Dear Parents

` NEWSLETTER 9 th March 2021 To All In Our Learning Community, I know that many of our Iraqi families will be well aware of Pope Francis’ visit to their homeland this past week. He is the first Pope to visit Iraq and to celebrate Mass in the Chaldean Catholic tradition. Last Thursday as Pope Francis prepared for his journey to Iraq he said, ‘Tomorrow I will go to Iraq for a three day pilgrimage. I have long wanted to meet those people who have suffered so much. I ask you to accompany this apostolic-journey with your prayers, so it may unfold in the best possible way and bear hoped-for fruits’. Upon his arrival and in a visit to the Sayeday El-Najat Cathedral, Bagdad he said to the gathered congregation: “We know how easy it is to be infected with the virus of discouragement. However, the Lord has given us an effective vaccine against this bad virus: it is the hope that springs from persevering prayer and daily fidelity to our apostolate”. Pope Francis’ words are an acknowledgement of the great suffering many Iraqi people have endured through war and displacement over many years. I know that for some in our community this has been an extremely challenging experience in your life. As a learning community we are witnesses to your resilience and resourcefulness. We are enriched by your presence and your witness to faith in the face of incredible hardship. Pope Francis’ words no doubt touch you in a particular way. All Christian people are invited to reflect on Pope Francis’ words and in particular during the Season of Lent to preserve in prayer and witness through daily words and actions. The words of Pope Francis invite Christians to consider ways in which they can be better people through our interactions with others. Within our learning community through our hospitality and dialogue with each other an invitation to encounter has been provided to all of us. It is here we discover not only at times the experience of discouragement but where we also discover the hope that Christian faith offers. Through our hospitality and dialogue with others we also discover the hope and dreams of others no matter their creed, gender, race or sexual orientation. As a Catholic Dialogue School we acknowledge the lack of hospitality and dialogue in our world that has led to hatred, war and violencewe seek and pray for a different world. I conclude this week with the prayer of Pope Francis for those lost in war. To you we entrust all those whose span of earthly life was cut short by the violent hand of their brothers and sisters; we also pray to you for those who caused such harm to their brothers and sisters. May they repent, touched by the power of your mercy. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. (Pope Francis, Hosh al-Bieaa, Mosul, 2021) Kind regards Chris This Week’s Happenings Monday 8 TH March Labour Day Public Holiday Tuesday 9 th March Foundation to Year 2 Incursion Planks Professional learning - Inquiry Wednesday 10 th March Professional learning The Catholic Dialogue School Reconciliation Workshop for Year 3 children 7pm Thursday 11 th March Welcome Kath Murdoch Inquiry Learning Friday 12 th March Foundation to Year 2 Incursion Planks

Transcript of Dear Parents


NEWSLETTER 9th March 2021

To All In Our Learning Community,

I know that many of our Iraqi families will be well aware of Pope Francis’ visit to their homeland this past

week. He is the first Pope to visit Iraq and to celebrate Mass in the Chaldean Catholic tradition. Last Thursday as

Pope Francis prepared for his journey to Iraq he said,

‘Tomorrow I will go to Iraq for a three day pilgrimage. I have long wanted to meet those people who have

suffered so much. I ask you to accompany this apostolic-journey with your prayers, so it may unfold in the

best possible way and bear hoped-for fruits’.

Upon his arrival and in a visit to the Sayeday El-Najat Cathedral, Bagdad he said to the gathered congregation:

“We know how easy it is to be infected with the virus of discouragement. However, the Lord has given us an

effective vaccine against this bad virus: it is the hope that springs from persevering prayer and daily fidelity

to our apostolate”.

Pope Francis’ words are an acknowledgement of the great suffering many Iraqi people have endured

through war and displacement over many years. I know that for some in our community this has been an extremely

challenging experience in your life. As a learning community we are witnesses to your resilience and

resourcefulness. We are enriched by your presence and your witness to faith in the face of incredible hardship. Pope

Francis’ words no doubt touch you in a particular way.

All Christian people are invited to reflect on Pope Francis’ words and in particular during the Season of

Lent to preserve in prayer and witness through daily words and actions. The words of Pope Francis invite

Christians to consider ways in which they can be better people through our interactions with others.

Within our learning community through our hospitality and dialogue with each other an invitation to

encounter has been provided to all of us. It is here we discover not only at times the experience of discouragement

but where we also discover the hope that Christian faith offers. Through our hospitality and dialogue with others we

also discover the hope and dreams of others no matter their creed, gender, race or sexual orientation.

As a Catholic Dialogue School we acknowledge the lack of hospitality and dialogue in our world that has

led to hatred, war and violence—we seek and pray for a different world. I conclude this week with the prayer of

Pope Francis for those lost in war.

To you we entrust all those whose span of earthly life was cut short by the violent hand of their

brothers and sisters; we also pray to you for those who caused such harm to their brothers and

sisters. May they repent, touched by the power of your mercy.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace. Amen. (Pope Francis, Hosh al-Bieaa, Mosul, 2021)

Kind regards

Chris This Week’s Happenings

Monday 8TH March Labour Day – Public Holiday

Tuesday 9th March

Foundation to Year 2 Incursion – Planks

Professional learning - Inquiry

Wednesday 10th March

Professional learning – The Catholic Dialogue School

Reconciliation Workshop for Year 3 children 7pm

Thursday 11th March

Welcome Kath Murdoch – Inquiry Learning

Friday 12th March

Foundation to Year 2 Incursion – Planks

Skoolbag App ~ download it! You can keep up to date with school happenings, access the newsletter, update contact details and notify

us of absences through the Skoolbag App.

You are encouraged to download this to your mobile phone or iPad. Details for download can be found


Sacramental Celebrations Reconciliation Workshop ~ Wednesday 10th March 7pm

Children in Year 3 who are to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation will have their

Reconciliation workshop on Wednesday 10th March 7pm, 2021 at Mother Teresa PS. Children

are required to attend the workshop with one parent.

Reconciliation Celebration ~ Thursday 18th March

Celebration of First Reconciliation is 18th March, 2021. Families have been allocated their times

via a letter a few weeks ago. This celebration is to take place at Our Lady’s Church, Craigieburn.

First Eucharist Workshop ~ Wednesday 26th May

Children in Year 4 & 5 who are to receive the Sacrament of Eucharist will have their First

Eucharist workshop on Wednesday 26th May, 2021 at Mother Teresa PS. Children are required

to attend the workshop with one parent. Each family will be allocated a workshop time via a

letter next week.

First Eucharist Celebration ~ Saturday 19th June

First Eucharist Celebration will be Saturday 19th June at 1pm and 3 pm. Families will be

allocated a time. The celebrations will take place at Our Lady’s Church, Craigieburn.

Confirmation Workshop ~ Wednesday 4th August 7pm Children in Year 6 who are to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation will have their

Confirmation workshop on Wednesday 4th August 7pm, 2021 at Mother Teresa PS. Children are

required to attend the workshop with one parent.

Confirmation Celebration ~ Saturday 28th August Time to be confirmed. The celebration will take place at Kolbe Catholic College, Greenvale


School Fee Term One 2021~ Due this Friday 12th March Term One fee accounts have been forwarded to families and are payable by 12th March 2021

Payment Arrangements If you wish to pay via instalments and/or direct debit please see one of our reception staff to arrange

this. Should you wish to pay via credit card you can do this at reception or contact reception staff via

phone with your details. Eftpos payments can be made at reception.

Alternately you can pay directly into the school account. Please indicate your family name when paying

this way so we can match the payment to your account.

The School bank details are as follows:

Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School

BSB: 083 347

Account: 82676 1906

National Australia Bank

Foundation Enrolments 2022 Enrolments for Foundation 2022 are now open. If you are a current family and have a child to begin

school in 2022 please download an enrolment form from our webpage or collect one via

reception. Please let your friends and neighbours know that enrolments are now open.

Parents & Friends News

Zooper Doopers Fridays Zooper Doopers are $1 each and will be sold each Friday until the end of term 1. If you are available to

assist with the selling of Zooper Doopers 1.30 – 2.15pm Friday please register your interest by emailing

[email protected] A roster is being formulated.

Hot Cross Buns Our Parents and Friends committee in conjunction with Baker’s Delight Craigieburn selling Hot Cross

Buns. This fundraising event will raise funds for our school. Please refer to a flier forwarded with your

children today.

Orders are due to be returned to school by this coming Friday 12th March.

Hot Cross buns can be picked up on Monday 29th March.

Mother’s Day Stall Our Mother’s Day Stall will take place Friday 7th May Term Two. Parents and Friends are currently

preparing for this event.

Mother’s Day – celebration of learning It has been customary for us to hold a Mother’s Day morning tea on the Monday after Mother’s Day.

This year due to COVID restrictions and movement within our school we will hold a celebration of

learning for Mums. On this day mums will be allocated a time to come and engage in some learning

with their child/ren. Further details regarding times will be forwarded in Term Two.

Second hand Uniform We have a number of second hand uniform items that we will be selling on Thursday 25th and Friday

26th March before and after school. Further details to come.

What’s Happening in the Learning Spaces “Parents should be educated in the language of schooling, so that the home and school can share the

expectations, and the child does not have to live in two worlds – with little understanding between the

home and the school”. John Hattie, 2009

Foundation – Year 2 Learning Spaces As inquirers we have sorted out our thinking from our compelling question ‘How does play help us

learn about ourselves and others?’ As thinkers we reflected on what we feel and what we have learned.

Students have engaged in the Thinking Routine 3-2-1 Bridge to make connections between play and

learning. We also had the time and opportunity to engage in dialogue about how are play and learning

connected? We made connections to our dispositions and assets and named and noticed which ones we

were using when we played together.

As mathematical thinkers, we are continuing to find out about the mathematical concept of patterns. We

have been given time and opportunity to create our own patterns using shapes, numbers and other

objects. We have made several number patterns and have been recognising the pattern while skip

counting. We have made connections to our ongoing mathematical learning of counting and place value

by exploring patterns in numbers when we are skip counting.

As readers, we continue to have the opportunity to be exposed to a number of different texts. We have

been making predictions about what we think the text will be about by using the thinking routine SEE-

THINK- WONDER. We identify punctuation and recognised our sight words while reading. We have

also engaged in reading Kids News, and documented our thinking using Kath Murdoch’s reflection

stem, ‘Something I did well’.

As members of a Catholic faith community, we have been sorting out our thinking around Jesus’

encounter with Zacchaeus (Luke 19: 1-10). As thinkers and hermeneutical learners, we have been

reflecting critically on Luke 19:1-10. As we revisit the thinking we have made visible through

dialogue, we think about what this story might mean for us today. We engaged in the sentence starter,

“This text tells me of a world in which…” and drew our interpretation using symbols and images. We

are using this to help us make connections to the outcasts in our society. We will continue to find out

about the Season of Lent and the symbols we observe during this Liturgical Season.

PM eCollection

As readers, we will be continuing to engage in PM eCollection to help us to consolidate reading

behaviours we have learned. We would like to thank you for supporting your child with reading the

books on PM eCollection at home. We encourage all children to continue reading these books at home.

Home Learning

Students are encouraged to continue to engage in home learning each night. It is expected that students

are engaging in reading, counting tasks and sight words practice at home every day. Parents are asked to

sign their child’s reading log and counting sheet each night indicating that the home learning tasks are

being completed.

It is expected that by the end of Foundation, students have learned to automatically recall all 307 Oxford

Sight Words. A goal to reach towards the end of Term 1 is 70 Sight Words.

Bridging Centre

Year 3 – 4 Learning Spaces The most important thing is that we write! We need to model and think aloud if we are to really

understand what we are asking our students to do. Remember – if we want quality writing then we need

quality thinking! - Deb Sukarna

As a faith learning community and as part of our Faith and Life Inquiry, we are finding out and sorting

out about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. As part of finding out we are engaging in the thinking

routine Word-Phrase-Sentence and reading different texts as readers to develop an understanding of the

Sacrament of Reconciliation. As part of prayer within The Bridging Centre we are reading The Act of

Contrition. As thinkers, we are interpreting text and symbols and searching new layers of meaning as we

make connections between the prayer and what we have discovered about the Sacrament.

This coming Wednesday some students will have the time and opportunity to engage in a workshop

with a family member to further build their understanding of Reconciliation. As we continue to show

inclusivity of all, we are taking the time to dialogue with our families about what Reconciliation means

to us. This enables all students, Catholics as well as other faiths to make meaning to their own lives.

As writers, we are continuing to collect and share our thinking with others about seeds for our Seed

provocations and shared Writers Notebook. Through our reading focus groups we are viewing a variety

of texts that highlights the purpose of the text and identifying what we think the author/writer wants us

to know, think about, learn or picture in our mind as we read the texts. We are practising as writers how

we can help ourselves after completing an independent writing piece. This includes reading aloud,

reading to a friend and allowing a friend to read it to us.

Leadership Centre

Year 5/6 Learning Spaces Inquiry learning is, by its nature, intellectually challenging. Students are working with open-ended

questions, issues or problems and are expected to participate not just in what they are learning but in

the design of the learning experience itself. In the hands of an expert practitioner, this approach

leads to greater intellectual engagement. As inquirers, our students need to feel challenged, and

indeed, to relish feeling challenged. Kath Murdoch 2015

As part of the Going Further phase, as researchers, we are investigating a specific leader we would

like to find out more about related to a question and interest that has arisen for us from our Faith and

life inquiry and in particular the understanding, The decisions and actions of leaders can bring about

events that become significant ‘turning points’ in history. As thinkers we are engaging in the

thinking moves activating prior knowledge, connection making and identifying new ideas and as

researchers the specific skills of recording the information we gather in effective and efficient

ways and citing the sources of information we use to help us find out. As learners we will also

identify some dispositions, what we will be learning to be, that we would like to strengthen during our

mini inquiry. As reflective thinkers, as part of our Faith and Life inquiry, we will engage in

documenting our thinking using one of Kath Murdoch’s reflection tools - ‘Pat On The Back’ as a

way to take some time and opportunity to reflect on ourselves as learners and give ourselves four ‘pats

on the back’ for things we have done well. For example we might have solved a problem, collaborated

well with others in a group, helped someone, shared an idea or asked a great question.

As writers we have been invited to purchase our own notebook and to personalize the front cover at

home. We will have time and opportunity to gather our ideas through thinking, talking,

questioning, imagining and creating purposes for writing. As writers

we engaged in a writing self assessment where we documented our understanding and feelings, at

this moment in time, using the following Kath Murdoch reflection stems: As a writer I am proud of the

way I …, As a writer it would be good to learn more about …, When I think about myself as a writer I

feel …, As a writer I am still confused about …, As a writer I am still wondering … and As a writer it

was really interesting when … . As part of our mathematics we will identify the best methods of

presenting this data to illustrate the results of our writing self assessment and as mathematical

thinkers we will justify the choice of our representation.

As inquirers, some of us have started to engage in our iTime Investigations – our personal inquiries

where we have an opportunity to inquire into something in which we have a high level of interest

and are passionate about investigating. We are using the thinking moves activating prior knowledge

and raising questions as we document what we are interested in investigating either through

discovering, making, designing, exploring, proving, testing or creating. As learners we will focus on

strengthening our learning capacity by choosing a learning asset goal to focus on during our iTime

related to improving ourselves as a self-manager, researcher, collaborator, thinker or

communicator. We will also have an opportunity to choose a disposition to focus on – what we are

learning to ‘be’ during our iTime investigation. As part of finding out we will view some short clips,

recommended by Kath Murdoch, that show children making a difference to themselves and others.

Japanese Learning Students in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 have been

considering the compelling question “How can we be

communicators in the Japanese space?” As thinkers we

have reflected upon the learning we have engaged in

this term and have shared our thinking about how we

are communicators.

By doing a bow and saying こんにちは、せんせい

(konnichi wa, sensei). Daniella

We use these words at the beginning of the lesson.


We do a れい (rei), a bow, to be respectful. Learning Space 7

Japanese people bow and say こんにちはbecause it is a different country. Emmanuel

This week we will learn the hiragana こ (ko), ん (n), に (ni) and ち (chi) for こんにちは (konnichi wa).

As thinkers we will make connections between the shape of the character and picture memory hints,

such as ち (chi) for cheer girl. These support us in reading the hiragana characters. We will demonstrate

being persistent as we learn how to copy the hiragana ち (chi) with correct shape.

Students in Year 3 and Year 4 will continue a focus on reading hiragana characters. We will learn to

read the hiragana く、ち、や、ん、せ、い、こ、にand は. We will use memory hints, such as こ (ko) for

coin. These support us in reading the hiragana characters by making connections between the shape and

sound. As collaborators we will play a game which consolidates our ability to read each hiragana. As

thinkers we will then use the memory hints as a strategy to help us read a short dialogue in a cartoon.

We will demonstrate being curious as we focus on sounding out each hiragana in the words we are


Students in Year 5 and Year 6 will continue a focus on reading hiragana characters. We will learn to

read the hiragana く、ち、や ( ゃ)、ん、お、よ、う、こ、に andは. We will use memory hints, such as こ

(ko) for coin. These support us in reading the hiragana characters by making connections between the

shape and sound. As collaborators we will play a game which consolidates our ability to read each

hiragana. As thinkers we will then use the memory hints as a strategy to help us read an example of a

short mobile phone text message, which includes a greeting in Japanese. We will demonstrate being

curious as we focus on sounding out each hiragana in the words we are reading.

Performing Arts – Music “Often a single experience will open the young soul to music for a whole lifetime” - Zoltan Kodaly

The students in Foundation Year 1 and Year 2 will engage in an inquiry into how they can safely and

respectfully play and learn music as part of a collaborative group. Students will use the dispositions

respectful, resilient and curious as they explore rhythm and pitch, practicing how to sing and play

music on different instruments. This Week the students in foundation year 1 and Year 2 will continue to

engage in practice of the song “Doo wop D”. By the end of the learning this week students should be

able to make a connection between the note D the colour orange and its solfege name Re.

The students in Year 3 and Year 4 will engage in an inquiry into how they can safely and respectfully

play and learn music as part of a collaborative group. Students will use the dispositions respectful,

resilient and curious as they explore rhythm and pitch, practicing how to sing and play music on

different instruments. This week the students in Year 3 and Year 4 will continue to practice the song

“Birds Fly”. By the end of the learning this week students should be able to distinguish the difference

between high and low sounds and how to play, read and sing the low C note and the high C note.

The students in Year 5 and Year 6 will engage in an inquiry into how they can safely and respectfully

play and learn music as part of a collaborative group. Students will use the dispositions respectful,

resilient and curious as they explore rhythm and pitch, practicing how to sing and play music on

different instruments. This week the students in Year 5 and Year 6 will engage in practice on the

resonator bells using the notes Do, Mi and Sol from the C major scale. They will need to use these notes

to engage in practice of the song “Do Mi Sol – Chord & Arpeggio Study”.

Physical Education Health and Physical Education is the key learning area in the curriculum that focuses explicitly on

developing movement skills and concepts students require to participate in physical activities with

competence and confidence. The knowledge, understanding, skills and dispositions students develop

through movement in Health and Physical Education encourage ongoing participation across their

lifespan and in turn lead to positive health outcomes. (Victorian Curriculum – Health & Physical Education)

During Physical Education learning this week students will be engaging in learning with a major focus

on Fundamental Movement Skills and movement concepts associated with Striking and Fielding


Foundation to Year two students will be practicing multiple fundamental movement skills including

the catch and overarm throw. This week students will be introduced to the overarm throw where they

will be trying to throw for maximum distance. While practicing this skill, students will draw

connections between the underarm and overarm throw and dialogue about which throw could be used in

different situations and why. They will also be introduced to the skill of catching and break down the

key elements and sequence of this sometimes tricky skill. Year Three and Four students will continue their learning with a focus on strategic thinking around the

game of ‘Kickball’. Building on last week's learning, the students will play this game again however the

game will be modified with bonus/extra runs to be scored. Students will then dialogue about the ‘Risk

VS Reward’ and how this affects their decision making when playing this game. Year Five and Six students will focus on their decision making skills in game situations, these students

will be introduced to the skill of ‘Base Running’ - Base running is the act of running from base to base

performed by the batting team. Base running is a tactical part of games such as Teeball and Baseball

with the overall goal of reaching homebase to score runs for your team. Tactical thinking and decision

making skills is needed for the fielding team as there are 4 bases to throw at to potentially get a batter


Visual Arts “An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.” Edward Land

Through the studio habit of stretch and explore students learn to take risks in their art challenging

themselves to explore new ideas and media. They learn to embrace the opportunity to learn from


Foundation - Year 2

As inquirers we are continuing to tune into our exploration of ‘Line’ by experimenting with a variety of

materials and techniques. These will include frottage (crayon and pencil rubbings), contour drawing,

collage and wax resist with paint wash.

Last week in response to line artworks the students explored and created a geometric composition with


Years Three to Six

As artists we continue to use our Visual Arts Process Diaries to plan and design our artworks. Our

finished artworks will explore and highlight the many different ways that artists can use ‘Line’ to create

a unique composition.

Through the studio habit of Develop Craft we are continuing to learn how to successfully and

respectfully use the art studio and the art stations available to us.

Sustainability The importance of environmental education cannot be overstated. It is able to affect daily actions and

habits, the reduction of water consumption, the sorting of waste and even “turning off unnecessary

lights” or wearing warmer clothes so as to use less heating (Laudato Si no. 211).

Schools Clean Up Day is considered to be a fun and engaging way to teach young Australians about the

responsible disposal of rubbish, resource recovery and the repercussions of rubbish dumped

irresponsibly in the local environment. This initiative supports the Sustainability focus at Mother Teresa

Primary School. It provides another link to the wider community and the focus on environmental


As a Catholic school our action is not only in keeping with the wider community which promotes

actions for a sustainable future but it is core to the Christian belief that the earth was created by God.

Christians are called to care for the earth to take up sustainable actions.

On Friday as part of our participation in Schools Clean Up Day learners were given the time and

opportunity to engage in a number of activities including weeding in various areas around the school

grounds, collecting rubbish that had blown in our grounds, racking up leaves and spreading

tanbark in our Indigenous garden bed. This was an opportunity for all our sustainability learners

to further consider ways to protect and care for our environment and help clean up local rubbish before

it reaches our precious parks, bushlands, waterways and oceans

Clean Up Schools Day was also an opportunity to engage in broader multi-age groupings across

Foundation to Year 6. Thanks to our sustainability leaders who assisted groups by organising and

directing learning spaces to complete various tasks.

This week during our “Kids Teaching Kids” learning we will reflect on “School Clean up Day” and

document some of our thinking about the day.

We will continue to complete some grounds tasks including spreading the remainder of the tanbark in

our Indigenous garden and renewing our worm farms.

Our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen garden takes place every Wednesday and Thursday from 11.30-

2.00pm. During this time a number of children are involved in harvesting fresh vegetables from our

garden and preparing a delicious meal to be shared. Throughout the year all children will have the

opportunity engage in this learning. This week our learners will be engaged in preparing yet another

exiting meal. We will be cooking Pasta of the imagination using fresh produce from our garden.

All recipes and lots of other information about our SAKG can be found on our

Mother Teresa PS Kitchen Garden blog which is:

Cyber Safety Free webinars for parents

eSafety Education are offering free webinars about cyberbullying on the following dates

● Tuesday 16 March 7.30 to 8.30 pm

● Wednesday 17 March 12.30 to 1.30 pm

● Wednesday 17 March 7.30 to 8.30 pm

● Thursday 18 March 3.30 to 4.30 pm

● Monday 22 March 12.30 to 1.30 pm

Information about the sessions can be found at, you can also register

at this site. If you would like further information or have any questions about registering please see Mr


Foundation to Year 2 have been continuing their learning about why we have passwords, what we use

them for and why it is important to keep them secure. It has been fantastic to have some of our

Foundation students demonstrating a good understanding of this already.

Year 3 & 4 have engaged further in learning about sharing appropriate information and looking at their

use of privacy settings when online, they have been thinking about how we can identify people we can

and cannot trust when online.. Year 5 & 6 have been looking further into maintaining privacy when

online with a focus on identifying the risks of communicating online with people we don’t personally


Parent Resources

Go to to access information about issues facing students when

online as well as tips about talking to your children about what they encounter online. There are a great

number of fact sheets and videos to assist you. The website of the eSafety Commissioner

(, has sections for younger children, those about to head to secondary

school and for adults of different ages. If you would like any assistance in locating information or

some tips please contact Mr Collins.

Digital Technologies The Digital Technologies curriculum enables students to become confident and creative developers of digital

solutions through the application of information systems and specific ways of thinking about problem solving.

Students acquire a deep knowledge and understanding of digital systems, data and information and the processes

associated with creating digital solutions so they can take up an active role in meeting current and future needs.

(Victorian Curriculum – Digital Technology)

A number of our Foundation to Year 2 children will be practicing the use of Ozobot codes. They will

explore how different combinations of colours can make the Ozobot do different tricks, such as a spin,

or moving backwards.

Students in Years 3 and 4 will explore the Lego WeDo 2.0 set and follow instructions on the WeDo

2.0 app. Students will create a robot called Milo that is based on a space rover. Students encouraged to

use the dispositions curious and risk taking as they explore Milo's different sensors and how it can

react in different situations.

Years 5 and 6 learners will explore the Lego WeDo 2.0 set and follow instructions on the WeDo

2.0 app to create their choice of robot from the WeDo 2.0 app. A possible creation is

a Helicopter that students can code to use a pulley system to pick up and rescue a panda created

from Lego.

Term One Dates Please note the dates are correct at time of printing however adjustment may occur due to COVID -19

Monday 15th March Welcome Murrundindi

Tuesday 16th March Welcome Murrundindi

Wednesday 17th March Welcome Murrundindi

Thursday 18th March Reconciliation Celebrations

Friday 19th March Welcome Colleen Monaghan – Mathematics Consultant

National Action Day against Bullying

Friday 26th March Welcome Colleen Monaghan – Mathematics Consultant

Wednesday 31st March Easter Raffle Tickets due back

Thursday 1st April Holy Thursday

End of term prayer 3pm (children only)

Easter Raffle 3.20pm (children only)

Term one concludes at 3.30pm

Friday 2nd April Good Friday

Saturday 3rd April Holy Saturday

Sunday 4th April Easter Sunday

Term Two Dates Monday 19th April Term Two Begins at 9.50am

Monday 26th April Welcome Murrundindi

Tuesday 27th April Welcome Murrundindi

Parents and Friends 7.30pm

Wednesday 28th April Welcome Deb Sukarna – Writing Consultant

Thursday 29th April Welcome Deb Sukarna – Writing Consultant

Monday 3rd May Welcome Colleen Monaghan – Mathematics Consultant

Tuesday 4th May Welcome Murrundindi

Wednesday 5th May Welcome Kath Murdoch – Inquiry Consultant

Friday 7th May Mother’s Day Stall

Monday 10th May Mother’s Day – celebration of learning (details to follow)

Welcome Colleen Monaghan – Mathematics Consultant

Tuesday 11th May NAPLAN

Wednesday 12th May NAPLAN

Thursday 13th May NAPLAN

Wednesday 26th May First Eucharist Child/ Parent Workshop

Monday 31st May Reconciliation Week

Welcome Murrundindi

Wednesday 2nd June School Photo Day

Monday 7th June Welcome Colleen Monaghan – Mathematics Consultant

Monday 14th June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

No school

Friday 18th June Welcome Colleen Monaghan – Mathematics Consultant

Saturday 19th June First Eucharist Celebrations

Monday 21st June Child/Parent/Teacher Interviews

Children dismissed at 1pm Wednesday 23rd June Welcome Murrundindi

Thursday 24th June Welcome Murrundindi

Friday 25th June Term Two concludes 3.30pm

Monday 12th July Term Three begins