(D&D)2 Global learning scenarios

Društvo D20 (D&D) 2 Global learning scenarios Before you are 6 Dungeons & Dragons TM scenarios which can be used to address various global issues and encourage reflection and discussion on the selected topics. The scenarios were created during the project (D&D) 2 , Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing Dungeons & Dragons TM (D&D), which was financed by Erasmus+, EU programme for education, training, youth and sport. Learning through D&D We believe that D&D can be used as a method of youth work, as it allows players to step into the shoes of their character and immerse themselves in a series of situations through which they will learn something new - not just their character, but the players as well. One part of the learning process is to guide the players through a D&D scenario , which showcases a specific global issue, and players are left to explore various aspects of it and are allowed to come up with their own solution to the presented problem. Second part of the learning process happens after the game session - a discussion about what their characters experienced during the session and how this correlates to the world around us. The dungeon master (DM), or a person that observed the game, asks a series of questions that allow the players to make connections to the real world and therefore reinforce the lessons learned through the game. We used various methods for the reflection process to make sure all players got the opportunity to speak up (going in a circle, talking stick...). It's best if there is a short pause between the game and the discussion so that the players can discuss the plot among themselves and can then dedicate full attention to the discussion that follows. How to play the scenarios This publication presents 6 scenarios that we have prepared during the (D&D) 2 project. They were written for the 5 th edition, prepared for 4 or 5 characters going from level 1 to level 3. The monsters are taken from the official books, the stats are only given where modifications were made. Each scenario can be completed in one session, about 5h long. How to read the scenarios: The text in italic bold is meant to be read by the DM to the players or alternatively paraphrased to them, as it holds information to the plot points and story. 1

Transcript of (D&D)2 Global learning scenarios

Društvo D20

(D&D)2 Global learning scenarios Before you are 6 Dungeons & DragonsTM scenarios which can be used to address various global issues and encourage reflection and discussion on the selected topics. The scenarios were created during the project (D&D)2, Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing Dungeons & DragonsTM (D&D), which was financed by Erasmus+, EU programme for education, training, youth and sport.

Learning through D&D We believe that D&D can be used as a method of youth work, as it allows players to step into the shoes of their character and immerse themselves in a series of situations through which they will learn something new - not just their character, but the players as well. One part of the learning process is to guide the players through a D&D scenario, which showcases a specific global issue, and players are left to explore various aspects of it and are allowed to come up with their own solution to the presented problem. Second part of the learning process happens after the game session - a discussion about what their characters experienced during the session and how this correlates to the world around us. The dungeon master (DM), or a person that observed the game, asks a series of questions that allow the players to make connections to the real world and therefore reinforce the lessons learned through the game. We used various methods for the reflection process to make sure all players got the opportunity to speak up (going in a circle, talking stick...). It's best if there is a short pause between the game and the discussion so that the players can discuss the plot among themselves and can then dedicate full attention to the discussion that follows.

How to play the scenarios This publication presents 6 scenarios that we have prepared during the (D&D)2 project. They were written for the 5th edition, prepared for 4 or 5 characters going from level 1 to level 3. The monsters are taken from the official books, the stats are only given where modifications were made. Each scenario can be completed in one session, about 5h long. How to read the scenarios:

● The text in italic bold is meant to be read by the DM to the players or alternatively paraphrased to them, as it holds information to the plot points and story.


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

● The words in italics are meant as additional story information for the DMs, to be given to

players as they see fit. ● The difficulty classes (DCs) for various challenges (like unlocking a door) are

purposefully left without specific numbers and are instead categorized into, easy (10 or bellow), medium (11-15), hard (16-20), very hard (21 and above), specifics to be determined by the DMs themselves.

● Seed icon is used to bring attention to details that will be relevant in the subsequent scenarios. Most of these will be connected in a grand plot that is discovered in the 6th scenario. It's recommended to read the last scenario before running any of the other scenarios so you know how the details interconnect in the grand scheme of things.

Connecting the scenarios The players are new adventurers, who have just joined the Academy, which is led by the Headmistress Taelana. She is stern, but motherly. Players should learn to trust her and her leadership. The Academy is a prestigious institution and the adventurers have been handpicked due to their potential. You can enhance the experience by providing a short introduction to each of the scenarios, where the headmistress addresses the new adventurers and tells them about the new mission they are about to embark upon. She reacts to the outcomes of previous scenarios (can also pass on rewards from the NPCs) and generally tries to keep the players thinking in the right direction. After her introduction you can fast forward to the point where the adventurers arrive at the designated location. Since this is the only time the players get to spend on the academy (except for the confrontation in the last scenario) it's best if you also mention the Goldhart family. For example:

● an acknowledgement of a significant donation (e.g. players get some GP / minor trinkets);

● the introduction can be held in the Goldhart hall (the construction of which was paid by the Goldharts)

● the headmistress unveils a statue of a golden hart ● if players do something that would go against the Goldhart benefits - the headmistress

rationalizes why this was wrong (without implicating the Goldharts) and says this puts the academy in a bad light and that they have issues procuring funds for the adventurers. Don't give them any GP on that day.

The mentions of the Goldhart family should be consistent enough for the players to remember the name and recognize them as a wealthy family with ties to the academy.


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

Session 1: Onward, to Point Iron! Theme: Gender discrimination Author: Jure Urekar, Društvo D20

The scenario is meant for 5 level 1 characters.

Adventure background The players are sent to the dwarven mining town of Point Iron, where the Goldmoor dwarves have ruled for decades, following a strict code of tradition. The excavations as of late have been running pretty low, due to unusual mishaps as well as vermin infestations in the mines. The decrease in population, a consequence of a strict traditional regime that disfavors women for their lesser work power, let the population slowly turn predominantly male. The few women that remained, did so out of their love for their families, naivety or depression. The party needs to find princess Beldora Goldmoor, who sent word asking for help, after her patron died fighting off an ambush in the woods to the east. The current acting ruler, while the princess is missing in action, is the right-hand man and counselor of the former king, Umnyl Stonechest, a dwarf who wants to uphold the “sacred” tradition of a male king, while dethroning the ruling family of several decades by trying to dispose of the new queen.

Chapter 1: Finding princess Beldora Princess Beldora sent an enigmatic note to the academy after a series of events had led to her being prepared to be crowned as Point Iron’s new Queen. There are suspicious infestations appearing in the mines and a third of the guard has already been lost to the monsters. Point Iron: Formerly a busy town of several hundred, that now consists of a mere 100 people, mostly dwarves, but really anyone who’s brave enough to still wield a pick and dig ore. Now, during the night, the town seems deserted, even eerie while through the day, the buzz and noise of the loading and unloading of carts instantly brings to mind an image of a proper anthill. When the players enter the town of Point Iron, they’re immediately showered with gazes, although there is no one to be seen. The atmosphere is dark, damp and vacant.


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

Perception check (10) - if the players succeed, they notice shades in the windows as well as some of the cringed doors, if they also have a female in the party, they see a stone flying towards them, DM rolls for random target, RS10 for 1 dmg… After the incident the party heads off to find and help Princess Beldora. There are several points of interest in Point Iron, namely:

The Castle The castle lies on the east wall of the cliff, it’s stony walls holding the top of the cliff from falling down and burying two thirds of the town under itself. In the castle, the players find several guards and Umnyl Stonechest, residing over the throne. When the players enter the castle the guards immediately take them to the acting king. His most trusted guard consists of three fighters, who seem to be hardened with experience, they rarely leave his side. Umnyl demands to know what they are doing in the castle and threatens to throw any female in the party into jail for entering this sacred temple of “man”. He seems drunk. He makes remarks like: “Have you ever seen such a thing?... a woman….hic… ruling… what nonsense…. “ and similar. When the players ask him about the Queen he says: “The wretched wench, I told her this was no job for a woman, but she insisted on pushing back the bloody infestation. So, now that she is lost in that tunnel with who knows what kind of monstrosity, we’ll at least have time to refill our resources to properly handle the threat, when reinforcements arrive in a fortnight. Well, at least we don’t need to mind the infestations for a while now, since the tunnel collapsed shortly after the Queen led her party into the mines. There is no way that she finds her way back and all of this nonsense of a woman ruling is over now.” Umnyl has nothing to add and asks the players to leave the castle and find lodgings for the night in the tavern. Tomorrow they are to depart town, since they won’t be able to see the queen, ever again.

The Stromstork Tavern In the tavern, the players can see a colorful display of characters, from rugged miners to flamboyant traders, yet still they seem unable to spot a woman. Several incidents can be observed:


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

- There is a picture above the fireplace that depicts a woman in a pillory; under the portrait

there is a statement in small letters that says: “Marcy - 3 days for serving the wrong ale”. - Two guards arguing ... upon closer inspection it turns out that they have an argument

about women…. - Miners discussing the attacks ... upon closer inspection the players find out that they lost

friends, some even family members, yet no one seems to know what exactly is attacking them...

- A trader and a miner have a dispute about the recent spike of ore prices... - A drunk hooded figure lying on the corner table … passed out - A dwarf miner named Lesley and a guard have a discussion … Lesley is missing his

sister, who worked as a maid at the castle, the guard seems to have noticed a couple of women gone missing from the town.

The Golden Vein Mining Guild The mining guild headquarters is located on the south side of town, near the main entrance into the mines. Through the centuries it has really become something to behold, an iron construction stretches two thirds up the height of the cliffside, full of blacksmithing tools and devices, the furnaces are built directly into the cliffside, as are the anvils. On the open side of the construction platforms are hundreds of pulleys with buckets, baskets and crates of resources, as well as products being pulled up and down the sides getting ready for either transport, refinement or process. Although as the name suggests that gold can be found in this mine, it has not been so for many years. There is a legend about a golden vein, running through this mountain, which has yet to be found, but ultimately kept the town alive till now. When the players enter the building, they are greeted by an older dwarf Glint, who immediately tries to sell them some of their weapons, armor and shields, arrowheads, tools and other contraptions. The players can get a grappling hook and ropes as well. He asks them where they come from and where they are heading; he also wants to know whether they have anything for sale or trade. He is the guilds master. After hearing that the players come from the academy, he immediately asks them to help him with finding his human apprentice Fars, who went missing after the last attack. He was a young blacksmith who went into the east tunnel to aid some friends, but has not returned for 2 days. The players can try to convince Glint to pay off the guards to let the players enter the mine. Through the conversation, if the players ask, they can learn that the west entrance offers a chance to get into the deeper levels of the mine quickly, but only with a grappling hook or something to aid in the descent, which is not for the faint hearted. There are still 2 guards posted next to the entrance but as Umnyl assures everyone, they’re just there to keep the


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

monster inside of the mine. The situation is pretty much the same at the east entrance that leads into the older tunnels, which seem to be overrun since the collapse of the main entrance. The players can buy a grappling hook, hemp rope and a torch among other things.

The Temple of Vergadain The place looks plain with white walls, a great hall, but seems to be more of a casino than a temple, there are gambling tables all around the place, however there is one feature that immediately strikes your eye, a giant golden coin with a face of Vergadain on the side. Above the coin there is a circular opening in the ceiling with a hanging rope, that is used to ring the “church” bells. The players can see peculiarly dressed men next to the tables, they seemingly resemble priests, but at the same time the dealers of the tables. Games, if anyone wants to go there, when identified are: Chase the dragon, Squires and Knights, Thabort and Archers, but there are only a couple of people playing Toss the Dagger at the northern wall. If engaged, the “priests” solemnly announce that the church’s luck has run dry as of late, as has the luck of the town. Unfortunately they are currently unable to operate the casino part of the church. They are still invited to do a prayer to Vergadain. When asked about the Queen the priests say that they didn’t see her leave the castle since her father died, although they are aware that Umnyl has taken charge of the throne. They are also aware of the mine collapsing and are constantly praying for better luck. In regard to the infestations, the priests again, can only offer prayer. The priests will, if convinced, offer to distract the guards and help the players enter the mine to help turn their luck.

Chapter 2: Entering the mine The queen went into the mine through the main entrance, to root out the vermin infestation that keeps killing guards and miners. As the rightful ruler of the throne, apparently, she felt that it was her duty to take care of the safety of the town as well as her people. After taking the main south tunnel towards the main chamber (Mine level 3) the tunnel entrance mysteriously collapsed leaving no way back for her highness. The players need to help Beldora root out the vermin and safely return from the treacherous, recently lost, mine.


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

The mine is accessible from two points, the west and east entrance, both guarded by 2 guards, who have orders not to let anyone pass. The players can, for example:

- Try to convince Lesley from the Tavern to get the guards drunk so they pass out - Try to convince the Guild Master Glint to pay off the guards - Convince one of the priests to distract the guards - Incapacitate the guards

Entering through the east wing

Mine level 1 The east doorway leads into a small miner’s storage room that is mainly stocked with iron picks and other mining equipment, however in the middle of the room, there is a wooden hatch leading to the level below.

Mine level 2 The east tunnels, each 10 feet wide, separate into three ways, obviously the left, middle and right way. The main tunnel between the rail tracks is inaccessible due to the cave in. There are 6 different passages to be explored; however each passage will take the players 1 hour of investigating which counts towards the main time limit. 1 - A dwarven maid is hiding behind a rock formation, 2 - Two spiders ambush the party in a narrow tunnel, when defeated, the party finds a dwarves corpse half cocooned at the end of the tunnel. 3 - The players find a half eaten guard cadaver with a sword and shield. 4 - The tunnel is empty and ends abruptly with a crevice. 5 - The party encounters a goblin / kobold 6 - The party finds an empty coal cart on the rail tracks that lead under a caved in tunnel; The most perceptive of the characters notices a hidden passage to the next level.

Mine level 3 The east side of this level is but a 10 feet wide tunnel leading from one of the deadend tunnels on level 2 to the main chamber on level 3. The tunnel is approx. 100 feet long, so the players, naturally somewhere in the middle get attacked by 2 more spiders.

Entering through the west wing

Mine level 1 The party is lead through a 10 foot wide tunnel, going slightly to the left, as they advance they encounter 2 spiders that attack them. Afterwards they come across a dart trap, that does -1 STR


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

for 1d4 hours, Reflex save DC10, and a barred door, which they need to pass to get to the giant hole in the floor, that seems to be bottomless, but really ends at level 3. The players need a grappling hook, as well as rope to descend/return this way.

Mine level 2 The west wing on this level is only a relatively small cave, that obviously had only one passage leaving out on the east side, which is unfortunately caved in at the moment.

Mine level 3 When the players descend to this level they find themselves in a fairly large room, filled with chunks of ores, stones and trolleys. Around the hole, that keeps getting bigger and seems to have no bottom, lie crude wooden bows and something resembling crude daggers and even a short sword. The players can advance south, after approx. 30 feet the passage forks in three ways. The right tunnel leads to a medium sized room filled with more ores and upon further research, even a chest with weapons and/or potions (perception DC15) and another one just like it to the south. The east passage leads into the very large main chamber. If the players enter here, they have to make a stealth check to remain undiscovered, since they come out on a higher level, on a terrace above the bulk of vermin. They see princess Beldora and several other women trapped on an elevated scaffolding platform, they can clearly see the women fighting off the climbing attackers. Time is of the essence. The players need to rush and help the trapped women. There are several possible ways how to go about this, e.g.:

- Engage the vermin - Set or use a trap - Use magic or illusion to scare off the attackers


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

Chapter 3: Restoring order Beldora, looking tired from the fighting, bruised, but not hurt, is the only one armed. She is wielding an heirloom sword. There are 4 more women with her on that platform. There are goblins climbing up the scaffolding, but Beldora somehow manages to keep them at bay. There are 5 goblins, none equipped with ranged weapons, they all only got melee. There are always 2 goblins climbing the scaffolding, the other three defend their rear. However there is a second wave (tunnel 3) incoming in 1d6 turns, which will consist of 3 melee and 2 ranged goblins. The DM needs to set a reasonable time frame for the party to save Beldora and her companions, ideally get 6+1d12 turns before the third wave. It will come from the tunnel marked 4.


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019



(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

Session 2: The Spreading Swamp Theme: Environmental crisis Author: Mitja Petkovšek

The scenario is meant for 5 level 2 characters.

Adventure background Nearly forty years ago a local druid named Arnia Moonsorrow, was called upon by the village elder of a newly established tiny village on the outskirts of the kingdom, to cure his son. The healing was successful and as a reward the chieftain made her the village healer. Over the years she helped the small village thrive, by helping the crops grow and providing protection from the denizens of the local nearby swamp. The village chief quickly fell in love with this strong and wise woman, but was already in a loveless marriage with a jealous and vengeful woman named Cynthia Harrow. Cynthia was smart and cunning, she knew she would lose everything if the elf continued her excellent work, so she sabotaged her. During the course of the next half year, crops wilted, farm animals died and soil was getting acidic and barren. She also started to spread rumors among the villagers of witchcraft and foul magic rites. The people, a simple minded lot for the most part, having witnessed the horrors happening over the past few months, quickly turned on her, and Arnia was driven out of the village, fleeing to the nearby swamp for refuge. Arnold Harrow – the chieftain of the village, however was not as convinced as the others, and whenever the opportunity arose snuck out to visit her. In mere months a relationship blossomed between them and after a few years a child, a daughter, followed. After Cynthia learned of her husband's transgression, she was furious, she hired assassins to end the druids life, but the killers struck at an inopportune time when Arnold was visiting her. In the ensuing fight the assassins and both Arnold and Arnia were killed, leaving the small daughter Tendria to fend for herself in the harsh swamplands. Cynthia, the ever cunning manipulator she was, spun the tale of her husband's death as being the witches fault, and started to rule the village in his stead. And so the witches legend grew with each telling turning into ghost stories to scare the children into bed at night. The swamp was officially named The Moonsorrow Swamp, but quickly because of the tragedy that has transpired there, the people started to call it The Swamp of Sorrows.

Adventure synopsis The players are summoned to the small village of Thrist by the mayor of town. Upon arrival they learn from him about the encroaching swamp that is slowly swallowing the fields around the village, what's more, a disease of rot and pestilence is spreading among the plant and animal life, and has also claimed its first human victim. Talking to the local denizens reveals the


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

legends about the swamp and its storied past, and the players must venture there to discover what horrors await within. Upon entering the eerie swamp they quickly come upon the corrupted plants and animals that now inhabit it, and must fight through them to reach the home of the witch and the accursed tree she is using to cause the catastrophe. There they must use their best judgment to stop her from her mad plan.

Recent story Living a quiet yet harsh life hidden deep within the swamp Tendria was content, she learned how to navigate the pitfalls of this land and make it her own. She avoided other people, using her magic to not be seen when the need arose. That is until two years ago, when a mysterious figure was waiting inside her small hut deep in the swamp, a hut that was warded a hut that no one new about. The man was tall, imposing, and introduced himself as Malak. He told her that he has learned of past events, that he wished her to know. He then explained about the past of her mother her father, their forbidden love, and the cruel woman who ended both their lives, the woman who now set cozily in the town leading it, a town her mother helped create. He then presented her with an idea. The idea of her living alone her in this swamp, while her heritage thrived, her birthright grew and consumed the swamp she called home. The town grew the swamp shrunk. It was against the very laws of nature he called it. For was it not her mother who first even allowed the small village the opportunity to grow crops, was it not her, who held the swamp at bay, so that the town could prosper, and yet here now this is the reward, her only daughter, scraping by all alone in an every decreasing home, being swallowed by the machine of industry and progress. He instilled in her the urgency of losing the only home she knew if measure, extreme measures are not to be taken, it was after all her birthright to do so. Guided by Malaks careful hand Tendria learned quickly, he introduced her to darker magics she was not aware existed and the power that went along with it, and when she was ready, he gave her the ultimate prize, a black seed. He called it The seed of Ghultias, and in her hand she could feel it pulse with corrupt power. As per instruction she planted it behind her house, and within a day a black sapling arouse from the ground. Within a few weeks, the sapling was a full grown three, its gnarled and twisted trunk and branches possessed no leaves, but it did have seeds, much smaller than the one Malak gave to her, but they still had power. As a first test Malak ordered her to harvest all the seeds of the tree and prepared a pyre of dead leaves vines and branches, he then showed her the power of the seeds. They had the power to infect living and non living matter, to corrupt it to twist it, to give t power, once the seed consumed the matter it exploded in a puss of black ichor and puss transforming it and its near surrounding, helping the corruption of the three spread further beyond the reach of the tree itself. As she watched this happen to the pyre, the mass suddenly moved and pulsed until, the vines and leaves started to connect together to form a humanoid figure of vines leaves and branches. Malak smiled as he saw the creation, explaining that the tree has bestowed upon her a great gift, a servant to aid her in her conquest of the town. The being, while slow, they quickly learn was quite capable of understanding and intelligence, and in a few weeks learned speech. The name t chose for itself, or rather it claimed that the three gave it his name, Venominus. It was at this time that Malak


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

said, that he had to leave, that he had business elsewhere and that he will leave the next part in her capable hands. She was sad to see him go, he was after all her first and only friend. After his departure she felt a deep longing for companionship, luckily Venominus was there, and there was a job that needed to be done. Nature after all won’t right itself, sometimes it needed a bit of a push. And now she knew how.

The town of Thrist Thrist (Village); Population: 158 adults; Races: Humans 72%, Elves 11%, Dwarfs 9%, Other 8%; Wealth: Poor, Al: Mostly Neutral Good, Leaders: Elder Gilford Meadows (Human male, Cleric of Chauntea 2), Cynthia Harrow (Human female, Necromancer 4), Watch captain Katarina Stonebow (Wood elf female, Ranger-Archer 1)

The Crophouse (1) Marked 1 on the map, this nice and only stone building in town is the village hall and the temple to Chauntea, it is also the home of the Harrow and Meadows families, who run the village. The village elder Gilford is also the temples high priest, while he is technically the towns chief, most day to day things are run by his mother Cynthia (Human female, Necromancer 4), and his wife Moira (human female, expert 2). The temple also has two acolytes, Richie (human male, Acolyte


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

MM pg 342) and Rosie (gnome female, Acolyte MM pg 342), On the village hall side there are also two aides Rupert (Half orc male, commoner 1) and Rory (human male, Commoner 1)

The Guardhouse (2) While the foundation of this sturdy squared building is stone, the rest is made out of massive logs. The building is the villages guardhouse and jail, it is run by Katarina Stonebow (Wood elf female, Ranger – Archer 1), and her four aides, Jolon (Thiefling male, Guard MM pg 347), Kisan (Wood elf male, Guard MM pg 347), Putry(Halfling male, Guard MM pg 347), Klein (Human male, Guard MM pg 347). They also have a guard dog/mascot called Slobber (Male mastiff, MM pg 332)

The Crusty Crab (3) This large one story building is entirely made of old seasoned wood, the sign in the front depicts and old gray encrusted crab. This is the villages watering hole and travelers stop, and the only inn around. Run by Topper Corkscrew (Dwarf male, Expert 3) a no nonsense barkeep that runs a tight ship. Helping him along are his wife and cook, Floral Corkscrew (Gnome female, Expert 1), and the two bar maids. Elena (Human female, Commoner 1), Hilby (Halfling female, Commoner 1), The inn is additionally guarded by a dragonborn bouncer named Kalesh (Dragonborn male, Fighter 1) who is a mute, and a local fighting barefist champion.

Popsies Goods (4) This little wooden building is decorated in slightly gaudy trinkets and has a homely feel. This is the towns general store, where the people can get anything from foodstuffs to day to day goods. It is named for the eccentric old owner Matilda Dowshire (Human female, Expert 2), who everyone calls Granny Pops. She is however very old and while still full of vigor, she does have help running the store from her daughter Minka Dowshire (Human female, Commoner 2).

Pound for Pound Smithy (5) This ramshackle wooden building is covered in sooth and scattered metal pieces. The blacksmith of the village is a grizzled bear of a man named Gaspar Semmows (Human male, Expert 4), however he is a man of a few words and mostly just likes to work, so the orders and customer service is taken care of by his wife Hallyshell Veridel Semmows (High elf female, Wizard 1)

The Bait and Tackle (6) Located right on the edge of the lake Anan, the retired half orc former academy guard, now fisherman Ogrim Corksrew (Half orc male, Guard MM pg 347) runs his fishing shop and boat rental. A staple of the little village, he may have a story or two to tell the players about his time at the academy.


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

The Bows Curse (7) Is a hunting cabin at the far north edge of the village, that also doubles as a shrine to Mielikki, the forest goddess. It is run by a hunter named Andrews “Rifraf” Sturgeon (human male, Scout MM pg 349) a champion hunter and drinker in his own right.

The Mourning Tree (8) Located near the entrance to the swamp inside a hollow tree is a small shrine to the Oakenfather Silvanus, Gilford tends to the shrine in memory of his father, who did so before him.

Magic Items As this scenario is a special case, where the players cannot take much time off to get special loot, like magical items, from monsters and enemies, and the monsters in this scenario, just cannot really drop anything good, because of the nature of most encounters (the skeletons without pockets dilemma), I have prepared a list of ten items, for every DM to choose 5 as he sees fit, to give one to each player during the first chapter of the game. Which items chosen can be determined by every DM, when he sees what kind of characters the players are playing. It is also up to the discretion of each DM, how the players receive these items (but they should get them before the end of chapter one), some hooks: Some people of the town are very grateful that the academy has sent help and want the players to succeed on their mission, so they give the their “heirlooms”. This can be used multiple times. The DM can think of other hooks on their own. All magic items are of Uncommon quality. - Bracers of Archery (DMG pg 156) - Circlet of Blasting (DMG pg 158) - Cloak of Protection (DMG pg 158) - Cloak of Elvenkind (DMG pg 159) - Eyes of the Eagle (DMG pg 168) - Eyes of Minute Seeing (DMG pg 168) - Gauntlets of Ogre Power (DMG pg 171) - Headband of Intellect (DMG pg 173) - Periapt of Health (DMG pg 184) - Wand of the Warmage +1 (DMG pg 212)

Chapter 1: The Arrival You arrive at your destination, a small rural village of Thrist. You were informed of the general plea for help from your superiors however the details of your assignment lie with the villages elder one Father Gilford Meadows. The house he is staying in is large and


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

made of stone, and you quickly notice the a symbol of a blooming rose over two sheafs of grain on the building, signifying that the house is also a temple to the goddess of agriculture and life Chauntea. Meeting with Gilford is straightforward, he explains the situation to the players as best he can. Although he does not know much, or rather nothing concrete, he can tell the players the next information:

● The first sign that something was wrong was about 3 months ago, when the local gatherers and farmers noticed the crops looked covered in black oily like puss.

● The first real notice that the soil was getting wetter and swampier also began about that time.

● The first animals that seemed to be infected were small animals that lived on the fields, like mice, and then rabbits. This was first noticed about two months ago.

● The real threat began when a farmer noticed a giant constrictor snake far into the fields, a long distance away from the swamps, where they lived, and the snake acted very aggressively and even tried to attack him. The farmer noticed that its eyes looked dull and black. This was a month ago.

● And a mere week ago, the first human victim feel ill. A young child named Kevin, started complaining of a stomach ache, and during the night developed high fever. The next day, he started rambling and became aggressive, and tried to attack his mother. He had to be restrained. He is currently under lock and key in a private room of the temple.

The players are free to ask around town for further information, but eventually all the clues will lead to exploring what is happening in the swamp. If the players wish to examine Kevin, he is located in the cellar room of the temple, restrained on a slab, bound by tight robes, he is still and his breathing is shallow. The players can then use an intelligence nature check, or a wisdom medicine check, to discover some things. Intelligence nature/wisdom medicine: Easy: The smell coming out of his mouth is similar to rotting vegetation, and there seems to be a discoloration of teeth. Medium: His eyes, the irises are dark and unresponsive, glazed over, and a small trickle of black ichor can be seen flowing from the tear ducts. Hard: It is a disease of some sort, probably one of a magical origin. Very Hard: Mostly likely the boy either tried to eat something or was cut or scratched by something, and that is how he got infected. The boy has mere days to live, if he is not helped somehow. Anything that cures a magic disease, will remove the illness. Using any sort of healing magic, prolongs his life by an hour for every point of healing received. Anything that removes magical curses or magic all together also removes the disease, because of its curse/magical nature.


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The other townsfolk in town, really don’t have anything very important to contribute. They are all very grateful for the help that the academy sent, and the DM should emphasize that most of the town folk view them as heroes and likely saviors. In the exploration part of the town, the players are free to explore and interact with the locals, and the DM is free to think of any small nuggets that the NPCs can provide, but should always push the players towards the swamp.

Side quests

Rat infestation The dwarven innkeeper of The Crusty Crab has a problem. His cellar where he keeps a lot of his stock has been getting more and more rat activity. He mentioned the problem to Rifraf – The hunter, more than a week ago, but the man still has not come around to fix the problem. The problem is that the darn things are getting more aggressive and numerous down there, not to mention big and fat on his stock. The players can accept to clear the cellar on their own, or to go seek help from Rifraf. The encounters happen the same, except that with Rifrafs help it is much easier.


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You can hear the small bits of squealing and chatter, as soon as you open the massive cellar door, but the sound disappears as you enter the roomy basement. As the players are all inside the room, and they close the door, and wait for about a few turns, the giant rats appear, angry and bolt at someone trying to take away their newly found food source. They attack fiercely and fight to the death. On the third turn, or if the players manage to finish the four rats before than read the following: Suddenly the chattering all around you grows tenfold, you look around to notice dozens upon dozens of small rodents converge on you, forming a large swarm that tried to envelop you. A rat swarm attacks the players. If the players took a lot of hits from the previous four rats, make sure to suggest fleeing and just locking the massive door. This is a swarm after all, and if it hits, it is possible that it knocks out a character with one hit. If the players are successful, Topper rewards the players with some gold and perhaps this is a good opportunity to give one or more of those magical items mentioned above.

Chapter 2: The Swamp

The sound of insects and frogs can be heard immediately as you enter the murky swamp. The land is at first only marshy, but soon turns into a full blown knee deep zones of water filled with dense vegetation that is hard to navigate.


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This is where the navigation skill challenges begin. The players can easily lose orientation in this area and begin to walk in circles. To reach the next checkpoint, and eventually arrive at the witches hut, they will need to succeed at a number of combined skill challenges in Wisdom Survival. For this specific challenge the DC numbers are fixed. Importance of time: The swamp drains the players stamina quickly and they will have to rest after 10 hours of travel, meaning, they cannot reach the witches hut in a single day, even if they do everything perfectly. During the night time, several interesting things can happen potentially (see chart below), it is also during this time, the players can bond and roleplay. Getting to check point one: Total time needed 3 hours, 1 combined roll per hour. The players each roll Wisdom survival (or just wisdom if they do not have survival), the total for all 5 players must be no lower than 55, to succeed. If all three rolls are a success, they advance to the next area immediately, if two out of three are a success, they advance to the next area, but spend an additional 2 hours doing it. If two or more fail, they end up at the last checkpoint. Swamp encounter 1: Snakes, snakes, snakes: 10x Poison Snake (MM pg 334) The snakes are not trying to hide exactly, but because of the tainted water of the black seed, they are aggressive. The murky water hides them quite well on its own though. A medium DC perception is required for the player to notice them swimming towards them in the water. Otherwise each player who is unaware of them is surprised. The snakes, because of the aggressive nature of the curse, fight to the death.

Encountering Venominus After the players have reached the first checkpoint, there is a chance that Venominus will sense them, via the corruption the tree is spreading and will investigate. While he has strict order from Tendria to not engage, he can be an unnatural sight to behold and can be used by the DM to shake the players, that something truly ominous is happening in this swamp. Read this the first time the players see him. Suddenly a distance away, you see the swamp rise in a mass of wines, twigs and plant matter, as it forms a humanoid like figure. The creature turns it head in your direction twisting it slightly, it takes a few deliberate lumbering steps towards you, but then stops. It opens its mouth, as a guttural voice comes out. “Leave! This place is not for the likes of you!” The players can encounter him, randomly on each checkpoint, always giving sinister warnings to not travel deeper into the swamp. If you desire you can roll a die to see if he appears, or just choose to use him in this manner, where you see fit. A few warnings he uses before disappearing are:

● The swamp reject the likes of you, leave or become part of it!


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● My mistress rules this place, you are not welcome, leave! ● The tree shall consume you, like it consumes everything else! ● The lands shall be reclaimed in her name! ● The time of the blight is upon you, soon all will be part of the tree!

You are free to think of any others appropriate to the situation the players find themselves in. The point is that the players get the feeling of being watched by this creature on every step. Getting to checkpoint two: Total time needed 6 hours, 1 combined roll per two hours. The players each roll Wisdom survival (or just wisdom if they do not have survival), the total for all 5 players must be no lower than 60, to succeed. If all three rolls are a success, they advance to the next area immediately, if two out of three are a success, they advance to the next area, but spend an additional 3 hours doing it. If two or more fail, they end up at the last checkpoint. No matter how well they do, the players should be at the top of the 10 hour mark, so it's time to rest for the night. Finding a shelter in the swampy area is difficult but not impossible. For the sake of expediency anything around a high easy wisdom survival roll, or high easy intelligence investigation roll finds them a decent ground good enough for camping.

Night Encounters Chart (1d100 roll):

● 1-39: Nothing ● 40-59: Being watched by Venominus ● 60-75: Visited by Muckrut ● 76-100: Visited by the spirit of Arnia

Muckrut You hear the quiet singing before you notice the small lights in the distance, soon a tiny hut on a nice wooden raft comes into sight. Singing a quiet little shanty roving with along stick is a funny little frog man. He lands the raft near you, hopping down next to you. “Hello there weary travels, and welcome to the Swamp of Sorrows, we don’t get many travelers around these here parts, but none the less, let me introduce myself, I am Muckrut the magnificent, proprietor of Of Muckruts Ruts, the best store for anything your heart desires around these here parts.” As explained, Muckrut is a Bullywug (a special case, not evil), a traveling merchant specialized in alchemy. The players can use him to restock, or to even acquire a special boon or two in the form of magical elixirs. Muckruts shop:

● 2x Common Potion of Healing


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● 1x Potion of Growth ● 1x Potion of Fire Breath ● 1x Potion of Force Resistance ● 1x Potion of Poison Resistance ● 1x Scroll of Mage Armor (as the spell, Caster lv 1) ● 1x Scroll of Sanctuary (as the spell, Caster lv 1)

He also sells three experimental potions, enhancers as he calls them. Each of these potions has 4 uses, and costs 75 gold, a much discounted price according to him.

● Potion of Bull’s Might: For an hour your strength is modified by 1d6-2 (This can actually put your strength into negative), if you roll 1-2 on the d6, you also grow horns and a cows tail. This is an enhancement bonus.

● Potion of Cat’s Agility: For an hour your dexterity is modified by 1d6-2 (This can actually put your dexterity into negative), if you roll 1-2 on the d6, you also grow whiskers and a cat tail. This is an enhancement bonus.

● Potion of Bear’s Toughness: For an hour your constitution is modified by 1d6-2 (This can actually put your constitution into negative), if you roll 1-2 on the d6, you also grow thick shaggy fur on your back, chest, and upper arms and a bear ears and tail. This is an enhancement bonus.

If the players engage him in conversation for information about the swamp, he greatly hints that his tongue can be loosened if they buy something. He has the following information, if they get on his good side:

● The swamp has become dangerous over the months. Plant life expanding, and creatures getting more bold and aggressive.

● A sickness is spreading through the swamp, something wicked and corrupt. ● Whatever it is, its origin is deeper in the swamp. ● A creature (Venominus) “protects” the deep swamp now, so he avoids going there, but in

the past he had dealings with a young woman living there. ● If the players manage to somehow get past the creature, perhaps the young woman can

help them further. (he is talking about Tendria, not knowing she is at the center of the problem)

Spirit of Arnia As the night falls a fog begins to rise, slowly at first, but soon it envelops all of you with a cold moist chill. The swamp grows eerily quiet, as a quiet song can be heard thru the swamp lands. Soon you begin to notice small dazzling blue lights blinking thru out the fog. You grab your weapons, as a spectral figure materializes in front of you. She looks elven and druidic by her appearance. She gestures with her hands, “Please put down your weapon, I am here to ask for aid, and not to harm brave heroes.”


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This is the best way for the players to learn much of what is actually happening in the swamp. Arnias spirit, has been pulled back to the material plane, by the terrible calamity that has befallen her daughter, she wishes the players to try and help her, to save her from herself and the madness that has her in its clutches. How much information and in what way Arnia helps the players is left to each your judgment, you can use bits of the story presented at the beginning of this scenario. Any question that the players have for her, you can answer as freely or as cryptically as you wish, she does however know all that is happening in the swamp, as she has been watching over her daughter from the beyond. Swamp Encounter 2: Lash and Snap: 2x Crocodile* (MM pg 320) Lash and Snap are Tendrias semi pet crocodiles, that hunt near the edge of her domain. They obey her, but are mostly independent, they are both infected with the disease currently, granting them increased health, and a necrotic bite instead of a normal one. They are stealthed underwater ready to strike as the players approach their hunting grounds. Medium perception to notice. They fight to the death. Notice the water in the area is deep enough in certain areas of the map, that the crocodiles can attempt to grapple/bite the target and then drag him underwater where they can attempt to drown him. Use this only if the party is doing very well against them, as it is an advanced game maneuver. Getting to check point three: Total time needed 6 hours, 1 combined roll per two hours. The players each roll Wisdom survival (or just wisdom if they do not have survival), the total for all 5 players must be no lower than 62, to succeed. If all three rolls are a success, they advance to the next area immediately, if two out of three are a success, they advance to the next area, but spend an additional 3 hours doing it. If two or more fail, they end up at the last checkpoint.

Chapter 3: The Witch, the tree and the vine blight Opening up in front of you is a wider open space devoid of any overgrown vegetation. In the middle of it, a small hut made of wooden branches, mud and leaves can be seen puffing smoke from a small chimney. Behind the house an old gnarled half dead tree looms over the small house veiling it in shade. She walks from behind the house, a figure dressed in hides and leathers, a black cloak across her back, a shield of wood and bone in one hand, a skulled club in another. Her face is painted in black tribal markings and her green eyes look at you menacingly. A vined figure emerges from the ground a few feet away from her speaking. “You stand in front of the ruler of these lands, my mistress Tendria Moonsorrow, what business have you with the envoy of decay, that you did not heed my warnings?”


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This encounter can go many different way, pending on how much information the players have gathered on what is really going on: 1. The Fight: If the players perceive the witch as nothing more than a threat to the village and engage her. Tendria fights to the death and tries to eradicate them with no mercy. The Tree and Venominus aid her in this. See her fighting tactic in her statistics block, for further information.


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2. The players try reasoning with her, or generally engaging her in conversation: Tendria is willing to talk, all though she is weary of them. Good persuasion, deception and even intimidation skills here, all around a medium DC, can help the players snap her out of the madness. Additional factors like mentioning the spirit of her mother (If the players have met it) and the plea she told them of further helps to give the players a bonus to all of these checks. If they succeed, The tree sensing the shift in her resolve turns on her alongside Venominus, and Tendria helps the players fight the two. 3. The heart of the murderer: If Tendria wins out in the negotiations, all is still not lost. She may perceive the players as potential allies and may task them, with what her heart truly desires the most. Revenge for the death of her parents,and the heart of the woman that caused it. If the players somehow agree to this, they must then travel back to the village where they must confront/kill, Cynthia, for her crimes long ago. Those are but three solutions, there are many in betweens, it is up to each dm, and the story he and the players weave that can set how this final encounter plays out.

Monster and NPC Stats blocks These are done in order where you meet them, and only for npcs and monster that the players can potentially fight.


Cynthia Harrow

Medium human female Lawful Evil; Wizard Necromancer 4; Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor) ; Hit Points 22 (4d6+4) ; Speed 30 ft. Initiative: +7; STR 9 (-1) DEX 15 (+2) CON 13 (+1) INT 18 (+4) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 12 (+1); Saving Throws: Intelligence +7, Wisdom +4, the rest are +1; Skills: Arcana +6, History +6, Insight +3, Persuasion+3; Langiages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Gnome, Halfling; Challenge 2 (450 XP) Spells: Spell dc and attack bonus: 14/+6 Spells Prepared: Cantrips: Chill Touch, Friends, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost Level 1: Burning Hands, Charm Person, Color Spray, Mage Armor, Sleep Level 2: Melf’s Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Spider Climb Abilities: - Alert Feat (PHB pg 165); Arcane Recovery (PHB pg 115); Grim Harvest (PHB pg 119) Items: - Ring of Protection, Robes, Dagger, Spellbook. Potion of Common Healing, Scroll of Mage Armor, Scroll of Spider Climb


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The Swamp

Tendria Moonsorrow

Medium wood elf female Lawful Evil; Druid 1, Warlock (Fey Pact) 1; Armor Class 17; Hit Points 25* (2d8+6) ; Speed 35 ft. Initiative: +2; STR 8 (-1) DEX 14 (+2) CON 16 (+3) INT 8 (-1) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 16 (+3); Saving Throws: Intelligence +2, Wisdom +6, the rest are +1; Skills: Athletics +1, Nature +1, Perception +5, Survival +5; Langiages: Common, Elven; Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Spells: Spell dc and attack bonus for both druid and warlock spells: 13/+5 Spells Prepared: Cantrips: Druid: Poison Spray, Thorn Whip; Warlock: Blade Ward, Eldritch Blast Level 1: Druid: Entangle, Cure Wounds; Warlock: Hex, Witchbolt Abilities: - Mask of the Wild (PHB pg 24), Fey Presence (PHB pg 109) Items: - Hide Armor, Wooden Shield, Club, Cloak of Protection, Potion of Common healing

Venominus (Vine Blight)

Medium plant, neutral evil; Armor Class 12 (natural armor); Hit Points 26 (4d8+8); Speed 10 ft.; STR 15 (+2) DEX 8 (-1) CON 14 (+2) INT 5 (-3) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 3 (-4)

Skills Stealth +3 Condition Immunities blinded, deafened Senses: blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 10 Languages: Common Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) False Appearance: While the blight remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a dead shrub. Actions: Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6+2) bludgeoning damage and a Large or smaller target is grappled (escape DC 12)- Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the blight can’t constrict another target. Entangling Plants (Recharge 5-6): Grasping roots and vines sprout in a 15-foot radius centered on the blight, withering away after 1 minute. For the duration, that area is difficult terrain for non plant creatures. In addition, each creature of the blight’s choice in that area when the plants appear must succeed on a DC 12 strenght saving throw or become restrained. A creature can use its action to make a DC 12 strenght check, freeing itself or another entangled creature within reach on a success.


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The Black Seed Tree

The tree is not so much a monster as it is a lair action. It does have hit point, and can be attacked during the encounter, however, the players can easily deal with it, as it goes dormant, once, Venominus and Tendria are defeated, and the players can then just take their time cutting or burning it down, thus ending the threat. Hit points: 60; Conditional Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing Slashing; Vulnerabilities: Fire Actions on its turn (roll 1d10): 1-4: Nothing: The tree remains still 5-8: Seed Fling: Ranged attack to up to 50 feet away, +5 to hit, 1d4 bludgeoning damage to the target, and 1 point of necrotic damage to the target and the surrounding squares. 9-10: Seed Birth: Grows a Twig Blight (MM pg 32), in a random area 5 ft. around the tree.

Last Fight Tactics If the players decide to fight Tendria, she is a ranged caster/controller, she uses entangle and distance spells like eldritch blast or witch bolt, to try to mow down her foes. She also uses the sinkholes sown throughout the area (She knows where they all are, and can avoid them herself) to pull the players inside of them using her thorn whip, if they get too close to her. She goes for the healers or buffers first, if she recognizes them, using her hex spell quickly to deal even more damage with each attack. Venominus, if fighting alongside her, protects his mistress at all cost, going so far to take projectiles in her stead, and generally acting as her shield. He does not pursue the players staying near Tendria and only engages the ones who try to get in melee with her, using his entangling roots to try and slow them down. Note that his power to appear and vanish during previous encounters is a story plot device, and cannot be used here tactically. The tree also uses any twig blights it births defensively protecting Tendria. Its seeds however are shot randomly at targets (dms choice).


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Session 3: The Resistance Theme: Poverty Author: Katjuša Čeh

The scenario is meant for 5 level 2 characters.

Recent story A wealthy baron, Lord Friderik has been, for the past two years, steadily increasing taxes, both in money and crops, with no apparent regard to his subjects who succumbed to poverty. Now a resistance has risen, a small group of peasants who started attacking the lord’s tax collectors and distributing the spoils among other peasants. What is more, they are trying to entice more and more people into open rebellion against their lord. Lord Friderik is willing to pay handsomely to have their base of operations discovered along with the identities of these troublemakers. He sorely needs the extra money and food from the taxes to fund his growing army, which he intends to use to protect his people from a tribe of raiding kobolds, who have become, in the past few years, bolder and bolder, raiding closer and closer to the border of his barony.

The Barony

The Barony is led by the family of Ashdown and consists of 11 villages with a total of 2100 people. Village of Lavry, where the scenario takes place, has a population of 160 people, most of them human, but there elves, half-elves and halflings as well.


Lord Friderik Ashdown (42yo)

He is open to other possibilities, but he sees none. He doesn’t want to kill the leaders of the resistance, just put them in a dungeon for a few months until the whole thing blows over.

Elenor, Lady Ashdown (17yo)

Daughter to lord Friderik and baroness lady Anabelle Goldhart. Has a different love interest every fortnight. Is willing to help the party if there are any handsome young men that give her some attention.


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Leaders of the resistance

Leo (24yo)

Handsome and extremely charismatic half elf, wanted to join Lord Friderik’s army but was rejected due to his bad leg, a result of a riding accident in his youth, even though he is quite handy with a sword. Started the resistance with some of his best friends and like minded individuals, got more people to come by offering good mead at the meetings.

Alastor Redcloak - not his real name (21yo)

Alastor Redcloak, or Tim, which is his real name, is a serious wizard and protector of the village, or at least that is what he keeps telling other villagers, most of which refuse to stop calling him Timmy. He had a serious wizard’s education, which was, due to some devastating circumstances cut short, and he was left with the mastery of precisely one and a half spell. Sadly, this is the best that the village of Lavry has. He is a good friend of Leo, they were childhood friends, and one of the founding members of the resistance. As he is the only mage in the vicinity, he is, on occasion, invited to the lord’s castle, which he uses to gather intelligence on the enemy – he is, so to speak a superspy.

Note: The resistance has a secret base in the village below the castle – this base is in the wine cellar of Alastor’s Wizard’s tower.

Polina (36yo), shoemaker’s wife

Has three sons, two of which are in the resistance and a young daughter. Used to be a poacher when she was young, so she is quite handy with a bow. She is missing her left pinky finger which is a result of her punishment for poaching.

Village people

Brenda the Tavern keeper (55yo)

The tavern owner & barmaid, ex adventurer, crazy with an axe. Her son Leo is the leader of the resistance; she would die and kill for him although she is not officially part of the resistance. Leo is a product of a steamy affair she had with an elf on one of her many adventures. She found out she was pregnant after she had already left and never got around to tell him they had a child.


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Rion the Priest (45yo)

The priest of Bahamut is a badass ex bounty hunter turned judge, turned priest. He is a huge, burly man with arms the size of small logs, shaved head and tattoos of dragons that cover most of his body. Despite his unconventional appearance Rion is a genuinely good person who feels it is his duty to take care of ‘his’ village both spiritually and physically if that is what it takes.

Gomit the Smith (39yo)

A sleazy guy with face scars left from the pox he survived. He believes himself to be indisputably important in this little community, but most women give him and his grabby hands a wide berth. He is passably competent at what he does and although he mostly makes nails and horseshoes he can repair or forge a sword – he was needed many times in the castle where he picked a thing or two from the castle smith.

Kyril the Shoemaker (42yo)

It is clear, at the first glance really, that Kyril is not the one in control in this family. That would be his wife Polina. He is a silent, spindly man who rarely catches people’s attention but upon further consideration and examination he proves to have an intelligent spark in his eye and deft fingers, experienced in much more than just making shoes. He apprenticed in the city of Waterdeep and fell in with some questionable individuals and before long he found himself quite prolific in forgery. Now he is a silent partner in the Resistance – he and his wife had, after much strife, decided that if they are ever found out he would feign innocence so their children would have a parent left.

Bosco the Librarian (77yo)

A gnome librarian and, in his humble opinion, the only one with some brains in this village, except maybe Linnea – she is smart AND pretty. He is small, even for a gnome, with long grey beard and is dressed in flowy robes that were fashionable maybe some four or five decades ago. As he is so small he needs to use moving stairs even though his book shelves are not really that high – an average human could reach them without getting on their toes. This poverty business is really making him nervous – he had to sell his donkey and two cows but now he is seriously worried that a time will come when he will need to start selling books. He secretly loves romance novels and has harboured a wild crush on Linnea for the past half a century. She is the beautiful-est, she has golden locks the colour of the new-born sun, lips in the shape of tulips and her brow is like the flight of a nightingale if it were gold in colour.

Linnea the Village Elder (350yo)

Has beautiful golden hair. She is an elf and the oldest person in the village. Although she is a go-to person for advice, present on every event and involved in every association or fellowship


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she is bored to death with her life. She is the mother of 10 out of almost 40 half-elves in this village, all grown up and with their families, and at this point she doesn’t know what to do with her life anymore.

The Village of Lavry

The Church of Bahamut (2)

The church is a tall building with a nave topped with intricate spires and two side aisles. The massive front gate is guarded by two gargoyle-like dragons. Inside the church is quiet so that every step echoes and the smells of incense is ever present. The black marble altar is guarded by a huge Bahamut statue, which, legend says, once upon a time had massive jewels for eyes but one vanished and the other was used to bribe a demon to spare the village. Aside from that and benches that are placed sporadically in the main nave, the inside is pretty bare.


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Axe Maiden Tavern (3)

It is named after its proprietor. The building is huge, with its own stables for the patrons. The first floor is made of stone, while the upper part is wooden. A polished sign painted with the symbol of an axe creeks in the wind above the main entrance. The main room is filled with long tables with benches, scrubbed clean but with coloured markings from the spillage of endless drinks. A stone fireplace sits in one corner, fire always crackling, a bear rug and upholstered bench placed there for those who prefer heat. At the far end is a bar, covered with barrels, casks and kegs, some new, others rough from a thin film of stickiness. The main decorations are weapons – a great axe hangs above the fireplace and there are a few swords, placed on the wall behind the counter. The whole place smells of good food, smoke and spiced drinks.

Smithy (4)

The squat sandstone house is the home of the village smith Gomit. It is bordered by the enormous first gatehouse of the castle next to which the building looks even shorter. The stonework is neatly done and looks bright and new and indeed it is, as the previous building burned down a few years before and took Gomit’s wife and child with it while he was drinking in the tavern.

Wizard’s “tower” (5)

The home of Alastor Redcloak is a tiny half stone half wooden construct on the edge of the village famous for strange whispering sounds and stranger smells that find its way from there to the village. It has three floors, albeit all so wonky it is a miracle they still stand. The whole eastern side is overgrown with ivy.

Kyril’s shoes (6)

The shoe shop is a simple wooden house, but one well maintained and proper in all senses of the word. The flowers adorn every window, the door is painted green although the paint seems a bit worn, and there are simple curtains in the windows. The shop is a simple small space. It is tidy but looks a bit empty – almost like they couldn’t afford to buy materials for shoes. Only two pairs of shoes are presented on a small table pushed to the wall and there is a small working counter with a simple stool.

Library (7)

The house is comfortably shielded from the elements and prying eyes by the castle hill on which it borders. This neat, two-story building is the home of Bosco, who is a keen collector of books and decided to remake his home into a library despite most villagers not being able to or interested in reading. The house makes a pretty picture – the road to it is framed with tall ash


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trees and the main entrance is decorated with a stone archway. There seems to be a stable but it is empty. The inside smells of dust, old leather and paper and sandalwood. Books are stacked in neat piles and cover every surface, not only the designated shelves.

Elder’s house (8)

The house of the village elder Linnea is one of the prettier structures in the village. It was built around an old tree, the top of which can be seen stretching through the roof. The whole estate was circled by a high metal fence, intricately forged and overgrown with flowers. The decorations on the estate gate, it is said, were not long ago gilded but no trace of this remains to this day.

The Adventure

The party is, as a part of their trials, sent to the village of Lavry to help with the disturbance. Some local people, after increasing poverty and hunger due to ever-higher taxes, have started a resistance hitting the baron of Lavry’s tax collectors and distributing the spoils among the people. Although it was the baron who first contacted The Academy, asking for help, The Academy above all expects you to solve this issue regardless of the side you choose to align with to do it. It can be felt, however, that they prefer the baron.

The green curtain of the forest lazily withdraws to leave you with a view over a small, idyllic looking village nestled at the foot of a small hill, perched atop of which is a grey colossus of a castle. Smoke rises in shy wisps from the chimneys of terracotta covered roofs of the cottages, most of which are only big enough to have a room or two. They are bordered by cultivated land, and beyond that, more green forest. The air smells of smoke, freshly chopped wood and animal dung and you can hear the sounds of work, hammering, chopping and creaking wheels, songs of women and laughter and screams of children playing. When you draw closer and enter the village, however, the idyllic image diminishes somewhat. People are thin, tired looking. Children run around barefoot and in clothes so worn out they are almost transparent. Some of the people you pass regard your purses hungrily but meet you with awkward smiles when they catch your eyes.

The castle

You enter a spacious, nearly empty great hall with lovely coffered ceiling. The walls are covered with fuzzy tapestries and orange and blue banners carrying the Ashdawn burning tree symbol. Two rows of now empty tables, scrubbed to a shine, with benches lay before one raised on a platform with a fireplace in the background. Mounted above the fireplace is a head of a drake-like beast, now only a skeleton. Aside from you, there


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are only six people in the room, two guards, a young man with ginger hair clashing with his violet robe, two ladies, one younger and the second older, both in fine gowns and with similar golden hair, and a stern looking older man in a velvet doublet.

The baron, lord Friderik explains that for the past few years kobold raids have been hitting closer and closer to his border, so he increased taxes to fund his army, which he needs to protect his people. He tried ignoring the resistance but as they became bolder their attacks grew in frequency and scale and now he is facing mutiny in his small army, people blame him for their poverty while at the same time the situation for them hasn’t significantly improved. He wants the party to discover the identity of the main perpetrators, find their base and bring them to him so they could face justice.

● If they speak to lady Elenor she will plead for the lives of rebels. With a successful insight check they get the feeling that she knows something about them. -> She and Leo used to meet but their romance died when he started the rebellion. She doesn’t know he is the leader, but she knows he is connected to them.

● Lady Anabelle claims not to know much about recent events as she frequently visits her family back in Neverwinter. If asked, will reveal family name Goldhart and praise the family as important and wealthy, but not much else.

● Alastor may be there and he is willing to share his research on the topic’ with the party. If they accept he will give them all the wrong information – so wrong in fact that some things can be deduced by searching for the opposite of what he says.

● Lord Friderik may tell them, if they ask, that the next tax collector will be coming back to the village in two days’ time accompanied with a guard of four and a few wagons mainly of crops but also some gold.

The Village

Note: You do not need to introduce all the hooks, players can build a case whichever path they choose; should eventually lead them to rebellion leaders.

● Brenda: seems to be doing better than most of the village, if asked she will say people fear her huge axe, Insight check reveals that’s not all of the truth (must be getting resources from somewhere); willing to strike a deal if they spare her son, but only if they have strong evidence of their involvement.

● Random villagers: 1.) the ‘mage tower’ had a huge wine cellar once 2.) Alastor has recently travelled a lot, bringing back with him mules laden with suspicious packs 3.) Brenda has been seen visiting Alastor 4.) if you need advice, go ask the village elder

● The smith: Is making a sword for one of Polina’s sons. Is suspicious where he got the money.

● Elder: Leo recently asked where to invest money


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● Librarian: Kian borrowed book Volume Four of Eastern Battle Tactics, which

includes a chapter on guerrilla warfare. Surprising fact is he cannot read. (if asked, Kian will say he was asked to borrow the book for Alastor who is researching the resistance)

● Church: Polina has been speaking to the priest, that she feels guilty for stealing. ● Red herrings: Aron the farmer likes long walks in the forest, Kian, tanner’s son, has

been boasting about fighting guards, Lidia believes her ex-lover is certainly part of the resistance, she will also swear he is a witch and sacrifices virgins every full moon -> it was a rough break up.

● If they decide to use the tax collector’s arrival as bait: they get two (Leo & Polina) out of three rebellion leaders. A small battle with the four guards (castle guards stats) + party vs. 6-8 rebels (Ambush stats).

The Interrogation

1. Leo: doesn’t respond well to threats or violence (unless VERY extreme), but will attempt to persuade PCs if they seem sympathetic to the rebel cause. Won’t reveal much, but if PCs are (or successfully pretend to be) convinced, will tell them to meet in Alastor’s basement.

2. Polina: initially resistant, but will crack quickly if PCs connect her to her family and threaten her sons. Will reveal Alastor’s basement as a meeting location and warn that it’s trapped, but cannot provide more details because she didn’t set the traps herself and was always let in by others. If possible, will try to make PCs to give their word her family will not be harmed in exchange for this info.

The Secret base

A musky, old scent, with an acidic undertone from decades or centuries of fermenting grapes meets you as you enter the first, dust covered room. It is full of casks and barrels of all shapes and sizes, neatly organized in two rows on both your left and right side. They are, like most everything here covered in dust and spider webs. On the other side of the room are four huge casks, each big enough to fit five grown men inside.// The area around them seems a bit cleaner, not so much because somebody took their time to clean it, but more due to it being used/lived in.

Secret entrance: through a huge cask for wine. (Perception DC12)

After descending the winding stairs you encounter a wall. It closes your path forward and there are no doors or holes to your left or right. In front of the wall stands a small intricate humanoid statue with glowing arcane markings covering its body. Above it, glowing faintly near the centre of the wall, is a short text. It seems to be created with the aid of magic.


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What must you first give to me in order to keep it? Answer: Your word. -> they must promise they mean no harm or some such

Arcane guardian: Note: if you are running out of time, or/and there was already the ambush fight you may wish to let go of this encounter. Small-sized golem, remains dormant until PCs try to answer the riddle. If they answer the riddle correctly but do not explicitly promise they “mean no harm” will attack PCs (Lesser golem). If defeated, door still opens (Alastor didn’t think anyone could beat his awesome golem).

Loot room: Full of sacks of flour and grain, cured meats and a few more interesting items. On a table there is a small chest (sleight of hand 15 to lockpick) with 1321cp, 265sp and 50gp packed into small leather pouches, Potion of Giant Strength (21), Studded Leather armour, round wooden Shield (targe), Chainmail, 5x dagger, 2x Longsword, hand crossbow, 20 crossbow bolts.

Spike Pit trap: perception (DC 15) to notice pressure plate. Dex save (DC 13) or 2d4 piercing damage. (DC 18, sleight of hand, to disable; if they noticed trap with Perception, can try DC 15 Acrobatics (Dex) to jump over)

Before you is a great metal door coloured white and painted with two wizards in flowing purple robes at the edge of each door leaf. Their hands are raised forward and palms outstretched in a stop sign. In front of the door is a small table with three goblets – in the first there is a red liquid, in the second blue and in the third yellow liquid. They need to mix blue and red to get purple and then leave a handprint on the white of the door

(between the pictures of wizards).

Note: the paint magically vanishes as soon as the door opens. Therefore, there are no stains on the door and rebels cannot be identified by paint stains on their hands.

The Decision

You enter an underground cellar, smelling of mould and dampness, with columns framing it on both sides and a long table in the middle. The walls are made of great grey blocks of stone, moist and covered with lichen. There are three people in the room with you, all standing ready to fight and staring at you intently.

If they didn’t prepare an ambush they meet Leo, Polina and Alastor here or if they had Alastor with them he reveals himself to be one of the rebels. Leo will do everything in his power to convince the party not to fight them and to explain the situation that led them to start the resistance and that they aren’t the bad guys.

Their reasoning:


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1. People are close to starving 2. they can’t afford anything – clothes, medicine, etc. They would be freezing once the

winter came, some villagers are sick and getting sicker, their families too destitute to help them so they just watch them wither away.

3. They are distributing the money and food they take from the tax collectors to everyone in the village

4. They try not to kill or even permanently maim anyone during the raids.


1. Bring the rebels in for the trial -> have to fight them first. If they already defeated Polina and Leo they have to fight Alastor and two random rebels (stats from the Ambush) otherwise they fight rebellion leaders.

2. Side with them and force the baron into relaxing his taxes 1. Open rebellion: Alastor or Elenor open a secret passage into the castle to allow

rebels entry into castle, a fight breaks out. ■ If baron wins everyone imprisoned (PCs eventually freed – academy pulls

strings); ■ if players win they can force agreement, but later hear rumours of kobolds

or renegade army raiding the countryside. 2. Peace negotiations: Barron is willing to relax taxes a bit and provide the

services of his court medic as well as used clothes. If they are persuasive or have good ideas he can be even more accommodating.

3. Try to find an alternative solution

NPC Stats Blocks

Leo Medium half-elf, chaotic good; Armor Class 15 (studded armor); Hit Points 25 (3d8+6); Speed 30 ft. STR 15 (+2), DEX 16 (+3), CON 14 (+2), INT 14 (+2), WIS 11 (+0), CHA 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +5, Wis +2 Skills Athletics +4, Deception +4 Senses: passive Perception 10 Languages common Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Actions: Scimitar: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage. Dagger: Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.


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Reactions: Parry: Leo adds 2 to his AC against one melee attack that would hit him. To do so, he must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.

Polina Medium human, neutral; Armor Class 13 (leather armor); Hit Points 16 (3d8+3); Speed 30 ft. STR 11 (+0), DEX 14 (+2), CON 12 (+1), INT 11 (+0), WIS 13 (+1), CHA 11 (+0)

Skills: Nature +4, Perception +5, Stealth +6, Survival +5 Senses: passive Perception 15 Languages: common Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Actions Multiattack: Polina makes two melee attacks or two ranged attacks. Shortsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. Longbow: Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Alastor Medium human, neutral good; Armor Class 12; Hit Points 14 (3d6); Speed 30 ft. STR 9 (-1), DEX 14 (+2), CON 11 (+0), INT 17 (+3), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 11 (+0)

Saving Throws: Int +5, Wis +3 Skills: Arcana +6, History +6 Senses: passive Perception 11 Languages: common Challenge 1/2 (100xp) Special Traits Spellcasting: Spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The mage has the following wizard spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): fire bolt 1st level (4 slots): shield (50% working) Actions Dagger: Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + piercing damage.


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Session 4: Silvertree Theme: Resource management Author: Gregor Kocman

The scenario is meant for 5 level 3 characters.

Silvertree village The Village of Silvertree was settled at the end of winter a year ago on the bank of the Sparkling Creek. Initially settled by 38 people, mostly halflings and a few humans, the village grew further during the year with new settlers as well as a few newborns, now consisting of 52 villagers. The original settlers soon discovered that the big old tree that most of them settled around, was actually occupied by an old dryad who decided to spend the rest of her days there. While this was an oddity to the settlers, they never preoccupied themselves much with it as they were mostly busy building shelters and tending to the fields. They also discovered that the neighboring area had already been claimed by a tribe of goblins who did not appreciate the new arrivals. While the goblins constantly pestered the settlers at the edge of the village, they never seemed to dare come closer than within a couple of hundred yards of the tree. And so it was that the villagers stayed close to the tree for safety and built and planted accordingly. It eventually turned out that due to the constrained space, they would not be able to plant enough crops to sustain them in the long term. They made it through the first winter with the aid of supplies they brought with them but those are running out now. As the new planting season is but a week away, they need to find a solution on how to deal with the goblins and expand their village. They sent the town bard with two guards to negotiate with the goblins two days ago but they haven’t been heard from since. So, they sent word to the authorities in order to receive help in the matter and the heads of the academy, which partially financed the new settlement, thought this would be a great opportunity for a group of its students to handle as part of their exams. Notes:

● There is an old dryad named Shea living in the tree located in the main square of the village. She is content to spend the rest of her days there and protects the surrounding area from the goblins that want to get rid of her. She uses her spells to keep them at a distance and the goblins through the years learned it is better not to get too close to the tree. The settlers discovered the dryad soon after they raised their first buildings and made a deal with her to help protect the area in exchange for the dryad making the land more fertile. They have been peacefully coexisting ever since and the settlers even named their village after specs of silver bark visible on the tree.


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● In the tavern of The Silver Leaf, the innkeeper, a 38-year-old female stout halfling named

Roslyn Dewfoot makes a very potent ale called the Lucky Cooler (lucky because halflings are considered lucky creatures and cooler because she stores the casks submerged in the river that keeps the drinks cool). She offers to make it for the goblins if they allow the village to grow wheat which she needs to make it. She can give you a cask of the Lucky Cooler to present to the goblins as a sample. (INT check DC 13: cask can be poisoned by the players, if they don’t have any poison, DC 18 nature check to find herbs).

● The village elder Otto Headstrong, a 90-year-old male stout halfling is the one who sent out word for help. He is a historian and loves the village they settled in. He wishes he could write a history of Silvertree’s beginnings someday. The adventurers are welcomed by him with open arms and he promises to mention them in his history book should they succeed.

● Dora Chillwater, a halfling female is the village’s cleric of Yondalla and is married to Walter Cromwell, a human cleric of Lathander. Together they take care of souls in Silvertree.

● Daisy Buckville is a halfling bard that volunteered to negotiate with the goblins but hasn’t returned. The villagers are worried about her and the two dwarven guards that went with him.

● Yondalla (deity) was the creator of the halfling race and matriarch of not only the halfling pantheon, but the whole race itself. With her charming personality and friendly demeanor, she was an example to all halflings; who almost all shared her curiosity, loyalty and sense of mischief.

● Lathander (deity), whose title was The Morninglord, was a deity of creativity, dawn, renewal, birth, athletics, spring, self-perfection, vitality and youth. He favored those who dispelled the undead and blessed those who planted new life. Lathander was also the god called upon to bless birth and fertility related ceremonies.


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Mira Tunnel, Innkeeper at the Silver Leaf (38 yo) Stout Halfling, Lawful Good; STR 7, DEX 16, CON 9, INT 11, WIS 10, CHA 14 Relationship: Single, straight She has long, curled, black hair, blue eyes and has silky white skin. She stands 79cm (2'7") tall and has a regular build with a square, unremarkable face. She is very competitive and secretly wants to become the leader of the village.

Otto Headstrong, Village elder (90 yo) Stout Halfling, Neutral Good; STR 6, DEX 8, CON 9, INT 13, WIS 16, CHA 12 Relationship: Single, straight He has extremely long, wavy, golden hair, brown eyes and has pockmarked, gray skin. He stands 124cm (4'0") tall and has a fat build with an oval, bland face. He is deaf from the right ear. He is very benevolent. He is very talkative. He values his community very highly. He is a historian. He stretches the truth to tell a good story.

Dora Chillwater, halfling cleric of Yondalla (lvl 2, 36 yo) Lightfoot Halfling, Lawful Good; STR 9, DEX 12, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 15, CHA 17 Relationship: Married, straight She has short, straight, blond hair shaved on the right side and green eyes. She has rugged white skin. She stands 117cm (3'10") tall and has a regular build with a soft, cute face.

Walter Cromwell, human cleric of Lathander (lvl 2, 41 yo) Human, Lawful Good; STR 12, DEX 10, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 15, CHA 14 Relationship: Married, straight He has long, wavy, white hair and brown eyes. He has veiny pink skin. He stands 167cm (5'5") tall and has a regular build with an oval, handsome face with gigantic, braided sideburns. He constantly squints.

Daisy Buckville, Bard (38 yo) Lightfoot Halfling, Chaotic Good; STR 10, DEX 16, CON 10, INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 16 Relationship: Single, straight She has long, curled, red hair and green eyes. She has rugged, sunburned, brown skin. She stands 89cm (3'11") tall and has a skinny build and a square, attractive face. She smokes the pipe occasionally.


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Silvertree village center Built around the dryad’s tree. There is an inn, a chapel, a blacksmith and a woodworker as well as a general store. The rest of the buildings are mostly houses with a barn and some storages.

Chapter 1: Silvertree As the academy students are teleported to Silvertree, they are greeted by the village elder named Otto Headstrong, who thanks them for answering their call for help. He invites them to the Silver Leaf inn where they have a sit-down with Roslyn Dewfoot over a mug of the Lucky Cooler ale. Otto and Roslyn explain the situation regarding the tree, the limited space they have


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due to the goblin situation and mention they recently sent Daisy Buckville, the village bard with two armed villagers who haven’t returned yet. They tell them that the goblins usually come from the direction of an abandoned flooded mine which is about 45 min walk from the village and that is where the bard went to negotiate. As they exit the inn, they are also greeted by the village clerics Dora Chillwater and Walter Cromwell, who bestow upon them the benefits of a False Life spell (1d4+4 temp hit points for 1 hour) and wish them success as much for their sake as for the village’s.

Chapter 2: Mine Entrance The players travel through the forest and arrive in front of the mine. At this point, they should have 15 min of the False life buff still available if they haven’t strayed from the path. At the entrance, there are 2 goblins, each of them also has a wolf with them. The entrance to the mine is barred by a ten-foot-wide sturdy wooden double door that opens to the outside. The students can use a DC 16 persuasion to be let in, bribe the guards (20gp per guard and the two goblins also ask for an extra 10gp per wolf and giggle about it) or fight them. All goblins are armed with short bows and scimitars. The trees in the forest can be used to provide half-cover from ranged attacks for the party as well as the goblins.

Chapter 3: Mine When the students enter the mine, they see before them a long hallway going straight at least 100 feet. It is dimly lit by a few torches and they can see a large door on the left wall, two on the right wall and one at the very end of the hallway. There are also two pit traps hidden along the way (20 feet deep, 1d6 falling damage, DC 15 passive/active perception to find them, DC 15 acrobatics to avoid falling in if triggered) Room 1 - Storage The door to room 1 is barred from the outside and can be opened with a DC 10 STR check. Behind the door is a 20 feet long hallway ending in a small room (30x25 feet with 20 feet high ceiling). The hallway is barely lit by the light from the main hallway and the room beyond is completely dark. There are two unlit torches in their sconces on the wall, one in the hallway and


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one in the room. The room is filled with crates and barrels and unlike the hallway it is covered with spider webs. The students need a DC14 stealth check not to be noticed by the two Giant wolf spiders lurking behind the crates. As soon as one of the students touches a part of the web, the spiders notice them with their web sense ability. Surfaces covered with the web are also difficult terrain for creatures other than spiders. If the students defeat the spiders, they can search the crates and find 10 rations, 5 empty waterskins, 2 onyx gems (50gp each), Cartographer’s toolkit (15gp), Disguise kit (25gp), 15 Vials of various spices (100gp), 2 sets of thieves’ tools (25gp each). They can also make a DC16 survival skill check to extract a vial of poison from each of the spiders. If a weapon is coated in the poison it causes an additional 2d4 poison damage the first time the weapon hits. DC11 constitution save is needed to resist the poison. Room 2 - Bedroom The first room on the right is being used as a bedroom by the goblins. It is dimly lit by a torch while three more are set in their sconces but not lit. There are currently two of them resting there. DC 10 stealth check is required to not be noticed by them. If the characters are noticed, a DC 15 persuasion check is needed to convince the goblins not to attack. If the diplomacy check is successful, the two goblins take the students into the main room where their boss is. If fighting ensues (the two goblins are not wearing armor and grab either a scimitar and a shield or a bow from next to their beds but not both) and the goblins are defeated, the characters can make a DC15 investigation check and find the keys to the two goblin’s chests on their bodies. They can also attempt a DC15 thieves’ tools check to unlock the chests next to each bed. They only find ragged clothes, trinkets and 7gp 15 sp 10 cp per chest. A roll of 1 on a thieves’ tools check breaks the tools and jams the lock. The goblins also left behind their leather armor and whatever weapon or shield they didn’t use. Room 3 – Dining room The second room on the right is a dining room and two goblins are eating a meal with their wolf on the floor tearing into a piece of venison. It is well lit by torches. There are 4 tables in the room and three of them have crates set up for sitting while the fourth one has four worn chairs. There are some barrels of ale next to the wall and a pile of garbage in the other corner. The air in the room is stale and smells of different foods and rotten remains. As the students enter the room, they are immediately noticed by the goblins and the wolf unless a DC14 stealth check is made. If the characters are noticed, a DC 15 persuasion check is needed to convince the goblins not to attack. If the diplomacy check is successful, the two goblins flanked by their wolf take the students into the main room where their boss is. If fighting ensues (the two goblins are wearing leather armor and have both their weapons and shield available) and the goblins are defeated, the characters can make a DC15 investigation check and find the keys to the two more goblin’s chests from the bedroom on their bodies. Room 4 A – Main room (if the characters are brought in – diplomatic solution probable) If the characters are brought in to the main room by the goblins from the bedroom or the dining room, the goblins announce themselves by pounding on the door three times and then opening


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the large wooden door towards the hallway. Inside the main room to the left by a door is a goblin looking bored and sharpening his scimitar. To the right is a big hobgoblin (Craald Gargot) and another one in the center next to a wolf and a sturdy looking goblin in a chain shirt (goblin boss, Master Ploiq Stizokz). The latter is the boss of this tribe and the students are taken to him for negotiation. A DC20 Persuasion check is needed for the goblin boss to agree to the villager’s terms. If they promise him a share of the crops and deliveries of the Lucky Cooler, the students get +2 to their check for each item promised. If they give him the cask of Lucky Cooler and he drinks it, they can roll with advantage. The students can also ask about the bard and her companions. They are told the three are kept locked up here. If the negotiations were successful, he lets them go with the students. Note: If the students try to negotiate the release of the hostages before negotiating the truce, they receive -2 to the Persuasion roll to start a truce with the goblins. This is a single roll that includes the truce and the release of the hostages. Note: If the students poisoned the cask of the Lucky Cooler, the goblin boss takes 2d4 poison damage (DC11 constitution save to avoid it) as he drinks it and calls for his minions to attack. Room 4 B – Main room (if the characters decide to fight the goblins – violent solution probable) Note: If the students choose to fight their way through the mine and they let any of the goblins they encountered before the main room live, the goblin can tell them (DC15 persuasion or DC13 intimidation) that the signal to enter the main room is three knocks on the door and then opening them. If they use the signal, nobody should pay much attention to them immediately as they enter, effectively giving them a surprise round. If the characters choose to fight their way through the mine and plan to continue the fight in the main room, they roll initiative as soon as they open the door. They might get a surprise round (see note above). Inside the main room to the left by a door are two goblins making small talk and looking bored. To the right is a big hobgoblin with a wolf and another one in the center next to another wolf and a sturdy looking goblin in a chain shirt. The latter is the boss of this tribe. The hobgoblin to the right will run away through the door if the fight starts going badly for the goblins and will disappear down the stairs into the flooded mine, locking the door behind him (keep him alive if you want him there for game 6). He is the general working for Mar'Kith. If the students prevail and search the room, they also find the bard and the two bodyguards locked behind the door where the two goblins were standing guard (Room 5). There is however a pit trap right in front of the door (DC 15 perception to spot, DC15 dexterity save to avoid falling in, 20 feet deep, 1d6 damage). There is an 8-foot-long, 4 feet wide board to the left of the door that the goblins use to cross the pit safely. They also find 200gp in the boss’ chests, 2 potions of invulnerability, 2 longswords, 4 scimitars, a small chain shirt and a medium chain mail.


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(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

Chapter 4: Return to Silvertree and the Academy The villagers are especially happy to have Daisy and her bodyguards back and Daisy promises to write a poem of epic proportions dedicated to the students who everyone also praises for enabling the village to spread further and become more self-sufficient. The dryad changes the color of the leaves into silver as a gesture of gratitude. After a few casks of the Lucky Cooler, the students return to the academy to report on their mission.

NPC Stats blocks

Shae, Dryad of the silver tree Elder Dryad (fey), neutral; Armor Class 13 (16 with barkskin); Hit Points 54; Speed 30 ft. STR 10 (+0), DEX 12 (+1), CON 11 (+0), INT 14 (+2), WIS 15 (+2), CHA 18 (+4)

Senses Darkvision 60 ft, passive perception 14 Stealth +5 Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan Special Traits Innate Spellcasting. The dryad's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17). The dryad can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: druidcraft 3/day each: entangle, goodberry, conjure animals 1/day each: barkskin, shillelagh, plant growth, call lightning (range 250 feet) Magic Resistance. The dryad has the advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Speak with Beasts and Plants. The dryad can communicate with beasts and plants as if they shared a language. Tree Stride. Once on her turn, the dryad can use 10 ft. of her movement to step magically into one living tree within her reach and emerge from a second living tree within 60 ft. of the first tree, appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 ft. of the second tree. Both trees must be large or bigger. Actions Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d4) bludgeoning damage. Club (with shillelagh). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage. Fey Charm. The dryad targets one humanoid or beast that she can see within 30 feet of her. If the target can see the dryad, it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed. The charmed creature regards the dryad as a trusted friend to be heeded and protected. Although the target isn't under the dryad's control, it takes the dryad's requests or actions in the most favorable way it can.


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Each time the dryad or its allies do anything harmful to the target, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts 24 hours or until the dryad dies, is on a different plane of existence from the target, or ends the effect as a bonus action. If a target's saving throw is successful, the target is immune to the dryad's Fey Charm for the next 24 hours. The dryad can have no more than one humanoid and up to three beasts charmed at a time.


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

Session 5: The strange cult Theme: Religious discrimination Author: Boštjan Gretič

The scenario is meant for 5 level 3 characters.

Adventure background In the small village of Lakt, a backwoods place with several dozen citizen, mysterious and unexplainable things started happening after several years of peaceful coexisting with a less known cult of necromancers who call themselves The White Hand, who worship Myrkul, god of death, while the villagers of Lakt dedicate their prayers to Selune. Necromancy as a profession is generally abhorred and persecuted, however not the in Lakt. The cultists are a peaceful lot, who believe in mutually beneficial existence between the dead and living, much like in nature. They mostly take care of the remains of the villagers, both on physical as well as mental level. Since there were mysterious accidents occurring over the last two weeks, Brian, a friend of prof. Mirabela, decided to send for help from the academy. Prof. Mirabela, who initially helped to set up a living arrangement between the cult and the villagers many years ago, when the cult settled near the settlement. There were many things discussed at that time, from the accommodation of the cult to the practices they were allowed to carry out. Both sides made compromises, which made the coexistence work for many years. During that time, a man by the name of Angus, settled in the village and quickly became one with the community. He was a man of many talents and being able to help others with these talents which ranged from weaving baskets, repairing broken carts and tools, setting up wells and repairing roofs really helped with his assimilation. There was no misfortune that this man could not set right, so naturally, all the villagers got accustomed to him being around.

Adventure synopsis The players enter the village of Lakt, where they need to investigate a series of mysterious and grim events that occured in the last two weeks. The villagers point towards the necromancers as does the presented evidence, however there have been no prior incidents so it remains unclear whether the cult is involved. The villagers are currently organizing mobs all around the village, cutting the way off for anyone who would want to get in contact with the cult.


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The village Lakt

Chapter 1: Old bones The players enter the village, try to find clues about the cult. There are not many points of interest in the village since it really is small. The villagers usually spend their “off-hours” at the tavern, where the players are promptly guided by guards in case they wander off to explore the village by themselves. They are ultimately sent to the nearby graveyard to investigate cultist sightings, where they get attacked by skeletons in the mausoleum.


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The Tavern

When the players enter the tavern they are greeted by loud arguing. There are 10 villagers arguing between each other, it is clear that half of the villagers are trying to convince the others that the cult is really evil. Behind the bar they see the bartender who is watching the villagers, looking not very pleased. They notice two villagers sitting at a table near the entrance, who seem to have a lively conversation. The players are free to decide what they want to do. A pair at the entrance talk about some strange things happening around the mausoleum at the village graveyard. You can use the following dialogues to present the conversation: con: '' Everybody says they're evil '' pro: '' You do not even know them. You never talked to them. " con: '' The neighbor said that the last time they dragged the two-headed goat into the forest. '' pro: '' For my late mother, they took care and balmmed it. '' pro: '' On our farm, dead bodies have been revived. '' con: '' Since they came, there are problems. '' con: '' It's a mean religion. ''


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If players want to enter the argument one of the villagers shoos them away. After a couple of the villagers try to physically turn the players away claiming that it is none of their matter, the barman gestures the players to follow him into the back room. In the back room the barman seats them around a table, he says that he knows that they are from the academy, and brings them food. When they finish the food, the barman says: "I hear you came to Lakt to solve the problems with necromancers. A complicated matter. Since they came and settled there over the river, there were no problems with them. On the contrary. They helped the villagers and got involved in the living. Recently, strange and scary things have happened. Just yesterday evening, some villagers heard some kind of screaming and squealing sounds in the village cemetery. Most of these events are attributed to the cult. I did not have a bad experience with them yet. I can not say anything bad about them. And when you're right here, you could scratch the cemetery a little. On the village square, turn right and past the church. It will be safer if you go to the back door. " He throws a torch into their hands, saying, "You will need it." and opens the back door. The players afterwards hike to the graveyard.


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The Graveyard

When the players arrive at the graveyard they see what seem to be dozens of tombstones, and a grisly looking mausoleum in the middle of the graveyard, which for decades, accommodates the remains of the wealthier village folk.

- Perception (listen) check within 10 feet of the mausoleum: they hear strange rattling sounds coming from inside the mausoleum.

- Perceptions (search) check: human bone behind the tombstone The entrance to the mausoleum is closed with what seems like a rough beat wooden door. The door is not locked.


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

Inside the mausoleum the players encounter 3 skeletons that attack them. At the end of the fight the players find a black cloak with a big white hand drawn crudy on it’s back, that ties the skeletons to the cultists. After the players clear the mausoleum, they need to decide what their next step is going to be. When going through the village they get stopped by a local guard patrol. The guards ask them who they are, where they are going. After they tell them about the graveyard, the guard insist on taking them to Ciril, the local nobleman from the village council, who tells them the story of how the cultists came to the village, he claims there is plenty proof that they are evil, especially in the last two weeks, when the villagers found a stillborn calf with two heads and three days ago, lightning hit the church tower injuring the town priest, who barely made it out alive. After the players mention what happened at the graveyard, he mentions Angus, who came to the village shortly after the cult arrived, he’s now weaving baskets and practices pottery. He claims that the cult is evil, for example, when a dead baby was born the day after he saw the cultists in the woods performing some weird rituals. He is quite confident that they can take care of the threat themselves. He then asks them to leave the next day.

Chapter 2: Agents After the players leave the nobleman’s house, a shadowy figure follows and reveals himself to them. It’s Brian, who sent the letter to the academy, because he wants to protect the cult from the vile nobleman who doesn’t seem to act of his own accord. Brian introduces himself as a lifelong friend of profesor Mirabilandia, profesor for brewing potions. He then takes the players to a secret ritual place of the cult, where the players observe and finally meet someone from the cult. Rodeerik High priest (human necromancer), tells the story of a misunderstood group of people who have been judged and exiled for their beliefs. He thinks that it’s a former cultist, Raal, who has been following the cult ever since they banished him for using necromancy for with vile intent. He believes that Angus, the old basket weaver is really Raal in a disguise and needs to be confronted.


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Chapter 3: The confrontation The players finally go confront Angus at his basket weaving stand on the village square. Angus however is not there, instead they find Ciril, the nobleman, who tries to convince them that Angus has got nothing to do with them. The players try to convince him that the cult is really being set up by Angus, who plays a bigger role than Ciril can even imagine.

After a while Angus shows up on the other side of the square and starts yelling: "Do not believe them. Their mouth is full of nagging and evil lashes. In my own eyes, I saw how the head of the lamb cut off the head of the lamb on the altar, and the next day the sheep cut the two-headed lamb. I saw you in my own eyes, I tell you. Do you remember how the blacksmith's boyfriend disappeared back? He ended up on the altar, and the woman's baker gave birth to a dead child at sunrise. They were. They. I saw them in my own eyes, I tell you." Rodeerik, High Priest, confronts him: ''Your eyes have always seen what they wanted, Raal. That's your real name, Raal. You may not have heard your name ever since we kicked you out of our cult. We gave up because you used magic for perverted purposes. You performed the rituals you attributed to us. Discover. It's over with you, Raal, admit it. " Angus / Raal yells: ''Never. I will destroy you all!" and starts chanting for a turn to summon, in the middle of the mess Raal vanishes into the night. A ghoul is summoned and the players need to defeat it.


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Session 6: The Vengeance of Mar’kith Theme: Violation of Human rights Author: Luka Golob

The scenario is meant for 5 level 3 characters.


● Taelana Harrondar: Academy headmistress, CR6 Mage ● “Mar’kith” (Martin Kittridge): (initial) antagonist, CR4 Battlemage

Previous adventure hooks

● Mar’kith – some dragon or possibly deity worshipped by local kobolds. Clerics of Bahamut know nothing of Mar’kith and will affirm this entity is not among the Dragon god’s chosen or any mythological stories.

● Martin Kittridge – star student of the Academy from 2 generations ago, good fighter but especially skilled in combat magic. He is spoken of rarely, as it is known he was expelled. Reason for expulsion varies depending on story (make up whatever seems appropriate for the speaker; from necromancy to sacrificing virgins, or just stealing books from the restricted section or cheating on a test).

● Kittridge – a lower noble family in Neverwinter, which lost favour some time ago after a failed move to gain power. Presumed bankrupt. Rumoured extinct. Some versions of the story claim the family was dishonoured when their scion was expelled from the Academy, others say the son went mad because of his family’s downfall.

● Academy intrigue – rumours about certain high-ranking nobles holding influence over Academy leadership. Some assume blackmail of headmistress, others claim pull on Academy finances. Officially, the Academy is unaffiliated & self-financed, but owes allegiance to local ruler. Most dismiss these as rumours and conspiracy theories. The Goldhart family did finance part of a recent expansion, which is why there is a hall named after them – official story claims that’s all they got for their money (and there are other, though smaller rooms named after other patrons), but conspiracy theorists have their own ideas.

● Goldhart – prominent and influential noble family of Neverwinter, also allegedly has some ties to Waterdeep. Their sigil is a golden hart (a stag) head on a plain dark green background.


(D&D)2 Scenarios Društvo D20 Using discourse and dialogue as a learning tool while playing D&D 2019

The Adventure As their graduation assignment, PCs are sent back to Lavry, where rumours claim sightings of kobolds in the forests. Depending on resolution in Scenario 3, their contact is either baron Friderik, or Leo; the contact asks them for assistance, as the kobolds in the forests are becoming bolder and attack on the village is only a matter of time. If the PCs sided with the rebels and forced the baron to reduce taxes, visiting the baron shows him to be bitter and has an “I told you so” attitude about the entire situation. Otherwise, if they parted with the baron on amicable terms, he regrets that he could not have done more, and laments his own army’s small size and the inability to protect the entirety of his barony. PCs enter the forest and look for clues (Perception can reveal trails, Survival to follow them). They eventually find a band of kobolds lead by a Junk Shaman (or, if they are particularly unlucky or careless, the kobolds find them first) and engage in combat. If they meet in the open, kobolds will run and attempt to lure PCs to either a darker part of the forest, or (if the PCs are particularly unlucky in chasing them) back to their cave hideout (which also includes a few simple spike traps). In both cases, they try to negate the PCs advantage in sunlight, unless stopped. Once escape is no longer an option or the terrain is advantageous to them, kobolds will fight until defeated or killed. The Junk Shaman is a coward and will urge the kobolds to fight to the death, but is himself quick to surrender once the rest are defeated. Among his possessions is a glass orb (which upon inspection turns out to be a crystal ball), which enables communication with their leader, Mar’kith. If the players spare the shaman, he can be persuaded or intimidated to contact Mar’kith on the PCs behalf. The shaman reveals little of relevance, he will say almost anything to save his own hide and his knowledge of Common is mediocre at best. Alternatively, if PCs kill the kobolds and go through their possessions, the crystal ball activates on its own when a PC touches it. At first it reveals the face of what seems to be a bronze dragon, but a Perception check can reveal that something is off. A follow-up Investigation check reveals the dragon face is a mask. If the PCs communicate in a civil manner (or pass a Persuasion check), Mar’kith will voluntarily remove the mask and introduce himself with his full name, Martin Kittridge (a History check or player memory confirms the name and face as that of the excommunicated star student of the Academy). Martin explains he convinced the kobolds into servitude and uses them as mere tools of the draconic “Mar’kith” persona in order to enact his revenge on the Academy. He will attempt to convince the PCs to join him, claiming the Academy is corrupt, willing to sacrifice anyone in order to cater to wealthy lobbyists. Insight check reveals he believes he is telling the truth (but there is no way to know for certain). If prompted, he will tell the story of his own banishment, claiming his final assignment was a sham in order to paint him as a heretic (insert CE deity such as Cyric, Moander or Ghaunadaur), when in fact he was sent to eradicate the cult of that evil god. Instead, he was found by another group who have been told he is the leader of said cult, and that he was preparing to sacrifice the cult to their god (explaining why they found him alone among bodies of the cultists). The group


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that found him was also composed of exclusively Academy students who didn’t like him, insuring they brought him back for trial without allowing him to explain the situation. This continued in the actual trial, which he claims was a farce: he was not given due process and not allowed to voice his defence, only answer to very biased questions which required him to either lie (which he says he did not want to) or further incriminate himself. He was initially sentenced to death, but managed to escape with the help of a friend before the execution was to take place. If the players ask about the friend, Martin is reluctant to reveal anything, but a high Diplomacy check will reveal that it was a fellow student by the name of Malak (the same as the one who corrupted the witch’s daughter in Scenario 2). If PCs side with Martin (or manage to lie to him about it with a high Deception check), he tells them to go back to the Academy as if everything had gone as planned. He informs the PCs that he intends to attack the Academy, and that they can help him by leaving the side gate open before nightfall. If PCs are not swayed by Martin’s tale and decide to go through with their initial mission, he angrily tells the party that, the Academy’s lapdogs that they are, they shall share its fate. He then shuts down the crystal ball (which then ceases to function). Martin responds to persuasion attempts and may be convinced to reveal more of his story, but not to call off the attack or abandon his vengeance. A successful Persuasion or Intimidation check may make him more cautious, which eventually leads to his sneaking into the academy rather than leading a frontal attack (which backfires if they intended to go against him). He shares this change of plans with the PCs if they sided with him (or successfully used Deception to convince him so), otherwise he doesn’t tell them. Whatever they choose, the PCs make their way back to the village, where they are already met with an Academy messenger, who claims there has been a development and the PCs must return with them to the Academy immediately. There, they report to the headmistress, who also informs them that a kobold army led by Mar'kith is to attack the Academy, presumably sometime in the evening. PCs have a few hours before the attack comes. Leaving the side door open (if they sided with Martin) is an easy task, requiring them to persuade, bribe or knock out a single guard (the Academy did not anticipate the enemy having intimate knowledge of the Academy building). If Martin was not made cautious, a legion of kobolds attacks the Academy, quickly overrunning the front gate and initial defences. Small battles erupt everywhere, but it soon becomes clear that the majority of the kobold force (they are weak, but have numbers) is meant to keep the defenders busy while Mar’kith and his retinue pursue the headmistress. If Martin was made cautious, the attack instead begins in the main hall, after an army of kobolds erupts from the sewers (if questioned, a student reveals that there were rumours of a secret passage in the lower areas, but nobody ever found it – incidentally, this is the same passage through which Martin escaped his execution). In this version, the kobolds seem to be without a leader and a blast, followed by a female scream, is heard from the headmistress’ quarters. If the PCs don’t jump to rush to help by themselves, a teacher busy with fighting several kobolds at once tells them to go and help the headmistress.


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The PCs find themselves in the middle of the showdown between Martin and headmistress Harrondar, each with their own allies. If Martin was cautious, the PCs find them in the headmaster’s office and the headmistress is burnt and bruised (at half HP) and Martin has one 3rd slot spell less available. If not, the encounter happens in the main hall and all parties are at full capacity. If PCs agreed to help Martin, he thanks them for the assistance and asks them to fight the headmistress’ retinue with him. Otherwise, he insults them and tells them to step aside while he “deals with this.” Headmistress urges PCs to aid her, calling upon their allegiance to the Academy and naming Martin a “bitter, dishonoured has-been” who couldn’t face rejection. He objects, calling her a “corrupt puppet in the hands of power-hungry nobles” and vows to destroy her and the entire Academy. PCs may intervene and attempt to resolve the issue before fighting starts as both sides want them on their side. Whichever side they choose fights with them against the other. Should any side be defeated, or if PCs choose to investigate the issue, a standstill happens – the loser is trying to buy time for reinforcements to arrive, but during the accusations, both sides reveal the whole thing to be based on shaky grounds. The headmistress reveals that the Academy did indeed receive a tip from “a powerful friend” that Martin was leading a heretical cult in the wilderness and acted upon it. Martin calls her out on her lie and asks how much the Academy was paid to frame him. Harrondar reveals that the patron did indeed offer a hefty reward, but that the evidence provided would have sufficed to arrest Martin regardless. Insight check reveal either side believes to be telling the truth. An Investigation check can give players a hint at the possibility that the Academy may have been used by an outside power. A History or Investigation check reveals that a certain noble family (players should make their own link to the Goldharts) may have intentionally destroyed the Kittridges. PCs may also confront Martin with the doings of his generals: this reveals that while they had similar goals in mind, Martin himself was ignorant of the lengths to which his “subordinates” went to achieve those goals. After the initial exchange at the standstill, Mar’kith’s surviving generals arrive. Malak will taunt Martin into enacting his vengeance; depending on the interaction so far, he can either be eager or reluctant to resume hostilities (unless the PCs have been especially bloodthirsty, he should be at least hesitant: there is more behind the issue than meets the eye). If Martin was confronted with the actions of his generals, he demands an explanation. Malak goads and insults him, revealing that it was Martin who was the tool: his task was to destroy the Academy, but apparently, he cannot even do that, so matters must be taken into Malak’s own hands. He then proceeds to attack the headmistress and the PCs – Martin will join whichever side was more convincing. The battle ends when the generals are defeated – they will fight until dead or physically incapable of continuing.


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The Epilogue Assuming neither Martin nor the headmistress died, the generals are dead or imprisoned. Martin is also incarcerated pending a new trial in light of new evidence. The Goldhart family is taken to High Court on suspicion of conspiracy and treason. If Martin killed headmistress Harrondar, he and his generals lay waste to the Academy, eventually reducing it to a smoking ruin. If the PCs supported him, they have to flee the scene together before the City Guard arrives in force. If the PCs opposed him and are defeated, Martin apologises to them before executing them. The PCs are too dangerous to be left alive. If Martin sided with the PCs and Harrondar against the generals, but the headmistress died, Martin is still imprisoned, but it is unclear whether he is awaiting a new trial or left to rot for the headmistress’ death. Encounters:

● Kobold gang: 8 Kobolds & 1 Kobold Junk Shaman ● Mar’kith: Human Battle Mage & honour guard of 2 Kobold Elites & 8 Kobolds ● Tealana Harrondar: Human Mage, 4 Acolytes & 8 Guards ● Generals: Malak + any surviving generals from previous adventures. Dwarven upstart

and hobgoblin leader each bring 1-4 underlings (decide depending on number of surviving generals and whether they’re joined by Martin & his kobolds, or against everyone else).

NPC Stats blocks

Martin Kittridge Half-elf, Chaotic Neutral; Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor); Hit Points 66 (12d8+12); Speed 30 ft. STR 19 (+4), DEX 14 (+2), CON 12 (+1), INT 18 (+4), WIS 14 (+2), CHA 16 (+3)

Saving Throws: Constitution +3, Intelligence +6 Skills: Arcana +6, History +6 Senses: passive Perception 12 Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarvish, Draconic Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Special Traits Overchannel. As a bonus action, a battle mage can overchannel its spells until the start of its next turn. A creature has disadvantage on its saving throws against an overchanneled spell. Attack rolls against the battle mage have advantage until the start of its next turn. Tactical Casting. When a battle mage casts a spell that causes damage or that forces a creature to make a saving throw, it can choose itself and any number of


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allies to be immune to the damage caused by the spell and to automatically succeed on the required saving throw. Spellcasting. The battle mage is a 7th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The battle mage has the following wizard spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, mage hand, poison spray, shocking grasp 1st level (4 slots): burning hands, mage armor, magic missile, thunderwave 2nd level (3 slots): flaming sphere, misty step, shatter 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball, lightning bolt 4th level (1 slots): ice storm Actions Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d6 + 6) piercing damage. Reactions Self-Defense Casting. When the battle mage is hit by a weapon attack, it can cast a cantrip against the attacker. Magical Gear Gauntlets of Ogre Power - Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Your Strength score is 19 while you wear these gauntlets. They have no effect on you if your Strength is already 19 or higher.

Taelana Harrondar Human, Lawful Neutral; Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor); Hit Points 40 (9d8); Speed 30 ft. STR 9 (-1), DEX 14 (+2), CON 11 (+0), INT 17 (+3), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +4 Skills Arcana +6, History +6 Senses: passive Perception 11, darkvision & see invisibility 120ft Languages Common, Elven, Dwarvish, Draconic Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Special Traits Spellcasting: The mage is a 9th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The mage has the following wizard spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, mage hand, prestidigitation 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, mage armor, magic missile, shield 2nd level (3 slots): misty step, suggestion 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball, fly 4th level (3 slots): greater invisibility, ice storm 5th level (1 slot): cone of cold Actions


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Dagger: Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + piercing damage. Magic gear Robe of Eyes - Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) This robe is adorned with eyelike patterns. While you wear the robe, you gain the following benefits:

- The robe lets you see in all directions, and you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

- You have darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. - You can see invisible creatures and objects, as well as see into the

Ethereal Plane, out to a range of 120 feet. The eyes on the robe can’t be closed or averted. Although you can close or avert your own eyes, you are never considered to be doing so while wearing this robe. A light spell cast on the robe or a daylight spell cast within 5 feet of the robe causes you to be blinded for 1 minute. At the end of each of your turns, you can make a Constitution saving throw (DC 11 for light or DC 15 for daylight), ending the blindness on a success.

Malak Human, Neutral Evil; Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor); Hit Points 36 (7d8+7); Speed 30 ft. STR 8 (-1), DEX 14 (+2), CON 12 (+1), INT 18 (+4), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Constitution +3, Intelligence +6 Skills Arcana +6, History +6 Senses passive Perception 12 Languages Common, Dwarvish, Goblin, Draconic Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Special Traits Spellcasting. Malak is a 7th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). He has the following wizard spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): ray of frost, mage hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation 1st level (4 slots): mage armor, Tasha’s hideous laughter, charm person, sleep 2nd level (3 slots):hold person, suggestion, mirror image 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, dispel magic, fly 4th level (1 slots): confusion Actions Staff of Charming (quarterstaff). Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) bludgeoning damage. Magic gear Staff of Charming - Staff, rare (requires attunement by a bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard) While holding this staff, you can use an action to expend 1 of its 10 charges to cast charm person, command, or comprehend languages from it using your spell save DC. The staff can also be used as a magic quarterstaff.


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If you are holding the staff and fail a saving throw against an enchantment spell that targets only you, you can turn your failed save into a successful one. You can’t use this property of the staff again until the next dawn. If you succeed on a save against an enchantment spell that targets only you, with or without the staff’s intervention, you can use your reaction to expend 1 charge from the staff and turn the spell back on its caster as if you had cast the spell. The staff regains 1d8 + 2 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff becomes a nonmagical quarterstaff.