Geometry of The Logos 1 7 2015

Geometry Analogy of ‘The Logos” Flow Chart with “The Torbus” geometry 1.12.2015 The question “Where is God?” probably was not asked until after the flood! Perhaps the first question concerning the “Man God” relationship was “Where can we hide from God?” Man is still hoping to have the “Correct answer” to that question and have it verified by several witnesses. My thought is that only a foolish man would not know the answer to that question. The absence of “God on earth” has made man foolish! God always knows where man is, He is omniscient. The residence of Satan on earth has made man foolish; only when God separates men of “Faith” does the world know where God is. Because God did leave man on earth, we should ask, “Does God have a conscience?” I hope the following thoughts will help answer that question. Only the man that knows God is just and true can know He is now free of the sorrow for separating a large part of His creation from heaven; that man has accepted Jesus’ revelation of God’s justice governance and proof of His true knowledge that Satan is deceptive in all that he does. God now is giving Satan the opportunity to demonstrate to all creation he is incapable of maintaining harmony among men with attributes God has created in man. Yes, the conscience of God, seen in Jesus, has let all men know that God wants man to return to Him. Page 1 of 37

Transcript of Geometry of The Logos 1 7 2015

Geometry Analogy of ‘The Logos”Flow Chart with “The Torbus” geometry


The question “Where is God?” probably was not asked until after the flood! Perhaps the first question concerning the “Man God” relationship was “Wherecan we hide from God?” Man is still hoping to have the “Correct answer” to that question and have it verified by several witnesses. My thought is thatonly a foolish man would not know the answer to that question. The absence of “God on earth” has made man foolish! God always knows where man is, He is omniscient. The residence of Satan on earth has made man foolish; only when God separates men of “Faith” does the world know where God is. BecauseGod did leave man on earth, we should ask, “Does God have a conscience?” I hope the following thoughts will help answer that question. Only the man that knows God is just and true can know He is now free of the sorrow for separating a large part of His creation from heaven; that man has accepted Jesus’ revelation of God’s justice governance and proof of His true knowledge that Satan is deceptive in all that he does. God now is giving Satan the opportunity to demonstrate to all creation he is incapable of maintaining harmony among men with attributes God has created in man. Yes, the conscience of God, seen in Jesus, has let all men know that God wants man to return to Him.

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Legend: yellow ribbons represent Good spiritual entities, Members of the “Logos” the Father being the round ring, the Son, The Spirit and good entities being the longer rings; black ribbons represent rebelling entities; green ribbons represent changing entities. The ways the linked twisted ribbons are arranged tell of the events being modeled. Knowledge is the information part of Faith and Obedience is the active partof Faith.These thoughts are an attempt to present a complete “Spiritual Concept” forthe creation of heaven and earth. The hope is that the “Flow Chart” will help “Bible” readers form a mental picture of spiritual events from a dynamic geometric “Analog” model. As I have study the geometry of the Mobius strip and visualized it as a puzzle the “Torbus puzzle” formed in my mind. At thesame time I began trying to “know God” from a different spiritual concepts,unlike that from theology and preachers, started forming around this geometry. Unlike other spiritual maturing aids there are no scriptures referenced in the chart though, where the modeled concept is presented,

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there is a suggested scripture referenced in the appendix. The concept is formed around a unique dynamic geometry having its various parts arranged as suggested by the various separations that have occurred between “The Logos” and creation, the criteria developed for reunion of some, and the proof of righteousness of the “God of Truth.” The Bible tells us that there has never been “nothing.” There have always been some things and sensors to detect those things’ presence and their movement. The bible also tells us that those things will exist forever, andthat we are a part of that something; now known is that we as unique separate parts of that something existing in separate places determined by how we mature. All this is known, in varying degrees of detail, in our spiritual and earth life. We have not been created to show God’s strength put to show Satan’s weaknesses. God has modeled our existence after His existence (His, and ours true eternal spiritual existence in heaven) to show the chaotic rule of Satan’s lies and deception from not having a true concern for others. God has made, in heaven, entities “noblemen” to have separate and independent rule. Before removing those eternal powers not following God’s nature, He is proving His righteousness (true and just adjudication) in a domain destined for cataclysmic destruction. God could not allow such a departure from His nature to mature in heaven. God must totally separate from heaven such natures, though His rule is not to separate, this weights heavy on God. God’s conscience is more than sorrowful for the action required to prove His is the only nature allowed in heaven (Heb.8:6ff). (First Satan is allowed to dethrone God on earth andthen turn earth’s existence into chaos.) We must have knowledge of this information, accept it, and conform to it or live our eternal lives separated from God.

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When considering the sphere as the starting geometry for creation think of The Logos as being the sphere and the formation of the Torus as an implosion of the sphere to form a geometry for dividing eternal substance into separate entities while keeping the source un-changed. In such geometry, all points are moving away from each other if both radii are increasing.The first six chapters of Genesis is a synopsis of what has happened for God (as we know Him today) to rid haven of rebellion, failure to mature as God planned, failure to love others, and the almost unanimous consent not to follow God’s guidance. Events 1 through 10 suggest the Logos are forms of a unique unity of an eternal existence of “Gen”, the ability to produce,and “life”, existence to produce, not just reproduce. No beginning and no end, conceived as either a plane or sphere morphed to form a “Toroid”. FromThe Logos existence entities were formed in heaven to mature by following God’s lead; this was a plan hoped to produce a conceived creation of many things. God is infinite, eternal life that can reproduce life and produce life in different degrees. What developed God was not able to live with so He put the rebels in Tartarus. God realized He would be accused of

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violating His own nature, He was asking His created entities in heaven to mature to a love for each other while He had wrath for them. Today we call the attribute of sorrow, having a “Conscience”. Of all the problems God hasencountered in creating His “hope” this is the only one we know about and we fail to try to understand (1 Corinthians 1:27). If God acts against a truth, that act would be a sin. He said not to hate yet has wrath, but is He acting against a truth? Do we miss-understand God’s attributes if we sayHe has all knowledge and yet know He learned obedience? Perhaps this could be a reason for creating earth and its inhabitance, how would God prove Hisknowledge true and righteous and lead our uncertain conscience to create a perfect love. All impurity seen on earth in absents of the repeated rebellion and God’s propitiation was not allowed in heaven.

God’s Problem

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Event 11 is God’s return to heaven. The Logos has always been in heaven but, because of God omnipresent attribute He communed directly with createdentities on earth before the flood, the rejection of God by the earth boundentities caused His sorrow for man’s fall after Eden and almost total destruction. Seeing the righteousness of Enoch and Noah must have given Godrenewed hope for His creation to be completed though only, a few will be allowed to return to a new pure existence to live with Him. While God saw in Enoch and Noah attributes He wanted man to mature in, we can see in Adamand Cain the two attributes that form the foundation of the Law that they violated, “Love for God” (rejecting “His” counsel) and “Love for one another” (rejecting others).

The Conscience of God

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Events 12 through 16 are essentially the rest of the Old Testament which concludes with the Hebrew Nation waiting for “their Messiah” who in fact would be the redeemer promised to Abraham as his “Son”, who would give the world knowledge of true “Religion” by proving the Logos was embodied in Jesus, and was Their conscience liberator; as well as He was the world’s answer for a clear conscience. Another sign of hope God must have seem for His desired creation was the building of a tower in Babel (See Chart 2) for an entrance to be with God, man wanted that personal relationship they had before the flood to return. That was not the way the Logos wanted for Theircreation to return to heaven, so earth language was confused which essentially cause a confusion in the history of creation handed down by Noah, and many gods were creation. The unique feature of Melchizedek (Who was or is his imputed nature from, Adam or Jesus) is that he was a priest for all the people after God changed their languages in Babel, as Jesus is

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now to the entire world. (Could it be that Melchizedek was bilingual as theapostles were?) What made him presentable to God? Abraham got to be honoredas “the father” of a great nation, and through whom all people would receive a blessing for his obedience in following God’s counsel and applying circumcision as the sign of that honor. From the promise to Abram to receiving “The Law” and “Ethics” that would eventually make Israel a great nation for a while many events take place that makes the reading of the bible through 1Kings exciting. Through slavery, prophets, judges, priest, and kings there were wars, civil conflicts, and religious divisions. Then coming to Event 16, which is identified only by D for “Dispersion” the ending of that great nation, is started; continuing to read through Esther brings that great nation under God to its end because Israel and Judah profaned “The Logos” in the entire world. (see Psalm 78:56ff and Ezekiel 36:22ff). The Gentiles are brought into play at this point; a central figure in the Gentile spiritual thinking is Heraclitus and his concept of the spiritual powers as the logos, as sighted by John’s introduction to Jesus, and perhaps Paul’s encounter at Athens. At least Godwas successful “by His own means” in restoring His promise to bring a blessing to all people from Jerusalem. That blessing is bringing to people of all nations who would truly see the ruler of earth as being without a conscience, deceptive and full of lies; (who’s only sorrow is the failure to satisfy his own insatiable desires). That blessing begins to mature in them for they are able or motivated to copy, seeing its truth, the mercy, and love demonstrated by Jesus for God and the creation. With God’s propitiation, man resets the beginning to zero at Jesus’ birth.

Why is the Old Testament important to all men? It is the story of information about God’s creation of all things in harmony, how confusion and separation from God came about as the naïve creation began to mature, and how the conscience of God is solaced for His abandoning a large part of the impure matured entities. After the flood, the information deals with forming the foundation for justifying His true knowledge and righteousness which leads to proofing Satan’s impure nature and creations justification for returning, in the New Testament, if that proof is accepted.

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The Proof of God’s Righteousness(To All Creation)

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Event 11 shows God returning to continue His rain with many many angels and other entities with power around about Him (Revelation5:11). Events 18 through 22 show how the change in man’s nature is accomplished, death to the deceptive nature of earth life and began a process of maturing in the nature revealed by Jesus and remembered in the New Testament writings guided by the spirit from the Logos. As suggested by earth’s creation (the first life form created detectable by man, unlike event 4 thus, the only onein which he can began) there is no pure celestial entity or impure terrestrial created entity, entities are unique independent naïve intelligent forms given life and limited power from God’s resources; here independent means freedom to develop and mature in nature. There are two natures in which to develop –Gal. 5.

Man could not be with God when He left earth before the flood; man looked for God and could not find him up to Abram’s time, then God explained how He would salvage created entities coerced to follow Satan from the isolation He put them in (Netherworlds

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or Earth). Events 19-21 have unique modeling for how sin is defeated by Jesus and requirement for entities returning to heaven. In event zero Jesus is born, matures, and begins teachingafter His baptism. The mock Hebrew governance (pretending to be under God’s Law) labels Jesus as a blasphemer. He then is beaten and crucified. This, revealed in the Old Testament and restated at His last Passover meal confirmed to His disciples that He was in fact who He said He was - Son of God sent by God to clear God’s conscience by being separated from God and rejected by the world by the will of Satan (thus the modeling shows Him hanging, suspended in space). When Jesus returned (resurrected and ascended) to God (Event 17) He is reunited with God (1Peter 3:22). The modeling shows that re-laminating prohibits the black ring (Satan) from rebinding to God. God declared to Noah His intent to destroy creation but by water the world was saved; Godsintent has not changed but for the horrendous death of His Son Hehas not yet been vindictive in His wrath for rebellion, thus the substitutionary death for creation. As the events continue God sends the Spirit to remind the apostles what Jesus wanted them toteach (the time has come for judgment “believe that” and change your lives and hearts). So the Spirit calls, warns, and is guiding us to receive eternal life with God. The nature of the new heaven is or will be determined by those having freedom to live with God, not by God’s compelling (not rejectable) love (1 Cor. 9:15f -NCV).

Event 18 is interesting as described by Jesus: John 16:12-15 “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them

now. 13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth , has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell

you things to come. 14 He will glorify Me , for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. 15 All things that the Father has are

Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you.

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. 1 Tim. 2:11-14 (KJV)

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over

the man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, thenEve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.NCV:

12 But I do not allow a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to listen quietly, 1 Corn. 14:34-40 (KJV)

34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under

obedience, as also saith the law. 35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for

women to speak in the church. 36 What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you

only? 37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the

commandments of the Lord. 38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. 39 Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues. 40 Let all things be done decently and in order. NCV:

34 women should keep quiet in the church meetings. They are not allowed to speak, but they must yield to this rule as the law

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says. 35 If they want to learn something, they should ask their own husbands at home. It is shameful for a woman to speak in the church meeting.

36 Did God’s teaching come from you? Or are you the only ones to whom it has come?

37 Those who think they are prophets or spiritual persons should understand that what I am writing to you is the Lord’s command.

38 Those who ignore this will be ignored by God. 39 So my brothers and sisters, you should truly want to prophesy. But do not stop people from using the gift of speaking

in different kinds of languages. 40 But let everything be done ina right and orderly way. Look at James 3;4 NCV My brothers and sisters, not many of you should become teachers80 ἀδελφός [adelphos /ad·el·fos/] n m. From 1 (as a connective particle) and delphus (the womb); TDNT 1:144; TDNTA 22; GK 81; 346 occurrences; AV translates as “brother” 346 times. 1 a brother, whether born of the same two parents or only of the samefather or mother. 2 having the same national ancestor, belonging to the same people, or countryman. 3 any fellow or man. 4 a fellow believer, united to another by the bond of affection. 5 anassociate in employment or office. 6 brethren in Christ. 6a his brothers by blood. 6b all men. 6c apostles. 6d Christians, as those who are exalted to the same heavenly place.

1 Co 7:14-16 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else

were your children unclean; but now are they holy. 15 But if the Page 13 of 37

unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not

under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace. 16For what knowest thou, O wife, whether thou shalt save thy

husband? or how knowest thou, O man, whether thou shalt save thy wife? If their children are holy are they children of God? Children depart from God in their youth.

I think Satan is very smart but he did not know what was going tohappen when Adam ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The life God gives man is eternal therefore Satan knew Adam was not going to be destroyed. Don’t think he knew Adam would try to hide from God. Luke 20:34-38 No male or female in heaven all entities live to God in heaven.

Is it a shame for man to show his ignorance by asking a question when there is preaching or teaching?

Do any of the thoughts consider the subject matter? Does the wordof God make any distinction? What is the origin of "Sunday School"?Notes to myself 12.19.2014 this!I think our whole concept of acceptable bible study will have to change to understand Mead’s opinions and assumptions.What should open bible study be like on Sunday. Dose a person that knows all the opinions known to man about the word of God make better assumptions for how the Aramaic Hebrew is translate to Geek and then English words (plus others); maybe this is why God’s Spirit used men speaking in tongues through translators. Preaching can magnify God; teaching can change created entity lives. Why Babel, why did God not keep the langue of Noah? Is manbetter off not understanding each other? The world was in chaos before the flood, is it any better today? The world’s course has

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been charted and we do not know why. Women should teach boys likeTimothy or there will be no men like Timothy. What is the difference between a teacher having received information from Timothy and a student receiving understanding from Calvin?

The Proof of God’s Truth(The Process for Change)

Event 21shows our response to that guidance by the Torbus analogy modeling.Jesus’ death and resurrection; has saved, again by water and spirit, because of God mercy and love. What thoughts should be contained in Event 21? (Gal. 5:19ff; 1 Peter 3:20-21; 2 Peter 1:5ff; Rev.20:1-7; a suggested study for Rev. “Guardian of Truth” XXVI: 2, pp. 21-23 January 14, 1982). The green ring, that has cast off Satan, the black ring and put on the nature of God, yellow ring wrapped around the Spirit, shown by modeling – green ring laminated to the yellow ring, will be given a portion of life that hasbeen received by Jesus. (Is perfection imputed, if so when?) This has been

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planned by God from the defeat of the initial rebellion in heaven however, the plan has been a mystery to heavily powers and principalities; how wouldGod justly make right the separation from heaven a large part of His creation?

Look at the inputs to the Unknown Worlds or the “Netherworlds” (Hades-plural) 86 Strongs. Paul talks about the Gentiles having a law unto themselves in Romans 1&2, (14) includes all men. Where as (13) is a specialcase for the Jews; it is through Noah that all men should know God. ThroughMelchisedek and Abram, men see God’s knowledge of right and wrong, and through Jesus they see the proof of His knowledge, Satan (not affected by the flood is part of God’s “mystery”) being the instigator of His death andthen leading man into chaos by his deception. Ten (10) and eight (8) are essentially the same, (10) being an analogy on earth as to what initially happened in heaven. Consider the Netherworlds to be the holding place for all souls while God works out His mysterious plan to redeem coerced

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entities from following Satan, shown in (0) through (24). This mysterious plan, shown in Jesus now His church the sanctified, offers to “all” rebelling entities redemption for changing their lives (Luke 20:38 YLT). The two inputs to the Netherworlds from the Christian age are for those that go to the grave in God (paradise) and for the “obdurate followers” of Satan (Tartarus). Those that have lived on earth that are in Tartarus are different than those from heaven, having seen and or accepted the proof andthen denying Jesus there is no reconciliation for there is only one proof, that Satan intended to destroy God in heaven. Those in Tartarus from heavenwho accept the “proof of God’s truth” by Jesus and change may receive reconciliation at judgment (2 Peter 2:4).Why would control of the earth be given to Satan (Luke 4:6) if he is a proven deceitful entity? Satan could say that Jesus did not actually die since He is now reigning with God in heaven and by His rejection on earth control of earth is his, which is God’s compensation to him for stopping the war in heaven. This could be accepted as a partial truth, because Satanand his followers were temporarily removed from God’s presents, as rebels, to a special place, earth, to offer coerced followers a way to return. His reign on earth is God’s will and God will give him an everlasting kingdom to rule totally separated from heaven. First, a few of the coerced followers will decide to return to God following Jesus. The final act to prove God’s justice in separating the two kingdom occurs when Satan brings earth into chaos. That crescendo will be witnessed by all creation even those in the unknown world; those having been reconciled by Jesus will livewith God. The others will be in Satan’s kingdom, not a good place to spend eternity, for its description is a constant excruciating painful life.

Consider now the outputs. 2 Peter 3:3 It is most important for you to understand what will happen in the last days. People will laugh at you. 31

When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with

him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: 32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another,

as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: Mt 25:31-32. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But every man

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in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s

at his coming. 1 Co 15:22-23 If disciples of Christ and seated with Him in heavenly places (Eph 2:6), then will we come with Jesus when He returns or will we come to judgment from Netherworld meeting Jesus in the air? That position is in the future

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I

also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. Rev. 3:21 Our position with God is and will be with Jesus, however we will be Their trusted servants when not seated with Them; They will always be served (Revelation 7:13ff) though They do give honor (James 1:12; Romans 8:30). Can I live with God in heaven without a treasure? Will He give me a treasure when I get to live with Him, one that I have not put there? Matthew 6:19

Adjudication spirit intercedes (Gal. 4:6) intercessor intermediate mediator3316 arbitrator reconciliator catalyst

My ministries:Prophet (1 Corinthians 14:3 f)Spirit tester (1 John 4:1)Help give to the needy (Ephesians 4:28 ff)

Can I live with God in heaven without a treasure? Will He give me a treasure when I get to live with Him, one that I have not put there? Matthew 6:19

Can I live with God in heaven without a treasure? Will He give me a treasure when I get to live with Him, one that I have not put there? Matthew 6:19

If I have to put a treasure in heaven how do I do that? How do I love the person and hate his work, is he not known by his work. Can I truly love him without knowing his work? James 4:1-10 

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Does God really love the world, how so? Seems to me the thought is if you love God He will love you. John 14:22-23Did God loved me first, how so? He destroyed most of the world and then returned to heaven because He could not live with man. Genesis 6:3-7 Howwas man to live 120 years if God was going to destroy them? If man was to be destroyed why was God going the return to heaven? The words do notmake sense, what does God want me to understand? What is God really doing and what does He want me to do?

I know you don't want to answer this but I truly want to know !

Validation of Our Obedience (The Imputation)

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(See alternate thought for judgment page 16.)

Events 23-26 show the return of Jesus and heavenly host, dragging Satan into judgment, where each created spirit in man from Adam and rebel heavenly entities will be judged kneeling before Jesus. If my training produces a nature like Adams my imputation is sin, if my training produces a nature like Jesus my imputation is perfection. Obdurate rebellion will beeternally separated from God and obedient matured spirits found in the bookof life will go to live with God. All other spiritual created entities Jesus will determine their eternal destiny by His criteria. Something “Colossal” will then happen. A thought on fire and light: Hell is describeda fire and well as it should be for there is nothing more painful to earthly bodies as fire. There can be light without heat, consider the laserand there can be chemical heat with fire. Therefore, the comfort of warmth and light can exist, as it will in heaven, in being separated from God. Themisery of punishment can exist in hell without fire or light, there can be

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constant chaos. That is not as big a deterrence to wanting to live there asfire. Without God there could be, such environment and many want to prove that. “God’s will” on earth is being done as “God’s will” is done in heaven. Matt. 7:13-14 In 24 there is a book Rev. 20:12 talks about books I don’t know how to showthe books, unless there is the book of life, as shown, and books or the records of those in the unknown world; for few are in the book of life.If so, there could be a library from which all go to hell except those in the book of life.

The following picture “Rhapsody” shows rather paradoxically, the created man Jesus in the cosmos as terrestrial while in the analogy model of Spiritof man is celestial.


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Chart 2From Adams death to flood 726 yearsGod left earth 1656 years after creating itNoah’s life span was 950 yearsNoah could have known Methuselah the son of Enoch for 600 years.Enoch could have known Adam for 308 years.Eber was 43 years old when Babel was destroyed (Genesis 10:25; 11:9) and lived 64 years after Abraham died Babel was destroyed 172 years before Abram was born.God’s promises to Abram 389 ( 290 + 99) years after the flood Abram was 15 years old when Noah died.Abram was 75 years old when he left Haran.Shem lived 35 after Abraham died.Isaac was 110 years old when Shem died.Jacob was 50 years old when Shem died.

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Jesus was born 1849 years after Abraham died. If the beginning were 3970 years before Jesus’ birth and Abraham’s death was in 2121; then 3970-2121= 1849 years I was born 1900 years after Jesus died.

Mapping a possible expedition from Eden to Canaan by boat, walking, andcamel.

Concise SummarySomething is; something formed; something drawn parted; something recalled;then two separated independent something exists.

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Logos is; Creation of heaven; Provisional Separation of Dissention; Conditional Reconciliation Process; Eternal Separation.

Basic assumptions essential for knowing God: Created entities have independent initiative for action and response to action.Humanity was saved by water (Noah’s faith) and blood (Jesus’ faith). Sin is forgiven, without obligation. Perfection requires compliance. Living eternally with God is by adjudication of change.

Analogy:An infinite plane or sphere existFormation of “The Torbus” Torbus double looped twisted rings are delaminated from the “Mobius Ring”.Some double looped twisted rings are relaminated to the central single “Mobius Ring”.Removal of the double looped delaminated rings from the “Mobius” relaminated ring.

From 2 Peter: Add to Knowledge Obedience Add to (epichoregeo) Knowledge ( pistis- faith noun) Obedience (pisteuo- faith verb)

Alternate thought for Judgment

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Another paradigm for God’s plan

Because there is no constant interval for time with God, I find the information He has given me difficult to understand. For instant, some say plus infinity (the state of heaven in which dissention has zero tolerance) is the same as minus infinity (when God was) and there is no change in eternal information and omnificence. My question would be, is there no tolerance for dissention, or is there no part of God’s now existing creation in which dissention exists? Is there no place where once rebellious entities exist with freedom or exist only in eternal torment?

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Without a reference for sequential events there is no reference for plus and mines infinity, a thing or all things exist inseparable. My understanding, from the same source omniscience is taken, is that there is a big difference in minus and plus infinity and the zero reference point iscreation of a temporal earth for proving God’s omnificence by “Destructive Physical Analysis” (DPA) in which the way to return to God is also given. To me this temporal separation, as it turns out, is the unveiling of God’s mystery plan to salvage coerced rebels to God’s rule. With proof of God’s omnificence believed and requirements obeyed salvage of some is accomplished. If the proof is not believed and obeyed by changing rebellingentities life (life eternal) that has been given to all independent (free to rebel) entities totally isolated from God will be established in an eternal place where present rebels and future obdurate independent entitieswith zero tolerance by God will be cast. Understanding why God separates some of His independent created entities issimple if you can justify rational thinking above emotional reasoning. God’s mystery revealed in both ways of thinking is to protect those that love Him; His children are guided in rational obedience to love in a deceiving environment.God will not and cannot strive with man forever; as proven (evidenced) by the flood (Genesis 6:3) , by the cross (Matthew 27:46 egkataleipo or sabachthani), by Satan chaotic rule of earth (Luke 4:8; Matt.6:9), and by judgment (Matthew 25:45f)God’s mercy is a fragile harmony of love and hate that He manages except onearth for a short time (Revelation 20:7) and for eternity in the new heaven..

A couple more thoughts12.17.2014

Study of Thermodynamics and Electricity is interesting.Work produces heat - Revelation 3:16 NCVThis relationship is very complex in terms of math, but we know that work requires power and power can be expressed as watts and watts= the product (X) of current (I) and voltage (V). So obedience x love = power; a measure of work.

Electrical analogy of Spiritual things 12.26.2014today’s Joyful labor cause love to flow between God and His created entities in harmony; as obedient labor increases to comply with God’s

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commands the flow rate of love increases, and Satan’s deception impedes theFlow of Love. Labor is work measured in degrees of heat as energy is dissipated in impedance. Cold is zero degrees and Hot is 100 degrees; not hot or cold is lukewarm having a broad range of measurement around 50 degrees. Truth (conduction) is the inverse of deception (resistance) (T=1/D). The potential to flow love is in God (Jesus is the potential (V) to flow love). The flow of love (obedience (O) also known as belief or faith) times (x) deception (D) produces in me a potential to flow love ( ʋ ). This expression (ʋ =O x D) states that without deception (D = 0) Truth and Obedience within a person are maximized Faith = Obedience, putting the two thoughts together the understanding is that without knowledge of truth in a person’s nature there is no faith (ʋ = O/T). Obedience is using the potential to flow love. Jesus and God are in a person if there is love for “The Logos” is in that person. John 14:15-24; Jesus said three times feed My sheep if you love Me!

From Wikipedia: An electric current is a flow of electric charge. In electric circuits this charge is often carried by moving electrons in a wire. It can also be carried by ions in an electrolyte, or by both ions and electrons such as in a plasma.[1]

The SI unit for measuring an electric current is the ampere, which is the flow of electric charge across a surface at the rate of one coulomb per second. Electric current is measured using a device calledan ammeter.[2]

Electric currents can have many effects, notably heating, but they also create magnetic fields, which are used in motors, inductors and generators.

Direct current (DC) is the unidirectional flow of electric charge. Direct current is produced by sources such as batteries, thermocouples, solar cells, and commutator-type electricmachines of the dynamo type. Direct current may flow in a conductor such as a wire, but can also flow through semiconductors, insulators, or even through a vacuum as in electron or ion beams. The electric charge flows in a constant

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direction, distinguishing it from alternating current (AC). A term formerly used for direct current was galvanic current.[12]

An electric battery is a device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells that convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy. Each cell contains a positive terminal, or cathode,and a negative terminal, or anode. Electrolytes allow ions to move between the electrodes and terminals, which allows current to flow outof the battery to perform work.

The Spiritual analogy is amazing!Example of this is Adam’s disobedience by eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Adam knew God by having a personal relation with God before eating of its fruit. When he had a personal relationship with Satan and had a desire to disobey God for an earthly pleasure, he doubted the truth in his knowledge; for only having known God’s grace he became fearful of the unknown reaction of God to disobedience, so he tried to hide from God or tried to separate himself or die to God. God’s response was to take the first step in isolating Himself from Satan who He put on earth not in Tartarus and his coerced followers, coerced because Adam did not know why Satan would speak against God. God’s next step was to decide to destroy His creation and return to heaven. Then God took the first step to salvage some entities after seeing what independent thinking men like Enoch and Noah could do. He was further impressed with men for seeking to find Him after the flood. And would give man His acceptable way for returning to heaven. First through a chosen man Abram the first of many to speak for Him or through which He would speak. Hopping that through Israel the world would find the Logos. At the right time in man’s searching being encouraged by constantly giving bits of information God took His final step to prove (showing) to all His creation truth in His foreknowledge of Satan desire to destroy man’s obscured concept of “The Logos”; which he could not do in heaven for obvious reasons. But God will not prove just His omnificence knowledge and power Heis letting Satan reign on earth to bring chaos the likes of which all creation cannot even begin to describe.

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The measure of the value in information is to consider how often an event occurs. There is only one unique event, Jesus (not even the first creation thing can compare, less it be “The Logos”).

I have sought for a more united understanding of all scriptures using the simple discoveries man has made in the study of electric circuits; look at this circuit with 10 parts.

Figure A Typical Electrical Circuit Schematic

V1 & V2 are batteries with stored EnergyThe amount of power coming from each battery, at any given time, is controlled (external to the circuit) by adjusting R a variable resistor from left to right. D1 & D2 are diodes to control the direction of current flow The function of the circuit is to control the temperature of anything, external to the circuit, placed on the heater.The circle with (i) is a meter to measure current (flow of electrons in a conductor, wire in this example).The circle with (v) is a meter to measure the amount of stored potential energy for moving electrons through Rh the resistance of the heater and Rf the resistance of the fan.

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The circuit equation is:V1 = IG x RL + IG x Rh ; V2 = IS x Rr + Is x Rf

Given RL (left)= 0; Rr (right) < ∞V1 = IG (0 + Rh)V1 /Rh = IG; Heater is “ON” Max heat; P(power) = (V1)2/Rh

Fan is “off”; P(power)= 0

Given RL< ∞; Rr = 0V1 = IG (∞ + Rh)VG/∞ = IG = 0; Heater “OFF” P = 0Fan is “on” Max cooling; P = (V2)2/Rf

The electric circuit analogy of God working with created man and women shows how love flows through His creation.

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Figure B (C:\Users\Ray\Documents\AAAA\Book 2.14.2014)An electrical schematic analogous to a Spiritual Nature

The function of the electrical circuit’s spiritual analogy is to increase understanding of God’s intent for man to change his mature to meet His criteria for returning to live with Him in an environment without deception.

Rf represents God’s return to heaven during the flood and His grace. Sj represents Jesus’ removal of God’s separation from man for his acceptance of His proof of Their, The Logos, truth and justice. The switch

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has been closed for the world to change its nature but will be opened for judgment of disobedience entities. What justifies God’s wrath and removes our sins? Satan’s rule of the earth.

Combination of switches parallel resistors, reducing the resistance Rm, increasing conduction. The potentiometer (variable resistor, movement to the left reduces the resistance to the flow of God’s love while movement tothe right increases the power of Satan’s deception); How man controls the change in his nature is represented by Rm; the obedience to the Spirit’s revelation of truth and justice to thirteen (13) chosen men. Note: Parallel Resistance = R(n-1)/n if each R has the same value. The individual alone controls the potentiometer. Z1 represents the abilities given to persons by God; magnetism-profits, Heat-enthusiasm; Sound-teaching, Light-understanding or example, electro-magnetic-evangelism; fan-cooling. Z2 represents which ability Satan uses to interfere with all giftsfrom God, if his power is not blocked.(i) i in a circle represents a current meter to measure the obedience tocontrol the flow of God’s love.(v) v in a circle represents a volt meter to measure the potential love used from God’s source. V1 and V2 cause apposing flow of currents in the potentiometer. Information regarding the switches and resistors above the potentiometer on the left see, 2 Peter 1:5f and on the right see Galatians 5:20f. These are not values that I can control because God does not give all men the same value for each ability; I can only control the switches. The amount ofheat radiated is a function of the surrounding environment and the heater God gave me. God put me in an environment with an ability to develop for His work

Diodes D1 and D2 are spiritual semiconductors for the flow of love; (James 4:4ff) they make the circuit simple. Equations for calculating effect of given and controlled values:V=I x R; Power (P in watts)=V x I; J (energy in Joules)= P x t in seconds.To determine the effect of the control by R, the potentiometer in Figure A,values are assigned to all the variables. One’s effect would be determined by how much energy from the battery was used to raise the temperature of the heater (Z) 1 degree Centigrade in 1 second. Such an experiment would depend on many conditions not considered in or controlled by the circuit.

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Therefore, it is the same for the spiritual circuit analogy; God assigns all the values relating to parameters that man controls while Satan choses the parameter he will use to counter God’s mercy and love. The result God wants to measure in each individual man is that the temperature be greater than lukewarm. How our obedience in love affects our duty to return to Him to live with Him forever is not spelled out in detail for many conditions external to the circuit affect the circuit’s ability to heat; I just believe it does. (Luke 17:10; Rom. 15:27). we must make sure the potentiometer is all the way left and all the switches on the left are closed. Obedience to our duty is not enough to survive judgment and live with God. (Matthew 7:22-23, 1 Corinthians 9:15-18) God has given Satan a minimum Power for deception. Job 2:6; Eph. 4:16; 1 Corinthians 10:13. God says from my youth up I have been switching the right side switches “ON” and have isolated myself from Him. Now because, Jesus proved God’s truth and justice and Satan is turning the earth into chaos I should belief that proof and change my heart and life i.e., turn “OFF” the right side switches, turn “ON” the left side switches, and push the potentiometer all the way to the left to return to living with God. Temperature of Z1 is the parameter Jesus uses in judgment to evaluate my obedience (1 Thessalonians 1:3 NKJ & NCV); did God’s love flow through me to others. 1 Corinthians 13-14

Does (Sx) in Figure 2 really exist? This was to be a simple passive circuitto look at the relationship of obedience and love, having study it for awhile I see it could evolve to include many assumptions and opinionscommonly made in biblical understanding. This analytical approach leaveslittle room for emotions. The flow of God’s love through an entity dependson obedience in that entity; “love flows” by obedience and God’s potentialenergy! If one opens it can the other close it? If you claim to be a sinnercan God’s Spirit live in you?One way of understanding what Sx does is to consider (James 4:7 NCV- NewEnglish Version ) either God, or Satan can open this switch; man cannotopen that switch all man can do is change the resistance between God andSatan. Satan will run or open the switch because he has limited power andwill not waist it; the Logos will live in a person without Satan.I can see where this could exhaust my thoughts.

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More interesting thoughts come to mind if the batteries are being charged from a single altering source; maybe all energy sources are altering, the moon causes gravity to alternate around a mean value. Is God the source or is that what The Logos and Satan have fought to control; perhaps called the“Tree of Life”? If God is not the source then what part of the Logos is thesource or “Tree of Life”. Is the “Tree of Life” part of the Deity? If the charging source for the batteries were alternating currents then two types of rectifying circuits could be considered as shown in Figures D & E and each output be variable and either controlled by the Creator or the created.

Figure C Half wave rectifier with Transformer, Diode, and ResistorIf there were only one source of energy and it were AC then the diodes would be needed as shown in Figure .

Figure D Full wave rectification with reduced ripple

Four Spiritual Parameters, Functions, their Variances, and work

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Parameters: Eternal constant energy source; The Logos; Created Entities; Satan Functions: Energy source – eternal life available to Deity and created

independent entities; The Logos – eternal omnificence controller of the energy source for “Potential” to flow Love to maintain unity among entities; Entities - labors required to mature in loveto live with God; Satan - a created entity willfully matured to bea counter force opposing God’s flow of Love.

Variances (changeability): Energy Source – endangered and eternally constant; The Logos – justly selects proper force to maintain unity; Entities - independent maturing following Jesus or Satan having complete information concerning attributes of love and

selfishness; Satan – An obdurate entity using deception to opposeGod’s truth.

Work is independent entities duty to mature a relation with “The Logos”.

Work with love receives “God’s reward”. Work with Satan is “COOL” but of no value to God Work on earth is hard, creates body heat; God’s reward is rest in heaven; Satan’s provides for cooling on earth.What is a semiconductor for Love? James 4:4

What is the intrinsic value of the cross?

The Geometry Analogy of the Logos has ten basic assumptions of implied biblical concepts:

1. God’s Spiritual form is systemic; divisible yet inseparable2. God’s spiritual nature is love yet protective.3. God given life to all independent created entities is eternal.4. God has a conscience made sorrowful by His creations rejection of the

Logos’ rule.5. Earth is a place appointed by God for Satan to rule his instigated

rebellion.6. Jesus substitutionary death for God, on the cross, proved God knew

Satan’s motive for starting a rebellion in heaven.

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7. Satan is now proving God’s sorrowful conscience for hate is just in removing dissentionfrom heaven.

8. Jesus substitutionary death for all created entities rescheduled the promised destruction of God’s creation.

9. If created entities will accept this proof and change their nature to follow God’s counsel they will be forgiven for the rebellion.

10. At judgment faithful following of Jesus’ counsel will return, once alienated, entities to life with God while decenters continuing to alienate themselves will be totally isolate from the “Logos”.

This analogy gives a logical rational for an emotional biased study of the bible.

There are 3 cardinal concepts for God to accept once alienated entities following Jesus’ instructions for returning to heaven:

1. Borne again of God after dying to the world2. Change heart and lives to mature in God’s nature3. Obedience to the “two fundamental” commands



Success in Life meansJesus is first,

Others are second,You are worthy

Jesus has given us the Words of Life, our FAITH (the book).Others require our LOVE (the heart) if we are to be found worthy.Your soul fastened to Jesus by HOPE (the anchor).

FAITH is the KNOWLEDGE of yesterday’s JOY.LOVE is the LABOR of today’s JOY (Obedience is the Flow of Love from God in Man)

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The greatest of these is “LOVE”Only LOVE is not temporal

When reckoning time is no more

LOVE alone will remain.

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