CHINA SPRING HIGH SCHOOL SPEECH AND DEBATE 2017 – 2018 Team Handbook Michael Allen Donaldson, Speech and Debate Coach/UIL Coordinator Emily Kleinburg, Baylor University, LD Debate Consultant [email protected]



2017 – 2018 Team Handbook

Michael Allen Donaldson, Speech and Debate Coach/UIL Coordinator

Emily Kleinburg, Baylor University, LD Debate Consultant

[email protected]

Michael Allen Donaldson

CSHS UIL Academic Coordinator

Speech and Debate Coach

7301 North River Crossing

China Spring, TX 76633

[email protected]

(254) 640 – 5785 (cell)

To: Parents of Current and Potential Future Speech and Debate Competitors

Dear Parents:

My name is Michael Allen Donaldson; I am the director of China Spring’s competitive speech and debate program, which

includes competition in Oral Interpretation, Extemporaneous Speaking, LD Debate, CX Debate, Public Forum Debate, and

Original Oratory. I wanted to introduce myself to you and give you my contact information so that you will have some idea of

the undertaking that your student is considering. I am very proud of the speech and debate team here at China Spring, and I

am incredibly excited at the prospect of coaching your student during the 2017 – 2018 competition season.

To give you some information about my qualifications as a coach, allow me to introduce myself. I am a 2013 graduate of

Connally High School here in Waco, where I was an active participant in UIL academic, athletics, and music competition. While

in high school, I was fortunate enough to qualify to state level competition in Informative Extemporaneous Speaking (2010),

Prose Interpretation (2011), Persuasive Extemporaneous Speaking (2011, 2012, 2013), Cross-Examination Debate (2012, 2013),

and One Act Play (2010, 2013). At the state level, I placed 5th (2011), 4th (2012), and 3rd (2013) in Persuasive Speaking and was

an octo- (2013) and quarter-finalist (2012) in CX Debate. I was also part of a 2nd place (2010) and 5th place (2013) company of

One Act Play performers. Additionally, I was a National Qualifier in International Extemporaneous Speaking (2013) and a

regional qualifier in News Writing (and cross country, if it matters any).

I pursued a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Communication Studies while in college at the University of Texas at Austin as well

as a minor in Physical Anthropology. During my time at UT Austin I was pleased to take a semester of work in the Intellectual

Entrepreneurship Program, where I studied under Marnie Ritchie, a doctoral candidate in Communication Studies. I also spent

3 years as an intern at the UIL State academic office, working behind the scenes at the state Congressional Debate, CX Debate,

Film, One Act Play, and Academic competitions as well as the Interscholastic League Press Conference.

I am starting my second year as the speech and debate coach here at China Spring. In my first year, the team grew by about 3-

sizes, we became a leading member of the Yellow Rose District of the National Speech and Debate Association, and we were

named the District 17-4A Champions in CX Debate. Prior to coming to China Spring, I was the speech and debate consultant at

Hillsboro High School for 3-years.

Please take a moment to read through the following packet. It contains information about the guidelines and policies of the

speech and debate team and also contains multiple forms that China Spring HS will need to have on record before your child

will be eligible to travel as a representative of the district. Please do not hesitate to contact me via phone or email if you have

any questions.

I am so excited to begin this journey with you all! Here’s to a great year!

Mission Statement

The mission of the CSHS Speech and Debate team is to promote strong communication skills in a competitive environment

while fostering good sportsmanship, global awareness, and positive team work.

History of Organization

The CSHS boasts a proud record of successes throughout its history. The team has sent several students in both speech and

debate events to state level competitions, and has provided several scholarship opportunities to a wide variety of students.

Over the years, the team has increased in size and in success, and the team has constantly worked to achieve ever increasingly

impressive goals.

Yearly Theme

Each year the UIL Academic team will have a theme that they follow as part of the rallying cry of the year. This theme shall be

selected by the UIL Coordinator and coaches. The 2017 – 2018 theme is based around the motivational phrase: “Nothing is

gonna’ stop us now.”

Academic Eligibility

All students will be required to meet the University Interscholastic League's (UIL) "no pass/no play" rule. All students must

academically eligible (passing all classes with a 70 or above) at the time of tournament attendance or they will be disqualified

from entry. Academic ineligibility at a six-weeks marking period will result in probation from the team. A second offense will

result in immediate termination from participation.


Students are required to pay $30.00 in dues prior to traveling with the team. These dues will go towards covering the student’s

membership in the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA), which is a national honor society that sponsors several

different workshops, events, and scholarship opportunities. Students that need financial assistance with the dues should

contact the sponsor at any time to set up a payment plan or discuss other options.


All members of the CSHS Speech and Debate team are expected to maintain a poised and respectful manner of conduct. The

engagement of illegal activities not only affects the perception of the individual responsible for these actions, but also the

team as a whole, the sponsor, and China Spring ISD. Any conduct that is deemed inappropriate by the Speech and Debate

sponsor, any other UIL coach, or campus administrator will be cause for immediate probation or dismissal from the team.


All students are expected to maintain respectable and outstanding behavior at any events sponsored by the Speech and

Debate team. This includes but is not limited to: scrimmages, invitational tournaments, conferences and clinics, One Act Play

performances, and any guest lectures. Team members will be held to the standards of the CSISD Student Handbook as well as

any neighboring district's policies in the case of travel. Students who do not adhere to the behavior policies set forth by the

sponsor will be immediately removed from the UIL Academic program.

Disciplinary Issues

Students competing in Speech and Debate are expected to be students first and competitors second. That being said, any

student who is removed from the classroom for any disciplinary issue (ISS, OCS, DAEP, suspension, etc.) will be placed on

probation with the Speech and Debate team. Students who receive multiple office referrals (tardiness, dress code, etc.) will

also be subjected to this punishment. If the sponsor receives any complaints from an individual teacher or campus

administrator concerning a member of the team that member's parents/guardians will immediately be contacted.

Competition Events

CSHS Speech and Debate participates in (but is not limited to) the following UIL sanctioned events: Policy Debate, Lincoln-

Douglas Debate, Congressional Debate, Extemporaneous Persuasive Speaking, Extemporaneous Informative Speaking, Prose

Interpretation, and Poetry Interpretation. All students will be given the opportunity to try various events and will ultimately be

entered in competition at the discretion and advisement of the sponsor. Desire to change events should be discussed with the

coach at least a week prior to a tournament.


Throughout the season there will be several opportunities for before and after school practice for speech and debate

competitors. This schedule is negotiable based on individual student conflicts and scheduling requirements, but the tentative

practice schedule for CX Debate is Monday from 3:35 to 5:30, for LD Debate is Tuesday from 6:00 to 7:30, and for individual

events on Wednesday from 3:35 to 5:30. Please note that these practice times are based on last year and are in no way set in

stone. The sponsor will notify competitors and parents when practices are set to start and what times they will be. It is the

students job to notify the sponsor if they will be absent from practice.


Competitors UIL Academics will travel countless miles throughout the season in order to compete in various venues. All travel

engagements will be through the team sponsor or the CSISD Transportation Department and will have information available

prior to departure. Upon advancing farther into tournaments, overnight trips may become a reality. Hotel information and trip

details will always be available as far in advance as reasonably possible.


CSHS Speech and Debate will engage in several "scrimmages" with local and distant programs throughout the state. These will

take place during the school day and will often extend into after-school hours for a brief period of time. Students will be

responsible for having all school work completed in order to be excused from class to participate in scrimmages, and must

follow all policies set forth by the Speech and Debate Handbook while competing. Competitors who must continuously miss

scrimmages will be at a disadvantage for the season and could be placed on probation.

Tournament Attendance

Being a member of the Speech and Debate team requires participation in several invitational tournaments prior to the district

academic contest. Each competing member of the team will be expected to attend all tournaments that their event is being

signed up for and to notify the team sponsor in the event of a scheduling conflict. Dates of tournaments will be made available

at least three weeks prior to the event, and all conflicts should be discussed with the sponsor as soon as they are known. Short

of major emergencies, all last minute drops (within three days of the tournament or less) will result in probation from the team

as well as the payment of all drop fees associated with the student’s entries. Students who drop attendance the DAY OF the

tournament without notifying the sponsor will immediately be removed from the team. These policies are enforced at the

discretion of the sponsor.

Qualifications for the District Meet

There are limited spots available for official enrollment at the UIL District Meet in the Spring. Students will be eligible for

consideration for a spot for a district team based on win/loss records and the overall number of rounds that an individual has

competed in. Students will be chosen for events based on their abilities in that particular contest as well as their conflicts with

other academic events. Additionally, a certain amount of discretion is given to the coach to determine qualification on a

district team based on work ethic, character, etc.

Promptness and Time Management

It is IMPERATIVE that all competitors arrive on time to the prescribed location for Speech and Debate related events. All times

and schedules will be made available to students the week of the tournament. Tardiness is not acceptable and there is no time

to waste when preparing for departure. Students who are excessively late will be left behind and unable to attend the contest.

Continued tardiness can result in removal from the team.

Scheduling Conflicts

One of the struggles that students at small schools find is their ability to participate in multiple extracurricular activities at the

same time. UIL Academics, and especially Speech and Debate, is an incredibly time consuming endeavor that should not be

taken lightly. In order to find success in forensic competitions, a student must be available for consistent practice and rounds.

The CSHS Speech and Debate sponsors will always work to the best of their ability to prevent any scheduling conflicts from

occurring with other organizations, but there is no feasible way to do this one hundred percent of the time. If a situation ever

arises that there is a conflict between UIL Academics and another activity that the student participates in, it is the student’s

responsibility to inform both sponsors well in advance so that a reasonable solution can be worked out.

Dress Code

Speech and Debate contests have incredibly specific and unique dress requirements. Students who do not dress appropriately

always find it difficult to win rounds. Competitive forensics is a formal event which calls for fancier clothes than the average

UIL competition. Young men will be expected to wear a suit (dress slacks, dress shoes, a formal button-up shirt, and tie) and

young ladies will be expected to wear a professional dress or skirt or a pants suit. If there is any question about attire bring the

outfit to the sponsor for a final decision. Additionally, the CSHS speech and debate team follows a tradition of wearing the

school colors in their debate suits at all district and post-district contests. Any questions regarding this matter may be directed

to a sponsor. Issues with financing the acquisition of these items may also be brought to the attention of the sponsor; help is

available to those who need it.


UIL Academic Contests are, just that, contests. In a competitive setting a winner is always declared and so is a loser. Regardless

of the outcome of a round, members of the CSHS Speech and Debate team are expected to showcase good sportsmanship and

positive attitudes to all of those who they come into contact with. "Poor losers" will not be tolerated on the team, and any

display of poor sportsmanship will result in being placed on probation of the team.

Lettering Policy

Students are eligible to receive the letter jacket through Speech and Debate after meeting one of three requirements:

advancing to the Regional level UIL Tournament or qualifying to the NTDA Scholarship Tournament, experiencing at least 20

"wins", or participating in two complete years in the Speech and Debate program.

Non-UIL Circuit Participation

China Spring High School is a Northeast Texas Debate Association member school. Participation in the NTDA Scholarship

tournament will be solely based upon performances at previous qualifying tournaments. Several invitational tournaments may

be outside of UIL jurisdiction, including Texas Forensics Association (TFA), Tournament of Champions (TOC), and Texas

Association of Private and Patriarchal Schools (TAPPS) competitions. All competitors will be informed of any rule changes

based on the new venue. Additionally, CSHS is a member of the National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA), and has the

ability to compete at the Yellow Rose National Qualifying Tournament each year.

Removal From UIL Academics

Each event which is grounds for dismissal will be judged on their own individual nature. Previous records, offenses, and context

will be evaluated before a final decision is made. The team sponsor and UIL coordinator are the final judges on all removal

evaluations, and parents will be contacted as part of the process.

China Spring High School Speech and Debate

Student Health Information:

As your son/daughter participates in debate camps and competitions during the coming year, we want to insure their health and safety. In

the event of an accident either at China Spring High School or at an out-of-town debate activity, we need information on the best way(s) to

treat your student. Please type or print clearly, sign, and return. This form will be in effect for one calendar year from the date of school

receiving such.

Student’s Name: ___________________________________________________________ Grade: ____________

Date of Birth: ____________________________________________________ Age: _____________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________

City: ____________________________ State: _______________ Zip Code: ___________

Parent/Guardian’s Name: ______________________________________________

Home Phone: _______________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________________

Father’s Place of Work: _________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________

Mother’s Place of Work: ________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________

Insurance Provider: _________________________________ Insurance number: _________________________

Please include any other information we may need to know in order to get your son or daughter treatment (allergies, medical conditions,

medications, etc.):



Additional emergency contacts to be notified other than parent or guardian in an emergency:

Name/Phone: __________________________________________________ Relationship: ________________________

Name/Phone: __________________________________________________ Relationship: ________________________

The staff will have first-aid kit available to assist students, which includes over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen, nausea

medication, and cold/allergy medications. Please indicate any non-prescription medicines that this student should NOT receive:



I hereby give my permission to an authorized school official to obtain medical attention for my child in case of injury or illness.

Signature: _________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Parent or Legal Guardian

Signature: _________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________


China Spring High School Speech and Debate

School-Owned Electronic Device Borrowing Policy:

Participation in speech and debate competition is a fulfilling extracurricular academic endeavor that promotes hands-on learning

through research, presentation, and reflection. As the nature of the world of speech and debate competitions changes, it becomes more

and more necessary to incorporate technology into our practices. Currently, the National Speech and Debate Association allows the use of

electronic retrieval devices such as laptops or tablets in the following events: Extemporaneous Speaking, Public Forum Debate, CX Debate,

LD Debate, and Congressional Debate. This list is ever expanding to accommodate the growing number of teams with technology accessible

to them. As director of speech and debate for China Spring High School, I firmly believe in the positive impact that access to technology has

on students in speech and debate competition. In certain events, there is an undeniable performance gaps between teams that utilize

technology and those that do not.

I actively encourage students to utilize their own personal laptops and/or tablets for competition purposes because they are most

comfortable with them. However, I understand the reluctance from the parent/guardian standpoint of using their personal devices for

practices and/or competition. While I can guarantee a safe, locked space for students to store their technology at CSHS, I cannot guarantee

the same level of security for tournaments – although, speaking from 8 years of experience, I can say with extreme confidence that there is

no imminent threat to student technology at school sponsored speech and debate tournaments.

If your student does not have their own laptop and/or tablet to travel and compete with or you do not feel comfortable with them

bringing it, they are welcome to use the school owned devices. At the time of this publication, the CSHS speech and debate team has 12

high functioning laptop computers, and we are hoping to grow this number throughout the season. These devices are available explicitly for

tournament use, but are also available for students to check out and bring home to work on research, evidence/piece cutting, or whatever

else their speech and debate needs might be outside of the regular school day.

All students and parents are asked to sign the following waiver to certify that they understand the team’s policies on usage of

school-owned technologies. Please check each box to indicate that you understand the policy and sign and date below:

o School-owned devices should only be used for school related purposes. No social media, Netflix, etc.

o School-owned devices should be checked out directly from Mr. Donaldson. Unless there are other arrangements made, they will

only be checked out for one night at a time.

o School-owned devices should be treated with respect and caution. Students should understand that they are responsible for them

when they are checked out in their name.

o School-owned devices should be returned during zero hour the day following their check-out. They should be returned fully


I understand the CSHS Speech and Debate team’s policy on electronic devices and will adhere to the aforementioned rules.

____________________________________________ _____________________

Student Signature Date

____________________________________________ _____________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

China Spring High School Speech and Debate

Booster Club Information:


CSHS Speech and Debate needs YOU!

Consider joining the CSHS Speech and Debate Booster Club for the 2017 – 2018 school year! This parent led organization will

work hand-and-hand with Mr. Donaldson and the China Spring ISD Administration to provide opportunities and support for the

speech and debate team that would not normally be available!

There are several ways for you to help! Whether your schedule is chaotic and full or open with free time, we have a place for

YOU to help out our awesome students! Consider any of the following:

Providing snacks for practice/competitions

Helping spearhead fundraising campaigns for scholarships

Judging practice and competitive rounds

Working with local businesses to secure donations

Coordinating hospitality at our invitational tournament

Running outreach via social media and/or word of mouth with the CS community

…and many more!

We have some AWESOME students here at China Spring High School and they come from some AWESOME families. I cannot

wait to work with all of you throughout the 2017 – 2018 school year!

Come see us at our inaugural meeting on Tuesday, August 29 at 6:00 PM in Mr.

Donaldson’s room for more details!

Please indicate what degree, if any, you are willing to volunteer in the CSHS Speech and Debate Booster Club:

o I can actively dedicate my time and presence to the club as needed.

o I can dedicate some of my time and presence to the club as long as advance notice is given.

o I cannot dedicate much time or presence to the club, but am willing to make a financial donation.

o At this time, I cannot dedicate time or presence to the club.

______________________________________ _________________ ___________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name Date Student Name

China Spring High School Speech and Debate

Handbook Acknowledgement Form:

Every attempt has been made to highlight and define the terms and conditions of membership in the CSHS Speech and Debate

Team. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Donaldson.

As a final reminder, students who are enrolled in the Public Speaking/Debate course listed in the China Spring High School

Course Catalog are not required to compete on the speech and debate team. Their grade is in no way effected by participation

(or lack thereof) with the competition team. Similarly, students enrolled in the course are not guaranteed a slot on the

competition team. The CSHS Speech and Debate team has an open audition policy, meaning that students who are not

enrolled in Mr. Donaldson’s class are eligible to compete with the team just as easily as those who are.

By signing below, you certify that you understand and acknowledge the policies laid out by the team handbook in addition to

the policies of the China Spring High School student handbook. Both documents will be utilized by the CSISD Administration

team should any issue arise.

We are going to have a great competitive season this year. We are going to learn a lot. We will win several rounds, and we will

lose several. As we embark on this journey together, I wish you all the best of luck.


Michael Allen Donaldson

[email protected]

I understand, acknowledge, and agree to the terms and conditions laid out in the 2017 – 2018 CSHS Speech and Debate Team


______________________________________ _________________ ___________________________________

Student Name (Printed) Date Student Signature

______________________________________ _________________ ___________________________________

Parent/Guardian (Printed) Date Parent/Guardian Signature

China Spring HS UIL Academics TENTATIVE 2018 – 2019 TRAVEL SCHEDULE

FALL 2018:

Sept. 8 | Holy Trinity CHS | Select Varsity

Sept. 15 | Tyler: All Saints EHS | Select Varsity

Sept. 22 | UT Arlington | UIL Conference

Sept. 28 | FUNDRAISER | Varsity and JV

Oct. 13 | Arlington HS | Select Varsity

Oct. 19 | Austin: SFA HS | Varsity CX

Oct. 27 | Lampasas HS | Varsity and JV

Nov. 3 | Lindale HS | Select Varsity

Nov. 10 | Midway HS | Varsity and JV

Nov. 12 | Congress District | Select Varsity

Nov. 17 | China Spring HS | Varsity and JV

Nov. 30/Dec. 1 | Bay City HS | Varsity CX

Dec. 8 | Salado HS | Varsity and JV

Dec. 8 | Garland: Sachse HS | Select Varsity

SPRING 2019:

Jan. 12 | China Spring HS | All UIL

Jan. 19 | Burnet HS | Varsity CX

Jan. 26 | Round Rock HS | Varsity and JV

Jan. 30 | District CX | All CX Debate

Feb. 9 | Grandview HS | All UIL

Feb. 14-16 | NSDA District | Select Varsity

Feb. 23 | Westwood HS | Select Varsity

March 3 | Connally HS | All UIL

March 19 | District OAP | Select Varsity

March 21-23 | State CX Debate | Qualifiers

March 27 | UIL District | Select Varsity

April 12/13 | UIL Regionals | Qualifiers

May 2-4 | UIL Academic State | Qualifiers

May 29/30 | UIL Speech State | Qualifiers

June 16-21 | NSDA Nationals | Qualifiers


Location: Glen Rose HS 1102 Stadium Drive, Glen Rose, TX 76043

Purpose: Competing in an invitational UIL academic tournament against area schools for practice.

Dress Code: Students may arrive at Mr. Donaldson’s room in school appropriate pajamas or comfortable clothes. Please wear

your speech and debate t-shirt or a China Spring shirt of some sort. Speech students may change into contest clothes at GRHS.

I recommend that you bring casual clothes so that you can be comfortable on the way back. I also ask that you wear school

appropriate clothes at the tournament – no pajamas.

Transportation: Via school bus. Depending on entries, out round speech/debate qualifiers might take an expedition back. As of

this printing, that is not certain yet.

Cost: Students are not required to pay for any entry or transportation fees. I recommend that everyone brings some money for

a concession stand at the tournament – it’s a long day.

Travel Details: The doors closest to Mr. Donaldson’s classroom (Room 143) will open at 6:00 AM. The bus will head out for

Glen Rose HS at 6:15 AM. Please feel free to bring a blanket and pillow to sleep on the bus or throughout the day – it’ll be a

long one! We are hoping to make it back to CSHS at around 6ish.


Informative Extemp:

J. Everett, I. McGuire, Z. Vernon

Persuasive Extemp:

C. Graham, T. Martin, V. Spies


K. Benton, D. Musel, J. Stephens, L.



M. Bible, K. Chadwick, K. Tiedemann, C.


Social Studies:

T. Martin, D. Tiedemann

Current Events and Issues:

H. Littleton, T. Martin


K. Chadwick, I. Lin, L. Wade

Lit Crit:

K. Chadwick, B. White


A. Hand, T. Holland, E. Suazo, D.


Editorial Writing:

A. Ballmann, H. Carrigan, J. Harrell-

Wilson, H. Littleton, C. Lucas, S. Karas, C.

Mims, E. Suazo, Z. Vernon

Feature Writing:

A. Ballmann, H. Carrigan, J. Harrell-

Wilson, H. Littleton, C. Lucas, S. Karas, C.


Headline Writing:

A. Ballmann, H. Carrigan, J. Harrell-

Wilson, H. Littleton, C. Lucas, S. Karas, C.

Mims, E. Suazo, Z. Vernon

News Writing:

A. Ballmann, H. Carrigan, J. Harrell-

Wilson, H. Littleton, C. Lucas, S. Karas, C.



H. Anz, J. Bright, B. Burdett, M. Cadieux,

D. Crowson, J. Gutknecht, C. Jenkins, H.

Khan, A. King, J. Valdez, S. Webb

Number Sense:

H. Anz, M. Cadieux, J. Gutknecht, B.

Hyland, C. Jenkins, H. Khan, A. King, J.

Valdez, S. Webb


H. Anz, B. Burdett, M. Cadieux, D.

Crowson, J. Gutknecht, C. Jenkins, H.

Khan, A. King, J. Valdez, S. Webb


H. Anz, C. Jenkins, H. Khan, S. Webb

Questions?: Please email me at [email protected] with any questions or concerns. If you have any questions,

concerns, or updates the day of the tournament, please feel free to contact me via phone at (254) 640 – 5785.

CSHS UIL ACADEMICS: March 3, 2018 – Glen Rose HS Tournament

Time Event

6:15 AM Bus heads out to Glen Rose HS

8:00 AM Ready Writing

Number Sense

Current Events

Computer Applications

Poetry/Prose Category A

9:00 AM Calculator Applications

9:30 AM Prose and Poetry Category B

10:30 AM News Writing




Computer Science Hands-On Set Up

10:45 AM Informative & Persuasive Draw

11:00 AM Computer Science Hands-On

11:15 AM Informative and Persuasive Prelims

11:30 AM Feature Writing

1:00 PM Editorial Writing

Social Studies

Prose & Poetry Finals- Flip

1:15 PM Computer Science Written

2:15 PM Headline Writing


Informative & Persuasive Draw- Finals

2:30 PM Literary Criticism

2:45 PM Informative and Persuasive Finals


Name: _______________________________________ Contact Number: __________________________

Campus: __________________ 4th period teacher (if HS): ________________________

On January 31, China Spring High School qualified two teams to the 2018 State CX Debate Tournament at UT Austin. The duo of

Jacob Everett and Dalton Musel placed 1st at the District 17-4A tournament and the team of Katy Tiedemann and Ian McGuire

placed 2nd. Both teams will represent CSISD on March 16 and 17 at the State 4A Tournament. Show your support for them as

they work towards a UIL State Championship by buying the 2018 State t-shirt! The shirts are charcoal gray (the picture below

isn’t the exact color) Gildan Softstyle tees and include light blue and white designs. A regular shirt is $10, but for an additional

$5 you can add the last name of a state qualifier to the back of your shirt.



Adult Small

Adult Medium

Adult Large

Extra Large

2 X Large

3 X Large

4 X Large

Total Number of Shirts Order: ____________

Total Amount Due: ___________

Turn in order forms to Mr. Donaldson in HS Room 143. All orders are due by March 2, 2018. Money is due by Monday, March


Make checks payable to CSHS Speech and Debate.

Orders placed without payment by March 12 will be added to the fine list.

Student Name On Back: ________________________

(There is an additional $5.00 charge to add a name)


“We Need To Step Our Game Up Or We’ll Lose District” Talk:


“We Need To Step Our Game Up Or We’ll Lose District” Talk:

1) Recapping the Season

a. Joshua

i. Very poorly attended

ii. Connally WRECKED us (@ interpers)

b. Midway

i. We won the large school division!

1. There wasn’t that much competition…

c. Glen Rose

i. Weird mixture of JV and Varsity entries, I get that.

ii. Improvements/signs of promise in some areas.

1. Big slap in the face in others (@ journalism)

iii. We beat Connally (by 9 points and they had significantly less kids than us)

1. Breadth vs Depth

iv. La Vega is here to play this year!

2) Planning For District

a. Connally’s coordinator is not dumb – they are targeting us where graduation hurt.

b. Who are you helping?

3) What Is It Gonna’ Take?








Accounting 137 162 262 357 253 313 386

Calculator 81 116 210 224 245 266.1 294

Comp. Apps 45 60 116 160 206 290 300

Comp. Sci -6 2 154 196 164 188 208

CI&E 23 30 31.2 33.1 34 37 40

Lit Crit 41 48 72 79 74 78 80

Mathematics 52 68 202 246 250 284 296

Num. Sense 71 89 134 197 223 260 332

Science 36 40 136 160 160 206 234

Soc. Studies 49 54 80.1 86 85 91 94

Spelling 35 42 86 89 87 88 94


5TH PLACE 17-4A?

4TH PLACE 17-4A?

3RD PLACE 17-4A?

2ND PLACE 17-4A?

1ST PLACE 17-4A?

Ready Writing

Editorial X

Feature X X


News X X

LD Debate X X X

Informative X X

Persuasive X

Prose X

Poetry X

Students who attend a speech and debate camp are

given a unique opportunity to study with experts in

their events. They are given intense one on one

coaching in a low-stress environment and taught skills

and strategies that will benefit them for the entirety

of their career in speech and debate. Additionally,

speech and debate camps give students the

opportunity to network with other competitors from

across the state and nation – giving them a chance to

make friends with students with similar interests.

Attending a speech and debate camp gives students

the opportunity to start their school year off already

having made significant progress in each of their

contests – an opportunity that their competition will

not receive.

Why Go To Camp? C A M P O P T I O N S : National Institute in Forensics at

the University of Texas at Austin

(CX) June 24 – July 14 or July 18 – August 7


(LD) July 21 – August 4


(PFD) June 29 – July 11


Mean Green Comet Debate Institute at the University of Texas at Dallas (CX) June 24 – July 3


(PFD) July 1 – July 10


Baylor Debate Camp at Baylor University

(CX and LD) July 8 – July 15

$800.00 (discount available for commuters)

Texas Speech and Debate Camp at East Texas Baptist University

(All Events) July 8 – July 14


The Championship Debate Group at Concordia University

(All Events) July 15 – July 20


Summer 2018 Camp Opportunit ies – See Donaldson for Scholarship Opportunities!

China Spring High School | 7301 North River Crossing | China Spring, TX 76633 | (254) 836 – 1171 Michael Al len Donaldson, Coach | [email protected] | (254) 640 – 5785

China Spring HS

Speech and Debate

A Winning Tradition: Each of the speech and debate camps in Texas

boast the successes of the alumni in their programs. At the state level, these camps have produced several champions in both debate and

speech contests, and several student participants have gone on to achieve national

recognition in their events. Additionally, these camps are funded and housed by universities, all of which place considerable value on speech and

debate. Attending camp provides students with the opportunity to explore the idea of

participation in speech and debate with instructors who are currently members of

nationally ranked collegiate speech teams.