Bahasa inggris


Transcript of Bahasa inggris

4 . Santika Rosita ( 23 )

1. Saipul Atnan ( )

3 . Arinda ( )

2 . Jojo Radhian (14)I


“ Princess pretty brave to ignore

ugly face a daunting and finding love “

Beauty and Three Daughters . . A wealthy widower with three daughters

possess. The two oldest children every day is always fun, around town while wearing a Prada dress, enjoy cocktails at the Four Seasons restaurant, and just want to be seduced by the aristocratic men. Youngest daughter is not only more beautiful and more friendly, but also more serious and smart, dengankepekaan high on the art of literature. She was very pretty and fun so that everyone call her "Beauty“.

At one time, a widower loses all things which he possesses. Together the three children he moved to a ramshackle house in the countryside. There was nothing to do but look out the window while remembering fun times they had ever had. Beauty is always up early to help his father. Work in the fields to form muscle and the skin becomes shiny brown. A year later, his father received word that his ship has arrived. He went to the dock accompanied by a second request that greedy eldest daughter to bring home expensive items. Beauty is only asked for a rose.

It turned out that the goods are loaded on the ship problematic. (The cost for the care of the problem was taking up all of its income.) In case of bankruptcy, the father intended toreturn home, but then lost in a blizzard. Suddenly, he saw a classy castle in the distance.

The situation inside the castle is like Martha Stewart from medieval . Pile of lamb presented on silver platters, a very large-sized bed made by tiny people, riding pants that match the size he wears . In the morning, instead of snow he had seen, but an enormous garden. Yes! He then plucked a rose for Beauty.

The situation inside the castle is like Martha Stewart from medieval . Pile of lamb presented on silver platters, a very large-sized bed made by tiny people, riding pants that match the size he wears . In the morning, instead of snow he had seen, but an enormous garden. Yes! He then plucked a rose for Beauty.

Suddenly, a creature which appears on the creepy side of the park, to reveal rows of sharp teeth. Apparently the park is the only treasure that the creature had and loved ones! The father begged to be spared, while explaining that she was a single parent. Creepy creature was pardoned, on condition that one of his daughters have come to the castle.

Beauty came to that place (after his father explains in detail how he almost lost his life when it would get interest for Beauty). Beauty rather than prey, the creepy creatures that live in dalamkastil even invite and provide a special room complete with clothes and a library.

Eventually beauty feels comfortable with the atmosphere inside the castle. He admitted (after being forced) that the physical, ugly creature that's creepy.But when he thought of his kindness, such a bad way to fade. If only it did not constantly ask her to marry him (an offer which he had rejected).

In the end, the creature change request. He only asks Beauty to stay with her for the rest hodup. Beauty said that no matter how he likes life in the castle, he would not feel happy if you have to live away from his father. Because it considers that happiness Beauty is much more important than anything, the creature want she go.

After returning to her father's house, Beauty daydreaming thinking of the ugly creatures. He was amazed at her own feelings of longing creature. What is this? Beauty is not the kind of person who likes to expect anything that did not have.Having dreamed that ugly creature was in a state of dying, Beauty realized that he actually did mencintaimakhluk that, although only a friend. He hurried back to the castle earlier ....

... where the creature is ugly indeed dying, due to miss the sense of Beauty. Beauty straight into his

arms, as she vows that she would marry him..

Instant that instant, the ugly creature transformed into a handsome prince. And how cute! This was during the prince had been cursed, transformed into a creature ugly until there is a beautiful girl who falls in love with her just because of the kindness and personality.

They later married and live happily forever, while still

looking beautiful.

See You . . .

Thank You . . .