20-26 July 2019

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 3The Guide

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Printed at YM Chantry, Brindley Way, Wakefi eld 41, Wakefi eld WF2 0XQ

Don’t MissThis week’s cultural highlights 4Netfl ix & QuillJoel Golby on Aziz Ansari: Right Now 7Uncooling planetArt as a weapon against the climate emergency 8They can’t even How fi lm is changing perceptions of millennials 12‘Like child’s teeth in a dog’s mouth’Why Sonic is just the tip of the bad CGI iceberg 16Film 19Music 23Stage 29Art 32ListingsYour local events, from page 34Sound & VisionThe best TV and radio 35Jump the SharkHow Veep swapped clever for crude 66






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: B






4 The Guide

Podcast Headlong: Running from Cops Available now

Having focused on the end of days on last year’s Surviving Y2K and the titular fi tness instructor on 2017’s Missing Richard Simmons, documentarian Dan Taberski zooms in on US reality TV phenomenon Cops, uncovering a strange world. Did you know that the police forces shown often have the power to sign off on fi nal edits? Madness.

Top of the CopsWith its 30 -plus years on TV, Cops’s distinctive lo-fi style has been referenced and parodied across popular culture …

Shrek 2Featured a

Cops-aping show called Knights

in which Puss in Boots is caught with a baggie

of catnip.

This week’s top 5


The X FilesMulder and Scully

investigated a shapeshifting

entity in a Cops crossover episode

called X-Cops.

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 5The Guide

MusicCamp BestivalLulworth Castle, Dorset, Thu to 28 JulSure, Nile Rodgers, Lewis Capaldi and Jess Glynne are all playing Dorset’s family-friendly festival (not at the same time, that would be awful), but the real star has to be Lycra enthusiast Mr Motivator. The theme is Heroes v Superheroes so pack accordingly.

Art Grayson Perry: Julie Cope’s Grand Tour Dovecot Studios, Edinburgh Thu to 2 Nov

Dedicated to Julie Cope – the fi c tional every woman celebrated in Grayson Perry’s A House for Essex project – this new exhibition showcases large-scale tapestr ies alongside a rare opportunity to hear The Ballad of Julie Cope, featuring the artist detailing the trials and tribulations of an average life.

FilmMarianne & Leonard: Words of LoveOut from FridayNick Broomfi eld’s latest music-based documentary is a poetic look at the powerful love between Leonard Cohen and on/off partner Marianne Ihlen. Perhaps the key takeaway is this line from one of the talking heads: “Poets do not make great husbands.”

MusicThom YorkeOut nowOriginally released digitally last month, occas ional Radiohead frontman -turned -professional dancer Thom Yorke’s third solo album Anima is now out physically. Choose between CD, black double vinyl, orange double vinyl, and a 40-page book version.













The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 7The Guide

YNetflix & Quill

Joel Golby previews this week’s TV

‘In the canonof blockbuster standup comics accused of sexualimpropriety, Aziz does a comeback better Louis CK’

Yeah, he leads with it. Important to note than in the canon of blockbuster stand up comedians accused of sexual impropriety, Aziz Ansari (Aziz Ansari: Right Now on Netfl ix, right … right now) does better than Louis CK – who se comeback shows were, as best I can tell, just half an hour of going : “What’s the deal with chicks who don’t like being masturbated at down the telephone? ” There is a sombre, show-opening statement about the accusations made against him on last year, how they aff ected him and the conversations they started. It’s not perfect – and it’s not a whole apology – but it does at least acknowledge the elephant in the room, without shooting it to death with a high-calibre rifl e. The conversation around Ansari is complex, but a public statement of remorse is a pretty good start on rehabilitating his image and career.

Right, now that’s out of the way: I simply hate every production decision made around this stand up special . Spike Jonze directs, for some reason, which means the camera lurches and half-zooms around like a 90s skate vid (you keep expecting someone to grind along a pavement before a supercut of a lad with a leather thong necklace exploding his testicles on a concrete staircase railing). The whole thing is faux-graded like an old VHS (Annoying. Annoying!) and the majority of the show is tight on Ansari, Jonze often standing next to him, visible in frame, before shots of one of the most “Brooklyn ” crowds ever committed to tape smil ing along in the background.

We’re here to have a laugh, though, aren’t we ? And, after a juddering start, a glimmer of the old Ansari swings back into view: he is, after all, an agile, wide-eyed comedian, adept at noticing the worst facets of the human condition and pulling them into the light without resorting to meanness. He plays with pace, shying back into a low, whispering, apologetic tone (too quiet, often: keep the remote near you while you’re watching this because the sound levels are all over the place. Annoying!) before booming back with a punchline. Ansari takes on woke culture without resorting to a tedious old-man-yells-at-cloud s htick; he muses on race, modern love, the death of everyone’s parents; he takes on R  Kelly and Michael Jackson in a your-scandal-was-bigger-than-mine sort of way; there’s a pleasingly spicy joke about Osama bin Laden recording a feted jazz album.

The whole aesthetic is lo-fi – Ansari has lost the sculpted stubble and slick dressing of Master of None, instead opting for a T-shirt and clean-shaven-with-long-sideburns look last seen in the wild on me, fi rst day of university, circa 2005 – and it all feels deliberate: a humbled aesthetic for a humbled man. “I saw the world where I don’t ever get to do this again,” he tells the audience at the end, thanking them for coming out and giving him a second chance. “And it almost felt like I died. And in a way, I did. That old Aziz who said – ‘Oh, treat yo’self, whatever!’ – he’s dead.”

It’s not the Aziz of old – I mean how much mileage was really left in renaming foodstuff s and publicly bullying his cousin? – but the quieter, more contrite Ansari 2.0 still has plenty left to say.

All right here,

right now:

Aziz Ansari

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian8 The Guide

an issue that sometimes seems abstract instead feel emotional and urgent.

Alison Tickell runs Julie’s Bicycle, a charity that helps the creative community to act on climate crisis and environmental sustainability. It has been running for 12 years, but she says that “over the last two years we’ve seen this wave of creativity and commissioning around climate. We’re seeing many more musicians, many more pieces of theatre, that are creating these links between climate crisis, biodiversity and inequity. The community have had a slow start, but they’re realising that to fi x this problem we need to change our culture, and they’re best placed to do that. This is where art really comes into its own.”

Few of these new creations feel worthy or scientifi c; their priority is to make a human connection. Julian Oliver will be talking at Manchester international festival this month about the Extinction Gong, his installation that chimes every time a species is wiped off the face of the Earth (about every 19 minutes). Last year, the conceptual artist Mel Chin created an app, Unmoored, that uses augmented reality to display Times Square fl ooded and abandoned but for a few boats. And ahead of his current retrospective at London’s Tate Modern, Olafur Eliasson brought blocks of ice from Greenland to the streets of London where they were left to

In 2015, the United Nations feared that the climate crisis was reaching a point of no return, threatening our very existence. With the Paris summit round the corner and a rare opportunity to get world leaders to commit to meaningful change, it needed a way to get the message out to every citizen in order to save the world from global catastrophe.

Its answer? To commission a song featuring Paul McCartney, Fergie from Black Eyed Peas, Natasha Bedingfi eld and Jon Bon Jovi, artists whom one must presume were chosen because their careers were in similar danger of extinction. Their eff ort, Love Song to the Earth, has a melody-agnostic chorus that goes: “Looking down from up on the moon, it’s a tiny blue marble / Who’d have thought the ground we stand on could be so fragile?” The song did not chart in any country.

It is not Natasha’s fault: artists have long struggled to make environmental activism cool. The climate crisis was, for too long, framed as a scientifi c issue, one that could be mitigated by small lifestyle changes. It is diffi cult to make a moving song, art installation or theatre piece about turning off your lightbulbs and using your food-waste bin.

But in the past few years, as the climate crisis has become a political emergency, artists have discovered a crucial role for themselves, making


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 9The Guide

Environmental as anything:

Nike; Anohni; Vampire Weekend;

Grimes; Olafur Eliasson’s Ice Watch

less advanced and my anus is huge.”“We were trying to do it in a way where we

could actually get people to listen, and still do something where everyone’s actually learning,” says Benny Blanco, Earth’s producer, who has also worked on Katy Perry and Kanye’s biggest hits. “We really do have to make a huge change or we’re fucked, but if someone comes at you in a fun, accessible way it makes people want to look into it more, research more, because it wasn’t shoved down their throats in some way they can’t understand.” It’s certainly resonating; the video for Earth has been viewed more than 160m times.

The message is fi ltering further through Hollywood, with big stars now toppling over each other to fi nd ways of addressing environmental disasters. Anne Hathaway and Mark Ruff alo are shortly to star in a retelling of the DuPont chemical scandal and the mass pollution of American water by the company. Natalie Portman has executive-produced a new documentary on the horrors of intensive farming. Even the new season of Big Little Lies, where all the characters drive gas-guzzling 4x4s to shepherd their children to and from private school, has a storyline about whether we should teach children that they may see global catastrophe in their lifetime.

It would be easy to dismiss this as cultural virtue signalling; pop stars and artists patting

melt. He said he wanted to stop melting ice caps seeming hypothetical, and to “give feelings to things that are otherwise unemotional”.

In music, scorched-earth dystopias have been crafted by artists such as Anonhi, whose 2015 single 4 Degrees was from the perspective of a nihilist ready to let the world burn, singing: “I wanna hear the dogs crying for water / I wanna see fi sh go belly-up in the sea”. Grimes told the New Scientist (yes, in this new era, that’s where Grimes does her interviews) that her forthcoming album Miss_Anthrop0cene explores what an “anthropomorphic goddess of climate crisis” would be like. “Is she sexy and goth and rude?” she pondered. “It’s like, hipster neoclassicism. I think an artist’s role is to weave the collective human experience into a narrative; to distil the most interesting aspects for posterity.”

Grimes is tapping into a realisation that, just as comedy has been an eff ective fundraiser for human rights groups, not every piece of climate activism has to be po-faced. The 2019 answer to Bedingfi eld’s bleating has been Lil Dicky’s Earth, an all-star environmental awareness anthem that raises money for Leonardo DiCaprio’s foundation, which protects vulnerable wildlife. It includes lines from Lil Jon such as: “What the fuck? I’m a clam”, and Justin Bieber singing, “Hi, I’m a baboon, I’m like a man, just


20-26 July 2019 The Guardian10 The Guide

themselves on the back for being aware of the climate catastrophe but doing little to actually make the necessary changes to stop us destroying the planet. But already you can see how this way of thinking about the climate is having real-world impact.

Artists have begun to get their own houses in order, particularly with regards to the pressure put on the National Portrait Gallery (NPG), Royal Opera House and Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) to end their partnerships with BP. This month, 78 artists including Antony Gormley and Anish Kapoor wrote to the NPG saying BP’s role “in furthering the climate crisis” made it an unacceptable partner. Mark Rylance has already resigned his position at the RSC because of links with the company.

But the bigger impact can be felt in how climate activists have engaged with, and pushed back at, popular culture. Extinction Rebellion did not exist a year ago; it is now the fastest-growing activist group in the world. It has understood how art, advertising and popular culture pushes people to consume and waste more – and how it can be exploited to make a quick and permanent change.

The group travelled to 2019’s Cannes Lions, the insanely luxurious week-long advertising awards where execs rub shoulder pads with movie stars and rappers. This year, the big winner was the powerful “Dream Crazy” Nike advert starring Colin Kaepernick, widely praised for its support of refugees, disabled athletes and the Black Lives Matter movement. It is refl ective of how brands have become eff ective at commodifying dissent,



all while promoting environment-destroying fast fashion reportedly made by underpaid workers and taking advantage of major tax loopholes.

Extinction Rebellion wasn’t buying it. Its activists unfurled a banner down the steps of the Palais and quickly became the talk of the festival. “We’re very worried about greenwashing; there’s a big fad around brand activism but the people we spoke to at Cannes said that brands are still concerned with profi t over impact,” says Alanna Byrne, one of the protesters. “We were there to tell them: it’s not enough; the impact they’re having on biodiversity is huge and trying to jump on the activist trend isn’t going to change that. They need to relay the emergency rather than continually make people buy things.”

Crucially, Extinction Rebellion is not simply decrying advertisers, it is trying to get them onside. “The ad industry has incredibly creative and talented people working in it. We’re saying to these people : use your talents for good instead of selling people crap they don’t need,” says Byrne. “A number of people who were in the advertising industry have left their jobs and are now with Extinction Rebellion.”

Adland’s infl uence on Extinction Rebellion can be seen in the group’s logo, which has all the hallmarks of an agency-led branding. It is simple, clean, immediately recognisable and, most importantly, easily replicated. It can be printed on existing clothes and signage meaning zero waste. It has also partnered with Glastonbury this year, launched a podcast and released a heavily stylised collection of essays with Penguin. Although it is



ng. p ,nd mostnd, most an be printed on an be printed oning zero waste.

bury this yearrr, heavily stylised Although it is

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 11The Guide

not a tag many of them might choose, they are environmental infl uencers with a powerful reach.

That professional sheen is also present in the work of Doctor Nadine Kuhla von Bergmann, the founder of Creative Climate Cities, an agency based in Berlin that helps bring together diff erent experts to help reduce their climate impact. Its website looks more like that of a Soho marketing agency than an environmental group, and they are specifi cally targeting governments and big construction and energy fi rms. She says there is a lot of goodwill towards abstract climate goals – and now they’re pushing to make them happen. A fancy new block of fl ats, for example, may make big claims about how energy effi cient it is going to be, but no one follows up after it has been built.

“Grass roots campaigners have fantastic energy and fantastic ideas but they often don’t have the time or the access to be in decision-making moments ; that’s what we’re doing,” she says. “But it has to be culturally grounded . We bring people together who have never sat in the same room before so that we can use a language and art and design to help people understand.”

Culture is not a panacea: Billy Bragg didn’t save the striking miners, Green Day’s American Idiot didn’t stop an even bigger idiot from becoming president. But environmentalism is a diff erent struggle. In some ways, it is a more organised movement – there are Green parties all over the world, regular summits with the power to make a change ; what it needs is the feeling of consistent, perturbing urgency. And so much of that can come from artists.


Eve Mosher’s global

art project (pictured)

in which volunteers

from Miami to

Bristol paint road

markings to show

which parts of their

neighbourhood will

soon be under water

due to accelerated

climate change,

while also engaging

residents in workshops

to help prevent it

from happening.

Vampire Weekend’s

Father of the Bride

Ezra Koenig said he

wanted to make 90s

environmentalism feel

current with his album,

inspired by Wetlands

Preserve, the venue-


hub that was a

mainstay of the

New York DIY

scene. The

songs lament

a near-future

without seasons

and the power of

the oceans.

Liberate Tate

The collective that

scrawled climate-crisis

messages in charcoal

on the fl oor of Tate

Modern’s Turbine Hall

and tattooed each other

with the concentration

levels of CO2 in the

atmosphere in the

years they were born,

with the aim of ending

BP’s 26-year-long

sponsorship of the

gallery. It worked –

the partnership ended

shortly after.


erent struggle. In some ways, it is a more a diff erent struggle. In someorganised movement – there are Green parties allorganised movem

mmits with the powerover the world, regular summits with the power to make a change ; what it needs is the feeling of consistent, perturbing urgency. And so much of that can come from artists.

hub that was a

mainstay of the

New York DIY New York

scene. The

songs lament

a near-future

with the aim of ending

BP’s 26-year-long

sponsorship of the

gallery It worked – gallery. It workedded the partnership end

shortly after.

Protest and survive:

Liberate Tate; Lil Dicky;

Extinction Rebellion













Screen saversMillennials have long been portrayed by older fi lm-makers. But




like (according to the Pew Research Center’s defi nition, a “millennial” is anyone born between 1981 and 1996). The selection is eclectic, from Richard Linklater’s (white, American) Boyhood to Céline Sciamma’s (black, French) Girlhood; from iPhone-shot trans drama Tangerine to Edward Snowden documentary Citizenfour; from Mean Girls to Moonlight. What emerges is a picture far more nuanced than the standard stereotypes. And without an avocado in sight.

“A lot of the criticism of millennials feels very disconnected to the context of lived experiences,” says Ashley Clark , senior fi lm programmer at BAM, who curated the season. “While a lot of the discourse around millennials in general is that we are spoiled, self-obsessed, shallow, etc , this generation has actually gone through a hell

Frances Ha

Millennials: avocado-smushing, beard-grooming, selfi e-snapping snowfl akes, or beleaguered inheritors of a world pre-ruined by their elders? Defi ning a generation accurately often comes down to who’s doing the defi ning, especially when it comes to movies. Usually you have to reach a certain age before you get to make a fi lm, and by the time you do, the generation before you have already said their bit . However, there comes a time when the power tilts, and for millennials, that time is now.

A new season at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) in New York off ers a snapshot of the millennial generation coming of age in the movies. Called We Can’t Even (how’s that for a generation-splitting title?), it off ers a fi rst draft of what the millennial movie canon might look

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian12 The Guide

Lady Bird

now the millennial-auteur era has arrived, says Steve Rose

‘Discourse around millennials is that we’re shallow. But we’ve gone through a lot of trauma’



of a lot of traumatic things, from 9/11 all the way up to Trump, the fi nancial crisis, Black Lives Matter, and rapid developments in technology that have changed the way we communicate and imbibe information.”

One thing these fi lms underline is that coming of age in the early 21st century is rarely carefree. On paper they are the most educated, diverse and materially privileged generation in history but, in the western world at least, millennials are also the fi rst to face dimmer prospects than their elders. Some of them became pop stars and tech entrepreneurs; many more are paying off student debts in dead-end jobs that didn’t require a college degree anyway. What’s more, they have been guinea pigs in a digital revolution that has transformed civilisation in ways we are still barely getting to grips with.

According to Clark , the one fi lm that encapsulates the millennial experience is Brady Corbet’s Vox Lux , which follows a troubled female pop diva through the early 21st century. Beginning with a high-school shooting, the fi lm traverses a landscape marked by terrorism, trauma, anxiety, celebrity, exploitation and alienation. If there is a defi ning millennial snapshot in Vox Lux, it would be a mock music video with our teen star (played by Raff ey Cassidy) in a glittery mask, singing an electropop ballad called Hologram from the back seat of a motorbike speeding into a dark tunnel.

Then again, no less representative a snapshot would be the teens in Girlhood, who steal smart dresses, rent a hotel room, get wasted and dance together to Rihanna’s Diamonds. Or Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg at the end

Vox Lux

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 13The Guide

Now millennials have control, the question is whether they’ll want to keep telling their stories via cinema

of The Social Network, alone with his laptop, mechanically hitting refresh as he awaits a response to his friend request to his ex-girlfriend. Or perhaps the airheaded, reality TV-obsessed LA teens of Sofi a Coppola’s The Bling Ring saying “Oh my God” as they break into Paris Hilton’s shoe room, having used the internet to work out where she lives and when she’s out of town.

Not that older fi lm-makers can’t be sympathetic. Gus Van Sant (born 1952) and Richard Linklater (born 1960) created key Generation X texts, such as My Own Private Idaho and Slacker. And both have captured millennials with wisdom and tenderness: Van Sant in his school-shooting drama Elephant, Linklater with real-time, coming-of-age story Boyhood.

An interesting case study here is another Gen-Xer, Noah Baumbach, and his partner Greta Gerwig, 14 years his junior. As well as Frances Ha – the Gerwig-starring study of a klutzy dreamer confronting maturity – Baumbach mapped out the generational divide in 2014’s While We’re Young, in which fortysomethings Ben Stiller and Naomi Watts befriend Adam Driver and Amanda Seyfried’s younger, hipper couple, and come to realise how middle-aged they are. While Stiller keeps up with tech trends, Driver listens to Lionel Richie on vinyl. The fi lm’s sympathies lie with Stiller, and these on-trend hipsters turn out to be more calculating than they fi rst appear.

Now, having helped defi ne her generation as an actor, Gerwig has come into her own as a director, and the contrast with Baumbach’s view is striking. She based Lady Bird on her own experiences of growing up in the early 2000s. Her millennial heroine, played by Saoirse Ronan, is winningly vulnerable and insecure, but also smart, opinionated, defi ant and determined. Lady Bird could be seen as the story of a young woman getting the naivety knocked out of her, through various encounters, often bruising, often illuminating, with friends, boys and family.

“It wasn’t until I actually started writing Lady Bird that I thought : ‘Where’s this movie? Why hasn’t this one been made?’” Gerwig told Variety in 2018. It hadn’t been made before because few people from Gerwig’s generation had the means to make it. Instead, their stories were told by older, male auteurs.

Millennial fi lm-makers are increasingly getting their hands on the levers of cultural power and taking their fi lms to refreshing places . French-Canadian virtuoso Xavier Dolan just turned 30 and is already on his eighth feature. Dolan captures the raw intensity of what it means to be young, passionate and, often, gay though movies such as Mommy and I Killed My Mother (written when he was just 16). Olivia Wilde’s Booksmart felt like a signifi cant upgrade of a classic teen-comedy template. Then there is 2 8-year-old Bo Burnham, who trained his eye on the generation below his in the recent Eighth Grade, with a social media literacy born of his own experience as a former YouTube star. The list of millennial auteurs is expanding: Ryan Coogler, the Safdie brothers, Dami en Chazelle, Chloé Zhao, Brady Corbet. The era of millennial storytelling is just beginning.

Now that they have control, the fi nal question is, will millennials want to keep telling their stories via cinema? Just as technology has transformed the way we live, so it has altered the way we watch. In their lifetimes, millennials have seen the changes: VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, downloading, torrents, on-demand, streaming, VR. Not to mention HD and 4K televisions that make home viewing an attractive alternative. Cinema is no longer the sole or even the dominant platform, especially when it comes to serious drama. So maybe it is up to the millennials to save cinema now. But if they don’t feel like doing that, who can blame them?

Eighth Grade

The Bling Ring

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20-26 July 2019 The Guardian16 The Guide

CG Why!

Before The Lion King, there were multiple attempts to get animated CGI right . Joel Golby takes a look at the times it went very wrong

Anaconda 1997What it was A pre-J-Lo J-Lo vehicle starring Ice Cube doing his best “look out of the corner of his eyes and say ‘What the—? ’ ” bit, Jon Voight at his sneering peak, and a snake made out of a Windows 95 screensaver. What it looked like “Snakes are just grey tubes, right?” – whoever rendered the snake in Anaconda, having never seen a snake and refusing to ever look at one.How it made us feel Anaconda was supposed to inspire tension and fear – a classic sleepover jump-and-scream – but throughout, there is a constant and palpable feeling that you are watching six B-tier actors scream at a tennis ball taped to some rope with an unscary snake drag-and-dropped in later by a nerd.What happened? It was a box-offi ce success and somehow inspired four sequels, the latest of which was released in 2015, so what do I know?

20 26 July 201920-26 July 2019 The Guardian The Guardian



CG Why!CG Why!



















17The GuideThe Guardian 20-26 July 2019

Deep Blue Sea 1999What it was An essential entry in a long line of fi lms in the genre “water’s scary, innit? ”What it looked like A lot of the fi lm was just Samuel L Jackson screaming at a wall placed behind the camera because it was easier to get him to act “the concept of something exploding ” than actually rendering an explosion.How it made us feel Deep Blue Sea is actually a pretty great water-thriller, but it straddles a very precise moment in CGI history that is “right before it got good ”. Animatronic sharks do the close up work – like in the olden days! – then, for the more active and vicious death scenes, eerily fl oating and entirely unconvincing CGI enters the scene.What happened? Well, The Meg came out last year, which is basically “ What if a shark got smart enough to headbutt its way into our research laboratory? ” so essentially the same fi lm will be made every 20 years until we die.

CG Why!

Sonic the Hedgehog 2019What it was Arguably the most doomed fi lm in cinema history : 2 6 years after the fi rst wave of Sonic-mania, and fi ve years after the subsequent internet-driven horny fan art era, Paramount decided to make a CGI retelling of the Sonic legend with a hedgehog that looks  as if someone embedded children’s teeth in a dog.What it looked like The initial Sonic trailer was proof of concept that CGI has gone too far: not only can computers now render, say, the small hairs on a forearm, it can now dive deep into my very darkest nightmares and extract them whole , putting them on screen for all to see.How it made us feel As if someone retconned my childhood to make it bad: it’s like someone’s told me Sunny D is actually owned by Putin and fi nger skateboards are I sis propaganda.What happened? Fans have pushed for a redesign (it’s not even that hard: make the body shorter, the eyes bigger, the lips less human, then cancel the fi lm) and Paramount appears to have relented. The new nightmare sprints towards us in February 2020.

The Polar Express 2004What it was A brazen attempt by Tom Hanks to monopolise Christmas.What it looked like Shoots for: an illustrated Yuletide children ’s book of yore, brought to life and put on a train. Lands in: why do all of these characters make my skin want to crawl off my body? What will I do without skin?How it made us feel Can never decide what is eeriest about every character in The Polar Express: the texturelessness of their faces? The stiff and unnatural way their arms and hands move? No, I’ve got it: it’s the way all of their jaws are hinged on wrongly. Like watching animals dressed in skin.What happened? I imagine we’ll discover the true traumatic impact of The Polar Express once the generation of children who were raised on it can fi nally aff ord therapy to talk openly.

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 19The Guide

Varda By Agnès(15) (Agnès Varda, 2019, France) 115 mins

The Belgian-born director enjoyed an amazing increase in aff ection and popularity in her latter years: this genial lecture-cum-documentary serves as a kind of last testament before her death earlier this year. A veteran of the Nouvelle Vague and an outspoken feminist, and an exceptional feature fi lm-maker who reinvented herself as a documentarian, Varda still has the power to cast a spell.

I’m still stand-in Last year, after her

fi rst Oscar nomination at the age of 89, Varda sent multiple cardboard

cutouts of herself to the nominees lunch in







who , Varda


The Dead Don’t Die(15) (Jim Jarmusch, 2019, US/Swe) 105 mins Jim Jarmusch, the great survivor of the 80s wave of US indie, turns again to genre in typically deadpan style. He has done vampires, westerns and hitmen: this time it’s zombies, with cops Bill Murray and Adam Driver investigating gruesome goings-on in small-town USA. Tilda Swinton, Iggy Pop and Chloë Sevigny are along for the ride.

5 of the


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The Lion King(PG) (Jon Favreau, 2019, US) 118 minsDisney has been eagerly looting its own back catalogue for some time now, with no sign of it stopping; not only serving to introduce new generations to its major properties, but making some long-overdue diversity tweaks at the same time. Thus, Donald Glover, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Alfre Woodward voice the main lion roles, with Beyoncé as Nala as well as singing on the soundtrack. Plus the “live” CGI animation is about as real as it’s possible to get.

The Edge(15) (Barney Douglas, 2019, UK) 95 minsAs the dust settles on the England cricket team’s World Cup win, here’s a look back at the last time they dominated the global stage: the rapid rise (and fall) of the class of 2009, who went on to win the Ashes in 2011 and appeared world-beaters, until they were hammered 5-0 by Australia in 2014. This doc shows how the chemistry came into being: crucially, the appointment of Andy Flower as head coach and the calm but fi rm captaincy of Andrew Strauss.

Jaws(12A) (Steven Spielberg, 1975, US) Long hailed as the fi rst “summer blockbuster”, Spielberg’s career-making monster movie is perhaps not the most calming fi lm to see before you head to the beach. Still a drum-tight suspense thriller, with or without the malfunctioning fake shark, it’s one for the ages.Andrew Pulver

Out now

Tell It to the Bees(15) (Annabel Jankel, 2018, UK) 108 mins Tender romance set in 1950s Scotland, with factory worker Holliday Grainger connecting with beekeeping doctor Anna Paquin.

Lisbon Beat(No cert) (Rita Maia, Vasco Viana, 2019, Portugal) 75 mins Foot-tapping documentary about the Afro-Portuguese music culture in the outskirts of the country’s capital.

Loopers: A Caddie’s Long Walk(PG) (Jason Baff a, 2019, US) 80 mins Doc about the ups and downs of a golfer’s sideman, narrated by former “looper” Bill Murray. Out on Tue. AP

Gwen(15) (William McGregor, 2018, UK) 82 mins Maxine Peake and Eleanor Worthington-Cox star in a 19th-century-set folk horror about a mother and daughter contending with sinister goings-on at their Welsh farm.

The Wedding Guest(15) (Michael Winterbottom, 2018, UK) 94 mins Slowburn thriller from The Trip director, with Dev Patel as a man travelling from the UK to Pakistan where he plans to kidnap a woman who has been forced into marriage.

Making Noise Quietly(15) (Dominic Dromgoole, 2019, UK) 95 mins Feature-fi lm debut from the distinguished theatre director, knitting together three separate stories that each refl ect on the trauma and lessons of war.

My Friend the Polish Girl(18) (Mateusz Dymek, Ewa Banaszkiewicz, 2018, UK) 87 mins Faux-doc about a London-based fi lm-maker working on a project about migrants; she meets the eponymous Polish girl who turns out to be more complex than she appears.

Coming soonOut from FridayLatin gore: it’s Horrible Histories: The Movie – Rotten Romans ... Cohen’s crush: Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love ...

In two weeksThe Rock and the Stath team up in Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw (out 1 Aug) ... Bad Piggies want revenge in The Angry Birds Movie 2 …

In three weeksA Springsteen fan is Blinded By the Light ... Tarantino revisits 1969 in Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood (out 14 Aug) ...

In a monthKristen Stewart is mysterious writer JT LeRoy ... Teen comedy Good Boys …

5 of the


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 21The Guide


The take

From being kicked about to kicking Hollywood ass: how two stuntmen took the action movie by the scruff of its neck


and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, they realised they had everything they needed to make movies by themselves. So did Reeves, who asked them to direct the fi rst John Wick in 2014. Detractors might sneer that the movie was basically one giant action sequence with a few dialogue breaks, but Stahelski and Leitch knew how to make that work, tempering the machismo with Reeves’s inherent soulfulness, and providing the slick, inventive, mordantly violent thrills that audiences crave. Stahelski went on to direct the Wick sequels while Leitch has directed Charlize Theron’s Atomic Blonde, Deadpool 2, and now the Fast & Furious spin-off Hobbs & Shaw, with Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham .

Stunt performers often take pride in their unsung heroism but certain insiders have always recognised their value. No surprises that Quentin Tarantino is a stunt afi cionado. His forthcoming Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood hinges on the co-dependent dynamic between a washed-up TV cowboy, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, and his laid back stunt double-cum-chauff eur, Brad Pitt. Pitt has regularly required stunt doubles, specifi cally for Mr & Mrs Smith where his tricky action work was performed by David Leitch.

Rumour has it that Tarantino based DiCaprio and Pitt’s characters on Burt Reynolds and his long-time stunt double Hal Needham. The two were so close that Needham lived on Reynolds’s property for nearly 12 years, then directed him in action movies including The Cannonball Run and Hooper (about a Hollywood stuntman). Tarantino gave a speech when Needham became the second stunt person ever to receive an honorary Academy Award in 2012. It could be a while before Stahelski and Leitch reach such heights but things are heading in the right direction: Stahelski’s next gig is a reboot of Highlander; Leitch just signed a “fi rst-look” deal with Universal. If anyone has paid their action movie dues, it is surely them. Steve Rose

Fists among:

equals: John

Wick et al













is a rebootlook” deaaction m




To state the obvious: one essential ingredient for a good action movie is … good action. And in an age whe n any old slob can be made to look like a superhero with a bit of green screen and CGI, unadulterated old-school stunts such as fi st fi ghts and car chases are in high demand. So who are you gonna call? Increasingly, the answer seems to be Leitch and Stahelski.

Far from household names, David Leitch and Chad Stahelski are very well known in Hollywood. Both from martial arts backgrounds, they went into movie stunts, establishing their own company, 87eleven, in 1997. They are the people who design the stunt sequences, provide the personnel and train the actors – from Scarlett Johansson to Keanu Reeves – the latter of whom Stahelski stunt-doubled for in the Matrix movies.

After doing second-unit directing on movies such as Captain America: Civil War

21The GuideThe Guide

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 23The Guide

GossipManchester Academy Sat; Somerset House, WC2 Sun

Reuniting after a seven-year hiatus, Beth Ditto plus two, AKA Gossip, are in the UK to celebrate 10 years since the release of their 2009 album, Music for Men. That’s right, not 2006’s actual breakthrough, Standing in the Way of Control, but its follow-up featuring the UK No 37 smash Heavy Cross. Still, Ditto is a tour de force in a live scenario, so expect a dance and a lol or two.

Gus DappertonManchester Academy 2, Tue; Heaven, WC2, Wed With his constantly changing hairstyle – blond boyband curtains one minute, lime-green bowlcut the next – New York’s Gus Dapperton casts a unique fi gure in the increasingly infl uential sub-genre of lo-fi pop. And his recent debut album Where Polly People Go to Read, all gauzy, Instagram-fi ltered nostalgia, feels like the perfect 2019 soundtrack.

5 of the best





019019 TheThe

Quality control For Music for Men’s follow-up, A Joyful

Noise, Beth etc worked with Xenomania, the pop hit factory more used to collaborating

with Girls Aloud.

lime green bowlcuthe next – New YoGus Dapperton caa unique fi gure inincreasingly infl uesub-genre of lo-fi pAnd his recent debalbum Where PollPeople Go to Readall gauzy, Instagrafi ltered nostalgia, like the perfect 20soundtrack.

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 25The Guide


Y Not? festivalPikehall, nr Matlock, Thu to 28 JulStart ing as a house party in 2005, Y Not? has since blossomed into the Peak District’s premier indie disco. Having previously hosted the likes of the Libertines and Razorlight, this year’s guitar-wielding heroes include crumpled sadsacks Elbow, pocket-sized agit-rockers Foals (pictured) and, well, Two Door Cinema Club. If you need a break from guitars, Jax Jones, Mahalia and Wretch 32 will also be on hand.

Liv DawsonMoth Club, E9, TueOver the last three years, London-based singer-songwriter Dawson (pictured, below) has steadily moved from the tactile if slightly bland Jessie Ware-isms of her debut single, Tapestry, to a more pop-leaning sound, as epitomised by her current single, the gloriously sweary Pushing 21. Both songs showcase a gorgeous voice, mind. Michael Cragg

Moon HoochThe Fleece, Bristol, Sun; Band on the Wall, Manchester, Tue; Brudenell Social Club, Leeds, Wed; The Haunt, Brighton, Thu; Womad, Malmesbury, Fri; touring to 28 Jul When NPR Music’s Tiny Desk web-concert series ran a gig by Moon Hooch, the Brooklyn trio’s brew of blasting sax hooks, free-jazz improv, electronic techno thunder and dancefl oor drive brought 3m YouTube views. Hornmen Mike Wilbur and Wenzl McGowen and drummer James Muschler relight the fuse on this tour. John Fordham

This week’s tracksMark Beaumont

Charli XCX ft Christine and the Queens GoneThe mark of quality pop music in 2019 is how thoroughly you can fuck the whole thing up at the end, like a novel with the last chapter printed upside down in Polish. Case in point: bar the casual swearing, you would barely notice this formulaic glitch in the 80s simulation down Yates’s on a Friday until it starts burping, crackling and atomically splitting apart in the last minute. Let’s call it pop musick.

The Wedding Present Jump In, the Water’s FineFucking up pop tunes? Take a lesson from the grandmaster. David Gedge has been smothering the most magnifi cent melodies known to Yorkshireman in guitars the density and velocity of space junk for more than 30 years, and this sublime grunge waltz is crying out for you to rediscover them. Or you could just stick with Blossoms. Your loss.

Oscar Scheller ft Lily Allen 1%Back in 2015 when he was just Oscar and a bedroom laptop troubadour, Scheller dreamed of collaborating with Rihanna. Today, he’s one seventy-eighth of the way there, duetting with Lily Allen on this ode to a burgeoning text romance complicated by the pitiful battery capacity of an iPhone 6. Unfortunately, Allen brought her cheesy reggae pop vibe along from 2006, making the whole thing sound a bit Nokia 3310. Factory settings please, Oscar.

Joywave Like a KennedyWhen all those sociopaths told us how brilliant the whole fascism revival thing would be for music, this is what they meant. Over the sort of piano refrain you usually fi nd accompanying a conscious uncoupling rather than short-sighted nuclear brinksmanship, Daniel Armbruster encapsulates

our global state of comatose terror: “Are they gonna bomb us all? Do you think

they’ll build the wall?” he deadpans in an AI falsetto as blasts of irradiated space noise build to a barrage.

Beyoncé SpiritIf internet racists can’t handle a black Little Mermaid, imagine the uproar when they hear there’s now a black, female Elton John. For it falls to Beyoncé to deliver the showstopper from what looks like David Attenborough’s remake of The Lion King. Thankfully, she has dragged the whole project up by its hakuna-matata with broad bursts of savannah nobility and a chorus that captures the sound of Africa as authentically  as Boyzone’s A Diff erent Beat.

Best track

5 of the best


27The Guide


The take

IIt has been three long years since Rihanna last released an album but, in that time, she has become even harder to avoid. Which is saying something when you consider that, between 2005 and 2012, she released an album a year and alternated her own singles with David Guetta features on a fortnightly basis. Whether she is starring in fi lms (Ocean’s 8), launching fashion brands (Fenty Beauty and Fenty) or swerving unwanted male attention (Drake), Rihanna is now so culturally important that there should be a museum dedicated to her.

If the prime minister of Barbados, Mia Amor Mottley, gets her way there will be. During a recent trip to London, Mottley suggested talks were under way with Rihanna’s people for a permanent tribute to the Shut Up and Drive hitmaker.

So what could fi ll the vast halls of Barbados’s very own Tate Modern, AKA A Girl Like Me: Loud

and Unapologetic: the Museum of Rihanna? Well, there’d be a Shade Room in which her classic tweet to Ciara from 2011 – “Good luck with bookin that stage u speak of” – is blown up and hung in a gold frame. Space will also be made for a tapestry of her damning review of Major Lazer & DJ Snake’s Lean On: “This sounds like a reggae song at an airport”. In the corner could be a looped video installation of her giggling at Ariana Grande’s dancing at the iHeartRadio awards in 2014; that gif of her nonchalantly winding the car window up; and the many, many times she swigged from a diamond-encrusted fl ask at the 2017 Grammys. Branching off that main room should be a separate piece of video art showing the various times she has tried, and failed, to wink.

From there, on a plinth, we would have the actual butt of the joint she rolled while sitting on the shoulders of her security guard at Coachella, the detritus resting on his bald head like confetti. Next to that, we will need that heart-shaped red cape she wore in 2016, and opposite that a more modern, searingly political rendering of that time she wore a shirt of herself wearing a Hillary Clinton shirt . Obviously, there needs to be a room – let’s call it Cheers (Drink to That) – full of the many dirty wine glasses she has taken out of restaurants and bars, perhaps next to a vast cabinet displaying her various Crop Over festival looks. If Tracey Emin is free, it might be nice to get her to update My Bed in honour of Rihanna’s ballad California King Bed, complete with “a little last night on these sheets”.

Of course, it will need music – one room dedicated to Work, another playing the We Found Love video on a loop – but perhaps the best bit, as with all museums, will be the gift shop. Rihanna umbrellas, Bitch Better Have My Money purses, What’s My Name? ID cards: it will all be there. The aim should be to have it ready for the new album, so probably 2022. Michael Cragg














The Guardian 20-26 July 2019

The PM of Barbados is planning to open a Rihanna museum. Bring on the framed tweets and hall full of dirty wine glasses

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian28 The Guide

MusicBooking nowLoyle CarnerThe enjoyably earnest rapper has announced a tour culminating in his biggest headline show yet at London’s Alexandra Palace. 29 Oct to 15 Nov; tour starts Dublin

Kevin MorbyThe US singer-songwriter brings his spare musings to the UK for some lo-fi fun. 11 to 14 Nov; tour starts Hove

Scouting for GirlsYes, Scouting for Girls are still going and yes, they have a new album out – and yes, they’ve managed to book quite a vast tour. 6 Nov to 17 Dec; tour starts Galashiels


AlhambraRoyal Albert Hall, SW7 Wed

If the fi rst full week of this year’s Proms generally sets the rather unadventurous tone of most of what is to follow, it does contain one signifi cant UK premiere, a concerto composed for Isabelle Faust (pictured), one of the fi nest violinists in the world . With the composer Péter Eötvös conducting, Alhambra arrives in London just two weeks after its world premiere in Granada. It was inspired by that city’s magical Moorish palace, even deriv ing the main theme from a musical spelling of its name; Eötvös describes the concerto as “like a walk in the mysterious building of Alhambra”.

Il Segreto Di Susanna & IolantaOpera Holland Park, W8, Mon to 3 AugThe double bill in Opera Holland Park’s season is an intriguing one. Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari’s frothy intermezzo, about a nobleman who suspects his spouse of having a lover, is paired with Tchaikovsky’s fi nal opera . Clare Presland and Richard Burkhard are Wolf-Ferrari’s husband and wife, in a staging directed by John Wilkie, while Natalya Romaniw is Tchaikovsky’s blind princess in Olivia Fuchs’s production.

Three Choirs festivalVarious venues, Gloucestershire, Fri to 3 AugAlongside a nod towards Berlioz on the 150th anniversary of his death with a performance of The Damnation of Faust, the programme for this year’s Three Choirs festival is the familiar mix of old and new. The choice of newer works is distinctly conservative as usual, while the choral staples include Verdi’s Requiem and Rachmaninov’s Vespers . There is a revival too for a 2010 Three Choirs commission, An English Requiem by John Joubert .Andrew Clements

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 29The Guide

Uncle VanyaTheatre Royal, Bath To 3 Aug

This is Rupert Everett’s fi rst directing gig, but he is joining forces with playwright David Hare so he’s in safe hands. Here’s hoping that Hare’s adaptation breathes new life into Chekhov’s stinging domestic drama set in the Russian countryside. Everett also stars in the production and will perform alongside Katherine Parkinson, who so impressed in Home, I’m Darling, and Clémence Poésy.

From Russia with loveEverett spent

almost two years in the early 90s in the south-west USSR,

shooting Sergei Bondarchuk’s miniseries

And Quiet Flows the Don, a trip that piqued his interest in Chekhov.


Blues in the NightKiln Theatre, NW6, to 7 SepThis production fi rst played at the Hackney Empire in 2014 to sparkling reviews. Most of the original cast members remain on board, including the phenomenal Sharon D Clarke and inimitable Clive Rowe. The show is set in Chicago in 1939 and features nearly 30 blues hits with songs from Bessie Smith, Duke Ellington and Johnny Mercer.

5 of the best








This productioplayed at the HEmpire in 2014sparkling revieMost of the orcast memberson board, incluphenomenal SClarke and iniClive Rowe. This set in Chicag1939 and featunearly 30 bluewith songs froSmith, Duke Eand Johnny M

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian30 The Guide

Jean Paul Gaultier: Fashion Freak ShowQueen Elizabeth Hall, SE1, Tue to 2 AugHere’s a total one-off . Will this be a wonderfully extravagant spectacle or a slightly dubious vanity project? Centred on the French fashion designer himself, this is part revue and part catwalk show, with n ew designs debuting alongside iconic creations and actors, dancers and circus artists bringing the Gaultier brand bursting into life. The production has been created by actor, writer and director Tonie Marshall and choreographer Marion Motin.

Latitude festivalHenham Park, Blythburgh, Sat & SunThere is an eclectic theatrical lineup at this year’s Latitude, full of cheek and sparkle. Indie legend Frantic Assembly celebrates its 25th anniversary with a show created especially for the festival about our secret inner voices and aspirations. Shôn Dale-Jones should raise some gasps and giggles with his quirky Hoipolloi show The Ladder, and Yolanda Mercy’s new play, Cooking With Dad, is produced by new-writing whizzes HighTide Theatre.

Oklahoma!Chichester Festival Theatre, to 7 SepOh what a beautiful mooooornin! Rodgers and Hammerstein’s upbeat musical should warm the cockles and put a grin on your face. The play is full of barn storming songs, bronco-busters and randy ranchers, including handsome cowboy Curly McLain, who is forced to compete for the aff ections of spirited farm owner Laurey Williams. Jeremy Sams directs and Josie Lawrence stars. Miriam Gillinson

Galway international arts festivalVarious venues To 28 Jul

Highlights this year include Australian acrobats Gravity & Other Myths with Out of Chaos … (Tue to 27 Jul), a show that tackles the big stuff – birth, death, astrophysics – with some awesome circus skills. For homegrown talent, try ex-Riverdancer Breandán de Gallaí’s version of Oscar Wilde’s Salomé (Sat), a mix of dance and Irish-language text.


Scottish Ballet: Wee Hansel & GretelLerwick, Sat; Kirkwall, Tue & Wed; touring to 26 OctThere is sophisticated theatre out there for tiny dance fans, such as this off ering from Scottish Ballet, which has adapted its ballet Hansel & Gretel for ages three to eight. It is short and colourful, with dancing sweets and high production values.


5 of the best


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 31The Guide


Fall guys:

Gravity & Other Myths

in Out of Chaos …

‘I had a beehive and looked like a cross between a Beefeater and a Wotsit’

Funniest thingDiane Chorley

The funniest standup I’ve ever seen … John Kearns doing an unfi nished joke about hiding in a moon crater waiting for Richard Branson.

The funniest sketch I’ve ever seen … Róisín and Chiara with a mouth full of massive marshmallows speaking all posh and saying how Bath is a beautiful cathedral city.

The funniest book I’ve ever read … Ross Kemp on Gangs (hardback). I don’t know who did his research, but I don’t even get a mention.

The funniest TV show I’ve ever seen … Tash and Ellie’s new show on the BBC is so funny I forgave them for trying to steal my purse at a festival. The funniest meal I’ve ever eaten … I went to a pop-up artisan restaurant in Dagenham called Nappy Rash and they gave me a vanilla yoghurt in a Sudocre m pot .

The funniest person I know … Jack Rooke is a bloody good laugh, even though he keeps saying I’m his mum. The funniest item of clothing I’ve owned … Someone gave me an open-toe Ugg boot for Christmas last year.

The funniest hairstyle I’ve ever had … I had a beehive once. I looked like a cross between a Beefeater and a Wotsit.

The funniest dream I’ve ever had … I dream ed I was in that cartoon Garfi eld, but the cat had the face and singing voice of Mick Hucknall of Simply Red. Diane Chorley plays Assembly George Square Studios, Edinburgh, 1 to 25 Aug

Booking nowTheatreSingin’ in the RainSadler’s Wells, EC1, 24 Jul to 30 Aug 2020Gene Kelly’s performance in the MGM fi lm is hard to beat but Adam Cooper is going to give it a damn good go. Jonathan Church’s winning production returns to London for a limited run next year. MG

Dance Astana BalletRoyal Opera House: Linbury Theatre, WC2, 12 to 14 SepEver wondered what Kazakh dance looks like? Kazakhstan’s Astana Ballet makes its UK debut with a programme of contemporary and neoclassical ballet set to Édith Piaf and Astor Piazzolla, alongside folk dance . LW

ComedyCocoon Central Dance TeamSoho Theatre, W1, Mon to 3 Aug New Yorkers Sunita Mani, Tallie Medel and Eleanore Pienta bring their alt-comedy dance spectacular to London for the fi rst time in The Garden Party. Choreography, friendship and potentially a fi ght.Harriet Gibsone

Here Come the BoysBirmingham, Sat; Yeovil, Sun; Chatham, Tue; Bromley, Wed; Brighton, Thu & Fri; touring to 28 Jul Strictly faves Aljaž Škorjanec, Giovanni Pernice and Gorka Marquez star in a show that’s part dance, part chummy chat, all light entertainment. Beyond the bantz, though, these boys have solid dancing skills. Lyndsey Winship

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian32 The Guide

5 of the


Grayson PerryDovecot Studios, Edinburgh Thu to 2 Nov

The “average life” of a character called Julie Cope is told in tapestries – a series of works created for A House for Essex – in what is sure to be a hit of the Edinburgh art festival. Dovecot Studios is a centre for tapestry-making and this show reveals the craft in Perry’s art. Find out how he makes his cheeky hangings that stitch up modern Britain.

The Real: Three PropositionsWhite Cube Bermondsey, SE1, to 25 AugWhat is reality in art? This exhibition stars three painters who appear to depict things just as they are . German artists Konrad Klapheck and Peter Dreher recall the New Objectivity movement in 1920s Germany in their eye for everyday objects. Britain’s Des Lawrence (work pictured) shares their focus on the solid. Yet the things they show seem less substantial and more mysterious the longer you look.

RembrandtBritish Museum, WC1, to 4 AugThere is still a fortnight to catch this glancing glimpse of a limitless artist. Some anniversaries come and go but Rembrandt’s 350th has been a valuable chance to refl ect on the humanity, compassion and sensitivity of his art. He speaks to us of what it is to exist. His drawings are an infi nitely rewarding encounter with the people and places he saw, made utterly immediate by his precise yet expressive and generous line.

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 33The Guide

Anatomy of an artworkPeter Saville’s Blue MondayMake it new … Blue Monday in 1983 was the fi rst single to establish New Order as a force, after the death of Ian Curtis had ended the band’s previous incarnation as Joy Division. To match their new synth sound , Peter Saville created this groundbreaking sleeve.

Ex machina … With Joy Division, Saville had dashed album art rules, omitting the title from Unknown Pleasures and using classical imagery with Closer. For Blue Monday, he looked to machine-age aesthetics, anticipating computer-led design.

Ready to fl op … The occult black sun imprinted at its centre, attended by the dash and dot, is still recognisable as the long-obsolete fl oppy disk.

Writing code … The colour chart suggests new machine-led, colour-coded design. It’s literally coded, too. Saville placed a colour wheel on the back of the album Power, Corruption & Lies that helps reveal the song’s title.

Grand design … The sleeves reportedly cost so much to print that Factory Records lost money on the biggest-selling 12-inch ever. Skye SherwinIncluded in New Order: Art, Product, Image 1976-1995, Sprüth Magers, W1, Wed to 14 Sep

Booking nowMaurizio CattelanBlenheim Palace, Woodstock, 12 Sep to 27 OctWhat will art’s great trickster Maurizio Cattelan make of Blenheim ’s corridors of power? O ne highlight will be his solid gold, fully functioning toilet, America. Neatly c olliding social inequality and our shared bodily bond, it’s to be installed near Churchill’s bedroom where visitors are welcome to use it. SS

Last Supper in PompeiiAshmolean Museum, Oxford, Thu to 12 JanIf you think life in the age of Trump is bad, spare a thought for the people of ancient Pompeii, whose city was consumed by a pyroclastic fl ow from Vesuvius in AD79. The tragedy preserved the city so well that carbonised food from banqueting tables survived. It can be seen (but not tasted) in this survey of eating and drinking on the eve of destruction. Jonathan Jones

Potty history:



Stories for an Uncertain WorldVarious venues, Edinburgh, Thu to 25 AugAlfredo Jaar (work pictured) quotes Samuel Beckett in his neon sign I Can’t Go On, I’ll Go On , a comment on today’s unease. Nathan Coley shows political wallpaper in the former home of the Scottish parliament. These are just two of this year’s art festival commissions attempting to address the way we live now.

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The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 35The Guide





Orange Is the New BlackFrom Friday, Netfl ix

Seven seasons on from the groundbreaking debut of Jenji Kohan’s women’s prison drama, the gates of Litchfi eld Penitentiary are being shut. OITNB might not be quite the bracing proposition it was in its early years, but it remains admirably diverse and deeply watchable. Kohan has said the show will “end on a high” as Piper adapts to life on the outside.

Previews by Mike Bradley (MB), Ali Catterall (AJC), Hannah J Davies (HJD), Phil Harrison (PH), Ellen E Jones (EEJ), Gwilym Mumford (GM), Jack Seale (JS), Hannah Verdier (HV), Graeme Virtue (GV) Film all reviews by Paul Howlett

Keeping FaithTuesday, 9pm, BBC OneAn unlikely streaming hit when it launched in 2017, the Welsh thriller returns for a second run. Again its central mystery looms large, with Eve Myles’s crusading lawyer trying to deduce the truth behind her husband’s strange disappearance, all while taking on a new murder case.


the best TV& radio




20-26 July 2019 The Guardian36 The Guide

The BoysFrom Friday, Amazon Prime Video

After turning Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon’s Preacher graphic novels into pulpy televised fun, Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg look to repeat the trick with another of Ennis’s outre eff orts. The Boys follows a clandestine CIA group tasked with reining in a corrupt group of superheroes through any force necessary. Gleefully gratuitous, slyly funny.The Great Hack

From Wed, Netfl ixAnyone who has followed Observer reporter Carole Cadwalladr’s work on Cambridge Analytica will be aware of the magnitude of the scandal stirred by the data-mining fi rm: 87m Facebook accounts harvested without authorisation and used to create voter insight for the Brexit and Trump campaigns. This documentary, which features testimony from Cadwalladr as well as other experts, recalls the story in deep detail.

MuzlamicFrom Mon, BBC ThreeThe awkward, white male experience at the centre of many British sketch shows is turned on its head by BBC Three’s latest. A show to make you snort-laugh on the sofa, it sees writer-performers Ali Shahalom and Aatif Na create characters that deftly explore the British Muslim experience.

Spectacular FailuresPodcast As those familiar with the name Gerald Ratner know, there are few things more absorbing than a big business disaster. This eff ort from American Public Media explores a few in absorbing detail: from Kodak’s doomed move into digital fi lm to the fatal watering down of Schlitz beer.

37The Guide

A Kind of LovingSaturday, 11.35pm, Talking Pictures TVJohn Schlesinger’s debut is a fi ne northern drama adapted from Stan Barstow’s bestseller. Alan Bates is draughtsman Vic Brown, whose dreams of the bright lights are scuppered when his girlfriend Ingrid (June Ritchie) becomes pregnant. Keith Waterhouse and Willis Hall supply the earthy dialogue in a complex new wave tale of 1960s love, sex and misogyny.



The Tez O’Clock ShowThursday, 11pm, Channel 4Blackburn-born British-Asian comic Tez Ilyas has already shown an ability to tackle heavy, state-of-the-nation subject matter in a cheeky, energised style, so this topical comedy gig should be a good fi t for him. Guz Khan and Sindhu Vee are among the comics joining him for subversive sketches and in-studio mischief.

I Am NicolaTuesday, 10pm, Channel 4Vicky McClure swaps the interview rooms of Line of Duty for kitchen-sink drama, starring in the fi rst part of this improvised, female-fronted anthology series. She plays a hairdresser stuck in a dour, toxic relationship. Nuanced and tender, it is followed in subsequent weeks by fi lms starring Gemma Chan and Samantha Morton.

Inside the Bruderhof Thursday, 10.35pm, BBC One

In a quiet corner of Sussex lives a Christian community eschewing technology and even cash in favour of a back-to-basics idea of society. This BBC documentary is granted uncommonly extensive access to the group and follows three of its members, one of whom is beginning to doubt whether the self-suffi cient existence is really for her.

or subversive sketcheand in-studio mischief

hes f.




; B




20-26 July 2019 The Guardian38 The Guide

Saturday20 July

BBC One BBC Two ITV6.35 All Over the Place: UK (T)

(R) 7.05 The Dog Ate My Homework (T) (R) 7.35 The Dengineers (T) (R) 8.05 Mustangs FC (T) (R) 8.30 CBeebies Stargazing: Mission Moon (T) (R) 8.50 � Strange Magic (2015) (T) 10.20 Monkey Planet (T) (R) 11.20 � Mr Peabody & Sherman (2014) (T) 12.45 My Life on a Plate (T) (R) 1.30 Wonders of the Moon (T) (R) 2.30 Netball World Cup 2019 (T) 5.0 The Super Squirrels (T) (R) 6.0 RHS Tatton Flower Show 2019 (T) 7.0 All-Star Netball for Sport Relief (T)

6.0 Breakfast (T) 10.0 Saturday Kitchen Live (T) 11.30 Nadiya’s Time to Eat (T) (R) 12.0 Homes Under the Hammer (T) (R) 1.0 BBC News (T) 1.10 Weather (T) 1.15 Athletics: London Anniversary Games (T) 4.30 The Repair Shop (T) (R) 5.0 � Zootropolis (Byron Howard, Jared Bush, Rich Moore, 2016) (T) 6.40 BBC News (T) 6.50 BBC Regional News; Weather (T) 6.53 Weather (T) 6.55 Who Dares Wins (T) 7.40 Pointless Celebrities (T) (R)

8.0 Golf: The Open Championship Highlights 2019 (T) Eilidh Barbour presents action from the third day of the prestigious event at Royal Portrush in Northern Ireland, where Francesco Molinari entered as the reigning champion.

8.30 Casualty (T) Duff y proves her worth, but gets caught up in Connie’s mistake.

9.20 Killing Eve (T) Villanelle dives deep into the dangerous world of her target under the guise of her newfound persona, Billie. Meanwhile, Eve may have competition for Villanelle’s aff ections.

10.04 Local News/Weather (T)10.05 � The World Is Not

Enough (Michael Apted, 1999) (T) Spy adventure, with Pierce Brosnan.

12.20 Tour De France Highlights 1.10 5 Gold Rings (T) (R) 2.0 500 Questions (T) (R) 2.50 Teleshopping (R) 3.20 The Wonder of Britain (T) (R) 4.10 ITV Nightscreen

8.0 The Voice Kids (T) Emma Willis hosts the semi-fi nal of the junior talent contest, as, Danny Jones, Pixie Lott and Jessie J give the 12 remaining acts a chance at stardom.

9.45 ITV News and Weather (T)

6.0 CITV 8.25 ITV News (T) 8.30 The Sara Cox Show (T) 9.25 James Martin’s Saturday Morning (T) 11.35 John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen (T) (R) 12.35 Save Money: Good Diet (T) (R) 1.0 Britain’s Best Walks With Julia Bradbury (T) (R) 1.30 News (T) 1.39 Local News/Weather (T) 1.40 Midsomer Murders (T) (R) 3.35 Tenable (T) (R) 4.35 Tipping Point (T) (R) 5.35 The Chase (T) (R) 6.25 ITV News and Weather (T) 6.35 Local News (T) 6.45 Harry Hill’s Alien Fun Capsule (T) 7.15 Catchphrase (T)

10.0 Atlanta: Robbin’ Season (T) 10.25 Atlanta: Robbin’ Season (T) 10.50 � The Big Short (Adam

McKay, 2015) (T) Fact-based drama, with Christian Bale and Steve Carell.

12.55 � Red Tails (Anthony Hemingway, 2012) (T) Second world war drama, starring Terrence Howard. 2.50 This Is BBC Two (T)

10.0 BBC News (T)10.15 Weather (T) Lottery Update10.20 � Philomena (Stephen

Frears, 2013) (T) Fact-based drama, with Judi Dench and Steve Coogan.

11.55 � The Other Man (Richard Eyre, 2008) (T) Drama, with Liam Neeson and Antonio Banderas.

1.15 Weather (T) 1.20 News (T)

Pick of the Day All-Star Netball for Sport Relief 7pm, BBC TwoYou don’t have to be World Cup standard to love netball. You don’t even have to be able to execute a basic chest pass, as celebrities including Sally Phillips and Love Island’s Montana Brown prove. Several haven’t stepped on a court since school, but once a goal defence, always a goal defence. Team captain Jennifer Saunders (big GD energy) has dubbed it “hen party” style and that sums up the mood. Strictly’s Oti Mabuse captains the other team, while Clare Balding presents. EEJ

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 39The Guide


Channel 4 Channel 5 BBC Four

11.50 � Ride Along (Tim Story, 2014) (T) A cop takes his sister’s boyfriend with him on duty. Comedy, starring Ice Cube and Kevin Hart.

1.40 The Lateish Show With Mo Gilligan (T) (R) 2.35 Hollyoaks (T) (R) 4.40 Extreme Cake Makers (T) (R) 5.05 The £100k Drop (T) (R)

8.0 Moon Landing Live (T) The fi nal stages of the Apollo 11 mission, following in real time the recordings of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.

9.30 � T2: Trainspotting (Danny Boyle, 2017) (T) Renton returns to his roots, hoping to make peace with the friends he betrayed. Drama sequel, starring Ewan McGregor.

6.0 The King of Queens (T) (R) 6.55 Frasier (T) (R) 7.40 The Big Bang Theory (T) (R) 8.55 Young Sheldon (T) (R) 9.50 The Simpsons (T) (R) 111.10 Couples Come Dine With Me (T) (R) 12.10 Four in a Bed (T) (R)2.45 W Series Motor Racing (T) 4.0 A Place in the Sun (T) (R) 4.35 Location, Location, Location (T) (R) 5.35 Portrait Artist of the Year 2019 (T) 6.30 Channel 4 News (T) 6.55 Moon Landing Live (T) 7.0 London’s Great Bridges: Lighting the Thames (T)

11.25 Meghan & the Markles: A Family at War (T) (R)

12.25 Naughty!: The Life and Loves of Boris (T) (R) 1.15 The Live Casino Show (T) 3.15 Stalked: Murder in Slow Motion (T) (R) 4.0 Gypsy Kids: Our Secret World (T) (R) 4.45 House Doctor (T) (R) 5.10 House Doctor (T) (R)

8.0 The Thames: The Lifeblood of London With Tony Robinson (T) The actor boards an industrial working ship.

9.55 The World’s Most Shocking Ads With Shane Ritchie (T) Part one of two. The actor showcases some of the most memorable adverts from around the world.

6.0 Milkshake! 10.0 Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (T) (R) 10.20 Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (T) (R) 10.30 Access (T) 10.35 The Wonderful World of Chocolate (T) (R) 11.30 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords (T) (R) 12.30 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords (T) (R) 1.30 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords (T) (R) 2.30 Trawlermen: Celebs at Sea (T) 6.05 Deep-Sea Super Predator (T) (R) 7.0 Cricket on 5 (T) 7.55 5 News Weekend (T)

10.50 Top of the Pops: 1988 (T) Including performances by Bros, Heart, Erasure, Sinitta, Simon Harris, A-ha, Simon Harris, Wet Wet Wet.

11.50 Sinatra: All Or Nothing at All (T) Documentary about the famed singer.

12.50 Peaky Blinders (T) 1.50 Peaky Blinders (T) 2.50 Peaky Blinders (T)

8.0 The Sky at Night: The Moon, the Mission and the BBC (T) How the BBC reported the Apollo 11 mission in 1969.

9.0 Inspector Montalbano A shop is burned down, but its owner seems to have disappeared into thin air. Montalbano also investigates reports of strange kidnappings.

7.0 Neil Armstrong: First Man on the Moon (T) A profi le of the commander of the historic Apollo 11 lunar mission.

Moon Landing Live 8pm, Channel 4Exactly 50 years to the day since Apollo 11 astronauts made the fi rst moon landing, an edited version of events allows us to relive the tense fi nal stages of the mission as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin negotiate the descent to the moon’s surface, call President Nixon and embark on a perilous journey home. MB

Korn: Loud Krazy Love 9pm, Sky ArtsA revealing fi lm about the life of Brian “Head” Welch, guitarist with Californian nu-metal outfi t Korn . He left the band in 2005, vowing to kick his meth habit, got clean and rejoined in 2013. A new Korn album, The Nothing, which he describes as “guitar-heavy and energetic”, is due out in September. MB

The World’s Most Shocking Ads With Shane Ritchie 9.55pm, Channel 5The aff able Ritchie is your host for this rundown of ad-land’s most memorable moments. Expect to see skydiving cats fl ogging insurance, pensioners on the rampage and, of course, unicorns in the bathroom. Will Ritchie pull out his old Daz ad while he’s at it? HV

London’s Great Bridges: Lighting the Thames 7pm, Channel 4The fi nal episode follows preparations for the big switch-on, when 69,000 lights will illuminate four of central London’s bridges. However, trouble arises when the Millennium Bridge proves to be a tricky canvas for what is destined to become the world’s longest piece of public art. MB

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian40 The Guide

SaturdayAtlanta: Robbin’ Season 10pm, BBC TwoDonald Glover’s subtle, unsettling comedy-drama continues with another well-observed meditation on power dynamics. Earn’s disastrous night out with Van, where he encounters racist micro-aggressions at every turn, is mirrored by Paper Boi’s uneasy experience with a hapless white recording engineer. PH

First Man 12noon, 8pm, Sky Cinema PremiereFifty years after that giant leap for mankind, a timely showing for director Damien Chazelle’s biopic of Neil Armstrong. Ryan Gosling plays the restrained astronaut, propelled to the farthest reaches of human ingenuity partly, it seems, by the grief of his two-year-old daughter’s death. PJH

Other channelsBBC Scotland12.45pm My Life on a Plate 1.30 Wonders of the Moon 2.30 Netball World Cup 2019 5.0 The Super Squirrels 6.0 RHS Tatton Flower Show 2019 7.0 The Seven 7.15 Seven Days 8.0 This Farming Life 9.0 Takin’ Over the Asylum 9.50 The Defi ant Ones 10.30 Lewis Capaldi at the Quay Sessions 11.0 Coming Oot! The Fabulous History of Gay Scotland

Dave7.10 The Hurting: Even Hurtier 8.0 Storage Hunters UK 8.30 Storage Hunters UK 9.0 American Pickers 10.0 American Pickers 11.0 American Pickers 12.0 Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge 1.0 Top Gear 2.0 Top Gear 3.0 Last Stop Garage 3.30 Last Stop Garage 4.0 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 5.0 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 6.0 Would I Lie to You? 6.40 Red Dwarf 7.20 Red Dwarf 8.0 Taskmaster 9.0 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 10.0 Sliced 10.40 Sliced 11.20 Sliced 12.0 Dave Gorman: Modern Life Is Goodish 1.0 Taskmaster 2.10 Dave Gorman: Modern Life Is Goodish 3.0 Dara O Briain’s Go 8 Bit

E46.0am The Crystal Maze 6.55 How I Met Your Mother 7.25 Speechless 10.0 � Muppet Treasure Island (1996) 12.0 The Goldbergs 12.30 The Goldbergs 1.0 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.30 The Big Bang Theory 9.0 � Let’s Be Cops (2014) 11.05 Gogglebox 12.10 Gogglebox 1.15 First Dates

2.20 First Dates 3.15 Gogglebox 4.10 Rules of Engagement

Film411.0am � Stuart Little (1999) 12.40 � Flash Gordon (1980) 2.55 � How to Train Your Dragon (2010) 4.50 � Big Eyes (2014) 6.55 � Men in Black 3 (2012) 9.0 � The Martian (2015) 11.45 � Commando (1985) 1.35 � Devil’s Due (2014)

ITV26.0am Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 6.10 Emmerdale 9.20 Coronation Street 12.20 Celebrity Catchphrase 1.20 Take Me Out Celebrity Special 2.25 Ninja Warrior UK 3.15 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 4.45 � Dr Seuss’ the Lorax (2012) 6.25 � The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) 9.0 Love Island: Unseen Bits 10.05 Shopping With Keith Lemon 10.35 Family Guy 11.05 Family Guy 11.35 Family Guy 12.05 American Dad! 12.30 American Dad! 12.55 Iain Stirling’s CelebAbility 1.45 Hey Tracey! 2.25 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

More48.55am Food Unwrapped 9.30 A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun 12.35 Location, Location, Location 1.35 Building the Dream 2.45 Four in a Bed 5.20 Come Dine With Me .0 Scotstar: Flying Doctors 9.0 24 Hours in A&E 10.0 24 Hours in A&E 11.05 It Was Alright in the 1960s 12.05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 2.05 � Comanche Station (1960)

S4C Digital6.0am Cyw 11.30 Trysorau’r Teulu 12.30 Ffermio 1.0 Bois Y Pizza 1.30 Garddio a Mwy 2.0 Seiclo: Le Tour De France 4.10 Dros Gymru: Ann Fychan, Powys a Chanolbarth Cymru 4.20 Adre: Bethan Gwanas 4.50 Cynefi n 5.50 ’Sgota Gyda Julian Lewis Jones 6.20 Newyddion a Chwaraeon 6.30 Pobl a’u Gerddi 7.0 Sion a Sian 7.30 Codi Hwyl: Llydaw 8.0 Eisteddfod Llangollen 2019 9.0 Oci Oci Oci 10.0 Seiclo: Le Tour De France 10.30 Elis James: ’Nabod Y Teip 11.0 Hansh 11.30 Nigel Owens: Wyt Ti’n Gem?

Sky One6.0am Modern Family 6.30 Modern Family 7.0 Modern Family 7.30 Modern Family 8.0 Modern Family 8.30 Modern Family 9.0 Whyte Meets Bruno 9.30 PL Best Goals 01/02 10.30 PL Best Goals 02/03 11.30 Micro Monsters With David Attenborough 12.0 Micro Monsters With David Attenborough 12.30 Micro Monsters With David Attenborough 1.0 Micro Monsters With David Attenborough 1.30 Micro Monsters With David Attenborough 2.0 Micro Monsters With David Attenborough 2.30 Micro Monsters With David Attenborough 3.30 The Simpsons 4.0 The Simpsons 4.30 The Simpsons 5.0 The Simpsons 5.30 The Simpsons 6.0 The Simpsons 6.30 � Superman III (1983) 9.0 An Idiot Abroad 10.0 Agatha Raisin 11.0 Agatha Raisin 12.0 Warrior 1.0 Road Wars 2.0 Road Wars 3.0 Road Wars 4.0 Motorway Patrol 4.30 Motorway

Film Choice

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 41The Guide


Golf: The Open 9am, Sky Sports GolfDay three action from Royal Portrush in Northern Ireland.

Athletics: London Anniversary Games 1.15pm, BBC OneThe London Stadium hosts day one of the Diamond League meet.

World Matchplay Darts 9pm, Sky Sports ActionThe competition, won last year by Gary Anderson, gets under way.

Sport Pick of the Day Brian May’s 1969 9pm, Radio 21969 was to prove a hugely signifi cant 12 months in the life of future Queen guitarist Brian May . While the Apollo 11 moon landings inspired his fascination in astrophysics, he would also form a new band (then called Smile), with his friends Roger Taylor and Tim Staff ell. In this lovely little hour of radio, he presents a personal overview of the year’s greatest hits, featuring the likes of the Who, John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, David Bowie – and even a pre-Freddie Mercury track from Smile called Earth. AJC

Patrol 5.0 Motorway Patrol 5.30 Motorway Patrol

Sky Arts6.0am Darbar Festival 2016 7.0 Sons of Vienna 7.30 I Am La Scala 8.30 Tales of the Unexpected 9.0 Tales of the Unexpected 9.30 Tales of the Unexpected 10.0 Tales of the Unexpected 10.30 Tales of the Unexpected 11.0 Discovering: Robert Taylor 12.0 Discovering: Montgomery Clift 1.0 Discovering: Warren Beatty 2.0 Discovering: Jack Palance 3.0 Discovering: George C Scott 4.0 Classic Albums 5.0 Classic Albums 6.0 Soundtracks: Songs That Defi ned History 6.50 Lenny Kravitz: Just Let Go – Live 9.0 Korn: Loud Krazy Love 10.55 Black Sabbath: The End 1.10 Rush: Time Machine – Live in Cleveland 4.15 Clint Eastwood: A Life in Film

Sky Atlantic6.0am Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets 7.0 Urban Secrets 8.0 David Attenborough’s Conquest of the Skies 9.0 David Attenborough’s Conquest of the Skies 10.0 David Attenborough’s Conquest of the Skies 11.0 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12.0 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1.0 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 2.0 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 3.0 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 4.0 Without a Trace 5.0 Without a Trace 6.0 Without a Trace 7.0 Without a Trace 8.0 Without a Trace 9.0 Olive Kitteridge 11.10 Show Me a Hero 12.25 Six Feet Under 1.30 Six Feet Under 2.35 Girls 3.15 Girls 3.50 Life Itself: Special 4.05 Fish Town

Radio 390.2-92.4 MHz7.0 Breakfast 9.0 News 9.02 Summer Record Review 11.45 New Generation Artists 12.30 This Classical Life. With composer Segun Akinola. 1.0 News 1.02 Inside Music. With counter-tenor Anthony Roth Costanzo. 3.0 Sound of Cinema. The music of movies set in the 1950s. 4.0 Jazz Record Requests 5.0 J To Z. A chat with Randy Brecker. 6.30 New Generation Artists 7.30 BBC Proms 2019: Prom 2. Bamberg Symphony Orchestra play Dvořák and Smetana. 10.15 New Music Show 12.0 Geoff rey Smith’s Jazz. Tracks by the 1950s Miles Davis Quintet. 1.0 Through the Night

Radio 492.4-94.6 MHz; 198kHz6.0 News and Papers 6.07 Open Country (R) 6.30 Farming Today This Week 6.57 Weather 7.0 Today 8.51 (LW) Yesterday in Parliament 9.0 Saturday Live 10.0 The Infi nite Moonkey Cage. Brian Cox and Robin Ince mark the 50th anniversary of the fi rst moon landing. 10.30 (LW) Test Match Special: 2019 Women’s Ashes Test – Day Three 11.0 (FM) Week in Westminster 11.30 (FM) From Our Own Correspondent 12.0 (FM) News 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 (LW) TMS 12.04 (FM) Money Box 12.30 (FM) Lobby Land (R) 12.57 (FM) Weather 1.0 (FM) News 1.10 (FM) Any Questions? (R) 2.0 (FM) Any Answers? 2.30 (FM) Black Water: An American Story. By Joyce Carol Oates. 3.30 (FM) The Dying of the Ice: Frozen Music

(R) 4.0 (FM) Weekend Woman’s Hour 5.0 (FM) Saturday PM 5.30 (FM) The Bottom Line (R) 5.54 Shipping Forecast 5.57 (FM) Weather 6.0 (LW) TMS 6.0 (FM) News 6.15 (FM) Loose Ends. With Eve Myles, Michael Dapaah, Doon MacKichan and Richard Strange. 6.30 (LW) Loose Ends 7.0 Profi le 7.15 Saturday Review 8.0 James Burke: Our Man on the Moon 9.0 Renaissance Man: The Last Judgement of Giorgio Vasari (R) 10.0 News 10.15 The Moral Maze (R) 11.0 Brain of Britain: The Final (R) 11.30 The Dying of the Ice: The Reindeer Poets (R) 12.0 News 12.30 Short Works: Sonny’s Bench (R) 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.0 As BBC World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast 5.30 News 5.43 Bells on Sunday 5.45 Profi le (R)

Radio 4 ExtraDigital only9.0 4 Extra at the British Seaside 12.0 There Is No Escape (1/4) 12.30 Street and Lane (1/4) 1.0 Moon (1-5/5) 2.10 Inheritance Tracks 2.15 Pam Ayres’ Open Road (4/8) 2.45 Ernest Fontwell Versus the Experts (4/5) 3.0 World Book Club 3.50 David Attenborough’s Life Stories 4.0 Whisky Galore 5.30 Jarvis and Matthew: Grey Hairs and Bus Passes (4/4) 6.0 Good Omens (6/6) 7.0 The History Boys 9.30 Balancing Acts: Behind the Scenes at the National Theatre (3/5) 9.45 Inheritance Tracks 9.55 The Listening Project 10.0 The Price of Happiness (1/2) 10.30 Sami Shah’s Beginner’s Guide to Pakistan (2/2) 11.0 Sketchorama Extra 12.0 Good Omens (6/6)

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian42 The Guide

Sunday21 July

BBC One BBC Two ITV6.15 Glorious Gardens from

Above (T) (R) 7.05 Gardeners’ World (T) (R) 8.05 Countryfi le (T) (R) 9.0 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites (T) 10.30 Tom Kerridge’s Best Ever Dishes (T) (R) 11.0 A Cook Abroad: Monica Galetti’s France (T) (R) 12.0 Holiday of My Lifetime With Len Goodman (T) (R) 12.45 Diving: World Championships Highlights (T) 2.15 Netball World Cup 2019 (T) 7.0 Remarkable Places to Eat (T) (R)

6.0 Breakfast (T) 9.0 BBC News (T) 10.0 The Andrew Marr Show (T) 11.0 Sunday Politics (T) 11.30 Sunday Morning Live (T) 12.30 BBC News (T) 12.40 Weather for the Week Ahead (T) 12.45 Songs of Praise (T) 1.20 Athletics: London Anniversary Games (T) 4.0 Escape to the Country (T) 5.0 The Repair Shop (T) (R) 5.45 Pointless Celebrities (T) (R) 6.35 BBC News (T) 6.50 BBC Regional News; Weather (T) 6.55 Weather (T) 7.0 Countryfi le (T)

8.0 Golf: The Open Championship Highlights 2019 (T) Eilidh Barbour presents action from the fourth and fi nal day of the Major at Royal Portrush in Northern Ireland, where Francesco Molinari entered as the reigning champion.

8.0 Antiques Roadshow (T) (R) Fiona Bruce hosts the show from Floors Castle in Kelso.

9.0 Poldark (T) George pursues the fruits of his new alliance, but his lingering grief has unexpected consequences, while Ross tries to fi nd a man who may hold the key to clearing Ned’s name.

10.05 ITV News and Weather (T)10.19 Local News/Weather (T)10.20 Inside the Ritz Hotel (T) (R) 10.45 Yorkshire Airport (T) (R) 11.10 Love Your Garden (T) (R) 11.45 Long Lost Family (T) (R) 12.35 Wild Bill (T) (R) 1.30 Tour

De France Highlights (T) 2.20 Teleshopping 2.50 Motorsport UK (T) 3.40 ITV Nightscreen

8.0 Tipping Point: Lucky Stars (T) David Ginola, Janet-Street Porter and Chris Hughes compete in this celebrity edition of the gameshow, hosted by Ben Shephard.

9.0 Beecham House (T) Daniel, Margaret and Chandrika desperately try to release John. Last in the series.

6.0 CITV 8.25 ITV News (T) 8.30 The Sara Cox Show (T) 9.25 John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen (T) 11.20 Gino’s Italian Coastal Escape (T) (R) 11.50 Save Money: Good Diet (T) (R) 12.20 Countrywise: Guide to Britain (T) (R) 12.50 News (T) 1.04 News (T) 1.05 Harry Hill’s Alien Fun Capsule (T) (R) 1.35 � Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980) (T) 4.05 � Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) (T) 6.25 News 6.45 Local News 7.0 The Chase Celebrity Special (T) (R)

10.0 All Girls Live at the Apollo (T) (R) Including Jo Brand, Joan Rivers and Aisling Bea.

10.45 � Spotlight (2015) (T) Fact-based newspaper drama, starring Mark Ruff alo, Michael Keaton and Rachel McAdams.

12.45 The Honest Supermarket: What’s Really in Our Food? (R) 1.45 Holby City (T) (R)

10.0 BBC News (T)10.20 BBC Regional News;

Weather (T)10.30 Imagine: Hitler, the Tiger

and Me (T) (R) Alan Yentob meets author Judith Kerr.

11.35 A Question of Sport (R) 12.05 Dame Kelly: The Power of

Parkrun – Our Lives (T) (R) 12.35 Weather for the Week Ahead (T) 12.40 News (T)

Pick of the Day The Swingers: Walter Presents 11pm, Channel 4A return for the competent Dutch thriller that – viewer advisory – no longer features any swinging, having developed its theme of hidden naughtiness in apparently innocent suburbia to encompass criminal intrigue and conspiracy. Peril magnets Peter and Eva get married and then try to gain custody of their accursed foster child, while starting a pass-agg war with a new neighbour. Both are bound to end in gunfi re. Season three is on Walter Presents in full straight after. JS

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 43The Guide


Channel 4 Channel 5 BBC Four

10.0 First Dates (T) (R) 11.0 The Swingers: Walter

Presents Dutch thriller.11.50 � Child 44 (2015) (T) 2.15 Ramsay’s Kitchen

Nightmares USA (T) (R) 3.05 Come Dine With Me (T) (R) 4.0 My Family Secrets Revealed (T) (R) 4.55 The £100k Drop (T) (R) 5.50 Countdown (T) (R)

8.0 Escape to the Chateau: The Great Outdoors (T) A look back at how the abandoned walled garden stole Dick and Angel’s hearts and how the whole family fell for the country lifestyle.

9.0 The Handmaid’s Tale (T) June escalates her risky eff orts to fi nd Hannah, and Emily must face her past crimes.

6.0 The King of Queens (T) (R) 7.15 Everybody Loves Raymond (T) (R) 8.30 The Simpsons (T) (R) 9.0 The Simpsons (T) (R) 9.30 Sunday Brunch (T) 12.30 The Simpsons (T) (R) 1.0 The Simpsons (T) (R) 1.30 The Simpsons (T) (R) 2.0 � Herbie: Fully Loaded (Angela Robinson, 2005) (T) 4.0 A Place in the Sun (T) (R) 4.30 Coast vs Country (T) (R) 5.35 The Yorkshire Dales and the Lakes (T) (R) 6.30 Channel 4 News (T) 7.0 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It Or List It (T) (R)

10.0 When Celebrity Goes Horribly Wrong (T) (R)

12.55 Access (T) 1.0 The Live Casino Show (T) 3.0 Access (T) (R) 3.10 GPs: Behind Closed Doors (T) (R) 4.0 Tribal Teens – Here Comes Trouble (T) (R) 4.45 House Doctor (T) (R) 5.10 House Doctor (T) (R) 5.35 Wildlife SOS (T) (R)

8.0 Our Houseful of Animals: 40 Dogs & More (T) Part two of two. Featuring a guesthouse that has become a home for parrots.

9.0 The Wonderful World of Chocolate (T) A visit to the home of Toblerone in Switzerland, following the nougat-making process and discovering where the triangle shape came from.

6.0 Milkshake! 9.55 Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (T) (R) 10.20 Access (T) 10.25 Friends (T) (R) 10.55 Friends (T) (R) 11.25 Friends (T) (R) 11.55 Friends (T) (R) 12.25 Friends (T) (R) 12.55 Friends (T) (R) 1.25 Friends (T) (R) 1.55 Friends (T) (R) 2.25 Friends (T) (R) 2.55 Friends (T) (R) 3.25 Police Interceptors (T) (R) 4.20 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords (T) (R) 5.15 Dirty Britain: Grime & Punishment (T) (R) 6.10 When Rich Kids Go Skint (T) (R) 7.0 Cricket on 5 (T) 7.55 News (T)

10.05 Storyville: Being Evel Knievel (T) Documentary about the stuntman.

11.35 Sound of Musicals With Neil Brand (T) The rise of the blockbuster, from Evita to Les Misérables and The Lion King. Last in the series.

1.0 Peaky Blinders (T) 2.0 Peaky Blinders (T) 3.0 Peaky Blinders (T)

9.35 Eric Clapton at the BBC: The Rock’n’Roll Years (T) Archive performances by the guitarist and songwriter, who has survived both personal trauma and drug addiction to build a wide and varied musical career.

7.0 BBC Proms: A Bohemian Rhapsody (T) Violinist Joshua Bell performs Dvořák’s Violin Concerto.

Expedition With Steve Backshall 8pm, DaveThis new series – a co-production with the BBC – sees naturalist Backshall embark on some epic journeys into uncharted territory, beginning with the dense forest of the Guiana Shield in South America. Even with survival expert Aldo Kane on hand, it is a gruelling tropical trek through giant piranha country. GV

Poldark 9pm, BBC OneEnjoying his newfound liberty but still intent on skewering the man behind his downfall, Ned Despard buttonholes slaver Ralph Hanson, while Ross goes in search of a mystery man who can help clear Ned’s name. An eventful episode featuring a racist reception for Catherine and George Warleggan beginning to see phantoms. MB

Beecham House 9pm, ITVThe Punjab Poldark is ducking out just as the Cornish original returns, but not before serving up a whole maharajah’s feast of dramatic intrigue. John (Tom Bateman) roots out his betrayer and Margaret (Dakota Blue Richards) continues to mine emotion from the dullest dialogue. Never mind that diamond, she’s the real gem. EEJ

BBC Proms: A Bohemian Rhapsody 7pm, BBC FourIn an evening of music designed to evoke the qualities of old Bohemia, American violinist Joshua Bell performs Dvořák’s Violin Concerto with the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, followed by the string of six symphonic poems that form Smetana’s signature work M á Vlast. MB

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian44 The Guide

SundayThe Handmaid’s Tale9pm, Channel 4A busy chapter gets off to a cheery start with the fi rst in a series of public hangings overseen by a back-on-form Aunt Lydia, before turning its attentions to June’s crusade to fi nd Hannah. Meanwhile, the international diplomatic crisis intensifi es. Should the high-born wives in teal be worried? MB

Spotlight 10.45pm, BBC TwoThis Oscar-winning account of the Boston Globe’s exposure of child abuse by Catholic priests avoids sensationalism, concentrating instead on the journalistic digging that uncovered a city-wide conspiracy. Michael Keaton is the team’s editor, Rachel McAdams and Mark Ruff alo its increasingly outraged reporters. PJH

Other channelsBBC Scotland12noon Holiday of My Lifetime With Len Goodman 12.45 Diving: World Championships Highlights 2.15 Netball World Cup 2019 7.0 The Seven 7.15 The Edit 7.30 How Scotland Works 8.30 The Mountain 9.0 David Wilson’s Crime Files 10.0 Billy Connolly: Made in Scotland 11.0 Takin’ Over the Asylum 11.50 Free Period

Dave7.10 The Hurting: Even Hurtier 7.35 The Hurting: Even Hurtier 8.0 Top Gear 9.0 Top Gear 10.0 Drug Wars 10.30 Drug Wars 11.0 Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 12.0 Storage Hunters 12.30 Storage Hunters 1.0 American Pickers 2.0 American Pickers 3.0 American Pickers 4.0 Would I Lie to You? 4.40 Would I Lie to You? 5.20 Would I Lie to You? 6.0 Top Gear 7.0 Cop Car Workshop 8.0 Expedition With Steve Backshall 9.0 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 10.0 Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier 11.0 Taskmaster 12.0 Live at the Apollo 1.0 Dave Gorman: Modern Life Is Goodish 2.10 Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled 3.0 Dara O Briain’s Go 8 Bit 4.0 Teleshopping

E46.0am Hollyoaks 8.30 School of Rock 11.0 The Goldbergs 11.30 The Goldbergs 12.0 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 12.30 � Small Soldiers (1998) 2.40 Rude(ish) Tube Shorts 2.50 Young Sheldon 3.20 Young Sheldon 3.45 The Big Bang Theory 4.15 The Big

Bang Theory 4.45 The Big Bang Theory 5.15 The Big Bang Theory 5.45 The Big Bang Theory 6.15 � Madagascar (2005) 8.0 Celebrity Crystal Maze 9.0 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 10.0 Gotham 11.0 Naked Attraction 12.05 The Big Bang Theory 12.35 The Big Bang Theory 1.0 Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD 2.0 Gotham 2.55 Naked Attraction 3.45 Hollyoaks

Film411.0am � Stuart Little 2 (2002) 12.40 � The Borrowers (1997) 2.25 � Over the Hedge (2006) 4.15 � Hail, Caesar! (2016) 6.25 � We Bought a Zoo (2011) 9.0 � Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) 11.20 � Regression (2015) 1.30 � Stuck in Love (2012)

ITV26.0am You’ve Been Framed! Gold 6.25 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 6.50 Emmerdale 10.0 Coronation Street 1.0 Celebrity Catchphrase 2.05 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 2.30 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 2.55 � Twister (1996) 5.10 � Two Weeks Notice (2002) 7.15 � Jurassic Park III (2001) 9.0 Love Island 10.0 Love Island: Aftersun 11.05 Family Guy 11.35 Family Guy 12.05 American Dad! 12.30 American Dad! 1.0 Don’t Hate the Playaz 2.0 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

More48.55am Grand Designs 10.0 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 11.0 Location, Location, Location

12.0 Come Dine With Me 12.35 Come Dine With Me 1.05 Come Dine With Me 1.40 Come Dine With Me 2.10 Come Dine With Me 2.40 Four in a Bed 3.15 Four in a Bed 3.45 Four in a Bed 4.20 Four in a Bed 4.50 Four in a Bed 5.20 Come Dine With Me 5.50 Come Dine With Me 6.25 Come Dine With Me 6.55 Come Dine With Me 7.25 Come Dine With Me 8.0 Nazi Megastructures 9.0 24 Hours in A&E 10.0 Shocking Emergency Calls 11.05 Inside Birmingham Children’s Hospital 12.05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 1.05 Father Ted 1.40 � Bear Island (1979)

S4C Digital6.0am Cyw 12.0 Yr Wythnos 12.30 Codi Pac 1.0 Dechrau Canu Dechrau Canmol 1.30 Byd Natur 2.0 Seiclo: Le Tour De France 4.35 Gerddi Cymru 5.0 Adre 5.30 Ffermio 6.0 Newyddion a Chwaraeon 6.10 Pobol Y Cwm Omnibws 8.0 Ras Yr Wyddfa 2019 9.0 Y Sioe 2019 10.0 Seiclo: Le Tour De France 10.30 Trysorau’r Teulu

Sky One6.0am Hour of Power 7.0 Modern Family 7.30 Modern Family 8.0 Modern Family 8.30 Modern Family 9.0 Premier League Years 11.0 WWE Raw Hlts 12.0 S.W.A.T 1.0 MacGyver 2.0 MacGyver 3.0 MacGyver 4.0 The Simpsons 4.30 The Simpsons 5.0 The Simpsons 5.30 The Simpsons 6.0 The Simpsons 6.30 The Simpsons 7.0 The Simpsons 7.30 The Simpsons 8.0 Magnum P.I 9.0 S.W.A.T 10.0 Hawaii Five-0 11.0 NCIS: Los

Film Choice

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 45The Guide


Golf: The Open 8am, Sky Sports GolfFourth day of the major, won last year by Francesco Molinari.

Cycling: Tour de France 10.45am, Eurosport 1; 11am, ITV4Stage 15, a 185km route from Limoux to Foix Prat d’Albis.

Netball World Cup 2019 2.15pm, BBC TwoCoverage of the bronze medal match followed by the fi nal, as the tournament concludes.

Sport Pick of the Day Eno and Cox on the Moon 1pm, 6 MusicTogether at last: the two great Brians of outer space fi nally share some airtime. Cox has recently treated us to the spectacular, occasionally mind-blowing television series The Planets. And Eno is surely the closest thing Planet Earth has to a musical laureate of the cosmic: the recent release of an expanded version of his sublime 1983 album Apollo confi rmed his brilliance at evoking the atmosphere of infi nity. In this documentary, the Brians talk about their shared passion for the moon. PH

Angeles 12.0 The Blacklist 1.0 The Force: North East 2.0 The Force: North East 3.0 The Force: North East 4.0 Road Wars 5.0 Road Wars

Sky Arts6.0am Classical Destinations 6.40 Tales of the Unexpected 7.10 Tales of the Unexpected 7.40 Tales of the Unexpected 9.10 A Midsummer Night’s Dream 11.0 Discovering: Julie Christie 12.0 Discovering: Carole Lombard 1.0 Discovering: Robert Duvall 2.0 Discovering: Jack Nicholson 3.0 Discovering: Jane Fonda 4.0 The South Bank Show 5.0 � The First Film (2015) 7.05 More Than This: The Story of Roxy Music 8.0 Classic Albums 9.0 Queen: Hungarian Rhapsody – Live in Budapest 11.0 Queen: The Magic Years 12.15 California Dreamin’: The Songs of the Mamas and the Papas 1.30 Fairport Convention: Folk Heroes 2.45 Classic Albums 4.0 Passions 5.0 The Drawings of Yves Saint Laurent

Sky Atlantic6.0am Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets 7.0 The Guest Wing 8.0 Without a Trace 9.0 Without a Trace 10.0 Without a Trace 11.0 Without a Trace 12.0 Without a Trace 1.0 David Attenborough’s Conquest of the Skies 2.0 David Attenborough’s Conquest of the Skies 3.0 David Attenborough’s Conquest of the Skies 4.0 Blue Bloods 9.0 Big Little Lies 10.10 Riviera 11.10 Divorce 11.45 Six Feet Under 12.55 Girls 1.30 Alan Partridge’s Mid Morning Matters 2.0 Big Little Lies 3.10 Gomorrah 4.10 The British 5.05 The British

Radio 390.2-92.4 MHz7.0 Breakfast 9.0 News 9.02 Sunday Morning 11.0 BBC Proms 2019: Prom 3. The CBeebies Prom Children’s Choir and Chineke! Orchestra. 12.30 New Generation Artists 1.0 Lunchtime Concert (R) 2.0 The Early Music Show 3.0 Choral Evensong (R) 4.0 The Choir 5.0 The Listening Service (R) 5.30 Words and Music 6.45 New Generation Artists 7.30 BBC Proms 2019: Prom 4. Bournemouth SO play Adams, Barber and Holst. 10.0 Early Music Late 11.0 Percussion Century (R) 12.30 Through the Night

Radio 492.4-94.6 MHz; 198kHz6.0 News 6.05 Something Understood (R) 6.35 On Your Farm (2) 6.57 Weather 7.0 News 7.0 Sunday Papers 7.10 Sunday 7.54 Appeal 7.57 Weather 8.0 News 8.0 Papers 8.10 Sunday Worship 8.48 A Point of View (R) 8.58 Tweet of the Day (R) 9.0 Broadcasting House 10.0 The Archers 10.30 (LW) Test Match Special: Women’s Ashes Test – Day Four. England v Australia. 11.15 (FM) Desert Island Discs (11) 12.0 (FM) News 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 (LW) TMS 12.04 (FM) I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue (R) 12.30 (FM) The Food Programme 12.57 (FM) Weather 1.0 (FM) World This Weekend 1.30 (FM) From Our Home Correspondent 2.0 (FM) Gardeners’ Question Time (R) 2.45 (FM) Listening Project (R) 3.0 (FM) Renaissance Man (2/3) 4.0 (FM) News 4.02 (FM)

Open Book 4.30 (FM) Warsan Shire: Brave Girl Rising 5.0 (FM) Defenceless in the MoD? (R) 5.40 (FM) Profi le (R) 5.54 Shipping 5.57 (FM) Weather 6.0 (LW) TMS 6.0 (FM) News 6.15 (FM) Pick of the Week 6.30 (LW) Pick of the Week 7.0 The Archers 7.15 The Absolutely Radio Show (6/8) 8.0 Feedback (R) 8.30 Last Word (R) 9.0 Money Box (R) 9.25 Appeal (R) 9.30 Going the Way of the Dodo? The Decline of Britain’s Two Main Parties (R) 10.0 Westminster Hour 11.0 Moth Radio Hour (1/8) 11.50 A Point of View (R) 12.0 News 12.15 Thinking Allowed (R) 12.45 Bells on Sunday (R) 12.48 Shipping 1.0 As World Service 5.20 Shipping 5.30 News 5.43 Prayer 5.45 Farming Today 5.58 Tweet of the Day (R)

Radio 4 ExtraDigital only9.0 Remarkable Life of the Skin 10.10 Listening Project 10.15 Desert Island Discs Revisited 11.0 The Moth Radio Hour (1/8) 12.0 Whack-O! 12.30 Ray’s a Laugh 1.0 Madame Bovary (1-5/10) 2.15 Victorian Love Stories (2/5) 2.30 Sweet Sorrow Omnibus 3.45 Parkmasters 4.0 Closely Observed Trains 5.0 Poetry Extra 5.30 Susan Calman: Keep Calman Carry On (2/4) 6.0 Trouble With Lichen (1/5) 6.30 The Price of Fear 7.0 The Moth Radio Hour (1/8) 8.0 The Remarkable Life of the Skin 9.10 Listening Project 9.15 Desert Island Discs Revisited 10.0 Susan Calman (2/4) 10.30 Hal (4/4) 11.0 Cabin Pressure (6/6) 11.30 Chris Addison’s Civilization (2/4) 12.0 Trouble With Lichen (1/5)

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian46 The Guide

Monday22 July

BBC One BBC Two ITV6.15 Coast (R) 6.45 Bargain Hunt

(R) 7.30 Britain in Bloom (R) 8.0 Great British Railway Journeys (R) 8.30 This Week in Parliament 9.0 News 10.0 Victoria Derbyshire 11.0 Newsroom Live 12.15 Politics Live 1.0 World Triathlon Series: Edmonton 3.0 Holiday of My Lifetime With Len Goodman (T) (R) 3.45 Swimming World Championships Highlights (T) 5.15 Antiques Road Trip (T) (R) 6.0 Celebrity Eggheads (T) (R) 6.30 Best House in Town (T) 7.0 Rick Stein’s Road to Mexico (T) (R)

6.0 Breakfast (T) 9.15 Wanted Down Under (T) (R) 10.0 Homes Under the Hammer (T) (R) 11.0 The Empty Housing Scandal (T) (R) 11.45 Armchair Britain (T) (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt (T) 1.0 News at One; Weather (T) 1.30 Regional News and Weather (T) 1.45 Red Rock (T) 2.30 Escape to the Country (T) (R) 3.30 Make Me a Dealer (T) (R) 4.15 Flog It! (T) (R) 5.15 Pointless (T) (R) 6.0 News; Weather (T) 6.30 Regional News and Weather (T) 7.0 The One Show (T) 7.30 The Last Showmen: Our Lives (T)

8.0 Nadiya’s Time to Eat (T) Nadiya Hussain demonstrates easy bakes that can be rustled up in no time.

8.30 University Challenge (T) The second of the fi rst-round matches.

9.0 The 250 Million Pound Cancer Cure (T) A report on centres being built for proton beam therapy.

8.0 EastEnders (T) Phil gives Ben a hard time about his recent behaviour.

8.30 Panorama: America’s Abortion War (T) Hilary Andersson reports on the battle over abortion rights in the United States.

9.0 Who Do You Think You Are? (T) New series. Actor Daniel Radcliff e traces his family tree.

10.0 ITV News at Ten (T) 10.30 Local News (T) 10.45 Britain’s Greatest National

Treasures (T) 12.05 Tenable (T) (R) 12.55

Tour De France Highlights (T) 1.45 James Martin’s French Adventure (T) (R) 2.40 Teleshopping 3.10 Masterpiece With Alan Titchmarsh (T) (R)

8.0 Love Your Garden (T) Alan Titchmarsh and the team create a cottage-style garden for an ex-soldier. Last in the series.

8.30 Coronation Street (T) Maria does a runner from her date.

9.0 Long Lost Family (T) The story of a man who feels ready to face his fears and fi nd his birth mother.

6.0 Good Morning Britain (T) 8.30 Lorraine (T) 9.25 Judge Rinder (T) (R) 10.30 This Morning (T) 12.30 Loose Women (T) 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News (T) 1.55 Local News (T) 2.0 Dickinson’s Real Deal (T) (R) 3.0 Tenable (T) (R) 3.59 Local News/Weather (T) 4.0 Tipping Point (T) (R) 5.0 The Chase (T) (R) 6.0 Local News (T) 6.30 ITV Evening News (T) 7.0 Emmerdale (T) 7.30 Coronation Street (T)

10.0 I Love 1982 (T) (R) A look back at the year.

10.30 Newsnight; Weather (T) 11.15 The Mighty Redcar (T) (R)

Documentary about people in the North Yorkshire seaside resort Redcar.

12.0 The Mighty Redcar (T) (R) 12.45 Sign Zone: Serengeti (T) (R) 1.45 Countryfi le (T) (R) 2.45 This Is BBC Two (T)

10.0 BBC News at Ten (T)10.25 BBC Regional News and

Weather (T)10.35 This Country (T) (R) Kerry is

inspired by a business talk at the village hall.

11.0 Have I Got a Bit More Old News for You (T) (R)

11.40 Live at the Apollo (T) (R) 12.25 Weather for the Week

Ahead (T) 12.30 News (T)

Pick of the Day Who Do You Think You Are? 9pm, BBC OneHarry Potter star Daniel Radcliff e is fi rst up in a new run of genealogical investigations – still to come are Kate Winslet, Jack Whitehall, Katherine Ryan, Sharon Osbourne, Mark Wright, Naomie Harris and Paul Merton – and it’s just as well he is such a good actor because you get the distinct feeling that he arrives armed with more knowledge about his family history than he lets on. Happily, it doesn’t detract from scholarly detective work that yields dramatic tales of a Hatton Garden heist and a heartrending love story from the fi rst world war. MB

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 47The Guide


Channel 4 Channel 5 BBC Four

10.0 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (T) (R)

11.0 Boris Johnson: Fit to Be Prime Minister? (T)

12.05 Generation Porn (T) (R) 1.0 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA (T) (R) 1.50 Undercover Boss USA (T) (R) 2.45 Drag SOS (T) (R) 3.40 My Family Secrets Revealed (T) (R)

8.0 Dispatches: £2 Milllion Passport – Welcome to Britain (T) The “golden visa” scheme.

8.30 The £1 Houses: Britain’s Cheapest Street (T) Debbie and Ste rush to meet their council deadline.

9.0 Extreme Tribe: The Last Pygmies (T) Offi cials announce the building of a road. Last in the series.

6.25 Cheers (T) (R) 7.20 The King of Queens (T) (R) 8.10 Everybody Loves Raymond (T) (R) 9.10 Frasier (T) (R) 10.10 The Big Bang Theory (T) (R) 11.05 The Simpsons (T) (R) 11.30 The Simpsons (T) (R) 12.0 News (T) 12.05 A New Life in the Sun (T) (R) 1.05 Posh Pawnbrokers (T) (R) 2.10 Countdown (T) 3.0 A Place in the Sun (T) (R) 4.0 The £100k Drop (T) 5.0 Come Dine With Me (T) 5.30 The Simpsons (T) (R) 6.0 The Simpsons (T) (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks (T) (R) 7.0 News (T)

10.0 Running Riot: Inside the World’s Most Dangerous Prisons (T) (R)

11.05 � Tower Block (James Nunn, Ronnie Thompson, 2012) (T) Thriller, starring Sheridan Smith.

12.50 Criminals: Caught on Camera (T) (R) 1.15 The Live Casino Show (T) 3.10 In Therapy: Kerry Katona (R)

8.0 Police Interceptors (T) (R) Paul is sent on a roundabout hunt for a drunk driver. 5 News Update

9.0 Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords (T) Letting agent Paul uncovers a cannabis farm during an inspection, while Stuart and Steve win a possession order to regain their property.

6.0 Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine (T) 11.15 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun (T) (R) 12.10 5 News Lunchtime (T) 12.15 Police Interceptors (T) (R) 1.10 Access (T) 1.15 Home and Away (T) 1.45 Neighbours (T) 2.15 � Woman on the Edge (2018) (T) 4.0 Friends (T) (R) 4.30 Friends (T) (R) 5.0 5 News at 5 (T) 5.30 Neighbours (T) (R) 6.0 Home and Away (T) (R) 6.30 5 News Tonight (T) 7.0 Sewermen (T) (R)

10.0 Attenborough’s Birds of Paradise (T) The appeal of the colourful birds.

11.0 Art of France (T) The development of impressionism.

12.0 The Ottomans: Europe’s Muslim Emperors (T) 1.0 Peaky Blinders (T) 2.0 Peaky Blinders (T) 3.0 Peaky Blinders (T)

8.0 Life (T) The role of birds’ feathers in attracting partners and the challenges they face during the nesting season.

9.0 How to Be An Ex-Prime Minister (T) In a programme made before the end of Tony Blair’s tenure, Michael Cockerell investigates the lives of former prime ministers.

7.0 Beyond 100 Days (T) 7.30 Canals: The Making of a Nation (T) Liz McIvor tells the story of the canal builders who struggled with the rugged terrain of the Pennines.

Extreme Tribe: The Last Pygmies 9pm, Channel 4As Livia Simoka prepares to say goodbye to the Mbendjele tribe, the modern world is arriving in their lives in a more consequential way. As the series ends, offi cials announce the building of a road that will pass through the village. Can the tribe defend their way of life? And do they want to? PH

Life After WW I: In Colour 9pm, More4Heroically picking up the baton from Peter Jackson’s phenomenal They Shall Not Grow Old, this two-parter brings the end of hostilities in Europe to vivid life. Colourised archive footage documents an uneasy mix of orgiastic partying, national humiliation and traumatised soldiers stumbling home. AJC

Big Little Lies 9pm, Sky AtlanticFrom sprawling plot points to fans realising that the moneyed Monterey fi ve probably didn’t need to lie about Perry’s death in the fi rst place, season two of the HBO drama has had its fl aws. Even so, expect big things from this fi nale, with the truth about the friends’ pact very liable to be revealed. HJD

The 250 Million Pound Cancer Cure 9pm, BBC TwoProton beam therapy is the one of the most advanced cancer treatments in the world, with huge potential to save lives. Trouble is, it generates so much radiation it needs to be housed in a nuclear bunker equipped with 2,000 tonnes of precision instruments. An optimistic Horizon charts its progress. MB

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian48 The Guide

MondayBoris Johnson: Fit to Be Prime Minister? 11pm, Channel 4You might think the eve of the Tory leadership race decision was a little late to be asking such a major question about the bookies’ favourite. Yet Gary Gibbon’s documentary about Johnson’s time as foreign secretary turns out to be a worthwhile inquiry into whether or not he has what it takes to be PM. MB

Something in the Air 1.30am, Film4Oliver Assayas turns an indulgent eye on his own youthful adventures following the incendiary events of May 1968. This is set three years later, in Paris, where 17-year-old Gilles (Clément Métayer) studies art at college, and the art of activism on the streets . An aff ectionate portrait of a young man in a febrile age. PJH

Other channelsBBC Scotland12noon Grand Tours of the Scottish Islands 12.30 Making Scotland’s Landscape 1.30 Fish Town 2.0 World Triathlon Series: Edmonton Highlights 3.0 Holiday of My Lifetime With Len Goodman 3.45 Swimming World Championships Highlights 5.15 Antiques Road Trip 6.0 Celebrity Eggheads 6.30 Best House in Town 7.0 Not in Plain Sight 7.30 Test Drive 8.0 This Farming Life 9.0 The Nine 10.0 The Proclaimers: This Is the Story 11.0 Breaking the News 11.30 The Thick of It

Dave7.10 The Hurting: Even Hurtier 8.0 American Pickers 9.0 Storage Hunters UK 10.0 American Pickers 1.0 Top Gear 2.0 Sin City Motors 3.0 Yianni: Supercar Customiser 4.0 James May’s Cars of the People 5.0 Best of Top Gear 6.0 Top Gear 7.0 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 8.0 QI XL 9.0 Live at the Apollo 10.0 Dave Gorman: Modern Life Is Goodish 11.0 Mock the Week 12.20 Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier 1.20 Mock the Week

E46.0am Hollyoaks 7.0 Rules of Engagement 8.0 How I Met Your Mother 9.0 Melissa & Joey 10.0 Black-ish 11.0 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 12.0 Young Sheldon 1.0 The Big Bang Theory 2.0 Melissa & Joey 3.0 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 4.0 Black-ish 5.0 Young Sheldon 6.0 The Big Bang Theory 7.0

Hollyoaks 7.30 School of Rock 8.0 The Big Bang Theory 9.0 � The World’s End (2013) 11.05 The Big Bang Theory 12.05 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.10 8 Out of 10 Cats 2.0 Gogglebox 2.55 First Dates 3.50 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 4.35 How I Met Your Mother 4.55 How I Met Your Mother 5.15 Rules of Engagement

Film411.0am � Master of the World (1961) 1.05 � Snoopy and Charlie Brown: The Peanuts Movie (2015) 2.50 � The Boxtrolls (2014) 4.40 � Last Holiday (2006) 6.55 � Big Stone Gap (2014) 9.0 � Star Trek Beyond (2016) 11.20 � The Riot Club (2014) 1.30 � Something in the Air (2012)

ITV26.0am The Planet’s Funniest Animals 6.20 Judge Rinder 7.10 Dinner Date 8.0 Emmerdale 8.30 Coronation Street 9.25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10.25 Superstore 10.50 Superstore 11.15 Dress to Impress 12.15 Emmerdale 12.45 Coronation Street 1.50 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 2.45 Dinner Date 3.50 Dress to Impress 4.50 Take Me Out 6.0 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 6.30 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7.0 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7.30 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 8.0 Two and a Half Men 8.30 Two and a Half Men 9.0 Love Island 10.0 Hey Tracey! 10.50 Family Guy 11.20 Family Guy 11.50 American Dad! 12.15 American Dad! 12.40 Iain Stirling’s CelebAbility 1.30 Two and a Half Men

More48.55am A Place in the Sun 9.45 Escape to the Chateau 10.45 The Great British Bake Off 12.0 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 1.05 Four in a Bed 1.35 Four in a Bed 3.50 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It Or List It 4.50 Love It Or List It Australia 5.55 The Secret Life of the Zoo 6.55 The Supervet 7.55 Great Canal Journeys 9.0 Life After WWI: In Colour 10.0 Living in the Shadow of World War Two 11.05 24 Hours in A&E 12.05 Shocking Emergency Calls 1.10 The Supervet 2.15 The Secret Life of the Zoo 3.20 8 Out of 10 Cats

S4C Digital6.0am Cyw 12.0 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 12.05 Y Sioe 2019 2.0 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 2.05 Y Sioe 2019 5.15 Stwnsh Larfa 5.20 Ben 10 5.40 Seligo 5.45 Sinema’r Byd 6.0 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 6.05 Y Wal 7.0 Heno 8.0 Pobol Y Cwm 8.25 Y Sioe 2019 9.0 Newyddion 9 a’r Tywydd 9.30 Y Sioe 2019 10.0 Codi Pac 10.30 Traed Lan 11.0 Bad Achub Porthdinllaen 11.30 Y Sioe 2019 12.0 Y Sioe 2019

Sky One6.0am Animal House 7.0 Monkey Life 8.0 The Dog Whisperer 9.0 Supergirl 10.0 The Flash 11.0 NCIS: Los Angeles 1.0 Hawaii Five-0 3.0 MacGyver 4.0 Modern Family 4.30 Modern Family 5.0 The Simpsons 5.30 Futurama 6.0 Futurama 6.30 The Simpsons 7.0 The Simpsons 7.30 The Simpsons 8.0 A League of Their Own: US Road Trip 2.0 9.0 � Con Air (1997) 11.15 Brit Cops: War

Film Choice

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 49The Guide


Tennis: Baltic Open 12noon, BT Sport 1Day one of the women’s tournament, held in Latvia.

Fencing: World Championships 2.50pm, Eurosport 1Day eight of the annual event, held this year in Budapest.

World Matchplay Darts 7pm, Sky Sports Main EventBlackpool’s Winter Gardens hosts day three of the competition, won in 2018 by Gary Anderson.

Sport Pick of the Day The ‘K’ Word 1.45pm, Radio 4Apartheid in South Africa may have offi cially ceased in 1994 but racial tensions remain, particularly in rural areas. In 2016, an incident at a remote farmhouse outside Parys – a small town 60 miles from Johannesburg – escalated into an unsanctioned manhunt that left two people dead. In this series, stripped across the week, Andrew Harding examines the confl icting accounts of what happened on the night in question and explores how the aftermath ignited tensions in an already divided community. GV

on Crime 12.15 Road Wars 1.10 Warrior 2.10 Hawaii Five-0 3.10 NCIS: Los Angeles 4.05 Babylon 5 5.0 Stargate SG-1

Sky Arts6.0am Eras of Music History 7.0 Auction 7.30 Watercolour Challenge 8.0 Master of Photography 9.0 Tales of the Unexpected 10.0 The British 10.30 The South Bank Show Originals 11.0 Discovering: Jack Nicholson 12.0 Discovering: Jane Fonda 1.0 Tales of the Unexpected 1.30 Tales of the Unexpected 2.0 Rush: Time Machine – Live in Cleveland 5.0 Discovering: Peter Finch 6.0 Discovering: Gene Wilder 7.0 The Eighties 8.0 The Three Tenors: Birth of a Legend 9.40 Making Muriel 11.0 Sinatra: The Man and His Music 12.0 The South Bank Show 1.0 Soundtracks: Songs That Defi ned History 1.50 Black Sabbath: The End 4.05 Discovering: Peter Finch 5.0 Discovering: Gene Wilder

Sky Atlantic6.0am Storm City 7.0 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets 8.0 Urban Secrets 9.0 Discovering: James Mason 10.0 The West Wing 11.0 The West Wing 12.0 Without a Trace 1.0 Without a Trace 2.0 Blue Bloods 3.0 The West Wing 4.0 The West Wing 5.0 Without a Trace 6.0 Without a Trace 7.0 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8.0 Blue Bloods 9.0 Big Little Lies 10.10 Divorce 10.45 � The Tale (2018) 12.55 Six Feet Under 2.0 Six Feet Under 3.10 Girls 3.45 Divorce 4.20 The West Wing

Radio 390.2-92.4 MHz6.30 Breakfast 9.0 Essential Classics 12.0 Composer of the Week: Vivaldi (1/5) 1.0 News 1.02 Proms Chamber Music 2019. Voces8 at Cadogan Hall. 2.0 Afternoon Concert: BBC Proms 2019 – Prom 1 (R) 5.0 In Tune 7.0 In Tune Mixtape 7.30 BBC Proms 2019: Prom 6. The Orchestra of the Royal Academy of Music and the Julliard School play Stravinsky, Britten and Anna Thorvaldsdóttir. 10.0 Free Thinking: James Ellroy (R) 10.45 The Essay: Secret Admirers (R) 11.0 Jazz Now. The Tony Woods Project. 12.30 Through the Night

Radio 492.4-94.6 MHz; 198kHz6.0 Today 9.0 The Listening Project (2/2) 9.45 (LW) Daily Service 9.45 (FM) The Great Romantic (1/5) 10.0 Woman’s Hour 11.0 The Untold (12) 11.30 Loose Ends (R) 12.0 News 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 The Warlow Experiment (1/10) 12.18 You and Yours 12.57 Weather 1.0 The World at One 1.45 The “K” Word (1/5) 2.0 The Archers 2.15 4/4: Scherzo (R) 3.0 The 3rd Degree (1/6) 3.30 The Food Programme (R) 4.0 The Voices Of: Stephanie Phillips (3/4) 4.30 Beyond Belief: Free Will (2/8) 5.0 PM 5.54 (LW) Shipping Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.0 News 6.30 I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue (5/6) 7.0 The Archers 7.15 Front Row 7.45 House Rules (1/5) 8.0 The Colour of Justice 8.30 Analysis (9/9) 9.0 Moonbase 2029 (R) 9.30 The Listening Project (R) 9.59

Weather 10.0 The World Tonight 10.45 The Warlow Experiment (R) 11.0 Word of Mouth (R) 11.30 Today in Parliament 12.0 News 12.30 The Great Romantic (R) 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.0 As BBC World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast 5.30 News 5.43 Prayer for the Day 5.45 Farming Today 5.58 Tweet of the Day (R)

Radio 4 ExtraDigital only9.0 The Museum of Curiosity (5/6) 9.30 Street and Lane (2/4) 10.0 Pather Panchali: Song of the Road (1/2) 11.0 TED Radio Hour (19/42) 11.50 Inheritance Tracks 12.0 A Very Private Man (2/6) 12.30 Dad’s Army (1/20) 1.0 The Other Typist (1/5) 1.30 M1: The Modernist Marvel 2.0 Academy Street (1/10) 2.15 Plants: From Roots to Riches (16/25) 2.30 Madame Bovary (6/10) 2.45 Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (1/5) 3.0 Pather Panchali: Song of the Road (1/2) 4.0 The Museum of Curiosity (5/6) 4.30 Street and Lane (2/4) 5.0 Lucky Heather (3/6) 5.30 I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue (4/6) 6.0 The First Men in the Moon (1/5) 6.15 The Truth About Hawaii (1/10) 6.30 A Good Read 7.0 A Very Private Man (2/6) 7.30 Dad’s Army (1/20) 8.0 The Other Typist (1/5) 8.30 M1: The Modernist Marvel 9.0 TED Radio Hour (19/42) 9.50 Inheritance Tracks 10.0 Comedy Club: I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue (4/6) 10.30 A Wet Handle (1/5) 10.45 Comedy Club Extra 11.0 Lobby Land (1/5) 11.30 Radio Active (7/8) 12.0 The First Men in the Moon (1/5)

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian50 The Guide

Tuesday23 July

BBC One BBC Two ITV6.30 Monday in Parliament

(T) 7.0 Coast (T) (R) 7.15 Bargain Hunt (T) (R) 8.0 Dom on the Spot (T) (R) 8.30 Real Life Superheroes: Our Lives (T) (R) 9.0 News (T) 10.0 Victoria Derbyshire (T) 11.0 Newsroom Live (T) 12.15 Politics Live (T) 1.0 The Super League Show (T) (R) 1.45 Victorian Farm (T) (R) 2.45 Victorian Farm (T) (R) 3.45 Swimming World Championships Highlights (T) 5.15 Antiques Road Trip (T) (R) 6.0 Celebrity Eggheads (T) (R) 6.30 Best House in Town (T) 7.0 The Repair Shop (T)

6.0 Breakfast (T) 9.15 Wanted Down Under (T) (R) 10.0 Homes Under the Hammer (T) (R) 11.0 The Empty Housing Scandal (T) (R) 11.45 Armchair Britain (T) (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt (T) (R) 1.0 News; Weather (T) 1.30 Regional News and Weather (T) 1.45 Red Rock (T) 2.30 Escape to the Country (T) (R) 3.30 Make Me a Dealer (T) (R) 4.15 Flog It! (T) (R) 5.15 Pointless (T) (R) 6.0 BBC News; Weather (T) 6.30 Regional News and Weather (T) 7.0 The One Show (T) 7.30 EastEnders (T)

8.0 Inside the Factory (T) (R) Gregg Wallace explores a coff ee factory, where they produce 175,000 jars of instant coff ee a day.

9.0 How the Middle Class Ruined Britain (T) Working-class Tory and leave-voting comedian Geoff Norcott exposes the middle-class hypocrisy that he believes is ruining Britain.

8.0 Holby City (T) Kian struggles to cope with the anniversary of a personal tragedy.

9.0 Keeping Faith (T) New series. The crime drama picks up the story of Faith Howells 18 months after her husband Evan returned to Abecorran in time to see his wife in the arms of Steve Baldini.

10.0 ITV News at Ten (T) 10.40 Local News (T) 10.55 Serial Killer With Piers

Morgan (T) (R) An interview with Alex Henriquez.

11.55 Tenable (T) (R) 12.45 Tour De France Highlights

1.40 James Martin’s French Adventure (T) (R) 2.30 Teleshopping 3.0 River Monsters (T) (R)

8.0 Emmerdale (T) Amy reveals her next move to Cain.

8.30 Yorkshire Airport (T) The airline auditors pay a surprise visit to Leeds Bradford.

9.0 Daylight Robbery: Caught on Camera (T) How surveillance technology has led to increasing numbers of thieves being brought to justice.

6.0 Good Morning Britain (T) 8.30 Lorraine (T) 9.25 Judge Rinder (T) (R) 10.30 This Morning (T) 12.30 Loose Women (T) 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News (T) 1.55 Local News (T) 2.0 Dickinson’s Real Deal (T) (R) 3.0 Tenable (T) (R) 3.59 Local News/Weather (T) 4.0 Tipping Point (T) (R) 5.0 The Chase (T) (R) 6.0 Local News (T) 6.30 ITV Evening News (T) 7.0 Emmerdale (T) 7.30 Save Money: Good Diet (T)

10.0 Live at the Apollo (T) (R) Adam Hills introduces standup sets from Michelle Wolf and Jamali Maddix.

10.30 Newsnight; Weather (T) 11.15 The Mighty Redcar (T) (R) 12.45 Inside the Bank of England

(T) (R) 1.45 Murder, Mystery and My Family: Case Closed? (T) (R) 2.30 Fugitives (T) (R)

10.0 BBC News at Ten (T)10.25 BBC Regional News

and Weather (T)10.35 Clique (T) The university

acts to punish the boys.11.20 Hayley Goes (T) Hayley

Pearce explores veganism.11.50 The Botox Bust: Ellie

Undercover (T) (R) 12.20 Weather for the Week

Ahead (T) 12.25 News (T)

Pick of the Day How the Middle Class Ruined Britain 9pm, BBC TwoRightwing comedian Geoff Norcott grew up a working-class Tory in south London and this is his chance to expose the middle-class hypocrisy he believes is ruining Britain. His jeremiad spans education, gentrifi cation and the worlds of dating and politics, but his chief worry, he explains outside BBC HQ, is the fact that “the people who are in charge of what I say in this documentary are the same bloody lot I’ve had a pop at”. See what got past the censors. MB

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 51The Guide


Channel 4 Channel 5 BBC Four

10.0 I Am Nicola (T) New series. 11.0 Drag SOS (T) 12.0 Let’s Talk About Sex (T)

(R) 1.0 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA (T) (R) 1.50 Extreme Tribe: The Last Pygmies (T) (R) 2.45 Celebrity Crystal Maze (T) (R) 3.40 Come Dine With Me (T) (R) 4.30 Extreme Cake Makers (T) (R)

8.0 Ackley Bridge (T) Rukhsana gets revenge on her controlling brother.

9.0 24 Hours in A&E (T) A patient undergoing treatment for cancer develops a swelling in her throat that doctors fear may be a side-eff ect of the revolutionary new procedure she has been undergoing.

6.25 Cheers (T) (R) 7.20 The King of Queens (T) (R) 78.10 Everybody Loves Raymond (T) (R) 9.10 Frasier (T) (R) 10.10 The Big Bang Theory (T) (R) 11.0 The Simpsons (T) (R) 11.30 The Simpsons (T) (R) 12.0 News (T) 12.05 A New Life in the Sun (T) (R) 1.05 Posh Pawnbrokers (T) (R) 2.10 Countdown (T) 3.0 A Place in the Sun (T) (R) 4.0 The £100k Drop (T) 5.0 Come Dine With Me (T) 5.30 The Simpsons (T) (R) 6.0 The Simpsons (T) (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks (T) (R) 7.0 News (T)

10.15 Restless Legs Syndrome: The New Cure (T) (R)

11.15 Critical Condition (T) (R) 12.15 Fred & Rose West: 5 Clues

That Caught the Killer (T) (R) 1.10 The Live Casino Show (T) 3.10 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun (T) (R) 4.0 Tribal Teens: Here Comes Trouble (T) (R) 4.45 House Doctor (T) (R)

8.0 The Great Gardening Challenge (T) Nicki Chapman and Diarmuid Gavin host the last of the heats. 5 News Update

9.15 Secrets of the National Trust With Alan Titchmarsh (T) New series. The presenter investigates Petworth House in West Sussex, and Peter Purves navigates Chichester Canal.

6.0 Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine (T) 11.15 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun (T) (R) 12.10 5 News Lunchtime (T) 12.15 Police Interceptors (T) (R) 1.10 Access (T) 1.15 Home and Away (T) 1.45 Neighbours (T) 2.15 � You Killed My Mother (Curtis Crawford, 2017) (T) 4.0 Friends (T) (R) 4.30 Friends (T) (R) 5.0 5 News at 5 (T) 5.30 Neighbours (T) (R) 6.0 Home and Away (T) (R) 6.30 5 News Tonight (T) 7.0 Sewermen (T) (R)

10.0 Art, Passion & Power: The Story of the Royal Collection (T) The age of the Romantics.

11.0 The Extraordinary Collector (T)

12.0 Horizon: The Mystery of Dark Energy (T) 1.0 Peaky Blinders (T) 2.0 Peaky Blinders (T) 3.0 Peaky Blinders (T)

8.0 Plane Spotting Live (T) New series. Peter Snow, Zoe Laughlin and Andi Peters present the country’s biggest mass plane spot.

9.0 Revolutions: The Ideas That Changed the World (T) New series. Jim Al-Khalili begins with a look at the development of aeroplanes.

7.0 Beyond 100 Days (T) 7.30 Decisive Weapons (T) The history of the British Harrier Jump Jet.

Keeping Faith 9pm, BBC OneA second season of the hit Welsh thriller. Eve Myles and her real-life husband Bradley Freegard return as fractured couple Faith and Evan, picking up the pieces after his unexplained 18-month absence. Flashbacks help provide context before a new murder takes centre stage. The real question is: can Evan keep Faith? MB

I Am Nicola 9pm, Channel 4A bravura improvised performance from Vicky McClure is at the heart of the fi rst episode of a drama anthology series focusing on the stories of individual women. She plays Nicola, a hairdresser who yearns to escape the humdrum life she shares with a needy partner. Intimate, sensitive and so well acted. MB

Secrets of the National Trust With Alan Titchmarsh 9.15pm, Channel 5Alan Titchmarsh explores Petworth House and nearly has to remove his jumper when he hears about the art-loving third Earl of Egremont’s love life. Elsewhere in this gentle prod at history, Peter Purves is on a barge to learn about the earl’s canal building. HV

Plane Spotting Live8pm, BBC FourEarlier this year, a record-breaking 9,000 planes fl ew over UK airspace in 24 hours, which was presumably a cause of celebration for those living on Heathrow’s fl ightpath. To mark this increasing infl ux of noise, Peter Snow, Andi Peters and others watch the skies over three nights, to revel in airborne aluminium. AJC

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian52 The Guide

TuesdayWarrior 10pm, Sky OneBased on an old TV pitch from Bruce Lee, this lurid but stylishly staged period drama is set in San Francisco in the 1870s as rival Tong gangs tussle for control. Tonight’s atypical episode sends wary but charismatic enforcer Ah Sahm (Andrew Koji) out into the wild west, where he takes refuge in a rough saloon. GV

Mistress America 11.20pm, Film4Noah Baumbach’s hyperactive comedy lets a brilliantly odd couple loose in New York: Lola Kirke is Tracy, an aspiring writer and fi rst-year college student; Greta Gerwig (who also co-wrote) is Brooke, her stepsister-to-be, surfi ng the hip city on a wave of limited creativity and huge self-belief. It’s a winning combination. PJH

Other channelsBBC Scotland12.15pm Politics Live 1.0 The Super League Show 1.45 Victorian Farm 2.45 Victorian Farm 3.45 Swimming World Championships Highlights 5.15 Antiques Road Trip 6.0 Celebrity Eggheads 6.30 Best House in Town 7.0 Flour Power 7.30 The Mountain 8.0 This Farming Life 9.0 The Nine 10.0 Slavery: Scotland’s Hidden Shame 11.0 David Wilson’s Crime Files

Dave7.10 The Hurting: Even Hurtier 8.0 American Pickers 9.0 Storage Hunters UK 10.0 American Pickers 1.0 Top Gear 2.0 Sin City Motors 3.0 Yianni: Supercar Customiser 4.0 James May’s Cars of the People 5.0 Top Gear 7.0 Have I Got a Bit More Old News for You 8.0 QI XL 9.0 Live at the Apollo 10.0 Taskmaster 11.0 QI XL 12.0 Sliced 12.40 Have I Got a Bit More Old News for You 1.40 Live at the Apollo 2.45 Dara Ó Briain’s Go 8 Bit 3.35 The Hurting

E46.0am Hollyoaks 7.0 Rules of Engagement 8.0 How I Met Your Mother 9.0 Melissa & Joey 10.0 Black-ish 11.0 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 12.0 Young Sheldon 1.0 The Big Bang Theory 2.0 Melissa & Joey 3.0 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 4.0 Black-ish 5.0 Young Sheldon 6.0 The Big Bang Theory 7.0 Hollyoaks 7.30 School of Rock 8.0 � X-Men 2 (2003) 10.35 The Big Bang Theory 11.35 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 12.35 8 Out of 10 Cats: Best Bits 1.25 Gogglebox 2.30 Gogglebox

Australia 3.25 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 4.10 How I Met Your Mother 4.55 Rules of Engagement

Film411.0am � Mysterious Island (1961) 1.05 � When Marnie Was There (2014) 3.10 � The House of Magic (2013) 4.50 � Endless Love (2014) 6.55 � Monster Trucks (2016) 9.0 � Arrival (2016) 11.20 � Mistress America (2015) 1.0 � Secretary (2002)

ITV26.0am The Planet’s Funniest Animals 6.20 Judge Rinder 7.10 Dinner Date 8.0 Emmerdale 8.30 Coronation Street 9.25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10.25 Superstore 11.15 Dress to Impress 12.15 Emmerdale 12.45 Coronation Street 1.50 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 2.45 Dinner Date 3.50 Dress to Impress 4.50 Take Me Out 6.0 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7.0 You’ve Been Framed! Hall of Framed 8.0 Two and a Half Men 9.0 Love Island 10.05 Family Guy 11.30 American Dad! 12.25 Shopping With Keith Lemon 12.55 Two and a Half Men 1.55 Superstore

More48.55am A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 9.45 Escape to the Chateau 10.45 The Great British Bake Off 12.0 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 1.05 Four in a Bed 2.40 Four in a Bed 3.15 Four in a Bed 3.50 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It Or List It 4.50 Love It Or List It Australia 5.55 The Secret Life of the Zoo 6.55 The Supervet 7.55 Great Canal

Journeys 9.0 Building the Dream 10.0 £4 Million Restoration: Historic House Rescue 11.05 24 Hours in A&E 12.05 999: What’s Your Emergency? 1.10 The Supervet 2.15 The Secret Life of the Zoo 3.20 8 Out of 10 Cats

S4C Digital6.0am Cyw 12.0 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 12.05 Y Sioe 2019 2.0 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 2.05 Y Sioe 2019 5.15 Stwnsh Larfa 5.20 Clwb Ni 5.25 Arthur a Chriw Y Ford Gron 5.35 Y Barf 6.0 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 6.05 Blwyddyn Y Bugail: Ioan Doyle 6.30 Bois Y Pizza 7.0 Heno 7.30 Pobol Y Cwm 8.0 Y Sioe 2019 9.0 Newyddion 9 a’r Tywydd 9.30 Seiclo: Le Tour De France 10.0 Priodas Pum Mil 11.0 Y Ditectif 11.30 Y Sioe 2019

Sky One6.0am Animal House 6.30 Animal House 7.0 Monkey Life 7.30 Monkey Life 8.0 The Dog Whisperer 9.0 Supergirl 10.0 The Flash 11.0 NCIS: Los Angeles 12.0 NCIS: Los Angeles 1.0 Hawaii Five-0 2.0 Hawaii Five-0 3.0 MacGyver 4.0 Modern Family 4.30 Modern Family 5.0 The Simpsons 5.30 Futurama 6.0 Futurama 6.30 The Simpsons 7.0 The Simpsons 7.30 The Simpsons 8.0 A League of Their Own 9.0 Rob & Romesh vs Superstar DJs 10.0 Warrior 11.0 Micky Flanagan’s Detour De France 12.0 A League of Their Own: US Road Trip 2.0 1.0 The Blacklist 2.0 Brit Cops: War on Crime 3.0 Road Wars 4.0 Babylon 5 5.0 Stargate SG-1

Film Choice

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 53The Guide


Cycling: Tour de France 11.45am, Eurosport 1; 12noon, ITV4A fl at 177km circuit starting and fi nishing in Nimes.

T20 Blast Cricket: Surrey v Middlesex 6pm, Sky Sports CricketShort-form match from the Oval.

Football: Real Madrid v Arsenal 12midnight, Premier SportsReal and Arsenal continue their pre-season preparations.

Sport Pick of the Day From College to Clink 8pm, Radio 4With a plethora of attractive grad schemes on off er, why, asks journalist Lucy Ash, are more and more university leavers choosing to train as prison offi cers? The answer is the Unlocked Graduates scheme, which parachutes trainees in for a crash course in managing off enders. This thought-provoking one-off sees her meet some of the current cohort, and fi nd out whether the scheme can make an impact in an increasingly pressured and overstretched justice system. HJD

Sky Arts6.0am Eras of Music History 7.0 Auction 7.30 Watercolour Challenge 8.0 Master of Photography 9.0 Tales of the Unexpected 10.0 The South Bank Show Originals 10.30 The South Bank Show Originals 11.0 Discovering: Peter Finch 12.0 Discovering: Gene Wilder 1.0 Tales of the Unexpected 2.0 The Three Tenors: Birth of a Legend 3.40 Anoushka Shankar in Concert 5.0 Discovering: Laurence Harvey 6.0 Discovering: Donald Sutherland 7.0 Video Killed the Radio Star 7.30 The Grateful Dead: Music Icons 8.0 Passions 9.0 The 2000s 10.0 The South Bank Show 11.0 The Directors 12.0 Queen: The Phenomenon 1.15 More Than This: The Story of Roxy Music 2.15 The Doors: Feast of Friends 3.0 The South Bank Show 4.0 The South Bank Show Originals 4.30 The South Bank Show Originals 5.0 Discovering: Donald Sutherland

Sky Atlantic6.0am Storm City 7.0 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets 8.0 Urban Secrets 9.0 Discovering: Marilyn Monroe 10.0 The West Wing 12.0 Without a Trace 1.0 Without a Trace 2.0 Blue Bloods 3.0 The West Wing 4.0 The West Wing 5.0 Without a Trace 6.0 Without a Trace 7.0 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8.0 Blue Bloods 9.0 Active Shooter: America Under Fire 10.05 Crashing 10.40 Crashing 11.15 Gomorrah 12.10 Gomorrah 1.05 Show Me a Hero 2.20 Six Feet Under 3.25 Girls 4.0 The West Wing

Radio 390.2-92.4 MHz6.30 Breakfast 9.0 Essential Classics 12.0 Composer of the Week: Vivaldi (2/5) 1.0 News 1.02 Lunchtime Concert. Northern Ireland Opera’s Festival of Voice 2018 (R) 2.0 Afternoon Concert: BBC Proms 2019: Prom 2 (R) 5.0 In Tune 7.0 In Tune Mixtape 7.30 BBC Proms 2019: Prom 7. The BBC Philharmonic play Mozart, Ben Haim, Schumann and Schoenberg. 10.15 The Summer Forest (R) 11.0 Late Junction. Dakar Audio Club, Binbag Wisdom and Lady Vendredi at Latitude festival. 12.30 Through the Night

Radio 492.4-94.6 MHz; 198kHz6.0 Today 8.31 (LW) Yesterday in Parliament 9.0 The Life Scientifi c (5/6) 9.30 One to One: Being a Gay Dad (5/6) 9.45 The Great Romantic. By Duncan Hamilton. (2/5) 10.0 Woman’s Hour 11.0 India’s Street Cricketers: Crossing Boundaries (R) 11.30 Where Are All the Black Women in Grime? (R) 12.0 News 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 The Warlow Experiment (2/10) 12.18 Call You and Yours 12.57 Weather 1.0 The World at One 1.45 The “K” Word (2/5) 2.0 The Archers (R) 2.15 The Crossing (R) 3.0 The Kitchen Cabinet (R) 3.30 No Triumph No Tragedy (R) 4.0 Word of Mouth (2/7) 4.30 A Good Read (8/8) 5.0 PM 5.54 (LW) Shipping Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.0 News 6.30 Andy Hamilton Sort of Remembers (1/4) 7.0 The Archers 7.15 Front Row 7.45 House Rules (2/5) 8.0 From College to Clink

8.40 In Touch 9.0 Inside Health (4/6) 9.30 The Life Scientifi c (R) 10.0 The World Tonight 10.45 The Warlow Experiment (R) 11.0 Mr Muzak: Rock the Boat (R) 11.30 Today in Parliament 12.0 News 12.30 The Great Romantic (R) 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.0 As BBC World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast 5.30 News 5.43 Prayer for the Day 5.45 Farming Today 5.58 Tweet of the Day (R)

Radio 4 ExtraDigital only9.0 Lobby Land (1/5) 9.30 So on and So Forth (1/4) 10.0 Pather Panchali: Song of the Road (2/2) 11.0 Telling Tales 12.0 The Al Read Show 12.30 To the Manor Born (8/10) 1.0 The Other Typist (2/5) 1.30 Celluloid Beatles 2.0 Academy Street (2/10) 2.15 Plants: From Roots to Riches (17/25) 2.30 Madame Bovary (7/10) 2.45 Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (2/5) 3.0 Pather Panchali: Song of the Road (2/2) 4.0 Best Behaviour (3/6) 4.30 Ballylenon (6/6) 5.0 Living With the Enemy (1/6) 5.30 Heresy (6/6) 6.0 The First Men in the Moon (2/5) 6.15 The Truth About Hawaii (2/10) 6.30 Dad Made Me Laugh (3/7) 7.0 The Al Read Show 7.30 To the Manor Born (8/10) 8.0 The Other Typist (2/5) 8.30 Celluloid Beatles 9.0 Telling Tales 10.0 Comedy Club: Heresy (6/6) 10.30 A Wet Handle (2/5) 10.45 Comedy Club Extra 11.0 The Croft & Pearce Show (2/4) 11.15 The Literary Adventures of Mr Brown (2/2) 11.30 Bussmann and Quantick Kingsize (2/5) 12.0 The First Men in the Moon (2/5)

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian54 The Guide

Wednesday24 July

BBC One BBC Two ITV6.30 Tuesday in Parliament (T)

7.0 Coast (T) (R) 8.0 Britain in Bloom (T) (R) 8.30 Great British Railway Journeys (T) (R) 9.0 News (T) 10.0 Victoria Derbyshire (T) 11.0 BBC Newsroom Live (T) 11.15 Politics Live (T) 1.0 Curious Creatures (T) (R) 1.30 The Hairy Bakers (T) (R) 1.45 Victorian Farm (T) (R) 2.45 Victorian Farm (T) (R) 3.45 Swimming World Championships Highlights (T) 5.15 Antiques Road Trip (T) (R) 6.0 Celebrity Eggheads (T) (R) 6.30 Best House in Town (T) 7.0 The Repair Shop (T)

6.0 Breakfast (T) 9.15 Wanted Down Under (T) (R) 10.0 Homes Under the Hammer (T) (R) 11.0 The Empty Housing Scandal (T) (R) 11.45 Armchair Britain (T) (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt (T) (R) 1.0 News at One; Weather (T) 1.30 Regional News and Weather (T) 1.45 Red Rock (T) 2.30 Escape to the Country (T) (R) 3.30 Make Me a Dealer (T) (R) 4.15 Flog It! (T) (R) 5.15 Pointless (T) (R) 6.0 News; Weather (T) 6.30 Regional News and Weather (T) 7.0 The One Show (T) 7.30 Fraud Squad NHS (T)

8.0 Remarkable Places to Eat (T) Chef Tom Kerridge takes Fred Sirieix to his favourite restaurants in Edinburgh.

9.0 Animal Babies: First Year on Earth (T) New series. Cameras follow six baby animals as they face the challenges of surviving their fi rst year, including an elephant calf in Kenya and fox cubs in the Arctic.

8.0 Shop Well for Less? (T) New series. Alex Jones and Steph McGovern meet a couple in Evesham who have eight children.

9.0 Our Cops in the North (T) Police offi cers respond to the fatal stabbing of a 62-year-old grandmother in Sunderland, and detectives investigate a complicated crime spree.

10.0 ITV News at Ten (T) 10.40 Local News (T) 10.55 Peston (T) Political chat.11.55 Tenable (T) (R)12.45 Tour De France Highlights

1.35 James Martin’s French Adventure (T) (R) 2.25 Teleshopping 2.55 The Great Fire (T) (R) 3.45 ITV Nightscreen 5.05 Judge Rinder (T) (R)

8.0 Inside the Ritz Hotel (T) The establishment is turned around overnight for Christmas. Last in the series.

8.30 Coronation Street (T) Gemma and Paul’s mum Bernie causes a stir.

9.0 The Widower (T) (R) Fact-based drama about a murderer, starring Reece Shearsmith.

6.0 Good Morning Britain (T) 8.30 Lorraine (T) 9.25 Judge Rinder (T) (R) 10.30 This Morning (T) 12.30 Loose Women (T) 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News (T) 1.55 Local News (T) 2.0 Dickinson’s Real Deal (T) (R) 3.0 Tenable (T) (R) 3.59 Local News/Weather (T) 4.0 Tipping Point (T) (R) 5.0 The Chase (T) (R) 6.0 Local News (T) 6.30 ITV Evening News (T) 7.0 Emmerdale (T) 7.30 Coronation Street (T)

10.0 Better Things (T) Comedy.10.25 Rick Stein’s Long

Weekends (T) (R)10.30 Newsnight; Weather (T) 11.15 Inside the Social Network:

Facebook’s Diffi cult Year (T) (R)

12.15 Sign Zone: Ambulance (T) (R) 1.15 The Twinstitute (T) (R) 1.45 The Twinstitute (T) (R) 2.15 This Is BBC Two (T)

10.0 BBC News at Ten (T)10.25 BBC Regional News and

Weather (T)10.35 Our Borough: Love &

Hustle (T) Documentary.11.15 Our Borough: Love &

Hustle (T) 12.0 Serengeti (T) (R) 1.0

Weather for the Week Ahead (T) 1.05 BBC News (T)

Pick of the Day How to Dress Like a Princess: Royal Fashion Secrets 10.15pm, More4Normally the kind of thing you would expect to fi nd squirrelled away between sharks and Nazis on Channel 5, this is a glamorous deconstruction of the diamonds and decorum that cloak (and simultaneously advertise) the British royal family. Fundamentally, it’s a fi lm about branding, in which designers, fashion historians, royal watchers and trendsetters interpret the signifi cance and analyse the planning behind classic royal dresses and the impact of royal women on British fashion. MB

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 55The Guide


Channel 4 Channel 5 BBC Four

10.0 GameFace (T) 10.35 Generation Porn (T) 11.35 First Dates (T) (R) 12.35 Ramsay’s Kitchen

Nightmares USA (T) (R) 1.25 The Simpsons (T) (R) 2.15 Catch-22 (T) (R) 3.05 Ackley Bridge (T) (R) 4.0 Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast (T) (R) 4.55 The £100k Drop (T) (R)

8.0 Orangutan Jungle School (T) New series. Inside the world’s biggest orangutan rehabilitation centre.

9.0 Holidays from Hell: Caught on Camera (T) Cameras reveal what can go wrong when a dream holiday turns into a nightmare. Footage includes fl ight delays, hurricanes and worrying hotel rooms.

6.25 Cheers (T) (R) 7.20 The King of Queens (T) (R) 8.10 Everybody Loves Raymond (T) (R) 9.10 Frasier (T) (R) 10.10 The Big Bang Theory (T) (R) 111.0 The Simpsons (T) (R) 11.30 The Simpsons (T) (R) 12.0 News (T) 12.05 A New Life in the Sun (T) (R) 1.05 Posh Pawnbrokers (T) (R) 2.10 Countdown (T) 3.0 A Place in the Sun (T) (R) 4.0 The £100k Drop (T) 5.0 Come Dine With Me (T) 5.30 The Simpsons (T) (R) 6.0 The Simpsons (T) (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks (T) (R) 7.0 News (T)

10.0 The Baby Killer?: Accused (T) (R)

11.30 The Death of Amy Winehouse: 13 Reasons Why (T) (R)

1.0 The Live Casino Show (T) 3.0 Access (T) 3.10 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun (T) (R) 4.0 Britain’s Greatest Bridges (T) (R) 4.45 House Doctor (T) (R)

8.0 GPs: Behind Closed Doors (T) Dr Amy Tatham treats an elderly patient suff ering from persistent bleeding. 5 News Update

9.0 Casualty 24/7 (T) A 72-year-old man is rushed into hospital suff ering from severe chest pains, while Dr Hughes treats a man who has fallen from a ladder while cutting hedges.

6.0 Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine (T) 11.15 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun (T) (R) 12.10 5 News Lunchtime (T) (R) 12.15 Police Interceptors (T) (R) 1.10 Access (T) 1.15 Home and Away (T) 1.45 Neighbours (T) 2.20 � Framed By My Fiance (Fred Olen Ray, 2017) (T) 4.0 Friends (T) (R) 4.30 Friends (T) (R) 5.0 5 News at 5 (T) 5.30 Neighbours (T) (R) 6.0 Home and Away (T) (R) 6.30 5 News Tonight (T) 7.0 Cricket on 5 (T)

10.0 Mary Beard’s Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limit (T) The myths and revolutions of the empire.

11.0 Horizon: The Immortalist (T) How to live for ever.

12.0 Tomorrow’s Worlds: The Unearthly History of Science Fiction (T) 1.0 Peaky Blinders (T) 1.55 Peaky Blinders (T)

8.0 Plane Spotting Live (T) Peter Snow, Zoe Laughlin and Andi Peters present the country’s biggest mass plane spot.

9.0 James May’s Toy Stories: Flight Club (T) The presenter explores the appeal of the model aeroplane and tries to break a record for the longest fl ight by a toy glider.

7.0 Beyond 100 Days (T) 7.30 Decisive Weapons (T) How the P-51 Mustang fi ghter aircraft became the scourge of the Luftwaff e in the second world war.

Gomorrah 9pm, Sky AtlanticGomorrah always does good fi nales and this season four-ending double bill is no exception. Prepare for a rollercoaster ride as Genny declares: “I gotta take back Secondigliano.” Plus, fans impatient for season fi ve can look forward to prequel fi lm The Immortal, which is currently in the works. MB

GameFace 10pm, Channel 4Still reeling from being called “a potato-faced slapper” by Simon’s ex-wife Tanya, a bruised Marcella seeks solace in her acting work; trouble is, barring a bit part as a monk, she can’t fi nd any. Writer-star Roisin Conaty’s scripts get better by the week, with the internal rhythms of her comedy winning our hearts. MB

Our Borough: Love & Hustle 10.35pm, BBC OneYouth deaths in the capital are scarcely out of the headlines, but accurate portrayals of growing up there are still rare. This two-part doc off ers a corrective, telling the stories of pastor Onyeka, performance poet Taz and others, doing their best despite challenges in their corner of north London. HJD

Animal Babies: First Year on Earth 9pm, BBC TwoA newborn elephant in Kenya has adorable Dumbo-like ears, but they are no help when it comes to keeping up with the herd. For many species, these fi rst few months of life are fraught with danger, which makes this three-part wildlife doc much more than a string of fur-baby photo ops. EEJ

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian56 The Guide

WednesdayGeneration Porn 10.35pm, Channel 4The uncomfortably frank dissection of online fi lth concludes by looking at where porn is going now. While an ex-gardener tries to convince his bus-driver friend to join his burgeoning smut empire, a campaigner mounts the familiar argument that the answer to porn’s toxicity is to make it more realistic. JS

The Big Lebowski 12.50am, Film4The Coen s’ trippy comedy fi lters a noir plot – complete with kidnap, mistaken identity and a severed toe – through the weed-suff used consciousness of hippy throwback the Dude, AKA Jeff rey Lebowski (Jeff Bridges) , and a howlingly funny gang of Coen clowns : John Goodman, Steve Buscemi and John Turturro. PJH

Other channelsBBC Scotland12noon Politics Live 1.0 Victorian Farm 2.0 The Hairy Bakers 2.15 Politics Scotland 2.45 Victorian Farm 3.45 Swimming World Championships Highlights 5.15 Antiques Road Trip 6.0 Celebrity Eggheads 6.30 Best House in Town 7.0 This Farming Life 8.0 Flour Power 8.30 Do Or Dye: Hair Academy 9.0 The Nine 10.0 Facelifts and Fillers 11.0 The People’s News 11.30 The Edit 11.45 Meet Me By the Water

Dave7.10 The Hurting: Even Hurtier 8.0 American Pickers 9.0 Storage Hunters UK 10.0 American Pickers 1.0 Top Gear 2.0 Sin City Motors 3.0 Yianni: Supercar Customiser 4.0 James May’s Cars of the People 5.0 Top Gear 7.0 Have I Got a Bit More Old News for You 8.0 Expedition With Steve Backshall 9.0 Live at the Apollo 10.0 Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier 11.0 QI XL 12.0 Sliced 12.40 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 1.40 Live at the Apollo 2.45 Dara O Briain’s Go 8 Bit 3.35 The Hurting

E46.0am Hollyoaks 7.0 Rules of Engagement 8.0 How I Met Your Mother 9.0 Melissa & Joey 10.0 Black-ish 11.0 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 12.0 Young Sheldon 1.0 The Big Bang Theory 2.0 Melissa & Joey 3.0 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 4.0 Black-ish 5.0 Young Sheldon 6.0 The Big Bang Theory 6.30 The Big Bang Theory 7.0 Hollyoaks

7.30 School of Rock 8.0 Young Sheldon 9.0 The Big Bang Theory 10.0 8 Out of 10 Cats 11.0 The Big Bang Theory 11.55 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 12.55 The Inbetweeners 2.05 8 Out of 10 Cats: More Best Bits 2.45 Gogglebox 3.40 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 4.25 How I Met Your Mother 5.10 Rules of Engagement

Film411.0am � Fantastic Voyage (1966) 1.05 � Stuart Little 2 (2002) 2.40 � The Borrowers (1997) 4.25 � We Bought a Zoo (2011) 6.55 � The Way Way Back (2013) 9.0 � The Last Witch Hunter (2015) 11.10 � Dude, Where’s My Car? (2000) 12.50 � The Big Lebowski (1998)

ITV26.0am The Planet’s Funniest Animals 6.20 Judge Rinder 7.10 Dinner Date 8.0 Emmerdale 9.0 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 9.25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10.25 Superstore 10.50 Superstore 11.15 Dress to Impress 12.15 Emmerdale 12.45 Emmerdale 1.15 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 1.50 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 2.45 Dinner Date 3.50 Dress to Impress 4.55 Take Me Out 6.30 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7.30 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 8.0 Two and a Half Men 8.30 Two and a Half Men 9.0 Love Island 10.0 Iain Stirling’s CelebAbility 10.50 Family Guy 11.20 Family Guy 11.50 American Dad! 12.20 American Dad! 12.45 Two and a Half Men 1.15 Two and a Half Men 1.40 Superstore 2.05 Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

More48.55am A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 9.45 Escape to the Chateau 10.45 The Great British Bake Off 12.0 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 1.05 Four in a Bed 3.50 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It Or List It 4.50 Love It Or List It Australia 5.55 The Secret Life of the Zoo 6.55 The Supervet 7.55 Great Canal Journeys 9.0 Outlander 10.15 How to Dress Like a Princess: Royal Fashion Secrets 11.15 24 Hours in A&E 12.25 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 1.25 The Supervet 2.30 The Secret Life of the Zoo 3.30 Food Unwrapped

S4C Digital6.0am Cyw 12.0 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 12.05 Y Sioe 2019 2.0 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 2.05 Y Sioe 2019 5.0 Stwnsh Larfa 5.05 Boom! 5.15 Pat a Stan 5.25 Pengwiniaid Madagascar 5.35 Dreigiau: Gwarchodwyr Berc 6.0 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 6.05 Trefi Gwyllt Iolo 6.30 Codi Pac 7.0 Heno 8.0 Pobol Y Cwm 8.25 Y Sioe 2019 9.0 Newyddion 9 a’r Tywydd 9.30 Y Sioe 2019 10.0 Seiclo: Le Tour De France 10.30 Y Fets 11.30 Y Sioe 2019 12.0 Y Sioe 2019

Sky One6.0am Animal House 7.0 Monkey Life 8.0 The Dog Whisperer 9.0 Supergirl 10.0 The Flash 11.0 NCIS: Los Angeles 12.0 NCIS: Los Angeles 1.0 Hawaii Five-0 3.0 MacGyver 4.0 Modern Family 5.0 The Simpsons 6.30 The Simpsons 8.0 S.W.A.T 9.0 The Blacklist 10.0 The Force: Manchester 11.0 An Idiot Abroad 12.0 A League

Film Choice

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 57The Guide


Test Cricket: England v Ireland 10am, Sky Sports CricketEngland, fresh from World Cup glory, prepare for the Ashes with a one-off Test at Lord’s.

Cycling: Tour de France 11am, Eurosport 1; 11.15am, ITV4Stage 17, a fl at 200km route from Pont du Gard to Gap.

World Matchplay Darts 7pm, Sky Sports ActionMore arrows action from the Winter Gardens in Blackpool.

Sport Pick of the Day The Clearing PodcastApril Balascio was always suspicious of her father’s temper and habit of making the family move house every few months. But when she was 42, she discovered that Edward Wayne Edwards was a murderer. Now her story is the subject of Gimlet’s new true -crime podcast. From April’s guilt over her initial suspicions (“What a horrible person, to think that about your dad”) to him laughing nervously at the police as they begin their investigations into the case, the fi rst episode has plenty to hook listeners in. HV

of Their Own 1.0 Brit Cops: War on Crime 2.0 Hawaii Five-0 3.0 Hawaii Five-0 4.0 Babylon 5 5.0 Stargate SG-1

Sky Arts6.0am Eras of Music History 7.0 Watercolour Challenge 7.30 Master of Photography 9.0 Tales of the Unexpected 10.0 The South Bank Show Originals 11.0 Discovering: Laurence Harvey 12.0 Discovering: Donald Sutherland 1.0 Tales of the Unexpected 1.30 Tales of the Unexpected 2.0 Joan Baez: How Sweet the Sound 3.50 Fairport Convention: Folk Heroes 5.10 Discovering: Dirk Bogarde 6.10 Discovering: Charles Laughton 7.10 The Sixties 8.0 The Art of Architecture 9.0 Bauhaus Spirit 11.0 Phil Collins: Going Back 1.0 Queen: Hungarian Rhapsody – Live in Budapest 3.0 Classic Albums 4.0 Discovering: Dirk Bogarde 5.0 Discovering: Charles Laughton

Sky Atlantic6.0am Storm City 7.0 Fish Town 8.0 Urban Secrets 9.0 Discovering: Frank Sinatra 10.0 The West Wing 11.0 The West Wing 12.0 Without a Trace 1.0 Without a Trace 2.0 Blue Bloods 3.0 The West Wing 4.0 The West Wing 5.0 Without a Trace 6.0 Without a Trace 7.0 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8.0 Blue Bloods 9.0 Gomorrah 10.0 Gomorrah 11.0 Black Monday 11.35 Riviera 12.35 Show Me a Hero 1.50 Six Feet Under 3.0 Six Feet Under 4.10 The West Wing 5.05 The West Wing

Radio 390.2-92.4 MHz6.30 Breakfast 9.0 Essential Classics 12.0 Composer of the Week: Vivaldi (3/5) 1.0 News 1.02 Lunchtime Concert (R) 2.0 Afternoon Concert: Prom 4 (R) 3.30 Choral Evensong 4.30 New Generation Artists 5.0 In Tune 7.0 In Tune Mixtape 7.30 BBC Proms 2019: Prom 8. The BBC SO play Stravinsky, Debussy and Bartók. 10.0 Forests of the Imagination (R) 10.45 The Essay (R) 11.0 Late Junction 12.30 Through the Night

Radio 492.4-94.6 MHz; 198kHz6.0 Today 9.0 Soul Music (3/5) 9.30 Four Thought (3/16) 9.45 (LW) Daily Service 9.45 (FM) The Great Romantic (3/5) 10.0 Woman’s Hour 10.25 (LW) Test Match Special: England v Ireland – One-Off Test: Day One 10.55 (FM) The Listening Project 11.0 (FM) The Colour of Justice (R) 11.30 (FM) All Those Women (R) 12.0 (FM) News 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 (LW) TMS 12.04 (FM) The Warlow Experiment (3) 12.18 (FM) You and Yours 12.57 (FM) Weather 1.0 (FM) World at One 1.45 (FM) The “K” Word (3/5) 2.0 (FM) The Archers 2.15 (FM) The Clintons (R) 3.0 (FM) Money Box Live 3.30 (FM) Inside Health (4/6) 4.0 (FM) The Gamble Network (1/3) 4.30 (FM) Media Show 5.0 (FM) PM 5.54 (LW) Shipping Forecast 5.57 (FM) Weather 6.0 (LW) TMS 6.0 (FM) News 6.45 The Pin (4/4) 7.0 The Archers 7.15 Front Row 7.45 House Rules (3/5) 8.0 The Moral Maze (8/9) 8.45 Four Thought

(R) 9.0 Stranger Than Sci-Fi (2/6) 9.30 Soul Music (R) 9.59 Weather 10.0 The World Tonight 10.45 The Warlow Experiment (R) 11.0 Darren Harriott (3/4) 11.15 Tez Talks (R) 11.30 Today in Parliament 12.0 News 12.30 The Great Romantic (3/5) 12.48 Shipping 1.0 As World Service 5.20 Shipping 5.30 News 5.43 Prayer for the Day 5.45 Farming Today 5.58 Tweet of the Day (R)

Radio 4 ExtraDigital only9.0 Act Your Age (3/6) 9.30 Cleaning Up (3/4) 10.0 Uncle Silas (1/3) 11.0 Poem Stories (1/2) 11.15 How I Wonder What You Are? (R) 12.0 Diary of a Nobody (2/5) 12.30 Doctor at Large (8/13) 1.0 The Other Typist (3/5) 1.30 Ambassador’s Reception 2.0 Academy Street (3/10) 2.15 Plants: From Roots to Riches (18/25) 2.30 Madame Bovary (8/10) 2.45 Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (3/5) 3.0 Uncle Silas (1/3) 4.0 Act Your Age (3/6) 4.30 Cleaning Up (3/4) 5.0 There Is No Escape (2/4) 5.30 The Pin (3/4) 6.0 First Men in the Moon (3/5) 6.15 Truth About Hawaii (3/10) 6.30 That Reminds Me (3/6) 7.0 Diary of a Nobody (2/5) 7.30 Doctor at Large (8/13) 8.0 Other Typist (3/5) 8.30 Ambassador’s Reception 9.0 Poem Stories (1/2) 9.15 How I Wonder What You Are? (R) 10.0 The Pin (3/4) 10.30 Future of Radio (2/4) 10.45 Extra 11.0 The Jason Byrne Show (5/6) 11.30 Hamish and Dougal (5/6) 11.45 Love in Recovery (5/6) 12.0 The First Men in the Moon (3/5)

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian58 The Guide

Thursday25 July

BBC One BBC Two ITV6.30 Wednesday in Parliament

7.0 Coast (R) 8.0 Britain in Bloom (R) 8.30 Great British Railway Journeys (R) 9.0 BBC News at 9 10.0 Victoria Derbyshire 11.0 BBC Newsroom Live 12.15 Politics Live 1.0 Curious Creatures (T) (R) 1.30 Getting the Builders In (T) (R) 2.15 The Wonder of Animals (T) (R) 2.45 Victorian Farm (T) (R) 3.45 Swimming World Championships Highlights (T) 5.15 Antiques Road Trip (T) (R) 6.0 Celebrity Eggheads (T) (R) 6.30 Best House in Town (T) 7.0 The Repair Shop (T)

6.0 Breakfast (T) 9.15 Wanted Down Under (T) (R) 10.0 Homes Under the Hammer (T) (R) 11.0 The Empty Housing Scandal (T) (R) 11.45 Armchair Britain (T) (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt (T) (R) 1.0 News; Weather (T) 1.30 Regional News and Weather (T) 1.45 Red Rock (T) 2.30 Escape to the Country (T) (R) 3.30 Make Me a Dealer (T) (R) 4.15 Flog It! (T) (R) 5.15 Pointless (T) (R) 6.0 News; Weather (T) 6.30 Regional News and Weather (T) 7.0 The One Show (T) 7.30 EastEnders (T)

8.0 This Farming Life (T) Lynn and Sandra go to their fi rst auction to buy sheep and hens for the croft.

9.0 Broke (T) New series. Documentary lifting the lid on working people’s fi nances, following nine British families who, despite holding down jobs, are struggling to make ends meet.

8.0 Serengeti (T) Lioness Kali faces a diffi cult decision, and Bakari challenges the jealous leader of the baboon troop.

9.0 Fake Or Fortune? (T) New series. An 18th-century landscape that could be a lost work by Thomas Gainsborough, one of the biggest names in British art.

10.0 ITV News at Ten (T) 10.35 Local News (T) 10.50 Long Lost Family (T) (R) 11.45 Beecham House (T) (R) 12.40 Tour De France Highlights

(T) 1.30 James Martin’s French Adventure (T) (R) 2.20 Teleshopping (T) 2.50 John Bishop’s Ireland (T) (R) 3.15 ITV Nightscreen 5.05 Judge Rinder (T) (R)

8.0 Emmerdale (T) Matty feels under pressure to impress.

8.30 The Cruise: Sailing the Mediterranean (T) (R) Magicians Jonny and Tricia prepare to unveil their risky new illusion.

9.0 Sewer Men (T) First in a two-part documentary following workers for Severn Trent water company.

6.0 Good Morning Britain (T) 8.30 Lorraine (T) 9.25 Judge Rinder (T) (R) 10.30 This Morning (T) 12.30 Loose Women (T) 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News (T) 1.55 Local News (T) 2.0 Dickinson’s Real Deal (T) (R) 3.0 Tenable (T) (R) 3.59 Local News/Weather (T) 4.0 Tipping Point (T) (R) 5.0 The Chase (T) (R) 6.0 Local News (T) 6.30 ITV Evening News (T) 7.0 Emmerdale (T) 7.30 Ross Kemp Living With Homelessness (T)

10.0 Vic & Bob’s Big Night Out (T) (R) Comedy skits.

10.30 Newsnight; Weather (T) 11.15 How the Middle Classes

Ruined Britain (T) (R) 12.15 Sign Zone: Mad Cow

Disease – The Great British Beef Scandal (T) (R) 1.15 War on Plastic With Hugh and Anita (T) (R) 2.15 This Is BBC Two (T)

10.0 BBC News at Ten (T)10.25 BBC Regional News and

Weather (T)10.35 Inside the Bruderhof

(T) The story of a radical Christian community living in a Sussex village.

11.15 Who Do You Think You Are? (T) (R) With actor Daniel Radcliff e.

12.15 Weather (T) 12.20 News (T)

Pick of the Day Broke 9pm, BBC TwoDirector Nick Leader’s three-part documentary follows families over a year that sees their fi nancial futures hanging in the balance. It opens with the stories of Hastings father and son Steve and Billy, who lost both their jobs and their house and wound up in tents on the beach; struggling Port Talbot steelworker Ross, his partner Vicky and their three kids; and photographer -turned -London Uber driver Mark. A gallery of poignant TV portraits that proves “being broke is not the same as being broken”. MB

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 59The Guide


Channel 4 Channel 5 BBC Four

10.0 Celebrity Gogglebox (T) (R) 11.0 The Tez O’Clock Show (T)

New series. 12.0 24 Hours in A&E 1.0 Kitchen

Nightmares USA 1.50 � August: Osage County (2013) 3.50 The £1 Houses: Britain’s Cheapest Street (T) 4.20 Dispatches: £2 Milllion Passport – Welcome to Britain (T)

8.0 George Clarke’s Old House, New Home (T) George helps a couple refurbish their large semi-detached in Margate.

9.0 Catch-22 (T) Alive and intact, Yossarian is thwarted by an old adversary. Confronted by a huge loss, he undergoes a transformation. Last in the series.

6.25 Cheers (T) (R) 6.55 Cheers (T) (R) 7.20 The King of Queens (T) (R) 8.10 Everybody Loves Raymond (T) (R) 9.10 Frasier (T) (R) 10.10 The Big Bang Theory (T) (R) 11.0 The Simpsons (T) (R) 11.30 The Simpsons (T) (R) 12.0 News (T) 12.05 A New Life in the Sun (T) (R) 1.05 Posh Pawnbrokers (T) (R) 2.10 Countdown (T) 3.0 A Place in the Sun (T) (R) 4.0 The £100k Drop (T) 5.0 Come Dine With Me (T) 5.30 The Simpsons (T) (R) 6.0 The Simpsons (T) (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks (T) (R) 7.0 News (T)

10.15 Benidorm Brits Behaving Badly (T)

11.15 Old School for Lazy Kids (R) 12.10 World’s Deadliest Weather:

Caught on Camera (T) (R) 1.10 The Live Casino Show (T) 3.10 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun (T) (R) 4.0 Britain’s Greatest Bridges (T) (R) 4.45 House Doctor (T) (R)

8.0 Dirty Britain: Grime & Punishment (T) David discovers a load of sex toys dumped in a farmer’s fi eld. 5 News Update

9.0 Portillo: The Trouble With the Tories (T) Part one of two. Former defence secretary Michael Portillo examines divisions within the Conservative party.

6.0 Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine (T) 11.15 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun (T) (R) 12.10 5 News Lunchtime (T) 12.15 Police Interceptors (T) (R) 1.10 Access (T) 1.15 Home and Away (T) 1.45 Neighbours (T) 2.15 � Last Scene Alive: An Aurora Teagarden Mystery (Martin Wood, 2018) (T) 4.0 Friends (T) (R) 4.30 Friends (T) (R) 5.0 5 News at 5 (T) 5.30 Neighbours (T) (R) 6.0 Home and Away (T) (R) 6.30 5 News Tonight (T) 7.0 Cricket on 5 (T)

10.0 Blood and Gold: The Making of Spain With Simon Sebag Montefi ore (T) Last in the series.

11.0 Jonathan Meades on Jargon (T)

12.0 The Secret History of My Family (T) 1.0 Peaky Blinders (T) 1.55 Peaky Blinders (T) 2.55 Peaky Blinders (T)

8.0 Plane Spotting Live (T) Peter Snow, Zoe Laughlin and Andi Peters conclude their mission to observe the types of planes fl ying in UK airspace, from private to cargo to military.

9.0 Concorde: A Supersonic Story (T) The life of the most glamorous plane ever built, as told by the people whose lives it touched.

7.0 Beyond 100 Days (T) 7.30 Top of the Pops: 1988 (T) With Fleetwood Mac, Hazell Dean, Natalie Cole and AC/DC.

Catch-22 9pm, Channel 4This superb dramatisation of Joseph Heller’s tricky novel can’t quite magic up a neat ending but, before then, the fi nal episode is another killer. Yossarian hilariously injures his scrotum, but then the show’s jazzy black farce makes way for a gut-punch scene about the real bloody hell of war. JS

Portillo: The Trouble With the Tories 9pm, Channel 5The Conservative party was a power-amassing machine for decades, then Brexit ruined it. That’s the Portillo presumption. This postmortem includes interviews with fellow “big beasts”, but also features no one under 45, no commenters of colour and not a single woman . Another clue, perhaps? EEJ

Inside the Bruderhof10.35pm, BBC OneThis fi lm about a radical community hidden away in a rural Sussex village, where they have relinquished money and possessions to live as disciples of Jesus, paints a picture disquieting enough to arouse your curiosity. Overall, though, it is a bit toothless and could have done with an injection of Louis Theroux. MB

Ross Kemp Living With Homelessness 7.30pm, ITVMore accustomed to embedding himself in foreign hotspots, Kemp ventures closer to home with this series on issues aff ecting the UK today. He begins by joining rough sleepers in Cardiff on its coldest night in seven years. Despite his gruff exterior, Kemp proves a sympathetic witness to a genuine crisis. GM

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian60 The Guide

ThursdayThe Tez O’Clock Show 1 1pm, Channel 4Channel 4 continues to do good work in diversifying topical TV satire: now northern, working-class Muslim Tez Ilyas has a three-week run of sketches, chat and interviews that his sharp stand up suggests will be on the money. Sophie Willan, Adam Rowe, Sindhu Vee and Man Like Mobeen’s Guz Khan co-star. JS

August: Osage County1.50am, Channel 4An A-list ensemble gathers at the home of Meryl Streep’s newly widowed matriarch Violet Weston for this engrossing screening of Tracy Letts’s play , and director John Wells lets them get on with it. Among those chewing over the ripe dialogue, Julia Roberts excels as daughter Barbara, terrifi ed of ending up like Mum. PJH

Other channelsBBC Scotland12.15pm Politics Live 1.0 Curious Creatures 1.30 Getting the Builders In 2.15 The Wonder of Animals 2.45 Victorian Farm 3.45 Swimming World Championships Highlights 5.15 Antiques Road Trip 6.0 Celebrity Eggheads 6.30 Best House in Town 7.0 Grand Tours of the Scottish Islands 8.0 Beechgrove 8.30 Test Drive 9.0 The Nine 10.0 Mirror Mirror 10.30 The Thick of It 11.0 The Spoken Word 11.30 The Comedy Underground

Dave7.10 The Hurting: Even Hurtier 8.0 American Pickers 9.0 Storage Hunters UK 10.0 American Pickers 1.0 Top Gear 2.0 Sin City Motors 3.0 Yianni: Supercar Customiser 4.0 James May’s Cars of the People 5.0 Top Gear 7.0 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 8.0 QI XL 9.0 Live at the Apollo 10.0 Judge Romesh 11.0 QI XL 12.0 Sliced 12.40 Have I Got a Bit More Old News for You 1.40 Live at the Apollo 3.0 Judge Romesh

E46.0am Hollyoaks 7.0 Rules of Engagement 8.0 How I Met Your Mother 9.0 Melissa & Joey 10.0 Black-ish 11.0 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 12.0 Young Sheldon 1.0 The Big Bang Theory 2.0 Melissa & Joey 3.0 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 4.0 Black-ish 5.0 Young Sheldon 6.0 The Big Bang Theory 7.0 Hollyoaks 7.30 School of Rock 8.0 The Big Bang Theory 9.0 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 9.30 The Good Place

10.0 The Inbetweeners 11.05 The Big Bang Theory 12.0 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.0 Rick and Morty 1.35 Robot Chicken 2.05 8 Out of 10 Cats 2.50 Gogglebox 3.45 The Good Place 4.10 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 5.15 How I Met Your Mother

Film411.0am � Miracle on 34th Street (1994) 1.15 � Capture the Flag (2015) 3.05 � Dragonball Evolution (2009) 4.45 � Men in Black 3 (2012) 6.50 � Risen (2016) 9.0 � Mechanic: Resurrection (2016) 11.0 � Brotherhood (2016) 1.05 � Drug War (2012)

ITV26.0am The Planet’s Funniest Animals 6.20 Judge Rinder 7.10 Dinner Date 8.0 Emmerdale 8.30 Coronation Street 9.25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10.25 Superstore 11.15 Dress to Impress 12.15 Emmerdale 12.45 Coronation Street 1.50 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 2.45 Dinner Date 3.50 Dress to Impress 4.55 Take Me Out 6.0 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7.0 You’ve Been Framed! Gold Family Special 8.0 Two and a Half Men 9.0 Love Island 10.0 Shopping With Keith Lemon 10.35 Family Guy 11.35 American Dad! 12.30 Hey Tracey! 1.15 Two and a Half Men

More48.55am A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 9.45 Escape to the Chateau 10.45 The Great British Bake Off 12.0 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 1.05 Four in a Bed 3.50 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It Or List It 4.50

Love It Or List It Australia 5.55 The Secret Life of the Zoo 6.55 The Supervet 7.55 Great Canal Journeys 9.0 24 Hours in A&E 10.0 Shut-Ins: Britain’s Fattest People 11.0 999: What’s Your Emergency? 12.05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 1.0 The Supervet 2.05 The Secret Life of the Zoo 3.10 8 Out of 10 Cats

S4C Digital6.0am Cyw Shwshaswyn 6.10 Halibalw 6.20 Digbi Draig 6.30 Gwdihw 6.45a Y Brodyr Coala 6.55 Sblij a Sbloj 7.05 Meic Y Marchog 7.20 Jen a Jim Pob Dim 7.35 Twm Tisian 7.45 Sion Y Chef 8.0 Heini 8.15 Y Dywysoges Fach 8.25 Darllen ’Da Fi 8.35 Blero Yn Mynd I Ocido 8.45 Yn Yr Ardd 9.0 Y Sioe 2019 12.0 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 12.05 Y Sioe 2019 2.0 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 2.05 Y Sioe 2019 5.0 Stwnsh Larfa 5.05 Y Dyfnfor 5.25 Arthur a Chriw Y Ford Gron 5.40 Ci Da 6.0 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 6.05 Y Fets 7.0 Heno 7.30 Pobol Y Cwm 8.0 Y Sioe 2019 9.0 Newyddion 9 a’r Tywydd 9.30 Seiclo: Le Tour De France 10.0 Sbariwns 10.30 Hansh 11.0 Y Stiwdio Gefn 11.30 Y Sioe 2019

Sky One6.0am Animal House 7.0 Monkey Life 8.0 The Dog Whisperer 9.0 Supergirl 10.0 The Flash 11.0 NCIS: Los Angeles 1.0 Hawaii Five-0 3.0 MacGyver 4.0 Modern Family 4.30 Modern Family 5.0 The Simpsons 5.30 Futurama 6.0 Futurama 6.30 The Simpsons 9.0 An Idiot Abroad 10.0 Micky Flanagan’s Detour De France 11.0

Film Choice

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 61The Guide


Test Cricket: England v Ireland 10.30am, Sky Sports CricketDay two of the one-off Test.

World Golf Championships 7pm, Sky Sports GolfThe St Jude International, the third of this year’s World Golf Championship events.

Major League Baseball: Boston Red Sox v New York Yankees 12midnight, BT Sport 1Fenway Park hosts the classic American League encounter.

Sport Pick of the Day Spectacular Failures Podcast“Try again . Fail again. Fail better,” said Samuel Beckett, very much ahead of 2019’s trend for admitting your screw-ups (see also Elizabeth Day’s How to Fail podcast). Where bankrupt or crisis-hit business is concerned, however, there is often less empathy and more schadenfreude. This podcast from American Public Media and the University of Minnesota treads the line between shocked and analytical as it considers a defunct Christian amusement park among other turkeys. HJD

Agatha Raisin 12.0 Agatha Raisin 1.0 Warrior 2.0 Hawaii Five-0 3.0 Hawaii Five-0 4.0 Babylon 5 5.0 Stargate SG-1

Sky Arts6.0am André Rieu: Welcome to My World 7.0 Auction 7.30 Watercolour Challenge 8.0 Master of Photography 9.0 Tales of the Unexpected 10.0 The South Bank Show Originals 11.0 Discovering: Dirk Bogarde 12.0 Discovering: Charles Laughton 1.0 Tales of the Unexpected 2.0 More Than This: The Story of Roxy Music 3.0 Classic Albums 4.0 The South Bank Show 5.0 Discovering: Karl Malden 6.0 Discovering: Anthony Hopkins 7.0 The Seventies 8.0 The Directors 9.0 Midnight Return: The Story of Billy Hayes and Turkey 10.50 Pet Shop Boys: A Life in Pop 12.0 The 2000s 1.0 Korn: Loud Krazy Love 3.0 Classic Albums 4.0 Discovering: Karl Malden 5.0 Discovering: Anthony Hopkins

Sky Atlantic6.0am Storm City 7.0 Fish Town 8.0 Urban Secrets 9.0 Discovering: Elizabeth Taylor 10.0 The West Wing 11.0 The West Wing 12.0 Without a Trace 1.0 Without a Trace 2.0 Blue Bloods 3.0 The West Wing 4.0 The West Wing 5.0 Without a Trace 6.0 Without a Trace 7.0 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8.0 Blue Bloods 9.0 � Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief (2015) 11.15 Big Little Lies 12.25 The Sopranos 1.40 The Sopranos 3.15 Six Feet Under 4.20 The West Wing

Radio 390.2-92.4 MHz6.30 Breakfast 9.0 Essential Classics 12.0 Composer of the Week (4/5) 1.0 News 1.02 Lunchtime Concert 2.0 Afternoon Concert: Prom 6 (R) 5.0 In Tune 7.0 Prom 9. The BBC NOW play R Strauss, Tobias Broström and Brahms. 9.30 Forests: The Pine Tree (R) 10.15 Prom 10. Public Service Broadcasting. 11.30 Late Junction 12.30 Through the Night

Radio 492.4-94.6 MHz; 198kHz6.0 Today 8.31 (LW) Yesterday in Parliament 9.0 Bringing Up Britain (3/3) 9.45 (LW) Daily Service 9.45 (FM) The Great Romantic (4/5) 10.0 (LW) Woman’s Hour 10.0 (FM) Woman’s Hour 10.30 (LW) TMS: England v Ireland – Test. Day Two. 11.0 (FM) Crossing Continents (1/9) 11.30 (FM) Angels of the Bayou 12.0 (FM) News 12.01 (LW) Shipping 12.04 (LW) TMS 12.04 (FM) The Warlow Experiment (4/10) 12.18 (FM) You and Yours 1.0 (FM) World at One 1.45 (FM) The “K” Word (4/5) 2.0 (FM) The Archers (R) 2.15 (FM) Faded Glory 3.0 (FM) Open Country 3.27 (FM) Appeal (R) 3.30 (FM) Open Book (R) 4.0 (FM) Film Programme 4.30 (FM) Inside Science 5.0 (FM) PM 5.54 (LW) Shipping Forecast 6.0 (LW) TMS 6.0 (FM) News 6.30 (FM) Welcome to Wherever You Are (2/4) 6.45 (LW) Welcome to Wherever You Are (2/4) 7.0 The Archers 7.15 Front Row 7.45 House Rules (4/5) 8.0 Making History (R) 8.30 The Bottom Line (9/9) 9.0 Inside Science

9.30 Bringing Up Britain (R) 10.0 World Tonight 10.45 The Warlow Experiment (4/10) 11.0 Elephant in the Room (5/7) 11.30 Today in Parliament 12.0 News 12.30 The Great Romantic (4/5) 12.48 Shipping 1.0 As World Service 5.20 Shipping 5.30 News 5.43 Prayer 5.45 Farming Today 5.58 Tweet of the Day (R)

Radio 4 ExtraDigital only9.0 Booked (6/6) 9.30 Richard Barton: General Practitioner! (1/6) 10.0 Uncle Silas (2/3) 11.0 Poem Stories (2/2) 11.15 Gertrude Stein and the Liberation Fruitcake 12.0 Brothers in Law (3/13) 12.30 The Goon Show (16/17) 1.0 The Other Typist (4/5) 1.30 In Search of My Lizard Brain 2.0 Academy Street (4/10) 2.15 Plants: From Roots to Riches (19/25) 2.30 Madame Bovary (9/10) 2.45 Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (4/5) 3.0 Uncle Silas (2/3) 4.0 Booked (6/6) 4.30 Richard Barton: General Practitioner! (1/6) 5.0 Hobby Bobbies (3/4) 5.30 Welcome to Wherever You Are (1/4) 6.0 The First Men in the Moon (4/5) 6.15 The Truth About Hawaii (4/10) 6.30 Great Lives (6/9) 7.0 Brothers in Law (3/13) 7.30 The Goon Show (16/17) 8.0 The Other Typist (4/5) 8.30 In Search of My Lizard Brain 9.0 Poem Stories (2/2) 9.15 Gertrude Stein and the Liberation Fruitcake 10.0 Welcome to Wherever You Are (1/4) 10.30 A Wet Handle (3/5) 10.45 Comedy Club Extra 11.0 The Brig Society (1/2) 11.30 The in Crowd (1/5) 12.0 The First Men in the Moon (4/5)

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian62 The Guide

Friday26 July

BBC One BBC Two ITV6.30 Thursday in Parliament (T)

7.0 Coast (T) (R) 8.0 Sign Zone: Gardeners’ World (T) (R) 9.0 BBC News at 9 (T) 10.0 Victoria Derbyshire (T) 11.0 BBC Newsroom Live (T) 1.0 Curious Creatures (T) (R) 1.30 Getting the Builders In (T) (R) 2.15 The Wonder of Animals (T) (R) 2.45 Victorian Farm (T) (R) 3.45 Swimming World Championships Highlights (T) 5.15 Antiques Road Trip (T) (R) 6.0 Celebrity Eggheads (T) (R) 6.30 Best House in Town (T) 7.0 Hidden Wales With Will Millard (T) (R)

6.0 Breakfast (T) 9.15 Wanted Down Under Revisited (T) (R) 10.0 Homes Under the Hammer (T) (R) 11.0 The Empty Housing Scandal (T) (R) 11.45 Armchair Britain (T) (R) 12.15 Bargain Hunt (T) 1.0 BBC News at One; Weather (T) 1.30 Regional News and Weather (T) 1.45 Red Rock (T) 2.30 Escape to the Country (T) 3.30 Make Me a Dealer (T) (R) 4.15 Flog It! (T) 5.15 Pointless (T) (R) 6.0 BBC News at Six; Weather (T) 6.30 BBC Regional News and Weather (T) 7.0 The One Show (T) 7.30 Garden Rescue (T)

8.0 Gardeners’ World (T) Adam Frost dispels the confusion about the summer pruning of wisteria.

9.0 Hippos: Africa’s River Giants (T) Documentary revealing the life of the hippopotamus as never seen before, getting closer than ever to an animal that cannot swim yet is dependent on water.

8.0 EastEnders (T) Keegan says he is quitting school.

8.30 A Question of Sport (T) With Greg Rusedski, Jason Stockdale, Liz McColgan and Joleon Lescott.

9.0 Still Game (T) The friends help Winston arrange his dream wedding.

9.30 Mrs Brown’s Boys (T) (R) Agnes gets ominous news from beyond the grave.

10.0 ITV News at Ten (T) 10.30 Local News (T) 10.45 � Lethal Weapon 2

(1989) (T) Action sequel, with Mel Gibson, Danny Glover and Joss Ackland.

12.45 The Voice Kids (T) (R) 2.15 Tour De France Highlights (T) 3.05 Teleshopping 3.35 All Star Mr & Mrs (T) (R) 4.25 ITV Nightscreen

8.0 Rescue: River Deep, Mountain High (T) New series. Rescue eff orts across the British Isles.

8.30 Coronation Street (T) Paula’s confession angers Kevin and Sophie.

9.0 Lethal Weapon (T) New series. After the death of Riggs, Murtaugh meets his match in former CIA agent Wesley Cole.

6.0 Good Morning Britain (T) 8.30 Lorraine (T) 9.25 Judge Rinder (T) (R) 10.30 This Morning (T) 12.30 Loose Women (T) 1.30 ITV Lunchtime News (T) 1.55 Local News (T) 2.0 Dickinson’s Real Deal (T) (R) 3.0 Tenable (T) (R) 3.59 Local News/Weather (T) 4.0 Tipping Point (T) (R) 5.0 The Chase (T) (R) 6.0 Local News (T) 6.30 ITV Evening News (T) 7.0 Emmerdale (T) 7.30 Coronation Street (T)

10.0 QI (T) (R) 10.30 Newsnight; Weather (T) 11.05 � The Boy in the Striped

Pyjamas (Mark Herman, 2008) (T) Holocaust drama, with David Thewlis and Asa Butterfi eld.

12.35 Sign Zone: Panorama (T) (R) 1.05 8 Days: To the Moon and Back (T) 2.35 This Is BBC Two (T)

10.0 BBC News at Ten (T)10.25 BBC Regional News and

Weather (T)10.35 Killing Eve (T) (R) 11.20 New Tricks (T) (R) 12.20 � Philomena (2013) (T)

Fact-based drama, starring Judi Dench and Steve Coogan. 1.50 Weather for the Week Ahead (T) 1.55 BBC News (T)

Pick of the Day Punk 9pm, Sky ArtsThe gravel-voiced founding father of punk, Iggy Pop, narrates this comprehensive history of the genre. He begins, with some justifi cation, by talking about himself: the opening episode kicks out the jams in Detroit with the MC5 and the Stooges and learns how those bands inspired a generation of young New Yorkers, including the Ramones, to give voice to their own urban angst. In the second part of a double bill, the Ramones visit London and fi nd a city full of scruff y, furious kindred spirits. PH

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 63The Guide


Channel 4 Channel 5 BBC Four

10.0 The Lateish Show With Mo Gilligan (T)

11.05 Shipmates (T) 12.05 � Dracula Untold (2014)

(T) 1.35 Undercover Boss USA (T) (R) 2.25 GameFace (T) (R) 2.50 Come Dine With Me (T) (R) 3.15 Come Dine With Me (T) (R) 5.0 Kirstie’s Vintage Gems (T) (R) 5.05 The £100k Drop (T) (R)

8.0 Celebrity Crystal Maze (T) With Oti Mabuse, Anna Richardson, Jack Fincham, Russell Kane and Steve Pemberton.

9.0 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown (T) New series. Sean Lock and Miles Jupp take on Jon Richardson and Rose Matafeo, while Vic Reeves joins Susie Dent in Dictionary Corner.

6.25 Cheers (T) (R) 7.20 The King of Queens (T) (R) 8.10 Everybody Loves Raymond (T) (R) 9.10 Frasier (T) (R) 9.40 Frasier (T) (R) 10.10 The Big Bang Theory (T) (R) 10.35 The Big Bang Theory (T) (R) 11.0 The Simpsons (T) (R) 11.30 The Simpsons (T) (R) 12.0 News (T) 12.05 A New Life in the Sun (T) (R) 1.05 Posh Pawnbrokers (T) (R) 2.10 Countdown (T) 3.0 A Place in the Sun (T) (R) 4.0 The £100k Drop (T) 5.0 Come Dine With Me (T) 5.30 The Simpsons (T) (R) 6.30 Hollyoaks (T) (R) 7.0 Channel 4 News (T)

10.0 Freddie Mercury: The Greatest Showman (T)

11.35 Lip Sync Battle UK: Carol Vorderman v Martin Kemp (T) (R)

12.05 Cricket on 5 (T) 1.05 The Live Casino Show (T) 3.05 Access (T) 3.10 GPs: Behind Closed Doors (T) (R) 4.0 Casualty 24/7 (T) (R) 4.45 House Doctor (T) (R)

8.0 Secrets of the McVitie’s Factory (T) (R) Cameras follow 24 hours of life on the factory fl oor at the McVitie’s factory in Carlisle. 5 News Update

9.0 Celebrity 5 Go Barging (T) Michael Buerk, Shaun Williamson, Amanda Barrie, Anita Harris and John Prescott drift towards the Potteries in Stoke-on-Trent.

6.0 Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine (T) 11.15 Bargain Loving Brits By the Sea (T) (R) 12.10 5 News Lunchtime (T) 12.15 Police Interceptors (T) (R) 1.10 Access (T) 1.15 Home and Away (T) 1.45 Neighbours (T) 2.15 � A Wife’s Suspicion (Jesse James Miller, 2016) (T) 4.0 Friends (T) (R) 4.30 Friends (T) (R) 5.0 5 News at 5 (T) 5.30 Neighbours (T) (R) 6.0 Home and Away (T) (R) 6.30 5 News Tonight (T) 7.0 Cricket on 5 (T)

10.0 David Bowie and the Story of Ziggy Stardust (T) The creation of the alter ego.

11.0 BBC Proms: Public Service Broadcasting (T) A new orchestral arrangement of The Race for Space.

12.10 Top of the Pops: 1988 (T) 1.0 Peaky Blinders (T) 2.0 Peaky Blinders (T) 3.0 Peaky Blinders (T)

7.0 World News Today (T) 7.30 BBC Proms: Schumann, Schoenberg and Mozart (T) Omer Meir Wellber makes his Proms debut with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra.

Hippos: Africa’s River Giants 9pm, BBC TwoThe diametric opposite of BBC One’s woeful Serengeti, this Natural World fi lm is proper natural history narrated by David Attenborough. A two-tonne animal that cannot swim but is dependent on water, the hippo is a paradox superbly illustrated in a profi le of its life cycle in the savage climate of Africa’s Okavango delta. MB

Lethal Weapon 9pm, ITVAll change for season three of the buddy movie spin-off . After some off -screen drama involving star Clayne Crawford, Martin Riggs has been killed off . Now grumpy veteran Damon Wayans needs a new partner to bicker with during reckless car chases: enter ex-CIA agent Seann William Scott, a long way from American Pie. GV

Trump’s Trade War 9pm, PBS AmericaFor some deluded souls, Donald Trump’s billion-dollar tariff s on Chinese imports will defi nitely help US workers and bring back steel industry jobs. However, many others think this is a Very Bad Idea. Reporter Laura Sullivan investigates amid a new cold war. Trigger warning: contains Steve Bannon. AJC

Rescue: River Deep, Mountain High 8pm, ITVJeopardy TV that doubles as a recruitment ad for the volunteer rescue services it promotes, this eight-part series fi lmed on GoPro forms a lively addition to an otherwise tired genre. This opener features a death-defying mission to the Devil’s Ladder in Ireland and an accident in the Peak District. MB

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian64 The Guide

FridayFreddie Mercury: The Greatest Showman 10pm, Channel 5Is there anything left to say on the subject of the late, lamented Queen frontman, who could hold entire stadiums in the palm of his hand? Relive his greatest hits and performances in a fulsome profi le that features contributions from friends, lovers, collaborators and fans. He will rock you. MB

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas 11.05pm, BBC TwoTwo boys sit on opposite sides of a fence: on the outside is a Nazi commandant’s son (Asa Butterfi eld); and on the inside, the Jewish boy in the striped pyjamas (Jack Scanlon). Their friendship is a powerful counterpoint to the evil of the Holocaust in this aff ecting take on John Boyne’s novel. PJH

Other channelsBBC Scotland12noon BBC Newsroom Live 1.0 Curious Creatures 1.30 Getting the Builders In 2.15 The Wonder of Animals 2.45 Victorian Farm 3.45 Swimming World Championships Highlights 5.15 Antiques Road Trip 6.0 Celebrity Eggheads 6.30 Best House in Town 7.0 Who Will Pick the Berries? A Landward Special 8.0 Jamie Genevieve Unfi ltered 9.0 The Nine 10.0 The Comedy Underground 10.30 Burnistoun Goes to Work 11.0 Chewin’ the Fat 11.30 Up for It

Dave7.10 The Hurting: Even Hurtier 8.0 American Pickers 9.0 Storage Hunters UK 10.0 American Pickers 1.0 Top Gear 2.0 Cop Car Workshop 3.0 Yianni: Supercar Customiser 4.0 James May’s Cars of the People 5.0 Top Gear 7.0 Have I Got a Bit More Old News for You 8.0 QI XL 9.0 Live at the Apollo 10.0 Red Dwarf 11.20 Josh 12.0 Josh 12.40 Have I Got a Bit More Old News for You 1.40 Mock the Week 2.30 Mock the Week 3.0 Dara O Briain’s Go 8 Bit

E46.0am Hollyoaks 7.0 Rules of Engagement 8.0 How I Met Your Mother 9.0 Melissa & Joey 10.0 Black-ish 11.0 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 12.0 Young Sheldon 1.0 The Big Bang Theory 2.0 Melissa & Joey 3.0 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 4.0 Black-ish 5.0 Young Sheldon 6.0 The Big Bang Theory 7.0 Hollyoaks 7.30 School of Rock 8.0 The Big Bang Theory 9.0

� Let’s Be Cops (2014) 11.05 Rick and Morty 12.10 The Eric Andre Show 12.40 The Big Bang Theory 1.40 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 2.35 8 Out of 10 Cats 3.20 First Dates 4.15 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 4.55 How I Met Your Mother

Film411.0am � The Rugrats Movie (1999) 12.35 � Flash Gordon (1980) 2.55 � Over the Hedge (2006) 4.35 � Step Up All In (2014) 6.50 � Behind Enemy Lines (2001) 9.0 � The Martian (2015) 11.45 � The Last Days on Mars (2013) 1.45 � The Anomaly (2014)

ITV26.0am The Planet’s Funniest Animals 6.20 Judge Rinder 7.10 Dinner Date 8.0 Emmerdale 9.0 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 9.25 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10.25 Superstore 11.15 Dress to Impress 12.15 Emmerdale 1.15 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 1.50 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 2.45 Dinner Date 3.50 Dress to Impress 4.50 Take Me Out 6.0 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 6.30 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7.0 Totally You’ve Been Framed! Gold 8.0 Two and a Half Men 8.30 Two and a Half Men 9.0 Love Island 10.05 Celebrity Juice 10.50 Family Guy 11.20 Family Guy 11.50 American Dad! 12.50 Two and a Half Men 1.45 Superstore

More48.55am A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 9.45 Escape to the Chateau 10.45 The Great British Bake Off : The Final 12.0 Find It, Fix It, Flog

It 1.05 Four in a Bed 3.50 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It Or List It 4.50 Love It Or List It Australia 5.55 The Secret Life of the Zoo 6.55 The Supervet 7.55 Great Canal Journeys 9.0 Code 37: Sex Crimes 10.05 24 Hours in A&E 11.05 24 Hours in A&E 12.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 1.05 The Supervet 2.10 The Secret Life of the Zoo 3.15 8 Out of 10 Cats

S4C Digital6.0am Cyw 12.0 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 12.05 Parti Bwyd Beca 12.30 Heno 1.0 Prynhawn Da 1.55 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 2.0 Seiclo: Le Tour De France 4.45 Olobobs 4.50 Sam Tan 5.0 Stwnsh Larfa 5.05 Mwy O Mwfs: MOM 5.25 Cath-Od 5.35 Crwbanod Ninja 6.0 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 6.05 Ras Yr Wyddfa 2019 7.0 Heno 8.0 Pobol Y Cwm 8.25 Codi Pac 9.0 Newyddion 9 a’r Tywydd 9.30 Seiclo: Le Tour De France 10.0 Straeon Tafarn: Y Ship, Abergwaun 10.30 Oci Oci Oci

Sky One6.0am Animal House 7.0 Monkey Life 8.0 The Dog Whisperer 9.0 Supergirl 10.0 The Flash 11.0 NCIS: Los Angeles 1.0 Hawaii Five-0 2.0 Hawaii Five-0 3.0 MacGyver 4.0 Modern Family 4.30 Modern Family 5.0 The Simpsons 5.30 Futurama 6.0 Futurama 6.30 The Simpsons 7.0 The Simpsons 7.30 The Simpsons 8.0 Modern Family 8.30 Modern Family 9.0 Agatha Raisin 10.0 Agatha Raisin 11.0 The Russell Howard Hour 12.0 Brit Cops: War

Film Choice

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 65The Guide


Cycling: Tour de France 12.15pm, Eurosport 1; 12.30pm, ITV4A mountainous route from Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne to Tignes.

World Matchplay Darts 7pm, Sky Sports ActionQuarter-fi nal coverage.

International T20 Cricket: Women’s Ashes 7pm, Sky Sports CricketChelmsford’s County Ground hosts the series opener.

Sport Pick of the Day The Specials 11.30am, Radio 4Ruth Jones is Alice, single mum to 12-year-old Henry, who has a love of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder. She is juggling family life with her cake-making business as well as her dad, who lives in her “annex of passion”. There are plenty of jokes about holding on by a thread, battling with the PTA and the horror of forgetting World Book Day. Jones gets some good lines (“I hate glitter … it’s like camp napalm”), even if they are a little too well scripted to come across as off -the-cuff . HV

on Crime 1.0 Brit Cops: War on Crime 2.0 Road Wars 4.0 Babylon 5 5.0 Stargate SG-1

Sky Arts6.0am André Rieu: Welcome to My World 7.0 Auction 7.30 Watercolour Challenge 8.0 Master of Photography 9.0 Tales of the Unexpected 10.30 The South Bank Show Originals 11.0 Discovering: Karl Malden 12.0 Discovering: Anthony Hopkins 1.0 Tales of the Unexpected 1.30 Tales of the Unexpected 2.0 Queen: Hungarian Rhapsody – Live in Budapest 4.0 The Eighties 5.0 Discovering: Faye Dunaway 6.0 Discovering: Vincent Price 7.0 Classic Albums 8.0 Discovering: Iggy Pop 8.30 The Ramones: Music Icons 9.0 Punk 10.15 Punk 11.30 The Damned: Don’t You Wish That We Were Dead 1.40 Anarchy in Manchester 2.10 Anarchy in Manchester 2.35 Here to Be Heard: The Story of the Slits 4.20 Discovering: Faye Dunaway 5.10 Discovering: Vincent Price

Sky Atlantic6.0am Attenborough at 90: Behind the Lens 7.0 Fish Town 8.0 Urban Secrets 9.0 Discovering: Marlon Brando 10.0 The West Wing 11.0 The West Wing 12.0 Without a Trace 1.0 Without a Trace 2.0 Blue Bloods 3.0 The West Wing 4.0 The West Wing 5.0 Without a Trace 6.0 Without a Trace 7.0 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 8.0 Blue Bloods 9.0 The Aff air 10.15 The Aff air 11.25 The Aff air 12.30 The Aff air 1.40 Six Feet Under 2.45 Show Me a Hero 4.0 The West Wing

Radio 390.2-92.4 MHz6.30 Breakfast 9.0 Essential Classics 12.0 Composer of the Week (5/5) 1.0 News 1.02 Lunchtime Concert 2.0 Afternoon Concert: Prom 7 (R) 4.30 The Listening Service (R) 5.0 In Tune 7.0 In Tune Mixtape 7.30 BBC Proms 2019: Prom 11. The Will Gregory Moog Ensemble and BBC Concert Orchestra play popular music of 1969. 10.0 Music Planet at Womad 12.30 Music Planet World Mix 1.0 Through the Night

Radio 492.4-94.6 MHz; 198kHz6.0 Today 8.31 (LW) Yesterday in Parliament 9.0 Desert Island Discs (R) 9.45 (LW) Daily Service 9.45 (FM) The Great Romantic (5/5) 10.0 (LW) Woman’s Hour 10.0 (FM) Woman’s Hour 10.30 (LW) TMS: England v Ireland – Test: Day Three 11.0 (FM) D for Diagnosis (3/3) 11.30 (FM) The Specials 12.0 (FM) News 12.01 (LW) Shipping Forecast 12.04 (LW) TMS 12.04 (FM) The Warlow Experiment (5/10) 12.18 (FM) You and Yours 12.57 (FM) Weather 1.0 (FM) World at One 1.45 (FM) The “K” Word (5/5) 2.0 (FM) The Archers (R) 2.15 (FM) The Interrogation: Evie (3/5) 3.0 (FM) Gardeners’ Question Time 3.45 (FM) The Poet and the Echo (1/4) 4.0 (FM) Last Word 4.30 (FM) Feedback 4.55 (FM) Listening Project (R) 5.0 (FM) PM 5.54 (LW) Shipping Forecast 5.57 (FM) Weather 6.0 (LW) TMS 6.0 (FM) News 6.30 (FM) Lobby Land (2/5) 6.45 (LW) Lobby Land (2/5) 7.0 The Archers 7.15 Front

Row 7.45 House Rules (5/5) 8.0 Any Questions? 8.50 A Point of View 9.0 The Infi nite Moonkey Cage (R) 10.0 The World Tonight 10.45 The Warlow Experiment (R) 11.0 A Good Read (R) 11.30 Today in Parliament 11.55 The Listening Project (R) 12.0 News 12.30 The Great Romantic (R) 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.0 As BBC World Service 5.20 Shipping Forecast 5.30 News 5.43 Prayer for the Day 5.45 Four Thought (R)

Radio 4 ExtraDigital only9.0 It’s Not What You Know (2/4) 9.30 Mr Finchley Goes to Paris (2/6) 10.0 Uncle Silas (3/3) 11.0 Podcast Radio Hour 12.0 The Burkiss Way (7/13) 12.30 Steptoe and Son (6/8) 1.0 The Other Typist (5/5) 1.30 Character Assassins 2.0 Academy Street (5/10) 2.15 Plants: From Roots to Riches (20/25) 2.30 Madame Bovary (10/10) 2.45 Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (5/5) 3.0 Uncle Silas (3/3) 4.0 It’s Not What You Know (2/4) 4.30 Mr Finchley Goes to Paris (2/6) 5.0 Sketches By Boz (5/5) 5.30 The Absolutely Radio Show (3/4) 6.0 The First Men in the Moon (5/5) 6.15 The Truth About Hawaii (5/10) 6.30 Off the Page (4/10) 7.0 The Burkiss Way (7/13) 7.30 Steptoe and Son (6/8) 8.0 The Other Typist (5/5) 8.30 Character Assassins 9.0 Podcast Radio Hour 10.0 The Absolutely Radio Show (3/4) 10.30 BBC Introducing Radio 4 Comedy Award (4/9) 11.30 The Big Booth Too (6/6) 12.0 The First Men in the Moon (5/5)

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian66 The Guide

I Jump the Shark

When good TV goes bad: Veep

‘Once Armando Iannucci left, it doubled down on obnoxious characters and innuendo over intelligence’

In 2012, with Obama a shoo-in for a second term and the era of concentration camps on American soil safely behind us, the time was ripe for a sitcom about a vain, venal politician with an offi ce in the West Wing. As Veep’s central character, Julia Louis-Dreyfus imbued vice- president Selina Meyer with a convincing mix of charm and barely concealed rage, and the show’s sharp dialogue and keen observations of Washington DC hypocrisy made it a must-watch.

It wrung much of its humour from the impotence of the VP position, as in the pilot episode, where Selina’s speech about clean energy is censored by the president so it that won’t alienate any of his benefactors, leaving her with just “Hello … ” and prepositions.

It also highlighted the challenges of being a woman in public life, with Selina aware that referencing her gender would lose her political points (as she told her staff : “I can’t identify myself as a woman, people can’t know that”). While Louis-Dreyfus’s performance was the star turn, the entire ensemble was stellar, including Tony Hale as Selina’s “body man” Gary, keeper of secrets and hand wipes ; and head of staff Amy (Anna Chlumsky), a coiled spring in human form.

The show’s incisive writing was no surprise, considering it was created by Armando Iannucci , who had previously skewered Westminster politics in BBC comedy The Thick of It. It was when he left at the end of season four that Veep

began its descent . It increasingly favoured innuendos and insults over clever commentary and doubled down on obnoxious characters who were best employed in moderation, such as Patton Oswalt’s political campaigner /sexual harasser Teddy Sykes and staff er Jonah Ryan (Tim Simons) .

Plus, the show lost sight of what made its lead character tick. The fi nal season saw Selina – who briefl y inherited the presidency in season three before losing it in a general election – fi ght and manipulate her way back to the Oval Offi ce, and it was miserable to watch. Where previous storylines were rooted in the fact that she often had to compromise her ideals in order to keep her position (such as when she defended the importance of abortion access behind the scenes but spewed mealy-mouthed platitudes on breakfast television), now we saw her sabotage a Tibetan peace treaty, allow China to meddle in American democracy, and set up Gary as the patsy for her charitable foundation’s fi nancial misdemeanours.

It made sense that almost 30 years in politics might have made her cynical but it was hard to believe that even a politician whose ambitions were continually thwarted could be so awful. The fl ash-forward fi nale made things worse: not only did it kill off Selina but also America’s sweetheart Tom Hanks , a call back to a throwaway season one remark that no one needed to see played out.

It cannot be easy to satirise politics in the age of Donald Trump, and perhaps his presidency calls for an approach entirely stripped of subtlety. But it was sad to see one of America’s best comedies become almost as crude as he is. Diane Shipley

West Winging it:

Julia Louis-Dreyfus

as Selina Meyer

est Winging it:

ulia Louis-Dreyfus

Selina Meyera MM

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 1The Guide Listings 1The Guide Listings

Guide fi lm listings run from Saturday to Thursday. Some numbers may be premium rate. Read more at lm. Event information can change. Please confi rm with venues before setting out. For details of disabled access, call Artsline 020-7388 2227. Please submit listings at least three weeks ahead of publication to Press Association, 292 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1AE (01430 455505; fax 0870-124 0856;


MidsommarDir: Ari Aster (18)

Ari Aster confi rmed his position as the face of horror’s new generation with last year’s Hereditary, and here plants his fl ag fi rmly in Wicker Man territory. As young Americans Florence Pugh and Jack Reynor head to Sweden to experience the midsummer revelry, Midsommar takes its cue from the early-70s folk-horror classic and runs with it.

Rock & popJnr WilliamsThe Camden Assembly, London, Thu With so many beige popsters aff ecting soulfulness, this Hackney local seems the real deal. He’s got the rigteous ire, gospel-ish pipes and an entirely admirable restraint.

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian2 The Guide ListingsThe Guide Listings2


Aladdin (PG) (Guy Ritchie, 2019) Latest in Disney’s current splurge of remakes. Guy Ritchie is behind the cameras, while Will Smith aims for a big comeback as the genie.On general releaseAnna (15) (Luc Besson, 2019) Sasha Luss stars in an action thriller about a KGB assassin who goes undercover as a model before turning on her employers.On general releaseAnnabelle Comes Home (15) (Gary Dauberman, 2019) Third in the creepy-doll thriller series that’s part of the Conjuring “universe”, with Annabelle unleashing terror on a babysitter.On general releaseApollo 11 (U) (Todd Douglas Miller, 2019) Fiftieth anniversary documentary telling the story of the 1969 moon landing with beautifully restored archive footage.On general releaseBrightburn (15) (David Yarovesky, 2019) Superhero-horror yarn, with an alien baby adopted by a family who grows up to become a disturbingly violent teenager.On general releaseThe Brink (15) (Alison Klayman, 2019) Documentary about America’s sinister “alt-right” mastermind Steve Bannon, chronicling his activities during the 2018 midterm elections.On general releaseChild’s Play (15) (Lars Klevberg, 2019) Remake/reboot of the notorious toy slasher, with Mark Hamill voicing the homicidal doll who is given to a kid as a birthday present.On general release

The Dead Don’t Die (15) (Jim Jarmusch, 2019) See Preview.On general releaseDiego Maradona (12A) (Asif Kapadia, 2019) Sprawling documentary about the Argentinian football great, concentrating mostly on an epic stint in Naples where he inspired the team to top the league.Littlehampton Windmill Cinema, Maidenhead Norden Farm, Oxford Ultimate, Portsmouth Vue, Rhodes Arts Complex and Bishop’s Stortford Museum, Stamford Arts Centre, Wallingford Corn ExchangeThe Edge (15) (Barney Douglas, 2019) See Preview.Ashford Picturehouse, Saff ron Walden ScreenGodzilla: King of the Monsters (12A) (Michael Dougherty, 2019) As the monsters seek a second referendum, Godzilla proves to be a pretender to the throne in a dumb sequel that sees him return with Mothra, Rodan and the three-headed King Ghidorah. Whatever that is.On general release

Gwen (15) (William McGregor, 2018) See Preview.On general releaseJaws (12A) (Steven Spielberg, 1975) See Preview.On general releaseIn Fabric (15) (Peter Strickland, 2018) Italian horror-inspired yarn from British auteur Peter Strickland, about a haunted red dress.Bristol Cube Microplex, Exeter PhoenixLate Night (15) (Nisha Ganatra, 2019) Mindy Kaling mines her own experience as a “diversity hire” on TV in this portrait of a female talkshow host (Emma Thompson) whose career is under threat.On general releaseThe Lion King (PG) (Jon Favreau, 2019) See Preview.On general releaseLoopers: The Caddie’s Long Walk (NC) (Jason Baffa, 2018) See Preview.Basingtoke Vue, Norwich Odeon Riverside, Vue Carmarthen (Apollo)Men in Black: International (12A) (F Gary Gray, 2019) London-set sequel/

reboot of the alien-control spy agency action comedy, with Tessa Thompson and Chris Hemsworth.On general releaseMidsommar (18) (Ari Aster, 2019) Hereditary director Ari Aster returns with a Sweden-set folk horror, as Florence Pugh and Jack Reynor show up at a tribal-style midsummer festival.On general releaseMy Friend the Polish Girl + Q&A (18) (Ewa Banaszkiewicz, Mateusz Dymek, 2018) See Preview.Kino TeatrOnly You (15) (Harry Wootliff, 2018) God’s Own Country’s Josh O’Connor stars alongside Laila Costa in an intensely felt romantic drama about a couple in love experiencing problems with fertility.Bristol WatershedPavarotti (12A) (Ron Howard, 2019) Accessible doc about hugely successful opera star Luciano Pavarotti, of Three Tenors renown.On general releaseRocketman (15) (Dexter Fletcher, 2019) Biopic of Elton John focusing on his 70s pomp, with Taron Egerton donning the specs and costumes.On general releaseSpider-Man: Far from Home (12A) (Jon Watts, 2019) Second full-length outing for the Tom Holland incarnation of the webslinger, as he visits Europe and battles Elementals.On general releaseStuber (15) (Michael Dowse, 2019) Kumail Nanjiani plays an Uber driver whose car is commandeered by Dave Bautista’s bellicose cop as he tries to take down a gang of drug dealers - in a modern variant on the mismatched partners movie.On general release

Only YouOn general releaseGod’s Own Country’s Josh O’Connor and Laia Costa, star of one-take thriller Victoria, are exceptional as a new couple – he’s 26, she’s mid-30s – trying for a baby in Harry Wootliff ’s tender, nuanced drama.

Don’t miss


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 3The Guide Listings 3The Guide Listings

Tell It to the Bees (15) (Annabel Jankel, 2018) See Preview.On general releaseToy Story 4 (U) (Josh Cooley, 2019) New instalment of the much-loved Pixar franchise, with Woody and co now dealing with the attentions of a new kid, Bonnie, and the arrival of homemade toy Forky.On general releaseVarda By Agnès (15) (Agnès Varda, 2019) See Preview.Brighton Duke of York’s, Bristol Watershed, Cambridge Arts Picturehouse, Cardiff Chapter, Oxford Phoenix PicturehouseVita & Virginia (12A) (Chanya Button, 2018) Gemma Arterton and Elizabeth Debicki star as Bloomsbury literateurs Vita Sackville West and Virginia Woolf as they embark on an intense emotional and physical relationship.On general releaseWonder Park (PG) (David Feiss, Robert Iscove, Clare Kilner, 2019) Slick animation about a schoolgirl with a sick mother, whose fantasy theme park appears to come to life, but is under threat from unpleasant toy monkeys.On general releaseX-Men: Dark Phoenix (12A) (Simon Kinberg, 2019) Superhero spin-off, starring Sophie Turner as Jean Grey, the X-Woman whose powers have turned her to the dark side.On general releaseYesterday (12A) (Danny Boyle, 2019) Cheerful Richard Curtis and Danny Boyle comedy speculating on what it would be like if everybody but one guy forgot the Beatles ever existed.On general release

AltonPalace (01420 82303)The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).AndoverReel (0871-224 4007) Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). The NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Paw Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).AshfordAshford Picturehouse ( [DA]Apollo 11 (U). Blinded By the Light (12A). The Brink (15). The Edge (15). Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 (NC). The Lion King (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A). The Metropolitan Opera Live Encore Screening: Romeo Et Juliette (PG). Midsommar (18). Muppets from Space (U). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Roman Holiday (U). School of Roars (NC). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Wonder Park (PG). Yesterday (12A).BarnstapleCentral Cinema (0871-230 3200) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Matrix Trilogy (NC). Missing Link (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Wonder Park (PG). Yesterday (12A).

BathLittle Theatre (0871-902 5735) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). Blinded By the Light (12A). The Brink (15). Force of Nature Natalia (12A). The Lion King (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A). The Metropolitan Opera Live Encore Screening: Romeo Et Juliette (PG). Midsommar (18). Muppets from Space (U). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Roman Holiday (U). School of Roars (NC). Tell It to the Bees (15). Wonder Park (PG).BerkhamstedRex Cinema (01442 877759) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Apollo 11 (U). The Railway Children (1970 Film) (U). A Season in France (12A). Sometimes Always Never (12A). Support the Girls (15).BidefordKingsley School ( 11 (U).Bishop’s StortfordRhodes Arts Complex and Bishop’s Stortford Museum (01279 651746)Calamity Jane (Dementia Friendly Screening) (U). Diego Maradona (12A). Late Night (15). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC).BournemouthShelley Theatre (01202 413600)Sometimes Always Never (12A).BracknellSouth Hill Park Arts Centre (01344 484123) [DA]Arctic (12A). Birds of Passage (15). Godzilla: King of the Monsters (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Rashomon (12A). Tolkien (12A).

BridgwaterScott (0871-230 3200)The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). Missing Link (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).BrightonDuke of York’s Picturehouse (0871-902 5728) [DA]Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 (NC). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A). Midsommar (18). Muppets from Space (U). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pillow Talk (NC). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Roman Holiday (U). School of Roars (NC). Varda By Agnès (15). Wonder Park (PG). Yesterday (12A).Komedia (01273 647100) [DA]Blinded By the Light (12A). The Brink (15). The Dead Don’t Die (15). The Lion King (PG). School of Roars (NC). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Yesterday (12A).BristolCube Microplex (0117-907 4190)Apollo 11 (U). In Fabric (15). Who Are You, Polly Maggoo? (NC).Everyman Bristol (0872-436 9060)The Lion King (PG). The NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Scream (18). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Orpheus Henleaze (0845-166 2381)The Lion King (PG). Missing Link (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home 3D (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Wonder Park (PG). Yesterday (12A).


20-26 July 2019 The Guardian4 The Guide Listings4 The Guide Listings

Watershed (0117-927 5100) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). The Dead Don’t Die (15). It’s Alive + Introduction (18). Le Mepris (15). Midsommar (18). New Towns, Our Town (NC). Notorious (1946 Film) + Introduction (U). Only You (15). Tell It to the Bees (15). Varda By Agnès (15).Burnham-on-SeaRitz (01278 794123)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).CambridgeArts Picturehouse (0871-902 5720) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). Blinded By the Light (12A). The Brink (15). The Dead Don’t Die (15). Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 (NC). The Lion King (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A). The Metropolitan Opera Live Encore Screening: Romeo Et Juliette (PG). Midsommar (18). Muppets from Space (U). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Octonauts (NC). Pavarotti (12A). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Roman Holiday (U). School of Roars (NC). Tell It to the Bees (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Varda By Agnès (15). Vita & Virginia (12A). Wonder Park (PG). Yesterday (12A).CanterburyCurzon Canterbury (0333-321 0104) [DA]The Dead Don’t Die (15). The Lion King (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love (12A). The Metropolitan Opera Live Encore Screening: Romeo Et Juliette (PG). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). Rocketman (Sing-

A-Long) (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Gulbenkian Theatre (01227 769075)NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Sometimes Always Never (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).ChelmsfordEveryman Chelmsford (0872-436 9060) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). Apollo 11 (U). The Lion King (PG). The Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).CheshamElgiva (01494 582900)A Dog’s Journey (PG). English National Opera Live Encore Screening: The Pirates of Penzance (NC). Tarzan (1999 Film) (U). The White Crow (12A).ChichesterCinema at New Park (01243 786650) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). Balloon (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Vita & Virginia (12A). Yesterday (12A).ChippenhamReel (01249 652498)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).ChristchurchRegent (01202 499148) Amazing Grace (U). Fisherman’s Friends (12A). Pretty Woman (15).ColchesterCurzon Colchester (0333-321 0104) [DA]The Lion King (PG). The Metropolitan Opera

Live Encore Screening: Romeo Et Juliette (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Firstsite (01206 577067)Apollo 11 (U). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love (12A). Sunset (15). Support the Girls (15). Toy Story 4 (U). We the Animals (15). Yuli (15).ColefordStudio (01594 833331) The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Westlife: The Twenty Tour Live from Croke Park: Encore Screening (NC).CromerMovieplex (01263 513311) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Paw Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).DartmouthFlavel (01803 839530) NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).DerehamHollywood Cinema (01362 691133) [DA]The Lion King (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).DunstableGrove Theatre (01582 602080)Aladdin (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Red Joan (12A). Tolkien (12A). X-Men: Dark Phoenix (12A).East GrinsteadScott Cinemas @ the Atrium (0871-230 3200) Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion

King (PG). Missing Link (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Wonder Park (PG). Yesterday (12A).EastbourneCurzon (01323 731441) The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).ExeterPhoenix Cinema (01392 667080) [DA]The Best of Sheffield Adventure Film Festival (NC). Horrible Histories: The Movie - Rotten Romans (PG). In Fabric (15). A Land Shaped By Women (NC). Yesterday (12A).Picture House (0871-902 5730) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). Blinded By the Light (12A). The Brink (15). The Dead Don’t Die (15). Force of Nature Natalia (12A). Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 (NC). The Lion King (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A). The Metropolitan Opera Live Encore Screening: Il Barbiere Di Siviglia (NC). Muppets from Space (U). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Roman Holiday (U). School of Roars (NC). Tell It to the Bees (15). The Vinyl Revival + Q&A (NC). Wonder Park (PG). Yesterday (12A).ExmouthSavoy (0871-230 3200) Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). Missing Link (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Wonder Park (PG). Yesterday (12A).


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 5The Guide Listings 5The Guide Listings

FalmouthPhoenix (01326 313 072)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Paw Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).The Poly (01326 319461)Beats (18). John McEnroe: In the Realm of Perfection (12A).FarehamReel Cinema (01329 821892) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Wickham Centre (01329 833 688)Sometimes Always Never (12A).FarnhamThe Maltings (01252 745444)Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (15). Glyndebourne Live Encore Screening: Il Barbiere Di Siviglia (U). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC).FavershamNew Royal Cinema (01795 535551) [DA]Rocketman (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).FolkestoneSilver Screen (01303 221230) [DA]The Matrix (15).FromeWestway (01373 465685) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).GloucesterGuildhall (01452 503050) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). The Keeper (15). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Rocketman (15).

HastingsElectric Palace (01424 720393)All Is True (12A). All My Life Is Buried Here: The Story of George Butterworth (NC). Moonbug (NC).HavantThe Spring Arts & Heritage Centre (023-9247 2700) [DA]All Is True (12A). The Kid Who Would Be King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC).HawkhurstKino (01580 754321)The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC).HelstonFlora (01326 569977)The Lion King (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).HerefordThe Courtyard (01432 340555) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). Bitter Harvest (15). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U). Woman at War (12A). Yesterday (12A).Herne BayKavanagh Cinema (01227 362228) [DA]Birds of Passage (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).HertfordHertford Theatre (01992 531500)Aladdin (PG). Apollo 11 (U). The Ladykillers (1955 Version) (Dementia Friendly) (U). Late Night (15). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Sometimes Always Never (12A). Woman at War (12A).HonitonThe Beehive (01404 384050)NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Rocketman

(15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U).HorshamCapitol (01403 750220)The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Rocketman (15). Rory’s Way (12A). Sometimes Always Never (12A). Vox Lux (15).Everyman (0872-436 9060) [DA]The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).IlfracombeEmbassy (01271 862323)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).IpswichIpswich Film Theatre ( [DA]Late Night (15). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Rory’s Way (12A). Sunset (15). A Vigilante (15).IvybridgeThe Watermark (01752 892220)NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A).KingsbridgeReel (01548 856636)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Westlife: The Twenty Tour Live from Croke Park: Encore Screening (NC). Yesterday (12A).Leighton BuzzardLeighton Buzzard Theatre (0300-300 8125)The Hustle (12A). Late Night (15). Men in Black: International (12A).

NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Paw Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). X-Men: Dark Phoenix (12A).LeistonLeiston Film Theatre (01728 830549) [DA]Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home 3D (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Toy Story 4 3D (U).LittlehamptonWindmill Cinema (01903 715 920)Apollo 11 (U). Diego Maradona (12A). Kind Hearts and Coronets (U). Liam Gallagher: As It Was (15). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U).LowestoftMarina Theatre (01502 533200)The Keeper (15). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Where Hands Touch (12A).LyntonThe Cinema (01598 753397)Amazing Grace (U). Vita & Virginia (12A).MaidenheadNorden Farm Centre for the Arts (01628 788997)Diego Maradona (12A). Force of Nature Natalia (12A). Late Night (15). Mary Poppins Returns (U). Paw Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Pick of the Litter (PG). We the Animals (15).MalvernMalvern Theatres (01684 892277) [DA]The The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC).NewburyCorn Exchange (0845-521 8218) [DA]NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Yesterday (12A).NewquayLighthouse ( Comes Home (15). The Lion King 3D


20-26 July 2019 The Guardian6 The Guide Listings6 The Guide Listings

(PG). The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Newton AbbotAlexandra Cinema (0871-230 3200) [DA]The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). Missing Link (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).OkehamptonCarlton Cinema (01837 658586)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).OxfordCurzon (0333-321 0104)The Dead Don’t Die (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love (12A). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Tell It to the Bees (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Ultimate Picture Palace (01865 245288)Diego Maradona (12A). Don’t Look Now (15). Late Night (15). A Season in France (12A). Withnail & I (15).OxtedEveryman (0872-436 9060) [DA]The The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).PenzanceSavoy Cinema (01736 363 330) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Paw Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG).

Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).PershoreNumber 8 Community Arts Centre (01386 555488) [DA]Late Night (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Wonder Park (PG).PeterboroughJohn Clare Theatre (01733 555323)NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U).PlymouthPlymouth College of Art (01752 203434)Dance With a Stranger (NC). A Season in France (12A). Smooth Talk (NC). Sometimes Always Never (12A).PooleLighthouse, Poole’s Centre for the Arts (01202 280000) [DA]Annie (Dementia Friendly Screening) (U). Apollo 11 (U). First Man (12A). Vita & Virginia (12A). WALL-E (U).RedruthRegal Film Centre (01209 216278)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Paw Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).ReigateEveryman (0872-436 9060) [DA]The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).RyeKino (01797 226293)Apollo 11 (U). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Saff ron WaldenSaffron Screen (01799 501091)The Best of Sheffield Adventure Film Festival

(NC). The Edge (15). Late Night (15). Men in Black: International (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pillow Talk (Dementia Friendly Screening) (NC). A Season in France (12A). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U).SevenoaksStag Community Arts Centre and Theatre (01732 450175)The Lion King (PG). Pavarotti (12A).SidmouthRadway Cinema (0871-230 3200) [DA]The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC).SouthamptonHarbour Lights Picture House (0871-902 5733) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). Blinded By the Light (12A). The Brink (15). The Dead Don’t Die (15). Force of Nature Natalia (12A). Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 (NC). The Lion King (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A). The Metropolitan Opera Live Encore Screening: Romeo Et Juliette (PG). Midsommar (18). Muppets from Space (U). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Roman Holiday (U). School of Roars (NC). Vita & Virginia (12A). Wonder Park (PG). Yesterday (12A).Mayflower Theatre (02380 711811) [DA]The Greatest Showman (Sing-Along) (PG).SpaldingSouth Holland Centre (01775 764777)Men in Black: International (12A). Men in Black: International 3D (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U).

St AustellWhite River Cinema (01726 66301)Annabelle Comes Home (15). Dumbo (PG). The The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).St IvesRoyal (01736 796 843) Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).St Leonards-on-SeaKino Teatr (01424 457830) [DA]Ella Fitzgerald: Just One of Those Things (NC). My Friend the Polish Girl + Q&A (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Vox Lux (15).StamfordStamford Arts Centre (01780 763203) [DA]All My Life Is Buried Here: The Story of George Butterworth (NC). The Blue Angel (PG). Diego Maradona (12A). Men in Black: International (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Sometimes Always Never (12A).StreetStrode (01458 442846) The Cure - Anniversary 1978-2018 Live in Hyde Park London (12A). English National Opera Live: The Mikado (NC). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). A Season in France (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). We the Animals (15).SwanageMowlem Theatre (01929 422239) [DA]Aladdin (PG).TavistockTavistock Wharf (01822 611166) [DA]Toy Story 4 (U).


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 7The Guide Listings 7The Guide Listings

Tenbury WellsThe Regal (01584 811442)Aladdin (PG). Apollo 11 (U). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Toy Story 4 (U).TewkesburyRoses Theatre (01684 295074)The Lion King (PG). The The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC).ThetfordThe Light Cinema (01842 740242) [DA]The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).TivertonTivoli Cinema (01884 255554)The Lion King (PG).TonbridgeTonbridge Castle (01732 770 929)Bohemian Rhapsody (12A). A Star Is Born (15).TorquayCentral Cinema (01803 380001)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). Paw Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).TorringtonPlough Arts Centre (01805 624624) [DA]Dead Good (PG). Rocketman (15). Sometimes Always Never (12A). X-Men: Dark Phoenix (12A).TotnesDartington Arts Centre (01803 847070) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Tunbridge WellsTrinity (01892 678678)Gloria Bell (15). The Lavender Hill Mob (U).

NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC).Uckfi eldPicturehouse (01825 764909)Apollo 11 (U). Apollo 13 (PG). The Lego Movie 2 (U). The Lion King (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).WadebridgeRegal (01208 812791) Fisherman’s Friends (12A). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).WallingfordCorn Exchange (01491 825000)Apollo 11 (U). Diego Maradona (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U). Vita & Virginia (12A).WellingtonWellesley Cinema (01745 850197) [DA]The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC).WellsWells Filmcentre (01749 673195)The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC).WinchesterEveryman (0872-436 9060) [DA]The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).WisbechLight (01945 651410) Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).

WoodbridgeWoodbridge Riverside (01394 382174)Aladdin (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). X-Men: Dark Phoenix (12A).Wotton-under-EdgeElectric Picture House (01453 844601) [DA]NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).

BarryMemo Arts Centre (01446 400111)Toy Story 4 (U).BlaenavonWorkmen’s Hall (01495 792661)The Lion King (PG).BrynmawrMarket Hall (01495 310576) [DA]The Lion King (PG).Cardiff Chapter Arts Centre (029-2030 4400) [DA]All About Eve (U). Are You Proud? (NC). The Dead Don’t Die (15). Gwen (15). John McEnroe: In the Realm of Perfection (12A). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Tell It to the Bees (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Varda By Agnès (15).Premiere Cinema (02920 229836)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).FishguardTheatr Gwaun (01348 873421)NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U).LlanelliCross Hands Public Hall (01269 844441) [DA]Toy Story 4 (U).

Milford HavenTorch Theatre (01646 695267)The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home 3D (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 3D (U). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).MonmouthThe Savoy Theatre (01600 772467)Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).NeathThe Gwyn Hall (0300-365 6677) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).NewportThe Riverfront (01633 656757) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Sunset (15).PentrePhoenix Cinema and Theatre (01443 425982)Godzilla: King of the Monsters (12A).PontardawePontardawe Arts Centre (01792 863722)The Lion King (PG).Port TalbotReel Cinema (01639 897002)Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).SwanseaTaliesin Arts Centre (01792 602060) [DA]Gloria Bell (15). Long Shot (15). Manufactured Landscapes (U). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC).The Welfare (01639 843163)NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U).



Entertainment Classified

8 The Guide 20-26 July 2019 The Guardian

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 9The Guide Listings 9The Guide Listings


AmershamPennfest Today including Craig David, Happy Mondays, From the Jam, Scouting for Girls, Goldie Lookin’ Chain, Lady Leshurr and Peter Hook and the Light.The Big Park ( 12noon-1am, £42-£65.BlythburghLatitude Today including Sterephonics, Underworld, Tom Grennan, Marina, Honeyblood, Everything Everything, Mø, Aurora, Ray BLK, the Twilight Sad and Nadine Shah.Henham Park ( 9am, day £77.50, under-13s day £10, three-day £202.50, under-13s three-day £15.BrightonThou, MolochSludge metal outfit.The Green Door Store (07944 693214) 7pm, £10. [DA]BromyardNozstock Today with AMC, Ed Rush, Kanine, Nu:Motive and many more.The Farm, Rowden Paddocks ( 9am, weekend inc camping £148.MaidstoneRamblin’ Man Fair Today including Black Stone Cherry, Cheap Trick, the Temperance Movement, Jimmy Barnes, Ugly Kid Joe and Wayward Sons, RavenEye, Ana_thema and Kenny Wayne Shepherd.Mote Park (ramblinman 12noon, day £35-£91, weekend £176, camping pass £49.Milton KeynesThe DriftersVocal soul veterans.The Stables: Jim Marshall Auditorium (01908 280800) 8pm, £27.50.

NewburyTom JonesHollering Welsh underwear magnet.Newbury Racecourse (0870-534 4444) 6pm, £39.50.NorwichCrobot, Wolf JawHeavy rock ensemble. Waterfront Studio (01603 632717) 6pm, adv £13.OkehamptonChagstock Today with Fun Lovin’ Criminals, Chainska Brassika, New Crisis & the FBs, Coco & the Butterfields and more.Higher Fields, Well Farm ( 12noon, weekend £89, disabled and carer weekend £119, ages 12-17 weekend £59, under-12s weekend free, family weekend £249.OxfordChina Bowls, Limpet Space RaceSoul and pop singer.Modern Art Oxford (01865 722733) 2pm, free. [DA]PortsmouthGaygirlAlt-rock foursomeThe Wedgewood Rooms (02392 863911) 7pm, £5. [DA]

SalisburyLarmer Tree Festival Today including Kate Tempest, Gomez, Gogo Penguin, Cymande and the Wave Pictures.Larmer Tree Gardens ( 9am, Sat day £69 inc camping, child day £43 inc camping, Sun day £62 inc camping, child day £39 inc camping, four-day £185 inc camping.WinchesterRoxi Drive, Chimes, The Big Sky, Continental Liaison, FewelsElectropop singer.The Railway Inn: Platform 1 (01962 867795) 7.30pm, £9, adv £7.


BlythburghLatitude Today including Lana Del Rey, Cat Power, Chvrches, Sigrid, Slaves, Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever and Julia Jacklin.Henham Park (07900 553426) 9am, day £77.50, under-13s day.BrightonJosh Ritter & the Royal City BandFolk songwriter.

Concorde 2 (01273 673311) 7.30pm, £25.Kowloon Walled CitySludge metallers.The Green Door Store (07944 693214) 7pm, £6. [DA]BristolCarleen AndersonUS soul singer of Young Disciples fame.Bristol Old Vic (0117-987 7877) 7.30pm, £15-£18. [DA]Whitney RoseAmerican country and soul singer.The Hen & Chicken (0117-902 0344) 6.30pm, £12.BromyardNozstock Today with Rumble in the Jungle Send It Session and You’ve Been Prango’d and many others.The Farm, Rowden Paddocks ( 9am, weekend inc camping £148.ColchesterTom JonesHollering Welsh underwear magnet.Castle Park ( 4pm, phone for availability.ExeterMushroomheadAlternative metal outfit from Cleveland, Ohio.Exeter Phoenix (01392 667080) 7.30pm, £22.50, adv £18.50. [DA]FelixstoweThe Real ThingSeventies soul troupe.Spa Pavilion Theatre (01394 282126) 7pm, £27.50, concs £25.50.HastingsRick WakemanFlamboyant Yes Keyboard wizard and vindaloo enthusiast.White Rock Theatre (0870-145 1133) 7.30pm, £28, mems £25.50. [DA]HunstantonMary DuffFolk and country singer-songwriter.Princess Theatre (01485 532252) 7.30pm, £23.

rock&pop Music

Jenny LewisConcorde 2, Brighton, WedFrom child star to indie hipster to marijuana magnate with Ringo in her Rolodex, it has been a long, strange trip for Jenny Lewis, but those bangs (and her knack for acutely observed country rock) endure.

Don’t miss

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian10 The Guide Listings10 The Guide Listings

LondonGossip, Big JoanieSee Preview.Somerset House, WC2 (020-7845 4600) 7.30pm, £41.25. [DA]MaidstoneRamblin’ Man Fair Today with Foreigner, Airbournem Beth Hart, Everlast and many more.Mote Park (ramblin 12noon, day ticket £35-£91, weekend £176, camping pass £49.OxfordGraham NashVeteran Hollies and CSNY songwriter.New Theatre (0870-606 3500) 8pm, £43.90-£59.90. [DA]SalisburyLarmer Tree Festival Today featuring performances from Jack Savoretti, Black Water Country, BC Camplight and many more.Larmer Tree Gardens ( 9am, day ticket £62, child £39, four-day inc camping £185.St AlbansFrom the JamBruce Foxton plays the mod-punkers’ hits.Alban Arena (01727 844488) 8pm, £25. [DA]


BathJohn NewmanSoulful pop singer.Moles (01225 404445) 7.30pm, £15. [DA]BrightonNo VacationUS indie-pop.The Green Door Store (07944 693214) 7pm, £12. [DA]BristolKiefer SutherlandGruff country.SWX (0117-945 0325) 8pm, £28.50.FolkestoneGraham NashSinger of Crosby, Stills and Nash fame.Leas Cliff Hall (01303 228600) 8pm, £43.90-£54.90. [DA]


BrightonChris DiffordPop singer-songwriter.Komedia (01273 647100) 7.30pm, adv £22.50. [DA]Kiefer SutherlandGruff country.Concorde 2 (01273 673311) 8pm, £35, phone for availability.LondonLiv DawsonPop singer-songwriter.Moth Club, E9 (020-8985 7963) 7pm, £8.NewquayJohn NewmanPop singer.The Dead Famous (01637 873415) 8pm, £10.OxfordDebbie BondAlabama blues.The Jericho Tavern (01865 311775) 2pm, £10. [DA]ReadingRolling Blackouts Coastal FeverPrecision janglers.Sub89 (0118-959 5395) 8pm, £15.WinchesterJesse Dayton BandRock and Americana.The Railway Inn: Platform 1 (01962 867795) 8pm, £18, adv £16.


BournemouthJohn NewmanSoulful pop singer.The Anvil (01202 295898) 7pm, £15.BrightonJenny LewisIndie, rock and country.Concorde 2 (01273 673311) 7.30pm, £20.Outright Resistance, Derelict DreamLondon metalcore.The Green Door Store (07944 693214) 7pm, free. [DA]BristolMaid of AcePunk sisters.The Louisiana (0117-926 5978) 7.30pm, adv £8.Puddle of MuddUS nu-metallers.

O2 Academy Bristol (0844-477 2000) 7pm, £25. [DA]LondonGus DappertonUS indie-pop singer.Heaven, WC2 (020-7930 2020) 7pm, £20.


AbingdonTruck Festival Three days of music headlined by Wolf Alice, Foals and Two Door Cinema Club, today featuring Slaves.Hill Farm ( 6pm, day £27, weekend inc camping £130, check website for availability.BrightonLighter Later, Peeps, Rabbit Hole, Station 47Brighton four-piece.Green Door Store (07944 693214) 7pm, £5. [DA]BrutonFarmfestival With performances over the weekend from Morcheeba, James Holden & the Animal Spirits, Portico Quartet, Horse Meat Disco and many more.Gilcombe Farm ( 6pm, day £59, ages 13-17 £45, weekend £89, ages 13-17 £59.Bury St EdmundsKiefer SutherlandGruff country.The Apex (01284 758000) 8pm, £31.LondonJnr WilliamsSpacy electro-soul.The Camden Assembly, NW1 (020-7424 0800) 7pm, £10. [DA]Poolekd langPop and country singer.Lighthouse, Poole’s Centre for the Arts (01202 280000) 7.30pm, phone for availability. [DA]PortsmouthShonen KnifeJapanese pop-punk trio.The Wedgewood Rooms (02392 863911) 7.30pm, £15. [DA]

SouthamptonHere & NowPsych and space rock.The Brook (023-8055 5366) 8pm, £13.WareStandon Calling Performances over the weekend from Rag’n’Bone Man, Wolf Alice, Nile Rodgers & Chic, Friendly Fires, Idles, Kate Nash and more. Today with Baron Goodlove & the Awful Noise, the Saboteurs and William the Conqueror.Standon Lordship ( 12noon, £159, under 17s £149, under 15s £139, under 12s £45, under 3s £5.WarehamCamp Bestival With performances over the weekend from Jess Glynne, the Human League, Nile Rodgers & Chic, Lewis Capaldi, Annie Mac and many more.English Heritage: Lulworth Castle ( 6pm, £187.50, NUS £180, ages 13-17 £119, ages 10-12 £93.75, ages 5-9 £33, under 4s £11, under 1s free, car parking £20.


AbingdonTruck Festival Today with Wolf Alice, Public Service Broadcasting, Idles, Nothing But Thieves, Fontaines DC, Lewis Capaldi, Pip Blom and many more.Hill Farm ( 12noon, day £27, weekend inc camping £130, phone for availability.BrightonDovesMelancholic Mancunian electro-indie trio.Brighton Racecourse (01952 242019) 4pm, £37.50.Shonen KnifeJapanese pop-punk trio.

Music rock&pop

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 11The Guide Listings 11The Guide Listings

The Hope & Ruin (01273 325793) 8.30pm, £15. BristolAnti-Nowhere LeagueHardcore punk veterans.The Fleece (0117-945 0996) 7pm, £12.The DisconnectedPunk band from Bristol.The Louisiana (0117-926 5978) 7.30pm, adv £5.BrutonFarmfestival See Thursday.Gilcombe Farm ( 6pm, day £59, ages 13-17 £45, weekend £89, ages 13-17 £59.BudeLeopallooza With performances over the weekend from Friendly Fires, the Vaccines and Feeder.The Wyldes ( 6pm, weekend £120, ages 6-12 £20, under-5s free, family £250.MargateJohn NewmanSoulful pop singer.Elsewhere (01843 224682) 7.30pm, £15.WareStandon CallingToday with sets from Rag’n’Bone Man, Band Of Skulls, Band Of Skulls, Echo & the Bunnymen, Edward Gwen And the Good Thing, Isles, Menendez Brothers, Simian Mobile Disco, the Japanese House and the Reverse. Standon Lordship ( 9am, £159, under 17s £149, under 15s £139, under 12s £45, under 3s £5.WarehamCamp Bestival Today with Jess Glynne, the Human League, the Wailers, Shed Seven acoustic, Nina Nesbitt, Vic Reeves, Napalm Death, A Skillz, Mr Bloom And His Band and Utah Saints.English Heritage: Lulworth Castle (

10am, £187.50, NUS £180, ages 13-17 £119, ages 10-12 £93.75, ages 5-9 £33, under-4s £11, under-1s free, car parking £20.


Cardiff Graham NashSinger of Crosby, Stills and Nash fame.Wales Millennium Centre (029-2063 6464) 7.30pm, £32-£52. [DA]The KorgisPop group from the 80s.The Globe (029-2023 0130) 7.30pm, £15.


BrightonDave Drake QuartetMainstream jazz.The Verdict (01273 674847) 8.30pm, £15, NUS £8.Chipping NortonMichael Messer’s MitraBlues and Hindustani classical music.Chipping Norton Theatre (01608 642350) 7.45pm, £16.50. [DA]LutonKino TrioContemporary jazz.The Bear Club ( 7pm, £9 & £10.


BristolMoon HoochSee Preview.The Fleece (0117-945 0996) 7pm, adv £16.Southend-on-SeaThe Glenn Miller OrchestraBig band with a 1940s sound.Cliff s Pavilion (01702 351135) 3.30pm, £23-£28.


BracknellClark Tracey Young Guns QuintetMainstream jazz.

South Hill Park Arts Centre: Recital Room (01344 484123) 7.30pm, £12, under 18s £5.50. [DA]


NorwichThe Hot 8 Brass BandJazz-infused funk.The Waterfront (01603 632717) 7.30pm, £18.


BrightonMoon HoochSee Preview.The Haunt (01273 736618) 7.30pm, £16.IlminsterSotavento Big BandTango and swing.Ilminster Arts Centre at the Meeting House (01460 55783) 8pm, £18.MaidstoneIan ShawSwing and pop singer-pianist.Pizza Express (020-7439 4962) 8.30pm, £18.MalmesburyWomad Today featuring Juan de Marcos’s Afro-Cuban All Stars, Meute, Malmesbury Schools Project With the Bollywood Brass Band, and the Mighty John Street Ska Orchestra.Charlton Park ( 2pm, three-day £185, teenage £95, four-day £225, teenage £130, under-13s free with accompanying adult, day ticket available.


BrightonBonsaiContemporary jazz.The Verdict (01273 674847) 8.30pm, £10, NUS £5.CambridgeThe Voice of Santur QuartetPersian, Kurdish and Azari music.The Junction: J2 (01223 511511) 8pm, £15, concs £10, NUS £6. [DA]

GuildfordThe Barricade BoysPower ballads, operatic arias and pop songs.G Live (01483 369350) 8pm, £25, concs £23. LondonSimon KeenlysideThe baritone sings songs from musicals and popular standards.Wigmore Hall, W1 (020-7935 2141) 7.30pm, £18-£40. [DA]Steve Gadd BandRock, jazz and more from the US drummer and group.Ronnie Scott’s, W1 (020-7439 0747) 6pm, £45-£65, phone for availability.MaidstoneSnowboy and the Latin SectionAfro-Cuban jazz.Pizza Express (020-7439 4962) 8.30pm, £20.MalmesburyWomad Today with Macy Gray, Ziggy Marley, Calypso Rose, Liniker E Os Caramelows and more.Charlton Park ( 2pm, day £95, teenage £60, three-day £185, teenage £95, four-day £225, teenage £130, under-13s free with accompanying paying adult.


Cardiff Capital City Jazz Orchestra With Clare TealJazz standards.St David’s Hall (029-2087 8444) 7.30pm, £16.50, under 16s £8.25.


Cardiff Massed Male Choir and Brass BandsOwain Arwel Hughes conducts more than 250 male voices.St David’s Hall (029-2087 8444) 7.30pm, £9-£36. [DA]




jazz Music

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian12 The Guide ListingsThe Guide Listings


GuildfordOperaUpClose: La BohèmePuccini’s opera, sung in English using Robin Norton-Hale’s English-language libretto.Yvonne Arnaud Theatre (01483 440000) 8pm, £25-£27. [DA]High WycombeGarsington Opera: FantasioOffenbach’s opera in a new English translation by Jeremy Sams.Garsington Opera (01865 361636) 6.05pm, £115-£225.LewesGlyndebourne Opera: RusalkaMelly Still’s production of Dvořák’s opera inspired by a Slavic mythical creature.Glyndebourne Opera House (01273 815000) 5pm, £15-£230.Moreton-in-MarshDon GiovanniMartin Constantine directs Mozart’s opera, in an English translation by Amanda Holden.Longborough Festival Opera (01451 830292) 5pm, £40-£130, phone for availability.


AndoverThe Royal Marines Association Concert BandThe 50-strong ensemble perform a programme of popular marches, big band sounds, musical theatre and songs from film, radio and TV.The Lights (01264 368368) 3pm, £15, concs £12.50.BracknellWestminster Chamber OrchestraThe orchestra perform works by Smetana, Beethoven, Grieg, Tchaikovsky, Verdi, Bizet and Wagner. With pianist Mikhail Shilyaev and baritone Thomas Humphreys.

South Hill Park Arts Centre (01344 484123) 7.30pm, £22.50, mems £20, under 18s £18. [DA]BrightonIcebreakerTo mark the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landings, the contemporary ensemble play Brian Eno’s Apollo album, accompanied by Al Reinert’s documentary about the Apollo space missions, plus works by Anna Meredith, Gavin Bryers, JLin and Scott Walker.Brighton Dome: Concert Hall (01273 709709) 7.30pm, £17.50-£22.50. High WycombeGarsington Opera: Don GiovanniMozart’s black comedy. Sung in Italian with English surtitles.Garsington Opera (01865 361636) 5.45pm, £115-£225.LewesGlyndebourne Opera: Die ZauberflöteMozart’s comedy, conducted by Ryan Wigglesworth.Glyndebourne Opera House (01273 815000) 4pm, £20-£260.OxfordJack GibbonsThe pianist performs Chopin’s Waltz in F No 3 ‘Cat Waltz’ and Waltz in D Flat No 1 ‘Valse Du Petit Chien’, Bach’s Sheep May Safely Graze, Mozart’s Concerto No 17: III Allegretto – Starling Theme, Schumann’s The Prophet Bird, Rimsky-Korsakov’s Flight of the Bumblebee, Saint-Saëns’ The Swan, Alkan’s Le Festin D’Ésope, Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf, Gibbons’s Solace and Appalachian Fancy, plus Gershwin’s Walking the Dog.Holywell Music Room ( 8pm, £18.

SnapeRoyal Academy of Music and Juilliard SchoolEdward Gardner conducts Tchaikovsky’s Fantasy Overture: Romeo and Juliet, Britten’s Violin Concerto and Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring. With violinist James Ehnes.Snape Maltings Concert Hall (01728 687110) 4pm, £10-£27, under-22s £5-£13.50. [DA]


LondonOpera Holland Park: Il Segreto Di Susanna & IolantaWolf-Ferrari’s comedy, and Tchaikovsky’s final opera. Il Segreto Di Susanna is sung in Italian with English surtitles; Iolanta is sung in Russian with English surtitles. See Preview.Opera Holland Park, W8 (0300-999 1000) 7.30pm, £20-£88.


Blandford ForumDorset Opera: NabuccoPeter Relton directs Verdi’s opera about the Babylonian king who succumbs to madness. In Italian with surtitles.

Bryanston School: Coade Hall Theatre (01258 484623) 7pm, £30-£100.


Blandford ForumDorset Opera: Lucia Di LammermoorDonizetti’s tragedy. Sung in Italian with English surtitles.Coade Hall Theatre, Bryanston School (01258 484623) 7pm, £30-£100.High WycombeThe English ConcertGarsington Opera Chorus join for the choral piece Vespers of 1610 by Monteverdi.Garsington Opera (01865 361636) 8.30pm, £60-£150.LewesGlyndebourne Opera: Die ZauberflöteBarbe and Doucet’s new production of Mozart’s comedy that pits the forces of evil against goodness and truth. Conducted by Ryan Wigglesworth.Glyndebourne Opera House (01273 815000) 5pm, £20-£260.LondonOpera Holland Park: Il Segreto Di Susanna & IolantaWolf-Ferrari’s comedy, and Tchaikovsky’s final opera. Il Segreto Di Susanna is sung in Italian with English surtitles; Iolanta is sung in Russian with English surtitles. See Preview.Opera Holland Park, W8 (0300-999 1000) 7.30pm, £20-£88.Prom 8: BBC Symphony OrchestraPéter Eötvös conducts Debussy’s Prélude À L’Après-Midi D’Un Faune, Eötvös’s own Alhambra (Violin Concerto), Bartók’s Dance Suite and Stravinsky’s The Firebird: Suite (revised version, 1919). With violinist Isabelle Faust. See Preview.

Music classical


Don’t miss

Die Zauberfl öteLewes, Sun & Wed The second new production at Glyndebourne this summer, directed and designed by Renaud Doucet and André Barbe, and conducted by Ryan Wigglesworth (pictured).

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 13The Guide Listings 13The Guide Listings

Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 7.30pm, £7.50-£41. [DA]OxfordJack GibbonsThe pianist performs Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, Allemande from Partita No 4 in D, Gigue from French Suite No 5 in G, Prelude & Fugue in F Sharp Well-Tempered Clavier Book I, Chorale Prelude’s Ich Ruf Zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ and Chaconne, plus Mozart’s Rondo Alla Turca from Sonata in A, Concerto No 23 Adagio, Sonata in C ‘Sonate Facile’, Sehnsucht Nach Dem Frühlinge and Concerto No 27: Allegro.Holywell Music Room ( 8pm, £18.


Blandford ForumDorset Opera: Lucia Di LammermoorChristopher Cowell directs Donizetti’s tragedy based on Sir Walter Scott’s novel The Bride of Lammermoor. Sung in Italian with English surtitles.Bryanston School: Coade Hall Theatre (01258 484623) 7pm, £30-£100.Dorset Opera: NabuccoPeter Relton directs Verdi’s opera about the Babylonian king who succumbs to madness. In Italian with surtitles.Bryanston School: Coade Hall Theatre (01258 484623) 2pm, £30-£100.Bradford-on-AvonAmadeus OrchestraPhilip Mackenzie conducts Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade, Rachmaninov’s Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini and Shostakovich’s Symphony No 8 in C Minor. With pianist Mariya Kostenko.

Wiltshire Music Centre (01225 860100) 7pm, £25, under 18s/NUS £10. [DA]High WycombeThe English ConcertThe orchestra join with the Garsington Opera Chorus to perform the atmospheric choral masterpiece Vespers of 1610 by Monteverdi.Garsington Opera (01865 361636) 8.30pm, £60-£150.LewesGlyndebourne Opera: CendrillonFiona Shaw’s contemporary update of Massenet’s enduring fairytale.Glyndebourne Opera House (01273 815000) 5pm, £15-£260.


Blandford ForumDorset Opera: Gala ConcertEmerging and guest artists perform pieces by Bizet, Delibes, Mozart, Verdi and Wagner.Coade Hall Theatre, Bryanston School (01258 484623) 7pm, £10-£55.ExeterAmadeus OrchestraPhilip Mackenzie conducts a performance of Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade, Rachmaninov’s Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini and Shostakovich’s Symphony No 8 in C Minor. With pianist Mariya Kostenko.Exeter Cathedral (01392 285983) 7pm, £15-£35.High WycombeThe English ConcertThe baroque and classical chamber orchestra join with the Garsington Opera Chorus to perform the atmospheric choral masterpiece Vespers of 1610 by Monteverdi.Garsington Opera (01865 361636) 8.30pm, £60-£150.

LewesGlyndebourne Opera: RusalkaMelly Still’s production of Dvořák’s opera inspired by a Slavic mythical creature.Glyndebourne Opera House (01273 815000) 5pm, £15-£230.LondonOpera Holland Park: Il Segreto Di Susanna & IolantaWolf-Ferrari’s comedy and Tchaikovsky’s final opera, with English surtitles. See Preview.Opera Holland Park, W8 (0300-999 1000) 7.30pm, £20-£88.TewkesburyChoir of Merton College and Bristol EnsembleBenjamin Nicholas conducts Judith Weir’s Ave Regina Caelorum, Dobrinka Tabakova’s Alma Redemptoris Mater, James MacMillan’s Miserere, Arvo Pärt’s Cantus in Memoriam Benjamin Britten, Gabriel Jackson’s Countless and Wonderful Are the Ways to Praise God and James MacMillan’s Seven Last Words from the Cross. Part of the Three Choirs festival. See Preview.Tewkesbury Abbey (01684 850959) 7.45pm, £12-£35.


Cardiff BBC National Orchestra of WalesOwain Arwel Hughes conducts Tchaikovsky, Strauss II, Wagner, Puccini, Holst and Berlioz, plus Dvořák’s Symphony No 9 ‘From the New World’ in a concert marking the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing. Introduced by BBC newsreader Huw Edwards.

St David’s Hall (029-2087 8444) 7.30pm, £9-£42. [DA]LampeterCatrin Finch & Seckou KeitaA collaboration between the Welsh harpist and Senegalese kora player.University of Wales, Trinity St David ( 7.30pm, £18.


Cardiff Cardiff Philharmonic OrchestraMichael Bell conducts Richard Strauss’s Also Sprach Zarathustra, better known as Sunrise from 2001: A Space Odyssey, Mussorgsky’s A Night on the Bare Mountain, Leroy Anderson’s Sleigh Ride, Kristen Anderson-Lopez’s A Selection from Frozen, Strauss’s Thunder and Lightning Polka and Rimsky-Korsakov’s Flight of the Bumblebee.St David’s Hall (029-2087 8444) 3pm, £12.50, under 16s £7.50.


Cardiff Bournemouth Symphony OrchestraOwain Arwel Hughes conducts works by Brahms, Handel, Verdi, Wagner, Mozart, Smetana and Elgar, plus Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture.St David’s Hall (029-2087 8444) 7.30pm, £9-£36. [DA]


Cardiff Welsh National Opera OrchestraOwain Arwel Hughes conducts musical theatre scores and Hollywood soundtracks from Jaws to Pirates of the Caribbean. With singer Sophie Evans.St David’s Hall (029-2087 8444) 7.30pm, £33. [DA]

classical Music


Entertainment Classified

14 The Guide 20-26 July 2019 The Guardian



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The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 15The Guide Listings 15The Guide Listings

AylesburyAvenue QCressida Carré directs and choreographs the puppet-filled musical comedy with a book by Jeff Whitty and music and lyrics by Robert Lopez and Jeff Marx. Aylesbury Waterside Theatre (0844-871 7607) From 22 Jul, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Wed 2.30pm, to 27 Jul, £14.90-£35.90.AylesfordMuch Ado About NothingThe HandleBards’ all-male troupe performs Shakespeare’s romantic comedy.Cobtree Manor Park ( From 26 Jul, Fri 6.30pm, to 27 Jul, check website for prices.BathUncle VanyaRupert Everett directs Chekhov’s drama in a new version by David Hare. With Katherine Parkinson, Clémence Poésy, Ann Mitchell, John Light and John Standing. See Preview.Theatre Royal (01225 448844) Sat, Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 7.30pm, Wed 2.30pm, 7pm, to 3 Aug, £27-£45. [DA]Vienna 1934 – Munich 1938Using the journals and memoirs of her actor father Michael, and the poems of his close friend Stephen Spender, Vanessa Redgrave explores the world of prewar Germany and the effort to assist Jews escaping Austria.Theatre Royal: Ustinov Studio (01225 448844) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.15pm, Sat 2.30pm, to 3 Aug, £38.50, concs av. [DA]The Waiting RoomFourth Floor Theatre presents its Bath-set coming-of-age comedy in which a group of young employees confront a city full of

Romans, royals and Jane Austen-style romance. Written by Samuel Bailey.Theatre Royal: The Egg (01225 448844) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 7.30pm, to 27 Jul, £10, child/NUS £8. [DA]BracknellOcean Theatre Company 10th Anniversary Gala ConcertCelebratory musical theatre performance.South Hill Park Arts Centre (01344 484123) Fri 7.45pm, £20 & £22. [DA]Measure for MeasureStudio Theatre Company presents Shakespeare’s exposé of power, sexual abuse and lack of consent.South Hill Park Arts Centre (01344 484123) Sat 7.30pm, £14, mems/concs £12. [DA]Murder, She Didn’t Write: The Improvised Murder MysteryA murder mystery created on the spot by Bristol Improv Theatre based on audience suggestions.South Hill Park Arts Centre (01344 484123) Sat 2.30pm, 7.45pm, £16, child £14, concs £15.

Wrath of AchillesBedivere Arts Company presents its Trojan war-set drama that explores masculinity, sexuality, and gender in an epic story of the Iliad.South Hill Park Arts Centre (01344 484123) From 22 Jul, Mon & Tue 7.30pm, Tue 2.30pm, £11, concs £10. [DA]BrightonThe Simon & Garfunkel StoryDean Elliott writes and directs a 50th-anniversary celebration of the US folk duo.Theatre Royal (0844-871 7615) Wed 7.45pm, £22-£27. [DA]BristolAmélieMusical adaptation of the 2001 romantic comedy film. Written by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and Guillaume Laurant, and directed by Michael Fentiman.Bristol Old Vic (0117-987 7877) Sat 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £13.50-£39.Calendar Girls: The MusicalGary Barlow and Tim Firth’s award-winning musical comedy based on the true story of a group of

women in a Yorkshire village who set out to achieve something extraordinary.Bristol Hippodrome (0844-847 2325) Sat 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £22.65-£70.65. [DA]What Does Stuff Do?Physical theatre, comedy and philosophy from Robin Boon Dale as he investigates the relationships between people and things.Tobacco Factory (0117-902 0344) Sat 8pm, £10-£17.Cambridge48/52A confused businessman tries to make sense of Brexit in Steve Waters’s monologue. Part of Hotbed festival.The Junction: J3 (01223 511511) Sat 6pm, £5, concs £4. [DA]All of MeExploration of self by writer-performer Caroline Horton. Part of Hotbed festival. Directed by Alex Swift.The Junction: J2 (01223 511511) Thu 7pm, £8, concs £6. [DA]BlissPaul Bourne directs Fraser Grace’s tragi-comic tale of a couple attempting to build a life against formidable odds, based on the short story The River Potudan by Andrey Platonov. Part of Hotbed festival.The Junction: J2 (01223 511511) Sun 7pm, £10, concs £9. [DA]BoulderHalf a String presents a puppet-theatre show, which follows the mythical struggle of Sisyphus as he pursues his task of rolling a heavy stone up a hill. The music is composed and performed by Avi Simmons. Part of Hotbed festival.The Junction: J2 (01223 511511) Sun 2pm, £8, concs £7. [DA]


Hotbed theatre festivalThe Junction, CambridgeA weekend of premieres, guests, readings and workshops. Highlights include Bliss (pictured) by Fraser Grace, who wrote Breakfast With Mugabe, plus plays from Lucy Crowe, Steve Waters and Lucy Sheerman.

Don’t miss

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian16 The Guide Listings16 The Guide Listings

Come Dine With Me Mr ShakespeareJulia Bolden’s drama, written after she appeared on Come Dine With Me, imagines four Shakespearean characters taking part in the show. Part of Hotbed festival.The Junction (01223 511511) Tue 8.30pm, £8, concs £6. [DA]EpyllionNight Train presents Alona Bach’s modern adaptation of Virgil’s Aeneid through the eyes of Aeneas’s son, Ascanius. Part of Hotbed festival.The Junction: J3 (01223 511511) Sun 12.30pm, £5, concs £4. [DA]Fenland’s FinestFly No Filter presents Lucy Crowe’s work-in-progress show about misunderstandings, bedside manners and what happens when what you thought defined you is taken away. Part of Hotbed festival.The Junction: J3 (01223 511511) Sat 12.15pm, £5. I AmdramHannah Maxwell’s solo show exploring the gulf, and the links, between amateur and professional theatre. Part of Hotbed festival.The Junction: J3 (01223 511511) Thu 8pm, £8, concs £6. [DA]Love, No CountryVanessa Ackerman’s drama exploring the inheritance of loss through one story of a young woman’s grandmother’s escape from terror. Part of Hotbed festival.The Junction: J2 (01223 511511) Sat 11.30am, £5, concs £4. [DA]Oh Yes Oh NoUsing audio from real-life interviews, Barbie and Ken roleplay, and pop-culture references, Louise Orwin’s solo show asks questions about

desire and consent. Part of Hotbed festival.The Junction: J2 (01223 511511) Tue 7pm, £8, concs £6. [DA]One Way ChorusLucy Sheerman and Bettina Furnee’s piece about love, loss and space travel. Part of Hotbed festival.The Junction (01223 511511) Sat 4pm, 5.30pm, 6.45pm, £4, concs £3. [DA]Only When Its Feathers Are GrownFly No Filter stages Lucy Crowe’s performance, installation and interactive dance piece about an adolescent and her mother. Part of Hotbed festival.The Junction: J3 (01223 511511) Sat 11am, 12.30pm, 2pm, £5, concs £4. [DA]Peregrine’s ProgressScript-in-hand performance of Rachel Osbourne’s new play. Part of Hotbed festival.The Junction (01223 511511) Sun 5.30pm, £5, concs £4. [DA]Polyphonic II, A Home the Size of Our PlanetActing Now and Polygon Arts in association with the Meits Research Project present an performance, devised by individuals drawn from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Part of Hotbed festival.The Junction: J2 (01223 511511) Sat 7.15pm, £8, concs £7. [DA]Role PlayJames P Mannion’s story of thrill-seeking and delusion.ADC Theatre: Larkum Studio (01223 300085) From 23 Jul, Tue-Fri 7pm, to 27 Jul, £5-£9.Two ComradesKsenia Usacheva directs Alexandr Lyutenskov’s drama, which tells of two friends whose fates are reversed by revolution. Part of Hotbed festival.

The Junction (01223 511511) From 20 Jul, Sat 2pm, Sun 4.30pm, £8, concs £7. [DA]CanterburyMuch Ado About NothingThe HandleBards’ all-male troupe performs Shakespeare’s romantic comedy.The Marlowe Theatre (01227 787787) Mon 6.30pm, £16.25, under 16s £12.18. [DA]MadagascarMusical based on the 2005 DreamWorks animated film.The Marlowe Theatre (01227 787787) From 24 Jul, Wed & Thu 7pm, Thu 2pm, Fri 1pm, to 28 Jul, £15-£41. [DA]CheltenhamFriendsical: A Parody Musical About FriendsA lampoon of the TV sitcom, created by Bob and Tobly McSmith.Everyman Theatre (01242 572573) Sat 5pm, 8pm, £20-£37. [DA]ChichesterThe Deep Blue SeaA woman plans to kill herself after a tragic love affair in Terence Rattigan’s drama. Directed by Paul Foster.Chichester Festival Theatre (01243 781312) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.45pm, Sat & Thu 2.30pm, to 27 Jul, £28 & £43, under 26s £5. [DA]Oklahoma!See Preview.Chichester Festival Theatre (01243 781312) Sat, Tue-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Wed 2.30pm, Mon 7pm, to 7 Sep, £10-£55. [DA]CorbyThe TempestThe HandleBards’ all-female troupe presents a bicycle-powered version of Shakespeare’s dreamlike play.Deene Park (01780 450278/450223) Sun 5pm, £16, under 18s £10, under 10s free. [DA]

EastbourneThe 39 StepsEastbourne Theatres’ production of Patrick Barlow’s fast-paced, comedy whodunnit, based on the Alfred Hitchcock  movie.Devonshire Park Theatre (01323 412000) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 7.45pm, to 17 Aug, £19-£26.50. [DA]DeathtrapPhil&Ben Productions stages the serpentine Ira Levin thriller about a writer with creative block, who is sent a brilliant whodunnit by a first-time scribe.Devonshire Park Theatre (01323 412000) Sat 2.30pm, 7.45pm, mat £19, under 16s/NUS £9, under 25s £10, eve £16-£23.50. [DA]zDirty DancingEleanor Bergstein’s stage adaptation of her 1987 film screenplay about a summer romance between a teenager and a dance instructor.Congress Theatre (01323 412000) Sat 3pm, 7.30pm, £19-£49. [DA]Top HatThe Rattonains brings its version of the Irving Berlin musical to the stage. Directed by Mark Adams.Congress Theatre (01323 412000) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 7.30pm, to 3 Aug, Thu £16, then £18 & £20, OAP/under 16s £16 & £18. [DA]GuildfordHalls: The MusicalMusical by Jennifer Harrison and George Stroud about eight students sharing a flat.G Live (01483 369350) From 23 Jul, Tue & Wed 7.30pm, £14.50, concs £12.50. [DA]The Merry Wives of WindsorGuildford Shakespeare Company performs Shakespeare’s comedy, updated to the 1970s.


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 17The Guide Listings 17The Guide Listings

Stoke Park Railway, Burchatts Farm Entrance ( Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 7.30pm, to 27 Jul, £16.50-£26.TulipsExit Pursued By a Panda’s work exploring the theme of domestic abuse.G Live (01483 369350) Thu 7.30pm, £14.50. [DA]HytheMuch Ado About NothingThe HandleBards’ all-male troupe performs Shakespeare’s romantic comedy.Hythe Lympne Castle ( Thu 6.30pm, £16, under 18s £10, under 10s free.Isles of ScillyA Perfect WorldMiracle Theatre’s story about a young woman embarking on a Boy’s Own adventure of jungles, treasure maps and penknives, written and directed by Bill Scott with music by Tom Adams.Pool Green (miracle Wed 6.30pm, £14, child £8, family £40, concs £12.Sea Garden Cottage ( Thu 6.30pm, £16, child £10.St Mary’s Chaplaincy (01720 422536) From 26 Jul, Fri 8pm, to 27 Jul, £15, concs £13.MalvernThe AnniversaryMalvern Theatre Players presents Bill MacIlwraith’s comedy in which a controlling mother fears she is losing control of her three grown-up sons.Coach House Theatre (01684 569011) Sat 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £16, OAP £12. [DA]The MousetrapTouring production to celebrate 60 years of Agatha Christie’s murder mystery.

Malvern Theatres: Festival Theatre (01684 892277) Sat 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £27-£35. [DA]The Rocky Horror ShowCamp sci-fi rock’n’roll musical adapted from the script by Richard O’Brien. Directed by Christopher Luscombe.Malvern Theatres: Festival Theatre (01684 892277) From 22 Jul, Mon-Thu 7.30pm, Fri 8.30pm, 5.30pm, to 27 Jul, £21-£40. [DA]Milton KeynesHairTribal rock musical with a book and lyrics by James Rado and Gerome Ragni and music by Galt MacDermot.Milton Keynes Theatre (0844-871 7652) Sat 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £25-£32.50. [DA]Motown the MusicalCharles Randolph-Wright directs the nostalgic musical that charts the journey of Berry Gordy from featherweight boxer to Motown music mogul. Milton Keynes Theatre (0844-871 7652) From 23 Jul, Tue-Fri 7.30pm, Wed 2.30pm, to 3 Aug, £25-£77.50. [DA]NewburyKiss Me, KatePaul Hart directs Cole Porter’s musical comedy in which an actor-manager and his ex-wife find themselves working opposite each other in Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew.West Berkshire Playhouse: The Watermill (01635 46044) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 7.30pm, Thu 2.30pm, to 21 Sep, £10-£33. [DA]Our ChurchMarietta Kirkbride’s drama set in a small village where a dwindling church community have to decide whether to allow a convicted sex offender to join the committee.

West Berkshire Playhouse: The Watermill (01635 46044) Sat 1.30pm, 6.30pm, £15 & £20.NorthamptonThe Last of the Pelican DaughtersThe Wardrobe Ensemble’s comedy-drama of love and loss, in which four sisters have to divide their dead mother’s house between them.Royal & Derngate: The Royal (01604 624811) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 7.45pm, £11. [DA]The TempestThe HandleBards’ all-female troupe presents a bicycle-powered version of William Shakespeare’s dreamlike play.Cottesbrooke Hall, Cottesbrooke (01604 505808) Sat 7pm, £18.

NorwichAlgorithmsSadie Clark’s solo piece, performed by her, about a single woman aged 30, examining her life and loneliness. Directed by Madelaine Moore.Norwich Puppet Theatre (01603 629921) Thu 7.30pm, £3-£12.Matilda: The MusicalDennis Kelly and Tim Minchin’s musical adaptation of Roald Dahl’s tale.Theatre Royal (01603 630000) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Wed 2.30pm, to 17 Aug, £10-£56. [DA]The Ugly OneActors Course students present Maruis von Mayenburg’s dark comedy about beauty.Theatre Royal (01603 630000) Sat 7.30pm, £8. [DA]


20-26 July 2019 The Guardian18 The Guide Listings18 The Guide Listings

OxfordThe Girl on the TrainAnthony Banks directs the stage adaptation of Paula Hawkins’s psychological thriller. The Oxford Playhouse (01865 305305) Sat 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £10-£37.50. [DA]PlymouthCalendar GirlsGary Barlow and Tim Firth’s musical comedy based on the true story of a group of women in a Yorkshire village who set out to achieve something extraordinary.Theatre Royal: The Lyric (01752 267222) From 23 Jul, Tue-Fri 7.30pm, Wed & Thu 2.30pm, to 3 Aug, £16-£44. [DA]Kinky BootsCyndi Lauper and Harvey Fierstein’s feelgood musical based on the 2005 film of the same name. Directed by Jerry Mitchell.Theatre Royal: The Lyric (01752 267222) Sat 2.30pm, £18.50-£52.One Foot in the RaveAlexander Rhodes’s verse play, an autobiographical account of how a twentysomething raised in a strict religious cult discovered the rave scene of the 1990s.Theatre Royal: The Lab (01752 267222) From 26 Jul, Fri 8pm, to 27 Jul, £7.50. [DA]The Secret ListenerRuth Mitchell performs the mystery of a solitary woman living in Devon who listened in to German radio stations during the second world war.Theatre Royal: The Lab (01752 267222) From 24 Jul, Wed & Thu 8pm, £7.50. [DA]RedruthA Perfect WorldMiracle Theatre’s story about a young woman embarking on a Boy’s Own adventure of

jungles, treasure maps and penknives, written and directed by Bill Scott with music by Tom Adams.Carn Marth Amphitheatre (01872 262466) Sat 7.30pm, £14, child £8, family £40, concs £12, £14, child £8, family £40, concs £12.SittingbourneMuch Ado About NothingThe HandleBards’ all-male troupe performs Shakespeare’s romantic comedy.Milton Creek ( Sat 6.30pm, pay what you can.SouthamptonClub TropicanaMichael Gyngell’s musical with a score made up of 80s hits.Mayfl ower Theatre (02380 711811) From 22 Jul, Mon-Thu 7.30pm, Fri 8.30pm, 5.30pm, to 27 Jul, £18-£42.50. [DA]Rock of AgesTouring version of the jukebox musical written by Chris D’Arienzo set in 1980s Hollywood about a group of rock fans saving a theatre.Mayfl ower Theatre (02380 711811) Sat 4pm, 7.30pm, £19.50-£39.50.Southend-on-SeaGrease High school-set musical by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey.Cliff s Pavilion (01702 351135) From 23 Jul, Tue-Fri 8pm, Fri 2.30pm, to 27 Jul, £29-£55.SouthseaFame Nick Winston directs and choreographs the musical, with a book by José Fernandez, music by Steve Margoshes and lyrics by Jacques Levy. Kings Theatre (02392 828282) From 22 Jul, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Wed 2.30pm, to 27 Jul, Mon-Thu £20-£32, Fri & Sat £25-£39. [DA]

TorquaySome Guys Have All the Luck: The Rod Stewart StoryPaul Metcalfe stars as the singer-songwriter.Princess Theatre (0870-847 2315) Wed 7.30pm, £20.75-£40.75. [DA]Weymouth Pavilion (01305 783225) Sat 7.30pm, £24.50.WindsorDangerous CornerJB Priestley’s suspenseful drama, which explores the concept of a time shift.Theatre Royal (01753 853888) From 24 Jul, Wed-Fri 8pm, Thu 2.30pm, to 27 Jul, £15. [DA]

Cardiff For All I CareTouchingly funny one-woman show by Alan Harris.Chapter: Seligman Theatre (029-2030 4400) From 24 Jul, Wed & Thu 7.30pm, £12. [DA]How to Be BraveSian Owen’s one-person show about the city of Newport, presented by Dirty Protest.Chapter: Seligman Studio (029-2030 4400) From 22 Jul, Mon & Tue 7.30pm, £12. [DA]Kinky BootsCyndi Lauper and Harvey Fierstein’s feel-good musical. Directed by Jerry Mitchell.Wales Millennium Centre (029-2063 6464) From 22 Jul, Mon-Thu 7.30pm, Fri 8pm, 5pm, to 3 Aug, £19.50-£72.50. [DA]The Lady VanishesClassic Thriller Theatre Company stages Antony Lampard’s adaptation of the Alfred Hitchcock film. Starring Juliet Mills and Maxwell Caulfield.New Theatre (029-2087 8889) Sat 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £8.50-£30. [DA]

BanburyMechanical CircusGames from the era of pre-electric entertainment.Banbury Museum (01295 236165) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-3pm, to 7 Sep, £5, concs available.BathBernard Ollis: A Tale of Two CitiesPaintings based on recent visits to the cities of Bath and Paris.Victoria Art Gallery (01225 477233) Sat-Fri 10.30am-5pm, to 15 Sep, free.Édouard Vuillard: The Poetry of the EverydayWorks by the French painter, decorative artist and print-maker.The Holburne Museum (01225 388588) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-5pm, to 15 Sep, £11, concs available.A History of Fashion in 100 ObjectsA celebration of fashion from the 1600s to the present day.Fashion Museum (01225 477173) Sat-Fri 10.30am-5pm, to 1 Jan, £9, child £7, concs £8, family £29. [DA]Bexhill-on-SeaHow Chicago! Imagists 1960s & 70sThe first significant exhibition in the UK in almost 40 years of work by the Chicago Imagists.De La Warr Pavilion (01424 229111) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 8 Sep, free.Lauren Godfrey: Group HatArtworks inspired by encounters with the local community.De La Warr Pavilion (01424 229111) Sat-Fri 10am-6pm, to 15 Sep, free.BrightonAll the King’s Horses: The Story of the Royal Stables and Riding HouseUnusual and rarely seen



The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 19The Guide Listings 19The Guide Listings

images sourced from the city’s own collections.Brighton Museum and Art Gallery (030-0029 0900) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 29 Sep, £6, adv £3.50. [DA]Wildlife Photographer of the YearThe best of this year’s natural images.Brighton Museum and Art Gallery (030-0029 0900) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, to 8 Sep, £6, child £3.50. [DA]BristolAndrew Lanyon: Nature’s LaboratoryA nature-themed collaborative exhibition.Cube Gallery and Like Space, Royal West of England Academy (0117-973 5129) Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, Sun 11am-5pm, to 8 Aug, free. [DA]Fire: Flashes to Ashes in British Art 1692-2019Display showing how fire has been represented in British art, including JMW Turner, William Blake and Jeremy Deller.Royal West of England Academy (0117-973 5129) Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-5.30pm, Sun 11am-5pm, to 1 Sep, £7.15, under 18s/NUS free, concs £6.05, National Art Pass: 50% discount. [DA]Ian Weldon: I Am Not a Wedding Photographer Uncensored and unorthodox images of family nuptials.Martin Parr Foundation ( Sat, Wed-Fri 11am-6pm, to 10 Aug, free.Lisa Scantlebury: Many Long Slow WaitsVisual artist who works with sculpture and print.Spike Island (0117-929 2266) Sat & Sun 12noon-5pm, free.Lizzie Stone: That It HappensPaintings exploring texture and colour.

Tobacco Factory: The Snug (0117-902 0344) Sat-Fri 10am-11pm, to 30 Jul, free.Peter Ford: Out of OrderWorks by the print-maker and paper-maker.Royal West of England Academy (0117-973 5129) Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, Sun 11am-5pm, to 18 Aug, free. [DA]Sickboy: DreamworldsNew works by the Bristol street artist.That Art Gallery ( Sat, Tue, Wed 11am-6pm, free.BrutonUnconscious Landscape: Works from the Ursula Hauser CollectionSixty-five works by female artists.Hauser & Wirth Somerset (01749 814060) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, to 8 Sep, free.CambridgeArtist Unknown: Art and Artefacts from the University of Cambridge Museums and CollectionsAnonymous art and artefacts.Kettle’s Yard (01223 748100) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 11am-5pm, to 22 Sep, free. [DA]Beggarstaffs: William Nicholson & James PrydeGraphic design by the collaborative artists.Fitzwilliam Museum (01223 332900) Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 12noon-5pm, to 4 Aug, free. [DA]Fans Unfolded: Conserving the Lennox-Boyd CollectionRare fans from the 18th to 20th centuries.Fitzwilliam Museum (01223 332900) Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 12noon-5pm, to 12 Jan, free. [DA]Jennifer Lee: The Potter’s SpaceNew works and 40 pots from down the years.

Kettle’s Yard (01223 748100) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 11am-5pm, to 22 Sep, free. [DA]Palaces in the Night: The Urban Landscape in Whistler’s PrintsEtchings, drypoints and lithographs.Fitzwilliam Museum (01223 332900) Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 12noon-5pm, to 8 Sep, free. [DA]ChichesterIvon Hitchens: Space Through ColourWorks by the modern British painter.Pallant House Gallery (01243 774557) Sat, Tue, Wed, Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-5pm, Thu 10am-8pm, to 13 Oct, £12.50, concs av. [DA]EastbourneDineo Seshee Bopape: Sedibeng, It Comes With the RainInstallations that use

sound, found objects and the moving image.Towner Art Gallery (01323 434670) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, to 8 Sep, free.Phoebe Unwin: IrisThe artist reflects on the nature of painting.Towner Art Gallery (01323 434670) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, to 8 Sep, free.Ten: Towner Curates the CollectionPaintings, prints and sculpture.Towner Art Gallery (01323 434670) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, to 10 Nov, free.ExeterAngie SeawayPaintings that celebrate the weather.Exeter Phoenix (01392 667080) Sat, Mon-Fri 10.30am-5.30pm, Sun 12noon-5.30pm, to 30 Jul, free. [DA]


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Nicky HirstSculptures and installations conceived as anagrams of the world algorithms.Exeter Phoenix: Phoenix Gallery (01392 667080) Sat, Mon-Fri 10.30am-5.30pm, Sun 12noon-5.30pm, to 8 Sep, free. [DA]FarnhamDiasporaArtists and makers of African and Caribbean heritage display work.New Ashgate Gallery (01252 713208) Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, free.Maker in Focus: Janine Partington & Exploring Colour and Line Through Mark-Making Into LeatherLeather wall panels, vessels and brooches.New Ashgate Gallery (01252 713208) Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, free.RepurposedPieces by artists working with recycled, reused or found materials.

New Ashgate Gallery (01252 713208) Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, free.Hatfi eldStuart Whipps: Presentation of ResearchThe artist presents his research into a number of sites in Essex and Hertfordshire.Art & Design Gallery, University of Hertfordshire ( Sat-Fri 9am, to 7 Sep, free.HelstonMelanie Smith & Maria Elena: Echoes and ReturnsFilm installations.CAST (Cornubian Arts & Science Trust) (01326 565632) Sat & Fri 10am-9pm, Wed & Thu 10am-4pm, to 2 Aug, free.HonitonEvolver Prize 2019 ExhibitionWork by the top 50 artists, photographers and designers, who competed for the prize.

Thelma Hulbert Gallery (01404 45006) Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, to 31 Aug, free.HorshamAdventures in Art: 90 Years of Changing TastesPaintings by past and present members of the 90-year-old Horsham-based Association of Sussex artists.Horsham Museum (01403 254959) Sat 10am-5pm, free.HovePatrick Burke RetrospectiveEtchings and sketches of Brighton life from the late-20th century Shoreham-born artist.Hove Museum and Art Gallery (0300-029 0900) Sat, Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 2pm-5pm, to 4 Sep, free. [DA]Rebecca WarrenPainted bronze sculptures and neon-based collages.

Morena Di Luna ( Sat & Sun 12noon-6pm, to 8 Sep, free.LangportAngie Rooke & Chris KampfLandscape paintings from Rooke and metal sculptures by Kampf.Muchelney Pottery (01485 250324) Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-1pm, 2pm-4pm, to 6 Aug, free.LewesIn Colour: Sickert to RileyA survey of a century of great British colourists.Charleston House (01323 811626) Sat, Sun, Wed-Fri 10am-5pm, to 25 Aug, £7, concs £6, Art Pass mems £3.50.Lee Miller in ColourA selection of colour photography by the American artist, created using the Tri-Carbro process in the American artist’s New York studio in 1933.


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Farleys House and Gallery (01825 872856) Sun 10am-4.30pm, free. Philip Hughes: Land and SeaPaintings of the Downs in East Sussex, and Ouse Valleys and West Penwith in Cornwall.Charleston House (01323 811626) Sat, Sun, Wed-Fri 10am-5pm, to 25 Aug, £7, concs £6, Art Pass mems £3.50.Sir Peter Blake: Day Trip to Farley FarmA series of artworks incorporating imagery from pop culture.Farleys House and Gallery (01825 872856) Sun 10am-4.30pm, to 4 Aug, free. [DA]LymingtonCommand of the Seas: The Navy and the New Forest Against NapoleonRarely seen portraits from private collections depicting tensions between 1793 and 1805.St Barbe Museum & Art Gallery (01590 676969) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 10am-4pm, to 1 Sep, £6, concs £5, family £12, child £3.ManningtreePathThirteen artists respond to the Stour Valley Path.North House Gallery (01206 392717) Sat 10am-5pm, or by appointment, to 24 Aug, free.MargateBarbara Walker: Place, Space and WhoSeries of large-scale drawings made directly on to the gallery walls.Turner Contemporary (01843 233000) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, to 12 Apr, free. [DA]Billy Childish: Man in the Mouth of a CaveMajor solo exhibition by the British painter and musician.Carl Freedman Gallery (020-7684 8890) Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, to 25 Aug, free.

Seaside: PhotographedImages of the British seaside from the 1850s to today, including Jane Bown, Martin Parr and Enzo Ragazzini.Turner Contemporary (01843 233000) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, to 8 Sep, free. [DA]Milton KeynesPaula Rego: Obedience and DefianceThe first major retrospective of Rego’s work in England for more than 20 years.MK Gallery (01908 676900) Sat, Tue-Fri 11am-7pm, Sun 11am-5pm, to 22 Sep, £8.50, OAP £7.50, under 26s/mems/Tue local residents free.Much HadhamHenry Moore: Drawings – The Art of SeeingThe largest exhibition devoted to Moore’s drawings in 40 years.Henry Moore Studios & Gardens (01279 843333) Sat, Sun, Wed-Fri 11am-5pm, to 27 Oct, £12.60, concs £10, family £31.50, child £6.30.NorwichA Life in Blue and White: The Porcelain of Grahame ClarkeA range of work loaned by the family and friends of decorated porcelain artist Clarke.Caroline Fisher Projects (07510 718465) Sat & Fri 12noon-5pm, to 14 Sep, free.WG Sebald: Far Away – But from Where?Rare and unseen archive material shown alongside work by contemporary artists.Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts (01603 593199) Sat & Sun 10am-5pm, Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, to 18 Aug, £8. [DA]OxfordAR Penck: I Think in PicturesSolo exhibition of the artist’s work.

Ashmolean Museum (01865 278000) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, to 3 Nov, free. [DA]Claudette Johnson: I Came to DanceLarge-scale drawings of black men and women.Modern Art Oxford (01865 722733) Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 12noon-5pm, to 8 Sep, free. [DA]Last Supper in PompeiiSee Preview.Ashmolean Museum (01865 278000) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 10am-5pm, to 12 Jan, £12.25, Art Fund/under 25s/under 18s/NUS £6, mems free, concs available. [DA]Lifelines: The Woodcuts of Naoko MatsubaraMore than 40 woodcuts spanning 50 years.Ashmolean Museum (01865 278000) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 6 Oct, free. [DA]

The Naked Form in Modern Chinese ArtImages from the 20th and 21st century.Ashmolean Museum (01865 278000) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, to 15 Sep, free. [DA]New Horizons: Summer ExhibitionContemporary landscape paintings exploring light and atmosphere.Sarah Wiseman Gallery (01865 515123) Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-5.30pm, Mon 10am-4pm, to 27 Jul, free.A Nice Cup of Tea?A Windrush-related contemporary art installation inspired by the European ceramics collection.Ashmolean Museum (01865 278000) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, to 22 Mar, free. [DA]


20-26 July 2019 The Guardian22 The Guide ListingsThe Guide Listings22

The Return of the Gods: Conserving Jacopo Bertoia’s Mars, Bacchus, Jupiter and HerculesSee ongoing work on four of the Renaissance painter’s works.Christ Church Picture Gallery (01865 276172) Sat-Fri 10.30am-5pm, to 3 Nov, £4, concs £2.Talking MapsAncient, pre-modern and contemporary maps. The Bodleian Library (01865 277178) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-5pm, to 8 Mar, free. [DA]PenzanceAli Corder & Elizabeth LovedayInteractive and evolving project that explores gossip, proverbs and Chinese whispers.Newlyn Art Gallery (01736 363715) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, to 5 Oct, £3.30, concs free.Europe After the RainGroup exhibition of dystopian terrains and futuristic landscapes.Newlyn Art Gallery (01736 363715) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, to 5 Oct, £3.30, mems/child free. [DA]Michelle Sank: SixteenThe photographer focuses her lens on teenagers in Cornwall.The Exchange (01736 363 715) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, to 28 Sep, £3.30, child/mems free.Nina RoyleMixed-media works exploring the relationship between water and sight.Newlyn Art Gallery (01736 363715) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, to 17 Aug, £3.30, child/mems free. [DA]Simon Faithfull: FathomMultimedia works exploring our relationship with our mostly liquid planet.The Exchange (01736 363 715) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, to 5 Oct, £3.30, child/mems free.

PeterboroughGraham Crowley: A Love of Many ThingsSurvey of 40 years of work by the painter.Peterborough Museum and Art Gallery (01733 864663) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, to 8 Sep, free. [DA]PlymouthMany & Beautiful ThingsArtists respond to the period in youth when anything seems possible.Plymouth College of Art (01752 203434) Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, to 31 Aug, free.SeafordCollections FivePaintings, sculpture, ceramics and jewellery.Crypt Gallery (01323 894870) Sat, Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 10am-4pm, Sun 12noon-3pm, to 30 Jul, free.SnapeAbove and BelowInterpretations of Suffolk by various artists.Quay Gallery (01728 687110) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 10am-5.30pm, to 31 Jul, free. [DA]Harry Cory Wright: Place and LineDrawings and photographic works.Dovecote Studio and Concert Hall Gallery (01728 687110) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5.30pm, Sun 10am-4.30pm, to 28 Jul, free. [DA]Sue Lancaster: See Sea and Other Embroidered TextilesSeascape and landscape views.Quay Gallery (01728 687110) Sat, Mon-Wed 10am-5.30pm, Sun 10.30am-4.30pm, free.SouthamptonCriminal Ornamentation: Yinka Shonibare Curates the Arts Council CollectionExhibition exploring the use of pattern in modern and contemporary art, including work by

Timorous Beasties, Edward Lipski, Bridget Riley and May Morris.Southampton City Art Gallery (02380 832277) Sat 10am-5pm, Mon-Fri 10am-3pm, to 28 Sep, free.Dot Adams: A Lifetime of Loving Painting Works by the local amateur artist.Southampton City Art Gallery (02380 832277) Sat 10am-5pm, Mon-Fri 10am-3pm, to 3 Aug, free.St AlbansBarbara Hepworth: Artist in Society 1948-53Sculptures, drawings and archival material.St Albans Museum + Gallery (01727 864511) Sat-Fri 9am, to 8 Sep, free.St IvesHuguette CalandErotically charged, semi-abstract canvases.Tate St Ives (01736 796226) Sat-Fri 10am-5.20pm, to 1 Sep, £9.50, concs £8.50, mems free. [DA]St Leonards-on-SeaBrenda Hartill: EnlightenedSolo exhibition by the painter, collage artist and print-maker.Bannatyne Spa Hotel (01424 851222) Sat-Fri 11am-6pm, to 6 Sep, free.StreetDouble Vision IIPaintings by Sue Durant and Lin Hawkins.Strode Theatre (01458 442846) Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, to 6 Aug, free.TorquayAndrea & Jerry Shearing: On the Edge of Infinity & Coastal ResonanceCoastal abstracts and 3D sculptural water paintings in side-by-side exhibitions.Artizan Art Gallery ( Sat 10am-6pm, Tue 11am-6pm, free.

WokingParallel Lines: Drawing and SculptureTwentieth-century sculptures from the Ingram Collection and contemporary drawings from Royal Society of Sculptors members.The Lightbox (01483 737800) Sat, Tue-Fri 10.30am-5pm, Sun 10.30am-4pm, to 25 Aug, £5-£7.50.

Cardiff David Nash: Sculpture Through the SeasonsKey sculptures that sit between the abstract and figurative.National Museum Cardiff (029-2039 7951) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-4.45pm, to 1 Sep, free. [DA]Summer ExhibitionWork by more than 50 artists including Kyffin Williams and Tim Fudge.The Albany Gallery (029-2048 7158) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-4pm, to 17 Aug, free.SwanseaDylan Thomas: Music of ColourWork from the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery and Dylan Thomas Centre.Glynn Vivian Art Gallery (01792 516900) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, to 1 Sep, free. [DA]Frances Richards: An Artist ApartEmbroidery-collages and unseen drawings and monotypes.Glynn Vivian Art Gallery (01792 516900) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, to 1 Sep, free. [DA]Hand Drawn Action PackedTen artists demonstrate the possibilities of drawing.Glynn Vivian Art Gallery (01792 516900) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, to 1 Sep, free. [DA]



The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 23The Guide Listings 23The Guide Listings

SATURDAYAylesburyExtreme Championship ImprovAylesbury Waterside Theatre (0844-871 7607) 8pm, £13.75.BathKrater Comedy ClubRaymond & Mr Timkins, Stuart Goldsmith, Elrich McElroy and Christian Schulte-Loh.Komedia (0845-293 8480) 8pm, £16.50 & £20, NUS £9, concs £13.BrightonKrater Comedy ClubWith Karen Bayley, Andrew Bird, Mike Cox and MC Rich Wilson.Komedia (01273 647100) 7.30pm, 10.45pm; 7.30pm £26, 10.45pm £15, NUS £5, concs £10. [DA]CanterburyLive at the MarloweWith Joel Dommett, Nick Helm, Andrew Maxwell and Laura Lexx.Marlowe Theatre (01227 787787) 7.30pm, £24. FarnhamGyles Brandreth: Break a Leg!Farnham Maltings (01252 745444) 7.30pm, £20.NorthamptonUpfront ComedyJudi Love, Kevin J, Arielle Souma, Kazeem Jamal and more.Royal & Derngate: The Royal (01604 624811) 8pm, £13.50. [DA]

SUNDAYBathCally Beaton & Alex Fox: Edinburgh PreviewsKomedia (0845-293 8480) 7.30pm, £9. [DA]BrightonKrater Comedy ClubWith Andrew Bird, Amy Gledhill and Rich Wilson.Komedia (01273 647100) 8pm, £13, NUS £5, concs £10. [DA]Rhys James & Chris Betts: Edinburgh PreviewsKomedia (01273 647100) 7.30pm, £9.

PortsmouthMilton Jones: Work in ProgressThe Wedgewood Rooms (02392 863911) 7.30pm, phone for availability.

MONDAYBrightonLucy Porter & Ross Smith: Edinburgh PreviewsKomedia (01273 647100) 7.30pm, £9. BristolRob Auton: The Time ShowBristol Old Vic: The Weston Studio (0117-987 7877) 8pm, £8. [DA]CanterburyJohn Robins & Ed Night: Edinburgh PreviewsThe Marlowe Theatre: The Studio (01227 787787) 8pm, £12. [DA]

TUESDAYBrightonPhil Nichol & Peter Brush: Edinburgh PreviewsKomedia (01273 647100) 7.30pm, £9. BristolMilton Jones: Work in ProgressClifton College: Redgrave Theatre (0117-315 7000) 8pm, phone for av.CanterburyJosie Long & MoonThe Marlowe Theatre: The Studio (01227 787787) 8pm, £12. [DA]

WEDNESDAYBathSophie Duker & Jayde Adams: Edinburgh PreviewsKomedia (0845-293 8480) 7.30pm, £9. [DA]BrightonSara Barron & Sleeping Trees: Edinburgh PreviewsKomedia (01273 647100) 7.30pm, £8. CanterburyCatherine Bohart & Ivo Graham: Edinburgh PreviewsThe Marlowe Theatre (01227 787787) 8pm, £12. [DA]

OxfordJames Acaster: Cold Lasagne Hate Myself 1999New Theatre (0870-606 3500) 7.30pm, £19.50, phone for av. [DA]

THURSDAYBathPhil Nichol & Lucy Porter: Edinburgh PreviewsKomedia (0845-293 8480) 7.30pm, adv £9.BrightonComic BoomWith Lauren Pattison.Komedia (01273 647100) 8pm, £10, NUS £5, concs £8. [DA]Jen Brister & Scummy Mummies: Edinburgh PreviewsKomedia (01273 647100) 7.30pm, £9.CheltenhamRhod Gilbert: The Book of JohnTown Hall (0844-576 2210) 8pm, £27.50.NorwichLaugh in the ParkWith Chris Ramsey, Brennan Reece, Rob Deering and Kiri Pritchard-McLean.Chapelfi eld Gardens ( 6pm, £21.

FRIDAYBracknellPatrick Monahan & Mary Bourke: Edinburgh PreviewsSouth Hill Park Arts Centre (01344 484123) 7.45pm, £13. [DA]BrightonKrater Comedy ClubWith Mark Olver, Jason John Whitehead, Daniel Muggleton and more.Komedia (01273 647100) 8pm, £18.50.Scummy Mummies & Maisie Adam: Edinburgh PreviewsKomedia (01273 647100) 7.30pm, £9.Bury St EdmundsGary DelaneyThe Apex (01284 758000) 8pm, £18.

CanterburySuzi Ruffell & Tom Ballard: Edinburgh PreviewsThe Marlowe Theatre: The Studio (01227 787787) 8pm, £12. [DA]GuildfordAndrew Ryan: Is Everything Alright at Home? – Work in ProgressG Live (01483 369350) 9pm, £14.50. [DA]Nigel Ng: Work in ProgressG Live (01483 369350) 7.30pm, £14.50. [DA]HerefordWestons Comedy ClubWith Lou Sanders, Luke Kempner and Sophie Duker.The Courtyard Herefordshire’s Centre for the Arts (01432 340555) 8.30pm, £12.50. [DA]NorwichLaugh in the ParkWith John Robbins, Lucy Porter, Larry Dean and Masud Milas.Chapelfi eld Gardens ( 6pm, £21.

SATURDAYCardiff Saturday Night ComedyWith Tanyalee Davis, Jake Lambert, the Noise Next Door and more.The Glee Club (0871-472 0400) 7pm, £19, NUS £10.

FRIDAYCardiff Friday Night ComedyWith Danny McLoughlin, the Stevenson Experience, Brennan Reece and more.The Glee Club (0871-472 0400) 7pm, £16.50, NUS £8.50.Gabby Killick: Girlfriend from Hell – The Bitch Is BackThe Globe (029-2023 0130) 7.30pm, £7.



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The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 1The Guide Listings

Guide fi lm listings run from Saturday to Thursday. Some numbers may be premium rate. Read more at lm. Event information can change. Please confi rm with venues before setting out. For details of disabled access, call Artsline 020-7388 2227. Please submit listings at least three weeks ahead of publication to Press Association, 292 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1AE (01430 455505; fax 0870-124 0856;

MidsommarDir: Ari Aster (18)

Ari Aster confi rmed his position as the face of horror’s new generation with last year’s Hereditary, and here plants his fl ag fi rmly in Wicker Man territory. As young Americans Florence Pugh and Jack Reynor head to Sweden to experience the midsummer revelry, Midsommar takes its cue from the early-70s folk-horror classic and runs with it.

Rock & popJnr WilliamsThe Camden Assembly, NW1, Thu With so many beige popsters aff ecting soulfulness, this Hackney local seems the real deal. He’s got the rigteous ire, gospel-ish pipes and an entirely admirable restraint.


20-26 July 2019 The Guardian2 The Guide ListingsThe Guide Listings2


Apollo 11 (U) (Todd Douglas Miller, 2019) Fiftieth-anniversary documentary telling the story of the 1969 moon landing, with beautifully restored archive footage.Archlight Cinema, Cineworld Fulham Road, Covent Garden Hotel, Curzon Bloomsbury, Curzon Victoria, Everyman Baker Street, Gate Notting Hill, ICA Cinema, Picturehouse Central and local cinemasThe Brink (15) (Alison Klayman, 2019) Documentary about America’s sinister “alt-right” mastermind Steve Bannon, chronicling his activities during the 2018 midterm elections.Curzon Bloomsbury, Gate Notting Hill, Picturehouse Central and local cinemasThe Dead Don’t Die (15) (Jim Jarmusch, 2019) See Preview.Barbican Cinemas 2 & 3, Curzon Aldgate, Curzon Bloomsbury, Curzon Soho, Curzon Victoria, Gate Notting Hill, ICA Cinema, Islington Vue, Odeon Covent Garden, Picturehouse Central and local cinemasThe Edge (15) (Barney Douglas, 2019) See Preview.Picturehouse Central, Bromley Empire, Clapham Picturehouse, Greenwich Picturehouse, Hackney PicturehouseGwen (15) (William McGregor, 2018) See Preview.Barbican Cinemas 2 & 3, Curzon Bloomsbury, Crouch End ArtHouseJaws (12A) (Steve Spielberg, 1975) See Preview.Archlight Cinema, Barnes Olympic Studios

The Lion King (PG) (Jon Favreau, 2019) See Preview.Archlight Cinema, Barbican Centre, Barbican Cinemas 2 & 3, Bethnal Green Rich Mix, BFI Imax, Cineworld Fulham Road, Cineworld Leicester Square, Curzon Aldgate, Curzon Mondrian, Curzon Victoria, Electric Cinema, Empire Haymarket, Everyman Baker Street, Islington Vue, Kino Bermondsey, Odeon Luxe Leicester Square, Odeon Tottenham Court Road, Picturehouse Central, Screen on the Green, Vue Piccadilly, Vue West End and local cinemasLisbon Beat (NC) (Rita Maia, Vasco Viana, 2019) See Preview. ICA CinemaLoopers: The Caddie’s Long Walk (NC) (Jason Baffa, 2018) See Preview.Staines Vue, Watford VueMaking Noise Quietly (15) (Dominic Dromgoole, 2019) See Preview.Curzon BloomsburyMidsommar (18) (Ari Aster, 2019) Hereditary director Ari Aster returns with a Sweden-set folk horror, as Florence Pugh and Jack Reynor show up at a tribal-style midsummer festival.Barbican Cinemas 2 & 3, Cineworld Leicester Square, Curzon Aldgate, Curzon Bloomsbury, Curzon Soho, Curzon Victoria, Gate Notting Hill, Islington Vue, Odeon Covent Garden, Picturehouse Central and local cinemasMy Friend the Polish Girl (18) (Ewa Banaszkiewicz, Mateusz Dymek, 2018) See Preview.ICA Cinema, Prince Charles CinemaNever Look Away (15) (Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, 2018) Drama inspired by the life of painter Gerhard

Richter, about an artist struggling to contend with the totalitarian GDR after a childhood under the Nazis.Barbican Cinemas 2 & 3, Ciné Lumière, Curzon Bloomsbury, ICA Cinema, Barnes Olympic Studios, Dalston RioOnly You (15) (Harry Wootliff, 2018) Josh O’Connor stars alongside Laila Costa in an intensely-felt romantic drama about a couple in love experiencing problems with fertility.Curzon Bloomsbury, Curzon Soho, Curzon Victoria, Crouch End ArtHouse, Richmond CurzonOur Time (15) (Carlos Reygadas, 2018) Lengthy study of dysfunctional marital relationship from Mexican auteur Carlos Reygadas, with the director himself playing a famous poet encouraging his wife (played by real-life wife Natalia Lopez) to have an affair.Curzon Bloomsbury, ICA CinemaTell It to the Bees (15) (Annabel Jankel, 2018) See Preview.Curzon Mayfair, Bromley Empire, Kilburn Kiln Cinema, Richmond CurzonVarda By Agnès (15) (Agnès Varda, 2019) See Preview.Barbican Cinemas 2 & 3, BFI Southbank, Ciné Lumière, Curzon Bloomsbury, Curzon Mayfair, Gate Notting Hill, ICA Cinema, Picturehouse Central, Crouch End ArtHouse, Crouch End Picturehouse, Dalston Rio, Hackney Picturehouse, West Norwood Picturehouse, Wimbledon HMV CurzonThe Wedding Guest (15) (Michael Winterbottom, 2018) See Preview.Curzon Soho

Archlight Cinema SW11 (020-3330 7122)Apollo 11 (U) Sat 6.10; Mon 7.40; Thu 8 Jaws (12A) Sun 1 The Lion King (PG) Sat 10.20am, 1.20, 3.30, 4, 6.40, 8.20, 9.20; Sun 10am, 11.30am, 2.30, 4, 5.30, 8.20; Mon-Thu 10am (Tue-Thu), noon, 3, 6, 8 (Tue), 8.50 The Matrix (15) Wed 8 Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A) Sat 11.40am, 2.40, 5.40, 8.40; Sun 10.30am, 1.30, 4.30, 7.40; Mon-Thu 11.30am, 2.30, 5.30, 8.30 Toy Story 4 (U) Sat 1.10; Sun 7; Mon 2, 5.10; Tue-Thu 12.40, 3.10 (Wed), 3.20 (Tue/Thu), 5.40Barbican Centre EC2 (020-7638 8891) [DA]The Lion King (PG) Sat/Mon/Wed 3.30 (Sat), 6.10; Sun 8; Tue 8.45 The Lion King 3D (PG) Sat/Mon/Wed 8.45; Sun 5; Tue 6.10 NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC) Thu 7Barbican Cinemas 2 & 3 EC2 (020-7638 8891) [DA]The Dead Don’t Die (15) Sat/Mon/Wed/Thu 8.45; Sun 4, 8.20; Tue 6.20 English National Opera Live Encore: The Pirates of Penzance (NC) Sun 3.15 Gwen (15) Sat/Mon-Wed 6.15; Sun 6.20 The Lion King (PG) Mon 3.20; Thu 8.40 The Lion King 3D (PG) Thu 6.05 Loulou (18) Thu 6.45 Midsommar (18) Sat/Mon/Wed 3.05 (Sat), 8.15; Sun 3, 8.15 Never Look Away (15) Sat 2.30; Mon 2.25 Varda By Agnès (15) Sat/Mon/Wed 6.10; Sun 5.40; Tue 8.40Bethnal Green Rich Mix E1 (020-7613 7498) [DA]The Lion King (PG) Sat-Thu 12.30 (Sat/Sun), 3.10 (Thu), 5.50, 8.30 Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A) Tue 8.30 NT Live:



The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 3The Guide Listings 3The Guide Listings

The Lehman Trilogy (NC) Thu 7BFI Imax SE1 (0330-333 7878) [DA]The Lion King (Imax 3D) (PG) Sat/Mon-Thu 9.45am, 12.30, 3.15, 6, 8.45, 11.30 (Sat); Sun 9.30am, 12.15, 3, 5.45, 8.30BFI Southbank SE1 (020-7928 3232) [DA]Aventurera (NC) Sun 5.45; Wed 8.40 Bacchanal: The World of Horace Ové (NC) Sat noon The Big Lebowski (18) Sat 8.45 The Blair Witch Project (15) Sun 5.50; Tue 8.30 Cleo from 5 to 7 (PG) Sun 8.45; Wed 6.15 A Clockwork Orange (18) Sun 7.45 The Conversation (15) Tue 8.45 Enamorada (NC) Mon 6.30 La Haine (15) Wed 8.20 Laura (U) Mon 8.45 Les Enfants Terribles (15) Sun 3.30; Thu 6.10 Meat + Zinky Boys Go Underground (NC) Mon 6.20 Missing Link (PG) Sun 12.30 Peaky Blinders + Q&A (NC) Tue 6.15 Peeping Tom (15) Wed 6.20 Point Blank (18) Tue 6.15 Reservoir Dogs (18) Sat 8.50 Shorts on Tap: Tales of the Silk Road – Chapter 3: Syria (NC) Wed 1.45 Tetsuo: The Iron Man (18) Sat 6.20 Tombs of the Blind Dead (NC) Thu 8.40 Trainspotting (18) Mon 8.50 Vagabond (15) Sat 6.35 Varda By Agnès (15) Sat 4, 6.30, 8.30; Sun 3.20, 6.30, 8; Mon/Tue 2.30, 6.15 (Mon), 6.20 (Tue), 8.40; Wed 2.30, 6.10, 8.30; Thu 2.30, 6, 8.35 Vertigo (PG) Thu 8.30 The Watermelon Woman + Discussion (NC) Tue 6.30Cineworld Fulham Road SW10 (0871-200 2000) Phone for details.Cineworld Leicester Square WC2 (0871-471 4714) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15) Sat-Thu 10.40am,

1.10, 3.50, 5.15, 6.30, 7.50, 9.10, 10.40 (Sat) The Lion King (PG) Sat-Thu 10am, 1, 4, 7, 10 (Sat) The Lion King 3D (PG) Sat-Thu noon, 3, 6, 9 (Sat-Wed) The Lion King (Imax) (PG) Sat-Thu 11am, 2 The Lion King (Imax 3D) (PG) Sat-Thu 5, 8, 11 (Sat) The Matrix (15) Thu 9 Midsommar (18) Sat-Thu 10.50am, 2.10, 8.30 Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A) Sat-Thu 10.30am, 11.50am (Sat-Tue/Thu), 1.30, 2.50, 4.30, 5.50, 7.30, 8.45, 10.30 (Sat) Stuber (15) Sat-Thu 2.50 Toy Story 4 (U) Sat-Thu 10.10am, 12.40, 3.10, 5.40, 8.15 Yesterday (12A) Sat-Thu 12.10, 5.30, 10.50 (Sat)Ciné Lumière SW7 (020-7871 3515)The Beaches of Agnès (18) Sun 4.50 Cleo from 5 to 7 (PG) Sat 2 The Gleaners and I (U) Mon 8.40 Late Night (15) Sat 5; Wed 8.50 Memoir of War (12A) Thu 7 Never Look Away (15) Sat 6.30 Opening Night (15) Sun 2 Varda By Agnès (15) Sat/Sun 7.30; Mon 6.15; Tue 8.30; Wed/Thu 4, 6.30 (Wed) The World Is Yours (15) Tue 6.15Close-Up Film Centre E1 (020-3784 7970)Down By Law (15) Thu 8.15 Out 1: Episodes 1 & 2 (NC) Sat noon Out 1: Episodes 3 & 4 (NC) Sat 4.20 Out 1: Episodes 5 & 6 (NC) Sun noon Out 1: Episodes 7 & 8 (NC) Sun 4.10 White Material (15) Sat 8.30 Wings of Desire (15) Sun 8; Wed 8.15Covent Garden Hotel WC2 (020-7806 1000) [DA]Apollo 11 (U) Sat 1 Gloria Bell (15) Sat 8Curzon Aldgate E1 (0333-321 0104) [DA]The Dead Don’t Die (15) Sat/Mon/Wed 12.15, 5.30; Sun 3, 8.30; Tue/Thu 2.50, 8.15 (Tue) The Lion King (PG) Sat/

Mon/Wed 12.40, 3.20, 6, 8.40; Sun 11.45am, 2.20, 5, 7.40; Tue/Thu 1.20, 4, 6, 8.40 Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love (12A) Tue 6.30 Midsommar (18) Sat/Tue-Thu 1.50, 5.15 (Sat/Wed), 8.30; Sun 1.30, 4.45, 8; Mon 5.15, 8.30 NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC) Thu 7 Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A) Sat/Mon/Wed/Thu 11.50am, 3, 5.15 (Thu), 6.15 (Sat/Mon/Wed), 8.15; Sun 11.10am, 2.20, 5.15, 8.15; Tue 3, 5.15, 9 Toy Story 4 (U) Sat/Mon-Thu 11.30am; Sun 11am Yesterday (12A) Sat/Mon/Wed 2.50, 9.15; Sun 12.20, 5.30; Tue/Thu 12.15, 5.30Curzon Bloomsbury WC1 (0333-321 0104)Amazing Grace (U) Thu 4.30 Apollo 11 (U) Sat 8.30; Sun 2.10; Mon 8.40; Tue 2; Wed 6.30 Armstrong (PG) Sat 6.20 Booksmart (15) Sat/Mon-Wed 2.45, 9.30; Sun 2.30, 9; Thu 3 The Brink (15) Sun 8.30; Mon 4.30; Wed 2.10; Thu 8.50 The Dead Don’t Die (15) Sat/Mon/Wed 1.45, 4.10, 6.40, 9.10 (Sat/Mon); Sun 1.20, 4, 6.30, 8.50; Tue 4.30, 7, 9.20; Thu 1.40, 4.15, 5.40, 9.20 Don’t Look Now (15) Sat/Mon-Wed 11.20am; Sun 11am; Thu 11.15am Gwen (15) Sat/Mon/Wed 1.20, 7.10; Sun 1.45, 6; Tue 2.10, 6.30; Thu 2, 6.20 Making Noise Quietly (15) Sat/Mon/Wed 11am, 9.20; Sun 3.45; Tue 4.10; Thu 4 Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love (12A) Tue 6.30 Midsommar (18) Sat/Mon-Wed noon (Tue), 12.10 (Sat/Mon/Wed), 3, 6, 8.50; Sun 10.40am, 2.20, 5.40, 8.15; Thu 10.45am, 3.20, 6, 8.40 Never Look Away (15) Sat/Mon/Wed 10.45am, 5.40; Sun 10.40am, 5; Tue 11am, 5.40; Thu

11am, 8 NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC) Thu 7 Only You (15) Sat/Mon-Wed 12.20, 3.20, 6.10 (Sat/Mon/Wed), 6.15 (Tue), 9.10; Sun 11.30am, 3, 5.30, 8.45; Thu 12.40, 3.20, 6.40, 9.10 Our Time (15) Sat/Mon/Wed 3.30; Sun 11.20am, 8; Tue 8.30; Thu 11.45am Pavarotti (12A) Sat 1.50; Sun 4.10; Mon 6.30; Tue 9; Wed 4; Thu 2.10 Varda By Agnès (15) Sat/Tue 11.40am (Sat), 4; Sun noon, 6.20; Mon 2.15; Wed 8.30; Thu 6.30Curzon Mayfair W1 (0333-321 0104) [DA]Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love (12A) Wed 6.15 NT Live: Small Island (NC) Sun 2 NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC) Thu 7 Pavarotti (12A) Sat 3.30, 8.30; Sun noon, 5.30; Mon 3.45, 9; Tue 2; Wed 3.15, 8.30; Thu 1.30 Tell It to the Bees (15) Sat 1, 6; Sun 2.30, 8; Mon 1.15, 6.30; Tue 11.30am, 8.30; Wed 12.45, 6; Thu 4.15, 6.15 Varda By Agnès (15) Sat 3.45, 8.45; Sun 6; Mon 3.30, 8.40; Tue 3; Wed 3.30, 9; Thu 12.45 Yesterday (12A) Sat 1.15, 6.15; Sun 11.15am, 8.30; Mon 12.45, 6; Tue noon, 5.45; Wed 1; Thu 3.30, 8.45Curzon Mondrian SE1 (0333-321 0104)The Lion King (PG) Sat/Tue 1 (Sat), 3.30 (Sat), 6, 8.30; Sun noon, 2.30, 5, 7.30; Wed/Thu 7Curzon Soho W1 (0333-321 0104) [DA]The Dead Don’t Die (15) Sat 12.45, 6.20; Sun 3.50, 9; Mon/Wed 12.30 (Wed), 6.25; Tue 3.40; Thu 3.10, 9.10 Diego Maradona (12A) Sat 12.10, 6; Sun noon, 8.40; Mon/Wed/Thu 12.40, 6.10; Tue 12.40, 6 In Fabric (15) Sat 9.15; Sun 2.50; Mon 9.10; Wed 3.30 Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love (12A)


20-26 July 2019 The Guardian4 The Guide Listings4 The Guide Listings

Tue 9 Midsommar (18)

Sat 12.30, 3.15, 5.40,

8.45; Sun 2.30, 5.30,

8.20; Mon/Wed 12.10,

3, 6, 8.50; Tue 12.30, 3,

6.10, 8.50; Thu noon,

2.50, 6, 8.50 Only You

(15) Sat 3, 9; Sun 1.10,

6.15; Mon/Wed 3.15, 9;

Tue 12.20, 6.20; Thu

12.10, 9 The Wedding Guest (15) Sat 3.40; Sun

6; Mon/Tue/Thu 3.30;

Wed 9.10

Curzon Victoria SW1 (0333-321 0104) [DA]Apollo 11 (U) Sat-Thu

3.45 The Dead Don’t Die

(15) Sat/Mon-Thu 9.15;

Sun 8.30 The Lion King

(PG) Sat-Tue 11.45am,

12.45 (Sat/Tue), 2.30

(Sun/Mon), 3.30, 5.15,

6.15, 8.15 (Sat), 9; Wed

11.30am, 12.15, 2.15, 3,

5.15, 8.15; Thu 11.45am,

1.15, 2.30, 4, 5.15, 6.15,

9 Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love (12A)

Tue 6 The Met Opera Live Encore: Romeo Et Juliette (PG) Sat 3

Midsommar (18) Sat

8.30; Sun 8; Mon/Tue/

Thu 8.15; Wed 8.45

NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC) Thu 7 Only You (15) Sat 2.30; Sun

12.30 Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A) Sat/

Mon noon (Mon), 12.15

(Sat), 5.30, 8.45; Sun/

Tue noon, 2.45, 5.30,

8.15 (Sun), 8.30 (Tue);

Wed 11.45am, 3.15,

5.30, 9; Thu 12.15, 3.15,

8 Toy Story 4 (U) Sat/

Thu 12.30, 3.15, 5.45

(Thu), 6.30 (Sat); Sun/

Tue 12.15, 3, 5.45 (Sun),

8.45; Mon 12.15, 3, 6,

8.30; Wed 12.30, 2.45,

6.15, 8.30 Yesterday

(12A) Sat/Sun 1, 6; Mon/

Tue 1, 6.30; Wed/Thu

12.45, 6.30

Electric Cinema W11 (020-7908 9696)Diego Maradona (12A)

Sun 2 The Lion King

(PG) Sat 3, 6; Sun 5,

8.15; Mon-Thu 5.45

(Mon-Wed), 9 The Lion King 3D (PG) Sat 9.15;

Thu 5.45 Spy Cat (U)

Sat 9.30am

Empire Haymarket SW1 (0871-471 4714)Avengers: Endgame

(12A) Sat-Thu 11.45am,

3.30, 7.30 The Lion King (PG) Sat-Thu

11.30am, 2.15, 5.15, 8.15

Rocketman (15) Sat-Thu

3, 5.45, 8.30 Toy Story 4

(U) Sat-Thu 12.30

Everyman Baker Street W1 (0872-436 9060)Apollo 11 (U) Thu 4

The Lion King (PG) Sat

9.15am, 10.45am, 12.15,

2, 5.15, 6.30, 8.30, 9.30;

Sun 10am, 11.45am, 1,

4.15, 5.30, 7.30, 8.30;

Mon-Thu 9.45am (Tue),

10.15am (Thu), 10.45am,

2, 5.15, 6.20 (Tue), 6.25

(Mon/Wed/Thu), 8.30,

9.15 Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A) Sat/

Tue 3.15; Sun 2.30; Mon/

Wed 12.30 Toy Story 4

(U) Sun 9.15am; Mon/

Wed 10am Yesterday

(12A) Mon/Wed 3.30;

Tue 12.30; Thu 1.15

Gate Notting Hill W11 (0871-902 5731) [DA]Apollo 11 (U) Sat 6; Sun

2.45 The Brink (15) Tue

8.15 The Dead Don’t Die

(15) Sat 12.40; Sun 8.30;

Mon 9.10; Wed 3.15 The Met Opera Live Encore: Romeo Et Juliette (PG)

Mon noon Midsommar

(18) Sat/Wed 8.30; Sun

5.10 Muppets from Space (U) Sat 10.30am

NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC) Thu 7

Pavarotti (12A) Tue

5.30; Thu 1 Varda By Agnès (15) Sat 3.15; Sun

noon; Mon 6.20; Tue

2.40; Wed 5.50; Thu

3.45 Yesterday (12A)

Mon 3.40; Wed 12.30

Goethe-Institut SW7 (020-7596 4000) [DA]Transit (NC) Wed 7

ICA Cinema SW1 (020-7930 3647) [DA]Apollo 11 (U) Sun 6.05;

Wed 3.50; Thu 6.10 The Dead Don’t Die (15) Sat

3.55, 5.45; Sun 1.55,

8.45; Tue 4.15, 6.30;

Wed 12.40, 5.45; Thu

1.15, 9.05 The Great Hack (NC) Wed 6.15; Thu

12.20 Lisbon Beat (NC)

Sat 4.10; Sun 4.30; Tue

6.15; Thu 4.40 My Friend the Polish Girl (18) Sat

2.15; Sun 4; Tue 1; Thu

2.50 Never Look Away

(15) Sat/Tue 12.30 (Sat),

7.50; Sun/Thu 3.20

(Thu), 8; Wed 2.45, 7.50

Of Fish and Foe + Q&A

(NC) Sat 6 Our Time (15)

Sun 1.15; Tue 3 Varda By Agnès (15) Sat 8.30; Sun

6.30; Tue 2, 8.50; Wed

1.35, 9.15; Thu 6.50

Islington Vue N1 (0345-308 4620) [DA]Phone for details.Kino Bermondsey SE1 (020-7357 6845)The Lion King (PG) Sat/

Mon-Wed 3 (Sat/Tue/

Wed), 6, 8.30; Sun 3,

5.30, 8; Thu 2, 4.30

NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC) Thu 7

Odeon Covent Garden WC2 (0871-224 4007) [DA]The Dead Don’t Die

(15) Sat-Thu 1.15, 3.45,

6.15, 9.15 (Sat/Sun/Tue/

Wed) Midsommar (18)

Sat-Thu 2, 5.15, 8.30

NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC) Thu 7

Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A) Sat/Mon-

Thu noon (Mon-Thu),

12.45 (Sat), 3, 6, 9; Sun

3.10, 6, 9 Toy Story 4

(U) Sat 12.30, 4.15, 6.45;

Sun-Thu 1.45, 4.15, 6.45

(Sun-Wed) Yesterday

(12A) Sat-Thu 8.45

Odeon Haymarket Luxe  SW1 (0871-224 4007) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home

(15) Sat-Thu 1.15, 3.45,

6.15, 8.45 Rocketman

(15) Sat-Thu 5.15 Spider-Man: Far from Home

(12A) Sat-Thu noon

(Sat-Tue/Thu), 3, 6, 9

Stuber (15) Sat-Thu 2.45

Toy Story 4 (U) Sat/

Sun/Tue-Thu 12.15 The White Storm 2: Drug Lords (NC) Sat-Thu 8.15

Yesterday (12A) Sat-Thu

12.30, 3.30, 6.30, 9.15

Odeon Luxe Leicester Square WC2 (0871-224 4007) [DA]Aladdin (PG) Sat-Thu

2.45, 5.45 (Sat-Wed),

8.45 The Lion King

(PG) Sat/Mon-Thu

11.15am, 2.15, 5.15, 8.15,

11.15 (Sat); Sun 10am,

1, 4.15, 7.30 Men in Black: International (12A) Sat-Thu 11.50am

Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A) Sat 12.30,

1.15, 2.30, 3.30, 5.30,

6.30, 8.30, 9.30; Sun-

Thu 12.15 (Sun-Tue/

Thu), 1.15, 2.30, 3.15,

5.30, 6.15, 8.30, 9.15

Toy Story 4 (U) Sat-Thu

noon, 4.15, 6.45, 9.15


Odeon Tottenham Court Road W1 (0871-224 4007)The Lion King (PG) Sat-

Thu 11.30am, 2.30, 5.30


7.30 (Sat-Tue/Thu), 8.30

Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A) Sat-Thu

11.45am, 2.45 (Sat/Mon-

Thu), 5.45, 8.45 Toy Story 4 (U) Sat-Thu 2.15,

5 (Sat-Tue/Thu)

Picturehouse Central W1 (0871-902 5747) [DA]Apollo 11 (U) Sat 7.25,

9.35; Sun 6.45, 8.40;

Mon 1.40, 3.55, 9.35;

Tue/Wed 1.50, 4.10,

9.35; Thu 1.30, 3.50,

9.35 Blinded By the Light (12A) Wed 9 The Brink (15) Tue 6.30 The Dead Don’t Die (15) Sat/

Mon/Wed/Thu 12.25

(Sat), 1.25 (Mon/Wed/

Thu), 4, 6.35, 9.10;

Sun 11.25am, 3, 5.35,

8.35; Tue 4, 6.35, 9.55

The Edge (15) Sat 1.35;

Sun 9; Mon 12.45; Tue

1.25; Wed 1.30 Force of Nature Natalia (12A)

Wed 6.30 Kill Bill Vols 1 & 2 (NC) Mon 6.15 The Lion King (PG) Sat/Mon-

Thu 12.40, 3.40, 4.40

(Sat), 6.40, 8.30 (Sat/

Mon/Wed/Thu), 9.05

(Tue); Sun 11.45am, 2.45,

4, 5.45, 7.45 Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A) Tue 6.20

Midsommar (18) Sat/

Mon-Wed 3, 6.15, 9.30;

Sun 2, 5.15, 8.10; Thu

12.30, 3.45, 6.10, 9.25

NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC) Thu 7


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 5The Guide Listings 5The Guide Listings

Pavarotti (12A) Sat 2;

Sun 2.30; Wed 9.10; Thu

12.30 Roman Holiday

(U) Sun 1 Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A)

Sat/Thu 12.15 (Sat), 3.10,

6.15, 9.20; Sun 11.35am,

5.15, 8.20; Mon 12.15,

3.15, 6.20, 9.25; Tue

12.10, 3.05, 6, 9.10; Wed

3.05, 6, 8.40 Toy Story 4 (U) Sat 1.15, 3.30, 6,

9.40; Sun 12.30, 2.55,

5.20, 8.10; Mon-Thu

1.10, 3.35, 6 (Mon/Wed/

Thu), 8.50 (Tue) Varda By Agnès (15) Sat 3.30,

6.10; Sun 12.20, 5.30;

Mon 3.50, 6.30; Tue

3.40, 8.45; Wed/Thu

3.45, 6.25 Woman at War (12A) Sat 1.05; Sun

12.25; Tue/Wed 12.40;

Thu 1.20 Yesterday

(12A) Sat 8.50; Sun

2.50; Mon 1.05, 9.15;

Tue 1.20; Wed 12.25;

Thu 9.05

Prince Charles Cinema WC2 (020-7494 3654) [DA]The Age of Innocence (U) Tue 8.40 Blade Runner: The Final Cut + Blade Runner 2049 (15)

Sat 9 Booksmart (15)

Sun 3.30; Mon 6.10; Tue

1.15; Wed 3.50; Thu 1.10

Bull Durham (15) Tue

6.10 Diego Maradona

(12A) Mon 1.10; Tue

3.40; Wed 8.45; Thu

3.25 The Driver (15)

Wed 6.35 Escape from Alcatraz (NC) Thu 6.15

Framing John DeLorean

(15) Sat 3.25; Sun/Mon

1 (Mon), 9; Tue 3.40;

Wed 6.15; Thu 1 The Greatest Showman (Singalong) (PG) Sat

5.45 In Fabric (15) Wed 1

John Carpenter’s Ghosts of Mars (15) Mon 6.25

John Wick + John Wick: Chapter 2 + John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

(15) Sat 8.45 Lawrence of Arabia (PG) Sat 12.45

Mandy (18) Sun 8.45

Marlowe (NC) Mon 8.45

The Matrix (15) Sat 5.35;

Sun 6.05; Mon 3.30;

Tue 12.45, 8.50; Wed

3.40; Thu 3.25, 8.35

Murder, She Wrote: Special Event (NC) Thu

8 My Friend the Polish Girl (18) Sun 1.15; Tue

6.30 Okko’s Inn (PG)

Mon 3.55; Wed 1.30; Thu

6.20 Paprika (NC) Sun

1 Persona (15) Sun 6.35

The Right Stuff (15) Sat

11.45am The Room (NC)

Wed 9 The Sacrifice (15)

Sun 3.10

Regent Street Cinema W1 (020-7911 5050)All About Eve (U) Sun

7.50 Dirty God (15) Tue

6.30 Fengshui (NC)

Mon 7 For All Mankind + Q&A (U) Sun 3 Force of Nature Natalia (12A) Tue

8.45 Gloria Bell (15) Sat

2, 4.10, 6.20, 8.30 Love Me Or Leave Me (PG)

Wed noon, 3.30 NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy

(NC) Thu 7 The Running Man (18) Wed 7.30

Strike (PG) Sat 11.30am

Suddenly Last Summer

(15) Sun 5.30

Screen on the Green N1 (0872-436 9060) [DA]The Lion King (PG) Sat

10.50am, 2, 5.15, 8.30;

Sun 10.30am, 1.30, 4.45,

8; Mon-Wed 11.15am

(Mon/Tue), 2.15, 5.20,

8.30; Thu 12.15, 3.30

NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC) Thu 6.40

Vue Piccadilly SW1 (0345-308 4620) [DA]Aladdin (PG) Sat

2.20, 5.45, 8.40; Sun

10.50am, 1.45, 4.20, 8,

10.55; Mon 1.35, 4.30;

Tue 10.40am, 1.50,

4.30, 8; Wed 10.30am,

1.40, 4.30, 7.25; Thu

1.35, 3.35, 7.25 The Lion King (PG) Sat-Thu

10.10am, 12.10, 3, 5, 7, 9,

11 (Sat/Sun) NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC)

Thu 7 Rocketman (15)

Sat 12.30, 11.15; Sun/

Wed 7.45; Mon 8; Tue

1.35, 10.10 Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A) Sat

11.50am, 2.05, 5.15, 8.15,

11.35; Sun 11.25am, 2.05,

4.45, 7.15, 10.15; Mon

11.20am, 1.50, 4.45,

7.40, 10; Tue 11.10am,

2.05, 4.45, 7.40, 9.50;

Wed 11.35am, 1.55, 4.45,

8.05, 10; Thu 10.40am,

12.40, 2.30, 4.30, 8,

9.50 Toy Story 4 (U)

Sat 11.40am, 3.20, 5.30,

11.50; Sun 11.40am,

2.20, 5.35, 10.35; Mon

11.55am, 2.30, 5.35; Tue

11.25am, 2.40, 5.35; Wed

11.30am, 3.15, 5.40; Thu

10.10am, 11.45am, 2.35,

5.35 Yesterday (12A) Sat

2.45, 8, 10.45; Sun 1.30;

Mon 10.50am, 2.15, 7.25,

10.15; Tue 7.25; Wed 1.25

Vue West End WC2 (0345-308 4620) [DA]Phone for details.

Balham Exhibit Bar & Restaurant (020-8772 6556)Can You Ever Forgive Me? (15) Wed/Thu 8 If Beale Street Could Talk

(15) Sun 6.30

Barnes Olympic Studios (020-8912 5161)Apollo 11 (U) Sat

5.30; Mon/Wed 2.30

Jaws (12A) Sun 1.50,

4.40 The Lion King (PG)

Sat 10am, 11.50am,

12.45, 3.30, 6.15, 8, 9;

Sun 11am, 11.30am,

2.30, 5.30, 8.15; Mon/

Wed noon, 3, 5.55,

8.40; Tue noon, 3, 6,

8.30; Thu 11am, 1.50,

5.55, 8.40 The Matrix

(15) Wed 8.50 Never Look Away (15) Mon

7.40; Thu 1.40 Pavarotti (12A) Mon 5; Thu

10.40am Toy Story 4

(U) Sat/Tue 2.40; Mon

11.40am; Wed 5.30

Yesterday (12A) Sun

7.40; Tue 5.40

Belsize Park Everyman (0872-436 9060) [DA]The Dead Don’t Die

(15) Sat 2.30; Sun 5.30;

Mon/Wed 8.30; Tue 2;

Thu 10am NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC)

Thu 6.50 Pavarotti (12A)

Sat/Wed 2.30 (Wed),

5.30; Sun 2.30; Mon

11.30am, 5.30; Tue 8;

Thu 12.45 Yesterday

(12A) Sat/Sun/Wed

11.30am, 8.30 (Sat/

Sun); Mon 2.30; Tue 5;

Thu 3.45

Brentford Watermans Arts Centre (020-8232 1010) [DA]NT Live Encore: Small Island (NC) Sun 2

NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC) Thu 7

The Queen’s Corgi (PG)

Mon/Thu 10.30am,

3.30 (Mon); Wed 2 The Secret Life of Pets 2

(U) Sat 11am; Mon 1;

Tue 10.30am; Wed 4

Yesterday (12A) Sat/Thu

3.45, 8.45 (Sat); Sun/

Tue 1.30 (Tue), 6; Mon/

Wed 8.30


Only YouOn general releaseGod’s Own Country’s Josh O’Connor and Laia Costa, star of one-take thriller Victoria, are exceptional as a new couple – he’s 26, she’s mid-30s – trying for a baby in Harry Wootliff ’s tender, nuanced drama.

Don’t miss


20-26 July 2019 The Guardian6 The Guide Listings6 The Guide Listings

Brixton Ritzy Picturehouse (0871-902 5739) [DA]Blinded By the Light

(12A) Wed 9 The Brink

(15) Tue 6.30 The Dead Don’t Die (15) Sat

10.50am, 4, 9.30; Sun

3.40, 8.45; Mon/Wed

11am (Mon), 4, 9.20;

Tue 11.15am, 4.10, 9.30;

Thu 11.20am, 4.20, 9.15

Kill Bill Vols 1 & 2 (NC)

Mon 6 The Lion King

(PG) Sat 10am, 11.45am,

12.45, 2.30, 3.30, 5.15,

8; Sun 11.45am, 12.30,

2.30, 3.10, 5.15, 8;

Mon 11.45am, 12.45,

3, 3.30, 6.15, 9; Tue

11.10am, 12.45, 1.30,

3.30, 4, 6.15, 9; Wed/

Thu 10.45am, 12.45,

1.45, 3.30, 4 (Thu), 4.30

(Wed), 6.15, 9 Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A) Tue

8.30 Midsommar (18)

Sat 6.20, 8.20; Sun

5.10, 7.30; Mon 6.20,

8.50; Tue 6; Wed/Thu

6 (Wed), 8.50 Muppets from Space (U) Sat

10.30am NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC)

Thu 7 School of Roars

(NC) Sun/Thu 11am

Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A) Sat/Mon/

Wed/Thu 12.10 (Wed/

Thu), 1.10 (Sat), 3.10,

6.10, 9.10; Sun 11.10am,

2.10, 5.50, 8.15; Tue

12.10, 3.10, 6.40, 9.10

Toy Story 4 (U) Sat/

Wed 11am, 1.20, 3.40,

6 (Sat), 7 (Wed), 9.10

(Sat); Sun 12.20, 2.40, 5,

8.30; Mon/Thu 11.30am

(Thu), 1.50, 4.10, 6.30;

Tue 11am, 1.20, 3.40,

6.10 Wonder Park (PG)

Sun 11am Yesterday

(12A) Sat 12.30, 6.30;

Sun 1, 6; Mon 11am,

1.20; Tue 1.40, 8.40;

Wed 1.30, 6.20; Thu

1.20, 6.40

Bromley Empire (0871-902 5747) [DA]Phone for details.Camberwell Whirled Cinema (020-7737 6153)Ash Is Purest White (15)

Sun 6 Tampopo (18)

Mon-Wed 8

Clapham Picturehouse (0871-902 5727) [DA]Blinded By the Light

(12A) Wed 8.30 The Brink (15) Tue 8.30 The Dead Don’t Die (15) Sat

4; Tue 1.10, 5.10; Wed

12.40 The Edge (15)

Mon/Wed noon; Tue

11am, 4; Thu 10.30am

Kill Bill Vols 1 & 2 (NC)

Mon 6.15 The Lion King

(PG) Sat noon, 2, 3.15,

4.45, 6, 7.30, 8.40;

Sun 10.30am, 11.45am,

1.30, 2.30, 4.15, 5.15, 7;

Mon-Wed 11am (Tue),

12.40, 2.20 (Mon/Wed),

3.20, 6, 7.30 (Wed),

7.40 (Mon), 8.40; Thu

10.30am, 10.40am,

1.20, 3, 4, 6, 8.40 The Met Opera Live Encore: Romeo Et Juliette (PG)

Mon 2 Midsommar (18)

Sat 9; Sun 6.40; Mon 3;

Tue 2; Wed 6; Thu 8.50

Muppets from Space (U)

Sat 11.45am NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC) Thu

7 Roman Holiday (U) Sun

1.15 School of Roars (NC)

Sat/Tue 11am Spider-Man: Far from Home

(12A) Sat 3, 6; Sun 3.30,

8; Mon 8.30; Tue 3.30,

9; Wed 3.10, 9; Thu 1.10,

6 Toy Story 4 (U) Sat

11.15am, 1.40, 6.30; Sun

1, 3.50, 6.10; Mon 12.40,

6.10; Tue 1.40, 6.10;

Wed 1.15, 3.40, 6.10;

Thu 12.40, 3.45, 6.30

Wonder Park (PG) Sun

11am Yesterday (12A) Sat

12.15, 9; Sun 8.30; Mon/

Wed 5; Tue 11.20am,

6.20; Thu 1.15, 4, 8.50

Crouch End ArtHouse (020-8245 3099)The Dead Don’t Die (15)

Sat 12.15; Sun 8.45; Mon/

Tue 9; Wed 1.30 Gwen

(15) Sat 3.45, 5.10; Sun 4,

6; Mon/Wed 1.15 (Mon),

4, 6.10, 9 (Wed); Tue

3.45, 6.10; Thu 12.10, 3,

4.45 Midsommar (18)

Sat/Thu 8.30; Sun 8;

Mon/Wed 8.15; Tue 8.20

NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC) Thu 7 Only You (15) Sun 12.40; Mon

1; Wed 12.45; Thu 12.20

Vagabond (15) Sun 1.30

Varda By Agnès (15)

Sat 1, 2.30, 5.50; Sun

3.20, 6.15; Mon-Wed 1

(Tue), 3.30, 6.20; Thu

2.15, 5.45

Crouch End Picturehouse (0871-902 5758)Phone for details.Croydon Clocktower (0333-666 3366) [DA]After Life (PG) Tue 7.30

Late Night (15) Thu 7.30

Dalston Rio (020-7241 9410) [DA]The Dead Don’t Die (15)

Sat/Mon/Tue 3.30, 9;

Sun 5.45, 9; Wed 3.45,

9; Thu 4.15, 9 Esta Todo Bien (NC) Tue 6.30 A Fantastic Woman (15)

Sat 6.30 The Headless Woman (12A) Thu 6.30

Heli (18) Wed 6.30

Midsommar (18) Sat-Tue

6, 8.30; Wed 3.30, 8.45;

Thu 1 Never Look Away

(15) Sat 12.15; Mon 2.30

NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC) Thu 6.50

The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U) Sat/Mon-Wed 1.15;

Sun 1; Thu 1.45 Varda By Agnès (15) Sat/Tue/Thu

4; Sun 3.15; Mon 6.30;

Wed 6.15

Deptford Cinema ( Lopez 1970: Sex, Fashion & Disco

(NC) Sat 7.30 At the First Breath of Wind

(NC) Sun 8 Innocent Sinners (NC) Sat 12.30

Wild Relatives (NC)

Wed 7.30

East Dulwich Picturehouse (0871-902 5749) [DA]Apollo 11 (U) Sat 1.45;

Sun 3 Blinded By the Light (12A) Wed 8.30

The Brink (15) Tue 8.30

The Dead Don’t Die (15)

Sat 9; Sun 5.15; Mon/

Wed 6.15; Tue 6.30 The Lion King (PG) Sat/

Tue/Thu 10am (Thu),

10.30am (Tue), 12.30,

2.45 (Sat/Thu), 3.15,

4 (Tue), 6, 8.45; Sun

9.45am, 11.30am, 12.30,

2.15, 5, 7.45; Mon/

Wed 10.30am (Wed),

10.45am (Mon), 12.15

(Wed), 12.30 (Mon),

3.15, 3.45, 6, 8.45 The Met Opera Live Encore:

Romeo Et Juliette (PG)

Tue noon Midsommar

(18) Sat/Mon/Wed/Thu

8; Sun 7.30; Tue 8.45

Muppets from Space (U)

Sat 10.30am NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC)

Thu 7 School of Roars

(NC) Mon/Tue 11am Toy Story 4 (U) Sat/Mon

9.45am, 12.15, 3 (Mon),

4 (Sat), 5.30; Sun 10am,

3.15, 5.30; Tue 10am,

1.15, 3.30; Wed 10am, 1,

3; Thu 10.15am, 12.30,

2.15, 4.45 Yesterday

(12A) Sat 11am, 6.15; Sun

12.15, 8; Mon 1.15, 8.30;

Tue 6; Wed 1.15, 5.30;

Thu 11.30am, 5.30

Finchley Road JW3 Cinema ( 11 (U) Sun/

Thu 1 (Sun), 6; Mon 1,

8.30; Tue 5.40; Wed

3.30, 8.30 Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A) Tue 8 Tel Aviv on Fire (NC) Sun

8.30; Mon/Wed 6; Tue/

Thu 3.30, 8.30 (Thu)

Toy Story 4 (U) Sun/Mon

10.30am (Sun), 3.30;

Tue-Thu 1

Greenwich Picturehouse (0871-902 5732) [DA]Apollo 11 (U) Sat

10.10am, 1.50; Sun

10am, noon; Mon

11.10am; Tue 11.30am;

Wed 11.40am; Thu

10.50am Blinded By the Light (12A) Wed 9

The Brink (15) Tue 6.30

The Dead Don’t Die (15)

Sat/Tue/Wed 6.40, 9.30

(Tue/Wed); Sun 5.20;

Mon 3.40, 9.30; Thu

4.40 The Edge (15) Tue

1.50; Wed 10.15am; Thu

1.10 Kill Bill Vols 1 & 2

(NC) Mon 6 The Lion King (PG) Sat 11.30am,

12.40, 2.10, 3.20, 4.50,

6, 7.30, 8.40, 10.10; Sun

11am, 12.10, 1.40, 2.50,

4.20, 5.30, 7, 8.10; Mon-

Thu 10am, 11am, 12.40, 1

(Wed), 1.40, 3.20, 4.20,

6, 7 (Mon-Wed), 7.30

(Thu), 8.40 Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A) Tue

8.45 The Met Opera Live Encore: Romeo Et Juliette (PG) Mon


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 7The Guide Listings 7The Guide Listings

noon Midsommar (18)

Sat/Tue/Wed 9, 10.20

(Sat); Sun 7.40; Mon

8.50; Thu 8.45 Muppets from Space (U) Sat

10.30am NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC)

Thu 7 Roman Holiday

(U) Sun noon School of Roars (NC) Sun/Mon

10.30am Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A)

Sat/Wed 12.30, 3.30,

6.20, 9.15 (Sat), 9.20

(Wed); Sun 2.10, 5.10, 8;

Mon 3.30, 6.10, 9; Tue

12.45, 3.10, 6.10, 9.15;

Thu 11am, 1.50, 5.50 Toy Story 4 (U) Sat 11.10am,

12.10, 4.15, 5.20; Sun

10.40am, 1, 3, 6; Mon

1.20, 3.50; Tue 12.50,

4.10; Wed 1.50, 4; Thu

10.20am, 12.50, 3.30

Wonder Park (PG) Sun

10am Yesterday (12A)

Sat 2.40, 7.40; Sun 3.20,

8.20; Mon 1, 6.20; Tue

10.10am, 3.50; Wed

4.10, 6.30; Thu 3.10

Hackney Castle Cinema ( 11 (U) Sat 4.30;

Sun 5.45; Mon 11.45am;

Wed 2.15 The Dead Don’t Die (15) Sat

11.30am, 6.30, 9; Sun

5.15, 7.45; Mon 4.30,

6.50; Tue 1.45, 4.45;

Wed noon, 4.30, 7; Thu

2.15, 7 Forbidden Planet

(U) Tue 7 Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love (12A) Tue 6.45, 9

Midsommar (18) Sat

1.45, 6.10, 8.45; Sun 3,

7.30; Mon 1.45, 4, 9;

Tue 4; Wed/Thu 4.15,

9 (Wed) NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC)

Thu 7 The Sting (NC)

Wed 7.30 Toy Story 4 (U)

Sat/Mon 11.15am, 1.30,

6.40 (Mon); Sun 12.15,

2.45; Tue 11.30am, 2.15;

Wed 2; Thu 11.45am,

1.45 Yesterday (12A) Sat

3.45; Sun 12.30; Mon

8.50; Thu 4.30

Hackney Moth Club (020-8985 7963)Julien Donkey-Boy (15)

Mon 7

Hackney Picturehouse (0871-902 5734)Apollo 11 (U) Sat 9; Sun

noon Are You Proud? + Q&A (NC) Thu 6.30

Blinded By the Light

(12A) Wed 9 The Brink

(15) Tue 6.30 The Dead Don’t Die (15) Sat/Sun

12.15, 2.45 (Sun), 3.30

(Sat), 6, 8.30; Mon

10.45am, 1.15, 3.45, 6,

8.30; Tue 10.45am, 1.15,

4, 6.30, 9; Wed 10.30am,

1.30, 4, 6.30, 9; Thu

11am, 1.30, 4, 6.15, 9.10

Diego Maradona (12A)

Sat 3.15; Mon 12.05; Tue

3.30; Wed 12.30; Thu

12.10 The Edge (15) Sun

8.30 Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 (NC) Mon 6.15

The Lion King (PG) Sat

12.30, 3.15, 6, 8.30; Sun

11.30am, 2.15, 5, 7.30;

Mon/Wed 11.40am,

2.30, 5.15, 8.30; Tue

11.30am, 2.20, 5.05,

8.30; Thu noon, 2.50,

5.40, 8.30 Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A) Tue 8.45

Midsommar (18) Sat/

Tue 10.50am, 2, 5.20,

8 (Tue), 8.45 (Sat);

Sun 10.30am, 1.40,

5.15, 8; Mon 10.55am,

2.05, 5.20, 8; Wed/

Thu 10.45am, 2, 5.20,

8 (Wed), 8.30 (Thu)

Muppets from Space (U)

Sat 10.30am NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC)

Thu 7 Roman Holiday

(U) Sun 6 School of Roars (NC) Sat 11am

Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A) Sat 12.45,

3.15, 6.15, 9.15; Sun 11am,

2.10, 5.10, 8.10; Mon

11am, 2, 5.05, 8.05; Tue-

Thu 11.15am, 2.15, 5.15,

8.15 Toy Story 4 (U) Sat

12.50, 4.10, 6.40; Sun 1,

3.30, 5; Mon 10.55am,

1.20, 3.45, 6.15; Tue/

Thu 10.30am, 1, 3.30, 6

(Tue); Wed 11am, 1, 3.30,

6 Varda By Agnès (15)

Sat 12.30, 6.15; Sun 2.45;

Mon/Thu 3; Tue 12.45;

Wed 3.25, 6.15 Wonder Park (PG) Sun 11am

Yesterday (12A) Sat 9.10;

Sun 8.30; Mon/Wed

8.45; Tue 8.50; Thu 9

Hampstead Everyman (0872-436 9060) [DA]The Lion King (PG) Sat/

Mon 9.30am (Sat),

10.45am, 12.15, 2, 3.15

(Mon), 5 (Sat), 5.15

(Mon), 5.45 (Sat), 8.15,

9; Sun 10am, noon, 1.15,

4.15, 5.45, 7.30, 8.50;

Tue/Wed 10.45am, 2, 3

(Tue), 4.30 (Wed), 5.15,

6 (Tue), 7.30 (Wed),

8.15; Thu 1.15, 2, 5.15,

7.15, 8.15 Toy Story 4 (U)

Sat 3.15; Sun 9.30am, 3;

Mon 9.45am, 6.15; Tue

12.30, 8.50; Wed 10am;

Thu 4.15

Kennington The Cinema Museum (020-7840 2200)The Sweet Hereafter

(15) Sun 2.30

Kensal Rise Lexi (0871-704 2069) [DA]Apollo 11 (U) Sat 5.30;

Mon 3; Wed 6.30

Freedom Fields (PG)

Mon 6.30 Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love

(12A) Tue 7 NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC)

Thu 7 Rocketman (15)

Sun 8.30 Yesterday

(12A) Sat 3, 8; Sun 6;

Mon 8.50; Wed 8.30

Kilburn Kiln Cinema (020-7328 1000)The Met Opera Live Encore: Romeo Et Juliette (PG) Sun 2

Midsommar (18) Sat

7.30; Sun 8.20; Mon/

Wed 6; Tue 8.40 NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC) Thu 7 Tell It to the Bees (15) Sat

12.30; Sun 5.45; Mon/

Wed 9.10; Tue 6 Toy Story 4 (U) Sat/Sun

10am, 5 (Sat); Wed 2

Lewisham Curzon Goldsmiths (0333-321 0104) [DA]Apollo 11 (U) Sun noon

The Dead Don’t Die (15)

Sat 3.45; Wed/Thu 8.45

Midsommar (18) Sat/

Mon/Tue 8.45; Sun 7.45

Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A) Sat/Mon-

Thu 1 (Sat), 6; Sun 2.15, 5

Richmond Curzon (0333-321 0104) [DA]Phone for details.Rotherhithe Sands Film Studios (020-7231 2209)Brother (NC) Sat 6 The

Plow That Broke the Plains (NC) Tue 8.30

South Norwood Harris Academy (020-8405 5070)Birds of Passage (15)

Wed 7.45 Wild Rose (15)

Thu 11am

Staines Vue (0345-308 4620) [DA]Phone for details.Stratford Picturehouse (0871-902 5740) [DA]Blinded By the Light

(12A) Wed 6 The Brink

(15) Tue 8.45 The Dead Don’t Die (15) Sat 6; Sun

8.45 Kill Bill Vols 1 & 2

(NC) Mon 6.15 The Lion King (PG) Sat-Thu 11am

(Tue), 11.15am (Sat/

Mon/Wed/Thu), 12.30

(Sat/Mon-Thu), 12.45

(Sun), 2, 3.15, 4.45, 6,

7.30, 8.45 Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A) Tue

6.30 Midsommar (18)

Sat/Wed 8.20 Muppets from Space (U) Sat 11am

NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC) Thu 7

Roman Holiday (U) Sun

6 School of Roars (NC)

Mon 11am The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U) Tue-

Thu 11am Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A)

Sat-Thu 11.45am, 2.40,

5.30, 8.30 Toy Story 4

(U) Sat-Thu 1.10, 3.30

Wonder Park (PG)

Sun noon

Tottenham Bernie Grant Arts Centre (020-8365 5450)If Beale Street Could Talk (15) Thu 7 Naz & Maalik (NC) Sat 7

Walthamstow Mirth, Marvel and Maud ( and the Angry Inch (15) Tue 7.45 United We Fan (NC) Wed 7

Watford Vue (0345-308 4620) [DA]Phone for details.West Norwood Picturehouse (0871-9025747) [DA]Phone for details.Wimbledon HMV Curzon (0333-321 0104)Phone for details.


Entertainment Classified

8 The Guide 20-26 July 2019 The Guardian

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 9The Guide Listings 9The Guide Listings


ArnoCorpsArnold Schwarzenegger-obsessed hardcore rock.The Underworld, NW1 (020-7482 1932) 6pm, £17.50.The BritFunk AssociationBrit funk tentet.100 Club, W1 (020-7636 0933) 7.30pm, adv £20.Ealing Blues Festival Two-day blues shindig starts today, with Kyla Brox, Son of Dave, Mack featuring Tommy Hare, Tommy Allen’s Trafficker, Johnny G, Winne & the Rockettes and more.Walpole Park, W5 ( 12noon-10.30pm, £5.50-£11.JaywalkersInstrumental folk trio.Green Note, NW1 (020-7485 9899) 8.30pm, £10.John NewmanSoulful pop singer.The Lexington, N1 (020-7837 5371) 7.30pm, £15.Marc AlmondMischievous electro-torch singer.Eventim Apollo, W6 (0844-249 4300) 8pm, £34.75-£79.25. [DA]Martin CarthyInfluential 60s folk-revival mainstay.The Oval Tavern, Croydon (020-8686 6023) 7.30pm, £10.The Matthew Empson TrioSoul and jazz three-piece.Brasserie Zedel, W1 (020-7734 4888) 11.15pm, free.Meet Me in the LobbyHip-hop showcase.The Camden Assembly, NW1 (020-7424 0800) 7pm, £3. [DA]NeonflyRock and metal quartet.The Lounge, Camden, NW1 ( thelounge666) 7.30pm, adv £10.NeurosisAvant-garde metallers.

O2 Forum Kentish Town, NW5 (020-7428 4080) 6pm, £30. [DA]Pee Wee Ellis Funk AssemblyJames Brown and Van Morrison-associated funk saxophonist.Ronnie Scott’s, W1 (020-7439 0747) 6pm, £35-£52.50, phone for availability.Porch Swing BluesGood-time blues music.Green Note, NW1 (020-7485 9899) 8pm, £9.Soulection: Zilo, Tay IwarLA artist collective.Somerset House, WC2 (020-7845 4600) 4pm, £36.25. [DA]


Alan Clayson & the Argonauts, Kindred Spirit Band Eccentric proto-progger. The Half Moon, Putney, SW15 (020-8780 9383) 7.30pm, £8. [DA]Betty WrightMiami soul Clean Up Woman.Barbican Hall, EC2 (020-7638 8891) 8pm, £35-£45. [DA]Denis ColemanYouthful popster’s debut tour.The Half Moon, Putney,

SW15 (020-8780 9383) 1pm, £10 & £14. [DA]Dylema CollectiveNeo-soul and jazz group.PizzaExpress Live, Holborn, WC1 (020-7439 4962) 8pm, £15.Ealing Blues Festival Today with Nick Lowe, Who’s Next, Bad Influence, Robert Hokum Revue, the Eel Pie All Stars, Tim Stafell & Paul Stewart Band, Any Twyman, Crossfire Blues Band, Marky Dawson and more.Walpole Park, W5 ( 12noon-10.30pm, £5.50-£11.GomezGrowly indie rock combo.O2 Shepherd’s Bush Empire, W12 (0844-477 2000) 7pm, £30. [DA]Gossip, Big JoanieBeth Ditto’s disco-punkers. See Preview.Somerset House, WC2 (020-7845 4600) 7.30pm, £41.25. [DA]Hopeless Heroic, Delica BlackPunkers play a charity farewell tribute to their drummer David Knight.The Camden Assembly, NW1 (020-7424 0800) 7pm, £12, adv £10. [DA]

Pythia, Scardust, Patty GurdySymphonic metal five-piece. The Lexington, N1 (020-7837 5371) 7pm, adv £16.Tim SullivanUS country singer-songwriter.The Pheasantry, Chelsea, SW3 (020-7439 4962) 8pm, £20.True StraysBristol Americana group.PizzaExpress Jazz Club, Soho, W1 (020-7439 4962) 8pm, £15.


Dai and the RamblersR&B with Cajun and New Orleans influences.Wilton’s Music Hall, E1 (020-7702 2789) 7.30pm, free.Evelyn ‘Champagne’ King, AmahlaLove Come Down hitmaker.The Jazz Cafe, NW1 (020-7485 6834) 7pm, £25 & £35. [DA]FergusIndie singer-songwriter.Green Note, NW1 (020-7485 9899) 8.30pm, £10.Jesse KinchUS soul-rocker.PizzaExpress Live, Holborn, WC1 (020-7439 4962) 8.30pm, £10.Josh Ritter & the Royal City BandIdaho folk-rocker.Union Chapel, N1 (020-7226 1686) 7pm, adv £27.50. [DA]The KondoorsPop, R&B and soul.606 Club, SW10 (020-7352 5953) 8.30pm, £12.Weedeater, Trippy Wicked, Cosmic Children of the KnightStoner metal trio. The Dome, NW5 (020-7272 8153) 7pm, £18.50.


Evelyn ‘Champagne’ KingLove Come Down hitmaker.The Jazz Cafe, NW1 (020-7485 6834) 7pm, £25 & £35. [DA]

rock&pop Music

Jenny LewisO2 Shepherds Bush Empire, W12, ThuFrom child star to indie hipster to marijuana magnate with Ringo in her Rolodex, it has certainly been a long, strange trip for Jenny Lewis, but those bangs (and her knack for acutely observed country rock) endure.

Don’t miss

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian10 The Guide Listings10 The Guide Listings

Josh Ritter & the Royal City BandIdaho folk-rocker.Union Chapel, N1 (020-7226 1686) 7pm, £27.50.Liv DawsonSee Preview.Moth Club, E9 (020-8985 7963) 7pm, £8.No VacationUS indie-pop.The Dome, NW5 (020-7272 8153) 7pm, £15.SonrealCanadian hip-hop performer.The Camden Assembly, NW1 (020-7424 0800) 7pm, £12. [DA]Tim Eriksen, Mama’s BrokeTraditional folk. The Half Moon, SW15 (020-8780 9383) 7pm, £16.50, adv £15. [DA]Whitney RoseCountry singer-songwriter.The Lexington, N1 (020-7837 5371) 7.30pm, £14.


Ben PooleBlues-rocker.The Half Moon, Putney, SW15 (020-8780 9383) 8pm, £14, adv £12. [DA]Blackwater ConspiracyBlues-rock quintet.O2 Academy Islington, N1 (020-7288 4400) 7pm, £15. [DA]Emicida, RAE, D Vyzor Rap artist from Brazil.The Jazz Cafe, NW1 (020-7485 6834) 7pm, £17.50 & £25. [DA]The Filthy SixFunk, jazz and soul.PizzaExpress Jazz Club, Soho, W1 (020-7439 4962) 8.30pm, £18.Gus DappertonUS indie-pop singer.Heaven, WC2 (020-7930 2020) 7pm, £20.Louis De Bernières & Selina HawkerFolk, poetry and chat from the duo.Green Note, NW1 (020-7485 9899) 8.30pm, £16.MadnessWaggish ska-pop favourites.

Sandown Park Racecourse (0344-579 3012) 4pm, £49.50. [DA]My Life StoryJake Shillingford’s Britpop-era entertainers.The Lexington, N1 (020-7837 5371) 7.30pm, phone for availability.


Adult MomGender-fluid pop.The Lexington, N1 (020-7837 5371) 7.30pm, adv £8.80.Ayanna Witter-JohnsonSoul singer-songwriter and cellist.Coal Drops Yard, N1 ( 6.30pm, free.Gizelle SmithFunk and soul singer.PizzaExpress Jazz Club, Soho, W1 (020-7439 4962) 6.30pm, £25.Hannah Rose PlattRoots singer-songwriter.Green Note, NW1 (020-7485 9899) 8.30pm, £10.Jenny LewisUS country-rock singer-songwriter.O2 Shepherd’s Bush Empire, W12 (0844-477 2000) 7pm, £22.50.Jnr WilliamsMinimalist, spacey electro-soul.The Camden Assembly, NW1 (020-7424 0800) 7pm, £10. [DA]L’EntourloopFrench hip-hop duo.The Jazz Cafe, NW1 (020-7485 6834) 7pm, £20 & £25. [DA]The LuckAmericana sibling duo.Thousand Island, N5 (0870-060 3777) 6.30pm, £10. [DA]MXMJoYSpin-off from 80s post-punks Maximum Joy.Corsica Studios, SE17 (020-7703 4760) 8pm, £14.Post Animal, Naked GiantsIndie-punk double bill.Moth Club, E9 (020-8985 7963) 7.30pm, £11.Puddle of MuddUS nu-metallers.

Islington Assembly Hall, N1 (020-7527 8900) 7pm, £25.Steve RodgersThroaty blues-rocker.The Half Moon, Putney, SW15 (020-8780 9383) 8pm, £14, adv £12. [DA]Village Green Presents: ImmersionProgressive music from CUTS, Ben Chatwin and Snow Palms.Purcell Room, Southbank Centre, SE1 (020-3879 9555) 7.45pm, £12. [DA]


The CoalminersNew Orleans funk and soul six-piece.606 Club, SW10 (020-7352 5953) 7pm, £14.CrobotHeavy rock ensemble. The Underworld, NW1 (020-7482 1932) 6pm, £15.Danny & the Champions of the World, The Snakes, The Alan Tyler ShowCountry rockers team up to celebrate Barry Everitt, who promoted Americana acts at the venue throughout the 90s. In aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust.The Borderline, W1 (0870-060 3777) 7pm, £10.The DriftersVocal soul franchise.Churchill Theatre, Bromley (020-3285 6000) 7.30pm, £30, concs available. [DA]Electric MoonRetro psych outfit.The Lexington, N1 (020-7837 5371) 7.30pm, adv £13.20.The Four OwlsUK rap quartet. The Jazz Cafe, NW1 (020-7485 6834) 7pm, £20-£30. [DA]Marky Ramone’s BlitzkriegPunkers led by the New York brudders’ second drummer.The Garage, N5 (0870-060 3777) 7pm, £22.50. [DA]


Dorance Lorza & Sexteto CafeColombian vibraphonist and band.The Jazz Cafe, NW1 (020-7485 6834) 7pm, £12.50-£20. [DA]Ed Jones QuartetUK jazz saxophonist leads an all-star outfit.606 Club, SW10 (020-7352 5953) 9.30pm, £14.Espen Eriksen TrioNorwegian contemporary jazz.The Vortex, N16 (020-7254 4097) 7.45pm, £20. [DA]KT SullivanUS cabaret singer.The Pheasantry, Chelsea, SW3 (020-7439 4962) 8.30pm, £20.Nubya GarciaLondon-based contemporary saxophonist and composer.Ronnie Scott’s, W1 (020-7439 0747) 10.30pm, £17.50-£47.50.VertaalContemporary jazz-funk two-piece.Ronnie Scott’s, W1 (020-7439 0747) 1am, £12, adv £10, NUS £6.


Dave Douglas Engage, PyjaenContemporary trumpeter and group. The Jazz Cafe, NW1 (020-7485 6834) 7pm, £22.50 & £30. [DA]Gypsy DynamiteGypsy jazz guitarist duo.Green Note, NW1 (020-7485 9899) 8pm, £9.The Mark Jennett TrioMainstream jazz singer from London.PizzaExpress Jazz Club, Soho, W1 (020-7439 4962) 12noon, £15.Mississippi Swamp DogsThe ensemble perform versions of New Orleans jazz favourites.Ronnie Scott’s, W1 (020-7439 0747) 8pm, £10.

Music rock&popJazz

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Nacho La Criatura, Jonathan Moly Latin performer. O2 Forum Kentish Town, NW5 (020-7428 4080) 6pm, £40 & £45. [DA]Neha KakkarIndian singer and TV presenter.Eventim Apollo, W6 (0844-249 4300) 7pm, £41.25-£264. [DA]Polly GibbonsMainstream jazz singer.606 Club, SW10 (020-7352 5953) 8.30pm, £12.


Balagan Cafe BandString trio rooted in Parisian and American jazz.The Vortex, N16 (020-7254 4097) 7.45pm, £10. [DA]Ben PayneEasy-listening and swing singer from London.The Pheasantry, Chelsea, SW3 (020-7439 4962) 8.30pm, £15.Karen LaneMainstream jazz and Latin singer.PizzaExpress Jazz Club, Soho, W1 (020-7439 4962) 8.30pm, £20.Mussinghi Brian Edwards QuartetInterpretations of the work of Wayne Shorter.Ronnie Scott’s, W1 (020-7439 0747) 11pm, £12, adv £10, NUS £6.Steve Gadd BandRock, jazz and more from the US drummer and group.Ronnie Scott’s, W1 (020-7439 0747) 6pm, £45-£65, phone for av.


Chris Ingham’s REBOPThe collective perform the music of Miles Davis and others.PizzaExpress Jazz Club, Soho, W1 (020-7439 4962) 8.30pm, £23.Miguel Gorodi QuartetContemporary and improv jazz outfit.Ronnie Scott’s, W1 (020-7439 0747) 11pm, £12, adv £10, NUS £6.

Phil Ayres Detente Birthday GigOriginal sounds from the drummer-led tentet.606 Club, SW10 (020-7352 5953) 8.30pm, £12.Ruby SingsEclectic music showcase.Ronnie Scott’s: Upstairs, W1 (020-7439 0747) 11pm, £10, £6 before 8.30pm.Spirit FingersUS contemporary jazz quartet.PizzaExpress Live, Holborn, WC1 (020-7439 4962) 8.30pm, £20.Steve Gadd BandRock, jazz and more from the US drummer and group.Ronnie Scott’s, W1 (020-7439 0747) 6pm, £45-£65, phone for av.Tom DennisMainstream jazz trumpeter from London.The Vortex, N16 (020-7254 4097) 7.45pm, £10. [DA]Tom MillarContemporary jazz pianist from London.Wallace Collection, W1 (020-7563 9500) 1pm, free. [DA]Wurlitzer Organ ConcertEasy-listening music.Troxy, E1 (020-7748 2728) 6pm, free.


Alex Western-King TrioModern and mainstream jazz tunes.The Vortex, N16 (020-7254 4097) 7.45pm, £10. [DA]Dom Pipkin: The Sweet Sounds of New OrleansNew Orleans-style jazz pianist and singer.Brasserie Zedel, W1 (020-7734 4888) 9.15pm, £15.PurdyLondon-based jazz and alt-pop singer.606 Club, SW10 (020-7352 5953) 7.30pm, £12.Steve Gadd BandRock, jazz and more from the US drummer and group.Ronnie Scott’s, W1 (020-

7439 0747) 6pm, £45-£65, phone for av.Tricity Vogue’s All Girl Swing BandThe cabaret star leads guest jazz musicians.Wilton’s Music Hall, E1 (020-7702 2789) 7.30pm, £16-£22, concs £13.50-£19.50.


Alan Barnes & Mark NightingaleThe saxophone-trombone pairing explore Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn.The Other Palace, SW1 (020-7087 7900) 8pm, £20-£30. [DA]BacilosMiami-based Latin pop three-piece.Electric Brixton, SW2 (020-7274 2290) 7pm, £30.Earl OkinSinger and pianist, famous for both his jazz and bossa nova interpretations.The Pheasantry, Chelsea, SW3 (020-7439 4962) 8.30pm, £15.Evan ParkerVeteran improv jazz saxophonist.The Vortex Jazz Club, Dalston Culture House, N16 (020-7254 4097) 7.45pm, £12. [DA]The Forgotten FairgroundMatt Gough’s 10-piece contemporary and improv group.606 Club, SW10 (020-7352 5953) 8.30pm, £14.Mark Kavuma: Lee Krasner – Living ColourKavuma leads a musical response to one of the artist’s favourite jazz records: Thelonius Monk’s 1957 Brilliant Corners.Barbican Centre: Art Gallery, EC2 (020-7638 8891) 7pm, £15. [DA]Project KarnakJazz fusion outfit from London.Ronnie Scott’s, W1 (020-7439 0747) 12midnight, £12, adv £10, NUS £6.

Steve Gadd BandRock, jazz and more from the US drummer and group.Ronnie Scott’s, W1 (020-7439 0747) 6pm, £45-£65, phone for availability.


Alec Dankworth’s Spanish AccentsSpanish sounds by the bassist and band.PizzaExpress Jazz Club, Soho, W1 (020-7439 4962) 9pm, £24.DakhabrakhaModern world-folk unit from Kiev.EartH, N16 ( 7pm, £17.50.Dunajska KapelyeGypsy jazz and folk group.Green Note, NW1 (020-7485 9899) 8.30pm, £11.Heidi VogelLondon-based jazz and soul singer.Green Note, NW1 (020-7485 9899) 8pm, £10.Ian Shaw With Steve Taylor TrioSwing and pop from the singer-pianist and band.Chickenshed, N14 (020-8292 9222) 8pm, £17. [DA]Kairos 4tetSax-led contemporary jazz group.The Vortex, N16 (020-7254 4097) 7.45pm, £15. [DA]Paul Ryan and Jamie SafirJazz vocalist and pianist.The Pheasantry, Chelsea, SW3 (020-7439 4962) 8.30pm, £20.Simon KeenlysideThe baritone sings songs from musicals and popular standards.Wigmore Hall, W1 (020-7935 2141) 7.30pm, £18-£40. [DA]Steve Gadd BandRock, jazz and more from the US drummer and group.Ronnie Scott’s, W1 (020-7439 0747) 6pm, £45-£65, phone for av.

jazz Music

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian12 The Guide ListingsThe Guide Listings


Belmont Ensemble of LondonHandel’s Arrival of the Queen of Sheba, Pachelbel’s Canon in D, Mozart’s Salzburg Symphony No 2, Purcell’s Chaconne and ‘Fairy Queen’ Suite, Bach’s Air ‘On the G String’ and Vivaldi’s Concerto for Two Violins in A Minor and The Four Seasons.St Martin-in-the-Fields, WC2 (020-7766 1100) 7.30pm, £9-£32. [DA]IcebreakerThe 12-piece ensemble play Brian Eno’s Apollo album accompanied by Al Reinert’s documentary about the Apollo space missions.Barbican Hall, EC2 (020-7638 8891) 7.30pm, £17.50-£22.50. [DA]Jesse FlowersThe classical guitarist performs pieces by Ginastera, Philip Houghton and Manuel Ponce among others.Kings Place: Hall Two, N1 (020-7520 1490) 1.30pm, £9.50. [DA]Jiafeng Chen, Students & FriendsBrahms’s Piano Trio in B Major: 1st Mvt, Sarasate’s Navarra for Two Violins and Vivaldi’s Concerto for 4 Violins.St John’s Smith Square, SW1 (020-7222 1061) 7.30pm, £10-£20. [DA]Nigel North & Goran KrivokapićBaroque lute player North plays Sylvius Leopold Weiss and Krivokapić plays JS Bach, Mauro Giuliani and Marco Pereira among others.Kings Place: Hall Two, N1 (020-7520 1490) 7.30pm, £19.50. [DA]Opera Holland Park: L’ArlesianaFrancesco Cilea’s tragedy of desperate passion, jealousy and rigid moral codes. Sung in Italian with surtitles.

Opera Holland Park, W8 (0300-999 1000) 7.30pm, £12-£88.Prom 2: Bamberg Symphony OrchestraJakub Hrůša conducts Dvořák’s Violin Concerto in A Minor and Smetana’s Ma Vlast. With violinist Joshua Bell.Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 7.30pm, £9.50-£52. [DA]Ronald BrautigamThe pianist plays Beethoven’s 7 Bagatelles, Piano Sonata No 18 in E Flat No 3 ‘Hunt’, Piano Sonata No 17 in D Minor No 2 ‘Tempest’ and Piano Sonata No 21 in C ‘Waldstein’ on fortepiano.Wigmore Hall, W1 (020-7935 2141) 7.30pm, £18-£40. [DA]Royal Opera: CarmenBarrie Kosky’s production of Bizet opera about Carmen and the army corporal who falls under her spell. Sung in French with English surtitles.Royal Opera House, WC2 (020-7304 4000) 7pm, £30-£200. [DA]Royal Opera: La Fille Du RégimentDonizetti’s French comic opera in Laurent Pelly’s production. Sung in French with English surtitles.Royal Opera House, WC2 (020-7304 4000) 12noon, £7-£150. [DA]


Calidore String QuartetThe New York-resident ensemble play Beethoven’s String Quartet in E Flat and Mendelssohn’s String Quartet No 6 in F Minor.Wigmore Hall, W1 (020-7935 2141) 11.30am, £16, concs £14. [DA]Jonathan PlowrightThe pianist plays Schubert’s Fantasy in C ‘Wanderer’ and Brahms’s

Waltzes, 4 Klavierstücke and Piano Sonata No 1 in C.Wigmore Hall, W1 (020-7935 2141) 7.30pm, £18-£40. [DA]Marco Socías and VIDA Guitar QuartetThe Spanish classical guitarist plays Bautista, De Falla, Emilio Pujol and Eduardo and Regino Sainz de la Maza; VIDA perform Corelli’s Concerto Grosso No 8, Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue and Sergio Assad’s Earekena.Kings Place, N1 (020-7520 1490) 3pm, £16.50. [DA]Prom 3: Chineke! Orchestra and CBeebies Proms ChoirKwamé Ryan conducts Adams’s Short Ride in a Fast Machine, Britten’s Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man, Puccini’s Madam Butterfly: Humming Chorus and Hans Zimmer’s Earth (world premiere). With guest performers YolanDa Brown, Justin Fletcher and Chris Jarvis.Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 11am, £7.50-£20. [DA]Prom 4: Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Trinity Boys ChoirKirill Karabits conducts the orchestra, choir and violinist Nemanja Radulović in Adams’s Short Ride in a Fast Machine, Barber’s Violin Concerto and Holst’s The Planets.Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 7.30pm, £9.50-£52. [DA]Royal Opera: The Marriage of FigaroDavid McVicar’s production of Mozart’s comic opera, starring Christian Gerhaher and Simon Keenlyside. Sung in Italian with surtitles.Royal Opera House, WC2 (020-7304 4000) 6pm, £8-£185. [DA]


Ariana Kashefi & Maksim StsuraThe cellist and pianist pairing perform Debussy’s Sonata for Cello and Piano, Fauré’s Après Un Rêve and Brahms’s Cello Sonata No 2 in F.Wallace Collection, W1 (020-7563 9500) 1pm, free. [DA]Lana TrotovsekThe Slovenia-born pianist and her Spanish-Catalan pianist partner Maria Canyigueral play Beethoven’s Violin Sonata No 2 in A, Lucijan Marija Škerjanc’s Intermezzo Romantique, Prokofiev’s Violin Sonata No 1 in F Minor and Beethoven’s Violin Sonata No 9 in A ‘Kreutzer’.Wigmore Hall, W1 (020-7935 2141) 7.30pm, £18-£40. [DA]Opera Holland Park: Il Segreto Di Susanna & IolantaWolf-Ferrari’s comedy of romance, secrets and lies, and Tchaikovsky’s final opera – a tale of isolation and enchantment. Il Segreto Di Susanna is sung in Italian with English surtitles; Iolanta is sung in Russian with English surtitles. See Preview.Opera Holland Park, W8 (0300-999 1000) 7.30pm, £20-£88.Prom 5: Chineke! Orchestra and CBeebies Proms ChoirKwamé Ryan conducts Adams’s Short Ride in a Fast Machine, Britten’s Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man, Puccini’s Madam Butterfly: Humming Chorus and Hans Zimmer’s Earth. With guest performers YolanDa Brown, Justin Fletcher and Chris Jarvis.Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 11am, £7.50-£20. [DA]


Music classical

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Prom 6: Orchestra of the Royal Academy of Music & The Julliard SchoolEdward Garner conducts the orchestra and violinist James Ehnes in Anna Thorvaldsdóttir’s Metacosmos (UK premiere), Britten’s Violin Concerto and Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring.Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 7.30pm, £9.50-£52. [DA]Proms at Cadogan Hall 1: VOCES8The ensemble perform a range of works that span 800 years, including pieces by Pérotin, Jean Mouton, Jonathan Dove, Byrd, Orlando Gibbons, Palestrina, Lassus and the world premiere of Alexia Sloane’s Earthward.Cadogan Hall, SW1 (020-7730 4500) 1pm, £13 & £16. [DA]


Dame Sarah ConnollyThe mezzo-soprano, accompanied by Malcolm Martineau on piano, sings Robert Schumann’s 6 Gedichte Von N Lenau Und Requiem, Mahler’s Kindertotenlieder, Frank Bridge’s Day After Day and Speak to Me My Love and Britten’s Winter Words.Wigmore Hall, W1 (020-7935 2141) 7.30pm, £18-£40. [DA]Prom 7: BBC Philharmonic OrchestraOmer Meir Wellber conducts Mozart’s Piano Concerto No 15 in B Flat, Ben-Haim’s Symphony No 1, Schoenberg’s Five Orchestral Pieces (Henry Wood Novelties: World Premiere, 1912) and Schumann’s Symphony No 4 in D Minor (Revised Version). With pianist Yeol Eum Son.Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 7.30pm, £7.50-£41. [DA]

Robin BigwoodThe harpsichordist performs Bach’s Goldberg Variations.St Martin-in-the-Fields, WC2 (020-7766 1100) 7.30pm, £9-£24. [DA]Welsh National Opera: War and PeaceDavid Pountney’s adaptation of Tolstoy’s novel. Sung in English, with English and Welsh surtitles.Royal Opera House, WC2 (020-7304 4000) 6.30pm, £73-£100. [DA]


Mark PadmoreThe tenor, accompanied by Paul Lewis on piano, sings Brahms’s Es Liebt Sich So Lieblich Im Lenze No 1, Sommerabend No 1, Es Schauen Die Blumen No 3, Meerfahrt No 4 and Der Tod, Das Ist Die Kühle Nacht No 1, Mahler’s Ruckert Lieder and Robert Schumann’s Dichterliebe.Wigmore Hall, W1 (020-7935 2141) 7.30pm, £18-£40. [DA]Opera Holland Park: Il Segreto Di Susanna & IolantaWolf-Ferrari’s comedy of romance, secrets and lies and Tchaikovsky’s final opera, with English surtitles. See Preview. Opera Holland Park, W8 (0300-999 1000) 7.30pm, £20-£88.Prom 8: BBC Symphony OrchestraPéter Eötvös conducts Debussy’s Prélude À L’Après-Midi D’Un Faune, Eötvös’s own Alhambra (Violin Concerto), Bartók’s Dance Suite and Stravinsky’s The Firebird: Suite (revised version, 1919). With violinist Isabelle Faust. See Preview.Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 7.30pm, £7.50-£41. [DA]Welsh National Opera: War and PeaceDavid Pountney’s adaptation of Tolstoy’s

novel. Sung in English, with English and Welsh surtitles.Royal Opera House, WC2 (020-7304 4000) 6.30pm, £73-£100. [DA]


Kit ArmstrongThe pianist plays music by Mozart, Bach and Byrd largely composed for organ, mechanical organ or harpsichord.Wigmore Hall, W1 (020-7935 2141) 7.30pm, £18-£40. [DA]Opera Holland Park: L’ArlesianaOliver Platt directs Francesco Cilea’s tragedy of desperate passion, jealousy and rigid moral codes. Sung in Italian with surtitles.Opera Holland Park, W8 (0300-999 1000) 7.30pm, £12-£88.The Piccadilly SinfoniaBach’s Air on the G String, Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No 2 and Beethoven’s Symphony No 5, with pianist Warren Mailley-Smith.St Martin-in-the-Fields, WC2 (020-7766 1100) 7.30pm, £9-£30. [DA]Prom 9: BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Markus Ztenz conducts Strauss’s Till Eulenspiegels Lustige Streiche, Tobias Brostöm’s Nigredo: Dark Night of the Soul (Concerto for Two Trumpets and Orchestra) and Brahms’s Symphony No 1 in C Minor. With trumpeters Jeroen Berwaerts and Håkan Hardenberger. Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 7.30pm, £7.50-£41. [DA]Prom 10: Public Service Broadcasting, Multi-Story Orchestra & London Contemporary VoicesThe cult electronica outfit perform an orchestral arrangement of their 2015 album The Race for Space.

Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 10.15pm, £10-£35. [DA]


The Eblana String TrioThe group, with pianist Sholto Kynoch, mezzo-soprano Helen Charlston and double bassist Toby Hughes, perform Schubert’s Trout Quintet, plus fish-themed works by Poulenc, Mahler, and Britten.Wallace Collection, W1 (020-7563 9500) 7pm, £30, concs £25. [DA]London Musical Arts EnsembleBach’s Concerto for Violin in A Minor, Concerto for Two Violins in E, Air ‘On the G String’ and Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor, Purcell’s Rondeau from Abdelazer, Handel’s Larghetto, Vivaldi’s Sinfonia Al Santo Sepolcro and Concerto for Two Violins in a Minor, plus Pachelbel’s Canon in D.St Martin-in-the-Fields, WC2 (020-7766 1100) 7.30pm, £9-£29. [DA]Opera Holland Park: Il Segreto Di Susanna & IolantaWolf-Ferrari’s comedy and Tchaikovsky’s final opera, with English surtitles. See Preview.Opera Holland Park, W8 (0300-999 1000) 7.30pm, £20-£88.Prom 11: BBC Concert Orchestra and the Will Gregory Moog Ensemble An exploration of the summer of 1969, the year the Moog synthesizer hit the mainstream. With excerpts from films including The Italian Job and Midnight Cowboy, plus the Beatles’ final album Abbey Road.Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 7.30pm, £9.50-£52. [DA]

classical Music

Entertainment Classified

14 The Guide 20-26 July 2019 The Guardian



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The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 15The Guide Listings 15The Guide Listings

00:00A/Basement Theatre Collective’s piece about people who work at night and their mental health issues.King’s Head, Islington, N1 (020-7226 8561) Sat 2pm, £12. [DA]All Kinds of LimboMusicians Raffy Bushman and Nubiya Brandon and NuShape Orchestra’s multimedia odyssey using virtual reality and holographs.National Theatre: Wolfson Gallery, SE1 (020-7452 3000) Sat, Mon-Fri 12noon-9.30pm, 20 min slots, to 27 Jul, £5, adv booking essential.All That ScratchWorks in progress and finished musical theatre pieces.The Other Palace, SW1 (020-7087 7900) Tue 7pm, £7.50. [DA]Avenue QCressida Carré directs and choreographs the puppet-filled musical comedy, with a book Jeff Whitty and music and lyrics by Robert Lopez and Jeff Marx.Hackney Empire, E8 (020-8985 2424) Sat-Wed 7.30pm, £12.50-£44.50. [DA]Barber Shop ChroniclesInua Ellams’s comedy-drama set in barber shops in Johannesburg, Harare, Kampala, Lagos, Accra and London. Bijan Sheibani directs.Roundhouse, NW1 (0300-678 9222) Sat, Mon-Fri 8pm, Sat & Thu 3pm, to 24 Aug, £15-£59.50. [DA]Bare: A Pop OperaDamon Intrabartolo and Jon Hartmere Jr’s pop-rock musical about a Catholic school musical production of Romeo and Juliet.The Vaults, SE1 (020-7401 9603) Sat, Tue-Fri 7.30pm, Sat 2.30pm, Sun 1pm, 6pm, to 4 Aug, £24.50-£39.50.

Bitter WheatJohn Malkovich stars in David Mamet’s scathing survey of the entertainment industry. Mamet also directs.Garrick Theatre, WC2 (0330-333 4811) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Thu 2.30pm, to 21 Sep, £15-£125. [DA]Blues in the NightSee Preview.Kiln Theatre, NW6 (020-7328 1000) Sat, Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 7.30pm, to 7 Sep, £12.50-£32.50. [DA]The Bridges of Madison CountyMusical adaptation of the novel by Robert James Waller, with a book by Marsha Norman and music and lyrics by Jason Robert Brown. Trevor Nunn directs.The Menier Chocolate Factory, SE1 (020-7378 1713) Sat, Mon-Fri 8pm, Sat 3.30pm, to 14 Sep, £42.50-£49.50, concs £39.50, partially restricted view £25, 20-22 Jul previews £39.50-£47.50, partially restricted view £25. [DA]Captain Corelli’s MandolinRona Munro’s adaptation of Louis de Bernières’ tale of love on a Greek island during the second world war. Directed by Melly Still.The Harold Pinter Theatre, SW1 (0844-871 7622) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Thu 2.30pm, to 31 Aug, £15-£95. [DA]Dangerous CornerJB Priestley’s suspense drama exploring the concept of a time shift.Theatre Royal, Windsor (01753 853888) From 24 Jul, Wed-Fri 8pm, Thu 2.30pm, to 27 Jul, £15. [DA]Dark SublimeMarina Sirtis stars in Michael Dennis’s comedy about a forgotten sci-fi TV star. Andrew Keates directs.

Trafalgar Studios 2, SW1 (0844-871 7632) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.45pm, Sat & Thu 3pm, to 3 Aug, £25-£35. [DA]Don JuanNew Zealand theatre company A Slightly Isolated Dog’s twisted version of the story of the legendary lover.The Other Palace: Studio, SW1 (020-7087 7900) Sat 3.30pm, 8pm, £20. [DA]Greenwich Theatre, SE10 (020-8858 7755) Wed 7.30pm, £18.50, concs £16. [DA]An Elephant in the GardenAlison Read performs Simon Reade’s version of Michael Morpurgo’s children’s novel.Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre: Sam Wanamaker Playhouse, SE1 (020-7401 9919) Fri 11am, £15. [DA]

The End of History …Jack Thorne’s drama of familial tensions. With David Morrissey and Lesley Sharp.Royal Court: Jerwood Theatre Downstairs, SW1 (020-7565 5000) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Thu 2.30pm, to 10 Aug, £12-£49. [DA]EquusNed Bennett directs Peter Shaffer’s pyschological thriller.Trafalgar Studios 1, SW1 (0844-871 7632) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Thu 2.30pm, to 10 Aug, £25-£80. [DA]EuropeDavid Greig’s drama about two refugees from a war zone stuck at a train station.Donmar Warehouse, WC2 (020-3282 3808) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Thu 2.30pm, to 10 Aug, £10-£40. [DA]


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Fiddler on the RoofMusical with a book by Joseph Stein, music by Jerry Bock and lyrics by Sheldon Harnick. Trevor Nunn directs Andy Nyman and Judy Kuhn.Playhouse Theatre, WC2 (0844-871 7631) Sat, Tue-Fri 7.30pm, Sat, Tue, Thu 2.30pm, to 28 Sep, £20-£127.50. [DA]FiverProductions Productions presents Alex James Ellison and Tom Lees’s musical based on how a single five pound note affects people’s lives.Southwark Playhouse, SE1 (020-7407 0234) Sat 2.30pm, 8pm, £22, concs £18, companion free.Fix UsThe BareFace Collective with a comedy about inner anxieties and perceptions. Directed by Paloma Oakenfold and Tom Palmer.King’s Head, Islington, N1 (020-7226 8561) Sat 8pm, £12. [DA]Getting to Know: FootlooseJunior version of Dean Pitchford, Walter Bobbie and Tom Snow’s musical based on the film by British Theatre Academy students.Southwark Playhouse, SE1 (020-7407 0234) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 7.30pm, to 3 Aug, 25 & 26 Jul preview £16, then £27.50, disabled £22, companion free.The Girl on the TrainAnthony Banks directs the stage adaptation of Paula Hawkins’s thriller. Samantha Womack and Oliver Farnworth star.The Duke of York’s, WC2 (0844-871 7623) From 23 Jul, Tue-Fri 7.30pm, Thu 2.30pm, to 17 Aug, £15-£85. [DA]Henry IV Part 1 Or HotspurShakespeare’s historical drama, directed by Federay Holmes.

Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, SE1 (020-7401 9919) Tue 7.30pm, Wed 2pm, to 11 Oct, £23-£47, standing £5. [DA]Henry V Or Harry EnglandThe Globe Ensemble’s staging of Shakespeare’s historical drama.Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, SE1 (020-7401 9919) Sat 2pm, Sun 1pm, 6pm, Thu 7.30pm, to 11 Oct, £23-£47, standing £5. [DA]The HuntDavid Farr’s adaptation of the Danish film by Thomas Vinterberg and Tobias Lindholm.Almeida Theatre, N1 (020-7359 4404) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Wed 2.30pm, to 3 Aug, £10-£42.50. [DA]I Lost My Virginity to Chopin’s Nocturne in B-Flat MinorSebastian Gardner’s work explores a faltering relationship.Camden People’s Theatre, NW1 (020-7419 4841) Thu 7.15pm, £10, concs £8. [DA]Islands in the Stream: The Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers StoryA musical celebration of the country stars.

Theatre Royal, Windsor (01753 853888) Sat 8pm, £17.50-£32. [DA]Ivan and the DogsCaitriona Shoobridge directs Hattie Naylor’s one-person account of the unshakeable bond between a four-year-old boy and a dog.Young Vic: The Clare, SE1 (020-7922 2922) Sat 2.45pm, 7.45pm, £17. [DA]Jean Paul Gaultier: Fashion Freak ShowSee Preview.Queen Elizabeth Hall, SE1 (020-3879 9555) From 23 Jul, Tue & Thu 8pm, Wed 7pm, Fri 6pm, 9.30pm, to 2 Aug, £30-£120. [DA]Jesus Christ SuperstarTimothy Sheader directs Andrew Lloyd Webber’s New Testament musical.Barbican Theatre, EC2 (020-7638 8891) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.45pm, Sat & Thu 2.15pm, to 24 Aug, £15-£62.50, Young Barbican £10, under 18s/NUS £7.50-£31.25, mems concs available. [DA]Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor DreamcoatOld Testament musical by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber. Starring Jac Yarrow.

London Palladium, W1 (020-7087 7747) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Wed 2.30pm, to 8 Sep, £20-£150. [DA]The Lehman TrilogyBen Power’s version of Stefano Massini’s drama. Sam Mendes directs.Piccadilly Theatre, W1 (0844-871 7630) Sat 1pm, Sat, Mon-Wed, Fri 7pm, to 31 Aug, £18-£145.50. [DA]Lucille and CeciliaBang Average Theatre’s physical theatre comedy piece explores the plight of two circus sea lions.Camden People’s Theatre, NW1 (020-7419 4841) Fri 9pm, £8.50. [DA]The Merry Wives of WindsorShakespeare’s comedy of duelling sexes and wicked revenge. Directed by Elle Whire.Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, SE1 (020-7401 9919) Mon 7.30pm, Tue 2pm, to 12 Oct, £23-£47, standing £5. [DA]A Midsummer Night’s DreamShakespeare’s comedy-drama, directed by Sean Holmes and starring Peter Bourke and Victoria Elliott.Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, SE1 (020-7401 9919) Sat 11.59pm, Sat, Wed, Thu 7.30pm, Thu & Fri 2pm, to 13 Oct, £5-£23. [DA]A Midsummer Night’s DreamNicholas Hytner directs David Moorst and Hammed Animashaun.Bridge Theatre, SE1 (0843-208 1846) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Wed 2.30pm, to 31 Aug, £15-£69.50. [DA]A Midsummer Night’s DreamDominic Hill directs.The Open Air Theatre, NW1 (0844-826 4242) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.45pm, Sat & Thu 2.15pm, to 27 Jul, £25-£55, under 18s £12.50-£27.50. [DA]

Southern BellesKing’s Head, Islington, N1Two rarely seen one-act Tennesse Williams plays headline the King’s Head theatre’s Queer Season: And Tell Sad Stories of the Deaths of Queens, and Something Unspoken; Jamie Armitage directs.

Don’t miss


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Mr Gum and the Dancing Bear: The MusicalMusical adapted from Andy Stanton children’s books, with music by Jim Fortune and book and lyrics by Stanton. Directed by Amy Hodge.National Theatre: Dorfman, SE1 (020-7452 3000) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 7pm, to 31 Aug, 25-30 Jul previews £15-£40, then £15-£45. [DA]My Son Pinocchio JrStudents from British Theatre Academy present their production of the musical by Stephen Schwartz and book by David Stern.Southwark Playhouse, SE1 (020-7407 0234) From 26 Jul, Fri 7pm, to 14 Aug, 26 Jul preview £14, then £22, disabled £18, companion free.Nigel Slater’s ToastJonnie Riordan directs Henry Filloux-Bennett’s adaptation of the cookery writer’s memoir.The Other Palace, SW1 (020-7087 7900) Sat & Thu 3pm, Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, to 3 Aug, £15-£65. [DA]The Night of the IguanaClive Owen, Lia Williams and Anna Gunn star in Tennessee Williams’s drama. Directed by James Macdonald.Noël Coward Theatre, WC2 (0844-482 5141) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Wed 2.30pm, to 28 Sep, £19.75-£127.25. [DA]Noises OffJeremy Herrin directs Meera Syal, Daniel Rigby and Lloyd Owen in Michael Frayn’s classic comedy.Lyric Hammersmith, W6 (020-8741 6850) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Wed 2.30pm, to 27 Jul, £10-£42. [DA]OddballFrancesca Maria Forristal uses her own experiences to examine the effects of eating disorders on her life.

King’s Head, Islington, N1 (020-7226 8561) Sat 3.30pm, £12. [DA]On Your Feet!Biographical musical about Cuban soulsters Gloria and Emilio Estefan, with a book by Alexander Dinelaris.London Coliseum, WC2 (020-7845 9300) Sat, Tue-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Thu 2.30pm, Sun 3pm, to 31 Aug, £20-£145. [DA]Only Fools and Horses: The MusicalPaul Whitehouse and Jim Sullivan’s adaptation of the classic sitcom. Starring Tom Bennett.Theatre Royal Haymarket, SW1 (020-7930 8800) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Wed 2.30pm, to 8 Feb, £10-£110. [DA]A PartnershipPaper Mug Theatre’s exploration of gay monogamy and the changing face of homophobia.Camden People’s Theatre, NW1 (020-7419 4841) Wed 7.15pm, £10, concs £8. [DA]PitsMeat Lab’s contemporary drama heads on a night out in Newcastle upon Tyne.Camden People’s Theatre, NW1 (020-7419 4841) Thu 9pm, £10, concs £8. [DA]Present LaughterMatthew Warchus directs Andrew Scott, Indira Varma and Sophie Thompson in Noël Coward’s comedy.Old Vic, SE1 (0844-871 7628) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Wed 2.30pm, to 10 Aug, £12-£65. [DA]RosmersholmIan Rickson directs Duncan Macmillan’s adaptation of Ibsen’s drama. With Tom Burke and Hayley Atwell.The Duke of York’s, WC2 (0844-871 7623) Sat 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £15-£125. [DA]

RustKenny Emson’s drama about the boundaries of trust, love and lust. Eleanor Rhode directs.The Bush Theatre: Studio, W12 (020-8743 5050) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.45pm, Sat & Wed 2.45pm, to 27 Jul, £15, concs £12.50. [DA]Rutherford and SonPolly Findlay directs Roger Allam and Justine Mitchell in Githa Sowerby’s drama set in an industrial town in the early 20th century.National Theatre: Lyttelton, SE1 (020-7452 3000) Tue-Fri 7.30pm, Wed 2.15pm, to 3 Aug, Mon-Thu eves/mats £15-£85, Fri & Sat eves £18-£88. [DA]Sanditon: 200 Years LaterA concert version of Chris Brindle and Vicky Clubb’s rock musical

based on Jane Austen’s unfinished novel.The Other Palace, SW1 (020-7087 7900) Fri 8pm, £15-£17.50. [DA]A Scandal in Bohemia!Struts and Frets Theatre Company adapts Sherlock Holmes into a steampunk circus-theatre show.Camden People’s Theatre, NW1 (020-7419 4841) Sat 7pm, £12, concs £10. [DA]The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13¾: The MusicalSue Townsend’s comedy novel adapted as a stage musical, with book and lyrics by Jake Brunger and music and lyrics by Pippa Cleary.Ambassadors Theatre, WC2 (020-7395 5405) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat, Tue, Thu 2.30pm, to 12 Oct, £19.50-£92.50. [DA]


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Seven Methods of Killing Kylie JennerJasmine Lee-Jones’s drama examines social media activity and friendship. Directed by Milli Bhatia.Royal Court: Jerwood Theatre Upstairs, SW1 (020-7565 5000) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.45pm, Sat & Thu 3pm, to 27 Jul, £18. [DA]Sh!t-Faced Shakespeare: HamletThe Danish tragedy is performed with one drunk cast member.Leicester Square Theatre, WC2 (020-7734 2222) Sat, Wed-Fri 7pm, to 14 Sep, £20.75.Small IslandAndrea Levy’s novel is adapted for the stage by Helen Edmundson. Rufus Norris directs.National Theatre: Olivier, SE1 (020-7452 3000) Sat & Wed 2pm, Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, to 10 Aug, Mon-Thu eves/mats £15-£50, Fri & Sat eves £15-£55. [DA]Southern BellesTwo one-act plays by Tennessee Williams – And Tell Sad Stories of the Deaths of Queens, and Something Unspoken – unproduced in his lifetime due to their gay subject matter.King’s Head, Islington, N1 (020-7226 8561) From 24 Jul, Wed-Fri 7pm, to 24 Aug, £10-£29.50, concs £10-£19.50. [DA]The Starry MessengerMatthew Broderick, Elizabeth McGovern and Rosalind Eleazar star in Kenneth Lonergan’s astronomical drama.Wyndham’s Theatre, WC2 (0844-482 5120) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Wed 2.30pm, to 10 Aug, £14.75-£127.25.Strange FruitTwo brothers try to unearth the truth about their family’s past in Caryl Phillips’s drama. Nancy Medina directs.

The Bush Theatre, W12 (020-8743 5050) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Wed 2.30pm, to 27 Jul, £20, concs £17.50. [DA]SuperstarNicola Wren writes and performs a candid autobiographical rites-of-passage comedy.The Hen & Chickens Theatre, N1 (020-7354 8246) From 23 Jul, Tue & Wed 7.30pm, £10.SweatLynette Linton directs Lynn Nottage’s drama based in a bar in Pennsylvania. Martha Plimpton stars.Gielgud Theatre, W1 (0844-482 5130) Sat 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £25-£105. [DA]Tea? (With Milk)Everybody’s Story Productions’ comedy examines aspects of female friendship.The Hen & Chickens Theatre, N1 (020-7354 8246) From 20 Jul, Sat & Sun 9.30pm, £7.50, concs £5.50.(This Isn’t) a True StoryJoseph Hancock directs the 14-18 Almeida Young Company in Nina Segal’s drama about conspiracy theories and cover-ups.The Rose Lipman Building, N1 (020-7359 4404) From 22 Jul, Mon-Wed 8.45pm, £10, concs/under 25s £5.Top GirlsLyndsey Turner directs Caryl’s Churchill’s drama. With Katherine Kingsley and Siobhan Redmond.National Theatre: Lyttelton, SE1 (020-7452 3000) Sat 2.15pm, 7.30pm, mat £15-£64, eve £18-£68. [DA]The View UpStairsMax Vernon’s musical, set in a building that used to be a gay club, explores the acceptance of gay culture in society.Soho Theatre, W1 (020-7478 0100) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.15pm, Sat & Thu 2.30pm, to 24 Aug, £15-£43.50. [DA]

The WaveThe 14-18 Almeida Young Company performs Molly Taylor’s drama about the pupils of a London comprehensive. Directed by Roberta Zuric.The Rose Lipman Building, N1 (020-7359 4404) From 22 Jul, Mon-Wed 7pm, £10, concs/under 25s £5.Where Is Peter Rabbit?Sheila Carter directs and choreographs a puppet-based musical based on the tales of Beatrix Potter, devised by Roger Glossop with music by Steven Edis and lyrics by Alan Ayckbourn.Theatre Royal Haymarket, SW1 (020-7930 8800) From 20 Jul, Sat-Wed, Fri 11am, Sun-Tue, Fri 1.30pm, 3.30pm, to 1 Sep, Mon-Wed £15-£29.50, Fri-Sun £15-£35. [DA]While the Sun ShinesPaul Miller directs Terence Rattigan’s second world war farce.Orange Tree Theatre, Richmond (020-8940 3633) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat & Thu 2.30pm, to 27 Jul, £12.50-£25. [DA]WhitewashGabriel Bisset-Smith’s comedy-drama explores living in London, race, class and identity. Directed by Charlotte Bennett.Soho Theatre: Upstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) Sat 1.15pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Thu 2.45pm, to 27 Jul, £15-£19. [DA]XoxoYoung & Talented School of Stage and Screen students perform Emma Dennis-Edwards’s response piece to Malorie Blackman’s novel Noughts and Crosses. Directed by Catherine Palmer.Theatre Royal Stratford East, E15 (020-8534 0310) Sat 7pm, £10. [DA]

Artsdepot N12 (020-8369 5454)Artsdepot Open 2019 Works by emerging and established artists. Sat-Fri 10am-4pm, to 30 Aug, free. [DA]Barbican Centre EC2 (020-7638 8891)AI: More Than Human Exploration of our relationship with artificial intelligence. Sat-Wed 10am-6pm, Thu & Fri 10am-9pm, to 26 Aug, Mon-Fri £15, concs £11-£13, Sat & Sun £17, concs £12.50-£15. [DA]Lee Krasner: Living Colour Abstract expressionist paintings. Sat-Wed 10am-6pm, Thu & Fri 10am-9pm, to 1 Sep, Mon-Fri £15, Sat & Sun £17, mems free, concs £11-£15. (Barbican Art Gallery) [DA]The British Library NW1 (0843-208 1144)Leonardo da Vinci: A Mind in Motion Highlights from three of Leonardo’s notebooks. Sat 9.30am-5pm, Sun 11am-5pm, Mon-Thu 9.30am-8pm, Fri 9.30am-6pm, to 8 Sep, £7, concs available. [DA]British Museum WC1 (020-7323 8299)Edvard Munch: Love and Angst Paintings by the radical expressionist. Sat & Sun 10am-5.30pm, £17, NUS/disabled/unwaged £14, National Art Pass £8.50, ages 16-18 £4, acc under 16s free. [DA]Manga The story of Japanese comic art. Sat-Thu 10am-5.30pm, Fri 10am-8.30pm, to 26 Aug, £19.50, ages 16-18/concs £16, under 16s free. [DA]Rembrandt: Thinking on Paper See Preview. Sat-Thu 10am-5.30pm, Fri 10am-8.30pm, to 4 Aug, free. [DA]Design Museum W8 (020-3862 5900)Stanley Kubrick: The Exhibition Props, costumes, set models


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and rare photos. Sat-Fri 10am-6pm, to 15 Sep, £14.50, concs £10.75, child £7.25, family £21.75-£32.50. [DA]Dulwich Picture Gallery SE21 (020-8693 5254)Cutting Edge: Modernist British Printmaking Work by artists from the 1930s Grosvenor School. Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, to 8 Sep, £15, mems/under 18s free. [DA]Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art N1 (020-7704 9522)Paolo Scheggi: In Depth Neo-avant-garde paintings. Sat, Wed-Fri 11am-6pm, Sun 12noon-5pm, to 15 Sep, £7.50, concs £5.50, National Art Pass £3.75, NUS/child free. [DA]The Foundling Museum WC1 (020-7841 3600)Hogarth & the Art of Noise Exploration of sound in Hogarth’s works. Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-5pm, to 1 Sep, £12, concs £9, under 21s/National Art Pass mems free.Gagosian Gallery, Britannia Street WC1 (020-7841 9960)Michael Craig-Martin: Sculpture Conceptual artist. Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, to 3 Aug, free.Gagosian Gallery, Davies Street W1 (020-7493 3020)Ed Ruscha: Eilshemius & Me Work inspired by artist Louis Eilshemius. Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, to 2 Aug, free.Gagosian Gallery, Grosvenor Hill W1 (020-495 1500)Francis Bacon: Couplings Visceral double-figure paintings. Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, to 3 Aug, free.Hauser & Wirth W1 (020-7287 2300)Keith Tyson Drawing, painting, installation and sculpture. Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, to 27 Jul, free.

House of Illustration N1 (020-3696 2020)Posy Simmonds: A Retrospective The first major UK retrospective of the comic artist and graphic novelist, Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-5.30pm, Sun 11am-5.30pm, to 15 Sep, £8, OAP £7, concs £5, child £4, family £18.50.ICA SW1 (020-7930 3647)I, I, I, I, I, I, I, Kathy Acker A major exhibition dedicated to the American writer. Sat, Sun, Tue, Wed, Fri 11am-6pm, Thu 11am-9pm, to 4 Aug, free. [DA]Jerwood Space SE1 (020-7654 0179)Jerwood Makers Open 2019 Works by Mark Corfield-Moore, Forest + Found, Lucie Gledhill, Bethan Lloyd Worthington and Tana West. Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 12noon-5pm, to 18 Aug, free.Lisson Gallery NW1 (020-7724 3713)Afterimage: Dangdai Yishu Chinese contemporary art. Sat 11am-5pm, Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, to 7 Sep, free.Mall Galleries SW1 (020-7930 6844)Aviation Paintings of the Year 2019 Work by Guild of Aviation Artists members. From 23 Jul, Tue, Wed, Fri 10am-5pm, Thu 10am-8pm, to 28 Jul, free. [DA]The National Gallery WC2 (020-7747 2885)Bartolomé Bermejo: Master of the Spanish Renaissance Paintings by the 15th-century artist. Sat-Thu 10am-6pm, Fri 10am-9pm, to 29 Sep, free. [DA]Sean Scully: Sea Star Abstract works inspired by the collection and JMW Turner’s painting The Evening Star. Sat-Thu 10am-6pm, Fri 10am-9pm, to 11 Aug, free. [DA]

National Maritime Museum SE10 (020-8312 6565)The Moon Exhibition celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 5 Jan, £9, NUS £6, child £5.85. [DA]National Portrait Gallery WC2 (020-7312 2463)BP Portrait Award 2019 Painting competition. Sat-Wed 10am-6pm, Thu & Fri 10am-9pm, to 20 Oct, free. [DA]Cindy Sherman A major retrospective of the US photographer. Sat-Wed 10am-6pm, Thu & Fri 10am-9pm, to 15 Sep, £18-£20, concs £17-£19. [DA]Pace London W1 (020-3206 7600)At the Edge of Things American abstract art by Jo Baer, Mary Corse

and Agnes Martin. Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, to 14 Aug, free.The Photographers’ Gallery W1 (020-7087 9300)Urban Impulses: Latin American Photography from 1959 to 2016 Works by more than 70 photographers. Sat, Mon-Wed, Fri 10am-6pm, Sun 11am-6pm, Thu 10am-8pm, to 6 Oct, £2.50 & £5, under 19s/after 5pm/mems free. [DA]The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace SW1 (030-3123 7301)Leonardo Da Vinci: A Life in Drawing More than 200 drawings from the Royal Collection. Sat-Fri 10am-5.30pm, to 13 Oct, £13.50, OAP £12.20, NUS £10.80, under 17s/disabled £6.70, under 5s free, family £33.50. [DA]


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Rhodes Contemporary Art WC2 (020-7240 7909)Keith Haring: Icon Paintings, posters and prints. Sat 12noon-6pm, Mon-Fri 11am-6pm, to 3 Aug, free.Ronchini Gallery W1 (020-7629 9188)Blondey: Stella Populis – Pop Will Eat Itself Photography, digital illustration and installation. Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat appt only, to 31 Aug, free.Royal Academy of Arts W1 (020-7300 8000)Félix Vallotton: Painter of Disquiet Paintings and prints by the Swiss artist. Sat-Thu 10am-6pm, Fri 10am-10pm, to 29 Sep, £14, Friends/under 16s free. [DA]Helene Schjerfbeck Finnish painter. From 20 Jul, Sat-Thu 10am-6pm, Fri 10am-10am, to 27 Oct, £12, concs £10, Art Fund Pass £11, under 16s free. [DA]

Summer Exhibition 2019 The world’s largest open submission show. Sat-Thu 10am-6pm, Fri 10am-10pm, to 12 Aug, £16, concs £13, under 16s/mems free, Art Fund Pass £15. [DA]Saatchi Gallery SW3 (020-7811 3070)Sweet Harmony Retrospective exhibition surveying rave culture in Britain. Sat-Fri 10am-6pm, to 14 Sep, free.Sadie Coles HQ W1 (020-7493 8611)My Head Is a Haunted House Horror-themed art. Sat, Tue-Fri 11am-6pm, to 10 Aug, free.Serpentine Gallery W2 (020-7402 6075)Faith Ringgold Paintings, quilts and political posters. Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, to 8 Sep, free. [DA]Serpentine Pavilion The 2019 design by Junya Ishigami. Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, to 6 Oct, free. [DA]

Serpentine Sackler Gallery W2 (020-7402 6075)Luchita Hurtado: I Live I Die I Will Be Reborn Paintings by the Venezuelan artist. Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, to 20 Oct, free.Somerset House WC2 (020-7845 4600)Get Up, Stand Up Now A celebration of the past 50 years of black creativity in Britain and beyond. Sat, Mon, Tue 10am-6pm, Wed-Fri 11am-8pm, to 15 Sep, £12.50, concs £9.50, under 12s free. [DA]Hennessy: For the Culture An installation exploring grime music. Sat-Tue 10am-6pm, Wed-Fri 11am-8pm, to 15 Sep, free. [DA]Southbank Centre SE1 (020-3879 9555)Kiss My Genders Photography, paintings, sculpture, installation and video exploring gender identity.

Sat-Mon, Wed, Fri 11am-7pm, Thu 11am-9pm, to 8 Sep, £14, concs £11, ages 12-16 £6.75, Art Fund mems £7. (Hayward Gallery) [DA]Sprüth Magers W1 (020-7408 1613)New Order: Art, Product, Image 1976-1995 See Preview. From 24 Jul, Wed-Fri 10am-6pm, to 14 Sep, free.Tate Britain SW1 (020-7887 8888)Frank Bowling A major retrospective of works by the painter. Sat-Fri 10am-6pm, to 26 Aug, £13, concs £12, ages 12-18 £5, under 12s/mems free. [DA]Van Gogh and Britain Forty-five works by the Dutch master. Sat-Fri 10am-6pm, to 11 Aug, £22, concs av. [DA]Tate Modern SE1 (020-7887 8888)Natalia Goncharova The first retrospective of the Russian painter’s work in the UK. Sat & Fri


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 21The Guide Listings 21The Guide Listings

10am-10pm, Sun-Thu 10am-6pm, to 8 Sep, £16, concs £15, ages 12-18 £5, under 12s free. [DA]Olafur Eliasson: In Real Life Large-scale sculptures and installations. Sat & Fri 10am-10pm, Sun-Thu 10am-6pm, to 5 Jan, £18, mems free, child £5, under 12s free, concs £17. [DA]Takis Sculptures and magnetic objects by the Greek artist. Sat & Fri 10am-10pm, Sun-Thu 10am-6pm, to 27 Oct, £13, mems free. [DA]Victoria & Albert Museum SW7 (020-7942 2000)Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams The history of the influential couturier. Sat-Fri 10am-8pm, to 1 Sep, phone for availability. [DA]Mary Quant Garments and accessories from the British fashion revolutionary. Sat-Thu 10am-5.45pm, Fri 10am-10pm, to 16 Feb, £12, concs £10, mems/under 11s free, family £22 & £34, Art Fund adult £6, NUS £5. [DA]Victoria Miro N1 (020-7336 8109)Isaac Julien: Lina Bo Bardi – A Marvellous Entanglement Nine-screen installation about architect Lina Bo Bardi. Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, to 27 Jul, free.White Cube Bermondsey SE1 (020-7930 5373)The Real: Three Propositions See Preview. Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, to 25 Aug, free.Whitechapel Gallery E1 (020-7522 7888)Michael Rakowitz Sculptures, multimedia works and installations. Sat, Sun, Tue, Wed 11am-6pm, Thu & Fri 11am-9pm, to 25 Aug, £12.95, concs £9.50. [DA]

SATURDAY99 Comedy Club Leicester SquareNathan Caton, Keith Farnon, Darren Harriott.Ruby Blue, WC2 (020-7287 8050) 8.30pm, £17.99 Comedy Club Leicester SquareNathan Caton, Marlon Davis, Darren Harriott.O’Neill’s, W1 (020-7494 9284) 7.30pm, £17.Australian Comedians: Dope ComedyThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 6pm, £7.The Best in Stand UpCarl Donnelly, Brennan Reece, Jen Brister, Christopher Macarthur-Boyd, MC Jason Cook.The Comedy Store, SW1 (0844-871 7699) 7.30pm, 11pm, £17.50-£23.50. [DA]Daniel Kitson: WaggleThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 12noon, £5.Demi Lardner: Ditch Witch 800Soho Theatre: Downstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 7.30pm, £11-£16. [DA]Diane Chorley: Modern LoveSoho Theatre: Downstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 9.30pm, £13. [DA]Eleanor Morton: Post-Morton2 Northdown, N1 (020-3371 7124) 5pm, £5.Flo & Joan, Kai SamraPleasance Theatre: StageSpace, N7 (020-7609 1800) 7.45pm, £8. [DA]Grant Busé: Touché BuséKing’s Head, Islington, N1 (020-7226 8561) 9.30pm, £12. [DA]Ivor DembinaThe Camden Head, NW1 (020-7485 4019) 6pm, £5.Loyiso Gola: Pop CultureThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 5pm, £5.Maureen YoungerTop Secret Comedy Club, WC2 (07956 539784) 3.30pm, free.

Michelle WolfLeicester Square Theatre, WC2 (020-7734 2222) 9pm, phone for av.Nabil Abdul RashidTop Secret Comedy Club, WC2 (07956 539784) 5pm, free.Quantum LeopardWith Alison Thea-Skot, Nat Tapley, Sam Lake, Katie Pritchard and MC James Ross.2 Northdown, N1 (020-3371 7124) 7.30pm, free, donations welcome.Saturday at the Boat Show Comedy ClubWith Zoe Lyons, Huge Davies, Stephen Bailey and MC Craig Murray.Tattershall Castle, SW1 (020-7839 6548) 8pm, seated £16, standing £12, concs £13.50.Saturday Night ComedyWith Otiz Cannelloni, Cally Beaton, Jon Long and Scott Capurro.The Camden Head, NW1 (020-7485 4019) 8.30pm, £10, concs £8.50.Saturday Night ComedyWith Ian Smith, Jack Barry, Ant Dewson and Imran Yusuf.Up the Creek, SE10 (020-8858 4581) 7pm, £15, concs £12.Saturday Stand Up Comedy Early ShowWith Laura Lexx and Nick Dixon.Top Secret Comedy Club, WC2 (07956 539784) 7pm, £8, concs £6.Saturday Stand Up Comedy Late ShowNathan Caton, Simon Lomas, Yuriko Kotani.Top Secret Comedy Club, WC2 (07956 539784) 9pm, £15, concs £12.Spencer Jones: The Things We Leave BehindSoho Theatre: Upstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 10.15pm, £11. [DA]Stand Up With Janine Harouni (Please Remain Seated) – Edinburgh PreviewSoho Theatre: Upstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 7pm, £11. [DA]

Stevie Martin & Adam RichesBattersea Arts Centre, SW11 (020-7223 2223) 7.15pm, £12.50, concs £10. [DA]Sumit Anand: Nothing About GodzillaSoho Theatre: Upstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 8.45pm, £11. [DA]Tania Edwards: Don’t Mention ItThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 3.30pm, £5.Tom Brace: Brace of SpadesPleasance Theatre: StageSpace, N7 (020-7609 1800) 2pm, £5. [DA]Tom TaylorPleasance Theatre, N7 (020-7609 1800) 6.30pm, £5. [DA]

SUNDAY99 Comedy Club Leicester SquareDarren Harriott, Ivo Graham, Marlon Davis.Ruby Blue, WC2 (020-7287 8050) 8.30pm, £12.Alice Snedden: Absolute Monster The Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 6.30pm, £5.Andrea HubertTop Secret Comedy Club, WC2 (07956 539784) 5pm, free.Arabella Weir: Does My Mum Loom Big in This?The Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 2pm, £5, day of previews £10.Cam Spence: The Sunshine Clinic2 Northdown, N1 (020-3371 7124) 4.30pm, £5.Chris Parker: Camp BinchThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 3.30pm, £5, day of previews £10.The Comedy Store PlayersWith Richard Vranch, Andy Smart, Lauren Shearing, Lee Simpson, Niall Ashdown and Sandra-Mae Luykx.The Comedy Store, SW1 (0844-871 7699) 7.30pm, £20, concs £15. [DA]


20-26 July 2019 The Guardian22 The Guide Listings22 The Guide Listings

David Mills: A More Dynamite Future2 Northdown, N1 (020-3371 7124) 7pm, £5.Guy Montgomery: I Was Part of the Problem Before We Were Talking About ItThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 5pm, £5, day of previews £10.Jack Barry: Alien The Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 8pm, £5, day of previews £10.Jacob HawleyTop Secret Comedy Club, WC2 (07956 539784) 5pm, free.John Hastings2 Northdown, N1 (020-3371 7124) 8.15pm, £5.Jonny and the Baptists & Matt FordePleasance Theatre, N7 (020-7609 1800) 7.45pm, £8. [DA]Kate LucasTop Secret Comedy Club, WC2 (07956 539784) 6.30pm, free.Paul F TaylorTop Secret Comedy Club, WC2 (07956 539784) 3.30pm, free.Phil Nichol & John HastingsDownstairs at the King’s Head, N8 (020-8340 1028) 8pm, 9.15pm, £10, adv £7. [DA]Radu Isac: Good Excuses for SociopathsMuseum of Comedy, WC1 (020-7534 1740) 7pm, £7.Richard Wright Is Just Happy to Be InvolvedMuseum of Comedy, WC1 (020-7534 1740) 5pm, £7.Sean McLoughlin: Unt OthersThe Camden Head, NW1 (020-7485 4019) 8pm, pay what you want.SnortThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 9.30pm, £5, day of previews £10.Sunday Stand Up Archie Maddocks, Tom Elwes and Ivo Graham.Top Secret Comedy Club, WC2 (07956 539784) 8pm, £1.

Will Duggan2 Northdown, N1 (020-3371 7124) 9.30pm, £5.

MONDAYAdam HessThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 6.45pm, £5.Alice Snedden: Self-TitledSoho Theatre: Downstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 9.15pm, £12 & £14. [DA]Andy Zaltzman & Ray BadranThe Half Moon, Putney, SW15 (020-8780 9383) 8pm, £12, adv £8. [DA]Anuvab Pal: Democracy & Disco Dancing2 Northdown, N1 (020-3371 7124) 7pm, £5.Arnab Chanda & Spencer JonesChickenshed, N14 (020-8292 9222) 8pm, £12.50. [DA]AustentatiousFortune Theatre, WC2 (0844-871 7626) 8pm, £20-£35.Chris Parker: Camp Binch & TarotBattersea Arts Centre, SW11 (020-7223 2223) 7.15pm, £12.50, concs £10. [DA]Cocoon Central Dance Team: The Garden PartySoho Theatre: Downstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 7.30pm, £11-£21. [DA]Jayde Adams: The Ballad of Kylie Jenner’s Old FaceThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 9pm, £5.Jena Friedman: Miscarriage of JusticeSoho Theatre: Upstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 8.45pm, £11. [DA]John Hastings2 Northdown, N1 (020-3371 7124) 8.15pm, £5.Kae KurdTop Secret Comedy Club, WC2 (07956 539784) 6.30pm, free.Katie Pritchard: Storm StudThe Bread and Roses, SW4 (020-7498 1779) 7pm, £5.

Kemah Bob & Sophie DukerBattersea Arts Centre, SW11 (020-7223 2223) 7pm, £7, concs £5. [DA]Ken Cheng & Raphael WakefieldThe Hen & Chickens Theatre, N1 (020-7354 8246) 8pm, £5.Michael McIntyreDuchess Theatre, WC2 (0330-333 4810) 8pm, £23.50, phone for availability.Paul F Taylor & Nick HelmDownstairs at the King’s Head, N8 (020-8340 1028) 8pm, 9.15pm, £10, adv £7. [DA]Phil Wang & Lucy BeaumontPleasance Theatre, N7 (020-7609 1800) 7.45pm, £8. [DA]Pussies2 Northdown, N1 (020-3371 7124) 9.30pm, £5.Rich WilsonThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 8pm, £5.Ross Drummond & Harry Monaghan: The OrbThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 5.30pm, adv £5, or pay what you want at the venue.Sarah KendallBattersea Arts Centre, SW11 (020-7223 2223) 8.30pm, £10, concs £8. [DA]Tom RosenthalThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 10pm, £5.

TUESDAYAlice Snedden: Self-TitledSoho Theatre: Downstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 9.15pm, £12 & £14. [DA]Anna Nicholson: Get HappyMuseum of Comedy, WC1 (020-7534 1740) 7pm, £9.Cocoon Central Dance Team: The Garden PartySoho Theatre: Downstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 7.30pm, £11-£21. [DA]

Crystal Rasmussen: Diary of a Drag Queen 2Battersea Arts Centre, SW11 (020-7223 2223) 7pm, £7, concs £5. [DA]Elliot Steel2 Northdown, N1 (020-3371 7124) 9.30pm, £5.Harry and Chris & Lucy BeaumontPleasance Theatre, N7 (020-7609 1800) 7.45pm, £8. [DA]Ian Smith & Tom ParryChickenshed, N14 (020-8292 9222) 8pm, £12.50. [DA]Jena Friedman: Miscarriage of JusticeSoho Theatre: Upstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 8.45pm, £11. [DA]Jimmy McGhieTop Secret Comedy Club, WC2 (07956 539784) 6.30pm, free.John Hastings2 Northdown, N1 (020-3371 7124) 8.15pm, £5.John KearnsBattersea Arts Centre, SW11 (020-7223 2223) 8.30pm, £10, concs £8. [DA]Josh WolfSoho Theatre, W1 (020-7478 0100) 9.45pm, £14-£19. [DA]Luca Cupani: Lives I Have Never LivedThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 5.30pm, £5.Michael McIntyre’s Big World Tour ContinuedTheatre Royal, Windsor (01753 853888) 8pm, £38.50. [DA]Rob Auton: The Time ShowThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 10pm, adv £5, or pay what you want at the venue.Stand Up With Janine Harouni (Please Remain Seated)2 Northdown, N1 (020-3371 7124) 7pm, £5.Tom Ballard: EnoughThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 8pm, £5.Tom Walker & Olga KochBattersea Arts Centre, SW11 (020-7223 2223) 7.15pm, £12.50, concs £10. [DA]


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 23The Guide Listings 23The Guide Listings

Wil Greenway: The Ocean After AllThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 9pm, adv £5, or donation at the venue.The Wonder JamThe Hen & Chickens Theatre, N1 (020-7354 8246) 9.30pm, £8.50.

WEDNESDAYAdam Hess & Robin MorganChickenshed, N14 (020-8292 9222) 8pm, £12.50. [DA]Alasdair Beckett-KingThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 9.30pm, adv £5, or pay what you want at the venue.Ben van der Velde: FablemakerTop Secret Comedy Club, WC2 (07956 539784) 6.30pm, free.Cocoon Central Dance Team: The Garden PartySoho Theatre: Downstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 7.30pm, £11-£21. [DA]Courtney Pauroso: GutterplumSoho Theatre: Upstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 8.45pm, £11. [DA]Crystal Rasmussen Presents the Bible 2Soho Theatre: Downstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 9.30pm, £11. [DA]Ellie Taylor & Friends The Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 6.45pm, £5.Guy Montgomery & Alice SneddenBattersea Arts Centre, SW11 (020-7223 2223) 7.15pm, £12.50, concs £10. [DA]Josh WolfSoho Theatre, W1 (020-7478 0100) 9.45pm, £14-£19. [DA]Melinda Hughes: Off the ScaleThe Pheasantry, Chelsea, SW3 (020-7439 4962) 8.30pm, £15.Naomi McDonald: CopycatMuseum of Comedy, WC1 (020-7534 1740) 8.30pm, £10.

Olaf Falafel: Knitting With MaracasMuseum of Comedy, WC1 (020-7534 1740) 7pm, £7.Phil WangBattersea Arts Centre, SW11 (020-7223 2223) 8.30pm, £10, concs £8. [DA]Simon Brodkin & Matt FordePleasance Theatre: StageSpace, N7 (020-7609 1800) 7.45pm, £8. [DA]The Wonder JamThe Hen & Chickens Theatre, N1 (020-7354 8246) 9.30pm, £8.50.

THURSDAYAnna Drezen & Max & IvanBattersea Arts Centre, SW11 (020-7223 2223) 7.15pm, £12.50, concs £10. [DA]Ben Target: Six Endings in Search of a BeginningBattersea Arts Centre, SW11 (020-7223 2223) 7pm, £7, concs £5. [DA]Cally Beaton: InvisibleMuseum of Comedy, WC1 (020-7534 1740) 7pm, £7.Cocoon Central Dance Team: The Garden PartySoho Theatre: Downstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 7.30pm, £11-£21. [DA]Courtney Pauroso: GutterplumSoho Theatre: Upstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 8.45pm, £11. [DA]Crystal Rasmussen Presents the Bible 2 (Plus a Cure for Shame, Violence, Betrayal and Athlete’s Foot) Live! Soho Theatre: Downstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 9.30pm, £11. [DA]Ed MacArthur: HumoresqueThe Hen & Chickens Theatre, N1 (020-7354 8246) 7.30pm, £10.Ellie TaylorTop Secret Comedy Club, WC2 (07956 539784) 6pm, free.

Harry Carr: Neighbourhood Watch2 Northdown, N1 (020-3371 7124) 8.30pm, £5.Izzy Mant: Polite Club The Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 6.45pm, adv £5, or pay what you want at the venue.Joe Sutherland & Sarah KeyworthThe Camden Head, NW1 (020-7485 4019) 8pm, pay what you will.Jonny and the Baptists & Matt WinningPleasance Theatre: StageSpace, N7 (020-7609 1800) 7.45pm, £8. [DA]Kai Samra: UnderclassMuseum of Comedy, WC1 (020-7534 1740) 8.30pm, £7.Lulu Popplewell: The Humble Bumhole The Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 5.30pm, adv £5, or pay what you want at the venue.Phil Wang: Philly Philly Wang Wang2 Northdown, N1 (020-3371 7124) 7pm, £9.Rhys James & Eshaan AkbarChickenshed, N14 (020-8292 9222) 8pm, £12.50. [DA]Richard Stott: Right Hand Man Battersea Arts Centre, SW11 (020-7223 2223) 7pm, £7, concs £5. [DA]Rose Matafeo: HorndogLeicester Square Theatre, WC2 (020-7734 2222) 9pm, £21.25.Tom RosenthalBattersea Arts Centre, SW11 (020-7223 2223) 8.30pm, £10, concs £8. [DA]

FRIDAYAditi Mittal: Mother of InventionThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 11pm, adv £5, or donation at venue.Ciaran Dowd & Ray BadranPleasance Theatre: StageSpace, N7 (020-7609 1800) 7.45pm, £8. [DA]

Cocoon Central Dance Team: The Garden PartySoho Theatre: Downstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 7.30pm, £11-£21. [DA]Courtney Pauroso: GutterplumSoho Theatre: Upstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 8.45pm, £11. [DA]The Delightful SausageBattersea Arts Centre, SW11 (020-7223 2223) 7pm, £7, concs £5. [DA]Lord of the Game of the Ring of ThronesMuseum of Comedy, WC1 (020-7534 1740) 7pm, £9, concs £7.Lucy McCormick: Post Popular Soho Theatre: Downstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 9.30pm, £11. [DA]Marcel Lucont’s Cabaret FantastiqueBrasserie Zedel, W1 (020-7734 4888) 7pm, £20.Mixtape2 Northdown, N1 (020-3371 7124) 8.30pm, £4.Orlando Baxter: Finding MariahThe Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 5.30pm, adv £5, or pay what you want at the venue.Paul Putner’s Embarrassment: Me and Madness (The Band)The Hen & Chickens Theatre, N1 (020-7354 8246) 7.30pm, £6.Phil Wang2 Northdown, N1 (020-3371 7124) 7pm, £9.Rhys James: Snitch2 Northdown, N1 (020-3371 7124) 9.45pm, £3.Rose Matafeo: HorndogLeicester Square Theatre, WC2 (020-7734 2222) 9pm, £21.25.Simon Brodkin & Jasper Cromwell JonesChickenshed, N14 (020-8292 9222) 8pm, £12.50. [DA]Spencer Jones: The Things We Leave BehindSoho Theatre: Upstairs, W1 (020-7478 0100) 10.15pm, £11. [DA]


Entertainment Classified

24 The Guide 20-26 July 2019 The Guardian





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The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 1The Guide Listings 1The Guide Listings

Guide fi lm listings run from Saturday to Thursday. Some numbers may be premium rate. Read more at lm. Event information can change. Please confi rm with venues before setting out. For details of disabled access, call Artsline 020-7388 2227. Please submit listings at least three weeks ahead of publication to Press Association, 292 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1AE (01430 455505; fax 0870-124 0856;


MidsommarDir: Ari Aster (18)

Ari Aster confi rmed his position as the face of horror’s new generation with last year’s Hereditary, and here plants his fl ag fi rmly in Wicker Man territory. As young Americans Florence Pugh and Jack Reynor head to Sweden to experience the midsummer revelry, Midsommar takes its cue from the early-70s folk-horror classic and runs with it.

Rock & popSunfl ower BeanNottingham, Tue; York, Wed; YNot festival, Fri; Deer Shed festival, 27 Jul It’s a simple idea – welding contemporary lyrical themes to classic rock running the gamut from psych to glam to west coast grooves – but this US trio do it in style.

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian2 The Guide ListingsThe Guide Listings2


Aladdin (PG) (Guy Ritchie, 2019) Latest in Disney’s current splurge of remaking its animated hits in live action. Guy Ritchie is behind the cameras, while Will Smith aims for a big comeback as the genie.On general releaseAnna (15) (Luc Besson, 2019) Sasha Luss stars in an action thriller about a KGB assassin who goes undercover as a model before turning on her employers.On general releaseAnnabelle Comes Home (15) (Gary Dauberman, 2019) Third in the creepy-doll thriller series that’s part of the Conjuring “universe”, with Annabelle unleashing terror on a babysitter.On general releaseApollo 11 (U) (Todd Douglas Miller, 2019) Fiftieth anniversary documentary telling the story of the 1969 moon landing with beautifully restored archive footage.On general releaseThe Brink (15) (Alison Klayman, 2019) Documentary about America’s sinister alt-right mastermind Steve Bannon, chronicling his activities during the 2018 midterm elections.Liverpool Picturehouse at FACT, Picturehouse Bradford at the National Media Museum, York City ScreenBooksmart (15) (Olivia Wilde, 2019) Teen comedy directed by Olivia Wilde, with Beanie Feldstein as a bookish square who cuts loose on her last night of school.Lancaster the DukesBrightburn (15) (David Yarovesky, 2019) Superhero-horror yarn,

with an alien baby adopted by a family who grows up to become a disturbingly violent teenager.On general releaseThe Brink (15) (Alison Klayman, 2019) Documentary about America’s sinister alt-right mastermind Steve Bannon, chronicling his activities during the 2018 midterm elections.Liverpool Picturehouse at FACT, Picturehouse Bradford at the National Media Museum, York City ScreenChild’s Play (15) (Lars Klevberg, 2019) Remake/reboot of the notorious toy slasher, with Mark Hamill voicing the homicidal doll who is given to a kid as a birthday present.On general releaseThe Dead Don’t Die (15) (Jim Jarmusch, 2019) See Preview.On general releaseDiego Maradona (12A) (Asif Kapadia, 2019) Sprawling documentary about the Argentinian football legend.Lancaster the Dukes, Leeds Vue Light, Liverpool Picturehouse at FACT, Stockton-on-Tees Arc, Vue Manchester PrintworksGwen (15) (William McGregor, 2018) See Preview.HOME, Sheffi eld Cineworld, Sheffi eld Showroom, Wrexham OdeonIn Fabric (15) (Peter Strickland, 2018) 70s-Italian-horror inspired yarn about a haunted red dress from British auteur Peter Strickland.Stockton-on-Tees ArcLate Night (15) (Nisha Ganatra, 2019) Mindy Kaling mines her own experience as a “diversity hire” on American TV in this portrait of a female talkshow host (Emma

Thompson) whose career is under threat.Market Drayton Festival Drayton CentreThe Lion King (PG) (Jon Favreau, 2019) See Preview.On general releaseLoopers: The Caddie’s Long Walk (NC) (Jason Baffa, 2018) See Preview.Odeon Birmingham New Street, Woodhall Spa Kinema in the WoodsMa (15) (Tate Taylor, 2019) Octavia Spencer stars as a lonely woman who preys on party-hard teenagers in a pulp Blumhouse treat that makes up for the year’s weak horror output so far.Birmingham Vue Star City, Bolton Vue, Ellesmere Port Vue, Vue Manchester Printworks, York VueMidsommar (18) (Ari Aster, 2019) Hereditary director Ari Aster returns with a Sweden-set folk horror, as Florence Pugh and Jack Reynor show up at a tribal-style midsummer festival.On general releasePavarotti (12A) (Ron Howard, 2019) Accessible documentary about the hugely successful Italian opera star Luciano Pavarotti, of Three Tenors renown, from Solo: A Star Wars Story director Ron Howard.On general releaseOnly You (15) (Harry Wootliff, 2018) Josh O’Connor stars alongside Laila Costa in an intensely-felt romantic drama about a couple in love experiencing problems with fertility.Derby QUAD, HOME, Sheffi eld ShowroomPrisoners of the Moon (15) (Johnny Gogan, 2019) Documentary about Arthur Rudolph, the Nazi rocket scientist who ended up playing a key role in the Apollo

moon landings.Derby QUADThe Queen’s Corgi (PG) (Vincent Kesteloot, Ben Stassen, 2019) Belgian-made animation about a royal dog who is annoyed to be picked to marry Trump’s pet Mitzi.On general releaseSpider-Man: Far from Home (12A) (Jon Watts, 2019) Second full-length outing for the Tom Holland incarnation of the webslinger, as he visits Europe and battles Elementals.On general releaseStuber (15) (Michael Dowse, 2019) Kumail Nanjiani plays an Uber driver whose car is commandeered by Dave Bautista’s bellicose cop as he tries to take down a gang of drug dealers - in a modern variant on the mismatched partners movie.On general releaseTell It to the Bees (15) (Annabel Jankel, 2018) See Preview.Knutsford Studio, Picturehouse Bradford at the National Media Museum, Sheffi eld Showroom, York City ScreenToy Story 4 (U) (Josh Cooley, 2019) New instalment of the much-loved Pixar franchise, with Woody and co now dealing with the attentions of a new kid, Bonnie, and the arrival of homemade toy Forky.On general releaseVarda By Agnes (15) (Agnes Varda, 2019) See Preview.HOME, Liverpool Picturehouse at FACT, Sheffi eld ShowroomYesterday (12A) (Danny Boyle, 2019) Cheerful Richard Curtis/Danny Boyle comedy speculating on what it would be like if everybody but one forgot the Beatles ever existed.On general release


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 3The Guide Listings 3The Guide Listings


Only YouOn general releaseGod’s Own Country’s Josh O’Connor and Laia Costa, star of one-take thriller Victoria, are exceptional as a new couple – he’s 26, she’s mid-30s – trying for a baby in Harry Wootliff ’s tender, nuanced drama.

Don’t miss

AltrinchamEveryman (0872-436 9060) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). The Lion King (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).BakewellChatsworth House and Park (01246 565300) Mary Poppins Returns (U).Barnard CastleThe Witham (01833 631107)Stan & Ollie (PG).BarnsleyParkway Cinema (01226 248218)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Rory’s Way (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).Barrow-in-FurnessVue Barrow (Apollo) (0345-308 4620) [DA]Birds of a Feather (U). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U).BatleyShowcase Cinemas Leeds (0871-220 1000) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Avengers: Endgame (12A). The Dead Don’t Die (15). John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (15). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). Men in Black: International (12A). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home 3D (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4

3D (U). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).BelperRitz Cinema (01773 822224)Apollo 11 (U). Men in Black: International (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).BirminghamBrindleyplace (0121-202 5066) [DA]Bohemian Rhapsody (12A). The Greatest Showman (PG). Mary Poppins Returns (U). Moana (PG).mac (0121-446 3232) Aladdin (PG). Aladdin (Autism Friendly Screening) (PG). Apollo 11 (U). Ella Fitzgerald: Just One of Those Things (NC). From the NASA Archives (NC). The Great Dictator (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Right Stuff (15). Star Trek: The Motion Picture (U). Toy Story 4 (U). Vita & Virginia (12A).BlackburnVue (0345-308 4620) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Anna (15). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Birds of a Feather (U). Child’s Play (15).

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). Men in Black: International (12A). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).BlackpoolBlackpool Regent (01253 290 879)Star Trek: The Motion Picture (U).BoltonCineworld (0871-200 2000) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Dead Don’t Die (15). A Dog’s Journey (PG). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Ralph Breaks the Internet (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).

BradfordPicturehouse at the National Media Museum (0871-902 5756) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). Apollo 11: First Steps on the Moon: The IMAX Experience (NC). Blinded By the Light (12A). The Brink (15). Capricorn One (NC). The Dish (12A). Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 (NC). The Lion King (IMAX) (PG). The Lion King: An IMAX 3D Experience (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A). Midsommar (18). Muppets from Space (U). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). Roman Holiday (U). School of Roars (NC). Tell It to the Bees (15). Yesterday (12A).BridgnorthReel (01746 761815) Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).BurnleyApollo Cinemas (01282 416329) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).BuxtonPavilion Arts Centre (0845-127 2190)NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Yeomen of the Guard (NC).CarlisleVue (0345-308 4620) Anna (15). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Birds of a Feather (U). Brightburn (15). The Hustle (12A). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). Men in Black: International


20-26 July 2019 The Guardian4 The Guide Listings4 The Guide Listings

(12A). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Catterick GarrisonEmpire (0871-471 4714) Annabelle Comes Home (15). A Dog’s Journey (PG). The LEGO Movie 2 (U). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Wild Rose (15). Yesterday (12A).ChesterStoryhouse (01244 409113)Apollo 11 (U). The Lion King (PG). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U).CleethorpesParkway Cinema (01472 290100) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Apollo 11 (U). Calamity Jane (U). The Dead Don’t Die (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (Autism Friendly Screening) (PG). Long Shot (15). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Tolkien (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).CoventryShowcase (0871-220 1000) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Dead Don’t Die (15). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). Men in Black: International (12A). Midsommar (18).

NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home 3D (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 3D (U). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).CreweReel (0871-224 4007) Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).DarlingtonOdeon (0871-224 4007) The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King (PG). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).DerbyQUAD (01332 290 606) Aladdin (PG). Dangan Runner + Introduction (NC). Gun Crazy (PG). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Only You (15). Prisoners of the Moon (15). Prisoners of the Moon + Q&A (15). Rosa Luxemburg (PG). Support the Girls (15).Showcase Cinema De Lux (0871-220 1000) Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home 3D (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 3D (U). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).DoncasterVue (0345-308 4620)Aladdin (PG). Anna (15). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Birds of a Feather (U). Brightburn (15). Child’s Play (15). Godzilla: King of the Monsters (12A). The

Hustle (12A). John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). Men in Black: International (12A). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). X-Men: Dark Phoenix (12A). Yesterday (12A).DudleyShowcase (0871-220 1000) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Dead Don’t Die (15). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). Men in Black: International (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home 3D (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 3D (U). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).GainsboroughTrinity Arts Centre (01427 676655)Avengers: Endgame (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Pond Life (15). Red Joan (12A). Wonder Park (PG).GatesheadOdeon Metrocentre (0871-224 4007) [DA]The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King (IMAX) (PG). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King: An IMAX 3D Experience (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC).HalifaxVue Halifax (0345-308 4620) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Anna (15). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Birds of a Feather (U). Brightburn (15). Child’s Play (15).

Godzilla: King of the Monsters (12A). The Hustle (12A). John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (15). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). X-Men: Dark Phoenix (12A). Yesterday (12A).HarrogateEveryman Harrogate (0872-436 9060) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). Apollo 11 (U). The Lion King (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Hebden BridgePicture House (01422 842 807) [DA]The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (15). Apollo 11 (U). Kind Hearts and Coronets (U). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U). Vita & Virginia (12A).HullReel (01482 223113)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).IlkestonScala (0115-932 4612)The Lion King (PG).KendalBrewery Arts Centre (01539 725133) [DA]NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC).KeswickLonsdale Alhambra Cinema (01768 772195)Against the Tides (12A). Artifishal + Introduction


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 5The Guide Listings 5The Guide Listings

(NC). Fisherman’s Friends (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Rocketman (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).KnutsfordNational Trust: Tatton Park (01625 374400)Finding Dory (U). The Gruffalo + Highway Rat + Zog (NC). Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PG). How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (PG). Incredibles 2 (PG). Moana (PG). Peppa Pig: Festival of Fun (U). Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (PG).LancasterThe Dukes (01524 598500)Apollo 11 (U). Booksmart (15). Diego Maradona (12A). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A). Mystery Film (NC). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Yesterday (12A).Leamington SpaApollo Cinema (0345-308 4620) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Birds of a Feather (U). Brightburn (15). Godzilla: King of the Monsters (12A). The Hustle (12A). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).LeedsCottage Road Cinema (0845-644 1693)The Lion King (PG).Everyman Leeds (0872-436 9060)Annabelle Comes Home (15). Apollo 11 (U). The Lion King (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A

(12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).LeicesterPhoenix Square: Film (0116-242 2800) [DA]Armstrong (PG). The Lion King (PG). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Rear Window (PG). Toy Story 4 (U). Vita & Virginia (12A).Showcase Cinema De Lux (0871-220 1000) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Spider-Man: Far from Home 3D (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 3D (U). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).LincolnNew Theatre Royal (01522 519 999)Fifty Shades Freed (18).LiverpoolPicturehouse at FACT (0871-902 5737) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). Blinded By the Light (12A). The Brink (15). But I’m a Cheerleader (15). But I’m a Cheerleader + Q&A (15). The Dead Don’t Die (15). Diego Maradona (12A). Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 (NC). The Lion King (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A). The Metropolitan Opera Live Encore Screening: Romeo Et Juliette (PG). Midsommar (18). Muppets from Space (U). Never Look Away (15). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Roman Holiday (U). School of Roars (NC). Sometimes Always Never (12A). Varda By Agnes (15). Yesterday (12A).

Showcase (0871-220 1000) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home 3D (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Toy Story 4 3D (U). Westlife: The Twenty Tour Live from Croke Park: Encore Screening (NC). Yesterday (12A).LoughboroughReel Cinema (0871-224 4007) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).LouthPlayhouse (01507 603333) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).LudlowAssembly Rooms (01584 878141)First Man (12A). On the Basis of Sex (12A).MaltonRyedale Palace (01653 698899)Anna (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).ManchesterHOME (0161-200 1500) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). Behind the White Glasses (NC). The Dead Don’t Die (15). Desperately Seeking Susan (15).

Desperately Seeking Susan + Discussion (15). Gwen (15). Gwen + Q&A (15). The Harder They Come + Introduction (18). Love & Anarchy (NC). Midsommar (18). Never Look Away (15). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Only You (15). The Seduction of Mimi (15). Seven Beauties (Pasqualino Settebellezze) (NC). The Small World of Sammy Lee + Introduction + DJ Set (NC). Varda By Agnes (15). Yesterday (12A).Mansfi eldOdeon (0871-224 4007) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Breakthrough (12A). The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Market DraytonFestival Drayton Centre (01630 654444) [DA]Late Night (15). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pokemon Detective Pikachu (PG).MorecambeApollo 4 (01524 413935) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).NewarkReel (0871-224 4007) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).


20-26 July 2019 The Guardian6 The Guide Listings6 The Guide Listings

Newcastle upon TyneEmpire (0871-200 2000) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Anna (15). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Dead Don’t Die (15). The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Matrix (15). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Ralph Breaks the Internet (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).NorthallertonThe Forum (01609 776230)Aladdin (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC).NottinghamNottingham Contemporary (0115-948 9750)But I’m a Cheerleader (15). Delphine Et Carole, Insoumuses + Q&A (NC). Happy Birthday, Marsha! + Q&A (NC).Showcase (0871-220 1000) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home 3D (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 3D (U). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).PenrithLonsdale Alhambra Cinema (01768 862400) [DA]The Lion King (PG). Memoir of War (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).

PrestonOdeon (0871-224 4007) Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Quinton HalesowenReel Quinton (0121-421 5316) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).RedditchApollo Cinema (0345-308 4620) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). Birds of a Feather (U). Brightburn (15). John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (15). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).RiponCurzon Ripon (0333-321 0104) [DA]The Lion King (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love (12A). NT Live Encore Screening: Small Island (NC). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).RochdaleOdeon (0871-224 4007) [DA]The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG).n The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC).

RugbyCineworld (0871-200 2000) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Ralph Breaks the Internet (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).ScarboroughStephen Joseph Theatre (01723 370541) [DA]Oliver! (U). Oliver! (Dementia Friendly Screening) (U). Yesterday (12A).ScunthorpeVue (0345-308 4620)Anna (15). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Birds of a Feather (U). The Hustle (12A). John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (15). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). Men in Black: International (12A). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).SettleVictoria Hall (01729 825718)NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Overground Underground: Films from Kendal Mountain Festival (NC).Sheffi eldCurzon Sheffield (0333-321 0104) [DA]The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (15). Apollo 11 (U). The Dead Don’t Die (15). The Lion King (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Yesterday (12A).

ShrewsburyOld Market Hall (01743 281281)NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Vita & Virginia (12A).SolihullNational Trust: Baddesley Clinton (01564 783294)Bohemian Rhapsody (12A). Ghost (12A).StockportHeaton Moor Savoy (0161-432 2114)Apollo 11 (U). Men in Black: International (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U). Vita & Virginia (12A). Yesterday (12A).Stockton-on-TeesArc (01642 525199) Diego Maradona (12A). In Fabric (15). Never Look Away (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U).Stoke-on-TrentOdeon (0871-224 4007) [DA]The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U).Stratford-upon-AvonPicture House (0871-902 5741) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). Blinded By the Light (12A). The Dead Don’t Die (15). Force of Nature Natalia (12A). Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 (NC). The Lion King (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A). The Metropolitan Opera Live Encore Screening: Romeo Et Juliette (PG). Muppets from Space (U). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). Roman Holiday (U). School of Roars (NC). Wonder Park (PG). Yesterday (12A).Stratford-upon-Avon Everyman (0872-436 9060) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Spider-Man: Far from


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 7The Guide Listings 7The Guide Listings

Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).SunderlandEmpire (0871-471 4714) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). A Dog’s Journey (PG). The LEGO Movie 2 (U). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Wild Rose (15). Yesterday (12A).Sutton Coldfi eldEmpire (0871-471 4714) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). A Dog’s Journey (PG). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Wild Rose (15).TelfordCineworld Telford (0871-200 2000) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King (IMAX) (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King: An IMAX 3D Experience (PG). The Matrix (15). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Ralph Breaks the Internet (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Odeon (0871-224 4007) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).ThirskRitz (01845 524751) [DA]Rocketman (15).Thornton-CleveleysVue Cleveleys (0345-

308 4620) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Anna (15). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Brightburn (15). Child’s Play (15). Godzilla: King of the Monsters (12A). The Hustle (12A). John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). Men in Black: International (12A). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). X-Men: Dark Phoenix (12A). Yesterday (12A).WalsallShowcase (0871-220 1000) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Avengers: Endgame (12A). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home 3D (12A). Toy Story 4 3D (U). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).WetherbyWetherby Film Theatre (01937 580544)Jaws (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Yesterday (12A).WhitbyWhitby Pavilion Complex (01947 604855)Toy Story 4 (U).WidnesReel Cinema Widnes (0151-423 0424)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).

WiganEmpire (0871-471 4714) Annabelle Comes Home (15). A Dog’s Journey (PG). The LEGO Movie 2 (U). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Wild Rose (15). Yesterday (12A).WirksworthNorthern Light Cinema (01629 337513)Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Woodhall SpaKinema in the Woods (01526 352166)The Lion King (PG). Loopers: The Caddie’s Long Walk (NC). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Rory’s Way (12A). Toy Story 4 (Autism Friendly Screening) (U).YorkCity Screen (0871-902 5726) [DA]Blinded By the Light (12A). The Brink (15). Force of Nature Natalia (12A). Horrible Histories: The Movie - Rotten Romans (PG). Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 (NC). The Lion King (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A). The Metropolitan Opera Live Encore Screening: Romeo Et Juliette (PG). Midsommar (18). Missing Link (PG). Muppets from Space (U). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Octonauts (NC). Roman Holiday (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Tell It to the Bees (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).

AberystwythAberystwyth Arts Centre (01970 623232) NT Live: The Lehman

Trilogy (NC).LlandudnoCineworld (0871-200 2000) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Ralph Breaks the Internet (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).MoldClwyd Theatr Cymru (01352 701521) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pillow Talk (Dementia Friendly Screening) (NC). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U).PrestatynScala Cinema (01745 850197) [DA]The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).RhylApollo 5 Cinema (0345-308 4620) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (15). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).WrexhamOdeon (0871-224 4007) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). Gwen (15). The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).



The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 9The Guide Listings 9The Guide Listings


BirminghamBetty WrightUS soul Clean Up Woman.Town Hall (0121-780 3333) 8.30pm, £35. [DA]Diane ShawMancunian soul singer.PizzaExpress Live: Birmingham (020-7439 4962) 8.30pm, £15.The Long RydersSid Griffin’s returning alt-country fellas.Hare & Hounds (0121-444 2081) 7.30pm, £22.50. [DA]Supersonic FestivalExperimental music and arts, with performances over the weekend from Neurosis, the Body, Hen Ogledd, Dalek, Mono, Godflesh and more.Various venues, Digbeth ( times vary, day £40, Sat & Sun combined £75.DoncasterMadnessDapper ska collective.Doncaster Racecourse (01302 304200) 9pm, £35, child £20.GatesheadCowboy JunkiesCanadian alt-country.Sage Two (0191-443 4661) 7pm, £23.70 & £26.90. [DA]The Local Honeys, Rachel HarringtonFolk and bluegrass duo.Sage Two (0191-443 4661) 1pm, £15.60. [DA]Sarah Savoy, John Lewis Rock’n’Roll TrioCajun and country.The Sage Gateshead (0191-443 4661) 8pm, £15.60. [DA]LiverpoolLiverpool International Music FestivalTwo-day fest, today with Nile Rodgers & Chic, 3Beat, Ella Eyre, Maverick Sabre, Yxng Bane, Mic Lowry, Anton Powers, Kara Marni, Sfven and many more.Sefton Park ( 12noon-10pm, £11, VIP £26, under 12s free.

ManchesterBoogarinsPsychedelic rock outfit.Night & Day (0161-236 4597) 7.30pm, £8.BurstersKorean rock and metal.Manchester Academy: Club (0161-275 2930) 6.30pm, £17.50. [DA]Gossip, Meggie BrownSee Preview. Academy (0161-275 2930) 7pm, £27.50. [DA]Queens of the Electronic UndergroundMary Anne Hobbs presents Jlin, Holly Herndon, Aïsha Devi ft MFO, Klara Lewis and Katie Gately.O2 Ritz (0161-236 3234) 8pm, £22, concs £17, low-wage residents £10.MorecambeYama WarashiElectronica project.More Music (01524 831997) 7.30pm, £5-£10.Newcastle upon TyneShonen KnifeJapanese pop-punk trio.The Cluny (0191-230 4474) 8pm, £16. [DA]Newton-le-WillowsRick AstleySoul-pop singer.Haydock Park Racecourse (01942 725963) 4.15pm, £30.

ScarboroughLewis CapaldiGallagher-baiting singer.Scarborough Open Air Theatre (01723 818111) 6pm, £35, phone for av.Sheffi eldDesperate Journalist, Sophie and the GiantsPost-punk quartet. Sheffi eld City Hall (0114-278 9789) 7.30pm, £3. Tramlines Today with Courteeners, Johnny Marr, Reverend and the Makers, Miles Kane, Annie Mac, She Drew the Gun, Shame and many more.Hillsborough Park ( 12noon, day £50, weekend £85.Tramlines Fringe With AA Williams, And So I Watch You from Afar, Body Hound, Boss Keloid, Mono, Svalbard and Trigger Thumb.Sheffi eld City Hall: Ballroom (0114-278 9789) 2pm, £6. [DA]StockportBlackthorn Music FestivalToday with Pigeon Detectives, Republica, YOUNG, the K’s and many more.Whitebottom Farm (blackthornmusicfestival. 12noon, day £35, under-16s day £17.50, Sun £30, under-16s day £17.50, three-day £70, under-16s three-day £40.TelfordMary DuffFolk and country singer.Oakengates Theatre at the Place (01952 382382) 7.30pm, £23.WollatonSplendour Festival One-day festival with Manic Street Preachers, the Specials, Rag’n’Bone Man, Louisa and more.Gardens & Deer Park: Wollaton Hall ( 11.30am, £56.65, Nottingham resident £45.65, ages 11-17 £22.


BirminghamSupersonic Festival See Saturday.Various venues, Digbeth ( Times vary, day £40.CarlisleMadnessDapper ska collective.Bitts Park ( 3pm, £45.GatesheadKiefer Sutherland, Jesse DaytonGruff country. Sage Gateshead: Sage One (0191-443 4661) 7.30pm, £24.20-£26.90. [DA]Marlon Williams, Ida MaeCountry and folk artist.Sage Two (0191-443 4661) 8pm, £17.70. [DA]Sarah Darling, TwinnieCountry performer.Sage Two (0191-443 4661) 1pm, £13.40 & £15.60. [DA]LiverpoolLiverpool International Music Festival Today including Disco Classical, De La Soul, Nao, SG Lewis, Grace Carter, Samm Henshaw.Sefton Park ( 12noon, £11, VIP £26, under 12s free.

rock&pop Music

Lewis Capaldi Scarborough Open Air Theatre, SatProfessional grump Noel Gallagher appears to have met his match in this aff able Scotsman, as the two continue to square off in hilarious fashion. Expect a few not-so-subtle jibes amid his superior sad-pop.

Don’t miss

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian10 The Guide Listings10 The Guide Listings

ManchesterGekoMancunian rapper.Academy (0161-275 2930) 7pm, £18.50. [DA]Newcastle upon TyneTwisterHigh-energy rock band.O2 Academy (0844-477 2000) 7pm, £10. [DA]SaleCharlie DewhurstIndie-pop songwriter.Waterside (0161-912 5616) 10pm, free.Sheffi eldTramlines Today with Nile Rodgers & Chic, Rag’n’Bone Man, Lewis Capaldi, Doves, Drenge, Yonaka and many more.Hillsborough Park ( 12noon, day £50, weekend £85.StockportBlackthorn Music FestivalToday with Scouting for Girls, the South, Commitments, White Eskimo and many more.Whitebottom Farm ( 12noon, day £30, under-16s day £17.50.


BirminghamRolling Blackouts Coastal FeverPercision-jangling Aussie indie five-piece.Mama Roux’s ( venues/ mama-rouxs) 7.30pm, £15.ManchesterPost Animal, Naked GiantsIndie-punk double bill.YES (0161-273 2725) 7.30pm, £10.NottinghamTori Sheard, Kelsey & the Embers, Olly HensbyIndie singer-songwriter.The Bodega (0115-896 4456) 7pm, £5.


ManchesterCrobot, Wolf JawHeavy rock ensemble.

Rebellion Rock Bar (07460 757477) 6pm, £13.Gus DappertonSee Preview.Manchester Academy 2 (0161-275 2930) 7.30pm, £17. [DA]Shonen KnifeJapanese pop-punk trio.Night & Day (0161-236 4597) 8pm, £14.NottinghamSunflower BeanRadio-friendly Brooklyn indie rockers.The Bodega (0115-896 4456) 7.30pm, phone for availability.Sheffi eldGomezIndie growlers celebrate 20 years of Liquid Skin.The Leadmill (0114-272 7040) 7.30pm, £37.50. [DA]YorkThe Murder CapitalIndie five-piece.The Crescent (01904 622510) 7.30pm, £8.


BirminghamShonen KnifeJapanese pop-punk trio.Hare & Hounds (0121-444 2081) 7.30pm, £15. BlackpoolCrobot, Wolf JawHeavy rock ensemble. Waterloo Music Bar (01253 343429) 7.30pm, £13.LeicesterThe Murder CapitalIndie five-piece.The Cookie (0116-253 1212) 8pm, £8.Liverpoolkd langSmooth pop ledge.Philharmonic Hall (0151-709 3789) 7.30pm, £27.50-£45.50. [DA]ManchesterAction BronsonUS hip-hop.O2 Ritz Manchester (0161-236 3234) 7pm, £27.50.Brushy One-StringReggae and soul artist.Band on the Wall (0161-834 1786) 7.30pm, £12, adv £10, early bird £8.

NottinghamLauren Alaina, TwinneUS country singer. The Bodega (0115-896 4456) 6.30pm, £15.YorkThe Grand Old Uke of YorkUkulele orchestra.The White Rose Rotunda ( venues/ the_white_rose_rotunda ) 7pm, £10.Sunflower BeanBrooklyn indie-rockers.The Crescent ( 7.30pm, check website for availability.


BirminghamCrobot, Wolf JawHeavy rock ensemble. O2 Institute Birmingham (0121-437 4150) 6.30pm, £13. [DA]ChesterGordon HaskellBritish rock guitarist.Alexander’s Live (01244 340005) 8pm, £24, adv £20.LiverpoolThe Murder CapitalIndie five-piece.Arts Club (0844-847 2424) 7pm, £8.MatlockY Not Festival Three-day music festival with performances over the weekend from Elbow, Two Door Cinema Club, Foals, Sunflower Bean, Franz Ferdinand, You Me at Six, Wolf Alice, White Lies, Wretch 32, Idles and many more. See Preview.Mouldridge Lane ( 12noon, £139.50, under 12s free.Newcastle upon TynePauline Murray and the Invisible GirlsPop-punk outfit.The Cluny 2 (0191-230 4474) 7.30pm, adv £14. NottinghamBloodywoodHeavy metal unit.The Rescue Rooms (0845-413 4444) 6.30pm, £15.

Monster MagnetUS stoner rock.Rock City (0845-413 4444) 7.30pm, £22.PenrithKendal Calling The site opens today, with sets from Orbital, Gomez, the Cuban Brothers, Sea Girls and more.Lowther Deer Park ( 12noon, £139, under-15s £80, under-10s £20, under-5s free.SaleKarima Francis & Annabel Allum, Lacuna JIndie-folk double bill. Robert Bolt Theatre (0161-912 5616) 7.45pm, £13, adv £10.


BirminghamLiv WarfieldR&B singer from Illinois.PizzaExpress Live (020-7439 4962) 8.30pm, £35.LiverpoolIan ProwseAlt-rock guitarist.Philharmonic Hall: Music Room (0151-709 3789) 8pm, £14 & £17. [DA]ManchesterGomezGrowly indie combo.O2 Ritz (0161-236 3234) 6.30pm, £27.50.Living Colour, Wayward Sons, Jared James NicholsUS funk-rockers.Manchester Academy (0161-275 2930) 7.30pm, £25. [DA]The Siennas, 25th HourIndie foursome. Manchester Academy (0161-275 2930) 7.30pm, £8. [DA]MatlockY Not Festival See Preview.Mouldridge Lane (ynot 12noon, £139.50, under-12s free.MorecambeThe Real ThingSeventies soul troupe.The Platform (01524 582 803) 7.30pm, £22.50-£24.50.

Music rock&pop

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Newcastle upon TyneGwailoHard rock four-piece.O2 Academy (0844-477 2000) 6.30pm, £6. [DA]Whitney RoseCountry songwriter.The Cluny 2 (0191-230 4474) 7.30pm, adv £12.50. [DA]PenrithKendal Calling Today with Nile Rodgers & Chic, Years & Years, Miles Kane, Reverend and the Makers, Mystery Jets, the Joy Formidable and many more.Lowther Deer Park ( 10am, £139, under-15s £80, under 10s £20, under-5s free.SaleAltergazeDreampop duo.Waterside (0161-912 5616) 9pm, £5.Grace PetrieDIY folk songwriter.Waterside (0161-912 5616) 7pm, £15.Sheffi eldBombay Bicycle ClubIndie-rock quartet.The Leadmill (0114-272 7040) 7.30pm, £25. ThirskDeer Shed Festival Three-day family fest starts today with Anna Calvi, the Wedding Present, the Slow Readers Club, Self Esteem, Penelope Isles, Tracyanne & Danny, John Bramwell, the Howl & the Hum and more. Continues over the weekend with Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever, Sunflower Bean, Gruff Rhys, Fontaines DC, Ezra Furman, Steve Mason and more.Baldersby Park ( 12noon, weekend £155, ages 11-15 weekend £50, ages 6-10 weekend £20, under-2s free.YorkTears for FearsEighties synth-pompers.York Racecourse (01904 620 911) 4pm, £25.


BuxtonDominic Alldis TrioPavilion Arts Centre (0845-127 2190) 9pm, £25, under 35s £15.GrimsbyThe Barricade BoysGrimsby Auditorium (0870-607 7461) 7.30pm, £25.50. [DA]HullAlina Bzhezhinska Inspiration QuartetHull Truck Theatre (01482 323638) 6pm, £15, under 26s/NUS £6. John Etheridge & Sweet ChorusHull Truck Theatre (01482 323638) 3pm, £20. [DA]Steve Williamson Experience & StringTingHull Truck Theatre (01482 323638) 9pm, £16, under 26s/NUS £6. LeedsShai Maestro Trio + Brigitte Beraha and Frank HarrisonLeeds College of Music: The Venue (0113-222 3434) 6pm, £20, NUS £10.Vula VielThe Wardrobe (0113-383 8800) 8.30pm, £15, NUS £8.LiverpoolAdrien Moignard TrioPhilharmonic Hall (0151-709 3789) 8pm, £20 & £23. [DA]


GatesheadVoices of Virtue Gospel ChoirThe Sage (0191-443 4661) 8pm, £16.10. [DA]HullDan Edwards TrioHome (01482 442110) 12.30pm, free.KeswickMarti WebbTheatre By the Lake (01768 774411) 7.30pm, £12-£20, under 16s £12.

LeedsTrio Trio TrioThe Wardrobe (0113-383 8800) 8.30pm, £15, NUS £8.YorkRonnie Scott’s All StarsThe White Rose Rotunda ( venues/ the_white_rose_rotunda ) 8pm, £25.The Ronnie Scott’s StoryGrand Opera House (0844-871 7615) 8pm, £25.75-£33.25. [DA]


GatesheadArchipelago & J Frisco, The Mark Williams TrioSage Gateshead: Sage Two (0191-443 4661) 8pm, £9.90. ManchesterMoon HoochSee Preview.Band on the Wall (0161-834 1786) 7.30pm, £17, adv £15, early bird £13.


LeedsMoon HoochSee Preview.Brudenell Social Club (0113-275 2411) 7.30pm, £14.NottinghamOlly Chalk TrioPeggy’s Skylight (0115-924 0176) 7pm, free.


Staff ordMichael Messer’s MitraGatehouse Theatre (01785 254653) 7.30pm, £13.


Newcastle upon TyneHypnotic Brass EnsembleThe Cluny (0191-230 4474) 8pm, adv £20.


LlandudnoGrimethorpe Colliery BandVenue Cymru (01492 872000) 7.30pm, £23.50. [DA]


AberystwythNational Youth Brass Band of WalesAberystwyth Arts Centre: Great Hall (01970 623232) 8pm, £8-£10.


BuxtonGeorgianaBuxton international festival and Northern Chamber Orchestra’s celebration of the life and times of the fifth Duchess of Devonshire. Sung in English with surtitles.Buxton Opera House (01298 72190) 7.15pm, £20-£78. [DA]Northern Chamber OrchestraThe ensemble perform Saint-Saëns’s Carnival of the Animals.Pavilion Arts Centre (0845-127 2190) 3.30pm, £15, child £5, family £37.50.The Orphans of KoombuSchools from the High Peak and Derbyshire perform this African chamber opera based on The Secret Song, written by Michael Williams and directed by Mark Burns.Buxton Opera House (01298 72190) 10.30am, £10, child £5, family £25. [DA]Victoria String QuartetThe foursome perform Wolf’s Italian Serenade in G and Tchaikovsky’s Quartet No 3 in E Flat Minor.St John’s Church (0845-127 2190) 12noon, £25.LondonProm 2: Bamberg Symphony OrchestraJakub Hrůša conducts Dvořák’s Violin Concerto in A Minor and Smetana’s Ma Vlast. With violinist Joshua Bell.Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 7.30pm, £9.50-£52.



jazz Music


Entertainment Classified

12 The Guide 20-26 July 2019 The Guardian

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 13The Guide Listings 13The Guide Listings


BuxtonBrodsky QuartetThe four players perform Boccherini’s String Quintet in C, Borodin’s String Quartet No 2 in D and Schubert’s String Quintet in C.Pavilion Arts Centre (0845-127 2190) 2pm,£30.Buxton Madrigal SingersMichael Williams directs Palestrina’s Missa Brevis.St John’s Church (0845-127 2190) 11am, free.LiverpoolRoyal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra & Liverpool Philharmonic Youth OrchestraSimon Emery conducts Beethoven’s Coriolan Overture, Debussy’s Prélude À L’Apres-Midi D’Un Faune and Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade.Philharmonic Hall (0151-709 3789) 2.30pm, £10. [DA]LondonProm 3: Chineke! Orchestra and CBeebies Proms ChoirKwamé Ryan conducts Adams’s Short Ride in a Fast Machine, Britten’s Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man, Puccini’s Madam Butterfly: Humming Chorus and Hans Zimmer’s Earth (world premiere). With guest performers YolanDa Brown, Justin Fletcher and Chris Jarvis.Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 11am, £7.50-£20. [DA]Prom 4: Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Trinity Boys ChoirKirill Karabits conducts the orchestra, choir and violinist Nemanja Radulović in Adams’s Short Ride in a Fast Machine, Barber’s Violin Concerto and Holst’s The Planets.

Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 7.30pm, £9.50-£52. [DA]


LondonProm 5: Chineke! Orchestra and CBeebies Proms ChoirKwamé Ryan conducts Adams’s Short Ride in a Fast Machine, Britten’s Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man, Puccini’s Madam Butterfly: Humming Chorus and Hans Zimmer’s Earth. With guest performers YolanDa Brown, Justin Fletcher and Chris Jarvis.Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 11am, £7.50-£20. [DA]Prom 6: Orchestra of the Royal Academy of Music & The Julliard SchoolEdward Garner conducts the orchestra and violinist James Ehnes in Anna Thorvaldsdóttir’s Metacosmos (UK premiere), Britten’s Violin Concerto and Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring.Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 7.30pm, £9.50-£52. [DA]


LondonProm 7: BBC Philharmonic OrchestraOmer Meir Wellber conducts Mozart’s Piano Concerto No 15 in B Flat, Ben-Haim’s Symphony No 1, Schoenberg’s Five Orchestral Pieces (Henry Wood Novelties: World Premiere, 1912) and Schumann’s Symphony No 4 in D Minor (Revised Version). With pianist Yeol Eum Son.Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 7.30pm, £7.50-£41. [DA]


BuxtonThe National G&S Opera Company: The MikadoGilbert and Sullivan’s comic opera.Buxton Opera House (01298 72190) 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £13.50-£37. GatesheadRoyal Northern SinfoniaThe orchestra perform Martinů’s Three Madrigals for Violin and Viola, Barber’s String Quartet in B Minor: Molto Adagio and Summer Music for Wind Quintet, Pavel Haas’s Wind Quintet and Dvořák’s String Quartet No 12 in F ‘American’.Sage Gateshead: Sage Two (0191-443 4661) 8pm, £14.50. [DA]LondonProm 8: BBC Symphony OrchestraPéter Eötvös conducts Debussy’s Prélude À L’Après-Midi D’Un Faune, Eötvös’s own Alhambra (Violin Concerto), Bartók’s Dance Suite and Stravinsky’s The Firebird: Suite (revised version, 1919). With violinist Isabelle Faust. See Preview.Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 7.30pm, £7.50-£41. [DA]


BuxtonThe National G&S Opera Company: The GondoliersGilbert and Sullivan’s Venice-set operetta.Buxton Opera House (01298 72190) 7.30pm, £13.50-£37. [DA]LondonProm 9: BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Markus Ztenz conducts Strauss’s Till Eulenspiegels Lustige Streiche, Tobias Brostöm’s Nigredo: Dark Night of the Soul (Concerto for Two Trumpets and Orchestra) and Brahms’s Symphony No 1 in C Minor. With

trumpeters Jeroen Berwaerts and Håkan Hardenberger. Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 7.30pm, £7.50-£41. [DA]Prom 10: Public Service Broadcasting, Multi-Story Orchestra & London Contemporary VoicesThe cult electronica outfit perform an orchestral arrangement of their 2015 album The Race for Space.Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 10.15pm, £10-£35. [DA]Stoke-on-TrentNational Youth Orchestra of Great BritainA programme of classical music.Victoria Hall (0844-871 7649) 7.30pm, £22.15-£54.15. [DA]


BuxtonTrent Opera: Princess IdaGilbert & Sullivan’s comic operetta.Buxton Opera House (01298 72190) 7.30pm, £13.50-£37. [DA]GatesheadSamling AcademyA performance by student musicians from the academy. Directed by Miranda Wright and pianist Ian Tindale.Sage Gateshead: Sage Two (0191-443 4661) 7.30pm, £10-£14. [DA]Prom 11: BBC Concert Orchestra and the Will Gregory Moog Ensemble An exploration of the summer of 1969, the year the Moog synthesizer hit the mainstream. With excerpts from films including The Italian Job and Midnight Cowboy, plus the Beatles’ final album Abbey Road.Royal Albert Hall, SW7 (020-7589 8212) 7.30pm, £9.50-£52. [DA]

classical Music

Entertainment Classified

14 The Guide 20-26 July 2019 The Guardian



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LISTEN TO DR JCC ON DESERT ISLAND DISCS Sun 21 July 11.15 am / Repeated Fri 26 July 9am

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 15The Guide Listings 15The Guide Listings

BatleyJoanMilk Presents’ portrayal of the tale of Joan of Arc.Birstall Community Centre (01924 437966) Fri 7.30pm, £6, family £20.BirminghamAmélieMusical adaptation of the 2001 film, written by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and Guillaume Laurant. Directed by Michael Fentiman.New Alexandra Theatre (0844-871 3011) From 22 Jul, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Wed 2.30pm, to 27 Jul, £23.90-£43.90. [DA]AnnieJodie Prenger plays Miss Hannigan in the musical with a book by Thomas Meehan, music by Charles Strouse and lyrics by Martin Charnin. Birmingham Hippodrome (0844-338 5000) From 23 Jul, Tue-Fri 7.30pm, Wed 2pm, to 11 Aug, £19-£107.25. [DA]The Color PurpleMusical based on the novel by Alice Walker.Birmingham Hippodrome (0844-338 5000) Sat 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £16-£104.50. [DA]Little Miss Sunshine: A Road MusicalMusical adaptation of the 2006 film by Michael Arndt, with a book by James Lapine and music and lyrics by William Finn. New Alexandra Theatre (0844-871 3011) Sat 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £13-£43.90. [DA]BlackpoolThe MousetrapAgatha Christie’s evergreen murder mystery.Grand Theatre (01253 290190) From 22 Jul, Mon 8pm, Tue-Fri 7.30pm, Thu 2pm, to 27 Jul, Tue-Sat eves/Sat mat £24-£32, Mon eve/Thu mat £24. [DA]

BradfordLes MisérablesAlain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schönberg’s musical adaptation of Victor Hugo’s novel.Alhambra Theatre (01274 432000) Sat, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Sat 2.30pm, Wed 2pm, to 10 Aug, £24.50-£69.50. [DA]DarlingtonFriendsical: A Parody Musical About FriendsAn affectionate lampoon of the TV show by Bob and Tobly McSmith with music by Assaf Gleizner.Darlington Hippodrome (01325 405405) From 24 Jul, Wed-Fri 7.30pm, to 27 Jul, £12.50-£27.50. [DA]Stones in His PocketsLindsay Posner directs Marie Jones’s comedy about an Irish village descended upon by a Hollywood film studio.Darlington Hippodrome (01325 405405) Sat 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £14.50-£32.50. [DA]DerbyMotherlandJo Tyabji’s exploration of the state of the country and identity. A work-in-progress drag performance.Derby Theatre (01332 593939) Sat 2pm, £5.50.Yours SincerelyQuick Duck Theatre’s coming-of-age comedy examining the complications with modern-day communication.Derby Theatre (01332 593939) Sat 7.30pm, £9.50.DewsburyJoanMilk Presents with a portrayal of Joan of Arc.The Leggers Inn (01924 488153) Thu 7.30pm, £6, family £20.Huddersfi eldFlatSpinAlan Ayckbourn’s mistaken identity comedy.

Lawrence Batley Theatre (01484 430528) From 23 Jul, Tue & Thu 7.30pm, to 27 Jul, £8-£14. [DA]RolePlayAlan Ayckbourn’s comedy. Part of a triology with FlatSpin and GamePlan.Lawrence Batley Theatre (01484 430528) From 24 Jul, Wed & Fri 7.30pm, to 27 Jul, £8-£14. [DA]KeswickThe ChildrenLucy Kirkwood’s drama weaving global issues surrounding nuclear power with everyday domestic squabbles.Theatre By the Lake: Studio (01768 774411) Mon & Tue 7.30pm, to 1 Nov, £10-£26. [DA]The LadykillersGraham Linehan’s adaptation of William Rose’s screenplay for the Ealing comedy. Directed by Chris Honer.

Theatre By the Lake (01768 774411) Sat, Wed, Thu 7.30pm, to 30 Oct, £10-£36. [DA]My Mother Said I Never ShouldCharlotte Keatley’s play weaving together the stories of four women from one family to examine social changes across the decades. Theatre By the Lake: Studio (01768 774411) Sat, Wed, Thu 7.30pm, to 30 Oct, £10. [DA]LeedsGrease: The MusicalJim Jacobs and Warren Casey’s high school rock’n’roll musical, starring Peter Andre, Ore Oduba and Samantha Mumba.The Grand Theatre & Opera House (0844-848 2700) Sat 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £19-£45.50. [DA]


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The Lady VanishesAntony Lampard’s adaptation of the Alfred Hitchcock film.The Grand Theatre & Opera House (0844-848 2700) From 22 Jul, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Wed 2.30pm, to 27 Jul, £20.50-£33. [DA]Little Shop of HorrorsCity Varieties Youth Theatre presents the comedy horror musical with a book and lyrics by Howard Ashman and music by Alan Menken. Directed by Lizi Patch.City Varieties (0113-243 0808) From 26 Jul, Fri 7.30pm, to 27 Jul, £14, child £8. [DA]LeicesterThe TempestThe HandleBards’ all-female troupe stages a bicycle-powered version of Shakespeare’s play.The Guildhall (0116-253 2569) Wed 7.30pm, £16, under 18s £10, under 10s free.Lichfi eldThe Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeA musical adaptation of CS Lewis’s book.Lichfi eld Garrick (01543 412121) From 23 Jul, Tue-Fri 7.30pm, to 27 Jul, £13.50-£17.50. [DA]LiverpoolMasqueradeLaura Lees’s 1980s-set drama set in a Liverpool gay club.Royal Court Liverpool: Studio (0151-709 4321) From 24 Jul, Wed-Fri 7.30pm, to 10 Aug, £10. [DA]Scouse PacificJake Abraham, Jamie Clarke, Stephen Fletcher, Guy Freeman, Lindzi Germain, Abigail Middleton, Mia Molloy and Michael Starke star in Fred Lawless’s musical comedy set on a desert island populated only by scousers.Royal Court Liverpool (0151-709 4321) Sat 2pm, Sat, Tue-Fri 8pm, to 12 Aug, £14-£22. [DA]

The Shut DownKitchen Sink Live and 20 Stories High’s drama about a youth centre struggling to keep its doors open.Unity Theatre (0151-709 4988) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 7.30pm, to 27 Jul, £6, concs £4.ManchesterMe, You & George ClooneyMaD Theatre’s comedy-drama about an old lady and her care worker.Hope Mill Theatre ( From 26 Jul, Fri 4pm, to 27 Jul, £10.The Nico ProjectSarah Frankcom directs Maxine Peake as the cult former Velvet Underground singer Nico in a piece inspired by her 1968 solo album, The Marble Index.The Stoller Hall (0333-130 0967) Sat & Sun 3pm, Sat 7.30pm, £10-£35, phone for availability.SkankClementine Bogg-Hargroves’s darkly humorous one-woman show about an ambitious twentysomething grappling with her uncertain future.TriBeCa (0161-236 8300) Sat & Sun 5pm, £10.Tao of GlassPart-concert, part-performance composed by Philip Glass and Phelim McDermott.Royal Exchange Theatre (0161-833 9833) Sat 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £13-£41. [DA]There Is a Light That Never Goes OutJames Yeatman’s drama exploring the lives of the 19th-century political activists the Luddites, relating them to life in the 21st century.Royal Exchange Theatre (0161-833 9833) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 7.30pm, Thu 2.30pm, to 10 Aug, £19.50-£41.50. [DA]

MatlockThe TempestThe HandleBards’ all-female, bicycle-powered version of Shakespeare’s play.Cromford Mills ( Fri 6.30pm, £16, under 18s £10, under 10s free.Newcastle upon TyneThe BodyguardAlexandra Burke plays Rachel Marron in the romantic stage musical by Alexander Dinelaris.Theatre Royal (0844-811 2121) From 23 Jul, Tue-Fri 7.30pm, Wed & Thu 2pm, to 3 Aug, £22.50. [DA]An Indian AbroadPariah Khan’s solo piece looking at an Indian coming to Great Britain in a reversal of colonial exploration.Northern Stage (0191-230 5151) Sat 7.45pm, £9 & £14.50, concs £9. [DA]NottinghamAvenue QPuppet-filled comedy inspired by Sesame Street, with a book by Jeff Whitty and music and lyrics by Robert Lopez and Jeff Marx.Theatre Royal (0115-989 5555) Sat 4pm, 7.30pm, £19-£41. [DA]

Stones in His PocketsLindsay Posner directs Marie Jones’s comedy about an Irish village descended upon by a Hollywood film studio.Theatre Royal (0115-989 5555) From 22 Jul, Mon-Fri 7.30pm, Wed 2pm, to 27 Jul, £16.50-£33.50. [DA]OldhamProm! The MusicalOldham Theatre Workshop’s updated take on Cinderella.Coliseum Theatre (0161-624 2829) From 24 Jul, Wed-Fri 7.30pm, to 27 Jul, £10, concs £7. [DA]SaleBoarOne-man fantasy adventure tale by Lewis Doherty.Waterside (0161-912 5616) Tue 7pm, £10, concs £8.Catching CometsRansack Theatre asks how we’re supposed to be big, brave and strong.Waterside (0161-912 5616) From 21 Jul, Sun 8.30pm, Mon 7pm, £10, concs £8, £14 inc adm to See-Through.First TimeNathaniel Hall’s frank autobiographical show about staying positive.

MasqueradeRoyal Court LiverpoolLaura Lees’s play is about a protagonist looking to express himself as a DJ and gay man in 80s Liverpool. It’s set in The Masquerade, one of Liverpool’s most famous clubs of the time.

Don’t miss


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Waterside (0161-912 5616) Thu 7pm, £10, concs £8, £14 inc adm to Fulfi lment.FulfilmentSharklegs’s darkly comic puppet show based on the testimony of people working in fulfilment centres.Waterside (0161-912 5616) Thu 8.30pm, £10, concs £8, £14 inc adm to First Time.See-ThroughClaire Gaydon’s solo show sharing her real-life experience of becoming a YouTuber.Waterside (0161-912 5616) Sun 7pm, £10, £14 inc adm to Catching Comets.SalfordAdam: The History of ManChris Delaney’s comedy about a scientist who brings the first human back to life. The King’s Arms (0161-832 3605) From 22 Jul, Mon & Tue 7.30pm, £10.Early DoorsStage adaptation of the television series, starring original cast members and writers Craig Cash, Phil Mealey, John Henshaw and others.The Lowry: Lyric Theatre (0843-208 6000) From 24 Jul, Wed-Fri 7.30pm, Thu 2pm, to 3 Aug, £28-£37. [DA]Me, You & George ClooneyMaD Theatre’s comedy-drama about an old lady and her care worker.The King’s Arms (0161-832 3605) From 26 Jul, Fri 4pm, to 27 Jul, £10, concs £8.ScarboroughSeason’s GreetingsAlan Ayckbourn’s comedy about the dramas that occur when families get together to celebrate.Stephen Joseph Theatre (01723 370541) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 7.30pm, to 28 Sep, £10-£28. [DA]

Sheffi eldEducating RitaStephen Tompkinson and Jessica Johnson star in Willy Russell’s comedy.Lyceum Theatre (0114-249 6000) From 22 Jul, Mon-Fri 7.45pm, Thu 2pm, to 27 Jul, £15-£45. Life of PiLolita Chakrabarti’s stage adaptation of the novel by Yann Martel.Crucible Theatre (0114-249 6000) Sat 2.15pm, 7.15pm, £15-£40. [DA]Staff ordOrdinary DaysTheatre 1’s story of four New Yorkers whose lives intersect as they search for fulfilment.Gatehouse Theatre (01785 254653) Sat 7.30pm, £15.50.SeussicalLynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty’s adaptation of the children’s stories of Dr Seuss.Gatehouse Theatre (01785 254653) Sat 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £12.50, concs £10.50.Stratford-upon-AvonAs You Like ItShakespeare’s romantic comedy, starring David Ajao and Lucy Phelps.Royal Shakespeare Theatre (01789 403493) Sat & Thu 1.15pm, Thu 7.15pm, to 31 Aug, £5-£75. [DA]Ian McKellen on StageThe actor celebrates his 80th birthday.Royal Shakespeare Theatre (01789 403493) Sun 2.30pm, 7.30pm, phone for availability. [DA]Measure for MeasureShakespeare’s exposé of power, sexual abuse and lack of consent. Directed by Gregory Doran and starring Lucy Phelps and Sandy Grierson.Royal Shakespeare Theatre (01789 403493) Mon & Tue 7.15pm, to 29 Aug, £16-£49.50.

The Provoked WifeJohn Vanbrugh’s Restoration comedy telling the tale of Lady Brute, her loveless marriage and the scandal that follows her affair with a younger man.Royal Shakespeare Theatre: Swan (01789 403493) Sat, Mon, Tue 7.30pm, Sat & Wed 1.30pm, to 7 Sep, £14-£55, where applicable family £6-£27.50. [DA]The Taming of the ShrewJustin Audibert directs a gender-inverted version of Shakespeare’s comedy set in a matriarchal 1590.Royal Shakespeare Theatre (01789 403493) Sat-Fri 1.30pm, Fri 7.15pm, to 31 Aug, £10-£62, where applicable OAP £8-£39.60, family £5-£24.75. [DA]

Venice PreservedThomas Otway’s Restoration thriller.Royal Shakespeare Theatre: Swan (01789 403493) Wed-Fri 7.30pm, to 7 Sep, £14-£27.50, where applicable family £7-£23.75. [DA]SunderlandRock of AgesJukebox musical written by Chris D’Arienzo.Sunderland Empire (0844-871 3022) From 23 Jul, Tue-Fri 7.30pm, Wed 2.30pm, to 27 Jul, £13-£46.50. [DA]WolverhamptonHairRock musical with a book and lyrics by James Rado and Gerome Ragni and music by Galt MacDermot.Wolverhampton Grand Theatre (01902 429212) From 23 Jul, Tue-Fri 7.30pm, Wed 2.30pm, to 27 Jul, £14.50-£37.50.


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YorkHamletShakespeare’s brooding thriller.Shakespeare’s Rose Theatre (shakespeares Sun & Wed 7.30pm, Mon 2pm, to 31 Aug, £11-£66.Henry VThe bard’s partly fictionalised historical account of the monarch.Shakespeare’s Rose Theatre (shakespeares Sat & Tue 2pm, Fri 7.30pm, to 31 Aug, £11-£66.Impromptu ShakespeareImprovised Shakespeare.41 Monkgate (01904 674675) From 22 Jul, Mon & Tue 7pm, £10, concs £8.Sh!t-Faced Shakespeare: MacbethA professional cast with one intoxicated member perform the tragedy.The White Rose Rotunda ( venues/ the_white_rose_rotunda ) From 25 Jul, Thu 9pm, Fri 7.30pm, to 28 Jul, Thu £14, Fri-Sun £17.The TempestShakespeare’s comic fantasy.Shakespeare’s Rose Theatre (shakespeares Tue & Thu 7.30pm, to 1 Sep, £11-£66.Twelfth NightShakespeare’s comedy.Shakespeare’s Rose Theatre (shakespeares Sat & Mon 7.30pm, Thu 2.30pm, to 1 Sep, £11-£66.

MoldDaughterhoodTheatr Clwyd and Paines Plough’s play about two sisters, one of whom has put her career on hold to care for their father.Theatr Clwyd (01352 701521) Sat 7.30pm, £10. [DA]

BirminghamThe Aerodome: An Exhibition Dedicated to the Memory of Michael StanleyA co-curated exhibition by David Austen and George Shaw in memory of the former Ikon director.Ikon Gallery (0121-248 0708) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 11am-5pm, to 8 Sep, free. [DA]The Face of FashionMiniatures from the 17th to the 19th centuries.The Barber Institute of Fine Arts, University of Birmingham (0121-414 7333) Sat & Sun 11am-5pm, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, to 8 Sep, free. [DA]Heinke Jenkins RBSALinocut prints featuring refugees.RBSA Gallery (0121-236 4353) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 1pm-5pm, to 7 Sep, free. Home of Metal: Hand of DoomPhotographic portraits of Black Sabbath fans wearing the ubiquitous battle jacket.mac (0121-446 3232) Sat-Fri 9am-9pm, to 1 Sep, free. Show Your MetalContemporary jewellery inspired by the culture and symbolism of metal and rock.mac (0121-446 3232) Sat-Fri 9am-9pm, to 26 Aug, free. [DA]DerbyIf All the World Were Paper and All the Seas Were InkPaper-based art in print, photography and sculptural media by Bernie Rutter.Deda (01332 370911) Sat & Fri 9am-5pm, Mon-Thu 9am-9pm, to 27 Jul, free. [DA]Made/UnmadeMixed-media works by Ryan Lee Boultbee, Betsy Bradley, Hannah Parikh and Maria Przybylska.

Derby QUAD (01332 290 606) Sat, Mon-Fri 11am-5pm, Sun 12noon-5pm, to 29 Sep, free. GatesheadJohn Akomfrah: Ballasts of MemoryMultimedia installations reflecting on the culture of the black diaspora.BALTIC (0191-478 1810) Sat-Mon, Wed-Fri 10am-6pm, Tue 10.30am-6pm, to 27 Oct, free. [DA]Mick Peter: To Me, to YouThe Glasgow artist uses fictional cartoonish imagery to create playful installations.BALTIC (0191-478 1810) Sat-Mon, Wed-Fri 10am-6pm, Tue 10.30am-6pm, to 27 Oct, free. [DA]KendalAimee Green: Giddy ArtAbstract paintings with vibrant colours and textures.Brewery Arts Centre (01539 725133) Sat 12noon-11.30pm, Sun 12noon-10.30pm, Mon-Thu 4.30pm-11pm, to 30 Nov, free. [DA]Emma HaddowDrawings that investigate the relationship between image and narrative.Brewery Arts Centre (01539 725133) Sat 10am-3.30pm, free. LeedsDamien HirstThe painted bronze sculpture Hymn and the marble work Anatomy of an Angel.City centre ( Sat-Fri dusk-dawn, to 29 Sep, free.Damien HirstBlack Sheep With Golden Horns from the artist’s formaldehyde series.Leeds Art Gallery (0113-378 5350) Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-3pm, to 29 Sep, free. [DA]

Maria LobodaSculpture inspired by anthropology, linguistics and archaeology.Henry Moore Institute (0113-246 7467) Sat, Sun, Tue, Thu, Fri 11am-5.30pm, Wed 11am-8pm, to 29 Sep, free. [DA]Sean LynchSculpture inspired by the life and work of 19th-century forger Flint Jack.Henry Moore Institute (0113-246 7467) Sat, Sun, Tue, Thu, Fri 11am-5.30pm, Wed 11am-8pm, to 29 Sep, free. [DA]Woodwork: A Family Tree of SculptureSculptures exploring the idea that wood is the most human of materials.Leeds Art Gallery (0113-378 5350) Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 12noon-4pm, to 29 Mar, free. LeicesterComing Home: The Richard III Portrait from the National Portrait GalleryA portrait of the notorious monarch by an unknown artist.New Walk Museum and Art Gallery (0116-225 4900) Sat & Sun 11am-5pm, Mon-Fri 11am-4.30pm, to 22 Sep, free.LiverpoolAs Seen on ScreenExhibition exploring the relationship between art and cinema.National Museums Liverpool: Walker Art Gallery (0151-478 4199) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, free. Astronomy Photographer of the YearAround 100 images from the Royal Observatory Greenwich competition.National Museums Liverpool: World Museum (0151-478 4393) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, free. [DA]



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Double Fantasy: John & YokoExploring the personal and creative chemistry of the couple through objects, art, music and film produced by them.National Museums Liverpool: Museum of Liverpool (0151-478 4545) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 3 Nov, free.Keith HaringA major UK showing of drawings, paintings and sculpture by the American pop artist.Tate Liverpool (0151-702 7400) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 10 Nov, £12.50, concs £10, under 16s/Tate mems free, online adv £10, adv concs £8. [DA]Op Art in FocusOptical art by pioneering artists of the 1960s to today.Tate Liverpool (0151-702 7400) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 5 Jul, free. [DA]Ugo Rondinone: Liverpool MountainA 10-metre-high sculpture inspired by naturally occurring spires of rock, which seem to defy gravity.Tate Liverpool (0151-702 7400) Sat-Fri dawn-dusk, to 23 Oct, free. [DA]ManchesterAliyah Hussain: Always Mysteries of the TongueThe artist examines communication via a mix of various media.HOME (0161-200 1500) From 26 Jul, Fri 11am-8pm, to 15 Sep, free. [DA]Ancient Textiles from the AndesA rare opportunity to see ancient Andean textiles exhibited in the UK.The Whitworth Art Gallery (0161-275 7450) Sat-Wed, Fri 10am-5pm, Thu 10am-9pm, to 15 Sep, free. [DA]

Ibrahim Mahama: Parliament of GhostsInstallation reflecting on the half-forgotten history of Mazama’s home country of Ghana.The Whitworth Art Gallery (0161-275 7450) Sat-Wed, Fri 10am-5pm, Thu 10am-9pm, to 29 Sep, free. [DA]Li Yuan-chiaPhotos by the Chinese conceptual artist.The Whitworth Art Gallery (0161-275 7450) Sat-Wed, Fri 10am-5pm, Thu 9pm, to 15 Dec, free. Pearl AlcockAbstract drawings and paintings.The Whitworth Art Gallery (0161-275 7450) Sat-Wed, Fri 10am-5pm, Thu 10am-9pm, to 12 Jan, free. [DA]Prints of Darkness: Goya and Hogarth in a Time of European TurmoilGraphic prints aimed at the popular market.The Whitworth Art Gallery (0161-275 7450) Sat-Wed, Fri 10am-5pm, Thu 10am-9pm, to 4Aug, free. [DA]Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: Atmospheric MemoryInstallation turning air turbulence caused by speech into vapour trails, water ripples and projections.The Science and Industry Museum (0161-832 2244) Sat 10.30am-4pm, Sun 10.30am-3pm, £8, concs £5, under 18s £1. [DA]The Reno at the WhitworthAn archaological excavation and oral recreation of the 1970s and 1980s club.The Whitworth Art Gallery (0161-275 7450) Sat-Wed, Fri 10am-5pm, Thu 10am-9pm, to 31 Mar, free. [DA]Newcastle upon TyneThe Biscuit Factory Summer ExhibitionContemporary paintings, prints, sculpture, glass, ceramics and textiles.

The Biscuit Factory (0191-261 1103) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, free. [DA]Out of PlaceA series of artworks for heritage sites in north-east England.Hatton Gallery (0191-222 6059) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, to 10 Aug, free donations welcome.PortraitClothed portraits drawn from the collections of the Laing Art Gallery and Hatton Gallery.Laing Art Gallery (0191-278 1611) Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 2pm-5pm, to 15 Sep, free, donations welcome. NottinghamLis Rhodes, Pictures on Pink PaperA film about gendered language and labour.Nottingham Contemporary (0115-948 9750) Sat 10am-5pm, free.

Lis Rhodes: Dissident LinesA retrospective of the experimental artist.Nottingham Contemporary (0115-948 9750) Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-6pm, Sun 11am-5pm, to 1 Sep, free.SalfordExpect the UnexpectedFilm, painting, sculpture, performance, photography and interactive artwork.The Lowry (0843-208 6000) Sat 10am-6pm, Sun-Fri 11am-6pm, free. Sheffi eldChristopher Dresser: Pioneer of Modern DesignItems designed by Dresser showing his innovative approach.Millennium Gallery (0114-278 2600) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-4pm, to 28 Jul, free donations welcome.


20-26 July 2019 The Guardian20 The Guide Listings20 The Guide Listings

John Ruskin: Art & WonderHighlights from the Guild of St George’s Ruskin Collection.Millennium Gallery (0114-278 2600) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-4pm, to 15 Sep, free, donations welcome.Time LabExplorations of time and our relationship with it.Museums Sheffi eld: Millennium Gallery (0114-278 2600) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-4pm, to 18 Aug, free, donations welcome.SouthportBessie Downes: Flowers of the Southport CoastHistorical watercolour illustrations of local flora.The Atkinson (01704 533333) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-4pm, to 2 Nov, free. [DA]Cross PollinationA celebration of floral art and literature featuring still-life

and genre paintings, contemporary art and a digital reworking of 17th-century Dutch still-life paintings.The Atkinson (01704 533333) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-4pm, to 4 Apr, free. [DA]Matt Dodd: Southport – Double Take 11 (Old Southport Through a Modern Lens)Blended images of old and new Southport.The Atkinson (01704 533333) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-4pm, to 7 Sep, free. [DA]Wakefi eldDamien HirstFour giant bronze sculptures take up temporary residence in the 18th-century Deer Park.Yorkshire Sculpture Park (01924 832631) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 29 Sep, free, parking: up to one hour, £3.50, one to two hours, £6.50, all day, £12. [DA]

David SmithMajor exhibition of work by the American sculptor.Yorkshire Sculpture Park (01924 832631) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 5 Jan, free, parking charges apply. [DA]Kimsooja: To BreatheMeditative installation using light and mirrors.Yorkshire Sculpture Park (01924 832631) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 29 Sep, free, parking charges apply. Material EncountersSculptural works commenting on our relationship with the material world.The Hepworth (01924 247360) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, free.Ruth Ewan & Oscar MurilloTwo installations investigating creative learning experiences in childhood.Yorkshire Sculpture Park (01924 832631) Sat-Fri

10am-5pm, to 3 Nov, free, parking charges apply. [DA]Thukral & Tagra: Bread, Circuses & TBDThe Delhi-based artists display an installation inspired by Indian wrestling.Yorkshire Sculpture Park (01924 832631) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 1 Sep, free, parking charges apply. [DA]Yorkshire Sculpture InternationalSculptures and installations based on the premise of truth to materials.The Hepworth (01924 247360) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 29 Sep, free.WarwickA Tea JourneyHistoric teaware from China, Japan and India, with responses by contemporary artists.Compton Verney (01926 645500) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 11am-5pm, last adm


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 21The Guide Listings 21The Guide Listings

4pm, to 22 Sep, £14.50, child £5.50, concs £13.50, inc permanent collections and grounds.WirralRembrandt in PrintMore than 200 prints by the Dutch master.National Museums Liverpool: Lady Lever Art Gallery (0151-478 4136) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 15 Sep, free.WolverhamptonPick of the PopsWorks by famous pop artists such as Pauline Boty and Andy Warhol.Wolverhampton Art Gallery (01902 552055) Sat, Mon-Fri 10.30am-4.30pm, Sun 11am-4pm, to 29 Sep, free. [DA]

AberystwythGareth Griffith: TrailerThe north Walian painter explores the connections between place, time and society.Aberystwyth Arts Centre (01970 623232) Mon 8am-11pm, free. [DA]Road to DiscoveryContemporary pieces from Uzbekistan are displayed alongside Welsh folk pottery.Aberystwyth Arts Centre (01970 623232) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-8pm, Sun 12noon-5pm, to 26 Aug, free. [DA]Welsh IllustratorsBook illustrations from the Mabinogion to Rala Rwdins.Aberystwyth Arts Centre (01970 623232) Sat, Mon-Fri 8am-11pm, Sun 12noon-8pm, to 22 Aug, free. MachynllethThe MoonA display of photographs from Nasa’s archive.Y Tabernacl (01654 703355) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-4pm, to 27 Jul, free.


BirminghamSaturday Night ComedyWith Evelyn Mok, Sol Bernstein, Larry Dean and Steve Williams.The Glee Club (0871-472 0400) 7pm, £22, NUS £18. [DA]BurySian Davies: About TimeThe Met (0161-761 2216) 9pm, £8. [DA]BuxtonCharmian HughesThe Green Man Gallery (01298 937375) 8.30pm, £6, concs £5.Richard PulsfordRotunda Theatre ( 4.30pm, £12, concs £9.Tom Crowley’s MassUnderground Venues (01298 73461) 8.45pm, £8, concs £7.LiverpoolLaughterhouse ComedyWith Addy van der Borgh, Mick Ferry, Chris Cairns and MC Neil Fitzmaurice.Slaughterhouse (0800-177 7575) 8pm, seated £19.50, standing £15.ManchesterThe Best in Stand UpWith Jo Caulfield, Charlie Baker, Emmanuel Sonubi, MC Matt Reed and Dave Fulton.The Comedy Store (0870-593 2932) 7pm, £22, concs £16. [DA]The Best in Stand Up Late ShowWith Jo Caulfield, Charlie Baker, Emmanuel Sonubi, MC Matt Reed and Dave Fulton.The Comedy Store Manchester (0870-593 2932) 9.30pm, £22, concs £16. [DA]Gabby KillickThe Frog & Bucket (0161-236 9805) 5pm, £7. [DA]John PorterInternational Anthony Burgess Foundation (0161-235 0776) 7.30pm, £5.Saturday Barrel of LaughsWith Mick Ferry, Alasdair Beckett-King,

Ian Coppinger and MC Chris Betts.The Frog & Bucket (0161-236 9805) 8pm, £21, concs £18. [DA]Newcastle upon TyneLouise Young & Anja Atkinson: Edinburgh PreviewsThe Stand (0844-693 3336) 7pm, £6.The Saturday ShowWith Susie McCabe, Ro Campbell, Joby Mageean and MC Tony Jameson.The Stand (0844-693 3336) 8.30pm, £17.50.NottinghamSaturday Night ComedyJohn Hastings, Tom Stade and Phil Jerrod.The Glee Club (0871-472 0400) 7pm, £17.50, NUS £10, inc meal £24.95.SaleFrisky & Mannish: PopLab – PreviewWaterside (0161-912 5616) 7pm, £12.SalfordJosh WolfThe Lowry: The Studio (0843-208 6000) 7pm, £15. [DA]Orlando De-BloomedThe King’s Arms (0161-832 3605) 6pm, £9.50.Paul Putner’s Embarrassment: Me and Madness (The Band)The King’s Arms (0161-832 3605) 4pm, £8.Rhod GilbertThe Lowry: The Lyric Theatre (0843-208 6000) 8pm, £31. [DA]ShrewsburyAlexander BennettDough & Oil ( 6.30pm, £6.Bobby Mair: Work in ProgressHenry Tudor House (01743 361666) 9pm, £6.Cam Spence: Work in ProgressShrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery (01743 258885) 6.30pm, £6.Daliso ChapondaHenry Tudor House (01743 361666) 5.15pm, £6.

Jane HillShrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery (01743 258885) 7.45pm, £6.Lloyd GriffithOld Post Offi ce (oldpostoffi 7.45pm, £6.Phil NicholOld Post Offi ce (oldpostoffi 2.45pm, £6.Troy HawkeShrewsbury Old Market Hall (01743 281281) 4pm, £6.Stoke-on-TrentLOL Comedy ClubWith MC Damion Larkin.Regent Theatre (0844-871 7649) 8pm, £16.40. WiganSian Davies: About TimeThe Way Theatre: Studio ( 4.30pm, £8.WolverhamptonJimmy CarrWolverhampton Grand Theatre (01902 429212) 7pm, 10pm, £25-£31. Laugh Out Loud Comedy ClubWith Roger Monkhouse, Josh Pugh, Carey Marx and a guest act.The Slade Rooms (0870-320 7000) 8pm, £16. [DA]YorkAustentatious: An Improvised Jane Austen NovelGrand Opera House (0844-871 7615) 4pm, £20. [DA]George Egg: Movable Feast – Edinburgh PreviewGrand Opera House (0844-871 7615) 5pm, £13, concs £11. [DA]Hyena Lounge Comedy ClubWith Gary Delaney, Angelos Epithemiou and Alex Boardman.The White Rose Rotunda ( venues/ the_white_rose_rotunda ) 9pm, £15.Ian LaneThe Tea Pot ( venues/ the_tea_pot) 9.30pm, £7.



20-26 July 2019 The Guardian22 The Guide ListingsThe Guide Listings22

Jamie MacDonaldCity Screen: The Basement (0871-704 2054) 9pm, £10, concs £8.John Pendal: MonsterThe Tea Pot ( venues/ the_tea_pot) 8pm, £8, concs £7.Richard Stott: Right Hand Man – Edinburgh PreviewThe Basement, City Screen (0871-704 2054) 7.30pm, £8, concs £6.Simon MunneryThe White Rose Rotunda ( venues/ the_white_rose_rotunda ) 7pm, £7.


BirminghamPaul SmithNew Alexandra Theatre (0844-871 3011) 8pm, £23.65. [DA]BuxtonAlasdair Beckett-KingUnderground Venues (01298 73461) 5.30pm, £8, concs £7.Charmian HughesThe Green Man Gallery (01298 937375) 8.30pm, £6, concs £5.LondonArabella Weir: Does My Mum Loom Big in This?The Bill Murray, N1 (020-7502 7151) 2pm, £5, day of previews £10.Jonny and the Baptists & Matt FordePleasance Theatre, N7 (020-7609 1800) 7.45pm, £8. [DA]ManchesterChristopher KCMiners Community Arts and Music Centre (0161-228172) 2pm, £6.Grainne Maguire & John Hastings: Edinburgh PreviewsThe Frog & Bucket (0161-236 9805) 12.30pm, £5, concs £4, Edinburgh Preview pass £10, concs £8. [DA]Josh Pugh & Jenny Collier: Edinburgh PreviewsThe Frog & Bucket (0161-236 9805) 5.30pm, £5,

concs £4, Edinburgh Preview pass £10, concs £8. [DA]Mike Newall & Alun Cochrane: Edinburgh PreviewsThe Frog & Bucket (0161-236 9805) 3pm, £5, concs £4, Edinburgh Preview pass £10, concs £8. [DA]Tom GloverTriBeCa (0161-236 8300) 7.30pm, £5.Newcastle upon TyneCatherine Bohart: Work in ProgressThe Stand (0844-693 3336) 6pm, £4, concs £3.Matt Reed: StalkedThe Stand (0844-693 3336) 9pm, £10, concs £7.NottinghamJosh WolfThe Glee Club (0871-472 0400) 6.30pm, £15.SalfordPaul Putner’s Embarrassment: Me and Madness (The Band)The King’s Arms (0161-832 3605) 4pm, £8.ShrewsburyAbandomanHenry Tudor House (01743 361666) 3pm, £6.Larry Dean: BampotShrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery (01743 258885) 4.15pm, £6.Rob RouseOld Market Hall (01743 281281) 1.45pm, £6.Shrewsbury International Comedy Festival GalaDavid O’Doherty, Loyiso Gola, Abandoman, Angelos Epithemiou, Larry Dean, Katie Mulgrew and MC Lee Nelson.Theatre Severn (01743 281281) 7.30pm, £30-£37.50. [DA]Susan MurrayDough & Oil ( 1.45pm, £6.Vikki Stone: Song BirdShrewsbury Old Market Hall (01743 281281) 4.15pm, £6.

YorkGyles BrandrethThe White Rose Rotunda ( venues/ the_white_rose_rotunda ) 3pm, £20, concs £18.Jack GleadowThe Tea Pot ( venues/ the_tea_pot) 8.30pm, £7.Ken Cheng: To All the Racists I’ve Blocked Before – Edinburgh PreviewThe Tea Pot ( venues/ the_tea_pot) 8.30pm, £7.Paul FootThe White Rose Rotunda ( venues/ the_white_rose_rotunda ) 5.30pm, £12.50.Sasha Ellen: Pickle41 Monkgate (01904 674675) 8pm, £7.


BirminghamDaniel Muggleton & Loyiso Gola: Edinburgh PreviewsBirmingham Repertory Theatre: The Door (0121-236 4455) 8pm, £10. [DA]BuxtonAlasdair Beckett-KingUnderground Venues (01298 73461) 5.30pm, Mon 7pm, £8, concs £7.Nick HorsemanUnderground Venues (01298 73461) 8.30pm, £8, concs £7.ManchesterMatt StellingwerfGullivers (0161-819 2970) 7pm, £5.Stan WallaceGullivers (0161-819 2970) 8.30pm, £5.Newcastle upon Tyne“The Best Show” By ZoeThe Stand (0844-693 3336) 8.30pm, £5.


BirminghamMichelle WolfThe Glee Club (0871-472 0400) 6.45pm, £25. [DA]

BuxtonOleg Denisov: Russian Troll – Work in ProgressUnderground Venues (01298 73461) 8.30pm, £8, concs £7.Vince Atta: Massive AttackUnderground Venues (01298 73461) 7pm, £8, concs £7.ManchesterSamantha Pressdee: CoveredGullivers (0161-819 2970) 7pm, £7.Steve Hili: The Sexy EnvironmentalistGullivers (0161-819 2970) 8.30pm, £6.Newcastle upon TyneLarry Dean: Work in ProgressThe Stand (0844-693 3336) 8.30pm, £5, concs £4.YorkAlasdair Beckett-KingThe Tea Pot ( venues/ the_tea_pot) 8.30pm, £7.Eliott SimpsonThe Basement, City Screen (0871-704 2054) 9.30pm, £7.


BuxtonOleg Denisov: Russian Troll – Work in ProgressUnderground Venues (01298 73461) 5.30pm, £8, concs £7.ManchesterArchie Henderson: Jazz EmuGullivers (0161-819 2970) 8.30pm, £6.SalePamela DeMentheWaterside (0161-912 5616) 7pm, £12.SalfordDom Mackie’s Poor Life ChoicesThe Empty Space ( 7.30pm, £5.I, Tom Mayhew: Work in ProgressThe King’s Arms (0161-832 3605) 7pm, £5.Michelle WolfThe Lowry: Quays


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 23The Guide Listings 23The Guide Listings

Theatre (0843-208 6000) 8pm, £28.50. YorkGeorgie Morrell: Eyecon – Edinburgh PreviewThe Tea Pot ( venues/ the_tea_pot) 6.45pm, £8, concs £6.Harry and Chris: Edinburgh PreviewThe Tea Pot ( venues/ the_tea_pot) 8.15pm, £10.Iain MacDonaldThe Arts Barge ( 6pm, £7.Jim Campbell: Beef41 Monkgate (01904 674675) 8.30pm, £7.


BirminghamThursday Night Comedy CarouselWith Andy Robinson, Fern Brady and Glenn Wool.The Glee Club (0871-472 0400) 7pm, £11.75, NUS £6. [DA]Troy Hawke & Vikki Stone: Edinburgh Previewsmac (0121-446 3232) 7.30pm, £10. [DA]Huddersfi eldComedy CellarWith Daliso Chaponda and Scott Bennett.Lawrence Batley Theatre: Syngenta Cellar (01484 430528) 7.45pm, £8-£10. [DA]ManchesterStand Up ThursdayWith Mike Gunn and John Lynn.The Comedy Store (0870-593 2932) 8pm, £12, concs £8. [DA]Thursday Night LiveWith Mike Newall, Hannah Jones, Sam Serrano, Steve Shanyaski and MC Jonathan Mayor.The Frog & Bucket (0161-236 9805) 8pm, £10, concs £7. [DA]Newcastle upon TyneThe Thursday ShowWith Roger Monkhouse,

Damian Clark, Johnny Pelham and MC Mandy Knight.The Stand (0844-693 3336) 8.30pm, £10, concs £7, mems £5.SalfordDom Mackie’s Poor Life ChoicesThe Empty Space ( 7.30pm, £5.I, Tom Mayhew: Work in ProgressThe King’s Arms (0161-832 3605) 7pm, £5.Whitley BayGary Delaney: Gagster’s ParadisePlayhouse Whitley Bay (0844-248 1588) 8pm, £17. [DA]YorkAlun Cochrane: Brave New Alan41 Monkgate (01904 674675) 7pm, £8.Eshaan Akbar: Work in ProgressThe Tea Pot ( venues/ the_tea_pot) 7pm, £8, concs £7.Huge Davies: Work in ProgressThe Basement, City Screen (0871-704 2054) 7pm, £7.

Oleg Denisov: Russian Troll – Work in ProgressThe Tea Pot ( venues/ the_tea_pot 9.30pm, £8, concs £7.Tom Taylor Is the Indie Feel-Good Hit of the Summer41 Monkgate (01904 674675) 8.30pm, £7.


BirminghamFriday Night ComedyWith Fern Brady, Tom Houghton, Glenn Wool and Lou Conran.The Glee Club (0871-472 0400) 7pm, £17.75, NUS £12. [DA]ChesterFriday Night ComedyAlexander’s Live (01244 340005) 8.30pm, £11, NUS £8.DoncasterRhod Gilbert: The Book of JohnDoncaster Dome (01302 370777) 8pm, £27.50. HarrogateJames AcasterHarrogate Theatre (01423 502116) 8pm, £20.50. [DA]HullRichard StottHull Truck Theatre: Studio (01482 323638) 8pm, £10. [DA]LeedsReginald D Hunter: Edinburgh PreviewThe Wardrobe (0113-383 8800) 7pm, £15.LiverpoolLaughterhouse ComedyKeith Carter as Nige, Gavin Webster and MC Chris Cairns.The Slaughterhouse (0800-177 7575) 8pm, seated £15, standing £12, concs £10.ManchesterThe Best in Stand UpMC Stephen Grant, Mike Gunn, John Lynn and David Hadingham.The Comedy Store (0870-593 2932) 8pm, £18, concs £12. [DA]Friday Barrel of LaughsWith Mike Newall, Daisy

Earl, Steve Shanyaski and MC Jonathan Mayor.The Frog & Bucket (0161-236 9805) 8pm, £18, concs £15. [DA]Newcastle upon TyneThe Friday ShowWith Roger Monkhouse, Damian Clark, Johnny Pelham and MC Mandy Knight.The Stand (0844-693 3336) 8.30pm, £12, concs £10, mems £6.NottinghamFriday Night ComedyWith Dan Nightingale, Rudi Lickwood, Alyson Smith and Luke Toulson.The Glee Club (0871-472 0400) 7pm, £14.50, NUS £8, inc meal £21.50.SalfordCaitlin Cook: Death WishThe King’s Arms (0161-832 3605) 6pm, £5.Sheffi eldLast Laugh Edinburgh ExpressWith Jo Caulfield and Elliot Steel.Sheffi eld City Hall: Memorial Hall (0114-278 9789) 8pm, £15. [DA]YorkAlan Shed’s Music, Comedy and Everything Else Interactive Quiz ShowThe Arts Barge ( 8pm, £10.Hyena Lounge Comedy ClubWith Jonny Awsum, Lauren Pattinson and Hayley Ellis.The White Rose Rotunda ( venues/ the_white_rose_rotunda ) 9pm, £15.Ian Smith: Half LifeThe Tea Pot ( venues/ the_tea_pot) 9.30pm, £7.Mitch Benn: Ten Songs to Save the WorldThe Tea Pot ( venues/ the_tea_pot) 8pm, £10.Weirdo: A Lois Mills Showcase41 Monkgate (01904 674675) 6pm, £7.

Don’t miss

Michelle WolfBirmingham, Tue; Salford, Wed Caustic, Trump-free standup from the woman who became a household name after demolishing Sarah Huckabee Sanders at the 2018 correspondents’ dinner.


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24 The Guide 20-26 July 2019 The Guardian





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The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 1The Guide Listings

Guide fi lm listings run from Saturday to Thursday. Some numbers may be premium rate. Read more at lm. Event information can change. Please confi rm with venues before setting out. For details of disabled access, call Artsline 020-7388 2227. Please submit listings at least three weeks ahead of publication to Press Association, 292 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1AE (01430 455505; fax 0870-124 0856;



MidsommarDir: Ari Aster (18)

Ari Aster confi rmed his position as the face of horror’s new generation with last year’s Hereditary, and here plants his fl ag fi rmly in Wicker Man territory. As young Americans Florence Pugh and Jack Reynor head to Sweden to experience the midsummer revelry, Midsommar takes its cue from the early-70s folk-horror classic and runs with it.

Rock & popEzra FurmanDublin, Wed; Galway, ThuIrish pop fans are the fi rst to get a taste of this prolifi c US punker’s new material. Expect Springsteen-esque relatable feels with the twitchy attack of a 70s new waver.

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian2 The Guide ListingsThe Guide Listings2


Aladdin (PG) (Guy Ritchie, 2019) Latest in Disney’s current splurge of remaking its animated hits in live action. Guy Ritchie is behind the cameras, while Will Smith aims for a big comeback as the genie.On general releaseAnna (15) (Luc Besson, 2019) Sasha Luss stars in an action thriller about a KGB assassin who goes undercover as a model before turning on her employers.Blackpool Reel, Edinburgh Vue Ocean, Inverness Vue, Livingston Vue, Stirling Vue, Vue Glasgow Fort, Vue LimerickAnnabelle Comes Home (15) (Gary Dauberman, 2019) Third in the creepy-doll thriller series that’s part of the Conjuring “universe”, with Annabelle unleashing terror on a babysitter.On general releaseApollo 11 (U) (Todd Douglas Miller, 2019) Fiftieth anniversary documentary telling the story of the 1969 moon landing with beautifully restored archive footage.Dublin Irish Film Institute, Dumfries Robert Burns Centre, Edinburgh Cameo, Edinburgh Filmhouse, Edinburgh Odeon Lothian Road, Lime Tree Theatre, Mary Immaculate College, MareelBorder (15) (Ali Abbasi, 2018) Offbeat Iranian-Swedish fable from director Ali Abbasi about a customs agent with a superhuman sense of smell who embarks on a relationship with another freakish outsider figure.Bray Mermaid Arts Centre

Brightburn (15) (David Yarovesky, 2019) Superhero-horror yarn, with an alien baby adopted by a family who grows up to become a disturbingly violent teenager.Aberdeen Vue, Dublin Vue, Hamilton Vue, Inverness Vue, Stirling Vue, Vue LimerickThe Brink (15) (Alison Klayman, 2019) Documentary about America’s sinister alt-right mastermind Steve Bannon, chronicling his activities during the 2018 midterm elections.Dublin Irish Film InstituteChild’s Play (15) (Lars Klevberg, 2019) Remake/reboot of the notorious toy slasher, with Mark Hamill voicing the homicidal doll who is given to a kid as a birthday present.Belfast Movie House Yorkgate, Dublin Vue, Edinburgh Vue Ocean, Hamilton Vue, Livingston Vue, Mareel, Vue Glasgow FortThe Dead Don’t Die (15) (Jim Jarmusch, 2019) See Preview.On general releaseDiego Maradona (12A) (Asif Kapadia, 2019) Sprawling documentary about the Argentinian football legend, concentrating mostly on his epic stint in Naples where he inspired the team to top the league.Dublin Vue, Edinburgh Vue, MacRobert Arts Centre, Stornoway An Lanntair Arts CentreGwen (15) (William McGregor, 2018) See Preview.Dublin Cineworld, Glasgow Film TheatreLate Night (15) (Nisha Ganatra, 2019) Mindy Kaling mines her own experience as a “diversity hire” on American TV in this portrait of a female talkshow host (Emma Thompson) whose

career is under threat.Edinburgh FilmhouseThe Lion King (PG) (Jon Favreau, 2019) See Preview.On general releaseLoopers: The Caddie’s Long Walk (NC) (Jason Baffa, 2018) See Preview.Cork Gate Multiplex, Dublin Movies@Dundrum, Odeon Edinburgh Fort KinnairdMa (15) (Tate Taylor, 2019) Octavia Spencer stars as a lonely woman who preys on party-hard teenagers in a pulp Blumhouse treat that makes up for the year’s weak horror output so far.Dublin Vue, Edinburgh Vue OceanMidsommar (18) (Ari Aster, 2019) Hereditary director Ari Aster returns with a Sweden-set folk horror, as Florence Pugh and Jack Reynor show up at a tribal-style midsummer festival.On general releaseOnly You (15) (Harry Wootliff, 2018) God’s Own Country’s Josh O’Connor stars alongside Laila Costa in an intensely-felt romantic drama about a couple in love experiencing problems with fertility.Glasgow Film TheatreOur Time (15) (Carlos Reygadas, 2018) Lengthy study of dysfunctional marital relationship from Mexican auteur Carlos Reygadas, with Reygadas himself playing a famous poet encouraging his wife (played by real -life wife Natalia Lopez) to have an affair.Glasgow Film TheatrePavarotti (12A) (Ron Howard, 2019) Accessible documentary about the hugely successful Italian opera star Luciano Pavarotti, of Three Tenors renown, from Solo: A Star Wars

Story director Ron Howard.On general releaseThe Queen’s Corgi (PG) (Vincent Kesteloot, Ben Stassen, 2019) Belgian-made animation about a royal dog who is annoyed to be picked to marry Trump’s pet Mitzi.On general releaseRobert the Bruce (15) (Richard Gray, 2019) Angus Macfadyen reprises his role from Braveheart as the Scots warrior and national hero who regained the country’s independence in the 14th century.Annan Lonsdale, Dundee Contemporary Arts, Edinburgh Vue, Galashiels Pavilion, Hamilton Vue, Paisley ShowcaseA Season in France (12A) (Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, 2017) Compassionate drama about African refugees coping with life in France, from the Chad-born director of A Screaming Man.Dumfries Robert Burns CentreSpider-Man: Far from Home (12A) (Jon Watts, 2019) Second full-length outing for the Tom Holland incarnation of the webslinger, as he visits Europe and battles Elementals.On general releaseStuber (15) (Michael Dowse, 2019) Kumail Nanjiani plays an Uber driver whose car is commandeered by Dave Bautista’s bellicose cop as he tries to take down a gang of drug dealers - in a modern variant on the mismatched partners movie.On general releaseSupport the Girls (15) (Andrew Bujalski, 2018) Acutely observed study of a put-upon sports bar manager (Regina Hall) who has to negotiate a tricky home life and work-related difficulties.Mareel


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 3The Guide Listings 3The Guide Listings

FilmTell It to the Bees (15) (Annabel Jankel, 2018) See Preview.Cineworld Glasgow - Silverburn, Dublin Irish Film Institute, Dundee Contemporary Arts, Edinburgh Filmhouse, Glasgow Film Theatre, MacRobert Arts CentreToy Story 4 (U) (Josh Cooley, 2019) New instalment of the much-loved Pixar franchise, with Woody and co now dealing with the attentions of a new kid, Bonnie, and the arrival of homemade toy Forky.On general releaseVarda By Agnes (15) (Agnes Varda, 2019) See Preview.Vita & Virginia (12A) (Chanya Button, 2018) Gemma Arterton and Elizabeth Debicki star as Bloomsbury litterateurs Vita Sackville West and Virginia Woolf as they embark on an intense emotional and physical relationship.Dublin Irish Film Institute, Dundee Contemporary Arts, Inverness Eden Court, Triskel Arts CentreYesterday (12A) (Danny Boyle, 2019) Cheerful Richard Curtis/Danny Boyle comedy speculating on what it would be like if everybody but one forgot the Beatles ever existed.On general release

AberdeenCineworld Queens Link (0871-200 2000) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Ralph Breaks the Internet (PG). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4

(U). Yesterday (12A).AnnanLonsdale Cinema (01461 206901) [DA]The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Robert the Bruce (15). Toy Story 4 (U).AyrOdeon (0871-224 4007) Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).Berwick-upon-TweedThe Maltings Theatre and Cinema (01289 330999) [DA]The Sisters Brothers (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Castle DouglasThe Fullarton Theatre (01556 504506) [DA]NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U).ClydebankEmpire (0871-471 4714) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). A Dog’s Journey (PG). The LEGO Movie 2 (U). The Lion King (PG).

The Lion King 3D (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Wild Rose (15). Yesterday (12A).DumfriesRobert Burns Centre Film Theatre (01387 264808) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). Mantra: Sounds Into Silence (NC). Robert the Bruce + Q&A (15). A Season in France (12A). We the Animals (15).DundeeDundee Contemporary Arts (01382 909900) [DA]Betzy Bromberg 16mm Shorts Programme (NC). The Cure - Anniversary 1978-2018 Live in Hyde Park London (12A). Jaws (12A). The Lion King (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love (12A). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Robert the Bruce (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Tell It to the Bees (15). Vita & Virginia (Parent and baby screening) (12A). Vita & Virginia

(12A).DunfermlineCarnegie Hall (01383 602302)Beauty and the Beast (PG). How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (PG). The LEGO Movie 2 (U). Sing (U). Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (PG). A Star Is Born (15).DunoonStudio Cinema (01369 704545)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).East KilbrideOdeon (0871-224 4007) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).EdinburghCameo (0871-902 5723) Apollo 11 (U). Blinded By the Light (12A). The Dead Don’t Die (15). Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 (NC). The Lion King (PG). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A). The Metropolitan Opera Live Encore Screening: Romeo Et Juliette (PG). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Roman Holiday (U). School of Roars (NC). The Secret of Kells (PG).Filmhouse (01312 282688) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). Edge of the Knife (NC). For All Mankind (U). Hidden Figures (PG). Late Night (15). Late Night (Parent and baby screening) (15). The Longest Yard (12A). Moon (15). The Right Stuff (15). Salt and


Only YouOn general releaseGod’s Own Country’s Josh O’Connor and Laia Costa, star of one-take thriller Victoria, are exceptional as a new couple – he’s 26, she’s mid-30s – trying for a baby in Harry Wootliff ’s tender, nuanced drama.

Don’t miss

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian4 The Guide Listings4 The Guide Listings

Fire (NC). Solaris (1972 Film) + Introduction (PG). Tell It to the Bees (15). A Trip to Mars + Live Musical Accompaniment (NC). Varda By Agnes (15). Voyage to the End of the Universe (Ikarie XB1) (NC). Zathura: A Space Adventure (PG).Grassmarket Centre (01312 253 626)Enchanted (PG). Patrick (PG). Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (PG).Odeon Lothian Road (0871-224 4007) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King (Parent and baby screening) (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Odeon Wester Hailes (0871-224 4007) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Vue Ocean (0345-308 4620) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Anna (15). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Birds of a Feather (U). Child’s Play (15). Godzilla: King of the Monsters (12A). The Hustle (12A). John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). Ma (15). Men in Black: International (12A). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from

Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). X-Men: Dark Phoenix (12A). Yesterday (12A).FalkirkCineworld (0871-200 2000) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Ralph Breaks the Internet (PG). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).GalashielsPavilion (01896 752767) Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Robert the Bruce (15). Rocketman (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).GlasgowEveryman (0872-436 9060) [DA]The Lion King (PG). The Lion King (Parent and baby screening) (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Glasgow Film Theatre (0141-332 6535) [DA]All About Eve + Introduction (U). Dance With a Stranger + Discussion (NC). The Dead Don’t Die (15). Gwen (15). The Man Who Fell to Earth (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Only You (15). Our Time (15). Tell It to the Bees (15). Varda By Agnes (15). Volcano (NC). The Witches (PG).IMAX Cinema (0871-200 2000) [DA]Hubble: An IMAX 3D Experience (U). The Lion

King (IMAX) (PG). The Lion King: An IMAX 3D Experience (PG). Space Station 3D (U).Showcase (0871-220 1000) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home 3D (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 3D (U). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Victoria Park (0141-287 5064)Dumbo (PG). The Greatest Showman (PG). The Gruffalo + Highway Rat + Zog (NC). The LEGO Movie 2 (U). Moana (PG). Peppa Pig: Festival of Fun (U). Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (PG).GlenrothesThe Kino Glenrothes (01592 758513)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King (Autism Friendly Screening) (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).GreenockWaterfront Cinema (01475 732201)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Dead Don’t Die (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).HamiltonVue (0345-308 4620) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Brightburn (15). Child’s Play (15). Godzilla: King of the Monsters (12A). The Hustle (12A). John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (15). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). Long Shot (15). Men in Black: International (12A). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman

Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Robert the Bruce (15). Rocketman (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). X-Men: Dark Phoenix (12A). Yesterday (12A).HawickTower Mill, Heart of Hawick (01450 360688)Long Shot (15). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U).InvernessEden Court (01463 234234) [DA]Ace in the Hole (aka the Big Carnival) (NC). Balloon (12A). Balloon (Parent and baby screening) (12A). First Man (12A). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King (Autism Friendly Screening) (PG). Mystery Movie (NC). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Vita & Virginia (12A).KilmarnockOdeon (0871-224 4007) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).KirkwallNew Phoenix Cinema (01856 879900)Avengers: Endgame (12A). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Toy Story 4 (U). Toy Story 4 3D (U). Yesterday (12A).LerwickMareel (01595 745555)Apollo 11 (U). Balloon (12A). Child’s Play (15). Northern Ballet Encore Screening: Victoria (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Support the Girls (15). Yesterday (Parent and


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 5The Guide Listings 5The Guide Listings

baby screening) (12A). Yesterday (12A).LevenThe Kino Leven (01333 422227)The Lion King (PG).LivingstonVue (0345-308 4620) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Anna (15). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Birds of a Feather (U). Child’s Play (15). Godzilla: King of the Monsters (12A). The Hustle (12A). John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). Men in Black: International (12A). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). X-Men: Dark Phoenix (12A). Yesterday (12A).LochgellyLochgelly Centre (01592 583 303)Back to the Future (PG). E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (U).Newton StewartThe Cinema (01671 403333) [DA]The Lion King (PG).PaisleyShowcase (0871-220 1000) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). Men in Black: International (12A). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Robert the Bruce (15). Rocketman (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home 3D (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 3D (U). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).PortreeAros Cinema (01478

613750) [DA]The Lion King (PG).RenfrewOdeon Braehead (0871-224 4007) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Dead Don’t Die (15). The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (IMAX) (PG). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King: An IMAX 3D Experience (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A). Yesterday (Subtitled) (12A).RothesayDiscovery Theatre (01700 502151)Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).SaltcoatsApollo Leisure (01294 471777)The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).St AndrewsByre Theatre (01334 475000)Evita (PG).StirlingMacRobert Arts Centre (01786 466666) [DA]Diego Maradona (12A). The Lion King (Subtitled) (PG). The Lion King (Parent and baby screening) (PG). The Lion King (PG). The Metropolitan Opera Live Encore Screening: Romeo Et Juliette (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Tell It to the Bees (15).Vue (0345-308 4620) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Anna (15). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Birds of a Feather (U). Brightburn

(15). Godzilla: King of the Monsters (12A). The Hustle (12A). John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). Men in Black: International (12A). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). X-Men: Dark Phoenix (12A). Yesterday (12A).StornowayAn Lanntair Arts Centre (01851 703307) [DA]Diego Maradona (12A). Rushmore (15). Winnie the Pooh (U).ThursoThurso Cinema (01487 894152) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Westlife: The Twenty Tour Live from Croke Park: Encore Screening (NC). Yesterday (12A).

AshbourneVue Ashbourne (1890-800705) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Birds of a Feather (U). John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). Men in Black: International (12A). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy

Story 4 (U). X-Men: Dark Phoenix (12A). Yesterday (12A).AthloneIMC Athlone (0902-76655)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).BallinaIMC Ballina (096 77616)Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U).BlackpoolReel Picture (021-421 1415)Anna (15). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). Midsommar (18). Pavarotti (12A). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (Subtitled) (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (Autism Friendly Screening) (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (Parent and baby screening) (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).BrayMermaid Arts Centre (01-272 4030)Border (15).BuncranaBuncrana St Mary’s Hall (074 936 1572)The Lion King (PG).CarlowCineplex (059 9137645)Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King (Autism Friendly Screening) (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Toy Story 4 (Autism

Republicof Ireland


20-26 July 2019 The Guardian6 The Guide Listings6 The Guide Listings

Friendly Screening) (U). Yesterday (12A).VISUAL, Centre for Contemporary Art ( Is True (12A).Cavan TownStorm Cinema (01-520 880000) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (Subtitled) (PG). The Lion King (PG). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (Subtitled) (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).ClonakiltyPark Cinema (023-34141)The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U).ClonmelOmniplex (052 6127354)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U).CorkGate Mallow (022 53284) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). Pavarotti (12A). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U).Gate Multiplex (021-427 9595) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Dead Don’t Die (15). The Lion King (PG). Loopers: The Caddie’s Long Walk (NC). Midsommar (18). Pavarotti (12A). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Triskel Arts Centre ( A Space Odyssey

(U). The Aviator’s Wife (NC). Die Marquise Von O... (The Marquise of O) (NC). A Good Marriage (La Beau Mariage) (NC). The Matrix (15). Pauline at the Beach (NC). Perceval Le Gallois (PG). Vita & Virginia (12A).DinglePhoenix Cinema (066-915 1222)The Lion King (PG).DouglasCinema World (021-489 7768) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). Pavarotti (12A). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U).DublinIrish Film Institute (01-679 3477) [DA]Apollo 11 (U). Archive at Lunchtime: Programme 1 (NC). Archive at Lunchtime: Programme 1 & 2 Double Bill (NC). Archive at Lunchtime: Programme 2 (NC). The Brink (15). The Dead Don’t Die (15). A Gentle Woman (Une Femme Douce) (NC). Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love + Q&A (12A). Mouchette (15). Mystery Film (NC). Never Look Away (15). Pavarotti (12A). Tell It to the Bees (15). Varda By Agnes (15). Vita & Virginia (12A).Movies@Dundrum (01-291 6800)Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Armstrong (PG). Avengers: Endgame (12A). The Dead Don’t Die (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King (Parent and baby screening) (PG). Loopers: The Caddie’s Long Walk (NC). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Pavarotti (12A). Pavarotti (Parent and baby screening) (12A). PAW Patrol:

Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A). Yesterday (Subtitled) (12A).Movies@Swords (01-8956 150)Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Avengers: Endgame (12A). The Dead Don’t Die (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King (Parent and baby screening) (PG). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Rocketman (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (Subtitled) (12A). Yesterday (Parent and baby screening) (12A). Yesterday (12A).Olympia Theatre (01-679 3323)The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Sing-A-Long) (12A).UCI Blanchardstown (01-520 880000) [DA]The Lion King (PG). The Lion King (IMAX) (PG). The Lion King: An IMAX 3D Experience (PG). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15).UCI Coolock (01-520 880000) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (Subtitled) (PG). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (Subtitled) (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).

Dun LaoghaireIMC Dun Laoghaire (01-230 1367) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Dead Don’t Die (15). The Lion King (PG). Midsommar (18). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Pavilion Theatre (01-231 2920/2929)NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). Woman at War (12A).DundalkIMC Dundalk (042 932 0400)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U).DungarvanSGC Cinema (058-41021)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).GoreyMovies@Gorey ( (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).LimerickLime Tree Theatre, Mary Immaculate College (061-774774)Apollo 11 (U).


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 7The Guide Listings 7The Guide Listings

Storm Cinema (01-520 880000) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (Subtitled) (PG). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (Subtitled) (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Toy Story 4 (Subtitled) (U). Yesterday (12A).ListowelClassic Listowel (0 353 068 23467)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).MidletonGate Cinema (021-463 0066) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). Pavarotti + Q&A (12A). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U).NaasStorm Cinema (01-520 880000) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).NavanSolstice Arts Centre (046-909 2300)Can You Ever Forgive Me? (15).NewbridgeUCI Newbridge (01-520 880000)Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Keeper (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). The

Lion King (PG). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).PortlaoiseOdeon Portlaoise (01-520 880000) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U).RoscommonRoscommon C & L Plex (090 666 5333)Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).StillorganOrmonde Cinema (01-520 880000) [DA]The Lion King (PG).NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A).Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).WaterfordOdeon Waterford (01-520 880000) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).

BallymenaIMC Ballymena (028-2563 1111) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The

Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U).BanbridgeIveagh Movie Studios (028-2563 1111) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U).BelfastMovie House, Dublin Road (028-9075 3300) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Dead Don’t Die (15). The Lion King (PG). Midsommar (18). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Movie House, Yorkgate (028-9075 3300) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). Child’s Play (15). The Lion King (PG). Midsommar (18). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).Odeon (0871-224 4007) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (Subtitled) (PG). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups (U). Rocketman (Sing-A-Long) (15). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Spider-Man: Far from Home (Subtitled) (12A). Toy Story 4 (U). Toy Story 4 (Subtitled) (U). Yesterday (12A).ColeraineMovie House (028-9075 3300) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15).

The Lion King (PG). Midsommar (18). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).CookstownRitz Multiplex (028-8676 5182) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride (U). NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy (NC). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U).EnniskillenOmniplex (028-66324777) [DA]Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).GlengormleyMovie House (028-9075 3300) [DA]Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).LondonderryLondonderry Brunswick Moviebowl (028-7137 1999)Aladdin (PG). Annabelle Comes Home (15). The Lion King (PG). The Lion King 3D (PG). The Lion King (Autism Friendly Screening) (PG). The Queen’s Corgi (PG). The Secret Life of Pets 2 (U). Spider-Man: Far from Home (12A). Stuber (15). Toy Story 4 (U). Yesterday (12A).MagheraThe Movie House (028-9075 3300) [DA]The Lion King (PG).



Entertainment Classified

8 The Guide 20-26 July 2019 The Guardian

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 9The Guide Listings 9The Guide Listings


Berwick-upon-TweedRobbie Greig & Hamish MacleodGaelic-based music for guitar, fiddle and vocals.Paxton House and Country Park (01289 386291) 5pm, £10, concs £6.EdinburghAlvin Youngblood HartThe Californian guitarist plays raw blues rock and American roots music.Piccolo Theatre, George Square ( 7.30pm, £12.50.Jed Potts & the Hillman HuntersScottish blues guitarist and vocalist.Teviot Row House, Bristo Square (0131-650 4673) 5pm, £11.50.The ProclaimersFife pop bros.Edinburgh Castle, Castlehill (0131-225 9846) 7pm, £40. [DA]Maggie Bell Band, Jensen Interceptors, Simon Kennedy BandBlues afternoon.Spiegeltent, George Square (0131-467 5200) 1pm, £19.The SugarHill GangAmerican hip-hop progenitors.La Belle Angele, Hasties Close (0131-220 1161) 7pm, £20.GlasgowCentriliaScottish metal band.Barrowland, Gallowgate (0141-204 5151) 7pm, £6.Fabric BearThree-piece indie pop group.King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut, St Vincent Street (0870-169 0100) 8.30pm, phone for availability.Isle of LewisHebCeltToday including the Shires, Elephant Session, Hudson Taylor, Talisk, Eabhal, Face the West.

Lews Castle Green ( 2pm, £46, child £2-£30, concs £41.PerthRewind Festival ScotlandToday with Foreigner, Lulu, Paul Young, Eddie Reader, Joyce Sims and Black Box.Scone Palace ( 12noon, day £69, under 17s £25, weekend £120, under 17s £40, weekend inc camping £140, under 17s £45. [DA]StirlingDoune the Rabbit HoleToday including Sister Sledge, John Grant, Beak>, Asian Dub Foundation, C Duncan.Cardross Estate (doune 10am, day £55, ages 13-18 £20, three-day £105-£115, ages 13-18 £30, under 13s free.


EdinburghAlvin Youngblood Hart Muscle Theory, Maggie Bell & Sandy Tweeddale Duo, Main Street BluesBlues afternoon.Spiegeltent, George Square (0131-467 5200) 1pm, £19.

Dana Dixon Band, RedfishBlues singer-songwriter and band.Leith Docker’s Club, Academy Street (01314 677879) 8pm, £10.The ProclaimersFife pop bros.Edinburgh Castle, Castlehill (0131-225 9846) 7pm, £40. [DA]GlasgowCheap TrickPop-rock veterans.O2 Academy Glasgow, Eglinton Street (0844-477 2000) 7pm, £38.50. [DA]Chris Greig & the Merchants, PrimesGlaswegian indie quartet.King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut, St Vincent Street (0870-169 0100) 8.30pm, £8.PerthRewind Festival ScotlandToday including Bryan Ferry, the Stranglers, Lisa Stansfield, Belinda Carlisle, Hazel O’Connor, Midge Ure, Leo Sayer.Scone Palace ( 12noon, day £69, under 17s £25, weekend £120, under 17s £40, weekend inc camping £140, under 17s £45. [DA]

StirlingDoune the Rabbit HoleToday including the Wailers, Battles, Hawkwind, Blanck Mass and Kathryn Joseph.Cardross Estate (doune 10am, day £55, ages 13-18 £20, three-day £105-£115, ages 13-18 £30, under 13s free.


Glasgowkd langCountry pop smoothie.Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Sauchiehall Street (0141-353 8000) 7pm, £40. [DA]


PitlochryJinskiAcoustic roots duo.Pitlochry Festival Theatre, Port-na-Craig (01796 484626) 8pm, £12.50. [DA]


GlasgowGomezGrowly indie blues.O2 Academy Glasgow, Eglinton Street (0844-477 2000) 7pm, £27.50. [DA]HeliconPsych-rock five-piece.Nice’n’Sleazy, Sauchiehall Street (0141-333 0900) 7.30pm, £7. [DA]Josh Ritter & the Royal City BandUS singer-songwriter.Òran Mór, Great Western Road (0141-357 6200) 7pm, £27.50.Isle of SkyeJinskiAcoustic roots duo.SEALL at An Crùbh, Duisdale Beag (01471 833417) 7pm, £8.


EdinburghJosh Ritter & the Royal City BandUS singer-songwriter.The Queen’s Hall, Clerk Street (0131-668 2019) 7pm, £27. [DA]

rock&pop Music

kd lang Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Mon The barefoot contessa of cool pop is touring to mark 25 years since the release of her career-defi ning album Ingénue, but any excuse is good enough to be wrapped up again in her mellifl uous vocal embrace.

Don’t miss


20-26 July 2019 The Guardian10 The Guide Listings10 The Guide Listings

GlasgowLand of Rubber MenAlt-rock quartet.King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut, St Vincent Street (0870-169 0100) 8.30pm, £8.


EdinburghEdinburgh Guitar NightWith Chris Woods, John Tracey, Roth Guitar Duo.Traverse Theatre, Cambridge Street (0131-228 1404) 7.30pm, £12. [DA]The SAY Award: Live at the LonglistVic Galloway and Nicola Meighan introduce the Scottish album of the year award nominees. With performances from C Duncan, Kobi Onyame, Modern Studies and Rod Jones.The Queen’s Hall, Clerk Street (0131-668 2019) 7pm, £12. [DA]GlasgowEcho MoonIndie-prog quintet.Stereo, Renfi eld Lane (0141-222 2254) 6.30pm, £7, adv £6.The Naked FeedbackGlaswegian indie rockers. King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut, St Vincent Street (0870-169 0100) 8.30pm, £8.TerritoriesExperimental five-piece.Nice’n’Sleazy, Sauchiehall Street (0141-333 0900) 7.30pm, £5. [DA]Isle of ButeButeFestToday including Big Country, Lucy Spraggan and Tom McGuire and the Brassholes.King George’s Field, High Street ( 12noon, day £50, ages 13-17 £25, ages 5-12 £5, weekend £100, ages 13-17 £45, ages 5-12 £15, family £235.StirlingGary InnesHighland accordionist.Tolbooth, Jail Wynd (01786 274000) 8pm, £14-£16.


GalwayThe AcademicIndie rock quartet from Mullingar.Heineken Big Top, Fisheries Field ( 8pm, €35.Marieke Huysmans-BerthouThe French singer and pianist performs on board an adapted sailing boat.The Docks ( 3pm, 5pm, free.Mick FlanneryRock singer-songwriter from Blarney.Róisín Dubh, Dominick Street (091-586 540) 8pm, €24-€26.KillarneyBagatelleVeteran rock and pop quartet from Wicklow.INEC Killarney, Muckross Road (064-66 71555) 9.30pm, €25.WexfordSean and Conor PriceYoung pop singers from Dublin.National Opera House, High Street (053-912 2144) 7.30pm, €25.


GalwayGalway Street ClubFusion of ska, Irish folk, Americana, blues and rock’n’roll.Róisín Dubh, Dominick Street (091-586 540) 8.30pm, €10.Macy GraySoulful R&B singer.Heineken Big Top, Fisheries Field ( 8pm, €35.Marieke Huysmans-BerthouThe French singer and pianist performs on board an adapted sailing boat.The Docks ( 3pm, 5pm, free.Peggy SeegerFolk songs and autobiographical chat.

Monroe’s, Dominic Street (0091 583397) 8.30pm, €27.


CorkSaving GraceRock and Americana from the Robert Plant-led ensemble.Everyman Palace Theatre, MacCurtain Street (021-450 1673) 8pm, phone for av.GalwayMarieke Huysmans-BerthouThe French singer and pianist performs on board an adapted sailing boat.The Docks ( 3pm, 5pm, free.Sharon Shannon, Mary Coughlan and Frances BlackIrish folk musicians.Monroe’s, Dominic Street (0091 583397) 8.30pm, €33.KillarneyMichael EnglishCountry singer.INEC Killarney, Muckross Road (064-66 71555) 9.30pm, €15.


DublinThe WailersJamaican reggae veterans.Vicar Street, Thomas Street (01-77 55 800) 7.30pm, €33.65.GalwayGaradiceTraditional Irish music.Monroe’s, Dominic Street (0091 583397) 8.30pm, €22.Marieke Huysmans-BerthouThe French singer and pianist performs on board an adapted sailing boat.The Docks ( 3pm, 5pm, free.KillarneyBrendan ShineIrish folk and country singer.INEC Killarney, Muckross Road (064-66 71555) 9.30pm, €15.


DublinEzra FurmanPassionate, punky American indie rocker.The Button Factory, Curved Street (01-670 9202) 7.30pm, €21.GalwayJack Lukeman & Pat McCabeCabaret-style alt-rock.Monroe’s, Dominic Street (0091 583397) 8.30pm, €25.Lisa O’NeillIrish folk singer.Róisín Dubh, Dominick Street (091-586 540) 8.30pm, €16-€18.Marieke Huysmans-BerthouThe singer and pianist performs on a boat.The Docks ( 3pm, 5pm, free.KillarneyMike DenverCountry singer.INEC Killarney, Muckross Road (064-66 71555) 9.30pm, €15.


DundalkVincent CrossThe banjo player performs early Irish-American ballads.Backroom, Spirit Store, George’s Quay (042-935 2697) 9pm, free.GalwayEzra FurmanPassionate, punky American indie rocker.Róisín Dubh, Dominick Street (091-586 540) 8.30pm, €22-€24.Lisa LambeCeltic singer-songwriter.Monroe’s, Dominic Street (0091 583397) 8.30pm, €20.Marieke Huysmans-BerthouThe singer and pianist performs on a boat.The Docks ( 3pm, 5pm, free.


GalwayMarieke Huysmans-BerthouFrench singer-pianist.

Music rock&popRepublicof Ireland

The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 11The Guide Listings 11The Guide Listings

The Docks ( 3pm, 5pm, free.Two Door Cinema ClubIrish indie-rock outfit from County Down.Heineken Big Top, Fisheries Field ( 8pm, €49.50.KillarneyJohnny BradyIrish country music star.INEC Killarney, Muckross Road (064-66 71555) 9.30pm, €15.


BelfastGin PalaceThe Belfast band play rock and R&B.Empire Music Hall, Botanic Avenue (028-9024 9276) 8.30pm, £5. [DA]


BelfastSaving GraceRock and Americana from the Robert Plant-led ensemble.Belfast Waterfront: Studio, Lanyon Place (028-9032 5913) 7pm, phone for av. [DA]


BelfastJames DowneyBelfast folk-pop singer.Crescent Arts Centre, University Road (028-9024 2338) 8.30pm, £8.50, concs £7.50. [DA]KerbdogAlt-metal four-piece.The Limelight, Ormeau Avenue (028-9032 7007) 7pm, £19.50. [DA]


DundeeAfrican Praise and Gospel Music ConcertTraditional songs, dances and poetry.

Caird Hall, City Square (01382 434940) 6pm, £5, concs £3, under 6s free. [DA]EdinburghThe Cherry BoppersA blend of acid jazz and bluesy tunes.Teviot Row House, Bristo Square (0131-650 4673) 10pm, £12.Jazz Main, Ian Millar and Dominic SpencerBlue Note-style four-piece.The Jazz Bar, Chambers Street (0131-220 4298) 6pm, £11.Jacqui Dankworth, Georgia CécileMainstream jazz singer.Assembly Hall, Mound Place (0131-623 3030) 8pm, £18-£20. [DA]London Afrobeat CollectiveLondon nine-piece.Spiegeltent, George Square (0131-467 5200) 10pm, £13.New Orleans Swamp DonkeysTraditional jazz outfit.Edinburgh College Pass Theatre, West Granton Road (0131-559 4485) 2pm, £13.50.Spiegeltent, George Square (0131-467 5200) 7.30pm, £22.The Red Stripe BandJazz, swing and rock’n’roll outfit from London.Spiegeltent, George Square (0131-467 5200) 5pm, £16.50.Steve Hamilton QuartetJazz pianist.The Jazz Bar, Chambers Street (0131-220 4298) 9pm, £11.Stewart Forbes Auld AllianceAlto saxophonist.Piccolo Theatre, George Square ( 5pm, £12.50.STRATA ExpandedDrummer Graham Costello’s group is joined by string quartet.Teviot Row House, Bristo Square (0131-650 4673) 7.30pm, £14.

Tommy Smith & Fergus McCreadieJazz saxophonist and pianist.Teviot Row House, Bristo Square (0131-650 4673) 12.30pm, £15.


EdinburghAfrica Groove MachineWest African music with jazz crossover.Piccolo Theatre, George Square ( ) 8pm, £12.50.Cat Loud QuartetJazz standards from the singer.The Jazz Bar, Chambers Street (0131-220 4298) 6pm, £11.Haftor Medbøe & Jakob KarlzonScotland-based Norwegian guitarist and Swedish pianist.Teviot Row House, Bristo Square (0131-650 4673) 5.30pm, £15.Hamish Stuart BandThe former vocalist with the Average White Band.Assembly Hall, Mound Place (0131-623 3030) 8pm, £18-£20. [DA]Iain HunterThe singer performs from the Great American Songbook.Spiegeltent, George Square (0131-467 5200) 5pm, £16.Lorna Reid BewitchedThe jazz singer expands to country, blues and rock tunes.Teviot Row House, Bristo Square (0131-650 4673) 8pm, £12.New Orleans Swamp DonkeysTraditional jazz outfit.Teviot Row House, Bristo Square (0131-650 4673) 2.30pm, £18.Orion All-StarsFusion collective led by Harry Weir.The Jazz Bar, Chambers Street (0131-220 4298) 8.30pm, £11.50.Soweto Kinch QuartetContemporary jazz saxophonist.

Spiegeltent, George Square (0131-467 5200) 8pm, £16.50.


GlasgowBurt BacharachThe venerable pop composer performs with a full orchestra.Kelvingrove Bandstand, Kelvingrove Park ( 6.30pm, £54.45.


DublinBurt BacharachThe venerable pop composer performs with a full orchestra.The Iveagh Gardens, Hatch Street (01-475 7816) 6.30pm, €54.85.


GalwayBurt BacharachThe venerable pop composer performs with a full orchestra.Heineken Big Top, Fisheries Field ( 8pm, €59.50.


GalwayBooka Brass BandBrassy renditions of popular songs.Róisín Dubh, Dominick Street (091-586 540) 8pm, €18-€20.KilaWorld music band.Monroe’s, Dominic Street (0091 583397) 10pm, €25.


BelfastNYOS Jazz OrchestraBig band-style outfit.The MAC, Exchange Street West (028-9023 5053) 8pm, £15, OAP £10, under 24s/mems £6. [DA]

jazz Music




Republicof Ireland


The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 13The Guide Listings 13The Guide Listings


Berwick-upon-TweedLouise Alder and Gary MatthewmanThe soprano and the pianist perform Mozart’s An Chloe, Abendempfindung and Der Zauberer, Fauré’s 5 Mélodies De Venise, R Strauss’s Drei Lieder Der Ophelia Nos 1-3, Mendelssohn’s Gruss, Auf Flügeln Des Gesanges and Neue Liebe, Liszt’s 3 Sonetti Del Petrarca, Puccini’s A Te and Morire? and Verdi’s Stornello and Lo Spazzacamino.Paxton House and Country Park (01289 386291) 7.30pm, £25, concs £10.DunfermlineScottish Schools Orchestra TrustA performance by the Symphony Orchestra, Wind Bands and String Orchestras.Carnegie Hall, East Port (01383 602302) 2.45pm, £10, concs £4.InvernessInner Sound: The GondoliersGilbert and Sullivan’s Venice-set operetta about two gondolier brothers.Eden Court, Bishops Road (01463 234234) 7.30pm, £13.50-£17.50. [DA]PerthNYOS Senior OrchestraDionysis Grammenos conducts Shostakovich’s Festive Overture and other works.Perth Concert Hall, Mill Street (01738 621031) 7.30pm, £6-£16.50. [DA]


Berwick-upon-TweedAlbion QuartetHaydn’s String Quartet in F Minor No 5 and Mozart’s String Quartet in D ‘Prussian’.

Paxton House and Country Park (01289 386291) 12noon, £15, concs £9.Albion QuartetSuk’s Meditation on the Old Czech Chorale ‘St Wenceslas’, Dvořák’s String Quartet in F and Walton’s String Quartet No 2 in A Minor.Paxton House and Country Park (01289 386291) 4pm, £22, concs  13.Coquetdale Chamber ChoirChoral music from across the ages.Paxton House and Country Park (01289 386291) 2.30pm, free.


Berwick-upon-TweedTamsin Little and Piers LaneThe violinist and the pianist perform Brahms’s Sonatensatz in C Minor, Schubert’s Sonatina in D, Ireland’s Sonata No 2 in A Minor, Vaughan Williams’s The Lark Ascending (original version for violin and piano) and Franck’s Sonata in A.Paxton House and Country Park (01289 386291) 7.30pm, phone for availability.


Berwick-upon-TweedPavel KolesnikovThe pianist plays Chopin, Beethoven, Schumann, Bartók and Debussy, including Beethoven’s Sonata in C Sharp Minor ‘Moonlight’.Paxton House and Country Park (01289 386291) 7.30pm, £22, concs £13.


Berwick-upon-TweedKaleidoscope Chamber CollectivePianist Tom Poster joins for R Schumann’s Three Romances for Horn and Piano Op 94, C Schumann’s Three

Romances for Violin and Piano Op 22 and Brahms’s Horn Trio in E Flat Major Op 40.Paxton House and Country Park (01289 386291) 7pm, £18, concs £11.Tom PosterThe pianist plays Ravel’s La Valse and Pavane, plus his arrangements of songs from the Great American Songbook.Paxton House and Country Park (01289 386291) 9.15pm, £15, concs £9.


Berwick-upon-TweedLaura Van Der Heijden and Tom PosterThe cellist and the pianist perform JS Bach’s Gamba Sonata No 1 in G, Britten’s Cello Sonata in C, Nadia Boulanger’s 3 Pieces for Cello and Piano and Brahms’s Cello Sonata No 1 in E Minor.Paxton House and Country Park (01289 386291) 7.30pm, £25, concs £15.


GalwayKneehigh: Dead Dog in a Suitcase (and Other Love Songs)Kneehigh’s contemporary reimagining of John Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera, written by Carl Grose and directed by Mike Shepherd.Bailey Allen Hall, NUI Galway, University Road (091-492264) 2pm, 7pm, €22-€29.50.National Symphony Orchestra of IrelandDavid Brophy conducts pieces by John Williams, including Jaws, ET, Star Wars and Harry Potter.Heineken Big Top, Fisheries Field ( 2.30pm, €25-€28.


DublinIcebreakerThe contemporary ensemble, plus pedal steel player BJ Cole, play Brian Eno’s Apollo album, accompanied by Al Reinert’s film documentary about the Apollo space missions.National Concert Hall, Earlsfort Terrace (01-417 0000) 8pm, €24.50-€34.50. [DA]RTÉ National Symphony OrchestraDavid Brophy conducts works by Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Verdi, Lehár and Rimsky-Korsakov. With tenor Gavan Ring.National Concert Hall, Earlsfort Terrace (01-417 0000) 1.05pm, €12. [DA]


DublinSinéad Farrell and Darina GibsonThe flautist and pianist play works by JS Bach, Donizetti, Chaminade, Poulenc and Widor.National Concert Hall: John Field Room, Earlsfort Terrace (01-417 0000) 8pm, €17.50. [DA]


DublinLeonora CarneyThe pianist plays works by Mendelssohn, Liszt, Schubert, Grieg, Schumann, Chopin, Rachmaninov and Debussy.National Concert Hall: John Field Room, Earlsfort Terrace (01-417 0000) 1.05pm, €20. [DA]RTÉ National Symphony OrchestraGene Kelly’s widow Patricia Ward Kelly hosts and Neil Thompson conducts live music and excerpts from the musical actor’s films.National Concert Hall, Earlsfort Terrace (01-417 0000) 7.30pm, €25-€45. [DA]

classical MusicScotland

Republicof Ireland

Entertainment Classified

14 The Guide 20-26 July 2019 The Guardian



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The Guardian 20-26 July 2019 15The Guide Listings 15The Guide Listings

AyrBe Bop a LulaA celebration of the music of rock’n’rollers Eddie Cochran, Gene Vincent, Billy Fury and Roy Orbison.Gaiety Theatre and Arts Centre, Carrick Street (01292 288235) Thu 7.30pm, £18-£26.EdinburghThe BodyguardAlexandra Burke stars (evening perf only) in the romantic musical by Alexander Dinelaris, based on the 1992 film.The Edinburgh Playhouse, Greenside Place (0844-871 3014) Sat 2.30pm, 7.30pm, £13-£55. [DA]Teechers & A Midsummer Night’s DreamStudents from Summer on Stage 2019 projects perform this double bill.Royal Lyceum Theatre, Grindlay Street (0131-248 4848) Sat 7.30pm, £8.50, mems £5, concs £5.50. [DA]GlasgowThe Carpenters StoryClaire Furley stars as Karen Carpenter in an biographical musical about the pop siblings.King’s Theatre, Bath Street (0844-871 7648) Sun 7.30pm, £28.40, concs £26.40. [DA]HamletBard in the Botanics presents Shakespeare’s tragedy, directed by Gordon Barr and starring Nicole Cooper.Glasgow Botanic Gardens, Great Western Road (0141-276 1614) Sat, Tue-Fri 7.45pm, to 3 Aug, Tue £13, Wed-Sat £21, concs £17, disabled £15, under 18s £10.Richard IIIFour actors bring to life Shakespeare’s historical drama, directed and adapted by Jennifer Dick for Bard in the Botanics.

Kibble Palace Glasshouse, Glasgow Botanic Gardens, Great Western Road (0141-276 1614) Sat, Tue-Fri 8pm, to 3 Aug, Tue £13, Wed-Sat £23, concs £18.The Ugly OneA comedy about external beauty and identity and the brutality of capitalism. Written by Marius von Mayenburg, translated by Maja Zade, directed by Debbie Hannan.Tron Theatre, Trongate (0141-552 4267) Sat 7.45pm, £9-£17. [DA]InvernessAct of RepairBrian Ferguson directs the Scottish Youth Theatre National Ensemble 2019 in a devised piece concerned with Brexit, emerging forms of capitalism and technological forces.Eden Court, Bishops Road (01463 234234) Tue 7.30pm, £5.50-£7.50. [DA]PitlochryThe CrucibleArthur Miller’s landmark political parable set in a small 17th-century New England town. Directed by Elizabeth Newman.

Pitlochry Festival Theatre, Port-na-Craig (01796 484626) Sat 2pm, Sun 8pm, to 27 Sep, £14-£30. [DA]HeritageNicola McCartney’s drama, set in Canada during the first world war, explores love, identity, tribalism and the need to belong among Irish immigrants.Pitlochry Festival Theatre, Port-na-Craig (01796 484626) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 8pm, to 26 Aug, £14-£26.50. [DA]Summer Holiday: The MusicalPeter Yates directs a stage adaptation of the 1963 pop musical film.Pitlochry Festival Theatre, Port-na-Craig (01796 484626) Sat 8pm, to 5 Oct, £18-£38. [DA]StirlingHamletBard in the Botanics presents Shakespeare’s tragedy, directed by Gordon Barr and starring Nicole Cooper.MacRobert Arts Centre, University of Stirling Campus (01786 466666) Sun 7pm, £12.50, concs £10.50. [DA]

CorkThe Odd CoupleNew York-set comedy by Neil Simon, using the female version of the script. Directed by Conor Hanratty.Everyman Palace Theatre, MacCurtain Street (021-450 1673) Sat, Tue-Fri 7.30pm, to 17 Aug, €26-€33, NUS €9, concs €26-€30.DublinCopper Face Jacks: The MusicalJohnny Ward, Roseanna Purcell and Michele McGrath star in Paul Howard’s romantic musical set on the eve of a Dublin v Kerry All Ireland Final.Olympia Theatre, Dame Street (01-679 3323) Sat & Thu 6pm, 9.15pm, Mon-Wed, Fri 8pm, to 10 Aug, €26-€45.Everything I DoZoe Ní Riordáin’s music-driven theatre piece explores the universality of love, pain and hope.Cube, Project Arts Centre, East Essex Street (01 881 9613) From 26 Jul, Fri 9pm, to 27 Jul, €18-€22. [DA]A Holy ShowJanet Moran’s comedy is based around the true story of a former Trappist monk who hijacked an Aer Lingus plane and took it to the south of France. Project Arts Centre, East Essex Street (01 881 9613) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 7.30pm, €22, concs €20. [DA]Two PintsTwo men meeting for a pint in a pub chew the fat and set the world to rights in Roddy Doyle’s comedy. Abbey Theatre: Abbey Stage, Lower Abbey Street (01-878 7222) Sat 9pm, Tue-Thu 7.30pm, to 18 Aug, €13-€40. [DA]


Until the FloodThe Mick Lally Theatre, GalwayPulitzer prize nominee Dael Orlandersmith has created a play based on interviews after the 2014 shooting of black teenager Michael Brown by a white police offi cer. The playwright gives a talk on 28 July.

Don’t miss

Scotland Republicof Ireland

20-26 July 2019 The Guardian16 The Guide Listings16 The Guide Listings

Berwick-upon-TweedTurner: Northern ExposureThirteen works from painter JMW Turner’s first tour of the north of England.The Granary Gallery, Dewar’s Lane (berwick Sat, Sun, Wed-Fri 11am-4pm, to 30 Oct, free.DundeeAs We See It: Twentieth Century Scottish ArtPaintings that exemplify the role that artists play in showing us the natural world.The McManus, Albert Square, Meadowside (01382 307200) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 12.30pm-4.30pm, to 23 Dec, free.Ciara Phillips: This, LoopedNew work by the Canadian artist evoking the moment when creative decisions are made.V&A Dundee, Riverside Esplanade (01382 411611) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 15 Sep, free.Patrick Staff: The Prince of HomburgA new major video installation and sculptural works.DCA: Dundee Contemporary Arts, Nethergate (01382 909900) Sat-Wed, Fri 10am-6pm, Thu 10am-8pm, to 1 Sep, free. [DA]Videogames: Design/Play/DisruptImmersive installations and interactives providing an insight into the design process behind groundbreaking video games.V&A Dundee, Riverside Esplanade (01382 411611) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 8 Sep, £12, OAP/NUS £10, disabled £7, ages 13-18 £10, ages 5-12 £8.

The Unmanageable SistersDeirdre Kinahan’s Ballymun-set adaptation of Michel Tremblay’s play Les Belles-Soeurs.Abbey Theatre: Abbey Stage, Lower Abbey Street (01-878 7222) Sat 12.30pm, 5pm, Mon & Fri 7.30pm, Wed 2pm, to 3 Aug, €33-€45. [DA]GalwayBreakfast on PlutoBob Kelly’s musical coming-of-age story based on the novel by Patrick McCabe.Black Box, Dyke Road (091-569 777) Sat 11pm, €20.CitysongDylan Coburn Gray’s play is a chorus of voices showing three generations of a Dublin family on one day. Directed by Caitriona McLaughlin.Black Box, Dyke Road (091-569 777) From 23 Jul, Tue-Fri 7pm, Thu 2pm, to 28 Jul, €22-€29.50.CleftLynne Parker directs Fergal McElherron’s visceral story of one family’s unrelenting will to survive.O’Donoghue Theatre, NUI Galway, University Road ( From 22 Jul, Mon-Fri 6pm, Thu 2pm, to 27 Jul, €22-€25.EdenDecadent Theatre stages Eugene O’Brien’s story of a couple who attempt to save their marriage over a weekend.Nun’s Island Theatre, Nun’s Island (091-565 886) Sat, Mon-Fri 8pm, Fri 2pm, to 28 Jul, €24-€25.EpiphanyDruid presents Brian Watkins’s play about group of friends who try to reignite a forgotten tradition.Town Hall Theatre, Courthouse Square (091-569 777) Sat, Mon-Fri 8pm, to 27 Jul, €22-€28.

Least Like the OtherBrian Irvine and Netia Jones’s piece of experimental music theatre about JFK’s eldest sister, Rosemary.Black Box, Dyke Road (091-569 777) Sat 7pm, €30-€40.Made in EarnestA musical update of Oscar Wilde’s comedy The Importance of Being Earnest by Justin McCarthy, Arthur Riordan and Charlie McBride.Town Hall Theatre, Courthouse Square (091-569 777) Sun 6pm, €7.Redemption FallsMoonfish Theatre adapts Joseph O’Connor’s novel about a daughter of an Irish emigrant who ventures across America to find her brother.An Taibhdhearc, Middle Street ( From 24 Jul, Wed-Fri 8pm, Thu 2pm, to 28 Jul, €22-€25.The SameEnda Walsh’s play, directed by Pat Kiernan, poses questions about our various different selves and parallel lives. Directed by Pat Kiernan.Galway Airport ( Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 9.30pm, Thu 7pm, to 27 Jul, €22-€25.The Star ChildAdapted for the stage by Mary Elizabeth Burke–Kennedy, Oscar Wilde’s collection of fairytales is woven into a drama .Nun’s Island Theatre, Nun’s Island (091-565 886) Sat, Mon-Fri 4.30pm, to 28 Jul, €14.Until the FloodDael Orlandersmith’s piece is based on interviews following the 2014 shooting of black teenager Michael Brown by white police officer Darren Wilson.The Mick Lally Theatre, Druid Lane ( From 22 Jul, Mon-Fri 8pm, Thu 2pm, to 27 Jul, €22-€25.

EdinburghAdam BenmakhloufAccumulated audio, recordings and music for the Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop’s beacon tower.Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Hawthornvale (0131-551 4490) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 11am-5pm, to 25 Aug, free.Alfredo Jaar: I Can’t Go on, I’ll Go OnPart of Stories for an Uncertain World. See Preview.Outside National Museums of Scotland, Chambers Street ( From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri, open 24 hours, to 25 Aug, free.All That the Rain Promises and More …Works exploring fungus and the symbiotic connection we have with the environment.Arusha Gallery, Dundas Street ( From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 10am-5pm, to 14 Sep, free.Amanda Baron: An ObservationWorks on glass.Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust, Brunswick Street (edinburgh From 26 Jul, Fri 11am-4pm, to 8 Aug, free.Anthony Caro & Fred SandbackArtworks examining lines in three-dimensional space.Modern One, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Belford Road (0131-624 6200) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 27 Jul, free. [DA]The Art of African MetalworkBrass and copper items from west and central Africa from the 19th and early 20th century.National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street (0300-123 6789) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 25 Aug, free. [DA]


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Artist Rooms: Self Evidence – Woodman, Arbus and MapplethorpeWorks by three influential 20th-century American photographers: Francesca Woodman, Diane Arbus and Robert Mapplethorpe.Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Queen Street (0131-624 6200) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 20 Oct, free. [DA]Bobby Niven: Palm HouseA social sculpture and a space for production.Johnston Terrace Wildlife Garden, Johnston Terrace ( From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 10am-5pm, to 25 Aug, free.Bridget RileyA comprehensive survey of the artist’s work.Scottish National Gallery, The Mound (0131-624 6200) Sat-Wed, Fri 10am-5pm, Thu 10am-7pm, to 22 Sep, Jul & Sep: Mon-Fri £13, concs £11, under 25s £8.50, Sat & Sun £14, concs £12, under 25s £9.50, Aug: £15, concs £13, under 25s £10. [DA]Caroline Achaintre: Encounter LSculptures made for the large outdoor courtyard.Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Hawthornvale (0131-551 4490) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 11am-5pm, to 25 Aug, free.Cindy Sherman: Early Works, 1975-80Seminal early works of self-portraiture by the celebrated American photographer.Stills Gallery, Cockburn Street (0131-622 6200) Sat-Fri 11am-6pm, to 6 Oct, free. [DA]Contemporary PaintersWorks by Michael Armitage, Georg Baselitz, Peter Doig, Chris Ofili, Carol Rhodes, Thomas Scheibitz and Raqib Shaw.

Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Belford Road (0131-624 6200) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 27 Jul, free. [DA]Cut and Paste: 400 Years of CollageExhibition exploring collage over the past 400 years.Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art Two, Belford Road (0131-624 6200) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 27 Oct, Mon-Fri £11, concs £9, under 25s £7.50, Sat & Sun £13, concs £12, under 255s £8.50. [DA]Damien Cifelli: Tarogramma ArchiveA collection of artefacts and images that reveal the history of the hidden land of Tarogramma.Italian Cultural Institute, Nicolson Street (0131-226 0000) From 25 Jul, Thu 10am-5pm, Fri 10am-12noon, to 7 Aug, free.David Batchelor: My Own Private BauhausInstallations, sculptures, paintings, drawings and photographs marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Bauhaus.Ingleby Gallery, Barony Street (0131-556 4441) From 24 Jul, Wed-Fri 11am-5pm, to 28 Sep, free.Derrick Guild: Ever AfterForty miniature works in oval frames connected by fine gold chain that relate to portraits by Lely, Van Dyck, Raeburn and Batoni, plus 11 paintings from his ongoing label series.The Scottish Gallery, Dundas Street (0131-558 1200) From 24 Jul, Wed-Fri 10am-6pm, to 24 Aug, free. [DA]Grayson Perry: Julie Cope’s Grand TourSee Preview.Dovecot Studios, Infi rmary Street (0131-550 3660) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 10am-5.30pm, to 2 Nov, free.

Hanna Tuulikki: Deer DancerCross-artform project by the artist, composer and performer investigating the mimesis of deer, particularly in dance.Edinburgh Printmakers, Union Street (0131-557 2479) From 26 Jul, Fri 10am-5pm, to 5 Oct, free.Helen McCrorie: If Play Is Neither Inside Nor Outside, Where Is It?A new film centred on an child-led outdoor playgroup.Collective Gallery, Calton Hill (0131-556 1264) Sat, Sun, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, to 6 Oct, free.Intimate: A PortraitWorks by Ishbel Mysercough, Jennifer McRae, Alison Watt, Eduardo Paolozzi and Will Maclean.The Fine Art Society in Edinburgh, Dundas

Street (0131-557 4050) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 10am-6pm, to 31 Aug, free.James Richards: Migratory Motor ComplexA six-channel acoustic installation that explores the capacity of sound to render artificial spaces.Collective Gallery, Calton Hill (0131-556 1264) From 26 Jul, Fri 10am-5pm, to 20 Oct, free.Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller: Night Walk for EdinburghThe Canadian artists’ night walk in the Old Town using a digital tablet and headphones.The Milkman, Cockburn Street (0131-225 2383) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 8pm-10pm, to 25 Aug, £15. [DA]


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The Long Look: The Making of a PortraitA collaboration between the painter Audrey Grant and the photographer and print-maker Norman McBeath.Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Queen Street (0131-624 6200) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 27 Oct, free. [DA]Lucy WaymanA new public sculpture using craft techniques, for the cycle path close to the venue.Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Hawthornvale (0131-551 4490) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri dawn to dusk, to 31 May, free.A Machine for Making AuthenticityPrints by the in-house technicians.Edinburgh Printmakers, Union Street (0131-557 2479) From 26 Jul, Fri 10am-5pm, to 28 Jul, free.Martin Parker: SonikebanaLong-form sound composition that is transformed and performed by listeners as it happens.Edinburgh College of Art, Lauriston Place (0131-221 6125) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 11am-5pm, to 17 Aug, free.Modern Masters IXIncludes William Crosbie, Victoria Crowe, Pat Douthwaite, David Eustace, JD Fergusson and William Gillies.The Scottish Gallery, Dundas Street (0131-558 1200) From 24 Jul, Wed-Fri 10am-6pm, to 24 Aug, free. [DA]Nathan Coley: The Future Is Inside Us, It’s Not Somewhere ElsePart of Stories for an Uncertain World. See Preview.Parliament Hall, Parliament Square ( From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 10am-5pm, to 25 Aug, free.

Nicole Farhi: Writing HeadsTwenty-five busts of 20th-century novelists and playwrights.The Fine Art Society in Edinburgh, Dundas Street (0131-557 4050) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 10am-6pm, to 31 Aug, free.NOWA major survey of the work of sculptor Anya Gallaccio, plus Charles Avery, Aurélien Froment, Roger Hiorns, Peles Empire and Zineb Sedira.Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Belford Road (0131-624 6200) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, to 22 Sep, free. [DA]Our Infinite LandWorks highlighting the Scottish landscape, by artists including Eileen Lawrence, Will Maclean, Alan Robb and Michael Visocchi.The Royal Scottish Academy, The Mound (0131-225 6671) Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 12noon-5pm, free. [DA]Reformation to RevolutionPortraits reflecting political changes in the 17th century.Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Queen Street (0131-624 6200) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 1 May, free. [DA]The Remaking of Scotland: Nation, Migration, Globalisation 1760-1860The exhibition shows how MacPherson, Burns and Scott reinvented Scotland as a land of myth and romance.Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Queen Street (0131-624 6200) Sat-Wed, Fri 10am-5pm, Thu 10am-7pm, to 21 Jun, free. [DA]A Royal Wedding: The Duke and Duchess of SussexThe Duchess of Sussex’s bridal dress, diamond tiara and veil.

Palace of Holyroodhouse (0131-556 5100) Sat-Fri 9.30am-6pm, to 6 Oct, £15, OAP/NUS £13.50, child/disabled £8.69, family £38.70. [DA]Russia: Royalty & the RomanovsPaintings, jewellery, books, costume, letters and photographs exploring the varied connections between Britain and Russia.The Queen’s Gallery at the Palace of Holyrood House, Holyrood Road (0131-556 5100) Sat-Fri 9.30am-6pm, to 3 Nov, £7.50, OAP £6.80, NUS £6.40, under 17s/disabled £3.80, under 5s free, family £18.80. [DA]Samson Young: Real MusicThe first major UK solo exhibition of the Hong Kong artist, including the generation of virtual instruments.

Talbot Rice Gallery, University of Edinburgh, Old College, South Bridge (0131-650 2210) From 26 Jul, Fri 10am-5pm, to 5 Oct, free. [DA]Scots in Italy: Artists and AdventurersPaintings arising from the Scottish experience of Italy during the 18th century.Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Queen Street (0131-624 6200) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 1 May, free. [DA]Snaebjörnsdóttir/Wilson: Vanishing Point – Where Species MeetThree-screen installation following a ritualistic sharing of food.St Mary’s Cathedral, Palmerston Place ( From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 7.30am-6.30pm, to 25 Aug, free.


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Stephen Bird: Kiln GodsSmall pottery pieces.The Scottish Gallery, Dundas Street (0131-558 1200) From 24 Jul, Wed-Fri 10am-6pm, to 24 Aug, free. [DA]Teaching Painting: Fully AwakeExhibition that celebrates the practice and teaching of painting.Edinburgh College of Art, Lauriston Place (0131-221 6125) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 11am-5pm, to 25 Aug, free.Victoria Crowe: Fifty Years of PaintingMajor British artist.City Art Centre, Market Street (0131-529 3993) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 12noon-5pm, to 13 Oct, £6, concs £4.50. [DA]Wild and Majestic: Romantic Visions of ScotlandPaintings of dramatic landscapes, traditional dress and cultural points of Scotland.

National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street (0300-123 6789) Sat-Fri 10am-5pm, to 24 Aug, £10, concs/child £7.50. [DA]Yulia Kovanova: Grey to Blue – Ecological EntanglementsAbstract interactions presented via sculptural, photographic, moving-image and sound-based works.Edinburgh College of Art, Lauriston Place (0131-221 6125) From 25 Jul, Thu & Fri 10am-5pm, to 25 Aug, free.GlasgowCarrie Skinner: Let the Music Play On and On and On and On and On and On and OnInteractive performance art work playing with the experience of attending a gallery.CCA, Sauchiehall Street (0141-352 4900) Sat, Tue-Fri 11am-6pm, Sun 12noon-6pm, to 18 Aug, free. [DA]

Domestic BlissPortraits of intimacy and domesticity by 27 artists, including Jane Evelyn Atwood, Anne Collier, Kate Davis, Alasdair Gray and Ilana Halperin, which spotlight domestic labour and feminism.Gallery of Modern Art, Royal Exchange Square (0141-287 3050) Sat, Mon-Wed 10am-5pm, Sun & Fri 11am-5pm, Thu 10am-8pm, free. [DA]The German RevolutionExpressionist prints from the collection.Hunterian Art Gallery, Hillhead Street (0141-330 5431) Sat, Tue-Fri 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-4pm, to 25 Aug, free. [DA]Sonic Seance: The GatheringV/DA brings together artists including choreographer Mele Broomes, film-maker Jen Martin and musician Letitia Pleiades.

CCA: Centre for Contemporary Arts, Sauchiehall Street (0141-352 4900) Sat, Tue-Fri 11am-6pm, Sun 12noon-6pm, to 28 Jul, free. [DA]Taste!Contemporary art collected in the last 21 years, including Henri Cartier-Bresson, David Hockney and Stanley Spencer.Gallery of Modern Art, Royal Exchange Square (0141-287 3050) Sat, Mon-Wed 10am-5pm, Sun & Fri 11am-5pm, Thu 10am-8pm, to 28 Dec, free. [DA]KilmarnockThe Printed LineArtists working in printmaking, including Hockney, Riley, Caulfield and Matisse.The Dick Institute, Elmbank Avenue (01563 554900) Sat & Fri 10am-4pm, Tue & Wed 10am-6pm, Thu 1pm-8pm, to 7 Sep, free.


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DublinBauhaus 100: The Print PortfoliosFour Bauhaus portfolios of prints from the Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart.National Gallery of Ireland, Merrion Square West (01-661 5133) From 20 Jul, Sat, Mon-Wed, Fri 9.15am-5.30pm, Sun 11am-5.30pm, Thu 9.15am-8.30pm, to 1 Dec, free. [DA]Doris Salcedo: Acts of MourningSculptures by the Colombian artist highlighting acts of political violence and its victims.Irish Museum of Modern Art, Royal Hospital, Military Road (01-612 9900) Sat 10.30am-5.30pm, Sun 12noon-5.30pm, free. [DA]Fergus MartinPaintings, sculpture and photography of geometric forms.Irish Museum of Modern Art, Royal Hospital, Military Road (01-612 9900) Sat 10am-5.30pm, Sun 12noon-5.30pm, Tue-Fri 11.30am-5.30pm, to 29 Sep, free. [DA]A Fiction Close to RealMultimedia works by Bassam Al-Sabah, Geta Brătescu, Nalini Malani, Betsabee Romero, Dennis Oppenheim and Mary Farl Powers.Irish Museum of Modern Art, Royal Hospital, Military Road (01-612 9900) Sat 10am-5.30pm, Sun 12noon-5.30pm, Tue-Fri 11.30am-5.30pm, to 29 Sep, free. [DA]Janet Mullarney: Then and NowSculpture, painting, drawing, video and installation from the early 1980s to 2018.

Irish Museum of Modern Art, Royal Hospital, Military Road (01-612 9900) Sat 10am-5.30pm, Sun 12noon-5.30pm, Tue-Fri 11.30am-5.30pm, to 29 Sep, free. [DA]Nathaniel Hone: Travels of a Landscape ArtistOils and works on paper by the significant 19th-century Irish artist.National Gallery of Ireland, Merrion Square West (01-661 5133) Sat, Mon-Wed, Fri 9.15am-5.30pm, Sun 11am-5.30pm, Thu 9.15am-8.30pm, to 13 Oct, free. [DA]Platform 2019Showcase for emerging artists.Draiocht Centre, The Blanchardstown Centre (01-885 2622) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, to 31 Aug, free.RenailssanceIrish fashion showcase with nail art from Tropical Popical.National Gallery of Ireland, Merrion Square West (01-661 5133) Sat, Mon-Wed, Fri 9.15am-5.30pm, Sun 11am-5.30pm, Thu 9.15am-8.30pm, to 12 Sep, free, some events ticketed. [DA]A Vague AnxietyA group exhibition of emerging Irish and international artists addressing some of the broader concerns of Generation Y.Irish Museum of Modern Art, Royal Hospital, Military Road (01-612 9900) Sat 10.30am-5.30pm, Sun 12noon-5.30pm, Tue-Fri 11.30am-5.30pm, to 18 Aug, free. [DA]The Voyage of Italy: 200 Years of Travel GuidesHistorical guide books to Italy from the 17th and 18th centuries.National Gallery of Ireland, Merrion Square West (01-661 5133) Sat, Mon-Wed, Fri

9.15am-5.30pm, Sun 11am-5.30pm, Thu 9.15am-8.30pm, to 15 Sep, free. [DA]GalwayAnnlin Chao: The Paralleled MindMultimedia animation and film.O’Donoghue Theatre, NUI Galway, University Road ( Sat, Thu, Fri 11am-6pm, to 28 Jul, free.Diana Cooperwhite & Ciara Barker: ReformingA joint exhibition of painting and installation.126, Flood Street (086-449 13 66) Sat-Fri 11am-6pm, to 28 Jul, free.Joe Hogan: Gathered from the EarthFunctional and sculptural baskets.The Kenny Gallery, Liosban Retail Park, Tuam Road (091-709 350) Sat, Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, to 27 Jul, free.

Making SpaceChloe Brenan, Jane Cassidy, Louise Manifold and Treasa O’Brien with new work that interrogates approaches to astronomical research in collaboration with scientists in NUI Galway.Galway Arts Centre, Dominick Street (091-565 886) Sat, Mon-Fri 10am-5.30pm, to 28 Jul, free.Now Is the Time to Say NothingAn interactive immersive video installation exploring the role of screens in observing global conflict, featuring Syrian artist Reem Karssli. Bank of Ireland Theatre, NUI Galway, University Road ( From 22 Jul, Mon-Fri 11.30am, 1pm, 3pm, 5.30pm, 7pm, 8.15pm, to 28 Jul, €15.

ExhibitionsRepublicof Ireland

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Sarah Hickson: Placing Home – Hidden StoriesPhotographs exploring migration, displacement and transition.O’Donoghue Theatre, NUI Galway, University Road ( Sat, Thu, Fri 11am-6pm, to 28 Jul, free.Sam Jinks: In the FleshAustralian sculptor whose work explores intimacy, empathy, alienation, mortality and acceptance.Festival Gallery, Market Street ( Sat, Thu, Fri 11am-8pm, Sun-Wed 11am-6pm, to 28 Jul, free.LetterkennyTorai BeoPaintings by Tory Island artists.An Grianan Theatre, Port Road (074-207 77) Mon-Fri 9.30am-5pm, to 30 Aug, free.

BelfastDanilo Correale: They Will Say I Killed ThemA film reconstructing fragments of Italian films from the 50s to the 80s that were never made due to censorship.The MAC, Exchange Street West (028-9023 5053) Sat-Fri 11am-5pm, to 13 Oct, free. [DA]Mark McGreevy: Flop SweatA display of new work by the Belfast painter, mostly landscapes featuring spaces of seemingly little value.The MAC, Exchange Street West (028-9023 5053) Sat-Fri 11am-5pm, to 13 Oct, free. [DA]Rationalism on Set: Glamour and Modernity in 1930s Italian CinemaPhotographs of 20th-century film sets.The MAC, Exchange Street West (028-9023 5053) Sat-Fri 11am-5pm, to 13 Oct, free. [DA]


EdinburghThe Saturday ShowWith Nick Revell, Jojo Sutherland, Donald Alexander, Chris Griffin and MC Martin Mor.The Stand, York Place (0131-558 7272) 8.30pm, £17.50.GlasgowJames Acaster: Cold Lasagne Hate Myself 1999The energetic comic reflects on the best and worst year of his life.O2 Academy Glasgow, Eglinton Street (0844-477 2000) 7pm, phone for availability. [DA]Marc Jennings & Stephen Buchanan: Edinburgh PreviewsThe standups try out some new material.The Stand, Woodlands Road (0844-335 8879) 5pm, £6, concs £5.Saturday ShowLiam Withnail introduces Joe Bor, Billy Kirkwood and Chris Henry.The Rotunda, Tunnel Street (07477 931399) 8.45pm, £15, NUS £5, concs £12, meal deal £24.The Saturday ShowWith Fred MacAulay, Andrea Hubert, Raul Kohli, Paul McDaniel and MC Chris Forbes.The Stand, Woodlands Road (0844-335 8879) 9pm, £17.50.


EdinburghStu & Garry’s Free Improv ShowImprovised comedy with the resident duo.The Stand, York Place (0131-558 7272) 1.30pm, free.The Sunday Night Laugh-InActs to be announced.The Stand, York Place (0131-558 7272) 8.30pm, £6, concs £5, mems £1.

Vladimir McTavish: 60 Minutes to Save the World – Edinburgh PreviewLeftfield solutions to the planet’s problems.The Stand, York Place (0131-558 7272) 6pm, £5.GlasgowFrankie Boyle: Work in ProgressControversial humour.The Stand, Woodlands Road (0844-335 8879) 6pm, £15, concs £12.Michael Redmond’s Sunday ServiceWith Fred MacAulay and John Gillick.The Stand, Woodlands Road (0844-335 8879) 8.30pm, £6, concs £5, mems £1.


GlasgowFrankie Boyle: Work in ProgressControversial humour.The Stand, Woodlands Road (0844-335 8879) 6pm, £15, concs £12.Susan Riddell & Rosco McLelland: Edinburgh PreviewsWarm-up sets from the two comics.The Stand, Woodlands Road (0844-335 8879) 8.30pm, £5.


EdinburghBright ClubAcademics from Scotland’s universities.The Stand, York Place (0131-558 7272) 8.30pm, £5.GlasgowRed RawBeginners’ showcase, with Marc Jennings.The Stand, Woodlands Road (0844-335 8879) 8.30pm, £3.


EdinburghThe Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas: Edinburgh PreviewAcademics explain their most controversial concepts.

The Stand, York Place (0131-558 7272) 8.30pm, £6, concs £5.GlasgowBenefit in Aid of St Andrew’s First AidWith Chris Forbes, Christopher Macarthur-Boyd, Ross Leslie, Krystal Evans and MC Billy Kirkwood.The Stand, Woodlands Road (0141-212 3389) 8.30pm, £7, doors only.


AberdeenSimon Caine: Every Room Is a Panic Room If You Overthink EnoughStories and anecdotes.Lemon Tree, West North Street (01224 641122) 8pm, £11. [DA]EdinburghThe Thursday ShowWith Seymour Mace, Jay Lafferty and MC Liam Withnail.The Stand, York Place (0131-558 7272) 8.30pm, £10, concs £7, mems £5.


EdinburghThe Friday ShowWith Seymour Mace, Jay Lafferty and MC Liam Withnail.The Stand, York Place (0131-558 7272) 8.30pm, £12, concs £10, mems £6.GlasgowThe Friday ShowSusie McCabe, Micky Bartlett, Marc Jennings, Anja Atkinson and MC Raymond Mearns.The Stand, Woodlands Road (0844-335 8879) 8.30pm, £12, concs £10, mems £6.


GalwayLaughter LoftTonight, Danny O Brien.The Kings Head, High Street (091-566 630) 1pm, €12.50.


Republicof Ireland


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GalwayLaughter LoftToday featuring John Colleary.The Kings Head, High Street (091-566 630) 1pm, €12.50.


GalwayAndrew MaxwellAnecdotes and social commentary.Roisin Dubh, Dominick Street (091-586 540) 8.30pm, €14-€16.Laughter LoftToday, Barry Murphy and friends.The Kings Head, High Street (091-566 630) 1pm, €12.50.


GalwayLaughter LoftToday featuring Jarlath Regan.The Kings Head, High Street (091-566 630) 1pm, €12.50.


GalwayLaughter LoftToday featuring Neil Delamere.The Kings Head, High Street (091-566 630) 1pm, €12.50.LetterkennyJim Gaffigan: Quality TimeObservations on fatherhood, food and laziness.An Grianan Theatre, Port Road (074-207 77) 8pm, €25.


DublinAbandomanThe Irish rapper and comedian, on the first night of Dublin’s comedy festival, with support from Tony Cantwell, Catherine Cohen, Emmy Blotnick and MC David O’Doherty.The Funny Bone, The Iveagh Gardens, Hatch Street (01-475 7816) 9.30pm, €30.

Des BishopAlso featuring Cameron Esposito, Liza Treyger, Jena Friedman and MC Eric Lalor.The Punchline, The Iveagh Gardens, Hatch Street (01-475 7816) 9.30pm, €30.Foil Arms & HogSurreal and energetic sketch trio. Plus Joanne McNally, Tone Bell and MC Fred Cooke.The Gas Station, The Iveagh Gardens, Hatch Street (01-475 7816) 7.30pm, €30.The ImpersonatorsThe group are joined by Barry Murphy, Gary Cooke, John Colleary, Al Foran and Aidan Tierney.The Jokeshop, The Iveagh Gardens, Hatch Street (01-475 7816) 7.30pm, €25.Jason ByrneThe Dublin standup is joined by Gearoid Farrelly, Taylor Tomlinson and MC Martin Angolo.The Punchline, The Iveagh Gardens, Hatch Street (01-475 7816) 7.30pm, €30.Neil DelamereThe Blame Game regular is joined by Deirdre

O’Kane, Sofie Hagen and MC Ed Sammon.The Funny Bone, The Iveagh Gardens, Hatch Street (01-475 7816) 7.30pm, €30.Tommy TiernanEdgy humour from the Derry Girls star, plus the 2 Johnnies, Josh Wolf, Julie Jay and MC John Colleary.The Gas Station, The Iveagh Gardens, Hatch Street (01-475 7816) 9.30pm, €35.GalwayLaughter LoftToday featuring Neil Delamere.The Kings Head, High Street (091-566 630) 1pm, €12.50.


DublinDavid O’DohertyThe musical comedian appears on a bill with Alison Spittle, Catherine Cohen, Emmy Blotnick and MC Stephen Mullan.The Funny Bone, The Iveagh Gardens, Hatch Street (01-475 7816) 9.30pm, €30.Des BishopThe comic is joined by Deirdre O’Kane, Jena Friedman, Liza Treyger and MC Colin Murphy.The Gas Station, The Iveagh Gardens, Hatch Street (01-475 7816) 9.30pm, €30.The Dirt BirdsWith Julie Jay, Sofie Hagen, Aoife Dooley and MC Tara Flynn.The Jokeshop, The Iveagh Gardens, Hatch Street (01-475 7816) 9.30pm, €25.Foil Arms & HogSurreal and energetic sketch trio. Plus Cameron Esposito, Tone Bell and MC Ger Staunton.The Funny Bone, The Iveagh Gardens, Hatch Street (01-475 7816) 7.30pm, €30.Jason ByrneThe Dublin standup is joined by Josh Wolf,

Abandoman, Aidan Greene and MC Barry Murphy.The Punchline, The Iveagh Gardens, Hatch Street (01-475 7816) 9.30pm, €30.Neil DelamereThe comedian is joined by Langston Kerman, Taylor Tomlinson and MC Karl Spain.The Punchline, The Iveagh Gardens, Hatch Street (01-475 7816) 7.30pm, €30.Tommy TiernanEdgy humour from the Derry Girls star, plus Jim Gaffigan, Michelle Wolf and MC Chris Kent.The Gas Station, The Iveagh Gardens, Hatch Street (01-475 7816) 7.30pm, €35.Tony CantwellThe character comedian appears with Owen Colgan, Liam Nugent and MC Kevin McGahern.The Jokeshop, The Iveagh Gardens, Hatch Street (01-475 7816) 7.30pm, €25.GalwayLaughter LoftToday, Fred Cooke.The Kings Head, High Street (091-566 630) 1pm, €12.50.


DerryJimeoin: RidiculousHigh-octane comedy from the standup.Millennium Forum, Theatre and Conference Centre, Newmarket Street (028-7126 4455) 8pm, £25. [DA]


BelfastThe Empire Laughs Back Comedy ClubWith Colin Murphy or Jake O’Kane as MC.Empire Music Hall, Botanic Avenue (028-9024 9276) 8pm, £10, NUS £8. [DA]


Don’t miss

Foil Arms & HogThe Iveagh Gardens, ThuDublin’s long weekend of lols this year boasts foreign stars (Michelle Wolf, Jena Friedman) plus every local act you could think of, not least this boldly silly sketch trio.


Entertainment Classified

24 The Guide 20-26 July 2019 The Guardian





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