THE JOHNS - Clinton County


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Transcript of THE JOHNS - Clinton County



WM ke TrMitd Palrty aad SDurdyky tlM Mtrckwnt.

A Wrooc Uea Scobs to Prerall abmibi: Some People.

‘‘SIcMit i«Murv<llT tfyrt-ry farnMT who Ih'*« in Clinton r<mnty or wiimmuiling ctiunthn^ will Im* «nititlnl to M«fll hi* pn** 4iucv on our Miveth. no<l will In* iimtlt* to

that li** i)> Wflt'oin** in aihiition.”It w«»i* l*r«»iil«*iit Tnivi» who »|Nikt*,

oial th** rptimrk wa» rall»^i out l>y tla* f»4-t tlmt all ••tTonrou** iiii|irH«itioii wa- entertaiiMHl hy ••ouie {iropif rvlatir** to the attitiuh* of the t«»wn toward the faniMTi* wh«» have pnehn-e to >*e||.

Tliif luietiikeii idea t(r<-w out of th** ar> re*t of Williaui Yarrauher on <1inton iiveiiue Satunlay aftenioon liy Marshal Keeney. It «eem« that Yarnmlier ilmve tlown tla* avenue, on the w»T»t -ule of tlie etreet, durintt tin* luiey part of tin* after* no«in. an«l heijan •*ellin>r wnter iiielonn. He mmui ii«d a lance <'n>w«i antund. and tlie '•iiiewaik ami •treet wen* more or lean bhirkaded. Marahai K»*»*ne\ |Miitit**d out that fart to Yarraither ami lieketl him to tmiveon no that tin* street wouhl lie freer f«ir jieih atriaon atid team**.

It wae reporti*d by by**tatidern that Ynrmirlier took Home exieptionn to the ottirer'n onlem and refti**n| t«i eoiiiply with tin* reipient. .\t that. Mamhai K»*eney had a warrant i—-ueil f«ir tin* man *• atT<*et. on a rharu' of violatiiuc tin* village «iniimim'i* pt*lative tti tin* -ell* ita; pmduo** without a ln'en*.e Yarra* jliier refumil to a«>-ompaii> him ami tin* «it!i«'er wiu* tiblijrei! to ui>«* fon •• m mak* iuu the arreet.

I'rom thin little episode tin- r**|MirT wa- eirriilateil that famierx evnieiitiy were not welcome to tn*!! their priMiuce oil tin* -tr»*et* of .**t. .lohn^

.V** a matter of fact, the i ji,.e airatit«l Yarrauiier wa« di*‘iiii**»n-<l without <-o*.tj* to him.

It doe** not ap|>ear that tln-n* w.i» any (ibn-etioii to Yairaicher --elliiii'hi** iiiel- one on the ftreet, ami on tin* other hand, tiler** wollhl neetn t*i lie Ho reaooll why In* ohould not ha\e ln>en williiiic to com* jily with tin* oftiier •• r**»|Uent which do**- m>t look to have lM■••tl an unren'oiiableOllc.

While di^riifMiiR thin «uhj**ct with Tm: Nkw** ami the ermin*«in** inipr«*«**ion which tin* artvet cau»*e«|. I*re«ident Tra* VI** naid that it wa** m t the intentioti of the village t<i III any way curtail orinter- fer** with tin* fiirnn*r- [»rivil.*if.*- in St .lohm*. I In the contrurj-. tin* -pirit ha> )ie>*n and will I oiitinin* to I*.* ••U< h a^ to mak** tin* |»**opl«- from all tin*'iirmiind* iiar t♦•mtor^ feel that they ar*- we|i*oni.* ill .*^1. .lohiir* at all time**, ami that, if they mil rtml a niark<*T here f<»r tlieir pn»- <liir*>. wiiirh they usually can ami a irood one. t<Mi. they are weicoiin* to utilir** it in di’*po**inir of an.vrhiiuc the\ tmiy hate rai**«*«l. Of <*<iur*>e, they will U- «uh]**< t to the «am*- |Kilir** re.*triction> that ev.*ry ftiieel*** 1** and l•hollhl In* willitai to < oni* ply with l■**anonal•le r**tfulation'

The-uhjet t of a market pla** wlnT** farmer^’ ami huckster** waicon* could l>e ■*talle*|. ha*> re*-eiv**«l ctiiiniderahle att«*n* tion. and if a plm'**''ould ln*foun<l whi«'h w«aild In* auT»***abl* and nati«fa< tory to all r*im'enie<l. It hae le**ui <.iiicu’>***t*-<l that it Would In* advi*«ahl** for tin* ouin il to mak** .'irrnntf«*in**nt> for tin- ***•!.iblinli- tiieiit of a in*rinan*nt market. Then wiiicoii** cotitaininir loa<l*> of hay. w<M»d ami the lik**conhl !»* ilriven to tin* pla*** when- buyer** w<aihl • *mu:r**irai*-. know- iiitr that if anythintr wm<* for n.d*- it Would In* foiiml then*, in that way ln*th tlie buyer ami ■e*l|er would find tin* arraiik'emefit atcf'*‘able, in ia< t. mor*' nati'.fH<*Torj* than the pr*>*>ent plan, .'imlit would facilitat** the work of di*.|H*ninu of tlie pnainctn of tin* farm, ami tin* pur*• hane of tliem by the town [•e<ipie.

In rHerem*** i** the iirn*<*t** Mamhai Keeney •*ay*‘:

“In rejcnnl t»i fh** aireetn of . <i. .’»im- •*«ui ami William Yiirniicher. I will **ay to the public, iti* Maraiial of tin* viliaic** of .■••t. .lolin**. I havw in*ver lieniamhnl a li. **en«e for the nellinw 'd farm pnnimt*., neitlier hav»* I ln*en inntTnete«| by tin* vil* bup* Inianl to do *hi. The only thinu I have anke<I of fiefipie wlm have |n*«ldle*l !• not to olmtnict the "itreetn or to ntaml their |)e«idlliitr wiiicnm* in front of |•hl•■e*• of buniiieee wlien* the owner or <M*cn|*ant «d>fert»*«l to their doituc •*••. I tohl ••a«-h

IMirty lieCore tliey wen* arnwte*! that, tin* ee« tiiey tiMik n«inH* otlier pla^'e. tln*v would be arrente*!. Tin* talk wliich ha«

lieeti l irriilateil to tlie effect that it Wtw* the intent of tin* villain* to tax )ieo|de for •■elllnic hay. w«kkI or any other larni pne duet in not true In arnwtiiuc tlie tw-*» |M*nMine nanie«| I wiw* only doiiiir my duty an Mamhai <if ttie villam* tokeefithe •tmefn an clear from iilmtnn thin** an |hm». nibh*. aiMl I wan not told by anyone to arreet Htber of them."


raiK aST usbt want.

.\bout tan o’doek laat ThuniAay iBK tke iwofile of Ht. JobiM werwattrartad by a ntraaip*, parnllar aad wierd uuiaa. Tbuaa wbo aot yat retired roabad to tbe doora aad oat io tbe daHine«H it waa lilain tu be aaeo that dropa of tloid re- namblioK water wan actually falUafc ou tba icrouad. appareatly from tka aky. Tbe noiae aaenie«l to be produced an tbe rioid ntmek tbe dry aad withered leawas ou tbe treeit. and tbe |iarrbed earth, rttoall cbildren ware awakened from tbefr elambarN and harried to tbe win- dowa that they miftht view tbia etraaire phenomenon. By lioldinitoaea'baud out «»f doom it aoun lie«*anaa wet. Thk .Sawa called up tbe weather ofllce and waa iu* fomieii that the atraaM riaitor waa calletl “rain" hy the old Boniana. and


County JailBarry



Tkat He Itod a Mbs SaMy

kBi Says He Was GItcb tkc Icy Mlt at Bastlafs.

Sheriff Bunn wna the wnrmeat iiiaii in cetitml .Mk*bitfiui Momlay wlien aeen hy Thk XKwa. Wlien the reporter naked if

when tbia aniiouncemeot wna ma^ aome there waa any thiua uew . tlie .Sheriff re- of tbe old«wt iiihabitaiiln rertilleeted ' p|ie<l.that they had -wen aunilar denionatra* I nhould nav tlierv waa. and if Itiona IO their youth. The dro|ie of water i(*antiiiue<l to fall for quite a iierio*! and re«*eive«| a meaner trick than tliethe foliowiuir nioratUK the earth looked one played on me at liaatinga .Saturda.v aa rafreaheil and lieautiful aa a M*veiitt«*n ] ilon't kuow wlien it wfw*."year old St. Johim maideu. and tbia in pretty “amart." Karraem who (-aim* in­to St. .lohna on Friday and Satunlay aaid tlieir neighlMirhiMid had tieen vuiit(*d hr tb** name |iei*uliar viaitor and that <-om and imtaloee wen* much iieiietlted and that |>low-iag could tie much mnn* eaailv done. Ou aereral orcaaioua nince

The iiaiially amiable and jolly otticial tlieti pirM-ecdcd to explain the cauac of Ilia wratll. ll neemn that alter a week’n iinnl Work he liad -uio'eeded in njiiniuii; down the thief who ntole the bom** fnim Itoy I'lowman in Beiiiral laat week. It



Several tuemlam of tbeltbavai'iHomon founril were iu St. Johns tbe latter part of the week (»n an invaatignting tour. Tbe|ieop)eo( libk-n are coatamplatiiHr tbe conetmetion of a aewer ayatetu and the gentkanefi came over to inapert tbe woAinga of tbe St. Johna uatat. Sewer t'omroiaaiuner Falttier apent the day with them explaining tbe varioua iiointa re­garding the ronatmetiun bem. They visited tbeaewerfamiand wereimpreaand with tbe {ilan in uae. They were aiao abown through the water and electric light plniita and expreaeed eurpriae at tlie mafpiitudeof tlie plant and itaeiiuip- inent. Siieaking of St. Johna one of the imrty nakl: "I am |a*rfertly aurpriaad at your lieautUul Hty. I bare lieen in town jieforv but never had tlie opportunity t4i IcMik around the reaidem'e |K>rtion liWore and I am moat favorably impn*aaedxvlth the lieautiful hooiea you liave imd the ••niendkl manner in which ao many of tiiein are kept up. Tliectaaaof reaidencee la much ahe-id of what 1 bad xupiNiaed and I am aure that you liaveeverx* re«. aoii to feel proud of vour town. Tin* nhade ia la*AUtifiil aiul it ia plain to lie a(*Hit troin tie* many improvementa going on aniumi tlie plai-e that it will continu** to improve.”

KI(”KsTnM(7 IN.

Sckool Op«H Witli a Big EaroilOMUt.


TImb OB Asy Pr»- Ycbt.

SBpertBteadeBt Gilbert Talks RcfardlBC Farorabk OBtleok.

luiaaioti to tbe L'nirenSt}', iiut give an exi-elleat preparation for any (-alltairin life. Tbe couimereiai courw. wbicb waa Ntaited tbia year, hae about twea^-Ave earoUed.

The lieat work ia ecbool can be done I only bv the hearty i*(eo|ieratlon uf taarfa-

• and parenu. Tbia ia moat eamoatly ikMirad by the toacbere. It in aiao Itoped that tbe fiarente may lierotue more tbor <iiiably a(-i|uainted with the arboula by viMting tbe rooma where tbetr children are at work. To the toachera tbia would 1 lie a healthy inceotiva. and to tbe parent I would conm s deefier intereat in ednea* tion and tbe welfare of their «*hildren. May tbia lie ao."



Heary N. Wd* Writas a Paptr Akoat TbauL



TkBB Tobbc acn Who Hbyc IB Greater Baac.


The Aret day of achool! Tiieaday. juet na if it |mm

.kttomey (feneral Oreo boa not yet It came along auditor general ao opinion io

I Tgard to tbe diopoaitiun of tbe money, ,* coTlected cinee 1H81 under th«* teiepboaie

to inteHere with vai-iition a|H>rta, which and telegraph aeaiwameot law, which were not “lialf ux'er." Ttie big |aK)pie waa recently declared invalid by the bare gone tbmugh it. the little oine all «*apr^ court. The law provided* for aliiliat Vlid wlmt other extierience leavea ^t*^?** companiee. and .lor-rimWHZa^itpV^i^ .ngtheaeventeenyean, it waa in force

Tbe foliowiag paper, oB tbe anbfeet of "The Fartuera' Boya" waa nmd hr Hoa­ry X. Webb at the Pioneer I'lcnic at

ibiect. Much

laat *rbun«duy the aoinc peculiar demon* required -Mime careful movement a and the

•4TATK T.iX (-OMMIOnIOK MIAlllNi. IT-*»KLi' PoK h»:aii.

atmtiona bare lieen ohaerved.

BOT THBEE MILLSIs all the Clinton .Mutual Will

.Assess this Year.


Losses Ual) a Trifle over $I2j the Twelve Hoatk.


Llgbtnlng was the Cause of tbe Greatest Xnmber of Rres.

Thc4,.'»«H( and iiior* iiienilieiv oi the Farmer-*' Mutual Fire Inaiirance I’oir- l-aiiy of ('lititnii county will lie glad to leam that the tiaral .venr of th** coia|Miny clo->.’d on the tlmt oi the month, andthat ir wna found when all theloeae- bad tboa.* ac*|iiaiiited with th-Sheriff le^n tlgtired up that the amount waa but which ••all- for hut a thr»*«*mill aaeeaameiiT

‘*\Vecame very near lh»* tigure-. pule liah**d in The .New** a c*iut>lc of weeka iigo." -*4*1*1 Secr»*’Mry (fiff»*lf* t«» a re|»orter for thie |ta|ter. "but a lew little blaze-* at the laat moment ran the amount up a lew hundred dollam imm* than that amount.'

The total amoUUt <-f loeeet* for the year i-* jU!*t leH- than for the j-re-vioui* .year. It wae <lecid»*d by tb** «-tfi* cial lamnl t(» mak** a three mill aeiM-.i*. meat and from thin, th**«'om{>aiiy allow-* a di-*count OI eigiit i-er cent tn all tho«e who i-ay iti**ide (*f thirty <laye. .................. .

Th** amount of b—ee** i-* !*hown hy the fll|{()\\^ TIIK^^ATKRImok-* to le* divided ae followe

-•heriA i» to lie congratulated for tie* .*lever work lie <lid 111 ferreting out hie man from a clue that tlidn’t proniioe much at the etart.

However after Home long ami tedioiie ridew and a lieap of qiiewtiuning he tra*-«d tile hone* to tlie home of Monroe Whit* mon* ill KtigI** wlien* It wae found the thi.*f had traded with Mr. YVhicmon* for allotlier hor-*e luid a eilver watch and -Millie otlier email iMMit.

Fmiii tli**re Sheriff Bunn trai-ed hie man to llaetiiig)*, wlien* lie found the fellow wa-* going to have an auction of horwe** on the <*trH.*t of that pla-v. .'«atur* day aftenioon.

He telephoned the ."ilierifi of Barry • iiiinty that he I n 1 a w-arraiit for the arreei of Frank Hemey, whom he wa^ HHtieffed wi*-> hie man and .*eheriff B-iiiii eaye the Barry ottirial proinieed to luive the man he-ked up that attenioon for him. sh*‘rifT Bunn took the n*xt train for Haetiiig* and x’ieioiie of jail cell-* and hand cuffe and ea->y captiirei* dain-ed in hi- liemi until he -imviel on the •M-eiie when he wae infomieil by tie* Barry «*iunT> eheriff that he lielicviel Heniey waa waiit4e| in hi** ■■oiiiity ale*i and he had i*on<'htded to ki’ep him.

The gentlemen at on**.* exchange*! i-om* l»lim.*ni** and .''heriff Btiiin pr**wiiieil hi** ide of the ca**** III a manner whi<-h onh

reallyline of worde and hi- ilraniiiii* jniwer. will appr**ciiit**. Me i*. uiideretiMid t*i have explained in -letail tin oiiinioii which he eiitertain*el for an otticial who iviiuhl u**e a broth**r .Slwriff in -iidi a manner.

The Harry othcial woiil«l m-t even allow .''heriff Bunn an aiidiein'e with the pn-oiier uillitteiide*] blit oblig>*d him to do hi-* talking through th.*I’orritlordcMir and ill the pre*».*n«*e of a c«»npl** of ottl**ialn wh<i were III the jail *»ftlc.*. Sheriff I Hi tin-•ay-* that hi- man own»*«l up the tnith however that In* ha<l -t4»|eii the I'lowman lior»‘-*aTnl he will have to aii-wcr to tin* chaige oi horoe ••tealing in thi-< oiinty later, if he hnp|-en- to l-e < onvii*t**il of noiiie charg** in Harry pn—ent.

The ntate tax c’oiuuiiMioM held n meet* iug ln)*t week and dincuiMied plaim of work, ('omminniooer Campliell naynthat Hi* tbe aaoiwtnentw are levied for tbeprea- efit year, verx- little cau be accompliehed in tb(* way (jf rHief troni iiojunt awoewi* meiit-* jnnt now, but that tliecominie- nioii will lie hmded for I-ear when tbe time coiiien for making the next aonen— iiieiit of pro|ierty. Then the coiuiiiinnioii will<M<etoit that uoInmIv dialge-* thetr iHxee, and that profierry in ann**-*n.**l at it-* tnie canh value. The blniikn to lie filled out hy regintem of deed-* have not been printed, t-ut the (.*nniminnioii in ne. • unug a lot of -nia** llaueoun iutoniia* lion regardiug profierty xvhicb ban l)«en io hiding, the {nniple having ren|Miiided nobly to ttie inritatioii to nend in tlieir kick-* with tlie nudemtaiidiug that tliey ar»* to lie protected.


a luotber or father in .St. John-* who can uot nee the long niwn of deakn. tile higli wall-*, tile nikonl platform-*, ye-., tin* very knot-* on tile tfiMir in tbe "tlmt” -M*hoo| room. It wan wa.v l*ack. txv**nt.r. thirty, forty and. in nonie (*nne«, fifty yearn «ir more. Tlieii. t * mi, t hone of the older gen­eration. will MM* i-aretitn wen* tlie pinneem of Michigan, i*au ne** tin* little log nciuMil houoe back ill the t-learillg. with itn one riMim. itn ntraight, l-avkleen Iteiiche-* and

. itn •ling^ walU. The mind •-all-* to view * that little demiirp and frightene*! maiden nittiiig on dangle*!

- icDic atKunadlAike:

Tbia ia b,v 00 moana a new oubieet. but one we are all familiar with. Much baa lieefi written and oaid in regard to what nhall liecume of tbe fariaar boja, or wbat

noinethiug like $4n<i,inmi waa coHeeted, muat be done to keep tbe boya on tbe turned into tbe »p*iHAr tax iur.d and farm. It may be that -mmim- of you do uoed in imyiug the intereat ou the pri* not feel that you are intenwted' in tbe mary nctiiMil tund. When tbe law waa farm or the (anner'a Iki.vw ol' today, hat declared invalid $4is,tMHi which had been we nhould remember that it wan tbe colierted uuder the law and wan tbe«i on tillem uf the ooii wbo. in ,veani gone by.hand, wan (*redited to tin* general fund, in licoordauce with tbe recommendation li.v tbe attome.x' general. Tbe auditor general ntiw dmiren to know whether the entire collectiouM under tbe law oliuuld uot lie tumeil over tu tbe general fund. If tlie attorney general -<hnuld

braved the groat wild foreatn of thia Ijoautifnl ntate. felled ibemi^t.voaka. en­dured the hardabipn and privatioaa wm- mon to pioneer, in order that we might enjoy the i*ivilizatioii and com- fortn we Imre at the prenent day. It Iqm- lieen naid that liiatorv reiieatn'itaelf. If

III a l-eiich no hlwh that tier letfn action ought to be taken, thin lie true, the worid moat look amongtl JiT tm? h^/^m fr*.in the the f«rm-r Ixiyn of tcnlay for tbe groTtin the air. tm. higti up u. even nchm.l money which will next be men of the future.


tafiproprioted in Novemlier. The money You will agree with me when I nay. all in now on liand. i^ having l-een received the puxvern of kieiog and doing in life, offrom railroad and other »|teciAc taxes, and if it nhall be decided that It nhould go into the general fnud. the cx|ie< ted nhortag** in the ntate rreanury may be av**rted.


noccena. of greatiieon to which tbe iii». jority aopire, and ot giMidiienn. that state which we all nhoald ntrive to attain, an* IMMoeosed alike by tile bo.VN reared in ease and luxuiy, aud tbe bo.v who toils upon the --oantry bomewtend, go barefoot, wear fiatcbed i-lotban aud rant lieueath tbe nbriter of tbe moat bumble cot. We

AT TH»: C'tiNORBUA- • admit tbe nurrounding of one may lie far more favorable than the other, yet we will ventun* tin* aoeertion that in thin

, . , , . ... resfiect, noue cau lie mon* favorable tbaoInstead of a -tcrmoii l^e*iw preached by jj,,. Hurroundiogn of the average iartnsr'a

. ' * at the I i-ugn'gational Ihi.vs iu CTintou count.x* today. Ilia ilaiiywalks in life tend to make him thought-



LOOK*. .%N II' TIIKl WrorLII IIK.NKRII* Kii AT Tin: iMnvrori'ici:.

I'ontmaater Hmiinon nays that the re­ceipts fn-ni the rental «if lock aud call iMixen will In* the largest thi-* «piarter of aii.v in the history of the olAc»*. Th«* aiiioiint c*»llccted to «late ii. a tntle leMs than and the quarter will not In*hiiinlied until the hint ot thin nionth. There an* iit pren**iit <uil.v three |(M*k l»ox* -*-• unreiit***!, aud thin m a very favorable nhowiiig. when it i** taken into i-oiinider- atioii tie* fact that twent.x'-foiir new lo<*k iMixe- w**re ad<1e«i to the capacity of th** otti(v at the ln*giouing of the i|uitrter. Then* an* m* iiiiin.v call b*ixen an ever rented. ->o that it mean'* a legitimate m- cn*aae in the buninen-.. It looks an if then* would In* iiee«l oi more lo<*k laiXee ill the near future, and I'u«tmanier Hruti- -on -ays the.v will In* added, without de- la.x' whenever they an* wanted.


•luliiile (il«e- I'l- ><> HI* Teellns* lletore HitrtiNS.


IliiiiiM— .iij.l i,int*-nt- llnrn- nn<l ****nien»-i.|(.*.|*H'i.........................• .mill III -iiirk- .. ......... ........>*••■• .1 ilou—*............................

Biinng th** .venr then* IMirt'd on forty-oiie lion niitiil-er ninefe»*ii w**n* wen* twent.v-tlinn* harii thre.* barnn wen* hnnied. then W11-* Ion-* on th and III tun on tin-


......... J.TfJ.’.o N.lKIIOtt............ 14<-.<«*... •Io *H*

lu.*n*wen* lonnen re en and of thin bumiwl, Tlien* rtren. hut only

III eight cane- cnnteiitn of hoil-*-*** contenln oi barim.


iiifiii. or ox'iii.

< nuslil I'lMler N Nwll i»M<l 11 l.o<-l(e<l •• If Hr WriU«i t*r llritase*l


Ill eight loe*M— live stock WH-. damag-*d by liuhtniug. Hue tin* re«uit»^i fnmi a I lire-, her engine, and 'ben* wa- one small loks on n school lions**.

Tin* catinee ot th** lire-* fiirtiinh a ba-m tor i‘oii-*iderHbl4*-iMi-ulatioii and for ob- -•wvHtiou. It In notie**d that lightning wa- the <*aii-** of th-* m*—t rtn*n. and tliiil defeetive chimney- and ntov** pqnn* fol­lowed. The ttgiiren on the iMNikn ahou a- follow-l-rfrctlvr rhlniur.i > -inv** |i||tr* *ir tin**-... IT1. abtnlOK .................. -.*•fhrmhrr -notlH*.................................................... I.\il •ithrr cau-*— ka*-M'it ........ — 2--Itr|»<.rtei! a- unkn-iwii............................. !!•

Total nutni-rr An-- **2

r(;LY ihm;soriii rHii.nMs:s is uanokk from


T*ba cbildrvQ of t »vid have imea partini* larl.y unfortunate tbia nummsr by bntng bitten by doge, as tbe following from the tivW Bogiater-Fnion will nbow "Why aot hare a dog iwraad and kill off a few o< Uie nnmusxled caaiaea? We certolaly bave eaoagh So|pi and -ome tn nfiare. nosoie Straweliorger aad Fraak t’om*' atnek bare been Mttsn. Tbere are Mioie faithful doge that attend tn thrir own • baaiaeoa. ae wae tbe rase with tbe nae! heioagiiig tn Jnha Higb. wbicb was watehiag bin maater’a boree wbeo Itolpb Hnpkiae picked him up aad wan bitten by bim. That wae the hoy's laalt tfrely."

(Io to H. W, Morris' for foraitare, pi» tana, ptetureframss. stc. OppooitePnat 1



S«*cretnr.v Hn»-M». of the Hetnil t'lerk- f'liion. has issued a call for a public meeting to lie h**id at the <«. A. K. ball tomorrow ereniug. Mr. tiroes nave that n -|N<cial invitation in exi*aided tn tb** retail clerks and to the proprietors of -(tores. U. .\akew, of lapheming, thc ntnte nrgnniier. will lie prenent and ex­plain tlie workings of the order and )»oint out the lieneffte which are said to exint for Inith (miployer niid einployw*. Mr. Ilrunn nays that an erroneous ini* prcesion ne»*nin to have Imsii made rela* tire to tlie intentions of the Faion and the local officers are very desirone that every pnqirietnr of erery store in .St. Johan attend the meeting, and hear the explanation which will lie made at that time. .V inwmanent organization will In* fdfecteil it is aiitiri|Mited after the public meeting. The onW, whidi ie of a frater­nal iiatote. ban a regular ritual, and a full comfitement of nfficem will be elected.

H**gi«ler of Iteed- Soul-*, who recently cnjo,x'*Ml nil outing on one o! the lakes 11*01 r KIk l{a|-idi>. r**iat(*d to a News re- jMirter y»-*tenlny th** daugrroun exj-er* i<*n* * to which Attorney 11. .M. High ofI ivnl wii* i*ul-»«*t**d. Ill (oimpany withII i-oiiple of i'hi(*ago men and Frank Mar- -hall. oi livid, Mr. High win* out in a -ail built. One of the masts wan suddenly brok**ti off by tbe wind aud tb*- iMiat. which WHS a sort of <*nnoe. wann|tnet and the occuiHinti* thrown into th** wat»*r. The »ail wan wound anmnd Mr. Higti alter be went under the water, and It w m several ■*econd- before he cani** ti­the nuriao*. Iu tlie iiiewntime, tbe other meinliem of the i-arty had nucc(*eded in catching bold oi the ca|ieifed boat to which tliey wer-* clinging for their liven and shouting to thiNw on shore to burry a Iniat to their aid an they feared Mr. High would io* unable to extricate him­self itoni tbe canvas. He succeeded iu doing eo. however, and the entire |Nirty Were MMin safety wanted in iwiatn which immediately put nut. when it wae ob­served what bad happened. The wives of both Mr. Higli and Mr. Marshall were on tbe shore at tbe time, and it wan a most exciting episode, but fnrtuoateiy noth a happ.v ending.

FWr laarrwefisws la Mas4r.Mies Kathetinr .-wiliert aad Mien Julia

Hroen liMve formed an alliance for giving itistnictioan in raueic. MiosSeil-ert will tench the piano aad organ and Mi*s IlniM* will teach voice cult urn and tbero.)'al kindergarten work. The studio will l-ent Miss Hms* home, comer of I laid* win and Wight streete. Iloth rouug ladies hare splendid endorsementn from the Youth."the instructors when* they harsstiHlied and will, no doubt, find the combination of forree advaniageons to .'arrying on this work.

( Hh> f'rmesot Kaaor aad two (IsvaiaBd Ladiaa wboei Mt at .tinaoa A .\Mrteb'a will ba aoM ckagp.

I'liggrenallswal rbwreli .NaSss.We are now ptnnaiiig tb** nervii’en for

the laying of t^ i-oraer stone which will be within three or four weeks.

Kvery deyiartmiwit of oar churrh work is opening with new vigor. Let ererx I bristkiu join tbe happy tkr»ag of workem,

Nunday Heptembar Bith. ffarrhes for the day.

Morning I'reacbtag by tke pna-tor. ftabp^. "The (ipportunities for

A sermon appropriate with

Mins V**onn V(»ge|. ifnughter of .Mr. and Mrs. .louts* Vogei. of lieWitt township, •li*sllant w*s.k from typhoid fex-cr. Hb** had lieen ill lour weeks. Miss Vog(.| won alMiiit IT yiairs of ;ige aii'l a tneinlier of Fmiikiiii streef I'resbyterian <*hurcli ami Suiidtiy school at North Lansing. The funeral oci-iirred Stindav ali*moon at the Franklin street I'mshytenan ohun*li, U**v. L. H. Hissell otheiating. ami the intemieiit was at .Mt. Hof>e. Mm. Yogel, mother ol the detsaiseil, is greatly •llstmctisl li*<>HUse *if the d*s)th of her only rhild. and is now (‘ootliieil to her Issi. Another daughter died four y*-ars ago.

Harrioae UreasesTile lollowlug marriage licenses have

be-Hi granted during the i-ast w*s*k by I'ounty ('ierk M'ni. M. .'♦niith.Ilste. .Vsmr. .Xae..Xu« no—Adam J. Ilupi*. PeWIIT..............Hi

Marsh I'siner. fIsWitr................. 'JUMept. H*»ls»rt .»!. .xrrooar. Duplsla...... ."M

Marsh J. M(*ntt, Ithnrs.............. 'jn4_Fre*l M. Ilsker. Ovid ............ 2.%

Lorn WlUiaois. Hlnahsai.........Was Oni of IU •Hate.

For some time. (H*orge Bice, of Hanby township, acrosa theliintoii line in Ionia r>oanty, bad noticed that snine animal WHS digging holes in bis tieids. He set a trap and caught a line large spst-imen of a liailger. an animal which is decidedly a rarity in this sertion th«we days. Mr. Kic** says the badger was strong and ug­ly. with imimmae claws, aud was killed with an iix.

Itn Ibr Hooil to Rerorerx .Chan. r. Biabop. who has been rereiv-

iag treatment at the Battle i reek Nau- itnriumfor the|tast twomontbs, rstumml home Friday evening. He is greatly im­proved and lilt bough much rsdured in ttesh is gaining slowly and on tbe road to tecovery.

TItree to Fhllaileipbla.Mr*. ('. n. .\ldrich and 'niomas Wald-

mn ami wife left on tbe excuroioii to I'hiladei{>hia the Amt of the week. They will lie iilisent until tbe Arst of next month. F. E. .\ldrich will join bis motb- er next week and remain in tbe east for a couple of weeks.

We are in tbe market for any quantity of |ianag and cider apples, aian wiater barrsiing apples. Pariag apfdes mnst he two and oae fourth lacbes ia site and largev. Keop cider apploa eefairate from tbe othera. Will begin Iwrreiiag early. wiater apples about tbe l.Ytb of Heptem- Iwr. WoixwTf A Baxucx t'u.

liiak** all m-iiuniiitaiee xvjth th** tliMir. SIk* xvas biisil.v chew ing the -triiigs ot a y**llo%v -iinl-oiiiiet. whil*- the U-y in the next ai-le liHil ey*— Ilk** sam-ers. a- lie gaz***l at the big l-in-h whip over tlie tea* her -*l*—k. Then* was th** -hrinking, l-asiiiul l-i-y. who emlurtsl all the Tor­tures *-f til*- ra*k. a- he xx'ii* made to -taiid in the tiiiddl** uf the ruoin an<l T(*|l his name and ag**. while his kms-s wole l-l*-*! and his tougiie **|ox*e t*> the roof of his iiioiitli.

l(•s■*Mlntlug <»ld scenes with a News re- |M»rter .vesterda.v. a hs-al (•diicati-r r-*. nmrkisl. "The imMlem Im-v or girl who git*— today to th** tmMleiti s*-hool has the same sensations a* *lld tin* luireiit- aud graml|»ar**iit» Is-totv them l.ittl** Joliii* n.v starts *-ff like a man. his-iinii.v faiv l-eaiiiiiig. hi- ev*— aglow with exjss-t- am*y Freddie i- mor** timid ami his nn* •ler lip •piivem. Maty **rrs outright, and lier mother must go with her to the verx • liMir ami then ti'ar her-elf troin lIs* sols l-iiig child and ha>teti awa.v. Each timid tot i- leaving a kiiosn xvorM for an iiii- ktiowii. and iH-or imlee*! that i hild that is m-t watclte*! ii.v at least om* pair of foml **y*— from xvliich the tears are wi|-**d xvlnai the little -teps haxe turn*s| the iMinier and the little form is no long* **r «e**n.

With what iupc. xrhat teml-nies.. what aiiiiost inatenial lox-e should tie* teacher prs-eix-e the—* ndt*— «»f humanity Thus ••oiiiinittel to lier can*. Everx tiny tot lM><on> lier ie a Immlle of |-*is.ihiliti*—‘ xx'itli them she nia.v i|o almost a* sh** would. .\iid ill their pmis.* Is* it said that th*-t**iicliers *>f tlie pn*sent <lay re­alize their n—|M»iisibditi**s a* never ls*ion*. and not only come to their T-xsks lietter

churrh last Sumla.v eveniug he n*ad a story xvliidi the author 01 “Iu his st«|is'' had pnq-ared (or the Itetrolt convmtiou. It took about forty minutes hut every­one in the congn-gation ]iaid the cUmwwi attention. The storx- related how* th-* devil visited a clergyman one eveoiug in his study ami rnuntingly remarked that most of his church memliem wen- <*ove. nant hreakem and liam. .V sertnon h.v the iMistor on this subject shocked the congregation aud mad** -oiiie angry. ThecltNie of tb-* stofx" (leacrilies n sul>- sei|uent visit tlie devil made tbe minister and the victory the church gained over the devil, .Next .'^tinda.v evening Bev. Mr. Binkhomt will preach a sermon on this story am] tniuiy of his ''ougregatiou are •liscussiiig in xvhat light he may interpret this mther sharp and blunt iinmitixre.



.V s|iccial service in the interest of church work among deal mutes will be ^ held at St. John's chun*h, .'<t. Johns, on W*Hin**sdn.v. Septemls*r l.'ltli. at ten o't'lock in the morning. To tbe sam** u cordial invitation isexteode-l to th** <leaf mut*N- of the village and i*ountry and all others iiiti'teste*! iu this new work of the church, ."-ervice read orally as usual hy the |<ts*tor. The Bev. Mr. Ewing will l»e iuterpret***] into the sign languagefortiie d**af mutes in the i*oiigr**gntion. The -••rmon. rendenNl both xvn.vs, is a brief

ful and oltserxiug aud is lamnd to de- x'eiop him into an earnest aud ••uergetic being.

I have often wondered if my brother farmers realize] or gave it a pasoing thought, that the graniiest and must, valuable product ot the tami is, and always has l-een. the hoys and girls it prtMluces. They an* the i-rodnct oaver mentioned when «*ounting the x*alne of the country aud on- not to lie measured hy dollars and cents, but are of more true xvorth to the world than all the gold aud silver it contaius. Mo in every avHiueof life where ability, thrift anil ambition an* the qualitlcatinns nsjnirrd, and we tind the iiiau who i-usbes tn tbe front and son’eeds. is tbe sou of a farmer. He ap|-(:-ars to have a sort of an all 'round, broad, comprehensive mind, and the intHlect aud ambition to “get then*."I was reading recently that it has be­come a notable fact that in all ol our col* leges tb(* very liewt students are tbe boys from tbe farms and that over 90 i-erccot of the men xvho stand uf-oii tlie summit xvcri* once boys on tbe farm. It is im- IKModble lor him to wander in tb** formt or walk by tbe brooklet, or Himb the hillside, or if yon please, loiter in tbe val«-a without feeliiig their influence upon bis young life, aud canuot bat <|uickea his i-etter thought and nobler iiupulaas. What valuable leaaons he learns from tbe varying chnnges 01 tb** seasons, as he watches kind nature spread her green mantle over tbe earth iu the springtime, and be oiieerr*N( the timid tlowera unfold tbeir tiny i-etals to iNsintify tlie land-

Ailing the air xvithhistory of the txvoimiKxrtant mov^nients V’u Soithenin.*te..„fh.*entlir.x which have r- «suited ill the ••stahlishiiient of education and spiritual can* nt (k-af mutes. Itead- •i> of this notKN* xvill I'onfer a favor h.v •howiug it to their deat mute friends and the iH'ighlMiriug |MH**Ts by copying it. For upxxards of twenty-Ave vt^an* the Bev. .Mr. Mann lias ministen-d among the *leai mutes of the middle west, build* log missions in th** larger cities.

XlrilMMlist Kt>ts«*o|Mil Chwrrh Nates The services Ot iiext .'Sunday will Is* the

•spiip|ie*l iM-tli mentally and ph.vsicull.v. Hi-siug »crvice** of this coiii**n»u(>-.xeor.but approach them with that higher eth. icai -tandanl that l-esi-eaks well for the futim* of the present child."

The total eiindliiietit ill tlie lentral and wnni s**hoid hiiildings. up to yester- da.v iiM-miiig, xx'OM 747. <lix ii|<sl as fo|. low-:


along to the ••ntering into tbe rest of winter. Buriug the (lassing .v*>ars be xvitDiwses the fnlAllmeiit of the pmmiaa of seed time and harvest. And experi- •*iic«> has taught us. that which a man can see he is the most apt to beiiere, (or it makes a lasting iiiiprsssioii upon his mind, aud a-* he see* Arst the blade, then the ear. after that tlie full <*oni in tbe ear. he iiatamlly lenms the Iswsoii of iia- tient watcliing and waiting and to tbe realization that tim-* is necessarr for tbe l-ertt-cting of all gn*nt work. He li-ams that on-* of the most •*ssaatial elements of succi-ss is pmniptuass in bumoess. and that a few days ot delay in ssedtimema^v bring disastruns n-sults iu hanrmt. His

rNTSXU SI ILI-1X-High Mchool Kishth grmlr Msresth MtxthnttbK'liirthThtr-IMe»**>nil •• First

First AS.I Thtni Na*l

T-ial...............l:*sT Sint.

-*N*'in*l icrsilss.....F.*«rth .......

T*»isl................. 7t-\**STN slut

First sn*i N*s ■»**( grs«les..................... 41:ThinI rtu.l F<-ttrtli '• *2Fifth Nn«l Nitth •• Ol*

T.ixsl................. llMTile nunilN>r of fotvign pupil* -mndhsl

is .'ll. a larger nnmiwr tbaii has l-eeti en­rolled at this time an.x pesvloos y*M»r.

It lias l-een suggested that nn evening class in shorthand, ty|iewriting and lMM>kk*Nqxing would Is* attended hy n nnmlM>r of young |ieo|de, who are nt work during the *lny. and armngenHmts max Is* roinle for the organizatinn of •ucji a dons

To a N'Exxra rsfsirter who called at tlie • entral building vwsferday. .'4u|s>nnten- dent UillierT said. "Yes, stIkmiI lias ngain oiwned. The hum of iiidustrx- is once more lieard. Everx- nstni isAlleii. and S4inie to nrerllnwing. Man.v new laces are seen nnintig the High Hchnol pui-ds. There xrers Afty of tls* fnrstgu |Hipils entered the Amt *iay. The tnitlnn meripts **n the Amt da.r were over AJIOii.

'There IS an exi*ellent spirit of ImsIi

The morning theme will be Its Life aud Aohiev**nients.

The eveuiDg theme will Is** FNliicatioii

pubI c s.^hm ^ am to all interested in ,u„^ofthe life ol studentshii . life. Is diligence, the steady application

There will Is* 11 special seme** at gmugx* husioeas. and lie learns that " he wbo hall, Bengal, next Suiida.v nt p. ni,, ^ju qqj plow by reason of tbe cold, shallThis *>*rvic»* will consist of quarterly jy (igi-^^t aud have iiothing." love feast and th**comniui»ioii service. iiuestioas that* invari­

ably confront us when we attempt to dis­cuss this subject is. "What n|iportuaities of lenmiug from Is Nika hnxre tbe farmer bo.vs?" We And our diatrict sebools of *99 lar in advance of tbe --dnaatioBai privilegua eujo.ved by tbe formiwbomof this county half a century ago. ‘ro be sun* tbe lugber brani'bea are uot taught, but we roust admit that tbe I'omoKia Kngtisb hmnebes are more tborot^hly taught than in many of our higher graded schools. This is sometbiug tba farmer Im.vs of today ouiKbt to be, aot only iirond of. hut thaokfui for this great opfiortunlt.v offered them (oralrseedu- ••ation. .\iv they, or an* they not 7 Let this be as it may. then* is this certaialj true. If the lioys learn to read well they will liave in tMr possssoion tbe bay that xvill unlock that vast storeboaoe of knowl*-dge rontaiiml in books. Wbso I

I do not xriob .von to uademtaud that they shall be able to read Aaeatly or that they shall beeioen- tionists. but tbev shall tindemtaad- iuRly aaxl not allow to |taas any word, naar* of person or piare xxithout a per- tact aad •'omplete knowledge of tbe amaa- iag of the xrord. or tbe history of tbepee- son or place. I'ermit lae to say here if tbe bo.vs haoRer aftxw kaoxrfexige, tbsa kaowleilip* will certaimly he theim what­ever tbeir opportaaities may be.

IHd you exrer tbiak xvbat lessoas are leanwd by the tarmer bo.vs in tbe erea-

II nxsmiI* .Xlesr.Itisii (act easily proven by a trial

xveek, which is frei. that the I«ansiag Bnsioexis Fniverslty is the one modem. systi‘matic, fair priced nod thorough si'-hool of this i-art of th** wot Id. It asks no I-etter than a trial from any who may Is* prejudiced ill favor of some old time school when* father, mother or great grandfather went to school. Itemembe., the world advances, Ex'*m ten yean* makes great changes in hasiuess metb* nIs and trachiug outlinss.

4 hie distiugnishiitg feature of this Col- leg** is that in many rsapects it has little resetnblaace to a College except in name.'The student in bis work is trsatexl more as an individual than as a member of a clase. The classrooms hn-k mom like counting moms than srhoolroome. tbe teacbem look mon* like husiass* men .,than i-edagogues. and tbe language of tbe !!KIL.Lirr;i.^. bnsinsss office pievaiM rather than that of tbe schoolrxKini. Tbe stndent is taught to depend iition himself, and uot upon bis teacher, lie is trained ia Ihhn- nexM habits, i-anctoallty. arrtiracy, a|>- pfication. onsdiewce tn iastractioa. l-romptnsas. strict Integrity in coadact and language, and in every way beholds tbe position of a .vouag roan in an offlee rather than a «ta«ieat in sebool. See ad. oa i-xigx* eight.

the opening ol sebools Evening Herviw at 7;fM). TW sermon

xHU poasist of comrosats oa tbe story mad last Huaday exregiBf.

Sabbath sebool at anon.Eadsavor prayer msettag at 7 o'clock. Midweek p^trrr meeting every Tbane

day ereoiag at 7;g0.

Impereawi Ttseie*.Saturday. Sept. 9th. is the last day to

pay taxes B. L. Hi tt.Village Tmosumr.

Ofges at Hunt’s Brag Stom 1 w

Hare Togr faraitBre repaiml at H. W. MovTis'. MppooHr Foot o«er.

1V> Otsssee the SyseemElfcctnallv yet gcatly, wbeo coative or '*^* (I yn -peakiag of tbyew^spsod

.wl the .liteniunation7o do mini* 'har.l bilioas. to iwrmaaeotly ovrrrome toWt* iriwtSeISswork and mesive the Ismefft that may ual c^ipatioa to awakm the kk^y come from It. The pupiU of today seem aaxl Brer to a heafthv activity, xrffboatto rnll.- th. imponJiK* .4 w -)o™ ltTtty.tM..r tbw.i. to JoTto nT

INe aad tbev are pirpared to go oat lato- ------- tbie grrat hastliag xeoHd straigbtfor-

A. r. .Mclatneb aad lire laea am hUI-iag tbe tnxva for "(Hd VirginiaCbemots" ' coarage to d«i that wbieb ia right. If we this xmeb. (Tbme for fire. I tbiak raraestly aad cydidly we

_________________ bat arrire at tbe i aartaatoa that tbia Ie

]|These two

rsspomttiingc xmubl'

year'sof tbeir calting. seem to fnretHi work.

'The change la maixwe has caossd some conflicts, whidi bare lieeo largriy over- rom*. Tbe roaiees. ae now arraaged, not oRly meet tbe regaireeaeats for o^ iOt )S.»


Unaeda BiscuitWaifacd down with a gUn ci good milk,

can*t be beataiMUlt raprsssnt the hiBhest dafiee of modern bakiaB. Sold

•aerywhere in 5 cant air tight, moutnre proof packages. A1 spars fresh.

(Conttaaad froa pna* <mw- i the OMiat taiportnat adaMtioa to rassiea.

The qnsstton whiali bssomi to«'oathiu- ally artas at larura* uMaSlasps and wa asv it aoia or Isaa disenaasd in agnmlt* oral ioaraals, ‘'Hoar aia «ra to korft the boys on the farm?*' As qaMt as tha qnaatioa la aakad aasrrata or nMtboda to parsos arithont aambar are famished, bat au trae mis has arar bran oBared. Homa adriae giriag a oolt, a ahsap. a ealf or a piree of load, allowing them Ui maa- aga and ears for tha anme and nmirstha proits on the iaraataiiote. This 1 ba- iiara, is a good idea, in as aiarh as uwa> srahip brings raauoasibUity and thay isara to care for stosk. or till thesoilaad tarthiraiore they actioira habits of in- dastry and pmrtical knowladga id basi- nans traaaartioas. Hat do not think, dear friends, tha enit or calf will claim him to tha farai. It will aid in daralop- ing bis rs|wliilitian to nmnaga iNasiiMws and to look forward mmI prapare for tiaM* to coaw and think of laora than tha iwsaiag araats. 1 hare btard it ndro- oatad a htuod way to keep tha bo> s on tha farm woald be for tnnaars to aagsrt their rights and damusstrata to tha wurM their etran^h and ahilitA’ by an- tering tba iwlitlcaJ tMd. and by so doing tearb tha boys thay can baroma atatas- OMNi from tba farm as wall as from tba pmfasaional iifRea. I baiiara it ia right 1 to taaah and impress on tbayoung minds | that iarming is as boaorabla a railing as i any proiaasion and that fannars are ns | oapaW and worthy of public posi-1 tioas as any class ui ritieans of this ua* | tioa, bsar tba sama i>o|ionsibilittastotba i goramniant, liabla to tba sama laws, bat | to hold np public offlea as a prisa to kaa^


Mrs. H. J. Tamsr la jast aMa to alt op some of tha Ham.

Mr. aad Mrs. Daniel Uowar riaitad ia Ht. Johaa last Tbarsdny.

UaaM Tumar baa a vary atak boraa. It ia battar at this writing.

Hoy Tamar ratamad to Ht. Jobaa Monday to attend aahnol.

Loyd Brynnt bsgnn attandlag school in Ht. Jfihna. Inst Tuesday.

Miss Kditb Kirby, who was reported aa rary airk last ar*^, is loarh batter.

Tha V. U. qnartariy meatiag will ba held bare next Haturday and Hnaday.'

Mrs. .tliee F'oaltoa, of Bartoa, visited bar brothar, John Price, ovar Huadny.

Mrs. Mary Hinkla>- ratamad from n fonr waaks risit at f'bsaauiag, last waak.

Mrs. Mary Hisaon and dauahiar, Kraakia, of Hha|ihard. are vialtiag friends bare.

Mr. and Mrs. ti. P. Ingrraoll and baby .%rthnr, visited in Kaarr and Fowlar last

Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Martin, of Itnaais- tar. ware guests of their unde, John Price. I

Presidiag KIder Tumar. of l.jdia Viaw, was a gnast of Ksv. T. M. Huddle last | Wednesday night. '

The P'orastars of M. W. .V. want to Par- i rinton last Wednesday evening to assist : in an initiation.

CriMl 1"■rnS*



Mrs. C. J. iiannis ratomeil last weak | tba boys on tba farm is absurd, and as i from liar visit in .\aw Y«irk state. Hba i

i foolish ns tba proposition to give a colt ■ was quite sick while there.I or a sheaf.. What would wa thiuk avary returned last weak(time a cxinvantion of professhmal »»« l f^mi a seven w.wks stnv xvlth bar daugh- sbould ii key would is^py ^ Mu-kmon.much of thecr time discussing tbeeubpwt, I .. ... ... .. ,,“How are wa to kaaf. our boys in the. ““‘I Mrs. Kva Momsofllci*, and how an* wa to bai'e than.. *k*x. of Ht. Johns, sw* guests ofcbtMMeuurs as tbair profession?” Let Mrs-" ndsworth a few days Inst wmk.os give them n line lihmr>' and impress ufion their minds if they study well nnd p^ect themselves in whatever profes­sion it may be, they can become a gover­nor or a <*ougrsssmaii. This method

The Hchool# in (linton county will ba opaning for work during tba ^ naxt four or five waaks. and with this end in viaw 1 bava tiean getting ^

my stock in readinew. for this fiarticular trade. I bava bad tba HchiKil ^ Hcholars of the county in mind and have mode porchasas to fileasa. In W othar words I have onlv bought tha kind of goods which will W

ABring Customers Back. 96mids Which Cannot Fail to hive Satistaction. 9

= - .. - — mSee Our Stock of £

Mr. and .Mrs. ('. E. VanHickla and daiightar F^ith. of Ht. Johns, wareguests of thair sistar, Mrs. L. Jeflerv’s. F'riday.

tiny Flatgle ratumad Kridavfn.mntwo weeks outing at I'ettsdcey. Hsexpresnss

I would tw DO nion* riilkulous than tba j himself as well please<l with that country, former uud would Is* as productive of as i ^7;;::ron Davis, from near Ht. Louis. guM remits. has moved hare with bis family. Mr.WK ****^1.!^*** ***1**1^'^' ‘ I hi vis will work for Heorv Case, thew ban the laiys arrive at the ugeofchims-,

' ing tbair vocation in life, and they mani­fest a desire to leave the farm, do not

I gat Itigbraded. sarcastic or ovarfoenring, ^ but listen to tbair reason, talk with them as yon would with an ei|aal; advise, do not try to cumpal or coax them to re. main. Hive Uw Iwiys a chance, and should they eondode to go you will have this vomlortiag consolation that they go better <s|aip|ss| for having lisen raised

>frs. Hamh Palmer retnmed last week from a visit with bar dnngbtar. Mrs. Hamh Hill, at Old .Mission, and ais«. at Hmnd Kapids.

.Mrs. 1-ora Howe returned to her home in Hay City, Momlay, after a few weeks visit with friends hare. Hercousin. IMIa .lenuisoD. ncromimnied her home nnd will attend ncbtiol at that fiiace next

on the fanii. It may prr>Te to lie a whs*! year.

Text Books,Blank Books,

Writing Books, Copy Books,

Cratch Books,

Lead Pencils,3late Pencils,

Penholders, Slates,

Copy Paper.And the other thousand and one other thinjfs which g

will l>e needed during the ctmiing term. g

Big Supply—Reasonable Prices, g

F. ^ALDRICH, ISt. Johns, iVlichigan. ^


BicycleTo chis«* out what snick we hove on hand, we offer it at r«»st tor

•jMit cash or on IK) days tim»* for goml notes.

Saturday, September b,we will sell lo guaranteed New ^w ^ Bicycles at each -----

Don't Miss This Sale.

F. H. BUSH & CO.MHlBMlIiMi iUl*

Engraved CardsFor the modem cards of correct style, shape

and weight. eml)ellished with careful, painstaking

engraving, call on us.

100 cards and plate, $1.50

News Office.

efaoM'c when boys leave the farm and take ' up some other vocation, providing they are better iwlapte<l to some other line of busin«ws. We can rsrall instaDiv>» wliere

’ men would have made successful trades­men, wh«» have finiven ti» lie worthless inHiiagen* u)miii tlie farm and an* to Is*

' found atnoug flint unhappy class who have that unpleasant and dismuragiui; word “failun*” written over tlieir life. The tmnble lies in the tart that many iwople do not take into <*onsidenitioii that ttie talents of individuals differ and lilt iisrsoiis an* not adapte*! to tb«* same <M'eu|Mition. .\nd it has never lieen our lot to se«* the first iierson whom we Is*- lieve wiiulfl hnve iiiad«* a success in all linvw of business.

Tb«* dissatisiaction of taiys often grow out of n*adiiig cbmp. traehy literature whirh IS appnipnnteiy termeil ••gutter journalism" or fmni th«* system of the home goveriimeiit. If tlie heail of

. the laiiiilr tills this rrs|Minsible iMmi- tion with a des|MiiM* sfiirit, iirbi trnrr, tyraniiH’al towani all. tioublf*in sun*, and reliellioii or d**e«*rtioii will fol­low and the lov«* tor home and its in- riuetKvw that should exist is4lis|ielle,l,and the laiy with enishetl spirtts. or etirng**«l tenqier, takes his i|uiet leave and goes out into tile great hustling world fnlly deteitnine«l to ••njov pn*s|s*nty. «ir to manly fai*** bitter adversities as theras*- may Is*. Whether you hav«* agre»*«l with me or not. this much you t*uii not but al-

, low to be true, that iMivnts often fail to give their Im»v snltlcimt pmis*- ami **11- (*ounigeinetit for their services and giMxl •h'eds. Words of encoiiragenient and

Iimis** that come inuii the d**i>ihs ol tie* ii’tirt, an* not only a liel|i lo the Ini.vm. but an* H|>prei*iate<l and etijoyiii by tie*

oilier ones as wi*ll. We rewil and hear much alsiut tie* pnifs-r training oi Isiys. yet how many, many Ixiys there an* in alinost every i*ommnnity who an* left to their own rrsoun'es. and wlien thevnr- nve at maturity, <|eveio|ie«1 into mail- hiNsl. it IS with regret that wean*«‘nni- |is||eij to oliserve that they ban* faibwl to n<eeive the pni|ier training from (Mtr- eots. .Nsnl wi* ask why they an* not

. niun* brilliant, mon* redneiland thought- ! fnl. when they are allosreil to s|said their ' •'bildhiHsi days iu idleness, without pun* nnd wise instructions fnini those who hnve Uirir conflifenc**? If you expect to

I an'om|ilish anything bj training you must first have tb** Ihiv's )-onniJeace. It is sad indeeil to think of the number of imieots who apjiear to have but verv-

: little conHdefsi* in tbeir hoys, uud as a nwult the Imivs Imre lenmsd to look up

. to the fiarmts with distrust, coase- ^ quently then* is a widening gnif bstween them. With saeh a state id affairs ex­isting all the methods of training may be bmught into action and they would be as fruit lews as au icsberg. Hainthei*on- tidegfi* and the way is eaay and it is as- toaisbiiur bow rapidly both parent and

' child will progress.F'inally. my Inrtner boys, this rsfaiblic

is (NNwing throng one of the most try­ing times in its history. The advent of

> case, luxury, sfiortiag aad

.\tnong those who tiaik in the excur­sion to Kraniifort last Hunday. were Mrs. Lucinda I'ershing and two sons, (ternrd and n.vde. .Mr. and Mrs. John Ellen- wimmI. I.illie Kirby, timer Itotsiord and Victor Itichards.

The schtHtls are aguiti in neHsion. Mr. Clise, of Hath, and Mise .Mina Waldron, of Elsit*. are ill the F-ureka scbtails: .Mis« Myrtie Itarrett. of .Maple Itapids. in tlie Katgle scliiMil; Mis- I-each in the Page Mchiail; Miss .Vita Drown, of Elsie, in the Uichiiinnd srhiail; (teorge Mclbiiiald th»* Hh**rwiMxl schinil. Miss Lillie t 'Mnntl has gone to IminicsbiirK to tiwch In the high schiMil; .Miss .\ora De«*ls* in tin* Watson sehool. Duplaiii, anil Miss Nellie Washington retunis to olive t’enter, where she taught last year.


Frtisi The Hgn..Mrs. tleorge W.

ill failing htwiithditsi Weiltiesdav,

which an* driftiag on towrard exofws so rapidly, Hasses them among the miwt •langerous elements this nation Ims to contsail with today.

Young men. on you the fntnre prosper­ity of this ontioti dstiewds. You may at times feel that yont life is almost a bur­den upon the farm, but hare courage, aad never grow so short sighted as to turn your tiask uimn honest toil and ar

Dates, who has lieen for a long tim«- iMtst. .lugtist .'iP, F'uiieriil

serrices wen* held at the famil.v home Thursilay nfterniKin at two o'chM*k.

('. H. Dtinhaiii was thniwii between a wheel and the buggy Imix in a runaway at the cheest* factory Monday morning and <-oiisideiably bniiseij.

Doliert T«<ar«*, of Eun*ka. has niovtsi ••tint of the old hoiist* into the new,” ami last F'riday a luimlier of friends and iietghliors of tin* lamily gathemi at their home to l■**leb^nte tin* event. To say they had a right ginsl time would not half ti*D tin* siorv.

.Miss Maude .Morse returneil Tuesday evening from .'^nntlHd, when* she hne )>s«*ii |MtMsiug liei vacation with Kev. .\, K. .'(tewart‘» family, to renew tier duties as tenchsr in tin* EUn* si'hinils.

.V larthday imrty iu honor of Mrs. F!lsh* Wiiraer and (teorge Tabor was held at tin* home of .Vrthur Tabor Thursday last. .\ nierr>' eoiiii'aii.T was pn*>4*nt and i*n)oyed thegoial tbii-gs oi the ooca- sion.

"I'ncle*’ ('hnstopber Ihnlge and wile have traveled life's niggtsl |sithway to­gether for sixty .tears, and .Vugust J7th they enioyed tbe anniversary of ibetr marriagi*, with tke assistance of tbeir childn>ii, grandsbildmi nnd great grand­children. May they 1It»* long to enjoy each otbtr's societ.v and iwlsbrnte man.v more such pleasant iwrasions is the wish of many friends.

The fourteenth annual reunion of I'o. D, 1st Mich, ('av., was held at (irM, .Vugnst lU. F'ift.v-flve msmbers of the ctimpnny are living, twrenty-fonrofwhom

mt; tbe ileath list numbeni flf- W. X. Liaman read two plens

ing selections on rsroiniseences of the war. It was derided to hold tbs next reunion in (Hrid, .Vugnst IM. IWNi. lifB- esrs wren* Herteil as follows; President. W. Kyon: vice (iresident, D. Young; ssrrstary, J. W. Hmith; treasurer, W. \. laamaa. There were present from FMe W. .V. Linman. H. W. F'uHer, N. L. Hras*.

plensnn*,} (ieo. Wooley ami Heo. HollhNer; from


\ letter from Dr. N. A. Dryer wko ia visiting al Hnnlt Hte. Maries Mich , rends asfollowrs; ‘'Way Up here in tbs frigid ■ones as tbe people wonid imagiBe in ('linton connty, tbis morning Monday at bnlf pMt nine o'Hoek tbe tberroometer Stands at 7& degrees iu tbe sbaile. We started lor tbe cool brsesm of tbe noitb on tbe morning of tbe 2Hrd of this month. Had a bot and dusty ride to Hay n^, taking tbs train tb^at one p. m. We S04HI found there bad been rain and no dost. Herbsg** Undied green and oil imture was smiling. Bel«*eeti Bcm oommon aad (Irnyiiag tberewns a streak about 10 miles wide Jack F'rost had visited and what crops we could see were all killnl. We bad a (ilensant ride to Mackinaw (Yty only to timl every lioarding bouse anil hotel |Mcke«l and ninning orer. Markimw* Islaud in the same fix. Through tbe kindness of a physietan we found a mom to stay in. not to slesfi, lait (Hi Henveus. comiMU.v that we sat up with all nigiit. They grated tbeir tietfa. sat amnnd b.v the thousamls and nienai'eil us, and gave us warning that if we siumbeml they would suck our MimmI, so we mreptnl of tbe situatfun and saved our blocwl to give us strength for tbe Imlauce of the trip. Thursdn.v morniug at H o’Hocfc we Iwiarded tbe Minnie M iMinad for tbe H«m«. Htie took u course iioinfs N of F!. for 24 inikw. The first object of interest we saw was tbe Mk*higaa with her d rapid Hre and one machine gun. Hhe liMiknl as slick ns a dock’s back. F>ery- thing sbowetl the care taken of lier. .Vfter passing tbe Micfaigaii we had a splendid view of Uh* leland. The fort IcMimeil Up above all. The hotels and cottages, hills luid m«ks made fiietar- ssi I ue scenery. Twenty-four miles from the islaud is Ganleo rit.v reef. Oae week ago last Hunday tbe Imrge German ran mi on the reef high and almost ilr.v. The wrecking tug F'avorite was at wort tfiget iieroff. hnt Minnie did not stop to let us ss,- only what sre mold in iwssing. (biiugup the old channel of tin* Ht. Marie river w<* hml the pleasure of seeing some III the gnimh<st sreoery in .Michigan >iml Ciiimda. .Vrriving lit the Htwi at 7, our nephew. F'rank D. VVnrner, met us at the Iwiat and eseorteil us home. F'isbing. iMMtting and sight seeing have been our efaief iMvu|mtions so far. Thegrsnt locks lire wonilerfui, tlieir meciiHiiisiii grand and om* tires uot in watching Iwith the great and small lioats Iteiiig lifte«| up and let down to |inss on their journeys. F't. Drady is not very attractive; the present site has not lieeii orru|ae<| oul.v alMiut three years nnd their main building had the top of it nearly burnt off a short time ago. The inhabitants brag about the farming lands up lien*, no drooths. no frost, high prices. .\|| that a farmer could desirt*. .VII play and no wort to gam a fortune; wonderfnl, but wh.v have not l'hip|s*wH county farming lauds Item derelo|s«i| to a greater extent, if there is noilrawtiHck? The last of the week weex- |wct to Is* home f>nce more to etifoy the ass4s-iatinii of bone- and its surround­ings.



OF THEClintoii Cotity Agri(»ltinil awl lorti*

nhiral Society.5 AT

iSt. John5, Mich.Septenber

A tmjvr in anemmow cBABAcm 1890.


Speed Premiums:Wediiesday, Sept 27,18M.

3:00 Trot or Pace, Purse.......................................$100.00Green Race, for horses without record. Purse $50.00

Thnrsdav, Sept 28. ISM.P.-icc. Purse........................................................$2(M).00

2::i0 Trot. Purse........................................................Sl'OIMMI

Friday, Sept \ I8M.3:30 Pace and 3:35 Trot, Purse................. $300.00Frec-for-all Trot or Pace, Purs<‘......................$350.(10Running; Race, Purse.................................................. $5( .00



were i»r« tv-eight.

Then* will Is* a getieral o|s*iiing schiHils in this tiiwuship this week.

It is said tlie steam dreilge will com­plete its work on .'ttoiiy Creek in alNiiil a week by working dn.v and night, which it is now doing. Iliiiidreii-. have visitetj it to witness its workings.

.Miss Collins and .Miss Chun'Ii, of Ht. Johns, wi-n* guests of .Miss I'earl Jury F'riday.

.Mrs. Delie Kearney nnd son, llalph, an* vim ting at DattleCrsek.

Mr. and Vfrs. John .V. I'lownian an* s|s*ndiiiK ten da.vs with frienilsiit .Mason, I-aiisinu and I-aingsburgh,

Th«* man, who tisik Itoy I'lowtnan's horsi* two weeks ago, has ls*e«i bsiitisl and the hors** was returneil to his owner .Hatiirda.v night.


.School in ilritnct No. 1 ls<gaii .Monday with Miss .Vita Drown as teacher.

Wallace CiMimer and wife, of Ithaca, were gnests id (I. D. Hcvev anil wile last week.

The GreenbiiMi band bare some new mueic so tbe public may expect to hear some more noiee.

Mies I-illie Cleland went to l-aingaburg, Haturday, where she has Isen engaged to teach tbe I'oming year.

Flromet Hutllu, wife and two children, of Grand Itapids. viaited .Mrs. Hutfln’w imrenls. J. H. .Vndras aad wHe, last

5 Are You t flaking # Arrange- t mentsJto

9 Attend •




If you enjoy having a good time you should prepair to do so at

The show this fall is going to be a

“Warm Number"And to miss it will be to pass by one of the pleasant events of the year. Come and meet old friends and acquaintances as well as your own neighbors, and enjoy the sights together.

The Following names are a guarantee of a ^ good Celebration.


Danniairr, Jacob Hoasr.


frssidsnt....................................................Hsrmary,.................................................... .Trsason-r......................................................(isnsrai Huf-wintsmisat,....,.....................Marshal..................................................... .

................................... F. ,V. TRAVIH

......................... MnillFITT n. f'kudy—............ .. WILLIAM DYItNKH............................. GKOKGEHOI'LE

Hnlosy.Mrs. Mosbsr ami Hylvia wsrw in F'owlcr Monday.

Miss Doss Whimsy, of Ht. Johns.. ^ Whm motbs^t hsjwi it no* •sdly visited al Wanvn Hais^'s over Huatlay. ;

Mrs Mann aad Miss F’lofswci* Walter, j


qoirs tbs fatal habit of sportiag and i iK Ht. Johns, vMtsd at John Wandsl’s | pIsgauTs sssking to sxesat, which was j Thursday.ows of tbs nnusss of aaeirot Hooh* s fall. | Hchool Iw^an this wssk with Mr. Tylsr, Yim may bs swnbbsil ami smffsd at ami j of Hath, as tsachsr. .Hylvia Haissy' bs-rolM ha.Tsssds by ths sons and liaugb- gan hsr ssmad rsrm in tbs l-amb dis-tsrs of wrsalib. but staas dn.T in tbs hv : trtrt Tussdav. Edna l.ors tsar has inaad bv thtas* wIm> ncoSsd will bs vot- j tbs Hill school, ing for this earns farmer boy, forsnms imiNirtant {MMNtiou ol booor. Why? Hsraoss bs iMissswsas uafaltsriag courags. which wws Isira In him on ths farm, aad his .vsars tH hard toil ami sslf dsaial dsvslnps«l in bis IMr. s^tsrgy ami ebarartsr which formsd ths ftmn^tion for fntnrs (msaHiilitirs.

Mm awrgi

Jas. Hamsr bml a raiuiway last Wi-dnssdny.

Mrs. ('has. Karrhsr is visiting ('has Millsr ia Rilsy.

Mrs. has


What mothar*! hsart it net tadly pHavoi at Um tvgiriagiof hvr hripittt. fpsMWw hahaf Tbsrc arc Mr tartrlrr MgiHt Ihss lo mc the hMpiwi tager aad have so rctwf to ogkr. So nmay chUthan art isnsrsd by the iicbiaf aad baraiag at irttaia sail ntlar tkm dwaaaw eoawaoalorluld bfC. With agooy Uwy acfWMh aad laar Um raw, baraiag Mnh. aad nnnlwn kaow of ao inaaaa of uopptag Ibc pam aad boal'ag Iha toraa. Dr. A. W. Cbaaa t Oioi- BMatcoatataaa baba of hrahaa. It tentiMi aad cooM iJm aOirtad parts, hrait tha raw aorta aad cwaaaa tba tlua to kmm agam aa Mow aad aatarai aa evar. Mr. kow of itj Statwatli

. N.Y.. oiiMt: *’Oar (why bop w aaaw taac with ihai wrarhad a wot* aaabte to had mmytktafta

m. A fmm apphaa- tOiatOMwl Mcippad a bar* aow diaap.

^ ...........................-....................... ........................................ M.f:. I.IVFXAV

^ H^. and Hwiih ........... ............................................ NEWTdN C.VRI'KNTKR# L"”": V."'!?*'' “'*** ....................................................... RGMERT HI( KHi noral Hall .................. ............................................................. ... EVNE'TW t*"'* ...................................................................... RGDERT ARMOI’lc^ Farm Machinsrv........................ ........................ ................WM. WI DEMAN

twaa of Dr. A. W. Cl

All doetora told HaoMt Hnmiltnn. of Want JUteraoB, O., attsr anSariag IH mootha from iUctal Flatnla. ha would dis oalaaB a cootlr oporatloa rraa psHonasd; but hacurwi bioioaM wi I h o boxwa Dnah tsn 'a AraiBaHnIra, thaaursst IHIarnrson Earth, aad ths baataalraia ths World.2Aeaata a box. Hold FBiaw milrnMn: l>rug-


Mlos Nsllis Washington, of Knraha. opaaad oahool at ths ( satsr Mcwiday.

Mav (larsr aad Flnrsaw fsaasll. of DsW^tt. vtolttd Itlaashsaad iJssh* Wsth- srsfl l^day.

I^orls (Mrpsntsr aad family HuBda.rsd at E. Mclatyrs’s.

Mrs. Csisatins linguist Is m* hsttar..VIHaon Mrrrihsa and daughter, (Inm.

hud a raaawu.? FrMuj. NrithW araa hurt amd no damufpw door.

^-r. a. KusE.‘‘



im tbe famOf to hwd

off part the retfotar

income, and when on top of that it adds nn> reasonably to the expense it almost too mat

ll a bmden for any tarn*Mm ily in moderate dr*

comtoances to endure. uB Bat there is a nay B to avoid moat of theseV mmeoeaasry expenses

beddm preventing a great ileal of the dckness itself.

*• Doctoc^v vWli cnsii IUati.'*aaf Mf* Bria P. |tewnl. at Olen KItesrsasnw Co., Cal. **I Bav* bMo Is nu* pisec aiatceii y«ar« sad have oaljr had a doelor oaee la mjr fiuilljr tiaoc that ttac. Ihsalw to Dr. Hcrce * Comtmoa Mam Medical Adviaer aad hU aiedictaea This book saves docaor's vlatts. I caaaot do withoat It la the hoasc. I haw had two copies bat caaaot haep theai. Bactoeed I aead at oae ceat staaiae fee aaother com." Aaother Udjr. Mrs JentAe Warreo. at OOum. Grahaas Co.. Arlaoaa. saps: ’'With pleaeare 1 vrritc toyoo aealn ttiet wa kaowthat I teelasarell aadstroacas 1 ever did. With roar triad aaal pood advice aad Dr. Pleroc'a Wavorltc Prcocriptloa I have been catirriv cared. 1 thank rou a thwieaad tlaMts for year (rood ad> viee. 1 think that if every person who ts sick la aay awy wUt write to yeia for advice aad wilt take the laedklae yoa preaenbr. sccordiM to dlrecitoaa. ao other doator's services will be aeeded.**

The greet thoosstid-psi^e Medical Ad* viser wtil be sent free paper-bound ftM- 3l one-cent stamps to pay the coat of mail* ing only; or in clotb-liinding 31 stamps. A whole medical libraiy- in one mlume. Address R. V. Pierce, M. D., Budalo, N. Y. He will send professional otlrioe (in a plain sealed enx-elope) free of charge. All letters are consideretl in sscred privacy, and tiex*er published ex* oept by the writer’s permission.


For Saturday, Sept. pth.

1 ludiea' wbiei, black,.................

1 ladi«v>' wheel, olive greeti..........

Both of above wheels anteed to 1900.1 new tiree. for... as1 F«*nlb»Tatt»oe. wan #40, for... atAbove wlieels have been ex- chanjjed for new and are in j'ood order. Tsed bars and saddles 35c each.

O. G. PLUNKETT,Photojxrapher,

St. Ichns, Mich.

It pays to attend

TVr/- '■CM/IAL

Knives, Forks and

Spoons are the best. That is why Allison sells them.


The Proof.d Studeotn of thin nrhtMd have\ I i rteceptwl iMi.vliiil |MinifHn»n an ^ • ItOOK-KHKI'KIIS him! STE^

.SiNiltA 1*11 Kits idure June iHfm. .%|| rommerriul anil Shorthniid Subjects.

Heantiful xwtMloaue rn>e. lUiiway fare allowed Hiudeato frfmi a distauoe.


D. McLachian & Co.Grand Rapidh. Mkh.


Paul Jamlsoa retaraod to Waokiogtop loat Thursday.

Mton Hloanh Jumtoou bos gooe to bar aebuol Dour EUlaiom.

.krtbar (Imeii aad wilv will rvtum to Aan .Irhor thin wook.

Mrs. Itoaotooo aad daughtsr, Kate, have rvCumsd from X«w York stale.

Mrs. M. (inwo wiH go to Ownsso this week to visit her nooe. Kttnn and Koy.

' .irthar Jobsm Imw ('omraeoeed school io l.ainsabarg. He driven over eocSi day.

Mrs. Leo Umve bon MOKoaed board with Mm. K. 1>. Poet for the nehool year.

Mm. .\rthar tlunu aad ntoter, from Ovid, ore vieitiug at J. C. Brunoou's ood II. Joom'.

John flmeo ban gt>oe to Meuiplito, Ma­comb nouaty, wbere be bon a |ioeition a* priocipoi of the erhool. |

Mm. lUaek, .Minn L. Chapin and Mm. K 1). P(Mt Atteoded the rtwular review of i the L. O. T. M. at Kew last Saturtlay.

Tlieve will be a watartiielon social at j Joerph L’uderbiil'n next E'ridav evening, i Sefiteaiber N. Pnjceedn will he for' rburrh l•^lettt.

Mr. luid Mm. S. VtMirbim returned lost week Inmi their '*1*11 in >'ew York state and Ookluiul i*t»uuty, Michigan. They re|Hirt dry, hot xx'eaiher and ikmw crops.

Kev. F. M. rtMldiagtiiu will preach his last semMMi next Sabbath. .Vrmnge- inetits are being made to unite with ' latiagsburg to extend a call to Uev. Mar-' shall, now of IaiwcII.

The time lor .rh^Mils t«i r«»mmeoce o|e eiatiuu has again tMiiie*. Mrs. Ia^idrove will teacli at the drove srhiNtI, .Miss .Mar- I'lu Iterlcwitli at th*- Wilson school. Miss Mess at the lieiinis«iu.

Theeoctai at K. M. Post's was a very pleasant affair, as a large 1*1101101 uy as- sembhol III the evening to view the rHim. which wen* numerous and niiti<|untHil, ami provexi very inlerrwtiug. There were' somedielieH l.'Ul years old. some stiver s|MMias AS old. shaw Is worn by our great grnndmothem, Isol spreads woven over urn* huudml years ago, an arrow oaoe' iise«l by on .Vfrican warrior, a I'nrtridgi* liag ase«| in the lievolutioniirx' war, sa­bers. <*auteeu, a hue from Kogiano which s|Ntke its own ag*'- bnit stove, wanuiug |Niu. touip* and a kettle useil in Puritan days, (*oios and articim antique, and kee|isak<w ttMt nuiiieniiis to mention, sfsvimeiis from (’alifomia. lAiuisiaiia. Ni­agara. etc. The ex'ening was hardly long enough to see th** onmertius articim satisittctoriiy. The three Missm dib- banl. Miss Marria Beckwith and Mrs. E'. El. dreen wore antique t*o«tutn«v*; Box* liiiyck represeiiteil detirge Washington, ami methiiiks <te<irge himself might hare , said, *‘.Vm 1. or am I not. am I?" ex'sii to rsiating the story of the hatchet and the cherry tm*. Hoy rertaiiily did his jiart III iH‘i|>iiig «>n the m>x*e| entertainment. Miss I^iuisH diblmni gave a rei'itatioii. ‘*.\ii did Time iiuskiiig Bee,” ftiiishing with “Money Musk.” Her unique i*os- tume aibied t<» the effectix'eiiess of tb** isTMination. .S«tme little |soi|ile. Miss ilerni**** lle<*kxvith. Mastir rieon tireeii and Lucile P«»st, gave rea-itntions; Hoy difs’ii sang two siilos, a•v'om|lalli««i by Miss EMIth Burt; Miss lleien E'rwniaii also sang a s«ilo. th** choir fiimisn*d sex*- •*ml s*4ertioiis, a>v*<im|iNiii*s| by .Miss .Math* diblwini. .Nine gallons «>iii*err**tim were <lis|K se*| of. ThiM*e who aminged hir the s«M*iHl f**lt rHieve*! as th**r*4ics xv**r** I'anfully |tack**«i ainl returned to their owii**rs uniiqur***]. ami w**ie assure*! of the su<*<vvts of the undertaking.


\liss*f EItta W«4ib and M*Tle .McLoiitli an* s|saidiiig this xx**s*k in lietroit.

Mrs. ,1. K. .lavne**nt**rtain*Hi twroniee*<s ami a iie|di**xv from I'hicago, last xvts-k.

ijiiite a number att»*ndf*d th** Labor Day |m*iiH* at Ibiutnl l,ak<*. .**epieniljer 4.

Don’t forget tofvime iin«i g**t som** i«v rr*iim at th** d. It. hall .Se|itemls*r 1 I.

.1. K. Jayne return***! fmin Imlian rix-er Nbmiiay. W. Linn and son r**tumed E'riday.

.Mrs. |.*ittie Arksey. xvho visited .Hagi- naw ami oth*T iNiints north, retume*! Moinlay.

•Mr. and Mrs. Will I'atterniole.ofNorth- rille, visile*! bis |iarents, .Mr. and .Mrs. .V. t'att*Tniole, Inst .Sunday.

I(ev. II. It. iiani, «if leasing, xvili preach at Mns«inir hall on Sunday, Se|>- t*unlsu' 10. at •! p. m.. UM*nl tim**.

Mrs. E'rank Smith, *»f Detroit, ami .Mrs. Laura I'lnrk.ofEI.agle, visited friends here last w*«*4c. Mrs. .Smith retume*! to Laiisiug Thurstlay.

We wer** much siir|»rise*l to Ifvim that M. J. Tout ami wife xvereMNin torenuive (o l,aiisiiig. as Mr. T<iut has a |Misition in the state house. W** hois* he will tind the chang** id«*itsHnt. Mr. Tout hoe work*<«| stmdily at theblacksinilh’stnMh- f«ir f«»rty-*»ne ye«irs. Th** longest tim** In* xvns axx'ny fnim hi* anvil and work was on his war imm EIngland to .\m**noa. *vhich xviis thns* xxeeks and In* felt that h** ii*s'*|e*| a chang**.

,Ssv*>ml iiiemliers of n|ix*e dmnge vis- il***! D«*Witt draug** Saiunlay night to listen to the •‘utertainmeut giv*ai by the young men, but from a list of fifty-eight only tlfty-bair failed to res|Mtiid. Thiws* who <lid hail g«K*d (Hs«*«w. The laiiidcon■ •"erts are rather more attmciix*** to our young fsaiple than the hot ball. Well we wfUT ouce young, but h«qs* the cotniag of (**M*ler weather will give th*Hii more in­terest in our grange work. Next tim** our young ladies nr** sx|s<rted to niter- tain and we await the time anxiously, dirts don’t stay away because it is warm ill tb*‘ hall will yon ?


la cat*

mini Ih sod Vslvs«r . . *



Ws sMUie s sowtal lsa«are nf dsllrerlag fVsssis sod Ires ow Hasdsjrs. We lohe o.dsvsst sBT tiawtlsrlagibe *esek. to hs ssat at a raavewtewt hoar t*>r Awadsr •Ma- asr.

ICECREAMnsrrsd pkOa aad loIBHeks.Owr bwataso* Is awt cowkasd. bowerar. at* Hmtrrtj to wwoday drUesrlss. mm ws mrm pfossed to <teHrer At say kowr way day Is the w*sk. Aftselallty r.l rrmmm la lorar qwMitltlss for sftrials, rhsreh dnlaas tm.A fall sad cwoiptMe ttas at




Tbs fariavfII atw baaily eng tiag i*ortt.

Mrs. Jostiag and family spent laat week with bar pareata near dwoaso.

(Joy iliebardsoa aad Loato Yotoinst opoat Imbor liay at Koaad I..ahv.

A tow from tbto plans attsadsd the insatlac hsld at Ivm grove laat Haadajr*

Tbs Miaaas ('orris Ilorniag aad Uartie Metioaigai vtoltsd riuuday with Miat (toitto PHttor.

Moeb ueedsd obtiwsra rtoitsd tbto lo- oality lost Thursday aigbt. bat laore rata to nsedsd.

Miss Hadie Kiehardaoii aad Elia Bmitb rtolted at the home of Miss Flora Psltisr laat Wedassday.

Maay from (Janoisonville Itoteasd to the o|isn air coaesrt given last HaturJay exreaiag by the DsWitt Maroon Baud.

At the oanuai seboul naeeting at the Idive school lost Monday night. .4Ilea Dryer was aaaoimously elected modera* tor of said district.

Lalair Day at lionad I«aks was weii represented xrith DsWitt |ieo|ile, aa*! we are proud to say that the luusiefamished by the DsWirt Marion band wosexoel- lent.

Themicial held at tbe pleasant honasof Mr. and Mn*. Tboraae Htamptly last Thursday *w*uiiiig, was largely attended. .K ver>' interesting program was given, while Mrs. Wm. Dunham, of tlief’a|>ital P'ty, gave some vi*ry giMal setev-tions «m tlie phonograph which were admired bx all firesent .\fter the pnigrani kecrenm an«i i*ake W(*re Merv**«i wliicfi netted a Hue Mini. Tliey tlien left with tbeimpressions that an tuijoyabie time xx-as tlie result of IIh* evening.


(Irand A. B.


Mrs. Ilt*nrx' .N’eww«im. of xraw the guest of Mi>.Thurwilny.

Mrs. Sarah M«4'auley was calle*] to (Ihiolast week Monday on account of the serious illness of her mother.

Tbe ladies of the .M. EL church will give their annual church fair on E'riday and Saturday nttemtsios and ex’imiiigs of this w*<*4(. Chicken |Hesupper .'witnrday. Icecream will Is* served Price of su|e |ier**aeh day will be lo <<«uitM.

Jos. VanKifier, of Portland, was at this plac*‘on bustuess E’riday.

.Mr. au<l Mrs. E'rv*l Kcbler, of Y|tsiianti, are visiting ivlatives nt this place.

T. U.Comtiton w*uit on the excursion to Philadelphia E'riday. when* he will visit relatives.

Mrs. Jane VaoSickie is sick xvith stomach trouble.

Mrs. E!<ra Brown, of I.,ansing, visite«l oM iwighbors and friends in this xdcinity last week.


Mise Nettie Pratt is xv<irking at ilirnni I’ost's.

Bom Thunslay t*i E're<l (lardoer ami wile, a Isiy.

Miss (l**lia (ilailMton**. ol Itham, visit***] Mrs. .\lire Ziegler last we**k.

.SchiKtl will l■omnl**lK'** .Monday xvilh Miss Troop, of Itha<-'i, as tiwi'lier.

Samuel .Strxiiiser had his ami hurt one day last iv**ek while thrashing.

I»ewitt MH'olhim. ol livid, ami EIrif**s| .’aiT. id St. Johns. cnlle«l at .Mrs. You* dans' Siimlay.

Dax'*> (iillet autl family and E're<| BhI* lani. of KIsie. visiteil at .SHinu«l Stnnser’s .Sunday.

Mrs. Clenimie lt<s*. of filix***, xvho has Is-en si**k th** istst txvo months with rhenraatism, is with h**r |Mirents, .Mr. and .Mrs. Israel Kuhns, when* she will stay until she is lM*tter.


COMMON COCNCIL KtfOMC. * wr. Joans. Mieb.. August M. um. 1

Hugular sd)«sirw«si wsstlug.CsIImI tu urOer by PmslihNit TrurU.PrssMt—Trustees Klug. Hunt, Klcbsnlsou

00*1 WiMtuldlag.Hy Trustee Wfiauldlng:

Wbereus. Ttw coatraat swarded to Wlllloai I'rteh for the cvuMOrwcthMi at the oakload aud Htete street sewer eatewatuus bos Iweu c<iai|dled with, sod the aoM sewers laMBplet*<m1 Ut the satiefacthM) of tbe Hewer <'ussails* atouer.

Hesi,lived. That sold sower exteostous sre hereby accepted by this Ctmuell.

Carrted.Yeas- Trustees lluat. Klag. Richardson

and HpwuMIug.Naye Nuae.

By Trustee Hpaulding:Itesulved. That the ('fork Is hereby in*

strueted to draw on order In favor of Wll> lloiu Crtcb for the balaoc** due on sewer cuntroet.

Carried.Yeas Trustees Hunt. Klug. Klchsrdsoa

sod Hpswiding.Nays—Nuue.

Hy Trusts*** Hunt:llesoivttd. Tlist the tlOH* for i-ullecllng the

special sewer sss»«ssaieiit tax be smI the same Is liereby extended sixty days frutu sod liivluilliui August iwa.

< srfi«Ml.Yeas—Trustees liuiit. Klug. itlrluirdsdu

simI Spsuhllug.Xsys- X«>nv

Hy Trust*-*- Hunt:Uesolved. That tliei'lerk dsrw sii order ua

tlie general fuml III fsx-or «if iIm* sewer fuml fur tin* sum iif lliri-** l■undr«*«l dullsrs.

Cartie*!.Yeas—Triisie«ss Hunt. Klug. ICU'liartlson

sml Hpsuldlug,Nays Nun**.

Hy Trusie** :st*sulflliig: l(es«j|x-<«d. That til** reviewing*>f the lilghsiu

sire«-l sewer «-xlt’iisl«iii s|M*rlal as<M*ssment ruti Is hereby pi*stpuii*sl tu ***iii**uilier t. IMX<. si 7:ai |i. in., al wlilvli llim- IlM-lstardut spe­cial assessors will tiM*ei with IIm* t'aiuurll St the Council MMiffis to review sud v«irr«*i*i said mil.

Carried.Yeas—Trustees Hunt. Klug. Klchartlson

sml ^iMuidlug.Nays—Ntin**.Htreei Commissioner K**eiM*y sulimltte<l the

foll<»wlug repitrt of defectiv** sidewalks: .ludsuii 11. Ihituiu. w. ends hitss simI to. block £. new stringers; Ellxs Hoyi s side lots i-xcept Ibe i*ast h) r**et III width l>lock W. it- uslrs.Hy Trust**** .s^iildlug.*

|{esidve*l. Tbst iIh* report «*f tbe Hlreel < 'ommissioner Is* revel visl sml onlerrsl plar*sl upon lb** reconis. sml tbsl tlie Hi reel Com­missioner Is lM*rrby liislructe<l to serve me Ilcetni J. II Hutton sml KlUs Hoyt lo repair ibeir r**speellv** walks within Hfteeii ilsysuf servle**«d iHitice,

Carrbil.Y**«m- TnisUs-s Hunt. King, iliebsnison :

ami **psuldlug.Nays- Ntiiie.On iiitttion Council sdlollrn*si.

M. JlclHiXAI.It. iMerk.



Now the Time. 8If that nothing, which canThere U an old enylng that nothing, which can

bo done today jhouid be pot oH until ^ tomorrow. Now this applies to the ^J Erection of J

kWindmillsx9 As well or hettar than to anything else. Now *As well or better

that the

Risli of Snner Work is (heron the farm, and there is a chance to breathe bill C

^ breaths, I want to take up the subject of erecting a ^ ^ mill at your home. You rememl>er we have suggest- ^ ^ ed the idea to you before, but never got to the talk* ^ 2 i**g point ( with some of the farmers | and I am now

anxious to get down to business. Now do not mis- 9^ •• understand me. I just want you to drop me a line •• Jj* that I may call at your home and way down in the

^ jjastiire lot we can whittle splinters off the rail fence 9 and go over the subjects of windmills, together. I ^

can show 3’ou what our mill is capable of doing, and you will he that much information ahead and it 2

will not cost you anything and there will be no oh- jection if you “turn me down.” Honestly, however, ^ I don’t believe you will do it without regret, for the J reason that when \'ou see how much hard work can f|E be saved and how much better you can water ^ your stock and the **kitchen folks** too, you will ^ conclude that it is cx|>ensivc to he “alone in the world” without an 2

.\ 11*11 .\«iantf< w**nt to .\«*w Y«irk laat wr«*k.

Mr>*. I'lia**. Ifoan wok on tin* nick liat lout a»**‘k.

.Mn*. B. .'*ugiir oimiit iiutt tr**«k with frn mis h••n•.

•Marx IhiaenM has lm*ii on th** nick iiat tor th** (•ant two xx*<»*k«t.

.Mr. ainl Mn*. EMwin Doltaon. arronipa- ni*-*l hy Mii** .\gn*s* SIhtiummI. Mater «if Mrs It. IbtiHMin. retiiriml from their trip to E^ugland, laHt ThiiriMlay.

JVe would ailvis** ( hm*. Sage to |Mit Mtme oinitnietion at the *iitnin«*e to hm I |.:vii Hauer in Fr<-<leHrk M<>i<

KlUalM*lb.l. |trak<- to ^tiu II Itleb- anls. II .VIA wf «• l* •>! s H Miiils.X bi ■ •t t* *, ttf II « I, III .eetbiii-ll. H*-iural i<|. (*.i 'Hi 'll

.\lb-*' Kii<>«b*sel al. lo Wlllialii H**rk bail.*-ii. il . of-.a *4 of x-i'tloii IT.K*<>**\ 1 iCit •»

i Martba Hali-iiiaii lo TiHinia. Haleinaii I I-1, of I4 of M*elloii .lu, aii-rtoirii l.isxMO I liMilK*lb-.V. Ilisiier to Jaiui*. .\lM-gg. j lot. I'T. IJ. It aiel |>l. Ilf 14. block K. j iivbl. .VWtnnj .\iiii lllbireibi't .il. 1*1 Joiiatbaii llil I <lr*-tb. II 111 a. of . b*i a. of lo- s of t -.-i-iloii JH. K**«*x. <»|. e.' t«i 01! Joiialbaii lilblr*-ili t-l al, to Milton K.

Illbirelb. 1* ' , of ll to a. of . a. of II** X •»! .*-eil«»ii K**sex. i«|. i*.i toe 1,1

I .loiialbaii llllilr*-lb «-l at. to .\iiii llll- 1 •ll'ftb. » of I- t, of 11 to M. of s 1st I «»l II** 11 t»f seelbtO ■>. K*«**\, tij. e.) MU l«' .looalbaii llll<lr<-ib ft al. !«•«*r

I Htil«K*k. f t. of w 4 of 11 ei a. of *. w> a. of IM* *4 t»f .♦■elloii Sx. K*»*-x, it|. e.i ttmio

{ Joiialbaii llll(lr**lb **1 al, to Mary It. IllblO'lb. w ‘4 of 11 tea.ttf « isi a of II** *4 «>f M-elloii Sh, Kstx'X. ii|. e.i . km oi

l.yilluJ. King lo l-'raiik t'owaii i*t al.lot. I.X. Itfaiiil IT. i>l«iek It.iivbl I iW

Homer K. i amplM-ll to K<l«anl Wal*' ilr»iii. laotl oil »«• »4 of .4*eiloii Is.

Watfrlowii toollonier U. I'ainiiliell l<t K'.*lwar«l Wal-

ilnii. laotl on •m* t, of M-ettiui is. Watfrlowii, Mj. e.) I iw

I Iria J. HaoUirii to I’^lwanl Wablrtoi. laoil on o kt tif .** ^4 of M*elloo I', Wat**ri«»wo. c I .VXii 00

Hi-leo M. Kiilgbt t4i Hynoi Hrowo, laml on «r t, of M*etb>o 31. Itublahi.|.|. l* ' I.IMtOO

«i a.


When can we do it? Do not delay. You may get thirsty in the meantime.



We Have the Cards.And we can Print them too.

If you want a neat job of PRINTED CALLING CARDS don’t look anywhere else than at the JOB DEPARTMENT of THE ST. JOHNS NEWS OFFICE. You will be satisfied.

of .**elb*ii C,drivexvny, aa a young eitiiple driving in ' oi o fr *, of o«- fr. th*- dark ami not knowing th*- nuiiii | , .., ■ . 1 1. , , Jat**»l» X\. >mllb ao«l wife l*»i barl*-.<*.roada, max iiiiMtake it for one ami thm*! \oHoo mimI wir*-o a. of im- « of ite i*aibie4l Millie trotihle hv having t«i turn iironml again. So it i*» xx iiii*|w-r*«l.

Diomvereri Rv a Womum. .tnothergreat diarov«»r.x'hoa li**en mode,

and that too. hy a lady in thia i-ountrv. “Dinefte** foateoml ita Hutchea U|Miu Iter and for aexui ,v**«n* ahe xvithatwid ita wx-«*rrat teate. hut her vital organa'vm* undemiine*! ami death otonwil intniinent. E'or tbr*i> inont haoiierougheil inwaoantly and ittuld not aleefi. She flnall.v diorov- effil a way t»» recover?, hy iiurrhaaing of ua a iMitth* ol Dr. King’a N**w IMocovery for (’onauinption, anti xvaa a«» much re­lieved on taking Ibertrat dooe, that obe dejit all night; anti with two iMittI*** baa lie*n aiioolntel.v eared. Her name ia .Mra. Luther Lutz.” Thua writea \V. C. Ham- nick A Co . of Shelby, N. C. Trial Iwittloa free at Flldexv A MUImaii'a Drug Store. Hegtilar oiie SOc. and fl.W). Every iuttto guaranteed. (-t)


•i«-etloii'JT. Ibiplalii ll**iirx ll Tobla. aiMl wife t*» Kranee.

A. Tobla.. laiMl oil . w , of mi*IIoii T. Eowlr

1.3a* on

.i,ksi m

1 on

School rontwfonrad Monday.Mra. John Thome woa in Portlaad loot

week.Mie« Tlireooa Smith bae returned to

Wyandotte.A child of .\daiii Baocbel waa buried

Wtidnewday mnmiitg.Mioa I.oaiaa Watdir*-, of Detroit, ia via- •

iting Mr. aad Mrw. Anthony Kreeheleraad ' family.

.4 number of WrwtphaJia peonh* at-1 tended the hami coaventioo at Lynaa,; laat Wedwteday.

r«mi M all hi4ng cut at preoeat. The (Toil would hare been 27* per rent better witD another rain.

Wm.J. Smith aad MUa J note Carter, of St. Johae. opeat Suadav at the Itome of the former in thia villagx*.

The AppogRp at m tteatla envied hr ail poor dyapenttoe whooe

Stomaeh aad l.iTev are out of imtor. All: •meh ehould know that Dr. Klag'e .Now Life PtUo, the woaderful Stomach aad IJvur Itomody, givue a ■glwntid appetfke, wtuad (UgouHoa aad a regular hodUy haaftthatiBOUTea pattouk health aad great oaetcj. Daly Ma. at Flldmr A MUtoMui'a I Drag Slara. (4) j

It to aet the tone ben that laye the torge egg elwayo.

The neeta ohould never be faetened to the hmhwaee ia each a manner that they eaaoet be taken down.

Keep yoaag chlckeaa gmwiag now, ee that they will have ouficieat rltaltty to withatoad the aumaxer weather.

Aa aoon aa the hatchlag aaeaea to (tear i all of the cocha aet needed for bteoding I tofould be marketed, ae they are oaly aa ! egpenae. I

A good rouMdy far Mead feathers to! door of salphar with batter, given ia a' pill the alee of a pea a few tiiaea, aaUI they BtelL I

If ratofag fowls largely fhr UMat la-1 alead of eggs, yon araat the torgr bceede aad thaae that grow rapidly. Toa must feed them llberelly.

The eerlieet omtariag fowl of the large hreeda to the Leagehen, which oeaalty hw glaa to toy when 7 ateaths old. It mahae a good wiatar layer.

IJackllage. If oapnaed to wet weather or even wet gmaad. ere apt to tahe eramp to tbefr toga, aad this ia meay eaaea prorea fatal. Keep them dry. i

While geed breeds ere aaeired far prof­it, the beet kiad will be prodttoee without

Safe and Convenient Cure for Stomach Troubles.

I Drnk**'a DyafietiMH Cut** (ind Nern* llc- I aiiirrr la not a i*ur*^all. bill ia iiit*iid*il I for IIh* treatment of St«imn<*ii ami .Nerx’e j tr(>abl**a unly.

This ia ll mmliined treatment preimml {in itieHOHiit tablet foini, aea«a*inte(i with in .Methml Treatment, xvbirh ia iodia- i iietianlile in treat ing tb*- raritfua fiirnia ol j flya|»e|N*ia aurrwadull.v.

I'eroona baviug atomarii troulde re- j quire oometbiug loaidea artificial digew

ti(Mi. Drake’a Dya|iepaia Cure and Nerve Iteatorer not only nHitaiaa pro|iertiea for rrlieving the atoniacii of indii^tible matter, but readily dia|ieia any iadani-

I matinn ot its inembraue. and tona* tbe j Mtnmacb (wofterly (or tbe aonimilation <t( I fteoh-lorming IcmmI, wrbieh is tbe only I metiHMl that will |irodare pure blond.I Tbia is tbe whole oecret of good boalth, I and tlie (<oinnion-aeaaa that nnderlioa the ; wonderful nmrma nf this new trontmeat. Travis A liaker sell Drake’s DyapefMia Care and .Nerre Keetorer. Try It.




to the reouM of careful otudy.- ■eguMk.


rrwe ml Ohorn*..4ny adult onfferina from a cold settled

on the brouat. bronchitie. throat or Inag troubiea of any natnre, who will call at F*lldew A Millmaii’a. will be per seated with a samplebottieof B«jarhei‘’a (ierman Syrup, free of rharge. Oaly one bottle given to one peronn, aad none to children without (onder from pareata.

No throat nr lung retaedy ever bad otwh a nale as Boochee’a (Ierman Hynni in all fiarta of the rtrllieed world. Twenty yearn ogft millinaa nf hottloa w*we given away, and your druggiate will tell you its aarrepa waa narveloaa. It to really the oaly Throat aad Lung Bemedv gen­erally •adoroed by phyotoiaae. One 7A coat bottle will rare or prove Ite vnlae. Sold hy deatore in all civiliaod enuntrtoa.

The Rev George B. lata—. I*w sevea reara pa«tor nt tbe Ptret Baptist ebsreb at Heatos liartMtr, ba* reatgoe*! lo oeopt m rail toa Rock mvev. Hi , paatomte

Tbergfwt hetaa nraAetn pot a rnaeoaMag to hetM a gton.isMi botet oa Moekltmr latead itireclly la fmmt of oM Fort Moeklaar la MoethNr wtih


Whr the Jok the Thief.

**There err p«*«*ple In tbto town who will xteai anytbiuK,” osiil a thin man witli a attiiix tie aa be rolled a fresh cig*•retta and asked his friend fur a light.“Yes. Mr. th«y will take the Ituttoas off your coat if vfNi ilou’t watch 'em. I was ‘touch*-*!' twice durinx the past month.00*1 tost winter iMitue one copped out my overcoat at a restaurant while 1 wm get­ting Innch.

**Uiit It's all right. I got even the oth­er (toy in a small way, and I’ve been toughing ever nince. 4Vc bad an okl cat

i over ill our Bat which had been a pet of j my wife’s ever since we were married.> Elvira—that’s tbe cat's nanxe, not my I wife's—WM so old ahe had loat nearly all

her teeth, and we bad to feed her on milk aad soft rtuff. This got tiresome, be­cause I hail to do the feeding, and I de­cided that Elvira was about doe to die. ,

“One night I sneaked home a b*>ttto of ! chloroform, and after my wife went out j to oae of the dubs or oooMthiag she be- > longs to I wet a spoogv with fbe chloro- fomi and went out In the kitchen tooklag j for Elvira. There ahe waa, curled up ou a chair, aad before she knew what wm ! going on I had her Axed. Didn’t hurt I hor. you know, aad oh* really wm a bur- j (too to beraslf. >

**Wlien my wife caam boam. I loohad solemn and told her Blrira was doad— went off In a AL Thors were toara, of oouroe. sad the reoxaias had to be rtow- ad. My wife iaatotad that Elvira ahoald bava a dacoat burial aad wnald not Ito- tan to my soggeatloo that tha body ba diapooed of la tho oonai way. Flaatly I coaoeated to taha Ririra oat la tho eeaatry the next day aad bory hor my- aalf. aad wm callad a ‘daar old boy.*

**Karly next momlog, aftar a tot of j taars from my wife. I atartod oat with Elrlra oaatly done op ia a coapla of I ■hosts of wrapping paper. I took a ear | which poaasrta wHh a aaburhaa line i aad itopooited my boadle on the roar) platform next to the gate, while 1 want i laaMe to rood the paper. I wm deep la I the spertlag page whM the traaafor ata- | tton WM reached, aad the coadactor had to offer ate a traaafer twieo. I went out | oa tho ptotfomx, aad btoM yoor oauJ If |Rlrlrn hadn't disappeared. Saote guy i tlmught the package caataiaed mr rnsra (loi. Hoary D. M lag laarketlag aad had swiped It. 'too loMMlag hotel

**I WM a Mt pat out at Arat, but whoa I ^1 raaliaad that for once I had tha tough Labor imx warn obasrrsil at Itetrott, aa tha thiaf I fait goad. LaaghT Wall, | Hryd Rapids, Maahegna. Bay fHy. Jaskoaa I ahoald aay yaa. Daople on tha otraaC ^ ’maac hava tlMtught I had a gtoffBag fag ————— aa. I did aat advsrttoa far tha ratara of

aud n fair amount o( huoinsas ability alornys gd luid ssr their homa dealer lieiuri* ordering: goods from sont** unknown Ami outside; and it louka re(WKtniibl**. They realize tb** fact that you ran do liettar at boiiie il xnucan And xx bat vuii wiuil. I bar** na largr and ni*-to- date H display of fintolicd llarMe and (Iraalte nonnniaHta. TaMgta, Markers, etc., as any ileaier in .Micbiaan, and n vtoit to my show nMtma and xxork ahn|i will convinre tbe moet skeptical that we are getting our sban* uf biiaimvw.



'atncwniA of h^CfiNpciiUWOER AN ACT OF U S 1 CONGRESS

HorTM^^SrroN \tUUldbii)iON^rC.1LSJl

PUnSCB HCfffY M* HcKCEcoama rwioam. ctemc asm*America's fRATERNALBEHPiaALORtnLOWUT rOMBtf COST COkMTtfVT WITH PtRfCCT MCumTY rixco MONTMiv FAVMcrrT} catATPta m* zeaMwev rwnu

PERflAACAT PROFITABU POSIHOMSfMetortecrrr otvrn to cAaaat.r ntr* omo xmoman ai THIS onCAT esonn at voun etoiucson iLAeeMgni

OteetesM Mow*.rogues fmm Dr D. B. CarffBe. at Waah-

Dn. I T lie writea: “F’oer botttos of Kl*v'(rie BDrfws baa (ured Mrs. Breaer at -cfiriula. ehich bad oaaasd her irieat oirfl- erii«K f’*T years. Terrible onrea woald break out on her head aad (ar«*. and the b>et duetors could give ao help; but her cere to complet**, iumI her health ia exral- leat.” Tbto ohowa what thousands have proved,—that Elaetnc Bittera to the beet blood puriffer kaown. It’s the aat>r**me reotedy for ecaema. tettiw, salt rbeum. ul- (era, boito mhI ntaaiag oom*. It s»im«i- lates Hver, kidneys aad howeis. exoet*

bHps dhrsatinn. baihls oi* Ih* Only AH (eats. Hold by F'lWee

n. l»ru|Mtot. Quaraatasd. (4)

w e:lls.Pint daas TUMiLAIt and repaired. All mrl


atreawth. A MilM

The ctmkm nt the state tax caoMaloaton bare hsoa allowad to <lraw (botr ■slartes.

Howard (Tty bad a tose of PP.oao by gfv MtNtday larisaiag tbeiieetrtr Hahttag fdaat,

I ooMM waa foaail 'leisdHe was a veoeraa ansd

TNO«. S.Wtta hut I’d give SB ta know what

Uoady Uatbaetic, sore •a,ae. IfCOC taU,dr


F.J.LOVEe SoatliRUey,inciLAgrrsesor to F.C. Tosag A C. L. KlaibaU.


Take (*0X00tats Caadv UsthartM. Ms arffa *« ri . 1« ««4i H* mmam. dranrisis eefoad mmmm.


I the'




Tk St. Johns News■. a. viTMuniAU).


Pr«U('ATiuji Orrtrs. Wallurr >lt. East.

9m^mmrtp»Um Mall. I*— l*aM.ONE ______________________________•>■IX MO.VTIIH............ ......................-.....THKEK MONTHH----------------------------

Tms.NKWawlll crau^alO' »*crt»» iiltr<iai- ■MalVMitoas nl l<»ral ur a*a*cal lotafwal wii*a a«e«>H|taat«tl tijr thr wm»r'* naaM*.

ThU iMfirr !• lailjr r<(iUp|w<l U»ao|wbaa*» •owMrrHal uHatlaK. lla maiar^ aw tfw laiwiaiyW. aa<l tiw workwaDaMptaHaar. aat»ril of htclivat iiaaltty.

A«l*vrtlwr» attwt lo thr riwIWal ii^fw f dan i by Tai; .Maw*, lu rtrratatb-a U bona tttir. auil II* ■abartiptlon Itat !• alway* apwi to laafiwUoB.


eiaaw, aad Morwajr to aotortoatoy tW toaat progf—irii ■■tioB to B«ropa. iw* toM it ba ThHmjt. Hoaw anatologtota «Ik> hava toTWtipitail tlitok tiMt Mw ia- pia—i ia Koropa aloaa to foUj 50,000 a yaar.

Aafor oaoaaa, tlaaa iavaatiaatora aa- aiiia aboat nvarytMas <*■* eoaki tblak o<, froai toiaaoia to anaoakfatoai. <>aa maa flaito that tbaia ara aboat JO par i<aat mow aatoMaa doriac tba tox inoatba that iadadr aamawr than dnriaa tba otbar ato. Bat arbat that baa to do with tba <|aaatiuo ol caaoa to bard to aaa. liiHaama to aautbar oaaaa aoa^iaad. bat tba iortaaoa to aoicida bafaii batow tba iofloaoBa traratotl inarh aad to fouad fall ip^iwu w-bare tba iuHuaosa to hardly kaowo. i>r. Iratoiid thtoka tba raoaa

Mohuav aaaaiaK at aaadowa tba 7(aw' Yaar 50iU, aeeordtog to tba Jawtob oab ; aadar, foaa aibiiad to aad tba oaeaaioa waa inbicljr nb—rrad by tba Jawa, tbroagboat tba woHd. la tba Jaw* tob taadTato apon tbto day bare ratatood a BMira anirotaal bold upuo tba Jawa tban all otbar*. with tba poatobto axeap-, tioa of “Yoai ikippar," or Atoaaowot ‘ Hay. wbtoh oeeam taa days latar. Tba day to oaa of good will to all, aad in ita

Wby aoaw paopla bad it oo to patroatoa tba 8aad«y tbay do to pay tbolr hnaaat dabta.

If moat of tba fiaupto of dt. Jobaa bara TtoitMl tba magaiiaimt wator aad atoetrlr light plaat aad raally appratiata wbat a optoadid uatHt it to..

Wby tba waiar dratora look auglum fwory (iow wa grt a otoa •■ool day.

ooaial dtotiartioaa to aot graatly dHlaraat ^ |f boya who ara ktokiag tofrom tba Xaw \aar of tbooa who raokoa iMviag to wwama tbair work iatimaaneordiogto tba Chnatian ara. H .egool. will not aoma day aaa tba rary to tba moat propitiooa ocoamoo for t^, which tbair adomtioo willaxcbaaga of cirilitiaa aod tba oonipll. ^ inaata of tbeaaaaou. lo tba ritual ol tin* i ■■ayoagogna, tba prayar ol that day to Wbaa tba court boaoa yarl will bathat all man, witbuat dtotinctitMi f>f n


Tgg Nawa to ia raotopt of a lattor writ* toa by Mlaa II. Etta MUar, oftHatoa, .\aw York, wktob roada aa fullowa:

**Eaaluaad, plaaaa bad tbraa dollara to roaaw oar aaborriptioa aad to pgy baek todtbtidaaaa to yoa. Wa naoaot do witboat The Nkwb. It to a wookly aww* magar froai boma. Farbapa yoa woaid ba iilaaaad to kaow auaMrtbiog aboat oar littia town.

tltotoo to a viltog* of atioat twalra bandrad tohabiUuita aad to loeatad oo tbafiatarioaad Waatani rtolmad about tan miloM Mtotb'Wiwt of Ttica. It to a rory pratty aa wali a* btotorieai town. It iii lomtad in n rallay. tba lirtokaoyla Wban tba court boaoa yarl will ba; “, , ^ . , , . . . i rallay. Tba rillaga It-all onaaot Iw wan

W luada into tba baodaoroaat liftia |«rk dtoranw bamuaa of tbimoat ba tba tloriina ol tba ortboiloz ra*; or craod, ba roeordwl in tba book of IHa i tba atata, aa it •■«Mtld ha at a coinpara* ligtou. baeaaaa, ba Miy*, “It to in irraat for a yaar ol bappiiiaaa aod good work*, tiraly ainall cxiwnaa. fittoa like Paris. Beriio and Viaona. wbara • ,%ad, aa tb© frtonito niaat om* anotbar at

A OgAMUE MKg|>gU.Tba killiog ol .tlrio B. Wtioaay at

Orid weak btoow laat and tba tlra daatba i*HUsad at the Lyi»n» miaamg within n oornjiarHtiraiy abort tiro** call to mind tba diaeuoaion raganliug tba adrisabiiity of doing awa.v aa aoon a* practicabla with all croaainga «l rail­way* lit grada. in city or country, and prtibibiting all *och cmasing in lutura consimction. Soma statistic*takanlroin tba paporf of tba intarstuta <x»iuiBarcc commitwion lor tba yaar anding .Iona .Tti, IHtiH.iiw loll ol both intapast and niguiti- enno*.

1 Inring that twalra iiioath tin* rail­way* ol tbi* ixiuntpy killed fl,>^51i jiaraon* aod wonndrtl P».ti82. tb«- operation of tba road* baiug tliartoora about aquirn* laot in ciwoaltiw to an annual battia of ttottysburg. wbib* tba whole rraani Hpaatoii war, in <*oinpartoon, *inks int<» paftioaa*. I

I-ookiug fort bar into the tlgur*^. it to| found that of tba kilbal only IMI 1wrra paaaaiigar* and 1,U5H waw railway | auployaa. Imring 4.H80 dead who waw aaithrr. < H tba wonndati 2,U4u wan* paaaaiiger*. Jll,7dl waw enj|»loya* and | «,17l» waw nail liar. Sonia ol t liaaa lattar | wan* rram|i* staaling rida*. but rary; nearly all of tliani waw victim* of th** gmda-4*ro**ing ami of tb«* tmck-waiking , habit, uiid tlia pnictica t>i walking on tba ' track* of railway* i* iilnioat entiwly tba j off*'<pnDg of tba grad«M*n»**ing. Thai cru«siug (nmiNba* iiii inritati«>n and a rsady maan* of getting on th** track and ' it* aiMilition would, in ••ffect, ba thei nari'iDg of a uotic*’ on all mankind and ' womankind that only train* and em- plora* hare the privilega ol diiugar that way.

Hen* aw nearly I I.immi people annually killetl and wounded on our railway*, no ona of whom wa* ••ithar ainploya «ir jm** aougar «ir liad any “bnsiiia**’' to 1** in tba way, and tha killnl among tbani awcoii- oidarably mow than double tha wbola DUinto'r kill**! of Iniih |>as«angar*audaiii- ploya*. It would *aeiii that alwiut hall of thost* who meet with iiceiilent oncni**- iug* or whila walking on tba track* aw killetl outright. Tha re|H>rt doe* not show tbeetwt.ln tiiooey. of thaw ra*u- altte* t*> tha railway <n»mpaniat*—«-»i*t which includa* not only |ienaltia* and damaga* a*w*Maii Ity «‘Ourt*, but com* pmiutoa *uni* paid, the coin|K*oatttiuii of adiu*tarH and lawyer* and *wker* ol taetimony, of doctor* ainl iiiirHa* and tin* incidautal* thay alway* involre. If tba auiii et»uld ba amvetl at it would pro­bably I** t'auugii tti go a long way to-j wartl doing tlia whoh* work n*|Uiretl to j *HVelt.

If we «*ould prevailt evan a very *iiiall war by eufomug *uvh a *iiii|>ta regain- f tion w>* woubl !*■ held un|iardonable, on ' huniiinitanaii ground* alone, if wa nag- lect**! I«I do it. Yat iiaglactilig it is rhiatly ra*|M>ii*ibla for annual death aod injury ot inon* i»t*ou* twice tivar tban wan* lost in our late .Sjmnish war, includ­ing that largcMt numlicr whow itoath* cama from dtontee. It would taka mow tban two *uch war* to kill anil wound by biillat* and dtoaoMa* a* riiatiy it* that railways kill and wound erarj- ymr ol jieople ,who an* neither employ a* nor pnrnnm— .\nd yearly, with thickan- ing jNipuIntinn. tha tignre*. for both ricfini* and lost. must gniw larger.

agnostietoin abounds.*' that tbew aw tbe Mynagngnew or on tba stwet, they m tba most suietdes. But there aw other lp«at, in Hsbrew, tba wtoh, “For a good things besidea agnostictom that abound rear may yon ba rseurdetl." in great c*tlew-[ieo|de, for example, and —temptation* beyond aetimating

This excess in number in great cities famiehm tha key to tbe whole matter. It i* not offiiosticiwiii nor inlioenxa nor wtwither. It to practoab tba Mama thing, in tbe main, that ba* lad to an increaea in insAnity within about tbe Mama time. It to tbe twiiiendoii* stree* and Mtraiii of modem Ufa. Within *eveoty-Hra year* or lea*, niifi'ied ncteaec has enablnl man to really “liTa** as ranch in n year a* hi* j graudlatber did in ten. The raw has bean suddenly {dungetl into thssa new <'OuditiuD* and ha* not yet had time to , adapt Itsell to it* new environment. Tbi* new .-nvironrosot to especially pro­nounced and activt*. ol oourwa, in the great citto*. whicb it lias itself rreaterl. and tba fact that “agnostictomiifwmnd*" ID them i* ja»t a* much an effect ol tbe new condition* of life a* i* the fact that Muicida alioonds there. It is not ii cauea lit all.

.Mtsuitima, while the protew* of adapta­tion 1* going on, tba unfit to live and , woik in tb** new ^•ou«llt^on* «w dying off.,

Nxah Tampa. Fla., a jiostinaster bad the temerity to ap|M>int a ••oiored as­sistant. Soiitham chivalry* wasnffronted and It reseoterl the inMult with the char­acteristic method* of soutbem chivalry.The negro wa* forced lo wurremtor bis,

.Vraoh ol maokKl nim „i,|,, l-l»r Xoly « o.ld ..ot, wUid. coi.t.i.«lgun* went to tba jKistiiiaster* bouse.

hills sarronuding it.i'lintou has tnao.v tins sebuoto. Ham­

ilton College, Houghton Heminary, Mcbool for Boy* and the Cnion SebcMil. Hamilton Cultogebana very* tine lotmtion. It to nituateil niion a bill wtaiefa nveriewks tb* viibige aboat a mite away. It has Hoe ground* which aw kept in excritont coiraition. Tba oollege ba* an atteo* dance of about two hundred student*.

If tb*> re|K»rt that Solv BeWItt was > Houghton Saniioary, a «ehool for alive bad even tbe *lighte.t foundation, is also situated unon afor lieing Hrculated. The News al«u

If tba farmerw of tbe county apfirwiate wbat an imtnenaa amount of good they could grt out of tbe couuty fair if they would only all put tbetr sboulder* to tbe wheal and push.

wonder* how many extra ••opiew of tbto

his obituary uotiee.*

I stripped him, whippail him till ba wa* a mass of brui*** and sooth*d hi* wound*

; with carbolic arid. Tha postmaster ba* i rtwigoeil. The State llapublicau. in nn j •^itoriol on tbe Mobjact. May* it fail* to

1 recall another «*oantiy in tbe world when*: Much event* are jsTroiesible except i

How in tba world men nod woniao can live togi'tbar a* man and wife for forty or Hfty yanrw, and then one or the other of the jiartiew iMipn an action tor divorce, awpacially whew tliare aw children whose f««*liugM aw to lie ctuwidered.

Turkey. In atrocitia* Turkey and sonic ( of tbe soutbem state* nwonapar. Con- ■ grew* lia* a chance to shake uptliaeouth- *aii ontraga apidenik*. It may do soni** good to^ventilate tb** whotosal* deHanc- of the constitution and tb* law*, even if nothing more I** acroiiipllsbad.

Sam Foul is a Kulnmoxoo Hnthier.; Ha vomiiiaa«**'d businew* witli nothing. *«i to sfiaak. Ha attribute* hi* smws* to

. printer’s ink, an«l soy*: “I have alivay* Tho«a who c’au adapt theiu*ai\-e* to th** ^ j,ri»ever in a lllieral usaof printer'snew .•fiviniument will survive luid whan . j started liusina** with tha lialiefthe odaiitaiion is .-ompleted. i a,|vrrti*ing jwid. and my

♦•Xfiariems* a* a fre»* inlvartiser ba* nl* way* lieen in *up|*irt oi that iieliel. Ntit *inn* hav*-1 lieaii disappomtni. Th** jieo-

that tbawijii*. have l**am***| to Iwliav** whut Isay and the name of “Big C«imar ' is w**ll known a* my pla**** of liu*iii*s** all through this jiart ol the «*ountry ami avail oiitskl*’ th** state. Mv proail***t b*>a«t is that thv |ien|>ta lieiiav** from **x* jiancnca that what I atlvertisa is s«» and a* a «*on*»sjuan*s* have contident'** in nie and inv business melh*Ml*.’’

snicida,which I* part of tb*‘ dying »>ff of the un- Ht. will nwuin*' its normal pn>|>ortion*.

(tail. Hoy Stone Hgaras out aw l.-YIHl.iHNi tnilas of public nm«l in tlia Cnite*! .State*, over which •YiKI.lKMMt’UI tons of freight nr** hnula*! eveiy year. Putting th** hvaniga haul at *‘igbt rail***_thougli this i* pndmbly an ovjo'esti-inHt**“ha tlgura* th** cost of i*artiog

i small bill aad can 1** ***11 from tba col*I Isga grounds. Tba School lor Boys to a j {ireparatory Mebool for boy* who intend I irnttrlng college. Tbe Cnion nehtMil is iu ! about tba <w*atar ol tb** viibMCr and to an excelleat Hcbool.

niotou has maii^ Hue eburrb*** and other buildings. 'Tba jieopla do n<»t, taken a* a whob*, belong to the husines* class. \ large jMirtion aw coniiactad with the Midi«Mil. It wa* her** that ex* Prawitbait (lavaland obtainati a part of bis •duration. Clinton to also th** old homaofSarretaiy'of WarKcM't. Ha has a residence h*^ and usually sjiendN suine

, ol tba*umm**r month#her**. Htobnither i is jimfeesor of mathematic* in tbecnilsgi*' at the pres**nt time.

F*irt Stamvix, or the city of Horn**, i* alMint ten mile* from Cllntmi. .Saniual Kirklau*!, tba founder of Hamilton Col-

j lege, ha* hto resting plan* in the cemetaiy , lialnuging to tbe college. The collage ! wo* founded for the purp^** ‘*1 *du<»t* ' ing Indian*, loiter it wo* railed Kirk­land .\cademy. until no%v it takes the

If Ste)ihen Ilowall «loe* not hypn*»liie | ,„nn,. of Hamilton ndtoga in inamoiy of the •*am|>*Tw wiium be fae«ls up at ,\u) .Vlexamlto* ilamilton.Train. Tha xv. aider is suggwta,! by tba, J t^ink tliat I have written enoui^

“ ‘ . , , 'about iiur small villag**. although theHt.*adln#f. .levotad and uoalmtnl meas- j ,hntuwof tribute which th**“boy*‘*j»ay to .Mr., Mon,. time some of the St. J**hns peojila Uowell'M ability to fondle tbe ul«*o*iis in : may visit u* * tbe kircbeti.

PUx for Moiey

InvftsOwsiit WMch wfUt^-^^f^.- *

Pay Good Interest.TItt Durmicl Land Company will mN lots

until 5apt. lotii at tlie following rates:Hare is an opportunity for tliosa wlio have

bean looking for a ptace for tlie Idle monay thay could not profitably loan.Fifth Addition south of Baptist Church...............$135Second Addition—Sub-Division of Out Lot D,

except lot on Saginaw street................$75 to $lloSub-DiYdsion of Out Lot A. Second Addition

from.................................................$50.00 to $8o.oo

No Variation from tliese Prices.

If all tba Hna new charches in St. .fobu* j will not prmioce a much larger atte»»*l*

aoc«* at on* bout

tb** Suuda.v services in tbs van- mm of worship.

IVhy it i* that *«• many jwojda are uu- apfirwiative of tba vnriou* little favor* urbich aw shown them by their frtood*.

How much lt»nger it will Is* nc«**w*iirx' to p'nw tha “wnr" ravanua *tam|Mi on checks, note* and th** various l*!gBl in- Mtrainent* and t'omniercial docutiiants.

pioER ircideit:;

By the erection of the Union Depot this season, at a cost of $40,000, thapermanancy and continued growth of Durand is assured. Qet a lot while they are offered cheap.

TERIIIS~( )ne fourth down, balance one and two years at 6 per cent interest.

Apply to

J. W. FITZGERALD, Treasurer,At The State Bank of 5t. Johns,

St. Johns, Michigan, or

J. n. FITCH, Secretary,Durand, Michigan.

at' $2 11 foil. «»r th** year.

With uuihirmly giHwl nmd* th** cost

If it hn* *H*cunv*l to some p*«ipl** to ob- ■ *«a*vc what a larg** number of young men thewareinSt. J«ibD* boldiDg n*»|>*in*i- bb* (lositiuiio, iMith III {irivatc uml public i III**

Relating to tke Early Settleaent of fictor.


F you want it promptly and carefully done at rea* sonable prices call for

Riclard lay.‘ of moving this freight wonhl b** only iMoti.iNMi.iNNl, saving WOO.'MNl.l IMI to th** faibli*- annually. This is ♦■•piivnlent

, t*i thv yciirly iiit**re*t on j*2imi.ihmi,immi * at II jier •'*iit gov*aTimcnt liond*.

lu i*«iiitiientiiig on th**** rtgiircn* th** New Y*irk Worlil say* that om-balf of tbi* alnnsU iuwmcfivably vast sum

Seewtory of State St**ani* i* much ! gmtiHed to learn that the csomi* author-1 it is* at Washington hnv** j>r*aioiim>**l i the Michigan n*gistniti«Hi system an a*i- inirabi** one. Tltey have found by j thort>ugh iiiv*wtigatioii after i*«tT**spoii- I •lence with all town* of ."iIMI andupwanl*

wouhi rebuild every mile of roa.l in flic' ol i>*>pulation in tbe state amlthesystem , I’nitwl State* at an avrag** .-ost .d. say. i* apidieil an.l admuii*t.*nM by hsNil i

l**r mile, and the other half ofH**er* with great iiniforniity would ftmiisii a y**arly income of #2ini ha* Ihu* attain«‘*l jier mile for their w|*airiui«lraainteoanc**.

.\t jireeent the jieojile s|»etiil the vast Muni *>f $2<>,inhi.<mmi each year in w|»air-

tbeir worthies* roadr. This suming

.Michigan the rank of a regl*-

tmtioii state in common with siirh state* a* Ma**uchu*»**tt*. X«*w ^ork, New .ler***y, t'*»nn**clicut and <ither l♦'^^d- ing state* of the •vist. The iii«*rtttlity slatistieM of Michtgnn under th** «vn*u* will is* *-*impil***l fnmi r»'e«»nl* fll**«l in the

' state def»artnieiit iiinler the Miehigau law. in*t*«a*l of •’olht'ting th** «liit** by

I enutii*amton* a* li«*wt*»fore.

' wonid build t.«MMi mile* of th*»r*mghly j go**! mneodaiii nmd. siitticiently wide for niml use.

j Kxfs*riiiienl* roa*l** in th** .Missouri agrt**iiltuml station *h*ov that in ii*<«irly all roaii •'ondltiotn* broHil-tire«l wagniih ^ The **>otier hors** thi**ve.» leant that .\. pull easier than th***- with narrow tir***. ( j,. |m„„ Hheriff in t lint»in county, th**

, On macadam nuwl a load «if -*•’»* ^ j ,MH»ner tii«*y will k*s*p outeid** «»ur line.., fiouiid* can I** liaul*il on broa*l j They aw ae suw t*» I** caught a* theywith the same draught a* a l»»a*l of 2.-i .mf^y with the liurees in tin*

j oiMi (Miund* *»n iiarniw on***. On gn»v»l i p|«*«,.. The jMirtly sheriff liasnwnrtii I mad. excejit when wet ami slopjtexl on p|„„. p, |i,<art »»r hi** Inistelry lor top, lh«* draught *»l the broad-tire«j wng- j pimujeren. ot the**«piine race ami always

A *m'i>v IN st;icii»aii.It u****! to he 4-onM<ler**«l next door to a

crime to *wen mention suicide. Tb** net itself i* Ntill looked upon m* a rriiiH*. nod in some of our *tnt«w. if a jiOTson at­tempt* it aod fails for any reason, even be-nnse of honest repsntanci* jnst in time, be or Mbe must he declared a criminal aa*l (Hintolwsl. (H i-ourM*, the ••ftoct of ooch a law cannot p«Meibly ho to ileter a singie individoal from tbe attempt. .It tbe very most it will only siimniate tbe woald*b*Hiell-*lestroyer into making the attempt sow. It will provide 4|nite i«r- taioty agaiast Nlip-sbod methods ami rrindsr tbe income of tbe mmner more esrtain even if no larger.

HewnriHc men look at It from a dWer- snt iMNnt of view, and. doriog reesnt yaar*. aom* of tbem have given It roasM* eeable stndy. In a recent nnrober of tbe Joamal of Msotal Seteace, tbew to an arttob* by Ih*. W. Irriand, glviag tbe eoMeinsioa* of varion* setoatifle writev* in iINtoieut ennotris* wbo have bssa ia- eaetlgating tbe reasons for tbe iaciease of satoide. Tbe really striking thing in it to that tbe iarrsase to spoksa of as a laet past tbe reaeb of qasatioo.

Dr. Ireland finds that tbsrv ba* iMwa for aevsral yeore a steady aad swrfft ia* sTHMe in tbe nnmbsr of satoblss all over sHUtoatloa aad that it to laaot onubed OHMag those people wbo are moat aa- tifo loretaost Hi tbs “mareb of prog* rHs." Rvea la Mew Kaglaad. “tbe land of oMady babHs." it baa iarriHiid Si per esoi wltbia tons tboa forty yaorn. ■» tads .Norway to be tbs oaly uciaatty IB Baraaa la wbMi tbaia baa b«a a da* <

on i* much I**** than that of the nnirow tired witgoii; n load of 2.482 isinude can Is* hauhsl »»n hroa»l tin** with thedmnght r**«juir**d for 2.ihmi |K)uml* <»n narrow

1 tire*.The trial* **n 'brt roail* give varying

result*. When it i>* dr>-, hnni and free fr*mi «ln*t, 2..VWI jioiiiid* ••an I** hauled on broad tire* with n draught reejnired for 2.<nni jKiund* «»n nairow tires. | Wh*m th** snriac** I*«**i»’«*fe»l with two or tbre** inches ol ilry, UK»**e dost the re- snlt* an* iinfavonible to the brcoMl tiw.

In g*neval the l*etter th** n*ad tbe greater the advantage ot tbe bma*! tiw. fin the turf It fs much easier ol draught.

succe***l* in m*'**tiug them hiiJI wny.

MA.NABOI'T TttWX.llax** .x’ou ex-er watche*! n man xvho***

hat xva* lilown off into the street by a gust ot wind? I often havi*anal I laugh in ainuMtt ti«*ndi*h glee everx’ tion* I see tin.voiie in hot chns** aft**r hi* b*adgear.I httx'** t**en thew and expect other* hnv** laughed at im*. so I fee* no «.*ompunrtii>ti. I witiie*w<ed Hii •iccur«*ot'** of this kind.

' Tu***Hiay lit tbe ••orner «il Walker street i and Clintou ax**-nne. The vietini of the j wind's ••apric** xx's* a sliort, <luiiipy. r»'d*' fac***!. )olly-l*M>king ilmninier and be wo*; HW**atiog under the loatl of his big sample ' <»ees when a gust ot wind took his bine-

tmmle«I straw hat off hi* hen«l and sent it spinning up the ax'eou**. Th** )lruni*

i nier •ln>p|»ed hi* < a*e* ami gave chose.! .lust us h** thought he had it in his grasp the lint xvonld shiNit out again. This

; continne*! until a half bl*>ck xva* trnv- j ersed xvben it sto|»ped in th** middle of , the street. The now thoroughly •*nrag«*«i man tiia*i** a dash (or it, lo«t hi* bnlanc**

; and fell, I'uniing Mpiurriy down* on the mnaxToy ami *nm»hiug it fiut ol all sera-

' blanre ot it* biriiier sbai**. PU'king it iiji j he liMtkasl at the hat with a rueful «*ouu- I tcimiic** and tb*n xrlth tb** iitiiitMt ile- ! liliemtion *hox‘**d hi* Met txvice througii

tb**f*n*wii, threw it down and spiim***! the thing xx'itb hi* fo«it ns be would u snake. M’hile tb** cnixx-d. of xvhich I

T. I-. «*W.%RTHOI "r*» l*.%l*KK .4T IMM’MI I..4KK .%I'4«I'ST lATH. Try News Liners.

In tbe spring of 1837, my jiarcots with 1 them out of their reach then the dance! I a family of six tioys. my wife's parents ; oommeDced ainmng, dancing aod drink-, aod family, sad my uncle aod wife, inak ; log whiskey. On ing in all six heads of families, of whom i one onlv ia living. Isft their native home* in the State of New York, to seek out a home in the west. On their arriving at Detroit, atoped there until the men came , oo through, had to luake roads some of ' the way, aod build a log bouae for their families to move into. Dr. Laing was then living at Laiogsburg, our nearest neigh-

, bor. We also found Robert McKee,Squaodip, sa tbe Indians called him.Captain Scott was then living at Dewitt,

> our next nearest neighbor. Many were tbe deprivations thoee early settlers had to jjaae through. I think it wae in the summer of 1837 Isaac Bennett, the tint ittorrant preacher, came to my father's bouae and preached. I could make men­tion of many of our pioneer preacbere who traveled through this then wilder­ness land on Indian traito. fording etreaui* for ther«* was no bridges at that time I think it was in I83na preacher by tbe name of Jackson travel^ the circuit. I beswd him tell of crawling on bis bands aod knees oo brtiken down trees scitMM

log whiskey. ()n the second day of tbe i danci* wbiskey was like to give out so I they pul an Indian on a pony wbo ran ' hto puny to Dewitt sod imdc to get a I new supply of wbiskey to finish the; dance, rtiat same fall smallpox broke ; uut amongst them, took the thirteen' men otou the old chief and the most of their families. Haven't got half through i but muat leave the Cbippewoe. In the ' fall of ’.‘Ri tbe Fisher loduuis come and ' encamped near father's, they seemed to | be «)uite a civil set. Fisher was rather a ' email Indian. 1 remember be wanted Ralph, m> second older brother, to marry . one of bis girls whicb was quite a joke oo Ralph. Okemos, the old chief, we i used tooee quite oftea,was a small Indian , very tiard hearted, lived to be over luu years old.

I will tell you something of our ecboul priviligee. We used to walk from one tu four miles and woe glad of the chao«.v. Wcsatall dax on a lug split in the mid­dle iMtlstereo up on four legs with a lioard in front of us fur a defik. The school houses were well tilled, though

Dr. W. C. Walker

Tbe SHCcessfai Speclxllst of Detroit, Mich.

Will Hake tke Following RegiUar

.Monthly Visit:

Skx.xTon Till i«*To\ *a.v* that he ha* : not seen a tramp for many day*. Thei tminp* nn* not in tie* habit ol invndiiuc the jMxla*** ear* on which .*4enator Thun*-1 j, laagli«*i and ••hasred, tbeton d<*w hi* ritling ami the P.«ria Times- j calmly walked over to u Hoth-Herahl ’•uggest* that the ••hance* j ing stori* xvhere h** jmrehas***! a new sky

not knoxv «>u wbat

\ “practleal fiolitieian” say* in nn ar­ticle in the New York IndefNni«lent that tbe “political bos*.'' a* dtotingoieh* d from the “political leader," to not a ne­cessity under oar form of government, ami that it to |MM*ibto to destroy tbe power at present exercised by him. The detlnition of “boss" given by tke writer to “tbe mler of a body o( men who hare formed a eombioatioa in ordsr to carry ont their personal aim* witboat regard to tke iotereot ot tke people " The "boas" coaeirlerw bis own psrsuaal iatemat flrst. aad then that ol the party. He is powerinl beenose h* ma say who nball be Domiaatsd or appointed to o(- flesa. the hotdsrs oi which caa make money, coatrol ligtoiatioo, or pmmtoe imasaaity to towbreakem. The aboii* tion oi the boa* to desirable, bat doss not ssem to be easy, in all easss. Ittoaiaet, however, aad aa *arx*aragiag oae, that boaetoni to bemmiag Isos raapaat from yaar to year, aad that maa who nader- tahe to coatrol a poHtieal party la any city, coMty. dtotriet or state, ki detail, lor their psrooaal sads. find the Job a mote dMtaalt am fm every saeresdiag eaaipalgB. The people ai» bemmiag ■nrII iadipaadeai la tkoaght aadaotioB, apdalthoaah thay are willlag to have toadesa la pahttoa, they very aooa reseat

that Thurston d*»e* noi kiioxv ou " ' I ptck*>d uppart ill a < ar th* t»mke »*eam really i*. { nxvav.

The Nexv* is always Hcased to observ** iot«*r>**t on the jiart ol the churches in the schools and notes with |•toa#n^e that Rev. .trrie Biukborst. ol the Congrsgn- tkvnal church will deliver a s»rm»»n on Hunday morning xvhich promise* to h* appropriat** t4> tbeopeningoi our various *<ducatiunal institutions.

SoxiETiMEM CfinxrentioD* come high.This is file case with the recent I'bristian Kndeavor conv*eitioo at Detroit. < tae hundred resident* xvbt> signed tbe guar­antee iMmd to mak** good any dslieiencx in tke (nod for entertainment, have tisen notiflsd to pot op $70 each.

The inoasy to be paid «Mit in lHiiton eonaty for apples aad small fmit* this (all will be a considerable snm, aad will go a loog way toward greasing up tbe dry spots toft by the snudl whent crop.

hi* snmjde case aod

side; all this for the moater. I could otoo lusotioo many of the pioneer settler* that came in 1838, l83i and l844i but will leave it for other* to tell. 1 think there was no state in the whole uoioo that afforded so many helps to the twriy set tiers as our fair Michigan; settlers could cut marsh hay foiioattle and horass, there were ptoot) of acroos for tbe hogs, crao lisrriea aod wild hooey, bUckberries. whortlebsrrtoa and strawberrisa for fruit for mao. wild turkeys, patridge aod quail for fowl; ventoon, liear and muskrat for Indians aod some white people; our streams aod lakes were full of tlah; the wolf, which xraa quite a terror to the sstttors, the fox, coon, lynx, wild cat and mink for fur; all of these were more or isos help to ths^ early settler*, which afforded lots of means for poor people. Well dear frieode you aod I have lived lo aee tbto country in its budding etate, witoeoaed it in bloom and also ripen; so it to with you and I. Our whitanad locks

«®| <h«t ....B. «.d mi..;a rixral •wtabitohment. Iu the pnxre alao scan the curling smoke aooeod|4nee a clerk cam* hastliag along to ask : from the wiMnma heavenward until it msif beconldeervemealmoetasiMiona* eesmed to Jmoat ktos the ckwds aad I bad my loot iatode th* door-ill. Af- **^*"*® ^ whoop ofterwarde I mentioaed the iarixtont in

Bwulleu stream* with the bridle rein in i cold in winter. We bad two tormsuf hto mouth and hto horse swimming at < three month* sacb but meat of us hod

I went inti> a *tor** tbe other day to make a purchase or txro, aai«l an oli***rv-

i ing friend of mine yesterday. There xver** several clerk* xvh«> were not busy in waiting on cti«tom**r* hot they a|*- lienrMi to Im* very much absoriied in talking over some int**re*tiiig subject. I xvnitasl a ininnte or two and n» I xva* in

The tram ami women wIni watch eloam ly tbe advevttoiag coinmas of Tar New* ■ad shop from the bargain* *dtor>d there- la, will Had thsmsslvs* a good many dollar* ahead at the sskI of th** year.

The wxrsilsat ashooi nysteni in 8t. John* to tb* jnst pride of every maa. woman aad child in the town who to loval to the pine* aad It* hnarsats.

HoManow ov other. It to aot eaitod to miad that any of the poMttoal parries have bssa daimiaa ersdit for the Miehi* ■aa wheat crop tbto tall.

talking with a well known bnsiaessmao."Yea," be comamoted, “etorks aw of

two kinds. aato.nohito and preambn- lator."

“I don’t oaderstaml you," «aid my friend ■ I

"You’re dall. .\n automobile to full of | (lasb aad a perambulator ba* to fOMbed."

the red man of th* forest. Now where these wtopraas* ware ttolda are xraving with grain or your dwellioga elaod or

I towns aod dtiaa have sprung up, but where ara the Indiana tod^? Our foreota are gnoe aad the Indiaii *also. Tbs

Istaai of the while mm has swMt him I away. 1 wall rsmambar of tbe Chippe

wsw in my bpyhood days. The old dwf used to be at fatbar’e oftoo; moat alwa^ would ooase a little before dinner, would

^ I Mt at tahie and sat hto dlnoer with us as I poUtsaea king. Said h* wnain hielOltb

It to hardly neressary to remark that i lear; rntn ^ wim tbe "aHtomobitos ’ get the highsst wagsa j “

toohe could, ooauT i

off, bat if-

ore aaM to he

I aotier that one of my exehaage* last xresk said la reeordiag a Mrth "there wae uehered into the quiet boam" ete. It ssenm to me there maet bar* been some horribie mtotahe. How ia the world did it coos* that the haad was not oat? tfalet. indeed. Who ever heard of Maeh nsgtori aad oversight? I am sare that this mast have bssa tbe test oaae ia years xrhere there xesrr aot foar or five orehaetrae aad a battryofstsam whtottos

old to toam oar mtioh rsgfattrd; tell uaof a great

■ad ia ynnra gone by that wouM lalersat na. Be was a tall well made Indian, nfood man every iaoh of him bensal and| upright, fall of good wiehss for bia people.

WoU I mnot toll jin eoaBethiag of ooo at thrir daoasa. Fathor won tben Uv- ing threo miles nosthmaEt of tidi phne. 'Ihere wan tbirtoec hMaillm of ttiaw Ohkipowae that sailed that their haatkig gtoand. At that thne they wasasMMBp- oA aaar where the Brisk aahaal hosioe elaodala tha Peeher Dhtrlat, the thne wae net far the dance, tero ladtaoe with keape etiapped on paolea. hod keen to Dewitt to got the Hto water at they oall*

tu stay at bom** aod work half of the i ttmi* eu wbat we learned hod tu be done 'quickly. Weekly spelling schools and : geography echooto were much appreciat I ed. I will tell you of one boy who wae I eo eager (or an education that be I igoort^ all difUcultiee. He came to the I achool 1 was leemhing all years «gu. j Hto clothing wae made of blue denima. A swanky sewed to tbe watot band of the pants. He had neither Inots nor ehoee. iiut looccasins (uade of old rage

I sewed together. A piece of cloth puck j ered and sewed up served for a cap ' For hto dinner he had nothing but dry cold buckwheat gnddlc* cakes, yet be seemed to enjov them ae if they were the richest of delioactca.

Today he to a very ooceptabie preach­er in the Michigan uoofereoce. Before I ckioe 1 must tell vou somethiing about pioneer farming. Moot everybody used oxen. There were hut very few horses. Be used to break up tbe virgin soil with four or Hire team* of oxen and a heavv plow. We used a drag some with wooden teeth. Ux carts srere used (or all sorts of bueiosss aod pisnaure too. At rirot sre thrsohsd our grain on the bare ground with a Mail, a^ winnowed it by hand. Vary soon however, tbe Mint sweep power a^ thresher appeared, aod woe oooeidered a wonderful inven- ttoo; tbe straw, groin aod chaff caoie through togather; three or four men mana^fl to take onre of the straw aod grain. Our modem steam thrsehere will do aa much srork loan hour ae we could do with the other in a whole day. Owomo xraa our neareet market piaer. but most produoe xras taken to Oettxjit or Pontiac. The Hrat wheat hauled to Owooto. brought 36 caalB. which was conoid ered a big price. Tbe trip to De­troit required a whole week. A mao and tonm were wril fed and skeltered for tke night for *’10 cento. The women mode tke cloth aad all the clothlag for the entire family.

ST. JOHlfS. Hotel St. Joliiis>

Saturday, Sept. 30th.

OF'F’irK HDI'Hri, » a. m. to p. m.

1 ■ttitably addlag Um

la* issaoixa* nee. Where the hteli**t Im

le Uw iaad e# Utsyset Th* hsasUfBlWMt.

Whse* ih* Mvae* ease Pr**Hl Httoe wm eUu

Aad Ih* rtesssf*' Isil wse briohMasd ih* I

This wwak ofv Miss 1am Brown, Karls R. f'nis. Hoy Haatooa, Wm. Parher, (9) Mrs. Joha iMtt.

Now Maeofi at W. C. <J—o air’s.


IfERVOUS diseases






Dr. Walker ha* mode q Rperialtj of the above dtoease* for a onmber of .rears aad hto saseewi to well known.

Noras** will to* taksn for traataMBt aaiess there to a paseihlllty of a cam aad be will so lalomi you.

AH wtohiag to eoaaalt ths «loetoi are rsqasotod to hriag two to (owr ouneea of ofta flret paseed in the morning prsfknudi lor aaalysla. rommltalitin Free.

Hiher date of visit, rannhl* to aw hkn mW. C. WaLKBR, M. mT*. Oi



HWHcrSo the fyUng of the hairtolto

of tbe MProacb of age and docUninf povtr.

No mantr tiov baifon tbe tree nor bow leefless it may seen, you ooaldently expect leavea ep^n. And wbyP 'Beoauae there ia Ule at the

rooia.So you need notuorry about

> the falUug of your balr, tbe , threaaeoad departure of youth * and beauty. And vbyP

Bccauae If there ia a apark of life reuialning in the rooia of the hair

AVBTSVNWvUl arouee it into healthy actio* ity. Tbe bair ceaaes to come out: it bagioB to grow: and tbe glory of your youth is restored to JTM.

we have a book on tbe Hair and its Diseases. It is free.

It ymm 4o mmt obtain all tb* haaoeia ym osBaaMS tram tba aaa ot th- Vinor. wrlta Iba Sartor abeat IL Probably tSata U MOM SHBraltr «nb yoar >an- aaai lyMan wtktcb may bo aaally lamoraO. aaawtt.

DU. OlIteU. LaaraU. liMfc



11' WTKI*—Mmi. I lin»r tr«i »rrv* ul tl oiH-iiml n linlf mil)' ritol of .lohno

whtrti I want rm jiikI «rt|| iiiit rnolifor aork.I'Wliili IMMMM*

11KvrryoiM-itfUlrUHl llirnlnIt to a*l«lrra* Mr* |tr Siiraitur. |ot7

• Iraiiti Avrtiur. Tolealo, Ohio, )i« «ti<‘ mil (ur- niBb ralualil*- itifornintli>ii ri-anrilliiif riir** for thia <lrm<lr<| illBfaM-11'.\.\TKI*—MarhliH- for •tl« k.-r, riit-tt oft «jia .in<l ini llirtblr Kftliilrr

Work AiMrm-K II «*t irn»ai» I'l »k « ti , Mii«k)-i{fiii. MIrh

F’olS .HA l.K on KKM'—onr hiiiiilml nrr*^ Wflt lin|irovr«l farm Kmiuln- two inlln.

and n half north-wi**! of Kitmka. tHa.'lt lli:Mit lirVNii.*

Fton MAI.K—llouar. ham and four lot* on Htair Birrri. St. John*. 'Vri disitrahlr

idacr. Iii«|ulrr at thU oillov

FoH saI.K—or l•xrl>alllrr. onr tlirr.- ymr ohi ridi for yiiuutf ratilr, aUo oii<' liorw

and huictf.v. Km|iilr<' d I! II l.i.i..1 I'.Ml.i

W.».>TKI»I i.VKPK.NTKIts .\ .NTi;i*—rivr rnri»*nirr« t ill olirr .\iiiiii to A ll l..iiuirhi*iid, ror* nar of stair ami '.aiiiiliii; Btri*>*tK1 l*aiilrtl—.\ iCimmI rhaml>rr>iuatd .md laun- tl dry irtrt, aUo dUli-waahrr, a •ilninit

room ictrl at onrr A|>|dy iit }tw.||i lioTRl. .St .1

M* .k .NTKI*—Kinl»hrr*. mhlirr*. |H>ll»lirr* ft ami inrn for I hr roatlnv roiim si.-inli

a-ork irtilirnnti'rii to »niUfnriory lurii. .l|r tilv hy mall, irlvlnif rt|>rrlrnrr. to \\'.i|».-rln»' Mnnufartunnu * o.. I»•■tr<•lt, Mh-h. I"if

'SJI’.VNTi;i» —Your a«l\ in thia dr|»,<MM» rra«lrr« ••aril i*t**k If you hai«'

anythlnu to «rll ran luaki- you a «al«- If ' you half anyililitK i** tradr or a iioii«r to rrnt. you •iiouid u*.- thi» •h'liiirtiurnt It , will l>r Ihr l»r«l ln*r«lliirnt Toll rail inakr It Kluall •uni of inion-y i;trrtlH>d\ rra«l* . Tmi Ni.W* S ant roluinli. loinrtothroftlrr- an<l talk Ihr maOrr ovrr with ti* M'r tt III ; wrttr your advrrti~-iurni ami trll you how ; murli It will ro«i, anil y ou luay tlirti drrldr It ,v«»u iloti't want It. thrr«- will Ir. no itloh Mr arr nlway* ulnd to aid Tm; Ni tt* j rratlrr*.ll’.V.VTKO. at ono- tVm ' rfrii [tity* ra-h • ft for «rt iifiil hand ■lot rr, and want* ■••inr

atonrr Alro huy*raic*.ro|>|>rr. (Inr, Irmlaiid rahlirr Faton ,y Itlrhmond hlork

IiltA VINO —I will do it for toll If toil Ttill " Irl iiir.—Harr |»urrha»>al th.- Il.immoiid ' dray ami mraii to iritr ■allrfat tlon (ty

|>roin|>t •rrTirrand rraronahir rhar»r« -l.rt i mr allow you wliy I dr^rrrr l•ll■|||rf••> :• 1 tfi ' M A Hi.mi I

hs:ai. s.statk

Ki;a1. I■:MT.VTF, Foi: .SAl.t>-Aiiyonr.|ralr.iuK a hnlhtlns lot, farm or idamd tiualiir

wi'ldowrlllo ar. ua. .St JolLtd.

.St John* l.rftn<l i'ti. I

S'oK.saI.K—I will aril my farm of oar hwn. dr*Nl and twrnty arrt>«. known aa th*

Ikr llrnnlnir farm, ihrr.- an«l •iitr-hnlf mtlra from St Johna, rhra|i. or will lakr In r*. rbaMtr rlllam* tiroiwrtt. or a amallrr farm

J II Ftnr.WA.

MtlNKV Tfi M»AN,

MONKYTH l.tiA.N —Ftalrwa * M’albHdsr loan monry at l«>w rntra tif Intrrrat on

rMl rainir arrartty In any aam* dralml.


laeart* wirb li. Lrflont.H. W. C'urrteutuu wae at Haniett Park.

Friday, uu baiatmi.MiM flora Huiart w rMtiau frimdn at

raraoB llty, thia tftwk.Mm. Ixtaib M«ut«*.f' aad cbildran risittsl

Irivuds in Orid. Haturdar.L, L. I'uan, of liaruud. sprat i4uuda.Y

with frirndr in Ht. Jobas.Mina .llsinr Mri'oliom ie risitiiig her

parmta io JaHuuu, thin wmk.MiaaOtu Lnliaroo nfiMit rtuoday aad

Monday with irirodn io iintroit.Mian Ktbri Rirhninnd in rinitiog mia

firm in Muir au«] Ionia, thin wrrk.Mr. itttd Mm. K. L. HuuHdk uprnt Hat

urdoy nod Hniiday nt I'ryntai Lakr.•Mina Nrllir Umuia. oi Orid. wan tbr

Korat of Mina lAfla ilallrr otrrr Handay.WillsrtI (’omril, of Harbor Hprinmi.

nalird on Ht. Johns irirada Hatunlar. j Minn lassir .Vilro apmt tbr for** iwirt of tbr wrrk with brr aiatrr in (iraud imidda.

I Minn .N'rttir Htnithrmian, of Orid, wan j tbr gtimt of .Miar .Nina llariiug ovnr Hun- *ia.v.

I Mm. M. L. Kmynn ntid littir dauichtrr l.auni. afimt Monday with frinodn in

II liroaro.I>r. Tiioman Mtuio afirat .Huodny and

' tbr flmt of tbr arrk \ritli frirnda in .4nu .Irbtir.

I Mian Huair Hurkcr ia spending tbr wrrk at tbr whulmalr railliiirry houam in 1 Ilrtroit.

W. 1... Frintiir and Mtifynni Tlionir. of , OwiwMi. a|mnt Huuilav with frirnda in I Ht. Johiia.

.Mm. I. i*. Hrlding and ilnuirhtrr a|imt tin* lottrr (tart III thr wrrk with frirnda in Flint.

.Minn lirtm Wolcott afimt loat wrrk ' with hrr hrothrr, .\. I*. Wolcott and wilr,. of Hlirpiirnl.

Mm. W. Iloty and aoii left Hatiirdny, for Soinniiw. to viait rrfatirrs for a COUpIr of wrrka.

Itrtirgr Snirdiry. of I'ontiac. ia riaitiog J Ilia niM'lr. Win. Frmrr, and otiirr Ht.' .lohiia frirnda thia wrrk.

Miar Ihirti lA*iiiiid iHt -Xlouiiavniomiiig i for Moiiror, whrrr ab«> will imnnir hrr < nttidira at thr convent.^ .Miar Irmr Hickirr and Miar Itrrtha : Trai'ia, tif Hlair. eolird on Ht. Johur I frirnda tlir lattrr part of thr wrrk.I (i. H. Hprriraaii left Saturday fur Vaii- I Wrrt, ohm, whm* hr will M|irud two or

thns* wrrkr with rrlatirrM.I .Mirr Iasw Itlank mtiimwl from Itrid- I iiig, Satnrtiay, whrrr ahr h id brrn visit-

lUtf rrlativtw ftir arvrral wrrkr..Miar Fdith i lark mtumril hoim* thr

rtrst of thr w«s*k from n •r-vcml wrrkr ! viait with rrfativrr in Ilrtroit.

Miar Fraocir Kipiry, uf i hicago, nr rivisi thia iiioming to rfinid ii coufilr of Wrrkr with .Miar Itrllr Itnldwiii.

•Miar ('ornrihi Miitoun. who Imr la-rti viriting rrlativmiii Owoarti, for a coiiplr ' of wfrkr, rrtunnsl honu Haturdiiy.

.Mm. I’, o. Dnlifiir rctumwl from IWty View. .Satnrtla.y rvisiiug, whrrr ahr har lirrfi r|aaidiog tbr iianf few wrrkr.

.Mm. ii. II. .VIdrich, who har lirni in Ht. Johnr •liirint; thr |iart wme, rriurmsi to lirr hoinr in rnnMin Fity. .Saturday.

Mi»a I.iia Tnivia r»*tnrTirt| to I..aiiaiug. Monday inoniinu, whrrr shr will tmcii ill thr pnhlic rchooir thr coniiDK yrar.

Floyil .Sfigr. whti ha.a Ira-u rfirndioK thr purl two nmntlir with rrliitiv»s> in I’ontiac. rrtnrnrti hoinr .Sutnrdny rvrn- IUK.

i'MKnr Hkv left forfiraud itapidr, Mon- tlny inurniiiK. wlirr** lir will tokr a bun- nrra courrr at thr Mc|.achlitu Huaiorar I'ill It gr.

.Mr. and .Mm. L. Wrilr. ni .\ahtabala. < Ohio, iirrivrd in .St. Johna. Saturday.. Thry rxfirrT to miikr thir thnr future hoinr.

•Mm. .1.11. Uiiry ia viriting rriativrr in Itattlr I frrk, thir wrrk. .Shr iittrndrtl thr wiaidiug of u nicer tn that place,: Turnliiy.

Mm. .\. .M. Drake, who har lirm r|wsid- ing thr iHiat irw Wrrkr ill Flint, caring (or hrr daiighlrr who isill. rrtnriKsl honir Fridii>.

liisirvi* ibildw'iii, .1. .1. M’»ilr*-r. of I'hi- cago. niid (!. I). Wli«a-I»T. of llrttuiHs*, , Ohio, Mr. lialdwin's gnrrtr. r|irnt Sun-: day at I'ryriiil lAikr.

Mrs. Frank iJorr and childrrti, uf I'or- niiiin, OH'viaiting rrintivrr in .st. Johnr thir wirk. Mr. UiHwair-nt .Sunday and •Monila.v in .St, Johnr.

F. W. ilrown, UH'chiinical auprrintrnd- •sit of .\miour pliiiit III Fhirngo. wnr the gurnt of hir couriii. I.yinun I’arr, lattrr jiart ot thr wrrk.

F. I<. Mrmtt left for I’l-oriu, lliiimia, where hr bu.a a |Hiritiou na forriniiii in it large factory. Mrr. Mrrntt rxjasrtr to go in illMiut two werkr.

Mm. H. Farrington and ilaughtrr, uf H♦^l Hranch. Waym* county, wrri- thr Kurataof Mr. and .Mm. John Morrir lart Wrrk, rrtuming hoinr .Saturday.

Mm. N. I*. Kryr and littir aon Don, viaitmi .St. Johnr frirndr thr lattrr part of thr wrrk. Thry nrr MfirndingthiNwis«k with hrr iwrrntr in Mapir itapidr.

Mm. E. E. .llhrrtnon and son Erlwin, rrturtiTsl Saturday from .\mistroiig. Illinoir, wlirrr tbrv havr lirrn rfirtidiiig thr ninr wrrkr with brr iHtrrnta.

Harry Martin, who har firm riimding tlir HUinmrr vamliun with rrlativm in Ht Johnr. rrtumrd to < iwonari, Monday inoming, whrrr hr will attmd r^ool.

Mm. Fhan. Ha^in and childrrti. who havr iirrii upending ronir tiinr with rria- livrr in .St. Johan, rrtumrd to fbrtr hoiiH- io < iwonno, Saturday rvraiag.

W. .\. Nortoa waa ia Hogiaaw oa buoL oaoa, Tasadiay.

E. P. Waklroa ia aprudtag tbr wnak ia ttootoo oa basianan.

H. E. Hbarrr. ot Aulium, Iowa, ia tba gaaat ol bia aaeir, John I. Hbavor.

Mloa Pnmia Martin, ol Orid, waa tbr game of Mian Hafir llaldwfo yastarday.

.Martio Haraard, of IMaeuaaiag, ia tbr gunat uf Flajrtoa Hariri’ for a fnw days.

Fmdrric lUehic, of Drtmft, aprat Haa- da.v aad Moaday with Ht. Juba# frirada.

Richard Haym, of Ovid, wan tbr gamt in tbr iiomr of L. .4. Muldrr uvrr Hun- (lay.

Fari Wrrtpointrr. of Ha.v Flty, calkMl oa Ht. Jobnn frinadn tbr fum part of tbr

Minn I^ria ilalirr Mt ymtorday to nprod MrvrraJ wnrkn at brr hoiw io Iaa|Mtrr.

Thr Miarca Nioa ami Hraa Flark ofirat thr lattrr fiart of tbr wrrk with rrfativtw in Elnir.

Minn Marie Fullrr rrtumrd last rt-raiag from a nix wrrkV viait with rrfativm in Otinvillr.

^Mltor Vaughan war at bir draft Mon­day. after a wmk'r arriour illorNn with Itorumonia.

Mm. M. (irady, of Flm iand, in viaitiog hrr inotbrr. Mm. I'ickmiog. of Orrrfi- hiirh. thir wrrk.

-Mm. M. Howr, of 4Vmt Hay Fity. in H|inidibg tbr wr^ with Mm. K. tV. niron of (Immbnnh.

Mr. and Mm. J. H. Ongoml rrtiirBr<| from Prtonkrv .Saturday Ian, alter a stay of rrvrmi wrrkn.

Horn to Fred (iardnrr and wife, of fircrnliiinh, Thursday lart a ninr luid onr half bahy boy.

Hrv. E. J. Hradner. of Itirhlami. ir. rpniding a frw dayr with n*iativftr and frirndr in Ht. Johnr.

John I. Hhavrr rrtnmrd last night. from a llftrm davr trip in northern Mirli- igan and Wincoiirin.

Mm. .4. Halirntinr left Tumday rvming for Flam, wlirm rhr will rfimd a couple of wrrkr with rrfativrr.

.Mm. lionrttH iiakiry returned Friday . from n monthr viait with hrr ron, Ed.' (laklry and family, of Hay Fity.

Mirr IfasrI Kro|iiiogir rrtumrd Torr- dny fr»»m .Saginaw. wbrn* rhr har brrfi HfirndinK the (lart (our wrrkr with rrla- tivrw.

Mirr Thurxa Judd left the flmt of the wrrk for Monnir, whrrr ahr will rntrr tin* convent. .She will inakr inuric a rfirciaity.

Mirr F^mma 4ViH>.lrkry, wh«i har hrm i firtidinK thr |inr1 few nionihr in .St

J. L. BatUw Jr. in hoain for, a law daya.

Minn Eotbnr Love, of Elofr, rioftad bar Boat, Mm. J. J. Wintrld, thr laat of laat

Mr. aad Mm. N. O.Hmitbaoddaagbtnr, of f »vid, afwut Haturdgy and Haaday at U. F'. Haiitb’a.

Fbariry ffoiagn aad wife, of (Mo. rioftrd har uiotbrr. Mm. Noacy Luuaobnry, tba bmt of tbr wrak.

Mr. aa<l .4lm. H. H. .4ldrteb. of Hatter- oat, vndtrd their run, J. 11. Aldrieh and family Saturday.

Hehooldhi not c«>mtnra«tr Monday an won rxpartrd on aeooaat of thr iilama uf Mian Htampfiv’n riatrr.

Fbariry Momr. of Orid, «lnfivrrr«| a vrrr intrmntiag nmnoD at tbr iSaptint church Sunday afternoon.

•Mr. aad Mm. 44'ill Loomin aad daugh­ter, of Detroit, were gumtnof J. L. Hut­ton and family tbr flmt of tbr wmk.

Thr M. F*. L. .4. H. will wrrr ier cream and «*akr at tbr home of .Mr. and Mm. F'rmnk Heuddrr next Saturday rvraiog, Hrfitrmbrr Iftb.

.Mm. namorr Smith visited brr firoplr in F'mr|M>rt (mm Thursday to Monday. Flamncr left Saturday to attend tbr family munion held tbw Handay.

Tbr following arr tbrnaromandgradm rntrrrri of those fmm hm* who are at- trading the Ovid ilhsh refaool. Judd F'airr, the eighth. .4lta Igiogror. I.,mn

, .Mel>-»d. .4lthrA (frow and .Mildmd Jen-1 (iatrr in tbr ninth, Hrilr tVinflrId and

Hart (HevrlaDd in th«‘ r|r«'rnth.Will Dw-krr. wbih* working on the

arrtiun oar day laat week, met with <|uitr a (Miinful acciflmt. .4 heavy imn wrench which hr wan uaiog ai{|ifird, Ntriking him on hia right ride bmikiug one rib off clone to the lirrart imnr. |>r. MHiilliciiddy ret the fractumi member which appram to fw healing nirriy.


You knowThat ysB cas bay the best gssds at tbe Iswest prices is

Goods and Trimmings, Flannels, Ginghams, Prints,

Table Linen, Hosiery,


Mm. S. \V. .\orrir ir ruffrring from hay fever.

Mira Hrginit ViuiF'Irrt rrtumr to Fbi cagii, thir week.

l«rHh and lA*tah Wilcox are virittag frirndr in Detroit.

.Several from aniniid lim> attended lAitrir liny at HoutuI I.Akr. Monday.

Mm. o. H. Dillr and liaughtrr Helm viaitrtl frirndr in I,anaing, last week.

.SrrrmI ladier from around lierr and DrWitt am t*amping at Hound laokr.

.Mm. F'rwl .Smith, •»( Fmtral i.akr. ia visiting lirr gnindmotlirr. Mm. lA*wia Smith.

Fhur. Mix. a former resident of this rfirtiiiinK tar |Miri irw nioninr in m. i **”*•'• i•'•Jl^r in Jiickron, fromJohn-. rcTnrn«l to her liomrinFolumhin- dirrnr... m-rntly.villr. vrrtrnlay. Srvrnil yoiiiig |irop|v from thir place

Miri. Ziidii Hm--. who has lim. I wmt to I.aiiring.last .Saturday evening,ing the riicatioii with mlativer in Ht. !“'•*“***'•'» •"Johns, returned to lirr home in FoiunnH

t Shirtings, Sheetings,Napkins, Towels,

♦ Underwear, Corsets, Laces, Ribbons, Silks, Capes, Jackets, Skirts,

Waists, Tailor Suits, Mackintoshes, Umbrellas, Carpets, Oilcloths, Rugs,

I Linoleum, Matting, LaceCurtains, Poles t and Trimmings, Yarns, Blankets,

Feathers, Pillows, and all kinds ofNotions.


i;S*A.NTKI*--KrerytHnl.v th/imiurhlj am- i S V iterruunl IImI I m mf own racmeror I

la thr writ hnrlnrra immI moi better |>re|Nirrtl I than errr before to <llg tabniar nml tile wellr. | I 1 tfi I . L. KlMliAI.1..

Qoifix ^iorth This Summer?Whan you df> go, mm yoa probably will,

nfoaor coaafd* r tbe excettoat aerviw iil- krrd hy the WM8T KIOHIOAV mutw. with foar tnuaa par day to Travarae Oty. and three to Fbariareix, Peioake>- aori Hay View. .No liae can o0ar betSrr ■anriti aa«l we will lie glad to have your patronage. .4ak your home ofsnit for ull iulormatitm about it or write to

(JUO. IhtHATUK. G. P. A., Grand HapMa.

Minr .Hophia Phicr, one ol the attend­ant-at the Pofitiar iMVInin. arrived in Ht. John* Haturday, to -fiend a thrm Week- vacation with refativee and friends.

.Mia- Hattie Faoe, who haa baan afiead- ing the iNMt tw«i week- writh retativea in Ht. Johna, returned to Orid. .Hatarday. Uttia Harry Hrotaer- returned home with bar.

Home of tbe leading baainnai man of Ht. Johan have gotten out aa excel but up- to-date map of Micbigaa. .4ny aebool taaebvror ofRcar may have oae fraaof i*bargr hy eailiag at 1 w-4 p F11.11UW A Mn.LMAa's.

A Sn yaara lUsd uaoa aad tout for f 10 at ALXjaog’a.


Mra. Wm. Moldar rwtiimed Haturdav from Hattie Freak, where abe haa been ofiandiag tbe \tmmt two weeka with her huabaad. who ia at tbe aaaitariam. Mr. Malder ia improving.

"It -eem- aiawtat larraditde that ia tba asighborhond of $40,iNMi in nctaal caah oboaM have been coaMad to tetters dar­ing the laat yaar, aad harder atill toe^- it that tba moat exbaaotivw efforts failed to find tbe owairs of onmfourth that aawMUit." writes Patti l.rle Follias in Tbe IamMss' Home Journai (or Hopteni- bar. "The euveiopsa which are addrsnsrd are kept oa file (or (iMW rsara. hlaak ones not so loag. bat ia either cane a liberal margin of Gaae m allowed (or rjaimanta to appear bUote the laoaev is Anally turned into tbe Traanury to tiwi eredit of tbe Post-offkw Hvpartmeut. Ia addi- tioa to tba laouay eoatained in letters daring tbe sugw period, somelhiag Hbe •10,i>rai«aa found I It in oAsiaily etyisd ‘F

iu the

Monday evening.Mr. iiini Mm. F. F'. Pike and little

•liinghter, of Hr*a ken ridge, wer** gueat- of Mr. and Mm. 4V. W. .Himonsoii the last of the week.

Mm. Ii. J. Shaw, of ltlia<‘n. -pent Hnn- dav with Mr. and .Mm. J. 4V. Hradner. Mm. H. .'*hMW retametl home with her for a -hurt visit.

F'rmoci- Mend, of Ht. l.ouis. who liae lieeti aflending the jiaet two weeks with hi- -i-fer. Mie- Maliel Mend, retume«l hutne yeatenlay.

U'illiani Howland and I.yan Woodbury Mt for Grand Kaiiid- Monday, where they will take a -ix month- i*oiirse c.t tie* .Mcl,arhlnii Unsine— College.

Mm. .\ltie < ilmsfead and children, who have fieeti -iieiiding a lew day- with rela- tivee in .Ht, John- ami vicinity, returned to their home in lAiwell Monday.

W. T. I’nrker, ol Hturgi-, Indiana, i nmveil yesterday to -fiend a couple of week- in the home of H. Kinney. His family have lieeii here several weeks.

Mr. end Mm. Thos. Hromley. Jr., and Ml— Kate llvnii will lenve this afternoon for Fhiragii. where thev will buy fall gfiinl-. They intend remaining a week.

Mm. Dr. Weaver and little -on. F'lirtl. who have been visiting her fiarents. Mr. j nnd -Mrs. F. T. Fnm—. for-onie time, r»- ■ turneil to her home in F'r—inoni yester­day.

Mr-. E. J. F'nist. of IMIevne. Mich., i- fln-gne-r of her fiarentH. Mr. and Mr-. : L. F. Mend, at tlnir hone- ju-t west ol Ht, | .(iiliiin. She will remain for a month •Mr. F'n»st spent Sunday here.

Mi— F'lorem— Hoee. who has lieen -oending the vacatinii with her iMrenr-. lb V and Mm II. .\. Uom\ retnrm-l to' Grand Uapid- Moiida.v evening, where;

the I -lie i- a teacher in the -chiNils.Mm K. -M. Htrong. ol .Vlfieri I,ee, .\|in ■

neaotH. who lias iieen -fiending tbe -nni- , filer with lief fiarents, Mr. and Mm. J. H. | Mri-tol. left for .Vorfhrilli* yesterday.; when* -he wrill -pend a few day- liefore ndliming home.

Mm. E 11. L.von and children nnd Mm. | J. H. F'lldew and children returned Mon-: dav morning fmm Ton way, where they 1 have ts—n aftending the -iimmer. Mr. j l.yon ami Mr. Fildew -pent .Handay at that fdnee nnd returned home with their ' (nindiew.

H Mcint.vm, iMlvertising agent ol the, Mcl.achlnn Husiuews Fniversity. of (fraud Uaiiid-, was in Ht. Johns last Hatnrday ! and HiMwd a contract with Thk Nrww for -pace. This iastitution is growing m|Mdly and already hoe a -tndeat or' two fmm Ht. Johns.

The laat legislature fiaoeed a law pire hibitiog th** adulteration ol ground beet i with oat hulls. .4ttomey General itren' has informed F'ood Fommissfoner Gme- vennr that he is not chargsd with the! ••ntnrrenieat of the law. aa he is oaly to 1 fimtert tbe public ai^iost udulteralion ^ of (fMids for human heinga.

.411 (rwaibi of fwiblic libmrias will be in- : tersoted in an artlefe by Hylveater Haxter in tbe Hefiteuibvr number of tbe .4insri- caa Monthly Review of llariews. He | ili wcrihee tbe wondsrfal strides made by , The PubUc IJbrary Movamaat ia Ita Paront Foaimoaw^tb. Maaoaehaaetts. ! in which only saven susali towns am now , without free library firirilagaB.

.4ttor»sy Gsasral Grsu has dacidsd I tbat the act of the last Isgialatum ia- j ersusiag Imm H to 13 |ier nsat tbe inter- •wt of ilefinqaent taxes will apply oal.r { ia caoss wb«^' the loads have hssa Md! in to the staSs aad tba period of rsdbwp-; t ion baa expired. In all other casos, the! rate pmvided in tbe law in foras at tbe | time tbe loads wvm oWsrad for oafs will apply.

K vary body’s Mags tine is tba laat ar-! rival in the tsu esat aMmtbly Arid. The . Hmoklyn Tlmoa sgya tbat If oae caa' fudge fatriy from tbe llrat aambar Every-1 body’s Uagasiae will be a bright, inter-. satiag, snappy sort of perlodieal. asitber ' inSeaaslv serious (a toae nor nUsasi 1 siy I Ugbt. Itarbafostar may bs tabsn from, ita own advertiasuisut, wbiabaSatea tbat' tba magasiae is lauaebsd "with no other I osotive than tbat of fumisbiag iatersat, aad amuaeuMnt to tbs important niaaa I ofieaderatbatdsoimtSaagraassBsatsoUiy {

•Heveml memiiem of Olive Grange vis- j it*-l DeWitt Gningc last .Hattinlay even­ing. .\niotw I belli was Itichnnl .Mourn wini organixeil lleWitt Gmngi- sevenil yiTim ago. He gave a giMsi talk. Tlie young men eiitertaineil tin* Gniuge. Not as many wen* finwnt as we would like to liAVe-eeii, blit tho«i’ who dill rm -fMind did iiiceiy. Tin* young ladies of DeWitt finiiige will l•ntertain .Haturday evening. Hefiteinlier Dl. Wi* hofs* to aee eveiy- mellllier fireselit.


Complete Stock of Standard Paterns Always onHand.

OIOIQIQ 0:0:0 p:o:oio:o



UR attention has been called ^to a report bein^: circulated by Aome of our over zealous com­petitors to the effect that the arrest of William

Varaj^her, on the streets of 3t. Johns Saturday, had been indirectly instiji^ated by the Mercantile Com­pany. It has been evident on past occasions that a certain element of rival merchants, who are sore at the success of The riercantile, are always ready to employ any means which they imag^ine will stem the tide of customers to The Bi)( Store, but it remained for some of the more short sis^hted ones to attempt to prejudice the farmers by so filmsy a yam as the above. Our customers are attracted by fair treat­ment, dependable g^oods and honesty in all dealing, and no class appreciate this so well as the farmers. It is a well known fact that there was NO CASH riARKET in St. Johns, for produce. UNTIL THE MERCANTILE COMPANY STARTED. The farmers who sold blitter, eggs and other produce before The Big Store appeared on the scene, do not need to be told this; they often mention it themselves, and their appreciation is practically demonstrated by their trade which Is constantly bestowed on our stores.

We desire to brand any story connecting our name with the unfortunate episode as an absolute false­hood. So far as we are concerned, the farmers are perfectly weicome to sell their products of any nature upon our streets.




ATTt»K.SKVH.T BWI» MBVBNKMCB. a. II. AtMtrMjr. B »d HiilIHlur. Mi. JttkMa, Ulca

8rA«ji.uiMu. MOBIf » oyr NalloMl HMk

MUBITA A Atutrmmf•t Uaw. OBfort <*or—r UnMI Mtof

ILX M. HmU>l*UB,Att»r«*> •! Uf*. Mt.JukM.

Gathered From All Sides.H. M. A.J.I»At*wi»

PHMHINM A H ALUMTIM. AttonMy* •< Law Molk’llor* la i'hmme*ry, rmmk —• tAf ——i*. cwi vy AACW aaU amfy

MUMaiaa titlaa. (MT tA«aa. »«*»?«•■a>>ri». aad oiaka e<»IWrll«»aa. All P^ptl.T aaa acrarataljr m***^***^, V;-,!??!! ^wm‘ Hltu» •tcirr •! No. 11 niRtu*ATaaaa, Ml. Joliaa, MI«^litAau.


UWIN a. Alloraay at Laar. M.JuABa. __________________

M. MMira, Alluraay al l-«aar. Ml. Juaa* lllek. uyar lt«‘ll^ Haiaar.^

PDESIDEITISORHIIIDTo Roviow tho Soldior* of *61 m

Thoy March in Thair An* nual Parade.



Ha. UR. UUUUIt. Tt^krr ul I'laau, or- ■a. aaa. V..ral Ma**c aaU llariaoa^S. “vJiJa* ..rrr H|Mial.UaA * Hardwar*

PHYKiriA.Srt.■r^R. H. u. aUt’AIR. I•hr•*«•l^ ““VJ'T U <r.ia «•Rt'r * llaluu IMoak.Bt. John*, Mich. ___

R. 4. V. IMMILIMI*. I'hyalrlau aa.l*ar- aciu. Ml. J**l****» '*'***• uiBc* ••cer -il- Jewriry M|»rr._______________

F.H At »i>a, R. u. liarartf* •i«»r* Mi. Joha* once

hott^. I* to 11 a. - «o «** *Lj a.PUMT a. u. I*ay**c»aa..Murarc.!.-au

\tiiary I’ubllc. •iRcrorcr Mi*. II. w .-‘O'*-, .'‘o I* • »»M«o*^Tr

aa« Kcablrore c»irare iRBolajC *a*l K«»«i«*c» H... Ml. Juhn.. MIcU-

(I ILL I M AmLKIURI, riiyulciaa-auUMor- T ««ja- ihre auil mM.Uuce wr*l eidr i.l

* aa___ __ .^a.M « hMia>aa IhAlUm 1 Id ACoarillia*- inittarr «»ac«> U..ur* I lo .1 •Tcry aficraooa^__________ _

R. jT W. F«»».LAHU. R. »».. rhyi.K;MM. Bad ■*ur«f«*B. .Ml. Jiihue. Mlcl». nRrc

o**r Miale Il«rt»


£ 1 ROLL ruderlaarr. Stt. HI I’Uatoa |« Arc. Ileoldcarr JIMlHIatr Ml. Vieot.

'J*HK'‘Ll.NTiiN' ri»l'NTY .SAVI.N’iIM IIA.N'K

.MT. JlHI.^M. Mil’ll,.




ALBKRT J. HALUWI.N. rre*td*Bl.Ml HE.N'SKLL. Vlce-l'r**l«l*Bl. _

^ »• K. «■ VLMiV«»liril."^rea*arrr


State Bank of St Johns,of St. jonns, Nlchifan.


Capital paid in $50,000.00

PORTER K. PERRIN. PreslOeni.0. W. MONGER. Vice Presldcni,

J. W. HTZGERALD. Casaicr,R. A. BEEBE. Teller.

ThrtH' |K*r •••iit inlerHut pitiii on ••.•rtifl- rAt..e of i|e|Hwit *111*1 on fMivintr** Imok Mr count**. Ilmiie I—•n***! k'ioiI m uiiy (mm of til** l*nit*'<i .Mint,- or I’nnHilM aii«i in f In* |innri|».il*»f Knn»|H*. \rr«tunli* of fiirni*'»>. iiH'n’hniiie nn*l ln♦•^•^lMni^1• r**- ceirr«l 111! fii vonilil** t♦•rma. an«l ••very w- coiiiotlatioii ••tt**n*l»'<f •taieUtant arith aaf** liankiau. Sui^mor fanliti*** for makinir <'olli*i‘iioii** oi all kinil**.

looey Loioed on ^pprore Secorities.DIKHCTOKS:

0. W. Miinrer,' Jesec SulllvAn.Geo. F. MarrlD, James RIclurdsoo,J. B. CorMt. Dr. G. E. Corbin.J. H. Fcilewa. Porter K. Perrin '' J. W. Fltzfrerald, .ioBn J. Reiser,

Geo. W. Emmons.

r. I mans Compound

The Leading Blood Purifier

A Reliable Stomach. Liver and Kidney Cure.

Pleasant to the tasteAsk your Dru^^j^ists for it.


“CAAL'Amarra a* a» *ia>aiaa Ihr laasa*4 M* • traif aMBicta* I aa**« olMa*i.a>4 far a mmumb* Maaaaal «o lafea aa« at taai aat* *iwad It <B t a*aar*i« Btaa* lafelaa iBMa aifa*. ' -I itaa >»aa uarihsM aaa aiy .laaiilaafam Baa Ml- ••<*<l*traiiT aiai I (eat aiaaB b*o*r la avary vai Maa satxia K oaixaaa. L^twatt Taaa.


P'lMMat. PalaMBl* PMaai. Tawa Oaai Oa» H»e*ra*eaaa Waaa«* ar Ortaa. RaHc at^... ouat ooM«Tip«Tioa.^_^...^

w-TOAM ssr.maRe&fiar'

GE0J.JIMcrchaiit Tailor,

Oppo«itc “Thr Steel**.

All the

Latest NoYcltics.

Ulaaa a Baraaada Altar UR Arrival, hai iraaitaaa i« R*aard Iha aaraaaMrra wRA a aparra—MU Maathara aa Mm Pva- vraiaM.* —Maala* Warh Kart]*—Naval talaraa* Llaa La lar ParaAa trlUi iNa darhiav trmm Bvaia***'* Piaal.

PhiladalphlA, 8«pt. S.—Praaldent Mc­Kinley and his party arrived here at 9 o'clock last night after a four hours* run from Washington. The president was Mcrom|>antcd by aecrets.r>* of War KcMt. Hecreiao of Agriculture Wilson. Professor Heburman (president of the Philippine commission), J. Addison Porter and Aasisuuit 8evreUr>' U. B. Cortelyou. Mrs. McKinley was not with the party. Asaisiant 8ecretAr>' Conelyou aays her health Is very much Improved, but she remained at home an the advice of her physician. The presidential iwrty waa met at the Penn­sylvania railroad station by Mayor Ashbridge. General Wagner (chairman of the executive lommlttee), and a number of other city ufBclals. The sta­tion was ihrongeil and a cordon of po­licemen was neteaeary Ui keep the crowds iMck as the distinguished vis­itors made their way from the train to ihe carriages in waiting.

avrpaaUv Iwr IN* FrvMaal.President McKinley walked with un­

covered head from the train shed to the street and was cheered. He ac­knowledged the ovation with many smiles and bows. The party was driven rapidly to the Hotel Walton and the president Immediately retired to his private sitting mom. At 10 o'clock members of the UnltedUerman Hinging societies, acrompsnied by a band, ar­rived St the hotel and serenaded the preeldent. They sang three Oermau se­lections and finished with "The Star Spangled Banner," In which the multi­tude joined. During the rendition of the songs Preeldent McKinley sat on the window ledge, and at the rnneiu- sion of each le<t the applause There were loud cries for s speech, but the president merely lioweil and waved bis white fulora hat.

v«M«a***a Laiayv Ih* MnvU.Rear Admiral Sampson, wbotx'cuples

the suite of mums directly over tbcMM of the president, enjoyed the serenade equally as well as McKinley. He sIinmI at the window of his parlor until the last sonK wait sung. It was some time before the thmnR in the street observed him. but wben his preseiu'e Itecame known h*- was loudly cheered. The pres­ident retired about 11 o'clock. This morning at t* to o’clock he received Admiral .Sampson and the captains of the fleet. l4»ter he rode i>ver the route of the Granti Army parade to the re­viewing stand on the city hall plasa. After the (larade he will l*e entertained at lunch In the city hall.


darkir* frnai tlir %% hlle kquaUron Tak* l*arl III the Praici-MiaM.

The itarade of the National .Yssocla- tion of Naval Veterans yesterday after­noon arouse*! the greatest enthusiasm. The flrs( division was composed of the I nited States naval brigade. Captain T. J. Jewell, lirigade commander, in­cluding marines and saanien of the I’nited States ships New York, Indians, Texas. Hmukirn. Massachusetts. Nssh- vllb and Detroit, and the marines and seamen of thel.*-aRue Island navy yard. In the seiond *11 vision were the ofllreni and men of the I'nited States revenue cutter servile The thlnl division was romiM'seit of carriages rontsining the offlrers of the warships anchored in the Delaware river.

Hear .\dmlral Sampson and Captain Chadwick, chief of staff, were In the first carriage. The fourth division was composed of the National Association of Naval Veterans. Cnlteil States of America. J. F. It- Foss. K. A., com­manding; Captain William K. l.airaee- lirie. chief of staff. In the fifth division were the lnde|iendent organisations of naval veterans

The Grand Army will be offlcially welcomed tonight at the Academy of Music by Governor Stone and .Mayor Ashbridge. The president will attend and later will lie the guest of honor at a lianquet tendered by .Meade post, of this city; I.4ifayette post, of New York, and Kingsley imst. of Boston. He will leave for Waablngion at 11:S0 tonight


IHiv ml the Klerresl C4Mile*il« lit* I*. A. R.KT*r Kaaaasil la.

The campaign for oommander-ln- ebief la waxing warm. It Is one of the flercaat contesu that the G. A. K. baa been engageil In for a long time. Last night here were three candidates in the field—Acting Commander - In - Chief M'. C. Johnson, of Cincinnati; Com­rade Leo Rassieur. of St. lamia, and Colonel Albert D. Shaw, of Watertown. N. Y. The friends of each of the enn- dfdates claim that their favorite Is al- rendy a winner..

A careful canvass aamng the differ­ent departments, however. Indicates that Colonel Shaw has a little the bet­ter of the contest. That gentleman la an Interview said that be was abeolute- ly sore of victory, and said that the fight was all over. Neither Coloael Johnson nor Comrade Raaalenr woeld speak directly shout the conteat. hut their lieutenants egprsas the greateot conBdence in the owteome of the atmff- gle.

While the delegations from Ohio, Missouri and New York are battling for Buprenmey the delegatloo from Illl- nola Is putting up a great fight for the pfirllegs of entertaining the Grand Army at Chicago next yeer.

ftirl atrllMvs ■••••«« RlaRMsa.Belem. N. J., Sept. S.—Two hundred

girls and wonmn paraded the streets, brandishing knives. It was a strike of the "table girls"* la the canning factory. They did not cry for blood. They merely demanded Ihre cents In­stead of four for peellag a bnehetfiil of tomatosa. Hut as their halves gleamed In the ennilght they loudly seeertsd their demends. and their conduct wns an liotnna that Mayor Owynne and Chief of Police Wadilnffton were onlUd

I tn rwtwlK tRsa.

A1VAI18 gi ■OUTH AimiCA.nakady OeaWM Sa Kaaw 4a*t Whet U fUes

TUaS ■aogaaad Loa*.lamdon. Sept. B.—Amid the crowd of

eoalllcting dispetchee from South Af- lice repardlng the Tranevasl altuntlon It M still lapooslble to my exactly what has happened. It seeass. how­ever, that Preeldent Kruger has with­drawn the flve-yenr fraachlee, which was dependent on Orest Biitaln'a ne- rsptance of Impoasibla conditions re­garding snaeralnty, and has made some sort of temporising suggootloas regarding s ooafareoce.

*1110 Standard and Dlgpers* News gives what purports to be a report of the secret seeslon of the volksraad on Seturday. According to this acount the volkaraad not only determined to re­fect the Bve-yeer proposal, but also •toutly opposed President Kruger vte-

I Ring (^ape Town, and resolved to make s stand for the abrogation of Bngland's

I claim to Buscrainty. The Boer organ I then asserts; "The government, both { the rands and the burghers, feel that I they have offered all they Intend to of­fer. and are now reoolv^ to stand or

I fall by this decision.'I LITTLE LETT OF THE CASE.

TaallaMMiy la Ik* UraTlas Trial T»ar» IN* n*rUarraa R> .

Rennes. Sept. 4.—The liordercau up- I on which the conviction of (Captain Dreyfus was secured at the court mar-

I tlal of 11194 was literally torn to pieces by the testimony of .Saturday. Major

I Hartman showed that no artillery offl- rer could have written It owing to the

} errors It contained. The generals tried to shake his testimony, but failed. Brneet Havlt. member of the institute, attacked the bordereau from a gram­matical standpoint and showed that It was full ol expressions Bsterhaxy used in writing while It had none used by Dreyfus.

M. de Fond lAimotIn, who was a probationer with Dreyfus, may be said to have flnlsbe<l the document. He showed that Dreyfus c-ould not have written "I am going to the manoeu- vers.** liecause he knew at the time the bordereau was written that be was not going to the manoeuvers. Generally teturday was a good day for Dreyfus.DOBB EOT SAT IHDEPEyDEECE."Ward TNat Is Mlsslaa Hal ml tk* Fraal-

deal's t'aka« Hraelaasallaa.Havana, Sept. 1.—President McKin­

ley's census proclamation has been re­ceived tn various ways by the Havana newspapers. La Luebs publishes noth­ing. 1a Discussion has only a cartoon representing the effects of the procla­mation on the different factions, the party of Indeiiendence smiling and the party advocating a protectorate assum­ing a studious air, while the annexa­tionists are sad.

El DIario de la Marina intimates that the priK-lamatlon Is mure significant for what It does not say than for what It says. Commenting upon the absence of the words "Cubs by right and ought to la* free and independent.** which were In the proclamation ofl898. El Diarlo remarks. "The absence Is ac­centuated by the fart that the American newB|ui|iers call attention to the sub­stitution of the phrase 'efficient system of government* for the word ‘Independ­ence.* "

PARIS AEAUTIE8 BALKED.Trlrtl U. ^(Muscle Fim. I la tkr aalf.lmsH**

<>■•<1 llaarla.Parts, Sept. 2.—Two professional

beauties, .Mile. Llsne de Pougy and Mile. Ulanche d'Arvllly. yesterday made an attempt to revirtual the Guer­in “fnrtrees." In a stylish landau they had roncealeil legs of mutton and other edibles beneath flowers, and they pre­tended to be dying with curiosity to see the "Grand Occident." the name by which the building Is known.

The police, however, were suspIclouB.I eepeoially with reference tn s garland ' two yards long, which proveil to bide a liMif of bread. The dodge failed. The police discovered and stoppeil s bole In the cellar of the house adjacent, through which food supplies had l>een conveyed to the beleagured anti- Semites.

Baraath l>at AHeoalRl aekoal.Peoria. Ills.. .Sept. 2,—The Seventh

Day Adventists will «Mtabllsh a school In Illinois for the purpose of educat­ing young men and women of that faith, pre|Miralor>' to sending them out to lalior for the cauee. At the bus- Ineea conference Thursday afternoon a iMMrd of directors was appointed to work for the school. There are similar Institutions at Hattie Creek. Mich.. Lin­coln. Neb., and In various foreign lands. The accounts of the real estate build­ing Interests of the denomination In Chicago were audited.

I Na<lga4 af m St rlka al t?eaiaaWashington. Sept. 4.—The Cranp

' Shipbuilding company, of Phllodelphta. has given formal notice to the navy de­partment of the strike now occurriag la their yards. This Is In scrordance with the contract for the building of the Iwttleahipe Maine and Alabaasa. which provides heavy penalties If the ahlpe arenot turned over to the govern­ment on time, Init a proviso makes the

: penaltlee applicable only when the de­lay "Shall not be caused by a strike or stand out of srorkmen."

ouli wm ismTillrnmn of South Carolln« Arguoo

Agmififft Our Wor in tho OHont.


Buffalo, N. Y., Sapt. 1.—What la anld to be the largest packet freight oarrler on the lakes was launched at the 3ranla of the Union Dry Dock roapany yaa- terday afternoon. The new boat, to he called the Buffalo, Is 4MH ioKff. U feet beam aad SS feet deep. She la constructed to curry (.7M net towi of freight on 17H feet of water. The Buffalo waa built for the Western Transit company al a cast of IttOAM.

Haaaa*a lagaar i'mmmmm Fa«tr.New Orleaaa, La.. Sept. 1.—Great ex-

dtement was created ssRiag the ne- groee la the rear of the dty by the es­cape of a jaguar from the sooloffleal garden at Athletic Park. The aniKMil

' Is larve aad ugly. The luouated po­lice nuide a tborough saarrb of the neighborhood and while they found some tracue of It, dM not come op srtth IL

m»a« at aC<karlvaH.Terre Haute. lad.. Sept. 4.—While a

party of young men waa giving a chari­vari sereiHUe for John W. Cannady and hla bfide. Mlos Lettte Boyd, at Gdon. Floyd Klaxsaa was fatally shot. Tba noise of drums aad tin pans waa not eaouffh far saam one la tha party, wha

Wm Sara, rbS naodr te fflgkt la a *n>aaa>War," kat Mot Ipals*^ Um PUIptaaa—▼Iowa or tka Waura UatMlag — OakaaMaaroos Wka RrlSaalli* DMkr wllk tkaFoloaotta SSalnoiBa—■dllar at MavaaaCooiplalaa af Voota aaa*.Providence, R. I.. Sept. 6.—The aae-

ond meeting of the New England Bi­metallic League at Creocent park yes­terday afternoon was very largely at­tended and representative Democrats from all the New England statm oc­cupied the platform. General A. J. Warner, of Marietta. O., was Intro­duced as “the oldmt warrior In the sil­ver cause In the country." He argued (or free silver. Senator Benjamin R. Tillman, of South Carolina, was then introduced, and his addrem was punc­tuated with cheers throughout. He stated that the Spanish war waa worth all It coat If It bad proved nothing elee than that the south will light for the sUirs and stripes as eagerly and as well a» the north. He declared that unless the policy of the government Is changed soon the republic is doomed, and will liecome a government of op­pression of the many by the few.

C;aa»a»*al* oa tka Moarw Ga—ltoa.He praised New England for what It

had doae for the country, but called attention to the fact that there were people enough south and wast of the

I Potomac and the Mlmleslppl to elect a president without the aid of New

; England. He said that while he be­lieved—aad always would—that the ne-

! gro Is not the equal of the white man, ' still be believed In giving him his legal I rights—barring the polltcal side. He I raid the negroes did not know enough I to vole, and In South Carolina the I white people bad succeeded In dlsfran- rblslng them until they can read and

; write.! Toaklaa tke Flllataa Qaaetlaa.

Tillman asked: "If it was right to ' free Cuba because Spain was shooting \ Cubans to death, how Is It to be re­conciled with the fact that the United States, which now owns the Philip­pines. Is now shooting the Plllpinos to

; death." He said that he believed the president is honest in hts belief that he

' Is doing his duty, but claimed that he I only looked nt the one fart that the United Slates Itought the islands from S|Miln. The south and South Carolina will at any time send as many men In proportion to Its popiilsilon as any state to any war of decency and honor, but It will not send a regiment to the Philippines.


Ur OitI Ikr Marl Flakllaa. II* Clolota, ood Waal* la Mai* Cabo.

Havana, Sept. 5.—La Lucha pu)>- lishes s short Item from the eastern part of the i-land Sjierting that thercl- oreil population intends to be heard from tn the event of the Independence of Cults, as the colored leaders claim that their ran* did moat of the light­ing and has l>een unfairly treated. The paragraph goes on to say that such aa- acrtlons, on investigation, will prove to be well founded. In the country dis­tricts of Puerto Principe and Santiago de Cuba colored clubs have iteen formed to promote the theory that to the vic­tors iMlong the spolla, and a slate has been prepared with Gualberto Gomes, a mulatto, as president: Demetrio Castil­lo. a white man. aa vice president, and Qulntin ilanderas. a black, as com­mander-1 n-chief of the army.

The l*rotesla. a paper suppressed by the Spanish in Dt94. rsapiieared yester­day and it is said will endeavor to counteract the influence wielded by the Neuvo Pals in favor of a protectorate. In a leading editorial The Protests says; "The enormous aacrlflcss of the Cubans seem to have been In vain. Cuba has shed much blood and taars. and the Island Is sown with corpses and ruins, but the Cuban finds himself even worse off than before. He has broken the iionda of Spain, but he flnds himself In the Imnds of the United States. There Is but a alight differ­ence

"Perhaps the vibrating voice of the Cuban iteople will serve to keep at bay the cupidity and greed of the Amerl- aens. Would to G^ that It may. We appeal to all who speak the language of Cervantes to forget the pMt. We ap­peal to all who have In their veins the glorious Spanish blood to unite tn con­tending against the stnleter vortex which Is approaching to destroy, with manifeat satlsfartlon. the Cuban peo­ple Tha Amerieins as a raae have for­gotten their paat. They have forgotten Washington and Idacoln. They are a race different from the Cubans. They are a race that puts Into flgnsee the yearnings of national apirtt. The Cu- bana are ready to fight again, not agalnai Spain, but as a Latin natloo which underatanda that In n fate- fraught hour It will have to play a game with Ita life at stnke on the cheaeboard of daatb.”

Ha* a Maoaaaa I* Saad,Two Rivers, Wla.. Sept. &.—Peter Mc­

Millan, who owns a farm ahont ten milea north of this city In the town of Two Creaks, hns discovered that the black sand which Is being continually washed up by waves of Lake Michigan nt bis pince hns n salenMe vniue. It seenm that tke annd Is romposed of some metallic snbatance aad weighs MO pounds to the bushel. It Is used by

^ xsatch nMnufaclurere to line «mta4de I stripe on match boxes ftir Igaltiag the , matchaa

OotaaiMa Wla* Aoolker Trial Roar.Newport. R. I.. Sept A—In yeatst

: day's official trtal raee for the eettla : flsant of a defeniler of the Amertea's j cup tha Columbia again damoastrated I that she la the superior of the Defend­er h> defeating her ten mlantas aad aevefi seconds.

will Fay Tk*lr 1S«a I* Oaak.Gconto. Wla.. Sept. I.—It Is tba In-

tantlon of nearly all lamhemmn la this part of the state to revert to the eaeh peyment arotem la eettllng with men eniploped Im the legging wanffn


THt WinffS.

ekavl Faroaraek* a# aaaar of Ik* Rroat* Mtk* FoM rnmm fla*aaHt*a.0*4 Ho*lax ol llaaptol latar**4 Ulroa lai’liaSagaail Faro*.

W**iaa*4ae, Soa. xa.A plan lu give Chicago direct com*

munlcalkn by p*** n er . t aii.ersw.Ui the lower lakes, something the city hea not bad (or yatrs. is under ooiAidarn- tiott.

Mrs. Anroit Joces has ju»t celebrated in perfect hcalib her M*tb birthday In Houston, 'lex. hbe Is the widow of the president ol the Texas repuLllc.

Mrs. W. A. Purdy, of Lhit-aeo, hosar- rtved at lexlile .rom the Klondike. She is sccomitauhal by a L_ny Loy who was horn in Dae sun.

Apache Indians of Arizona are on the warpath ugxtnit the Zunla, whom they accuse ol muru«.riug thrife of their number.

Cheater A. Babcock, tba lawyer aad polltlrtao, la dead nt Quincy. 111a., aged U.

The steamer Cutch has arrived at Vancouver, U. C.. with IM passengers and $170,MK> gold dust (ram Atlln and Dawson. _________

Tkar«4a|r, Aos- Si-Shackleford (Demi, was elected to

congreoa tn the Bland (Mu.) district by 3,u29 plurality.

A permanent agricultural expualtlon building to coat fiuu.uou will be erected as an adjunct of the Union stock yards. Chicago.

Solicitation of funds for the victims of the storm In Porto Rico has lieen liegun at Chicago, and It is expected to lalse

J. 11. Ransdell, Demix'rat, has been elected to (-oagreas In the Fifth Louisi­ana district.

Julee Charles Homery, for four years paat chief of the chancellor)* of the French consulate In Chicago, has been appointed vice ronaul.

Cadet Philip S. Smith, of Nebraska, waa (ilamiesed from the military acad­emy. Smith waa caught basing the son of General Frederick D. Grant.

The Farmers’ Federation of the Mississippi valley has Iwen organised. The object of the federation la to regu­late and control the shipment of farm products. ________

FtissF. vaL I-The executive council of the Interna­

tional Typographical union baa voted fio.ueo to assist the striking printers on the New York Sun.

Henry Noil, a marhlnst’a helper, had an arm torn from Ita socket In the werka of the A. H. Barber Manufactur­ing company at Chicago.

Two infanta of Mrs. J. C. Ogden, of Chicago, rolled In a perambulator Into the pond in Douglas park. They were fished out, damp but unhurt.

William H. Condon, a veteran ad­miralty lawyer, who applied for admis­sion to the Cbicagi* poorhouse last week a as pauper, la miasing.

The secret service has discovered s new counterfeit S2 treasur)* note of the aeries of 1M»1. check letter D; Bruce, register; Roberts, treasurer; portrait, McPherson.

IJeutenant Mace«>, son of the dead Cuban general, was refused admission to a public dining naim In a Spokane ho­tel on account of his color, wben be threateneil to kill the waiter and was arrested and fined in a police court.

•aMaraai*. a*FU t.Colorado miners will exhibit s mil­

lion dollars* worth of gold bullion at the Paris exiKMitiun.

Jefferson lAvy has offereii to buy all of W. W. Aatur's real estate In New York, worth alamt IlSo.UUU.OUU.

Harry Harmon dived backward from the Eads bridge at St. Louis, dropping ninety feet, and suffering no injury.

Joseph Rugovltch. until Thursday a salnonkeeiier at South Chicago, baa left for Europe to assume the title of counL

Four thousand New York plasterers demandetl 14.50 a day with the alterna­tive of a strike. *rhe demand was grante<l.

James Korosa, Rohemian tailor, killed himself with carbolic add at Chicago liecause he could not support bis wife and seven children.

The bicycle trust has l>een finally rompleteil at .Sew York by the election of officers, with A. G. Spalding as pres­ident. The capital stock Is ISU.OUU,- 000.

The INttsburg rail-coal mine combi­nation has lieen (ormeil. The new cor­poration la the Pittsburg C<mI com­pany, and Its capital stock Is $04,000.- 000.

MaaSa], *>*|iL 4.

A craxy roan trieil to "touch" J. Pler- pont .Morgan, of New York, (or t2,50u. threatening death if he did not gel the money. The lunatic aras arrasted.

The latest returns from the referen­dum on the question of colonial (e<lera- tlon In Australia shows 31.5uo vote* In favor of feileratlon and 27.000 against.

General Grosvenor. of Ohio, has ar­rived at New York from a European trip.

The Cornell foot ball elevao will play the Cniversity of ('bicago at Chicago Oct. 14.

(Irdcrs were issued at Washington closing ail the executive departments of the government on lAbor day.

Bx-S<»oator Ulackburn, of Kentucky, has had to give up campaigning n the Interests of Goebel, owing to ill health.

The German fruit crop this year Is almost an entire (allure, except In small dlstiicta of Wurtenburg and Baden. ________

Admiral Dewey has arrived at Gib­raltar and been received by the British wrttb the customary naval honors.

The body of a woman wbo died at a Hastings. Neb., hotel hae been iden­tified as that of Mias Laura Lae French. ' formerly of Chicago. Murder Is sue- pected.

Timber firee are ragtag la the vicla- tty of Deodwond. H. D.

About 4.$M troops are to leave San Francisco for Manila next week.

A violent cyclone la in progress In the Asorea. doing much daamge tc shipping and other property.

Ttie tug Red Cloud of Lorain was wrecked off Cedar Plat, O. It Is be­lieved that three lives and maybe more, were lose


la aat over.tililaa. hat If ,»«»* ha r * k M r ey, II vernr lda<< • atar trnaloa it wWI h* (haad laal lb* r*aifily

roa b»*4. Al drunat*** t* kfly raal aatl 4aUar)4a*a Vna amv h***a ■aaiple hniHai of IM* waa4»rfai aew «l>a»ov*ry hy atall tree. [ alan aaoiaMet t*)Ua« all aboet It. (g) AdSfaaa lit. Kllaier A (>». ms

FORBIOODPOISON.TImfb la not tha sllghfst doabt that llw

dostors do more harm than ffood In trantinff Goais^totts Blood Poman; many vistina ol this lusthaowiB dlaanse wooid be mueh haHar off to-dav If they had wear alkmed thaniF solves to be dosed on mercury aad potaah, the only rMDedlee whieh the doeton ever give foe blora poieoa.

Bam If Hi Mn'Piteftmffc; VmGmBn TMflln a IRH*

The doctors are wholly unable to gat Hd of this vile polaon, end only attempt to heal up the outward appearanee of the disease the sores sod eruptions. This they do by driving the poison into the system, sad sndeevor to kmnp it shut In with their constant dooos of potaah and mereury. The imaith aim throat aad other delieete peru than brsek oat into sores, end the Hght is continued indefinitely, the drugs doing thesysfn more damage then the disease itself.

Mr. H. L. Myers, 100 Mulberry St., Newark. N. J.. anyot "1 had apenl g hundred dellsrs with the doetors. when I reailssd that they oould do me no good. 1 liad large spots all over my bray, and these soon broke out into running eores. and 1 endursd all the suffering whieh this vile diseeee pro- duces. 1 decided to try S. 8. 8. ae a last resort, and was soon graetlv improved. 1 followed eloeely your 'Direc­tions for Self-Treatment,’ and the large splotehes on my cheat began to grow paler and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely. 1 was soon cured perfectly and my skin has been as clear as glass ever sinee. I cured my­self at home, after the doctors had failed completely."

It is valuable time thrown away to exfieet the doctors cure Ctintsirioua RIimnI Poison, for the dissass Is be-

smI their skill. 8wifta 8peeifle—

8. S. 8. FOR THC BLOODin sn entirely different wsy from potash and mercury—it forces the

ison out of the system and gets rid of it entirely. Hence it cures the Iscese, while other remedies only shut the poison in where it lurks forever,

constantly undermining the constitution. Oar system of private home treat* ment places a cure within the reach of all. We give all neeeerary medieal ad* vica, free of charge, and save the patient the -mbarrassmeat of pohUeilf. Writs for full information to 8witt Ssecific Ou.. A. anta. Ua.


Doctors B. S. &* C*l»brat*d *te*«-lall*l* af lb* Antarleaa M*4l«*al aad Sargisal lastilaS* oC

Ma*lispaa. MIeh. Will b* at tk*

STEEL HOTEL, St Johns BOch.,Thursday, September 28, 1899.

Consultation and Examinations Fm find Strictly ConfldentialOne I>«y Only bmeh .Ylonin. Office Hourep jl m. to 7:30 p. mt,

K GRES AFTER OmERS FALnw Most Snccessful and ^klsnUilc T reetment of All Dtseneek aad WefflH

■esses of Mankind PoeeiblO to Obtain.The most wieel]-an<tfsTfmb!r known Rpsetaltsttn tha CnttM ntate* fits lotm espsH

laee. remarkal'le **01 r.iid ontv*rsal sticnoae In lit* lar-T* 't l»o*pitttl» In the wneMensMSS -itmto inwtatlt’BUo.'fia NKItVnL'.'^ 8KIN sad UDa>l> !>!■ rases anon itaa lauet esMn 4fle nrlfirtpleg and entiil*# him to tla* fall eon Aden se of the afllinad everywhere.

fklk AM bos no supenor in dtasnostnit and imvttna dfraese aodOe.IFlf* LFllifliArv tormltle*. .Medical and huntleat imaa** - .\catoand rhroalr

"atarrh. Ulaease* ut uw Kya, Ear. .Noae. Tfarn.-.t and Lune*, l)vt|>ei>*.Uk l.risbt's Btaaoaa fHAh-'te*. Kidney. Ltrer, Hladder. Cnruulc Kemnlo and Hexuai Dtaease* speodllr enred by treatinent that tais nevet fallad to thoMviuidauf rnaas ttinl bod been {.r< nouneed heynod ho;«e. Many pe*j:>ie moei denih e«-ery yrur v. tm mislit hae* been reslorsU to peeSMthaaNh hs*: they placed UaHt oaess it the tauals ol expana

XMFCmTAirr TO LAOXSA. ou. OTTMAN.altsi yaarictsamrtaaca.haadlacovefsims rrastsst car* koowa for all disoaaesmcullar to tka sax. *---- - ** -tssis poaltNely esraghy IBs aaw rvawdy, OflbxVB BIAMMKXM. Tke cart it egerted M hoaM»treatmei karwla** aad eaxitr applied Ceswaltatioa 9i«t aad StrlctU Coagdentlal.

im. OmiAlt operate*. saccaMlallT aad ---------------oalalessly lor sqaiat syss. ptererlaa. irMec {may, tsmlaf In

■t. Callrstf( aad etrtctij CoaSdentlal. XIAAFftBeff. I care real, ef all

>’.xn* raee« rarxt In r re trtatn-.eaL DXhCBASOXMO BABB cared la tesvror oat ol ere iasBM er lids,

closarsof tsar dact aad all otksr syvopsra* tiOAh*

cmoirxc BOBB BTSB aad rraaa-latsd lids (laiclilr cared. ______

A cBBTAiii Airo FOBmrm ctms ter tk* swlsl egreu ef early **c* aad the BBiaema* erlls tkxt fellow la its traia.

PBIWATB BLOOD ADD SKTIV DVffMABMff spaadtly. cswpHssly aad par- ■aasatif carsA

mniToxni xirbxlttt aitd bbs.BAX. xnBORDBBS yield rapUl] to ku skilllal trastaMst

rXLBB, VXBTtrXA AMD BBCTAX,!VtCWMB F*arxBt**4 cared witkaat pa*a ec nQ QTTffff t\ 81 rdirisass ikeosdstesli'»w (r""i ba»ta*a*. ___ ____ *• V4 I I IBfFqiw ,^0* have


CATABBB or TM8 XVOffB. t'reackHI* aad laar troakls* cxaaad Itum cxtacih, peek lively cersd.TO YOUNQ AND MIDDLK-


weahnes*. destroyiag hadaaxj e-'-*- ~‘* —-**-• '•*- -

raaic weahnes*. destroyiag heth anod and body, with all lu draedlal ills, perarsasady

IX,Xg. iterrlMa.

OOnOBBRBA, OLMRT, laal Waaho***, Loai

l**i«**. Decayed Facal- sad all dsllcsMdle-

h ear auterr aaa. nea Mssbead. Night Eoi Res PeoMl* waahas eedsr* pncallar •* either tom, aaelileely ca a* well as fa.wileaal diserders that re litfrew yeethlal lelUss at the ssssss ef autaieyear* ____ _

ffPBCXALTIMgi Catarrk^Skla HlsseaM, Seres. Ptoipl#* ScrelelA Bleed Tstats, Keteora. Caacer. Flu* aad Diaaaaa*of Wemea ^ paKhIr sad F*rai*a*atly C*red ky th* lauat apprrvril ireetorvat a* pareaed ey leadlog sp*cisli*i« n( Aia*rKa and Carepe.

ffBBB tAHiHATton or TtiB tmxim.

paired th*ai**l*e* hy Iwpreper ledatpeaes sad MiliMry hahiM. which rele both ailag aadbady, eagiOag thaw fee beslaeas, stagy,secUty or aiarriag*.

MARIHED MEN. er thee* eeterteg ea that happy Ilf*, aware at ykyalcal dMIlty* ealchlr ssalMed._ wh OPABAimMI TOCtI—Niresaa flekllliy, Falltag Msnhnod. kyphlll*, Vsrtam c»U, Strlctare, nu»t, tTaasteral DWasress NTeah Fsm aad all Bldeey aad DIadiSV

B^Csa*e aad r~rtT]f nirnrr nnidsallsl. bat |wr*naal reaealutloa preferred.

-Bash peraee aawiylaF for eudicsl treas- ii aboald aMMl or briar fraoi It* « eaace* ef aria* .ibsi paaaad flr*i la tb* laaratar p**>

ferred* wlucb will recetee acarefai cb**B*cal aad w«cre*c*aical aeataiaainia, sod if reqaeosod a-wrMun aasltu* will he yteea. Fare*** reieed la Baelih ky aaUereed ■rfUadiri. wKa

p trigiar wftb tbeei amath afUr oiaaia. glvtag potommmmm aad tajartamcaa»paaada, skoaM ie toinwiliawly. luur* are dsaremos.

ITbL IMIBLO trrsksd. Naespwiowai* ar fadaroa. Fsrtw* ii^aMd kv wal , hot wksia psosthU. pirsaasi caaislutUa *• praUrrad. CarahUesaaa raarMHOiA

C. O. D. ta aay pan af O. I

Liat of 1 so qawitinaa fra*. Addre • with poataev-

DOCTORS B. S. & COMPANY.Private Box iffo. rtaaltBffBn. nirMig—

L**itwa. k T.l

liy Your Shoes of C A. Pitt,NO. 17 CLINTON AVENUE





mt Ik* I*m< Wbw R*^r«*U ky Tklw»r*yk MMikiMi

Mvw* IMsayMl wtik CMr* mmI wiik • •*««.pmm* mt 0«r W—<t*.Latuinc Mich., 8«pt. &. — During

tk* last yaar. tba end of the Qaoal pe- rl.»d being Jun<* SO. the trafflc In etate landfl baa been the largest In the his­tory of the state. The report of the Mate land comm las loner shows that at the beginning of the year the state held OM.OSt.ll arms of land. During the year 120 acres of part-paid lands erere forfeited to the state; 1,613.30 acres of swamp lands were forfeited, and 13.iH6.)t9 acres of tax homestead land mverted to the state for nou- compllance with the laws. Only forty acres of land were patented to the Mate by the general government dur­ing the year.

kaMik*r •€ Asr*« N*ld In I NOS.The number of acres sold during the

year was 3P.S3T.U3. the sales being largely on aorount of mining develop­ment In the upper peninsula. The land department licensed acres ofswamp land and 26.6!>1.91 acres of land were entered as homestead land under the homMtead act of 1893. The total number of acres of land held for sale and homestead entrj’ at the close of the year was 642.319.S3.

The lands now held by the state are claoslfled as follows: Primary school land. 173,132.77 acres; university land. 40 acres; Agricultural college land. 73,- 324; salt spring land. 320 acres; asylum land. 1,162.98 acres; swamp land, 96,- 643.76 acres; tax homestead land, 296,- 236.02.


■•a* Nat AIm»s«Im»*«I of 0*tllns Tss*« 0«l of T*l*ako«i«> CoMtiMtnl**.

Lansing, Mich., Hept. 1.—There Is a bare chance that the forty or more telephone companies that escaped pay­ing taxes for 1898 by reason of the ac­tion of the supreme court In declaring the valuation law of 1881 Invalid, may yet be brought to Imok and made to yield up some tribute to the state

The attorney general. It is under­stood. has been asked for on opinion os to the right of the state authorities to now tax these companies under the law which was In effect previous to the en­actment of the law of 1881 and which, owing to the Invalidity of the latter law. was never repealed.

This old law provided for a specific tax on the earnings of thesecompanies. and that If the attorney general holds that It Is not too late to apply this stat­ute to these companies, the latter will be called upon for reports of their earn­ings for 1898 and the assessment will be made.


Os* Man I>*a<l and Tw<i Wnunded at Col*- ■cMUt. Mirk.

Coleman. Mich.. Sept. 2.—One man dead, another dying and a third with a bullet In bis leg are the results of a light six miles from here. John FT. Meicber and William Graves have l>een having trouble for a month over a piece of road which was useil os a highway .and which Melcher persisted in closing up. The men met on the road near the Graves home and Mel­cher shot Graves In the leg. Mrs. Graves tried to help her husluind, and two men. relatives of Melcher. at­tempted to disarm her. but Graves In­terfered. killing one of them and mor­tally wounding Melcher.

rtll'tillT OVKK A IMKTY IUI.%11.

Wife of One nf tke KIcktrra Olvt* Hint a MIN*—Tm> t-atnllll**.

Coleman. .Mich.. Sept. 1.—John Mel­cher and William Graves fought yes­terday over the action of Melcher In closing up a piece of road which has been used as a highway. Melcher drew a revolver and tired at Graves, but only wounded him in the knee.

Graves' wife started to her husltand's rescue, carrying a rltle, when two men. said to be relatives of Melcher. at- tempte<l to take the gun from her. Graves aelxed the gun and shot and killed one of the unknown men and mortally wounded Melcher. Graves Is In custody.


Him* Men Inalently KIIImI nnd Konr Pk- tellx Hnrt —Hntl*r Rspl*al*n.

Manistee, Mich., Sept. 2.—The boiler In Chapman B Sargent’s bowl factory at Copemish.thirty miles north of here, exploded yesterday aftemiMn. killing three men and fatally Injuring four others. The dead are: Charles Handy, George Batabrook and Ferry MelafonL The fatally lnjure<l — Oliver Sanders. Robert Peterson. Charlsa Taylor and Howard Ketcham.

George Rice was severely, but not fa­tally. scalded. The building was total­ly wrecked, debiis being scattered for eighty rods around. Handy, who was the fireman, had his bead blown com­pletely off. ________

Leiknr I* o« tk* Mnam.Sagtnaw, Mich.. Sept. 2.—The lum­

ber trade continues to boom. Thuraday a manufacturing firm refused an offer of 916 a thousand for box lumber, an advance of ft a thousand within a weak and an advance of $3 a thousand since laat spring on this grade. Com­mon log run has been advanced to $16 sad $19 a thonaand. and a good log ran Is worth ISO and 324. Norway piece stuff Is worth 912 to 114 for short lengths and up to 319 for long stuff. No. 2 hop lumber has advanced from 922 to 927 a thousand. Mill culls are worth 912 and 913, having doubled In prtee within a year.

OesaeMeMl Tk*lr OtSe OMi«*ILPetoakey, Mich., Sept. 3.-The city

eonarll baa paaasd an ordinance, uo- kaown to the people, granting a thlrty- Toar street car frmachlse to Mr. Patch- er, a Toledo attorney. An Indignation meeting of cttlaeas wns held In the Opera hoaae. which was packed with escitad men and women. Patcher and the Mty oMclals attempted to defend their action, hat after a hot dlantaatoa. lastlag natli naarly midnight, the cttl- wmm paaaad rsaolutloas condemning the annniil and asking them to revoke the avdlnnace.

CtYT. Mich.. Sept, i, Basil narn hp the tre atPIneonalai

which 9T6.0i0 worth of property waa destroyed, were: Samuel S. Morris, drug More; William J. Doak. maat mar­ket; Bareky B RIvktn. dry goods sad groceiiea; Charles A. Johnson, wall pa­per; Prank L. Blale. ullor ah^; Charles L. Beoutten, drug etora; Dac B-Jennlngi grocery; George De Remor, barber shop; Louie Lord, bakery: Will­iam A. McDoaald. grocery; Jenntags A Maloae. furniture; I^oula Landsberg. dry goods; C. V. Cramptoo. Jewelry. The Ore started'^ Barsky B Rlvkla'f store. ________

Oaev tke ak*r«ga Leap OhaeekMenominee, Mich., Sept. L—After n

ehaee of five miles through the flelda near Daggett. Sheriff Ruprccht cap­tured Joseph Goadert, wanted on n charge of assaulting a little girl. Goadert took the train at Daggett on which the sheriff was tiding, and when he saw the sheriff he Jumped off and took to the woods. The train sms stopped and the sheriff gave chase and took him at the point of a revolver.

IkMlir !• ia»aliaMl at I.—«St. Joeeph, Mich., Sept. 2.—The body

of a man. found in the Pawpaw liver Aug. 24, has been recognited from a picture aa that of a flsberman named i Smith, who lived In a hut near the St. Joseph liver. Smith always carried a ' large sum of money, and It is believed be was murdered. George Boucher, the man with whom Smith was seen the evening liefore he was found dead, is now In Jail awaiting further inquiry.

MIrktaaii Town IkMiljr Bmrrh*a.Day City, Mich., Sept. 4.—PInronnIng

Tillage, twenty miles north of Bay City, j was visited by a diaastrous Are yeater- day afternoon. Thirty-two frame ' buildings, including the .Michigan Cen- j tral passenger station. Maccabee ball, j thirteen business houses and twenty- j flve dwellings were totally destroyed , with their contents In nearly every , case. Loss, 97u.oou; little Inaurance.

will O* U> tkr imillpplMa.Pontiac.Mich..Sept. 1.—LeoL.Thomas !

has received a telegram from the adju- ; tant general of the war department at | Washington notifying him that be bad ' been appointed a second lieutenant in ; the Forty-fourth United States volun­teer regiment. Thomas was a corporal In the Thirty-flfth .Michigan volunteers. His father Is a veteran of the civil war.

Mar«|n*tl* Hand* lt*rnB4l*«LMarquette, Mich.. Aug. 31.—Pour per

cent, ten-year schcxil bonds to the amount of tSU.OOO were sold to refund an Issue of longer time and higher rate lionds. The issue was taken by the State Savings liank of Detroit at a pre­mium of 11.515, which reduces the net Interest on the Imnds to about 34li per cenL This is the liest sale of either city or school l>onds ever made here.

Maltraalxl b}r llnbmo.Muir, Mich., .\ug. 31. — Roy Smith,

a respectable young man whose home Is near Ortonville, fell in with a gang of hobos while riding on a D. and M. freight train, and was robbe<i of his money and watch. He was then thrown from the train lietween here and Ionia, sustaining painful though not serious Injuries.

What so ppMid as a smsil bay srtth his arm la a spliat or aBiag ahoot ua cnilrhes? He knows ka is a karo. for laoCead of beiag snubbed and uaaoCloed straoae folk look at bha aa thay pass, awl this tlcklas hb vaalty. for be knows they are cnrbms as to the sort and math- od of his hurt. The boys, be knows, ata eavions of him. of course, because be can stay borne from sch«M»l and hasn't any chores to do awl because he is wMlcad. This interest among his friends Is in- cense to his soul, because It gives him a brief sad unwonted power. He lias around until school Is unt and meets the buys. Prune on the grass, witb bis crutches by bb side, be l«<uks at the ants carrying things Into their bill, and wbaa- ever be seas an sat srltb a load he de­prives It of its plnadar, which he sets bark to see the aat go aftvt it and do Um work over again.

When the boys come ont. be pieks op kb crutches, tucks them carelessly under hb arms and dfon wane fancy steps and gymnastics on bis sound leg. swinging tW iHber careleasly and gracefully, as if It were nothing to him. Then be "shows off** what be can do with the cratchss. lie takes lung swings abend with the crutches, doing a little fancy step when hb foot touches the ground. By thip time be has got the other boys properly and profitably excited.

"Aw, say. Bill; lemme swing on 'em awhib. I bet I couldn't do that. Cosid you. TomT'

"You bet I could.'' says Tom undiplo­matically and then and there forevur rains hb chances of trying the mitcbes.

"Wbat'II you give?" asks Bill careless-•y.

"I'll give you this string." says the oth­er. fishing a bit of dirty string out of bb pocket.

"Aw, I don't want no strings." says Bill imiieriously. "Hay, these crotches is great to do tricks on."

"in give you this rubber ball If youTI let iw- try ’em every day for a wesk," says another. And the other boys watch him of the two sound legs cut monkey shines for awhile, while Bill rests on tbs grass. Then others bring forth tbeir treasures, awl Bill passes a pleasant and profitable ersoing. And every night, un­til he is srell and must do without crutch- ••• he will come forth to lure away the property of bb friends for a chance to pretend they are lame and should be walking on the cripple’s aids. It takes a boy to make a ^rgaio.—Kauoas City Htor.


Owst Karlory for .ilpeiis.Union City. MIrh., Aug. 31,—Prank

M. Hademan. of Cleveland, for the past year chemist and construrtingengineer of the Peerless Portland Cement com­pany, of this city, has resigned his position and will go to ARiena as gen­eral manager of the big Portland ce­ment factory to be erected there.

will rush Ik* lt«MMl .Nnw.Northvllle, .Mich.. Sept. 5.—Now that

the Injunction against the lietrolt, Ply­mouth and Northvllle F^lectrlc road Is dissolved, work of building will be pusheil vigorously. The road lied is ready for the rails and has been laid to the lietroit. Grand Rapids and West­ern crossing.

a*rroi>«l (lW*Ma* nt tk* Kisd.Mason, .Mich., Sept. 5.—Iborge J.

Walker, of this city, age<l 21 years, was lodgeil In JaM Sunday on the charge of criminally assaulting the 7- , year-old daughter of F're<l FDIiott. | Walker confessed to the sheriff. Walker I has sert'ed time In Ionia for the same | offense.

Mav Y*v*rlt*« * HsUgr.Marquette. MIcb., Sept. 1.—The West- :

ern Hay Fever association, which has j Its headquarters here this season, baa bad submitted a design for an offlclal emblem of the association—a gold or snamel bale of hay. lettered on the front side with "Ah-Ksr-Choo.”

AsfMisiMl by fA*T. Plsgrs*.l.AnslnB. MIcb., Aug. 31.—Governor

Ptngree has appointed R. .M. Kellogg, of Three Rivers; F. B. Williams, of Kalamaaoo; and O. C. Howe, of lAins- Ing, delegates to the national Irriga* lion congress, which will meet at Mis* Boula, MonL, S^t. 26 to 37.

Pst L'p Ik* Prtv* af Lsmksr.Marshall, MIcb., Sept. 4.—The Cal­

houn county lumber dealers met here In convention Saturday. It was voted to raise the price of lumber $2 per 1,-000. ____________

will Seed S«ssll*« t* Ik* Mays. jPort Huron. MIcb., Sept. 4.—The em­

ployes of the Port Huron Bnglne and Thresher works are preparing to make a shipment of Red Croas supplies to the hospitals at Manila.

SskswssT MsaSse as vide* Nsi PsssduAlpena. Mich.. Sept. 2.—The reported

finding of the schooner Hunter Savidge turns out to be a fake without any foundation In tact.

Hww in* DMuwstar sf a Llshtalag I'NmN Is 'Asaartalasd.

"Did you ever see the dbmeter of a lightniog flash loesaared?*’ asked a geoto- ^st. ”\\ ell. here is the esse which uoce inclosed a flesh of lightning, fitting it ex­actly. so that you can see Just how big it was. This b called a ’fulgurile,’ or ‘lightniog hole,’ and the material it b made of is glass. I will tell you bow it was manufactured, though it only took a frartion of a second to turn it out.

“When s bolt of lightning strike* s bed of sand, it plunge* <iownwanl into the sand for a distance less or greater, trans­forming simultaneously intfi glass the silica in the material through which it passe*. Thus by it* great heat it forms a glas* tube of precisely its own site. Now and^ then such a tul»e known as ‘fulgu­rite’ is found and dug up. F'ulgurites have lieeo fullowetl into the sand by ex­cavation for nearly feet. They vary in interior diameter from the sise of a quill to three inrhe* or more, according to the Mwire’ of the dash.

"Hut fulgurile* are not alone produced in sand. They are found also in solid rock, though very naturally of dight depth, and rre<|uently existing merely as a tbm. glassy coating on the Kurfare. Such fulgurite* occur in astouiahiug abuiidsuce itii the summit of Little Ara­rat. in Armenia. The rock is aoft and so fwrou* that blocks s foot long can be obtained smi iierforated in all directions by little tul>e« fillnl with bottle green glas* forme<l from the fused r«»ck. There Is s small t|»e4inieii iu the .National mu*e- uni which has the spiM-arauce of having been lMin*<l liy the lere<lo. and the hole* made by the worm subset)uently lilletl with glass.

"M«»me wonderful fulgurites were fnand by Hnmhohit on Hie high .Nevada de Tt* luca. in Mexico. Masse* of the rock were coventi with a thin layer of green glass. Its iieculiar shimmer iu the sun leil Hum- lioldt to ascentl the precipitous |M-ak at the risk of his life."

A Ssr^rlsed I>4hi.Among the livestiirk |Mtases*ed by a

Barren Hill farmer there is a dog. The auimal was gamtsiling on* day on the un­fruitful elevatiou that gives Barren Ilill its name when a trolley car cut off Its tail. Hurpneed, tbe dog tamed, saw lying on the ground Iu busby tail and witb s bark leaped upon tbe thing and liegan to pby with it. 'Theo, taking it in its mouth, the dog ran bosae and laid tbe tall at its mistress’ feet.

She started back la horror, whereupon, witb a reproachful look, the dog took the tail again and went out and sat on tbe front porch with It. It played with tbe severed caudal sppendsige for s long time. Hut with tbe ending of tbe day tbe dog’s spirits seemed to rail, and that night. In the mooallgbL it carried Its tail to tbe most aeeladed part of Mr. Hutton’s farm. There, under a gnarled old apple tree. It buried tbe tail witb wbat seemed to be low, repressed cries of wne.^PhUs- delpbls Herord.

Columbian half dollars bavs coom Into general circulation around Flint, Mich., the past few weeks.

The Champion Iron and Htnel com­pany Is preparing to erect s larae tin plate mill at Muskeffon. Mich.

Rev. A. C. Van Ands. pastor of tbs Auburn Park (Chicago suburb) Meth­odist church, died at Mackinac Island, Mich, aged M.

The silk ribbon trust has perfected Ita organlntlon end will be ready to bagln buslneas on or before Oct. 1. The capital stock of the new compaay will ha 9S0.090.0t0.

Bxporis from the United Statss to Africa were In the flacal yanr 1999 more than five times as great aa In 1999. Tha toUl was 9l9.6B4.4t4.

Tbe Michigan legtolature has aathor- tsed tha return to the Peteraburg Oraya of Petersburg. Va.. of a flag found in the coart boase of that city by tha First Michigan Sharpahootern when Grant’s army broke tbroagh tha coafsdsrate llaas aad satarad the oM town la 1MB.

RwtMaThere are two women In New York

who do net leve oae another, and one of them is very mach interested In palmis­try. Not loag ego she was teiliag the Uses in sosse tme’s band when the person she doe* not like iaalMed upon bsviag her band read, loo, smi at the same time in­sisted that she wanted to bear nothing bat the good things. Tbe palmist gravely examined the shape of her band sad went through all the little maaenvers of the professloBal palm reader. Thea, "That's all. Tvy read It," she *ald sweet­ly. wiping out ^1 old scores.—New York ^a.

it matlsi of Attowtiow."When a man pays stteutkia to s worn-

an,” says tke .Mansynok Phllooophsr, *1t’s generally a sign that he wishes to marry her, and whea hr doesn't pay at- tentiM to ber it's often a «lgn that he has married her.”—Philadelphia llerofd.

Oottlag Masmr All tb* Tlsso.Blinkias—’That was s mighty tall story

that IllifklBs told last night.Wiakta»--\es. It's grown ennstdersMy

oiace I beard it lasL—KAaaas City lade- psadsat.

■swatr is litooa Door.Oeaa Mood maaae a cisaa ohm. lEo

bssuty withoat it. Caooarsu, Candy Cathar- Uc alma yoar Maod sad keep it cisaa, b> •timng up tha Isay liver sad dnviag all ua- nantMs from tha body. Bagio today tobaaiah ptmnlaa. bmls, Dla«c4iaa................sad that siMly Ml*Cases rets,—baaaty ffnUf mtafactiea gasraai

sas coamlasMa by taktag for ten rents. All drai*

aaraatsad, lBc,Jls>M».

WONAN m HOME ISHE W.4.S .4 DAY LATE battle oarb


Aaiaaoas of Olden Tlate sad af Oar 4>wn t’lvil War.

I The Idea of wuiueu <*ug;iging In fierceTold the BHda.U».lle Not to Worry

Mm Wuald Be Prsiiat


the Bride Was Married fare tin

a Day Ba-

nol appeal to the chivalrous uiau who rightly think* that wouiaii’s share In wiirfnre should be llmlleil to teiulerijr nursing back to life and hope the shat- teretl lieruwH wuuimKnI In battle. The

"Walt a moment, will yon. Bunlce hlaa uf a charging tnaip of auiaaona. while I make a memuraudum?' aald with tin* light of Imtile In tlieir eyes, the »clrl with the curling laahes. "I've •«*l the fleri-e exciteiiieiit of war trana- prouilaeil Irene Ui luui*h with her next forming faces that an* otherwise pret- WetlueMlay, and uuleos I malu* a note ty and daiuijr. Is nut ho Impndaible a of It 1 shall either forget all about It une a* b* i-oustlltite It a putvlj- liuagln- or else let tliat day go by and appear 1*0' subject. The pages of historyu|ioii om* when 1 am neither ex|aM*te<l uor wauled. Of i-ourse you never uee«i to do such things; you always reinemlier everylhiug."

"I iiare always lieeii rather proud of my memory." admstieil the girl with the Miiian* Jaw. "Why. I uever even forget au eugagement with my deutlat and I kuow the ages of all my frieuda to a doyr*

"<»h, do you?" crtml the girl with tbe curling lashes apiMehensIvely. ".Aren't loll Moiuetlines mistaken? Ith. by tbe w.iy. bow dhl .Margaret’s wedding go off’?"

"I- er--very well. Tbat la. I"-----"Y«**? I heard ilmt you were to give

her awoy. or something.”"I was a*ke«l to act a* maid of huu*

or.” sahl the stittiv.

«r .*111 index of the hideoii* liarbnrism girl with the M|uare Jaw of their time tiinu the Ideal of a fr«*e

and splendid woiiinaliood. It wit* ilie

It Is aoppllsa Iu TM. TIHalty at Last.It is hatd to always be ideusmat.Good-aatarsd people are ottea Irrit­

able.II .Toa knew the reason yoa would

not be fcorpriaed.F^ver hare Itching I*ile»?Not *iek enough to go to bed or not

well enuagh to be content.Nothing will annoy yon so.Tberuoataut itching sensation.HanI to bear, harder to get relial.Keefi* you awake nights.Hpoits y oar temper uad nearly drives

you eraiy.Isn't relief and rare a long Mt want?It is to la* bad for everjone in Doao’a

(Hnlineat.Itoan’s < Hutment never fail* to rare.

Itching Pile*. FIcsema, or any itching of tbe Mkiu.

® proof of it at the t«*stinioiiy Mr. U.l’.i’burch

of o!RiHoath 7th atm t, .Inn .Ariair, now retired from tbe active duties of life, *ays:

uee4l In la* turne«l only with all Indo­lent UaiMl to dlM-over a long array of InstaiK-e* In which women have not only iiiaik* war. hut have aiv|ultted i of an Ann Arbor ritixeii theiiiseire* iu a tlglil like lierue*.

Tlie great Cmdiiillin’* iiriiicitml In- stnietor iu tbe use uf wea|M>UM wa* tha Ijoiy St-utliacliaii. "wIm> lta«l a kiml of milltur>' academi in Hcothiiid. whither tiH* uoldest sou* of Erin wen* *eiit to act-oiiipllah tlieir military e«lu«-aiion.’' tiiM- of Moatlia«-au’* aniugonist* was the warrior Ui><***n .Life, wlat wa# In tlh- long mil 4ivereuiue liy ('iichullln.Another eeiebrai«*il lady "ImtUe *mlth" w:iN Nea*. iIh* iiMilher of ('oiichoimr. It I* to Is- f«*nre<l. lumever, that m«Mit 4if lln-s4* strong HI Hied heroine* wen* rath-

"till! 1 knew It wa* something. It ghnstly speeiat-h* of two wtuiieti hack- tiiu*i have lH*i*ti i|tille a pleu*un> for! Ing eneli other to <lefitb. with Iron sick- you to stuml so iu*ar u real, live bride-i le* which pniiiipitsi Roiialt. tbe moth- groom. The wetlduig was quite eiah-' er of .\daiiiiuiii. i«i |iersuad«- lier <*4io jruie, woj* it nut';" to free the woiiieii of Irelaml from

fora.v and tight f«»n*ver. "tUie t»f the ftoir laus of FIriii I* that of Adniiiaaii^Uol to kill Wtiliieli."

• >f F!iigllsh warrior ladles Ihmdicca stand* ilr>t. and ind«-«-4l aloiH*. for Cortlsinaodiui. the <|U4‘«>ii of Um- Hrig- aiil«*s. Is only n*iiieiiilK*n*«l n* tlM- l»e- iraver of the gn at lH*nrte«l ruler 'L'Utli Wales. t.'ara< taeii*. Hut we «lo n«ii n-«|uln- to go Istek liiti> tlw mist of ilawti to tllfM-over Instaio-es of wom­en's heroism III Itiittle. Then* wen* nuiiilN-r* of women who sarvisl iluriiig «»ur <'ll II War In Imth F’»*4leral ami <'«'iif*-«hTnti ranks, some HghtTiig shl«- iiy side With tlieir husliaiid* .and sivt-t-t- lienr**, disgiiistsl a* men. ami taking all tile risk* <if d<‘titli Ml that they

! might le with Ihos*' tli<*y |oi«*d; other* i ligliiltig for the •*\(-|telil«-nl of the life. I and idiiylng tindr (tart with mi niiieli

ImiIiIik-ss as to gitnnl tlieir Mi-nd iiuiil aeeidetit n*v«-;il*-«l It.

There was a i-iuivent lin*«l girl who itMik rl*- nanie of Frank Martin and

! M*rv«sl ill tin- war a* a dashing «*aval- I rviiniii of tin* Si-i-oinl East Teiim-Hsee I n-glineiit. .V w<iiiml reis-lreil at .Mur- I fn-e-»lMir*i leil to tl,*- dl«4nv**r>’ of lier

M-x. Tin- snrgMiii \ ho .itteink d to her ‘ wounds was siiirtUsi t«i timl that the

soldier was a '<voii;nn. and In- s|M*e4lily refHirtiil III*- iimti4‘r to to-ii. i{o**-cnuis.

i who saw that "Ftank MiirUn'’ wa- M-iit li.nk lioiiM- a*- ' -oil as her woiimU w<iuld iieriiilt. Tlii-n- M-*-in«sl to Im no n-nMiii for In-r enlisiineni, other

! th-iii lov*- of tin- llf»- of a •‘oldler.,\ nis*- that aioiue*! g.-eat inten-st at

1l-4- lime, and ivi*. tin- siihh-4-t of news- I |ia|N-r <•0111110-111 all over the «-»uintrT. I was that <if .1 .Ml'Motirl woniati who eii- I ten-«l a i-tiv.ilry r<>gliio-nt aiol bitighl ' Ml tlens-ly thnnigh iiiaiiy saiigiiiiiary

battle* that sin- m«*t\«sl spi-i-ial iin-n- tioii from the I'onitiiaiiding olib-i-r. .'<lo

' w-i* M-ierely woiin 'isl .iiid dle<l in lo** pitni, lo-r M-\ hai>ng Ims-ii dlMiiv»-ri**' ••Illy ivlo-ii > s In ilo- liaioK of tl-lois|iitnl surgeoii* to Inivi- Imr wi.iin dre's«-*l.

Ill all tlies«- eases, and many r- that ••oiild Is- elt«a1, \v«iiiieii sliiiiin th.n tlo-y ein fai-*- d«-atli • lNiltl«-ti«-:d with the enliii ■ -!:t v«-ternii flglil«-rs In tl;«- nivg!) <•. i-. they h.'ivi- siiHi'l liT-lslilii a.' 1: :i.e. tin- no-ii. and n»-- -r by ;i sign liav they n*v«tiln| tliat tlo-lr rough luil foriiis eoioi aled tl;« fnill forms ol w«iineii.

1 i>*vr B<i bssltatloii in rwonimrndlag boao • olstasat. To snyoar n-qu rlsg s Brsllsg ssft MMtihlaa jirvnsrailun It will iiniyr Inrslasblv. I ssm>rr«l for wars fiom Itraiaa bcisorrhold* *a<l tliouati I irl*«l ♦■'vrythlag I roslil livsr of an«i iismI pi-nM-rllivO l»y aron-* ol tytends I ws* tinabl* toobtslo iwrmsio-tit rrilrf nnill isy ultra- tiun wswrslirdio iHian's Olntairnl. I was **iisrwbat ssrpriMsI aiirr ibr srrond appll. rsliuD !•• notirr what a dlHerrst HIrvf it bad iroiti sDytblag I bad brtbvrto l•■r•i. Knvour- *ar«l I Hard It striehly arvording to dirrr- tOiBs sRil In s surfirislnglT short Irsgtii ol llMr whm you tskr into Amiiial thr nsm Iwrot y«-«r* 1 was •inicttsl. thr IrritMtlon •je****d anil thr In flam ins I Ion ws* sllsynl. " i*rn Ibian'* Ointuirut ••orrd me it will i-iirr iiihrrs.”

IHmui's tiintment for sale hv all dart I- er*. Price ."dh-, .MaiIrtI by KoMier-.Mil- biirii^Co., Itnffalo, N. Y. .*<«i|e agetitn for liter. .S. lb*nH>inlier the iiHine lloan'* und take no Mubslitute.

Don't wait, if you think of having votur

picture takan. Y’uu may joat mioa tha

suaptdoa* moment when yoor haaltli, yonr ooatome luid the atmosphere, bat moat of nil your mood are nil in tiiaa. We want you whan y<»u youroelf want to come, and we will make a (lictare of you that will be a revelation.

HAniLTON, The Artist

PIUliiATK OKUKR—Hlsti- <1! t'ouBiy of niBtuD. s«. At •- Mirhigaii.

^ , . _ _ ••r**l<in ofthr Probsir Cosrt for thr roanlv oftllBtoB, holdm St thr 1‘rolNilr oflirr. Ib t'hr villsa* of

I Ht. JuhBs, OB Monday, thr g|*t day of Au- int*i. In thr .vrar uBe thousaail i-lght hui.- <irel and ntasty nlnr.

Prrarnt, lion. Ommi U. Mrrrill. Jud«r of 1‘rolislr.

Id thr inattrr of thr r«tatr ol IIAVII) WI'ZATIIKIIW.VX, drrrwmi. on rrailing aB<l flllng thr iM-tltbiB. doly vrrinrd. ol ilnrrirt L. Wrstbrrwas, prsying thnt thr last will a*<l Irriammt of said drrrs**il may hr |imvr«J an<l ailmlltnl to pnibatr. ami tbat Orsirgr F. Wrathrrwas or somr othrr suitable |irr> SOB may br app<ilnir<l i-srcnior of said rs- tatr.

Thrrrs|Min It I* ordrrril. Tbat Thumdar, tbr I4tb dev of HKI'TKMIIKK. A. I) . iMlib. at oar «i'rlork in thr aflrrmMin, hr asslanrij for th- hreiing <if sabi |irlltl<iu. and that thr hrirs at law and Isaatrr* of said ilrrf-s*r«t, iia«l all oihrr |irr*oas inlrrrstnl In aald will, arr rr«|ulr«-«i l<i apiirnr at a ■•■—Ion <it sabI court thru to hr li<ddrii at th* I'robatr oftlrr In Ibr vlllagr of .St. John*, ami show raiisr. If any Ihrrr In-, why thr will bIiouM not lir appiTivtsl. .\n<l it Is fnrtbrr iirdrml. that mitirr In* irlTi*n t»> thr iN-rmin* Inirrrstnl In »alfi rstatr of thr lirndrDcy of thr liraring thrrr*if, by rauslng 11 r«»py of this orilrr to In* pubtiahrd In Thc .*It. Jonx* Ni:wn, a nrws- |ia|M-r prIniiNl and cirrulatniln said rfinntr •it ('Union, for Ihixr »nrrr*nlrr wrrk* prrvi. on* to said dav of hraiing.

('llAill.K.«< M. MKIIillLL.1.1 trnr ropy.) Jmiar of l*r«iliatr.1 wM

• NOM K< IN K H AI > .V l•'T A K KN TH F l» A TE. ’’ "It wa.s iiiiiie an el.-iUirat*- one. .My

ginvil i-ost a |in*tty |M-iiny. and I’m siltv 1 don’t ktnm wh:i< I am to 'lo with a' mauve eliinell eleldllg gOWIl this .NUIII-- nn-r. I ex|H-«-t te «i-«)i at a plaiv, when- golf by llle,•nllgilt Is the oiily| varlntiuii fmin goT by siiiillglit. so sm-h a -giiivn eaii h.inllv In- l alleil um--* ful.” !

"Hardly. W.-i* .Marg-in-t much frlghi«-!i«-il? .\ft» r tlie bri'li-griMiiii a|*|N-iinsl. I inetiii.'’ I

•'I er iM-lleve not. When -ihe first :u‘k«*il tin- til ael .n* maid Il•lt)••r, I ne«-cpte«l with ideisure :in I arnitic«sl to Ih- n-ady at the >iii)Niiiil«Nl tiiin-. It Is iny Mile ImhisI that I never kts-ii any •die walling."

"I know ft. ih-nr. I am uulte sun- that If a tniiii. however ■u-bleiily. .-isk**! you to iii.irri- him. yiui would le re.-tdy. .itul Hot k*-«-p him a tuomeiii in ■‘Uh|h-iim*.’*

"I orib-itsl my go.vii :it om-e It was arr-iiigi-«l that I wa* to reneh lier town on the dai iN-fort- tin- wishllng in or­der to In- iireM-iii at her fiin-w»-l| liln- n-r. When evcri-tldng was >e*tl«sl she w:i> hen- that day. I Jn«t told .Margar- ret that I knew *hv wouht In- dretul-. fully busy, and a* I liate«l l<-tti-r writ- big. we would enl| it a btirgaln. and she might without further iiiilbv. <e*nd to the thn-i- fifty iraln to iins-i tin- on the day pr»-ee»llng the we*ldliig (ih. I: rt-itti*r nivM-lf that I hav«- real execu-l five aldllty."

"AVi-II. at last t!.c tftne ••;i:iie. Thaj wfNldlng was to Id* on rhtir'ilay. aa I saw by <*onsultlng tbe almaicic; tliere*j fon-. Tin*sda.i wti* ih- <lay I'or me to ■tart. .lust a» I w- v imikiiig my ininkj rnanmin eaiiie in wStb a te|. gntiii."

"IliitToi*! Hud Margaret’s Intemlad changed Id* mind rt the last mo:nent?"j

"He had imt. ~ *m- teh-grnm was for m.'iinnia. and ran- ‘Where Is FIunlceTi F’lllrtl to arrive on time.’ Of eourne msiiima wa* iipse* but I saw at onre| that Margaret lia.l forgotten the <lata, of my arrival. Hh* I* always cnreleos, and bad simply cvpecte«| m«- a day! ahead of time. I said tliat a little; anxiety would serve her right for thinking I could rmke a niiMake. and I’d Just «*xphiin on iny arrival.’’

“Yon didn’t mii(* your train. did yon T’

“I mis* a train? Never! I .-irrlred at tin* station as nausi with five minutes In which to check my trunk and find till sent."

"Ttiefi nil the ex 'Itc.-iieni was over." "N not (|u1tc. Mamma wn* roused

at midnight by another telegram aak- lag why I did not fmme."

"f>h. well, people Iom- their heads at”-----

"1 know. But the liehavinr of Mar­garet’s little brnt?ier when I rrarhe*! their hoiiM* alone ••** isld. He -teeitHHi surpri*e«l to aee n*e!'’

"pshnw! .Margi*ret wa* too husyl ti*llltig lier plans *0 her ftieod* toi think of lier little hrniiier."

”l’ertia|i*. Hut eierylssly seemed i surprised. The floral ilerorntlona were all fadeil ati *’* —

•’>lercy! Wa* tlie wedilln* off?""It WM* over. 'I.inraret sent the

last telegram on h*r wnv to the station! Home one |;a<l mb’akcii the date—bull It lertalnly efiold hnve iN-en me!"


A Hopeless t'o*e."lias n**«inre ever hinted that h*- had

thought of you a* a isMSIlde wife?" •Rked tf»e ;<ni|'>as toother "No." refdteil the girl, M faraway

-lok In iH-r eye*, "and I am afraid be levsr will."

"M*hy." said the ro<»ther. "I bought"If «l«M»sn*t mattw what you thought,

namma de-r." Intetrujde-I the I'augh er. "ttnii ast n<ght be r mti'Mt-*rd of

'’sellag drowsy and It wasn’t tt o iael

PnoiiATK (»hi)f:ii —.*0*1* <>f < ouniv of ('Union. **. .Vi n

^llrhlgnD, •Nssion of

the I’mlisie ('«inrt for the ronniy ofcilnfon huMrii al the I’robste • Iffirr, in the Tillage of .*(1. Johns, on Thursday, tbe I 7iui ilav of Auku*i. Id the year one thousand tdgbt bnndreil and ninety-nine.

I'reeeni. Hon. ('barb * M. Merrill. Juiige ufPixiliate.

In the matter of the i-state ol lll'ItTdN i'l,ISKan«l XKI.L.l ('bISK. minor* <>n rrnd- lUK anil flllng the |ietllion <lul.r lerlfle-l, «if Walt ('U*e guardian of sabi minor*, praying that be mav lie UreiMMsI to m-U th<* real ««■ late of hi* said waril*

Tbereu|Hin it 1* onlere<l. that Thurs*la.v. the I4ih day of SKl'TKklltl.i:. A. b. I**m*. at one o'clock In the afl«*rn«Min In- a**lgne<l for the he*ring of *aId iieiltlon and that the nest of kill of eald warti* an«l all other iier- «HiNs lnlere*t«-*l In •aid eetate. are rei|nlml to apiiear at A *e**ion of *abl court then to lie holilen at tile piTihate oltlce In the village of St. John*, sail ahow ranee. If an.i mere lie. why thc pra.rer Ilf th*-iietitbiner •h«iuld not lie granteil .Vnd II i* further ortterrsl. that notice In-gtveil to the iM-raom- intereeletl In >abl relate of the |iendeiicy of aabi |ielltlou and IIh- hearing Itiereol. by raiising a ropy of I hi* onler t<i lie publ|Bh«-<t In I ni: MT Joh>* Nrw*. n new*|ia|ier piintnl and rlmil.tieil In said county of ( Union (or ibn-c *ncre—Ive week* previous to sabi day of benrlug.

(Atruecopy.i ('li.\M M .Mi:itl(lI.I.,1 wU Judge of l*rtilinle.

THiTiM im"HE



$5.70 Includioi: Berth. Leave St* Johns 3:12 p. m., D. G. H. & M., Daily. Leave Muskegon* via steamer 6 p. m. Leave Grand Haven, via steamer 9 p. m. Arrive at Chicago. 6 a. m. Also fast freight line.

W. H. Burke. Agent.

GfandTfunk Railway SystemTime Table. In KITert .Inae IV, ‘VV.

II. A M. IllvUlon.

wr*T noi \ii rnoM st. johxs:

No. 11 Morning Kspres* to (id. Haven..........1(1:47 a. m.

N«i. iri Mall and •'hlrogo Expre** to Ud. Haven .'l:1U p. m.

No. 17 HteanilNial Kspressto (bl. Haven and Milwaukee 7:.M( p. tu.

No. It* lVr«l*wn Kspres* todrand Haven.......H:20 a. m.

N«**. 11. Ift* 17—ilally exrcpt Mnniiay.No. Ill ilally.

lUST mil Mi-

No. lU Kxpre** to!I>etrolt!and F^asl *i:20 a. a. .No. -JO Mall to belrolt 1*J:01» p. m..No. XJ Kvening Kxpreee to lietrolt anil East

p. m.No. IM Kastern Kspres* to Duraml and Last

0:17 p. ni..N*ni. hi. -jo a *Jg—<iaUy except Snnday.Nti. IN •lady.

W. H. nriiKE,E. II. HI'dllES.A. d. I’ * T Agent

chk-sgo, .III.Vgeni,

Mt. John*.

Takes thc PIhcc of n ('Hcrl lltisket. tablet nenily frameil In bras,

hangs in tl<«- iiuNlerti hall, with a |M*n- cil siis)H*U(le(l from a chain liealih- it.

Tlw riaitor who flntls thc hostess out writes his name uiHier tbe day of tbe week upon whicli Im* calls. Instead of leaving hla card.

(iKTd.ldK HALK.—iM-raiilt bating lieeti maile in the roaditlnu. ol a mortgage,

exeeuii-il by William II. Hmlth and Sarah Hmith to Henrv I . Porter, datnl (irtoher •>,

‘ 1 Mill, an*l rerorile*l (telolier *1, In*.*!. In tbe I ollirr of tbe Iteglsler ol lie*,!, (or (llntim ! county. In Michigan. In l.llNr 7*. of Mort- ! ga|M. on |>age 42; on whb-h mortgage there ! I* fdalmeil to be line al the dale of tbUnntIce. ; Two HnndritI ami ttty-tour dollar* amlnlne- i ty.iwfi cent*. iN-stdSH an attorney tee ot At- 1^1 dollars, silpnlate«l In said mortgage, to lie |tsbi. shosbl any procee<llng* In- taken to

' foreciiMw *ald iiwrtgaar; .vad no ■sit or pro- : reeding, at law or In equity having Isien Is- slltnteii t«i rectiver sny iwrt of the ilehl ae- esred by aald mortgage; therHore, by vtrtse af the power of sale in said mortgage ms- talned. aad of tbe •tstnte In *sch rs«e msde snd provide,!, notice Is herebv given Ihst on

j Nfivenibsr JA. INVP. at use o'clock In the aft- erntMin, at the west (mni door tif the <'«isrt

' H•lsse tor dlatoa cosaty. In Michigan. In the village nt Ht. Johns. In mibl cosnty. thsre will besoidat pabMc resdse. to the highest htd- der, the premises ilssriibed In wUd mortgage. Vic ; ('osimsaslng Afly-iiae rod* eostb of the nurthwsKt corner of ost-loi K. In tbr Tillage otHt, Johns, Cliston msnty. in Michigan;

! and maslag thenc, east to the eset Use ol I MUd oni-lot K; then re Mtnth twelve cMla; I thence west to the west liar ol said ost-lot i K. these, north to the place of tiegtanlag.

Hated. Awgast noth. law.Hkxbi L. PosTKa.

M'irtgsgee.Perrins a Baldwin. Attornevstor Mortgagee OwIRi

EXKCl'TtlK’H hale.—NotIre Is berehy gtves that by vtrtse and In iinrssance of

llceane iumI nnihortty grsnteil to aw the undersigned, on the ai*t day of .isgsat. the Prob«teCo-jrtor(.llBtoacosaty, state of MIchlgrMi. to iwll real estate nelaiag- lag to the estate ol Msrtls V, Brown, ile- esaaed. I will sell SI |isMic resdse to t' highest Iddiler therefor, oa the 18th day of Oetohev, INW, St to n'ckwk a. m. at the PtNitoate •dUee. m the village of dt. Johns. (Halos eiMiaty, MIrhIgsn. the foliowIsa •te- scribed premtees. vli.. Lite three sad fOsr la Mock twelve, la the vUlage •if Ht Johae. fTiatos c«Taaty. Is Michigan . ami bit tw*> In Mock thirtesa. la the village of Bt. Johns, 'UntoB cosaty. In Michigan.

Hstsd. Aagant 81. Istu*.lUlRTRR K PEitRIN.

Kxerntor ot the last will ami leetaaMmi of Martin V. Brown. Herrseed.

THE III IfleOlllAD—Fon—

(fortbern Michis:an, Ohio and all Southern Points.

Direct ('onnectinne at (iwtMHMi Junction nad Unrnnd with 1). U. H. * M. R y Trnlae.

'Flmo ‘T’aIxIo.

In effect November 8rd. IHVS.

OOIMH HORTR—Lv. UsrtUMl.Jk. M. mmA ■». IS

Par Elide. Ashl^. ithscs. lit. i<oals, AIbm-, Mt. PleaiHiBt, (Tare. Cadillac ami Fraakfori

OOIMO 80rTH—Lv. DaraMd.• iSS A. M._______ amhL—............sisa p. ■For Howell. Asn ArtMir, MRaa, Tolsdo aaff

all Honthern Polata,H . BENNETT. U. P. A. Toledo.OhI

llOmi IN DOUBT SHiSa'SSTher avire.mi Witsatm. irrsaa- (•rn* aa4 nsilieleaaiaetss— vlise •as Maten - *<Use of m.w.waa- tles " They ••» "Id* aaess^ !• stria el w«*»sk**d. •Mi*s Se- Til.emielof rrsas. —4BeSy. Ms mmtSy tsr wai*» esimls,esii a *4.■PS’

• <a on..

The Ruby Is a Favorite.Some of the okleat betrothal ring*

arere set with rubies: tlM*.T were the favorite atones for kive tokens. Aa a lucky stone It lias no rival. (liiTlna away laid ilrmnis, low sfiirlta. aiwl I* Itellered to bring all sorts of gtMMi for tune to tbe wearer.

.Vn okl leaeotl tell* that (tnriag the flnofl Noah nail an «*woriiM>wa ruby in the ark. which lighted this great boat during the time of imprisonment.

MAC'fisvs <irs^.« «na t*rsa TsisMirttk

■ peM.stiy, r.mtw.stt. nse sesnily tsese: 1 #■■*..#»» teesf*. ee werersst •••mey


When They .\t*e Morrietl..\ woroan may nay all aorta of mi

kibd tiling* about her Imshohd. hat ahe Is not true Mim* If she lets any one elO) aay then*.

A man gt(*rtnes a woman'* freritle* ‘et,i imantv spot* ontM after he mar He* her. when he soon tells bar th* audkl truth almnl tlivm.

ftlliYMYAL PILLSRr^r^E^ ^5e>S?<s>

Dr. WtUlaom* ladlaa Pile latiasat will ctws Bllad. tcedlsir sad Itshlaff

Pile*, liahoertsiihatomam, nllaya tha itshlng at ooes, aata (M a poaltlM, vivas Instant ra*

IlaL Dr. WUIUmbs’ladlaa Pits (May * laaat Unrsparra far Pi'i**aod Iteh-

ag ot the private imn*- Kvery hot Is By dniagists. by omMI o.> ro­ws rraatsd.

•ript of price, to 4»ents sod 91.0#. MUJiHImmmnmm co.. pmvs.. cicvsiai^TSSC. E. VanHiekle. Ht. Johns, Miehigan.

Id Hwnmfi a m ■s IWBHIipi fl Hpo



MOTML, omrmoiT





/ '•FA

Acts gently on ths

Kidncvs. Liver AND Bowels

f , g^NSES THE 5VSTCM^ effectually

5w? T»«e ftCHuiNi - m*ht o ©y(^i^iA fit ,Syrvp(§.


St. jiibii*, \llct..?^ptWbrat rr.1 ntiii w hllf I • M«l >Jr»« whfMl ....... ......I’l.rii tu «.r...... ..........«»Nlp ••••It ....... ..ttiilp ...iNfW). ..................< liivrr ^r*N| ...... .................Ttmothr >rr«l ....lift. ..................Ilorfcwhrul ............................... l.pTtKkuilkli .....

< •»»!»• fnttf.1 |»r ••wt ...S.r..r» ' Wt.........

••wl.......• .. ...........

WHol.t.P tl.i. I’KOI.I « r. *M> UmitT.......................... ......<'tn.p«r ...........Kit«» ........ —■ —•»tnloiip|t.-ntt« iwr t»n ...................|l*"i*np nainl ph-ki^l .... MhiiUltirr |•«•r !!> .........A| |«t»^ «iu Iirknl apitt..* |.rr ll*....I*H»"1 ..Miiiiu* llmr |vpr l>l)t..................itiiffalo tfitiftil |M*r •>l*lI'firtlan>l

ii.-r lil.iHay tiaxithy.............Hay inittHl ......... .........straw ••al*M|

Ml*. r.i.i. »M♦ ttl. km. •Ir*»**<l i*rr III . .1 hkkpn* ll«Turkry .|r»*.**.| |»^r III 'llv* Hm*iwak |i*T III Tall.iw |*T II.I all *klB* atv.-ii .. ■lipp-f hl»lp»Mip<-|i ..... .................|l*a<'<i|i -kia* ...........|t*r( ilri^“**1 rwlI’ork .|r*p»«^l . wt \\iM»1 hanl mil ilrrial»*«llrr .............I’air** I ilrrppii'l •


.... ....... .Vii.iil.*i...................... :,»ii.......... •.'! *a iMipi s;t .'•<*

.. ..... si »n............. 4«»

fail imnii sn.% iMi .. •.‘.%<.i s.t IMI.a4 iMi<.»a4 a.Tan .'.••i.«»4

4-Rl It MAliaLT...... I .*• fci I iliiii^iia......... i:U. 14..................... :,o

I ,'n>l H.*........ H.’.fcl tl.’i

*'•■1 III....... T'.ia


■ji. a>1....

........ „aWiiia.'ii i a.* a |ilf>cr M.'i •MM.f .<•« IMI <i*. iMiAiRi; IMI.41 .*,iM.iai 7.*.


4 iilurr«l C'lmi* Itau Hall.Til** I'nluniliKi iiuil I ubttu tmiM liali

ttMtni* iMitli claim tti* inlon-il chamiuiiii- >iiii|i of till- aniriil ami :or thr^i* vi-an* th«*r<* ha* >i«<**n an iiriruni«*nt aatn To *i*ftl** thi* mattvr a *iiii- lii*! of jSI.imiii )m.i>ii]i^ th** tfati* iijoui-v ha* Im-u aur»—il ti|N)n am! a iwn*-* taiait.v-oni- traim** yyill fi*- iilavii! to -cttl.* it. oiif* of th** uaiH*** Til Im'|*iI ticrp in Ht. .lotin* at till* fair ifnniuil. s«*|iti-nifM*r l:i. on \Vmi!. lii^lay alti-rmxiti, at .‘I nilock. .Vt iMi- ninil. I***ntiin iiwii*»o. iiviii am! oiii»*r toatiM wh**r»* th**.v ar*- to jila\, th* citiiK (ir»> |{oiuK til havi* a hall holiiln.y ami th** **’hooU hImi. It«*ta**' ii thi .'ith am! *ifh luninirM tin*I'oloriil ti'iiia* will uit** a •■on.

ron*i*tinir of ijiiartat anil l•ho^u* •inuinu. I(ui*k ami Winu lianianu. Imixiuu ami arMptiinir ami thi- ttaim- all thnniuh yi'ili fa* otii- ii; fill! ainl ainn**'im'iit I* , mil*-, very •■xritinu Tin* i» no niom*v niakinu **h*im- a* iruarantts* tli»* ir*«'ii *.*.’i |»••r •'♦•lit ami tli** othi*r jiit i'»nf for ."iKi. fiill* for full |iar>tictilan* ami n*ini-mfM*t th** ilafi* .•'w■|•l•■lll-Imt l.'fth. i'.viTvoii- nttcml ami iriv** th** in«ri'haiil* a I'hain'*’ to turn out Kuk* »n**« ■ an f*** <iriv*ii onto th»* irronml «o if you yyi«|i ymi can m»*m th**i(am**from.vour oarnairis*. IIiim* linn* will alMo run.

Ii. iMin.yiiyyi.II. (t yiiE l»H

H F. l*«*Hri luM lairt-hawl tliw pittparty fonurriy otriMsl tir K. I>. Uaaba.

Riimi Kiiiium Kwjrn. of .\W Yt»f4, tsaa tin- tni«wi of Im^ aunt. Mm. JackMiu, oTt*r Htibilajr.

Mm. Fnutk ll(V'<i Mmmid. i* tin* ifnmt of lt»r lM-oth«r. t'harim K«u»u. and otimr nrlatirMt litav. tliU wmk.

I>r. .klifMitt and wilt* rHuniMi laat »*s>k from li•al•)MlM'k lak**, nmr finaairilb* turfHTf tlH*y liuv^ a|imt lama* tinn* |a»at ill pkakMUtv

.Mkai .\iiriiM* lluntrr lia* von* to Ht. I.«>ui«. abrfv abn luu iM'i'l'tttMl a |HMlti«W an tMtf'lMir III thr flmt frmdr work in th** Mrboiilii of lliat ciry.

Mm. (Iriawiild mid ibiuirbtrr. I'raurm.! who liav«*a|it*iit th«* natiiiiiar at tinar cot*

aic** ill Ibi.r Ww. rnturmti bom** .*yutur» day. Mm. i«ni*yvold ba^ sold tbr itil*liMO*.

Th** “f'ldonsl ( luunpiom*" Columbian (iiautM trill {day with tb** Cuban fiiautH in < ftrid TiHwda.v. .H«*{it«iibrr 111. Tb*n* will Im* a Ir*** o|ifU air conctrt iadon* and

, after the game..srlKxil coinni**m'e»l TiMwtlay with a

! large etirolliiient. Tim teacitem lor tbia ' v**tir an* the nniiie a* laat. ext'e|it .Mi*a ."iiiiitb. of Flint, who takes tlie |M»aiti«in ber aUier iie!d laat year.

The tirid Carr age fartorj’ hall ttaim anti the iiUMiuesM men liad a gam** of ImUI TueiMla.v alleniiMiu. which rmulte*! in a Mnireof Into IH. in favor of theCar- riage fartttry tmll t«*aiii.

.Mr. ami .Mr»*. K. If. ViMirheee niartetj Sunday **v**uiug lor Connecticut, where

'■ Mr. ViMirh****** will attend the I'oijer* takece'conventitin. They will visit New York I'lty Isdon* returniiiK home.


.Myrtle .Minir*- leaves for .Vun .Vrbor aiittUt tlie IfOfli.

The little daiiuiifer of Fium iiuntooii i* tin til*' sN'k n«i.

Tli**r*-cent rain* nave dom* s*»in* gotnl to failing pastur***.

Merle |{**Hc|i *«-h«Mil iM*i*nn Monday, •"leptemieer oth, with IMIth .Talmr lu* t**Hcher.

K. fV. itaniiey, of iW-liiing, a Htudeiit at j .M. .V. • . yva* a gu**st at the Ifeach Satiir* day ami .Sunday

The .North 1 ili\* M. F. aid Ms'iety will 'meet with .Mrs. I’loyd NVilkiu* f\e*ln**r- day, !v*|iietul***r IM

Mr* Vm-e .'***hem**r. in r<>m|*aiiy with her lather and little .Max, paid her first vi*it to the Ife.'trh .Suuday.

.*MK'ial dancing {wirty at the lieaich Fri- linv evening. Septenil»er l."». l lavey’* tirchestra yvill turiii<*h the uiuak*. Hill .'io*',

.Mail noyy leiiv*** Merl** H**wch at Mtandard tiim-. For th** pa*t two months I l.*» ha* i»**en th* tim*- of ile- {•arture.

M*'iui»er* of I Miv*' grange v**ry much ♦*njoy**«l th*- eyeiiUig '|M*nt yvith IleWitt grange on .''aiunlay evening last. These *ocinl visits ar*- a «oiirre of {mitlt as well as pleaMiirt*.

.'*o far as h-ameil Frank Haumgnrdner lias the giant worn ••mp. Illeveu m-r*** of yvhicii •taml* from ten to tweiv** !**et high yyitii an •**iiniHi*-«l yi**i<l ot one bun* dreil tyveiit.y .flv*- laisiiei* to th*- ncre.

.St.v ri or iiiiio. I’lTi or Tolkihi.)**I.l t \* I or>TY I

Frank .1. i lo-ney makes oath that h**f* th**s*-iiior iiartner of tlm firm d h. 4 I h**m*v .V <■«>. doing liUsin**sM in the Hi> «if T*'l**lo, county and state afor*sMu«l, and thii* said lirni yyill pay the sum «w fin** Humlre.1 litiUars for*-.i<*h and eeery ca***of l atarrh that cannot is* cup*sl by the u— of liali’-* Catarrh f’ure.

FUANg .1 ClIKXKl."•worn t*» Isdon* me and suismrilieil in

*iiv pr**«en*'e, tfjis «lfh day of li*y-*-mticr,.\. l» 1-w*,.---------- .V. 'V. fiu:A-i>.

Notary I‘ublk*.Hair* Catarrh Cure is taken IntiTuallv and acts •lirsctlv u|s»ii the iuhImucous siirfiy*** of th** system. .s*witi for t**stlnHininl-. free

r. 4 t nrvRy A I'o., Toledo, O. Sold by dru4ari"is, 7.V. 3-11

Hair* Family l*ilisar**th*- iMe.t.


To Cure In Twn Its)*.Tak* Lixative Hromo «iiiiniiieTiiiiiets

.\il dru4nrisi* return! th*- inom-v if it tails t«i eun*. K iirove’s •lunatur*- onevery isIX. If

The V|.sllawtl a -ssIIm* r4srtri< rf>a«l (•lOBlpteted

Mrs Prnak'*«ii«>n. .klhi<>n. *» «• kille.! In a maaway

Mar«aall will tn>a*l f<>r $tfo.o*H» o, liull*i a aew biaU •rhisil

A I MM "f |s nioatb* ■ It4*ke*l <tB half n peaaat la oraa*l i:a|*t<1» na*l <lW«l

said the r A I* M car «b«)|M will n* rr. ai<*ve*l I*. Iietmlt fmai wacluaw-.

Artbar sHlIrk. aae<l IT. •*! Jarh*na. was faiallt ^llrne•| i.y an ett'lodliuc lamp

• iwiiM.1 aad fiaraad are swsnilac nrer n refein that the %aa Artwir rallr«>ad will nHtve Its aho|si (roai iMiththseerltleatO Alaia.

Jnba 1.41 Fraaee tbr Marias • Itt aiaa -barwed with *nmmlttlaa a fs4**aioas awMialt ap«*a lo..*ear-.*M Marr Kraatroa tbr higb wav several iallr« f>at of Martae • 1ty. will he trl*^ at l’'>rt Harnn aa«t meaib.


FREE! FREE!! FREE!!!To Readers of THE HEWS:

N*» fietl**r opportunity wus evwr offemii to I^MlIrs to free Iheniwsivew ottb*‘dia- e«ia*w (ireulbtr to tbetr nex, tbuo tiukt of­fered fiv Tbe Itr. L.vmi M***ll*nie Co They bfive H cor]is of etneirtit {ihyaMana at their ofOee. and by a|weial arrnnge- me«t, the rrftdem of tbia (uiper may iv- naive FIlKK mnsuitaiion. ndriee niid FRKK TKI:.\TMI:NT (or one week by afinply writlag them in your own word*, a* niainly a* you naa. yrmr ('onditioa. ag* ami bow long you hav*> been aulTer ing. This treatment i* tbnmugbiy arien* tfik-. the result of oMUiy yearn of reweairh ami experieare in the treatment of dta. eaaew |i*miiar to Imliea. C**rlnial.T thw liberal r4fer le Worthy of ■enna* cnnaid* wratioit. aad we adviee all rmr lady read ?m to write them at oaee ami meatioa this iwipwr. Wbea Tbe Dr. I«yoa Medi* ciae ( o. bare en ma«b coaUdeace. tbe ruawdr bKWTtataly wortto a FHKK trial. Addretw, Tb* Dr. Lyoa Mediriae Co.,, oldwatar, Mteb. (Sw4)

.V child o: Mr. Ikituug was buried .Siiti* day H(t**mm»u.

Hnni to Mr. and .Mm. .Vutbony Koeter, a IH {MHiiid iMiy.

Math Ibihr, Int** of St. 4ohns. epent a few dare in tin* Tillage during th*- |»aet wresk.

'Vm. 4. .'smith and M*iU Clro**. of M. .lohits. s|M’nt Sunday with tb*ar {parents this rtllage

Tbe erbool IsMinI here m-eogaged H. .K. Hnrues. of M*n<*ou*ta. for tbe wiuter aa«l epriag term.

MV barl a refreehing rain Tneadar forr* D<rou whieb cooled off tbr atmimpbere coueiderabiy.

.Mm. 4obn Smith nnd Mm. 4<w. Platte go to (Irand Itafad* thi* week (or a f**w week* eopMim.

Mr. 4oeeph Mengebaagti aad aoa. Tbe<»dore llengebaugh. t<M>k in the ex- cumion to Philadelphia Manilay after Bonn. Thev will abm ririt .New York (Ity.

■aaf Tihewe tyg aad bawbe Veer liA A<my.Te awft tebaeao meity aad fererer. be amg

eetle. fell *f Ule. aerre aaii v

Special Clearance Sale of ^ h vm nm |CaMfy Md ExtasiM Top Swries, Two Seat Opoi Wagog. a tsytbmg i

Top Bdf^ aad Road Wi^oas. iQg !To reduce stock and make room for winter goods, we offer for cash or good notes, our entire line of g

above vehicles at

LESS THAN MANLIFACTERER’S PRICES. 1 WheelsThese are all reliable goods from responsible makers and are warranted just as represented. This is 3 Ym Camot

the chance of a lifetime to get a good vehicle at your own price.

For 30 Day5 Only.DAVIES & ADAMS, St. Johns,


I Afford to I Hiss This I Sale.mxxxjfcju ■ / • • rjc'.cx:


.j>**mI'ri-«l iti-*-**n ami family. <»i Vii-tnr. Sunday with I). II. Uli**ulMitt<tin.

Mr*. iVrinain Syphrr will ^••Hv*• .'S-j*. f*-fid*cr 14fli N»r all ••xt**inl***l vi*it in N*-w York «lMt«*

S<-h<><i| will <-«iiiiin*-in-*- in*xt Monday moniiiig with llowanl !’i**n-*-. of Hath, u* t**a'-h**r.

H*n Hamlall m**t with a verv-.crioii* a<cid**nt wliil** tlir***liiiig at .Vll»*a*t I nr- gaM»n *. lie w-jp. a*ijii*tiiig a i»**lt ii**ar til** fattiiing tmll ami In* f*»'t wn*«lrawn throiigii th** mill and tie* i-***ult 1* tlmt h** i* walking with «-riit<-h**"

All hiv*- of the Lady Mnc<-al»***-* in Ntichigan. an- rK«|n***t**<l to giv** a *«m iiii and d*»nat** tlie ppM-.-***!* t«*wanl ai i»**diii *oni*- ho*|)ital in th** -tat** for tin* l»**n«-flt of any I.a*ly .\la*-<-al***e wlm *lioul<l n****<l hi>*|iilal trwitniciit, Tic* pr***-*--*!* '‘l tlie •••■-ialat .Mr. I ant**iit**r’* will l•***e|ltto till* fund. In rvganl to tb«* HX{»crieiii-** |H4ri of it all who take jairt i-an doiiat** w-hat tliev feel «li-|M»«*-| T*».<»r***»ruin any wa v, f«i pay fortli*- i-«inun<irum «iip|*er. wliieij will l■on*l*t •>( ev*-rytliing ni'-eto **at. 1 'vill giv*- y«»ur r»*a*l*-r* a *niMll iil*-4i lit what will I** -en’*-<l "‘Udi a* •‘inniieii * d*-light". "fniit of the vin**".■Tie-girl in arithinetp " and “tn-ighie^r-

|io«Mi. .mt*-nti*»n'’idl <-tit in lanr** pi*-e- i-onlial invitation 1* •-xt*-n«l***l to all a*

t|i*-r»-1* lot* of neiin in the imii**- andfiarn _____________



.Mr- Ida (iil-on ha* the iriiiiie uj< tor a lien huu*e.

Thi- *e»-tion ha* i»eet» fil*****e*d iiv two giMcl rain* r*-*-cntly

Hfirn f«i Fr»-*1 fiardnrr ami win-, a f*'.- l*al»\. .Sepi*-mie-r l*t.

Th*T** WH* <|Uite warm ili*4-u»*n»n* at th*- *<*ho<il meetiuu .Momiiiy rv<-uiug.

II. H. I'lnch. of »»vid. vmite,! r**lHHv**« ami fri*-inl* in thi- vicinity Satunlai and Sumlay.

Mr* Harnett lly*l<-1* <|Uit** iM**irl\ not having fully rec«iv.-re*l from In-r rwent *icku*—*

The Mi»»e- Hthel and l»oli l.«M»mi*.Miidn**! \V**idmiin ami Katie Thom|**«ai ; piibli> -chool i»*-gin their **-h«»ol work in St. .lohii*

Henry Iniw n* 1* at pr*-*eat on tin* an-k li*t. ■ i

Th*-«lrouth 1- broken Jind the fariuem are rejoh ing. j

■Mr*. .M. M. Ibirr. •>! Vi<-keryville, i» vi*. iting at her forim-r laiiiie in thi-vijiagt-.

Dr. Win. .”** ott. of llha«-u. w a-lhegu**et - of Jlr. ami .Mr*. U*»l*erT Love on Knday lii*l.

.Mi*“ Mmiua NVileim. <»f lim iN-rry hou*** visitetl triend-,at Dium. iluring th*-iMM*t W*-ek.

Mr. ami .Mr*. F l». line mi retume*! fnmi th*-ir eastern tni* the flret of th*-, W**ek.

Chiiriee Fl***hman. w> l*»*'‘f K-**ex Ita* mil*-*! Ill* fnrni to Diivnl Ntirton. of thi* villiiue.

Fr*-I Ho*l**i. ot Du|ilain. wa* thegiieet ol Maple Ha|iid- fneiid- diiniig llietfmt of the week.

Tile *-oni imp. wliicli i- •-on»idcreil to lie M \efl* giHMl «iH*- 111 till- *e* tioIi. 1* I**** ing iiarv***t*-*l

Mis* .|f*.i«. .-«mith. •»! I ry-tai. wa* tin- gue*i of .Mr. ami .Mr* H. W Hewitt dur- ing til*- Jiaet Week.

.Mr*, .lack Daley, a former re*nl**nt of till* viilag*-. •in-i at her lioiiie u*-ar •'^t. I.oiii*. a few ilay* ag<i.

Tie- l.ailii** .\nl *«*-i*-ty «»f tie- .M. I.. «-hur<'li met at tin- Inane of .Mr*. .V. T. l.utiier on Fmlay la-t

iiniiil*er of oiir *-itiren* wi-n- in at- temiaii*-*- at tlie *tp**et fair lie|*l at Du- raml. iluriiig tin* jai-t w**ek.

.Mr. ami .Mr* l•*-a^t*• l*n*e. of Poiii{>eii. J wer*-fiie gu*4»t* of .Mr. .iiid 'lt> .M. >. Mo-* iluriiig til** |Ni-t w •-*k

Mr*. 4. Mh |ell.-n ami .Mr*. H Mh lei- Itii. of>T.4 dm*, wer*- uu»—t* *4 MapI*- Hiipid* friend* diintig tin- w •-•k.

Mil. .S* hall*, who lia- l*-en \i-iting friemi* III till- vii-inity. returm-<i t«i In* lioim-at .**1 l.oni*. a few dav* ag-i

.\. N. Howe, liaving *oi*l out lii* iiier- I aiitile Ini-in*-**. w ill In-n-after devot*- la* time to th** liaiidling of butt*-r ami **ug*.

Mi** .Vgatha Dun*tuli. of tin* villiure. will IM* oil** of tin* force ol i»-«<-li**r* in lb*-

if l.aii*mu. for tliecoiiiingv**ar.

M’ni. I'ltiig. ol \V*-*tpliaiia. «-iilie«l on friemi* 111 tow a .Momiax.

!'rof*-**or HIniik ami wife ar*- coaily -ettleil III th*-Cook hoU**-

Mr. and .Mr- l’atter*«ni n|ienr >undny with friend* in .Map!** Itapnl*.

-Mr. Uncinai, oi ."-t. .lohn* '{lent Sun­day w:itli 111* lirother. (>. lt<^-iion nod write

CliH* F. .Mevi*r* and wif»-*|**nt Sumlay with 111* *i*l<r Mr*. 4ohii .**wrarti. of ItaiiH.

Mat Fin*-, ol lieldiiig, *|»ent a few day* 111 last w**-k with ill* "i-ter, Mr*. Ifrini F*-«l*-wu.

cha* Dan*- *|*ent Tuefuiay with hi« *i*- fer III .**h*-|iard*vill*-. who i« very ill with typlioiil lever.

Fowl**f puldi* -chool o)ien*-«l .\|onda> with H. C. Hlaiik aod Ml** .I'xe-phioe Martin a* teaciier*

Clina. Dam-and tamiiy nnd Mi** Minnie < iding ■{lent ln«t w»**k w ith fnend* in McHrid*- and alao at < ryatal I-ake.

ipiite a ouiiiiier from her*, inriiidiDg the I'owler iMiml, attendnl the iiaiid fumament at l.yon* laat M’edneMiay

It. Haxter. Mr*. Fretl Merer* nnd a«»n Uaymond •{•ent In-t w*-^ in Hrnnd Itafiid* with Mr. Hnxter'a daughter Mr*. I . Shackeifou.

Tue-tiny riioriiiiig.Th** itaml twwial h**l«l at I., it. I.imiiiii*

la-t W*-ek wa* a tlecidetl *ucce*e. **M-|Hlly and Hnam-ially. Th* program wa* w*-il rend**r*^l. Th*- iLiy* dhl rtm*ly consider­ing tin- very shfirt turn- they have liaii their in»trnmenl*. Th* reeeipt* w-*ri- .wlti.'fo which wa* dividetl et|Uall.v le*- tw-eeti th*- ftami and tb« Fnion Home Sunday school.

I’liiusnfilrs ^K'K.Fneml- ami reader* «if Tiik Ni.w* will

eoiifer a lavor on th*- pa|N-r ami them- ***iv*-a* well. Iiy aaking 4iiibr>-of Pm- liate Merrill tti puidisb all mitice* 01 ***- tate* in which they may la- Inlereatetl. in Till. Nkw*. The .linlg*-1* peri*«ctly will­ing. and a re*|ii*wt 1* all that 1* n*-*-***--arv. ___ _________


vi*itiiig in < 'hio.1* in MW«.*•«. .'-atiir-

Mr* \V Ml Kin I Mr*. H. .Miller w

■lii,\.lUtni. It* Harttiii F*»\ aii«l wife. Satur-

•la.\. .'-*-{it**iiil*er a intyFrank Thier*. of .Mt l’l**tt*Hnt. wa* iii

town on ItUsinee* la-t w*—k..Mr. ami Mr* Harvey 1 urti*. of Pernn-

ttin. are viritiiig at 4tihn WoolF*Mr ami .Mr*, charlew .*-neilitig wer^-m

St. 4obii* \V*4lne*.lav of la-t week.\V \V Wool. 1 \. W»M»n ami wife, all

of New |.othro|i. were in KUm. .Stimlai. Mis* Nina Clark, of .'*t. .lohn*. vi-ii*-l

I oii'id*-riil»l*- n*--l«*l imprtiv*-iii*-iit* liav** li***ii mld*-l lo th*- *<-luMd l•Ulldmg ill till* village, iitcindliig a iarg<- out-nie i-hiniiiey.

Til*-villagt* »<-li«n*l» oi*ene«l u|*olt .Mon day la-t with a full aTt*-iidam-*. iimler lie- mnnag**nieMt of Th*-oii«)r»-T«»w n»**iid, lilt*- of .-t .hdiii*.

.\ii e\«-en*-nl gala** of liall wa- play**l ii.-re on Satunliiv iu-t l*-Tw »—n .Mnlilie.toll ami Mithlt Uiipnl-. Sctir*-. Maph- l(a{Md* D, Middl*-toli 7.

nuiiil>er ttf tle*ol«l «<»ltlK*r* fmni thi* vi«-iiiit\, witli tle-ir wives. willatt*-ml th<-*i..\. H em anipni**iit w in. licoiivem- at Hig Itapnl- next w«-*k.

Mr- mien i'liltoii .»ml daughter, ^ l^tiini, w*-re in att*-mlHin-* at th** funeral of Mr- 4m-k Dale.x . wincii ttetk pimv at •St. Lmi*. a few* dai » ago.

Ml—Maidi** New toll left forSi.4ohn* till .Momta,v la*t. w iier*- -lie ha* l**en eii- gag«-i 11* *tm* of til*- t*tirle*r» in tin* high •M-liooi Itir theeoiiiiiig \ **ar

Hnirx- F. .*** <111. of .«MiHTh II—ex. iiaving [1110 ha** d Ihe pro|*erTy re«-ently own*-*! I>y Ktifn* Kii*igii. will I—-tun*- a reenLnt of Maple Uapitl- at iiii early day

Tin* l-atliett’ **M*iet\ of tlie chn«tiaii fiiurrli will -erve a ten cent t**a at tie* ttraiig** hall in tin* village, from .*1 until b {». Ill ttinnirniw (Fritlayi .*-epteiid»erH,

Marrietl. Sepi»*inlier .'I. at tin* n*t»nlem*t*I of Mr and Mr* lltil'ert c Lowe, by Ilev. •V.T. I.utlier. Itidiert .\rm«itir, of Du- iilniti, to Mia* .Sarah s«-ott. daughter of Dr. M’m. S»-*itt. of ttiim-a.

Smith & HunLDealers in All Kinds of Agfricultural I triple*

ments. Farm Machinery and Harness.We ask our share of patronage from the people of Clinton county, and will

endeavor by courteous treatment and honest dealing to merit a

continuance of it.

FARM MACHINERY. WOOD YARD.In this department we intend to handle

not only the I>eerin>: machines hut various other makes as well. We shall carry a lull line of re])airs tor all the standard binders and mow­ers. We have the a;;ency lor the Imperial Steel Windmill, and want to show its workings to the tann­ers whoconteniplateercctin^ a mill. We have now on the fbmr a Decrinj; Corn Harvester, and for the next ten days we expect to place many of the sjilendid machines with the farmers in thiseoniity. Comeinand look it over any way if you arc at all interested.

We are arraiiLdn^ to buy and .sell stove wood and mean to maintain an u]>- to-date wood yard, something St. Johns has long needed—a place where you can order for ])rom])t de­livery, a load of wood when you need it.



■ Life Waa na,a«l.Mr. J. F. Lilly, a promiacni rilixcn

Hiuininal, M«., lately lm<i a wombrfu. , , ,, , , iWIvcraar ■ fmm a frightful ilrnth. In

rrialiv.*. ben* theiatter |*art«»fla-t w—k. I ..| (Hkcn withMra. Liren .Yu*tiii .-tml miii l.caiN*. w.-ra i Tyfibuid fever, that ran into PneonaNiiM.

in DumiHl on bu»in*-»- tlie latter |»Hrt of My lunge became haniene«l. I waa e<i tbr we»*k. weak I conldn't ev,*a *it upio l»ed. .Noth•Mr. ami Mr* Frank Hraae. of .shen-i hri|aal me. i ex|iected to aoon dS

dan, are-|am«llng tlie week at the liom*-1 «*f (<»aeamfinoo, when I iieanl of Iw.

AU .•barrM.Oa. mf Hrv Tatlx

-P»of Claude Talnir.

Mr* Clia* Dmlge ha* returned from Mt. ctrmeii* where abe ha* Iea*!! taking tbe Itath* for ■«ime time

Hl«ie ba* amitber drug •tore, I^roy l44a*ra*«ai lia* put in a -tiN’k of uihnI- in tie* Irailding InteU oreu|>irii bv F. iWk

Mr*. H. M. IommMI. a much ree|ie*-tei| reanlent of MUir. diwi of cancer at Iter bttiae, Thur*day .Vugitet .'ll. Th** fun­eral wa» held at the M. H. church .Satur­day.

L. chaae and H«Mai Pa.vnr retqmed to the <e*hool fur the Mind lit l4in*ing, Tiieadax The former will enl*a- tin* l4in*ing High •chtiot aatl will take the next two vears «**airae ttiere in i-tmiH**- tion with ill* work at the Mind arhoid.

Mra. Kmily Hata*. wife of iteorgc Hate*, ami iitoibrr of Mu|>*rvi«<ir L H. Hat*-, •liwl at !!•«- bomr U ednewiav morning. Augaat ;u», and waa buried tbefMiow- ing Thar*«lii.v. Mr. and Mr* Hate* IhuI hara marrietl ."►« veura, thirty M which were afwtit ia Flatac

^ Care Cwaattimtiaa mrrrrt.TnkrOaMarMa caaby caUmrtia

I C C.C.lMlmi

King r New IHarorery. Oar hottlegni* great rritef, I t*oatiniirt| to tw It, and now am wril aad atroag, I can’t eay tot» moch in it* praiee ” Thta marTrfbiu* metHHae U the aurrat aatl qoiekrat car* in thr world lor all Throat an»l Lung Trouble. Haguiar allaa .Vic. and $1 mi Trial iiottlra Irae at FHdrw k MUia»aii’' dmgrtorr, errrv* fiottir guarantretl. 3

A MgOIC'AI. M’rCMaa.Tbr Aiorriran Me«bcal aad Surgical

In-titate waa *«taMi*bed in iHfW. lor the trratinent of Sfwctal nnd l*riTate |H«ra*wt and haa nlreadv. by ita rmnark* nbie curaa. {daerd iteelf amoag tbe mtiat Dotrii medical inatltutiona of the coun- try Hy anenal arrangemrut the Dra. If. h'a Co. I'hyeicMn* will makr mniiar riafta ttt thie city errry twmty-egclit daya, whkrii will gire thw atffictrd of thr ettmmaairr an opiinrtaiiitT of f'ttaaaitiag tbrae aoted aiieriaiiata. Tbrx don't claim to work miraefea. but do cfaiai. In all hnaraty and oandor. to rurr i-aaaa that arc at all varalde>. thtawgfrtwi ap hy otbrr {th.raieiaaa, call (or frar coa- aaltatiou at tbr StrrI Motrl. Ht. Jobaa, Thnraday, Aug. <11, batweaa b a. m. awl 7 p. m. Ogadayoidy.

We slmll carry a full and complete line of harness and horse goods. We take lileasurc in announcing to the peo]»lc of the county that we have secured the services of Mr. Bruce L. Marsh, who will have charge of the Harness Department. He is too well known, and the excellence of his work has too high a reinitation for ns to dwell upon this point. We simply want the opp irtniiity to make and repair your harness.

We will carry a full stock of hailed hay and stray which we will deliver any where in the city. If you want a few lumdred pounds of straw for bedding, let ns deliver a hale to n’ou.

Hay in any (|uantity. small or large.

ICE.Mr. Flunt is erecting large ice houses on

his farm at present and will put up a large supply ot ice neyi winter, and we will have wagons for deliv­ery and shall he pleased to hook cus­tomers at any time for next year’s deli verv.

Carriages. Wagons and Buggies.We will carry a complete line of the modem nnd stylish vehicles which Mr.

Siiiith turns out at his factory in Si. Johns and which are not heat anywhere. This line will include Carriages. Buggies and Wagons. This factory not only makes the Jobs which look well, hut they wear well and the customers are kind encfugh to sfieak many words of pndse for this painstaking wtirk.

We expect to make our depot d regular supply store and will welcome customers at any time. Come in and see us.

ST. JOHN’S, r\icn. Corner Higham and Brush streets.SMITH & HUNT

Mil 00 .

MO «


iMitoalla N* rtna l*i lUaMa* lotI. hUwli *, Mart* HapSi*. . t 300 00

Alrin C. XVatboHw* aad «1l* m Milotf. Tarbt-« <»f ••‘a *»fi»**tt«ai ®,Kitor .......... ..........

Alva I'ataMM* aa<i wi(* *t al to Uaraira Howiit, a *) <*f t<*l *• Wlok 9- M*p4a ■apM*. W.C.,

Daaial Orabaai tt, \«ta> loAira Pn«.aaai. as lot 4. I4<irb XL Mapl* Rapid.

Katas H. Hawttt aad wif* l«* Siai<-ta.Hswtii, *4, nf .otf ti4 -ovtloa a, simI «wkl<*f -orticNiaa<i lot T. Mock 7. aad w , of Muali 1 MapI* Raptd.,

r.> ...............( 'taraaca H H*alitaa<l wifeto HloMoa

Hewitt. aSo< lot 4 Mnah 9. Map4*Kap4d«. (i. C.

II, Dapiala.Marr V, Xaata i<> Joha I’. F<Mawa

<g awt4 of l■^^^ail 4. baaia.

* Hatuaaifn K Yoaaaaa.1 wife to Viol* V. Hn«t*tlor, w*, of .w , of •cctitwi I.

baaoal. ...........Catlicrlar VVirth to Edwafd P. Vt i*4i*t

awtaof *0 . of .ocfUai 14. VV*,i plkalUi....

1.900 00 AMaail B<>*t*» to Haancita lilboai. lot U. Mork 4. Vaa l>*aiaa » .V*i Kl*t*

9.000 00

l.d» 00

COMI.NO KVE.NTS.I Th<- Ro> al N*l«lit*->r« ot X|rst»«- • aui|i No. j aiitf will civ* a n*rktl* •orial aa*l |»aai|>klo I id* •apt**r al tkr W<**Mtaian ball, ari****"**^

lAth • oaw atrl-aa,l brlac Toar tfa*. -••a- S7I CO I bov* *ad aat a..aK- l**--

MOOO**pM-ial a

NBbar 1 4Mlaa**. L a for tatattoa *<-p

aait wif* 10 JaoMa laaii mi -wt, (*f Maiim>

S.M0 <g .Hma W. Hawttt *t al m atwaoa

Hawlii sw*, of watlaa V aad a*, of mV, of .aatlaa 0. Kmai. t«f. C. ...

Jaka B RippU *t al b* Aa.irww J M<dMi. laad oa* frtwt, ofaaatioalk. Watanown.

Daa4*l H. Btoi*l aad wife b> dasan Mood. *4* af nw * aad w 1, of aaa of lawfaa U. Vlatoa. t^.C

Man Pwrfa. Adairx. at al ta ttkaa. F. tliiliaM aiM. aWH of IM9,bbi^ I.Amaaa Ad. Ol. iabaa.....................

AMpod U. Uaaaiaoa aad wifa la WIUI< llaLaatk, aaH m m4« of aaaUaa U. PawlU.......................................................

Aa I'aala Worth Havlag^00 It la rw{Nirt**d that Mra Will Y at:

Sl.vka. ilaughtar of S H«tnd, <t( Ovid, gala a lagarr of aix thtmaand dollara from tho oatat* of an naHa in Flngfand.

too,.\ aaw roaatT rwad to raa Ibroagli Raa-

rwaiaina rnaati la hataa prcdartnl •• ® Pla4«4a ar* too dry to p4nw la .V

roaatv aad fanaaa* will •...mi taagla ittl I aora if th* dry waathar '-oatlaaaa

®; Tba M K '-harrii ta Xlgoaaf bo* Oaally I aaaapadad la ratofag tha dabt <mi tha -hapal , hollt two ywar* ago

NO 00 I rwmIaaaalT ____' aiamlaatloa al Alpaaa Ot tha t7. oaly I

IA9 m I aaaaa attaOoaa tha ragatrad ataadtag |

tT-aaraa aafdiraata far tMrd grada _ ^aahwal ranHawtaa toph tha taaahara' I r»ath aad K«»raat*ag

Micliigaii State Fair.

will hoMifa F’iftiath firaad Ex|MMdtk>ngt ftraad lta|»d* Safttarntwr 37. to 31». 1«9S.

10 firantl lh>{Miitmonta.13 oztra i^twrial attraetioao Prwa.13 tiood Karaa.Evarj rratlar of tbi* |Nt|iar apaciallj

inritad.ttaM Fgfgaad ExcitrolM Ralagan

all raHnwda.Livr atnek and ra«r aatriaa ninar

Maptafpb*r Di.All otbar aatrim cioaa Safitamhor SR.

M. I*. .VxitegPO.N, 1. If. HUTTgRPIglAt, _______Drastdauf._____ Haarotary.


^ Thomas S. MaimDENTIST.

•*- Oatra aadBridw w«*rk. pre ^Teeth mnI Rgtntri.^.