Clyde' BMppiag Company


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Transcript of Clyde' BMppiag Company

November, IS Q6

Clyde' BMppiag Company,:.': !' . i " - TiTinTf.Ti. I

.TT7(IBBT.CLAS8, Full-powered 8TEAMEBS, wltli¦ijH Pueetge. Aoconmoflitlon of tbe moetoomfortabkde»oriD«OD. licttcd^hrooglioDtby.Eleotncity. j

Regular Steam Communication |Weathat ' bWisiitiiift, tinle« ptev nted by WtfoiJ-Mncltcnmrt.Dcrt.Wt5. libertyto too »-«l» gf J? "JMany Port or Port».iii aojr order, in or ontor tleonMorearyooirfo, to receive ud dLohargo cargo, W for My othoi

^ S hS VAA. 1. to .he HWuri. oi: B«t acd ioheafceit idle for Channel UTands Tla

Southampton! ¦• "¦; ' •' ¦ \: ! VTQterford to Qlccgow.ET6r,MoI,a.v (DlreoO.

.^mont»f . ",

TTednesday. ,7th ~ 3 p.m I VfeanerfW,.-8letWednesday U* ... 4 p.m I Wednesday, 28th

i GloBgov7i to T7aterfora-Eietj Ucnday (direct) ! ... . ••• .„. "• ¦

i C»\ Ball lo Grcowxfc. &25 p-m


f^i4 p.ri

2 p.ri


1 TT, OIKT S3 QJKL,' ; I6t. Katnerlne Dock) to Waterfbrd.: C^Mt rwo ; 8tb, 4 p.m ; 1Kb, 4 p.m ,! 22nd, « p.m. » 29th, *P-=> ¦

No TBiHSHTPUXBT ST THIS »OJD*I.Orden for OoU n or D.UTenrf(toai Kmtto

CHAKLLS POTJLTEB. Ltd, «'SDI&8S2L5*Btrest i or Cljdo Shipping 0<H * f5LXf? • • ¦

Woterford to Cork .Djory Thwtday (Direct) ¦„. • - ' - * P«

Cork to "Waterford.Eret Friday GWr&O ' ~ -i _, - ' 0 |lfl

TVatetford to London. ¦ETery SatnrdBy (Tl» Bontharopion. MjdBaU) ; • 4

; T7nt£rfcrd to Belibst.EverySatanday(Direct) ;.. — m : . . 1 p.o

, Belfast to! Wcterfoid (via Dublin).Every Tne«d»y „;. L.. •.. '. ' ~ . 7 p.'ra

Waterford to Plymouth (dtzesl). --T7«dne3day* Ith_ 3 pjn I ffedsstdsy. 21et«J2 coos

. . 11th _. •! pjn I „ 28th... 4 Es»Plymouth to T7ateriord (direst)1 -.'•

fctaday. ' 8rd .„ 5 pxi I Saturday. 17th „ 0 pau lOtb M12coo3 | ,, ! .24ia «. 12 coon

' Woterford to Hewhnvoa.fiTi>n Sotnrday (.Tik Sotttamptoa) | „. , 4 pta

Renhavcnito Watcrfoifi.Erary Friday raorninji. \

Water ford to Southampton.ETCTJ Eatcrcnj (Direct) „. — ~. 4pq

Southampton to \7aterford-Ererj Thursday, (vU K«wboTeD>

Waterfoid to Dover-Ewrj Saturday (via ScotSampton &;Nenhava) 4 p.n

Dover to Vratorford-E*ery Tnendaj Altoinoontfrio 8onthampto3) drco only

* i SB id l-U O D B l .OiWn Bttorn 8tceraga Betnra

C x2crd to GkJgo» ... 17c. 60. Ca. 10s, Uo.„ FlySKmtru. B*. 04 K». 10a. is*. Od' Bcratiimpton Ub. 04. 30a (03. Ua

ureUs ft BiS S2i 6d S5i ifcL ttaNnrfsna, SSx, uj. SQi 10a. lit

1 " Doer - SOU 04 -: 10s. -' ' U) Bcturn bom Londoo per Tbonday** eieuacr.HOTE—Th« Clj do Bbipiios Cospao), Idznitcd, caa

ea«nr» Goods ahipped by thtct Lines of Steamers, eijatimt8CQI BUka. Forsa, Eotf» of' Preminn, end all infor-?stlon to bs bad «t tbe ODosa.

Cor Botea of freight, &c , apply to i—PIiTMOIJTH ... ' HJWuiii&CoLOUD01I — John £ Hawkins, London end

Booth Westetn Eailway Co,' fcxeter Buildins" ArtbnrStreet Wert, »fcd r.t L & 8 V?

: Bailwsy Keccj-rini; Eoosca• throughout liosdon*

tOItDOH -. ¦Cljdo Bhipptog Co., Ltd.,Bocbetter ' Bsildb a , 1S8,LesdeabaIl 8t., E.a

DUTEE;> v — Clyde Shipping Co., EUabetb: ¦ St. (Pisr).

nEV7HAVEU' -. Do BeJltray OQecaBOTJTHAT1PTOH ~ Do TormQnayGLASGOW _ Do 21, Corltou PlaosGBEENOCK _. Do Clydesdale Bank BidsBKLFAST _. Do 12, Victoria BtroetDUBLIN _. Do 85, Edea QoayO0EK _. Do Patrick QuyLBUEBICK - Do Doci Boad '

Clyde Shipping Co., Ltd.,Chitoin Eouzs, Qnay, WATERF0BD;

Tc srcpliic Ad lrcca t—u CU1IBEAE."


10 OTH.L CTnUGG3.irjO.

'j OHAJSITY; is PAHENT.! IB KIND: DiHAlfl3IH NOT PEBiVEBSELT."Dear Beader,—Be patient vriiix me fox toll-

ins you again bavr much I need -yoor help.(HXKW can I help it? or \riul elio ciia I do?)

Be kind, tor -withoui that help tbia.M caoomust cease to exist, and the poor Catholicscireidy here remain withxmt a jchawb. ;1WJA1L NOT PlEBVEBSELYl IWITH MIY

Ua&ENT ciBPBAL.'' - , ¦

YOU have i-Faitb and 'Hope, or you Vouldnot ibe reading this paper, then 1 piay youto send me a practical prpoi of it. God willirrraid your j charity in d manner which yonlittle anticipate, U>r by fortheiinj the Eln -Csm oi Chnjoa esrtli, you are layurj cp trocureo for ' the lile to come. !

Remwnhef, dear Bender, Fiiii, bya thofonndatian oi the Temple ol Gad, Hope rsicashe ftraUs, stad Charity crowns' tho nmctaro.Without Chirity. Faiah and Hope aro vtlao-loao, for God only gtanis « wrrrai felicity tothose that tare Him. . I . : •^HEEE TBEN IS AN aFPaBHUOTTY Off

TBSTINO YODB OrTAiKJTY."A VAiLtJilBiLE SITE baa been secured loi thsjfopoced' New Church of St. Ar>^"*nY ofPadua. : Sorely thia: is encoutsjgi&gl I etillbora hopes £h3.t the long-loofced WE churci unot far distent.: -'It leeia with YOU how coca&8 church is to be built/,¦/Will you not cendme a Postal Order,•. 1Db*jtj8, or Bank Note?Claaoy is edarce, but sutt ecarcer with me.In tact, I almost forget hat a Cheque orEank'Note looks liiel. . -*

¦'. ¦"Many hands make Ug&riworfc" Yoa may

not be able (to do much; tat YOU OAH DO1 LOTTIiE. | <Do that.UUIa wiica is in yoar{power, for Qod'a Bake, and id£h> tho oihatTiitlea" that are done I shall bo tito to.^Tiitleo" tiat are done I shall be titba to

I cstiiblish. tliia IMicsito firmly. Beai thcai YOUS aUTTE TO-DA.Y, my NEEDS oroI KIEGEKT. I have GEH1T HOPES -Th&i £2i±>! latest Mission, opened by the Bishop oii KarthamtftMi. TOU in due cooiee, become ai dToithamptcm, -wiil u due cooxae, Decwne B

; But outeide help is evidently * neesczary.I (Will it be forthcoming? At present, I txa\ obliged to tig MASS and give BEKEDIO.' TION in a RABBET.! I BENT Of GAEEBT, jlbi' PER W2EK-I AVESiAQE WEEKLY OOIiECTIOH. 3o Otf.! UZDOWMEMT. HOOT-SXCBPT HOPE.I "1 KN0W T]SY yOBKS. ASCD XHY FAITH,i :: AMD THY CHARITY.": "May God Mess and. tpx pe r yoar ,ea>-: dedTOurs is lesiablishiog a Mission at Fatcn-

iuun. -I . . | ¦

\ * "ABTHUB, Biiiop of Xorthampiaa.''! Addreos-FAEiER GSAY, Bempton Bood,

I !P.6v—I will giatefully and promptly «ci-: -nPwledgevtba frwnai* AaoBtkm, -; and «ead

4nta inyf jtel IH<> mmmOma A DCftuUIul plc-1 » ol .<h«te*ftw»4 !?•«?.«id 8t.~JUBtlUflr.:-! ffmcy pmyiesi oftert rfat iS ottf Bwxtoetota.

: - i ; K J» T » BX.I »B «O : 1816. ;*j , :/ : '

W&TERFOBB isavgrea isins.

>vt»EsIiJraiB^ M0SIIIAY JlND fBIDAT¦Q*EBB» togtft -fyaoofcr" ! -

i 'j rfbiit iSmJ-flikwrtai?t« «te 74e»i«t VoMV |tft IM ^ t of

4«S?Stf; S2 to Swosl r rt UrpoSTiny

:' "¦ tV^^wSSisS^'h «bMr*ia irittin d't '^ iiMftilfl CHBto*'' I ' - ii: ' - ' ^1 *" '"r'- 'P 3B5SBi5SS»loir iBlMt!lBooli». '¦ - t . l / i J - ; ,

K>T«lI.1tIlD: l^lSf




Mo^emibeg', "1BQS* ¦ . ¦ ¦ v• '. STEAZIEBS i - '


;Ucat§ , .: . . ... - . i -rJ ¦ ¦"• ¦¦ ¦• •• .';

I I7 A T D B T O I D. trxca TUTHTTOBa. O BUCXi.Pridaj NOT. a.r l BJa

::rno»4i>T. n «... S.PJnFria«T. „ 8... 1 pJO

; Tuc»«y, »~J8» « p.TaFriday, . „ 16_.l» noori

• TueodiT, >., m »0_ 2 sonft)4ir, "V 4 .23J. 1 P-nij Tneadar." . „ 27_. S P*JPridrr. ,:¦ S0_.UnoeB|. - • 4 - . i i ¦ ¦ ' .

i Averts* Be* Puo««M to U Hoon. ' . ,Bottm%3kc«a louad at Bristol io Cork pe» ttbtol 8. n.

Ca,«i» *Tsll»t4« tot return feomi Dnblln '»"l>Sa* .*r£*ehfis<y «r taan Watacftna.or Wsrford- to Brbtol JJWitarZadStAa Ship Oa.%8taun*r* on paymaatd &> Sd¦ trtarn Ildret* ismad-at BrUtd to DaUta POT BrlitoJB. H. OB., MB »rsttnl)l» tor return from W»l«rford orWcifonl to Bristol by I Wstcrfbrt" Swam Ship Co. •etesmen on parmeat ol tJ. mtro, or teoa Cork oo pay-meat ot SaMeztn. ; . ; ¦ : _, . . .

Bctnrs Tkteo land, at CTiurford cr T/enora toErtSol by y ractUii Btaun Snip Oo. are araOabta '« KL^?11»MBris£ol B. H. Co. faoa BrlitoJ to Cork or to Dabln,vlthoat yujmasX , . ¦ • * ^Eotnm Ttoiet» areaTtll«ble tor two fimt^x _ . rI 71IESI0 B D AND 1 1 T E BP O O L

rsa s ttinm : no> trnxfOOJ. __Frldij. H OT. 8_ 3 pjnCnn<l»y ,t . 4... 7 ajaWctocsdij, n 1M. S p.mFriday, a 0.. 3 ivoEarday, i, U.H 7 €Latf tf lnrvi j m 11,. 3 runFriday, » ia~ 8 pjnSord»j n 18« 7 mmWednesday, „ 2L» 3 pjaFriday „ 23».lJ tioonSmday, „ £i~ 7 luaWodncflay, „ £3« 3' pmFriday, , S3— S p a

Tho Banday Vessel* Load at North T7t irf, Wet ; - HLo»diiig Bertb—Priooo'i D«k. WTerpoolAveran flea Ptssag*, Ii to 14 Bouia. _ .Faajow-Watertod and I Ufcrpool and paterford and

Wezford and BrMol-CtBin, Slnjl* If . I do- ;ao. J111^nnd«r U yean of 'ure orBerrariU tr»T»llli« wlth taallla

103 ¦ do.Brtnrn. aTailabto Xor Xwo ;ttoatha,totional to i«tunito or from Bristol or Llrarn>ol.SSa. | Cabin Oetnin, Childrenunder Uyeara]. Ua. DeST ainsle,7»M|

to< ertbo0kedthxonrh betweeo WatJordan*CheshireLine*' EJUJWV Sution* aad.Xaaoaahlre and TDikahire ElUwtyctauon " ! '

Ooodi and Faroela Booked throclTb between a pnteiraCotton* on Greit Horthsm, Orcat V/esterru ilAneuhize, aadYorkshire. London and Horth WerUra I London eno SouthWestern, Qrot Central, ana Miaand BaUwaj. to »od.Wateifor|

xy o B D ;A H D \3 n l B ±0 t,

extord to Brtetol 'Toaadara. Bda»l tp Wftrford. Frida jiW A T E B P O E D A B B , 0HH 0 i f l » O n

Feoa Dcxounoa—Dally, Bnadayi txoept d, at 8.K) a.ra.

Cf.^ ^ ortgjeaSh n LggSux.out. to Oocaatoul BUppen, nluei to U diblued at tlae ofabisaeat, Forma and all Information to be sad at Ui*oifioea. '• '

Berths Mound and eresr laforoutloa men by Astnti AtWAXXBIOBD—Vatertord Bteamalup Co. i t4nit<«1j. Head

Oflota,Th» lIan. Hattoal Xelephcas Ho. IS.Lma»oolr-Wat«rfor<l Btcanatup Compahy (tolMjl, 10

Brurunrtek<treet. aai Prlaoo • Doolt.- Tel«pl one Ho. O7*.BBunuv-Watorford 8teamahip Compani (LimlteAl, a

Queen D^umxe and Cumbexlaad ¦>^n.- . - i ; ; .; .WKXJOXD.—Watertord steamaLip Ooc jsny (licited)

Hatlonal TtUphono Mo. 29. \Pnroiasos—t7aUrford £touuhl?>Corapaa' (litirlrodl CCtaLiBraicx—Loirei Shannon 8teamaW OOci, Hoant ICcratS

|Unx. ZiaUonal Telephone No I 'TTn.rn"—l-r— Shannon Stcanpabip OCMi

I £cjlst«zodA<Mre3 forTdssiac3»-*lBT£A:tcrd, Uropool. Erbtol, IdmcrciajOelOTil



E»ery WEDHE8DAY, \L I V E B P O O L TO P H I L A D E L P H I A ,

Calling ni Qacsnstown crery Thnrcday.Ptcsengere »nd Goods ore landed at Philr;dclphlk

)a tie Wbnrf of tbo PcaDsylTmio, Bailroad," T7blofcban tho Sborteat and moat Direst Bocta to all p!uetIn tho Western States. ;


8ATUBDAYS ut Noon.Hl^hcct Gss3 of ftcoommcdatioa for Flnt,8coond,

tod Third Olsa Paccnfttro. |pdrd Cfc:3 Cera at hmcx) rota, OutQl frca.

{ Apply to American Line, 8oathamptos or LITCT-pooC oi to . ! . . . 'WiTraroEJ>—Harrey & Son, 12, QIaintone-ctrootI „ . Ward Bros. 9. Baneaiincdtiiczi,?tPPEBADT—John Chrrigaa, 61,; Llaln<trc3t.CADOics-oir-rJvia— Sioosrd Laody-CiornuL—P Nucoot. 75. O'ConneU trcauDunajiDTAS—J Callican, Tbo Sqasrc.ATPOQTOI—W JOOCT Troy, Olj AlIcsHIticci.

JIIAIOUB—John Morphy, Groocrr.Siw Boss— Patrick Hunt, 16; Quay, and V7, G.

Wulbal*. ! ' 'TboaAETOTrti~M WcctcrmiD, Charci-iitrc:t.jffixrOBD—W Timpson, NorthMaia-stecct.piMiAOTDOuifl—W CDoncBhao. ¦¦ • ; .


Steamship CompantmrrnD). |

A TS.0 .BU I B .TOi> -jKia' Birrtoiwtoi.TSasoit)Saiordaj.l

'hoT:*3.'...8 »> PJ»

Thnredar.i .. »•. ? ? »-nltAtttrday,WalneodiJSaturday, ,Tharsday. >

Frliay, K«uo>day. i MWeJnccoay nFriday, i,Ifoaday, nWednesday, ,•FrUay, nUonday, ¦¦Wednesday, ,,Fxiilay. ••Uonday .,Wednesday „miar. M


Eroa» Eolfcrfi A EHPBES3 OP ,

I Doc»Q, [J XAKE; ERIE | De«,

I IWori cad YT&c PsurphJct \ rtlh* frmiT to' i 1 1 i , :PwTUls cpruy w 'ULOOAL -AfiiEOTB cryielaria Street, Odiat;Btrcot. liverpoaL


Waw united vriib tho!» ; • ! I ' - ¦

¦ '

oun Fina o?Ficn(Fotmdsd 1710), j ;

- . o, . COU.CGC f Onnrxi, OUDUH.


¦. ¦' : ' . DIBSCTOSp. { : j ;

QEOKJB W. OA6S0N. EJSq., J-P.JHlAMTIT/nOK' gBDaBMOSP, Esq.. JJP.ii iniT.TAnir j, QBOOBrlBGAitT, E>q.liDOEDB 0. t UdTTOfe. En}., J P.

'. . JDHN MOOHBY, Esq., jiP. :

JAME8 D.1 OWNttTOp, Bw.. BJL, JJ>

• ' : lt»HBHla(P!rV • Ufc' nrlftCTt/fiV ( !JJaq.

: ,\9 'OOOCT <M«ii*«» »* IJiWln).

SLi is^fS ¦¦">¦'* ¦<,'; J;;f-

rioni lf cicrzcd.

0. P. Ely.. Cend j Ci , JCECJ

17.n 6 ° PJn21- 9 O pja2I...12 nvui t29_ 4 0 ajn

3_10 S0 am6_12nooa7_ 1 0 pja6 3 0 pjn

1S 7 0 pjali_ 8 OptD1».M » £0 ajaia_l3 noon2L_ 1 CO p.m23._SC0 px»28_. 7 O pjn28- 8 «jaS0..13 0 ajs

OappaQsay. (i" at T7ate>



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1BA 10)TCi)/n\UTOnrw.iA " Tlrti


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i :" ' E7 !S' liHE^BESTo" ., , ¦;

THE BfiST j fe• " ' ¦ ;

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WATEKFORR ' . . .j-

E?&miiy (&i?<®<S(3i?y SQ, !Barj ?i!e&G?4

J &ttSr ^Xrt Wtiteff ioi1*rSMrtftf ^iTbir'ctoffi/ca

JL E. :BA^RlV .a^2 irrdwenQ

a 13 nnncaccj tent to haa EE-OmnED ti!> otoTO CliCc;a 13 nnncaccj tent to baa EH-OfUnED tia ctoTa Ci>C:iatJto ;3 cod tjToorot:? baorro Prcatea i (O a ccstC&nXWLUV DCLECVXJD DTOCC, asd IroUcs ec 7 fcrBCKib OTOCC, ond irol!=} esMy fcr Q 3

(SJooDo OS fbs U?«IT? 2520tQunlit2 onl jA TDIAt COLICITSD.

E1 -fo) A1 fo) fp) \'/ #0» BAQDACK. Gp QnDtf , ¦bi. :[Q)^A-inl IRI ¥ cj • ' ! VSATGRPOR&k ¦X: ' ")

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, : , ; i _ — ¦ - --1 ¦—<y

LEATHER SALE.O a EaiHiK), ¦Ho?av:Sctn. c=d TaUo»;| Vcxay I<ciJicr cad Boci Ucjra rf ell

dessrirgjosa ta bj bad ttta , ASmr Bootflj ; C3 Pai=> Elgia COT, J T-C11EHE3 C=b; 6'5toa fcso'j EcZ:n cad

. tst maio: |CX) Pete £053* Tdc ippb, JU Pissc;, CM. per D; 6 Ttaa laa Eivcta,GorcrmtiKit Prtrrm, caitcib tan cicaifecj, 10). CL cci crot; a Bmj Gala LsclicJ.PicMi,£=£22,7. cslJ. coadcacd to Hua I ICd. cna la. pii E>; l Tea EtrcciD,piiDTS, cc 5b l& all teides, 10 Tea to A Pfccc?, Cd. cad lOd. per D.VJ Dda. <d. pa 1b.. cr taSTcb. fc) O. per ; *0T7t ' . ' ¦ II :

LENEHAN & SONS, dm££m, ilUBLBN.C£!13nC3-i£c7 ( XitCly Jon73 rdid CD rrrcfpj d C i Orfcj.

ffir=a C-- . Ft±XD o Ac Ic=i!c3.


(Late Ueccrs. C. J. HILL, Llmlud),

39 & 40, O'CONNELL STREET, WATERFORD,T>UGS to annbunce that he HAS OPENED the above fine Uev7 Premicss oitb aJD Splendid Stock of Waterford and other First-class Brands Bacon. Plpo*Heads. Pork Steaks, Sausages (fresh daily). American Bacon—Beat Qualityand Reliable. . Lots in Cwta. and Half-cvjta. supplied.' Rashers cut by Uacbinc.Freah Eggo and Butter daily. .

County and City Shopkeepers note that I can supply all Goods at TCBOIGSOIOPrices at a moment's notice. I -

PuTc&aGnCBCnV DnaWOn-Tcaa of finest deccriptloa to call allGorans, Dried Fruit9, Spicca, etc., in rrrcat variety.

GnCBCnV DnaWOn-Tcaa of finest deccriptloa to call all PorcHactm.iugara. Dried Fruits, Spices, etc, In great variety.

^ dV io-JAMES¦"¦ BROWNE: , -3 & tfl, O'CONNELL ST. (opposite tJr. Couirtenny'o Butter Store), WATEHFOIU)

©QDfpMtPS GdciOQii lipgld]©



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There ore m iiy Toteccoa-^many goold Tobif cpa4-lrat * SL TEY'S;/ . : ;: : ; j

¦.•¦ ¦

; ' ; : ¦ ' ;is; .letter thanj them all.. •,'• [ ¦ - '¦ '/ '. ; . ] ' [

Very cheap ; line Jist nojv ia fedden F pes. ;

W &tiM28 arronst

ii i' .H. S '.:ii> ¦£» ¦ I


V:>r.$> ¦''¦ ']fiKJJ?y sw. M

L- .f.- ' .M-c-i' . f

CASH! ; ; ;: ¦ THE CITY ,

M BUCD '. f ildttances Datty ' f rom. £5 Up vUards,¦ [ } ¦ ¦ " • ,p :-Af3¥ PART TC!F IRELAEIO, ', ¦


Ternis ::G73 given on receipt of Application, and will




0, JOHN STREET, WATERFOBD,Avo prejerod to treat, with tha greatest confldeace and escrecy. all applicatioaa ton £,2UPWARDS, to oil persons on jholrown APP ROVED PERSONAL SEOURi i 'Y

in cny part of Irolcnd.Baling CZJAZ S on la o nio:t c d btforward and exact manner.No coaccrl oa uitli cny other Loon OQcca or coi-callod Banks In tbb Ccrantj '

Apply-THE MANAGER,8, John Strest.. Wotorford.



»:«•'' c i ' • ¦ i; ' ¦¦ ¦• .•j»>y.,'> ' j .¦¦'i!«;'..

3) I A I P f I (Csp ^ri^ii. Eotwcd ct CiatlccWo CzZd ^

Sh©i7s at a olance how each Custom©!stands without reference to Ledger.


JiSjisr istijt



: U;L^CO\J ir'uuLJtP :' aytQEnw

¦ • ; iJaDtlog Saddles. . ¦ ecd BrIdlc3.

JJMViiCa czd fiyiqg Bits and Whips


gPUSS ac3 f.lart!npl c3.' i .'

¦ . i '

^AVESOi-TS QEd Head: Cfellafs.i




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.- ¦¦

jgHiBB CAPa.:V ;. :. . • ¦ ¦: ;.:;;¦ ::¦ • ¦;

HALTERS and ChalMi. i-~


compare favourably&QUKM A TEMPORARY


¦ i i - .

i/ vy vy L' »\ ^i^v^^y/ iyiiNj -

D © ^


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1 TT1T1T

ft PaC3C3o ;¦ n cn leD So SIOSP OSQG!:! O :


HORSB Clippers—Clark's andott:r Ma cxo.


HORSE Sheets, Rollers, findLda Corcrt.

WATERPROOP Driving Rap.• ¦

! • '

i ¦ . '

CTABLB Brusbra sod Chamob.

fLARJK'S Saddk SOM «»4 . i' .' : " . 'i . . .' ' : "I»1jB|PW .VIBpi»

CART Harness and Modiitliiit.; . , .

¦ ¦ : . ..- ¦:¦ :• .• ¦•

•• -: '•


-. : ;

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be found to

or Qlsnt

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. Mtkb «r^ aatM*^: i*ia,d».||kMHi« >:

HM Sebalfe C5p <towJO» to JSdlnbWjpij !nJe aSs S jBuflKbjiW itMAtii' 'Hf |irbe 8anb«»m IBcoordl cfoba O*O|a*la *p >(1 Lan(Tt KlMl •tutItlCk),' '¦¦' :-i ' 1 U- .Mr. Cecil Kditfa noBNatop tfriv* flf 780:' i- : miles. I . . . * * ¦¦

¦(¦- '- ¦¦ t : yT ¦

Alao the BJiUah *nd World'* Reoonlatai -HanOey Walker k iu L«e GtiloMff.;''

; ' ¦ ¦ ^ i : ;". V ' . . ' -, ii !


ABLE OP Banaaa. SIEAMHES, ; ' ; ./¦; inctudinsr • •' • ;j .' .Ibo 'aUSMANJA^fTuitoiae/and "CA&OQfotfliLho latest and moat lnxuriome' Hbtels afloat*iFjnoim HVEEPOCKL (Via Queeastonrn)., ; ; _• ' 19 Rf I0BX :

I ' W B0M0V. ' ' ¦ '


Qunp*nt», Sat , NOT. 24 SaionU, TOM, Hoy, J9Etru («, r8at, Dec. 1 ITOTBU, TOM, O«e, HIiQca'li. ¦ Bat.. Deo 8 Saxonls, Taes., J«n. 8The •)' LTK-u ilSlA" and " MAUBETANIA.*iea LAEGKQOT SSEUWESBS W ¦ Ifflffi , •

fjWOHLD, exa now laanch«d!. - . ¦ ; ¦ >xiaiuas:—oaiooo, Irom1 £13; Seoand Catin^from £5: Third Claw faiam £5 lSe. and;np»¦ward i, according to (teimer.'. <An - «Hawaa«*(of 10 _per cent, oo ,&» hctneward fare ia mad*to Saloon and fecoodCabfa pasBengamte&iDaSacbnd and GChird-da .paaeeager*, vi»K&§Yorf4 may travel wlthdttt . eitz* cliarga ««BosMn and Phxla<ielpliia, and via Boston *!Ndwl York and PJuladelpihia, . Ihinl-idaafipassahgera mav also tTATel iritiicrat erttftlohargo to BaKamor». : . ¦ ' !i-^(Passenger booked (bioagii to all part* cd¦America and Canada. ¦ ' .. c. - «iy. -v -.Aiptfly—Tho Canard Bbaamehlp, livespaol; or to' their if eDte^WfO QBrothers' and : Harvey &nd Sotn, 'WaterfotdtfHi&si M. Cotter, Ballyduff; MichieflFoleyind

OipQioquiB; James Ahedme, U«m*p©. .

jfiUIDES to (be S»ck et Cubtl. lHoar Aibflr, Holy Croa*, Back «f OMteLvt*»C«7. : . . ... . J

I ' I rnouta vrtisa, titttom cm»* amSad. \

"• T H E ocoT7 tj nos n^ir ."

; IIOKCK-DTEEET, WEXFOSD.": .rmHIS Old Hotel J* f»mon» ta good, LznVnttZtf t

UBS. KEIiIiT, PsorenrraEaCIe;o to tha EaflTTiy StiUco. ¦ •- ': .

••CLODflCiJ H0U03,"

. Cc?trlaf AecwnTiwtatl.oni for Dttitj-. Weeklycr I-fcnnaatoi Boarder*, et Iftefeata Uenna,UBS. SIEPHE1J HE3EET, .

WHOLESALE Aim BEZAILUtoii , Gamo, Poultry; and Io« Stores;

BEAU^SIREET, WATEBFOBD.iron ettcattoa of th» Gentry aad PaUfa'J£ eallea to tnb EaUiS j 10"8 a

G0OD8 OJ- TOT 0HOI<k»P QnALHT.Cacctry czdera car«IiiUy atteadsd to. '

XC, I -I* . B ISg' ^i

BJ*" Es!«oa. Wrtertea.- TtfaftaM

MarblearWe & Stoae Works,

P.O'KEEFFE&SONS ;O ipnUtattaBtlaato UabtepBUok* ! .

BfeatMonea, Tomta: fc JKonuneati ' •01 «t» BWilUtKhl pminwUt, t«d dbbglkiliM . ~

. Sh* ¦ Ptnteiatabfm abb' pM««l'!»' ¦Mfti'tei 'kWoU. AbonhniSSSmk btatMri¦ -. TT.- .-

^oltio feosssa fa : Opmtrlt^; fca. ;..'' :OBIUttBT riBOBB BBrj UBBD JSD Mtf

la (b«b «ztaa£f« Fnmlw «fc«y en «n«Bti Mrt'Worfa. etmWto Uwa at tbt CboTteit KoSei, Ja MM

CT Mean. OXSE1TK ft SONS baft hfcw miaad caa'tnsply »?Ua<ai Btmtt >sd BaMWr7


. oy 80,COO««««E3 . . :, . Oonrtwafc . . .Ao bniUOoa to t»k»p»iilo ° , {Th^ Great

^ Hambui^Money Lottery ' ;

In wKti Wymeotol all tha prbot to granotod; IraU 0 48,485 or abant^e462,434 Bted• 1» tlw total mm of ail prim. ¦ • -Thsmttremnnber of tickatotanedli P4,000,afw6kk15,550 pc3awj«ntJjlieaLr }yaa«ta i l fo l»Uee fa t ita Tj «4but draw a priis. . . : ' . ¦ .. •— • 7' *Tba Ugbot priat vfll eraat.tM SM.000 Ulria Mibcni .680,000 atari is tha mart tebm*i«<*Mj - ¦

EnptdaUy tbcrt atB tlM foUawfai^ sriodptU frlxetlPre tnhnn «f JOO.MOMkrki - - ¦1 •CnTffiQJtQl]1 lyf* ** y jn1 X rCUtfOSQ1 frctoftonX TQUlUfflA XTtliliSSi1 FfBDiliasQiPi t»1FH»1PH»I F r inI Frits7Plte»l Friai ma, N ij.000 , .ll Sfe » io,floo B' ! i . - ¦:

n int V »rv. MIMM u.TI2TK !*a*BMW* • -


.800,000n eo^ao>i JQ.000- A«oo »» MlO0O „» WOOO .• 80,000 „.100,000 '» W.000 „n W.000'

^•• «WOO ".. 80,000 ,,

M i«,000 „

> fa*** i *,::,!.

HT-> ." ;J V - - I

H - DblvGAjltAN' ! I : : i ' :







Tihe weekly meeting] of f iiis board was heldion< Tuesday. Mr. 'James V. Ottinien, J.'P.,, presidedj and the cthei} members presentvrere-MMessre. Ch&rlies J. I pumaa, J.'P., Viice-Ohairmaa;' Wmi. Stack, J.P; Jiames H&yes',J.P., O.U.DJC; Frank Stuart, D.V.C; Titos.,0'Oonnor, U.D.C ; Patrick Hymn, MauricelUynn, Patrick- Kelly. Wm. Quinn, Daniel¦lOasey, James Power, BaHAnacourty; PatrickaScOaiihy, Ring; Matthew Walsh, PatrickiFciey, John Ronayne, Richard Tobin, JohnWalsh-, Mount Stuart; Michael Parks, James3jynch, Rhilip Beresford, Wm. Dower, MichaelTobin, Maurice Power OCd Parish; EdnuomiSPlhelan. ' !, The toUbving officials were in attendance—Messrs. John R. Doweij , Cleric; MichaelFlyim, Assistant Clerk ; | Thomas Walsh,Master; Dr. Kackeft , M.O l Relieving- OfficersThomas Bee and E. Kieiy. JSJDVERTISEMENT FOR IRISH TEACHER.

.. The Local Government Board writing inreference to the resolution of the guardians{proposing to appoint Mr. Jeremiah. Stokes as4eacher of the Irish langliage in the work-house schools, stated uiaj the appointmentshould be made after notice and advertise-ment as required by Artxl^

23 of the GeneralEegTilations. ' j1 K was ordered that advertisements issue,EppDcations to ;be considered on this dayfortnight. I

RATE FOR SEED POTATOES.The Local Grovenuneat, Board wrote a tat ing

that the CQenk oi the Ujnion when.' computingthe Seed Rates for collection nest year shouldbe careful to take into account tihe share ofthe union, in the grant and in the interestpayable on the seed loin', both, of whichamwunts were ascertainabjle from- the Oam-imSssionera of Public. Works.

Tlhe letter was referred to the Gleri to have¦the matter considered in! nexit estimate.


Mr. P. McCarthy said tie had a. matter tobring before the board, and he considered itrequired an explanation. The piwliouft nighta girl named Alice Byrne died in the hospital.Her two brothers and sister oame to tihe5TOirkh.ous8 gate at seven o'clock and demand*ed admission. The girl was no* then, dead,and they were Tefused ' admdsaion. They

returned to town and met some woman; towhom they told what had occurred. The"woman said by adopting scene plan, both weand' the girl could obtain admission and seeher dying, sister.'-' - The .plan" succeeded, and£t wae only by thia means they could &ee4he giii before she died. .

Tjh» Masiter said that Uio Porter had re-Susedi them admission. !

: Mr. MWOartihy said visitors might be re-fused admission at any time, but when theirselattives ;weie dying in the hospital, theyeJwnild be! admitted1 at all 'times.

MT. P. Flyon—I don't eee why the mattershould jaojt be looked up. !

: Mr. Mi.! Power—IWihb was responsible tor4he won&n. getting in' by a plan.?

MT. Parks—We h'ould like to hear wihat£h» plan' Baa. ¦ '. . i

Mr. MJaCarfhy said that I wh-an tihe womancsine with tie sister of the deceased to thegate, she: told tfce Porter; that the Matronfaad sent for them, ae she wanted them onurgent business. , : '

: Mr. Kelly—That is, a vexv nice plan.¦ Mr. Paiike—¦It is very satnsfiactory to know-that toy telling ah untruth j they got in.

, Mt. Hayes—at does not] make any .differ-ence what, the device was, they cc-uld on tihatoccasion get in by force, if necessaiy.¦ Clhaliiimani—This ; matter jhaa been hrouglhtfoenwani to try and saddle &e riglht horse.

1 Mt. M» Wa&h—Saddle Joe horseHjLaughtei).The Porter who had been sent for, said

that he couldi iiot admit' the persons vrtocalled. cA eeven o'clock the prevaoua eveningivitihaut an order from the nuree. The Masteruraa in town at the time, ;and he tioldi tiheonthey might meet him and get an older faradmission from him. j

(Mr. M, Walsh—Had you an order from, theBotctor? ' ' I- (Porter—1 had not an order from, anybody,ffif a psfient were in a dying state it wouldbe Just aa easy for me to: give admisaocni toIlia or her wflatives as noli

OhaMman—I IMak. the different offloers inHihe house ought to be asked for an esJplana-dfioift by this day .week. ": fJDr M. WalBh.—(Does < that include theBJtosterP¦ (Ohlaiiimaln—The 'Master and tihia test offthftm ii .; Mr. M. Plynn—I would [be to having thatexplanation now. It would be a sad statetd affaire il my 6ister ^rere dying that Ibottld not come beyond that gate above.: ThJe .Wxard ordered ttot the matter beBaferred; for explanation | on Tuesday nextto the officers of the house.

THE MRAT QUESmOiN.fMt. MiaOartJiy eafid the would, movo in

tXsaoirJiJance with, notice, that the pigs be nolonger killed and cured lin> the house, but(that the meat be pureihiased in- the martoefo.Thev were all aware thati the killing oi thoipegs recently had r*iit the batepayers to mucliunnecessary coat, and/thati was his reason'.formoving this proposition. II instead of thismeat, pigfe heads' vrsra pdrcitasad and giraat» .tihe inmates,'bo Tras oi opinion it wouldIba cheapsi and moro to| tlhe liijng cJ tihoinmates. .

Mr. Hayes said he would second the mxrtSomsi Wx. (McCarthy would move in addition thatbacon be bought in the 'market instead oi(tig's heads. I^Mx. Sfaart eaid he was opposed' to tihenuotaon, Pags mighif) be c/irred at any time*A tiho year, and It was &ot because' <if thacurSng lately thit tJhd guardians shbuld' pur-chase meat at 9d. per lbj , when by'MJBnstie meat in the house they could have it atEJd. per to. . '


f: The Chairman eajd fca wofuld be in- favourfit giving' the curing of the pigs another trial.': Ait tihe request oi tho' majoniy oi the b6ardMr. •MjaOartay agreed to mlidraw his motion.! Tihis concluded Uia badness, and a meevtog oftlie . f

IHBTHDCT OOTmOIiLrtvas held. Mr. Won. Stack, J JP., Chakman,presiding. ' I

OCXNTBlAOTOaiS PAytMENT.Mr. Barr, Qi&, recanrmended payment of

£3 to tihe emtractor who |sarrie(i out repairsto John Hennessy's cottage at Knocfkenpowerlixwer. ¦ . i [ . . m

BAIiLSlDirFF 'WiA.T^E SU1HPLY.Mr. J.: F. Williams, solicitor, , wrote as

loHawe:—fl am in- reoedjftl of yours returningmy-letter' of the Btii November and Mir. Barr'eireport on ths above, and |olo», pinute of tiheChairman in reference to my viewB set omt inBanner. I note the Ckmrical desire to knowU the Clerk of WoriB can! ba held liaMe forth© £37 lte., the expendiiure which, will besequired to carry out ths above works, accord-ing to tte. plans origaaally made' out. Thiais a question extremely difficult for ma toEDBwer. A man in tiw] position of you*CCaiik of Wprkfl is liable only to This eiaployexBwien he ia guilty .of negligence; or_ d3f.playBgross ignorance in the discharge oi hifi doties.S t3ie peimisaioa iginren tih0:! contractor, tomake the altexatitmB in t le plane which, heoanginally made, ¦ can' it & construed toto:soegligenxje, or ignoranioe, or fraud, • or ttftn-nivanioe wiiti' the contractor, then, the' CSeilknf WV&B ia peaeonally EdWe, M'ttO:. ? '; . ¦_ 1. - ' m : _ _ ¦ _ ._ - - ~ _ ._

¦ all * JadiflHMAMM.

.jSTmattett loTsay whifter the alttoaaonsdeferred, to .were ^^' ^°^ ft-janco of negligence cA y^* ,%* . ^

J,. Iba m»^ srtA iefexref fo -M*. fcyaii, CXtea fo why tihe.'devia'tftaQ-' fnom tlw onginal

jjHianfl were P6"^^ K.L

/:I JEhie Owmcb ^eten^' nsijaejtai&m olI 'ffie;to£jBtionTTS; a»-;-.- appoIii*me!i!b -o!f 01«lk ofi iWorte fci Wo weetB. I . .. . .• .;• .¦/> "• JXfce lneeijt^^iSheaiiadJrorned.. :\ :,. .:., .

i !,i



: ' SOCIETY.-' i



On Monday mortfing la&t Mr. M.j J.i?urph,y --held a special court at the Cbuit-hous«>, Tjamore, for the purpose of presentingawards from^the Royal Humane Society! andthe Tramore-Surf ¦ Boat Fund to thoEe .whowere; instrumental in saying the life of MissArnold during the . batMng £eason in- :Tra-more; which has, just pafsed-:. Mr. Murphy, optakiiig his seat" on 4he "bench aaid it" gavehdm a great amount of pleasure at being' theinstrument to. convey to. the gentlemen whowere ! specially present in the court with thevellum certificaite of the Royal- HumaneSociety,1 for having' performed that servicewhich he and Ma fellow-men' considered to Itoe the greatest' of ail services, namely, tiiAt of Isavting life ;at tihe dak of-their own. JHe wasrequested by Messrs. H, E. Behner and iFredJBudd .to ejqpiress tiheir regret at not'being ableto beiprese-mt alt that court tx> do honour tolihese i young: men who had earned for them-eelvefi the thaniffl , not only of the lescued,ibut of ajl Tramore people. He was commiB-gioned b y ; : the Secretary of; the (RoyalH-iimaae Society, Uandon, to .present to -MessrsJ. J.| OTieeffe, Mlichael Veale and W GBarry, of Wuterford, and Mr. William Delaneyof Temiplemore, their awards, and he did so¦with considerable pleasure. They were sentto 6uitably recognise their services for havingon the loth September last, gone to .tihe rescueof Miss E. Arnold, of Waterford, who wae inimmin ent danger of being drowned ia thesea at Tramore, and wiibse life they gallantlyassisted in saving. Mr. MUrphy said thatmere 'were also associated witih these sentle-men tiie men of the surl boat, whom the com-mittee of the fund , which had been establi-shed : la nhe "-Evening News," wished 1 torecognise -with monetary awards. Withoutliihe four young jnen who were batting at the™«. 'and who went to succour Mass Arnoldtine surf boat would have .been no use, and"

'without the prompt arrival of tie boat theservices of the four young men would havebeen : unavailing. It . was, therefore," oppor-lune ,taat these awards shouid go WtherMir. Munphy then presented the certificatesamid applause to /llea^ra. J. J-, O"Keeffe,'W)?• Ban-y and 'Alichaal Vesle, and : Sit.v Keeffe in acknowledsring- tho complimentsaad he was sure the other gentlemen asso-ciated with him were, like himself, _ amp]yrepaid by the knowledge 6hattney 'Vaa~Tieennstnimental in saying the life of anotherie was much dbiiged to ihda worship foraaving expressed himself'in auch tenns to-iwardE them, and for his having taken therouble of calling a special .court for that dayaessrs. Barry and .Veale also -tendered thanksthe latter remarking that they were m agt 'eatmeasure, indebted; to,..Mr,. Wardeia and "Mr..iunl. for having- ,placed tihis matter ..befoie'the proper authorities with ' a successfulresult,' and : alsd for. having established: tholBurf Boat-Fund ior . use as' future occasionsdemanded. Mt. E. OS. Wandell said howould also like to thank the £4fcr!y6uflg';m1enfor their services, not only on behalf of theSurf Boat,FJund, but slep on behali' of XKV-mofef peffljl e,! in tJenerit' TlSeV hST<mT,«i r.,u

^ wathoui any .thought of j reward and hadmked their awnrlW<Ja14o BaiKi AnofMt, (an3

. thas, fact deeeWed eveW' recognition. Sr.SMHrrphy then preeented the.jnonetary., rizr"wards; to Meesre. Jamee Kent, BBcfiael'Brj eaiJames Brien and Michael KepgHxa&s He tiica: commented on/t$<5 lefr't^a^itsi vaiiahg4mentthe cbmmitiiee had armved at, of providingwfith' the balance of the fund-'the-neceesaVyappliances for ' Teeitoring the apparentlydrowned j iamely, hot iwcler botOCTr^Siitote;eftte., anfl ateoj'the puttiiig'iof the(3urf boat iii

-. eeawttrtliy -rerjair. He read a letifer !£rom iMrl- DeHaneyj .TempJemore; givting iddr'esal .'ttiiShis certificate ^ould! be-forwafded to! (t>u{

.Mr. Mtniphy-' thought f.h&V the CaSe public; wicqyiitioof 62tould be'-glven to nim and' requested Beiigt. Colline to send tie documenti or); ito ;the authorities in TemplemorethsiVth^(mMit pafolicly deaJ with Ahe maUer^: , ' fiJ-

The court then rose.

What others ssiy

w/mwi\ \] ®@IFIFE (£

Ote vritci:—" It's tho bestl «Tcr tested.". * .. " It has the true flavour of thoAtolHcr i—ncwlyroasted eofiee bean."

i AtolK«rt— "There's not a drop of waste-S. ! ¦ Inadoun bouln."\/ s "~r\ IfnotconTinced, try a bottle, batY ( i k njaks Ccnaid Jou get 'Camp.'I S i (K* \ K. P<utne *J*:Gi*j, Ceffa


A meeting of the supporters of the SinnFein : Movement was hold at Thomastown onWednesday evening to select a ProvisionaljOomsmttee to make arranjjementa foT theformation of a branch of the National Coun-cil. IMr. John O'iMahony presided, and inthe course of his address he pointed out theaims and objects of the Sinn Fein Movement,dwelling »>articularly on the fact that the(polic* inculcated into die people that 6pmtof Delf-reliance. "Some people in this dis-£rix»," he said "will speak of this movementC3 the movement of a few eniiiuaasts, bu the^¦n 'hi'iftinfi t is necessary to £Jll movements.Enthtisiaets led ; other people followed." Thedetails necessary to the formation of thebranch, having been discussed at length, thefollowing were selected as ProvSeioaal Com-mittee—(Messrs. Edward Comerford, DeniB(Mlurphy, i James CahiU, Bat Murphy, Jos.Kelly, W. ! CahiU, P. Wnlsh, John (rMahony,A. Jfas 'By^,- Hon. Sci., p«r tem. Mr. ;Ed.OocmerfoTd suggested cn<arranccme}ty ,be made(for the better sale of Sinn. Ffeia in', thejdis-itrict. i Messrs, Dedifl Murphy and 'P. Ryanhavinip,supported came,-1 it was decided .lh£tMr. Comerford suggeation be acted upon, andin future it -will be possible to. Becure a con-stant' supply of the nations lorgan, SinnFein,! in the district.

The Hop. Secretary, was ,instructed to com-municate with Executive of An ChommairleNaiBinnlai with a;view.. to the. promption ofa'pulblic meeting on New Year's Day, for theestal»lis!hmen.t of a branch. It is under con-sideratfioa to hold .a county monster demon-stration on next Patricia Day in. support ofthe national council, , andf to hold a- con-feremie of pll eupport{jB' of tho movementsaid |day» : A11 neraons in' the county; in-terested in the project are requested to com-municate with the Hon. Secretary.


-l 'c l -' '':!!i!tirta'f6i'Teari. Cam tjI VENO'S LIGHTNING COUGH CURE. .

lira. E. WOOD, 75 Bold Street ,.Hocthwoofl,j Hant«JT, Staffl., writes, June jrd, 1905—'"I feel li In'-IT'"W'"' npoa me to eiprest mj

ilACfra *h*"fr«- Tbt doctori pro'&oaDced mj CAM' : I , • 1 1 ¦' { Ca&irfaali fironeUtii: '

i i JSfBSSSSL' *' "SfAVrn'M.'r iW0HKK ' lwu eonlned tobed,^ ¦ ¦ raWy\

mlniits 1 wraU eboka

^ ^ H^ ^ ^ ^H ISi vdtixUio uemaotulds^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I ^ H^ H A&athroat. I cooldopt¦BH uprujzMH^^^^M 'tides What the doctor*¦BHaKHMfl n «•« me, bnt 1 <otB^^^^a^H^H] , worse. I bepm to

mlMKttUiBBSMitolT dcHTsiua vSSBOff SBcRBBmB *COUCH CURE, tod V(.. tL m». «_- nJuw'n* ; ' W*M «*»Jiad to trrit.Ku. p.wowgrym ittBtyi, upoK »l»bottle.»V ¦

JonsUertfl* I HJITS been bid fot y exn off tnd on, thejnt«U»tn&icU." -__ ! -„.' ;W&m^m- ooupt*. Oolds, •nwneliltla*

' ', M)mCmil»tmtVtmi Sttmnpjm \itn. T¦

:l '¦ ¦ I


' ¦ • •' ¦

,¦ p ¦

- ¦

^lUvt <*fc«iv«£:a io of rl^- oi»rrent;, ol iti* "MoSor NBWB," nhicfc. •• Urnot *«• '«peeM,ia»tittrdidKD( ;1ri& jjbam(. BUQw HOW > D9UWrr IMKI JO si /P0DOU

fc. A&t W*; wiww 1 nf i!f a6y*dtinmrf DUD*

L >- » . !.a.d.A ' MkV 1 wJ?S "' * • >* .:•'$'¦ -~i I - iFYlDp v mt. '.¦T/gMm-.tyi Q y y ,: J£*f**y: f !TTJ "•-


\*"d$pK There Is. 'posuively nothing equal' to! Aflgier's• " 'J$t0^iJm. 4 ulsion : .'for |*he . reUel.' ; 0?SEffira of

/^^ \ ^ &k I troublesome cojighs and aU Jj t fco ons.

i'ClkJIw SlTO^ k bronchitis with profusei ekpectb/ation,^ ^ P . the. dryr | harsh, '.throat . ;co. the

ymS®EBEf cJ&&^' irritating ; laryngeal-: tough of

\Wmm ^S'V^

iJ on 'rie*lpt of,id.:-- ' ^^for postage ¦' I /X%^Mention this paper. -"XIA

" A DISTPiESSinO GOUG1 ; 83 Wlncii ^ster Road, HlRtumrParlc.E.

D-ar Sirs —Frnm youth upward! I have been roubled with a couch, T.hlcb at iajervall.bccany)- verydist csshiK, annori"K ino considerabl y 19 well as (hoso who were nnv me. At times Most my

voice , so ih-it I ctuld n>t s^>cak abovo a lioaise whiSper. '.Protn the lime 1 commenced taking Angler'sEmulsion I h IV H not htd a single Gx.of coutihln?. I am.clad 10 hive found so good ii friend after

.¦ Vainly Trying roaoy re:rt(.-il!cs ar.B ccduring tho troubles of a distressing coogh (or over forty years.; . , (Signed) J. WATSON.

r : • : I OfChemiits and Drugstores, ij t 2/6 and ij' " ',\ \ ' THE AFOGIElR CHEMICAL CO.. Ltl., S3 Onovv Hill, LONDOM. C.O.


Gracedieu, (Monday 19fh November—Weather was beautifully fine, but the JCOBDnoifthTeister ' left us a very poor scent,¦though jvo were all on ifh« qui-vive for tgood, day. The Master, however, b3 'he neverso; experienced, cannot control tho wu-ditions wealhemvise or otheiw-se,' and ea ;tTVas that he and ail of 113 had to mafc* !hebe&t of everything, which we did, and 1'sport did not come up vto- what we expectedws cerUiniy had a inosl 'enjo.y£Bl,c. c«rie^.:6!rune, iver" a fine lino' of 'country.' 'rivhe"'lc<xm-¦paily, as you will see Later on, was large,and some tanoy mounts were Bchooledaoross.cpsrntrjr;i for , l. ttra; d,''~4h"^,«lirst. time with.ihwiHd --. Be tj iat] as'i {< Dyiy:, we drew Bally-'garrbn', "and itifer 'a ehbrt ' delay houndsopened and a fox \va* eoon waived amay,but, gdliting-oni-.the. road was headed by theWheeOPpeople,"'wEFei oau3ed him to doubleback ,iyr cover, and scent failing we couldn&t trace'1 further with any prospect of sport.Quillil wis. tried. ne?pt. : This was always re-garded' 'a sure find in the good old days, of¦which the late lamented Barry Sargen*,rwhose death only ' occurred tihis week, liasdiscoursed BO pleasantly at in his "Though,ns.Uipop. .Sport." ¦'; Thjis oovft ;'\Vatr found ; iinVteaanR^. ¦ Then back to liallygarron ' -who're.

,a . fox'<wap fonrld , and he dodgetj round'. ItoVR- JS . for; lor tome 'time whe-ro wo'leit htm.'Gracedieu was Ixied again and provedanother, blank,, n^^fter & rifcher disappoiatririg '¥flernoon the ' order for home was given.Armangst those out were:—The Marquis of-¦WaterW JtyPi^.;j!iUr.j f H«.W«rt mJGdilfMr. vfcta'rr? Gallwey and iiT&. Gallwey ; Miss. ower. Farthl«3K;¦ , Maj of] .Bawert :Mr. Arthuraiid the.1 5iy/e&i D^bynl 'dAjtim Cameron ,Colonel and Mis. Butcher, Eastlande, Tra-more- .; Mn: FMd-and MM. Budd , Tramore ,Mr. John D. Power, Mr v ;William .D Power,iMr. T" TUeahmg' Mr: E.! rRaHdf£^vt, Messrs'Richard,1 'J. T.-and Miss ,Stafford ; 'Mr. Tomand. Miss .Widw, Duasb.; MU3 Barron ,¦W^odslown ; Mrs. and Miss Allen , Check-point; Mra^.Bosanqu^t, Mr Dari'l and Mie?>Po,T.-er;, IHsa De Lacoy , CMr. JV' X T . 'Widjt^',Mr. 'T. :J, :'Widger, Mr. MdohaeVT\ Wer, Mr.E. f«wer, Uflselln ;-llr W- A. w irray, Mr.P. Kenneally. iMr.' )E. Mlaher, I faithlegsjMr. aicNamara,: (Mr ,; T??. Kallj'T Mr. -L*.CDooJan, Mr, T. : W. - and Silea" JAndereon:iBallyrfan; Mr. ilanrice Hally, Ballyl>eg;JMr. . S, .JL :llvvahy, MT. Martin Shanaban,Mfi l ^etapii ".JBjlle Lake ; Mr. MichaeliKaTTUgan, m. OosteUo, Mr. Oharlea BelLeaonmelr Mi£3-Vrototr^&r0i7Ti5ovil3irr\MrP. MicGuire, John iWalah, Eallinaneeahagh;Mjss .(Walsh, do.; T. Morgan, Hizs ¦ llorgan.



In Wy-Uier oonditiiona not of the 'be&t, thesehxsumdi,met at Dmngan' on .Saturday, 17th.A fair"field out, includinj; many fair onea. 01course, .the goree on the side oi the -hall, ahalf mile away, was our first draw. I& isseldom ,blan!k. To-day wae on immediate find ,and a quick exit. I was late for the meat,and as thinra turned out fortunately BO, XOTaa I enter the gate at the eastern end, ourquarry—a fine dog fox—{passes close to me,and it may have been [imagination, but Ifancied he gave me a I friendly side look.Hounds axo out with tho prpmpifcHn'do 'bornof education, and 1 possess a foremost posi-tion, and eettling down, ruave the first fenxse—a fonnidaWe 'bank—all to myself that sub-sequently emptied a couple of Baddies. Worun with, a firue iead <>veif 1x> Pricestown road,!bnt tt) my utter disappointment we run toground neaT BeJlvtiew. No one knew oi theexistence of this hole aa |a fox never went toground here before. Ballynennon is out next—a fine garao covert a i milo north of thovillage of MulTinahone. ' Wo find , but ourfoxes soean t» be gtay-ial-homes, for it is along .time until. we are : away with one toKyle—:a Stick covert—a couple of miles awaywe run through and with ' hope3 hijjh .'flow-ing," it looks like Balljdttedky, but hi£ heartfails and w« run back Do whore wo found,itihrouffh and to Tom Oorocoran's house, onthe MiulUnahone-.'Ba'llingttrTy road,, the fenceon to which, fitirred many, a heant to' beat, forit was a "rasper." I . eyjen felt jujt a.littlenenvous. Aionosa !by Lfisnialin. facij is \iox theIslands, but a2^m his heart failed ham,' andiwe run back to' the covert. It ia now1 tiwoo'clook and I nMirc, but. I believe Prout'o,tliree miles away, was Uwir evVriing rdtaw.: .

Tou, and all your sporting readers, will beglad to know that MT. Burke will be hom«either on Friday or Saturday next. Won't heget an Irish welcome? Yea, and a,jn\isicalone, too,, dnly .he asked .ane AS a favour notto let the barid3 of S6\i'.h ' Tipperary. meethim on his arrival. Popularity ' is.'.-sweet,seldom sincere , but MT. Burke is tihe excep-tion.


Pare Blood ond a Cfc^r STin !;era impos^lbla tvbia ths liver, \iStomach and Kidnoyj are elnj gijh ,,or irrcjulor. HoDpway's PU& aroexactly what Is ribided—a gentlebat thorough cttractlve. Theyrej alata the biliary iscretlona and^

Om^IndTgJ -- C ] l i

nusattiinnr *'*Holfowfty'i'Olfltinerjt , III ;eon- ' ' I '

jonctlon with the! Pills b nn> Imatched KS a SIdn Core, rpeedlly I

r removing all disfigarlng blotehej^ • ! :;; pimples and blackheadf. It ti*"1 t '" ' rare remedy for Obstinate Sores II¦ and Otd Wound*,a« vrell at for .11,,- ; Rhenmatl5m,Lurolftgrj;ife;.,i*aiia , '.;ll| ,

: in cases of Chest and Throat II) Troobles it gives almost magical II

itUa£-'PHttr wrftd"ajf ptr '":'|lbox of Pills or pot; of Olnynent , II


I ¦ ;i ; ':: TO HQUaE^OlLpjgllj p.i ; '., /

¦; ; '¦¦¦ ;

¦; ¦ • . ' '•

p' -.A. ¦' : ;

[ . 'iOf/toie 'baying' ; jparf ' mister:i tUvply.. 61trarmnjjlOO .(PetroWto) ««^uir« Wicaifram•E. iBeu, who i» dlreot agent for 'White Boge,BDJWI -Uaytlrfht, "Olareiidd'.WoTro, Ddamond,etc,; cite. Ai&o be* MWbylMed: 6plrl>B andtandry «ood», euch «• {Household Soaps,«hrtfA.' iffloe ,JB6<* Polian«, eic,, etc. %Bmk «ljp flolia looal;i«».t for EfinV* oele-batted ma, T«!ble; «*« tmn WtpU Imiapt.totvtom, toc/pm; 'iwS •;" Best «W»tS2n?|^MMf'f^H Ait\ . -jb. A; J . :¦¦: : !' ¦ ! . .

¦ - . ¦

. . *. : : ¦¦ I ¦

. Ii

? . V / K / V J :

i influenza, and for ' ¦vyhdqping>c cbugii and croupy coughs of

|> :\v children. Angier's EmulsionM *\V is | pleasant to take and^Nj 'A

agrees perfectly | with

x^w \ e ° te stomsjehs. A0m,\ trial of our ! free

^J^\.\ sample will convinceyt sX r 'til you °^ '

ts soothing,J^^ ' / cough-allaying ; lung-W J* healing power. :;





[Fnou oun KttfoarEn].Tho adjourned monthly PriLty 8a3Eion3 wemi

Iheld on Monday Woro Messrs. ,Ulick Bourke,E.M., tmd. A. E. Graven, .

REOOGNIZAO^OBS ESTBiBATEDIn the case of iM&chael Pender and ihia

sureity Patrick Graae, Sorgti iMurphy applied¦to 'hav& the recognizaneas cstreatodr on theerounds that 'Pender who tad ibaen previouslybound over <vo tho peace, ;wa3 convicted oitoeing drunk and 'diGondarly on tiho 23th Aug.last. ~ . .' . - .) .. , • .


i Tlw two men appeared. ; • ¦ ¦ ¦ . .:-IMr. Bourke—Now, CPeridex, what 3iave you

got to say about this? You knor? you. arcalwiaya getting drunk. ' . "".'

Peiidex—J havc< the pledge-, yxxur wonihip."You know I hawa bad hiad.

MJ. Bourke—Where is : £h.e pledge?Pender—I took it from Father Oostigan ,

Ibut 1 Ibaiven't a OSrtiflcaJte.'Mi. •Bottnke—tA. man cam? up to na dn Tra-

more th&«Oither day-and t»lat'j a-!he !hcd ^takonthe (plodgc froin Fathca: Coawisfl , and unlnckilyhim jPr. Condon wao in t2ie>;. court (arid , heBhoob idavhDad vrhtm ,iihs-.-nfart mdd^ thiostatement ; he told us die did mot take thepledge.

Pender—The Sergeant hex© knows I took 41.Sergt. Murphy caid he had 'loecn imiinjr on

Pender 1x> ¦bake .the pladge since; Ihe t»M' himwhen he had taken the .pledge ito get a certi-ficate from Father Qo&tdgan and produce it.eshe thought it would Ibe a ©it's'aUng circum-stance in the oase. ' ] ', ¦ ' '

Tho bench estreated the TSOC jnizance s in asum of 5a each. '

I/AKCENTJeremiah JDesmond appeared in custody on,

a elmr-i'preiiXTcd -i 'i-iu, :h:vn ;!>/¦ OistiictInsp tor Smith CJ-6t6alinar a pair of trousefflB,volt' i 5s., the pibperty cf Thomaa 'iPudonT,of Kj lmuraay-! :¦ ;r.- i -vr » ^1 , '-) ' '. ¦*- <~-- - ^

Inj lhe unavoj .dablp alxsenioa of Mr. Smith,tho'case .was co^rtudted tiyiSJrBt. OollLna/ ofSlaer.-erue. J '•¦ -' ¦ ' • ! ¦ ¦' ¦¦ TE.bmas Furfonya 'depo3Hionjwa3iead,.andit vc3-..}o ¦ tho rsfleot that he lived at Kil-pmtroyY on tho <nd inst; dio,fnd£sM"a pair oltrousers and he •reported ¦tHe . maij«x|iq thepolice barrack d Blictverup'f' when poirdngfrom bia. rorork la met a man ccrrying att>undIo.'«Meor hic'arm;. ,th© prisoner.pre>en.twps fcotj iie ithe maaihe'-iolet 'wiili tile toiiMle;Hie hkj u za now bpodtaEa. fwer^'hia .pniirJerty'{ix& did/nbt.jSive;pieni i to-hnyKE&^ox'l ennii.anyone tx) take tl^em ; the value oi

tto^troTHsera was about 5e'.-

6errt..((>>llinfl—I wo,cja; ja5k -thJii :titncE!l ' *olootVioselyarths pnsonor and satdaty him-seffifij s to iwheither he ia the man fie nfet'oinot." ¦ ' I

Th-) witnssa^iio.yiBSrdino' V'tWa;- &4<lr-y«urwoTBliips, h& iJ aot " t>a<lly unlike the man -Imet. ; ¦•; j ¦ - J ; •. . \ } ¦'

Michael Dovlo> deposed ithiai lie was onasaistdnt. at ?JH83, Wlitehe's pawnbroMngestalbldshment in :-£k(piien-stnBat, " WateEford]on the 2nd inst, 'between one and two o'clockthe .prisoner came; into die shop and pawneda pair of trou6era; he: C^P his pome oeJeremiah Murphy, and he;(witness) advancedhim 23. 6d. on Uip trw?4i,3i.<Mjia rtiirus alterhe returned to the chop and offered to Bellthe ticket for a few ponce \ (he wfu&edkto Ibuyit, and hd :<wa8 salfsffea.iiy'pMfiMllt^aaTtneperson "wno'jA' lo<i ""« trousers. ' ¦

Prisoner—l aever clMnsed, my, .ncma \ i myname ia JereWiali'fdjJaiAcij iiJ,. aiMia'j ieTOr rHSanytiainff wit or, ww -vaxr w coanee »..... . v,formation-mal a'ftllr •M'trooferSj ffasr' ettWenfax>m Thomas Furlongf at' "Udlepoel!, 'ne 'miiiiceeded to make enquiries, with the result hewent to Waterford city apd traced iii©.. trou-sers to iK5fi Walsh'a pawn office iaSt jhenrsueet; ibsub^^uptiUyrajnMJtBdi^eiiiraBonecin a pitifiihanouse at tho llayora Walk 'andcharead him with Ste9ii$Kit2&?&roi} sp 3v-a£lh& said he was. innocent; tn tio way to thebarrack he stated to got the trousers froma woman to~,P>wnT<tda-fatt"diil wot toiuw whgshe was; at the iimai ol -aiTest the prisonerwas drinking beer;.h.9 Iliad Jc. Tflid. in Mapossession. .

¦ifr. Bourke—¦'WhaVliave you got to eay foryourself? . ' , ; ' ;

Prisoner—I (have been .worliincr in Tramoreand other .places' in the Co. Waterford for thepast four years; I was aBer taking a lot ofdrink for two or three day's when a .¦'womanCame up and asked me would',I Pflwfy thewpueers; I was drunk ana 1 pawned the toou-6ors and did not know that it Led [beenStolen ; if I did I would pot .pawn it; I didn'tknow the woman. .* . ( > ¦ '¦ ' '

Mr. Bourke—-It .was aBtrange thing for youto tako a ,troiisar8 fropi ci woman you di notknow and If it/w^re o iman. whogave yoii.toe.'/trous«re' ;6o pawn- it xrp^ud beddflerent; ' as' you iriighi think 'ii belonged' tohimBelf

^ '., • •

Piisoner-^hsVoitcd ^f<.T me andTciveherthe money and ehe gave me a pint or porter.

Sercti- Dolline-r-yout/woj ijhipa,: hoirtvaa • outin Belmopt and be begged of a man & coupleof naghte before h© i .?21e3«d .to have,.ri|»lenthe drpuseirs; I got ,tt6 trace of'tlie'wionianho speaks of, and &&¦ seems to 'have.,'dis-appear^ 'altogether. ' , ' i ' ; :

¦Mr. ' Bourkc~-How \<ms is ' he in j ail PBergt. Collinfr-Since the '2nd November.Mr. Bourke (to prisoner)—As you have been

in jail a fortnight, we 'order you to be im-prisoned for one week, thai Li a monili fromthe date of your, committal. . : ' •¦''•

THE BALLYGOBHY iFOWL OASE; Williani Hickoy appeared in custody charg-edan connection with this larceny of towl, the(property of iMx. -BofW-e, j Ballygprey. Thonft nce was committed' on tho night of theOlj>i October* last, and two I men named John(Belahunty and Edward; Walsh were arrestedand conivieted, but the credent dafendant whoWrtj arntheir company wtwni the 'police!'arrivedtiffected bis escape and iraded arrest up totSe Slst Octobex. . • " ," •"

i 1 ? i> ¦'William' Bow» deposed lhat lw> naneanbercdVb4 night ol the 6th October; he saw a mancbmdncr ont'ol bia house at iBallygoroy withsome fowl; he . 'ctnM not identify the man.;tbeiwas looiina' out through the window at theItome; he won* to the door and it was fastenedor held on the OTtoido; ha toelie-vwi Botne-body was holding ; it | iueik go(t: oat' after atime' and went ( into iha t&mutf } , hb heardearne parties <in the-irja dj- ha^tuTned' backand 'locked the, dck>r;[ihe then, o«esed theAnUi iml h& Bj vw HUM minn in A e> rUdtaUcA!they.were'going' to -ti* dSifitUba-'of flbrtSl-ecnfiy; he traced theniiO DetotottnlyJB booMand heard somebody saying'that hfe pfcarT beiwould drive tho door off "the hduges; be heand,Dndae like tho .aracMng ol. Jor to'-WitigB;, toItfaem ; leportedr <he-i t«!^J tb«-Wtoe^l»Si not know th« value of. tlto fowl ana -

^listing Sergt. K«Dy, jM^ociabpto, depwea'ttewl

TSh OaWtiet <yf if b. JtqWy - ttfeoCTeJ % mA tfwti

housA: OonBtdbfo IltS^udJbmmu WH


door land mf ittW$M WMl3g» d-iljijf .. T mf < *AwS £ilifail & V tii^ i \ r iniMui !¦

Rua£e of thM* tof ajf olem&mon UM jstaia mul m&JDi i VM/f iH itiwWiil n»i ftt*. *- ¦¦'•* ** r-' 4 k«wM^' M tfk,

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ithe! jt utidqw; fatness rrnaSsiiygprawi jASd.aiul cfiught the'tefl of hi«' ^at^wheii WVas

^SiJ 1 1 °? ™\ 3U*> Octobtt. when heT^£S ^™ m -f i*11 -*t BalUnloughrhecharged hiun;and ^»ave -hiBa tih4 .'.usual cau-^

;>, ^de no

statenlent; the other twom*& *»»£ ***» teed and convicted.,jy %l• • .j Btourbe-The. vahie of the fowl "•was

Witness-«Yes. . •> raie defendlant said he.was at a dance andiaHtowards. be want to Joan Dettah-unty'aIhous^, where he /was in tho haibdt r tj t eep zns ;wheri; he- -entered- he" Baaf iWiSSn tm Snoatang and they asked him, tr. ««± . LZdown1 and the Acting Sergeant oame in 'the^^ 7

***" Wad6

ttn^t ««.

d*«s&*gsri fo1^

wrf£ ¦*«£i$gf t£ ££ "* "**«. °°^

^stang .8erert. Kelly-No, your, worship.Mr! Bourke «o defendant^Vs you bavoalready Jbeen in jaU for 19 days, we orderyon, to be imprisoned foT a fortnight withhard labour, and don't be- found again eatin«fowl la* twelve.a'clock at night. "Tb* court then rose.


Tha death occurred on Friday last of llr.Harxy Sargent, who may well be. describedas the lact of the gailant crowd flMx-untamenwko folloiwxd the old Wa'teeford . Hounds Hisdemise, wo are sure, will be leitjntd of withdoap regrot by all whto knew him in sportinscircOes, either peraonally or by repute and asfor ourselves im death ia a personal lossluul-eed. For miiny years his versatile penhas enhvened our pages on sporting matters,and several of his special articles on huntinghave appeared frpin time to tune in " TheNews. What the late Harry &>j geat did not¦know at/out sport, by flood and field:in Ire-land, was not, worth knowing, and ho em-'Dodjed his varied experiences in the volume• TBibushto Upon Sport," an advance copy ofwiueh we were amongst the earDesl recipients.That wxnik may bo said to be tihe autdbio-graphy of €6 gallant an Irish sportsman asover 'bestrode'' a hare©. Born in Wateriord,Immseif and h;is fatiher before bun, were inti-imateay associated wilhi • and generous sup-iparters of the, kingly pastime, • and it wa3leapeea jly m the palmy daye of the Water-lord Htound.1 tha| Harry Sargont was moiiprominent; althouglh. in,, the «ljoininff hiuct-inu ; " counties" his personnel was as wellknown, penhape/as it was over the line that<TO3 ; hunted by the Q-roat Marquis, and bythe lato and the jpresent popular lEarquis ofiWaterford. The Cite. -W. Sargent'' was in hisearlier years well and favouralbly known asa wine, merchant of repute in this city ofWaterford, and many a weill nlocked cellarin the good old days boasted ol the befit oftooands from Saxsent'a wine vaulte, ' whichwera situated in- these far back times wh/wethii Connnewaal C3W6 is now located ,at Paul'sSquire. His agent, inl. advance, if Vo may DOdcGCni'bo him, on ibuaineaa inteut, was the lateair. ; Thomas Beddy, father of Messrs. Tomand the late Bat Beddy. Many £©od storiesare told of Mr. Eeddy'e (senior) adventures«j i the road; of Trbich.MmGiJl woa tin racoor-Hour, and Ms ' meimory like that of MT.Sairgeot's is treasured in sportinjr circles to-day with affectionate, regard. Not long agoIT/o ' men-toned;, thsit,V , in Mall-lane certainetrudiural alterationa' were beinf? carried out,at the rere of what was once the MiasonicHall-, now the handsome residence of Dr*QmuiTOOL. _ Jt-reas-ia-the-old- buildinsa-thctfiTarry Sargent had hia- hunters stabled, andho aliwayc had a faw good onea, for theWcterfnxb vrcj c 'noi .'amcdaMe to " crocla."onld no one knew that better tban tlhe geniiiauthtor of " Thoughrta Upon' Sport," He wascouein- to the lata. Wintam A; iiargsnt, BJL,.whose death occurred about ter> years ago in.Khis city, since' wMch tim« tbo .old '1 familynrima iij only knor,vn by its.a&iociation. withone of our city thoroughfares. La" the hoodreferred to, we 'find two admirribas p^tTiiUoi tho late -HJarqms of Waterfcad and hasGTaceidl lady, whoso'death wo^ aH mourned,and none more EO than the sibjeot of thiabrief sketch. In fact, his boo'i wag jointlydedicated to both, and one of iUi ; frontispieces;hasi oo its dedication page, in ifx. Sa rcnt'ehandwriting:—"To C. P. Rxtafi and, Septeai-

iibg- 2atb1, 1885." . . ." KeirrOTjbrance still dwells on tT3 days which

" ' ore' past,pn , rjraa wo -hav^ . riddci)., , tho \:v, and fco

¦fa&t: • • ¦ - ¦ -

•Our. horses—ion canvste—now hung to tho" : iwall,fTJcioand .us of tririmp1i3—nrinio eirrt they' ¦ '¦: . ; iraeall.". . . . ¦ . . ' < . \

iHow lovinnrly ho rcconded tha doics of thaWaierford Hounds. Here is an. extract:—"I>jrd WisJterford's meeto were very. .lnisdyiiiU-rulod, and ''at thorn ' -were 'found ' manyhard and good men' to hounds. Alias! nearlyall these fine fellows have since gone to other{bunting groans, but there, still .remain, SirBftbext^PauL'Jonn T. 'MJedlycott,,' George Mai-WmBOTj ', Woo. Madden. GCfeoptt^

Sir Jamealangriehe; C&pt. Peel (lalbl>f 'Ihe 85th Begi-meTitVj"; Eobert .Waiaon' (the votexan Masterttfld1''ffiun-t£nianv oi- f&e' .Oariiow, aocHlslandElo^rl3); ' Oc^e < 'I»^,!i-'Wte': P'aHiser,(Lard James Butler, Mauride 'Kaioy, HarveyODtmtmbVopcyil'Iitoi Hk5fr{h,,'fGeorgo' Gou^a,J\Ke^'5f : ^^.l'<i ?'**'l!iIJi'> ''jiear tiiatiflrio ijortSnian. and'iBTelfl*. rna!ri"-to' hound?,H Drace Boichlorf ,-'wfio.'Wea''l !'h53''old' daTfi,(boi^-hiropirtopoMyaafl was 'ontf''Ibesi iilen ox fie day"in"'lrelanli' at that grtmdpaiim. asmmg toos© wno nuntea waui mm,who are . dca«f "'and gone, wej».j ths" Oois-- ofOastte^owta,' Johiiny PoWer of :Q*rrteen, n-'riyvfeipflsdnr of WaferiVyrd, the two'-'Sir JbtinOPl^W^ra of K^gjie. iDaydd-an.rijFjie^ MoSicom-Dori, Georpe j^ryan of JenKnswiwn, .TOUi-amQuinn of i»na!aJ<ihe'j'.' J6hh' CbrirWnayof

QSaHyednwnd. • -lfusient-- iarrMe-,- Lowi • Hunt-dngdon, Richard and Thomas Mbrris, JohnIJjwer, O'Shee, William Power, oi Soafleld,the Ialors of, Oregg, HenTy Bjriecoo, John d«aiontnioroncy. -' John Jones of Mnllinabro,Dan O&born of aavorapTing, William Baileyof N)oiieland3, John. Wade of St. Cbnice'e, WmMood of Flood' Hall, the Rev. KlichcHaa Her-bert and hiB ibroiher. Walter, Oapt." Pack(BerecSord, Txun and Hugh Gough of Ctton-todl, George1 Meara, Father Martin. Flynn ofWateJ-Iord,, BdwiSrd 'Boberts/'and 1 hia eona,p^m, AiiUxcrr and Richard. Of coarse, thereiwere scores at others whose names do notoccur to me at. present, bat the faregxxngnot alone hunted rejjularHy, but many, of Xhcmwere intiinato'frieiido of the 'M'fwqwa."

cjAoAI. cAT/5,nnH [ ' &. ¦ AOXH 'SAA• ' Their Complete ^Homi 'Oure;- '• ' ¦

IPc&t Free to Sufferera who'ap*iyra.t once:ifv^t published, . the / BMond: edition of; s. :48

P!OT ifcwi r frilly ; describing • Nasal - Oalarrh,lAl&thima and ,Chronic . Bronchitis/ and • howthese1 danpsrqos diseases may be completelycured at -home.' The most prftlcal work everissued' ond''which, should be in tne-ninds¦oi -sufferers 'who-deshe to opefidlly.cnrfl them-Belvea. This offer stands open for 3f> days.from thia date. A post-card giving your nameand address wilt bring1 you tb« boob by re-tarn- ' ' 'post JLddross Depi. JW. E8,1 ) Dr.Oi£senya " Co., Ltd., Ayton Bolldingt, KingStreet West, Manchester, i - '"'

NO%LUMa? fought or Muufutured T»rtlroor.!S3

¦fOU ). IADrposdwl with Inajnnimrtnn«ad tirattML tfitt wtM ya«jnnj ont paf mi mit»\B»tmttr»aUU»tm ^Mtmj imU^rLr^S gl^«te^ tlffllrBftl?U& 'E«T»f einr»«<)Ttr, bqnooo tafcwi <al dwih rillMW

: o»» b* diMotand, or limn any tw mmmi * | tbt dlaNM,

¦¦baitto tmmdKkt_Mmt da fttcSTfttfi «an TCC |I ''1'At^H•*»MMMBW —itt . V*MMMj||^Mg^MU||J , ' '

C ..J

.! . . : , . ¦ : i ' : ii

i I

- HOW CAN -V ^E DO THIS ? -Wo do It olmply ao an adyortlcomont.

Order oarly jf<^ avoid dleappolntnfion&

¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' I

m[/1&f ts> BONDTMIXT' • Wl\ff * la • aOi M« mttttmUmr aoiM

: WLM f m *am»wmUi *Um niMta : a

n M P Q)LA tl ; o

N. -/P^ TITS. n -n ffTf=^ /?" > o \. Tbousanda of yards aro*.X ' n t!R? M^^^ i \ now being laid on the flat

<N\. WlllViZr^ V &**!<££> V portions and guttero* VA N. ' \ , on tho IRISOA. - w X W> /v\ TPW I? X INTERNATIONA!.Also fcsteffX H TP k I IM\J M X EXHIBmOn.laid oa nco£> >v v DDBLIII.

OTATIOHO and \OHEDa at \7ATEnFORDcz4 r.oooLAnu.

Gc Iiraja'Jco ;Co? oJ! dcccrlptlono of Rcofo on appll co/l lZ Ti'. I :

Co CoSo PropricdcTO t—

@RAV€S : .&' CO

^> The King of Reator^ives!Er> »a ' .' ¦" • '¦'.lVVI«^TJN^^^^HA««y '"' :

•' ¦ ¦ •Uririyall^ . "' | ^Q^|iMU|^Depaiatfoa, i / ¦lIPOTV|V^VipHtij(j|ii|Mli|i^cfCTt* '1 E'Tl-lI I r^W l/tVi?^20 Tears . R Ajfl*|['fl r|'¦K^w£wJ^ T HFiacstTonle _ ffSSS^ fflRS HSSSSSSJT"1 h-H^^^^T'— ¦• ¦• v:- - ^ 1the World.

: THB' woiral; !-:- PAvbwJWfe? '


: / ¦'. '' ] ¦ ¦./ 'j io. •ZLI JZ-I' -'- '• ¦'• ' '' ''¦'. '' 'r^M #M|«rS r ^..•» ,-;¦ . .r.\r.! ; x .. 'u>.yfaM.TTlJi!'iwclri'i

&SL, WT PEARKS'""'. ''^i» ui"»i > i ' fe I 'trnmm it' . i ii i4tjj tf i


£JQ§ I printed with your fdame, Address, and Qreetlnjj,-

^ JLSD Owjnfir to exceptionally low price no Samples

'¦> ¦ '* '- .;¦ 'can bo cent. !' :

'eae/i fy aeAet k\ j f u a r a i i t e c d to contain at (eadt 'y i r Tulopeiwv Of ordS.


. ¦ i , . - ¦ - . tm ki t<«. tuaiau. tat »•*. **% ?-•*. Ttaa^^\ «2TM<^M, MU M TOO Baa* uk AUna (•>«> ftrt wtk *Vu»

**». l^^ .T|Uu4JkMDI LTD (Dql AI. B1LFAT?. /

r S^

^tscsnosq none:kr:D FcnTELiscn

: MILE \' S TREET, mWBLlN ,Sole Conllractors to the'Royal Zoological Society, Ireland,and Veterinary Department of Ireland.

Telephone No. GD. ' Telegrams ': CKeefe, Gracedleo, Waterford

"Oj Eft to intimate that they have Leased tn© Works and Premicea" at GRACEDIEU, WATERFORD, where they have OPENEDa Branch of their Business, and are now prepared to remove .Doad'-anc3OloQ&lOLl E2oriOG eosl Gafttio at their own expense, within Q

adius of 10 Miles of Waterford, and pay highest value for Bame.

? ? 'J^"*?fe a:& ! .oc .se . /.« , ¦ -. . , . ¦;¦ '¦?

¦f. 'n



! t


mw^ --

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¦ :¦ ¦


h i ' "' ' ' ' : ' ¦ v r - . '• *" ' 5'


i u|jjBWi:*iiiouiPf w.; •¦ \Scsnery, ;ftfiilfutiraffaclie*,Cejlebratod/fctreoae^O nt fftftrff,Sea Plcrure*,'CorttlO SiWett,CeUicuBfiftteD-Serfc ' :Irish Views, etc, etc-


Tho Prlntoro,


3E- ;..; .; , ' ..¦


Al l flUP^

Ltd,. Waterford

n per Os

• ¦'¦¦¦'¦ • • • j;' (LI13ITED) !CLAUDtlTEREnO

nANUFAGTUnSBQ,1 ¦ . ' ' 1 J . J ¦ ¦ .

'*,h ' .... u.. !. ¦¦ fT«

WATERFOED UNION.- : ; ? « [ • . .. ; : ; N


¦ : . . .



- ' : ic-'.Vl;»THE <X>EK BESOLUTOQN

The weekly meeting oi this' Iboard washeld on Wednesday. Mi. David : Hyland,3?XJ., Chainroan, presided, and the othermembers present were—Tie Bd$h,t' jWorsbip-€ul the Mayor (Aid. Maurice Quinlan) ;•¦ Capt.E. C. Carew, J JF; Messrs P: "|W. iCeahy,JiP; James iParrell, V.C; Jiamea Haoiitt,IJC; Edward ' Walsh, T.C; " John 'Whittle,T.C; Thomas Pawer <Callaghane), Fair ekPower {Tourgar), Jas. llurphy (The iLan<r),Michael Riordau, Rooart Walsh! (BaUindud),Martin Shanahan. . ¦ \ ' • • . , ]

¦The following offiei-alsVwe re in attendance—Messrs John Maokey, 'Clerk; JP. Kennedyand H. Moloney, . A«itant Clerks ; JadesCosgrave, Master; Or. Ford. 31.0., and Be-tievjng Officers J. Delahunty, J. Roche, £.Doyle, J. Martin, P. Walsh and WilliamHealy. \ ; I


There ivere SW: persons in\ the 1 house lastSaturday night , being an increase oi 57 &acompared with me corresponding week las;year. . i

KJleik—As I stated at last meeting, and ! I!have to repeat it to-day, the increase- is n'otonly entirely in the sick classes, but that6he healthy inmates, it is; some^satistactiinto see, are substantially reduced. ' They areCo less. 'In ,the house hospital {here are J35more, and in tiie fever hospital 47 more thanitihis lime twelve 'mouths.' ; • :¦ . ;¦ |

Mr. It. Power—They are increased sincelast week.

¦ ]JCJerk—.They are. I(Mr. Murphy—iHa-ve you got sufficient room

lor those ecarLatina cases? !Master—L have. ¦ ' '• • IMr. Kenny—tHo-w many , cases are there bf

6oarlatina?i ¦ .'. ; ' jClerk—J i'goi . from I>r. Jackman to-day, in

anticipation of (the inquiry which you; lijr.Kenny, have just , made a return shewingthat there are 25 cases of scarlatina, 12 maleand 13 female; .16 case* of whooping cough1 ;8 cases of varyella , and,one typhus, case.

lOapt. CJaretw—That . is 44. . ' .Mr. E. Walsh—flaw many of these a e

from the> cdty? .blaster—The majority are from the- city •Mr. Korihy—The scarlatina I patiento • ore

of course in the 'scarlaitinii ward? : : j3Laster—.They are. . .- . . 'i!Mr. Kenny referred to .what - .was ap-

parently: a misunderstanding in connectionwith the providing of accommodation in toefever hospital, and explained, tne view¦which he took oi the matter on a formeroccasion. . ¦ . . I .

Capt. Qaraw continuing his statisticalstatement informed the board itlhat theij ewere 128 persons admitted to the •workhouseduring the week; born, 1; disctuarged, 12?:;died, 7; cost of provisions ©onsumed, £12311/-, against £112 last ; year. He 6aid the dis-crepancy was explained -by_ <the increasedcosl' of some of the "provisions", and"by theincreased nuaaiber of fiiok peopled The costof out-door relief during thf week was £1810/-, against £48 17/- JaSt. year. The s-timu"lanta consumed, -were III glasses of (wine,against 14 last year; 14 glasses of whiskey,<8 last year; 10. pints of porteT, 21 lastyear.

'DOCTORS' BEMmTEEATION.The Local Government Board eanetione

payment of £2 12/8 to Dr. Ford for his 6e:vices as temporary ¦ substitute for Dr. Jadman, M.O. oi the workhouse. i ¦ ¦ ¦'¦ ¦. ¦

The Local Government Board eanetionethe payment of £4 4/- a week to.'Dr .j CoglIan for acting as- temporary substitute fcDr. Hayes, MJO.

KUmackevogue Didrict.' " ¦ QITEEiI!ES.; . . - i ¦ ¦ I

The Local Q»vemment Board transmittedquestione for answers respecting Sister IJary.Finbax Ooncpran ;wiio had 136611 employedtenWKHsarily »n the -workhouse fever hospital.

; i GBDELIKKEN AT NUBSE. :: frbe Oommititee of . Supervision of tl eDrphan and Deserfed Children at nurse ithe union met on the 17th. iNoveanber wh< »tfhe ¦ following membeis mere preEent—Oaf t.E. C. Oarew (in the chair), Mrs. fiyan, Ma ssSPuxoell; Messrs James Murphy ana -MlaxiTi x(Power. Batisfaatory reponte were reoedvid5mm the ladies in charge of the MuOinav 1.1district. : i

T.rnnffiAiT. OFIPIOEIEB ;IN!DIiSPiOSED' . The 01erk,.in reply to the Majxxr eald \tilers •were four oi the docaorB on tihe ipast. . • .1 Mayor—That means only j a cost oi aiite.gnineaa a week—(latigliter)., :' ¦ Clerk—Sixteen guineas a -week.: Mayior—iVeiy cheap. j • ¦ .

Mr Jamea Exjche^ K.O., reported tbaVhavi:received a note from Di. 'WSiite, accompaniby a medical certificate, as to bia illnfiSsi'aocordinfely appointed Dr. iCMgaUivan.! ¦boduty for a week at the usual ifimuaaiatic

Oapt. Oarew pie fact .tliat tnafuro of Dr. White's illness wea noti statin tie medical certificate. I

The Mayor asked if; the certificates jin uicases of the other doctors specified ' th<illness^

Clexli-iye3.On ; <the proposition o Cap^- Care

KAcanded bv Mr. Kenny, the cehiflccJe w


freferrdd back to Dr. O'SdUivan to; atajtnature of illness J| \ ' ¦ ! ¦ • I

Dr. J. J. ;H. Jackman certified that DiThomas Kelleher was Buffering from iifluenaa* and would be unfit tor duty at lee:one weekJ

:;IMr. J. ©e-lahunly,; EX)., i reported .that h

procured the eervices of sDr. Mbrzd6sey tdo duty for Br. Kelleher for one week ithe usual remuneration.—Approved. '

(Dr. "Morria, Dunmore, certified that Di. !E,F. Stephenson, Diinmore Eaat, .wto cufleriifrom- eevere articular i-heumatdsm aisciatica, and was! unfit for; duty. , ' |

'Mr.. Martin, B.O., employed Dr. Morria ildo duty for Dr. Stephenson at the usual Imunetation.—Approved. !•¦ ' ; J

Mr. Fanell remaiked that no ¦ doubt DKelleher had been working' very, hurdi Iclcl

, ;,TiEB MILK. SUjPlPl-Y. IThe Master submitted the'following, retairn

of degrees pi cream remstered by the newmilk supplied during tho iweck-br iho con-tractorB:—.Patrick Phelan, ill ; I Eobort. Kar-•wan, 00 3-7; John Phelan, 10. 2-7; WilliamSheehan, 10J; Edward Phelan, 10i;; Win.Spenteer, iO. 3-14; Bichard iGoush, 10; Jamesifynn, 10 144; E. MaJierJ. 10. 3-7., | i

: MASTER'S HE2PGB.1. ; !The Master's weekly diary contained the

following:— j ¦. . ; ,[I was short some milk| during the post

f«w weeks. I therefore giSVo the usual cub-fititu!«. Extra cost .to be deducted from theoo'ntractoiB.—Approved of. ,. :

There is an able-bodied woman, Keano, inIthe house who refuses, to accept employmentoffered her. I consider it-j right and properItihat eh« be discharged under the circum-cAanoea.—Ordered accordingly. ; ' .

. :. i Enclosed please "^nd oertifioate oi illnesa! of'.Mr; Daniel OahiU, tailor.—A week's leaveof absence was granted, j ' ' . '

I IWitb. regard to the proposed apartment for. the plumber'a helper, I think . it -would be' isvell ii a comimUee ot- the board tam some:sheds down the house with & view to ijrak-:'ing alterations iri same.—(Eefened to H^'use'Committee. : ' \\ ', . - '" '"vf ¦'J ,: : LTUUS ASaiBTAOT; >IAffEER. ' 1'j l i

Mr. M-;bael Dunphy, Aisistank Masldr of<he Worihouse, applied I for two weeks'

i leave of absenv.e.r-Grantedl _ . j: ¦ '" "¦ ¦ ¦ : ;

¦ BVJOTKXN! . ¦¦. - ¦ . , . |1 Mr- William iHealy; 'B.O.< eulmaUed enc-,

. lioni ooJic«:a!t; th^.iortaiBO&iof- Bobert .J,,^«r-.i gasoa,i <fir.S)«ia*«tiort» JftaHta, ^udt ,<rthe!r» :

; Co. Kilkenny, tttmer, ia napect <A part of:!;rfanef-.'JandBr^'ot . tS&fiaUbas,. c^otatamg : 29i acr*. 2 rocnte eiA 38 peadbea, AsJKHUi xo«a-'i ar©J .»dfiu±dQdJae». :fl»C8eDn<;ri: ; ..,; :•' tttr. | TJ>to»» power &aid tivat JSssanoSBy;.fl»i a..taq»". taraily n&tj amg.- 'tMMuK- '.Md;lb* &ax *&.JQa *<mit&L<t *>\ * .cat*.tot1 '. £&»: Boci*y for the IPreveiftion ol Oroeuy ia! Cbfldzaa to send ottt their inspector eiztd-l eee than thKwnroiifoft fihte Mad eide. Th«r'£nsp«SbK» paJDB&,4h$tv pcmeB ¦wham day

:| -weren't mxto&. r '*', ' *i - f r ' ¦ ) • ¦ -. >. , .. ! ' •

f^H^"i"rihniaf.-.i waiifliKfffljJonT 'i QfFiHpflWiTftT^TO.IHB wuBij 9*Aff®a,&ifiB»r., ;



think it would foe toxm philanthropic if heiweat to Tippeiary and gave th« £50,000 to•ihe people' txe got flung out there. j ',Mr. £. Walsh—d jhave Igreat . pleasure-i ineeconding the Mayor's proposition. I thinkit JLs a . reflection , on j the Jlnsh Parliameatairy,'Party. One oi the supporters of the reso-lution gave it-away-when he said, "thesefellows (meaning thje Irish Party) put in their poclietB." : .'• '¦ iMr. 'ilackett -a -haVe" greit pleasure in eup-.poriing the. Mayor's prof esition that therestiliiitaon ,'be consi iied t j the waste-paper•basket,. 'arid'I say if the Irish Parly took ,dictatioa \from Wiltiam O'Brien and hisparty there would fe-no I one to 'look after¦the evicted tenants. ! The 'less we<have tosay to William- O'Brien and his party inCork the batter. i ¦ ,¦Mr. Farrell—I would suggest they form a oommittee in Cork and raise ; bf UB_ forl'fie evicted tenant3. '¦ ¦'•Mr. T. EawerT-jWhat i have they done ! itCork for them?' ( ; : i; : ¦The Chairanan' *oquies<:4d in th-e remarks¦made, and. said he would iput the propositionitha( the resolution be consigned to the tVaiSte-paper basked. ; ;;The pro-position was carried unanimously.l:.e Board , then adjourned.


OIVISIONA'I; EUECTIOuMS.Widr.ecday in phe. C ty 'Grand Jury Eooin ofthe- Courthouse a statutory nieetmg- was heldi'or the purpose of . .eleoiang three Conser-miors for tne'"C" oir Central Division. Mr.Joh n ¦Haatrty Jone3,i Secreary to the Boardof. - Conservators, was^unanimously requested¦to-act as Hefcuniing pfHc r.Ttiere .were ;t>vo seta ofi candida-les, viz: —Qfessns Thomas Bowers^ 'John Comerford,and Thomas F. Morrisse-y (Oanricik).Messrs W. - E. Scott.l IDiiamore East; T. F.;

ilurrissey and Con O*Mahoiiy. ¦ !It mill be noticed that Mr. Monrdssey re-ceived dual nominations, his proposers beingUichard Grant and J-sines Sbea.There was an uniistial amount oi intero/t1¦taken in this election, and, quite a numberof fishermen were present. '

Mr. 'fL D. Keane, :6olr, watched the in-itaresiis of ¦ iM essrs Scott, ; 'MorrLssey andOMahony. ". ¦ 'Messrs Bowers and Comerford were in at-tendance. :The Chairman said; he would proceed 1*Jtake votes according to the ¦ ecale S3 repre-eented by the value of the licenses.. Mr. BoweTB raised ' a strong- preliminaryobjecttion £s to the manner in which the¦licenses for voting purposes had been ob-tained. ¦ 'Mr. Keane', on the oiher hand , objected t->:Mr! Bowers. >A voter ' could be present inpenson or by proxy, and : if the parties wereabsent the Chairman ¦ should act upon thsproxies. j(Mr. Cantwell (a cacdijiate) eadd that hewas- ahrarethatft-wenty votes which had beengiven to him were ' noibbled" by some oneelse—{laughter). ;Mr. Bowers—Th«3e votes were given toMr. Canitiwell, and they were transferred to•another for "wham they were never intended.IMx. . Morriosey called! upon Mir. Bowero to-withdraw that etaitement.air.i'Bowerst-sI am aware at it. 'jMr. Walsh, of Mooncoin, weir owner, cameforward, and "tendered Ms votes.The jOhaitmaa iniorjmed- .tim that, awingto a clerical error Mr; Walsh's paper© had(been cent out, lo him marked, fox. _.".C In-stead oJ "A" Divisioa which was his (Mr.Waldh's) proper place to vote out of. .(Mr. Walsh insisted ion h&vdng his voteslaken, and . said that ¦ Mr. Jones could notevade doin^.co. i

.. Th.6 Chairman declined to . alter hi} de-cision. : . .,iMr.. Keane—You . may take me ca die-eentins. . . . . . .., .Chairman—I have not i reoorded, them.Qli. Walsh still insisted on votjn^..Mr. .Comerford; ,prot<asted, and caid ttat¦MT. . Wialsb, ¦ wsfl a Government man, and.that if he vraa found, meddling, in mattero.oifchis. kind or . politics fae -would hear "more |aJbout it. . . ; .- . j 'The Chairman repeaied that he conild not

take .the. votes; of. Mr. TflTabh. I(M^-. ; Oom,erf.ord—dl ! b • "Aon compos"—lauglilier). . _. ,jjfr. (Bowers—(No; : "non pcesunrua"—(laughter). . . ¦ , . :¦ ¦Air. WafeftT-lOh , you: are y ;ry clever, 'both;

of you. i i ! ' ¦ i -. The. ecratiny.. was ithen wntinued, and'¦lasted until three o'olopk, ihd statutory hour.,Mr.' BoTvers obj eotedj to eevfiral . . ptip^rs(^rfiich ' ie e add /were n<?t cdgiijed by, the per-¦Ban6 repreeenied,, and ;aisk> tihat others were'legally inforinaj ., . 1 1.. ¥he (votes..TCCTO counted atItwo.oVoci, a'./lie . request', of '(Mr. . CoaierioiwJ, ¦ T7ith' the fol-Idjdnjgi f«3ult';-i^ ' . .

¦- ¦ ' . ' ", . .j , ' , ' .' ;

IMorrissey,' ?1; ' Mahony,. 63; Scott, 58;'(Bojwexs,. 14; Coiperfordj , 10.' ;i#t ,l£ree' -j o'cV i the ¦ final poll was de-Jaforijeseor, TO; IMabony, 62; Scott, 59;.

Bowers-, 60; ' Coinerfdnij '46. .' .. ' . :tfXhe ifiret;iQiTe^ were declared elected.' .air. T. F, M^irriedey. whoi Beaded he . poll

^ald—ttlr..Chairmiui, bauig on© ol-; *),fiiic-cessful candidates'! have gt<f>ar6 pleasure inproposing,a.. .v^;of, ,'thanto Mi.ilir. ,Jon^3 .torthe im(p(ajitia'IlT and^-courteoiifl way. be has dis-chargea, '. his .oiiues /u ; coniiectioii wiUi thiseledtioh.' I hav^uaJ3o |,to than&. the ftsher-onen¦ ¦ who, .;voted ,KT ':me, and their intoTesffimill have, iny. 'best, ittcptian during my teamas .Conseir ratdr. j , - .. ¦-. '.>. . , . . iMr, jonea. replied, and 6aadi he hoped that(Mr. itbrrissey ¦would follow .ia, in© footstepsof his father..,whose' acquaiE-iiance he 'en-joyed ps a Conservator now '25 years ago. •.i 'atj , ^H.'iDj- JKeane, polrsi also thanked Mr.Johcsn for liii courtesy 1 ' .' .. .|

(Mr. Jfpn^cey said ihat. at the beginningof the year;l&. Baweta distinctly told himthat he would not bei a' .candidate.&i (thitjelection; b3d . it 'been; olthemise he (MriMorriKsey) would certainly • not have com<)fora-ard at all. ' ' !

Hfe Cogm j |Flomir, fej ^fftfe

SwesJ'csd-Saroarjr, crc c £Iycryia'ccd Aihty lo c .

Here h the Redpz •—iii 'ts. Erroa'fi'PcljBa'i "Pctcat" Corn Floar.

aCxEcJ ^i :, i '^

licB EfCJ..'aca CsajVtit«5«CB'-. . « . Pt>t" UUk. . '

Jcrt CKVds^aeef »o :«'iaa£epeit *sti.acld toLl llti-GcCi <Flcsx -i&& ibS'iocal ; mrr th^mlo;aher,4icDttU tlie miQ. tiesled to cearlybc3ini ctir well will/» woodea «poca cntil itbofli «ad thit.cni. Leihaa\.tnd besl wellt o i l lh»:yql!u ofltiis KJI.. Bezi cp.thevrtitei ol tho ezz> tola tii&holh, tad.itir ii tothi aixtoia^. Add toi «aj £snxm$.r>->-HLfl*^ -SHshuV. bctlcf ft ^?|S, posr in tho' -ck re, csd lake is « tW oren. Thii »'•<

. r 7.U it and

iho ld. bo tztnd qaicilyi,Soo2q> TO7 tooo f o S L

TT't tooQo nistiiro ftviH. >* ^* any W A fcocHe. For ictUsce, if TOO edd to it Tanilla .it a a VanHIft SOT IA* I ™\ to- it ciiocolitc it ijft h*w.A* f #^f^^ [ac4 co IT*- Yoo "n put .ia rolttrnn, <hcrris f tesenci frcitt, rum,btttdj . &c. • ¦ ' ,

¦ •

For Saronrf :Sca£}ei' cmtt tla ts ir. , Add. pepper, tatt,,! intuttrd ; and . eaoojK grated<tte&<\ to fiayiJar, then you, hare a CheeseSouEle. Yda can [ coke H»m; Tocjae orCliicken SooQe bj ;«ddio3 IM bam. tou e,6e minjasd, tfp. j : '| ' . -

¦ ." .. - ¦

. The» toafHes reqoiro'

¦ ¦;V;':\ C© -^<;v5-airL'!:::-- -'?. i •

X. V. |. |

UBB8 INTAOTA IHABHIBB OMJB.' GO-AB-tOO<PtlBA8E '¦ BA£Xi -:¦;' ¦ . ¦;: <'¦', •i.,\n . i r »>» |"i» f - ;¦ "•

* n;:- '. \ - -.

'¦•:.Jit a gencatliiiBefln&M&iiiXriliBkO^helclSSb -P»«afiaS BeoflM9X»Jik,> It wwHeoWaato har oa "Oo-M-yoa-tilBMe"B>ofr<ociBflna a

The ooaitt to .tmstt»tin : -Start from ICrtSafia •XnmmMtk' B.Btxiet, BtndmA&non* the Ht Utikmiim W?*) Mft nm&UiKnoolc, to BoMnnflfB. iCp by the tack ot \RofiMiUHoa vttonlo»,Jan(n TP*fldy BtowiVotA, • in the Ootk He*4, theJ|Uaor, vaO. tooaMde tbeO. j ea 16OL 1pie *»«cwin tttt * r/oWok ihup, n a GowtvMUn sre totat* itopwlpii ID U gth> BoScty «t gbopt ipjtt.-& «ddUkm to totf&t »tb BBQ at i

nrandMa *>J*f *Qti&tf e UL. HeansttfrCoiaw. Jf^OMry

*XB par, UfAT. He

ltaTv alfloiKMnlwdiOj (tvept sic . ¦; ¦ :

£yf: . :c l . j : - ¦:¦ ; .; _. ; _ :; ^ J

;IV 4?' v-' .r v M? t- ^ T*



• Iibh Tlmr.Full pardcuUro upon cpplleatldo to Hr. C. J. O'D. CUOKC R, or Ur. E. rOQQ, S Xx>v7ei- Sackvlile Strcst. Dubllo ; ZZr. A. t7. PCHKC, /UCjIpIiJ Wharf, Waterford jMr. A. O. DODD', VJ tricu-atrtwti CorU ; lJr.j.A.'O'KEl-LV , iaj George Street, Ll^ericlr } Hr. W. J. FRANCIS, Hoia Inn Street, laikenoy } or to the Supaintendentof the Lloe, Paddineton Station, London, W. • '. '. JAMES ,C. IKGLISi! Q cncral Manager.

3ipp611 f

jVffMTTPASy ft Nj _ I f ' ; \ Jv.

reuuy « <j - s *iA **«> <»'ie9 J.JW*8*' ff

S*i«. (j^^"^ «S TisiiotaRltertr i"

<Km!*-.«™ i ¦ ¦{ . . i n- ?"- - • /*

I F lsinrnificentEy. A0.poihtbd;; TURBINE" Steamoro ]£L ^IASS^L^-H] 21: ¦SEOXJli.Sai«2G a.m ... 5ffl.33 p.m. (LONDON , ' c^r, : ' ' n Ar74 p.m. .. 0 i J6 a.m. 6ABD0FF . V. I . fl? o§

CITY POLICE COURT. !¦ I - . :•• ^¦•r.TD


(Mi John Ryan , J.P... disposed o{ five,cases in the Oity Police Oo'iit thiis nyjroinu.1iBridget Smith and Mary' ASine Butler wesre-tiach fined 10s. 6d. and coata for Quarrellingon the.public-street.£. Miciibel Olancy wra-fined 163/ bd. for druhSennCJ3, and DavidDrokan in a similar amount . fox .riotousibctha-vtiour. iifichael- Jones, ;oae : ;d tbeUssher'8 Arch Iraterhity and an old and per-sistent offender, was fined 21s., or a monthfor creating a disturbance-outtlda' tneProtestant Ohurch' in PatriCK-etreet laetSunday evening while the congregation wereat Divine Service. In default of . .piw nwTJtlie goes to gaol for a month.


(Before J»jhn Ryan, Esq., J.P.) ,:CKARGE OP; .GTABB11N*IG. \ |

iPdltick DOWCJ WJIB iii '' ««ufttod y vj ' rcimnnu,chafed with having stabbed Tnam£3 Tobin,under cdrcumstanoes already reported.

Sergt. Waldron, -who.-,17 3 .il£) 'prtiejuipr,applied for a further reinand of eight daysor sooner. He based hia applicaiion on hisdeposition, whiclh wae'fd Uio effect"that "hehad visited the injured man, who ia at pre-sent an inmate ol the Oounty and City Infir-mary, and found that as-, hie life .V7as stillin danper he was unahilo'to attend to;giv»ovidencj. •'. ' ¦ >> ¦ "¦,'¦ '.*"";•

HIsWdiCMp "cranteid liirtclnand -cc'JCht far.A BEHHAOTOBiY. PBISONEB—SUNDAY:

BVBNIiNG SCENE.Mary MeOuilliouddy, a girl ol the unioi-

tiurate claes, nvas--rcttarg d- witih. .Hihreeoffences. Tbia pri&iior).iV'h7l 'w.''j Bireatedon Sunday night and -pladisdiiii >ib 'loik-np,refused to vaoate-hgr- temporary-lodginga .fnorder to come to "the oaurt~wiffl"" tllB'Tfimltthat Head Constable McQowan requMtionoda side,_oar upon which, after some trouble,fehe sjifl brought to J&ie- court;/ ' j > ; ,. ,- ',; ¦"• Xh4 ittiEt COBZ vrs3 oce an which <)h> iHesitOonttable charged • ber \vi'±. ' ibdnV ' moi*liotoua and disardeifly in Bank-lane the; pre-"vSoue evening ; eh© collected a crowd, kickodthe best part of hw off her, and -woundup by ineertdngf her teeih inhia feljr~*t3tetn]rBtxme of the ebin off ," as be explained. Ulti-mately thejonlralaaca hadito ibe reiuisiti'anadit© bring her1 to' the locK-up1.' r < » - ¦¦"- i T»

The second charge- was preferred againsthiea "by Constable Farreil, who d^proMjlhatthe defendant was riotous and uproarious 'daIthe public street at half-pafa eicht o'clock onSunday evening, the 16th September. Sheattaoted) another .woman .-on tha.-quay, whileseveral/rtep^ptahle ptople; ¦were'pjisinj j oy,and her langniiOT was eimply awful.' • : ' ¦.

Defendant—How many moro charges Haveyou against met 1 got no eununons for thij .

Oomplainaat said that since tihe oocuxrence.riha Vfld . gsui P.njteS^iJM'd ^sd put up afternr 'Tif -impmeoMoeni. "" ihexeioro~jui"Btiiil-mons coteld not be served on her.

- ,On "ii third cwnp)"CT-> the defendani ,waarfiar . 1 v::ih bwnjrtouni'drun'i.on the pv>>15cGtrcet ;/>n; Saturday ' jhi li^i',"-. After tWl3case ;.ya jroovc3, the r 'JIsed ni:'Tf%>r6hipf toallow-4ier to- go to^ili-Good Shepherd Okii-vent and said she would never leave it again:,

iSergt. Malonj } ^

iA,tt,ii.)^h>-defendiant vmaalioTTed to go ihto-the'-<»i>v^niiiniApx»l, aadehe- was sent to ja il in May. :

Head OtffiSkible—^5r ,- 'a vroman- eho cifl themost outiis&aba-chiiicler. in £ho oiij 't ;aod.h^r ( conduct in the loci-up last might was

I Sergt: IKlonS 'Uiero ar» aiio convictionsagsjinst her within the past year, six of thamf or drunkennesa. ^ •,

•H .f K , Eyin.-rd' thin!k she Voitld bi'botter fcfl-the 'etreeta,' ami I will send fcer ¦to ' fiil forithree inbatha—a-tnoath in each'C£3e. '

Tha defenGlnt was afterwards taioil'to. thepiiison, the jarvey oar - £^d a polioo eccortfccirnj placed at hex diBpoecJ. . !

The only other case Ibefore hii woT^hip wasfijainst a labourer, named James Power, whomas arrested for drunkenness on Sundayevening. Thifi being hia first recowled offencebe was fined only half a crown, end allowedtime to pay. I


(BeJorp John Byan, Esq:, J,P.) :

DISOHDHBILY BBHiAVIOirK. - .The presidieff magistral© disposed- of several

coses in which women of tfio flsh-haTrkdiigpersuasion wei© tko delfindajrb, na oocup-tion which i was much in eividende by tihe(more' or less) fraj rant atmosphere of ih-dapantment which does duty as tho ¦ Oity Courtb!>.j(nisldcol I - ¦' 'i' /r ' • i

UCary Hejll was snininoneSi ilor iriotousbehavaour on the 13Ux tost, at Alerandtr-street. Her record waa 45 niBvio^ia coaviic-Wojiey and .bar conduct was .described1 aa dis-fftjsc^uL She wad serxWncod", to o'month's

emBmac««Jriwo of whJ^.WEre^Jor mrtijua'te3wwfeur>Sd to Ud toFdrtateenaeBB.Hbe.«M wd We. and cwte, tie usual eitor-

! if j f tf i IPT*V*">J •SBHSPT'oad ofrendeic—eh© Had

dlflo flb«»»e* with, belai'-ftf r «f 'rifiUcnw And

iodece^TWMfriW'otf- ta«' odbUo Btneet. I

obaqml iriithi tHV toyad dstmScjin OeOlw*

.MawMTAjWit-TftjrtrVL' tb t * *•• ^Ti tf! to

! (MBa£c*-4 kef* U ono« lor aiz ioaa b>.; IHi» iron(bJi>—I•^ml twir floa foa.hutj«,

iSfel ^fei 1?':¦-. - .' . tjai ljJiaMlwPW *W ' 'j V "J '¦»

I ¦ '

' . ;- .¦

• . ' - 4a .1-A: 0.- 'UJ 'i,- •¦•: l •"¦ ; '

to ropresent hiin. Slhe slated that Thomashad taken the pledge and would never getdrunJc ..again. . ... . .Se gt. ilalone sadd there wore fiity^twopreviDua .oorrvdotions against tho defendant,fiv-n withnj year, four for dmnienn-ec3 andone' for assault.Mrs. .Kinsolla—Your worship, if you ©vercatch, him here o^ain J'.don't eare what wayyou puoieh hun—(taughter).Mr., Ryan—Very well: I wi'l fine him onlylhalf arcrown ana costbi - . > . ! i •' ; 'There vine no other oase beJoro the court.

TKWB3Q&Y(jBeJoro John Rj -an. -Esq-i , J.P.)

A PUBdJC NDJaMNiOEA man, na^ned Jameu Ixcnergan., known, by

l iil j aae-as- "Th© Slinger," wae summonedfor toeang found drunk on the public street.The case was proved by Saigt. Shannon.

(Hia Worship—I know thi'a man. to be oneof tho greatest nuiiances in tho city.

Head Ctonsiolblo. Allen—He ,is a ivorytroubkcomi) fellow, indeed. . . " ;

(Kia Worship—Tuiere i3 not a recpocta">]epassorJby on the street—mans woman or childthat he does not

Hcad:pcC*able-MB.e3 from.His '•Worihip-'Yefl; oeg from or insult. Ij

rn-ill sand him to jail Cor one month with.txavd labour.

WOULD NOT BE ADVISED.Elisibeth Power was Bummoned by Serfrt.¦Keyea for bong drunik at WiIEam-etffe«;t. She

"pas.a bad case, he Raid, and refused to' staytin hj f jo(wn hlouee, aHio-ugh he pu^ her thare/.hre& tiities, and she rrouldn't be advised foyhim. '". ' . '

The defendant, against wlijom thore wciretwo prewious comvictoana for a similar offence;iwtos fined 10a. 6d. or 14 days.onR.^APiqt jpss.. B^omi DEMONSTCRATE.' .¦; Jj lliaj i Bjagii, ^§li 'uvpador, was snmmontid.(5OT. (b%i3t.. !P ffU3 fln_Smirdiay night lafit in)(MEchael'9^e« --She''wafl-t)angue-4ihre6hing aliround with the eloquent assdetanice of her(man, Michael, who vraa also summoned fordisorderly .conduct. , , . '" , • ¦

', Jplia, whoj had the moosst ¦record ol, 1'iS

convlcrtjohs w her cJiscredit, ,'wao ilnsd 403.or a month.' Hoi 'sponse, who had "already(been fined 60 times, added another rccam,ihis time to the tune oi 6s. or a week. : :—: fa-cfeex oaoeo, In. -rfiich. the defendant\v<ira first oflendexs. email flnc3 fv<aiaimposed. . V



For eoma W^CB ,paat , "Jtohn..;9f31" hasbeen bintdng al flame very' grate' nowB coin-,c«nii2(j^et-<»niaitic»-'0l-iJir^Ica^--CJham-lEerlaih/IStlifeVeek'e Issue of thaVpoper there'is.a page, in large typo, headed The Truth.aWou.V lMi\i Ohamtoilain." Wo-take the tol--lorwinf." ipaaaa-jes H-froin tihia curious and'starliinj ai<licle:-j - ' . . \ '

" For mottthe pdst, veek In and T7oek'<rat,-we have warned" 'Iheih' that Mr. Ohaniber-ilaiin'e condition is infinitely more oxitioal thanthc^ipOTK&n' of -Ore faffiily, and ^e goneral'preaa, "haive'led "the piKflic to believe. That¦we iiOTe.done this JJronijno desire for noto-riety 'j ii/rWO; <ihdnk gufilciianlly! «vadejiced <bythe 'fabt^tho.t wel' K5vi5' contented ourselveawith tihs baldj statement thavtiie rreat.podoti-1 cdah wa3' ' very ill ' : Sihle' his .' public 'cflrcerf isended '• ' and, wliea if'was'&oleimntygiv'eh outthat he would attend a Tariff Reform meetingin Qdio!bar/ We sintply./Mud Tie will do ruo-

! thing of the kind/ .'^ir<hi« time wo . haveI Atr° l h *tm4 **) ir wri.fihihril*? iniomwi,tiOT> And deti3il3irathc^.ij ian cause a 'mopient'fl'\pain ix> Mr^OtoambeHaiu's faraBy and'.lriends.1 ,. '¦¦ '

"The time,'.however, has in our ibinSon,arrived1 when the,; .truth should be 'known.. . . • Fox .some' reason, or other, htaweiver,;

it appears to have ibeen the deaire of Mr;ChaiBb«rlain'6 family, and of most of hisintimalte tnends, tkrt'the truth should not bo¦known-.1 ' - .- ; . • . W6f Have,.after anxious, endeorronrful cxmeddfiralij cm, determined to lift theveil There ia one consideration, and onoonly, whicih, would deter us. Ii w©: thoughttlvat anything we i upn alttout to eay otndd byany p"o3sihiT;ity oiuse ai'r: Chamberlain, him-self a moment'8 pain, we would cut off ourright hand) rather than* pen tlifiso ¦ lines. W6know Uoo well, hctwetveri that such caniotb(J th« case—for at tbie momeM the BighiHon. Joseph Ohaij ilwrlain—ihe; jWho . a searago was the mast virile, actiivyf and militantmmKiieal onotmronist d tho day—tis a nerve-leas, voiceless, and almpet aighSecs panflytic.The omiriiial eedzure occurred oom© tourmonto!V.' ;w¥H; '&*;ri«'hjk eto«eiaaAwas ibe&u%7WTie'..' ^Jfe'T

^tcovered he had been lying in a ertocal ooruw-1iou fox nearly two /hxrare. He tfas B.U»-flequenliy removed from Ixmdon sunjepU"tioiialy. "w* ftt **&*> *° nis nwne :«t - Htwi-bury,''*lfefe .About i twice -.a ,-wee*. aM -WUX«flT\Sn*t;diflicttlty,.h« ^w*»««f«di*(>^tovoatite, orchid hone*. There is .tfHr wug

(SinpSin—upon: fSuo soooew oi iidcJi j<CChcjmtoert*Sn aad 0ttkad~tiiB j Oi—toad * rasesioms ?flwst wpoj i..b4m.,;, . . , "IX eucbtome «J"t8», TfciH'-BS*irii«Mt'-jW0)3Jw o¦tmoveraiea ol~wory dwon yon siafc iatagcttloot o< B&jlu A-jul with the toy and day*

u> iSMit) xwuWy Mff twan rotoMKMTirriajia^

• "- '"-¦- -»-»•» V -. S.w».Um*ri3 rtrfimatny wxu* we u«"» ««~f »y—«¦ ¦¦ » r " •

r > *u.tHOIUASItfO ^aPUUABlW.'

Bvwy eu * la«m3er.lh^? «wiattty j

¦SuHBVinSMaMS to iS)Mf«4h*}d|M r1

J - : :i

l&VLU12Lttii&$l. 'M m-:MOSPESHET fJpi?06

ERN f RA]1L*^W1U fIRlLAND*iE2E!5lLnwronx. ; /T

: : p tmooi.: ! / j

.-¦ / : SJS'oTrrMoitvi

nvny K t , \ . ,»_ T, QkEJteST.EE.P BfRM I NtArfAM

J j ^ ^X " ' '

j Li ¦ '¦• ¦

1 ¦

•/ . : :. - : \> . - ¦ '


DungaJiran, Nov. 19, 1 >3.Denir Sir—iAs I am- responsible for theresolution, adopted by tho. Urban Council, onwhich Mr..Hudson haB. wmtteni his courteousand intolligcnt letter, aild .which ' appeared inyour last issue, perhaps i you iwili tt> goodenough lo allow me Ito maio a ieiw remarkBupon itlie Bubject. i ' ! 'I may iaay that personally I do mat differwiith i£r. Hudson in the views Ihe ihas putiorth, which are very Ibnoad and founded, nodtoubt, <upon expcriciiced cubseavations oftidal action> and I may j also eay , that hiarvienVB coincide with mind iwitb. reference toitho effect of the Beour ot .the Iblarbour nowcarried1 on, and .pivtty Joflcotively, by the¦united forced of Hjhe 'findrait of' ttihe Western.Say and the Shandon !Basin. But I wouldibo fiUxw (to eet my Vierwa in: opposition to ihosetxf competneat (arttori1ie3j iwho have (writtenand reported on. lihb AtaiUter. iStill, if I wereexjpnosaimr my indiv'idual oyinion, I wouldtry and eay .what Ifr. Hudcaa Ihas eaid soSjme people imaniine ithat Si yoa reclaimedIthe. Western Bay, lall Hhe tidal iwat«r iha.% ntawcomes into the Western (Bay, w at least agreit portioii1 d it, | iwlpcld tfltnv up by lh»quay and -cm ¦towards , (Ballyneeity. (Bat alittle reflection, anil ehbvr tix& aibuidity - offtfhiEs vJawi ' MWaTBr' "will 'mAJTiit^in. • Lte (awnlorol. It •will Jiot irise:jhi3:h«T at Bidlyneetythan'1 it-does' at Hiilvdck (Head, and con-isecpiently, Ithe ireaLaana'tiion of the Western'Say ..inasmuch) as it nrouldTnot offociHio riseof tihe tido at ^Helvidc, eo db ntould not effect,ithe aise of ti\v> (tidal - watere fin rtiic iBhamiom:Badln. ¦ ThorfeRxtfe; the' <piedtion arises, wouldthe tfid'al (water 'which, at . 'present WoCTW- by!tbeijuay 'iind 'fD.TO (th<S BhondiSn IRagj rt, bo aseffective in itihe. channel coojrr,,fl3,tho .vastlylargor' combiiwd ¦n-4ters if Jhf, Western. iBay1

land (Che SKaWdbu ¦Baaih' iio iai jjeeent?..,Borne'people'baivie :exprtk^ed!: Wile broniari- Ithel thAeffectiV-o, bfeiiause of' tho tibaSioe,' tvhen the(Western. Bay da 'miade"dry ffiand .-of thoaoedidiea varia'bue onrwfcKs iwhwh.ariseilihrpuslh,tho loToes'«f'th» . ;t<fo .ttddes toebling f a e u b bdie Cunndgar 'Point.' Biitilhere hjjftin-, I maycfhserve, I <dr> ibtr ttdraiioe; tny, .Vffcwe in oppo-cdtiom to scientific ^pdnion which !ha6 Seengdvien- on the matter.¦• : 'Juzi a .ward "with .riferonce to the Scotch,company.' Their11 propoaition was made tortho: old; Town ; OommlBilpnert about ' 'twonlyyaua-cso, and 'adopted. ' They proitt ed wjeclaim the 'Western- OBay, tut or.tne'; can-,leemfcrttian of ¦Maa consequently' lessor "flaweo as to b&ep th"« channel edeaj and Bmtablofor na-TSgation, they provided tor two tidalwalla running - seaward arid ¦ paraBcl, 'oneetoxtiiii irom neat:ttho, 'Cui>n5gar point, tHoDtier ifj om the idtiboyeMer po^it. And t!heyadvAhcod <the (theory ihdt' by flihiiy concentra-tion oi ttie .vactly-Eittallor'Qiiiri.tity oi (water,iwoose diuirait,' m-ould < be the-'Shiindbn- 3>amncjone, .a mom: effoctivo ecour of the r-hMrm**-ly^uM itaJM jxla oo itliaiL^'iliii'fcilso oi pneceatundej -,exi£.tirig.DOcditJon8)» There;tv&B imxcbreA^nidni thiaithoory.-but-to that afl tt may,iwith regard to tM Ae&ening of the ddraftof ithe haabomr in: any fchsjpe. or'form. -I-itnust«iy.;-that.'my:*xpexfeaw>¦;loadd'me to cwroewitb Wir, Hiudmn thil thie oSd inarinera cadvery jdocidod . opinion *n ¦ lihe' sotojetA1.—-Ireniaan, desT lar-y.-ymiiia faithfully,


U. ,, BAy,,.»IINGABVAiN.SrrM»y( I. i through; tho meddiim, oi yoxir

paper, .oifeT a fow opinions . re- Uhe proposed" Reelani»tioa of tho iWefctem Bay." . ¦

It eeems to me that,; tho future prosperityor otherwise: of lie chipping ¦ trade of thlBiharibour, dependincr—oa it does—«n the pro-per maintenance- lof tihe, hingee onthe effect o(;the " BCOUT," due to the abuttingnut of such &! volume of water aa now occupiesithe Western Bay at full tide; each then being¦the case, let us put aside, all 'prejudice anda3k ourselves what , would 'bo th« teffect onthe "ecour" by reclaiming this vast bay-aHihousand acres in extent, I boliove.

With all due'recard to the traditionalopinion of our ibye-<rone; and time-honouredeea^, tihat the 1 effect would bo alessehung of tho " scour,'' And conaequentfilling up of the channel—which in itselfeeems doubtful—I give it J as my OTrinioir, ihot6uch would ,not , ba the caeo. v £s everyoneknows, the tides aro oanapd ty tia diflerenAialattraction exeded by th* moon.olj the flolideaith , ana on tb^, mare ctfttily; moved ¦watsrand to it lees' degr^>r|owing, i©. its' immensedistiance-^by the 'son,1 therefore the rate &!¦'which the tide muaV flow Land «ft»b would stillremain the saipe, fiinice in accordance withthe law of grtivitatioa the same time nraetolapse botweeD oadi successive full tide, -m..about VH hours, whicih interval, as ia wellknown, remains constant all orer the world.ThougW-a' lofes volUm^^ oi water Mill no*occupy our harbour aft. fuli tido, ooneequenton too reclimailim, wdj: there' mil be nolessening ol the "ftwor " end oonae<iaeDtinliing up of the'-cikij fial, tiierefne we , willhave nothing to fesritoa> tfatt point <A lie*.

It may be oaad, Qmti U» town wooU b»HjSiy wfrtflwRRHi W». r-toX «SHUppda>ndiple tla* wwtee iHWji&dwn to**, «M1 M« dtatoiAed ttM vnaVhrtnOit* A <Hmi-cMt Dg^tABfej .y 'jjT^^&oftrP*fr *•" 'ttToSar tama^ m 0N«t"adT«ata«» i»bo gained to r«b» «n3 «ntawat aeocaawr fat4fa« t*toam&* Mi *»»* tbm BOW *£ycfejeottaufcle «* <Srtt»|5a opjay W#wIs a htod|nDca to

^natM4fon> may fe#-4w|DMd


nlMgr mJtnWJB mnrsJnj LjQ Qm \!WPBUMJ Hi QS|)W H

4ddete rtmt oic'S BljSfil be ob# Ml ft ?'fi?!i..K«f35i*wiP»!«Tirk Ir-itlvTiitS %3dUBTUvnQNnVHfi uw . VH 2KB UUK |DB iuflV vTOBOB 3 Iv'

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CoMticsTCar/ „ 0 00 p.o.... flfl C3 „

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TO TE2 EDII02 03 TUB Nc\7E

Deax 8£r—On reading your artlclo In tho NEWS,Novembei I6th , you prefaco your observationsby referring to tho belated report of tho Agricnl-turo. Department, to which' I observo " betterlate than never " to open the eyes of tho inter-ested traders and the well-wishers of thiscountry. It is a lamentablo exposition of theapathy of Irishmen to the. self Interests of thecountry at largo. I won't follow the figures ofimport or export. I taSe it for granted so far asthey aro available that they are correct. FancyImports of produceablo articles of food by Irish-men, such as batter, cheese, eggs, fats, apples,pears, jams and preserves, grain, meal and floorof various sorts, reaching a total approximatelyto the tune of. £11,000,000, with a further ad-dition of prbdnceablo articles in this counttyapproximately £10 000,000. Following I willtafco tho exporta of agricultural produce themost noteworthy detailed as live stock bnt-ter, eggs, fats, potatoes, hides and skins, con-densed milk, clover and grass seeds, bacon andhams, etc; You do not hero givo the approxi-mate total,, but further on, in your article you8tato the excess of Imports amount to £8,500,000.Whftt' B the conclusion to be drawn?. My' cda-elusion is that there Is something wrong In theState of Dernarb, and I deflho.the State of Don-mark to be the inhabitants of tho Land of Ire-land—neglecting their own 'interests, and notuniting to look after the industrial pursuits lofthe'Ronntry,. ana to Tesnscltate th^lost industrieswhffih td 1%iy'Jown knowledge exisited; ia" tnyearly days.. The very necessaries we producedin former years u& now Imported. If there wjtisa eparlr of-manhood in na as people wo- wouldunite In a body for our homo growth and manu-facture), by eating what grew through' the land,and wearing which grew through the-land endwhat was: manufactured in ' the land. , Tbonyou wohli have' a" homo riiixrkct "for. ;youiiprodnce and keep your people at hom? torthe enrichment of their own land. I 'do' .not¦wish at my time of life to come prominentlybefore the publics for it would be what I callkndokfng, my heaa against a stone wall. Foolish,in t)io toco ot what I soo for I fee] my propositionoli .nnltyifoi tho material objects I hold, andwhich I consider, of national importance, cannotor would not stem the tide of selfishness of 0x6present day—and that tido is individualj ity—iio publia spirit. I know the answer thatwould bo given to this letter-controversy whichI try .to avoid—thorns—leaVo but evil sores, andthis subject enters into a thicket which mightbring a broom of thorns upon the writer, '


JiBHIiAiNiD'S DBIKiK AND TORA000 B3M8iDesx Sir—J into th© following figures fronif

6 loot ore recently delivered by Mr. ArtWurGrifiitha before the JWbdin faou'jh-'Eastrfo)Branch oi the National Oounril. If Iriehinttadre really anxiioua to injure and^weakeh 1lieiBrkieh. Government oi thM oountry, ' "tfcegeneiral knowledge of these faclta ought to' beof tremendous benefit to the cacao of temper-ance.. . - , . - ; | .

Out ol o-vex £9,000,000 .wfctah tho Bnitsfc.Government annually drawB from luoland [in.taxation more than' £5,000,000 oomes from tpetaxes on drink, and nearly, £1,600,000 fromthe dniy on tobacco. Or, in- olie* worda-J; '

livery Irishman who drtctka & (rites [oftipiriu* iiuui zju. m me poc&ei oi uw utxrem-meni. j . . . . • ' !

•Wvery IriBhmian who drdnts a Ibottle l ofbeer or stout or a pint oi porter puts Jd.jintho Government's' pockci. I(Every Irishman niho emokee an qunce| oftobacco piitB 2id. ia the Bame place. U' S o tlc&t if every nun, -woman and child I inIreland would reduce their consumption i of.the above articles b one-half, it would mdana- loss to the Government of over three oail-libn pounds a year. .

Yours truly,, ;T. F. HAKViBYJAOOIll.-

2" Natrtown Hill. 22ad Nov., 1906.



p p» feMjrtm :!¦>¦<¦ W^Maat -ItaaMiB

M!"MORPLL -»«!aa£te.

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O V E IL E 8P ic Ea£AKE3 <HEX3, ETC., LAY.

Plenty oi-f^ga in cold and wet nreather.Tho Best Jigg Froduoingf Spice 00 flwanacitf,

8old in tine,,only 6d. eacQ; poet ifxoa, 9d.

, vi roLLo ;CALV MEALBears flno healthy Calves.'' The (Best MS *euibstituto. 2/- per Man*. . ln traaxtsr¦ half, ana one etans bags. .

IMiinuiacturod by the 'OVELLE SP1CS CO.,

. ' i s RiiiWttY:Agents .Wonted

Carri<k-on-Suir lA^en*—J. TYB1E TOEiNBR, LJP.B2, Ohcanlsi

COONEY . BBOSf,iEON ; rt7OBKs/ : aisiTEa -ssn>

1IACHINIBT5,c A n q 1 c u-o rj -b u 1 n.


, iBvcry DoMriptioa oi

RUBBE R TTEE-i; l-'iTXiii).

v;,HI '.'"AR 't' v KTm 021 BY CTEA1I.\ All kinda ct





Special Bricka ITado to Purchaser's DcaSgna,

Quotations for Dolivory ot en? D. 'VT. W<BailJCay Statioa, . '.-.



i°&J. MAIN&O0'mmnmemt tulm * ' ' tn*.. '


row SEASON taos. ^

iHil mJLM SHmtftWUfr -AQMMfln VABtHL I¦ BUOTUB0 tltflftm, !

- " CftAflH' . 9TOKB8a

¦; !1IBSnct8Tn IJ0U j

SEND DIEEOT YOUE OONBIQSKMgKR'¦' "" ! . ' o»- . - ' . . • '-



6al«3 end Ozsh daily. Soft MaiScaS ?naxi¦' -.-¦ ! retumod* : . : - - k *

COSEESE)0(NI)(EKia5-I3?VITiED. ..]

• iEetatcnoessi ¦ Larudba (StT. and '.MSinfirmBanks; or tcadfe refe«oc« to,'b« had alor«rEurope, the States and Canada. 1 '. . ;

Telephone, 0979. Takgnaint, flood, 8mUib«field. Bi Tin\faic''hafTT* <

MSiilOEE GA^, OOKE AKD OOAL 00.1 i . . . . . • ! ¦

' ¦ ¦ i ; <


GAS, OOKE AND "COAL OO| *ffl bo held *tM3MK)BE OA9flCnE,ftt 12 o'clock, OD lMJVdft'H>AY, 22nd NO^BMBES, 1S«. ; .

1 : ¦ £. iw./iiBaHIEB,- 8»«.'• - '. . . -


¦ ; •• ¦ l . i !, . - - . - ! . . ; i . .. " - • I 'I

THE GREAT AUTaHAKCk: 'jUfff l£i( y!BI« OP '\}^\K AGE, ¦


¦ • ¦] • . . ¦ i;i-4<**-.t:-

. •:.!: • ; . -^ .-' ¦ iffiSHWE ilUJBOK ASS3> O , "

To U HrtWliWar^

t o o t t l l,!



,: :'. '. ¦ ¦• • i . - .BcKM.^MiM !^


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m Ji, i '¦iJjMjSSi -i •'£" *fKp^Mfe

I CHRISTMAS. IS GCMING !¦ -¦And we shall soon be in. the iniidst o£ the Festive Season. - Our; preparations hav^ beenin progress for, a considerable time, but during tb£ past week or So we have been hurry ingthe delivery of our Christmas Gobds so that all departments are njqw in a_ suite ot rea Amess.

There are presents usefulj and presents,pretty, and presents combining both qualities,while ihose charitably disposed Will also find something to ouit their purpose. \"¦¦ An early selection is advisable and customers can have theirlaid aside for delivery at any time they choose.

' Not the least important is our CHRISTIIAS BAZAAR which will open on MONDAY,NOVEMBER 26th, and to I which we invite all the young people to view the; latestdeliehta from Tovland. :

[Hitepfetan (ksdlDpd


A SSIPTANT to Grocery Wanted—Apply,M stating age, experience, and salary re-quired, to 1476, this office.

A MERICAN Bronze Turkeys, pure bred Cock-f \ erels from 15s to £1; Hens 10s each. Miss

2>ay, Golloagh, Kilniore , Co. Wexford .ANEMIA and General DebUity positively

cured by using Holly's "Duchess" Pills.Price 2/6 at George White and Sons, O'Connell-st.AGENT.—Wanted in Watertord and Dungar-

vajx, a gentleman to represent us on Com-mission for the sale of our goods—Corks, Barand Cellar Utensils. One holding other agenciespreferred. W. G. Edmonds & Co.. Cork Mer-chants and Manufacturers, 55 , Aungier-streot,Dublin.

A Good Light ia a Luxury. H. Bell makes a

speciality of good burning Oil from 6jd.per gallon .

AEE you wanting a Servant ? Twelve wordsfor twopence in "The Evening News."

ARE you a largo user of Business Envelopesfor Accounts, Invoices, or Advertising

matter ? We have a great lino. Single 1,000,2s. Perhaps yon have a small shop. Get ourquotations for quantities. Redmond & Co.,Waterford. '¦

A NTI6EPTIC Throat Pastlles form an excel-A lent jnjnbe for the immediate relief ofrelaxed or sore throat and disorders of the vocalorgans. Bell's,"62 and 89, Quay.

A CIDINE—Registered—Anold-Cnre for an oldJ\. Cough. It! quickly relieves hoarseness,

.difficulty of breathing, etc., etc. 1/- per bottle.Jo be! had at H. Bell's, 62, Quay.

A SPECIALITY—Hair Soles for Boots are an

excellent proventative of cold feet andquickly restore circulation. 6d. per pair at theWaterford Pharmacy, 89 Qoay. . __

OOT TRADE—Wanted good hand to -workPatching' Machine for about an hour dally.

Apply. 1480,' "News" Office.•TDOAtRDERS WANTED—A small refinedSi family residing in the suburbs of Kilkenny(city), ! adjoining Railway, having nice house.Grounds attached. Can accommodate ono ortwo respectable boarders. Moderate terms.Address, 1469 "Mows" Office. BRIDGE Scoring Cards can be obtained at

¦;The News" Office , Waterford. Orders by' post receive immediate attention.

; '"DEIiVEDERE, TRAMOBE, to be Let Fur-i JJ nished, for six months, containing three| Bitting rooms, four bedrooms, bath, h & c water,j stabling for two horses; and coach house. Renti moderate. Apply. Thomas Walsh & Son, The1 Mall, i ; ' i ¦

/PRAZY Patchwork—200 pretty Silks, Velvets'*U Plushes, 1/3 free. Knights, Northgate, Yar-mouth. ' j(TIALL at George White and .Sons' and have a\J look at their :assortment of Electric Novel-tics, etc, Note address, Thomas-street andO'ConheU-atreet. ' 1 ' ' ¦

jptOMFOBTABLE Lodgings to be had, vrith or\J withont board, at 6, Keyzer-street. (TIOSTUME TWEEDS and Herring Bone Suit-\J ings In the Newest Autumn^Colorings for3s lid., carriage paid. Patterns free. Har-greave's Dress Warehouse, Leeds.j jON. 'T Write your Correspondence on a plainU Postcard while we can supply 1,000 withneatly printed Heading for 6/6 or 500 for 4/6.Cash [with order. C. P. Redmond & Co., thePrinters, Waterford. [ EUNGABVAN—Picture Postcards of Local

and other Views in large variety at "News"Br^p h .Office, Main-street, Dnngarvan. BAINTY Styles for Autumn wear in Ladies

Blouse Lengths one shilling each, carriagepaid. Patterns free. [Bradford Dress Ware-house Quebec: Bradford.BE; JOHN BTOBEB; MUS. Bac., Oxon., etc.,

Organist; and Choirmaster, Holy Trinity'Cathedral, and. Professor of Plain Chant, St.Sohn's College, is prepared to receive pupils forthe Pianoforte, Organ, Singing, Harmony andCounterpoint, |etc. Terms on application—9, TheMall , Waterfard. P TjiTHOL "-rFor Motorists and Cyclists—Ko-• Jli moves grease instantly. Turner, Chemist,Carrick-on-S—x.

NQUIRIES invited for our Printed PostcardBooks, with Duplicates. Great saving in

postage. Communications copied when written.j_e_mond & Co., Waterford.ELECTRIC | LIGHT. Now consignment of

Electric [Pocket Lamps, etc. Better andXnore Reliable than ever. Prices from 1/6 atGeorge White and 8ons, Family Chemists,

;0'Connoll-street. ; __"CWVELOPES.—Make;every letter you BendX!i out an advertisement for yonr business by

i Jiaving'them printed- at "The News" PrintingWorks, Waterford. 1,000 Good Business Enve-lopes printed on flap for 4/- 5,000 at 3/9. EVERY Man, Woman or Child interested In

the past History of Ireland should read thoHistories of Irish Counties at present running intho " Weekly Independent." Back cumbers canbe had on application to the "Independent"Office. Waterford. John Hearne, DistrictAcent.FOR SALE—Pure Bred American Bronze

Turkeys. Cocks, £1; Hens 10/- each. MissE. McGrath, Coolnenave , Cappagh. ."OOR SALE—Three Dray Carts ; very goodJt; oifler; cheap ; to malie room. Apply 1474Oils Office. ' f i ' |_T71ARMERS should try the "Weekly Indepen-JD dent" for six months if they want a goodand interesting Irish Weekly Paper. Can behad byJpost for six months at 3/3 from all news-agents. |. John Hearne, District Agent, Lowertrtomas-streeti ¦ ' .

a LASS AND HARDWARE—Wanted a sn:art: Female Sales Assistant. State ago and ex-

perience, salary, copies .references, to ' 1481,* Nfews"! Office ¦: •• - i • . . .p i ROCERS' Bottle Wrapper©—Assorted colors.VX Enquire 'oar-pricea. - 'Eedmond & . Co.,"yVatertdtd. ¦ i¦ ;- ¦ . ; • .

:,TTAJB BBTJ8H56r v Wo hold, the largest anavCV r^ntct varied stock of HAir'BniB'hea in Umn.Call atoeorge tywte and Sons O'COnneH-stwaet,

4>efore'golpg.eUewliere. ? ¦ , '¦'

HOUSE and Shop to Let, 13 Gladstone-street,Harvey and Bon, Waterfora.

rTTAEMBWOBTH. . JBNOJCLOP^EDIA or'JLt'^ffapanV'Fight for F reedoni stronglycased, for, 1/6, or in new covers for 2/6. "NOWB"Qmce Wat6riora. , ,: ; ¦ _ . \ \ . .TP you.'irant 'Art drcolars, /.Programmes',JL Metaus, Invitation Cards, Dance Program-xnes, Greeting Cards, Concert Tickets, or GeneralFancy Cards, Jet os snbjnli onrbOoiB Of samples.AnT^SeVnSbiafaed tit A flav** notice. C.P.^ AC .jfirinteCTtWatBrfoTJ.TOSE »H. i CONWAY,, Indentured Chimneyll^^CMaiiei/.tooirougljly onflergtands

all tdnds

Jf T^&Mji tSi 'CtSismejn.' - Benafutd-ctreet,

TrTOKO! FOB ,*HB HADajPombepaonnb^on-

*r*EWfe ttWjwartt and *rtArbatffimg ooldj KSS^^«fewWteandSoo^S*>lee,^^feg¦HfHiill iMj tm»**».m»;

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MOURNING Cards for framing, suitable torchapel or house, neatl y executed. Our

own design. Mourning Carda for Prayer BooksIn; variety of designs. Redmond & C, Watertord.

-\ o&pusy Xma§ to ¥©miIT 11 dWHAT T7AT ARE YOU GOING ?

I am just going to DORAN'S to give my order for anOrnameiiled Cakt

How strange : I am just going to do the oLine.The Public op inion is, they keep THE BEST.Oh , jres ! Thev use nothing but the PUREST of



TVTOW READY—The November Penny Rail-XT way Guide. All the Railway and Shippingchanges. £100 Free Insurance. 100 pagos.Fits in the vest pocket. Id. Post free for ayear, Is. 6d."[\TTOTICE to Farmers and Cattle Dealors—JL* Found on tho lands of Kllbeg, a two andhalf year old Bnllocki . Owner can get infor-mation of same, on giving description to 1478,this office , ONE Dozen Beautifully Hand-painted Post-

cards, Irish Emblems and Designs, entirelynow, post free for Tenpence. Redmond & Co.,Waterford and Dungarvan. 'TJELIABLE High-Class PAWN OFFICE andJTL Sales Shop, 31 , Ballybricken. 8tores—Green's Lane. RICHARD GLEE8QN , Proprie-tor. Lending Department—Highest Sums onWatches, Jewellery, Furniture, Bedding (Fea-ther and Hair), Bicycles, Wheels, Musical In-struments, Leather Goods, Including Harness,etc., etc. No Second Price. Sale Department—[Forfeited Pledges, which include the generalrun of Unredeemed Pledges from this High-classOffice , viz.—Wearing Apparel, Bedding, FeatherBeds, Bolsters and Pillows, Watches, Rings,Bedsteads, Furniture, Boots, Shoes, and sundryGoods. Solid Silver Watches from 5s. Guaran-teed Military Boot3 7s. 6d. Furniture BoughtBest Price paid for furniture, left-oil Clothing,etc., removed free of charge. Business trans-acted'by letter or otherwise."p EAD the " Waterford Notes " in the " Satur-Juu day Herald" every week and learn foryourself of the principal events in the old City.

TABLING TO LET.—Six loose boxes justafter being built, harness room and hay

lott , at Park Stables, Canada-street. ApplyJ. Brown, Builder.

ONGS Illustrated. About 30di£Terent PicturePostcards. Good selling line. To agents

at 7B. gross. Half gross, 3s. 9d. Smaller quan-titiesi 8d. dozen. Redmond & Co., Watertord.SECRETARIES ot Dance Classes should writeKJ for samples of invitation Cards and DanceProgrammes to Redmond & Co., Waterford.rpHE ALTAR CARDS in use In the Diocese ofX. Waterford, bearing the Imprimatur of theLord Bishop, are printed and sold by Redmondand Co.. "News " Office. Watertord.TD3-ON LABELS.—Get our prices from I ,WO

to 20,000, neatly packed In boxes. Redmondand Co., Watertord. TO BE LET, in O'Connell-street, Bicycle Shop,

with yard and 8tablia» for 10 horses, 2lofts and 2 loose boxe,s. Apply Hewlett's Hotel.mHE "SATURDAY HERALD" is the Bcs't,JL Brightest and Spicest of Irish EveningPapers. Can be had by poat for 13 weeks for .1B. Id. from the " Independent " Office, LowerThomas-street. John Hearue, District Agent.THE Best Sporting Morning Paper In Ireland

is the "Daily Independent." Just try itand see for yourself. John Hearne. DistrictAtrent. Lower Thomas-streod.mHE Advertising and Printing for all the lm-JL portent Sporting and other Fixtures In thedistrict is done by the "News, " more especiallythe successful ones. We are in a way to givethem most publicity with all classes of thepeople.

THE Leading Advertising Mediums in Irelandat the present time are the " Dally Inde-

pendent," "Weokly Inde[*3iident, " "EveningHerald," and "Saturday Herald. " Advertise-ments for these Papers are received at theIndependent Office , Lower Thomas-street, from10 a.m. to 6 p.m. dally. John Hearne, DistrictAgent.

TO BE LET.—Large Yard with Stabling,Coach-house, and Shed In Marble Lane.

Anolv. E; W. Kelly, 19 , Parnell-street.rrlOURING in the South-East of Ireland is aJL pleasure when you have ono of Redmond'sRoad Maps. Redmond & Co., Waterford.

TO BE: LET—Shop and Dwelling House, 7Barrpnstrand-street. Apply E. BIcNomara,

or:D. Dnnford, Solicitor; ^____

ITjTANTED—Genoral Servant ; sleep at home.IT ' Apply, with copy ot referenco, 1479, this

office. ' Tin. have tho finest lino in Letter CopyingVI ¦ Books In the city. Marvellous ¦ value.

Bodmond & Co., "News " Ofllce , Watertord.¦yMAS CARDS with your own Photograph on_A. them. Price as. 6d. per dozen and up-wards. Come early to avoid disappointment, asonly a Limited number can be«dono. JUfcsRHrs.Poolo & Co.,Photographer_, 84, Mall, Waterford.¦

.1 •¦¦

.. !' : __________n__——— ' "¦< ¦

j (PlBjEiPiAiBD ADVERTISEMENTS.)f_3ti© ! ioUnwdng ' prfcea.: " fere "for Prepaid

li&vertHem.en'ta apearin_ in " Evening jNewa "and ".Witerford Wewe." la the case «| adver-fciementa being inserted ' in weekly edition<snljv <£he prloe , ia 2d. per 13 words perdiiaeition. . . ' ' . . . . i - '¦: 1 ¦

' i : _Jo, . o i ¦ • iEttrst - . - Pter Ine*rtion1 i Words. Insentdoiiv. After Flrct.I ,1B 2rf. '..-........ Id. :i , • .aa , _d. ........... id. :! . . las ,' 3d. ....:.-.:... iW. :¦ : : ¦ at ........:... 4d; • 3d. i , ,

. i . - .. \so: ,,.,-,.M^ ,,,..... aw,;...,.. -; .. «-.... «d. 3d. . '¦ ¦¦ ¦¦

¦> : i - : .ii»' -- ..'.-.v.;V 8d- . 'iW...:._ .. . H . : ¦ ~. ¦

¦¦¦.'31 irt'-'i ibid iii .'Wiwiwe '- Hfce coat will ', be

R-^i^v i*:Jip(atinB««toa:. •• , , ' ¦;,.;;; «4pUe« .'nmrt-'t* 'aaid«fie«i to -tto- umbez,'m ftme t tul Of Aa*«fttis«menlt.;. 'a«« Pror:p d a ?M &,?ct'T< nMf a f o TA e ^leia\mi do;'*Q&#4P& ()': i ¦. ¦¦!¦. ¦ . ¦?i ;\ :

.i <Z \- 0 - :- ' ¦ ¦• 1 - : ¦ ¦ ¦'

ttwprwnup ">"

purchases packed and

LTb-TpcoD & ®Q

rj_ _TTLlCI3C7(!DC_D^


The '¦ Te__t_ftal" B_iinaPofwder, Bc;t and Oh -ocHtlOd. par lb. : " * '(Now Ptroce_o fioli-rai_in_Flour, 2/4 per :_iono.Also 8eli-nai_ln_ T7_c^mc_lat tome pricoiSpecial TOhc-.temncal for, Brawn Bread, ¦ iya a stone(ReUcble Tab!o Potatoao, 8da etom-e.The Bed Br_nd Tea, 2/-Frczh JloasW CoCce, ia.

E0nir_7 WMtQ _"_ Co,50 and 51, QUAY,

And CO _: 91 Quay. Wat_r_ord


iMB. ANTOBEIW- QOiEBlK Ifl iir-tructod by thennd«n__ned Vondor, the Adminirtratoi oftno^Ert&ta oi the late ltaw;_r_t Uaciay, Do-

Ibio A'UOElONi aJQO(MS. !Ji__NJ0



TDESDDAY, toe 2Ttih day '_W>VJS__DBflB 1C03.u i ,i M- s b-our of Ono o'doci,.tho follomnr Valua'blo IiB3Aa_O3X>IiD BBO-m ire. Loto;-

All that the Dwelling-houso, Shop«and Pro-miiea. rituato at William Street; oppositette Eoman •Catholic Church. Oorrlci-on-iSnir, lately occupied hy tta abovo-narneddeceased lady, and h«ld TOth othar P.cmicc_under an Indenture of 1LG_M dated 17ih(May . 1/TC3, for GOO ycara a ¦&_ onnnal rentol £7 fa. Ed.This (Lot .afforda to capitalists and businciamen the rare opportunity of _cqnirin_ at aemail rent an Excellent Business Preanicea,carrying -with 'thorn tho record oi over half acentury of cucocc-iul trading.Tho Pi_miaC3 _r« held CT-bjcct to a verynominal head rent, and aro in thonoujdi ro-

pair and condition, havin_ bcon /wholly re-built within the kct 16 ycarj. All out_oinsamil bo cleared rijht tp to dcta of calo.LOT 3

Oomprisea all that the two dated. Two-stoned II>wdlin2i_ou_a3, Trith Outoffloca ,oitoate opposite to tho Premises comprisodin Lot 1, and hold undar the came loaoe.Thia lot will be sold frc. cJ all rent, andmil be indemnified ccjiinst payment of anypart oi said head rent of £tl 6D. Sd. ksuin^out of the whole ol acid Pxomtrca by Lot 1.Both Hooces ara eofeilnunnclv _nk.i<>4. «T>Aproduce at present low rental an annual re-turn of £a7 123. Od., and are In good repair,not requiring a chilling expenditure.

LOT 3._ill that the • four-Gioried Slated I>wel' ing-house, Shopand Promises, situa-te in the MainSLreet, Carric_-on-Suir, he3d under lease at thoannual rent of £1& Theso Pjemi&ca are Bub-let by underlease to llr. Hornici, Jeweller,at tho annual rent I of £31, producing aprofit of £10 a year. |A aum of upwards of£350 was expended cdmo few years ago bythe Vendor in permanent improvements to-these Premises, -which atta in thorough re-pair. lAill rent and outgoin_o \ ill _e clearedto 23th SeTrtenzber ladt.The above Lots will bo offered for caleeub-joot to a reserved price. tPrivato oflero for aC9 yeata lease of Lot I I at £35 a year withithe good will of the- old established DrapovyEucineM attached thereto will bo received bytho Vendor up to the ;dat« of sal«.(Por furtherj>articular8 apply to

L_WD__3W QUIRK, Esq., Auctioneer,Carrick-on-_ulr.

Or toJOHN i MA0KAT, Solidtor, 11 Damo

Street, 'Dublin, end Tullow.

TMQ ^vic:tvoa KOTOS., •TnciiiiOT7 umnnr. G2AP_O:I U£UUL~V¦'• i DUBLXW.

: CcE'i-lly oituctadi ' Elod zta tad l&cV

; J:!Hici"OUp EcntsaranJ tttacQxci. .

¦ '¦ '¦¦\ Uedding Dri-SfA?ta a C^cdnliiy.

X: P. ' tSAHOJTJ, liaasccr.. 1 .


, . .

' ' ;


\ ¦ ¦¦; .¦¦

: Bbksrtfha-i^Wicila*ScSaL" . ¦ ¦ ¦« _ . -

, \'. ' :J ' ' ¦ ' •' ', ' ', tyd* W. : : • . , ; '¦. : ".;:¦ t.knnmmiqf ? dEELiM))-flCTB, ;fe

! •'¦"; i;/^, " ".:1806-' - • - ; "¦'¦ ¦ ;.•;¦;

OODICtB JINVU'llliW. I : fiffiKBBSBWfiAI!r_0(Ne.. ? ( -'¦! . ;. -v . . J i - ' \ '

i ' ' • ' ' ¦ ' < ' ' ~ ' • '¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦' I


; rgrrfliffAifrt foirM&is fflfBiTtgi .xrit n^Tim'

;m iAiLL7 <wlaoM rr M Y.' omcmsl,3*fr; Boral';Ddkrk_ Cfouocdl- hereby. give

[p«oe;«halt (B«p«__ifetton<r, or iht pmpoM

Wk -m i tor,:: d«y #.<wy«b« .'m- 'tb. <*

¦ : -i: -eooDS ' iALF PEICE

Everything,,may diango,

"''.,"' ' ;' ;"''But the Quality of ovir Goodo,'• . : . Liko the Biooli,- ' : .


[^¦X F2 \\ f] \\/7 < '(o> : /R> /olifeWY m ^(U

' ' ' -. . " • ' ' t n^o A cr?r-3n^r';:>/i?> nT) rT7>i ?¦¦ ¦ : . ¦ I \L7Z-A4J kL,: 00 n iOn


Wo GSQ edUag1 JMokllaMi^o fe^a H §G ;y lil «. m SQd(ail wool) gay pair.

Ip at Qniijto feom ?n id to . .4G idWml ]?Qate eai cato (Msh) feom _lo 3d to §3 &

MsfelMsssaQllo firom 1 c to 2G 8d |J3? yard3La&a' Hc'29 (Md& &am 7d to 2G 8d par pin1

Iri^ i Shirts (all mol) 3a 3d to ^s Bi

Ladioo* GomtoatioHs, Iiiok, Ss to 9s _ Hd

W.-I. S1EIT3S¦& OO.?MAfiHIME. ; BAKEEa -



9, GEOfigfi& ST. & 121, PAI, WATEEFOSBTelephone 8 - and C3

A. :

^^^WiV^S®^uSs, ©Oadcftono Z%z WATGRFORBS,

FDulI AWp LD 'Ffe- fll^Sy^AE\3CH ' A6IWTS.

TO BB '¦' " gaG1,?. \ C h Eccdvcd ca D.poait ct 3 per cent., reUAiTfiE ^fni flABTO.K. T.«ii» T^n. p2.yabb (practically) oa dsccand.HOUSE end GARDEN, Lady Lone. psyauio vprcciicauy, oa asreand.A. LARGE HOUSK3 IN NEW-STREET. _______HOUSE ANo SHOP—No. 13, Gtadctono- !

Street. . Advcccco raada to o limited extern oa ccuodBOUSE AND SUOP—No. 30A, tlichcd- ' . C;curity. ¦street. . . . ' , j ¦

HOUSE AND GARDEN—No. , 1, Eldon _.„ .J Teiraco. : '¦ , :


*rn . „ ' :> :- i ' ' ',. ' » _^»x mBlSH OENajBAlL BUBEAJU _»JB. 73HE11 Ell^© '^e; CipOTrtSB-SIty j ! TWpxm

msx ov wotim. ¦ ;

' AniHJ ; TTflrXflTT I lA. _ii___-_rO will ha held on -ffifflOAY,I wi-iui UUUU U gQtjj ijoHti . at 350 p n. in:th« OOU-JOIL

. w .->. / ^» » ^- - « —.^^ an/-- OH-MHHB, TOjWN 1H___..- W_.a__6FOBDOUR SHOWROOMS : < - kiad p emiasi <'n <* **¦****> ***:. ' . - ¦ "¦ • - ! • ¦ ¦ MI89 BBA__5A1W.' <Org_ni_tug Secretary)

^ iS,t BOf j <^l|Z__ aV ' ' ¦ ¦ •"will explain tie objeots oi. 0e| Baraittl: ,

; ' '¦" : ! " • The Hl_rd_c(no»a of- W_t*rford har kiadly.;¦ , ;KO :-aEssy !ix>;suY. ' ^

j; - ;* /?J_g^^W ihaQ be .pl«ied .to ..Apr

" T : /DRAPEHV;-*! ^k^&t'X :

Latent iWtorclties in BEATDN OOOKINO. \ \ \ <My,VOliCfllpIK<JI''i1)(B?lOT. r ._oiiiflm ; i_im \ ecnmsimo mom- -I . ;. ¦ : ; ¦ ¦¦

V - ___3K ;- -¦••; :: .¦:¦ <

' : " v^y- .. < -t . ¦¦ ; - .

¦; ¦ . • - '; :! - -i m ^wimp . t f , to;irtlt;pra<ih««r.; .; Lew Cost 'or OMUOS; OooHng, and ott|*» ' , .. . \.',;HJjpHW^WV|M \y r| ^

} " -..vTpi.i.Jr 4 ; - •; •=; j ;; ¦ .; .'. , -,¦'.:; ? ;. |-;. j • '• i:t r J ' r;i I:"'!'?) ' '' ' l 'v ''1" ''-^{' fy: Guarant eed'

¦• .;: ¦ i :;"ti -j r' .:, :.--;>' :•¦ ¦*»!»«*^i\:&&i.


Bo ins on SaturdayIJovembsr Sith ,

In every Department will ba Ioffered the Biggest Stock of Bargain. {~e ever showed before.

Send for a large Catalogue.

Mi? A Mil AMoi!K i1]__ fit


lotioe of Intended " RemovalIBS BEATTIE'S nomeron» Lady patrons

B-o will ea ly next week bo removing to67 & 68 Qaaj, Waterf'.rd (late Tobin's)., be in tbo csfcablo charge of Madams Ball,

_Nos.lisasnho to givo nneqa>llei SAtufaction to her F trot t, whilst tho Millir.

old| hinds which have hitherto catered eu well and »>¦ cuccccQfulIy.nbo coDtiuoa;continue in tho

QISQ ElEfXTTBEwill op&n with on entiret y N*w btock in all Departments, consisimg of the Lcteat tlodchia French HJlintr), n i i h *n 1 varied stock of b'me^Dtesa Materials of th^ latertftahionablo shade! together with a beautiful collection of Bloo ci, Toilor-mada Costat_53,Sccrvta , Glove?, Tiea and an entirely nevr stock of Ladies' Outfitting.

A Tiojt Kcbpec fully Solicited.

liE BON MARCHE,I The Pretalsr /.Ullloers and Dressmatcrs of Watcrfcrtf.


X CkTICn 13 'HJE&EBY GOIVa_\* th_t lea

dcro will _o aocopted for Hh© followinj; Twrk3nt the ensuing Q\iiri«rly MeeSdng ¦ oi thsOouciw Connxil. of iWlaUcrford, tt> bo _eld in,016 C_ u_t_ouse» ,Dimz&m&n,. on TUESDAY,<5h day at _*EOE__&EB, 1903, ii approved olby the County Oouncdl:—

_,To.; C3 _>i_UTi<3t oi CUrrlck-on^uir.—To re-pair Lowr/a Bridse, on the road tram Car-Tick to Dan_ _nr_n.—Pa_30d not to exceed

No. 63 'District of iclonmol, No. 2.—Toioepin rop-tr for 81 yefcna 130 perches 'byo road,iCbraoX-on-Suir to Cloghoen, Iba'aween JohnCoffe/a coaUfldt, Gr_i_ nagour, and road tobound* Curraghnagtee.—Baesed not to ex-ceed- £3 €3. 8d per l&nnnm.

_,-_ . ao &ane ¦Dictriat.—To koep in repairfor ono year 207 patches ol now road, Clog-hosn to C_rrick-on-(Suir, _tnloa_y^ contractroad and ctream at Knockailisheen; town-lands, Ballymoacaiibery and Knoekaliaheon.—P."_"<IM1 not to eroded £31 lfl. Cd.

OTo_. Si6 and l53.MD(istriot ol »un_arv_n.—To keep in repair lor 3 yeans 634 perches dfrtia road faan Dungarvan tto Carrickon-Suir, betireeii tho main road at Burgery 'andHooaaxud road; fto'wnlanda <rf i&allyoo©,Latken and M(>onirud'.—tPa»&ed not to ex-ceed £_1 2J. 8d. pir rtnnnni.'

Ko3. C_> _nd-lE_!-San>G Dtiateicit.—To xeopin repair for threoiyeare 4M penohea oi theroad frnm XaMow to (Dun_ arr_n, betweenEdmond aicGj-iitfe conftr-dti at the crossroads, Ballingow_' Eastt, and Thomas Col-Ibectj'a oaairadt _t Itha lodge, V_li«r_xn<i-.;itqvrailand. ol TOHenrtorwn «nd JBallingawn(E_st and Weat.—Passed not to exceed £14 to2d. per annum. . ¦

.(Nto. C50 and joj-fiame Di_!aict.-JI\> keop

in repair. lor 3 yc_!B MD penchca oJ the road£nam xousial to Oipponum, bei'Ween Thomas'HfameberrVft coniti—ct at the cross, Bailin-c«wn TVeat, and Btoiond McQ-r&lh' co_tr_otct tho oroas roads,' Ballnigown •vvoat; town-land of B_ULn_ own "WetjS.—(Paesed not to ex-ceed £G 14s. Sd. per Ann-urm.

Tendora, trhicih tcmat be 'lodged vnib m»not later __ui two o'clock on Monday, the4rd day ol T>ece_i-er next, can bo oatkinodand specification eeen of the above woria at•:: •/ Office/ ©ungawan.

rr.:der nrajst be Aocompaiiied by a depositol Si per cenrt. (equal to Od. in the £) of thoestimated cost. ' Tbo deposit will bo rdotnodafter the meeting If tender t>e no,t accepted.if.tcBder bo accented the bond wiH bo .re-lumed when toad ia perfected.

Ii tender bo acccpled the person tenderingand hla sureties nrust be preeent to porfoat(bond at close -* of metfting.

[R. O. RATIL, Bocretary.County Secrotary1

* Ofllce, Dunsanran,C2nd Novoiriber, 10 .


SOB. THSEB NlGiHTS ONLY-iV£q.\!__iY. TUeaOiY. and WIEDLSEgDaY.November .SKJ,* 27, and 28.

TO-NIGttUE at 8. | Oteat SUr AttraoUons.CrQ od nightly | by 'E_t_._s__tic Audien-

Iccb. iia Iodoa_iui_->Le Prognunme over-ilau-ing ftltb Kew tnd Original 6enaa_ona..Funnier than any ( Cireua or Pantominie.

Dr. and Mir)(T/T.'F- Offlj-tOKlDlB.'Great JfteicrucLan! (PSjxjhognomiate, and¦ths TTorld-rcncnraed Ormonde ¦ (Fajnily—Q_>.(Boflo &xntkn\x Chimde, fcoa> ffhe Fifthlivenuo Theaire. Hiw Yoik.

_tt__*odou_ 8uocAss: ni_bttiy oi the SuperbL!M_1A3IQD _0iCa?_BIEI3.

BOTiAIi aaiNB3H IWIHD(D(I_O(}, iFoxteaits. Gbrgeoo. 0ou4 fia_ aanit.fJ roaiUtet Wrestling i Con!£e8t ot tix. Century 1•!' (HLiCffijEKSOHiflOyr v. MiAirnRi^iT/TFor the Championship oi tho World, at theOlympia. Showing every detail from begin-nii» to end. . ' j

1h& Appalling a^N S\BANICW QO- DOS-L_3?IEB, I>«pictUig iho Terrible IDe-truottainvhdoh overtook . this Beautiful City. TheFinest Series on Record, fftartting and8oul-thrilling1 Sbanes. ; 6e« tbe Salmon Po_ch-era. "ID&carded, Lover** Beverage, and a hostof other*. Abw>luiely the boA np to-d_teCinemaio_r«phi Exhinftkm in Great Br__in: ffiWU^Ld

Ort »no>/jy ; od«rn. f *od

*J»«*4>{* t i pWlM I-

«»• hand,ot thoe (MajivjHoOfl.jYqr :y VIol£_ht.;: !_ha aaMt _Wh_beeloT_ and U_pfcr_TJ«l«d(Ftodnction, XH_3 BLifQK. ABfT. Tb« :Ore»t-eat 6ec_wlon of 6e>na_Uo_t. W-_i«_sad¦Wjhftly by Oawded _Co«sw. 'J^vlwir2_5!5;'#ftei^?B^! -»W«MBBfflfflDUXB. X3to_od} *B»4]lFi_fcl_«iU__. * (: Be* the flje*t; TlMeip.,Wltoh o. |Bndorj»'-

<k*_d OrleaUl Spexrtkj-lar Itta»fo_, iA3OMilBMlN|JD'n6 nBAXHt* i '

iia Ifc_K)d«_af tt»3|i^trJbriMM4'14i^''tr&ordinarat H JIW 1« v(( «4, M_i4ITOOO-S ffQarioapr- TfT-mMl - tfaopL' &tH>««dt.viMlD«te,-'_Bp»fV_a_4_jrf«m{ jUiU^| S_____» «o_*S_|_S5ri5__S M&i£

AsB-nse-gte<i .-ft lira* .sa«*K o?&>£_ o$- _ii.->''*tfi). jm'v£_ /?'-l4;».c«?iil*j»«ia_tw( y«K«j«*' *>Sia&» tpC -

,/ "(' J .¦

i J _ . '. L

I _/


and friend- trill Ser gratifitad to leara thather new and more convenient premiso«,The Oresamibiog' Department will, uSpecialist in Drtssmsklng, from Lond ;n-,


HARBY BAEOEWT.Another cf our oldest and most valued con»

tribntora In the person ot Mr. Harry Sargent hasgone to Join tho great majority—to- -Where homight, perchance, describe as."thonappy hunt-ing ground." Peace to his ashes. Brilliantrider to hounds, the life and soolof the festivoboard, the lover ol sport in Ireland telta highestand purest form as ho was, he will be long t\nflaffectionately remembered by his few compeers,and by thousands of sportsmen In Ireland ot thenewer generation who have had an opportunityol perusing his works npon hunting, coursing,and other field sports of the better cl4ssi Woknow that the deceased gentleman had & loyaland amding love lor 'Waterford, and' when hawent to reside In London his correspondencowith ourselves showed how much his heart"still fondly turned towards home"—home-* nomore for him. Not even a resting placo in thodear old country he so- loved "with'the greengrass growing round."

AN EXTBACT. -. , •¦¦"From Mr..fiargenfftbook, "Thoughts.UponSport" w&take the following.extract:—"I madathe remark, while standing at his grave ldo inFiddown Churchyard, that 'Henry Briscooac—our foxhunting died and were buried'at the samotime.' 1 Alas, too true has that remark proved tHad this great foxhunter lived to sea what waaIn store for the, sport he loved so we.:, and Inparticular for tbo Hunt he had done so i .ach forand was so- pfond ofrl verily believe ;he eightwould In Itself have killed the grttna old fellow.Happily he -was spared tho ordeal,

FABEWELIi.By altering a Una we can apply one of "War-

barton's poems to our dead friend :—• Ob dear Harry Sargent—how cheery¦ Tcrldo by yonr side hi a run ;

Whether midnight or morn, never wearyOI rovel, and frolic, and fun.

When we laid this good fellow tho tomb ini His grave was mocked with a burt,But his-favonrito evergreen blooming,

Shell spring and o'orshadow his dost.Peace bo to hia manes, and may tho eod_ f£?over lie lightly o'er tho grave ol Harry Barneat I


THE GAEL IN A FOREIGN LAND.The following verses are taken from a poeaioriginally written in Gaelic by a Highland poctiand translated by Professor Blackto :—

Tho land I waa born in, tho land I was bred in,Where soft-sounding Gaelic falls sweet on.

tho ear; ; ;Dear Gaelic, whoso accents tako sharpness from

sorrow,And fill mo, despairing, with words ol Roodcheer. .

'Tnas _olt I looked backward, and wistfullyturned mo,Whoa my travel-worn foot to my exile w_3

Like a jglimpqp of tho sun throngh tho dark cloudout peekingWas the land ; of my lovo which I left with c.' • **?•¦¦ . ; •

' ¦


O this is. tho country that boro tho bravofellows, ' , , . - .High hearted la porpose, heroic in deed,who stood like a rampart from danger to shield _3,Wbose help never failed in tho hoar of.. our need. ;¦ :¦ • ¦ ¦

' ¦ . I

O (heso were the stout ones whoso mettio wa3_ O","4 M ol battle and flerco swelling flood.

Till they shed ftom thelx veins the last drop ottheir blood. • • • - ¦ ¦ • ¦ r' '

¦ ¦ ¦ ' '

[ ' ' *

O tbe«« are tone gentlemen, breed of tho. WbOTaU boasie lasses will meet with a smile,And welcome them home with a smile ot

,. . «^^^ffVt_fr - «ferow., ¦ »_d lightens• ' j -. -f'- -j- ; - j - , :; -. {'

!fJ.'.- ';? "X " ¦ • I - .

S0ttWfftt'JdiaV itolli-ftfflft an Hma •K»ll .At*.~*.

S^W ««jyJ-ai drop from her qnlver

JS_L -1''**?. L ™8 ««» Ups of , tho


S. ACCURACY. ' : ¦¦

V i , j i ¦

V ¦ . . ." . . . . , . • ;

SA1.ES BY TflOS; WALsi & SONi.

' ¦ 'i

¦ • ' '

TOJIBE3ERVIlD. 'AXi:<7inON OP NEJW:• ¦ ' TIMBER. - \: TO BE. EOtLD.HY .iiWJniOiN.ion BAflUR-IVAJY, Osl ZHBOEMBERi • 1SOS, sfriO fl o'clock,at .the MAKK3ET JHIOUBE QUAY, ¦W1ATS0B-

iBOEBD, aver 6,000 fliBW E0IA1B1DS and;SOAiNanLrNGS, variouo lengths/ ! most for BtfHders, Fanners, and otherd. .

Terms—jCsah. i . I ;BHSOilAS WAttSH AiJN), SON,

' AuetioncSKj,Tho 2£dl. TCitcrfcrd.


Re G. F. Taylor, Deceased, ©uninore Eigiand others. ;

vCKBAiBUWOH SALE of ^OUSEHOXD FUIR-MfflUEE. Pull Compass Cottage! Piano in(Waittuii Case; '.American Boll Top ©e»i,JChestertSeld Coach, Bookcase' 6ft. x 4ft.,IDoui>le-ibarrel BreedbJoader Gun,' (FS&hingBod, Silver Saufl Bar, JWedsqwood- iPufi

: Box, Qvenmantles, Glass and China, .Din-ging and ©raiwing-rooni Suites Arm- Chairs,Mahogany Sideboard, Eboniied CabinetIron, 'Brass and Mahogany Bedsteads;itabtre3&esr Toilet Tables and Glasses, BOTW-tfrmted ' Chest of JDrsweia, Inlaid (Wardrobe.Wearing Apparel. Brnsseb and i :Tapestry

»Carpel3, Opposum Skin Bug, fitt; 6in. x5ft., in •good condition ;' Portmanteaus, Re-clining 'Rafth , Books, Clocks, Ladies' andGents .Bicycles, etc.', etc. i i ' ,.¦K) BE SOU) BY TJMRHaEBVED ATTC-'iTION, on THJORSDIAY, 29th NOVEMBER,

.tiflOS, at IB o'clock, at our Imge Salerooma,The <MWT and <WHliam Street, r^&terford,t>y directions' of the Representatives of thelate G. F. Taylor, Bunmnore East, and othersa Largo Collection of rUOUSHHOiLiD PUBEW-ITJEE/ etc., removed for convenience olBale. : !

THOMAS ¦TVlAiLSH1 AMD SON.(Atrdaoneets,' ot«., :

The Mall, "Wat&riord

TO BB SOM> BY AUCTION, .without re-serve, on I XUE3OAiY, 2fW» NOVEMBEB.1308, at 02 o'clock, by directions of <the GreatSouthern and /Western iRailnroy Company, atGoulding's dossing, (NeTvrath, IWaierford,5,000 ODD RAflUJWlAY SliHHPERS1, in loteof 25 and 50 each. <

¦AH must, be removed off the Company's'¦Premises within one week from dati d Sale.

''Terms—Casih with 5 per cent. Consmissiwi.THOMAS IW1AU9S AN3> SCm,

lAuefitioneeTS, '¦

The Mall, Wateitford.


HOUSE and Shop to Let, 13 Gladstone-street.Harvoy and 8on, Waterford. ' |

¦\TTANTED Immediately, man and -wile, with-VV out family, to take care of farm yard ;

both most be able to milk, . rear calves, andwife care and mind fowl. Apply U64, thla office.BEAU STREET—A large dwelling honse in

excellent order to be let. Apply, Strangman,Mall.

OR SALE—Four National Benefit TrustBonds for £500 each1; two five years' old

this November, the other two flye years' oldFebruary, 1907.' Apply 1483, Waterford News

GIBL requirea situation, Grocery; SpiritBusiness, assist light work. Apply 1482,

this office. '"OOR 8ALE—Late Mr. J. A. Tobin's shareJ Waterford Library. Apply Librarian.

A PARTM2NT8, unfurnished' or furnished,-ci. wanted by two young ladies, bed andBitting rooms; terms moderate, with attendance.Apply 1485, this office.



Tms'measnrehM parsed tho report stage in the(Honco of CotbmoDB. \To hava bmn reading agood deal lately about the Town Tenants' Bill,nnd bore watshed with the keenest imerest theprogress of its varied proposals at Wentmfnstcr.To our'mind the protection of reapectabls towntet)anto T7D3 always" necessary, for un er thoold rjectmoDt Ions—in fact they ore otill oxis-tont—a weekly, montbly, or yearly, tenant maybe evicted, in a town, unless ho hJds a Icaceo on agreement, at a weak, a fortnight, or amonth's notice. The Town Tenants' Bill IDdesigned to put a stop to ft'discriminate evic-tions in towns of peoplo wh" have improved

' their business houses op to the pitch where tholandlord stops in and says—" That ju«t suitsmo— ont you go." ; The Bill embocles a clause,honever, which prumists protection to toontenants for capricioa* dial urbancc. Mr. Clancyis responsible for tbat daoee, the orifrinal ofwhich, as drafted in tbe Bill, was similarly bthe clause of the Land Tenure Bill.' That-clause which , is not? embodied in the TownTenants' Bill',' gives! compensation only swtenthe evfeting .landlord's conduct is consideredunreasonable and uojust. Yet, there is another

• view of the qpestion/which it '.would be unfairto igooro—wf* mean the hooseJaiidlords' rights.'Urban tenures in Ireland are ; by no meacs ascscuro as they are in England, aud the man whoinvests in or haa untenanted house property inany city or tonn has joat as mods right to havohis investment safejuardpd 03 the tenant tocompanoation'- It ' hits both ways j l he"Qlobe," of yesterday, put the mat er in thisway. *• An uiDan; landlord *'wno fexaliously2Dd capricioaflly ' tamed ont a payin{:| lonantwould be a- liin>»tic. - He could only be com-pared to a business mau who refas. d to dobuahiese with a customer because be did' ootliko the colour of his huir or the position of hiscoat, and we are perfectly certain that llr.Bryco has never seen each a person, iven inIreland. If it is to deil with these non-wdst-eot creatures : the Bill is really devigoed, it iseasv to fuiman idea of its iciual value,"; That,of course, is an extreme view of the que tion, jbut there is aj substratum <>f logic underlying iit. For exatuple, if a tenant b-^ entitled tocompeDsaiion for disturbaoce and improve-tntDts. tbe owuer m-ght reasonably bf expected 'to claim as a set-off non-paimeiit pfr ront

^bankruptcy of the tenaut, ''tpfeciation of pro.petty, and broach of an implied contract* Tbetown benantfl1 require much prdiecaoii, *apn-dally in Vhe" tttittcr of rates, fnd-the riqniw..owners', jare not ; a., bit - to . be eerie jj Ourimpression «t present in that if - tKs but reachestbe Statute Blwk It will create .a good,deal of1 f l tr nhle here «nd there. ; ; . ; ! . i

JEEfe iSAYAL STOGKERS ii EMEPTE. AT rymTj^ffTH; ;; \\;r : [&!*!ij *T*tm!$*i'. :¦ v \ : ;"

.Xh& court-martial opened M Jfartsmduth to-day tor' the fatal of the stokers accused ;offllsturbanoe i tW,Boya « ,P»B»dfflimt the

5J^^^Tonre4tomato»tt^D sfl*eihly

S. DISPATCH.<£, Pefson^ Supervisioo

$fy lEaterfor^ |$efeFRWAY, i NOVEMBEE ^3, 1906




Qorrs recently, the meabcra of tho Oorli Co.Coaucil pascod a recolutioa r^bich, on the f ceoof It , was nppaj-cntlr innoonons, end a condi-tion was attached to the docament thct it obooldbo cent to each, pabluj body in Ireland, and tocavcral public men* with o request for its adop-tion. The rso-ilnaori was cs followo—it is bestto give it in its entirety— _ ; . ,"" Tbat haTing rejwrd to the pirfent pO3i-ti HI nnd piwpeoiflU f the evicted tenant?—

the glix my ninl oh; for the ensuing wintermonths wi thj 8t-r»iitioo aud 'bitter distressstarinir them |in (ho face, Mid the necessityfor maintaining them and their familiespe'.rijng tbeiri restoration to the lands fromwhich they wero ivicted, wo the CountyCouncilors of the!County of Oorh herebymu!ce ournest and urgent appeal ' to the Na-tionul Trustees to jcet apart at ones, cs snEvicted Tenaiicd' Kpliof Food, a substantialportion out of tho thousands of pounds whichare baing contributed by tho Lush exiles u>America and '.Australia for Na'innal pur-poses. That ta know of no National objectmore urgent or more 'ppealing. or. ono re-garding whichjthe k-nonr of the Irirh nation19 more deeply pledged than that of sustain-ing tbe evicted tenants until their restorationto the land Ls. assured, and when tbis i) at-tained,.of givipg them a generoua measureot financial oasiatarica to enable them tomake a fair otart in| life once more. Thatwe trust (his cl(3im wiU be urged immediatolyOD the National Trustees by all the pobl-cbodies and "Nationalise orgaiiisatioi 8 in Ire-

J nn^» ' • ! IIt is somewhat significant to observe that thisresolution did notjmectjwith tbe cordial recep-tion which its pponsor8'expected of it, and that(here wero public bodies in Irolaod, jus) asNational and quite as much in sympathy withthe ovicted tenants, who would not have theresolution lot ony cxwt.j Out obimus to-dayafford conclusive evidenco of this, for net onlyhas the resolution ! in m&ny cases been.rejectedon its merits, but it has! been igaomiuiously aitwell consigned to the waste-paper basket, withnone so poor cs to j do it'ovea a shred of rever-ence. This may appear beortleca and callocs,as far as the evicted tenants are concerned, butit is nothiDg of tbe kind Tho public bodieswho were caked by Cork: to pac3 this resolutionhare tho fallen symratby with tho evictedtenants, but they failed to seS why tho Execu-tive of the Irish National League should hedictated to from Cork cs to how its fondo oughtto ba administered. Froakly, wo believe thutiWatorford. Clonniel, Cbrrick-on.8uir, Dun-gorvan, JTilmccthooica, to mention but a foT7of our public boar«ls who dealt with the Corkballon deesai, felt;that though tho TOICO comeas a voico from tho City by the Les, tbe baudwc3 the hand ot Mr. William O'Brien, and thatit w&3 intended an j a slap1 at tho Irish Parlia-mentary Party. Be tbot es it may, the publictaw that a resolution, emanating from a Corkpnblto board co soon after, if not collateral with,llr. O'Brien'o visit to thav city, was not of thebtna fide order, aud they rejected it, in comeinstances with expressions of opinion by nomoans flattering to j either,Cork County Councilor its advfosr. What earthly business Cork orany other County Council!has to interfere withtbe work of the Natioual Organisation in such adelicate matter can only be explicable ou thegrounds that ono or more me 'dlesome wire-pullers oro at work.i Fortunately their mechan-ism was too transparent, end it did not work—from fV>rk—t hin tirnn



AT GOSMARB ! MESDIOAI. m- Uf it- . 0£3QUAY, iTOaTEEPOJElD, fiU DPctcat ElcdictetJand Medical lEcquidteb an cold at .T7fco!s>calo Frlco. for Cztf h. Doc&nta' IPrcseriptiona£0 per cent, to C3 per czv. %. li/nct Uicapriccjchirked in nnny pbco.

T UcucJ ¦ Hyi inico pricoAU«ociV> iP&sicio I .,» io 1H C&Allen's (Hsix Sastarer Cs Cd <3 (M

Ascler'o Emaldcn1 ........... £3 Cd £3 CiBeecham'a 'Filb !„.-.. la l{d 1CMBencer'o 'Food ..„.„ £3 Cd Cs CdBenserV) 'Food: ....: da Cd la £4BUuoYt -Fillo -.....- la Cd Co CdBond'a fltarkiay Ini: ..„..„. C4 tiBiahop'a Crtxato CoCslno... £3 Cd Ua OdCiliftmiia &te Bnsn .;. .. la Cd la CdCocHe'a 1PIH3" ..LLZ *.. • 19 0{d aCMClark'o Blood ttliiiniro ,.-.. to Cd Ca CdClark'fl Nkht lijto ..-.<... la Cd 6dCntieura Soap .. ,,...._J,.. la Od 1CM£nV« ' Fruit EiMa { ..>.. Cs Cd lo OldiEdwArd'fl HarlCTO ; ........... is* Cd £3 CdEdward'* Heilea* I £3 Cd CJ CdiFAriao'a Eau ds Oolojno... -2i Cd £} OdFrana Joasf 'WcAci ,....'..';.. - la Cd lo <MFlorHae ..- .... £> Cd Cs OdFellow's 8rnq> -.-.. O Cd Cj CdQanwea mesne . ..- .-.. 2s Cd lo 3daoddard'e Plate Powder — la Od 64HiollcW'a ViUa .}.....v... la l{d la OdHnn/idY Water ..JL....-.H.. £J Od ; lo OdKepV* Halt and Oil .1.. £s Cd 10 lOd•King's Blood Mixture ...... Si 6d 2a OdMaltine And Cod UVCT Oil 33 Od lo 314tSIeUin'« Food i.. Sb Cd lo CWMellln's Food Is Cd Io IdMurray's H<agn«aiA ......... Is Od £)4dCMurcars Uagnesla; ...«. .. SJ Cd Is OdNe*veV (Food ZTI...,. .. 1» Od MdKnk Boiacic Wool!...,....;,.. Sa 8d lo MKml;W*n» Perfunie'..«..,.. a «d, S» OdBin5i»*l'« Toilrt V^niw... 8» fid l» 10dBovUnd'c. -KMMMroSi;.. Si U 2» 8d6ootV* Emulsion .;.. .... »./ 2» 6d la lid8etuU>'« Cloudy!Apimoniii li Od 104eoxodoot .: .......4. .....'T.. -fc 64 Si OdSsrery and Moore'* Food... <b Od la 6dSteedauu'a ,Powde» ..-.L... 14 , lid ; 10H8ad* Mint /Tabloid* , 6d 64T»tono for ttie ttdr ..-.U.. U 6d la 10dValaa a*'* Mftftt ftle*|l.. 4* M Sa «d¦¦ CMsiijr Ordmiiied taawdUte *tt«atloo.

—jSf teiwwiyir c i,i; p» t.i

OUT-tiOOE-REtlEiF Ai6lOKI8TRATlbK- ; ! -; « .1I>Y,;B. ^ePy>l Iioo»l. .Qovernrnent BoardMif atti^' ammitig to WtI * 'tb iaan eBo«jrt!oMJf>rf^4, ~a«J*'vli|rt meeting M tobt ia^aab^Eriofc TS» lanaetgr ;oott.


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aiB. P. -J - -iPKXWlEEB At: lOTEarMMSTSIBLJllr. P. J. Power, I cm glad to say, ha8 re-covered sufflcienilj1 lrom his recent &ev«r©illness t* Attend ¦oike more to; Us parliarmentary dtitlea 6X WNtoUlnaUy. He readied'St.- Stephen'* on Monday 'evening, and wasmet wi*h'a beatij welcome1 from' all hia col-leagues, weu afrciidy.-OIri iPavwr rtella me/khe change ol locality hea adtied <to bid

sireoigitihi and he ioofia foiward l jto & o<xm^5pl«(te recovery In ' .i' very' short iiine/ 'Bisvoice, however, ia so wea& thaif l he finds itfor the mottnonit ol /very litQe . usa io him InA piiblic'capacity. So. impossible <t»>u1d. it/"be; for him to laohjeve everytbin in tbenature of -a plsHdSorm speech tnatj tvatbnruoh.regret; be was compelled >tq send [» telegramlast nighlt. to "the ' oisanisers ol the meetingeii , KilmaatihooiKis neiit Sunday to eay thatheicould not be nre3eat. : ••


fflfr. Pcneer ha3 lost no time in plating him-eelJ in evidence in the "notice piiper 01 theHoUse IK has 'come within hit awn ex-perienoe iteit the Eahates OMmmssiomeio¦fight shy of undertaking the purchase of un-jtenanted land under tne' Ac* dt. 1G05 where8-heire are any annuities .aitachecU .to tbatload- whicb -mould have to be 4afcon im-¦raediateJy into considenaUon in eaMiing 'thetennis of purchaae. : , Tbio, ho helieves, ihaabeen the ean3e ol the delay in j fioquiibussaveiral TCatortord propeutiea in tha intereatiot ¦tie tenant. 1V> meet tiiis poinl, and toremove the deadlock, if rxcaJbla. ilr.IWerlatenda to aslc the Chief SacK&uyj on Mon-day whether he is c/ware that the EstatesContcm'ssianerB in Ireland stele thaft theyare bound hj a statutory provision to- redeeman exd*inv annuity in respect of purchasedland* acquired l>y (mem beloro they lisan make

A further advance for anyjpolKshasA in con-nection irafth that land. The remainder of(Mr. Power's' question 13 directed to find out¦what amount i» required to redeem an an-nuStiy of £32 10/- created under "tie I*indA»t) of 1903; and whether, to facilitate tflwpurchase oi land for eviated tenanie andtor other purposes .where no .iniitenantodlands are avaikthle, the kiw will be amendedon thds ooint.

HBDB HQWAKD OF QA<M!M.<}KOld parliementary ctager». knoiw thit thegame requires playing1 at iWesftnincier. OBhegrim deienmm&tion -with which lA5r. JiolmJBedtoomd and his coilleaffueo stuci: to ttfeir¦posts .through tihe all-night Eittingr <st Mon-day -week his 'borne fruit- this wee3c: In thecour3e of the Session the Government baaIbeen induced, to adopt officially as fifreirowntwo bills introduced origdnally by, privateanemlbere. One i» the Land TesrCfe; Bill olEngland, nfthile (the other is itlhe IVxwnTenanrts (Ireland) Bill. It was 4hs former ofthese bwv> ihat -wia under diacccsion.'through-out the all-night sitting. Baving atronuOTQlyeuppoflled the Gorvemmeat on that occasionit was only raacoma'ble «n the part' of theIrish_ m«m(Dens' to expeotr in return tint whenthe Town Tenants Sail c&me on tite carpetthe Government would push it on with thevigour displayed on the Land Tenure Bill.But not merely had Mr. Redmond the recordol Monday week to his credit; ho had alargely augmented party behind him at theopening ol this •weak when the Town TenantsBill was licted /or conciderMion. So loyallyhad Abe,-Irish memfbers responded to theirOhaiiman's call £hat on Tuesday night, w>henit was ithou ht another all-aiigW ' ei'jtan^roouM enBue, only threo or four of Oie IrMimemiberfl, wliose rftendance mi ht 'be reaaon-oibly counted upon, were ibsent. Eyeryiiiiipcwaa ready (for an all-night sitting, theGovernment tiean* quite prepared to lookadlter all the details ol it, when the Toriesrealised tho value, and corrcsoondin* cam-ion, ot dieorefoion. An understanding <wasreached that if instead ol salitin all nigJiton Tuesday a further siltbj; was devoited toithe BdlT it would *be allowed <bo pass Uirwtjhthe report etage on Wednesday without un-due opposition. So things fell out. (But ifMr. Redmond and his colleague had 'ehownany marked indifference on Monday weekwhen Hihe Government had to face the un-pleasantness and tho burthen ol th's all-night sitting the result this week might nothave ibeen BO beneficial to the urban tenantsod Ireland. Thio J3 veny often the case in(the HSc/use. "Wlhfft . happened ono night isabsolutely oontinsent on something else that'haprpened andtier nieiht, and, co tar JIB £hoooitside geooral jrnhHc ia coacorned, thereiwould appear not to t>e the cli htest con-neation , beijween the tiro.

LAINXXKHIEIB HBQCKRiD. . '¦ Tn my Icfiter last week I Gpoke ol patlia-uneniliany records which have 'been iheud, orare held, by Irish members, and I cited one(which 1 thomght wca in the possession of(Mr. John Redmond, vdz.j iShat of taking thooath, going through an all-nighit aitting, andibe>ing suspended, All in a einglo daytosesaionof" lie House. I ihave no reason to ', with-draw the credit od that achievement from theMember for TCstertflard. H only mention itnaw to odd that I can recall a further ireoordthat was held <by another Waterford member,one of the most a'bsolutely popular men who-ever sat in Paiiliamen poor Ricihard Power.I was reminded of this latter record ty anIrish member aakrittg me on Monday ' the Lablby, when there mas a genemlcrowd of legislators in it, if I had ndtgathered the imprecaion thit, taking, themih tlie mass, tho mcmlbeTs oi the presentJparliameat were rather yioultiAil in a jpear-ance? iAs a niairter of fact I had not noticedfthat euch was the caso, aad I caid co. (Butthe chief effevjti of 4he question put to mo(Was .to .drive my mind back to one oJ the>many genial chato which it was taf , goodluck to enjoy with Richard Power in the olddays. iBy eozne agency or other I had beenJed to "believe that Richard POTTOT had out-.raged and defied ith© ' Constitution by takingbis seat in the House of Commons whilst lie(Was etill a minor. 7 asked him li ii weretrue ihat he had acted so uncpncStutianally,and he (old mo lanighinsly, if I rememberright, that when he took m» Best for Wlator-ford first in 1BT4 he -RU3 dti'll two dayd shiontof beins bwenltyjono yearo of age. |I am in-clined to assert that that record ctill dianda,and lihet no Irish member w!ho hao i (beenelected . since bsa blossomed into a. Parlia-mentarian while still under ago. Mr. Dolan,(Who at i present ty tho meet juvenile of the(TriJih represen'feaiiWK), had well pia&sd hiomajority when he took bis eeat for '.North

IMS OCXEK. OTTY ayrL"WiAYvi iHbwev r mudh the aUention of Parliunentmay be} eancenlratfed on the immodiate work(which; has to be dono in tia current Sessionat WeStpiineter the heads of the variousGwemffienit D«paittimea!» are already, look-ing ahead, and are laying tho Hne3 . for thelParilamenlary Session of 1C&7. Tho flgureaof nexft yeare esMmates ¦ ate . now 6a thearml, ibeing haanmered inio thape' and.synmrelry. In the oquree of & conversation(whdah r had to-day with one of tie Treasuryofftcialsi he told m& th&Vvhe ParliamentaryRTarfl of SXSAOO. which it is oroncnad to¦ailocatftei 1o the Cork XS1y , RoilwayB and(WlorkB, .I will appedr in due course in ; theaeestimates for next year. Of course, thisgrant, Against which .WaterTord has GOvigorouflly protested, seeing that it is moneyia which the condtiy hoMa it is justifiablyenfitJedJ cannot mafterialiso dn ca^hj nnltil(Parliament by OB w>1e has given ita sanction(0 the advance. There is i no fear that theHKereat4 of WnHaSoid in this matter •rill beoverlbo ed or neeJected. The :m«mb4rs for*he oquwfy are; I knerf. ;oolite- alive td whatLs beintc done, and when' th*'; propel1 timecwbea |iheir voice* will be neard in what,as' far as po$si'ble7 win be made a successful-bro/fiesft. ! . • • . , ' ! = ¦ ' i ! ¦ I •


SENSATlONAIi SCENE INjCOlJRT.¦. - ; . ^U^lii-^.- - ! 1 :I i [BrtKUl TtLUOUMl

Arthu r Chopping, a youngnnemployed! baker,wal cbBp&ltteq for trial at Wood Green to-day,chafed tb murdering Pranoeflland B««trU»'Xorlpi' y%®t n® Prisoner,* (ftepwicV In o thedockt U t>. Torlm t ec^me pyBtcnOal tfi& had

tobewmoVe<j; . 8obeHO«niJT;»He'Kicbveri a.vanaott to&ttt ciJWa bhontedto.iptMonei1,"tdatdtaterlof rnS3int1bib&-you.JW(*rt! TTou w uldn'»itt ttwOffl^UuitUIoonWieUtVon !'1 It

td-tnbvethi y rt/f D $)ubcppi f i Vixb, t ,- ', ¦ j. - _ ¦ v _ 'i , .

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JJKJ K JJX M W- \J.i$J -£J-VAVJLfnf WittoiKSrtEtKtt thft WMit Kevl Dr. O'BrJeii--

g«"GKAMMilOT TIKPEHABy. ¦¦ i . • I :

Ait the P«cty eessions OcW iat Temni*-ff if ir£SL8!&~d*' r. wSm i Delan^y,«. MauMfaeet .. was the reidipi6nt i oi the»te *&&*» *? the- oyll i HamaiWfoejVfor

^the-asaiiBtance he ieudered toSepwadbe last to Maas Arnold; 'of BaEy-tmckffli/,. who/wao in danger oi'/ dirowmdng.¦c*y?.^V» - »wei-\ied- om . MSr. Deianey a letterOl imniB 1 Jar our: action ia txSxuriDg tihiematfer. _uhdar the notice\v>f^KT properBntoariHed. . Wo are pteastfd to thirik our. flwFla.wcro notmaavailic .. : : > ¦

KMUWiAIT. AOOTDiEINtre.Considerable bomment ia . goioff the soundsof the city: with reference w the Accidents onthe railway. Children- $re being; left tather-laeB, and : zmrthera are toeing c ioved ofthe bread-winners. No wonder -the peoplecry "When is this godBg t<> rtiopr Tlj*poor men who were carrying their .workmateto th<J Imfinnary -in¦ the drenching: rein ©ITuesday uicht know sxA whoee- tsaxa it mayibe HMt. Surelv there must p & neglectsomeftihare. -Are the lines badly, ligblted thd staff incapable of carrying Jout out theiwcnfe they hare undertaken? ' BverartMmrBeems en, sixes and sevens, and the citizensore gflbamily contemplating what1 the reeultftrould bo if, instead of- tho comparativelyfetpr trains tot have to' oa dealt1 with her©the Ooarpanies :had to. fee©, the trying con-

ddtiond of ^Tvii>p ,pflffnTif: .TgngiTirih . 'or Scotchjunction. Wo have received - eoirm tottersstrongly supporting 'aux remarks in Wadaee-day*a issue oi the iBvenang1 New»M anejiit thei^oeat qccidenta, irhich &t present' v?a do notconsidor juidasious' to publiih; (We hoj>e> theOompaniea' ifierioua Attention and pre-oautmoa -will he centered on the matter, ashuman- Kie is not to be trifled with. <THE PAIOTfllAMTOmMBT FTJiKD. j ' ..

Pureuani to a requisition; presented JtotAld. illauxice Qoinlan, Mayor, a n>e<Jtio"wascoavened for Wednesday an die Town IGQallfor the (purpose-df startiisa Qity P&rliamen-tary Fund. The weather being most incle-dteia the attendance, was semiminly affected,Tiut amongot those came were, 'besides thefliDaiyor, Rev. W. jB. 00)onnell,: P ; Rev. P.(Hisgerald; tlljee^re. Tfsnid MlocDbnold, John(Kearney, Jioseph. HJayden, J. Cblttns, <£#. Itmis decadal not to hold tihe intended publicmeeting,- but nevertheless a good deal of pmc-tictal 'business woe done. Aimngcm&Dita weremade for collections to <be made throuskbiftKihe city districte, which wiU be. allocaJtled' tooodleotoie to be Appointed at an adjournedmeeting in the Mayor's Office on Wednesdaynext. LeWera were read from 12M 3Aost Rev.(Dr. gheehan, Very Rev. Dean lilyim, PAP.,<Bally%iidckeHi Captain Thomaa Toole, andothers regretting their inability to attand andendtosin/r subscriptions.KX»EB ALONG, IWIATEBPORB ! .

According to the "Nationalist," tihe Ckm-mel OaWnetanaiinc- .Company 'have tokenthree ajroroiihiceo into :their factory Iroon theCentral Technical Schiool where these boyshad the advantage of a good grouadinjr infntxni-mxurA in the clc ses conducted by Mr.iWleWb. It is certainjy ""a gpeat adtvantago tothe youth ol the town- who deairo to becomeefficient tradesman to have at their dooroeuch on excellen-tily equipped establislhmentior training the hind, and eye. Her-edn is &practical example of the industrial trainingto actual -work, and it wdP posai'bly ba UA-lowed with advante sj in Waterford !be&xrevery lomr. ."< ¦ *;¦¦ • •TB!E OOCTOfES SIC .. -

iAt Wednesday'p meetdng-bi the TC&terfordBoard of G-uardians Che nuniDUal circum-stance was mentioned that out of the sevenUnion. Medical Officers, four were sufferingi£rom. indisposition, namely, Brs. White, Kel-leier, Hayes and Stephenson (Dunmore).Their duties, however, ore -beinjr efiJcrientlydischarged. '¦ ¦ iSuTiHN' IffiJEN1.

On .Monday ev Jiing bat a most enjoyablefew hours were spent at the Dooms of the localbranch of -the- Sinn Fein Council, 1Q2 . ParadeQuay, by the members and tlheix fxLsnds atWe first Cteilidh. of the season-. The projramnDotxms varied and attraatave, and tihe proceed-ings were in every irespect a thorough euc-ces3, and a-ugured well fox ths mxxre elaborateundertoikdngs of tlhis nature whicQi are to beheld at regular intervals during1 the wintermonths.NTTIW RfKH TIWTrtN. :

iA now departure 19 wiitnessod in the caceof the Naw (Ross Gfuasdians, who haveordered to be printed a list, of all inmatesin the worfdiouce with their ages, etc. TheCic£ appeared in last Saturday's iesua ol the"(Enniacoifthy Ech*.": K would be a re-velation if euch a couice were taken in otherlocal unions. We wonder will the ratepayersbe called upon to bear the expense of thepublication of this 'lict. Is it good or nccea-Bary to pillory these poor inmates, many of¦whom na-ve seen better dayo, and thusdoubly, dtamp tham with iho brand ofpauperian?tPCnt "TffflR KROfilHiMHS."

¦What promises to be a very interestingentertainment is announced t» be @lven inthe Theatre Royal on Friday eveninij, the30tlh: infit. Ita title is "A Night : in. ManyLands," and it friU- bo illustrated by manybeautdful lantern, views. The lecturer on theoccasion will be iRev. Brother (Hughes,formerly of Mtaunt Bion, who has just reurnedfrom a tour round the world. The scenes•will include—Now 'Stork, Argentina, MonteVideo, Rao Janeiro, Banta Imcia, Martinique,Fiji, etc., and the subjects touched on in thelecture—Storm' at sea, ne«»Jght of sea men-ctera, ¦l!he n,bi<iMit»u8 CoSl,'"Oatmabal I6laoda,and many other interesting and excitingitems. Tie object of the ententadninent atwhich the Eev. T. P. Purlonjr, Adm., willpreside, is a moot lauddWe one, namely toraise funds in aid of the QBouttt Siort 'Chris-tian Brothers' Chanel Building Fund.

EMPLOYMENT OF WOMJSH. .Wo bog to direct our readers , particular

attention to the announcement 'which appearsin another column of a meeting which .will bebold in the Council Chamber ot the Town Hallon Friday next. The Marchioness of Waterfordhaa promised to preside, and a largo number ofladles belonging to the city and country districtshavo promised their co-operation. ; The pro-ceedings NVUI be under the auspices lot the"Irish Central Bureau for the Employment ofWnmnn."

WATERFORD AGRICULTURAL S0U1ETX.Mr. Austin A. Forrell baa been appointed

Bocretary of the- above ¦ Society, Mr. M. J.Uarphy, J.P., flndltrg-that other dutle3 preventhim from nttoffdlng as olosly as ho would VTlsbto the secretarial work of the Society. Mr.Farrell'a appointment to the position le; a veryjudicious ono, and his already-acquired know-ledge of the duties associated with tho positionwill enable him to give every satisfaction to the(shareholders, exhibitors, and tho public gono-

A LOST INDUSTRY."Sholl-Bacli," Passage East, writes:—"A

time thero was ; when Fasaago oysters v/erofamous, but for years back oyster-dredging intho harbour has been discontinued. We sawsome splendid samples of the luscious bivalveIn Ballyhack tho other day, which, wo were In-formed, wore taken from the old oyster bods.Surely if these wero put on tho market InWaterford local consumers would tako them inpreference to tho imported crustaceans.",

ANOTHER LINK BROKEN.Although our younger reader may appreciate

the very good humour of the late Mr.' HarryBargent, whose death Is chronicled this week,through his book,, "Thoughts TJpon Sport," pub-lished In , 1696, those of us who ore getting intothe "sear arid yellow leaf* can romembor hisgenial presonce in! the golden years of long ago.Hbv well we remember his store in Waterford,situated on the' site now. occupied by the Com-frocrclal Club in Paul's Squaro I This was before'the time wben rapid travelling brought com-mercial men to the city by the score in! almostevery line of business, and when the Countrypeople flocked for their supplies, ,declaring thatfor anyone sick In the house a bottle of wine ¦wasnot—well, waB .not a. bottle of wine—unless itcamp from Harry Sargent's. ¦> ' ' ¦¦-. - | : '. 1

NOT ';A :LITT .BIATEUB.' ' , ' ! -r ¦ ' ! ¦ '¦ •

Although; a» the }ate sportsman:said, hewas not a littorory man, be certainly wrote Ineach an attractive, racy manner tbat to take nphis book was to feel that von •were living ainongjrtthe scenes and the oh*rftcters he described BOweD. H*rry flawentiwrote of sport not jmerelyas an amusemeni, in fact he wrote of it tad{practiced it quite irrespective of amusement,bec»uAe hti.believed tbati it benefits ouijnationand Ms brought »bont lte individuality. For

! nWUid twenty years Mr. Sargent was 4 mein-be* of the Witerfotd "Hunt, aM thdugh lltihg

t>ml4-Bn«ll»h • « nn*«8«vw

*»«9J»Ttp0(g<tbflthonghta were 4mong *ha fjeld* udltbi toonE-,.t*lnTl>J his W«ll.bofor«l:Co,m»rjW*««a.!M&t hlmseU ~ Coflm»y'/wi3ierfcMtt f ip w t ob ndw«ltto«»h^K)c1c nkfe'aBtt[ied to>5:jiwmofy jw«!Uld a*»nrp to/ bo kepti gnen f o rtw yuMaiaf kVjeU ,- . ,.

-, -,, v;u.-i ;

!-• ¦¦; !ji

ER 28, 1006

to the American Mission,; where he worked forabout three yeare. He than returned to hlanative diooese, «iid was Curaie «ucce4ilvely InKilsheelwii In St. Mary's, Clonmel,B841ybrickeri,and lastly In St. Patrick's, which, b« redgtod inthe e«ly p&r| of 1862, ana returned to warfolk,YlrglaUj where: he has .laboured efe* klnce.Ho "**»?] &**&? 'oviad by bis teHow-jafeate inIrelandnft i0 the people was a imt Soggartharoon. Amongst•Ja» -ff 'Wy endeariji quaUtleshe possesses great mtudoftl taste ti& ability,and w&sianoh sought after to Boclft>«rcles. Asan orate* he has few equals, and as a patrlo^he is moat unselfish. ¦

IN THE COUNTY WEXF0RD.Father Cntler'n mother was a nAtfvtf 6i

to that ascient toVn, he was invited to bssiet attho unveiling there of the '98 memorial. Hetook a great Interest in the battlefields ofWexford.'ond paid a visit to the them all doringhis sojourn in Ireland. In Balllndaggln Churchon Sunday he delivered an eloquent sermon,In the conrso of which be treated on tbe nvtla' of Intemperance. He also aAvteed the people tostay at borne and endeavour to earn a livelihoodin- the land; of their, birth, where they couldlead happy and "holy lives. Father Cutlerleaves for'bis adopted conntry on tho 28th lust,after a most enjoyable holiday. ,LI8M0RE XmOS CLERKSHIP.

Tbe Local Government Board bave writtento the Llamore Board of Guardians Sanctioningthe arrangement made by. that body as to theremuneration of the newly -elected Clerk, whosesalary - cannot ' be satd to err on tbe side ofextravagance. ! The conjoint offices of Clerk ofUnlpn, Clerk o( tho Rural District Council, AndExecutive Sanitary Office* carry with tbemyear, whlah, considering the greatly increasedduties entail od by the lntrleste Jlnles to beobserved under the Local Government Act con-not be said to be exorbitant. Of course whorethere were five candidates seeking appointmentat tbis flgnro we may ("«">"« that the aspirantsto' offlco considered it to be safflclentJy remtmcr-atlve; and possibly It was conjectured that pro-gressive Increases as time wears on- ore not im-probable. In any caso theVatepnycrs have noreasons to complain ca to the terms of thoappointment from a financial point of view, andif they and their newly-appointed officer erecontent, so also should everyone else.ACKNOWLEDGED.

Mr. Alexander Hesldn, AgUsh, Glencairn,requests us to publicly thank the numeralfriends who cent to him letters and telegrams ofcongratulation on bis recent election as Clevkof Llamoro Union, and to which bo found itimpossible to reply personally.ANTIQUE FURNITURE. .

On Wednesday last Mr. Murphy, auctioneer,O'Connell-strest, held a Bale at which eomo veryvaluable specimens of nntlquo furniture werebrought to the hammer. The attendance wnslargo, and good prices woro realised for oldcabinets, china, class and other bric-a-brac.WATJUJU'UMU JUAW'H VlblT XU XiLti blATliS

We have received a copy of "The Herald,"New Orleans, from -which wo extract Chefollowing interesting references to ono of oarmogt popular fellow-citizens :—"A welcomevisitor to this side of tho river this week wasMr. John J. Rogers and bis estimable wife. Mr.and Mrs. Rogers, who tvero the gdests of Mr.John G. Geynor, come direct from I Watorford,Ireland, their visit combining business andpleasure and a desire to see their old-timofriends in our burj. Mr. Rogers ia the pro-prietor of tho Parado Hotel in Waterford. Homastered his trade as engineer here on tho oldside-wheel steamers of the Morgan Lino, thenplying botween here and Morgan City. Later,tie was engaged!in tho towing business, formany years serving with tho Ocean, Flanaganand Good Intent lines. Whon tho E. B. Wardwas purchased by, Mr. S. Oteri as an experiment/in the fruit trade; Mr, Rogers was employed onher on her maiden trip to tho Islands as tbocloneer steamer. Ho has manv friends here.Southern people cannot bo excelled.1 Mr. andMrs. Rogors expect to reach home sometlmoaround Christmas. They loft hero Tuesdayevening for New York."THE PARLIAMENTARY FUND.

Very shortly tho peoplo of this city—wemean the Nationalists—will be nsied to con-tribute their quota to tho Irish ParliamentaryFund. The necessity for an all-round andgenerous response to tbe appeal which is beingpnt forward in this country was sever moreapparent, and wo are euro that Waterford willeladlv, U unostentatiously, make a good recordsubject to a continuous drain for the purposes oltbo Parliamentary campaign which has nowmore than'over to be closely and assiduouslyattended to. Waterford stood In the breachwhen Ireland wonted a lead, and may wo notpromise that Waterford will again maintainnnhRtantiallv her nlaco omonrrst tho constltu-

HUSH LIGHTS BOARD.In viow of tho forthcoming mooting In Dub-

lin of tho Association of Irish Ports, wo trustthat special attention will bo directed towardstbo present constitution ot t,ho Irish LightsBoard, which has such largo control over thenavigation of our coasts. As matters stand atpresent tho administration is closed to publiccriticism because of. its exclnsiveness, and thisanomaly would bo removed by tbo inclusion ofrepresentatives ot such Irish ports as Waterford,Cork, Limerick, Belfast And Dorry—Dublin beingalready taken care of. But tho Associated Portsmust bo careful, while considering that tho IrishLights Board should bo largely reformed, not toassent to anv chanco which enable it to be

ment Department. ¦

THROUGH BATES.Tho Association, too, will do well to empha-

sise the necessity for a revteal of tho system ofthrough rates—a system whioh tells so heavilyagainst ports like Wateriord. Under-existingconditions these through rates, as any of ourlarge local traders will toll you, aro next doorto an insurmountable barrier to the industrialdevelopment of tho country. The point towhich, In this connection, the Associated Portsshould direct thamsolves to is tbat Irish manu-facturers should get a . fair field in their ownmarket ; or, as a Waterford trador said to us,"through rates from placc3 outsldo Irelandshould never bo allowed to extend further than,say Waterford, or any other port of entry."LOCAL MILITARY ITEM.

A good deal of genuine regret is felt in localmilitary circles on tho roUromont of Reg. Qr. Mr.Sergeant Smith, R.G.A., from the service. Thisalso means bis removal from this country toEngland, so tbat those who knew him best willfeol tho loss of a genuine friend. On Wednesdayevening the warrant officers and sergeants of theWaterford Artillery wero at homo to tho non-coms, in tho adjoining barracks and to a large

gtoe a s6nd-of{ to the genial "Quarter," as Mr.Smith bad come to bo called. A smoking concertbad been arranged and the sergeants' mess waswell filled. Bergt.-Major White occupied thechair, and was supported by Capt. Fowler, theadjutant of tho regiment, who had come tospeed tho parting guest, who occupied the Beatof honour at his right. For the past eight yearsMr. Smith baa been in tbe capacity he isjnstvacating, and, as Capt. Fowler mentioned, in aregiment whore there is no quarter-mastor, tbeduties of tho Quarter-Master Sergeant In Water-ford is an onerous one. There was quite anletbora of vocal and instrumental talent, and

was proposed In a very feeling manner oy uapc.Fowler, who assured tho recipient that he wasgoing away with the best wishes of every ono,from tbe Colonel to the last joined recruit. : Onbehalf (A the j Mess i Bergeant-Major Rlvingtonpresented Mr.' Smith with a very handsomesilver-mounted tantalus, engraved with a suit-able inscription/ {On behalf of some civilianfriends, Mr. P. Flynn, T.C., presented ¦ smpker'scompanion. Mr, Jflymi sppko of the pleasanttimes he and his [friends, bad spent at thesergeants' mess, arid regretted Mr. Smith's de-parture. Needless to say, the tout was wellhonoured, with mttf sal a«oomp*nlment. 'y

j ¦ ..

AOT^WUBI^MJBHT. <¦' ^:.^V.;- '^S v v '.

There ww » gtautafl ting abort the reply, o]Mr Rmlfh.. He Wlibeeb: hS said, nearly elflht

There ww » «um one amnn *ne rejuy 01Mr. Smith. He hadibeeij, bS said, nearly eightyears in Waterford, and from his! inflttaryfriends Inside and 4*rtUans outside he (tad nevermet , anything >bfl» (kindness.''¦¦.:,Jgp was goingaway, be assured them, with anything but alight heart. - Be dlil BO* know Itow to tt»ank_hisfriends tat the bf |nttftil presents, but weywould onfentaM ttit feeling* on the matter landtake tbe . will for tna deed. The, rest of theevening was devotedto musto, interspersed vitban occasional l*eec*i attd in the Utter categorywe most not 'forgw *o>nwntlon that Mr. $omDavieVsenr., and W. B.-Ii. Ward, T,O., made•ome most hiWpyvalfcsWWito tip gass* ofLth6o5tong «*a -Vyjf a b m p i U li w * * *¦'¦*fc-*6'mm^^sm^ssmssim^si

AMd wlshM of all who<ttrtfr'liittU:

MY NOTE B0OK. \M^mWmG]MBT iBDinprp powsfft

EDMUND LBAMY1S 5U1EBY'4*428.iiL™5?v2»J uflt Jb!Ben: *M«sdfl<i r Ekmmd•LaaiarB "Bruh Fairy XUea^iJSch Messrs.ivLJsr ?T *"* ^ nwtr'puftiUahed- thiaJioaa- I found these: bcwt&ful I little storieeto freeh and as cbJannW m *be* flret I readWnem. Wah my owa «Ii-a»tw»n pcor Laam.y'0fbwak wafl flrat larourtto. The otmy he sentme toWh the.iDBcnjflitoB "To tSa Wior ofTho Little Qneau Man ") is tbie beat ttumbeditoolc in my; smAQ lSbsaiy. Youn* people ar«,after all-, /tf» ibeat oritdos ol faiiyTtakaT To LJ*r or girl fcna of wadinR no better Christ-

Q0HNO DOE ROUNDS. ' ¦JfewapapciB. liie humad bolngti, live uptfnesiob other, and thrive apan «m»«iiKi>tigin Apaper Jikee: saiurally enough W lay to itosoul the flattecing unctoon, oi being acknem-

dedg«d publicly as the originator or conooodoror compiler of mows or gossip. anA ft lilies allItJhe more to be atmointed if the 'originatingnewspaper la named.. About a week ago I(noticed in the London "Daily Telegraph" apaaagiaph, taken ¦ verbatim, without acknwmay uast a juiverpwu paper was gooa enougn*o enip av feotion of the "Ourr«nit News "ooffumn in the "Evening News." It is curioushow anecdotes go the rounds otf the papers.(A few weeks ago I read in tbe "iDaily NewsV" London Letter"- a column wtech as a ruleprinte one good anecdote every day—a veryold .dhestfwt about Bchool children toeing askedonjtixmafiical prdblems in osangea; one childroplying that ahe always did her sums inttflpTes. The "Daily Telegiaph" printed thisancient, yar n on Saturday last. Ko doubt itmfflll be found either in the "Daily Mail" orthe " Times " tihifl week, aad gradually it will¦vttmk its way . LnlSo the weeklies.aiB. T. P. O'CONNOR ON BLEV03E(WJtNTG.The ellbica of borrowing1 news paragraphs 01Gjiaadbixs is ddfBcult to eyEtmatLM. Sansotiines ooknawledOTient spoil3 a paragraph ciweakens the efleot of it; sometimes itfcrengthena it. The ethioa of book-r&vi swingis a kindred subject. One must not quote toomuch. Legal decisions on this point saythat a reviewer may make Birch extracts froma. book as are necessary to illustrate Mflcriticism, but' he nrust not use as: mtudiy ata book in, his criticism as may be calculatedto form a srthstatuto for the book itself. Mr.T. P. OXJonnor, prince of reviewers, onco saidto me: "My ijjea of reviewing a Vooi. is toxam my fist &L&n its throat and .tear its gutfl©uV This may not bo an elegant way ofiUcminaSing—end instrucltive. '[HilQH-aPiBBD TEAVEIiLING.

It is euri»u3 henv often similar articlesappear about the same time in newspaper*nvhJiicfh. do not copy fram each, oither. I de-voted a good deal ol my column last Fridayto rail-way anecdotes. The principal BkeWhin tie current issue of the Manchester " Sun-day 'Jhroniclo" is entitled " On. the foot-iplateof a iiliduight Mail." After describing a 200mile spin, the writer in the "dtronlclo"cpeaks of tbe engine driver: " Sometimes hishead went quite dizzy with tihe prolongedepeed. What vvonder that so many driversibeoome victima to nervous exrrausuoa endneurostiujnia. "Why £hx>uld ireiehta of humanover the couatry at 'this egregipuely high¦raSe? The only enower is competition." IdoaU j think compctitioii is responsible forhigh-speed travelling; it is rather that therailway companies know that the publicdtesiree high) cpeed end troubles itself Tout littleabout the risk—or to bo accurate, doe3 notflake . the risk into coosidcration at all.TLHIAT BOOT-KEEDIGE.

iii has beea pointed out to me thit I .wasdn error in my reference ldst woci to the mil-may line ntior the- ferrr—fthaft & footnbridsodoes spaa the Hue tlhsre. All I can eay is,lihat I did not see any foot-bridge wh«n I wasin, the ned btoarhood. It irae dark at thetime. No foofbridge. was pointed out to me,nor -was there any ughi or guide to indicatethat a hridg© existed: Any ordinary humanbeing would have crossed the metels as IIcrcesad them. And if there wero' foitty foot-bridges Ithere, either concealed or potent, ,theorverag» man, woman or child would selectthe levd croccicg. My point is, that therefebouCd Ibe iw 3«rm' citesirig itiere. I! it isBoent ODCI>. I hzxe no hesJitacioa in i>roohecy-{LUg—OUMX X tutve Jiu &II1UU.U1UU W \*jav ao aipropfaest, especially aa a prophet ol evil—thatthere will be an annual death toU there.Trains or light engLnea faaro an ugiy txiekcif aixwing at Iorcl orosanes vrben- they arenot expected..STEFNIAK.'S FATE.

I teal very strongly about ovoidsbde railwayaccidents. I loot a friend, once—a verytsxaoba man—owing to tho existence oi a levelcrossing near Guniusrimiiy. TJhlia nw* Step-niai, w Russian' rovolutionary. He wes onbis way, to 0 meeting of tihe cfciefs ol UieOSussLan revolutionary party, and it iwaamithin znj knowledge \£p - i . ho was £bbut todeliver a speech advocating a touoe vith theTzar for ithe .purpose of ulloiwing tbe Autocratof all the Kussias an opportninily of intro-ducing reforms kdo his misgoverned empire.He crosced the line, no doabi pcmdeiring overifche ipaoiilc speech- wilih whioh be was charged.¦A train came awiftly round & ctcrve (tnd Step-nialk was a manaLec oornse.

A STRANGE FOKE33HiAIDaW!I'N«. . •A Exhort time before the horritfie tragedy

occurred, he asked me to looflt through a(fcjook which ha had written, a vodk of fiction.Xt was appearing as e, serial in & uewepttper,and he was uneasy abbut it, for some reasonor otiner. It Be«add to me to be Iarg«ui7 antb-IbdographiLoal. There was s fasmaKing scenein- it which described the escape of toe hero,a, Russian political prisoner, from, a train.The hero fell on the adjoining permanent way,breaking his arm and leg, and being lunabledo move. Tho horror of the situation ias theapproach of a train, end this was describediwith aa much " inwardness" «fl if thd wrfterhad already experienced the horror | wbodh-wns m Boon to oonfront him. alt titt levelBlisMe door was, of course, locked tfte* this— |that is to cay, tie level crossing was l closed.FATfliKU O DONNELL'S OO/MOBRT.

Ota Monday evening I paid a visit! to tJhetheatre. I did cot anticipate that I j shouldthoroughly eoioy & gramophone concert, trutI certainly did enjoy Monday night's concert.Some ol the gramaphttne selections—totablythe duet from Trovotore," and the amourous¦Ckvruso's rendering of "fitoiriio Gentil*—<wereabniost as enchanting' as ii the singers were on-the etage. And Mies Cbfihen'e viola tlayingwas amply sufilcient to compensate—: t com*ipensation had been needed—for any rama*phonic deJocts .'"TlkE IRISH EJIIGBANT."

The only jarring rroto- the false mttapharnwst ibe excused—at the concert on Gilbnday¦wias to be found ia the pidtorial wobelMi-inir. The " iriteb Emiitrant" was representedby the figure oi & young maa' dresseU in acostume which w«ni out ot lasbinn oSrxrut acentury ago, and armed, of course, with astick and a pipe. Tbe stick may be all right,but who ever saw a peasant with an UMBIS-talkisably British pipe stuck in- bis hat-r« pipewith a narrow stem aibout a foot and" & halllong? TtoseMy Oi« tyiicol titfigiiaat mayb&ve oarried a pipe in- ho* hai, tiptt if be did,'it W«B a dudheejj) witij a thick steta sbtrctt twoinches in length—"a nosewarmer," Oioourae,tihe emigrant's picture was intended primarily{or a flritiah (audience—(the Englishman orScotsman <wHl oot accept 'tPaddy1' in pictareor on ttihe iboanda unless be weare bis p i p e iahis hat. ineebreechee, axehaio coaif <with1KIKO.T-O 1 riiicnW-viniFii of nnra\ nnd a ehSllelarfl.

Stegeiand if be wore a crape mank and carrieda blundierbuse. : '

THE MBST TUCKET. ' ! v . "Twenty yean tnuat bare gone by eii tee tny

prorions Tiait t6 tia* tb**lw. I nsCU lobfa "ftna-nigbtoe-: that*. I bov& MT&tdtaoket «t5oL *M soM^ttfM*»Wtor it ab* <>Oonjjiapg itbidirj^Uoredlibe' roo«»o4 oWjW**

Jida7 1& **« vast a va^ky Hmf F ^Rvary aearty «os» jasmjr Ws, t o t « wwr*Mkti

tbat I tttdTjosttod him oa»of *«• ftertl SSI,«nd h» dUpJaytd maeh ahjer fivMM \\'Jf»

Wu .Wmmot ,-vJ mSom *iJwtn mOJ lUWV' PPlPi

nuRnHL > HTQ iVwHflCVD^K' i S9G0J 1 ^nFvii jRWI V 'iVBV>

' ¦ 'W\ ') yf r - "' - ; ;¦-.l - '. iir|

[rsox oirs flpxotui'cbxBxsroirnaMXuz coaBispoKDasi.l

r j STOCX Ercauro«, LOJTPO*,; '^

\ ¦; ! feoftauit NioKt^ '

iBank .Rate 6 .p£r cVn&r atoce t&Ox OctobersIBM. j Next -Account Psy. 29th- NoVemtow.: aCaikefchave eased' off tgtSit A bit sifter thareccat advance, and laaoey 'fears are nillexerciedng & feeling- of xmctxtooiiff which«±ecto any coa&nuett - actvaoc« tin thapreseut, Btill, as I bav« said before, thisdoes tioit Alter <tbe fact that many sxocks «rounqueWioitaWy cheap ai their prw«q* prices,ami mveit in- time repay those who are pre-pared 10 tftfce «p their stock and hold jt untilmoney conditions improve. Con% 0 duringthe wiek liave touched 87J, bat reacted onnjooetary tears and eomei profit taxing, andare flow 66f. Home- Bafla Are inclined- to ba: dull tbe last two or three idays, but tbe under-tone here is firm, and 1 HUH hold the sameopioixin resfaading those as njueeaod lasSweek, i Yankees are'not very- gay at themoment, but are better now, and Canadian.¦Pacific Shares have improved to 187J again,!alter being- 185). These shares are expectedto go io 200 and higher in time. They atecertainly a very good investment, with mostexoaHeDA .prospects in view of the general,prosperity in Canada. f cnA tlhda in4r»««i ¦»• **fu>at metier graai concern-, Hudfion Bays, Ute !shares M which hove touched 130 during tha .¦week and are now 123*124, -alter tailing to :About 120. Reports to band corcftna continued .aotiWLty in land sales .id Osnsda eapdoiaUyIthe : town ettee, and this' Ooalpany's trackingie, said to bo on an enormous scale. Also therumour .that the Shares are to be aplit ia "b mganuch dd8<russed; .and doubtless graat pres-sure will be brought to bear an the-pow&rs'ihat .Ua in order lo bring tins about. . Tberesult from a market point of view woidd; beto render' tbe Shares ICSB uirwaiidly and thn»,if (possible, more attisctSive. A ehare stand-ing at this pmsoe, however, is a greal gamble.Urgenline Raib keep rather dull at thomoment and there is not much change of-notato record. At the moment


EailVay i Oniinary Siock seems very cheap.-¦like /tie; B. IA. Great SouXihcra and B. A.Western.! Thialine also pays 7 per cent on itsondin&iy' capital, and yields at tie present-.price ol L23i £6 13J. id. per cent. *Ehe pros-pflcta for fine Aigentine for next year areivory encouraging, and tiio bine is enjoying1.mccjt; excellent traffic , -wnich wiQ Tje fatiherincreased whten tiue line reaps the' full benfefltof the many improvemento, etc., now, iahand. The last report of the Company shewsoa increase in prom of £191,436 over the pre-cefc&og year, and tile line is iwing well main-tacissa and various outtets sod cormacticmatwith ctih«r IPncs are being cosstouoted, BO thaione may rest assured that the jxresent rateof dividend will be maintained, lathis marketca a speculation. I thinviKORTil WEST OF TJRUGUAY

Pirst PrefereMce Stock might (ba worth tuyiogat 28 to sell again at about 32 or 33. Theyhave recently touched JHi on declaration, ofa dividend of 1 per cent, having previouslyreceived noiiing aince. November, 1903. Be-eidefl tbis the traffics to date dhow a fair in-crease. ¦ ' . -1

BAH31A BUMNOA AND KOBTB -WESCEEMJiailways havo omado an Issue of 125,000 £10>ti Guaranteed Shares during tie week. Thislate is (Worked by the Buenos ' Ayres and(Pacific Company, Already referred to, whichguarautaea' its dWidende. The money re-quired ds iot extensions and to concoct Aboftwo Cih£3,; which will result ia materialIberwtfit

; rNDUSTMAM.Tho amount of business done has slackenedoff oouremhat, but C/ycle and iMotor Sharesetill ikad thff way.

HUMBBRS.are. all the rage at the mamsat, and havaadvanced to 38a. bid on large baying, and1Itihe idea iitsA they have dloBer very well -atthe jpreBerut Motor Exhalbi&Da at Olympia.They ore stoty tipped to a much- higher price.They will very probaUv have a reaction afterliho hosrp spurt of the laeft) two-days andshould then bo very, cheap.

SWIFTStoe also doing wall, and tha figures iuat pubrliabed ehlovr a, profit, oi £C073 an th& year'strading, and tha lDdrecttms have jueft rocotn-snaoSad a dividend of 30 per cent. , c-n tbaOniinary Shares, which stand at slbtnxt £H sttoare. The! Company, hoirerver, rajuire freahicapitai to «*t)ond hoir buatiBese, eapsbuflyin ooonection with their motor eeotioa, aaaan extraordinary geaecel meettang is to -b*held to auiboxise tihe issue oi £60.000 inOrdinary Shares at 2a. 6d. premd'mn. DartaoqOrdiaary are aibout 67a. 6d. end said to bododnir exoelleart'bnfifnesa. .

SOUTH D0EHA3I IRON AST) STBfit.The report of' this Company |uft issued£howB a profit of £184,443, and tho year'*trading constitutes a record'. They have de-

clared a dividend of Is. 6d. a share oa theOrd dnary.payaWeOOth. inst., and they . wiQprobaUrv improve to SOs. a ahana,. Preeeuiprice about 31s. 3d. Howard and BuUoughOrdinary Shares also neon, rwor&' afttentaan1,and ean, bo ibot jhlb ot aibout 34s- 94. TSnun Sathe large cotton nqyi in jnan'tilacJtuflciin; 'busi-ness eitoatod at Accrington in Laaoadhire.Th« shores formerly stood at a much hosierprice, but ev«n during the long period ot toidaUopsoGsiion of <the pas few years, tfaa Otxmpanynerver paid jess than 7 per cent., and there i»GTOry iproBpect of the dividend being increased-next time. Last year they pa-id 7| per cent.

I MINES.. ¦ '

Doring the week Cbartereda have jumpedup to l| orj the view that the report, wouldshow a surplus revemra. This may pronre alittle too sanguine, but the figures {which,ihowever, ,wiU not be issued till Febroarynext) may vtery likely prove' very enooaragingand the chares ehonld certainly be held.

0ONSOL1DAIBD OOUWTIHriDa.(Lord ' Hsirxin presiding iat the' Ordinary

General Meeting oi tbe above Oorapsoy. beidlast Toeadav, statai ifcit aflfer dodwdmr «x-(penaes, the^aiaacG 0M*d dowo was'X*B,469tf jt oosop^ cn Tftrto £^ DM** ' * * yoftr sj tvi y ^with tfae appjciui iiiiWaccomut, of Snj& compared with £1,382,0© odd. Tbe Oom-ipaay, ihowevex, is detfewbieg £700,000 tor

K&preciatioo, and itbe Chairman expreased thetope that such an item would, not appear inthe accounts again. TUt , Chf drmem furtberstated that' itiH) Board bad decided, to p&aaUse dividend, but they bel out the prospectof an interim dtmrfeod next June, xbe o>-oisloa not to pay a dividend now h*e been,arrived at 'after . doe consideration, oi tb»Jabour question which. stUi presents manydifrkoWea.i especially haivihg regaed to ti»whole <fae .C2«1SMW took: a -tyrty. OmOoirvtar of the fator aaa ttAjiSoftof <b««>a«etecra T itesdy, «K! a«y>«dbt**Is««,««ttpO& A Qcl «tip-AS..4jb6.o6tlHt flRdait fccj 'jf oX H J i f i AKafflrs. Min« geuemHy ftie. steady' '!«fth moltmuch, tioinfr. AttXrsUan Deep _Le«de hsjvBimproved, as the Cktod ltodden. valley, ceftiewtich Are nc(w 2|. CJona. Deep Heads are 0s.and Cteariotte Vbaix* 9e. 6d, bid. SolpfcMBDomonaitions h*ve hnproived to 19s. ' ' :.¦


! • ; ¦ ¦ "iAiL ia

9(P1^" ¦




¦ •' '

: ¦.


- (At-the Erectiof' yesterday c( Allsopp, andBon»,. Ltd., the trading ik*3 ior >he p*ci ;fifteen mont4i» ww pot ajiirt65,iAl0. Xhi» com- ,pany ,bas 4 .trretobed, hialofy-_ Jptji**^ . . i!

NEWS : OF $ffi^ " WEEK


•A homb exploded on Sunday , near ih&jHigh. Altar oi St. Peter's' at "Rome. The ex-plosion caused a eceae of indescribable; com-Simon amongst the engreg'a.lion which was¦composed chiefly of ' iorerigneK, soldiers, and(women'. LFoCunstely ¦; no one ' was irijuied.The iPopo ' .was. engaged: iai Mas daily., de-•votikms when 'the sound of the explosion dis-turbed him. Cardinal CRampolla .wjw ' In .,theSacristy of St. Peter's '. .«t the .time, ;,andCardinal • Merry de Vail was in the ! Bo-rgiaapatftmenits . woriing•with hia.private secieitarywhan the explosion happened. A triij iuumiwill be observed in all : the churches incomein expiation of the sacrilege. .. ; .. ;

:TJp rto lie present all effonta of ithe jpolioetdij- discover the perpetrator or .perpetratonsof the outrage have'been-Tvi-tho-iit result. CountCamillo Peoci, nephew of Pope Leo XEDI.,rw«s the fiist 1o rush to -Sie spot where theexplosion occurred . He picked up the , frag-ments *>i the bomb whilst they .were stillhot, and three oi his fingers were slightly(burned, WMLst the police oi Rome haveIh-ad to <xxnifes3 failure, those if Naples havesucceeded in arresting the anarchist, Lagana,•Wlvo murdered Prof ossor Rossi, of the Uni-iversit-y, on Monday ¦'by stubbing him -to theheart .¦ _

The Roman Correspondent of the "DailyChronicle" says it was proWbly withoutspecial knowledge or malice that the bombrrcMch exploded in St. Peter's was placed be-eide Canora's masterpiece—the tomb ofClement XML Canova was 60 generous to.¦She people that even the hand of ananarchist might well have refrained fromurmlatin? the least of his sculptures.


ffhiiilop tyres shcxwed up well at the. Olym-pic Motor Show. A count was taken; upon theopening day , of the number, of tyres fitteddo ' cars, and it was ascertained that .there(were morel Dunlops than any two .other(makes, and 250 more than the next highesttotal. On the Dublin; Stock . Exchange onBaturday Dunlop Ordinary were dealt in atH3/3i, and Deferred. 4'6.


A prize of £50 was recently offered by the" Animal's Guardian" for the 'best anti-vivdsection novel. The prize has been wonby Mrs. Emily Robinson, of Belfast, daughterof the late- Colonel Coningham.


The Galway County Council have passed:. a resolution that they " learn with regretI ithat the National Bank, which has hereto-fore enjoyed the confidence of so many: County and other .Councils in Ireland, hasrefused to accept cheques, signed 'solely in

i Irish. From a Bank calling itself National; sympathy with the . language movement wasI to "be expected instead; of the anti-iNationalI feeding shown by ;the j - .directors. English•hanis have accepted cheques signed isolelyfcn Irish, and we hereby request tha .National¦ Bank to do likerwdse; and in the event of onr

:. meqaiest being refused, we reserve the right'tp take such further action as may be¦ necessary in Jtiho matter;"


The ¦Dublin, "Wacklow and WexioTd Rail-way announces that on and from Januaryflat, 1907, the name of tie Company mil bealtered to the "Dublin and South EasternBailway."


¦ Mr. Bourke-iCockran was married in NeiwlYork- last Friday to -Mies Annie Ide, eldest'daughter of 'Henry C. Ide, formerly Governorof the Fhillipine Islands Judge MartinKeogh was the best man.


An interesting caso of purchase has jus."Ibeen completed '¦ on ,' the estate of the Rev.Jioseph K. Cummins, the tenant being Mir.Rtepihen Flavin,' Coolalhar. The latter hadfcwo iholdings (aggregating 164 -acres, theoriginal rent ofahich . was £260. Fifteenyears- ago this "was reduced by the LandCourt to £1190, and six months ago it was(Deduced to £Hfi0.' By the; terms of purc-Hasefche future yeaiiy - payment is £131 10/-1, adeduction of 22 3-1& per cent., or about 2ipears' purchase.


:. .The Land Act of 1903 -provided that <iheposineiral righitfl on. estates -passing under thel&tit -were to be dealt with "as Parliamentirihall provede." ¦: This left the- Estates Com-missioner.* powerless, to deal' (with euchimoneral rights, and the purport 61 the n#jr[BUI • to giveithe Cammissdonerapowersto> dispose of these rights. (We have reasonio believe that the difficulties of interpretingthe mineral clause in ; .the Wyndbam Actiwsre first brought home to the lEfetates Com-missioners by the resuscitation of thecopper-nrrin-ing industries in .Ronmahon.


SDt is expected that the formalities in con-neofian vnih the registration of the aafionaltrade mark will be completed in ample tameto enable Iriah producers to the nowy«iax with the trade mark of the countryE&amped on their goods.


(Mladam MeUia (whose voice -was heardlast night at the Theatre through the ageiicyof iie gxamaphone) ia said to be negotiatingCor the purmase of Garry Castle, on theIbanke of the- Shannon, with the intention ofpresenting tihe property to her son who i»labout to be married. Since the days of(William JM. this . estate had belonged totheArmstrong famJl'y. The last to reside therewas Major Oareterei Andrew Armstrong. He(mtrah desired that the Restate should bo. ac-quired fay his vxwn family ; but he died1 be-fore his iwishes Tvere realised. iMme.ttlelba's hudbandns-aa a cadet of the baronet'sbranch of the.Annitrangs.


(Mr. Hlancr Kiaw, who achieved fame asiftho murdered of Mr. S&nford 'WHte, hasbeen declared to be insane. His : laTyyeifi'will defend Mm on the plea oT "emoftional¦tosanity"—a very ' convenient complaint,'.aou!htl€E3. - : •


iA nmriber of Iriah w5taes3es are to giveevidence this •week before the Canals, andIWhlenwayd OommiEsion; Jba ne^leot of ourwatenwaya in Ireland is a crying sin.


: tta his ervideooe given on Monday before theCongested Distrioto OommdEsian, Mr.'Doran,(ChSeif Inspector of Che ; Oongested (Districts(Board, said be had no faith in the itinerantinfifirua'ioj i sdames of the Iteparkneat, andfthait' it would be better to make the wo-rk aBuooeo.} in s few places than to attemptwort in many and not succeed. (He thoughtHJhATftiBhonild . "be a demonstration plot ineonnetifioii with1 ¦every ; rural male fichlool,pb<$ considered• that pie, teachers should re*oedve training similar W -Qiat which OounAyDxutenatorB oi the Oepartment; mm received.


;. .. , T}*fr.."Iifiai 'TiaB««" ;i»; aneasyj ' It ttebes- lawi the Irish Nationalist Party ia abffttt to

wa&*> -a 'bai «S*€inirt : -.«d^, *hiaW xf trgwiaafe, and rally to tb«r E)de' $t« -manywavarew hy o. eeneataoail coup. "14 tdll b«keaugMxatM" (GSXB the London? correspondent

; .«* tte "Iifan TW) ".ihat £2pi»0 faaB *eto,1J*n«U6ed -4ar. .Avuaica : i*r ibhy**&r'£****¦'

uBsfe . wCQi the proimdseS <n1

wi i <«j tspona Jcosn~ y ^ai (nS3A \ iand '¦ Vke- home-HftBeAap flipuld

:- fc*«d L OVCT e iM Ataife: -II «D1: t>6 rtcolleicted' that «. Ml Ixwb tHefej i thpt

. the cersseeaiitiag 0J ttte j Lan4',Qott»r«nce,I ' loi»eJ th*;!iaad <j t. thej 'tucmrjjn ' WM. vtm-

d'ife-:yi^r.t<MiM^^ J*0»

-»«»¦;» ,peaq».

NIAiGAKl IHiij ffiNESSED.The electrical energy genopated at Xcagafa

(Falls was. delivered at Toronto—eighty,1! milesdifrtant—on . Monday night last. iA supply pf40,000' librse'power is 'available. 1. I . - —— '. , .i


¦ In his evidence given on Tuesday beforethe(Royal • Commissicn on "Irish Canals and(WiateEwa(}is> Calcmel Elews, General' Managerof the Great Northern- Railway,' declared thatIthe.' teaffic bf:> Ireland .ivas' limited. ObtsideK/hej manufacturing poitfikras oi the countrymoi.muic&Ntramc oan -be expected. Th^IriahraUiwiayiS' a:e quite capable, of dealingj with,¦thel Jtrafflc! which now exists, or is likely toibe .ji pjod-ujbed,. and, therefore, he di^ notthiafc '.any good purposes' -would be " erred!by j the «xpendd'bure-of further public money(upon watenw&ys. • ' : ;

IRJSH' ¦BNiDUST.RLA'L DEVfiLOKMiENTAlt. a meieMng d the Council of the Dublin

lEnduatrial 'Development' Association held.this week'in iDablin it was .pointed out thatan ioitder for 9,000 forage caps for the Royal(Irish i Conetaibuiary had been placed with a'London finm, '¦ although last year's 3upply(was made- imost satisfactdrily in Dublin. TheCounnil agreed to take the matter up with(the; Inspector-General, iRoyal Irish Con-etaloulary, - and inquire the reason why thisorder was seiM out of Dublin.

iA-t the j ame mc-eting a letter was readfrom Mr. T. P. Gill statins lhat the Depan-aniirt were not in a position , under existingconditions, to recommend the establishmentoi tiie sugar beet industry m Ireland.

DIVORCE CASESi\Ve cordially endorse a resolution of the(Dual:n ilethodd&i Coun'cil protesting against,tba ; unrsiiri cted publication of nauseous

divorce cases. The Oouncil goes on to say(fihai, vi-liile ' it fully recognizes the difficultiesof the case, and is de&irous that the libertyand ir.dependence of 'the Press should beunain-SrtDedl, ft feats most strongly Uiat thedignity, an-ii decency of the Press ia j f eveagreaUsr wnpomance; and , above all-, tha.t theimoRal and! religious inatin-cfe of the .' com-munity - shouk( be respedted and kept freefr:/m this ¦ run/warrantable violation. TheCjurtcil further " feefe oallled upon to .ex-precs its hope that .the alteration of Ui«Legislature may speedily be direcited to thesubject wdih a view ito making th« pub-licatij n of all offensive partacolans in suchcases a penal offence."T.HE ¦NATIONAL GAILLER

Mr. Waklron , ifj P., has- been appom teo a¦Governor and Guardian of th? NationalGallerv oi Ireland in the room of the laiteRuglut Rev. illgr. ITolloy. D.O. Sir WilliamThorni^y Stoker , MJ)., and Mr R. S. Long-•\vor:!i 0amei have been re-appointedG-vernors for a funiher period of five years.

A. FURTilER "CA.L1ilfr. E. X. ILarney was called to the Bar atGray's Inn on Monday evening. Mr. Harneyie already an Irish and an Australian

barrister. iAnd, more, than all else, he ifi aIWaterfordman.IRES.H OHAMBKRS OF COMMEBiCE

A special meeting of the Dublin Chamberof Commerce was .held on Monday, the ob-ject ) being to confer with ithe represen-tatives of the Belfast, Cork, Derry, Water-ford; and Limerick Chambers, and as a re-6uAt : of *the conference it was agreed to ad;vocaite, in the evidence to be given beforethe ! iRaiVays Commission, (a) ithe amal-gamation of the Irish railways, with Im-perial add; (b) to ask the Department ofAgriipul'Tire to appoint one ox two represen-.tatir-aa of each Irifh Chamber of Commerceon the Council of Agriculture; (c) and toita ie j Steps to secure an amendment of theBankruptcy procedure in Ireland.

•A isup?63.tion of /the Limerick Chamberthat :the various Irish Chambers should beassociated for mutual assistance was ap-proved of ,; and it -was decided to eom-munioat? with the other Chambero on thesubject. ,

THE BRILLIPINESI*, ha* been evident for some time that inthe PhiUipine Islands the Dnited States hadacquired a white elephant. A telegram from(Washington states that 'negotiationfl have¦be^n ! opened , between the British and DnitedStates . .Govmmente with a view to the ex-charjjnng of .the Phillipine Islands for New-foundland and JamacLa. No responsibleetattaknen , however, will venture an opinionon the Ne^Tfoundland is1 to be bartered, theTDadly Mail" ivill have to be consulted as itsproprietors recently-pTirchaaeda considerable¦tract; of forest land there for the purpose ofconviartins the trees into paper-pulp

NEW TtnER'UMESThe passenger traffic between England andthe ConSoBeat. via the Dover-Ostend line hasgreatly increased lately; largely owing to thean'roduj c-tion of the new itunbine steamer(Princess Elizabeth, with a Speed of twenty-tfoii-r j knots: ; This has encouraged the Bel-gian i Government to add to the number ofILurbdne s.teamer3 for their Dover-Oatend line,and the necessary funds have just beenv-.-itcd for the building of a new steamer ofithis;deooiription, which will be proceeded

"wi'hj immediately.MiBMORilAiL TO TOM MOOER.

LV ; meeting- of the Executive Committee ofMie i Moore Jleanorial Fund was held at 41iFit7;uiiliam Place, on Tuesday, the RighttHon-jmrdble the Lord Chancellor of Inlandin the chair. On the mcftion of Mr. JusticeiBaiKrm, aeooraded by MT. 'WaldTon, it was¦unanimously, resolved ithat Messre Badkin,•EnTiia , JWDann, and Baxretit: be authorisedto represent the . Executive Committee at theunveiling cereoirony at Bronxham on ¦ Satdr-da-y next, and that Mr. Ennis be authorisedia ppceed to IDevize3 snd make all neoes-sary iarrangeaneats thoremth.The foll«wing -res<slu!'ion, proposed by theBlnsMr oi the Eoto, and seconded by Mr.iBodkin , was : parsed unanimously :—/"Thai the Exeoutive Committee cannot letIthe/oMfliion of the completion of the secondpart oi the work for which, the movementito hjo iiour Moore'a memory waa 6.tarted ;paissiwiltliout placing on record their sense of theBplehdiid co-operation th«y have had fromShe i .Rev. Alex. S. (Hiartisan, Wroughton,ftwicdon , ^who flrsrt called attention to theaefifilicited oonditton of. Moore's grave."(Lord Fitsnnaurice io to be pireseni at theunveiling of | rthe anemorial at BromhamCem^.ery. near Derczes, in Wilts, on Satur-day i j neav The Right Kon. Jamee Brycc,the iCh ief Secretary for Ireland, has alsorarit-ten ^o the committee expressing thehope thj<' he. will be a.ble to assist on theocean; on.

AX ! IRISHMAN'S PLAYAn original plav, entitled " Tom Moore,"iby lltr. R. '¦ G Walshe^ was successfuDy pro-dliCtxi in C3oiini«I thia week. The play dealswith :r>«n'ati^ incidents in Moore'e life.; h to bei produced at Carriek-on-Suir on'Friday eveiling, ' and in Waterfard on Friday

L.Ai.NH) PURCHASE TEAKSACTIONThj} amount of money required at the endof SVptMriber j to finance the land purchaseitran4a»?tions ; is . esMmated at £45,311,639.Nea.ily fourteen millions ' of this had been&dvh ic4.i to end of September. Mflre . j.han(hhrec -fourths of the . itranaKftions . ;betweentonddpH and! tenant jwere'affected withoutIthe tr.terve^itlon ;of the ComnriB3ioners. j-. ¦ ;¦ '. I_ 1— — '¦

' p SfRs' LETCESiS ©EQUEST. 'Thi^re is 'some ^UJappointment in etore forithe ipuij tih: dwuatie*. lit was expected ;that•Mra.'itLe.wns, the v r if cy r.M the iamoua money-'ieade -, Mr.- Sam,'Lewis, would .feove XiP/OOO"«ar.t)« hsu^&t cf the .poor ,oi tbft CilT of{%rb4 n. .It is now ftnaotonced .that : the«^taal sim willed' }>y Mm. Lewi».is X6^00Q,too4.;iiii«, hoped thai thw ucj ll be angmentedSoter; iwhen', the1 trustees • come to deal withih» Bwidwre .jit th.« .ealata;: ¦¦ ¦¦¦> ••;; ' ; •¦'¦ •• j " ', '

. ' . TNTBBEBTnNO 'WJEDDJDNO. . x¦' ilC jo 'r Ch'^ "HonouraMe Mxrriough' O^Bfien,feaU»r ol ;L»rd>"!Ihchiquin, waa married onmMm& W. dt St. Jamef o 'OaXkoUb Church,figwtifib Place, IM&on, t& Miig MiwuferileE*i , 'daughter of .tiii lafo Mr.' Lawis.i VN^^rorfc

aad siM^'of Princ«j 8a Charles ofJDMttltoM.-.^e; ©ride' yr &- glyen '' tntas.i, f»yOWoA«ft Bydtiey \Pamemm; h&t brother-in-

I : '.; ".^COlte ' 11A3C-'mif t s ij B P }_ (Dfc : 3fli stUted- that tiui ©eW Oommittea onto p* TajTlTrill rwmo JarS?raS

r> .,-t *„ *•>

3^THE SUFFERING .OF! -ANIR3ALS 'sS isi i VH;. ,SUixUl Ttutmuit glren la Tk» E.P.A. Book. 1M fe*(«3. ttustntad. doth t*v& cottrt. , . , | ' .. * '

TMS. ^SLLIMAN FIRST*AID B0OK.:.AtOir.iALS TREATMENT-^ EdMoo. coapM^taa^oocop^coiMuii tho coMMBNDA.:

.j TION of PRACTfCAUjHORSEMEM, ««<l OWNERS OS.AMIMAligMjtnllr UiK>ugt>ou!,m« Worid. by rru.- ;of tho Rihootl Tr<utmtnt H .tBoito In c«M Bf Acdd«ntt o.'«n4-jll]aS«Sl of UORSE3, CATTLK. D0C3 Oiu 1

- . 1BIRD3. u fadlcited by tfaU :tuamuir of In Coat«nt>:. . * , . | . - : i . . 1 * ' > ') ¦ > '• ¦ •HORSES—Bbkmatlsral JpraJni of tte Back, Shonlijer, Stint Joint, Dock, Knee, CBtct LtiUmcnl , '

Back Ttndom, Ftcloc*, PaJtcro; aba B«ntd Ufii,|Sil)ot« Ttien formlnj, SpraoJ Slnows, Spaflr. <Otcr-reaclies, Rlstftiono, Sld«t>oi}e. S«ro pic», Sore!™n)«l r:S<"»"8')("Il«err.«>»f">n CoU. Co»<h. -.Strangle!, Broken Knefs, Cutf, WoaniU, Cappel Elbo»i Cfipwd-Uocly ClilUeiPLoIrs, BromWiis, -Con^ejuJu •! tat Unr iod ct Use Umiu, InftumMUoaiol. the laoii eni otlte Bonlt, Cure o t 'HOIMI,^C. Paje4 1ta S7. . ; , j _ ; . , . . . , -< T; - : ¦ . . . i

CATTI,E.-Co9aoB DIstaiM Cf. -wlth .PwKriptloaj,, PsJfs ISS to. 103. ¦: L , •DOGG.-Rbcanatljn, SyraUi, Cranp, Vnitis, C(rU, ITonndj, Keant? Cancnui Ccancl Dressing

i f f IloondB and olier. Doia. BroocWui, Distemptf, C . Pa^M BJ to 154.. ¦ : i :


DIRDS.-tttieoDatljn, Ul -*tikoeu,Hoap, Ej -bootia, plttaKS ot the Cenb,4t.| :PaS;s 157 to lt^

, THE ELLIJIAN FIRST-AID BOOK, rdwij.. po« ft»«ito in p u t s of tfce -woHJ .{(bmjn •Mmot kccn wAOr upon Mm to bo (Mind upon'* Ubd iffixod ta BiV o«tiU«'o(t»« btci of tti» TOppcr t<J>.. Cs. C±,boules of

. BLtrtlAN. SO^S «nTcO.. SLOUpH. BNGtAND. i - .> B.P.A. Boo^-AHimS Treatment RE,P. BpotHlmMl Sreatmeitt



It Is with deep rogrot , Indeed , that we have toannounce the death of Mr. William Dowllng, thePrincipal Teacher of SUeveruo National Schools;Waterford , Tho sad event took place on Mondaynight, after a protracted illness, which, how-ever, he borci with great fortitudo and withChristian resignation to tho Divino Will. Thedeceased gentleman was a valued correspondentfor some years of " The News," and an ardentsupporter of tho profession of which he was anhonoured and distinguished member. It may beremembered that when! thd Irish NationalTeachers held their last! annual Congress InWatcrford , Mr. Dowling was unanimously calledupon to preside, and that his opening address onthat occasion was characteristically moderateand worthy of the occasion. He was also chair-man o( the Watcrtord Branch of tho NationalTeachers' Association, abd as such , notwith-standing some differences of opinion amongBtthe members as to matters of detail , he wougolden opinions. It was tmly a few %veoks agothat in 8t; Patrick's 8chools, Waterford, hepresided at a Teachers'1 Mooting, whore thoRev. T. F. Furlong addidsssd .those present onthe subject of Tomperanco and Hygienic in-struction in National Schools, a scheme asto which our deceased trieind heartily concurred.Providence has willed that he BhaU not seo theresults of the movement,| but his example willnot bo forgotton. He was an honour to hisprofession, he did his duty with discretion andability, and was, 'in fact, a conscientious in-structor oi the children committed to his chsrge.We sympathise deeply ¦ with his bereavedrelatives upon his loss, which is shared bymany outside the family household. Thefuneral toolr placo on Wednesday.—B.I.P.

:1 -iltftfWfciL'' *e>* in ** **°*f*j '

}/£Xj *WJ9k i&Wia iJf JktJ "t P 1, fjgil »-iiMW-*wm onfa. ¦¦MJiiiii mCmiS, \¦¦ lEiflHHHBCM iMiM itiiMon'- 3»t

ii^u^ar ffujoi «. oo.

.:':i !Wi < i i '/ .'.TXTnV .Ill'MTTTTWm/ . ! , . I"' '• * • *t ! .\i ..

¦ :! ¦ » . i . ¦ ' -1

THB' ;ATO^AtiiAN ''o ai £0!5nb ,ijo. : -.

¦. TSSE, HfOMiBSULE FJWHv,' .' .... i i

¦;' il ', da&i for . S lf iOOhaa been. 4onwirde4,, hf3>r. .Ni li,<W>pniiell, !Pr>eild«ot oi ww .tTaitlddiish iLeiKU6v. VicrtoniA, [to, ¦ (Mi. Join,,'Bop.-mrttd.T^h O1D|0nnell:' Ji» coding ,the (ldrAftB^i.^LS^ltj ia ^xpm^i, re-ceived in addition from; Viot ri*. .¦! Aayus»ttcaL Mr. fDerlin | are to the effect) tnaA. t&f i »

£9,0p6 in, NW , South 'Walee. HA, u eatim»t5d¦Out M A MBultat that tou? through A-ustr«U*and New. Zealand,- £H 6f iO6 irill he wot , to theI^«';Eule v4|ia( , ' , j .. ,;| , , . - ,. ..; , ! v



The remains of this lady who died, asalready announced, on Thurcday week, wereinterred on Saturday dn the family burialground at Ballybncken. ; i

The chief mourners were—Messjs. P,a.tri-!k,Garrett, James, Brian and !JO3epih Ouning-•ham (soais); P. Mbloney anrj l Brian. Ounninjr-ii-am. ' ' I

Amongst tihoee who attended the funeralwere—Bev. T. P. Purlongr, Arim, . and Rav. W.OlOonnell, O.C., Th©- Ctlhedral; The l£ayo^,The Qity H jh Sheriff ; i J.> J. Feaiy, GeorgeGilligan, P. Hcggina, Michael CheevxiB, M.F. Fitzgerald, John Oollina, fiidhaid Stial-ford, Patrick Hennetoy, P. Power, Sigh-street ; James Barry, Thomnd Wlalii; Erancis-stTeet; Joseph Oiwiihony, John' OlF&nell, T.Donnelly, Bnidse-atreet;iP«il Oaulfleld, sen ;P. V. Oaulfield, i W-. Slkdloe, Tiomas Don-nelly, Ballybcicken; if . iMorrran. -BochiaitlGrant and eons; Mesire. Bowe Bjothers,Messre. GiUigan Brothcire, John Barry, Jaa.Barry, WdlUam .BedHy I and eons, XhonuisIxmsmire, H. J. Hunt,j " Wiat-arford NerwB ";Jbhn MoBvoy, iEichael Grant, Hash Oon-ste/ble; 3. Lynch, Janaesl Seiton , J. Muln>ney,Messrs. William Btwvnc ahd ilichael Ker-aaahan, Portarlinston; ] John. (Harridan, S.ITerry. C. Hlogati, eea;. C. Hoc-an, jun; D.OHeally, 6on ; John Ka tmas'h, John O^Eedlly,James Hearne, The Quay ; W. J. and Chaa.DRioberteon, P. "Walsh, . BarroniStrand-etoeeii;John- Byan, Lloyd Hiitcninson, T. FitasanaldiTranuore; Nicholas Quinlan, Thomas Doyle,John Murray, Edward Doolam, Denia Doofaa,iL. (Doolani D. Doolan,! juri - II. R. Wlalfih,J. Powell, T. : Greene, Jame3 Barry, iun ; 3.Barry, L 'Karvick/ W. Iiynn, T. llaion , T.¦Heyfin, D. Heylin, Edv^ard Larkin, etc., etic.

The final prayers at the graveside were readt>y the Hev. Fattier- O/Donoj -hue.' O.C.


O '


Tfesterday morning, ', the mails fromLondon and South. Walea wero C3ai,n late.¦In fact, the irregularity ^1 tlieir arrivail is(becoming quite monotJoiious^ and the Water-<ord pu'bdic are now ; rnx>ndering when apunctual service ; will materialise. We havemore than once, in the interests of oom-cpetfcial Watertord, drajwn: attention to thee/bsetoce' of regularity, "aindvivten. we mentdouthat since tjhe.' 'tot''of Setptemiber, whencenaw route syjBitem ' from{F^shgiiard, to "Wat came into operation;, upkSi only six occa-sions did it ' fulfil what-. 17123 eipdoted' of it.Tn3te thi3 morning as an' example. The mails»vTiich', via Etosslaxe, should hfi/yi& 'ireaclhedithe termini here at 6-2o a.m., did'.not cometin until 7.30 a.m., a loss; of tame when transitfrom platform to po6t office is considered ofover an hour. Add to $his delay the necee-&ary time requiied for Eortang, and the Ios3of time cannot be lesa than an hour and ahalf. . '

The alight mail ia Bent out (or dedi;3exy eachmorning^ at seven o'clocik punctually, and iftho mail train . from i Bowlaj o arrived atscheduled time, thero would be a prompt andaunultoneous delivery, but such , deliverieshave up to the present. ,been as fow.and faras angel's visits.' Even'with this' draw<backith© ' local post ofDce atrthorities are doingtiheir beat to minimise the iticoirttsnienco,- iattaa ep<3cial staff of messengers 'ar6 Held inreserve .by M!r. Brogan,i tj ie postoiasteT, forthe puiposo ; of " speeding forfch • mUx theLondon and Soulih. of (England 'lfiMarS"'¦ &a4~parcels—-when they arrifro. ' HoW it will bewhen the Christmae tnaffiip 'ooimed to be dealtwith, via Fashguord. and BoaaTsire, we mustleave to the Great Western Directora-<weatheroermiWinir. ol oouree-. ' '• l ;


AIT f.«. )^F.y •¦ \- if~ '*{< I- '.|' :' \ t S |- ! ir ¦ '.'< '. • j « ? • ¦¦«<' • ¦J-'-i

f • rv» ' X ,/1/i* • M'. ¦, j




Tuesday another serious accident occurred1on. the Ros9lare section, of the G^S. and ;W.CRiailway at Waterioni iNorth, SWliion, tiiiBibaing1 the fourth, w-taclv haa .b.apj>ened withintine- past five moxOha, the oilher. three ierini-natdng fatally. Tho •ytictim in ' the presentoa&e is a flag-man, belonging to tho BignATHn^diqpartmient, named'- Thomai Saundera, tigtaoibout tihiity:yaars', a native oi Kilkenny, anduipnanried. : lit aj>paar3 ^ihat (shortly ¦<ven o'cloxJk pjh.,' when tihe Di;blii- tr^inhdd atjaved; Sanndeia £zim' 'ovi duty to lookafter oome Bh.-nn.tmjj operations. The higjhlvrjf& especially in-clamant,' and he csuaiea plantern.; fw tho puxpasa of his ^work.1 - Thisrow«iTe two engines on diSeront se4 ol Fails atthe wharf side, and tiiere is no doubt thath^ was aware of tho presence and poslti6n oibath oi them- Ho equalled one oif them tocome an, ¦cefhieh. it did, tnd just as it ap-proached him !

HE STEPPED A3UXEto let it pass, when the pother ensine to whichM B ihack was luiSta "1 evidently, camo alonGunjhcgrd by h.inv an,d kiiocked^JTO'.dpwTJ. ThewJk^ls pi ,t)w> on£Jmo i tdsod iywca Mo xijrhlshoulder and arm; mutilating the poor fellowifeiaSully; in1 fact, :.{i<> arm iwas aaly. held to$18 t*>4y f i i&r liaajneots. He . receivoilother bodily injuries of] a Ies3 eeiious natttro.It i is belierod thj ii ¦ tip nojaa oi thfl firetengiae which passed, prevented oifl hearingthe approach oi toe other, the driver of whdxjhstopped immediately he 1 was aware eomethios.-was.wrong1. The injured man was conivey das gently as possiblo to one oi the waitingrooms, whew dithaush in groat fain h© ro-tained oonscionCTpra, and was able to givea auccincrt. detailed aboount of what hailimppaned, iEev. leather. Prany -was immedi-ately- in- attondanoo, and subsequently Dj .George I. Modcesy w&s on th-e aoano andafforded what surgical' Assistance the timeand oiroamBtanoeo penndtted. By tho.daotor'aadvice the sufferer was placed on an ambti-lanoe and taOsem to the!County end Oity In-flrmary, where ho vnsa rocaiv«i by the Besi-dent Suweoco-, • Bri Hogm,: and memboro oitlha nurainc.atafl. Bvarythins posaiMo ra3done to alleviato hia sufferings, 'and aVeloveno'cjlook' in the forenooniuj^'was doing as-wallOBimic-ht be expected. Sounders is a steady.influotriotts nvm, . and .imts^msir. :th»usht • oi(by| MB imanediate. Buperkxre on tho line.SeJijtB. Clifford jund Eoman and QoBfifablolOolgan were preoent-immediately alter thocasualty was reported at tho. barracCoJi

Wo reproduce tram last . Wednj^fsday e" Evening News" our I comm<:jit3 ,on , . thiatragedy:— • n > i 1


' . . 1 ¦ ¦

- ¦ > > '. . :-|

It is hash timo..that;; eomething should bosaid about the daushliar v/hich jo' going onatifhe railway at tho Nofth Side. R.^righttan|d jtist for a Railway | Company to do^Cvery-thinj; in its power to protect its ffcriiina andits passengere, trot i\\ ia neither rlj fht norjusit Itihat this 1 protodtion.chould be 'attainedat. the cost oi maiming and tilling1 railwayBeOTante. Since ' . the j iBossiare line ' • ,ym&opened about half ' a 'dopen' railway 'servant*hove been tilled or Ijadly injured- of 1 the!NdohJi eide-rfall iaoddeats wUch should'' no*h^e occurred.' ' ' Ifost'^f tho 'elaugh,t&sinjj9have taken th'o,shapf, j oi aVs^4de'lit6'.toll mtnfpr^o were acting as. siaoals, and a»yon& 'sV'holm Geen this kind, of • cignjOlisg.. done- atFertybani' can 'ea^ly jjud ^e' 'ihai'thd pienwdio yjtenipiit' JbaveVto", p i^'o ff i [).<>,¦,whichno-: railway -cesv^nt! ehould-fie-¦¦..-eipased. - ¦

: 0!k>- doubt thft - iriiidi; il'flie ''.jftatt«i)i ' -li' flikk(the Bosslare TVMA

¦ was opened /before' 'theline ira*- iajomoughiy . 'prepared '- for ¦ bafBc;tod it i» «he poor,workman -who has to p*yth« - penalty at. thia - unreadin<ssa. ' Iiie—es-pecially a worlsnan's; lifftyl* dirt cheap.You can ineuTe,,gainst'hlfe losa on rem^rk-6^i {a-wmmblo > A6iin9 U'he. i» a BervaMt '<<fya rds; ^d if'. ybtt i tojtoe'j Wm; or 'Hlij Mmjror i, .'need . ay*

no ]u ^k pj '.,, fla, tad

^na id pay adU&ig extra tot the •Umghderr ;your fawij isnipo frry? :'},' 1tl V/ VVBI L (nwyUpipV'10JA I 'JWJiW/' If::i *>»i,WPi ,i«p»BO*'.! :ip.! p«'tuiad, ibxmt bi»iiwif« (Jr hfa chfldrwu' Thibfiw ibeea. ''pr '. nip : be pald in, ijsito .iny ;tfit^ltitij tg they nny Miidure. .£jwwuk :Hn.\ohftap, t&thera a» y^eap. :1A\ B4J^^: OO^B-°paiyaiiy. em •e*4.i taj in Sc* 'mmf. :<M tAii» \&&a&>-f r e t ?- iwo^:fc'iha ;i:'«UU-iai* ma« tw oarrVtrol^-i^a^^-f'ffWodi, if fee j n&al i. m^>«4. ltn\ hr^L--Uf«n i ?ot hi* 1«R i» tomi I off. : -. 'Ad LttutaniaOaQi*ny oaa flx i% c*»h. 'vdt»¦&%'Mi t»irf ]«n' *im. : .. - S . : ' i ' l- ;¦' ¦[ I : -V, '/^!:lt^ti \l

FATAL TERMINATIONPoor Saoindera , lipgsred on. unta one

o'clock, when unmistateftble sfena «( im-pending collapse set in, and he died hdl anhour later. At tfoa3 ra,te—<an ayeraje oi adeath a month—xa51w£ r men will begin, tolook askance at the north eide.



ia cases oi fatal accident on- .railways or in:faBtnafiea the -inoiddjt ,-1 accoidins to 1flio, Eih-plbyer'fl LiabiUty A<it, must bo reported to t4eiOoroner of tho district Jo tho Bosaxi oi fedo,dm order, very properly; to ertaiblo that, Do-pjuitmant to haivo cipart opinion upon taocau&e of the aooddent, aiid to: tib&ain a. raportthat would ibe helpflil 'ia future. ! -

In the case of ' tho esnalman, ThLanajaSaundere, -whose trajic death iiaa beenalready described, this procedure baa beeno'bsGrved, and we ore aware that Cto&ntfr E..N, Power has communicated tho 'circum-:stiiciM to the Board of Trade, preparatory«©' O inquest. _ ¦ : ,j

ileancime tho police called tosother tt' juryjjthe members of which viewed tha body ofthe deceased yesterday in the preaence:of Head Constable Allen and Sesgt. Bawaji. :Previously t-wo ibrctther3 of itho deceased;Rdchaid and John, had araived and arranged,iCor the funemJl-, •wihich toous jplace to-a4yin! the family burial ground at .Kilkenny..Much BympaiJiy was felt fox thcan, in. tihoir,iber*av*nieivt. i ¦ :';'

AB we have ctatijd, the naccs~ty ior inform-,ing the Board of Trade, cieatea o delay in'¦rejjard to the holdinj.of the Inquest,. which;tha Coroner has fixed for Friday, the 30t!hiaat. . . . '

ai- .-'vji

wi%H2h ;: ; ;;2/e&3ie ;|; ¦•

Hikli-fcaBs ^onninentali -Works,' (NextJ»_^,_ John'f Ohmrch). '¦

^ILLIAJST^AFFNEYIs prepared to execute *11 OrdtaB for

aiQNUMHNmAIL ip OHIDiBOH (WOEK."(None 'too largo to he dealt wifh. Nona («*

onteJl let W^o his personal nttenUsa.iPricea iQ ell cues Modemte, and ; HzA

Material tLapd. . ; . • - , \ • ' ,iwrT.TiTiilM:. Jf ^AiKKNiK,y "j ti'»T received! do

most flattering tefltimonialiito* .the oleijaacGind miperior anieh: I 'vrork lift "baa executed.CELTIC OBOflSES vAiND INTIBRiLAOlNG¦ ; ' ¦ A SBBOTiAIilTY.


¦¦ ¦-¦ ^ M & I Z Jl rGERM CAKE)


GOOD..FOB ALL STOCK,1 ; ' ¦' GtJAiBii TEBD ANAI.YSI3.' ' ¦Hobture ._ 8;70O;v ;.. _.. 7,17/""Dumirioida - 14X0,G^rUHHydratcj M ..«.. G1.C3Ci uiode — 3X3

1 Aiih. ¦¦'- ' , C- J

1 i 1C0.C0i iDiatrict Anento:—¦

KELLY -& CO,i oowrj'O LAr;2, : : ,i4;ATuP.i7cr.D




JAMES MOIE,Engineer, llillwright, Iron and Brci3 Fo-j .r.dr»

aid General: S~Jth.

A aAenltvral Implements/ &>., Repaired.

Ship Repairs to Boiler and / Jcc,".:r.:rjt far.-j Diceription of Urgvit WorL

Pro~ptly Attended to.

Tcksrcm o end Letters —

J. MOIE,BOI/TGU-STEEET, Wfttorfoiv].


Uotoblbocd lCi>i Inwrporited 1G74


Tto Bnaicccj already dona czc:cdat780,OOd-. ltca'orve Fond, 315,|jOO-

(icjul C»p*oso3 Fixed ond tasicrtta.Jipc?lt3 rtccived «t tho following rztos of inicrc:itCZ cf InCftao Tux. :— - •&i Cafl — ...' .. — 2J'. per Cent, pci Acu=ia&-<)r On« or Two fcata... J ' ,

LTojthra «cin»' : ... ?J „t.t Pf<«p«Dtna iiid etety, ioformntioa »<ldreo

Al.Fiv.Ii i. H. MW5CEB, Sccrctii>. t5-Wectmomiacd-BCrcit,

. •¦

• - . - . - DaUs


" trap ff(A!Ua>iTO CRATHADiaB." fcs pp., redlino, lcithcrcito, illaau&isd, obhtainaltovr-blat&eshia; 3JVis!ta" and -Facie, Morning, and Evea-ias iPrayeiB, litany of the BiV 'm.. the Mizi,Coniession, (Boly Coannuni<m; Xhe Bcciry,Benvin ct ^iasa. The Womipj Eroyea croia'IIriih. oipji&iitia .the.En^Iich.

Mci7 BS ri<al;IKOTo^'pladi idonrer, 8vo., 2/Cp1 "IDf HABStEuTBLDS ©ATTS,"' ' , ' By L.'MJ^Xfnu3. :

•A stimum Js5cti& tyrsmzy oc.IANICIENJE ' ¦ i EriAKn),

Trcstin j ' oJ ',<i«p' Qov ranMa^ Military Syntcaiand; • HJ^

TT;; (Keligiiiii;*'JCeamiiis, cad . Art;Trcdaj: ICndustriSa, cmd Commercial; MAO-.noni'1 iCudiOima'»' oDd-n)om€3tib' tLiio of tHa'(lament wiSx .(People Iby; IP. W. JToyoo, LLJ).Cloth"Eplt, 6S3 pp., .JM'muctcSiona. Prioo,3/O adt. ' : . ' ' ' ;

a. ti. G:3.L AUD CO:J Ltd.,1 IXDLBLEN'.

tutco/LTjocti PAnr.i¦

(POI1ATQ(B3 ' nnta"' - eold outj—Earlici,Epicure; C/-.: Ninety,j<FbldV &!-} ¦ Poy&l Ed-ney and. Beeordar,. 41?; 6o«md iEiarlic?,Abundance a»d,.JBci3/&Sjr of Sn^. /G.; BritishOuien; il-i (Diamon/ii.' 6/-;.-Jiato; Vwrfolics,Onsb,W. .jbjT.r iCteni-qaJ and IJp-t IteS©, 5/»;'S Jjgl oijiJiy'. cact^UMii .iOrppv.^--. Qtihwkinda<ini 'appy<»Uofii. ,'Alj.p^r--|0rt . . Ordczn. o iComtJ aad .' .' upwArda - oamaco paid to <">7Cta!t4ori;- ,- . . . ' . " '¦: .. . : . ¦¦ , " ; ¦ : -OAm Amy BJAELBY O AEBLICAIION.O^brld f), iBfonie .Turkeya, • JJufl Orpicstoa

' ¦ • ".' ¦'::. •' . \Foarl,.,cto;- :: > .

¦ ¦ . '

.Apply' to .'.' . . .ltAi>5A<3fl2K ' KHiMAIIOCK EAEM, KEW" ¦ : ¦ ¦'¦ ¦: '" '

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£f -Ar.^.'.'.- '- 'n •< ¦ '• < '. 1 : - -. '.r-. ; • ' ' ;".

Mtiff lMmpmatipuai*, and.wrt ij n Sot^m ^rf

rarsd ot ICTaVOuqwaBS, • CTWIrProQB

iSSHtftfSS/ ^ i lJiiuSwSii t52E£2k 3(IIMi BOOK tBt 4HN| V* -m P ' **'* ?¦tampt. M«j#Rft» JWBW. iA J'.Pqg !W ^W/QHWB+WJFlwit.IrfWtan.V'rVf ~7TWBi^

200 ^wi'ilrtii- nmwnrtftr 'ritlrt tirfm'ffiS i "sSS&s^ ilSSkSI'lHi

&^iiiMmmm^BIG J^ipcpifS,

_ . . : NOW. . BWOTR N fAS j j

MILEi-iliidN^! HAVE A LARGE **8Tddk I " 4

±- i ¦¦--- ¦¦-or::—;z;:x.":: :::.

. G3oODy Planflo, Office/ .Siop,.I . fKStcfBGn,' andi ibkeS S;'¦ ; -Alaraa'"Glooii'ar ;

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,! i

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Bra&B.HilJiP :: THE; ;¦ SYSTEMAgainst attacks of Inflatnza, CbQls, Cougbs, Colds, etc., by uBiug

C3cSi'q . Wins, ; LEpJbqa'o Eiitj!oc4 of; Elbat and C3al£ IVIco,J ; " Ildybtono" and othar 'OarQcihdtoSi .. Invalid Porih,GEO, E3tttnp?l,.:)Qtb.» - ' ;


GREAT MONETUr.-c? tT:c"Qncpan^co of fco ©oucpRRiont of Haraburg. :

. ' " «. : -? ij . vfI7 important Money Lottery ian rjfftfl rf>J|JJ i ««d ty tie (toramt and gna>U«*«l» lUi*4J' «»ieed by Xi o> whola Property of the 6'ata

S,,1* contains 9f m tickets, irom

ma7 to ven ta UsJic3t:pdE3 in do mcci for-

toiiils event la tho mTt Grcit ll<m?y Lottcry

Eildi b ctiT ttDcd by th-3 Eajnburj Govern-


1 .rtgS; 3000001 JS5, - 2000001 cf l&,'~ lOQOOO2 0^?u 600002 </&£. 500001 0£ri£u 450002 o&: 400001 ¦


35000¦2 c1! ; 300007 cf 1

200001 ef

p. 15000

11 ofc 1000036 cfl£L. 5000103 i& ' 3C00160 offc 20004S7 oS 1000578a or U 300

. 27764 of 169 , ,16448 .& 200, 144, 111,

100, 78, 45, 21.

¦ ' \7o bc5 c'M to repast tJut thla ' TT,-,mT>gr3

Lottery ia cad r ccatrpi cf tha.Btsio cod thattho priica wo jruaranicad by iho Ststss.

T2ib Lcilar? io not to bo ocinpsrftd- trfth</-hct privita cfica, trliich letter do JJOJ. c2trtho c^cudi7. ' . ' " ' ' :


Higt-Claca CJonfactxonery Establishmentand Dining Rooa:3 '! r !

7. PARRONSJMND .STREET, oo.' 48^ MlCHAfit STREET. ,¦ ' ¦¦ ' • ' '¦'¦ '- ''wmimliiimLiimtV

' ' '' ' ' '' i

We ^aaranteo/ail otir/'ejikes 'ftre made fromFare Irish Batter aQJli73h Eggs, and made bjIruh Qirb. - '.' !

Support Home Manufacture and keep onjthe. Foreigner. ' : , '. _ .' . ' ;¦" . :

Boa the Window Disp^f j; - . 1 '. • A ^ '. l i { J

timiE Cz BILLOH. j Watch and Clockmakers1 .76,- $aay, 't^afepfdifd: "

i t ) tlUiAii ) vJ iaAaiajsUiS/lJ


fME : IE¥ KOSS : ' HOSIERT CO., LTD/7^G th-3 Best Value In the Market

Licensed Reataurwti at Waal's Squsro. ;Uothinff bat Best Drinks Stocked. I

Priva5o*H6tel and Dining Eoo-na st StrandStreet, trtunoro. . , ".'.; [ f \ < ' . - '

jLnncti'eansi1 Dinners,- T ia, Punctual atten*

dance, tbd Moderata Charges, ' ¦ ' J \


T.EOfOMS T^ ; ,' • ' .

¦, ;• :

¦Waiter ' Bishop, jCaterer, Confectioner aid Sweet Manafactnwr


I ODlHtSB ,tMD 'WpWP XXCQBLLMrT' ' ' ¦ »' ¦ r f -'*(''/

,' - " i > ¦' '¦ - ' .: :¦'; !;?; ;-jffiN »f*j»iSJ y*i:rj; U

¦ ¦ : ¦ 1 j .T!iihi*»'l *-?c !


II 9248485or about¦


¦mz HOST . ADVENTAGiX>US AEEAKGE-aiiEunf OF IBIS LOTTERY IS OF EaAiKIMD - XBAT ALL UHiE ,45^50 PEIZE3 A2TD8 BOOTSES MUST ' BE Di&AlW;N 8UCOE3-eaCVBLY IN 7. .CLASSES. •Tha highest pma may amount in the firstclc23 in tne moat fortanato event to IL 50,000.ia tho Beoond.class,eventually io M. 56J0CO,in the third claee eventually to IM. 60,000. intha foartb ;clM» erentaaUy to M. 65,000, inthd fifth claAs everAuaUy to M. 70,000. in thaoixtb class erentually to id. 80,000, in thaccrventh class oveniaally to iM. 000,000, butespecially there are pri«e3 as M. 300,000,200,000, 100,000, &«.

The onderaignod af &ca invites to particic&oon. this OEBAT MONEY LOTTBBY, tad to-quasi io accompany the orders with re-mittance either by EOGT-OiPFICE MOKEY-ATSm<IR na«»WA IHATTISIUVT *<¦* Jj \nAnr, -CAVrr-NOTES, 'oposiik. o^Mhr'stmea orchort 3£Q?8 of .<£2zc«bange on all Europeancommercial places.' to be sent by pec*, inclosed envelope, statin? full address of thoIPordiasor.

The etake as per prospectus, in the firstclass amounts to:

—»©/— for a .v&cdo origiaal ticiet :—»3/r- ), ., baif ,, „—.1/0 ,. »» qiarter .. ..

The stakes, prizes Bad dt&wiags dates &rato be seen, irom. the official psoepectos.

Thi OtBIGINlAI. TICKETS bearing tiaanna of £h« City of Hamburg ae trell £3 thaOHFTpTAiL EDBOflPBOTDS -will bo centdirectly to the intereeseee .and after eachdraidng-a* irell the onlcial winning 'irt bear-ing as, well ' the anns of Hamburg. THEPHIZES ABE RAJD PROMPTLY AflOOED-(EWQ- TO BDIiB3 CXP : THE PEOSPECTU3.UlWlXEE GUASAiNTEE O1P TffTp, STATE. '-Incase the canton!* of the proepoatus do no cultto .any inleressee.' the ticket* may be ro-turn,aJ, (r^ut always before draTdnp. . Ordersshould be oient as soon as pbs&ible, but at altevents before the



UzsihsTQ, Cortazay.



DUBLIN,Tte BOtt O te-datB Ho I In

, , , f v m i .Vu in a tAj g t M w M itn i t a ACtaaSsH

tA Uiim UmCtuafa.

RESTAURANT ATTACHED.¦ ^isgyttae?'1*Henry G. Kllboy*hm ******** ¦«»'»«««*»

THIGGIN THU ?TO* TIM only the V«ry Be*l Iriah

fltaxfaoi i ia 42M ¦ Manufactor* of oar

: amJAO «a* OONFBOTIOXEEY. W«• ,j^ |o^ ;« .;;tooei SHIM¦- ' . UtaiarJ : iOlirt!|faMd .itv not njb«£.

1 It *• faDr/ m*tar*L met. sod t*U-ttbM. 1SY IT. If you *r« not^MMd «Mb,Qa*Ui7 wt terand roarMoo . O« ?to. d«lh« d*Uy ia

• Oqr: art JAir< i «a« - oa ap

P!P r:ir - :^ SSffl? • ' - ' - : ¦' ¦¦ ;: -^


.REMINISCENT. . ' : . . . ; ¦• ¦ . :

Now that'Harry K. Sargent, that prince otsportsmen anil .past-master- as a raconteur ofhunting incidents; has been laid to rest in hlflgrave, we natural]y turn to top itlmea 'when he•was a familiar liguro in the field, not alone withthe Curraghmorcs, but with the other, packshunted in the adjacent districts.- He has him-self already provided in his book, "ThoughtsUpon Sport," inany a delightful description ofdays with the hounds when fox-hunting was,indeed, in its prime, especially in the South-eastof Ireland. Mr. Sargent's book had been pre-ceded by "Irish Sport and Sportsmen,"; which¦was written by Mr. B. M. Fitzpatrick, anotherardent follower of tho chase, and published In1878. . ¦ " . .: ' '

THE :CURRAGHMOKES. ' :Naturally the author gives special prbmin-

once'-to. the Curraghinores, originally called asthey are to-day the "Waterford Hounds," andthe "Tlnvano pounds." When the greati'tfar-quis took over the country he bought up allthese hounds, Bung nineteen-twenOeths of them,and called the pack ho established " Lord Water-ford'B Hounds. ' sVhen his brother succeeded tothe title in 1859 ! o—being a clergyman—did notlike tho cognorm 1 , so he called them .',' The Cur-raghmores," vein xuuch one would say of a dis-tinction without-'lunch of a difference. . ;SAROENT'S KABKOW SQUEAK. ; ._.;_

Looking through Mr. Fitzpatrick's narrativeI flnd the following in which Mr. Harry Sargent'sname appears:— . ,

" A magnificent run was had in March, 1859,during his lordship's absence at the LiverpoolGrand National , where he went to see his horse,Ace of Hearts, run. He was much put aboutwhen he heard of it , for he did not like losing arun. A fox found in Corbally, ran over Mill-town Hill, over-6he Harristown bottomBj throughKilleen, straight on through Castlebannon, andto Coolnahaw bog, a point to point distance ofnine1 miles. Here ho turned to tho left,;6klrtedthe verge of the boy, bent to the left again, andBtriight for Kiltorcan, within a mile of it hechanged his COUIBC and went down through theGreywood, across the railway at the tank.' Atthis, time there were only four .men ;wftb' th£hounds, Mr. Briscoe, on a chestnut-stallion hecaBed Sir ¦William, got a bad fall on the railway.Mr. Harry Sargent, then a very young -man, gotover by his horse's .wonderful performance pvera stone mason-built stilo between a locked jgat-eana the wire paling of the/railway. It was anarrow squeak, for him though.'1' v '

HAKD AND JEALOUS RIDING. ;*' , "I ought to have told yon when speaking of

' thi Marquis's ''days,' thit we used to'have ter-rible hard and jealous riding "between tne \Tater-ford and Kilkennymen. About the years 1857-8,some letters appeared in one of ?he Kilkennypapers contrasting the riding of the Kilkennymen with the M'aterfbrd, extolling the one aiddepreciating the other, the natural consequenceof which , was jealousy ; and when y.b met the;Kilkenny men, as wo always did when lordWaterford drew the Mullinavat or Castlemorrisdistrict , there was 'hammer and tongB ' betweenus., I well remember one day wp met |at ilul:linavat, then a very favourite trysting-place'/andwhete excellent eggflip was made and admlnis-tefed by Miss M'Donald, the pretty, darightet ofthe innkeeper of^ Muph ;ralii;Jia4're-cently fallen and: the country was-heavy [and {herivers flooded. A very large number 6t hprse-men met his lordship, such clinckers as Lord St.Laurence, Bryan of Jenkinstown, MulhallenMarum, the Smithwicks, Ealph Bunbury, l£Odof Chapel Izod, and a host of others represent-ing Kilkenny ; while from our side came Glascottof Alderton, who, though a jWexford man, usedalways hunt with us; Jephson, Sargent,- Btrang-man, Larry Dobbyn, the three brothers Mal-comson, Jounny Medlycott , Arthur Robertsj andothers, all hard riding, determined men to go."41 WE. FOUND IN KILLEEN, I'

"And the hounds got a good start cloEe tothe fox ; they raced him at terrific pace as If forClonassy, but turned down to tho Mullinavatriver opposite Earl 's Rath. The river iwasswollen nearly level with the fields, and a, rush-ing torrent it swept along. The hounds hesi-tated for. an instant on .the bank,. but the mass-of horsemen that came thundering down uponthem left them no alternative but'to dash In andswim across. Seeing this, the leading mencharged the river in their stride, though it wasfully twenty feet from bank to bank. Of courseall got in, some lover head and ears, others,more lucky, escaped with a partial ducking."

GBIEF IN ABUNDANCE. . :" Never was known more grief ;. fellowB were

for hours trying to get themselves and! horsesout, while the hats and whips that floated downthe stream would stock a shop. Glascott wasfirst at it, and though, as fine and cool a man tohounds as ever eat in a saddle; "when roused he¦ma&a caution; and tne. letters in the papers didroqse himl Others of as got over after rhimybnt;wa'carried the hounds onior.a, mile,-. and'soJosia fine run. The fox. ran to the river hrlnttf.hnfcseeing the state it was in; slipped along Its bank,-:and ran into donas y, while- we -ran the/feounflaonio Earl's Rath." . . - ¦¦: ¦ ¦• ¦ . ¦

' ¦ •

TERMER COUBSING; - • :;? !:•. .'Zk meeting was held in Stradbally on Friday,

the' 16th inst., to make arrangements for theholding of a Terrier Coursing Match." Mr. Wholanpresided, and there was a very-large attendance;The following committee ¦miBoppomted- 'EIessra.W. Walshe, J.P., J. Kiersey, J. Narris, J. IDrohan,W^Gleeson, T: Whelan, IVGalvin/- P. TVh'eUth,P. -Riley, M. F. Casey, E. Quealy, T; McCarthy,and W. O'Brien. Messrs- M. Coffey,1 J, Kieissy,D. Gleeson, P.. Kirwanland- T. J?6ran: werb'ap-polnted stewaxds. [ ¦ • : : i

THE OFFICIAL \ • '¦ ¦ 'v7ero elected ias foIlorwB :—Hon. Treasurer,

P.-Whelan; Hon. Secretary, M. F. Casey i FlagSteward, P. Rfley ,'; Slip'. Stewards, W.; Q'Brlefiand J. Cummins ; Call Stewards,' C. Moore aridE.-Queally; Judge, J. Hayes, J;P. ; Slipper,1 T.McCarthy. :

CHRISTMAS FIXTURE.•' It was decided that the coursing match be

teld on St.- Stephen^ Day. Arrangements wetemade for the collecting of funds and 'the pro-curing of rabbits. ; Mr. Whelan intimated thatho would give tbe 'eommittee. the wsot a suit-able field for the match. Xhe .mco£lns<oncludEd.-with the passing ' of a vote of thanks to thechairman. ' •TBAMORE GOLF CLUB.

The annual general meeting of tho TramoieGolf Clnb will be held on .Tuesday, .Dec. 4th, inthe Grand, Hotel, Tzarnore. .JJr. F. Jennings,Ii.D.S.,.'was successful- ii* the 'monthly medalcompetition which took place on Saturday last.

CHERRY ISLANDS .'::¦. ":. :. .-' :

Cherry Island, recently purchased; by Col.Beikin from Mr. John Widger, beat a smart fieldfor the Juvenile Hurdle Race at Warwick on

; Monday- : ¦ [

ISAAC MORGAN. :I. Morgan bad i hlfl first mounts in England

at Lingfield on Saturday. The London "People"writes—On Cheritol -iind later <m Bramblefcye—little Isaac Morgan ha£ his first English ride.He is the latest fashionable Irish featherweight—a, rare nipper—and youngest brother to theimany.McrganboyS, the steeplechase Jockeys.

WALKING MATCH.D. Hearne easily upheld his title ot Water

foid Champion in last Bunday's contest.

RUGBY FOOTBALL. ' .The inatch, Waterford v. Wexford, will take

place at the School1 Grounds, Grantstown, on to-morrow (Saturday), at 2.30 p.'nv ' The following-will represent Waterford :-Tull back, W. J.Dwyer (capt.) ; tliree-qunrters, Ledwinge, B.Hackett, E. Simpson, A. Mansergh ; half-backs,W. McNamara, 2, Mitchell ; forwards, JJ White,J. Butler,'M. Sheehan, J. Conway, M. Prentice,J. Fisher, W. Henderson, P. J.rDalton. .Subs.—Three-quarter, P. Mitchell ; half-back, J.; Zin-kan|r; forwards', J. i McConnell, J. Walsh. ' Corwill leave Park.Gate, William-street, at 2.^',, ylsitorsinvited, , ' .. , • ..; ' ¦

iKEiAND. v- T'HE j SPBJtNGBOKS. ';* ; [ [ ' .. . ;i A report of the above inatch will appear in ourissue.of to-morrow.cvening. -An exciting contestia expected.

¦ • j ' : . ' ' i - i'• ¦ - ' ¦ :

TIKNAK^LLY COIftlSJNG MEETING. :A Terrier Coursing Meeting1 anfi Donkey

Baces will be held at TinnakUly Racecourse onSunday next, Noveinbet 25th,, The programmeJs—Tinnaldlly Stakes for terriers I81bv weight or¦iHi(}f>T, . TTtlm^n yrj ¦ fttofc-fm

tnf igrrtflfg a lh," jjy

nnder., Piltown. Stakes' for. terriers» 2SIba;. ornnder,.ftn4aidonkej race. The entries closedon yeaterdayi ¦withcj he! hou. sec, M. Dalton,Jameptown,'.Pil«ffvmf \:-.i «> - -. ¦

>*:-.¦. nr.. ,{^<rt ::.; ¦ '. >.. wbl.

•¦•- >«— 1 :. i- , '?j ;-i - .• • : ¦•¦ -.r.- i r : -CtLOKMBIi.f. .BOCKWEI<I<. .J', ;- -..' *.>.' ;[; :/;;.: i i Tie followmg tenrn his been aelectsdtbyOtj amel B-F.aio pl»y Bockwcn at B e6k#tUahTJftnBdaynExt—FnlL Kfe»t3ng j .three-quftrteM,Bmyth, Kftvanagh; GrUBths and Bymn: halves,C«oney*WW«Sw^Vt'cq^6a^-«iB»i {<&ffl)Ctorion, ScnDy, lALerj i.T&irt&Ln,i BkaEan,gagenttnaCaahlB. Bube.,-Kotti8, Hwvey and

near S i ^ .r *- ' UlT .WA ( WUf i M A & ' (^ Clerk arid k* matter bdL the I TTWD^ ' MMM " AlVrtV I ^ E » 0X3, BMtof ixw*; .*rt»to»



'nearest railway station is Carroll's Cross, whichis only a.mile and a^hall from the courav.'which,hy the'way, was kindry placed at the dieposal ofthe committep .by. Messrs! B. jaorrissey.and-TvFoley. The management - is in the competenthandiof Mr. Patrick Hayes. The entries closeon to-morrow.; , . i - , ; ;' '¦ •- .- . . ¦. ' . 'WXM ©OR CtUB jOBlOCEQ.' : . '.iBatia is a city- oi odd; eighte, but . the SB>1 eemMago laat week on tie iPJa<}e 4© la ,Con-oorde-*as: one of tM qoaiatest and moai en-itertainiog thai. P&riaian ih^w- witnessed formany yearsi Xhe 'oocaaiott -,waa the meetingol' tfiW'Lea VteuS i Tacots, which in JingJish,,oiaaf b^i -ijendered <-|'oW crooTtfl."- :-. ''& ' Ererichrmewspapei' hadcth«l idea oi getting aa many,old motor oars. aa'.j>ofiaibla togather, and'hav ,ing a nm to Sevres.. 'No car younger thsn0800 -was to be-, reckoned-a croc£,"and in de-ference to the agti and: feetden«S3 of manyoi.the,participants;an easy rOHiwia selediod.'Th^Jg&ttyaiiws waaivery.,intere6tin«, aa .-tiierewere several old, Ban^ard^ /with tjE ©/^^^^Daimler enghres; a 1 gtoup'oi, e&xlj."&W2\oaj B,•witli belt drive and the ^re^t, olit;1 vanioiakcurious TJOOWJIK: BoJl^efli ri' Delahayo1 "<tf 1697,& Qoyeniry,Mo.teftte.ol/l^S,: suite a fcumfcerol cars with, early | Tie Daon mctoie, a ser-¦viceahle lot oi De ;Ddon quads-, some of theearliest of the , famous little Benaulte,.a..col-lection oi¦ old Peujjfcotsr a WoUmiiUer motorbicycle of 1833, and various other iatereSt-ing old ' vehicle? -whidk one mighi have imragined had long since gon« on the eorapheap. It was, indeed, patietic to watch thawlieeay e-trucgle of iaome of these palsied oldmachfiies, and ere Sevres wao reaohed manyhad dwpijved -from Che procession and eouxh,tthe aid of eome new and j swift car to be ledihack to their homcis. Bu^ the meeting was;on the <w!hole,.a great success, and, affordedmuch enitertaionieTrii. - . •" ; ; •'. , . . , .oaAoajWAY BUiwadas cm' iaNSHniP.

The . 4final ' . -tics oi i the Bailway/ 8hieldsChampionships in! foofball and1' h-urjing1,which were toed for *he 23th iafit '-at'ToheVroad, are not likely to ixy.pLayect^ on : thatdate, as the semi-final in hurUng ¦ ¦ was: ^W'finished last Sunday at Camck-bn-Bxilr. ', Th«. (Jmriai^ht itefms :4rarjTpf|-ihe ftaal—infootball with Munster, and, with ,the, wixinersof the ;Monster »v :leinsMt' hurlii j niaich,',land .a|t.: ^\^;!t u>si^batilIi IC!jt£heS•werec

^>tt^'on fbrVth'e.sMrAe. dale -'Ja^d-iv^nCe; At pok ir'ponerh«nt is thereioire necessary until the.'itunster and Lciust^r hurliag • fie has boeo1decided.

A NiEW EiBOORD. jAi Madison Square Gardens, on Salurday,rfl. L. Hiillmaii »x>n! a 300 yards hurdle racein 35 SHisecs.—a World's.:«cord.

BOXmxiG1. ' '.' '' ~lOharJie "WiLSon, London , ia anrioua to ar-range a match with [Jem Koche, W« ford.

EWGLVGHEID. i{PttanA has been engaged to ride for J.

(Daw3on> stable in lS07. ' ¦¦ . ;

nuisil. (RiRiHHiynrgt. - • ¦ i ' . ilAmongit Irish' broedere who aro Bendinj

consignments fe> the Decemlber Sales at New-market are—Mr .John Button, Mr. E. Ken-ztedy , Mr. W. Pallin; Mr, 'Martin FitzjeTald,Mr. M. R. deary, i Hr. T. Farley, MT. J.Beid Walker, .Mr. B. B. Trench, Mr. 8. II.NdLan, Mr. W. B. Purefoy, Ifr. J. Clarke,and Ilr. jr. C. ' Sullivan. .THJE IBB3H OUT.

¦Very 6atisfactory Bnpport is being accordedIto the Irish Cup to be run for &t Creash onNovember 2Sti and! •iollo<wiiyj days. Aoalready obaerved, tho entcance fee hao beenreduced to five guineas, and the erent re-mains open till the date of the draw.IWETOIENXT.'SIKES. !1 As a result of Gour-d'o victory in- the ; DerbyGold Cup Peraimmon has now a substantialadraatage over Lada* in the list of •winningsires. Pereimmon is the cir« of siltecR win-nera thi^'Bcaspn, and he has been creditedwith 'thirty-one ' race*1 ol the .aggregate.- valueof £31^37. His, principal winner has beenKeystone II. (£12,837), H>ut Plum Tree (£3,017)and 'Gourd ' (£1,878) haye . also helped himconsiderahly. The sto^k of ILadas, elervenin numl)er, have v;<in liMriy^tmo races,aglg1r<i2a'lin3-.£20,a2!2 li£e|SFHUNGBQEaS DtHFELVDEID.1 The BoirXh Africans played the first irxter-natiomal match of their tour' a.t ' HampdianPark, Scotland, on Saturday against Scirt-laud," and wfere beaten . by. .two iries itonolthiiLg. BKLeodia try" wis1- a- paaiafcularlybiulliant effortl. (Uiai&burg who was injuredduring the game, and sustained ¦ conetccsionof the brain, is progressing favourably.

They do not allow'dead heats to ho ranoff, ia.' Ken'; Zealand. ' {¦¦,. .• -

¦' • ' ' ¦ '

GfAJHLfilC FOOmmAl¦ < A,i.'"'MooTiM>5rj ' 'on. V Sunday ' the. ' .famon^flj amoffue t«ain • ' infed j -npr 'igaiinst' Kalmaoow,sinld tBi»';Bl'wSa roultodjn a [irn, tho C?wo&i fuU'tune-.Tbeiaar-^t pdinte I a-iide! A "dis-MiVIBMBm-raalNiaKilAIP.1 '- ', ¦ ¦ > •¦ ¦

Only-JnTOiof'-Hlte homeo thi.1!) cm, in (tie(NOT-embef Hiari«iicip,ai' Wisrwicfe onVTuesdayore "B/the lEaWebeiteir Novemtoer Karidieip—BpiBJung/ Miimovr "(wlio' 'vto oecond ' .$Kxcwmriiiaad, and who., alter '. winning .thvieveiit iist .year finished <iii*i!At .ilanchedieijand-; AldeitriaD ¦ (wiKpfliished six lengths'onTuesday "behind >Spinisiii^'Monnow). Alder-im!a&' ineeliS' Spanning (Mmnow <vn 3li> betterrterans on Saturday. ',: . .3. (E. MiACKlAiy. .

J. -E. ¦ 'M.' • Maeiay;. who ' was undoutotedlythe cbampioa batemdn : oi , Australia (Lwtseason, and iaYoansii3eP6d 'a eecond Trum-pet, has &coerril«l:;a <po3itdojn .in jy>hai<nei>i'burg, and' ¦will "¦'feiVe iSjfdrley fox SouthAlnca. on' liio 3Wi , mat., Bo hao rcoeivadeuich & ' bTinmec3' Wffer; from ¦flie Transvaal—an- ofTer qdite:impart from,. cricJtet-'iJisJ heoo '- ffot-' reiqBe 'w to-' thetfe;' .'Macfcay. iodescribed a*Vm<)re'brillian.tjtIjap Noble, and'less n&ijy than • ¦' rttjpper. 'CCtasf.coloijialBea-son he-Moored'2^M;rarifl in ;23 lnnan^3 (6 noiout), -and averaged' lW^' '

J. BHiEilJEPS'.j iaanefe' 'Philitpa-,'- wboe© career as a'.cjfeeplo-

chase' j ockey waa- pm> tticsXly' ended bj hiseecious; aocideni ! 'vrhile L riddogr Brince Tnscanat Etu^by in Harch, 1505, wiH.ohorUy .be^taas a trainer at Bpeoral. • "

OLYMPIC QAMES.lit haa 'been decided by the council of tho

Bmtiah i' Olympics'' Acsoiialioii So . Twld theOlympic Qames of IQOti in London.

COT7BSIHGDecentbOT Bth—Eillfidan.December Cth—<Jlin, Oo. IAWVQ Y,Docember J2th—Jfevvferidjio.Decsmhar 2«th-i-Kilnioaanny cad EbcSbonDeoemier 2&h znd flTth—ltolecC 'Dcsembex 23th 'and SSthr-fWestmcdh.January ith---Oo. Eoicommon.January SOtfi- North rKildifo.February 61h^HNew(biddja . ,llarch 6th and Ttb—Tr«Ieo.! .

XI'HPIBRAflBy PO2CH»DNDS.• • JTOVDEUJKEB. ' »Oloneen ;.- t.......... 1 Saturday, 2ithGraystawn Castle i ;.. Tuesday, 27fliKnoclriee Cross ...J; : Thnrcd&y, £Oth

11 o'clock.WiATEBiPOOBD EOU2W3

KOTOaSBE&i".Saturday, 2i1h .>:»....» Dunhill, 11.0


Novemoer Ztth-WejrXord.—Home(December 8th-iQlonmol.-TJHGm3.January 6th—CIonaKl.-tilAway./


SaS-urday, 24th .'...... ,.... GlenpipoTuesday, Zfth .._ :.. Hullinamgle1Friday, 30th .;/.; Woodstock1

Tvr/TPVTw.w . . ;Tuesday, 4th ;... Glenmore'Friday, 7!h ....1.......... Belivue GaW

. : . . - W , o'clock; , , . ¦ ¦ • • '¦¦

\ THE TKAiMO^!BB.VCKijE8.- '; j . • NovEj(f| .. : - . . ; !Tjuisday; 27th .._ -..I.....'./....-.. AnnestownIFriday 30th ..*.* I Perry's Bridge. ¦ I '. ' ' iPify^r?^" ;'*'*'<Ta^$day, 4th \.~..—<...... - WandtareneyffViday, 7iOx ...,.'...... ..,.,..u..-.; i Ballinaclouj fLToesday llth ..*.*„..>.. .. .... .».. KitiaiiBsyflfiriday, lHEtlr I..J.Y.\;MJ:..U::.::V.:, • Mtrnmaaogqe

.?¦? ' .'. ... -. t . -. ¦ ¦ , <\ < . ¦' v '¦< - ¦' ' • !' ¦:'

vt P^«f.-.:Iarjfp3w Qtrif aaru$/2aoiif tBoax

UBa>fet.<;8U«OtalKa-i ai ¦ afcifelaW j wiraey

' yfTif . jfr'-''*"|*i'>'"'' ' ' i tui> " * ¦ i <* ¦ ¦ ' i f i'.'it ti i 'i^ y : .¦• »'"- ?:' :*¦'-- "'T? ;\i£ '..k ' !^V..:I ''

P !! KliiMAOCHOMAS UNIoA' *. «: I . i ¦ &to : ]j . ' i [FBOM otni Bj ipottina].. ^ T.

.: The .usual ¦weeSly - rneeting «4 the -{aboveBloarti was netd on. Tuesday last.'r Mir.,3^n<i4: -,(|leeson, ;(!CJia,inn!an), presided, I and-the other i merabexs uresemt were—Messrs.Michiiel IByrj ie.'-Vj a : Jumes Coffey, DiV.O.;aSron^s ! lTobia,:.!Wm, iBttcHbey, Mfcffiaelfbwer, O.O. (Adramaune); James yeole,Joha Drphap. ifiaurice Foley (Faha), JotoiQuinri. and- Jlamee Hayes. ' 1Hoe following officials were in attendance

-Oieissrt.! Thomas F. WWeh <Olerk;;1 PatMkxmasey (Asatotaiit Gtank); Batrdck Power(!Master);| i. H. Jephson (pasmuM'B Bngineertami Believing Officers Tiaonnas Power! andJlrihn. Coffey//:,': •-'¦ . . . ¦ ¦ ¦•¦' •. aXDaPENaABX BOOKS. i

Th© Clerii—'You m%hA- rememjber, gentle-men,, on tlhw day. fgrtaigiht Maurice Laanon,the' man' who always carried the Biflpehearyt*xxkB from the Btonmahon' and Kdlmac-tibxxmaa iDiiapenearies to the Bcand here;' Bentm a; letter eayJTig. that he would resign, asae conaiderea ^n P^y amadfto^uate, i "i cxudiiedtod me on ihat day to adTOTtdsa' for ' aperson wiho wxndd do tbaa -woTk, wMch: Iodd, with the result thai ]! have ireieieivedan' application.- Sqxca him to-day, 6nd , aftergoing to all this troribde. he is, prepared todo t^ifl: work for- 2s. a year in j addition towhat he ;had , formerly. This would tneaa6s. &fc per qiia:ter.'

CQuuxman'—1 suppose we might as • wellgive it to him. . . :

<3erfc—Jamea Bagge, Mlmacthomas, . alsotenders ai the rate of 303. per year, blit ofcourse this ia ' a : higher tender. • ' ;

Maurice: Lamnon'e tender was unanimouslyaccepted. ' . "' ' I.

¦ • ¦ ¦ i COAIU3. . !•; "ifsra. "WJalfihe,? Stradtoaliry; sent in an ap-pliciation for a;ton of coal for the Stradtxaliyitisp^ieaxy aa they tovo none Khero at,preaen-t. '. ," . ' ¦ i i '

Cleiikr-af the ,docbor maOiea an applicition-WB'will send .the coal there . 'and if; ,thqdaotor1 thinkB it 'necessary' he will apply- forif» sa. ho ia ifcho proper .perBpa to mpka-fhSBcppMeation, I think the •proper, "thing, ..t« dous to' .refer the ' JpdicwioxijVto' ' the medicalofnebr. ' . . . .. . :

An, order to fiat effect Wis 'accordinglymade. » ' : '

Local Oxvexnmea.t Board, •Jhirilin.

Sir—il am directed !by the Uocal Gcnrem-nreat Board for Ireland to return, to you,herewBih, the vfliuc-herB,- etc., fiirnished j insupport, ol :tihe cJaim fo£ recoupaflent in ro-speSt, of the medical expemdifere it. ' the.K H:1 minrih oyn % a Union during the past haUyear, and in reference thereto I am to statothat- the requisite partioulara ehouLct bo i fur-niahed in columns 14,. V5, and 16 of the sum-mary r/iUi reapcct'.tb the Borunnhon 'andEUmaotihomas DisppDeary Di tricte.

'I am e.1 the same time to point out that.itough tihe atfidce .in in-voices 5, 6,7, 9, 10,and 'IX would' appecr to-h<5 included m\ theBoard's prescribed list' of medical and 'sur-gical dmliancefi , mp reooupmenlt.'. . has beencladmai in reapect of their cost, anu\ini eomecases the prices charged 1by--the\ contractoraaie in excees pt thoes prefic^i'bed!^¦ Ijt 'clianld,thereiore, be deflmtoly 6tarted which (if iay)of these, articles are nonr-preScribed ¦ artitfeo,and the instructions on each of tiha ' com-Ibined forms, aa t» ' the irecuisitioning' ofcxtdclea not on the prescribed liuta , chouldIbe aom^plied -with.

I am to add that the claims for tho half-year ending 30tli. September last shouldi in-clude ih» cost of;all ¦prescribed articlea 6up-plied, ¦within, that rwnod. The documentsshould to retarned to 'thifl Degjatftanent witi.-out- delay.—Ylour obedient eemrant;, . 1

iH . OOtKRTMOT.Ctteric—tin connection with that eunxmary,

it -was not sent in time ; the Medacal -Officerdf the Kilmacthomas Oiapensary Districthas cent ,in his. and, it has 'been, forwardedto the Local Government Btaisd; . but. 'j theBV>niaaiEipn Mediical Of&cer haa not 6ent inhas. 'I. wrote ham, in connection with itheinatter and he did not rejj ly.;; The dOcu-mrnis wore ¦ Beat in -without any ' 'delayl Isent th<sn yesterday; that matter has beenfieiiled.' Of couree. lie ; whole thing ya&only 4a. 10d. Ac ft matter of fact thonrH^'^•vraa mcaie by. the contractor. !

T£iliPOBARY PORTEE.The local Government Board wrote ac-

• fcnwwledging tie ' receipt of replies to theirinquiries respecting: .the tercporcry emptoy-¦anent .of J4iohael>PWe!2i' iy porter ol -tin sJVViorfihcinE3 iol JQilmiaithomis ./Union^ . anil.stating that they have eanc-tioned the pro-;j»sed' payment of remuneration ct the ir.iaof 103. a week and rations in- this case. Thedate upon which he ceases to act should berccxelnlly recorded on the minutes.

. rKFORatATJON. . The. ifKal Gorernmenit Board for Ireland

•iwrb'te'/'eoS^uiiH Gi Be luriMi B.} v^i JIMiTif<>fn t»n^4nidiciSed-on *th4 ^fenn ' cbbldscd'herewith at the"earliefct conivenience.

Cileri—Tfc&'in7o:ini'ticH-tfi£i:<&Sy"crc: ask-ing about woe sent to them on. tho 16th inst.It is a net?-'form i !one thai 'sroa never eenthere Ihefore; it ie- relation to dotTiing andbedding.- It'is o Tatttrn. thai -tii&v - navereeked 'before.

Obairmaa-r^New thingi eyery. day.Clark—Hey ore very simple Vheaa you are

(Beading ttem^outy but ¦vrhert 1 ycro cxo inakiiicthem ur> there ia a' lot, of trouble.

'• ¦COBBB3Pl0l»IXEN,aE..i •Local1 Government Bixird, XJnlbliB.

Sr-HAdveiiing to previous correspondence,I em ditected ^y. tie liacal QovdamqatBonrd for»Irelaiui to. enclose tor, the. inl<jx-maiixm of the Board ' of Guardino of -Kul-mact&soinas Uai»n »-copy oi a letter receivedin this.: Departineat i from Dr. iShanahaa,M.O., respecting hia report, form P. relilring- to the Kiimn/^ h/vm.^^ iDiEpensiry.. : IKs-itrict for the quarter saded ; lie 30tih Septem-ber last.—By order of Iho iBoard, ^ .

J. E. DEVLIN.(Copy.) :

Kilmacthomas, Nov. 8th.Sir—With jraferencCi-tn .youra, 'N'o.637£i5fiaa3

I beg to. eay > the return. Form- P, will bolaid . Defore thq i Board)of G-ueudfeins ct tihairnext rnsaten^.—You ohedieni. servant, : •

' ,K,.;W. SHiANABWN. .U.O,Cdeiikr^ia return. Form, P,, is a list .of

ivaocination defaultore that/! was., before ttoBopid on last Tgjj^yj iL, :

Tho Ol<jrk eaid tiaV whcn. itho'poavd .civiii-tieed for potatoes Eamo; timpi ej^> thoypscj ibe very ecaxce, bu^, BUJC-B then it eppcara,that they are; altefl.ijettinjj, very' pleatifol,as we tave a ,great" many, tendepa to-day fbrthe supply oi good ettii i»pawe3. i

The saveral tenders" having been • con-eadered, it waa found that. r. jO'Conaortatender, Ctonea, wta ttw, lowest* and Iho«3reeo to euppty ftye toiw ot Go°d eatir£potcHioes at the rato of £3 13a. per ton. ;

Mr. OiCbhnor'a tehder fceins the lowett,Tnafl mianamoualy accepted. . ¦

MA6TEE'S^E#OBT.I hove lorred . to. the'' pradii r<4 tho "Uniim

account , the sum of-83. 3d:,' 'rciceivcd fromIXr. Power,. B.JO., ft>X ooffin suppled on bi3requisitam.-HA^»proved.'

On Octoiber 16th, after getting: tie Board'saut2rori1,y to order goods, from Messra. Dpevyand Of>., 'WlaterfWd, I sent in tho order , Kb.356- on' .that . date ' fory shrouding1 and . quilts.The BhnJuding -was sent'on-the SfTUi, andVnOfl 3&- yards ia,,excess «f tid order, vrhiehI repoied: to you on the 'SOth' Sejtonbor. !lxeturned the number of yarda in exiceia tiefollowing day, and notified the. firm byletter, which they did': not aotoorfledgo. On.yesterday I received a tail for '133 yars of,calico ¦vrhiich I did not cedier or know.any-thing aliout. The quilta are very badly i*>-qxrirea et the present time, and I Tftrald no-epeciCully. ask your'directions in- .th© mattor.

Order madeHMiafiter to, communica'te csainiwith - Messrs; DcCvy and Co., and infonathat if they ar& not forwarded immediatelyho will have to procure tho (rcuta elscstaro.

Wlould ; require 20 pair, 'boots suitablo torchildren from 9 to15 yeois of cge. I We haveno contractor fo rthat class. i°

Order made-iMiaeler to procure the boot3ci the usual place, >^i«« Lawior'e. j

Mir. Ooffey, coniraotor for tixe>. supply olmen's and women's' shoes did not Bend onany Binee he got <i« order on the 2odOcto!barOTid we require tfcem very bwfly. . ¦ '. - I

ilrder miidev^Mastep to commiunioate withMr.-Cbfleyi' ¦ / . ' ¦' ¦ ' ; ' ' , : ' \ further^ eujjply o f / toniber tooompMe" paling ia bojrs- yaid.' i ;

Order made—QIas«r to procuro tiho neoei-Boxy. (juantity. .

¦ ; v • ¦ '! ¦¦ ¦ i- A lactometer icrrequiredf for the testing-oilmdlfc Tha one . I bad: iav '. use ' gof t>rokeawhen ii was being aliarusd. ' ¦'' [" ' ¦ ; ¦ " !

Orter made—Tovbe procuredj i .The Matroa require one doten wine' foi

AHUir nsey---V" ¦¦ - .' . ' - ':' ".!' ' : " : ' !Order mate-To- ba OTOOuted.j M I

. There «er» 1M amifed 'andr Bl ditelhrgedduring the week ending 17th- Last.; 213 re4"T r iJ . 'JW&BBJ W• COUNCIL. \ • |

v> a&. (Mj uehaeV&oyrf T, OoX3,'. AiJtaioaune," pr&rjidedr ?. , '.r>n >¦¦ ¦- . ]_

¦ ¦, ¦ |, .; oBauffia OOOTAOE.' :• ¦: -¦ .¦; To the: Ereaiding/Chaicmon. .1 i '!V.-: lDear,fla*—ii begito/'centaiyithe 'cottagB' -afl¦lerrough. .3to. f & , .twaft !by, ,'4nd/e*r KinvEn,iiiwntraKJtorr - completed to ¦ niy satiittaoHlon^rgiocr' ribeoieaMeprAOt),' ¦

¦ ro ^\\?uiv; rv,Wi-jj . ' ''¦""%¦ ¦' P. POWER, Clexltarf'WMto..'T.'Ete r (2&k merdlt *<AedZtO:-atSvtirti*# th&i

.&T -:.mti' aBfotwBtRp.«BMOT.!f. -- ™o.¦;* - i" •'

¦¦ Loal G?r«aMn«A}!Bo**d .-ItabiIn:

^ffitHWStfi refereooe f rr fans t it l nbn;ihe M \£>-\

l!oB^ * WnS^sSSi * •PJS|J^S jteB te tiMI

iifiln '¦ ftjift fSttw>v-ti>>v Ofttinrtl Jwfnwitft to-

(board on a pr«rrfoue occasion and : \H vraainanksd:. read. TBey are not »aitiafied' withthat nctw, and want you to take Bomet acrtion,ln. Hie roaster,,t>m as, it ii oome time since¦Of, Bromxne' .wAs-i€ad-far'the' 'board-1¦¦wifl do| so again i BO ijhat y<m will be ' ac-.•quainteil with tif elnf itf dnl 'ii :d6ntaina.i Afterreading'the report, ; . '

Mr. Qleeson aaid-thai- h« -considered' thai(the -ambulances I'm xise were suitable enoughifor thrt ::pHfp7icJfffifohj j j i &j .'ffltoiA ttinf iatf .tinef i t-are quite new.:..iLt| ia.-noV.eo long ago: sinceithey spent £AQ each in acquirlug these, andhe; could nttt , "Be«.[why.they sho.ald be castoffi how!; and/pr5toune'iw6-w]>eel6d':v6luc]e8 in¦thfir stead,1'and'-a^

a1 mabter ^>f > fact- ii! ,auoh .Airrj lbulahces as (jhe^se are procured a second-¦hoirae should a^aoljbe1 g^t|\as- the' 'one hon&a<woald inoi' be" A/MO ¦'io'-driiw' sucli -vehicles;arid therefore::he-t!oti8idered 'the 'am'bnlaaeasdn use at present a« suitable, and even more'so- than these tiwiJ-WhBeled vehleleq. • •" ' ¦¦¦ . -

The Clerk-.thair)aiXj s^' if ; they ¦ would' pro-cure a di&ijifecting >ppanatu«,- upon which"Mr. Power said iti ; would 'be'eheap?r;to:bnrnlUie olothes than'to' -abfiih . guch an • airtieleJThe Council do faol wish' to b» going to ; anyunnecessary 'e±peiBe; in connection -withthese mattexe.1' v. - !- -': •• ' '¦ '• - - .¦= •: ¦¦¦¦'¦

.The Olerk 'said; ^'rthe5 only • ¦ thing;;¦}« con:neotion-iwithflrtlie1 ( report¦ that' can -he ' '.onewithout undergoitj exr>ense is to- take i soniesteps to 'ifie '1 pircn eiiJucj i of conflumiptiori,which is ; at preseAt'vK'^inj f ¦#> • prevalent'¦•'jaithe diatrioti !M r0;.alre' notices with, '.direc-itione how'io ; pr§EferA" iihiy ddsease, aiid ifthe Ofmncif wish 'ie'would procure Dame ofthese and send thfem to - pereonB 'who wouldbo likely to take ,'an iniereat' in the"xra$ter.':'The ' Council"agreed' ' to-: 'fihis EUg&estiohmade by' ithe OIeii,>- .'And' it was"the. onlyairfj on, a& 'far' aB'- jthey ' could eee, could 'bejasen in toe rnsmyf -' ' ¦ ' . ' . ' ¦ '

' Tfflte t ppji uyv^ BdpLIf. ' . .. ' : . -Local C|<Jvemment board, Dublin."

8dr—With referenice" to' ; nrinutes of ; pro-ceedings of the KilmactfliomaS B,ural' ; Dia-Itj ict Cbuhcilv on ' ''ISth, dnota&t, I; :amdirected by the Loidal (JoTternmeat Board forllteland. to Mate--tihift< they'jjj resum.e, ' thait thenecessary,/Btepu. art ,beinff.,>taken ' 'to' ooinplyrw th. tlhiB. tewne of'SruIe- 0 of'the Labourers'groland) Order, 1903, wh'ich is '.mandatory.—By order of the boaid, ¦'.¦"¦: ; ¦' ' • • • i '

¦¦"¦ W. H.'. WELSON'.The Clerk said tihat ithey had- already ad-vertised in ti\?o local papers, and they,, alcog<>t' notices" pbbied 'Up aJl over the districts,6$ that they have i already camiiiod iwith¦these / regulatioiu}. , 1' , , ; . . TENDiEEi3.:!Ratiack Marray^ $moor, tendered for . therepiairs of . the. diWh; around his own cotitaseat Staoor at 4/0 per perch. His tender W3»accopted. .; James Coffey, Fahafeela, tendered for therepairs' of George .Walsh's,.cafes0 a* Bally-viadden at £4 2/6, and Thamao lIuBin's atScrahan. at 8/3. . . . .I Jhmej Ooffey 's tendem ibeins ^^ lowestK-sre unanimously accepted. .; . 'VlAJCj liNT OOTIAGiEl: A rnan named Sullivan came before theCouncil and applied for. a edt&sge, tho keyof- which, had already ibeen gdven to anotheripereon about a month 'ngo. The formereaidthat the key. 48:5^00- 0^81 to him by theother, man as he was not: Jn any great need

of thib ccMage. '¦'¦ - . , -Mr. (Hayes propo&eS, ^nd - Ifr. Quinnseconded, thai) the ¦ cottage Ibo civen to

^ullivan. ' :_ Af t the members were in favonr of givingit to him escept Mr. James Coffey whowanted to rtav>6;trie eortjiiage adTerti6ed inorder to comply "¦with tho rnlei. . Tie saidiStxsA a Utbomrer ehould be preferred to anyotiher clasa ' of man. ' 1


mA'otiA'O An •ougCeottA.

(Af\ teiniijfiAinc.)'" Ci j<6 corii «ri4i 4 v>Mtt me '6iot TT\A$

fin ," AJ\J» An tjmfr;fijj \, " 6tp 1 ye Do mi»t)fA{Jem t)o fiinn-an ouJ^ttait ojtm."; T)'t*euc &n Acupniio'so 56 4itu "Ant?eit)ip gufi cun tpis^it ti&dfMrh i:fimc^niij cO Annpo ?" Sz&r) f6 ^nnfAinagtir yo rfTACctiAtS1 re AH f e s O noimitice45up <vnnrAiri , LAt5^ip f6 4tj t>'r- ". "OtotfAT)cfl /irn^C, mAjv jeAlt p in "otoJbAit," Apfeij 'eAtin. " A6c ciim c*feir corhAiiileCADAtnc t)uic AJ» fto.ric "oliSe, A5«r, 6AiCpif»n\6 A idiot Af r»n." >

"CO A t>ioi ' Af pn," 4f»r An tJuifcSip,'¦•o^p nt>oi$ adC bpeice^nn cfl sup vo511O Wop 1 T)CAO6 tio Corfiatple v' iAp-^ro?" , 1 '

" 56 "oeiriiin nT ci*infj ; Ate pfi fgeui- 6,if * ipipiO A Oiof-fA nu^ip cug rnQ 'An£oift4if\le t)utc. CJutp xi unc A Otot tiomtj i^p geAtl Af i An scorrKMpVe, Aguj* ^nnriiin•oiolpAt)-f4 An .cflt5'ij vtta e«rCT«fn<vgo>teir;¦ouit-fe Ap -pon nA jreoUi "oo imzeAit." '

j " A6c t)Ap trofiiS, ',' 4M «ti: buifc^tp, '' ni14PPFA ptinc opm ^p An gcottiAtpte. tiltil %n&t&6 leAt nlbf tnO tio copOin vofpiprpiil. pq.'Ouine tr^ftsedU AJI £pitut{ile»fi porii Tjlige." !

' "lU bAt pn," Af f An t)U$tefiip ' "ipcioin rpwrPAM?^ A« , cwip. pn ^sACripa.(^Ai.tcAp i cotlujplo t4&<Hpc > tn' coinnef6m, Agup AJ» An A^OAP fin , -nl gtdCfAt)Htit» if '"tu§4 n£' p' finc mAf» ¦oioUiSeACc.tlux) cilo nlop. ptamp Aon rtiApSA* l19mmcAeO; nA feApfeiu Ap t)Cfi<f. t-S ffi66th ttlAit "DU1C An'^AtpjeAt) ii t>lOt JJtigeApiin, oip mutiAmi)iot-r?Aip cdgpAxf^iocligCUIpC T)ti$e( J&, A^'ilf, COfCAf tlA T)tijSO'n-A CeAnnrA;f ..- . ; .

CAp Cif CAtnAtU A5 ftfiAcineA*, CUJJ Anbuifc6ip An c-AmgeAt) v6 Agup fgAp \&IClf. ¦ 1

NOTES¦Otoje^it,Ilcrm, injury,ttUccnuig,KfcflcctJng.CoriiAiple,A'iTicCiCAitfjp-fe,You nill have to.Loic, ' " ¦

Dcatroy."OO tOJCCA*,To destroy. , , '111 sti^tAc leAtrIt io not nccal mih yoa.CAiteAf,I liadto '1m' Coinne f cm,

Acaibot mycilf.nut) if IU$A,Nothing less."OtOLAigeACC,Payment.geArain,tlomplaint,As rmAoineAio,Thinking.S5AP fd teif,Ho parted with him

• •¦ ¦ ' ¦:, . ui . \ , . .

¦¦ 1

Jikienif* e 'er w casy *<> |3la^* ' 'light, pasiry, tarts and ' I

V . eropopi'tck-'wlkeJ witK'' '' ; ' ¦ - ' . '

¦r . ¦; ; ¦ •• ''. "'¦'"«inng powder - . |. . . ', ¦'. '

\\ dmult»i«e niipre »ucc?isf:., ¦";;ii- 1 W&aA^ ' ^- ^ 'H' • . l i vx t *^, " - - r-v y :";j " '"v "> ' ¦:¦ .: ¦'¦ ¦ r'-i

1 The 7A. 3W»«W t A Dttbu ! ]

p|':-t I Itt Tip,'^. I'-. '- <-c'v ii-<i y

¦¦•<<: ¦< ¦' * '¦ rf"T 11*T

' itJOrSBK'jwriWNMI' wSWimilf 'jilMWi ¦

HER^ THMGB Mi/¦ ' ^EVpaif^ p1 . -. ' :-;;

' .

;. ;, ,

;,¦ .o.

...., ' ,

-.... .- :


The g^nerali report <n>. the. aea and; inlandfiahemee of Ireland for 1905 has been issued ae'S 'Parliamentary- Paper. The year 1906 wee& Ivery good one from a fletoenmn'a point ofvifew, the anwwiat'W' '8et:fiah. Ian3ed 'Bbowirjga Bilbelantial increase ower-liit of the,preiviouey4ar,' which -wafe iteelf above the average.Oflii'titing/ eihell 1 flfih, nearly one. millionhUn<Jrod-*W6J^aiifl'yeT«. taJken, and 'if'BheU^fWliis| included, : t3ie total money rooedved:by thefi4hennen amxiunitied to £4H,3M. . :

(The gtate erf the salmon fiahwies in;thay6ar1906 waeivery similar to -thai^ oi the previousyear, the '' capture; of spring :salmon beingagain ¦ very satnafaotory, 'but t£at of beal beingwChetrwdfie. In some nvera prficiioaUy-no-peaHnia took place. The total aa*raftt' ,of &ah,carried over Irish.i iailiways was l^Slvtona—almost the same as that in -tihe previous year.The. numfber of twiea of rriflh, salmoD reportedb^ the..r^ifihinio(ngers' Ooanptany. ss naivinKinched Billingsgate was 6, ©, as;comparedwjtth '8^fi&:io l90lf The. fishery distriota re-ported: ian..' improvement, ,twx> no miart'pddhanRe-. and tharteea a dieoEne. ffhe imprwediqverB were again.;mostly, in- the Southern 'andEaatern, difltniJtei uihilSt in th».8oulh-We<;t^inaiud:Noiith<Eafit«rn, the greatest decline tuokPK0*- .


o .



_ . . ;

!We aro : very . pleased to . leam that Mr.Francis Dowley, eon of Edward Dowley, Eec^.,J,.iP., Tiw'an*) ,HJoiJse, .Oan&dk-on-Suir; baapaseid his finf3rexaminatioh'. for the'Enj^iiieeir-ih3, 'P6partmeh.t,:'Injdiaii Civil- 'Sewiee1, fromCopeya .HiJl 'Colfaje.,and'.viiSL ei&$ for acti/veB6ryape!iiext moiitE.- 'We, wieli' him>every auc-ce^B, and have, no dptitit; ho will bo <i creditiflo hie family.arud^ io old. Ireland.. .- ' ;

Th* funeral, of the: late', Ifev. John Wal^hitrf OaBfl-Lake. Ifina.i-'waa &eild' -' &»is: i tiv6Sapred. Heiir^' Oaj ihbdra]; Drilirtto.- DeceasedWJ«J b^>rn in J8g5, i^-.'Watertord, .'Ireland:': Atan•¦ early age • rje. jnixyea' witli; a}s; parcmta1 tolEngJ^iid, where he wAs educated'i&kd OT-dained a prieslt in! MM. U&,'-"^pred :'ap achaplain in the British Amy ' . in 1867, andlater in the Cavil 'War. .Afm thai he de-rctoted much of hia time to the missionaryfield', and in, 1893 he was appointed paatorof St. Peter's Church at Rapid; parira .\Thxeeyears ago, he was, assigned to the parishat OSEB Labe, but owing t» ill-liealth he waacibEged ito res3ipa. ffince Mien ihe had Sreaixicdat St. Michael'^ BDoapital,- Oa&s' I«to, wherebe served as chaplain- op to the timo of hiadeath.

Accarding^to " Kemp'e Mercantile Gazette,"the nurribefj of ', fctoliirea rcobrded in iTelandduring the vrcak, ending November 17ltih, waa3, viz:-iNew 'bSnlchiptcy procecrfing3 publi-shed in ihe.. ijublin Gaactto, ¦ 2; deeda ofarangement filed at 't^e ills of Sale office , 1.The respective numbetB in the correspondingiweeflc ol.laet year wene, bankruptcies, 7; deedsof arrangement, 10; tcftal ,. 17; being a netdecrease in- banirpte43 of 17, and a net do-crease in deds 01 arrangemant in 1906, todate, of 43. The nmriber of Bills -of Salepublished in Ireland for the week ending[November I7tihy T?aa 1. The numlber in thecorresponding week last yeae was 7, ahowingQ decreaco af 0, bcin2 a, net iacreaE^ ia 1803,to date, oJ 11. ;

in. a recepily ipviblidhed " intemewr" MT.Eichard Croker—once upon a time the Tam-many " "Boca"—tiCioata ih*t in durin3" thewholo comae of I hia. political career he neverdid a o&mipt ihing .and never betrayed any-one, and he challenges proof ' to the ' con-trary. He sayu he nover intends to re-enterpolitics, and gives this parting advice to theDemocratic "Rrtty :— _ '"' ' ' '•

"Yoxa future is!,in "the hand3 of the.working meii.1 If you do nob act withthem you' wiU cease to -. exkt' as a i greatparty.' ORefraia froan vilification in futurecampaigns. MEJOO" your fights on cleartotttiuua, and do hot'aocuse your opponentsof being oriminiila amply because 1 theyare your ojxi&isnte. : If ' you oan't win byJair means, never etoop. to foul- on<». ©0nxrt. despait in: defeat if you have retainedyour imanh'obd. That ia the-lecoon-oi mypolitical caTocr1,.""ISLrike in "v7at(»5ord. Artificiat DLoghi

Objected Tol" 8u«ihr were the headings- thatmet our gaze on Monday in the cotumna of aDublin daily. Otinioiw to find out V.Jhd iheeeomiitaufl linefl meant, we «xui' thaV-''Tliocom porters engagM''in-the diacfiar§4"of"th6es. Eaciflo at Messrs. HbU'c &t«Wes in Wflter-ford straok wank on Saturday as a proibestcsaindt tho use.-.qf •.artifkial lignt X K the wwik-tug pl'the.' noW'''fito&!3.''' : " '' ' ; ' ; - " ;

This is tho fiiai Hin© vro ' ever heard ofcorn porters, or any other class of worker,objaciAEg to ovyatinW, whlcJi'iir Tistcally moreremunorative than tihe ordinary day's wage,but aocording to1 tlie' newepaper referred to,tiho men engaged in-taxiing to dischargeliho S3. Bacifle at Heasi6. Hcli; and XDo"fl gttvin-cTOTctar Btona'at the north,;dte, did objectto tho introduction of artificial liglhk—etootrioi^,- wo prcsomoyas. ¦aa'i aid-tQi thsi; dla-c2i2j £3: of tha v^sid which wa3 under- ordcrato sail on Baiurday.

We give-the remainder, of the Btatement aaii was-given to- tlio. publio—"On Saturdayaftamdni thcr men inioenned tha wx>rka sopor-intendent, Mi. it MicOonaMi TjC/.xrf theiriatentooa to quit iwcafc whea daylight.ccaacd.Tto matter beda^ repoated: to thet flrm thomen were informed .tintA.tho .Pacific -prais underorders to Gail tA oa£3d, and that dh& Should bodifidhsiEadi iby • Saturday ndghi. The men,ibjawerer,: left , wori,- cod their places werepromptly taken, by-, ollteza. -Mossra, £EaU re-faBgd to pay tho - dtri^cto until the work ofdischarge w£tf - cosoludod, and. a <i«monstra-tion by tho men, thsir: wjnnea, and faiuilieswaa :m&d& till a lata hiouB outiido tic odiceaof MeesCT. Hall. r 31he .ehip- was r disoharged¦rfiUlacS inxadent rand1 pKTCCodcd .on ncrvwyncya." . -., ' - •

Hho "ribikft" it nfll to observed took placeon Saturday afternoon, the. mea'fl p)aceo woreimmcdiatoly filled-, tiho ship '.wiaa cleared, andch» went on her way as if nothing at all hadttappened. We, in xonanon with- moct Woltes-lord people, who had not heard any aodcorrihatovor ia conncciion' with, this tradocataclysm made .enmririca last eveniing at¦Messrs. B. and H. Ball's, Ltd., and wereinformed by Mr. Thomas Qiuuc3, tho mansjr—ing clerk, and A£r. Xoto Hearne, TXJ., Steve-dore, who W&3 on tho Elcsuner on Satusday,iiaX nnlhing liko whit was described Pour men. tAo were wortdng at .tihechip did giro up wonk in the afternoon,considering, posaaly, that they hod doneenough for tho day, but aa j i was impcTativounder the charter party that tho Fadifiochould' bo cleared out, other four men- wereput in their placo, and1 in due caur&o thocargo was housed. AH hands were paid then.This, ina nutth'ell, is the fitory of the "Sirikodn Watorfordl" " .

"Three Hours Late." Such was the cry ofccarnnorcial "Woterford on Tuesday when ita¦English letters were.delivered at ar> unusuallybelated • period :ol iiho (orenoon. In fact, touse a nautical term,. tho aky was almost ," ova¦tiho yard-oxm," when the firet mail serviceirom Pifihguard, to • Bosslare and thence toWaterford bfecame. materialiEed in the busi-ness houses of the city.

Tho majority of ;tho County Cbuncdla inIreland eomo time ago passed a resolutiondr> favour of public bodies being given per-uniesivo pawero to.expend money in- odver-4iBiniy their' districts, for tho purpose ofattrac-aig tourists thereto. Sinoe then Mr.Cios&by, of' ilho Imeh. Tourist DevelopmentAssociation, has taJoen tihe matter up,' and inreply to a lobtor of hifl, addressed to the Lordlieutenant, be has reoeired the followingoopimunication:—" Sir—I am directed theUQ«i Lieutenant to acknowledge

the receiptof your letter ol the 12th inst., in referenceto the suggestion that local authbritAea inIa-fcland should be ompowered by law toexjpend nuoaev in advertising tourist resorta,aiid to say tJuyt, tihe mutter baa be«a notedfor ' consiaemtion when the opportunityfinises',—I ; am, Sir, your obedieaat Mmnut. J.B.i Doue^erty." : . ;

¦¦', A meeting • of -tho : Natlonalisl Party wasbald at tbo HboBo ol Ctommons on Monday.Off, John Bedmood presided,- AIM) OOlne fifty-five members- were present. Tbo main topi)uf diacufiBioa was tho mttitud«.of, the Paityoowarda 'the varionai amendmenta Utai/had

been paf dowta to ti«'Town Tenanto Bill1 ', 'Ohe Ocfnrmtetee of )he tDramototBorf Boat-(EViid request us t» scfcnowljedgo tite receiptof 5B. from tho ]Ker. Oatwo Topgrin, Tramore.

• :-.¦') . ,



' ¦ .:


;, - '-' v ¦"'' '

. -


' ¦ * '/ -


The "London Standard'' »ayg:— A curfoiiiBlory of the vicl»eitude» ol Iho' *BuoiM4tfl»is r icaUsd by the j death of . Sir. ;Tho»a6»Ebb in, awintli iBarooe*.', ' ' \pt« oamo of tnold' SooTOsh fcunily, but when h« iahertUd&6 i«im iui J*o«Wnr «*rt»B«W*¦:•*

^M out' it, and' h*'Wi*«* *»•.» bab&jnil^';

Cat <b wototf Ar«J«k: In UWbto O *a *7Ja+i *

Iwte iMbp i-: in <h«;!W iS Ooifti »ttdim 'n mdLaied: U» t^ b/tir i»

* i&aik it f M ik

ote*\^mtkt *M *i *iMi

con, Eev. PAUM* OwroJl; O.O, do.' la ii»<h<nr—The Very BOT. C*aoa Detoney, P.P.,Carriole: Very Ser. Canon P*ul Power,P*f., Olonea; Bervi M. PoF«> PJP.i Oarjncifc-beg; Bev. M. PoweV, P;P,' BaJ&ragale- Bev.Foiber PrenderBart, ^ OX5, Canuck;1 ; Eav.Father Oheaaty, C.C, do.; Rev. lathee Don-don, CO, Carricibeg; Hey. FaithiW MtaUea,O.$iF., Owrdian'Camoktoeg Friary;/, Bov.Father Quarta, C.C," Balfyneile; 'Ber.i iP.Powei, CXJ, do; ; OJey, V Father CBeaok,.OX7; Oajnonefleid,' A large number ol '¦ the'laity waft also* present at-the: Maes. v iJa ' the Carrici-on-Si4r batter marked on'T-aeaday there <were 26 boxes butter. . Thepnjoe ruled" foan 9p/- per box. The tray ere¦were^iM>e&Br» ]B. ' Courtenay and 80a, ¦ T.Biyiiii, Waterfowl; T. Fij Jqj,' Ctohael.'. -

, • tit the'ago of lOfTyears, Mrs. Power .difrd. &.fw ' daya ago &t Ti'uri«s; and- Mre. porterpassed away near Newiy, an Friday aighJt,in] her ioand year. ¦ . ! %¦: Tio laftest variation of the "eaocar traoi"jpain e at the. mumo halls i& to mount! . onetradk over the other, and set riders .racing»M each; it -being a two^torey track, /so tonpeak. ' As an added piece of excitement,toe cycltate are hitxjhed on ,to motor cyclf«t»by laath'er etrape, and thus, are towed roundrtibe tony tracka &i a furious pace. Whenihe epeed is euf&dent to h?id the riders onthe highly-ibanked . tracks the whole appara-tus is raised clear, of the etage, and thus thefour men are seen suspended in the air,whirling round and round/ and givinfr thejvaet of the performance. One shuddcre tothink of tihe consequences attending a toofl-adden stoppage of the engine of the iipperrtnoftor ayiaBst. When his speed flagged heiwwuld drop through the 6pace in the centreof the. track, and drag 'tbi rider denvn whowa» attached to him, and they, perhaps, iniiKar fall would tteiie the edge of the krwerfrack and wrock it.

(Wlale many buildings destroyed at SanJ''rancis>C\> were kumreo against damage byfire, the insurance policy did not cover de-stniciion by earfhiquike. Consequently, iff i r y part of the building had fallen beforeithe fire, the liability «n that buildingceased. _ (Photograph* were taken by manycomjunio - oa eoon aa possible after thoearthquake and ibefore the firs reached tl«>saoiwea in a jargo number of casea consider-able earthquake damage io' the buildings,obvioualy sufficient to dedlroy the com-panica' tiaibdlity. (But when evidence camew be collected it wa» generally found (saysthe "Times") that, while a company mighthave' two witnesses, the I claimant couldeasily get a dozen, and that when the photo-grapher w&a wanted to owear to the audhen-ti'cdJt'y' of ' the photographs he, if he valTiedhis ekin, took care to be missirur.

i"oliice Court. Wednesday at 12 o'clock, beforeMr. Olohn Eyian, J;P., who took further" evi-dence in two rather serious cases of assault.IIQ one of them, which has been Beveral timesmentioned in court, IPatrLdk Dower wascharged on remand with- having causedserious perconal injury to Thomae Tobin, byhaving, aa alleged, stabbed the latter, in, theregion, of the groin, necessitating his treaVnient in hoapitaL Mr. Ryan took furtherdtepooitrons, including one by Mr. Eairick©reanan, manager of &£r. Richard Dowsov'a

mitted; ' Mr. Brennan deposed to what heiknew to take plaoa between the .parties intile publichouse, but he was not present whenUi)6 assault was committed. Hie worship,OQ the application, of Head Constable Allen-,returned the accused for trial to the nertAssizes tor the City of Waterford.

The second casa tafore his worship was onein which Michael Murphy is aoouEcd -rsithuolawfolly and seriously assaulting his wifeIby striking her on ;the bead with a poJsbr.S rgt. Patriok Callanan now made a deposi-

the wife of the jprisomer was an inmate, sadamsettained that she was unaiblo to a'tticnd,bar Ufa bedng etill in danger. A . furtherromand was therefore asked for and granted.

On to-morrow evening undfrr IKeatapfices of the Waterford United TemporanoaLoague, the gramaplhone and variety conceitwhich proyed'eo successful on, Monday nightw5U ba r^eated ia tho QJheatre Eoyal, witisoraei very plea6ins,.vsyriBtioiis. The remark-able gramaphxme rcoorda irtiich heardalceady, will be reproduced, including them-orvellwisfly puro and sweet: ton«s from thehandsome £50 cabinet phj anocraph, , kindlyLent- for tho occaaon by Messrs. &»bcftOILsary and Oo., who iareite all who wouldliko to.' listen ' -to whit tho wmdToua paeco officieniiftc . irwentdon can do/ to visit theirB tabljrihun.f.n't, in QTeat Georsre'e-etreet. :

Oflico, Dungarvan, this week, ,a Large Scleotion of Irish Note and Envelopes. Christmaiand New* Year <Jreetiny Postcards, for foreignpofttace- Don't forgot, your absent friends,tcather Pocket Books, BurtaiJe for preseata.tton. Initials in gold oT BilTer: for Sd.' Themoot extensive rango of Picture Postcards inDnngarvan. VSenva, eatresses, tho comic Eido»f life, etc.

iAU 01 us m waienora wm 'DO guu 10 uwisuoh good news from a neighbour. We con-gra/tiuW» oureelves aa well . as this, Kilnxac-•thomas1 resident, for tho intelligence is ofItfce gravest importance to many of; us here.

31r. (Willifm Qlorrissey, ¦ • iBaHyBhonock;[Newlowa, Jlllmaothomaa, near Waterford,

sewore pain in zay &i<fy, and although I triedall kinds, of mediaine, I got no relief ; infact I aeemed to get worse. I, could not lieon my right side when in bed, because ofthe pain. ; , :

"li friend advised me, to try your Doaa'ebackache kidney pills, and, acting on hiaadvice I gave the pills a trial. lAftct I hadboas, takdig them a few days I felt easier,

pilJa. xou are welcome 10 puon&a lav uumof my case for the benefit of others. 1 (Signed]William- Mbrrifisey." 1 .

1 ;RiinA in tho back or loins ia a ex%a that the•toidnoya are weak or dUoased. The kidneyf,were never intended to stand hard strains,and when they have more work forced uponlUietn than they . can perform backache comee,ami lame back,' headaefhe, tired feeling, irrit&bUity and nervousness, and ' urinary diaordera. lAnd after a. whUe, if help is no1Bent to the overs! rained Udneye,' dropsy, diaIbet-es, rheumati-n, or other dangerous: illness ..will fiurelj- follow. ' !

IDoan's backache kidney pills are , a speciamedi'cine for the kidneys and bladder, ark

Stuiimgs ana mnepence per oox (cix ooxmfor thirteen shillings and ninepence). 01 allchemists and stores, or post free, direct from,Foater-MdOlellan Co., 8, Well»-etreet, Oxford-i«j 'ar*at, London. W. You are anre to get £h»rigIA medicine if yon aek disthj dtJy Sot\tDoAU'fl. . - - - ¦


Cutlery than -that autnafactnred by < tt«am.JOMpb Rods«i» and Son*, of Sh«ffl*i.1. AM :our rtock iDd comp*re price* Mked rot to-jferior m*Tce». W« are tole a»ewU for «MIt. 1. 11 a ND .u.k .1.1' n««AfcB ; « '.K MJ(

tn UtCMv—waoer wanu via ow. I*u'\MtMOd-CtrMt. ' ' . : . I : ' I


KILL RkcJ^SI • ; ¦; ¦ ;" ! ¦ ¦;•" ¦?uor i>i :W^'iia|;'- .' ;;'

'.| , ' \

I i TEUHHSDlAT, 2B& ¦. iNKXVJEIBilBiEB, 380$. !

] ' .. piBQQ.BAiMflllB;—'¦: ¦ ! ;tt.0—(FIEBStr BiAiOB—OOMMHTTEB PlIiATB1 <t £30; Mooad £1 out of ita&a. An Op«aMHnrdle Eaoe.. TVeight- for [ sgefrt y«s»3fr •tone; 6yr», 11 «tohe;: 6yr» and up-iwnij^.03 atone. Di»tajjce. 8j niU». En-UMaoa fee, 5/- Uolew tirea hone* will run

- OO MM. I ¦: ' . ' . . ¦ ' ; ! , : ' : ¦ . , :

UOiSBOOan) WOB-KMJL PUATE ot SB-A¦econdi to receive £1 out of stake. An Open;iHurdto OBaoo. Sain* condition* as for nrftIac«,.but;rw*aner (to carry 71b. extra. Ui*-itance. U mitm. ¦2.0-TBfflHD WLOE-KXyWm !PLAS8 of £5;second to,i«ceive U)/- out : of «take. A(Flat (Race for Ponies the txma fideproperty of owners - residing within Ihounion ot: KilmactSioniafl, for: IPaniea l>ibands- 2 inches and under,: tha ¦winner tobe in the owner's poeseawodi ttihree, months1 jprevioua ito day of race. Entrance fee, 2/6.[Distance, lj ,miles. Catrfi wei^bia. -¦flJSO—'JKyOBUS IBIACB—QAiKBlIQiEN. PLATDE3of £8; second <to receive £1 oat of utAJpe,iFarmera .iFl&t Eace, confined .to Eilmacrdtoanas Unlon-<at-(Large, the winner to bain tiie owner's possession three monthaprevious io the xace day. Weight for age—¦4yr», 10 Btarw; 6rys; 11 stone, and aged; 13stone. Entrance - fee, 6/-3.0-FIF31H) BiACB-JLADHS' PILATE of £5.—An Open Flat Race for Ponies 14 hands 21inches. Catch weights. Distance, ¦ 1| miles,(Entrance fee, 2/8.

There wfll be no appeal to a Court of(Law, and only on this condition can entriesbe received. 1(All BnitraooePees must reach Patrick'Hayeaor Patrick Oilmmin*, Hon. ; Sece., . on orbefore 24tb ¦'November, 1906. Addrees—KiB|Kilmacthomas; Co. Waterford.



S33 $g.fiessr! . ' .¦ Etc^ Eto. . " 1 '_ . , 0-—:—_

iK.rf Sw?anr'2!ll<> n*ed U wnte»: "I had 8toad blotch of Sourvy on my kg inst above

pot of the -Krongola Ointoenf has practt-rrra^-saa/- per Pot from

DispensingG2? ijQy, rjafiorfo?d.

fl ¦ '

V Form 3(7.

The abowf oLJ&WZ & &&* IfoatfnfIbo be held on toe 41b 1Ti'Bf\lBMiWBTR: lMB^ T*>«dvo and consider-propo««]« for itiei«wtnc»of tho Nwr Cottage aA Orto^^o. «.;: ': V *(PIOJ)UM1> BioM, be lodgfea iiifri ise' oft> oHbefom HI oV^ock,' ej sa.', on the aKav»- dfclj fejj '.- ' . By Order, • : ; - . ;¦ > -¦; .;;;&*£.;.,,¦.;' ::¦. - TEDOCUA&t. VTJOBBm? :¦

.' .: ' • -a«k *o CttaicB,derifi Office, 2«h ifev icrAer.: MMT •' .. ,•

• .¦;: 1 , [ ¦ ¦:•¦ i . . -. .'' ¦ : • - ! ¦ : ( : : l h- ;- - •. .

SffOETANT tioWhtfSral^'thkj


I ¦ •

i 0IF E8 THi BLOOD). - $Q9aoR9 ttttf cMati ' <

Cicsa Bhaatnatlami ««««BWS»CcscfttbU o*ianf mMf tt,'9kuMtm

Cwolllntf^ B«IM mtUmmii-: >nnrifii * it tiMfifliaa^ |Ai-^A' : '

CP39«4a«l»«; nintfwvrnN: .Ifeqpttoqaca tto gklH, mnd M lmm*cad SklW 'DlMtti««'*r «v)|fV

Cswa^Btlon, Will *n4h .«'jtWMOand ¦<T«otu*l WiBiBiy. ; ;

COLD UJ ALL CEEMIST8. , I« ftrttli*, 0/9, 4«, im Mek. • '

dliiEOitlBiHES'i /TRiTTTJAiKTl)i (ta lflOft,


TO AILL ' IWHioM EC WliT OONCEES);'The Rural DiatxlcA ' Council hereby givfl(Notice that Bepresenftations for the purpoecs

of the above Aicis may be lodged with theirCOerl: on any day up to the -First day ofIPebruary, 180T. '

Forma of ^Representation may be obtainedon application to the Clerk. '

By Order, ¦ JOHN 1L DOWER,

Clerk of Council.Clerfo Office, 1 Workhonse, 16th Novemberj

DUNGAEVAN TJOTONTho Board , of Gtrardian» of'¦ ' the- sltkf Tt

TTnion will, at their MAetiajrto. be held oqTUESDAY, ibe' 4th SXEXXEQiraBBi 1906, pro*ceed' to appoint a duly Qttaiifledjp e r soa ASTHAOHEE OCP 'IDBHSGD in tie woAbj or»9Bcbools si a salary of CIO per annnia, :m&hJart to the sanction at the. Local GovemmenJ(Board'. ' - T 1 ¦ '* . ' • •lipplicaliona, . aeompanled by certiftcafeiof competency land ieetiinoniala, murt bolodged with znej not later than 13.30 aj m, 09the above date. 1 - ¦¦ .: \ . . -" : .. "

ij b m B. OOIWBB,! ; - - COerk of TJnioa,

Clerks Office! fflet Novesriber. OWB- '



'¦'i-Hv^f!' i i 'ifjiR'



r r-.i'^









15EH ¦PBOfflOSBD •WViTCBft SOH«;Xhi* matter -was touched 'upon at thoineet-

ira -crf the. Unbans Council on Monday nightwhen correspondence was broughlt -forward in-connection with the maps•' /^ whi!£had'been sort ifo. -Boigin .'.CA- jw!ha iasbeen acting in the maibter on ibehali of theCouncil. 'Before any practical step -can be

; taken it appeal: the tfaapa - aod .plans m»<be submitted, to «ie (Local Government.Board , and -the. Council conseqaently directedthe caerfc to write to iMr. r.Bexgin for them, i

OHIRHOTI&N BROTHERS.] . . .;; The Oeirtenary; ©aaiar to be held next.

January gives .promise of being an elaboratebrilliaiA, and successful functaon. _ The•ChTi&Uan Brothers have dine wondeis ¦ w-thefield of .education, and any movement fortheir 'benefit meriis the wholehearted sup-port of Christian people. ; P1"' >$*Si Ounsuiran is, aad «yer ha* bee*, -feoghlappreciated, as it so well deserves to. be, forwe^axe fully alive to the general good whichhas -KsuJlted therefrom. In connection wwh¦the Ouzaar conoerite will; "be given -in theTown Hall on «h» -7ih

^d ( 8th .of -IWOW

next and for them the best local and out-side ''talent has been secured.


Nationalist Ireland has showered con -gifaK* upon Mr. S " "^Tforhis signal viotoW in the , recent contest, lorthe 'Parliamentary representation of ihe Ulyof the- Mbes. -The Old Borough rejoiced incommon with other parti oi Ihe country onMi, Giwynn's red-urn , and sem him throughthe Urban Council a resolution of con-gratulation, which was oicely acknowledgedthe ' other night.

THE MABTCYEED THEEE..\n inten&sting meeting no doubt was tna-t

which was hold by the Unban Council onT.u-esday nigM specially for "the purpose- oiorganising a demonstration in commemor-ation of rihe memory of the (ManchesteriMartiyiB-Ulle-n, 'LarHn and O'Braen. Thetnembere turned up in full strength, andiwere met by the Eev. Father ¦Walea, C.^-;1S»v .Bather Coakley, O.S.A ; Messrs p.ilra-her J. Lynch, membere of the GaeliciLeague, and many others. ; Touching and en-thusiastic speeches were j delivered, in re-ference to the brave men ¦ -who died for Ire-land many years ago in ¦Manchester. Acommiftee was formed to maie arrangementsfor the (holding of a monster demonstrationwhich takes place to-night (Friday), the an-niversary of the death of the three Irishheroec.

HVIKniHD HEKAMQSL \ . ,Of- late the case of Mbrs; Crotty, evicted

tenant, was the theme of considerable dis-cussion in and out of Parliament, but noth-ing definite so far has been the outcome.The case of MT. George Growley, Stradibally,also quite recently engaged attention, butwith whait .result twe are. not yet privilegedto? fcnow. Speaking of evicted tenants re-»ninds usAtoat a demonstration in their re-gaid will be held at Kilmactiiomae on Sun-day twhen Dungarvan will be strongly re-presented.

OHIXUA'RY. , ...(We record with regret: the death, of -Mrs.

Ofeeeffe, Modelligo. ,w,hifch. took (place onEtaday last. The deceased- lady wasmother-in'4aw of Ilr. John Hasty (evicted tenant)-•who now resides at Cappagh. The funeralon Sunday -was largely and respectably at-tended.—SiiP.

BUffiLTXIINiG 3EEE. ;Our enterprising fellow-townsman, Mr.

Michael Miahony. UJBMC., tea purchasedj£rom Mr. Mdooael D&niel, l£ain«streei, abuilding site for £65. The ground is heldunder lease for an unexpired term of 92years at a yearly renrt. of £f l 103. The- sale¦was conducted "by Mr. J. J. O'Shee, UJ).C,auctioneer.

MSAlBBOODJiTitENT. iIt would seem .tihat the (majority of the

District Councillors—and i xhere was a fullattendance of ".th em—at Tuesday's meetingcame in under the erroneous impression thatthe election of a Clerk of I Woris -was to takejpiaee. They appeared not to be a littletaken abaok when informed that the ap-pointment was not to be .made that day.The matter, as they now i know, will be con-eidered on Tuesday, 4th December.

HHRIE AT. BAUJXNIEBTX.IA. destructive fire ibrokft oqt about *>ui

oblock on Saturday night at the residenceof Mr. Michael Hickey. farmer, BallyneetyTh6 dweHinghouse and but-offices , togetherTilth a large quantity of hay and straw andterm implements, -were j totally destroyed,bu,t the cattle and fowl [ vere aavcd. Thedamage, •which is icavered by insurance, isestimated at. abault fll70i We anderetandthat Ilr. Hickey intends lodging a claim formalicious injury at the[ Quarter Seasiona.Thi& holding, -which was fonneiily in theoccupation of Mrs. MbrriBsey, IWOB com-pletely destroyed by fire while in the handsof the landlord some- fifteen years ago, andthe county had to pay ample compensation.

A COI1UAIPSB.tit about half-past four;oVdock on Monday

evening as the men employed by Poley(Bros, were engaged in the removal of mealfrom the Bieamer "Hllen" to an adjacenteiore the loifct on whfch. it was 'being placedgave way, bringing with j it a portion of theibuilding. At>ou± 100 tons of meal had beenpiled on the loft , and- MT. Parr, Manager oftlie Clonmel Brewery, ihad fortunately ju6 tleft' his office underneath, before the col-lapse. The men employed had also th« goodluck to', bo outside. •OiiTJOH; 'NHHlJiE2>. .

Mesir6_ Stokes, Contraciore, are at presentcarrying' out much-needed repairs to theCourthouse. ¦ :

; TEiUHEIElAK'CE.'' iBev. Michael-; 'Walsh , C.C., delivered apowerful eermon on temperance on Sundayevening at tie Parish Church. 'During thecourse of his remarks the rev. gentlemaneaidi •that <we would have no independent

I Ireland and no Self-Government while we| were addicted to the airful vice of intern-1 perance.IPEffTY SESSIONS.¦ The presiding magisitnateG at the Petty

: Sessions on Saturday were Messrs William¦Orr, EJM.; Charles J- Curran and William: Siajck. Ti business •was light, and em-! traced no case of pablic interest. Two pub-j licans were summoned for an alleged breachj air the licensing Act. Both cases were dis-

THE QDAiBiKQSE8.Qate, of which there was a good supply,

6old- at HO/- per (barrel . (Pisa were pient/ifo!,and. price- advanced to 47/- per <rtrt. ThemjSiat vras veil Mtended by the fruyens.Hhere is a etiz in the cattle trade, as is evi-denced by the large purchases being madeby tbs local dealers-. Batter ¦ supply' wasemail ;and in good demand at lO}d.« per lb.iPotetosa 6old rail at 4Jd- per stone (whole-sale). [iTn itho foryl trade; business is brUK,and the Xmas turiey ¦& already in evidence.

CAPPOQUIN, •- - [»EOM Otm- OWW . COEBESPONDENT.]i Tiha usual fartnishlily 'Petty Sessiona were

¦fceii on- TUnxttiAj . iteeaxa. William- Our,JBJMi,-. A. I . F. - iWyse, J. fH. Manmon, andIJ. X>. IDobbB, were the magistrates in. attezuUfince. Tbe oily caee fetr.alfiiKieal whiclbi pre-Eent£<l -any feature of public interest twostbfti jat tiM» /m&' ol Jiwdea ODoMDeitl; ofOTiyee, figainet Patrick -MicCrath (Gtrw), ledho«t8ar«emmoned-to'rfiow coiiee why bsBbbnMoot.lbj9 botmd ito th© peate. The case- twas*hai.oiL lat October deleadflnt abused oom-plainaiiiat Byrne's public hmiee, as a reeuliof wbicii tie puiJicaa ihad rto eject (defendant.The .fpacrtete&tesi bound the defendant AverKk> toe ,of good "b&amout bimaelf in* £2 andtwo '-efWrtiee oi lite. eaeU. ; McGrath wasgiTem A iortndght io get the bails. -

*QIA usual anoniWy meeting ci the WestWni&toiA ExecotiT* ati the United iriah(Lea«n« ,TC&<*d at[ half^aet twelvedr5Ss. on riextimnrsday <Paor Day): It

' ik 46 (be hpped that iimrc ,wili <be & good at-(tendwxce <« delegatea, :wbo sloald ,b» punc-

1 ttadiiofi their Bifival. ' ! ' ' " ; •i* i The. i (htaStif t* '¦ dtfb, «rider the' Auepiceei K ii^Sft itooW foiitbaU ' VLvto, flpenad theP iJjuiiJ a- l -flandajr- v&b*..- i A wet j e a -

M 'imoi ¦ttin&ojfc Artl annora Hog daatriot .

FZmf c&^nil mnMVJ ******- ¦ '-»¦5Sac«: thi* i a DWM;• -f t- ^etr^m fa

i^mjH«i*e^n>«& in»t i ud eontooe not *

BK^^SSmS^to*- ^3T;*e - -agartr


• ! ¦¦ - . ' - ° . I ;.Truoa O«B OWN doatEapoirosHT.3



The raftespayera of the entire. Union di Idfl-mona- e a deep d«!bt oi gTatitAide '#> tiheipejOpLe; of Tallow, who by tjheii irnitcd | actionan regend- to' the puhinc library; have; *avedHihem <>ver t2(J() .per arnium> : which, in- twenty'years would amouat uo £4,000 of their money.and <this : fox a matter of nx> public lutdlity.The 'baUoie of the free library craze was prick-ed byi . vU'onsignor HaHanan, of NewcastleWeal , < when he appeared betface tihe IfeariotCouncil Al that -ttlown in •oppoeiticxn to lietcioa'&lkhipenrt, oi a iK» public library there,when lie eadd, quotinc tJio words oi the Vicarof Rathkeale, Uiat they, the public libraries,•were a "bad barga-:n !'" '

A BEIOTBST.Th«.' Monsignor went on li> iay " The tru«

Irish: :Lesgra«r wants to k«cp before the Irishpeople the ' grand Meois of his forefathers.TiLe free library mian puis before them theidealfl of (the English saiam, society set,thnougli the .pa es of the English novel. Theiwue ¦ lrij sh Xieiaguer w^ants to preserve thocu^uointj of our torciathexs—.their singing anddanoiaig and pastipues in their own homesand those oi tneir neighihours. But the free.Ubiany nsan u-ams the hoye and-girls to leaveitlhair homea at n ight, and- crowd into the free¦buJaings and there spend1 their time in . poringover 'uie laaest worm of iing'iish fiction orsame ! such .tandrtd u-ftrks. And this is howlie Irish aa.iu.ou is \o be built up. '.'


•M r. Samuel Field has arrival in town withhi? hoj by horses and games of . various kinds,and tur the ne3et nitunth or 60 he .may btcei iaiii osf large mghiuly Attendances, for MrFiei\i, and inxleed Me .whole family are verypopular h«re. The last occasion on which he(visited a'ai'liw ho verj kindly offered our goodpaniiih prieat the proceeds of one nigWe enter-teuwnent fior paioohial improvemente

1.I-SM ORE CliEEKSlIBP.i\i.r. A. HtBkiin'B election t» tihe Oleritelinp

of the Iiismore Board of Guardian© and Dis-trict Council has ibeen, very £avoural% receivedhere,' and it is generally conceded, that noIbattei man could be edlelctcd for the position.iH'iS long association with the board as aguardian and his consequent knowledge oithe general routine -oi its (business, togetherwith hie tact, courtesy and aHility, all com-bdnea to make **i™ a fir t-class official , andone wihom the board and the ratepayers alikemay depend upon to safeguard their in-1»rei,'ts and. perform the duties appertainingitto tibe office tn a highly crediuibi* and6atisiactory mannei

FSBM0[rnou oroi ovrv coaacsponnEN

Om.TUXRy.I v«ry mjuch regret to have t» announce the

death of -Mfiis Bridget Condon , sister of MriBai Oondtin, B..IXC, of Baliymacsimon, whichoeourred at liie residenice. of her cousin , Mir.Oa-rfd Iin&xn .'R.D.C., Oonna, on last FridayThe late Miss Condon was a young womanwho was jpery popular in the diHtrict andJrigiily respected by all. The greatest aym-pa+iy is rait for her family and her cousin.Sir. LinehW, in their sad bereavemeart Afithe meeting of the Board of Guardians oi.Sattuday, J on the motion of Mr . Kern,seconded py Mr. Cotter , a vote of sympathyiwas passed (unanimously to her relatives, andpaTticulariiy to Mr. Condon, R.D.C., and Mr¦u. iflneoa i, n.u.v., in rneir nvur w yna

PEOPEHIY S.U>ES.The old established firm of Messrs J M.

Barry and Sons, auctioneers, put up to? saleon ;last Tuesday several houses, shops andstores, tiha property of M5ES Maguire, latelydeceased, bu-uated on Bank-street and Artii-lery-quay iFermoy. There were a large num-ber of KdiderB present, and competitaoD was•very keen. Among thtee (who bid wereMessrs. E.: -S. Baylor, soilibL1x>r; Richard Rice,solicitor ; 1). . Caj iDaghan, sofficitox , MitahalB-«y»n; Jwin CaHaghan, Patrick Donegan,IlIisB Hogaln and Mlra. Gleasier, etc. The pro-perty was eventually knocked down to 'Mr Operty was eventually knocked down to Mr OCalJighaa, Mitchcistowa, lot itihe sum oi£900. Thi premises are situated in theibusieat pa t of the town.

N.ORSrNG .A.t the meeting of the Board of Guardiane

on Saturday, a letter -was received from theLocal Government Board enclosing 6om«oibservatiDis by Dr. Hutch aa to the necessityof employing a qualified maternity nuree forthe Ballynoe Dispensary District. A longdiscussion|ensued, in. which several memberstook part, iand eventually the matter was a< •journed ior ooneideration at the next meetiuc.

UNION WATER SUPPI/Y.Ip reference to the water supply to the

Union, ihe Chairman said that Mr. He£kin ,Mr. OOfeiU and himself visited Mr. Shana-han's place, and they came to the conclusionthat a good eupply could be had from there,and that <Mlr. Shanahan said thai he wouldlet them. Have the water and sufficient landfor a reservoir for £60, and he thought thatthis would meet the requirementa of the Loco'¦Government Board. R was eventually decidedto do this, provided the claims of others could'be satisfactorily settled.

KIXiWOKEH SBWiERAGE. .(A long discussion also ensued in reference

to tie troublesome and oft discussed Kj lworth6<?wenage, but nothing definite was arrivedat. Mr Twohill moved that a scheme of(blbourerfe .oattiagee, with additional hall acrep yo[a, be adopted for the ,unibn. This waspassed unanimously, the Clerk having beenordered to prepare leaflets giving details asto the ntrmber, cost and condition uf \.tcol\czc3 dfeady built in the meantime


SDI1O0L ATT£NDAXCE OOlIlMITTEL.T, 10 Esuai monthly meeting of the local

Sch ool Attendance Committee "was held onEii reday in line Courthouse. Venerable Aroh-xea<|on SMcGralh, P.P., V.G., Chairman, pre-eided, and there -was also present—Very Eev.the Dean of Iismore; Eev. J. A Kiitwan(CJCi; 3>r. Patrick R. Dennehy; (Messrs. JbhniOro!tty, JJB ; /William Aheame, T.C, and Jas.McCarthy, T.O. IMT. Maurice Doyle, Clerk•and' Inspector; reported that the averageattendance c!t ihe various schools of the town¦wasj as follows—bxistian Brothers, 90 percent, ; Presentation Convent, 91 per cent; andMaih-atreet. CchDols, 68 per cent. ThAa ivcaconaidered very aatisfactory After trans-acting some routine .business the meetingadjourned. :SUDDEN DEATH.

At a«>ut half-past twelve o'clock on Wed>needay a very £ad sneident look place at oneof the offices at Liemore Castle It appearsthat; at the hour mentioned, !Mx. Thomas Tal-lant; Manager Lifimore Go6works , -was trans-acting some business with the Secretary ofthe G-as Company, Mr. E. W. Beecher, when•he was suddenly liken ill, as a xeeult of whichhe Ifad to be removed to one of the outeroffices, where everything possible was done toalleviate ihe aufleoaiige oi ihe victim.Spiritual arid medical assistance :was alsohaslily requisitioned, and ithe Eev. EichardJ. Casey, C.'C, with Dr. Patrick 51. IDennehywere .immediately on iiie eceme-.. Mr. Tallant¦was iln due I conrse renuoved "to his residenceat {Hen View, ¦wfieire he axmred shortly afttrr-vardjj. /Detjeased tsrho .T7as about eighty-sixyeariof age! ivas o man at Temariablo vitalitynotnilhatanding tis advanced ege, beingalways alilc' to dieciaise 'his . onerous ' dutiesto the fulile t ertenl. He was most popularwiib iiaU -classes, end the resieet synnpathyia expressed with! hie afQioted family andrelative*. The matanriiDly <J£MT Ihns coat aglooni over the iom and eurnHinding district.

We ' understand thai a -very interestingcase' erf frmd ;will come I off «i nieit Batur-day'eil'etty Seesions. From tntormation tohfiid itt appears that a yotmg Jajly •was jn theUJooalliity eome time- ago, eolicitanc orders forthe enlarging of phcOographs. Bonte com-plicaiionfl have ariflen wfiicli vUi (be toUyexfJfiioed ai Hie toveeingAtkno.

ii ' : i' ' .- • •¦• • • '• ¦ ¦. ¦' : . • '.

. . . I } ' MR. T. " t. HEOk, •;¦ -¦,

SuBQCBOp DJiWIWI1, i DTOratAfiVAN.J " . Brtrr dajr rtc«?» 'mi&aM&f i-49- to '

4< ' ¦

¦ 3te.FOoU»3»ai7v Main »re«t; ATBJmr Attteiuto WeAniidaor-rill^O to 3."

:My 41

''-O ici 'f; 8w|tti;:k«lL ' "

&A r: T;»Sr- «!B«*»:-W*iwS4iy.: !/ • : . ' . *-;.- . ; -- .|-- [ .1-.s- 'ff/ "-.^ ;- t v -' - o / i " i ^ ' .-i::: •- ¦ ]¦. - -. :. : -. '¦-

'>/>!+•.il i ¦$¦ ;-;;'i:>-J . - 'tf i&W -'-.!: ¦ ¦ ;¦!: v; ¦- ."

aiHE FISWm CONSBEyATOBS.There was more than a mild- excitement at

.the election of [Fishery Conservators for the"C" Livistaa at itie OouWhwufle. in •Water-fowl on IWednesday. The '10" (Division extendsfrom Ooolnamuck, .beyond |Carxic!k-on-Suir, toa .[poinlt at iDrumdowney,; neor Passage, BOthat it covere an area dnltexeetnng ip many ofour (readers; a is [the more dnterosting on thisoccasion las Mr. Thomas)I". fMtarrissey, theVdce-iOhaiiman of the Cairick-<on-Suir UifbanCouncil, and Deputy 'Vice-Ohainnaji of WieCamckon-Suir (Board oi Guardians, came outat the .top oi lihe poll. ] . .MST APPROPRIATE SELEOTKJN.

The ©election thait tJie flthexman have madein placing their confidenice in Mr. Monrieseyis a very appropriate one, inasmuch ¦as theposition of Oonsenvator 11013 at one time heldb iMir. Morrissey'e fathei, wftio .we are glad,to say, ae ettll hearty and ¦well in Australia.Twenty-six years ego thei liuee Consejwatoxawere—Mr. Patrick iMannitg, father of jptn oldiriend of this paper, "MiA/M"; W;. A; iManrning, and others of that ilk of 'Wia.terford;Alderman 0. Bedmond , the founder of the"Waterford News," and Mr. Thomas B. Mor-rissey, P.L.G., of 'Moonveen, nlready TC-feored- to. ¦!LONG SEEVICE CONSEEVATOES.

¦About thia time Messre^ Manning and Bed-

mond .were replaced .by Mr. James iFaixell,of Xibnacow, and' Mr. Thomas Bowere, thelatter of whom was a candidate on the presentoccasion. In 1883, Mi. ; Qlorriesey resignedhis position, and MB place <was token, with-out election, .by Mr. Conierfoid. At lie elec-tion ithree years -ago Mr. 'ITarrell pvafl defeatedby Mr . W. C. Bcott, of K3licmmiore, and 'in theelection -which tcWk place on, Wednesday,Mes3TB. Bowere and Comerford were defeated,the new blood being Mir. jT. F. Mbnri6sey andMr. O. 0"Mahony, while Mr. W. O. Scott re-tained his position on Ihe board. Our friendsin Carrick-ctn-Suii will bd glad to learn of thisresult.OBITUAEiY.

I regret to .announce the death oi -Mr Augus-tine Reams, an old and well liloed native ofthis town. The deceasediwho div«d in tLough-atreet, had been indisposed for Bome months,and he passed quietUy awlay on Tuesday, forti-fied T>y "the rites of the i Oatholic Church, olwhich he was a devoted member. The funeraltook place on Friday 16 Tyibroughney, andwa3 largely attended '

I also rcgretfuly imniqunce the death ofMrs 'Power , Seskm, which occurred unex-pectedly on Wednesday evening. The deceasedhold a farm and wafi mother of ft large family ,iwith whom we deeply 'sympathise in theiraad and eudden bereavement."HAPPY KNA!CK~'

Ma. Martin Curry, of Wind^ap, pulled offthe £10 sta Lo with his dog, 'TUlappy Enaok,"at the coursing (the other day. No tfewej thantwenty-nine doge Dompated.SCKOOiL ATTENDANCE.

A meeting of the School Attendance Com-mitteo was held in the Town Mail on Monday.Tho Very 'Eov. Cbnon ^ Dekmey, !P.P., VJ.,presided, and tlhere iwere also present—Messrs . Michael .Power, Thomas Mtarriesey,iMlain-street, and Thomas llalono. Mr Gray.School JVttendance Office, was present. Pio-eacutions vrene ordered igainct a numlbeT rente for not 6endin& their children regu-Laxlv to school


This 13 the week in -vrhioh moot methodicalcooks make their mincemeat. The writer,remembering her firct " nuUnj" of mince-meat, which entailed a whole day's labourand resulted in 6ome two atonea of mince-meat (for a family of two!), counsels younghousewivea not to venture upon too large anundertaking.

Here is a delightful. old-4ashioned recipewhich, if carefully followed, ivill producejust enough and not too much mincemeat fora email family.

4 lbs. of apples, pared, cored and minced.Ii Ibe. of rateine, stoned and minced2 lbs. ol beef Buet, finely chred.II lb. of castor sugar. J oz. calt.4 lihs. oif dried currants.J lb. .candied peel, mjneed.i en., finest mixed epice.The minced rinds of 4 lemons, the juice

of Uwo.I-3 pint of oveet win*. 1-3 pint oi brandyMix the whole well (tog«!tiher, presa into a

deep pan and keep covered in a dry, coolplace.

wavanpono ; r-ianiiarorcitisalaiD cf , Tjtczcccticna in Cloro Stocv

reported to tfco Hz^zxisxsx ol Ajriculturo andTe<ialKil Tr-trastica for Irc'jtad:—

Ai Casileiea fair, Co. Eoscommon, heldonlGih November, plenty of buyers attended,and demand waa keen. ¦ Calves, 1st class (7),£6 to £5 10/- ; 2nd cla£;3 (3), £3 2/6 to £4;veozlinga, let clac3 <23), £8 to £9 10/-; 2ndola&s (22), £7 to £8; 3rd claci (7), £4 10/- to£6 12/6. 3?,wo yioam old, 1st ciws (44), £1012/S to £12 10/- ; 2nd claE3 (£D), £8 to £10apranrero, -let claca (3), £1G 10/- to fil8 6/- ;2nd elaaj (4), SOQ to £04. Gmall eupply ofsheep which were very dear. Lambs, 1stclass ^0), fll 16/- to £fl; 2nd ciazs (30), £1Jo/- to fll U5/- ; over 12 and under 21 monthsold, let .olaea (CO), £3 10/- to £3 15/- ; 2ndclass (20), £2 6/- Young pigs, 8 to 10 weekBold, sold ot from 25/- to SO/- each.

Carrcr^aline fair, Co. Oori, held on lGth•Sotrcmixsr, 17 0 a small fair. Demand wasgood. dalves, 2nd clasa <4), £3 15/- ; 3rdclass (8), £2 15/- to £3.: Yearling, 2nd classOB), EB S to £7 10/- ; ,3rd1 claaj (£0), £4 5/-•to £5 10/- TJwo years old, let class (01), £106(- V> Still-; '2nd cla=3 (20), £8 to £9 10/- ; 3rdobua (10), m 10/- to £7 10/- Snringarc, 2ndclass (1), m2 10/- ; 3rd claso (3), £aO <to £10DO/- YomT? p5so, 8 to 10 w«dii oil. sold at•Jram ISA -to 22/- each. .

Cappilea by tlr. Jona flczi^i , Ucrtci GaporIntcsdraj ,

DDTTDu.Ht=Az3 Prlco.

S~~7 - - 85 ... 80/114noz j ... . 0 00/00

™~~^ 7 - - « - 80/108l^^

1 ¦ 32 . 63,103IIo, d Orklao 'coiTciac^flln .'j wcj tcl lasO

yc==,'a:; ¦?!!:?, 8^0 tolOii 03 par owiHay. p a ton . ; ... ICj 03 to Ws Od*"'erf»? ... ... -tea A to 503 oa° tei Cte:r7, ... 2:jCd to C3i 9dV7heitea fibtif > . ... «3Ca tpC0» OdTnrnfOT .. _ lc, to-]5, OiU&naoMj

_ _ 1 2J to 14J

Oifo* „ r M, oo to COaPot«to», „. „, 5d to £ja p:r etan»man. cis. NewWBEAT—per ts|..oj c::;tt>-

Wblto ... ... ... 15 0 to 10 0££4 ••• ... : ... 33 0 14 0Sh!pD!n& fo .... ¦ ... CC 0 C) n

DAELEy-4crW. ol bllfc5- °Grinc!!c3_. ... ... 10 0 10 0

n U»l«n3 -.„ ... ' ... 12 0 13 0OATS—nor brl of tTO'lha—Claoi ... „ ... 10 0 10 0

FLOUB-pcr cieiof iZO lta—Ex Saporflr^a „ : ... 25 0 £3 0Kno» ... ^, ... 24 0 25 0Tblrds... _ ¦ _ 03 0 00 0INDIAN UCAL _ „. 13 3 13 n

OATUEAL, p3rc;si_ ... :£3 0 to aBEAN, DM dot _ ,,. 5 9 0 0FOLLABD do ... „. 0 0 7 0WBEA'", ocr brl. cf CJ <1»-

£P"=S-; i I ~ j ... Mi 00 0CaHfomif.! „ ! M . ... OJ 0A«1CJ».,, - .„ I ... ... co 0Goezfcn : 1 „, 1 ,., ... co- 0Cysiz'.nol : «,. i ¦ „. M ca 0

i SICZ. ¦ ¦yt an OcMjr Dc=sr C3 Cz>3. U3. K^prt-Vat eizsi, „, ; _ i 48 0Pot Slccab)*^. ! ^

if} 0Por OwrwdshJ _ i „. - 43 flPor UnCaUiod : _ | 43 0

: UTAT- !Ilr T KJtj oraia'* rcpoitH-

:: ; ; L a 4. 0. 0.&«s ii*ir .'t>ni'[ p « T i k j « S I 0 6BoOBhw Pitv * ,. ,- .- I _; o s 0 7HnJtoauUg^XoaistcxChoEtuiwflt)]* ,8 0 0Whn OnM ppr lbj ; j m -. , 0./ 0 , 0 7Vfttb Pork u* 1 « >•• . 0 B x> afT '-'iT- ^oJ1: : - 0 ;5 » lObttrlM J, HID. UA npoH>*e^E«t (p lKI) : «. [„, \% 0 13 ft¦?T-, . !i- -;W«. rL !. » • . .» .•.; ifBssB8 J^raHA-TotiirfB awpoar-Ohl<*i*»,.piri»lr-!\ «,':.7 .;-u' -- '


•'• « 0t^i- 'i-zOrix *'*:9 '-OMM \. . V- ii-1—' ¦ I ¦ 1

-..- 7i0 fl 0^ ir I W8b (BfltldJ.) I .- ; ; ,W . .:

¦sdfc v f^'t ;: i*» : '' - i ' - *»; /co r i §

®^rv: !i« ;' - -.S i - M;Jj :':R-v:---- :i -Ci - y UM

.- : • : ( ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ SESSIONS/ '-

": ¦


. . ". -. ! :>} v-p ; : . . - . .

Thtee tftxrtndgihtly jytrty ;&4s 6'na were held,on IShuraday before |Ctolonie(l,ffi.uaii*, D,L., nndafir. -vT. (B. GruWb. : i

.] TIOSSES3DD0N! OASES.MMiael Quirk sued Jlames iPowor JOT poa-

aesdibn of a "Weekly ; Aaaement—Decreegranied. ; • •

tA kiecree for possessioii -was also Mr. Quirik egainEtt. John Collitian, a weeklytenakt. 'ilr. J. F. QuirkyBolicitar, appearedfxxr ilihe oommfLainant an ea/rh inetarice.OBAfRGiE ¦A:QArN1Srr tA POLiaB CONSTABLiE

Odnstaible Michaei SEyan, Glenbawer,. andMaiinioe 'Kiely : were ohai|;ad 'by IDuatrictInsieotar O'Brien, with, 'falsely representingthemselves as travellers at Ifjiebael Hearn«'spublkshiiuss at Ballynealo, on. Sunday, 4thanst) . ' ; ".¦- :.: ¦'

tM!r. J. F. M. CSulliTan, eolicitox, appearedtar ithe d&fandamts. ' ', ' .. . . ¦ ¦

Mis, Johanna Hiearrie, wife of ithe publican,dep68Ci[l ito iMr. OlBriea rtliat on Sunday morn-ing) lat alwut lhiaJif-p'a£(t. ! edjghlt. o'clock threemen, 'ConatoWe (Eyan, Thomas Hearne andMaiiniice 'Kioly oamo ta tier pu'blichou&o; sheeadd io 'ittem 'rtihiat they ¦were not travellers;.iHeanne said !he MOB ¦ a itravelLliej and . Kiely6aid JIOthing; ah.e openeil' .thb door and eaid(to ithe men : "t can't supply you 'with' : drinkas •thda ie Sunday, land as it OB to Mlasa youcaale"; Hwrne and Kiely then left! tihe pre-mises and Constaible Ryan, pamained a fewmfti 'uteQ ; she told him. (that !he -wasn't atraveJ/lex and the could not 6upply him;Hyan. eaid alt, the door itihst (they liad 'comefrom outaide tho limit. '

MT. O'Sullivsm- called |the latltentlcn of theoouk to Mir. iHteaxne " who, to said , -wasprompting hia wife. He- asked iBr. .Hearneto be good enough to retaro.

'IBr. &ru|b(b—©o you make explication thatthe Hoaive the court? ' ',' " ' ¦¦M>. O'Sullivan—I do. : ' 'Mr. Hearne -was then : oifdeTed to letwe the

court. 1The twithess in crexES-e-xaTnittation- eaid wmiConatabde ¦'Ryan was in. uniform at the time;the door was closed .vi'hen, itihe (three metn.caino to it; 'there was ia 'knock at the dooxand iwhon she opened 4t ehe saw the threeTnen ; she could -not eay which ol 1ihemknocked, 'Heairno 6aid ,,ithat foe was outside•the1 limit and lie idiLdi mo'5 ask for a d rink ; thepoliceman asked for a drink ; ho said :"Ooane on and give ua a drin!k."

.Mi. O'Sulliyan—A mimite ogv> you weregiving your evidence to MT. OIBnLcn and youdad no! eay that.

ilr. O^Brien—She didn/t , becaucer H didn'task her.

¦Mr. OTSulli'van (do wa!tne33)-AVaB it you or.your husband commurilte.'lod thi3 mitter to'.tho poifce? ' '

Mi. CRrien-tfCon't fcmawcr that.MJ. O'Sullaraan said 1ihe court'.was <iiero to

administer the iaiw, aiid ihe asked that the¦witness be made answer* 'tho ouestion.

Mr. O'Bhien^-I have Jold hex not to oncworthe question.

Mr. O^SulliTon repeated th»' question.Witness—I will not answer ¦tiht.1i..Vir O'Sullivan poiated out that the witness

m-as eeeking to, iwunff diecredlrt on a man (fhoConstable) who was doing hifl duty, and hewould ask the court to fallow itiho' question.

Oolonel Stuart—We wiU inert allow it.MT . OlSuilliyanr-JVery, well, I ttnow to your

ruling, !but Stall I Tvill xetain my own opinion.Ctoocs xaminatiion continued—Byan. eaid :

''Come and giivo us a drink," and ahe eaid ahcwould not, {hat eh© could not eupply him.

lb. OlSullivan-flWdi you ©vex oupply any-one but itttna £de IbiavoUero?

Us. WBrieni<*o.T7itne3B>—(Don't answer that.Mr. O^uUivan—iWihy, (Mir. O'Brien?Mr. OTBrien—ffiecaosii it has nothing to do

wutb itihis case. ' ' ' •UT. O'S-ullivan—.Woll, if I am. comj to be

thiwarted the sooner'J-wo " Ihave a drum-headcourtmaEtial the better. Shp ds (here, and Iaccuse hex o f ' IbeSpe ia conrupt vdtneaa. Tolitilness—-On your oath, maoam, have yourpvoa dirmk to perriona ivrho were not ihonafide travellers? ' ¦ ,

(Mr. OIBrien -Sho nesd no!t anawor that. Itis a most dbsuid question.

Oalanel Stuaitt—(No, she need not anawar it:Acting Sexgit. Millions deiposed to Mr CMBrien

itlhat Oonektlble 'Eyun E^etpt in the barrack c\Glenixxwar on Salturdiay night, the 3id Nov ;tho barrack was 4JWO .sjxd & tknH mii I AS andH2i yards (from Mir. Heame'a puibliehouae;¦KJely lived at a dielance fmm the public-house oi two milea: and &50 ytards; neitherfiyan nor Kaely was ej bona fide Iticveller.

Crosa-examdned—¦Thomao iHearne was ntona fide traveller; ho lived over three mileairom the publiohouse. ' ;

Mr. O'Sullivan—You had ¦ cili call Jio pr&rvioua night at ten o'claok?

&£r. O*Bmen—^You need noi anfiwer that.Mr. O'Sullivan—-You1!!!*'fearfully eaptiotu,

Bfa. Olfirien. • • ¦ •¦ ,Oontinuins ,tlh<f -Bitnees aaid he TTOS on duty

outside until eleven o'clock, and consequentlyoould not be at roll call. :

iSx. O'Sullivan—©id you GO into the men'odormitory when you returned from duty?—I did not.

What hour did you GO out on duty itiatnight?—AB well aa I can remember it wapahout a qaarW past seven o'clock.

And you did not return unitil eleven o'doc<luYou taw Byan on .parado. nssit gomtng?—Jea*w him when I returned term Moss.

Xou pledge your oath ihaT, be aletit thatniijht in the barrack r—fl am sure of it.

X'Ma man. paraded nest morning1?—Yea. ¦IMd he go on diity ia Kihe cvdllagd of CBaUy.

¦neale?—iHe did.Maurice Kiely, fox the defence, gave evii

donee to the effect that he TOS allot an thepuiblichouse on the: nxarnins in. question; hoasked Hhomas Hearne.. iaumi'ng he waa uIbona flde traveller,' tyy ';. get him a c-u; oftdbacco in the public-house; "he did n<jt gointo the publichoase, am}1 irn 'teoj z.v tjhat 1 hoa;JHearne did not .get :'a diinik.;'O>nEtabl6 Eyanon. his ,pxe8eiice addressod; ho' question to Mrs.Hoarne in rafewihae to'- drink. '

Cnoes-exsamined—(He was some yards awaytram ,tihe publiohouse;' 'wh'at. IMlra . llaarne hadswoxn was ialae.

Qdi. O'Snlli.von—Wbien'ithero ia a thirst for©oavicitdon , l<at ua bo convicted decently, butnot by subterfuge.

Ms. Grubb—Whit did tho Con9,al>!2 e.i iy toMre. Hearae ?

iWitness—J did nol heaf him say anything.Constable Mlicliad Ryan depose.-! to Mr.

OBuUivan that ho v.ns ctatiioned at ¦ Glen-iboiwer; on tho Sunday morninjj in questionha received orders to go to Ba 'lyneftle andhe did eo; he entered llie premises of 'MichaelHicarne as a Constable;in tie discharge of hiaduty, and in no other capacity; he asked forno drink fox himself or anyone; Mrs. Hearaesaid nothing about the priest g 'iug up tocelebrate Maes, but eha made reference to thoentry oi poiice previously; he knocked at thedotxr. and in reply to Mrs. llearne'a que?y. becald. "ipolioe "; KicJy did not go into thepuhliijQhtouse, and ho '(Ki<^y} did not adk <o¦bo supplied with <ta'nli;:I&araa, who was abona fide traveller, asked lor a drink, but .hedid. not «et it. '¦'¦¦ '

ZIx, 0"Eri£o edd Sio itVould jse-esamine iMIra.Hecjne.

Mr. O'Sullivan—For -what? :¦Mr. OBrien—To rebut a portion of tho

evidence given by your witnesses. :IJhe bench allowed Mrs. Hearne to be re-

examined.Mr. O'Brien (to Witness)—Haw long were

thefce men inside the doox?—Ten. minutes..Mr. O'Sullivan—Was anjfbody else in .this

hotlse .tiut youreelf?—N , on6 'hat myccil.-Mr. O'JJcuIivan—And tturee men etayeld1 ten

mihutea doing noitihinfj in your btrazo?:|Mr. O'Brien—Tiey vare looiima for drink;"that is what -they were doing, .

iiMr. OlSullivan—'Isn't tihero ft post office iniM« ^village? ¦ : ¦ ¦: . - .

Witness—Ther* oaj :i " ' ' ' " ".Mr. O'Sullwan—IWiniatjhbiir did Eyan enler

theihouse, and how ] long1 dM' die stay there?I Witness—L could noS. teOl . yov the exact

hour, but it mijjat e about' iilalf^past eirfxto'clock. . ! j ,

Wt. O'Sullivan—-And: will*you pledge youroath; that that man stayed tan minutes inyonr house? I trill aai. your .worahip's toadmum the case tor 'dhe purpose oi bringingup he Dostmaeftor to minwe Aha* Rwin lef tHie post office toferttjy-moirateB alter eiglitoclqek and wa« Kaek alter five milratee. - .

Tie caee ivari adjottmed tor a tortniaihit.

j TO OORRUPbjWDKNTa. '¦ | : ¦¦. - ' »/ ' •

0,'r ' "

'' ¦" • : ' '

1B. O'C—If yon ex*nune ," ThetfewjJ" and "{TheEvening News" yon Sjttt find' that u tat aapossible we avoid the pabllahlng of duplicatedreports or nows. Ail .oof Beports «( local anddistrict meetings ana'of local and.district newggenerally are written by ohi.owa-Btaff or by onrown cowespondents, ;; ¦ i ¦ -• . •• , f ¦ . . / ¦-.. .

'!Pree lIAVtuy—The" tdplo laiot one for di*ousalng In a nowtpaper. Weehall'MnabettrJyOpportunity Of pnttdnfl voni comnlalnt hatein thellbw rlan. . . . , . i "^- ; ;;, ,.: " -i .? /. -{., . . A . :

Eojer Shanahan, ScraHan-rWe are ditf io;hear1fxom yoa that throngh adverttoeaWHnone < olumna yon have recovered the horse yonhad Ibet.i , . . ; • „ : * ¦ ¦¦] * t >. - > -:: ¦<:¦ V

Jfttftes Keane. (7eflfirson Ol^T -We' areal waysglad po hear from Wateztord Exiles. "Mr. 1 Wnewrite*: I have ft ,dopy' ot "-TOT W.AtfSoSDNHWST sent to me by a brother of Mae lf*tt fflJBowwhott ¦ Where - J-- wte-boTBtrh-fr'li s i ftttfsinpelj. letthpme lmti , mi-*fla 4« ttittfc'oklhomelJosi the Mme. TSi^^^UbSVMinlteadh r u r m H AJowrt trnffl ftlvS ff lKSZ3SS&.

&trt f o z Mintet Season well ' by Pirdiasirig a GenuineGRAMOPHONE, and have j real t inlort j" *£;&**

I ', ' " j , KO. BftOWTOjOOIMIPJrJBfnB TOraJHOUT MHIiBA, PAJTOt CABOIEO. SCOffT, Btc!j Etc, :, ' ; . , • IWEDiaHl.qAN BIB aBAED ONLY Qtf $h$ (mtMO WlOm, . " .. i/r-*V. : ¦ ; • TBERiE ARE MAKT W mjXP TAlUBaNQ a^OBSISSlBS. - ! ' : •y \ 'V\ 1li\ • • • . . ¦ : TeHRE. ae - oNiLY ONE aBAflKxraoNE. •

/-r7\A^\i ;¦ ¦• •: .

¦¦ - SS°BGMK>™ '^i

' Sl whh :<llory ¦'

/Cx\l\/^Nlf X \ MONiAIBaH SENIOR '£7 10 Of ¦ /X' \Vl

J^-5rf^OV • ¦ •: ¦ •• - » Wd«h Brass Glo£ Horn fflfl S o ¦ : . . Alf\v^'- ^•"•-"¦ iiH ^S >> ' ! ". _ '' ' • • • ¦'¦ • "Bd npwardB. : • I ' ' ' p= <i«^^ NS, 'xZ r ** . ' mY- 07r . 'ms 'AB.WE CAEB1AGB' rpAffl) TO TOUp AMXBESS : /^ ? ?- < v

TOE EEUH1V1U THE liAiffiStT- IN NEW- , ¦ . VS" <S? g CT/<KEO0(BiDa BY. TBE 3rd OP EACHM:OOTJH. ! Y&g&* S

ma iHis T^OTHIE :SI)EC)MI' A GBm3 OT ME GBAoraraasE i oo. ^4$r"\Uonarch Jurilor,

£i «3- • -



Sold only on guaranteed analyses, and guaranteed best mialitv ; :TOP DiRESS YOUiE GfiiSS IttfMDS NOW fWITIia- ;

¦EHdLTSXXX 35/37 percent. Grasa euperphosphate. ' ^^VUf ,

EEULY18 XX 30/33 per cent. Grass Superphorohate IKMJUYi'S X 25/27 percent.. Grass Superphosphate! jEEULYS Bikton BaEde BUg, >I2,feo par cent. •¦ !KELlfif'3 Liverpool Basic Slag, 50/35 per cent ¦ ]Kainit, Nitrate of Soda, Salphatfe of Ammonia, Muriate 'of Potash , Kainit Cellar Salt , fid , at lowest market Dnces i' JOHM CUDDIND. Goq., J.P, D.L, Druroo, Co. Llmorlek COtowa^d)

STd la™Z%"nd KCLtV>0 Manuro ° oaoir to oproad !"olni°ffnordnj;

: J. a. Jone3, Esq., ainllin!a.1>ro, Waterford—IKcUy'a Ztan-urea and !8eed3 gave excellent '


: EELLY '& CO ji ff PAH t9 ¦

Head OfScea—Johnfe Lane. Hilla and Seed 'WarehouBes—John's Lono. .Hannro Fnetnn! . —Giaocdicu. Beed and Manure Stores -OTOonnedl Street. Jail Street OnavJohn'a Lano and Newrath *s u i>

n -BEOAITiaE every . Drujr sold at thece es-—;=> "• tebdichmente ia reliable. . e _-___-"~ >

£J> ©EOA'D-SE the stock of Orusa, Patent ' 'v—Jt-d LTjcdicinea, etc.. is constantly oui- in-, ;

TMC cn/r and therefore Irech, vrnich ia a considerationInb rlVu of the uimoct importance. ; THP FIVE

O-JREJOAUaE Patent Medicines and Pro-GOOD T, P^*101

? ¦ar'SJoicj are Sold at genuine r.nnn¦wholesale price to retail customers Uliuu

RFASONS irEOWSE the latent Sfcmediea and „„.,,„.,„ iUCASUl^ 'zii i'tormaooutical Pioducta- are kept \ in REASONS iatock, and <mrj informction concemiD" !

SPECIFIED. «>«» «» «K* ingly given.

SPFCIPIPft i5-BS0A.U3E every prescription (oven the SKCtlt-ltU.;

. frimplect) receives tho moot minute careat the tinds oi ciperwnced chemists, and I

r" 7s* I3 decjjatched -with all due promptitude, and- «c —5Lj —>/ cold at 20 ito £5 per cent. kC3 than priccci V _ Iohar oi in many piaoea. I • """ -i

IENET BEL]L k BELL M0Sq :asass

¥C:p OQterfopd uTJii'Do E3dfiB 9 Q2, @MAV, • i : |AND THE * • ' ¦ ' ¦ ! I

fjQgc?gG?d FZaopmadyB 009 m&V


\ I Dpon QUYina i voun

13 CT.'J Paficaft nc£Jilc*noc, one] bczoPrcc3p3piiior3 raado cp QS DEZBJL'O


jQAan?nia coamnF sraocEsaEU'L.


The attendance y tas bitje i<hia citemoon,tho v;cj, thor l)cing,all that could Ibe desired.A dart iwi3 made with tho EUccmore 'Han-dicap, whicih was aeoured by Longcrolt,. whocompleted a nice double for iMr. J. T W'hippat tho meeting. John GilpL'i beit) a largefield for the Ordsall Nairsery Handicap, andDcana credited. Mr. (Dalj;airn v/itn theCounty Handicap. Details:—ie/UMDIiUESMIBHE KANDHCAIP of 150 EOVG

C furlong.lin. 3. T. Whipp'o IKXNSOBOFT, 3yra, 7-6.

ifP iHtowey) a•Mr, G. W. Walmaley'o ."WiTIiD' ASTEB, 6yrs,' W dW. Griefs) 2ilr. W Sandsrsonls. iN'AlPBEB, 6yre, 7-0' (J. Ptort) 3lico. rin—Xiuglcman (W, ffi(W3), Cainty'Bay a MdCall). Kcareaga (I Morsan), SioDG-linj IE. IWieatioy), - BoseWy (C. Trigs),Eurota3 (B. Lynham), Chiltom {A. TempJe-5P>. Lord Chancellor (G. McsCall), Royali&wnance (J. Piper), Fairy Story (H. Blades),PUeman (J. Vivian),' Gullane (0. Jones), FireClay (H. Witts), Telomon (B.. Leader), Par-adoxa adding (p. Hec&foid)

iBcilitins1—i to a agst, Eoseibory and FireClay, 8 to 1 Earotaa and .Longcroit, 10 id 1Ohutern, Bioya.1 Bjomance and GuUane 100to

^8 Fjuglcman and "Wild Aster. 20 to 1othern.

(Won by '-threeiqu'anters of a length: twolengths between ceoond and third.^Winner trained by owner at Beverley).'IQ-KMOOmaAUL OTJESEHY IflANDOOAlP of• - 103 aovB.—6 farlonga.

Opl- Lcalie'e JOHN, GMiPaN. 7 3 (J Crisp) 1Mr. G. Cooper'e filly by Mooanna—.

; ;8EIHBR0(B, &fl (B LynOiam) 2Capt. Bowicke'o TiAiHFlON. 7-02. (p Trigs) 3ia&u ran—nj aaa IUJOTJC UUy f f Wu iffi/jra) Vi(J. JnnvM), Vddal ffl. Jlandell), Pan M. mi-««y), Crusher (JW1 Howard). Taiiboy (HWheat^

4«yX SiW Hackle <H, TOaAtji), Gey&er CO.Mcddm), Kinjc'a Smllinsr (Q. aiWCall) LadygSfSBPifiBfcSP& SsgIO®Cit;tin*-J7 -to 1 agst Geyser, 8 to 1 Tarpon,iMi'.TjW TartX)y and ^y™

; LM ('al> ^y ****<* and BaUari.™£ i7*7

flUy - m to * John 6^i Sd'sSLf lensth : • »«*' «**««»

<Wdaner -trained by H. ChaDdler'at Ker-l-SijKX ^^ m^ Ii 150 $an-i., ;, ¦

¦ . fuiilongB.Mr. jG ©algairn'a OESMA, 4yra, 7-0Mr, '|j . M - - Bcfi'. mm j innugS 1Mr B B«wen;« MASOIER HOP&, 3^ *

Teimplaman), KiMaJr ik TempieBi»n), ODD.«wo« (Lad <JT. Saafcy), Beat Friend ffVi'rtan)JSte»d>

IEtow*1 ' ar

V**** WWVM^F£PJL^lFkOt*ac* « to iSawxwm. ftea 3&»terH£pK>itt. 7 to l Dem *.W to a tudy iHWen. 100 to 8 fit Ld»T*idB^on»Parft, i00 to«ciUjen. T "-Tfii^T

iwo lOT*»«5 «M» **»re«a«condAnd tiura. . ¦ ¦ ; - • ¦ , ,

<wlnher trained by T. Leader at Wroorfrf«»L U : H)oo»»,r gTennta>tte». .. , . :¦OACt-OASVUB vtmmuj, TyAffWBTOAP of 600

'¦«* ' L- J 1 '-' i.lww^ mfle.- - :: :. ¦ ¦' V / ¦ •'j ty r, V a BanumMi EAFFTK CHEEP, iy*».

Mr. 'W. ^ ^ «ffi mim% r8

^ j^ BUM



BmSnSw '-«t»oTSSr ¦'*.OmmJ-'i 'tftil'lSwWj looto 8 . Mtorid^^5^^«gSir

^^"""f'-O'LEARY & CO.,Talking Machine Depot , 7 & 8, George's St., Waterford

BXO-JFBUDAY PdJATlE 'oJ 103 Bova.-fl. mile.Car. A. Robinson's SEJLtD, Cyia, 9-17CIr.. C. ¦WilHnson'c 'iEtlSTDtS3

. ^ IJ? *

Mr. N. J. (Wood's Wpii MB, e?j«l,' W ¦... T' \ (I. TemplemanV'3lAlpo ran-<BrowTiist' m^ Griggs); Aip (JVman). CaniHter (T. JcnnlSy). f ai&kxoner (C. Tri g), aidJer'e Wells (C. aetek-BeWin' 5

to 2 a ft, Vidame, 7 to 2 Keld

t «o: 'l Ru&tica. 100,tj W Alp and ffitt er. 10 to 1 Br sSist, 20 , j ifir* "(Wbn by- th«e leagSBj five lengths be-ta-cen second and Mir . ^ ¦ -fjWanner trained by W...E HcOy at Baumftier).


¦ 300 6OVB.J-6, fodongs. ^ | wair. G. G. Todd'a MTAinA, 7^Mr J. Bxcmcr-, LAW l&r&S !'¦1

6ir QT. Fitagezald's . BJ 3 OHIHBSB. 2

I4i» ran- g^soa j (HL

BBBSI)^BSSL*ffil. Jbnea). lAugkwdeioe .. (C. Tri&) auiiSh

Tacilaa (Lawteon), l SScolor t3Jaww) Gxtth

BeJtnn|g_6 to 1 arat, BoniSrdier. 7 to 1

^ arp 'e wMing y Galloping Lad-

Mr. e. B. ^^o^rR^vlrTla2

iA- «iB^uISS? fe' *bDrt h4d .' <iree^uartert of 'AlengJi . beijween eecoaii aid <Wrd . *

CWinner trained by, RTB ™ Don«6ter). !LONDoirtirrriNo. |' 1O18 Di .Y. 1

1 , 1MAWnRPKmrro >T/-WTT+^.^_ '

II =s&*, ¦: .' ,: :til to 0) —. 8p«le /tv ' -

:S.S :1 = SSsi - i '?"» *> tt T, *2S2S5i"* ' ' ¦ - : ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ '

Monarch ,£7 103

fiOUKSiJN tf



(Special -wire to "The X &w*,").We are officially informed by Sir. J.

Hartley "Bibby thai) the following are thenominations, 64 in numfber, for the W^er-loo Oup, ¦w'hkli meoUnz taies place oa(Wednesday, Fdbniary 20tn and two follow*ang days:—!Mr. F. Alexander, Ux. J. H;(Bibby, Mr. 'H Birfcbeck , MT J Brann , >MT.(H. BrocklaTj aok, Mr. A. Brawn, ColoneliBrmce, Ifr. H'. Charles, Colonel B. S. Chi-Chester, Mr. J. Coke, Mr E M Creese, Mr. J,C. Dalton, Mr G Darlin3on , Mr. 8. S. Death,i£r. J. E (Dennis, Mr E D Do'bson , Mx A.(Dunmore, Mr G F F&wcett, Mr J W Fuller-ton, Mr A © GauEsen , Mr E F Gladii»no,MT 'E W Gooch, Mr T Graham, Mr M GHale, Mr Charles B Hanberry, Mr B J Han-mm, ilr E Hardy, M i i J! Haywood, Mr3£. L Hearn, Mr E Herbert , Colonel Holmes,Mr E Hulton, Mr A J Hunphery, Sir WIngram, Mr J Bell Irving, Sir B W B Jar-dine, Mr O 'fT Jones,- Mr 4 Kennedy, Duke<xf Leeds, Colonel MkkJalmont, Mr J B, Mar-Ehall, Mr E V Mother, Mr. H T Michel,Mr G Mayall, Mr ± T Ketfbold, Mr P JOlDonriell, Mr. IW. Pateroon, Mr. *j . PiDdn?-fon, Mr A. F Pope. MT T B Eixon , iTr E.Rogers, Countess of Sefton . Earl of Seiton,Mr. Rodger Smith , Mr W H Smith (Kidder-minster), M r f f H Smith (Sutton), Mr. R.N. SwUery, Mr. E. Storey, Mr. T. Tyler , MriTV. Ward, Mr G Iff IWhito. Mr E H(WMliU-oitfh, Mr. W Wing, and Mr. S. HillIWood. The judges and slipper will bo elect-ed in January.


. fOonplled ap to thlj nrcnlcj)V7 Higgs ... .. ... 1510 Madden... .. .- 101D Maher ... ... ... 103B Whpntloy .. ... 936- M'CoII 7GH Q&ndall... ... ... 67B Lynham... ... ... 62CTrigg . . ... ... 61\7 Griggs... ... ... 60W Haleoy... . ... ... ,13A Templemsn ... ... 5G

' H Jones "... ... ... 53B Dillon ... ... 51


L\ report of the above great maich will appear in Saturday's "Evening Ntfws."

TOIHO. fiiAS ID(LE ILOKIBY ?Wb BOtico irom the fi-nancanl papers ol

ousreai dSUe that a focal Onmibus Cbmpas.7baa been, formed in Ij imwricfk. There aroeevesal etibeoribeis to the coaeem, and thesum of ££00 is the capital. Much cs wo(wxmidt appfocdate tl» etactiing of aucli a pas-eenger carrySng oonoem. ia 'TOalcESord, vroo&nnot boast that a company floa.ted with,much- an amount is aver capitalized. Acouple cd reera ago "we \r»i\ aa ccnnibua run»Tring i&. Waterfard. This was . horse "bua,and from p*rticula.TB to hand we cannot sayytwtiier tfio IdmenLok Omnilraa Companyintend using the re&ible horse or the modern—W& not. always . relalble—(motor tnufiSon.It mil puzzle the minds of most of our¦readers aa Dt> plvw many Tbusses yr&Y be- pux-dhaaed—wf either . class—'tot lie nominaloaipStBl. Tfa« party- -who started tlia industryID Waterfard had hard luck in losing1 same ofMB barees, it is £rae» end as tha funds didoat admit oi sucij loss we still have to walk.Hfrwwer, roaxmra ere in the air that someof tJie mocoiey holders in Wiater&xrd are com*tntmmng to recogai&9 that they may $&ecoae .return for their outlay in homodereiopmentB-^oI irtnch- more presently—and w« must not <be downhearted. Ii a coca-pany rfbutted ronndng Ibussea in Watarfocdecaan it iranld certainly be a boon in. thisdnty, dleppy weattier, and elhlcrald it be aiaoal ameem, so maeh. the better. (Withordinary lack it ongfat to pay.

W9 ; oorg»lly Ixxriia, infipectloa oJ cs?Goodsif Moderate P*iee«.-O*Leary &a<l Oo.,WuAUtVP.

' ¦ EGQSAtrsPf DEAB, V ;


®VELL£ 8P1C£' • ¦ ' ' : -StAiEEB

HENS LAVWfflNW Cff afiGBlfa cold or wet vealhcr._ ,'

^Priee. 6d. per tin, poet free $d.aSAflXB bx thp OfffBULB fiffraE CO, NiEWEY.

J. TIME Tfj KNER , LPS IQMg aijbt fihmt*" to Sswotadea crji&S ? <*w*dly compounded. «n4deiivwed f»e by post ox ztET^



. '... fcg^^^AiY COMCEENi

;. "



LISMOREr: ' : : • I !'

. ; ————-Or—-———— .j ;


, -— \

' . O ' ; ¦



BELIEF. I N . '-

A^'-last week's¦• meeting oi> 'the ' Board1 ofGuardians, "Mir. Patrick OX-norman, J.P.,[Ohjairman, jyretaidedi Tfaja»:otihe(r guardians[present wete—MeseTB. James ©i&cfceiMj," V.O;John McOratii, D.V.C; JamesiO. OBrtien,J.iP : Patrick Heskin, PaMtik,-: Qldcihiaed- andThomas D'ooo&y,-' Francis A. ; MMa, Cornelius(Trigging, OharLes L. Gaillowey, E. Boys Bois-sedl, 11.1D., J.P; E. W..,Beeper, Pfoaldp QaMXl,James .'

¦';. Fuge, Edmond 'Hjunit, iJbhn '- .(Dally.,Michael and Thomas Murray, WtiOiBaiirVHioglain,Michael Ouffe, Jdhn; and James Fiynn,- EdTobin, Tihooniaa Stfanfcm, Patmcjk: Cfcanicy, WIPtomer, Michael J. Kenny, 'iTKwnas G'riffinThomas Kiely, Daniel OoUiLns; iPatficJC MlcQwaltih, Patrick Walsh;, JPohia KenheaJlly, MIMJcGrailhi Baliyduff, and John Devine.

Me^reVJohii'MJuiipliy, Alatang Olerk; PaKkIB. Dennehy; 'MedieaT Officer;- At -W; OtRiordan, O.E.; BeJiieyiitg Officers KMKaid ' OlDonnell, Mfixj lhael Cunningham,, and; .MIWH^AI BKggrne were ateo ' pres'an.t..! :¦ - - -i ' ? ' .' r - ¦



; : ¦ ¦

'A§- already reported ini."! -Newe,"-• MrHestem was •elecited deiik-. to the Union.

j OOOSiEESPONDENiOE..! The. Local' Govei&Jn.!eiit :pjbairi'j w^te.-£&Tic-

KJioninff the :i BsSi&ry". whicn "T^aa "'fLxedyfoi "iheii new.{Sferik > aa'tollows—i£aa(j GE'Ctterik pi PnionV! £30-as> Glerii to-tfhe. Rural: IPastttucV. QofunMi; and' ;£20 as -Exeeutivfe.'•Sintibairy '.Of&cet'. - ' ¦*' .' • ¦(Mtiss F4tz riald/¦ niglit1: iitar&a at' tihe inifir-i mary.i wrote applying;, tor;a, ;chsang& 6f, apart1-

man|ts,,aa,the» one she -art pTeseait -oooufpieS ieunsuitable, rby. reason of -^iihe 'fact:- thait•-'sin©

j cannoii sl&sp; during? thei-daya owing1 to the, ddstui aioioe eausad; by; constant* wa!EklLn£ -to; aod.fjx* on: the. oarridor. :'; ' f^i- ; ; ; ;'U ;• -..- -: flD-rjofitfsaell; siaidiitnwas a'-greafrhaidfihip ooii anyoa-e td» [ lwa.3icisnstaailfcly iup afc ifiiglh't noti to :be'allora^'i^a^p'dTuiaiig>cfl2^ 'da.yi5; Ifc l wtf£rfl*i[! be veiy-desiBaibleif' thj s* gusaarddsnfi could. Be©.i their • ¦ -way: :too give : iMHss JJifegeflaid 1 anottii^'I roKym: - . : : . . . , i . • ; . : '. : : ' ¦ -. '- d ¦ \ i; r. r. " ¦ -

¦¦;:::y. :i .i On!-- -.ihe:.eti2SS i)9'n of -"Ifr. Wmaf bLjs - ih^;' miailJt^,;w^ - .!Le&ii1»i;t)he./V& ':

J Thfe'VrbHoTrtflff-xm-'ra^^''' '' ^^ ¦'¦.; ". :' ¦" •¦;

' I>eiii Sir^;wiidi !yoii -vrtxirlia:. et."j ><>;uar ^6&ni

' 6altis&6dl '.witfc~ ;tfife ; inattnOTJ"Siti iiWii]3KS jr r tlieir®e3i€fwr OfflmrK Mf» GW^ '.l'adriiaaiMeire'the dTjitSaobar re%f;in•\h&':«Baiw^';''."r"5?i&f&4

i B*TexaJ' 'thi^i«ioei^Ti^)r^w:itf'th©'Jl!^tdistrffidt; : a3iidif6undlli^liiad''ilij 't* v^$iiG©4c

' i i4j foe a very Ixmg tLme, tihtfuglhy aa yotiJif l«Lmre;, lie ,do so-dt lea£?)';officei 'eadi'mo£ffli;i a3h© ledpiente-iia-Te to: «a^L''in^ ¦albotlt-Ioiiir'! miles-.{ 'Caipipsxpiin; and-to 'tlh^ c^'-' ^Mpeoiplft? Mk&'Mka!' KeHjjgitewi -wfaiD-I ' lb©li&ti&!i6.albout ieigflity!, years'; 'waB -doee' tdttt ¦ seeta-1 fait;

j (Elresuhiably-j yoU fate ^wana : iliat -ii'-is - tli©' same -Mits;: ilDcioie ¦O'ihO 'is-iii- T^fecedpt - of' is;per week oraJbdlOJCfr XJielief wlio^ liaS tH^ ca*ft'Ol*he onpharu chfild- -BxtLdigieffc^ M(iNelirMr». Thosohild'<is not attending--BCQDOOH ; '&he .Waifl >?!&?&.-ing v$h a nedgbboimH^ famoet |he; day -Toaliedi .- I -mider^tfflidf K&sii vnSaM xtif o- be";did»mitbted' to the rsdhiool;' omingV-.W tihi&- 6tt^ufc€fc>6 1HIST h"&ndj:pwauma'bly-fKSrQ- wairiit'-Qf pw>jMroleanilanesa'-wiLTich •n fflh!t''b9ieg>ecteki frxxfli^thj eeanotindangfi of 'her' hflinieC ThM Mrs. -MwJtd3ua3 a'.second cliiM-«t'rixii^*w^-li».i iP0S8'i?flyfhe Eslievding Offiber has infOpaed yttur boird-cf thfe.^-YourS' very-trulyi '.'!i> ¦-' ¦- ¦¦: - '-^ '¦:-'• ¦ •

'/ -• . .r : ¦: ¦ : : : •. r B)tK3HJiaUM> KEELYv: Lop-al Government jBbfiirti Inspe(^or.

The Acting' Clerk of: XJiiiOn, EiEmo^; ' ¦" 'DDr.1 Eiffisell—I -darA '•Ete: .tihe'^ time of . tiniat

letter}: : Soonelbody'a. going': to" be ' made "sifmp"-%aughlter. .- ¦. - . ¦^- ¦ ' :: ' J ;. - ." / ¦. "' :. T

Th^ jqiatter, wa3:'. r toedi toiReli^ving OfficerODioniell' for aa'exjBlaiQation'-iteBt boSrd'day.!

'Ehej . folltotw'aj ig', repliesy^^ete :rfeoed,Ved'rin' con-;Diction' Iwitii'Hfie yo'te| <it:sy txxp aA^y,p&s&f d by,(the gjvundiaJns' on thei ofeCaSalon' of the late-OIerik^ :dea12i;:—•

: ¦ ?-• " ! !j . .'.. r- ":'- , ' .V ' . .• '; : "'•" .' Lieriuwe, .14t&-. NWeanheT,.' 1908. '.

¦Dear :Mir. Maubhy-^I aia/iEn-; receaiit' of "yoiirletifcer v>f f>t-^ jy «^ ' KiniHij fr fonfoy to'tine mem-bare of-the fbcard.' : -ibe'h^.oi'n^:failffly andniysellfi .oirr. ptiat .ff^-Hfriiy t jp Hkw: f a r -- tlhe rkiid.xesolu.'noii' of;syiiipa.iSy' :pHteed'on 'tne.r'oea'lih;of my;:dear. hiiabai^. to' 'BTWK s attniberof yeara' -wasl iaiSxm f r 'B^ocM /^mi' "life,(LlsmoirB' ,Soitd : of' Grti odteia'. TIMir: j fflajujr¦touching ' references vo,' viim r find, lil ih^ iappi^sKsMion of -hoa-Work will al'W^fre-be'reiaani'b^raiW us,1 To. yb'urse'lf aaid . "officdftla. I-' al^it*-Gdex: our svoioere thiaj iiy^516TiraVMthiMIy,

; ; • ¦ • ?• ' •".. -OK Tfc JFTKfATJY:-

: .¦ ; Selskax StneelS,vWe2d5oid, ¦ ' :• ; ¦ • :; • i " . ¦ . asm Novcmiber, 1608.:.! (Miy i>ear Sir—I cannxit tell you how toucli^dI am at re«eimiig' the.i oQ.u1a»ii.frDm the iLis-'imoire Biiaid. of , GuardoiaiiQ :and..: your OTSTTLikliindly Tefereioes to my.-Mi»6r, itbtf :-late Mt.IMJaartice Hemy.. The resolution, was- /wliatwoosLd be ekpleoted', froiti-' the' liettiioi©, Ptoiicd.Tlu&y knew" my,, father ;.w^'ca^'-;iih;o ..WliiOemuaw him- bisi wdre ;tUo§e wjh.6 r lpVfid him(be&tr. Itt is ' ai ¦ rnelaaoh'oly ' 6afdsf*<i1iio.ti'' to mscliflidren :- to . see' hiJw ' ::'he. - :waa 'regarded' addesteemed by the public ' boards h© wasIbrougihit ''- irito contact' •*a-th,'' and " his - ' friendsand irelatiwes are cheered jby tlie 4miow-ftedge- that he has.- entered into the repaidhe (has so long and--^»tieD%r;*waiit&i.3or.—<Ir- d

i - / $g ^:4^m- ¦!' Johni 'Mrarphy, ;Esq.,i / ' P ^:. '" : ;,' ! r ' .;I Acting Olerk of Union, Lismore ;! Gdenaulin,-Gha-pelizod, Go.- Duiblin,i 6t,h November, 1W». |

¦ i H>eaT Sir—I have the hoiwtui. to'Iaciknow-:tedgte tbe verr touching and consoling. re&o-tutiifja 6f -t3ie W&moTe-''Board oi'iSuaiidianffaWutt my'la*4 'lather.7-' I : wish'- r.ootld^ thaoat.personally-' 4a6h; -.m*rjb!b«f 6i- ;ih IBt»ftl,.' bjitas I cannot do so I-*i&li yoii'tpSa to© :tia.Mi:(that in, " my pttbHc-or: .pji a :' ^!P'< "'1btelritam'-rfiwelvM' a <roma^uifiica*l6ii :;vrtac3fr4sap(ite; iEe rsor^wifo^ cari<nanfitATice¥;'gave Ddtf

personally i «abn,--meimD€a' oi-tn*. uwara,. uj** .-jaiieapft «r;«He taBttffl j^^fi? matte m-MX>as I cannot do so Ii:wi&li'Stott'tofaSsUi© tfJ^^ ((SSm.r^S^^^K^^J^'i^itt-of <i<MSM(that in 'my v^i&rp ni^m-tV&top g M ^€ rlX#b^|B^;l)Sp#ttS^twMhm J -;*B0elvad' a ^oma^uitea*loif :';vWflc3&; 'the jraa **i^eib^%Vr ti^^tli W,ftifito-

d^ap(ite; iti w^wiM^cQaaanfitencetf,- gave nitf ' o&- : somi^:Jf r^^^M fi^pWtVOinniMl,more eleviitiioiv' :&f> heaffc-^WnM ^.reueiWcsd # »' r;stowng' wt^"(fednAtMp ,oj• JSj fift. tPWle ?o&ljlejflt3qai'pccx2flslon x>i gratitude, _ I;f? reossSsfi/ yeryr JadHfei' > 'ait'-)%iiei «^oJ1iamjiwn&//' ii;'I/


i ' ! ' AshtOH IJuaJWiDj,'Ovr&>'<'' ' ' '-"¦ <tt fr'l< rrnwi « jtJ(fii)yf. AfOrtii]p^JTj^|fA'^ffAf rUjjOptTliiflL

j I>ear: Sir—'I am in reteedttfc. of.¦ yjour letter ,<fjhe tenSiiWih^lw;1a O61lSeWr Turn's disi ' v::r:' t7.;:;;:; i;u 'U;<^:ri /: i '' /•: | I ; . ¦ - -!

' ¦= ¦!;: -) !]¦• • !. ;' " - is ' -fe ¦ !r - 7 i , -^;

-: J

oif Sjbhr jinst.,. and. ibeg. TO J6haiilki-th<>- JGdamoreBoard jof G<uardians moat smcereiy

¦ foar theirikandr resolution of sympathy oa the death ofmy father.—Yours faithfully, ; i¦< -/• •. j: : . . i . , ' fflBAXmuaE BEMiY.' J. Mupphyi 3Esq. ;: ' . ' ; : i

.•WATEBgaRD. A3YIjUMi-AN;D; THEIB¦ . : • ¦. • ¦.! ¦:•; • ¦. ' :::.-r -. .>BATIE2JTSi;." -I . j - ¦rvv r:: (Hi . .: Cv^ : :: .•¦ :

¦. ! ¦- . :

The itotrngr iQerk'tead the1oil!lx>Tving— ;©likirict !Lunatic Asylum, 'Wlaitenfiwrd, •

. . . i r • - 3rd Ny>vem!ber,'i l908 :¦JKeiiljobert :J. Baylor, admfilbted Mlacch-, ^SL

and .Jpihii Fitzgerald, Beeemjber, '05. ^ ".¦ ¦¦''. ¦:iSir- rll begi tto inifonm' you that I propose

seinddoag- tlhie abcvfe m'eto.'tiBaned palieii'ta toyiour worfiihciuae ••• on- .- Wednesd'ay aiexit»; -^fihdnat.,' .¦ifi i ©tiirBua:nce'.of the Alct,-38 'a.t^-SSWm.i(Oap. $7 Secft|on 111; . Dr. BayiCorfsftrtendfl ,halvedeclined "to remove him altihyrtgih :repeli!tiedilyicalled on to ;do so. John' Fitzgerald has tiordiartiyea. Bjotih (patien'te were eeni; from youriwioriklhoiuee to the asyJiun'.-Hl'ami, 8kl yoursJBainaifkfliliyV ' :i ;- " •' ;" '- 'V "¦¦ ', :¦- ¦- i • • • ' :; -' $*¦¦ AV OmtSEDOTT, BM.S. •The foregoing was addressed to the IMlaeiter : • ¦: - ¦.¦¦' : ¦¦. '¦¦ . ¦!- '

¦¦¦ j - I - ' • - j y -

¦. • • -;¦wiho (repOied fitalting that Dr. Bayilor was not ' . : * .. « " ""—°—: „ ' .[a: piattaenit.of this instdtustion whenvadmitted 'to ; : 1 ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ ' l iftftfe1 attorn'. : ! ' "< ''¦ i . ¦¦ ¦- ' "; c ¦¦, .. lAx. the OlonmeV^OourthoxiBe'on Tuesday, Jas.

ITh'e foilkming"."reply waa received:—: , Satodes , a^ganie keeper, on Lord AshtorvraJs

i Disttouot Luruatite Asylum, "Wlaterford, esbaite, -n^Tf- fflalilyniaiciaiifberiry ; &ad xf ioatigexL!¦ '• . . !i J ' ¦¦¦.• ; ' 61hi'Nioivem!beir,i l908: ) ^aftm&iiMriiTVfiMam 'O^'^M-.;; ; ^

iMasterJi/t^oitlShloiuse, Lsismoxe. .' ¦ | fired ;at ',& 'lab6Urfe;;"n)aa]aWu Pa*rd!cfe! JTyfland;'Sir—to'teply' ¦'&£ yooxr commumication- of 4th Q tice aug^^f'4h^J^thi;0ciWber ]ia6i;.: :: V

&DBt.i I::beg tio state that Dr, fiaylor i was' a ' JMteKBreslfcoin^ JJ.'Ir, CSacr|i% h;.;tt(^uc^'patient;! in .the . Itoapdtal oi youu.woiMilo.use -*h* TJrosecutiasj on behalf ^Ibe lOromi.' aitidwhen' he was admdltJted here, androas bhaige- ' r- i Haggto8r BO'liwfit^;;i of :" Gloime3;uapp^^^aible toi'yfxui: UOTOII." ' I'ther4$oo^ '¦ ' ; ' 'I ' '.' -: '1' .'" "'» „ttihe "wSoiSHouse'' of rithe uniort Be is so' <5iia3»e-:i ' ^Phe injured; man; <Kxrroboriait 'ihier'de pk>^ld)oriableto.:: Iflnd- 1 will not be able to send Mm' - wib^cihi/bj eianiadeijoo; 27ltih Octdber, W:-m» Jeffeat ;

Off iFitzKeraidlon to-monrx>w, "but mil do eo by thialt^tlhe-Jwatnefia was :itt''1h6;ie<irMoypeirit oittihe early tram on- Th|UT6day morning.-»fl[ am, IMxi r.DMv'- Niigoe /' of'jBMlymiaoailbdry;1 and'yo,urs fadJthiuMy'," •¦¦- --• • •— — - -- •- .. - - - .¦ . tfcllodk on fihfe naKlbitiin1 qiu^atibn,

f J. A. OA328H1OTT; R:MJ3. [he was aft -has J mother's 1hiouse'/at- Qflaimooniai.• ' The Maeitef repTied" as'follibiWs:— i giowier. vi:IHai cetorflifed i<? i {t4i. OS&. iSSiMrad

: . ! Woilktouse,- ,lismore;', ¦¦¦ 5fugaat, juaii (eto !af bis-ernjploy"eqfy i^^i6^^. "¦• " ¦ - :" ' .7iCKv 'Nortrerpn^ea-, il§06.'. "<Mie£nid3. Thciyi parsed. ttotoTlg!h! lie.i:vfflil«l :.;.<itfSir—iBietferit ig -to your- -cotmmunication fe Ka3jlytrnaciar|beiry. :i\V21c(n-- : ;i)aSsdiigli|IBft' infill

;:Dir; Bayaor, :rbeg 'fo fiay tbj aty!OU.lj !a ;b^niMto^(-^^¦inisinifoiimed. Dj". Baywr ¦ was. not .a. paiian't' - »* th©. indh fidd: -•'WEltaiessl . tomef t- ': toifinxJ,'of iiKis SnMwif^n :;af;; e;i ttoi©' odt lidfl .j adjMfi- .and as.he did so:ihe,hea^l aaiioitihi&r\^h i raild-

i(^Tiged'-soin J tniftt& :preTil^l'*'and'' (»5ulet .a«re'^ opr. ttoe' road-and; saw. <jw»):tfieiri'-1,8jtitodifig>^as "a/payidgj pattent^¦" I 'aM .iinfonn^^Joiti'' ilhe r tihajnch':field;in tihie .'diLrecttdlon) froatf 'wSiim¦iauth)oaMjy -onouir <j !hairiiQ.ia',''Mr.V!Pr.' tJ^Goiiittaai, ' &© ^b'Q|}6 'hadi'iconi©. ' Ther©: was SwPrK^amto1!fl 7|alki'' i-a' : m&^''^

L'.y6vaiJBi^i^<i ''..^\ at.thjB tfim-feito ^o^mWbWla/apfl^h^¦lGx>yernof^.''1that iD!r'. yOte:is.a:p9^^ w^|eaiti

oouldrnj f>t j d«at?fy!;the twny imen in' -pf fifeWi.

in ydW id&tteflfton'. na had

Utx.- jj oirto bid^^ 'fiufedniig^faioaB) gdliSlaot-Bpd 'h^iife'iiwAirvi 'TO^acifcrotiB' 9^atwtT!f V>tJibe:jW>ttnj d«> anja.-was attended1'by: Dr. WuTiDaxy(Ajot, r38.i . 'y Jc.V^^.'67/I dec^^[ Sir. T&Mb^ p!ri' iriy';j6iwn¦ eisMnmiWiij r:".:J^ "igiiia. imho. flugg^ated- tbai'/naaaifefi-oiEfeliot -:©*jMgairfs; •&« rbaJUeM :Fitz6eriaiI)d;- Jj ftttuaii .fellrhafi !faoe iwerie not: tiheire when he. Waa first=lo(5i!ig di ' tor; a e rtiftc^te' aai to: Jute fljpj iy.1 TJ2 r ;eaamlined "by Dr. ; Wynne, btet ."wilmiesa p&r-.Ife • xf c Abtf¦ sait^'I- -cariiofi ie^^nte- .anm; tasted1 dm» j OUB.1 : rddmall ^dttoeimfent. - t-iAf&rlb|paia\dayV ' l i 6 ftoiii^. "8m; ^

y^iM th6 wdtncss, Mir.- HKggflDS Batd

^ffHyV ;T ' •" * '' ¦• '

¦ "¦. ': "' "¦; ' j ' '- -j__; ' . .•' " !:^,J / " ' • .!&!?' as!pfeailed" :tolfho>iacttii!t.iiioj - to':!iitftSii'"tSi6

.'¦".- . 7 . j . ; • ftf^Aiwrngs-n^|AiNr^Tn<;Tff>1 .'jMi»Ht**r.' ¦.'pwaKmer-foT, trMl; LTEec ciiQiwnif-had1 bj^d-'for

-;;IV)6jfcihis-^ letlter;i3ie fo3Jftwaigr..,wa9 i sopiv^dr- # pjosecu't^Qni. odt: a^ mati' na/med'! Tiiwia^¦ . . . xwHwwi, Aiuoatw aey<AT«u, w.»veirar»; . ,,

.' ;? i J S .';v . ¦ ? : J

¦'':." '' ' v- .°#" «(Qiifeiw:"..' i 'peaUf 'Ki^Iij.' *aply: ta tbi'txrTibridfeK de

T;iclinin® te;w<»divte-l». Baytoil;:I Mtve ¦ffipfriuflr:e$ ypito ;ltitt% t6r ;t2i0.' J^i^0tor;''«<f- ,LTj#taic6;'dwr tht&ix decupdony and wiuu.^-let yoti f , CXLOTPI W^Vff^pmi^i 7Jr| Vpiryf. TTT» Bay!rorr^a5>auiiiiS.' itiQSb'£r)6u£k-tT ismjQpi B" TJj ij ioii1* a^.a^rpadip^r/. piiJtieiit' 'tow* ^assucHi'waB' aJdibitted.1" Ib 'is niffltidieiiaS w^rtJi^cih^i bfttce '. dM^dt .'iribim: *woii hN>ttfe6' oi r^i^fr W^¦uind)6ni 'M1ih,L iyegfli«t*.toi iHaa 'tiai yiall' lidder 3$and pW te.',} Qa.& W;' S^cfeAtai'lJp;: it

1 &: ;fej^'[tjnalt wJBj 1 ineiMiD. w£^ro'^OiVuriiibutiriig"|jO ' xl3i;riiaiiinfteBknV5ell'a;nd3I -i>r stiifite;;'wttllt 'do^lii6' iknio'aii th' 'HTOifkHjanse.'' T\' c^o^Vc r(difiift 3!te''' jafl-ieqjue§ted ."of Ktilte mettjal^ daaditixxhi;' oPJohn•IF&teana3d,' 'ffiiio will be1 Benib'Hio you ;on"Safer-xlay-ttie it-: . \r

¦ ¦. ;' > : • ¦ ¦ ¦» ¦; "¦¦> . ¦¦ ¦ '

. * ¦.- ¦ : •

¦¦". , :¦

' ¦:¦ : / "•'.'¦j - : '1^ : - J ,- A. CHAKflKOTTi'.'Ri'MS;';'. ©r/Ealflseilll-HJa .tDt. a^piidttJ- Bffill JOBseDtfljfcihat Dr..: ywT:waa:ad tt^!&Mh. iWiB JWyi^et'(AB' I toiyw'Bl)tod.abi>tit 'finite. C^s^Twlini toy; of: 'Jto© ; X^sanore 'grtariaaallfli', jv'^^^.' a&^ourICferik, 1 .toi .get'.ia- 'oljjy !bf"the ;c«rt5 t jwMo.h'<^nttoed,|'£^.J ;Ba^ot;0

;1ih 'liinia/| ;'aisy^^Tafused.- ,|to; cetUfJr -and' I '.'am: sttretPtJ jDen*nehy, ¦m7::colieagfiie1r 'dMnU' dp' itr^ri 'Blay r,as: a Itxtniatij cj a^^.ihe- - iinfe. .. . 'I j.ino vp;

'SiJrprablM^ f.:Mia$ ' lv: wias' ille^il ^ohfeJ,'" ,a8 %wgsahitil'em^Ti; ini an Jiotsl cfertSfled .-iiiiil !o theid«ad of: iniglhij ! :and' had". ftJJTTi - ^remotfed1 at abontfour^w . TO inv the' morin'|ing;.'J " - I " , -- -¦.•' ':•,;V 'Mr.' Beabheir 'ecbonded, iDf; ",-Braadl'|Bi' nw>|^»,'i-,

qtLeWo .aTadnjn" additioii 0. a^K^^ aSyliin'a thlooitKes ¦ t<i ,p'ay " t6r?'the' in^am'fcentoc <fL&iJaitienti.isJio-.'ife in;the unio'a'-hlOGpQiall for 1 thtela t tro.OT'lifcctee-yeairav''. ' - ¦ " . ' • , - : ; , H p^ 11

•' 'This concljtcled'-"the 'business,, and tlha1 usual1iheebinffj of tuib • ¦

/ '.. ¦ - • , ; : . ¦¦¦

¦ ¦! ¦


- .':- .' •

!/was ib«D)dji Mr.-" James'C.. OTBiuen, J.'P., Dh'air-¦iT»i' .n1 ^pyoitiirTi - . . ,' •'• . f . i !' -' ; s

-;' 'The- £6|LF6;wing ;was. read': •'- " ¦ '- ''¦• " " ' '' ''-'¦¦' ¦¦. ¦ Ixi .':Goivern en.t'B a^Kl b

'- '¦¦.^"i, - :'r fj'' ' ' f C ;- v - ' 'V'V./^'diatlfioi emiSap, i908. '- :•¦• 'Sir- Wiiiai ifeSetebc© to lhis

^Me^'ia :;aiermiau^-jorp»o&ea5iig8;o : e'-I&ihOTe iEldiralBiatrii<Sb iCaunicu 6fi- 7i{ih.'- S&ipftiamIbiKr last andiafidc pit.,1 relative to the electSon of Mr.' -Si;:lM3ufflphy ;as Sanitary. SubrOfficer im tihe Bjuial-H^Stric(t,| tlh©; Local Gtovermment Boa^d forIfalaiidi -desire-to, ¦state-, thatr liefOTe thesi -adidrelsed ifoe;'Council M 'the '2&d/ August laJf^n-'the aUbiect/ fuiH r»artiloulam had-been ,fur«ifon- the atabiect fuil rpa^oulairs had-.been¦Ivx *imfished fo' them' (by the late* Dlerlc' as to "me'•Odakdcdl's proceediiiflB- in the*"rr£aMer priiox torand an the day of election." The etatememt ofihe-late' Oterfe- as:^VTrh^t't<>o(k''pTMe: we:peendj oreed' by', j the Ooonicdl ; at ' a : fejflfee uefi*' meeting ; -m -view • thereof^ and.- havim^'if^aivito the' iiaturfe' ¦ of ¦ the-1 public adWittisetoeait

,issued <ti^heJ'8Ubj6ci!oJ't!h«^app\3!ia.ij iieiits:Of• fBeMevmng; Ofaoer^and'.' Sanofbary Stfb-Offloeft' Vbs-BoisiXd- '&t6 ntSft'.'piepaf^d^^tb' effiflfess : tbetr-;^ahotix>n| to w& appointoelit of ¦!&.¦-Murphyas Sanitary-gubiOmc^r^ unless the

:pr/o^osalIbe ratn©a>afc a meeting, of theCtouncil'or ^iioh:idiue nortace is 0vmi->ib- eii<Sh member.'- T h $•IBoafd- daaireth - add -that' thW'eantetion' ia notoecessaltar fa Jeitiel'vof-'thiB pp»ia!fcmfeiitfl ! 6ticellecifioi^. ot labtortj i'er'fl- cottdgd jcenJfa " ojr <rf l ll&otar plwatfcrtf€!brt8iM[ am, Sir} you* tfBedient.SeWant, l_ ¦-¦"¦• -::• !¦ J .

¦¦: ¦¦•' •¦

• H'.- CJOUiKPENAY; Aset'. Seo.:r •It was {decided'to'-catty' out' the- euggestion

of the: D0^(G«>Wrnm€1fl4 3i&ara.!' • ••- '¦' TThe A'dfc^-01er{k-i .the^o;wing>

;— - .¦

. Uatm J©6Vernme3jit Bofeadr "Dublin,• "i 'J ¦ '••?- r'»: 'l-^.:: .^thr ;OfeWWip/-1906; :: ;''"¦'8±Tr-£ : \'am::t 4*fc*ai-,.iby .Mti:'¥toctX;.'G<iir$ii£;roerit' Boata^w .Ir©la?4::to.; arftoto^lbagk Hals'

test ;.sh)ftuiid Btiljlj ^we abxrait.iBearen1 i moififtha'¦r^i^^f 'a^ra^,:LW^.Aisuie(W i& affectinga^P«rman^ igcpWxsingint, in this JBBprehen-sDbffela{a e ;qf airaaie ^e Board an^ of «ipinaonthatj, thj ej' Ckwjg .ca't; lxi^art Cujiooj tije ifiiemfc " • pol-tectcitg; W!e% | J.,a6^ij .piiea8UJ«j :«p(0ffii- a3iibeawirots . "bj t' ji an^ , oj. an- -, eueTgiedic i monthlyooil£-fci§j6ii; as ,cjr<tared /o^ .isi/ivll^ceaailbetr^ilast.The in'sij.t(ffi£6ii j "ajnd- <»ryying.;tlhri(>ugib, of i>e8Q-iute ¦rrieiiaji es L^gaimt.s^veja^-.oif |ijhe . woratafoiot^g."&©': .Cctuncal's - .xoiff lxgi (bad! . tenttnitewould,' no 'doufb't.V act ju&'J.a siUutaiiry-dbj iitlesgpp)" to : -\th£ '. (^nan/ts,-;in;-. genekalf; - Landmateenrally'-ih i»iibtxhg tfi*: fj^hiolie coaJdCftiijQn :ona ;•- tdftfactofyi fo'oting.-J. ftm , . , Sir,).'"; yourolbeal«Jnt-'-*ervJan't,.; ' ' . . . ¦ ¦¦ ¦; . ':'. ¦ ¦ ¦>, : ,

\ ^¦-::" ;U'"1t '1- = • ' ; A. R. BABliAS. '¦- ; Mter't^ttsacitang.spm©-further 'business the

Goilricil adijouraied. :; v: ' " '.. " .' ;

: >::::d6;.:^A^i^M:;- ::;;?

ix>' Btandy; and fis pilic. Hag^iiB^i\?)(>uiIii0Mly •&&ty 'J aHf So. ^ r.OondpntlSas! tile3'«rflyi Jtodependfeajff'[fftiltaess in , i^©|(^e;;imdvh4si'efvidi&nic^ wlaSithat he and SaiQdefevweaioatiyaaifi'JOiU'y^heiJ1-fliamful.' /b^sin'ess ; teappirig.-aaJlftiHsi on ' WMjb'MB^'tj-:tae(yL, heard.jtQia naltfbfila sqjleaiiimij iA-aTO5c6 :b&aid©/,tl}6 /Jiwr . . Ifirei.- &oa if r .oy"-"wea&w*vaded jvifih. a ;l«nitern> trjiisafce bbsefii (ml(;6|¦&?, VYJhjp.evjai j . &. j fc.of d^t&gi ^sol st&Be 'w&rp*:jbhivxTOi1 ! at/.ijpem-byi tirco 'parties, m ntTas a"&>nsegijence>1O»nd'c^: and, Sandgs; 5ii d ntfr"-'w ¦|rre ¦ t§-: .the.. <jen4rje of -jtlia iflda.o > TS&i >i fitoneaisn'tweT-eir, werte ^Ba»vn -at ^hem more furiously:tpan ever,ranxlv. hi(>uiB vW^T^raasadiiriindJctlrianiSatodes ^aid, to !,Cwadigfn,7r"-l.-- wfflb ni 37 B)^hWtarid s arel.iakwayJtJWJpe MlwB/Aanii.' ie:thi2(Ee-.ijppn ifljjed .Jtoe- ehbtorat; a .distouce . ofi aibottt'';W yafe:', , ylapdiwasr r byi!j th»:fi tsiiiH©<Mr. Haggiria) dldi • juojiif ij ioiw: !-eXaotij hiQlwi; h&came t»(>T>e etruok, oriwiheraierthie e!hiW&JffiSHirir>/ted off the trees or the roof of the jtndlh butCtotdtoa. Ertvttfre'ctJiifiQTSindga-] tiodj ifed ttie mifkihagjh', so that the shots .would etrik© &m&;ifche trees: orvthe: iroof1 pf'tltteamM. ; *m£y Hv«xe;phi'.; Oondonfs evldienoe^: filled1 withoiuu >aify-; iltt-H«at-f6 wound,- 'aiti<i 6n- -tMiafr^eWaife^:*h)6'(!Mir;:,Hi$giina) waiildia^ the-ksaurt .t^^

lhSi'littf^lwc>'tilD ; :was a&cddenit&i,•- '-ind6n'iHf-i titttrb- iQjjsipinson.eT iox triiial.' -j^ffif-:' •''Hsfe&diii& < ''aS«> :toWke^cepttoon ¦-. ta .tteeiiiAxlic^^^vlS^ife©1 in: '42»e -'<S»Sj^•nd said!thiat gar^.eHlairiifiam-Bad fet ited'TSal;T^h©n JbB,,vrei&-<to &W$e& $toa&f h6:etoi6iu&.$<M a«dlifeSEea^fiiflell! ^rifiibffft ;ib^uftaequen%iB3idillia%>wifcD^W wtofr !tiffi§ibJh©';had;no ideaiithatihbt wOujM hl^Y^^tb aiAeSt'iSandiea; ;: hyi .ajd}(th^^Serge6nVJt^|v^fe^'iW'jaib oance gettaHana di^ihl!mfiflP&'iieCIwad1n<j ti going1 ik am^ijhim?ir !Tl»r.S»giaiai' hMialsd Boated" that j oaridea was papula : in thietocaflfft^n but: Jia^^rn; BCigSmB);i ^iEtBI i»6fe!eiiiflf ;.at -the;court at.'BallI(vnja^sai(biary,( ;SMJ-ao ofifel'witness'iflg-.the-diBplay .-ofitK* hattd' wiifc .paces'and hjdapapts, aad!' ftJie BfeWute^df. 'tflie 'vai^agecg .Qcn|!id:foT: a 'vvoM4a$?d&\ff l wiQ!iy'' .there S-OB

;a/sttxxDg nhDsliile.';:feeliii» ^<aai^l'.jSattdifaa, . .;, ;i - ; ;• V ¦ -j, :;,:: . ::J v: 'JHToiT!9; T? il;IiMT; '-P>r-TiI,.np|iwV. returaJtheiipriBonetf'-f^Wi to.-.'Stp^atetfoid;. Assizes. xs: o iJc \ ;:cii-:-::'itrMr< Higgims- te^ueited}.;to/:have, tie--aa

;me;Z?ll? J &f ?®^ i^vtbigi.cass aacriiaA.obtained*'n IXnATmrt • "onn 4n ,T.*K iia - .-"m'-i. ¦» i\f *:, li*:*!... j.' ^ ^ t i .

Aakied.^e'tihej : he-hadaiany" fi&fe neaf -toma&e, £- 1 ¦!. i. :• ¦¦_ • ^;;

¦¦¦¦„ ; .;= ; r i t . ;• jA '/Piei nmorrej . jj dv'lie: hftd' add,:exioept'that- &%$,* If ai<h3in \: feodd, bim- to^deesS.Jwrneelf - moj-moinept- hfe• eoltored iMa = (pi5«eoneria).- rocqiu: " i , ,, . . ;i . , ¦. ¦; ¦ ;; .:; , • ;;

The ; prifioner '.|was, t^eiv ' renWid baok,toi,<;ionmell :7aail' to! finish- the r&mainder; of hisiteran fo^ an. a^aulit. in ;^ :^^^^^;

cEkeZ ¦::;

• The head. g^^eeper ;- .Oriig.i[n> it mil i.hoxeanem|bBredi IB at .pTese^rTirJdemeoiingoaC t^raj i;. w- ' a mfyiiiih'a; 'inipi(ik>i)3ii%it'. in-Sow mecMon1ypiyn - the ^ame assault." .-. -• •. . V- ; ¦¦¦; v '

; The f DaUy. Mjdl/l New Y^ccorrespondent'eoys—iA los:t wedding ring haa ibeen.' r&overedi'at New- 0o/lum,b'us> ;near• ¦ ilikeabiair*, °by :: aichariicel eq exceedingly 'retoorfe tihlaJb'ijk ^wouM'jbe,.iiloredible -wd*e - fito : feicta i loot rv<rawiedi fct1Wy a getftaeaj ftaii!'named- (Iteifee ^W&Ui^EfrinSat New. Oolumbns.1: He' WasJ-etfgagi&S71 w1inarried; dndi two daya bei6f6''fihe;' 'cSremomy'placed'! tho iwadding; ring 'fair-:•¦ Safety in'y;H#wais!tck>at pocketjand:promptly!lost it :8eajcidhwas mad^ i everyMifirfr, ' butr. iwag; uni vaUrngT'arid th^i.- iaindmcbed incident ? oad ia&h^nf:eff ct on 'the : yduiff latfy'gt nitriidt- thi( ifc,ttra8 stall.-unlonna ocutho 'day(

<^f tjmbny- sheodsolinedito con&erit to th<,<tti loii ; of;:'anotheri ; 'ling, : anxinibrdk^imat«h ^•ij leittef.cairiage waB-wai'tinJdkr;, Qnj[W«dn^doy7ab?';-',Welli wa1hla,irarden/ tobbedi t6 pull a:c'abbiij^w.fijw3k p bdr . a: Btwtt&a1! appearance ?&JVs^iU; wh«q9; AcT,: tto- pTantvleft the. S.oaiito .<tf 'ita rttefecrtS/ve gA>wm:TOas- icTighXly] encircling ithe' rootn waet the "I

<4^: ng(->HectCKpik!thfetprant iust-as lWrioMthe Hbrjjd'e'fei; mother,.whd-, rerrioi,TJtog,i idten%^d?iti b/;thfednaorip±iion, '.delayed] crtaitiagfj fTTa& quUdUytvcelbojtoei.briaefffihiQme ioa Thawaaay e<venlri£old.'oaJbibage!: i ¦ : . ¦ ¦¦¦ < •

vmeq'¦stihsapoff tierat thes&h'if - 'in,-sTip^nt-'QipSr^dffrVxuodf


tod at ftiW^bctednning oS the psxfc fl^wnfiKM'ni ¦rrflowd * <M!P. ads6>n^Wi5M§ tfife^^ p¦":T -• ia tlbn jb a hordworlkSog clasa df of




'; .


; '¦ i I

¦ : . • •

•j From "The j Fai3neirs> , 'CiazeJtei.": " ¦ i ;!-

' •'

• - . ¦ : - . - ¦ ;¦¦¦¦ ¦:>

¦,¦* (: . ! I : : : • ¦ ¦

'.¦. . . .. . j . .; . [ • : . - ." ¦ . . : ;

¦ The' initial-halliyear's.ivbijkJng disclosed. mostBatdsfacfcb^Mtdrhs', and assta^ftby^he subcessithe' <5<nnp;fttry felt itself''inf a;-pp4itlbi!i to make.aira^em'dnt^ 'ior enlaiglng';the Scdpe 'of • their;ttndertaktng. ;' This is bding ' gicadtiallylbrouijhtInto effect,; .aM the resuH? o'J this local enterpriseiSo ablljriplaiiried and, pw. Into Opjeifawpn |a; un-doubteflw iull of;p»fotttis , J No4-oi^K&'9 a goodplac'e b^en.;. secured'.o'L^e L'o;4#pk^arK6t,'-butthe:aa^ty-bf-tliev £a-| 4Wclfe)a^^afia iiftftbeetf! agpn aiid agaM j fevour^btj ' coniment6dupon',bj f|hfe 66n^tD^erit;

so» tKa1r.1V' Is. p Ue to;pre-. i^ , f^tfuwu de'vfilcjj^m' nts . 6t i the.",', Irish'.. fat

poulpry tt^d^.wl l^TaEgeiy,: ©, ttitixb thorough-'ness .o^Ws •pioheej .movem#n|) if "Wate^pra'.'

In addition to this, thie' Ihcegtl6n,«f acorisldetrable^bcal industry, must be'a source'pf gratlfiablepride to'r'tlxe^rlgiAators at^bii j^iictnre, when;tbe' d^sS6 iiCthe country! its,xiotj ,only to revive'.gjxd estej ad'old Industrie^,.but epltax as possibletto buil^^p »,

new directions. Besides

the ein-

.pibyrqetitii bd$h present.ajnd prospective, wKich!the baainess %ff(>rcfo an^ythe-conBuraption oflocally:/ Rifled :cprnmodijt(les, jwhich it brings intoibemgti^^UQra^Ye^QM^o^'po.ithe income of thefftXming population throughout .(lie Sputh,-East>«rn counties,is as§urea. In the fattening section,whicH!lb.-an,bbje(5K.16.8,sOJi > poultry ftanage^;menir ,t6j .the' Wbxitf i&tMts j yh'Q vwlt: ifr,v fe con-'siderable- supply w. OMolienSvat Remunerativeprlcea ia#, " : dtlyAbA'Jce^wl''w^d"are:-thus" cbnvenJfeiitly;.pifQvldeA., vritK : a; jcpiistantjnarket'flw ^e^'?eatliieredpr6dujde,-' Jii, aaditi6n,^he Ccjmpany secure :saXta%',<5hicKen^'dlfebtly,ttya 'Xk d"dealer's, and sq. far.a^f po| Jble'"endi^r.,yopr io give revery; encouragement u^tUer inat erof pri06,,':wf ,th;'a view; towa'ridflgettiigitjhe most ^

'uliable. class,of ' (owl kept anda <5oritiBU/>u9 fiupply, of chickens coining forward

=tQSm',ttHthe^ acajaqeg;Jii^ tiie]copps; throughodt,|h0 yeajr.>%With. >n^nd^ble.(f0Tet)tipughJbi; 1%.,fdeea^ jf eeiCQVi&p ap -- ftpm i \fap.& to~

t .f iatp .,place •.fiome olvQ^fcTOSW ftwpjufl purebred £t&£r,6ntj!aftibng>fa:rmflj»rteotA&f ^o Jmp^oT.e-jtheygen^ral,quali«iJb.i>f ohickepaiin. the country ftnd mc(ketfeemffloSBB '.tuj lform. . XJsuoUy aifaiinej csls,g4ven'/over o& ifovonrabifr tettnsi&ye, iheni and a. malej ird in orfl,ery:to;getl Wm-iajto/. 6 suitably -.stirainithe only ilmitatipn allied for being .that tbe Com-pany et..t^fuTHtfaffCicof.*b.6yresiiitfant}chicJren3.fwhen-zieadylfoxidispbBdl; in. other CRSQS* youngicookeretef are i idiahdbhtei:Among ,;f&rm«rs;v*&t»hdapaft tesj -or lirdichan'ge, andv^ every way,fthgy can/.theiCfoDm&ay BSQ.striving:to>foatat;iniutoalj ctiruatr EtnaTB^J^wfll liettxtsjn tholt Isnp*totter3fttnd ;thetaselves> so as<to mabBthe dfitterjfeel thatfthe indnstsyls oneimutually beneficialind pr4fitatile ;.ivai3 ^v;;}j; 'iiO6fl '8 S^'- '- '-- '¦¦- '' ' '¦A . -} trii^i*. ¦>\ t'iv:-i '.i .;' ¦! •;

¦ ; ; ': . :'¦ . -. . - . , . - iv i

As alKiaavmentlonedrln the monthioC Inne-last w*tl«ia®a'«6pbxttarfty of -golaff 1 ovesritaKpoultry f arm'JUMdeiJtho^galdttncaof th&iaatcigfervMs', C6lt, »whblefc^urte^vi^at^iiiae»t6a;fDrstho- foUowingsiiitetosQfigtip^cuiaxaJtDgjircUiig^w6rfi}ilg.of4;lie.ebift)ertfl Iif'ail/theWisBtipresenfirl'6fubUn% 00^r^^hed,a fec<ioninl6aatton-ixrlt\x t vM*cpop&t& dM^ff^fopapj Mb bi«a^oLwbile In putoafe c&pa^her^^s^rbbm fo¥ (ov*riS2i[priotenip ^mtM- WtiWoW stdeB whiftli ate.undergolngf'tfie ialtlffe ¦rfroWss 'Wriiiiy'•bne7*im«iappro^atesIto'4«)fCfe%n.I': During HfqiiBt slk;mon«^f e^eafr ove^ai,0D01fl^ ^ei^f|lt:'ctentdJfe!iB6d^M for^d&T^o «i&'Bpiabri'nSr.-.tet| attd^taS&g filntWSfconnt tHali ttie'' toffltJrproceWtfraSlyrra^s12*©^1* ®, and'-lhaiT'flli©'%ay:fcK*:*ang& 'ftfem 'Yfl) 4dS:in«ao8ttsomeldeauOf the extent of the business may be

rkalnedi The birdsax&ras-awxal&fBhipp&a<directlyrxwrn iWaterford, and are consignedTto prominentIjjalesmen In Leadenhall and Central markets—a' lemiof d^Eq5aL]V7jacJSap!tP>tl^^b^epiouna to

work most satisfactorily.

i !.'; '¦: i . .- I- . ..-..;. ..-. - .

.j .The concern may belaid, to be divided.mainlyinto two great '&raneh'es tneHtfreediife and the,feedlng side; for the Company, it most be re-membered, besides introducing valuable stocks

¦Auucy ;type|,xear a.^oonsiaeraDie. numner. ol•filttekeiSs. Qiej4seI¥es,L «%>f?,'d5urW*bt m'%uM-;cleat ttftply^or^te tfttttiite equfreiHeJntff.raJidhe'nce tfiefraefeeirilence for *heLbulfe!6f^thWrawW&terlaFoh Qutsia^sbnrtes. On'-tHo b»3dikfg;

LSlide^ tlfifeS^ miBtfvaie-'lii cbn^tan^^enlWowiientj[lQOkingaffcer-anont ^he^Hi^tnfeedW TtpdkrJl |ncrfbltb^;:and • aPfbroj ifltoilr,1'.!! |ps' J cold1^rjQp derB^* OzL*

t^e fattennig ' sld6 ^^xxtevj CeedJtiK)9tajK co'nSists'oi sis^en1/ fl roTbr^bbtcr,' owingtto !!ith$4z expert knowledge and , skill ln 'bramnv^gj"'h&5fl bd^:fMV^o^r;j

ti^>^6^,''y W^salstantHs 'lc^pt busy inlying tfipi4!ood)and;preiIparWg t'c^'lihe regulartlme^,6{f0tWh " ' , :-¦ ''¦ ¦;¦? f * - '*J . • .-/ ¦"¦ '

¦•, *"'- i ¦' ' -'. j-'_- J - » - ''->r- < _ .

' . .u

, ; , KllHmf- In il^nipi nTi' nttfr'fln.tyii 'rtf HtiB'TOonir'-tt'n^:in>thls >J&a tlie suMe^uM^repaJ^bn^rfW.bM* fofitlie inar^t'-fro^Wlto^l^wMBn' «r6;enJUloyed. 'WV-mix&f t&'Mf a ['tttf $miD^Uflke<J"iipngBly'; aria^MBn' passed: onv,$oV OttferniQrjj sltilldd^niftnas. ^wno give^d' nal'ynititiln^.!andicemove aU the smaller feathers.; in- the latter'sfiite; tliey ¦ mi60th'en/tiSdi;iwa1e^^ur^d,c: 'aid'tlnenr; pw'liito Bpeclil Mnstrocred"'presses,[ hiipb aw!:a'S6Jgnea'td': ve thel waff the-'sniaipeiWkifch tie m'arke]bdemands.: ^A,..: fe'tf,vV<s: ^here catt be npfouestioii- that ifche lWatetfbrdP(rn)tl7; lE^^y^.l>]WM 7.p< tiS^| y.solved, lfl bneldirectibif ajklfeastf a;projj ftni - hion.«V,ejp,wfee're wnfrbnts1 'agrlcuitttral 'Iceland.' J6y^^^^^m^^^m^^^^ l^^SS2^Jg^MS!8&tuustaswc manager bf f t e ctincfirji' • tha'Inlie^a^fIsuc'cdss afifead y^achlSve'a is'ai^^apd'ftUjy.aiB-¦8'er#ad, i and jtt5au 1He1fcbi-l\WS|; raii5\fjic!'.j fte:!te&: edi tdr'eee busmess foresight andnap'tltuderepala, that the conoern may go,on and expand^ind^hjoy even a wiajer' «6^^oHfe'-yrt>jrk]t^ttir'i fia g^yet attainea ?0" - - ¦ ¦ :¦ • • • ! ' ¦ • ¦ • '» v; ;' ;';;;¦ _ ¦•

.Thei BJome Becietary, in , r.eply. .la' • Mr. :E.'ffii rnlb, ;1IJP., has anflj^uircid^ 'JhaV ' iheiTjea11,e|jiry; hwve nqw? fiantofiloned i%4 grant of eon-side.r$ble benefits tt> ihe(locad priwm Sfeafl%

jTOife jnaaJ%H^i pay^§!- iata^,warairS iMfl

i cbneftfei ^ ^ S ' ^ /^Ol^

¦-V: :i; :: v : ": ; I.; J'STiATldl||pY-;\|'




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f rj ) n -" i M I I II IJ i -( hOi^*iTSO]L ¦' i. \CIZ^' 'In i 'fO


J/,- Tw&.,it)jw^oui%.'.foo'Ebalt.' rnatches'in , pon-meif 8a<^:m'Wi ^^6eani-<ftnfii' .<>f" th^rTl^ughfil 'jJ^p' foi&Tiiiiumen 'icatn^oft^i^j ink. TJfi*-, 'TTin^ofeiS'fl'flW(Q(Mfcy.y. 'Mnaai^l&eg'J^ywfceitford), and Ok>ve lcie (Oonk) v. dlaeh-;mwir« (JWateiifoixi)r---Th«--w«athBr- ''t7a.'9 veryI$ii&, and <ihei© was a • fair aftitendance offftEgrtfeartKxrs. "THkiwawr;Tofl -fihsr |preee6.t'r^Wi Bion

it proved : ttf ' • toaiteital oonsfequerice;

3«» the Coves and Olashmoree, who were^{M«i' f-ar three- >>'r(f l&c£; ^SouJEd' ot ibeginswP^/py^j <s i-^er reftp: i i vaj tj )th^ j ^p<f(jn^.j o^t ,aadJtt0' be' jgLvein up^'aa^'iae" wlere© Veryj lazily declined to undMSJJce) the ¦ raspon-,§^SMy of his po3L1aon_iii.iiib^. daiik, iPorlther-¦jttnpre, to-waids the o|ose. it 'gtow ,,uncpmior!t-^afljy pMjoi^fees'5'fiaittas^rcyoi^p^ksBr''- emjpMsas-.-.§« < rfeM,iit^^;«^'0oi;ti pPy,

f •dj*Bsed 1-/t)imferff: wt "ait ¦'-« vwJm0 R ri A- ~vah timV ATiivmi^&re9tT -?f r-r * ¦ ''-J ¦ ^"'¦~:?r*r.i."T*- i-x~rr!«:.

l:i '• ' : -E^^A 7v/ JSA!li

.V jj ^aSeP: |fe: : »» and, i piaiJwa' idownw™» : aj fy ^Kf',@J9E o* i ©;.<>otta« eiioelcAjfltor . ilro injanoi :•

j «J| n^-fl^di-x&a^-v.' tbeKaH«a ;,^n«>i9c<«ed, a ttJabr.-caBd to^li^^r;W3H&: *» : *&*- ;iW0lb '*» :-«ta5ter-«ierHX). ¦Wa|tOTfoid. xnsn ^qui'cKlyt taiiiia'a- welt*-rijroof poinlfc,. A .bit oi Jletoe. flabtiniflrM enBTiea,laatanaretana- ten -ttiJn'nfe* - mJ.bXh^ 4 On^Ki^,

anotQep points foj ;, Knsateifaeg;>Ia (faoaJaLfaiBOTendid .aei&noe;', , "lii' Aii^iime' €hs ' Score

(KltlMHAnPffiJRTKy t¦ ' . '. • ","' " ' . d'^vAtn4«> V-T> {gSriftfr'i ,r3&F *' *<""'"''•>"<' -.*pX>lI>it3> ¦¦¦' ¦• •

ri>/~fflffl 4?r**' i;!••«•• •••<»»*»»>«A»*7«;dU ttoinj fc'!' '-¦¦

i; (nleaumlng • play, ; b^tK-- wmf^yittft-p-^Tf 'itf; ^:BSSy^ " rfboi^W :1U* . <i*!* P9P»i.:P3w«B a.minojDTto/tifeS™3**^ ^fe?ev»r/,,-,IAM[i!SiBai«b meh" w«w"«fl^dhahd j J»s lAttowin»iiairir; ea^'SS^St:- * J8ttogt.i 'j n* wa&&siMt*it.iHSj iiSni vtBfl - owahftoajlioodi -^ittia-; »WaWi<6wif we.wewe .fliytBdwigji ajjj e^li^i^ y^|WH&a^;-

w^t:.wTO^edn:la;* miril(»i"ihWJ

<™™ Wrw^iPd^h&aiMiaafMag-iba© meetWwBc;&nd)i tajta #u^,py.a*rre«iivl«- tt^^bU^^t'«ridn .a,&rat ,af;-iaat ancMnrioo* pHf^Sdfti'Xu»w| ifi^.<pja«eceadeDJoti t'':0!ppoadii(wferoioxajf j$oti ia 4in»;, when ¦ a^fln* %iff ^^gaKfleW . plafied; ¦antftber) poimi W> 'a&mtia the i-EiBeagh ¦ men; and agkn- u^ttini1»« ;ac«^.,«o^rdin^ito-tih©<*8t!aftftn^~^bmJ!UiOiJWaM«foid- meniidiBptilied I SoSPii-hotttfoolfcrqTflpnByc ensued1. ¦ iAKer a tUnifr-' BiilBaltbe|r afe5e^[itovniiiBh-tli« rnkch.Wtf'iSiiMd;*5®tP*«Fi telMoli doon-'after Hit M tf 'tijb iSb;¦SSBSiSft^: ;MsA ir.-?

¦¦i (Mr. -Tr rDooWjf 'Adtfid' -' a» referee.T-r ^^" "-'

i 4- . : . iCJIttaHMOiW v^ OOHfeV- -: ' : '¦: r;

:-toa»b y<^^:andl'.li«&'.ibeam.- } iBW^er;;:I^Jg»e-;«r-- -* >-| ~«b«nfl«:i

^ ttfii'oelfrps,. and 'k ' ^ J Wiak &m-:mm '-^MdWSJa?,?0T''a'H"Ji*- "WSBW ihfe : latter; dtor-diflfctittyo'itt.i p^^gKwio^ Jof&r oDi(ponrat8 rftoiy11f<^ J M^^ra^Jmfe. Oj t>-raj £ fii*«idcf in ili&e7&F©Jteacfl i dre^ ajAteulie.'frioiii^:iini' * A«iffiaWed '1

iQi«r v^V Vff iitVs ea&ffl Ibg'fltf raSroS'eodtJng:«!tSft& :tJ'Y' ' " • "'¦ v.v '. i^vr1?.!?1.[;. r2^|pC( ,.;.,...v.(..,,,...,, ii' podahr"I.L :

> •> fiJ T ^ ..1.r.«.«».»»« p~...... ...... ii..M..»»WjL^Nil * '¦ ¦

u 'JSsrV^iF' f '-^i lE5*?WJ*w > meni ««adnvS^lzSSW^''- a M t o f f i - *»W«K -Jtaofc-;

-f-ifcPft'ffVffiW^"^i- ;-- -- :-f :r -- - ^b^i>: f T.^ -tul

s , . • ¦ - r , - / .' , . ,

¦ . • :

.Colbert, M-. (Mbeif c ' M. Ryan, W. Connery.

.X/ Ocmnery>i ' .?J1ay.ee2 JJ-. JPoley, T. Potrer,t^Oofbm.., . - .; ¦ -;.¦ • ¦¦. - - ¦ - ; .. - •'.:¦ ipoyer^P.: fcEeiliier-^alttA.nTi Jititanaldi T.G^Daife iVRcJiw^ Jr/JM&ley,- J. OiBrien, DtdogirT-. ;fi.O»aiiTani fi.- •.atackv -.aiBTinno

,Jgr. Wri«y*i OilBartev ; A. -Jones,. B. (Wall, JvjQainmteSt fciUaefeutay, /©. :CVBoiirie:. Viag«n<»ftrHJia wmaortai .(capt:); T. . Quin-.•LiUl i WiOA^-f -Afcf-ffDodTrtwim . T TW-ji*. . T>'©ajSfi6ll;'jB;j Gnrmn;- .-ST. rLjaachy: -M. / -Kyna,- T.WQS&j. ^.-SMDeyi. J;oiM/Giuthj Jl Coynej E.:Diii pTXr??)lB(Jai*eT-M> -Kenuto; Ti -^roy»¦and J^ Broderislk. - : - . v. ¦.; ;- ..¦ ¦

n> Ti%; ^%ti!n?v ;c0!? !. at- t^e-.TJieatro(ipoyaj l

,pati| .lQ .. he.- a^f ccnoipaj and

even?-4lig ; : i xx| i.'' . Bapgday..' / Tflge - ia— -hagilv- CI553^L:-«#^^'.L- '«S^A;oiu^«i egaiertebr. m«at - wiMf i&.. ,$f a8> an 1 lunxsoinioion end in

>.?WP^?^V^ ^ tia?«!$edi fo.:'a- fcwg&Tflnd! «H^KJSiPi^ ^%«^r«oa«riaju Tho¦,BGV| rjyyiD/ vuJanoeB iftujf wvar^d: aodi £Qer-

cwttn^^^a;.«irn>ipili;- j ^ Ma'.-etutigt, and-h^)9tette*J 'eBtetgnjft8 j«e» tej(J;in iihe *foinose Of a'

•'8"B5g-iW*9W l(pMlrr .'Oat!oari«!, fi» geneioua. mTUfa lhppqkgjifegjarfig: t^ npurclhaBe of- &,,n«w,j orgSO, miidii^obadly

ijiieeded in-\i«v

.scared edoflioe. However, to olbitadn ti^'grrctf-^and mbdBi ff lt i QaxiKe&B conditioa-s sum.©miai must be raised in. Wateq^oxd. To meet¦iihfi i requirenienMJ&it&efrf OUdniiell; who is,)efw pitacttacail and earnest in all.deserving

I«wry piodnt oi ^«w wagao«a»ynntoejd.success.jUlVtne evening .•tro-^eBibetfteiinment openediWfim^ four^aind reel, in which graceful liitleSamefl,ai(tmy^l>.ra<! tt4)6ed tBamtf&^ves. (M!!»A

. %#ien; a taaewted roior^nel lady, played; theiRei^Srid ofri QHte^ IftS^B(ote©! *W *Buinmer?Iwaa leapecdalrjr ohanmin^. An appxeiaiative

j W j Q i &D t o Q enooned he* ¦¦Wtoei."'iM&w Gashen

r w«8 i* - aoaxmpa^^^^^piaiwJxy Mrs.(jP/ 'rJF ¦ BttJdy. . MIVTSL v^'ttnSwh' "(the * IrishjuVflPVe iente|ive of j tfio .(Snanspbione Co.) had,vchspge of itMj ^Maap»os4s, wfiich-irioludedi.tffl©* wonderful oaSnnet machine called "AGf rm opaom CbMnet;T>wftiWiJt ''wae Snow for

rrttoen fiiBt ton© exhSHifced'itf- '(Ireland. The\^Ty.

j «M-»W

wtmv v

MiinMrou <fi' UilviMkUNilt XtUA7

;^w)ioe« reproduced indhakd those of some of>v«tterf worfd'8 beat ;sin«aBr"Suien"" as Mia^aTn q;W#*» Madame Yam, EEgOar Caruso, HarrycJLwjdir^ B^rJK&BWr, r* a 'i teJIMj Qiny:•,Ao)4rawJEfta\ j (^M«ia^ andl&tdwa,.a^4 H53r flki&teteB^nii Gtaanfc^Bacnd

uWW «1K> heand". !Mr. John Toppi%i*as-ia)chttt ^j Jl^Jan4flm,.aiid!>ta»:a0cftgB'ol! the

-..«^uAs ,Tif )iflQ*r»teaihy:itlheDlp!ib^^1 ife .nufilnit. >nv AddM otjhafe ithos dtdtnaty isrramio-;fw|c^»^rjoa}t!hei,<>c<jaaio61 was ;kiroMy l«ntto Jl^rs. ^eas-Md Ck>.',.kaBfi.'«eeaia forIWiGiiajWW^p^Wr'/IbB.^DistiriJavatf•QwJed;Bpcowai-.feRm sttermniinfeTof vi«fWf 'sn<i:w^ h^^^e TOWfJeds.-f f l l if i to im't lhe ntkJkus

:wf a fimd; wSphjf^UlJnidfe.' ljj e -iang uatdJ/ it.ewe s 'initoi .ihe1 ^3Dft wjhfiichL-Paifiber' ODKmneil

i WrnWriBfti .".-; LviO' ' -r t^il !::n;; :': ! :: ¦; ¦• ;! ::

Sr*fi w»dV



—¦ °-r: I : -\ ; iCFEOII OUB ; BEPoaxcni ; , . "

• The weeWy meeting of this board waa heldon Saturday. , IMT. Thomas iF. i 'Morriasey^D.V.C., presided, and the other memberopresent were—Messrs. E. PurceU, ThomasOXJr&dy, Thomas Oarbery. i -; ' ..'

; The following officials were in attendance—>Messrs. James MtiiUina, Clerk; James Wateh,Master ; Believing omcere Philip Dalton «ndQTaurdce Hickey. ¦ , ¦


¦ ¦



The Master reported that he sold eight pigsfor £30 103.; less 5s. luck. He submitted an.jstimate from Mr. Cooney, re iblaths, sinkB,etc. (Ordered to be referred tk> Mi. Horan,C.E.) There were G7 casuals during the week.


On the recommendation of Dr. Stephenson,'M.O., a child, named r Margaret MblDoney,aged eight years, waa ordered to be sent tothe County Infirmary for. operation. ! ;; ¦'

¦ THE EGGS. ~ [ ' . . ..The Master and the Medical Officer reporte J

that some of the eggs supplied by the con-tractor were of inferior ^quality. : " ' ¦

The-Chairman said'thal eggs were now veryecarce and dear, and it waB hard to get themall good.

The board ordered that the contractor becautioned. _ .. ¦


i ~ - >The Local Government Board wxote point-

ing out that no order appeared! to have ibeenmade on. their letter :of the -SObh ,ult., com-imunlcating the euiteteiice of ,o report receivedfrom their inspector, IDr. Joseph Smyth, ontine workhouse infirmary and fever hospital."The;- requested "tihat the medical officer .mightbe informed, that'll© cannot use the Medical[Return: Book for the purpose of ordering dietsto inmates in. the workhouse, who are notpatients, and tihat the fixed scale of diet forinfants should be abolished.

Approved of. - -- - ¦ • -

THE EVICTED TBNiAiNXS.The Cork Co. Council forwarded- for con-

sideration the following resolution, passed atate meeting on; the 8ih instr-MResodwed:- Tihathaving.regard, to tine present position andrtfospeota: of the evictea tenants—the gloomy-outlook . for the. ensuing .winter monftihs .vrixastarvation and bitter distress staring then*in the face,.and'the necessity, of ramitaining/them and. their familiee, pendingJtlheir reSbora-tion to the :Iand from iwjhich .$hey "were> evfLotediwe, the County PouncillorB' of . the Oortmty ofCork; ¦ hereby make earnest aiidiurgenifc ap-peal to the national trustees to set apart atonce as an Evicted Tenants' Belief Fund, asubstantial portion out of the thousands ofpounds which are 'being contributed by theIrish exiles in America' and : Australia fornational purposes—(that we ' know of no na-tional object more urgent or more- appealingor one regarding which the honour of tineIrish nation is more deeply pledged fchlan thatof sustaining the -evicted tenanta- until theirrestoration tp the land is secured, and jwhenthis is 'attained of 'giving : them a geneflousmeasure of financial'assisiiance to enajbl© them(to make a fair start "in life once more: ih&twe trust this- claim -wall ; be urged- 'immedi-ately, on 4he -national trustees by &U thepublic- bodies and national organisations.- ; '

'¦Mr.' Ckr&exy>-That.iB 'very good incite1-way;i Chair&aa^-I think'^ET©'' oughit' to. Uake "'no

aption withtegard to.thid resolution:1 It camefrom - the County Cork," and -ther©' Beeina" toIbfe some :• misunderstanding- -between" publicbodies there. I.think the evicted' tenants a*©:v£ry well looked after iby^those who 'have'fUe funds in hands at preseallt/aniri t is better,for us not to take any : action in -the matter.:

<M¥.'r'Pbr<^;8aid'he agTOed m|th;tne Chair-man's remarks.- . • i ; • ; . .- . -W . • .¦ ¦

The communication was. marked!"read.'* :

' : -jp u<saxma COSTS..-The iboard ordered 'i&jme ty d'¦ £18 145. id.,

taxed costs, to '.Mr. Kiohard O'Donnel^,; solr.' , . ¦QA^id '-i^i tni'GiEV'i..?. ': '' .' ' ¦"


i .A series of resolution, .passed . at a publicmeeting L'rece.nitly' In, -DuMSn, in. ra!eTeuc&. totHe Irish, languasre; wore adapted <m tho;:pro-poadtion' of . ;Mr. i Purcell, • seconded"byi Mif,vGxadv.' ¦' , '. ' '" „,' ¦ ",1-: - - • •• ":;->

; - .¦¦': -. ' ¦ . ' \ - : :iThe^-board tieri/ adjourned. : : • '


. iA ahalienge: walking match .toak"; ac^ inthe cityj i on . Sundayk: the contestants beii3flttavid . Hearne cand W.- J.1 Stanfordi, and 4heprize o be'wont was a haiidsdrhe cupi va friedon tihe" card at iJ6 r; . ':- '. ^i - '. . . -. . '. ' ' i > ¦ ' ¦' ¦ ; ¦ ¦ J '

- Searne anil fitianlord had, met ebout' amonth j B g o in a; h©el<<and>'toe fnom -Tramore toWaterfoDd* • • Hearxue* then-lwoo coinifortalbjy. -

: IThey m^t- again on Sunday • at ¦ Eegonaid'eTower,-in ih& presence of a large crowd ofepectatofB, and at 2^0 p^n. were' despatchedfco; negoiiate.a coutBe from the 'Btart to >apoint a$; ChrJBtmas'a . Hall ' and ¦ home. ; The•weather; overhead was good, .but the road wastrying in- comseauence of the recent 'itaans.BMh men kept together until Body Orosa wasreached, when Heairne went aheid Btianiorda j few yards ibehindr"At W6"tuna; at CffirdfltrDoafl's; Wrtt the same ordeivwas seen, filteriwbich "He arne went away;' gcdng 0trwjg 4 . AtBailfiiuaneeehagTi,- {Hearne , J yitf i,] SSty " y^aridfl4aliead, and walking: strong', wop . easily J Ih2scropoaeob' being' f uUy1 ' seven ' tn&nutaiB oenin4^"T^ie distifoce', traversed was done dniabenrtanhxna ;aad^ a half,. but ;tio ofBcnal tdme'wasUrnm ' W request,-tfie road Itxf ag.m. f a ia ,

(Messrs/ John "Walsh, Hogfan* £ , Irwin!andEddie Whelan'. looked after the andangemente•veTj capitally.'-.1: , ': : '", ¦; '" •.:'" >;.- "\r ' y '/.-

The wmnec-was presentea, wim Ih6 cup,,l>yMr. GilUJgan'- (Mafble-, Bar} vhp had taken .:^^t iatcr^;io^&e|e*ens,v:' ;" " ; - j ;*,fth - 'J;';

' . .*¦ ¦

': ¦ ' :

' ! \

¦ ' ' i

! ' ¦

[ ¦ '. \:< i , . i nr^TTTrrr . ¦ ¦¦,., : *y . . *. j A / i ' - ; t' ¦¦¦ '¦¦'<

FavouraWe molic© ie OTda h^e!be^iifirmntedto Benff tivV, 'M^Lo^gbpa,1 KJilfceiony _^tibird

tilass) : atHlvtlime&alWe ? J".: mr&l^on, I' vp ef et-^oid (secoidSd'stas);-" 1 ;';. . ':.' .!." '.-;. v ' j - -- ' j % rV-



..• A;\ i ; SfeaftUe (Wia&hington), Monday..ITlie .&:t«aan«ii Jennie Ic^llfded iwitli - Uhe

eiteainer r <Dtuc.« Iri -Ttqv&S 'Soucwi. i. Th©::f prinervessel sank. ! Thufty-^flve pereoiiQ,;' i we'redrowned. \ ¦' " -. ': . . \\'i "'i t " - : '

(Later.] reporHia of the daoasttet i.s ;to-.'Uiat;;it>wa& the,feteamer iDix ;'wihich w-as' teuntau ool-lision, And niSt the Jennie.- iFoifty-on^per-Bone were drowned. The jDix was . bound(EHxm Saatrtle to Pont iMakeloy, carrying 80passengexB and hex crew. The Jennie, whichrammed the Dix, &uakuned no -daimago, and&xr&d 39 persona. iA!t the .time of the col-lision the night < clear and -: the;-; seasmooth.!..

¦ I • : :' ¦ * • ; • ;

. -The ddsaater -is said, to have been due toKh0 action of ¦. the aiteersmxan of thej 'Diiv whoheaded iacrosafthe Jennie's- (bows'. Manywomen j and children were trapped in ! theiroajbdna, iand had no chonoe . of- .efscape. Eye-,iwditriessea declare that*:a 'ter'ribXpanic;- pre-.vailed on board the-doomed vessel. r-

CHaiptiain Lermon, of tine Dix, told the eitory,of the disaster OH hi& ariivai here. (H^ wasfehakingl with^cold, and his eyes were dilatedtwith the horror of his experiences.; IW<j werevrunning, he said, at the usual speed, about(two ¦miles north of Alia Point! The pater"iwias like-a mill .pond. The mate.'was' at thehedm., I had !fi,een the lights; oi; a- steameron the -'sttiaifboKtd quarter:some time lij eforejibuU paid . no- intention--4o 'them.- -I went - be-l<n/ 'io ' cftUeot 'the^ fares'; and when I wias inthe ladies' caibin I heard the bell signal tostop. I i rushed, forward .to see what was thematter,-and jusfc as I -got on deck I sa-{r theibaw of a vessel loom up. iAIlmosIt insljantlyit 'struck us. ] The iibboam crashed throughus just : aft of amudBhip, J heeling the] Doxover, .The^Pix ;careened li'« a fla^i oo theport1 bow, where she' lay for a'minut^ or*wo:; Tho CTTrict rushing in, I was thrownagiainat the deek house. I reoororeil mybreath, 'and sprang upon the deck House.J/us!fc then thei -steamer healed - "back to | &-ter-.bijiard,; and there • was J ?another inrusl^ " ofwater.1 , il jheardv cries, and .scream '::,:;ofwomen and children as &h& water rose' lielo? .'The. sounds became such as my eaiB , haveBeJdoan; heard.1 . Many were penned- in andcould not poesably escape. .-Th>; • ekainier(tJuxhed Tiotor-uiv and'.'filled ,::and the etern w'entsljomjly down until the botw was standing,ihali oult' of the water. The eight fascinatedme "wfith 1 howor. Th© lighitu. were,.etij l.rhurn-iagi and I could see people inside'the ftjabmiand tlheir faces markcid with an expressionof. mdescrdbaiblo .despair. ¦. -No one in • 6heWalxin was eaved^ ) The people . oh -the I deckslid :o£T shrinking' and clutching vainly at•any olbjeict that' seemed to; offer a hold. TheJennie was only a feiw yarda " niway, andmiany . tried to awam ,tOj - her. I , leaped! intoItihe wator, !iand maniaged -% 7ikeep ' afloat.(Erom time to time one of those vrihoj had(bean gwimmlng with ihe' rest: would becomeexhausted and throw up his hands endeini- Hit. most have, been ¦ iweniynflvo minutesoSiet tho1 Jennie 6truck' : us before; .we; wererescued-, f 5K&©;.only persons'- saved weroilho3e•who could evfim.—"Irish Times," ¦- • ¦ ' ;; j ; '


MR. ¦WCELOAQr Q'iBiEiIIHN'S M^QNIMCiENT: 0CFFH3R. .f •. : l - ' \

On Saturday a public.meeting.iwas held iniCork under J1ho , presidency ¦ of- t$&^Jj p i&(Mayor for the purpoee',,or ;demanotra.tdng "*h©necessity-of reconstruoxangr Qiieen'a^ "College,IO6rk. Mi. "William OTRnen proposed theIfolliolwing i resol?iu:n:—",That..wpilei prcedng4qr a complete setriritien.tlci'^iJniyoreity,Question1 in Iieland,i.tu is< :n tdiig repmefieaitaVtov© of the-South of:troiaiii, declare-tlhat it as(their assured; opinion -that it ¦ ia essenitial! thiitlocal .facilities;for. Unar«TOity:edu!cMa.6ii'!on;\much more generous::6ca!Ie-than, at jpreisenitehould ; be Becured :fox liCunster in Oodk/' : ¦

(Mr.-, O^Brien, W 'a-' Bpee^h Bupportfing- thisTesoJutSohi, dedlafed that hitf t?ife and he'wererorepared -to give: The "whole of 'their. foTtuneTO estalblshi on feoiid - ouhdatribna/ a tJniv^sity .in-.:Gork.i: "I do "not-know/' he eaidj;"whiethex ! dt may be the proper, occasion' ~to'j inenKon »' pe'repmal- matter dn- thiacterfe tfon,ibui perhajjaiti may.>bd-of|&C'B^e--ueei to men-tion on ;behalf.ofiniywif^.' and myeolij thiit:iwe-haye an flttachfffleaVt»/ Ccrr3£ whiphi' perJhaps, alli ^he. wkwrld will understandtcand. hiave(hitherto ' hadiiio euhstari&al^oppo^uniiy ofppovung itt : arid' as .wet icaniio.t -imagine": anyp^ec^ttaatr^l likely to /fttt>tiJ# :-i -svxiii amxM^Sxctliy•:<>%¦ blessings : foroith^ ;p6opM oiOori $$& of,^B (provanjeei ;<aa -the sucoefea :oftho' mon?pmen!tp';w.e iace: inaugurating; tofdayiwe hfliro made-up our inrnds; 'if, you^wiU «aHiowus, to , bequeath on our ; demiso ¦ piaciajcallyall ihaV-tre Are; worth in the world as a| con-toilbtitdon!'towards therendoiwinent:of-a ;OorkiTTaiTereity. We. do., not lintend tori say i diefor a whileiyet].and it hare' nx> ap reh^oisian/thai even, I for ; so good an: object: you^ wj lli fakeony meaaurea' to cut short our dwindling spanof yeare.:3u.tftf-it.B&ema well to you, it'wouldbe possibl© jtoMarrango that if: tho BbrongbOpunicails j landV'Oounty - Coundilfl .of . the >prtf«ivinoe. are! .willing '- ito assume a temporaryIburden, vflnich!^bnld be an excessively; eligh*one, and everjrj. shilling ot which would bepaid at our dea,ih»- a sum of/ , say, £60,000iwould< lbe\ at once avajlafblo, and theTarriiinge-ment would have.the doubt^..advantosfa . ofirmrnmnrfirnr TirKriiATiH iViAt.:ri-f. tti« -nftf>Tifl« r>f - ih'ASouth mean to; have" a people'& UnivetBity,governed i by the; represenJfciaves of ih© people,iUhey arelwdiling to prove .the; faith, that ia-in.(them- by j making the people of the -South, inteome ^degtee qonltrdibutory:- to in© wbrkii ABI aaloulafte; even if the boid'ezii waa conunedto tho city and county of ¦ Cork: aloin^, itV*KM nb$ jinrrodive a burden: of more than onefarthdng an the '%' fox'a. verj;,feiW' .years, Iwitlb.the -clbisolTjto eecuiity. of bwig then recoupedItlhe ¦whW iBum, l and if tho Borougha anxlfOo.OoumcQis Vox : the. Other cojuntttea, invwie \ pro-.vinoe desired tKa* • , ftheif 'children- ehould

,ishaire in iho'ipTiTilegesof; unl^rslity ed/uoAtioj i'(the iempwary xtA$ wXmld'ficartoely '.anittunt to(half . a , faij thing'iin the £. .You would itbJus(hiave immediately at your command, an nddi-Ppnai en4owinent Jif £10,000 a year for [fiveyears, edded 'to! the ' presentt endotwimen't of<£I1O,POO aliyear, and :tha;t; with: th© pitfevtatoibenefaotioiiBrthai yoa would-be, quite- -cejitain

,Jk> hay© in "afiju^danoe in !aoy necessatyt ©x-<0Bm jzvui i uje open-xLanuwu cuuu ua ¦ ui .VWIA,(would enable you to-inake^a' tiart righib^'way,iwuthloo^emanding an additional' pound from*h« firta although, 'of fcouree, I anv abeulutelyJoonvinced | that if ihe •. scheme < la approved atell, -ibe iSta!6© i iwould .%t, -'h^tet© l6r ' a(moment a1)oflt taking up jhifi niDdeet enJddw-meojt of 610,0(»ja yeara.tsfelfr'aJQd-luktigv$oll^our otiher Tcsoourceo .fco i be oaedto further.pq^PQ^nai-faod ''egj dprate.tP*' ^ f ^ j / '.

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TSi'- kfiW- MEMBER; !!P6R¦ ' • ' • ; -.

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------ -^GALW^Y O^^mMH; r^

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Mb. Beiihen; Gtwfyinn I /^ntributeaj l 'tb![: '; the"jpreemah's1 Journal" a haghly interesting'article on Iiti Industries, from, v rhich wetake the following T.passagBfl;-4,. 'j .7, .. , ; i- T

"It is easy to see and' to eay . that I he' thingmoat needed in Ireland-rinow that efourity oftenure has ib,een !provided forj the"j|>ocupiar8of land—da most industrial employjnbnt; Howto provide that employment is- nj oj l by-anymeans so' simply decided; but, at ail evente,it is well to see men at work on theJlproblem-.Mr. E. Al Aittoos, of Cork; hSa pu4 fonwardhis oontrdibutkm towards the ; discussion: i ina pamphlet: entitled '"Ireland'e"' 1 lEjConomjcOondition: Itia 'Oauses and' 'the-ir'"MeaheAy/and 1B proposal ' La briefly-thia^ i£40,0rH> a yearahouild DO' set aside\flf6jn^tb©:-"reveirn!ea' of^eDepartmeht i of j Agricultural and ¦te^hnaoalInstruction to. subaidiJBe ne^y-foundM iindus-tries by granta riot,of capiM, .but o^iixt^res'on capital. jexipjendeii,; pover t&eV pmodbefore an[ enterprise, becomes -, rem^ecaltiv.©".HiUBcheme; postulates -: the ;estJabtoMnenit;.<4a consultative tody attached to th^ J^S^ruivuv—a cvAuimiii^o vx DUOIUCOO JUCIU ., xucoo-gentilemen1 .would;' (as .a ' niiitter of ¦ paMotfitoduty, for they are;to'.b> unpaid) report on theprospects J of ¦ any indtistrSal -enllierpris© wiBMianyone, proposed to establish or retyive. : Ifthey decoded. thiat it had the eleinente ' ofsuccess, the 'Department- ah)6uld, :

j i '<m ' theirreport, guaranitc>er;ari interest pi i iper cent:on) the capital (pfesumaibly oh. thje(i paid- tpcapital) for 'a limited' .nura'b'ex ; o f 'years, oruntil the! enterprise 'beooines: ¦i-eanUneratrveVAiccording as thd' - - interest payalbli ' outt. ofprofits began to! accrue th© gttarantee'intbeiresttwould be lessened, but'uiot ^ aotualy ' lwatlli-drdTra until the' firm could pay 5'|>er ; its' .awn account ; •^- • ¦•y ' 1 I . J ::- - :/ V '-; ii; - • ¦ ¦:•.


"There is mo dou!bt;of i e" ;a ttia|c(t4dn'-of ';tjh!ifl.

proposal for such pereans' as are; aflptions'. tomtestsbme of iih'eir 'capital in' Iinflhiindu tmia1concerns,;since, so fair aa I Knwf 'tihex© iB'.rio.great scope' fox in;res*men.t, except bjr veiniUxr-in^ with 'naw; - en;terprasea about which only,one thingl caj i bo ipiiedioted mth' jperf^ct confl-dea^c©—that twill ¦pay no interest'for '& :yeiaror *wo, or ¦thiree. 1 Hope deferred ; makes, theinvestoVeV heart! tiery sick. ( .ITndecr jth e.¦'pro-posed dondatdone, two things wouldj dr 'ehjould^be certain. Firfit,1 that a, very .faiw1 intentwould; be" forthteomdng from' tno''6wrltJ;':an4','secondily, that the ¦coneem"h!ad\at'lejfef a1 Mr-priin»'; faci©: I Iiike3ahood' of - suscceBB.' $ jPresutti)*ahly, a 'deptotiateut nndertaknai^" eacjh.: ;op^a-tions- woula retain1 experts' itroni whop1 advicecould be procured ( aa to tihe-be^r inafin©r oflorbceedinflr:¦• •and ' at' the present'iaiia© euchiexperts ai«:hBdlyi ne€ided: ;¦ .-r. " -(Ms.r'A5idi>i6desires to ee© ' ibbuntiiles1 ' directed 'ftxywardscreating factories !and: a rac© of faoto4y< hands;

( Objections may ! bo ¦ urged on ihie grtounlda ofolbstraot poTiiical economy; but^these] haVe notrue relevance in Ireland. ; ^Indus&ica'. in Ire-land did- not -ddo ;a- natmral'decltih-^-ta »y. Iwer©¦deli!berat©ly;;stiarigled. . »Whaft 'has' « )e©n ;d©-.(liberately i destaoyed nedda to t» d^iberjateOyT>6-crea,t&d, and ithat ia . generally,j .£idmititedii-But the Government so- far -incline to], proceedin a imanner wiSch;' ahlafliti a/void \wp eottno*

Smis'ts' * censures.' Education ¦ is admittedlyKiheSr buadness, and they walH theiefoi* epefidanbn'ey on-' educati^-HfiTOing^ItadJi ,yoi]inff meniuind . young women. for texdinioal emEloynnen't,rwihioh: they can, {only: find .out of iwilaBld1,11t.da a: fluefition T^e to'-cdiw^itott^v^lfiiwA,!)more practicallyi. exivaiiioeid . y-^otiexpendir

factory is also tj yi-.ito: veay.'aa'bar© a .'of • thj© ©aperimi&ntal j kdnd.;

^>Eh© BUT-*(rounding poputotoon grows up: ,wdJ3i;.tih,e., .inp

duMriiaT.-, haMiJ and.©,induflteial. wpi^ude.;,and : I hanr© i sufEeaen*.faitih in! myjjcouaJJtiypmdn to Ibjeliav'G^tt )ha±Miif . amnufactures:. are•fairly!,!etii-ittcdi' .among tiiem ,,'.ion ^ reasonialbEe31inie6,. then uudugMes. wity tjrow;,. ** i^ufc iintilindust^.'- raul'ffiplly; &.- . ' diffuse- j wdustrM;.educatdion., (eswep}. ia agri^uitur©). idlilreland

^is simply.jpumng a px^mium on. eMgratao^.,,' ' ' ¦ '¦> '

. ¦¦¦¦'. ;: '¦:¦:: -\ '- i - ! -" ; :¦ ' ' t h 'n:}},. : ¦:] : ?¦> r.- '.\

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y r .:\ . 'i ELDEK^^'\iliE^^'¦/:¦ \ -' ; : 0,f ' \ ^:; i i i . >r - ..:-. n c ;- ;- •;. f. ; o.t:.>: •:,

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¦'. I *' '/ i;f. ' - .:": '^i:/i ;^r. \':'x- |, >::~ J .

i) Dn. | ^ ., &\ tti^.me0t^' ne'''( kMaii9Jol the'ibO'Ye"-UiiipnV ' oc^cdedi.'-.'fe'. !elec£;''!•$-tderk inUwce«aon'' to^the.: late:jBLlr.. ^Mauric^,He^y.Y.Th riby-BixVoiat" »t..a 'posaibl i . f i a ij b y rnine gtia'rdian& .-"wore' present, aod 61 ere iW ^iiflve: candidates ,'*fc-r , 4he v position-frfifieEsrfljjinfl ttili nlAa-'TRiliiitr" T.4«mr»rtrA (hnri ftf ' WlA DfUta:Cleri),'7iEach ^¦iMolan«y»:: eour.,;l- i ^nore;^loxainder' ' lirXeakin, , .Agliflh,;, . jGQanoaiim;IStUchae ^. ! alsb., l CappoquinJ,l^nd Timothy'M; iCronin, (Jonnoj.' - ; , -~ ' . ' ¦ -. J:/ - ]. ,..r ¦: ¦. . ¦. ¦:,:¦;" JDJuring the; ;r'eaaing»; of , Qie -corr^p^ndeiaceprevious. to ' ihe;. takang up! of Ithe conoider-afijion - of "the i' ailplicataoaia ' for r, the{ .yaoailtderisshop, the* lic/tlng Cderk read a « solutionfrooh the £aliinameeJa Branch of th UnitedIrish ^League;.: which called (upon, all :thatMU 'iA^ lvA'i '''IIMAI* !W'MM.' Arf i \%A ' TA -eimn.1 i T2IA.AW)

id iGlTOxdaa'ni^te''j 8uppoiil):tho .'candi<3 a*ur©' of-•4lh©'i-'Sedi>eila'r^;ol !ih'e ^Veslt 'Wiaterford <|2se6u-;iftaive1 :UnSted' MsS ii] . tL^agueV;. (Mir. j A ©xaajderIHeskih):1. ';:;¦. ';' , .: '|y r...: '. ; .- '. ,; .., 'j - 'r !j' . . :'• '';.;.;,

• in the first p^.the^yotongwaa

jas, p u m & r*(Eor 1 -Hesikjn-HMie^Te... flBrackebt, ,[ ffrifflo ,

/Wdlla,i j Hunt, 35honias' ' ;Mhirg&y/., OBDogBa,,Kenny,: Heskin,1 Clancy, , Cu|fe,. ' MichaelDoocey, Johij lUynn, and Toibdni- 13 j_ . . - (. IPor * i Healy—TMessrs KenneaJW, JameaITynni ;0ahlll, J</hn iM^Jrath; O'Bini m'vBus<-sell, Beechery .Ctolloway, ' lEOggins, MichaelAPGratlh (Ballyduff), I>evan©,i?and' «h i ,;Ohair:m<m-IB. . ,. V I , ' . •;.[ , :.: . .'. ' ! ' !rv ,,',V- i-,. ., "..£ ;!;..".- . i . .. . .; :

OStor W^lsh—aTedsm Power,;Scanlo?: ;!wala(h,Paltrioi; ' iSWGraJthi-'L' - lCWiaine,' i- iPnSgie,',,' .Thomas•Dtoocey,1 Ej ely,;a'r4d |M3clhael ;Miirray-¦-£. : . r ,. WOT Qjoloiiey—jMesars"' • (Daly ana |PgiMot¦

; - (Mr.1. Qivpininl/ireoelved1 no.votes.-!: .' i ; .,. : .. ,n aUessra iMoloneyj and Crooaia then- (ell out,and there voted :-— ¦¦: ': • ' J ' ; i - : -

(Eor (Healy—fMeEi3ro Daly" a^di PatrickJDoocey.i in addition- to-the support (alreadyfeiveri. •; - - . ! .' . ; | ¦: ' ¦ , . : ¦ { ¦ ' ¦ - ¦

Messra Bte&kin and IWalsh did 'not ' mnsitierexftra' votea oh* Ubia round. ;' V| , |:j - ) < '> ¦. ' ,>¦! la the ftnaj poll "the Noting' , 6 iood- aeunder:-;-" . - -, ; . ;j ' : . \l . \\

¦ ,„ ' . . >'. , 'r - '. ' \. . '": ] - ' .-i!; :

. IBtap IH3e^k5n—Messrs .' (Biiaciett,.. j Griffin ,(TCIiJaV Bwritj LlPSDfwser. (KfoiTBy f(2). ' iHogian',ScanlonL' Kenny, .Heakin, HTlancy, Ouffe,(Paftridk ! IMWqiratihl':1 CoDins; f Madha&l W andiElaMdc ! ODdpwy, John -.iPHynaj, JPci^e I pie ty,and"Toiblii-irClI/ -,1;I • [ ; .' ., ', - . .. "V y - , ' '- . ¦:.!\: .:-(F«FrHeafy~iMie$E£s .Eenneally,, "J OM j ipyinny

Jdahillir .fW&srJIoftn!- 'lTGtailfli-4, M&>Brito,1-iRwJrisell, Seecheri! <Mloway,*,IDaly. ThoSr pp oeey^\ffh sAJX3 f 'WfK33A l' ¦ jMVriifvt<ni 'f jPflyln^. tsno-rwlxd

HfeaQdn cXcotcd i- - ¦- ¦' ¦-. ¦s y - ¦¦:. tuJ- - r <i-

i > . . •[ % .- - • , " I ¦ -*

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,: {¦¦m:K p M: Ui -^?:<¦ M^f\ iKp]0Biaas.jpi|,j -ijxK5aopiX^ '''l"

:\y: r :[ ,l -y ] . -::U^:. -: • .HJ,.|L !, ;:¦:! ;;::-¦;•;;:.;.|!

f.'iBeaniard •-. • '©dUon, •;;&& celebrated' 'iackeyl-twri^anjg j in:\ib»-. .Sapid&yf VbiiDivW*' gaW^W)?PMft ..%wl.i l»>nbi pBoiikion.'iii the wirldoj ; iw^oh iha geneml-p^Uc^tlha^ tb::aayi;ftae-i: ©oawrajeingt pubdid-Hidld- auoh. ¦ totallyr^vwvw, uftp mBBioB. inaeeot oi Mi -lifelleeeini*o pe tmt,Mjoanpanativelly sp©aikirig,"fi© '.'earnfilfch©.:ma±3iaiumi -of' money : - iimi>«th© ^inrm^y^w;- ;effoito. . (La fact, a fasl^oniaWe "tnight ofIthe ipagakin"- isi-genenally icredited'Awith ©arnii^



sta r .Iarg6ra9 fltaf'^the ; 'Rama -Minteter . in r^'fcurri for three or:four; flouaft '; w)rk^.a' day;fi i lN6ver, hotweverjnwaa,an,; idea-more-mistok^nV for,- although'-.Ieruppoae w ibeo$ ds L twjhen • inilifonaixeSare;J &g iplentdlful ¦ as blaciJberraea,;.--:'i:i "iockedmust: beheld 4o- -'get well) t>aicV fo? hKer4V4c^9,.yeit, B& the sam©'tiimf, he'ha's 'tb wort<uncommonay hard!.; for.JiMiilding Jeei: Buft¦Wot generial puWic ¦ seesiKjiti le or nothing oltots troubles., for, a jookeyfja: confronted wiSihi»; -seveo^b hard^psi^ibehiMd th© 'scfihee.^'

Wh p greatealfc bugbear of- Avery jockey is tibelf Mrdubois ta;bl©; ;JEor:: h,e i knows qujte welJMat if jne.puta on weight ybea he is young]

W&- career - : ' ¦ - |; . [ < < ¦ ; 1. .. - ¦ ¦ - ^ j- r - i

' . : ¦ ; •


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.,- ; j - ;CpME!S;TO:JAJN !EN!D ;= ';•" : ' uHalt , 'once. ; :in; :conWqiience !he •iiasfto-j takicj'¦every possible^pTeca.utdonj I ' .to.i'repel-' th©-radivanioe-otf "too:4olid flesh ,), f ad - 1 em Bpeak-I-ing! ¦ froani' eaperaence. yf tiek HI; say, .th^t- it iflin'o uncoamnon "occurrence ifoV him to beitJom-^(Pj&lled' -jboi Bit !in :&. Tiirkashjl1)a(tb Up -. fi<v© or¦;«a| hpu'itB in ,tih©;',h6ipeat weatiher;.^anid;"alterwiardB w don two or jtoree thioi flannetweatera;: preparatory, ,-to!; seitdng ;-.ouit for taj;ibriik;.% ..ltea-onalli»1.'. wial^J > j^a'stdng^.-hoivevex;.lose^ . half "its , ¦ ffirors i ;wEnea!!,one's efforts are5 :'croiwiiied' wiith success -j fl&oifc j , the reverse. side!:ol|'«ie.-:meda-l kifar.froniip-aBant;-1 <wiHga<vejiP#;*'. cas©;in "point.. .Wwi JoiJg agoivBOveral;.ceittaanhoTBe!in a.lag- hanidicap.- .I accejplbedlIthei 'mounit,! althonigh^ jknfeiw itaaifc to ride thelr©,q'u4^ 'weagh:i,i sihouldi !ha<ve to ^"get off^.be^eam;flv»! and six

tK>wj,dfl; For days - 1JJnyer pracjtaoalily-.on airp-fthat ia'.- 'fo .say, '$^dended !pryls©lf ¦ e^ery luxury, and: only took); jiis ft : 'enough.! food .to . kcj epl.inie. aJiye, : waWhourl!trediicing; my. Btrejogtih to; iny; apprecia.W© eXJjtetit/IBjity . rsyfheii' I .i Trent ftb fji ^ WBagh :otft." -fee!^o'iJe'.ttie- race I- found thatlll'wias etill f apouiwSttooliheavy,- desipite : th©;h^ulean baUbl© ¦' •&had; .been waging¦ against: excessive avodrdur

'P0da, .j.. 33bere-.. wias 1nQtbingTfor it but^*o .' de-j¦Clare a^pound oveTwei^htiiiand hope' for thij l•best... Daonwver, ¦ • the - fateaj i wero aaainst '- m^v!•for!,;,1 after a -terribly, cevert ,;] gruelhng "• fltiofih;-

i f f - 'TOUft r . . . .¦• • ¦. .. ' ¦ . . '• ¦ ; : i.- \ i l - ¦ • •- . : : > ¦ : ¦

¦:, •-.-, ; jl

r./i"- i !BIQAanEN^'A.^(^:HEA©; ^:V- !;

•:iand therefore,;• 'peittiaps1, 'sDayt .feelincB i ban'lbe(beti ^j imjagin^iJian .desirdjbed when,' onir©<'.itucnnS^fl^; p.-^rtli^. t'i/TiEi^stbiiosrtvCioni*» ' the owner;draiiitably •¦ femar^eds that -: itha't ext.ra i pouad!fbealt pt.'Vi^pr.f C<m^totionjrfrideed; wihen Ihad; !»eep;,fating fot* <weekid II Theni. again; ¦ ra,jockey's, life ; is; reddered < |aadataipnaily ; ihardthrb^^ith©;fact th^t-oftett^i f wihen he: 'has ian-«(PP«ta4e aki© a. ;h/tmter,. hei: haa > to endeivour[to ef ifywy ^->ith -.. a couple j !61 pieces i of - tlbiiidiyj toast.,'and.;ai dap of. we^ coffee , -while-heiBee&l others .' breaikfauKting' ioc ; all ¦¦ sorts- - ofJuxu^es-'.vHWchhliltetaily.1) 'f inake lida^ inou*h!¦wialter." K-Tjjn^s1 .wditihout nlunii'beT I h'ave r©-!

.^urnedsiromr-riding^exercifee: in; the morning: feeling ¦ asrfjf ' Ii'coutd limake & seven-qoarse1ibreaik^uslt look very Boury I f{>r itself> - b'uft, i£>'rd*ead:

J;Of puttdnjj. on ¦we .jfc ,!tf have hiad - jper-:j foxocj .to! conftenl my&eli."witlh half r&; cup of

'-«o!fiee-and ra. H^tle dry toast*] ;(WIhil©V itoimaike¦amatters Itvonsfl, to aoon ¦*-«$:|l J ihaive | ,guKed-'¦ d<Ma • vhm .'hasty ; &n& < unkpjpetisdjjg 'me-al, 't¦ Jha/vle', had; to go-Eltr^aghti 46*|t£e; TurMsh' bathiaxtd" jremin-Jtittero- - [- ' f - ' :."' 1 ! '\'%jj :' < ' : ' 1 ) ': '' " ,,'!' ;;RnX7n7rr/rTnTDiTT\'TtJrL TTXT I I I L J I U ' TTT/VIVIIIIILJVII I T^AyMir

"jwiltil - ai ^otiJF-'-or w!--?)^^ ' - ! *!?)?*1;! * !':'-!';Jhf ryp aaaoumed^ Jor; a '.liiitfch,.;veritably*-.'.ofald^aimanic'. propi6^ons--TaTiaw, i pes and- a^-waiaeBJijj^^lj ol/pbda ¦wiait(B{r.|,vIt;-j ittBSiti :iH>t (be!'(foroo!titeji, (WKSL {Qiaii. a;;.,-..jpc(k^yfft?.:. :dayi .-.ibeginB"'fwheai j oat" people-: aie "snapped . iia . elumber;

• and 'on~ (the!]inosk uninvitMg-of 'morilangB"hs(H&&, r Aedhiaps,:!to Jturn , oui^^aa eaafly ;as' five<3kixloci, land'..'.TO¦ ride1".- ill B&v^ral otoalfl -•; anQj^xefcis© '' allojDs.;: -flJE© yj ^Ha^i. moveotver,: i0^'

¦'tespjidfie^ ,-.(Dsf ;!teJdgjbfei 'iSB Tthei pig^n,:?and!;it .; does ] aot rec[uiBe a1 '.-/jar 'rfA. . i innagj ination.: tdunderstand that there .'ia i colthij ig jpa ^ticularly•talimn&njai '.waiitij iB i boUilat theippBt'-. r. ; ">\ ;ifiM'friaaaiB-' THniNNiBOT"' '" •''!" '

- . ;• > - - ::

'• ' i f:''. - ¦ ;

'.•) ' .¦.' >

'-11i ' "'>

''¦ ', \- \

'. *

" '¦¦¦'¦¦ ¦ '

with) the;itaiin, pojoriiigthe lbttangj cold ..wind litecaHy: seeming1 • to Otjt¦one;ip Mo. (Hipfweyex, altetja tkne.tmeleamB3•Jto regard -these Idra-wlbiaxJikB I pihiloeophicialijr^WiOugihi .Ij nL 'us ' t f.eay. they lasaurediy W©' the-'¦lie to tjhe; popular' idea that!'a leading hore©-!X0MW?B HI© is¦ "nothing btet: riding fwtinneiB-andi '; 'banking Ing -, clleijues "j .. Shnangely - ©n-i.ough,; alibhougb from anf onlook©r*8 pointt of:vie#i 'ra<ilnff—^Dedallv; ftt4^L liin,Tif>i-jmTiKt.:se rh a y©xy idaqjerous paisifamei yet, Iillhiiik?tl ram ;right in saying that ntot-one jockey in1ttlweiw ,everi. gives mox© i ( j ban n pacing-WwJugQilt to this side of th©j great game. 'Ac-1cfdeiite, 'om th© -.fl t are (ibaippily^'not 4of .yiery •fre^uemt : occurrence, but; • w ¦ 4h©- eame' tome,.ithose who suffer ' from nerves- and picefer (o!irid©: in a Ibtt^ iiather than ii ;hansotn>, becauseitheir nerves !aie ^unetrung*,} can' perhaps re»:a$s£ whiat alioctey's feefipgS' must be wihen!Qua jmount falls, and heJ j $^esiiih© whole field:oxluMeea-alborat to galloip 'rij^ilb on topof ham.;:Aa a proof, hotwiever, of-hbw:philosoiphical'ly;»! jocieyj takes his tumUeii' X oannoi- doitoeSter than cite th© case jol ! ft certain famous IBteeptechjase rideri : whor-; duirtiig hi&Tcareer, ¦wnifessea^ to having •broken I '¦¦ : , . i - . ' . - . ,i

_;;il4j ^axp -ET^E^ -BbWijE ^

;!'Hl :JE(.jd(DT. : *I hlappened'to be presenit.'* t a jumping meet-:

/ing iTTlhea .his motyof r¦' tff i- ^&bh him,1 and heou tMned.; a taofcen- ccjUarfbone: and several -maoty.cutsaboult the.head1.i I met Mm as he:/wiaejbedng oarri©d,|'iback toi who stands on .a :'Btmfcihwi.(:hi0; i face^gha^ar.- Ipale, aiid: • hiB'crjeeks dnwmi- wdth paini /' IBad i luck, iantt;¦tiff j he |remark©d;i. ;I, .waB!..ibop^^; to 'have'.[been aWe to go lo a dftnee! ¦: o-JQigfit< ', CD sup*:posej its' off, now,> but perhaps I-ehaH 'pull¦*ojwrid -pt '.'wae*' ¦• : • ; 4B ;a.- nwfiter - 'of¦. faofc tlheplucky borseman yas. laid! I; !tij>' for • Berexal(weeks, '1>p$ even -wheii ha was suffering! mo&t^rriMy jhe triedJto persuW© himself. < t h a l tthangg wer© noAaS;|diBastro as. they seemed.

. Nl^p it^hei;leos!t of:

a io^idy»: teany haWBIiipsI!

,o!li I rwhioh-i • I rtlMniJ uhe.geiiielfall t puMic vkinw5>\^ ;»l^,- is.-the Jact . ffaatjtS alfiintebltoand!

- 9>ii»npa»{:iMi,via¦¦tf .ihi.aiaij oiafe r all^!&*•, «e»*'iroimd, %,v.d«apit0 ::.--tUer |$W> «hat '«he ;r; ffa5

racdna eeason ' coMed- to? an-.iendi .'in 'uai ^ fweeftLS. 4/helperiod of enifoTced ;reat lunittllneittMardtfoj ifArifo^aiiholdday ii/oi4jjiviilndeed^-if'; h©'

.TOers; ,10!recardi it as 'sux!&,i indir©Tax. his -eelf-jdejalftji and - - ^salreful ; livings•>$!& would pttf'onvBo!!Wi.u^;.weI^t;^Tkn»w. :him. iSJO ' tn'ore; ¦ : :;:i ! i :. ' . . -"¦ ..!- ' ; -v^i-'

!. . . . 1 ¦ • I -. i i . '; ;.. ¦. , ' .( . ; I 'i "

¦_ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦- ¦ - ' ¦

¦ ¦¦!! ! . : 1 L

: ¦

• 'k: '- < '1' - : v ;v . i - i ! ' • ¦•

¦ • ¦ ' ! ' :¦ ¦

apieifpii.f .../ ,.j . ri ;-^:';> [i , .' :|i : ';.3ii ;:i ;3^!*; T 'nU ^-.!! ^:!?


¦' - ' r= ; 'M . '^;! :' ' i :";-i' -it:n;--{ii| U :l< fl??¦ I-;- -L-: . ! ¦ : ' [ ! . - ¦ ¦; ' ;- ' ri i ' : ' :;T^:lf.| ¦.¦|K;. : ..!;. :;f

^!T: . i!V - 'n' -:: fc^!i: - :V i - fe :;i/f |^i-<^r- ^ r-v : i' ; ! i : v i : - : l.;^M '?- - ; : - :' . .i. - ' .| v i!- ' ¦ ^¦ f -';;:Jlix|'%^'|-; ?^ |! ; -Mi !i v; f;f:

: i ! ¦¦ ¦ ¦ - ;r , - •- .; ;. '

"'! 7 - ; ¦¦ ¦¦- -":¦.

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:- i ! ' . - I "

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¦J ; ' : ; ]i . • - .:¦.; ; v ! ' ; :'V!iVi^_g-!' ii \W: ':n ¦:-1; ' i . - '!

.•.; ' •" : :f Ji" . - . :'! 7i. :C *l / ' ;:i^r v ii i l ! ^ " :V! t/r-v.l

i l :r;:r::; t i-fi- =: .; ; .v; '-ii_- i:-K |;- i ' -;f L. \- -y :- ' :;• , ,!-

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!/,] . • . "i :' ^ AB- OBHms:siffi-:US;|i! ;- .V';!i: ; r!H '. ' Ic i ; - ' 1 : : -' ! : ':; ¦- \h ?, j - | L

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f- \ > -

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iy'illbje'^ .iSatiu^yi: ¦ hf|| following; aiticleu

)om; -wliai!'{t - d^craibes i aej |! jKxe; -fSdil-

;.;j"Twj/mOjn y ;'iTTO;rikdng'. S\lnoi^;|e4otigh; /to; 'enable adjudgment ifjo ; ib©Lmiaid<&'.af ^ success;of the;¦:iie(w:''«>'uS». ,to Irelarid; .th^.ite>w©nce'as-notenough.toiiustify or:condteimn.: ith© enlte>.p dBQ.i : 'S^ 'C0tiam\'l are.'xeady^appieairs, :to declard'tilM Hit ihsis proved;a/,wh^b(l^'8)roejati)6tis Effort! :.i^"t<nsifPi Jioompejta;-;ti<^. ::Wlhjamex this''nleans j that ItWe new jhiair-(hour 3iaa;nafeir&lv :divArt«? •nW-rtf'Aitil ATn<Vrrnt nf

; busing from .eida'tinir -lineej or.Whether! ii; isthe deduction-madii ' iherj co inM fianieB'ber1/causa'I they'iBav© 'nJpiV.itelifc "" any ao5y«l i& effects,;fthiar©, :ii 'notihint jyet.j to" BHOIW».V^[ Afi (jftiyUritte.¦Ithe - iBMhffuard-^losslare r^tittei^ltttosicteid^

BO^'irnanj;ryiai^orB .to.;j xe .Souiiti !]pf"!}Kel^dA^hflia'

autumn j that jKaxlj aniiey's ctoiimissaria t arrangerinente^'broke dotwm. To jpiople. ,ofj.!thj©; ,West off]F>igli^T)nl :iwho'-V^6uld\.TMfiali.Ii53d ; o$ iiso^ou^! a boon,:. In takingil'Cqag viefWfl.asto;a measure, .that! wouM^eat'j swtt> 'itstowucommercial injfwe^, © w^ estwitseems'ait ,1 tn©;; !sairi« ,'tiiQi6t .-toj ''hiav© bee^'J^ipiflotaj iginjuch;

i jwider" ,intobsto. '-.' -.Tit'.canij iSanUy/vbedouibteid 'tJbj aif:fh.«. e paldsliotd. of; id^l pregttrdinjithe future\of,We;Emp^e;aBJ;wieia ad;fo«!needfof 'the, BriibMi'.'Mea en<!6uiiaged' the^proe^cu^Jtdon .o^!th©; HBhguard.'Hafbjoux jpxojeiA.;,..!!CJknadai and not Ireland !at! all. i.aad: beemiconsider j lthei poaitioii oi1- laflfhKtrajtd^'wxiinl^prob^y alcaiewaaiant the iexipe*£infenfc;. Hb*f,wei vailajble the -traffic toi the fik>ufli: .'<>f !&©•..iLand might,©rovei- *xt Qould. onjy''ue'^ 32tlf:OA.unj e.iriduoecS&it :";tx>!'malki&rj £j larg^i 'cfiteajl 2' oxttJiay;oiL' hiarboiir'!aiwi.J oth'Kr'! ^OMB*.' 13 »^j *,5fiisnsjr.^Aitian'tiicii 'vj8M 'p ;,p&rwH]flia y:- ;O|tiis£ Ti P^noma^ifatainci' yeaMyT griiwa/' | Oanladiaai" §nipt tress lieir;-resauircea -in^agripnltux© and mineiu Is, 'Wihich5wfiU ¦ bd!' eipoarod' ¦ to'. PSn^flwTirf '. ii M ©f wr.'. larger.

!pollicy^yrliicli1: w^ ¦bieiU ':'%^8<^T]dwOs3SP'-policy:. of .,th£ .wh!6I©'. !Em e, jaowJ.:aIlyliaTO!

[Kshgua^fHarbour^ l[W5odeini! Sd-Aloowmtf ^'iioni^WLetKer' the ;.ye6fteii- be| a ^^ms^,';-pr ;:aii r (D'reMnotoghV' - has. • -renfle^ir'ijna|e3&all!¦JeisWf j 'dcAj iPji&'fet;enplosur©::s#Jij;l aa-'Mflhr''Jipoao^^'is;jbette? flttedj to : eet;j£o»«i«Jt,nie>dstihan. s&ine oif the' oldeEj and '.fapsipsaiii!- Jjttinjpj

. ing off jplace a.'. Aibsence.'.of 'tfelaytteh^fcoSefer' to 1 'n^V,o.pened 'a^' ] e>th01Ja|&!ti ie^'ia^nor: |DctosM© h^;.iitolin, ¦rpeolio|fey|9r1 Giik©i 'the(BriBM: Ca«^i»' pp!rt8!"at .thetpreaettt JJi'Otti.eM!.; Wew a<»kfl%-Mf-rt>ei^i: wn^aeAMlj or^exii^"; jng! ones eiilarged,t atiSwaiijB«a;..Oj irdM,JN^port and,Bristol: ^I^cks.are^ibeu^i ii e^ed1:¦ oiid :. vSdeneii "and1 1 e^ery;' !effoiifc'| \ ,m&de T>yidredging and ep forthlto admit iv&sst Ito 'duringas• long?ia.fperiod/in: t|h<e>.1wenlty7<8oTir hours,6i

'/the tidM reaUrictioaB'WiM permit.]?;!le1 higner¦¦« nomi<>-. advantage -of .• jiyer,-iaj ii jdj iis«ibourB;

,1has; beeii proved', in ' the t»ir^rleadj^. J«I^S.j o f ' ' northfiyni: contineittt .v pSJttrioiBejrAaiitwerp,.iEotterdlam, a Hambuxg ^eie ye^elflTaxe-¦ Qaroeflv aM^bandenit i of > th» • iniionr renSences

i inicadtob?! -jto: r#sed iio j' Wa!&4i|s .am'pjei atea, depthij of- Waiter I ".and! .Tmimpe^ed. apcesafrom 3bj& "&eaf \tKe.;!ri«w^Mt|bi^':: j».. anally!t^VOUreJi.''::;!!'.;

¦; •, '_;. ;-!! ;.L:' .. " ; !•; {. ;¦; -Ii I j !;, ; u: :i !!:]:

... i - : : '' ! ;Jj ::y. /-; ; z - - '\ : - -;; J -! - i - j - r 'h ,1!. - :!J ;> ->\!iW!AfflEJEIE iBa> ,l OPIY

; MID DttOTESBOT ;•¦ TO ! :-ir \ i . !-f i : -


- > - ' - \ - ¦'¦¦¦¦¦ \>

~ :-H | i- | - .r ¦-: ¦

f >' ¦ '•


The "first monMy. meett^,-^(held '.on: Satoidiy,; 17th rflfowmlbex • at' thei Gaelio Iieag&ei. Eoome, at'I pini itj l ior. P. J.Po^ver, -ChaHman-, presided. (j The etinj f Tyaslargely, ttemded,; and i inolnded! inany: Xadiea.

The pcjre^ndence' waa-j vplumiiniiue,: andincluded'.a Ie^ -- from Drj

Oliaiik CtentrallSecrertiary;., Ii^.T.0;, .fe-afBiiaKlE! ;'*£&: :;f

A paper wtas-reiad by-tlbi- IW©y|.;oa"iB(»in4eSin t&a TeadMns- of ArttMnetift/'r andi was venrmuch ajptpreoiawL~-ty .i&y wpe b pftasenl;-itcionibaSindng ijoiany - useful" hints;ottlthe.- teactofing1 of 'this important suTjtfeot... I !Ajtt|iidiea :M i i*aimipmrtan wy ,b& ' gatiherod "I rife:! the iactJthiajt Mri Foley Tvias a^ed; t» reattfe paper?* seflond! time. • : ,r ' ¦: .- . : r j : .| -] ¦} \;\\

: f :;: -!i-:' ;j ''I : The following resoln idons-ittere! tjnafllimouslyptaeeed—j <Jl> Pjr^posed-o|r .Mr*-J)(rea'4lW. eeoond-ed b^ !%. Power: Thiat we tej idfer otii sinoeajesvin^4% to Mr^P. PQjelaoJpoaM1 WAriftthe' recent afES»i»n :.t"h»t b)as - ib«ila!Keii |lianSi'tlhwughi iflie d.'eajtb, otlils jrfliiTwlWwP1 ;^5j*r^>onMas;-.and.seconded by.afflf i ttemfilr^'iinait TfieI 'oair:pu;;en©vedoi^raoinaxr,*n (twiinses:bl /thej r^finlry ! :f*o ?J „ Oqc x^pidkiio^^i^^^^^^^^a^?!1


lilHiij |H HI ;IllSi|l

:' Urir -;: r ; - i . : ; ,f ; -| Vf. ) ¦•; -- : : ---- ,:i.-. . ¦; ': - . . . ¦ ; I ; • - .

; ;p?'" -• ¦/.'} " •• kt: i ? ./Tir].>'i.f ¦;';j>"' :" - ";- v ¦' ' | i -l_ j ; . .:,,--.:. ::;|-_ ; l ;h|1 '¦ - . r . | ; H J ;j . : . • - ¦¦; ¦ ¦- . . ._.,; ;¦ ;- t j

i- : ! T ;V> ;; :-m'41i 4H- :^!4^-- - -- ' ' :; 1-h ¦¦ ¦

i^^r'¥-!M-!- - !> -:- -:'N- i. : i - !i ; !

t :iHH!!;.i'::riteh-1;t\ ' { :'-. - :/ f i.: -f- ,— -. r is } '• ! ,- :

¦ - .. '. : ; ? . v, ¦ - i ¦ ¦

.- •. ¦ ¦


|| |j^^ ::'J|:,;lvvr |- |:^i "" :"- : : " ¦. • r " :-V: j .; '¦;[ ; |- -. J;,! , . :' ;!' ¦¦ A A ! '»i |-

[ijW|0^|5i l j^iLEMATiigi ' :¦' '

¦ i ; ; ' - ":- :; I ' - M 1 i . i J ¦. ¦' . .' . ' : ¦ i

¦ ' ' ; : j - j " ' ¦ ¦ - .} I ' i ' '. -' : - !: . P- .'ri ' : : j ! ;' :- '

: "* H¦ iapiKIEBS;B3^:8IS3SEIR ;.- -JHSP'• 'A -D(E3EE(EA^K<

H 1 - .H ; ;::t:i K ^M r" '!' .- ! |.vf QMe .rejcenjtly. '«o|m© i striaingia ecemes ,were;toao1 Tnro^;6f 'itlh^r' prettoest apolte iiiitaid^^^¦w xMaw, and-tai© facts as reliaibly

^ B«$arftBauiW;mbTO! whati one:wmki.iexpect 'Jboma. i,in.:,tlbja" Middle.Asjes than

^T^e^De; cf!thj^" bitehisiiaidf' : t :Westockon,• w '. ^^ftJn»jn.ngg'h>! -a -\dmsanA aaftualt© Ibeftweeo-. thdoum.;and; .GjVi|ipo*-.-- [-LW«8toc4dns-:H»Tise

ds oceupdfid•;-by¦•?a g^otleman: named' Tliomaa; riA<#an; --j ftEttt^a ; . :t»;:-WB;;fc ¦wBeaMh-y.. Colomlel- *&•-toiK d from ; the; armyj ]: H©. is fan oc tiog©nianian,• gji uatilorjdi j a-;J,!P>i i:«iid;- ft:, loimer' Gteand IJipiop;«xr thfe 'c/S^miigr;-"brol-ifff edpifcM:lnw peioui!iamiieB.-of terawfflainmtsj^linaaiJnar.:gto #som©;;,'year8;p i^

1 has-' Ived ' ini--:ft!:d!btejoif iigid; u&wlqgioa

i/J3i ft

;ispin£Jt)er. sister; sgvy-wlaft .some jfew! y©ars i hfis senior, and recsenftily,die^,'.and! Iwe) oiisyui l tootoea ! surrounding I hex' ea,m aad bruj ial- ia yj e^beeii i

the ;caiuse of i Hh&gtriin. Bensapab anciuf ad iaj .WickllJom'-watMn'iKiajaast; ^&t5ik.logr^aovh; fr/--?Jaftbm ' :'iB:- 'a " ded^(pic6'•uiiDwe -mja^Vow/i^iMll^essl maTi-ner ia^ xi ot|jiiig,' if i»o xotxam aniddng1. ¦ Hlis' life la'tlterfly,' Wasfi '?i^n(i ';one?-

;of j !r&0J9mkWMe' ease, ¦ 'ancf- ha¦'d^pfci^iB^foie^: hroiw^''; pstietiOe;jrTS iw in! ;60>.. far' 'aa ' h' ihas

-8b deb't^'iaaxir^eij^' ^-^W^Qiiaa^ed^~' He 'receiver¦•njdr !iyaStoiB'i iayd;; MOC mis'Ooibbdy' "to'!eri)ciroiacihi'5«^::jliifl;\(3jgittBfl« *: Jn .-- ¦';n^A ;t: "' ¦:!!¦-- -

¦¦.¦-y .: '"\, '. '.'. '

L lipi i;4e^d|t^.b& iw.a c*on-"aaanta^.:U^er1ihe ;caEb'j Of two nurses, and liast*m 'Q&ic&l$03^i$$l^

old ¦g^.tte*

(OJ^a ^a^ jcommunapa; ied| tojhimitiheVsad {intel*4P«eniioe 'thft^th^c^

iiVhadj i'gon^.to loiii'j thdM ajority.JiljMir. ;A)pt<& took jth© matbexj wtib:?waajted. co»ln^-ana rcalmly tola, the pack; up and go »i!ric©:tiaeix' BeFvices j wera

'^M,.iiaMi ^»© .next train j fot (Dublin, j They© ayumedi^ sayingk.tfi at .I'thkije - ,.was.- w> ^ea-iay.-maf at.lwWwf c(i: Jmq *; goijf tpenk auv of j I thosIdt fi ;opIity-*'Ew oa?djeiain|j -itSe ..ccptohmiani -to Idiivoitl ein to^wkSoWf; sU i ion.- ; Ai" the coachanan

,>it d feei[.;ain4v:tilipB.: #s!; jaorBes^w 'gotTridi j of,':Tie exK^a^geiiitiliea^ic|j ^e-lo^^injwhlidj lj tihe cjoipie

rlayi and i l©26

¦f ct} \d^ :elme£:M -^nwed' wVcfer' lock and key-iicft the spiwe of five aays^'Mteanrwihile,- coffins.¦;*&* timm; ibutjhe! ofeiected.tttia* thevH were'¦iae b.' ;.*oftj# Mok, anc i|©ventfl^y he ' paMfcuredvone: constr rcted froin. haj fiinich deal- boards.JEEB'nesft;move,ovas j tor gei tfi© .certMcajte ofdeathy''and {hStvih^r cbftajj Q^di "that docuipa^nit,' ;|:{diriefiipi-'>

^."|eiMoy^r:i to- deposit'fthd•coipsie; ia| the^fljDDJsj j cofftrol. J Neekiless. to

; eay»:a^j tih6^pld!{la<jjf hiac fdield, from; senile decay;; anfl t hatl been! "alUciwB TO' reinairii in th©1 xooni"ppir so'long, itSie tadk; deleg!atied'tfo; the" inehr was"oaiytidlig b it:.env4alt te;1 tiaey'accompUshe<Iif aM' awiaited, • fmt h^; deHrtalojxrnen wh^chl'TTOT© mox4 ; ex*ra<iWM>ary: riffla. ' ' The giaaiaait; ¦old gientleni ao^iad'tMcos^'placed on. handIbakTOw*:anc :cony©y<d;toJ1 iltj aaffi'of hiaIfaarfcoy tdwne^ wh©ife:-lh> - y/fli;

fihadjj^iniei Btm©;.i.-pE« ytonslyf A (been . ; solemnTy.fint erred. -"I eside tiu -aniinall'a:graive ag du j>wf c iinjto ;: hJMi. ^xtayiattoni lije: consignieicl !ttoco: fin -cont^in^iig-:

air; j l that^as ¦ mortal of ihia

da Jeased1 btio jen.^s ear.r;.Tlieiei!Tvtas, oif cqiuxaeimoiiuneiial service-- me men1 were paid to doftT|(ierfaiii';; Mng,:.l an dS; they I ddd it in a' per-tfuj»3tio(ry',w iy^amL mr&>vb& poor old' ^y:WBa -bwedi-.ww'-w^^ thai hea?fa^ourit©.rAtt^!-;'U:aBelarijw^ . '(when' ¦'l(Mflss¦)Acjtoti.!:was 'sqpposis4rtt> SMI" aliv©L jhenmedical attendanii'b iffiled; but was sent aboutJM»,i:bnfi3aws f, becatwe tte h^d to admit t6 Mr.lAcwra! ihatihe ;wa^;x ijalble to do anythanglfoija ,dead wa nan; anc jithe giuff oM, cteracte).w'ai; ©(jUBlljrjhostiile m hiifli-reioepitdon of tha;j ^;3t)^i:-|in!ei|i;. fe ;iiA^t^-'nex*r d'r)^^< destvby^^rMhfiiife in ttieroom¦ atSibepi time'; of' His ; |ai sjters doatlh', and' thiesoye^ld^'i ic rtded f^wfe' ^a : lefflter , vfSxJcr^sU

&Bfi< !tef d££?( i ed^wiE i ?"! viaJWffid . for nearly j£50.!¦¦Vffl> jafe'il : flatter: l 'lwi'iine1"' p«seJit 1 :at ;iall,«mBta»- * % .::tir. - • :: . ¦; :;:: • •:¦. i'- .-/'- - ; - . .^ - . - :: "!.;!*"

IliiiiSiiiiENii•\!'• ¦;¦-:' ¦;•' •{< "; 4- '!i,;: --.,;i '' - .-Vf ' :/::' :: - -:-: :^ir ¦!

- ¦;.;;].; ; • ;;.vTp;-a *t^i K $>to#:

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. i-i-;p]r _" ;:f¦ DeWtStr^i$ptrM *to^^,i^)iTO:- ': 1B§ hwfPi». W* *: ooaatry :aj few: ni^sta ¦WSM*W5w : #iw^:«i«miewng;!k»'.;» (OB/WOS d'ieuMte : [>i*eto^|rtjM' eaoljs"c&f erj.

j **; > tw3io>i oujd1 Bps ^tth©|to^tesf^numl>er -

. fj ' iK bfrds;;!- anvi&dj ;. S4erB.-i»ntadn©d tn f the -

¦iP f ^ywjl .iviJttncite, il.tiiuByi'jbls'yotir "xwlA sirB ¦ |

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