French research on popular(izing) science Martin Bauer Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris mai, 1993 commented version Science Museum London tel 44 71 938 8237 fax 44 71 938 8213

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French research on popular(izing) science

Martin Bauer

Maison des Sciences de l'Homme


mai, 1993

commented version

Science Museum London

tel 44 71 938 8237 fax 44 71 938 8213

Social representations of issues covered by 'natural sciences' and medicine editorial comment - literature has been searched systematically through crossreferences; - orthography is incomplete due to the use of an English word processing program; - literature spans publications in French from France, Belgium and Quebec - references include grey literature, which were cited, and in some case are the basis of publications - French terms are: vulgariser, pupulariser, diffuser le savoir vulgariser (v), vulgarisation (V), vulgarisateur (Va) /V = l'act de vulgariser, rendre vulgaire, vulgariser la science neologism: Paul-Emile Littre Dictonnaire, Paris 1877 /v = publier (as used in 1510) Greimas A J & T M Keane (1992) Dictionnaire du moyen francais, Paris, Larousse / V = (1852 Gautier; 1867 Zola) 'fait d'adapter un ensemble de connaissances scientifiques, techniques, de maniere a les rendre accessibles a un lecteur non specialiste; reformulation d'u discours portant sur un object de science, destinee a etre comprise d'un plus grand nombre de lecteurs' (Le Grand Robert, 1985, 839) / V = in the 19th century the word resists the pejorative meaning of 'vulgaire'; however the negative meaning of 'making banal, common, trivial' comes in the 20th (Dictionnaire historique, Paris, 1992, 2290) / V = opposite of obscurantism / v = propager, repandre, trivialiser OECD: 'vulgarisation agricole' = agricultural adviser: a series of studies on agricultural advisery services in Europe and the USA in the 1960s / diffusion et vulgarisation a) diffusion = general meaning of circulation of knowledge, among experts and others b) vulgarisation = special form of diffusion, in particular channels, and in special transformation adequate for a non-expert public (see e.g. Barbichon, Moscovici; rencontre sur l'histoire de diffusion et de la vulgarisation, Cite)

avant 1940 Roule, L (1923) Rapport sur les museums d'histoire naturelle et leur role dans l'enseignement public, Fusil, C A (1918) La poesie scientifique en France de 1750 a nos jours, Schmitt, A-M (1938) La peosie scientifique en France au 16eme siecle, 1940s Perrin, Jean (1948) La science et l'esperance Thevenard, P & G Tassel (1948) Le cinema scientifique francais, Paris, La Jeune Parque Leveille, A (1948) Les musees scientifiques, techniques, de la sante, planetaria et la popularisation de la science, Conseil international des musees 1950s Ocotber 1957: Russians launch first Sputnik Simondon, G (1958) Du mode d'existence des objets techniques, Paris, Aubier-Montaigne Le Lionnais, F (1958) La vulgarization scientifique et ses consequences humaines et sociales, Science et Progres Humain, Centre economique et social de perfectionnement des cadres, Paris 1960 Falloz, J (1960) Prestiges de la science, Neuchatel, 295pp Durant, C (1960) Positions syndicalists et attitudes ouvriere a l'egard du progres scientifique, Sociologie du travail, 11 results of a survey 1960s Gantheret, F (1961) Historique et position actuelle de la notion de schema corporel, Bulletin de psychologie, 15, 41-44 Canguilhem, G (1961) Necessite de la diffusion scientifique, Revue de l'Enseignement Superieur, 3. Moscovici, S (1961) La psychoanalyse: son image et son public, Paris, PUF Moscovici, S (1961) Etude psychologique et sociale de la diffusion et de l'assimilation des connaissances scientifique et technique, Centre d'etude et Recherche Psychotechnique, Doc 1, 15pp (copy) Recherche et Debats (1962) Savoir et vulgarisation, Centre catholique des intellectuel francais, no 39, Juin

collection of reflective essays of a humanistic tone on V: V negative = knowledge for the masses; V positive = knowledge for the specialists in other fields; Knowledge and popularisation mutally exclusive ? Rising contradiction between the 'homme de culture' and the functional specialists of science, when knowledge depends on particular terminology and method (functional differenciation) ? Problem of popular pseudo-science and the narrow spread of good popular science writing ? How to form the critical judgement, the taste and the sensibility of the public for good science ? Imperative for a general cultural poltique of which science is a part ?

general tone: 'conservative' cultural critique: taste for the good and the true is gone, the numbing of the mind puts

people at the merci of propaganda, dogmatic etatism has silenced all intelligence; vulgarisation 'impossible mais necessaire, kind of necessary evil, good and bad vulgariation.

George, A (1962) Servitude et valeur de la vulgarisation scientifique, Recherches et debats du CCIF, 39, 58-61, Paris, Fayard makes a point about the necessity of VS; information and cultivation; Fontenelle as model activity which is now

called V; deplores the use of the term 'Vulgarisation', unfortunate connotation; term not used by Fontenelle himself; problem: how is it done: convey the essential nature of science, i.e. the uninterested enquiry similar to artistic and literary creations

Oppenheimer, R (1962) Reflexion sur la science et la culture, Recherches et debats du CCIF, 39, 97-118, Paris, Fayard the criteria of being widely comprehensible can only hold at the beginning of a scientific project when it is not too

far remote from everyday experience Soucy, C (1962) Culture et democratie, Recherches et debats du CCIF, 39, 86-96, Paris, Fayard distinction between diffusion and vulgarisation: diffusion = people are equale, variable degree of participatation,

highest speculation is reflected in everyday techniques; vulgarisation = dishonourable, provides results instead of methods and processes, presents the contested as certain, the provisional as establised, appearance for the real thing; necessary transition from vulgarisation to diffusion of scientific culture (anticipates B Jurdant's arguments on ideology)

Royer, R (1962) Specialisation et culture, Recherches et debats du CCIF, 39, 23-56, Paris, Fayard functions of culture in an age of specialisation/differentiation of knowledge and institutions; culture as complement:

distraction, shows the universal, reduces the false pride, opens for others, educates the use of language; V links specialisation and culture; V = must; restrictions on V: competence, prudence, profoundness, descretion (ethical code: insider control)

good example for the kind of reasoning that wants to preserve a 'holy grale' from the hands of the others; a discours

of demarcation Payen, J C (1962) diffusion du savoir et culture militants, Recherche et debats du CCIF, 39 Moscovici, S et Rialon (1962) Diffusion des connaissances scientifiques et techniques, Rapport au Commissariat General du Plan et a la Productivite, Doc 2, 105pp (copy) representations of notions of physics in the general public: e.g. absence of a generalized notion of weight before the

landing of the moon; bodies are not attracted by planets without an atmosphere. OECD (1963) Conference on the communication of scientific and technical knowledge to industry, Stockholm, OECD Ackermann W & G Barbichon (1963) Conduites intellectuelles et activite technique. CERP, doc 3, 27pp (copy)

Ackermann,W; B Rialan & J Archambaud (1963) Transmission et assimilation de notion scientifiques, Rapport au Commissariat General au Plan et a la Productivite, Doc 5, 80pp (copy) Ackermann, W. (1963) Etude sur la diffusion et la representation sociale des connaissances scientifique, Sociologie du Travail, 5, 415-417 (project introduction; programmatic statement). exentions of Moscovici's study on psychoanalysis onto the effects of diffusion of scientifique information: several

projects: a) public attitude to science, technology and scientists/ attitudes of scientists to vulgarisation; scientists themselves assume incommunicability and are the obstacle for pupularising their work; b) experimental study of optimizing the reformulation of a scientific test for vulgarisation; c) study of further training for technical and scientifique professionals; d) social representations of various scientifique theories; study of variable that influence the transmission of information

Barbichon, G (1963) L'influence de la communication des connaissances techniques et des normes social du savoir sur la formation, Sociologie du Travail, 5, 387-396. Ackermann, W; B Rialon & R Zygouris (1964) Representation et assimilation de connaissance, CERP-CGPP, no 1, 26pp (new series) (copy) Herzlich, C (1964) Quelque representations sociales de la sante et de la maladie, Psychologie Francaise, 9, 1, 1-14 Barbichon, G & S Moscovici (1965) Diffusion des Connaissances scientifiques, Social Science Information, 4, 7-22. summary of research projects: diffusing science affects people: body image, health issues, dangers and risks,

inflation, new technologies; studies: metamorphosis of concepts (genetic approach) with retention studies, how is information incorporated? how do practices change?, social studies (transformation, interiorisation), functional impact studies (content analysis, applied linguistics); diffusion of scientific knowledge (interne/externe - degraded/from formal to natural logic); public window of science is limited: universial discoveries, new technology; case study on 'laser light'; types of new knowledge (additive, innovation, synthesis/new connections); degrees of acceptance/resistance: outsider refusal, resistance to change, selective acceptance, acceptance; analysis of representations: questionnaire, interviews, content analysis (chemical industry, electrical engineers, non-technicians): explication, expressions of doubt, use of analogies; the diffusion of a concept is not identical with diffusion of language (complex not= timidity); contexts of appropriation with different processes involved open for experiments (exam preparation, practical usage, science club, free media access); role of the mediator: use of analogy, repetition/redundancy, adequate channels for target group [diffusion model S-R implicit]

Labarthe, A (1965) La democratie du savoir, Science et Vie, 572, 56-57 Maitre, J (1966) la consommation d'astrologie dans la societe contemporaine, Diogene, 53, 92-109 Ackermann, W & R Zygouris (1966) Representation et assimilation de connaissance. Analyse de contenu d'un questionnaire. CERP, no 2, 41pp (copy) Ackermann, W & R Zygouris (1966) Representation et assimilation de connaissance scientifique, Paris, CERP-AFPA, doc no 3, 223pp (copy: published version in 1973) report of empirical research, available at MSH, Paris Henry, P (1966) Assimilation des connaissance scientifique. Analyse d'une questionnaire, CERP, no 4 (copy) a mathematician in dabate with Ackermann/Zygouris Chambart de Lauwe, P H (1966) Images de la culture, Paris, Payot (2 ed, 1970) Bourdieu, P (1966) Champ intellectuel et project createur, Les Temps Modernes, 246, 865-906

Gives the basis for the sociological analysis of vulgarisation by Boltanski& Maldidier; social analysis in analogy to

'magnetic fields': the force field at any given time; properties of an actor are determined by the position in the field of interrelations; the intellectual field is characterized by gaining more and more autonomy from other social fields, i.e. they define their own rules; the more autonomy is gained, the more indifference to the public is declared: l'art pour l'art: glorification of the author, prophetic status, sect like groupings, terrorism of taste; the public is excluded and condemmed to imcomprehension (romantic posture); however the public is present/active in form of a 'culture unconscious': implicit reader, esthetic judgements are in relation to a space of already constituted possibilities ('on' judgement), cultural habits, carriers of 'Zeitgeist', 'esprit de l'ecole', habitus as modus operandi, defines less the approach but the themes and problems at hand.

Kavadias, G (1966) L'assimiliation de message scientifique et technique, Revue internationales des Sciences Sociales, 18, 3, 394-407 social anthropologist; vulgarisation placed in the modernisation process and developmental policy; S&T as

investement in function of research, education and vulgarisation, the latter target adults; concret humans are culturally situated in a frame of reference that is often mythical; mythical versus rational thinking; assimiliation problem of science in backward cultures; acculturation = acceptance + assimiliation = process of reflexion of both tradition and science; mutual adaptation of sender and receiver; knowledge of local culture is precondition of modernization: social scientist before the administrator, educator or popularizers; reaction building to non-assimilated messages: mistrust, defense, refusal, mystification of new, frustration, anxiety, evasion; local social control reinforces traditional knowledge, new knowledge = deviance under social sanction

Henry, P (1967) Analyse de contenu, connaissances scientifiques et language documentaire: questions methodologiques, Bulletin du CERP, 3, 245-264 Leboutet, L (1967) Utilisation de la linguistique pour l'analyse d'un questionnaire de connaissances scientifiques, Revue de Psychologie Francais, 12, 197-210 Moles, A A & J M Oulif (1967) Le troisieme homme, vulgarisation scientifique et radio, Diogene, 58, 29-40 Migne, J (1967) Etude des representation de quelque notion de physique, Nancy, INFA, doc R1, (copy) empirical researach on common sense representations: the notion of force is seen as an attribute of an object by

young pupils; the linguistic practice progressively approaches that of standard text books and the teacher Migne, J (1967) le concept de representation et son role dans une pedagogie des connaissances scientifiques, Nancy, INFA, doc R2 (copy) Duby, G (1967) La vulgarisation des modeles culturels dans la societe feodale, in: David, M et al. (eds) Niveaus de culture et groupes sociaux, Mouton Barbichon, G (1968) une enquete sur la diffusion de l'information scientifique et technique dans les organisation, Paris, Fondation Royaumont, 42pp (copy) Barbichon, G & W Ackermann (1968) La diffusion de l'information technique dans les organisations, Analyse et prevision, V, 2, 93-110 diffusion of technical knowledge discussed within the paradigm of functional organisational communication

(Guetzkow); how to incrase the circulation of technical information?; elements of analysis: sender / receiver / organisational structure / messages / reciprocal adaptation; research questions: networks and their functioning, groups and special services involved, optimising effects by control of messages and modes of diffusion

Ladriere, J (1968) la vulgarization scientifique, Cahier Galilee, Louvain, aout,

Pradal, J (1968) la vulgarisation des science par l'ecrit, Strasbourg, Conseil de l'Europe, 111p Scupham, J (1968) La presentation de la science au public par la radio et la television, Strasbourg, Conseil de l'Europe, CCC/EES, 68, 3 Tucker, A (1968) les journaux et la presentation de la science au public, Strasbourg, Conseil de l'Europe Boltanski, G (1968) La decouverte de la maladie, la diffusion du savoir medical, CSE, Paris (copy) Riot, D; J C Philipp; H Marchal (1969) Etude comparative sur la vulgarisation scientifique dans la presse quotidienne de France, d'Allemagne et d'Espagne, Conseil de l'Europe, Strasbourg Herzlich, C (1969) Sante et maladie: Analyse d'une representation sociale, Paris, Mouton empirical study, qualitative methods Maldidier, P. & L Boltanski (1969) la vulgarisation scientifique et ses agents, Paris, Centre de sociologie europeen (copy) Who is doing scientific vulgarization ? what are the rules and norms of the scientific community in that respect?

Two myths: a) vulgarisation is done by 'talent and taste' [idealistic]; b) the French scientists do not vulgarize enough / a lot / at all ?

report on three empirical study: attitudes of scientists towards V (n=200), 55 questions, face-to-face interview;

survey among science writers (n=184), 60% response rate mail survey with 30 questions; 40 face-to-face interviews with science jounalists; 36% of scientists have engaged in V; the higher the status the more likely V; given motives are contradictory and insufficient to understand the rules of the game: rationalisations given by 'objective' conditions; frequency of V by scientific area; career position [centrality in the field], scientific hierarchy [structure of the field], authority; higher probability of physicists than biologists in inverse relation to degree of abstractions; hierarchy of scientific fields; the 'value' of activity of V, no clear value as intellectual activity, scientific morality; no clear legitimations, marginal intellectual activity; professional security, distrubution of resentment [middle class resentment]; Hypo: reproduces previleges and disadvantages of scientific institutions; Hypo: the higher the status, the more distance to a strict scientific morality [method: contrasting college A and B, e.g Royal society and others]; hypo: young scientists have more negative attitude; hypo: V is a monopol practice of certain members of the scientific community; hypo: V expresses and confirms the status within the Scientific community; hypo: the scientific community imposes its own status logic when responding to external demands; strict separation of internal and external diffusion, the former is a strict precondition of the latter, with the power of sanctening any transgression (self-regulation);

How is V defined by scientists? strategy: a) self-promotion, signe de vanite: 'technique as se fair de la publicite, a se

faire valoir', 'se faire mousser par le radio, la television .. abominable'; b) coopting a vulgaizer: young colleague, giving interviews to media, contacting a journalist; Hypo: good intentions in inverse relation to position in status hierarchy;

Vulgarizers (AESF): insist on their specific aptitude to do it, with reference to the criteria of the scientific

community, which denies their competence, hence they refer to a 'call for education' [contraction]; issues: hierarchy among Vs; differenciation from education; image of the metier; their problem of distinction to the education; AESF: 60% teachers, 40% researchers; rigorous morality among members differs inverse to their scientific experience = implicit illegimiacy of V;

method: three data collections: a) attitudes of scienctists towards V, Jan/Feb 1967, 55 question face-to-face

interview of 1-2.5 hours, N=200 random sample of researchers and higher education (sampling frame: Bulletin Officiel de l'Education Nationale, Nov 1966), 103 physicists, 97 biologists of region Paris, transcriptions, content analysis (qualitative analysis and quantitative coding); b) mail survey, Jan/Febr 1968 among AESF, n=184 of N=305 = 60% response rate; 30 questions; c) 40 face-to-face interview with science journalists (magazines, daily press, TV and radio), march 1968; for the analysis two contrasting subsamples are constructed following an adminstrative distinction: College A and B; A = directors, chief

researchers, professors; B = research assistants, officers, assistants Jurdant, B (1969) vulgarisation scientifique et ideologie, Communications, 14, 150-161 Moscocici, S (1969) Essai sur l'histoire humaine de la nature, Paris, Flammarion historical study on the notion of 'nature' Communication (1969) la politique culturelle,(edition speciale) 14, Paris

1970s Crane, D (1970) La nature de communications et des influences dans la domaine scientifique, Revue internationale de Science sociale, 12, 1, 30-45. UNESCO (1970) Rapport sur la reunion internationale sur la diffusion des connaissances scientifiques, Nice, 19-22 mai Rouse, M (1970) le troisieme homme, UNESCO reunion sur la diffusion des connaissances scientifique, Nice, Jurdant, B (1970) les mechanismes textuels de la vulgarisation scientifique: du texte au myth, Conseil de l'Europe, Doc CCC/EES, 70, 75, Jurdant, B (1970) La science et son myth: la scienticite, Education permanente, 6-7, 65-76 function of vulgarisation does not rely on transmission of knowledge, nor on having any readers/viewers [mainly

recursive function] Migne, J (1970) Etude de representations de notions physiques: la chute des corps, INFA, Nancy, Doc R3, (copy) empirical study Boltanski, L & P Maldidier (1970) Carriere scientifique, morale scientifique et vulgarisation, Information sur les Sciences Sociales, 9, 3, 99-118 publication of some of the material of 1969 study: def 'v=text that is given to a large audience'; theoretical basis:

Bourdieu & Passeron (1966, 1970); popularizing activities have to be seen in relation to the structure of the scientific community; pop

Pailhous, J (1970) La representation de l'espace urbain: l'exemple du chauffeur de taxi, Paris, PUF empirical study Frost, H (1971) la vulgarization de la science, theme de recherche, Strasbourg, Conseil de l'Europe, doc CCC/EES 71, 105 CIC (1971) L'impact des film scientifique sur le public, Colloque Europeen sur la presentation de la science au public, Bruxelles Dulong, R & W Ackermann (1971) La diffusion des connaissance scientifique au public adulte, reflexions sur la recherche en Europe, Strasbourg, Conseil de l'Europe, 43pp (copy) (published in Revue francaise de Sociologie, 1971) literature review, Ackermann, W. & Dulong, R. (1971) Un nouveau domaine de recherche: la diffusion des connaissances scientifiques, Revue francaise de Sociologie, 1971, 12, 378-405 (english translation in SocSciInfo, 1972) selective review of European literature (leaving out message analysis, channel analysis, mediator role): two efforts:

vulgarisation to a general public, adult education in special institutional settings; two irreducible interpretations of the effort and its effects: a) acquisition of new functional knowledge; b) signification processes, perverse effects, analysis of myths, other motivations; problem of historical transition to a education system in function of industrial requirements, national differences: same challenge, different reactions [functionally equivalent systems];

summary of sociological research (Jurdant, Boltanski, Maldidier): showing perverser effect of V: increasing the

distance science-public instead of decreasing it; V enforces the knowledge gap, which the education

system has already produced; but: this is not a principle problem, but a problem of institutuions; an obstacle to increase the access of the public to science is the teaching professions themselves: they are opposed to a evaluation of their work, to improve their work;

summary of social-psychological work (mulitiple criteria for evaluation of efforts): knowledge transmission, studies

on commuicational efficency and resistance, S-M-R-E model; climate and attitude studies, degree of degradation or adequacy (difference sent and received message), correlates to the idea of lifting the cultural level of people; raising interest, reducing hostile attitude, and keep people in line with a scientific project; knowledge changes as first-step-condition for change in mentalities (hygenie, child education etc.); comment: somewhat restricted didactical context, inadequate for the purpose of the public, simple, optiminstic philosophy of raising interest, knowledge and participation levels, possible activist self-knowledge; surprising lack of scientific scrutiny in an entreprise that wants to popularize science

a model: three levels of effects; a) effect studies that control for sender, message and receiver variables; subject as

isolated, ultimate filter; the social appears as a system of linked amplifiers and filters; b) fine analysis of cognitive activity of the audience: intellectual elaboration of received material, linguistic analysis of vocabularies as indicators of cognitive codes, areas of 'legitime ignorance' [highly relevant in relation to new genetic therapies]; social representations and everyday practices reproducing divisions of tasks, responsibility and knowledge, a way of overcoming the metaphor of static knowledge storage; c) studies of the restructuration of the life space of people; role of vulgarisation goes beyond knowledge diffusion; habitus changes [life style changes];

study design: short terms studies on large populations show small effects; long term studies on small groups may

show large effects (effects b and c); doing case studies without forgetting the large surveys; against a restricted view of vulgarisation as consumptions of knowledge (explicit competence, implicit consumption), albeit the information market is real with various needs; only refined studies can show the consonance of the goal and effects of vulgarisation

in the light of the unclear aims and various evaluation criteria it is difficult to judge the quality of vulgarisation; the

correlations between knowledge and attitude may be grounded in 'knowledge about' [declarative knowledge rather than procedural knowlege]; the relationship between these kinds of k is a matter of futher research; the public: semi-educated, teachers, in-group effects of special knowledge in function of social mobility and identity construction rather than action; no distinction of high and low scientific culture in everyday behaviour [matter of study]

Saint-Martin, M de (1971) les fonction sociales de l'enseignement scientifique, Paris, Mouton empirical study of choice of studies in French education system; to chose science as a study has different function in

popular, middle and upper class; science itself may be a socially neutral activity, but as a career it is socially not neutral, but follows an irrational logic; students from popular strata are underrepresented among students, and among S&T students popular classes are overrepresented; different classes have a different relationship with science and technology; bourgeoisie: instrument of social mobility (beginning), instrument of social control (later); popular: negative selection, middle: professional education, security and social mobility, upper: refuge for those with insufficient achievement

Bernard, M Y (1972) Politique de la science et public understanding of science au Etats-Unis, Le Progres scientifique, mars-avril, 42-59 Barbichon, G (1973) La diffusion des connaissance scientifiques et techniques, aspects psychosociaux, in: Moscovici, S (ed.) Introduction a la psychologie sociale, Paris, Larousse literature review: propagation with various means; why diffusion of knowledge; seach for and reception of

information, resistances in the process from the point of view of optimizing the diffusion by overcoming them; cognitive elements; language; research fields: sociographic studies of diffusion processes, changing contents; transmission practices; comparing sent and received messages; linguistic analyses; notion of active audience

complexifying the sender-receiver model and analysis of resistances to transmission: competing chains of

transmission and translation focused on the same receiver; network of mutual influences; closed circles of information with reduncancy with a dynamic of obstacles; not everybody is reached because of a) a game of counter-strategies based on prestige, power, morals, material concerns: restriction, protection, inflation, thesauration; b) limited channel capacity; c) speed of transmission; d) semantic difficulties (babilonisation, jargon);

e) resistances: conservation of social structures; time and effort to learn increases with age; cultural association of status and knowledge lead to disguise of ignorance; different organisation principle inhibit the understanding of new knowledge; value systems lead to acceptance according to practical implications (middle class insecurity and ethos of effort and insurance and hygienic behaviour), dissociation and selective appropriation (catholics and psychoanalysis), phenomenal, pre-scientific experience and physical laws (Bachelard);

- socio-graphics of diffusion: to date social groups defined by territory, religious or political affiliation to institutions; a global model of communication is applied; a differentiated analysis of differing functions of the same institution for different groups is necessary (for pedagogic communication: Bourdieu, Passeron, de Saint-Martin)

- diffusion activities: only explorative descriptions of V activities, and attitude studies being done to date; direct observation of communication (e.g. doctor-patient; maitre-eleve, parent-child); systematic study of didactics;

- comparing content of sent and received message: a) measure of 'adequacy' (this line of research can be interpreted more open, towards a polysemie of messages); structural analysis of 'models' in language use; identification of transformations applied from one model to the other; b) lingitudinal studies with interventions, analysis of errors to follow the development of representations (anticipates a method that is wide spread in the study of software training), panel studies

- linguistic analysis: a) analysis of signification (Ackermann-Zygouris); b) analysis of sign vehicles: towards an analysis of the 'language of the diffuseur' (anticipation of the rhetorical analysis of Schiele/Jacobi); c) analysis in analogy to syntactical and grammatical errors (error analysis), presupposes the idea of interpreting divergence as 'error'; d) discours analysis to overcome the the inherent abstractions from observer, time, culture and language

Jurdant, B (1973) Les problemes theoriques de la vulgarisation, These, Strasbourg, Universite Louis Pasteur, 271pp Ackermann, W & R Zygouris (1973-1974) Prepresentation et assimilation des Connaissances scientifiques, Bulletin du CERP, Vol 22, 1-130. empirical study, Bon, F; F Bonal; D Boy & B Moine (1973) Les attitudes de l'opinion public a l'egard de la recherche; reflections sur un sondage, Le progres scientifique, Aout-Sept-Oct, empirical survey study: n=1200; SOFRES quota sample, 18+; 52 items; september 1972 Maldidier, P (1973) les revue de vulgarisation, contribution a une sociologie des culture moyennes, Centre de sociologie europeenne, Paris, 169pp (copy) Roqueplo, P (1973) Partage de savoir et vulgarisation scientifique, Economie et Humanism, Juillet/Aout, 212, 40-49 Revue international des Science sociales (1974) Communcation et diffusion des sciences sociales, special issue, vol 26, 3, Roqueplo, P (1974) Le partage du savoir, Paris, Seuil outcome of a series of seminars at MSH by Roqueplo, Tuillier, Callon (source Ackermann) review, programmatic

statements; vulgarisation has other functions than transfer of knowledge; social representation theory as theory of popularization

Chabbal, R & S Feneuille (1975) La diffusion des resultats scientifique suivant la revue de publication, Le progres scientifique, 178, 3-16 Jaubert, A & JM Levy-Leblond (1975) (Auto)critique de la science, Paris, edition Seuil Radical self-critique of science, publishes a translation of 'science for the people', a radical essay that was several

times rejected by 'Science' for political reasons; Jurdant, B (1975) la vulgarisation scientifique, la Recherche, 53, 141-165, Fevrier Jodelet, D & S Moscovici (1975) La representation sociale du corps, Mimeo, laboratoire de psychologie sociale, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. Jacobi, D (1975) Un exemple de diffusion de connaissance scientifique, analyse comparative de onze articles de presse, INPSA (copy) Marty, H (1976) Valeurs et desordre de la vulgarisation, Toulouse, Academie des Sciences AESF (1976) Pour un fonds de bibliotheque de vulgarisation scientifique, Paris a list of basic literature of the scientific culture in French Moscovici, S (1976) La psychoanalyse: son image et son public, 2eme ed, Paris, PUF revised version of 1961: survey and media analysis; social representation as collective thinking processes; three

significant types of communication: diffusion (liberal), propagation (catholic), propaganda (communist), resulting in different kinds of SocReps

Bourdieu P (1976) Le champ scientifique, Actes de Recherche en Sciences Sociales, 2-3, 88-104 Influential sociological analysis of scientific institutions Berdot, F (1976) l'information scientifique emise par l'ORTF, These 3eme cycle, Paris VII, (copy) Jacobi, D (1977) La vulgarisation scientifique est-elle un outil pour les formateurs ? Education permanente, 39-40, 129-146 critique of the denounciation of popularizing efforts by Maldidier (culture en simili), Jurdant (myth), et Roqueplo

(l'effect de vitrine): working programme for an alternative way of studying popular science Poltanski, L & P Maldidier (1977) la vulgarisation scientifique et son public, une enquete sur Science et Vie, 2 tome, Paris, CSE EHESS Champion, F (1977) la vulgarisation scientifique et son public a partir d'une sociologie sur le palais de decouverte, these 3eme cycle, Paris V, mai Marie, M et al. (1977) les representations sociales de l'informatique, Rapport de recherche, Paris, Centre ESTA CEE (1977) La science et l'opinion public Europeen, Bruxelles, 98pp; eds: Riffault, Helene & Silvie de LaBeaumelle report on a Eurobarometer survey

Boss, J F & J N Kapfferer (1977) Le public de la vulgarisation scientifique et technique. Enquete sur les attitudes et comportements des Francais, Le progres scientifique, 190, 2-43 Schiele, B (1978) Incidence televisuelle sur la diffusion des connaissance scientifique vulgarisee, these, Montreal, Universite de Montreal Bureau national de l'information scientifique et technique (1978) Les francais, la science, et les media: une evaluation de l'impact de la vulgarisation scientifique et technique, Paris, La documentation francais, eds: Boss, J F & J N Kapferer results of a survey project Mortureux, M F (1978) La formation et le fonctionnement d'un discours de la vulgarisation scientifique au XVIIIeme siecle a travers l'oeuvre de Fontenelle, these, Paris VIII, Juin (copy) later, 1983 published as a book DGRST (1978) Le public et la vulgarisation scientifique et technique, Progres Scientifique, 190, report on the Boss/Kapferer survey Michel, J (1978) Les francais, la science et les media, Bulletin d'information de l'ASEF, Oct, 1978, 17-32 one of the rare empirical articles on the bulletin; presents results from the Boss/Kapferer survey on who consumes

popular science in France; Lage, E et al. (1978) Les representation sociales du metier de chercheur dans la jeunesse, Rapport scientifique de l'action thematique programmee du CNRS 'Recherche sur la recherche, contrat 2156. Empirical study: image of the scientist among teenagers; indepth interviews (n=16), essay writing (1 hour; n=257),

content coding, correspondence analysis, media analysis (school books and selected TV programs, childrens' books); vulgarisation of science is one of the core topics of soc reps; persisting idealized image of the scientist: wise men, genius, ascetic, solitary, disinterested, admirable, far from everyday life; an ideological image; functions: a) maintains the gap between the public and science, b) channels the recruitment of young scientists = selfreproduction, c) social justification, legitimation; the scientists is no model for teenagers anymore; 81 codes (dichotomous, two coders): themes; attitudes (+/-/ambi/non); socio-demographic, distance to science, formal aspects of essays; contrasting sample: 2 Paris area with high degree of liberal professions, 3 areas of Paris with high degree of working, employee population; 11 schools of three types (lycee, techn lycee, techn college);

dimensions of the stereotype: personality, activities, the laboratory, in the fields, areas of science, institutional

settings, scientist in society; core anchores: medicine, technical progress; results: four discourses: progress, good/bad science/ profession and institution/anti-science; three social

representations: near to science (institutionally realistic), ecological/politicized, distant to science (progress ideology, stereotypical); the dominant ideology is shared by teenagers from bourgeois and working class background, ecological heterogenous/literary lycees, 'near to science' among children of with likely contact to technical/scientific institutions (industry, technical college); facit: without direct experience of science activity the mediated image prevails

comment: innovative use of correspondence analysis to define soc reps; media analysis very unsystematic;

unfortunately the 81 coding items are not published; soc reps analysis would require to clearify the functions they have for the carrying system; without a model of media influence the 'causality' is doubtful;

Loux, F (1979) Pratique et savoirs populaires: le corps dans la societe traditionelle, Paris, Berger-Levrault

1980s Association des Bibliothecaires francais (1980) le livre scientifique et le livre de vulgarisation scientifique en France, Paris, Saw Schraub, J, Durleman, G & P Hurtelamp (1980) l'information cancerologique dans la grande press, Concours Medical, 102, 5, 439-446 Hamel, S (1980) La culture scientifique populaire, Bulletin de l'ACFAS, 1,3, 3-6 Kapferer, J N (1981) Echec a la science: la survivance des myth chez les francais, Raison presente, 60, numero speciale reults of a survey AESF (1981) Pour un fonds de bibliotheque de vulgarisation scientifique, 2 ed, Paris Levy-Leblond, J M (1981) l'esprit de sel: science, culture, et politique, Fayard Schiele, B & G Larocque (1981) Le message vulgarisateur, Communications, 33; Paris 'apprendre des medias', 165-183 Denieuil, P-N (1982) Vulgarisation et societe - analyse de la revue 'science et vie' de 1913-1938, Culture technique, 7, Jodelet, D et al. (1982) Systemes de representations du corps et groupes sociales, Rapport CORDES, Paris, EHESS Roqueplo, P (1982) A propos des micro-ondes: culture technique ou vulgarisation scientifique, Culture Technique, 7, 147-153 Jacobi, D (1982) La diffusion des connaissances scientifiques, Universite de Besoncon, 442pp (copy) Mortureux, M F (1982) la vulgarisation - points de vue linguistique, Langue Francaise, 53, Paris, Larousse Parcontal, M de (1982) L'emetteur en vulgarisation. Etude du systee 'science et vie', These III cycle, Paris VII Bon, F & D Boy (1983) Evolution de l'opinion publique a l'egard de la recherche scientifique entre 1972 et 1982, Centre de Prospective et d'Evaluation, Etude 22, MIR, EVIPOF, Paris, August-Novembre results of the survey of 1982: quota sample, n=1515, 18+; face-to-face interviews; 26 questions of 1972 are

comparable; use of the concept 'social representations' Mortureux, M F (1983) La formation et le fonctionnement d'un discours de la vulgarisation scientifique au XVIIIeme siecle a travers l'oeuvre de Fontenelle, Paris, Didier Erudition Aebischer V et al. (1983) Representation sociales et organisations de l'action orientee vers un but (a partir de l 'exemple de l'hypnose et de la sophrologie). Rapport DGRST, Paris, Laboratoire Europeen de Psychologie Sociale emprirical study on the function of SocReps Jacobi, D (1983) La diffusion des connaissances scientifiques, Les Cahier du CRELEF, 14, CRDP, Besancon, Jacobi, D (1983) Figure et figurablite de la science dans les revues de vulgarisation, Languages, Sept,

Allemand, E (1983) L'information scientifique a la television, Paris, Anthropos Schiele, B (1983) Les enjeux caches de la vulgarisation scientifique, Communication-Information, 5, 2-3, 157-185 Jacobi, D (1983) Diffusion, vulgarisation et popularisation des connaissances scientifiques, Education Permanente, 68 report on a project on 'La recherche'; 'Science et vie' (2 Mio) and 'La recherche' (700,000 readers); sociological

research in 1970 was critical of the effort, journalist-mediators deny any pedagogial motive; critique: opposite effect, building up a linguistic barrier, increased distance science-public, no reduction of the 'inequalities in the access to cultural capital'; three streams of research: praxis: a) mediators: optimising communication; b) sociologicial, which identifies a petit-bourgeois public that preserve their social position or aspries to a cultural capital 'la culture en simili' (Maldidier); c) linguistic: 'myth of scientificity' (Jurdant); effect: a narrowing of the field of study in both fields; new fourth paradigm: 'rhetorics of vulgarisation' = discours; critique of the diffusion model (mertonian model); logic of investigation; logic of exposition, logic of vulgarisation/translation; no separate logic, but is part of the scientific discours: popularization = making a science career with other means.

readership figures 'la recherche': teachers (23%), medicine (19%) researchers (16%), engineers (15%), 95% male,

80% under 30 years, mainly life sciences, 80% with bac, 65% with higher education, 14% doctorat; higher reputation than 'science et vie', reading mainly articles from their own field, .

Image des Science (1984) Colloque, Paris, Janvier, 1983, Economica, Allemand, E (1984) Aspect de la vulgarisation scientifique audio-visuelle, Etudes de la radio-television, RTBF, 33, Jacobi, D (1984) Auteur et lecteur de la recherche; une illustration de la these de la continuite, Bulletin des biobliotheques de France, 29, 6, 484-91 Jacobi, D (1984) Du discours scientifique, de sa reformulation, et de quelques usages sociaux de la science, Langue francaise, 64, Verges, P (1984) Une possible methodologie pour l'approche des representations economiques, Communication-Information, 6, 2/3, 375-396 Belisle, C & B Schiele (eds) (1984) Les savoirs dans les pratiques quotidiennes, Lyon: CNRS collection of essays on the problem of 'representation' Belisle, C & B Schiele (1984) introduction .. et conclusions, in: Belisle, C & B Schiele (eds) Les savoirs dans les pratiques quotidiennes, Lyon: CNRS,5-10; 429-38 7 problem axes: why representations; definition and distinction between cognition, symbol and ideology; science as

a representations among others; methodological access; how to change representations; critique of representations; representations as interdiscipinary domain of study

Albertini, J M & G Dussault (1984) representation et initiation scientifique et technique, in: Belisle, C & B Schiele (eds) Les savoirs dans les pratiques quotidiennes, Lyon: CNRS, 304-320 problem of appropriation of science and technology into preexisting frames of reference (representation) that are

non-scientifique; focus of recipient is essential; empirical study of economic conepts such as capital, strike, salary, production, labour force etc.; pedagical efforts have to take into account of social representations

Schiele, B & D Jacobi (eds) (1984) Les representations, Communications-informations, numero speciale, vol 6, 2/3 Boy, D & G Michelat (1984) Les Francais et les parasciences, La Recherche, 15, no 161, Dec, 1560-1567. results of the 1982 survey: sociological structures of belief in astrology and parasciences

Deveze-Berthet, D (1984) l'information scientifique et technique a la television francaise- quelle fonction sociale?, Etudes de la radio-television, RTBF, 33, Jacobi, D (1984) Du discours scientifique, de sa reformulation et de quelques usages sociaux de la science, Langue francaise, 64, takes a novel by Flaubert (Bouvard et Pecuchet) with its allusions to science to reflect and unfolding a critique of

codification of 'le francais technique et scientifique': science discourse = what the reader can make with it; Jacobi, D (1984) Figures et figurabilite de la science dans les revues de vulgarisation, Langages, Larousse, 75 Ryder, N (1984) La science a la television: comment brancher le telespecteur, La Science a la television, Etudes de radio-television, RTBF Ait el Hadj Smail & C Belisle (1985) Vulgariser, un defi ou un myth, Edition Chronique sociale, Lyon Jacobi, D (1985) Procedures de visualisation des concepts dans les discours de vulgarisation, in: Latour, B (ed) Les 'vue' de l'esprit, cultures techniques Jacobi, D & T Shinn (1985) Diffusion et vulgarisation des connaissance scientifique: une serie de contributions sur les tendance de recherche, Information sur les science sociales, Sage, London, 24, 4, 821-823 programmtic summary of a series of papers in SSI; two problems of scientific knowledge: genesis of knowledge,

diffusion of knowledge within and without the community; instigation on the part of a humanist ethos to share the knowledge; dispointing effect once evaluated; target is not reached, even produces opposite effects: decieves the public and widens the culture gap; the 'third man' paradigm and the functionalist analysis of media, which defines the role of the mediator; these texts evalutate the language work of these mediators as specific object of study: reformulation of discourse, metalinguistic, use of paraphrases, the function of visual-iconic display in that discourse; these activities feed back into the textual activities of the scientific community itself by weakening the boundaries between insider and outsider discours, as well as shows a rhetorical face of science as never before.

Montureau, M F (1985a) lingistique et vulgarisation scientifique, Information sur les Sciences Sociales, 24, 4, decembre, 847-67 Montureau, M F (1985b) La vulgarisation scientifique: metadiscours ou paraphrase ? in M M Fernandez (ed) Discours contrastif, Sciences et societes, Discoss no 1, Paris, 133-142 Jacobi, D (1985) A propos d'un corpus d'articles de biologie publies dans 'la recherche'; excellente vulgarisation ou vulgarisation de l'excellence ? Discoss, 1, 123-132 Authier-Revuz, J (1985) Dialogues et vulgarisation scientifique, Discoss, 1, 117-122 Edelman, N (1985) Les tables tournantes arrive en France, Histoire, 25, 16-23 Schiele, B (1985) Images de la medicine, Traite d'anthropologie medicale, Lyon, Press Universitaire de Lyon Fouquier, E & V Eliseo (1985) les spectacles scientifiques televises, figure de la production et de la reception, Paris, La documentation francaise Jacobi, D (1985) Reference iconique et modeles analogiques dans les discours de vulgarisation scientifique, Social Science Information, 24, 4, 847-867 Boy, D & G Michelat (1986) Croyance aux parascience: dimensions sociales et culturelles, Revue francaise de sociologie, 27,2, 175-204 results of the 1982 survey: constructing scales from items: astrology, parascience; its relation to social uncertainty

and religion Tosi, V (1986) La science au berceau du cinema, Cinemation, 38 Jacobi, D (1986) Diffusion et vulgarisation: itineraire du texts scientifique, Paris, Belles Lettre Schiele, B (1986) Vulgarisation et television, Social Science Information, 25, 1, 189-206 detailed analysis of elements of discours Herzlich, C (1986) Representations sociales de la sante et de la maladie et leur dynamique dans le champ social, in: Doise, W & A Palmonari (eds.) l'etude des representations sociales, Neuchatel, Delacheux & Niestle, 157-170. Jodelet, D (1986) Fou et folie dans un milieu rural francais: un approache monographique, in: Doise, W & A Palmonari (eds.) l'etude des representations sociales, Neuchatel, Delacheux & Niestle, 171-195. Taton, R (1986) Enseignement et diffusion des sciences en France au 18e siecle, Paris, Hermann, 777pp chapters: classical education; medical/pharmaceutical; College Royal et le Jardin du Roi; ecoles techniques, ecoles

miliaires, cabinets scientifiques et observatoires Leicheitner, (1986) Science et television, bilan d'une experience, Etudes de radio-television, RTBF, 38 Marcus-Steiff J (1986) Pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire complique? Les Temps Modernes, 482, Paris, Septembre the problem success rate reports on artificial inseminations, credibility of medical discours Cloitre, M & T Shinn (1986) Enclavement et diffusion de savoir, Information sur les Sciences Sociales, 25,1, 161-187 four functions of popularization: instrument to exert influence on non- and para-scientific institutions, larger public,

(social demarcation); legitimations of minority positions in scientific controversies (science by media); pedagogical and didactic instrument (teaching); instrument to extend scientique culture to a wider audience (cultural work)

Caro, P (1986) Le chercheur peut-il etre son propre vulgarisateur? Cinemaction, 38, 'La science a l'ecran, Paris, Le Cerf UNESCO (1986), Les musees de science et de technologie, Museum, 150 (Paris) UNESCO (1986) La vulgarisation scientifique, son histoire, ses succes, ses echecs, Impact Science et Societe, no 144, Paris Jodelet, D (1986) Civils et Bredins: Representation de la maladie mentale et rapport a la folie en milieu rural, These Doctoral d'Etat, Ecole des Hautes Etudesen Sciences Sociales, Paris empirical study of notion of mental illness in a rural community Bouchayer, F (1986) Les usager des medicines alternatives, dans 'Medicines alternatives', Revue francaise des affaires sociales, no hors series, Paris, mai. Therien, G (1986) La biologie au cinema: ceci n'est pas une fiction, Hors Cadre, 4, 'l'image, l'imaginaire, Paris, PUF Boy, D. (1987) Today's myth of science: how sciences are perceived, categorized and evaluated by contemporary society (unpublished paper copy)

summary and interpretation from two atttidue surveys in France, 1972 (n=1200) and 1982 (n=1515), no knowledge

questions. Fox, R (1987) C Flammarion et la science mondaine, La Villette, Paris, 3eme journee d'histoire de la vulgarisation scientifique: textes et images de la VS depuis la XIX siecle (unpublished to date) La Villette (1987) Textes et images dans la vulgarisation scientifique depuis le 19eme siecle, 3eme journee d'histoire de la vulgarisation scientifique, 12 Fevrier Merleau-Ponty, J (1987) Science et doxa. Qu' est-ce que la vulgarisation, Philosophies et science, Annales de l'institut de philosophie et sciences morales, Bruxelles Jacobi, D (1987) Textes et images de la vulgarization scientifique, Berne, Lang Desautels J and M Larochelle (1987) Connaissance, representations et apprantissage. Qu'est-ce qu'une connaissance dite scientifique? les modele spontanes d'adolescents, Prospectives, 23, 163-171. Schiele, B; C Perraton & L Boucher (1987) Ciel, une expo! Approche de l'exposition sceintifique, Expomedia, 3, Schiele, B & L Boucher (1987) Une exposition peut en cacher une autre. Approache de l'exposition scientifique: la mise en scene de la science au Palais de la Decouverte, Expo Media, 3 Boy, D & A Muxel (1988) Les jeunes et la science, etude sur les attitudes des 11-17 ans a l'egard de la science, CNRS CEVIPOF, Paris (copy) results of a survey: march 1988, n=1095, 11-17 years, quota sample (sex, age, profession of householder,

agglomoration), funded by Ministere de la Culture et de la Communication; conducted by 'Louis Harris'; 40 items and 5 socio-demographics (sex, age, schooling, profession of father, level of education of father); questions: image of science (6), attitude to science (14), science at school (2), science and children (10), science and the family (3)

Pestre, D (1988) les revues de vulgarisation scientifique en France, Cahier d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences, Giordan, A; J L Martinan & V Vuilleumier (1988) Signes et discours and l'education et la vulgarisation scientifique, Paris, Z'editions Schiele, B & D Jacobi (eds) (1988) Vulgariser la science: le proces de l'ignorance, Champ-Vallon, Seyssel essential overview of research: Schiele's programmatic paper on research questions; formal analysis semitical,

linguistical in diverse media; historical studies; societal functions; linguistic focus of analyses Schiele, B & D Jacobi (1988) La vulgarisation scientifique: theme de recherche, in: Schiele, B & D Jacobi (eds) Vulgariser la science: le proces de l'ignorance, Champ-Vallon, Seyssel, 12-46, 278-284 define three domains of research in a field that lacks a coherent theory: the process of communication and the role of

mediators; the social functions and the sociology of middle class culture; the problems of the interdiscouse between scientists and popularizers

Cahiers d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences (1988) Vulgariser les science, 1919-1939, Vol 24, Paris, CSI-CNRS 7 contributions on the period; politics, strategies and motivations from the 1ere journee sur l'histoire de la diffusion

et de la vulgarisation des sciences et des techniques, Nov 1985; channels: encyclopedie francaise, Palais de la Decouverte, list of revues 1870-1960, 'Science et Vie'; persons: Georges Claude, Paul Langevin, Bergson;

Herzlich, C & J Pierret (1988) Une maladie dans l'espace public: le sida dans six quotitien francais, Annales ESC, 5, 1109-1134 Baune, J C (1988) La vulgarisation scientifique: l'ombre des techniques, in: Schiele, B & D Jacobi (eds) Vulgariser la science: le proces de l'ignorance, Champ-Vallon, Seyssel, 47-86 Jacobi, D (1988) Le discours de vulgarisation: probleme semiotiques et textuels, in: Schiele, B & D Jacobi (eds) Vulgariser la science: le proces de l'ignorance, Champ-Vallon, Seyssel, 87-117 Mortureux, M F (1988) La vulgarisation scientifique: parole mediane our dedoublee ? in: Schiele, B & D Jacobi (eds) Vulgariser la science: le proces de l'ignorance, Champ-Vallon, Seyssel, 118-148 Jacquinot, G (1988) des images et ses sons pour faire savoir ... out les formes audiovisuelles de la vulgarisation scientifique, in: in: Schiele, B & D Jacobi (eds) Vulgariser la science: le proces de l'ignorance, Champ-Vallon, Seyssel, 149-174 Eidelman, J (1988) Politique de la science ou politique de l'esprit ? Genese du palais de la descouverte, Cahier d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences, 24, Eidelman, J (1988) Le projet de palais de la Beaute industrielle pour l'exposition internationale de 1937, Protee, 3, Eidelman, J (1988) Culture scientifique et professionalisation de la recherche: la creation du Palais de la Decouverte a la fin des annees trente, in: Schiele, B & D Jacobi (eds) Vulgariser la science: le proces de l'ignorance, Champ-Vallon, Seyssel, 175-191 Carle, P & J C Guedon (1988) Vulgarisation et developpement des sciences et des techniques: le cas du Quebec (1850-1950), in: Schiele, B & D Jacobi (eds) Vulgariser la science: le proces de l'ignorance, Champ-Vallon, Seyssel, 192-224 Albertini, J M & C Belisle (1988) Les fonctions de la vulgarisation scientifique et technique, in: Schiele, B & D Jacobi (eds) Vulgariser la science: le proces de l'ignorance, Champ-Vallon, Seyssel, 225-245 Vandeloc, L (1988) La vulgarisation: entre scientisme et sensationnalism .. la press 'enceinte' des 'meres porteuses', in: Schiele, B & D Jacobi (eds) Vulgariser la science: le proces de l'ignorance, Champ-Vallon, Seyssel, 246-277 Fayard, P (1988) la communication scientifique publique: de la vulgarization a la mediatisation, Chronique sociale Jacobi, D (1988) les images et la vulgarisation scientifique, Bulletin de Psychologie, Romanticm (1989) Special issue 'science pour tous', 19, no 65, 8 contributions focusing on the 19th century: positivist motivation; channels: journalism, expositions, world

conferences, scientific theatres, recreational activities; persons: Saint-Simon, Comte, Victor Meunier, Louis Figuier, Hetzel, Camille Flammarion

Fox, R (1989) Conference mondaines sous le second Empire, Romantisme 65, 3 Jodelet, D (1989) Folies et representation sociales, Paris, PUF Emprical study of notions of mental illness a in a French rural community Huet, S & J P Jouary (1989) Sciences: les Francais sont-ils nuls? Jonas editeur, Arcueil Schiele, B & L Boucher (1989) l'exposition scientifique: une maniere de representer la science, in: Jodelet, D (ed) Les representation sociales, Paris, PUF, 406-423

Maitre, J (1989) horoscope, Encyclopedia Universalis, Paris, 691-693 Verges, P (1989) Representations sociales de l'economie, in: Jodelet, D (ed) Les representation sociales, Paris, PUF, 387-405 Belloir, M (1989) Exposcopie ou sensibilisation a l'information scientifique technique et industrielle pour l'exposition, These doctorat, science d'information et communication, Bordeaux III, Mars Waysand, G (1989) Un usager furtif de la vulgarisation scientifique: l'etat, Alliage, 2, Nice, Seuil Boy, D (1989) Les attitudes des Francais a l'egard de la science, CNRS CEVIPOF, Paris results of a survey: Jan/Feb 1989, n=1527/18+, quota (sex, age, profession) stratified by region and agglomoration;

funded: Ministere de la Recherche et de la Technologie; some questions comparable with 1972 and 1982

1990s Jacobi, D & B Schiele (1990) la vulgarisation scientifique et l'education non-formelle, Revue Francaise de Pedagogie, 91, 81-111. Alazard, E (1990) l'environnement dans la press quotidienne francaise, These de la maitrise, Paris VII, six papers analyzed over full period of 24 months Boy, D (1990) les lecteurs de la Recherche, la science et les scientifiques, La Recherche, 225, Paris, Octobre results of a survey among readers of 'la recherche'; self-selected reader sample, n=4216, February 1990; unclear

representativeness; 19 closed items Beguet, B (ed)(1990) La science pour tous: sur la vulgarisation scientifique en France de 1850 a 1914, Paris, Bibliotheque de CNAM analogy religion-science: 'la vulgarisation scientifique est au monde moderne ce que la Vulgate a ete, au 16e siecle,

pour la diffusion de la Bible: suivant l'expression de Pierre Piganiol, son role est de faire que science et technique entrent dans notre culture' (R Saint-Paul, preface)

9 contributions on the period; contexts, conceptions, list of persons, list and analysis of popular revues; amusing

science, science and literary writing, institutional practices, childrens' books, imagery; in the preface a problematic analogy is made between the bible-Vulgata and science/vulgarisation

Colin, F (1990) Les revue de vulgarisation scientifique, in: Beguet, B (ed) La science pour tous: sur la vulgarisation scientifique en France de 1850 a 1914, Paris, Bibliotheque du CNAM Raichwarg, D (1990) 400 annees de diffusion de la science par le spectacle, formes, objectifs, moyens, These de doctorat, Paris VII, Caro, P (1990) la vularisation scientifique est-elle possible? Nancy, Press Universitaire de Nancy conference address about the gap between science and the public; three phases of transfer: production of science

(literary practice, practical concerns industry and technology), diffusion within the community (esoteric: revue, nature, science, books, grey literature, etc.), vulgarisation (exoteric: text, audio-visual: writing, image, tone, object), journalist-mediators, expositions.

Wake, D A & J M Bradburne (1990) Decouvrir le plaisir de la science, Alliage, 6, Nice, Seuil Boy, D (1991) les attitudes de public a l'egard de l'experimentation animale, etude de donnees qualitative, Paris CEVIPOF, (copy) results based on 20 qualitative interviews La Cite (1991) La culture scientifique et technique des Francais, premiers resultats, mars, Paris results from two French surveys: a national quota sample (n=1111; 15+) and a sample of Cite visitors; data

collection February 1991; subjective knowledge, interest questions, parascience battery, 38 questions, 12 socio-demographics;

Revue d'histoire des sciences (1991) La diffusion des sciences au XVIIIe siecle, tome 46, 3/4, Juillet-Decembre, Paris, PUS 9 contributions on various aspects of vulgarisation of science; persons: Fontenelle, Voltaire, de Maillet, Mme

Leprince de Beaumont, Diderot; channels: encyclopedie, dictionnaire, letters; topics: earth history, mathematics, natural history, history, medical knowledge

Lascoumes, P & C Boulegue (1991) l'environnement, entre nature et politique: un patchwork mal cousu; les images de l'environnement et de ses politique dans la presse; 1e partie: resultats de l'analyse quantiative, 1988-1989, CNRS-GAPP, Octobre analysis of 7235 press articles; wire services, National dailies, provincials, magazines; 8 month coverage over 2

years; contribution of the press to the public discours on the environment: anectotal, event related, economic-technical; comparison with 1984 study; discours in three dimensions: temporal (past/present), sociality (nature/human interest), normativity (natural law/pragmatic); origin of article, type of article, themes, coverings of 'nature', covering 'pollution', covering 'politics', territoriality,

Boy, D. (1991) The three mainstays of the scientific institution, paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the AAAS, Washington, February (copy). French survey, Jan 1989, N=1500, quota sampling, 6 items analyzed only model: three factors contribute the social support for science culture, habits, ideology knowing doing liking J Jacques & D Raichvarg (1991) Savants et ignorants: une histoire de la vulgarisation des science, Paris, Seuil, 290pp Full reconstruction of 400 years of history of popularisation in France; limited to 'natural sciences'; four basic

questions: why, for whom, who, how ?; why: 5 historical aims: prove of God's beauty and bonte (spiritual), prove of the power of man and its reason (secular), three political: justification for social evolution, moralisation of the popular classes (philantropic), emancipation of the popular classes (socialist, neo-multhisians), useful and powerful knowledge, marking the cultural presence of science in the greco-latin tradition; different publics: curious elites, femmes (ignorant, curious, well minded), youth, general public: the largest number of reader possible (defined by the way it is reached), daily press, maganzines, almanachs,

Durant, J (1991) En finir avec l'illettrism scientifique ?, in: Witkowski, N (ed) L'etat des sciences et des techniques, Paris, La Decouverte 96-98 Latour, B (1991) Les representations de la science, une coherence improbable, in: Witkowski, N (ed) L'etat des sciences et des techniques, Paris, La Decouverte, 98-100 a unified representation of science does not exist; representations depend on pragmatic contexts and their interests;

representations are translated from one pragmatic context into another; pragmatic contexts are linked in a fragile network of actions; a unified language/representation is unnecessary to pursue one's interests; networking of different interests depends on habits and institutions

Jurdant, B (1991) Vulgarisation scientifique, la science est-elle un bien public, in: Witkowski, N (ed) L'etat des sciences et des techniques, Paris, La Decouverte, 101-103 science already made or science in the making; vulgarisation is an obstacle between science and the public; V

provides limited access to a monopoly of Truth administered by science; it is not V that makes science into a public good; vulgarisation maintains a distorted image of science; science = process, critical evaluation, process of production = breathing air for democracy

Eidelman, J (1991) La science au musee: des cabinets d'amateurs aux centre de culture scientifique, in: Witkowski, N (ed) L'etat des sciences et des techniques, Paris, La Decouverte, 103-104, Boy, D (1991) Quelle explication sociologique a l'essor des medicines dites douce, in: Witkowski, N (ed) L'etat des sciences et des techniques, Paris, La Decouverte, 110-112 Lagrange, P (1991) La science et l'irrationnel, le cas des soucoupes volantes, in: Witkowski, N (ed) L'etat des

sciences et des techniques, Paris, La Decouverte, 112-114 Dhombres, J (1992) la gloire de la science: culture et poesie vers 1800, Boy, D & G Michelat (1992) The French and the Pseudosciences, paper presented to the AAAS annual meeting, 6-11 February, Chicago presenting the parascience items from the 1989 survey: astrology scale, parascience scale Laszlo, P (1993) La vulgarisation scientifique, edition 'que sais-je', Paris, PUF science as social construction as starting point; becoming a closed elite under threat; great tradition of popular

science; practicalities of attracting and keeping attention; readability and use of illustrations; anglo-saxon model of expert popular writing: facit 'do it yourself'

SOFRES (1993) les francais, la pensee scientifique et les para-science, Paris, February quota sample, n=1500/18+, face-to-face interviews, stratified by regions and agglomation, questions formulated by

D Boy & G Michelat Boy, D (1993) Les francais et les techniques, REMUS 91, Act du colloques des 12 et 13 Dec, 1991, Paris, Palais de la Decouverte, Dijon, 113-122. survey, Jan/Feb 1989, SOFRES, n=1527 18+; quota sample; general attitudes, information behaviour, technique and

everyday life Lage, E (1993) Lyceen et pratiques scientifique. Comment les sciences deviennent une passion, Paris, l'Harmatton presentation of unpublished results from the 1978 survey among youth, n=20; interviews with winners of the Philips

price for young scientists, motivational analysis of their accounts; ARCAT (1993) l'epreuve des verites, actes des premier rencontres information et SIDA, Le journal du SIDA, mai various contributions around the issues of information about AIDS in the public; experts, citicens, decision makers,

media coverage Raichvarg, D (1993) Science et spectacle, Figures d'une rencontre, Nice, Z'Editions Thesis (Paris 7) transformed into a book; history of attempts to diffuse science with all kinds of activities of a

spectacular nature: theatre, festivals, fairs, shows, amusmants GERSULP (1993) les scientifiques et le spectacle de la science, Actes de la 4e roncontre internationale du GERSULP, Strasbourg

Significant events for French speaking PUS 1950s -26 Juin, 1950: foundation of Association des ecrivains scientifiques de France, AESF by Louis de Broglie, F Le

Lionnais -first issue of 'La Recherche' -1951: prix Kalinka: pour vulgarisation scientifique created by UNESCO 1960s - Public debates of the French Association of Science Writers (AESF) in the Palais de la Decouverte every

second year since since 1958 - OECD (1963) Conference on the communication of scientific and technical knowledge to industry,

Stockholm, OECD -1969, 17eme colloque international l'enseignement superieur du journalism: on distortions and bias 1970s - UNESCO (1970) Rapport sur la reunion internationale sur la diffusion des connaissances scientifiques,

Nice, 19-22 mai - one more meetings organized by the European Community in Strasbourg around 1970 -1971: l'impact des film scientifiques sur le public; in the context of a colloquium on presentation of science to the

public in Brussels - 1972; the first of a series of public surveys of scientific attitudes others follow in: 1986, 1989, 1993 (Daniel Boy) - 1978: Association des Bibliothecaires francais, Colloque, Nice, 18 May, le livre scientifique et le livre de

vulgarisation scientifique en France -1978: Bulletin d'information de l'ASEF; a new look, orange instead of brown, topical editions, yearly every

October, on some aspect of vulgarisation such as general issues (1978/79), images in vulgarisation, collections and special periodical, the public (1982); between 1970 and 1978 the Bulletin seems to have been in a bad shape

- 1979: first Eurobarometer study on scientific attitudes in Europe -1979: Prix Rostand created by AESF, Pari -1979: Table ronde: mystifications scientifiques, Palais de la Decouverte, Paris, 24 Oct: Thuillier, Rouze,

Levy-Leblond, Kapferer, Ledoux, Cousins 1980s - 17-20 Decembre 1982: table ronde internationale sur les representations, Lyon, CNRS, IRPEASCS: Grize,

Moscovici, Doise, Jodelet, Jacquinot, Ostrowetsky, Denis, Codol, Chambart de Lauwe, Schiele

- 1983: Images de Science; colloquium, Paris 27/28 January -20 Jan - 1 Feb 1984, Chamonix: signes et discours dans l'education et la vulgarisation scientifique; 6eme jounrees

internationales sur l'education scientifique, (Gordian, A & J L Hartinand, eds.) - June, 1984: Rencontres internationales sur pensee scientifique et technique et savoirs culturels, Paris,

EHESS -26 Nov 1985: 1ere journee sur l'histoire de la diffusion et de la vulgarisation des sciences et des techniques; Paris,

Cite des Sciences et de l'industrie, 'Vulgariser les science, 1919-1939' - 1986, Quebec: survey on matters of science and technologie, V Tremblay and Jean Roy, Quebec only,

funded by ministere de l'Enseignement et de la Science -Opening of La Cite des Science et de l'Industrie, La Villette, Paris -26 mai, 1986: 2e journee sur l'histoire de la diffusion et de la vulgarisation des sciences et des techniques; Paris,

Cite des Sciences et de l'industrie: 'les amateur de sciences et de techniques' - 12 Feb, 1987; La Villette, Paris, 3eme journee d'histoire de la vulgarisation scientifique: textes et images

de la VS depuis la XIX siecle -1989: September, 'Alliage' founded: magazine on science and culture, J M Levy-Leblond -1989: programme REMUS launched by the French education ministry; to develope a research programme for

science museums 1990s -Syndicat national de l'edition (1992) L'edition scientifique francaise, actes du colloque des 5 et 7 fevrier 1991 tenu

au ministere de la recherche et de la techologie, Paris -1991: Revue d'histoire des sciences; special edition on 'diffusion dans le 18e siecle' -ARCAT SIDA: l'arche de la fraternite, 1er rencontres information et SIDA, Toit de la Grande Arche, 18-20

Novembre 1992 - 1992: 'Science Humaine' launched, popular science magazine on the social sciences -mars 1992: rencontre internationale as Strasbourg sur les spectacle scientifique: Jurdant, Acker, Collins, Crozon,

Bacon, Laurian, Chouraqui, Bergeron, Fayard, Jean-Jacques, Sauvage, Levy-Leblond, -24/25 Feb 1993: la pensee scientifique, les citoyens et les para-sciences, collogue, la villette, paris