Bahaya Merokok (Presentation)

“DANGERS OF CIGARETTES TO OUR BODDIES” By: Aditya Adiaksa 1131110063/1C-D3/TE

Transcript of Bahaya Merokok (Presentation)


By:Aditya Adiaksa


Substance of cigarettes

Bad effects




Definition of smooking



Smoking is a practice in which a substance, most commonly tobacco and/or cannabis, is burned and the smoke is tasted or inhaled. This is primarily practised as a route of administration for recreational drug use, as combustion releases the active substances in drugs such as nicotine and makes them available for absorption through the lungs. It can also be done as a part of rituals, to induce trances and spiritual enlightenment.



1.TARHazardous substances in the form of concentrated impurities that can clog and irritate the lungs - lungs and respiratory system, causing chronic bronchitis, emphysema and in some cases cause lung cancer - lung (the deadly disease virtually unknown by those who are non-smokers).

2. NIKOTINEIs a substance that can be addictive and affects the nervous system, accelerate the heart rate (exceeding the normal rate), there by increasing the risk of substance heart.Otherwise disease is most often discussed and studied people, because it can poison the body's nerves, increase blood pressure, cause constriction of peripheral blood vessels and cause addiction and dependence on the wearer.

3. KARBON MONOKSIDAThese substances can penetrate the blood stream and reduces the ability of cells - red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body, so that very large effects on the circulatory blood system.Otherwise facilitates buildup of carbon monoxide - a substance plug the arteries, which can cause heart attacks fatal but it also can cause blood circulation problems in the foot.

4. ETC



BAD EFFECT1.Can cause deadly disease like : cancer, heartdisease, lungdisease and many more

2.In a women smoking cause acne3.Spend our money4.Harm to others (passive smokers)5.Air polution6.Can cause fire7.And many more NEXT


RESEARCHAccording to the Minister of Healthy Indonesia Year 2004 Mr Dr. Achmad Sujudi, smoking in Indonesia is likely to increase. Based on data Susenas (National Social Economic Survey) of Indonesia's population aged adults who have a habit of smoking as much as 31.6%. With the large number and high percentage of residents who have the habit of smoking, Indonesia is the fifth highest consumer of cigarettes in the world by the number of cigarettes consumed (burned) in 2002 as many as 182 billion cigarettes a year after the People's Republic of China (1.697.291 billion), United States (463.504 billion), Russia (375 000 billion) and Japan (299 085 million).Moreover, in a report recently released by WHO entitled "Tobacco and Poverty: A Vicious Cycle or Tobacco and Poverty: A Circle of Satan" in commemoration of World No Tobacco Day on May 31, 2004, proved that most smokers are poor people . Even in developed countries though, the number of smokers ever come from the grassroots. They also have an economic and health burden that brunt of cigarette addiction. Of the approximately 1.3 billion smokers worldwide, 84% were in the country - the developing world.


HANDLINGa. Tarbiyah or education faith really - really for the individual communities so that they realize how danger smoke cigarettes.

b. The existence of a good example for the child at home, at school, and in the surrounding environment.

c. Person, forbid teachers to smoke in front of students when teaching.Why? because we know that the job of the teacher is a role model for their students at the school. So natural that teachers should set a good example for their students.

d. A vigorous and intensive counseling from related institutions. In this way the number of smokers is expected to be reduced, because they gain direct knowledge about the dangers of smoking to their health.

e. Creating the law as has been done by the city administration about the ban on smoking in public places like schools, hospitals, playgrounds, and so forth. And for those who violate the sanction or fine will be charged a 50 thousand rupiah.

f. Disseminate fatwa MUI (Indonesia Ulemas Council) on the illicit cigarette. Because the public will think this way again for smoking.To their health.Less tight control over distribution of cigarettes in our country, thus increasing the number of cigarette manufacturers.


CONCLUSIONBy the fact that the previous description, it can be said that cigarette more negative impact than on its positive impact.

So if you smoke, please QUIT..END