DECK DOB - Clinton County


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Transcript of DECK DOB - Clinton County



rlLIMATIM M M IK•rraarr mpt. ih.*i.



About Two-tUrcU as Large Cast HI 1906 for

‘ ‘ loNK Brifono PiPTT mAOoe.llMlt OM IR ATTlIfDAlICB.


ar O'T. a.

TsiB Or

JoAm WoHmt MoImsWim OvI—RobOTt Tom for Rogistor

TIm* lidlHK and card ■Ts«»ni. thr paraonal sollclttac. th^ cirrularlslac •ad latter wiitlnu. tha adrartlsla* and poatarlsiniit ia ronjiinctioo with tha othar mathoda amployad to ototata TOira at tba primary ala«*tlon wliar^ tiiera was cootasi for cartaln offtoaa cloned last Tuesday aad Is now over until tha candldata* on opposin* tick­ets shall prasani thalr claimi for election, the result of tha primary tn MlchlKan and such countlan as Clin­ton smountlnE to an alactlon—not al- waya but pratty nearly altsays

rontanta Tuesday were presented for U 8. senator. soTemor. lieuten­ant Eoremor; and in the county for clerk reifliter of deeds, all theother offices on the county ticket be-

"pure and undeflled" and without opposition

The day was a fine one—too fine for a bi« vote to be Rotten out In the coirnty-at-larne. beinit but a total of IMT on Roremor sRainst 2«*2 two years a#?o In the city the vote Tues­day ''eat that of litos by a score of 3«7 •» 324 This was the first timethe voters in MtchlRan had an oppor­tunity to have a flmcer in aslectInR a r 9 aenator—and they made a good aelectlon. The city and •'ounty sach Rave ConRressman Townsend and Chas«‘ .S Osborn ^Ach a majority.:

Tho result demonstrated, too, that the people do not have serous objec­tion u> a county officer aervinR four terms—R .‘t Armour, a candidate for the fourth term. receivinR SO.’; more votes on the returns as The News presents them today than were cast for both bis opponents.

But the surprise of the primary and St which The .\e^»a hinted last week, was the maROitude of the rote for John Walker for clerk Two weeks a«o it was tbouRbt be would be third; but since that he Rained streoRth daily and won by 172 over his nearest competitor It la all the more creditable that Mr. Walker should "clean up" on Messrs. Hunt or Btone, for they were looked upon as betoR stronR candidstea, Mr. Hunt especially, bein* well known throuRh- out the county for his conaertton aa •scretary with the Republican coun­ty cominlttee.

The table presented on this pSRe Is correct for all practical purposes —It Is nearly official where the flR- urea are Riven and they are misslnR tn but few instanrea—not ennuRh to chanRc the result

While The News bai^ no ftRures from the Democrat primary throuRhnut the county, it was very IlRht taklnR the vote in the city aa a basis The flR- uree at hand do not warrant a tabu­lation. but tb«‘ follnwinR ticket seems to have been nominated R«*prcaen- tative In the leRislature, Itean W Kelley; sheriff, OeorRc Hchoenhala; Clerk. John O'Dnnnell, Jr.; treasurer. James H. Bumes; reRister of deeds, William O. White; proaecutinR attor­ney, Pharles SnellliiR; coroners. Al­fred McCliatoek. Herbert J Lowell; drain cominiasloaer. Robert Landers.

A FEW HTirKERM.t'olemnn C. VauRhan waso t wor­

ried a moment. He oat in bis office

Largs Rim for Fourth

' while the returns were ootnlnR ;ta and shruaRed his shoulders sad land smiled and watched the other fellows writhe on tike hooks

"Has Anybody Here Been Kelley' won't sound as funny to "Pst" as It did durtsR the csmiiaiRn

Osborn DID tri proper.

Kelley Rood

If Osborn doesn't do what he said be would for the people, he'll get HIS two years from now.

The primary Is a winner and the more voters know bow to use It. the better tbey take care of their politloal interests Machines bad better be­ware hereafter.

"My Dear Governor. C 8 O..'* did­n't cut the figure Kelley and Warner had hoped U would.

fV>mpiiments of Chase 8. Osborn to John Hsriey. 8t. Johns' **I bare climbed the Andes' and fell on Kelley coming up on the other side and mashed him."

Tuesday's case was oh<> where Al­drich couldn't help Burrows, as Bur­rows had said be could when he wanted anything for Mlohlgan—and be never wanted anything quite as badly as a re-election. But "why turn down a faithful ser^'ant?*'

Walker la also a good 'runner; Hunt turned out to be a poor Hunt­er; a rolling Btone gatbeni few votea; Fish evidently didn't uae the right sort of bait; Robert's Armour. It seema. <'an't be punctured—We got thus far with aaslstance; we're all tn; we can go no further.

The annual meeting of the teachers I from the rural districts aad village < schools of the oonaty wna held In I the court house Saturday whea fully one hundred aad fifty laacructora teere preseat.

FV>r s number of years past a meet­ing of teachers has been called for the Baturday preceding the opening of school In order that the Instruct­ors may be given a general outline of the work they are expected to ac­complish during the school yesr. The synopsis given Saturday was more compleie and more perfect in detail than those of previous years, a ^num­ber of important features being'thor­oughly discussed.

forenoon session was devoted to enrollment and the distribution of school supplies sad blanks, while in the afternoon ronaniasioner Town­send gave a short address, impressing the teachers with a sense of the great respoasHilllUy resting upon them in moulding charsetrr. and directing the nsenul powers of their pupils.

The list of teachers in Clinton county contains the names of more than one hundred and eighty young men aad women, about one hundred and thirty of these being engaged In the rural schools.. Nearlly all of the instructors In the city and village schools have taken more or less work In the colleges or normal i>chools of the state, and nearly forty- five per cent of those now occupying positions in country schools are grad­uates of the county normal training claaa.

Ehch year sees continued marked improvement in the conditions and management of the rural schools of Clinton cfMioty; better and more ef- flcieat teachers are being secured, and school officers are living more time and more Intelligent attention to matters pertaining to the educa­tional institutions of their respective neighborhoods.

The one huadrsth amMssrnsry of BM HAJOUTUM IE WTATE LAST The nmniage of mas Maa BsUe Methodism in the state srill be oels- TCMBAT Morris, elder daughter of John Mor-brated tn Detroit on Soptenber IS. Bmsnt Bagsne GodfreyAt that time thwe will be a Jotnt - ------------ lof Now* York City wsm aoleosnlsod atmeeting of the two eonfsrences of the ; i honse of the biideM fathar onstate which srill rmolnaie for **^^^70111181911 Wbl£ A 118081 j'l^**^*^^** ^Weet gaturdsy afternoon dajrs. Thaae meetings will be held , nllL H LflRi^^UIIL!at 2:3# o'eloek tn tlhs prsaenoe of aIn the Central Methodist church, j laswll oompaay of rsiatirea aad intl-whlcb la the "mother church ' of 1 ' , —frlenda

The bride who wna attired tm a pretty gown of white and carried a

lapray of wMte llllae. wae attended by iher only slater. Mlaa Jennie Morrla.

li. tb. ■««tatroduoe the period of feeUrlsrill

Uca. Monday evening thare will he a = church banquat. WUh the opening of : the regular annual seaalon of the De- j trolt confertnee. which srill gather We#nsadly. 9sptemher 11, at Ihe Can-1 tral ehur<^. the fuN and united cele­bration srill begin. It will continue till the close of the conference the following Tuesday or Wedmeodny.

Michigan Methodism began one; hundred years ago srith the estahllah- ment of the ftret church in Detroit. ' It sras a branch of srork undertak­en by the conference of weotem New York. It la significant now that the pastor of the ('entral church. Rev. Frederick D. Leete, D. D.. has held important pastorates ia western .New York, including Ro<%eoter.

The rentcnalsl observance will | draw to Michigan's naetropolis a great number of notable men from beyond the borders of the slate. This list will include Bishop McDowell of' Chicago, presiding bishop of the De­troit Conference; Bishop Oran- . ston of Waabington. D. C.. j preeldiBg bishop of the MIcbtgsn con-! ferenoe; Bishop Warren, who will, deliver the concluding sermon of the celebration on Sunday. September 2&. and Bishop Berry of Buffalo, who may be Invited to make the principal addrese at the anntreraary banquet. Another guest of Importance will be ; tbe editor of the New York Christian ; Advocate. Dr. J. M. Backley, who was i pastor of Central church. Detroit.' when its present sUtely edifice sms erected. !

yUAT AyAiNirr kbllbt.



' Rolan Crane of Pennaylvaala acting Ofves :aa beet man. little Daam Godfrey,

niece of the groom being ring bearer, carrying the rtng In the heart of a

■any ^Marprtoea. After the bridal party had taken

' I their places la the parlor that hadThe latest returns from the atate, adorned with vines and golden

upon eenator and governor put be- Tod lor the happy event, the marriage .vend doubt that Chase 8. Osborn has srrvloe srae read by Rev. O. 8. North- been nominated for governor and rup of Willlamston. a former 8t. Charles E. Townsend for U. 8. sens- Johns pastor. Later la the afternoon tor to succeed J. C. Burrows. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey left fttr New

Townsend's vote was a veritable York City where they srill be at landslide, be carryi^ all but six ' borne in apartments at 100 Momlag counties, which number Includes Kal- ; avenue amazoo. Mr. Burrows' hom*- county.




■irriBB LIBB.

James D. Bates, firat editor of ttw at Johns Nesrs. died at hts home ih Owoeso Saturday of acute tndlgan- tlon after an illneaa of but two hours duration. He had gone to h^ of­fice in the morning appearing in good healtn, but at 9:30 was taken r|o- lently ill and was at once removed to his home where he grew worse very

Townsend's majority is 30.37!! still going up.







The Epworth League business meeting srtll meet promptly st seven o'clock Friday evening at A. T. Put­nam's.

The North Olive I^adles' Aid So­ciety will meet with Mrs Allison Hamilton Wednesday, September 14, at 2 o'clock

There will be another band meet­ing In their ball next Sunday, Sep­tember 11. at 2 o'clock, and It Is ex­pected that all members wbo have enough interest to attend the meet­ings and keep the band organized wUI be present There are certainly enough men in St Johns to make up a good band if tbey will but take hold and attend tbe meetings and help us push tbe hand along; but we can­not make a success of it if members do not attend regulArly

There is opportunity for ambitious young men who hare a desire to take

iup any instrument in the band to commence now We waat voung man wbo are wllltng to spend a little time practicing aad wbo are wllltng to help push the organlsstioB along. If say hare a desire along this line

I sse secretary. L. A. Waahburo, aad , talk It over with him.

The sacred cantata. "Daughter of Jalrus." given ax the Methodist church last Sunday evening was listened to by an audienee that filled the audi­torium and overflowed into the Sun­day school room.

The production was under direc­tion of Mr. Glllet of New York City. D. H. Hunt presided at the organ and

I the choir of the church was assisted by some outsiders. Dr. ('base gave somewhat extended introductory re­marks.

The music of the cantata Is very pretty and was well rendered, the

I story dealing with the raising from tbe dead by one of the Savior's mira-

‘Cles of the daughter of Jalrui. There were choruses, solos and duets, that of Mrs. Frink and Mr. GIHet being particularly pleasing.

The M. E Aid Society of Bengal will meet at tbe bone of Mrs. Edward Jury Thursday sftaraoon. September 15th. at 1 o'clock. AH are Invited.

Program of Y. P. C. IT. for Septem­ber 11th. 1910. will be furnished by the children of claas No. 1 tn the Sunday school. Bveryoise is Invited to oome.

Mrs tRidfrey Is a young woman of | rapidly, passing away at 11:80 wide acqualntanoe la St. Johns and ' uj._ Betas was bora la this towa- viclalty where she has resided siace | ^iiip pebnairy I9th. It48, his pareata early girlhood. After graduating from among the flral setUers in thtathe high school with tb«* class of 1908 ; a^totlon of the state. His father, the she continued her studies for a tlma ■ George W. Bstea, was the ttrat St the state Unlverstty of Michigan, postameter In Bingham townahip. and for a number of years has been when be bad completed his thlr- a successful teacher In .St Louis and teeath year, young James begaa aa St. Johns. Last year she resigned , apprenticeship as printer in the of- her position at the central school inific* of the St Johns Union, a aheec this city to again resume work at | p,„od out of existence maay Ann Arbor ' years since. While working in the

Mr. Is a young man of lib- ^i, country printing ofDce he washaving studied at ubii. to attend schoo! to some extant,

Berkley University. California, before ^y close application and perae- comlng to Ann Arbor, where in June verance acquired a liberal education, last he'received bis degree. At pres- west to Flint where for aent be is boldlag an excellent P<»l*itime he was foreman of The Globe, tion in s buktng house on Wall -phe following year he came back to street. Near ^ork City. borne tn St. Johns, buying an

Am^ the guesu from out of the i ^|tb G. 8. Corblt in The In-city who witnessed the marriage were , After continuing the part-Mr. and Mrs. Ass Morris and (Children ||«.|.gblp for twelve years be assumed of lukingaburg. Allen Dudley of Ann «»titlre control of the paper, and for Arbor. Rolan Crane of the-University y^^s was manager and editor,of Pennslyvanla Mr. and Mrs C. E After the organlzstion of The 9t (H»dfrey. the groom's psrenu. and Johns .News Co. In 1M9. he became Mr. and Mm. Homer Godfrey and dau-,^,tor of the paper issued by tlmt Rtater Danm of Ann Arbor. M^ Effle , ompany. but about fourteen yenra itodfrey of Duluth, Minn.. Rev. and sgo removed to Owosso, and for a

.Northrup of Williamston. | inxeresced In the Courier-Miss Pnidle Scrlver of Duluth *«ui in^^p^dent. and for a number of.Mrs Alben Stoll of Detroit


Republican .Nominee for iloveraor.


CBEHIJH DBP.IBTMEHT WILL QIYE OUT FEW FlflUBBH.Osborn's vote so tar is 59.893. and

bis majority over Kelley is 23.512; ------------over Musselrann It Is 23.817, Kelley InfornaUlon from Washington Is beating Musseiman but .30.5. their to the effect that no figures on pop- ' *M>nEllty votes being—Kelley 36481. Mussel-' ulstlon will be glvefi to the public !

yesra past has coaducted a Job print­ing office.

In December, 1870. Mr. Estes warn married to Miss Anns E. Coonlsy. tbe marriage occurring at Flint. No children were born to them, and Mrs. Bates is left alone to bear her cruah- Ing grief.

Daring bis long realdance tn 9L Johns no naan sras bald In hlghsr regard than was Mr. Bmes Ha wna a broaul guaged ChiisUan with Inrga sympathies, and a bright genial psr-

that won for him noaar He was honest aad upriglit

man. 36,076, the total vote on gover- on placea under 25.000 before Jsn- ^^**' principal, not from policy. Ha nor being 132.360. against about iuarv 1. 1911. Already moat of the wat an active member of the Metho- 200.000 tn IMS large places^100.000 sad upward— <*lat church, aad for twelve yastrs

------------ and many over 25.000 have been giv- was superintendMtt of the SundayBr»‘limeyer. Republican, was de-jen out. but tbe smsll cities, like St. •chool where he was greatly belovad

feaied for renoailnatlon for mayor of J<»hns. and tbe villages must wait' young alike. His daath laThose interested in saving papers

for the C. C. A. will please have them

..U b- C^n^r. ; „ - -o* -o' *»- — "• O' bn.

n-wH n* uvLrttjLf will ' ^oss had been nominated for lieu- It would seem from this, unless -vlster and four brothers arlthfr-aanian _ miij!'gov*>rnor. although bIs lead iMMnebody has inside information, that'**** widow survive, Mrs. Horace

[over Dickinson is but 1.646. with those papers that are giving out fig-iTucker, Herbert M., George A., aad1 Rice a close third

Angel food—fried cakes ars Just what you need. Osgood ft Putt, e

Missing link caff buttons at Alli­son's Jewsiry acore. SOtf

For bsrgalas In farms or dty ». perty sse J. C. Flynn. e

Repidblican Vote of CUnton County at Primary F.L»«»ti^Tuesday, September 6, 1910

west of Drake's crosalng on W*-dnes- day afternoon. September 14tb. 3lem-bers are requested to go on the 11 * , Z I , . « . . *... ^ Washington Gardner is defeated forociocx oar. ________ j Congress In thethird district by J.

The Womans Social leiMucue of the!^^^ Smith of Chartotte.M. E. ebpreh will be entertained In j

'the church parlors Tuesday evening.! ^ BODEB^ HTITDIO.September ISth. This Is the first W. M. Boughton. photographer, has meeting of the year and a large at-1oompletsd Installing a new aky-llght tsndance la desired. I In his studio.

— ------------- It la a perfectly straight light oft I clear glass 14x15 feet square, re­

sembling s giant window, being pat­terned after the newest Idens of studio lightittR as used by the leading photographers of the couatry.

With this latest addltkm. Mr. Bsughton will be enabled not only to better all bis work but to do a claaa of work that can be done only with this style of aky-ilght.



Offices and Caadidates 5i

I 5£ m ? Ii H

O^ i •g n ic^ i ^

3 aO 0e *» «*1 s •

I .5 35 s ~e = i:c ae >

a J!k — **a 2 Siib n o5 f "2i# > «

„. 14 4159 «i

.. 34 20.... 12 28 _ 26 S«

„. 2« 52„ 1C 19 _ 16 21

r 8 .SefMtor—Burrows __Towaseaii ___ .

Governor-Kelley „. ..Muaselmsn ._Osborn „ _______ _

Lieutenant Governor—DIckiaaon ....... .Rice ... —Ross ....

Repreosmatlve in Congress 8th Dint.Fbrdaey ----------------- 24 ME Townsend ... .... 28 2#

State Senator 16th district—Vaughan #4 #0

RepresenOUieri In State I sgtslatarsMorrison ........ — #C H

Sheriff—Srhsvey ._ #8 ••

Clerk-Hunt ......Stoae ...Walker


Register ofArmour .— .......Fish -Kendrick _

Prose lilting Attorney—Moinet.....................

Circuit Court Flynn Soule

Surveyor CliHloas 8« 87

Drain Oom rt

21 24IS 2226 60

86 87

__ 21 72.... 22

n w

39 6 22 114 32 40 19 28 16 89 24 IS40 22 51 80 79 88 83 24 41 121 19 33

10 1 33 36 42 32 12 8 21 72 22 1236 8 21 103 48 52 34 16 17 96 9 1886 21 30 67 28 51 58 20 20 50 IS 15

40 14 22 tt 86 76 67 28 17 126 26 2218 4 19 42 38 34 13 11 14 27 2 418 8 17 41 12 12 14 10 10 29 12 16

47 12 61 142 70 62 31 22 131 32 2882 12 22 52 28 38 21 23 81 9 28

99 11 89 187 98 102 86 48 189 39 40

70 81 99 188 98 116 96 47 110 39 41

70 88 88 192 109 120 92 58 80 192 41 46

40 14 28 84 .54 66 n 17 24 29 22 32; 22 8 24 72 88 26 20 A• t 29 IS 8) 19 8 14 88 88 49 64 r 18 168 9 16

89 28 70 188 101 182 91 44 188 Sf 48

1 51 17 41 186 18 84 79 24 44 129 27 80t 28 f IT 18 188 27 18 24 16 72 14 881 8 2 6 If 1 • 10 2 1 17 2 8

; 79 22 71 174 188 118 188 61 tf 191 42 48

r 47 18 29 184 Sf 68 64 27 194 r 16I 48 16 18 183 74 M 78 42 Ifi r 81

r 71 28 71 188 H 188 91 46 Itt 89 48

r 71 m 81 44







o , oJB ^ ji ^0 • O 8w n d• M r> X


38 47 68645 104 1086

The St. Johns News publishes this week an excellent souvenir edition In tbe interests of tbe dty. The edition Is exceedingly rredltnhle typogrsph

urea as to the population of their Lo«** *Ws city, and Charlea H.places below 26.000 are gueeaing at Brooklyn.It If enumerators have done so l>wl7 was brought to St. Johnsthey have violated their oath of of-!Tuesday at 11 o'clock, aad funeral flee, jservlceo held la the Methodist chureh

iat 1:30. Among the many friends I from out of tbe city who attended the I funeral were Mrn. Alice MeU aad Mrs Victor Pool of Harbor Sprtnga; Mrs. Belle Chamberlain and Mrn. Matte Moyse of Detroit. Mrs. Bsrt Torrey. John Thorne,sad son Bflllls aad Mrs. Oorge Bdwards of Flint, Mrs Julius Backus of Grssnvills. Mrs. Slmmoas. Rev. Mr. Colby, Mrs.

— ! Jennings and Rev. Mr. Leonard ofThe Michigan German Roman Cath-! **7a Holloa Karchsr of

ollc CeatraJ socisty cloastt its annual ,*^®**®*- ^J** Maud Metx of Grand convention In Detroit Monday with s ; H*plda. Robert Crawford. Owosso. requiem mass aad business sessloa. Outarater. Aaa Arbor, Mr. aad

The newly elected officers of the ' Mrs. Lnster Kinney, Lansing. Mr. sad are: ' Mrs. L. B. Tucker. Grand I^dge sad

Spiritual advisor. Rev. Jno._ C. j Hathaway of Ovid.Wyss. Bay (Nty; commlasstius. Rev. j ______-----

- c. J. Hutter; president, Henry A. I. j AITmoif.ISlAndriee: first vice present. Wm. H N. Williams. residiBg 9 milsa



BARRIAUE LirRNHBH.John G. Mintllae. Olive.........

PeSfl ForbiS. Essex .... ........ nrw Tiw mu. i',.•^’^*** Kugeae Godfrey. N. Y. City 26 j. Heinbuch; second vice president, rnorth of this city in Wsshingtoa

Edna Belle Morris, St. Johns 24 ' Alexander Roosen: recording secre-' township. Gratiot county, will sell hla

24 5020 4426 58

24 7119 2221 22

44 7120 76



the good points of St. Johns. Maay ^ very fine cuts are included showing rhar'lesInteresting views of the thrifty city aa well as the faces of Its leadlag cit- Iseaa sad biistaess men.—Blate Re­publican. Lansing.

Smith, lanstng

The fit Johns Nsws m its last 'asue I preosnted a vary attractive Illustrat­ed section setting forth the maaufac-

; luring aad coiiaasrrial lateresta of that prosperous little dty. The News has long besa one of the best

18laura Fraaces Dartlett. Olive 1

Wellingtoo T. Irwin. Jr.. Fbwler 28 Alice Jolley, (Tarson City ..

Scott Kltson. OvW _______Lcath Hler. Ovid _____

Bert M. Baxter. Bt Johns Berths E Fitch, flt Johns

HLBE SPEAKER AT PlCIfir.____ ^ last week The News saaouaced

largest county weekllss tn the coon- si^k^ for the Farmers




6 114

6 112

4 Ilf

T 91 82

6 122

7 88 2 28


6 128


82 121 1281X

120 1124

86 127 1628

18 r tr16 28 29141 81 798

fm-m WNdhsi 4a a vaIisaKIa p4^9llC At OAXt^ to^y taSS fSJtuite eloJgh ***<»«»*•«*

me.—Adfisa Telegram

retary, Frank Splelmaan; financial farm of 80 acres and a quantity of secretary, Edward J. Kraemer; aad ! livestock, tools, botisehold goods. sCc.. treasurer, John J. Schulte The trus-'st auction on Thursday. Septembsr tees elected are John Korte, Theodor*- 15th. at one o'clock. August Miller Reogel of Westphalia aad Chas M. will be auctioneer. Mr. WllllaoHPohl of Saglaaw. 'will move to Waehingtoa state. Sas

Westphalia. CItnton county, was dsscriptioa of term aad list of par- chosen as the next coaveation plaoe. onaal propsrty In this Issua The date for the next meeting was aot —sat. LOriH SBfTELLBR HABBIRB.

--------------- — ' - Louts Shueller. formerly of FVnr-^BOHALIIID AM BBMIATR. but now residing at Monro*. Mloh..

Of Ae maay taterootlng oharactors well aad teroraMy known to maay who go to make up the play


ANIfBITITrEBVfrr.1 wlA to call the theatregoers at

, teatlon to the «agagemsat of the dra-; week , raatlsathm of Meredith Nicholson's * popular story "Roosliad at Redgate" HORH at the Allison Theatre on Friday ev-

jeatag, Heptembsr 9th. This will un- New York

126 1281 etc

46 188 187817 26 68412 27 179

J. GRIHWOIJ),Mgr. Alllsaa TVatye.

Rosa-1 readers of The News, was marrlod week. , Had lU Redgate." ^ of the aew ' last Tuesday to MIos Laura Stadol-

Thc Neaw Is authorised to say that pmys of the prsasat iiaxni perhapa• omn of Monroe, a popalar yaaag Rev. R. J. Slee of Gvid kas besa s^ none Is laave reamrhahle than that i lady of that city. They will ta at iretsd aa speaker for the oeeasloo. of R«^naM Gllleople. Prssidsnt at kooie after October ftrot at Roohsator. pratpam of which was puMIshod last the Button Trust. This individual rep- Michigan

resents a departure tn lives of truat ■" ■ ' ■—magastes He ftads hlmaslf In NDTfOE.many perplexing altuatioas T had On sccouat of the oouaty telr oom-an smMtton to find sa hoasut man." tag oa Pomoas date. Pomona will

"but I gave It up. It la meet with Baraka Wednsuday, Sep-easier to be an boasst maa. than to itsmbsr 29th. 1910. flad one.’* — . ..X.

mlllot sod sod Storu. sad hides.

meat will begin proaspUy at 8 aad 11.99. Phoas 192. 46tfo'clock. —------— ■ ■■ j -----. I I

»'■ BIRD HI ARE ABBOB a good shave or stylish hair oatMrs. Bva Garfield, who was tahealgo to the Ooagreas Barber Hhop,

to Aaa AtiM>r a numb it of wuiha bead of Cllaiaa Avuaue. Cholos Itaaof dgara.

4RB DRABA'nr Mrs. George P. Glllst of

^ ^ _ ___ ____City aad Mlaa Florsace he aaya.doubtedly be .-me of the best offerings MacDonald of Ala city will give s of the ssaaon sad worAy of your pat- ^^1 dramatic recitalf * wmg. ■■vp aao oramaiic rscimi on nao one. —'roaage. Tae ohA- *osap productloa., |j|^ sTeaing of September 12A. st the "Rosalind at Rsdgaie" will be the Ckoioe seed bookwbsat,

iGOagregailoaal church under As sue- sttraetton at Alllaoa Theatre Friday. Hungarian at Ollllaoa’s 1 BsM on sale at AJllasaii Jewelry i of the C. C. A. The entertate- September 9Ch. Prkssa 21c. i8e. Tic Bring me yoar poultrv

. _______ •_____ meat will begin proaspUy at 8 aad 11.88. Phoas 198.

mt’wwmtwmmm _______ MrS. E. H. Sleveas wtSkSS tO SOTAXPATRBB TAKE ROTiri. j pounce her tell mllltasry opsatA

All <4ty mauu that renmta ttapaid ^Thurudsy. Friday sad Baturday, Sap-i ago for aa opseatloa. died In Ae nal- aftar Sspumhvr 14A. 4 par esat eol-|temhmr 16A. lAh. aad 17A. veraRy city one day As first of

iloctloa fas will be oddsd. Attend to, ------------------------ week. The body wno broaght toat oaos and avoid the 4! T sasoa BIttsra will

of diarrhoea


'A ,

mi Umrmi <lte MW 19 FOm HfT,■i. auir sTsilofttr of DatrsM pp^ra) I nil m tarttla or nimmtm glam wtih havlM 4oa» tPaIr haac (or oorat) to ‘ urtor baamlreh Cimgrmmmmm To

tat It ammt to«atr>fo«r jMMra: o aiPluw or aatltog iiaoal- ly Imilemtm an uokaoJUiy ooodftlon


PobllalMd arary ThuraPoy aftarooao ar^tkr.aii yieetaa. hav* oow turord tkr kMaaya. Too frapnaot daalra •I Ui Wallwr alraai. aoat. 81. JolMa.jtP»ir mud taaaurriaa upoo Tboodorr to uiiaato. Mioocy aupply. pala or ••dWBOit- Rowoovrlt lo as rffort to pat Mn •• ^ ***??* *!?I!1**'*

LBW r. ri Tcnox,_ . - T" ‘bad. TWy will acoaspllali altout otSar

much aa thay did la Towo.«w|-a ^ Ta iC;'

rWNTY-a»COWD TBAR.____aa ■inanil rli~~ awttw al tha |

offtea at 8t Jotaa. Utah- in«d Moiathloc laaa uodar tha act of ItravallBC rapriaaotat

March t. ItTf.

Tbara la comfort la tha hmowtadgcipi

•m Till n wiimiA TCMKi aoimiH

Mr. mod Mra Fraok Youaplova rta-■. 1. rarara iwnm. m oahiay auaday.

INvlateo Mo. < of the AM Sarlacy i Quita a faw paapla from arovnd will aanra a ffftaaa oaot diaaar la tha rraaeh'a roroara all mdtil tha 8«Mi> Laacaa room of tha church Thuraday. day aeheol ascuraton to Jaehaao laat Uaptamhar Ihtli. to adilch all ara oor* . waak

that Dr. Kllmar aidially lasted | Lam Thuradmiy Mra. Pmak Ood.„ **“' 'dard aod Mtaa Mayma Allan attandad

for tha com- ramatary Aaaaclatkm at Mrahack. kMmaya. Ilaar, Maddar and a». | Tli*^iU»ry and aonc aarrico uadar ^ ^

atda tha amatortal and Kubamatorlal ary pprt of tha urMary paaaapa. It tha auapkwa of tha Bpworth Laacua ^ a^(mndlhuaa What the ownaiw of the iaorraeta tnoMllty to hoM urtna. amdliaat aondar avanhic waa Matanad to ■*" rharlay Hanhay

acaidhw polB M paaaMs It. or bad i by • goad audtaaca and many

papara will now have tp ••'^**8”®®ot. tha ^cat ktdnay. Ilaar , by n^ tA ___ tamr blnddar ramady. fulfllla almoat offlmitnc ataa to anva tnair ^b In rallavtnn pain In tha tag j>proaontatlvaa raport ha- back. kMnnya. Ilaar. Maddar and av-1 Th

papara thay a^r^ wamaad tham followtnn uaa of liquor, wine, of pralaa have been apokan of tha Sonday•find, thay “found In tha way of , ^ bear, and ovareooMw that unpleaa- propram. Mra. Woolay la a ftea ' Mr. and Mra

vialtad Mr. and Mra. Prank

Frank (loddard vialt-Imant. ant naeaaalty of balnp oompallad to pMdar and rendi rad tha alory with «d Tnaaday and Wrdnaniny of

pat up many tlnam durlnp tha nlpht nMch faallap and axpraaoMn and tha weak with Mr. and Mra Frank Glov-

TO oirm FUBima

Our roadara and frianda of Tha St Johna Newa who hnva prohata noticaa to publlah. or who control them, will con­fer a favor upon the publlah- ar by raquaatlnp Judpe Mer­rill to have tha nrtntlap done In Tha Nawa. If auch raqueat la mada Judpa Marrlll will kindly prant It


Tha faUoam who knew bow It waa roorinp out ware more numeroua yao- tarday momtap than tha candldatea. rMUIaed

xpraaoMn'to urinate. !mualc by tha choir and ymuip peopla am In Mhpla napMa

Tha mild, plaaaam and axtraordi- nould not fail to plaaaa thoaa who Mr. WM Mra. Lavl Orwenwood and nary affect of Swamp-RocM la aoon beard. aona Clauda ««»«* Jaraae vlNted Mr.

It fltandt tha biphaet for Tha fourth quarterly maatinp ear- and Mra. Jaa. Qraenlaa In North SUr Ita wonderful raaulta la tha moot die- for this oonfarance year win ba 'Satunhty and Sunday.

If y«. ^ . nXI- .Md »».t MM., Th. (, t. rmmui Md t-oOf

until Haf-

WATERTOWN. ♦ jL.f! ^ fifty-rent and one ,bf follov^np l>r. vleltad from Saturday ui♦ * ^ Yoi 11117 have a eamola hottla of ***!L«‘*“fMonday with Mr. and Mra. Will H

have a eampla nonia or tarly tvmfaranr**. It !• axpactad that ..Swamp-Root, tha praaf kldaa> ram- raoorU from each danartment of

Why voa should boy


First. They arecheap. mlBd 70a—but eceaoaiteal la that they pfve tmorm real wearlap aarvice ts the dollar than say otherSMhe of ehhee.

Second. They ara coeafertahle. ft ta not naeeaeary la <yder tha ahoa pive aarvM that It be made at stMf. hard leather ttmt irmmtee hlletera the feet, aad that eanast be amde over rmapaiable lo^lM Ir The leather In our worti nhooe In ne soft and pnhole an hummhln. touph as wroupbt Iron. And noVON MMX aHOiMI FIT. Tboy pif from tho day tsoy aro arst put on until they ara worn cmt.

Look for tho abovo trade-amrii In colors on your dealofn aMi aad whoo you^nd It. ask to aoo tho nhooa. Note the mark woll-- Irdlaa baad oa a ekln. It U also stamped on the bottom of ovory shoo, aad la a sura Sipn of qaallty.

Writs ua sad ws will ptvs you tbs nsmo of tho doalor hsadllnp <

HlflTH-KRAUSE CO.Mswufaalurara of fl(

Wo tsn tho losthor from which Roups Rev Phooe are made



ip-Root. ll»a praat Kldlia) ram- reports fronk each department of ... . . ' ♦'^y- ***®’'* church work will be qlvan.

Henry "^**'^11. both sent absolutely free by mall. The subiact of the F:pwonh Idrapue I^I.nasmy last .Mcmday. Addresn. Dr. Kilmer h Co.. Blnphsm- rnaatlnp for next Sunday evenlna

MIsm Zelms Tlbhau of DaWlit ton. N. Y. When wrtlinK be «urr 1 will be “Mercy u> th»' Fhllen." Obsd. spent last S^indsy at Morris Be- to mention that yotj read thin pao- i2:is; lathe 15:1-7. lo-ader. .Mrs. o]dsine't emu* offer In Tb«* St. Johna .New* j, (lolden. Kvarybody welcome.

Clark of Wacoiisia wsa'l><m’t make any inlstske. but reinam-

That the world's wheat crop tbit year will be the amaiieat in tha (uitt tan yeara and that the world le in Witt laat Friday atrouK need of a subatitute for wheat are the statciuanta of Jamea A. Pat-

Mra Allc« ____a visitor at Hart E. Ciitlar’a last bar the name. Swsmp-Koot. I>r Kll- Thumday nier’s Swamp-Root, and the address.

Charlaa* S. Immlla and wife were »»nkb«.ntc*. Y . .« every bottle, entertained at Omar H Dills' in De-

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ HKNIML CENTER. ♦♦ ♦, ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Misa Frances Roaaemnn vialted raiatlrae in Ionia laat Sunday.

Dr. French will preach and hold communion aarvlcee In the ball next

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦.Sam Krehle of Riley township was ^ m

a caller here In the north part of ,^ MIOIII.EHrHY. ♦

.8.1 V HI'EI. IIIEIl I.> BETHHIT .Mra Mary Htiell died at her horn*-

in Detroit Sunday evenina. September ...................4th. of ( onauniption from which idle ' Sunday at 2;3t»had l»een a sufferer for many Mra. Charles Secord of loutalna iismtha. visited her |tar«aMe. Mr. aad Mr*

Mrs Huell was a former realdi-nt Charles Clark last week, of Klale and the reutsliiatown last Sunday. ^ # '' r.iw ana me reutsliia were Dr. and Mra Sweeney and non of

ten on hi* return to Chicapo from Herben Inpnlla ami Troy lfuai«<d bnuipht hen- Uedoeaday for burial. jOrand Isdp*- visited .Mrs A. C. Hlske-Kurope recently .Mr l*atlen visited attended Ibe o|M*ra at I.analnK last _____ ® member of the F. II. s|e«- the latter |iart of last week.

Ih lpimn and W.^neaday evenlns. 1.:^^ Cole, who baa been worktnp t Hive LMorris Hurwm and wife ami Mra J. W. Row. has moved to tlw.w- •««

MalH-l Inpall* Malted In Grand ^ 1 u 1. . ' ^ •»*^rolt and «>n<* la^pe laat Saturday. , ...... .... brother. C D .Seurles. in Fairfield.


Therein DeWItt ban lieen transfer­red to the GramI Trunk from Durand

; to Detroit and twek. to live.


• The wheat crop •hortap. really 1- SaturdayBO preat.’ he Mid •'that It appears yir* Arbur K. Hotchkiss of St.that a substitute must be found What Jtihne visited relatives In this town-that subsitute could b«- I am unable fhlp iiart of laat week

,, .... . Sidney Felton Ito say Com seems first to suppestllB»*lf. but peeiple could not live on addition to his biilldlnps ^ ^ ____ _____corn bread." 'Morris Hiinon and wife of Haatinps 'married tii Mias Clara Chaiiee jjj

t ^ s a 4 wk iisi M fl^FFV vlftitfTTn At * Hficl tc^ tblf^ llOloRin repard to. busineas conditions Harry cotinty. wer« visnors ai .vira. ,i,-_ .14.-1. j 11 .. n ..ii- Mabel Inpalla' a i»art of last week children, thre* of whom dbil when

abroad. Mr I atten Mid Jacob J Movers baa Juat I'ompleted >'»««»« The fiv*. who survive to••I do not think the serious crop ^ i«rpv new tool ahel on hi* farm. "•<***™ their loss are. Clarence, of

aituatlon in Prance ha* been preatly Jacob I’arker did the csri>enter work, j *®*^**®**_/H*'V f rswford. of f)wos*o:exasperated The beat iioated praln Q«*»e a pooil tiiany from this town-men In Antwerp believe that Franc®

church and of Contenttiient Hive L. All an- Invited to attend the He«- G T. M. M. She leaves one son. pal Kpworth lo^pue which will be

me entertsined at the home of .Mr. and Mr* Roy Plowman Friday eveninp.

, September iuh.Reiiiien Waite has pom* to Sapmaw Mrs Edwin Jury will •mtertsln the

Henpal .M E. Aid Society at her home J Is bulldinp a larpe Adam Aiiller was born in (Hitsrlo, Tb«- Elsie schools ronviienc*®! Sep. Thursday aftern<K>o. .Sejitember l.Mh. ; here which Is quite I*’****da. December 24lh. IR.ik and tember .5th Lynn Har|»er attendnl the Ithaca '

db-d September 2. lltiu In 1hh2 he Winnie Duncan ia spendinp fair last week.

W W Temple was north <m a bus­iness trip last week.

Mr* Alice Meacham ha* returned b^rak-doliD* from a visit to Adrian oreap down*

Edmund and Dervin an* at Roa* Carter has been hone

timewill neeil to Imiiort* bush­els of wheat this year to make up for the crop deficiency

• Conditions in Germany are almost •» William Elliott's last Sat-

ship took in th«' excursion to Jack-, their mother. Mr AulleriMt. Pleasant for a few daysi*on last Thursday and report a fine' been In iwior health for some |

time hut no worae that anyone km-w I Owosao were in town Thur^vMr S|»enr* of IVdterville ami J. !^''“*** **** to the l^m to milk; r™iv«Ht hi> ramiiv..... ...........—»...... -

Perry of .4nderBnn. Indiana, were ' '»»e .Milford .Setterinpton hourn «»nde. of Kirkland. HI..-The UI-..- ______ __ _ .._____• <*‘«1 “«t break down, w

Han’t Break Dawn.Severe strains on the rlthl orpan*.;

on machinery, cause - You can't overtax i

stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels or' from nerves without serious danper to

yourself. If you are weak or run-t l*acklnphani of down, or under strain of any kind. 1

take Electric Ritters the matchless. | Mrs

as lad. altboiiph not to much has been heard of them Excessive rain


The funeral wa*Intermem in Dwosao SuDday.

Repiilates th«- iMvwi-ls, promotes "iKan's Ointment cured m#- of e<-

J. E. Van de! writes; “That

__ bile «>ndurlnpMcItouMll Strain, for three monthsMcltoupall spent Saturday .n Ow.a- j, ^olly to Electric Bitters"

In m)rthwestern Europe ha* radically easy natural movements, cures c<*n- *bat had annoyed m« a lonp

tb«chanped the situationweeks

"French miller* are biiyinp wheat outside of th«- country with preat free­dom and praln men penerally ar® bullish on the situation, believinp that with short cro|is in the I'nlted States and Canada hiph prices will prevail later In the crop year

"Much depends on the outcome of

last six i*H|>ation Itoan's Repulets Ask your driippist for them. 2'> cents a box.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A ♦ ♦♦ H4M THBKST LKH.4NGN. ♦♦ ♦

timeHon. S. W Matthew*. Commissioner ley Labor Statistics. Aupiista. M*

T’se themMrs. Sarah l>oyie of l*ort Huron Is strenpth.

and enjoy health and Satisfaction positively

The cure was i»ernianent. visltlnp her sister. .Mr* James W<n»|- puaranteed. 50c at J. T MIlinMUi's

.Mr and Mrs Floyd Hlssell sfient Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs. Hen laid- sick In Pewamo

. . , . Herschel Ihiffer and unci®. Henryth* Arpentlne crop, and conditions in w»-re in Gre«*nbush fromthat country ar* Iwlnp watched close-; Thursday until Siinday ly by th* Euro|>ean praln trade " * .Mr and .Mr* Will Harris ami Verm

Grov« and Mr* .Mary RIe*

Mr and Mr* C P. .Stratton visited in Grand liapids Friday and Saiur* day.

•Mra Win .Mtairt- reiiirn«-d home Saturday from a thre«* w**«.ks' visit In Ohio

•Mrs. KItt Dunham poes to Ohio this week for an extemie<) visit with relatives.

Eddy Hiilloek left Elsie Saturday fur Hip Rapids where be will enter

.Mr* .Millie F*-rpiison of .N'orth Iain- the Ferris lostltutf

and VanSlcklc A Glappie'a.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A ♦ ♦♦ I'.NIH.N HOME. *♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

SrheKil liepan .Memday with .MIm Ruth laMimls as teacher This is h«‘r second year here.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ HVIH .\NH VK’INITT. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Mrs J D Holnws is very poorly with rheumatism

.Mrs Frank Marahall is lyMivales- eent from her recent illness

Little Dorothy J W»»odworth has

t'onditions In repard to ntb*‘r crops ar* not much nior* promlsinp, accord- Stimiay in GramI Rapid*

Hinp. wh«, has ^n visltlnp in th* Huxel Unphan and Flomiie Allen be;:;"quhr;,^Hr. W^*’'rame‘In-tu^ home of S McMaster for a few <Uy*. att*-od.*il the Ilbac-a fair last w.-ek. re- m.w i

*l»etit ,return.-il horn. .Monday turninp hum*- .Saturday Rev and Mr* S H Williams of El-|Mr and Mra laat \Vak« fleld and Friday Joseph. Annie and Ia*na sle vlait«<l friends in Ovid and vlcln-1

Mr ami .Mrs. Lyman JfHie* and son «if St Johns «lin*-4l with .Mr and Smith of iitibbardston S|>eat th** day Itv Sunday week.Inp to the Evanston plunper Th* l>o-,children of near MapI** Rapid* s|K“nt Mrs ('has Mallory last Tuesday ami «t Mr and Mrs. Waites Mrs Eveline A (ksidenow cam** Itato crops of Franc* Gerniany and Tu**sdav at th* home *tf their |iar**ntB. w*-nt to .Maple Rapids on business and -Mrs Charl*‘s Clement visft*-<l m Monday to r«STuiin (M-rmanently with IIreland, h* said w* r* rottinp in th* "r and Mrs .M L WInans .<wll*-d at S McMast**r a *»n their r*- -Shepherd over .Sunday with her bro- her «laupht**r. .Mrs John A Ttibbs ;

Wm. K.*llani of Ithaca .*f**nt from turn home tlwr. la-on Hate*, and faiiiily J A Thomas and G*-orp.* A. Jones j-Mr* Frani’l* Bryant. .1 |•lon•-*•r of -'Ils® All»erta (’has*- left f«ir .Marion «»f Akron call**«l «m their aunt iimi j

Clinton < «*iinty. t*a. -*-11 very |H-ae* ful- ^Otrday where sh* hse a |io*ition um le. Mr ami Mr* Jfihn A. Tubbs |ly away last Frida.' **v«*ntnp .at T p print:|M»l of th** city sohouls .Monday j

....................—m.. aft*T a bH**f ilint-ss at th<- h*un* Alb*-n Heii**ar was ealb'd from Mr* Ia*u IK-Wltt and daiiphter jIS <-vMlenc**d by Duff«*r reoirm^l to ^^Ht J**hn8 ,ij|„jfht,.r. Mr* D S M<trri*on. Monday u> the b«-dsid** of hi* Apn*** viBiti*«l Miss Etlna Hudson ami 1

i_.. ... _i , t. jj tb«»upnt was dyinp. «*all**il *»n other fri*-nds-ln Ovid Thiirs-Ihad th*' pb*asur*- of meetinp h**r by

pround to -h* . ..ntinuou. rain*.,and oat* hav«- b*-*-n laid flat on the home* *»( hi* br*»th**r ami n**ph**w. pround bv winds and rain* Bert K<-llam. and la*** K*-llani

Th*- i»oor quality .if th* Russian Th* .Miss* .•^ Fbirem *• Hamford andwh*-at <rop. thi* v*-ar ... ............ ... . , -riatiirday to r***um** their *ch«MiI w«irk jk- ,k. .11th. w.tphi sample* averapinp 5.'* to Pr*.*! Pf.*l| a<c.m|wnl**«l th.m ^ ndshlp «*f all ivho56 iKiunds to th* busheli*. apalnst 62 th*-r»* i*i remain for th*- dayto 64 (Miund* a y*‘ar apo Hr* R«iy Gro'e and nl**«'eB Misw*

. .. ... Ruby ami Iva Gillmnn of Grand Rap-<train men at .\ntwerp estlmat® , . . ^ .1. .. ....kIs *|M*ni Sunday at th* bom* of .Mr the Russian .TOP at .ii,.*** .**. quar- Mrs Milo and family Missters. apalnst quarters a Ruby Gilliiuui reinaln**d until Mondayyear apo" .'onttnued Mr Fatten, "but cv**nlnRRussia carried ov.-r about Itt.iHMi.yoo ,from Friday until Monday at the quarter* or bushlea. from and Mrs Bert Kellam

'her kiml ways. Th** funeral wa* h**bl 1.***^^ wher** sh** will trim in u luil- at th*Sunday hom*. Kld*T .Muilp*

*»f .Mnpb- Rapids officlallnp Burial

•Miss .Mabel Isbam has pt>o* to St. dav ami Fridaylare wher** sh** will trim in a mil- Sch<s»l .ipen**<l in th** Marshall dls-

L.i**ry st*»r»* this full and wtnt**r sea- irirt Momlav with .Miss J**nnb* Hud­son *»f Ovid as t«*acher We b«*ii|>eak

In th* I’nlon Mom*- .-.-inetto'y.

>mtv Medicine far Children. Ff>b‘y*s Hon**y and Tar is a safe Itast w»*ek.

ami effective m**dlcim* for chlblr**n Ann ^i^***' ^■udly cam*.I«— n«, e..n.u4n .«.4...m ..r ^11“ ^rlmr Friday for a vUit

.Mrs. \ **rm* Allen and children and *iie. *MMi for th* acho.*l with la* effl- .Mrs Harry Brainard of Burllnptun dent a t*«cher ha»* lieen visltlnp EJsi** friends th.-

th* hiiiHp*'r crof> of last y«*ar "

Verniinirm. defaultinp cashier of with her the Mt Fl**amnt bank, seems to have been tnie to hi* name- -b** la {wlntiop everythmp red with th«- money In- Mule from the bank And thorn- wh<t will have to put up the [irice to the de|(oaiiora are red-headed at Ver- mllltoo'* proceedlnps And. by the way. it la said those who are reafKin- Mble and will have to make pood aa directora—aad there are but three wIm* are collectable—will b»- ruined rinancially

•Mr* Rlr»*’H children, laicib* and H**r- liert. who have been s|H*mllnp the [WM two weeks here, returned home

aa/M^ «loe« not cimain opiates or ''..V, harmful driips Get ««ly;^the p.-n- ^„ tb**,rpciilD*- FV>b*y'* Hom*y ami Tar In th*

(yellow lackapo* VanSIckb* 4t Glas- ; pb*.

^ The laidlea' Aid Society of th*- M, E. church will serve dinner at th*- church September

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A ♦ ♦♦ E.IHT KILEY. ♦♦ ♦

Baby won’t suffer five minutes with croup If you apply I>r. Thomas’*^ Wclectric Oil at once It arts Ilk* inaptc


Chas. NValtera of St Johns was in_________________ An invita- Riley Tuesday.

** “Plended to all Mias Healer of Grand I>edpe laMrs rnrran and daupbter. .Mrs teacblnp the Jaaoc school

Ralph ShIpoMn. of Clevelaad. ar»- via- ' Roy Rathbun ami family S|ient ***** *^* ^ Cleui^t, .Sunday’ at James Halner's

A. labor and Win Moore Fred Tichmske and family of Isin-________ Jbafford. son slnp st>ent Sunday and Mlmidav with

Far* is reported verv ill at , •"**‘* »»«uphter Marpuerlte of friends In RileyLanatnp were pueata of llr and .Mrs loiwrence Cas|>er. w1h> has si»ent oalte Suada>, luakinp the trip by i nearly a year with Xavior Barnhart,

at Sidney automobile. j returned to his home In DetroitMra Eva Warner was called to I>e- A. G. Hildreth and wif* of lainalnp

♦ ♦

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A♦ ^ M B♦ S4M TH LKH4NHN. ♦ present♦ Wm I’xxler vlalied♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Morriatm's Sunda>.

Frank Ktnley and family a|*cnt tnSt Sunday becaus*- of the aerious spent Sunday aad Monday with herMlaa Eva l*ay»e Is «m the sick list .Sunday at Mra. McDonald’s. James lAindel has compan> from

Ex-Fr<*aidem Roosevelt. in hIS

Iletrolt.Mrs Terry Waiters s pent Sunday

; with Mrs Leonard.Mra D C>o»e of

Speeches tbrouphout the W*>st. has I Mrs G. Townsend Monday.

.Mr and .MT*. Rop)- Grubaupb visit­ed relatives near fKillon Center Fri­day.

Eaaex railed on' ^^* Archie Smith were

reiterated that he dfws not like the word "Insurpeat” aa applied to Re­publicans who have contended that the party plathmu means somethlnp —is not mere hot air to catch votes, for this is what brmipht about “tn- nanrsnry" in the lower bouse of fVinKf I Si. Mr Roosevelt would pre­fer thr word "proprsaslve" in this

Walter Happard returned to his ^•■day, home in Ray Hty Saturday. ; Hr. aad Mrs Wm. HImmoas of De-

Georpe Townaend Is at Ia>ck|iort. i visltlnp at the home of Jas

condition of Mra Mary Buell. .Mrs. ' i>arent*. Mr aad Mr*. Robert laindersBuell imaaed awa^- befor>* they ---------------------------reached there. -------------- i... „ — -----

Nfb. L B. Downli*. Mr*. E. A UtchnsM. Mrs. A. P. Albauph Mrs P A acosnmaker, Mrs P. o. Finch


.\. Y.. this week on buslnsasMr* Hannah Clarke rialted her

friend. Mra. Fred Mankey, Friday.The Misses Bslbert of near Bt

Johns were at Mike Graff's Bunday.MIsa Vera Ptppoti went Monday to

Bt Johns to attend the nornml srbool Mra. Arnold Bertram ha* a coustn

ennnertloo. as betnp. he believes, the I from Grand RapM* vIsMIttp her this It nbjectloaahle. 'week

aad C. J. Mlindell.


aad Mra. M. R VaaDeuami went to Vernon Friday to spend the day with Mrs U. P. Ferpuson.

J-a Fhley aad wife. Fr*d I^eonardId Mlaa I.#na Billman took In the * Deverraux aad

children met with an accMeat but earaped with a few brulssa The bora® bsrsine fiiphtened at an auto-

Jumped across the ditchealm J^^lieeer roJ!!d wLTi7^t!^ throwinp the oacupania out and bad-

.**®*"* ly breaklnp the buppy. Harlsy Km-

A Rsd Hash Is Alwpys Warm* In Ihn Esrntnp—m. Jahas FanfMe Ars


Self reliance I* as valuable a lesson as can be taupbt the younp; self reliance and strenpth of character If you will study the men and women possesslnp them, are traits we very preatly admire. Teach truth in your children by pracUslnp it youraelf; If you prevaricate, lie by insinuation or jest, the child soon catches the drift and ere you are aware of the fact. Is performlnp the "whopper" stunt with Ita playmates. Give the child to understand that In everytblnp It does by wsy of wronp or mischief that cannot be tolerated, that the truth about It will be accepted, but a He, never.

It la better to have the truth, the actual truth from your child when it has moat prievoualy pone wronp. than to have a lie; It Is bet­ter to forplve a wronp committed when the truth concerninp it is in your possession, than to punish because a He was told you and the truth denied.

Why? Well, because without confidence ezlstlnp between parent and child there is a pulf between them that never prows smaller. De­mand truth; teach it aa on® of the prrat virtues, and In traohlnp it you unconsciously win the confidence of the child; with truth and confi­dence as a foundation upon which to erect the home think of the thlnps which will come of their own accord to help In the building of character and the establiahment of virtues and morals without which there ran be no substantial bulldinp of any kind.

Self reliance equips the buy or pirl for the strupple of life; If they have leaned upon other* .L the way alonp they will most surely fall as soon as the prop is taken from them. Teach them to stand alone; teach them independence; not impudent Independence; not that Inde­pendence wbioh dares when there Is a wronp to be committed, but that independence which comes from the dolnp of the rlpbt tblnp; which ap­peals to the inteilipence and forces reoopnltlon wherever known or told.

Younp man. younp woman, with self reliance as a fixed principle in your traits of character; with truth upon your lips to all comers, other virtues which make for independence will be yours and success is just as certain to follow you in life as you are to put forth the effort to win.

Will to stand upon your own efforts in your chosen avocation in life, will to truthfully serve and independently act. and then Invite the criticism that would dare aaaall you.

.Nothlnp better can be said of a boy or man than that, "you can implicitly believe what be tells you"; "be never lies”; “bis word Is as pood aa bis bond.” Men and boys of this type soon have a capital that has required no cash asset; their honesty and their Inteprity. their self reliance and their truthfulness was their asset and by and tbroupb It they have pone to success.

Do not be discouraped. younp man. in this pame of life; tbinps may not be comlnp your way aa fast as you mould like, perhaps, but the vast majority of those who have won success ba«. traveled this very road you have just entered. Continue to develop the traits of self re­liance; learn more and more as the yars come and po to lean upon yourself; remember that "tnitb crushed to e«rth will rise again.” and •o will you. if you stand by It. Independence bepeta the spirit of earn- Inp and savinp; save soroethinp out of your days of toil; let not a week pr> by that somethlnp has not been laid up for tbe storm center of life, and you will reach It Brinp your aavlnps to Tbe Btale Bank sfHLJakns; we pay Interest at the rate of 3 per cent from the day the money Is left; tbe Interest Is credited up to all accounts semi-annual­ly. Bepln now.

The State Bank of St. JohnsJ. W. FITZGERALD, Cathnr


Wvaiags! lists! Eeatmlers!


excuralnn to Grand RapM* Hunday.

A Man at Iran Nerve.

____ [ Kll Bmith and wife vialted theirI mother la Greenbuoh Bunday aad

For aeveral day*—porhapo wesha I Monday, thane libel aatta which Chane Oabora | ^*'* Mra John Hiner Boadayedpraadami to "bepM" will keep the ^ Pinekaey on‘Bail” maa baay Whether he waa I Lula Watters returned from 8i. Iahoottap hot afr or not before elae- j Johna Baturday. Her brother Frank jtloa. the men rraponaHile for whnt • T>**^bam la very aick

^Aa KI« K« —- I Mias Cora Kletch and friend ofvena aaM of him by the Bsoannha IJoomml ehanM be made tn eat their ; miiHw. Banday aad Mliada>.seords, an Otaaae ban aaM he la from! ------------------------

ach. Liver. Kidney* aad Bowela are out of order. If yon want then* qual- mona took them to their home.

A back that aches ail day causes discomfort at nlpht Is usually worse In the morninp Makes you feel ss if you hadn't slept at all.

Cstt't care a had bark until you cure the kidaey* Doan's Kidney PHI* cure sick kidneys- make better, work better, rest better aad sleep better.

Thura^v Mr mmA Mr. IT V - P-'’"***^* ‘’«re* la Bt. Johns proveitlea and the sueeaas they brinp. use _ merit of Doan’sDr. Klaa's New Life Pills, the match- ^ .STV ?. PMas- i ^r* Bdward Bhulters. ia* Bleel Bt,leas regulatora. for keen brain and ^ , Bt Johns. Mleh., says: "About a yearstrong body. Me at J. T. Mlllmaa’s ^ prrasiu were. i stuck of kidney

^ I Hwible and tghter Gladys. B. B Voorheea asM i tmckachc

strong bodyand VanBl^le tk Glasple**. worst symptom wa*

I could aot rent well and

maaourl on that propaaltlaa Mrs Jacob Wllmert, Uaooln. III., 1 fodnd her way baak to perfect baalth. I (Me wrttaa: **I raffered with kidney

MH THKABT GRRKNIirBII ^ Neva Bewsnt of 8t Charlea. Mr. and♦ ♦ Mrs iota Graham of Carland, Mra♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^^^♦♦♦^ Myrtle CfeMeai, Mra

________ Mia* Mva Miner and <■Isle.

Mlth HoUrook left last Friday for^ ------ - ........... .......................... - ------wk* Valley, New York, whereDo you iMaa from The Newa this | tronhie aad baflhBBks aad an^ tsneh ochaol.

vary poor at tMua A nm R A. Warren spent asvernl daysdaiighti I at Ana

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ **** *5^ of Dvtd. In the moratag when I got up. I waa♦ ♦ •»«*■•• Mwe sad sore If I stooped, sharp

paia* selaed me and at oae time | waa hardly able to pet around for a

KItt Duaham. I week. When sufferlnp In that way. I ____ CharlsB Penh of| pyrtrured Doan's Kidney Pills from

H R Richards made a buai trip to Male y.

tbe fheos of the va-! titertana raadidatea which have appeared ******** FMey Kidney FIHa With Mse. ______ ___tkhd mya tSam a fkir trlaL They ktame.

■■ ^ raMef, an nditiaiai till L o. 1

9tt\Thwa. t«8eh In thaallaMe df fhai ffty.

A FAIR RATtfl.■•We wlah to arrange for aa ex­

change af pfisanera.” anaoonced the . o< r < Ainertaaa «9lcutor.

•Da what haaiar* tnqnfrad tha leader of the other aMa.

JMsIi Hnat ganerals Mahy pmnte.—Lsnia-

'vllle fhmf<ar»Jaarnal.

VaaBIckle A Glasple's Drug Store end the contents of three boxes «qH tlrely cored me. I hnve had no backache or other symatous of kM- any coatplalnt Mnce.”

For aale by all dealers. Prioe W cenu Foater-Mllhnra Oo.. Raffhlo. Naw York, sole ansau far tha ViMlMKMM.

The Pessinist Aid Tbe OptinistIW PemianM aad the Optinust!

Tbe DifFarenoe b So DroB;Tbe PeaMst

Sees Ebrt die Empty Bms,WHILE

TbeOplimmt Sees dm Coal!Be Optiuaslic,

Seiae dm Onporhanty and F9 Y & With Coal

At Present Prices,Winch Win Save Yon Dolnrs!

xym F. PARR




MT-funiR lnb tmulianr people who generally enioy good health Mffer (row bilkwinwi m the Mm-

tiaac. Rich (ooda aerv^ ice-cold are dittralt to digest by the maior-ity, and olten produce a chilling o( the en­tire digestive tract. The liver thna be­comes sluggish, when the condition known as bsliunsncss rcsidta. This is often aooom-

^_____ by constipation or indigestion. Serious as it may seem, how-ever. to the unlortunate b**^o*it •* “ easily enrahte with a rem­edy snch as the weU-known Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Kepein. which is s great Ian- live and tonic, and which contains ingredients t^ att upon the Ihrcr and stim- nlate it It will relieve a hot-weather Ihrer complaint over night and cure it laath^ly in a very short time. If you have any indisposition of the stomach, liver or bowels, yom irst concern should be a supply of this gras^remedy. which you can of any druggist for SO cents or $1.00 a bottl^ There wuihe enoigh and to spare for your complamt and that of your faastly. A FREE TRIAL BOTTLE wiU be sent to those who have never need k it they send

me and address toDB. W. B. CALDWSLL. dOOCoUwun Bldg

♦ ♦g LKBA.^tlK. *♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Mrs. Ida I>uffer Is a sufferer from hay fever.

Juy Aeaoions has a new Milwaukeecom binder.

Herman (laddy Sundayed with friends In Saginaw.

Wm. I*lnckney Is In Phlcugo this week to buy a lond of oatUe for hla farm.

(?. J. Isidwlrk and wife are moving to the home of his parents, near Muir.

Inal M<mday Mias Mabel Hart of Maple Kaidds Isgan the fall term In I aland school.

Mr and Mrs Kd RIre 8t»ent Tues­day In the home <»f hla father. John Hire. In FVilton

Floyd lllssell and wife were Sun­day guests of Mt and Mrs. »en Lud- s'lrk In I'ewamo

('aleb Wlrkes and family spent Sun­day with Mrs Wlckes* (larenU. .M. M Messer an«l wife

Mrs Philip lanslng of Weldinnn called Sunday on her uncle. Jay Sessions, ami family

laist w»*ek Frank Howard vlall*d In the home of his daughter. Mrs Jerry F*Is1ht. In St Johns

Miss lailu Wallers was in St Johns last w«*ek to see her brother. Frank lw>wnham. who was very sick

l.ast .Sunday a |■nlle<l llrethren rrove meeting was held In Blmer Haight's grove west of Mniherton

Mr and Mrs M'lll Sltnns>ns of De­troit are guests in th** home of .Mrs Sinuiions' aunt. .Mrs Jas. Miindell

Mr and Mrs Kla A Smith spent Sunday with Mrs Smith’s mother. .Mrs lairlnda Ridenour, in lireen- bush.

Rogers Rros are the firtt Into corn harvesting In this Irswllty They romm»'nc«*d work the last day of August

Hugh I .aiiiphere and family of Lin- alng s|Mnt .Saturdar> night and Sun­day with his lairenis .Mr and .Mrs Frank Isiniphere

J M Roberts and family drove out from .Maple Raiuds in their m‘w Dver- land last Sunday ami called on .Mr. ami .Mrs .M M .M**as»T

Kffle. the flve.y.«r-old daughter of .Mr amt Mrs Kller; l*errlne. was very ill the first of th" 'Week Dr K. L. Martin of Maple Itaplds attemied her.

Herman Klnley, M’m Talt. Mlaa Uxzie Talt and Mesdames Mary Wat- tera and Ada Howard went on tin- 8 S excursion to Jackson last week

Horace Winans. Dtta Smith and wife and Mrs Hd Rogers and child­ren spent laat Sunday In the home of Frank and (Maude Abliott .ind fam­ilies In nioomer

James H Fish of Flagle aceomiutn- i»sl hy ojir ex-su|*ervisior W \V Smith, canvassed le*t»anon last w«‘ek relative to m>mlnation of r.-indi<lat< for regisi»T s <*fflr«

.Mrs F*r»*«l l»feti, Jr last .Saturday ar<-ompanied her daughter .Mis-. FMorenc* Hanford and .Miss Flmma Duffer l«* .*^1 .lohns wher* th» young ladles attend s< h«Md.

Mr .ami Mrs Wni F’te-hl of Saginaw vl,dt*d In the Pf'el honv- last week and on Sunday a(-r-<>m|tani>*d Mr Pfiel. .Sr., and his daughter to sp*-nd the day with Mr and Mrs ('ha- Ros- s«>tv in Hengal

Will lajdwick of near Muir, brother of r J. laidwick of this place waa drosmed near hla home laat we^k Tuesday. He was about 20 years of age Mineral services were held last Thursday at Matberton

fatat week I.^ Winans marketed two veals, six weeks oM. which tlp- l>ed the scales at 3f»o pounds and brought the neat sum of S2K.OO. The

fact moot srortby of note la that the nnlvoa wore ralasd by n cow which gave nartlk from only three tsnta.

James Flaher and srife and their gueal. Mlaa Katherine Laagan of 8L Johna. returned laat week from an overlaad trip (b Alpena and Mont­morency ooanilen. They vlatted there hla brothera. Charlea. IMyansu and ('aanlua Flnber. formerly realdenM here and where they spent their youth and early manhood.

The writer baa Juat received from J. T. Danlele of Kaeex coplee of a new poem by Will Carleton and a song by R. H. l.atte and C. H. (lab- Hel, both on the subject of Itemory Day. September 30th. To Mr. Dan- tella bekmgs the honor not only of obtaining the rompoaitloa of these -Atnt joj oei» »nq injlinaeqlog SeiHember SOth set apart as aa- rri^ to our dead.

A. Hutfin siNmt Friday In Ithaca Mrs. FMIxa Sutfin la quite ill again. F r. I*eck was In Ithaca Friday. Hugh Murray was In Durand Mon­

dayPaul Clark waa an Owoas«» visitor

MondayMrs .Sebring was an Bureka vis­

itor Thursday.Mrs. J Rtler is entertaining her

sister from Ohiols-sier ('artwrighi has returned to

hl» work at JacksonMiss latum Oardham has returned

to lH*r work in Toledo., Clifford Orlfflth went to Ohio on 8un«lay to visit relatives

A large number from here attend­ed the fair at Ithaca laat week

H D Ia*tls and L R Angle attend­ed th«' races at Owosar* Monday

R K P**ttli and A P lame of 1th- sra were visitors in (own on Mon­day

The Misses FMhel Dennett ami Mias Daisy Calligaii of laiingshurg

was a guest of frlemls here last week

.Miss Certrude Rradshaw of Falsie was a guest of Mrs Dertha laUis thisW**ek

.\Oas Anna Crenluml was a guest of Miss IxxMt Murray In FJureka on SundayCladys Horton will attend school at F^lale this v-vkir

Rr>bert Packlngham and family of Owosso were Sunday guests of John Riley and srife.

Mrs Falgar Clark entertained her father and mother from laiingshurg a couple of days last week.

School rv>rnm«'iice<| on Monday with Cenrge ('ordmy as principal and Miss .\f1lls of .\shley as assistant

.Mrs F:tta Fritz of Alma, a deputy for the 1. O T M M held a .ichool of Instruction at Dannister on Tues­day for the Irenefit Of the hlVe here

Dr lieCatnp ami sMfe were calWd to Perrv on Tuesday hv th* sad news that Mrs iwa’nmpi* father had been seriously injured in a ninaway acci­dent ,

FIrlward Remaley died very- sudden-, ly at the home of his mother. Mrs IMank. three ndles west of town on .-tiimlay He had he«>n ailing hut a few days and his ras*- was not tlwaight to b*- serious The funeral nrcurre»l on Tueaday with Interment at Flureka

HAH MAMM.\*H IIIHIM»H|TII»>. Hoaz—“Poor old Henpeckle has to

mind the baby".loax— “Yes. It’s wonderful how

that baby takes after its mother “— I'hiladelphla Record

Mark Woodruff la abla to alt ap a i JtU*. '

J. Tout of LsMslgg' waa In u>a« Tuaoday.

Mrs. Pate aad soa Ivaa are vtafttag I ifneada la Ohio.I Mm Lydia Dvaham sad Samusl: Tucker are oa the sick list.

I Jaiaea Fsrguaoa la still ooaflaad to 1 hla bad by bsiag throara froai a srag- ^oa.

Loraa Woadruff sad IsHah Vaa- Flaet started to school la IsuialagTuaoday.

Mark Woodruff waa brought boaie rron the Lsmatag City booplUl laat week Saturday.

Mr. sad Mm Henry Tubbs vialted bar pareaca. Mr. sad Mm Wm. H. H. Kaapfi last week.

Mr. aad Mm. Morris Hurtoa of Haatiags visited Mr. aad Mm Oeo. M’llllams laat week.

Mr. aad Mrs. M. A Norris aad Sir. aad Mm. Bert Scott speat Moaday aad Tueaday In Detroit.

Mm Acbaa Crumb of Siiafiekt v|a- Ited her niece. Mm. Althea Clark, four days laat week.

Mrs D. 8. Pike spent part of last week at the borne of Mr. and Mm Oeorge Pike In Olive.

Karl Tuckef has bought the prop­erty on Weal Main street that was owned by 1). 8. Pike.

.Mm. IHom Cook aad daughter of Osroaao werr guests at the borne at Mm. Althea Clark Monday night.

The I). of R.’s picnic waa held at Alward Isike last Saturday. All present repon an enjoyable time.

Mm Ann Hungerford returned home from (Imnd Rapida laat Friday after visiting her son sevemi daya.

The body of Mm. Will (!ook of Osrosso was brought to DeWItt Mon­day and laid In DeWItt cemetery

Mra F2d. Smith and children of De­troit are visiting her iMireats. .Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. H H. Knapp In Riley.

Mr. ami Mm Cetrrge Pike and Mr. and Mm Theo Martzke went to Jackson on the S S exctimioo last week.

.Mrs Pleda Dailey of Chicago. Mm. Ada Carter, daughter and friend of Innaing visited Mrs A Clark last week

.Mra Fenton Drink :uid little dau­ghter (tertriide May are visiting Mr ami .Mrs FVe<l Tucker at Pmirle Creek this week.

Mr and Mm Lynn lievereaiix of lainsing visited .Mr and Mrs. V. D Pearce Sunday and .Mr and Mrs D. Devereaiix Monday

Mrs Derr Plorlan and daughter Marjorie visited her (Hireots in Cmnd Ie*dge from Friday until Monday Her mother accompanied her home

Mrs Jame« Flirley and daughter from Ohio and Mr and Mm Varney Pearce of DeWItt visited Mr and Mrs V I) Pearce In 01lv<' last week.

.Mrs R. Drink sras called to I..alnga- burg last week <« accotinl of the se­rious illness of her brother, M’m. Knight, who is suffering from blondItOlBOO

.Mm FYed Tucker of Pmlrfe Creek ami Mm Fenton Drink ami daughter Certriide May calletl at the home of Mr and Mrs James Tbonuis In M’at- eriosm last week

Mrs. .M. J Smith of PVnwick. Mrs. Wm. H. H. Knapp of Riley, and Mrs Varney Pearce of I>eWltt took dinner with Mm J T Oberry in lainslng laat sreek

Mm R. Rnnk retume<l from Isiingshurg Monday On her arrival home she received the news that her aunt. Mra l^iretu Pennington of F>- gle was not ext>ected to Hve



Phy Oa !• ha


a, 1910.

CAPITALIZATION. $ I 50.000.00 All Common Stock.

SHARES. $10 Each.

AHIMMHU rniCK FUR SAII.Nothing appeam to have been ov-

erloohsd by the state Pair maaage- maM la preparing for the comfort of the crowds at the coming exhlbltlsm. September 19-24. Many thoughtful aTTangemeate will he made for the aole purpose of affording the maxi­mum of lomfort for visitom and It it believed that this year's fair, with its add«sl features aad consequently larger crowds, will be eepedally well rannaged.

No tickets for the fair will be on sale this year aad there wont he any tickets used, excepting tbone for use by exbibitom. The BaNght coin- counting tumstilea. which have been used with great succcaa at other large extalhitlona. have been iaatelled at all the fates and this will do away with the crowding aad forming in line at rh** gates. Nothing but a fifty cent piece is needed for admittance, and this way tin* rush of iieople can be cared for to much better advantage than heretofore.

There will be the finest appearing grounds tn the country to greet the ey«a of fair viaitom this rear. Con- sidemble time and ex|iense hne been put on the grounds, the trees and shrubbery will be found in i>erfect condition and the roadwaya will ail be well kept and a'prlnkled during the fnlr. No wagons or dmys will be al­lowed on the grounds after 7 a. m. each day. under i»eonlt> of a fine

Many resting placee will be pro­vided for the crowds of weary <mes, while those needing medical att**oilon will be cared for at the Red Cross lent provided by that organization There will also be a tent for lost children. This Is a moat oeceaaary feature, for hardly a day lumaee dur­ing a big stale fair where there are not sevemi dozen little <int-s who be­come separateil from their larents

The public will be w»ell cared for in regard to eating places this year Many of Iletrolt’s largest church so- cletiet have aecured space* and will serve regular meals at modemte prices, while the ubiquitous “hot ilog ’ stands will flourish as usual with their strange i-fmcoctlons There are so UMD)' stellar attractions this year, occupying most of the time each day that It Is thought many (teople will plan to go early in the morning and stay ail day and evening To the*.* the eating house* will be a w.drome relief l*lcnlr partie* will he welcomeil also and there will be many plafv* wher»' they can eat their picnic lunche*

Railway facilities for the week will be in iM»rf«*ct order. *af the railway officials Thirty-Second headway will be maintained on the Woodward a»-e- nue IhH* during the rush ho«im and large crowds will be handled safely .and rapidly The Interurban lines en­tering the city will also run many special tmins during the week

Rfuid the announcement of the ao- riety on another i«age in this Issue.

PBieC. BBSMtoy B—dfr. d-CyllnBgr. 20 Morw ffownr

TlirM 8p—dg AlMad nod

0.00.MO-IncIi WM B

Bogli Magiwto,MS. 12-lach Wl to bn sum.

We are offering 2.000 Shares of Treasury Stock for sale In lota of five shares and upwards. An excep^tional opportunity to share in the profits of the automobile industry. Factory purchased with two acres of

Sround ; building 60x280 ft. Capacity of plant, 2,500 cars per annum.eason's output tor 1011 sold. A car that has had an actual road teat of

over 60,000 miles. A splendid investment. Now is the time to buy. Shares $IO each, fully paid and non-assessable.


SIBLEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Detroit, Mich.OFFICES, 306 Hammond Bldg* FACTORY, Solvay and Mackie Avon.

AUCTIONHaving decided to move to the state of Washington, the subscriber will sell at public

auction on the premises, 9 miles north of St. Johns, 3V<| miles south of Ola, or one mile north of County Line church, commencing at 1 o'clock,

Thursday. September 15The following real estate and personal property:

_________ HO acres on section 32, Washington township, Gratiot county; clayInam soil; good small house, horse barn and other outbuildings; 4>5

* acres under cultivation; -l-OOrods wire fence; farm tiled with 2,700 feet of tile; 10 acres woods; good young orchard.

Korni: hi:\ siiors pit WKI.L.

In choosing .v |tslr of shoes, good .vnd easy fit. neat appearance and w*‘ll wearing ipialltb are ‘be iKilnis tn In* r«»nsld»*r«*«l When the*.- are rombln.M In one make, the shoe is deservedly impiilar Rouge Rex Shoe*, made hy Illrth-Krauae (’o.. Brand Rapids. Mleh . fill these requirement* Made from the best home-tanned skins, with highest skill and on fash­ionable lasts. Rouge Rex shoes are sure to satisfy Buyers should lfx>k for the Indian Head stamped on the aole. This Is a gtiaranty of the su- l*erlor excellenre of this favorite shoe.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ nrPLAIN A.ND UKEENRrHH ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ M ENTIMI il.I.l. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

THE MEN AND WOMENWho Enjoy the Choicest Products of

the W'urld's Commerce.Knowlsdng of What la Bwst More inapnrtant

Thao WaalUi Without It.It must be apparent to every one that

qualities of the highest order aro necessary to enable the host of the products of modem commerce to attain to universal acceptance. However loudly heralded, they may not hope for world-wide pre-eminence uninsa they meet with the general approval, not of tndivkluals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting and enjoying the choicest products. Their (X>mmenda- tion. coneequently, becomes important to others, sines to meet the requirements of the well informed of all countries the method of manufacture must bs of the most psrfect ordsr and the combinaUon the most excel- lent of its kind. After thirty years of gen­eral usage. Syrup of Figs and Elixirof Senna is every­where acoopted as the best of family laxatives. Its quality ia due not only to the excellence of the laxative and carminative principles of plants known to act most beneficially on the system, bat also to the method of manufacture of the Calif omia Fig Syrup Co., which ensures that uniform­ity and purity seeential in a remedy intended for family use. It oleanaee and sweetens the system effectually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after effects. To get the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, buy the geniune onlv; the full name of the Company- Oallfomia Pig Syrup Co.He printed on the front of every package. Price, SO oents per bottle. ,



•M C. DouM has tlw wall built for his tt*w bam

Hclmol hvgaa Mondaf In thf* Wat­son district with Mias Dates as taach- «»r.

Mrs Itessl^ Slmmoas is visiting her daughter, Mrs V«>rda Piirgoson In Itetrolt

Mlaa Nora haa goa* to BigRaelds to attrad Um> Farris sobool the comtag rear

Btmer Waterhouse has purehessd the XO-arre farm of Alrira Scott. rflaoMeration $1,500

Herbert Flzzell bad the misfortune to have one of hla toes brokso by s horse stepping oe it.

Mrs John Mehsr Is oarleg for her sister-in-law, Mrs Mervla Moore, who has been serkHisly sick.

Mra Herbert Hoioses Is oarleg for her daughter. Mrs Mhrearet Vae- Deiaoe. who has been rerr sick with eulasT.

Mr. aad Mrs Willard Amstroag aad daughter, Neva, apeak Sunday with Mr. aad Mra Floifo Armakraeg la Price

Herald Mi bar wfR attawd aehoot at Elsie tite oomlag yuer. He will owhe his horns wMh hie auat. Mrs Marls Moore.

Mr. sad Mrs Fraak Itswatey sad Mr. and Mrs llsrhsrt FIssll attended the flies raJ of their esphsw aadroualB. Msrard Remaley.

Mr. aad Mrs Frank Parry wish to theaii their many friseds for the poeinal card shower they received on their birthday. August tlst

Mr. and Mr* Frank Rsewley and (SUMren of Ovid and Mr. aad Ifrs. Nehimiah Haiesr ware recent guests at the hose* of Mr. and Mrs Frank

Jo* -ph Th«‘lfn of 8t John.*' was In los'ti Monday

Mia* Mary Martin of Detroit Is here flailing relailvi'A .md friend*

.Mr» .Nicholas I*ung of l*»-wumo Is here viftliing her daughter Mrs An­thony Sniigen

Mrs Joseph Riirnian .ind children were \'isitor* In Rlle>‘ the latter part of laat week

.Miss lazuiw* .Hhaefer has ntumed from a four weeks’ visit with rela­tive* and friends In Detroit.

Miss thiullne (Vmk and gentleman friend from lainsing are visiting at the home of Mr and Mr* C. Cook.

Mr. and .Mrs Harry Baker return­ed home Saturday evening after spending s week with relatives and friends In 8t Johns

Mts FFnest lamre and daughter Hattie relumed to their home In Owoaao aftev visiting at the home of John Baker

Mr and Mrs Albert Deaner left for their home In Biizabeth. N. J Fri­day after an extended visit here at the borne of Mr. and Mrs Peter Thome.

peter Trterweller. John Tbelen aad John B. Spitzley returned from De­troit Wednesday where they went to confer wiih offlctals of the propon­ed new eiectrtc line regarding the possibility of the rami psssing through W’estpballa from the east. Michael Spitzley was also with them In the 1 at*rents of Riley and the gen­tlemen report that the Interview was very encouraging.

HOBHKHtTeam Mnc4 HheMnnd pnalee, S and 7

years eMTwn-yenr eM Hhetland pony—amre. Harking colt Hhetland peny, amre Twn.year-#ld grey rnH, weight 1,1 M Tww-yenr »M Mark miL weight l4Wh

DTHKK LIVE H'nH'Kt I’nw 5 year* old, dne Jan. D* Twe-ymr-eM ram a breeding ewe* i shent*(Ml hen*

IMPI.EMEMX ETC.DeuHle |mni) hames*. new .Hlnglr peny Name**Light doNhIr hames*Hingle hames*Pony baggy with peie

Peay rartTop baggyRsml wngsal^hrht spring wagon.Narrow tiie wagonHay rakeCora sbellerHteneboatHel baggy maners|s-foet bidderMeerc plowlb bashei crate*H heelbarmw F'ork*Po«t maal Leg rbala .Hbniel*. etc. basheis *eed wheat

; Itw bathel* antsHfirHEHOLD HIMIDfi.

f'eok Atovv, S hvnting stoves WIekle** oil stove Exteasien table Three barena*4 bedflend*, auittresse* aad apriaifs10 diaing-reom Hmlrsb-ectave organHashing awtehlneHerretnryKocklag ckair*Meat crock*Hook rase X rkam*Emit masCanned fmlL dishes aad atea? other


Farm will be sold at 2 o’clock.TERMS ON F.\KM:—$3(10 cash or its equivalent on day of sale as evidence of

j^ood faith; balance, half dow'n within 30 days of day of sale, balance on terms to suit purchaser at (> per cent interest.

TERMS ON PERSO.N.VL:—All sums under $5 cash; over that amount a credit of 12 months will be given on bankable notes at 0 percent interest.

R N. WILLIAMS,August Miller, Auctioneer

PromiettM’ J. J. Kei Clerk

Mr. aad Mra llvrban FInoll r»-! cotvad an larttatian to attend tim | wvMdIag at Mtetr frlMt. Mtea Btttb i HvonKte. wtileh tank plan* ad hi faMterM haam la Ann Arhar Im Tlmraday. tmrn Bvaratta Infil llvui la Daalaig

OBIT! ABT—FBANCBS B. RBTANT.Fraarvs B. Philllpa araa bom la

Bsnsca oouady. N. Y.. Dvcomhor 14.ItSt

At the ago of two yaara ahc. with bar paroata. naaar to Michigan aad astUad la tho towaahip of Satem. WHahtanaw ouaaty.

Attguai XI, 1841. Mte was iiaitml la maniagv to John W. Bryaat of Dv- WIU. CItatoa county. Michigan, aad to thla union waa bora oar daughter— Mrs. D. 8. Morrlooa. who aritb two graadooas. one stator. Mra. A. J. Clarh of JopHa. Mo., aad a large number at more dtoiaat rwtatlvao aad friends, are left to inoara thoir loan, la Oc- fobsr, 18U. ahe with her huabaad ast- tiod oa osetioa six. towaahip of Orera- buah. whore ahe lived the greater port ton of her nan i tod life.

September M. 1910. she paooed poaeWully away at the age of 81 yeara i moatha aad 18 days. Although aa invalid tar the greater part of hor Mrs she hare hor saffertag patiently, watting for the oaaMnana to mil hor honm The foaorml wno hold from


WH()LES.ALERS’-M.A.Nl’F.ACTl'RHR.S offers a thousand diverting ways and untold amu.sement facilities.

Don*t Stagnate—Join the crowd and er^oy youreelf..ART EXHIBITS of Fabrics from store and shop.

ILLl’MIN.ATED DISPL.AY.S of Factorv', Field. Mine and Mill Products. SEE the Gorgeous VENETIAN NIGHT on the water front—

a Splendid S|>ectacle.HE.AR the Greatest Band in the World’s—CRE.ATORE’S—in two wonderful

concerts daily.P'NJOY the lavish offerings pnividetl for the entertainment of the visitor.

YOU WILL BE GLAD,The Railroads offer REDTCED R.ATES, beginning Sept xo. good returning to

Sept. 26. giving ample time for thf big features and offering op- |>ortunities to .Tvail of the trade advantages.

THE BIG MICHIGAN EVENT—TTm Third City^g Third Expomtitm, amd Ub Gr&atmt, ttt thm AmHiorimm Sagimaw, Smpi, 16 io 24^ t9IO,

tm Ui lary, Rbt.

Have you anything to eeU. or trade? if to, try The New WuNt Cobunn, Ic a word.

Mhm Lttto Bmtf •f PrMay Is Ovid

Ralph ibSltiass mmm m ilaat os PualsoMi Mm Lpdis WlMoloek west to do- Sale Bank ol SI

t, 1910.


at tMm Prohstf Gssrt for Um Cossty at Ctlstas. hoMos at tho fVnhoiii Offteo. is tS« Cltv of Bt


Tb* ff«wa vast oolosun to O

rOUIOR aiNIHONABTIW rasular WoirtAly


OST1ML , Mloo T >jso OfooSlo at CSoloos oobm nirfTtf^ of Mosday to hiRts kmr work am toselior

Soeioty of tho Is tho Sich oehool. hold Tuooday Mtv asd lira Poarlor at Chiosho ar»at Mrs ABBo soMMlIac iho wo^ vlaltlac hot flM><. U B. Whltsall wost to Bpttlo ('raoK

■Ob. Ilssl saak roturslss to Grid Bsuir*

tho Foratsn MmIi Mothodlai ohuretk oftomooB at thoISarl. who rooiiro os William oOaal. thar, lira L. V.Tm of thr J^laawara^ra^t ms CB- pto« ohd daushlar Oaso-MMO tolss tho Cloatmg maottss sra riMUss fwr a fow dsyaoosforasoo yaar a lsr«o oaossi^ ^ ^ JMJhoos.

^Iks ■>. V. Hathaway was osUod Co lOaoQOSo Bsturday owtss to tho dohft

Mrs L. 8 LitUaflold asd daoshtor osllara Is Owoooo laat

H. A.nlUas of

of hor oosals. Jss Mr. asd Mra Wm

lar osiwa asd apost Insdiir wMh hor Motor, Mbs 8eaCt Modtam.

Mfo JslU JoBho. who hso baas vlflitloc with iwlottaM is Orasi Rap­ids rauirsad hosm Mosday.

Mr asd Mrs <T V. Brows hava

Moo Msial HMh wool to Ionia Mas- m whora tkm will toaoh for tha coot-

wtOtafts....Saaklac OatM_______PwolUtfa aoO OiMwaa. OtSar faal aMomJtaaM la uaaot.—^^

Haaarra. Caamarela Uaa troai >^aa^a la raaarra

U a. aaO Ss Saoal haak'•wrraary....^Mm L. B. ftthh TWtomad tha laol

of tha wash tram a boMaaM trip to CDoratond.

Mis N. W. Jaska waa la Owoaao Moaday tha guaOt of Mr. aad Mra. j Ckaaaa aad oikmr paato Itai IHoyd Btolr. Tomi

MIm Gaorsla Walkar baa a poattloa j

------IASS' auaar Cals.---- UOT «ai Mlakalaaad eia. SI S


oars for tha eosiav 7«ar wod whioh are ao foMowo: 1 BMtar. pruocdem; MBs Ooo. Otaaaoh. lot rloa praaMaat; Mrs H. Homo, Bd Wea pruldest; Mrs D. C. Wnokri. oorraoposdlBd ■■erolory Bwaithout. raoordtOd R W. Hubbord, traaouror. Aihar tba variooa raporto wora gl^si the da-sotioaal oarrloa wao ooadttctad by i —. ~ _ - i ------ -----Ihs Bdooo assfChout The topic, TyMaaca of B. B. Sasopraphar with the Rooflald | UASlMTl••How to Maka Maaftaps Intaraotlap,**STOM Oaniopa Co. i > apttalMoab iMUdta __________ lUgSasprovad to ba a foorca of Mwot thior-,_ Sblaplaton raturaad »aoi i ------- -------- ‘mSuaoi Both Mis R G. BWmijP *■<* ■ waak from Sol Ida. Colo . wbara ba haa , <oai»T«?ai0ai5J?! ------------- ^

Mra Humpbray Moora para flra nats-. *>*wo apaodlap tha auimnar with ral-uta taika on -Raaaonr for attaodtsp Mlaa Haxal eldradpa of Atuoo jitlvaaMlMKNiary Maatinpa " Tha myotary'[***”*' **\-*^**^.,? **•*•** with i ------------------------box waa ahao lookad aftar and di^ ®wara oollactad ^ Rirhard aad ohlldran of

: Mhkflatoa

nsiM s ‘ n«d of Baiah M. Hooloy pmytnp thisliaaml®®***' to adjadteata aad dotonalaa | 7. ■s, ...... . —-■=-.=-7-.r=^.- -535»I who am or s^ at ^ t^ od ^ PMI *41^ M TBAOB.i.m s dTOlh tba lapol ha*rs of daomaad ______ ______ _______________——IAS S(^ anttUad by tha lawa of this oiaia!rBMni.IUIB FM BALB ~ Hlph

to lahartt bar raal eotata ahd tha i prada fOrtlllsar ot Fhnaais* Pricao. Ohara or portloa tharaof that aaeh of: Write or phoar Ooo. W. Broasor. oald balra ware aatlUod to at that , iwtpHas asd tha lipht. tttta aad lataraot FWB BALB- Poland Cblaao: apadol that each of thorn or thafr hetro or , price oa basis for Saptamhar. F. koolpna nay aow bare thorals M. Plppott. aartioa S6. Laboaoo; P.

Tborsupoa It to ordarsd. That, o. Fowler; Unloa phoaa 5w3 Thamfkiy, tho Mb day of Mopiloaihor«A. B. If it. at one o'clock In tba after­noon be aaSpsad for tha hoaiinp of mid patltloa at tha Probata Office la tha City of Bt. Johaa. Aad It la furthor ordered that noClea ba ptraa to the pa room lotoraotad la

f. A BCOTT, Phyotetoa aad thii Orriea aad raohMsoa wool ok Oosrt Hosm opoapc. OfBeo 1 to i ovac

WILUAM HAVMNB. M. D.->iioa»oa- pafhlc phyotniaa aad aarpaos. Qf- floa oaor Doty A Haad*a acors. Of* floa hoaro t to IS s at. aad 1 to 4 p. m. For Ghniatc aad Acos dlo- oaMS (Dos t, ft)


DR. B. C. LaVANBRUCR. Offloa ovar RIalo Bnak.

D. D. 8.

THOMA8 MANN. O. O. th Mors

R^OfOeo ovor


esma aad apasi the flrat , jof tha weak with Orld frlanda , Mt aad Mra Tboa Flahbum and idaupbtara of 8t JoSas Rf«aat Bunday with Mr aad Mra Henala Covert.

Mr aad Mra Melvin Lawla of Yp- •llanti have bean maklnp a few daya* vlalt with Mr and Mra Ilanlal Levrlx

Mlaa Janata Carpenter of Ionia and Anme Murray of PI.rmoiitb «i»ant laat weak rtStfnp with ralatfvaa here

Hoy Nix baa returned to hia work : ID Cblcapo after apendlnp hla vara* ltl€>n with hJa mother, .Mre Sarah Nix

.YKH HAHHKN .HHOI*. Mlaa Marparet RoiNwm waa tbeLaat w*ek Jullux Finch aold hia K i*wt of .Mia* r»eUa Cnirdner of Bath

bart>er abo|> to A K. Werner, who '''••dn*-*dar and Thuraday of laat conxe* u> Ovid from Huraev, <Sk> Mr. week Werner cornea t<» Clvld with a repu- StloD a* beink a flrat clasa barber aad be will certainly do bS he« to

HOMC HI AKDk MKETI.’lif*.Tbe rapular monthly niaetlng of

the Home Guarda w«a bald at the houie of .Mra Ijdaon Swarthout laar Wedneaday afternoon. Tbe meat lap wae for the election of offloar* which are aa foliowa. Mlaa Ruth Warren, praaldent. Mlaa Vera Cowan, vice prealdent; Mlaa Bdltb M'eatbrook. aacretarv; If]** Mildred Glesaon. cor- raaiKtndlnk •ecretar.v. Harold Plucke. traamirer; 'Jerald Bennett, adt* treaajrer

Low Hnnimar Rxcwraion Karat via

Grand Traak Railway Hyatam.Daily liBtll Saptembar SMb. IflO, to , tka twak

Bootoa. Moatreal. Quabac, Atlantic City, .Naw York City, Naw Rnpland Raaorta and Canada. All tickat* valid via .Niapnra Fallt. Thirty dayt limit For furthar particular* apply to JOHN WHERRETT. Apant

4fr—Eow until 9apt St'

Mib}*et tockeek......... .Stsm Slavtaa* o*|wIm (m^cd akjs w aavlnn* e*rttr*ord*|ia*. iHAS b vt

•VTATK ttr MU'HIUAN, „ fOC»TY ort'LlKTOM,1. J. W. KUxmvald t'mmtaar of tka tkov*

oaniad bonk, <lo ■ofamaly Mvanr tknx tk* •kova Mata man t U trua to tka b*M of my ■nowladar and baltat and oorraetly rapra- •anta tka trua Mata of tka aavaral maitam ikarain runtalnad, aa akown by tka liook* ot

J. W*. KlT7.4iKH.\bU.( aablar. Hubarribad aad aworn to bafor* ma tbia

Mb day of M«ptambar. itiak. A. TALUMaiMia.Notary 1‘abllc

My I'ommlaMon axpfraa January t, IVII. CoMMM-r—Aiiaai.


FOR BAliB—Oarnor wlakinp .to retire will Mil a apioadid paytap proetry aad oktai laarket boolnoot. Bnoy tarnai. No tiwdeo J. H. Saiitb. Atbley, Mich. 5w2p

Mid entate. of tba time aad place ofj^^. Mid baorlac. by cauolap ft copy of thia order to be publitbed in the 9t.Jobaa .Newa. a newspaper printed and clrculktlnp in mid county of Clinton for three tuoceoolve we«kt

Iprwaioae to anid day of beaiiap CHARLES M. .MERRILL.

(A true copy) Judge of Probote.

BALB—no-acre farm, oae-holf mile touLh aad S/4 sent ofBurton. Sklawamee oouaty; pood Boll; fair buHdinpt Inquire on place, t Cbrit Anderuon, R F D 1, Burton. Mlcb Sw2

H. E. WaJbfidpe O. W. Kolley.WALBRIDOE A fUBLLKT. Attoraoys

at Law, ovar ooraer drug otoro. BL Jobas

WILL H. BRI'NBCIN. Attorney at Law St Johns. MIdb.

J. EARLE BROWN. Attorney at Law. OfflOM over Bute Bank. Bt Johno.

JOE M. HOXIK. Attorney Real Eoute mad Loans, bloek.

at Law,Morrlooa

Jnn. OT


------------------------------- J------------------------------------


[1 M

FOB BALE—HorM, lipht wnpoa, light pair of sielpla, set of double bnr- n»M. single boraem; Sxty pnRoB feed cooker, surrey; blower with hknperr and pulley, boiler, 44 Inches In diameter and fourteen feet long; aad some window stub filled with plaae. All articlec are in first clns* MONEY TO LOAN—At low rate of la- coadltloB. W. J. iMggett, Comer ; teresi. Farms and city property for Isasiap and Railroad street. Bt. j "ole. Inquire at office of H. E.


MONET TO LOAN—Oa mortgaga oa* curlty at reasonable ratee aad oa mtlsfactory terms, at Tbe Rtato Baak of St. Jobas. barge or amall amounts. Call aad see us. J. W. Fltxperaid. Cashier. tf

Johns, Mlcb. 4tf

box♦ ♦♦ HOITM IMHLEY. ♦♦ ♦

plea** all comer* He will mov*- bis family her*- very noon and will o<«u- py tbe bouse which Mr. Pierce form­erly pvwted on Eaet Elm street

.NFh HAHim.tRK TO OPE?i.Tbe store which was recently oc­

cupied by CroM A -Son for a grocery store, ba* been rented to T B Bcbaf- er of Ohio, who ♦•xpect* to open a hardware in tbe nenr future Various repair* will be made aad a fin* new •fore will soon be opened.

.Mr and Mrs Ernest Kuhn* called on .Mr and Mr* Keiser Nunday.

Mrs Ben Pei'k spent Thursday with her (laresMs Mr and Mrs. James Murrey

Mr and .Mr* iJeorpe Wait called on .Mr. and Mr* tJe»*rge Griffith Hunday evening.

Mr* Celia M'illiams of Ithaca It

CHA.NGKII HA.ND8.Tb« moving picture show which

ha* been conducted by PY«d Meehan for the past few moaths. wn* sold to Julius PSnch and Arthur Pierce who took (loeaemion Saturday Everyone m cordially intited to attend

Howard Cross made a buatnea* trip to Lansing laat week.

E B Voorhees and daughter Grace spent last Wednesday In Owoaso

Mr and Mrs George Port bav* naoved into the Westbrook bouse

Mr* John Faxon left last we>ek for Rulnry where abe expects to make It her home

Mr and Mrs K L. Morgan were m Howell attending the home mining

. laat weekMrs Wm. Randall went for a few

days visit with friends in Hay City ]a«f week

E R Daggett of Plymouth taunt nno sp^Dt a few day* of last week with t»Tid friend*

Frank ''aia« spent Thursday aad Fr:da> with Mr aad .Mr# E Coarat in Uirmingbani.

Miss .N’eRe .lenka went to Owoasc Moiida> to resume her school dutlea for another .v»air

WIili* .Satchwe]] of Detroit was tbe guest of MIm '"Jeorgi* Walker tha flrat of last week,

.Mis* Florence Wilcox has t>eeo vlaiting Mis* Resale H<rry In Lan­sing for a few days.

.Mis* l>elia tkirdner of Hath was en- tertalnetl over Sunday at th* home of Mis* .Margaret Robson

r H .feoks of tiwossri came auo sf>ent SiiDd«y with his i«renta, .Mr ami .Mrs .V W Jenks

Mr* Ali<-« Htllson waa in 8t Joan* a pan of last week visiting wrlth r*l- ativea for a shetc time.

Miss Ague* Redman of Ithaca came ♦h* first of tbe week to begin her work as t*wcber in tbe high school here

Mr* CorK^ Iceland and children left last week for A!l»erta. Canada, where they will make their future hom«

R* \ .ind Mr# <’ .Mendenhall, ebap- latn of the Innia reformatory. wer«- guests of Mr and Mrs W L Han* last week

Mr* R E Evwns ba* returned from Cedar Springs, tint, where she ha* been spending the >aummer with rel­ative#

.Mr# Sarah Moaber returned to her home in Cherry HHl tb*- first of the week after a visit with Mr and Mr*.Daniel Lewis

Mrs J H Ashby, who bs* been in the hospital at lietmit for the past four weeks, was abb to return home last Tuesday .

Mr* Arthur Gamertsfelder and children of Flint an spending a few Mr# Everett Strong, days with her parents, .Mr and Mr* Mr and Mr* B K


.\t Mt. JutoM tn tlw Mtat* of MirblgaD. at tb* riMV of bualne**. M«pl. 1st, ISIS

HKHOt’IPKM. l/oaiMand UlarountBtiverdrafu, ■rt-uredand uMsseurrd I*. M. boad* Utavriire clrrulailue..Hoada, ............... .Naokiag bcMMtr, furalture, qxtura*..

Sfiendlog this week with her parenu.; from Nattooal Itanks Doire- ■Mr and Mrs Albert Baum. sarv* a*«ut«i --------- -—~

Mr eiui Up. ft^ir teeir Utw from Mtat* abd Private Hank*r and Mra John Heck took din- Hanker*, Tru*t I'omiauUe.ner with tbelr aon and wife, Mr. and > and Mavtag* Hank*......-................Mrs Frank Be< k. Sunday. 1 B?* *^51C.'beck* and utber tmsli Item*............... .114 41

At Mt. John*. Mlclilgan. at the rinse of IhmI- , ns**. M*pt. 1st. ISIS, a* railed lor by tbe t orn-

i*tvertor* I aiiaaionrr of tbe Heaking Pepnrtmeat.------— j KKWiCRt'KM.

l>Ma* and disrounta, via..Maviug* lieiwrtineat I 7t,si4 14 t *4jrl4 14

Hond*. mortgage* aad e*rurltle*.vla.,Maving* iiepaniweat-. nsjor, ur^..JMMOb 04

iroe from utber bank* aad tisnker*.. iJOt> ‘i3Item* In transit ............... — Vi'<0

KKMKItVK Msviag*line from tsink* in ressrve

ntte* ....................... tnVTCDSL.M.and Nstlonsl Hank

I’urrenry.............................. 'ii.441 00t4o4d rota................. ir,jMuau

IS•'’*^** HHver c an ::......,I NlekeU and rent* I’sOBoe*

. 17.l» St

. tll.O0UfW 4.VOOOU

POR HALE—Horse, Inquire of Byron Danley, Bt. Johns. 3tf

POR HALE HbHicre farm In Olive, three-quarter mile from Merle Beach post office. Good location, first-class buildinga, rich soli. For particulars address C. E. Gerberlch. .Merle Beach., Mich., R. P. D. IS.




Herb William* la going to move hi* > family out We*t In about two week*. where be has a home prepared for them !

Mr* Cletiuna Roq and chUdren - spent one day laat week with her > brother and wife. Mr. and Mr*. Em- j eat Kuhns j

.Mr and Mrs Crandail ami daughter Fern of St John* spent Sunday with : l.lAHll.lTlKMtheir daughter and husband. Mr. aad j ( apiiai s^k Maxi la.............

.Sots* of utber .NsiIomI Hank*........Krarifoaal pofier currenry, ateket*

aad rent* .... ...................... 'JM 14 'Lawful Mttney Kessrve In HsnkjVls:

Hnerte .......... ......... rOMUSml,*gal>tsnd*r note*.... „iA44*0 £1,4*4 74

Kedemptlon fund, wlib C. m. Tress'.urer. i4 per rent of rireulattnai... ThSSS


tgm *# I'apital stock paid in .......................Murpiu* fund ... ........................Undivided proflu. net .......................

Il.m4i> MSVIno*deposit*I Hook arcouat* > ........ tblMlS V#Having* rertlflcate*

of deposit-------------- .... JMM4 SI •* «

I 41 I44,ar t7 WA.YTED Man and wife without------------cblldreo to work <« farm. Call or

. »: write H. V. HosletUer. section 3.Bengal, Bt Johns R F D 1. .Itf


AS* ,

Two good men to work on farm; touat be good tearaater* Phone HO—5R Postoffice. St.John*. A. E. Cbooe. .'Itf

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ MONEY TO I-OAN on chattel ♦ ♦l mortgages. Call at our office ov- ♦♦ er .State Bank and we will cheer- ♦♦ fully explain to you our method ^^ of loaning money in *ains of tlO ^ 4 and up for any length of time. 4 4 W. H. HICHMOND, Bt Johns. ♦ 4 Mlcb. 44 444444444444444444


Total —............................... .............. FsijAD » iHTATK OK MK'IIKIAN,

t ’orarv ur I 'Ll .STUM,1, H- C. lisster, Trsasurer of tb* above

named bank, do snlemoly swear that tbe above statement I* true to tb* best of my

----- kaowledgr and ballef and mrreetly repre-..............I***,4l7 «7 esnu tb* true state of tb* soeersl matters

tberein rontaiced, s* sbawn by tb* imob* of tb* baak

WANTED—competent girl lor gener­al housework. Mr*. W. T. Kelly, 8t John* 3tf~


Btormfeltz and

Sassoon i i&,ssso* Itvided prmtu, less expense* aad

tax** paid................................. ........... -T.Jlv 41

of Mr. and Mrs Sam .Storm-


.Mrs Allie Snyder an«: daughter FJoaai* w»r^.vj#iiors with frietkls In ThursdayOwoaso sa#r^JVrdne*day .Mr and Mr* Sherman cgHender

Mrs Piller. who* has been and dKugbter* of Detroit mme Satur-maklrr ,i .;#it wifh friends tn (Tii- day aad visited over Sunday at ibe (mki rji- r*iumed home hoti* of their cousins, Mr and Mr*.

.Miss pearl Thompklna of Iietrolt Beardaleekae been stfending her vacation with .Mesdamoa Wm. Savtlla of friends and relative* bare Beach and Wm, Jone* of Iietrolt were

Thao. Hyalnp aihavt returned home from a trip toiarcount of the aickneaa of tbelr mo- Alberta and other imonts we«( ' ther Mrs Kathryn Holland.

Chari**) HanesMlse Olive Lockhart oain*

Frankfort the flrat of the week and home will have charge of tbe first grade in feltz.tbe bchocd here The following were entertained at

Miss Ruth Voorbee* and Lloyd the home of Mr and Mr* Jeaoe Zlg- Btowell were in ToI*mIo a few days > ler Sunday .Mr and Mrs A. H. laat week visiting Mr and Mr* Jolley and three children of Ovid. March* Reamer. Mr. and .Mr* Hen Zlgler of Ashley

Mis* Maym*- Meehan, who has been and .Mr and Mrs tJeorge Zlgler of ■pending three week* with her par- Traverse City.• nts, Mr and .Mrs Tbos Meehan, ba* returned to Owosso

.Mr and Mr* l^uther Green. Mr# E tJreen. E J Jarri* and family wer* in Owosao .M«mday attending the re- mine of th*’ Blood family

Mendamei* Harriet Curtis and Wal- •er I’arker of Corunna were visitors at the honie^^ of Prank Scofield and L B Hu'ks the last of tb* we^k

Iceland Taylor 4»f Chicago was th* guest Friday and Saturday of Mlse Haze, Eldredg*- of Attioa. wtM> Is her*- visiting Mrs E fJ Eldredg*

.Mis* l-^dna f*arrish. who teaches In th* schools at Byron, cam*- home Friday and staid until Sundav with her (lareDtt. Dr .tnd Mrs A •]■ l**r- rlsh

M'S* 34ary E Brooks of Bunon vis­ited Tuesday and W*doe*day with .Miss Hazet Etdredge of Attica. wIh*1- Sfiendlog the week With Mf* E <1.Eldredge

Mr* J**hn Ftlsber and Irene, who hav' t*een Tistttng at th* bt»me of the formers daughter. Mr* Wm. Han- Kinii, n Flushing, returned horn*

I Hurptua tuadUiMtvlded pf

Mr and Mrs Clem StnrnMelu

lodlvldual depMlUBubleet Uvrbaek IWi,14S07oemaad rertineate* of *t*paslt........ IT7.MI 22<'erUiled cberk* ..................... . ;abas('aaMer'aCbaekBuotasaadlBg.. ...— MOTikS

K. C. UKXTKK, Trsasurer. Hubsrribed sad aworn t4> before me ttal*

Mb day ot Hept., ISIS.M. H. KNIKKIN,

Notary Public.My comiauaion expire* Jaa. IS, 1VI4. correct—Atteat



REAL ESTATE N N N N N;Frank E Jenks to Elmer D Stow- j

*dl laM 3. block lb. Gvld Consider*- | tion ♦*<•

Rlchimifid Simiiipns to Elmer E. j lainkton ('oiiuiieaclng at imlnt 24 feet ' * of ee corner lot 262. bitvek 31. n 66. feet. *■ lOK feet s 66 feet. *• lOV feet to )**icinnlor ='')»o»)der*tlon ll.)**)

Elmer E latnkton t«» Richmond Slm- mon* sam* as alMiv*- description.

Thontas C No<,nev to John A Rule bit 2 block 2. El sie Consideration l73o oo

Orpbia O lot 1. biock SfUN) (N*

Llira S. Watson to Prank A Wat­son f, .'t4t a e I 2 »«• ) 4, section 34. Bingham Consideration tl oo

peter Smith to Olll*- B Alien ae 1 4 «w 1 4. sectirm 3. Hath Consld- *'ration tl.2<M»4Mi

William H Crane to Jqhn H. Tatm lot 1 and w 1 2 lot 2. block 4K. .St Johns Consideration ITMton

Jessie M Shepard to Almond G Shepard lots 3. 4, 17 ami Ik. block 4. f>rld Consideration II.oo

Sainoon Alexander to Emms A.

Tosal............ ................................. •■4,417 47Mtate f>r Micblsao* t 'ouaty oDilnioo. ne:

1. II. C. Itaxter, raabkeruf tb* above>itaro*d uaak. du aolemnly awear that tb* above •taiemeai I* true to Ibe beat of my kaowl- edge aad belief

ILC. PKXTKU. t aabler.Huharrthed and ■worn to beforr me tbU

M day of Kept., ISISM. M. K.MKKIN. Notar.v Public.

My commlmlnn expire* Jaauary lA ISI4.('oaMBTT—Ati**t; ^

JtiHN <• HK’KH.tVMil.KY g. HALL, ^Hrector*P 1C


Hat* - to John A. Rule 2. Frisie 'on Sid era I Ion

Alexander lot 14, block 1. Av*-nne atid- Harbor St. John*. Consideration li on

,, . w Jeminla Walters to Marshall L.WMHer Keaby Koskt e 66 feet In width lot 9 and 10.

block 4b. 81. Johns CnaaMeratloayaop «M)



GRAINSWh***t. red ... J2Wheat, white .. !f2Gats 3iRye _______ «6Choice hand picked beans ... $2.1(1Other beans 5c per bu. for each Ib.

picksd.Corn, shelled, fier bushel 6kCom in ear_______________ _____ , 35Cloveraeed. Alsyke ..... $6.0<Clorerseed, June___________$6.0tCloveraeed. Mammoth_________ I6.(K

LIMIT--Between Bam Bond's comers and Elsie a sum of money in bill*. Finder please leave at Newe office and receive reward. 5tf

CARD (»F THANMH—We wish to rhoak the kind friends and neigh­bors for their aosistaaoe during our and bereavement; the minister, Rav. Mr. Lyninn. for his com/orting words; tbe choir; also for the flor- al offerings.

.Mr. and Mr*. George Plank

CARD 4»P THANRH—We take this method of thanking our friends and neighbors for every act of kindness and word of sympathy spoken at the time of the death and bulin! of our beloved mother and gmiMlmf*- tber; for tbe beautiful flowers which were like a ray of sunlight through a cloud of darkness; to Mrs. Eugene Hart for her beautiful singing and .Miss Cora Pray as ac- comiauiist

.Mr aad .Mrs 1) 8. .Morrison Mr and Mrs Robert Morrison and Jay Morrison.


T’ntll further notice Teachers* Rx- aminations will he held as'follows;

.Bt. Johns, in the Court house, be­ginning second Thumday of August

Bt. Johns, in Court house, beginatac third Thursday of October.

Bt. Johns, in ('ourt bouse, beginalac third Thursday of June.

PROGRAM.First day—Morning. Ortbogmphy*

Spelling. ArithmeGc. oral and writ­ten; Theory and Art. Afternoon. 0*€>- grapby. Government and T^. 8. His­tory.

Second day—Momlrg, Gramtaar. Physiology. Reading AftemooiL School Law. State Manuel and Counn of Study, Algebra. Botany aad Pbynkv (second grade.) General History, (son- ond gm^)

Third day—(for first grade appli­cant* only) General History. Pbyalen and OeometTT'

Certificate* of all grades will be granted at the examination at BL John* in August aad March. CMrttfl- ente* of tbe second aad third gradon will be gifted at all other examina­tions.

All examinations will begin at 8 n. m.

THKO. H. TOWNSRND.Commissioner of Bchoolo.


IHRKKP TO LET—Inquire 716 (Hinton Ave., north. 4tf

LITE HTIN'K.Cattle, fatted ...Veal calve* ...... ..Hogs, per cwt . Sheep, per cwt Lnmbs, per cwt

83.60 ft_ Idoo e

88 00 e18.60 C $6.00 e

16.00 17.00 18 60 83 J6 |C 00

the 1 >Pin»it t*.\|>eTt optical

B s|iccialist will Ik* at the

Dr and .Mrs. O and Mrs. W. R. S

Mr* Frank Hicks of De- attending the double weiidlag of the Iveen visiting for the pnoT Mlsne* Paulin* and Perats Martin

Mrs. Jo* Potter and little son of Detroit visited at the borne of Mr.■nd Mr* George Faxon last wee4

Mr and iron haveweek with his parents. Mr. aad Mr*. Mrs Jessie Shepard and children. L H Hicka Altbs* aad Elliot, have moved to St

Mr aad Mr* Gaorge Faxon and ■ Johns whare they expert to moke It daugtoter lone of Springfield. 11 lined*. I their bonse Mr*. Shepard has a have been spending a short vacation: splendid poottion in a millinery store with kts parents. Mr. and Mrs Geo. fthseeThxon. at Hillatde farm Prof. Hiram C. Uaiey. who boa

Mr and Mr* fiharle* Abies and been spending the sumnM*r with his daughter Florence have gone to their itnother, Mr*. Chna Dniey, returned now home In Detroli. S O. Cm**. Iu> Wyandotte loot week where be skhi) has mode bla home tn Ovid for i will have cJwrge of the oehool* there tlw past forty yenv*. went with them 'for the ooonng year.

Do You Fed This Way?Da yo* ls*4 all thod 4M(? D* yon somotima* Ihiah yo* msi soa't wwvfc away at yonr peoiss- or tvods soy loagar P Da yo* how * poar spw end lay owoks at oi^ns oaokls to stoop K Av*

tsy shood is the world Mf yoa 8 R *sa, yo* w«a pot a ssop to yoor misery. Yoo so* da R tf

Dr. PWree's Goldsa

DRPHHBD VEAT8.Beef, dreosed__________14.00 88.00

aw and daughter ■r: is p*i. i Pork, dresoed--------------18.00 • fll.OO

Giv€ thm

Hand LaundryA Trial

A. L. Coodrwh,]Propr*9-7

isdividasl." h wtfl sot

per ooM. ol oR ». N. Y., whoso «

ha whasdkd by *

It wtfl sotwm aom

It tea

ia the taras si a

ky Dr..TV:

____ TlMr ovaryw4thaM%tePhal.


1*0 ILT.

1 2 a deocrlbed as fol­lows; beginning at nw comer lot 37.

' s R rods, e lb rods, n 8 rod* and w . 10 rods to beginning; also 1 a of land beginning at oe comer lot St. w 16 rods a 10 md*. e 16 rods, s 10 rods to begtanlng; alon right of way aeroos

'lot 37. Cosnlderatioa tl.oott.OO.Ruth I. Rartram to Ella M. Bartrom

'commeacing <m 14 Bn*-, running e and w on oectloo 7 116 rods e of w aide of sold section, thence s to D. 4t M. R. R.. thence e HR rod* on line

iof sold R R. n u> 1-4 line running • e and w. thence w to beginning. Ovtd. iCoiMMerallon fl.OO

Alice Word to Reuben Blink n 1/8 lota 8P1 ami 8PS. Mock 88. DeWltt Conatderatlon l1,44M.oo.

Mr* Rooetta Irer to Clnlr M. Slev- ;ena nSS l^aofsSS l/3aofe 1/8 ’ae 14 osetloti 11. Riley Constdem- Itlon I8.10P.W.

Joineo A Lshean to Willard R. 'Peteronn ne 1 4. ne 1 4. section 11. ' Duplatn. olan a piece of land dsociih-

as foliowa. eommstsrtng 44 md* :e of 14 pool on n side of sold orc- Oon. thence e 40 mdn, a 80 rods, w

140 rod* and n 80 rods to bsgtnning Iconolderailon 81.740.

CharHw H. Clark to Janma A. Le> Hena lots 8 and t, bitiek 4. VanDeua- •nte addlllon. Hlote Conoid smt Ion 81J44.

Horatla 8otteiinginn sn Arthnr Ta­bor St ol.. o 1/1 n 1/8 no 1/4. soot ton i. DnplPln. Oonaidsmtton lljetAk.

Horwtlo Bstisrlnmn *m Noioan i. Ihhor w l/t n 1/8 no 1/4, aiMisn 8.

Mutton, dresoed 87.00Tallow 4

LITE POrLTRT.Hea* ___ - 18Broilers_________ __ ___________18Duch* _______________ ...... ............... 10neaae, fat ........................•Turkeys, fat _____ IB

HIDRABeef hide* ........... ........ 7Horse hldea . 83.04Onlf skins, green 10Dsneaa skins . ... 44Bhsep pelts -- B to 81.54PMDMTCX YMBTARLBR. PRITITR.Bnttor 8$ 0 81— - ____ 14Honey, per pouM 18Pomtow 46

RAT, NTBAW, WWD.Timothy Ho. 1 .............. ______ $11.44•TlmoChy No. 1 ..........- 11044No. 1 Clover mixed 84.44No. 1 Clover ......... ..................Wood, hard lAMWood, mixed . ..... ... 81.76Wood, soft . 11.60 • 81.76

FfiiH ari SiMh, Sept

16 aid 17iiThosr who nrcti their eyes

; tunitv.

Over one hundred of .St. Johns' : fieofile have fieen j^reatly ?ien-

• ^•^*iehtted by his thtmiuf^^h and

Boyd’s Real Estete

Buy. ooll aad exchange farms and city property and business proposi­tions. Have a few small farms near Bt. Johns for sale. Look them up as they go quick.

Have a good bouse and bam. chick- on bonne, acre of gronnd at II .444. if aold anon

If you want to sell farm or other

GRA.ND TRCNK RAILWAY STHTEH. Schedule in effect April 34, 1910.

Tmitts East Prom HL Johns. Detmit Mall and Express

dally except Sunday___ 7:66 a. m.Steomhnot Expreoo. dally .. 8:37 a. m. Detmit Bxpreea dally ex­

cept Bun^y___________11:00 a. naMall and Express, dally ex­

cept Sunday___________4:80 p. m.Eastern Elxprees, dally __ 8:38 p. m-

Tmln* Wool fmm HL Johns.G'd Rapids Express daliy._ 8:37 a. m. Mall and Exp., daily except

Sunday________________ 11:00 a. naMail daily except Sunday_ 3:58 p. m.G'd Rapids Mail and Bx-

prea*. daily ex. Sunday_7:36 p. m.Steamboat Expreoo. daily . 7.07 p. m.


VirHIGAN rNITHB RAILWAY OOl Lspvc a m.—T. 9, 11. P. m.—1, 3, i,

7. 10. 12. 7 a. m. cancelled Snndnyn. Jnehoon DIvisInn.

Limited, a. m.—4:30, 1:30. 10:8(k P. m—12:30. 3:30. 4:30,.4;S0. 8:30.

Locals, a. m—6:30. 7:30, 9:30,11:30. P. m—1:30, 3:34. 6:30. 7:30, 9:30. 11:1$.P.W. BROWN. Gon. Paso. Agt., Jaelmeo

MAPLE RAPIM RTADE LIffl. Lonvo Maple RnpMa at t:00 a. m. nr-

rlvs at BL Johns at 10:80; lonvo BL Johns at S:B0 p. na. arrive at II^Mo

.«-lu .«*»“‘I'.'s. isrvD.« ■

Office over Bute Bank Phone 149.THE STATE BANK OF

ST. JOHNS.BT. joHNa memoAN.

WAT 8 PWR (JM8fY. llfTRMMT OM DMPOgrni AND liOAMBmommt otr afproymd motnmAMD wn MBTATMI





Throe per coat tatervot pnM on cor- Oflcntoo of defwolt aad on mvtigin book neconata. Dmfta loonod good In any port of the TTnltod BUtoo or Qnn- W and in the principal cftlos of

Acconat* of farmem.

**^‘^*’* fittin||r cytrs.

♦ wwAwwemmvwn ♦! Examinations frre. Kcmrm♦ WANTKD ♦♦ ♦'P Bnyem for mrmo, Mty property A'D or hnolaoos uppurtuntMsa. Have # j# PPHW vnrr•ttmettro propoaltlahs. ♦! ■* « ■# t* Di Fwr, Ppnlsr D Hontty. ^1*^***^

I ^

her the dates;



ty—oaNotice Is hereby gtven that *11

ilalnm and itsnmnds ngnlnpt th* opintaof Oenrge E Cmddoek. deeonood. will i atamts or-----— tra T"he herd by the Judge of Probate -4' SS? tiliTSTsI^TSS^^

soM County, at the Prohate Office tn sxtaodod oonaiotant srlth safe tiinklm the City of BL J^na, on th* 14th day Boporfor fhclltUm tor mnkt^m^ of January, A. D., 1911, aad that th* tlom of all ttnda. ***■«■•creditor* of said deeanaod ore olkwrod , MmrT loonod on ggafn, , ■ —-______•lx month* fmm th* date or thiol ^ •^rtUmmnotice m which to prsssnt tholr rtotnm for adjustment

'’"ImARLW S’ iSwiLL,

JtWi ^rr iBli . ^ ^

Mra A. B. QmimIDvtrott

Mt«. B. A. DarkM went to Loke VIvw Wi

Inouf* wMti D. L. Huat. tf

Mr*. TtaaM of LmmIbs oallMl os

B. B. Tuniwr of OHA wm tm 9L •Mtmm amm day tk* flrat of

F. M. Spauldlas immIo i trip to CSiieaBD tl» ftm of tiM

Mlar OuTio Book kap bmmn apMai- toe Mvwal Amf with frloaia to BayCity.

Mloa Bva MsKlaloy Imo raturoad froai a Ttatt wttk rolaUvoa la Clor»>

Mr. mmi Mn Qiaad Raptdo W

Mra. Braoat Hoktaiar of Fowlor i waa la 9L Jokaa W«4a«Mlay. |

Mra C. B. VaaBlelilr waa Uar vaaot' of friaaia la Owoaao Wadaooday.

Mr. aad Mra W. H. WooBard laA Widai tday tor a vlait la DatroM.

Mlaa Mraarat Bally rtaMad frioaBa* la Baat Jordaa tkr laat of tha araak. j

okildraa raiaitraa.

Laaa Bouekar la Oraad Raplda Tuaa-4ay.

Atty. H. J. Hattaraoa mada a bua-' laaoB trip to Datrait tka flrai of tka j waak. I

Bd. Hopan of Chloapo Ttaltad kla olstar. ttra F. M. Bpauldlpc. Buoiay

Mlaa Nattia MUhar la apaadHip thawaak wttb fiiaoda In Jaekaoo. Laalla and Lnnatns

Howard Wickaa vlattad frlaada la j New Lothrop ovar Suaday, Koiae Itooday to Baetoaw."lira. Haniat Bowie of Laaaiac via-

tted ralatlvaa in B1, Jokaa aad Grid ' Sunday aad Monday. I

H. B. Ryaa apeoi Sunday in St Johns with his slaters. Mrs M. Fay i aad the MlaaeH Ryan '

Mlaa Edith Wilsey of Chkapo rlalt* j ed her oouatn. Mlsa Kate bsV'aaaelor, j from Friday until Tueaday. |

Mra J. fi Wise aad Mrs. f'harlea Cross rlstied relatives and fiiendr in ; Owoaon the last of the week.

Mrs. Thomai* Corbett of Ann Arbor visited her parents. Mr and Mrs. J. Cl. Wise, the first of the week.

Mrs theater Morpoin of Detroit is the ausst of her pareatK. Mr. and Mrs. M F. Richmond, this week.

Mrs. W. B. Chapman and baby of Rause. CokwAdo. are vloittna the for­mer’s parents. Mr and Mrs H. P. Keys.

Miss Maraaret Rwina has returned from Chlraao where she spent the aiiromer with her aunt. Mrs. John Hulla.

Miss Harriet Coleman of Pontiac spent part of last week In 8t, Johns with her ifrandiwuher. Mrs Coieman- M’sldron.

Herbert HImlein returned to his home In Baitinsw Friday after a rislt in this city at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. H. B. Mack

Miss Kate Roche returned Sunday from a trip throupb Ireland. Bcoiland

Knjcland. She bad been absent nearly two months

Miss Delia Rixby came from Pon­tiac Friday wher* she had i»een ■pending several sreeks with her mo­ther. Mrs Flora BIxby.

Miss Manes ret Ktnmoad returned Monday from Cladstone where she bad hv^n spendina two weeks with her brother. Dr A H KInmond

Miss Paulin* Corwin returned to her home in Marlon the last of the week after s|N<«idtna some time in 8t Johns with Mrs Wm. Corwin.

Mrs E H. Lyon, dsuichter Frances, aad son, E H Jr., returned Friday from Coostay where for several weeks they had been ••njoylaft an outlnjc.

Miaa Jeasle Isbell is raachina at The Merle Bsach school this year, and Mias Florenc* Isbell on Monday heipin her duties as t*>«cher at the Button schotil

Mrs Helen Stet-l and dauahter. Miss Zllphs ate«-|. have removed from Kl- weil to Bt Johns Mies Bteel is one of the teac-b*rt« <»n the force at the central buildtna

Mr and Mrs Frank '<s-ain left the Mat of the week for a trip to Duluth. They srill spend soni** time at Camp 8t. Johns before retumlna to their home near this city

Mrs D. W Carwrlaht and three children returned to their hortw- In Pontiac Tuesday after a shon visit in Bt. Johns at th* home of Mr. and Mra. ('hnriea Cjirtwrlaht

Mrs Bliss (lalliip, -^n and arasM- aon. left Monday »o return to their home in Hridaon after fpendtna aom*- time with Mr and .Mrs. F M. Bpauld- ina In this city and « Crystal

Miss Barah Btimpaon. who has been at>endinK se\*«ml weaki- in St Johnt- St the borne of Mr. and Mrs J. T .Millman. left the kmt of the week to rstom to Oorrte. Ontario

.Mtart to lid yowraelf of catarrh to­day. Breathe Hyomei; it arlll cure you. Ask Travis A Shlley about It They ausrantee it Complete outfit Including inhaler tl «ki Separate bot­tle r*0 rents

Miss Opal Morris, who has been spendinst the summer vacation at her hooH* in this city, left for Btandish Saturday where no .Monday she he- pan her second year aa Instrurtsw in one of the aradee of the publir aohools

Frmik Hnll «m1 Floyd Oolemna of Blsie wars la Bt. Jotar on bualasM one day this waak.

Mlaa Blla Wlloox ratumad Tuaa- dny from a two waaka’ visit with bar slalar. Mm THIotson. la BIMa.

Mlaa I^UT Hspdaraon went to Da- trolt Wednesday whare ake will study lattalc thn oomlnp ysar.

The MMnes Bdlth and Bans Clark hava retnmad from a thrae weaka' visit srlth friends in Mkntsalpue.

Mm Whltlaaay left Tuesday to re- ______________ ___ ___ _____turn to her home in Jncksoc «{<*’>''turned from a three weeks' visit with vlsltlan 8*. Johns relatlrea for a few Alpena and Hillman

Mr. mid Mrs. Tiaaran linrtan ware | IpwiaB of 8L Jokpa ralatlvaa Snnday * and Inker Dny. |

H. H. Parry, V. B. of Morsnel. rlalt- ed Mr. and Mrs W. R. Ospood tke ! first of the week.

Mrs. Chas. Plnwler left Monday ' roornlnp for a vlMt with relatives la ; Davison and Flint.

Mrs Ralph Bturpis la In Oklcapo < where Mie will spend a nmntb with , her son. D. C. Bturpis.

Miss Ksuberine InnpsB has re­

days. Oaonre and Orr Holmes have re-Mm Frank ahielda has retired Itnrned to Film after viaitlnp rela­

te Iletrolt after visttlnp her breaker, tfvea in Uds city for a short time. (Jew Bari, and family for a few returned aalurday*^^*'"*’ from a vacation st*ent In Grand Kap-

Mlse Grace Marsh, a trained nurse Coldwater and Coliiroms. Ohiofiwi aymeuse. N. V Is pue^ of fj^^peMlaa Nettle Malker In Heapal for a attended the funeml of Miasfew sreeks. Florence Inunsteln la Owoaso Fri-

Mias Knpllah of RMpntown. Ontarw. day. will be trimmer In the imlllnerr Rocheleau and dauptaterstore of Boucher A Petsch duriny the returned to their home attall Season. OJibwa. Canada, after vlsitinp her

Mr. aad Mrs Charles Wurst and pop,.|,u. .MS’ Snd Mrs E. A. Jacob,little son of Buffalo. N. V.. have ^n Wllllsm Kuhns and childrenpuests of .Mr. and Mrs. C C taupban ja^ye returned to Grand Ratdds after for a numtier of days. ^j|y

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Webster and ,Xormsn Kuhne.IKtle dsuphter Helen of Br^kenridy. p p Fluniny. Mrs M. Btudtwere pueats of ^d Mrs J. B Geraldine Williams of Pe-Henderaon. over 8unoa>. wnme were yuest* of Mrs. Frank.

Mrs Albert Stoll returned to her Bond part of last week, home In Detroit Monday after a two Opal Reynold* returne<l Tues-we>eks' visit In St. dsv from Ovid where Mie had beenfiarents. Mr. and Mr*. J. H. wmeau spendiny a week with Iht yrandmotb-

Mr and .Mrs. C. 8. Sprayue return- er. Mra G. W. Reynolda. ed Monday from a two Mr. and Mr* I»art Htilse and sonswith relatives and friends 1® ‘W**’"* and Harry have returned fromester and other New \ orA points. White Lake where they have been

Mr. and .Mrs. C. C. Vauyhsn return- *p^ndlny the summer iimntb*. ed Uh- last of the week from HolUnd. mj*ji Edna Barlow of Yiuiilanti vls-X. Y.. where they had be^ called by ^ Johns friend* the laat of thethe death of their niece. Miss Isabel] before yoiny to Ionia where sheJackson. will have charye of the manual train-

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farwell of toy de|«rtmeiit in the publir scboola. Bayinaw were puesu of Bt. Mrs 8. B. Dabol) and daughter.relaUvea the laat of the week and Wlnnifred DalKill. returned Sat-over Sunday, returnlny to their home from Milwaukee where theyTuesday. luu) Pf.rn yueats for a few weeks of

Howard KIny. who has been spend- .Mr. and Mr* E. E. WflTte. former St. iny the schtiul vacation at his home John* this city, has returned to Ksis- dauphter.nmsoo to continue bis studies in virpinia. of Temple, Tesaa. who have N'aiareth Academy. lieen visitinp Mrs. Ciole'a iiarenu.

Mrs. Alice I^eddlck. who has been Mr. aad Mrs. A E. Chase, of Bases, visltiny her dauphter. Mr*. Simpson returned to their home last Thursday. Ruth, in Grand Rapids for a num- Marv Fay and dauphter Miasher of weeks, has returned to her Kathryn Fay and the Misses Anna, home In St Johns. .Nora and Kate Ryan were yueats of

G»-«.«rpe and Orr Holmes have re- Mrs .M. Ryan and .Mr. and Mrs. turned to Flint after spendiny some Thomas Roche In Fenton over Bun- time in at. Johns with their slater, dayMias Alice Holmes, at the home of Bmmlny* of Evart vlslt-Mr* Elizabeth Tremper. ^ ^t Johns friends part of last

D B. Lyon returned to bis home In week. .Miss Emminps was instructor this city Sunday after receivlny med-_in <ine of the yrade* of the public leal treatment at the Mayo Brothers'' schools of this city s number of hospital St Rochester. .Minn He year* spo.Is somewhat Improved in health. Mr* F E. Warner and her two sons

Mrs Kate .Momeller and little dau- Harold and K<»ss. who have tn-en vls-yhter left Tu»*sday t»* return to their it Iny at the home of the former’s fa-home near Bitley after a short vlalt ther. G A. Fuller. In this city, leftIn .Bt Johns with the former’s fath- Monday for their home in la>s An-er. John Ilalllnyer, and <*eher rela-,yele». Californiatlve* The Misses Maryaret and Bessie

•Mrs C T Babcock st»eot iisrt of Sherwood, who visited relatives in last week at Bhsron Center. Ohio Bt Johns last we>ek. returnt'd to their Bh«* was acroni|>anted bom*- by her hon»e in Bay City Friday arroini»anted dauyhter .Miss .May Babcock, who bad by their cousin. Miss Carrie Peck, b**en visittny relatives in Ohio for arho is viaitlnp in that place for a a few wt^ks short time

Mr. aad Mrs W G. Wykoff return- Mr* D L Johnson, who has been ed Monday fmm Barnia. Ont.. where spendiny iiart of tb* summer in BL they had been visitinp Miss Anna ■ JT>hn^ with her [tarents. .Mr and Gray. Mias Anna Wykoff. who ha* J D Henderat»n. ha* yone to Grand be«o Spendiny fh*- summer in Canada. Rapid* and ChlrapT> to visit relative* returned bom*- with h**r (tsrenis «nd friend* hefor* retiirniny to her

Mrs Charles WIcke* of Victor. | *•******' *® le-trolt Colorado, wa* th*- yueat of Mr ami Fn^erlck l.<eiand has yon*- to ('hi- .Mrs O G. Wlck«'t* and other Bt Joans cayo wher*- he assumes the actlv*-

: relatives (lart of last week, yoiny manayement of a larye dranwtir pro- Monday to Owosso where she hasidunion on the road for the ('Oniiny been speodinp a number of week* | season. Mr. Leiand is at pr***ent en- wlth her mother. .Mr* S Cattermole payed in siayiny the piay. which op-

Wlll Giffela. who for twt. year* !>*I'tem*M'rI has been pursnlnp an enymeerlny aiT~^u * iem#“iTS-niicourae at the Unireraity c/t Mlchiyan. Kl.Wt. l MArTt.K ITf.Mb.

-will do praeUcal work In the office , Klsl* -r'bapter cmiferTed the de- iof tke county drain commlseioner yree^. jiam tw*> tandklaies Auyust duriny the cominy year, reaumlny his ISthstudies in Ann Arbor at some futur* Friday last will be a day lony re­date jinembered by th* members of Elsie

IMr. and Mra C R Martin of Battle <'kapter who participated in another (Teek have iH-so puests of Mr* G feature* for whichR. Hunt and dauphter. Miss Grace Chapter Is noted. Meedame*

IHunt, for a numl>er of daya leavinp l^koonmaker. Chaae. Downle. War- Ithls mornlny by auto for C4MliIlac to Wcmley. Aibaupb. Finch. McNail. visit Mr. and Mra O. M. Petrie They ^**®**’y- Litchfield. Vanlhiewsn and were srcvimpaaled by Mr and Mrs. went to Vernon to spend the

ID. L. Hunt l***!'^ *•*! Ferpuson.I They were met at the train by the------- ----- 'Ferpuson family and conveyed to the

! home by auto. A social hour waa |ea)o3sed and then a bounteous dinner was served to wblcb sB dM ample

lee The afternoon waa plv*n er to auto rMes and a poad aselal

time After supper they were tahsa to the train lenvtnp for our aeveml keme*. sack coneedinp the Ferpunon fandly ideal entertainers

Friday nlpkt will be our annual nssetlny for aiectlon of officers. A pood attendance is dealred.

Sunday nMimlat tks pastor will speak on the sah)s«t of ’Tkirusee,” as drnnn from ths 14tk ckaF^Ltths. In the evsnlas ths paalor will bsgla n ssrlss of Bnndny evsninp sx-yssitlsns of ths boot of Revalatkms. Thass srlshinp to ksuer iinisrsisndthis littls tsnght yat pyoatly-lmport- snt baah. will do sesll to hs prsa- «nt at ths ksplaalac of thsns Isetursoas the course srlll follow the wrtttsa order of ths hook and to miss part the explnnmisn will interfere srMh n corroet undoroMndinp of th* whole. The mnln nnthorlty (under which nr* prouped many othersI. which srlll bs foHowsd In thsss lecturss. Is tint of ths splrltanl and scholarly Dr. J A. 8stss. whoas works on Rov- alnUons sra psrhnps tke prantsst produosd in modern times. All par­sons of srhsteysr ersod or nnnw. rkurehiDso or aon-ckurelunse see welcome to tkess ssrvlesa.

8undxy school at noon.Pmyor mostlnp Thursdny eeeoinp.At 2 p. m. Randny at Benpit-Rllay

the pastor srlll be prsssr' < • tench the 8uttday school lesson b , whole school, uslnp Dr. Llnocott's questkino on the International lessons. These questions have become widely ap­proved aad this occasion Is for the purpose of msklnp trial of them m the Beopal-Rlley school and neiph- borhood. Let all come. After thel•<«*on a short address. '

8. 8. at Jaaoo achool bouse at 10:20 a. m.

The I.mdles’ Union of the at. Johns Baptist (hurch will meet srlth Mr*.Henri Hobart Tuesday afterncion.Septeraher ISth.

METHIIDIHT BPIIM'OPAL CHURCI.Quarterly raeetlny services next

Bunday mornlny aa follows: Lave ffwat at 0:30 in the Bunday school room. Holy communion at 10 .'10 in charye of Dr. M’, P. French, District BuiierlnteDdent Bunday school rally at 12:00.

Dr. Freachwil I preach and admin- later the sacrament of the Ijord’s »u|i|>er at Beapal at 2:30.

Epsroiih I>SMtue wervlce at 6:30 p. m. Keyular preaebiny service at T:30. Mibject of the sermon. "The Helpfulness of Personal Bteadfast- ne##.’’

( OMIKCG.ITIO.NAI. CHl’IU H.Rev. C. E. Robinson of l.AnalDy.

who occupied the pulpit last Bunday will prea^ both mornlny and even- Iny next Bunday. G«*orpe P. Glllet of .New York City will siny solo* at both service#.

KPIM’OPAL CUriM'H..Mornlny prayer and sermon at

lu:30 a. m. Bunday school at 12.

A Helfaible VedlrlM- Nsl n ^Inrcnlic.Mrs. F. Marti. 8t. Joe. .Mich., saya

Foley’s Honey and Tar saved her lit­tle boy’s life. She writes: “Our lit­tle boy contracted a' severe bronchial trouble and as the doctor’s medicine did not cure him, I pave him Foley’s Honey and Tar in which I have great faith. It cured the cough aa well aa the choking and yapplny spella. and he got well in a short time. Foley’s Honey and Tar baa many times sav-

a. 1910.

Vary M Cosfh.Stspped It rrSIWORKlNG FINE

Wer wish to announct* that our new sky- lijifht is complete and that we are now pre­pared to make y<»u l>erter photos than ever before. Come and see us.


K8HEX HIU5IHE.Following is the program for the

meeting of Essex Grange No. 431* to be held September ITth. Roll crall. quoutlons; reading. F. W. Redfern; recitation. .Maud ScMt: "Wliat Makes It Difficult for a Farmer to Keep Ac­count* With Bach Crop and Animal und for Hla Wife to Keep HfMiae Ac­count— Does It l*ay To Try To 1>» ItT’ Darwin Bancroft: "What Is tb-* Most Important Part ot Cake .Mak Iny?" Morn Jooea; Honp. Grang*; Give A Keuiedy In Rhyme. Busan Smith; "Ik* We .Need Visiting With (»ne An­other More Than We .Need Program* at Wcnica?" anwwered by .Mary Av • ery; i>enny march; rlf>*lng xony.

OAUOMTPfl OF MflO. A M. HOWM.Mrs. J. M. Brown, Dunn span. Mo.,

wrlles: **My little dauyhter, three years old, was trnnliled with a very t>ad eough which rematneri after an altaek of catarrhal fever, which waa a great deal woree at night.

••She would wmke mp amt at Paralaap mmA oamgh unUi 1 feared she oouiU not Claud it.

••ffothlny that we pave her aaemari to do her any good. I then coaclodtHi lo send for Dr. flartman’s iionk entitled I •The Ilia of Life,’ which I promptly | rrr>eived.

“1 attheaametlmecommeneiMlgivtng , her Peruna. Niie liae taken one bnttia | in all. throogh which she haa obtained m comptata emra.

*‘Hhe alao aince her birth waa troubled with indiyewtion, hut aince aha haa tak<‘n Peruna *lie can eat almoat any ; kind of f(M>d Without any bad reaulta. :

“She i* now aa well and happy as any mile girl can he. When oar friends ^ aay bow well she looks, I tall them ; IVronadidll. I

•‘1 shall always be a friend of Peranai as I rnnaider it the Assf OMdlctes tor rnngAs saif Imdlgattam we have ever tritHi. and will rerommend It to any one similarly aflilctMl."^yniH. LYDIA J. HPOONKR, Hant* JVa Monica. Gal., writes that they are j never wilh'mt Peruna in the home, that j Uiey find it the finest family remodv •bev have ever used.


Gnwd Trank Bnilway SystnaiAccount


21.70 to Baginaw aad return on all trains September 20tli. <>ood to re­turn up to September 26th. 1910 For further particulars consult John Wberrett, Agent I»w2


Orstid Traak-LaMpk Tallsy RsnMe

Dally Excursions until Saptembsr 30th, 1910. Thirty days limit All tickets valid via Niagara Fklla. Lib­eral stop-overs. For furtber particu­lars apply to JOHN WHERRETT, Ap- gent. 4(^Eow until Sept 30.

■——2= ■■ ------ ra—^

Cora BinctersJDrillsyl^ws. ^

We hsve just ben givn the agency for this section ^ for the

Farmera* Favorite Grain Drill and South Bend ChiUed Plow*

We also have the icy for the

JOHNSTON CORN BINDERSEach of the above are leaders in their class and no farmer should fail to purchase these labor-saving and money-making tools if he is going to need one for the fall work. T^e Sulky Plow is mother desirable tool.We hmdle this among others made by the Chilled Plow Co. of Soudi Bmd.

Sulky Cora Cutt^Made by the Akron Cultivator Co., which Is a guarm-

'ty of good workmanship. The Akron Sulky Com Cutter is entirely different from any other Coro Cutter on the market. In its design and construction all the objectionable features so common in other styles of .jlatf orm cutters have been overcome and at the same time the price has been kept within the reach of every fanner. The all-important feature of the Akron Cutter is the safety with which it can be uaed. avoiding all danger of the men or horse being caui^t in the knives, which is one of the greatest objections to other platform cutters.Come in and get descriptive circulars of any of the im* plements or let us expl^ to you the workhigs of any of them you may be in need of.


F. M. Vred^burgSt. Jkdms

Your kidnvy troublv may b*- of long standing, it may br vitb«*r arut** or chronic, but whatever it is Foley's Kidney Remedy will aid you to get rid of it quickly and restore your nat­ural b*wlth and vigor “On*- bottle of Foley’s Kidney Kem*-dy mad* me well.’’ *ald J. BIbbull of Grand View, Wl*. Coninienre taking It now Van- BIckle A Glasple.

■fl'HCiJAR HTATE PAIR. DETROIT.Grand Trank Bnilway Hyslew

.Announces a epecial rate of on*- and on* half fare for tbe round trip. | Tickets on sale Beptember 19tb to i 23d iDcluatve Return limtt B^ptem- ^ ber 2Sth. 1910 Fare for round trip j 12.95. John WherreAt. Agent TiwS j

IDVKKTINED LKTTEKN.Brennan. Mr. D. J.; ('iiabman. Mrs

R E.; Keen, Bussie; Blator. Mr Har-J ley; Street. T. A.; Wooda, Mr. Chel-. sey. !

TS fond of person* ^ al adornment. It is riglit that she should he, wether she is young or old: snd there is no doubt tiuu the proper kind of jewelry adds to the charm of femintnity. So if you ore 'seeking W present

for a woman, your Ipak is not a hon! one. In our store we hove things at almoat any priac. and whatever you aalect you may use aa a gift, with the full confidence that it will not loose ita luatre and newnaaa in the courae ol a month; and you don't need to wnrr> for lear the recipient will look the gift home in the mouth.

sr. joifiB


Mrs. Aaum Baklke. laoUMr of Hoa W A Baklke of Alaw. died at

|Hw kooM* of her sou ig tkat city last Tiissday. seed tS years Mr* BaSlIke for laaBy remr* rraidsd wttk ksr kas- baad oa a farm asar Pewaaso. coai- lag tkere froa) Lyoas. Bsforv potap upoa the farm at Pewmmo Mr. Hafclke was ia tbe blacksmith bustaeas. Maar of tke old rsatdeats sboat Pewamo wll! remenlMr tke Baklke faailly.

WHV HE VINEKAIILKI When it is so *-emy to b** glad? TIV'

third c-lty of Michigan offers it* Third iDdusiriat Expuslttoe and Fall Festival September 16 to 24 an«l within the rompaas of thuoe daya s^ll <'<mdena** more enjoyment, aniuae- ment, entertainment. Mlvantage^, than ever before; and during the nine glad daya of the event will offer a greater range of opportunitiea than Is to be found elsewhere. There Is no unrertalnity about It. Back«-d by two years of sucosaeful endeavor the managefneat tkls year unkeslutingly proclaim the superior merits of its of- feringa aad invites tke viattor to see and enjoy, to make laerry, to be one of tke great tkroag tkat will eatkuae over tte splendid spectacle of tke VeaeUan Night on tke srnter froat; to be part aad parcel of tke great crowrd tkat will be enraptured over tke woadroas .owlody dissourasd by tkat greatsat of hands I’RMATORE’H —lavltss you to aee tke groatk of Saginaw exesapRfl^d la a gksrloaa dis­play where amte aad harmony Mead la aa exquialte eaaerable and where the Spirit of Prapreaa shines above the concrete efTorts of an advaaclag city. There will alao be taaay at-

itractloaa oC a live town, thesurea ' parks, joy rldos. civic parades and ladustiial pap mats aad a boat of thtaps to make light the heart aad add seat to life. The railroads have oo-operatad wtth Uw nmaapeamat aad by plvtap reduced raiea have made It eaaler than ever to take advaatape of this praat opportunity. It should be

’sslasd Life at bsat Is bat traaslsnt isad next year you xwy he dead. If you osre yoarnslf s good time thle Is the accepted tlaw to cash la.

A Sseae fraai Meredith Nichelsen’s <leliphthsl reomoce


FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER SUk*'rhtewMhelhe >llMM«4Nrtw. PMCgA; Me. SM. TX.< I at.oo

Proud day—when that first pair <»f “lonj^ pants" is worn !

Hring the youngster herr- and preserve that "e.xpanded chest" and self-conscious air for him to see a year or two from now.


l|l/ it?



Uraad Traak RMhsay Aaaosacii s s special rate at mum

aad oae half fare far the roaad trip Tlahsis sa rale ■inisPhir ItUi to IMh, taslasivs Rsusra UaMi Map- im. ItlA Ranud trip flJi.

bhad er prstraMas Plica, mum am rear ■ddreaa. aad 1 olll tell yea haw m eaee yetieaalr at lHam^S|^ the asw ahseepUsn


Siahm IdcIM’’



UCHTSTUDIO in die city.

WHICH KINDdo you prefer? Knotty, curly, rotten Lumber or clear, straight-grained, sound stock? Which kind are you getting?If you are not satislied with the grade of gotnis that other jyeopie have .sent you. wouldn't it lie sensible to drop in and examine our .stttek? If you have not time for that, give us a small trial order and you can bank on its being reliable.


8, 1910.

Til* T. P. •. C- E. w«M mmt. 9mt BiuHlajr. gipt—>T lltb, M I p. ■. At Um) ChrlatiM ekureh to I'MrgpalM

iaad «l«et oTTltMira. Mr. Praak Kaapg iof gt. Jolma Will to prwtot aad !i«M Ip tto orspptaptlop pad will p1>

■ .so lead tto nraatPK in®*4lP« wklohMrs. Fiord L-ach tos to«»p «ittlto will to toM la tto BraaBrllosl ehsrrti ^

IM tto past wssk. , No Buaipy setool st tto ChrlstlspPhyllis Uamaa spsat IsM wssk church oa that datr.

with relaUvoo In Bto«. Hdward Roa»loy psMto ^Mrs Frank Urrwhator la eattrrtala-, the hoar of his mothsr. Mrs. (iMrgr

las a cousin from Psrrliitoa ! Phtak. In Blba last Sunday * .Bsrt Parks oamr hoom from Orld lllasoo srith sedaal troo^ and

IniiirdsT night for a short vtsM. ; namlysts. aged M fsars. Funs«l ;Mlm Hascl Uaggett Is spending ^as hoM Tuandsy at tto Cbiisite:

tto weak with tor stater at Oarlaad. church ooadnctsd by Ror. C. W. Ly- \ Mr. aad Mrs. O. W. Pershing spsat: „tAa and tto remalas were laid st

anadsy with thslr chlldrsa la Otrld.; ui tto Kurshs oenmtsry bsMds John Bryant Is tmprorlng tto i those of his father, tto late Wm. Re- ^

looto of his bouse with aew poretos. nasley. jJune Btersns and family of Uresa Fraads Bryant, widow of tto 1

hash Center spent Sunday at R. P. j westsy Bryant, paaosd ssmy st iTastes. ; tto home of her daughter. Mrs D.;

Bom Saturday. Septenator 3d. to Morrlsoa. la Oreeabush last Frl- Mr. aad Mrs. «arl Bryant, a tea lb., m years The fun-1daughter. ^ 1^1 was told at the house on Sun-1

Mias Qladys Oahoon of Saraasc ronducted by Rie«-. E. Mudge of▼taltlag tor oousla. Robert Cshooa. Rapids and Interment wasand srlfe. : nAde la tto IJnloo Home cemetery.

Mre Cass Haegle of St Johns! Duascd leares a daughter and apsnt Sunday sdth tor daughter. Mrs. | ifrandsona.Bslle Serey. gerrlcsa for Buteha dWml

Mr. aad Mra Quy Haegle and dau-; beglanlag Sunday.Iter of St. Johns wore ta Sl!^„ibcr TTT*^ Tbe^astor willof St Johns soeat pr2*h'***^at Wsahlagton Center at

Ust*week with her grandn»ottor. Mrs = *• ”*•' ** **Sarah Palmer.

laWIN.iOLLBT WBBBINtt.Wnlltaglna T. Irwta. Jr., of Fow­

ler and MMb Alice Jolley of Carson City wars uaMsd la marrlsgs by Rsv. Musas, pastor of tto CoagrsgstioasI ohuroh st Flint, this wesk Monday. Thsy wars seeompsnlsd by Mr. aad Mra Hamr A Oardasr of FMat. Af­ter a short trip to Graad RapMa sad other nsarby points thsy srRl reside naar Fowlsr.

It was but last wssk Wednesday erealag that Mr. Irwla ahd Mias Jollsy attsadsd as groomamsa sad bHdeanmid. Mira SUirgla aad Miss Delta Kelch at their weddlag la this

m, B. rMTMf^H JIOTIH.Tto Ladlas’ Aid SscleCy will boM

ttolr regular meeting asxt Tuesday aftemooa Beery lunudber Is request­ed to to pneosat.

There was s good sttsadsare stSunday school Ism torydsy.

Sunday school aert Staday mom- tag at tto usual hour, k'veryoae is cordially tawited to attend.

m.. and In Kureha at 7:30 p. m. Tto “ ' C. E will holdaran raimrr. i reomaalied Y. P. 8. C. E will hold

Mlm Alice Hawklna return^ b<^ initial aervlce la tto Eureka Bran- unday from '*■“ Lncal church at 6:30 p. m. alterant-Sunda]

with her sister at Guilford , ' fna with tto Christian church ereryHelen Ihirt is quite seriously ill w*wk Mr. Frank Kaspp of

with bowel trouble. Mrs Hewitt of Johns will ornsnlie the young Maple Rapids Is osrln* for her. ^ ^ ^ eorleiy st tto

Mrs Zoah daughter ^^.^rch at 2:30 p. m. TheOeorgle went to Ohio Sunday for f„j. holding tto regular eren-extended visit with hehr people there. pr^chlng serrlce has been cbsait-

Mr and Mra. Milo l*ray of Muske-goo rlslted his parents. Mr and .Mrs. ' __________Bari l»ray. from Friday till Monday. 1 aTommy Hart of Maple Hsplds Tto Lash sf a Flesd,spent the latter part of last week at would have b**en about as welcome to tto home of bis uncle. Dr Eugene A Cooper of Oswego. .N, Y.. as a raer- Ham. clless iung-rarking cough that defied

Mr. and Mm .N'ormAH Kuhns and all remedies for years. "It was moat daughter and .Mrs Carrus of St Johns troublesome at night." he wrltea. ww guesta at John Kutuu' last “nothing helped me till I used Dr.

King's New Discovery which cured The MissNmsry Society will meet me completely, I never cough at night

with Mrs Ix>lB Esegle W.-dnesday now " Millions know Its malchleaa sftomuon. SeiUember llth, at 2 merit for stubborn colds, obatinate o'clock. ' coughs, tore lungs, lagrtppe, aatbma.

Mrs Esther I^arklns and daughter hemorrhage, croup, whooping cough. Treva of Bingham visited tor iwr- ; or hai^ever. It relieves quickly and snta. Mr and Mrs. {.^■ster Wright, never falls to satisfy. A trial con- Suoday Vinces .noc. SI ««> Trial bottle free.

Rev Freinsnt McCaug* ilellvered It’s iioaltlvely guaranteed by J. T. an excellent discourse at tto Christ- Mllltnan and VanHIckle lit (ilaaple.Isa church last Sunday and was well ---------------- —-------rece|T«l. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Rev and .Mrs O W Lyman and A ^Mr and Mrs I^tor M’rlght attended A RIVERMIDE. ♦the Holinem oampineetlng at Owosso A ^last Friday aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Mr. and Mrs WHI Smothers, who -hare been visiting his brother. Wayne Scott an vlalliogSmothers, returned to ttolr home In i>etrolt.Ohio Sunday and .Mrs Carl VanFleet spent

Ethel (k>wer returned to her home 3K„nd*5 at Wnverly park, at Oakley Sunday after s|»endtiu( two |jp„ jm** Resale Webbweeks with her grandi»arenis. J W. Thursday In JacksonIMggett. and family Miss Florence Ss'eet of Hath «t»ent

Virgil Jefferys and family who ^Usa Doris SUmpfly.have b«-en making their jiarenu an Chant of St Johns is vlt-oxtended vlali, returned to their sister. Mra Bffle Halter-home in Cleveland. Ohio, on Mon- '^>' Miss Helen Dills was a guest at

Tb«- Eureka Cemetery Aaaociatlon Charles Trmdwell’s over Monday srlll bold ttolr regular meettag at the ,osmetery to look after tto flowers Miss Blanche towla of Olive vialted Friday .September 16th Come and gt Tom Stampfly's Thursday and bring your dinner Friday.

Cora Post and children re- Mr. and .Mrs Charles Henning of cently of Pesramo. are spending some loinslng were callera at O B Dills time with her father. G W Ellen- Mondaywood The) expect to Join Mr Post Mr and Mrs Victor Clavey spent at Oakley In the near future where Sunday In lotnaing at the home of they will make ttolr future home. Adolph Brya

Word was received here Sunday of '***• Giryneth KIsler of ^ Bingham the sudden death of .Mrs Jennie Whit- Thomae Stampfl) a Sundaytaker, widow of the late George Whit- ****^ Mondaytaker of Washington Center She >*<"• *had Just recently peTurne<l horn*' from Mias Ie»lle \anP1eet o»ertAe insan* asylum at Tra\en«e city Tti»-eday nightsotJ her death name uDext>ected to I»ale C Shr>ck|ey of Mllwnuke** her friend! sp«nr Monday and Tuesday at I>r

The Michigan Christian t^nfer- ^ M,*r'*>!irud%;r»-nwoo,l returned t« •nee will • with ^church Wedne-day fvpternberII. ami continue over M-ni- j c.unnison re-I!!!." h ^ ’’’T" ««rned home Sunday night from a

\ "ZV:T''Tl thr*.. weeks' visit with their chlld- to Fred Sevy, financial clerk, orI. pen.

Finis Furgason and wife of Owosso f vialted at James Furgason'a Monday

and Will Cook of Owossi* visited ttoni Tuesday

%fr ami Mrs Mark Norris visited .Ms Norris' sister. Miss Rlaaoe Weth- epell. In Detroit from Sunday until Tuesday

Mrs Ellta Webb emertalned Frank Webb and family of Ismatng. Charles Webh and family and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wiliiaras Sunday

Mrs George Rohrer aad little ' daughter returned home Friday from > a four weeks' visit with tor parents In Reece. Saginaw county

Mr. and Mrs. M P. Burton of Haat- Inga and Mr. aad Mrs Cbas. innnlls , and daughter Esther of Watertown . I were callers at O. B Dills* Friday. |

Mark Woodruff, who baa been at ’ I the hoapiial for tto pnst six sreeks. j

|tro«*kfle|d. Mo —“Two jrea-^ ‘ i was brought home Saturday. At this :writing be Is able to alt up a little In > Iwd. I

MIsssa Helen Dills and Reva ; Treadwell spent Monday afternoon ' aad evening In laneing aad attend | the opening of tto bijou ht tto esem-,Ing. '

Mra Ida Brink returned home ’ Monday after spending a number of i days helping ante for tor brother |Will Knight who Is very HI with Iblood poisoning

Mias Ellsntotb Lerg laft Sunday noon for Wtaklenmn, Aiisona Her I little alMar. Gertmde. who la In > IH hsalth, accompanied her there la 1 the hopes tto dlmate srlll hanefit her. '

Will EHsranger Is 1 iiiifineil to hla { room from a badly apratoad ankle received from being thrown to tto I floor while roller akating at tto I fratvToal picnir at Waverly park laat i

Last Sunday Fowler mot Maple Rapids aad went down In defeat, the aeore being 6 to 3 In the latter's favor. The Fowler boys did well but they met a stronger and far better team. Maple Rapida had tto better Infield with the exception of third base and by far the stranger outfield. The game was a good oaie and notwith­standing PViwIer'a weakness three times Fowler succeeded in crossing the home plate but tto Maple Rapids team was never in danger of being tied or lieaien Tto fielding of Cooper and Caspar was decidedly tto fMture of the gsme These young men did much In holding the score aa low as It was.

1 2 3 4 .% 6 7 8 !♦ R H K .Maple Rapids 2020 0 01 106H2 Fowler 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 3 7 4

Clinton CountyFair Grounds, SL Joluis, Mich.

September 20,21,22,23mo

I Big Speed Program—Good BaHAttractiye Line of Amusements

Lois Eaegle. church clerk


Hmry Hamer was in St. Johns last Monday

Mrs IJght was in St Johns on hiis- loese Inst Monday.

Mrs Cooley of Portland is visitlnx ' at Frank JolW*y's '

Rhv Vogt was in SI John.- on bua-j< ineas last Friday.

Onin Parks was in St Johns on business Isst Monday

Pr Lindcmann was out of town on hsinesM laat Thursday

Dr Schemer was in .Maple Rapids on business last Thursday.

Bessie Halner of St. Johns visited relatives here last Sunday.

Eugem* Fox returned home from Battle Creek for s short stay

Lucene .Sturgis was In .St. Johns on business last Momlay foreninm.

Mkinie Hafner silent a fern days In Grand Rapids a sbon time ago

Max .M«mr*‘ and Marian Sturgis are attending the St Johns high school.

Mt and .Mrs John Clrlrh were In St. Johns business last Saturday.

Bessie .Myers attended the taach- ers' institute at St Johns laat Satur­day.

Mr and Mrs Rev. Vogt were In Hubtordston dO business <mh* day last week.

Miss Vera PIggott is attending school at the county normal at St.Johns

Mamie Mullins and Goida Ruck were In St Jahn> on very importanthuatneas

Tony PV>x was in St Johns on im- iiortant hiislness last Thursday af­ternoon.

Mrs Fred .Meyer was In St .lohn-s on Imiiortaat business last Tuesday morning

Mr Fineis m*as In St Johns on very Important husinese last Tuesdaymorning. Miss Ruby Coffin visited Miss Eula

.Miss Rose .Miindell was in .St Johns Hanlan at tlraml Rapids a few days on very imimrtant busineAH last Fri- ■ the first of the s«*ek. day evening Mrs John F Rossow and son Ed-

Itavmond .Meyer t<mk in the Sun- win were in St J€>hns on busln**ss day school excursion to Hague l^ark last Thursday afternoon last Thursday | Mrs Ie*e Smith .-aMl two children of

The section iiwn from here were In 'Grand le'dg*' apent Isst Friday and St. Johns laat .Monday to work on a Satunlay with .Mr and Mrs Charles new side track. . Fox ami family

Carl Rrunn of Pewamo was tto .Mrs W W KInley and the Mlases guest of Howard Sturgis laat Sstur- Ethel and Ruby Coffin took In tin- day aad Sunday j Sunday school excursion to Hague

Misses Florsnce and Laura Kaaper } to^k laat Thursday, were In St Johns on business laat I Mrs. Joseph Smith and ohlldren of Tuesday evening. I Real City Arrived here last Saturday

Mr and Mrs. Froil L. Sturgis and It® • roupir of weeks withson Keith were In Loosing on bust-' ^^******** relatives

i Fine lowing Live Stock and Agricul­tural Exhibits

Everything Promises Toward one of the Best County Fairs Ever Held Here, Begin to Plan

Now to Attend.

Watch next we^’s |M4>ers fcMT detailed aHinoimceinents


Entries <xi premium lists ck>se at noon on Wednes­day, S^itember 21st

Remember the Dates—Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,Friday, September 20, 21, 22, 23.

naaa laat Thursday.

Need Lydia E. Pinkhaiti’i Vegetable Compoundwae uii.-iLic t'Mpiiinjr kind of work an« onlj Hf-i,{|i*^i ii<« iMiiiiids. My troubh 1 di.tes Ixuk t** til

time that wotnei iiiav exiM-ct natur to li r 111 g ( tlie CtlAU^1 got a l><if Lj^la £. Plnkham'

JVegetable Com- ^pound nod It mndr

me fMl much batter. I have oonttn- tta OSS. 1 am

very grateful to youpor the good hnnlth

ow enjoyitift** — Mrs. (iaRAB JfowT. 41ii B. UTingston Btre^

at critl-

nm DOWLotTsifiNc BCDoklield, Mo.

Tim Change of Life It the <al period or a woman's existence, and ■sglect of health at this time invitee asMme and pain.

Women everywhere thould remem- ■to that there ia no other remedy^ ___ remedyDown to medteine that will ao sun- smsfiilly carry women thmugh this Wylng tortod aa Lydia E. Plimham't vairtaDle Compou^ made from na­tive reoto and harba.

MIesse Leila VaaFleet and I^oma Woodruff left for lamahag Tuesday to attend high school. Mtas Ida Lorg

uneaeed tsarhl— sehool Monday In new and Dsn Mlwaanei nom-

so years It hu been curing wn-1 menred his sehael naar Round Lahemmi from the worst forms hf female. ________

indammatlon. ulceration, dla-pthsenmnu. Obrokl tumrs, Irreg^ii- ^ ■tMiL NlrTER.UsA periodic niat, hnsinislie, sml; School boimn Teooday. toyteg^er ■tokuBi proetmtloiL Sih. with aa aaroUmmM sf JB la tto

iM lOm ipneiBl afhrlm prunery. U in tto istenandlase mto M la tto high sstonl rosm of whishIreme LwwVs, Lsis Bi WMe sre rssFctolve roHsMBt HMlndss 11

n. H

A dancing imrly wHI to given at tto Sturgis opers hotioe Friday even­ing. September 16th, IHIO, by the Young Men's Club Supper served.

Mrs Joseph J. Martin returned to her home after visiting two weeks at the hfMne of her daughter. Mr aad Sirs Joseph T Platti'. In Graad Rap­ids

.Mrs Etta MaePherson and daugh­ter Gertrude returned to ttolr home In Detroit after a abort stay with lievi Baldwin and relatives last Moa- day.

H. n Douglass. H. Roymoad Meyer and tto Mioses Nellie and Mamie I^ag and Ethel Coffin attended tto teachers' institute at 9t Johns last Ssiurdsy.

Mtes Nats Blaladsll. srho hss bssn nsitlsg Mr. and- Mrs Dr. D H. Msr- FNiersoo and family for the past few wnsto. returned to her home Is Sag* Isnw Inst Sstsrdsy aftemoos

____ Mr. and IWs William H. Snelllng______ _ __ ' ***** "**■*• and Uoyd. andIdStoi^SJSrreSriotoh^ I daughter. Geraldine. vtsHsd Mr. nd

1 am a poor 9eatt Redfera aad family laOvid last Sunday aad Moadsy.

Mrs George T. BsMwIa and aon Donald returned from Detroit laat Thursday aftemooa when* ttoy have I been vMtlng her daughter. Mra Ern­est Thomtoa. aad husband In De­troit. Mrs TTiomtoa returned home with tbain.

A few from hare took In tto 8. 8.— “T*—.'—°. TV" uroratn M Hm. nrk. tmm TVi™-

S S tw,. m mu,oovsrsd with the ■salsa tot by lahm •• oa tto prevlons excursions. ACatleurs I was seen as dear as any psc* Isrge oasrtier were dloappolnted be-ssasvsr was. 'Thn wm over twsaty-ttM oattae Itoy could not go to Detroit In*

—d u mw. m urn..----------ojwr my arsaa and tags to smotah. ^ Jobs C. Mhrtta rslumto to his

fy?*** T~ *. home la Grand Rapida after vlaltlagSnStoiTSS'TtLSTLISl£ r*Daaali Desmiog. Watortory, TA, Mlaaea Bvn Itorttn aad loadore

Noessahar 37, lags.™ ! RUirgts vtaMad Mra Georto Nuffarjaaanss a n* wm «msMiMi twsMBw n» j In Fewanm Mat Ttoraday evening.

, Mm N H (lallar and daagiBii _ _ _ I Olga vtaltod frlsBga and raintivua la

acssM ows.swrwM.awMs wnmAhas. iLMwaw a tow sabm tto laat af last


Till It Got to be Second Ngture— Suflbrtng Endless and Without

Relief—Guticuri Made Skin as Clear as a Bab/s.

**If I bad koown of the Cutlenaa toawdlm ifty yean ago it would kaeu aaeed ate two huodred doUorv sod aa launesee aroouot of ■uFeriag. My dls- aaae (psonasa) commeticed on my hsuri la a apec not iergar than a rent. It mraad raptdly over my bedy and got undsr my nells. The soato would drop oF of OH* ell the ttoe and my augerlag

The MUsee .Mary and Katie (Uxrge are aiKVidlng a week at the home of ihclr Histcr. .Mr* Peter .Simon, in Wo^phaiia.

.Miiwi <5rac Ft»x returned to Cbar- Intti- with Mrs. John BohH-k ami .Mra. (h-orge Thrall and her little bov last Tiieeday morning.

The St JoM-ph and the public schnolw lioth opened laat Tuesday morning There waa a good attend- an*--' at both echooi*

.Mrs John Unlock and Mrs. George Thrall and tor little boy were at the home of .Mr and Mrs. Charles PV>x a few days tto last of laat week.


It Saved Hla Lag."Ail thought I'd lose ray l«g."'

writes J. A. Swenaen. of Watertown. Wla "Ten year* of eexema, that 15 doctors oould not cure, bad at last laid me up. Then Rucklefi'a Arnica Salve cured it. aouad aad well." la- fallible for Skin Eruptions, Besema, i Salt Rheum. Rolls. Fever Sores, |

j Rums. Scalds. Cuts and Pllea. SSc 1 I at J. T. Mlllmaa'* and VanSIckle A Glaapte'a


With 31 years’ experience In the Monumental busi- nem, we are sure to give you the best work at lowest prices. Come and look over our stock.

Walter & Hodge St. Joluig

■an tot fsal rich to to frss of what asms of the dootois oolled Ivpraay, asms rtngwniiii. pssnssls. etc. I took ~——and - aatsaparlllas owr a yaar anda kalf hue gs( ao curs. I osnnot Urn fhMinwu Rsussdto too much.aaato m a tudiy'a. All I uaad sf cl wm two oshm at Cuticuru Soap, tl hoam of GaUsuru Ototawnt and ti boUlm of CuUrura Rauolvmt. If had toon Uwrsaad sotd you —nulil hnvo

• to •$ cuuMss

George A. Stoerck woo In lainotng Sniurdny.

School opened in tto Frtmk dlatrMMonday wiUt MMa Ada BMtsrt Ateacher.

Rooa Hoonlng. Myron HoalsCtler and George Corwta are attending high aehool In St. Johns

Fred Rowell and family of Went Bengal were tha guanta of John Ernst aad fnaUly of thlo pines Snn* 1 day.

Mr. «ad Mto C. E. -Stowetl rsturvi- ed from ctnclaanti. Ohio, tto Inst ofi the week from a visit wltk thstr son. J Ray. who la working tor U. P. Worm-1 wood In tto aoo gardsg. i

Bars Sturgis and Mtas DsHa Kelch ! of this place ware quietly mnriiad In ; 81 Johns Inst wuok Wedneudny at,

M. B. pnrsaaage TWy will ro- ! aide on the groomto term thruo mllsB snat of Fnwier. Both are highly rr- specled young psopte and wn extend our congrutnlnUcna.

When tto medietas yau take cures your dlssnas. tonaa up your systam aad mnhaa you tool bettor, strongsr and nwre vlgorons than before. That la what Faley KMnoy Pills da tor you. la all ennas of hanharh*. hmMnahs, narvaaaaaaB. ^wmlawm*

aannad hr any BsarAar df llw kii* nsyn or hladiar. BmMaUa B Olnagla

EASTERNSummer ExcBrsions

Only Jmm I toSu*. 30,1910


AtimticCity,N.X $25.71IhIm, hm • • 75M■MtimLQae. ■ 2M0

New Vnt. N. Y. • $2SJI Perttaai, le. - • Z7J5 (Nk, 9k. • • 24JI

Tenala Oit.,MrcIUk • HiB

ViaNigHnFilh 17JItoe* te eg Ta

> asps, to'M JOmi WHERRETT, AfuoL

Try Tbt fUnm want ool •You am not

THS 8T. JOfCm MSWl, THUMDAY 8, 1910.


rmak Mac^l of I.MMhis mmi (lorry IMIla MUI rroBfc NortM of lloWIttwopr •«■■■ tlio roooM vtoHoro to tMm

PV«<d Nnffor. Ooimr Nuffor aad F. W. Jom of Rllty oad Mrod Tlo-

{cArookr of lionolac ■»»« MonAoy > foTMtono rioAlac uo tkr l«k«.

Ainoas Umoo «kv bmrod tht bad wvouhor to coax* to tbe Baacb Suadoy wofp Wm Wolliuoon. Mr* I,— Rl* woll. Uoorso Dobola aad wlfr oad Ways* Pobeock obd wtft of Ht Jokbo.

Owtbc to tlM> nUa Sanday naitoro to tkr r—ort wori* bo( a* BuoMroua aa uabal. TW ball vamr bafraaaa I Morto Haacb abd tkr flt Jobba Rad | dox bad to be pootpobMl uatll a«*xt ' dubday, H«nHaii>bar lltb. wbra both | tmiaa aay tbay will hava tbrir brat ' mra ia thr floM.


The Week’s News ia in* fiaf.9hhi^tasBee Ja^^haoiEHeaailealeCeaafhis

OURSYa«r« tor uai- lormiiy.Y<Mm for aroat* eat I r a V • o I o g pr>w»r.Yoora (or oovor latlioic reMilia.Yoam for poritr.Yo«ir* for rcooaay.Yovra (or ovory t h I n K that gum to make up a Mricily hiifh grade, ever* dependable haWitig pi>t«der.That U Calamat. Try it oace and note the iro* prc \*efneot io yoar bak* iog. See hoer much more ecoDomickl orer the high* pnoed trail brand*, hem

much better than the cheap and btg*cao kind*.Caluinet it higboat in qnality —moderate in com.Recmeed Higbeit Aweni*~

Werld'i Pure Food

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ tl.HtKK LAkK. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Frill Huot aiMl Krnli* Hiilb-y alt<Dd* **d laitMir I lay m ('.rand IlapidK

Morg dign^ and family vlalted Charli-y Koapp uad wlfi laat Sunday

Annii* JooeH of Watertou’D visited at the booM- of T Hsrton last .Monday

Mre M J Kf>'OotdH of laumtng It rlalting her wn. (* I. Hevarilda. and fatnlly

Mt ami Mtv Harrer from lauMlng Tinted Mr and Mr^ Arthur St (Mair Sunday

Mlae hklna Fat<- and Mlaa ('asan Hrowu retrrmil from Maratawa lastM'l-diii-eilay

Thonute Itanon and wifi- visited at tbi- honii- of tiran? .lom-n In Wati-rtown last Sunday

SohiMil began Monday in th« Hrnwn dlnnrt with Miae fJertrud*- Ifoai of Ollvi- ae tmeher

Mr* Krni« ff«*lli •> ami I'hildren iH>»*ni Sunday .\:th Mr ami Mrt (:>-«>rg> !• n I.ian*ing

Mr .iD«l Mrv : hoiiuis I.tphaiii and iiauKht< r Mv*-! ,-!t**il r* latlv*-r- In.Middb-ton .i'l * . . k

.1 11 Sr-.'th .mil I>« n 1*1 vn» front.Mupb . 'Mi'll at ‘leorgi* Hrown - F';i!.i tnil Saturda>

Mr** It* *'•!• N'orri' and mm I.yb- from South vuii'il her niti-ti-f Mr* I.'*! t Hunt is?t \V*-dn*-»-day

Mr and Mrr <'laud <”oati*i* and «on Maiti'f from (.linKini; vi»it>-il Mr and Mr* <' L Hi-rmuds .Satiirda) AmiSundav

Mr .iml Mr^ ^b-org* Vanltyk* and him Lynn fn*rii Wai'-rtoe-n wn-r' guest* of Mr ami Mr^ Marvin lamk* tim Sunday

Mr ami Mr* Marvin lamkion. Mrs Kmie Hidiey and .Mr* .Mrmi Hutson attended the •xcurKioc to laikwoo W.dne*day

Mr and Mrh ll«*rt .Miam ami daii' ghter Klietnor from lainaing visited Mr and Mra Albert Martzke Satur­day and* Sundav

Mr* Frank Yam planiieii a sur­prise for Mian Pearl last Wednesday aftermMin In honor of her ninth blrtiMlay Twelve of her eohoolmatee and friemts heifieii h«*r to en>oy the ori-aaSon and remembered her with many lure gifts A liountlftil supper was served liesides rake and ire cream

jaba tt. aad birtbplare aa I aaafag. It jia ailobod tkat a youag woomui laaa- iaueradlag la mmim auirw, wbo wiabod I to jola bar awwiHaan la tb» Haat. appsarwd at tbe Halted Stataa ina-

jrlae oorpa rM-nUtlag atatloa la Oraad Kaplda Toeaday.

The prallinlaary esaaHnatloB waa hurrlwd tbraagb aad tbe proepective recruit sbowa to tbe beat room where **be" was aahed to rensove “bla** rlocbiag tbai tbe riBMladrr of I tbe physical egananatiob might be ftaiahed. After waltlag (or aa ubua-

, ual leagth of tlam for tbe ’*lad** to, appear, tbe offloer called "blm.” No reply belag rdoHvod tbe door was

: opaaad Tbe room was not occupied. tW window leading to tbe hail was; upon aad oa tbe floor aaar by was ’ foaad a lady’s haadberrbtef, wet ; with tears. |

♦ ♦ ♦

alaiM. -mat___ »----- I® ^ races at Itbaoa last wewk. waa.aew* n* «* tpZwT.* arreamd aa be coacluded bla race

I Farmers around here bad Just aot !iIt»^withoL.w K *•** ^ ^ aberlff Cllley! nicely lartsd at Iwwn pulling »*»«» dil ** * ^ ‘‘^rtloa Kle-!we were nailed by rala Sunday “ biCl!rii tf taa iMwn la Annrained continuously all day. *•«•- Arbor hoapiul under county expenseday was cloi^y and warm. TuewUy|^‘j* ^ (or her care..wet again. Tbe farm community are no»d Mlaa White a attorney ll.ioo. lajurv^ while milking a’hoping that we are not going to bavi ^ cow.any lengthy spell of wet weather un- i Henevle*e Idhlaler, b-yenr-eld- Tjjjg H|,. iijj^d time Ele^til the bean* are harveeted daughter of William Melbisler was niendorph has been in eourt <m the.'

The dance at the (leach bouae Frl-' bitten by a ratileanake Friday mom- ||•||)«. charge. The first time bis old >day ev«*nlBg last was largely attend- log The cm Id was playtng about the imirtgaged her lM»me to geted and mu<*b **n)oyed by th«’ iwrtlcl- l»am aad atenied <»b the anake She j|jm inoaey to pay the authorities(•ants The date of the next regular waa Mltm no the foot The Kltle |Then he refused to pay more and 'dancing party is Friday evening. Se|.- girl's fom is liwdly swoilfR. but tbe',,^ arrested and put under bond. '

Member l«th. but at the request of ' physician hopes to save iiei- life The xfter the limit of the iKind expired !several of the young jieople It has family live <« a iiiarahy piece of ,|j|| refused to care for bis wife 'been decided u* give a dan«*e on Sat- gvimnd about six mllew i^outhweat of |g qos- up ro the circuit courturday evening next lasting from K l*erry ,ggy a prison sentence. His <p. m. until 12 m Tickets 25' fM-nis. ♦ ♦ ♦ home Is in .'iaranac.This Is the date 4»f th* rDH>n Farm- J. ii. flibb*. a flagmaa al tbe ^ ^ ^er*’ Flub picnic and there will prob- Michigan (’4ntral lauisiDg street ^ Klrbard (‘mb* mt 'ably be a large aitemlance . rfwslDK m Charlotte, was very se- (>g„n,laga celebrated their .'.Hth 'wed- !

Extensive pre|«ratloos are be- rlously injured Friday afiermion jing anniveraary Wednesday In th. < tng made to entenain a large crowd while on duly, bis right hip being ,|,g, ^a* been their home in 'at th« picnic and aor tal gathering of (woken and his h»*wd and shoulder* ti|g( village for more than half a • • the Clinton Coiiniy Aksoclatlon of i»ad)y bruised Tb* acfident hap|>*n- century Mr and Mra (’otby located ‘ ’ Fiirmeni (’lubs to be held In Merle ,d while HIbb* wai- flagging a train jg Onondaga three years after their II lieacb park on Haturday next. Sep- trek and failed to notice an- tnarriage and a year later built th*temtier HUh The Merle Hearb bus other train backing up »m tb*- track Onondaga hotel, which they conduct- will <<invey |tasseng*-rs to ami fr»*m which b*- was standing. ,-d for a number of years .Mr (’ol-the suburban de|K,i In ^ of tiad 4 ♦ ♦ by ba* sold the hotel three timesweather th* tall room of tb«- hotel WIIHam t. Haakhnm sf since he built it and the same number _*^i***i *** '**‘*‘’* A*«*x *«t*‘*® l‘» koW OwiHtso. at tb«- next roeeiing of the of tlmeH has tmugbt It back again, the *their businesK meeting and council, will mtroduce a reoulution property at this time being In his ' ]*'Xercise* in ®*®* providing that tb* city ••stabllsh an name This (lopular old couple has .ner at the H*ach houa* should regia- lighting plant In •■oooectIon held a popular place in the social and '’**!LZ*® '**’ 4- u I u I with tb< water work* He says ihs* business life of Onondaga slsie IK.M I

The < lintoQ ( ounty itural Mail pjggj ^j|j <,,^1 jt^out fciu.iMMt ami Mve For 32 coBae<'utive years Mr. (’olby ■ * Carriers Associatlrm held their an- from |3.mMi to f.%.o«o a year, was elected juatlci- of tbe (leace In his,'niial picnic In Merle Heach i«rk on ,.jjy ^ {.atron of the C«>m- t«wn and refused to hold the *>fflc. , ,lailMtr I>«y The weather which wm* monwealth l*«»wer . wb<ia*' rates, long*T becaus*-, be aald. he was '•

1® >“*®> Are ex- too old to do the work. Hurlng his ) I............. ““ “* ' “*"* *' hortiitxnt I term of office be |>erformed upward of ■ < •

4 4 4 marnage ceremonies. .Mr Colby,;;, ^ .4b exchange gi*e* aa incident Iknl **• a®** wK** years of age. , I Ifamine* F^gle was repre^t*^ Illustrate* th* imp«»«*lblllly «»f telling a®** ‘®*’y *re still regarded as Onon- <•mrHer A H l^nneti, l-f.wN-r uy H ^.b,.r, the troubi* r-siilting from a dAga's grand old couple. ;;It TlM*rntoo. St ®y *•“•- n>«,rtgag*- will end A tlhtawaasee ! 4 4 4 ,•w w-’ . o » *1' L'I c**unty man mortgaged his farm to Hutting tala the Nannal rompniccl- ; IH .'**7*7'^^’w-K !, *' ^-dgar '•’’p buy bis wif* a pair of **arrlngH The lug of the AiMistohc Holiness church |<*son and L , ^*”*7'^''’’ *"*^.^.*1*^ ** *® washing* t»* iiay the In- at itemlnary |tark at Hwosso, a gen-j'’Heach by *rel Hildr*-th and Mr* t^re*t on th* luurtgagi. and the first tieman of fortune cleverly simulated 11 |Flora rfuor ’’'^rge .Stlnipson. I***** day I<»*t on* <if lb«- diamonds In the |profound piety iind got away with If..*. !*•**'®*'*‘** MerU- Heach and hi* wife ^^gj tried to hang herself in the of the money *»f John Wentworth ofw^ere also present After itaruki^ barn, but th* roi** brok* and she fell Sparta. Mich., as well a* small sums *»f a jdcnic dlnn* r the members of the „g ^ |jr,o jersey cow. breaking Its belonging to other* of the brothers asswiation held a busing toting g^,, Foll.iwing the service. In the ta*.-and when that was.-onriuded tix^ car-, 4 4 4 eruacle wer* the usual luanisfestita-tiers .u^ ihelr l^mllles spent the , Kcyuwld* ml IllMondale started tion of the inspiration gatber*-d at there*! of the day riding round the lak* *|h*w bis wife Im»w tu build a fire meeting The brother* and slatersIn the electn«- launcb and otherwise g ,g,. stove last week He sue- prayed. >ang and gesticulated and**njo>iOK ih*-mse|ves and all clalmeii very ni<’e|y In blowing up the the stranger with the mercenaryto have spent a pbwswnt and profit- stioe. waah Isdler. st*»ve pl|»e. him* nHitiv*- was not the l««st active of theable day ^g,j sundry other things, .ind all lot He plac«Nl one arm affectiunaie-

.. ~ . . „ , Ihmwus*- he falleil n. re.'ogntx*- the ly around Hrother Wentworth whilel»e (miltude •! hldcrty reapic fact That gaaidiD* was n»-ver made the up|H>slte hand was deftly locating.oes out to whatever helps give ,,, ,g building fires, .md h*- only and removing from the latter'* Jeans

them ease, comfort and str.ngth Fo- ^ p,g| After it was a plethoric wallet Then he danc*.dley Kidney lills cure kldn^-v and blad- ,,v,.r the doctor made u few re- «in i«» others to submit them to the jder diseases promptly, and gly* 'om- that tm* imsioffU**' deiNirtm*‘nt "touch."

*^^ .*** ** ***"*^ ^ *’*'”** *^ ^•xn- .ilb»w iM ut print Iwre .Moiio-ntarily .xiiiung back to tem-Slckle &* 4 4 4 |s>ral matters. Wentworth felt for

The village cNunHI wf lllMAudaie hi* wallet and lulased It He sought .tod Tom Sbsvn <»f that pla«-e are hav- the »|»ecial (Millce who kept order ng reai ni*'** tlm.*> tb* -e *lay* The on th*- ground* and confid«d to ■

:*.un« .1 •■•< *vitlv pH.->.sl a f**w lh*'iu lii* suspUions that th*- stranger Inan* *'* i* gard:Dg ;d* walks and start- had pick*Ml hi* tHM-k* ts. |* it '<• liiiild .1 Aaik >n front of th*- The pilgrim was Kras|*ed (ly th* -

' ^ Sloan pro|MTiy I Miring a lull In th*- officers, who start***! with him t«e jMifci- Maud K*^. n< r j* n ̂ he .....i.iov \||- sioau *«et fw«. men at w«»rk w-ard ti>wn while soiuelKidy ploined i

«>f Mr*; l^itti*- .*"« ii (lu'.iding th* walk wh. r* he thmight to tb** n-guiar |H>llce The officera.Miss Floss:* Snyd* r • oti ne n« i-*! ^ should l» Th** <ounc|| siopptMl had pr<s***eded but a short distance

-'•h*sd n Ow«.-e*» Tie-sluv .b,. tn»«i ***ii>iH>rarily and Sloan put with lh**lr (*aptive wheQ uf thetiiH**nrv 4 iirroll .md faiiuiy >|Mn’ ^ tms i> r.w4llng If you want to re«*eiv*t| a bunch of bard knuckl<*«

.Mondav on th* farm with hi* iiar- .(ikiw wh<* •* ls»s* h*-r** start »ome- ««n th** chin As (»♦* siugger*-d, th*, thing ■ Tom >s evid*'ntly an "In- str;ing**r Jerk*-d l*iose from the other

.Mlee Errmi Arnold visit* *1 h.-r |M»r- ^.urgent or a t»eH>gerant brotbei and mad* a rapid getaway.* nt*. .Mr .ind .Mrs i.e<*rg* \riiol*l. ^ ^ ^ Th** |Milic** ar** searching for thelas* Week HevelwpoicNt* in Ike ifKapcaraace pivk|MM'k**r but with little hope of

A S J*»rae ba* move*i i,i- ♦Hinily ,* Vermillion. • ashler of th* suc**e**In th* brick h*ius. form.-rly ..wne*i parroen* Sr Merchants bank at Mt 4 4 4by I) *7i»‘ler fb^sant ar* coming i..wly, hut an Jackson’* “Wind pigs" gfw having a

la*w Snyrt* r ba.- h»-**n iiavkmg ni- exaininntitio of the brsiks verify th** ij-rd tiin. of it 1st. ..niv a.,provenients •m bl* farm l.y riK.vtng fjanre,. given out Thur^lay. the de- ,be, have the *»ffU*ers of* the law to bis dorwt uarn |k>»ii*. -Xt . which are missing *oniend with but thev *re »*.•» i>.ine

Mrs Heile Smith was a guest of h* r amounting t«. flo.oiH. p, I20.O0U preyed uiK>n by ose^udo deii*ciiveacotislni* In Film. Mrs Lucy Hayes and (iffit-ers o' the i»ank have called in i ^ ^ . ud*> d ti*cilveafsinilv laat week .k . ^ 7. , tT ^7 ’be thirst em|s»r-rainiiv last w.*eK (b* indiv.duai d*iK»s(t b<joks. and an h*!- •*h-ia ....*•

.Mrs L C Vanliyn* -pent Iwst attempt will Iw made to straigbien unown but t»>ere is m i_-I nnw»-«*k with the Vanltyxx fainilv in nut th* affairs as far as ituosible It wher*- th** "sleuth" (vas md **.q<Mith Middiebiirv ____.K-. ........ J______ _ *^ber. the sleuth bas made a get-

qult** a number at home still ther* wer** several members «if the associa­tion present with th**lr wnv**s .md

44444444444444444 4 44 H. tfllMlI.KIH KV tM» HlTI» 44 4♦♦444444444444444

SvHith .Middiebury „*id that about Ro In curr*-«cy and with tsir'in h.iJt. ' ZMIsa Liia .Murphy is tb* guest «*f t2,u<Ki m orders and no«*-s have loom A*ioriiin* in ih.. >*

her Slater Mr** Allle s«iyd* r and found which will < ut the Inos down to -ulBir the round- m. n It* -ed** i * family this week gbout SIVoihi The .rfflcer. say they *“ ““ ‘J"

Mr ami Mrs li C. Carrf*!! visited will settle matters os fast as iKvasIble. L whisnerJt^ «nv rmMtiM their son. Henry. ;m.l family m but that the tumk will not resume urourj^.n'Ow.Moo lost .Sunday business again proprietor. *Mdered a bottle beer.

Mrs James aVnDyne :md Mrs Hert ^ 4 ^ * number of ivcrsons inVanliyne visited Mrs L Vanlivn* and Far scvccai week* a good caw kc- [J** i'i**'*! 11, ****! J*”"* *'’****Mrs Heeie recently Umglng to Frank \Y. Hloncher of ‘f**“ <'o«trary to

Miss Olive Halley Is spending -*.ni. Carson (Tty has bad a swelling on m**huill7*’^*'**-d**rK^****‘****tiiiH with her parents. Mr. ami Mrs tk* sid** <if her throat Mr Hl*®rhcr ‘ Informed the pr.eHalley, near H**odersun ap|.ll»sl Imiments and did various 1 al?!.,,"!! ’’IIT‘^i.****

Mr Mtirris of Ohio Is vlsitlna his other things as treatroeni but noth- I*!**iber and motkcr-lB-law. Mr .md igg seemed to bein The swelling ,_’^‘‘*rnr. to the station, forthwithfat her

Mrs Ihiniap. formerly <if OhMtng seemed to help The swelling became as large as a man's fist In corroboration of this statement he

Mr and Mrs Oeorge Huatoon wer* I few day? ago V"to*rk The" cow to , j?*’'* ’!*** his coni andthe gusotn of her sinter. Mrs James Adams Hms. veterlnortes aad un » star about the slge of a

A’anityne. W*dai<sda)r «»f lost week opening lb* swelling a large sixrd . ■» 1Itrs HHIe Smith entertalasd Mr darning needle was discovered ood .1^. .‘*''.‘*‘*‘**! inmiedlateiy .msu«d and

FsSttgg haw kvOosse 1^ «• awarvaamaat at tbs Mito ■oom soa wtaa to aaaoaaasg Saadrag m SOn.iMlb

Mays Hair HooMiHaad rsgatariy, taiigsfBisB tlagassti (Smosas inaasOM sT aaodrag, mmO tm tMsasor stem laiUag bait aoS albasb mms a bsafcby ■sawsO.

*^1 tbsogbt sf •mitag psa ittaMageahaa* ihaSontF

Bolia I bans

I base am»f

a rsTT aatVy aga. Ml •oaiMKta a vary I

I mill floor and mixed with “^.^^ke mos^yMl The Mvrdlr woo nmboble ** ’**” *•’* be left tbe place. Hc Tke IHiTTr in Afi-rwarM. mumed and saidwne of the sifting tak^toss In IT, “HII

later this was *vM4pnMniaed by the

darning needle was dlscover*d and w.—- ^and Mrs. C H VonOyne of (Jreely rena.ved. T* ^ ntrealies were mode by[CoL. Tuesday aad a part of Wedneg- uiggeher tkinkn the cow mutt ®a»»h^idny Aloo Mm latnea Vanliyne. bavc swallowed the B**edle in eating J? TinaiTJ^ ?* 51"*J???'’’'

Mr and Mra 0. (• CarmH were la some swtw^iags that were taken from l( bopin attending tbe funeral of Mr tbe grist mill floor and mixed with ^ reeefved tt-. Tbe moneyiClnrk lool W* dnisday. Aloo tb* olker feed iguonts of bio brotker. Anoon Carroll lofi on

Mr and Mrs A. H. Wklttoker are fixing aome i entertaining bts oMter. Mrs Bums, the milljond atece. Mrs Freeland, and daugb- 4 4 4 inyment nt |15.iters. Edith and Elsie, from New Jer- fbe all fleMa, or rnibtr fisid, of '^'*.** ***** *®®My plneca wer» **buB- !sey liella is attracting considerable * at- ^ ** ”**’

Mr. and Mrs H. c, Carroll and their tent Ion tbeee days On Huaday loot * tblkingioiece. Mias (Hodys Uromon. from tbe rtsftors numbered ahoat lki>. _____ ,:Canada. vlolted tbHr son. Hmiry Car- wbllc a large niiMber visit tbe spot.roll, and family in Owoaan loas Wed- wbere drilling Is going on. dally The ! Proak’^ J Chswsy mohsa aoth unt ha

y- well now being drilled on the Inoelle I «• —olm nariow mt the dm of r. is down to* a depth of over »dnfeet. MS feet of tbe distance being (B lawt that mM flna wUI sny tbSsMoTw tbe white aondoione. Tbe promotem' one ttcMDitRp D01.IIZ1W tm soak

laiH every cam of Cosarvb that

L<ean Voorbels and his mother. Mrs ; Mary Voorbels bsve returned to I Spring Arbor wber** leon will anstn , tnb** up Ms studies We vrtob btai

Mr. and Mra Derenberg and lit- .Ue dnngbler from (Ibk* ore the giMSU of his inoibeg, Mrs dblaebe •• ry. and husband. Aloo other frtvwdi


of the enterprtae ssaot be confidentthat oil m paying guoatltlea will be|m,s "^r^Nlcfound, ao they ore at a big daily eg- | bseem te hefers mtm and ml

TWAVis mamuT :;z

psnoe At the bole msntlsnsd 1 •w in lonw quoatlttsa la flowing maanuTeuBMt tbe stronm la 11 ogi iMcbes in sine It no indlmtlsni

Thumdny of Mat 1 oil are nsticed wttMn SSS or MS ^ Qxid. Mrs. KMapp. Mbo baa gnatner bole srlll be put dawn

nt bpr malber’a. Mra WHsotaab. RgMdny tbe drill pnonsd tbrsmal Mm tinn. acooMpnndsd bar bns- vein of pn. tM* odar of wblob In Ibsfr baam. Igufie nntlosnbis


day sf DssnA W. QUbAMOW,

^. Hall's Cotorfb Cars• aollr. and nets dMosMr



It Takes Good FtowrTo Make Good Bread, Cedtps or Pastry .

Cooks or housekeepers cannot pro­duce the best results in baking without the best materials. They all praise

Tube RoseFlour


Thousands of women who use this most excellent high-grade flour pro­nounce it unsurpassed in all the qualities that come from good se­lected wheat and careful and ex­pert milling.

Ovid Roller MillsOvid, Michigan

i I'M M I t f I M 1111 i 1111


Greatest State FairDETROIT, SEPTEMBER, 19-2‘Hh

All roads lead te Detroit to see tke ful display of

Live Stock. Machinery, Farm Products. Automobiles and the most amazing list of entertaining features

ever gadiered together.

Wrtgkt Brothers Aeroptsses la Four Daily Flights 145.060 In Harness Purses During The Bteek UghIty Horseshoxa, Presenting Wonderiul Animals Line Stock Department, Largest la The West Sts thndred Dags la Immense Dog Show Baud Concerts by Uberali aad 91st Highlanders Bands tig Free Ads Whkh Furnish ThriHs Eimry MfooteAafamobile taces Satarday, lacImUag OldIMd

aad De Patna—Aad **00. That ItMwoy**

to 1*11 to to K all.

$4 KememberSe Then, Okhigee SMe Ftk^uBTtorr, HI iiwii i9*a4tfk


“•HF'yailrlGaa masrikutg tm sat, tlj^a Mata WSSt Vld.

r SH£jsr. jattMS NBMUk THUASaAT 8. 1910.


ltepl«« BupMa kM Uni bM- r<gu<w pticiMT. Fr«« Sabwlts. wlw Mbak tn tbat cApadtT. havHm «o««* ta Fitat to try oat vlUi tli*> aiMo Itatir at a ■alary of fto.Ok par laoath. Talbot aad Kirby bara baaa murngmA to play with tba loaal tnam tbf balaaoa of

Hoy Hattlass aak 1. B. HawMt op- »<aad tbalr aaw maat marlMt to tba public Haturbay. Tbay bara rorarad tbf walls wltb ollrloUi aad tba floor with llaalavBt. bara aaw otaat bloBba a laarbla slab aad av>arythla« apiek and apaa. Tba boya bara put la a Itaa of twaaad n—ati aad ara prapar- ad to fttraiab anytbtac waatad la tba maat llaa. Tbay ara both wall aad

I favorably Icaoara to tba paopla of tbia vielalty aad wa pradlct for tbaai aa uaquallflad ■ueoaaa.


Our local •cbool opaaad Moaday. Wm. Wii«bt vlabed la North abode

**|| *B. Face baa baan vary alck tba------

• aiek withICIaa Pbyllla Horr w« bow**] troubla laot waak.

P. P. Slaitqulra of Imaataa waa la town oa bualaaoB laat ^aak

niBobua Plour la gpowtag In pop- ulartty. It la •©« by 8. P. Horr.

Claud Crook la bartaa hla raaldaac* traatf*d to a ooat of paint ln»ldr aad out

Mlaa Mar Bakar of Mt. Plra tbr Rurat of Mr. aad Mra Brown laat weak.

I Impure Mood ruaa you aakca you aa aaoy rtctlm for orgaalc dlaoaaaa. Burdock Blood Blttaro pur-

',lflas tba blood—cures tbe cauaa— builds you up.

♦ ♦♦ OLNBT. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Ray Fraach aad wife ware la Oaroa-ao Wadaaoday.

Jaaala AJbausb la worklac la a raaalBR factory la Owooao.

Mias Matle Raadall, wbo baa boaaTialtlBR arlth relatlrao la Battle Craak and Owoaso. returned honaw Friday.

R was A daughter was bora to Frank Lewis MrCullouRb aad wife at tbe home of

bar pareau. Marrln May. aad wifeDon Kera of ChlcsRo visited hla l»>idneodsy.

mndpareau. Mr. and Mre J E. The wind and ball storm of Sat- Joaea the past week urday did ooastdeimble damape to

•Foreet Conley eater* Ferris' school bulldInRs. treea and the crops which at BIr Kapida this week where he will Is s heuvy loss to tbe farmers.Uke s rommerrlsl course Mrs. Mary Olney dlwl at the home

Dr n. B. Mose sad MIse Thressa of her son. tkeptaen. Saturday morn- IBirTln visited Dr. Moss's father. A. inp after an lllaros of 22 moaths.J Moss, sad wife In Toledo last week. SRed 7k years, two moaths aad seven

^oyd Crook returned to hla home day. Hhe had been * patient sufferer In Elsie last W«Mlneadsy after a tbrouRhout her illness. She leaves abort visit with relatives and friends s brother, s dauRbter and aon who

sdinlBlstered to her wants sad who Miss Maud Bcotr has >*niasRed Miss did all that could be done to reHeve

Helen Cole of Reed Hty as trimmer ^ her. Hbe was a hiphly respected la her millinery store the comlnR woman and a kind friend. Funeral

services were held by U Baker and Rti Breaneman of Postons. Ohio. J. E. AlbauRh at tbe church. Burial

was In town last week. He Is visit-' In Py>rd cemetery. Amonp those wbo > inR relatives and old friends tn this came to attend the funeral were Geo. vicinity. Hoard and wife, P*rank Randall aad

)fr». Fred Martin, who has been vis- wife. Kupene Dlllawortb and family Itinp her stm. Dr. R. L Martin, re- of Asbiey and Mra. James I.add of turned to her borne tn .*laRtiia» last Ols and Reuben Cummlnps sad wife W«dnesdsy. I.^ta.

Mr aad Mrs Rupeae Parr aad dsu


•Mp Hells Owar sa Capt. Barsbs aad'^ Hs Burrawa Hla Way Tbreupb

Tba moot tarrHyinp ■npsrlrars that wear bsfsH Captala Leals ■erebo. tba ' deap aaa divar wbo will appear ua tba Midway at tbe ceoilac Mlchlpan state fair, happsasd whlls he waa ; worfetap on tba wrssb at a larps poa- sanpar stsamar uB Baras«at.,N J.

Hs was saarehlop for tba badMo of tbs paassapsvB sad wblls In tbe cabin of tbe staaaser, the vessel rolled over, tnaklag him a prlseaar. Luoklly bla air boos was hot broboa or ehaekad aad wblla ba waa onabla to aaswar ; tbe slgaals at bis tsndars oa tbs sar> i Asm, tba lattar caatlanad to asad blm 1 tbb IlfeRlvtas sir tbroapb tba boos. | For BBprly two boars hs was busily | suBSMad la burrowloR his way oat j through tba mud la which tbs vassal . Iny.

Hla Ufa Haas sad air boss wars ; hapalaaaly sataagled la tba wrsekags so ba aavad bljaaslf by outtlas tbsm fras. naatlap oB bla wslshtsd bait aad shoaa Tba air iaalde bis aruMr broUBbt him la tbs tap with a rush, aad tbara ba was Sabad out by bM mea mote dead tbaa aliva.

It Is la talllap about sad deeeiiMad saeb eaperlssi sa aad than abowtas bow they happen under water that Captain Borcho has achieved his reps- tatloa as sa sntsrtalasr aaeoed to ttoae. Bvarywher* h« has shown his dlvlap act It has mads s preat hit and ths stats fair manapemant eoa- sldsrs Itself fortuaate tn ths extrema In betap able to present Borcho to Mlcblpan people. 'Tlie widespread In- I tsreat In squsties. It Is be'.lsved. will result tn dorcho's show being a stroog drawlnp card at tbe state fair.

.POi//in all die and shdes




pht>‘r Merle and Mr. and Mrs B W. Hewitt made an automobile trip to Crysul Bunday.

Mise I'ansy Payne left last week for CoTlnpton. lad., where she will teach music and drawlnp In tbe pub­lic school this year.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ FKXMORE. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Gust Olson has sold bis farm.L. J. McQuiston went to Owosao _________

.Miss Edna Jones left last we«k for .Sunday.Greet Falls. Montana. wher»* she has tVm Evans has a telephone in uls WBIONT AKROPLANC a p<»eltlon aa teacher In ’he public bouse now. CIRCLING 0R0UN08ikrfaoois of that city. | The little aon of Carl .Meacber Is

Mr and Mrs. Vernon kiwyer visit-i still very low. Showlnp tbs wonderful maneuver*ed relatives and friends in Howell Cbss Washburn. John McQuIston. to ba seen at the coming .Micbtgan last week. They were sccomi>anled are on the sick list. Detroit. Sept l» Mrs C. .N. Cowlee. Archie Herahey spent Wedneeday , _________________

R..bert and James Anderson at- *« *»*• krandmother s. Mrs. M.tended the 4&th annual reunion of J their regiment, the 23d Michigan. •'**’ Mrs. which was held at Davison last week.

Mark and. Etblyn Mef’rumb are on the sick list

James H. Fish campaigned the county last week.

Mead I^ennard's youngest son is III with bowel trouble.

Mrs. Cook sprat last week with her sister. Mra. Grace Coaroy.

Mias Nettle Bates spent Sunday with Mrs Wsiinp at Bunfleld.

Mrs H. A. Snyder returned from her visit at Htsotnn aad Weldrosn.

Melfnrd Frost of Red ('reek. .N Y.. is rlsltinp his mother for a few days.

Miss (k>ss of Portland came Tues­day mornlnp and school Is In full swinp

.Miss Allle Warner returned to re- stime her ecbool duties last Sunday aft »■ moon

.Mr and Mrs David .Morris went to Tusc«Sa county to attend the fun­eral of a cousin.

Zanah Hazra. Reva McCrumb. I.ieah Hunter and A. I. Mrl.aiiiaon are at- tendlnp school In Grand I.^ge

Mrs .Nlcbols of Grand Rapids is here caiinp for her mother. Mrs. Pen- olngtoo. who has bera seriously III for a week

The Simmons Cemetery Society will

New arrivalspopular Shades

httvy ettougfi to teke tke cUi off mod bright enough to wiBtch tl« riot of faB coloTB. You won’t be able to reriit them at our prices ao coane now and have the OBe of your faH wraps the ful season.



Farmers AttentkmIt will place many dollars in ypur pocket to call

and sec us about

FERTILIZERWe can give you the names of several successtul Farmers that have used our Fertilizer and are going to use them again this fall. Remember we handle Darling’s FertUixer, the best that is made. Call and we will tell you nil about it.

Do it Now

John Hicks

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦{♦ K.i4ILE. ♦ ♦ KMKITB41TTOH. ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦!♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

ill arltbMrs Kuapp is seriously ncurmlpia of the heart

Bean harvest u in progress. Only a few were drawn before the rains

W. E Knight was very seriously Injured laat week while craaklop bis new auto.

A number from this rlrialcy attend- ed the Labor Day celebration at latingsburg Monday.

.Mr. and Mra. C. Gotdy. who have been visittap at .Mrs C P. Sleight's, spent lh(> latter part of the week at John Sleipbt’a.

The L A S of the .South Olive church will meet with Mta Will Case the third Thursday of this month. September 15th. Everyone is Int'lted to come

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ K.IHT HAMILTON. d>♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

.Mrs. Janies P^llle^ iia« bran on the


their daughters from Grand Rapids Nightly Display of Equine Parformara

.Mlaa Freda .Seuertngton is attend- inp school In Detroit this tali.

.. __, . __ John Heynolda aad family havemeet with Mrs^ FrM \ raAi^urp an vlsltlnp the past week at the

at State Fair Will Be ■tienal.

.Mrs Rebecca IhWiick Thursday, Sep- of A. V Shellterober 15th.

Mrs H. Ccousin the firat of the week They took her to Laaalnp Wedneeday lo their automobile.

The M E. Aid Society will holdPerhaps no other slnple feature ot _ ____ _____ ^ •»«* »**»“«• *»••«»« »rranpad 1 fair at the town ball

Ethel Seed- ** M*®^**k“ State Fair, whi<^ September 17th Chicken pie suppertakes place in Detroit. Sept l»^24th ,r, repetables. etc.baa attracted so much interest as the ________________

Mr* Ed. Hubl^l and Mrs. ^lllp [.aullea don't forpet the Aid Society Lanslnp of Crooked l.ake are «i^- q g saadford'a Septemberlap their sum^r vacation visltl^^latlvea and friends in town aad vl- Mamie McKay and Huph''****^^ McOulston visited Mra

Mr aad Mrs Martin Hulburt of St. i ford Thursday evealnp.Johns visited relatives In town pan Mrs Alice I‘nntlus and children. ...... uof last week. They were acovmpanted who have been vlsltlnp relatives here, horse show in the blp show Breadby Mrs I..#e Hallock. Mrs H'llburt’s pave returned to their home In Elk- *“ ^*** k^od stand. \ ^ novel bread book baa justmother hart. Ind. Interest in horses in Mlcblpan. and been Issued by the I*assenper depart-

Georpe Anderson started last week Ghas. SuUlff waa very seriously la- Dsiroll •specially, baa not wanted lo nient of the Grand Trunk Pacific for Livtnpstoae, Montana, where he Jured by his horse beoominp fright- P*** years, and W. C. Mor- Railaray. The cover Hi an Imitationwill take ciiarge of th*- commercial ened at an auto and throwing blm In superintendent of tba bors« „f bread basket Inside the "tiaak-tlenartment of tbe Park county pub- the ditcb He Is In serious oondl- !*•» fl*G*Hng suceeas • numlver of lllustratlone plc-

^ - *’**'"^ Fuller made a business trip^venpon • to Columbus. Ohio, the last of the

weak. Mr* Fuller aad son accom­panied him as ter as Owosso arhsre she visited her daughter.

Ur schools.Mise Arvllla

tlon but Is Improving slowly. in Interastmp the blp stabiss In Mloh- iturlng tb^ bivnd winners at work.Brown comro-*nced

-teaching tn the Hunter dIstrloA in ^**^,*^1** Gw«»sao Friday.North Shade this week Her mother **** '*•** ***■ Mrs. 8.accompanied her and will visit for a Ncijulaon. for a few dajrs aad

Mrs J. A Kirk and sons. J. A.. Jr.. ‘*®®- •»<* Kentucky In

then return to their borne In Rochest­er. Hafew aieeks in that vtdalty

Rev S W. Potter and family Wt _____for their new home In Romeo last HmwH

r:n;;r. svUd.^ .b. *.d aoc.«r b.f«r. .b-r ^

'of nerve weakness, and to produce Mr and Mrs. John Chick and Mlaa perfect and restful sleep, can buy

Itonon Chick ail of Alma drove over p,i,, irlthout rlaklng a cent.M wwak ^ took poaae^oa of These great nerve and manhood bulld- their gramhnothsr. Mrs Amelia Hal- Vrs are sold by VanSIckle A GlaapisST*' ’*‘**‘'’*‘ •••" »“ **• principal rsra-■he asa^ te tPe <*re of her i and do not substitute,sons wife. Mrs. Dell Chick, who la____________ _

this nightly featureThe* best tbe breeders have prrv

liuced will bs shown In a large num­ber of classes, while celebrated men

ploughinp. reaping and threahlnp M-enes. and ninniup through the pic­tures are the wonderful stories of progress and development of that

: wonderful West now wskinp at the


Will Be interested in the Story ol This fCansas City Wosnan.


A Pair of

Scissors♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ HHKPIROHYILLE. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

and women diivere and riders will > touch of the steel fingers also appear to, show their favorltra tirand Trunk ftecific All manner of horses will be Included, the pnited saddlers, high-stepping hsrneea horses, roadsters, the busi­ness horses, the blph school horses-— all will be given tbefr chance to please and tbe nutoy special ribbons and prises will bs fought for In a ■pltitad manaer.

Those wbo follow tba brsadtas game as applied to horaos will ba pleased at tbs class of stables rag-reseated In tbe entries thus far. aad tbs nightly horse show will In Itaolf draw thousands to the grand stands each night

of the 5tf

ywa la awsteU

.Miss Beth Hnsql spent Monday in Oarosx**

Mias Martha Shepard of Seattle. WaahlDgtoa. Is visiting her father. D. R Shepard.

John Walker aad son Thorn of 8t


"Plying Banvarda” Will PIsasa Many OwHng Stats Pair Waati.

OBITI'IRT EnBAKD REXALET Edward M. Reraaley died at tl'e

home of hts mother. Mrs George Hlank. In Southeast Wsabtagton Sun­day, Septenkber 4th. 1910. of bemoe- rbage of tbe brain, aged 32 years ard 12 days. He was born In Ridgeway, I..enawee county. August 22. 1k7k Re- ■tdee bis mother he leaves a boat of friends The funeral services were held at Christian church at Eureka Ttiesday conducted by Rev Mr Lr- man interment In Eureka cemetery.

ITH " place over Sunday.A M*'- Mr* K. Fuller and daugh­

ter of Ovid were oallsra at F. E. Hasel's Monday evening.

The Queen Rstber Circle arlll bold- M ___ LJ- c J M A n»«»tl»« »» the par-ISC €Jr* Doubm Eagim phomm eonage Friday of this weak at 2 p.

Boardmnn BIwnod of Pontiac was only to ear ressawMV* ws are iMkiay t£ gveet of bis grandmother, Mrs/

wateaswi •etsssrs usually R. Hasel. from Saturday until Tusn- ssll ter tte bwt ws are aetac lo pvsssat yata wttto s pair frse. '


RINWHAX GKA.N44E.Program for Saturday evening Sep­

tember loth. 1910: Song by the tlraage; roll, call, answered by quo­tations; reading. Allle Veeney; solo. Gleans MoConkey; speech. Orley Norris: Instnimenlal music. Rva Ta­bor: redtailoB, Goldie Palmer; se­lection. orchantra: refreshments.

After Year* of Tsrvlbls Saffsrlag 9wTvted Dr. WlSteww’ Pbte FBb and

Mis* Florence Whiishoase, a mnme teacher, of No. .530 (Jakiey avenne, Kan­sas City, Mo., found Dr. Wiihama' Pink PiUs exactly raiSad lo bar caae and hat ears should encourage othar irntnan te give tbsae ptUa a tnal. iHwaaya:

*‘A fast yaata ago I waa aflUoted wNb wanknaas, which (oUowaii a savara ateaek of malaria. I had asvata paiaa throngb tha mnall of my back aad ooald hardly move around. It apamad that*vary bona in my body waa dors I araa «Ihmugh all of the tuna Dunag ths warmsm days of summar I would haai ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦lo dram with haary clothing. I waa joal ♦ ____ ^like a tealaton and kept loateg Stell. I ♦ BAST DBWITT. ♦•ould have lerribla haariachm. My hand A ^

Bd ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Fumed Oak is the LatestMission Finish,

IT IS A BEAUTIFUL SHADE OF brown and diis near Bnisli wiD appeal strong^ to lovers at Arts and CraftsFurniture. We are showing a complete library suit in this new finish end will socm hnee e complete dm> ing room suite from one of the good fnctories. We

fteisb as wall as tbe rwst of the new



fall aa thou^ H waa arhtiilag My people UKmght I waa going i •nmplion and I did not caia whalhar 1 lirad oior not I wna siak for naariy

joon walker and aon Tborn of at Mur teams of aerobata aoneartag prorsmsni undar hm trsae

With Every Pair of**Majes-

and Mtw. Cbaater LaPolet of---------------------------- Indiana were guests of hla parwete.

_ Mr. sad Mrs. Qeerge LaPotat the

Look at Our U a. 8. will meet at Urnpnraoenee ThnraSny. eagtiaabsr ISth. at 2 p. m. Supper will ba aarvad. All are lavlted to attend

Meadamaa F. B. Hasef end H. A Parmalra, Claude Oolag and th*

T—yr*. ‘t- Mll^i»MiuNs«r*i» iiBpro All Olsott, Harris Oatat

rAaaoM tbrowsi* ta» mhook Aasi aad B^th Haaal tlia taaebra*ra^^w^.^telas*« raeew tIsM* Sge twOtut# iB SL Johna Saturday.

2Sg Barpssta

mra wra. ra ra the brat ooug


will ae ^***>*S tba medtclaaa tbat are rae-ees la ommsndad aad eadoraed by pbyal-

ciaas and auraas te Kemp'a Dalaam the brat oougb enre. IN»r many jreart

lardad by daatora aa tin llbaly to onra noneha

atroeg bold on tha aa- wnll-lnfortead paagla

Barapte lateam flanaot aara a we ahail ba at a lean te heaw

MICRiT^'* ^

caugbt while very young aad trained for years uadar expert Buropaan ' MBK H. II. 41KMEH BEAU, gymnasts." The public can rarely Mrs. H. D. Ormee of Blngbam died ever. If at all. tell If this Is so. bdt M an rariy hour this mornlag fol- whra tha thousands .of Sute Fair i lowiag aa operation Wednesday for visitors ses tha dartag work of tbs ' the removal of a tumor She Is sur- "Flylag Banvards." one of tbe free ' rlred by her bnaband aad two chll- oat-door attrnetkMte on tha Midway of drra. the son Leon being now in the State Fair, they win recogntoe northareet Canada, and tbe daughter, uawaaal aklll and conslderabte marlt i Mlaa Helen, residing at borne la tbe work of this troups ”

Tbers are four mea and two wo­men comprtalBg this ooaspaay, and tboy raally wars brought up aa gym­nasts and asrlallsta. Tsars at train- log has mads their work olsaa wrt and speetaoalar la the sxtrptes- ncle aad dqgble sammersaalte. 'leng

'nc aad other fsats on tha trap- ar- will fnrnlah aa attrncttve

r form of eatertalasMat vlaltors. The ‘*Flylng

■•'e romtag over from igo. have retoraad oa

- VI to their own conn-to -itii ’tnatlatad applaaae

Robrer, DMte A Meyers of DeWUt;years an* palatlag Edward Mahar'a aew

"I waa under tha oara of a doater for barn IWTsral months. He bapt me alias and Warden Kym and Walter Ge4aen- |that waa abuwt aU. I oonkl aaa no im- are attending tba Bath high

t undar bis irsatmsnt and. as ati .1, i Mrs Anaa Hall oH.easing spent a |' is ss o.c™ h.,.-u.

rtTw W<& lb.. I tawd Ol , J VotrtiM OltObirf tb.

Ip .-I— .1___ * leachera’ meeting held at St Johns: ctuings

'Pand great nucesaa Tbay have ap­peared oa all tbe Mg ctrealts la thenmtad Staira aad are known te the amaaemant warM as tha bast asrfal sat bates shown.

■qiTITT.One lawyer—Theaa wttnaa

that thar dent know andh MB randy to prove that th«r

WE MAT ILL con TO IT.An Inventor wit and punster aoked

tbe captain of a craft loaded with boards bow be managed te get dinneron tbe paaange.

*wrhy." replied the skipper, "we al­ways rank shoard."

'•Cook a bedrd. do you"" rejoined tbe amg; "then I see you have been well provided wHb prnvtstOB* this trip St all crents •'

N.*'l Kt»R HIM.n * ... wtrr" vsld the mar

■♦’o protnctlag th- Ma Irrtga--t **vster 1* the Tnn«t ral-

■-**'1^ . Wf, )M|V<•7’%. » ..t’ -* It 5iib " replied Ih-

s< jitlemsn fron Keatucky "I wiP n* vh invest a dnllah s’lh in snv

i'». ■ e-hfh •••eb latoilehxhie oondl lion* orevall ■—Cbl«*g.» Rerard Herald _______ ____

Tbe oMdi who teslte a gc "me of life never spand Mueb tteM L » ..'te ant haw Mb STS did It bsfer* fw... A paak Of iBltlatfve te wwrtb a oMiand of tteltetten

uapmve moeh but whila thsrs I baard ofDr. Williamo' Pink PlUa. and aa soon as . ^ ____ ___^I arriveil boom I hagnn to take tham. I meeting neto atOOM^l AAA k HMIAIi CtMAflA AfiAf A aMoAA ll^At teuy I tekl^doSJr^ihirrwlMdr ^r. and Mrs Noah Wilhelm sprat tag and he advmad ma lo continns wHh Sohday with Mr. and Mrs Eugene ; them. He said they jnst hit my ann^ 1 Forbes In Riley.*teak the pills until I Iwsnma waU and School began at tba Imve school . terong again asid I imva steea b«D In Tuaaday wMh Mlaa Delia Gardner of

rbaalth I chaarfnUy fasoteeated Rath as tracber.WillmaaP Plhk PUto to w«^ wo- Hrary Sobm* purnbaaad a ftee«

oten.” , three-vsar-oM boras of tenaat Cites :Two halpfal hooktete, "Dtetetegof tha tof Bath laot weak.

■teod" and "Plain Tbiha to Wotete," > Mrs Laute Yoteteat vtoksd her par- ghrlng ssoee lafonnatma abate the Mte- | Mr aad Mrs Alphaara Itelver, ^ady wUl he ssntfira on a potealatedte- rSwra Saturday. i

Mr* Biward Mbhar aad two dan- ’ubtera returmad front HIMe Wodneoday [ after a areekte rtelt.

Sehool begaa at the Lott oahml laat Monday with Mlaa Berates Moore of: Grand Raptda aa tsaehar.

Mra F Sleight and two sons spent ♦ Monday and Tuaaday with bar par- f •nta. Mr and Mr*. Noah Wllhetm. «

Mlaa Mary Hcralmg aad Mtea Web- . | sier of Ghlcagn are vtettlag tbe term- ! er'* brother. William Horning, of this, Iplace

Daniel KIwaager and th* Mlaors Ida Lerg and BeraNk) Maore attended the toaebsro' msstlsg atSaturday

Mr aad Mra. Fred teasllyMrs. Oadinp Slisk

rhamw in

I Meat MaiiEet!Hnviag bonght the Mest

Ifmrkct on Higham ttrsst fonnetiy owngd by H. L. CrotetU I am prspacdd to furniih the trade with tbe

BEST the Stock arket Affovris.

AU ordgfg phoaed No. 41 wiU receive ^prompt aad

; Wm. H. Crowel i

SLYEDr. WillteiBB Pink PHIa am oold byaU

drauiste. or will be sate, paateafd, on raesite o' P^kw, 30 oante par Son: Ms boxes for S2.30, by Ihs Dr. WQUagte Marlkine <'ompsuty. Sshanaotedy, If. T. The gsRutas are sMd osily in paaiH|Mi bsartna ths lull trade-malv, "Dr. wA> homs^nak PIUs for Pate rrTrph "





wmht fc**r*gt|(

aad Mtlla aan Ghrl # i*-*—,>sra.t
