s theatreland.The fountain with the statue of Eros on top isa favourite meeting place for young people. Atnight the Circus becomes a mass of colouredchanging lights.Tower Bridge, opened in 1894, is one of London’sbest landmarks with its two neo-Gothic towers.The two 1000 ton drawbridges used to be raisedto let big ships pass. The glass-coveredwalkway, 142ft above the Thames, gives asplendid view of the river.The statue of the victorious Admiral, LordNelson, dominates Trafalgar Square, named incommemoration of a great English naval victory.People and pigeons gather here to see and enjoythe fountains, the lions and the other statues.Buckingham Palace was made the official residenceof the Sovereign by Queen Victoria whosememorial is in front of the palace. The RoyalGuards change at 11.30 every day much to thedelight of the tourists.The Houses of Parliament, also called the Palace ofWestminster, range along the Thames withVictoria Tower at one end and Big Ben, thefamous bell in the Clock Tower, at the other.10 Downing Street has been the home of theBritish Prime Minister since 1732. It is thesymbol of British political power.



Inside Parliament there are two large chambers.One is known as the House of Commons, and thisis for MPs (members of Parliament) whorepresent the people. The other chamber iscalled the House of Lords. Everyone who sits inthis chamber has to be a Lord or Lady, or aBishop. Nowadays the House of Commons is moreimportant than the House of Lords, but bothhouses must pass any new law.The House of Commons was bombed during theWorld War II but it was rebuilt in its originalform. The seating arrangement is ideal fordebate, the rows of “benches” (covered withgreen leather) enabling the supporters of thePrime Minister to face the Opposition MPsdirectly. Between the two sides there is atable and a great throne-like chair, made ofdark wood, in which an MP called the Speakersits.The House of Lords is sumptuously decorated,with red leather benches. Here the wholeParliament – Sovereign, Lords and Commons –assembles for the State Opening. The House ofLords is presided over by the Lord Chancellorwho sits on the Woolsack (pernă de lână pe care şadelordul cancelar) in front of the throne. Hisunusual seat, placed here during the reign(domnie) of Edward II, symbolizes theimportance wool used to have for the wealth(bunăstare) of the nation.



To get around London most visitors choose theOfficial London Transport Sightseeing Tour,a 90-minutes ride on an open bus thatprovides a good orientation to the city.

West End theatres are just a few minutes’ walkfrom Piccadilly Circus and so is the worldfamous Covent Garden, home of the royalOpera.

If you’d rather explore London on your own,there’s a wide network of public transport:double-deckers (don’t forget to queue,otherwise Londoners will be irritated),river buses or the underground (if you havespeed in mind); the black-cab taxi serviceis also available, but it is ratherexpensive.

One can also choose from the manyattractions offered by the modern arts centrebuilt on the South Bank of the Thames, whichhouses the National Theatre, the RoyalFestival Hall, the National film theatre,with its two cinemas, the Museum of theMoving Image and the exquisite art gallery.

For those who are fond of shopping, RegentStreet and Oxford Street are the answer. Youmay also want to have a look at Mayfair’selegant Victorian arcades (zone comercialeacoperite); for a change, visit PetticoatLane, London’s most famous outdoor market.

The hot spots of music and dance are locatednear Leicester Square. There are fashionable


discos and nightclubs all round and largevariety of performances given by streetentertainers till late at night.

The numerous parks offer shelter from thenoise of the big city. Nothing more relaxingthan a quiet stroll and refreshments in St.James’s Park, near Buckingham Palace.Children will always choose Regent’s Park,which houses London Zoo or KensingtonGardens, where they can play near PeterPan’s statue.

Elegant but expensive restaurants and cafes mixwith the more familiar sight and accessibleprices of the typical English pub wherepeople enjoy a chat with friends or game ofbilliards over a pint (măsură de 0.57 l, halbă) ofbeer.


The Yeoman Warders (Beefeaters)Early in the history of the Tower the custodyof the gates and the safekeeping of theprisoners were entrusted to a body of warders(temniceri) headed by a porter appointed directlyby the king. From the reign of Henry VIII abody of the king’s yeomen (răzeşi) who weremembers of the royal guard and were entitled towear the royal livery (livrea, uniformă) carriedout these duties. Nowadays, there are about 40Yeoman Warders, who live within the walls ofthe tower. These former officers with an


honourable service record of at least 22 yearsare better known as Beefeaters. Of all thetraditions at the Tower, one above all evokesits essential character as a royal palace andfortress, namely the nightly Ceremony of theKeys, when, after locking the gates, the chiefYeoman Warder presents them to the monarch’srepresentative in the tower, the ResidentGovernor. By tradition there have been ravensat the Tower from its very beginnings, and thelegend that without its ravens the Tower willfall and the kingdom with it have protectedtheir presence. There are usually six ravens inresidence cared for by one of the YeomanWarders, with the title of Ravenmaster.


On Christmas Day 1066 William, Duke ofNormandy, was crowned King of England. Heordered at once the building of an earth-and-timber (lemn) castle within the ancientRoman City walls. Ten years later this simplefort was turned into a massive palace-fortress.A great stone tower was built: the Whitetower.

In 1189, while Richard the Lionheart was away oncrusade (cruciadă), his chancellor (cancelar)began the first expansion (extindere) of thetower’s defences (sistem de apărare). Richard’sbrother, John, who succeeded him to thethrone in 1199, completed it.


John’s son, Henry III, gave his attention toimproving the tower as a royal residence.Within the space between the white Tower andthe river a splendid new palace took shape toreplace the White tower, former royalaccommodation (reşedinţă).

Henry III’s son, Edward I, spent in ten yearstwice as much on the tower as his father haddone during his entire reign. He made theTower into one of the great castle of 13th centuryEngland.

Whenever monarchs wanted to get rid ofpossible rivals to the throne they sentthese to the Tower and eventually (în cele dinurmă) put them to death. Such was the tragicfate of the infant nephews of Richard III (1483-1485).

It was during the reign of the ruthless(nemilos) Henry VII (1509-1547) that the Towerbecame known above all as the chief prison of thestate.

Many prisoners of high rank entered thetower, never to leave it alive. Two of thewives of Henry VIII (Ann Boleyn and CatherineHoward) were executed on tower Hill and sowas Thomas More who refused to acknowledge(a recunoaşte) Henry VIII as Head of theChurch of England.

Following the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660,the Tower underwent major changes. Charles IIhad a large permanent garrison housed in theTower, while the arsenal was expanded. Soon


the Crown Jewels and the historic arms andarmours were put on public show.

In the time of Queen Victoria the Tower beganto take on the character of a nationalmonument. By 1901 half a million peoplevisited it each year. Nowadays the tower hasbecome one of the world’s great tourist attractions.It is guarded by the famous Beefeaters whoalso take part in the many colourfulceremonies organized there on variousoccasions.


Basic Vocabulary

Breakfast – mic dejun, masa de dimineaţăLunch – 1. Prânz, dejun (atunci când masaprincipală se serveşte la prânz) 2. Gustare(atunci când masa principală se serveşte seara)Tea – ceaiDinner – 1. Cină 2. Masă principală a zilei(prânz sau cină)Supper – cină, masa de seară (după cină)Meal – mâncare, masăCourse – fel de mâncareMain course – fel principal de mâncareDish – 1. Fel de mâncare 2. Farfurie mareSnack – gustareRestaurant – restaurantCanteen – cantină, bufet


Snack bar – bufet expresPub (from public house) – restaurant, cârciumăTable d’hote / set lunch – meniu fixA la carte – a la carte Fish and chip shop – local unde se serveştepeşte cu cartofi prăjiţiMenu card / bill of fare – listă de bucate,meniuHors d’oeuvre [o: d∂:vr] – gustare înainteamesei, aperitivBacon and eggs – ochiuri cu slăninăHam and eggs – ochiuri cu şuncăRaw egg – ou crudSoft ouă moiHard boiled eggs - ouă tari, răscoapteScrambled eggs – ouă jumăriPoached eggs – ochiuri româneştiFried eggs – ochiuriOmelette – omletă Sausage – salamOlive – măslinăButter – untCheese – brânzăPressed cheese – caşcaval Swiss cheese – şvaiţerYoghourt – iaurtJellied meat – piftieJellied fish – peşte în aspicPickled fish – zacuscă de peşteMinced-meat balls – chifteluţeMeat croquettes - pârjoale


Vegetable salad – salată de legumeMayonnaise dressing – maionezăCaviare – icre negre, caviarManchuria hard roe – icre de ManciuriaPaté de foie gras – pateu din ficat de gâscăCanapé – pâine prăjită în untToast – pâine prăjităSoup – supăChicken soup – supă de puiClear chicken soup – supă limpedeTomato (+ alte legume) soup – supă de roşiiNoodle soup – supă de tăiţeiSour/ julienne soup – ciorbăGiblet soup – ciorbă de măruntaieSoup with meat balls – ciorbă de perişoareConsommé – consomméCream soup – cremă de legumeBroth/ gravy soup – supă concentrată de carneVermicelli soup – supă de fideaDumpling soup – supă cu găluşteVegetable soup – supă de legumeMeat – carneMinced meat – carne tocatăBeef – carne de vităVeal – carne de viţelMutton – carne de oaieLamb – carne de mielPork – carne de porcPoultry – 1. păsări de curte 2. carne de pasăreChicken – carne de puiDuck – carne de raţă


Goose – carne de gâscăTurkey – carne de curcanVegetables – legume, zarzavaturi (abrev. Veg)Mixed vegetables – ghiveci de legume asortateCold meat salad – salată boeufBoiled cartofi fierţiRoast cartofi prăjiţiMashed potatoes cartofi piureChipped cartofi paiEgg-plant / aubergine – vânătăEndive - andiveCabbage – varzăRed cabbage – varză roşieBrussels cabbage – varză de BruxellesSauerkraut – varză acrăPickles - murăturiCarrot – morcovTossed carrots – sote de morcoviCauliflower – conopidăTomato sauce – bulionTomato juice – suc de roşiiBeetroot – sfeclă roşiePeas – mazăreBeans – fasoleFrench beans – fasole verdeCucumber – castraveteGreen-pepper – ardei grasRed pepper – gogoşarHot pepper – ardei iuteMushrooms – ciupercăMushrooms cooked in sauce – ciulama de ciuperci


Lettuce – salată verdeSpinach - spanacOnion – ceapăLeek - prazSpring onion – ceapă verdeGarlic – usturoiGrill – grătar, friptură la grătarBeefsteak – biftec, muşchi în sângeRump-steak – ramstec, friptură de muşchi devităRoast chicken – friptură de pasăreRoast beef – friptură de vităRoast liver – ficat prăjitKidney – rinichiChop – cotletCutlet – cotlet, şniţelSteak, rib – antricotPork sausages – cârnaţi de porcRoast duckling – friptură de răţuşcăStew – tocanăStewed meat – carne fiartă, înăbuşităBoiled meat – carne rasolChicken in white sauce – ciulama de puiDish of breaded brain – creier prăjitGoulasch, stew – gulaşSweetbread – momiţeLeg of a fowl – picior de pasăreBrisket – piept/ garf de porcSauté – sote Scallop – şniţelVenison - vânat


Mint sauce – sos de mentăFish – peşteFresh-water fish – peşte de apă dulceSalt-water fish – peşte de mareHaddock – batog, egrefinHerring – hering, scrumbieKipper – scrumbie afumatăSole – calcanHalibut – peşte de mare din genul HipoglossusCod – codPerch – bibanTrout – păstrăvSturgeon – sturionPlaice – plăticăCarp – crapSalmon – somonTunny/ tunna fish – tonCrawfish – raciCrabs - crabiPike – ştiucăZander – şalăuLobster – homarOyster – stridieDessert – desertSweet – desert dulceCake – prăjiturăPastry – plăcinte, patiserieApple-tart – tartă/ plăcintă cu mereCheese pie – plăcintă cu brânzăPudding – budincăBiscuits – biscuiţi


Muffin – brioşăPancakes – clătiteDoughnuts – gogoşiSponge cake – pandişpanSweet biscuit – pişcotTrifle – şarlotă, prăjitură făcută din frişcă,migdale şi biscuiţi înmuiaţi în vinGingerbread – turtă dulceFruit salad – salată de fructeStewed fruit – compot de fructeGrape – strugureCurrant – stafidă marePine-apple – ananasIce-cream – îngheţatăCustard – cremă de ouăBatter – aluatJam – gem, dulceaţăMarmalade – dulceaţă sau marmeladă de portocaleCream – caimac, smântânăWhipped cream – frişcăCereals – mâncare pregătită din cereale (fulgide ovăz, porumb) Cornflakes – fulgi de porumbPorridge – fiertură din fulgi de ovăz sauporumb, cu lapte, caimac, cu sau fără zahărOatmeal – făină de ovăz, ovăz pisat Pastas – paste făinoaseRice – orezPilaff (rice) – pilafSpaghetti – spagheteMacaroni au gratin – macaroane gratinateDrink – băutură


Soft drink – băutură nealcoolică, răcoritoareLemonade – limonadă, citronadăJuice – sucFruit juice – suc de fructeOrange juice – suc de portocaleMineral water – apă mineralăCider – cidruMilk –lapteCoffee – cafeaBlack coffee – cafea neagrăWhite coffee – cafea cu lapteStrong/ hard/ alcoholic drink – băuturăalcoolicăBeer –bereMug, a pint of beer – o halbă de bereBitter – bere amarăStout – bere neagră Ginger ale – bere nealcoolicăDraught beer – bere de la butoiAle – bere englezeascăBrandy – rachiu, coniacWine –vinWhite wine –vin albRed wine –vin roşuDry wine –vin secSweet wine – vin dulceSherry – vin de XeresPort – vin de PortoLiqueur – lichiorChampagne – şampanieWhisky – whisky scoţian


Whiskey – whisky irlandezSpices – condimenteSalt – sarePepper –piperVinegar –oţetMustard – muştarDressing – sosuri şi condimenteThe dishes – veselă, vaseCrockery – vase (de faianţă, ceramică)Cup – ceaşcăGlass – paharJug – cană, ulciorSaucer – farfurioarăPlate – farfurieDinner plate – farfurie întinsăSoup plate – farfurie adâncăBread plate – farfurie pentru pâine, platouCutlery – tacâmuriSpoon – lingurăTea spoon – linguriţă de ceai sau de cafeaSoup spoon – lingură de supăDessert spoon – linguriţăKnife – cuţitFork – furculiţăSalt cellar – solniţăMustard-pot – borcan de muştarPepper-pot – piperniţăCorkscrew – tirbuşonSauce-boat – sosierăSoup-tureen – castron de supăSugar basin – zaharniţă


Napkin – şerveţelToothpick - scobitoareTable-cloth – faţă de masăDrinking straw – pai de sorbitAshtray – scrumierăWine-decanter – carafă de vinTeapot – ceainicCoffee-pot – ibric de cafeaFlavour – aromăVanilla – vanilieStrawberry – fragă, căpşunăRaspberry – zmeurăFat (d. mâncare, carne) - grasLean (d. mâncare, carne) – slabThin (d. lichide) – slab, diluatUnderdone în sânge, nefăcutăWell-done (d. friptură) bine făcutăOverdone uscată, arsăWarm / warmlike – cald / călduţFresh – proaspătStale (d. mâncare) – vechiSaw – crudStrong – tareWeak – slabFizzy – gazos, spumosBrown (d. pâine) - neagrăPlain – simpluSpicy – condimentatSavoury (d. mâncare) – picant, sărat, piperatVacant (d. loc, masă) – liberTaken (d. loc, masă) – ocupat


Semi-prepared semipreparateReady-packed preambalateReady-cooked foods gata preparateReady-bottled îmbuteliateFrozen congelateTinned conservateA slice of bread/ ham – o felie de pâine/ şuncăA lump of sugar – o bucată de zahărA piece of cake – o bucată de prăjiturăA plateful of – o farfurie de

To steam – a fierbeTo roast – a prăji, a coaceTo grill – a frige la grătarTo fry – a prăjiTo bake – a coaceTo boil – a fierbe To stir – a mesteca

To poach – a fierbe (d. ex. ouă fără coajă)To heat – a încălziTo smoke – a afumaTo flavour – a condimenta, a aromatizaTo season (d. mâncare) – a asezona, a potriviTo eat at home – a mânca acasăTo eat out – a mânca în oraş (la restaurant)To drink the wine neat – a bea vinul fără sifonTo lay the table – a pune masaTo clear the table – a strânge masaTo wash up, to wash the dishes – a spăla vaseleTo reserve a table in advance – a rezerva omasă în avans


To be on a diet – a ţine dietă, regimTo slim/ to lose weight – a slăbiI’ll take … for the first course – primul fel osă iauI’ll have/ order … - am să comandWhat would you say to … - ce-ai zice de …Will you pass me the salt, please? – vreţi să-mi daţi sarea, vă rog?May I have another helping of…? – pot să maiiau o porţie de…?Would you like some more…? – mai doriţi nişte…?Have you made your choice? – v-aţi hotărât? Aţiales?No, thank you, I don’t care for…/ not for me,thank you – nu, mulţumesc, nu iau, nu-mi place…I’m afraid it’s off – regret, dar nu mai avemWhat do you recommend? – ce-mi recomandaţi?I could do with a snack – aş dori/ mi-ar prindebine o gustarePork disagrees with me – nu-mi face bine carneade porcI’ve had enough. Thank you – nu, mulţumesc. M-am săturat.No more (for me). Thank you – mulţumesc. Nu maivreauSay when – spune când să mă opresc (din servit)I’m not keen on – nu mă dau în vânt dupăHelp yourself to… - serveşte-te cu…May I offer you…? – pot să vă ofer…?Do you fancy…? – v-ar plăcea…?I can’t stand it – nu suport această mâncare


I don’t like it either – nici acest fel nu-miplaceWill you have…? – aţi dori să serviţi…?ENGLISH FOODFour meals a day are served traditionally inBritain: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.In many countries breakfast is a snack ratherthan a meal, but the traditional Englishbreakfast, served at about eight o’clock in themorning, is a full meal. Some people begin witha plateful of porridge, with milk or cream, andsalt or sugar; others may have fruit-juice, orperhaps cornflakes or some other cereal. Thencomes at least one substantial course, such ashaddock or fried herrings, or bacon and eggs –boiled, fried or poached –, or sausages andbacon, or ham and eggs. Afterwards comes toast,with butter and marmalade or jam and perhapssome fruit. The meal is ‘washed down’ with teaor coffee. Many English people now take such afull breakfast only on Sunday mornings.English lunch, which is usually served at oneo’clock, is based on plain, simply cooked food.It starts with soup or fruit-juice. Thenfollows some meat or poultry – beef, veal,mutton, lamb, pork, chicken, duck – withpotatoes, boiled or roast, and a secondvegetable (probably cabbage or carrots), andYorkshire pudding.Apple pie is a favourite sweet, and Englishpuddings, of which there are various types, arean excellent ending to a meal, especially in


winter. Instead of the pudding some people mayhave stewed fruit or cheese and biscuits. Lastof all coffee – black or white.But what shall we drink with our meal? Ofcourse English beer, preferably bitter or paleale, or cider. Tea, the third meal of the day, is servedbetween four and five o’clock. A pot of teawith a jug of hot water, a jug of milk and abasin of sugar are brought in. Thin slices ofbread and butter are handed round, and cakes,jam and cream. Tea is not always served attable, for it is the most sociable meal of theday, and friends and visitors are oftenpresent. The members of the tea-party sit roundon chairs.Dinner is the most substantial meal of the day.The usual time is about seven o’clock, and allthe members of the family sit down together.Soup is the first course. Then comes the secondcourse, fish – sole, halibut, salmon. A jointof meat, perhaps the roast beef of old England,forms the third course, served with vegetables.Then comes the dessert: some kind of sweet andblack or white coffee.This is the traditional order of meals. Butsome people in the towns, and nearly allcountry people, have dinner in the middle ofthe day instead of lunch. They have tea alittle later, between five and six o’clock, andthen in the evening, before going to bed, theyhave a light supper.


Thus the four meals of the day are breakfast,dinner, tea supper or breakfast, lunch, tea,dinner.

A LIST OF BRITISH TRADITIONAL DISHES AND DRINKSBangers and Mash. Sausages and mashed potatoes.Traditional pub dish.Cornish / Devonshire Cream. Thick, rich creamusually served over fruits and desserts.Cornish Pastry. Small pastries filled withmeat, onion and potato.Dover sole. There are many recipes for thisdelicious fish, but perhaps it is best whenplain grilled.Fish and chips. Fried fish and potatoesseasoned with salt and vinegar. A fine Britishinstitution!Gingerbread. Spicy cake often made in the shapeof a man and decorated with currants.Goose. A Christmas favourite.Ham. As popular for breakfast as it is fordinner. Often smoked.Herring. Delicious baked, fried, grilled orsmoked (kippers).Irish Stew. Mutton, potatoes, carrots andonions.Lamb. Prepared in many ways, but perhaps bestwhen roasted and served with mint sauce.Lobster. Grilled, boiled or backed and servedin rich sauce.Mince Pies. Small pies filled with currants andspices. A Christmas favourite.


Oysters. Some say the real reason Julius Caesarinvaded Britain 2,000 years ago was hisattraction to the delectable British oyster.Some of the most prized come from Colchester.Porridge. Boiled oatmeal with milk or cream andflavoured with salt or sugar. A Scottishbreakfast favourite.Roast Beef. The most famous of Britain’snational dishes. A favourite choice for Sundaylunch. Served with roast potatoes, greenvegetables and, of course, Yorkshire pudding.Salmon. Served hot, cold or smoked. Scotchsalmon is the best in the world.Scotch Broth. Thick, creamy vegetable soup.Steak and Kidney Pie/ Pudding. A mixture ofsteak, kidney and mushrooms. A pub favourite.Syllabub. A refreshing dessert made frombrandy, fresh fruit, white wine or sherry,cream and sugar.Tea. A British way of life. Althoughtraditionally ‘tea time’ is approximately 4p.m. a ‘nice cup of tea’ is liable to beproduced at any time of the day, usuallyaccompanied by biscuits and / or cakes.‘High Tea’ is a meal you would expect to get ina Scottish or North Country guesthouse insteadof dinner. It combines afternoon tea (bread andbutter, cakes, biscuits, etc.) with cold meatand / or a hot dish.Trifle. A dessert of cake, fruit, and sherryset in jelly and topped with custard, servedwith whipped cream.


Trout. Grilled, poached or fried, one of themost delicately flavoured river fish.Yorkshire Pudding. Savoury baked batter.Traditional accompaniment to roast beef.Bitter. Clear and golden, it is the mostpopular of British draught beers. Served by thepint or half-pint.Brown Ale. A dark, sweet bottled beer.Mild Ale. Dark, full-flavoured draught beer.Low in alcoholic content. Sometimes combinedwith bitter.Pale Ale. A slightly fizzy bottled beer.Cider. Fermented apple juice. Often quitestrong – so beware!Irish Coffee. A mixture of coffee, whiskey andsugar drunk through a top layer of cream.Whisky. Mellow, golden Scotch whisky is thebest in the world.

FATHeavy – greu, grasMassive - masivOverweight - supraponderalCorpulent - corpolentObese - obezStout – solid, grosSolid - solidBulky – mare, voluminos, voinic, greoiDumpy – bondocPlump - durduliu, grăsuţ, rotofei



Skinny - slăbănogUnderweight - subponderalSlender - zveltSlim – slab

Cooking instruments and the ways of cookingTo steam – casserole (caserolă)To fry – frying pan (tigaie)To poach – cooking pot (oală de gătit)To grill – grill (grătar)To boil – saucepan (cratiţă)To heat – microwave oven (cuptor cu microunde) In a supermarketA box of cereals a carton of milkA bag of onions a pack ofcigarettesA can of soup a six-pack of sodaA bottle of oil a bunch of flowersA jar of peanuts a bar of soapA tube of toothpaste a slice of bread In a restaurantA box of French-fries a glass of waterA piece of toast a bowl of cerealA cup of coffee a cup of ice-creamA mug of beerThe Changing Eating Habits of AmericansMost people think that the typical NorthAmerican diet consists of fast foods –hamburgers and French fries. It also includesconvenience foods, usually frozen or canned,


“junk food” without much food value – candy,potato chips, cereal – and so on. This diet isvery high in sugar, salt, fat but not invitamins.However, eating habits are changing. NorthAmericans are becoming more interested in goodhealth and nutrition is an important part ofhealth. People are eating less red meat andfewer eggs, and they are eating more chickenand fish. For health reason, many people arealso buying more raw vegetables. They may eatthem without cooking them first or they mightcook them quickly in very little water becausethey want to keep the vitamins.The “typical” North American diet now includesfood from many different countries. Atlunchtime, many people go to ethnic fast-foodplaces for Mexican taco, Middle Eastern falafel orPhilippine lumpia.In the future the Americans will still buyconvenience foods but frozen foods will bebetter for their health and canned foods willhave less salt and sugar. “Junk food” is notgoing to be “junk” at all because instead ofcandy bars there will be “nutrition bars” witha lot of vitamins and protein.

VOCABULARY PRACTICE1. After you have had a meal in a restaurant

you ask the waiter for the ……a. bill b. recipe c. note d.prescription


2. Do you like your steak well-done, medium or…..a. blue b. bloody c. raw d. rare

3. Spaghetti is good if you …. cheese over it.a. minceb. slice c. chop d.grate

4. She liked the dessert so much that she askedfor a second ….a. dish b. go c. helping d. serving

5. I forgot to put the milk in the fridge andit has ……a. gone back b. gone down c. gone in d.gone sour

6. …. the bread in a hot oven.a. grillb. boil c. bake d.roast

7. Curry is very …..a. hot b. peppery c. salty d. warm

8. ….. the mixture into an oven proof dish.a. beat b. mix c. salty d.warm

9. Roast beef is one of my favourite ….a. bowl b. plates c. dishes d. courses

10. Your apple tart was absolutely delicious.Can you give me the ….a. instructions b. receipt c. recipe d.formula

11. Garlic has a remarkable ….a. flavor b. garnish c. herb d.spice

12. Don’t throw the potato ….


a. shellb. skin c. core d.peel

13. Let’s have a salad to start with and fishfor the main ….a. helping b. course c. dish d.serving

14. When the water comes to the …. put thevegetables in.a. boil b. cook c. heat d.steam

ShapeConicalSemi-circularBell-shaped/ Egg- ~ / Pear- ~ / Wedge- ~

SmellsScent/ smellSmells fruity/ aromatic/ smoky/ burnt/ bad

SizeLength/ Width/ Height - cms / inches

TastesSour/ Sweet/ Bitter - Salty / salted Peppery / peppered - Spicy / spiced

TextureFruit and vegetables that are crisp are freshand have a firm texture so that when you bitethem they are hard and crunchy. E.g. he boughtnice crisp apples at the market.


Cooked food that is crisp has been fried ortoasted until it is hard, dry and crunchy.Crunchy food makes a noise when you eat it.E.g. he helped himself to some hot crisp rolls. I can feel thecrisp frosty snow crunching under my feet. It’s the nuts thatmake this cake so crunchy.

Fleshy – peach, apple, kiwi fruitJuicy – tomato, orange, peach, hamburgerCrunchy – nutsCrisp – biscuits, fried chicken, potato chipsSmooth – tomato, appleRough – nutsBland – spaghetti, hot dogTender – steakWatery – lemonadeStale – cheese sandwichWilted – saladFresh – milkDry – baked potatoCreamy – macaroni and cheese

PROVERBS – concerning food and eating.

Appetite comes with eating.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.Eating an apple going to bed makes the doctorbeg his bread.Good broth may be made in an old pot.The proof of the pudding is in the eating.Don’t put al your eggs in one basket.You can’t have your cake and eat it.


Too many cooks spoil the broth.Omelettes are not made without breaking ofeggs.Half a loaf is better than none.It’s no use crying over spilt milk.One man’s meat is another’s man poison.

Use these exclamations to show surpriseabout food:

Oh! – said in surprise or wonderOh, boy! – said in excitement or enthusiasmHmm! – said when the speaker is thinkingsomething overWell! – said in surprise or as a preface to aremarkWell, well! – said in mild surprise or when thespeaker has discovered somethingTsk-tsk! – a clucking sound uttered indisapprovalWow! – said in surprise or admirationGosh! – said in surpriseGee! – said in surprise


EnglandIt has been said that to eat well in England,you should have breakfast three times a day –but things are changing! Now the standart ofrestaurants has improved tremendously, and


fewer people have the time to prepare the hugebreakfasts of the past. These mighty meals caninclude kidneys or kippers. A hotel may offer acontinental breakfast, which is simply a bread rollor croissant, butter, jam and tea or coffee. Manypeople still manage to get through a cookedbreakfast, however, even if it’s not every dayof the week. This may start with porridge (atraditional Scottish dish of boiled oatmeal) orcereal followed by fried eggs, bacon, sausages,fried tomatoes and black pudding (a sausage madefrom pig’ blood with pieces of fat) – followed bytoast and marmalade and accompanied by abottomless pot of strong tea.

AmericaThe early Americans settlers ate hasty puddings,a cornmeal porridge with molasses. Later,breakfast became a very generous meal indeed.Nowadays greater concern about diet and healthmeans that many people have a fruit drink or eat acereal with lots of fibre – but a typicalAmerican breakfast would still be eggs, baconand coffee, accompanied by pancakes and maplesyrup. In the south, grits are a breakfast dish,with blackeyed bean gravy. Biscuits, a kind ofsmall breadcake, are often made for breakfast,as are french toast (bread dipped in eggs thenfried), waffles (fried batter), English muffinsand bagels. These breakfast are so deliciousthat in England and America you will often see


restaurants with sign outside saying “Breakfastserved all day”.

Lunch and DinnerIf you are likely to go to a café or “caf” (UK)for breakfast, for lunch and dinner or supper(UK) the choice is vast: brasseries, bistros, bars,pubs, steak houses and salad centres are legion inthe cities, alongside the curry houses, Chineseand Japanese restaurants and a choice ofinternational food from Lebanon to Alaska.Italian cuisine is very much in favour at themoment and has overtaken French cuisine in termsof popularity. Menus abound with terms fromboth French and Italian cooking, with Frenchbeing used more for minimalist, nouvelle cuisinedishes and Italian for the typically Americanmassive-portion pasta dishes and meat/fish and saladcombos. Very often the same restaurant will offer aninternational menu, with appetisers from Mexico(a quesadilla, for example), Spain (ceviche –shrimps in a cucumber, tomato, chili, garlic andonion salad) and Greece (humus – a chickpea paste– kalamata olives, feta cheese, tomatoes, cucumberand pita bread). If you just want a snack, thiswill do – or you could go for an exotic souplike Mulligatawny or a slice of the ever-popularquiche. Slightly more substantial snacks mightinclude Italian sausage with roast peppers. Southernstyle barbecue pork in the US, or a burger madefrom naturally grazed beef, marinated chicken or a


veggieburger (a vegetable burger) for the non-meat-eaters. When you get onto the seriousmeals, expect dishes to be accompanied by amplesauces and toppings – phrases like “with a roastedgarlic Dijon mustard butter sauce” or “served withwhipped herb potatoes and topped with orange demiglace” are common nowadays. Desserts are not usually designed for the diet-conscious: alongside the standard creme caramel,cheesecake and apple and blackberry pie, there is areturn to traditional fare like bread pudding with amodern touch – served, for example, with whiskycustard sauce and whipped cream.All of this and much, much more is there foryou to enjoy, but a world of warning: keep awary eye on your wallet… and your waistline!

LUNCHEON LANGUAGEAn American lunch counter is small, informalrestaurant where you can get simple, quickly-cooked meals. It might also be called a lunchstand or luncheonette; if it’s an old railwaycarriage, then it’s a diner. The language usedby the staff at these lunch counters todescribe the orders is vivid and idiosyncratic.Some terms, such as BLT (bacon, lettuce andtomato sandwich) have passed into everydayspeech. Here are some examples:AC – a sandwich with American cheeseAdam and Eve on a raft – two poached eggs on toastAxle grease – butterBelch water – seltzer or soda water


Bottom – ice cream added to a drinkBow bow – a hot dogBreath – an onionBurn one – put a hamburger on the grillCB – cheeseburgerCity juice – waterCrowd – three of anything (“Two’s company,three’s a crowd”)With cow to cover – buttered toastHold the hail – no iceJoe – coffeeNoah’s boy – ham (Ham was Noah’s second son!)OJ – orange juiceOver easy – fried eggs turned over when cookingNo cow – without milkSinkers and studs – doughnuts and coffeeSqueeze one – orange juiceStack – a pile of pancakesWarts – olives


Basic Vocabulary

Shop – magazinShop-window – vitrinăShop-assistant – vânzătorShopping – cumpărărturiShopping-area – zonă comercialăShopper – cumpărător


Customer – cumpărător, clientDepartment – raionDepartment-store – magazin universalChain store – filială a unei firme de magazineElectrical equipment – aparate electriceCamera(s) – aparat(e) de fotografiatRecord department – raionul de discuriChina/ porcelain – porţelanGlassware – sticlăriePottery – ceramicăFabrics – ţesăturiCounter – tejghea, raionCash-desk – casă (într-un magazin)Check-out point – casă (într-un magazinuniversal)Escalator – scară rulantăExit – ieşireSelf-service – autoservireBargain – cumpărătură avantajoasă, chilipirSale(s) – vânzare (cu reducere de preţuri),solduriFashion – modăTrend – curent, direcţie, tendinţăGift – cadouAccessories – accesoriiDraper’s – galanterie, textileTobacconist’s – tutungerieGrocer’s – băcănie, alimentarăGreengrocer’s – aprozar, legume şi fructeBacker’s – brutărie, pâineButcher’s – măcelărie


Fishmonger’s – pescărieOff-licence – local unde se vând băuturi şipentru acasăDry-cleaner’s – curăţătorie chimicăToy-shop – magazin de jucăriiBook-shop – librărieConfectionery / sweet-shop – magazin dedulciuri, cofetărieDairy – magazin de produse lactateShopkeeper – negustor, comerciant (cu magazin)Tailor – croitor (pentru bărbaţi)Dressmaker – croitor de dame, croitoreasăHatter – pălărierMilliner – modistăShoemaker – cizmar, pantofarCobbler – cizmar (care face reparaţii)Sports outfitter – furnizor de echipamentsportivBarber – frizerHairdresser – coafor, coafezăBookseller – librarNewsagent – vânzător de ziare (la chioşc)Ironmonger – negustor de articole de fierărieFurniture dealer – negustor de mobilăWatchmaker – ceasornicarWatch repairer – reparaţii de ceasuriFlorist – florărieMarket – piaţăSupermarket – magazin universal (de obicei cuautoservire)Foodstuffs – alimente


Groceries – colonialeDairy produce – produse lactateTin – cutie de tablă, conservăTube – tubBottle – sticlăBag – pungăDozen – duzinăJar – borcanBox – curtieBar – batonHousehold goods/ articles / effects – articolede uz casnicHardware department / shop – raion / magazin dearticole de uz casnic/ fierărieSaucepan – cratiţăFrying-pan – tigaieKettle – ceainic, ibricCasserole – tigaie (cu toartă), cratiţă (deargilă arsă şi smălţuită)Screw – şurubDoor handle – clanţăGardening tools – unelte de grădinăritSpare parts – piese de schimbJewellery – (raionul de) bijuteriiRing – inelEar-ring – cercelWedding-ring – verighetăBracelet – brăţarăNecklace – colierBrooch – broşăCosmetics – (raionul de) cosmetice


Hand cream – cremă de mâiniLipstick – rujScent – parfum, mireasmăPerfume – parfumVarnish – ojă, lac de unghiiPowder –pudrăEye-shade – fard de ochiMascara – rimelMake-up – fard, machiajHaberdashery – mercerie, mărunţişuriPin – ac de gămălieSafety-pin – ac de siguranţăNeddle – ac de cusutKnitting-neddle – andreaThread – fir, aţăTape – panglică (de pânză, bumbac)Ribbon – panglică, bandăStationery – papetărieChemist’s – farmacieMedicine(s) – medicament(e)Wrapping paper – hârtie de ambalajToilet supplies – articole de toaletăKnitted goods – tricotajeJumper – tricouPull-over – pulover, flanelăCardigan – jachetă tricotatăClothes – haine, îmbrăcăminteReady-made / ready-to-wear / off-the-pegclothes – haine de gata, confecţiiClothes made-to-measure / made-to-order – hainede comandă


Fitting room – cabină de probăGarments – îmbrăcăminte, veşminteDress – 1. Rochie 2. ÎmbrăcăminteEvening-dress – îmbrăcăminte de searăFancy-dress – costum de balGown – rochie (de ocazie), robăDressing-gown – halt de casăBlouse – bluzăSkirt – fustăShirt – cămaşăTrousers – pantaloniJacket – sacouDinner-jacket – smochingSuit – costumLounge-suit – haine / costum de stradăBathing-suit – costum de baieBeachwrap – halat de plajăUniform – uniformăAnorak – hanoracOveralls – haină de protecţieMourning – doliuDisguise – costum, mascăBridal veil – văl de mireasăCoat – hainăWinter-coat – paltonFur-coat – haină de blanăRain-coat – impermeabil, balonzaid, haină deploaieMackintosh – impermeabil, manta de cauciucScarf – eşarfă, basmaShawl – şal, broboadăMuffler – fular


Gloves – mănuşiMittens – mănuşi cu un singur degetCollar – gulerSleeve – mânecăCuff – manşetăBraces – breteleBelt – cureaSocks – şoseteStockings – ciorapi (lungi)Tights – ciorap pantalon, dresShoes – pantofiOvershoes – galoşiBoots – cizmeRubber-boots – cizme de cauciucSlippers – papuci de casăGlasses – ochelariSunglasses – ochelari de soareBra – sutienPanties – chiloţi de damăVest – maiou, flanelă de corpPants – indispensabiliTo do one’s shopping – a face cumpărăturiTo go shopping – a merge după cumpărăturiTo sell – a vindeTo buy – a cumpăraTo supply – a furnizaTo deliver – a livraTo display – a etalaTo be out of stock – a nu mai avea (în magazin,depozit)To try on – a încerca (o haină)


To fit – a se potriviTo match – a se asortaTo nail (down) – a bate în cuie, a fixaTo follow new fashions – a ţine pasul cu modaTo browse – a scotoci, a căuta (prin magazin)To leave a deposit – a lăsa un acontTo be on the lookout for… - a fi în căutarea…To be on display – a fi expusTo walk upstairs/downstairs – a urca/a coborîpe scăriTo bargain – a se tocmiTo go up by lift – a urca cu ascensorul To sell by the price/by the weight – a vinde labucată/la cântarBudget Dresses – rochii ieftineMother-to-be / mothercare / lady-in-waiting –magazin/ raion MaternaLayette / baby wear – articole pentru nounăscuţiUnisex – articole potrivite pentru ambele sexeMantles / coats – haine, paltoaneGowns – rochiiEarnest money / deposit – acont Well-stocked – bine aprovizionatConsumer goods / commodities – bunuri de largconsumCashier – casier, casieriţăTrolley / basket – coş/ cărucior pentrutrasportat cumpărăturileShort-weight – lipsă la cântarPrice tag – etichetă cu preţul


Gross weight / net weight – greutate bruto /greutate netoShopping list – listă de cumpărăturiDrive-in department store – magazin în care seintră cu maşinaPacket/ parcel – pachetHire-purchase – plată în rateSize – măsură, mărimeUnwrapped/wrapped – neambalat/ambalatFixed / firm prices – preţuri fixeLoose… - vărsat (pentru lichide)What can I do for you? – ce doriţi?Is anyone attending to you? – vă serveştecineva?Are you being served? – sunteţi servit?I’ll attend to you in a moment – vă servescimediatThe goods are put up for sale – mărfurile suntexpuse pentru vânzareEverything here is sold ready-weighed andready-packed – aici totul se vinde gatacântărit şi gata împachetatYou can place your orders by phone or callingin person – puteţi face comenzi prin telefonsau venind personalI’ll see that the goods are brought by ourfirst delivery – voi avea grijă ca mărfurile săfie livrate cu primul transportYour bill comes/amounts to… - nota Dvs. deplată se ridică la…


You’ll find the ordered good wrapped up andwaiting for you – veţi găsi mărfurilecomandate, ambalate şi în aşteptarea Dvs.At what time does the shop open/close? – la ceoră se deschide/se închide magazinul?Can I get here…? – pot găsi aici…?Show me please… - arătaţi-mi, vă rog…This… is only for show/ it’s not for sale –acest… este numai pentru decor/ nu este devânzareWhat is the price of this…? – ce preţ are…?Isn’t it rather dear? – nu este cam scump?Have prices gone up again? – s-au majorat iarpreţurile?It is not worth – nu merită, nu faceShow me something different – arătaţi-mialtcevaWill you give me/ weigh for me/ wrapp it up/make out the bill? – vreţi să-mi daţi…/ să-micântăriţi…/ să ambalaţi asta…/ să faceţi bonul?Can you send these… to my address? – puteţitrimite aceste… la adresa mea?Need I pay in cash? – trebuie să plătesc înnumerar?I should like to pay by cheque – aş vrea săplătesc cu un cecHave you change for/ can you change thisbanknote – puteţi să-mi schimbaţi bacnotaaceasta?I have no (small) change about me – nu ammărunţiş la mine


Can I exchange this…? – pot să schimb această…?Do you sell also by instalments/ hire-purchase?– vindeţi şi în rate?What sorts of jam have you got in? – ce gemuriaţi primit?Anything else, Madam? – altceva, doamnă?No, thanks, that’s all/that’ll do – nu,mulţumesc, asta-i totWhat have I pay to? – cât am de plată?Do you keep mineral water? – ţineţi apăminerală?How much is a bottle of wine? – cât costă osticlă de vin?Have you got any Romanian wine? – aveţi vinromânesc?I’m afraid it’s sold out – îmi pare rău, s-avândut totFor the moment we have only… - momentan maiavem doar…That piece is too fat, I’d like something lean– bucata aceea este prea grasă, aş dori una maislabăThat one will do – aceea e bunăThe choice is not too wide today – azisortimentul nu este prea bogatPut on the scales half a goose – cântăriţijumătate de gâscăWhat sorts of pies have you got today? – cesortimente de plăcintă aveţi astăzi?For today’s dinner I need… - pentru masa de aziam nevoie de…


Call at the greengrocer’s and see if there areany grapefruits – treci pe la aprozar şi vezidacă au grepuriThe shop next door keeps a wide assortment offresh vegetables – magazinul de alături estebine aprovizionat cu legumeWhat about these…? – ce spuneţi de aceste…?Are the… sold by the pound or by the piece? –se vând la kilogram sau la bucată?Will you cut/weigh for me… some ten rashers ofbacon? – vreţi să-mi tăiaţi … vreo zece feliide costiţă?Streaky? No, as lean as possible - grasă? nu,cât mai slabă posibilLet’ drop in at the Victoria department store –să intrăm la magazinul VictoriaIt saves you many calls – te scuteşte de multedrumuriIs there here… - există aici …What can I present a friend with on his weddingday? – ce îi pot dărui unui prieten de ziuacăsătoriei lui?We have nice things to suit all tastes andpurses – avem lucruri care satisfac toategusturile şi pungileHere is a nice ring – iată un inel drăguţLet me see that gold watch – arătaţi-mi ceasulacela de aurIs this brilliant genuine? – briliantul esteveritabil?I decided on this… - m-am hotărât la acest….


By the way, do you mount precious stones? –apropo, montaţi pietre preţioase?


Shops. There are some shops where we buy thingsto eat and other where we buy things to wear.The tailor, for instance, makes clothes tomeasure for men, and the dressmaker does the samefor women. The hatter sells gentlemen’s hats orcleans old ones; the milliner makes and sellsladies’ hats. The draper sells tights,stockings, socks and underwear. The shoemakermakes and sells shoes and boots, and, if he isa cobbler too, he repairs them. The sports outfittersells articles used in various sports.Other shopkeepers supply articles for use. Thereis, for example, the bookseller, who sells booksand magazines; the newsagent, who sellsnewspapers; the tobacconist, who sells tobacco,cigarettes and cigars; the ironmonger, who sellsiron goods or hardware – saucepans, kettles,frying-pan, gardening-tools; the furniture dealer,who supplies articles of furniture. Otherimportant shops are: the stationer’s, thehaberdasher’s, the china-shop, the watchmaker’s andthe jeweller’s, the chemist’s and the photographer’s.


Oxford Street is probably the most famousshopping street in London and is divided into


two parts, east and west. The busiest sectionof Oxford Street runs from Oxford Circus toMarble Arch. It is here that most of the majordepartments stores are grouped, the biggestbeing Selfridges, the second largest departmentstore in London. The large food hall,restaurants, kitchenware and cosmeticsdepartments are very popular.The largest branch of the Marks & Spencer chainis also situated near Marble Arch. This open-plan store specializes in ready-to-wear clothesfor all the family, food and household effects.Father along Oxford Street is John Lewis, anexcellent shop for household equipment andfabrics.Oxford Street is also renowned for its vastselection of shoe shops, as well as fashion.Just outside Oxford Circus Underground station,you will find the Wedgwood pottery shop,world-famous for its fine pottery, porcelain,glass and gifts. A lovely shop in which tobrowse for gift ideas.Another famous shopping area is Tottenham CourtRoad, renowned for its high-class furnitureshops and radio and electrical equipment. Thelargest furniture shop is Heal & Son Ltd.Others specializing in this field are Habitat, avery popular shop with younger people as itsells ultramodern functional furniture andaccessories at everyday prices; and Ryman whospecialize in modern office furnishings andequipment.


Tottenham Court Road is also renowned for itshi-fi equipment. Here you will find anythingfrom spare parts to the very latest in stereoand quadraphonic system. Lyon House and Laskyare two largest hi-fi and electrical equipmentsuppliers.Another shop specialize, but in a differentfield, is Paperchase: a delightful shop dealingin beautiful wrapping paper, unique greetingcards, posters and other paper items and alovely shop in which to browse.


It’s a shrine, the biggest shopping complexin the whole of Europe. It’s got 320different shops covering 100,000 squaremetres of retail space in three differentinterconnected malls. There are 13,000parking spaces, 1,000 trees, 50,000daffodils… it’s a shopping experience likeyou’ve never had before. It is Bluewater,the model for future shopping centres. Builtin a former chalk quarry in north-west Kent,Bluewater resembles a moonbase, with glassand steel forming a structure that looksoddly like a vast Gothic cathedral. Itopened in March 1999 and is alreadyestablishing itself as a model of shoppingto come. The centre was built following anintense period of research into what modern


shoppers want, and it attempts to satisfyall their demands.

People said they liked natural light – soBluewater light is filtered in from outsideand changed electronically over the day,going from daylight to sunset to a night-time darkness in order to simulate reality.

People like fresh air, so giant rotatingventilation units have been installed in theroofs to keep it circulating.

Feel insecure in public places? Bulewaterhas its own in-house police station.

Do you have children? The Bluewater Academyis a crèche for up to 200 young children.

There is no more queuing for the toilets.There will always be a luxurious one within50 metres of where you are shopping.

There are also ample cafes and restaurants.Bluewater boasts that you are never morethan 70 paces from a cappuccino. And if youwant to avoid the shops altogether there arebreakout areas, where you can calm yourself,have a meal or go for a walk by the lake.You can watch performance artists in thePerformance Rotunda with its revolvingstage, visit the 12-screen Hoyts Cinema orgo cycling. Or if the mood takes you, youcan even visit Bluewater’s quiet room andtalk to the centre’s own chaplain.

From the moment you arrive you know theplace is different. The 250 trained hostshave been taught to see you as guests rather


than shoppers and treat you accordingly.There’s valet parking, if you want it, and ateam of mechanics to help fix a flat batteryor tyre for free.

You enter through one of five welcome hallsthat resemble hotel lobbies. Then there isan information point with concierge deskswhere you can hire a buggy, a wheelchair, apram or a locker, as well as somewhere torelax with a cup of coffee on a comfortablesofa.

And then you can start looking at the shops.And even these are different. Bluewatershops are not the kind usually associatedwith shopping centres. Instead, they arethose a consumer might expect to find in theup-market environs of London’s CoventGarden, Bond Street or Kings Road: LKBennett, Fiorelli, Jaeger, Space NK, RMWilliams and Zugi.

And here you are not a shopper anymore, youare a guest. Bluewater needs to attract 30million guests a year if they are to enjoysuccess and, judging from the 120,000 whoteamed into it on its opening day, they arewell on target to achieve it.

Of course, it’s all a clever trick to makeyou spend more. Throughout the centre thereare beautiful sculptures and plants thathelp you relax. Lines of poetry fromKipling, Keats and Wordsworth are carvedinto the walls and make the experience seem


cultural. It all makes the place looklovely, but it also sends out an effectivesubliminal message: “Enjoy your shoppingexperience, and buy, buy, buy”. And itworks.

However inviting Bluewater is as a leisuredestination, it is almost impossible tovisit the place without spending money, andusually a great deal more money than you hadintended, too. After all, the research onwhich the building was constructed wasn’tsimply asking people what they liked ordisliked about conventional shopping. It wasfinding out how they could be tempted tospend more.


Where have you been, John? Goodness me, howsmart you look! Your hair’s lovely, and whathave you done to the rest of your clothes?

Well, I was doing the shopping, as you askedme. I got the leg of lamb from the butcher’s,the bacon and eggs from the grocer’s, the breadand cakes from the baker’s and the beer fromthe off-licence, when I remembered I’d promisedto buy you a bottle of perfume…

So you went to the chemist’s –


That’s right. I got a bottle of perfume, put itin my pocket, and, as the sun was very bright,I thought I’d get a pair of sunglasses as well,only as I left the shop –

You couldn’t see,

And I walked into a man who was delivering inkto the stationer’s.

So you were scared of what I would say, andwent to have your trousers cleaned.

That’s right. Well, after I left the dry-cleaner’s, I tripped over –

Because you were too lazy to have the loosesole repaired on your right shoe.

And I broke one of the eggs, which went on myjacket.

So you had to go back to the cleaner’s.

Yes, and then, after I’d left my jacket and thebag of groceries there, I went to theironmonger’s for that new door-handle we needand a bag of screws – anyway, as I was goingout of the door, I tripped again –

And broke –


My watch. But first of all I went to thecobbler’s, and had my sole nailed down, then Itook the watch to the watch repairer’s and hada new glass fitted, then I went to theironmonger’s and by the time I came back,they’d cleaned and pressed my jacket for me.

That was all right then –

Yes, but when I put the things I’d bought fromthe ironmonger’s into the shopping bag –

You put them on the top of the eggs –

I looked in the bag and took out the two I’dbroken, but I was so upset I put my hands to myhead –

And you got egg all over your hair –

So I went to the barber’s and had a shampoo.

Well, all’s well that ends well, and you didneed smartening up. You bought me some perfume,too – what sort of scent has it got?

Well, smell my right-hand jacket pocket, butdon’t put your hand in, because it’s full ofbroken glass!



Basic Vocabulary

Organ – organHead – capEye – ochiEyesight – vedere, văzEar – urecheNose – nasTooth, pl. teeth – dinteMouth – gurăTongue – limbăThroat – gâtTonsils – amigdaleBronchial tubes – bronhiiLung – plămânChest – pieptBack – spateHeart – inimăStomach – stomacLiver – ficatKidney – rinichiAppendix – apendiceHand – mânăArm – braţLeg – picior


Foot, pl. feet – laba picioruluiAnkle – gleznăSkin – pieleBlood – sângeHaemoglobin – hemoglobinăCilia – ciliDiseases – boli~ of the eye – boli de ochi~ of the ear, nose and throat – boli de nas,gât şi urechi~ of the skin – boli de pieleIllness – boală, rău, maladieTrouble / complaint – afecţiune, suferinţăAilment – indispoziţie, suferinţăPain – durere, suferinţăAche – durere (de cap, dinţi, stomac etc.)Headache – durere de capBackache – durere de spateStomach-ache – durere de stomacToothache – durere de dinţiCramp – crampă, cârcel, junghiNeuralgia – nevralgieSpleeplessness / insomnia – insomnieAttack / fit – criză, atacIndigestion – indigestieCut – tăieturăSymptom – simptomPrescription – reţetăTreatment – tratamentEpidemic – epidemieCure – 1. Remediu, leac, 2. Tratament, cură


Care – îngrijireExercise – exerciţii (fizice), mişcareRecreation – recreere, odihnăRest – odihnăEmergency – caz urgent, urgenţăAmbulance – ambulanţă, salvareStretcher – targăStethoscope – stetoscopNeedle – acInjection – injecţieSurvey – studiu, statisticăHazard – risc, pericolWarning – avertismentLongevity – longevitateChill / shivers – răceală, frisoane, friguriCold – răceală, guturaiFlu – gripăTonsilitis – amigdalităPharyngitis – faringităBronchitis – bronşităScarlet fever – scarlatinăMeasles – pojarMumps – oreionWhooping cough – tuse convulsivăChicken pox – vărsat de vânt, varicelăArteriosclerosis – aterosclerozăGastritis – gastrităUlcer – ulcerAnaemia – anemieDiabetes – diabetAsthma – astm


Tuberculosis – tuberculozăEmphysema – emfizemRheumatism – reumatismSciatica – sciaticăNervous breakdown – nevroză, astenieCancer – cancerMalaria – malarieTyphoid fever – febră tifoidăCholera – holerăSmall-pox – variolă, vărsatPlague – ciumăAbscess – abcesGiddiness – ameţealăApoplexy – apoplexieArthritis – artritismAsthenia – astenieCataract – cataractăCrisis / heart attack / fit of nerves /hysteria – crizăDiarrhoea – diareeDiphteria – difterieDysentery – dizenterieLiver complaint / sore eyes – durere de ficat /de ochiEczema – eczemăEpilepsy – epilepsieGout – gutăHepatitis – hepatităHernia / rupture - hernieInfection – infecţieSun-stroke – insolaţie


Lumbago – lumbagoLuxation – luxaţieMigraine – migrenăBoil – furunculPalsy / paralysis; polio – paralizie; paralizieinfantilăPleurisy – pleureziePneumonia – pneumonieProstatitis – prostatităPus – puroiRickets – rahitismItch – râie, mâncărimeSciatica – sciaticăSyphilis – sifilisHiccup – sughiţTyphus – tifosTuberculosis / consumption – tuberculozăVaricose vein – variceVeneral disease – boală venericăSurgery – 1. Cabinet medical 2. ChirurgieChildren’s surgery – cabinet medical pentrucopiiHealth centre – dispensarHealth resort – staţiune climatericăHospital – spitalMaternity hospital – maternitateClinic – clinicăSanatorium – sanatoriuWard – salon (de spital)Casualty department – secţia de urgenţăOperating theatre – sală de operaţii


Dispensary – dispensarVisiting hours – ore de vizită (spital)Patient - pacientIn-patient / out-patient – pacient intern /externPlastic surgery – chirurgie plastică Analysis / blood test – analiză / analiză desânge(Local) anaesthetic – anestezie (locală)Bloodshot – coongestionatContagious / catching – contagios, molipsitorConvalescence – convalescenţăCurable / incurable – curabil / incurabilSensation of nausea – senzaţie de greaţăBleeding / haemorrhage – hemoragieInfirm / infirmity – infirm / infirmitateInvalid / invalidity – invalid / invaliditateFaint – leşinInjury – leziune, ranăMassage – masajMetabolism - metabolismMad / insane – madness / insanity – nebun -nebuniePoisoning - otrăvirePalpitation / throbbing – palpitaţieConcussion of the brain – comoţie cerebralăFirst aid – primul ajutorX-rays – raze XFirst-aid man – sanitarSymptom – simptomBlood transfusion – transfuzie de sânge


Vaccine / vaccination – vaccin / vaccinareVirus – virusHealth service – asistenţă medicalăDrainage – canalizareSanitation – igienă, salubritate publicăWater-supply – alimentare cu apă, sistem dedistribuire a apeiDoctor – medic, doctorPhysician – doctor în medicină, persoanăautorizată să practice medicina (dar nuchirurgia)Children’s doctor / pediatrician – doctor decopiiGeneral practitioner / G.P. – medic generalistSenior practitioner – medic cu experienţăSpecialist (doctor) – medic specialistNerve specialist / neurologist – specialist înboli de nerviTherapeutist – medic internistStomatologist – medic stomatologDentist – dentistOculist / eye-specialist / ophthalmologist –oculist, specialist de ochiOptician – opticianGynaecologist – ginecologUrologist - urologLocum – doctor care ţine locul unui colegSurgeon – chirurgMidwife – moaşăNurse – asistentă medicalăSister – asistentă principală


Matron – asistentă şefăMedical officer – doctor de salonSuperintendent – medic şefDispensing chemist – farmacist autorizat săexecute reţeteMedicine – 1. Medicină 2. MedicamentDrug – 1. Medicament 2. DrogPain-killer – sedativ, calmantDrops – picăturiPill – pilulăTablet – tabletăPowder – prafTonic / pick-me-up – tonicMixture – mixtură, poţiuneOintment – alifie, pomadăCream – cremăHerb – plantă medicinalăCotton – vatăPad of cottonwool – tampon de vată Dressing – pansamentOxygen supply – cantitate de oxigenAppliance – aparat, instrumentPlaster – ghipsSoothing effect – efect calmantLack of vitamines – lipsă de vitamineDental plate, denture – proteză dentarăDental bridge – punte (proteză) dentarăGood / bad, poor / feeble, uncertain health –sănătate bună / şubredă / precarăHealthy – sănătosSick – bolnav (folosit atributiv)


Ill – bolnav (folosit predicativ)Common obişnuită,frecventăMild uşoarăSerious gravăChronic cronicăCurabile disease boală curabilăIncurable incurabilăContagious contagioasăInfectious infecţioasăPulmonary pulmonarăRespiratory

respiratorieDigestive digestivăSurgical - chirurgicalWholesome – (d. mâncare) hrănitor, nutritivRegular – (d. viaţă, mese) regulat, ordonatStrict – (d. regim) sever, strictThorough – minuţios, amănunţit, seriosUrgent – urgentLong-sighted – prezbitShort-sighted – miopCross-eyed – saşiuBlind – orbColour-blind – suferind de daltonism, daltonistDeaf – surdDumb – mutDeaf and dumb – surdomutLame – şchiopHunchback – cocoşatMentally deficient – deficient mintal


One-armed – ciungOne-eyed – chiorTo sit in a draught – a sta în curentTo catch a cold – a răciTo have a sore throat – a avea dureri în gât;a-l durea gâtulTo have a running nose – a-I curge nasulTo have a clogged nose – a avea nasul înfundatTo have / run a high temperature / to feelfeverish – a avea temperatură / febrăTo feel giddy – a avea ameţeliTo cough – a tuşiTo sneeze – a strănutaTo sweat – a transpiraTo be seized by cramp – a fi apucat de, a aveacrampe / cârcei / un junghiTo feel – a se simţiTo feel well – a se simţi bineTo feel unwell – a nu se simţi bineTo feel slightly unwell – a nu se simţi preabineTo suffer from – a suferi deTo die of – a muri deTo afflict – a face să sufere, a afectaTo be liable to – a fi predispus laTo cut (one’s arm) – a-şi tăia / a se tăia la(braţ)To sprain – a suci, a-şi scrânti (oîncheietură, glezna)To break (one’s leg, ankle) – a-şi fractura(piciorul, glezna)


To slip – a alunecaTo fall / to be taken ill – a se îmbolnăviTo register with a GP – a se înscrie, a fi luatîn evidenţă (la o policlinică, doctor etc.)To make an appointment – a fixa o oră deconsultaţieTo go to the doctor’s surgery – a merge lacabinetul medicalTo send for the doctor – a trimite după doctor,a chema doctorulTo get medical help – a primi ajutor medicalTo examine – a examina, a consultaTo take / to feel somebody’s pulse – a luapulsul cuivaTo sound somebody’s chest – a asculta plămâniicuivaTo take somebody’s blood pressure – a lua cuivatensiuneaTo be operated on for… - a fi operat de…To undergo an operation – a fi supus uneioperaţiiTo perfom an operation / to operate (onsomebody) (for something) – a opera (pe cineva)(de ceva)To clean up / to dress a wound – a curăţa / apansa o ranăTo be injured in an accident – a fi rănit într-un accidentTo drop / the temperature is dropping – ascădea temperaturaTo be treated for… – a fi tratat de…


To perspire – a transpiraTo vaccinate, to inoculate – a vaccinaTo cure / to be cured – a (se) vindecaTo have a tooth filled – a-şi plomba un dinteTo have a tooth pulled out – a-şi scoate undinte, a face o extracţieTo have (something) out – a se opera de, a-şiscoateTo recommend – a recomandaTo prescribe – a prescrieTo write a prescription – a scrie o reţetăTo make up a prescription – a prepara o reţetăTo stay in bed – a sta în patTo go to the hospital – a merge la spitalTo take medicine – a lua medicamenteTo gargle – a face gargarăTo inhale – a face inhalaţiiTo keep oneself warm – a sta la căldurăTo get overworked / overtired – a se surmena, ase extenuaTo get over-excited – a avea emoţii puterniceTo keep a diet – a ţine regimTo keep the weight down – a-şi menţinegreutatea, a nu se îngrăşaTo lead a regular life – a duce o viaţăregulatăTo recover – a –şi reveni, a se însănătoşiTo supervise – a supravegheaTo look after – a avea grijă, a îngrijiTo go on one’s rounds – a face vizita (înspital)


To report on a patient – a raporta desprestarea unui pacientTo give an injection – a face o injecţieTo have an X-ray taken – a face o radiografieTo stitch – a coaseTo smoke – a fumaTo give up smoking – a renunţa la fumatTo pollute – a poluaTo paralyse – a paralizaTo light (up) (a cigarette) – a aprinde oţigarăTo puff – a pufăiRoutine examination / check-over – examen(medical) obişnuitMedical certificate – certificat medicalSick / maternity / rest leave – concediu deboală / de maternitate / de odihnăUmpteen cures – nenumărate leacuriHow are you? – cum te simţi? Ce mai faci?What’s the trouble? – ce s-a întâmplat? Ce tedoare? Ce ai?How are you getting on? – cum te simţi?He has poor eyesight – are vederea slabăTo enjoy good health - a se bucura de osănătate bună


For thirty years now there has been anational health service in Britain.


The aim of the National Health Service isto give free medical advice and treatment toanybody and everybody who needs it.

The care and the advice provided iscomprehensive; it covers the services of ageneral practitioner, hospital specialists,hospitals for the chronically and the mentallyill, opticians, midwives, dentists – also thedrugs and appliances prescribed.

But the general practitioner – the familydoctor – is the king pin. It is on him that thewhole system pivots.

Every person of sixteen years of age andover can register with a general practitioner(parents and guardians register for theundersixteens).

Now let’s look at a typical patient. MrSmith is feeling slightly unwell with aheadache, but is not ill enough to stay in bed.He decides to go to see the doctor.

Mr Smith can either phone the doctor’sreceptionist to make an appoinment to see thedoctor at a particular time during the day or,if the doctor doesn’t operate an appoinmentsystem, he just turns up at the doctor’ssurgery.

If Mr Smith was so ill that he had tostay home in bed, he would telephone thedoctor’s receptionist and arrange for thedoctor to come and see him at his home “aftersurgery”, when the doctor goes “out on hisrounds”.


If Mr Smith’s ailment is a minor one, thedoctor will prescribe accordingly, sign amedical certificate for Mr Smith if he is tooill to go to work, and probably arrange to seehim again.

Mr Smith takes the prescription to thenearest chemist. At the chemist he will for thefirst time bring out his money. He will pay 75pence per item on the prescription, no matterhow expensive the item. However, people underthe age of fifteen or over sixty/five orpregnant women are exempt from payment. Otherpeople who are also exempt from payment includesome people who have very low incomes or whoare suffering from a chronic illness.

If it is a question of a seriousoperation and/or hospital treatment, Mr Smithwill be well provided for.

Most British hospitals are owned by theState and maintaned by contributions from theNational Health Service.

Besides General Hospitals for injuredpersons and those suffering from differentdiseases, there are maternity hospitals forexpectant mothers; and special hospitals, fordiseases of the eye, diseases of the ear, noseand throat; diseases of the skin; as well asfor pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) and cancer.

General Hospitals provide accommodationand treatment for in-patients, who all the timethey are ill remain within the hospital and whoare allowed to see their relatives and friends


only at fixed hours. At the same time theyprovide for out-patients, who attend fortreatment at stated times and at regularintervals.

The rooms in a hospital in which thepatients stay are called wards. A sister is incharge of the nurses and patients in a ward,and looks after everything in it including itsproper ventilation and heating. She goes withthe medical officer on his rounds of the ward,and reports on each patient. She notes thedoctor’s instructions and takes subsequentaction. In all her work she is helped by astaff of day-nurses and night-nurses. The wholeof the hospital nursing staff is in the chargeof the matron.

The superintendent has charge of thewhole hospital. He is a senior practitioner ofwide experience. He takes special care of theoperating theatre, where surgical operationsare performed. He is helped by a staff ofphysicians and surgeons.


It looks as if you were going to faint. You ought to see / consult a doctor. Dr. B sees his patients on Tuesday and

Friday between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Let’s call / have the doctor in. A doctor must be sent for. (trebuie să chemăm



Ring for the ambulance. Take a seat in the waiting-room, the doctor

will see you directly. (luaţi loc în sala deaşteptare, Dl. Doctor vă primeşte imediat)

How long do you think I am likely to wait?It all depends. It may take an hour.

Now it’s your turn. Will come into thesurgery/consulting room?

What do you complain of? (ce vă supără?) I haven’t been feeling at all well the last

days. I often have giddy turns. (am adesea ameţeli) I cough at times. I have got a fit of

sneeze. My nose is all clogged up. (nasul este înfundat de

tot) I have frequent headaches. What can I do to

get rid of my headache? I have a sore throat; I am quite hoarse. (mă

doare gâtul, sunt tare răguşit) I got chilblains on my hands/feet. (am

degerături la mâini/picioare) I have spoiled my stomach. (mi-am stricat

stomacul) I have got a stomach ache. I feel a pain in

my belly. I feel a pain in the chest when I breathe. I have sharp pains in the back. (am dureri

violente în spate) The loins hurt me. (mă dor şalele) I often suffer from heart troubles.


My ears tingle. (îmi ţiuie urechile) I am badly hurt. The wound is still

bleeding. I have sprained my ankle; it is swollen. (mi-

am scrântit glezna; este umflată) I have cut my finger with a sharp knife. I

hope it’s not a serious injury. No it’s onlya scratch.

I have got a burn/ a scald. Can youprescribe something for me to cure thewound? (m-am opărit/ ars, îmi puteţi prescrie ceva pentrua-mi vindeca rana?)

I am losing my hair. I am getting bald. What’s wrong? How long have you been ill?

When were you taken ill? How long has itbeen hurting?

Show me/stick out your tongue. Just as Ithought. It is quite furred.

Open your mouth. The uvula is swollen. Andwhat a state your teeth are in! (Deschideţigura. Omuşorul este inflamat. Şi în ce stare sunt dinţii dv.!)

Take off your coat. Undo the buttons of yourshirt. (Scoateţi-vă haina. Deschideţi nasturii de lacămaşă)

Strip to the waist. (dezbrăcaţi-vă până la mijloc) Breath in and out deeply. Hold your breath. I’ll take your temperature. Keep the

thermometer under your armpit. (Am să vă iautemperatura. Ţineţi termometrul la subţioară)

Does it hurt you when I press here? (Vă doarecând apăs aici?)


Have you ever suffered from …? I had my tonsils removed. (mi-au fost scoase

amigdalele) You seem to be very sensible to… For the time being I am not prescribing you

any medicine/treatment. Taking those pillswill do more harm than good. (Pentru moment nuvă prescriu nici un medicament/tratament. Medicamenteleacelea vă fac mai mult rău decât bine)

A change of air will do much good. (Oschimbare de aer vă va face mult bine)

Keep indoors for a few days. (Staţi în casă pentrucâteva zile)

Take this medicine three times a day aftermeals.

Drink this on an empty stomach. Smear the bruise/wound with this antiseptic

ointment. (Ungeţi vânătaia/rana cu acest unguentantiseptic)

Check up your blood pressure and have thehaemogram made. (Controlaţi-vă tensiunea arterială şifaceţi-vă hemograma)

Tha pains might be due to a(n)… as well asto a(n)… (durerile s-ar putea datora unui/unei… ca şiunui/unei…)

I cannot deal with your case, I’ll recommendyou to a specialist in… (Nu mă pot ocupa de cazuldvs. Vă voi recomanda unui specialist în…)

You’ll be completely restored provided youstick to the treatment I’ve prescirbed foryou. (Vă veţi vindeca numai dacă veţi urma cu stricteţetratamentul ce vi l-am prescris)


Come and see me in a week’s time if youdon’t feel any better.

I’m sorry, doctor, but the medicine hasn’tdone me any good.

I feel much relieved. Can you give me acertificate to say that I’m fit to work / Ican get the situation I am applying for… (Măsimt mult mai uşurat. Puteţi să-mi daţi un certificat care săateste că sunt apt pentru muncă / pot ocupa serviciul pecare îl solicit…)

What’s the matter with you? You look ratherseedy. (Ce s-a întâmplat? Arăţi cam indispus)

See, my cheek is swollen. (Uite, mi s-a umflatmăseaua)

Sit down on this chair and lean your headback. (Luaţi loc pe scaun şi lăsaţi capul pe spate)

Sit still, please. What tooth is it thathurts you? (Staţi liniştit, vă rog. Care dinte vă doare?)

You have also a hollow molar in the upperjaw. (Mai aveţi o măsea cariată în maxilarul superior)

The filling/stopping has come out. (A căzutplomba)

I shall clean out the cavity and fill/stopit. (Voi curăţa şi plomba cavitatea)

Rinse your mouth with this antiseptic mouthwash. (Clătiţi-vă gura cu antiseptic)

Should you have any troubles, put a littlecotton dipped in ether into the hollow ofthe tooth. (Dacă veţi avea vreo supărare, puneţipuţină vată înmuiată în eter în cavitatea dintelui)


If the tooth keeps aching come again. I’llhave to kill the nerve. (Dacă dintele continuă săvă doară, reveniţi. Va trebui să omor nervul)

Avoid sitting in a draught or you’ll behaving an earache on the top of that. (Evitaţisă staţi în curent ca să nu căpătaţi pe deasupra şi o durerede urechi)


Basic Vocabulary

Letter – scrisoareOrdinary letter – scrisoare simplăRegistered letter – scrisoare recomandatăEnvelope – plicPostcard – carte poştalăPicture card – ilustratăStamp – timbruTelegram / wire – telegramăInland telegram – telegramă internăGreetings telegram – telegramă de felicitareMoney-order / postal order – mandat poştalParcel – pachet, coletScales – balanţă, cântarPrinted matter – imprimateRadio licence – abonament radioTelevision licence – abonament TVOld-age pension – pensie de bătrâneţe


Allowance – pensie (alimentară), ajutor (deboală etc.)Postmark – ştampila poşteiForm – formularReceipt – chitanţă, recipisăCheque – cecPost-office – oficu poştalHead post-office – poşta centralăBranch post-office – oficiu poştal secundar,filialăDead-letter office – servicul scrisorilor fărăadresăTelegraph office – oficiu telegraficInland postal service – servicii poştale îninteriorul ţăriiSavings account – cont de depuneriLetter-box – cutie de scrisoriPillar box – cutie de scrisori (în Anglia)Mail – poştă, scrisoriMail collection – ridicarea scrisorilorMail delivery – distribuirea scrisorilorMail van – furgonetă poştalăPostman - poştaşPost-office clerk – funcţionar la poştăPostmaster – diriginte de poştăOperator – telefonist(ă)Sender – expeditorAddressee – destinatarAddressee unknown – adresantul necunoscutReturn address – adresa expeditoruluiP.O. Box / P.O.B. – căsuţă poştală


Underpaid – francat insuficientSpecial issue – marcă – emisiune specialăReply pre-paid – răspuns plătitLower rate/ reduced charge – taxă redusăDeclared value – valoare declaratăExpress delivery – expediţie expressPayee – primitorul unui mandat poştalSubscriber – abonatTelephone – telefonPrivate line telephone – telefon necuplatParty-line telephone – telefon cuplatResidential / home telephone – telefon ladomiciliu / acasăBusiness telephone – telefon la serviciuTelephone exchange – centrală telefonicăTelephone box / call-box / booth – cabinătelefonicăExtension – interiorTelephone directory – carte telefonicăCall – convorbire telefonicăLocal call – convorbire localăTrunk call / long-distance call – convorbireinterurbanăTransferred charge call – convorbire cu taxăinversăAlarm call – apel la ora indicată de abonatEmergency call – convorbire în caz de urgenţăFixed-time call – convorbire cu înţelegereFigure – cifrăCode number – prefixul telefonic al uneilocalităţi


Dial – disc de telefonReceiver – receptorPay tone – ton după introducerea monedeiPip – semnal intermitentPurring – semnal continuuEnquiries – InformaţiiMaintenance Department – DeranajamenteCall-services – servicii telefoniceFee – taxă (pentru un serviciu)Charge – preţ, cost, taxăExtra charge / additional charge – taxăsuplimentarăChange – restLoss – pierdereDamage – stricăciuneCompensation – compensaţieRecord – evidenţă, dovadăParticulars – detaliiTo send by surface mail a trimite

simplăa letter by air mail o scrisoare

par avion by registered post recomandată by recorded delivery cu

confirmare de primireTo post – a trimite, a expedia (prin poştă)To carry – a duceTo reach / to arrive at – a ajunge laTo return – a trimite înapoi


To write / to send home – a scrie / a trimiteacasăTo deliver – a distribuiTo collect – a strânge, a ridicaTo sort – a sortaTo stamp – a timbraTo stick a stamp – a lipi un timbruTo cost – a costaTo seal – a sigilaTo wire / to cable – a telegrafia; a telegrafiapeste oceanTo take a letter to the post-office – a duce oscrisoare la poştăTo weigh – a cântăriTo claim payment – a pretinde / ceredespăgubiriTo save – a economisiTo deposit – a depune (bani etc.)To withdraw – a scoate, a retrage (bani etc.)To (tele)phone/ ring up/ call (up)/ to make a(telephone) call – a suna / a chema la telefon,a telefonaTo look up the number – a căuta numărulTo drop / press / put the coin in(to) the slot– a introduce monedaTo dial – a forma numărulTo connect / to put through - a face / a dalegăturaTo lift / to pick up the receiver – a ridicareceptorul


To hang up the receiver – a pune receptorul înfurcăTo give / to convey a message – a transmite unmesajTo call / ring back – a suna mai târziuTo get the wrong number – a greşi numărulThe person required – persoana căutatăThe directory concerned – cartea de telefonrespectivăThe line is busy / engaged – firul este ocupatThe line is free / clear – firul este liberHold the line, please! – rămâneţi la apărat, vărogThere’s something wrong with our phone / ourphone is out of order – telefonul nostru estederanjatWrong number – aţi greşit numărulWho is that speaking? – cine e la telefon?Mary speaking – la telefon MaryYou are wanted on the phone – vă caută cinevala telefonForgive my troubling you – iartă-mă că tederanjezMay I make use of this telephone? – pot săfolosesc telefonul?I don’t know how to manage this automatictelephone. – nu ştiu cum să mânuiesc acesttelefon automatAll you have to do is to pick up the receiver,drop the coin into the slot, lift it to yourear, wait for the tone/signal, dial your


number… - tot ceea ce trebuie făcut este săridici receptorul, să introduci fisa în aparat,să-l duci la ureche, să aştepţi tonul, săformezi numărul…Put the receiver down – pune receptorul josPress this button to get your money back –apasă pe acest buton pentru a primi baniiînapoi The coin will be returned – fisa va fiînapoiatăTry/ dial again – încearcă/ formează număruldin nouI hear a prolonged buzzling – aud un bâzâitprelungitThat’s all right. Hold the line, your numberwill answer in a moment (if there is anybody inthere) – foarte bine. Ramâi la telefon,persoana va raspunde imediat (dacă acolo estecineva)The phone is out of order/dead – telefonul estederanjat/”mort”What if there is a non-automatic phone? – cumprocedez dacă nu este un telefon automat?The procedure is almost the same but instead ofthe buzzzing you’ll hear the operator calling:‘Number please’, instead of dialling thenumerals you have to ask for your number –procedeul este aproape acelaşi dar în loculbâzâitului vei auzi operatoarea spunând:‘Numărul vă rog’, în loc de a forma tu numereletrebuie să ceri să ţi se dea numărul.


The moment you hear the operator’s voice justgive the number you want to call – în momentulîn care auzi vocea telefonistei indici numărulPlease connect me with number… - dati-mi, vărog, numărul…Can you put me through to Mr P’s office?Extension one-seven please – îmi puteţi dalegătura cu biroul D-lui P? Interior 17, vărog.Will you book the call? – doreşti să dai unaviz telefonic?What is the rate for a three-minute call toParis? – care este taxa pentru o convorbire detrei minute cu Parisul?I should like to put through a trunk-call to… -aş dori să efectuez o convorbire interurbanăcu…I’m putting your call through right now – văfac legătura chiar acumBerlin is on the line. Go ahead! – aveţilegătura cu Berlinul. Vorbiţi!When can I get you over the phone? – când tepot găsi la telefon?Will you take down my number? – vrei să-ţinotezi numărul meu?By the way, when you ring through to my office,ask the operator extension four-six – apropo,dacă îmi telefonezi la birou, cere-itelefonistei interior 46


Hello, is that Mr. Johnson? Yes, who isspeaking? N.N. speaking – Alo, D-ul J.? Da,cine e la telefon? N.N. la aparatI can’t hear you… I can’t understand you… Ican’t understand a word… nu vă aud bine…. Nu văînţeleg… nu înţeleg nici un cuvântSomeone is interfering… someone else cut in… ecineva pe fir… a intrat altcineva pe firWould you like leave a message? – doriţi sălăsaţi un mesaj?


The Post-Office has many duties and hashundreads of thousands of officials: postmasterswho are in charge of post-offices, post-officeclerks and many postmen. It is the postman whobrings many items of news to everybody, goinground from house to house, and droppping theletters into our letter-boxes.

The Post-Office not only delivers and sendsletters and other mail, but also controls thetelegraphs and telephones, issues television and radiolicences and registers them, and pays out pensions andallowances.

Do you want to send a telegram? Just ask fora telegram form at the counter and fill it in. Atelegram reaches the addressee in two or threehours. Remember: the charge depends on thenumber of words; so try to convey your messagein as few words as possible. You can alsodictate a telegram over the telephone.


If you want to post an ordinary letter, apostcard or a small parcel, you needn’t go to thepost-office, you can drop it into the nearestletter-box.

In Britain these boxes are either fixedin the wall, or they are iron cylinders paintedred, called pillar-boxes, standing by thekerbstone. The time of the next collection isindicated on a little plate, which is changedby the postman every time he comes to collectletters. In cities pillar-boxes are emptiedseveral times a day , but in villages there maybe only one or two collections.

The letter whose receivers are unknownare either returned to the sender or carried to the dead-letter office.

If you want your letter to arrive morequickly than by ordinary post, you can send it byAir Mail.

When you send a parcel, you hand it to theassistant, who weights it on the scales. You payaccording to the weight of the parcel and theclerk gives you a receipt. Then, if the parcel islost or stolen, you can claim payment from thepost-office.

Do you want to have a conversation with afriend of yours who lives in another town? Thenyou make a long-distance call. You either ask theoperator to connect you, or, if your friendlives in a bigger town you may dial the callyourself. You dial first the code number for the


town that you are calling and then the number ofthe subscriber.

If you make a local call, you go into thetelephone-box and lift the receiver. When you hear thedialling tone indicating that nothing is wrong onthe line, dial the number you want. When you hearrapid pips, you press in the coin, and then youcan speak.


Letters. In Britain letters are brought frompillar-boxes to a Head or Branch Post-Office where theyare sorted. Then they are carried to their destinationand delivered. In towns there are severalcollections and deliveries a day. The letters whosereceivers are unknown are either returned to thesenders or carried to the dead-letter office. Thereare also registered letters and printed matter.

Letters arrive more quickly by registeredpost and compensation is offered in case ofloss or damage.

Documents and papers of little or nomonetary value may be sent by recorded delivery.Recorded delivery is particularly suitable whena record of posting and delivery is neededrather then compensation for loss.

Telephone. When you are not a telephonesubscriber, you must go to a call-box. If youcannot use the dial telephone, the exchange puts youthrough to your correspondent, but you must not


forget to say your number figure by figure andremember that the figure o (nought) is read asthe letter ‘o’.