Easy German Stories - Forgotten Books


Transcript of Easy German Stories - Forgotten Books



' E . R IE S






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v V e g -A l t“ “ I c ? ‘


( R ANS F ER R ‘ D 1 0


3t 3. \cf 54 i f


Entéred atStationers’ H all, L ondon

Easy German Storiesw. p . x


T H E following shortstories are edited expressly for

ea rly and easy reading. Their charming s implicity of

d iction andthoughtmakethem especially suitable forreading in secondary schools .

T othis endthe grammatical and syntactical notesa re cop ious and full . No apology is required forthef requentreference to rules prev iously stated, since

repetition is one ofthe mosteffectua l modes of im

p ressingthem onthe mind ofthe beginner .

T he editor, however, believes thatthe book could

a lso be used very profitably inthe firstyear of college

work. Th e reading is sufficiently easy forthe beginnerto graspthe meaning withoutmuchtranslating. Thiswill developthe native fee ling forthe language knownas the Sprachgefii hl . Ita lso conta ins many idioms

common to the language and indispensable to thestudent. F urther

,the textwi ll furnish splendid

material for conversations and exercises in composition .

F orthis purposes questions and paraphrases for retranslation have been added . T he English sentences are

simple and easy, yetprogress ive .

The author ofthese stories , F raulein C. E . R ies , was

born in Konigsberg, P russia , in the year 185 5 , and

resides in Munich, Bavaria . T he stor ies in this


volume aretaken from her D er Schnitter and ande r e


irchen published in 1898 . H er other works are No

vellen vom Genfer S ee, 1897, Mc'

irchen fii r K inde r,

1899, andthe nove l D er M eisterfahrer, 190 0 .

I am indebtedto P rofessors Carl O sthaus and B . J .

V os, of Indiana U niversity, for helpful suggestions and

the reading of proof, andto F raule in R ies’

publishe r ,

O ska r Beck, Munich, for permissionto reprintthes estories .


fil er S cimitterfib er SlJionb mar eben fertig gemorbenmitfeiner

QITBeit; er batte einen fcbiinen, marmen 60mm“tag gemiibt. 921m ruhte er nus. (Er mifcbte ben@d)mei§ non bet@tirn, rieb unb paste bie golbne

s @icI)eI unb bc'

ingte fi e bligenb unb bluntin ben

bunfelblauen QIbenbbimmeI. SDabei fa!) er binab

311: (fi lm. ©erabe in hem i’Iugea icftratuntenhie febfine @ufe nus ihrer I iir, unb betMonb

fabbin unb Iiefimm butEBlicf nicbtmebr non ibr.10 60 {than mar fi e.

G‘Ifttam alfe i age ftuber, um fie fit!) angu

fcbauen, unb freute fid) , bafi fie!) has mitfeinenSabreégefcbfiften fo gutbertrug.(finblid) im ©pc


itfommer, er matfcbon febrfriil) fettig geworben, fpracl) er 311 fid) : "SDae

4. her 6tim :the article may be used for the possessive

whenthe connection shows clea rly whothe possessor is . 1 1 . fid)the dative case .

intCé cbn ittergebtih nichtliinger, beute mill id) binah auf hie(ithe; hie fcbhne 611k Qefii lltinir gar 311 gut.“(Sr 309 alto einen SIBolfenhorbang iiher hen ibim,

mel, hafi niemanh feinetmefenbeitmerite, unh

liefi fir!) auf hie (Srhe binah.ibiertraf er guerftauf eine fiercbe, hie fergen

geruhe 11118 hem Stern in hie 81iftauficbofi unb

trillerte. fD ie fragte er : hu hie fcbhne© 1111:


amitfcberte fie, "fie iftfaft[o frul)auf mie mir !

3c!) mill un1 fie merhen,“

fagte her Monh.

QBie mirfth11 has macben fragte erftaunthieBertha "

EIBir herfteben ia hie Emenfcben mobl, fieunB aber nidyt, meiImir hie iDienfdyenfpracbe nichtfprecben !

"Siege ficl) has nichtIernen fragte her Emonh.

3d) theifg nicht,“ meinte hie Bercbe. {b od}

bore, mir fii lltetmae ein. fDa iftein ©tar meinerEBefanntfcbaft. SDer iftin her Sugenh hiel unterhen Emenfdyen gemefen unh butibre©pradye gelernt.1 . mi ll id) Dinah : with moda l auxiliariesthe dependentin

finitive is often omitted if itcan read ily be supplied . 10 . See

frei lid) . 14 . in mobl emphas i z es the statement. 1 7. Siege[erttettz see Iafien. T he reflexive form of Iafien is often used

forthe English passive ,to expressthe idea of possibi lity.

fiber é mn itter28 iel meifi er mohl nichtmebr, er iftaIt11nh batfein ©ehiicbtni8. QIher fragen fiinntefthu ibn.

SDa ging her Evi anh 311 hem @tar unh fragteibn: "Q annfi h11 mid) mobl hie ©pracbe her Ewens

s fiben Iehrenfiber aitite gefibmeicfieltunh rief immer3n: "gar

hid) ! {fiir hid) ! 8‘iir hid) l

“ QBeiter mufite er nichtemehr.fiber unh uber genug l

“ hadyte her Emonh; "mean

fie mid) Iieh bat, herfiebtfie’é.

(Sr machte fici) anf unh fuchte hie fibhne @ufe.

Q a fanh er henn freilid) beraué, haf; fie bereiténiele EBemerber batte. Sbic fafien in fi retfibam unh

3ecI1ten unh prafiten 11nh warteten hrauf, men fie


blen miirhe; henn hae EBauerngnthon her 611kfiat!) ihnen gerahe in in hie QIugen, mie hie EBciuerinfelber.

i’Iber hie ©ufe mollte hon allen nidyte miffen.

© ie mochte nur einen, hen Shrgen. llnh her modytefie and), had) er mar arm unh wagte es nicht, 11m

fie 3n werben.

921111 liefgen aher hie 8reier nichtnae!) unh baten13. in Rtetfdmm : om ission of article id iomatic, probably in

analogy with a proper noun . 14 . htauf anticipatesthe followingclause . 2 0 . eg anticipatesthe following clause ; itis bestomittedintranslation . um : prepos ition governing fie.

1 0 SDer é cbn itterunh hrangten, unh © 1bonfi1fi roufite ficb feinen matmebr in ihrer Eliot. ZDa nerfiel fie auf etroae. @ ie

lewd)Sbr mufitmir hreierleitun unh methie brei

©tiicfe 3111'0ege bringt, hen wi ll it!) nebmen !“i 3a i

aucb3ten hie {freier unhmaren guter Q inge.C‘Eie aber hacbte: "

SZBae it!) will, has fann niemanh,ha bin ich fie

llnh fie fagte: "a meinem QBege borbei fliefitein EBacb, unh an hem SBacb liegteine SlBiefe, unh

ifi geit311m ®ru111met. fl ier mir morgen nacbtfann aIIein hie SIBiefe maben, her fall $ofbauermerhen !“

"D bo riefen hie greier. ni 3a fuel) erfi nacbeinem, her

’8 fann !” llnh fie prafiten weiter ; unh

and) her arme Shrgen fianh am D ien unh fibiitsteItetraurig hen R abi.ZDer Thanh aber batte jeheé QBortIein gebort,

unh am QIbenh, ale and; hie {freier im SlBirtebaus3ecbten unh liirmten unh her Shrgen betrubtaufher D fenbanf fafi unh hen Q opf in hie $6nhe

4, mir : f or me, dative of interest. 7. loan : see note 1. I,p . 8. 1 1 . mir : see 1. 4 .

— ?IBer mir iann allein hie QBiefe

mfiben : colloquia l for fiber mir allein hie EIBiefe mfiben lann.

1 7. hen R ani : see note 1. 4, p . 7. 2 0 . her Shrgen : in familiar

speech names maytakethe article.

fiber é mn itterfiugte, ha ging er binaué auf hie SIBieie, nahm

feine galbene © icbel 311r b anh unh fibnitthaB(Sh ae.

© 1bonfi1fe fab hard) has Q ammerfenfier anh fabeinen ©cbein auf her SIBiefe roie Dom Wionhlicbt;aber fein Winnh fianh am Sgimmel.

"SDaS wirh roabl her Sorgen fein,“ meinte fie,

,,unh batcine Qaterne unh bauthas @ra8.“@ ie fianh auf unh ging binaufi auf hie SZBiefe.

i 3a mar aber fein Shrgen. 68 ftanh ein bleicher

Emann auf her SIBiefe unh fcbnitt' has ®ra6 111itgolhener © icbel, unh hon her lam her Siebtfcbein.

SDie g ale ericbraf bié i116 ©er3 hinein; 1tmar hocb einer ha, her

’B herfitcbte. © ietrat311

hem bleichen ©cbnitter beran unh fragte fibeu:QBer bifi httZDer illionh aber fibmieg unh fab fie nur an.

"QDeine QIugen feben ané, ale ob fie nicbtfiblafenfonnten,“ fagte fie iingfilicb. "SZBer bifi hu

7 . 53115 with the future may denote a presentpossibility .

1 0 . is often used beforethe verb when itis des iredto havethe subjectfollowthe verb . Intranslation itis usually omitted .

1 2 . her : demonstrative pronoun . 13. big often precedes adverbsand prepositions to strengthen them. Itis usually nottranslated . 14 . bod) usually emphas i z es a statement, and may be

translated (see vocabulary) , o r may be omitted , when thetoneof voice marksthe emphasis . einer : why inflected ?


1 2 Sh er Cé cbn itterfi ber her Ellionh gab nicbtQIntmort. fab fie

an anh mahte hann fcbtneigenh writer.

5011 verfucbte has Wi iihcben nod) einmal anh

fragte: roen ntt'ibfi hu hie QBiefe3‘terhob er hie sIIugen unh fpracbIeife: u8m


2 1thl” feni3te hie ©ufe. "SDaB fann mir nichté

belfen. S‘a, menn

’é her Shrgen mare l

“ llnh

fie ging fort."fiber Shrgen hacbte her Ellionh betrofien. "Sfi

hué her §Burfib, her a111 D ien ftanh QIber er

fagte nichté mebr, laubern fab nurtraurig hemwifighlein nacb. SDann mt'ibte er weiter, fiill unhemfig, anh Iange var flfi orgengrauen mar her 651 11111:

metgemt'ibtunh in Sbaufen.

$riibmorgen3 famen hie Berber 110111 SlBirtébauéanh mollten ithier ihren Qiugen nichttrauen, alé fi e

haé ©ra6 gemuhtunh in Sbaufen fanhen.

fl ier bathas getanSbr nicht,“ iprad) ©tbonf11fe, "was ficbtes

end) an

5 . hie ‘Iluaen : see note 1. 4 , p . 7. 8. her Schrgen : whythearticle ? See note 1. 2 0 , p . 10 . mare : preter itsubjunctive ,

wish contraryto fact. 1 2 . nur gives emphasisto an assertion.

16. %ritbmorgen§ : adverbia l genitive of indefinitetime . 2 0 . was

an : see anfednen.

fiber g cbn itter© ic Iicfgcn aber nicbtnad) unh fragten hie Bettie.mic er3iiblten hon einem mitbleidjem (beficbtunhbober ©eftalt, her miteiner golhentn © idjel has(S hae in her Wacbtgemuht, 11nh fie 3eigten auf ibn,her gerahe hes flBegcétam.

SDa murhen hie EBurjcben 9e bar Slicih anh

macbten hie QIrbcitjcbledjtanh fpracben : "52 06

gcbtnichtmitredjten SDingcnsBfui !

“ricf her S argen, "bater’e gcfcbafjt, 10

that’s cine madere QIrbeit!“Q er T i anh bhrte alIe8 an. inrathcr 311

fid) , "has ifi aljo her Sargen.

einer fann, haé fhnnen mir anch,“


hie {S‘reicr unh hrangcn aufé neuc in hie SBaucrin,

haf; fie haé 3mcitc ©tud jage.mun mnfitc fie fitI) nichtmebr 311 beljen 11nh

jpracb: "33mm hem©0f, ha ifi ein rotee fi leefelh,4 . gemfiht: supply babe ; an auxiliary oftense is frequently

omitted atthe end of a dependentclause . 5 . heé’

y QBegcé’y : ad

verb ia l genitive of place . 9 . batcr’é aeicbaijt: for mean cr’s gc

ftbafithat; a conditiona l clause withthe conjunction ‘


(menu)omitted takes the inverted order . in often stands atthe beginning ofthe conclusion ,

whenthe cond itiona l clause precedes .

Itis translated bytlzm ,ther ef or e, o r omitted . 1 2 . alja z see

vocabulary . 13. iann : why isthe infin itive omitted ? 1 5 . {age

subjunctive , to express purpose or intention. 16. fid) : whatcase ?

1 4 Sh er e cbn ittcrhae ifi nocb einmal ia grofi ale hie QBiejc. 2!a

einer allein in hermarbtmir hen rotcn fi lee baut,nacbbcr mirh cr ®err auf hem Qof.

"SDae fann ficber niemanh l“ hacbtc fie. llnh

s hie {frcicr hacbten haejelbe. g itberfitcbten’e hrumgar nicbt, fonhern latbtcn, 3ogen iti 8 QBirtebaue unhjcbIemmtcn meiter. llnh her Shrgen jafimieher bestriibtauf her c nbanf, bhrtchiemilhcn Siehenmitan unh fiiibte hen R opf in hie Sbanhc.Q acb her Emanh ging binaue, nabm feine gal

hene © icbel 311r Qaah unh fibnitthen roten li ke.©cbhnjujc jabmiehcr hen 8icbtfibcin bom {fenfier

anh hacbtc: "Sbcttte ifi’e geroif; her S‘hrgcn l“i’Iber ale fie binauefam, ha mar mieher her

bIeicbe Emann hon geficrn. fiber fianh anh fcbnittmitgoIhencr 6icbcl, unh ban feiner goIhenen © icbelficI ge cB Qicbtauf hen rotcn R ice.©cb


dnfitje fragte nicbtmcbr: ,,n1er bifi bu?“ © ic

roeintc unh jpracb: "SlBarnm baufi hn henn hen

roten Si lee9 a bob her Tianhth iehcr hie ewigen QIugcn

anh jpracb: "ffiir hicb!”

2 . mir : whatdative ? 4 . 55 113 lann : why isthe infinitiveomitted ? 6. fonherttis used instead of abcr after a negative .

8. bhrte mitan : see anbhrcn ; mithere has an adverbial


$ cr é rbn ittcrfiber ©uie rolltcn hie itaucu uber hie QBangcn

"33113 fann mir nirbté bcljen; ia, rocnn’é her Shrgenmare !“ © icmanhte firb mieher ab unh lief3 ibnallein.

(itmabtcmeiter, gan3 langjam unhtraurig, aberlange norb bar I agcegraucn, ha mar her fi ler gr

baucn unb in Sbaufen gebrarbt.© ir serber famen 110111 flBirtebaué , fiaunten mit

offenemElliunhcunh ricfen giftig: ifi cin Sberen111eifier. Ellian ficbtcs an feinem ©cfirbtunh an

hen Qlugen.

D frbamtcurb l“ riefth ither her S argen. "33116

leihe irb nirbt; er ficbtnurtraurig nué . Sbater’elgefrbafft, fa ifi er ein gan3er M ann.


rah ifi her Shrgen unh rerbtjrbaffen,“ harbtcher Smonh. "Stein SlBunher, hafghie ®ujc ibn mag.

illber hie {Grcicr murhcn nur wilber unh jrbaltenunh hra

ngten hie ©uje, hafi fie has britte©tiirf jage.SlBic finhe irb nur, 11108 lciner fann flagte

haé widhrben. Gnhlirb jprarb fie

"Saintcr hem 3311118 ifi ein R ornfelh. ®olrbeuSlBei3cn mic hen batniemanh i111 © 0rf, aurb nirbt

1 . Q “ 61178 : dative of interest, where in English we have

the possess ive pronoun. 14 . in : see note 1. 9 , p . 13 . 18 . {age

why subjunctive ? See note 1. 1 5 , p . 13. 19 . fiBie nur : see


16 Sh er G rbu itterher $ 111

<Biarrer. 50a fann ein SlJiann hurrbgebrn

unh ifi nirbt3u jebcn harin. Eben jolltibr mirjrbneihen in einer 92arbt.“fi ber fie mufitc mobl, hae R ornfelh mar norb

s grhfier ale fi lecfelh unb SIBieje 3ujammen, unh hasbrarbte niemanh 3umege. llnh fie mar frob, ale hie

{frcicr larbtcn unh bhbnten: "8‘inh einen, her’etut

58011 neucm gingen fie i118 SIBirtebaué unhtraufen.

i’lhether S‘

orgen ging nirbtmit. "Q ire ifi has

lebte ©tiirl , hann ifi allee barbei,“ jagte er ; ,,111a11

fann ia nirbtmcbr ale nerfurbcn.

Ci r ging in hie Sj iitte, nabm jeinc © enfc ham

Silagel unh hcngclte fie, haf; es hurrbe SDorf flang.

2 1m l cnh, ale irbou hunfclte, jrbritter binausauf has {felh unh marbtc firb an hie e bcitunhmiibte haB Earn. SDcr © rbmcif; flat} in fétrhntcnhon feiner ©tirn, unh ©tanhe auf ©tunhe herrann,

aber er fam nirbtbiel meiter. SDaé 5}e mar

3u grofi.

bilft hafi irb mirb mube,“ jagte er

traurig, ,,irb bringe cé nimmer fertig. ijtgan3umfonfi.

“ (Sr fianh auf unh ftubtc hen e m aufhie g enie.

2 . mit: why dative ? 1 1 . ia : bestrendered by emphas is ;

see vocabula ry .

1 8 E r r C<Brbn itterflBae nur mabfi hu has Earn rief hie g ufc

ber3toeifclt.Ea fab her Ell ionh fic langc unhtoebmiitig an,

roie einer, her l frbich nimmtnon hcm ©fiicf.

s Eann bob er firb 3u gewaltiger Sj obe, beriibrtemitfeiner © irbcl Shrgene ©enfe unh jprarb mitfeficr ©timme 3u ibm: "ifiir hirbl

fiautauf frbrieen hie beihcn nor ©lucl , jaurb3tenunh larbtcn unh fielen firb in hie e me unh fiifitencinanhcr unh jabcn im

"M orgengrauen,°

hafi S‘iirgcné

E rnie 3u @olh geworben roar.

‘Jiuntoar er reirb nnh fonntchie reirbe SBr’iucrinfreien unh frhblirbc ©orb3eitbalten.

Ecr EDioub b'

orte hen S‘ubel. froficltc ibn.

S‘mwiorgengraucn friibtcn hie lbabnc. E icSBt'iumefiredtcn ibrcfrbtoar3en QIrme gefpenficrbafthurrbhenSliebcl. Ea fiicg her EDionh binauf in hen ibimmel,ein blcirbcr, miiher §Diann, unh bing mitmatteréj anh hietriinenbcnebtc, glan3loe blafie 6irbcl inhas graue ©ctohlf.

1 . 2 8a?) 2 8011 1111.

D i e (Beicbi obtc non pau l sou l unh

5 rta n icgcnug‘Baul {faul unh fiug Sliiegcnug roaren 31oei Erii

her, faben firb aber aurb nirbtcin bifgrben fibnlirb.SBaul 8ammar grofg unh fiarf unh britte eigentlirbcin febr nettcé (Qefirbtgebabt, menu er nur nirbt

s immer ia fiblfifrig auogejeben unh jeincn ElJiunh

theirtoic ein ©rbeunentor 311m ©fibncn aufgefperrtbr


itte.{Dug Sliicgcnug hagcgen roar flcin. Ecnn was

er bci Snarbt3111ourb6, has lief er firb am Euge

immer th ither an hen fiiificn ab, toeil er {0 cr

fibrerllirb gefrbh’

ftig mar unh firb feincrlei Eli afi unhStube giinntc. Erin Si‘ummer befianh harin, haf;er nic genug fertig bringen founte, hafi er nie gc

nug in hen‘Eag binein betam. Eabei abcr farm

fein EDi eujrb {S‘ett3ulegcn, unh harumtoar er nirbtnur flein, fonhcrn aurb hiinn unh blieb hiinn.

Eon all hem atemlofcn QIrbeiten unh her fietcn~

g orge, hafi hie ©onnctoieher einmal 3u friibfiber

2 . fid) cinanhcr. 3. bdttt: subjunctive , contrary to factcondition. 13. hafi er befam : see bincinbctommcn. 1 7. all

precedingthe article or other pronominals is often uninflected.

z o Spou l fi au l unh b ug micgenug

feinemEagetherf untergebentonne, battc jein © c

firbtiiberhies irbou cinen gan3 unrubigcn i’IuBhrurfbefommcn. "Slierhrn,

" jagten hie Brute.{flitsBaul {foulthar her Eag immer 3u lang,

strobhem cr hrs Elliorgenethertheifith ir ihiltaufsfianh unh am ill benh jrbon mithen Sbiibnern 3urStube frorb. (56thatmerfmiirhig, abcr er fonntchic 3m gar nirbtberumfrirgen, thribrcnh er firbauf feiner Earrnbautfiredte. (5 8 ifi gar nirbt311fagen,th ir oftcr auffianh unh narb her llbr jab.Eas balf aber nirbté, remollte horb nirbtQIbcnhthcrhen.

SlSaul {Gaultoare her gutmiitigfie Sl icnjrbhon her SlBeltgetoefen,thrnn firb hie llbr nur ba'ttccntfrblicfgen lonneu, ctth as jrbncllrr 3u gcbcn. E a

fie has abcr entjrbichen nirbtthallic, iatharf er ibrhon feinem SBlah aue gan3 giftige fiBlirfc3u. D bncallen Smeifel ! E ic llbr fing an, jeinrn Gbarafter3u herhrrben; erth iinfrbte ibr allee llnbcil.Wierfmiirhigcrthcifc morbtr her fi leine fcinrrfcite

hie llbr narb nirbtleihen, trohhcm fie horb norbein altes, liebes (i rbfiiirf hon Eutern bettour.1 . lhnnc: why subjunctive ? 5 . be§ morgené z see note 1. 16


p . 1 2 . 7. abcr er bcrumtriegrn : see berumtriegcn. 1 2 .toti reconditional subjunctive . 13. biitte entfdlliefienthnnrn : in a de

pendentsentencetwo infinitive fo rms j al/1m;the pe rsonal ve rb.

2 1 . non EBatern : instead honthem) Eli ater , due to the use of

Eau l gau l unh b ug Sli i cgenug

E em lief fie nunth iehrr 3u jrbncll. (itfonntefirb gewaltig in hen 30m bincinrchen, mcnn er

narb einer fleincn flBcile i116 3immertam, unh

her 3rigcr ging frbon auf l cnhbrot, tho er cbcn

5 norb rrfi auf giarbmittagsfafier gcfianhen battc. (Erftelltr firb hann hor her llbr auf unh ereiferte firbia langc, bis er puterrotim@efirbtmar. Eanarbborte er auf.sBaul 8aul,thcnn er hen Eruher jo jrbrlten unh

eifern biirtr, fonntr jcin (Erfiaunen haruber nirbtuntcrhri'trlcn: "Err fi leinctheifggar nirbt,th icgliirllirb er ifi,

“ jagte er. ,,Ecn1 roirh hie gritnielangd

Sj ug Ell iegcnugth ither, thcnn er hen Eruher

ftobncn unh flagen bhrte uber hen Stag, her fein(fiahe nabm, murmelte herhriefglirb: "

2280 her Qangc

nur hie hiele 3eitberbefommt, morbtetebth ificn.

illiria Eug reirbtnirbtaue,thae immer irbturE ic fingcn an, firbgcgenfiitig 3u beneihen, unh

fabcnta'glirb unlufiigcr hie ©onnc aufgeben. 3a ;

lchtbielten firb beihc hir E brea 3u,thcnn flintQBolgemutuntrn im Sbai hergniiglirb uber her slitEater withoutthe article and its resemblanceto a proper name

colloquia lly used and metwith in Northern Germany .

4. cbcn critz see cbcn. 18 . was id)tuc: seetun. 2 1 .

fid) : dative .

a s Eau l gau l unh $ ug mi egcnug

bcitfang. 3 a, fie grufitcn fictauntmcbr, menufir an ibrem SZBafrbfafg horbeifamen. unh horbcrtharen fir horb hie hidfien {freunhe hon her flBcltgethrjen.

s flinti Bolgcmutaber marbtcfirbnirbt. hiel haraue.

E ic larbie blofi unhtharf hie langcn Bhpfe in henmarten 3utarl . {ibr armcn Eli arren l

“ jagte fir mitleihig. curb muf; hie QBrItaneb crfith ichcrnorb befonhcrs rrfrbafien loethen. 60,th ie’e ifi,bilftcurb nur norb her ©ummitag. SlBifitibr, her,hen man austerfen fann narb Eelicbcn unh her hann3ujammenjrbnurrt,thenn man genug bathahon.

sliaul {foul unh ©ug Sli iegenug jaben firb an

unbthufitcn nirbt, ob re ibr crnfi jri ober oh ficblofg fhafic.

8rrilirb, herlorlcnh flang re ! Eummitag,her 3ujammenjrbnurrt,“ harbte SBaul 8aul. ,,llnh

henman auérerfentann, gan3narb SBclicben.

” jagteéj ug Sli icgenug begierig. finhctman hen(Sr recite in ©chanfcn irbou hran.

,,D , in her SlBeltnatiirlirb antthortetr narblajfig SlutSIBolgemut; ,,man muf; ibn blofi farben.

5 . marbtc harauB : see marbrn. 8 . mtr curb torrhensee erjrbaficn. 10 . bi lft: render bythe future . 1 2 . buthahonforthe usual hahon bat. iei : why subjunctive ?

5130 u l 8 au l unh b ug Eli icgcnug

Ea lief $111; Sliiegcnug glcirb in hie 918th unh

furbte hen ©ummitag. bittte ibn am liebftenfofortgebabt. Eafi alles 3ar gritfommt,thrnnman nur harauf 3uthariratocifi, mollte ibmnirbt

s in hen © inn. ging ibmth ie mit“her e

bcit, hiethallic er alle aurb immer glcirb getanbaben.

(firthar langc frbon fort, ha ftanh 98am8amnorb an flintflfiolgemute QBafrbfafi, fab auf henErifeufrbaum, toie er firb blabie unh 3ifrbte, her

folgte hie ©rifentrohfen, hie unter hrn fleifiigen131mm umberfhribtcn, unh fhrarbga'bncnh: ,,QBcifemir cinthrnig hen QBcg 3a hem ®ummitag.“

,,Eein Eruher la'

uftfrbon hanarbl“ larbte has

Mahrbcn. ,,8af3 hen nur furbcn l EDiarb hu lieberhertheilc hen 201111111 3u unh nimm hie ®6nhr ans

hen Eafrben

,,Eu biftthobl nirbtflug l“ antthortcte sBaul

8aul crfrbrerlt. ,,SlBomitfoll irb mir henn meine

2 . bittie z subjunctive in conditional sentence withthe dependentconditiona l clause implied . 4 . mollte 6inn (tommcn) : forthe omission ofthe infinitive see note 1. 1 , p. 8.

— ibm: see note1. 1 , p . 1 5 . 5 . (533 ging ibm : gebcn is here used impersona lly

with the dative. 6. auth immer glcirb: see gleich. 8. langc

frbon : see ichon. 14 . hanarb : forthe frequentuse of ha and inn

with a preposition seethe grammar . 1 5 . nur adds emphasistothe imperative ;translate j ust. 19 . mir : whatdative ?

2 4 lBa u l Ga u l unh { mg Ell i egenug

cEafrbenthaunen ? llnh 10 03utat’ irb hie aba'nheberane

,,D , blofi um hite me frei 3u befommen. E em

Etbloffcr nebenan fcbltrin ©efclle, her fann fie


,,E ir S‘hec!" murrtc rr herarbtlirb.

l marb le fli ntQBolgrmut. "Elia, hann nur

(Si lurl 3u hem Giummitag !“ llnh fie hrcbte ibmfur3 hen Sli iirfen. ©lcirb harauf fang fie fo nu

befiimmcrt, ale 0b gar feinSBaul {faul auf her

Sc ltthti rc.Eae a


rgerte hen Sangrn gewaltig.

SlBie founteein fo fleinee imt'ihrbcn ibm obne theiterce hen

Si iirfen icbren ? "abuttheiler nirbte ale 310ei grlbr

Shhfr intmarten unhtut, ale 0b'

6 SIBunher mas

th iir’! QBarte, hu follftmirb frbon anfcben.

(Sr ging 3u hem E rbloffrr unh hotfeine E icnftcan. ,,S

ftmirterb i l“ fagtcher. "Beigt,thae S‘


lciften fhnnt. e bcitgibtes genug !“1 .tiit’ : why subjunctive ? 3. Eem Gd floffcr : dative with

feblcn. fiatmciter nirbt§ :the subject, 135 , is omitted . 1 5 .

al?» ob’B thri r’ : see §1l3unher . 16. fiBartc, hu anfebcn : see

anfeben. 18. Siftmir redlt: see rrrbt. T he subjectis oftenomitted in colloqu ia l sty le . Shh :the polite form of addressti llthe sixteenth century was fibr . Atthe close of the sixteenthcenturythe form (Er came into use . T oward the end of theseventeenth century g itbegins to be used for both (itand

36 ‘Bau l goa l unh { mg ill i cgrnug


ifaul, ,,hath irh man horb frbon ein haar © rblagetun muffen l“(fir bolte alfo has Gifen aus hem grucr beraus

unbtatcin haar ©rbla'ge, immer cinen ftarfen aufs has Gifrn unh 3thei flrinctan3enhcSliarbfrbla'gcaufhen ilmbofg, thie firb’s gcb'ort, bis hraufgen has

© ingenth ichrr anbuh. Eann lief; er gefrbth inhhen Sgammer finfcn, feste firb bebaglirb auf hen

ilmbofi 3u hem (i ifen unh fing an, firb narb ©er

3cnslufi 3u firerlen unh 3u hebnen. llnh her ill iunh

hffnete firbtoritth ie citt@rbeunent0r.(Sr battr aber faum hreimal fo rerbtber3baft


bnt, hathurhe hraufgcn has E ingen hon ncuem

eingcftellt.hafitmir auf murmelte grimmigher Sticfe.

flbtttenh fafgtr er norb hem©ammer unh frblug aufhas (Sifen los,thas er nur fonnte. (Er battr gutfrblagcn, has Gifenth ar faltgethorhen; er mufgtccs erftth ieher in hie f r 3ur11rftun, bis estheifitourbe, unh batte fcine liebe 92 0i hamit, ha es garnirbtthcrhenthollteth ie hie anhern. (firthar rerbthcrhriefglirb. l er norb herhricfilirber morbie ibn1 . ha milffen : seetun. 6.th icficb’s gcbhrt: see gebhren.

10 . 311 ftrcrten hebnen :two words of simi lar meaning oftenstandtogetherto emphasi z ethe common idea . 1 7. was tonntrsee ihnnen. gutfcblagen : see frblagcn.

Sba a l goa l unh $ 11 1; wi rgrnug

has SDi iihrben, hie rs hen gan3cn Eag uber nirbthiel auberstrieb. Cé icthufrb fleifiig unh fang, folangc er frbmiehetc. Qiefi er aber nur cinen QIugrnblirl narb , fothurhc fir gleirbth ichcr ftill.

5 2180s blieb ibm aubers iibrig, als'tn einem QBrgtheiter 3u bo


il ls er obeahs am Emmura horbeiiam, fianh

hintQBolgcmutnorb abgcthcnhet, abrr er iiberrafrbtcfir harauf, hafi fir ibm iiber her 6rbulter narbfab.91m uiirbften QIbrnh hrebte fie firb balb um, am

l cnh harauf brei Eicrtel. Easthar aber ‘Baul

8um immer norb nirbtgenug.,,QBrrhrn hen {flarbsfohf frbon frirgrn,

“ inirfrbtecr hurrb hie Bfibne. ging jchen Emorgen aufsneue 3u hem ©rbl0ffcr, frbthang fcine ftarfen i lrmr,frbmirhcte has (sifcn, folangcrs beifithat, unh aushen étangcnthurhcn regelrerbtc, blibenhe ©ittersfia


be. QBie hie ibn fo blani anlarbten, fanh er

@cfallen haran, fanh ©rfallen am 6rbmichrn unb

an SlutQBolgcmuts © ingen. QIn hemammeiften,fo febr, hafi er cines frbhnen Eages mitin hie Ellielobte einfiimmte unb hen SBafi mitfang.3. Sick narb: for QBcnn cr nacblicfi : see note 1. 9 , p. 13.

8. aber er harauf : seetlbcrrafrbcn. 13. QBcrhcn triegcncolloquia l ; seetricgrn.

2 8 ‘Ba u l S a u l unh b ug 9i i ege11 11g

s13011 her Etunhcan ging hie e bcit3thciftinuuig.

Eraufienthufrb es unh fang. Erinnen fang es unh

brimmerte. Eas flang gar gut3ufammen.

8111 hcmfelbrn QIbrnh norb ftanh rirbtig EliutQBols grmutgan3 berumgehrcbt, aber anfebentatfie ibnnorb immer nirbt.

"2330sth ill hie E irnchenn norb fhrarb er balblautbetroffen 3u ficb.Ea flungcs larbenhbintcr ibm: ©rbl0ffcr

mei fter(itfubr berum unhthollte ibr ins ©efirbtfeben,

aber flintth ic cin flBiefelthar fie an ibm horbei unh

ins Sgaus gefrbliihft.‘Baul goutftarrte rin QBeilrben auf ibrc Eur.


stheiler nirbts ifi,“ fhrarb er mit©cclenc

rube, ,,has Eann fie baben.

blieb alfo brim fianhthcrf unh fang unh

frbmiehetetheitrr. mirbtlangc, ha batte er firb hieSDiciftcrfrbaftcrfrbmichctunh erfungen. l er ha

biefg cr nirbtmcbr ‘Baul 8am. (itbiefi jest‘Baul{flcifgig unh batte cin frbmurles Sba'usrbcn unb cine

norb frbmurlere gran.

2 . Eraufaenthufrb fang : seeth afrbcn. T he verbs a re con

structed with e? to emphas i z e the action, 18. cr erfungensee erfingen.

580 111 {f au l unh b ug ill i cgenug 2 9

gebthorb nirbts uber hie 80mm, thenn fiefirb einmal hran marben !

fogtSliut2 80lgemut—1henn fie ifthie frbmuclc{Gran unh ficbtibm be:thunhernh 3u,th icer ma'rbtighie e me frbthingtunh

s frbafftunh frbmirhct.,,ifeblthir aujestnorb her ©ummit0g?©tattaller QIntthortfiifgt$onl 8‘lrifgig fcin

QBcib auf hen Elliunh unh gebtunh ba'ngtEatersllbr auf hen (i brenhlah.

lbug ER iegenug irrtimmer norb in her 28thberum unh furbt. llnhthcil er hen ($3ummit0gnorb nirgcnhs batfinhen fhnnen, lt'iufter firb 001


l arge has an hen {fiificn ab,thos er in hermarbt3ugetharbfcn ift, unh festicin {fettan. (Sr frbafftobne Si aftunh Stub , unh icin ©cgen licgthrauf,fein (Sl liirl unh SBebagen. Ethic hiel er aurb frbafft,her Eag ift3utur3, ertriegl nimmer binein,thas er horbat.(Qstherhcn cbcr 3ebn gaulc flcifgig, als hafi ein

llbcrfrbafftlcr 3ar Stubetommi .1 .

’s gcbtfiaulen : see gebrn. 1 2 .tbnnen : see note I. 13 ,

p . 2 0 . Idufter 3ugelhadn'

en ift: see sumacbfen. 1 5 . hi afiunh fili al) : see note 1 10 , p . 2 6.

30 flBitth e i r oltl os111

witwc Er oftlos(i sthateinmal cine arme 8‘rau, heren EDi ann

thar geruhe geftorben. E 0 rheinic fie unh i lagteunhthar frbier untrhftlirb.E ic fagtc 3u her alten Eiuttrr, hiettttEli infel

s fouettez ,,Eu magftthobl jammern, Eiutter, hcin©obutfttot.“llnh 3u hen Q inhcrn fhrarbfietheincnh: ,,QBcint

nur ! henn cucr Eater iftgcftorbcn.

E0theinten hie Stinhcr cine Eicile,theil fie hieEiuttcr rheinen faben; hann aber fhielten fie unh

fagtcn: ,,llnfcr Eater iftfortgegangen; er fontmtfrbonth iehrr, bcutobrub l“llnh fie larbtcn unh fhielten.

Eurb hie altc Smuttcrthcintc eine Elieilc; unh

fie battethobl ©runh h03u; hasthar her lcbte honferbs bliibenhen ©hbncn gcthcfen, her, hen fie brutebegruben.

3 0 , fie batte hiel erlebt, hic altcEiuttcr ; unhfieth iinfrbtc firbthobl manrbmal has ©terben, has1 . (56thateinmal :the introductory indefinite pronoun eB cor

respondstothe id iomatic ‘there ’

. 2 . war : forthe pos ition, seenote 1. 1 1 , p . 10 . 16. her : demonstrative pronoun .

Ei itth r cItr oftl os 3 1

3u all ibren ft‘inhern geiommrnthat, unh nur fir

gan3 hergeffcn 3u babcn frbien.

Ebcr hertlommtnirbt,thie manth ill, hasthufgtc fie. unh fiethufgtc aurb, hafg man frbaffen

s foll , folangcman lebt, unb frob fcin, hafi mannorb frbaffcn lann. 60 jammerte fie nirbtlangc.© ir fiiblte cinethcbmiitigc8‘1cuhcharuber, hafifienorb amBebenthat, unh hafghie Q inher larbtrn, uuhhafi hic© 0nnc frbien unh her ibimmcl blauthat.Ebcr hie Eiitfrauthatuntrhftlirb. Eliarbts frblicf

fie nirbthor Q ammer ; unh am Eage faf; fie inibrer fi ammer uuhthcintc.

,,Eieine horb nirbtgar fo febr !“trofictchicElte.,,Eu baftia heinc Q inhcr norb .

3d)th ill nirbts hon hen Q inhcrnth iffen,“ fhrarbhic Eliitfrau. SDiein Elana ifttot.“E ir alte Eiutter frbiittcltc hen Stopf, ging 3u

hen Stinhrrn,thufrb unh fiimmtc fie, frbeucrtc hie®tubcn unh marbtc 8cuer.

Eanntratfirthicher 3u her Eiitfrau: ,,Eorbter,heinc fi inhcr bungern

1 . all : see note 1. 1 7, p . 19 . 6. 60 habrr. 13. Escinc

fo febr : seetheinrn. hocl) lends forcetothe requestand expresses

impatience ; italso implies reluctance onthe partofthe personaddressedto do d ifferently . 1 5 . 3d) th ifien : see miffen. 1 7.

hen R ohf : why notibrcn R ohf?

QB itth e “

I r ofi l os

,,Qafitmir meine Stub rief hiefeth ilh. Eicin

Eiann ifttot.“Eatrug hie Emutter gutter in hen ©tall fur

bcihc Siegen, melttc fie unh brarbtc hen Q inhcrns cinen

Erohfen SlJi ilrb 3utrinicn. llnhthcnn her

Eorbtcr fi lagefrbrcie aus her Stammer hrangcn,

frbiitteltc fie jehcsmal hen Q ohf.Eliarb gan3 geraumer Britfianh fie auf

’s ncuc

hor hcr Eorbtcr. ,,ftinh,th ir miiffen alle fierben,

her jest, her fhater. ©tehl es frbcinthie 60nnc.

E ir graucEiolfc iff hcrfrbthunhen. © rbau hir hen

blauen Sj immel an, unh lafi hirbtrhficn.

Emutter, rnas quti lt{ibr mirb {i rbmill nirbtsfeben, nirbts boren. Elias gcbtmirb © 0nnenfrbcinunh thas her ©immel an ? E ! hafi irb jcne

grauc ESolicthare unh f'

ounte immer rheinen,

braurbtc hen blauen Sj immcl nirbt3u fcbcn unh

nirbthie © 0nne '“

Ehrirb nirbtfo funhbaft, Q inh, her Sgimmclbort’s.

1 . Bafstmeine Eliub: see lliube. 5 . cinen i rohfen Ei i lrbafter nouns of measurethething measured stands in appos itionand is usua lly uninflected . 10 . her : demonstrative pronoun .

1 1 . W hy iftand notbat? — hir : whatdative ? 1 2 . lufi :theactive with laffen often stands forthe English passive . 13. mag

thatum, 10030 . 16. lh ii re : optative subjunctive .

34 Ei itth e i r oftl osEa i lang cs lauthurrb alle $ immel : ,,iliunthein’

hirb fatt6irthcinte, rheinicnnanfbaltfam. { ibrc Itaucu

floffen in hen glufg, unh her frbtholl an. 6 ir fioffens anf hie (Erhc nnh iibcrfrbthcmmtcn fie; 0bcr norbimmertharcn ibrc Erfincn nirbthcrficgt.6ir lorinte, bis fie milbethar hom hielenEBeincn.

E0 frbautc fie hurrb hen fenrbtcn 6rbleirr narbibren Q inhcrn.

6ir founte fie nirbtirben.

(i sthatfo nafg, haf; firb lein Stinhlcin hor hie

Eiltethagtc.6ir lugte hurrb hie regentrnben 8cnfterfrbcibcn

unh fnrbtc ibrc Q inher in her 6tnbc unh harbtenirbtans Eieinen.

Err $ immel merlte has glcirb. (gr gnrltcmiteinem blauen Engc hcrftoblen bcrhor unh thcrftcfrbncll hic 60nnc. ,,6 iethcintnirbtmcbr, thurbanf ‘

E ir 60nnc frblngtorithie golhnen Eugen aufunh fragte hen ESinh: "Eatfie firb fattgctheint? “Ea fhrarb her Eiinh mitEraufen: l“

jag fie fortl“ gebothcr $ immcl unh hie

60nnc larb ie unh ricf: jag fie fort!“7. hom hielen weinen stands lastfor emphasis.

QB itlh e i r oftl os(Si leirb blies her QBinh hie Earlcn anf unh blies

narb 8cibcsiriiften. E ir ESolfe flebtc unh bat:,,80f3 mirb horb bier; lafi mirb horb einmal nur

hie Si inhcr febcn.

llmfonft!batte lein (i rbarmen. (Er blies unh blies

unh trieb hie grauc Eliolfc forthom blauen

$ immcl.6ir bing firb mithen Si leihern in hem Errge

fcft; fie frblang hen graucn Eliitthcnfrblcicr um hic

E iiume. (esth ar hergebens.

Err QBinh rifi nnbarmber3ig an hen Si leihcrn

unh 3crrte an hem 6rbleier, his her in lautcr8c§cn in hem Errge bing. (gr jagte frbnell nnh

uncrbittlirb hic grauc Eiolfc in has ESetterlorb;habin,tho’s icincn blauen $ immcl gibtunh icinc6onnc.

Els fie hann fortthat, famcn ibrc fleinen Stine

her fr'

oblirb ans her $ iittc. fiebnur

hie fonherbaren iS‘cben in hen Ecrgen. (Slut, haf;

hie b'

ofe ESolic fortift. Err Eiinh batfie hero

tricbcn !“3 . $303 bier (bleiben) : see note 1. 1 , p. 8 ; hod) makesthe

statementimpressive ;translate by pray please 13 . her

demonstrative . 19 . fit!) nnr : nnr is a persuas ive particle used

with entreaties.

36 E3 itlh c i r ofi l os

Ea fab hie altc Mutter frbmer3lirb 3n hem

$ immcl auf, unhth ifrbtc firb brimlirb, hafi hie

Q inhcr cs nirbtfabcn, hie Eugen mithcr 6ebut3e.

6rbmcr3 1mh 6ebnfnrbttrieben hie arme grauc

s Elliolfc norb oftins Eal, tho ibrcs illi annes ©rabthat, unhtho ibrc licbcn flcinen Q inhcr lebtcn.

Sbr (Si ethanh lag 0nf hen Ecrgcn fenrbtunhfrbth er hon all hen

Erancn, hie fietheintc. 6 0

frbther bing es ins Eal, hafi ibrc{fittirbcfie faummcbrtrngcn.

6 ir 30g lotief, fie blieb fo long! umfonft!hie Stinher fab fie nirbt.E ir f0f3e11 in her 6tnbc um hentharmcn E fen ,

fo langcfiethcinte; unhthcnn ficniebl mcbr rheinic,hann iam her Ei inh unh jagtc hie grauc QBolfefort, ins Elicttcrlorb.

E ir Stinhcr aber larbten unh fhiclten in her


8 . all : why notinflected ?

D a s gcftohlcnctachelu(Esthar einmal ein illiaghlcin, has larbcltc; unh

cs lilrbcltcn hie Eicnfrbcn, lhcnn fie hes Eifighlcinsforglos beitcres 81'1’rbeln fuben.

Ebcr cines SDiorgcnsthathas Qarbcln fort;trans rig ftanh has imaghlein, th eil cs nun nirbtmcbrla


rbcln ionntc.(Es ging 3nr Eur binans nnh fhrarb3u1n Eiinh

ESinh, SIBinh ! En bifthie gan3cSi arbt011 mcinem 8‘cnfter bingcftrirbcn l $afthn mein Barbelnmir genommen

Ecr Eiinh fhrarb: ,,Srb nirbt, irb nirbt! E heblomm’tebtoritanf meinem QBegc. QBilI hanarb


“ (fir jagte fortunh fam hannth ieher ; abera he brarbt’ er feinc.

Ea ging has Elli iighlein an hes Earblcins Eanh.


rblcin ! Srb babe geftcrn cinc langcSc ile bci

hir gcfeffcn. $afthn mein 80rbcln ha getrunfcn2 . es : see note 1. 10 , p . 1 1 . 4 . cines Morgens : why genitive ?

1 0 . mi r : dative of separation mir following instead of preced ing

mein Barbeln is colloqu ial. 1 2 . flBi lI see note I. 18, p . 2 4 .

14 . abcr linnh‘

c trim : in Germanthe more emphatic wordstendtowardthe end ; hencethe pos ition of itine.

38 E 0 3 gcftobl enr SarbeIn,,S

rbtrinfe nur hie 60nncl“ thar hes EarblcinsEntthort.mun frbautc has élJiaghlcin 3n hcr 60nnc anf,

hic an hem $ immel fianh: hnmein Qarbcln,

s 60nnc? Eu lcurbtcftfo.

E ic60nnc fagtc: ,,S‘rb babe in hem Ecgcn mirb

gebohrt; harum lcnrbt’ irb fo.

Q ohffrbiittelnh fhrarb has Eiaghlein: ,,Einf; nnnanbete fragen.

(i s lam an einem $ans horbei unh fab hen‘t; es bortr hie 6timmcn herer, hichatheiutcn,unh fab hen Ioten larbcln. ,,SR immfthu has

Barbeln all hen 8cbcnhen, haf; heinc‘

Eoten larbclnfragte cs hent.

fhrarb er, ,,meine Eoten liirbcln ibr

eigenes Qiirbcln, hariiber, haf; fie nirbtmcbrtheinenthcrhen. 3d) ncbme hem, her lt’i rbcln Eann,has Sarbeln

Eem 6rblafe rief has Eiaghlein norb , ha er fie

flob : ,,8liebfthn mirb nirbt,theil hn mein Qarbclnbaft? “

fagtr her, ,,irb fliebcbicb,theil hn’s herlorcn baft. Eirnn hu rs finhcfi,thurm’ irbth ichcr l“8 . Eiufi :the same as l. 1 2 , p . 37. 13. all : see note 1. 1 7, p . 19 .

1 7. hem : see note 1. 10 , p . 37.

E a s gcftoblcne Barbel n6nrbenh ging nun has Smit'ghlrintheitrr. (i stam

3u einer $oble, in her {gran gritfaf; unh in feinen{S‘a

hcn filbergranes $aar hon ibrer Stuniel fhann.

6hinnfthn mein Qarbcln rin in brinewhen,haf; fie alfo gllin3cn rief has maghlcin.

,,EBenn irb’s nnr batte,“ gab gran grit3nri'1rl ,

,,es marbtaneb grauc$aarcfrbhn. Eorb binien inher $hblc borlthas Sini blcin Eergeffen, unh horn

hor her $0blcftrbthas Sma'ghlein $0ffnung. Eicls

leirbt, hafi hie es baben.

Erb! aurb bei henenthat’s nirbt. Eas Sl‘nliblrin

batte nur cinen fiiblcn Ernul im Q rugc, unh hie

$ 0ffnnng batte in ibrcm Qhrbrbcn nnr cin immcrs

griines 310eiglcin.

horb has ESiffen,“rict{fran grit.

Eas ESiffcn fafi unh blirlte cruftunh mitgr,furrbter 6tirne ans frbaucnhcn a gen auf hie 810

genhe. ,,Ei irbgebtfein 81'1’rbcln an,tebth cifi nur l“

thar hic Entthort.Eathanhtc firb has illiaghlein 3n hcs Eliiffens

milherer Sliarbbarin (Erfabrnngmithen l lugen, frcnnhelitb flaren Eugen: "Emir fcbltmein Barbeln fo; bafthn csthobl genommen5 . alfo fo. 6. biitte : whatsubjunctive ? 1 5 . horb adds force

tothe request. 2 2 . fo fa febr.

40 E 0 8 geftoblcne S atheln3d) fagte hie Grfabrnng, ,,th ic ionntc irb cs

thobl ? irb marbe ia hie Eicnfrbenthrift; nnhth erthriftiff, her lr‘irbelt. éli irbtirb bab’s hir genommen. Eorb

glaube mir nnh furbe hrin Qfirbcln nirbts htanfgen. 3a $ anfe mnfithn’s finhen,thcnn hn cs

finhcn lh illfEa marbtc firbhas Ei aghlcintraurigth iehcr auf

hen $eimtheg unh fragte nnr hie 6orgc norb, hieestraf, hanarb. E ir 0bcr fagtc: ,,Eu batteftesfrbon nirbtmcbr, als irb 3n hir fam.

6iebcl miih unhtrilhe ftanh has imaghlcinabenhsth ither hor feines $anfc8 Eiir.llnh hor hes $anfc8 I iir fanh es cin frblotte

rigrs, herhroffen bliricnhcs Eicibsbilh. E asthathie11n3nfriehcnbcit.

,,Eu bafthas 80rbcln mir geftoblen,“ fhrarb hasEiaghlcin. ,,hi irbtthabr, hnth arft’sEicnn hn esth eifgt, thas fragfthu gab hie

Einrrifrbe 3ar Emmottnnh frblenferte hon hannen,th iceiner, her anf (Sl atesthcitcr EScltnirbts ©nte8,D rhentlirbcs 311tnnthcifi.

Eiutlos fcblirb has Ei iighlcin in hie $nttc.batte ia fei11 8iirbrln nirbtgrfnnhen. unh als hie

1 . mitthobI: see ihnnrn thobl gives emphasistothe verba l

idea . 9. E itz demonstrative pronoun . 16. mir: see note 1. 10 , p . 37.

4 2 E r r E ebe l f ii rfi

tnn fiec ferrs,“troftcte her 6rbmer3, unhinfitr has Eifighlcin 0nf hie Qihhcn.

Ea batten hie Bihhcn ibr licbes 80rbelnth ieher'


60 frob thatnnn has Eirighlcin, ha cs feins flatbelnth ieher batte, hafi cs immer léirbeltc,tho es

nnr Ell ienfrbentraf.81cilirb, es larbrltcn hie Etenfrben nirbtlt’ingcr

ob hes Stirljelns, has hen 6rbmer3 grfannt.gla


n3tc ha3n gar 3n febr hie Eranr hrin. Eber

jchcr, hcr es fab, bates gcfrgnct!llnh hasth ar mebr !


B er ncbclfu r ftErr Eliebelfnrftbatte has 60nncnfleinoh entthenhet. Eon her 6tirn hrs frblafenhcn (i ngcls

batte cr es geraubtnnhth athamitin frincErrgegcfl iirbtet.Eortoben faf; cr nun unh briitete llnbeil. 6rinc

riefcngrofgen {S‘lehermansfrbth ingen birltcrtoritans

1 . 60tun firc fercs : see heifer. 8. ob, as a prepos ition, is

rare and confinedto stately diction.

E rr Eltebel fnr ftgebreitet, fo hafi es ansfab, als 0b grantEiolfcntief,tief in hie Errge brrnntcrbingen nnh hon ibnenfiel csth ir cnhlofer Eegcn anf hie Grbe berab.E as liebte fi lcinoh aber birlter forgfiiltig nnh

s brimlirb auf feiner Erufthcrborgen.

Els nun her 60nnenengrl crtharbte, hathar rs

faltunh finftcr um ibn ber. fnrbtr has R lcinoh,0bcr rr fanh rs nirbt. Eariibcr crlofrbher © l0n3in feinrn Eugen, unh frben herbarg cr firbunh fcin

farblofcs ©cthanh in einem Eiinfel hcs $ immel8.Eber hie Eriiherengcl fanhen ibn ans: ,,Ein baft

hu hie 6onnc

Eer Erme ftanh 3ittrrnh: ,,S‘rbthrifi nirbt.

Ea blirlten alle 3nfammen im $ immel umber,0bcr hie6onncth ar nirgcnhs 3u fcben. 6ir fnrbtenin hem Ell ; hathatfie aurb nirbt.(i nhlirb faben fie binnnter 0nf hie (firhe nnh

faben hen Eliebclfnrftcn auf her 6hibe hes Eerges

fibcn nnh mithem lcurbtenhen Si leinoh anf feinerErnftherftoblrn licba'ngcln.

D web! 0thcb! 1008th irh hasthcrhen l“ rirfrnalle flagcnh.

6ir umringten hen armen, fleinen6unher. ,,Eu

19 . figen :translate bythe presentparticiple . 2 1 . was

thcrhen : seethcrhen.

44 E rr E ehel fii r ftbaftfie hcrloren. 3‘tgebnnr hinunter unh bole

fie. 6ieb,th ie hu fieth ichcr befommft.“Ea flog her (Sngel binab, um hie 6onnc 3n

bolrn. Ebrr hie 6tellc, 100 cr aufflog, lagtief5 im Eal, unh has 6onncnilrinohthar 0nf her 6hit§rhrs Eergcs. (firtholltc hic818cth ichcr ausbreitenunh binanfflicgen, 0bcr ficbe l fcine 818ctharcnhcrfrbthnnhcn, in hem Engenblirf, ha er hie («S


bcriibrtbatte. Erbcn ibm bob firbnnr cin Ehgleinmitmeificn 6rbmingrn in hie 8iifte unh fang:

,,Q ithictcthnb fi ith ietelhub! E ir filngcltharbfcnthichcr, bafthie 6onnc hn. Stith ietethnbl“6ebnfiirbtig herfolgte her (i ngel hen 8‘lng hes

Ehglcins; hann hcrfnrbte er 0nf her (Sthe 3n gebcn,thie hie EDienfrbcn. Ebcr arbl hasthar ungcthobntcErbrit; frbther ging’s unh unfa


glirb mnbfam, fiol

hernh unh ftranrbclnh. Ecr Ergen hurrbna’

fite fcin@cmanh, unh hie Eornen 3crriffen cs. (fir glittnnaufbiirlirb 0nf hcn frbliihfrigcn 6trinca aus, unh

fcinr giifge blntcten.

Effiethather (sngel frob, als er hie erftrn Ellienfrbcntraf. Ebrr fcin grobgcfiiblthanheltc firb balhin Ei itlcih unh frbthrrcs 6rbnlhbcthuf3tfein. Eiobin

1 . gel) nnr : nur withthe imperative is persuas ive . 1 2 . bafthn : see 60nnc.

E rr E e be l fur fter lam, fticfi er 0nf 3 0mmer unh (i lenh. llbrrall

Eicbflagcn. Ecnn ha nun hie 6onnc fortthat,trieb 18 her Erbelfiirftarg anf feinen Eergcn.

l lefi hen Ergen nieherftromcn obnr (i nhc unh ftrcntc5 $ agclfornrr unhtharf6rbl0ffen, fo grofgth ic$ iibnrrcier. emu feinen 6rbth ingen heitfrbte er hie®ebirgstha'ffcrlein, hafi fie borb anffhritgten unh iibrrfrba


ten nnh firb lh ilh berabftnr3ten ins Eal.llnh 3u all hem 3‘

0mmer, her 311 ibm beranfhrang, larb ie cr nnr, hafi esth ic fernes Eonnrrrollen in hie (i benetontc, unb feineth ilhen Eugenfrboffcn Elise.S‘rbtthar er $ertlErb! 0bcr has Qanh fenf3tc, haf; hie 6onnc

fcblte. rcgneteth ig l“E ic($50filh irte fthbnten, unh hie Stanflentr flagten ; her ftlcinbancr murrte, unh her Qanhth irt

flurbte !3 a hen Eergen fab es am frblimmftrn ans.

Eottmeifc ftanhen rings hie Ehrflcr unh ibr Eliotfrbrci brang 3um $ immel.

Cmein $en iftbin ! cs faultauf her Eiiefc!“E er $ agel iftin mein Eorn gefallen, has ftcbt

nirbtth ichcr auf l“

1 . 3ammer anh (i lenh : see note 1. 10 . p . 2 6. 14 . haB= th ei l.

46 E rr E ebe l fii r ftillicinc 6aaten bat’s mir hcrfrbthcmmt; has

E iffeltenthcggrfhiiltmitfamthen Si artoffcln"(i s gibticinEhftbener ! rs gibtcin Emifith arbs l

cs gibtcin Ecnernng,,Ei ir finh hon allrn (i ncn hcrlaffen l


alle flagenh.

,,Eicnn ($0gcl curb hcrlaffen, ift$ ilfe norb brimEicibcl“ fhrarb craftein alter Elana . ,,6cbtibrhas Emlihrbcn hart! 6cbt,th ic fie 3ntrhften unh

0nf3nrirbtenthcifi !th icfie EIlini cinfhrirbt, hic fi lasgen milbert. Eiic ibrc Eugen leurbtcn ! 6 ir

th iritth ir Birbt.“,,llm ibrer Eugen thillcn lirb irb hie blonhc

E irnc rief lautcin junger {fantunh hrr’

ingtefirb mitfiarfrn 6rbnltrrn hurrbhie Eicnge. 6cin

lantes Eiarthrang an has Ehr hes blanhen Ei iighleins

,anh cine fiifgc Ehte breitete firb iiber ibr

(Slefirbt. ($in Eliel flag 3n ,

hrm S‘iingling bin, hall

tharmcn ©liirlc8, hall feligcr 6rbrlmcrri. E ann

frbrittfirthcitcr hon Ei rnfrbeniniinel 3n Eicnfrben

inaurl. $ ir unh ha unh hartlrnrbteten hie rhtlirbblanhen 3hhfr, hie brauncn 60nncnangen larbten,

1 . mir : whatdative ? 3. ein Ei ifimachs (provincial) cinen

‘mifstharbs. 4. cin i cncrnng (provincia l) cine i mcrung. 13 .

lirb : colloquial for lithe.

E r r Eli ebe l fnr ftnnh her llcinc rote Elanh fhrarb frcnnhlirbe Eiortrher 8irbe nnh hes Entcils.

Ees (i ngels Eugc folgte febnfnrbtsholl hem blonhen imaghlein. ,,Eienn fingcl curb herlaffcn, ift

s $ ilfe norb brim Eieibc i lang es in ibm.

fagtc jestein altes EDinttrrrben, nabmfeinen Erm nnh fabric ibn in ibrc$ iittc, hie 6ticsgen binanf 3um Si aurbfang. ,,6 ieb! ha iftherElia in meine $nttr gefabren, hurrbgefabrcn ifterhon oben bis unten. 6 ieb hie Shrber, hie er gr

marbtbat, fanftgrafge unh flcinc. Ea iftcr cut[009 gefabren um ifmfier; unh 3um {frufter binansin hen Qubfiall, unh hie a bater mir crfrblagrn,hie cin3ige !

Err ($0gcl fianh unh fab,th ic fie hie Stub mit6cilen 0nf langcn Ercttern narb hem imagenfrbleiften. E ir {gran theinte bittere Erancn in

ibrc6ebut3e, unh hie 8cnte ftanhrn harum in hemftrhmenhen Eegen.

Eiele 0bcr frbnttcltcn hic Q ahfe anh fagtenEienn has fa fortregnct, hann babcnth ir balhth ichcr has ,(fhrofgc linh Elles rirf:

frbic nns hor hem ,Erafgcn

13. mir : see note 1. 1, p . 1 5 . 2 0 . hietfe :the more usua l

form would be hen R OM. 2 2 . Elleé : see note 1. 16, p . 2 5 .

48 E r r E ebe l f i'tr ft

Eher es batte nirbtauf 311 regncn. Eon her

6tahtth eiter obentam hie litmhc: ,,Ecr 8 luf3

fteigt! cr iftnferhall littb hon Smunh 3u Elanhgetragen, ging hie 6rbrerlcnsb0tfrbafttheitcr: ,,l1fcr=

s hall ! ansra’

nmrn !“

{fur hiele fam fie frbon 3n fhai . . Eas ,Erofge

E30ffer‘th ii l3te firb henEerg berab, Eriiclcntheg

reifirnh, Eiinmccntthnr3elnh, Eirbrr brerbenh.

tharf firb anf has $ans hes trieben ©0ftth irt8,30rnig iiber hen Eitherftanh, bis has $ans mitfeinemtreb ien (Sl iebel iahfiibcr in has EBaffer bing.

E ann nbcr hen 8abrth egth eg, cin brciter 6tr0m,

theiter,theiter, nnanfbaltfam; unh 0nf ibntEriimmrr, Eulien, Eanncn, Eiiumc. Ea frbth ammrntote 3 iegen, ha hrcbtc firb inth ilhcr mmfreifelnhcin 6rbmeinrfiall mit6cbtheinrn, hic norb lcbtcnunh grcnlirb quicften. llnhtheiter ging’s mittafenher Eemalt, henn oben in hen Ecrgen ftanh herEcbelfiirftunh heitfrbte, hcitfrbtchiemuten in rai l

her 8nft.Eobenh ging es auf hie arme $nttr 3n, hie

fanft, barb oben, rubig ilhetfriehlirb fliefgenhem(«Beth affcr ftanh. llnh immer frbthall her 8°lufi nnh

flieg unh 3etti e. E ir erfte Eentethathas l leine5 . ansraumen :the infinitive forthe imperative .

5 0 E r r E cbcl fll rfi

,,Ermer Sinabcl fage mir hein 8cih

unh in ibm fhrarb csth ichcr: EBrnn Qngcl curbherlaffen, ift$ ilfe norb brim EBcibc! ,,S

Cb binher 6anncnengcl,

“ brarb er aus, ,,eincr hon hen

s 3thhlfcn, hie Eog nnh marbtrribum hie 6 0nnc

biitcn am $ immel. Eorb irb frblicf. Eerthci l batfie her Sliebclfiirfi mir geraubt. 921m berrfrbtanf(Erhcn (i lenh; i111 $ immel iftcs faltnnh finfter ;unb hie Eriihrrcngcl fcben mirb mitharthurfshollcnEliden an.

,,Enrb im $ immcl Eranrr um hie 60nnc

rief has Ei iighlein. Ei iifit’ irb nnr, tho fir ift,irb baltc fic frbonth ichcr.“

,,Eer Ellebclfiirftfibtoben auf hem Ecrg; her

butfir. Earl) irb fann nirbthinauf, henn irb babefeinc filiigel mcbr unh meine 8 iifir blntcn !“

,,Ermcr ($11n ! En hifi has ©rbcn nirbtgethabut. 9 0mm, frb’ bicb nnh fiiblr heinrthnnhcn

iftific. 3d) bale hir hie 60nnc hon hrm Ecrg

beruntcr.“Err (Engel feste firb getrofietauf hen 6tein am

Eicge. E08 Eiiighlcin fiirg hrn Ecrg binan.

5 . amalfcn is usually notinflected , unlessto indicatethe case ;here colloquial. 7.tnir : see note 1. 10 , p . 37. 1 2 . QBliBt’ id)nnr : whythe inverted order 13. bolte : preteritsubjunctive ,th llrhcbalen.

E rr Sli ebcl fll r ft 5 1

fommthenn ha beranf in allcmEiettcrfagir her Eltrbclfnrftunh bob neugierig fha


bcnh hen

fi ahf. Eabei, gan3 nntoillfiirlirb, bob cr aneb ein

gan3 fleinthcnig feine 6rbmingen. ©lcirbth irbher5 Sliebrl unh 30g bhbcr. $nrtig fiieg ha has Eia'ghlcin narb. 6tanurah ab her Q iibnbeit3ag her llnbalh feinc 6rljth ingen immer b


aber, immer bhbcr

30gen ha hieEialten; immer bhber frbritthas Eitlghslcin. {raftftanh cs oben.

Err Erbelfiirftthatfiarr hor fiberrafrbung unh

lief; hie Erme finfcn; ha bhrte aneb her Ergcn 0nfunh cs riffen hie Sliebel um hen bhrbften (Sihfcl.Ea faf; her Sliebelfurft0nf feiner 6teinbnrg.

Err Slicbelmantel herltc feinc(Sl lieher unh biillte hie(«heftaltin granfcs Ennfcl. 6ein grants $anhtunh Eartbaar bing ibtftthirr ums Entlih, unh

finftcr bufrbige Eranrn fielen iiber eifigtaltc, graucEugen.

Eiic er has Smaghlrin har firb ftcben fab, frblager langfam hie gcthaltigcn6rbmingen iiber hieErnfi3nfammen nnh feincEugen bingrnthie gebanntanibrcm Entlib. (Er batte norb nie rin Eienfrbcnlinh

1 . E308 Eicttrr : see wetter ; henn may be translated by‘



‘I wonder


, or om itted entire ly . 3. ein thcnig : see

thcnig. 6. 6tauncnh Rubnbcit: see Rnbnbcit.

5 2 E r r‘Ji cbe l fii r ft

fa nabgrieben unhthnfgtcnirbts ha11 galhcnem $ aarnnh blanten Eugen.

6rbiin bifthu !“ fhrarb er, ,,nnh heine Eugen

lrutbtenth ie hie 6onnc!“

,,SIBasthcifithn hon her 60nnc, {finftrer ricfhas Eia


ghlein nerl ifrb. ,,Eu baftfie horb hein 8ehtag nirbtgefrbant.“illicinfthn (itlarbte, haf; es in hen Eergcnth ichcrballtr.

,,8‘rcilirb mein’ irb


Eiasth ii r’ henn has ? “ ricf cr geargertunh boltchas 6anncnfleinah ans her Ernftbethor. ,,E a ,

frban ! a n’ irb hie 6onnc nun ? $ah

’ irb fie


,,Eu baftfrbon rerbt, has ifthie 60nnc; aber

thie iftfie blinh getharhcn unter heincn Sli ebcln ;

man fenntfie fanm an ibrcmmatten, falben6rbein.

©ih fie berans

(Sinth ilhes Qarbenthathie gan3c Entthart.fie berau8 ! Sammer unh (i lenh berrfrbt

anf (Erhcn, unh her $ immeltrauert. Eib fie,tebbitte hirb unh has Sma'ghlcin faltete befrbth hrcnh feine $ 0 11hc.

6. hein ctag : id iomatic for heincn Brbtag. 1 1 . thar’ :thepreteritsub junctive is often used in exclamatory questions .

E r r E ebcl fnr ft 5 3

,,Eimmermcbr ! 6ir iftunh bleibtmein 6hicl3cng

,,E ir 6onnc iftfur hirb ein 6hicl3eng‘

? — nn8

Eicnfrben iftfie allcs E 08 SDiaghlein frbautcibn fo5 3iirnenh an, hafi er hor ibrcmElicl hen feinen fcnftc.

,,Eicnhe heine Eugen ab fhrarb er gequa'

lt.Ea larbte fir: "0110 her 60nnc fhielfthn unh

furrbteftmeine Engen(Sr blirltc in hie Eugen, hie fa herfnbrcrifrb

blibtrn. (itfrbautc, frbautc unh fabfirb immertiefer in hen ©lan3 binein.

h r i nc Eugen ga'

b’ irb hic 6anne l“tam e8 lancrnh hon feinen Bi'


,,SllieincEugen, meine Eugen frbrie cntfebthasEit'ighlein. Enrrb ibrc6eele i lang cs: ,,llm ibrer

Eugenth illcn lirb’ irb fie.“"3 0 fagle er unh ftrerlte frine $0nh begirs

rig ans.

3thth ill hir meine galhcncn $aarc gebcn,“fhracb fie frbmeirbclnh.

,,E ir Eugen, heinc Eugen !“

6ir flcbte : ,,S‘rbth ill hir meine ratrn fiihhen


3. ttn3 : dative . 1 2 gfih’: preteritsubjunctive in exclamation. 13.tam Bihhcn : see lancrn.

5 4 E r r ill ebe l fii r ftwill hir S abre meines lichens gebcn.

,,Eirbts will irb, als hie beihen blanfen E ingcr

Erb frbrie has Eia'

ghlcin jammcrnh auf, ,,mcin

©lnrt, mein Elfid !“ 6ir fafgtc an ibr $er3 unh

s hriicfte feftmitbeihen $anhcn harauf, als ob fienun ibr («Bliirl fittimmer ha begriibc; unh norbeinmal leife, th ie man einem lieben Eaten nurb s

ruft, flagtr fie: ,,mcin mein ©liletE ann

fhrarb fie mitmatter 6timme 3n hem Eebelfiirften:nimm fie bin unh gib hie 60nnc flir hie

(StheEa griff er gtertg narb hem 3arten, thcifgen

Entlib unb fiarb ibr unbarmber3ig bcihe golhncnEugen ans. (itgab ibr hrauf hie 60nnc in hie

$anh, hic fie jestnnr norb fiibltr unh nichtmcbrfab, unh larbre mitgranfer grruhc auf:

guter fl anfrb! 3mei blanfe Singeln fur hie blinhc6onnc

Ebcr fiebc! Elan unh glan3l08 lagcn hietotcnEngenballe in feiner $ 0nh. 23308 ifthas ? “frbrie c8 mitfa furrbterlirbcr 6timme, haf; csth ie Eanncr hurrb hie Errge rolltr. ,,Eia ifther©lan3

? tho ifthas Erner ? “Eafrbtahpte firb has Sfliaghlcin an hen Eanh

6. begrilbr : subjunctive of a contraryto factcond ition.

E rr Ecbcl fnr fthes Eergcs unh frblcuhcrtc intheitcm Eagen has

6 onncntlein0h in hie Eiefe. fiel unh fiel unh

fanthcnt60nncncngcl geruhe in hen 6rbafi.

,,Ertragen tobte her Ecbclfurft. ,,Ertragen,s nberliftet.“

fir fnbr in thilhcm Erimmc 0nf, frblag mithen 6cbmingcn, branftethcttcrnh hurrb hie Errge,unh grelle Elise brarbcn 0nf has $aunthes Ellia'ghleins nicher.

6rb0n birlter fie mitgrimmemEriff gcfafit,ha frbof3 hfcilfrbncll rin lirbtcrfii lltcr (i ngcl ans hemEatcmhar. (Sir frbthang hie 60nnc barb in feinerEcrbtcn, haf; ibrc 6tr0blrntoritanfblistcn, unh

her llnbalh ga'

n3lirb gcblenhet3nriirfth irb unh firbfrbcu in frine Enrg hrrfrarb.Eorb aus hem

Eale janrb3tc rs nnh jubelte,,E ir 60nnc frbcint! cs frbeinthie galbur 60nnc

thichcr !“fi rstfrblng her (Singcl feinen 6trablenfittirb um

so has Ellia'

ghlcin unh flag 3um$ immcl : Eriiher

engcl all ! bier ifthic 60nnc unb hics has


ghlein, has fie mir gebali bat.“E ir (5211c griifitcn fie: ,,Eu bafthcn $ immel

hir herhient! bleibe fartan bci nns3. hem : dative of interestforthe English possessive.

56 E rr Eche l fii r ftErb!

fhrarb has Eiaghlein. ,,Qafgtmirb nnr

th ichcr binab anf hie (Sirhe. 6cbt! hartleihen fahiele Eicnfrbcn. S‘

n ©1003 unh Eianne herga'

fge irbibrer. llnh irbth i ll nirbthcrgcffen. Eurthcr Seih

s fennt, fruntilli itleih. Sci) miirbtc nnr immertrhftcn unh liebcn, linhcrn unh belfen.

Ea breitete her 6annencngclth ichcr hie 6thwingen, fanitief unhtiefer anh festc has illi iighlcinfanft3arte. @rtiifitc hietoten Eugen, hasfrbimmcrnhc (Si alhbaar. 60 lcbc unh lcnrbtc henillicnfrbcn, ein 6tern her Qiche; im Eahcaber boleirb hirb.

E08 Eiaghlcintam 0m 6tabc brim in ibrc

$ei1nat. 6ir fannte has Engefirbthes Eebftennirbtmcbr feben; aber fic bhrtc frine 6rbritte anhbartc frine licbe 6timme.llnh frine licbe 6timme fhrarb: ,,Einc Elinhc

nehme irb nirbt3nr Eran.

Ea ging has blonhc imaghlcin cinfam in ibr

$ans, cinthcbcs Qfirbcln 0nf hen roten Qihhcn.

6ir blieb nirbteinfam. gar hen (i inen, her

nirbttam, famcn hiele anbre. Eier Eliotunh Eriibfal litt, brarbtc feinen Q ammer unb feincEriibfal

311 her Elir her Elinhen.

3. hergafsc thnrhc hergeffcn.

E rr 6 a nhmann

D er S anomana

thateinmal eia Elana , her frbob cinen elcna

hen Si arrea hurrb hie 6tahtunh frbrie,,6a— anh ! 6aah Erb, meinetote Eran !

arb, meine feebs hungrigen fi inher ! fi anft6 anh

s auf henten 3a fircnea . 6aah ! 60— 0nh !“

(itricf es mitthabrer Sammcrmicae; batte cinen3erfehtcn Startan; ans hen $afen fabea hie fl a ir

heraus unh ans hen 6ticfcla hie blofirn gebcn,

henn 6triimhfe batte er frine.

llahthcaa er rief z. ,,6aah ! 6a— anh ! arb,meinetote 8ran !“ hann frblurfftc er habei , als

ba'tte er


inen in her 6timme. llnh rief er :

,,60ah, feinenth eif3cn ! feinenthcifgcn ! Erb, meinefcrbs hungrigen fi inhcr !

“ ha frbautc ibutfelber her$uager ans hen boblen Eugen beraus.

fauftc ibutabrr niemanh 6aah ab, er marbtcrufen, fa hiel crth allic.Eeanarbthalltc er hurrbans nirbteinfebea , hafg

es austh atmither gnten altcn 3eit; mith e r1 1 . arebiitte er for 013 ab er biitte;the omission of ab causes

the inverted order. 1 2 . unh rief er : whythis word order ? 16. er

marbtc thalltc: see rufen.

E rr 6 anhmann

gntcn alten Britar'imlirb, ha norb alle 6tubenmitfrblabthcificn $0l3hiclen belegttharcn unh man6 anh braurbte.Enf ci ne nngcfirirbenc6tnbc iamcn bent3ntagc

s minhcficns feebs 6anhméinaer, unh hath ar cs horbnirbt3u herthnaher n, hafi er 3n $anfe cinetote{gran unh fcrbs bungrigc Q inhcr batte.Eas fugira hir 8cute ibm aneb alleEagc. Ellein,

10 08 gab er 3ar Entthort,,6anhmann bab irbgclcrnt; nnh 6anhmannth ill irb aurb bleiben.

Eatanatc er nun frcilirb in hen befrbthhrenhftcn‘

Ehncn bettcln: ,,6rb'

anr illiahamr, ianfcn 6icmirein bifgrbcn 6anh ah !“ ohcr : ,,S

‘nngcs firfiulcin,

feinentheifien ! feinenthcifgcnEr fagtc frbon immer : ,,6cbiine Eiahamr !

thcnn’s aurb nnr cine alte S‘ungfcrthat, unh jche

SIBitthe nanntc er fiet8: ,,Suages 8ra'

ulein,“ hamit

fir ibm nnr gnnfiig gcfiantthcrhen falltc, abrr es

balf allcs nirbts.z o E ir alte Snagfcr glaubte, erth alle fie foppen,unh hie Eiitthc harbte, ertnc cs ibr 3um Eortan,thcil fietron ibrer fiinf3ig S‘abrc norb frifrb, frei4 . Enf 6anh

‘mlinntr : seetommcn. 1 5 . frbon gives emphasisto immer. Itis bestomitted intranslation. 2 0 . erthalle fie forhaBer fie molle : when in a dependentclause hafi is omitted,the normal order preva ils.

60 E r r 6 anhmann

unh frablirb 0nf 8triers 811f3e11 ging. 6 ic frbln

gen ibm cinfarb hie Eur har her Sliafc 3u.

E0 ftanh haaa her S‘ammcrmana ! Emit

immertriibfeligercr Etiene frbob cr feinen Q arrcns hurrb hie 6trafien unh frbric, his ibm hie 6timmeherjagte6 11— anh ! 6anh ! 6anh 0nf hentea

3a ftrcuen ! Erb, meinetote Eran ! arb! meine feebsbungrigen Stinher ! Stanft6anh! 6a— 0nh

Eiena her Ebenhtam, batte er hen Starrenimmer norb hall unh hie Eafrben immer norb leer.Er mnfgte frblicfglirb frinetote gran obnr cinen

Erabftein begraben, nah 3n hen Stinherathagtc er

firb nirbtmebr narb $anfe,thcil er lcin Erotflirfir batte.thnnhertmirb gar nirbt, hafi rs hir frblerbt

gebt,“ fagte hie 8cc Einnhcrlirb cines Stages 3a

ibm, als fie ibnth ichcr 3agrah an her 6tra§enerfeftcben fab, hie 3a feiner elcnhea Eiabnnng fiibrtc.,,Eu bringftann mal nirbthen {fartfrbritthergritin Enrcrbnnng. llnh mither gritmuf; mitgebcn,th as nirbtunter hie 8iifgetommenth ill.“E rr 6anhmann, her firb cbcn mitfeinem 3rr

19 . ftcbcn :translate bythe presentpa rticip le . 2 0 . (ein)mal

is used as an emphatic pa rticle . like had) , nnr .

E r r 6 a nhmann

r iffcnen Eortarmel hie ‘

Erancn aus hen Eugen

th ifrbtc, fab fie gan3 erftannt011.6 ir batte 0bcr aurb ein erftaunlirbes (Sj efirbt, fa

cins, in hem firb Eugen unh illiuuh ftetsth iher5 fhrarben. Eiaurbmal larbten hieEugen g0u3 freunhlirb unh her Ellinnh febrte firb nirbtim geriugfteuharan, fanhcrn fagir barte Eiortc. (Qin anhcrmal

thichcr fhrarb her Ellinnh ga1t3 frcnnhlirb, abrr hie

Eugen blibtcath ie in herbaltenem Sara oher blirttea frbarf unh ftreng, alsth allteu fie cinen bis 0nfhen Ernnh her 6cele hurrbbabrcu.

QBic fie jestmithem 6anhmann rehcte, fabrnhie Eugen gutans ; fa gut, haf; ibuthas $ er3iibcrlief unh cr ibr allcs flagtc, bis auf hen Erabfieia fur frinetote gran unh hie bungrigen Q inhcr.

,,Eu mnfgtes miteinem anbeten (i nh erb her

farben,“rietfie giitig.

"Ere,“ fagir er, ,,6anhmann babtebgelcrat, unh6anhmannth ill irb aurb bleiben. 3u einem neuen

$anhth erf bin irb 3u alt.“E ir Ere Eiunherlirb iirgcrte firb nirbtfrblerbt

nbcr hen Gigenfinu. fange horb thcnigftens3. fa rins : see cin. 10 . alsthallten fie : whythe inverted

order ? See note 1. 1 1 , p . 5 8 . 14 . his often precedes and strengthens adverbs and prepositions. 2 1 . E ir Ere frblecht: see lirgern.

62 E r r 6 anhmann

hie 6arbe nirbtfa er3humm an,“

fagre fic frbarf.

E308 frbreifi hn henn immer : Erb, meinetotegran ! Erb, meinr ferbs hungrigen Q inhcr !

Elanbfthn, hafi has hen 8cntea angeacbm feins

Ei ir ifi es aurb nirbtangenehm,“

fagi r her

6anhmann, unh hie bellcn Ira'

nen liefen ibm frbonth ichcr ither hie eingefallcneu Enrica .

E icgee flahftc ibm ermnnternh auf hie 6rbnlter: ,,S‘rbthcifi ia, irbtheifi ia ! Ebcr hn mnfit

heincn Sinmmer fiir hirb bebalten. tote gran,hungrige Sitahcr, has ifi ia allcs gan3 frbhn,abrr man fmirbthorb nirbthariibcr !“Ecr 6anhmann bifi hie Qihhen 3nfammca : ,,Eu

bafi cine eigcne Ert, hciac Ecilaabme 3a 3rigra ,“fhrarb er finficr.

,,Easth ill irb meinen ! Eafilr bin irb hie

{feeEinnhcrlirb! EBeirblahhen iann irbnirbtlcihcn.

llnh iibcrbauht,taas gcbftha in fa frbiibigca Si leihcrn habcr

? ha ntiiffcn hie lieute horb frblcrbthan hir hcafen.

,,E3enn irb fein Eelh babe, um mir acne 3n

fanfen Sci) fagchir horb, hie Stiaher hcrbnagrrn.

2 . E308 tharum. 7. ibm: whatdative ? 1 7. E03 wi ll it!)meiaea : see meinen.

SD er 6 anhmann 63

,,llntfa fcblitntner fur hid) ! (Einen Staci mnfibahen, mcr ctmaB geiten will. (Eine fagc id; hir

Eat} hir niemaIB in heincn $ entel ichen. QBifi'


hie Rente erft, hafi hn artn bift, ha bahen fi e feinens Sicfpeftmebr hor hir i mun greinter fcbonmicher ! ©tifi had) ! 36) will hir ia belfcn ! ibicr,“fi e grifi unter ihren Iangen, hrannen éDiant, ,,ha

bafthn cine anfta'nhige Sbofe unh einen Staci , herhit!) empfiehlt. Sufi nnr has $anhfiificn !Sli i inntlicbcr $ ernnnftan. Scatgebfthn mirnichtmebr hard; hie ©trafgen nnh rufft: 6anhanf hcn fi ohen an ftrcncn ! SDatnitIodfthnheutigen Iagee feinen 53mmmebr hinter hem D fenharbor. QBiIIfthn hnrchaué hei heinctn ©anhfarrenhIeihen, ih rnfcmenigfta : 6anh in hie QIngen

3a ftrencn, 6anh, 6anh! ®as will hente icher.S'

Dann fannfthn nod) cin @cfd)a'ftmacbcn.— §Rnn,

hifi hu hereitiiber 6anhmann fat) Iiiftern hie gntc hi efe an.

s o,,3n aIIcnt,“ fagte er, ,,mcnn id) nnr 6anhmann

x. 11m in: see um. (Einen 9t mer the substantiveclause followsthe predicate clause for emphasis. 3. Sufi hir

a nte! feben : see fl atten— him ethica l dative . 6. 6tiu bod;fci bod) ftiu: bod) here expresses impatience . 1 0 . Seat. 6tra§en

gebcn. mir : whatdative ? 1 2 . fl amit[editberborsee herhorloden.

64 Q er 6 anhmann

fein fann.


ngte mic Sbofinung ans hencfi ra

ncntropfen in feinen Qlugen.

"ibm i biegee flBunhcrIid; madyte cin eigentumIicbeé ($efidytunh febante ibn fa ionherhar hon her

5 G eitcan. "53m ! fil inn gut! id; febc, hn wirftherniinftig, hu Iernftmither Seitntitgchen. llnh

hann bhre, hu rafftmir nichtIiinger: theifgcn,feinen meifgen fonhern hn rnfit: ,,ERoten 6anh,

blauen 6anh, faufthuntcn®anh,tanft, fauft"(Er iftahcr had) nirbthunt. “,,9iarr ! EaG meifi id) in gutmichu. QIher hn

mnfgthad) hamitanfangen, hen 8cnten 6anh inhie QIugen an ftrcnen. SDae empfiehlthas ©efcba'ft.QicrftebfthuSDer 6anhmann ftanh nacbhenflid) : ,,Sd) mcifg

mirflid) nicht, has {dyeinttnir niebtgrab. Emcine(Slrofimntter batimmer gefagt: ,,Q antab, ebrIid;wahrtam Ia


ngftcn !“n3 a, menn hu hci heiner hnnnmen (i brlidfieit

hleiben mi llft, ha iftnichté 311 macben. 2 3a inufgthn chen obne (Srahftcin fiir heinetote Eran bleiahen unh ntitfamtheincn Q inhcrn herbungern.

6. IernftIernen is followed by an infinitive withoutan. 7. mi rethica l dative ; nottranslatable . I7. ebrlid) Ifingftm : see cbtslid) 2 0 . ha i ii madmt: see madmt.

fiber 6 a nhmann

,,6anh, ©a —anh ! 6anh in hie Qlugen gu ftrcuen,i’Iugcn an ftreuen, ©anh, 6a— anh.“ (Er mufgtcgenau, hafi, menu cr hlofi erftum hie (Sclc fei,man ihm nachlaufen murhe unh fagcn: SEft!

5 6ic ha ! meine gm’

ihigc(griffin la'

fitS‘huen fagen,6ic follten in hcn Sbof an hie $ intertiir fommcn.

D her ,,mcin hi m , her groficfi aufmann am SBlah,tutS‘huen an mificn, er mare hcutahcnh, mcnnes hunfelt, 3u $aufc.“

gutantwortete her ©anhmann unauffa


lIig, ohne ftchumguhrehen. SDae hatte er gcmerft,ie weniger er mither feinen fiunhfchaftprahlte,beffo grhfier murhe fi e.

(sir nichtauch 6anh fiir mich flufterteehenfo allemal hie safe oberthin, ober mer ee

fonftmar. ,,SDie 8rau ha'

ltSIBunher was hon her

Sine. illian ifthoch auch noch cin Wienfch. {mitein hifichen g

a’Bunherianh lief

’ ichher Sine hcn Slangah, ohncmich gu platten mic fie.“llnh hie fleincn fi uaben famen gelaufen: ,,Sj ier

6. 6ir folltm : whythe normal order ? See note 1. 2 0 , p . 5 9.

8 .tutmifien : see mifien.

— er mare : like 6ic follten in l . 6.

16. SDieman Qine : see halten. 17. mimic!) see

Wienfih. 18. Iief’

liefe : preter itsubjunctive . ao . famen ge

laufen : lommen is construed withthe perfectparticiple , insteadofthe presentas in English .

68 fiber 6 anhmann

iftmein QBochcnfcchfer. $ 0 ein fchmcree (erergitiumhahen mir auf ha fol! mir hicElfiuttcr helfen.ter her ibm Schrer harf

’e nichtmerfcn, ichtoi l!

ihm 6anh in hie QIugen ftreuen.

tre hu l“ fagte her 6anhmann. "311 haeauch rechtQ ae gefii lltmir hoch gar nicht.i’Ihcr hie flcinen EBuhcn machtcn fah [achenh mithem 6anh aue hem @tanhe.QIltunh jung, rcich unh arm, hochohcr nichrig,

alIce hriingtc fuh um ihn.

Q ic jungen {frauen fchniirtcn fich unh fprachenune hon heinem 6anhe. QBir mollcn ih aue

fehcn, ale oh mir cine hiinncfl aille hiittcn.

“ llnh

hie alten {fraucn fprachen: ,,QBir mollen jung aues

fehen, gib une hon heinem 6anhc.“

mic herichiimtc QIrmutmolltc 6anh, um ihr(i lenh nor hen QIugen her SlBeItan hcrhcrgen, unh

hie hcrhrccherifche, um ither ©chulhen unh nahcn$ anfrotthinmcgguth’ufchcn.

SDie §Beamten famen, ham ftmpcln EBureaufchrciher hie gum (Sherichterat, hom6chullchrcr hie 3nm©uperintenhent, Dom flcinften ®efanhtfehafteattachéhie gum M inifter, unh alle mollten fte hon hcm

6anh haben. ,,QBir mhchten gern bargefchohen met:7. machten 6tauhe : see 6tauh.

ih r 6 anhma nn

hen. QBcnn mir hen Shorgefegtcn 6anh in hie

QIugcn ftreucn, ha metlen fie nicht, hafi mir hohIfinh. flBae foftcthae wiafiS‘ch hin nur ein einfacher Mann,

fprach her5 6 anhmann 3u fich. ether hae mil! mir hochnichtgefallen.

“ (Sie hlieh ihm aherthcnig 3citgumMachhenfen, henn ce famen {thanth ichcr anhere, hie6anhhcrlangtcn. Emanche hon ihnen herheimlichten, roogufie ihn brauchten, unb haetharcn hic fchlimmften.

SDie mciften aher nahmen hen 6anhmann ohnemeiterce ine Shertrauen, mic3. 98 . her hlonhcSeutnant,her hie iihcr hie S hren in @chulhcn ftecftc: ,,S


will hie hii fgliche, rciche @rhin heiraten. ©treu’ ichihr 6anh in hic i’lugcn, ih glauhtfi e, hafg ich ftcIiche, haha

met6anhmann hermachte nichtin hae Quchenmiteinguftimmcn. (itfprach nur finftcr : ,,ilfli ir

fchcint, hie slBeltmill hctrogen fein. SDann nur

3u llnh ertief: ,,6anh in hicQIugcn gu ftrcuen,6anh, @a —anh

(fir price hem fi remer hlauen 6anh an unh hem

{fleifcher roten. fi unten licfi cr hen © olhatcn unh

17. mir fChei llt: ftheintis used impersonally . W hen theobjectprecedes the verb the impersona l subjectis usually

omitted .

fiber 6 anhmann

golhncn hen jungen ©clehrtcn unh gruncn allcn nu

geratenen g hhncn.

fb a fonntc hcr Simmer fa fchlechtc QBare micnnr moglich herfaufen, man merfte ee immer erft

s hinterher. i hr {S‘Icifcher hceglcichen. E ic@olhatengalten fiir hienfteifrig, menn fie nur augenhicnerten.

Schee QBort, hae aue her hummftcn ©elehrtenfehcrflofg, galtfiir cite! ©olh, unb hie ungeratenen © hhnehcfamen hon ihrenthrichtcn (Eltcrn alle leichtftnnigcnSi echnungen hcgahlt.(Semar cine mahrcQuit, micee in her QBcltgus

ging,thie her gauherfanh herumtangtcunbmirhcltcunh feintollce QBefcntrich.8‘iir hen 6anhmann famen naturlich nun fette

Iage. (Sr fonnte herrlich unh in {frcuhen lchcn .

fb er ©rahftcin fiir {cinetote gran mar hcl'tcllt,glh


ngcnhmcif; mitgalhcnen SBuchftahcn. Q ie Q inhcr

liefentoohlgeflcihctmit‘Bauehacfen umher. (i s gah

nichte mehr 3u flagen.

3a, marum ahcr lief; her 6anhmann mitten inallem (filiicl hen Slopf hiingcn ? QBae hatte er nur,jest, mo allee glattging?4. immer erftan idiomatic use of erft, notti ll ; immer em

phasiz es erft. u . (5 3 mar anging: see angehen. 1 5 . hcrrl id)fireuhen : see herrlid) . 2 1 . fleas hattc er nur : see hahen.

fiber 6 a nhmann 7 :

11m hie QBahrhcitgu fagen, ee ging nichtallceglatt. S‘n feiner 2 3ruft, ha fiihlte er in cin mun=herhar ming, hae picltc unh flopftc, nagte unh

pochte, 3miclte unh amadtc ihn.

s © agtcn hie Q inhcr: ,,fiBater, hu rufftimmer

hunten 6anh, unh er ifthochmcifi,“ ha fchlug haeSD ing heftig. llnh mcnn hie 8cute fich hei ihmhchanftcn,theil her 6anh hie gctniinfchte QBirfunggehahtunh alle an hen @chminhcl geglauhthatten,ha rifi ee fa heftig, hafi ihm gan3 griln unh gclh

nor hen QIugentourbe. Sulcetliefi ihm hae feltsfame 2 3mg in her Qiruftgar feincmuhemehr, mcherhei i ag, noch hei macht. ,,S


ch ertrag’ ee nichtlilnger,

fagte er, ,,ichfierte hen hhfen $anhel auf.“@r ftcllte ftch an hie 6tra§encclc, too cr her

{fee QBunherlich gum crftenmale hegegnctmar, unhpfifi auf hem heinerncn scifchen.

,,ij ihi fagte hie Gee QBunherlich, hie gleichharauf nor ihm ftanh. mir

fchonth ichcr hen©anhfarrcn muhc? i 3a hahen hie guten $ orfa'ecnichtlangc horgchaltcn.

“ sBriifcnh {ah ftc ihn an.

,,fDae iftee nichtl“ ermihcrte hcr 6anhmann

z . munhcrhar : in qua intand poetic stylethe adjective endingis often omitted before neuter nouns in the nominative and

accusative singular. 14. aufftcdcn aufgehen.

7 2 Q er 6 anhmann

entfchlofien. ,,e heiten mollt’ ich mohl gernc, aher

ee muf; auch in (Ehren fein. ,@anh in hie QIugen

3u ftrcucn‘berlani’ ich nichtmehr; ce iftichon gc

nug fiug unh Irug in her QBclt. Sch mill’e nichts hermchrcn. $ icr, nimm heincn g chuhfarren


,,D , hu $anenarr fagte garnig hie gee, ohs

mohl hie Qlugen ihn anfe freunhlichftc anlachten.

,,D , hu hreifacher Eli arr ! a heine Stinher henffthu natiirlich nicht. i bie fallen hcrhungern.

,,5Bcficr, ale haf; fi e lehen hlcihcn unh muffen

fuh ihrce 58 atcre frhamen.

fi icgee fah immer hcrgniigtcr hrcin unh frhaltimmer (irger: ,,QDa gib nur gleich auchhen imantelher. QIha ! henmhchtcfthu hchalten. mein ! ncin !auf hen $anhel geh ich nichtein ; entmcher gangaher gar nicht.”QIch, gute gee ; ich hahe fanftnur hie altcn

elcnhen flappcn.

,,i bae ifthcinc g ache ! QDu hattcftia allce

hchalten fhnnen; flir fl oren, michu, hah ichnichteiihrig.

Qangfam, mitfchmercm, fchmcrem { urgen , gah

13. fi le 888 hrein : see hergnllgt. 2 0 . hiitteft: see note1. 2 , p . 2 3 .


int6anhmann 7 5


{agtc er hcmiitig. ,,fiBicllcichtmcifithu au{

fi rhen cine QInftcllung {iir mich.“"60 ale ®ci{t? hae mirb {cine ©chmierig=

fcithahen. 3nhe{{cn, man mufi ee {uh iihcrlcgcn.

6 ic hat{ich gmei Iagc 2Behcnf3citaue, hcr{prach,an {cin ©rah 3u floh{en, unh {log nun hie gan3c(Sthe ah, um cine c {cha{tigung {iir hen 6anhmann 3u {uchen.

91m i lhcnh hce ameiten ‘

Z agce hhrtc {1c aller=

orten Q inhcr {chreien, hie hurchaue nichtine SBcttgehen molltcn, unh hie (eltcrn hatten ihre liehc

Stathamit.,,QDae i{tnichtgum a hhrcn,

{prach {re cntru{tct; ,,ha niuf; QIhhilfe gc{cha{{tmerhcn. $aha !unh ha mcifi ich hen Si echten hagu.

6ic {log {chnur{tracie guriid unb flopfte an

hae ©rah hcetoten 6anhmanne: ,,gteh au{ unhlemme mit, hu fann{tmicher 6anh in hie QIugcn{treuen.

i 3a hrehtc {uh her 6anhmann noch im (Srahc

ent{chlo{{cn um unh {prachz ,,6anh in hie QIugcn

{treuentuc ich nichtmehr, hah'

ich ha3n meinex.

auf Grhen : an old dative form. 4. man llherlegen : man

withthe active is used wherethe English hasthe passive. 6. hie

gan3c Grhe : accusative of extent. 13. Q ue i{tfi nhhrttt: seea hhren.

76 fiber 6anhmann

{Gran unh meine {cche fi inhcr hcgrahcn? fi le

ehrlicher Mann hin ich gc{torhcn unh mill jchte inehrlicher ©ci{tmerhen.

E ic {fee lachte lu{tig. ,,micemal i{tce nichts {rhlimm.

“ llnh {ic crfla'

rte ihm hie © ache.

,,i bae i{tctmae anheree,“

{agtcher 6anhmann,,,hagu hin ich hercit.“mic {fee Munherlich hanh ihm nun gc{chminh

ein $aar {filigcl an hic©chultcrn, unh hann {logen

{tc heihc iiher hie (i rhc hin.

gleich hae crftc $aue. { mfthu hae

g chreicn ? 9 0mm burch hae

Sn her 6tuhe mar ein flciner Sinahe, her {chricunb {temmtc{uh in hen QIrmen her Mutter. ,,Si


mill nicht{chla{en gehen, Qurtmill erftnoch eins

mal hen Q ai{cr {ehcn.

,,ZDcr Slai{er i{tliing{tan sl3m gegangen.

,,Gin 9 ai{er gehtauch gu QSctt{ragte Q urtunh rifg nor (5 rftauncn hie i’Iugcn meitau{.

,,8rcilich, her mirh gar miih ham Si egicren, unh

hie fi ronc hriicftarg {chmer au{ hie 6tiru.

9 0mm,tomm, geh hu ichtauch'“fiber groficGnt{chlufi fo{tctcflhcrminhung: ,,QBir{

u . gleich Quite : see gleich. 1 5 . gehcn is followed by an

infinitive withoutal l . 2 1 . arg : provincial for {ehr .

Eli ci fi ohol hfhn i g unh {cine (55 e{el l en 77

ihm mal 6anh in hic Qiugen fommanhiertc hieSec, ,,ein paar©anhholl, {o l SDa nunmerhen

hie i lugcn flcin, unh nun reihter {ie fich.“QB m mcnn {elhftcin Slai{er gu 2 3m

5 geht,“ {chluchgtc er, ,,h h hann mirb Shirtand)

Slheitcr lam er nichtmehr, er lag {chon im {e{ten,traumlo{en ©chla{.hu, {0 mach{thu’e !“ lachte hie gee.

,,i Dcr ruhrt{ich nun nichtmehr hie gan3c Sliacht.fl eetfenn{thu hein QImt.“

,,hj urra {chric her 6anhmann. ,,ZDae gc{h'

lltmir. llnh nun hin ich 6anhmann flir immer.

R ei itoholhthn ig unh {ci ne (Beiell en

Si eifloholhfonig {eu{3te: ,,QBie i{thcr © ammer

{o lang! Q ae emigc ©riin unh hie 2 3lumcn.

QBeifg, meif; i{i meine garhe!“

I. mal : colloquial for einmal , here untranslatable. 3. {ichdative ; see note 1. I, p . 1 5 . 9 . {o machfi hu

’B: see machcn.

10 f ill)“ lid) :translate bythe futuretense . hie gan3c‘R arht

why accusative ?

ill e i fl ohol hthn i g unh {ci ne (55 e{el l en 79

llnh fieh! allerorten gucftcn Stopfc herbar aue

hem mcifihercifl, mitlangcn SBiirten unh

hlihenhen Qlugen.

,,Sj altctcuch hcrcit, Siciffoholhc!“ ric{ 9?ci{=

5 foholhfhnig; ,,einc llcinc QBei le nochf u‘

nh hie Beiti{i um.

E a nicftcn hie Sicifloholhe einen Qlugcnhlid {otiefen ©chor{am, ha{3 ihre langen (Siegapfcnhiirteim ©chncc {aftuer{chmanhcn. ©leich harauf aher

hlingeltc ce micher {chlii{rig unter all hcn hcrciftenQIugenhraucn ; hie unb ha hoh {uh noch lang{am

ein e m, cin Show; hann {anf allce micher in

© chlaf.(Ee haucrtc ahcr gar nichtlange, ha pfifi her

Siciffoholhfhnig micher.

E icemal mar ce mic SIBinhcehcu l cn ! Eae

mar hae Beichen.

QIufiuhrcn hic Sicifloholhc hier unh hart, ohcn

unh unten, rechte unh linte. (fie glittam QIhohang hinah, flcttcrtc iihcr hcn gclegrat,tauchte au{aue ©eflii{tunh hier cin fleiner

M ann unh hortein flciner Mann.

14 . fi e haucrtc ha : see hauern. 18 . h uffuhren : au{, a

separable prefix which oughtto follow its verb , precedes herefor emphas is .

80 tll ci ftohol h l on i g unh {ci ne (8c{e l l en

©e{chminh, mic her Elie, {tanhen {i e oar .hem

Sicifloholhlhnig. hcrncigtcn {uhtief unb fragten,,SIBae i{thcin gl icgehr, o $en

6onnc i{tfranf unh liegtmattunh{chmach. fl eettommtun{crc grit. Begi Steif au{hie E iichcr, {pinntSlicif iiher hie Miden

,,iburra hoch, ibm ! QIhcr acrgifgthu hen

flcinen 33am? Eer molltc ia hiee 3 ahr hahei


haltihn {luge aue hem Ectt, aher {puteteuch. flhcr Eli achtmu{g ee {ertig {ein.

Ea holtcn hicSiciflohalhchen flcincn $ane aue

hem SBett,tatcn ihm cinen mei{3en 30ttclpel3 um,

hamitcr {uhnichterfa'lte, hohen ihn au{ hie @chultern unh {artging’e.

mun legte cr, mic fi e, Sicif au{ hie Edcher unhtat(Sic{pinn{tou{ hie QBifien, au{ ichee Elattcineunh au{ ichee ©rr

iechen. QIhcr mic her M orgen

anhrach, lag cr micher in {einem Eett, ale mii r’

nichte gc{chchen.

©chau nur gum 8cn{tcr hinaue !“ {ngie hieMutter; ,,hie Si eiflohalhc {inh uher machthei herQIrheitgemc{cn.

$ane lachtc. ,,ifein, Mutter, nichtmahr ? QIher

2 1 . 3nm fienflcr hinaue one hem fienfler.

hi e i fl oha lh i hn i g unh {ci ne @e{el l en 83

,,cther QIlten hae $anhmcrt. Spentnachtgichtherum unh hriidtau{ hie Ehermometer.Ea gage-n hie Si eifioholhc mit.bane herum in

her Sliachtunb hrudtcn au{ hicthermometer. llnh

5 hae D uccfi’

i lher {anl gleich unter Sliull, unh nun

murhc ce faltim gangen $anh, grimmig falt.© clhftgran 60nnc {ror unh murhe gan3 hlafi int(«55cfichtunb herhiilltc {ich {rhftelnh.

lachtcSi eiffoholhfhnig. ,,iliun hathie QIltcher{hielt. M i r {inh hie $en en.

abane lachtcmit. Gr machte {ich aue her Si liltcnichte. Grtangtc in her Eliachtmithen 9?ci{foholhcnjuhelnh um hen ©dmccmann. llnh hann hallten{icg chnechii llc unh lie{crtcn cine richtige g chlacht.

,,hballa ! ©c{cllen rie{ aher Sicifloholhfhnig.hie QIrhcitunh hann hae flicrgniigcn. (Ea i{t

3cit3nr Spochgeit. sButgt’mal hie (Erhc!“E a legten hie Sliciflaholhc {chncll {froftau{ hae

@chneeflcih herte, hamitce {uhhielt; unh hanna. 30gen {ic auchhen grunen Eanncn cine feine, mcifiemohc mitpriichtigem 3acfemnu{tcr an, hamit{irsb rautjungfern {ein fanntcn, unb hicQauhhiiume he1 . SegtQanhmeri : see Qanhmerl. 5 . mull :the free z ing

pointonthe centigrade scale used in Europe, equivalentto32 degrees F ahrenheit. u . (Er R filie nichté : see mathen.


’mal einmal.

84 Sl e i fl oho l hton i g unh {ci ne (h e{e l l en

tamcn cin fiehcrfleih. unh hann hangten {ic hlinsfenhc (Siegapfcn an alle Eachrinncn unh hcrnaltenhic8en{ter ; unh lie{cn an alle©rottcn unh Q ucllen

unb 8cl{enha'

chlcin, {chnittcn {chnurrige 8‘iguren unb

EBergc unh SBaumgruppcn in (Sie aue unh © duleu

unh Eagen, unh hann riicften {ichie g chnecpolftcrgur ibochgeitanrecht, unh he{treutcn allce ringeum

mit{unfelnhcn ©teruca unh hlihcnhcn E iamantcn.

"60 .Sbcrr ! jesti{tallce hercit!“,,hbc, @c{ellcn ! ihr haht{a hie QBa{chlcincntiers

ge{{en, hie im Eor{c gcgogen {inh. Eae gihthic{chhn{ten ©uirlanhen 3nm 8e{Ea lic{eu hie Sicifloholhc unh legten {au{thicfcn

@chnec au{ hie Makhlcinen unh machten ihn {eftmit{graftunh he{treutcn ihn mitEemanten, unh

nun marcn ha iiherall hurch hie 8u{tmeific ©nirslanhen gcgogen, unb ce mar allce gum 8c{thereit.Eer ©chnecmann murhc jestunter S‘

uhcl unh

Sauchgcn herhcigcholt, unh er machte mither GErhc.Sj ochgeit. Eae sBoar inicie oar hem Sici{foholh

ihnig hin, unb her gah ihnen {cinen g egen. E ic

Siciffoholhc{prangen mictoll um heihe herum, unh

ric{cn: ,,hburra hachShier ahcr am lautcftcn {chrie unh am hochftcn

n . hie gcaogen {inh : see aichen.

ill e i ff ohol h i hni g unh {ci ne ©cfcl lcn 85

{prang, hae mar {Jane (itmolltc{ichgar nichtoon her trennen, unb mitinappcr Eliothrachtcn hie Siciffoholhe ihn ine Ecttguriicl , {o,haf; er nur hrin mar, ale hie Mutter ihn am

5 M orgen mcctcn lam.

©tehau{ ! {tehauf! heuti{tgar geenlanh ha,,S

'Chmcifg, Mutter, ichmcifi llnh $ane ging

herum mit{tolg crhohencntStaph hae i{tpriichtig? Eue hahen ich unb hie Si ciffoholhe gcmacht. ®cutnachthiirfcn mir ha{iir 3nr Eclahnung auch {chlittcrn.

ci ! mirh hae {than merhen, 33am. Eu er

gahlftmir hahon !“ibn, mic in her machtalle EBeinchen {ich

ruhrten !Mic cin Elie mar allce in hie (Eiehohlc hinein

unhmicher hinauemithen {unfclnhcn {panhkhlittemEirmaren aue emigcm($i{egemacht, hae nic{chmilghunhmarcn {a flat, ha{3man hurch{chcn founte, unh

.o mcnn her Monh harouf {chicn, {o {chimmcrten {ichliiulich unh mar{en {clt{amc Qichtcr.lluh nun ging

’e an cin @chlittcrn im Monh

4 . ale hie lam : colloquia l for ale hie lam, um ihn anmeden. r 2 . mirb hue {chiln merhen : in an exclamatory sentencethe inverted order may be used .

86 ill ei fi ohol hthn i g unh {ci ne ®e{r l l cn

{chein, hie machthinhurch, herunter hen Ecrg hieine Ea! unb hinau{ unh micher hinunter. unh

au{ hen ©anh{chlittcn hocltcn hie Sicifloholhc int©chneemantcl, meifghercift, mithen («Siegapfenhiirtcn

s unh hlihenhcn QIugcn. 6 ic {au{ten hinah, einer

nach hem anbetu, aher 3mci ohcr hrei 3u{ammcn

au{ einem ©chlitten, hie flcinftcn 3mi{chcn hen éBcinen. D hcr {re hanhcn ihre©chlittcn aneinanhcr unh

glitten in langen ©chlangcnminhungcn hen Ecrg

hinah, her fi hnig allein horan mither hligcnhenSadenfrone unh hichthinter ihm $ane, her nor

(Sntgiidcn jauchgtc unb {trampelte unh {chrie.SRatiirlich hrauchtc er ichtnichter{tmiih{am hen

SBerg hinau{ an fragelu, mic am Eagc, mcnn cr

allein mar. E ic Sicifioholhe miin{chten {ich nur

hinau{, unh ha marcn {icohcn, unh {au{tcnmiehcrhinah, {o o{tee ihnen hcliehte.QIllc hellcn gtcrncnm'

ichte hinhurch nuntriebenhie Siciffaholhe hie gleiche Qurgmcil unh murhen

.o nichtmuhc. $ane ouch nicht. Margene {anhihn hie Mutter mitrotgliihcnhcn iBiiclchen unh

gliicf{clig hlihenhcn i’Iugen int§Bettliegen; unh er

{chlang hie i’Irmc um ihren {Dolez mar hae

17. {a oftheliehte: see heliehen. 2 3. 91th, mar has {thensee note 1. 1 2 , p . 85 .

sl tme i hcr fommcr{chon, Mutter ! E le gan3c Eliachthah’ ich michermitihnen gc{chlittcrtQIlImh


hlich aher murhc ce marmer. Ea {chidtegleich micher {frau 6onnc ihren ©unh hor hie

s E iir, unb her lccftc allcn @chnec au{, hen her

6chnecmann iihcr machthingc{chiittelthatte; unhhanntam hie QIltc{elhcr herauemitihrem SBrenns

glae unb hranntc hen Si eifloholhcntfiglichcine au{hen Shela. Ea fricgtcn ihre Sluttcn Father ; hie(Siegapfcnha


rtc hcgannen gutropfen, unh her Q onig

{ing micher an, {iir {cine .Qrane an {iirchtemunh cnhlich, nach her legten, Iu{tig ocriuhcltenmachtau{ hem legten ©clmceahhang, {agtc Siciffoholhihnig: un{ete 3citi{tum!fieh’ mohl, $ane ! au{e na


ch{te S ahr !“unb hinau{ gu hem emigen @i{e gag Sicifloholhtonig mit{cinen ©c{cllcn unb ocrgruh {ich mit

ihnen in emigcm @chuce.


u ltwei her iommer

Mae hahen nnr alle hie M iitterchcn imthen Moregcrn im Qunhe SIBiin{chcemirmohl,au{ {inh in c r 8riihc?

8. brannte hen Mia: see illela.

88 fi ltme i her fommerE ir 6onnc reiht{ich {chlaftruntcn hie Qlugcn

unb giihntunh {trcdt{ich au{ ihrem QBalfenlagerunh {agt: ,,Eae i{thoch an hunt! illichteinma lhie Sliachtruhc la{{cn {ic einem. Man mirh mohl

s noch oar her Britau{{tchen mii{{en megen hee

Men{chenge{inhele. Mae mollen nur alle hie altenM iitterchenQ in {fonherlahen o{{net{ich lci{c unh oorfichtig,

unh nod; einer, unb heraue lugtcin mcificr fl opfmitmeifger SRachtmiihe unh ofienen Ednhern unh

gudthie ©tm§c hinah unb hinau{ unb horcht.QIlIee {till, allce !



riumph fl iegtte ilhethie alten slungeln.

Ecr Qahcn {chliefst{rd}, hae {fenfter and) , lci{c, gan3lci{c. Eann {chlapptunh {chliirftee hie Eteppehinunter, hfinethie©auetiir, gudt{then an herSiachharin rechte unh her Ellachharin linfe unh her

flinchharin geraheiiher.

Slicin, her Qahen i{i {e{tgc{chlofien. 6ic {chldft(h.

M iitterthen lachcltoergniigt. M iitterchen mirhhie er{te {cin, hie er{te harm Ior.

l . {irb hie i ugtn ihre l ugen. 3. hunt: see hunt.8. Blind fith : re flexive. whe re in English eitherthe passive o r

the intrans itive f orm would be used . So a lso fi litfitM , 1. x4 .

1 5 . 6 is med to express an action withouta definite agent.

93 i l ltme i her {ommerEcr (Slfte aumal6teige ine i al.flBae lommter {a {pdte ‘


3ung {ein mi ll iche.“

s 2 ll{o nur {ri{ch hinaue unb pore‘

Ior ! S‘n hie


lhcr, au{ hie fielber ! llnhtiichtig gehup{tunhgc{prungen ! fie i{t3mar ein miih{clig©tiictfl rheit,hie {gahcn {angen, henn man hrauchtgar hiele gu

einem ©chlcier, her jung machcn {oll. { mtmanaher er{tihrer ein Ecil, unh i{tman hae © liicfefinh, {o {iigen {ich einem. hiewhen oon {elhcr gu{ammen.

©ehulh unb 8‘lcifi! Een gan3cn Eug hauerther gauher, oon her Morgenfriihe hie 3nr {inienhen


Eer Earmart{tehtam Eore, {chmungclnh, unb

lafithie altenMeihcr pa{{tcren, cine nach hem ans

hern, unb {agtieheemalM iittcrchcn, Shr {cih hie er{te, ce i{tnod; frine


3. {pdte z for {hiltto rhyme with jehr. 6. gehlthfttttth gen{prungen zthe pa rticiple used forthe imperative . 8. hie 86h“ !

{cngcn is the logica l subject, express ing one idea ; hencetheomission

of al l beforethe infinitive . l o . ihrer : genitive of {ic.

— i{tman menn man i{i . 13. Een gauacu i ag : why accu

sative ? 19 . giht{cih :the second pe rson plura l of respectfu laddress, formerly usedto address a s ingle person.

i l ltmci hefi ommer 93

QIher menn {ie porhei finh, {hlt'igter fih au{hen ©henicl oar Qahen, unh ru{t{einem sc ihe an

,,Eae i{i cin $anpt{pafi! $eutfommtmichereinmal allce alte (Seriimpel gum Eor{hein. Mhhte

s mi{{en, mer pan hem alten Bcug jungheimfommenmirh. Sungfer M ine unb Sine unb Erine, ohcr

23a{e ficne unh Gina ? unh hie Ghulgin, fichhlofi! hie miteinem SBcin {hon im @arge

unh par hem lichen ©errgott{teht, unh mhht’auh nah mal jung {ein. Mae hather mohl haefiehcn gehracht, hafi fie {o haran hiingt? llnh

ha fommtrihtig hie Slappin, hie luftige Mitme,hie brei M iinner hcgrahcn ,hat, unh mill jehthenhiertenSRappin, malltmohl allen hie gahcnmeg{angen,

hafi {ihr {a gar {rith au{ {cih? (Se i{tnah icinehinaue.

Ecr Slappin {unfeln hie filugen {hahcnfroh, ahcr

{heinheilig {agtfie: ,,Sch hah’mih ha3n nah gar

nihtbeeilt. E ir QlltsS'iigern i{tnah nihthinauemither hl 'ohen QInna ? Ecnfthah, {icmill hernah mirflih

’nen Mann {reien

me 3hr niht{agt! Eae mill fie?

6. M ine, Sine, f rine : see V ocabulary . 2 1 . Emithah{reicn z see freiett. 2 3. mos . {agt: see {agem

94 h ltme i hcr {ommer$ah

’nah mein Qlug

’nihtau{ fie gc{egt,“ beteuert

her Iormart, unb jept{lunferter nihi , hie i llt36gern i{i heute nah nihtoorhci. Eae maht,{ic i{t{hon am i lhenh oorher au{gcfianhcn unh i{t

5 mithertter hinaue, unb hatau{ hem 8elhefampicrt, um ia hoh hcimMorgengrauen hie er{tegn {cin unh hie {himmernhen {fiibcn gn ha{hen.

,,Mutter, mae 3crrtS'hr henn {a an meinem

Sliocl ? M ahthah allein oormiirte, menn ich ($uhniht{hnell genug

,,tterlieh,tterlich, lan{, iomm! © iehfihn henn nihthie ©hmihtin -oorne ? E ir fangtnne nah alle hie gahcn meg!

,,E icMutter i{tum(i nrctmegenhe{orgt, flungfer{agt{pottenh her Eormart3n her l angen .Sbopfen:

{tange mit{pihem ©efihtunb {pihcr 3nngc.,,QBegen meiner antmorteterhoftttcrlieh.

,,Eae mii r’ mir ! M hhtet(i nch mohl {clhcr nohcinen é hah holen, Mutter, mit(enern SBlieraugenunh (Enerm MadelgahnE ic lleine QIlte am fi rnclftocl {cnhctanttcrs

lieh einen giftigen Elicl hin, hen her Earmart3. Eng mahtEae heifit. 6. in hah : see vocabulary. 9 .

Mahthad) ©ehthah. (Such: dative . 1 2 . {fingtztranslatebythe future . 1 7. meiner : gen itive of id) . 18. Ea?» mhr’mirsee {ein. M hhtetShr mohtet.

‘ll ltme i her {ommerlahenh hcohahtet. Eann oer{hminhen heihe parm


Mntterhcn, mallt{ihr henn nihtanh hinaue{ihr mifithah ? ©euti{ther lehte Eng. Mallt

s S‘

hr henn nihtinng merhenE icahtgigjiihrige riifiige©reifin {afitihren Sharh

{c{ter: ,,S‘

h hah’

an {ha{{cn {agtfie, {hiittelthenSiopf unh liichclt{helmi{h.

Mein Eanfinh ! M ic i{i hie nah jung! EaeQInge {o lcuhtcnh unh {ri{h, her Sliuclen {a grab

unh her e m {o {c{i , unb au{ hen Bippen hae liehe

Qfiheln herttgchnjiihrigen.

S‘a, mirb hie henn nic alt?

,,Mutterhcn !M iitterhen !machtmir nihtemeie!{ihr mar

’tanh einmal hrauficn, {ci’e anh oar

Sahren, unhgcmanncthen ©efieht’enur ! M ichcificn hieEugenhen, hie ihn per{ha{{en

Micher liihclthie filltc {helmi{h: ,,Mcifi nit,menn’e nihti{ttE ic Q inher lichen unh nn{ere

©crrgotte {hone Eltatur ! unb hilfreih, {leifiig unh{rhhlih {cin, unh, hafi ih

’e ia nihthergcfi’,

nihti lat{chcn nnh {hanhen.

r4. mahtmeie : see meiemahen. 18. Meifi nit: for id) meifinihi ; d ia lectic, used in Southern Germany . 19 . E ir R inher lie=

hen : see note I. 8, p . 9 2 .

96 h ltme i her {ommer6 ic geigte hchentungeooll au{ einen Q nauel


Eort{tanhen '

hie SBa{en nnh la{tcrtcn uhcr

Sungfer Mcrtene, hi'e ehen buthe Ear ging.Sungfcr Mcrtene hieltcinen Erief in her $ anh,

ging {o oertriinmt, hafi fie hen Earmartniht{ah,unh liiheltc {d ig (itaher {ah fie mohl unh rie{{einer gran an: ,,Qllte, mae mill S‘

ungfer Mcrtcnehenn hranfien? Eie hathah hen Ql ltmciher{ontmc'


nihtnhtig,,tbatgrauc $aarc, M ann

sIlher ein inngee (Sicfiht, unh hie i lugen {a hell !“,,Eic Sngenh hatfie langc oerloren

um hie alten (eltcrn unh um hen ~bafner

{ohn, her in hieMeltging unh nihte hon fih hhrcnliefi. i’lhether Ericf, QIlte

,,unh hae oergncltc (Sicfihthiellciht 6ci’e, mic ee {ci ! E er

gounte ich hen ©hleier par allen

Sungfcr Mcrtene gingtriiumenh pore cLi ar. E a

fiehtfie alle hie alten M iittcrhcn hiipfen unh lan

{en unh {pringcmx4. hafnefiohn : colloquia l é ohn hee gainers. 1 5 . nihte

licfi : see hhren. 19. ghnnte : preteritsubjunctive ,conclusion of an omitted unrea l condition. 2 x. hilhfelt, [au{ett,{pringen ztranslate bythe p resentparticiple.

98 fi ltmei hefl ommer

ihrer $anh ein mingigee ©hlcierlcin, 3artmic©pinnengemehc, {unlelnh mic Eau, glihernh mie

(i helgefihmeih.

Eh ih’e oer{uhe

6iclahte, {hiimtcfih halh unh {haltfih Ear in,hann {cete fie fih’e au{e ©anptunh lief in hen

hunfeln Malh, um ihr (Errhten oar fih {elhfi 3aperhergen.

filher ihre llngehulhtrieh fie hinaue aue hem

Malh unb au{ hie filnhohc, hie hen Meg nah her

6tahtiiher{haute.Mertam ou{ hemMege baher Mer {tnrmte hie

i lnhhhchinau{? Mcr nm{hlang Sungfer M ertenemit{cinen e men unb hriiclte ihren .liap{ gfirtl ihan {cine Ernfi ?

Mer gag heim hnrh hae Ear, parhei an hem

pergniigt{chmungclnhem niclenhcn Eormart, in hae©tiihhen, {crn oon {piihcnhen Qlugcn ?

Mae ha{thu henn ha in hen Spaaren, Sieh ?2 0 é pinncngcmehe? © 0mmcrfii hen?

“ (fir heriihrtc hae@hleierlcin.

,,M ie, hu crrotefi? En menhefi hih meg? Eu

perhirgfi hein (hefiht? S‘a, mic i{tmir henn ?4. oh ith’B ber{uhe : see hefinhen. 19. (hoe) Qieh : obsolete ;the

diminutive Biehhen is sti ll in general use . 2 3. 25a henn: see {ein.

‘ll ltmei her {ommer 99

©ahen mir heutniht. Q i, her Ian{enh !

E arnmtaugten hranfien hie alten Meiher umher !i luh hu, hu?

{ngie cr nccl i{h, 30gSungfcr Mertenean fih nnh fiifitc fie au{ hae rotgliihenhc Ehrs

s la'

ppchen. ,,Eu meifithah: Mer im {3crhfi 2 l ltmeihcr{ommer 3nm ©hleier mcht, mahtan Meihs

nahten .fiohgeit

Eraufien iagen unh ho{hen unh {pringen hie

alten M iitterhen nah hen {himmernhcn mcifien

gahcn, unh menn fie cinen crmi{hen, cnt{hliip{tohcr 3crreifither anbre. Mic her filhenh lommt,hatlcine hen ©hleicr; unh langnah her E iimmersfinnhe, gang im Eunfeln, hn{ht{hen cine nahhem anhern am Ear oorhei unh in {cin .Sbiinehen.

llnh hie er{tcn laucrn am Ecnfter unb pa{{en henanhern au{: ,,S

V mar’tShr anh hranfien, Mutter

fieher ? ©lanht{ihr henn anh an hie Sliorretei ?.blitt’ Guh flir ocrnunftiger gehalten.

unh im {tillcn henftjehe: hie anh hahci ! Ea

I3. cine agrees withthe grammatica l gender of M ilitet‘dmt,notits personal . 18. Qdi i

’for $6) hlitte. (9. Eu {hmerer

holtcn : see {chmcn

‘ll ltmei her {ommermirh’e nfihfiee S

‘ahr nah {hmcrer halten. E a muh

ih nah {tither au{!

©ehtnnr niihfiee ©p6tiahr an einem elftenpore

Ior im ©th’hthen Mitregern im Sanhc

s M iin{heemirmohl, ha fhnntihr {ic {ehcn !2 . au{ :the verb is omitted ; see au{{tehen.

104 g r a g en

micSiegen aue her Molfe fielen ? I7. Maetrieb hiegraucMolfe nod) oftine fil ial ? 18 . fi at{ia ia ihreQ inher michergcfehcn ?

D a s geftohl enetachelu1 . Mae fehlte hem M iihhcn ? 2 . 9111 men manhte

(turned ) {ih hae M iihhen aneth ? 3. Mae hattc herM inhmiihrenh her Sliahtgetan? 4 . Mae bcr{prah her

Minh antun ? 5 . Marnm ging hae M iihhcn an hee

SBahee SRanh‘

? 6. hln men manhte {ich hae M iihhcnhann? 7 . (lichen 6ic hie hlnttnarther 60nnc in herinhireften iliehe. (Bei le 6, 6cite E ic 6onnc

{agtc, ha{s {ic 8 . Mae hhrtchae M ahchen in hem

$an{e, ma her fil ah mar ? 9 . (Schcn 6ia hicmith arihee SZ ahce in her inhireftcn Si ehc. (Beile I5 , 6eitc

Gr {prah , haB{cine fil aten IO . Mer {ah inher hhhle, an melhcr haeM iihhen fam? 1 1 . MaetatC

{gran Beitha ? 1 2 . Mer {tanh bar her .‘éhhle ?

13. Mae hattchie ha{{nnng in ihrem Q orb? I4 . M ic

hiefi hie Sliahharin hee Mificne? I5 . (heben 6 ic hie

i lnttvorther (i rfahrnng in her inhircften Si ehe. (8cilc2 , 6cite Eic Grfahrnng {agtc, ha{a {ic ia hieMen{d)en 16. Mahin ging hae M ii hhcn hann ?

17. Men {anh {ic par ihrer Q iitte? 18 . Marum

hattc her 6hmera ihr hae Saheln genommen ?

19 . Mic erhielthas M iihhcn ihr Biihcln mic

hcr ? Mar ce cin ncnee Shhcln ohcr nnr ber

iinhert(changed) ‘


gr a g en

unter ihrem M antel hcrhorgen? 1 1 . Marum gah {ie

ihm hie neuen fi lcihnngefiiicle? 1 2 . Marnm {all er

nihi mehr rufcn : ,,6anh au{ hen Shahen an {treuen“


1 3 . h attcer jcgtcin chrlihce 14 . Maemarin {einem neuen ©huhlarrcn? 1 5 . Mae {all er mither SBfeifctun? 16. Maetaten hie Sente, ale {ic hen6 anhmann iehtrufen hhrten ? 17. Q annte er ieht{cinen 60nh berfanfcn? 18 . Mer marcn {cine fi nnhen? 19 . Marnm malltcn hicSinahen (6anh faufcn?2 0 . Mar umtauften hie jungen unh alten {graucn6anh ? 2 1 . Moan malltcn hie .

‘Beamten unh 6hnl

lehrer hen 6anh gchrauhen? 2 2 . M ic {ahen icht{cine Q inhcr aue? 2 3. Marum lief; hcr ©anhmann

hen Q apf hiingen? 2 4 . Marnm pfiff er hann au{ hcrSlsfcife? 2 5 . Mar hie gee mit{einem (i ntfihlnfi, hen

6anh nihtmehr an herlaufen, au{richcn ? 2 6. M03

mui3 er an {icauriidgehen? 2 7 . Ecrhientccr 1tnorthhiel Gielh? 2 8 . 3nmicfcrn hcriinhcrtc {ih hae glue{ehcn her Q inhcr ? 2 9 . Marnm {tcrhcn {ic? 30 . Mcr

fommtin her Gtcrhcftnnhe aum 6anhmann? 31 . Mo

{inh {cine gran unh Q inhcr unh mae {all cr nad) hemStahetun ? 32 . ${ter hamiteinherfianhen (agreed) ?33. Meifi hie gee {oglcich hon einer neuen hlnficllnng?

34 . M ic {inhct{ic ihm cine hlnficllnng ale (heifi ? 35 .

Mi ll cr hicneue 9ln{tellnng annehmen? 36. Micfam

men heihc iihcr hie (erhc? 37. Mic fommter in haeBimmer, mo her l lcine finahc i{t? 38 . Marum {all er

hem Quahen 6anh in hie Qingen {treuen? 39 . (he{icl

hem g anhmann {ein ncuee (he{hii ft?


NOTE.— The following exercises are for pup ils who have

masteredthe essentia ls of Ge rman gr ammar . T he pup il oughtto bethoroughly famil iar with the textbe fore attempting the exe rcise s.

O ral work in questions and answers wil l be a greata id in th is .

W ords in square brackets are to be omitted, words in roundbrackets areto betrans lated .


(Page 7, line Ito page 9, line I! )

T he man inthe1 moon had been mowing . Nowhe had finished and hung h is shining s ickle intheeven ing sky . H e lookedto (the ) earth andtheresaw a beautiful ma iden. She p leased h im very[much ] ;therefore’ he came every day (in orde r)to 10 0 k ather. Atlasthe determined 'to woo

$en Itwas necessarythatnobody should notice

Tl:a b s e nce

, so he pul ledthe clouds overthe sky .

e n h e l eth imself downto earth .

In a co rn

e to th e man. H e answered : “

I am going

Y o u ca n

th e b e a utiful Susan.

” “

H ow can you ?

lear n it. gots P fi ak her language .

ButI wi llh a V e an o ld acqua intance , a starl ing ,

L ‘m 2 . haher. 3. he{hlofi.



this ? F or you, he answered softly . O h , I

wish you were Jhrgen she sobbed, and wenthome . Be forethe dawn of (the ) morn ing themeadow wa s mowed andthe hay lay in he a p s .

(Page 1 2 , l ine 16to page 1 5 , line 18)

W henthe reve llers sawthe meadow mowed ,they sa id : “ There is something wrong , no one

can mowthatmeadow in one night.” A nd wh en

they sawthe pa le man coming1a longthe roa d ,they sa idto Susan :

W hathe can can

do a lso . Te ll usthe second [piece of] work .

“ There is a b ig clover fie ld . T he one who’

(for me )‘can cutitin one nightsha ll becom e

[the] master ofthe farm .

” Butnone ofthe wooe rswent(in order)to mowthe clover, forthey knewthatone man a lone could ‘

notdo it. W hen Susanwentto her window and sawthe gleam of l ightinthe meadow, shethoughtitm ight“ be Jhrgen .

She wentaga in into ‘the meadow ; howeve r , sh ed id notsee Jhrgen , butthe same pa le man who

had cutthe grassthe nightbefore . A nd when sh e

a sked him why he mowed "the clover, he l iftedh is eyes and sa id F or you . Slowly and sad lyS h e leftthe fie ld . Be forethe dawn of morn ingthf: clover lay outonthe fie ld . W henthe r ich

s a rto r s saw whatthe pa le man had done , they5 . i i i

Infiniti ve . 2 , 3. mir : eth ical dative . 4 . fannte.

3!s ubj unzttiev-erhy subj unctive ? 6. au{: accusative. 7. miihc: why


spoke ill of h im and ca lled him a sorcerer. Nowthey urged

ilSusanto name the third piece of

work .

(Page 1 5 , line 2 1to page 18, line 2 0 )

D o you seethatcornfie ld ? Cutitto -morrow

evening .

Butth is fie ld was b iggerthan [both]the clove r fie ld andthe meadowtogether , sothatno one could cutit. They only laughed and wentbacktothe inn. Jhrgen , however , determined ’

totry it. H e sharpened his scythe , and when

(the ) evening came , he wenttothe fie ld (in order)to mowthe corn . H e mowed andthe hours passedby , buthe d id notseem ’to make much progress .

H e stopped and sa id : “W hatisthe use ,the fie ld

istoo big, I can never do it. Suddenly he saw

the pa le strange r swinging‘the s ickle , and soon

the corn lay mowed onthe ground W hen Susan

sawthe lightinthe fie ld she wentto see if itwere

Jhrgen . She found h im withtears in h is

eye s . Shetook h is hand and wepta lso . W hen

the moon saw both so sad , heturnedtothem .

Then sa id Susan W hy did you mowthe fie ldH e pulled h imse lf up , and touch ing '



scythe he sa id ’in h is powe rful vo ice F or you

Then both rejo iced , embraced and kissed each

other and weptfor joy .

1 . W hy inverted order ? 2 . he{Chlofi. 3. {him 4. Infinitive,follows

sickle .

5 . oh. 6. metre : subjunctive . 7,touchinginhem er herithrte. 8. W hatorder ?



s scythe hadturned into gold , and nowthe rich Jhrgen marriedthe rich Susan . T he p a le

man, however , was very said . H e had given up

his own happ iness . Atthe firstdawn o f (the )morning he ascendedtothe skies and hung up

his s ickle inthe clouds .

The following lessons presuppose a genera l idea of the use

ofthe subjunctive in indirectdiscourse and conditional clauses .

PA U L F A U L A ND HU GO NIEGENU G(Page 19, line 1to page 2 2 , line 5 )

There weretwo brothers , Paul and Hugo . Paulwas big and strong , butvery la z y . H e rose ve ry

late inthe morning , d id notwork a ll day‘

, and

wentto bed very early . T he clock a lways wenttoo s low for h im , and he wished itevery m isfortune , because ir would notrun faster . Othe rwise

’he was a very good-natured boy . H is

brother Hugo was sma l l and th in butve ryactive . H e could notcrowd enough work intoone dav . H e l ived in constantfearthatthe sun

mightgo down before h is day’

s work was done .

H e ,too , dis likedthe clock ,because itwenttoo fa st

for him . Paul could notexpres s h is a stonishmentwhen Hugo scoldedthe clock , because itrantoo

1 . hen gan3cn fl ag. 2 . 6anh. 3. lehte.

1 14 E! ER CISES

lives a locksmith , he needs a he lper. Then sh e

turned her backto him and acted ’as if he we r e

notthere . Nowthis b ig fe llow d id notl ike it,whenthis little girl with ye llow braidsturned h e rbackto him . H e offered h is servicestothe locksmith . T he latter sa id : “

I have plenty of work

for you . There is a pile of iron rods . They are

intended for a ra iling. Here‘

isthe pattern . Thenthe locksmith leh:him a lone with a rod wh ich he

had heated inthe fire’. Paul made a wry face ,

for he did notcare for work.

(Page 2 5 . line 1 5to page 2 9, line 9)

Paultookthe iron outofthe fire and made a

few strokes . Scarce ly had he struckthe irontwice ,

whenthe girl inthe yard beganto s ing . Butwhen he letthe hammer s ink (in order)to stretchh imse lf and yawn ,thenthe s inging stopped . So

itwentthe whole day ; she washed bus ily and

sang as long [a s] he hammered , butwhen ‘he

stopped ,then she also ceased . Inthe evening

he metR uth inthe yard . Sheturned her backto h im ’

and would notlook athim . T he nextmorning Paul wentto h is work and hammere dthe iron as long a s itwas hotand R uth sang atthe washtub . Inthe evening,

when he passe dh e r

, she hadturned ha lf around , onthe following4 .

I.tat. 2 W hy subjunctive ? 3. au{melhee er Qihe getan hattc.W hen whenever menn. 5 . 6te hrehte ihm hen widen.


daythree quarters . Paul begantotake pleasureinthe work and inthe s inging ofthe g irl . One

day as he was working atthe anvil’

, he joined inthe me lody , and nowthe s inging was a duet.She wa shed and sang , he sang and hammered ,

and itd id notsound badly ’. W hen he mether

thatevening she had fullyturned round , butherface was stillturned away .

“ Now, why isth ishe sa id .

I wanta master locksmith , she ah

swered and ran intothe house .

O h , you may

havethat, if noth ing e lse .

H e hammered outhis mastership and has now a love ly wife whose

face isturned adm iringlytoward him as he swingsthe hammer and s ings h is song .

W IDOW COMFOR TL ESS(Page 30 , line 1to page 32 , line 18)

T he husband had died . T he widow weptb itte rly . W henthe children sawthe ir mother weeping ,they a lso wept. Butsoonthey played and

sang aga in, forthe ir father would come home

aga in ,they sa id . T he grandmother crouched inthe corner and lamentedthe death of her son.

H e wasthe lastof s ix . She had buriedthe others .

D eath seemedto have forgotten her . Still she

was gladthatshe was living andthankfulthat1 . {hmiehetn 2 . {hicht


she could work forthe ch ildren . T he widow weptconstantly ’

. T he grandmothertold h e r nottoweep , for d id she nothave her ch ildren B utshedid notcareto hear aboutthem and cried Myhusband is dead .

T he grandmother had ’to doa llthe work inthe house and inthe ba rn . T h e

daughter continued to lament. Then the o ld

woman wentaga intothe widow and s a id : W hydo you weep so long ? D o you notknowthatwea ll mustdie ? See how b luethe sky is ;the s un

is now shining andthatgray ‘

cloud is no long er

inthe ’sky .

W hatdo I care for sky and s un ,

for my husband is dead and I wish I werethatcloud . Oh , if I onlywe rethatgray cloud

(Page 33, line 4to page 36, line 1 7)

Then suddenly‘the windtore ’

open door and

Windows and wentroaringthroughthe house . H e

tookthé widow in h is arms , wh irled around ’and

left’the house with ‘

her . T he wind he ld her ‘


h is co ld arms , as he rushedthrough space . A

coldne ss ranthrough her body , and its eemed a s

if he r l imbs were stretchingthemse lves intheh eavens and a s if wings were growing on he r

S houlders . W ater was dripping from her garmentsa nd ath in cloud l ike widow’

s weeds wa s hangingl lmp from he adto foot. Now she was a gray

1 {ortmahneith 2 .

‘mufite. the = am. 4. plhhlid) . 5 . rifi.

6 ‘ berum. 7. perlich.

8 . can.


butsa id he would inquire for it. Then he hurr iedaway , butcame back without’the sm ile . Thenthe girl wenttothe brook , whe rethe day be foreshe had satfor a longtime , and askedthe brookif he had

’ drunk her smile . Butthe brook rep liedthathe only drank’the sun. T he girl askedthe

sun if he had’her smile , because he shone

’so .

H e d id nothave ite ither . D eath had ’

come intoa house , andthe people ‘

wept, butdeath smiled .

Itwas however nother smile . T he girl wentonand saw Sleep flee from her. T he girl ca lled a fte rhim W hy do you flee ? Have you my sm ile

Buthe answeredthathe was only flee ing’ becauseshe had

’losther smile . H e would return when

she found ’itaga in. Mother Time satin a cave

sp inning“s ilver-gray ha ir .

“H ow does itcom ethatthe ha ir sh ines s o ? A re you spinning my

sm ile into itaskedthe girl . “I wish I had it

answe red Mother Time , itis very becom ingto


the girl excla imed’. T he woman did nothave it.

Soon came S ickness and stayed ’

[a ] long [time ]with the girl . Nowthatyou have come , I sha ll

never find my smile aga in,

criedthe girl . ButPa in spoke : Itwas Ithattook your smile (in

order)to beautify it. Here itis Atear glistenedin itnow . Then she kissedthe girl andthe sm ile

was aga in on her lips .


(Page 42 , line 1to page 45 , line 8)W h ilethe Sun Ange l s leptthe sun jewe l had

beentaken from his brow bythe Prince oftheF og . W ith ithe had fled intothe mounta ins . Herehe satontop of a mounta in , h is pinions , wh ich

looked liketwo gray clouds , unfolded . Fromthemfe ll an endless ra in. T he jewe l was hidden in

his garment. Meanwhile‘ the ange l had been

awakened “by his brethren, who inquired where

he hadthe sun. They looked around in (the )heaven, butd id notfind it. T he sun wa s gone


Itwas now getting ’ dark and cold in heaven ;there came , however , a l ightfromthe mounta inpeak . They looked down and sawthe glitteringjewe l inthe hand ofthe prince . T he Sun Ange l

1 . rief one. 2 . hlieh. 3. hei . 4. finamifihen, mittlermei le.5 . mar au{gemedtmarhen. 6. {ort. 7. murhe.


flew first’ down intothe valley . H ethentrie dtofly uptothe mounta in, butfoundthath is w ingswere gone . H e tried ’to wa lk , butstumb ledgreatly ’

, because itwas unaccustomed work . Atlast, with b leeding feetand drenched bythe ra in ,

he metthe peop le . There was much lamentationand misery among

‘them , wh ichthe prince hadcaused ’

. H e laughed sothatitsounded like farawaythunder, while he threw ha ilstones a s b igas hens

eggs , and lashedthe waters which ran

wildly downthe mounta in intothe va lley .

(Page 45 , line 19to page 5 0 , line 2 0 )

T he hay inthe meadow was rotting,the b a ilhad beaten ’ downthe corn , andthe potatoe s a nd

the seeds inthe ground had been washed away .

T he lightning had struckthe house of an o ld

woman and had killed her only cow. T he poor

woman weptb ittertears , for she had losta llthat’she had . Itra ined on. T he water washed away

bridges , unrootedtrees , and brokethe d ike s . T he

roadway had become a stream .


D ead goats and

pigs , beams andtrees floated pastT he wate rcame intothe house s ,torethem fromthe ir foundations ’

, and floatedthem down stream . Com

pla ints , cries of distres s , and a lso curses wentupto heaven . W henthe Sun Ange l saw whatthe1 er{t. 2 . per{uhte. 3. {ehr. 4 . unter. 5 . perufl aht. 6.

n i ehergefihlagen. 7. was. 8. porhei . 9 . ©runhhau, m. (use


Ange ls carriedthe girl backto earth , whe re she

comfortedthe poor inthe ir distress andtroub le .

W hen she died , she became a brightstar in heaven.

Supplythe endings where lacking, based on

Der S anhmann

Gr {hah ein clenh R atten hurh h 6tahtunh{hricz mein tot{trau unh mein

rig R inher.

“ (Sr hattein aerjehthtod on ;

one h hafin {ah hie R nie heraue, unb aue h

6tiefeln h hiofi 3chen, henn er hatticin

6triimpfe. E hunger {ah ih aue h hohl‘llugen heraue. (i s mar aue mith gutaltBeit. (Sr ianntin h he{hmhrenhfi i hnen hei :trln : ..6hhn Mahame, unh {hhn firfinlcin



e anh nnr ein alt3ungfcr mar. E alt3nngfern glaubter moll {ic {appen, {hlngen ihh Elir par h Elia{e an. M itimmertriih{eligM iene {hah er {ein R arren hurh h 6trafien.

(Sr muhi {ein totgran ohne ein (Srahfieinbegraben unh an h R inher magic er fih nihimehr nah $anh, meil er lcin M atmehr flirhatt (Sin i og {agir h i

j ee an ihmnnhertmi gar nihi , hafite h {hlehtgeht“ , alefie ih an h 6traficnede {teh {ah, hie an {einelenh Mahnung {iihrtE 6anhmann mifihtfih mit{ein 3crri{{en htodiirmcl h i riinen aue


h ‘llngen. 6te hattei er{tannlich ©cfiht, inh {ih i lngen unh Munh miher{prach E Munh

{prah gan3 {rennhlih unh h ‘llngen blipi mic inherhalten Born aher hlidt{harf unb {treng, alemollt{ic ein hie au{ h Ernnh h é eele {ehEu mu{s ein auber Eemerhe oer{nhen. Sn cin

nen ©anhmerl hin ih an alt. 6ic iirgcrt{ihiiher h (Sigenfinn h R nahen. E helle Eran

lie{ ih iiher h eingefallen Eaden. E geei lopftih au{ h g hnlter. E Sente heni{hlehtpan h


3d) {ag h ,,Slafi h nihtin

h 5Bentel {chem 6ic hah lein hic{peltparh 3h mi ll h helfen. 6ic gri{{ unter ihrlang hraun Mantel. SDa ha{thn ein an{tiinhig.baje unh ein iliod. Eamitlodfi hu heutig t

Iaglein .bnnh mehr hinter h D fen herpor. Meih hei

h Cé anhlarren. (Se glfingtmicha{{nung one h‘

Erlintu in {ein sIlngen. 6ic mahtein eigentiimlth @c{ihtunh {hante ih pan g eite an.


The principal accentof all title words of more th an twosylla li cs is ind icated. A lso, words oftwo syllable s w he retheaccentfa lls onthe second syllable are marked withth e accent.Of nounsthe gender (rm , f . , m ) ,the genitive s ingula r a ndthenominative plural are given. R epetition ofthe title word is

marked by a dash umlautbyThe adverbia l use of adjectivcs is noted only in a few i h

stances .

T he principal parts of all strong and irregular verbs are given.

Sepa rable prefixes are indicated by a dash betweenthe p refix

andthe verb. V erbs are conjugated with hahen unless m arked

{tin or foi l! or hahen. T rans itive verbs are ind icated by tn ,

intrans itive by infra, refl exive by ref .

T he abbre viations notnoted above are

caplet. expletive .


. adjective .

aux . auxilia ry .

( a lloy . colloquia l.

def : definite .

a n , resent.da m

, d emonstrative .

pr p

pron. pronoun.

imp arts“. impersonal.


qf . indefinite .

i ft/lat, inflection .

th fo j " interjection.

‘h fm og . interrogative .

part, participle .

f ecfi , perfectpara , personal .

pom , possess ive .

prefi , Pmfix



il , coni .,therefore ; adu ,

so,thus, inthis manner,then ; baDt” SOthati s .

alt, adi ., old.

a ue, m., f., (adj . old

man (woman) .

fl'tmtctl (4 , nu,thecottage of the grand


3 3:36a O ld

Mrs. Jager.

Bui ld), adj elderly.

altmci’bcrfonnncr (4 ,

m., (summer for old

women ) , Indian summer,


am an bent.Smlmfi (4 6, -e) , m., anvil.

amt ‘cc) , n., office.

an, prep. (dat., at,by, near, on.

an’- Bieten (bot, geboten) .tr.,to otter.


(brad), germ s

men) , intr . (lcin) , todawn (of day) .

anther, adj ., other.


hetmal, adu ,tin an


anhers, adu ,differently.

a nrinan’


ado ,together .

a nfang ”In,beg inning .

a, Gefmtgen )

and ?" W ” ?

ten) tr.,to attack ; concern

, was fit!” efi (find)an? whatdoes itconcernyou ?

air—003m (aina. aeaanaen ) .tr .,to referto, concern ;

has gebtbid) nidtan,thatdoes notconce rn you .


amcbm, adj ., p leasant,agreeable. [face .


ficfidlt- [e]61 4 ) ” s o

lingftlid), adj ., anx i ous ,timid.

utt'—l)a5 ett, tr ., to wea r ;mm to ha rmone .

(cw-W en (bola, gebobcn )intr .,to begin (to Speak ) .

ur bane -tt) f., eminence, hill.

air-Wren, tr .,to listento .


bfirm - B) , n. ; has ittnirbt3nm I can notendureto hearthis .

uniebt', advf, obs ., now.

an’-tonuucn (lam, gcfommen) , intr ., (fain) ; estommtnirbthornuf an. itdoes notdepend on it, itdoesn


(id - lathe!» tr .,to laugh at,smi le at.


mtttig, adf., charm ing,agreeable .

an'—nclnncn (nabw, gcnommen) tr .,to rece ive , ao

cept, take on ; $ emttttftto be reasonable (sensible)


an’-brcifcn (pricé , gcpric

fen) tr .,to recommend.


redmnng —en) f.,charge, account; inBringen,totake into ac;


’- fdpancn,tr .,to look at.

an’—fdmcllcn (fcbmoll , qcs

fcbmollcn) , intr . (fein) ,to swe ll, rise .

ant-tenant(fab. aeieben) .tr., to look at, observe ;matte. bu follftmid; fdwn

you shall look atme,I am sure .

um- fcbm, tr ., to puton(forth ) , gain.


ftfinhig, adj ., decent, becoming. [sition, office.


fteunna —en) . f., poaw—fireidien (ittidi . aec

fttié en) tr .,to paint.Sn

'tci l -e) ,compass ion.

3 11?t(4 8, -c) n.,face .

ant’wort -en) , f., an

swer ; an: gebcn, toanswer .

ant’toortm,tr . and intr ., toanswer, reply.

cut—atom (aoa, gesogen) .tr .,to puton, dress, pullon.

anu s‘e) , m., attire, clothes.

with -m ) , f., work ;madpteti dyan hie wentto work.

at’i eitm, intr.,to work.

are, adj ., bad, evil ;lbw“ , very heavy ;trethm,to actbadly .

h am , refl ., to vex one’s

self ; his 8 80 Monte fill)niayi fdylcdyt, the fairywas greatly vexed ; at:firgett, vexed, angry .

arm m. , arm ,tidy in hie — c fallen.toembrace each other.

arm, adj ., poor.arme, m., f., (adj .the poor man (woman ) .

armed - n) , f., army.


felig, adf., miserable.

ni mm f., poverty .

fltt —en) , f., manner,

way ; has butbad; and)

{z inc thatisthe wayto dothings, or , thatismore like it. [ician.

fi rst(4 8, ‘c) m., phys

fitatlid), ado , medica lly.

a'tm lofl, adj ., breathless,outof breath.

and), adv. and conj ., a lso,too,even ; ntdyt, noteven.

(inf. prep. (dat., on,

for, upon ; (ado ) up .

anf ! rise ! getup !anf - blafcn (blice, gcblafcn)tr .,to fill with wind, distend .

(inf - Bitten. intr .,to flash .

ant- fatten (tubr. aefabten) , intr . (icin) , tospring up .

cur- fl ieam (flog. acmaea )


intr . (kin) , to fly open

(up ) , ascend. flyto.

cut-aebm (aina. aeaans

gen) , intr . (fain) ,to rise.

ant’gcrificn. part. adi .,tornopen, wide open.

nnr—bait!» tr .,to have forhome work (of school ) .

nut- heim (bob. gehoben) .tr .,to liftup .

attf’4 31ml, intr ., to cease,

stop , subside.

anf - Iudpen, intr ., to laugh

out, burstoutlaughing.

unf—ledett,tr. ,to lick up .

0nf -mummy tr ., to open ;

(rcfl. ) to start, setout.ant-hamit, intr . (dot) ,towatch , lie in waitfor.

anf—rcificn (rig, actinea )tr .,to open wide.

unf—tid fim, tr ., to setupstraight, erect, encourage .

auf - fdpauen, intr., to look

up .

anf - fdpiefien (fools. acidiois

fen) , intr. (fain) , toshootupward, dartupward.

nnr- {di luent(Ming, 9”

fd flagen) tr., to open

(the eyes ) .

“fi r- lgbtcicn (id)rie, gas



nten ) , intr .,to cry out.

” F M? (fab. aeieben) .

auf - fherren, tr ., to Op en


nnr- {bribery intr. (fein) ,tosquirtupward, shootupward.


iteden, tr ., to putup ,Gig . ) throw up ; hen

b linhc! to leave thebusiness .

ant- itchen (ftanb, geitauDen) , intr . (fein) , tostand up , rise, ar ise, g etup .

cur- item , tr ., to putup ,erect; (refl . ) p lace or

station one’s self.

anf -tanchen, intr. (fein) toemerge, arise.

anf -tanen, tr ., to thaw(out) .

anf—nadpen, intr. (icin) ,towake up .

ihm —6.-n) . n. eye ;

unfaetiflette -n. wide open

eyes ; has fi l am entftad)ihnen geruhe in in hie

amen, mie hie S aneritt{elhcr,the farmtookthei rfancy as much as thepeasantwoman herse lf.


aenballI‘c) , m.,



gmltlit! - [e] 3, —e) , n ,


aenbraue -n) , f. ,



gmbimet‘tt, intr.,to pretendto serve.

ans, prep. out(of)


5.3mm, tr., to captivate,fascinate.

S l'

renlpant‘e) f., bear


skin ; fiQ uttf hie

Medea,to idle away one’stime ; tidy and; her

felmen.to long for one’


idle ways .

Budd), adj ., grufl .tart ‘e) , m., beard.

S art'haar - e ) , n.,

(hair ofthe ) beard.

S afe - n) , f ., cousin.

S ufi (fi aficé , tb iifie) ,bass (voice ) .

S lin’

erin men) , f.,peasantwoman.

S an’

ernant ‘er ) , n.,


fl aunt- [e]B,‘e) , m.,tree.

S anm’

smve - n) , f.,

group oftrees .

Beam’te - n,

- n) m., ofli ce

holder. [thrash.

i ear'

li eiten, tr ., to belabor,Beban

'ten, refl ., to givethanks , thank ; fie 5t=hanhcn fill) hei ihm,theythanked him .

bebed'en,tr .,to cover.


len (bebachte, bebamt)tr ., to think of, reflect,cons ider.


I 4 11 ) r i ntime for reflection.

beben’ttmasbnll, adj , sig



lett, refl.,to hurry, makehaste .

eage rly,

i efeh’

len (befahl , befohlen )tr .,to command.

hefrady’ten,tr .,to fructi fy .

Befilttb'tm,tr. ,to fear .


bmheit —en ) , f .,


li eges'nen, intr . (fein) to

meetS egelu

" m. and n.,


i egi e’

ria, ado ,


Beginnen (begann, began;

nen ) tr . and intr .,to beg in.

healthf ul , tr., to make

happy, rejoice.


lmt(begrub, begtahen) ,tr.,to bury .


fen (begriff, begr ifs

fen) , tr to grasp, com


S ella’

acn n., comfort.Belms

'lid), adj ., comfortab le ,

coz y.

Behal’ten (behielt, behalten )tr .,to keep .


heln,tr totreat.hei, prep. to, at, by ,with.

Bethe, adj ., both,two.

heim hei hm .

$ en! —[e] 3, —e) , n., leg .


lje, ado , almost.fi du


dmt—B, n., dim .

of 8th .

Bei'ttet‘tt, adj ., of bone, bony .


ntm, ado , together .

fi d ann'te (adj . m., ac

quaintance (of persons ) .


”d annt’fdyaft —en) , f. ,

acqua intance .


men (belam. befon w

men ) tr . , to receive, get.Beliim'mem, tr ., to grieve ;es Betiitmnertmid), I am


betiitn'ntert, part. adjgr ieved, anxious, sad.

helegi , part. adj ., covered.

Belemh'tcn, tr .,to lightup,



ben, tr . and intr .to p lease ; in oftes ihnen i eliebte, as oftenasthey p lea sed.

fi elie'

hcn —B) , n., liking,

p leasure ; not!) as

much as one likes .

$ elnh'tuma - en) , f ., te


lmna'len,tr .,to paint.hemet'htt, tr ., to notice.


men (benahm, benoms

men) refl.,to act, behave.


hm,tr .,to envy .


athtcn, tr ., to observe.

Bereift', adj ., frostcovered.

Bettit', ado , ready .

hereitB’, ado , a lready .

s een —e) . m.,

mounta in.

bergen (barg, gebargen) tr .,to h ide .

S erg'

hattg (also fittgahhang) —[C]B:

1e) r m-r

mountain s lope .

8 & 3“?c (" a- n) r i n

mountain peak .


S ern’

fteinfdmnr ‘e) f.,

amber wreath .

ittiihmt’, adj ., celebrated.

hetiih’ten,tr .,totouch.

8 d ¢bfifttmma —en) . f.,occupation, work.

Befthrei’ben (hefchrieb, he:

fi nisher! ) tr .,to describe.

hefthttl'biaett, tr ., to accuse.

heftbtni ’tm, tr .,to implore,

confirm by oath.

”d en —6, m., broom.

befits’en (befafi, befcfi'

en) ,tr .,to possess .

htfnn'bn , adj ., uncommon,

particular. [singularly.


betB, ado , especially,he{orgt’, adj ., anxious , ap

prehens ive .

better, adj . and ado , better ;intun fie fi efferes, thenthey will do whatis better.

itfbie'scltt, refl .,to look atone

’s self in a mirror.

fi che, nu, f. (adj .dearest, fa irest.

i efte’lmt(heftanb, heftanhen) , intr ., consist(of,aue) .

heftel’len,tr .,to‘ order .

heftcllt', part. adj ., ordered.

heftimmt’, adj ., positive, intended .

heftra'fett,tr ., to punish .

beftrei’tcn (beitr itt, heftritsten) , tr.,to dispute.


cn, tr., toover.




dmt,tr ., to visit.fictm'

ettt,tr.,to assert.i etl 'tcn, tr., to fool, de


Betn f’fttt, part. adj ., sur

prised, amaz ed .

i etre’gen, part. adj ., de

ceived, cheated .

hmflht', adj ., grieved, distressed .

8m (4 6, n., bed.

Betteltt,tr . and intr.,to beg.

”mtg - ) r fw preY r bOOtY$ entcl —B, nt., bag,

purse ; lafi hitniemalsin heincn fehen, never

letany one look into yourpurse .


gung —en) , f., ex



her —B, m.,

suitor, wooer.


bem, tr . , to admire ;hetmmbet‘ttb, in astonishment, with admiration.


len,trt,to pay .


hern, tr ., to bewitch,enchant.

Dieten (hot, geboten) tr.,to offer .

li ittlten (ba‘

nb, gebunben)tr .,to bind,tie, wind (awreath ) .

(4 6, —et) , n. , picture .

hifi, prep. until,till ;anf, upto ; bahin,

so far.

hifithtn, ado a little bitoramount; etn a little.

”Mel , colloq. for “661811,little bit(or amount) .

8mm n., entreaty ,

pleading, prayer .

bitten (bat, gebeten) tr . ,to ask, request, pray .

Bitter, adj . , bitter .

hliihttt, tr . and refl., toswell, expand.

hlanl , adj . , bright, shining .

hlafen, intr .,to blow.

hlafi, adj . , pale .

sum ‘er) , n., lea f ,

blade .

Elan, adj ., blue .

hlfiulid) , adj . , bluish .

hlcihcn (bl ieb, gebl ieben)intr. (fein) to stay, tema in.

Netti), adj ., pa le.

Blenben,tr . ,to blind.

S lit! —e) , nt. ,glance, look.

hltdm, intr . ,to look.

blieé, see (l icfcn.

Bltnh, adj ., blind.

fi linbe, m. and f. (adj .

blind person.

hltnfttt, intr .,to sparkle .


aellh , into ,to blink ,

wink .

8 1th (4 6, —e ) , m., lightning.

hi lhcn, intr., to sh ine ,

sparkle, glitter.

hlit’aenb, part. adj ., spar

kling, shining.

28 lit’ae8i'dmcllc f .,

speed of lightning.


w t“ o “to, Charaster.

ha, ado ,then,there ; conj .,as, when.

bait? or ha'

hei , ado ,thereby,there, atthe sametime,then, withth is ; kin,tobe present,take partin.

$ 06) (4 3,‘er) , n., roof.

wa rtim e -n) f., gutter .

hadlte, see beatenhafllt’, ado , for It.huac

aca, ado , onthe otherhand, onthe contrary .

ballet-achen (ging. acetategen) , intr . (fein) ,to walkaround.

ballet—lum en (lam, geetouuncn) , intr . (fein) ,tocome a long.

hamit’, ado , with it, havingsaidthis ; conj ., that, sothat, in orderthat.

Q fint’merftnnbe - n) . f.,hour oftwi light.


, ado , after it(orthat; li e fink nirbt5they do notlook it.


Q uit! m.,thank (s ) .

hattflmt, adj ., grateful.ba

’ran or baran

, ado , on it.hamn—madym, refl.,to settowork.

harauf, ado , upon it,the reupon, for it, on it, a fter .

butane, ado ,therefrom ; er

mabtc fi ll) nirbthielhe did notmind itmuch .

hamit- fem (fab. aeieben )into ,to look on (in ) .

had n'

, ado , therein, in it,inthis.


, afterthat(or it) ,afterwards .


het, ado , inthe meanwhile, onthataccount, atthat, aboutit; 5 113,because.


rmn (or ado ,therefore, about.hamn'ter, ado , among it,below it.

5 08, see her.hafi, conj . , that, in orderthat; cutsothat.Dann a, into , to last, continne .

hahen, ado , of it.haau, ado ,

for it(this ) .

heden,tr .,to cover.

hebnen. refl .,to stretch, ex

pand hebateh unh fitted :ten fi ll), spread out.beta , pass . pron., your.

Sbe'mant(same as wi ll :want) —en,

-en) . m. ,



be'tttiitig, adj . , humble.

bengeln,tr.,to sharpenthescythe by hammering it,sharpen.

benten (bachte, gebacht) tr .

and into ,tothink.

benn, ado , then,therefore ;conj ., then, for ; expletpray ! say ! I wonder !

boun d) , ado , yet, nevertheless .

bet, bit, It“ , def. article,the ; dem. pron.,that, he,

she, it; rel. pron., that,who, which ; bet betthis one thatone.


be, biefelbe, ba elbe,dem. pron.,the same .

betwei l’lc] , ado , (in the )meanwhile.


dmt, ado , likewis e,a lso.

$ iann1nt’diamond.

bitbt, adj ., close .

bid, adj ., thick ; biditbest.

with - n) , f ., floor, entrance ha ll.Q ienft(4 3, —e ) , m., ser

vice .

bienft'eifrin, adj ., z ealousto


serve .

bie8 (bicfer, biete, biefeé ) ,adj . , this, that; pron.,th is one, thatone, thelatter, he , she, it.


mal, ado ,thistime .

wing -cc or -e) , n.,thing ; ntitrerbten ‘Dingen,by rightmeans ; guter— e

kin,to be in good spirits .

$ ime - n) , f., girl, las s,maid.

bod), conj . , (accented ) yet,nevertheless, for a ll that,atany rate ; (unaccented )indeed, I hope, I guess ;

with a question is certainly, is itnotso ?a ner -6, m., thunder .


nm nllen (4 ) n., roll

ing ofthunder.

$ 011 no: V il"

lage .

$ 3111“ -B, m., villager.

Sbnrn - en) , m.,thorn.

but, ado ,there.

bran baran.

brausen,tr.,to press, urge ;refl , to throng, force


s self ; fig ., to vex,

worry .

branf beranf.branfien, ado , outside, inthe world .

brehen, tr . and refl., toturn.

but, adj .,three .


erlci , ado ,threethings ,ofthree sorts .

bteifad), adj .,threefold.

bteitnal, ado , three times,thrice .

brcin barcin'



Sti lt barin'


bringen (hrang, gebrungen)intr . (icin) to press , force,p ierce, come from ; (ha s

hen) to urge, importune.

brinnen barin'

nen, ado ,

ins ide .

britte, adj . ,thi rd.

btiiden,tr . ,to press .

brunt barntn.

humm. adj . , stup id ; ertief5a mic gcrabe itn=

metbutfiel) bin, a s if he

were foolish he ca lled

continously .

S mite! (4 ) n. , darkness.

bnnlel, adj . , dark.


lelblau, adj . , dark blue.

bunfcln, impers .,to grow


bittm, adj .,thin.

bard) , prep. through.


, ado , throughout,by a ll means

, pos itively ;nidlt, by no means,

notatall .burdlboh


ren, tr., to pierce,

penetrate .

through .

bntdl'—9 ¢ llm (ging, gcgcme

gen) , intr . (fem) , to gothrough.

bntdlnfif’fm' tr ., to wettho roughly .

bnrdi é bard; has,

bnrcfl’—f¢ bm (fab,

into , to lookthrough .

bitten (butftc, geburft)(mad. ma n, barf, batfit,barf, biitfen . to da re,be allowed, can.

cbcn, ado , just(now) ;and; etit, justnow.


hene - n) , f, p lain .

e’benfn, ado , justas (so ) .

Gd: —n) , f., corner .


belgefdpni eibe (4 ,

precious j ewe ls .


, ado ,the same ; eB iftmit itis a llthe same

to me.

the, ado ,before .

Chet, ado , sooner.

p lace of honor.

ehtlid), adj ., honest;warm antlanaften (lie,to be honestlasts thelongest) , honesty is thebestpolicy .

Ght’lidlleit f.,honesty .

(itfrci l id), interj ., yes, in

deed, of course .

eifern, into , to grow violent(abouta thing ) , todiscla im .

cinen, adj . , own, peculia r ,odd.


01m n., misery.

( l imb. adj ., miserable, poor .

“ fi e“, ” u, dim. d a re!

little fairy.


fenfabcu (4 ,

‘e) , m.,thread made bythe elves .


fennarn -e) n.,

yarn ofthe elves .


lmlfi lfi “ (“ as mog

fairy veil.


fenaanber (4 ,

magic ofthe elves .

elftadj . , eleventh.

(Ellen (plan ) , parents .


en (empting, ems

pfungen) ,tr . ,to rece ive .


len (cnipfaljl , emf

pfohlen) tr .,to commend,recommend.

m oi —fatefim (i608. ace

febofien) , intr. (fein) , toshootupwards.

entity, adj .,busy.

Gabe (4 ,

ceasing .

cnbltd), ado , atlast, finally.

mus, adj ., endless, cease

less .

eng, adj ., narrow.

(Easel (4 , m. , angel.


lein (4 , n., dim. ofGnsel.

entlang’, ado , along ;briiden, refl . towalk stealthily (a long ) .

entfie flm- fl ieaen (flea. aceffoeen ) . cm . (fein) , to

r adj . , indignant.


entitbie’ben, adj .,decided .

entidilie'fien (entfcblog, entfrblafien) , refl . ,to decide ,resolve, determine.

entflhlof'jen, part. adj ., determined .

mtfiblflb'fett, intr. (fein) ,toslip away, escape .

Gutithlufi’ (4 B, l le) , m.,te

solution, resolve.

entiett’, adj ., frightened.

“mother, conj ., either .


ben, tr ., topur loin.

entmnr’aeln, tr ., to uproot,unroot.

(Entaiitf'ett n., rapture .

er, pers . pron., he ; it.(Erhar

nten n.,

mercy .

(Ethin - nen) , f. , heiress .


fcn or etbn'ficn,tr ., tomake angry, provoke.

heirloom .

em —n) , f., earth ; uuf— n, on earth .

fitb'aeidwfi (4 B.ground floor.


fern, refl , to getexcited, fly into a passion.

M ailman -en) . f., ex



fen,tr .,to grasp .


lofi, adj ., unsuccess


erhal'ten (erhielt, ethalten)tr .,to preserve.

pos itive,

stea l,

p ity ,



ben (erbob, erboben)tr to lift, raise.


ben, part. adj ., lifted.

erl ii l'ten, red ,to catch cold.

erl en’

nen (erlannte, er:

iannt) tr.,to recogniz e.

ertlii 'ren, i r.,to explain.

erle’ben, tr ., to exper ience,

pass through.


fcben (erlofd) . erlofdjen)intr . (fain) , to become

extinguished, go out.ennun

’tetn, tr., to encour



rcn,tn ,to support.ernft, adj ., serious ; ado , in

ea rnest, earnestly .

erri’ten, intn (fein) to


(i rri'ten (4 ) n., blush,

blush ing.


fen (etichuf, erfchafe

fen) , tr . , to create ; flitend) inns bie QBelterftwieber nod; befonbcrémerhen,to suityour fancythe world mustbe madeover .

etidlla'am (eticblua. eddi la fgen) ,tr .,to slay, ki ll.

etfthtnte’ben, tr ., to obta inby forging.

erftbrctt'en (crfchral , er s

ffitoden) , intn (jein) ,tobe frightened or startled .

etfdltfl f'ltth, ado , frightfully .

rtiin'am (etiana. etiunaen) .tr .,to obta in by singing

er batte fi ll) bie meifter afdtafterfdyntiebetnnb er

fnngen, he had wonthemastership by working atthe anvil and singing.

a ft. adj ., first; ado , first,atfirst, only, once, notti ll now ;tanner nottill.

Grftan'nen n., astonishment.

erftann’ltdt, adj ., astonishing.

crftannt, adj ., astonished,surpr ised.


aen (ertrug, ertragen) ,tr to bear.

etma’tben, intr. (fain) , towake up .


-e) ,livelihood, living.

emu/ lien (erwarb, ermors

hen) tr .,to ga in, win.

mt'betn,tr .,to reply .

ermi’idyen,tr.,to catch.

etaiih'len,tr .,totell, relate.


, adj ., thoroughlystup id.

CB, pers . pron. neuter, it;before a verb itis oftenrendered bythere.

(title - n) . f., forge.et’tna, ado , perhaps, per

chance .

m afl , indef. pron., some,something, s omewhat, a



rettuegen, ado , on your



(film f., Eve.

mtg, eternal.

Gilbdten (4 , n., dim. ofSaben.

M en (4 , m.,thread.tabmt(turn. gefabren) .intr. (fein) , to travel,journey, go, sweep .

8 05mm (" iel3: mmdriveway, road.

falb, adj pale, cream-col

cred .

sail‘e) , m., drop,

fa ll.

fallen (fiel , gefallen) intr.

(fein) ,to fa ll.falten,tr .,to fold.

fanaen (fine. aefcmaen) tr.,to catch.

3um - [e]B, —e) , m., dan


3am - n) , f., color.


loB, adj ., colorless, pa le.

fallen, tr ., to grasp, seiz e,take.

fait, ado , almost.fanl, adj ., laz y .

fanlen, intr . ,to rot.amt f., fistfanftbld, adj . , big as a fist.fanftgrnfz, adj ., as big as a

fist.fi c

bertlcib -cc) , n.,

feather dress .


gee -n) , f., fairy.

fi e’enlanb

11er) , en,


fehlen, intr . be lack

ing, wanting (usua lly intpersona l) .

fetn, adj ., fine .

8e - [e]B, —cc) , n field .

fi el'

fenbfidtlein (4 , n .,

little brook inthe rocks .


fmfvaltc —n) . f .,

crevice inthe rocks.

fi elsarat(4 6, —e) ,rocky ridge.

smite: (4 , n., window.


fterlaben (4 , or

m., window shutter.


llfl ’lfilewe (“ r —ll ) r f r :

window pane .

fern, adj . far, distant.fetttg, adj ., finished ; metaben, to finish, getdone ;

bringen,to finish, ac


8m - e) , n., festiva l, holiday.

feft, adj ., firm, fast, tight,sound.

feff—hangen (hing, gehaus

gen) refl., to cling totightly, hangto.

fett, adj ., fat, prosperous.

{fen n., fat.5 033“ T ) : m"


fendlt, adj ., damp .

$en“ (4 , n., fire ;mathen,to make (kindle )a fire.



Gran (4 nB) , m., F rank.

m3“ 4 n) r f °e W ife:lady, (astitle ) Mrs .

fittinldn (4 , n., young

lady .

fret, adj ., free, open.

freien, tr to marry ; benitbut) , fie wi ll be: not!)mittlid) cinen mannjustthink, she still intendsto find her a hus


{inter (4 , m., suitor,wooer ; cut— 8 fiflficn

gebcn,to be benton marrying.

frei lid) , ado ,of course, certainly, to be sure, in

deed ; ti yes, indeed ;why, yes .

ftttnb, adj ., strange.


be —n,—n) , m. and

f. (adj . stranger .

3333” (“ r _n) r fv joy°

frenen, red to rejoice .

fitmnb (4 6, m., friend.

frennblid) , adj . , friendly ;anf6 — ft¢ , mostfriendly .

friablid), adj ., peaceful.

frieren (frat, gefroren)intr. and impers .,

tofreez e.

Mid » adj ., fresh ; fret.unh geinah, free, hale

and hearty .

frob, adj . , glad.


aefltbl n.

feeling of gladness, hap

p iness .



nitbnen, intr .,to yawn.

(Silhncn n. , yawning .

gan3, adj ., whole ; ado , entirely, quite .

giinalidt, ado , entirely .

gar, adv. (lends emphasisto adverbs and adj ectives ;the force may be shown

inthe vocal stress ontheadj ective or adverb) ,

fti hlid) , adj ., joyful, happy .

fti fteln, impers ., to be

chilly ; C6 fri ftelte ihn, hefelta cold chill.

fri ftclnh, ado , shiver ing.

fritl), adj . or ado , ear ly .

{h ahe f., earlytime ; in

alter very early inthemorning.

ftiihct', adj . or ado , earlier ,sooner .

frfl lnnn'

gen6, ado , ear ly inthe morning .

fiihlen,tr .,to feel.fithten,tr .,to lead.

fii llcn,tr .,to fill.

fitnftadj ., fifth.

ftinfaia, ad fifty .

funteln, intr .,to sparkle.

flit, prep. for.

fittdttcn,tr .,to fear .

fittdl'tetltdt, adj ., frightful .finfi (4 6,

l le) , m.

, foot;unter bie ‘

e lu men, tobetramp led under foot.

sane: n., feed.


very, completely, even ;a idtt, notatall.

Giant—[e]6, n., yarn.

Gfittlein (4 , n., littlegarden.

(Sane - n) , f., (narrow)street.man ia - e) r m-r

innkeeper .


gett, part. adj ., angered .

gebannt, part. adj . , captivated, enchanted, bewitched .


ren (gebar, gchorcn)tr .,to give birthto.

geben (gab, gegeben) tr .,to give ; £6 gibt,there is ;gib fie heron” hand her

over !

gebtc’ten (gebot, geboten)tr .,to command.

Gebirgs'mafierlcin (4 ,

n., mounta in rivulet.gebo

’ren, adj ., born.

(Sebfidtt’nw - fe6) n., memory .

G eban'te - n6, -n) , m.,thought


f. , patience.


len (gefiel , gefallen)intr . to p lease.


len (4 , m.,

pleasure ; jinben, find

pleasure (in) , be pleased

(with ) .

gefntlht’, adj ., furrowed.


genfeitig, adj . and ado ,

mutua l, each other.

gegenti’lacr, prep. (withthe

dat. preceding ) .towards,in relationto.

adieu (gins. aeaanaen) .intr . (fein) ,to go, walk,run ; (impers . ) fiblethtdo (or geta long ) badlye6 gebtbod; nirbts iiber

bie garden, nothing can

surpassthe laz y fellows ;feetachitbn ntir nirbtmehr, I do notwantyouto walk any more.

(Sellen (4 ) n. , walking.

gebi’ten, intr .,to belongto

impera , ea gehi rtfi ll), itisproper ; lute C6 fi ll) gehitt,as itshould be.

g ebnr'

fatn m., obedience.

(Stiff (4 6, 4 13) m., Sp l l'

lt.(beflflft n., clefts(plun ) .

gelb, adj ., yellow.


Gelebr'te, m., (adj .

scholar .

Glelcbr’tcnfcber - n) , f.,

pen of a scholar.

gelt! interj ., eh ! is itnotso ?

gelten (gait, gegolten)intr.,to be worth, be of

value ; (fiit) , pass for.


, ado , exactly .


, ado , enough .


be, adj ., stra ight; ado ,

j ust(then) ; to, as



gn nbefl'

bet, ado , straightacrossthe way, opposite.

gn anm'

, adj ., cons iderable.

GeriatS’rnt ‘e) ,

m., judge.

acting’, adj ., small,trifling ;nidjttin — ften, notintheleast.

strid e] , ado , gladly ; it!)W ire 08 gern, I should

liketo be .

G etittn'bel (4 ) n. , rubbish.

Gdanbt’jdtaftfltttadté' (4 ,

m., attaché (of an

embassy ) .

—[C] Br ” a

business ; ein tnadmt,to make a profit, prosper .

gefdliif'tig, adj ., busy.


lmt(aeicfiab. ac

fchehen) , intr. (fain) , tohappen.

O efdj idy’te - n) f., story.

gejdnutnb', ado , quickly.


le - n,—n) , m., fel

low, journeyman, helper.

g elen'

ldlall -l 4 n) r f°1


g efid’t’ - [C]30 4 ) 0face.

gefinnt', adj ., minded ; giin=

fttg favorably dis



ftcthnft, adj . and ado ,

phantomlike, ghostlike.

g ettinlnlfl (4 6. nothatwhich has been spun,


(Sennlt’ 4 n) , f., form.


m., gable,

aeite'bm (aeitanb. aeftanDen) , tr., to admit, own

up .

gcftet'n, ado , yesterday .

gcftti'dten, s ee ftretdtcn.


, adj ., hea lthy.

getti 'ftct, part. adj ., com


amat'fig, adj ., expectantitin,to expect.


fer (4 , n., (coll )waters .

Qi eme’lic (4 , n., web ,fabric.


ncn (gcmann, gcmonnen) , tr .,to win, gain .

gemtfi', ado , certainly, sure

ly .

gewohnt’, adj ., accustomed .

(bemblt’ n .,

group of clouds, cloud

land .

gemitnftbt', adj ., des ired ,wished for.

(biebcl (4 ,

gable end.

gicrig, adj . , greedy.

giftig, ad j ., poisonous, fullof malice, spiteful.

ging, see gebcn.

Qltbfel (4 , m., peak .


gtittttn, adj ., grim.

gtinttnig, adj ., grim, fierce,wrathful, awful.mu ffl e“ - ) r m-r

groschen (a si lver coin,about2 % cents ) .

graft, adj . , large, great.Otofi’

mntter f.,grandmother .

(batte —n) , f . , grotto.

O rnmhneJt n.,sec

ond hay crop .

Gltiin n ., green.

gtiin, adj ., green.tnb‘e) , m. , bottom, reason, cause.

gtiifien,tr to greet.gndtn, intr .,

to look, see ;

gndt{then an betmanna :

tintedjt6, casts a furtiveglance atthe neighbor


house onthe right.Qtnitlan’

be —n) , f., gar

land, wreath, festoon.

O nm’

ntitag m.,

(rubber-day ) , day made

of rubber.

gtinftig, adj .,favorable .

gut, adj . , good, well, kind.

Gate —n) , n. , adj ., decl ,

good ; OutcBtun,to do a


Gi lli e f., kindness.tsp adj ., kind.

gnt’tntitig, adj ., kind -hearted, good




b unt n., ha ir .

«babe H . f ., property ; on! “unit(but, one

s entireproperty .

hahen (batte, gehabt) , tr .,to have ; ma6 batte er

nut? whata iled him ?

whatwas be upto ?Q afnet(4 , m. , b aten s

tunam (S outhern Ger

many ) S obftnadyet, potter .

fingel m., hail .

b a’

gcltntn (4 ,

‘cc) ,

ha ilstone .

haha ! interj , ha ! ha !

b alm‘e) .

rooster, cock.

halh, adj ., ha lf.halhlant, adj ., ha lf a loud ,

in an undertone .

Qals (4 6,‘e) , m., neck ,throat.

balten (hielt, gehalten) tr . ,to hold ; flit, to takefor ; bie %tan bii ltQBunbetwastron betSine,thelady thinks very h igh lyOf Caroline .

Q amutet(4 , m.,ham

mer .

hiitntnetn, tr ., to hammer,

beat.$ anb

‘e) , f ., hand ; an:

in his hand.

$ anbel m., bus iness,affa ir .


fi nitb’fi ifl'en n.,kiss

ing ofthe hand ; lafi nutba6 never mind kissing my hand .

b anb’

fdylittcn (4 .

coaster .

b anbboll, f., handful .©anbmerttrade ; einem baB legen,to forbidthe exercise of

a craft,to stopthe doings(of a person ) .

bangen (or biingen) (hing,

gehangen) , intr .,to hang.

hiingen,tr .,to hang .

fi an6nart(4 n, 4 n) ,craz y j ack, blockhead.

butt, adj .,severe .

hanhcn, intr . ; nad) etwaBto grasp for (or at)something .

hatten, intr .,to hasten.

hfifilid), adj ., ugly .

batten (hieb, gehauen) , trto hew, cut, mow.

muffi n) (4 16. - n) . m.,

heap, pile. [head .

hair of the head andbeard .

{Dammit(4 6. ‘e) .

cap ita l joke .

$ au6 (4 6,net) , n. , house ;

an Q ant'e, athome .

b iinfidien (4 , n dim. of$ ans.

Q auBtiit 4 n) , f., streetdoor, frontdoor.

fi e! interj . , ha !bebcn (hob,

geboben) , tr .,to lift, raise .

heftig, adj ., violent.hei ! interj ., hey ! huz z a lheim, ado , home.

©cimat 4 n) , f., nativeplace, home.

beirn’J nnnnen (lain, getonttnen) , intr. (lcin) , to

come home.

heimlid), ado , secretly.

b eitnmcg m. ;

fi ll) anf bcn madlen,tostartfor home.

heim'—aiel;en (30g, geaagen)

intr . (fein) , to returnhome .

heitaten,tr . ,to wed, marry .

hei ft, adj ., hot.beihen (Diets. aefieiben) .intr . , to be named, be

called ; ba6 (or e6) heiftt,thatmeans,thatis .

heitet, adj . , glad, cheerful.helfen (half, geholfen) intr .to help, be O f use ;

nidlt6 be of no use.

hell, adj .,bright.

het, adv. and pref., hither,here (towardthe speaker

or place in question, used

compounded with verbs

and adverbs ; genera lly nottrans lated )betab', ado , down (towardthe speaker ) .

[waif—fallen (fiel , gefallen)intr . (lcin) ,to fall down.


httab'—gleiten (gl itt. “Glitzten) , intr. (fein) ,to slide


below- lama (lies, gelafien) ,tn ,to letdown.

httab’- jtfitaen,tn ,tothrowdown.

hetab'—wiilaen, tr . and refl .,to roll down.


-treten (trat, getterten) , intr . (fein) to stepup.

beranf - bringen (hrang, gebrungen) , intr . (fein) ,force one

’s way upwards,

push upwards .

herauf—l lingen (llang, gee

flungen) tr . and intr .,tosound (peal ) upward .

herauf—tmnnrcn (lam, gee

lornmen) , intr . (fein) ,tocome up, ascend.

hetau6', adv. and pref out,outside, outO f .

herau6’—fluhen (fanh, ge

funben) tr .,to find out.berau6

’—geben (gab, ge

geben) tr ., to give out,give up , deliver.

hetan6’—l)nlcn, tr.,to take

out, fetch out.hctan6’-tnntnten (lam, ge

lantnten) , intr . (icin) ,tocome out.

hetan6’—lngen, intr .,to lookout, spy .

hetau6’—jd)aucn, intr., tolook out. [out.

betau6'—fd) iden,tr . , to send

berauB'- febm (lab. aeieben) .

intr. ,to look out.betau6’—tun (tat, getan )tr .,totake out.hetbei’—hnlttt, tr . , to bring

bei —bctnmmen (belant, be:

fontnten) tr .,to getfrom .

fittbft(4 6, m. , autumu .

a ft'faben (4 , m . ,

autumnthread, gossamer .

bei —geben (gab, gegeben ) ,tr .,to give up .

é ett—n, 4 n) , m. , L o rd ,master, Sir.

Q ett’gott m., God .

hett’lid) , adj . , magnificent;nnb in i

yrcuben (cbcn,to enj oy li fe well.

hettfdlen, intr .,to rule.

hei —tun (tat, getan) , (co lloq . ) to furnish .

herauf - fatnen (fuhr , gefahsten) , intr . (fein) ,toturnsuddenly .

ha unt- brawn,tr . and refl .,toturn round.


4 ebm (gins. area“

gen) , intr. (fein) to wa lkaround .

beranf - item, intr. (fein) towander about.


J riegen,tn ; ertonntebie 3citgar nidit he

could notkill time fastenough .

hetum’—ihringen (fprang, ge

fptungen) , intr . (fain) ,to jump around.


l inaV - lelm (fab. aeieben) .intr .,to look down .

lpinatt- fteigcn (ftieg, gee

itiegen) , intr. (lcin) , toascend, climb.

binanf , adv. and sep. pref.,upwards , up (from thespeaker ) .

binanf—fliegen (flog, geflo:

gen) , intr . (jein) , to flyup .

binanf—fteigen (ftieg, geftiegen) , intr. (fein) , tomount, ascend, rise.

hinauf - fttittnen, intr ., tostorm up .

binan6'—gel;en (ging, gee

gangen) , intr . (fein) , togo out.

hinan6’—tnntntcn (lain, geetonnnen) , intr . (jein) ,to

come out.binau6

’—fd)auen, intr ., tolook out

hinau6’—fdlreiten (fchritt, gee

fchritten) , intr . (fein) ,towa lk out.

binan6’—treilten (trieb, getti eben) tr .,to drive out.

hin’- bliden, intr ., to look

(toward ) .

hinbutdl', ado ,throughout.

hintin', ado , into ; bi6even into.

hinein’- betnntmen (belatn,

befonnnen) tr ., to crowd

into ; in ben z ag tocrowd intothe day.

hinein’—tmnn1en (rant, ge

iornmen) intr . (fein) , tocome in, getinto.


J ricgen, tr ., to getinto or crowd.

binein’- reben, intr ., per

suade ; refl ., fi ll) in Batutotalk one’

s self intoa rage.timid -tri m (fall.intr .

,to look into.


fii llig, adj ., infirm, frail,decrep it.

bid —fitment(flog. aefloam) .intr. (fein) ,to flyto.

lyin’—ncl)nten (nabm, genanttnen) tr .,totake.

hin’—id) iitteln, tr ., to shake

(toward ) , pour out.i hr- fem . (fab. aeieben) .intr . ,to lookthither ortowards .

bin’—ftreid)en (jtricl) , gee

jtrichen) , intr . (fein) , tos lip by (or past) .

hinten, ado , behind, intherear.

hintet, prep. (dat.,behind ; ihm her, afterhim .

hintethet', ado , after, later .

Q in’tettiir 4 n) f ., back


hinun’ter—ci len, intr . (jein)

hurry down , hasten down .

hinun'ter- gcljen (ging, gee

gangen) , intr. (fein) , togo down, descend .

binnn’tet—i'dtlabben, intr.,to

shuffl e down.


hinnn'ter- fehen (tab, 38 5

jehm ) intr ., to look



intr . (colloq . ) to dece ive (away ) ,mystify ; utn iiber 661111:

bcn lyinmegantiinfdjen, todece ive asto debts .

fi itt(4 n, 4 n) , m., herds


—) r f-r heat; unitin (i i jentun,to heatanironto white heat; cttatnod) baranf, be heateditstill more.

had), adj ., high,tall.glam. superl. of had).oooaeit —en) . f., wedd ing ; utadyen, hal =ten, to celebrate a wed

d ing.

hatten, intr ., to cower,crouch, Sitin the same

p lace .

é of (4 6,me) , m., court

yard, yard, farm.

fi of’

bauet(4 or - n,-n) ,

m., peasantprop rietor,(former ly ) serf.

hoffen,tr . and intr.,to hope,expect, await.

tboffnung 4 n) , f., hope.

hi flid), adj ., polite.

fi flhe - n) , f. , height.bi llet, camp. of had).

hnhl, adj . , hollow, empty.

b i ble - n) f., cave.

hbhnen,tr .,to deride, sneer


h im,tr .,to fetch, get.i la, interj , hallo !

bola (4 6,‘er ) , n., wood.

fi ola’

biele —n) , f., (dealboard ) wooden floor ing.

molatrena (4 6, n.,

wooden cross .


fenftanae - n) . f.,hop pole ; an betlangento the tall young



hflten,tr .,to hear ; hfltte utitan, a lso listened (to ) ;ni ag et’6bod) I do notcare whether he hears it°er liefi nidjtnan fiel)he did notwrite .

fi ntn ‘et) , n., horn,trumpet.

b ole - n) . f (usua llyinthe plura l) trousers .

é ug m., (provine

intr ., to listen,

ia lism for ) bugs) ; bugwegenug, H ugo Neverenough

‘finbn [e]Brlet) 0


.pti lj 'ncrci 4 c) , n . ,

hen’s egg.

hii llen,tr .,to wrap, cover.

a h m., dog.

$uager m., hunger.

bungern, intr . and impers .,to hunger, starve.

{ lungetn n., starvation.

bungtig, adj ., hungry.


hflbftn, intr ., to hop, frisk

about.b urra [h] , interj ., hurrah ;

had), 6m , long live

our master !huttig, adj . and ado , swift,nimble .

bufdjen, intr. (fein) ,to s lipaway quickly, vanish .

é ut ‘e) , m., hat.

biitcn,tr., guard.

b iitte - n) f., but, gottage.

id), pers . pron ; I .3bee

'- n) , f., idea .

ibt, pass . pron., her,their.ti ll in bear.

itntnet, ado , always, ever,

continua lly, constantlynnr continually ;nod), still .

itn'tnetgtiin, adj ., evergreen.


utetau, ado , continually,constantly .

in, prep. (dat., in ;

hinein, into.


fen, ado ,meanwhile ;

(conj . ) nevertheless .


bitelt, adj ., indirect.in


grimmig, adj ., deeply en

raged, full of anger.

me in ba6.

intuiefctn', ado ,in whatre

Spect.itten, intr.,to wander.

3 (i)

in, ado , yes , of course, sure

ly, to be sure ; bad) ,by a ll means .

ingen,tr .,to chase.

” 0 year ;

butSubten, years ago ;

anf6 niidtfte till nextyear .


refiacidlfift - e ) .n., yearly bus iness , em

p loyment.Sammet m., misery ,wretchedness .


nterntann [e]6,‘cc)

m., m iserable fellow.


mcrtniene —n) f .,

woeful (sorrowful ) countenance.

iatntnetn, intr ., to lament,comp lain ; bu mugitmohl

you may well lament.Saarinen n., cheers .

iaudjaen, intr.,to shoutforjoy, rejoice.

jawohl, ado , indeed, surely .

it, ado , ever ; it befto,the the.

jeb (4t, 4 , pass .

pron ., each, every ; everybody .


c ntal, ado , everytime .

im (4t, 4 , dem .

pron.,that.iebt, ado , now.


bd “ m., yod

ling, Tyrolese song.


treasure, j ewe l.i iettttn, intr. (lent) , toclimb.

flingen (flung, getlnngcn)intr.,to sound, ring,


i inbftn, tr. and intr., toknock, strike, pat, beat.

l ing, adj ., prudent, intelligent, wise ; bu bifttunilinitilt you can

’tbe inyour rightmind .

finii ititin (4 , n., littleboy.

infill”: adj ., tight; utitinabbttSlot, with greatdifficulty .

Siniiuei (4 , m. and n

ball, crowd.

Rnic (4 , n ., knee .

intern, intr.,to kneel.initfdten, intr .,to grate.fi bdyin - nen) , f., cook.

inunnanbie’ten,tr .,to com

mand.tommen (tam, gclontnten) .intr. (fain) , to come ;anf cine 6tnbe tantraminbeftcns fed;6 6anh

tnlinner, there were atleasts ix sandmen for

every room .

R bnig - [e]6, m., king.tlinncn (tannte, gelaunt)mod. aux . andtr., be able,

may ; (pres . ind . ) iann,tannft, lann, Iiinnen, etc ;ma6 ctnnr ionntc, with

all his might; thie ihnnte.

tfi C6mohl ? indeed, howcould I possibly dothat?

8 0” 6,‘e) , m., head .


fthiitteinb, part., shakingone

s head.

b bffl'

htt, ‘

ado , head fore

most, submerged.

Ruth (4 6, ‘e) , m., basket.

R hththtn (4 , n., (dim .

of 9 0th) little basket.stern (4 ,

‘er ) , n., gra in .

Rotnfelb 4 r) n . ,

grain field.

inftm,tr .,to Cost.h allten, intr .,to crash.

itfihen, intr .,to crow.

Rtflmtt(4 , m., shOpkeeper, peddler.trant, adj ., s ick, i ll.

Rtunihtit4 n) , f ., s ick


R ustin, intr . ,to climb withdifl iculty , clamber.

h eifein, intr . and red. , towhirl around,twirl round .

iteifen, intr . and red. , tosp in aboutin a circle .ttfdyant(4 , m., (aS lavic word, meaningEntfftheni e) , village inn.triethen (trod) , getrochen)intr. (fein) ,to crawl.

itiegtn,tr .,to get, receive

merhen ben madma nfawn we shall win (or

get)thattow-head in duetimeatone - n) , f ., crown.


Rtiidftod ‘e) , m.,

crutch, walking stick.

Rtug (4 6,‘e) , m., jug,

p itcher.

Rugel - n) , f., ball.

Rub‘e) . f., cow.

i iihi , adj ., cool .

iflhien,tr .,to cool.

Q iihnheit f., boldness,daring ; ftauncnb oh bet

astonished atthisboldness .

Brla) , m's

cow stable .

Runn et(4 ) m., sorrow,

gr ief.

Qunhe —n) , f ., news, ia


Q unhfthaft 4 n) , fo.custom , customer.

R unici - n) , f., distafl".tuta, adj ., short; ado , curtly .

R uta’utei i f., pastime,amusement.tiif’i'en,tr .,to kiss .

R une - n) , f., cowl.


i iithein, intr .,to smile (at,ither ) .

S iichein n., smile.

Qu inn n., laughter .

intimi , intr .,to laugh.

fl abtn (4 , or

Shutter .

Eager (4 , n.,resting

p lace, couch, bed.


Saab (4 6,‘er ) , n., land,



farmer,keeper .

iang, adj . or ado , long.

langc, ado , long, for a longtime ; nirbtsoon.

iangfaut, adj ., slow.

i iingft, ado , a long timeago.

(“ Gr m-r rag.

i iittnen, intr ., to be noisy,make a noise .


en (liefi, gelafien) ir .,to leave, let, perm it, a i

low, cause ; iafi nut!never mind ! i iefie lid) ba6nithtittnen? could thatnotbe learned ? fi e i iifttS imen ingen, she informs


ihftetn, intr .,to slander.

(4 6, 4 ) m.,

country inn

Sater’nc - n) , f., lantern.

fl anhhaunt(4 6, ‘e) , m.,

a deciduous tree — onethatdrops its foliage inthe autumn.


etn, intr to lie in waitfor, watch ;taute6 iauetnbhon feinen Sihben, fell

from his lips, watchingthe effectof his words.

lanfen (l ief, gelaufen) intr .

(fain) to run.

iaut, adj .,loud.

iautet, adj ., mere, nothingbut.


iehen, intr .,to live ; iehe

mohl, farewell.Seben n., life ; an:

lcin,to be alive.

fit’henbe, m. and f., adj .decl.,the living one .

Stung, m., btin all (thedays of ) your life ; bu

baftbie 60nnc bod; beinniaitacidiant, why,

you have never seenthesun before.

iedtn,tn and intr.,to lick.

leer, adj ., empty . [put.legen, tr . and retl., to lay,

ithnen, intr . and refl ., tolean, support.

lehren,tr .,toteach.

fitbtet(4 , m.,teacher .

£ eihc6traft“e) , f. , bod i

ly strength ; nati) “en,

with all his might.ieidtt’finnig, adj ., careless,thoughtless.

fltib, n., suff ering,trouble .

leiben (l ift, gel itten ) , tr .,to suff er, bear ; nichtrubsen (or to beunableto bear, notto like .

ieife, ado , softly .

itiften,tr .,to do, perform .

fittthe - n) , f., lark.

letutu,tr.,to learn.

lefen (ia6, gelefen) tn,toread.

lebt, adj ., last.leudyten, intr . to givel ight, sparkle, shine, gleam.

fieutc, pl.) people.

Seut’nant(4 . 4 and

m., lieutenant.i idtt, adj . , br ight, light.Sidit(4 6, 4 c) n., light.i itht’etfii llt, adj ., filled withlight.

Sidjt’flhein (4 6,gleam (ray ) of light.

lieh, adj . or ado , dear, be

loved ; hahen,to ca re

for ant- ften hahen, like(or love ) best.

Sieh n., nom. and acc. s ing .

only, my love, darling.


iingeln, intr ., to ogle,castsheep’s eyes .

Siehe f ., love .

lichen.tr .,to love .

i iehet, ado ,rather (us ed

as comparative of getn )fl iehlingdarling .

i iehteith, adj ., loving, aff ectionate .

Sichfte[t] , m.,lover (adj ective

i iefetn,tr to gi ve, furnish .

liegen (lag, gelegen) intr .,to lie.

Sina Sine, abbr., Caroline.

i inbetn,tr .,to soften, a lle


Sine (4 , f., abbr . ofStatoi ine, Caroline .

i ini6, ado ,tothe left.

fi ibltr - n) . f., lipi itt, see i eiben.


“ ribbie' —n) , f., melody,

air,tune .


bifti) , adj ., melodious .

”lengt -n) , f., crowd.

Illenfih (4 n, 4 n) , m., man,human being, (plura l)people ; man iftbad) and)and) butam I nota lsohuman ?


fdlenaefinhel a .

(human ) rabble.

fl atworms —en6. 4 n) .n.,

human heart.Illen

fdicntinb (4 6, 4 c) ,n., Wienjch, human be



idycntniinel (4 ,

group of people.


idlmivracbe —n) . f.,language of man.

utrti en,tr .,to noticeutrtt’miirbig, adj .,

worthy, rema rkable.

uteti’tuiitbigetturife, ado ,

marvelously, curiously.

”lime -n) , f. , mien, air.

“ Ia f" milk°

milb, adj ., mild, gentle.

nti lbern,tr .,to soften, mitigate.tninbeften6, ado , atleast.

”l ine (4 ) abbr . of fl libel s

mine, M inna .


ftet(4 , m., min


fillifi’madw m., bad

growth, fa ilure of thecrops .

mit, prep. with ;

m. , morn

(ado , sep. prefix ) , alongwith,together, a lso.

mit—gehen (ging, gegans

gen) , intr . (fein) , to go

a long, accompany .

”af ieib n., com

pass ion, p ity.tnit’iribig, adj ., compassionate, p itiful.tnitjatnt', prep. together with.

mit- lingen (fang, getan.

gen) , tr .,to j oin in singing, accompany .

W itt -n) f., middle.

mitten, ado ,in the midst

O f.

uibaru, (marbtc, gentochtpres . ind , mag, tnagft,mag; mbacn, mod .

aun , and intr., may, like ;fie mndyte ihn, she liked

him.tnhg’i iti), adj ., possible.

w ith (4 813.moon.

m anna:moonlight.

93065 3 06” (“ r see) p f-e

moonlitnight.Qtanbftheitt- le13) .moonshine.

morgen (4 ,


morgcn, ado ,to-morrow.

W t’gmftiihe f ., earlymorning.


gengrauen n.,

dawn (or break) of day .


utltgtn6, ado , inthe morning ; bun hi6 ahenb6,from morning till even

m it[e] ? -e) m . grape

j uice, new wine.

tniib milbe.miihc, adj .,tired.

mithe - n) f ,trouble.

miihen, red.,httntihen,totake pains, exertone


se lf.

miih{am, adj ., laborious.

uttih’feiig, adj .,toilsome, labor ious .

Slinnb 4 and‘er ) ,

m. , mouth.

ntuttnein, tn and intr ., tomutter.

marten, intr., to murmur,


utiit’ti jth, adj ., ill-humored,crabby, crusty .

miittijthe, m., f., adj . decl.,surly person.


en (mnfite, gentufit,mod . can ) , pres . ind .,

mnfi,tnnfst, innit; ntiifl'en,must, have (to ) , be


Shut m., courage ;etnfbtedlen,to encour

age .

tnutio6, adj ., withoutcourage , disheartened .

Sliuttct f ., mother.

Mt’terdlen (4 , n., dim.

of i llutttt.

na, interj ., now, well !

null), prep. after,toward, for, at.

Sladthat(4 ,-n) , m., neigh



harhauB (4 6,”er) n.,

neighboring house, neigh


s house.

Sladt'hatin -nen) f.,(fema le ) neighbor.

Stadj’benten (4 ) n., reflection, meditation.

nath'beni i ith, adj ., thoughtful .

nathhet’, ado , afterwards .


lafien (liefi, gelafien) ,intr ., to letup, relent,cease .

nath’i iifiig, adj ., negligent,careless .

nadf—lanfen (lief, gelati nfen) , intr ., (fein) ,to run after.

mm'mittagfl afice m.,

afternoon lunch (corresponding to 5 o

’clocktea in England ) .

natty—tufen (tief, gerufen) ,intr. to call after(some one ) .


id flaa“e) . m.,

second blow, afterclap(complimentary timebeat) .

nadl’—ieben (lab. aeiehen) .tr. and intr .

, examine, in


vestigate, look after(dot) .

uhthft, adj ., next.andf—jtutttn, intr .to stare after.

mar- imam (flies. criticgen) , intr. (fain) ,to follow.

malt(“ e

le) e i n night;

heutc nathi ,this night.madlt’mabe T “) r i nnightcap .

Sladlt’rube f., nightrest.

nathi6, ado , atnight, of


Staten (4 , m., neck.

Stagei (4 ,

It) , m., na il .

uageu,tr . and intr.,to gnaw.

uah[e] , adj ., near.

uiitni i li), ado , namely, you


mart(4 n, 4 n) , m., fool.

Slattetei ’ 4 n) f., fool

ishness .

uiittifti), adj ., foolish.

Stale - n) , f., nose.

Sta’fenftiiher (4 , m.,

fillip .

nafi, adj ., wet.Statut’ 4 n) f., nature.

uutiit’i iti), ado , O f course.

Slehei (4 , m., fog.

Ste’belfiirft(4 n, 4 n) , m.,

pr ince ofthe fog.


helntantel (4 ,

robe of mist(fog ) .

uehen, prep. beside,bes ides, near .



, ado , bythe s ide ,close by, nextdoor.

ned’ifd) , adj .,teasing .

nehnten (nahm, genommen ;pres . indic., nehme, ninnnjt,nimmt, tr .,totake .

Sleib m., envy .

neibio6, adj ., unenvious ,withoutenvy .

nein, ado , no.

uennen (nannte, genannt)tr.,to call. [m., nerve .

Stern - [e]6 and 4 n, 4 n ) ,uttt, adj ., neat, nice, p retty,urn, adj ., new ; non — e1n,

uuf6 -e, anew, aga in.


gierig, adj ., inquisitive .

nitht, ado , not; mcht,no more, no longer ;i iiuget, no longer,more.

nithi6, ado , naught, nothing ; ai6, nothing but;mehr, meiter noth

ing more.

niden, intr .,to nod. [nevernit, ado , never ; nod)nie


ber—bredjen (brad) , ge

hrochen) tr., to brea k

down, come down .


ber—fallen (fiel , gcfalieu) , intr. (iein) , to fa ll

down .


ber—i'trbntcn, intr . (ha

hen, fein) ,to pour down .

nichtig, adj ., low.

niemai6, ado , never .

niemanh, indef. pron.,

one, nobody.


m — '


Qcfl e -n) , f., pear l.” on e: (4 , m., vicar,minister, pastor.

”fafe (“ r -n) o f°r W hist,

p ipe.

Ufeifm (bfiff. aebfiffen)intr . ,to whistle .

fl eilfdmell, ado , fastas a

dart, fast.fl fn


i ! interj ., fie lhidm,tr . and intr.,to pick.

hidden, refl.,to work hard .

fi luni e - n) f., p lank.

(4 B,l le) m., place,

public square.

$ 1ter’auce (4 ,-n) , n., dim

watery eye .

hlflblid) , ado , suddenly.

shun» , adj ., clumsy, heavy.

hodmt, intr .,to knock, beat.8 03, interj ., z ounds l

8 1th unh b agel ! goodnessalive !

S atire“ ! interj . ,the deuce !btfidjtis. adj ., splendid, ma

she scorched

gnificent.problem intr .,to brag.

btafl'm,intr ., to feast,

carouse, revel.

btfifen, tr ., to prove, scrutiniz e, examine .

btfigeln,tr .,to whip, flog.

bit, interi .hush. sh. silence.

bu’tetrot, ado ,

red as aturkey .tmbm,tr .,to clean, adorn,



qufilen,tr .,totorment, vex ,


Q ned'

filhet n., me r

cury .

Q ueue —n) , f ., spring.

quick ly intr .,to squeak .

mantaedge .

”h as‘e) , m., rank ,

place ; hen ablaufen,to getahead of, get'thebetter of.

mama , colloq. for su mSlaw.

mid) , adi ., quick.

aloft f. , repose, rest;obne unh mun, restlessly .

mat " M ad ”

vice, counsel ; mitten.to know whatto do.taten (tiet, geraten) tr . and

intr . to advise,counsel.

tanBen,tr .,to rob, stealmouthin g —e§ ,

l le) ,

chimney, flue .

medmtutg -en) , f., bill,account.

rerbt, adj ., right, very ; ado ,

quite ; baton, to be

right; mir fdmt itsuits me quite well.


8mm —e) , n right.m., f ., (adj .the rightperson.

(R efine, f ., (adj . therighthand.

tedt, ado , onthe right.tedjt’fdjaffett, adj .,righteous,

honest.teden,tr .,to stretch.

mete - n) , f . , speech,t‘ehett,tr . and intr .,to speak .

t‘e’seltedn, adj ., accordingto rule, correct.meant- 8 , m rain.

te'gentt‘iifi, adj ., dimmed bythe ra in.

reste’reu,tr.,to govern.

megte’ten (4 ) n., govern


fl atten,tr. and intr .,to ra in.

reiben (trieb, gerieben) tr.

and refl .,to rub.

fi eld) —e) , n.,do


reidy, adj ., rich.

meidje (adj . m., rich


mei i — [e]6) m., hoarfrost.filetf’tofiolb —e) , m.,

frost- sp irit.meif'toliolbtflntg —[e]B, - e)m. , king of the frostSp irits .

metf'ttone -n) , f., hoarfrostcrown.

reibntlt’, ado , in succession,

inturns .

teifzen (rtB gerifien) , tr . ,totear, divide .

mefbelt' —[e]B, m., respect.Uleft(4 6, —e) , m., rest, re


fileftdmt, n dim. of ”left.tetten,tr . ,to save.

tidnig, adj .,correct, regular,

real ; ado , of course ; ha

ftanb her 213mm, behold,there stoodthe man.

illicit—n,—n) , m. . giant.

riefeln. intr . todriz z le, rain gently.

tie’fengtofi, adj ., as big as

a giant, gigantic.

tingfi, ado . in a circle,around.tingB’nnt, ado ,

roundabout,all around .

” be (“ r - n) o fa rib'ttfien, seetetfieu.

aloft: —n,—n) , f., robe,


mos - [e]6,l le) , m., coat.

functi onal -B, mcoatsleeve.

tollen,tr . and intr.,to roll .

tat, adj . ,red.

mate f., redness , blush.

tot’aliibenb, adj . , glowing.

t‘fltlid), adj .,reddish.


bands .

mean —3, m., back.

taten (tief, gerufen) tr .,tocall out, excla im, cry ; or

marbtc to bie! er molltc,however much he called.

mube f., rest, quiet,repose ; Iafitmit“ metric


leave me alone ! or

do nottrouble me !rubig, ado , quietly.tfiljren,tr. and red.,to stir,move.

ttmh, adj ., round.

Sunset-n) , f., wrink le.tiiftia, adj ., robust, active.


é aat-eu) , f., seed.

s cale —I

"to: f" thing:matter, affair.

fatten,tr.,to say,tell.6anh - [e]B) , m., sand.

6anhtarten —B, m.,

sand cart.Ganbmann (4 6,

Juler ) , m.,

sandman ; hah’

id) ae

Imt, I have learnedthebusiness of a sandman.

fanft, adj ., gentle.

6mm (4 3,“e) , m., song

nbne unhmans, s ilently. [coffin

GuruJule) , m.,

fatt, adj ., sat, satisfied.

fatter, adj ., sour, wry.

661th -n) . f., pillar.

fanfen, intr .,to rush, whiz .

fdj iifiig, adj ., shabby.


benfrnb, adj ., malicious .

fdwffeu (frbuf. Geffbaffefl )tr .,to create .

fdmffen,tr. and intr.,to do,provide, work, bringabout.

Edmffen n., labor.


Milkmen, red. (second ob

j ectinthe genitive ) , be

ashamed (of ) .

fdjfittben,tr .,to defame.

fdlat'f. adj ., sharp .

6anh (4 3,‘e) m.,treasure,

(fig ) sweetheart.fdjauen, intr .,to look ;to see .

fdjanfdn,tr.,to shovel.


fenfter - B, n .,

show (or shop ) window .

adj ., oblique ; mit— eu 211mm anieben, toregard with jealousy, lookaskance.

Gdjeitt m., gleam,

brightness , light.foam (fcffien. sefcbienen ) .intr .,to seem, shine .

tr .,


bci lia, adj sanctimonicos .

Gammon ? —en) f .,

roguery, knavery.


mifd) , adj ., roguish .

fdjelten (fcfjalt, gejcholten)tr .,to scold.

d itel —3 , m.,th igh .

70m, ado , tirnidly, fr ightened.

fdmtetn,tr .,to scrub.


nentor - B, —e)barn door .

fdjtden,tr. ,to send.

fdtieben (Mob. sefcboben ) .ir.,to push.

fdj iet. ado , almost.mitten (fcfiot. sefc5 0fien ) .tr.,to shoot.


66)a —en) ,pain.

fdnnnalid), adj ., distres sed,grievous ; ado , pa infully .

©61mieb —e§ , - e ) m., black

smith. [©61mibt.Gautibtin, colloq . for {i ronGdlnthhe - n) , f . , forge,blacksmith shop ; on bie

rerbte h umm, tocometothe proper place.

fdnniehen,tr . or intr ., work

atthe anvil .

eémkben n.,forging,the work atthe anvil.

fdmtttd, adj ., neat, tidy,


fdnmmaeltt, intr ., to smi le

with satisfaction, smirk .

fdjnardjett, intr . ,to snore .

6dwn m., snow.


abbana e) ,m., snow-covered slope

mémneeball [e] 3,Jule) ,

snowball ; cinen Batslen,to make a snowball.

emnee'fl ode —n) , f .,


Gmneefl etb —er) ,n., snow-dress .

émuem ananet) ,

m., snowman.

Gmnee'utantel - 6,snow-cloak .

d ee'

vnlfter m.

(usua lly neuter ) , snowcush ion.

idlneibeu (jcbnitt, gefdjnitten ) tr . ,to cut, mow.

fdmell, adj . , quick, fast,s ummer - 8 ,

reaper, mower.

fdmfirett, tr . and refl ., tolace .

fdmnrrig, adj ., queer .

fdmttt’fttudfi, ado , directly ,stra ight(away ) .

fdlon, adv. (time ) , a lready ;

(as sertive or emphatic)well, surely, certainly, lndeed, doubtless ; lancefor a longtime .

fdjfltt, adj ., beautiful.g d finfn


fe, f .,the beautifulSusan.

66a —eB,

Ju‘e) , m., lap .

fdwfi, see fd fiefien.

e dited’ensbntfdjaft—en)f .,terrible news .

s ane —e) . m., cry.shout.

{Gard en (febrie. seb rie [e]n )tr .,to cry out, scream .

fdmttm (jchritt, gefchritten) , intr . (fain) , tostr ide, advance .

6mm —e) .step .

Gdjub’tarreu -B,


é djulb —en) , f., debt;iiber bie D brentn 66m!hen, over head and ears in

debt.Emulh’ltemufztfein -B) , n

consciousness of gui lt,guilt.



lehm -B,


(“ r r i vshoulder.

Gawain, wife of 66mm.

some - n) , f ., apron.

fdlfit’teltt, tr. and refl., toshake.

Mitten,tr .,to protect.fdmad) , adj ., weak, feeble.

fdnnat‘a, adj ., black .tand em (ftbtvies. admitssen) , intr ., to be (orkeep ) s ilent.fdmetgenb, ado , silently.

Gdltneitt- e§ , —e ) , n., p ig .

Gfiwet’neftall (4 ,

Ju‘e) , m.,

p igsty .

Gdltneifz m., persp i


fdnnellen (jdunoll , gefdjmol sIen) intr . (fein) to swell,increase .

fdmemnten,tr .,to wash up,

floatminer, adj . and ado ,

heavy,hard ; am very heavy ;

holtcn,to be difficult.66mie’rigteit —en) f.,

difficulty .

fdmimuten (immamm, ge

fdjmommen) , intr. (fainand hahen) ,to swim .

Gfiwinhel (46, m.,

swindle, humbug .

66min” - n) . wins ,

p inion.

feminism (fdlmans, see

fcblmmgen) tr .,to swing.

fet, adj ., s ix .

ffl ljftfl adj ., Sixth.

Gee -B, m., lake.

Geele - n) , f ., soul.


lenrube f., peace

of m ind, placid state of

mind .

6mm - 8 , m., blessing.

fesnen,tr .,to bless .

fem (fab. sefeben) .tr .,to


jebucu, refl.,to long (for ) .

g ebn’

jndlt f ., longing.


ffimtig, adj . , longingly .


fndltfiboll, ado , longingly .

lebt, ado , very ; in so

much ; an too much .

g ei’

fenfdjauut l le) ,

m., lather .

e ei’

fentrnbfen (4 ,

drop of lather .

6d ! —e) , n., rope.

fein, feine, fein, pass . pron.

and adj ., his .

fetn (mar , gemefen) , intr .

(jein) , a lso aux . with certain verbs ,to be ; hastnfit’mit! gracious ! you don

’tsay so ! fei

B, mic eB jei ,never mind ; in, title iftmithenn? why, whatailsme ?

fei’tterjeitB, ado , on his

part, as for him .

603m - n) , f . , s ide.

fewer, pron. ado , feIBft.felbft, pron . adv self, even.

fella, adj ., blessed, happy.



lialeit f., bliss, hap

p iness .

feltfant, adj . , rare.

fatten,tr .,to drop .

Genie -n) , f., scythetm’


September .

learn,tr .,to set, put, place ;

(refl. ) to s itdown, seatone

s self ; hah’

nod) meinaug

ntdjtoutfie aefetstI have notyet

seteyes on her .

fenfaen, intr .,to sob, s igh .

fi ll) , refl . pron., himself, her

self, themselves, one an

other .

Ewe! —n) f., sickle.

ado , surely.

fie, pers . pron., she.

fi l’

llergt'an, adj ., s ilver-gray.

fimtl el, adj ., s imple (minded) , common.

fiugen (fang, gefungen) ,tr.

or intr .,to s ing .

e inam n., s inging.

finten (font, gefunfen) , intr .

(fein) ,to s ink , drop .

6tirn —[e] B, —e) , m., mind.

linen (fats. gcfeffen) . intr ..to sit.in, ado , so, then, in th isway, thus, therefore ; fl)

late, as (or so ) as .

fofnrt’, ado , atonce.

Golm“e) , m., son.


[e] , ado , as long as .

fold) - er,- e,

- e8) , pron.

and adj ., such.

633 m? —en,—en) , m., sol

d ier.

fallen, mod. aux . and intr .,

shall, must, be destinedto . [men

S ummer (46, m., sum


merfdj laf —eB) , m .,

s ummer s leep .

é nm’

mertag - e) ,m. , summer day .


betlmt‘, adj ., peculia r ,

queer, odd.


betn, conj . after negative, but.60nnc —n) , f ., sun ; baftbie bit, when you havethe sun.

e on'

nenauae —B, - n) ,br ighteyes .


nenettgel (4 ,

sun angel .

e on’

nenbunb —e ) ,m. , sun dog .


nentletnnb [e]6, —e )n. , suntreasure, j ewel .


uetwuber (4 ,

sun cleaner .

g on’

nenfdjein m .,

sunshine .

fonft, ado ,otherwise, else,

formerly, of yore .

Gorge - n) , f ., care.


ffiltig, ado , carefully .

fatal” , adj ., careless, free

from care .

Wilbert, intr .,to spy.

fi mltett,tr.,to Sp lit.flmnnm, tr. and red. . tohitch, harness.


Gtelle -n) f ., place.

fallen, refl .,to p lace one’s


ftetnnten, refl.,to resist.6& e n., death ;has tune ibm nahc, hehimself cameto die.

{tcrhcn (jtarb, geftarbcn)intr. (fein) ,to die.

eter’Bea artdyen, n. er

fornd)teln he spoke

nota (dying ) word.

Etn a —e ) , m., star.

Gter’mtmadjt ”e) f.,

starlitnight.6tet‘nlein —6, n., dim.

of etern.

ftet, adj steady, .constant.ftetB, ado , a lways .

Stick ! —6, m., boot.é fi ege -n) , f ., steps,staircase, narrow stairway.

ftill, adj ., still ; ado , quietly ; intfti llm, quietly, un

noticed .

ethic f., stillness, si

lence, quiet.6timme —n) , f ., voice.

6tirn - en) f., brow,


étnd ‘e) , m., staff ,

story (of a house ) .

Gtodet’genfiun [e]B) m. ,

greatobstinacy (G ladlends emphasisto (fl unkjinn) .

ftflbnen, intr., to groan,



intr . (fain) tototem ,


ftnla, adj ., proud .

“he“ (lfi eBr geftOBen) 0 tr »to push, thrust; nnf,to meetwith ;tnB { mento blowthetrump et(a violentblast) .

e lm“ " at”:

ray (of sun) .

fttnblen, intr.,

shine .

ettflb'lmffi fidl 60 “ e) em., wing of light.ftrampeln, intr .,to kick.

6anh -n) f ., street.

” 0 ,

to stream,

Etta’fienede -n) f .,


fitnnd nln, intr . (fein, ha shen) totrip in walking,stumble.

fl atten, tr. and refl., tostretch .

ftteidmt(ftfi cf). gefffi dlen) .tr ., to strike, stroke.

ftteng, adj ., severe.

firearm,tr.,to strew, scatter .

fttid) , see ftteidml .6trob n., straw.

strum ‘e) , m.,

stream .

ftrnmab’mfirtfl, ado , downstream .

ftrflmen, intr. (fein, hahen) ,to stream.

étmbel -B, m., eddy,rapids .

éttnnlfl ‘e) , m.,



Gtfiwm -B, n., dim. ofGuru .tfie -n) , f., sittingroom.

Gtfid - [e]6, -e) , n., piece,thing.

Gtunbe —n) f., hour.

ftitben,tr. and red.,to sup

port, lean.

fndmt,tr .,to seek, search,

Elinhc: -B, m., s inner.

ffifl bnft, adj ., sinful, wicked.

Gunn intenbent’ —en,- en) ,

m., superintendent.$ ilfe or -n6) , f., Susanne, Susan.

fiifi, adj ., sweet.

Sing —e) , m., day ;am -e, duringthe day ;alle -e, every day ; hen

annaen iiber, throughthe entire day.

S n'

gesgrnuen n., daybreak, dawn.

S n’

gewert —e) ,day

’s work (ortask ) .tfid lid), adj . or ado , da ily.

S al lie (pronounce i nlje) ,- n) , f ., waist.

S n! - [cl3,l lelt) , n., valley.

S alute —n) f., firtree .tanam, tr . and intr ., to

dance .


p no or


lanhen, intr. (hahen, fein) ,to grope.

S nidle - n) f., pocket.S nt—en) , f., deed, act.S an m., dew.tangen, intr., to be good


i nnit!) (4 3, —e) , m. ,trade .

S nnfenh, bet interj . ,

mein —l Good gracious !

S ell —e) , m. and n.,

part.S ell

nnlnne f.pass ion, p ity.

S eu'

erxms 4 n) . f.,deam ess, scarcity, hardtimes .

S care, m., f. (adj .dear one.

S hermmne’ter —B,

m.,thermometer.tief, adj ., deep .

S iefe - n) , f., depth.taten, intr .,to storm, rage.

Q uilter Ju‘

) f.,daughter.

Iodl'tet‘liefi (

daughtermy dear daughter.

9505 m., death.

z o’

besftunbe -n) , f.,hour of death.toll, adj . , mad.

$ enI‘e) , m., sound,tone.tflnen, intr ., to sound, re


a ne - n) , f., barrel.Sine —en, m. , fool.

s o; - [e]60 —e) r ” v (City )gate ; alto nnr fttfd) btn=


nus unh bots forththen, beyondthe gates .tittdlt, adj ., foolish.

i fltin - nen) , f ., (female) fool.

i nt (F rench ) , m.,

wrong ; einem ettnnB auntnntnn,to do athingto vex a person.

z om art —e) ,gate-keeper .taten, intr .,to rage, storm.tot, adj ., dead.

s ore, m. and j . (adj .dead person, corpse .tragen (trug, getragen) tr.,to carry.

Sti ne —n) , f .,tear.trfi'nenbeneut, adj ., moistwithtears,tearful.trfi'nenloB, adj .,tearless .

S rfi’

nentrnufen (4 3, m.,tear drop .trauen, intr . totrust.Starl et f ., mourning.ttnnet'n, intr.,to mourn.trfinmen, tr . and intr ., todream .traumloB, adj ., dreamless .tranrig, adj . , sad .treffen (traf, getroffen) tr .,to meet.treiben (trieb, getrieben)tr . ,to carry on, do .trennen, tr . and refl . , sep

arate . [sta ircase .

35mm -n) , f., sta irs,treten (trot, getreten) intr .

(lcin) ,to step .

trident, intr .,totrill, warble.

Stine —3 or f ., (forStatbartne) , Catherine.trinten (trout, getrunfen)tr .,to drink .

Stimuli !) (" leler mvtriumph.trovfen, intr., drip, drop ,tr ickle.

Smitten - 8 , m., drop .

Stoit m., comfort.ttflften,tr .,to comfort, console ; lnfz hid) be comforted.ttflftlid) , adj .

, comforting .ttoftloB, adj ., comfortless .trot, prep. (gem) , in sp iteof.tron'betn, conj ., although ;ado , in spite of it, nevertheless .trilhe, adj .

, notclear, sad .

S rfib'

inl —e) , f. (a lsoneuter ) , sorrow.trii ll 'felig, adj ., afflicted, miscrable, sad.

Sitilb’feline, m. and f. (adj .

(the ) sad one .

Stun m.,deception.

Stfimmet, pi., fragments,ruins .

Stunt l le) , m.,

drink.tiidltig, ado , heartily, vali


S ngenh - en) f., virtue .tun (tat, getan) ,tr .,to do ,

act; was immer id;tue,


nutrin'sen,tr .,to surround.

untidj lin'gen (umicljlang, urns

jdflungen) tr., to em


nntfonft', ado , in vain, for

nothing. [puton.

nnt'tnn (tat, getan) tr .,tonn

nnfffilliu, ado , withoutattracting attention, notseeming surprised.


nnfbaltinnt, ado , withoutstopping, incessantly.


anfljflrlid), ado , continually .


ansinretblidj ,speakable.


lmrtnberais, adj ., heartless, p itiless .


fietiintntett, adj ., uncon


unh, conj . , and.

adj ., p itiless .

adj . and ado ,

unfr iendly .

0 f run’




geraten, adj ., unsuccess

ful, ill-bred, mischievous.


geftridlen, part. adj ., un



getrflftet, .ado ,



gemobnt, adj ., unaccustomed.


heil n ., harm, mis



bolb (4 6, —e) , m., ill

favored person, fiend,monster.

adj ., un





lnftig, adj . or ado , outof humor, displeased .


ntntia, adj . or ado , de


nn’tnbtg, adj ., restless .


ltd) , adj ., unspeakable.

unten, ado , below.

unter, prep. (dat., un

der, among, below.

unterhrii d’en, tr ., to sup

press .

nn’ter—geben (ging, gegan s

gen) , intr . (fain) , to go

down, set(sun) .

nnttflft’lid) , adj ., inconsol

able, disconsolable.


berfdj iitnt, adj .,less , insolent.


nnlltltrlid; and unwi ll stilt'lid), ado , intuitively,involuntarily .


anfriehenljeit f., discontent.


8 nter - B,It) , m., father.

berfidlt'lid) , adj . , contemptuous, disdainful.betiin'

bern, tr . or red., tochange .

nether'gen (herborg, her

bargen) tr. or refl ., toh ide .

adj ., criminal .nether’ben (,berbarb, betsborben) ,tr .,to spoil .


nen,tr .,to earn.



llen (bergrub,Dmfitfi'ufi , adj . Of adv”

vexed, outof humor.

nu brorfen (perf. part. ofunbriefien) hetbttefil id), cross, i ll-humored.

herbaht’, adj ., bewildered,puz z led, confused.


len (herfiel , aerial :Ien) , intr. (fein ) ,tothinkof (nuf) ; Gig. ) to hitupon ath ing.

nefl al'

len, part. adj ., emaci

ated, decayed, deteriorated. [follow.


aen, tr., to pursue,

betfiib'tettffi , adj ., seducing,alluring.


fienB, ado , in vain.


llen (verging, bergane

gen) , intr. (fein) ,to passaway, vanish ; e8 vergin

gen ilnn bie armen, he

was actua lly blinded.

hergcffen (herons. himself

fen) , tr ., to forget; it!)nn afifie ihrer, I should

forgetthem ; all felllfther Gngel mein will

eventhe angel forgetme ?fi nnei

fen —B) n., forgetting, forgetfulness .

Sn anfi’

aen - B, n.,


beranlia'lid), adj ., contented.

beranitgt’, part. adj ., pleased,satisfied, content; fi e fabtanner neranltater brein,she looked more and more



betagtnben) ,tr . and red., tohide.

netbal’ten (herhielt, herbal :ten) , tr., to hold back,suppress .

nerbeint'lttlyen, ir ., to keepsecret, conceal.

betbfil'len, tr . and refl ., toenvelop, wrap up , cover.

berating/era, intr. tosta rve.


fieln, tr ., to spend inmerriment.


fen,tr.,to sell.

nertrte’dyen (bed rocb here

W el l ) , refl.,to h ide.


aen,tr . ,to demand.


fen (berliefi, berlafsfen) ,tr.,to forsake, leave.

between, refl., totake up ;

fie nerleaten fi ll; antsfittten, they resorted toentreaties.


lyen (berl ieb, berl ies

hen) ,tr.,to lend, give.


ren (herlor, berloren)tr .,to lose.

aerial!"en,tr.,to entice, allure.

hermeh'ten,tr .,to increase.


gen (bermocbte, betsmocht) tr. and intr.,to beable .




Q etnnnft’ f., reason ;

annelnnen, be reason

able (sensible ) .

refl ., to bow


bemfinf'tig, adj . ,



nen (berrann, betronnen) , intr . (iein) , topass away .


gen, tr ., to refuse,break down, give out.


fen, tr . tosupp ly, provide .

betfdliintt', adj ., ashamed,shamefaced,timid .


nern, ir .,to beautify .


ben, tr ., to be thecause of. [away .

neridnnetn’tnen, to washnerfdnnin


ben (berfcljmanb,berfclj lnunben) intr . (fein)to disappea r .


hen (berfal) , berieben) ,refl .

,to make a m istake ;

el n er fiel) bern ) , beforehe was aware .

nerfi e’

gen, intr . (fain) , tocome to an end, dry up ,

be exhausted .


len,tr .,to lose.


en (berfpracl) , betfproém) , tr . ,to p romise .

berite’lj en (berftanb, beritans

Den) , tr ., to understand ;fiel) harauf to under

stand athing well.betftoh’len, adj . , secret, furtive .

betftt'dlen, tr .,to try , attempt; all id)? berfttd n?

sha ll Itry it?nertra’gen (hertrug, battra sgen) , refl ., to agree

(with ) .


8 crtran’

en H con


nertriintnt’, adj ., lostin

dreams, dreamy .

nertret’luen (bertrieb, bertrieben) tr ., to - dr ive

away .

unwe'luen (bertnebte, ber

mebt, or bermob, bermoEen) , red.,

to entwineone

s self.

nerwer’fen (bermarf, betmorfen) ,tr .,to putas ide .

ncm irrt', part. adj ., con

fused .


bern, red. ,to be astonished, be surprised ;tr ., to astonish ; eB marnidltan itwas notastonishing.

betaiidt', adj ., enraptured .

betanl ei’feln, intr . ,to despa ir .


felt, part. adj ., des

perate, hopeless .

fli eranteif’lnng f., des


hiel, adj . or ado , much ; wi eand) , however much .

bielleid fi'

, ado , perhaps .

biettadj ., fourth, quarter .

i i iettel n., fourth ,

quarter .

Rinse! (4 3, m., bird .

i iflg'

lein n., dim. ofQingel .

boll, adj ., full.

Millig, ado ,fully, comp lete

ly .

mun nan bent.


b l auen,tr.,to warm.

a ntenn a w e es seen,Should liketo be.

marten (ant) , intr.,to wait(for ) .


(emphatic, na's

nun) ado , why ? whatfor ?

was, n. interrog . and relative pron., what; wasteartnn, why ; ad)bah l pshaw l

walnut(mulch. semaicben) .tr., to wash ; htnnfienmaid; eB unh fang, outside the washing and

s inging wenton.

fl uidlfcfi (4 B.‘er) , m.


Q atar’leine -n) , f.,washline.

fl afl'

er -B, n., water ;grofie flood,high water.

fl uf'

fmf ‘bfm - ) r m»

drop of water.toeluen (mabtc, gemebt, ortool», gewoben) , tr., toweave.

ineden,tr .,to awake, call.tether nod), conj ., neithernor .

we“ 4 ) r mo path,road ; (fig ) in einemcontinually.

meg, ado , away.

wegen, prep. on ac;

countof.wed- fam e (fins. getan

gen) , tr ., to catch away,carry 03 (from one ) .trey- reifien (rig, gerifien)tr.,totear away.teed- frillm, tr., to wash


wed-teenBen (manbte, ge

manbt) ,tr .,toturn away .

web, adj ” pa inful ; l

a las ! ah l intrtntesithurts me ; mitinta l l!)her W iden gan3 myback is


sti ll very sore.t'

fi agen n., lamentation.


ntiitia, adj ., sorrowful,melancholy, sad.

S care -n) , f., (coffer )dam, dike. [woman.

fl ew (4 3, —er) , n., wife,E eibmlnn —B, n., old


fi cti fi ilb (4 B, —sr ) , n. ,

woman, (contemptuous ly )wench .

weidlen (mid) , getuitnen ) ,intr . (fein) ,to yi eld, giveway, retire.

g fi fl flfl wm (“ Br a

(softrag ) , weakling.

b eihen,tr .,to pasture.

S eib’nadyten (pl ) , Christ

mas .

mi l, conj ., because.

S eildlen —B, n., dim. ofwale.

S elle -n) f., while,time ; anftine for a



meintcn, tr. and intr., toweep ; mine but!) nithi garin lebt, please do notweepso bitterly ; m intnnr !you may well weep !

weitmt n., weep ing.

fl einfafi (4 B,“cc) , n.,


weiB, ado , marbtintr nirbtsdo nottell me a story,

don’ttryto hoodwink me.

wei ie, adj ., wise.

inciten (mica, gemiefen) ,tr .,to show, pointout.min, adj ., white.

weifi adj ., covered

with hoarfrost. lwide .tacit, adj ., broad, extensive,weitet, ado , on, onward,further ; nirbts nothing else ; l ime —eB,forthwith, withoutany

further ado.

wei’ter—aehen (ging, gegans

gen) , intr . (fein) , to go

on, proceed.

wetter-tamnten (tam, ges

fonnnen) , intr . (fein) ,toadvance, make progress,


wei 'ter- fdyreiten (frbritt, geeicbritten) , intr . (fein) ,togo on .

wei 'ter- initien, intr.,to washonward, roll on.

fl eiaen m., wheat.- e, 4 8, rel. pron.,

who, which .

fl elt—en) , f., world.


wenben (manbte, gewanbt) ,refl .,toturn (one’s self ) .

menig, adj . or ado , (a )little ; ein gan3 i lein

j usta little.

we’nigftenfi, ado , atleast.wean, conj ., when, whenever ; nichtift, unlessitisthis .titer, was, interr . pron who ;

(indef. relative ) whoever .

merhen (marl) , gemorben) ,tr. (with um and theacc. )to woo, sue.

werben (math, geworben)intr. (fein) to become ,

grow ; aux . ofthe future,shall, will ; waS with hennbnS? whatwi ll become of

it?wetfm (matf. aemOtfen) .tr . ,tothrow, cast.fl nmntt f .

, workshop .

Q fim —B) , n., existence ;talles ttei lmt,to carry


fl ettet’ -B, n., weather ;alle very bad weather ;wastenanthenn beranfin allent pray, whatis ascending inthis kindof weather ?

8 et'terlad;n., (weather-hole ) quarter from which the bad

weather comes . [ing.

wenernh, part. adj ., stormlaid), Pret. of meidjen.


dyen (ivracl) , ge


fprocben) tr . and intr.to contradict.Q i

berftanb m.,


wie, ado , how ? conj ., as ,

like, how, when.

miehcr, ado , aga in, back .

wie'ber—ljallen (a lso insepa

rable ) , intr ., reecho, re


wie'ber—bolen,tr .,to return,fetch back.


lcn,tr .,to repeat.wie'ber—tonnnen (tam, gee

Iommen) , intr. (fein) , tocome back.

imieie - n) , f ., meadow.

fl iefel n., weasel.

michiel ? ado , how much ?

with, adj ., wild.

will, see mollen.thillcn, ant milieu, prep.

phrase, forthe sake of.

fl inb - e6, - e) , m., wind.

fi i in’

beSljenlen n.,

genien bee QBinbeé , howling ofthe wind.

iminbitnfz - e6,”e) , m. ,

blast(or gust) of wind.

wi ll i e! (4 3, m., corner .

winaig, adj . ,tiny . [whirllairlneln, tr. and intr . , towid en,tr . and intr .,to haveeffect, work, act.witfl id) , ado , really , in fact.withing —en) , f., eff ect.mitt, adj . ,tangled.

QBirtBbanB - e?o,l ler ) , n.,

inn,tavern, saloon.

wifdmt, tr . and refl ., towipe .


en (innate, gelnufit) ,tr . (pres . ind , weifz,wei fgt, mei fz, nih'eu,to know ; fi e wi ll ban al =

[en nid fiB she wantsto have nothing to do

with a ll of them ; tutSbnen an


colloq ., in

forms you.


en n ., knowledge .

ilBitft'nn - en) , f ., widow.

fiBitme - n) , f., widow.

flBit'tnenfd fleier m. ,

(widow’s ve il) widow


weeds .

m , ado , where, when ;tannut, wherever.

” Willem-fall“ - ) r m'


weekly a llowance of s ix


m l fin’

, ado , wh ither, where,wherever .

mal, ado , well, much ; ibmmarbe gan3 arbentlid)he feltso well ; (unaccented ) indeed, perhap s ,

probably .


gefleibet, adj . , well

dressed .

molynen, intr .,to dwell, l ive .

QBobnftiitte - n) , f. ,

dwelling p lace .

momm a —en) . f.,


QBnli e - n) , f., cloud

itBal’tenlagercouch of clouds .


wme’tm (settles. setrfiofien) , intr . (fein) , tomeltaway.

am el’

im (em it. sm ile

fen) tr.,totear.

am en, intr .,to pull,tug.

aetftren’en,tr.,to scatter.

Bettel -6, m., warp .

Sena —e) , n., stuff ;niteB rubbish.

Sim -n) f. goatitem (309. sem en) . tr .,to pull, draw ; intr .

(fein) move, go,travel ;an fit!) to drawtoone

’s self ; bie int9 0th

geaenen fi lth, which are

putup inthe village.

Stunner -6, n., room.

aifdmt, intr .,to hiss, fiz z le,s iz z le, swish .

sitternh, adj .,trembling.

3°f¢ (“ r ” n) r f" maidswaiting woman.

Bet’telnela —e6, - e) ,shaggy fur coat.

an, prep. for,to, at,after ; ado , too ; bnnnnnr all rightthen ;then go it.

adv”fif St.

an—fl ierm (flog. seflosen)intr. (fein) ,to fly up orto.

an—aebm (sing. sesmsen)intr. (fein) , to come upto, happen, cometo pass ;

es war cine wahre Suit,lute es in her lKieltgaging,itwas fun to see howthings wenton in theworld.

als’- llalten (bieli , gebalten)tr.,to holdto, keep shut.


legen,tr .,to add.

anlefit’, ado , atlast.aunt an bent. (shut.an

’-tnndmt, tr., to close,


, ado , especially.

Sange —n) , f.,tongue.

anpfen,tr .,totug.

3nr an bee.

anteattlliinmtern, tr ., tomake (with a hammer ) .

antedlf —tilden,tr .,to movein the rightplace, ar

range .

aiit'nen, intr ., to be angry— b, angr ily .

antil lf’, ado , back.

aarnf - firittgen (brachte, geshtnét) tr .,to bring back .

antflt- fliegen (flog, gefIOs

gen) , intr. (fein) , to flyback.

anrnt- gefien (gab. limeshen) , tr ., to give back ;= antnmrten,to reply .

anend - nehnten (nabm, ges

nonunen) , tr., to takeback.

antiidfi -tnn (tat, getan)tr .,to putback.

anend -tneidien (with, gas

micben) , intr. (fein) , toretreat.


anrnf -taerfen (marf, gemorsfen) ,tr .,tothrow ortossback.

an’—rnfen (tief, gerufen)intr.,to call outto.


men, ado , together.


men- fieifien (big, gesbijjen) tr .

, to bite together ; bie slam tosetone’s lips .


nten- fiigen, tr., tojoin.

aniam'tnen—fdplagen (frblag.

gefdjlagen) tr., to fold,close, strike againstoneanother.


nten—idmnrrenidyrnntvfen, intr. (fein) ,to contract.

attenuate (idlIuQ. seiCBIargen) , ir.,to slamto, Shut.

art- fem (fab. aefeben) .intr. to look at,look on.

als’—wadlfm (maths. se=

machien) , intr . (join) , toincrease in growth, grow ;er [daftfi ll) antS age hasan hen {when ab, was er

in her Stalin angetnadifen

iii , during the day his

feetwear offthe growthofthe preceding night.

antac’ge bringen (bracbte, gea cbt) tr ., to bringabout, accomplish.

an’-werfen (marf, gemorfen) , tr., to cast(orthrow) fi lide to castglances at.

amaden, tr., to squeez e,

p inch. [deed.

atone, ado ,to be sure, in

and , adj .,two.

Smite! —6, m., doubt.Blue“ [e]Br r m :twig, branch.


ftimmig, adj . in duet,fortwo voices .

ataeite, adj ., second, other.

smitten, tr. and intr ., top inch.

atoifdlen, prep. (dat.,between.

mit’ffi etn, intr .,to chirp .

awfilf, adj .,twe lve.


aini ig, adj ., twelvepronged.

G E R M A N T E ! T S

HESE G ermantexts are , inthe main,those whichare read mostby classes followingthe recommenda

tions ofthe M odern Language A ssociation .


ARNOL D . Ein R egentag auf dem Lande (K ern) ,BAU MBACH . Im Z wielicht, V ol. I . (Bernhardt) ,BAU MBACH . Im Z wielicht, V ol. II . (Bernhardt) ,BAU MBACH and W ILDENBRU CH . Es W ar Einmal

(Bernhardt)Bsusmx. D er Proz ess, and W ILHELMI. Einer

Muss Heiraten (Lambert)G RIMM . K inder und H ausmarchen (V os)HEY SE . Anfang und Ende (Lentz ) .

HEY SE . D as M adchen von T reppi , and M arion

(Bernhardt)HEY SE . L

’A rrabbiata (Lentz )

H 1L L ERN. H Oher als die K irche (D auer)L EANDER . T raumereien (Hanstein ) .

M EY ER . D as Amulett(G lascock)SEID EL. D ie M onate (A rrowsmith ) .

SEID EL . D er Lindenbaum and Other Stories(R ichard) .

SEID EL . LeberechtH uhnchen und A ndere Son

derlinge (Bernhardt) .

SP Y R I. R osenresli , and D er Toni von K ander


ST O L T Z E. Bunte G eschichtenST ORM . Immensee (D auer )ST ORM . Im Sonnenschein, and Ein G runes Blatt

(Swiggett) .

Z SCH OK KE. D er Z erbrochene Krug (Berkefeld) ,



AM E R I CAN B O O K CO M PANY(S . 2 2 3 )

G E R M A N T E ! T S


D IL L A RD. A us dem D eutschen D ichterwald

EBNER-ESCH ENBACH . Krambambuli (Spanhoofd)FO U QU E. U ndine (Senger) .

F R EY T A G D ie Journalisten (Johnson)G R OL L ER . Inkognito (Lentz ) .

KELL ER. Bilder aus der D eutschen L itteratur ,L Essmo. M inna von Bamhelm (Lambert)R IEHL. D as Spielmannskind (Priest)R 1E11L . D er F luch der Sch6nheit(Frost)R 1E11L . D ie Vierz ehn Nothelfer, and Trostum

Trost(Sihler)SCH ANZ . D er Assistent(Beinhorn)SCHILLER . W ilhelm Tell (R oedder)SEmEL . Herr Omnia (M atthewman)STERN , G eschichten vom R hein

ST ERN. G eschichten von D eutschen StadtenST IF T ER . D as H eidedorf (Lentz ) .

W ILD ENBRU CH . D as Edle Blut(Eggert)AD V ANCED

L Essxuc. Nathan der W eise (D iekhofl'

)PREH N . Journalistic G erman

R ANR E. Kaiserwahl K arl’s V . (Schoenfeld)

c n'

rER . Selections (Collins) .

SCHEF F EL. D er Trompeter von Sakkingen (Buchner)

W AGNER. D ie Meistersinger von Numberg(Bigelow)

W l L BR ANDT . D er M eister von Palmyra (Henckels)




Geschichten vom R hein

G eschichten von D eutschen Stadten

HESEtwo collections of stories are designed toarouse and stimulatethe pupil’s interest, notonlywhile he is strugglingwiththe difficulties of German

grammar, buteven after he has successfully completedthestudy. They make him acquainted withthe G erman

people, and describe faithfifllythe various sections oftheGerman Empire .

fl These volumes, each containing nearly one hundred

stories, fiJrnish interesting reading-matter, and include,

besides, valuable suggestive material for exercises in con

versation and composition. W hile each chapter is com

plete in itself, yet,takentogether,they form a completewhole , and afford a good general acquaintance with thescenes in which they are laid. In Geschichten von

D eutschen Stadten,the stories commence withthe citiesonthe coastofthe North Sea, and progressthroughtheleadingtowns ofthe German Empire. In Geschichtenvom R hein,the reader starts fromthe source ofthe Rhine,and follows itthroughoutits course.

These sketches all

portray the romance of G ermany— its scenery , cities,

castles , and homes, interweaving withthe descriptionsthelegends and folk

-lore ofthe people . They do not, however, consistof fiction only, butfi1rnish also many facts ofhistorical, geographical , and literary importance . T he

carefully compiled vocabularies fi1rnish ample aid. T he

maps help showthe significance ofthetales.




By V ICTO R E. F RANCO IS, A .M . , Ph . D . , A ssistantProfessor of French , College ofthe City of New Y ork


Introductory F rench Prose CompositionA dvanced F rench Prose Composition

H IS BOOK is intended forthe use of students beginning French, either inthe high school or inthecollege, who desireto obtain a working knowledge

ofgrammar, a good vocabulary , and practice in conversa

tion. Itprovides exercises for training the car, thetongue, and the eye , and enables teachers, however

inexperiencedthey may be,to use French intheir classesfromthe very start.fl T he arrangementis simple and methodical. Each of

the forty-nine lessons includes statements of rules, a vocabulary of new words, shortillustrative F renchtexts, exercisesintransposition, questions in F rench uponthe precedingtextprovidingmaterial for conversation , grammar drill, English

sentences fortranslation into F rench , and occasional read

ing lessons containing interesting little stories in French .

fl T he vocabulary is made up of common words used in

every-day life. T he reading lessons are varied and inter

esting in nature ; thetexts generally consistof five or six

sentences, plainly illustrating the preceding rules. T he

questions stimulate interestand provide a good method of

reviewing. Atthe close are the conjugations oftheauxiliary verbs,tables' of regular and irregular verbs, and a

vocabulary .


F R E NC H T E ! T S

HESE Frenchtexts are, inthe main,those whichare read mostby classes followingthe recommendstions ofthe Modern Language Association.

ELEMENTARYBA CON. U ne Semaine a ParisBR U NO . L e Tour de 111 France (Syms)CONLEY . L a F ille de T huiskon

D umas. Excursions sur les Bords duRhin(Henckels)

ER CKMANN C H A T R IAN. Madame Thérése (F ontaine ) .

Fon L e PetitR obinson de Paris (D e Bonneville) ,GoonEL L . L’EnfantEspion, and Other StoriesG U ER BER . Contes ctLégendes, PartI.G U ER EER . Contes etLégendes, PartII.L A BEDO L L 1ER E. L a Mere M ichel etSon Chat

(Josselyn)Lament-z and M ART IN . L a Poudre aux Y eux

(F rancois)Lament-z and M ART IN. L e Voyage de M . Perrichon

(Castegnier) .

h u man? and L anxcns . La Cigale chez les F ourmis (F arrar)

M A IR ET L a Clefd’O r, and L es F lechesM agiques

(Healy)M A IR ET . L a Tache du PetitPierre (Healy)M A IR ET . L’Enfantde la Lune (Healy) ,

MER 1MEE. Colomba (W illiamson)SCH U L TZ . L a Neuvaine de Colette (L ye )SY MS. L e Chien de Brisquet, and Other Stories,V ERNE. L es Enfants du Capitaine G rant(Healy) ,

AM E R I C A N BO O K COM PANY(S . 3 16)


INTERMEDIATEA U G1ER and SANDEA U . L e G endre de M . Poirier

(R oedder)CA MERON . Tales of F ranceC 11A T EA U ER 1AND . Les Aventures du D ernier

A bencerage (Bruner )C R éMtsux and D ECO U R CEL L E. L

’A bbé Constan

tin (Francois)D AU DET . L a Belle -Nivernaise (Jenkins)D AU DET . Tartarin de Tarascon (F ontaine)D uMA s. L a Tulipe Noire (Brandon)D U MA s. Les Trois Mousquetaires (F ontame )D U MA s. L e Chevalier de M aison-R ouge (Sau

veur and Jones)FONTA1NE. D ouz e Contes NouveauxHU GO . Hernani (Bruner) .

Huco . L a Chute (Kapp) .

L A BRET E. Mon O ncle etM on Curé (White ) ,Mou ER E. L e Bourgeois G entilhomme (R oi and

Guitteau) .

SAND . L a M are au D iable (R andall-Lawton)SANDEA U . Mademoiselle de la Seigliere (W hite) ,SfivxaNE, M ADAME D E. Selected Letters (Syms) ,

A DV ANCEDF Oc N. Le Pays de France (Muz z arelli)GONCOU RT , EDMOND, and JuL Es D E. Select10ns

(Cameron)L A FONTA1NE. Fifty Fables (McK enz

ie ) .

R Ac1NE. Iphigénie (W oodward)VO LT A1RE. Selected Letters (Syms)


S P A NIS H T E ! T SA CH volume ofthese Spanish texts contains notesand a vocabulary.

AL AR CON. El Capitan Veneno (Brownell) 0

El Nino de la Bola (Schevill ) 90

BRETON . gQuién es Ella ? (Garner) 70

CALD ERON . L a Vida es Sueno (Comfort) 70

F ONT AtNE. F lores de Espana . 4 5GA L DOs. D ona Perfecta (Lewis )Electra (Bunnell) 70

M arianela (G ray) 90

LARRA . Partir '

a Tiempo (Nichols) .

M O R A T 1N. El Si de las Ninas (G eddes & j osselyn) 5 0

V ALERA . El Comendador M endoz a (Schevill) . . 8 5




Ntheir new formthese books offer a satisfactory coursein spoken Spanish . T he F IRST BOOK teachesdirectly by illustration, contrast, association, and natural

inference . T he exercises grow outof pictured objectsand actions, andthe words are keptso constantly in mindthatnotranslation or use of English is requiredto fixtheirmeaning. In the SECOND BOOK the accentuationagrees withthe latestrules ofthe language .