CHAPTER I The Problem and its Background of the Study

CHAPTER I The Problem and its Background of the Study This chapter presents the problem and its background of the study, statement of the problem, significance of the study and scope and delimitation of the study INTRODUCTION The pomelo ( Citrus maxima Merr.), a native plant from Asia, which is best cultivated in China, southern Japan, Vietnam, Mlaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. The fruit of pomelo is commonly eaten fresh or made as juice. It is also popular for jam and syrup. In traditional medicine, the fruit peel has been used for cough, swellings, and epilepsy, because of the effectiveness of the volatiles. The middle layer (albedo) of fruit peel is extracted for pectin which is used as dietary fiber for reducing body weight. The citrus species are famous for the source of essential oils. C. maxima is the same as other Citrus species that contains essential oil glands in their fruit peel and flower petals. The Citrus peel oils have a strong and desirable aroma with

Transcript of CHAPTER I The Problem and its Background of the Study


The Problem and its Background of the Study

This chapter presents the problem and its background of the

study, statement of the problem, significance of the study and

scope and delimitation of the study


The pomelo ( Citrus maxima Merr.), a native plant from Asia,

which is best cultivated in China, southern Japan, Vietnam,

Mlaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. The fruit of pomelo is commonly

eaten fresh or made as juice. It is also popular for jam and

syrup. In traditional medicine, the fruit peel has been used for

cough, swellings, and epilepsy, because of the effectiveness of

the volatiles. The middle layer (albedo) of fruit peel is

extracted for pectin which is used as dietary fiber for reducing

body weight.

The citrus species are famous for the source of essential

oils. C. maxima is the same as other Citrus species that contains

essential oil glands in their fruit peel and flower petals. The

Citrus peel oils have a strong and desirable aroma with


refreshing effect. They have been used as flavoring in foods,

beverages and pharmaceutical products. They also have been used

as fragrance in perfumes, cosmetic and aromatherapy. The Citrus

flower oils have the relaxing and hormone balancing effects which

have been used in aromatherapy and perfumery.

In Thailand, there are lots of cultivar of C. maxima such as

khao-num-puang, hao-poung and khao-yai which are popular as fresh

eating. The C. maxima is peeled foe their fresh pulp and juice

that are sold both in Thailand and foreign countries. The high

demand of pomelo in the market causes around one metric ton of

the peel left as by product in each day. These wastes could be

served as raw materials for essential oil industries. So the

study of C. maxima peel essential oil could increase the value of

the useless waste.

Background of the Study

Citrus maxima (pomelo or shaddock), family Rutaceae, is one

of the famous fruits in Philippines. The other scientific or

synonyms of pomelo are Aurantium maximum Burn. ex Rumph, Citrus aurantium

L. var grandis L., Citrus grandis Osbeck and Citrus pamplemos Risso. Pomelo is an


indigenous plant of Malayu Islands and the east of India. It is

widespread in China, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, the

United State of America and Thailand.

C. maxima is medium sized tree. Its leaves have the

small winged petioles. The flowers are bisexual and smell sweet.

The tree can flower when its age is four years old. The fruit is

always round shape and big size. Fruit peel has the 3 layers: the

outer layer is called flavedo or epicarp which has the oil

glands, the medium layer is called albedo or mesocarp which white

in color and has plenty of spongy cells, and the inner layer is

called endocarb which is the edible portion of the fruit, the

juice sags.

Nowadays, after there are no commercial C. maxima essential

oil available. Because the extraction of peel essential oils

needs modern methodology for reducing solvent residue, impurities

and chemicals transformation and increasing yield. These factors

influence on the oil quality. Therefore, supercritical carbon

dioxide extraction is considerable advantage over the other

extraction methods.


It is true that the gardener grows C. maxima trees for their

fruits not flower. However, after fertilization of C. maxima

flower, their petals always fall down and they are allowed to

wither with no use. Then, the development of C. maxima flower oil

extraction is profitable for the gardener. This may help to

increase gardener’s income and to support the perfumery

industries in Thailand. Because of C. maxima is unique in

Southeast Asia and its flower oil could generally substitute

neroli that import from western countries.

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to determine the acceptability of

Pomelo peel oil as skin moisturizer.

Specifically, this sought to answer the following question:

1. What is the degree of acceptability of Pomelo peel as

skin moisturizer in terms of:

a. Color,

b. Odor,

c. Texture ?


2. What is the perception of the respondents towards the

homemade skin moisturizer in terms of:

a. Color,

b. Odor,

c. Texture ?

3. Is there any significant difference among the treatments

of Pomelo peel oil as skin moisturizer


4. Is there any significant difference among treatments as

to the evaporation rate


Significance of the Study

This study may be very beneficial and useful to individuals

who are financially incapable of buying priced and branded skin

moisturizer that are more expensive because they can have their

own home-made skin moisturizer which is less costly since the

pomelo peelings and the other materials needed in the production

are very affordable.


In addition, pomelo peels are abundant in our surrounding.

Through the use of these, one can avoid skin irritations and

allergies since the moisturizer is safe from hazardous chemicals.

Scope and Delimitations

The study was conducted in Brgy. Rizal, Odiongan, Romblon

where there is the abundance of Pomelo. This will make the

researcher easy to get and provide the materials needed. The

experiment will be done at Grata’s residence where proper

guidance and permission to the owner of the house will be asked.

This will make sure that nobody gets harm while the experiment is


The study will be delimited into one month experiment. After

the processing and finalization of finished product, it will then

be subjected to observation and in depth-analysis. This will

ensure if the experiment is failed or successful.

This study has its limitation in terms of methodology and

application. The method to be use is experimental method.

This study will be further limited to thirty (30) students

randomly selected taken as respondents. The duration of the


experimental investigation will start on January 18, 2012 and

will end on February 18, 2012 including the buying of the

ingredients, experimental trials.




This chapter contains the local literature and studies,

foreign literature and studies will elaborate the knowledge of

the respondents to know the background related to the proponents


Health Benefits of Pomelo

  Pomelo is from the Southeast Asian countries, it is the

largest among all citrus fruits. It is widely grown in countries

like India, China, Fiji, Japan, the Caribbean and USA. Pomelo is

known as Chinese grapefruit, Bali lemon, lime large, jabong,

lusho fruit, pompelmous and shaddock. Pomelo is the most exotic

citrus fruit that looks like an ancestor to grape fruit. The

fruit is capable of adapting to dry climatic conditions and can

grow as large as 30 cm in diameter and can weigh up to 25 lb. The

pulp of the fruit is found in various colors, ranging from pale

yellow to pink or red. The rind is very thick but soft and easy

to peel away. It contains all the good nutrients. Pomelo helps in

getting rid of diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart diseases and

other small and big infections. It also helps in flushing out all

the impurities and toxic materials from the body. A glass of


pomelo juice is sufficient to immune your body against various

life threatening health issues.

Nutrition Benefits of Eating Pomelo

Though pomelo juice is acidic in nature, it helps in the

digestive process of the body, by having an alkaline reaction

after digestion. Pomelo rind contains huge amount of bioflavonoid

that can stop the cancer cells from spreading the effect of

breast cancer in a patient, by making the body get rid of the

excess estrogen. The high amount of vitamin C present in the body

makes the fruit an effective stimulant that facilitates in

strengthening and maintaining the elastic nature of the

arteries.  Pomelo is also effective against fatigue, diabetes,

fever, insomnia, sore throat, stomach and pancreatic cancer and

other such infectious diseases. Pomelo contains pectin which

proves to be very effective in reducing the accumulation of

arterial deposits in the body, thereby clearing out all the

impurities. Pomelo is also useful in reducing the cholesterol


count in the body, thus saving you from running the risk of

various heart related problems. Pomelo can also prove out to be

useful for people seeking out weight loss. The fat burning enzyme

in pomelo absorbs and reduces the starch and sugar content in the

body contributing towards weight loss.

Pomelo is a great food content. According to Nokes (2011), it

provides you with all the kinds of things that you need. One

should know that one is required to get foods that mean health to

one’s body. Pomelo is highly upheld due to its nutritional value

that makes it a good pick for anyone who wants to ensure that the

foods are going to do no harm to the body. The scientific

research carried on the pomelo shows that it can help the body to

increase its resistance towards infection. It contains vitamin C

which has the power to detoxify the blood and make your skin


Keerthana (2010) added that pomelo contains many nutrients

such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin

C, protein, copper, iron, calcium, carbohydrates, dietary fiber

and calories. It has also many health benefits. It help in


improves wound healing and immune system. It protects us from

free radicals and reduces aging. Pomelo improves nerve functions

and muscle functions. It also help improves lung health and iron


According to Hessa (2011), Vitamin C (also called Ascorbic

Acid) is a water-soluble vitamin, and is needed by our bodies to

form collagen in bones, cartilage, muscle and blood vessels. One

gets Vitamin C from fruits and vegetables, particularly citrus

fruits like lemons, limes and oranges. Although it is a vitamin,

Vitamin C is also an antioxidant. This means it can neutralize

free radicals which would otherwise damage our skin and other

organs. And since it is soluble in water, Vitamin C works both

inside and outside of our cells to combat this free radical

damage. Vitamin C doesn’t just increase the Vitamin C levels in

our blood, it also increases two more very important antioxidants

– glutathione (a major antioxidant) and Vitamin E (a fat-soluble


Ireland (2010) noted that skin bleaching is popular with

darker-skinned people to obtain a more even skin tone, but skin


bleaching cream is also often used to lighten sun damage and age

spots on the skin in people of all skin colors. Skin bleaching

should be done under the supervision of a trained dermatologist,

but too often hydroquinone cream, the most common type of skin

bleach, is used without any supervision, which can result in

uneven lightening of the skin and a slew of other undesirable

effects. According to Ireland, the purpose of skin bleaching is

to obtain a lighter skin tone, either all over the face or on a

few smaller areas. The main ingredient of most cosmetically-

available skin bleaching creams, hydroquinone, is effective in

bringing about permanent lightening of the skin by inhibiting

enzyme reaction of the skin which causes dark pigments.

According to McDaniel (2009),’’the dictionary tells us that

to bleach is to make something white or colorless mainly by using

chemicals’’. With skin-bleaching, chemicals are used to lighten

(or whiten) the skin. The chemicals are applied to the skin

directly or are orally taken as pills.

On the face of it, people bleach with a view to getting

lighter tones than their natural complexion. McDaniel(2009)


asked numerous people in the street why they bleach their black

beauty. Respondents say that they feel better about themselves;

they receive more attention from the opposite sex; they

experience more romance; they get better job/economic

opportunities; they bleach to clear up spots; they just like how

it looks; they prefer a cool complexion and they do it as a

fashion statement.

McDaniel (2009) elaborated that melanin is the dark-brown

pigment in the skin which makes us dark. Melanin protects the

skin from the cancer-causing ultraviolet rays of the sun. The

more melanin our skin produces, the darker we appear. Lighter

skin has less melanin. So, an effective way to attain lighter

skin is to reduce the amount of melanin in the skin. This is

exactly what bleaching products do. Bleaching products inhibit

melanocytes, skin cells which produce the pigment, melanin.

Skin-bleaching products are toxic when used long-term and

excessively. Popular skin-bleaching ingredients include potent

topical steroids, like betamethasone and clobetasol. Common side

effects include thin skin, steroid-induced acne (bumps), skin


infections and striae (permanent linear stretch-marks scars) due

to weakening of the skin's elastic tissues. Eventually steroids

may enter the bloodstream to create major challenges, like

increased blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, glaucoma and

cataracts. Other skin-bleaching ingredients include hydroquinone,

mercury compounds, and glutathione (taken orally). Home-

made skin bleaching items include toothpaste, household bleach,

toilet bowl cleaner, curry powder, hair relaxer, lime and honey,

cornmeal and milk powder (McDaniel, 2009).

Wood (2009) pointed out that skin bleaching uses chemicals

to lighten your skin tone. Skin bleaching can be used as a spot

treatment for blemishes like age spots and freckles or to alter

the skin tone of your entire body. However, the use of bleaching

products on your entire body brings with it numerous warnings.

Typically, doctors do not recommend skin bleaching as a way

to lighten your overall skin tone. Instead, it treats specific

disorders like hyperpigmentation and age spots that could benefit

from lightening the color of the skin. Age spots are caused by

sun exposure and involve an overproduction of melanin.


Hyperpigmentation occurs when darker patches develop on lighter-

colored skin.

According Olumide YM et. al (2008), skin lightening

(bleaching) cosmetics and toiletries are widely used in most

African countries. The active ingredients in these cosmetic

products are hydroquinone, mercury and corticosteroids. Several

additives are used to enhance the bleaching effect. Since these

products are used for long duration, on a large body surface

area, and under hot humid conditions, percutaneous absorption is

enhanced. The complications of these products are very serious

and are sometimes fatal.

Simpson(2009) said that there are numerous ways to even out

skin tone and control the production of melanin. Here are some of

them: (1) Keep a steady supply of vitamins A, E and C to your

skin. Vitamin C inhibits melanin production. This controls the

appearance of pigmentation on the dermis. (2) Keep your skin

hydrated all the time. (3) Use vitamin C as a topical treatment.

It works well in making your dermis look more vibrant. Some


people squeeze out lemon juice and apply the juice on their skin.

(4) Get rid of accumulated dead skin cells.

The color of the skin is one of man's major concerns. This

area naturally is of great interest to the cosmetic chemists.

Skin color varies with the over-all thickness of the integument,

the state of vascularity and the amount of the pigment in the


According to Edwards and Duntley (2000), there are five

primary pigments which contribute to the color of human skin such

as carotene (yellow), oxyhemoglobin (red), reduced hemoglobin

(bluish), melanin, and melanoid. Among these, melanin and

melanoid are the most important since these are the pigments

which distinguish the dark-skinned from the light-skinned

individuals. It is well established that melanocytes, located in

the basal layer of the epidermis, are the only cells capable of

melanin production. Therefore, normal or abnormal melanin

pigmentation is directly related to anatomical, physiological and

biochemical variations of the melanocyte. Hence, when one speaks

of melanin pigmentation, one has to speak of the melanocyte. A

thorough knowledge of the biological properties of melanocytes


is an important prerequisite for the understanding of normal

and abnormal pigmentation.

Coustin, G. E.and Hearing, V. J. (2007) emphasized that

human skin exists in a wide range of different colors and

gradations, ranging from white to brown to black, because it is

due to the presence of a chemically inert and stable pigment

known as melanin, which is produced deep inside the skin but is

displayed as a mosaic at the surface of the body. Melanin is

therefore responsible for the most striking polymorphic traits of

humans and for the most obvious and thoroughly discussed aspect

of human geographical variability: skin color. Besides its role

in defining ethnicity, melanin plays an essential role in

defending the body against harmful UV rays and other

environmental challenges.

According to Joy (2009), skin color is determined by melanin

in the skin, but what is melanin and what does it do? Joy (2009)

added that melanin is a pigment in the skin that results in

certain skin color based on genetics and thousands of years of

adapting to a specific region or locale. There are two types of

melanin: pheomelanin and eumelanin. Pheomelanin is more red or


yellow in color, while eumelanin is more dark brown or black in

color. People with light skin tend to have more pheomelanin,

while those with darker skin have more eumelanin.

In terms of global distribution, we tend to find people with

darker skin tones centered along the equator, while those with

lighter skin tones are found both further north and south of the

equator. This directly relates to the purpose of melanin. To put

it simply, melanin is a natural form of sunscreen. It serves as a

shield for the sun against UV (ultraviolet) rays, where it

prevents sunburn and damage to the skin.

Pomelo contains Vitamin C. Chemically, Vitamin C is an alpha

ketolactone. It is monovalent hydroxyl anion at physiologic pH.

It is the main water soluble non enzymatic antioxidant

interacting with a variety of free radicals thus providing a

front line defense against free radicals. Dermatologically

Vitamin C can be used in wound healing, cutaneous aging and

prevention of skin cancer. In the past, Vitamin C has been

marketed in cosmetic industry for the treatment of

hyperpigmentation. Vitamin C has the advantage of stimulating


dermal fibroblasts for thesynthesis of collagen thus preventing

photoaging (Royand Sheldon, 1996).

Chris Sherwood (2009) said that whether spending time out in

the sun or spending time in a tanning booth, most people have had

some contact to ultraviolet rays. The most common activity where

this contact occurs is tanning. Tanning is the process of using

the effects of ultraviolet light to increase pigmentation in the

skin, resulting in a darker skin tone. Sherwood pointed out that

ultraviolet rays have two main forms UVA and UVB. According to

the Skin Cancer Foundation, UVB rays are the more dangerous form

of ultraviolet radiation. They are responsible for the formation

of sunburns. UVA rays penetrate deeper into the skin and

influence the deeper skin cells, allowing the rays to influence

the production of melanin. When ultraviolet rays penetrate the

skin, the work directly on cells called melanocytes. Melanocytes

are responsible for producing melanin, the substance in your body

that give the skin its coloring. The ultraviolet rays work as a

catalyst for the increased production of melanin. The more time

spent exposed to ultraviolet rays, the more melanin that will be


released. The greater amount of melanin released, the darker the

tan will become.

According to Taylor (2003), the distinctions between your

skin of color and white skin are numerous. The most notable

differences include: More melanin, or brown skin pigment,

resulting in a warmer skin shade, greater natural protection from

the sun and lower risk of skin cancer, fewer visible signs of

aging, such as deep wrinkles, fine lines, and sun spots,

potential problems with pigmentation, or uneven darkening or

lightening of skin, greater risk of keloid (raised, often large

scars) development, skin of Color Characteristics. Our skin is

made up of three distinct layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and

the subcutaneous layer. The only visible layer, the epidermis, is

composed mainly of keratinocytes -- cells that provide a

protective barrier to the skin. The epidermis also contains

melanocytes -- specialized cells that produce melanin, the brown

pigment that gives our skin its rich color. These cells are

present in the lowest sublayer of the epidermis, or the basal

cell layer. The primary purpose of the melanocyte cell is to make


melanin. Although all people have the same number of melanocyte

cells, people of color have melanocytes that are capable of

making large amounts of melanin. This increased melanin is what

gives skin of color its warm shade. Melanin is not a static

substance. That is why our skin changes color in response to

various stimuli. Our melanocyte cells can produce more melanin if

stimulated by the sun, medications, or certain diseases. The most

obvious example of this is tanning, which occurs when our skin

produces more melanin after sun exposure. Our skin may also

darken in response to certain drugs such as minocycline, which is

commonly used to treat acne, or in response to certain medical


Today, many people are using injections and plastic surgery

options to make their lighter and whiter, but according to Regan

(2010), one can treat one issue of older skin--uneven skin tone--

at home with vitamin C. Since pomelo contains Vitamin C, it means

that it can whiten our skin. Uneven skin tone happens when the

melanin or pigment in your skin becomes unevenly distributed,

which can be caused by acne scars, hyperpigmentation, melasma,

and many other conditions, and it can affect anyone.

22 says vitamin C is one of the best-known

defenses against free radical damage. Free radicals are reactive

molecules that cause tissue damage and are present in sun rays,

pollution and cigarette smoke, among other places. They

contribute to uneven tone by causing skin to lose its elasticity

and sag and to become less capable of shedding dead skin cells,

and they can cause skin to be at an even greater risk for

developing skin cancers.

According to the modern pharmacological analysis, the

nutritional value of pomelo is rather high. Pomelo contains

abundant carotene, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, mineral

substances, sugar and volatile oil. The peel of pomelo plays an

important role in resisting inflammation for the human body. The

flesh of pomelo contains abundant nutrients like vitamin C and

para-insulin and it plays an important role in decreasing the

blood fat, beautifying the skin and helping people lose weight.

(Alice White Green, 2011).

According to Downer (2011), skin bleaching is a technique

that has been used for hundreds of years and some of the active


ingredients used are still in use today. One of the oldest

remedies is called hydroquinone. Hydroquinone was used as long as

the days of the ancient Persian Empire for a skin bleach.

However, today this product has come in for a lot of opposition

due to its carcinogenic properties. Though it remains one of the

most effective skin bleaching agents, it is only legally

available in a few countries. As a result of the toxicity of

hydroquinone, one of the safer derivatives of hydroquinone is

preferred. This substitute is a substance called arbutin. Arbutin

can be derived from mulberry, bearberry, white mulberry, and

paper mulberry. Lactic acid is also a good bleaching agent that

gives some credence to the Cleopatra claim of bathing in milk. In

addition, lactic acid is also a good exfoliating medium. Azelaic

acid that is a treatment for acne has also been known to provide

some skin bleaching benefits.

Most of these treatments are available naturally in some

form or the other; however, for a home remedy, you can use some

treatments like vitamin C as a bleaching medium. This is a simple

procedure of taking a vitamin C rich fruit or vegetable acquiring

its juices and applying it topically to the skin every day. To


acquire vitamin C, use onion juice and lemon juice; both of which

must be freshly squeezed. Also, increase your dietary intake of

pomegranate, vitamin E, pears, berries, and other plant sources.

You should also increase your intake of peanuts, pineapple and

coffee as well.

Georgina R. Clay (2008) said that it requires to have your

daily skin care routine and you use the correct creams and

ingredients that will make your skin look younger, whiter,

lighter and bright, its known that vitamin c has potent skin

lightening benefits. To have a lighter skin you need to use

ingredients that will absorb the UV rays of the sun to prevent

the sun from darkening your skin and reduce production of melanin

which is responsible for skin darkening. New discoveries have

shown that vitamin C has very good skin health benefits. For

example, vitamin C as ascorbyl form has been extensively tested,

it inhibit the production of melanin, which is the pigment that

produces a dark color to the skin. When Vitamin C inhibits the

production of melanin it’s just a matter of weeks before a

brighter and lighter skin appears. It also increases the


production of collagen and elastin in the body which reduces

wrinkles and aging signs. Vitamin C repairs the skin when is

injured and also regenerates vitamin E. All those benefits of

Vitamin C are great, however there have been some concerns about

using vitamin C topically. Skin care companies have difficulties

using vitamin C on their topical creams because vitamin C is

unstable and oxidates when it’s exposed to the air. If vitamin C

oxidates it can produce free radicals on the skin and create


Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored on the concept of developing skin

moisturizer extracted from pomelo (Citrus maxima) peel as a

valuable contribution to the smoothness of skin and health

benefits. Skin moisturizer from pomelo oil is of low cost

compared to the existing branded skin moisturizer in the market

Research Paradigm


Based from the conceptual framework, the research paradigm

is established. The independent variables are Treatment 1 (100 ml

olive oil + 50 ml VCO + 5 ml pomelo oil + 50 ml Beeswax),

Treatment 2 (100 ml olive oil + 50 ml VCO + 10 ml pomelo oil + 50

ml Beeswax), and Treatment 3 (100 ml olive oil + 50 ml VCO + 15

ml pomelo oil + 50 ml Beeswax). The dependent variable is the

perception of the respondent and degree of acceptability in terms

of: color, odor, and texture and evaporation rate of skin


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Perception of the

Respondent and degreeof Acceptability in

terms of:



Evaporation Rate ofSkin Moisturizer

Pomelo (Citrus Maxima)Oil as Skin Moisturizer

Treatment 1

100 ml olive oil + 50 mlVCO

+ 5 ml pomelo oil + 50 ml


Treatment 2

100 ml olive oil + 50 mlVCO

+ 10 ml pomelo oil + 50 ml



Fig. 1 Research Pradigm


In order to pursue the objectives of the study, the

following hypotheses are advanced:

1. There are no significant differences among treatments in

terms of color, odor, and texture.

2. There are no significant differences in the evaporation

rate as to the different level of pomelo oil.

Definition of Terms

Color- is the visual perceptual property corresponding in

humans to the categories called red, green, blue and other. Color

categories and physical specifications of color are also

associated with objects, materials, light sources atc., based on

their physical properties as light absorption, reflection, or

emission spectra.

Odor- (commonly reffered as smell) is caused by one or more

volatilized chemical compounds, generally at a very low


concentration, that human or other animals perceive by the sense

of olfaction. The terms fragrance and aroma are used primarily by

the food and cosmetic industry to describe a pleasant odor, and

are sometimes used to refer to perfumes.

Oil Extracts- are used mainly for topical applications, and

as the base for , salves or ointments. Oil extracts can be taken

internally, but they are readily absorbed through the skin,and

can be as much as 70 times more effective at delivering oil-

soluble phyto-chemicals into bloodstream than when the same herbs

are ingested. Most beneficial plant constituents, including

alkaloids, are at least partially soluble in oil.

Peel- the outer covering or skin from (a fruit, vegetable,

or shrimp)

Texture- is the distribution of crystallographic

orientations of a polycrystalline sample. A sample in which these

orientations are fully random is said to have no texture. If the

crystallographic orientations are not random, but have some

preferred orientation, then the sample has a weak, moderate or

strong texture.




This chapter covers the research design, materials and

equipment, and research procedure employed in the study.

Research Design

The study made use of the experimental method. This

method is a systematic and scientific approach to research in

which the researcher manipulates one or more variables, and

controls and measures any change in other variables.

The experimental method involves manipulating one variable

to determine if changes in one variable cause changes in another

variable. This method relies on controlled methods, random

assignment and the manipulation of variables to test a

hypothesis. The experimental method is usually taken to be the

most scientific of all methods, the ‘method of choice’. The main

problem with all non-experimental methods is lack of control over


the situation. An experiment is a study of cause and effect. It

differs from non-experimental methods in that it involves the

deliberate manipulation of one variable, while trying to keep all

other variables constant.

Research Locale and Time of the Study

The experiment was conducted at the Biology Laboratory of

Romblon State University from January 18, 2013 to February 16,


Experimental Design

The Completely Randomized Design (CDR) was utilized in this

study. It consisted of four treatments to determine the effect of

the different amount of pomelo peel oil extract on the rate of

color, odor, and texture. The independent variable of the study

was the amount of pomelo peel oil extract, and the perception,

acceptability, and evaporation rate of Pomelo peel as a skin

moisturizer as the dependent variables. The experimental

treatments were as follows:


Treatment I = 100 ml olive oil + 50 ml VCO + 5 ml pomelo oil + 50

ml Beeswax

Treatment II = 100 ml olive oil + 50 ml VCO + 10 ml pomelo oil +

50 ml Beeswax

Treatment III = 100 ml olive oil + 50 ml VCO + 15 ml pomelo oil +

50 ml Beeswax

Materials and Equipment Used

The study made use of the necessary materials and equipment

as follows:

1. 300ml Olive Oil

2. 150 ml Beeswax

3. 150ml Coconut Oil(VCO)

4. 30ml Pomelo Oil

5. Stirring rod

6. Beaker

7. Knife

8. Graduated cylinder

9. Strainer

10. Pot



1. Mix all ingredients in a pin mason jar.

2. Place in a pot of water (covering ¾ of the jar) and pint on

low-med heat.

3. Once all the wax melts, take out of the pot and let cool.

4. Stir vigorously with a fork every 15 minutes until it reaches

room temperature.

5. Once it reaches room temperature, you can add any fragrance

drop you want.

Research Procedure

Selection of respondents

The respondents involved were thirty students from

Romblon State University – Science High School.

Gathering of materials

The pomelos were gathered from San Andres, Romblon. The

beehive was gathered from Tumingad, Odiongan, Romblon. The Virgin

Coconut Oil was only bought together with the other materials

needed from the market.


Mixing of Ingredients

Put the pomelo peel into a casserole with small amount of

water. Wait until it boils. Then, turn off the fire when the

water changes its color and the peels were already brownish.

Separate the water from the peels. Put olive oil in a beaker with

a fire. Add the virgin coconut oil together with the beeswax. Mix

it on the beaker while the beaker is on a stove. After mixing it,

put it on a glass container and mix it every 15 minutes until its

temperature cool down.

Testing of Treatment

Treatments were rated and observed by respondents.

Gathering and Extraction of Pomelo (Citrus maxima) peel

The pomelo were gathered from San Andres, Romblon. The

pomelo peel were boiled and squeezed and the extract was filtered

with the use of strainer. The extracts were then placed in a


Collection of Data


The extraction of Pomelo (Citrus maxima) peel was done for

almost an hour. After the extraction, the researchers mixed the

pomelo peel oil extract with the other ingredients. The

treatments were rated by the respondents in terms of color, odor,

and texture. Finally the results were then tabulated, analyzed

and interpreted.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

The study made used of the following statistical tools:

1. To determine the perception of the respondents and the

degrees of acceptability, the weighted mean was used with the



2. To determine the significant difference among treatments

and evaporation rate, the researchr made used of Analysis of

Variance (ANOVA – One Way)


Chapter IV



This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of

data obtained through an experimental method using treatments and

questionnaires regarding the specific questions in the study.

1. The degrees of acceptability of Pomelo (Citrus Maxima) peel oil as skin moisturizer in terms of color, odor and texture.

Table 1 A

The Degree of Acceptability of Pomelo (Citrus Maxima) Peel Oilas Skin Moisturizer in Terms of Color



W(w) F(x) X w WeightedMean


5 0 0

2.84 3 123 20 602 5 101 2 2

30 84


5 20 1004.374 3 12

3 4 122 3 61 0 1

30 131


5 0 02.934 7 28

3 16 482 5 101 2 2

30 88


Legend: Descriptive Interpretation

4.51 – 5.0 = Excellent (E)3.51 – 4.50 = Very Satisfactory (VS)2.51 – 3.50 = Satisfactory (S)1.51 – 2.50 = Needs Improvement (NI)1.0 – 1.50 = Poor (P)

The table shows the degree of acceptability of Pomelo Peel

oil as Skin Moisturizer in terms of color as influenced by

different level of ingredient (pomelo oil).

Given the three treatments, treatment 2 was the most

observed being VERY SATISFACTORY with a mean rating of 4.37,

followed by treatment 3 with 2.93 mean rating rated as

SATISFACTORY while treatment 1 with a mean rating 2.8 interpreted


As shown in the table, Treatment 2 having the highest

weighted mean among three treatments means that most of the

respondents agreed about the color of mixture while there has

been a close relation between treatments 1 and 3 in terms. This

means that the amount pomelo oil in treatment 2 is suitable and

pleasing to eye unlike the two treatments.


Table 1 B

The Degree of Acceptability of Pomelo (Citrus Maxima) Peel Oil asSkin Moisturizer in Terms of Odor



W(w) F(x) X w WeightedMean


5 3 153.14 2 8

3 23 692 1 21 1 1

30 93


5 21 1054.374 3 12

3 3 92 2 41 1 1

30 131


5 1 52.874 9 36

3 5 152 15 301 0 0

30 86


Legend: Descriptive Interpretation

4.51 – 5.0 = Excellent (E)3.51 – 4.50 = Very Satisfactory (VS)2.51 – 3.50 = Satisfactory (S)1.51 – 2.50 = Needs Improvement (NI)1.0 – 1.50 = Poor (P)

The table 1B shows the degree of acceptability in terms of

odor as influenced by different level of ingredient (Pomelo Oil).

In the given treatments, treatment 2 was the most observed

being VERY SATISFACTORY with a mean rating of 4.37 followed by

treatment 1 with 3.1 mean rating rated as SATISFACTORY while

treatment 3 with a mean rating 2.87 interpreted as SATISFACTORY.

Since treatment 2 was rated as very satisfactory by the

respondents, this means that among treatments, respondents

believed that the smell of mixture is very likeable.

Table 1 C

The Degree of Acceptability of Pomelo Peel Oil as SkinMoisturizer in Terms of Texture


Legend: Descriptive Interpretation

4.51 – 5.0 = Excellent (E)3.51 – 4.50 = Very Satisfactory (VS)2.51 – 3.50 = Satisfactory (S)1.51 – 2.50 = Needs Improvement (NI)1.0 – 1.50 = Poor (P)

The table 1C shows the degree of acceptability in terms of

texture as influenced by different level of ingredient (pomelo


As shown in the table above, treatment 2 was the most

observed, being VERY SATISFACTORY with a mean rating of 4.03


tW(w) F(x) X w Weighted



5 2 102.434 1 4

3 10 302 12 241 5 5

30 73


5 15 75

4.034 6 243 5 152 3 61 1 1

30 121


5 2 103.94 8 32

3 5 152 12 601 3 0

30 117


followed by treatment 3 with 3.9 mean rating rated as VERY

SATISFACTORY while treatment 2 with a mean rating 2.43

interpreted as NEEDS IMPROVEMENT.

As the table presented, treatment 2 got the highest mean

rating in terms of texture with a close relation to treatment 3.

This only shows that the texture is comparable to commercial skin


2. Perception of the respondents in terms of color, odor, texture.


Table 2 A

Perception of the Respondents in terms of Color

Scale Description

5 Extremely Likely 4 Likely

3 Moderately Likely2 Unlikely1 Extremely Unlikely

The table shows the perception of the respondents in terms

of color.




Frequency Percent


5 0 0%4 3 10%3 20 66.67%2 5 16.67%1 2 6.67%


5 20 66.67%4 3 10%3 4 13.33%2 3 10%1 0 0%


5 0 0%4 7 23.33%3 16 53.33%2 5 16.67%1 2 6.67%


Based on the table, treatment 1, rated by the respondents as

MODERATELY LIKELY having highest percentage (66.67%), followed by


Treatment 2 rated by the respondents as EXTREMELY LIKELY

with 66.67 percent followed by LIKELY with 13.3%. Some of them or

10% agreed that the mixture in terms of color where both LIKELY


Treatment 3 was rated as MODERATELY LIKELY with 53.33% total

of respondents followed by LIKELY with 23.33 %. Some of the

respondents agreed in terms of color with UNLIKELY and EXTREMELY

LIKELY rating with 16.67% and 6.67% respectively.

As the table reveals, among all treatments, treatment 2 got

the highest percentage of 66.67% with extremely likely when it

comes to color.


Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 30%












Figure 2. Graphical Representation on Perception of Respondents inTerms of Color

Table 2 B

Perception of the Respondents in terms of Odor


Scale Description 5 Extremely Likely

4 Likely 3 Moderately Likely

2 Unlikely 1 Extremely Unlikely

The table shows the perception of the respondents in terms

of odor.

Based on the table, treatment 1, rated by the respondents as

MODERATELY LIKELY having highest percentage (76.67%), followed by

EXTREMELY LIKELY (10%), LIKELY (6.67%) and both .






5 3 10%4 2 6.67%3 23 76.67%2 1 3.37%1 1 3.37%


5 21 70%4 3 10%3 3 10%2 2 6.67%1 1 3.33%


5 1 3.33%4 9 30%3 5 16.67%2 15 50%1 0 0%


Treatment 2 rated by the respondents as EXTREMELY LIKELY

with 21 or 70% of the total respondents, followed by both LIKELY

and MODERATELY LIKELY having the lowest with 3 or 3.33% of each

rating rated by the respondents.

Treatment 3 was rated as UNLIKELY with 15 OR 50% of the

total of respondents followed by LIKELY with 9 or 30% of the

respondents. Only one or 3.33% of the respondents agreed in terms

of odor to be EXTREMELY LIKELY.

As the table reveals, all treatments were rated as LIKELY by

the respondents in terms of ODOR having the highest percentage.

As the table presented, only treatment 2 was agreed by the

respondents as extremely likely with the highest percentage. This

can on only mean that the level of ingredients is more acceptable

than the other treatments.


Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 30%












Figure 3. Graphical Representation on Perception of Respondents inTerms of Odor

Table 2 C

Perception of the Respondents in terms of Texture


Scale Description 5 Soft

4 Mild 3 Sticky

2 Very Sticky 1 Extremely Sticky




Frequency Percent


5 2 6.67%4 1 3.33%3 10 33.33%2 12 40%1 5 16.67%


5 15 50%4 6 20%3 5 16.67%2 3 10%1 1 3.33%


5 2 6.67%4 8 26.67%3 5 16.67%2 12 40%1 3 10%


The table shows the perception of the respondents in terms

of texture.

The table indicates that treatment 1 rated by the

respondents as VERY STICKY having highest percentage of 40%,

followed by STICKY with 33.33%, EXTREMELY STICKY with 16.67%,

SOFT with 6.67% and MILD with 3.33%.

Treatment 2 rated by the respondents as SOFT with 50%,

followed by MILD with 20%, then STICKY with 16.67%, VERY STICKY

with 10% and the lowest is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY with 3.33%.

Treatment 3 was rated as VERY STICKY with 40% total of

respondents followed by MILD with 26.67% then STICKY with 16.67%,

EXTREMELY STICKY with 10 and SOFT having the lowest percentage

with 6.67%

As the table exposes, treatment 2 were rated as SOFT by the

respondents in terms of TEXTURE having the highest percentage.

This means among treatments, treatment 2 satisfied the



Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 30%












Figure 3. Graphical Representation on Perception ofRespondents in Terms of Texture

3. The significant difference among treatments of Pomelo Oil as

skin moisturizer in terms of Color, Odor, Texture.

Table 3 A

The Analysis of Variance between treatments in terms of Color

Source ofVariation

Sum ofSquares




F – ValuesComputed Tabular

5% 1%


Total 103.9 89 **Between Groups

45.27 2 22.635 33.59 3.10 4.85

Within Groups 58.63 87 0.67

** Significant at 1% level* Significant at 5% levelNS Not significant

The table shows the analysis of variance

between treatments as to color is concerned. This shows that the

computed F value of 33.59 is greater than the tabular value of

3.10 at 5% level and 4.85 at 1% level of significance. Thus,

there is a significant difference among treatments as to the

level of pomelo oil used in terms of color is concern.

Furthermore, the null hypothesis which states that there is no

significant difference between treatment as to color of pomelo

oil as ingredient in making skin moisturizer is rejected.

Table 3 B

The Analysis of Variance between treatments in terms ofOdor

Source ofVariation

Sum ofSquares




F – ValuesComputed Tabular

5% 1%Total 134.22 89 **Between Groups

39.09 2 19.55 17.93 3.10 4.58

Within Groups 95.13 87 1.09** Significant at 1% level


* Significant at 5% levelNS Not significant

The table shows the analysis of variance between treatments

as to Odor is concerned. This shows that the computed F value of

17.93 is greater than the tabular value of 3.10 at 5% level and

4.58 at 1% level of significance. Thus, there is a significant

difference among treatments as to the level of pomelo oil used in

terms of odor is concern. The null hypothesis which states that

there is no significant difference between treatments as to odor

of pomelo oil as ingredient in making skin moisturizer is


Table 3 C

The Analysis of Variance between treatments in terms of Texture

Source ofVariation

Sum ofSquares




F – ValuesComputed Tabular

5% 1%Total 62.68 89 **Between Groups

47.29 2 23.65 133.67 3.10 4.85

Within Groups 15.39 87 0.18* Significant at 1% level** Significant at 5% levelNS Not significant


The table shows the analysis of variance between treatments

as to texture is concerned. This shows that the computed F value

of 133.67 is greater than the tabular value of 3.10 at 5% level

and 4.85 at 1% level of significance. Thus, there is a

significant difference among treatments as to the level of pomelo

oil used in terms of texture is concern. The null hypothesis

which states that there is no significant difference between

treatments as to texture of pomelo oil as ingredient in making

skin moisturizer is rejected.

4. Mean Difference on the Evaporation Rate between Treatments

Table 4 AMean Difference on the Evaporation Rate between Treatments



1-3 minR2

4-6 minR3

7-9 minR4

10-12 minR5

13-15 minTotal Mean

T1 4 3 3 2 1 13 2.6T2 4 3 3 2 2 14 2.8T3 5 4 3 3 2 17 3.4

Legend: Descriptive Interpretation

4.51 – 5.0 = Excellent (E)3.51 – 4.50 = Very Satisfactory (VS)2.51 – 3.50 = Satisfactory (S)1.51 – 2.50 = Needs Improvement (NI)1.0 – 1.50 = Poor (P)


As revealed in the table above, Treatment 3 obtained the

highest mean score of 3.4 followed by Treatment 2 with mean

rating of 2.8 and Treatment with 2.6 mean rating being the lowest

among all treatments. All treatments were rated as SATISFACTORY.

Among treatments, treatment 3 has been observed the fastest

evaporation rate.

Table 4 BAnalysis of Variance of the Evaporation Rate among TreatmentsSource ofVariation

Sum ofSquare

Degree Of


Mean Square

F – ValuesComputed Tabular

5% 1%Total 15 14 **Between Groups

12.26 4 3.065 11.19 3.11 5.4903

Within Groups 2.74 10 0.274

The table shows the analysis of variance of mean score in

terms of the evaporation rate. Since the computed F value of

11.19 is larger than the tabular value of 3.11 at 5% and 5.4903

at 1% level of significance. It reveals that there is a

significant difference on the evaporation rate among three

treatments. Hence, the level of the ingredients has a significant


difference when it is applied to the mixture. This rejects the

null hypothesis.




This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendation of the study.


This study was conducted to determine the acceptability of

Pomelo peel oil as skin moisturizer.

Specifically, this sought to answer the following question:

1. What is the degree of acceptability of Pomelo peel as

skin moisturizer in terms of:

a. Color,

b. Odor,

c. Texture ?

2. What is the perception of the respondents towards the

homemade skin moisturizer in terms of:


a. Color,

b. Odor,

c. Texture ?

3. Is there any significant difference among the treatments

of Pomelo peel oil as skin moisturizer


4. Is there any significant difference among treatments as to the evaporation rate?

The study made use of the experimental method of research.

The experimental method is a systematic and scientific approach

to research in which the researcher manipulates one or more

variables, and controls and measures any changes in other


To determine the perception of the respondents, degree of

acceptability and the evaporation rate of the skin moisturizer,

weighted mean were used.

To determine the significant difference among treatments and

evaporation rate, the research made used of Analysis of Variance

(ANOVA – One Way).



The findings of the study were presented corresponding to

and in the same manner that the questions are raised in Chapter


Degrees of acceptability of Pomelo peel oil as skin

moisturizer as to color, odor and texture.

Color. Treatment 2 was the most observed being VERY

SATISFACTORY with a mean rating of 4.37, followed by treatment 3

with 2.93 mean rating rated as SATISFACTORY while treatment 1

with a mean rating 2.8 interpreted also as SATISFACTORY.

Treatment 2 having the highest weighted mean among three

treatments means that most of the respondents agreed about the

color of mixture while there has been a close relation between

treatments 1 and 3 in terms. This means that the amount pomelo

oil in treatment 2 is suitable and pleasing to eye unlike the two


Odor. Treatment 2 was the most observed being VERY

SATISFACTORY with a mean rating of 4.37 followed by treatment 1


with 3.1 mean rating rated as SATISFACTORY while treatment 3 with

a mean rating 2.87 interpreted as SATISFACTORY.

Since treatment 2 was rated as very satisfactory by the

respondents, this means that among treatments, respondents

believed that the smell of mixture is very likeable.

Texture. As shown in the table above, treatment 2 was the

most observed, being VERY SATISFACTORY with a mean rating of 4.03

followed by treatment 3 with 3.9 mean rating rated as VERY

SATISFACTORY while treatment 2 with a mean rating 2.43

interpreted as NEEDS IMPROVEMENT.

Treatment 2 got the highest mean rating in terms of texture

with a close relation to treatment 3. This only shows that the

texture is comparable to commercial skin moisturizer.

Perceptions of the respondents towards the homemade skin

moisturizer as to color, odor, and texture.

Color. Treatment 1, rated by the respondents as MODERATELY

LIKELY having highest percentage (66.67%), followed by UNLIKELY

(16.67%) and EXTREMELY UNLIKELY (6.67%).


Treatment 2 rated by the respondents as EXTREMELY LIKELY

with 66.67 percent followed by LIKELY with 13.3%. Some of them or

10% agreed that the mixture in terms of color where both LIKELY


Treatment 3 was rated as MODERATELY LIKELY with 53.33% total

of respondents followed by LIKELY with 23.33 %. Some of the

respondents agreed in terms of color with UNLIKELY and EXTREMELY

LIKELY rating with 16.67% and 6.67% respectively.

Among all treatments, treatment 2 got the highest percentage

of 66.67% with extremely likely when it comes to color.

Odor. Treatment 1, rated by the respondents as MODERATELY

LIKELY having highest percentage (76.67%), followed by EXTREMELY

LIKELY (10%), LIKELY (6.67%) and both .

Treatment 2 rated by the respondents as EXTREMELY LIKELY

with 21 or 70% of the total respondents, followed by both LIKELY

and MODERATELY LIKELY having the lowest with 3 or 3.33% of each

rating rated by the respondents.


Treatment 3 was rated as UNLIKELY with 15 OR 50% of the

total of respondents followed by LIKELY with 9 or 30% of the

respondents. Only one or 3.33% of the respondents agreed in terms

of odor to be EXTREMELY LIKELY.

All treatments were rated as LIKELY by the respondents in

terms of ODOR having the highest percentage.

Only treatment 2 was agreed by the respondents as extremely

likely with the highest percentage. This can on only mean that

the level of ingredients is more acceptable than the other


Texture. Treatment 1 rated by the respondents as VERY STICKY

having highest percentage of 40%, followed by STICKY with 33.33%,

EXTREMELY STICKY with 16.67%, SOFT with 6.67% and MILD with


Treatment 2 rated by the respondents as SOFT with 50%,

followed by MILD with 20%, then STICKY with 16.67%, VERY STICKY

with 10% and the lowest is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY with 3.33%.


Treatment 3 was rated as VERY STICKY with 40% total of

respondents followed by MILD with 26.67% then STICKY with 16.67%,

EXTREMELY STICKY with 10 and SOFT having the lowest percentage

with 6.67%

Based on the results, treatments 2 were rated as SOFT by the

respondents in terms of TEXTURE having the highest percentage.

This means among treatments, treatment 2 satisfied the


Differences among treatments of Pomelo peel oil as skin

moisturizer as to color, odor, and texture.

Color. The computed F value of 33.59 is greater than the

tabular value of 3.10 at 5% level and 4.85 at 1% level of

significance. Thus, there is a significant difference among

treatments as to the level of pomelo oil used in terms of color

is concern. Furthermore, the null hypothesis which states that

there is no significant difference between treatment as to color

of pomelo oil as ingredient in making skin moisturizer is



Odor. The computed F value of 17.93 is larger than the

tabular value of 3.10 at 5% level and 4.58 at 1% level of

significance. Therefore, there is a significant difference among

treatments as to the level of pomelo oil used in terms of odor is

concern. The null hypothesis which states that there is no

significant difference between treatments as to odor of pomelo

oil as ingredient in making skin moisturizer is rejected.

Texture. The computed F value of 133.67 is greater than the

tabular value of 3.10 at 5% level and 4.85 at 1% level of

significance. Thus, there is a significant difference among

treatments as to the level of pomelo oil used in terms of texture

is concern. The null hypothesis which states that there is no

significant difference between treatments as to texture of pomelo

oil as ingredient in making skin moisturizer is rejected.

Differences on the Evaporation rate between Treatments.

Treatment 3 obtained the highest mean score of 3.4 followed by

Treatment 2 with mean rating of 2.8 and Treatment with 2.6 mean

rating being the lowest among all treatments. All treatments were



Among treatments, treatment 3 has been observed the fastest

evaporation rate.

The computed F value of 11.19 is larger than the tabular

value of 3.11 at 5% and 5.4903 at 1% level of significance. It

reveals that there is a significant difference on the evaporation

rate among three treatments. Hence, the level of the ingredients

has a significant difference when it is applied to the mixture.

This rejects the null hypothesis.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. As to the degrees of acceptability in terms of color,

odor, and texture, TREATMENT 2 is more acceptable among three


2. Treatment 2 perceived by the respondents as extremely

likely having the highest mean rating.


3. As to the differences among three treatments, there is a

significant difference in terms of color, odor and texture with

the different level of pomelo oil used.

4. As to the evaporation rate, treatment 3 is the most

observed having the fastest treatment to evaporate.


Based fro the results of the study, the researchers herebyrecommend the following:

1. Pomelo (citrus maxima) fruit which is very abundant in the

locality should be used for homemade skin moisturizer as it does

not pose no danger to skin because of its organic components.

2. Chemical analysis should be undertaken on Pomelo fruit to

determine its chemical composition for better understanding of

the plants.

3. Researcher should improve the quality of their skin

moisturizer extracted to be acceptable in the market.

4. Experiment on the other parts of pomelo should be made

in order to determine what part of the plant is the most

effective for other cosmetics use.


5. Once modified, introduction of homemade skin moisturizer

to the household is encouraged so that the community will be

aware of its use and benefits.

6. To disseminate the result of this research, and

information dissemination or seminar in Barangay must be
