Astrological combinations for Late Marriage - baixardoc

Astrological combinations for Late Marriage Marriage is a major landmark in life and Vedic Astrology deals with all aspects of marriage in depth. The most important planet for marriage in case of females is Jupiter and in case of males is Venus. Saturn has a major role in the delay of marriage. In this webcast, we will analyze the astrological combinations for a delayed marriage. Planets in the 7th House The placement of Sun in the 7th house indicates delay in marriage and a troubled marriage. The native may not be firm on his principles. In some cases the wife may not have loyalty towards the husband. Placement of Saturn in the 7th house indicates late marriage or more than one marriage. In this case, a person may get married to a widow, divorcee or someone elder in age. Mars in the 7th house is also not a healthy sign for a timely marriage because it indicates strong Manglik effect. Such people should marry after 28 years of age. Saturn and Late Marriage Saturn in conjunction with Moon and the Sun or in aspect indicates a delay in marriage. A delay in marriage also occurs when Saturn is placed in the 7th house or in the ascendant. If Saturn is placed in the 7th house being the lord of 7th house and forms a samsaptak yoga with Sun, it indicates a late marriage. Let us now talk about the position of Saturn in a Navamansh Kundali. If Saturn and Moon are placed together in the 7th house in a Navamsha Kundali, it indicates a late marriage. Role of Venus in Late Marriage If Vivahkaraka Venus is in conjunction with the Sun and Moon in the 7th house, it indicates a late marriage. If Venus, ascendant or the 7th house are in Paap Kartari Yoga then the possibility of a late marriage are strong. It is believed that Venus is the enemy of the Sun and Moon. Hence, if Venus is placed in the sign of Sun and Moon which is Leo and Cancer respectively, there might be an undue delay in marriage. If the ascendant and Venus are placed in Gemini, Leo, Virgo or Sagittarius sign, the native will have a late marriage. Role of 2nd house in Late Marriage According to Vedic astrology a retrograde planet causes loss, change of state, and forces the person to try and try again to achieve a goal. The 2nd, 7th and the 8th houses are checked to find

Transcript of Astrological combinations for Late Marriage - baixardoc

Astrological combinations for Late Marriage

Marriage is a major landmark in life and Vedic Astrology deals with all aspects of marriage in

depth. The most important planet for marriage in case of females is Jupiter and in case of males

is Venus. Saturn has a major role in the delay of marriage. In this webcast, we will analyze the

astrological combinations for a delayed marriage.

Planets in the 7th House

The placement of Sun in the 7th house indicates delay in marriage and a troubled marriage. The

native may not be firm on his principles. In some cases the wife may not have loyalty towards

the husband. Placement of Saturn in the 7th house indicates late marriage or more than one

marriage. In this case, a person may get married to a widow, divorcee or someone elder in age.

Mars in the 7th house is also not a healthy sign for a timely marriage because it indicates strong

Manglik effect. Such people should marry after 28 years of age.

Saturn and Late Marriage

Saturn in conjunction with Moon and the Sun or in aspect indicates a delay in marriage. A delay

in marriage also occurs when Saturn is placed in the 7th house or in the ascendant. If Saturn is

placed in the 7th house being the lord of 7th house and forms a samsaptak yoga with Sun, it

indicates a late marriage. Let us now talk about the position of Saturn in a Navamansh Kundali.

If Saturn and Moon are placed together in the 7th house in a Navamsha Kundali, it indicates a

late marriage.

Role of Venus in Late Marriage

If Vivahkaraka Venus is in conjunction with the Sun and Moon in the 7th house, it indicates a

late marriage. If Venus, ascendant or the 7th house are in Paap Kartari Yoga then the possibility

of a late marriage are strong.

It is believed that Venus is the enemy of the Sun and Moon. Hence, if Venus is placed in the sign

of Sun and Moon which is Leo and Cancer respectively, there might be an undue delay in

marriage. If the ascendant and Venus are placed in Gemini, Leo, Virgo or Sagittarius sign, the

native will have a late marriage.

Role of 2nd house in Late Marriage

According to Vedic astrology a retrograde planet causes loss, change of state, and forces the

person to try and try again to achieve a goal. The 2nd, 7th and the 8th houses are checked to find

out whether the person will have an early or delayed marriage. The 2nd house is the house of the

family, and the 7th and 8th houses are for marital happiness. If the 2nd house has a retrograde

planet, the person will have to try repeatedly to get married.

That‟s why if the planet placed in the 2nd house is retrograde or if the lord of 2nd house is

retrograde then it depicts a delay in marriage.

The 12th house is the house of expenses. If the lord of the 2nd house is in the 12th house it

causes expenditure on the 2nd house. If your kundali has a malefic planet in the 2nd house then it

afflicts the house. That‟s why if the 2nd house is occupied by malefics and the lord of 2nd house is placed in the 12th house then also the native will have late marriage.

If the 2nd house is occupied by the Moon and Saturn then also there are all chances of delay in


Other reasons of delay in marriage

If the lord of ascendant and Moon sign are placed with a malefic planet and placed in the 7th

house, also the 7th lord is placed in the 12th house. This combination indicates late marriage.

If the 6th, 7th or 12th house lord is placed in the 7th house or aspect the 7th house it indicates

delay in the happiness of married life.

If the 5th house lord and 7th house lord mutually aspect each other and are in conjunction with

the malefic planets the marriage will be delayed due to some opposition. But if the 5th or 7th

lord are in own house or exalted then the marriage won‟t be delayed.

Remedies to avoid marriage problems

Vedic mantras are a simple remedy to prevent delay of marriage due to bad astrology

combinations. If the delay is due to Manglik dosha recite Mangal Mantra “Om Kram Kreem Krom Saha Bhoumaye Namah”.

For other combinations, chant “Om Brahm Brahaspataye Namah” if the person is female, and “ Om Shum shukraye Namah” if the perosn is a male.

There is a popular that says “strike the iron when it is hot”. This is also applicable here. If the dasha, antardasha and transits are favorable, it will be easy to find the right partner and marry, so

do check your running dasha and transit.

Judging the Timing of marriage:

The timing of marriage is judged by planetary

transits, Dasas and Ashtakavarga method.

Marriage can take place when the yoga karka

planets operate as dasa or bhukti. The dasa

and bhukti of the 7th lord or the planets with

it or Venus are favourable for marriage.

Lagna and 2nd lord dasas are also

significators for marriage. The 9th and 10th

lord, when they operate as dasa bhukti

reciprocally or when Jupiter crosses the lagna

lord in the navamsa chart,. these are all

trigger times for marriage.

The power of Mantras & Shlokas has been

acknowledged since time immemorial. A

Mantra can consist of a powerful word or

a combination of words and can be used

for to fulfill one's desires, to ward off the

effects of malefic planets, to bring early &

happy marriage, success in love &

relationship -- the range is truly vast. You

can choose for yourself.

Know your own Mantra

Now we will analyze each concerned astrological factor, which have any role

to play in timing of marriage, in very minute detail before reaching a

logical conclusion as per the tenets described by our ancient seers. The

basic underlying principle is that concerning houses, their lords and

natural significator planets should be strong and without afflictions for

an early/timely and happy marriage. Vice-versa, if concerned planets are

weak, afflicted or combust, they fail to deliver marriage during their

operating dashas. Similarly, if concerned houses and their lords are weak

or afflicted, marriage may be distant or denied.

To make it easier, most of the considered factors have been properly

standardized in this report and their results may be seen in precise

percentage terms. This approach of checking each individual component

through several intricate Jyotish principles gives the advantage of seeing

the strengths (and weaknesses) much more precisely than if it would have

been seen through just one or two principles. Here, you may find weakness

shown by one check being compensated by the strength shown in the other

check. Or, vice-versa, you may also find weakness shown by one check being

confirmed by the other checks. The results of this analysis are attached

herewith as a separate report in the form of 'Annexure-2'.

A planet may have three types of influences to make it 'authorized' to

affect the subject matters related to a house. The first type is 'Direct

influences on a house'. Such influences may occur if a planet is posited in

that house; or/and is it's lord itself; is aspecting that house and/or is

it's natural significator. The second type is 'Influences on the Lord of

concerned house'. Such influences may occur if a planet is posited with the

lord of concerned house or aspecting it. The third type is 'Influences on

the Natural Significator of the concerned house'. Such influences may occur

if a planet is posited with the 'Natural Significator' of concerned house

or aspecting it.

Besides the above mentioned 'Types' and 'Modes' of influences of a planet

over a house, there are certain other situations in which a planet may

acquire 'authority' to influence the matters governed by a certain house.

However, not all of the above listed factors have equal weightage. For

example, if a planet is aspecting a house, it will have more authority than

the planet which is aspecting the lord of the same house. To make the whole

concept simple for you, I have prepared the following table to quantify the

authority of nine planets over 7th house due to various portfolios, of

varying caliber, got by them in relation to the 7th house of your chart.

Sun : 8.40 Moon : 0.00 Mars : 18.30

Mercury: 18.30 Jupiter: 49.50 Venus: 15.30

Saturn : 25.20 Rahu : 4.55 Ketu : 9.95

The figures in the above table shows the 'Sum of calibrated authority' got

by nine planets due to various portfolios acquired by them in relation to

your 7th house. The quantification has been done in proportionate ratios of

importance of various portfolios. Almost all major and minor factors have

been taken into consideration to get this 'Quantified Authority Index' to

gauge the planet's overall direct and indirect influences on the 7th House.

Now, a very clear picture emerges. In the above table, you can see that the

Jupiter (Brihaspati/Guru) has got maximum authority to influence the

subject matters related to the 7th house. Next to it is the Saturn (Shani)

which is having the second highest 'Authority'. Thus, these two planets are

most capable to trigger the event of your marriage at 'appropriate time'.

The 'appropriate time' will be during their own Vimshottari dasas (Main,

Sub or Sub-sub periods) and when Jupiter transits or aspects either one of

these planets. When such 'appropriate time' will come for you, I will

discuss it little later.

The maximum authority on 7th House is got by Jupiter and it's dasa periods

in near future would be as listed below:




Vimshottari dasas of which planets may give matrimony? :

The Lagna, 2nd and 7th lord dasa's, or the yoga karaka planet invariably

give matrimony.

........ ,,,,,,

........ ,,,,,,

Timing of marriage through Ashtakvarga method:

When Jupiter and Venus transit the house with the most number of bindus,

marriage can happen. See from binashtakavarga as well as from

Sarvashtakavarga. As Jupiter takes more than a year to transit a house,

there is a predictive tool to narrow down the timing. Each house has 30

degrees and there are 7 planets. Divide 30 by 7 and the house will have 7

divisions, each one ruled by a planet. When Jupiter or Venus, transit the

house with the maximum number of bindus, the degrees that fall under the

domain of Jupiter and Venus will trigger matrimony.

I have performed some checks on your horoscope, based on astro-axioms for

timing marriage. In Vedic Jyotish, there are some astral signatures, which

give us a broad idea whether the marriage would come early, late, distant

or never. The results of these checks are annexed herewith as 'Annexure-1'.







Useful Vedic-remedies:

If combinations for distant or denial of marriage are present in one's

horoscope, appropriate Vedic remedial measures should be taken. There are

various remedial measures given for solving marriage problems like delay in

marriage, divorce etc. Some of them are very tamasic like black magic and

others give temporary results. It is clearly established that Dharma alone

protect the marriage. Therefore, the highest and surest remedy lies in

increasing Dharma. Bhagwan Vishnu sits in the ninth house of Dharma and

worshipping him with the Astakshari mantra 'OM NAMO NARAYANAYA' or

meditating with the mantra 'OM TAT SAT' is the best remedy. In addition, a

gemstone of the Lord of ninth house (in Rasi Chart) and fasting on days

ruled by it would be beneficial.

Keep me updated with the developments.

God Bless you.


Shyam S. Kansal

Vedic Astrologer

* A N N E X U R E - 1 *

I have performed some checks on your horoscope, based on astro-axioms for

timing marriage. In Vedic Jyotish, there are some astral signatures, which

give us a broad idea whether the marriage would come early, late, distant

or never. If combinations for distant or denial of marriage are present in

one's horoscope, appropriate astro remedial measures should be taken.

Some times, contradictory yogas may be present - for early marriage and

distant marriage, both. In such cases, 'majority' indications would

prevail. For example, if 'Early marriage' yogas are in majority but there

are also some yogas present which indicate 'Distant marriage' or 'Denial of

marriage'. In this case, marriage may though be slightly delayed from

majority indication of 'Early marriage', but it would not be too distant or



In the following report, word 'Dusthana' has been used at several places.

'Dusthana' means 'place of suffering'. 'Du' is short for 'dukha'

(suffering) and 'sthana' means 'place'. The dusthana houses are 6th, 8th

and 12th houses and when the lord of a house is located in a dusthana

house, the house it rules suffers. Any benefic planet that is placed in the

dusthana houses will become weak and bring about difficulties to that

planet. The influences of the dusthana houses often represent the most

challenging karma in a person's chart.

*~~~ Early Marriage Yogas:

»(a) If the lagna and 7th house lords are strong, well placed and having

enough benefic influences. These planets must be free from afflictions. [In

your chart, Lagna lord Venus ..... ..... .... The 7th lord Mars ... ....

..... .... ... ]

»(b) If Saturn in the 7th is creating a maha purusha yoga, i.e. it is in

Libra, its exaltation sign, or is in its own house. [In your chart, it is

in Taurus.]

»(c) If the 7th lord is in Cancer (the exaltation sign of Jupiter) or is in

Libra (the mooltrikona sign of Venus). [In your chart, Mars, the lord of

7th, is in Capricorn.]

*~~~ Late Marriage Yogas:

»(a) If the chart has a weak 7th lord, Venus or Jupiter but not placed in

dusthana. [In your chart, the 7th lord is posited in 9th, Venus is posited

in 4th and Jupiter in 7th house. None of them is posited in a 'Dusthana'. ]

*~~~ Distant Marriage Yogas:

»(a) If the 7th house and its lord are aspected by Saturn or Rahu without

Jupiter's grace. [In your chart, the 7th house is being aspected by Saturn.

However, Jupiter is also aspecting the 7th providing it's full grace. The

7th lord Mars is being aspected by/ posited with Rahu. Jupiter's grace is

also not available to it. ]

»(b) If 7th lord is in Virgo (debilitation sign of Venus) or Capricorn

(debilitation sign of Jupiter). [In your chart, 7th lord Mars is in


»(c) If Lagna, 7th lord, Jupiter or Venus, out of these four planets, 2 or

more are in dushtana houses. [In your chart- none of these planets/lords

are posited in a 'Dusthana'. ]

*~~~ Denial of Marriage Yogas:

»(a) If Lagna and 7th lord are debilitated and in dusthana houses. [In your

chart- the Lagna lord exaltation is 22.47% [Poor] , [SHTR] and not placed

in a 'Dusthana'. The 7th lord exaltation is 94.90% [Excellent] , [SAMA] and

not placed in a 'Dusthana'. ]

»(b) If Mercury is debilitated and placed in a dusthana. the spouse may be

barren. [In your chart- Mercury's exaltation is 77.63% [Good] , [MITR].

Mercury is posited in 4th house, not a 'Dusthana'.

»(c) If Virgo is owner of one of the 'dusthana houses' and the 7th lord is

placed in a 'dusthana house'. [In your chart, Virgo does not own a

'dusthana'. The 7th lord is not placed in a 'Dusthana'. ]

*~~~ Ashtakvarga Yogas:

The number of bindus where Mercury, Jupiter or Venus is placed in the

Sarvashtakavarga can determine the marriage age of the person. The number

of bindu's should be more than 23.

* A N N E X U R E - 2 *

To make it easier, most of the considered factors have been properly

standardized and their results may be seen in precise percentage terms in

this report. This approach of checking each individual component through

several intricate Jyotish principles gives the advantage of seeing the

strengths (and weaknesses) much more precisely than if it would have been

seen through just one or two principles. Here, you may find weakness shown

by one check being compensated by the strength shown in the other check.

Or, vice-versa, you may also find weakness shown by one check being

confirmed by the other checks.

» Role of the 7th house:

The Seventh is well known as the house of the partner- the wife in a man's

chart, the husband in that of the woman. It is the main house for judging

marriage and male/female relationship. As the house opposite the 1st house

i.e. the Self, the Seventh house represents one's opposite or complement

i.e. the other. 7th house displays the blueprint for marriage in this life.

7th especially signifies the first marriage, but its blueprint continues to

affect subsequent marriages. Thus, 7th house has a pivotal role to play in

determining one’s overall marital life.

~ Ashtakvarga strength: 39%

~ Affliction/beneficence status: Bnfc: 66.57 Affl: 70.25 NET: -3.68

~ xxxxxxxxxxxx

» Role of the 7th lord (L07)- Mars:

Planet who is the lord of the seventh house in one's chart is referred to

as the 7th lord. It is different for different people based on their

ascendants. In your chart, Mars is the 7th lord. The lord of a house is as

important as the house itself and hence the analysis pertaining to a house

is incomplete if its lord is not taken into consideration. 7th lord

indicates one's spouse. Thus, 7th lord’s strength as well as influences on

him is very crucial in reaching any conclusive result about one's fortune

with one's spouse. 7th lords Vimshottari dasas and transits are also

crucial in determining the 'Time of marriage'.

~ Exaltation: 94.90% [Excellent] / SAMA

~ Total 'Shadbala' (Six sources of strength):

~ Weakness due to 'Combustion': 0.00% [OK]

~ Affliction/ Benefic influences: xxxxxxxxxxxx

~ Ashtakvarga status in posited sign: 5e27

» Role of the 2nd Lord (L02)- Mercury:

The Second house has been called 'Kutumba-bhava' - family as a whole. Role

of the 2nd lord is also very important in timing of marriage because Second

house specifically signifies 'Self-created family' and family happiness. It

represents responsibility of family and relates to earning capacity and our

ability to provide for ourselves and our family members in life. One of the

meanings of the second house only indicated by Vedic astrology is the tenor

of the family life, including both the general tone of the family life and

disruptions to family life.

~ Exaltation: 77.63% [Good] / MITR

~ Total 'Shadbala' (Six sources of strength):

~ Weakness due to 'Combustion': 12.81% [Within safe limits]

~ Affliction/ Benefic influences: xxxxxxxxxxxx

~ Ashtakvarga status in posited sign: 5i27

» Role of the Lagna-lord (L01)- Venus:

The Ascendant is our significator in the chart, our vehicle in

manifestation. It is the most important factor in the chart, and its

strength or weakness can override anything else. The first house indicates

how we project ourselves on a public level- our initial and general

appearance to the world at large. As such, it determines the whole

structure of our outer manifestation; our personality as well as our body.

It aids us in our career, as it helps establish self-identity and,

therefore, is important for honour, integrity, fame, or recognition. All

astrological texts has given due importance to the 1st lord in timing of


~ Exaltation: 22.47% [Poor] / SHTR

~ Total 'Shadbala' (Six sources of strength):

~ Weakness due to 'Combustion': 86.37% [In alarm zone]

~ Affliction/ Benefic influences: xxxxxxxxxxxx

~ Ashtakvarga status in posited sign: 5e27

» Role of the Venus:

Amongst nine planets, Venus is the natural significator or 'Naisargik

Karaka' for marriage as well as for the seventh house in our chart. This

can be understood as follows - as all nine planets are naturally given

authority over some or the other aspects of our life which is universal,

Venus is the natural representative of one's marriage and spouse. Venus is

also the significator of women in general, thus in a man's chart it becomes

all the more important as it signifies his wife.

~ Exaltation: 22.47% [Poor] / SHTR

~ Total 'Shadbala' (Six sources of strength): 0.85

~ Weakness due to 'Combustion': 86.37% [In alarm zone]

~ Affliction/ Benefic influences: xxxxxxxxxxxx

~ Ashtakvarga status in posited sign: 5e27

» Role of the Jupiter:

Whenever two people dare to open their hearts and love in public, Jupiter

plays gypsy and legalizes the union in the form of marriage. This is

because; Jupiter, a law-abiding planet celebrates the alliance with the

approval of the patriarch and society. Jupiter is main significator of

marriage for females.

A palm leaf manuscript called 'Eashwaran Maha Vakiyam' states that when

Jupiter transits the natal moon it gives marriage. Some other astrology

texts say that marriage may come -

» When Jupiter transits through the 2, 5,7,9 and 11th house from one's

natal Moon.

» When Jupiter crosses it's own radical point or aspects it.

» When Jupiter aspects the 7th lord or Venus in radical chart.

The placement of Jupiter in a woman's chart and Venus for a man is

important for determining marriage. These planets should not be placed in

'dushtana houses' (the 6th, 8th or 12th) or in the debilitated signs of

Jupiter and Venus. In your chart ... Ju/Ve is posited in ... house which is

not a 'Dusthana'.

~ Exaltation: 33.14% [Inadequate] / MITR

~ Total 'Shadbala' (Six sources of strength): 0.84

~ Weakness due to 'Combustion': 0.00% [OK]

~ Affliction/ Benefic influences: xxxxxxxxxxxx

~ Ashtakvarga status in posited sign: 5e22

» Role of the Saturn:

Saturn is associated with marriage and/or life mates through its exaltation

in Libra and the Seventh House of partnerships. An exalted planet is said

to operate at its strongest level of energy, and has the ability to reach

its highest potential. Libra represents balance and harmony. All intimate

relationships resulting in marriage or long-term commitment eventually come

to rely on the influence of the planet Saturn, which suggests that

responsibility and discipline are necessary for the growth and enduring

success of the union. While it may feel as though the obligations of Saturn

can weigh down the romance, Saturn also gives a sizable payback for the

work invested in the relationship. Often, we blame our companion in a

long-term relationship for restricting our movements. Saturn, however, is

the true tie that binds us, through the desire to achieve permanence and

stability amidst change, and the instinctual perception that we are somehow

wounded, and therefore vulnerable. Maintaining an intimate, long-term

partnership is a delicate balancing act, and an art very much like dancing;

it requires poise, harmony, synchronized rhythm, grace and concentrated

effort, if we are to be any good at it. It is helpful to develop honesty,

integrity, faithfulness, reliability, patience, perseverance and a

dauntless sense of humor in order to achieve your relationship comfort zone

along with lasting happiness. These virtues will go a long way toward

establishing a one-to-one balanced exchange of energy between you and your


» When Saturn transits the 3,6 and 11th from Moon.

~ Exaltation: 12.66% [Worst] / MITR

~ Total 'Shadbala' (Six sources of strength): 1.00

~ Weakness due to 'Combustion': 0.00% [OK]

~ Affliction/ Benefic influences: xxxxxxxxxxxx

~ Ashtakvarga status in posited sign: 5e31