THE ST.JOHNS NEWS - Clinton County


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Transcript of THE ST.JOHNS NEWS - Clinton County

SixteenPages THE ST.JOHNS NEWS Section








Rm. Jair* .i. rR l>lir mm4 Ei

I, Rr*. HMry r. Bi7«


‘*How did tk* Had CroM ChrtottiUM SmU ocidnate?” la • qu«atk>n that U toaUiC aah«d by taaay dunac this boll* day aaaaow whan mllllaaa of thaaa | atlckara are baia« aold all ofirar tha Unllad Stalaa. To Jacob RUa, the well-teown social arorkar of Smw York, and to Mlaa Hsaliy P. Blaoell. the aaarcatlc aaeretary of the l>ala- ware Red Cross, jotatiy beloac the booor of ortatnatlac oar Amerlcaa Rad Cross Cbrtatmas Seal. In 1V0» Mr. Rtls* Interest was aroused by the receipt of a Chrlstakaa tuberculosis •tamp oa a latter from Norway. Ha pttbU^ed an allele about this queer- loohlmt stamp In the Outlook, and •uspested some possible uses for It In





Ureaabush Olaaaars will hold their aeat rasular meetlac Haturday even- la. liac. 14. All members are request­ed to be preseat as there will be elar- tloa of o^ers.


dairi* a.vd food dbpabtvk.vt


Rorr TImmi a dalair Hrabbiaff Ha- rMar for the t’se ef the


.Ml A ( baptnan for ten j Miss Blsaell at once sawan opportunity here and prepared a stamp, from tbe sale of whlrb ber So­ciety realized $3,000 for tuberrul'isls work. So Impressed was she with this success that she Induced the Am-

!>•••» a resident cf this city, died at I er hosi!*- on I..anslns street last Pri- day afternoon at three o'clock after a sU months' illness with paralysis nf the brain.

Miss Harah Alrena WItherell whs i erlcan Red t'ross to Uke up the saleIxim In Morevllle. Washtenaw (’o.. In year 1K4M At four years of aite she came with her parents to Clinton 4'tunty* settllns In Hensal and Riley townships where she lived for a num­ber of years.

She was married to James A. t'hap- f an. February 22. lHd«. The couple resided upon their farm In Riley t'>wnfhl|) until ten years apo arhen they moved to this city.

Taro children were bom to this union: Mrs. O. F. Plowman of Nqyth Star, and A. L. Chapman of Riley, who resides u|ion the old homestead. She is survived by ber axed parenta of Riley; her hueband. children; taro autei>. .Mra. B. P. KcIIoee and Mrs Kabert Miller of At. Johns; two grandchildren. Miss Neva Chapman, and Artie Plowman.

in lyoH on a national basts. With every little oneanizatlon and with hard­ly any attempt at careful advertlaing the sale that year brought in. never- theleaa. over tlSK.OOO for antl-tuber- cukMls work In vaiioua parts of tbe Cnlted Riates. In Ibbk. artth more thorough organization, the sale was increased to $230,000, and In 1910 to nearly $310,000. lamt rear the aale In­creased to over $330,000, or 33,000.000 seals.

While our own Red Cmea Aeal datca hack only four rears*' charity stamps" from which this idea orlgtnally spnina go back to 1*102. when "sani­tary fair stamps"* were first used In Boston to secure money for the care of aoldiers wounded during the Civil War. .Nearly $1,000,000 was raised In this way during the yeara 1302 to IM.'

Hault Hie Marte.—James W. Helme. who will be appointed atate dairy and food commiasloaer by (iovamor Ferris, la going out to in^e a record and polltica la to be a accoadary con­sideration with him. be aaye.

"I don’t care 2 cents about the poll-

Breryoa*- Invit d to a ChrUtmas entsttalnment Irtday eveaiag. Dec­ember 3U. at tbe Forui-e sebool. Dre«-n- buab district 6. fri.


There will be a special r cctlag of tbe King’s Daughters at the hoase of Mrs. Dr. Weller next Tuesday evening Members arc requested to bring thimbles and aau.ll darning needlas.

The I...dUa A*d Haclaty of West Blnyham will meet with Mrs. Anna Halt-:. December 19. for dinner. Ev­ery u..v mrlted.

CUUIHTRAH WAR CRY.Much care and attention has been

giren to the preparatloa of this M'ar Cry and a beautiful 32 page number will stHHi be <»n aale at ten cents a copy. It la twif^e the site of tbe sreek-


Hesslens Will Be Held la Han HaU H4er4ap<l>aa Will Be


!re.-“Tr.r r"

When the sixteenth of December has anally rolled around there will be started la Hi. Johns the drat day of the Farmer’s Hchool in Agricultural. An InaUtutkm the like of which has never been held in this community at any previous rtme. but It is hoped

.She was an attendant at the Con- I After the war this method of raising x^gational church, a member of the moaer was discontinued In this W C. T. r. and also of the Relief i country for a generation, although It

found vogue In Portugal. Awitzertand.Funeral services were held at the Austria. France. Spain. Denmark. .Nor

home Sunday afternoon at 1 o’clock. ^ way. Russia. Sweden and other Kuro- Rev. Matt .Mullen officiating. Inter- ' pean countries There are now hun- ment waa made In the Hray ceme- | dreds of different types of charitv

' aumps used In all perte of the world------------ as many as forty being used In Aus-

Lagrne Brya. ! tria for children's hospitals alone.Rugene C Brya, one of Clinton »**">!>• or seals were flrtt used to

county’s oldest residents, died at the money for the antl-tuberruloais home of his daughter. Mrs. Richard ^rV****^ Norway and Sweden In L. Bixby. last Friday evening. Mr..** one of theseBrya had l>een 111 for aeveral weeks with paralysis.

The deceased was bom In France May 1$. 1X34. where hla boyhood days were spent. At tbe age of lu years be came arith his parents to America set­tling In Wayne county.xO. In 1X55. be waa married to Miss Kathryn Miller, also a native of France, but living in Wayne county, O.. at that time. Soon after their marriage, the couple came to .Michigan settling upon a farm In Olive township. Clinton county. Mr and -Mrs. Bryn resided u|>nn this fami until about 44 years ago when they<'ajne to St. Johns to live After ^ Ten ladies of the Social league. Mrs. making their home here for about aev. , Henr> Parr. Mim Sarah Pouch. Mrs. C. en years, the couple returned to their Putt. .Mrs. Win. Oagood. Mrs (leonce farm In Olive where Mrs. Brya died Parker. Miss Clara Putnam. Mrs. A. T. about 2'» years ago Mr. Bryn con- Putnam. .Mrs. A. B. Pray, .Mrs. 1>. M. ttnii»<d to live upon tbe old homestead ^ Putnam and Mrs. John Plowman, en- until 194M when he came to make his j tertalned the members of the League borne with hla daughter. Mrs Bixby. I in the parlors of the church Tuesday

Ten children were l»oni to Mr. .and ! evening Mrs. Br>'a. six of whom are living: After the business meeting, all des-Mrs. Fred Durkee of Saginaw; Kti-i rended to the reception room lielow gene J Bryn of Olive; Charles Brya , where a uniniie entertainment waa glv-

stamps that Jacob RJIs and Mist Bla- •ell received tbalr ideaa for our own Red Cross Christmas Seal.




going to have efficient men in my de parmtent. Several of the present In­spectors I can't Improve upon. These wiir be reulned. Other dropped, you retained. Others will be dropped, you can bet your life on that. What I am going to have la men who can deliver the gooda. I want to make a record,. and the only wny I can do It la to ap- ' (mint the very* boat men."

Hns Ideas en Pabllrity.Mr. Helme has outlined n plan for

making his department efficient thgt will make Michigan unique. It la an Idea of bis own. and It will be of great Interest to the general public and will miJcc tbe state dairy and food department really mean some­thing to the people of the atate.

Mr. Helme proposes to buy space In j the morning papera of Grand Rapids ^ and Detroit, at least, and possibly in | some others which feed large terri-

tlclee. It also has the latest photo-1 graph of the Gloriaed General. Willi­am Booth, at hla home In Hadley Wood. England. 'The picture covers all one pnge. Be sure to get one.

district will appreciate this enough ao that those who have been working for the paat few months ao energetically will feel well eaough repaid for their efforts to try to put on another such school.

In commuBitlea where this work has been carried on there has been a demand for a second weak of It but owing to the large number of de­mands for the men who will hare this work In charge It la almost impoaaible for any one community to have the second helping to this dish which has

^ proved so appeftxing to tbe mental THIHTEKA OF THKR lAO OUT FROR palate of the wideawake fanner. ThU






work proved so succeeaful and ao valuable to the farmers of Union City, * sweater upon ouepo. .North Adams. Watervllet and many other places laat yanr, that practically every place, where Apri- culture Is now In the high school course, is this year ciammoring for

lories. That space Is to be in a given DURING RONTHf* OF tM’TOBEK AND ^ **** ability to put * V™"** auceeasposition each Friday morning, and la w.: on auch a course.

NOVEMBER. I The fact that the Agricultural De­partment of the .St Johns High School has put forth every effort to

Hekrht and Conat hept far PnrpMe i make this vnluable to the farmer has•f Finding Ont laerenae Dne 'i '^“•**’** [o their a^urlag tbe two bast

I men In tbe state. Tor this community, to Parrels Past. I this community where there hns been

to be the bnlletln of the state dalr>' and food department to the people of .Michigan.

Conilng Just before the general mar­ket day he proposes to state In that bulletin things which will guide tbe people in their marketing.

"Here Is my idea." sajra Helme. "We have been accustomed In tbe de­partment to send out a nKiBthly bul­letin showing the adulterations, etc. We And that costa a hasp of money, and few i>emoas ever scw-theni. I pro­pose to place in the morning newspa­pers each week the result of our in­vestigations. For Inatanee, I And that John Smith baa been selling watered milk. I propose to place a warning against Smith’s milk In this Friday morning bulletin.Toffee ToMpoand and Preeess Bntter.

"In one city, at least. In Michigan, a concern la selling coffee which la not coffee at all. It la advertised In this way for coffee. Try our IX-cent brand.' Now, the ad doesn’t say this stuff is coffee, but It gives that im­pression. To meet the demands of the food laws a slip la enclosed which

and to too much of the grtin fanning and not enough of atoek farming. They are both men who have made woaderful sucreaa In practical farm­ing. and ITof, Jeffery will speok for himself along sclantlAc llnaa If any

I one wishes to get him turted. And

Postmaster Win. H. Bnmaon recelv- id a letter from the government re­cently directing the office to ascertain and record on forma the number ofpieces of mall ipatter delivered and__ __collated by oMh of the thirteen rural j ^,7 RaveiTs wcTila^ iong'thT UnTTf

Improvement organlicarriers aent from the oflk*e on each | uy^, giock

•leacribea the stuff as coffee compound os.

trip made by him and also to ascer­tain und record the weight of all mall delivered and collected by each car­rier on each trip during the month of October and November.

The mail of each class waa counted sod weighed separately.

At the end of the two months. It was found that the total number of pieces Ilf mail of all classes delivered by the thirteen rural carriers was 136.373, srelghlng 19.95S lbs., and 13 ox The total amount collected waa found to he 19.tMi7 pieces, weighing 475 lbs.. 3

en by the ladles.One of the hosteaaes, .Mrs. A. B

Pray, dressed In a very quaint ros-

of Bingham. Mrs. George Zwergle of Ml Pleasant; .Mrs. Thomas Rowe and Mrs Hirbard L Bixby of St Johns On« sister, Mrs. Ia«wis. Boron of Olive is also left to mourn Tils death.

Oiirina his life Mr. Brya had lieen A? she cave n little dsscrirtloti of a devoted rathollc Funeral serv ices , .-ach photo In the album the picture were held at the St Joseidi church (Itself was shown to the audience by Monday niomlng at •• o’clock. Inter- idr.iwlnr a little eiirtaln from a frame ment was made In the St Johns reme- l where the different hostesses appear-

I ed dressed In rostunitto representing Relatives here from out-of-town . the photo described.

Now, It Is not coffee at all. Of course, the buyer doesn’t -know what coffee compound is I propose in this week­ly bulletin to tell the people what coffee comitound is. and to let the people know they are not buying cof­fee when they pay for this.

"Again, the food laws provide that renonvated butler shall be markete*! In eome way and the custom la to style It ’process’ butter. Now that Is

wore as follows’ Rdwsrd Favor. Sr., Mrs F Brva. Mr and Mrs. I-Mwartl Favor. Jr., of DeWlif and Mr and Mrs t’harle? liiwrence of DeWItt; .Mr and Mm .\dolf Brya of lailngshurg; Mr i>nd Mm A Bernard of Watertown; Mrs I Him Boron of I.Anslng; Mr and .Mrs Thc«wlore Brya of Is-Wilt and Mr and .Mm I^ro Vanronsant and dauchter of Detroit.

Rrs. Ilesrr Febr.

mmii. . nterMlnid the audience i.y . poorest and cheapest butter In the showing th-m her photograph album. , world. I propose to let the people A? she cave n little description of know through this bulletin what pro­

cess butter is. And in this same con­nection I propose to tell the public how they can tell process butter from real butter by a simple little teat each housewife can make.

*’ I pro|M>se also to notify the people In tills bulletin how they ran tell adul­terated sausage and all other similar fake ronroctlons. That will make It possible for each housewife to be­come her own dairy and food Inspsc- lor In a certain wjrr.

To .IH tbe Bayer. |"It will be of great help to each l

Refre«hii ‘'nfs were served. The ev- enlnr r|os»H| hr the singing'Of “Auld Anc -^yne" by Mina llasel Plowman, <•( < omp.'vnicd by Mm William Osgo^xl

NEWS inVKIITISl.Nt;.W'e iirci all our readers to trade

with the merchants who are '.-lllnc V ■ of their goods through this pa-

The largest line collected and de­livered by any of the thirteen carriers was made by W. G. Holmes,on mute 3.

Durinc the two months be delivered 16.393 pim-ea, weighing 2..'45 lbs. 11 ox. Ills colletiion was found to be .!.u34 pieces with the weicht of 3.*> lbs ■ind 11 os.

John llugus, mail carrier on route 4«». handles, outside of bis own n.all.

tions ought to recommend him to any well read man Interested In agricul­ture.

Owing to the fact that Court will be In eesaion at that time the meetings will be held In Harmonie Hall over the Republican printing office where It will be warm and comfortable aeatr will be fiimlahed. It will atoo be pos­sible to use the steriopticon lantern here also which gives this place g de­cided advantage over the other.

Now If you did not receive a per­sonal letter It was because your name was never given to the Agricultural Department of the high school at any of the meetings which they held last year, hut Juat hecadse you did not get one do not think that the school Is

; not for you. Come, thto to for you. and le^^is see If we r.innot have an agrleiiltiinil awakening and rattling

■ of the dry hones of AgrPl In Clinton I county that will he heard from one

The foat-ball aeason cloaad with the Ana game with the Alumai boys ThaakaglvlBg day. *

In hoaor of the ball boys, a Aae baaquet waa givsn at the Steel Wed- neaday eveaiag by the Ave mam beta of achooi board—Judge Merrill, Wm H. Bruaaoa. C. K. Putt. D. H. Hunt and Gsorge Schoenhals aad Ave mem beta of tbe facullty—Supt. P P. Buck. Prin.: Hraast E. Knight. Alex. MeVIt tie; Joaeph Carey aad H. B. Thomp-SOB.

Thto baaquet waa glvea to the boys of the eatlre foot ball squad, which lacluded the 16 boys of the team aa well aa tbe aloe membera of the aub teams.

The Afteen boya of the team—Hoi. Its Rottam. Vern Barnett. MIIm Cas­teel. Stanley Flldew. Emerald Gar- lock. Harry Hulse, Morris Jewett. Clare Jolley. Wllllatn McKinley. Har­ry Mack. Fealmore Putt. Paul Peck, Karl Schavey, Carl Robert and Wil- Us Wilcox, were presented with em blems by W. H. Brunson, president of the Board of Bducatlon In behalf of the Hoard.

D. H. Hunt, a member of the Board acted as toastmaster during the ban­quet ToadUi were responded to by the following: Alex McVIttle; Joaeph Carey; C. R. Putt, FenImore Putt. Capuln of thto year's team; Miles T'ssteel. captain of next year’s team; Frnest E Knight and H. B. Thomp­son.

At the close of the toasts, Fenl- more Putt, capuln of the team. In be- helf of the team presented Joeeph Carey, who coached them, with

which was the





Rt. Johns emblem. This gift was a surprise to everyxme. the hoard as well as Mr. Carey, aa the boya kept the secret entirely to theaMelvea.

The banquet was considered by all

RI’HIUAL A RUrCEHM.The musical given by the choir at

the Methodist church last Sunday ev­ening waa a Aae snccena. The church waa Ailed to lu capacity and all en­joyed the evening very much. A Ane collection was taken for the beaeHu of the music of the church.

, ,,, » 1 V. J 1 ■ ^ther Just aa they arcfor t^he ^‘1 having in many localities In this aUie.northern line* 394 pouches and sacks. Kcmcmber th. date. Dec. 16-21 In­

clusive St Harmonic hall In St Johns. Mich . and bring y«ur neighbor.

per You will And store* Ailed with ( F^*’*®*’ I'ujlng It will make tbe de •l»cclsl Xmaa good things ready for • P*ttment really mean something to

lA»t l-'riday evening. 'Irs Henry Fehr. living about a mile north of Hi Johns, wandered away from ber I orifc and wss not discovered until , the itest day. when she was found . dead In a Aeld ahoal M rods from the house Her dtoappearanee was no- 1 <ed l>> Mr Fshr. la the evenlna. hat |It «a« thought that she had gone to her daughters, Mrs Bert Jsekway. M Floral Avenvte. to stay the eveafng Hut whwa Mrs Jaehway want oat the next oiorwiag and sutad that bar mo­ther had not heaa there, a ssuirrh par- tv was immstolaisly sent oat and her hodv was soan Naai

Mtsa Barbara l^aaMi was harn ta ttormaay Jane A. ItSi IMm enma to thto eaaniry to IMA. and van aaHad Is msrfiagi to Nsnrv Itohr the tame !Tear

or the wina ebildrm harw sw Mr nnd Mra Itonr sit nnrxiva Mfa Hart isehnav and Mra Oanepe ffpadlaF M •« fehns. Mrs M«he Reeh and Frad Itohr sf Omllai raaaxi. Mrs Chatoea Masaev mi Lsmatng. nn4 i hstriee <rd •trsvttne Bhe to Stw- •■rvt’ed hr

yo'ir visit and purchaserThc*c "ada will direct vou to the

best store* where willing rierka are waiting to - xtend you every courtesv Hhow them ron appreciate their ef­forts by Itherai patronage.


Thristmas Is drawtag near and the Armv wants to help as many of the naody of at Johns as paasihls With tood riothing and other thinffd that thrv are In ne«d ef And we ash th« psaple to ram* to oar help Hi thto effinri Money tcaala. vagwtahton, eannsM fratia. >ra* 1 rtos. atothlng. etc, will he ihanhfwltv rweetvwd and givwn to the pnnr

$1 gts f sttnww

T' * Ar<sa ( alW-iu «h hot B-f a • the twmnnn

hBdvaa and tw-^

TRI SMID TNniR.I^aswnce the aiae fanr aM danffh-

|-vr tf Bhsifff ffanarev hni the toto- jpseiuna ra rmah the thamh nf hsf i eft hand na hnMt U*t dntatdar that {tt* sv^amtonp hns* a I saaarr The ' rhtid n*s pAotnn wssh her hnaiheaa

santog thnawth * dan* apoe her hand

the iteople Each Friday morning the people- will look for the bulletin of ihe department and they will learn auch things as will guide them In their buying I Mill In that way ex pose all the adulterated foods In language that the hoaacwlfe can un- deruland. and If she wants to buy them than she will kaow what ahe to haying

"I will alao give the aamaa of the dealer* handllag Iheae things so there may be no chance tor the hayer to gat tooled I want the dapariment to ha something besides s mare suie |oh paying a aalary I want It to he nf service to Ihe psapAs and In thto meth- «d nf pnhMctly I hoMeue 1 can to ash all the ponple and carry not my daws.

rpBtoes MotoeS Rand WashtartdsntoRy, Mr Hstone hsinri' lah-

ing an the ?«4na af the adtoe. tpsaht moai htndtr nf hto pradsoaasar Ml- mnn M Itomm enn sny thto tor ttotos he oata *Me to the dvai real

to nathing.

v < ir hM

II9RT1ML •*d Me*

vr 4 a <

It os toe to

•T' rntsw 1*^ nomb adA a Pew

nhen tohtotn SHBidpa to 1 tor toath ommo mt tntoadec par

meal raoaa the dMh cep4 fW pn? hat the shaPffe ti np to toe


weighing lO.OKl lbs. and 3 os.Ths mall carried by Arthur Tolies,

on route 9, outside of hi* own mail, to 1 und from Maple Rapids, weighed 2.7x'.« tt»s., 4 ox.

It Is thought hy the postal authori­ties. that the reason for this work waa that the government wished to com­pare the iiinoiint and weight of the mail collected and delivered now and after (uirreU |N)ut. which goes Into ef­fect January 1.



With htgh p«irposas aad a dutcrmln- ailoB io coatlaac the balllr for Indus­trial and snclal rrtomi. alrwady carried In Mtrhlgaa to a potai beyoad that nf practically aay autc in the Uainn. women nf lh< stale nmt today In the •tale rapBnl at l4analBg to dtscuas with the Mate labor department and alltod hranchea nf stale govcmoMni aad the trade aninaa. aad plans tor still further estsnding the prntertinn of Ian to the warn -man. woman and child and aa well aa ihc wnsnnn at hpsnv. the mnther

■a mnm to there to da, that the ar< raagotoanto tor the rantorsnsa. the third e« the indisatytnl tsntonnrsa nnw have hsnn eatondnd io torinds a

SHtol LIIPR PIRLIM^lTEto Mtb* f>fah *<4 Itongnl. to nMesnpi-

mm to vfsno « diseh 4aM itotoPday by wnihtng upas an tor toff tool hla ba*- •04 pad to ai* sto**• yt..•e'! diMiesl*i he* sb*uMie IMo nno«>f 004 dtosux ve'tol *04 mgfr A dtotoewtv-e

I IhPI IT MffiffiltRltl

JDII> MRRII DE\D.Johjt luimbie of Grand lAulge. well

known to St Johns people, died at the home of his son. A H laimble. In 'irand I^ge at the age of 96 rears. The l>od> was brought to the home of hi* son. James luitnble. In Maple Rap­id* Tiieoday. Funeral services were held at the Iu>wc church Wednesday .fternoon at 1 o’clock.

HIIBF MILE.vl DO Snag proof Rubber Boots ft.***f I uu Work and Dress Rhows $2 vX13.50 Work and Dress Mhoe* $2 4X13 60 Work and Dress Rhoes 11.9*

K J. IMERt’K, Dash Hloie.

HIIRNEM IVIYTED.Will be at Gardaer's feed ham to

buy a carload of heavy homos, the t2th. ISth and 14th of December


.IFFLEJ*.M"| tab' rider apples at Ito* per

lbs up lu and Including Dpc flat After that date none will he reestrod


FI'LRM NILE.Txm kimass and ham la Wmlsr.

Thamday. Dec Ifih. at $:•• p m M ORrilK

RIRRIIHE LirtNfMIB.Frpnh D Blator •« JnhnSi Ra-

lAmnto MewHi Whestor Kenan r Rimng. Rnglnt Lffda M

Inw Walertonnffmswt r rpaa*. rwid. narrmi 1.

ufrwdt fhdd

NiRRtoNii mm rttp• **• buffs ibo* pom th* muh to fwoh*

Rtod G.‘ifiimp Pspd Mans Pdv. e ansm >e pnffv h-v f.


to— v^vvT a no - * ish* -i-f pi snrrj PffiBnns, phq >1 paito seoini



• *

RURIRD IN NT. JOHNS.Mrs. Frank May. widow of the late

Rev. Moses Carpenter, who formerly preached near this city, died in laui- slng the latter part of laat week. Mrs May was about XO yeara of age. The body was brought here for burial Mon­day afternoon.



grennivbh one.

4 Union Uannlies < andldnies. John I. Rahson and K. H, Lyen Hnda

Mppd Rnn*.


The boxing contest Wednesday night at the o|M-ra hoiis*- between Farmer Smith of Grand Rapids and Billy Sprout of I'ortland. proved to be a hummer from aurt to Amah. Both men were hard bltttlng, aggres­sive boxers who showed a decidctl willingneas to "mix It" all through the bout. The crowd w .4S l;* i'i o?i :ip- i toe from bell to b«il Lt> thi last pace. * tbe boxers puttiug up an exhtbitb .1 that waa a treat. Sprout outweighed bis opiioneni hy jfboul 15 i>oiiuds.

The honor* w *rc ulviul even until the last round, when Sprout landed a vicious right on Smith s no»«-, start- Ing the t-rliuson in a atreain and he had to cover the balance of Ihe round If the bout had been a few rounds more Sprout would undoubtedly have wtio by a knock-out.

Battling Sprout, a brother of the main bout |»erfnriner. atid Ducky Mag- ley. of thia city, furnishing a enter­taining windup to the main go. Ducky proved to Ite an aggressive lad and with a lltlli- more kiHiwiedge of the game iiiuy pruve u stumbling block to an> hoy of hla weight in this |tart of Ihe stnte The nianageoient hasmatched Will 8pn»ut and I>e|*inh for a bout In about lhre«’ wewks

I. INT « II l.hCL.Here’s your Imi chance to get a

velvet or felt hat at alutost your own price I have shout IM trimroe(| hats value $3to IIP. which I have 41- vl4s4 Into three lota These are to go at $l.ep, $S P0 and l3.Pv If you want a hat, come In early while the aeler- tloa Is good.


rWULTRV.I buy all ws4ghu and slasa p(

fat pnnitry and wtll pay a prsmlam tor all large, ws4l-fattsd heno and yonng rhiehena INmr thin hiria not .wanted. Call nr phone mo hstori' you stol Rsmombsr I hay pnnitry the ysor aronnd aad am rsndr to tabo from 1 Mrd to I iJta nay itnm tf RTiiaN DANunr

Dthf Ih44 fLANB.nsntffi nttoin imnring rtnaa n««t

Fltday sesning at Nannanto Natl, m* hale and liaaa totomswim fmm < m to 9 fg p to and aa oaoamMf from V PP to II •• p M Ipdd. Aaal

TivmitrN trrfvmv

I waj ha p« Mm HntoMal ffianh toMtt toff psarv Rhf «ff to and tortofftog la*-map •_______


Official ratunu aa canvaaaad hy the state board of canvaasera Tuon- day tflocta H. Olio Young, republican cougreaaman in the twelfth dlatrlci. rather than William J. MacDonald, progrsaslve. to whom unoflklal r»- tuma gave the place. A technically aavwa Young, the ballou In Ontona­gon county carrying the name of Shel­don J. MacDonald, rather than Will­iam J. MacDonald, and the former name receiving 45$ votaa In Ontona­gon. the board holda that under a aupreme court dcclaloD thedA votaa must he counted for the name for which they were eaat on the halloc. This give# Y'oung a plurality of 215, while if all the votes could he counted for MacDonald the latter would bavw a plurality of 343 rotea.

Ten M. 41. P. rpngressamn.With thia altuatlon in the upper

country, tbe republicans sleet 10 coo- gresamen, the democrats two «»»«« progreaslvps one In Michigan. 'The congreaamen-alect by districts and their plurality aa shown by the official returns are as follows: At larffe, P. H. Kelley, rep., plu., IIJM; Amt Famk P. Doremus, dem.. plu., 5,SM; aecond. Samuel W. Itoakea. deoL^plu., Ill; third. J, M r. Smith, rep., plu., 127; fourth, tvdwin L. Hamilton, rep., plu.. 4U6; Afth. Carl U. Mapes, rop.. pul., 601; sixth. Samual W. Smith, rap., pul., 3J74; seventh. Loula C. Cramton, rep., plu., 2,501; eighth. Joseph W. Fordney. rep., plu., l.$22: ninth. James C. MacLaughlln, rap., pin.. 1.347; tenth. R. C. Woodruff, pro., plu.. 741; eleventh, F. C. LAnd- qulst. rep., plu.. 9.942; twelfth, H. Olln Young, rep., plu.. 215.

In the sixth district of which lag- ham county la a part the vote on oon- greaaman was aa follows: 8. W. Smith. 21.6X4; A. M. Cummins, 1$,- 412; W. S. Kelloff. 1$.157.

Nnffrmm Betnims Nat la. Neither Wayne nor Kent countlaa

have sent in their official retuma on the vote cast on the equal suffrage amendment and as a result the sltua- Uoa relative to the result on this question Is somewhat muddled. The law authorizes the atate board of can- vasaers to remain In aeoaloo for Ave days and send a messenger If nsesa- sary after the returns of counties which hare failed to comply with the law. Just what will be done the board has not decided, the matter be­ing under consideration by the board at Us Arst session to cnnvasa the re­turn of votes c ast in .Michigan at the recent elections Other phases of the election returns promise to produce

I Interesting features and the sessions ! of the hoard are llkc-ly to develop ‘ matters concerning the result which will atiracl more attention than these usually formal seesions have In the past.

T. R. PlnraJIty, ftLS4a.According to the official canvaea an

anounretl by the state hoard today, Roecrelt’s plurality In Michigan la 62.340 The total vote on presidential electors waa 550,776 and waa divided as follows: Roosevelt 214.5X4, Taft 162.244. Wilson 150.751, Debba 23.111. ChaAn X.934. eollolist labor 1.252.

Wodbridge N. Ferris vraa elected by a plurality of 24.0.54 over Amoa Mua- selman. while the other candidatsa on the republican state ticket were elec­ted by the following plurailtlea: IJeutenant Gov Ross, 9.1X4, Congreas- tnan-at-large Patrick H. Kelley. 11.- 2t»6 Secretary of .Atate Frederick C.

.Alartindale, 14.144. State Treasurer, Haarer. 6443. Auditor General Puller. 7.143. Atomey General Fellosra ti42t. Ijind < ’twnmleeloner f'arton 4,454, Jae- time of tbe Supreme Court RtSi’re. 9.450. Kuhn. 7.9S9.

Owing to a mistake la printing the hallom In aeveral mnntlea, Fultor galaed 3472. Fellows S.S42 and Steers t.941.

toss cato mm m«Mr«I hR RtoliffATM ms9

PIRRCm NPRniL BALE, fa ponnda ef granulated aucar

Blih $2 46 eeder nf gras si Isa.14 pounds of gmaalatod auffar

WHh $1 44 order of grw sffaa 4 ponnda pennes 3 pounds Bsadsd raletoa 3 eana salmnn Rod ffiar Ftonr

fThe Bom Brsod Ftonr Made I F J PtMffirE Cash Orana

Nffnriutoitosani ihmngh a-.letahs or wy

toisnitons has token Jaeffimm ^ hetaffgtog to me that was fltod m 4f atswntor hr ymat ftfto CaR «M tie at nnra. hy na datoff save fur





tto nf the death af

miU k

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He St. Johns News

an INDItPBNDBNT MWWBPAPWR- PoMlakad •••ry Tliur»Uy •ftor-

mmm Mt IIB WaJiMr atrMC. mmi. Bt- JoAm. Mtrhl—■. by TIm M. Jobs* Ktow* Prtntlttc CiMBpuy.

('MABLKN tt. CLABIi. MlUr.


■Bt»rcMl •• ••co«d-cl*9* m»it*r «t the piMt oEcr at «t. John*. Mich­

igan under the act o(March 8, lS7b.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦W _________ f'♦ mniBiAL towHim ♦

.......................... tTInMiy nnralng—no good lltn In-

suranec eoaapnny will tnha a rink on an ajnntoor 8anu Clnnn.—Chlongo Trlbnnc.

Ono manrala more and mom how tho world got along boJore Androw Camogte took ckarge at It.—ChicagoNown.

Hetty nroen adviaoa glrla not to "over-dreaa.” They won't. If they fol-

'low the modem faahlona Milwaukee^^entlnel.

Hnbeerit»tl** by Mail* Po^lgnldONi: YKAB -............... .................. ♦*•••MX Mt»>THH........ ......... .. ...............^

MlIXTHH ---------------------



♦ 1♦ TO OUB PBIENDN. ♦♦ Our readera and frlanda of ♦♦ The St. John* Newa who have ♦♦ probate not'Mm to publlah or ♦♦ who control them, will ooofer ♦♦ u. .. w uvoo the publlaker by ♦♦ ra.4. et**SI Judge Merrill to ♦ W hare printing done in The ♦♦ News. If such raqueat la made ♦♦ Judge Merrill will kindly grant ♦♦ IL ^^ PT'BUSHER. WW ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

I The public Mood for the "teddy I bear” craae. and later on the “billy , poaaum” fad. but will it permit the “woodchuckr—New York American.

: The Kngllah auffraglsU now reaort of poaring acid in the mall boaea.

, Anything haring the name of male geta them frenaled.- llaltimore Hun.

It la believed that the Balkan war 'Will be resumed Just an aoon as Mr. Carnegie indicates that be is entirely through with the limelight-—Colum­bia Bute.

Horace Pogel seems to be making a bid for greatness. With seriona mien and corrugated brow he remarked yesterday. "This Bght has only Just begun."—Philadelphia Inquirer.

Nor. considering the kind of Job it Is. can you exactly blame the Preal- dent of Santo Domingo for resigning, even If be doesn't have any Carnegie penaloo coming to him?—Indianapolis


THE POrLTRY SHOW.The Clinton County Poultry Associ­

ation will open Its annual show Tues­day, December 84th. At the same time and place will be held the poul­try cooteet under the auspices of the county Y. M. C. A. Both of these events will be of much interest to poultry raisers and the business men should help in every way possible to make it a success. The amount of money paid out for poultry and eggs Is enormous and it is wise business to increase that amount sa much as wc can. .Nothing will do more to bring about this result than getting the people lniereaie<l in poultry. Bvery farmer should W a poultry raiser and the more he knows about the hustneas the better stock he sril] keep and the n»orr> he will make.

On another page of this issue will be found the premium list for the show. Ix>ok it over and then do what you can to help it along.

In many cities a fund la Iteing rale- ed for the purpose of making every child happy Christmas. We hop«- that no ('hlld In St. Johns will lx for­gotten. If you know of any little one who is likely to be overlooked, spend a little time and money In bringing good eheer to that one. t'ertalnly each one of us can do something to­ward making the day happier for some one else, and Incidentally for ourselves.

The New York society woman who srears a watch on her dancing allp-

|per does It so she can keep time.— ; Jackson Cltlxea Press.

The Brat Jury of women In Kansas not only agreed on a verdict but they did It without staying out all night In cigar smoke.—Detroit Newa.

! At any rate that little bait in the I back of the new overcoat will bold a [good many biindlaa during the Christ- { mas shopping season.—41 rand Rapids Press.

\ Speaking of (laradoxes. there's the frankfurter; It's bsat when wunt. You may fire. Orldley, when you are

'ready.— Pontiac Press (Iszette...jgu

i Whatever we Intend to do with our ex-l*resldent8 it is to be hoped for the

iaakc of hide and flesh that after the 'fourth of March wc will not decide to lock them up In the same monj.—

‘Bay City Times.

i We see no reason why the price of hard coal should not be raised to flO

• or II.^—unless It is the law, and that I does not seem to he of much conse­quence.— Saginaw News

Ij A New York pastor complains l»e- ' cause ministers in that city are (Mid• less than laborers. Hut there Is lit­tle demand In .New York for minis­ters.—port Huron Times-Hersld

.(Ukm! homes, within reach of the av-

erage American working roan, are some of the greatest assets a city can have and it is probable that those communities which first recognlie this fact will be among the first to reap Its sdvintages.—laiDslDg Journal.

A democratic veteran of this city Monday received a post card telling him of the number of old soldiers who lost their pensions during the last democratic administration and advis­ing him to vote for Win H Taft The card was about as far behind in reach­ing Its destination as Taft was In win­ning the election

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ IIKAI> LKIKH ♦

' ♦ ♦

M’ben a duck lays an sgg she keeps still about It. but when a ben lays an egg she advsntsas it. fCveryone kaowa what a dsmaad there is for haws eggs He wise like tbs hen and nmke a noise about what you have to got rid of l^t the St Jobaa Newa help you to make a aoiss You can Bsake the psopis bear quicker In that way

AU ie«rchaala wsat lbs psopir to go ibeir c^itstaMs sbagplag esri>. “ t wssy at tb-'Ho pxt sif tbair Ckrlsi b«ss advertise;;! ib* laai mlauie

Mvit ‘sai~3 1M4f psods sn die* asti the peopl* swow

iv . , < ill rc-s*; ?r.f^ ads is 1 • • Nt <■ Tfc» leers-tiSSts w*'

ss* iUi aLCur- Sfer >0 . = WS» In Fs . «-(V-? • • '

? lises 1

o»r-g Ifef* (i

'■ i '1 ■ ' 5-

Don’t Jeopardlie friendships with senseless srgunients.

How the Ix»rd does hate, and the Devil does love, a quitter!

_♦There are a number of better ways

of being patriotic than waving the flag.

. ^.Next to the roustabouts, the polar

boar In the mensgerlsa has the hard- eat part of cirrus life.

. ♦-There are so many unaatla/sctnry

Janitors, one suspsets that may ex­plain why ihay a^ Janitors

A suffraglaCs haabaad baaat gone the limit la the henpeek claaa until be baa to attaiid that kind of mssl- lags

- ^ - -Oraduates of tbe barker eollsgr

sbmild be glean tbe credit far not braagtag abcnii Ihetr dear old alms rqptsr

A K»H*ver Ni tbe eight hoar Shifl quit tbe farm bees was be waa ex- per rrd b' week txK» of tbsm la sxr-

ixs# wov.ld wr-r Uve sTwsrs bi atlek • r^ns4 iri Waeslv tr |«»nxie« bn#sw-e

aeo^tsi rei# ••w.ld b^ Wma

♦I 1*^ b«T , le (».ts« ■ • - ' krew#-' mi*y 'Ir SrVsX sbn sfMMrts SS*tlS*W*

i •> sAdlpf tw*<blae H * tbs' tSn. las . s d*ss4*sstfta

♦X , >" r ' * * » ss

xslxsf . • ' , . , »-*-•

.-errV . » . ' t

.»1S# ‘ .

Neufs Short Sfory'S

HAD baaa maal taklag a eoavalaaaaat patlaat to Ma hoaM aad xraa rm taralng to Naw York xrkan a oaaa fall uaaa* pqetadly lato my haada. Tha Pullnsan coadactor alartlad aa aarty oaa momlag by oalllag oat to kaow If thara waa a plurslelao la tba oar. llbHe waa no raapoaaa. ao srithout haaltatloa I

offarad my sai vleaa. Ha took ms at OBoa Into lha otalsroom and Intro- daaad ma to a woniad-lookliig young man. Thara was no nssd to aak his trouMs. Oa tha eouch toe aad a llttla girl of ftvs or olx yaars. bar ehsaka aad ayaa bright with foear.

1 had a faw Mmpla rsmadlaa with ma. bat tha aMld ahoxvad rmthsr alarmlag symptoms of aa aggravatad oold. Oaaldlng to taha ao rtak. I aaot a talagram ahaad. aad xrhaa xra ranch■ ad Chtai«o a phyalelao xrlth aacaa- ■SU7 msdlelBaa earns aboard aad ao- eompamlad aa to BoHhlo.

Dorothy aoaagad all of tha maladlaa with xrhleh aha waa thraataaad aad by tha tlBM xra raaehad Naw York xraa vary maah battar. Hoxvovar. Mr. Slaglaion. bar flathar. ralalaad bm. aad tha thraa at aa xeaat to a faah- loaabls hotal.

Tha llttla girt eoa- ttaaad to Improea. hat tha spoatBaarwis gayaty of childhood xraa laehlag.

ChitMmss warn ap- proaahlag and Oo^ othy xraa now abla to go ahoat. I xraa iaatnsetad to taha bar to shops aad matinsaa—In fact,to do everything to afford bar amxiss- mant. Har fhthar suggasted that ahs give a Christmas trsa for txraaty laaa fortoaate llttla girls, and ha kept tha big llmoaatns oar touiiag tha shopplfig dlatrlet whila we played Santa Clans.

line day ws had b'aaa out all of the afternoon. Dorothy had aalaetad twenty dolls, and In raCroapaet I vlaw. ed ray own manger childhood and fancied what aach a gloiious aftar- noon wcwld bars meant to ms. but ths child appearsd even more listless than usual. Fkallng rather anxious. I took her tempatature. gave har some stimulating nourtahment and asked her to get into my lap while I read to her.

Dorothy had the beautiful old young manners In which the little children of the rich are drilled, and always treated me xrlth careful ooBsl.daratlon

aad paUtaaaaa. raffardlaaa of har oxra xrlshaa. Ohsdlaatly aha ollmhad Into my lap. pat har head sgilaai myahottidar. aad I began to rand aloud a xroadarful Chiisuaas ipla. Wa are all of na chlldraa at Chiiatmas aad I foand aajoymsat la tha atory- Dar- othy xraa vary qalst. aad aa I taraad a page 1 looked doxm to aaa If aha had fallaa aalssp. TO my oonstsraatloo. ths xrlds bias sysa xrsrs brlaualng with tears, fast overfloxrlag and rua- nlag doxm ths child's while ohaaha. As I dropped tbs hook aad daspsd bar cloaely In my arms aha gaxrs xeajt to eoarulsive sobs.

Mr. Slagle, ton oama la. Tha opaalag,

him rad erlad oat;

"ffhther, dear, I daat xraat a tyua. I Jaac

upaa thoaaamds at vraama havs kAdaay or bladder uvuhia aad aavar aaapaet IL

Wemsa'a oomplalau oftaa prose to be aothlag atom but ktdasy trouMa. or tha raaaH at kidney trouMa.

If ths kldasys ars net la a healthy oondltloa. they may oamas ths other orffana to haeoaM dlsaaaad.

You may suffer a great deal with pala la tha back, baartag-down fsal- lags, haadachs and loaa of ambltloa.

Poor hoauth makes you aanroxw. Ir­ritable aad maybe daopoadsat; It makaa any oas so.

Hut thousands of initabis. asrxroua. tired and broksa-down xromsn have restored thsir health aad strength by

I ths uas of Swamp-Root, ths great { Kldoey, Liver sad Bladder Remedy.

Swamp-Root brtaga now Ufa aad ac- tlxrlty to ths kidasyu, ths eaase of

'such troublsa.Many aand for a aampla bottle to

see what Swamp-Root, the great Kid­ney. Liver aad Bladder Remedy will do for tbsm. Bvery reader of this paper, who baa not already tried IL may addreaa Dr. Kllmar-A Co.. Bing­hamton. N. Y.. aad racalve sample bottle free by nsall. You can pur- chaaa the regular flfty-«aat and one- dollar aixa boUlaa at all drug storua.

for Christ-

1 placed tha child la har fathar'a anas aad left tha room. An hour psaaad and thaa Mr. Blaglaton rapped on my door. Ho told mo ths story.

Mrs. Blaglaton xraa not dead, aa I had aappoaad; Mm xaaa la Parle, aad If tha aaparatlon of which ha told aw xraa oaaaad by faalt at bars ha did not ao much as hint at IL

Mr. Blaglaton oaMad at ones to Paris. Thara xvoald Jaat ba Uma.

Christnma Bee eaaM aad still ao xvord. aad thoxuh Mr. Slaglatoa'a face loohad thta and stralaad. ha started oat xrlth Dorothy at noon, tailing har they xrars going to have a grand aad gloiioxM time that aftaraoaa.

1 xraa left to attend to tha last de­tails of tha true that stood la gllttarlag bravery In tha oaatar of tha alttlag room. Thare xraa a lot to do. and I xraa hasUlag around whoa tha door flow open and a radlaat young xrom- aa nmhed in. oalllag:

“Daa! Dorothy!**Stopping quickly, bar look arruotod

by my uniform, aho azelalmad: “Ho­oke—oh. who la HI?** Bhe faltarad. go­ing white.

My smlUag aasaraaee that all was wall brought forth a thoxmand quaa- tloas, and xre both talked at onoa. and I helpsd her off with har xrrapa. She cried In my anna and klaaed me with fervor whan I told har of how Dorothy had bagged for her. and then she bubbled over and xre had a gay afternoon flnlshlng the tree.

Mrs. Singleton xraa on the ateplad- der laughing doxm at nsa whan Doro­thy and her father came In. Tba laugh died on her llpa. but I caught bis glori- fled look aad heard Dorothy's glad cry. 'Then I crept sUently from the room, feeling the loneltnaaa of aplnsterh'^ as 1 had naxrar thought to do.

TK CBKH MHSE.IIBT stood In tha daoartad rastry of tha church, theing saeh other angrily for the flfut time In their llxres. Then suddenly Janet swept tha diamond from tha third Anger of bar left hand aad bald It forth. "You will obitga ma by taking this

baek.“ she said bttlngly.Ha stood looking Into bar eyaa.

growing grayer of faea aa ha saw tha stubborn anger that repoaad xrlthln them. “Whish nMaaa that our aa- gmgsmaat la broken, aad that I nmy not hope for Its reaexral.** ba rapllad vary low.

aa laauat thair gasa mat aatha glittering thing, lightly bald, waa paaalng from head to head; than as •hq. psieuaed It aa^ before grlf

had become aecnre there xraa (ha sllh of a nervous Anger aad with a tinkle the ring fell upon tbe iron grating of the floor reglater. Faintly they beard It go bounding far doxln tha metal pipe which lad to the fumaee below, each supposing It lost foiwvar in tha

Vflames and not know­ing that la Its fall by some atrange fata It had bounded through a small hola la tha pipe and now lay amidst the rub­bish of tbe church's baaament. For an Instaat tbe gtrl's eyaa ooftauad. than hardened again and aha torasd them aalda. Upon the floor In a comer of tha room tba llttla church mouse xraa sitting upon Its haaaches, aad aba nodded towards him. 'To ba reaowad whan the little church mouse hr*It liqek to me.“ she retumad or

Sugfi^estive QuestionsOs the Nssdsy Hshaal Lasses by Bsv. Dr. LNissan far INa Isl

ssMassl Frsm Rlhia <|ss sties Cbsh.

Thav (omaS tlmlr backs other and xvalkad awsy.

A wash pamad. aad tha llttla chureh Bsousa prowling about la tha of tha baaasMSL saw aomsthiag thrtMgb tha gloam that gllUsrud more brightly than did his own ayun. Caatloxmly, hnagiily, ha approsshad n. samlt of IL fsit of K xrlth hla gmy vrhiahars. than stood It up hatora him. Its gutter fsaclaatad him. Burely this gllstaotag thing about the alaa oC a kernal of com moat ba good to asL and ha triad hla sharp taath upon IL Yat gnaw aa ha xeould. ha could not avan scratch IL sad at last ha daddad that tt xraa osly good to ptey with. He xraa a llttla thing, aad half atsrvud as are all church mica, ao tt oama to pass that tt xraa not long before ha had xrorkad hla hand aad : through It and xraa runnlag xrlth It aadrcliag hla middle, a vary aasall cruatura xraarlng a dlassoad saddle xrlth a gold girth. It xraa fun for a ttsM. but ha aoon bxmama tlrod of It and triad to crawl ouL Hacould noL Becoming panic strlckan ha fl»4 frsvtxfeally up the atnlru.

Janet, aloaa and vary unhappy, sat la har paw at therhrlstBsaa morning aarvlee. It eras rath ar chilly la thachurch aad she slip­ped one head into her muff. Than she gave a start, for xHth- In It she felt a small, struggling thing

with something round and hard about tt. InvolunUrily aha dosed her hand, and as she did so the little church moose popped out of tbe muff and scampered axray. leaving tha round object in her Angers. She draw it forth. It xraa her engagement ring.

Tbe last of all to loaxre her pew, Janet stepped Into the veatry upon her xray out. Dick was standing be­fore a window xrlth .head bowed, looking older, grayer of faeo than bo had a few weeks ago. aad ahe saw the deep onbapplneas that lay in hla eyas, lha approached him, looking up at nira with the old ezpreaalon which he knew ao xeell. Softly she slIppxKl ono hand Into his oxm. aad as hla Angers gently closed about It be felt some­thing hard, round and familiar within hla grasp. He raised bar hand. Tbe engagement ling—hla oxm—aactrelad har third left Anger.

The little rhurrh mouse brought It "back to me. Ustao while I tell you." she said, drawing a trifle cloeer. For a mo­ment bar votes raur- mured.

*Ya It not wottder- lUl?" she exclaimed.half awed, aa aha ftn- ishad. Hla ayaa ‘tghtenad.

' Wonderful, dear! t la far more thaa

that. It la a miracle of Hla Spifi* xrrought upon Hla dnF~ Ills token of love everlaatlag aad that even xra are not forgotten **

Tightly hla arms cloaad about har.NANNY IRVINO ORRffH).

Dec. 14, lilt.r-rgl—Tiifi Matt xvtll 14-84 is » What la tha real theory of tbeOoMeu Teal—He ye kind to aa- 'llamas Cathullr chuivh cenesmtag

fWher isodar»h«mrted, forglvlsg each ike forgivensas at stha. and what i* ether even aa fled alatx la t'hrlst far- like difference hsiwess that and thr g«vv yew Bph Iv SX I a heel atlas prasousced by tbe Angll-

j HI Vsree U-Wh-i arx the adraa •" repent'tsgaa at talUag what w* havr agalasi i fP l Wrse IP If two fhrlatlaas

,s maa «• his faoe utth a- ether per- |sre la acvwrd la prayer Par aay parik isen prrorat? jtilar thiag may they depend with shao

«S > If vwa hsHeve ywa have a |eai eertaialiy etiheai aay ether roe tmexanrv aguiaet a M asd pa le •Mercti^ »h*t their prayer will he him ta a reneWhisc? •fdNi asd are re* itruated*y >,Md h' boa etkSl xmeld lhs< HMi (la » Verse fe -la what sea as Is

X a* M hm fuirt* < YlNat prxNmai where fwo er Ihfoe areIP !« rear ywx hs»^ »*• ht» asme as h<- is pel at ear

V,.,, »mf.«|sed h* rm* agoMbet eheo »-th*r time*)' I tree )) tl Itee tnaa* ttssn s^ ' • I ' Tswptve oe, otM* f«rrete*s

• •aninss «<•* a* ' %‘etees ti t' What feeson .*

ih t. i.t ••■•Mteme Ihsi «ls»P Seer* • 4 'np ec-» eea* t t » i-*' sX«» *

X Sv,.e«a» i, u•t .!»/•-

A Chrlatmea Tima Pavar.Ta aava tha mlnutaa ou Chiistmaa

and leave time tor tbe BMUiy thhipa that are bouad to eoms up. abut off

I from the ehlldrao ano room la tbe I houae suitable tor the tree a couple I of weeha hators Chrlatanm. and grtid-

> ually aaaumainte there all deoerallaas : and preasnla The tree ram he tflSMied a day sr two hetora the hall-

^ dsy. and the prsaants wrapped mare ' qstohly spd easily haannae they are all la asa pipae Tha chIMrun, tup. wtll

! as|py the mrutary that aastaro arappd

t- ttx« a twtaaf■ ehei ar-r is > y.eer»f sexitssneai »

A.a I, » iI reset» h«ssv^ i -' t t — - t-t eWPeee^s

, • . It •—tSt•. . *■*..• ■ • I r, t


The •ppti, Tha

The read Pp pt^«4r la pavsd wNh

Aa tl ssreev M hapl Pe Bee

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fheuieaap > t.^.. %Kj s», t

att tk • la mOM K *e‘


Rsk dieBaffioiKiiiilRist

Bo^nol?. '•U'


Try this for aChriptmas Present

Found only'atW. R. OSGOOD’S


CLARENCE SMITHThm St. Jokm Floirmt

Presents his Christmas Greetinj^ and offers you a home made DOUBLE HOLIDAY WREATH made from wery select Holly for 25c.

Italian Oak and Magnolia Wreaths made to order. All cut flowers of the season

at prices which arc rififht.



CLARENCE SMITHSt, Johns, Michigan

.---— •

Car*ti«Xl"DONT LIVF IN DREAD." That Is good advice; don't brood over

things going to happen which never happen; that is also good advice. We would slao say to thoae who are In ccNnfortable rircumstanraa. to those who are rsaidenta of "Eiasy Street." to those who have enough and more of this world's gxmds to live In comfort, not to keep them- ssIvsB In that diatreaasd state of mind which ao many do thus situat­ed; of seeing the poorhouse and poverty Just ahead of them; aver and always predicting some dlic thing to happen which will sweep sway all they have spved and accumulated and leave them atrandsd Itoor and pchnlleaa In thsir old age.

We wish to drive this thought home* It's not the people of mod­erate circumstanesa. nor those who might be denominated poor, who “live in dread"; it's made up of all claaaes. rich aad poor alike. We venture the asaertton that fully flfiy per cent of thoee who are today above want in every particular “live In dread" aa much as tha other Nfiy per cent who might have some cause for so living, do not so live. Why Is this inis? Well. If* In the blood: Ith an Inheriunee; Ifu something which raam to as wtUwxut our seeking and stays with us STsn xrhsn we would cast It off. Nightmare la not always caused by aa opprsaaed or atupyflag taflusnee; not always caused by a heavy supper and no sxsrrtae; It comoa like the samdilne aad the cIoxmI which rmes the blue dsase above us. when least expected: comaa he- rauae It's In the hlaad In rams, aamaa hecauae It's a part of our Ufa; an laheriiaacc

DONT I.IVK IN DREAD" You hsv. known pe.xple who shouM not live In drvod xiho do an live; that Is usfortuaste hut Is one of thaae things that raaaot he helpad There la Just this difference In the ease however Those hexing and shove waai nisy hsrfime ehran- Ir fsulffaders xitih the thiags which eurmund thees, hut ihex are wIHmxui sx-mpathltcra. they may ln»sglnc they are stsspPnff aver a povrxier mine or In rlooe pfwxHr Ity to a volcsoo which Is llaMs to heeok toNh St say moicteni. "I Ivtnq in thread, so to apeak. ffslMng but tiMte •»«)• of life hm Ike cetsmttx. h'<t So xxsr rxreo The paarmi s»eon« ex ealnx the aoiwe sxMmhlno. the saw.- ffixwerx amt green helde. t^- sstp- Uadxcspc sfeoRier clssred or ••exP'snd


'Xt kk .

s»4 ewcM |#(?^fb« euti rm*1* i I f !*•■> t* f? * «-■--■ I t«'.M ffxbdiap *o». nt’i re*■ f • /'.t e *•-•« x*4 •*

i t. a I /*r reext k • » • XOUePr r f

tot t*> ' * t Wtr 4tec«Mi<#m otr«- •Nlxnrr D VOm a» «1bkl

aBiSP Xwi» kXXMl • ‘ r f f- fa

r’- a*

X I• a ♦r . • •*er espaOMtoPn fWO • »s to » is* to i-.

IWrAXOtSP ».-♦ U-N_Aa»q<Bd tfts M XW- ns-r. x« hxetooe wqNfl fSMt gtocfl tMCRD ON €Cffk» CS£StX

12, 1912.

Atk for Unitmd Trading ^



Aah for Uniimd Trading Stampr


T'MKRK’S NEVER been a time when this store trt Ted tiie Holiday season so splendidly ef|uipped and prepared to ^ supply every masculine nee<l, want or desire f<ir the hoy (if three to the man of seventy-three. I’lease reniem-

her, also, that (in addition to this stf*re’> rer<»^ni/.ed .-lUpreinacy in Ouality, Ass<»rtments and \'ahie-j;ivin>;) we will jjlatlly jjive you any siij^pestion or intorniation which will render your jjift choosing easier and more enjoyable. We're here t«» T-ERX'E vou—the whole store is at vour service.

Hats and Capsar»' h»iv in vmrietlea than ever before—better valuea too~aiidthat's saying much.

Cloth and plush caps, 50c to $1.50. Fur caps. $2 to $7. Seal caps, $10.00. Stiff and soft hats. $2.00 to $5.00.tUFT HOXKS FKKK With purchases of 50r or more *n Neckwar**,

moves. Mufflers, Hosiery, Hiispenders.

Our HaberdasherySecdoB is Brimming With Gifts.

We’re Just going to print a list of suggestions and emphasise THIS—the r H label i» our ;iasurance and "HIS" of newness, absolute corre«-r- ness and l*e«>rless Quality.

A fine assortment of

Fur Coats

MiifHler«> and Keefer^ JiSr to SS.iMt >eeli«te«r tail alyle*) Or lit I.iaen llandkerrbief*^ 1^ to Sl.tMi Initial Haa4kerrlieif» lar to

Initial llandkerriiieK lJM' to 'dir

llandkerrliiefk in leather -'iSrto Sl.^i

i;ift I’mbreltao lo ATtJlU. Nn^pender* and tiarter »eti> aSr to $1 tlarter and trm Itand oet* Mr l.i«le and t'othm llo«>r 1^* to Mr Silk llo«e Mr to 4|.mu Whili or Fancy .Hhirt* Aiir to StLSh Klann»l .Hhirtik- Sl.Mt to Sweater t'oal^ SldW to Ss.Mt Jemey Sweater* $ to SttUMi I'nderwear Sl.iNt to Se.(Ni snit >'ight Kohee 7ar to Sl.^t lilovem lined and unliaed -Mr to Mittens.- wwol or fnr lined -aSr to SS Knit ttlovee or Mitten* Hr to Mr Far ttloves or Mittens SldW to S4.tMl

lliMte and Tie .Set* to SldM

llo*r. Tic and liandkerrbief .Sets- Si.tN» to $i.m

Scarf l*1n* and t'nff Links- -iSr to Sl.'iw

‘*lntcrwo«en’* Ho*e, I |ialr in t'hrt*l> ma* tM»s fIdMt

**llolet*roor' gnamnteed Hom*. S pair, S month* -Sl.^ t>ox

The most complete line of Coats in Clinton County lo select fitym, including Galloway, Calf, Do^, Goat, Hear and Lamb, with trim­med or self collar.

Ever)' Coat soltl with a positive jjuarantee tt> j^ive entire satisfaction to the wearer.

House Jackets, Gowns & Auto RobesArp splendidly ready for the inspection of Holiday gift-ooekero. From the best Kumpean and America n makers come these fine and boauti- fill Indoor wearables in s uch %'ariety of beautiful tex­tures and luxurious oolorlngs that you'll marvel when you nee them—as you surely must—for words fail to deocribe either the beauty or valuea presented. They’re the ideal gift, too—you know.Luanging Howns I'p to Hoase foal* aad Smohing Jarket*-

$ijm to Olojn. Aato Hake* *ijm np.

Dsaisitni tor nwatd A WcU. Chlj

One Entire Floor Brim Full of

Practical Gifts for the Boys(lifts that combine all the e|em«mts of sane, sensible giving. What

better way to teach our boys and children the principle of giving practical gifts than to make them the recipients this Christmas of siome article of Pine Wearing Apparel? Our ClreaT Store offers the sort of gifts that the little ones will welcome with delight—and so will their ftarcnts when Quality and Iajw Prices are reckoned.


Fine Suits and Overcoats, $3 to $10Styles and Sixes for Hoys and Children of all ages.

Toques and Hockey Caps—25c to 50c. Boys’ Caps—25c to 50c. Sweater Coats—$1 to $2.

Gloves—50c to $2.00. Mufflers—25c and 50c. Shirts and Blouses—50c to $1. Neckwear—25c-50c.

Handkerchiefs—15c..25c, 50c a box.


F*rom the tips o’ the Angers to the wrist. D.- A I*, guaranteed gloves fit and beAt the wearer.

A gnamniee agninst «enm>ripplng •(^■pnnle* enek pair. l.entkci> Ufo Hnrsl. All fasklsnakle *luide*.

$1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50

Cl£U!’k & Hulse“St. Johns’ Largest Clothiers.”



I.anslng—The Detroit Cnited rail­way la about the only railroad of any Importance In the state that has not come under the employers’ liability act aa yet.

Many of the other roads are un­der the law and are carrying their own risks as provided by the law. In­stead of securing indemnity of Insur­ances companies.

According to ('ommlasloner Reaves, all employers are foollah to remain, without the law. The law, he says, haa taken away moat of the old de­fenses of the employer ao that all the Injured mao is forced to prove Is that the company was negligsnt aad that he was injured. The maximum auni which an employee can aecure under the law for any Injury Is M.MO Juries havv allowed men as high aa |3u,00o within the last few months for In- jurlee

Hlg hating In I’ann ( asls.The saving to the alate cauaed by

Som every matker esakir^iae the daacm that

TiinMit kekiad wary mm efWlndcHTi r̂sal naul aka hadn mm every tun* n aklM kas U.

Year family idiymrtaa wiU vvvily Urn •MMasat Umi II Ua naaitiva laM tkat rvsry skM vMk sans Hwaat is la Immaiun daa- fertleamiaiinf Oeap. i^iaaj. TsnskHiu ar liNddksvia. aad ianai maevsd ftant tka* daafmaanHkHkraattaaaasd ThtakalnlwteliiadL**

WMk M mmgk ** M T« anas, fan maei ^ ay^

^ ^ ‘Sjr'iab m4k thhft* Aa* s4

^ma tks tava afiem ki M« • laa# *4 t. . «eea dmsasitai4 Ml I ^

a '»fciis a»-i 1^'I m

the operation of the law cannot be eatimated.” aays Commissioner Reaves. "It coaCs the state about 1100 per day to coaduct the averag*' circuit court When a corporation or large employer Is sued, several days or weeks are usually consumed in try­ing the case after all of the legal technicalities are complied with in getting the case poperiy before the court.

‘Thus. It usually coat* the state more to hear the Aral trial than it would to pay the claim. A majority of the personal Injury cases, especial­ly if the employer la beateai which la usually the case, are taken to the supreme court The salaries of our supreme court justices alone la about tldO per day. ao the esse proves pret­ty expensive to the sute even If It Is not reversed and sent mck for s new tiisl. About half of the cases are re­versed so the expense Is again doubl­ed.

"In addition to the amount spent by the state, each aide is put to great expense. It is safe to say they spend nearly ss much as the state b^ore the rase Is Anally settled.

"Although the commissioner has settled thousands of rasas under the new law. It haa baen nsesassry to arbitrate but oae That coat the stale about f.%0, sad the partlsa Involved leas than that, iissides the Injured man got his moasy almost Immediate­ly Instsad of being forced to wait sev­eral years sad divide with a lawyer

Fmpisyers Mee idvaalaifo*The employers are seeing the

sdvsalsges of the law guleki), loo Altkoagk Ike roaNwIasiaa kss keea warktag far three asaalka. elec- itoae to ram aader Ike law eoaiiaae tti pnar la

Wc kavr few caaaa af Ike smpiay- cr* irytag i«> aHile with Iks amplay- ee« for teas tfcaa tke laa alisms As ail asressBoata mast ke rsUksd k) tke

lemmaisair tkevv ts aa ekaass af fWc tmplare*- er kt* fsaMiv k^M {** iided

1 k' ladamfis)WsWU %w> kseda c'.aW •« Ike wa • S« <■ IfWWMWdbM

!<>itape wa I triM tk> i Mn rv^SI> «ss W I ^ a* ■ saS ewwss bMTi

kr-.sf'ts tt< aarnBi I M «. sas ikMik m*I pit- • * fw t





A HMi Hri'f’KHM.

Middleton'.—The aecoad annual show of the Middleton Ifoultry and l*et Rtoek asaoclatlon la on. There are about 4d0 birds on exhibition, and unprejudiced poultrymen aay the claaa la far above the average

The heat ahowing la In the Barred l*lyniouth Rock claaa. In which over 80 birds are entered. Many of theae wrouM be winners In any show. The lieghoms rank next, and the display of White I^eghorns is especlslly Ane. Other elasaas provoking comment are the Oamss, Anconaa. White Wyan­dotte. White Rocka. the various Or­pington’s, tke Bantams and the Tur­keys. There are also Ane exhibits of ducks, peacocks and pkeasanta. A touch of pleasing variety Is added by some Roston Terrletw and Fox Hounds among the dogs, and some pet rabbits.

The Judgsa are W. A Bonner of Cimoovla and Karl Hemmenway of Houth Haven. Roth are highly capable men

The Mett building la proving an Ideal place for the show. It Is easily acceaalbic. there ie ao abundance of mosn. and there la no trouble In keep­ing It In Aae eanitan rondtiKm .Near­ly every vtaitor kaa noticed this and kaa apohea of ft

Wklle this year’s akow la an a amall ecwle. tke offleerw are aallsked Tke orpaalaatlcn will ke maintained aad a Mgper skow will ke gives nett year

mfla vka talk msraly Isr Ika I af sttfwsnag attonnaa «a tl ts ssMm pai Ika Mnd af at Ikm n maetk aaftMnp-

MO mm w«MSi} • * •'

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ EAMT DEWITT. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Mr. and Mrs. IxHila Voisinct spent .Sunday at Lansing.

William H. joy of l*insing has had a new windmill erected on his farm here, which Is occupied by Burr Hmith and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sleight and fam­ily are moving on the Charles Sleight farm In Olive.

William Welemlller of So«ithweat DeWm spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs L. J. Volslnet.

Kdward Mahar spent Friday in St Johns on bualneea.

Miss Josephine Heller of I*inaing. and Miss Catherine Heller of CunnI- sonville spent Sunday with their par- enu. .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heller and family.

FMward Mahar has erected s new unk house. WUIIani Welsmlller of DeWltt did the work.

Frank Volslnet spent several days last week at the home of his sister, Mr and .Mrs C. Heller and family of Ounnisonville

Mias Florence Sweet attended the lea|»-year party given by Mias I»ella Cardner near Rath Friday evening and Sfient Saturday and Hunday with her parents. Mr aad Mrs W'lllartI Sweet, near RathCharles Heller and Mr f*erhani

have moved their dwelling houoaa the past week. Mr Raadali of Ijsingshurg did the work

Mrs Ileary Rohsr was a vlalior at Ike u>ve arkaol last Wadaeaday after- nnan. sad also witk ker dsugkier. Mtse Koweas. callad at tke kaae> af Mr sad Mrs Run Smilk aad family

(Dean Hray bad an aacttaa sale last Thursday tie sad Mrs Rray sa<l lit He sem are prepartag to amve to Um slag kavtag saM their farm t. Irvfov Itoaham af ItsMfMt


AuctionHaving decided to quit farming I will sell at public auction at the place ^ mile east

of Dewitt village on

Tuesday, DecemberCommencing at 9 o’clock sharp, the following deKribed property:

-T . . •. — *»m v \ g - f 1^1

1 09^

HOWSKt.Qsod work taam, wt. 3A)00.•ay mars, 6 yva. old, wt. I/MO. Bay psiding, t yrs. oM, wt. 1,400. Bay mars, 9 yrs. old, mt. 1400. Driving hersa, 10 yrs. old.

eolt. 5 months eid.Eatrs goad horsaa.

CATTLE.• Corns.Bull ssif, 9 months old.Bull salf, S months old.





FOULTHV,Aaaut iO pullets.

IMPLCMCWT* and TOOL*. Oasvinp kfodav.Oato hay laadav, nsarty aaw. Tvssatisth Osntuvy manans opras Hay taddav.

Oakoma moumr.Plano moumr.2 Pivot sals cultivator. Amsriean cultivator. Buaksys grain drill.•aan puller.Dale eom plantar.Disk.Mssi land roller.2 WIds tirs umpons.Flat rask and stock rask. 2 Hay rsska with stosk n Oasring raks.•at of slsighs.17-Tsath spring drag. fS>Tsath spring drag. •pMm drat.2 Olivar plaum. t One hsraa aultivatsrs. t Fanning mllla.

▼•P hapty. aaarly new.Open buggy.P^lend euttsr.

t Pet fly

I 2 2(Kfoet ladders.Serapsr.

I Orind stens.Cisvsiend ersorn ospareter.

I 3 Cans.' Parrel ahum.; Road eart.' Ptaek oanvaa.{ Pet platform sea lee.I 2 Iren kettfee.2 Ppring eeata.

eemplete. 40 Drain bege.. Poet drill.Forge and anvil.Spray puasp- t Leg ekalae.3 Crew bars.Hay knife.Quantity af bean pads. Quantity af hay.10 Aaraa af earn tiailm. Cam ahallar.Quantity af kuai weed.30 ar 40 Cards slak umad. iPQallan araak.PsrrsI aalL•P Qallan gsssllna tank.

t, IS twe . . r. 1 , .**» •• * .11

* ooruawtI WWW*.. .

o -uasuam to Rs


TERMS—Fhft doUars or undnr, cash; ovar that amount, 1 ymr*% time will ba given on good bankabW notaa, drswing • par cant, intaraat. No goo^ ramovad until aattlad


JOHN WIDIBYBt, ProprietarKUian LANirroN caw k i BIXBT AueCkwM,,

THaar.jpmW IIEWl.TBtnBM>4Y APTMBIOOW—PBCElfBgR 12.1912.

Hoods ilkws Wait Ms.. ISarsaparilla

Cures all blood humors, all eruptions, clears the complex­ion, creates ap appetite, aids difntiun, relieves that tired feeling, gives vigor and vim.

It lotkiy In iwimI llquHlfonn or fifciT t---- - tatolru cnUod SSMatalw

I n AXTaU- Ctrl for soaiiml hotinn- work. Mm. Ooui W. Krllor. Ittf

WANTSO At IM Floral AT«au«. PVumwo pkomt ttS. Mm. .S. H. AMriok. IwpS

rot SAUt «B rmutg.

K<»il MALE—a MMlM of kny. Sturctn SC B. B. Pnrtrr. 711 N. f*«dar SC.


FfIB SALB—Houm aad l«re» lot at

Ollii PRISON PRIICnCE •r. oa ptomi—■ 17tf


KUH MAUC—Slagle bomW. ckmp. (Imat Pkelpn. CIO Stale SC. Bmc PSoae . ISwtpd


UOrSE TO BEHT—On North Cllatoa Ave. S*iB. Boad. tf


Dufiag Urcoaiber and up to January 10. I win bo at homo Friday*; wvery Tuoaday and Satuiday at the P^owler State liank; Jan. tth at the Weatphalia bank; Jan. Wth. at the Pewamo Bank for the ooIloeUon of tax**.

FRANK HUFNAOBU lOwS OaJlas Townahlp Trea*.

IVBHTPHALIA TAXPATBBH.Twill be at the poatoBce Monday*.

Wedndaday and Fiidaya of each week unUI Jan. lot The mat of the Ume at my reoidonre on Sec. 16. After Jan­uary lat I will be at the poatoSIce ev­ery day up to and Including January 10. for the purpoae of collecting Uucca


The apeclal committee of the joint banrd* of the Michigan elate piieone. which waa appointed at the joint board meeting laat summer to inveetl- gate and report on laws neceoaary for the modernitlog of prison manage- amnt. held an all day eeaeton yester­day In Grand Haplda.

There were preeent at the meeting Lari T. Uarboor of Detroit, and O. H.L. Wernicke, of Grand Raplda. mam- bora of the Jackaon board; Warden

. Nathan F. Simpson of Jackaon priaon;Alfred R Locka, mamber of the lonU prison board and Warden OUa Fuller of Ionia; Ira Corley of Step* hsnaun and Hdward C. Anthony of Nagaunei*, members of the Marquette prison board; Marl T. Murray of Lea­sing. secretary of- the State Board of CharlUes and TorrecUona; Francis D.Cantpau of Grand RapMa. aecrrtary of the board and attorney In charge of framing the lawa which It la daaired to have passed.

Aak riuuure* la Piiaea Prartlee.The report of the committee was

drafted In the rough, and will be drawn up and prepared for aubmlaalon to the leglalature. There are a num­ber of change* in prison practice which the point prison board desires to have put in effecC

Chief of these reforms In the gradu- atad schedule of good time allowance.In the opinion of the committee the law should be changed to permit this allowaoce to begin at the time of aen- tance At present, under the tndeterm- ■ — ■■inate sentence law. a piiaoner must | mi ..y TiTPtvi.'i>Maarve the full term of a minimum i , _,i, <1... im - . ,,■sntsnee * ** Riley town hall on

j 1 I Tueaday, December 10 and every Tuaa-The report of what la ^Ing d^e In - 3 ^the prison, to Improve the conditionof prisoners, especially with reference ^ p HOllIVHOV ____to their emploTnent In various dlrec- D. i. RQIll.NSO.N. Treaatlona. Is very IntereatIng. At Jackaon prison, for Instance, the prison has about 700 acres of land under cultiva­tion. the work being performed entire­ly by the piiaonet*. Thta past yeer the net receipts from this farm were In e*-

.WOTirE TD OLIVE TAXPATEBR.1 will be at the 8L Johns National

Bank every Saturday during the month of December, and the flrst Sat­urday In January*, to receive tuea; at E. M. Cbadwick’a grocery Dec. 48. and Jan. 8. At the Brown achool bouse. December 26; at home every Friday including Jan. 10th for the same pur­poae,ixw2 HENRY C. I^EWIS. Treaa.


1 win ba at the Stats Bank in St Johns eveiT* Saturday during the

reea of $10,000. and the experiment has inronth of December and the ftrat Sat- proved so succeseful that .100 acres lurday In January, to receive and ra- wlll be added to the farm next year, loelpt for taxes Every Thursday dur-

^*^**~* Prl«eaeiw Karmlag. [{m; December. I will be at the State-There la a field for the develop- ; Bank in Fowler for the

rnent of our agriculture lands through the teaching of oiir better class of prisoners the practical part of fann­ing." said O H T Weniicke. who la enthusiastic in the work of pHson re­form

"This is a field which offera em­ployment to the men after they have been released, and which will not In­terfere with any other Indnatry while they are atlll in priaon. We need all


same pur-



HI. Jehas. Mieiilgna. Cf»ifMKKn.iL -INI) HAVI.NGH.

of the products we ran raise on the ' I’AlD IN FT lA., $5o.000.prison farms, and we need the addition to the farming class which will result fronj the policy of teaching farming to the prisoners."

Mr. Wernicke entertained the mem-

F. A TRAVIS FrealdeBiM. \M*:i.JJCR Vice PresidentJ W, FITZGKRAU) ( ashlerA. J, S. JURY, Assistant Cashier

hers of the committee, paying the ex- ^ TAI.LMAIK,h Telletpeme of the entertainment himtelf. cent Interest paid on car-The member* are allowed their mile-'‘J****’*^ ^ deposit and on aavingr age hy the state, hut under the law »>«»*' ■«‘o>mU. Drafu issued good In cannot be reimbursed for their other United Statas or Can-expenaaa. TTnIeaa the leglalaturie sees '**** *** principal citlaa olfit to pass a special bill to reimburse j Kurop«. Acenuats of farmers, nser- Mr. Wernicke, he Is out a considerable ! chants or mechanics received on fnv- sum as the price of his enthustaam for ^**ble terms and every arcomoda* th«‘ work Bon extended conaiaient with safe

»The coTv.mlttee adjourned laat night, leaving the report to be prepared for publication in detail In the hands of Mr. Campnu. the secretary.

llorNE KTRNEI).The hotvc owned hy F. R Parker of

Ovid was burned last Sunday evening The house was Insured In the Farm­ers' Mutual for Ift.'tO.

hanking Superior farillllea for mak- ilng collections of all kinds.

Money loaned on approved aecurl- tlea.

IHKKITOMH.J, Earle Brown. Otia Fuller.

, J. W. FItxgerald. H. B. Kneeland. A. J. 8. Jury. F. A. TravisC. T. Babcock. Dr. M. Weller,

C. n. Glffel*.



Don't look upon Chriitmas shopping as a burden—cheer up—it’s the happiest, jolliest good cheer time of all the year. Buying gift pieces, practical and sensible, yet small priced, for those you love is a real pleasure here.

* i'__


1"^ j 11

I .1! K.’;

T »ri i-» .1 -L IIJ \Jl i

inOmma tlCctaowPC CO iwOWLd / % " \


This seasiMleaal #«er qalek artiaB the qaoirtlty b IIbiMmI hat yaa cm aove jaat ITJA #a thJ* •*! alaos- haadrsd* a# mthollf

jsstT'SKr'«“!nsr*^SlTwer drawer* aad akHve* which mahes It saaltary and eMy to heap ctoa^

•MIS* I’M A III hM daahle naaeled back aad straagly relafareed leg* t* match de*h la every detail.IMmK HArK b 88 high aod taigc «i*«gh to hsM a great qaaaUty *f baahs. Has fear straag shelves aad paaeied side*. This raek

?irr*irAOTl! PAP** SAHliET W «*. .» -k. i-lMlM 4-1... -H* *14. »4 ««.! B., Itl. «M -•«< t-i.rr.- « .

easaMaaal priee every qaatod.

•Sturdy Mission Dsven|»ort 7^la Rick Durable Fumed ^

A special price fn^xhip week on our regular $46 Dav^qlpurta. The drsign b exactly aa shown with heavy corner posu. alat back and ends The seat la extra deep and covered over a bed of coil apiings, with beat quality brown leather, giv­ing a three cushion effect, no tuft­ing* to catch the dust. No higher grade can be bad at any price.

We show mission Davenports In three lengths

Above special b 6H feet long.


Heeres of BIsstoa. Htrahrbt l.lae Bscker* That

Bake Ideal Glft«Heaiy, large aad raamy

Rsefcers, straight line de­sign. broad arms, saddle seat and flnbbed golden tt-li

Blsslea Hsekem (exact as cut!, with genuine brown leather aaat, worth 110.76

Best grad* *f Faawd Gak Kaekers. with excellent grade leather seats ....... ......— it."!

12.60Bisstoa Library Ta* ble solid Helerled

OaA FaaNd Flaisbtotter value* cannot be bad at $20. They're substantially made, have large tope, roomy drawers and magazine ahelfs below.

Large. bea«br Tables with 48- inch tops, fancy paneled ends, finely flnlsbed tablet, worth $20; specbl,•t ........ .. ifcLM

A world of Aielectlon in hand­some, highly poBsbed oak and mahogany Library Tables.

Tba Raw Mtoew** GIB to Taa Itoapla are raalalbtag tho blg-

saa of thb offer.The ti



ooatlaaa* to fill the store wlUi bsiyera analoa* to avail tbsm- ••Ivaa of our most libsraJ offor.


Bveryoae admires them and this atore's prlcae make them within the reach of everyone.

Thb beaalJfal 4.po*| Bed ta guaranteed Damard laquer. at ------------- $i4.:i

The head and foot ends are ex­tra high, the four posts are of full 2-liich brass tubing; there's plenty of up-and-down rods and the lln- bh b guaranteed absolutely for five years.

112-114"Michi^an .4ve., West

Near Postoffice.'Lansing, Mich.iSURY-ROWECO



Have you secured one? It b euay—read the details.

To every customer making a purrbaoe of $46 or more we will deliver to your home, ahaalato- ly free, and wfLh the compli­ments of thta store, one of theao clocks. They are 68 inches high and 18 inches wide, solid oak; frame richly ffnbhed In early Rngllah, with 3-ply. built-in dial polished and lacqueihd brass bands, weight, pendulum ball and numerals; full braas weight movement; excellent time­keeper; design b strictly mission.

Daly one to a rastaam’ aad aane will be seld.

You cannot afford to over­look this offer. It's the btggast bargain climax ever made. The more you examine it the bigger it grows.

Hadn't you delivered?

better have oae


feme ia any time—Go through every floor—There'a hundreds of things that make small pric­ed girt*. \



At th* dee* of busteoss. Novsmber litb.

'♦ ♦♦ HIM TH BENGAL. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦


PHONE 13l«»- %oiir i.ihit ttiuriliv i<*i \ii„, - IIcaa ihi*>

!i-t .|l I • ij

( ^

fiiM !!>'•» "MV

cron iimisKroFiniK

1R12. as flailed for by the Cotamlsalonsr of th* bonklag dopsrtssont

wcaouncma.IxiaiM and Dtsrnunts. vis:

I’ofamcrctal DvfM.. $R1.4$$.6S riavisgs Dept. .... lO.RM.OO $41.372 4!:

Bond*. Mertoso** and Fe^'twitl**. rts Havlags D«pl. ____tt.0«t.7l •3.M4.7I

cailsd for by the Cotnnilosloosr of the Bonklag Dspartmoat:

Premlawi account4>rerdrart* ___—Banking HouseFurniture anti Fixtures --------Due from ether haaks aad hank­

er* _______________ ________ _Items la traaslt___ _____....—

rnmiusrckil Hsvtags Doe from banks tn rwoerve-

rltles___II.OIAU tll.lOXllKxmaneos for rtssrfag

MMSoe . 74 44U. g. and NatbWMil iiaak

furrsaey ~ MI.MOold cola _____ S.IM.tofMIver cola .. N6.TI M.W Nteli*l* and

reals 74.7$

Ixtans aad Diaeounts, vis.;(’ommorclai Dept., $41.447.ftHaving* Dept.___ St.«U.U $44.31$41

Ronds. Mortaagss sad Oocufltlss. vis: (NAmpterrlai T»ept.. lll.6eo.#4

_ gsvt^ Dept--------lf7.4«4.a nt.lM.tt113 4$ ‘Overdraft*----------------------- 444.4<

$.4n.M Furnlturs sad Flxturus__ _ $.444.4*1.4M.74 N***rv*.Itl It ' Gama»*relsl D*pnrta»*at:

Du* from baaka la rsssrrs

Mrs. Matt Nuffer spent Sunday with her daughter. Helen Martin.

Albert Rooeow spent Saturday In St. Johus on busineoa.

3t« 33Itew Lstng. John Martin are having Herman Flegler is

ntl**........................... I13.4I4.MU. a. aad Nattoaal baak

runwaey $.414.4413416 $1 ! HiivOT cola__________ 4T646

TllelMls aad oeats .... XI6i navlaas D<partaisnt




14.448.46 $44.14$ 1$Total_____________________ $141,6744$

Ha4IWIoacapital storh pnM la $ to-Jto.JJpAirnlu* fund *-4eo 40Undivided praflts. a*4 .......... 8.444.4$Oeawnmelnl dopaslt* oubleet tn

raoNi____________ $11,443 64Bavtnge d*P*s4t* (baak ae-

cmsaisl a48486anvmws of de- „ „

posll____________ 1114.416 44 144.444.41

Duo from baaka In rsasrv*ritiwi................... l$4.444.rD. B. aad Nattoaal kaak

turToaey______ ...... 4.644.44Oold cola _________ ... 4.444 44mtv«r cola ........... 444.44NWdiol* aad e*ata .... 4444Chocks aad other caah ItesM

Hd. Blenatcadt,Schmidt and Fred their corn husked, doing the work.

i*at Gallagher b building a wood abed.

Mrs. Fred Martin, who has been aick | the piMt seven weeks b no better at thb writing.

Will Stoy baa flnlthed Joe Kleek- • ner% house.

Mrs Gusts Martin and son August , spent last FTidsy with her partnta., Mr. and .Mrs. FT^ Mohak*. I

IJNIKINGGLASS PAKMEHS' I’LI’B.The Ixxvkiagglaa* Valley Fkrmer*'

Club held another surreasful meet­ing at the home of Mr. and Mr*. M. I* Hunt. December 6. In spite of it b»- ing a mlny day there were go pres­ent. A One dinner was served and the committee did their part all O. K. There waa quite a nice display of ap­ples. .Mr. Taft fiwn the M. A. C. gave a ven’ interesting as well as Instroc- tive ulk on care of apple* and taking care of orrbarda to save them, which is quite an essential thing for farm- era now, Mr*, iva Daniel* sang a «ong. Mr. Weaseller told a story which wss enjoyed by all. Bert Oli­ver gave a One report of the sute as­sociation held In Lansing. Next maet- mg will be election of oOtoeia and annual dues.

Brain Poumr Always First.Th* avergge brain worker. It

■nfe to allege. If given the prefarsi between perfect bi i!!l> health meet panted by a sluggish brain, and I discomfort arising from physical i feiing allied to a bright, active bn In good working trim would doubtli choose the Utter.

Tr>' the NEW'S for results.

Andrew Lang*B Handicap.The London Spectator say*

Andrew Lang alwajrs had poor health, aad moat of hb work waa done whan he was tired aad sick. Thb being the cane. It la easy to understand aad forgive bb frequent craaklnaaa.

ST. Johns News Job Dept. Ftiir FVices consistent

with Good W’ork.


Temi __________ —____ I4444T4 44

___ • 1466444 i__ 1444444____ iy44441



OMMBsmial cuHtfIsatos *4tspssH......................... 4464444

'■avtsm* dapealSs (IgTATg OF MICMIOAN.

e«-cotmrr or | mtviaa* •eevHlaaies at 4*-

, 7:s;rw Burseaa fV-Mw f .n* ^ ~ l4»T«4TJ^Mt,akuws sawwd Seek 4n ■it»mefv sw^ ___ $3444$$ 48

tb* sbevu stalussoal N ivu* to lb* If SIJ >1 iSHStr in^ ^ --------- ----- tT„T« OF MIOMimA6to-«x>UirrT o>suuitv reaeesegi* ikw t»m *sa»» uf »b* #*» •«*ul wwm** VMr«to «<■***4**4 e* sesws |_ W || Fsikma OsolOsr ef »b» **-* ••V« tbv b<n*« •f U*« bask **uwd bes4 4 stosmsvtv *w«ar tost to* )

gfWtUAMa «V*Mm KsiswiM to teu* to «b# bmt *4•otowvskw-* awA «uma **I»U» m» toto anv Roauw-s** a»4 toSvf

S48«k 4ar *6 ItoeambRP. 1418 _ ^ —»t* I*-* aSat*.11 M , . ^ uk*!?*** atatea* •• •, f? l^•. to- k -k* f to* toiasto II eWPIItWil <'»•«»-•


BPV> to ||f*to«««N*

Frank J. Wsrd


• • fv* A ,>>4 ,uI■»» i > — to**.1 1, IStf

IA T S 11 SFg« I 1*04 wynwpgwiguOwa rS-aS f-ba ** *»

6$ A^iteinwn PiTt Tf* ihv, filBWS

The Season’s Greetings *"Ducks. Cee.He, Cihick< n5 In fuc! anything in the

line ol quality Meat.s (or your Xmas dinner.

i^vitx& StoarckIS’W ¥!’ll ^

'^.4GrT kraut *1^**

i Ik-gtora



D. U

Mn J. B. DmI#* IB LB—>ng

ta DaWltt «B• ______ ____ »lliBB4Bjr,• n T9WV MMB flVf. Dart BMaaour

• •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Mra. Jokn Hbmow ot Ftewlar------------ itt at JohM Moaaajr.

. M I LmiIb Utm* a»a IM. HuIm^ I la OtM <nI lauiaMiiTiMadajr.

Dr. Baaiir. Mr* naa Wkltaaea w«at C J. Bowla waa la ISawri oe baal- j )ar Man4a»- to arid tkm ««

Mnadax. j Colaada Oardaar laMr*. R. U. auol «M la laaaiaK

laac Bacuriajr.Kr. aad Mrs. O. P. DaWlu war* la

DaWItt Sitaday.A. B. Wilaoa waa la Fllat oa bual-

aaaa laa( TBaraday.O. P. DaWUt waa la Orld oa baai*

aaaa laat Thuraday.Umi Hula# waa iKMae from Um M.

A. C. orar Suaday.Olaaa Wrtdaian waat to l^>r*al Hill

Moaday oa baataaaa.Paul MnlUi waa boaM> froai the

M. A. C. over duaday.Dell Beviactoa apaat the latter part

at laat week la DetroitJohn C. Hicka weat to Detroit the

latter part of laaa weak.Miaa Bva MoKlaley waa home fro^

Lalacahurv over Buaday.Dr. aad Mra. A. H. Kaayoa were

Soaday Rueata la Laaalas.Mlaa CTartcai of leinalnR was a Sun­

day Kueat of Mrs. Fraak Aldrich.Ilr. sad Mr* C. C. VauRhn epeat the

latter part of laat week la Detroit.A square Inch of pood-wlll tor a

ceat—a Chrtattaas seal.diri A. T. Pntaaaa waa a Roest of

Mrs. M. L. Taft la Oeld laat Saturday.Mrs. 8. B. Gleasoa of Shepardsville

sras la St Johns on business last Fri­day.

Mis* Aaaa Lalley spent Saturday aad Sunday with her parenu In Liowell.

Mrs. Bd DooIIbr returned home Sunday evealaR from several days' visit in Detroit

W. W. HodRe left tor Mt Pleasant Monday where be will spend several day* OB business.

Oeorae H. Chapman was in ChlraRo from Thiesday until Friday of last week on bustness.

Mrs. Murrett Frink and dauRhter.Mrs dna Frink Mummery, werr In laaslUfc last Friday.

Mis* Marie Cramer spent Saturday eveninir and Sunday with her mother.Mrs A. Cramer, in Lanstnic.

Fbb. Gardner returned home from the .Vorth the latter part of last week after spendlnR three months there.

Mrs. Arthur Wilson returned home Sunday evenlnR from a west's visit with Miss Alice Rmmons in Detroit.

R^. Fox of Pontiac, who has been roB<|iictlnR services at the Episcopal church the past week, returned home Monday.

Mrs H. H. Green of Carland re­turned home Wednesday from a two weeks' visit at the home of her son.W. H. Green.

Charles F. Initalls and dauRhter,Miss Esther, of Watertown, went to Muir Saturday to spend a few days with relatives.

Mrs. Waller Burk and Mrs. D. Wat­ers returned home from Grand Rap­ids last Saturday after spendlUR sev­eral day* there.

Ur. and Mrs. M. A. Wilkinson of Saranac were Sunday Ruests of Mr. and Mra. C. E. Wilkinson. They re­turned home Monday.

The outward seal of inward Christ­mas }oy—the Chrlstmaa asal.

E. J. Pierce went to Ionia Monday on business. He was accompanied by his little eon. Hubert, who will spend a week drith his Rraadparents.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dnimbelter’d baby of nirminRham. raase laai

4iturdAy to spend a few days with bis mother. Mrs. Jennie Berry.

Mrs. Glenn I>anley. Mrs. Carl Beach and .Mrs Harry Walsworth spent last Friday In r>woaso with Mr*. Hanley's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gseck

Miss May Moreland and MIta Flor­ence Bllzxard spent Friday evenlnR In I.auielnR. The latter was enmute to Ksnsa* City, Mo., where she will epend several months.

Uts M U Tsft of Ovid, who had been vtsItinK for some time, left the latter part of last week for Jsaale where she will visit at the home of Mr and Mr*. I. W. Taft.

Mr» r H ScoAeM returned home from fixford last Saturday after sev­eral days' visit. She was called there on arrount of the death of her aunt.Mrs .Andrew Sutherland.

Mm Carrie Mosa returned home from lisnslnR last week after several weeks' stay at the home of her dau- Rhter. Mra. Charles Flower*. Her RranddauRhter. little Maxine Flowers. I wholesale boui has l>een very 111 for asvjpral wssks. I turned home.

at Uia.


Usrsdao Wsdasaday to apaad th* day.Mm Charles Cols Mt Monday tor

California where she will make a vis­it.

Mo too blR to carry th*ChilsunM seal, and none too aauUl to b* without one.

Claud Cox of lansInR spaat Sunday with his parants, Mr. aad Mrs. Jarry Cox.

Mias Clara Hlsr of ChrlaUaaa. Nor­way, la tba gaaat of Mm. H, J. Pal­is rsoa.

John Plldew rsturaad hoase from Buaday evenlnR after two

wesha’ stay.Mrs. Mina Oladson of Pompsll rs-

tumsd home Monday after vIsIUor friends here.

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Bullard spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm Md. Tail- man la 1 ansinR.

Bari Orsso of Owoaso apaat from Saturday until Mosulay with hla bro­ther, W. H. Green.

Mr. and Mrs. Date Avery left Mon­day for the Soo where they will spend a week vlaltlac.

Mr. and Mrs. Karl MsRley are apend- IBR several days with relatives end friends in St. Johns.

W. E. Hamilton left Moaday evsn- iBR for Hot SprliiMS. Arkansas, where he will take trsatmaata.

Harry Tows* of Detroit spent over Sunday with hla slater and ulsce, Mr*. John MsRisy. and Mlaa Veda Troop.

Mrs. E. R. Hurus went to Ithaca Wednesday to make an Indefinite vis­it with her brother, Josl Richards.

Mrs. Andrew (iseck of Owosao came Tuesday to spend a week at the home of her dauRhter, Mrs. Glenn Danley.

Mrs. L. Kirk and Mra. lilaacke Ames went to Shepardsville Wednesday to spend a few days with the former’s son, James Kirk.

Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Webster of Mc- Uain came Tuesday to spend a few days with Mr. aad Mrs. Henry Parr and other friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Psasmore re­turned to their home In lluSalo. N. Y.. W<>dneaday after vlslUnR at the home of Joseph Bootes.

Rev. G. W. PlewB of Maple Rapids waa a Ruest of Mr. and Mrs. Chalmer

I lledfera and Rev, and Mrs. Wilcox I Monday and Tuesday.

Lieut and Mrs. Harold Miner of Fort Sll. Okla., and Mra. C. H. Alll-

* son of Uwoasu spent one day laat [ week with Mr. and Mr*. R. G. Alllsan.' Miss Grace Crowley, who bad been spendlOR a few week* at the home of

I Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lake, returned to I her borne in Buffalo. .New York, laat I Saturday.

Miss Mary Mclllhinny, German and History teacher at the hiRh school, u unable to continue her work for a few weeks. Mrs. DeWItt Hunt la actlnR il^aMaBtltute.

Mrs. Charles Townsend returned to her home tn Petoakey, Monday af­ter a two weeks' visit with her moth-

' er. Mrs. Mary Hawes, and sister. Mra. J. U. KelsItOR.

Mrs. W. J. Richardson left Monday . for Detroit where she will meet Mrs. Clive KIchardsun. whom she will ar- i

I company to UirminRhsm. Alabama, to | spend the winter.' I

Mrs. T. H. Corbett and daughter, i Hazel, wk6 have been spending three | weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wise, returned to their hotue In Ann Arbor Monday.

Mrs. Anna English, who has been employed as trimmer at the Petch A Boucher millinery store this season. retume4l to her home In Kldgetown. j Canada, laat Friday.

.Mrs. Cyril Weaiphal of Hrlcbton. j who was visiting at the home of Mr. | and .Mrs KM. .Sherman. In Bingham, i where her little daughter was taken I ver}' ill with pneumonia, returned | home Sunday.

MIse Clam .Nelson, trimmer at Mia* Hurkee's millinerr store for the past season, left today for Grand Rapid* and Kalamazoo where she will spend a week with friends before she re­turns to her home tn Traverse City.

Mr*. W. T. Church Ihft Monday ev- I entng for Ix>* Angeles and Pasadena. Calif., where she will visit her dau­ghters, Mrs. Guy Norton and Mrs.

I Fred Ellis, for several months. She I was accompanied a* far aa Chicago by I Walter Bnimona. who vlalted

Con Btsphsa rstaiasi Dsuoit Wsdaaadsy.

Dsaa Godwto was a iHarry Inrlag laat week

Jaattee J. C. Ftyaa an oa haalBsss Wsdasaday.

Mrs. Ball Wisthsrfay of Ovid was tn St. Johns oa businsss Wedaaaday.

A Rift within reach of The Rad Crons SsnL

Mr*. Stanlake Jury retnmsd boaw fram Cryatal the Orst at the wmk.

William Want, who hao bsao ill the past few wssks. Is Improvtag rapidly.

Mr. sad Mrs. Perry Rhodes loft Moaday to visit relatives nssr Alma.

Mr. aad Mrs. Ulssui Stsst sad Mrs. R. Gostts spent Saturday in lataatac-

R. E Liadisy of iDdlaaapoilo, apsnt Saturday aad Sunday with Mlaa Lena Maglsy.

Jsase Smith of Hilladale apsnt Sun­day srith hi* parents. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Smith.

Miaa Suale Durkee and Mra. Edna Frlnk-Mummery aftent Moaday in LanalBR.

Mr. aad Mrs. Chartss TSuidermark of Laastng apsnt Sunday with fiieada In this city.

Arxa Post rstumsd boom to Jack- son last Friday after apsndtng u tew daya here with reladvsa.

Mra. Glsnn Fosrch at Lanalng comes today to spaad aeveral days' with Mr. aad Mrs. D. Mead.

Lao Seln at Chlcaco tomes the lat­ter part of the weak to visit st the borne ot Miss Ruth Boad.

Mrs. H. E. WalbrldRe weat to De­troit Momlay to spend several daya with her aoa. Harry Walbrldge.

John Kelley of Mason was a Sun­day guest of his daughter and hus­band. Mr. and Mrs. W. E Layoock.

Robert Armour returned borne last Saturday from a two weeks' trip through Mlsslsalppi. He left Monday tor Grand Raplda.

Dr. aad Mr*. Robert Henderson of Homer are vialtliiR at the home of hla parents. Mr. aad Mrs. William Hen­derson. this week.

Melvin Brooks, who took the phar­macy examination a few weeks ago in Grand Rapid*, recently received bis papers as a regtotered pharmacist.

A cent for every aval and a seal for every cent.

Mr*. Charles PVhr and children of Grayling came Monday to attend the funeral of Mr. PVhr's mother. Mr*. Henry Fehr. Mr Fehr came Satur­day.

Dormon Post and daughter, Mias Edna, of Oakley and Miss Florence of Jackson, spent Sunday with Mrs. Post who is recovering from an oper­ation at the Hart hospital.

Mr*. Charles^ Stickney and Mrs. j Frank TenTyck of Lansing; Dr. and ! Mrs. Eugene Mulder of Clare, and I Charles Letts of Cortland. New York, i were here last week to attend the fun­eral of William Mulder. Mr. Letts re­mained until Monday.

WIlHam I.<e«asw of Detroit was a i guest of Miss Kathryn Hart, a few j days the latter part of the week.

Myron Kelley, who hae been in Suth- | erland. Soak.. Can., past few months | Is on his way home. It la expected that | be will spend some time with bis fath- | er. William Kelley. In Chicago, before i he returns home

The Glenn Osgood group of the T. M. C. A. were entertained with their young lady friend* at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Wilcox, last Friday evening.


Rav. W. J. Hallsad. pastor. l*Tsachiag Sunday, ll:Pu a. m. a

Connell ronoM. St Jahas. Dsasmbsrt, Itlt.

At a spsclal maatlag at th* camaisnoonaell at th* City ot St. Johan, hsid OB the shove data. Mayor E Q. Jaf- tortas pvaaldtipff.

The Council was called to order st 7:W o'cloek p.

7.oa p. m. Sunday Sehool. Re- i powlsr. McConhey. Stoa*. Smith sadvival asrvlosa oonilnu* this week and .

BPiuiarAL iwnM,During th* noxt two Sunday* m

Advent th* Hov. C. E Bishop will preach oa what are esnuBoaiy oallsd the four laat ifalnga" via.: Death,

Judgmsat, Hasvsa aad Hall.Msrvleas nsat Sunday aa usual. Holy

oommmnlon at • p. m. Moralag pray­er and aenaou at lOtSO. Suad^ achooi, 11>46 a. m. Evsnlag prayer | ^ and sermon at 7 p. m.

■BTHOINIIT KPIMNIPAL NOTES.•We will have our usual ssnSesa on

Sunday with prsschlng both ihomlBg aad evening. We will also have a song service in connection with the evening worship.

The Woman's Bible Study Cloos. the Brotherhood service and the Bp- worth League sill all be held aa us­ual at 6 o'cloek.

Our regular Sunday school semlon at 12 o’clock.

Reeasmber on Thursday night pray­er meeting at 7:20.

CHRIHTIAN HCIENCE NOTES.Christian Science meeting every

Sunday evening at 7:00 o'cloek aad on Wednesday evsnlnga at 7:20 over Mill- man's Drug Store. All are welcome.

fVlBD OF THANHH~We wish to ex­tend our heartfelt thanks to our dear friends aad neighbors who have so kindly assisted us during the lllnees and death of our beloved wife and mother; and for the many beautiful flowers which brightened her Homeward Journey; ts Mr Mul­len tor hie words of sympathy and kindness; to the singers for their beautiful singing; we especially wish to thank Dr. Weller for hla kindneas and eympatby aad Mr. and Mrs. Hull for their thoughtful ser- vlcea.

pd Mr. aad Mra. A. L Chapman.James A. Chapoutn.Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Plowman.

WardAldsiman Ward, suppoftsd by Al-

denaaa Smith, offered the following:Ntoersaa. Wllllaai H. Mulder, aa Al-

dsfman at th* City at St Johns, was oa Wednesday, the 4th day of Ds- osmhsr. IflS, ealldd fNao this life to the life bsyowl

Thereforr be Is Resolved, by the Common Council of the City at 8L Johns. Michigan, st a spselal ossstlng duly oallsd sad held at the Council Rootna on Monday, th* Pth day of Os-

saber, lil2.That srs recognise la William H.

Mulder, those sdmtmhie qualities of the true and pntiiotlr public dtlssn, a man of moral excelleaes, strict In­tegrity. a true friend, a fond husband aad father, a highly esteemed sad exsaMdary dtlasn.

In hoBOT of his memory and hla high character aa a man, and the great loaa to our dty the bnrtame plaoss were closed dorlag the hours of the fnaeral service.

It Ip therefore flttlag that we expram the rmpect and eatoem la which our late follow townsman aad aasoetoto of the Common Oonaell la heM by the ooBsaiaBlty. aad tor the great sororw that has fallen so heavily upon his saddened household aad upon our city.

Resolved, ^rthsr. That the Council Booms of .the city be draped in mourn­ing for a period of SO days; aad be It further

Resolved. That the Common Coaa- dl extend to Mrs. Mulder and family Its heartfelt eympatby, aad that a copy of these resolution* be furnish­ed to her.

Heeolved, mirther. That a copy of these resolutloBs be furnished to the several newspapers tor publleatloa.

Resolved. Farther. That a copy of theae resolutions be filed with the clerk of mid city, and duly recorded and preserved am a part of the city’s recorta










L WILLSONMmt*a For Hmndqmtrtmra

- - - - '........................MICHIGAN

NEWS JOB DEPT. New, modem, up-to-date.

The SeasoB

for iflvlatf

Frooeotfi bolnii here*

we are Uivlag With eat Any Ohilgaiiea on |Tsar part, the |

Beet euad forHsaalBg yeur shess imaginable ’ it la made of Bessemer Belled ^Heeled Japanned. Just ask for one, and IT WILL BE GIVEN you tor AEftOLUTELT NOTHING.


Mac’sA S no WmKIiI of Good Slhoi

Kia^tom Aw«. i

Basement Stocks are Readypays to shop in

that paysthe Department no rent

The annual meeting of the Metbo- i diet Sunday School boanl was held j at the church Friday evening. The j officer* for the following year were j

j sleeted: Superintendent. Ray B. ;I Rirdaall; ftrst amistant, John Walker; {second assistant. A. T. Putnam; sec-j I retary. Florence Grangerr' tressurer. 1 'Robert l/se; pianist. Ruth Henderson; j cholrster. Bernice Hodge; librarian. R j W. Robotham and aaiatant librarian. J. Martin Arrangemenu for giving Ctariatma* presents were made by the board at this m^ing. The picnic sup­per for the schcml was planned to be given Christmas eve.

It will pay you to visit our Bargain Basement and see our stock of Toys, China Ware and useful articles used in every home. Our stock and price is worthy your consideration. Come and lot k it over and profit by prices we have marked the stock.

Election of ofllcer* of !*ythlan Sls- I ters last Thursday evening: M. E C.. ' Marlon R. Dodge; E. S., May Pntter- I son; E J., Maude Durkee; M. of T.. j Nellie Smith; M. of F.. Malle Janes;

M, of R and C.. Mary Clark; P. of T.. j Mrs. Marriott; O. G.. Sarah Atkinson; t C. of D. 8., Ida Danley; tnistee. Sophia Rmedley.

there before he rs- ,^aey.

C.. E Grisson Post G. A. R. held election of ofllcer* on Monday even­ing. which resulted as follows for of­ficers for 1912: Commander. George H. Sowle; 8. V. C.. Harvey D, Curtis; J. V. C.. James P. Mtnard; 8.. David U Raegls; C.. William M Lslaad; O. D.. John W. Rrodner; O. G.. Samuel Kin-

i our Xmas


NGT HI'CM MORi; TIMi:! IM»N*r DELAY!We will be able to flnlob all plctursa taken up to aad la-

cludiag Dec 20. In time tor Xmas.


You surely are going to aae Photos for Xsma. for there Is suthlDg elm- so acesplahiv and thwrm te no other wayy .4 tHi, ij.Ake stt many prss--at’ f t so llllle hraSi'?

IAPirr wtiKkiiA^^idfa' IK< t

■ I : . , romwrest S>ver br-• I. . bt'eit abl«* I*)

. *i:rb seUet nwoat• a- Make tour appstot-

i< i a osev

CM «

rAHP OF THANER-We wish to thank the many neighbor* and fiienda who so kindly assisted tie daring the lllnsm aad death of o«r bnabaad aad father, aad also for the floral offerings aad especially thanking Mr. Glllst. Mrs Glasple aad Mlos Jones tor tke bsastlful maslc.

Mrs. William MaMer.Fsaal* Mulder.William A. Mulder.

One asal for a penny, you'll take how awnyT

Redh tor the glow of tbs Chrlstmaa rhoer;

Whltoh tor tke pesos of the brand new year;

Greea'P for tbr brow, sol tor the hlerWho'll drop a penny Inetead of a tearTo lessen the list In the brand-new



at Chapman** Department



Hhsppen* ever Xmas


Della at ec, Iflr, Ite, flis, Ms,7M. $ijm op to IBM.

Dressed dsM* aad aadrssssdWEBMq

atssklast dells aad rhafaeter dells.

Dell heads at Idr, Ids. flir aad die.

PAirr—A NTon; or HeLLh

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StoreHill Hlmhera, Skate*, Toy F|.

BBSS, Gaas, Hems, Drams, DsU

C'avta, Wagsas, Mads, Tope,

O—oa. Basks, etc. Srerytkiag

to gladden the efeJMrsa** kearls. Dm*! miss seslag the rtsttrleal

See our window dkplay of Toys


Far a New Um*»r«iis.Hsinrs sslag a ..i> ii« talast

a saadl qnagilty nf mio tbshinge paniiffi of ib* Varnattm will aai sprv^d . aM spatl | Ih* savMlat. had prsvsaItvn BMIaai m*i Msihtrllss!ahaaM h* stoad mm tb -ir kandto* to dry IM* affaws th* ustav Is ran sat it thsai lasiami mt tats ihs part

Remember and be sure to visit our BARGAIN BASEMENT

GEO. H. CHAPMAN’SDepartment Store

St. Johns, Mich.


12. 1912.

Cniieti St. JohnsUnited Doctors

SpecialistsWill ke at tke

Steel HotelIhie Daj Only

Saturday, Dec. 14thHr». in A. S. te A r. ■.

■rmarhaMr Hmrtrn* ef TlN«r Tnieal. •>4 l*liyslelM» la thr Treatment

•f riimatr lUseasr*.


News Short Story t -a. _ - aJ ------ ----MJrnWmCWUM 3fDfy ^Cnmtplmtmii m Two PoHb


1t(l)ironick5^^difv^onP&e^ ^Di FiiTCttUiRoDiriiow

CshAidhcr m/h ^.CwmnJ^qy^f of /iatuH/




The rolled Ihoctors. licensed by the Hiate u( MIchlaau for the treatment of deformanltles and all nenrnus and chronic diseases of men, women and children, offer to all who rail on this visit, ronsullaUon, examluallou and advice free, maklna no chanie what ever except the actual cost of Ireat- lurnt for the purpose of proving that they have at last discovered a sys- teiu and method of treatmenu that are reasonably sure and certain In their results.

Th- io iKJctors are amonc America's leading stomach and nerve specialists. HUd tre ex|>**ns In the treatment of cltrnnlc dis4‘ases of the blood, liver, atoniarb, Intestines, skin, nerves, heart, spleen, kidneys or bladder, rheumatism, sciatica, diabetes, bed* vettlua. lea ulcers, weak lunics and those afflicted with Iona standlna. di-ep -eatetl rhmnlc diseasca, that have baffltd the skill of other physi­cians. should not fall to call.

.Kc' (irdlna to their s>-stem no more o; eratlons for appendicitis. call alon> T. tumors, aolter, piles, etc. lly their ':.<*th<wl piles uncomplicated are cured without operation or hypoder­mic injection In cases accepi»«d for treatment. They were anuniR the first In America to earn the name of •'Illoodleas rtunceona.” by dolnic away %%lth the knife, with bIoo<l and with IMin In the auoceasful treatment of these danxerous diseases.

If you hav«- kidney or bladder trou- l)i«*s brinir .i two ounce bottle of your urine for chemical analysis and ml- iTosi'oplc examination.

Deafness has often been cure<l In nixtv days.

Wornout and rundown men or wom­en. no matter what your ailment may lie. no matter what you hax'e lieen told, or the experience you have had with other physicians, settle It for­ever in your mind. If your esse is In­curable they will tell you so. Consult thorn upon this visit. It costs you tiothinit

Remember this free offer Is for this visit only.

Married Isdies must come with their hu:'"-.\nd8 and minors with their luir- oats. (17-2w)


Slow Sulclds.“The entirely aelf-centered tnan Is

•Iwrmys s man slowly kllllnx himself . . . ftachelors do not usually livemm Iona aa married men; yet no ob- •errer of the world would maintain that bachelors really take less care «f themselves. No. they are always taklofc rare of themselves, and it Is the care that shortens their lives "— i “In Cotton Wool,” by W. R. Maxwell.

To Make Tires of Paper.Experiments have recently been

■lade In Europe looklnx to the utilisa­tion of paper In the manufacture of pneumatic tires, tests recently made bavlait convinced the experimenters that paper has the strenptb of metal, the elasticity of rubber, and a cheap- neas that Is to be found In neither of these materials; all Important qnal-, ttloa.

The Hserrl Terrer,The baunllBK fear of sickneaa and

halplsaaneaa is the secret terror of the worfclnx man. Health Is bis capi­tal. Kidney diaeases sap a roan's atrensth sad vitality. They leaaen Ills eamlOR capacity. 1^)ley Kidney 1*1118 brlnit back health and strenuth by bealinir the dtsease. They are the heat medicine msde for kidney sad bladder troubles. The xenuine are In the ysllow packaxe. Rsfuae any sub­stitute. VanSickle A Qlaaple.


jyAOST erevybody reads te add. la tats paper. Thsr


Wiitli't wlf« goft Imt Imi.



■auBTPD m

124 w&mr r* 11^!!?

Hendry, my eervaat, saw to It that I should BOt fonret Inspector Addiax- ton Peace. Shortly after tbs advsn- ture which I have already narrated. I left London for a round of country visits. And If a paraxraph coarsm- tnx that eminent detective chanced to appear In a newapapsr, the sub­stance of It was brouxht to me witb my shavlBX-'vster In the momtnx-

*T see 'e 'as bln up to 'is xames sxaln. sir,” was Hendry's usual over turs. "My word, but 'e's a sly one,« by all accounts,'' was the customary conclusion.

I believe that Hendry often gained considerable notoriety In the serv­ants' ball by a boasted friendship with Peace. To this I sttiibute the fact of his being consulted by Mr. Hsavttree's butler on the occasion of the burglary that took place while I wraa staying nt Crandon. Hendry'i ludicrous flssco. which nearly result ed In s Isw-sult for false Imprison ment, need not be narrated here, though It was considered a remark­ably good Joke against me at tb« ttmu.

Towards the end of December I re turned to I.ondon for a few days and on the third night after my sr rival I decided to visit the inspector. Hendry bad discovered that be was a bachelor, and lived In two littls rooms on the third floor. The floors that separated us were let out sa ofltces, so that Peace at the top and I at the bottom had the old bouse to ourselves after seven o'clock.

The little man was at home, and seemed pleased to see me. With hli spsrrow-llke sglHty he hopped about, producing glasses and a bottle oi whisky. Finally, with our pipes Is full blast, we sat facing each othet across the Are. and soon dropped Into a conversation which to me. at least, was of unusual Interest. A very curious knowledge of I..ondoi) and Its peoples bad Inspector Adding ton Peace.

An hour quickly slipped by, and when I rose to go I asked him U hs would dine with me on my returt from Cloudsham In Norfolk, where I was spending Phristmas. He would be pleased, he told me; and then, m he stooped to light a spill In tbs coals—

“Ton stay with Raron Steen, I sop poaa?” ha asked.

"Tea.”“And why?“"Why?” I aeboad In some svr

prise."You have ralatlves or othai

fiiaads?”“My naaraat ralativa to a so«r oM

unela In Bradford, who calls me bard namas for using tha gifts Providaace gava am Instesul of adding ap flgaras In a smoky ofltoa. As for fiiaads wall. I am a fairly rich num, laapac tor, and. as sack, hava many fiiaada. What to tbers against Banm 81880?"

“Oh, Bothiag.“ ha aald, pulBag al hto plpa, ao that ha spoka as from a cload, mtotlly.

*T kaow that ka baa plajrad a bald gams on tha stock axehaaga." I eon ' ttaoad, "sad thars may ba a faw oat wluad ftaaaclars growling al hto haste. Bat It would ba bard to Sad a mora thoughtful boot. Tan. I am ga tag to Cloadaham tomorrow.”

Wa shook hands wanaly oa part­ing. sad as 1 dsacaadad tha stairs ba toaat ovar tha rail. smIUag dowa upoii Bsa.

“liamambar your dtanar aagaga maat.” I callad up to him. *T ahaU saa you aftar tha Now Tsar.**

Tao. if not batova,*' ha said; sad 1. ssaamd to catah tha fhlat aaho of s' laugh as 1 toraad tbs coraar.

It wan oa tha aftaraooB of Daoom-' 14 that I stappad from tha trala at tha littla statloa of Cloudsham. Frsah snow had fsllsa. sad tha wtad casaa blttarty ovar tha frosaa lavate of tha faa eouatry. A dtstaat eleah was strfkiag four as ths oarrtegs paassd lato tha eras tad aatraaas galas sad tttggod up a rtatag alopa of park laad dottad with raggod oahs sad stona- bewad spiaalaa. whtoh showsd as blaak stalaa upoa Its aaow-alad ua-! dutetloao At tha oaauatt tha road boat sharply, sad I saw hsiow laa tha oM Bwaor of Cloadaham. bopoad i which—a aomhar pteia, loslag Itsair ta tha evaatag oMsia that swathad tha burlsou strstehad tha roatlooo wataru of tha North saa.

Tha hnass lay In a braad dapras atea. ta shapa aa ths hallow of a hsad. aava caly oa tha saa ward alda, whava tha ttaa of clHT Mt lato R llha tha grip of a glaafs taath. Tha gray fmat loohad up. acruua a slops of grass toad, to a ssuM-ctrsto of forost that sfwapt away la dark shadings of ■r aad oah. From tha toag ohkiag gf »a main bandfags wasa thrasl

teda hr h ehapAWfmm tha bash of tha haaaa to ths

sips of tha ssa sMto a dtstoasa al

gardsas oa slthar haad.A dossn man swaapiag tha paths

sad a talsgraph boy oa a pony monat- tag tha bill towards me showed aa blaak plgmlss against tha drifts of saow.

My bacbalor boat was aboaat whoa I was usbarad Into tha grant caatral ball where tha house party ware mat togatbar for tbalr taa. I am by na­ture shy of atrmagers, taken ta large doeas. and it was with rallaf that I recognlaad Jack Talman. the grixslad cynic of an Acadamician. sitting In s comsr sost xraR out of rsash of draughts and female coaversatloa.

"Hello. Phillips." he welcomed me “And what financial gala brings you hsra?“

“U’hat do you msan?““Don't put OB frills witb ma. Pva

coma to paint old Steen's picture, if ha will give ma the fifteen hundred that I'm ashing for tt. Lord Tommy Retford yonder Is here to unload some of hto old furniture—you know Tommy's rooms tn Ptccadllly, don't you? Fumtabad by a dealer In Rond straat. and 26 par cant, rommisalon to Tommy oa'avarytblng be can sell out of them. That’s Mrs Talbot Hlingsly talking to him. Pretty woman, got Into trouble tn New York, was cat by all Amaiica. sad csptursd Sllngsly aad London society at one blow. Scandal never does cross the Atlantic somehow—all the dirty linen gets washed In the herring-pond. That's old I./>rd Blanc by the Are; vary re- speetalRe, sad lends money on the sly. 'Private gentleman will make advancae oa note of hand'—you know. Fine woman. Mrs. Rllly Blades—that's she oa tha sofa. She's been making dssparata love to Staan. but no go. The gay old dog's too clever for bar. That long chap’s bar husband. Watch him prowling round, looking to saa If ba can pouch s sliver ashtray or soasstblng. I sxpect Ry Jove, Phil­lips. bat It's as good as a ptoy. ain'titr

“And this to London society?" I ax- etolraad.

"No." ha cackled, shaking with vast amassment. "No. man; no. It's tha Smart Bat. that advertlaad. ertUctsad. glorious, needy brigade of rogues aad vagabonds—the Smart Sat. Blaas 'em all, say I; tbay’ra the bast of company, but It's as wall to lock up your valuables before you be­come too Intimate with them "

I flnlahad off my taa while old Tal­man sucked St bis clgaratta In grsat sntsrtaloment

"You'd Ilka to saa tha hones." ba commenead again "Coaw along. HI show you round—I want a walk be­fore dinner."

It was a moat Intaraotlng ramble. Wa paaaad from room to room admir tng the carved oak. the splendid p4c- tnraa. the Bharaton fumltara^ tha eablnata of old china, tha armonr. and tha tapestry. For the manor was flllad with the betrlooiBa of the da Lauaas. from whom Baron Btaao rooted tt. Aad though the praoant poor, a brohso-down old draahard, was livtag la a littla vitto at Bast-' boaraa oo eight huadrad pounds a ysor. tha tossUy had baoo a grant aad gtotioas ooa. ttadlag maatloo oo mooy n poga ta Bagltoh htotory.

At tha aod of the grant dinlag-room, Mt in thn btoahanh wnianaot nbeva thn Bra. was tha portrait of n boy. It wan n Baynolito, nad n worthy aCOrt i of that msatsr haad. Tim lad could ^ hava baoa ao mora tbao flftoao yanrs' of ags. bat la hto ayes wm that gfav» distraetad aipraesloB that aoaally comm with tha pstafPl wto- dom of lator years. la mora doaaly saaisinlag tha pictnra. I aotlaad that n torgn portion of It nt tha bottom Tight haad eorasr had baao rn- patrnd or pnlatnd oat. I called Tnl- ^ maa'o nttMttaa to thto mtofortaaa.

"Thay pnlatod oat tha wotf," hoaald. "aad with good saoagh roaooa.toa*

"A woirr* I oaM."V old do Laaaa warn to hoar

aa goasiplag about It ha^d htah an oat of ths ptosa hs would, by Joaal Bat with Btoon ta posssssloa ITS sals saoagh Mlad yoa. thoagh. yaa maota*t awntloa It to ths ladtoo —oa yoar word, bow.”

-Tm, fmr I said sagsrty; "p> oa.”"Bash tbtags frlghton the womsa."

ha SBpiatasd. "WaU. It wm la thto wap. Phnitp. Md hs WM tha sixth' sari. WM oar smhsssader at Bt. Fshsrohaiv somswhsrs ahMt tho yaar ITM. Obm whsa ha wm oat haatiag ho shot m oM shs wolf that' WM pMrtag from tho moath of a Moa. aad laaMo thoy foaad a thrtv- tag faadly of faar eaha. Oaa of thorn WM whito, m alhlao. I soopMt. | Ho Mvod tt from tho dogs swd tooh It homo WhM hs oaoBs hack to Cloadobam tha aast yaar. ha hraaght It aloag with hto wfis aad hte hop— M oaly ooa. Thsp say tt wm a' great pot at Brat, hat It grow oolhy wNh ago^ aad Baally wm bapt shalaod la tha atabtoa

"Oaa rbrtotama ava. )aal m dash WM etosiag la. ds Imaaa xsm trot-

tha iaa. AB si a sadisi bis hsrM palled ap daad. threw him. sod bott- ad. WhM ba got to hto foot—ba wumT hart, laeklly—what did ha bm hat tha body of bis son. lytag with hto throat tore oat. aad tha white wolf otaadtng ovar him, tha btohoa chain daagiiag at Its aaak.

"They say ha wm a stoat, this Philip da Laaaa. aad of a vary wild aad paMloaata tamper. Aayway, ha waat straight for tha hoMt. aad. though ha wm dreadfully mauled, ha killed It—Haavan kaowa bow—with his bare hands. That's why tha proa- Mt braacb of the family caaw by tha place. Pretty grawaoma. ImTItr

"A straaga story." I told him; "bat why mMt tt hr kept a sserat from ths todies r

"Baeausa the beast walks, man. Thora's not a laborer In Norfolk who would go Into tha lower gardens on any night of the year, much Ism oa Christmas eve "

"My good Tsiman. do you mean to say you believe tbisr

T don't know—but I wouldn't go Into the lower gardsas tonight. If I cotlld walk round. Think of ft. Phillips, the white shape with the bloody Jaws lurking In the shadows! Ugh—let's go and get a cocktail be-

. fore—”1 “I beg your patMon. sir, but the

baron ts looking for you."He xras a tall, hatchet-faced fellow,

with that mixture of respect aad dig­nity that marks the wall-trained Brit­ish manservant Upon tha soft pile of the rugs era bad not hoard bis footsteps.

"He sskad me to find you. str." be continued, sddreesing himself to me with a slight bow. “Ha Is waiting In his room ”

As ha preeadad us tbithar, Talman whispered that Henderson—meaning thereby nor conductor—was Steen’s valet, and s very clever fallow by all accounts.

The baron, fat. higfa-colorad and hearty, welcomed me with an open sincerity of pleasure well calculated to place s guest at hla ease. A re­markable old boy was Baron Steen. He always seemed to carry with him a Jovial atmosphere of hla own. In which those to whom he spoke were lost and hllndad out of thair better Judgment. He was kind enough to pay me some compliments upon my water-color work Whatever else can ba brought against him, no one can deny that ba was s sound Judge of art.

Tha dinner passed plaaMntly enough that night, with free and xrlt- ty coovaraatlon. Onr bachelor boot WM In bis roost humorous mood.keeping tboM about him tn shouts of laughter. Fsclng him. at the ex­tremity of the long table, was bis secretary, a thin, melancholy youth of about four-snd-twenty. My fair neighbor told me that Tarry, as ha was named, had been Intended for the church, hut that bis father, having ruined himself on tha stock ex­change. had persuaded the baron to give him work. He was devoted to bis patron, which, she smiled, was not surprising, seeing that he must be wall on his way to rebuilding the fortune his father bad loot.

I am not an ardent gambler, and whan I do play I admit a praforsoM for gsmas In which brains are « aoBM account. The roalaCto tabla ooon bored me. aad aftar 1 had saan tha tost of a faw pounds, I oontantad myaalf by watching the changing for- tuBM of tha root of ttaa party. Just before alavan the boroa. who had parted with coaaldarabla saam of money ta perfect good bamor, axcaaad htmaalf, oad bafora tha real had sat- tied down to tha tabla sBOln, I slipped away to mj badroom. whsM a oalac- tloa of novals aad a tavortto pipe of- torad mora coagMlsI attraatlOM.

The room wmm at eaaaMocabla staa aad ■Mjsstlsally furelahad. It wm oa tha Brut Boor at tha aatraoUty of tha light-haad wtag. aad laokad oat over tha gardens oa tha eUB. A breach road from tha main drive rna ha- aoalh tha xrladnaa to m MtreaM at tha baek of tha hoaM

Thay had steam beat oa tha upper floora, aad tha high tamparatars of my room had drawn stale aad hMvy odors from tha tapestry oa tha walls aad tha aartant baaglaM that frlagsd tha huBS foar-poat badotoad. It xreo tha atmoephara of m old olotbM temp oa a July dap. I paltod hash tha eortalaa. opaaod tha wtadow aad threat oat my band tor a nmathfai of fiaah atr.

It xrea a qotot. laooalaM alglit. lit by tha stars that bitahsd ta thatr thoaaaad coastaltotloM. Tboagti tha saow toy deep, the air streak mild­ly. ladaad. If It ware frooaiBC. H eoald not hava bsM by mora than two dsgrsea. UpM tha adM of tha dtaSMt eltflS rohM of coafasiag mtoC euHad ta valta m thto m asooallght: bat la tha toragrouad tha yaw walks aad atotos of aactoat taaral showed ilMtIi upon tha whito oarpot. AhMt tha caatral avaaaa of Bva whtob florvad the gsrdsM lato tha dark- noM lay tmpaaatrahla pools of shad­ow. As I waited, tha sIImm wm atartlad by a ball. It rang tha toar lusrtora la a Uaktlag aMaaara. tol- towad by slevaa moolaal atrehss. I kaaw that the aoaod meat cosM frem tha littla eharch that toy to an^ right; bat. tkoagh I toMt from my wladaw. tha aogla of the wtag ta which I waa, hM the batidlog from

soMfetoiHaslMt wBm I hoard N—a tolat aad dtotaal ory. yat a ory which wm arnwdsd with sooh terror that I eiaag to a ohalr with my whtta faea aad gaggMag ayM star- lag kaak at ma from tha atorror am tha tabla Agate H soaadod, aad agate; thM sllsaes fall llha tha shat­ter of a namars. 1 rasksd ta tha wtadow, paartag oat lato tha alght. ;

Tha gTMt gardsM lay slaaptag ia ' the dMky shadows. Thera wm aoth- :iig to ba beard; aotbiag oMwod save ! tha carHag wrMtha of mlal that oasM croapteg up ovar tha citfls llha the ghoata of drowned sallormsa from! thair burial sands bslow. Ooald tt bava bsM soais trick of tha ImsgiM tlim? Could It—aad ths saggssUoa ' which 1 dssplsod tbrest Itself upM | me could It bear rafareaoa to that, glim tragedy that bad bean playad : In tha old fir avaaua so amny ysars ago?

And thM I ftrst mw ths tblag that cams towards ms.

It xvM moving up a narrow path, hedged with yaw. that lad from tho j gardens aad passsd to ths right of | tba wing la which I stood The yaw | bad baao clipped Into walls some flvs | fast high, but ths sastarn gales bad ' beaten out gaps aad ragged Indanta-; tions In the Hoes of grasnery, so that i In my sideways view of It tbs patb Itself xras bare and there axpooad. j It was through one of these brssebss In the walls that I noticed a sign of ; movement. I waited, straining my i eyas. Yes, there It showed again, a j something, moving swiftly towards ' the hooM wltli a cluoMy rolling | stride.

It was never nearer to me than j fifty yards, and the stars gave a shifty light. Yet tt left me with an IropreMlon that It wm about four feet In height and of a dull white color. I remember that Its body eoa- trasted plainly with tba dark badgoa. but malted into uncartatety against a patch of snow. Once It stopped and half raised Itself on Its bind lags sa If listening. Then again tt tumbled forward in Its shambling, ungainly fashion—now hidden by the yew wall, now thrust Into momentary sight by a ragged gap until It disappeared round the angle of tha house. Doubt­less It would turn to tba left, round the old chapel, across tba snow-bound : park, and so to the woods—wbara a > wolf should ba!

I was still staring from the win-1 dow In the blank faar of tbe unknown., when I beard the swift tap of feat upon the road beneath ma. Round the mraer of the wing came a man. ' rtinnlng with a patter of little stridaa. ' while a dosen yards behind him were s pair of leas active followers. What they wanted I did not consider; for St that moment the tight of my own kind waa Joy enough for me. The electric lamps In tba room behind me threw a broad golden patch upontba snow, and as tba leader rsaebad It ha stopped, gianring up at wbara I stood. The light struck him fairly in tbe face. It was Addington Fsaca!

"Did you bear that cry?” ha panted; and then, with a sudden nod of rarog- nltion; “t saa who tt to. Mr. Phllllpa —wali. and did you hoar It?"

“It came from over thara—In tha flr avenue." said I. pointing uritb a trembling Anger. "I don't understand it. inspector: I don't Indeed. There was something that caaM up that yaw walk behind you about a minute afterwards. I should have thought It would have passed you."

"No, I saw nothing. What wm It llker

"A aort of a dog." I staauaarad; for uadar hto steady aye I had not narva enough to tall him of my pri­vate tmagtateM

"A dog—that’s coTloM. Are all tha rant of you tn bad?"

*no; tbayre gambltag.”"Vary good. I sm thara tv a door

at tha baek there. Will yoa eoasa down aad lot me ta. aftar Fre had a look arouad tha gardoM?**

"Oartalnly.”"If you BMSt nay of yoar friMda.

you naad aot roaattoa that I hava ar­rived. Do you uadarataad?"

I Boddod. aad ha hoBpad away aeroM tha lawn with hla two aom- paalOM at hto haate.

I slipped oa aa ovareoat aad made my way qain>7 down tha atalre From tha roatotta-room. m I paaaad It. came tha ehlak of moaay aad tha murmur of marry votcM. They xroaM aot disturb m. that wm eartata. I rMckad tha pardea doors ta tha dha- tar of tha main buHdlag. taraad tha hay* had walbad oat lato tha gloom of a great sgaare poreh.

As I hava aald. tha tsmparatare wm searealy below frssatag Mtet. aad If I shtvarad ta my far-llaad overcoat tt WM more from axcllaaMat tbaa nay grant ebtll la tha atr. Fhr a gaad twenty mteotM I waltod ItotMtag aad peering Into tha nIghL It wm aat a plaaaaat ttaM. tor ory miwm ware Jaaglad. aad I ssarehad tha ahadowa with ttmoroM ayM. half toartag. half sxpactlag. llaavaa kaowa what hidw OM appavltloa. Tt wm with a start which aat my haart thamptog that I saw Fmm tare tha eonur of tha

Uvad m Vaasa la Om Hmmmm.Mrs. WtUtoam. widaw of tha Bm^

Baaraal WlOlama. pMtor of tha Cam gregitteaai ehareh to the vtlteBs af Crlppiaatyla tor torty yaara. hM dtod ta tha hoasa ta srhtah ihm um bora aad had llvad aU at bar alghty-skg yoars. Daring thto toag period she had not slapt away from tho hooM more thaa ahMt tex Ctre DaUy MalL



And Barrowtno tiwpeaaibis.Life to short, art to long, opportm

nlty faglUva, sxparlasaatlag ilsngsr OM. raaMBlag dltoealt.—Ulppocrataa.

^ : .'i r


!■ ■■■JllJL "LJ.l

LYCOMING RUBBERS 's Dack LuBaberman’s Ovar

RoBad Edge with 1 .anther Top AttachedAn ktoal Mm to be morn over a heavy woolen sock, made of tbe fiaesc stock eupac- tolly coastructad by ruaatag the gum through the rslrndrrs with the duck thus

flUiag up ths mtshss. giviaa great strength. The top of the bast kaanaroo mthcr with nickd eytots

ASK FOR LYCOMING'SIf your dsster does not cany them write us and will give you the name of a daslsr who cams

thsm in yoar locality.

an2E.iiuKaTM saoc cs.

VOU’LL NOT m STlNfiIf you buy Our Coal

Unlesd It Be By The Stinging Heat

And That’s a Pretty Good ThingTO OFFSET THE

Stinging Cold of Winter Weather!

John F. Parr‘^THE COAL MAN.”

There iseoawoecxxxxxyxxxxxxjujijijuioeeBiaasaBLjo

but what the old reliable houses are the places to'^pur- chase ^oods. Consult

C. J. SowleThe Granite Man.

before purchasing a monument for your lot.

SL JoIuib, Midi.



down tha drive towards are. WM soasathlag ta hto aapast tl a story of ralamHy.

"What to Itr* 1 aabad Mm

I tool that tha story wi now to tall Bwy smU tare oh}oat tor ridlaale I easerlha that whtoh I mw;

at whtoh 1 ar

by tha


m lato M a only da-M tor that


To right aad toft of tha aa atoaa faaax laarafl apoa mamrWght

"This thing yaa oan a yaa SM N M far M thtot"

"No; tha oMte of tha vaatod am"

"Taa saw It paM la tBteAre yam eartata tt dM aal go hank t) way R same?”

"Tm- I am qaltg.jang^ "Fart Two roattaaad Next Waak.

TRY NEWS JOB DEPT, for op-to^fotc work.

Users ofG(Jden Rule Flourdon't have SPOILED BAKING on account of the flour. It’s rolled finer, it’s smoother ^nd More even in Quality.

The grain is cleaned better before it goes to the rolls. So ever>’ time you buy a sack of Golden Rule Flour you get a Bettw Value for your money than you do in buying a sack of any other flour mmde. Just try a sack and aee.

Insist upon your grocer that you will have nothing else. For sale by all grocers. Manufactured by

Fowler Roler MiflsW« ******* al gradaB of aoft eonl, pgsoas raBooMn






Laii9tNS---At a a««(ias of tla pttb> lie (tcMoala cumalttoo a wlintmum of IS par acre waa Aaot*. It waa the opinion of all tbo mambara of tba com mlaaloc asoapt Auditor Gaaaral Fullar that a almllar mltnlmum prlca should bt> placed on other state lands oirrred for sale. Such a reaolutkNi was out adopted barauaa l.aihd Commlsaloner Huntley Rusnell waa not present. The present mlmlmuni price la It per acre and was recently ralsMl frcNn $1 per acre.

The reaolutlon will probably be passed in the near fuure, as Beers* tary Carmen, who proposed the reso­lution. will take the office aa land commissioner. Jan 1.

To Heeli Petrslsnm.The .Northern Dsvelopstnent compa­

ny of Bay City held a conference with the commission and concluded negoti­ations for state lands In several north­ern counties where the devetopement company sranta to bore for oil.

Saginaw. Bay, Montmorency. Otsego, Cheboygan and Crawford are the coun­ties to bs upped. The promoters be­lieve that petrolsoni will be found In paying quantities.

Coder the arrangement made the sute will receive 12 per cent of the gross earnings for the first three y«wrs and in suceedlng years the sUte may receive as high as 2& per cent. The sute will also receive a royalty of 10 per cent on all coal mined by the company.

Drives Off a Terror.The chief executioner of death In

the winter and spring months la pneu­monia. lU advance agenu are colds and grip. In any attack by one of these maladies no time should be lost In taking the beet medicine obulnable to drive It off. Countless thousands have found this to be I>r. King’s New Discovery. “My husband believes It has kept him from having pneumonU three or four times.” writes Mrs. George W. Place. Rawsonville, Vt.. “and for coughs, colds and croup we have never found lu equal.*' (luaran* teed for all bronchial affections. Price M cents and $1.00. VanBIckle it Glaspie and Travis A Bbiley.

Just Look What’s Here For You!Many useful Christmas Gifts to be found at our store. We make a few suggestions just to make Xmas shopping easier.Presents iar Dad, Mother, Brother, Sbter, Sweetheart, Friend:

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ WKHT AHHI.EY. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Miss I la Whiuker Is spending sev­eral w<>«‘ks with Mr snd Mrs Krma }ln\>‘e. In Corunna.

Mr .'ind Mrs. John llalterman of near Bannister apent Sunday with Mr. and -Mrs John Kirby.

Mrs Prank Bratton of Bh*'i»henl spent several days last week with her daughter. Mrs. Adson De.Mott. ntiar IVvnipeh.

Mr. and Mrs. John Trimble were In 8t liouls on business last week.

Mrs. Mary Jenne. who has l>een spending several weeks with her sla­ter. .Mrs. Guy Gray, returned home Baturday.

Mrs. Knoch I.<ockwood. who has liv­ed In Washington Township. Gmtiot county, for many years, passed away at her home In Ashley, where they had lived about two years. Ptinernl was held In Ashley .Monday. Inter­ment in the hhireka cemetery.

Mr and .Mrs Burt lamdii- of Ash­ley s|)enT Thanksgiving with .Mrs l^andle's parents. Mr and .Mrs. Thtd ADis|>oker.

r A BmiUi of Nekeosa. last week to spend the winterth his daughter. Mm. Ren Gillmae

Mr. and Mm. Ben Glllman and family st>ent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mm Mettles in North Blar.

Mrs Jnsle Gmy of Marlon Springs spent Baturday night and Bunday with her tmither, Mrs. J. Helnlen

Mr and Mm. Lsn Oskley of near Ola spent Thankaglvliig with their daughter. Mm. Vernon Cook.

.Mlaa Rmina Hsrp spent Baturday and Bunday with her parents. Mr. and Mm Jack Harp

Mrs John Kirby, who has been very sick with rheumatism the past few weeks I* 1 little better St this writing

Mm lietn. Webster of Bsginaw Is spending sevemi days with her bm. ther, John Khlnea.

Donald Grsy visited at F. Helnlen'a Tuesday and Wednesday.

The Washington Center Farmem’ Club win meet at Falrvlew with Mr. and Mm O. Coleman Thursday. Dec. 12.






ETerything in **Reed’d** Tur­quoise Enameled Ware,

Finest made. SPAULDING & CO. Silver Knives, Forks, Tea­spoons, Table and Desert

Spoons, Manicure Sets


l>«; l> IHM'ltH.

SHOT BY HOLODPSk.l/t»0 «.\> tl\Y Bit: RKHI’LT


J. L. Dllta la able to be out again.


Alma -A new rerovrl was establish- evl for quick service by the I>etroii Trust company, reewlvem for the (*on- solidstiHl IJght and Power company, laet week when In less than 24 h«Mirv after re< eivlng the contract for light- ln»r the city the company had the 'iahts gotng.

Th • bids w. re c; . i.,-«l at the me«-t- Ing of <-oiinciI ami the company was given 4H hours In which to In-gln light­ing the city The boiilerard ayatem of lighting hs«l hem Installed, ready for the c rrent. ami the company linme- dlately got busy" and In less than 24 hours fmtn the time It received the ■ iinimct Its e|e«-tTlcy waa lighting tin- city

The new smtem extends from the railroad crossing on Superior sttmt to the Superior street bridge and thence sotith to the Pnlon depot, covering the buflness section of the city

The conduit system Is used and all The telephone and light uoles will be removed and the wires laid before the first of the venr.

With u mile and a half of paving, which has been laid during the past summer. Alma will soon have a main street iineqiialed by any city of Its sire In the state

Kalaisazoo Following Stove Tout. I Irk, ognl 40, from .i aaloon whsr*- he bad flashed a rtdl of bllla when ke paid fPr a drink, two unknown men al- tetnpted to b«>ld him tiivia the Uawt Avenue bridge, and In the fight tbHi follcrwe«l Tnmick waa shot in the Uirck his wound may itause death

Juat as Tomirk started to err>ss thi I bridge, one of the men Jumped around In front of him and flashed a revolver In hIs face, at the same time demand­ing his money. Tonitek. InstMul giv­ing up his rash, struck at the hold-up

I man Gne shot was fired and missed f T<milck.

Turning. Tomick siartsvl to mn and u« he did so hour more skota wwr>- fir- •tl. the laat one hitting trim In the light side Juwt above the hip When Tomick fell, the two huMiip men fled aernss the bridge The wniiTtded man was hurried to Burgess hospital.

They Always Help KMerly Fespl**.Foley Kidney IMIls give Just the

help elderly people need to aene and strengthen their kidneys and bladder

I and romilale their action. Jahn Mc- ' Masters. Btresttor, III., says; “I feel better and stronger than I have for many years, and Foley Kidney l*1lls did It." Vanfllrkle (llnapte

Travelled i4().,()oo Miles andNever Been Out of Michigan

Many growing gifU in tchool or business arc fraii—delicate— anemic — lack energ;)' and am­bition and have thin blood. It is all unnatural and unless checked leads to scrttHis and chronic ills.

Nouri -hmcni. not drugs, is the law rcavin tf> luiild strength — when jp|->ctttf is poor ami digestion, ordinary bwais d' n*’t nMi? h then SCOTT'S EMUtSJON IS III <


.. :! lu ut lii rt lU' i tnak-r

i i ^ tfj

Olivet Dad lllanehard. Olivet’s vet- eraa and well knovm bus driver of seventy odd years, has never gone out of Mtchigan, but he Is completing the last stages of a Journey equal to a dis­tance of nearly ala times around the sen rid.

For Just forty-seven years lllan- rhard baa mounted a hack two times each day and driven frtwn Olivet to the Grand Trunk station, a distance of two and one-half miles. He makes two round irtpa each day and makes the trip 3*5 days In the year In one year he rovers a distance of 3.UM miles. In his forty-seven yesra of chaffeiirlag anything from a sea­going hark t«» thr latest style roupe Dad has ridden ]4A,OOo miles.

The bus driver Is seventy-two years old. but cx|,ect« to gt» over thr drpot mad many more before he passrs out of fcrvlci He Is a lieallh). robust old man

. tuird w{.s b<>m near Olivet aiid ii"ve,i into th* rolict town In fkg*- lie netjt Immediatc’y |nt«« th-^ Bv»•r^ I.::-.!!;- -- aDd *hc followIng v«uir wh*n

- Mr .t _ Iwiid »».ttSl«t' t;«■ i :i'?. ,,i- first trip to m* b.tram- 1 - u iss<'>l a '.i*slur*- that tit t^nd «>n many orosatons hr has made «e»eral trips daily to th-- <;rasd Trunk.

bard says that thrrr are msnv reasons why thr rsllrr»sd did not enter Olivet

Thera wers several men tntersstsd In the rolisffa w1m> were afraM that

the boys would Isnve their work to ride on the trains snd they feared that the dlsturbanr«> created by the loromotlvaa would detract the stu­dents from their stndles.” save Dad. "No effort waa made to get the com­pany to lay the rails thmugh the vil­lage and the shorter cut to Hellvur waa tskan."

As a result of this oversight, the de­velopment of the cnllege has been grently hampered. Today many stu­dent do not see s locomotive from th* time they enter colleg** in Beplemher until they go home at Chiistniss time For weeks at a time the shrill whls- tlaa of the Grand Trunk trains nev »r reach the ears of the vtllagers and If Is only on those days when tl; wind la In the tight direction that Olivet people can he certain that there are sw^ things as real rrains

Dad la a great friend of the tompk people in school and has noiubcr^-d nhiong them many firm friends. The • •Mer gra«l< iieji all knew him w- B :>nd without on th*- ssat **f In June lh*’y wosjPI d*»'iht that ti s s,-f« Bpiiln reluming to om-■

*' hen Bi.'tnchnrti can** to *MI»t‘t th*■ ir-ge boBfMSd ‘'f blit thr* • b l-'ir-.irs H* tttended th* ftr«t coi;> * ... . ;:-fni

of the college In liwi and

Mrs L. r .Skinner of South Kasea was the guest of Mrs t'lara Randolpli last week.

Dr U. D Hire attended the Inter­national Stork Show In Chicago hist W*-ek.

John Kltigeter, who has been work­ing In J. W .Smith s barber shnp the past year started for Texas last week Ills (mslrlon will be filled by K- Wil­lett of Alma.

Mra Bni llugkriburg ‘-da stroke of IMinilysIs last Thurwds.* lomlng

The Mlr-^-s Arvills Hr,, an and Hel­en Newton wrre In St Johns Butiirday.

Mies Mary Cnl** waa the gumt of her sister. Mi-- Mand Crook. Bumlay

Mrs. loiura WVanl. who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs Jss. FiBon. returned to her home In llsl- tle Creek the first of last wi>ek

Ora Farr of Hubbardston was the guest tff his parents, C. G Parr, and wife hist week

.Mrs Cora Monro*- of Ithaca Is visit­ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs Robert ; Crook, east of town.

JmiHw loimble erent to Grand 1*edge lest week to help care for his father srho Is very III

The kl. K. chuirh will hold a basaar In the Grange hall Baturday. Dec. 14. They will also serv** s chicken pie supper. A rodccfi and play entitled "BocUl Asplratlona" will be given by the Inland ladles at 7:30 p. m. Ad­mission to concert, 10 cents

1.*. C. Jones who has been alek for some llms* Is no bstter.

Bldney .Morrison was In lotnstng Iasi week

isennis Mrfiraw of Carson Cliy was the guest of .Mr and Mrs. C. A. Pettit last week.

Am Ahnmyn Smre

; J M. Roberta has purchased the farm of Janies lotmbie. 2 1-2 miles east and a half mile mirth of town.

GHITI AKY.Sarah A., the subject of this sketch,

the daughter of Cbas. and Hester Ann Bage, xraa bora near Buspenslon Bridge. Y.. Jan. IK. 1H43.

Her father died when she wss five years old. Her childhood and young wonianhooil were spent near Ransom- vllle. N. Y., where she was married to W H. Warren. Xov IT. 1K62.

Shortly after their marriage, they moved to Coutiland Co., near Court- land village when* her husband en- gage<l In lumberlag for a short time.

Frnm there they moved to St. Johns. Mich., in May living in or nearHt Johns until two years ago, when nt the death of her husband ahe went to live with her son. the Rev. A D. Warren, of Owosa<i, making that her home until her death which occurred Xov 27, 1912. at the home of her ilaugbter. Mrs Fred Kesby, of nintoo Co. where she was taken sick while on a visit.

Hers was s life of toll and hardship Incident to s pioneer’s life in the woods of Michigan

She was a woman of an active mind and her mind lost none of its vigor with age. She was a great reader aa<i a fine conversational 1st.

In principles she was highly Puri­tanic. converted In early life and be­lieving the Bible the only rule of life It was the guide of her youth and her staff and comfort In old age lu teachings shaped her character as a daughter, wife, mother and neighbor. Bhe lived the life of the righteous snd died as the righteous die. in hope of a glorious Inniiortallty, leaving four sons. F. M.. of t*ompeH. G. C. of BhepardsvHle, Rev. A. D., of Owosao. W. R.. of Detroit, two daugh­ters. Mrs J. r. Hugus, of Bt. Johns and Mrs. Fred Keaby of Ovid: fiftean graitdchlldren. one great grandchild, one own brother and one half broth­er. One daughter preceeded her to the other srorld aaceral years ago.

♦♦ GLNEY.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Kid. J. K. Albaugh attended meet­ing at Vesuburg Saturday and Bun­day.

Mrs. Ray French has been suffer­ing srlth neuralgia.

•Mias Matte Randall and brother. Clyde, spent Sunday with J, I*. Neff and family in Fairfield.

•Mrs. H. 1a- MVthcrbee found some_ knitting work In her yard recently.” The owner ran have It by proving their poiperty.

Mrs. Mabel Somers will entertain the Ladies Aid of the church of Christ of Chapin Dec. 19. All are Invited.

.Mrs. TTuman Armstrong waa In Owosao Friday on business.

Cbas. Albaugh and aon Leon went to .Mt. Clemens Saturdty to be with .Mrs. Albaugh who has been there for some time eating for her slater who has been ill.

Joe Holden waa in Owosao the mid­dle of the week looking for employ­ment.

Miss Mstie Randall fell down a flight of staira in her home Friday evening and was somewhat shaken up and bruiaad for a few days.

Straight Five Black Shield ^

For an appreciated Christmas'Present try a box ol specially prepared

Straight Five •* Black Shieldthe beat all round cigara in the etty.

HARD TO BEA TOur assortment of Pipes—Meerschum, Brier, Ambec.

Con StephanasSMOKE HOUSE.

Prow Tirfn TrnalaMMi Before Ton Pagr. Yamr DniiiMt Han A

Fran SMgpAe For Tim.DaokbefiighSMiedl Wo metier liowMi«-t>

gala awd psale your kidnejra aad Madder are ramlns yaa aow, here t« a wondertul thi rnaatilr selenUSc trealairnt ttwt will rtahS tha trowhir la iwsMy-laar hours.

Real Estate Transfers

that all thev did Wi«« sing w«r •H>ngs aiHl oral*' shout slavery.

Iilancham waa the prt>prla«ar of tbs first llverv exer eataMIshed In 01lv»t and Is Still at the head of lb*- onl> liv­ery bwatnana ht the coltege tvwn.

Thl« refnarkakle treeiraeni U kaowti •• Dr. I>»rtty‘s Kidaey litlr. >tr»tchi* tiup lame iMM'ks every item eed rtskt **g. Kxery men aart w*)n---i ea** prove n wm***i»t eosi. W<i meiier bow heuly ur *tr*|M>ad*-iit you feel el»«al your ca»«-. •* yrtu here berk HUM, hledder pelM, Itrtaar* dtaeete, dta- hete* ur rbeumstutn lu say lt>rm, iIa a<*4 worry an laMaaf longer. ce> t** y<*er drug-

K% rtabt n*>w end eel a parkags of Ur. rby** gKiney till* M eed M «>eal».

If you prefer HMiiive I'rcHd iirM.aak voar drwastsl for a free aaawde ■■ r Ssgi. ft be

rmut, we Will tf yea write msr.L'kSur

Marvin Rpkey fo Haiberf Ongpwell, ' w (to a ne M 31. Dtiplaln. II .oo

Halbert Cogswell to Martin Kpkey. n H ne t4 Her 22. ffisaex. $1.M.

I Rdwarxl J Jarvis to John M Hamit ton. Ix>ts 1, 2 and 3. Dl'k “B", Ovid $7011.00.

Julia A. Jenks to AugpaUt II <’-• ham. e \jcH» 0 and 7 and w ix ||i “A”. Btone’* Add. Ovid. $90:* SO

Nellie F Merrill to A*irusla If Or;* ham. IxB IK. ni-k 22. Ovid, fv.vnih

Geo n Knapp to Bam Cushman, H ft. n ami a by 40 ft, e sn«l w off er r*>; I.ait 4. lll’V 0. Ig>t nt'k C. exc 74 ft by 24H ft. off se eor.. Bath. $

I Noble 8 Psrmelee to John BoaT.t Ijai 1 and n ^ loof t. ear w Ik ft Ht. Johns,. $1.M.

Ann R laidwtck to Charlaa A I wick, n fioH acran nw ft*1 44. Ber <». Lahnnon, age H n in nw nor, oa

12. 1912.



XmasUlfl» UmU

•! aU.UrtsMMi tkr

■IIM.4?! HT<N»L IIH^ atovtk 91 la T«4aar ami tlJtt la Bartaa

Wkaihar yam tpamd iljM ar •IMt HI7LL*H STOBE will five jraa tka lw«t far tlw aMway

HaHI ttavr jaar iMrrkaaa aa* 111 ChiittaMa.

E. /. HullUndmrtaking

Fumiturm Rugs Carpmts

IB BEST tmsimMrs. B J. MUbam ml f aaaiag aalU ^

.id oa Mrs. B. J. Tuckar sad Mrs. a. ■Bari bt<oiu laat waak.

Mrs. Will Liaa of Laailnf risitad Mr. sad Mrs. J. W. Liaa. Satunlay.

Mias Wsualta Rockwall of Oliva Tts> itad Miaa Ktkal lleoit Bauirday aad sttaadad liaWlu (lrma«a

Panuia Brlak sad llttla dsaaktar.Oartruda. risitad hU slscar. Mrs. Thao..Nallar. laat waak Friday.

Mr. sad Mrs M. D. BaitUi vlaltad hla slscar, Mrs. Ma«ila Coteaa. la W.

I Jokas last waak.Tba M. E. Aid soelatr will laaat at

tba Oraaca kail Tkuradsy, Oacaaskar Iktk. for dlaaar.

' All naaibars of tka R j raauaaud to ka prsasat ' Battirdar p. 1^. li* KlaeUoa of oSoara.

Rav. aad Mrs. Q. T. Plskar attsadad tka fuaarai of hla brotkar, M. Flakar. la Laaalaa Boaday.

Mr. aad Mrs. H. N. Carpaatar aad Mr. sod Mrs. M. D. Baslth vloltad Mr. aad Mrs. BoMr Pratt, la

I Suaday,Mr. s«l Mrs. M. T. Woodruff sad

dauaktar raturaad home from tha West laat waak.

Tka Ctarlstouu luarkat dvan by tha Baptist Isdiaa will be hald at tha Uransp ball naxt Saturday p. m. and avfalnc. Chickan pla supper, 1& cants.

Tha followinc olHcars ware alactad last Saturday nitht at tba regular

i niaatliig of DaWItt Orange No. 45P:W. M., Jamas Rannay; W. O. IJaalal Kllwsngar: W. L., Mrs. Mabel Zaab;Btaward, Arthur Dsggat; A. Steward.,Paul Cuolaban: chap. Mrs. C. L. ! od and you your- Pearca.: trsws., O. B. DllU: O. ! ••WK.. Carl Oall; Sac.. Randolph Loranx; j was a bole la -ares, Maud Darareaux; Mors, Oar-1 my beautiful truda Oararaaux; Pomona. Hasal Fsr- liar; L. A. 8.. Gladys Stampfly; In­stalling oflirar, Mrs. Bstalla Dills.Tha oflicars will be lastallad at tha first meeting In January.

MB on along, Sandy: ni trsnt to dlnnar at tka MaCro;Ailltaa!**

Sandy, a tall girl wkn didn't look bar thirty

dng over a typawrittan aksat and for a mo*moot did not anawsr. Bob stood watching hor, tnklag In tka dkll-

____ oats Unas of har Cnooand tka boanty of tka

hair, which, whaa ha was d forgot that Sandy was a

.. ____.JT woman and hla “pal.** haN. ^I wm piaaoad to oall goldan

odl. Sandy. Tanll ha hank. I hara a ehaek aad lt*s C^iist* mas Bra. Pm for a traat. I ant—did yon hanr ma aak yon to go to tba Matropolltan? Ton taka It aa calmly an if I bad aakad yon to go around to

... OttoM lunch eouaUr. Dauea^ske It! 1 Why cant yon ha a llttla Mthualaa-

tier*Slowly tka gtii ralaod har hand.

More than a skaat of copy bad baan holding har attention. Dot she caught Hob’s frown and Immedlataly tha nsothar Instinct In har was aroused. She broke Into har usual comrmda laugh.

“All light. Bob Tha Invltatlmi orarwbalmad mo. 7*ha MatropoUtan? Hut I couldn't,Bobby dear. My shirtwaist Is soil-

XMAS-and the selecting of appropriate


Baptist >'atas.Mr Thompson's subject for tha oar-

tnon at tha Baptist church at DaWItt naxt Sunday morning will be “Tha

j Supreme Crisis in Life.** *rhls Is tha laat of tha sariea on “Crialsas In Life."

Baal Worth of Doing.Do not do soma good thing on pur>

gnoe that you may ba happy. Ton must do good for tha aaka of doing and, and not for tha aaka of tha Making back of happlaaaa.—H. W.

Had to Know tha Tfiha.*T nndarutand.** said tha Judge, “thud

you stola tha sratch of tha doctor who had Juat srrtttan a prescription for you at tka froa dlspanaary. What have ytm to any to this ekarga?* “Wall, your honor.” said tha prisonar, **1t is true, but I found my^f in n kola. His praacription ssUd a spoonfnl arary hour, and I had no wntok.**

CsoBt na ii while plauiss yssr

Xmas DinnerLet me furnish your table from my

large stock of staple and fancy groceries You need not want for anything if you trade with me. Try me with one order and see if you are not treated right.

D. C. LeBaronSuccefBor to Fred Bunday

\ ON TOPwith a swell Una of Special Goode for our

\V.\H TR.4DE,

Shoes - Shoes Shoes

For BigJFolks-Fcir Little Folks-For Children

House SfippersWhat nlear Xmaa gift thaa a

Btca pair of bouaa slippers?

WMa. anay, esmNftnhlt.Just tha thlag for tha long

winter aTanlngs.

Trwi SuppliesBxiuBsM far Xagm flifis and

hM wffl iMt n llfbAik la saa Mam.

Trunks - Soil Cases - Bagsla knwa n

Hulse Bros.

brawn oont.”"Oh. ooma

along! I warn only joking. —Ton'd ontahlna all tha woman at tha Matropolltan If you want thara In a khaki

I anlt. I wish yon j had a llttla more I vanity. Woman ! are awfuly tama whan they haven’t.”I ‘Toma. now. yrou know I'm vain of ! tha fact that I haven't any vanity.

Don't call ma tama. 1 won't go to tha Metropolitan with yon if you do. Bomakow I feel------ ’’

“FIddlaatleka! Oat on your hat. I'm going. Tha Idea of a nawapapar woman's feeling! Cat It ont!”

Tha Matropolltan sms filled wrfth tha "vulgar rich” In holiday atUra; bat Sandy and Bob ware happy In true bohemian style as they sat at thatr UtUe table chatting and Joking like two boys. Sandy never would play the woman—that was the oaly ohj^lon Hob bad to har.

*T say. Sandy. I bat you've no plans for tomorrow and I'm coming to taka yon out. I've a great plan. Put on that brown silk and i^y you're a woman for once.”

"Yes. a ssreet. young. eUnglng femi- j nine creature with my heart on my j sleeve! Twill be chassning. of oourua.I Do you really think I could play the part?”

"Slop joking. Sandy. You never ! I will take me seriously. You will go. j ! sron't you?” 'I “I'd like to please you. Bobby, but I ' ! really most be borne tomorrow. I j

have work that , must be done, aad | beeldee I have a feeling that I ought not to go."

“Peeling be darned! If you

had fewer 'feelings' and more feeling for a poor fel­low— What's the matter. Bandy?”

The girl had east a glance over the room and had grown sudffenlv

pale. She closed har eyaa fOr a mo­ment. Bob had caught the pallor.

“Oh. nothing. I had a little twinge of that old neuralgia

Thus the chasm was bridged and the dinner ended happily. If any­thing. Bandy eras gayer than usual.

FOR THIS EVENTwe are. offering tome of Ae chokett Xmat gifts




Badnced as Fallawstis&.oo values^ at_____ISftOO values, at .............. .........ttO.OO values, at ____________118.00 valuas. at .......................116.00 values, at.......................118.00 values, at.....................112.00 valuas. at___________$10.00 values, at____________

Ladies* A Misses*SUITS



Hcdnred as fallawsttS8.00 values, at____$25.06 values, at ____$20.00 valuas, at$18.00 values, at ...... .$15.00 values, at____$12JM> values, at ___


$ fijto

Ladies* A Misses*SKIRTS


ICeduuad as fallawsi$10.00 values, at___________ 9M,#0

$$..50 valuas, at________________ IMUMOO.oO'VaJuas, at________________ 97,aO$7.50 values, at________________ 91^$6.50 valuas. at____ _ _ ikaU$6.00 values, at________________ fikUO$5.00 valuas. at

Hand Bags— Neckwear— HantUiercluef \ Umbrellas—Our line of hand bags cov­

ers a range from a Karatoi at 5kr to a genuine seal goat

In the latest Robesplereeffects, faary bows, jabots.

A moat complete line from5 reuls te 9Ld9.

A beauUful folding umbrel­la. suit case slsc, at 91.59.

at A7J9. flasues, stocks. Windsor Uss.HPBf'IAL — Genuine all- fore-lu-banda. at 25 cents Plata hemmed, embroider- A complete line from 59

leather at 9L99l aad 59 cents. ed and lace trimased. rente te 95.99.

FURS A Complmte Line atKFib Reduction Silk Waists Masssliws aad Taffeta

93.75 Vaiaa at 93.25 9BXM> Valwa at 94.25

Gloves A Mittens-We are excluaive agents for the

CK.vri-:MeRI Olovea. Glace and Suede, all leading shades.

________9l.iii, 9IJK sad 91.75Long gloves ________ iL50 nad 9MtZetala Cape________ *________ 91jMKngllab Walking Gloves______91.#0Bo)^' and Girls' Gauatleta, block.

tan. and grey_________________ 5PrJersey ellk lln^ and fleeced 2Ar. 5UrGolf giovee, all colors _ 25c and 5krMittens _______________ 25c and «kr

PLEEf'En kIMOXAH- -91JW. 91.25. 91.50 aad 92.00.

33 Clinton Avenue

Underwear-Linen far Gifts

Hat very acceptableTable gifts.



Humidor Brand. Buy at Linen Head­quarters.

TEA JACKETS 50r, 75r aad 9im


We are excluaive agents for the celebrated MUNIBING UNDERWEAR beat on earth.

For Lmdles. Misses, and Children.

I'nlon uulU for Lndleu and Hlasaawool aad fleeced____91jf0 ta 9t.75

Two Piece SulU .... 91.00 tu 92j00Children's Union Suita, wool and

fleeced-------------------------75c te 91.00Two piece Suita________ 50r ta 91.25

HILK KIMONAH-RvsMliful Line al

St. Johns, Michigan

ST. JOHNS MARKETS.St. Johns. Mich.. Dec 12. 1912.

BBAlffll.Wheat, white...................... 97Wheat, red_______________________ 98<lau ... .............. 29Rye — 60<'holce hand picked beana .. $1.90Other beans 6c per bu. for each lb.Com shelled, per bushel ....... 75Clover seed. June_____________ $10.00Clover seed. Mammoth ..... —____ $10.00Clover, Alyake ______ $11.00

LITE HTOf!K.Cattle, fatted _______ $4.00 it $6.00Veal cslvea ... $6.00 $9.00Hogs, per cwt ________ $6.00 ff $7.00Lsunbs, per cwt_________ $5.00 O $6.00

DREBHBD MEATS.Beef dreesed............. $7.00 U $900l*ork, dressed__________$$ 00 • $9.00'slves. dressed________________ $10.00Veal calTsa__________$$.00 • $$.50

I LITE FODLTMT.j Hens, large, fat____________$ to' Young chicka, large, fat______9 0

Fonr o'clock the next day Sandy's haart was boating loud. Her “studio.” as she was pleased to call It. worn its vary best attire. Even the Inevitable typewriter was ont of sight.

She was older, older by six yeern. than when he bed last seen her, but bapplneus made her wondrously>EB*tA-tlfnl. Bobby wonM have lost his wits. 1 ___

If he should aot come! But >s | Di^^cd Geese __would come. If be should eosse and j turkeys, large,** fat tke dream could not be reullaed! But | he would not come unleus he could

A rap at the door!“Mlaa. there's a shaatleman a-uakln' |

for jre. Should I send him la “Ten, Mary

feetly calm.

I>ucks, large, fat

iBuef hidas Horae Mda

10 11

10 g 11 . 9 0 1011 • 12 15 to 16


waiting wltkout tkalr

The toaas ware pm- 1 ______________ m to tl.ttmx yeura of PO^t, nMWTABLEB. FlUnW.

Butter _ «................. 2iBuss---------------------------------------------21Potatoes----------------------------------------55Land - UH • 19


Cream Separators


''Margaretr“Jokaf”t knew you srnuld oorau. I anw

you last evuutag. I know you would find mu. Ok. John. I am so happyf”

“My Maigarat, now and fOravurf

ed It to ba ”A long allaaae“Bit down. John. Hmra lu your

chair. How often huvu 1 picturad you ta It. Lot SM tMnk. Let om gta my braatk. I kaeur yon wwnM canto. I wianisr what Dokhy will myt Hu tkInhB I huvu no haart. Bnt—It wnn to hu" Ham York Matt.

HAT. HTBAW.1 Timothy2 Ttsrathy .......

1 Clovur mlaad___1 Clovur __ ____

mlsud91.90 •

92.25 $1.99 I


I hny lira puuHri tke year araaad.WTWm DAMLMT.

A XOTBE DAME LAI»T*k AFTBAL. T» all kiinwtaQ snffereee of rb^emsttswi utatiwi mesewtav or of the jetwta. srtsi

• Isa. himimgss. tsielwelw petae tlw ktdiiiy or iteeveHsta paHie. ta writ# ta

ihsr far a ham* irmtsMni wMrb he# r»- ipoassdty cwrwt all at ttawe* i«rtnf«#. ai»# I rtato It her 4etr ta ssad It ta all seffsv- i #fa Plinc Tmi ewes ynewwtf at knm* ae tkeweaiMta wUI tasttfy—we rlieng# #f

lO wuU II ee #fta seta fwwn tiM sUfTMtad jotats.

L sad artgAtefw ttala a


tf the ahsvn

Bl’V your wife one for a Christmas present and we guarantee you won’t have to do a bit of work around Hie all winter. Just phone us and we will deliver the machine and 5tay with you till you thoroughly understand it and tlien you keep it ten days. If it isn’t absolutely satisfactorv- BRING it baok. .\Ll/siZES. ALL PRICES.

Byron DanleyHighmm Street. Bait St. JohfiB. Michigan.

SixteenPages THE ST.JOHNS NEWS Section


Qieap LandFor IrrigatioD

S2:.iira£2rta'i!ssturn an»-

mUSmmmLmtimmZrwmmmmmt yaan. Oa Mkmm twa4luftla of tha ataa tte watardaaaaat naalo iha mm- fata, bat aaM ba paaiBad ttnatr-ftya to M«amy>iva laat. TbaaaMaad cliaiaii aaa mmmrnf thm bmmt ia Kaaaaa. ■aoaacly tiMaa kaa haaa faat actiattr ta Jiatliiiiwa tba wrnmm, aad tMa tatiHaiy «Hi aaaa pwiiact laitiMaa ol dol- lan' woftb of tarm prodacta. Tldalaad la tribaiaii to

Rock Island Lines

a haa aDod aatkats ia botb ditactiaM. wuh Uw tioai aorial A ooadsiona. aad la tba pUra to •attla wbata Uw farmar waau lats> rtturaa aad hia family waau to liva ia a wail aattlad coaimuaiiy of dOicbtfal MooIr.tWatiliata. thanaw foot «»ad ter paaipaw. laaocfarapiKat wah k aiMuah water to ewer caw acra a (exit deep can be raiaad 10 feet at a coat i4 VA cenu. Irrlcat.-tl land tn mwbeat artll produce SA.Ob to M no an acre, in alfalfa MO 00 to tTS.uO an acre, in potatoaa tiO.OO to aa ‘«rra. maasar beau Kd.OO to I12i.00 aa arre. Maw land can be bousbt for tIO.OO to tn.OO aa acre It can ba put under irnpatioa from daap wetia at a coat at W OO to tZS.OO aa acre, aad aa aaon aa it is aaadod to aUaMa wdl eeU for tlOOJ» aad us> ward aa acre.

Write Ta^ay

L.M. ALUtn

■oa LaSalUl



Buying'To fit Yoor Porao

Mr hate rpsi bancsia*.


/AtLBt ‘

\'our Fa von If IVrfume



I LaVallee


f tr.25 and 50c

thf box.TK>\>T** Jic. Sir. isr. air.

Make arreptabli clfia for rtiidrnia \V«- have thetn In new ftrlea. with rorrerf eolora. l<idK<- emblenia, etr

KHKM’M IVOKI plerea ami >eta Sir, iSr, tHjM* .«nd up

KFMKX HI| \T\I> SI.f)ld style Waterman feed. l»een sood for years

W \TFIIM\> FT. I'FNH. Spiion feed Ttle |>e|i that sat­isfies Kesular style, N«>. 12. tUJiM. Vest Prx ket l*afety. *»jm. Self PIllInK. efJUi.. Wr diipllrnli vdur favorite |>eii tsdni

~Hri.F*v OF THF «j\MF**. iSr.Hy Steaanl hldaard White ‘.IP* other |M»|iiilar luKdis .it (..nne prlre We., folka oooki- .'tiunninK books for the boys Ihiinty irlft books, Sir to iSr.

SFTH. ;ir.

I'lHiKH, XniM, IVtve*,

nill.FT .SFTN. 12 vahir. iIjSS.

>i|OkFirH .HFTX iir to tiJUi.

I \I.FM»\KS. Ikr to Sir.

*veals. Tan*. laibels,Kibbao. Tinsel. Hr., ir • ISr.

TOHT I iKH H001I at rear of store Ills table full Ir rarda

Hunt’sDrug Store•t. JolbiM tetedf DteWitt


B SAIL tomorrow.I aa davotadly Hmak-

ful to dad for taaUtlnc that inotber taka ma away for a white. Par I hapa wa will rwaaln a i yaar. I hope It may ba | taa. I hate Ainartaa. I loathe Now York, and' want to liTe tha rest' Qf my life In Europe— , Aala — Afiien — any­

where. as far away from RlvarmUte I as possible Mother aaya I'm a silly

little lovaatek girl; but dad thinks I need a change.

I'm not silly—and I’m not lovealek.Carl haa behaved In a most ungen-

tlemanly way.Just becaose I motored to I.a! .rood

with Sam Perkins and bis sister Is no reason why be should get cross and take that actresay • looking person with him every whore he goes. ■ 1

Sam's sister says she Is a )‘'reach woman I always did hate Preneb. and I’m glad I refused Carl to meet her, glad- I snubbed Carl and glad 1 was out when be called

Two long, mis­erable weeks w 11 ho u t seeing,^—Carl—and tomor'^row we sail. Herhapa 1 won't aeehim for montba—maybe never again.

I wonder If 1 care.October 20.

More than a month has iwssed since I have written In my little diary. I wouldn't write now, only this morning a letter came from Carl, and I Just have to record it

Carl safs he la lonely; he misaea me. and he cannot understand why I ran away to FSurope so suddenly.

The letter Is full of reproaches for MY treatment of HIM. when all the time It was HIS meanness to me that made me so III, ao that I had to get away from everybody.

He does not mention one word about that horrid French craature.

I shall not write. Well—perbapa I will.

November 24.At first I hated Paris.Ix>ndon was nice. Vienna atupid.

but Paris—Impossible, until last Sun­day. when we met .Mrs. Harmon

Isn't It strange what a change one dnv, one ho-ir, ran make in a glrl'a


iB a prapartng for Ckrletmaa mo. Good* Deaa knows I wtaht I was. but Christinas do- lugs ain't for me no mors. And just bo- oniiso I wus a baking Boteothing to ant to­morrow, wb)eb bap- pons to be Christmas, ■he thought I was pro-

^ paring for that day a sgoetaL**

Batty Qreon slghod us she placed the pie In the oreo, and polled a kitchen ohair np beside the stove. The now neighbor, who had but ro- eoatly moved'Into the town, and who knew nothing of Hetty's history; had Just left With the Christmas epliit everywhere she had thought of oourae Betty was preparing a feast for the day —

“Now, If Jim hadn't never sailed away on that water-loggoif^old Mary Ann. as be did a-going on four year ago, I guess I could a been preparing for Christmas like other folks. If there hadn't been nobody else, Jim and me could of enjoyed Christmas, and then maybe there'd a been some­body else—somebody what Just about now would a been liking dolls or tin rare, and If so Jim and me would a been having a Christmas tree for that so m e bo dy. and we'd be a having the best (Thrlst- nws tn stl South Cove.

"My. how I did try to keep Jim from aalilug In that Mary Ann. Any­body what knew any­thing about ships knew abe V to goIn. but Jim ■ays tt'B the only berth he's likely to get, and tak­ing It would our marrying Just that much sooner, and the Mary Ann or

knew f .rasn’t Bt —I li > to sea y

Ilf.Jr ai.d \ir"

mother gave aField fri-uds of

dinner for us Mrs ] Harmon was one i of th*- guests. She i looks much better I In the evening gown than In her street aulta; not | nearly ao frowsy, | and the rouge on | her cheeks doesn't show at night. I waa appalled when mother introduced me to her, to rec-

\V ogntse Carl'a ^ FVench friend. She

is bis cousin, but ■he haa lived In Parts since she was a little girl.

We bad a lovely talk. She told me all about her recent visit to America and how good Carl bad been In taking her about

I like her now that I know her.She says Carl waa perfectly miser­

able over a girl be was In love with, who bad gone abroad for the winter. .She did not know the girl's name.I blushed furiously when she spoke of it

That was Sunday. We have seen .Mrs Harmon several times alnce then.

I made mother promise to take me home. She cabled dad. and said abe would be thankfal to get back to plain home cooking and her own bathroom. Mother la a dear, and ao funny.

December 2&.What a happy, happy Christmas day

It baa been!The very beet 1 have ever known.

Once I said I hated America—New York—but I don’t.I love New York and America. Riv­erside, home, mother, dad and Carl. Oh. I love Cart best of all!

He haa been ao sweet. ao dear and kind, alnee we enme booMi two


Taklnf Ne Chwwen.At a donMsUe economy teeann. the

Wort hem rbrteUnn Advnante reports, little Bmlly wne naked to etnte briefly | the beet way to keep milk from sour-1 lag Her aaewer wsa oertnlnly brief | and to the point t. ma: Ton ahenid , tanm U la tha oow.**

m- -M

112 «

Crenpy Cenghs and Whoeaj Cetda,.The qutekaat alnmle>t way to^rM the cbildraa of tlaagemna croupy aaughs aad whasay stuffy cnide Is togive them fMeyls Hoaey ff Tar Com*peuad. tt glma BlmsH laataat rtllef and PMpi a congh pramptly. It■anthea and hanla. Canialaa an op- iBlaa. Vanlakis A Qlaipis.

weeka ago.BMt aa at tha I waa nevei glad to aaa any body la my ao I srao to dear old Carl. Dad waa thora. too.

My Chrtetams glfla are lovely. Beat of all la Cart'B lova end tha ring ha gave OM aa a tohau of hla doop. an- dylng lose. I think U waa aweet of him to give ma aneh a wondarful dla- amnd. booldoo the candy and haa ha aad flowera. It Waahaa Are aa I tare ■ay hand la the light. Daddy aaya I'm toe yonag to marry. tMt I shall oana him to let am sanrry Carl la June. Tm the happlsat girl la the world tonight, and Carl la tha hap ploat amn. Ho haa taM am oa hlm- aaH. I sdah aiairhody in tha world

Jim ain't naver been heard of since she left that South Amerloa place to go round the Horn on her way to China."

Th* blight eyes of Betty Oreen were wet with tears as she opened the oven door to raise the pie to a higher shelf. Ever since Jim Busby failed to return In time for the wed­ding which Betty had so carelully prepared for four years ago--a wed ding which was to be the big event of the Christmas season at South . Cove—she bad had a lonesome life

Two months after the Christmas that was to liave been Betty's wed­ding day her aged father had been carried to the village cemetery, leav­ing her alone In the world. With nn other relatives, and wrlth no frlfiida except those at South Cove Betty re­mained tn the little Qahtag town tn which she had been bore nearly twen­ty-seven yeara ago

With the baking flntahad. Betty left the kitchen and went Into her bed­room. She wanted nothing so much as to be alone in that room that had been her father's—In that room where she kept carefully preserved the wed­ding clothes she bad lavished so much care upon four years ago These clothes and the faded photograph of Jim Bnsby on her bureau were all that were left her of her romance With these abe would spend her Christmas eve. would live over again the courting days. And Jim should be there with her. That would be her Christmas

With oare ahe took each garment from tta wrappings In the bureau drawrer aad spread them on the bed. The pretty wedding dress which Sarah Glovsr had helped her make —yea. she would put It on tonight Just aa she had planned to four years ag<i Jim would like her to do that; be had always liked to see her prettily dressed, and maybe Jim might see her from the spirit world tonight.

As she fastened the gnwrn she al- most forgot that Jim could not be

there, that It was all a make-believe. As ahe stood before the - mirror the smile of four years ago came baak agaia. She noted the color In her cheeks: It waa like a bridal bhiah.

A rap at the door diapalted the lllaaton ■ke had permitted her- aalf for a few sso- BMOta 8he ooaM not i go to the door la that i draoa The oaller i woaM have to wAtt. bat I

ha did aot wait. Ifte heard the doorl swing, a hoavy step oa tha floor, aad ! a vetaa oh! aaah a familiar votes I calltag Batty. I

“JIml My Jim!” ahe aaewsred. aa j ■he palled open the door ef her had- j ream aad spraag lato tha arms of a rtntag. hroaasd sailor

Ihsr lato tha night aha llataaad to Jlm'a tale of shipwreck oa the Paia-

aooat. of the oamths aad yaaro of preetical captivity bafore ha eoaM gat haak to a ■aapart

“Aad Baw.“ ha aaM. T am hoo*a to


Mrs Mary Jaaae. who baa been spending several days la Owoaso haa returned home.

Ralph (Ileaaon of Lanaing haa been vlsttuig hla iwreata. Mr. and Mrs E J. tileasoo. for a few daya.

Mrs. I. Davidson Is very alck at the home of hsr son. Prank Davidson. She is suffeiiag a relapse.

Chas. O. Beagra i*ame the flrst of the week from Boston. Mas*., to visit until after the holldaya with bte aunt. Mrs. O. B Csmphell.

L W. Burke of Flint and daughter. .Mias Cora. Burk, of Oxford, have been gtierrs for a few days si the hor •• of Mrs K 11 dray.

Mr. a.;(1 .Mrs John Tubbs have re- turr.. 1 from Elsie whore they have b< < staying^r the |iaai two weeks.

Miss AQa l^n^y of Dexter. Iowa, ia making a visit with her sent, Mrs.

_N D ;*ielfh, •*nd other relatives.Mr. anti .Mr> (Jeo. Hudson have

pone to Toledo where they expect to iiake their home

.Mrt Hetfler of Fowler sp.-nt rti.u- •lay with her mother. Mrs 1 Sage.

Mr ant! .Mrs. Rt>b«Tt Weltner are the happy par* uts of a baliv ttIH, l*orn at their home on W<dnesday •if last w*-ek

Mlsi 'lyr'Ie 1.4-iunt nf Oran<l Hup- ;ds t;»:ne last week to visit her jar- enls, Mr and Mrs. B*-n Ia>nin)

.S J. ('•lie met wlU» a severe aet-i- •leni last week while asslsiiiu; F'rank Waite at a !:arn raising. A lieaiii ■ IIpihhI and he reecivi-d a glancing blow on the head. At this writing he is •‘onsWerable better

.Mr and .Mrs Beri le-wis, who have been the guests of relatives here for s short time have returned to their home in Clare

.Miss Amy Hudson Is In Hi. Johns as­sisting in nursing at the hospital tn that city

Mrs, Dren Hlelght. who has been in Flint for several days on business. Is home again.

Harold Heardsiee was the guest of Hherman Butnam In MIddleburv' on Hunday.

Mitchell DelaiVergne made a busi­ness trip to Detroit last week.

E. C. Hmith spent Friday and .Hal- iirday in DlarooBdale on buslneoe.

Mrs. W W Merritt of Charlotte came last w<-ek to spend some time with her sister. Mrs. J. E. (lemm.

Mr. and Mrs H. I) Ixiree were called to Fenwick laat week to at­tend the funeral of his uncle

.Mrs H. J .Moulton has gone t«t .\nn Arbor to assist In rtirlng for her brf>- ther, Frank House. wh*i Is ver> 111.

Mlsaaa Verse asd Puarl Scudder, who are atteodlag Kalamaaou Col­lege, Were hosM last weak.

Mr. asd Mrs. E. Dedker sad daugh­ter were called to Harry tteturday ev­ening owing to tke serious illnem of hte father.

Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Thompson. Mrs. Stephen Taft and daughter Pearl. Raymond I>nnkle and Florepn- Thompaon left laat week for West Palm Reach, Florida, where they will spend the winter months.

Mra. Lena II. High has sold her residence on W. William St. to Ernest Raker, who will take poaseaalon im­mediately.

Hlote .MnrHi an Friends.The friends of Miss Blanche Cable

i were more than surprteed last week j when they received annoiincenienta of ; her marriage to Harry l.<eadley, on I August 21st. at Windsor. Roth young people are well known here aud their many friend* extend eongrstulsilons


House Hums.Owing to the high wind Sunday

noon. Are completely destroyed the house on Frank Parker’s farm about three miles south of town. The hoiuM*

!*s occupied hy A. L Klager and I ^Hif By. who lost practically all their

lothtng, am) all the furniture but j« i few pieces, which were reiiiov««<J from I the flrst floor, .N’o Insurance.



Mlssinnsry Meeliac.The Woman's Home Missionsry So­

ciety of the M. E. church held its monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ceo. Cleaaon. The meeting was In charge of the vice president. .Mrs .\'. W Jenks. After a short tmslnesa seaelon. Mrs. T. C. R. Brownl^ took charge of the literary program. Topic. “Our MIsaioiMiry’ Year " Each ofllcer told In a brief way whsi was being done by their differefit •lepartmenu. which waa certainly in­teresting to all. Adjourned to meet with Mrs. W. J. Martin in Januarv.

Barsmi-Briggs.The marriage of Mlaa Beulah M.

Briggs to Ernest Warren occurr<>d at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Rnbarda, on December 4th, at 2:20 o’clock In the presence of thIrty-Ave gueate and relatives. At the appointed hour the bridal party took their place* In the parlor beneath n Iteautifiil bell of smllax. Rev. T. C. R. Brown low' reading tke irapreoslve Ting service. Miss Kate Heofleld -pre­sided St the piano during the cere- , mony. The bride was charming In a ' gown of light blue taffeta silk and carried a bouquet of white rose*. Af- ' ter c-ongratulatlonk a dainty two- course luncheon was served hy two young lady friends of the bride. The bndal iMirty. with Rev. and Mrs Brownlow occupied the table tn the I

dining room, while the guests were seated at small tables In the different rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Warren recelvisl many useful and beautiful preeenu of rut-glase. silver and linen. They will reside on a farm about flve miles south of ibis village in Victor with his iMrents. rongratulations from their many friends are extended.

Mr. and Mrs. John Oraham, who have been at the home of hla father, W. J. Craham. went to Ann Arbc»' Tuesday morning, where Mr. Craha:.' will consult some of the university doctors in regard to his condition They were accompanied by Dr. Porter •if Elsie.

Delos Csrru* of Ht. Johns was in Ovid this week calling on friends.

.Mias Ruth Warren, who was oper­ated on for appendicitis three weeks ago Is gaining rspMly and will soon be able to take up her school work again.

.Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alehin left Mon­day evening for I.os Angela-*. Calif., where they will spend the winter.

Miss Norene Crabatn of Owoaso haa been spending a few- daya with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ura- hani.

Marshall Duncan was a Detroit tia- I Itor laat week

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Itean of Flint have been visiting his parents. Mr.

' and Mrs. Jas Dean, for a few days.Mias Elisabeth Bowlby of Lawrence,

Mich., and Claude Rraektin of Akron. ^ O.. were visitors at the home of her parer* Mr. and Elmer Bowlby.!ar* wf-.ii

I Mru. Htram Desjro of Eaton Rnpidt ! Npendlng the week with Mrs K. C. Smith.

Mlsi- Elixabetb Stock, who has been assteting Mrs L B. High, in her mil-

{ liner) shop during the past season, returned to her home In Rlisafleld the

I flrst of the weekI.^ Parks of Chicago Is making a

{ visit with his brother. Fred H. Parka.> W. H. Phillips of Owoaao spent Tuesday in towm.

.Misses Electa Smith and Ada Fitt­ings were tn Dwosso Monday shopping

« 31

The Slorr the Hey*.

For Had and

Christmas Giftsfor Men and Boys at WILSON*SNot only for Christmas but for every day of the year.

(cliosfii i"r*»ni \\ ils*m llmthfr- (ircoi . i '*k. w him'll c Lliriiw tliinj; in f ’huliinjj ainl l•'u^ni‘^llin^^ in<r.rrD*r the tinu' lit-inj; hut D»r many nnmth^.


X %

tV ” “

^ S W I -

' 'ml}’

Let HIS Gift be a swell §

Suit or Overcoat I'I'hf line"! rcady-inr ser\ iff .Npparfl in tlu* world;

thf v;*r\ kiyd of ('hithc- lu* would want to pick out t**r hiinsflf. \ alnf" that stand aloiif at s

Special in Overcoats at$10-75 ^ $12*75 _ $ 1475

'riif J5 pfr CfiH wf s.'ivf y«ni •»n tlu* prict* of an ()\ frc»»at i> jn*it a*» jro«»d in yonr pofkft a> it is in tlu* till **l s«mu' other clothinjj st*»rf. F'vfry c«»ni is wfll tailored anti wc claim thfin to he tlu* i^rfaicst < )vfr coal \ ahu*^ in every respect ever shown in ^'linton I onnt V.



Bath RobesSensible, comfort giv­ing gifts for any man. Those things h«- wants but seldom buys him­self.

$3.50 to $10.00


|M|-[Ttekefo mm

' • ^ I r-minms.


wniaHT A. PA1

^eekwenr. In Hnxes, ikr In fliak. Hnsftenders. in hnxns. fic tn lie, lltetes. lined er wttiMMit, ttr In $4. Maadkerekiefs, pikin nnd tone) inr

tn Mte.Hewtery, wwni, entlnt- nr silk, inr In

Mr.Sklflik, ptenled nr negftee, Mr tn lff.>fl.

f'nten dwn pterel I’nderwenr. .’i4te I* H.M.

Swenter f'iNils« Mr In iMk.Ikur^ nnd wnH 4 n*es, itjm u flt&M. Jewefry. IJnks nad Phis, AM tn tl. Fnr I nyM, aMW tn rmbrelln*, flIJM tn «Ma Vnfflerw, Sir In flIJa Wntet rente, tlJt In fMt.

Gifts for BoysThe nnleetlon of s gift for that

bright, up-to-date American Boy be- ennste an resy nuitter at Wilson Rro- tbnraGot hiiB a floit or Overcoat

$2, to $8.50We have planned spncinl dtaplays

thte week. New linen |«at hern re- cn4v«d. flrret valuna nt 14 aad M>.

Fur Overqpatjwmt thm thing

(Ireainat showing In Clinton Coun­ty, anvtng you from W.flo to IA d6, on the price of a eont

Hsarw, Hnrwe*, Ballnwafs, .'VntarnI I'nlnvw, ('nJvnn, Don* nnd AIgwre*.

^nn-pterr hark* and witknnt rnter- twm, fll*> <• Mflu

Yoo should see these beautiful Gift Setsin, $1^ §aad Hatters, Mr. ■ *', Mr tn | Trsr te $\jm. I <

Wilson Bros.Hnsprndrr aad Tin. fll,M. TinHnnn, TW and Hnndkerrktef. fll-M.I.nnikrr ted*, Nandkerektef. Tin rnllnr

and eallar ptern. MJM. Tin Rl

/Ford AnteTIrkHs Hlvt



TiM w. R. C. ««ioT«d cmt of Uiolr oM'Umo happT day* Soturtey. A piwie dlMor wmm —rroA at mm to IlM eorp* moaiMis and tboir famillao •ad MTotml Inrttod «o—la In tenor of oororal blrthdara of mooBteni nfteli ooeor Uiln nMatb. aftor wMeb tha ravolar buatoooa moodac wan tek) followed by the annual eleetlon of ofWcora Aa Mra. Uownle wan oleetad praotdeat. many ooelal tlaiaa BMur be looked for duiinc the year.

The W. C. T. U. held their reculnr aMJatbly aMetlnn at the F. & paraoa- OM FMday afternoon and re alaatod thair old ottlcera for the oomlns yanr.

loMt week the liquor element clr* enlnted a petition to rote on the leMl

Him qaaatiaa Main, aent aprins/(lettinc thia petitiea kifara the pnbMe hefare the qaaettan ef wnanan^ ami- trma la fnlty iaaidad ahowe ahrewd* aeaa on their pari.

Dan Bealey In the “om man** la the oenlor elaoa aitee Aubrey Sheiden ae» decided to leave aehoel for lood.

Hie. H. a. Terry la vtatUac la Terre Haute, lad.

Mm L. Q. Bataa ana in Detroit laecW#Nk.

Mre. Qlena Finch of Ombd Raplda la Tialtlak Mm Laey MMy.

The Modem Woedaan held theirannual election of offloere lent Thura- day nipbt- Moat of the old ofdeere were reflected.

Dr. Jaa. H. Tmvte la eireulatlnc a petition for paetmaater under the pevr adnulnlat ration.

A petition la beinp clreulated here to aubmlt to the aupervlaore to plaee the local option qoaation before the votam


______ 3ANTY


Anty Drudge Gives Mr. Wisemeui a Lecture

Anty Drudge—"Yes, Mr. Wiseman, the doctor has been here, and he says your wife must have a srnod. long rest, and can’t do any work for .some t:me. She’s just worn out with doing too much. If you take my advice, you'll lay in a lot of Fels-Naptha Soap, so that when she gets well, she will have a chance to .stay well and not get all tired out again. There’s nothing like Fels-Naptha Soap to ease a woman's work.”

Fels-Naptha Soap does your washing: better than it was ever done before, in less time, with less trouble. A little thougrht and common sense put into your work will bring: Its own reward. If you were told of something: that would changre hard work into easy work, you would be ver>' unwise not to try it and see for yourself whether it was really so. That’s all you have to do with Fels-Naptha Soap—try iu It w'ill do the rest.

It will do these thing's:—Make your work easy; give you some time tc# yourself and save your health; wash all kinds of dainty fabrics as well as all the heavier washing and scrubbing. It will do its work best in cofil or lukewarm water, thus making a hot fire unnecessary.

There are thousands of women who know that Fels-Naptha Soap will do all these things and who use it in preference to any other soap. Follow the directions on the Red and Green Wrapper.


Vi *

ni* i,' '■i-fa


GILLISON, St JbkisFee4 Aii

Hr. mk Mm Wm Ftelr mtumte to tteir borne la Howoll oa Friiay.

Fraaeto Oroaa, vte bao baaa vaiy III wttb dypktteffto, la aoavoloaeaat

B1 Kirby baa aammmi laio tte (lao. Hotoiaatoa boaaa aaar tte 4apat

Mrs. Mlteteil, Br., la uater tte doe* tor's earn

Floyd Waltoia la workiag for B. M. Bealay.

Maiakall a Dmala, D. D. 8.. a«sd SO. died at bla boma la Fort Huroa oa UltodBasday. Doe. 4tb of poeuaioa* la. Fuaaral aarvicaa ware bald la Port Huron Friday. Burial bare la tbe village caamtary oa Saturday, Hie wifa, Mra. Maud Doyla*l)aaals. aad bla brothar-la-law, Boyd Doyla, of Byroa. aad a alstar from Caaada, aeeompaalad tte ramalaa. Tba da* eaaaod was for a nmnbar of yaaia a mambar of tte Btate Board of Dental enaUaam nlao n mambar of tbe Masoao aad Bka.

Qeonre Woolay waa eallad to Ban* nlatar last waak by tka lllaaaa of bla brotbar. Wm. Woolay. who auffarad a stroke of paralyala.

Mr. and Mm John Bcoiald lanva for Florida this waak to apaad tte wlntar.

Mra. Thompson of 8t. Johns la rlalt* Inic bar brotter. Haary Moora.

Jamaa Ofllto baa purebaaad tba Julius Hiar farm oa tte Marldan In Chapin ooaalatkur of 40 neraa

Harvey Bvaka of Owoaao waa bare OB biialnsaa laat Friday.

John Blunt bna kona to Flint.Mr. and Mm A. B. Wblta vlsltad In

Detroit Innt week.Clyde Baton bna been puttlac a ea*

meat floor In bla basamaatCeorpa flehaack fa bavins n hot

water plant put la bla bouaa.Mr. and Mra. John Beott have mov*

ad to Fenmora.Cbaa. Thayar aad flamlly have mov*

ed to Owoaaa.

H. B. rbarek Saiaa.Buaday preachlnic 10(45 a. m. aad 7

p. m. Rvadaj school. 11 M.; claaa maatlati and ^worth Langue 5:00 p. m.; Junior Longue. 1:00 p. m

Tuaaday eTsalag Bible Study at tte home of Mra. Arthur Cobb.

Thursday, Prayer maetlag. 7:00 p. in.

Quarterly maatlng aarvicaa Dec. 15th. quarterly coafarance. Saturday evening. Dec. 14tb. I>r. French will be present and attend tbe serrlcao.

Arthur C. Rounds of Qrasd Rapids called at tbe M. E. parsonage Friday (iftemooB.

The Woman’# Home Mloalonary So­ciety will meat with Mrs. John Rhel* don Thuraday, December lltb. at 2:00 p. m. Cordial Invitation It extended to all.

Baptist f'bnrek 5atrs.Preaching rooming and erenlng by

the pastor.Christian nulearor topir for Hun*

day evening. Dec. 16. ‘Teaebinga of this year’s Sunday school leaoaas that have Impressed tbemaelves up­on me." Psalm 119:0*16. Leader, Ger­tie I.aneau.

You are welcome to all of tkasc aer- vlcaa.

Don’t Shoot Your Cow!!!Just because the old cow does not fill the pail, don’t blame her. Ask for some of our

DAIRY FEEDAnd watch her smile!

Don’t let the baby cry Don’t let the cow go dry!Phone your order here to us Eliminate this awful fuss.

Bring in your Hides, Pelts and Furs and get my bnd before selling else­where

I emwry m full linu of nil ktink of FpmW, Hay, Stiww, alc„ International Stock Food, Poultry Food, Tonic Steok Salt Wood Yard in ennnaetton.

♦ WFST iMHLRT. ♦Sam Crowell attended the State Aa-

Borlatlon of Farmers’ Clubs held In Lansing last week. He went aa a delegate from tbe Washington Center Parmer#’ Club.

F L Cook waa In lAnslng and Flint last week visiting friends.

Mrs. Mike Reab received srortl last Saturday that her mother was dead.

W M. Kirby of Bureka spent last Sunday with hla parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Kirby.

Frank Helnlen was in St Johns last SaturJay on boalneaa

'The E. V. Aid Society met with .Mrs. C. .N, Current laat week Wed­nesday. All report a good time.

Donald Gray, who spent aereral day* laat week visiting friends In and near Washington Center returned home Saturday. *

PUMOBiA 3IOTirP..Clinton County Pomona Grange

will meet with Olive Grange Wednes­day. December 1ft. 1912 IO:S0 open In the 5th degree business meeting.

11:0U open In tbe 4lh degree. Re- (»orts of siiliordlDate granges.

Song by the Grange; "Are .New Veer's resolutions of any value to the maker or any one else?*’ answered by the members; dinner; song by Olive f I range; welcome to Pomona. Master of tlllve Grange; Response by Sister Sowle. Essex Grange; aong by Phil­lips brothers; recitation. Dorris Rose, crans; "Which Is the most important to the farmer, fertile soil or good business methodsT* E. R Munson; luiper by PV»rea1 Plowman; music by l*hillips brothers; "Winter care of live stork?" Hrother Hubbard. OvW Grange; selection. Slater FleMa. South Riley; aong. Clao Roiilea; "What Lagislatton do the farmers of this section moot needT’ Laalle Drosm

GKKKilRrSH PARMEKS* ri.rR.The December meeting of tbe

Greenbuob Phrmers’ Club will be held at "The Poplars" with Mr. aad Mra. 1,. F Gllaon on Tuesday, December 17, 1912. Program Meeting called to order at lt:10 o'clock; olnglag by Club; prayer; reading minutes of laat meeting; bualneea aaaolon; "How ran we make more Idaal neigh­borhoods?" Mrs. E. A. Smith aad Mra John Owen; report of meeting of State Aaooclatlon of parmers* Clubo by delegatea; raraea for dianer; aftar* noon aeaalon; olnglag; "BteuM we ellmhiate tbe mtodlemen?" Ia G. latotnle, D S Morrtoan; eleetlon of ntirers for ensuing year; music, reel* tatloaa. Mrs. Tboa. Hoile aad Orril Ridenour; quastlon boa; closing sang.



Owoaao.—Tte averotoa to watar for purpaaes at claanatog tbelr bodlaa, wbicb tnamtaa of tte county tnSrmary have oa tbelr arrival at that place, la eurpiislag. and In aome oases almoot unbellaveable. acrordlag to Claraace cans. aupetiBtoadent of tte farm. Of oourae. there are aoase who don't ra- moaetrata when asked to bathe, but moot of them do, aad partleulariy tte

Tba ftrat thing Mr. Cam introduoao new oomera to la oae of tte aaveral large bath tuba at tte dormitory. Most of than ragard tte acgualntanee aa undaolrable. but whila they are staying with him, Mr. Case la boaa, aad they are compelled to clean up, lf< they never do anything etna. One man. over 70 years oM. who recently came to the poor houaa, admitted when be took a bath after bla arrival, that It was bla flrat oae slace be waa a child, aad that be didn't know how to wash bimaelf.

"Do you get right Into tte water?" be asked Mr. Caee. after be bad dis­robed aad wna led over to tte bath tub. "I never did anything Ilka that, aad 1 am pretty old to start now," he said. But Mr. Cam sraa Urm. aad tbe old man recelvad tte drat scrubbing of hla life.

Another man resorted to tricka to get out of taking a bath. Tte Inmates are oompellad to bathe every Satur­day afternoon, aad this fellow suc­ceeded In having a lit Just before din­ner, aad didn’t come out of it until late at aigbt. Several ttmae be did this, before It wae discovered that he waa shamming, and wae brought to time. Since that time he has not been so afflicted, and has received his weekly scnibbtng.

The averokm the InmaCee have to water Is not aurprising when It la considered that many of tbe people who go to tbe poor bouse have been Isay and obiftleas all tbelr lives, and a bath tub la a curloolty to them. They have come to regard bathing as a use­less expenditure of energy and time and it is hard for them to break the habit of being dirty. Of t'oume. there are exceptions to this rule, for many people, though smbitlouu and ener­getic are compelled to take tbe dis­mal ride oTer tbe hills to tbe poor houee. through rolafortune.



nig Raplda. — Whan Ctov.-elect Woodbridge N. Ferris goes to Wash­ington to take |uirt In tbe Inaugural cwreroonlea of President-elect Wilson, the Rig Rapids company of tbe na­tional guari will be with him aa body guard If they have tbelr way about It. Company D of tbe Second infantry M. G.. Is located here.

The local militiamen beard that tbe: Grand Raplda body wanted tbe honor., hut the boya were confronted by a lack of funds and ao gave up all bopaa of accompanying tbe governor.

Will Raise fl,2M.Within the laat few days, however,

they have changed tbelr minds. They are now working tooth and nail to raise tl.20u for the journey.

Of course their going will not pre- j vent tbe Grand Rapids trooper* from nvaking the trip. Rut tbe l^al men. seeing that (k>v.-elect Ferris Is from their town, maintain that they will hold a iKiaItton nearer to tbe Michi­gan executive than tbe Grand Rapids troopers If tbe governor will let them.

Plans are already afoot to pile up the 11.200 fund In a hurry.

Prof. Kerris, who la now in Trav­erse City, hasn’t made any cosament on the livalriea of the coenpanlea.


SCIEXPE TMKATME.YTS Ionia—Governor Oabom baa grant­

ed permlsakm to Mra. Ella Groh of latalle. to take her aon, who la an In­mate at tbe loala state hospital, to her home In tbe hope that his mind j may be cured by Chriatlan Science treatmenta.

When Mrs Groh came to the execu­tive office Thuraday afternoon she asked Governor Oabom for permls- akm to send a Cbrlstlan Science practitioner to Ionia, but Dr. O. H. I/mg. roadleal auperlntaodant of the Institution here. Informed tbe govern­or that this would be Impoooibla. as outside apeclallats are not permitted to administer treatmenta to tte pa- (aata.

RAMMER GRIHflE.Ranaer Graage a»eeta at the home

nf T,svl Greenwnod DeceniteT 19. at 1 io p m Aa this Is tbe anaaal alec-

•^r nffleers and the tmaanctiaa af | :.nslaaas It la daalred tn have all i

V embers pesiat |

Eamaas Singe Bsantlas 1 -ok with butmr ea Skin RraptteN. niasrbss. Waras ar IMmptoa. Ttey dan't teve tbato, am will any oMb wte ueaa Itoeklsu^ Araloa Bales It a tat Iff iw tte faee tenma ar Balt fHtoain vateak badare It It raraa eofu llpe. etevpad bsTids, chTtHtotne tedM fBoaa, aam Ml kratowa. TTn-


Cbarlotta—Tbe Racbelor'a chib, aa organlaatlott effected here three years ago by M. H De Foe for tte parpooe af sacoflag aad dtstrlbutlng prsaaata to tba cblMrsn of tte cHy Ckrlatmas are BOW. through tbelr eommlttee, Frsd Avery. Burt !* Tavlor. Ilarrv Carr, R. R MePeek. Dr. W. P Hart and George L. Bennett, oeeurtas funds for the annual event

The cluh doean't stop at the poor­est kMs It makaa It a point to see that the ehltdren of even the asoder- ately well-to>do are provided with the iteeuenla they moat want The een- trlhutloaa tn the Barkelere' Ckrtot- mm Bind are lla'lt*<l t«i r.-ni* frt>:any oae peraan

EelN a Eeal Ptot.Wtea a shameful plot extols He-

tween liver aad howato In caase die i treat ky refnatag to act, tote Dv RlagM Mew life FHIb, and ate am* ehwee ^ vaor ayttoto Ttey vmilr

I final adtiaa to ■taass i> liver twala ate Ttatart ywur kenfiB

toi gteBjtoMnBk «i Tan-


from the Jewelry Store always seem and are the very best gifts, and you can find the very best assortment at Allison’s. For your dhristmas purchases this year we have some amaz­ing bargains.

Juit think of a Mantle Clock with Cathedral Gong Strike for $3.00 and $4,00.

A Ladies’ Watch—gold Filled Cate with the celebrated Hampden movement, for $10.00.

Our stock of Diamond Rings it so large that we mutt sell some

of them. We can give you a dandy Ring for $14.

Our Stock*crf Signet RJngsis especiallyllargc'for this Christmas. Never have they been as

popular with[men and women.

The biggest'bargain is the Gold Plated Jewel Case for 50c. The only trouble will be to get enough of them.

WbgffitoMBh makes an IDEAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT. We have a

good stock of Waterman Safeties.

The very best gift for either Ladies or Gentle­men is an Umbrella. We cacry a line of nobby ones. Detachable handles, Suitcase Umbrellas, etc.


KODAKS from Brownies^as low as $1.00, to Pocket Folding Kodaks at $20.00, we have in stock. It’s a lot of fun for a little money.

v-.*« • I • '* J S

Ingersoll Watches for the boys and girls, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00.


Our real Christmas Bargain is our Knife and Fork Bargain. “1847” Rog­ers Brothers Knives and Forks for $3.50, just think of it! Knives and Forks un­der our own name for $3.00.

The best bargain is our Man’s Watch. It is a 17-jcwcl movement and is adjusted to temperature. It is as good as any $15.00 movement. It isi cased in an absolutely dust proof case, best quality nickel—$12.00.

It can be cased in good gold-filled case as low as $3.00 extra.

We call our store the 1847 Store, because we carry so much 1847 Rogers j Bros. Flat Ware. We have an im­

mense stock of the Table Flat Ware.Remember the store with the BIG STOCK AND


OLD COLONY‘Hus haactooma itoaign to tte latest pattarn la tks wsU-kaowa


Hmt Wamn‘*Tkto pattora will appaal to all who lova bsaatirai aihrar. Note tte piarsad hakdte aad ■iaiptklty of oatUte.Wa carry a Road Rm la tte variaaa papaMr

ALLISON’SJewelry Store

St. Johaa, Micht^

We Carry Edison Phonographs CLnd Victor Talking




FlowersAn ideal C liristmas Express the truest sen- tinient—sure to please.

Violets Sweet Peas Carnations

Roses Lilies

Fine FernsPalms

CyclamenFancy Xmas

WreathsJerusalem Cher­

riesHouse and Hall


t>R. OKKtitmY, l*hrRtcUui uid 8ur- j ireon. Hurvlui, Mick. OAm hours

1 to 3. Ityr.

Woodbury’s-Flower Store

The fOllowtRc ofrtc«r» worr etoetod •t Ike Chrtetlan KndMvor hiMrtn«M aMtlBc m—k for tb« noxt fMr: PraaMmt. Mr*. C*rTt« Kirby; tIo#-

i prooldMt. John Kmlth; tnasurvr, UtM Pbylls Linmaa; rrcordlBs Me-

, retary. KIm Oleta Corerdale; oor- i rMpondiDK aaereiary, Mra. Alice Oow- ' er; cborlater.'P. 1. Harmaby; oricaatet.

Mlaa Mabel (lower: aaaittaat. MIm Uyilan I.iyinaii.

J. W*. naagett waa at IlreckeBlIdce on bualneaa a i>an of last week.

Arrangementa are being laade for a Chrlaimaa tree aad program at the E. V. church.

Mrs. JamM Daggett went to Car- land TuMiday to apend the week with her daughter, Mrs. IleMle Hay.

.MIm Vera (Iregory will hare a clone i pin social at the Klagle school bouse daturday evening. MIm Gregory and pupils will render a One program aad

i a good time for all Is expected. IsuIIm will bring two dressed clothM pins.

Verda Russell wm out of school last Prldsy on account of lllneM.

Mrs. Edith Halstead, who has been ill for several weeks with typhoid fev­er. Is able to be out again.

Mrs Alger Hicks of Greanbush un­derwent a successful operafibn for appendicitis last Saturday by the Drs. Hart of St. Johns.

Mr. and .Mrs. I^eon Cox and daugh­ter visited at his brother’s, Mr. and .Mrs. W'lll Cox. In Gratloh county Sun­day

MIm Edith Rrewhaker of Dtiplaln was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Gladys Rosekrans. In Greenbush last week.

W’m. Miller, who has been III at the home of his son. Otis Miller, the past week. Is not much better at this writ­ing.

Mrs Albert Smothers and daughter,: ileorgla, returned to I.ansing Sunday I with Mr Smothers for a few weeks.I The grip .ind bad colds seem to be jail the In town.I The special meetings held In the Eureka Evangelical church, beginning *rhanksgiving evening, will close next Sunday night. Notwithstanding the dork nights, Impoealble mads, and the

‘ pe<ent arctic winds, the attendance 1 has been generally good and the In­terest encouraging. The beautiful stereopticon views, projected on a slx-

! teen-feet screen. illustrating the I beauties of God's world well as His ' Word, each set of scenes followed by j a brief but earnest sermon and appeal 1 to the lost, were deeply appreciated

[by tk«: aodlsapM. The church wm quickewad and much gMd aeeoot-

I pitabsd.I Hav. C. W. Lytnaa will praack next Sunday at the following pointa of the

I Hurska Krangallcal circut: Fulton, 11 a. m.; County Line, 2:30 p. m.; Eure­ka. revival maatlng. T 30 p. m. Tha atereoptleoa will be used, prasenting “Tha Holy City," aad “Hello Central, Give Me Hmvoo** In tbe cloalag Mr- vIm Sunday avaaing In tbe Eureka church. Everybody atteod.

♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

.4LW.\Kn LAKE.

I Mr. aad Mra. J. M. Tout of Laaaing I apeat Sunday with their daughter, ' Mr. and Miw. Fred Huot. aad family. I Mr. and Mrs. Marvin I.suikU>n apent I Saturday aad Sunday with relallvea I In lainaing.

Mra. J. M. Roher aad aon *rheodore of IteWItt are vtaltlng Mr. aad Mra. George Myera and family.

Mrs. Elmer Mann of DeWttt apent Sunday with Mra. John Norris.

MeMtv. Richmond ef Isinalng and Htickhoix of Dlaraondale vlslte«l -Gil­bert laipham and family last T^iesday.

MIm Waunita Rockwell apent Sat­urday and Sunday with MIm Ethel Scott, In DeWItt and attended Grange Saturday night.

Bert Mann and MIm I>etah Terbush of DeWItt. MeMrs McIntyre of I.jui- vlng and Wheat of St. Johns were Sunday guests of Gilbert Ijapbain and family.

Dance at Olive Grange hall Friday evening. Dec 13. Music, Mlaa Goldie Palmer and Prank Favler. IJght re- freshmenta served.

Frank WIxon left last Thursday for Chicago to apend the winter.




h5^, Getting Ready for Xmas !

You’ll be too busy to bother with the baking — that’s all 1 have to do! My bake shop is strictly up-to-date and 1 am sure f can please you.

Most folks are using

Murray’s Baked GoodsWhy don’t you give them a trial! Insist on getting it.

Wide awake grocers sell Murray’s Bread.i.K JOOOfXMJOQOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXX: oooooocxxxxxxxxaooooooooooo <

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦U ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦!♦ ♦♦ HAEIMHBHVILLK ► ♦ E.iMT GLIVK.♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

♦ ♦♦ FKNMGKK. ♦!*

Mrs. Ullie Sutllff visited at Mrs. Chas Gunn's In Elba last Friday.

Chas. Thayer baa moved to Owos- so.

Isabella Thompson was in Owosa<^> Saturday and Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs George Sutllff

Grandma Youngs of Owosos is vis­iting old acquaintances here.

The Sunshine Circle had a chicken dinner here and a handkerchief sale which netted them about Sfi rtO.' Horn to J. Slmiwoo and wife, a daughter. Dec. 10.

Mrs. Chaa. Ilmwn la staying In Bannister for a while taking treat­ments.

The M. E Ijadies’ Aid society will meet at the home of Mrs .N irgate and .Mrs. Parmalee. DereintK>r lO. for dinner. Section No. 1 will serve A cordial Invitation la extanded to all.

Mr. and Mrs. K. R. ITielp* were called tOflaipeer, Mich.. Saturday by the death of Mr Pheliai' father. They returned home .Monday.

P. D. Cleveland visited his daugh­ter, Mrs. R. H. M*hrd, and family in Jackson over Sunday.

MIm Am'illa Miller visited Ellen Robinson and family over Sunday

ITeparationa are being made for Christmas exercises to be held at the M. B. church Christmas eve.

Bom to Mr. and Mrs Robert We|s- ner last Wednesday, a bright little girl.


MIm Mildred Hyman of St. Johns l spent from Friday night until Sunday ; with MIm Bertha and Marguerite . Kricke, |

George Holden and George Isbell j made a busIneM trip to lailngsburg j last week. ,

Lyal Feaxel and I^elta Marsh spent . Sunday in DeWItt as guMta of .MIm I^la Wilcox. j

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Davit and fam- | By and Mr. and Mra. Fred Sperdel ^ fpent Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs. C. S. ! Marsh.

Vem Price and Edna Phlnney spent Sunday in Lansing with hit brother, Allle l»rlce.

IXin't forget the t>edro party and , dance at Bingham Friday evening. < Dec. 13. 1912. I

The Gleaners of fTiase Arbor wUI meet at the home of Alfred Peck andwife Friday. December 20, for dinner.________________ _ . .AH members requested to he present i Honey and Tar Compound and soon as It Is eleetion of officers for the fol- j the cough lefi and I slept aoundly all lowing rear. night.'' VanSickle A Glaaple.

Coagbing at NigbL Gne liad cough can keep tbe whole

family awake at night. Phil. Dlaor- neau, .Shaffer, .Mich, mays: *T could not sleep on account of a bad cough and I waa very weak. I used Foley's

Why not give

Toilet Goods?They are sure to be appreciated because they are among the

moat useful of all Gbriatmaa gifu. We are showing some beautiful toilet seta in Parisian Ivory, genuine ebony, bird’a eye maple, tllver and rosewood. And they are quality goods, too. giving years of wear and Mtiafaction. And .vou can get these at a smaller figure than you expected to pay, If you come here first.

Toilet Setscontaining

Comb and brush.Comb, brush and mirror.Cloth and bat brushes.

Manicure Sets

Travellag Caaeo.Military Hmsbes. tllove Hexe*.Haadkerrhief Boxes.

Calf and ( ollar Boxes.

In fancy Christmas boxes, in folding leather cases.

Ga Qaalltj Goods we can anve yoa OMBey. See oar line.

TRAVIS DRie C0.«i$ Little NEWS LINERS $ They bring RESULTS

A Gift Selected from this PageWUl Bc Appreciated by Your Friend- -.......

Three hundred StylesPen, Pocket and Jack Knives from

15c to $2.50P'ach Knife will Ite packt'd in a Special Xmae Gift Box—Free of Charge. Each Knife


See Window Displayof the finest line of cutler)’ in the city.


We pack knives in a ver\' pretty Christmas box AT NO EXTRA CHARGE.

Kazor-^ and Safety Razor . Razor Stropv.

Raz(»r Hone . Latlicr Mni'ilies, :M»;ip. ( ream, l-'t •.

Aluminum. Enameled and Copper ware in endless varieties. An Aluminum dish costs but little more than other kinds and will last a lifetime. We are making an extra effort on this class of goods and are sure that you can find a few articles that will just HIT THE SPOT. See this line by all means.

Scissors and Shears1»\ lilt* pair or in l»*'auiiiul

I ’.atlifr ?'asi 1)\ the el.

If you buy Silver Plated Knives and Forks be sure and get KEEN KUTTER as they cost no more than other makes and are very much better. !

jktpk . . •—««>•. iJZMw



Silver Plated Teaspoons, Table and Dessert spoons. Child’s sets. etc., can behoiijrhi here to a bettor advantage than in most any other store. ()ur jirices are vef)- low on these gootls.

Listen!.Ml nickle plated copper ware, such as 7'ca Kettles,Coffee puts.Tea Pots, etc., liave advartred 20 per cent in price hut we have plenty at the old price. It will pay you to see us before buying this class of goods.



.A fine election »»f CARVING SETS tr. .rlr*ct frttni.Price are ver\ reasmiahlc.


**Awe the Beet in the World**

Itutclirr Knives, lluichri*!* Mecis. Paring Knivr-*. Ilrrad Knivt*'*, Kitchen Se**

More people are buying tools for Xmas gifts each year. We can supply you with anything from a 1 Oc Brad Awl to a complete set of Tools

for $125.00

The Ladies can be suited from our showing of Casseroles.Chafing Dishes.Baking Dishes.Universal Coffee

Percolators,Serving Trays. Salt and Pepper Sets.


RetoIeots, KifUs, Sliol Gum, Compmsm. Huntmf Kahrm,Boy Scout Hole hots, Skalm, Hoad Sleds, Fuucy LaatonMi, PmImC Knhrm wMi Cheirn. Com Poppow mmd Boy's Ams.

Supidiesmake fine gifts..Asbestos Sad Irons, pood Choppers,Roasters,Crninl- Trays and Rrushes, \\ ring-’rs,^Valcs,

Theroniineters,I.anterns, etc.

UL 1912.

^ ALTC m u t: c u



BalfloM VlMT of Wfl Mora WtedowB. fraa SM^valk.

**Jewdry—the Gift of Gifts/*

The Holiday Spirit says, **Giv€ JewelryNothing cite that comet within the range of gift-giving to univcrtally


Nothing elie it to generally given—nothing else to completely voicet the Spirit of Chrittmat.

Of courte there arc many tortt of Jewelry ditplayt. Some are more com- prehentivc than othert. Some thow greater tattc in dctigning than othert. Some are more **Chrittmaty’* than othert.

We arc not going to make any comparitont—except to tay that we really believe that you givert of giftt will find more of the real spirit of the teaton evidenced in OUR th*t ycar’t ditplay than you will find within many milet of thit ttore.

Giving Jewelry doesn’t mean that there*# a lot of money to pay, cither— not nccettarily. In fact, there arc any number of articles here that you can own for lets than a dollar. They arc articles, too, that arc particularly suitable for gifts—such at Watches and Rings, Silverware and Toilet Sett, Cut Glatt and Parisian Ivory.

But what we want to particularly emphasize here is that you can’t have a want at thit time, but we meet it with the precise article you desire at its lowest price. A cordial invitation it extended to the people of St. lohnt and surrounding country to visit thit store and look over the stock, whether you buy or not.

Jeweler and Engrafoer, Walter Emmofis Store open ebmtngr.


STATE or SIIOHIOAN—County ofClinton—M.At a ffftiTrn of the Probate Court

for the county of Clinton holdeo at the Probate otice In the city of 81. Johan on Saturtey. the 2Srd day of NoTOBfibeT. In the year one thonaanri nine hundred and twelre.

PreaenU CHAKUdS M. MERRILL. JudKe of Probate.

Id the matter of the eatate of Joe* eph HaIfnMUb deceaaed On readlns and flltmt the patlUon duly reriaed, of Mathias llalfman. praylnc that the laat will and teatament of aald de- oeaaed may be {noved and admitted to Probate and that Peur Halfman or aome other aultable peteon may be appointed executor of eald eatate.

ThereupoD It la ordered. That Tharedni Uie Itth day ef Ueeember, .1. f>. ISIS, at 1 o'clock In the after­noon be aaaigned fer the heaiioK of >aM petition and that the helra at law and lepateea of aald deceaaed and all other pereona laiaroated In aald will are required to appear at a aaa- tlon of aald court than to be holdan at the Probate oflOe la the city of 8t Johna and show canoe. If any there be why the will ahould not be approved and it la further ordered, that notice be Klreo to the paraona Intereated

oOlce In the rity of at. Johna and ahow oauae. if any there be. why the 'will ahould not be approved and it la further ordered, that notlee be iclren to the peraana intofwated in aald ea­tate of the pendency of the hearina thereof by caualnir a copy of thla or­der to be puMiehed in the St Johns >lewn a newapaper printed and clreu* latlas in aald oonnty of Clinton for three aucceoaire w€«ha prerious to eald day of haartnp.

(A true copy.)CflARLBR M. MERRILL

Judpe of Probate. ISwS Judpe of Probate.


FTATE or MICHlUAN~The Probate Court for the County of CUni-tn

At a eeaelon of aald Court, held at the Probate Office In the City uf Rt. Johna in aald county, on the 4th day i of December, A D.. 1S12.

ITeeent: HON. CIIAHL1-::r M. MER­RILL Judpe of l*robate.

In the matter of the eatate of Henry Ernst, deceaaed. Predertek C. Kmat. i administrator of aald estate, bavinp! died In said court hla petition, praylnn I for license to sell the Interest of aald > estate In certain real eetrte therein i described, for the purpose of psylnx debts and expenses

It is ordered. That the Mth day of December, A D. ISIS, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, at said probate oflioe

In !be and la hereby appointed for hear- > said estate of the pandency of the i inn Mdd petlUon. and that all pereons bsarlnn thereof by causing a oopy of I Interested In said estate appear before j this order to be published in the 8t. laald court, at aoM time and plase. to Johns News, a newspaper printed and ishow cause why a license to sell the rtreolatmc In said county of Clinton | Interest of said estate in aald real es- for three sosoaoolve weeha prerious i tate ahould not bs nranted; to asM day of hesrtne. It la Further Ordered. That public

CHARLBB M. MMPRii.i. I notice thereof be glrso by pubileatloo (A true copy) Ju^ of Probate of this order, for three ouc-

17trS oesslre weeks prerloua to aald day of- ----- 1 hearing. In the 8t Johna News, a

PMIBATC OEDBR. newspaper printed and drculated In8TAT* or MICHIQAN—County of ' «»»**ty.

Clinton—as. ; <A true copyiAt a aoaalou of the Probate Court CHARLIB M. MRRRILL

for the C^nty of Clinton holdan at'l*^* Judpe of Probate.the Probate (Mhos la the City of 81. i___ ______.lohns on Tuesday, the Srd day of Dassmber. In the year one thousand

IB the City of St. Johna. And it la fur­ther ordered. That notice be Riven to the persfme Interested in aald estate of the time and place of aald hesiinR by caualnn a copy of thla order to be published In the 8t. Johns .News, newspaper printed and clretilalinR In aald county of Clinton for three aur- cfselve week* prevloua to aald day of heaiinx.

(A true copy.)('HARldfft M. MHRRIIJ^

Judpe of Prohate

PRORATE .VOnrE—Piwbnir Cenxt, Clinton County—as .Notice la hereby given that all

claims and dsmaada against the es tate of Adelphsn E. Janes, deceased will be heard by the Judpe of Pro bale of aald County, at the Probate Office In the City of St. Johna, on the »nd day sf Rny, A D., If It, and timt the creditors of aald dacessed are al­lowed six months from the date of this notice la which to present their claims for adjustmsnt.

Datsd .November 31st. A D.. 1913.CHARLER M. MERRILL

Judpe of Probate

0® y®iui waunift si

FARM?U now befdre

farms, alsi ■C aksptlonJand t mllsa

nlns hundred and twelve.Present. CHARUES M MERRILL

Judge at Probate.In the Matter of the llatste of <#ri^

msl C. WMUyier. issasaad. On rssd- *np and flllng the petition duly verl- ied of With B. Moras, praying that the last will and tsatamsnt of said dseessed may he proved snd admitted to prebale and that Hdith B. Morse, laadore M. Karchsr and Janale M Pops, may he appointed the executrix-1 es sf said sstale.

Thereupon It Is ordered, that Tlwfa-1 dm, IRe vih day ef Jannnry, A.Iftt. at ene o'cloek In tha aftemasn ;*e asalynad far the hsnrtap of said ppIMIan sad that the haivs at law and Rgpbaaa at anM daeaanod and nil oth­er patuant Intarsatad la Mid will, are ragufrid appear at a aamtm at said aaavt thaa M bo hsIdM at fha Prahaia

PRfIKtTP. ORIIFR.'state or MICHIOAN—Toanty of

ciintoa—as.At a eaoalon of the Probate «'ourt

: for the (NMiniy of ('lintoa bolden at the Pmbete Court. In tbe City of Salat

j Johns, on Mcmdny, the tth day of D»i wuber In the year, owe thnuaaad.

' nia« hundred aad twelve.I*re««nu CHARLBB M MERRILL |

I Judge nf Probata.In tbe nmttar of the notate of j

Rlrbaei Hpttaley, deceased. Joseph A 8p1t8lm> admtalotratnr of said miata. bavHMI made appHoatloo tor tha al- kMvaace of hla Snal acrouat aad torhla dtacharge

Tharaapoa It la ordarad. That Tharaday, the fad day at iRnuary A.Rl Iftt, at one n'cloefc in tha aftar-

at omea

Batter coma!the aaow comas. Have lead price to suit the me

tS neraa 1 mile north waot of DaWItt. pood pood bulidlnpa. It acres goad tlmbar On aooouat at aMkaam thla farm onn be bought riffht.

W aeraa 1 mils north aad S M mllm waot of DaWltt. It.MO.

tf aerm 4 H mllaa from tt J at a right pries,

tf aerm 4 mllm from St. Johna ft neraa 1 mile from Ruraba.

aoil. soma tlmbar. bulidlnpa not pood. MO par acre.

I 40 aerm 6 mllaa from 8t Johns pood hoaae. fair bam, fntlt. aoma hot-

jlom land. MSOAOt. Would tnha booae jaad lot In exchange.I 40 aerm 1 S-4 mllaa from 8hep- janlavllls good aoll and locaUan. jpood houBi. now pamhla roof bom. a I One placa at MfM.

so acres 3 mllm from Marla Beach.' One house, pood orebard, goad soil ami loeathM. 13700.

Hoaaa aad 1 acre at ground. latn- aiag 8L. South, tor mla or rent.

Lot with bom 2 Mock soot of court- honoe. Has location, cement walk aad fralL CEsap If aoM soon.


Oeaaell Sneu.. nc JebaeiKc—bnr a. tail.

Bnaular ian»tlap of Uw City ObuncU held on tbe ubeve dale. Maynr A U. Jef teriee pmntdtag.

The (.^Dsatil use tmlled to order at S u'cleck s ai. Prinoai; AMetWMn FUvN MU'^ukkey. Mtoao. tbalth aad Ward

The labiMlM of the last niiitmp wi read and eaproved.

The CoeaHI aad Heard ef Aoeean leek up Um revtew of Up* riel AeeeeoaMOt K'>ll. No. 47. fer the I'oaetrucCleo of •ewer on Welker otreet, weel

Mured by AMemuui Row ter. 1000 ■ri by Alderman itaalUi. that tha further ooa- olderetloa of the revtew ef Opiclal Amaoy ment MeU. No. «t, be ietd oa the table ua ttl the aprtas of ItU.

Ayee five; nays aaae.

The Oooooolttee 00 ClataM fntowtag report:

To tarn Mayor aad Ooauai the City pf St. Johaa.

OoaacS of

toWe. your Omualttee oa Ck wae roforrod: Coattapoat faa sa to II: poaeral street toad clatam, Noe. a to M: uator fnad rialmo. Nos M to 4#. aad ^>■etric tight fund rlalma. Mas M as. do horehy roport that we have oateful- II oaamtaed the mmo aad f rect at their feottaps. aad wb roopaetfally ronoawasail that they bo aliowod by creuaetl. and tho Ctorh ha laaiructod. to draw ordoro on tho propor fuado for oovsval amounts.


t'ouunlttoo on CtsimsMorod by Tttdornmn Smith, oupportsd by

AMermnn McConhey, that tho report of the Committee oa Clahno be aprepCod aad adopted.

Ayee fivo; najro none.Moved by Alitiiamii Pswlor, supported

by Alderman Smith, that the remonstrance the propoesd paving of Walhor

otreet. aaot. be referred to the f^Mamlttee on PotlUouo *

Ayee flvs nayo nous.Hoary M. Bumoo proooatod tho fellew

lag proptstUou:To the Common Oouacll of tho CRy of St.

Johao:1 Henry M. Buraeo. -of oaid cRy. do

hereby propoos to furalah to said dty of St. Johns, free of coot, oil tb* tllo to bo used to plaoe la the ditch on west sldo of Lansing stroot. cwiamoaclag at Sturglo street iBleroectlon aad running south Lnnstng stroot. a distant'# of Ttl foot; sueh tile to be placed oa the ground wtUioat expense to aald dty. aad tho olao to determined by tho dty angtaooor.

Dated Det-ember md. 1912.IIENRT M BURNR8

Po IHL BcydB Mil 9ammnemsR.

Moved by Alderman Powler, supported by Alderman MoConkey, that the propoel- than submlttoiPtly Henry M. Burnos h nrepted. aad that the Marshal be taatruct ed to do the work as soon as possible.

Ayes flvs: nays noae.Moved by Alderman Stone, ■upperted

by Alderman W'ard, that the Clerk be la •tructed to draw orders for rebates on tho fulowlng sewer aonstmetlon:

Kittle A Moore. tVoot Hlgham stroot aswer. tX.&S; Joan M DoWitt. Wem HIg ham street eewer. tl.M: Robert H. Shaw, Weal Hlgham street sewer, tl-M; Roas (Jraham. Dibble street sowar. 921.M; Uou, (1. Fletcher, West Ghas street eewer,m.u.

Ayos five; nays noneThe City Engineer presented his final

report en the paving of State etreet frooi the east llae of Linden avenue to the weet Itae of WbltteoMrr street. The same, with the reports on State street west, alao Walksr. Ottawa aad Hlgham streets, ware referred to the Finance Coaunlttsa.

Contingent Fund DIshMtosmsntaCity Pay RoU.

Claim No. Sa—E. J. Molnat---------------------------------- tl2.MOeorge L*. Tlnkhan. ......._______ M.mQeorge A Smedley ....._...____ IS.#?Wm. Cochrane____________________##.••Ada J. CoNtrane ____........__ ... IS.##

Polloa.Lymnn M. Alward ___ .....___.... 120 SS

Fire I>epartmeat aad Hall * John (Trlchton ______ ......____ Ito.oa

Claim No.—2S—St. Johna News, ...____ _2T—Wm. M Leland ____......2»—Mugeae Shutters________as—'Hawthy H. Clark—l.,outs !>. Woodruff ......3l-.Wm II. Richmond______


................Sl.M_____ 2a.aa______24.#a_____ aa.aa_____ 2.2#--------la.aa

Total Contlagent Fuad Dtshts.... Oonsral Stroot Fund Otohuroomonto.

ONamloolonsr'a Hay Roll ClaUn .No. 22—

Ragtebert Smith___________________S4.MH. A. Carpontor_________ 21.aaOeorge PIbnore __ ujaMmooi Wshonamn___________ .... 4.8#FVaak Mull_______________ «•Schuyler Raas___________ ____ .... 28.88John Hopkins ..._............... IAS#Norton AMrtrh --------------------------------2,mBleettic Light end Water Plaut.... 4.8#


Srnsot Wohenman...........Osergi Pttumri ---------Chartss Tnuag___ ......John CTPryas ...........Hoy Oarpontar ..........Srhuylor Roas ____ _____Jeha llaphtas ...........

Toial Oomati’rs. Hay IMl_____H John C. Hioho___________M Joha C. lUrho___________M FWwIOi' a Ball___________n—PC. Johns News ..........

Total Ptroat A Sswsr Diehts.Water Fund Otohuraemani

Hay Ron at tha Hlaat. Claim 1*0 4#—

Loula OlUaon ------Wm fUnlUi .......Jamsa R Ftreator ASa J. Oittkruus .,

IPhinkett’a Baxaar, the only resl

Santa Claus Headquart^

Dolls ....................................... .... .................5c, 10c. 25c to $2.50Toys ........................................... ................ 5c, 10c, 25c to $1.50Framed Pictures .................................... 5c, 10c, 25c to $4.50Albums .................................................. . 5c, 10c, 25c, to $2.00Imported China ............................ 10c, 25c, 50c, 75c to $2.50 •

Jewdry and SOverwareBaby Rings, solid gold ...................................... ................... 75cLadies’ Rings, solid gold ................. $1.50Gents’ Signet Rings............................................................. $1.50Ladies’ Set Rings...................................................................... 75cGents’ V’est and Coat Chains............................. 50c to $2.50Indies’ Bracelets ................................................................. $2.50Baby Bracelets ........................................................ 75c to $1.50

Plunkett’s Bazaar42—M. O. Wonch___________________|12.oa42—Falrhaaha-Marsr A Ga...................M.IS44—Mlrhlgan Hupply Oo._____________12.M42—Osorge N. Wilson________________4.##44—Fowler A Baa___________________44.1847— Richard day.................... 2.7848— Frost Paint A MXg Oo.___________2.88

84—Kramer Bros A Co.22—Hpauldtiw A Oo.___2a—FVoot Palat A Mfg27—Richard Oay____________Sa-Fowler A Bait___________ 1.18

Total Water Fuad Dtshts. Bloctric IJght Fund D

Claim No. —sa—Noel ValenUne_______

B Thomas________ ......

Thtal Ph^Nrtr Fuad IMofano.........1287.28No further buolnooo appearing, on mo­

tion ths oouacll adjoumod.Wm COCHRANE. City Clerk.

In a Few Oayu.nwy—**Tkis eout la praunl Too au8d

tt vas plum eolor van I bought It luat Bight.** Mouse—'That'S all right, oj boy; it ain't taniaS rlpa yuL**


Bert RIre................................. ..............818.80

870.8#21— Arrhie Bishop ___ __......___— . 78 ,82—Motropoiltan Wsocrtcal Hupply

('oaspany --------------------------------- 182.8# |22— Chpltot Bleettic- Englnaartag Ob.. SS.tO |

Strength In Chaarfulnaaa.Wontlroua la tha strength of ohaup

fnlnaas. altogacnar paat oalculatton Its powers of oudumaea. Bfflorta. to be purmaaenUy useful, must be unltorm-

Hla Pfauaura.A faoMMM king Mkl; Tf mua oaly

knew how plauaaat to me It Is to toe^ give fmalts, thura la not one of thum who would not commit ertma."—rroai tha Ortaat.

Dully Thought.Such as are thy habitual thoughta.

ly loyoaa a gplHt aU suaalilBa. graou-1 sueh alao wlU ha tha eharuetar of thy tal from very gledaees, beeaUfnl be-1 aUad. for the eoel la dyed by Ua eaaee bright.—Carlyle. j thoughts.—Mereaa Aareltae.





Horses.*4paB at MaHi meiw, extra peed, 7 yra.

eld. weiphi Jttg.

Krwwa smut eeM remiap S yra. eld, rxiia pdad, dtaephi htwd.


PoultryM bees.

BfM eew 4 yra. aid. due la Hm

WhMe 4WW, S yra. eM dae la Ji

I'lSf, • maaih> eM.



t bread s4»w« aad la ahest MS lbs.


baplanentsaad Tools

Harilsae wimea.

Oabera drag, eew.

.Xew raHitefer.

iraeM fuller.

Hay rake.

Oilriaa aaewrr.

d teao Haver hay.

I tau* thuathy hay.

(Hhrr artirirs laa nueier"B» la aieu.



IN 74 8194



Mrs. James Pierce, Pre^August Miller, Auctioneer. W. H. Sneliing, Cleric.

Tk* ladl— laM

wttli Mr*. W. W.

t««d off ft qallt Rftv W. W. (*llftUMd ftad «tf* aad dftu^iitftr. war* la fti>

dauft nafiaaliBiMU wmn aarvad nad ftli wajarad ft sood ttaak

Mr. aad Mra. Mufaaa Klaa'a lafaat Boa oalf llaad a eaapta of Mym to klaaa tbatr boaM». It aaajrW«idaaadftjr at <mm o'clock |l oi.

iUcular Boatlaa of tkc R. Q. Hatchuidoa ^oot oast rrldar ftftor- Booa at tka vlllaaa kail l^>wlar. Uac. 1S» for dactloB of oAcata.

Arrtac Baak aaa oallad to Daraad laat w«ak WWaaoday oMralns and BOW haa a poaltloa aa oparator la Detroit. AltBoad Wlllyoaav acta aa poitar hare now,

Mr. and Sira. Raamal Thunui ratom- ad from tkalr weddlac trip to Chlca> 0o laat waak Thuiaday.

Mr. and Mra. WlUUun Rickards ra- turnad from tka fat oatUa akow Rat- urdajr.

Laa Parka froas Chleapo raaia last waak Tkuradar to rialt hla faCkar. Baniual Parka, and fkaslly.

Mra. Wllllc RIekarda and MIsa Ha* sal RIekarda. rtaltad tkalr fktkar. Wll- liaai RIekarda Suaday.

Mra. J. H. Laa rlaltad bar alatar, Mra. Uasla HonMka. la St JokM oaa day laat waak.

Mr. aad Mra. Aktkoay Hufaasal were la (Iraad Rapida laat waak Thuraday aad Friday oa baalaaaa.

Mr. aad Mra. IipMaa KoaalflMaMcht aad Mr. aad Mra. Ckariaa Thata ware la Graad Rapida laat Thuraday to rla* It their brotbar. Joka Spltalay. of Weatpkalla, who la tkare la tka hoa- plul havlac had aa oparatlna a. oaa- ple of waaha apo.

John Thaiaa of Weatpkalla waa la town Thoraday earouta to St Johaa.

Mlaa Roale (laorpr waa In St. Jokna Friday.



^HE best way to settle the gift question—to settle it satisflictorily, economically * and with the least inconvenience to 3fourself is to come direct to Kuhns A Msr>

fill's. If in doubt what best to buy (or husband, father, brother or son—our store is the place whkrt! the problem may be solved. Broad assortment ol gift things lor men makes choosing easy.

A few of the many attractive and practical articles shown here this season for Christmas gifts.


Fur Caps Mufflars

suit Hi



Stick Pins

Four-iii4iaiid Tisb

Fur ttaad GIofss

For linad Goats PliasliCaaii


Ann Baads


Mias Bertha Hufttapcl rlMta^Jicr alatar, Rallc, la St Johaa Saturday.

Joaaph Pnap of Wastphalla was la town Friday on bnaiaftat.

Mlaa .Nora Kasper spent Thuraday In Be Johns.

Math. Ott waa la Westphalia Wed­nesday on bualaaaa.

TlieStoMMich b the Target'

AIb to make tkat atfonc—and digestion good—and yoo will keep well I No chain la atronger Chan its weakest llak. No man is stronger than his afnmach. With stomach disordered a traui of diaeaaaa follow.

mta. Mkl vstrartaSN««r mtttmm mmd thm Maad

hw«t tw MM Mf aho**!. Md i>r • > far oMT 4» rmm. aaviaa swrai

What More Acceptable Than Jewelry?

Just now Jewelry staads higher In popular favor than any oth­er gift. Jewelr>' la appropriate at any season uad for alaraat any uccaston. What could be more acceptable for a Cbristmaa gift.

Pendaat .\eck ('haia* dSjaa aad apfljMand Bp

^mmd BpJk aad ap

SLanaad ap A4jaa and ap dl.eaaad ap

I'aS b«fleB*>Heprf Plai*Batch l^eh•Tellel Hela, oilier l..4wheta, geld tilled t'aS Betteev. hearf PIbn

aad tie claap vela tlAB aad ap halvee, ferka aad apaea* at leweat

p rleea.

O. E. \ IRIJM, JewelerFowler, Michigan

The Mlaaea Amelia Ott aad Mary Hufasgel tvere visitors at Armella Fokl'a

Mr. aad Mrs. Charles Wllllaasa rs- turaed to their home after an ab­sence of ttao weeks.

Mrs. Jokn Wberrlu aad daugkter. HetUe Bell, aooompanled her mother, Mrs. White, to Oraad Hapids They returned Friday.

. Mies Dora Miller of St. Johns apent Sunday with her grandfather, Anth­ony Wleber.

Mrs. Susie Rademacber and two sons, of Wesiphaila, were In town Thursday eoroute to Sc Johaa.

Mrs. Max lakmay of Ifttnalag Is via- { lUng her parents. Mr. and Mra. Albert { Vanamburg. aad family.

Mlaa Golds Buck of St Johns was home over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs Math Ott ware in SL j Johns Thursday on business

Mra. Buela Uurke baa resigned her school In the VanGelson district and . will po to lanalag to live aa her hua- < band haa a position there.

Miss Grace Richards was home over! Suaday. She returned Monday for her school In Olive lowasblp.

Dr. Schemer was out of town the first of the week.

John Slllman of Lebanon was In town enroute to St. Johns to visit bis daughters one day last week.

Bertha Hufnagei is at home now having resigned a position and Miss ' Maytue Bowers is working in her place at the hotel now. i

Miss Raglna Thelen spent s few days of last week with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Kleckner. sad family.

Mias .Som Kasper, who has been su>lBg with Mrs Prank llliich, the past two weskft. went to Westphalia Saturday.

Mr. aad Mrs (leorge Schafer and Robert Klee are spending this week in Detroit visiting relatives and frleads

Albert Fink was in Grand Rapids oae day laat week.

Miss Seraphine Martin Is visiting her brother. Ixniic Martin, and family this week.

Miss Dora I>uttnebsck Is visiting her sisters at Laasing this week.

Mr. .tad Mrs. Lewis Peldpsusch went to Kalatnasoo .Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph sad John Ul­rich started Monday noon for Hast- inga to visit friends

Mr. and Mra. Prank Triester and daughter were in Hewamo Saturday on bttslacss.

Henry Smith vmat to St Johns Sat­urday evening.

Masters Victor OoUer aad Sylveaur Arena were In Pewanw Saturday. .

Frank Ulrich went to Mon­day.

Mr. aad Mrs. C. F. Meyer visited his father at the home of bis slater, Mrs. John Swaru.

Mr. aad Mrs. Bert Kellam of St Johaa returned to their home Monday after apeadlng a couple of weeka wltk friends la Lebanon.

Mrs Carl Pkadel went to West­phalia Tuesday to visit her daughter. Mrs. John Spluley.

Mrs. Morris Drake and daughtsr. Mrs. riarent^ MaaaSeld. vialtsd Mr. sad Mra BM.^Caae Tuesday.

C. Meyer la very low at this writ­ing of a general breakdown and bronchlUa.

Mlaa Warner of St. Johns vlsltsd Mies Hlllah ISddy. over Suaday.

Mlaa Pearl Baldwin waa la St Johns WtMlneoday evening.

Woman ef Narrow Mind.A wonaan lacking true eultare la

aald to betray by oonveraatlon a mlad of narrow compass, bouadod on the north by her aervanta, on the east by her children, on the aooth by her all- amnta. aad on the west by her clothes. —Barton Klngslaod.


Mr. aad Mrs. L. J. Boyd'of Ovid visited her elater, Mra. J. B. Crane. Suaday laat

Mr. aad Mrs. Bdarard Baraea of Ovid apent the day Tuesday adth her parrata. Mr. aad Mra. W. Ridenour.

J. B. Crane attended the ftmeral of William Mulder la St Johns Friday last.

Mra. Geo. TraachaB vialtad her mo­ther. Mra Sarah Roare. In Ovid Sun­day last

Mra Charles Poet returaa to her home la Alba Thursday after vialUag her parents and other relatives and frieada for the past two weeka.

The Stillaon eemetery aaaoclatloa bold a meeting and nerve dinner at the Victor Coagregatlonal church next Wedneeday. Dec. 18. Rveryhody Invited.

Mra Harry Loagwell and two chll- draa of Ovid are vialUag at P. E. Grwene'a and L H. Allenh before de­parting for her new borne In Caro where Mr. IxiaawtII haa a position.

QualityIs usually taken into consideration by

the shrewd buyer. Our table supplies are of the best quality and we guarantee satisfaction as to price also. Space will not allow’ us to t|uote the many articles that we have in stock that will make nice Christmas Presents for your triend. Come in and look them over.

Yours, for business,

W. SBoth Phonos 92 SL Johns, Mich.

NEWS JOB DEPT. ^New, modern, up-to-date. |$ Little NEWS LINERS $ They bring RESULTS



Special Holiday Sale of


SBpporsA splendid opportunity to

purchase Christmas Gifts at lowest prict?s.

7& cmMii and fil.lARay*« Baurlag Fumpx. tAM.Imdim* Baaclag HNppcr« fr«m

•lAk ta mJC.

Imdiaa* Fine Skam frma !• HJk.l^uNm* FcN Stippwv. Itr. «r. Wr, aad 8IJM. .4

»cry laatlug aad aaafal pfuaaal.WM laitr • Warm Skaaa tram 81AS ta MJk. ffiJnhif- nadiv a alee preaeai. Over aBller« aad Liavlagii

)a«l the HMag la heap wans.f'wmc la aad leek. We will •haw jem a grral nmav aler tktar*

j far rhrHtam. Mm aad a« rewaaaMe pflew.

Hurry EL Mack ^

Half Trlait) < harrk .Sale*.PKther lAademann was in Ht. Johnu

•Monday. The maas waa at aevon o’clock.

j Tueaday. WedBraday and Thuraday ' iherr waa no mas* here aa Father Undemann wae in Kalamaxoo.

.Next week Is Ember week, there­fore Wednesday. Friday and Saturday

I are days of Paai and Abatlneace.

Don't fall to read E. Gniler k CO.’s I ad. They are headquarters for Xmas ahoppera.

FULRir BALK.Two houoaa aad bam la Fowler.

TSinraday. Dec. ffth. at 1:00 p. m.M. ORUBK

i Get my I Fine

on Christmas Jewelry It to select frotp.


OhWaary af Rm. Walts.I Mrs. Caroline Waits, an old aedI rrwpectsd lady, living oae-half mile south of town, died Monday momiaa after oaly's two dajm’ lllaaaa of pae>.- moala Satuntay she came to town with her aoaM wife aad faeltag quite III she stayed wllb her son. Gottlieb, all Bight aad waatlae’ to go home t • ry bad. her Mm took her h<aae R ir>- d ly laomtar She ate a naofty dla- !*er but waa taken worse aooa after which eadad In death ..Voaday mom. tag at r> a.m. The fnaerai will aot take place until Sunday an her eon John started from Oxnard. Caltf.. Tuea- iay moratag aad will arrive here ^'.«t iirday Mra. Waltr wua M yeara old She waa bom In Germany, and tnar- ried here to Michael Waftt 44 yesrs aim She lived all of her niarrted Ilf- on the farm where ah’- died Her huth:<.nd preceeded her to the other shore ooly two montha ago She leaves to mourn their loos one dan ghtor. Mr* t’arrie Geiaenhaver; and fiv,. anas. John of Ovnard. Calif,; Fred. Jaenh aad Michael of Loaeing aad Gottlieb of this placa, who have the armpathy af the whole oowubob- Ity in thia. thair aad horeovameat The Dageral will lake plaee at the laithevaa ohureh Suadhy, Rov. Vogt flAeiatlkg iBtovmeot la Oak Ridgi

OLD “SANTA”has made it easy for you to select your Xmas presents from the large and beauti­ful display of

TOYS of ALL KINDSGames. Blocks, Hill Climbers. Furniture, Dolls, Story Books, Xmas Tree Decorations, etc. French China, Jardiniers, Vases, Jewelry, Fancy Goods, Toilet Sets, Art Linens, Perfumes. Stationery, Hand Bags, Gents’ Furnishings and many other Holiday Specials in all lines, at money saving prices. A complete assortment of Xmas candies, nuts and fruits.

iWill pay you highest market prices for Butter. Eggs and Poultry.

Wmaif PmopimB* Lmgal Trading Stampm Gruler &

Fowler, Michigan

Wc give Pmopha* Lmgal Trading Stampc


HM OF LEnUKiDnuii '

Noclo* *• TluH 1,IamiU K fount) DrsiB foiu-■iMiotter of the County of rilntoo. Blau of ^klUsnn, will oa tbf

26th day of December. A. D.. 1912.

•t Uie f«nD rantdoniw of

CHESTER CLARK.•B SE V. »octton 5. In tlt« Towiwlilp of Watertown In anid County of Clin­ton at ten o'clock In the forenoon of tkat day, proceed to receire bMa for Ike conatmetUm of a certain Drain known and dealitnated an '‘Cutler and Bxtenaioo Drain." located and eotab- ttahed In the Townehip of Watertown. In aald County of Clinton, and dee- erlbed an foliowa. to-wit;

crTLER Ayn kxtexhios i»rai>aiXITKS HK HI'KVKY

Miniitea of aunrey of center line and apeclftratione for the cieanins out. deepenlna. wldenlna. atmlahten* Ins. ektendina and tlitna of a certain drain to be known and dealanatMl aa the “Cutler and l*hitenalon Drain." which la to be i-onatmeted aa an open drain from Station 27 to Station 43, and aa a tile drain from Station 43 40 SUUon Mkx.Sk (terminua), locate^l to the Toamahip of Watertown, Coun­ty of Clinton. State of MIchisan. and rtinnina •• foliowa:

T’ARCKL ON’K—Commencinit at a point deeciibed. via. 2.02 chaina North and 9 M2 chaina Kaat of Southwest comer of North 130 arrea of Nonh Rift W of Section 8. 'Town "> North Rcnae .t Weat, County of Clinton. State of Mirhiitan. thence over and acroea NORTH 130 ACKU6 .NORTH EAST except 20 acrea In North Eaat comer of North Baat U, of Sec­tion 8. town, county and atate afon*- aald. owned by CUtCDE 3. MIIJJSR. a diitance of 25.88 cbalha, aa folloara* Nonh 1h Kaat 3.37 chaina. thence North '.4 Kaat 2.43 chaina. thence Nonh 22 3-4* Weat*2.18 chaina. thence North 7 4 Kaat 4.88 chaina North 3 4 Weat 8 43 chaina. thence North 31 3-4' Kaat 2.56 chaina, thence North t4 Kaat 1.83 chaina to a point 9.77 chaina Kaat of North W poat of Sec­tion 8.

I’ARCKL TWO—Commencinit at the point laat above deaciibed. via: 9.7 chaina F3aat of .North 4 poat of Sec tk>n 8. Town .5 North. Ranite 3 Weal, County of Clinton. State of MIchiftan. thence over and acroaa SOITH HAST N of .Section 5. town, county and atate aforeaald. owned by CHESTER riJkRK. a diatance of 35.37 chains, aa foliowa* .North 8 4* EUMt .34 chaina. thence South 88 H* East 6.37 chains, thence .North 55* Rnat 3.44 chains, thence North 404* Bast 5.34 chains, thence .North 74 *4 * Kaat 5.43 chainsthence North 54* thence North 39' thence North 76 thence South 78 4

Kaat 3.51 chaina. Kaat 2.43 chains, Kaat 5.89 chaina.

Kaat 2.41 chaina.

1 ^r tki. denaaitlan yf the anrtk In tka I iiii|iro%'eauMit of said drain shall he at nnual diaunena upon snek aMa of

I said surveyed Una.6 All ancioaiakall be turned on

-ru easy curve beflinalBS at leaat two . Ida each side of the ancle etake.

7.--All llmhsr, and mbtoink wltkin the limits of thr cxoavationB and bena shall be reawMed beyond the da- l^aeltlon of the eanb and within the limit: of the right of way.

8 Suitable opentnea shall be left or made in the spoil baake to parmit the ready paaance of water to said drain at auch points aa the aurfaoe of the ground may require.

9 —A good clean berm of ala fast te to be left

10. —The elope of U» banka shall i»a eighteen inches to one foot rise.

11. —The width of bottom shall be two feet throughout

B. -r-Tlie Drain--That portion of drain lying between Station 45 and SUtion Uka.St.

1. —Station etakee and (trade huba are set ever)' tour rods and are num­bered consecutively from Station 46 at the outlet of the open drain to Sta­tion 14PX.59 at the terminus of the tile drain.

2. —All tile shall be laid to a true and unlfomi grade I'orreepdndlng to the established grade of the drain and In a true line with the center line of the survey of aald drain.

All oaglee shall he turned on an eaa) curve beginning at least two rods each aide of angle stake.

4 -All tile shall be laid cm a true well abai>ed l>ed and shall have the earth well tamped along the sides to hold tile In place In a true line.

•. in la]dng tile no open Joints •hall be left but each tile shall have a true, close Joint with the one pre- vloufly laid.

6. —If quick-aand or other material shall be encountered that shall have

tendency to run in through the Joinu of the tile the work shall be stopped at once and the I>raln Com- tniaeioncr or Knglneer In charge shall at once be notified. Cement or suit­able collars ehall be used to exclude quick-sand or other material from the tile.

7. __A11 tile that do not rooform to the above conditions shall be laid at the risk of the contractor and he may be required to replace them at his own expense.

K.—All tile shall be left in an ex> {tosed condition and no back-filling shall be done until they are accepted by the Drain Commlaaloner or Engi­neer In charge, after which the drain may be filled, care being taken to fill with nothing but earth.

C. —Retaining Wall—PV>r which a contract will be let:

1.—At the outlet of the tile drain a cement abutment or retaining wall shall be constructed flush with the opening of the laat tile .md conform­ing to the following specifications:

A—Said abutment or retaining wall to be 10 feet In length. 5 feet each side of center of tile, and lying In a line perpendicular to that course of the drain. It shall be 6 feet In height, ex­tending 2 feel below and 4 feet above the center of the Ule.

n.—The concrete used In the con- strtirtion of the wall shall be the mlx-

WUk m 4 «Mapi npanml of long ea«p 14 ra4n B of NW Cor., of aald pnre«|, th^ae running N 14 mio, E 20 mda. tfW to begin-

4 5N 3W

4 5 N 3W

5 5 N 3W

5N 2W

5 5 N 3W

______ 5 5N 3W

____ 5 5N SW

thence South 80 .3-4* Keet .21 chains to a imint 7.03 chains South of North Mast comer of South 4 of South E^t 4 of Section 5.

PARCKL THREJR-Comraenctng at the (tolnt last above described, viz: 7 03 chains South of North Kaat cor ner of South 4 of South Kaat 4 of Section 5. Town 5 North. Range West. County of Clinton. State of Michirnn, t hence over and acmes WUST 4 OF SOI TH WE-S^ 4 of Section 4, town, county and atate aforesaid, owned by CHHBTBR MIL- IjKR. a distance of 30.92 chaina. aa follows* .South 3044* 5.05 chains,thence .North 63 4 * Kaat 4.62 chains, thence .North 36 3-4* Rest 31.81 chains thence .North 4 West 4.32 chains thence .North .54' East 3.12 chains to a (mint M.28 chains South of Jtorth Rast comer of West 4 of South Weet H S«-cilon 4

I’AHCKL porn—Commencing at a point last above described, vis 8.28 ehiilns South of North Kast comer of Weet 4 of Sotith West 4 of Section 4, Town 5 .North. Range 3 West, County of <'linion. Stale of Michigan, thence over jind across KAST 4 SOCTH Wfarr of Section 4, town, county •ml jitatc .iforeseld, owned by HEN­RY A DOSS, a distance of 10.9»' chains, aa follows: North .54 Kast .26 chains, thence North 6.5 4 East ^ or, rriHins, thence North 34 3-4 F: «t w ehain*, thence .North 21 Kast 6 ('• rh ins to a itoint 5.92 chains Kast of .Vorth W«»st comer of Kaet 4 of S.> .tli Went 4.

t’ARt'KI. FIVE -Commencing at the iininl last above described, vis.; r. ;»2 < > ini- y^at of North West cor- r.- r . ; Kast 4 of South We«t 4 of

4, Town 5 North. Range 3 County of Clinton. State of

Michigan, thence over and across IPtCTH 4 NORTH WH8T 4 of .Sec- flot! 4. town. County and state afore­said owned by FR.\NK HTARLl.NC,. a distance of 19.72 chains as follows* North 21 Kast .01 chains, them •' .North Cl 4 Vlast 7.95 chains, thenceNorth 34 4 Kast 4.07 chains, thenceNorth 114 East 2.97 chains, thence.North 6 .3-4“ West 2 57 chains, thence.North Kaat 2.15 chaina to a point 4.1C chains West and 5 66 chains f4nuth of North Kast comet' South 4 of .North West 4 of Section 4. which imint shall be the terminua of said drain.

HPKrFFH'.lTlDNM.A—Open Drain—that portion of the

drain lying bat ween Station 27 and Station 45.

1 —Sutton suke and grade huba eve sat every four mds and are nttm- kered consecutively from 27 at the antlet to 44 at the terminua of the span drain.

2.—t'entar sinkaa are set 10 llokn Ip right of aiaitonn.

3. —Between sutlona the depth la Co follow the grade of the bottom, which is bnead upon the depth of the drain at each atntton.

4. - The width of surface excava- tton akall he 3 titnee the depth added to 'he width of the bottom.

5 —Hm* extreme width of land ner- eenarr tor tka improving of aald drain skail he 1M taut along tke entire length ef drain. The center of enid grain eknll be the nkeve enrvwyed rinn The width of aovtoee enravntton and egtrmne width of land nepaanuy

Iturc of one part of cement to six parts i of sand and gravel. ^

Surveyed by order of Uouia F. (tpeen. ritnton County Drain Com- misatoner.

E n Hl’I.J3E. Surveyor. Contracts will also be let for the

drawing and fumiahinf of at least 538 feet and possibly an adidtional .500 feet of 18 Inch tile; .5082 feet of 15 l:;ch llle and 1293 feet of 12 Inch tile, said tile to be drain tile.

Said Job will be let by sections. The section at the outlet of said drain will be let first, and the remaining sec­tions in their order up stream, in ac­cordance with the diagram now on file with other papers pertaining to said drain. In the office of the County Drain Commissioner of said County of Clinton, to which reference may be had by all parties interested, and bids will he made and received according­ly Contracts will be made with the lowest responsible bidder giving ade­quate security for the preformance of the work. In the atim then .md there to be fixed by me. reserving to myself the right to reject any and all bids. The date for the completion of ouch contract, and the terms of payment therefor, shall be announced at the time and plane of letting.

.Notice is FSirther Hereby (liven. That at the time and place of said letting, or at such other time and place thereafter to which I, the Coun­ty Drain Commlaaloner aforesaid, may .-idjoum the sanie, the assessments for benefits to the lands comprised within the "Cutler and Kxtension Drain Special Assessment District," .md .api'ortlonnicnta thereto, will be ann«»tincf<d hy me ami will be subject to review for one day. from ten o'clock In the forcnt»on until live • I'clock In the afternoon.

The following is a description of the several tracts or i»arceis of land con­stituting the .Special Assessment Dis­trict of said Drain, vlt:

ri'TI.ER \.>n EXTENMIflh DRAIN.Hub-divisions Hec. Twn Rge

Township of Watertown at I.iarge 5 N 3W

.\ (tarcel of land com at at NW Cor. of 8 84 A of NK Frl 4, See 4, thence running R Cfl ivids. 8 42 rods. E 52 mda,. 8 42 rods. W 112 rods. N 84 rads to be- ginlng; and N S-IC of of .N 4 of fW 4 exc. a parrel of land com.In 8K cor. and running N 15 rads. W St rada.SE to beginning — 4 R N 3W

D n Rhaflsy.8 13-16 of N H of NK

4 exc. a parcel of lead com in HK Cor. thence running 8 f& rods. W 52 rods. NR to begin­ning;— and W 4 of N 4 of 8 4 of 8E 4 .. 4 5 N tW

fliarleo Itorward N 15 A of W 4 of W S-4

of84of8R4 .. 4fNSW Chester Miller.

K 4 of 8W 4 eac. e par­cel of toad eem. M rads N ef 8B tsmr^ tkenee

---ri • M rode. W M rain, NR ta beRla- tag - _______________ 4 4H tW

4 &N SWCheeter Millar.

(lAUJCV THHHiC N -PJ -'C.54.... tf 4 of .NW 4 except e

parei of lead coat, in 8W oor., Lheaee run* olag N Ml rede, B «t rora. g 40 roe. W 52 nods, 8W to e petal 10 rods M of W 4 psst.Sec. 4, W 10 rods tobsgtnaing______

Frank Btaiiing.A parcel of land cool 24

rode W of 8H oor. of N 4 of .NW Fri 4, theaee running N 15 rods. W 24 rode, 8 15 rode, B 34 rods to be­ginning .......... .. ...........

Jey Brown.E2A. ofN55A.ofaK

4v sad 8 101 A. of 8K 4, exc. n parcel of huul

com. 90 rods N of 8 4 post. 8ec. 5, thence N 20 rods. E 30 rods.8 20 rads^ W SO rods tobsginning _ _______

CTiester Clark.A percel of land com. at

8R cor. of 8 4 of N 4 of 8W 4, thence run­ning N 10 rods. W 20 rods. 8 10 rods, K 20 rods to beginning

C. M. Hazard.E 4 hf HE 4 of 8W 4

Kllta Brown.W 4 of E 4 of 8K 4

of 9W 4 except s par­cel of land com. In .NK Cor., thence W 20 rods.8 20 rods. NK to begin­ning ..............

Oscar Clark.A parcel of land com.

40 rods W of 8 4 post Sec. 5. thence running N 60 rods. W 10 rods.8 20 rods. W 10 rods.8 40 rods. B to be­ginning __

C. 21. Hasaid.A parrel of land com. 20

rods W of NE Cor. of W 20 A. of N 36 A. of E 4 of NW 4. thence running R 20 rods. 8 8 rods. NM' to beginning 8 5 X 3W

(Tias. Ritter.A parcel of land com. at

NW Cor. of E 16 A. of N 36 A. of E 4 of .NW 4, tbenco running 8 8 rods. E 16 rads. 8 6 rods. E 10 rods, 8 22 rods, W 8 rods. 8 30 rods. E 16 rods. .N 66 rods. W to beginning...

A. B. Ide.A parcel of land com. at

.NE oor of NE 4. Sec.8, thence running W 874 rods. 8 364 rods.E 87 4 rode. N 36 4 rods to beginning, ex­cept a iiarcel of land com. 28 rods 8 of NE oor. of 8eo 8. thence running 8 8 rods, W 16 rods, .NE to beginlng 8 5 N 3W

H. B. WelUio.N 72 rods of W 72 4 rods

of W 4 of .NB 4 and a parcel of land com.36 4 rods 8 and 16 rods W of NE (tor. 8ec. 8. thence running W 7t 4 rods. 8 36 rods. NE tobeginning —........ .. 8 5 .N 3W

Claud J. Miller.A parcel of land com. at

NW Cor. of Sec. 9, thence ninnlag 8 38rods. K 30 rods. 8 12 rods. B 52 rods. .N 40 rods. W to beirinning 9 5 N 3W

Mrs. V. Boss.A iMircel of land com. 40

rod# W of N 4 post.8ec. 9. thence running W 40 rods. 8 40 rods.E 10 rods. N 20 rods. E 30 rods. .V to beginning 9 5 .N 3W

Henry A. Itoas.Now therefore, all unknown or non­

resident persons, owners of and per­sona interested In the above described lands and you John W. Hunter, super­visor of the Township of Watertown, and you. .Maurice iledaine. Highway Commiaafoner of the Townahtp of Wa­tertown are hereby notified that at the time and place aforeaald. or at such other time and place thereafter to which said hearing may be ad­journed, I shall proceed to receive bids for the coMtnictlon of said drain in the manner hereinbefore stated, and also that at aucb time of letting, from ten o'clock in the fore- mion to five o'clock in the afternoon, the assessments for benefits of the land comprised within the "Cutler .and l<Jxtenalon Drain Htteclal Aasess- roent Dlsirlct” will be subject to re­view. and yon. and each of you own­ers of and persons Interested in the aforesaid lands, are hsreby cited to appear at the time and place of aaid letting aa aforesaid, and be heard with res|>ect to such special asaens- menta and your interests in relation thereto. If you ao desire.

Dated this 9th day of December A. n.. 1912.

UMTI8 F. ORKKN.County Drain Coramifstoner of the

County of Clinton.

ilCEff LEnK

Dmm GORTIMCTNotice to Hereby Given, That 1.

Uottla K. (irami, Cewnty Drain Com- misslonar of thn County of Clinton. 8Ute of MichlratB. Mvill on tka

30th day of December A. D., 1912.

at tka farm maid wine of

ORRIN DAVIS,on E 4 of BE 4. Sac. 31, in tke Townehip of Binghiun. in said (touaty of Clinton at ten o'clock in tke fore­noon of that day. proceed to receive bids tor the oonstrucUon of a certain Drain known and deelgnated aa "Bm- mfMM and (toge Drain.'' located and established in the Townehip of Bing ham in said Coun^ of Clintoa. am deaciibed as foliowa. to-wit;


width ef sarfara saoavattoa and sa- Netins la FnrtlMr Haraby (llvaa. traara width of land aasaaaary for tke I That at tke Uate aad plara of aald aepceiUoa of tke earth ia the Ija-1 tottlag, or at sack other’ titan aad proveoMat of aald dimia shall ha at plaaa tkeraafter to which 1, tka Coua- equal upsa sack sMto of aald | tjr Drala Caaamlaatoaar aforaaald. atayBurveyad line. i adjourn tke aaaae, the aaaaasmsnta fur

8 5 N 3W

Painful Olaeovery."Wen.*' aald the dentlaC aa with a

aleel tastramaat he tapped Mr. Aeh* ta'a tooth. "I toM you when I pet that crown oa that It might gtre yog tronble. I never gneraatee n erawn* ed tooth." "Oh, I know. I wteh Fd bad tke btataae thing pelted!" nmaned Mr. Aektno aedly. ‘Tve toead oat to my aerroe that uwsaay raata tka tootk that weara a crown!"

Tke Baey Woman** Day.

It bagtni early, enda lata, aad la full of work. She oftaa ban kMnay troeb- le wtthout knowtng It. Har bnek nekaa, and ake la tirad and worn oat. Blaapn paorly. la aarraea. ao appaCIte. Her bladder glvee ber trouble too. Pa- ley Kldaey Pflla will eera oil that and malm bar strang aad well. Tkey are the bant nmdlalna made tor kldaey

▼aa nakle A

Minutes of aunrey of center line and apeclflcraUona for the cleaning out, dee|>eniBg. widening, straighten­ing and extending of a certain drain known and designated as the ’*Bm- mona and Gage Drain" located in the Township of Bingham. County of (Tlin- toti. State of Michigan, and to run aa follows:

I’.ARCEL ONK -Commencing at a lioint 9..55 chains West and 18 links North of the North Kast corner of 8outh 4 of North Beat 4 of South West 4 of Becuon ^2, Town 7 North. Range 2 Weat. (tounty of (*Iinton. Htate of Michigan, thence over and across the NORTH 4 OF .NORTH I*:A«T 4 OF SOITH WB8T 4 of Section 32. town, county and state aforesaid, owned by B. C, KMMONR AND WIFI-I. a distance of 10.49 chains, as follows: South 88 4* Kast 7.25 chaina. thence North 45 3-4* Kast 3.24 chsins to a point 2.50 chain* North of North Rast corner of South 4 of North Kast 4 of South West 4 of sold Section 32. Town 7 .North, Range 2 West.

I'ARCKI.. TAVO—Coniemnclng at the point last above described, vlx.: 2.50 chains North of .North Bast corner of South 4 of North Bast 4 of South West 4 of Section 22. Town 7 .North. Range 2 West. County of Clinton, State of Michlgnn. thence over and across WEST 4 OF SOITH EAST 4 of Section 32. town, county and state aforesaid. * owned by L. G. .NOHRI8. DAIHIK .NORRIS. ORIJ^IY .NOHltlRAND JChlA NORRIS, a distance of 21.93 chsins. as follows: Nonh 4544* Kast 1.03 chains, thence Nonh 63 4* Kast 2.48 chains, thence Nonh 76 4* Etost 2.50 chains, thence North .50Bast 1.60 chains, thsnce .North 82East 3.40 chains, thence South 89*Bast 2.35 chains, thence Nonh 78 4* Kast 1.93 chains, thence .Nonh 63' Hast 2.42 chaina. thence Nonh 71*Eaat 2.07 chs thence North 71* East 2.07 chs.. thence South 88* Kast 2.15 chains to a point 1.31 chains South of .North Kast corner West 4 South East 4. Section 32.

I*AHCBL THREE—(Toramencing at the point laat above described, viz.: IJIl chains South of North Hast cor. of W 4 South East 4 of Section 32. Town 7 North, Range 3 West, (bounty of riinton. Slate of Michigan, thence over and acraaa KAST 4 SOITH KA8T 4 of Section 32. town, count) and state aforesaid, owned by ORRIN A. DAVIS AND WIFK, a dIsUnce of 23.33 chains, as follows: South 88* Kast 1.14 chains, thence South 39 1-2* Flast 2.44 chains, thence South 49Hast 2.74 chains, thence South 59East 3.85 chains, thence South 40*Hnst 3.76 chains, thence South 54 4 * Haat 2.73 chains, thence South 63Kast 4.30 chs, thence South 84 Bast 2.37 chs. to a point 13.16 chs. Soutlf and 0.57 chaina West of Bast 4 post Section 32. Town 7 .North, Range 2 West.

I'AKC'KI. FOUR-Commencing at the point last above described, vix.: 13.16 chains South and 0.57 chains West of Heat 4 pewt of Section 32. T«iwn 7 North. Range 2 Weat. County of Clinton, State of Michigan, thence over and acroas a atrip of land run­ning Nonh and South on the Host side of Seetlon 32, Town 7 North. Range 2 West, and on the Weet side of Section 33 Town 7 .North, Range 2 West, and \ owned and used aa a right of way for an electric railroad lietween St. Johns and lotnsing. .Michigan, town, county and stale aforesaid, owned by Michi­gan I’nlted Railroad Coraiuiny. a dla- tanre of u 96 chaina. as follows; South 84 Kast '»96 chains to a point 13.2<' chains South and u.39 chains Kaat of the \V««si 4 post of Section 33, Town 7 .North. Range 2 West.

I’ARCKL FIVE—Commencing at the (loial. last above described, viz.: 13.211 chains South and u.39 chaina Kast of West 4 poet of Section 33. Town 7 .North, Range 2 West. County of Clinton. State of Michigan, thenc** over and acrosa .StH'TH 4 OF NORTH 4 OF SOl'TH WF»T 4 of Section 33, town, county and atate sforveald. owned by ADAKINK INCCK. (.NOW ADAUNK (iAOB) a dtstance of 8.57 chains, as followe: South 84 4 Kast 1.03 chains, thence North 84 4 Kast 4.82 chain*, thencs South 83 Rest 2.73 chains to a point 10,73 chain* Kaat and 3.10 shalne South of North West corner of South 4 of .North 4 of South Wset 4 of Ssetlon n. Town 7 .North. Range 2 Went. •

HFBf'irir.iTIOFfH.1. —Station stakes and grade huba

are sat every 8 rods along the Has of the drain, aad are numbered con- aeeutlvety from 0 at tbe outlet to Itx 1.28 at the terminus.

2. —Grade huba are set t.t feet the right of the center line of drain, aad center etakea are eet at tke outlet, terminua, all angtsa and at frequent Intervale atong the line of drain.

t.—Between etattona the depth ta to follow tke grade of tke bottom which Is bnaad upon tke depth of the drain at eneh atatton.

4.—The width of aertoee axeava- tton akall ks 2 timsa the depth eddsd to tko wMth of tke beliom.

5y—fTba sxtrams widtk ef lend ner- aoanry tor the tmpraving of aeld dram Mmll he 100 toot. The center ef said dram, eeraaa oaM pnra0|i> Mmll be Ike aboee sntveyed Han. Tke

0.- All cam ara to be mraeursd from the tops of the grade huba or bench marks at tbe correepeoding atatton stake.

7. —Tke width of the bettom abnll be 1 feet.

8. —The stops of tka hanks akall bs 18 inchas hoiiaoniai to aneH feet lies.

9. —All angles not effecting tks highway or at the face of onivertt shall ha turned on an easy curve ke- gianlBg and ending not isos than 2 rods from tks sngls stake.

10. —All bnmh, trace, stumpe alto other obstructiene shall be removed from the right of way ao that tlm full top width of tke drain, a good clean berm on both banka of 6 faet. and tke spoil banka shall lie la tke cleared area. Suitable openings sknll be left ia the spoil beaks to permit tke reedy of water wherever nscsesary.

11. —All work skail be approved by the Drain Commissioner or the Kagl- neer in charge before being coneider- fld complete.

Surveyed aad isvetod by order of Louia F. Green, Clinton County Drain Commteetoner.

V. W. RDYCE. Surveyor.Contracta will be let tor the furnish-

Ing. drawing and lasing of one oor- | rugaled culvert 36 in. in diameter and | also for the neenssar)' oemeat work 1 at <md of culvert. |

Said Job will be let by aeetloae. The j section at the outlet of «ald drain will | be let first, and the remaining sec- | tions In their order up stream, in ac- | cordaooe with the diagram now on i file with other papers pertaining to j aald drain. In tbe office the County Drmip Commiasioner of aald Otunty of ninton. to which reference mny be had by all parties interested, and bid* I will be made and received uccordlngly Contracts will be made with the low­est responsible bidder giving ade­quate security for the preformance of tbe work, in the sum then and there to be fixed by me, reserving to msraelf the right to reject any and all bids. The date tor tbe complsUon of auch contract and the terms of psyment therefor, shall be announced at tbe time and place of letting.

bansdta to tka lands ouiaprtosd with- la tka "ttoaiimns aad Gags Drain Spse- tol Aansnomant DIacrtot.*' and nppor- ttoamsnu tksrsto, will ba snnounoad by ma and wUI ba subjaet to ravlaw tor ona day. from tan o'olook In tks forsnooa until fiva o'etook la tke nf- tarnoon.

The tollowlng Is a daaerlpttoa of tka savarmJ trnela or pareala of toad oon- stltutlag Ike Speetol Anasaemmif Dla- trlet of said Drala. vis.:

Snk-divlalon Sac Twn BgeTownaktp of Bingham at

Large _______________ 7;4 2WHealth and Highway.

A parcel of land oom. In 8E Cor. of W 1-4 of NK 4. Sac. 31. thsnce nin- niim N SO roda, W 160 roda, H to 4 line, B tobaglnnlng ___ _________SS 7 N SW

Grant Phelps.A parcel of land com. In

.NE Cor. of SW 4. Sac.32. theaee running S 40 rods, W 36 rods. N 16 rads. NR to beginning 32

B. r. Hmmons.A parcel of land com. In

NE Cx»r. of 8 4 of NK 4 of 8W 4. Sac. 32. thence running 8 10rods. W 20 rods. N 10 rods. R 20 rods to be­ginning ........................... 32

Thomas A. Doyle.N 4 of W 4 of W 4

of HE 4 and N 2-5 of E 4 of W 4 of aR 4 32

Oriey Norris and L.O. Norris and wife.

A parrel of land com. at NW Oor. of E 4 of SK 4. Sec. .32. theatre run­ning 8 70 rods, B 25 rods. 8 22 rods, B 56 rods. .N 92 rods, W tobeginning ....------------- 32

O. A. Davis and wife.N 4 of 8W 4 of BE 4„.22

George E. Morton.W 4 of 8 4 of N 4

of SW 4 .......................J2Adeline Gage.

A parcel of land com. 20

7 N 2W

7 N 2W

7 N 2W

7.N 2W

7N 2W

7 N 2W

|0 *000 JkN S N 4 Of N 4 of gw 4, B00. 22, thanes nm- niag 8 20 rodk M *** rds, NW to plans of ka- glnniag; aad n pnieal of land com. 00 rods II of 8W Cor. of N 4 of N 4 of 8W 4. Mon. 32, thsnce running N 16 radn, B 16 rods. 8 16 rads, W 15 roda to ka-

.... . ----- ----32 7 N 2Waimson Gage.

That portion of tks right of way of M. U. T. R.U. com. at a point 20 rods 8 of NE Cor. of 8B 4, Sac. 21. thsnce running 8 a dlaiaaca of 80 rods, aald atrip of land being four roda wide, aad aaetton line between Seoa. 32 aad 22, marking canter lineof right of way ----- 22 7 N 2W

Mich. United Trac­tion (tom pony.

Now thereforo, all unknown or non- roaidaot persona, owners of aad par- ■oos intersated In the above dlscrib- ed landa, and you Andrew F. Henning. Supervisor of the Township of Bing­ham and you, William E Ballinger. Highway Commlaaloner of the Town­ship of Bingham are hereby notliad that at the time and place aforeaald. nr at such other time and place there­after to which aald hearing may be adjourned. ! shall proceed to receive bids for the construction of said drain In the manner hereinbefore aiatad, and al*o that at such time of letting from ten o'clock In the forenoon to

I five o'clock In the afternoon, the aa- i easements tor beneflu of the lands nomprieed within the "Emmona and (toge I>raln Special Aaoeasment Dto-

1 tiict" will be subject to review, and I you. and each of you. owners of and I iwrsons Interested in the aforaeatd lands, sre hereby cited to appear at the time and place of eaid letting ae aforesaid, and be heard with respect to such special aaseeementa and your Intereeu in relation thereto, if you eo desire.

Dated this 9th da}' of December A. D.. 1912.

D0IJI8 F. GREEN.County Drain Commisetoner of the

County of Cllntoo.


DressedGeese and Ducks

We Want ThemAlso Choice Live Poultry — TURKEYS. CHICKENS and FOWLS - at Highest Market Prices.


Union Phone 297 Clinton Phone 70


Tuesday, Dec. 17,1912roNNFhf'IhO .IT I ON'LOCh, THE KOLI.OWI.Mi IlEHCKIHEn PHOFEKTYt

HORSES7 yr. gelding, weighing 1200, black.

3 )r. old gelding, wl 1200, hinrk.

Nare shaat 1160 In fenl.

CATTLERed row, 2 yrs. aid, dne Nnrrk 17

1*2 Jervy caw, I yra. eld, dne Kek. 16.

2 yra. eld kelfer, dne Nnrrk la.

Implements & ToolsFarm nagaa nnd kny rack.Buckeye <1140 drill, nearly new.Haaner plew..spring toatk drag.ItoaMc bnggJ*

1000 Iks. Hawe »cnle«. Cnlier ranner* far baggy. Same bee hive*.Itoable harness.




Akaat 16 tans af hny In bnrn. Abaal 6 teas elaver nad tlewlhy ia

Abaal 6 acres earn stalks.Na, f steal range, gaad caadlUaa.2 keallag wtaves.Oaeetiae stove, t baraers, qaiek meaL Washtag mnehlae. Kraal caftor.

Ckfld^ Iraa bad aad raHags.Ha. cart.Many ether artletoa.


JASON, Prop’p^g|taii Hittn; Aurtioaerr



Clinton County Poultry AssociationAnnouncement to Breeder*

Poultry Paactoru of Mlchlsan:take sTMit plaaaure In praaaatUut LikC of our E:>atbltloo. It ta daalred

by our Aaaoclattoa to have as many breeders present as possible, from every pert of the slate (t'llntoa county breeders are especially urtsd to not fall to make an exhibit 1. We have secured a larse. well lighted hall. Rewards will be placed by ronpartson byatein.

C. E. A. Bunge will place rewards on ail poultry and pet stock.' J. B. Danley will Judge dressed poultry and eggs.

Your attiuitlon is called to the liberal rash and special prteea The Assoflatloo guarantees to pay all regular prenlnms offered la this list on last day of show.

If you dod that there Is no special placed on your breed notify the secretary, as we srill have a special for all.

It is desired to have each exhibitor becoase a member of this Asnocl* atlon. Membership fee $1.00. Bach msmber Is allowed a discount of 25 per cent, on his entry fee.

Let us meet you and your birds at our show.Yours for a good show,

RALPH WIOfllNB. Bscreury.

The Clinton Couuty Poultry Aes'n offers a IIS Silver Cup to the exhibitor making the largest Mitry of the show.follosrs- 1st prise, bhie; 2nd prixebbons besides the cash pretnlutna as

The ansortatlon wili award rl, red and 2rd prise yellow.Display will be counted thus: First prise will count 4 points; 2nd

prise will count 2 points and 2rd prise will count 1 point.

ExhibitSixth AnnualFive Big Dnjrs----------------- Five Big Days

December 24-5-6-7-8, 1912At Miller’s Csarage, St Johns, Mich.

will be the largest and beet exhibition of tin kind ever held In Central Michigan. The value of the exhibit will be over M.OOg, all dressed In featherB,aad Is worth your mite to come and see. Fhacy birds of all breeds, also dressed poultry, fsncy egg exhibit, pet stock exhibit, poultry houess. etc. The M. A C. will make an exhibit of charts, outline, shapes of birds, models of houses, etc. Don't miss this event, tickets, SO cents.

Annonneement to PublicWe take great pleasure in preseaUng to you the <th Annual Exhibition

••hlbltion the best birds la the ^te, birds that have won at Michigan's bast shows and birds (hat

Ih the land We esUmate that birds on axtilDUioii at tB« allow will luiiro w caali value of ovor

ed their hands In way of cash and specials turned over to Ausoclatlo^ •


for' it Is an educational exhibit you j ran learn more at one of these shows I than you can possibly learn in a year of reading. Ask any breeder at the Show for infomiatlon and they will be pleased to give the required Inform­ation. If any one should ask YOU where they could secure a good night's rest say at Hr.Y41R*S Pi'R^i. IHHEI1 KIMIMS one door east of the 8. Johns News Office.

We thank you.E. .4. and 4. L. RI'YIIE,


Indian Runner Ducks

It Darks and t Dmkee at prfre that ^lll move them.

Haired Rack eggs la sanssn, tl,M per It.

C L. PuttHL Johns, Mich.

FAHCT POIILTBY COIfTlSTThs Assselatlon will give away Thuradsy. Priday and Sntorday nights of the show.

Wednesday !Vlght, Dsremher St Ouo. Barreu will donate sae trio of 8. C. White LsghorasPred C. Ernst will donate one setting of Ruff Wyandotte egga.C. E. Cteveas will doaate oa« settlag of 8. C. Black Minorca eggs.

Tharsday MhriU, Deeeasber M. Ralph Wigglas will donate one trio 8. C. Buff Lsghsrna.A. 8. Bullard will donate oae setting 8. C. White Orpington eggs.Richard BIxby will donate one setting of 8. C. Black Minorca egga

Friday .Ylght Decemher 27. Sutton Whittaker will donate one trio Barred Rocks.Ralph Wiggins will denate oae setting 8. C. White lisgtaom eggs.(leo. Barrett will donate one setting Barred Rock egga.

Sniarday .Yight, Decemher 2H, Newton Barnhart will donate one trio of 8. C. White Optngton'iCbas. Pritx will donate one estting Barred Rock egga.Ralph Wiggins will donate one settlag of 8. C. Buff I^eghom eggs.

ened _____second, to bard and steady work of officers ofThV As^'latlor It is not a moroy m^lag scheme an every dollar Is paid out to promote the wel- fsre of poultry la this asetlon so betur poultry Is placed on the rnsrhet, ^Isr eg^ In fact It Is to help the public In general, and all we ask Is ^t you visit tbe exhibit sad see for yourself. That la wh*t we are

bring your friends sad show them the beat birds of

We have arranged with Prof. J. O. Unton of M. A. C. to give lectursn ^ on both afternoon and evening of Dec. M and 27. A McVittle^ thto dty will give akmg with tbeoe lectures views of different vsii- •usn of ponitry. aino of different modelo of poultry hounee.

We wish to extend to the public In general an Invitntlon to the bent show that has been held In Clinton Co.

Touns for a large attendsnse,BYRON DANL«Y, Pres.

The County Y. M. C. A. contest will bo bold at the some Ume and place aa the Clinton County Poultry Annociation show.

The ataton County Poultry Asa'n offers a |1S Silver Cup to the boy winning the bent dtoplay In Y. M. C. A. department.

Premium Lkt

S. C. Buff OrpingtonEggs at $1.50 per 13.

Partridge RocksCockerels for solo at $1.00 oach.

Partridge WyandottesEgos for sots at 21.80 per IS.

S. C. Black IRinorcasEggs at $1.50 per IS.

T. J. HoxieR. F. D. 8 St. Johns.


Upholstsring. Repairing. Refinisl Ing Made to order

Screens, Skirt. Waist and Hat Boxoo, Mattresses, etc.

Breeder of


MOTTLED ANCON AS thT‘‘str:[rrrTS^t r.Eggs and stock In soaaon.

Cash piixoa will be paid In all com­peting classes ss follows;

Bl.N'OLiC BIRDS.Entry fees. 25 cents.

1st 2Bd16 eotrise In a class $1.00 $ .7510 eatrlee In a class .75 .504 entries In a class . .50 J53 eoerlee In s elans 25

BKKEDI.N'G PENSEntry fee, 64 cents.

1st lad€ or mo*e catties in class $1.2.5 $ .754 entries in a class 1.00 .608 entries In a ciaoo ..... . .75 .25

3 entries in a class .25

beet oolored female. Single and Rooe Comb Buff Legkoms. thily members . .of tbe Club can compete for these P®***'ry piixee. Orders will be given to win­ners by Secretary. You can become a niemb<»r of the Club any Ume Inside of one week before the show end com- pffie for three ribbons by sending II to (tOo. 8. Barnes. Battle Creek, Mich Send Sr in stamps for i^pnge book

Oaah prlxes will Iw awarded in the above claaeee the seme so ia fancy

Bullard’sCrystal White


) The «tny wkite kind. Kxkihillen

nnd sUllty. Sleek nnd Kgw for <Mile In eeneen. H«ti»fsction gnnranleed.


A. B. BuUard

LM. G0HN,V.S.Breeder of

S. C. Black MioorcasEggs and yowng stock in

KKMKMBEKFIRST—That all entries ckwe on

Ttteeday, December 24. 1 p. m.SECOND That all exhibits must be

in tbe exhibition room Hy 1 p m.. Tuceday. December 24.

TillKl>—That ««ch exhibitor meat furnish his own ooops for poultry, un-

iiHMle one week

In advance of the ebow,FOCRTM—That sixe of coops

should be 2S feet high by 2 feet deep and 2 feet wide for poultr?'.

FIFTH—That fowl* must have a suitable band number before they can be weighed or Judged, and be ready for the judge 1^ Tueeday, 1 p m.. December 24. Leg bands for uale by tbe secreury.

SIXTH—Exhibitors are allowed the privilege of placing their namee and advertisrnienia <m their coopa at any i time after the rewards are placed.

SH\’ENTH—The ahow cloaee Satur­day, December 2k. 10 p. m. Hall wfTI ^


100 Iba. Globe feed for beat display In ahow.

4lhevl DiehInseB A Tab,Chicago, III., offera 26 Ibe Globe Feed

about Buff leighoms that Is better | beet display of Wya^ottes. Rocks,I than many $2 \wokm on the market, j DTplngions and Black Minorraa.I . ----- -- I Danferffc CkemifsU I’e^I .% HMSUToi nwmiam. . offers 12.00 BugI The Amerlcen Buff Leghorn CInb I ^ fnllowe; 12 4 lb. pkg. to awill offer a handaome case containing , Mtowing best display Rocks;« teasiKioM. 4 tnbleapoons. « medium j ^2^ ^ a farmer showing bestR>rks. 6 modlum kniwe. a sugar -fc*" , ^ngpi^y of \YTsndottes; 124 Ib. pkg.

I to a farmer showing beat display of j Orpingtons; 12 4 lb. pkg. to a farmer' showing best display of Leghorns.

Jehnson Heed Csb,


bred to lay and win. I have Bome entra choice stock tor sale. Eggs in season, $1,M per 16. Look me up at Show.

O. A. WilsonHL Johns, SIch.

Birds of QnnIItT at right prices.

S. C Black lioocras and R. C Rksde Islaad Reds

Hnschnuuin Htrnln.Lsirge .well-bred, vigorous cockerela

for sale. Eggs in eeason.If you wioli to improve your flock,

you cannot do beter than to secure one of these birds.

Lok for my exhibits at tbe St Johna Poultry Show.

CUXNN R. WILBURHL Johns, Michigan

and a butter knife—« 26-pe4re set cost $10. and more useful tton a 125 j silver cup. It In the beet stiver plated ' ware that mu be purchased. The I member la good standing wtN> wins cock, belt eorkerel and pullet, wins : this mluable set Points count as | follows: 1st prist 6. 2nd L M 2. 4th 2. | There must be four metuhrm to com- | peU Vor the prixe at thto show. It i rosto SI to become a member of the ' Amertran Buff 1.<eghom Club. Send | your name and membership fee to j tDvrrge 8. Bames. Battle Creek, Mich. He will send you the Club's annual (analogue free. When yon enter your birds for the show pimse tell the secretary you are a member of the American Buff I.<egham Club.

;S.C. Brows LegbonisI hare my pen headed by two

cockerel direct from M. A. C. See my stock at show. Satisfaction, guaranted.

John T. Lyenutit Walker HL, B.

HL Jehnv, Mich.




Eggs In Season at Liberal Prices.

HT. JOHHH, Mini.

Beth Phor 2$. 9L Jeline.

DRICHBBD POT’LTRT TTBPARTMENT No entry fee will be charged. All

IMtultry entered in this rlaaa muet be in show room alive Tuesday, Dec.

. _ . , . . . ... ,24. at one o>elock. They will be kflled^ open Stinday for taking ««» b‘rd« rtresetol by an expert and placedThose coming ^>7 «Pre« will be re-' ^ , Thursday, Dtw 2«. only.

l-nGHTH—This show will be thor- *'*■*'*’ ***rl.T *oughly dUInfected. ! sealM leg

g ^ UjSfl 11 Op MR ouniDVT or will oviHandseme KlhHens for Buff Le^ms. < recorded by secretwy.

•' The American Buff lisghom Club | First and secoml prtars will be iwill offer beautiful rlblxms valued at (awarded on the following rla'

I I CCl Ply each Tor the best shaped male, beet i American. Aaiatlc. English. Medlter-1sha|>ed female, best colored msle, j en«an. Oriental

Richmond. Maine, offers as follows;1 pkg. of New Seedling poutosa to a farmer showing largest entry In show;1 pk. of New Seedling Potatoes to a Farmer having beet display In ahow.

EOT. DEPARTMENT..No entry fee will be charged.All eggs must be in the hands of

auperlnteadent ef this department by 1 o'clock p. m.. Wednesday. December- 26.

SALES ('LAflB.In this class the entry fee will be

10 cents a bird. The AMorlation will attend to sale In such class If owner Is not pTveent.

mLITT EXHIBIT.The Association offers for best ex­

hibit of 12 birds <rr more 11.00 cssh Win be taken care of by Assoclatltm (the esroe muet be cooped or caged) and 60 cents for the second Imst ex hibit of 12 birds or more.

PET STfX-K.This department will be open free,

to all kinds of Pet stock The sam« I will be taken good care of by the As­sociation.

Single G^nnbBuff LeghcMmA few extxn Htoice birds fsr sale.

Kggs is Hensea.I hsve« tow H. r. White Leghorn

rsefcerel dtoect from tbe M. A. C„ trap nest strain. HstJsfactiea gnar- aatecM,

RelfA Wiggins"MK. JOBHBL MICH.

Chas. MungerBreeder of Baff and White rschias.

Baa Iasi s, .Inceaas and WhHc Laag- sbaas. I am offering my entl^ flock of Langshans for sale. Prixe winnera and all cheap if taken at once. First come, flrst served.


Rocks'if yen want •tock—


Ben*t fail te write or see me.« fer «ale In •eaaen.

Chas. FritzHL Jekns, MIckIgaa


It points out the way to Better Pesltry Pr*8t« and UratHylmr

either in a small

aIBurt Jolley’s White Rocks

are bred fsr Eggs as well as wls- slag Prises, Eggs Is seaesa.

mm for lA Gaaraalecd •ewre fena it ts $ffi.

hl Jshas, Mich.

S. C. Black Minorca^Won 1st on pnllsts. 2ad on paa at

our last show. Ei In

3 S. C. Wiiite OrpngtoD(Kellerstraos strain.)

cockerels for sals at sack.

George L Ttakham

' to all thcjec who ar»- startiag In the P oultry Busir way or on a large scale.

l»ori.TRY INIINTEMH* chief misalon U to help the Beginner, the aam- tear, who Is trying to turn his Inexperience, his looaee Into gains It tells him In a clear, concise manner Just how to avoid the pitfalls and how to do things the Tight way.

INirLTKY POINTFKH' each Isaue, offers many valuable suggestloaa to tbe prefeestoaal poaltrymaa, to the experL

PlirLTRY P1H8iTi:RH’ Illustrates a different Standard Variety of l*oul- try on Its front cover page each month. These pictures alone are worth Si year's subscription.

INiri.TRY PIIINTElf* Is the acknowledged authority on BeHsd.Dowa. lo.lhe-Pnlat poultry Information. No need to read a volume to gel a help­ful Idea or tern.

If yau waat reliable potatsrs on Just wkst to do each month In the year | —If you waat to keep la toaeh with all sMss of tbe great poultry InduMry—If you want to make more inoaey with Isos hard work In fact. If you sroaM oacceed. saboerlbs for Foultry IHHntefa .NOW, Only 5# reals s year


Michigan Poultry Breeder

K«lsMlsbed IMdL GEO. H. IliRNEH, IbibHsber,

Bottle I’reek, MIeh.

The oldest, best and only paper of Its kind In Michigan. Circulates In every etate In the 1’nlon.

A special price of 25 rents per year, or a club of flve for only 11.00. It Is 24 pages each month.

Tbe Best Advertlslog MsdNai la Mlcklgoo. I-TH RIGHT.


FEEDS or QUALITY •I carry a complete lino of Feeds forPoultry. 'ihls Feed Is the

‘that moooy can bay.OICKINflON’S GLOBE 8CRATCH FEED cerUinly will make old

Speckle lay, whether she wants to or not.Whea ta need of Ground Bons, Oyster shells. Grit, Beef Scrape or

feed of aoff idnd. glee aae a call.IteaHmtowr, aleo. that I sell the Famous Hammond Dairy Feed fer

miick c<Ma. Thatb tbe dope that puts tbe milk in the milk pail.^ KxcliiBtwe agaory for International Stock and Poultry Foods and

»4 Cttmee AveWillioLin Gillison

Both phones.

Wmn ORPINGTONS300 oatlfsrele and ptilete from my let prixe eoeliom.1 at St. Jeline In If 11, fsr sale.

Single Comh White Leghorns


PIGS fsraols attoM thnse.

The Breeder nae year sad a 40 word sd 4 laoallie for $3 If you meation where you sow this ad. regular priee $610. rUrelalloa

Newton B&rnliart

My strain Is hfeed for heavy laying JERSEY ira ^*11 aa for show purposes. I have

{Some exfrs fine cockerels for sale at $im to mm each. Ekegs $1^ p*,. ,5

R. F. O. No. 8. ML Jolino.Geo. Lapham

W. WM-H. K.


Advertise your stock and eggs

in the

It Qintoii county

S. L Bteck NinorcasRfa, fraw m, rai,.' w<,i»F, ,1 (I I

per 12

Let Me Cry Your Auction,I

Richau'd Bixby jPhsai No. fS. St Jstoto.

R. C. WWte Leghorns2MI eggs during Iff I ea

I derlas Itll


; aa averof- of

'.eJ owa por hea Will ooll

boas St fi fo per 1^

H. D, cuirris

RIGHT NOWIs tho time vnu nood thoso STORM SASH you have heioo Ihlaktat ahoot| fsr some iHoe Tboy will ohvo Ihoir -net nMu.i times ovsr kssiSe ysa will FIELD and fpH more comfort oot of ynar horns |,et ns qoste you oar prieo oa msah ttroitM HARM os TOO sssy oood Wm

taaoufseture • somb«nst4on osroon mm^ Storm Oeor tbel Is the lost so the wesbet ('ell sod see them We #0*11 '.<*os el SGII woHl osd or* | Teose i ti> x«re yea Ggaree ea oay ihtog yau am^ neos Wi this Ime

SpaoMing 6 ConpanyFOR



E. A. ‘Hulse


Bm CHnton RepoUjesnIs the boot lareetamnt yoa caa —eke if yau have eaythlag to soli. It acto llbo a magnot ta brlaglag bayor eollar logetbor.




Salvage WheatFOR CHIORENS.

$1JK) per CWt.

Charles S. Sprague

I Buff W3mndottes ;ittr. breed of qoallly for sliow sod o

Mrbe« a rMt tn my farm will reowro • jail ■iMMiot I have coekervls aod ooL a fHe for sale fr ALSO SL8S sec* •

If vmi • g '-srai . n : fowl ol; -g WyiuMMlwa All fhr hilt •

F. C. ErnstYarm I mRr sosi «r l eori R<

R r D 1 ■t Mish PARR LUtaSKR CO.1 umi, Mias

FRED OTTMAR^tS Comisii IndiiinHoodie 'h*ne !r r ‘ |av»k *| fOe

•♦oeh Ci gge tf safot f*s fowl tau-iCost. I res peas* an

th.. «1S.

R r. vrrrffiiR^ Metis a

> ooooooaoaaoaa rooooooooosoaaooooi



NOBLE BURNETTOffers Unusual Buying Opportunities in Holiday Goods

Cloaks, Suits, Skirts, Waists, Dresses, Furs, SweeAers, Rain Coats, Umbrellas,Outings, Blankets, Hosiery, Underwear

Many short lengths In all kinds of yard Goods at about one-half price.


Children’s and .Misses* All- Wool Cloaks,

worth S.'i.OO lo • sale price

Ladies’ and Misses All wrool CLOAKS.

worth $7.50 to $10.00 sale price

Ladies* and Misses AH wool SUITS

worth $15.00 to $20.(JO sale price

Ladies* and Misses All wool SWEATERS

worth ^3.00 to $3.75 sale price

Ladies’ Outing Gowns worth $1.25 and $1..50

White and Colors..salt- price

Ladies' Fine Wool and Silk Union Suits

worth $2..^, .$2.75 and $3.(X) sale price

$3.75 $5.00 $9.75 $2.50 98c $2,00Special bargains in all departments every day during December. I need the money and will sacrifice profits to meet my demands.

St. Johns, Michigan Noble Burnett St. Johns, Michigan



or at any other time, I am prepared to show the largest stock and largest variety of Can­dies ever shown in this county. Come and see and judge for yourself. I have added a line of the finest Chocolates made. Also some of the very purest of other varieties manufactured.

♦ ♦♦ K.i.>MNTEK. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Gillet’s Exclusive CandyStoreNEAlf POSTOFFICE ST. JOHNS, MICH.

I take orders for Ice Cream and Ices 1 for Special Occasions. i



Competition^ |Heating Material. JIMtnnliing < iihmIs. 2I’.'iint < liK and \ arnish. 2.Spnrtiiig t HMuU. «llnilder"’ llar<l\vare. •Kiuifing .Material. •I’oNver 'rrnnsini'*^i»»n. •I'aetorx Supplie-s, •.'^aiV' a'lul .Scale'*. •

.M. II Jiirkson of Itbara w«a in town on buaineM Monda>.

K. U. Ilenklnger was In Ht. Johna on .Uonday.

Horn to .Mr. and .Mra. Karl Peteraou, on tV«<dneBday. I>eceaiber 4th. a dau­ghter

.Mra. Helle .Matteaon vtaited her aunt In Owf>aao on M’«Mlneaday,

I. 4-w Sheldon and faraily of OTtd ai*ent Siinda> here at P. C. Pecka.

VV. M SnilUi of 8t. l.a>uta waa in town on Friday tranaarting buatnena for the 8t. la>ula Sugar factory.

Lynn llenaloger haa accepted a poa- Itlun in a department atore In St. Johna and liegan work Monday.

Prank Secora and family have mov­ed to l*lttaburg. Penn.

J. Deck of Ashely was in town on bualneaa Thursday.

•Mrs. Koae .N’ewsonie was a St Johna visitor on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs N. Sluaaer and ton. Verne Hluaaer, and wife have moved here (hit week from .Shepherd. They have rented the Harry (ireene place for the coming aeaaon.

Wiu. Mitchell was a biislneaa visitor In A.'ihiey on Friday.

A--i Miaeiow of Aslile> transacted business in town on Tuesday

Mrs {.ynian Dickerson and children have returned home after a brief visit with relatives here

'Irs tieo Kvnnt* retiimad from St. Johns on Saturday Sh. is nearly re- roveriMl from her o|ieralinn

J n. (lander and wife were busi­ness visitors at Ithaca on Saturday.

Mrs A. T Oliver was a biislneaa vlslior In Flint on Friday.

Mrs J. M’eidner waa an Ashley visi­tor on Friday.

Thomas Brown of^shlev traaaact- ed business here on Thursday.

•Mrs Brown of Fenmore Is spending this week with Mrs M’m. Marble.

The many friends of Mrs. Clare Sul- ftn will he pleased to know that she is recovering, although slowly, from the serious operation which ahe un­derwent at the St Johns hoaplul on M'efinesday last Mr. Suttin returned home on Monday.

P»tat mm4 ‘^PalaL**Plaint itself costa tt.lO par gsllos—

but remsmbar that—Linseed Oil coats only 11.00 per gallon and that **Paint rmuly for use conaiau of 4 parti Palat aad S parts Oil. OoosequanUy It Is plain—that 3^ should buy Paint aad OH separately—mix tham youraalf —n**! go aare 46 cents per galloa. Therefore buy 1a A If. Paint (prepar­ed In saml-paate form) mix throe I quarts of OH to eaofa 1 gallon L. A M and make 1 % galls, of Paint ready for use at tl.<6 a gall.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A A 4A HIM TH IM.IVi:. >♦ A♦♦♦AAAAAAAAAAAAA


AAAAAAAAA A'A a a a a a A AA H4M’TH HHKK^illl’HH. A♦ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Jerry ('oif of Durand was calling ' on old friends the latter part of the week In this place. |

The I. O. O. F. lodge of this place elected the following offleers at their i regular meeting last Saturday even- i mg: .V. G., Dr. Krnest BellUmer: V. I G.. Guy Mead; R S.. Guy Klchardaoo.' | F. S.. Kd. Cook; treasurer, M%n Hall. |

Mrs. Alger Hicks wu operated on Saturday for appendicitis by the I>rt. Han. She la getting along nicely.

Little Tonuny Hefty la on the sick list.

Banner Grange will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. U D. Green­wood, Dec. ]9ib. in the afternoon.

A Pear Way.

The number of pieces of mall col­lected at the Bath iwetofBce and de­livered for the month of .November was 21.!A2 ToUl weight 2489 lbs. and 7 oss.

Mr. and Mrs. Roaco l*he|ps of Lan­sing spent Sunday In this place with relatives. '

Rev. Whaley of this place attended the all day meeting held by the L. A. S. of the M. K. church at ladngaburg last Wednesday.

.Mrs Rosa Read. Mrs. Mina Hobson and 1. M. Dryer of this place left for California Monday where they expect to s|>eiid the winter. .Mrs Read and .Mrs Rohacm will s|>en«i several days eiirome at Chicago. III., Denver, Col.. Salt Isike City, (’tab, Missoula. Mon- taua.H^

t It's a poor way to alt down to one's ' table, with the pains of dyapepaia in : one's stomach. The meal la not en- I Joyed and may not be reulned. There is a cure for dyapeps4a—and we iiae

ithe word rare In the strict sense—In I Hood's Saraaparilla.

It la remarkable what a salutary I effect Ibis medicine has on the stom- i acb and other digestive organs. If you arc dyspetic take this medlclm*. and take It now—in advance of the

'Chiiatmaa dinner.

A La Batrachlan.A frog, credited with being

years old. hns been presented to tbe New York aquarium, where be la eg* pected to remain until be croidu

Christmas Reminders atHILLMAN’S

iitifety Razors Fine Perfumes Gift Books Art Calenders

Cipar Cases Hand Bags

Bibles Post Cards Harmonicas

Pocket Books

Fountain Pens Manicure Sets Post Card .‘Mhums Toilet Sets Mirrors Hair Brushes Clothes Brushes Military Brushes Hat Brushes

Infant Sets

Just received a hig line of Johnson’s Celebrated Candy.. In boxes from 10c to $1.00.


$ Little NEWS LINERS $ $ BIG Business Getters $



Buzz Wood and Grind Feed

• !

\\ r believe in f»atroni/iHg home indiiHirv ami home mcrehant ami whiie ing i- the market ft»r manv reatlrr^ of fhi |»auer, t»ther- win* live in or near --! lohn** mrt\ he r»»mj*elled l«* htiN ;?o«m|' mu .,.ld (he re. rUev>:hrF^, or hive a('<|Uirr«i the mail or tin h thil If vr ran inve >ou a- lowmI <ervi‘« ami |»ricf anylao*. an»whrr-? If ne<*r*.%ar\for o ri,, -oil |« go I 111 «»l fo II i«* ir.!th !r IM

VAN The Tool Man». 1.v< ir- - :

Lanalnif. Mich I

Mr# V D iVnrrc vtoited b«r pnr- •*nf» tir ABd Mri. Irving Knton. of .North Ollvr Kiindny

Mr and .Mra Roy Miller of l^nalng vialicd Mr and Mra Gc«i IMkr Hun- day

Mr and Mra Rklanour and children vlallad Kurwka friaoda laal weak.

Mra Moot Hudang vtattfd bar mr^t onta In llalllv <>aah laat waak Mr ' Hudann a alatar of loaning kapt I ^ouaa for him

Gaorga nka woa Ibr raclplaoi of a xiunilful goal card abowar laai Sat­

urday In bailor of btf birthday Ha -ubtyad iba abowar vary bhmA aad vlabaa lo ibaak all for ibair kiadly r-maaibwiaar

Mra .Naiiia t'ola waa nallad to .VofiL (Niva laM Saturday on atwoodi iri iLa aaryaua lltaaaa nf bor brwtbar Mt^t Tmylar

Mra S M Sarr4a bad aavaral birr rrlag nkUkaaa nMdaa iaai waak SSa

*^tsba K la aioai Ido mwab irooMa a» I--— rh.. k*&« for otWr paopla gratia

CASTOR IAfir tifcsSn ssi


I can fit you up with complete feetl grinder or .saw

oultiis ;ind farm p(»wer plants.

(lot Oiu- or l.oth of Ilu-s"i}! time .uul niom> ^aviiiK l-arm .Machine. l-airbaiik>-.\lor-.c 1 ^ arr n.a.U- s, .<.«•! r„„s,ruction ,l,ro„»rl,ou.. c,...|.|k..1 wuh cob-crushcr.babbittr.1 boxr., t«o oi Kniulinn burr< (.oar.r aii.l biu-i. I lu-sc trruuU-rs arc ibc liKhlcM .Iralt, lar^-

est capacitx. per horse power t»n the market. .1 , mi , i.Ml steel .\,.|.I.Mou saw iraiue will save au.l make you more money thru any other .M .steel cm^r K-tion. Uoller-be'irinj;. tiltiiiK or ^li.liuK table, full sell ad.instinir bablnliea bearmKs. I he best sa«

for the least immey.We carrv the celebrated "W 1LS()N Buz/. Saws. ... v* i- • \ .Save time, money. I.abor. l••airbanks-.Morse I-arm l•nKines. I’.nll Dok huKires. Novo l-.iiKmes. A.sso.

eialed Mannlaetnrers' l•Jl^;ines, I’niled Kneines in a 1 si/vs. $35.00 and up.

D(xi’t buy anjrthing in Farm Pow^ Machinoy until you see my Stock and Prices.

When v(»u are in town c«»im down ami ni^ N on don i fleet! to hu\ if \ou are not rcatl\ Inst get ,ic«|iMiii(ed with the shrek I carrv . niie dav, if not now, n will he to vonr interesi.

keinemUr tlial I have m> \nni Ire. for ni> cn tonier .m Jamiary 4lh f ver SHIUOO wt.rth of prc“eiit- will he gr rii 'wav I Mn|e iin with evi.“. J- eiil purchase

R. S. CLARK, 3»v> - -S-- A** - ^ du^^ax^^

TR\ jfib OKPI M