Descriptive studies on The Store Kangar and its consumer

Abstract This is a descriptive study on the problems related with The Store and its target market. The main objectives of this study is to determine the problems with The Store that affects the customer or the target market’s attraction and loyalty towards The Store as a place to buy the necessaries and needs and even to obtain some leisure fun. A total of 20 respondents include shop owners participated in this study. Locality, cleanliness, security, product and service are the major findings of the data analysis. Locality is where The Store targets potential customers around Kangar. Cleanliness wise; The Store does have staff to maintain the hygiene level of The Store but the cleanliness level is not as high as it should be. In term of security, The Store has a secure environment. The chances of unwanted scenario to occur are very low. The product offering by The Store does vary but it is limited in quantity. Customer would have more options but could not purchase anything large in quantity. As for service, the dealers treat the customer politely and serve them with good hospitality. In contrast, The Store does not have a good parking lot for their customers which creates inconveniency. 1 | Page

Transcript of Descriptive studies on The Store Kangar and its consumer


This is a descriptive study on the problems related with The

Store and its target market. The main objectives of this study is

to determine the problems with The Store that affects the

customer or the target market’s attraction and loyalty towards

The Store as a place to buy the necessaries and needs and even to

obtain some leisure fun. A total of 20 respondents include shop

owners participated in this study. Locality, cleanliness,

security, product and service are the major findings of the data

analysis. Locality is where The Store targets potential customers

around Kangar. Cleanliness wise; The Store does have staff to

maintain the hygiene level of The Store but the cleanliness level

is not as high as it should be. In term of security, The Store

has a secure environment. The chances of unwanted scenario to

occur are very low. The product offering by The Store does vary

but it is limited in quantity. Customer would have more options

but could not purchase anything large in quantity. As for

service, the dealers treat the customer politely and serve them

with good hospitality. In contrast, The Store does not have a

good parking lot for their customers which creates inconveniency.

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Chapter One


1.1 Preamble

The whole report consists of 5 main chapters. Chapters 1 is

about Introduction, Chapter 2 is about Literature Review, Chapter

3 emphasizes on the Design of the Study, whereas Chapter 4 is

Research Findings and Data Analysis, and final chapter, Chapter 5

is about the Conclusions as well as the Recommendation part. This

chapter focuses on the basic structure of overall on the

research. It will explain on the motive of conducting this


1.2 Statement of Problem

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From the study that being conducts, we found several problem

that focus on the location of the stall, locality, the

cleanliness, the security, the environment and the service that

served by the seller toward its buyer and customers. We collect

the problem as a data from the customer feedback.

1.3 Aim / Objectives

To find any problem or issue based on the location,

locality, cleanliness, security, environment and services.

Besides that, this research is to analyze the population of the

customers toward of the shop lots based on the feedback


1.4 Research Question

In the interview, we had asked the shop owners;

a) Who is your target market?

b) What are the main weaknesses?

c) What is your recommendation to improve your business?

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d) What usually customer complaints about?

e) How is your business sale?

1.5 Limitation

The main limitation of this research is the small collected

for the survey as (n=20) and interview. The sample will going to

look for overall of the specific issue that consists of the

locality, cleanliness, security, environment and services.

The limited number of respondents due to time constraints for

shop lots and the study the research. Some potential about

misunderstanding of the question by shop owners, collect the data

at the different business period, and the potential that might be

as a wrong feedback from shop owners or customer that also

affected the reliability of the results.

1.6 Post Script

As we can saw from this chapter, we look for overall in

first observation about the problem that we can be issue to this

research. After this, we will concentrate on literature review

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that can be told as secondary resources that include about the

theoretical and methodological of a particular topic.

Chapter Two

Literature Review

2.1 Preamble

Based on the previous chapter was about the introduction of

the research which comprises the aspects of statement of problem,

aim or objective, research questions and also the limitations in

term of target market at supermarket. For this chapter regarding

the literature review, we will discuss about the terms, phrases

definition, and previous researches finding.

2.2 Phrases Definition


Refer to target is means to make a

target of and to aim at or for and to establish as a target or

goal. It also means the goal intended to be attained and

something to move towards a certain goal.

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Refer to market is means an actual or

nominal place where forces of demand and supply operate, and

where buyers and sellers interact directly or through

intermediaries to trade goods, services, or contracts or

instruments, for money. Markets include determining price of the

traded item, communicating the price information, facilitating

deals and transactions, and effecting distribution. The market

for a particular item is made up of existing and potential

customers who need it and have the ability and willingness to pay

for it.

Target Market

Refer to target market is the consumers of a

company want to sell its products and services to, and to whom it

directs its marketing efforts. Identifying the target market is

an essential step in the development of a marketing plan. A

target market can be separated from the market as a whole by

geography, buying power and demographics, as well as by


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Refer to a target market or target

audience is a group of people that will basically need or want

your products and services. Target market is defined in terms of

age, sexual orientation, gender, economic class, religion,

ethnicity, or location. This socio-economic grouping process

actually allows businesses to create profiles of the typical

consumers who will likely buy the products of your company.

Refer to target market is a group of customers

that the business has decided to aim its marketing efforts and

ultimately its merchandise. A well-defined target market is the

first element to a marketing strategy. The target market and the

marketing mix variables of product, place(distribution),

promotion and price are the four elements of a marketing mix

strategy that determine the success of a product in the

marketplace. Once these distinct customers have been defined, a

marketing mix strategy of product, distribution, promotion and

price can be built by the business to satisfy the target market.


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Refer to supermarket which means a large store

that sells a variety of food and household items to customers

that usually on a cash-and-carry basis organized into

departments. It is larger in size and has a wider selection than

a traditional grocery store, also selling items typically found

in a convenience store, but is smaller and more limited in the

range of merchandise than a hypermarket or big-box store.

Marketing mix

Refer to marketing mix is the primary

elements where it needs to be attended to in order to properly

market a product. It is very useful, where it is a guideline for

understanding the fundamentals of what makes a good marketing


Marketing mix has been extremely influential in informing the

development of both marketing theory and practice (Moller, 2006).

Marketing mix also useful as a powerful concept as it makes

marketing easy to be manage, allows marketing’s separation from

other activities in the firm. (Chai Lee Goi, 2009, p.1)

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Marketing mix is not a scientific theory, but merely a conceptual

framework that identifies thee principal decision making managers

make in configuring their offerings to suit consumers’ needs. The

tools can be used to develop both long-term strategies and short-

term tactical programs (Palmer, 2004)

Customer Needs and Wants

Based to, in terms of marketing, needs

are drivers of human action which marketers try to identify,

emphasize, and satisfy, and around which all promotional efforts

are organized.

A distinction is frequently made between needs and wants. Our

needs make up our survival kit while our wants are the desires we

have for non essentials such as cars, electronics, holidays and

fashion clothing. Most people strive for better conditions for

themselves, their family, and sometimes also their community,

their nation and the whole world.

Our wants are infinite. This is just as true for the relatively

wealthy as it is for the poor. Needs are easier to define but

vary according to a person\'s age, physical environment, health

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and many other factors. And what is an only a want in a poor

country may be seen as a need in a rich country.


“You can't develop products and then try to sell them to a mass

market. You have to study consumer wants and needs and then

attract consumers one by one with something each one wants.

Author of the movie Field of Dreams, J.P. Cancilla may have

exclusive rights to the phrase "build it and they will come". In

most cases, you have to find out what people want and then

"build" it for them, their way.” (Roy McClean, 2008)

2.3 Previous Research Findings

The literature contains many studies relating to target

marketing and market segmentation in a wide array of industries.

A sample that illustrates the wide applicability of these

techniques is examined here. The concept was to obtain the target

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audience the maximum of social ideas’ response through selecting

marketing segmentation, doing consumer behaviors’ research,

developing new products, and stimulating direct communication

(Kotler & Zaltman, 1971).

In previous research to compete successfully in today’s

competitive business markets, companies need to determine who the

target customers are and what motivates them (Webster &

Martocchio, 1992). This process is called market segmentation, by

which companies are able to understand their loyal customers and

concentrate their limited resources into them. Especially,

marketing for market segmentation is becoming a more important


Another industry where target marketing has been widely employed

is the restaurant industry, which includes many small businesses.

One study indicated considerable differences from one market

segment to another in the basic desire for certain food

attributes, such as nutrition and taste. Based upon the finding,

the authors indicated that target marketing strategies had

considerable potential in that industry (Bahn and Granzin 1985).

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In addition, researchers also have identified segments of health

care consumers that differ considerably in the type and extent of

health care benefits and facilities they prefer and utilize

(Bonaguro and Miaoulis 1983).

Increasingly, firms are discovering target marketing's potential

for success. Particular classes of customers are targeted in an

attempt to effectively satisfy their distinct needs, as opposed

to attempting to appeal to the mass market through a compromise

strategy. When target marketing is well-conceived, it can produce

strong customer satisfaction and brand loyalty and give firms an

edge against rivals. Many successful firms, including DuPont, RJR

Nabisco, General Mills, and WalMart, have found this an effective

strategy. In fact, most markets have become so fragmented that

selling to the mass market is no longer feasible.

The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating

and satisfying customers’ requirements profitably (CIM, 1984).

2.4 Post Script

We have included all the aspect in this chapter regarding

the terms, phrases definition, and previous researches finding in

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term of target market at supermarket. The next chapter will

emphasize on the theoretical framework, sampling procedures and

size, instrumentation and research methods used.

Chapter Three

Design of Study

3.1 Preamble

In this chapter, we find out the planning of the guidelines

and the methodology to do the research. This chapter explains how

we design the research and how we choose our sample and how we

conduct the research as well.

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3.2 Theoretical Framework

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3.3 Sampling Procedures

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Problem StatementAim:- To identify problems associated with the target markets- To anlyze local perceptions about the business environment to attract customersHypothesis:- the cleanliness of the environment fulfill satisfaction- the facilities are not used optimumly- Customers loyalty depends on terms of service and quality and the environment securityInstrumentation:- Conducting interviewAnalysis:- Races- Origins- Frequency- Time- Perceptions. etcRecommendations:- Gaining WOW factors- Provide Conveniencies and prevention facilities against weather.- upgrading stalls to shop(changing impression)

The sample being chosen in the research is the customers who

went to the hawker stall where we interviewed. The population

being subset are mostly the people from Perlis, such as places in

Bintong, Seriab, Behor Temak, Wang Ulu and Kangar. The method of

doing sampling being chosen is the stratified sampling. We

divided our sample into different categories for the purpose of

doing analysis. The categories being divided are such as races,

gender, ages, frequencies, time, and the perceptions.

3.4 Sampling Size

There were 20 respondents were interviewed while doing this

research. As being mentioned above, the sample is the customers

of The Store being chosen. Basically, among the 20 respondent,

there are 9 males and 11 females, they are from different races

such as Malays, Chinese, and Indians. Overall, the ages of the

sample are between 20 years old to 50 years old.

During this research, there are some limits that we had set up

for the accuracy of the analysis. Those limits are such as we

only ask the people who are from Perlis, the locals. Then we only

ask those people who visited The Store during lunch break.

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3.5 Instrumentations

To gain the information from the shop lot owners itself, as

the researchers, we interviewed the shop owners, on date 3rd

December, 2011, 1pm. There were 5 key questions asked and the

whole interview was taking around 20 minutes. The whole interview

were recorded, and a verbatim (the script of interview) were

typed out to be the evidence.

3.6 Research Methods

The method used for this research includes observational.

While doing the survey, we observed the condition the environment

of the The Store while the business is on, then we did the

interview, by observing the pros and cons, terms and conditions

for the shop lots in The Store. Through this observational

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method, we are able to find out the characteristics of the The

Store itself.

3.7 Post Script

In the following chapters, the analysis will be explained.

The analysis is done according to the data we collected during

the earlier part until this chapter during the research. The data

interpretation/data findings come before the data analysis.

Chapter Four

Research Findings and Data Analysis

4.1 Preamble

This chapter is based on research finding and also data

analysis. The data include several finding such as observation

and interview. Basically the interview session carried out is to

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evaluate the dealer’s target market around the STORE. The data

was been analyzed based on the response that given by the chosen


4.2 Data Findings

(a) Observation


The STORE is situated in Kangar, the capital of Perlis. Most

customers are mainly residents from Seriab, SimpangEmpat, Jejawi,

Bintong, Kangar and other places. There were varieties of product

offerings. From the observation, it is important to the dealer to

target well the customers for their concession stand. When

targeting a market, it is important for them to find potential

customers. In these types of environments people tend to search

out the particular product that they want. Other location option

includes the limited parking lot for the customers.

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The interior of the STORE in Kangar is in fairly good

condition. The cleanliness is at an average level; managed by the

STORE. From the observation, the cleanliness also would be as a

characteristic of the people who maintain cleanliness because it

is important to make sure the comfort level of the customers is

high. The STORE does a regular cleaning activity to ensure

cleanliness but the cleanliness level of the STORE is not as high

as it should be.


From the observation the STORE is secure because it is

situated in the middle of the city. There are guards who are in

duty to ensure customer safety. Other than that, the operational

hours stop by 11pm at night. Therefore, the customer does not

leave the mall very late. The chance for any unwanted scenario to

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occur is low and it would be convenient for the customers to shop

in the STORE. Moreover, in terms of product there are many types

of offering from the STORE.


The product that provided by the STORE is good. This is proven

as the STORE provides various type of product to the customers in

terms of clothing, food, accessories and stationeries. The

customers can go shopping with various products offering from the

STORE. The dealers also treat and serve the customers politely

and welcome the customers with a smile on their face. The

customers seem to be very comfortable with the product that


(b) Interview

The dealers within the STORE have been interviewed for data

gathering. There were several issues that rose for the data

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finding purpose. Interview with 20 different dealers in the STORE

were carried out for our research purpose.

Interior Environment

Dealer A: “The floor is dusty and dirty. It creates an

unpleasant environment.”

Dealer B: “The environment is dull. Must do something to

cheer up the place”

Dealer C: “Even though have been informed, the staff of

STORE takes time to clean the place.”

Product offering

Dealer A: “There are empty shop lots to be filled.”

Dealer B: “Can offer more products if the all shop lots

are not empty.”

Dealer C: “It would be better if there are more dealers

occupy the shop lots.”

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Dealer A: “The staff quality should be improved.”

Dealer B: “The staff should serve the customer with a


Dealer C: “The STORE should do something to increase the

parking lot for customer conveniences.”

4.3 Data Analysis

Our interviewees are selected within the city of Kangar. The

20 interviewee are the dealer inside the STORE. They have been

working in the STORE from the range from 3 to 5 years. The

interviewee selected were adults which ranged from below 20 to

above 50 years old. Table 4.3.1 shows the division of

respondent’s gender for this study.

Gender Respondents Percentage (%)

Male 9 45

Female 11 55

23 | P a g e

Total 20 100

Table 4.3.1

Table 4.3.2 shows that the Malay customers are the majority of

the respondents in this study by 14 respondents or 70 percents,

followed by the Chinese 5 respondents or 25 percents and Indian

respondents by 1 respondents or 5 percents.

Race Respondents Total Percentage

(%)Male Female

Malays 8 6 14 70.0

Chinese 1 4 5 25.0

Indians 0 1 1 5.0

Total 9 11 20 100.0

Table 4.3.2

Table 4.3.3 shows age group of the respondents; where about 5.0

percents or 1 in total respondents have come from age group below

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20. Whereas, 25.0 percents or 5 respondents have come from the

age group of 21-29.

Age Respondents Total Percentage

(%)Male Female

<20 1 0 1 5.0

21- 29 2 3 5 25.0

30-39 4 5 9 45.0

40-49 2 2 4 20.0

>50 0 1 1 5.0

Total 9 11 20 100.0

Table 4.3.3

Table 4.3.4 shows the percentage of respondents that targets

certain customers such as students, employees, women, and all of

them. Study shows that majority of the respondents are targeting

students which is 7 person or 35.0 percent followed by everyone

which is 6 or 30.0 percent, employees is 4 person or 20.0

percent, and finally women which is 3 or 15.0 percent.

Target Respondent Percentage

25 | P a g e

market (%)

Students 7 35.0

Employees 4 20.0

Women 3 15.0

Everyone 6 30.0

Total 20 100.0

Table 4.3.4

Table 4.3.5 shows the percentage of respondents where they

mentioned the weakness of the STORE. The study shows that most of

the respondents agree that limited parking is the main weakness

that the STORE facing. Then it is followed by less product

offering and finally cleanliness. Where it is 8 person or 40.0

percent followed by less product offering by 7 person or 35.0

percent and finally 5 person or 25.0 percent.26 | P a g e

Weakness Respondents Percentage


Less product


7 35.0



8 40.0

Cleanliness 5 25.0

Total 20 100.0

Table 4.3.5

Table 4.3.6 shows the feedback we received after asking them

recommendation to improve the STORE. About 55.0 percent of

respondents said that the STORE can be upgraded if all the empty

shop lots are filled with dealers. 35.0 percent of the respondent

said that they should upgrade their facility such as parking

lots. The rest said that the STORE should improve their interior


Recommendation Respondents Percentage

27 | P a g e


More shop lots 11 55.0

Facilities 7 35.0



2 10.0

Total 20 100.0

Table 4.3.6

4.4 Post Script

In general the main focus of the research is to illustrate

research finding and also analysis the data. In the following

chapter we will concentrate on Chapter 5 which is summary and


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Chapter Five

Summary and Conclusion

5.1 Preamble

In this chapter we are focusing on the problem that faced by

The Store. Other than that we also got includes some

recommendation for The Store to improve their business target


5.2 Problems and Recommendations

Problem 1

From the research that being made, we could analyse that

there are few problems occurred. First problem is only few

retailers open their business inside The Store. A few companies

only join this business because the capital needed to open

premise in The Store seemed higher compare to other places nearby

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Kangar. However, they face more challenge with competitors

outside The Store.

This problem can be solved by add WOW factor in their business.

This means companies should to find their specialties which make

their business has WOW factor to impress the customers to come to

their premise again. For example stores can sell anything which

their customers could not get in nearby shops so that will be WOW

factor to their premise. Shop owners can print flyers and

pamphlets to be given to potential a customer who lives near to

Kangar like Bintong, Jejawi, Seriab and other place.

Problem 2

The second problem obviously we can see is existing

facilities in The Store is too old and not enough for current

customers. Parking lot in The Store is not enough for customer’s

to park their car. They have to park their car nearby shops and

walk to The Store. Other than that, most of customers complaining

the air produce by air-conditioner are smelly and hot during hot

weather. There also complains that many times escalator not

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working and old folks need to climb the escalator to go second


The Store can put a security to prevent stolen vehicles. Add

more cameras to prevent unwanted things happened. We recommend

the management should do an air-conditional service twice

annually in maintaining adequate temperature for customers’

comfort during their shopping. They will not feel an unconvinced

experience with the awful smell.

Problem 3

As mention earlier the cleanliness in The Store fairly not

enough for a shopping complex. The floor very dirty because

rubbish been litter all over. During rainy days ground very

slippery. There are not enough dustbins in the building. The

toilet is very small and the pipes are broke. Management are less

worried about people convenience.

The solution for the problem are set a time cleaner to clean

the floor, other than that they should change their surface so

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than it won’t affect the floor on rainy season and provide more

dustbins. Set a better maintenance team for the toilet department

and start training the management team.

5.3 Conclusions

Based on the study and the analysis, we can conclude that is

hypothesis is accepted. It can be proven because the location is

strategic where it is situated along the Persiaran Kangar. More

over the students from Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)

students also stayed in Taman Ira and Taman Bahagia, can be taken

as advantage to attract more customers.

From the analysis conducted, there are half of the customers who

visit The Store, more than 2 times per month. Moreover, the It is

proven that the location of The Store is suitable to run business

and obtain good profit. Majority targeted customer which are age

group of 21-25 years old and they’re students.

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Besides, the price of the items that being sold by all other

shops around Perlis is almost the same. It is because, the items

that being sold are taken from the dealers. There are 9 male

respondents and 11 female respondents.


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