editorial board - Jurnal Politeknik Tonggak Equator Pontianak


Transcript of editorial board - Jurnal Politeknik Tonggak Equator Pontianak



PARTY IN CHARGE English Language Studies

and Applied Linguistics Journal (ELSA) is a publication from Politeknik Tonggak Equator (POLTEQ). It publishes original researches in the fields of English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics issued biannually, i.e., in May and November.

Articles may span the full spectrum of the fields accommodated by this journal and go through the reviewing and editing processes before publication with no changes in the substances of the original manuscripts.

The contents of the articles respectively are the responsibility taken fully by the writers and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion.

The manuscripts sent to our editorial staffs are those never published in or under consideration for publication by other publishers.

Fera Maulina, S.E.T., M.M. Ketua Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat,

Politeknik Tonggak Equator, Pontianak


1. Fera Maulina, S.E.T., M.M. (Politeknik Tonggak Equator, Pontianak)


1. Alvina Yolanda, S.Pd., M.Sc. (Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama,

Kalbar) 2. Gabriella Novianty Soedjarwo, S.Pd., M.Hum. (Sekolah

Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi dan Sekretaris Tarakanita, Jakarta) 3. Yosafat Barona Valentino, S.Pd., M.Hum. (Politeknik

Tonggak Equator, Pontianak) 4. Hilaria Janariani, S.S.T., M.Pd. (Politeknik Tonggak Equator,

Pontianak) 5. Gregorius Subanti, S.Pd., M.Hum. (Politeknik Tonggak

Equator, Pontianak)


1. Andri Saputra, S.Pd., M.S. (Universitas Islam Negeri Fatmawati Sukarno, Bengkulu)

2. Mohammad Rahmatuzzaman, M.Sc. (Belfast International School, Bangladesh)

3. Magpika Handayani, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Politeknik Tonggak Equator, Pontianak)

4. Fariska Wulandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Politeknik Tonggak

Equator, Pontianak) 5. Fransiska Way Warti, S.Pd., M.Sc. (Politeknik Tonggak

Equator, Pontianak) 6. Agus Riyadi, S.Pd., M.Sc.TESOL. (Politeknik Tonggak

Equator, Pontianak)


Jalan Fatimah No. 1-2, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat – 78111 ∣ Website: www.polteq.ac.id ∣e-mail: [email protected] ∣ CP. (0561) 767 884

e-ISSN: 2747-2957 Volume 2 No. 1 November 2021



Editorial Board ............................................................................................................. i Table of Contents ........................................................................................................ ii The Use of Game in Increasing Students’ Learning Motivation ............................ 1-9 Fariska Wulandari

An Analysis of Designers’ Perception of Using English in T-Shirt Design in Clothing Business in Pontianak .......................................................................... 10-17 Yudistira Yohanes Aprilliano The Effect of Using English on Instagram Promotion Toward Purchase Intention at Milk Bar Café Pontianak .................................................................................... 18-28 Dessy Permata Sari, Hilaria Janariani, Fransiska Way Warti Psychoanalysis of Public Agent .......................................................................... 29-33 Marschall E. Metekohy, Fatur Subhanisa, Brian Daffa An Analysis of Students’ Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Problems in Speaking .............................................................................................................. 34-43 Tri Mulyaningsih

e-ISSN: 2747-2957 Volume 2 No. 1 November 2021



Editorial Board ............................................................................................................. i Table of Contents ........................................................................................................ ii The Use of Game in Increasing Students’ Learning Motivation ............................ 1-9 Fariska Wulandari

An Analysis of Designers’ Perception of Using English in T-Shirt Design in Clothing Business in Pontianak .......................................................................... 10-17 Yudistira Yohanes Aprilliano The Effect of Using English on Instagram Promotion Toward Purchase Intention at Milk Bar Café Pontianak .................................................................................... 18-28 Dessy Permata Sari, Hilaria Janariani, Fransiska Way Warti Psychoanalysis of Public Agent .......................................................................... 29-33 Marschall E. Metekohy, Fatur Subhanisa, Brian Daffa An Analysis of Students’ Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Problems in Speaking .............................................................................................................. 34-43 Tri Mulyaningsih

e-ISSN: 2747-2957 Volume 2 No. 1 November 2021

Vol. 2, No. 1, November 2021

e-ISSN 2747-2957



Fariska Wulandari [email protected] Polytechnic of Tonggak Equator


This research was aimed to find out the students’ view of game in increasing their learning motivation. This research is descriptive research that was conducted in Polytechnic of Tonggak Equator in July-September 2021. The researcher chose 40 students of the fifth semester students of English for Business and Professional Communication as the respondents. Based on the questionnaire, it can be known the students’ view about game are 65% respondents agree that games motivate students in learning a language, 65% respondents agree that games are useful tools be applied in vocabulary classes, 70% respondents agree that games are effective tools be applied in vocabulary classes, 52,5% respondents agree that games make learning vocabulary become more interesting, 60% respondents strongly agree that games make learning vocabulary become more enjoyable, 47,5% respondents agree that games can reduce the students’ anxiety, 62,5% respondents agree that games can increase the students’ positive feeling, 37,5% respondents strongly agree that games improve self-confidence because students do not afraid of punishment or criticism while practicing the target language freely, 70 % respondents strongly agree that game is a useful tool in improving vocabulary acquisition in natural way, 67,5% respondents strongly agree that games can create fun atmosphere in the classroom. Keywords: students’ view, game, learning motivation. 1.1 Introduction

Motivation is very important in language learning. According to Fachraini (2017, p. 48), “Student who has high motivation would do the best in learning even though the materials were felt difficult. On the contrary, student who has low motivation would get bored and be indifferent in learning even though the materials given were so easy.” Students’ motivation in learning affects the learning outcomes obtained. Students’ motivation in learning will make students focus more attention and interest in the material provided. According to Reena and Bonjour (2010, p. 146), “motivating students in the class room is an integral part of teaching and must spill over to outside the precincts as well. Teaching of English needs to be

made more appealing and attractive to the learners.”

According to Riswanto and Aryani (2017, p. 3), “motivation is important in determining how many students will be learning from a learning activity or how much to absorb the information presented to them. Students are motivated to learn something will use higher cognitive processes in learning the material, so that students will absorb the material better.” The writer concludes that, motivation is one important factor in the learning process and students need to be constantly motivated to perform better. There are two kinds of motivation, they are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. “Intrinsic motivation is related to an internal wish to do something” (Oletić and llić, 2014, p. 25). Meanwhile, extrinsic motivation according to Reena et al. (2010,

Wulandari, F. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 1-9


p. 147), can be described as “factors external to the individual and unrelated to the task they are performing”.

Vocabulary has an important role in all language skills. Vocabulary helps people to express their idea. Vocabulary helps people to convey meaning. The linguist Wilkins (1972, p.111) states that "without grammar little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed." So that vocabulary plays more important role than grammar. Indeed, people need to use words in order to express themselves in any language, as well as students. In addition, “successful people usually have large vocabularies and a good word recognition skill that enable them to use the right word in the right place at the right time.” (Hancock, 1987, p.1).

In doing communication to others, there are two basic ways of communication, they are speaking and writing such Hancock (1987, p.1) states that there are two basic ways of communication to others, they are speaking and writing. Vocabulary development is essential for both. If the students fail to understand what the lecturer say, one of the reasons could be because of the failure to understand the words that were used. In researcher experience as a lecturer, she noticed the fact that students usually find it really hard to speak English fluently and accurately. They usually consider that speaking activities are boring because they keep on using the same words and immediately, their conversation is interrupted due to missing words. And the main reason for such communication problems is the lack of vocabulary. That is why, vocabulary plays essential role in learning a language.

In a classroom, lecturer meets many characters of students. There are students who have high motivation to learn but there are also students who have low motivation to learn. In explaining the learning materials in the classroom, lecturer will deal with various reaction of students. There are students who respond the lecturers’ explanation positively such as

listen to the lecturer carefully, take note while the lecturer is explaining the learning material, discuss the learning materials to their friends but there also students who react or respond negatively such as do not pay attention to the lecturer’s explanation, talk with friend beside him, busy with their smartphone or fall asleep. These situations require the lecturer to find out the best way to teach the students effectively and increase their motivation in learning.

There are various approaches, methods and techniques in teaching English. According to Bambang Setiadi, dkk (2008), there are some approaches in teaching a language, there are natural approach, communicative approach, content-based approach, literature-based approach, etc. In teaching method, there are audio-lingual method, direct method, total physical response method and grammar translation method. The various kinds of teaching approach, method, and technique make the teacher able to use it in their class but the teacher must be able to choose the most suitable approach, method and technique that suit with the characteristics of their students.

Game is one the technique that can be used in language learning. Based on the researcher’s observation in reading and speaking class, she found that game can increase the students’ motivation in language learning. Game can create good atmosphere in the classroom. That is why, the researcher would like to investigate the use of game in increasing students’ learning motivation and the benefit of game in increasing the students’ learning motivation with research entitled The Use of Game in Increasing Students’ Learning Motivation. (A Descriptive Quantitative Research in the Fifth Semester Students of English for Business and Professional Communication in the Academic Year of 2021-2022).

The problem formulations of this research are: 1) What are the students’ view of game in increasing their motivation in learning vocabulary? 2) What are the advantages of game in learning vocabulary?

Wulandari, F. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 1-9


Based on the problem formulated, the objectives of this research are: 1) To find out the students’ view of game in increasing the students’ motivation in learning vocabulary. 2) To find out the advantages of game in learning vocabulary. 2.1 Literature Review

Motivation is very important in language learning. According to Fachraini (2017, p. 48), “Student who has high motivation would do the best in learning even though the materials were felt difficult. On the contrary, student who has low motivation would get bored and be indifferent in learning even though the materials given were so easy.” Students’ motivation in learning affects the learning outcomes obtained. Students’ motivation in learning will make students focus more attention and interest in the material provided. According to Reena and Bonjour (2010, p. 146), “motivating students in the class room is an integral part of teaching and must spill over to outside the precincts as well. Teaching of English needs to be made more appealing and attractive to the learners.”

According to Riswanto and Aryani (2017, p. 3), “motivation is important in determining how many students will be learning from a learning activity or how much to absorb the information presented to them. Students are motivated to learn something will use higher cognitive processes in learning the material, so that students will absorb the material better.” The writer concludes that, motivation is one important factor in the learning process and students need to be constantly motivated to perform better. There are two kinds of motivation, they are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. “Intrinsic motivation is related to an internal wish to do something” (Oletić and llić, 2014, p. 25). Meanwhile, extrinsic motivation according to Reena et al. (2010, p. 147), can be described as “factors external to the individual and unrelated to the task they are performing”.

Vocabulary plays an important role in language skill. It is the basis for the development of other language skills such Harmer (2001, p. 4) stated that vocabulary is one of the most obvious components of language and one of the first things applied linguistics turned their attention. Moreover, Richard and Renandya (2002, p. 255) stated that vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read and write. It means that the role of vocabulary is really important in language learning since it is the basis of students to speak, listen, read and write well.

Vocabulary is very important because it is the starting point that people have to possess when they dealing with languages such Al-Hinnawi (2012, p. 62) stated “vocabulary is the starting point that people should possess when dealing with languages.” Moreover, vocabulary is dominant in improving a person’s communication skill like Beena Anil (2011, p.46) states that “vocabulary is predominant in improving one’s communicative skill. Language is more powerful when it is being used perfectly”.

Vocabulary is a set of words in oral and written and in productive and receptive which has meaning such Fran et al (2005, p. 2-3) define that vocabulary as knowledge of words and word meaning in both oral and written language and in productive and receptive forms. In other words, vocabulary is a combination of words which produce meaning.

Vocabulary is the focus of language with its sounds and intended meanings that interlock to allow students to communicate with one another (Nation, 2000: Pyles, 1970). In classroom implementation, vocabulary becomes the guidance that leads students to comprehend every piece of information both oral and written and to produce ideas.

Thornbury (2002, p. 24-25) and Nation (2001, p. 24) classified the types of vocabulary into two types, they are receptive and productive vocabulary.

Wulandari, F. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 1-9


According to them, there are two types of vocabulary related to the language skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing they are receptive or passive vocabulary which refers to the words that native speakers and foreign learners recognize and understand but it hardly ever used, it is used passively in reading and listening, and productive vocabulary which is utilized actively either in speaking or writing. Productive vocabulary refers to the words which learners use when they speak or write and it called active vocabulary.

Approach, method and techniques are three terms which are important in teaching. According to Anthony (cited in Richards and Rogers, 2001, p.19), “approach, method, and technique have hierarchical arrangement. Approach is the level of theories, method is the plan of language teaching which is consistent with the theories, and techniques carry out a method. In other words, the arrangement of the three is that-approach is axiomatic, method is procedural and technique is implementation”.

Game is one of the methods in teaching and learning a language. The use of game in teaching and learning is quite popular. Based on the researcher interview with the English lecturers and the researcher observation in Polytechnic of Tonggak Equator, some lecturers use game to maintain the students’ motivation in learning and create fun atmosphere in the classroom. Game is a well-organized activity that has objective, rules, competition and communication between players such as stated in The Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics in Richards, Platt, & Platt, (1995, p.89), games are defined as “an organized activity that usually has the following properties: a particular task or objective, a set of rules, competition between players, and communication between players by spoken or written language”.

Game is activity that has rules and a goal but it creates fun as well such as

Hadfield (1984) said, “game is an activity with rules, a goal and an element of fun”. Game gives many advantages when it is used in the classroom, one of them is motivate learners to learn a language such as Ramadhaniarti (2016, p.383) states that “games provide language teachers with many advantages when they are used in classroom. One of these advantages is that learners are motivated to learn the language when they are in a game”. Ramadhaniarti (2016, p.383) also states that “games are useful and effective tools that should be applied in vocabulary classes”. The use of game is a way to make the lessons more interesting, enjoyable and effective but the teachers have to consider the best game for students”.

Game if it is introduced properly, it can be one of the highest motivation techniques. It stimulates the students’ interest such as McCallum (1980, p. ix) states that “games stimulate student interest, a properly introduced game can be one of the highest motivating techniques”. Games are advantageous because it can reduce the students’ anxiety. It can increase the students’ positive feeling as well. It also can increase the students’ self-confidence because the students do not afraid of punishment and criticism while they were practicing the target language freely. This statements in line with Crookal (1990, p.112) states that “games are advantageous because they reduce anxiety, increase positive feeling and improve self-confidence because learners do not afraid of punishment or criticism while practicing the target language freely. In addition, game is a useful tool in improving children’s vocabulary acquisition in natural way as would be normally achieved through play (Angelova & Lekova, 1995; Atake, 2003; Deng, 2006).

3.1 Method

This research is descriptive research. In this research, the researcher conducted the research in Polytechnic of Tonggak Equator. This research was done in July-

Wulandari, F. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 1-9


September 2021. The researcher chose fifth semester students of English for Business and Professional Communication as the respondents because these students had attended vocabulary subject and had experience of playing game in vocabulary learning in the classroom. The respondent consists of 40 students for filling the questionnaire. There are 6 classes in the third semester. The researcher chose 6 until 7 students from each class with the criteria of willing of being informant of this research, have ever attended and finished vocabulary subject, have experienced learning vocabulary through game at least twice.

In this research, the researcher used questionnaire as the instruments of data collection. The researcher distributed questionnaires to 40 students by using Zoom and WhatsApp and the result of the questionnaire was analyzed quantitatively by using percentage. 4.1 Findings and Discussion

In this research, the researcher spread questionnaire to 40 respondents. The result of the questionnaire can be seen in the table below.

Table 4.2 Games Motivate Students in Learning a Language


SA A D SD Total Respondent

Game motivates me in learning a language

35 %

65 %

0 %

0 %

100 %

Based on table 4.2, it can be seen that

65 % respondents agree that games motivate students in learning a language, 35 % states strongly agree, and 0 % states disagree and strongly disagree that games motivate students in learning a language.

Table 4.3 Games Are Useful Tools be Applied in Vocabulary Classes



Total Respondent

Games are effective tools be applied in vocabulary classes

40 %

60 %

0 %

0 %

100 %

Based on table 4.3, it can be seen that

60 % respondents agree that games are useful tools be applied in vocabulary classes, 40 % states strongly agree, and 0 % states disagree and strongly disagree that games are useful tools be applied in vocabulary classes.

Table 4.4 Games Are Effective Tools be

Applied in Vocabulary Classes Statement


Total Respondent

Games are effective tools be applied in vocabulary classes

30 %

70 %

0 %

0 %

100 %

Based on table 4.4, it can be seen that

70 % respondents agree that games are effective tools be applied in vocabulary classes, 30 % states strongly agree, and 0 % states disagree and strongly disagree that games are effective tools be applied in vocabulary classes.

Table 4.5 Games Make Learning Vocabulary

Become More Interesting Statement


Total Respondent

Games make


52,5 %

0 %

0 %

100 %

Wulandari, F. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 1-9




Total Respondent

learning vocabulary become more interesting

Based on table 4.5, it can be seen that

52,5 % respondents agree that games make learning vocabulary become more interesting, 47,5 % states strongly agree, and 0 % states disagree and strongly disagree that games make learning vocabulary become more interesting.

Table 4.6 Games Make Learning Vocabulary

Become More Enjoyable Statement


Total Respondent

Games make learning vocabulary become more enjoyable


37,5 %


0 %

100 %

Based on table 4.6, it can be seen that

60 % % respondents strongly agree that games make learning vocabulary become more enjoyable, 37,5 % states agree, 2,5 % states disagree and 0 % states strongly disagree that games make learning vocabulary become more enjoyable.

Table 4.7 Games Can Reduce the Students’

Anxiety Statement

SA A D SD Total Respondent

Games can reduce the student


47,5 %



100 %


SA A D SD Total Respondent

s’ anxiety

Based on table 4.7, it can be seen that

47,5 % respondents agree that games can reduce the students’ anxiety, 35 % states agree, 10 % states disagree and 7,5 % states strongly disagree that games can reduce the students’ anxiety. Table 4.8 Games Can Increase The Students’

Positive Feeling Statement


Total Respondent

Games can increase the students’ positive feeling


62,5 %



100 %

Based on table 4.8, it can be seen that

62,5 % respondents agree that games can increase the students’ positive feeling, 32,5 % states strongly agree, 5 % states disagree and 0 % states strongly disagree that games can increase the students’ positive feeling. Table 4.9 Games improve self-confidence because students do not afraid of punishment or criticism while practicing the target language freely Statement


Total Respondent

Games improve self-confidence because students do not afraid of punishment or


37,5 %



100 %

Wulandari, F. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 1-9




Total Respondent

criticism while practicing the target language freely

Based on table 4.9, it can be seen that

37,5 % respondents strongly agree that games improve self-confidence because students do not afraid of punishment or criticism while practicing the target language freely, 37,5 % states agree, 25 % states disagree and 0 % states strongly disagree.

Table 4.10 Game is a Useful Tool in Improving Vocabulary Acquisition in Natural Way Statement


Total Respondent

Game is a useful tool in improving vocabulary acquisition in natural way


70 %



100 %

Based on table 4.10, it can be seen

that 70 % respondents strongly agree that game is a useful tool in improving vocabulary acquisition in natural way, 30 % states agree, and 0% states disagree strongly disagree. Table 4.11 Games Create Fun Atmosphere in

the Classroom Statement


Total Respondent

Game is a useful tool in improvi


32,5 %



100 %



Total Respondent

ng vocabulary acquisition in natural way

Based on table 4.11, it can be seen

that 67,5 % respondents strongly agree that games can create fun atmosphere in the classroom, 32,5 % states agree, and 0% states disagree and strongly disagree. In this part, the researcher discussed the finding of the research she has done based on the finding of the questionnaire. Based on the questionnaire, it can be known the students view about game are 65 % respondents agree that games motivate students in learning a language. Then, 65 % respondents agree that games are useful tools be applied in vocabulary classes. Moreover, 70 % respondents agree that games are effective tools be applied in vocabulary classes. Furthermore, 52,5 % respondents agree that games make learning vocabulary become more interesting. 60 % respondents strongly agree that games make learning vocabulary become more enjoyable. What the students think about game is in line with what Hadfield (1984) said that, “game is an activity with rules, a goal and an element of fun”. That is why the students enjoy when learning vocabulary while playing a game. Then, 47,5 % respondents agree that games can reduce the students’ anxiety. Such Hadfield (1984) said that, “game is an activity with rules, a goal and an element of fun”, that make the students can reduce their anxiety when they were learning. And because game has an element of fun so it makes the students feel happy and can reduce their stress. The data from the questionnaire also shows that 62,5 % respondents agree that games can increase the students’ positive feeling. Since the students can reduce their anxiety and stress

Wulandari, F. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 1-9


when they were learning vocabulary because of game so they can increase their positive feeling. Then, 37,5 % respondents strongly agree that games improve self-confidence because students do not afraid of punishment or criticism while practicing the target language freely. Since game has element of fun such as Hadfield (1984) said that, “game is an activity with rules, a goal and an element of fun” so the students can practice the language freely without worry of punishment from the teacher and finally they can improve their self-confidence. From the questionnaire that have spread, 70 % respondents strongly agree that game is a useful tool in improving vocabulary acquisition in natural way. In line with McCallum (1980, p. ix) states that “games stimulate student interest, a properly introduced game can be one of the highest motivating techniques”. By the interest that is owned by the students so it can improve their vocabulary acquisition in natural way. The students’ interest is the first step for them to improve their vocabulary acquisition. And, 67,5 % respondents strongly agree that games can create fun atmosphere in the classroom such Hadfield (1984) said that, “game is an activity with rules, a goal and an element of fun”. The element of fun that is owned by a game makes the learning process become more enjoyable, happy and fun, and that is why the situation in the classroom will be fun as well because of game. 5.1 Conclusion

Based on the finding and discussion, the researcher could draw the conclusions as follow: 1) Based on the questionnaire, the students’ view of game in increasing their motivation in learning vocabulary are: 65 % respondents agree that games motivate students in learning a language. Then, 65 % respondents agree that games are useful tools be applied in vocabulary classes. Moreover, 70 % respondents agree that games are effective tools be applied in vocabulary classes. Furthermore, 52,5 % respondents agree that games make

learning vocabulary become more interesting. 60 % respondents strongly agree that games make learning vocabulary become more enjoyable. 47,5 % respondents agree that games can reduce the students’ anxiety. 62,5 % respondents agree that games can increase the students’ positive feeling. Then, 37,5 % respondents strongly agree that games improve self-confidence because students do not afraid of punishment or criticism while practicing the target language freely. And, 67,5 % respondents strongly agree that games can create fun atmosphere in the classroom. 2) The advantages of game in learning vocabulary are games motivate students in learning a language, games are useful and effective tools be applied in vocabulary classes, games make learning vocabulary become more interesting and enjoyable, games can reduce the students’ anxiety, games can increase the students’ positive feeling, games improve self-confidence because students do not afraid of punishment or criticism while practicing the target language freely, and games can create fun atmosphere in the classroom.

References Al-Hinnawi, A.N. (2012). The Effect of the Graphic Organizer Strategy on University Students English Vocabulary Building. English Language Teaching, 5 (12), 62-69. Anil, B. (2011). Teaching Vocabulary Through Games-A Sanguine Step, 5 (1), 46-50. Angelova, T.G., & Lekova, B.C. (1995). A

Model of Early Childhood Foreign Language Education through Playing Motoric Games. ERIC Database. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED397957). Web. June 11, 2020

Atake, K. (2003). Using Games in Japanese Junior High School. ERIC Database. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED479748). Web. June 11, 2020

Wulandari, F. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 1-9


Crookal D. (1990). Stimulation, Gaming, and Language Learning. New York: Newbury House.

Deng, Q.H. (2006). A Study of Using Games in Primary School English Teaching. Shensi Province. Northwest Normal University

Fran, L., Osborn, J., & E. H. Hiebert. (2005). A Focus on Vocabulary. USA: PERL

Hancock, O. (1987). Reading Skills for College Students. New Jersey: Prentice- Hall.

Hadfield, J. (1984). Elementary Communication Games. London: Nelson.

Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching 3rd Edition. Essex: England: Longman.

McCallum, G. P. (1980). 101 Games: For Students of English as a Second or Foreign Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Nation, P. (2001). Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. New York: New House Publisher.

Nation, I.S.P., (2000) Learning Vocabulary in Another Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Pyles, T. (1970). English: An Introduction to Language. San Diego: Harcourt College Pub.

Richards, J. C., & Renandya, W.A. (2002). Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T.S., (2001). Approaches and Method in Language Teaching (second editin). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Richards, J.C., Platt, J., & Platt, H. (1995). Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research, Press.

Thornbury, S. (2002). How to Teach Vocabulary. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.

Wilkins, D. (1972) Teaching Vocabulary. https://www.tesol.org

Vol. 2, No. 1, November 2021

e-ISSN 2747-2957



Yudistira Yohanes Aprilliano [email protected]

Polytechnic of Tonggak Equator

Abstract In this era, clothing business is become one of business that has a good potential, especially for young generation. T-shirt is one of the products of clothing business. T-shirts produced by clothing businesses generally have attractive and unique designs. The t-shirt design is designed by a designer in the clothing business, with creativity and ideas made in pictures or writing. This study aims to find out the designer’s perception of using English in t-shirt design that produced by clothing business. This study uses a qualitative method. The data collection techniques used are observation and interviews. Interviews were conducted with six designers of clothing business. The data collected are analyzed using the technique of data reduction, classification, and data display in the form of narration. From this research the writer found out the perceptions of the most designer of clothing business using English in t-shirt design are to follow the trend, look cooler, modern and classy. Finally, it can be concluded that there were different perceptions of each informant but all of informants still want to use English on their t-shirt design in the future. Keywords: designers’ perception, English usage, clothing design. 1.1 Introduction

Clothing business is one of the fastest-growing businesses in Indonesia. This is supported by various aspects, both local designers who are increasingly potential, the level of the economy is improving, to the fast-growing retail sector. The clothing business that has a close relationship with the fashion industry is the reason this type of business always develops following the trends that exist in society. Consumers can be said to be the main movers of this type of business because apart from being the buyers, consumers also determine and choose whether a style can become a fashion trend.

Clothing is a term for a t-shirt manufacturing company. The full term is a clothing business that makes clothes in the form of t-shirts under their own brand. T-shirts, which became the main production of clothing companies, then developed into

all secondary human needs. Clothing companies starting to produce jackets, wallets, long pants, polo shirts, hats, bags, such as bracelet pins also produce. In clothing business, creativity is really needed, this is to follow the desires of consumers in fulfilling their lifestyle in dressing. Clothing business people are certainly required to be able to make attractive and creative clothing designs to compete in the market. The more unique and attractive a clothing design that is produced will certainly attract more consumers to become buyers. This is the reason why the trend changes in this type of business are so fast.

There are several clothing businesses in the Pontianak City, such as Easy Going_Id, Akmr_Clth etc. Each of these clothing businesses presents different products with their own uniqueness. One of the main products produced by the clothing

Aprilliano, Y. Y. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 10-17


business in Pontianak is T-shirts. This is because the rafters are something that is very often used in daily activities, especially for young people. The designs on the shirts that are produced are usually in the form of images or writing.

There is a uniqueness in several clothing businesses in Pontianak, where English is used as a written design on some of the T-shirts produced. The designer of the clothing business certainly plays an important role where they are the main designers of the clothes produced. This is quite interesting because as it is known, English is not the main language used by people who live in Pontianak City. Moreover, English is rarely used by people in the city of Pontianak to communicate with one another. According to Pangabean (2016), the use of English in Indonesia is lower than in other countries. The opinion of these experts can describe the conditions of the use of English in Indonesia in this case in the city of Pontianak. Surely, there is a perception from the designers of the clothing business to prefer English in written t-shirts designed to be produced and offered to consumers.

From this explanation, it can be concluded that there are several designers of the clothing business in Pontianak who use English in the design of the t-shirts they produce. This study aims to determine the perceptions of the designers of the clothing business in Pontianak using English in the design of the t-shirts they produce, while English is not the language used in daily life. Based on this background, the writer conducted a study entitled An Analysis of Designer's Perception of Using English in T-Shirt Design in Clothing Business in Pontianak.

The research problems in this research are: 1) What are the perception of designer in clothing business in Pontianak use English in their clothes design while English is not their first/compulsory language? 2) What kind of English Word that use in t-shirt design?

The research purposes in this research are: 1) To find out the perception of designer in clothing business in Pontianak use English in their clothes design while English is not their first/compulsory language? 2) To find out the kind of English Word that use in t-shirt design?

2.1 Literature Review

According to Ilham (2011), Clothing business is a term used for companies that produce apparel under their own brand names. Clothing business provides clothing products such as t-shirts, pants, wallets, and others. Clothing is one of the basic human needs that is always used in daily activities. There are almost no humans who don't wear clothes to carry out their daily lives. Anisyahrini and Bajari (2019), argue, Clothing business is a business model that seeks to create, market, and build its own brand in the fashion industry. It can be concluded that the clothing business produces its own products to be marketed in the fashion industry.

In general, design has similar meaning with plan, or idea. Design also means the process of planning or designing an object that aims to make the object created has a function, has aesthetic value, and is useful for humans. According to Thabroni (2019), the design is a creative activity to plan and design something that is generally functional and does not exist beforehand. So, it can be concluded that the notion of design is planning and designing to make an object, both in terms of appearance and function. Design can also mean objects or images. According to Thabroni (2019), design is a creative activity that involves creating something new and useful that did not exist before.

In the clothing business, the English words used are usually the creativity of the designer, but in general, there are several types of words that are commonly used in these designs, they are slang, slogan and motivational word. According to Setyawan (2020), slang is generally a unit of

Aprilliano, Y. Y. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 10-17


expression or words that have undergone various types of changes in form and meaning. Oktiani (2017) states that motivation is the desire or passion to do something.

In daily life, English is often used in an advertisement, a slogan, a brand name, and product packaging. In the decision-making process, the purchasing strategy applied by the company is to use a special language in English (Rachmawati & Sary, 2016)

3.1 Method

This is qualitative descriptive research. In this research the writer used qualitative approaches and descriptive methods. The writer used descriptive research that aims to find out the perceptions and the impact of people’s opinions or attitudes about a social condition. The informants consist of 6 people and the data is collected through observation and interview. According to Sugiyono (2013, p. 145) “Observation is a technique of data collecting that used when, research concerning to human behavior, work processes, natural phenomena and if observed respondents are not too large.” The writer searched for a clothing business in Pontianak with English contained in T-Shirt design. The writer has done the observation by searching on Instagram and filtering the account of the clothing business in Pontianak that appear according to the types. The keyword used is “Clothing Pontianak” to simplify the search on Instagram. An interview is one of a way of collecting data in qualitative research. According Moleong (2014), interview is a process of communication or interaction carried out by interviewers and interviewee with a specific purpose. Data collected by interviewing the designer of a clothing business located in Pontianak. During interviews, phone calls and audio recordings are used for collecting data. The writer used interview as the tool because its useful to obtain information about personal feelings, perceptions, and opinions. The

writer began the research at the beginning of February 2021 and finished at the beginning of April 2021. In the beginning of February, the writer started the observation. The writer selected the subject according to the criteria and make an appointment with interviewees. In the beginning of March, the writer started the interview with the interviewees, then, writer wrote the result of the interview in the beginning of April.

Data collected by interviewing the designer of clothing business located in Pontianak. The writer searched for clothing business account located in Pontianak on Instagram with English contained in t-shirt design that already posted. Then the writer contacted the account’s user to arrange a meeting or phone call appointment and interview Designer. During the interview, the writer brought the observation data to get an answer from the informants. The time and place of research are unspecified since the tools of data collecting is Interview, the time and place adjusted from the condition while the research is done, and request from each sample. The writer has done the credibility process by increasing perseverance, data triangulation, and using references material. The transferability test in this research is external validity performed by a detailed, clear, systematic, and trustworthy report. The reliability of this research is performed by conduct an audit of the entire research process of observation. In this research, the writer analyses the data by using data reduction, data classification and data display.

4.1 Findings and Discussion

This research contains of six informants, each two of criterion of the Designer of Clothing Business located in Pontianak with English word contain in their T-shirt design. All of Clothing business chosen has various number of posts that started from 76 to 2.164 followers. The informants consist of two female, and four females, which tells the

Aprilliano, Y. Y. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 10-17


majority of the informants is male. These are the description of the informant: 1. Informant JBH

He is a 23 student of one university in Pontianak. He is a student and a businessman. He has already become a designer of clothing business for 3 years. He is also one of the owners of EasyGoing_Id. He is ever use English word which is Slogan in the design of t-shirt produce by his clothing business. 2. Informant CMW

She is 23 years old and still study in one of university in Pontianak. She loves art, her hobby is drawing, painting and editing that is one of reason why she starts to do clothing business. All of the design in Nocturnal. Inv is designed by her. She is quite new as a designer, start since 2020. It is been a year she is become the owner and designer of her Clothing business. From the t-shirt design that ever made by her, she said that she ever uses English word which is slogan. 3. Informant SL

She is 23 years old and still studying in one of university in Pontianak. She is the owner and also designer of Akmr_Cloth. She is passionate in fashion that is the biggest reason why she chose to start clothing business. She has run her business for 3 years and has made a lot of design by herself. She really like motivational word that is why she ever use English word which is motivational word in her t-shirt design. 4. Informant WA

He is 24 years old and still studying in one of Polytechnic in Pontianak. He is a businessman and clothing business is one of business that he has. He already become the owner and designer of his clothing business for a year. The reason why he chooses to start clothing business is because he really passionate in fashion, name of his clothing business is Sinfonia. Wear. In interview Mr. WA ever said that he really like English, and in one of t-shirt design in his clothing busines is using English word.

5. Informant FE He is 24 years old and still study right

now. In loose.co.id he is work as a designer. From the interview he is already become a designer for a long time and the reason is because he really like something that have connected with art. He is ever use English word in his T-shirt design which is motivational word. 6. Informant NA

Same as first informant he is the owner of EasyGoing. Id too. Already start clothing business since 2016, with JBH make the design together. He is really passionate in business. He is 23 years old and still studying in one of university in Pontianak. He ever uses English word in his T-shirt design.

Interview were conducted from 1 April 2021 until 4 May 2021 through direct meeting and voice calls. This study is writing when the situation and condition in Pontianak City is still not conducive due to the spreading of the pandemic COVID-19, because of that direct meeting is not possible to hold. Half of the interview were done by phone calls. Based on-in depth interview conducted by the writer, the writer finds the similar answer of each informant. In the following section, the writer will elaborate the result of interview.

Question 1: Do you ever use English word in your t-shirt design? Among of six informants, all of them answered they ever use English in their t-shirt design: Both of designer of @Easygoing_Id said that some of t-shirt design that he made is use English word, almost 40% design that he made is using English Word. The second informant @Nocturnal.Inv, the designer said that she ever using English word too, but not just English she also uses another language like Mandarin and Japanese as well. The third informant, @Akmr_Clth also said that she ever use English word in her T-shirt design, but as the designer stated, “Until now, there is 40% of my t-shirt design use English word , I’m not often use it, because almost

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of T-shirt design that i made is using an illustration”.Two of informant is often use English word as @Sinfonia_wear and @Loose.Co.Id, Two of them said that they ever use English word in their T-shir design, Almost of 70% design of @Simfonia-Wear using English Word while @loose.co.id is Almost 60%. Question 2: What Kind of English word that used in your t-shirt design? Slogan, slang, motivational word or random word? Among six informants, most of informants answered that not have specific word that the use in their design. The informants just use a random word but sometimes the use Slogan and motivational word as both designer of @EasyGoind_id and @Nocturnal.Inv said that they just choose a random word but sometimes they use slogan in their t-shirt design. The other informants @Akmr.clth and @loose.co.id is prefer to use motivational word, as the designer of @loose.co.id stated, “i really like to use motivational word because it gives some good impression. As stated of designer of @Sinfonia.wear, “I prefer random word that sounds cool.” Question 3: What is your perception of using English word in your t-shirt design? From all of informants, almost all of them have same answered the informants said that they want to look cooler, modern and also follow the trend in society. As stated by designer of @EasyGoing_id, “In my opinion, today's young people prefer to wear clothes that are written in a foreign language, not only in English, sometimes it's also in Mandarin, but because English is the same as Indonesian that use alphabets so it's easier for people to read and slogan is feels cooler when it uses English.” That answer is almost same with the answer of designer of @Nocturnal.Inv that said “For me it’s because using English is cooler and classier, and in this era young generation is prefer to use foreign language”. The other

informants from @Akmr_clth stated, “For me, because these times are getting modern, people start learning English, right? If you make a t-shirt design using English, the impression is more modern, and in follow fashion and trend”. The other informant also stated some various perception which are: English is use as an international language, their competitor also uses English in their cloth design, Using English word is more classy and English enthusiasts are increasing. Question 4: Is there is any benefit gained after you use English in your T-shirt Design? From all of informants, there is one informant gained a benefit of using English word in his T-shirt designed but he not gained benefit on sales as stated by @Sinfonia.id “Personally, I have it, while looking for the words, I can do it while studying too.” While almost all of informant said that they not gained any benefit, as stated by designer of @easygoing-id, “Until now, i am not gained any benefit by using English”, and designer of @Loose.co.id said “For now I’m not gained any benefit by using English word in my t-shirt design”. The rest of informant which are @Akmr.cloth and @ nocturnal.Inv have same answered that they are not gained any benefit, especially for sales by use English word in their t-shit design. Question 5: What process you went through to produce English word in your t-shirt design? Almost all of informants have their own ways to produce their English word. Most of them are using searching in google and use google translate but some of the informants use the other way. Designer of @easygooing_id said that he prefers to searching slogan word on internet and selecting that cool one to be used, and sometimes he just translates slogan from Bahasa to English. Designer of @Nocturnal.inv stated “I often use google

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to looking for classy and cool word, and sometime I just use google translate.” Designer of @Akmr.clth stated “I prefer to look for some reference on Google and sometime I just translate a motivational word from Bahasa to English. Designer of @Sinfonia.wear and @loose.co.id have a similar way to produce their English word, both of informant prefer to use google too looking for some reference and see some post in Instagram that has a cool or classy word in English. Question 6: Do you have any difficulties in producing your English word in your t-shit design? Almost all of informant not have any difficulties to produce their English word because they just using google and translator machine. As designer of @Easygoing-Id stated “I have no difficulties until now because I’m basically use google to help me to find out the word”. The other informants have same answered, but he has a problem because English is not his native language, as designer of @Nocturnal.inv said “There is no difficulties in producing English word, because in this era we can find English word easier, but usually I am afraid of the word or grammar that used is wrong cause English is not our native language”. The other informant is having a same opinion, designer of @Akmr_Clth said that “Sometimes I’m afraid my grammar is wrong because i am not really good in English”. Furthermore, the rest of designer @Sinfonia.Wear and One of designer of @EasyGoing_id has a similar answer that no have difficulties in producing English word. One of informant has different answer, designer of @loosee.co.id said “Once, the problem was that I not really good in English so it was difficult to determine which sentence had a good meaning for the word in English.”

Question 7: Do you still want to use English on the T-shirt design of your clothing business? All of informants stated that they surely still want to use English in their t-shirt design. Designer of @Easygoind-Id stated, “It seems like now there are more people use English, maybe I will use English more. Designer of @nocturnal_Inv and @Akmr_clth have similar answer they stated that the number of people that has interest with English is increase so both of the informant will still use English. The one of informant @Sinfonia. Wear said “I will use English again because personally I really like English. Designer of @loose.co.id argue that he still wants to use English but he wants to try another language too.

According to Twentinio (2013), a person can have different perceptions of the same object. Based on the answer of each informant there is some of perception that become the reason English is used in T-shirt design that made by the informants. Some of the values is to look cooler, modernity, and follow trend in society. According to Androudsoupolus (2007), there is some values in using English which are modernity, internationalism, technological excellent, hedonism and fun. Several values of that also conveyed by the informant about their perception of using English in t-shirt design that they designed.

“For me, because it looks cooler if we use English. It feels more class. In this era young people is prefer to use foreign language” (Designer of @Nocturnal.Inv) “In my opinion, its looks cooler, because if we use English, it feels classier and more modern” (Designer of @EasyGoing.Id) From their answer, it can be seen that

the values of “Modernity” Appear and affect the first perception of informants use English word in t-shirt design that designed. The informant feels that if they use English in T-shirt design that designed by them looks cooler, Interesting and classy. The other informant stated that they use English Because they realize that the user of English

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is increase and that is give some affect in trend of society.

“I just follow the trend, because young people are feels cooler and classier. Right now, there is a lot of clothing business produce some t-shirt that use English too. Its prove that people getting interest in English.” (Designer of loose.co.id “For me, this era getting modern, so there is a lot of people start to lean about English, if we use English word in our t-shirt design it looks more modern and classier.” (Designer of @Akmr_Clth) The use of English in Indonesia also

increases the mastery of knowledge and technology of the Indonesian (Rifai, 2019). “The number of people that use English is increase” and effect of second perception of informants to use English in t-shirt design that designed. The first of informant also stated that Using English is already being a trend in young people in this era.

“English is classy, modern and International language. Young people in this era often use a t-shirt that use English word in the design. Its looks like English are become a trend for the people” (Designer of @EasyGoing.id) “In my opinion, today's young people prefer to wear t-shirt that use foreign language that is not only English, sometimes it is also Mandarin, but because English is using alphabet, so people can read it easier. Maybe because it looks classier like that. The slogan if you use English feels cooler.” (Designer of @EasyGoing.id) Based on informants’ answer, it can

be seen that the values of “Follow trend” appear and affect the third perception of informants in using English in their t-shirt design. However, besides personal feeling of bring cool, modern, classy and following trends, most of informants have not gained any benefit for examples: Increased sales of using English. But there is one informant that said gained benefit of himself because can learn English while looking for English word for the t-shirt design.

For kind of English word that use in t-shirt design, the informant prefers to use Slogan and motivational word. Some of the informant just use a random word because they are not having specific word for the t-shirt design.

Based on the answer of all informant there is no slang use in t-shirt design that made by the informant. The informant prefers to use motivational word and slogan, but sometimes they just use a random word that fells cool, modern, and classy. There are two of informants that use motivational word, based on their answer it is because they hope that motivational word can give some good impression and can motivated people that use t-shirt in positive way.

For the process of producing the English word, almost all of informants have a same way which are using Internet and google translate. Several designers also looking for the slogan or motivational word in Indonesian language, and after that they translated that word to English with Google translate. Two of informant use a social media (Instagram) to find the English word from the image that already posted. The informant using internet, book, and etc. to find word that can be use in their t-shirt design.

Among of six informants, all of them are still want to use English word in their T-shirt design. Based on designer perception that said it bring more values when using English like Modernity, cool, classy and following the trend in society especially in young people. The number of people that getting interest in learning English in this era is increase become the other reason why they want to still using it.

5.1 Conclusion and Suggestions

Based on the interview, the writer concluded some conclusions, they are: 1. The informant’s experiences of using

English in t-shirt design are different and it affect their perception. Most of informant said that use English gives some values which are following trend, classy, modernity, and feels cool. English is also use as an international word, this make the number of people that getting interest in English is increase, so some of the

Aprilliano, Y. Y. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 10-17


designer prefer to use English word in their t-shirt design.

2. The informant prefers to use slogan and motivational word because the informant use to think that motivational word has a good impression and can motivate people, while the other informant said that slogan is used because it brings some values, classy and cool. The rest of informant also use a random word that the think cools, classy and modern in their t-shirt design.

3. The use of English in t-shirt design does not increase the sales or the follower on Instagram of Clothing business in Pontianak. The writer also provides some

suggestions as to the following: 1. For Designer of Clothing Business:

Designer of Clothing Business should use English in their t-shirt design to engaged customer outside Indonesia, use a positive word and avoid a negative word, make sure that the grammar is correct and no typo in t-shirt design, and use English to create a cool modern, fancy and trendy t-shirt design for the consumers.

2. For future Research: The future researcher with similar topic can add other types of clothes such us sweater, jacket or jeans, etc. and increase the number of informants, so that the scope and result of the researcher are broader and more varied.

References Anisyahrini, R., & Bajari, A. (2019).

Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Pengelola Clothing Line di Instagram. PRofesi Humas Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Hubungan Masyarakat, 3(2), 237. https://doi.org/10.24198/prh.v3i2.18920

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Sugiyono. (2013). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitativ dan R&B. CV. Alfabeta.

Thabroni, G. (2019). Pengertian Desain (Lengkap) berdasarkan Pendapat Para Ahli. Serupa.Id. https://serupa.id/pengertian-desain/

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Vol. 2, No. 1, November 2021

e-ISSN 2747-2957



Dessy Permata Sari1, Hilaria Janariani 2, Fransiska Way Warti 3

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Polytechnic of Tonggak Equator


Promotion is an essential process where the business builds a bridge to the public and makes an impression to attract potential consumers and also to maintain the consumers. In this modern era, one of the ways to do the promotion is through social media, which is Instagram. Besides the media, language plays an important role that able leading to a purchase intention. The purchase intention occurs when the target market feels the product suitable for their need in particular aspects. This research is conducted to find the effect of using the English Language for business promotion in non-English spoken countries, specifically in Pontianak, and to narrow down the research, the writer chose Milk Bar Café as the object of this research. This research is quantitative associative research using SPSS version 25. The associative approach is suitable for this research since the writer wants to know the relation between the English Language for promotion on Instagram toward purchase intention and the effect that emerged. The result of this research shows that using the English Language for business promotion has a significant effect on increasing the markets’ purchase intention in the connecting and community building aspects. Keywords: Promotion, English Language, Purchase Intention, Social Media, Instagram 1.1 Introduction

Business is a dynamic cycle that should follow changes and developments to keep suitable and relatable to the target market. One of the ways to obtain the business goals is by doing a business promotion, promotion aimed to get known by the public and reach the target market to meet the chance to do the transaction, it is difficult to get the target market’s attention if the business fails to practice a good promotion strategy. That is why promotion is one of the essential aspects of the business. Promotion is aimed to deliver the business messages to get the markets’ intentions, which can lead to a purchase transaction of its various products or services (Kotler, 2003). As a fundamental activity in business, promotion becomes a determining strategy to develop the business, it is the first window to observe

the business which further leading to business goals. The fundamental way to survive in this dynamic business world is to stay connected to the target market, so the business is not forgotten in this massive competition, another essential thing is to be approachable by people to open up opportunities to gain more consumers. Another goal that is expected through the promotion is purchase intention. Purchase intention is a process of evaluating the product, considering several factors to decide whether to buy the product or not (Kotler & Keller, 2009). Therefore, it is necessary for business owners to constantly upgrade their promotion strategy by following the changes to bring up the purchase intention.

Business promotion in this modern era often involves social media, social media becomes a part of today’s society

Sari, D. P., Janariani, H., Warti, F. W. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 18-28


lifestyle. One of those changes is the rise of social media. It is not only become a personal entertainment application but also for business tools. “Social media are the online publishing and communications tools” (Gunelius, 2011, p. 10). For the massive use of social media, promotion through social media could bring a rapid and extensive effect where it is able to

connect to the public within a second. This advantage is helpful to develop the business and build connections to potential consumers because all the information could be shared with a single click, which is an efficient and effective way to help a business grow to promote and run a business. One of the most used social media is Instagram.

Figure 1. Social Media Graphic Source: https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2020-indonesia

Instagram is a platform to share

photos or videos online. Based on the data from Hootsuite (as cited in Kemp, 2020), Instagram is the fourth most active social media in Indonesia of 2019. With the high users, the business owners see the opportunities to introduce a business to the public and Instagram seems to understand this business needs. As s result, Instagram provides business tools to facilitate the business owner to does the business process, in especially promotion. To promote through Instagram, the business owner should be aware of the consumer approach. Promotion in social media should make the target market feels close and relatable to the business, one of those ways is about the language.

1.1 Literature Review

However, by using social media as a promotion channel, the business owner should be aware of the society changing and upgrade (Gunelius, 2011). One of those aspects that can be observed is a social

lifestyle, where the cultural aspects are giving a significant influence to attract consumers. This cultural aspect had an impact on how people react to certain things, there are a personal value that influencing them to take an action in daily life or the personal consideration when someone decides to buy something, one of them is a language (Kayode, 2014).

In promoting using social media, it is crucial to use an enjoyable and modern language. However, using a foreign language will give a different result to the society because this is cultural differences are impacting to particular perception to consumers and also influences their lifestyles (Kotler & Amstrong, 2008). In Indonesia itself, one of the popular foreign languages is English, this is caused by the cultural change where western art like songs and movies are entering this country and the people enjoy it, not to mention English is an international language (Salzmann et al., 2012). Besides, English has been introduced since a junior high school in Indonesia. This makes the English

Sari, D. P., Janariani, H., Warti, F. W. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 18-28


Language is not something new. Moreover, cultural influences affect the acceptance of this language, such as, the movies, TV shows, or songs.

In this research, the writer wants to analyze the use of the English Language in promotion through specific social media, Instagram. In addition, the writer interests in seeing whether using the English Language in non-English spoken countries, specifically in Pontianak can have positive influences in the purchase. The object in this research is Milk Bar Café Pontianak. Milk Bar Café Pontianak uses Instagram as the main platform to do business promotion, Milk Bar Café also uses English on several occasions in their caption, photo or Instagram story.

Since this research aimed to analyze the effect of Instagram promotion on purchase intention, it is essential to understand the tools used to help it, to execute the strategy better. According to Gunelius (2011), there are four social media marketing tools to help business promotion:

1. Content Creation: Content is the essence of creating the public impression, how the business wants to look, content is the whole story of business promotion strategy. Creating unique and eye-catching content is the beginning, open the door to the public even to impress the potential consumer. Business’s first way to jump to social media marketing is to decide how to manage and what to offer and how to use particular aspects such as cultural aspects to increase public attention.

2. Content Sharing: Sharing the content via social media is encouraging the business to spread rapidly. Actively upload a post, greet the public is the fundamental way of sharing the content. However, social media provides some tools to advertise the business such as Facebook-ad, Instagram-ad, or advertise through YouTube. These tools give significant effect, share the content with random people who

coincidentally may meet their needs or just interest since the content is unique.

3. Connections: Technological change brings such a big impact on the way humans interact. Today, people attend to have a meeting, read the news, update personal life through the internet, called social media, which means that people are nowadays suffering on social media more often than catching up in reality. This new lifestyle proves that social media able to connect people with no boundaries.

4. Community Building: Community is not only a group that has one similarity, according to Gunelius (2011), the community is also how the business let the consumer interact with each other, the business should be as close as possible to their target market, use the comment section to let the consumer share their experiences or through the Story update. Through this activity, the business can know what the target market is expected, introspect the performance and look at what point can be upgraded. The other way is to let the consumer sharing their thoughts or experiences about the business, it can take the comment section, story, tag or any other social media tools. This is can be seen as an open discussion between each consumer, and consumer to the business. These function of social media in

business is aimed to increase the attention of the target market that may be the potential consumer, this attention can lead to purchasing intention. Purchase intention is the chance to purchase the product after observing aspects that may meet their needs (Ferdinand, 2006, as cited in Fitri & Wulandari, 2020). Meanwhile, according to Kotler (2005, as cited in Rizky & Yasin, 2014) purchase intention occurs when the consumer likes the product and positively responds to it, even though the purchase is not always made. On the other hand, according to Zeithaml (2000, as well as cited in Ali et al., 2020) purchase intention

Sari, D. P., Janariani, H., Warti, F. W. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 18-28


is the way psychological aspects affect how the consumers take a decision and lead them to act, purchase intention is the part of the behavioral impact. Therefore, based on the expert’s explanation, purchase intention is the part of market behavior and according to Kotler & Keller (2009), there are several aspects that influence this behavior: 1. Culture Factors: Culture is the way of

a group of people to take any action in whole or particular aspects of their life, it is the design for their living. It is the environment that occurs due to human activities based on their knowledge, beliefs, art, morality, laws, customs and other habits in society.

2. Social Factors: Society’s lifestyle is an impact of technological development and economic factors. A society that follows those factors intentionally has having a different culture from the one that does not. In addition, social classes, age, and family behavior are affecting how a group act in their life and their decision-making behavior.

3. Personal Factors: The aspect of personal factors, moreover the daily activities in deliberately lead to a belief and behavior. Belief is one of a strong system that determines how a group living its life. The writer used several articles to

support this research, first article is from the Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, titled “The Impact of Language and Linguistics on Purchase Intention of a Brand” written by Amran Harun, Nabisah Abdul Wahid, and Osman Mohamad in 2016. The background for this research is the diversity in Malaysia, the researchers want this valuable research for local food producers to choose the right brand name, and also the researchers see the importance of associating food with culture. This research focuses on the local food names in Malaysia that the use Melayu, Chinese, Tamil and English. The result of this research is the use of Melayu, Chinese and Tamil had a positive, and significant effect

on the purchase intention in local food names. Contrast, the English Language not affecting the purchase intention. The researchers agreed that these three languages have a positive and significant impact on the purchase intention because these are the most used language and the majority of society in Malaysia are Malaysian, Chinese and Indian.

The other article that the writer uses is titled “Social Media Marketing Communication: Effects on Brand Equity and on Consumer’s Purchase Intention” by Matheus Grage Tardin, Anderson Soncini Pelissari and, Luizza Dazzi Braga in 2020 from the International Journal for Innovation Education and Research. The background of this research is the massive use of social media as a marketing tool, so the researchers want to analyze the effect on brand equity. The object of this research is the undergraduate and graduate from 21 Brazilian federal universities and the data obtained is 322 respondents. The 57% of the respondent is female, 43% male. The most bought in the last 12 months is smartphones for 64% and 36% is notebooks. The most purchased smartphone brand is Samsung (28%), Apple (25%) and for notebooks, the brand most purchase is Dell (36%) and Samsung (23%). From this research, the result has shown that social media marketing has a positive and significant effect on brand equity and purchase intention. The work in this research tells that social media marketing is not directly affecting the purchase intention, except for affecting brand equity directly, in this process, purchase intention is influenced by brand equity, which means that the market observes social media first, and looking at the brand equity then the buying decision is considered.

3.1 Methodology

To see the relation and influence between two variables, the writer decided to use a quantitative method in this research,

Sari, D. P., Janariani, H., Warti, F. W. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 18-28


with associative approach. According to Leavy (2017), the quantitative method is a process to test the validity of a theory in one specific scope. Leavy (2017) also stated, “This type of research involves measuring variables and testing relationships between variables in order to reveal patterns, correlations, or causal relationships” (p. 9). Meanwhile, associative is the approach to see the causal effect that occurs among the variables (Sugiyono, 2019). This associative approach is suitable for this research since the writer wanted to know the relation between the English in Instagram on purchase intention and the effect that emerged. This research took place at Milk Bar Café that located at Setia Budi Street and began on March 2021 until May 2021. The people in this population will have a chance to be included in the sample, which in this research, the population is the Milk Bar Café Pontianak Instagram followers. For the sampling, the writer used purposive sampling, which means the respondents have the same general characteristics, but to answer the question the writer did not choose it intentionally, share the questions with the group sample and answer it. The respondents should fit the criteria which are, the followers of Milk Bar Café Instagram account and active Instagram users. In this research, to collect the data, the writer used a questionnaire that aimed to sample, and the other tool the writer used is an interview, the writer interviewed the manager of Milk Bar Café to obtain the data about the business profile. The writer used a closed-questionnaire, which means that

the writer gave the particular options and the respondents are allowed to answer from the options, the answer is transcript to a specific number and analyzed using SPSS version 25. This kind of data is essential for this research to know the effectiveness of using the English Language on Instagram promotion with specific measurement and observed the variable of this research. The writer did the interview to obtain valid data about business profiles, it is best to do the interview with the respondent who knows the best and the detail about the object (Sugiyono, 2019). In this research, the writer used the literature review as the secondary data to support this research. The literature review is included in the related books, journals, or articles. The literature review is the process of searching the relevant theory through previous studies or experts, and analyzing the existing theory to implement itself to the research and answer the research hypotheses (Leavy, 2017). The secondary data that the writer used is the theory or other’s research related to marketing, social media marketing and purchase intention.

To help the writer ensure the data is valid and reliable, the writer did a validity and reliability test in SPSS, the instrument to measure the validity of this research is Pearson Correlation. The validity using the Pearson Correlation is by correlated the item score to the total score of the variable. The validity is tested to see if the research instrument is done properly and fulfills certain conditions (Ghozali, 2018).

This research is described with in this conceptual framework below:

Sari, D. P., Janariani, H., Warti, F. W. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 18-28


Figure 2. Theoretical Framework

a. H1: The use of the English

Language has a significant effect on the purchase intention simultaneously.

b. H2: Content creation in English Language (X1) has a significant effect on purchase intention partially.

c. H3: Content sharing in English Language (X2) has a significant effect on purchase intention partially.

d. H4: Connecting (X3) has a significant effect on purchase intention partially.

e. H5: Community building (X4) has a significant effect on purchase intention partially.

4.1 Finding and Discussion

In this research, the writer analyzed the data using the SPSS computer program. SPSS stands for Statistical Package for The Social Sciences aimed to ensure that the data is valid and primarily used in quantitative research to find out the correlation between two variables or more and the specific value of the influential item of variables (Greasley, 2008). This research uses multiple regression, where there is more than one independent variable to analyze the dependent variable.

Variable X

X1= Content Creation

X2= Content Sharing

X3= Connecting

Variable Y Purchase Intention

X4= Community Building

= Partial significant = simultaneous significant

Vol. 2, No. 1, November 2021

e-ISSN 2747-2957


Figure 3. First Hypothesis Test

In testing the first hypothesis, the method applied is the F Test method (Fisher Test) according to (Ghozali, 2018). Fisher test is a test that aims to determine the effect of all independent variables on the dependent variable simultaneously or together. In this study, the first hypothesis reads, "There is a significant influence

between the English Language in the promotion (X) on Purchase

Intention (Y).” According to Ghozali (2018, p. 98) there are two criteria that can be used as the F test standard, including: a. If the value of F count> F table, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. b. If the value of F count <F table, then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected

Figure 4. Second Hypothesis Test

Based on (Ghozali, 2018), the t test aims to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable partially. In this study, the second to fifth hypotheses consecutively want to know the effect of each element of the English Language in promotion, namely: content creation (X1), content sharing (X2), connecting (X3), community building (X4)

on purchase intention (Y) partially. Referring back to Ghozali (2018), there are two criteria that can be used as a standard t test, including: a. If the value of t count > t table, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. b. If the value of t count < t table, then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected.

Variable X

X1= Content Creation

X2= Content Sharing

X3= Connecting

Variable Y Purchase Intention

X4= Community Building

Variable X

X1= Content Creation

X2= Content Sharing

X3= Connecting

Variable Y Purchase Intention

X4= Community Building

Vol. 2, No. 1, November 2021

e-ISSN 2747-2957


Table 1. The Result of Multi Regression Test



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients

t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 1.121 1.284 .873 .386

Content Creation .018 .114 .017 .159 .874 Content Sharing .110 .118 .105 .935 .353 Connecting .625 .138 .552 4.511 .000 Community Building

.247 .105 .236 2.339 .022

a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Intention Source: Processed Data, SPSS 25, 2021

Based on the table above, a multiple linear regression equation can be prepared as follows: Y = a + bX1 + bX2 + bX3 + bX4 + e Y = 1.121 + 0.018X1 + 0.110X2 + 0.625X3 + 0.247X4 + e The description of the equation is: 1. A constant value of 2.398 indicates

that if content creation (X1), content sharing (X2), connecting (X3) and community building (X4) to purchase intention (Y) is 0 or none, then the purchase intention variable is 1.121.

2. The X1 coefficient of 0.018 indicates that if the content creation (X1) variable has increased by one percent and assuming the other independent variables remain, the purchase

intention (Y) variable will be increased by 0.018.

3. The X2 coefficient of 0.110 indicates that if content sharing (X2) increases by one percent and assuming the other independent variables are constant, the purchase intention variable (Y) will decrease by 0.110.

4. The X3 coefficient of 0.625 indicates that if the connecting variable (X3) increases by one percent and assuming the other independent variables remain, the purchase intention (Y) variable will be has increased by 0.625.

5. The X4 coefficient of 0.247 indicates that if the community building variable (X4) increases by one percent and assuming the other independent variables remain, the purchase intention (Y) variable will has increased by 0.247.

Table 2. The Result of Multi Correlation and Goodness of Fit Test

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the


1 .832a .692 .673 1.601 a. Predictors: (Constant), Community Building, Content Creation, Content Sharing, Connecting b. Dependent Variable: Purchase Intention

Source: Processed Data, SPSS 25, 2021

Vol. 2, No. 1, November 2021

e-ISSN 2747-2957


The correlation value is 0.832 which indicates the amount of the relationship together from the content creation (X1), content sharing (X2), connecting (X3) and community building (X4) variables to purchase intention (Y) is 83.2%. The result of the coefficient of determination above is from the adjusted R Square of 0.673 which

can be said that the independent variables together are able to influence the purchasing decision by 67.3%, while the remaining 32.7% (1-0.673) is influenced by other variables that are not the focus of the model in this regression.

Table 3. The Result of F Test ANOVAa

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 374.501 4 93.625 36.532 .000b Residual 166.584 65 2.563 Total 541.086 69

a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Intention b. Predictors: (Constant), Community Building, Content Creation, Content Sharing, Connecting Source: Processed Data, SPSS 25, 2021 The table above shows that the

Fcount value is 33.822 and the significant is 0.000, so that the Fcount value is greater than Ftable (Fcount > Ftable = 36.532 > 2.51) and the significant value for 0.000 is less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05), it can be concluded that Ho is rejected or Ha is accepted, which means that there is a

simultaneous effect of the Content Creation (X1), Content Sharing (X2), Connecting (X3) and Community Building (X4) variables on the purchase intention (Y) variable. This means that the regression model used in the study includes a fit model.

Table 4. The Result of t Test Coefficientsa


Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients

t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 1.121 1.284 .873 .386

Content Creation .018 .114 .017 .159 .874 Content Sharing .110 .118 .105 .935 .353 Connecting .625 .138 .552 4.511 .000 Community Building .247 .105 .236 2.339 .022

a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Intention Source: Processed Data, SPSS 25, 2021

Ho = If t table > t count, then there is no partial effect on the specific independent variable.

Ha = If t table < t count, then there is a partial effect on the specific independent variable.

Sari, D. P., Janariani, H., Warti, F. W. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 18-28


1. Based on the results of the above output shows that the t count for variable content creation (X1) is 0.519 smaller than the t table shows 1.99714 (0.519 < 1.99714) and the significant level is 0.874 greater than 0.05 (0.874 > 0.05). These results indicate that Ho is accepted or Ha is rejected, means that the content creation variable (X1) has no significant effect on purchase intention (Y).

2. The content sharing variable (X2) is 0.935, smaller than t table 1.99714 (0.935 < 1.99714) and a significant level of 0.353 is greater than 0.05 (0.353 > 0.05). These results indicate that Ho is accepted or Ha is rejected, meaning that content sharing (X2) has no significant effect on purchase intention (Y).

5.1 Conclusion

After the writer conducted this research there are some conclusions as follows: 1. This study summarizes the opinions of

70 respondents who were given the questionnaire directly at the Milk Bar Café. The majority of respondents in this study were women, for the age range, the majority of respondents were in the range of 26-25 years, the most recent education of the majority was high school, with the majority of jobs being private employees, out of 70 respondents, the number who were familiar with the use of English was quite high which was more than 50% of the number of respondents.

2. The results of multiple regression testing show that the four variables together have a positive impact on purchase intention. However, the amount of influence given is different between each variable. If each variable has an increase of 1%, purchase intention will increase by 1.8% for variable content creation (X1), 11% for content sharing (X2), 62.5% for

connecting (X3), and 24.7% for community building (X4).

3. The results of the t test show that the content creation variable (X1) and the content sharing variable (X2) do not have a significant effect on purchase intention (Y) partially, this is because the content creation variable t count (0.519) < t table (1.99714), and for the variable content sharing t count (0.935) < t table (1.99714). Meanwhile, connecting (X3) and community building (X4) have a partially significant effect, for the connecting variable t count (4.511) > t table (1.99714) and the community building variable t count (2.339) > t table (1.99714).

Reference Ali, A. A., Abbass, A., & Farid, N. (2020).

Factors Influencing Customers’ Purchase Intention in Social Commerce. International Review of Management and Marketing, 10(5), 63–73. https://doi.org/10.32479/irmm.10097

Fitri, R. A., & Wulandari, R. (2020). Online Purchase Intention Factors in Indonesian Millenial. International Review of Management and Marketing, 10(3), 122–127. https://doi.org/10.32479/irmm.9852

Ghozali, I. (2018). Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate Dengan Program IBM SPSS 25 (9th ed.). Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro.

Greasley, P. (2008). Quantitative Data Analysis: Using SPSS. In The McGraw-Hill Companies. The McGraw-Hill Companies. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781473957695.n23

Gunelius, S. (2011). 30-Minute SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING. Mc Graw Hill.

Kayode, O. (2014). Marketing Communications. bookbboon.com.

Kemp, S. (2020). DIGITAL 2020: INDONESIA. https://datareportal.com/reports/digita

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l-2020-indonesia Kotler, P. (2003). Marketing Insights from

AtoZ. In John Wiley & Sons (Vol. 53, Issue 9).

Kotler, P., & Amstrong, G. (2008). Principles of Maeketing (12th ed.). Pearson Education.

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2009). Marketing Management (13th ed., Vol. 1). Pearson Education.

Leavy, P. (2017). Research Design. The Guilford Press. http://library1.nida.ac.th/termpaper6/sd/2554/19755.pdf


Salzmann, Z., Stanlaw, J., & Adachi, N. (2012). Language, Culture, and Society (Vol. 4, Issue 1). Westview Press.

Sugiyono. (2019). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Penerbit Alfabeta.

Vol. 2, No. 1, November 2021

e-ISSN 2747-2957



Marschall E. Metekohy1, Fatur Subhanisa2, Brian Daffa3 [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Universitas Balikpapan, Balikpapan

Abstract This paper, entitled Lacan’s Psychoanalysis of Public Agent, analyses an adult channel called Public Agent by using Lacan’s Psychoanalysis. This research aims to analyse the portrayal of desire as seen in Public Agent and how it works in context of the videos through visual and in the conversation. This research focused on the visual aspect and utterances before the copulation part and the one after between the protagonist (male) and the woman. The study used a qualitative and descriptive method. The data collection was obtained from a popular adult site, pornhub.com. The data was analysed by using psychoanalysis theory by Jacques Lacan’s three constituent contexts for the mind: the Real, the Imaginary, and the Symbolic. The results of the research show that the absence of imaginary of the protagonists makes the audience as the subject of desire, instead of an outside spectator. Also, by analysing the, the utterance also, it can be concluded that Public Agent can be divided onto four phases. Keywords: Public Agent, Lacan’s Psychoanalysis 1.1 Introduction

Since the invention of motion picture in the 19th century, this new medium has been a new alternative for storytelling. This new role brings another dimension to the audience in receiving and understanding the meaning as portrayed and painted by the filmmakers. The experiment with pictures was applied by using some pictures that being set in order using a toy called Zoetrope. Later in 1888, a short motion picture that is believed to be as one of the very first ever recorded in history was recorded by French artist and inventor, Louis Le Prince; the famous 1.66 second motion picture known famously as Roundhay Garden Scene that shows Le Prince Family in the front yard of their house (Rossell, 1995).

The development of film industry in the 20th century really helped an artist in putting their desire on their work. Previously, the common way to express someone’s idea and desire can be seen through paintings, musical pieces,

sculpting, architectural design, written work – such as novels, poems, short stories, etc.; the existence of film industry brings another dimension that the imagery of that idea and desire, as well as the motion can be depicted and portrayed as wanted by the filmmakers.

Along with the development and the importance of the internet in this modern era, films also play a role in forming and creating alternatives in popular culture. According to Althusser (1971), Ideology represents the imaginary relationship of individuals to their real conditions of existence. This means, the ideology and subjectivity the filmmakers have in mind when making one movie is unconsciously also a representation of things that are real in life outside the movie itself. As how relationship needs more than one party to work, this relationship works in two ways as the reality in the world shapes the ideology of the filmmaker, and vice versa, how the filmmaker creating their work out

Metekohy, M. E., Subhanisa, F., Daffa, B. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 29-33


of something or/and out of nothing to pays back the outside reality in the world.

As one of the alternatives in filming industry, adult content has a significant number of popularities through the number of streaming accessed on the internet. Based on the survey conducted by Similarweb, a digital market intelligence company, it shows that the popularity of adult sites accessed by people all around the world. Three big adult websites are in top twenty most visited website (as of September 1st 2021), with xvideos, xnxx, and Pornhub are in number 10, 13, and 17 respectively; as well as xhamster are lurking in number 22, just two spots outside the top twenty.

For there are many genres and channels offered in adult websites, the one that this study focused on is Public Agent, which is ranked as the seventh most popular channel in Pornhub. The concept of this channel is the protagonist would copulate with a stranger woman in public by making a fake offer and opportunities in modelling job, or sometimes just by simply offering them some amount of money to do so. The location where they copulate are mostly in hidden spots in public where people would not be able to see what they are doing, such as under the bridge, in the woods or bushes, the man’s car, empty building, or sometimes in the woman’s place.

This study aims to conduct psychoanalytic analysis through the registers of the real, the imaginary, and symbolic of the subject, in which in this case the protagonist of Public Agent. As McGowan & Kunkle (2004) stated that the filmic experiences creates a sense of subjectivity in the position of the spectator and sometimes it also feeds the viewer with fabricated subjectivity, the relationship between the imaginary-symbolic and subject would be identified.

2.1 Literature Review

Lacan proposed three main registers in psychoanalysis, which are The Real, The Symbolic, and The Imaginary.

The Real is the register where the exposure towards language is non-existent. This is more like an abyss of a subject, in which it is also a kind of natural state (the state of nature) of Thomas Hobbes. It is the deepest and a pure form of a subject where the symbolic and linguistic aspect cannot enter this state, as it is described as a complete fulfilment and perfect unity of a subject and mostly enjoyed through the earlier stages of life between 0-6 months old. The real would experience a progressive loss of touch when the symbolic register enters the life of that particular subject.

The concept of Imaginary Register is fundamentally the formation of ego in the mirror stage by one subject this formation happens when one subject realizing the image of themselves in the mirror. Once a subject identifies and realizing his form that is reflected through that mirror, which is simply an alienated shield that is obviously a different subject to what they really are, this so-called shield would be the image of themselves. During the age of 6-18 months, According to Lacan (1949), humans are born prematurely, meaning that they cannot directly coordinate the movements and organs of the body up to a certain age. This stage is the initial introduction stage of self as I, before then enter into the language region. Once they are exposed to their image in the mirror, they would be dependent on the other for their own physical well-being.

The symbolic is a register that has been expressed through language. It is a social meaning, logic, and codes this register is what human desire what to exceed as symbolic is limited and cannot facilitate what the subject really wants.

3.1 Methodology

This research uses qualitative method to analyse the imaginary and desire as portrayed in Public Agent which

Metekohy, M. E., Subhanisa, F., Daffa, B. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 29-33


represented through frames and conversation between the protagonist and the women. The data in this research are obtained from pornhub.com; which is one of the popular adult sites on the internet. Specifically, there are 10 episodes taken in this study. The data later divided to four stages as constructed. Further, the data was analysed by using Lacan’s psychoanalytical theory. Then, researcher focuses on the how the videos presented and structured in order to portrays a represented desire in its production. 4.1 Finding and Discussion

In this part, the videos will be analysed through the representation in the images.

First, one detail of the concept in the production needs to be explained. The main protagonist has his camera on himself, which means that the spectator would not experience the mirror stage, or recognizing the image of himself. This concept is a unique and yet plays an important factor in what Public Agent wants to offer to the audience.

In films or theatrical performance, or even in the novel, the audience are mostly introduced to the main character or the protagonist. Sometimes in some films or novels, the main characters have no names given upon them, but still the audience can see the image of the main characters through actors or actresses who play the role. The role of main character is to be the anchor of attention that the audience would put their focus, attention, even to put themselves in the position in that particular character through the journey that they the protagonist would later experience in the stages of the film.

By giving this image of what the main character wears, the skin tone, how his or her hair is done, the pitch of their voice, and etc., the movie itself has taken a role of a mirror in the mirror stage as mentioned above that this moment would be a tragedy as where the desire as an audience, who has already lost his own desire in the real world,

to put on another image for a moment, as long as the film goes. This could be even more tragic if the audience puts themselves as the other, so that the character would merely be an object that the others are looking at. Thus, through this depiction, the role of the protagonist could fell onto either one out of two options available. These detail of the characters and the action they taken later throughout the story would help the audience to trace their desire through two registers, symbolic.

In Public Agent, the full one collective image of the protagonist is never shown. The audience can only see his hands, feet, and whatever the main character moves his head to. On the other hand, the one whole image of the woman the main character encounters are shown. The only sense of identity that the audience are given is that protagonist’ ethnicity, a man named Martin, and the pitch of his voice when he is talking, and the fact that he owns some money in his pocket. In some episodes even the main character didn’t mention his name but only his job as modelling agent.

Also, the main character asks more questions about the women’s identity, such as their job, where do they want to go, and how much money they make in a month. This implies that the minimum information about the main character does not really matter, as it would invite the audience to be the main character and fills other.

In this sense, the main character was presented as white canvas with lots of space left and needs to be filled individually by the audience. In contrasting to three registers proposed by Lacan, the major stage portrayed in Public Agent is how subject’s desire tries overcome the symbolic register. It is portrayed by how the woman the protagonist met on the street, would later be approached in order to have copulate with her.

There are four phases that can be drawn from the videos. There are: approaching phase, negotiating phase, copulation phase, and ending phase. The

Metekohy, M. E., Subhanisa, F., Daffa, B. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 29-33


first phase is considerably a very simple thing to do for the protagonist. The video mostly begins with the protagonists are thrown in public places, mostly on the street, and would approach any woman he first met without any hesitation.

Figure 1. First Phase

As explained earlier that the concept

of shot used in this production is the protagonist’s POV, the imaginary stage is intentionally skipped in order to maintain the purity of Ideal-I as a whole. The audience may have different physical appearance, skin colour, and even pitch voice to the protagonist. However, this is the purpose that offered by the production itself. By eliminating the stage of giving full image of the character, the audience would see the video as it is his own experience, instead of another object’s.

This formula of using POV shot in form wants the audience to feel like they are the one who is copulating with the full image of an object (whomever the protagonist is copulating with), in other words, the audience would be a whole subject of the action. On the other hand, how things work in other adult content that doesn’t use POV shot would only put the audience as a spectator, or the other. Meanwhile, taking a position as the other would put the audience merely as a witness of two objects with their own unidentified desire.

In the second phase of the video where the negotiation occurs, the protagonist would offer an outstanding amount of money, far better than what the

women could make on a monthly basis. As previously mentioned, that the information provided are only the name and the job, without having any details on how much does the protagonist make in a month of work, no education nor family background, the blurry comprehension towards the character that the audience are playing as become distant from any social or codes that exist in the real world. Moreover, the sum of money the protagonist seems to be unlimited and can be drawn out of his pocket, no matter how much the agreed price is. In this phase, symbolic register comes up to existence even more with the language games used during the negotiating, the power the money holds, and the agreement to go somewhere where nobody can see the pair. The highlighted aspect in this phase is the possession of money and the power it holds, that can be traced back to the power in this construction is inside the protagonist pants.

Figure 2. Second Phase

In the third phase of the video, the

audience experiencing more information on the protagonist as his body can be seen clearly. However, this exposure will not harm the Ideal-I itself for the body and the voice are still considered as a thing that comes out of nowhere, not from the protagonist’s mouth as the concept and idea of how human talks being exposed in one full image.

In the fourth phase once the copulation has ended, there are mostly two alternative endings used to end the video. The first one, both sides feel satisfied and decide to leave immediately. Another ending is the protagonist left the location

Metekohy, M. E., Subhanisa, F., Daffa, B. English Language Studies and Applied Linguistics Journal 2(1): 29-33


while the woman still needs to clean up the mess. The first version of ending is used mostly when the two are copulating in a relatively quieter and hidden places, such as in the car, or in the woman’s place, places where more private and secure. Meanwhile, the second version of ending used when the two characters in the video are copulating in a relatively more open places, such as under the bridge, an empty building, or not so far away from the accessible street. This second ending shows that the by leaving the location immediately. Basically, both ending shows that the protagonist intends to leave as soon as possible to end this journey, then the video would end by fading to black. These four phases of video ended in split of a second the way it also starts.

Once the video ends, the audience would find him/herself back to reality where the amount of money in a pocket is obviously limited unlike in the video where the protagonist can pull out as many as he want, where there is a possibility of getting rejected by woman is obvious, instead of getting caught even farther by the illusion of reality in reality. The illusion of being invincible, has unlimited amount of money, and would never get rejected by woman is a depiction of desire that brought to life and move the audience to the back seat and playing a temporary role as a pretended real subject.

5.1 Conclusion

From the findings and discussion section above, it is concluded that the role of the protagonist in the video is to be intended as the visual representation and to bring an illusion to the audience’s unfulfilled desire. As when desire becomes reality, it would turn into a nightmare, the video also wants to highlighted the absurdities in one’s desire by making the protagonist have large amount of money in his pocket, and he would never run out of it. Second, by having that much money can make the protagonist to get whatever the first thing he see as depicted in the video. Third, the symbolization used in video is

where he keeps all that power he possesses. It is shown through how the protagonist never uses a wallet, only cashes in his pocket, and second, his external copulatory organ that he has under his pants.

Reference Althusser, L. (1971). Ideology and

Ideological State Apparatuses. In Lenin and Philosophy and other Essays (pp. 121–176).

Lacan, J. (1949). The mirror stage as formative of the function of the I as revealed in psychoanalytic experience. In Reading French Psychoanalysis.

McGowan, T., & Kunkle, S. (2004). Lacan and Contemporary Film. Other Press.

Rossell, D. (1995). A Chronology of Cinema, 1889-1896. Film History., 7(2).

Vol. 2, No. 1, November 2021

e-ISSN 2747-2957



Tri Mulyaningsih

[email protected] Politeknik Tonggak Equator


This research was aimed to find out about the linguistic and non-linguistic problems in speaking. This research was descriptive research. It was conducted in Polytechnic of Tonggak Equator in 2021. The subject of this research was 32 second semester students of English for Business and Professional Communication. Based on the questionnaire result it was revealed that the students’ speaking skill was affected by some linguistic problems such as vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. In addition, it was also affected by some non-linguistic problems such as feeling shy of the attention given by others, tendency of using mother tongue, and nervousness. The same result was found out from the observation where the students did not have sufficient vocabulary especially for specific topic and still made mistakes in term of correct structure while speaking. Moreover, during the discussion in small groups, they tended to use mother tongue in order to be more understandable and finished their task faster. Keywords: linguistic problem, non-linguistic problem, speaking problem 1.1 Introduction

Language is important for communication as it is a tool to not only express thought but also to give and receive the information. Nowadays, English is used as a language to communicate globally. It is as stated by Harmer (2003) that even though English is not the language with the largest number of native or ‘first’ language speaker, it has become a lingua franca. Lingua franca is defined as a language widely adopted for communication between two speakers whose native languages are different for each other’s and where or both speakers are using it as a second language. It can be said that English is an international language that has a great impact on the lives of people all over the world. The importance of this language is even increasing as it has important role in science, business, and industry on the global stage. As a result, in this technological globalization era, if one can

master English language, he or she can gain access to the world.

In mastering English language, there are four basic language skills to be learnt namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Of all the four skills, speaking seems intuitively the most important as stated by Nunan (1991) that mastering speaking skill is the single most important aspect of learning a second or foreign language, and success is measured in term of the ability to carry out a conversation in the language (p.39). For the students of Polytechnic of Tonggak Equator, speaking skill is also important because it can improve the international competitiveness which cannot be achieve without the ability to communicate in foreign language.

Despite the importance of speaking skill for students, it is considered as the hardest skill to achieve compared to reading, listening and writing. This difficulty is happened because during speaking activity, one should pay attention

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to many things such as the topic being spoken, the language used in order to be understood easily by the listener, and the interlocutors. According to Bailey (2003) cited in Nunan (2003), many people feel that speaking in a new language is harder than reading, writing, or listening because unlike reading or writing, speaking happens in real-time. Even Burnkart (1998) explains that there are three areas of knowledge involved within speaking that language learners need to have. First area is mechanics of language elements (pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary) which emphasize on use of right words in the right order with the correct pronunciation. Second, the functions of the language that deals with speaking performance in the form of transaction and interaction (e.g. knowing how to change information and giving the clarity of essential message). Third, the sociocultural norms (such as turn-taking, rate of speech, length of pauses between speakers, relative roles of participants, understanding how to take into account who is speaking to whom, in what circumstances, about what, and for what reason).

Based on the observation, the first-year students of Tonggak Equator Polytechnic had some problems when they had conversation with their friends or when they had to express their ideas. Their performance during speaking activity was low and was ineffective. In order to find out the speaking problems of the students and the best solution to solve them, this research was conducted. Focusing on the linguistic and non-linguistic problems in speaking skill, the researcher attempted to analyse under the title “Analysis of Students’ linguistic and non-linguistic problems in Speaking.” By conducting this research, it was expected that the information can give the information about the problem faced by the students in speaking performance.

2.1 Literature Review Speaking Skill

Speaking is oral skill. There are many definitions of speaking in language learning proposed by the expert. Nunan (2003) defined speaking as the productive aural/oral skill that consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. One of the basic features of speaking is that it happens in real time which cannot be edited and revised by the speaker. Meanwhile according to Bygate in Al-Roud (2016) speaking skill is the ability in using oral language to explore ideas, intention, thoughts and feelings to other people as a way to make the message clearly delivered and well understood by the listener.

Speaking is one of the importance skills for communication. Speaking skill enable the foreign language learners to express their idea, feeling, and thought. According to Browns (2001) speaking is a communication tool to each other where the speaker can convey ideas, opinions, and feelings through verbal skills to listeners. Moreover, Chaney (1998) stated that speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols in a variety of contexts (p.3). Through this process, the learners are able to communicate for sharing the information.

As speaking has connection to oral production, Harmer (2003) mentioned four language features related to speaking skill, namely connected speech, expressive devices, lexis and grammar, and negotiation language. Connected speech consists of assimilation or sound modification, elision or omitted sounds, contractions, and stress patterning. On the other hand, expressive devices deal with the stress and pitch changes of particular parts of utterances, variety of volume and speed, and the use of non-verbal to show people’s feeling. These devices can be used to improve the ability to convey intention. The other language feature is lexical phrases. The use of common lexical phrases marks the

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spontaneous speech in the performance of certain language function such as expressing apology, expressing sympathy, etc. The last one is negotiation language. It is used to seek for clarification and to show the structure of what people are saying.

Truthfully, the knowing the feature of the language is not enough to speak fluently. It is in line with Harmer statement (2003) that the ability to speak fluently presupposes not only a knowledge of a language features, but also the ability to process information and language on the spot. It then emphasized that the learners of English have to not only able to focus to language features but also to process the information and language on the spot while speaking.

Factors of Speaking Problem

Problem is thing that difficult to deal and understand, problem occur because there is a gap between the expectation or something and reality. To solve the problem, we need to understand the problem and cause of the problem occur.

Brown (2007) stated that there are some idiosyncrasies that makes speaking difficult to acquire: 1. Clustering

Fluent speech is phrasal, not word by word. Learners can organize their output both intellectually and physically (in breath group) through such grouping. 2. Redundancy

The speaker has a chance to make meaning clearer through the redundancy of language. Language earners can capitalize on this feature of spoken language. 3. Reduced Forms

Contractions, elisions, reduced vowels, etc, all form special problems in teaching spoken English. Students who don’t learn colloquial contraction can sometimes develop a stilted, bookish quality of speaking that in turn stigmatizes them. 4. Performance variables

One of the benefits of communicated in language is that the method involved

with thinking as you talk permits you to show a specific number of stops, backtracking, and revisions. Students can really be encouraged how to stop and delay. For instance, in English our "thinking time" isn't quiet: we embed certain "fillers, for example, uh, um, indeed, you know, I mean, as, and so on One of the most remarkable contrasts among local and non-local speakers of a language is in their faltering peculiarities. 5. Colloquial Language

Make sure your students are reasonably well acquainted with the words, idiom, and phrases of colloquial language and that they get practice in producing these forms. 6. Rate of delivery

One more striking trait of familiarity is pace of conveyance. In teaching spoken English, learners need to be taught how to achieve an acceptable speed along with other attributes of fluency. 7. Stress, rhythm, and intonation

Stress, rhythm and intonation become the most important characteristics of English pronunciation. It is because the stress-timed rhythm of spoken English and its intonation patterns convey important messages. 8. Interaction

The richest component of speaking skill is the creativity of conversational negotiation. Learning to produce the waves of language without interlocutors will blot out this component.

According to Ur (1991, p.120), there are many factors that cause of problem in speaking, and they are as follows: 1. Inhibition

In contrast to reading, writing, and listening activities, speaking requires some level of real-time exposure to an audience. Learners are regularly restrained about trying to say things in a foreign language in the classroom; worried about committing errors, fearful of criticism or losing face, or simply shy of the attention that their speech attracts.

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2. Nothing to say. Even if they are not inhibited,

learners often whined that they cannot think of anything to say: they are no motives to express themselves beyond the guilty feeling that they ought to be talking. 3. Low or uneven participation.

Only one participant can talk at a time if he or she is to be heard; and in a large group this means that each one will have only very little talking time. This issue is compounded by the inclination of some learners to dominate, while others speak very little or not in any way. 4. Mother tongue use.

The learners tend to use mother tongue in a class where all or most of them share the same mother tongue. It is because it is easier to do. Besides, it feels unnatural to speak to one another in a foreign language, and because they feel less ‘exposed’ if they are speaking their mother tongue. If they are talking in small groups, it can be quite difficult to get some classes – particularly the less discipline or motivated ones – to keep to the target language.

3.1 Methodology

This research used qualitative data to gain knowledge and information about the speaking problems faced by second semester students. Considering the feature of qualitative research design, the data gathered was presented in descriptive analysis.

This research was conducted in Tonggak Equator Polytechnic. It was done in 2021. The second semester students of English Business for Professional Communication were chosen as the subject of the research because these students had basic knowledge about speaking skill in speaking 1. There were 6 classes in the second semester. In total there were 193 students. The subject of the research was from IIB class which consisted of 32 students as they agreed to take part in this research.

In this research, the researcher used questionnaire and observation note as the instruments of data collection.

Observation is one of the most common methods used in qualitative research. Observation was done by observing the students’ activity and speaking performance. Because during this semester the students still had online learning, all the activities through video conference was recorded to get the valuable information.

Questionnaire was used to collect students’ opinion and to supply the necessary information to complete the research. In this research, the researcher distributed questionnaires to 32 students by using google form. In total there were 20 statements that the students need to respond to. They are both in closed and open-ended questions form.

The result of the questionnaire and interview were analysed qualitatively. This method was conducted with data reduction, data display, data nalaysis, and data interpretation. 3.1 Finding and Discussion Finding

The researcher collected data from questionnaire. Participants were asked to answer the questions about the linguistic and non-linguistic problems in speaking faced by them. 1. Linguistic Problems a. I don’t have sufficient vocabulary

knowledge to express my ideas. From the questionnaire given, half of

the students (50%) in the class stated that they didn’t have sufficient vocabulary knowledge to express their ideas. On the other hand, half of them felt the opposite that they have already had sufficient vocabulary in expressing their ideas. For this insufficient vocabulary, some students gave specific reasons for that. AA said that she always forgets vocabulary. JS had the same opinion that during speaking activity, it was difficult for her to remember the vocabulary she needed which then made

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her to not be able to continue her speaking. When somebody told her the possible word she wanted to use, she then could remember it. Similar opinion was given by Julia. She said that she did not have much vocabulary knowledge and still had to study harder. When the lecture asked some questions, she was a little afraid to answer because of her lack of vocabulary.

b. I find it is difficult to retrieve the

suitable vocabulary rapidly when I speak. Surprisingly, even though until half

of the students stated that their vocabulary knowledge was sufficient to express their ideas, almost all students (78%) stated that it was difficult for them to retrieve the suitable vocabulary rapidly. The students gave variety of reason for this problem. BR said that he did not used to speak rapidly and his vocabulary knowledge was not good enough yet. CY had the same though as she said that she found it was difficult to pick up appropriate vocabulary quickly when she spoke because she still did not have much knowledge of vocabulary, even when reading she still often encountered unfamiliar vocabulary. Some students related their difficulty to nervousness. DV said when she spoke spontaneously, she felt nervous which then made her forget the right vocabulary. On the same thought versa said she found it was difficult to pick up the right vocabulary quickly when she spoke, because she was afraid of being criticized for grammar or wrong words.

c. I find it is difficult to speak in specific

topic (eq. business trend, etc.) because I lack of related vocabulary. Polytechnic of Tonggak Equator is a

vocational school that tend to focus to business. In this case, topics for speaking activities are around business. Almost all of the students stated that they lack of vocabulary knowledge especially for specific topic such as business. AC said that when it comes to the market, or business, it was very difficult for her to get

the right vocabulary to use, and even when the other person was talking about business, it was also difficult for her to understand what was being said because a lot of vocabulary was still unfamiliar to hear. CH also said similar thing as AC. He said that it was a bit difficult when trying to remember some vocabularies, especially on a topic that he did not really familiar with. It took some time to remember and applied them in a real conversation. Moreover, he said that he should have used the word repeatedly in a case for him to get used to it. On the other hand, VL connected her vocabulary problem with her disinterest. She said that Everyone had their own preferences and scope of knowledge, in which she believed it varied from one person to another, including her. If people were talking about a certain business topic, for example bitcoin, digital investment, and others, she found it was difficult to elaborate more because she was not familiar with it. The same case was applied to the other topics that she was simply not interested in.

d. I get confused to arrange words and

sentences relate to grammar while speaking One of the important aspects in

speaking is grammar since it is key to speak fluently and confidently. Good grammar helps English learners to avoid errors that make their English sound strange to the listener especially for native speaker. Based on the result of the questionnaire, the students (71%) still had problem in grammar. Regarding this problem, LS said that sometimes she forgot the formulas that must be used to have a good grammar. Furthermore, she said that she often used feeling to match grammar. For VY, grammar was her only difficulty in English. She said that she felt like her brain suddenly goes blank when it came to grammar questions or having to speak the correct grammar. She also had to think hard when it came to grammar. Moreover, she said that there were some

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grammars that she had mastered and there were some that were difficult for her to understand. Until now, she was still struggling and trying to achieve maximum results in understanding grammar so that her English could be perfect and sounded like a native speaker.

e. I sometimes speak in Bahasa

Indonesia structure. English has different form compared

to Bahasa Indonesia. On the other hand, due to lack of grammar knowledge some of the students (65%) still used Bahasa Indonesia structure when they spoke. IG gave a reason for this. He said that he was a native speaker of Bahasa Indonesia, so when he spoke English, he sometimes still used Bahasa Indonesia structure unconsciously.

f. I find it is difficult to use complex

grammatical structure when I speak. Knowing that the students had

difficulty in grammar, it was also found that they struggled in complex grammatical structure, too. They tended to use simple sentences. More than 87 % of the students agreed that it was difficult to use complex grammatical structure when they were speaking. HN said that she often forgot the correct grammatical structure when she was speaking. She got confused and she thought that all structures of the language were same. She even gave example of grammar part that was confusing to use. It was future perfect continuous tense. Other student, RC, also gave his thought about it. He said that he found it was difficult due to the fact that his brain could not process any words correctly in a short time. For example, when he was being told to explain some things that he did not master, he might have stuttered a lot and had a grammatical error.

g. I have trouble in pronouncing some

particular vowel and consonant. Even though the students of

Polytechnic of Tonggak Equator had already learnt about pronunciation in first

semester, they still had problem in pronouncing some particular vowel and consonant. About 59% of the students agreed that they had problem in pronunciation. VI said that pronunciation problem was caused by less practicing. On the other hand, SH said that she still used her instinct when she pronounced some words, so sometimes she got it wrong.

h. I put the stress on the wrong syllable

or on the wrong word in sentence. Almost all students (84%) stated that

they could not put the right stress on the syllable or the word in sentence correctly, even though they also learnt about it in semester one. JS blamed her previous education where she did not get this kind of knowledge in elementary until senior high school. In addition, she said that the teacher in high school only taught her how to say the words without telling anything about the word stress. Other student, VI also said similar thing that stress was the second thing that was difficult to understand in English for her. She often put stress wrong and got confused where the stress lied in a word. She only studied stress since her first semester of college and never knew that stress really existed in English. Because of that, she said that she was not good in identifying a word stress.

i. I find it is difficult to pronounce the

word correctly during speaking. From the result of the questionnaire,

more than 50% of the students admitted that they did not have any problem in pronouncing the word correctly during speaking. For the students who still had a problem in pronunciation they connected their mispronunciation to anxiousness. NK and SH said that sometimes they got blank and it ruined their pronunciation. Another student, SS, said that sometimes there were some words which had the same sounds which made pronunciation can be difficult.

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j. I don’t know when to rise or to fall my intonation during speaking activity. Intonation was not a major problem

for the students. It was shown by the result of the questionnaire where 21 students or 65% of students thought that they knew how to rise or fall their intonation while speaking. For the student such as VB who thought that intonation was her one of problems in speaking said that intonation was quite hard to do in speaking. On the other hand, Jocelyn said that it could be a problem because some of the sentences were confusing, with the emotion that she should use.

Based on the finding elaborated before, it was found out that the students had some linguistics problems in speaking namely: vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. In vocabulary, they had problem in retrieving the word fast while speaking and had difficulty in finding the right words for specific topics such as business. In grammar, they had problem in using complex grammatical structure during speaking activity. The last problem was pronunciation where they did not think they had problem in pronouncing the word sounds, but they had problem in stressing the correct syllables in word and words in sentences.

2. Non-Linguistic Problem a. I feel shy for the attention given to me

when I speak. Majority of the students feel shy

because of the attention given to them while they are speaking. It was shown by the percentage of the questionnaire where 72% of the students stated that they felt shy. This shyness was also affected by the fear of to be laughed by other students due to mistakes made during speaking. AA claimed that sometimes when she spoke in English, she always felt that people would laugh at her because of the mistakes in the words and pronunciation that she did when she was speaking, which then made her lose confidence when speaking in English. Same opinion was given by CY

as she stated that she was not the type of person who was full of confidence. Moreover, she said that she also still had doubts about her English even though the words she said were correct. She felt embarrassed if she was wrong and afraid to be the subject of ridicule or laughing. For JS, the feeling of inferiority affected the feeling to be shy. She said that she was afraid if she said something wrong because there were people who were more superior than her. It then led her to feel shy for the attention given while speaking. For VL, it was because of her personality that she was a shy person. She did not like to become the centre of attention. It was easier for her to convey her ideas in writing form rather than speaking.

b. It frightens me if what I say is wrong.

Fear to say something wrongly had great connection with the feeling of shyness during speaking. Twenty-three students stated that they were afraid if what they said was wrong. The fear to say something wrong was because they offended other people. As mentioned by LO that someone might feel offended if he said something wrong. On the other side, LS and DV did not want to be misunderstood by others if they said something wrong as they think that English could have many meanings.

c. I feel embarrassed if my lecturer

corrects my mistakes in speaking. Only few students (13%) felt

embarrassed if the lecturer corrects their mistakes in speaking. Otherwise, they felt happy as they could know their mistakes so that they would not repeat the same mistake in the future. For these students who felt embarrassed, they thought that they were not good enough whenever they made mistakes. As said by LO that if the lecturer corrected what he said, it told him that he was still not good enough to speak to someone else.

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d. I feel nervous when I speak in English. There were 22 students agreed that

they felt nervous to speak. When they felt nervous, they forgot what they were going to say easily. DV gave statement that she would forget the word she was going to say and repeated the same sentence over and over whenever she felt nervous. Other student, NS stated similar opinion. He said that he felt nervous when talking in English, because he was not very good at English. And, when he was nervous it became difficult for him to speak and it made it hard for him to think about what words to use.

e. I cannot think of anything to say

during speaking activity. During speaking activity, majority of

the students did not think that they could not speak of anything. Only some students (41%) still could not think of anything if they were nervous. It was known from the students’ explanation. Luisa and Niki said that they could not think of anything when she felt nervous.

f. I don’t have motivation to speak

English. Almost all students (94%) mentioned

that lack of motivation was not one of their problems in speaking. They had high motivation to be able to speak.

g. There are too many students in

speaking class so my talking time is very little. More than half of the students (69%)

in the class did not think that their talking time was little because of many students in the class. They even felt that the large number of students could help them in learning other things. On the other hand, about 10 students felt that their talking time was very little. It was expressed by CH who liked to speak in large group even though it could affect his speaking time. He said speaking activity in a large group affected his speaking skill. By doing so, sometimes

it triggered his critical thinking and to express his idea. But because there were too many students, he felt his talking time was little, but even so, he also learned to speak out of the class.

h. There are some students in speaking

class who dominate the talking time so I can only speak very little. Many of the students (59%) did not

think that there was domination in speaking time from some students which affected their speaking time. i. I tend to speak in my mother tongue

during discussion in small group. There were 21 students (66%) stated

that they tended to speak in mother tongue during discussion in small group. JM and NS thought that it is easier to use his mother tongue while the rest thought that it was more comfortable especially during discussion.

j. I don’t feel comfortable to speak

English. From the students’ respond (66%), it

was known that they did not feel comfortable to speak English. As a result, it could be concluded that being uncomfortable was not their problem in English.

Based on the explanation before, it was found out that the students had several non-linguistic problems such as inhibition, and mother tongue used. Inhibition problem consisted of shyness, fear of being laughed, and anxiety.

The observation was done during speaking class. Their speech and activity were recorded. This observation was very limited to linguistic problem in speaking since it could be easily seen and observed. From the questionnaire given to the students, there was tendency that the students thought that they had good pronunciation. On the other hand, the result of the observation was different. They had problem in pronunciation. During the observation, the students had to have

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conversation with their partner. They were given conversation cards about they have to talk about. After that, they had to speak for about 5 minutes. During 5 minutes talk, each student at least had one word mispronounced. Here is the table of mispronunciation made by the students. The examples of mispronunciation were: result /rɪˈzʌlt/, suggestion /səˈdʒes.tʃən/, satellite /ˈsæt̬.əl.aɪt/ , discount /ˈdɪs.kaʊnt/ , technology /tekˈnɑː.lə.dʒi/, guarantee /ˌɡer.ənˈtiː/, success /səkˈses/, customer /ˈkʌs.tə.mɚ/, service /ˈsɝː.vɪs/ , trial /traɪəl/, result /rɪˈzʌlt/, company /ˈkʌm.pə.ni/, etc. They made mistake in either word sound or word stress.

4.1 Discussion

There were two types of problem faced by the second semester students of Polytechnic Tonggak Equator, namely Linguistic Problem and Non-Linguistic Problem. Linguistic problem came from the language itself and it caused difficulties for the language learners. In linguistic problem, the students had problem in vocabulary and grammar. It was difficult for many students to respond when the lecturer asked them to say something in a foreign language because they might have little ideas about what to say, which vocabulary to use, or how to use the grammar correctly (Baker & Westrup, 2003). The students admitted that they lack of vocabulary especially if it was in specific topic such as business. On the other hand, since they took English for business and professional communication, that vocabulary knowledge related to business was a must to have. Moreover, based on the observation, the students made many mistakes in grammar even though they have already used simple sentences.

Non-Linguistic problem is the problem that derives from the outside of the language. According to Penny Ur (1996), the student’s speaking difficulty are: inhibition, lack of topical knowledge, low or uneven participation, and mother tongue use. Based on questionnaire and observation, the students had problems in

speaking such as inhibition, and mother tongue. In inhibition the students worried about making mistakes, fearful of criticism or losing face. They were shy of the attention that their speech attracts. It was in line with Ur statement (1996) about inhibition that the students shy to attract attention from their speech. It also matched the students’ condition where the students were shy to be the centre of attention and they were afraid to be laughed at by their peers. This finding also similar with Harmer’s (2003) that according to him the problem that faced by the students is reluctant when trying to speak a foreign language. It is because they are shy and not predisposed to expressing themselves in front of other people, especially when they are being asked to give personal information or opinion.

Besides inhibition, mother tongue uses also became the students’ problem in speaking. The students felt that mother tongue was easier than the second language. The students often included mother tongue use when they were speaking in second language. This problem would make the students feel comfortable to do it. Harmer (2003) suggested some reasons why students use mother tongue in class. Firstly, when the students are asked to have a discussion about a topic that they are incapable of, if they want to say anything about the topic, they will use their own language. Another reason is that the use of mother- tongue is a natural thing to do. In addition, using the first language to explain something to another if there is no encouragement from the teachers. Finally, if teachers frequently use the students’ language, the students will feel comfortable to do it.

Motivation was not a problem for the students as they had high motivation. Besides, the topic chosen by the lecturer was suitable for them. Rivers (1968) believes that the learners have nothing to express maybe because the teacher had chosen a topic which is not suitable for him or about which he knows very little. So,

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since the topic given was suitable for the students, they did not lack of motivation. Not only motivation, but participation was also not a problem for the students to speak. According to Ur (1996) there is a tendency of some learners to dominate while others speak very little or not at all. But this case did not happen in the class because even though there were 32 students, each students had equal participation during speaking activity.

5.1 Conclusion

This research showed that in linguistic problem, the students have problem in vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. On the other hand, in non-linguistic problem the students have problem in inhibition and mother tongue. The most problem faced by the students in linguistic aspect is vocabulary in specific topic. They are used to use general vocabulary which is used in daily life. Thus, when they are introduced to specific situation, they are not able to use appropriate vocabulary. Moreover, the most problems faced by the students in non-linguistic aspect is feeling of shyness and fear to be laughed at. Reference Al-Roud, A. A. (2016). Problems of

English Speaking Skill that University Students Encounter from Their Perspective. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science 18(3): 1-9

Baker, J., & Westrup, H. (2003). Essential Speaking Skills: A Handbook for English Language Teachers. London: Continuum.

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Burnkart, G. S. (1998). “Spoken language: What it is and how to teach it.” from

http://www.nclrc.org/ essentials/ speaking/goalsspeak.htm

Chaney, A. L., and Burk, T. L. (1998). Teaching Oral Communication in Grades K-8. Boston: Allyn&Bacon.

Harmer, J. (2003). The Practice of English Language Teaching. (3rd Ed). England: Longman.

Nunan, D. (1991). Language Teaching Methodology. A Textbook for Teachers. United Kingdom: Prentice Hall International, Ltd.

Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching: First Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, company

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Ur, P. (1996). A Course in Language Teaching. Practice and Theory. New York: Cambridge University Press.