THE ST. JOHNS - Clinton County


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Transcript of THE ST. JOHNS - Clinton County

THE ST. JOHNSVolume IX.—No. 44).

A SAD FATALITY!Paul Martake Drowned Friday

at Merie Beach.

He Plunired Overboard from His Row Boat

Aod Belof UaaOk to Swia Lott Hii Ulc.

a wiuKular in tiiiM* i» «lMC«tv>rmi. Sev*^lMii ,rMrM h|Co tbiM I'umintrAuuUMt. ChaM. Whici^, u .vouuk niaii <4 1'.* y«<Mn«, wh'Nw* |iarviitii in tb«

waM witliiuai«'wnKln oi tilt'|4a4'i* \rb*^ Marttk«‘liait Ilia life iumI aa it may M«*ni juatM'vaiiti'HU yt-ara prrriuua to that a mail hy tli*> iiuiii** of \V«4toii waa ilrowiitNl in <»nly a ft*a‘ f*^t of wat<^. lie a'lia not liiai'tirerxi for aarernl iioura anti iIm* t'lMiae of Ilia tirowniDK in aiicli a aliallow a|Mii waa iieTer known.

.VKKI) .NOT I’AV.l»t'l*l..\lN llOlUtKNK.N NOT OllLiaKll

T«t cAaa rr.

Water Only six Feet Deep Wbere He Went Down.

Paul .Martzke, a'^Itiley townahip farmtr'a aon, >%'aa ilroariieil at .Merit* lietu’li about four oVIoek Friilay alter- noon.

Yoiiiik Martzkf, who'wnatwenty-three yeara of a^e a*vure«I a li.iat alMiiit half (UMt three and atartetj out to Hah; he rowed acroita thelaketo theaouthe.iat aitle and remarkeil to Mra. All»ert Whitaker and Miaa (iraee Heath, wht> wen* liahiiiK from a lioat in that vicinity that In* had

luck the liny iN-fttn* on that aith* of the lake and Ix'le vi*<l he would try it .'Mrain near ther**. lie |Hiaaei| them aiiii when a few roiia fartherl)el«iiVHtteiiipte«i to throw tint Ilia anchor. .Va he «iitl a«i he loat Ilia balance aini fell heauhint; into the water. 11** tyime up anti icralilieti for the iMiat which tnrnetl <*oiiipletely tiver and threw him uinleriiealh it. He caine U|i th.* afi-tMid time uaii Hiieceethal in j;ct- tini: aatriiie tif the IhiiI, but he had no aooner tione ao than it lurchetl to oi.t* all ie let till}; tint the air which buoyetl it up ami it atiiik.

Martrke who. hatl by thi- time Iteeome thorouirhly fri.:htenet| c;ilhti frantical'j to the ladiea he had paaae.l •MJrace come and help me. I am tirowniuu.'’ Miaa Heath, wliti ia only aixteen yeara oM.atarttal at niw her boat towaiiltie* iieri^liiiiu ni in but her coiiipanitiii feanti that .\1 irtzke who waa a power­ful fellow would tivertiirn their boat and iii'i'ttal that tlielteat w.iy tti render iiiil wouhl la* to row towaril the himiintr ami »ea-iire the le lp. With an awful expre^-

Nu KAUejr l*rtre Will Have to l»e I’witl for tiir *’Wurld*a Kwir" Mlwllion


Theca«*of the .Stniwberry i’oiiit Hank of <iria*l\, iowa. axaiuat twelve IbiplHiii townahip larmerH and biieinewe men which waa lii'cided affainat the bank ill the circuit court and Nubniitt«*«i to the !*ii|»n*ine court a few weeka a»fo Wilt* deciihal thia w:*vk by the liiKher (‘tjurt which attirnied the tieciaion of tin* cin-uit. Theaiiit waa bmiiirht tonttiver the priM-eetli. of 11 uute Kiveii by K. C., l^wia I’l'ck. lieo. Itiafoni, Thoa. I*eek, K. M K’limert, (i**o. I’artbiw, 11. K. Wiltae,• II. Miinaon. .V. II. VVa.v, W. .1. NVataoii. Will. |i. iiartwick and .laa. W. l.a*wia, of Ibiphiiii towiiahip to .\. It. HoUa*rt, a atiN'k raia»*r of Iowa. Tin* amount

I.l'iOO waa iriveii fi»r tin* purchaa** of tin* alallion ”.\lmoiiar'' and a ato«*k ctim- |uiny tiitcanizeti for mauatfint; the biiai- neaa. Thev refuaed to Jia.V the mite c|>iimiii|{ that the home had la*en mia- r<*preaeiitetl to them ami that In* waaiiot wtirth toe.xct'itl f2lMl and that he hiol not taken certain priiea at the WorhI’a I Fair which In* waa alleKeil to have re- tfiVetl. I

The note in the meantime hatl la*t*n aohl iti the .'itrawberry I'tiint Hank anti they brtnitfht aiiit aa iniitM’t'nt piin*haa*ra to recover. Tin* iioti* prtivithtl for at­torney te»-j. in ctiae of forc«*tl collectitiii ami thia tin* th-femianta i*laiiin*<i math-it a non-in*uotiabh* inatrumi*iit. In rebut­tal to |Miitit the bunk t'iainietl that the mite hiiviia; lieeii trivi'ii tti Iowa imr- tiea ami lieinu iiehl in Iowa waa an Iowa { '•ontracf ami aa aiich waa aubject to thej liiwa of Iowa III itaprivih*if**aaniipouera. . .Imltfc Dabtiil ln*iil that tin* inalriiinent I havinu i>een liriiwn ami aiKnt*ti ami I <ltiie«i in Ibjpiain iia the oiitctniie of a | aale imnh* in that towiiahip xvaa a Mich- 1 ■icnn f'oiitnw't ami iia aiich waa aiibje*'t ; to the lawa of thia atatt*. The note j ahowetl an eniloraenn*nt ol •titui. F**- j deara tV NValbritljre Ji|l|a*aretl tor the tie- I femiaiita ami K. H. I.von fortlieplaiutiff. |





Will it be Now to the Close of School.

Work Of Thirteen Seniors Finished.

Cowaeaceaeflt Excrciics to be oa Wedoeedoy Evcoiof.

A Class of Seventy Elrtatta Graders to be Promoted.

^ They Will be Paid a Loving Tri-i of I le\t*laiid, weft* wi*il and happ.v and' ^ *I the proud iiurenta of a little aix iiioiitha < j old Imby. Toda.v tliechihl iu an tirphau. i j .Mr. I*ian*e, who ia a former t'lintuii ' ieouiitylniy, haviiiK livetl iH*ar Ftiwler, ‘ ..waa takeu ill at hia home with typhoid By the Comrades in Blue who arcfever and aoon aui*<*uiiil»eil to tin* rav- j Lcfl.

I a|p*a of the tliaeaa.*. To carry out tlie j wiahea of |»er huabaiid -Mra, l*hTe»* ! -----broiitrht thebod.v to Fowler for buridl ami liefon* ahe t'oiild retuni waa taken ill with pimuiiiouia from which nIh* tiled .Sunday. Her iiiutimr who livi*a at f’levt*-

I laml waa winai autj t-aim* on tuiti ar- raii|;e«i to take back th** reiiiaiua ftir bur­ial. .Mr. Pierct* had lUt.iNHt life iuaur- aiH*»* aud a fort.v acn* farm in Halliia t«- Ifetber willi Minn* |a*raoimi pniperty, tin* whole aiiiuiititiiiK to ainiut $.’i,tNNi. Tina of ftiUeMi* t(Oea til tlieeiiild aildtliert* waa eoiiaitierabh* fiiat'iiaaion lH*twei*n tin* iiiatenial irramiiiintlier ami the iiatenml )fruniIniir«*ntH aa to who ahtiiiltl iiavt* tin* fualooy of the chilli, imt it waa at*tth*«i by .Mra. Pien*<*'a iiiotlier takiuK tin* tdiihl bock to <'levelainl wlien* aln* rtiiia a lioartliaK liurae. Tin* Pien>* faniil.v are pria*|awtaia aud well to do fannera ami t*oiihl pnividt* an e.xeel|ent iioim* for tin* <*hilt].



The fiillowinK aia«ial iiia|iHtch frtmi .South Heflii in util r«*aauriaK to irienda oi

Occasion Will be Oboorved With Unns- ual Fervor TMt Year,


aioii ol aU'in.v on hia Ihc<*, evidently n*al- iziuu tlint he wtia la*yoml human aa- aiataoce. .Martce aaiik into the water anil waa not Het>ii atruin until hia lifei«Ma biMiy waa taken from tin* bottom with a^rraie liuK hook alniiit an hour later. Dr. San- fortl, tif D<*\Vitt, who hatl lieen aiim- inonetl by telephoin* wim on liiioil when tin* btnfv waa retniveretl but the inior yoiiiiK Mbiw' Wtia iieyoiid rmuM'itatioii aud medical akili waa |M*werl«aa to re- ntun* the health ami life which theytiiiiiK man htiti heiil a<i liKhtl.v but a few iim- meiita in*fore iittieifmtminKof thetlaiiicer which waa to cniaa hia |iath.

There wen* aeveral HahiuK partiea oii the lake at the time of the atv*iilent but moat of them were ttni far away fnim tht*M<ene of the trouble to render aid. Philanmua Kinimma ami hia Min-in-iaw, Frank <>wt*n, wen* not far away it ia aiiiil. but they aup|NNie«l Martxke waa in fun. lui the.v thought In* wtia ImtliinKaml |iaid no particular attentitiii to him un­til it waa tiMi late.

Thi* apot when* Murtxke waa tln'win**! waa very shallow, tin* water lieiuK bur a triHi* over aix feet th<**|i and If tin* youiiK man liml hatl an.v exiierience in manipulHtiuM a Imat In* t*oulii umioubt- eily have aavetl liimaeif. but not lieiiiir able to awim a atnike tie waa natiiratl.v aenroua anti ver.v much fritfhtt*iie<l ami when the Iniat tipfied over he. no dtiuht, IfMt hia liend and had no idea wliat mov«* would la* lieat to make.

The aotl event ia aahl to have f»reyed Vu|Kin the miini of Miaa Heath andahei'an

iHNir the aironiring cry of the unfortu­nate yoiiniz man whenever ake attempta to She feeiathat MimethiiifC mi|[hthare fiaen dtaie to aare hia life.

The deceaweti ia aaid to have lieen a hriaht, honorable ytaiiiic man and ia liiHblv apttken of by all hia neifthborw who tieeply regret hia untimely end. He waaoneui a lance family havinK thm* hmtherw aud aeveral aiatera anti wax the aon on whom hia lather liepanded. Hia mtdber died ahtmt Hve yeara a|^i. The funeral aervieea were b«M attheSiinmona aehool houae Hundav afternoon, llev. Kramer of I.ainainf(, olllctatin«- Heautl- ful flowera were fumiohed in icreat abnnilance bv aympathetic frtenda. Six I'oaoiaa of the tiereaaed acted aa pidl Iwarara. The body waa laid to reat in Hoath Hliey oemetory. The fnnerai waa oae of t'iie iameat eefN* held in that aeetion.

TTtia ia tha (trat atridaat which bae bappeaod at the lake aiaae it paoeed Into the poaaenaion ot Mr. aad Mra. Moore, and it oalhi to mind two other fatalitioM whicta ocPBred there nMMiy yeara aico ami



burn. -Micb.: Frank Karr, -lamee H. liarkiiiM ami riiariee Wetax oi Williarn^- vilh*. .Mich, it ia feared titiier MichiKuii- •lere may have h>at their livt*a.”


TIIK Tll.l..

.\ilam .Simona, a freckleti fai*etl and bar<*foote4i laiy triidiretl thnaiKh St. •lohiia .Momla.v witli onl.v a ahe|ianl lio^ tor ctimpany. He waa on hia wa.v to Laiiainir ami caim* frtmi Wheeler, (iratiot ctainty. The l.auainK Kepulilicaii aa\'a he Wlllketl tie* whole 1114111111*1* of .’>o milea ill two Ht* Lit hoaif* with laitaeeiit to viait hia iinch* in the trti|>. ital city ami aonie hay pr**aeera truvi* him litdffiUK the niftht Itefore. He appiietl tti Tunikey I>r**aeer for infoniiation about hia uncle, -lae. (I. Stout, whom the turn­key locateti U|Nin l^ennwta- atret*t eaat. .Va tilt* laiy hail not •<aten a thinv ainc** hreakfaat he waa huatliuK prett.v lively to hnd Ilia utM'le. To tin* turnkey tin* countr.v lad, who waa never in a city lie- fort*, ex preeeet I the ^realeet woinfennent at t*verythiiiK he aaw. The IhkIi biiilil- imp* CHiitfht hie eye and he thoiiKht that the city hail ami cafiitol wen* pretty bit; thiiiibt. “I womler if they’ll let mei;o up on top of the capital anti bnik all around***' In* intpiiretl. He i*uultln’t for the life of him tell what niiia theatreet cara. When In* retiinia tti (Irathit ihiiih- ty the lad will have aome pn*tt,v bit; atoriea to tell tti hia chiiina about thinioi at the capital.



‘‘No air, I am not a t'ainiiilnte ftir ('tin- Kreaa*’ aaid .ludire DnIhiII to TlIK .Nswa when ipieatitiintl aa to matter aii);- ifeatetl by the Satrinaw Courier-Her­ald which wae piiblialietl in tin* Iwet iaaueof Tiik NKWa “ami tin* ttrat intima- ; liiiir* ctintiiiiieil the .liidare, “I have tin I tlmaiitiiect le throii’di this aoum*. I iim I neitlier a probabh* nor (Mieeible cninli- j ilate." j

When naketl rryFartliiit; hia lieini; t*on-1 aiileretl in the fleltl, Mr. K. I’. Waldron re-1 (ilieti that lie waa not a cainihlnte,either, j

jA NnuUI AnMinnl. |

.Vaefwaor Moon* of UinainK, only dia- i coventi in the neighinirhtMMl tif 911!,(NMij worth of intirtaafcee heftl by loiniunir | Mrti«w in hie viait at .St. .loliiia laat week. , Thia niakee a ttital of 9«lfNi,(NN) worth tif j mortiraicee liefti by l.iiDainK partint in j the four countint tif Fh«ton, Shiawaeaee. j (linton luid Inirhani. j

(Inly four weeka intin* anti the ranka of the St. .Itihiia hiKh achtiol aluniui will In*H.\elletl by the addiliun of more uaniew.Tile tiiin* will fly faat between now and t'n* eventful i*ommencemeiil wt*ek, when the aeiiiora iiiuat bill their alma inati*r ^otnl bye aa allideiita aud take up the al- fiiira of tin* outer world. (Inly tin* tcach- era with their intetiM* iutemtt iu thewoik aeem iitipreaM*d with ihe ahurtiieaa of the time liefon* the i*xamiualioiiM and tn''idu atiiiK exen'iaew. .Va for the atudenta of thecliiHa III 'Os they an* ktill KuinK about their M'hiMil work h'inily realizing how aoon it will cltMe for theiii.

Nt-vi*rtht*l«*aa tlien* ia an unmiat«»kable at*iiae of aatiafactioii and eon lent men t liml aetlliM iltiwn on lie* aenior'a iiiinti aa he aeea the liii.v ap|'rtiiu*h when he willmviveat the hantla of hia alitia mater |,„„j iKtlaletlonlv thn^* dav all the litinora that it la iii her |Miwer to i theavaluuch la-aiiiw. He can with panlonabic r.*lief |look back Iiptin hia four .'*• of atutly [ aalety. The alide inuv haveIIV "t-lctiiiie tilt* ailvent of a diHt*n*iit life. | (he tither aith* ami the iiartvThet^nior la l.y iialun* an opliiniat .fur ; iMa-n a aafe tlialam*.* away butm»; theae <fa.\a anil la not apt to pry tiMi j jj,,. ^vi|| 11,(0 ibcHHun toaM^rlaiu wlietlier t*,,.. ,|iapalch n*t,da: “Informalion Ima It la foretolil to fa* tif weal or win*. Hut I at pn-at*llt li** ia eiititlcii (o Ilia thoimhte I juat aa he will ia* i*nlitlc«l to hia apotleaa alie«*pakia. anti Hit* next few weeka will la* { clmptcra in hia life to which he will in ' fiitiin* yeara look Imck iiiam with iniiiKhtl { lt<eliiiua itf ph tiaiin* ami ionK>i>K- '

Tilt* iiiemla-ra ot the chiaa havt* lietletl fate and bolilly apprttach the tlniali of ’ tle-ir work with unlucky thirteenliaiiKiuK over their heutla, that la*iiiK the iiumla*r > of Krailuatea—ae.i*li luiliea aiiil aix itl**mcn. Till* t-xen'iaeft will la* hi*lil al the |Mt tlioiliat church on Weilneaila.vevening. I -lum *J“, anti aa pn*vi«iual3' aunoiinceti, j the participaiila havt* la*«*n chiaien la*- ; cauat* ol au|a*rior at*lio|jrahip aa ahowii i bv tlit*ir four .veara claaa natml. Tboat* I on the proin’iiman*Fraitcia.Maiidl'liun*h. i lb-rmi*e I.. .*<kiiiner. Kt^ar Uice, Fntl ,.N'ichoia, anti .Viiah Stiirtfia. The niiiaicut | pniuram will la* aa followa:SrArrtloU.................................. I..l»tll«*a* t|unrtet '.**elt>t'thill ..................Mt. I.iikea'.XIniiilfillii t'liili {VornI 'ttilii......... .............Miaa .\1miuI«- Kniliiiilia i.'**elacthin...................... ........ l.«tllra’ liuartetVta-nl Stilit........................ Miaa Katbrr Mrt'nla-

Ttie •*a«aya to la* i;iv*>n an* lM*iiiK writ­ten on oriuinal ttipica which will not la* annoiincetl until cuiiiineiicemeiit eveiiini;.Thev will apiamr in full in the **Seroinl Silwiline Hotik. .\t tin* retpieat ol .'^^l|a*r• iiitendeiit .M unroe I lie iliploiiiua will la- preaeiilt-tf by Pnneiiml Parrott.

The bac«vilaun*at#* Hililn*aa will la* i|e- liventi by liev. (i. C. I.oiii;muu at hia ehiirch Siinda.v, .lum* I'.I.

The .Vluiiini najiiioii will la* helil Thura- ilay evening at tin* hiKh MchtMtl niuiiia.for the flrat time in aeveral .veara.

While a claaa of onl.v thirteen ia pn*|iar- itiK to h*avi* theachoola Mr. Ttiwnaend of the •*ir;litli ^ule ia ^ovini; the tliiiahiuK toucliea to a claaa of nearly aeveot.v to lie aeiit into the hi|lh achiNil next fall. Thia ia h^v far the lar|0*at claaa ever tiniahiliK thia^rath*. Then* were tt»rty-Hvi* in the rlana loat y'ear anti it waa t*onaitlered larip*. The piipila of Ihe clana an* landa .Vdaiiia. .Martha .Viitfcr, Flon*iin*Hlizzanl,Pctirl Hiohtip. Della HeviuKtnn, Hraaie Dower, tirace Hlizzard, Krtieat Hartniiii,Thomaa Ctirkin, Kdith (lark. Flora Chun*h. l.ola Carey, l/eiia Caiiipliell, Har- tnon Croak, Dan Cartriicht, .lanellobMin, llertha DeWitt. Willliaiii Doll, Clarence Kinniona, Farl Knimona, Hiirr.v Fitz* tP*nihl, (ietirip* Fiak, Itia FiirnKht*r, Ivah Faratfht*r, Pearl HiillM*rt, (ileiiii lleuifcr- aon, Claude Hunt. Pearl Hniner, Mainl llolitiea, (ieorip* .luilil, Herman Kathe,.lennie Kimball Florcnn* Kta^ney, (.HIT Knapp, Mattie l.yon. Vera .Morria.Dertha .MatcNin, Nellie .Mtwm, Inn .Mall- liouac, Kathel .Martin, Daiey McKniKht,Maud .Miilthouat*, Kui(t*iH*.Munlock.) Hirer Merrill, Holiert .Mturia, Florean* (Hemin,D*tiiiy (iwf^ofMl, .Nellie Newtell, .Vrthur PuIIhu. Will PiiIIhu, Ivah Pulfrey, Farl Porter, (Jeoritc .Seifert, .Mamie Seifert,Dtiniiid Ste|ihe,iaoii, Htiliert Sbielde,.VKuea Severauce. Maliel Smith, Idly Spmipic, KatheniH* Shielda, laiuiaShul-j terw, pearl TiMld, Kllaworth Talmadin',Fmiik WillianiM, I.ouh* Wawbbum, KfHe Weatherwax, l.ottie Waltcrhouwe. Nellie M’alker, .May Wlietatone, .Vrtie WIImiu, human M'amer, Falitli Finch, Fnuik Krefi|ia, Freil Hennett.

Becaust: of the PectilUrTimes.

Condition of the

M-nioriHl Day which iMNaira next Mon- day will be obaerved in St. Jobua thia year with a fervor jfreater than liaMchar- j actt*riznl pivviiaia i*el**brationa of the' Mi<*n«l tM'cuaiou, liecauoe it will tmme at a time when ro.irtial inuak*. the trend of I arroeil men and the wuiind of artillerv j (rive evidenct* of another war. and thej aboence fnmi the fninil.v circlea ot aonit* brave who have (tone nobly to tile | imnt to Httlit for their (uuntr.v. While; theilawnof Memorial Da.v will awaken . aluniberiuK inemorHvt of |nmiI atrife, when . heroei. Kiive tiieir Uvea in ile(en*« of tia-1 tioiml honor, .vet more n><*ent eventa will I ataiid out with ureater proiiiinetice, anil while the awe«*t blowaoilia of apriut; time i

iioMt ludiiro tilue yard.

Itvet Fancy Dr yard.

doe lot Seutch DImitiea, yanl.

due lot oordetl noveltiea, extra wido, oil of the lalewt at.vIcM In i^tn jmt yard.

dne Imle mill euda (abtirt leofftit*) heav.v brown cotton at 4(< oenta par .vard, worth s i*eatH. at Joh.x Hk'KOi*

Haricaina in txiraeta and comet waiatfl for liuliew, iiiiMaea and children with tha Cook protectiUK ciaap which prevente th# ■teela from niatiiiK at

.Nohi,k Hi ii.vktt**,Mttal aiM|»|4. move

(In tin* market iu the way of (;(*aol«na atuvea ia the “Detroit Vu|ior Stove.” Its a tail* protiiict und way abeatf ofallotbor at.vloM. Let UN allow viiu htiw it worka.

CoKIIIT (k V-iLKSmit.tVlOe MriN4w« ahiMleaal J*l*n Hlrka.*

CliMi|>.The .Vlliatiti liomeatead.tMirnerdakliuid

and .McConnell arreeta. for oale very cheap. Km|uire of It. (i. .Vi.i.iaoN,

It Pax* to Trade at John Hicks.*

Sun I mbrellaa in hliick und f*ol<ire and fiinc.v colored Purnaola at

.Voni.i: Ilfu.xKTT’a.Horae Mu|i|>llaa.

Don't forK»*t that we have them, not onl.v hanieafteN but neta. liiiateni. etc.,


Frewli uraiiKee riKht off tlie tree atTiik IUukct.

It Pajra to Trade at John Hlcka.

Mra. Klizn Itobiiiaon, manufacturer of human liuir Kooda Iiom a ipK>d line of

tin* St. Johna (cold ata-kera. The letter I the HmoNV coveriiiKNfnim one oi the Klond.vkeimrty puhliahcl eoldier tiead and iu lemem-

\ itidea Paee ' (,f.,utiier liertieN who reat iiittn- pvevioua to I ill prerioua iiiemorx* will . .

Aa the part.\ wen* iiiiiiut 1,|,y brave bova of the .Muine, who | wavwa and other icotNla.•aaiona auiiie iiiiaKiyiuKN with the atum and Atriitew tloatiiii; over 'V‘“*»‘rt«or.

I hem, wen* bj* a treacheroua act neat to H wiiter.v (H’live wliilt* ill u haven the.v aiip|N>ae«| to Iw* of aafet.V.

.\a the noble tleail are remembered with flowera on .Mt'iiiorial Dn.v. the (N'tiple will

n*ai*hf <i thia city timt inon- than twt*nty j recall with pride that thouwiDda of thelivea an* Ihoiiizht to have lM*»ti luat ill the bmvf voiitha of the land an* in camp tcrnlile aiiowalide at Valdea ulacier, ] „,„j „„*,b,. neaa, ua earneatly fllletl with .Vlaaka, .\pril .1(1. l-our hiindnil men : bive of countrv on wen- their fathera in wt-n-i-ani|ie4| at tfie bane of the auiiiiiiit i iNitl-Ui.'t, ami that mao.v veternna, who ami aixt.v were ctiven-tl b.v tin- flrat alith-. j ,jnrjmr jJmi |N*nloiia time ioiiKht aKiiiiiat The next dit.y a aei-oud avalanche maile ; other, are now ataudiiiK aide bythe ileNfmt’tioii inon* ft*arful ami cauizht ! „i,|y b, ^ «-outeat aKniiiHt a treacheroua a«*vt-nil of the reM-tiera It ia atutf*«l that | fon-it;n bn*.aeveral Iiitliaiia ineti wen- imla-tlileil in j va uaiiul tlie oliaerraur*- ol Memorial t he awrfiil tlrifta. Mith them were alao | ||,|y ,^i|| ,|||,||.r the aua|iiceH of Chaa.-lohii Stt>ck and Herman Stoe..ler, Vicka- j.; ‘(Jriaatm Poat (J. V. II. lutNialed by the

*17 w4All Tlt«t*» Ne%% III HinimM* ol John Hlelu.*

l.,iu*e Ciirtaiiia, Piden and Trimminga, SunIj Hotla, etc., at

.Noiii.K HuitXKTT'a.

Per Nolt- «i M Itantnln.Houw* luid lot hliN’k 12(1. St. .fohda.

For particulara ciill on J. W. Fitzgerald at the State Itaiik of St. -lolina.

Why Pa> N Foncy Price for a Dic.vcie when .vtiu can get tb«- neat* iwt fruiiic. moat aiibatiintiiill.v built ina* chilli*on tin* market, at ('orbit k Valeo* eiitine'a for $.'1(1. Ita “Tlir I'amouN'* and

Woman'a Helief Corjia and the sima'of I P*“»*"b*’« bMturea tti coiaraendVeterana. The committee having the i every.ine who can judge t^ nee*malt, r in charge coiiaiata of .1. W. Hra.l- i **m*r, L. H. .Smith, U. C. Ij*wia, Stowell ainl Win. Ferrier. The priN'eaMon will

.Martin (biiiie. atep atm of itenjumin (iii.v, of St. -lohiia, confeaat-tl at .Muir Tiieatlay to liiiviiig tap|NNl tin* till with which he w-aa chargetl ot robbing at Pe- wiiino. He waa aenti>netal to tin* rHorm achiMil at Ionia to n>maiii until he Im- ciMm*a aeveiiteen .veara of age. Thia will iin*an thna-veara uinl thna- iiiuntha iia ht* ia not fourteen until .VugUNt. Tin* t wo tither who had lieeii nireated, .Neal CarjNNiter ainl Ito.v DoanJiiian wen* dinchargetl fnim cuattnl.v aa tln*pr- iwcut- ing iittonn*y admitted' he hatl im evi- ileiict* againat them, except tlie atate-

i meni of the (ioine lad who teatitleii that the aet him Up to ateal tin* money. No one in thi- court nniiii waa of the o|iiiiion that he waa telliiig anything hut a falaehootf however, aud then- 'a no iloulit that Car|ienter and Hoaniuiiin wen*»*nlin*l.v inutN*ent.





The Aahtejr Will PIImI.The will of Thco. W. .Vahlwy. ol (Hive,

wan filed with -lutlgi* Merrill .Monday. It pnividen that the farm of 21H nrree and iierfioiial pm|iert.v to the amount of flPNl ahnll he kent for the um* trf the widow tiuring lier life and to lie equally divified amoag hhi aix chihtren at her lieat h.

.Mr. and Mrw Kugene Stewart and two children, of SdefianUvile, uamiwly m- called a violent ileath in (Iwoooo loat week, Ha.TN the .krgUM. They had juat driven up to the D. A. M. dofNit und wen* waiting in the carriage (or a train when a team hitrheil to ninNivy lumber wagon moheii fnriooaiy up the road fnim the White Kiefihant wood yard luai liaohed into Mr. Stewart'a can^age. The car­riage waa completely wrecked litteraily gmnnd to wplinterw, and whan theiwopia

The iiMuiiig oi certiHcntea to applicaiita lor hoiiiewteiida, which have hi^ ana- lieniieii for oeveml niiiutha.lNiraUNe t,f the ti«*riaion of tin* auprenn- court iu tbeCtin- necticut .Mutual tax title caoe, hae lieen reMiined ti.v loind CominiNeitiner French, who ia pn*|ianai to honor Hpplicationa for all lieerriptionN of atute tax homt - atead lunda, aa the recent opinion of .\tty.-(}en. Ma.vnani ahowa tin* atnte to havt* undiapiited title to them. Certifl- ivitea an* now lN*ing iaaueii to a large number of apiilicnuta whuee eoaea have lung lieeti h*Sd up.

Has Left M. Johns.Cline, ilildretli, who haa Iwen for tlie

(mat lour .vtara with the (linton llefiub- iican and fur the |Niat two .veara or more aa foreman, renigneii hia |MMjtion laat week aud Mt for Port Hunin .Mondn.v moming, when* be haa a plaeewith Hollia Corbin in hia new job offloe. .Mr. Hil­dreth ie a protfeient. caimble printer and a young man <4 <*xceilent liabita. He will be inioacd by a large cirrit* of frienda in St. Johiie.

To Be Absent iHs Weeks.Itev. D. D. Martin and (amil.v left Tun«-

day moming for thrir eoatem trip of about oix w^ka. Mra. Martin will viait rHativea in New Jenie>' and Mr. Martin will go to Hoaton from thia conference to attend the iNimmeticement exerrinea at the IbMton collegi*. Ilia brother. Iter. .\rba .Martin, of Kvausttin, III., will oc­cupy the pulpit dariog hia alwwacg.

fiinii at the comer of Clinton Avt*nue anti Itiiilniaii atreet ami move pnimpll.v at two o’clock to Walker afn'et then hv the iiaiial routi- to the i*i*tiieter.v. Thefollow- ing onler will lie oliaerveil: .Major D. S. Fn*nch, Murahal of tin* Dn.v; St. .lohna ('oniet Hand; St. .lohna Coiii|ianv Nti. H-'l C. H. K, P.; Chaa. K. (iriaaou I’oat .No. I.’tb (i. \. It., Stiua of Veternna; St..lohna Caileta; T**achent; .Scholara and f'itizena on aidewoik; Sja*akera; Choir; Miu'or Coiiiinittee; W. It. C., in < arringee. j

Theexerriaea at the Cemefer.v will bein- j aiigiimteil b.v Ilecorating thegravea which will la* fulloweil b.v the ritual a»*rvice of the Poat at the iiioiiunieiit. The n<giilar program will follow. !f the dn.v alioulil la* atorni.v the tiddreaa will lie delivereil at thei-ourt houae.


Hver.v rea|a-ct al a Itnv gratle price. Jitloi HIrk* s«ll> ('nrfMrls Chsnp.

Wautlstl at Ones.IVni. Crich ( caoii for aecoud-t

attivea, and wauta aome ut once. Aioo ntga. c«ip|a*r, zinc, lead and niblm. Faxon k Uichniond block.

Sininion’a N«*w Caali (inavry ia head* f|uiirtera for everything in ataple aud fanc.v groceriea. .Ill kiipla of freah veg­etable anti fniita, “lawt gooda at low’eat pricea," ia our motto, (live ua a call or telephone .No.."»(», prompt and free deliv* er.v to an.v iwirt of thecit.v.

.1., .Siieceaaor to (,’. .V. Putt,lower eiiil of Clinton .\ve., wiwt aiile.Tailor Made Halls al John Hleks.



St. -lohna Commaniir.v Knighta Temp­lar olas*rve<l .\a(*enaion Day .Sunday laat. The aervictv wen- held in tin* Coiign*gn- tiunal church at 2 |i. m., Itev. (i.C. Long­man. iMivt-ring the aermon. Hia ail- dn<aa waa exteiii|air»imHiua. The reaent-- tion and the lift- of the Savhir, the ho|H* of the Chriatian world wen* beautifull.v liepicttHi. The Coiign>gationul choir fiiraiaheil tin* muaic which waa ••a|a*cially wHI n*mlemi. .Viter the chaa* of the aer- vicea nt the chuirh the Sir Knighta iiiarclHHl to the cemetery, hendnl b.v the St. .lohna band. Tin* unifomi rank of Knighta of P.vtliina ac(t*«l aa an carort. TIh* cuatuniary exen-iaea including the the work fnim the ritual wiia given and the gravea of liefiurted Sir Knighta tle- comleil with flowera. Itev. Lony,miiii made aome verx' forceful remarka uiain theiiaN anil the iNvaoion.


Rmploys Nswrly RIghly Hwwds.Thedrtd ItagiNter-Cnion mjn that the

the exoollaat grade of work the Ovid car­riage worka an* turning out ia for thom a large jmtmnage.


The l0rgt* liam, .'tdxdd (ei>t la^loaging to D. S. I jttletHd and aituateii on the north aide of the Ovid road lietween Shejiardaville luid Ovid Avaa tleatrovtHi b.v fin* about «lev»*n o 'clork loat vVed- j aeadn.v evening, the Ovid Kegiater- i Union. Mr. IdttletMd had not ratirvai ; for the night and when the heavy craah j of thuiifier <*ame be ininiediately went [ out of doora to aee when* the lightning [ atmek. He aoon dioroviNed hia large Imru waa on Hre and riiobed in and turned tw'o head of cattle lonoe. Hia loon aoide from th«< bam waa ten tone of bay, oae wagon and a grain drill. The property waa inaiired in the Hartford. Two.vearw ago lightning atmek the cu­pola of the aame ham.

Lawn muwera gniuiitf at (Ubora'a.Why iU llsst.

No chior..No Hash,

.No waiting.That new gaaoliue atovi* nt

CoIIIIIT k Vai-kstixe*!*,Nspsnil* Ureas Hkirta st John Hicks.’

**I>e%»cy** snti *'Hsiwcnibsr Iks Maine'*Pina and Hihbona at .foii.x Hiciui.'

Sold over fiHi iliffcreiit (lianta mog- ing from .V to 7r»c at Tlie Itacket laat .Satuniay and we want to double it next Satimla.v.

Msrhlae* Are Here.(Iiir Champion inat'liiuea have been de*

liven'd to ua and pun*haaera may call and get nt any time now.

CtiiiniTk Vai.k.ntixe.

.V nickel caaeil .Vmericda at Alliaon'e jewHrj- aton* for 94.

Hicycl«M re(iain*d at (labom'a.

Henry Ilwek t'nnras si John Hicks.*Fur Uiudere. atnek covers etc.

Yum ('nn'i ilo il.Keefi the Hiea out with the old fuoh*

iotied window acreeoa. Thej- don't tit on the aides and that ia when* the tniuble liegiuN and .vour houee ia awarraiiig with tin* iwok.v thinga. Cail and ate the “Hrent .Vnieriran Window Screen.” It ia abeoluteiy tiy prtwf.

CoKIlIT k Vai.e.xtwk.Hlqne. Ilmss Linsu nnd Oncks.

1(1 eta., lo c|N. anti 25 eta nt John Hkm*.' _____________

Pnr Hnis.(Ine lieavy ccuich man* with foal.

I quin* at .Sturgia .Mnotc (Company.Ea*

Pnll m*uhantened to the a|Mit heard cries fnim^he j l*y*da are etn^iyed naif oae hun-

IlMbrellns nl John Hicks *(lae lot I-adiea' 2tt ibch (lioria llm-

breiiaa. ateel rod. Paragon frame, Congo fancy bent bandloa. with silver swedge,

winning i nad taoael, our inHre is DH iwatn each. .Nearly i ————------

Wanted, iHiaition in giMid fan ily by mmpetefit girl. .Vppiy at Nrws offloe.

in order to aoromniodat«- i^s*rsona de* airing dental work doae Dr. T. .S. Mann wiahea to announce that he will for a few weeks be in .Shepnrdaville on Tuea- fn»ni one to .IrMd p. in. anti in Fow­ler on fnmi one to tivt* p. in.

From now until iniddli* of June hi tine (or ptanting the Freeman iiotafoea. I have them to oed. 11. P. Koa,w-2 pd. Sec. 2, Hingbam.

.V. D. KIdridge of Kooex, fed sixteen f»«t from hia liam when* he waa working laat week, lint fortnnateiy tweaped with oaly a broken toe and some seven* hmiaew.

Why not i Ide a (' fdd at .Vlliaon'a.

Meyele? On'r

Dr. Walker's next visit in St. Johns will be Saturday, JaiN‘4.

laoe of wheels and hmree tbey expected to And oae or more dead pemoas. Idiek- ily bom* of the family were killefi. Mrs. Stewart was liadly bmioed about the hips. She wae taken to J. (1. Knight’s hoineoa N. Water street, wbereDr.f'mm attended her. The aseafie was imMt mlr- amiowa iuhI tJ»e (amily fssts very fortu­nate in anna|iing as they ilid \ six months' old baby in tlw arms of ita mother secaped unrajured.

dmi nad twenty-oix hugghe are b«*ii turned out per week. The citiaeos of Ovkt feel proud of sach an indoatry.

S|ieaial bargains in carpet saropisa. Just the thiag for ruga, aian a flna line of Moquetfe rugs at a very low firiee at

Noukk ilFn.vKTT’s.

.\ on** hone* treat! poiver. the St. Johns Star Hakery.

Kuquin* at

FI neatMack at

faary silks in coiors and Mohi.k nrnjfRTT's.

Btsycles.j I want 25 Heronii baml Indies' wheeie I in •'Xt-haage for new bicyriw*. 1 allow 91(1 to 92(1 for old wheeia.

O. (L Pu'.vgi.T, Photographer,•11 Clinton .Vve.

Take vour watch repairing to.V i.Liaov's.

I-oave your orders for cut Aowners at Tnk lUrRRT.

M. P. KlskmeedWants a lia.v or chentnut Trotting field* ing Colt, about three years old. I-arge sins. St. Johns. Mich. 40w2

Skin Waists at Jaka Hleks *•MI cents for the 75 cent kinds.Daintv imttems in S5 cents, 91.dd aad



The St. Johns News.m. M. VITMMKAiai. mu^ii w.

NiN'i'H vb:a.i«.rvai40Arioi) UrrtcB. WallMr Ht. Mmmt.


niflMI or A UMMAT lOTB^ hail bMBi Maid of th** omm whom

Qrvat jiHtain nad iudiwd Uw ahul* wprid inoanw tudajr, that if a domn of thw rvprmmitaiiv* •tatmoini ha Mt

him upiia hi* rHirmamt frompablir life were menied lato oae tbejr ooakl nut (irodace a Uladetoae. Thie mtiroatc may be a Neatinieatal •’zaner- atioD, yet when both the leoifth and poteain' of <liadetooe‘e oaieer are taken into coneifiernlioD the enlnuy nan not be OoaeiHieil ae a dinparaftefneat of the Britiati etateMneu who are ctill in the mreifi. The record of aizty yeare of ooaapiruoaH imbNo life, iadudiaK many period* of positire domination, hi cer­tainly uoHioe in the hietory of men. Yet (iladstone’e career wae aa «>miaetitly ooneietent aa it waa ainicalariy complete. Not the leaat intermtiac period of thia great mau’a life waa that of hia boyhood which waa fraoftht with a modeat but dednite ronadonanca of hiadeatiny. lie diaplayed the prreoHt3* of William Pitt aad with it an i-ren higher prrception of hia great rea|N)oaibilfty. No b«ir-appar- ant to a throne orer laid thefoundationa of future grentneaa with more aincerity or greater intelligenre. ('aating hia lot with the Toriea. the party of hia father, It waa ineritable that he should uiti- nately drift to the more progreaaive

,wing of Uriliah (lolitiee. but be did not piake the change until be had become tba rieofCuiie«| leader of the party of hia Hrat choice.

Am a Liberal (fladatoae acbiercil hia bigheat diatioetion and wieiilad hia broadeat inHuenee. One of tbegreateat aahieveinenra under bia new banner waa attained in an aimoat iocidentnl way, bring tbe rranlt of a |ieraonal riait to Ital ', where he waa iropreaaiil hy the whuleaaic cmeltieM of Ferdinand Il'a corrupt reign. He made an exhauatire examination of the conditiuna and in a •eriaa of lettera to Lord .llberrteeii mer- cileaaly iirraiugrti the Neufiolitan gov­ernment, the direct reault of hia publica­tion being a atroiut Kuropeaii aentiineiit agaiiiat King F'erdioaiid, folioweil 113* tbe Italian rei’ointion iind the eatiihliahment of a coiiatitutiuoal munarch3* friendly to Great llritniii.

The full dawning of (iladstoiie** power came when, aa a chancellor of the •>xrhe- quer, in Im.'*:!, following the downfall of the Iferby government, lie preaented a budgi't U|Mtii which dependeil the Mucceae or the lailnre of the .\l»erdeen regime. Tb«* undiaputaiile Ntnteeinaiiahip of thia doi'umeiit. theenmeat and lurid mnuner of Ita preaeutiitioii, and fliiall3* the calm delivery of th** jieniratioii. overwhelmeil both tiartiea. Tbe3- recalled the prophecy of Marnulny U|Hm muling (iladatoiie'a great work on "The .^tate in Ita itelation With th«‘ rhurrh.”

.although he waa f jur tiniea prime iniii- iater, and whether io high otllc«> or aa a aiiiiple repreaeiitntive of the people al­ways exerteil a |iow<Tful iuHaenc**. (Ilad- atonedid not eai-a|a* thediaHp|M»intmenta that come to n**Hrly every public man. Hia achievenienta were many and illuatrioua: bia tiiiatnkea were few, and thene weread- mitted; but it ia a aiogular, ironicnl fact that tberauae that occupied hia thought and commanded hia effort daring the cloaing year* of hia career ahonid have been defeotec—not once, but twice. Hia ohampionabip of home rah- for Iretanil bnmght againat him an opiMmition too g^rent to <'oml»At, but it endenred him eternally to a iiart of the great empire while hia unqneationable aincerit3* jire- vciited the anc^ffce of wonderful'wteem in which lie waa lield hy all of Oreat Hrituin. It may be aaid. tiMi, that hia advocacy of home rule aideil in making him the greateat of all Kugliali atatea- men past or preaeot. In the eyea of the Amencan (leiqile. (iladatone more than aii3’ other iiiiin of hi* time, giive force and dignity to th«* {Nilitical oonocienc*' of Uiwat llritain. He waa aa aincere aa be waa capable, aa devout aa Ih> waa bril­liant, aa altmiatic aw be wa* progrenaive. Hia verMitilit3' waa phenomenal. \m a atateemnn lie waa a gnwt [larlianientar- Ian, an invincible ilebater, a sound flnan- cier, a ahp'wd di|»loroat, aad an agre*- sive commoner. Inciilentally ywt imten- tially he wna a profound theologian, a broad humanitarian, a great scholar and aaage of (Ireekliterature. Oladatonehad many qualitie* any one of which wonld have entitled him to the helored aobiI- qoet of "The (Imiid <>ld .Man."

Tnk London "Time*," at tbecloeeof n review of tbe conme of evetita in the W'eat Indie*, since tb* orrivnl of tbe H|iaaiah fleet, aaya: "It wonld be wise in tbe (ntnre to laave direction of ofieni- tioa* to naval cororoandam. (’ouacila have never proved capable direetora of wrar. Tbetr proper foaction i* to obtain iaformation aoil to forward it to tbe ad- mirala, wbo mnat be. aa .Nelaon rlaioied the light to be. free to art when fittiag opportnalty arrived." Tbe*e word* of warming nrefonnfWdoatbefiaanBiption— a correet aamiroption, no donbb—that tbe Bwivemeata of Admiral Hampaon up to tbe time of Cervera'* audden arrival la the Carlbeaa mm were dhveted gov- •rard by order* from Waabiagtoa. Hlm- ilarly the atratMgy board la blamed for tbe drtmtlon of flyiag aqaadron at a point rrmotc from tb* quarter in wbleb It could have randrrrd tbr bant narrlrr.

Tba crltMam agMwt wnli hr rmaatad. In aa marb aa ft ia bat tba aabo of avao BMWw anapbatlc eritklaam baard oa Uda aida of tba oaaaa. It la aimoat aartalo, bowavar, that tba laaaoa of avaata baa had itaiMect aad that, from tbla tiam forward, tba atratagtota at W'anbiagtoa will limit tbanmalrwa to tba faoatloaa of a bnraan of lafomMttkNi. At tba pra- naot tiam tbar* ia all rraaoa to baUava that .\dmiral Hampaon io acting aa a frm lance govaraad only by bis own Jodgmert aad by bin obaarvatioa of tbr conditiua* aad upportnoitim immadiate- ly confronting him.

■AS aniX AM orrOBYVMITT.Wam bringo ia ita train aonm enriona

iadoatrial iwvivaia, oao of wbieh ia tbe culture of tbr noblr home nr an art Mr of cumnierce. Tbe blcycir cram and the advent of eiretricity an a onivrraal pro- {leiliag (rower bad about flnirbrd tbe eqnim* indartry and hor*e miaetw were remarkably ecarre, when tbr outbreak of war Muddaoly rrratrd a dtmand that tbe govemmmt And* the utmcjrt difllcDlty in supplying. When cavalr3‘cbnrgor* of high grade are nerded at abort notice tbe horar market for tbe Hrat time in yearn benda brnaath tbe strain and tbe army may Ire rvdneed to the neoeaalty of going iato cteeaaiuaal hatthw with a coHeetion of moreanimala whoai* pro|ter sphere would br in front of irinwa. .VII of which goes to prove that so long aa civiPxation ding* to war tbe »H]oine race ia in no danger of extincti<ra. The prerent bmrii with Hpain will help to rehabilitate tbe noble <|andmped that "ameiirth tbe battle afar off," and ir never more ureful as man’s brat friend tbno in the gloriona onslaught against tbe nation’* anamie*.

The proeaa* of "aenroning" ia going on iu flu* aoutbrm millitary cnm|w with a vengeance. .SoldiarM marching from train* to camp, aad already noffering from tbe fatigue of a long joumay in crowded car*, drop under tbe lieat of a burning ann. Water ia scarce in camp and to untmineil stomach* the rough army fan* is soarcel3' endurable. Ctrm- plaint* are not heani, brrwever. The vfduuteer* *rem to understand thor­oughly that they are not out ftir a holi­day and that tb** hard*bi|i* which they now undergo are merely a preparation for iierbap* still greater hurd»bi|w to come. In due course of time habit will bring caimcity of eiidamnce, and while the phyeieaily unfit dmi* out early in the game the gn*nt majority of the men will aoon find tbem*elve* ca*e-hardene«l and equal to any apedea of privation or ex­posure. From Hh* l***a«>n* taught at the volunteer camp* It may ••asily be seen what the military nuthoritie* had in mind when they ioeisted U|ioii securing seasoned soldier* for the f'uimn cam- [Niign.

Tin; odvaiK*** guard of tin* army of the I'hilippine*. numb*ring l.tHNi troop*, left .Still FmoctMco almost simiiltaiieoiialy | with the departun* of h.ikmi S|mni*h | troo|M« trim llarrHona, en mute to the aame |ilaoe. The rest of th** army of oc- cuiMition, tbe full strength of which is to Is* lii.iHMl to IT.tMHi m**n, will not leave before the end of th** week, niid in the iiieantime it ia i|alte (Nisaible that the Spanish relW •*X|a*dltion may rearh tbe I'hilipiiine*. .luat how tbe .SjMiniarda are to land under tbe tire of.ldtniral Deuey’a gun* is, however, not very idainly mani­fest, any more than it i* manifest, tnat the handful of American triMqe* consti- tiitiog tbe vanguard will aafftc«*foraervire a* ail army of oeca|iation. The need of extraordinary «*x|M>ditiou ia more urgent than ever now that tbe Spaniards have shown their ability to outdo ns in the matter of rushing a relief army to the front.

Tm HMM wbo ofw latrrmliag tb*m- astvaa ia tb* eraatlaa at a fomatry ctMa- miaMoa ia Minbigaa are not eraobaor imprartirabl* tbaorlata, oajra tbr Laar- iagJoaraal. It la a aalaattAe fact that tbr daatraetioa of loiwata irwaltaia tbr dryiag up of rlvrra aad poada. prodae- iag drnagbtr aad aMaetiag aatural dl- malie coadltloar. It baa breoamaaeer- aary ia crrtalo i|oartrfw of tbr globe to plaat fonwta in order to rrdcaai daasrt waotaa. aad it may codm to that la tbr United Htatra if tbr (labllc dora not aoM bveoam awakeord to tbr nawaaity of prraarvieg tbr forrntr.

Tbe Uaifutwity of Mkbigaa, at Ann .Vrbor, cuaMs lato tbr poaaaraion of aa eatate valacd at f by tbe will oftbr late Dr. BlUabrtb H. Batar, of I'ort Cbratrr, X. Y. Tbe property thus be- qneatbrd te io tbr form of flrat dam ar- curitlea aad improved real mtatr aad will yMd an iaeome of iierbap* 96,UOt) a year. .Vocording to tbr tmnr of tbr will tbe baqomt goe* to tbe naedleal dr- imrtnMat to br used in eatablirbiog a chair of tbr dlrennw of women nnd chil­dren to br known ar tbr llateaprolaraur- abip. Tbbi ia by far tbe lamat bequest in tbe hlatory of tbe University.

"Hpain," aaya one of Hagaata'a cabi­net minister*, "ia in tbe poalliun of a dueliat bunad to defend bbi honor againat tbe gruna inrolt* of a mure powerful aataguaist." We are Iwgin- iiiog to cxperieuce n diatiact feeiing of wearinra* over there graodiliNiaeat iter­ation* of undying valor by S|iani*h ora­tor*. A dueliat worthy of the name doc* not •rad out frautic apfieals (nr intcr- Tendoii and outride help, aad generally talk* lea* al*<>.

The uppositiou of (luv. I'iagm* ha* be­gan to melt into tbiu air. io no part of tbe state, perbaps, waa it *0 marked a* in thia |ieoioaula, but the voter* have be­gan to rerogniie in him a true friend •>( tbe peo|>l«* and be will |ioll an enormous vote in this acetion next (all. Hbrewd |M>litirian* estimate that be will Mwamp all opporitioii at Uh* convent ion, liuad* down.—ManistUioe t’ourier.

The country muou't sapiKMe that be- tvkuse it has not lierti informed a* to tb** precir** whereabtiut* of tbe varion* Iteeta umand Culm tbe govemment i* •<«|ually ignorant. Tbe goremmeiit know* n great d*vil mon* thene daya than it isgiv- ing out (or publicntjon.

PATKioTtsM and youthful ardor cnuneil thouaniida of young men to rush into the vuiuiiteer servin* and |mtnoti*m anti rig- omuH milltar.v diacipline will prevent them fmm nieiiiog out again.

It is difficult for Kurtqieaii atatesnieo to get it tbmugh tbeir head* that the .Monroe doctrine i* an abiding iiMtitu- tioii. Kvery now and tlien tliey imagio** thev ace its Hnisli.

Fortunes are AccumulatedNat so imich frotn eanning: as from saving.

RenMmlMr tM# when you are about to pnrrtieef a

ercTiT.For we can «nve you DoNnrs.

SEEOUR mcYmn sum

".tmrrtcaaa are*i KiHHl-nsinred kHknI with * fatal optimism, with

n«i acriowa tbouahl of say of tb* amvaalstlsa of llb>. Tbe.v hsT* ih> A** s*wa* of bomir; th*y cannot <llnllnanlab h*tw«*w whsi Is h«in*nt anti whnt Is i||abf>n**l. I f*rl with Hir Horner Wnlp*»l* tb*t 1 r«»nl«l !•* pmuU of rojr rtinntrjr If It w*r* nut lor my r<»nntrT. men."

The abtive word* were sptiken hy Pro­fessor .N'ttrton, of Harvard, which only goer to show how little, ver3-, ver3- little a«»me men know wh*» have leanpii tbe story of lift* from the iMMik* «)nlv. What an evidence of arrant higotrv' ami ig­norant prejiidio*. What |4ain evidenre of n iiiiad so infliiit*«eimal that it mnat have lost itself liefore it was found. How unfortunate an ocrurreare that *0 reputable an loatitntioo of learning nhctuld harlMir within it* faculty *0 minuU- a spteimeti of manktMMl. The in- stillatinn of anel. trsammou* nentiment* into growing minil* i* a rank crian* agniost tbe government, tint upon it.

.V roHUiOAiiLE .S|inni*li fleet might *lrive I)ewe3’ out *»f the Philippine*, hut a formidable .VmeHcaii rtset could be hav­ing great fun with S|Mini*li coast riti«« in th*- meantime.

The S|Mbniarda iu Manila dei'lared they would never aurrend*-*!. When tlie3' *<11 everything t*!*** iu sight they may save themselv*** from atarving by eating tbeir own words.

.Hpai.x is very angry at (Irent llritain oa a result of .loe (’bamlieiiain’M rac3' talk, hut it is hardly probable that she will make a naval demoastralion IMurr Liv**qK>ol.

It ia aua|ieete)l that President .McKin­ley made n aenoos mistake in not call­ing ftir a large number of troop* «<arly in tbe month whih* lioiisecleaniug wiu go­ing on.

It is hanlly newwaf.v to «a3' that tbe I iregon is aching (or nii npimrtunity to prove that her Uing cruise around Hoiitb .Vniertca wo* worth to tbe <'oantry all it cost.

The t'HrAtM) I'nnoxirxE taks* nemsina to remark tbat Hear .\dmiral Hswey is said to hr ja*t a* much at home oa tbe lNH*k of a spirited horse as he is on tbe hrhige of the tHym|iia. aad those who have witnessed his equestrian skill say he ImuhIIss himseif with all thegrac**o(a weil-aeas«>Ded cavalry officer. This would seem to refute tb** |iopnlar theory that naval offb-ef* rwn neither make apssrhes nor ride horses. Tbs greatest fighters oa either land or asa have never hsea antetl for oratorieal skill, aad Dewey has illastrioaa prenedawta la this dsbrlsaey. Rat a dashing leader of maa Is generally assneiated with the’ability to hsatride a praaeing rhargir with manly grace, and whea Dewey eater* Manila a* (leweral Merritt** right band supporter b* sboald alvi* a apirltsd repramatatloB of a omm

Ok cours*' .Idmiral lies<^ can take Ma­nila when he wants to. .\fter capt- itnug the whole United Htntes be would not In* repiilse<l hy a single to«m.

The .\latmma is a sfilendki ship nod will dtiutless dfi tin* country goml ser­vice. but she will hardly lie com(ileted in ill time to get into the gam*- this season.

It is said to he dittleult to aecure go«ids *in approval now Ironi **itlier Mr. John- efHi or Mr. Field. That Fred Reeves smile Stars* them in the face.

.1 llAi.TiMoaE coatempomry objects to the sun being called tMd Sol, lieonnse it is feroinia** gentler. Perbaiw we should refer to it a* .%ant Hallie.

"Fred Reeves" evidsatly coaled at Hantiago lb* I'uba oml steamed away without Flyiag Hquadron Duan getting within Ariag *li*taace.

Thkok is mi longer nay danger of the < Iregon being interrepteil by the Hpaaiah fleet, mwah to tbe dkgust of t’aptain Ularfc and bk men.

AiiMiBAi. Dbwey iiceasioaally drop* a line to let the govemment know tbat hie Hiaeh on Manila ie etill aaearely spiked down.

Wbat kind of a plaa wonld it be to have tkoo* sasays read, without tbe title bsiag given oat at all?

Four wseba from laet night they wHi "eland on tbe thrsnbold."

It k enepaeted that Morrk kaew bow wrell be ooald mabe it look baforr be tvadad.

la Latest Htylee aad Patterns. Itegolar Oae Dollar Shirt.

Sl.n NTT SMLR SHTS p«« S4.00What we want of YCNJ U a CaN

To look over our Sprins: Stock. A few minutes of your time when you are buying Clothing.The goods and prices to be the convincing argument as showing our supe­riority over aH competition.

Lowest Prices and Best and Latest Styles GuarantcelMoney must he raised at this store and that without further delay.

J. T. WEBBER,D:o:oio:c:o:o:o:ao:o:^^^

Successor to WEBBER & PECK.


35,000 Soldiers Wanted to Trade at

The Racket StoreWe are Headquarters for War Ifovelttet.W(* havt* I'ubaii Flags, Huttons and I'nitcd Htat*** Flag*

without number.Wc ahwi have Deromtive Ranting. Ib**l, White nn*l Rlne

with Ntar*. just the thing ftir draping, that w**sell at •4c per vanl.

We have Htmw Hat* in all *tyle* and prir***.We have (ienta’l.*iiitidric<t Shirt*, ('tillar* and Cuffs in

the latest styhw and ver3' hiw prke.We hnv** I.*»dis*’ Collnr* all styl*** at Die.We have a nke line of Wmp|ier* an*l Cnderwenr.W’e have I,uc^* Carfnitis, Curtain Pole*, and Window

Shade*.We have I.ace Pillow Sham*.We have the <*h**npe*t and liest line *if Whip* ever wild in

Hinton e«iiint3'.W’e |in%*** a fnll line «if Tin nnd (imnite W'«>Hr.We hnve Nirkh* (ilated Tea Kettbs* and Tea and Coffee

I*ot*.We have Frvimr I‘nn* of all *i*es.We havt* (ialvani(**d Wn*h Ihiiler* at T-k* ami file.We have Copjier iNittom Tin Wash Rtiiler* at 7r**, M'lc.

Iiav** wash *rab* ami Wash Roards. have Scrub Rnishe*.hart* Rmsh Rrooms and Feat bar Duster*, have the best and cheapest line of Overalk in town., have Rrownie < Ivemlls for large and small Imijs. have Working Shirts to 6t all slaes, larg** and small.

> have 75ft of the Rest 0 stmn Wire Ootbes Line for im*, (*ottoii tiod jute l.ines for H nnd l(b*.

> hnv** (Vivered Roasters •I6i’.• hove F*iot Tub* 30r.> have Clothes Pin* 0 doien (or 5c.' hai** Trunks of all sixes and prke*.> have Teleeco|ies niid Travrfing Rag*.' have Chamlier Pnih 19e and 21r.' hnvef’^ivereil Itmad llaieers iMc nnd Die.' linw T«iy tianieii Set* Ilk.' have .VHbtwtos Stove Mat* '2 for 5o. have(!opfier W’ireCoat Hangrr* Ic.

' hnv** 1 pint Ca|i* 1**.have Dii*t Pan* an*l Fin* .Shovei*. .'•c each, hav** Matrhe*. hw*t (laHor liraml. 12 lioxes for He. have other nrlkles to** numerous to ro**ntion.

Call and see us and get our prices before buying elsewhere. We are the cheapest place in town. Call and be convinced.Thanking you for your liberal patronage in the past we remain

Yours for Trade

THE RACKET 5T0RE,Wm. H. Hall Proprietor.

The !’nit*d State* navy now ranks fifth nmoog the navks of the sorid, but when nil the *hi|M« under «Hin*trnetion imd those that have lieeti ordemi ate (*ompkte«| our navy will rank thinl, at *1 Great llritain and France will lie tie *inLv **oantrk* out ranking na. The new naval lilM «*all« tor the building of Ihirtt- wix war vessel*—thfve lialtk ship*, four monitors, *ixtcen torpsd** Iniat «lestroy- er*. twelve toiqiedo iMiats nnd one gun- h«iat. W’heii these are ndd*d t»» the pre­sent navy an*l tb*ne now building. Cnrle Sam’s navy will be one of th** most f»ir- midableaHoat.and will eonskt of nineteen Imttleshipe. ten m*inilors. tw*> urmore*! ••misers, twenty prot««cte*| cruiser, six­teen t<irpe«ift liont ilestnwer*. fhirt.v-six tor(ie«io boat* and ninet*‘eii gunlaiat*. .\ll of tbsse vi’ssi I* nn* tboniugbly mod­em and **qnal if not sufwMior to other resseis of tin* sani** class in nn.v navy.




The .\tnerkan **ongre** i*ongn)tiilHted .\dmiral Dewey for Ikkiag the Simniard* and the S|Miiiish cort*« eongmtulated .\dmiral C*M*vera liecnuse be **sra|ied a Ikaing. It k always good (o have *nm« • thing to feel tiiaaklal for.

I HAVEAs Ull Slock of Qraalte

work aoar onirfc s !BorMe

exWMtloa at mi skop a aay dealer ta HlcMfoa...

Duo't helkve all you h«ar, hat look It up for yoanMif. .Vgvnts (or other Arms, of course, are very oaxioas to take vonr order, ami will drawoafhelrimagiiiatloti arronHagl.v. "Decomtioo Day" k Bear at hand, don’t wait too long bkore filaring your ORDBR, Wf caa haadh* a few more before that time, bat not many.

All ago ■arnisl

F. F. HIIJRMKLSt. JoRm. nefe.


We have Just received a lot of

CoiunbHS Royal Flush BicyclesWe sold 4a of these wheels here lost year at

Each, and we ore going to sell them now for

Don't miss this bargain if you want a IHQH GRADE WHEEL at a small price.

Our $25.00 BicycleIs ofie of the BEST ever sold at that price.

We can show you the names of loi people that have bought wheels of us this year. It pays to buy a Wheel at a whael store.

F. H. BUSH & CO.(•)


PosItlTely cared these UtUe PlUa.

They abo rcUrve Dutrewfrotn DyapqNfe, tadifatkin and Too Hearty Eating. A per. feet reaedy for DtuioeM, Nauaca, Drtnrsi. IMM( BadTaaleintbe XIouth, Coated Tooctie rain in the Side. TORPID LIXTR. They Regulate the BowcU. Purely Vegeuble.•fiMdl PM. hmoM Do—■

•tmM PHos.



The St. Johns News.TIIUItHDAT M.\Y M. lfl9H.


' .1'



HOTEL STEEL, ST. JOHNS,-----on------

Thursday, June 2.ONE DAY EACH MONTH. Office

Hours from 9 a. m. to T p. m.


Or. McHoniUd for T*firH iiiiuIh n utiniy and Hp«vialty of clintiiH* and liiiKerinK diMNUteM that n‘<|iiin‘ skillful iiMiliejil treatment for thfir ruiv. Such V<u«hh hh family |thyi*kMiiiii« tail to hHfi and pro- noun«viiKMirjif»l**Mrrpnrtiniliirly •M)lirit«-d capacially thoi*** nvi*r-«|<M4»ii with ntronu tnioerni dru>c^ niid |Mii«oiifi. Hr. .Me- Donald iiiw only thi* purvnt m«'<lirinr>H roiii the Vf;r*‘tahl«> kititr htui. ii«> payn atttHiti«tii to tficctiui^of the di>M^«M> and iiiHtructa bin |>HtN*nti* the way to hmith and hap|)iii*‘4««. I>r. \ir|) iimld ntn hIiow huiidmlh of OKtirnttiiiaii* in the hand* urritiuK of trr»t'*ful iNiiicntM who have Iteen caiT«| hy him when othen* fniht). Ill* in MO fainiliur with th** hiiiiiati Mvini^nt that bp l»» ahh* to iv<»d all diiM*itPPr« of the mind or IhmI.v •'orrpctly at a glaocp with­out aakiiiK uny (pipPlionM. ThouitaudH of invalids an* lH*iiitr tr<Mtp«l daily (or di- ppaiiPH that they do n«it have, whilp a fpw drofip of iiipdiriup dirprtp«l to thp MPHl of thp dl»ptutp would triv*’ pppp«ly rp- llpf, and iipmiaDPUt carp in a vpry idiort timp. tifM>d hpnith m tla* moet (•rpciouM jpwpI ill thpcrowu of happinp***. With it tlip worhl i« hriicht; without it iniapry claimp UP for lipr own. If yon an* a* niif- fpfpr you ptiould WfiKh wpII tlipm* wonii*: .V iiPTwoit who laich'PtM hip iimltb Ip tniilty of a wrnnir to himpplf and atotivp injury to humanity. Thp nnmpof Hr. McHoiiald. the wetl-kiiown pperinliPt ill thp cun* of chntuii* and liiMrrrinit dip-

,hap lipromp a huuppfioid woni in thoopandp f>f homm which hip pkill and wonderful rpoitflipp have miitip happy hy rpptorinK dpnr onw* to Itpalth aftpr all ho|m« wppp loet. Thp doctor i. a (mwiu* ntp of thp hitcbppt and IwmI tiiPilical 1*01- itftpp. and hip advaiimi tbporiew in thp trmtmpnt of chninir dhtpaww purpriep thp moat pkpptical. .HI chronic dipp.ppp


K. J. Tuelwr ie home from Jaduam.Mau.r fnmtprp havp not planiad com.J. It. StoM* Siindaycd with hie family.Iluich (luanipoa, of the XI. .4.0. Hun-

ilay«*«l with hip lairrate.Will. Whitp and Janipp Richmond arc

dmwiuK hacN tu lameinic.4lrp. <f. I*. ItauMw, a( LaoMUK. vieitMl

fripiidp in town laat week.XIrp. .Ipnoip .XtpHU and dnuKhtpr,

Olivp, Hundiiypd with XIr. and XIrp. (icti. Keck, ol (Mii'p.

Xliap I.uHIp Heo*t haa rcturtiPtl fnim Hctntit, wiMTPPhp vieltpil Mr*. John Full fornarly of thip idaop.

Rpv. E. H. W'ay and family, of Hart. Mich., an* vipilioff Xlnt. Way’p iHinaita, Mr. and .Mrp. S. Rpynolde.

XIpiuorial pcrviee will be haid at HeXX'itt Oranicp oiiHiiiurday iiiirht. <1. .4. Il.iuid W. R. C. will attpod in o iHidy.

(’umiiipocpiiipat PXPrriapM o( our high M'hool will Ip* lieid at tin* liaptfet chun*ii Friday pvening Juiip f), I'mf. LiiinI, pufieniitpudpiit of lainaiDK city pcIumiIp, will iMivpr th** iiddnw. Ia*t ourciliiPiip turn out and ipvp th** daop ufisttsa tiu«* iiudipticp.

It ip ho|p*«i that all .4m«*rimn rilixpiiP will ii«’uil thcmeplvea of th«* op|Hirtunity iipxt .Monday and phow thptr irntriotipiii hy turning out on Hpcomtion Hay and phow to the world that tlipy maiiiliiin u rcttanl for thiHw who foutcht for tlip iia- tion'p honor and defended our Hat;.

Maii.v fnim thip |ilapp nttpoilpii Hh* funeml on Sunday at Siminonp m'IuhiI houp>* of I'tiiil XIartxkp, wnu had tin* pad iiiiplortuii* to Ite dniwneil at Xl« r|p lt«*ach on Friday of li»*t week. Tin* d**«***aPMl wiiP a II youiiK man of kimmI hahitP and highly rpp|pp*ti*<l by all who kiipw hiiii. lit* letiv«*H a largt* circle of friciidp at thip plaiv.

QUNNIBOWII.1JL..Mice Ilia Lott ip attPiidiuK pclioot at

I.aDMOK<Mm. Shddoii of Xfiiph* Itaiadp. haalippii

vipitiiif; her father, ('hae. .sioaa.Tla* (iuniiipoiivillp liaud exiiectp topla.v

lit the llaptipt chun’h at lmiipiii|c next Sumiay.

.4 few of oiir f irmcm have jupt pii* in tpIptihoiiPH and then* ip talk of haviiiK

i oiip in our plon*.Oiir chun’h dt-ht h.p licen |iaid off con-

; pnpipiitlr our miipirtil talent ip prc|Miriiu; a jubilee** mcptiiiK for next Suiaiiiy ••ven- inic.

.4 purprip** party wae iriven Mr. iiiid Mm. KutfPiie Siphw hud Thimday even- ini; and u pleapiiiit time wiip hud liy all pn*Pe|lt.

^ ...i.r


The public PcbooH teach «l- mopt every known branch of »tiidy but the one moat important branch of all. What does it profit your pon if be bap an Intel* lect like a Newton.

< - and ip mentally an . . S .4dmiral Crichton.

\ iCr^liMMlif be hap a weak * and puny body

and not the re. motett idea of how to care for htp health * A boy p h o u I d he tauffht from the Ptart that hip health ip hi* mopt precious endow •

nirnt Without health, all the talent, all the ip-ntiiP. and all the .imhition in the woild art' wortliiepp A hoy rhould hetauiiht that pucctpp in anv walk of life, that happinepp. and life itpclf. are dependeqt upon hip care of bip health

When a man fet U that he ip lopinx hip health .tnd vtxnr, when htP cheek* no louv­er kIow. hip Ptep IP no lonver claPtic and the P)iaTkle of health ip no longer in hiP eyrp. he phould work Irpp. reml more and rcp««rt to the ri*ht remedy to reptor* hip hiMlily rtvor I>r Pierre’* (lolden Medical IH*co\'ery IP a natural medicine—a pcientif* ic medicine. It doe* no violence to nature. It workp with and not againat nature It promotePthe natural proceaaep of pecretion and excretion. It impartP vitality and p*iwer to the whole pyptem. It vive* pliimpnepp and color to the cheeka, pparkle to the eye*, ateadine** to the nervea. ptrentih to the mupcie* and the animation of health to the whidr l>ody. It makea the appetite keen and hearty. It ia the areat blood-makeT. fteah Huilder and nerve tonic anti reatorative Xledicine dealer* aell it and have abaolutely nothinv else *‘ju*t a* voexi.”

" 1 wa* aMitied with lainple* and hail*, and mnninc «ore* on lace an*! neck." wntea Rohert H Wert Kail . of Nt> <.*Uow*y Are.. Colttm- )nm iihio " I took Iir 1‘leree'a (ioMen Medtcal IMMoverv and 'PtraaanI Pellets.' and waamretl "

Ompttpatinn is the commoneat liefrinnina and hrpt canae of many aeriona diaeasea and it should always he treated with Hr Pierce’* Pleasant Pellet* iipcd in conneetton with the " Hisrovery.” The*e are the most perfect natural laxative* and permanently cure.

Xlinn Oertie l*«ek iwtumed home Innt week.

Opkir Hariug ol Itbnen. wna In town laat Htinday.

Earl Reetl mturavd to Watertown, N* X*., laat Friday.

liOfiaanl Krtigtw and Henry Xlilier of Fowler. viait»*d iu town luat Sunday.

Mm. Jaiiiep U•M|||er retnmeil to her home at llattle ('reek laat Fndu.r. I

Xlurried. at the rmideaw of the hride’a fiarenta, Xlay 'J.'t, (’line. Saofont and X!iwi Ella l*rortor, ImiHi ui thia vicinity. |

Xlertnn Sturgmi, a former llubiMrdetou ; Iniv, wae in the rvcimmt of MiehiKHn j tr«Mi|ia that wae ordered to the Pbiilipiiie j latuuda.

IKeii, Xlay 21at,at tbe in>aiie aayluni j ill Traverse City, Jaiiie* l^iftua. The re- iiiaiun wen* hn uicht here and intermi iu St. .lohii* I’atholie cetoetery, Tuesday.’ The d*r» luieii wiie fl.'i yearn of «*«•.

The eoininenivnieni exereiwv* of our j MchiMil will In* h••ld at the XI. E. rhnrefi. Fridav eveniUK. Xlay 27th, and tbe fol-j lowiiiK proKriiiii reiidensl: IMarrb....... ................. .............. Mlw« Ire llolwe* IInriM-Mitoo................ .. .....Itev. S. M. H«mr« '\luph- ...................................................... Orrbeetr* i(ir«tl«.u. "Pnst. I'rrawnt nad Future”

....................................................... Art* I'lark |iiUMrlft. \|l«pe« Mllrh^l and Stoddard, i

Iloihrook and Kllawortk. JOration, "Onwant an'l I'pward"

........................................ .........looetth Holender|)a«>t........... ........Mlsp Mllrhrll nnn Mr*. Ie*eke ,\ddrr«p. ...........Kupt. F. •». SimHIi, OreenvUle ,M4,|„................................ .\llaa Ktta St*Mldpnl (Prr««>ntntlou •if IMploniaa ...........F J. Markervliiak*..................................................... Oivh»*ira |ItenrHlIcllon.

BL8IE.I.iike .\I *rifield, wife and aon, XX’illle,

Su»nlay**«i at Tho*. Haire’a.Hurt Fox left Monday iiiorninK for He-

troit to Ie* musteml iu aa a Mildier.I.awreni'e VniiW’emier, of flwoeao,

eiietit the last of liwt week with friends in anil iiriiiiiid Elak*.

('hildnu's Hay will Is* olieervnl at tin* F. II, church Siinda.v June ."i, with a|»- propriate exereiem.

(irai’e |'hel|M, eidest ilauKhtcr of Xlm. Ray VanHuseii, i* very low, they an* liHikiiiK f'*r her death ••very day.

Hart S. Haire, of West Ua.v f'ltv maile a ftyiiiK visit to hi* iNirente XIomliiy iiitfht, KoiiiK luick TiicpmIhv iiiitht. It wiui a very iiUiisaiit aorprtae.

<»p4*ar (lamtt came home Suiidn.v iMKht on II twenty hour furiouffh to hid his imn’iits. Iinitiier and sistem iroodhye t*n* leiivitiK hir the South and I hence to tin* I'hilipfuiic islands.

.\rrnnK»*mcufs for Xlemorial Ha.v ser- viiv<e at present an*. Xlemorial sermon at F. II. ehun*h .Sunday moiiiiiK Mn.y hy Rev, H. H. Fonl. f>ii Xlemorial Ha.v Miiv .'IM. a'ldr»*ss hy Rev. W. L. Holmes, of l.aiisiuK, lit the XI. E churrh.

ICIsic hiuh sehiMil eoiiitiieiieeitiefit ciM-s will Is* held Friday cveaiiiK June :i llHccalaun*ales**rmoii at the F. H.chiirehSiiuda.v ••veniiiK Mu.v *JR, b.v Rev. .V. F. itryaiit. .4 I'lass of thm*. (ilenn Peek, and the Mise«*M Eliriu 44’iMMlnrtliiiHl 4X iuiiie Piiyiic Mnish the course of study this term. _____


IS EXCaiENCE IF SWirSFHSis due not only tu the uriirinality and aimplicity of the combination, but also to tbe oaru und akill with which it ia manufactured by Mtientiflc proceeae* known tu the CAi.iroNNiA Flo HrMUi* Ca only, and ive wiali to imprcaa upon all tbe im|sirtaiicc of purcliaaluff the true and original remedy. As tbe genuine Hyrup of Figs is manufactured by the t'ALi>-UM!<iA Fio Hraui* Co. only, a knowleiigt* of that fact will assist one in svokling the worthless imitatiema tnsnufsctuml by other par­ties. Tile higti standing of the Cai.i- roiuiiA Flo SrHUP Co. with the na-dl- oal profeasion, and the aatiafactiou wrhich the genuine Hyrup of Figa has given to millions of families, make* the name of the CiMiipaiiy s guaranty of the excelleticp* of its rcmeity. It Is fnr in advance of all otlier laxatires, as it acts on the kidneys, liver und bowrels without irritating or weaken* iog them, mitl it iloes not grifie nor nauseaU*. In •mIerUigrt iU beneHcial effei’ts. please remember the name of the (’ompany —


«^lSTm.»u a,.WKW TTTMK. M. T.




f’orii plantiiig is in full blast.TIh»s.* mills wen* just tlie stuff.Mr. .Scvine of .Hhc|*nrdsrilh*. called on

44'. L. fircmr Hiindii.v.Mrs (ieo. 44’ilrox of Hupluin, viaittsi

with friends hen* one day last week.Charley l.ipkey rides tlie stoutest wheel

in the town uiid is just ns happy as if h«* was haviiiK a breakdown ever>' little while.

Miss Elita Huiiii has been quite sick the |iast month. Hhe is somewhat ls*tter and everj oiie will Is* glad to hvim of her sjHsilv reivivery.

XIrs. .4. S. Hanfonl of Riugham. has lieeii stiixing with her sisii*r, Mrs. Jam*** Mcf’iiw who is oiiilc sick, the jMist wivk, and thiiikiiiK sli*' <*onld give her fietter cun* she look her to her hoiie*iii llinghatii oil Tu»*s«lay.

It has lieen dei’iihii to have childn>n‘s I'liy exercises ill th«*cvciiiuK iiistiiid of in lie* foreinMiii us was previ.iusly stateil. EvitvIsmIv come. .4n offering will la* taken for foreign missions tin* Hrst Hun- day in June.



and ItttXX'KtJt,McieBtiflrally and suwessfally treated.

Hr. McHoaald has made a sperial study nf all dehrate aad oberure diseases fierui* iar to women.

Hr. XlcHonoid’s .Hpecial Remedies are a iiemiaoeut core fur men suffering from oervoue asd sexual debility and early dseay. Rheuroatir aad immlytir crip- tdes made to walk; catarrhal denfness positively cureil ami many made to liear a whieper in a very few miaotes. .411 nebee and pains fade away under his magical reroediss. Hpilepsy or falling sicknens positively cored tbmogh this new metboii of treatmeat. HoeeiaJ at tention given to catarrh aad dineaees of tbe blood.

Tbnee unabU* to call write for qnse- tioB blank, linndrede cared hy corrss pomlenee. Xledicines seat everywhere. CoaealtntRui free ami striekly coaflileat- iai. .Xddrens

DR. D. A. MCDONALD,THr srienAurr,

Weliington Flata, Hmnd Rapkls XIM,

CBflfH LMDSWe Have Them and You Want Them.A ThinR of Beauty is a Joy Forever.We Refer to the

OLIVE CENTEB.Miss .Miible Taylor has n new wheel..Mrs. Ilia .Morton will l♦•ad the I^cague

.Hiiiiduy..4rthur Taylor takes his girl out rid-

iii a new carriage.Four dollars wen* t ikeii in at the aid

siM’icty at Mrs. Chas. RorkweH's. The next one will Is* at Mrs. H. 44'ilkiiis.

.4II id* cn*um snciiU will Is* given Fri- ilay Xlay 27, at Edwin Hhermaii's to •!♦•- fniy the expenses of chihlren's day.

Xlrs. Rovena Hhortriilge, of Joliet. HI., is now Ilf her motlier'a. Xlrs. Xlorri l.a|»- ham. After a visit here the former will join her husbami in Houth Hakota.

While Mrs. James Califer was hunting •■ggs in tls* Imni last 44'e<lnesda.v she fell thmugh and stnick in such a manner ns to break her collar lioiie and otherwise iiijun' herself, tie daughter, luiomr, of Imiising, is caring for her. XIr. Colder is still Pick at his ilaughters in Jackson.

Tls* .Mny meeting of the I'nioii Farm­ers f1iih was Held at the home of .Mr. and Xlrs. H. P. Keys. The regular program WHS |s»stiM»iie,i iiulil aftei dinner. The preswlent called the meeting !•> order at 1:,*l(ip. m. First on the program was an iostriimeiitiil duet hy Clam andHteila Keys. Xliiiutes of the last meeting wert* reml anti apprtivetl. H. P. Keys gave a

' tiUk on the can* and inanagement nf apple trees. He also gave an illustmtitiii of grafting the same which was very in­teresting iiiifi called out a giMsl many qiimlioiis frvim diffen*llt meniliers of the dull. Ueritatioii b.v .Miss 4\’oi>dbury. Stile and exchange list: ”44’hen, wh.vand how We do the wtxStly washings" was disciissnl. Home thought wc wash till .Mondays ls<cause our mothers did.4 It hers thought Monday the mis*t ctMi- venieut day as iiitin* dirty Hot lies ac- •-uniulate uhtiiit that time of the week. Recitation hy Xllss Flon*nce Keys. The question Imx was then dis|MNM<t| of.4Question fur general discussion: ’’Hair.v and ftHsl laws anti the farmers relnlion thiivto" and a discussion of tlie same by Xlessrs. Keys. 4\’<MMlbur.v, Crell and Pierre. Tb«' following is the prognim for the iM*xt meeting: Xluss*, pniyer, reading the minutes of the last iiieeiing, pH|s*r hy the host mill discussion, mis- ci*ilauc«ius liusiiiiws, recitation liy Hattie Sage, sah* anil exi'hiiiig** list, |ia|s*r by Mrs. Ilird and discussion, recilation by Elsi«‘ Crell, ipiestioii box, question for gi’iicnil ilis'-ussiiiii, *’The farmers diit.v reganiiug th«* teiiqienincc ipiestioii.” The chib adjfinmeii to meet with Mr.mid Mrs. tieorgi* l.iiiiliHiii the Hrst Saliinbiy ill June. Kiiik Imikiisoi.l. H«p''v.

When Naliirr.Ne,*i|s iissistiiiii'i* it ma.v Is* Issit to

render it promptl.v, but one should re- liiemliei' til use even the most |H-rfect reineilies only when lU’eileil. Th** lsv*l and miMt sinqili and gentle remeily is the 1 Syrup of Figs, mmiiifactureii hy thel'aii- fiirnia Fig .Synip f’o.

4Vm. Peck, living a mile south of Elsie, was seven*ly iiijiireil nvenlly. H** was assisting iu raising a bam for his brother Chariivi IWs, tiy m«*ans of jack screas when tin* tdockiug came out from under the timliers where h«> was at work, let­ting it fall ii|Kin him kins^king him down, linking one shoulder blade and injur­ing tbe other. He is getting along us wHI as could be exfiectefl.


Highest grade aad thoroughly ofsto- date.

New featurre and many improve­ments.

We have tbe iMMt OIIE nECE CRAIfKSHAFT in iws.

4 lor REPAIR SHOP ia the ohlest and lieat equiped in the state. .4I| work guaranteed to he RIHHT. INfll'-nlt refiairing of all kinds snliriteil, ami satlefactiun given to all. flicvcfea, I’inhrellas. Hewing .XIarhinea, luiwn XIowera. (Inna, etc., etc. rspaireil at C4M»PKICH repair abop. .411 work promptly done at reoaonahle prieea.

CiNipcr Makes the Big C.GEO. D. COOPEIL

St. Jobns, Mich.

NORTH VIOTOB.Thi* 4V. H. XI. aociety will meet with

Xlrs. Chaa. 4'|ia|Hn Thuradny afternoon. Xlrs. 1.. .4lbee, laadcr of tls* literary pro­gram.

Pnimrations are being inaile to ols serve Hecoration Hay at the North Vk*- torrenieter.v. Rev.(}.(!. Longman, of Ht. Johns, is to be orator of tbe da.r.

The little people of iHir Hnnda.v school have surcseilsd in raising money to hny primary chairs. X’ery few who were asked to contribute failed to rsa|s>ad and this fart ie appreciated hy tbueewbo are intereatsd in t^ enter prise.

DUFUklH.Theix* will be Impllainal aervici' nt tbs

Htaciple churrh next .Hnndaty eveoing, Xlay 21»tb.

.4fter an abeewm of three weeks Rev. A. Heott of Ihiplain. was greeted with large audieocse laat Hamlay. Tbars was oae conversion at tbe ••veoing serTlea.

Memorial asrviesa will be bald at tbe.T

tbsaddress of tbe day aaeiated by other a^ieaksre.

IHarfplechnrrb in Hnplain, Hnnday, Xlay 2Rth. Th»* Rev. .4. Heott will deliver tbs

•Neal KaamlwaMsNB.Final •miuninatloiMi forrvMinty diidoma

for a|iring term of IHIIM will te* hdd hy !


Oakorrh ia one of tbe most ohatinato disease*, and henoe tbe most dilBoalt torid of.

There is bat one way to cme it. The disease is in the biond, and all tto spravs, washes and inhaling mixtures in the world can have no permanent effect whatever upon it. Hwift’s Hpe- (dfieeuras Catarrh (M>rmanentlj,foritls the only remedy which can reach Um diaeane and force it from the blood.

Mr. B. P. McAllister, of llan^sbarg, Ky., had Catarrh for years. He writest

*'1 soald ss* BO laiprovsBwni wbatwvr. Mmngii 1 was esastsnily trsaisd with sofays

and wash**, and mffvr- •wMnhsllaii mavdt**.- In fast. I roald tsvl that saeh winter I waswnrsa than Um> year nrsviuss.

**rinafly It was tmniglit lo my notlee thatCtstsrrh was* Mood dlsaase. aad after Ulak- lag over Uw aialter. 1 saw It wssaarsasoasMs m espset to be ewred Iw rsandlss wbtsb only rsarbsd tbe sarfsee. 1

__ tben dsslded to tryI after a lew botUss were nasd. I no-

tmytnvimsaL Oonttantag esee was Isrssd oat of my

eomytete ears wa* tba rvssll. I advise all wbo have tbt* rlriadfal dtssasa In sbsaitnn Uwlrlaaal treaimeat,wbtsb basasvss dswe tbsm aay naod. aad tsbe S. a. 0., a rsm- •dytbaleaa rassh tbe dlwss aad care IL**

To oonilnue the wrong treatment tor Oatarrh Is to continue to suffer. Swift's Speeifle is a real blood remedy, snd ourea obstinate, deepHmated diseases, which other remediem have no effeet whatevor upon. It nenmptly ranehss Oatarrh, ami never fsHs to core eron tbe most aggravated eosas.

* J

ttesda psssisMIi tbe T*many, um*


• II%th** t'ommmsioner of srhools m* folk,wa; I is Purely Vegetable, and is the only Ht. Johne Haturday Xlay 2m, Wamnsta bbiod remedy guaranteed to contain no

iangwmus minerals.Boolm mailed free hy Swift SpoelRe

Oompany, Atlanta, (leo^a.

Tiirmln.v May III, iicadar Jnne 1.

aad at Hewlit 4Vnd- R. M. WivsTiix,



TIm* ll■ma■^ TkeM..!


laieurtaat pale (g .b«ie. cai Rentrii.......



WE emei»p* m Mil at RetaU f(w m <layp lor l*M ibaa meet daalerpcsa boy at wkubMal*....


SELLIEIUSLThe backward season is leaving us with an im­

mense stock of shoes on hand. We are determine to Keduce this stock by July 1st if prices will do it, we therefore give you one solid Month of Bargains, beginning June 1st and closing July 1st. Every­body in this section will have an opportunity at the best Bargains in seasonable shoes, ever offered to the Public. The profit is yours—the loss ours— Costs simply ignored—We Must Sell. You must come to appreciate—You’ll feel good when you have shared in this feast. We are going to give the Grandest and Most Fascinating Bargains the shoe buyers have ever known—That’s it—just it—that’s exactly what we mean, you never saw the like be­fore—you will never see the like again—remember it costs you nothing to look. Keep right along reading if you want to get the meat and marrow of this announcement. Read the Description and prices.—Everything marked in Plain figures.



Ladies' Shoes.LN<lif~>' fanrr Ki<l. Inlaid pfik. Lsr.<

-Imi..., M.'iO. Hr.! Tirkrt prim l.M<lit*.‘ Ksim Finr Kid Lam. luind

.Kilk V..«iiu4r t»*p» or plain H«p| TirK**t prim Kslm Fin.* Kill Lam. fanv)

itrown rt«>lli .lurk li|>.. (U.rin. Kdl Tlrkn prir«

I.Hdir>p'Kxirn Fin« Ki.t I.i(m. ftlark*ilk Vmi lop. FIaiMi--«iai.' iMiiimi|8.*ill. Rr<l Tirkri prim

Ladim' Kstr* Fin** Kill l.«m. In lai.l rlolh .lay .l«irk lip. IS.Oi. HfNi Tirki-I prim

La<li*— Kitra Fin.. Kid fancy •ilk Vmi lo,,.. Harsnin *1 SS.O). Iir«l Ticket prim

l.«.iim Kstrn Fin** Kid l>«m. fancy .ilk Vmt io|iv. I{••snl«r HoiTicket prim

l.adim' Kitrn Fine Ki<i rttin tt(e. .ttirk tip worth !(!.■*<•. He.! Ticket prim

Laatie.' Kxtr* Fine Ki<l Lam. coin t<ie imttent lratliertip.prorthfl.ij Ke.1 Ticket prim

l..adir>' IhMNrid* Kid. .mall .im*. worth and 4a.nn. Kmi Ticket prim

Lnalir.'M.tit Tan pImit., take yonr rboice, Ke.1 Ticket prim

lm<ii*..'n.jn Tan .Ime.. tnke chitim. Re.1 Ticket prim

Imiiie*' |3.f» Tnn pImit.. tnk*- yonr, choim. He«4 Ticket prim

Ladim'CJio Tan pImitp. take y<Mir ch«iim, R*..l Ticket prim

I.adie.' fBl.jO tan or Mack tlsfocdp, Reti Ticket prim

I.adie.'ADO tan or itiaek 4)iford., Real Ticket prim

Ladie.' ISJiA tan or htnek tiifawd., Re.1 Ticket prim

l.a*liep‘ tan or Mack tiifordp, H***l Ticket prim You will ntHim oar rrsnlar^Low

aad our Rot Ticket redaml prim oppiwilr.

Misses' Shoes.

Children's Shoes.('hihlrm'. Ihtnsida kid lam pImicp.

rnniar prim *.t«. R*mI Ticket prim I .82

Hniiir*' IhHMP.I* ki.l lam .Inie.. rrsruUr prim e.40. Kr.1 Ticket prim I .22Y.mi ran hare y.Nir rlHdm in Mark or

Ian (Ml Mipw>. nml ('hlhtren'. .Im*.- everythinir tr.e—iM.lhiiitf rv-aerrei.

Men's Shoes.


Mi.pep' Domfot* Ki.i Lam .boep, retrain r prtm $2.00. Ke.t Ticket prim 81.20

Mippcp' Unasoin Ki.l Lam .Imv*., resalnr prim $1,72. Kcl Ticket prim

Mipeep’ Ihmanta Khl Lam pboe.. resalar prim $1.20. Kcl Ticket price $1.12

Mlpm*p‘ Unaanl* Khi Lam pbucp. rnsaiar i>rim $1.22, Red Ticket prim $1.00

Mipam’ Iloamalo Khi Imm pbom, rosalar prim $1.00. ile*l Ttckct prim $ .8$

Children's Shoes.4'kil4ren'p llnasnln kid lam phnep.

resalar prim $1.20. Ret Tlcbet prim 81.10

Children‘p Doasnla kid lam pbncp, rcsoisr prim $ljft. Ile<l Tiebst prim $1.00

(’hlldrcn'c Ilonsnlc kid Ism pbnep. rosalar prtm itJ2. Red Tisbet prim $ .m

CblldrMi’p I Wiaiwda kidOnc . Ile.1

.Men • hai>.l .ew*p| calf pImm*.. Mark• •rlan. reaninr prim $4.4X1. RedTicket prim $t.10

Men • lian*! -ewt^l rnlf p)mp>p. 44nck• •r Ian. nvrnlnr prim 04.20. Ke.iTicket prim $2.72

Men - esirn Hne calf Inm -Imw.-, tilark ..r tan. remilnr prim $X.rat.Ite.1 Ticket prtm IS.X2

Men'- eiirn tin.* c*lf Inm -iMie-,I.Inrk ftr Inn. resulnr prim KM.Re. I Ticket prim $t.W

Men'p pnlin rnlf Inm ..r cKtarepp,Mnck .mly, resninr prim Re,l Ticket prim $1.20

Men'-pnlin rnlf Inm or etnurrepp.Mnck .mly, resninr price $l..'’i0.Hci Ticket prim $1.12

Men'- pnlin rnlf Inm phom. resninr prim $1.22. He.i Ticket prim $ .$2

Men'- Itenry srnin phtwp|M»*-eitrn piriKis. resninr prim $2.4X>. Rc-i Ticket prim ,. $1.80

Men'p Itenvy srniii phrw phtte. ma- sree. or Mickle, resular prim $1,72, Re*l Ticket prim $1.82

Men'p lieavy srain plow plwie- cna- srm- «w buckle, regular prim $l..’4t. RmI Ticket prim $1.12

Boys' Shoes.Bo) • extra Dae calf lam pIhicp.

regular prim $2.fX). Red Ticketprice ........ ......... .. $1.80

Boy'. vici kid tan phoe*. rngular price $2.00. Ke.1 Ticket prim $1.80

Hoy’, rnlf Inm phoe-, regular prim $1.72, Re.1 Ticket prim $1J2

Hoy p rnlf inm pImhw. regular prim $1.20. Rci Ticket prim $1.12

Hity'p patin rnlf Inm phocp. regular l^m j2. Re.1 ‘Ticket prim $1X2

Youths' Shoes.4'oath'* calf lam tan chom, ragulnr

prim $1.72. Rci Ticket prim $1.404’oalh'p calf lam tan pkne*. rogular

p(rtm$1.20. Re*l‘Tleket prim 81 JOYaath'p knasarno calf lam pImwp.

regular prim 8U2. Rci Tiebei l^m * 81.10We have redacci tbe prim foe 80 day*

OB every pair of «hiie. ia tbe ptore. you ran hay theai at wholenale prim.

■lar prim 81.00. Rci Ticket8 .72



IN FIELDS OF ICE5t JolnM Hen Explore tke QoM


Dllllciilt Work of aimbint the Glaciers

Was Bravd) Eacoaoterod oad SaccoM* fatly Qoac Thraack.

Orapblc Descnpttao of tae Way la Whlcb It Was Daac.

Tb«* fullowiiiK letter Iroin J. C. Watid, OUf of tb« meniban* of tbi* Klondike party in which Chan. Uadt and Ilyrou UeClcr. of St. JoIiuh, arr with, will be fonud intensely iuterMtioK: I'am», .Ilamka. .\|iiii 1*7. ISMH.

ThiN iia« iMwti one of tlivntoniiient daynI have wwti aiouK the trail. 1 laid in tny ■UrfMDK Imii{ ail tin* inominir and thin afteniiMin I am writina to my iwopie and iny fri<>n«hi. I knew very littl«ab<iut thie t^l when 1 lawt wrote you, but aiace tlieii we have traveleil 2li inile^, 77 of them beiiiK over the Kiacier of which we are now on the eumrait. I want t«» say to you now that 1 hare my double ahwiot tnere iieiuK another trail leading into Alaakii that ie hanier than thie one.

now 4,«MM» le**t above eeti level.Tmav u no ilitrk here and the eteam*

boat lande \ou and yonr onttit with their email laMite on the mud rtate. From here we sledded our outfit half a mile to where then* is plenty of tlmle*r, and prefian* I for our trip over theglm*. ier, the fiMit of whicii ie lour ami one- iialf milee away. The )^ai*ier ie eaey eootmli lo n*nch ihe trail lieinir fairly f(o<Hi bat up irnwle. lien* a man can pull about ‘JAli |Hiun<le to a load, aud ae we have alMuii 14 tone to more you ean inia^ne what a job it ie to mure it a mile.

When you strike the MM)t «»f tliejflHfier, which ie thirty milee acroee your trouble beKius. Then* is not a etlrk of timiHT t«» be e«s*ur»*<l any when aloiiK thee** thirty milee. M) you will uiideretand that the j wiMiil i|iiee'tion cute <|uile a tiKun* whil<*! croeeiii^. A ^jlucier ie a iiiaes of iis* le*- tween iiioiintaiiis. Hen* the moiiiitaiiie ■ an* liiKh and ne*ky and mvensl with ; enow ex«*cpt when* a snow elide line «e*- | cum**!. If the irlncier wae lev«*l or [ raieeil tfradiiall.v like some iiiouiilalne I ^ think it would Ie* much t*ajiicr to cross, llul each ie not Ihcciiet*. with this oiii*«ii leaet. and wh«*ii you nvt to the foot ol the ^lucHT then* ie an incline of aleuit

This is ••alhsl the first Ih'iicIi. ' aud there is iour of tliein.eii(*h ionucntiid etee|e*r than lie* other. The way w»* work*sl the flr-t Iwnch wae to driv<*a etake ill tie* i<e on tie* top of tie* ImmicIi. faeteii a |iulley hlock to it and te* on a elrip^ldoad of uoods of aleait 7o*tpouiids; then all hands took hold of tie* ro|e* and ran down hill w-hih* tie* load went up. We‘oiind this a very totiKh way to ilo, ' and wlen w** worked the ie*xt Iwiich \\** cone tract (I I a windlaee and fmiiid it a mucii caeicr way.

Then* an* in the leitrhlMirhoiMl of li.."iiKi )e*o|t|c trying to jr»*t over this trail at one**, an I ae they aie wHl buiichni they an* in each otfe*r’e wav. | We uvoidtsi this by workilitr tie* Itete hee uiiclite. I'roiii the tln*l to tie* e«s*oiel , bench is fhn'**-«|aHrtcr>« of a iiiih* and a ' man can draw l.'tii |ioaiide on hie eleil The thini lemch ie atM>ut a •luarter of a mile away, and fniiii the thinI lo tie* ; fourth ie t*ii mihs*. Men* tie- trail ie up' Aud down and a man cun draw only about ‘JiMi iMiuiide. .Iiiet think of |iulliiiKII iiNidisi eieiifii over n trail that ledriftisi full uf enow in a K'md many |ila«*ee and niowt uf tie* way up hill. Ten milee a day and back to camp ie roiieelcntl a AoimI iluye work. We moveil our tpaele five iiiilt^ and made two tri|ie a iliiy. It woe the touirheet pmiMteilion I ever went up atfiiiiiet, and wlieii I itot tlin>u({b with niy ba<‘on and lieane I wue n*ad\ for my ehs*pinK imu aud elept like a dead man.

Fnini tliefoiirlh Itettch to the siimiiiit ie Hve iiion* milee over n hard trail and it wae mitfhty hiini work to pull l.*ii' jMtuiiile at a load over it. Fnim thefieit of what w«*<ull tie* euromit to tie* top ie three-,piiirtere of a mile and le et<s*|ter than any of tie* lM*iirhee. Lole of |N‘o|i|e |Mick their tfoods up hut we Ue«d tie* el<*<le. .\fter you reach the to|i tie* routtle>st (Wirt of \ our journey ie ov«‘r ae tbc other eidc ie ail down itraih* and a man can haul all hie eleijch will hohl.

I have e*s*u niniiv imm tarn back die- guetasl. and others drop on the tniil. I have Ms-a parttere ipiarn*! and divide tliHroiittlt, and item* horrible than all,1 liav»* s.s*n men trynijf to climb this mountain of its* with tieir ttuiKiiee Iihiik- iuK out ot their mouthe for tliiret. lb*- ^lenileT you muet inHt all your water anil there ie no woimI. I have n'fuetsi initny a iiian ii tiriiik wlem It wae aimoet ae bani to refust* ae it would havt* le-en to Ko without inyeelf.

It le irt‘ttm»; late in llie eeiwHin und the trail will etaai break up, when it will )w im|KiNMible to croee the Kiacier. I think j our fNirty line fared well e«i far. a* we are milee ahead of ettme who t'ame on the •ane* laiat and an* up with tlie ieitdcre DotwitbetnndinK the lact that we have machinery in our outfit. We will have the dietinction t»( lieiiii; the Hret jiarty to take machinery over thie tniil. Two other iMirtiee brouKbt machinery but left it down at the Hale uod never at* feniptetl to mbve it.

1 f(s*| oe contiflent ae ever tliiit wre will return winnere and I lielieve wc are k»>- iaa to make u elakt* ae etMiii ae we n*ach tht* lake, ae many are intiairiiur of ue if we will eaw Inmlier for them. I under- •faiid that they hnveetmek a icmd ttiid near the lake lately lait can’t eay how true It is \lter we net off the Klacter we etriki* a river which Isade to the lake A man told meyentenlay that tbecoantry we are K'hnK to ie entirely unknown to white men, and all etorien we hear re- Kardinic it are lalee. One thioic I know m be true, however, had that ia that tlie men who went in there in February are rominir ovt to buy more proviaiune. aad a man would bare little trouble In dlepoeinK of Hie outfit. However, when I write you aiciiin I will know eomethinK about the interior. The tail enderw oa the trail are iwaadinK ont refwirta tbat I’nvle Sam ia bavina war with Spaiu. How iait?

I often thiak if there ia a mwid atnke made I could adviae my frienda when aad how tu conw maeh easier than we

have. If we knaw what wa know now we eonld have i^vetwd the diataare in half the ttom. A home ia the thian to have. So many iieople Koiair over tbe trail tnmk it ao it will bold a boma eaoUy. Tha few tbat bfooftiit boraaa have a Koid mine in movittK other iienple’M uatfita. When we came we undvretood that no horaaa would be allowed oa tl^ trail, ao we bmuitht none eith aa. We haven’t eean roach cold liere outaide today’a Ntomi and a few minor (Nmw The weatheriim- ernlly baa Iwen eu that a man oonld keeji warm if at work. Ifut yon muat rrmem* her thie i« only the tnil end of winter in thia {dace. 1 haven't ahaved aiare I left home and don’t intend to until I come bark; then I will give the buye a bunch of my wbiakare.

1 would like to bear from you and other friends hut do uot send any newe- |ai|iera oe the moil carrier will not luwk thatii over the trail lu writiuK to friende here everyoa** should eodoae a doilar in the letter as it coats that much to send it ls«sidea the istatage. We have a fwaoefal lot of men along this trail and so far we have cxiswieBoed no trouble. We have no fire in the t«*at and as tbc storm is getting tlerrer each moment, I must Htas* and get into my bag to ktefi warm. We are all well luid beurty. (Jive my regards tu ail my friends.

J. t'. Watxel.

Trial* af a HaslMMMiar.

The cx|iertaooe of Poatroastcr JdH'uls* for one day is expresaed as follows by an observer: “He t^iedaliday auddids«tnie s|Mnuiog, wb«*reiii in* differs from the fil­lies uf the field. He told a litth* girl site (Hiuldn’t mail her kitty. He sboweil u little i»oy bow to lick a stump. He ex­plained to un old maid tbat it timk five i<eute |M)etagt* on u letter tu thclaleof .\laii. He ex|4aiiied tu a country school ma’am that she neml not slump the let­ters of the alphabet. .\ii old iiiaii was mad liectiuse the |Miatinaster wouldn’t tiiind out his wail |ia|s>r. He refused |«» register u (ierman voter who applieil. He asaureil u traveling man that the 0 o’clock niuming tmiii left at H:2ri, and argueil ten minutes with ii rich merchant who wniiteil live packs of {sMtal cards for a dollar. Then weary and discour- agfsl. he loeki'il the safe, swefit the mud from the front ottin*, turiM<<l th** key in thediKir, ami rstani«*il to his |>n*HMaut Imiiiic too ensM tu kiss his win* or wink at tin* cat.


.Mrs. Mary Kiswil die«| at tin* Itomc «>f her daughter. Miss Kva Ktlly, in the township of Kagle, (’lintun county, on .May lo. iHph. Ilect-asetl was an old r***- idciit of Kagic, living in Kagl«* township Hlnuit fortv-tlire** y« ars. Shecaiin* irom (iermHiiyand •4ettl«*<i in Hugh* and has i*>*side<l then* ever siiici*. .'dn* wa* seven- fv-eight years, one nioiilli, Hft«*cn duvs old. She was a giMsi and faithiiil t'hris- tian, Is-longing to .St. Mary’s church in Wesihaiiu. from which she was biiri**«i ^tay \'2. Sin* has ls>en in isnir h«*ailhfor the last 1hr»*»* years having Is-en afh*«*l»*«l with panilysis aiioiit thr*«* y«*iirs ag<» from which she was h*ft an invalid. .Sin* leaves one son and four daughters and s«*verni grandchildren to iiioiirii her loss Hut what is their lisw* is h•*r gain. She inis onlj' goiM* ls*for»*. *


.**« r»'i»tii J. Tnls-r t,, VnnV|,-«-t»'• :irpr» ,rt, Ii fr. tr. '» simIII 47 1.^ not- . <•( nw fr. *1 ,>f xTiiiMi a.Olio*. «l.|s7.

J ,>e|>ll K. Ilelir (<• Henp 4. \\ islisr. *4 ,if • , ,,f II* ^4 ,,f •ertiiMi ■*>. W,-.i|»l4,4li« ,nMO

Henr^'J. \\ lelirr nisi wife le .leltli II. >r|infsr. • IIW niels •, ,»f - ,,fI,* 4 -«*«*i loll s, \V<-«| plinlin. •■>.l7ri.O*

Hsir-ni l-n* ef esinle .liiliu- II. Ilisr le lleiirv .1. Misr st nl. iNirt ef let- 'J. i,I nisi 7>. K. 0«i,|. Z.'OMli

J. IV Willlnm-le Willinm T»tImi-I,. lei •>s. Week *7. psWiii lOU.Ot

\ilsii Mle'hicii nixi wife te Pellie M. <'rt>nkile, ■, sere ,>f inii,i eti *'=4 is* ef -eeiiiKi Knth. ini fo

Inteiiisllr VniiVirst leSsrepln J. Tn>>*r..ill ef "‘t ef II* fr. « exeepl liS7'7nere-Itf-eetiisi X. tllive, |.|S7J|0

|,<»tsr Wriiilit nn<l wife le William K.Wriirlll. *e ,»f •* 4 ef -eeliisi .'i.Ituplniii. I.Hni.ii)

.**. FUImhi Omre> Ks. nisi f*. te Ktlr-ir W.Kewley, e ‘4 ef <* V4 ,»f srelhsi 31,HUs,. i.on

C'hn». W. Hlsr te Htnir> J, Hlsr ri nl, laisi ,Hi Meek K, Otriil. Ilil.fO

Krnuk Shiiart ntxi wife te \rthiir I,.Paiitel* nntl wife. Ian,I ,ni >eeti,si Is \\ alert,svn aOO.on

Sejrnwsir K. V,s»rls*e» an,I wife te Nirli.,>la« Jeral. w 17 aerr-,,f mw *4 ,»f >4,,f »eeli«si a. Vieier, 33^, on

I'harle- \V. Hier te Kaiwin K. liter, laiul en lilcsrk K nisi H. <lti<l. SO lO

l-^ihrar H)«ieet al. te Franei- M. Vre*len- Mine e| al, •* *4 ef -e I4 ,if -eetiiai 17,Olio* i.awfo

.\ltenll4iii.\ ronlial invitation is cxtcndetl to

Mohliers. sailors anil citirens to luirtici- jNite wilh us on Memorial Ihiy.

IVrsoiis who have llowers to conttib- iile will please bring tiicni to <1. .\ U. hull not later than nine o'clts'k on Mon­day morning. May .’huh.

.\ll <»ld strltliers and ladies of W. II (’. un* rr«pn*steii t«» nMs*t at IS. .\. II. hall on Meiiional Suntlay at ten oVUs'k sharp to iitletiti services at roiign-giilionnl church. .\ large turiioiit is ilesiml at this s«*rVM*e. .1. W. llllAliNKIt,

K. V. .*4\iitii.U. I'. l#Kwis,.\. .‘(TitWKI.,Wll.I.IAU. FklllMRIt.


.kiMillier Kaearslwn It* tIrsMd llspliU.fill Sunday, May Till, tin* |). Jic M. will

run H s|s*f*ial t<» (iranil lta|rtds. Train will leave .S|. .lohns at lO:I.** a m. and iirrivi* in (<nind llapids at noon. Ib*- tliming train will leave (Smnd llapnis at 7 u’Hisdc giving seven hours. .( new feaiiirv will is* the <*henp excursion l»e- tween all intermediati* stations en route ol excursion train. One far** for tiie rtioud trip. No tickets sold lit less than 'JA cents. Ilicycies and l»aby c«bs fn** on excnrsion tmin at owners risk. (iwn- ers ninst atlmiii to hmdiog and unload- ng same.

Mwrrlwne Iasswss.The followiug laamoge liesnsws have

iieen granteil during the imst week by County Clerk Wm. .M. Smith:lisle .Nsme A«eMsv 31 Joss* II. William*, flrssd HspM*

asrsli %. Klllrotl. Maple tUHd* As

Vmr awleOr exchange for farm near 8t. .fohns,

the pmfmrtjr corner of llighain aad Hfwing streets, coaalaiing of lots 11 abd

liloek 7,. having a frontage of liMH feet on Higham stieet, mnning Imck Ho feet to ITi feet alley. Thie is vainabte profierty for bnsinsws purposes, l^et me bear from soaie one. .(fhimes

J. y. lloiMig. Montpsliw, Ind.

HEHK’S A TIP,•cHoot. urnoKMa wamnso AOAtwn

A COItHLg ur AUgWn

Huperintendent of INiMic Instruction Hammoml has bsen very bmiy foresviml da.vw mnning down a i-ouiile of fefiows who liave bmai using bis iihiih* as an en­dorsement (ur a school ap|ianitns they are filaciug io oonntry' districts at on ex- orliitaiit |irirt*. He beani of them in Huron county and luiinvestigation then* shows that they iiave taken orders at 9H7.A4I in Heartv ever>' district in tin* county. Mr. Hiimmoud says he lias never uuthoritml th«* use uf his nam** for any sneh imrjiose ami that his iiam** to HU ••ndurseiiHUt is a foigerv*. He says the iiiiiiamtus lie saw was nut worth over iiaif whiit is chargeil (or it and tie urges schiMil din<rtors to go slow iu making such iiurcbases. He will notify every school district in tie* state, by Hr- •*ular, to IfMik out (or tin* men.

First MeclialMr. Nicoud’s first lerilai took pia«*e

Tuesday, eveniug liefon* a ver>' u|>- prectative iiudietM***. Th** Hrst |iart of tin* iirogmm roiisisteii of solos aud as- semlily playing of his |iu|iilM and •‘och number was ver>’ well rsn«len*d indeed. Tile puiais imrticiiiHtiiw wen* Miss*** C. Iiigmhnni. Ilelier, N. Foen*h, Master L. .\le«ti], Messrs. W. Kmmous, J. Foerrh, S. Heller, S. I’rh-c and K. Porter. .He**- ondjiart: The vocal solus sung bv tin* .Misses M. Kmniuns and .(lice Maithous** w**n* v**ry iiigiil.v nppnx-ialed. Tin* .\m- idiion (Quartet <*«iiisistiiig of .Messrs. H. iVtisbbum. .1. Collios, II. Ilross and if. Wulsworth was ns usual well rereiv**«l and nwponded to an •*nctin*. Miss II. IlUink pln.v***! “Vats** llrilliantc’’ b.v Mos- kowsk.v’’ in a (itn* st.vh* ami deserr»*l full.v the applause giv*n her. although only sixteen y**iirs old then* an* verv- few her ••«|ual. 'I'll** sohts phiynl by Prof. ltols«rt Nieoud wen* n*nden*il in an ar­tistic st.vh* and ver>' w**ll n*c**iv**«l.

I'tMMiSK KvesI*

Tlie I'ulle*! lirrilirefi ,tl lleiarsl rlrroli will bill*! ibeir Iblnl i|usrteii,\ tnretlna st Ibe We*t llesssl appointmrnt June 4tb and .Mb. I'reiibllng Killer It. II. Turner wilt (tlHrlnle.

Ire rresiti will Is- Herre«l on Ibe *’,*uri II,,use l^wrii. \Im> .'bi. |ie«*orstlon Hay, by the llspp.r surer llesri Stieleiy. I'mai lOc a (lleb. All are lnvlle,|.

The l,a,lie« .\Mux-tation will larei with Mn*. Wolcott next Turrslnx nfiern,,ou, .Mar :il«t.

Tlir lleiarsl I’nlon .\|,| S4>riety will meet witb Mt*. .1 II llsiv Wcinewlay. JiiMe l,t. at one ,*’rl«*ek p. IU. .til iiienil^r*, are r»*- ,|Ue«tr*«l to be pn-m-ni as It l« Ibe annual eler. lion of oOteer*. Inxilalloii U exien«lr«i t«» all.

Tliere will lie an Ire rrram eorini nt .si,>n.v *'reek ••rb<M,lbou»f ill lliiuibani. Krtilay ereit- luK .liiiie :i l*r«M-ee,|M f,,r ilk'ii'innry Kver.v- ois* lnvlie«|.

Tbe rrifular lueellnjl of III,- W T C will Im* he{,l al ibe.M. K rburrti parlor*, .*<al .r* ,la.v allern«’,,n at 'J..*to.

i{e% Mr« llnllr will prearil a meintirlal ser­mon at ihel'. II rburrb In Kiireka, *iiin«la.v. May J'.*. nl ten n. lu. Sumiay iwIi,miI iui- litti'llnlely alter ptearhlns

Tie* II. V. C. sill slue an Ire rreaill •<M-. lal at tlie liollte of TholUn> Pntlle.v Ui-alnee. ■ lay erelilliK.-luiie I Ml

Hr Walker say* That Climnir l>t»ea*e« .kre NO 1 •*nKer iNriirable.

Ibiiibll**** tli**n* i* not a luun* sue* **ss- iiil -|*^*iali'*t on chroiiH* di**n—-• in .\iii**rica today than Mr. II. K. \Vtilk**r, o! Ib-troit. who vii-il* .*<1. .lohim n-gtihirly inch iiKiiith at Hotel St. .loiin**. The diM’tor cun** iiiiH* t**iith* of all th«* < iifs*s tak«*ii. by his ip*w Mi*i,-iitiH< in*atiii,’iil Ind***! *o gf**al hu* l•H••n Mr, \Valk**r’s Mips***** in his varioii* *|s*<*ialli**s that his priiciio* Is no loiiK,*r contiiKsi toth**staH* ol Mi< higiin, but •*xtctiiU t(» nil fuirlsof III** l’iiif«si .'4t<ili** and Ctiiuidu. Mr. II. Tildmls. of Ui\«*rsid«-. Calibiriiiu, a lorm- cr n*sidcnt of .Michigan writ***. “1 hnv«* ls**ii advis**! of your n*tnarkabic ctir**s by a tri«*iMl whom ,vou have tr«*al**4l ami and I licn*in state my cjise. ls*licvinK you «*an < iin* tin*." Consult lit** •bs*t«ir and n’«s*iv»* hjilh **i«*ntit1c and hoiiortibh* tnntinciP at .'**( .i«*hns. Hotel .*4|. .lohns, Saitinbi.v .lum* I. reniemls*f flu* dale, f ifflce hours from s;;iii h. m. tu

Mwtire of Hale of liuraml<l <'«tm|*aMy** stork.

'Fo AViioM IT ^lA^ CoM-KIIX —I Tilk** noth’**. wh**n*as .lam*-* Ii. Conn, has assign**<l to the .M|ate Hank oi .'<t.

{.1 obits, of .*41, .lolin*, .Mh'higaii. on** liiin- , iln**! and nim*l.v sban** ol tli** enpitai : siiM'k of th«* Mtiniml l,4iml f’timpan.v, a i e«tr|Minition organinsi and existing un- . tier til** laws ol the slate of Michiganand ! iluiiig basiiiet*s at Miiniiiil. Shniwosse** coiiiii.v. Michigan, for th«* |Mir|HSM* of *•>-

I curing his intl«*fii**«ln**ss to siiitl bunk, I Mini saiii blink In-ing ilesiroii*, of eollcrt* ! iiig siit-li int|*4i|etlne*<s anti ttir tliiit piir-

|M*«** to conv**rt «uch «fiH*k info i*<ish. ther**lon*. by virtu,* ol th*- jsiwerot snh* v,>st,xl III sitiil bank, it sill .s«-H at imblh* iiiiclion to tht*high«*st liiibicrMl tlicwest front iltMir of flic court hiais4*intlicvil- lag,'Ol •'if. .loliiis. Clint >n t*ouiit.v. .Michi­gan, on May‘Jisth, l^Hi^, at otico'chs'k p. III., *niil oil** iiuiulnsl ami niiH‘ty shnn*s of sltM*k of siiitl Muranil I,aml Coiii|»any. T**rm* ot *iih* I'ash; iIp* Ittink n****rving ih,* right to n‘j**‘t nii.v am) nil bills.SI. .loliiis, Mich., Mii.v IH. l>*Hs.

Till. Statv Hank oi St. .Iomns, .Vssigli***.

Mitlier* 4*r Sale «*r IlsrSM*! Isis«l IMmpssy '•

To .\l.i. Whom It .\Iav Co.XfKH.x;—Take notice, thiil wbcnsis Fid ward

Kmsn has ossigtiml to tlm .State Hank of .St. 4ohiis, of .St. .lolins, Michignn. on** liunilnsi anil ninety Shares of theCa|iitiil stock td th«* Miiraod Igiiiil Ctimiuiii.v. a fSkriNimt ion orgauii*si and exist mg umier tts* laws of the State of .Mieiiigmi and doing business nl Mumnd. SbinwiMme** ismntv, Miehigaii, for the purptme of se­curing hie indebtisioeas to agid Hank, nml aaid tmnk lieiog ileeinius of colleet- ing sit«*it imiebtednesa nml (or thitt jnir- ptisetoconvert anch stock intorash, there­fore by viitne of the fsiwer «if mU* vewteil in enid linnk, it sill *911 nt piiblit* nuetion to th«' liigheai bhider at the wsat (nml diMir of th** c«Hirt house in the villnge of Ht. Johne, dinton count.v, Michignn, on Mny 2Hth. IhHh, nl tine o’clock p. m , anid one hnndretl nml ninty shares «il atock of anhl Mumnd laimi Company. Terms of ante cash; the lauik reserviag the right to fsjert anv nnd all bids.

Ht. 4ohns. Mich., iln.v 1H. Inhm.Tnr Htatk lUnk o» Hr. 4oN!>ni.

To excbnngr bnsjrle for horse. Horse must be ytiang nm) gisid (or ii saddle home. 'The bieyele is nn iHttS model, aenriy new, having Isssi ridden nboat two weshs. Most sell or exrhamie on a'^innt of health, .(pfdy at Thk .Newh ofllee.

__ n4PLE MMDS.___'The yoaagmt eoa of U. H. Payae ie ill

with t.rphold fever.Mre. J. 1). Ooaklio ie vietliag a daugh­

ter who reeidsM at IMdiug.Chiek ofHt. 4obae. waethegueetof

tlie mother on Tumday laet.Mrw. L. Caneada. who bae been ill for

Moine time, is gradually (aUing.Miea Maud** Hoover vieiled frieade in

Portlaad during the past week.Mre. i^Mik and Mabel 4ully of Ht.

4«ihiie, were gnestM of Mr. and Mm. .\. 4olly on rtuodsy last.

Hwverai Mnple Itaiihla ritiieas vieitml nt Middiet yn on TiieNila.v last, bat furtlier deptioent anito uui.

Phillip Chivnlier of Kuglnati, is visiting rHlalives in this vicinity, lieiscoanectnl wilh Ibe l*inkory families.

Miss Vyrtie WeiMter of I’hapin. is vis­iting her grandparents, Mr. nnd Mm. Martin Wetmterof thie nllage.

Married. Mn^ 22, by Hev. .\. O. Por- mao, 4onMs Uilliams of (imnd itapid<«, tu .Hadie Kilieot of .Mn|*ie Itninils.

Ht. Johns, Oreenbush nnd the l*owe n**ighborho«Ml sreo* well repreei»nted at the dedioation services on Hunda.v Inst.

'The village pro|swty in the south part of town, known ns the gmvel lots, has Iswn sold to Walter (iainble ami Kugwoe Parr.

Mm. \y. (shley and sister. Miss N*4ls* L.von, of Mullilten. hnve Iieen visiting tfieir father John l*yon, during the jMiat week.

The iNinnl of lb*vicw fur ITssex town­ship have tlnislied up their laiMirs nnd ererA'thiag is lovely only «im* or two wry (ncee.

Muring the first of Inst week Mrs. John IlieksHiid Mrs. M. .\. Knittinof Kt. Johns, \iere guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ite- meiit.

Mrs. A. Creasiiiger and Mrs. (1. W. Hewitt wen* in attendance at tiie InH* session of the (intnd lAslge of the Degree ot H'lnor hetd at Hagimiw.

.Miss Carrie H. Mnniells of Ih-rroit. nnd Miss A. H. Kamo* of (.ansing. visiH*| at the home of .Mr. am) Mrs. J. T. Maniells of Ksst Ks*w*x. during tti**|mst week.

l.andlonl Criiwfonl lias iliscontiiiiied th** Initel business on ncc uint «>f the fail­ing benitli of his wife. .Mr. CmwfonI ex- jss’ts to continue in tli*‘gnK*er> andiKMit and sins* basin***s.

Mrs. U. II. Sanb«»m, formerly of (Sniiid Ibipids, liss Iss-onic a resiibmt of this villiig**. Muring th«* imst wint**r siie has s|s,nl most of her time huiking after her ag,*«l pHr*‘nts at .Matherltui.

“When* wa* Mos**, when tlie light w**ii* oui’’was fully excmplitied at th** .M. K. church on .**unday evening last. wh**ii the giis fuile«l and left lb*v. .Miirtin and hi* congregation in darkness for a Hhorl time.

•Mr. Meriti**lil of St. .loliiis, wii* in town during tie* first of th«* w***k end**avoring to a*s**rtain wiiat ail*-<i the toniieiite«| gas plant that was pat iu. uml,*r his su|H*rvi*ion. ill IIp* .M. F. church a short lim,* ago.

.Mthn Matthews, who (or a iiuuils*r of ye*irs WHS a r»*sMleut of K-ms-x, di**l at his hite home ii. Hart. Michigan, iig**«f ^C» ye.irs. I Ii* retmiiiis wi*n*hroiighl hen* for int**rrmeiii and on .'■<atunlay last wen* <l*‘|Hisi|t*<l in th** ."'••wh* I'etiietery.

Notwithstanding the invitation ex teiHl**«l to th**Htl*,*ns of .Ma|>ie lta|Mfl* to assist in cleaning up th«* old c**uictery, pre|Minitory to Memorial ilay. only five• •Id vetenins put in nn ap|ie«iran«*«* on Silliirflay hist, th«‘•lay select**! for such w<irk. Thi* •••’rliiiiil V ■|<***«n't s|M*ak vv*4l btr II r*«ituuiuiilty whi» prhlciheiiisc|v<*s in their (tiitriotism.

.\ii **xce||ent pntgnim hns lH*en pn* IHinil for M«*ni,»riHl day. M*<i*onilion servif'es will is* behi at thcsoldier'siminii- nieiit in tin* ."^tiwle4*<-inet# ry at lo o’clock in th** lon’iMion ami in the villag** •*eine. Ii'ry alskiit two «»'rlork in th** aftemiMtn. The addn**s hy .Senator .Minig** nml the iMihiiic** of the program will b- given at the Cliiistinii church immediately after the •bs-timtiug servhvs at the villiig** •'••mefery.

Tlie •ie*|irntloii of the M. K.chun*h tiMik fihice oil .Sumbiy Inst. When the iiioni- iiig servHfs •*omm**iice«i a •lebt «»f $2.oiMi liiing ov<*r the building, but when tiie evening sen ices c|is***|. wliieli wns iilsiiit I1:.*tH p. III., ti.e tHitin* debt iind Issm wi|s-«l out by |»le«lges. Ib*v. M. F. names of Oram) Ibipnis, ctmiiuct**) tbc iiiomiiig servin' ami Ib*v. 1). M, .Martin of St. .(ohiis. i*r**aclml in Oh* evming l|uite liirgt* lieitgalioDs wen* pn**ent from the I,*iwt* and <in**nlaish chiirir***. wh«» liiier- mII.v assist** I in fpniiig Ihe church from• lebt.

DALLAS.Ib*m. to Mr. and .Mi> .Ink** Muiik«*y.

II Imiv, Mya It^.Ib»rn. t«* Mr. and \frs. Henry Ibs'ht. of

Heiigiil. 11 s«iii. May 17..Nfiiiiii** Patt**i><in was tin* guest of

Kilti** Kiiil**y .Satiinlny lust.Mr*, .lollII Ki*e,:iii«* \\ MS i|uit«’sh'k hist

w***k. hiif is n***<*»'»*riiig umier tli«*«*nn*of Mr. M«*Ph* rsoii.

Mr. T. S. .Mann will tn«**t |Miti**nts •)**. siring •b'litiil work iloiic at tip* Fowi«*r Holts** on Frnlay from oip* to ttv,* p iii.

Mrs. Mfiiiion ami s«tn and Mr* ib*ss,iw iimMhiughit'r Mis*iit Tu'-siiiiy witli thchit- t**r’s limther, Henry H**trii am) liimily.

F. A. Hniwii <inivconi to Howeil ami Pinckney tlM'tirst •»( Ih** w***k, wlien* h** will sfs-tid a f**w days visiting his |tar- •*iits and sisters. He wii* H<'rnm|*aniex] by his iH*t>iiew, Master Floyd Patterson.

TIh* terribh* eiertric storm of lust week WcdipsMiiiy night )lid som«* dnmiig** in this vicinity. F. A. Hrown’s iNirii was struck by<Min tn**, in l(«Nlnsy .(ones imstUP* ami two sIh<**|* and their Inmis* killc<l un«ler* it, (i. Hmith’s house nnd II tps* near the iious** of Chns. Fox. but («»rtiiiintc|y no very serious ilnmagc was dom*.

Morris Pit-rre died nl his horn** in riev**iniid, Obio. Monday Mny IG, «if imeumouia. 'Th** remains were brought to bis fiither's, Jnmns Pierre, of Malm*. W*<dnesdny. Th** funeral was held Fri- •lav at the Catholic chiirHi in Fowler. His widow, although ill at the tins*, ac- •■••miNUiied his ImmI.v hep*, loit thejiuir- ney iwoved t wo much for Iw streagt li aad shi* grew miadly wons* until Hnnilay, when death rriieved her fmm suffering, it was very sail imieed. They leave one child, n Islls* of seven muntlis.


Ghi add lo Hit altradiofii of thii stoiafcil of naw suite and lop coate. There's •tegance here, dwre's style and quality, food doth, honeit tailoring, the mak­er's guarantee end ours back of every Hart, Schaffner &Marx garment......


E can't make these tecte greater or less by talking about them.

We can only aak you to come and sea for yoursdf. The bast arguments %re'vc got are on the counters and shelves right here in the store.




WILSON&S0NIt is Very Unpleasant

T^, lmv«*'fillii gs cxciivafid — It I* pniiifill !•• I live ,('nvitics M-tJhil. Thi* is not ncrcssiiry. It i* tin* !***-iilt • It her ••( |HMir mnltTial orciiP*I*ss work.* H••P■’^cu willjif#! n^ if her|.<au matcilul «»r ciin*l^ss work. I woikasraP’lulM < nihnt’s H• III os I wriiihl on my own.

My prices HP* not •'Xorbitaiit ftir nil that. I ch irg,* jii*t enough to iiisUP* reiiability.

DR. A. H. KENYON,Johns, .lich. Office over Well’s Grocery.

Marxiralion day will be ubasrTc4| at the l^emm sHiool next Monday.

Mrw. f'ook.of«ing. b vMting her daughter. Mm. Frank Hmith.

'The I^emm achnnl haw jnwt budded a dbtriei weh«io4 jiiraic to be held June 17, at Kound lodie.

Th«* .*<«ailli Olivi* uiil •Hj«*iefy will nn'Ct on Thurstluv. .lun** *J, ut tin* lioim* of •Mr*. L. ,S. Ib*w. IIvi*ryboi|\ invit<*«l to alH'iid.

I., M. Chuilwick has jii*t p*tiinii*d fpim Maiisviile wh*-p* h** has Ih«»ii •luring fh»* sickn***** ai«ii •ieatii of hi* *isti*r, Mr*. Kiiiily l.owi’ll.

.\s is •»lt»*n the I'aiie in tli****** wid»»- awiikc linys there han|s*nw to Is* a sell pbl.Veil ll|N>n s mie Ulisu*|sv**ing him) in- n«>c«*nt |•e^son or |s*nM>ns who up* no fop-titly strui'k by ttu* iimi»unt of ch*’ek and brass of |lM*HCt that they timl it tcai dittii’iilt to keep the luirticuiar* quiet ns thev ap* inde.*l f«Mi giMid to k**4» This time it is oiir P *1 . K. M. Ch iit>*H’k. who is Ih- lucky or iinbn ky victim, a* the various «)pimoiis |•ln•'•* him. .V* the story run*. iilMUit u w-*-k or *o ago a nithbr *•>• ily l••llow prcs**ufe«i hiuis-K iit the |N*«ti*t!)-*-mill iiitpMiuc«*l hiuMH*lf to our |Hi*tmii*t«*r ms .Mr. ,\\**rs, a very iM*;«r rei,iiui*ol Mr. Chadwick's fourth or fifth •'ou*m on iiis wil,*’s sn|». .M,*. Chnilwickat imc** px-iigiiifiiig fhe verv clo*e p-ia- liiMinfiip ••( bl'HMi. verv' •'opiially inviteil f he t ew foumi p*Ih|Ivi*. .Mr, .\,vp**. ov**r to Mm* li«iuw«* iimi bill him w<*Icoiim* lb*! •ll■l*lilM’<l but iiiv-tnl hims *'f to stay the* following night uimui hi* p*tiirti fpmi ^ Iwin-tHg wh,*P* he had Iieen inus*r,ili*r-ly j calhvl on the liny in •pi**stion. .\fter till­ing the H**lf iiivitalnin. Mr .\yp>*iiMpiip*d I the amount of hi* bill ami whs (ipimpfly I in(omM*d it wns milhing. .Mr. I .Vyrss liegnii to tiilk Hlioiit jMitent tnedi-1 ciiMw and ilisi*tose«) his iib*ntity br say­ing that h** whs ngent for sev'enil kinds | of nie«licin**H. He iiske«| our |n>s|master | if thep* wep* any ••orow in tlmiamily. Mr. j Cliniiwiek replie«l tiint he had Iieen! tPiulileil by ttieni nml woiibi like to get sotnethiug 1»» remove them. Mr. .Vyrewl at onp* ^•pMlll•*e«l a 'JTi ••ent Imix tif com ' salve that was warmntpl to kill or cun*

corns whep* there wrnsn't any nnd)iHnd«*l it !•• our uusus|s*cting postninster with the hliiml retniirk that “If Mr. Chadwick thought it w^»rth paying twenty-tiv^> cents (or. why keep it.” It Is banlly iiec- ••ssary to shv tinit the «|uarter was at •itip* hamleil over to tin* agent who had just gotten his stipfier.bHlgtngand bp*ak- fast fp<e. Mr. Cliiidwick thinks he will tw mop* •■np’liil in Hm* fiilup* anil will Hike ••HP* that he •{••••sn't |Miy for the privileg** of buying a fwenty-ttve •*ent Imix •>( •*«im salve in exchange* for liMlging wirbsnp|ier and bpnkfast tlipiwn in. .Mr. ,\yp** sfMin tlmling ••lit that he wasn't so cor­dially trente«| after tin* com milve deal, Iliad** up his iniml that he had very press­ing ,*ng •gemetils els**whep* and de|)iirt**l with tin* iilmve in**titioned su|i|>er, liKlg- 5ng. bp*akfHst himI •pinrter !•» his credit.

Ilewfwew CsMtw; im* Cnred by bmd apfilicnliun*. ns th**y cannot tv'iich the diweasetl p*irtion of th** eii,*. Fhere i* onb'tim*t<i cum Meiifn,*ss. nnd tliut is liy c«in*tltutbmnl P'mpli*** Il-Hfn*-ss iMtviusr«i by an iiiHumpI pimli- tnui of the mucous lining ot the KusIh« h- .1111 Tills*. WIm'Ii this tills* gets iiiHniii UH*I you haven mmbliiig sound or im- **erf«et hearing nml when it is entirely iotsil deafness is the reeult nnd unlem Im* iiiflunimiition enn lie taken out nml

Ibis tiilie restoP*i to itn normal rondi- *M*ii, lieiiring will lie deetPiypl for-ver; ■liiM* onsew out of t« n nre cau***! by *ntnrrh. which is nothing but iin iiitiiiiu* ried c.indilbm t»f tlie mucous surfsc***.

\V«* w ill give One Hnndpsl Molinrs for iny camcf lientiM’Ss (cniise«| by cntiinii) 'hut connof i»erup’»l by Hall’s (’iitnrrti

UP*. SetMl bircirculapi fre»*.F. J. CilKM'.v A' Co., T«ileibi, O.

'b,l*| b* druggists. 7oc. (H4

Kuliscrils* for Tmk Ht. Johms Nkw*.

Today’s^ News Today




The Detroit JournalPrists four rauslsr wSIIImm emry wiMi 9mt sod tlwvsSr M sM* IS ctw. Its pstesBB sssnrwfcf > iSs Istsst sod bsst ssws st tOs MHIMI pMtelM#

THB DRTROIT JOtTINAL. hds tbs bset ■iste news psdr Is MIcMuss.

THB OBTROtT lOiniMAt, prWHS tbs BMfbsts sd tbs world frowi It Is U bsms

THB OBTROrr JOURNAL Is ssoMs (sMsMs. Is slssa

‘niB DBTRorr jntmNAL bss s Mabt. bsstlisg sBBst IS sssrr tsiss bi MlrStjss. Ns wttl ssrvs rss Csr M ssMS par wssb. Bp mm UM Mr I mmOm

iltaokitiljf l%rB

aovAi MAM ^ommm oo., mw ^




Th*‘ followioK t(i th«* Kditcir afThk Nkwh frtJiu O. C. llolli«f**r ot Virlor, trho hiiH iimi ih now NtiitionHtlat ChickHninuxH. Kirm an id^iof “how tbiDiP* nt IIm* front:

(’AMi'tiKu II. Thomah,ClIM'KAMArilA. (lA.

May IM. iMtm.I coiilii not Mtaml it to atay out of any

tnaihU* tliat whh hn^witiK anil ho back to Mii'liiKun to cnlint anil am in Co. K’llnt Mm'Ii. I.H>*t Siinilay wcHtruck our tmtHiit IhIhiiiI laiki* ami at lo p. in. were Htartiil South. tVi* Mt tin* train at th»* Hoiitli iNiiiniiHry of the park at 2 p ni. TiicHilay ami a march of four aiilen broutflit UHto.lay’H mill where we wen* to i;aiiip. Our tiMitH Witt* not with uh ho we Hle|it iiniler the treee Hrapfimi in our blanketH. The next ilav we put up our ; H|M‘ntti'UtH anil nionii auain tinlay. < >ur i’ain|i | .liihiiH. in on the (croiiiiil when* ThoinaH’ l‘or|iH fought anil not .'liHi ,\ariiH from the heailipiiirterc of (ien. IIihmI. The park ia lovely tieyoml ih’Hi’riiitioii anil |H*rhap<«I mil tell voti mon* iihoiil it when we

Kdilur Vauirbaii wra* io iMroit Tue»- ilay.

I). MH'alieia in Owroaao tbia week on buMUeaw.

(i. (lair Stock of < twuaao, Hpeut Suudaji' in St. John*.

C. s. .Uliaon of OwoMo, Hpant Sunday ! in St. JohiiH.

J. (7. Illanehanl of Ionia, wn« ^n St. JohuH y»*Hterda.v.

Wanlen Otia Puller of Ionia, wan in St. .lohiiH yewterday.

Horn, Satunlay, to Mr. and .Mrw. Willani form II, a non.

.MiaH Hattie (««e ia liailinic her (lar- I entH in Ovid ibM week.

Mien .Adelaide l.yon H|tent Sunday with ! frietnlH in Maple llapida.I Mm. Mtix Hlank vieited relutiveH in i < tvid the tiiHt of the week.

Mihm llatih* l.yon iw attendioK the .May I featiral in .Albion thin week.I Mr. and Aim. I>r. MePberwon of Fowler,I weri* in St. .lobua Saturday.

Mian l.ncy Stiiudorf i« HpendioR the Week with frieiida in Fowler.

Mr. ami Min. Omon Ktaon H|N*nt Sun* day with nHativen in Lyon*.

(’ha«>. Carter left for (Imuii Uapidw and Freerooiit Monday, on bu.ineHN.

K. 1.. Villen line and .A. I*. (’owHl an* H|HaidinR the week at .Artfentiia*.

Don’t fail to read the Men*uiitile Co., .ShiH* ad. thin week. Ita a huniiner.

Dr. S. M. I’lMit wna enlleil to Klnie ti>- ilay in i‘onHulliitiun on a HeriouH roH**.

.Aim. AA'ni Smith of (inind liapidH. in vieitiiiK; her Hon. Frank Smith anil family.

.Alim l.ena Keuacli wan ralleil to AA'ant- phaliii Alonduy, by the death of her

) father.I .Air. and Aim. Freil (.'oruHN of AA'acouHta,I HiH*iit Sunday with relutivea in .St.! .lohiiH.I .Air and Mre. .In*«e Hanrroft of Ala^iie

War Wa5 Declared Against SpainAt 6:i8 on the evening of April 15, 1898,And the question now is

How Long Will it(There is floney In the Answer.)


Sunday with n*lativeH,in

Me. AA’. il. Hark of Camon City, in vin- itina her panaite. .Air. ami Mm. .lohn lll•m^er-oll.

Aim. F. F. Aliinloek left for I>»*xterhuv>* Ihh'H eampeii heri*loiiin*r. Tlieboyn | .Alonduy evenina when* ehi* will vinit rvla* hari* hIiowii 11 diH|NiHitioii fo**lift’’ every- i tiv*t*a we**k.

To every person trading at* our store we give AN OPPORTUNITY TO GUE5S the number of Years, Months, Weeks, and Days that will elapse before peace ensues

between this country and Spain.

To the person whose guess is nearest the time we will give

FIi£E DOLLHRS.In trade at our store.

For Further Particulars Apply to

HULISON The Jeweler,No 3Q Clinton Ave. St. Johns, Michigan.

thiiitf ill tlm Hhii|H« of |»nrH. hIi*<<>p am] cbickcnH in tin* MiirrmindiiiR iiMintry, whicli with rumors >if ai'i>mptH tu|HiiHiiii HpriiuTH and wmII,. Iuih l•all«■1| lor hwivy dcfailn for pii*li*'f ami |•o•f duly. Over half of otir rom|iaiiy an' out tluH aft«-r- noon for 4h hotirM duty. I hiiv** ••>(‘a|Mt| Mt hy iN-iiii; ih'tiiiU*il to help the ('oiuii* I Hiake out thearoiimU. .Soiii**of the n*ijim**ritH that iume lu’n* look mon* like partH of Citxey'H tinny thaii Hevti him, hill hy four or ttvf inarcli»*H lM*t we<-ii«*tuiipH. they will ‘'HlMsr' URn'.it |iart Ilf their liiRi;iiRe iimi rotm down to tiuhtiim hIiiiih*.

Henry Hehrendt. at one time of St, .lohiie, it* ill thiHi- »m|Miny and ankH to Im nmieiiilH-nHl.

Yoiirn.O. C. ilol.I.I-TKIt.

The Ali!>*w*H ib-rthn Alatoon and .Inlia SiiM'ker Hfieat Sunday with friemlH in .Ma|ile |{il|MdH.

.Mm. Uide-rt .MfFarlane we t to North* vilh* Sal unlay, when* win* will vinit pela- tiven for eeverni week-*.

Mih. Thml. Iteyiiold** and i*liihln*n of Tol***lo, Ohio, an* vi*>itiri(r h*T jiamiiH.Mr. ami Mm. D. Aloi»h**r.

_ .Mil*** IliiM* .A. Tnylor. of Kalannizno,the time they have niovnl I «»ie the tfin-Ht td Hev. lektt* ami wile lad tiim-H with ah..ul t.*ii mile | S.itiinhiy ami Siimluy.

.liidRi* DiiIhiII. who hiiN lieen ill Itetroit for the pant thn-e win-kt* hoidiiiR eoiirt.HfH*nt Sunday in St. .lolniM. 1 Mrn. A. K. HichnnlHon it> viniliiiR her

Mr. ami Mm. AA'ni. IIv**r*’tt. ot .St, |tlauirhl'T. Aim. Herliert Cowley oi .AInm.

Aim. F. .A. Tmvif. retnrnni from Pink­ney y**Htcnhiy.

K. 1,. Kemlriek went to Mt. IMen«aiit yefl»nhiy. to vinit lorn few we»*kH.

.MfH, T. C. Tahb** ami non Holiert, of 1,'inHititr, an* viniliPir St. .lohn** frieinlM.

.Aim. Al. Kpkev of Fowler, wii** a RUent ill the hoim*of II. Al. IliH-riier Ihe tlret of the w»***k.

In.iirwMre.Fin*. Life and C.\clone. T. C. HrTl.rn

Your Doctor Knows

Tour doctor knows all about fboils and medicines.

The next time you see him, just ask him what he thinks

ictrsfHHMof Cod«Llver Oil with Hypo- phosphites. Wo are wllliiitf to trust in his answer.

Por twenty-flve years doc­tors have prescribed our Bmulslon for paleness, weak­ness, nervous exhaustion, and for all diseases that cause loss in flesh.

Its creamy color and its pleasant taste make it es­pecially useful for thin and delicate children.

No other preparation of cod- liver oil is like It. Don't lose time and risk your health by taking something unknown and untried. Keep In mind that aCOTTS BMULSION has stood the test for a quarter of a century.SCOTT^ BOW^N >; all dntxfHia.

QwiwOta, N«w Yock.

.lidiiiK. wi-n* jnu**<lH of Will. Hyaii mid fiiiiiily, oi Porthiiid. hint w<*«*k.

Aim. F. Firr.-hild who hiu* Ih***ii vinitiiiR mhiiivm in St. .lohiiH for a few diiyn. r»*- turmd to lu'r hotm* in Sh**phf*nl. Alomlay.

A^*M-4«o^ AIimid*. of laiiiHiia;. wiih in .St. .lolimthiHi wifk looking iiii iiiortuag**** held III Clinton t’ouiity hy I.!iii!>i g par- tim.

Aim. .1 .1. S«*haviiiHkv of C|«>%’«-him]. in visiting h«*r pamtilH. Mr. ami Aim. IVt»*r Smith, and oila*r n-lati^’m about St..lohuH. *

Ib'V. Coiih*y of iMtroit, .Slat**Hapliat AliHMioiiary, will pri*m‘h al tti** Hapiint riiurcii m*xt Sunda>, iNith moriiiiiR and •*v«-iiinK.

llamlHoin** protrrnniH for th♦•*•onlnl•*n«v- a)elit ••xrrriHm of th** D«*\\'itt high *a*ho*il w**r«* tiirniHl out thin w*t*k hy Tiik Nkwh job d*'|H«rtm«*nt.

.Aiiyom* wanting flow**rH for l»*H*orii- tioii bay for il«*corating th** gmvm *>fth** fallru ln-11%*** i«n g**t th**ni al Th** Hark**l nt windmill** priix*.I Mm. C. K. Chmiwick and inotlmr. Mm.

' DoiiiiIiIhiiii. Mt TutHMlay **Tpning f*ir Ivigl**, N. Y.. when* th**y will vinit rHa- tiv**H for a i!oupU**if w**wkN.

i .b‘W**li*r .AIHhoii Iiiih 11 uni(pi** ami *irig- iiial plan i**r gii****** w*>rk in whi*'h •*v**ry

i «ui** «*aii imliilg**. S*t* pug*- four of thiH I i-Hii** f*ir |Mirti< ulnm.

Th**<'«lor** H. T*iwnHrnd Iibh Iih**:i ur>inl*«l a Hint** fimt gmih* r»rlifh*al** w lili-h will • iitiih* him t«* tmrh aiiywh**n* ill f h** Hl*if«' for four y**am.

AIrf. .bdiii Mili’ti**ll of N*‘tfiiuiim. nml ■Aim. H*uu*’r S.,xi*iii. «if N**w Hu*Imiii. w» r»* uu**“tH «if .Mr. ami Aim. -1. H. Mon-

. r*M' iht* liilt**r |iar» t»f lii-t w*-**k I Mr. iimi Mm .1 'A'. Hnulmr l**ff f**r

KvaiiHtoii. HI.. Siitiinhiy imTiiiiig. wh**n- th*w will H|Hmi II ■■oiiplf ill w*'**kH with

I lh• irH*Ml. F. .1. Himlimr ami family.' Sh* riff Dunn lini* lH>**n at work thi« I Wf-t-k on IIm* ‘*II»’**v»-h" <*mh«* hut Iiiih not

fiijr**»«»**l***l y**t in bH’atiiig thin Hni**«»th g«*iitl*-imin who HhopliflH with th4*iiid of ••l**rkH.



SPECIALA good solid all leather Plow Shoe $ Bargain in Hen’s half fine Shoes for $1.13.A good $3.00 heavy Shoe at $1.75*The best heavy Shoe you ever saw at $3.00.

We Sew all Rips Free of ChargeA lot of Ladies* Dongola Shoes at $1.00.An extra good value at $1.50.A regular $3.00 one at $1.85.

....We Want Your Trade....

Woodruff & TrompTHE SHOE DEALERS.


f*ir a ft*w tla.vH.Aim. S*tt*Tiiigt*ui of 1!l-i**. wiu* the

gm "t «»f Air. ami .Mm. Oliver .Ab-tpiiHion the f*»r»* iMirt *if the w**ek.

•Marvin HalH'«wk han In-en ennflm*<l to hiH IhhI the piiHt w^-ek *»r nuin*. lb* in H»*ini-uiirtiuHr:oUH and Inyn with hin eyen |•I«IH•'«^ a gT**fit**r porti«in «if the time.

F. P. Hiimlay whh in Chi**rtmi lunt \v****k ami piirrhiiHe*! a new 2', hor«M* |Miw'**r FairhnnkH-.Miim*- gun •*ngiiie whirh h«- ivill -M-t up ill liin tpiilt faetory on Walker ntreet.

The Maple Uiver l•r^*lllnery at Ovid, in ihiinu a mueh larger laiHinenH thin nen- H*m than in any *>f the tiant five yeam. Th**y ar** now making .Y.oimi luuindH of hutter |ier week.

AA'ni. fianliar, who in a menilier of the tiwoeeo l.ight (lunnlH. now Mtationeii at iHlaml l.ak**. wan in St. .IoIiiih Al*>mlay t*» He** hie HiHter and mother. H** Mivew thin week for Alanila.

H. AV. Alorrin han very greatly im- prov«*<l the apt •*aninc*e of hie taiihiiiig on Walker ntreet hv a ***»at of y**lhnv au<l white itaint. The huiUliug lookn frenh ami new outehle ami in.

IDirnre P*ek. *»l Oceana eouiity, father of AA’. AA’. P*’ck, of thin city, in th** giieNt of .Air. Peck and family. The «»hl g**ntle- ninii in Heventy-eeveii yi-am <dd ami re- niarkalily bright and active hir one of iiiH y«*arH.

State Hank Kxnminer .Sumlerlin w.u* in St. .lohiiH Alomhiv ami went through the arcountH at th** Slat** Hank of St. .lohne.

, H«* hiiiml everx thing in go*Ml *»r»ler ami iwaHgr**atly plemMil with 1h»* <*«iiiditi*iu I of the bank.1 Th** H*mui«*. Iowa, N’**wh of Satunlay iHiiy**: ADh. M H. Dunning h’fl liMteren- i ilia for an ••xt**ml*-*l vi«lt •net. Sm* will I vi-it Abifiiiu. l,*H*k|Mtrt, Hiifftilo and I H«ui**y FiiIIh. N Y.. ami St. .IoIiiih. Coo|i- l*r*vi1l»* etui (Sraii*! Hapi<lH. Mieh.! ThimiHH .AtkInHoii. an *d*l rt*Hi*lent of I H<*uual. <li*'<l at IiIh home two ami a half , iiiilfH went of St. .lohiiH. thin imiriiiiig at 1 nix ii’elock fniiu kidii**y tnuibl**. Tlu* fiiiienil Her%'i*’eH will Im* hehl Suliinlay iif- t*rmMMi at th** I’r*"** Abdlimlint chiirrh in thin *-lty nt two o'clock.

j Holtert McFiirhiii.l«iniH*rlvofSt..I*ihnH. i who liHH iiad varioiiH fMiHitioiiH on Alietii- Igiiii newH|Mi|H*rH during the juint time i y*iirH. now Iihh a *l«*Hirald** place with tlie I'.AHH«N*iafe<l Prene at tie* Chi<*ago oftl****, ami at a goo*l Milary. .\l**x. IVtrie iiiMi ! hae a fdace with the itnine roinpnny.

Alrw. Mary Haitlett, an old r»*Hii|**nt of ;St. .lohne. dMi Snliirdav, .May 21, at! the lioim* of her nephew, Frank Davie, at th**iig** of rt7 vearw. The futieml wan held ADiiiday afternoon at the houeertin- diirteil hy H**v. (1. C. Longman. She |*«nveH one ilaughter, Mrs. I.ocy P. Ser-

j Tin*. *d Chieago. who wa* unable to at*! tend the funeral.I The «'aN»* of i|et*et|re F. L. Hrreli {iigainHt the village ol Holly ban not tieen ; Hettlnl OH yet, hat Home of the witncMwe iwhoHwon* to opiMieite teetiniuny than that pnMinred hy Mr. (in'wn in the anam trial have lM*en nine** *aiovict*al ol iier- jury, which in a iiretty good evidence that Mr. tireen wne oa the right tmrk.

Not long ago a gentlenuin mad** the iiNprrtion that “it conIn a good deni to rear a Iki.t" aad then pr»iceed*al Ui add: “I opeaevi an acennat with my *4fleNt non when he wim bom and kept it faithfully, charging him with every «w«t paki oat on hie arcoiiat, except b«Mrd whlh* at home. The hoy wa* 21 yenre old not long ngn aad I nearly oamlnnwl him by hMidiag him a bill (or ^i,D47.HO, being the amonnt naki oat to keep him alive aad reaaoaaoly liappy.”

Great Days of BargainsFriday and Saturday,

May 28th and 2Qth.50 Hats made of the Choicest Material That

Would Cost you $5 and $6 Elsew here for

$2.50 and $3.00Special from that down to 75c and 50c in Trim­

med Hats.The greatest line of SAILORS in St. Johns show­

ing the greatest variety at lowest prices.

Mrs. L. Canfield.V » T ^

Ue|H>rtH lo the ntat** iNuird of licnlth ehow that rheuiimtlHm. iiilln**nKia. n**u- migiu. bmiK'hitiH ami toiiHilitie in onler named. (*au*Mal tiion* eii’kii****** in Alirhigan *lanag the week •■nding Alay 21, 1h|»h. ^ Coneumptioii re|Mirti*«l at loO jilaceH;! ln•*lu•l•*H .'dt, Hcariet fever .*11, fy|ihoid lever 2(>. diphtheria 17, ami whiNipiog •‘oiigh at I.’* plu<*eH.

The nuni**rouH Clinton r>nunty hiintere wh** go north •*very y**nr will all in* tmu- l>i**«| with month wal4*ring wlien they ; read thefolhiwiitg fnim th** S*M«.SewH: .lohn D Fiiehette, of Hay l.ak**. Im lat- ewt I*III*mg the niiiiiy farim re who«*oiii-. plain that ihfr ar** gr*»wing h*> nuiner- I ouh ami ImiI*! an to 1h* very «lietructiv** to I their enj|ie. Tliey ciaiiii with r**nHon . that Miinethiiig Hhoiihl Im* dom* that | would either pniliet tliem «ir |»rovide for ‘ |at.i ing for tin* tiamag** <loiiC.

.A ver>' pn*tty MirpriH** |Mirty waagiven '

f«i Mre. C. K. Pnt**. May ‘Jit, at her home in Ionia. .AImuiit thirty-Hv** of lierfiiendH nml iieighlNirM giitlien*<l to Hfieml th<* evening with lirr. l.ight pefnehmentH ^ w**re H**rv*'il by lhr»"**yoiiiigliidieH. Mittiv IwHiitifiil prefHUitH wen* brought, among them %rnH an **h'gant lamp ami it iMviiili- j fill roek*T. The giflH w**r** pn*Hent**«l hy , .liimeH H. HullM*rt. TIm* iminv prenentH , Hhow**d th*‘ ♦wteeiii in whirh hIw* whh he(*l. KverrlMHly niKirt***! a goiwl liim*. ^ 'They il**|iurt***lMlM»ul tw**ivi*p ni.,l**aving their lewt wkih**e. The HuriiriNi* wan g*»t- teii up by AIIhh Dimhv .A. Sh«*rmiin. form­erly of 8t. JoiiiiiH and Im I.. Pate, i»f! Ionia. *•*


Kodokn and HUpplien at .Ai.I2hox’n.

nmm OaliHPromptly anewered. (jwick and rdl-

aide Nervier. tHte or two |ienMm« 2Ac, tear 5Dr to or Irom tmian. Tdephoae Toe Hteei. KaxiAMi Hay.

.at. Jobna. UIrh.. Mn.t 20. INIIn.Wheat rr«l.................................... ^*1 jWliewl while................. ........................................ft o.Y !Cora......................................................................... .YOvt.'lN i«»NtH.................................................................................. 21*t'h.ver See*!..........................................4otta2 70 'Timothy Hfe*l......................................h| •low# 1 O.' ■Rye .................................................................................. .W iliurkwhewl................................................................. |4»

LIVK «T<H^ ICow*, rellch................................ ♦»*» <Mi *t f.H.Y INIr.twii latt***l itcrcwt.....................92 2.* 0 9H*hi |Ntren* lNtl**<l, c«r t........................ 9H .0** m 94 iniIbiKe |M*rcwt............. ......................... 9>< .Y4»m94 ini 'Nhe-n............... .................................... $2 )MI»i94 IN* Il.jimlM....................................................94 (N)«t90 to j

W ll.ll.KMtl.K I’MolU «'K 4X|| rai'IT UAMKRTOnloN*i............................................................... . .'t-OM.YOBcHn*. per *«u.................... ................... .N| 4M»*r91 *•% .lleHiH* nNlui |i rk.Mi........................... 91 O.YwNI |0•butter..........................................................................H«|*therar.............................. .................. ........................... t**

......................... 7HhoNhler amohe«l |*er tti.......................................... *ttj«r«l............................................................................ .loMi.AppleH per hu ...... ...................................... ^...VMU 7* •lirpHi in»pN.» l»er tl» ..................... .................... a*i 4ilrinl |ii*Nrhe*i {•eete*!........................ „.........h*i toPotWlfMNI........................................................................ .M*Hlitwe lime per lihl ...................... .........................H.*Iluffato I'emetit per hhl....................................91 I'*PnrtiHnil •• •• 9»0**Hfn**c*» tier bhi.................... 2 20Hay timothy............................................... 94«NMt97 *hiHat mlaeil.................. ....................90 miHfraw bNleil.............................. 9*0 •»o ■

MiM Ki.i.4Nrorii.chtckewHttrwiirrt peril*....................................7#tHdllckewHlKe....................................... .0*N*»Turkera «lreHneil per lb. (live «l99ai ............... tolleenwHs per R>...................... ‘2nM2.0Talhiw (ler Pi . ............................................... .....RkiPCalf Hkla* green......... .................. "HBeefhlilee....................... .............. .............................7HWhi'et*Hklw .....................................................lOMt IN*|te«eon •kllH* ,. .. ..................... 3.0*100 h pterr [Iterf •Irewr I ew* .......... .................. 9*MI ' (97»N11Pork <tre«Hl rwi....... ...... ................. 94 .Mwa94 70W. «nI ham aaO ilry ■209191 Oo ,('nlvee (lire!......................... .41, ;I'aJree oltvaHeilI................................................SM4>n ’

• ••

.All iieraona haviog claima againat the catate of Joaeph AA’ilkiaa will }iieaae ptw aant fall iteoiited atnttmenta of them at oaee to AA'ii.i. H. Hnrvwtx,

i «2 (Juardkui.

FloristsC. F. KNAPP F. W. KNAPP



Ihtiiiiiig plaiiiH ami liangiog llaaki'lH a Hp*H*ialty.

|ie,*ignH for fum*mlH ami wed* ilingH lurniHli***! on atiort mt- tte* lit renMiiiahl** prkvw.

Cut Flowers Always on Hand.

C. F. and F. W. KNAPP.

nwax TiharM ■ga mm4 NMhe laor I4W Awh}. Td quit Uthaaao aaalljr aatl terarer. toe m«c

iwur. Itttl ot lit*. a«w aad vlgar. take Mo-Tw Bm . Ike waaOw worker, tkat amkeo woak oim •ttwog All dnnnrlaAa. Me or 91 Cwregwarwa- teed Boaktot aad aamate ttka Addrew dwrltar IMmkdy Oa. Ckimac or Rkw YotO.

WBBLBCT IB SUKTOK.Vliin Words Tram Mtm. Ptuktasm, Oorroborstsd br Mm. GhstlM

Dmunors, That Onsfat to Brins Oufliwtos Wonasn to Thsir Bsasss.

If yom wf drowalas and friaadly Uaada ahorad a plank to joa, and yoo aafaaiil it, joa would ba eoauaitUaf aaieidal

Tat tiiat is praeiaalj what women are doias if they go about tl,eir homos al******* daad with mioory, yet refuse tograop the kindly hand held out to themi

It is suicidal to go day after day with that dull, eon* stant pain in Um region of the womb and that

u'Yi bloating heat and tendemem of the abdomen, _ which make the weight of your clothes an

almost intolerable burden to you. It is not natural to suffer so in merely emptying the bladder. Does not that special form of suf*

\ fcring tell you that there is inflammation somewhere?

'Shall I tell y*m what it is?It is inflsmmation of ttie wombi

If it goss on, pulATMis, or tumor, or oaneer will sst in. " Commence the use of L^'dis E. IMukhsm’s Vegetable

' Compound. Thousands of women in this condition havebeen cored by it. Keep your bowels open with Mrs. Pinkham’s Liver IMlls, »Ti<t If jou want further advice, write to Mrs. IMnkham at Lynn. Mass., stat' lug freely all your symptoms—she stands rea4ly and willing to give yog tha very best advios. She has given the helping hand to thousandagnfllsring jnstlikeyonreelf, many of whomlivedraileseway from pbysA*dan. Her marveloos Vegetable Compound has cured many thousands of women. It can Im found at any respectable drug store.

Mas. CuJMM Di'XMonB, 103 Fremont St., Winter Hill. Somerville, Mass., says: “I was in pain day and night; my doctor did not seem to help me. I could not eeem to And any relief until I to^ Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. 1 had inflammation of the womb, a bearing-down pain, and the whites verybadly. The paiu was so intense that I oonld not sleep at ___wight- I tou’rf Lydia E. Pinkhsm's Vegetable Compound for eight months, and am now alt right. Uefore that I took morphine pills for my pain; that waa a great mistake, for the relief was only momentsry and the effect vile. I am so thankful to tie relieved of my sufferings, for the pains I hatl were soma* thing terrible. I am indeed, very grateful for the good Mrs. IMnkham't rems* dias have done me.”





SPA|lt.lll.>t«i. NOItTON * 1MMI1.INO Iiltli-f aivrr N'siitiitsl Hsak.

r t PITA I. s^n.n4Hi.iMi.



A tVAI.ItKIIM»K, AttomrTM • mii-r oTer I'omrr liras Htorr.

i^lIlTKIt K. PKUill.N I'rrMtSmt.t). W. \|i:.NUKK. Vlrr.Prra»Aent

J. W. KIT7.4iKI(Al.ll.i'satoter.

li.t 11. ltKl’>MiN.Atiornr^ St l.sw, Ht. JaihliK. Ig4

II U. PasHi.\. P. K PCRKi%. .V.J Ualowis

PKKHI.Nm a It VLIMVIN. Attairse.VM St l.s«r MBai Haallriiairia lu Chnweery, rral ra. tstessriilaa.raiuveyMni-aaria noal utourr liiNiiera

saswise tlllraa, |t«jr tNSeii, exerutr larasloD psiimi. anal make ratilertiaina. .\li tiualneva proBintIjr anal amiralrly attenaleal ia». Oiflar orar llulrher'a shaaa* lalaaiv at .\t>. 11 riintuo STMiar. Ht Jaihna. Mirhisnn.

Rli.KV J. WOOlIKt^FF, Juatirr aal the I'aaarr. f'arrful altentiaiu iTlvaHi tii all

coileetlatna. Uitlrr aivrr .tlllaaaii’a Jrwa*)rr7 atairi*.

I.VON. .\ttaarney at Ht IEIIWIK II.Juhna.

SK. HMiril. Attairna*y at I.Mn, Ht. Jaibn • MIrli. ('in<'eiirer lla-llera' Itaaaar,

T*irrrprr real .Inirrrat pslal ain rertlSratf* aaf aiepaaatt anal ain aavlusa iMMtk aeeounta. f irsfia laaatral saaoai In any part atf tb«> I'nitad Htsira aualCailMalM anal In Ibr prinrilMlI rilleaa atf Kuraapr Ai-eaaunia aaf farrirna membanla anal nterbanlra raerltreal aan faraaralalr leptBa. anal evert aM-eaaniaaalatlaanevtenaleal rainalatant with aafr laanklna. Hiiiaerlaar farlllllea fur insklSK raallarrt aaf all slnala,

nillKlTOItM:W. \lunirep.«la.«a. P. Marvlu. J, H.i'orhit.J II. Kealewa.J. \V. Klturrralll. Jeaee

HuUla nu Jaiaea illrharilaaan. <* K.Alllaaat), 1‘aarier K. Petrin.

Mla-hael Hpltf ey, Ktumuna.


MKi*. I)K. IIOIMIK. Tt-arher aaf Plano, Or.Iran. Vaaral Mual#* Bilal llartnaaiiy.

kiBaIr raa.ania aarer H|aaiil'llnir'a .llarilware.

___ pnY.sin.v.NK.

DK. II. II. HifniK. PhvairUn anal Sur- ■earn «tfHa-a-aaver lillOI'a PniK Htorr.

St. Jaabna, MIrb.

MAKV P. H.tVKNS. .U. It. Otnre aarer..\<ala|e lliirnetl'a alairr .H| Ja.tllla Ofllae

baaura. U tai II a. nt.anal g tai .V p. in. 1 Pbyaatrlati, SuriteaiD and • Naalarr Polaltr. OfBa-e aarer Hia. ||. \V. Ilaaltaan’a Milliner) aliare. No 14 t'llBlain Are-

OBe Itaaalalena-e raarner l.aaaluir nUal Haaalsera 81., Ht. Jaahn«. MIrli.

DK. H. K.Ol I.I.A H, PbyalrlBBBnalHursraan Offli-e BBal realatenre wawt alile of t'aanrt

Ilonae iaa|UBrr. Olllrr liaaura I Ita ternaaaan exarpt H a*alna>»alaya


106 WALKER ST. EAST.4t. .lohiM. •M irb

every nf TJ

D“. .1. W. Ptil.l. kUII. H. It.. Phyatriao | anal •'airer.iM, Ht. .laabna. MIrb. oiBa-r |

overHiBie Hank.


E 1. I'n.lertaker. .N’aa. HI I'lintaanAre. IlfHalalenrr g'Mi stale Ht. Weal.




ALIIEKTTJ. ItAI.DW’IX. Prealateat.lA. PENNKI.l.. Vlre-PreaMent.

P E. W.VLHWaJltrU. Treaaorrr


Merchant Tailor,Opposite “The Steel**.

All the

Latest Novelties.

ixL not iQUAUTV Tmio.*

KST STBS.uSW!Lr*EJ?R«kli'laaBassa BvtMaataar


MwTwMec fer Firty Cauls. Qssrsstsad loSscco bsMt curs, mskss wssk

■ssStraus. NeoC P«rs. •Se.ll. Aildtusstsu


Northern Michigan. Ohio and all Southern Points.

DIrert raanneetliana at Own ao .liinetlaan sad Daranal with l>. O. II. S M. It y Tralaa.

T'lmo 'Tnltlci.In aagACt Xa.Tetnlaer .'Ipal. 1Nt»,*a.

U41IMU .MOKTH—l.r. ItnnHMi.A. M..................... and ...................StSO P. H

For Male, .Vabley. Itbaea. Ht. l.aaala. Alias, i lit PleaaaBt. nare, fsdillar and Frankfort j

OIIIMU MOUTH—t.v. Iturand.• tsa A. M................... sud ................... Uise P. ■For Howell. Ann Arh ar, Milan, Ttalodta sad

all Kf aal hern Piainta,H. nRX.NKTT. (I. P. A. Tolado. Obto

BUILDllfG Ahl»0ClATI0,'<b.TiMa llrpwrl uf lltr Barmur. mi atuir

StawMa m Itrrrruar lu I'ketr ItMaturas.

Lai'sii'g. May 3u. Srcrrlary n* Siait* iSariJlirl la Ulll willl lata an-uliti 4IIIIUII rr|aurt .Jit biituliiig ui.d lo.iii aeatx-ta- liuiia lur Ihr liat'41 yrur riMiiiig .lul^ .. IkvT. 'I tie delay aiiivr Juiitiary I wu«|Mirtly t’allaeil lay Ibr aiiaMliraa ul tUa- saa4H*iMtitiii III 14-a|iuudiug lu currr a^tuudriii-r final tlir siuU- wt*|iart iiariil 1 MU mtaucial lulla mIiU'Ii laila-d Ua llauU.' siiy rr)M>rt wrrr cxaiiiuird, but luuud Mttvriil. a

I hi re|iurtk msdr by 70 a*»iaeiatiuti« sbiatti'd Itiiiil rifri|il» uf d7.UJ4i.gkl.jti dgsoial si.A77.l7A.Uk fur tbe iireriou* )’ The eu|iilui «luek iii loive bud sbriiiik fruiii 8-A-i.g‘J7..a<ig.ku lu$|i‘V,liag.ku. I'br luiniber uf .barra iaaiird diiniig I be year wua iaii,guj agHiiiat li'g.-Ilk-V., tbr preiiuua year. T iar iuiiiui.*r ui abarea iiiuiured iu *07 w.ia l-a,0JJ>,. against l.^gg•^ iu *t»0; niiiiilirr ri tired. I.lwki/,. aguiiial in 'U0; niini-iter witbiiravau, 7j,Ikg, against 7u,gJ7 in‘Oti.

The Iota! ut^rts for *07 »%cre $11,- 2Jl.gA<i.ul, ngiiiijal II l.kAs.Jlk.OI in 'Uu. These ineliided l^,7]S.kkli.gj in insiia on iiiurtgitge aeeiirily. uguiliat iV.gOO.ukU.GI iu 'iMi, Ullii >.i«a7.<Ndl.l4 ill loaiia on atuek amirity, ugainal Slg^t.kM.JA the |ire> viuii. year. The aniuiinl uf -aati on hand in the loan fund waa $gtUA.aJli.7j ugiainsl ^'i4^.4i4.7li in *041.

The diaburaeinenis ineliided tl.Jkj.- j7^.gtJ ill luana on mortgage ^eeurily .igiiiiiat $g.gg4.4(l7.4^ ill 'OG. The ileiiia uf matured alcek and withilruwula ol atoek ahuy4 a large inereuae. The lului niiiiilier uf mriiibers decresaed from 4I.M>g to Hl.g.'if: niimlieriif ■tinrea loaned u|M)ii fell from gk.4.i4i^, to 17.7gJV4. sud there wu» a dei-rense in the nuiiiiier ot investing and burrowing mriiilier» The expenae ranged from lu gJ.7u |ier cent, of llie lului reeeipta, a. eum- imred with .g7 to 13.43 |ier eeiil. fur IHlMi. I'he ex|M‘iiae per share wua fo.iHt to 01.IA3. Ua cuiii|uirrti aaith fU.uj u> (1.43.

MICHIGAN FORESTS.I MeellUtt uf t*P».iilueul f'lllseua lu

Tukr f,tr Tlieir Preaerauliuu.

l..anaiiig. May g|. — .\ ririilier of prom!iM III .Miehig 111 i:.i ii iiil< ii-r-ied in tile niilijeel of lureairy ai d ilu pr* >«T\a lion uf Itie foresla of i:>< ^tali net here rriiiiiy took iin)Hiriuiil aelo.n iiatk- ing to itie < >taldi»hiiieiit of a foreittry e«tiuiiii>'’i(>n liy tile iie.\t Irgialallire. \iiioiig llioae present were ltegeni»

C'lxtk and I.awioii and i*rof. S|niiilding. of tile ‘■tiHe iini\er»ity. Secretary lint- lertiehl. uf the .Stale Vgrieuiliiral eol- .•gr. I'lof. \V. .1. P.ial anil C. \V. field, of the •tale boani of agrieiilllire.

I'p to a few year- ago hs-i a forestry eoiiitiio>-ion. but tery little wa* eter aeeoiiiplished. aii<l the eoiii iiii>i>iuii wa» finally nlMiiiaht d. The gen­tlemen who were hen- Kiid.iy. howeter. are enthusiastie upon the Mibjert and pro|Mi»e to go lo work in a syi»tetuatii* way to aceuinplikh Miiiiething in th< way of preserving Ihe foreats of the slate. A coiiiniitlee, consisting of Ue- genl Furr, of the I'niverslty, lion. t. . \V. (iarfleld and laiiiii (’oiiimissioner French, was apiadiitetl to prt*|N«r«* a bill to be presciitcil to the next legi-ln- tore, the oliject of which will Ik* to cre­ate n state forestry coiumissiun .md provide for the protection of the for­ests of the state. This committee isex- pecleil lo Im- able Co re|K»rl tti a iiierl ing to be held here .lone 8, when fur- Ihtr work will be outlinefl.

In the ineiintiiiie, however, laind Conimiasioner French and .Secretary liiittcrlield will pre|>arr a map show­ing the waste land In Ihe slate wlncn might l»e impnwed by the planting of forest trees and made to yield a bene- flrial inituence on the surrounding country. These gentlemen will cal; the attention of the political iiarties of the stale to Ihe necessity for forest preservatmn and endeavor to have Ibr state conventions include in their res­olutions an iudortement of the propoai-tiOD.

Plisee FllleC Ml luial.Madrid, May 24. — Duke .Mmetiovat

de Itio has accepted the p«irtfolio of minister of foreign affairs offered to but dirclined by* Senor Le«>n y ('astillo. the S|mniah amluisssdur ut I'aris. The duke iiiformetl the correx|Mindent of the press that he does not desire the offlee, but accepts It on patriotic grounds.

IT Ilf Kir.RelHMfl PogitiTely to Allow Otr>

man Consul to LsBi Snp-

plioo St Msnils.


MmIi Uwatliailwu mmH »«W»pla« Fall In Ilia CKjr—4‘«prlar FUioan tmsn Iha riMirlaatnn Maluptsa In Mnn Kvnnalaoa nnS HavneSs All Wall

New York. .May 34. — A a|>ecial dia- |Milch from Manila aaya that the tier- man consul there tried to laud provi­sions from a (iernuin ship, but .Vdmiral Dewey refiisetl t«i |tenuit it. The consul then declared, aireonling to the dls- )Mtch, that he would force the landing under the protection of two (iermun cruisers. Ixit Admiral l>ewey tlireat- ene<i to Are up<«n the c-ruisers, and the attempt tulaud supplies wasalmndoned.

minntlnn at Xnnlla l>ea|»ernta.New York, Msy 24 . — A copyrightrtl

dispatch to the World from llung-Kong, dated May 24, says:

The situation at .Manila is desper­ate. Fo4Ni is s«*arce and meat is ex- haustefl, widie all the canned stuff ia nearly gone. Two weeks will exhaust the available supply.

The volunteers demandeti food.but the R|Mr.iah government authorities refused to Five it, and riots are threatened. A delegation is said to lie pruparing to wait on I’niled .Stales f'onsiil Williams, as the rilizens fear an oiilbre>xk. The insurgents control the surrounding eountry and Chief Agiiinaldo, sent by Consul Wildmun from here, has arrived, and with his staff is organixiiig the rel>- els. Foreign residents are moving from Cavite.

Hfianish reports say that MO were killed and 700 woiintied in the Immluird- ment by .Vdmiral Dewey. All classes are waiting anxiously the arrival of our troops. There ia no sickness on our thi|>s.

('NPPifr Plvooa fraiM ('baplaataa..San Francisco. May 25. — The follow­

ing was lirvoight to the Examiner office by n carrier j»ig*-on;

••Oil noard I’t.iled Hlates Hteanier PhsHesion, irn s. m.. Humlsy, May 3.— Orlffln. Naval Fay (MTIcer. Han FranrlM<o: I'leasr report ua now (iSMlng lUchlshtp. ttood wtather. All well.

"HENRY fH.ASS.*'Mora Traapa (4u AlM»«rS.

San Francisco, May 24. — Four com­panies of the Fotiriecnlh iiifnntr.v (reg­ulars). the full regiment of Oregon vol­unteers and u picket! Iiattnlion of 5uCal- ifornia heavy artillery left the Fresidio Tiiestin.v morningnnti Idtardetl thetrans- |M>rts City of Syilney unti .Viistria. pre­paratory to starting for Manila. .VIon- tlnv'h scene*, when the First regiment of California volunteers marcheii lo the dtN'k, were reenacted Tuestiay. lamg be­fore daylight the lug camp at the l*re- sidio was astir with the men in blue rraiiy to put the finishing touches on their iMicking. Tlie regiilarsconsisted of etiniiMinies C, Dand F, of the Fourteenth Infantry.

The transports were all in readiness for the troops who marcheti on iKMird with but little delay. .\l>out norm the steamers left the do«*ks and anchored out in the stream near the City of I'eking. There the tlnishing touches will Im* given t4i the cargf>es of the trnns|>orts and Wednesday morning the three big slenniMhi|Mi will start for Manila.

The Zealandia, which has l>een char­tered by Ihe government ns a troop ship, is exfiecierl to arrive We«lne*dn.v. She will dt»ck at once and will prnluihly lie ready for ihe final fitting up by .Sntiinlnr. MaJ. lamg ha* ins(»ecter1 the colllier I’rogresso. with a view to her use a* a trans{Mirt for coal, horsea and mule*, anri has wired n favorable reftort to Washington, lie will report as to the suitability of the i-ollier I.eelei)aw.







'"U.C.HUBINGER BROaC?.KeokukJovw. NewHavenjConn



ThUstatvh Is praparot oa *e4raUge prioetpUa tw awa who hav* had years of proetlaal *ap*rteata la laaey Isuodenaa. It rp»iorM4>M liaea aad saatawr draaaas to thsir ■atoral whitaoe*- aad issparU a haauiifal aad lastiagflatah. It U tb* oaiy slarth BManfartorsd iGat is rarfaetiy hanale**, ctakiaiaiag mIUmtarsenic, aloa or say other subotaaec iaiarkMs to liaan sad eaa be a sad ev*a for a baby powder.

For sale by all whoiasale and retail gfx>ceri.

Doctors B. S. & Co.The Celebrated Specialists of the American /ledical

and Surs^ical institute of Muskej^n, Mich. Will be at the

STEEL HOTEL, St Johns Mich.,Sunday and Monday, June 12 and 13, 1898.

Addrewa l.attera tn Oaldlera Plwlwl|r,

Washington. .May 24.—Tbr post of­flee dr|Nirtinent renews its re<|iiest to all persons addressing mail lo offirars or private*, or others in military camp* throughout the eountry, to plainly write upon the letter or parrel the com|Mny. regiment and state, for ex­ample: ‘Mobil Doe. Company D. Six­teenth Illinois Infantry, Falls Church, Va.” _________________





The work of remodeling; our store has been completed and we are prepared to serve ICE CREAM by the dish, and make a

specialty of furnishing; all kinds of ICES and ICE CREAfl, in bulk or FANCY COLORED BRICKS or in any manner wanted, at reduced prices for larg^e quantities for socials, church doings etc.

Try us once and find out the the superior quality of our CREAM.-.-.-.-.

Pure Candies of all kinds

SLIK I MTILSt. Johns, Mich.

Soldi*** »Mrd lb* l**kla« HwM JwlimowlloMi Uafwr* Uoorda A«w

Bwt fwr tb* NIgbt.

San Francisco, May 34. — The First California volunteer*, now on board the City of Feking, spent the early hours Monday night in ^llity, diacipline hav­ing b^n temporarily relaxed. Arms were stacked on the deck and mirth and music prevailed until the men were called to quarters and the guards set, Aa a double protection, a squad of ma­rines was sent from the Monterey for sentinel duty. With shouldered arms they pace<l the deck of the Peking and of the huge lighter. They were under arms and they knew that a heavy bur­den of responsibility reateil on them, every boot, large or small, that ven­tured near being warned away. Tha Peking will be thus guarded until tha ammunition and stores are safely in tiM bold. -jr-

Consultation and Examinations Free and Strictly ConfidentialOne Day Only Each Month. Otfloe Hours 9 m. m. to 7:30 p. m.

K CUB AFTER OTHERS FRLriM Moat Snccaaotul and SclantCIc Trentmont of All DIsnoMb nnd WmIh

nmam ol AtaakAad PoMtblo to Glrtala.

Tha most widely sod IS vfmbIT known Bpaelallst tn ths tTnttwt States Hts Iona aau^ mes, rsmarfealUe aaill amt ontv*rsal socesss tn tbs l*r*Tv.t bxapttob In the world anoMSS itmto irsataUi'lliKi.VICL NKRVHUH, HRIN and OlaxiD IM rnsM mam tbo Ia«*s4 sdsn- .Ifla nrtnetptsa aiMt eniiilsa him to Um fUll coiUtdrwss of Ui** afltlctsd a>-*ry w»i*tv.

YhD AM hasnosop*n.»rln dlaanoMnM and trsattnc Claras**j^d*.IffH* VllJVliXiN termlttco. Medical and Kwrairal IMssasr* .\rut*snd rbronte

''.itarfto, IMS***** ol Uw Kya, Mar. No**, ‘Tbro.-.t anu Lnf.ra, l))‘*p*l*ui. r.rt^Fs l>ta*asa MlniKHm, KUa*r. Urar. Hlsddsr, Cbronle KemrJ* and tktxual HImusc* apradtly wed by I real moat that ha* Berai fbltod lo tlioitrauGa of raoe* Usal ba<J Iwen pn>no4tne<d beyond bor<e. Many people m*ri deoih evor.v ymir wbo mtxlit have baso r«*tor*d to ptvSMi hoaltb bsU tlnqr plac^ tbstr sasa*. u> Uw tumis of aaiioru.

nVOWBAIIT TO l,dOZKS.-4Un. OTTMAXi, aft*f yratf ct*ap*T4*aea.basdl*«uer*d Iht arraiiU cats banns far sll disssaet pscsilar to tbs s*a. f >Ma:c diassss* tiosHIvsty rarsd by las asw rssMdy, OUW Bl>OfMKMs. The csrc t* edaewd bv hesMlr—isMst. Eallrcty

ItatAan Vise mid Otvtctly Cenffdcntlal.

Untbwe wf a aallwe la Waa#.Oakland, Cal., May 34.—Mrs. Rberlln,

whose only son Is with Dewey at Ma­nila, has applied to the county for as­sistance. Hhe said up to the time of the great fight in Manila harbor her son sent regnlar remittances, but sinca then no money has come. Her applica­tion was a personal appeal to the su- pervloor to enable her to reach rela­tives In Nebraska, fihe was given ilS, and an effort will be made lo secure transportalioa for her.

paietMsMaiy, la rte—re I Uea*.caiUtsd IM

A Cf»r tlw


VAl,■fcinialvxSn4*#^tlaenaai Maabaa It**, r* srdsr* s a* waif trmm y« yssfg

Ml ttses^^ Eeteaix. 9*Klily approve •pectalK

MlSMSI abl•re•4t. rwrllie

• irli

Illy k Irtdec- I or lids, *op*ra.l



*, Lo*l I racsl-saiadls-r c*r*d, I rraalt sMiar*



sao nivtctiyUMAFIWM. I cure CO fer rest, of sH

case*'. >'r r t raoe* rared io r re inaliBoat. SZSCBAMOIMO MAMS canal in ctmt

cATAiiaa or m iromi. brrmcbitissad l■av t rosbiss casssd frsoi catarrb, po*l tivsiy esrsa.


A gllDC fHIIDS Tb* owfslegeetaof sartjr A oUlfL uUIIL* Vic*, wbicb brlaa* or- essir weaboe**. de*tr*yl*g b*«b sitad sad b*<y^ w4ib all U* dModlsl ills, parauMsatly

DR. OTTMANssirsd Ibasiselvas by tsipvopsv ladslfiics aad aalliary bsbiis, wblca ral* batb aitod sod body, ssdtiiag Ibsai f*r boafasas, stady,assiriy wr marrlagr.

MARRIED IIEN. or tb*s* eotsriae sa tbst bappy lit*, awac* *f pSysirat dsMIHy. asickir aoalaled. ____ .. ..

wh OUAUAimni to Ctm»Wsrvras DsWilly. rsHiac Msab**d. HyphUla Vsrtca* rel*. Sirictart, GI*M, Uaaatarsl Dbwbar— tVasb Parts aad all BMssy

al Dbwbarsss sod Bladder

bat par—al coassluit** pr*<*rrad. mm rmnm.^ltmeii persra spiMytsrfer —0f*l trssl- o*ac** al ■rts* (tbat p****d fret i* tb* swraiag pe*-

WMicat aad wicraaosoocal asanlaailaa, aad i( r*a«sMsd irao*. ra4**d (■ baaltb by **1—road prsirsdara, wb* Mib. gtv4sgp*4**aaaaaad tatsrlsaamamsads, obssM

VnliEllfllL OWIES PerfecMd aid caaa* wbtcb b*** baa trraiad. N* •apartsm*** or fail****.

». p*r**a*l c*a*altatl*a U pf*t*rr*d. Carsbia caaa* gaa

•rsoabllllaliihillyPantaa iiraiad by smi

Tissiaisai ssat C. O. D. •• say pact at tTA

Idst of lanqtMPOthMMtfee. Addrma wllb pratoaa.DOCTORS B. S. A COMPANY.PrIvM. Bm ■*>. nuilwtan, MtaiifM.


.%l. NfinCMI.

HORTUAUE MAl.K.-IMbMlt Immita tlw roMlIituw ot m NKtriasm.

•Mtvd by IMwarH Hntwa mmI Kite Hniwn to Allfv A. Mttftl* ilotvd H»pt»wib»r 1. IHVM, ood rveunted M«otr«nlt»r 1. IMt<t te tb» oMrr ol tb» W—tetT i.f llmitte fnr titelon t'outy In MMIson te tJbrr TH of MortsooM arti p«vv MM. wbkb RMirtsoa** wm alaly a—tea»'a1 Morrb 14 Itett. by aakl Altra A. Mowlr !«• lOBiatl K. tillteai by a wrtlira mmmiMrnimrmt wUrh waa raraanted May :tV. |NU4 la tbr oMranf tba llaalalvr of Iteada alaaraaatd. la LIbar HI of atoriaacM nm poa* IMM. abkb aM>rtaa|M> waa a«aia daly aaaTaartI May 4. 1IIU4. b/ aald itemaH K. .aliteai to Tba Hiata Boali of Ht. Johaa by a wHttaa aaateaawot. wMrb waa raraaralml May INbt. la tbaofltea ol tba Haatatar of liaada atewaabl in LtbarNt of aoirtoaaaa on |Mt«r InU: oaa blrh Biortcawa tbrra la rtalmail hadnaat lb* data of tbia not Ira toar bnadrad aad thirty* atea dollara aiol forty raata, tiaaldaa aa at* tontay faa of tHtran dollara ailpnlata*! In aabl aMrtKoca to ha pal I aboald an« itrnraadlasa ba tabaa trt fnrrrbMa aald m«*rtKaar. and no aalt or proraatltaa at law or Ih rquity bar* lac baw laattinta*! to raaorar any |Mirt of tba debt aacarad by aald nortKaaa. Tbara fora, by tlitaa of tba powar of aala In aald Mortraar roalalaa«l an<l of tba atatuta la aach raaa niada and irrorlda*!. iMtllar U baraby atran that on Jnly U IHUnatona o'eiork In tba aftarnrMin, at tba want froat dtMir of tba *‘aart ^ouar for t'linton r<»natr la Mfrbiicaa. la tbr villaitr of Ht. Jobna In aald roanty. tbara will ba nrdd at pabllc raadaa to tba hicbani blddar. iha pramlaaa daarrttMNi la aabl mortaaaa. rii: All of bbirk fiTa aad lota oaa. tao. tbraa. loar. ftva. afx. aaaan. right, aad alaa of bbi.'k alt. all la Parrla'a addition to tba Tlllaar of Ht. Jobna. CUaton rftanty. la .Mk-btaan. Alao lota oaa. two. tbrm. foar. bra. alx. naraa. rtebt. alaa. tan. alaraa. twrdra. iMrtaau. fitartaan and Ottaan of blork llva all la ftmwn'a aal»-«llrl* aloB of oat blork J la aald vlltefcr ol Ht. Jobaa.

Oata<l April 13. IHPA.THRHTATK BA.NK OF HF.JOHKH.AaalitDar.

Paanixa A ll«t.owix,.tttoraaya for AaalKnaa. w.l3


Dr. W. C. Walkerriia Eniinaot Phyaickui and KurRron,

Dpfrrdt. Ilirh., fortitarljr of N*w York, will maka tha follnwinK Rticnlar

•Moatblj Viaita.

MiMlIIIKeiiDtparturt ol tlie Thirtj-Sacoad Rtg-

ifflcot oi Michigan Voluntaert for Tampa, Fla.

FROM MAMT P01VT8.I INivta mtliwaallMwa la Vat

>t mt Mwaaa.


Cbaarad Mr Cw—rwdaa l<wtl awaiwdn Addraaaad by tbw tiwaorwwr—Ml«a« lirwai'a (kMwtn lindor tba Praaldaat’a Call fwr Mww la bww Klllod—UlbM Mlablsww Nwwa.

ST. JOHNS, Hotel St. Johns, Saturday, June 4

day, June 3.

Tha Mont Siicrraaful Mathndr in tlia Tratitmaiil of .411 DtaaoMw lUiU

Haiortnitim Koowo to tba Ijataat Madical iind

Surgical Skill.

MtlRTilAliK HAI.1:—Dafnalt harlns haan mada la tba roadltloaa ter |Hi.t laaat of n

certain mortirnar m«dr by I'harlaa J. IHIIn and Calte I* IHlIa. bla wllr, Intth of Itllar townablp. (Haton rraaty, Mkhlcnn. to An- diaon A WiMMimff, of UaM'Itt, Mkhlitnn. data«l tba alath day of May. IHUU. and ra- rordcl la tbaolfirattf tba K«wtatar ttf Ikrda for f^aton county. Mkhbran. In Idlwr 7H of Mitrtanaaa on pn^ ’JON. on tba tbirtaanth dnr of May. iHWi’; wbicb mortpaitc wan daly aaolirtMal. by wrtttao naatenraant. on tba aarcataantli day f>f Noraaibar. 1HV7. by .4d. dloon A. iV.HMimff to (laytoa C. WtoMlrnff: aad wbkb nonlaninant wna rrrorda«l In tba oflkr of tba Itralatcr itf llacis tor (Union cnnnty. MkhlKHii. In tJbrr 7U of MortirnBaa on pajrc :fli7. on tha aarant.-anth day nf rambar. im«7: on wbkh mortanicr tbara la clnlniatl to hadnant the dale of thin notkr. fnr priBcipal nnd lalarmt, tba aum of tbrrr tbonanad, tbraa hnndrad alx dollara and fifty* j lira raata (•K..’bHl..%,’l> iNwIdaa nn attomayfaa { of tblrty*ilva dultera (glt.’>.(>0) Nn<l otbar lagal coata. allpnlatatl In aald inttrtiraBa to j ba paid ahoubi nny prcN<ra«llnBn Itr l«km to furarloaa aabl morticnira. and no ault or pri.-caadliura at law or In •■•lulty harlna l»aan In- I _ , n .ntituiad Ui racirar nny part of Ihaikhl aa- ^ B* Wilklir f|i|| QOt yf0|t AOV UDnS^ corrd by aald inortva«a; .Now. tharriora. by '""J umoo. Tlrtna of tba |wiwar of aala In aal*) mortirnKc roatalnad. and of llta atatuta In anch cnac amdr and prtivldatl. notka In barrby iriran tbnt on Halurday. July Ibirtirib, Ihun, at onr o'clock In (ba aftrmoo*., at the want front d<N>r ol iha r«,urt houaa fnr (Union county In Mklilaan. In tha rlllaip* of Ht Jobaa. Ill aabl county, tbara will be aold at pnbik vandiia to tba libcbaat blddar. Ilia pratnlaca In aald inortBatP* itaacrU>a«l. tIi.: rha anal aavan*l walftha of tbr Mtuth Ihn-a- lourtna of tha .outb-want <|uartar (t| I of aartlon tbirtv*flra (8.* I. and tba wmiI ihlrt.r (80) aerra of'land of the want half (V^* of Hie aouth-aast iiuartcr llii < f arctlon lhlrtr*(lra (83), contalnInK In ad one hiindra«l acraa of ianil mora or leaa. all In townablp alx idi north, of raiipc three <8t want. In «1lntun ronnty. .MIchlanu.

Uatatl, .Ht. Johna. .\pril ‘J7th. IHPN « C. WtiDlllU'KF.

.Vaainnre of aald Mortanira.WILLIAM M, HMITII,

Allornay for Aarlcnac.

•’K’S SAI.K. —Notke la liarcb.r alvan by » Irtua of a writ of Klarl l-^rlaaS II Kill F

(batlaanail out of the t'Irctill Court for tha count.r of Clinton. In (a%'or of .\llH*rt H. rbnbb. idaln* tiff, airninat tbr irooila anil ehatfala and real oatatc ol Kmmat K. Iturncaa. ilafanilant. In aald county, to ma dircctnl and ilallrcml. I did. on the 4ih liny of Apill. IHpa, lary u|H»n anil take all tha rlirhl. titia and Inlrnat^if tba aald Ktiunrt K. llunraaa. In and to tile foUiiwIOK ilaacrllinl raal eaiatr towll; The aouth one half of the nortbweat one-quarter f>t». ami tba north ona-eiBblh (Vui of the weal one half (t-,) of the aiiulhwct ona- t^artar <(41 of Mellon i.iinilter thirty (Ire (83). In town.hip numbar aavrti (7) north of ranae mini liar one 11 1 weat. In Mlchlaan. all of whlcli I .ball ax|Hiae (or .ale at public aactlon or vandur to the hlabeat Mddar. at tba weat front door of tha Court llouarintha rllteite of .Ht. John.. In aald county, (that lie* Inc tbr piamif holilliiK the Circuit Court for aatd cou ity.) on Hatnrila.r, the ‘JNth day of May, iHpa. at oar o'clock In Ibe aftamimn of that ilay.

Uaiail .VprII 11th. iHliu.AlA).N’/.(> K. ni’NN.

HhrriS of Clinton County, MIchliraD. Ily I.OKK.N t'AHTLK.

EDWI.N II. LYO.N. Dafiuty Hbarlff.Attorney (or rialnIKT. 84w'7

pROIIATK OKDKU.—Htata «.( Mlcbbtau.County of Clinton, aa. At a .aaalon of

tha Probata c.'inrt for tha county of Clinton holdan at tba Probata oHIca In tba vlllaitr of Ht. John, on Ttieaday. tba I7lh day of .May, In the rear oaa thonaand aiiiht hundrinl ami nlnaiv-efaht

Iraaenl.t baa. M. Marrill. Judea of 1‘mbata.In the matter of Iha aalala of .Mar.r Koaal,

d«caaa~<l. tin raadlnK aad flIteK tba peti­tion <lnl.v vcrIfl'Hl of llanry J, I’attaraon prarlnK that tba laat will aB<l taalamaat of aalil dcciiaail may la* prorail aail admit tail to prrtbale and iltai ba. or aoma otbar aalt able liaraon may lie apiMdatad azurutor of aald aataic.

Tba rail non It U orlaraal. that Tharada.v, theftth dai of Jiiar A. !>.. ihun, at one o'cb ck in (be aflarn*Min la* a..litne«l for the haarixe of aabl |wtlllou 'ind that Ih = hrira at law and Iraaliea ol .abl ilreraacd and all other fa>ra<oi. Inlarraietl In aabl will, are ra- qnlml to appear at a laHuilon of a^ilil court than to l-e li btan at t ha prolmle otiica In the rlllMBr (f Ht, John, ami .how cauae If ary thim* l*a. why the a III .Houbl mit ba ap- pmya<i. And It la further onlarrd that no* Ike lie Kiv. n to the (lerMin.«l In aald aaiate of Iha pamlency of tha haartns tbaraiif »»T caiialnK a copy of thi. onicr to Iw publl.hoi In Thi. Ht. Joh.x. ,N'kw.. a nawa- pafiar prtnird nn I rlmilalc<l In .aid munty of Cllaion (or I hraa .ucraaatrc waekaprrylua. to aabl day of haarinK.

C|IAIiI.4>4 M. MKItltlLL.(A THt’Ct'opv) Jmlacof Prolmla.

Ikland Lake. May 23.—^Tbe flnt aco- lion of the traio bcariiiE ihe Thirty* kccood Miebigao volunteer iofauLry, Col. Willliatn T. klKiurriu coiumand* lug, left the ziate uatnp ground at ten o'clock TburKiay night en route for Tauipa, Fla. The other two eectlona followed later. The regiment, except in the matter of arma. which are to be lupplied at the Florida rendezroua, ia fully equipped. The enliated men were given a rouaing aend off by the light of a camp lire. The regiment coutaina 1.0S3 men. The regiment, with colors dying in the twilight and the band playing “The 9tar*S|Mngird Banner,” marched through the parade grounds

T" 1 I **** Thirty-third and Thirty-fourthAnd Retan House, OVID, Fri - I regimenta, and were cheerily applaud­

ed aa they patawd. In front of Gov. Pingree'a beadquartera they were maaaed in oolumna by companica.

The governor mourned a box that was placed on a fable and waa received with a great cheer. He complimented the regiment, expressing the pride the •tate felt in it; spoke of the tine quaii-

j ties of the ofticera; said the men were : about to make history for themselves which would be more to them than all the pay they would receive and alao

, they would make biatonr for the state, and said the only thing for a soldier

I to (K> waa to obey orders, and that when I he did so promptly, cheerfully and un- . hesitatingly, it waa for bis own benefit.I He gave them advice as to eating and I drinking in tropi(>ai countries; oau- I tioned them againat spirituous liquors I aa especially to be avoided,and said that j by abstaining from water unless it had j been boiled before drinking, and each ; man looking out for his own habits jvvith respect to food and drink, there was little danger of yellow- fever or any miasmatic disease. He assured them that the stote would look after their welfare.

The last company needet! to fill Mich-


Tbere is a PoisIbiUty of a Core Aid Will So iDfonn Too.

Examination by Reflection.

n.v the latest iwteallfir researrbM iMtth bjr { lmpmve.| Ineinimeals itatl raethdiU thei iHwtor Is easbiel to tllsroTer the true nature of (be <llsea»i*. amt bwaie 'Ike onran or iiarls affeete.! naU roan.r I disease, anti rompikatluas w hkb Imvchere ofore pr»»re«l racMi olisilaalr to , , < i> i 1 .Ihe Mealkai Prttlt^lon .vlelfl like maak under I tfran k quoin under the call of 1 resident his skill and s;si,>ot treatment. ■^* ..McKinley for 125,000 men arrived here diwlor Is i-ndowetl with the w«>noeef)il irlft ' fd betnu able to dlaamwe without f|uestlon ina. and will •Irsrrtla* with the arralesl ar- miarjr .rour aches and pains wlieeever lo- ratwli triU (tetter how a |•e^M>n feet, that they ran tell themselves.

There Is no neeal to lire In constant rateerv.It rfists xothina to eee'hini. The follesi ex- amlaaiIons nrafree and bb> prires for treat­ment are within the reach of all. He Is n friend to the aMIrted nnd will turn none Awa.v iinaidetl. The merchant luliiales with ihe artisan while eeekliuc relief at Ins hands and hundrr«ls are cured every yenr.


None, perhn|wi. feel more urnleful to the

Wednesday night. It was the I.ake .Su­perior cadets, from Marquette, Ksca- uaba and Menominee. The men were examined and were mustered in Thurs­day morniug. Uov. Piugree says that if there is a second call for volunteers it tbouid be filled on a different system than prevailed on the first. Tbere siiouid be a quota for each town, the same as for slates.

Detroit, -May 24.—Col. Hoynton re­ceived orders from the war dejiartment -Monday afternoon directing him to re-

•bwtor than docs'Mrs. J. II. Heni^. oftivld. j port with the Thirty-third regiment atWashington. .\t first it was thought that the regimtnt would be ordered to L'bickaniauga. The regiment will leave as soon as the transportation can be arranged for, which will be about Thursday.

Tampa, Fla,, Ma^' 24.—Michigan’s first regiment of volunteers, the Thir­ty-second infantr.v, marched from their sleeping cars to Palmetto beach without arms, ammunition or cartridge lielta. The only weaivnns in the com­mand were the swonis and revolvers of the officers, lii other respects, how­ever, the Wolverines are the beat

Hhesays; "I wish every |Hnir sufferer mlahl know the b'hmI I have rrceive<l under l»r Walker's treatment and profit nailer ray ex lierlrnre. Tlierr are many In Ovid aad vl- rlnity who know how intserahle I have lieen snffeirinK with a comptienti n o( tllsrwse. a hirh seemed to rratsi all medical skill until I coasnite I Hr. Walker. .\«iw I feel like a . Ifcrenl iiersou. I (eel oratefUl to Ihetloc- (ur and offer this lesilmoalal vnluatartl.r (nr the lienefil of all chn.nlc sulterrrs."

The Her. W. (i. Yanlluraer. who resides near (..alBBsburx. MIeh., voluntarily offers Ihe followIqk leatimontel (or publication, lie says: ••I hare been a suflbrer for .years frttm iieart dtssas<* and spinal weakness aad for the fiast year bare l»eefi so nvrritus and have tremh4r«l sat I coaid seareeiy hold a IsMik or |>a|ter steady eaouah to reaal na<l could not write with a |teii. I felt »lek all •tver anal was amtirel.r unfit teal (air business. Alter three inaiaths treata.ent with Hr. W. C.Walker, aaf Delndt, ^•*'^*"?'* * J*® j equipped of anv of the volunteer reg-beiler than I have liven In six years. Am 7



AiiUMi. /UhMta.SsskRttbswRiRi

That maam that in any of tbaot tear grant Piuvincaa of tha PoiHtfikio of r^noRhi 70a con ■oenro tte occoo of ^ricultaml loisd. yMtUag bom Bis to iffo par act* yaarty, If yo« boeoma on

ter. Thab laaotMom ora

menta which have conic ao far south. Kvery man has a new uniform, the camp e<|uipment waa complete to the laat detail, and there was not a tick man in the regiment.

The Thirty-second Michigan came straight through from Island Imke, where it has lieen under canvas for nearly a month. The command trav­eled in itaiace sleeping cars, and Ita Journey through the southern cities was one continuous ovation. It seemed as If the (leople of Tennessee, Georgia and Florida {uirticuiarly welcomed the boys from .Michigan. The first bat­talion of the Tliirt.v-second Michigan came from Detroit and the second from Grand Ilapids. One cota|Mny comes from Kalamazoo, one from Cuidwater, .me from Hattie Creek and one from Grand Haven, and the aggregate lx a

' liod.v of fine fellows, ranking high ph.vsirally. The Michigan regiment left their Springfield rifies home, for the officers want their men to be armeii with the regulation Krag-.lorgenaen

' rifle used by the regulars. The .Mich­igan camp lies between tbe Ohio and

^Georgia regiments, close to the waterTmabtewmae •kill dUrweea. eaeb as ceseaia, Hillsboro iia.t, and is almut as wall

Hall ilhraai. Kryslfietea, etc., •acceasfnlly located as an}' around Tampa.Idinsing, .May 33.—.Much comment

worklna every day and preerhliur .Hunday. AH thank* to t'r. Walker.

(Hlirneil) W. (>. YAxllraiiaa.tlctolier 34th, tHtl7.Mrs. H. W. Itosr, of Ovid, rami of catarrb

of the •tomaeh of fifteen yearn staadlng.

REMEMBER DATE OF VISIT.Mr. Wni. Heilman imys also that be had

been aflilried (or ten years with asthma and hav fever the result of catarrh; has doctomi witli onl.v temiNirary relief. He Is now a

j welt mnn'not a vestuie of the dmel dlaease j remains lie frets rrateful to Hr. Walker

Mrs. W. ,H ItoBers rnml of raarer ofthe breast, Hhe was a rreat suffrier.

I Mr. riiariee J. I’rssion rnml of raiarrh-of jibe stomach and blood iwilaonlnK, he

would not lie In his former rondlllun aaalii I (or fi.I.otMl.! Mrs. W. M— after lielna liarren (or ten I years rays' He rnml me. We now have I two lllllerhibireti Hulllre to say our home Is a happy one.

Kll|isey (or fils) |Hisl*lvely cured cent mientiftc discovery.

One of the mos (iranti Itaidds Mr. (’. H. Itaaks has doctomI with all ilie Issi physliians be roubi hear of and finaltv alven two weeks to live. I'wn- suPeil Hr Walker, took his treatment and Is now a well man. He ha<l chroak- slnmaeh tronlde. weak Innas ami constant coiiah. Itheumatlsai ami Mrixhi's disease. He has aalaeil thirty-five miunds ami work* every I'av. He advises all who are s4rk to see Hr. Walker.

WMt Bay city will raia« iM,lU by taxation tbia year for city exproaea.

Meaalas are epidemic at Standiak, there being many oaaca, nome of which have raaulted fatally.

Gov. Plngrec baa accepted ao invita* lioo to addreaa ao old nettlera* pieoic at Uerrieo bpriogo, Juoe 1.

Tbe State League of Uuildiog aod Loao Aoaociationk will hold their an- oual mectiug io Sagioaw in September.

There will be a large acreage of pota* toe* and beans planted io the vicinity of Waterford, Oakland county, this year.

Tbe republican committee hex iskued a call for a coogrezkional convention in the .Second dUtriot to be held July 20, at Ann Arbor.

Cedar ties arc in great demand and bring 30 cents each, delivered on the railroad. Thi* la nearly double what they are usually worth.

The fourth annual camp meeting of the Grand [..edge Spirituaiiata' associa­tion will commence July 38. Tbe aaao- ciation ia erecting a hall.

Coal trust agents have been In Day City for some days, seeking to purcbaoc lands now under lease by local opera­tors. They have met with small sue- eema.

The Sagioaw county coal mines will be worked hard this year. It is thought that before the end of the year mining will be done at the rate of 1,000,000 tons a year.

Itev. James F. McKinley, formerly a well-known Methodist clergyman in this state, died at Alden at the age of 70 years. He wra* a relative of l*reai- dent McKinley.

The decided advance in the price of wheal has benefited but very few of the farmers near Kdwanliburg, as nearly all of them bad disposed of their sur­plus before the advance.

Levi Failing, of Lansing, found his wife dead in bed beside him. She was 8i years old. An inquest determined the fact that her death was due to nat­ural causes, the principal of which waa old age.

The Spanish colors captured by En* sign Willard, of the Machias, from the signal station at Cardenas bay have been sent to M. E. Stearns, of Grand Hapids, and are bring exhibited in a store window there.

The Swedish church at Casnovia was struck by lightning while services were being held. Lena Halman, 14 years old, was instantly killed, and Heima .Mad­ison severely injured. Most of the con­gregation were more or less injured.

The Degree of Honor of Michigan is holding its seventh annual session at Ssaginaw. There are now 85 lodges, with a membership of 4,000. There is a movement and ventilated, and can be limit to lb to 50, instead of 21 to 45, aa it is now.

Tbere has never been a better pros- |>ect fur an enormous crop of all kinds of fruit than now exists in Uerrien county, according tr. Ituchanau reports. The cool weather has kept the growth back until late and ull kinds of fruit trees are loaded.

Albert Vugcl, of Ludiiigton. has shipfied mure than tIOO.OOO feet of hard­wood lumber to Wisconsin thi* spring. He hat more than 5,000,000 feet more scattered around through .Mason coun­ty, ail of which has been sold and is be­ing hauled to Ludinglon for shipment.

According to reports the wheat crop in southwestern .Michigan never looked better at this season of the year. The cool, wet weather has been very bene­ficial to growing wheat, causing it to stool instead of sending forth a single stalk. An immense hay crop is also promised.

C. F. Smith, superintendent of the Grand Island Lumber company, has closed a contract with Kirby-Dennis Co., of Marinette, Wis., to furnish 250,- 000 shingles a day for five years. Tbe sggregale of the contract is 375,000,000 shingles, and is probably the largest shingle contract ever let.

Tbr new town of Ue(|ueoc, or Millcrs- burg, in Fresque Isle county, is pro­gressing finely. A sawmill with a capac­ity of 30,000 feet of hardwood lumber a day, is being constructed; an excelsior mill is cleaning ground for a factory: s dowel pin factory is to come from Newark, U., and a large shingle mill has been located.

by a re­

treated.Mrs. r. M, Htnttman eared of IthMid and

Hkin IHsrase of twHve .veara staadtaa.Mrs. L. K Lambert earwl of varieoae nieers

on limb.Miss Klla t'raar eared of bmaebtel tmable

aad tana dtseaee.Miss tl. H. rare«l of frmale weakaesa after

iMdaa treate«l by many noted phystrlans.




Dr. Walker saeresefally treats all diseases of the Bye, Bar. ThrtHit. lamas, anti all rbroaw. private aad nervf>as iHseases aad

' •Mormltlsa, as Graaateled IJda. Healaess, I t'roas Brae. IHselMirBe nf tbe Bar*. Hnta- ' rbitls. faroak* t'«*aab, (tolirr ilda aerk), Ke. j rer Hores aad t’leers. Hrtekl's Htsease Rbea- ( ranlkim. all dteeaws cf ibe Kl«* ers aad

Madder, Heart. iMaiaarli aad Serroaa Ote- ' rn—. fborea (Ht, YItae Haarei, Kidletwy I fits, tlearral OeMllty, ffercdnla. Hkla Dtaaaaea. aad all d'seaoea dae to bad tdood. also rvciai

mh Tmm. ■. anuomt * fiost,

SfiVflP wiiaiaHlsatmseklitfrvi iTWa

-fr ' wHI atve saeetel atleallna to diffirall •asm aad to eaeae older |»b.vlrteas bare raMed to rate. Baak rtfrriates.

INrsotm aatdylaa ter trvatiaeat will pteaee hiiaa (tom two to tear oaaces of artee. first poiawd la Ibe omralaa ftrefrrrvd. ter aaalysis

daesttea blaabs seat oa affydWatloa. Ka rtoee stamp tor reply. Those aaaMe to nee tbe daetor eaa addrrns

W.C. WALKBR. M. D..Box TB. DHtoK. Hteb.

has been occasioned by tbe discovery on the part of the general public that tha bill Io increase tbe efliteienry of the

: Michigan national guard, which was ! passed with a rush during the closing

houra of the recent sesaiun of tbe legis­lature, provided that officers of the line,

I staff and general staff might Im as­signed to active duty in connection

j with the organisation of the troops and receive the pay of ufllcera of the saaie

[ rank in tbe United Slates army. This has increased the salaries of the adju­tant, quartermaster and inspector gen- emla from 81,000 to 87,500, while other staff officers, who were heretofore pure­ly ornamental and received ao pay, now reeeivc handbome satariea.

Kite fitrwek by Ll«li«alaai.Lansing, .May 30. — The weather bu­

reau here has recently been sending cel­lular kites up for observations. The height has been from one to two milca. Decently a kite was sent up 4,000 feet.

I A bolt of lightning struck It, and the kite, with the 4,000 feet of wire, waa consumed tu a twinkling. The three men who were opemtiug the reel had but Just left it. They were shocked, but uolinjured.

* Mew Madal tmr Oeliaalliawaea.I Lansing, May 23.—Sufieriniendcnt of Fuhlio Instruction Hammond ia en*

' dravoring to inir(idu(:e a new model for country schoolliouses. It is properly lighted and ventiiated, and onn be built for from 88(iu to 81.500, the amount

1 usually expended. An organixation of teachers, commissioners and citixena in

'each county for this purpose.

Rwllwwy Tnawa.I Lansing. May 30.—Dsilrond Commla- I sioacr Weaseiius definitely decides to make railroads poy taxes on the groes receipts and switching charges, alao to assess all special charter ronda under the general law. Thia will materially inereese the revenue.

ricComiick’sLast Call.

EFORE the next issue of the paper gets into the hands of the farmers the SECOND ANNUAL DELIVERY

0/ McCormick Machines at St.Johns will lie a thing of the past for

UTHNl m VkOr one week from Saturday is the day we want every purchaser to come early. \Ye will have nearly if not quite 150 Machines to load on that day if all come who have ordered of us. This will make us very busy. Each purchascrj^will have dinner at The Steel and their teams cared for. We would like to be able to extend the invitation to all our friends, but our 1898 customers will take every inch of the dining room, but our customers who come prepared to take home machines will be cared for. Good Band, Prominent Speakers, Singing, etc. to entertain you. Come and see the Parade.

n. L. KENYON,Agent, 3t. Johns. m

NOT RESPONSIBLE.Tbia ItowntmeMt KotlRas Awatrla

Tbat It Will .Not Pay laMaainlly fur Iluaaarlaa Mlaern Klllvsl.

Grand MRailwajfSjfstemArriral and defiarturt* oftraiav at Ht.

Johns. Inrffrrt May id, IkUk.weaTBni'xn. l-rarr. Arrive

Washington, May 24.—^The itale de- partnimt has iiiatir formal rps|K>nse to the Austrian government a* to the Hun­garians killed at Iloxleton, I'a., in the riot* latit fail. The governor of I’enii- s}lvuniu sent in a report, made up most­ly of a record of the celebrated trial, und thi* was reviewed by the attorney- general and supplemented by a strong argument to maintain the position taken iir our government, namely, that it was not re*|Kinfible, under the cir- cunistances, for Ihe killing.

(liven Itecent lln r«VSierra I<eone, West Coast of Africa,

.May 24.- A force of troops has rellevetl the missionaries and others at Kwellu wlio*e lives were im|>eriled by the up­rising of the natives who rebelled against the imposition of the but tax.

The iMMlies of the American mission­aries who were murdered when the insurgents attacked and destroyed the town nf Ilotifu, in the early |Mrt of the present month, have been recovered and buried.

Police Pension Lnw Annniled.St. IxiuU. May 24. — The supreme

court, sitting at .lefferson City, declared Ihe St. loHiis police ]tension law un­constitutional. This decision was ren­dered in answer tu the fictition of Heaven, fora writ nf mandamus tticoni* |iei the St. I,ouis |MilU*e iMMird to |)ay a salary to Heaven, as a member of the |m>- lice forre who had l»een retired at the end of 20 years’ service, under Ihe law. The writ was denied.

A Wnr Hlaiile.Winona I,uke. Ind., .May 24. A wnr

ripple reached the general assembly Tuesday morning in a telegram calling Dr. Henry C. MeCo«»k. of Fhiiadeiphia, to rejoin his regiment,the IVnnsylvani t Second, at Morristown, I>el. Hefor** leaving he was given an oppnrtxinlty to present the work and claims of (he Presbyterian Ilistoricjil society.

Od. Haven A Muskeaon f1t»47ani f3 17|ai’* (8 .'{gpni tl3 04 poi

tin. Haven* Inleriitediate47 / u pin fH*J3 an* (Id. Haven * Muskegon *8 .NH ain*I lUtlnas MIxmI to (id. K|mIs (to 33 an. 44 SO p n

KASTlUirXII.Det., ('nnaita * «ast tH 33 an 47 39 pa* Det.. Cbtraao via Hnrand 413 04 pm 4H;(3|.n Det.. Canailn * eaal 43 17 pm 4lo 47 anDet.. Canada * enat *11 4«l pm *8 3H amMlxeii to OarcHMft 44 80 pm 410 33 am

tkxeept .Sunday. *Dallv. .'^leepina aad pnriorcar servlre. 47 am. train have parlor ear to Grand

llapida,extra rliarae ‘J.;> reata.7 3i»p.m. train has Parlor Hnffet ear at-

tarbed lietrolt in Graau Haven. Extra abarae 33e.

CASTIinCXtl.H 23 a. m. train nns parlor ear to Detroit.

Extra rharae 3.'Ve. I'ullman parlor car De- trf>lt to Toronto ronnee.laa with sleeper for tbe Raat aad New York.

5 17 i>. m. train has pnrlor ear to Detroit. Extra enaiae 3Ar. Pullman sleeper Detroit to Tot onto, Huspeaahin Hridae, Ruffolo. PhllntlHpbln nnd New York.

11 40 p. m. train has thrnnab day pnrlor rara and steefter Winda«ir to Htis|»eaaloa Rrtdae. Buffalo, New York and Hoaton.

H 33 a. m. and 13 o4 p. ra. tralna ronaeet at Darand with C. A ti. T. DIvlalun fnr Cbl- eogo.

N 33 a. m. and 3 17 p. m.trains ronaeet at Darantl with C. H. A M.ter Haainaw and Bay (Ity and with C. A (i. T. IRvlalon for Port Hnrnn and Hattie Creek.K. H. ilCUlli-ht, REN. FLETCDBR.

A. tl. P. A. Trav. Paoa. Aaent Cbiraao Detroit

TROUAHBRflilLRT. Aaent.Ht. Jobaa*

WOMEN II DOUBT PEMMIMOTALPIUSTksv ovrersmi Wsaaasss, Irteaa- isrrty aaS sainswas.uiprsass vtaer • a4 aaatsk ** paiss at aoastraa-

I ilaa.*' They ars "Lite ffavsia** taatris at wsataaSooS. sMiaa Se- rrispaMrat at orgsas aa4 boSy. Heorasas aly tar »■

Oaaaei 4e Im IV. a pivsvarv •! OM-ll. tie Id ter d


ham-llfr be-

4 HUBBEM. euMCff IN TWO on tnnsk


Dr. Wlllioam' Indian Pile Hnuaeat will cure Blind.

Uleedlna and Itcblaa Piles. It abeorbn the toasora,

___ allays tba itehtoa at oaee. aete■■ss a poultiee, rives Insteat ra- lief. Or. WIlitaoM'ladlao Pile Oint­ment U prapareo for Piles and llcti-

laa of tbe private parts. Rvery bos la warraate«l. By druralsts, by mall on re-

aelpt of wire, su cents and ffl.fia. MLUMRmmfiKJmm co.. p^pa. cicveiaBnSBo:For aole by C. B. VanHIck le.

Gartllcate of Rumry lospietiOR Ro. 6.Monroe, MIcb.. Get. 5. 1897.

I be-eby certify that I have rxan.te»jl tte Xarae»v aad pirmlaee of I. B II.GKbt HIT2 HONH.MoNROK. MICHIGAS. aad fiad mo Indicatloa of tte preaeace of Han J««ee Hcnle, o of any danaernaaly lajarivttM laetwt or fkaans commoalv latrpdBce«l_ Io oteharoa with naraeTT atock,

latr Is


Mwaior fwr m ttetewH MM*.Detroit, May 80.—The flrat Amertean

aokller to aet fact on Cvban aoll vran a Detroit boy—Capt. Stephen O’Connor, of the torpedo hoot Woap

la AwedaO ffffOO.Port Huron, May tl. — Tho Jury ia

the IBILOOO doBUtge suit of Mrs. BHao- beth White agaiaai the township of Riley brought in a verdict at il o'oloek Friday night, after being oot 28 hours, owordlag the plaintiff • jodgmont of


Pt»K 07-on.tratlltertaerOwtire Traetera*Bx amlaattea

ettl be beM as fullows;Hlab school room Ht. Jtdtaa. tbtrd Tbara-

•lay Bad Friday ol Aunwt __I i-oart knaor. H,. Jobaa. tbtrd Tbaraday

iUmI 4‘riday of Grinber.Mt Jtdias laat Tua aday ofMareb.Coart boaae m. Jobaa, tbtrd Tbaraday aad

Friday of Jaae.(II examlaatloaa will begta at Ho'eteeb


comastealoaer of Rshoote.

------------------- U. P. HENDIHCK,;=MIcb. Huitf laap'r of Naraeriea aad Gicbards.

Ttie Otateat. Lorffeat mmI llaatNURSERYla MIehlaaa.

qmppe daa by steam: tte most approved inliDO metbmda, thereby tte lieet rnota aa-

aar^. ___rnR HMOT. TWK CltNAPffffT

Do aot (all to aead ter CatakHnwaadptfrea before orderiaa rieewbere.

The Monroe Nureery,I.B.ILEIIFRITI, SOIS, Inm. INI.

AORtmi wA?mio

PATENTSsan rsToar usw

-BXCHISIVM.T.- Brroli of valoabte later-

malloa aad tell partIratefa aeat treenooMaa * nendsve.

Hoaaemaa Rik.. Grand Itepide. Mirb. Braaeb offtea Waobteetaa. D.> G-


Proprietors----- -

Gko. a. aldhrton,E. P. Waldron, Vim PrMMWtit.

Thos. Bromi.ey Jr.. dw. A Ttm*.W. H, Field, MaiMC*rCliMbiacD*pt.

D. G. Steel, Matia««r Kuniiiarr D*pt.

H. E. Mack, Mauutrr HIkm* 1>»p< ■

Keep Your Eye on THE BIG STORE

And on their advertising also. It will tell you about NEW THINGS and new prices and give you a good idea of how well we can serve you both as regards quality and price.

Your Butter and Eggs are Current exchange __ here in all of our Six Large Departments__





Beautiful Silk Waists* ' * ~Mmde of black Taffeta ailk. atock oollar j and latest atyla, each ih (Ml.China ailk araiata (black* handaoniHy j wade, li^’h Iff .10.

Silk Sale.Beautiful tiinired China Hitka. remdar 'lUc. ()uality, while thev laat, per yd.. '3A:

Knit Underwear.IMOX .';nT.<

Sunmier weiKht. lo»’ neck, abort aleevea. each

ana lUc.

Liale thread union auita. wioK aleevea. in white or ecru, .Hie.. T."*c., il.OOand #1.2.1.

Extra value winir sleeve low neck veata. ecru, •< for 25c.

MILLINERY DEPT.Special diaplay and aale of


Regular Monday Special.Kc|{iilar Ilk;, veata, to start, each .Ikk'. l.ritdiea' .ind Children’s sizes.


nillineryOur exhibit of new .'reations this week will aur|MMM anv former effort. They are the ^vaneed styles of latest summer | luiiiioery.

Spray of Roses.Kveryiiody .taka 2r>c. for them. We sell them for

Our Sales.\nd our customers are increaaint;. They are appreciative of the fact that our millinery is marked at dry (pmds prices; that vre can sell cheaper than others, for nur expenses are considerably leas.

We have just selected from our carjiel *sam|»iee alkiut .’vl pieces of intcrain. DRY GOODS, Continued,Urusaela :iud Moquettes. vard icoffthi..KUitahie for ruics. We will sell the in i;raius for 25c. (vu;h. and the M<K)uett<''‘ iind Brussels for .Kic. each. We can fur □ish fringe to match.

Curtain Poles.Oak and Mahogany 4x1 and .1x1. wood

triinmioK. |»er set, each lik'.Brass extension rods. 21 in. to 4.‘t in.

Ieii(;th. «Nich l.V’., two for 25c.

Curtains.Linre variety of colors includioK fixtures and screws. Felt luc. Cloth 2LK;. i*ach.

Ladies' Petticoats.


A Good Cup of

...Coffee..Is a luxury- when poor judgment is shown in Meeting tae Coffee. We wish to call your attention to our Koyal Java and Mocha at .'l&c a pound as the best in drinking quality to be hnd. Oac(> tried, always used.


AFTER YOU LEARNThe methods upon which our Clothing department uoodujta busineaa, you will aee the difference. Our idea ia to make this store reliable, trustworthy and deserv. ing of yojr patrf>Dage. Our announce, men’s will always sfH^k the truth; when we plaoi' a price on a suit, etc., you may depend on it. We have ’em and they arc as we say.


Suits for WbeelmeaEvery new idea for bicycle wear. Invisible or strikioK plaid effects of foreign and domestic west'e, exclusive styles. Trousers made with Golf or BI«M>mer Knee lisods, Theee suits are regular #7.iin values. #.1.(M)

People..\re partial to a more mild coffee, one that bat a smooth flavor. We can accommodate ojr custo.uers with the Boston combination at .’dk:. a fiound.

PriceFinest line of fancy |>etticnats in town.: S|»eciHl for Saturday and Monday while they last. 1

Figure*} Sateen, corded rufHe. .Spanish flounce, j ()iir former prici* #1.'I2. To go this |>er. I iod for 81.0.1, i

Uutnan stri|»e Siikot. Spanish flounce, corded rutile, r«>gular price 81.-1U. To go this I>eriod for 81.0'.!.

Cuts a figure with a one ptmple. To acco.u'.nodate tbiit trade we have en- desY’ored to iMmbioe a high quality, smooth drinkiug coffee with low price and we ))elieve we cjka luatcfi .my .'die, coffee in town with our .lav.i an 1 .la- tiioica brands at ‘2.1c. and 2'ic. a fiuund. Try ns Come in and get a sa nple; it will you nothing. We know you’ll b.-* a constant customer after try ing it.

Business SuitsPlain black or blue cheviots aud fancy plaids and checks, guaranteed all wool well trimmed and pro|>erly made. You are proltably asked or #10iMl for them of other dealers, our price.............. S6.00

A School Suit for Boys..\ges H to 1(1 years. .Ytioolutely all wool two pieced suits. Amuog them are uaa- eimerea, tweed aud cheviots in numerous shade* ranging fmni light to dark. .\n- solutely worth #4.(Jl) and not a cent less. We start ’em at................................... ^2.90

Big Boy* s Long Pant suits.Vgee 14 to 111 years. Young men’s suits sewed throughout with silk thread, cut in latest fashion. Regular #B..KI and #T.(Nl values, here for.......... . ...................... SA.SO

Bov’s .Ncfllijice ShirtsFancy patterns, ages 12 to 14 years and are generally sold tor $1.00. We sell them for....... 65C

PnniBninilQUESTION of doubt to all that a homecan be furnished in an economical, yet the most Comfortable manner at Our Store. Every Day of Every Week Chronicles the Arrival of.^


here and Our Whole Stock is One Com­plete Assortment of NEW GOODS.

We are Especially strong at present in Odd Pieced Tables, Chairs, Etc.




Mark (luge \va»« in Imnaing Tu*<M|iiy.Wm. W*»l*h mid wiiV hnv** ii young »*oii.Fnuik WHrn*T will cundnet tin* l.••ngn*•

Sunday.Mii*»» Mina liixhy in at Mr. WiMMibnry’*

near flu* (’olony.Mn«. Polly (iiigi* idl. and it ii« (hought

the humerun hone in fraetun*il.Mine ItoHH liugulet had n>riint«*d mini

IitalM'lla county when* nlie viRit*'«i two aistern.

IfogMgot among Oliver llixhy'a alu'ep la'«t w«*ek. .Several wen* injureii, one no hmi it had it hud to lie killetl.

While John llwkett and «'hildn*ii wer.* riding Sunday, a tug came uiilKaik***! and the horsee Unvitlie lllllliaiiagtlbk*. The ehildren wen- fhniwn onf and Mr. IWk- ett drnggtHl alMiut two rods. One Inirm* jumiKHl the fen***' ainl th*Te they wee** MtopisMi. Th«* youngest girl wu*. inseUMi. f»l«* and in}nn*<l, re«)uiriiig a doet«ir. ’Th** buggy which wan a iiew double etiiiupy was H«>in«*wliat won'k***!.

I Victor ami a man that will liegreatly in the i-«muiiunity, a kimi hither

and iieighiNtr. lie hMt a wife ami nix I'iiihlreii. .Mrw. Julia Mayiianl, of St. .I<»hiin, .Men Th**o<lore •l•^nl••. (’liarlen, (f***>rge, TImhhIop* ami .Minn .\iiiin .Vnh- l••v. Funeral wan held at (Iniv** eliiin'h. Til** (5, .\. U. w**i.t ju» an ‘WJirt.


Wm. Wilkins <*alle*l on rebitiv Portland Inst Krtaliiy

Jessie Siiiioiin, of l.unsiiig. visit***! hin uncle. Il**nry .I**nis4m lust w*s*k.

Miss Klin IfilU citMte*! tier sjiniig term of sch*iol ill the Monroe district Fri*iny.

Miss lU<wiM** llixiwm, of (Iniml Ixadge, was the guest of .Miss J**iiui** Parh»w Tues­day.

Mrs. Mary Ingnihnin, of >St. Johns, visited her father. Ih'iirjr Stark. Inst wi'ek.\ mtmti«m was t**n*l«Teil Mr. and

Mrs. I). T. Ktldy at th«*ir Imme Friday enmiog.

Mrs. ('has. Wli*«*4er has Iwni quit** sick with iieuralgiu of the •atoinnch. but is improviog at this writing.

Henry Hraveostntt is reiHiiring th** ston* in the hotel buihling ami will put ill a full lim* of hnnlwar** in a short (itm*.

PEIOE.Boartl of Review meets with Z. Sexton

this week.Then* will Is* exercises nt I*ric»* sch«iul

next Friday.Mrs. Howe who has ls***n very {ssirly

is «Mi th«* gain.Mrs. .\lioi* Terwilliger, of .Vshley. is

viniting relatives hen*.J. (Itegory walks with n ••nne, trie»l to

lain' his “rtirn” wltli an ax.J. (’baffei ixnd John (bsslfsllow are

visiting frie.aJs at Whitfdake.Miss Hilda Stira|sM)o, of Holly, is visit­

ing Mrs. (larrte(’hBffee this week.Harry Vanborger has a new home.

Now girls watch nut for a ride.HsaryPa’aj, has br*ai called to (lak-

laad noanty to sn* bis father, who is rsry low aad not **xtsvted to live.

I*aat wMsk oeenrred the death of ’rhe«i. 4sliley. He had been an invalid for some time, bat not confined to his bed only a few days. He eras a pioneer of

SHEPABDBVILLE.MfH. H. L. .Mum*4m .*isi(***l in ((vid th**

latter |Mirt of last w**ek.Mr. ami Mrs. W. |>imk**l ami tlaughter.

s|s*iit Saturday in .St. Johns.J. (.’. GiPoint and family huv** mov***!

in tin* HMims over the south ston*.I Mrs. W. S. Williams return*^! t<i h**r home in Iowa Falls, Iowa, Friilay.

Miss Kttu l.,ongcor visitnl friends in V**nion the latter part of last week.

.Mrs. It. M. SheiNirtl is siifl**ring with a s»*v**n* «*ae** of ioHainatioii of tlieeyw.

Th** W. K M. S. will meet at the home of .Mrs. J. Nokes Wedimwlay June Isl.

Kimer Nevius s(>ent Siimlay with .lames Mci’au ami family in R**wlMittuni.

Rev. WiMNlanI, of Ovhl, assist***! R**v. Woottm ill th** (piarlerlv meeting ser­vices Stiinlay inoniiog.

The ladles' aid society of th** M. K. church meets with Mrs. Scudil**r Thurs­day aftermNm of this week.

.Mrs. .11. Ludlum. of St. Louis. Mich., is hen* helping care for lier father, R. P. Wilkinson, who is i]uite low at this writ­ing.

DXJPLAINTliesrhool liuard has just purchase*!

a AifT.-Kf chart.(iratx (’ook has gone to Rig Rupids to

attend the F*wris school.Dexter ('ooper has bad a stroke of |Nir-

alysis and is not expectnl to rerover.Wm. Ho*lev,,-whu has been visiting

his hnither, iL C, llosley, has retunuHl to bis home in Howell.

The first strawberry and ire cn'iini siM'ial of the season at .f«w* Haim*r's, Friday night. -Ian** .Ini.

Th** memorial a*ldre**s will Is* given by Rev. .V. .Sr*>tt at the IMsciph* church, Sumlay* nt '2 *i’clo(*k.

The schiMil s*»cial, given by Mine (’*M»k Inst Frida.v evening, was ii success. iiumlier of young |swtp|e fntm Kt. Jtihns Wen* pm«**nt, ami everyone expm«sni| tliefiisrives as having a jolly gTHwl time.

Tlie W, P. T. r. society is rapidl.v in­creasing in intenwt and numbers. The next rtynilHr mretiag is to Is* heldat Rev. Thomas Young’s, Tu**winy. June 7th. .Mrs Dawson th** district orgnniier is ex- (ss'tetl tt» Is* prment.

BAETBZZJrr-lay Coffman has a new buggy.Lurena Kimball has a new wheel.Frank Rond, of Ht. Johns, dhl husi-

m*ss in Riley 'Tii'SMla.v.Susiui Rolison, of Riley, >* visiting

fritanls in Maph* RapHis.l('has. liissell iunI wrife, of^Wacoustn.

visit***! his brother, Edwanl, over Knn- day.

•Mr. and Mrs. ('lark, of ^^agle risite*| at the home 4>f her parsnta, Mr. lekes, of Riley orrr Hnmiav.

SOUTH RILEY..**h****|» an* m*\v ls*iiig giv**n th**ir an-

iiiinl hath.J4»hII ('offmuII ha.** is*g(iii th** **re**tioii

of a new granary.Tim Furl ami daughter, Kdna. are

visiting III Poatiuc.Th** r**i***m mins liav** ha*! a womler-

liil •*ff*'**t ii|Mm cr«q*H.-Mr, and Mrs. .''^•p. .Mill«*r visit***! with

liieir *4*111 .\r1. ill St. .lohiis last Sumhiv.Mihi Taylor ami wife ami .Miss Ro*s*

Taylor, an* visiting in .Miumiii this w**»*k.-Mr. ami .Mrs. Wm. Walker, of Dnns-

vill**, visit***! with th** famili<*s of John (’ofTiniiii ami (’. K. (***rlH*ni*h last w**ek.

Hiirv**y F**ar*H hits retiirm**! from .St. .ItihiiH t<i his larm. He willai«siMt t’harli** KimlNil ill digging wells thi.s summer.

(fn«* «*oiipl** fmiii this |»lac**<lidiiotat- l**!!*! the dull**** at Merle I1ea**h although th**ygot s(art*s|. F*ir iiurticnlars in- <|uin>«>f—hul w** pnimis**d luit t«» tell.

Th«* young mail who was tlrcwntsl at M**ile I1ea4*li Was iut«*msl in the.*4*»utli RHey «***m**t«*ry Sunday aftem«»on. .1 larg** iiuniis*r *if n*lativ**s and fri**nds fol- low*sl th** n*mains t*» tlndr last nesting pill****.


l«»l> or 1.1 KK.

Old impera tor aale at ’Trk Nnws ofll».

Ill th** s|iring of lHPr> my (laughter tiMik sirk through a t'ohl. First she ha<i mumps ami netindgm, later it w*nit into •*ranifM in lier joints. Sin* (‘*»uhl mit

inov** her at ms or legs, ('ould iMit wnik «»r **v*ni (*e*l lierself. Sli*> had no appetite. Stool and nnmses \«*ere abiwiit and retention of ur- i m*; pr* if use nig h t sw**tits; tr**mli- liog in the right side. |i*tin in the I aek in the re­

gion oi the kidneys. .\t this time she was Hfr rs obi, I wrfite you in reganl It*» n*l yon prewrils**! P**-ni-nn, iwl gall to give her nt oan*. .4fter-'wi r** Vr lai-4*u-|M-a in ('onnecilon iwl i-na. I gave her a r*<»arse «>i Itn un*lr*r your free advice, and,be id, we must thank your medi-1ell r recovery. We had cttasulted Iail n dofdors ami none tonld help Ihe I hr ('•Hitrnry she always got {w< ’lien I toM the doctor I was |gii give her Pe-m-na be dM mif jtb onld help her beraane she was |on gsofth** grar**. Bat we used,Pr iiid after one liottle she felt as Iif 1 rir current went thningh her :tin Then we think how low onrda was we inmit say It was agr irle. .411 that saw in>’ daugli-tsi he was slcfc can hardly belisreit Wc always kesfi yoitr inedi-di I* bonne nnd use them for allnil rlth snecess. 1 naanot recoin-m* D-ns highly rgough. Wstlmnkyn .-*-Johii Ohirich’. Mlflln, Win.

^rn-nn Drug Mnaafaetaring Co Colninhns, (mio. isssading Dr.Hi s latestbook, writtensnprrIaHvfoi I. The nookise«titled"Henltllan v" aa<i secry woman yonag oroh 1 bare a cofiy. It in amt freeto Irrm.

irRitLig beach..\ gfXKlIy number of visiliirs at tin*

I1**«i *h Sunday.Mabel Waihridg** and Fanni** f'liupiii

w**r** gmets *it th** lb*H**h last .Satunla.v.Mrs. Sln>rtri«lg>*. of Joliet, III., visit*sl

in the home i>f .M. F. Tn>wbri*lg** Sun­day.

.M**rle lteH<*h schiKil will «*U*s** on Fri- *liiy *»f this w**ek, .Miss .Sylviii Halsey t**ncher.

f'ass;** .M**('oiik**y has gon** to Niagara county, N. Y., to s|s*nd th** summer with le'alivte.

Farmers in this s*<rtion an* busy plant­ing ***mi. I’ninvorabl** w**ather has s*iniewhat «l**ln,v***l th** w*»rk.

Wlaiit ill this loi'ality pr*»inis**s t«» Is* a nm*cr*>p. It is iinusimil.v forwnni ami thrifty at this sHtis*>ii of the y**ar.

.V |Mirty of four g«*(itlenien fr«ini I.aiiM- ing wen* at th** lak** Tu**s«lay, tfshiug. Th**y carri«**l home s*>in** Hm* sfiecimeiis.

.1. Fhimiii, "of Mt, Pl**asntit, fonimrly an olil resiileiii of this jilm***. visit***! Is>wis i1auingitnin**r last ’Thursday ami Fri*lHy.

Th** |Mirty given at the {U*a<*h Thurs­day ev*>iiiiig was w**ll att«‘ml***i umithor- *iUghly **njoy***l by ••v*Ty*nie pr***e*iit. Th** hall was d*e*»nil***l with th** stars iiml stri|s*»« shtiwiiig the spirit oi|Nitri<*t- isiii ••v**rywlien* Mt in flies** tim«‘s while ls*aiitiful t1ow**rs sent by kimI fri**n*ls and iieighiMirs ttll«*«l tli«* nHuns withtIMr sweet frngmm***. Pnif. NK**Hid, of !>**- tniil, asnist***! by Fts*rc|i Jt Ri**liin«tml fiirnisli*sl iiKist •>x«-**llent iniisic. .\m»th**r |Nirty will b** gi%‘**n Kriilay **vt*iiing, .Inn** 1(1. Rill f«ir ilam*** nml can* of liors»s* ."•lie. sllplier 2*’h* |s*r c*>iipb*.

UNION HOME.(i<>o. Wilson an*l fitmily wt-re guests of

Curtis (inilaiugh ami sife .Snndny.K. it. Finch, wife ami danght*^, Maml.

w*>n> guests at Win. F'im’h's .Satunlay and Humlny.

Mrs. .4. .4. Wyman’s fatlier. K. H. Col­lar «if Fnlt«ai. is still lying very low with n«> hn|*es *if neovety. He has lie*-n con- nne*i to hb* led lor some time |msI.

Hinim Wils*m, an age*l umde of S. .Mc- Mast*a*, hos Iweti s|s*ndinK a lew days with him anil also visited lib* son Hiram Wilson, of dt. Johns, laat Saturday luid .Sunday.

.4 large iiumlier nttem1e*l tlie stwiefy at .Mrs. J.T.Th*tm|Mw»n's last ThurMlay. .4 social grsid time tor all. The literary ex- srcisis* were brief. .Mies .\dda ThnmfHion gave a rveitation, Mrs. IsKttnie and Mrs Wnitrous r*oinM’ select readings.

people an* baey <tleaoing up thetr lots in thefemetery. .\ new arrii has lieeti built at the main imtituice. Saturday altemoim the ladb*s me requested (o meet at the cemetery to prepare baekets aad make the nereseaiy arraagemmts for Decoration day. 'The Kuraka H. A. R. will meet here tn demrate at noon Monday.

We—wiUsr Dr. McDsaald.Next Thursday is Dr. D. .1. McDonald’s

next ilate in St. Juhne aud tboseaffliiffed with any rhmab* *lieeaee from which they have lieen uaahb* to secure odief should make it a p*>int tn rglt on the doctor. Hr will charge nothing (or <'on sultatiou. H*' hae a (mind record of rmmi in various |iarts of Michigan aad huete of snlercre have Ideneed him for what he has acenmpliniHsI for them.

WESTPHALIA.Frauk ltak**r, of I-aiising, is in town..Miss Kva Fr«*uml was in Portland last

w**ek.Th** majority «»f farni**rs have plant***!

th**ir 1*0111.Tie* IliMirtl *»i Revi**w was in s**ssion at

th** hotel iMtrlorH Tu**s«lay.Miss Ida Smith, of Portland, visiteil

her iwniits ThurH«lay last w****kH*siry Wi**ls*r, who r****«*iitly in*>v***l

to Nott*»wa. was in t*iwn Thurs*lay.Then, llengslHiiigh ami wib* ha\*t* re-

turn**d from their we<lding trip to If**- troit.

War has little **ff****t on l»iitt*n* ami »ggs; th** prir*** has «lr«>p|s**l another **»*nf.

(lnit**a s**v**r** el**«*trival storiii nige*| ov»*r this section last w**ek Wfsliiewilay night.

.Mr. ami .Mrs. Willianl W**l|s. of P«»rt- land, s|s*iit Inst w*'«*k Thurwiay at Win. Smith's.

W**stphalia has one represent a tiv** in th**S|Min,sh .\merican war. It is .lor**|th Miller.

The Hug *>11 th** ••iigiii** hotis** was at half miM*t in rt<s|H*i*t to Istwr«*uo* K**usch dei*«‘as**«|.

Mrs. P**t**r .Vdanis, fomi**rly *»f this vll- lagi*. «li***l at Cbbagi* fr*>m the results of a ••an*er.

.los. .Miller, <if this villag**, has r«*nt horn*' hi- <*h>lhee and will start off for Taiii|Nt. Fhiritla.

Miss Tlien*sa H**agshaugh,*of l-ansing, is speialiiig a few days with,the family of .los. H**iigstiaiigh.

Mb'lia**! Maiig«*rich. Mrs. H**iir>' .Miller. J(ss*ph Wl-ls*r ami (le*»ig** Wirth w*T»* ill St. .hihiis last Thursday.

The Mis(s*s IJsxie ami Mary Krskeler, of i«aiisiiig, w**n* hoiii** Iasi Thursday, .May ID, to witness th** Hrst «-omtnunioii t»f lh»*ir br*»th**T Reninrd.

1 c*irrert the em»r in TMK|Ntnvs last w*ek of .1. It. Stone having Hnwlie*l his w«*rk for th** .MH’«»rroick Harv*«stiug ('oni|iHny as lie is still hustling «)nt nu- iii**r*ias sales.

Isiwr*>iM>* Kenscli dieil at his home Monday morning of lieart failure. He was burbsl W*<«|iiesday morning at nin**H. III. from St. Mary's, the funeral b*dng Yvell att**ride*l. De*v*asi>*l was **lect***l pr***M*1*nit «>fthevillagsthisspring.

BZLST.R«iy Hailey, of Itengnl, sp*mt Sunday

at L. W**bst*T's.Corn planting ia tnuiHy completed in

this bNmlity..Miles (’hafiman wren! to (Irantl Is*dgi*

Saturday t>n husiness.Mr. Rush luid daughter. Mrs. ('. N.

Cowles. s|snit the latter |Mrt *»f the week in Lansiag.

Mies Ethel Williams, of St. Johns, spent the f*iri* jiart of the week with Riley rdativrw.

Z. Kestiey is getting the material on the grfiund osar the blacksmith eh(»p pnqiaratory to startiag an aehery.

llHiae wIhi aaBsmbbst at W*MidRUMi bail Suaday to liaten to a sermon were ilieappoint^ ae the minieter failed to r*ome.

EUREKAC. J. iMiuis has a new wheel.Edith Finch was home over Sumlay.Mrs. .Mary Hinkley is in St. Johtu* this

Week.Herb Rumiml ami Doc. Stevens ride

new wheels.Girl .M**n*«*r, of (fhio, is visiting bin

uncle, .V>ers .S(*.v**iis.Mrs. L. .V. .I**fferyss(>eiit fast w***dj with

her sist* r in St. .lofins.Dr. H. Hart r»*turii«<d tn»m Simcoe,

Caiiad t fast Ttiurs4iav.J. S. f'ahoon ami family niov«sl into

their new house Motida.v.Edgar Oiaaus. of Elm Hall, is a girast

at his un** e’s, H. N Steariis.Mr. ami .Mrs. J. H. W«*ller, of .Ishiey,

Sunday***! at (). P. lngers<ilTs.Mr. ami Mrs. Wm, Sniitti are vioitiug

tiHHr son, N**i*N»n Smith, at She|iani.Mrs. .Yiuttb* Itnrk, late of DeWitt, is

tnakiug her laiieiits a few weeks* visit.•Mrs. C. F, Kirliy and son, Rollb*, of

Hiaqmrdsvilh* are visiting friends here.Th** l-adies, pniyer meeting will meet

with Mrs. Palmer Friday at 2;H() p. m,W. i*. (IritHth bt improving the looks

of his new houseliy buii*liaganew|Mmrch.Rev. A. N. Henry will preach at the

Christian churcli next Sumlay at •iMMf p.III.

.Miss Emma liigersoll, of St. J«>hns. is visiting her iiioth«rr aud otlier fritmds herv.

The Christian Sunday .SchiNtl will ob­serve Chiidreii’s Day the 12lh «lay of June.

MarA' Royle, of Mafde Ru|*iils, was the gueat of lier friend, Pimrl Hart, over Sunday.

Mrs. Eva Morris, of St. Johns, visited her m«itlier, Mrs. Wudsworttj, last Sat unlay.

Mrs. ('aos Eagle, who was very sick with pneumonia and lieart tntnble, is slowly rt*c*ivering.

l*rof. (irov<4s (*ioeed his Siiring term of school th** l*’tth inat. and retunml to his home in 1s*Inuioii.

Nidlie Stev**ns *mtertaine*l a few of tier young friends at Dr. Hart’s laat Wedaw*- •lay evtniag. The oeeamon bring her birthday. Ice Cream and C-ak** were served.

Subacribe for Tne St. Jomxs .Ngwa.

No Mora SeroMoNot a Symptom of ttw SffllcMow

Slneo Curod by Hood**.'* When our *laaghlar was two year* old

■he broke out all over her fee* and haad with aerofnla aoraa. Nothing that we did for bar laamad to do aay gxMid. We be- oaaie dieeouragod, bat one day aaw Hood’a Haraaparllla eo highly reeom* mended thet we deeided to try it. The flret bottle helped her, end efler taking ■lx beitlee her face wee eoMioih end we have not aeen any akpM of aerofala re* tarniag.” Btuui VnwitooT, Went Park, New York. Oet only HiMid'e beeanee

Hood’sIs the hees-ts fnet the (hw Trne Bleed ParMer.

Hood's Pills
