Another Fight with Burglars. -Riddlod with m-uUets. - Memorial ...


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Andover Advertiser, —PUB uu SD—

Every Friday Morning, ST—

GEORGE 8. MERRILL, Post Office Block, Lawrence,Mass. B0BaoaiPTION-Po»tas;« Prepaid:-

S2-S0 per ye*r, from which 60 cents wlU ba deductud for strictly advance pay moot-

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The Daily American [" Published Everr Erenlnc,

< aaada* liilftH.)

I the LargreBt Dally In the Oity writ. Four Tlmaa the Circulation of amt other.

STJBSCaiPTION.ln tdvuon One Vaar, *e.6o | Six Months 08.0

Whan not paid In advance. 08.00-

GEO. 8. ME It ItILL, Proprietor


lathe largest and moat thoroughly til nUhed In Eaetern Maaiaohttaaati, With modern preaaaa, and eonataa additions ol the newest styles o i T* p we are able to (urnlah the beat quailt ot work, at low prices. Orders b* ma omptly attended to.


Another Fight with Burglars. IhCT ahillllll llitr- c«r(! I'll, I till, nna .nnlln.l limnlil « In .ha -I _.,!.._ 1 m .1 I. * ~ .1 »_ thoy ahould take care t*al Ibia im-. mulled leraptalnn to the " nobby bove"Uoo1 Influence them tu break In ami lime unto ttaajetlfea MB* wt leli byrldil l« not llirir own.

The go 1)4 irom wi>ti:h Uiete Shirts werem<de wa* ■ elected by us and eaary ebfrt made to our ytiatita iiie.-oinbinai.inoi MM <iutiitsea louudlB Iheaa ahlrta.a- tha

. In that dm ti >n. Wa wouldiay tu large maB that we taaeareal iiride luefaotthaL w« ran ntyon all wlih H utteway Shtrta, tioih while and fanny,tttee from 131 to 1-1

- — Bare.Blnn to our oily -u.rdlana, pcrbapa It would be wall watchful ija to our

own order. Seople are already convinced

I tbe I'm'i tli*. w« nan nt yon collar. In c aaSAttBW w tb the advl lliat tie "nobby boy»" above mentioned ahould I.

ft"•*■»" » setblsB;onler the aanbetter aaVnlArl to 11- external apaearanca of a policeman than a HatarwarSBfrtandoorofthoie'jIuBiultaatBlo u II llroa. Wa-oul in'i nu-.tlon the honeity of a uollcaninn, rm- if otjrp ,wered by 1*4 moo in tbjlr uudearora to prevaat the bora frem ui Marina-. and io prevent being r ™"

-Riddlod with m-uUets. M might on tbe »pur of thi moment don once! those aJmoat ballet proof aw* aolti and being- an- de-i-nmncciolitin-ni, (ergot to it back.

' - aH your roraeumaa dunU for.ei to aee ti. adlaplay of Fancy Ihlrta. We particularly aak tbe -not the Lawrence police lorce to our alack of bine tulta.boih heavy and light walibt, eur



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BOOTS A SHOES, a full and complete atock.Blpricea to ault ibetlaaea.

COOKING STOVES, Rang**. rurnncaa. Hole aaent Mngee Sto»ea.


GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, I'an- ayUoodaand Produce. *

ddArrUUaJ. BKOB. oor.Baaex.Ameaban PHOTOGRAPHY, »olo llcon*** forthe city lor the Carbon Proceaaea.


SEWING MACHINES. Tl.eNow U. Howe, Domealic, and New Home. W.

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Claaex Street, Lawrence. SBB.ltn.eT and ereter an Admlnletorad. CLAHA a. B0GB118. Diaoaeea or wo atan a SpeelaltT. all ■**•! atroel, Law

ranee. Offloe nourt. a to * and 7 to » P ■ ".

.1 Valley St,


ear the Common.

D t. S. A. KIDDKK, UKNTAL 8UK UBON, Ne. «it Baaex Street, o»er tbf

aay BUM Bank. Lawrence Ma... Uaa, Chloro for*, or Btber |lven, aa preierred. Cloaed imrimw a-aanat. _ i ilOXlfi * WU1TTIBK, Onoice Qro^ U aarl... ■Msth>< Pare Cotfeea, fjj- .and

aaaitleealTeaa, Tbe twwt l)alrlea ol Butter ano Keeee. M Anaibuj

? Hi-Hi BU'B

H. UABBis, liaR. Hunt Machine C

ilae Water Wneela, Fq n*»loek,,(ili«, ll«(U

Traaaorer of tha »., Jin Broadway.— ling Hill". Waohera KOrt, *c„ Ac. Plan*


PerUBlU and U»*W. ..^

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Lawrenoe.Maaa. Peraoaalattenilonto aUbnai

eilef It) S|i^ciaclea and tbeUest of f<peotaclaa

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■afnlof Billou.lne taken at b d'lme r>ly pre vent tbe terrible flea lache

illy followalntotica'.lea or Immoder- ate drinking. one M ishlni to tea' the < fflcii'T ol Hlhouil

obtain a "tilal pai-k*a:e"arail.. Wa wl'a tend a ackag'. to naj .ddi*e.a upue tecelpt Of

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CONSUMPSION OH... tu ,.!*— ot n« waaa kind aaa[a«jaia waaalej *'"' wii\CM™ J" TW«i«rrUBjrBBB. laaalBti ■*»>. TAlr v [J 1 mi .lir «n Hill at.»».l" .iii.ii^f»r. nln «P "'**al f.i J*itia, ML. T. A. Bi*CTtW. in Kit tu. a.*

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Vlaaat «|«allly, THOMAS WOOD A CO., BOSTON.





Lawrence American, LAWRENCE, MASS.


THE SILVER question has already made a serious rent fo democratic ranks, and it begin* to look as if.wltb ihe reduced detDOura'.ic strength in tbe next botive of representatives, President Cleveland mutt look to re- publican support to enable bim to carry out bis Bound ideas on tbe silver ques-

tion. _______

L0N0 S-i^HEirTe are published iriving tbe details of a supposed dis- crepancy in Gen. Butler's old accounts witb tbe Soldier's Homes, alleged to have been discovered by tbe committee on military affaire. Ceo. Butler con- fidently asserts tbat these are only seeming errors, and we have no doubt that ho will prore himself correct. There is not the slightest ground to believe tbat he failed to account for all the monies he received belonging to tbe homes.

Why the "Royal "is Absolutely Pure. Analysis shows the presence of Tnrtrate of Lime in sev-

eral brands of Baking Powder placed upon the market:

" CLEVELAND'S " baking powder contains tartrate of lime. "HANFORD'S" baking powder contains tartrate of lime. « —jp TQP n bajfing powder contains tartrate of lime.

" HECKER'S" baking powder contains tartrate of lime. " DE LAND'S " baking powder contains tartrate of lime. " GILLETS " baking powder contains tartrate of lime. All BULK baking powders contain tartrate of lime.

1 The presence of this substance in the above-named Baking Powders results from tbe use of inferior Gream of Tartar in their manufacture. The Cream of Tartar of the market,. from which they are made, contains Tartrate of Lime in amounts varying from six to twenty per cent, and hence these powders contain this impurity as a foreign sub- stance to a corresponding extent, which is of no value, but a positive detriment in any powder in which it is found.

NO LIME IN ROYAL BAKING POWDER. The Boyal Baking Powder is made from Cream of

Tartar specially refined and prepared for its use by patent processes by which the Tartrate of Lime is totally elimi- nated.

This highly important result has been attained only with great care, labor, and expense. In money alone a quarter of a million dollars lias been invested in patents, machinery, and appliances by which the crude Cream of Tartar, being procured direct from the wine districts of Europe and subjected in this country to these exclusive processes, is rendered entirely free, not only from the ob- jectionable Tartrate of Lime, but from otber foreign sub- stances.

This adds greatly to the cost of manufacturing Royal Baking Powder; but, as all its other ingredients are se- lected and prepared with the same precise care, and regard- less of labor or expense, an article is produced that is entirely free from any extraneous substance, and chemically pure in all respects.

No lime, earth, alum, or impurity of any kind can, by inadvertence or by the use of adulterated articles or other- wise, be introduced into the " Royal," and it contains no ingredients except those certified by the most eminent chem- ists necessary to make a pure, wholesome, and perfect Bak- ing Powder.

* It costs more to manufacture the Royal Baking Powder than any other, but it is, as shown by chemical analysis, the only " absolutely pure" Baking Powder made.

TBE SADDEST intelligence that has fallen upon the ears ot tbe American people since tbe war, is tbe statement made in relation to the serious condi- tion of Gen. Grant, and he will be sure of the profoundest sympathy ol till classes In bis illness. Tbe greatest captain of the age, the grand character standing out most prominent of all iu tbe histoiy of tbe civil war, the up- tight citizen and honest magistrate, loved and respected, to whom foreign nations have accorded homage not given to any otber man of bis day. tbe world will be touched with hie

condition. .

THE STRIKE of the carpet weavers et Lowell, has resulted to tbe IOSB ot three weeks' wages to, not only the strikers, but hundreds of others, through the enforced stoppage ol the mill, and now a return Is made to work at tbe prices first ottered. There seems to be a strange fatality of sense- lessness about strikes, leading to their nauguration at the most Inopportune

seasons. Beyond the general dulneas of all classes of manufacturing, tbe treasurer ol tbe Lowell carpet mills bad shown by statistics at tbe annual meeting, only a short time before 1 hi?- strike occurred, that the selling prices of the product of the mill for 1884 had been less than of tbe preceding year, by more than tbe entire amount of wages paid, and that a reduction must temporarily be made or tbe mills stop. But in the face of these adverse facts, a strike agaiuBt tbe reduction was In- augurated ; it was a deliberate choice

no bread rBtber than part of a loaf,

and there was but one po»«bl« ™»«»t i failure was inevitable, and after tbr«e weuks or IOSB of wages, the terms it

the cornpsa/ are accepted.



Indoraed br Phraldant becauae It It Til li III 1ST. UiPd br tboBianJu. It wH) cure you. No opium In It. Hotbera, r<w «n conquer that dreadful foe, CHOVP, with It Ilia perfectly a»fe. IUTS It on band, and the ■■uu. Over .00,000 bot- tles ■old ■ Has bean Inaae ftor more than TW£!ITI YKAHS. SOLOBYDBUOUISTS. |


The rhi.ln ■» branda of aaa nuiii'itlr \\ In... t.laHor., CardUIa and Claara, may ba round at iht old Katab- Itahrd Stare af



inlltlaa to aalt Cw»C

MILK INSPECTORS NOTICE. Tbe nndenlgned barli g been appointed

INSPECTOR OP MILK for the City ofl-iwre -iiiiln tic-oily are bi ■ illtberr,|.Mri'iivn

'«, a'l cerrona rellinjr milk ■by 1 <iturrled Is oontorm 01 tbe law relating to tne rare of any r-oUti m« af

II In ,illli-

Office at Police Stall™. DOOM

HIRAM K. NKAL.Inep"ct"i >'eb IS 1891.

Fistula AND



ni witinMK the oae of tne Knife, WILLIAM KP.AU(M »., Harvard, 1-1;, .mil ROUT .. UK in. (M. I)., Harvard

187",) KVANM HOUSE, 1TB Trc mom 81 , ftoeton, treat tVi TULA, PlLfciS AND ALL DISEA'-Krl (>r TIIK RRC TUM without detention from ' 'lalneea. siren, •and lor a pamphlet. Ofll f .___• 11 S. B>. to*^cB

oept Sunday..


ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Analyses heretofore mndo by noted i-liemlsU show that the

Tartrate of Lime which the Koynl Baking powder Co* condemns In its iidvrrliM'iin'iits hits been found In its own baking powder, ns follows: *»

Tartrate of Lime found En Royal Baking Powder-Per pent WM. M. IIA III us 11 \ W, F. C. 8„ N^ „ ' 5.05

Chamiatofthe N. V. State Aarioultural Soclaty.

PROF. JAMES F. BABCOCK, 4.52 . ttate Aaaayar of MaiM0huaetta. "*

STILLWELL & GLADDING/ 5.00 Cham ill. la the NawVark Prodaea Eaehaaa*.

THE LATE8T. What the La<llea> Are Now Doing.

Varrlnaton'a I'ATCH AI.l,. or WASTE ll*Sli II , Hit llcm rLrr|irr-.l'rlru<I. One ni the inndoururfli and moat uaaol i|au^lei fn tbe Parlor, Gaatnber, Blltlni Bo»m, Library o OSce. raaolnatlBg to m>ke. Coata nomine You will not part with 11 when dona. Pattern allowing eetlgn anil fi*lng lull Inalruotlona mailed on rarciptolW oente. Sllrer or poataie aiamp* rooelaatt. Addieaa, 11.i.. sT_pBDNn«Rl*.CO.,Boatoa, >«•■•■

Mend* la


Lnanaon Improved faroia which are conalanttv iBcreaalnK In value, intereat oolltr.ea without •ZpeaMBH parable In New York lunda. Cor- reapondanoe aeltailed.

DAW EH & FOBS, Crete, Neb. tMwla\


OPIUM EATING i-eaafiil treatment of latam|>eranco. Send atunpi lor trill mom a 1* or call at reilaence,|41 Apiilrui..

et, BoaloUaaa. Uwti

FianoS Organ Insiructioo. Mrs. C. w. HOMAN

will reoelva nplls at 200 Essex Street, - Lawrence

evening, through the entl re week. Forthe ....atlon eaa ba obtained at bar room a, or a MATXjKBx>*,sMllliBerretort. IU lues I

ay or e nform al M. B.A

WHILE GHEAT BIIITAIN hobnobs with Germany, inducing that powerful na- tion from one consideration or anothc), to allow itself to be counted on the Bide ol the British Queen in a possible conflict among the great powers, and Italy openly declares itself England's faithful alley, there is another country which has, when occasion warranted made some little trouble by openly de- fying her royal might and contesting with ber the championship of tbe world. Russia is always to lie consid ered of primary importance when the question of acquiring or retaining ter- ritoty in the east is concerned. She is extending her naval power in the Kuxlne by connecting Novoussisk, on the Black Sea, wiih tbe Russian rail w iy system by a branch line from the UostofT-Vladlkavkas line, and by tablisbing a naval station at tbe former place. When the British contemplate he positions relatively of Ruisia and Turkey in the Black Seo, she is forced to confess that it will be no easy task to dispossess Russia of what she bolls now or prevent her from acquiring ter- ritory in that region to Ihe extent ol her ambition. England herself ac- knowledges tbat it would require 15 01 20 English iron-clads to keep in check the lori»do boats which the Russian admirality has recently added to the Black Sea fleet. The Russian Heat in 1876 was nothing to boast of, but at the present time Russia has \i new steamers suitable for cruisers or trans- ports, four of them attached to tbe Moscow fleet, and one to the Black Sea fleet, and eight to tbe Black Sea steam navigation tleet, all under the mauagemeutof the Minister of Marine. In addition lo these are three steamers built for tbe Odessa Rodokauaki com puny to run to Batoum.and the flotilla of tbe Gagarin company on the Danube which was eatablUbed by a subsidy from tbe state department, Tbe naval power of Russia has in- creased in tbe same ratio during the last seven years on the Baltic sea, and in case of a war with Great Britain the latter country, in addition to what she bad to calculate on in 1878, will have to send a force equal to fonr formid- able iron-clads, twelve armed steamers and transports and twelve sesgoing torpedo boats. This wilt necessitate tbe movement of a squadron on the Britls'd aids such as even that ambi- tious nstion is not at present quite pre- are J to undertake.

Weekly New Brevities. A Fri ay.

Baltimore Harbor Is blockaded by Ice. There were more rletous demonstra-

tions by the Philadelphia strikers, last night.

A Prohibitory State Convention In Khodc Island, yesterday, put a State tick- et in the Held.

The Senate, yesterday, agreed to too resolve providing for biennial sessions of the Legislature.

The house of representatives, yester- day, defeated the bill prohibiting liquor isles after ten o'clock at night.

Dr. A. J. Shurtlir, a well-known dentist of Boston, was found desd In his offlce last night, having Inhaled a large quantity of laughing gas.

Fire destroyed the National Theatre In Washington this morning, and damaged some of the adjacent property. Including the Hards House.

Three men were killed and several fa- tally wounded, yesterday, by an explosion at the Royal School tor Uuunery at Shcw- buryness, Kngland.

The Marqula of 8ellBbury, In the House of Lords, last night, sharply arraigned the Gladstone Uovernmcnt for Its bmnd-

s in Egyptian aSalrs. A challenge for the American cup has

tx 11ssued to tbe New York Yacht Club by .' « Boyal Yacht Squadron and the Martti e Club of London.

The ne * town of HIIlls, set off from Medway, and named In honor of Lansing HlIUs, Esq., had a grand celebration last night, In honor of the event.

The House Committee on Foreign Affairs reported adversely on the proposed, par- ticipation of the United Suites Uovern- mcnt In the Congo conference.

The Naval Appropriation Bill, reported to the Senate yesterday, calls for wl7,6»&,- 337, which exceeds hut year's approprla. tion by more than two and a half mil- lions.

Kassala, which Is the second city In the Soudan, and Is tbe keystone In the line of frontier strongholds, has already been he- selgrxl for one year, and cannot hold out much longer unless provided with food. The population Is twentythousand.

Lord Salisbury's speech in tbe House of Lords, last night, In favor of au English protectorate over Egypt, and an Indefinite occupation of the Soudan, Is believed to have restored the chances of success of the Government on the censnrc motion. Saturday.

It Is officially denied that France has any Intention of occupying Tripoli.

Rousseau's foundry at Quebec was de- stroyed by Are yesterday. Loss s>30,000.

Tbe rumored Fenian invasion of Canada causes more amusement than alarm at Ottawa.

In tbe House of Lords, yesterday. Glad, stene was sustained by a bare majority of fourteen.

A five million river and harbor hi II was railroaded through the national bouse of representatives yesterday.

The strike at the Roxbury carpet fac- tory Is virtually at an end. A majority of tbe help arc in favor of returning to work.

Advices from Capo Coast C<tstle state that the British have hanged 10 of the leading participants In the murders and riots at w i 111M■ 1 ui 11.

Tbe British Are brigade has offered the government the services of 6000 firemen to protect public bulldlugs against the designs of dynamiters.

Gen. C. 11. Woods, brother of Judge Woods of the United States supreme court, was found dead in bed at his home iu Newark, (.)., yesterday.

Tbe Taunlon iron works will start up next Monday, after four weeks of stop- page, with plenty of orders ahead, and at a I per cent, reduction. The t). G. Thomas foundry will also jtart up on Monday.

Advices from Qnltta, on tbe west coast of Africa, report that, in reprisal for the acts of tbe rebellious natives against the English, a number of marines lauded from Mie Brltlnh idilp Frolic nn-1 bdrued Woongah.

Germany has extended her possessions In western Africa, by annexing the re 1 nni in It r of tbe coast of the gulf of Guinea, lying between Cam trOOM and old Calabar, at the mouth of the Congo river, Includ Ing tbe Cameroons mountains.

A dlspatcn from Kortl states that Gen. Sir Redvers Bullcr, with hi* whole com- mand, ban reached within a days march of Uakdul wells. The retreatfrom Abu Klea was effected without the loss of a single man. He is expected to reach Kortl next week.

Tie men WOO were arrested In Phila- delphia for creating a riot arouud the mills where the weavers' strike Is In pro- gress were held in tlOOO ball each for In- citing to riot, and two others were heldjn ii'"" ball for threatening to kill a non- union man who continues to work.

Humors are current iu India to the effect that Russia Is collecting a large army for tin- purpose of advancing on Afghanistan. Tbe Russian newspaper, the Swet, which is the organ of Gen. Komaroff, asserts that there is a strong party at Herat who desire that Russian protection be extend- ed over that city.

In consequence of the adoption In the federal Assembly of the resolution to ex- pel Anarchists from Switzerland, the police ntade a descent yesterday munilng on the abodes of suspected persons. Wholesale arrests were made, many per- sons l>elng taken from lied. In Berne 10 well known Anarchists wre taken into custody.

George Halm and Augustus Straglc left ew Columbia, Pa., in a double sleigh

yesterday. Previous to their departure, they Indulged freely in drinking. Both men were found dead about eight miles distant, the horses having ran away and thrown them OUK Their feet hod become ntaugled in the lines, and the.

dragged to death. Straglc had Ids head torn from the body. Monday.

The British ministry will stick. The British will abandon Gakdul, fall

Ing back on Kortl. Mln.ster Astor has taken formal 1 wre

of the court at Rome. It Is thought that an extra session of

Congressiwlll be avoided. The Illness of Gen. Grant will proba-

bly induce the passage of the retirement blll-

Itear Admiral Treble died Sunday morn- ing at his home at Cottage Farm, Brook- line.

The silver men arc out in auopen letter to Mr. Cleveland In reply to his recent letter.

Shield's block, Charleston, W. Va, was destroyed by tire Saturday night; loss 870.OOH.

The western democrats grumble be- cause New York Is to have two members ol the cabinet and the west only one.

Ten thousand Irish Nationalists held an 'O'Brien meeting In Dublin yesterday. The suspended member mode a flcry warlike speech. U It Is authorlttvely announced that Gen. a rant, cannot live much longer. He is uffering from a cancer at the roots of

bis tongue, which is rapidly eating out bis life.

An attempt was made on Saturday to _ im the Insane ssylum at Ward's Island, New York harbor, the building being tired Iu three places, but fortunately discovery was made before the flames were under much headway.

To congressional military committee think they have discovered an error of •900,000 in Gen. Butlers old accounts In connection with the soldiers homes | the general i- confident that his pat>ers will explain all this, and that he hi nut a debt- or to tbs home.


Expensive Habits and Fast Ca- reer Laael to Ruin.

The csse of Ernest J. Kenyon of llsver- hill, tried here last week for the em- beEslemeutof funds from the firm ol Hall a Chase, shoe dealers In HAverhUl, until 1SHS, im* been the most Interesting one as showing how a fast career may lead one into crime. From the evidence introduced, it appears that Kenyon was, previous to his employ by Hall t Chase, at work In Lowell foi the Arm of Hoyt A Shedd, who, finding him dishonest and an embezzler to the extent of #100 discharg ed him. He then went to Haverhlll and engaged as book-keeper for Hall a Chose, with whom he continued for nearly three years. Some time In '83 the firm was dis- solved, and when a settlement was made It was discovered tbat there was a i> ak- age somewpere. Not long after, Hall committed aniclde, and Mr. Hopkluson af Bradford was appointed administrator of his estate. In examining the books, Mr. Ropklnsou found various Irregularities in the book-keeping and spoke to Kenyon about It, who thereupon orrery soon arter attempted to commit suicide by taking laudanum. This was about a year ago, and directly afterward Kenyon waa ar- rested. It aUo appear that Kenyon's as- sociates were of the wealthiest people of Lowell and Haverhlll, and that his expen- diture* were far greater than his Income, which waa hut |15 per week.' He kept a trotting horse, a fine carriage, and was accustomed to go to Lowell every Satur- day night remaining over Sunday. His visits there were at the time tbe occasion of much social scandal. He gave many valuable presents to ladies of the first families in Lowell, snd was looked upon by many as a man of means, and as a jolly good fellow among the "boys." It Is also asserted that he was a patron of the Ken-

House and spent much time at tbe Park driving his trotter.and was addicted to drink; that by these expensive habits he contracted debts which he wss unable to pay with money Honestly obtained, and that in his extremity, he had recourse to the funds of his employers with tbe result of detection, trial and conviction In a court of Justice. The defence was an attempt to throw discredit on the character of the dead partner, and make him the wrong doer and Kenyon a tool in Ids hands. The latter testified that the false entries In book-keeping were Intend- ed to account for the money taken by Hall. That the flimsy story of the de- fendant was not believed was evidenced by the jury. Several exceptions were taken to rulings of the court during the trial of,lhe case, and It is possible It may be carried to the supreme court.

Friday forenoon Lawyer Moody of Hav- erhlll, counsel for the defendant moved that the court set aside the verdict as un- warranted by tlie evidence. District at- torney Hurlburt contended that the cvi- leuce was sufficient to convict, but Judge Blodgett stated that, although he bad no doubt m bis own mind that Kenyon was an embezzler to tbe extent of several thousand dollars, he believed he should be obliged to set aside the verdict, as the evidence iu tbe particular count on trial had been Insufficient for tbe verdict ret • do red.

He would, however, take'gthe matter Into consideration, reserving his decision for the present.

Superior Court.

James Qulmby, who is well known to the people of Lawrence from the notori- ety gained by his transgressions recently, was yesterday sentenced to fifteen months lu the honse of correction for adultery. It will be iviiiiiiiiirr. il that Qulmby was acrested by District Officer Batchelder for having more wives than were allowed by law, aud for beating board. He was liound over to the superior court and

bile awaiting trial wife No. 2 attempted to asslsvby smuggling a revolver into his cell with which he wss to shoot down the gusrds and any one in his way. This plan failed from the fact that Qulmby bail not courage to enter Into It and he gave It away to the officers, who arrested Mrs. Sherldau, more properly Annie God- frey, and ahc auw lies In durance vile on a years sentence.

In the case of Geo. P. Elliott of Dan- vers, charged with arson, the jury came in yesterday afternoon with a verdict of not guilty, on Henry M- Sillers, who confessed the crime, Implicating Elliott and charging that he hired htm to tire, the court Imposed a sentence of 2 years at Concord.

Court then adjourned tOie dit.)

There was a Man In Our Town.

There was a man in our town, and he was a wondrous wise, for when he marked his prices down, he then did advertise. Aud when he saw his trade Increase, with all his might and main, he marked still lower every price, snd advertised sgsln. And when be advertised sgain, his rivals stamped and swore, to see folk's rush

ith might and main, to patronize that store. And while they sat In solitude, and saw him custom bring, that man be- hind that counter Hood nnd raked tbe hekels hi. And when he raked the shek- lls, ami saw bis fortune rising, he took a

goodly lot of "tin" and kept on advertis- ing. Each day a genuine sum he'd seek, snd demonstrate full plain, the more one pays for printer's Ink, the greater in his gain, *

Hiilc Club Meeting.

The directors of the Lawrence rifle clnb met Thursday evening, snd voted to open the range every Saturday hereafter, stead ef every other Saturday, and puton a handicap match for a prize, which sbsll run two months. It was decided that the spring meeting should he held the last week in May, and that previous to tbat event a new target should be put In and the range enlarged. The report shows the club to be in a flourishing condition. A large number of matches will be shot during the coming season, with out-of. town clubs, by telegraph and otherwise.


Regular Monthly Meeting;—New- Course of Study.

The school board met Thursday evening, Mayor Simpson In the chair, present s full board. The report of the truant officer was read ami accepted. The report of Supt. Brewster in regard to a new arrange- ment for designating the fact that there would be no school In the forenoon, re- commending that the fire alarm bell be struck at 7.80 a. m., and 1. p. ni., was sc- cepted. It was further voted that tha system be put In operation as seo Supt. of schools Brewster, and Chief Engineer Merrill could gettho work done It was voted that the fire alarm telegraph wire enter the superintendent's office in order that be,'the latter, might signal school" himself. ~ It was voted tbat a tele- phone be placed in tbe office of the super- intendent. Tbe high school committee re- ported that the committee bad approved a course of study referred to them, and that It be Introduced Into the schools for trial by the principal of tha high school. The committee also recommended that th heating) apparatus of the high school building be kept running day and night. to secure sufficient heat for the rooms at the opening of schools in tbe morning, and the entire report was accepted and the suggestions passed. It was voted that the course of study lu the high school In- clude no more than three studies for s scholar, exclusive of music and drawlug. It was further voted that the grammar school course of study now on trial Ix- alopted. The matter of industrial educa- tion waa Introduced with especial refer- ence to boys In summer vacations. Mr. Walnwright thought that boys might be employed profitably in tbe use of tools in working wood and metals, training the ■yo and hand. A committee to consider the matter of opening a school of Un- kind was appointed, and consisted ot CBmmitteemen Walnwright, Thompson, and Wolcott.

It was voted that the city government appropriate ar.oOO for the repairs aud Im- provements needed In the High, Newbury. and Cross street school houses.

The meeting then adjourned.

TheCkMN of'75. — . -— -at

The High School class or '75 held thcli 10th reunion Thursday evening at tbe residence of Miss Hnrah L. Austin, Brad- ford street. After the usual greeting etc., the meeting was called toorder by Presi- dent Geo. W. Hull, who made a few ap- propriate remarks. The report of officers was attentively llstci d to and the old board re-elected for the ensuing year: Presideut, Geo. W. Hall; sec. and trcas., Sarah L. Austin; executive committee, Mrs. 0. A. Frye and Fannie Payson True. The meeting was large, the largest fui years. The destinies of members wen discussed, aud unmarried ones were ear neatly entreated to take the socond de- gree—marriage.

A bountiful repast was spread and aft<r disposing of the same, tbl party repaired to the parlors where a social hour or two wes Indulged In. Miss Austin sang very acceptably as also did Mr. Jo_n Brldg- 111*11 and James J. Murray. Among those present ward0*0. W. Hall, Sarah I.. Aus- tin, Mary A. Newell, Katie L. Conway. Nellie J. Edwards, Jesse M. Butter, A Denman Blanebanl. Mr. ami Mrs. J. N. Cole of Andover, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Brldgman, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Lyull Mr. and Mrs. John AMui, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Vsrnuni, mid Mr. and Mrs. ,lumc> J. Murray.

THE lH'ULIC I lilt Alt V.

<ll S1111- ICeaillng Room Opened day.

Monday for the first time, the Public

Library reading room.was opened on Sun- day. Saturday afternoon the committee

met and voted to begin lo open the read

Ing room the first Sunday lu March, from 2 until 5 o'clock. There was no lime U

give notice of this to the public through the dally papers, and the librarian failed

t0 4>ost notices to that effect III the rooms

of the library, consequently bill a small

■SAbar was present. Hereafter the read-

1 ig room will be Open every Sunday until further notice, from * to 5 o'clock in the

afternoon. No books will be delivered

for home reading. .-■ a

A Dasureroas Case. • • • Ko-iiuTu. Juae 1, las*. "Tea Yeara i(i 1 * ;.* atUoked with tbn moat Interne anil deathly palaa ia ■* bank aaa

-Kldaera. "■■tendlsx to tbe end 1 f ray toe* ana t* ■

Sralal "Whlcli made me ilellrional "From aa OUT. "Il ti.i'L iluw 11

KfMBI "The Doolora tried la TBID to relieve ma. bat to

MaintUas and otber oidatea I ■■Had eoHnxH "AfVr two mwntba 1 waa fives op to die I "When my wila

oeard a nelahb >r tall what Rep Bllttra baa dose lor her, *ha it oana (rot ami (rare me SOBM. Tbe Brat uoaa eaaeri u? brain and n na tbroufb Bi| ayaUaa ' '

lo bold aaa ea ■• baa a

X to f o htiat-

wurkaa hard aa anr man ... *e*ki: bull worked too bard for mv atraaBtb and laklna a haid co'd, I waa takes wllb the ■suit acuta and palatal rhaumauaai all threBf k aiy ayitam t at etcr waa known.

"loaded UM dooioia aaa ID aad anar several watka, ther left me a onppls en oruteaea for tint aa Ihty raid. I met a Irlead asd told bint my caac, and be tald Hop BiUara bad Band bum aad would rum inc. 1 pootaed at blaa,BBl be was to oamelt I wan Induced to nae ibem SfBbi.

In leaa ilian f»ur weeka 1 threw away say anuehasaa I wont to work lL*hllr and kapt oa Mint ihe liltkra lor Urn weeka. until 1 baassil aa well as any mka liTiac.aad Sara baw a* laaf - •ia rears alaoe.

II tae alao cured mr wife, who had been alok >t ream, and baa kept bar and mjeaiidraa, •all ami braliby with from twa to tkrae boUlaa

There la wo aaad to ba alok at aUtt

; ami uaa aepl bar and ■ aod taraUby with how twa toll

neryoar. There la ao aaad lo ba a llieaa blUcra are uaad. J. J. Bxsx, sU-Bape/tar.

■ Thai poor Invalid wife. •■Slater I ■'Malherl j'Or daughter I

■Uaa lie aiade Ilia mature of healthl 'with a lew lioulf* of Hop Blueralf

,-iVill you let ibem au0ar?" .

am a'utf wlih "Ho— nr *aowa» la

nob at arena

WHEN •on are overworked la body or rolad aad fast

' run down " or " tlrod ant," then la the tune to

laaVegollae. It U juatthe thinf toreelore yoor trenflh.

HAS YOUR BLOOD »-r.iin.> Impure and the circulation bad? Are

'oupredianoaotl toorharayoit in hurl tod aerofu- 011a liutnori? t'to Vogctlno faithfully and a ewe

a certain. Thero la not a ruwady made that has

ierfor~ncd ao many wonderful curea of aorofula.

ARE YOU DYSPEPTIC ind In in-vd uf aomollilnf to aid tha organ* of dl>

rattlon? Vent-lino taken la imall do»aa la the rory beet remedy.

DO YOU WANT medicine for any dlacaaa eaoaed by aa Impure

■niiiliiioii of 1 Im IJmwl, aa Salt Ith00m, Rhouma-

lam. ■•■■ i<if;ii;i, Liver Complaint, Xervouiiieaa .„ 1 I'. :..'.!> - AtwayafBtoaaduitlaKNOWNto

fun.**' twurilllU) Vvaatliu aud you aaa aura la

*■ aatlauod.

WE MAKE STRONG CLAIMS *r>r Viviiii,'I.HI ji'l nro nl,i0 H back them with

■he. atrongeai ktudul taallraouy from tbe palieahl



paw and atranalhenln* ti from Burgundy Ptteh, Canada Balaam, am tatlia 1. rti<-i:i»l vlrtoaa of frah Hopa. ', navar burn or brltata -alwnya aooUia, at lata and ■traorUian waah and toad BBM

npalaa.Allraaa>a by all 1—Ian, I

B (orS 1.00- BtaUad on vaaalptof BStea, EOF PIJtSTE»OOhCtAirT,«oa*on MB

' 'il IT|lli .

Funeral services over the rental in. of (Jenle. wife of James ti. liarrlc, were hrld Saturday afternoon at bar lote residence ii2 High street. Anmugtlie choice floral tributes were a beautiful cross from Hit Imsbstid, li.itn|iii't of calls lilies from Mr. and Mrs. ,1. C. Hhackleton, and a bouquet from MISH Owen, a neleeof the deien»ed, of Boston. Waterhnusc * Parsons ocied as funeral directors, and the remains were placed In the receiving tomb lu llellevue Cemetery. 4

AniiiMHiintcd HrtMid.

DDMIBBBi Taass =y IT A" **"*'


Cold In tha Head.


Itcpublican City Committee.

The Republican city committee met Thursday evening In the offlce of Sherman 4 Bell, and organized with the choice ef C. U. Bell chairman, Walter K. Howe secretary, and William F. Bin well treas- urer. No other business of Importance was transacted.

Ammonlate >aklng powders—that Is, baking powders In which carlmuate of mini is used as an Ingredient, and which exhale an odor "f ammonia when heated—are classed by many eminent physlblans and sanitarian* a» superior to all others. Professor Hassell, of tendon, who Is recognl/.i'd as highest authority 011 the subject of food hygiene, commends In the strongest terms the use of ammonia as a leavening agent, stating its great ad- vantage to I*! In il» perfect volatility, which permits It to be, by the heat of baking, entirely thrown Into i< avenlng gas whereby tbe bread Is raised. The exjteri- ment with heat would seem to Indicate the superior, not the Interior, value of such biking powder. The little heat that is Imparted to it when held over a ga- jct, lamp, or stove, sulhVcs to resolve the carbonate of ammonia Into li'avcnlt;g ga>. and throw it off. The first heat of hiikiiiy,. therefore, will effectually develop all the gas, thoroughly leaven the loaf, and dis- sipate the gas producing Ingredients of I powder of this kind; and this Is the high- est lest Of a perfect baking powder. Where Other alkalies alone are used they are net infrequently retained, unresolved, through the whole process of baking, and remain an unwholesome ingredient in tha finished bread. The carbonate of ammo- nia cannot be used an a substitute for cream of tartar.—N. V. Weekly Tribune.

riBB KKBUS TUB l.ugrav or MBfaWOUSn F.. Many thousanda of Ike vlallora to the (treat In

duatrlal KawsMluii »l_Bf Orleans view the far famed Charity Ttoapflifmrre with dellglii. tea that they H»o hare a heritage aud ahare in (in bene»olene* by which It la maintained, M Tin lAiutalana ataw l-ottrrj, IONH■ii.uied 1 ; d.-im tlon of one minimi d'dlai -, |i.i»ahlf iiitnataliiirnn for lla malntename. HIWIII which it. A. Iwiupliln New Orleana, La., Will give any Informal!"".

IIKR.N. Nt.r»awiul»ew ir.di Hiataaiid'VoaraVn

div.-( ■■.larl-Omwrwrol

II TIV HlfORM A Tat Il n i.ui,.t>lti dialrra. '»


rr liua ui*

"taOUUH OX PAI.^." colic, cramp*, rtlarrhirn; eatertindy fur aln*. apratii*, heB.Ucli.'. m-invilani. ;'""

r«- man or bean. » and 50c. dwlw

KNOW THYSELF.4 Great Medical:woik on Manhood Kahaualed Vitality, Herrona and I'nvaloa

Ofbilily Premiume Decline main, F.rrera o Vouth, an,1 tria untold mlaeriea rcaultiBg from

•'!■■■■ i.'i'.'H or riceaaee. A book lor every nan, young, mlddle-aaed an 1 old. It contains 123 IT- ■ ni for all acute and chroniodla- ■aaea. each une ol whleh la invaluable. So oumi by Ihe author, whoaeegpsrlaaesler •> re__* aurh an [noiia'.dv nr*cr belora ft! elo tha •MKay phyaiman, SOB nagci, IHMIIKI ia hrau mil »,■ niuallB. embu aed cover*,roll gilt,

{uaranirfsl to he. a Inor worg in evrry aenae— •neahanieal literary and prolcaalaoal- than any Mhor W"'- '

"Mi-.' 'Hi! V *!.» tamtile u oeala. "" 11 now, Gobi aiadalawardr •4 tur author bv the National Ma llcai Aaaoola- loe. In mr iifbceia «f which ha reiere. Ine sficnco of Liie ahould be read 1 v lbs

touiigl'ir m irurlion, and by the Bffllctrd for ro- tel. II will bineili all.—London lancet. There la no memtcr of noclety to whom Ihe

iclmce -t Life will BO! be naafub Wbelbor '(•nth, pircni, guardian, I nt true tor, or ■SfSJai


m all dlaeaata requiring ericBoe. Cbrouje_aad f--"-

n. II. Pai

k ■ 1 an 1 ''Mi iU«a »« thai havr baffled UaTAI * h • .kill ol all a ftar phya_ fl SaMb,«»»" 1 apecialty, ru. h iri<l TU VfisTI aCT rf ■ucooaalullv Win. IJTI I CPCalar, mUninaianceif la lura4|atSaUn tUt paittaf


Lawrence American, LAWKKNCK, MASS.

ritlUAT MuKNINU, MAHCII .;. IStfl.

"Weekly News Brevities.


Tbe Kiigllsh Tories believe tlmt Mr. Ouulstoue'x Illness Is feigned.

Tli.' public debt wu reduced a Uttli orer tbree millions la February.

.Elections wure held in the Maine cities yeaterday. la 1'urtlaud Lucre wu no choice.

A belief prevails In some circles In Eng- land that a war Is imminent between Great Britain and Kn--ia.

Oeu. i .1 mi. watt more comfortable yes- terday, but no uruyresa was made toward checking bis dlnease.

Tbe British Cabinet, spurred on by the Queen, has awakened to the danger of the advance of Itussla southward.

Yesterday was Town Meeting Day. There was a falling off lu the tempt-rame vote lu Hit' towns thus far heard n

Tin- Tammany Hall contingent, nearly 1,000 strong, has gone to Washington Lu participate In the Inauguration ft-sllvitles.

It 1;. b-illevcd thai Congress will pass a bill lucreaslng the pension of widows from eight to twelve dollars per munili.

A supplementary Spanish treaty, relating to trade betweeu the I'oltud States and Cuba and I'miu lticu, has been subtuiLled to ihe Seuate.

Formal charges of c.>ndui.-t prejudicial to good order and military discipline were drawn up last night against Capt. I'aluier of tbe l,\ mi Llghl Inmntry.

A murderous assault was committed early yesterday morning near MUford, Mass., by Cornelius Sadler on one Charles Collins and a woman named Nettle Barber.

Ueucrous Callforulans offer to take Gen. Grant aud family to that State, to give Mrs. Grant a deed ol a large vineyard, .•in. i remove the General In a special car.

Au alleged spiritualistic performance in Philadelphia last night terminated in the arrest of two of the perfurmers balling irom Boston, Charles King aud Isaac Smith.

Thurc was an all night seaslon of Con- cress. At S o'clock il'i- morning both branches were at loggerheads over the section lu the Sundry Civil bill allowlug (Senators a private Secretary.

President-elect Cleveland, Hon. Daniel Maunlng. I'ol. Lunost and their famlllei l'-ti Albauy "li a special Lraln on the nes Shore ltailroad ai G.40 last evenlug for Jersey City, on their way to Washington

Directors of the defunct St. Albans National Bank were arrested yesterday, ■ •it the charge of mismanagement, and their estates sequestered by Lulled State; Marshal, oo the suit lu equity brought by receiver.

Blnmarck expresses the opinion that England mi-hi to establish her lutluuiici In Egypt WIUI the ftaltaa'a goodwill. Tin annexation of hgjpt by Luglaud would embroil Fruuce aud other countries and German) would nut give her consent.

WVdiH'xiav. Mr. Cleveland aud party arrived at

WashlngUm carlv ytJ*Urday morning.

A hearing ou ihe llousac Tunnel problem was given at the Slate House yesterday.

Forty-one persous were killed by an ei- ploslou yesterduy lu a coal mine at Sunder- laad, i .H-.

A South Carolina colored mllilarv com- pany will participate lo-day In the m. augurailon parade.

The editor of a Chinese paper In New York has been liued 81000 for libeling a brother Clilnainuu.

. The remonstrants against a high liquor ■ license were heard yesterday before the

Police Commissioners,

The Supreme Court of San Francisco baa decided thut Chinese children must be admitted to the public schools.

The Commissioner of Patents haa de- cided that the Bell telephone Is entitled to the claim ol priority over all others.

Alexander B. HoQahej was elected Senator yesterday from the Third Suffolk District, defeating Col. llcury Splaiue.

It Is adegeJ that Sage and Gould will retire from the L'ulon PaclOc directory at the coming meeting of the stockholders.

The House yesterday passed to be en- grossed a bill compelling liquor saloons lu this State to close at 11 o'clock at night.

The steamship Hanoverian, which ar- ilved at Halifax this morning, has on board the 2tiU Canadian voyageurs« who helped Gen. Wolseley ascend the Nile.

General BlHD, the head of the Signal Service, Is lo ho court marllaled on the chargt' of conduct prejudicial to good or der and lallilary discipline growingoutof bla criticism*-* on the course of thu Secre- tary of War renting to tbe Ureely expe- dition.

The relations Iwtwccn England and Russia on the Afghanistan question are strained. A very tlnu aud vigorous pro- test was sent to the Russian Foreign Mln- later on Monday by I>ord GtanvlTle, re gardlng the occupation of points on the Afghanistan iroutlerby Russian troops. Intimating that England Is resolved Lo protect, at all hazards, Ihe strategic points lu Afghanistan.


Blamarck has llnally Induced the Reich- stag to appoint an Assistant Minister.

A cripple of Enoshurgh, Vt., la under arrest for attempting to murder hla fa - or.

Blamarrk'a organ In Berlin persistently follows uj> Its attacks ou England grow- ing out of the Blue Book publication.

President Cleveland was duly Inaugu- rated yesterday ; the weather was line, and vast crowds were In attendance.

Gov. Hale of New Hampshire haa ap- pointed Senator Blalr Senator ad luterlm. The Legislature will till the office next June.

The caacx against the Barnard, Robttoo and Merchants' mill corporations of Fall HIHT. Mass., for violation of the 10 hour law, have been nol prossed.

John Cooper, ex-treasurer of the Dc catur Building and Loan Association ol I'hlludt'lphla. has absconded with S2*,000 belonging to th>t Institution.

A special Turkish envoy has bcou sent to England with n sliarp message to Earl Gramille In relation to the Itallau occu- pation of territory In the Soudan.

Six convicts escaped from the prison at Jackson, Mich., Tuesday night, through a tunnel which they had been digging for six or seven mouths. Uuc haa been re- captured.

,V despau h from Havana states that the Spaniel) authorities have captured Ban Ochea and lour other Insurgent chiefs In Duban waters. The rive prisoners have been coiioeinncd to be shot at C rdenan.

The grocery and jewelry store of L, W. Bigelow at Norwood was burglarious- ly enured yesierday morning. Watches, gold chains and other Jewelry, aud dom- ing, all valued at about tSOO, were stolen

Frank Ores of -Isiead, N. II., who had served four months of a year's sentence, lu tlie (tale prison at Concord, N. II., for burglery, commit tad suicide Tuesday night by hanging. lie was 55 years olu.

Judge Allen yesterday dismissed the pe- tition of Joseph 11. O.Nell, who seeks to get possession of the City Clerkship. Gen. Builer appeals to the full Bench of the Supreme Court.

Congress, after a second all-night ses- sion, completed the appropriation bills in season to avoid the necaaalty of an extra session. The last tn t of Congress was to pass tke bill placing Geu. Grant on tile retired list,

LIEU-TRUANT General Sir KdsraM

llamliy hy opposing Uie tacllca of

forming square* in baltla baa given

■erne hope to dancers tlmt the grand

square of tbe Lander's will auon be-

come unfashionable, lor lbs war tt is

lanced, Unless all Hie dancers are

aught in the same wbool, is 'illy de-

scribed by Sir Kdward when lie says

"should the square be jieuetrated, then

It becomes a mob, because the recoil-

ing troops are pressed back oo the

otbnr forces,"—and we all ki.ow what

th:ii means In a quadrille.

Tm. RUSSIAX novel nt is taking

loeaeuioa to Improve Setiastopol,

NiculaeB ami OtchaKoiI aud the Black

Sea navigation company is about to

bu'lil a new vessel on the same plan ol

the l'all built recently at Havre which

s called "the crack sea-going torpedo

boat of the southern (bet of Ktisaia.

At Otcbakolia contract haa been made

with an engineer of the name or Bore-

mli to cut a channel through ilia bar at

a cost of 160,000. We should Bay

that the cutting id a channel required

a boreish kind of man and cougratu-

to the Russian admiralty on its pene-



Address of President Cleve- land.

la ILe presence of till. Mtemlilege of my cuuuIo met) 1 am .bout to .up-

as shall eeenn U» safety awl con6-

dence ol' business interests, and make

ih.i wage ol labor stite and steady, and

that our system of revenue sUail he so

adjusted aa to relieve tbe people from unnecessary taxation, having a due

regard to tbe interests of capital lu-

ted and workingmen employed in piement and seal by the oath which 1 American industries, and prevenLiug

THE INAUOUKAL ol President Clave-

land ia sufficiently b-ief lo insure for it

a careful reading by the entire Amei

can people; there ia no at

elaboration, nnd in the matter of tbe

tariff there ia no attempt at expression

of opinion. The paragraph in relation

to civil service will probably aliract

more atteution than.uny other, and is

seemingly a plain declaration in favor

of business aud non-paiiisan leaLs in

ihe matter ol public office ; of course

rery much of Ihe interpretation of this

part of the message will be in its pi

Ucal enforcement. As a whole the

message will commend Unelf lo the

general public.

Tn» PASSAGE ol the bill placing

Gen. Grant upon the retired list,

although tardily accomplished, will be

welcomed by substantially everybody

as au act of ocly Justice j the naiiou

ought not lo have delayed tor a single

month after the retirement from the

presidency of the great captain, re

storing him to the position he relin-

quished lo become chiel magistrate

Hut at last, while worn and weary

wilh the menial distress of the past

ew months, and in the midst of the

struggle with the disease which ii

pulliug at the life threads, the enact-

ment ol the law cornea to cheer wha

art, perhaps, Ihe closing hours in lh

life of the old hero. The people will

rejoice that their representatives no

luflger keep Ihe 001)00 in a position ol

apparent ingraiitude.

An Awful "Spell."

The Cape Ann breeze publishes the fol-

lowing s^eet, llttk'ditty on its Mayor: — John Parsons wan n Mnvor true,

fir .11.1 lit' iimv well

But Jufan hi* icare I the liquor men W :...i,,fl Hi. ,. t.ift i,. ..,.||.

He se./e.l H oft, they knew nut wue il.'il li*>' another "apell."

An.t John. hr> nscd 1>lg Isttml. too, When he wrote unto the Uar-ihal

Ami (old hi in be'd bl» artiou rue If ho ttsx Ml Impartial,

,]..!, ii - II-. .ill 1 In ,t,...k

J3\i th.mirli. ■ laa could not ipaaj

WTiy don't Marshal Moore apprehend

the poet aavl put him In durance vile

Surely, the good peopleof Gloucester are

entitled to some protection.

Tits CKRKU.JNIKS ot unveiling the

bust of the poet Longfellow, which

has beon presented by the 1'riuce ol

Wales to the cily of Portland, where

Mr. Longfellow was horn, und at

which the only prominent person pres-

ent from this section of the country

was Captain Natliun Applelon, tin

poet's brother-in-law, are a reminder

of the deacrip ion of the protolype o

ihe buBt which appeared lu Hie Lou

don Telegraph of February 26, 18ai On the tiny befoic it was shown at tin

artist's studio in Ozun burg-street

London. It is the work of Ttiotnuf

Brock, A. K. A., and the words of

tbe critic of the Telegraph, beatifying

to Its excellence arc these : "As a por-

trait, the wotk is grandly true to the

American poet's massive and leonine

features. iScldom 1ms a modern sub-

ject lent itself so happily lo llic sculp

tor's art. The front ol Jove himsell

seems to be that ol the atnple-biowed

man of creative luegioeUoo, whereto

learning was the Hebe. Adorned with

ts Hyperion curia, the keen yet gentle

face Beetns to look forth from under

hading brows with a living intelligence

and penetration."

Til* AltMY ami Navy rinz^flei of

London beleg lowuidly persuaded thai

England has acquired ao much lerri

tory that she "may spare some of the

earth's heritage to others, and devote

herself to making I he unOstol what she

has," hesitates to obtrude its opinion

ou the English -|>.':il»mj, race of Ureal

Britaiu aud her colouies which it be

IICVCB lo have very different opiuious

and suiting its advijc to the laste ol

the majority, it proposes that tin

United Kingdom ahull prepare to ii-li

all comers and to contend with III

rival* for the owcndiip of laud which

in the Intcrestof Curistianily and

izalion ll:ey feel Jusliflcd in cresting

from tbe original owcera. It ia to n.

Great Britain and her po^cssiom

against the Held. This is the reason

why wc bear ao inucti about a ^ir.>n-

federation of the colonies. Tliey in-

tend to quote llieold snung correctly :

When Greek joined Greek, then win

thu tug of wur." The oloelog woids

f the Gazette on thin aiibjcct furnish

food for reflection to the Peace Socie-

ties :

'From the niar.-hes on the western

shores nl the German Ottaan came ihe Jules ami Anglos who formed the

great Kaxon hiialum on whic't this nation WHS founded, and it is the

Iest;endaiit9 id eur common ancestors

wtio, Irom the and Imm Hie sea

board winch saw tie ll.-u..: the eurlt

nvodere depart tu descend on Eug- I.Hi'., uow are ■■.'tin.:. lorib to ni I,. i

with us the [H>ssc?»8iou or outlylog re-

gioiiM o* the world. There is room tor

both, and let ihe best win."

Wong Chin Feo*l little tiff has cost li

something. H*" eccoaedCban I'ald Tiff of conspiracy airalnst him as editor of tin

Chinese Aiuertcun, pabllabed In New York

and in in- sued for libel is obliged to pay

Tlfffiloou. In view of this fact, If we

could choose, one would rather be a l'ald

Tiff than aOilnFoo.

Charles Carleion Cofflo, the war corre-

spondent who rontrihuu-d very Interesting

and rcllalde correspondence to the rolutuin.

of ibe Boston Journal during the late re-

bellion, la a member' ft tun Maao. House

of Representatives, lie sits in the fourth

division, in fall view of the gaUerlM, an>!

i attracLlve feature of tlie asaeinhlles.

Au appreciative maiatager says that he knows everjthiug."

it Is more than inMrustled li.nt the

journalist team of Lowell are Inclined to

ride each ot.icr. It Is no secret that much

baa been missed by the organization,

ahall take the manifestations of the will of a great and tree people. In

(he exeivise of their power and right

ot self-government, they have com-

mitted to one ol their fellow citizens a

supreme and sacred tlust, aud he here

consecrates biuisell to their service.

Thia impressive ceremony adds liillc lu tbe solemn Htmse ot responsibility

with which I contemplate (be duty 1 owe to all the people ot the laud.

Nothing can relieve too from aoxiety

leat by any any act of mine their in-

terests may sutler, and nothing is

needed lo strengthen my resolution to engage every faculty aud effort in Ihe

ptojioliou ol their welfare.

Amid the diu of party strife thc-

people's choice wua made, but its at-

tendant circumstances have demon- strated anew the t-trengtb and safety

of a government by the people. I.J

each succeeding year it more clearly

appeais that ottl democratic principle

needs no apology, and that in ite (ear-

less and faithful applications is to be

found (ho surest guarantee of good

government. But the beBt results lu

the operation of a government wherein

evtry citizen has a share largely de-

pend upon a proper limitation of pure-

ly partizan zeal and effort, aod a cor-

rect appreciation of the time when the

heat of tbe partizan should be merged

In the patriotism of tbe citizen. To-

day the execotive brauch of the gov-

ernment is iranefeired to oew keeping.

But this is still the governmeut of all i in' people, and it should be oone Ihe

less an object of their affectionate soli chad*, At this hour the animoaities

of political strife, the bitterness of

partizan defeat, aud the exultation ol paiiiaan triumph, should be supplanted

by an ungrudging r.equleaeenee in the

popular will and a sober, conscientious

concern for the gencial weal. More

over, if from this hour we cheerfully

and honestly abandon all seclioual

prejodlee and distrust, and determine,

with manly eonlldence in one another

to wotk out harmoniously tbe achieve-

ment of cur national destiny, we shall

deserve to realize all the benefits which

our happy form of government can be- stow. On this auspicious occasion we may well renew the pledge of our de-

votion to tbe Constitution, which,

launched by tbe founders of the repub- lic and consecrated bv their prayers

and patriotic devotion, has for almost

a century borne the hopes and (be

aspirations of a great people through

prosperity and peace, and through the shock ot foreign conflicts and the perils

of domestic strife and vicissitudes. By

ihe Father of his Country our consti-

'■n in i MM commended for adoptioa as

"tbe result of a spirit of amity and

mutual concession." In that same

-pirit it should be administered, in order to promote tlie lasting welfare of

the country ant) to secure tbe full

measure of its pnee'ess benefits to us,

aod to those who will succeed to (tie iilessluQs of our national life. The

Intge variety of diverse aod competing

i teresta subject to federal control, persistently seeking the recondition ot

their clalma, need give us no fear that

the grealeat good to the greateat num-

l*r will fail to be accomplished, il u

the IIHIIB ot national legialation that

spirit of amity and mutual concession

shall prevail in which the Constitution

had its birth. If this involves tbe

surrender or postponement of private

interests, and tbe abandonment ol local

advantages, compensation will be

found in the assurance that thus tbt common interest la subserved and tbt

general welfare advanced. In the dis

charge of my official duty I sh:tl| ou

deavor to be guided by a just and un< strained construction of the Conslilu

nou, a careful observance of the dis

iluction between the powers granted lo

the federal government and those

reserved to the state or to the people,

tod by a cautious appreciation of those

unctions which by the Constitution

iiid laws have been especially asBigued

to the executive branch of the govern- ment.

But he who takes the oatli today to

preserve, protect and defend the Con-

stitution of the fuiled Stales, onlv as-

imcs the solemn Obligation which rery patriotic citizen ou ihe farm, in

the workshop, in Hie busy marts of

trade and everywhere should share

with him. The Constitution which

prescribes his oath, my countrymen, is

your*. The g ivemment yon have

. ,-CJ hiiu lo admltiiater for a tunr.

hi yours. The fluflrage which executes

the Mill of freemen, the laws aod tht

eulire scheme of our civil rule, from

the town meeting to Ihe state capital)

and the national capital, is yours

Your every voter, as singly as your

Chief Magistrate, uuder the same high

^unction, though in a different Bphere.

exercises a public trust. Nor ia this

all. Every citizen owes to the coun-

try a vigilant wateh ami close scrutiny

of ils public servants, and a (air and

reasonable estimate ot their fidelity

and usefulness. Thus is the people's

will impressed upon the whole frame

work of our civil policy, municipal,

state and federal, and this is the price

of our liberty and the inspiration of our faith in ilia republic.

It is the duty of tlmse serving the people in public place to closely limit

public expt-nuilurea to Ihe a^lual needs

of the government, ecouoroically ad-

ministeied, because ihis bounds the

right of the government to exact trib-

ute Irom the earnings cf labor or the

ptoperty of the citizen, and liecauae

public extravagance begets extrava-

gance among the people. We should

never be ashamed ot the simplicity and prudential economies which are best

uitcii lo tbe operation of a republican

Tin of government and moat couipati>

le wilh the mission of tbe American

people. Those who are selected for n

led time lo manage public affairs are still of the people and may do

much bv their exatnplo lo encourage,

xtnsUtenlljr with the dignity of their

ifflelal tiinctious.that plain way of lib

which among their lelluw citizens aids

"t< g'tty and promoiea thrift and pios peril/,

ine genius of our institutions, the

needs of our people in their liomc life,

aud the attention which is demanded

fur the settlement and development of

the reaources of our vast territory,

dictate the scrupulous avoidance of

any departure from that foreign policy

commended by the history, tbe tra-

ditions and prosperity of our republic.

Il is a policy of independence, favored

by our position and defended by our

known love of justice, and by our pow-

er. It is the policy of peace, suitable lo our interests. It la the policv of

neutrality, rejecting auy share la tor*

cign broils aud ambitions op other

continents, and repelling iheir intru-

iion here. It is tbe policy of If uiroe

■'id of WashingUm and of .I. n«r-.on-—

"peaceful commerce and h meat

friendship with all nations, enian^ling

itlliances with none."

A due regard for the interests and

prosperity of all tbe people demands

that our fiuaocee ihall be established

he iiciiinulation of a surplus in tbe

Treasury to tempt extravagance and

waste. Care for tbe property ot the nation and for tbe needs of future

•tillers requires that the public domain

should be prolec:ed from purloining

Hihemera and unlawful occupation.

The conscience of the people demands

that the Indians within our boundaries

shall be fairly and honenly treated aa

wards of the government, aud their

education and civilization promoted* with a view to their ultimate citizen-

ship: and that polygamy lu the Ter- ritories, destructive of the ft mity re-

lation and offensive Lo the moral aensc

•I the world, shall be repreased. Tbe

laws sin uld be rigidly enforced which

prohibit the immigration of a servile

■lass to compele with American labor,

vii ii no intention of acquiring citizen-

ship, and bringing wilh lliem and re-

taining habita aud customs repugnaut

to our civilization.

The people demand reform in tbe

administration of the government, and tbe application of business principles

lo public atlairs. As a means to ttria

end. civil service reform should be in

good taith enforced. Our citizena have

the right to protection from the in-

competency of public employee who

held their places solely as the reward

of partisan aervice. and from the cor-

rupting influences of those who promise

and tbe vicious methods of those who

expect, such rewards, and those who worthily seek public employment have

tbe tight to insist that merit aod oom-

pelency shall be re ognlzed, instead ot

party subserviency or the surrender ot liontst political belief. In the admin-

istration of a government pledged to do equal and exact Justice to all men,

there should be no pretext for anxiety toucltiig the protection cf the freed-

meu in their rights, or their security

in the enjoyment of their privileges

under tbe Constitution and its amend

ments. All discussion as to their fit- ness for the place accorded to them aa

American citizens is idle and unprofit-

able, except as il suggests the necessity

fur (heir improveineut. The fact that

ttiey are citizens entitles them to all the

rights due to that relation, andchargea

them with all its duties, obligations aud responsibilities.

These topics aod the constant and

ever varying wauls of an active and

enterprising population, may well

receive the attention and the patriotic

endeavors of all wtio make aud execute

the federal law. Uur duties are prac-

tical, autl call for industrious applica

ti'jn and intelligent perception of tbe claims or public offices, aud above all,

a tlrm determination by united action to secure to all the people ot the land,

the full beiiefitB of the best form of

government c\cr vouchsafed to man.

And lei us not trust lo human etfurl

alone, but humbly acknowledging the

powor and gooduess of Almighty God, who presides over the destiny ot oa

lions aud who has at all times been

revealed in our country's history, let

ua invoke hia aid aud his blessing upon our labors.

ttOMB GOSSIP. ■The Salem Telegram flgurcs the coat

of the Salem jail at tu.'.').

—Beglnolug next Saturday a forty

hours devotion at St. Mary's church.

—The Sunday Telegram will contain

an Interesting local article, ami illustrated.

—K. B. Nudge post. <•■ A- B-, of Mer-

rlmac, la bulldlug a •*«« carriage for

presentation to the O. A, it, fair at Bos-


—Charles U. Bell Eaq.. of this city,

has been appointed by liov. Jtobinson, to

tabulate the Statutes of the Common-


—Very pretty roses ure sold for fifteen

cents a bunch on the street! of Boston.

The florists ask more than double that

aum for one.

—Major K. A-Kiskc cxMcnator Bacon,

Dr. C. V Chaiubcrlalu aud MaJ. Merrill,

were at the Loyal Lagtoa dinner an Wed-

nesday evening.

—William Hooper, asulatant superin-

tendent of tlie Lower Pacific mills, is

apendlag a mouth's vacation with his

wife, at Kalelgh. North Carolina

—The Essex County Agrlcultaral soci- ety will hold Its next meeting In this city

March 17. Thu sabject will he -Cultiva- tion and preservation of frulla."

—Mr. (ieo, A Waltou's report of the

eeeoabl off tmrman In ihe State Report

haa u.-»ii printed lu pamphlet form atd

driatrlbued among the Leachera of our


—Henry Bowe, for several years a

brakeinan on the Qeorgetown branch

the Boston & Maine railroad, haa been

promoled to freight conductor on the

um in line.


The Elite Masquerade at the]


In Board of Aldermen. Easex Kink.


The Albany police arrested two men

who were seen banging around Mr. Cleve-

land's residence, hut they turned out to he

two detectives from New York, who had

been employed to guard the house.

A Milwaukee newspaper objects to

Frank Jones, for the Cabinet, because no-

body out west ever heard of New Himp.

ahlrebeerl That's an objection as Is an objection.

The President-elect nnd party, left Al-

bany very quietly, by a apcclal train last

evening, arriving In Washington this

morning; his departure was ao arranged

as to be known to scarcely any one.

The Methodist ministers of Boston and

vicinity have sent a letter of sympathy to General Grant,

I>l*gruntled democrats in the house of

presentativea yesterday, attempted to

commit their parly to a refusal to Join In

the Inauguration proceedings, because the

initiative Is In the hands of the republican

uate; the cooler heads saw the ft tly of the act aud It failed.

Nast should be reminded that the ele-

phant did not step on the democrats lu

hu JetTersoninn days, ami It Is no compli-

ment to Mr. Cleveland to make a Hve cant show of IHNI.

"Lieutenant Governor" Mardcn. That

HOUIKIH well. There can be nothing In

supportable about a title like that to the

senator from the seventh Middlesex. We

hope he will read thai title clear.

Kiiihi thousand bushels of corn it is re-

ported has been taken out of a schooner

which sank at a wharf In New Bedford.

What a quantity of hulled corn that

schooner held lu lls bold.

Rev, Dr. Ellis has said relallve to the

Lerm "agnostic," that thorc are philoso-

phers in Boa ton, who, by their own ex-

perl men tings have reached the conclusion

of tlio old tlrcek philosophers, that we

know and can know nolhlng, only It

pleases them to pul Lhe avowal Into Greek

iiml call themselves "auuustlca."

Oat of 150,000 Germans who In the

course of last year t>ecame liable to mili-

tary SLrvice, considerably less than one-

and-a-half per cent were illiterate.

In New York last year ten colored men

married white women, and one colored

woman married a white man.

Wolves stilt abound In Franre. Over

820,01X1 was paid In bounties last year Tor

killing them. Nine persons were attacked

aud killed by wolves during the year.

Nicholson, the North End murderer, has

been Het Lo work In tbe gilding shop of

thu stale prison.

The speed of tbe toboggan Is something

surprising. At a slide In Saratoga Springs

latt week a toboggan was timed and It

went a quarter of a mile lu nineteen

seconds, wilh the track lu poor condition.

With a good track a toboggan probably

a velocity of more than a mile a


A hearing was begun at the State House

yesterday on thepaiiflou of the Bell Tele-

phone Company for permission to In-

crease its capital stock to $30,000,000.

The old nunnery grounds in Somervllle

were sold at auction yesierday afternoon

under a mortgage, having passed through

many hands.

It Is estimated that there were one hun-

dred thousand strangers In Washington


The act of the artist Whistler who sent

a butterfly as an emblem of hope to Ed-

mund Yates ID prison, Is not so very com-

plimentary. An ambitious busy bee of a

journalist hates to lie called, even by Im-

plication, a caterpillar.

It Is easy enougu to account for tbe

falling off, notwithstanding the hard

times, of the applications for free soups

In the city of Boston, poor folks don't

necessarily want poor soup.

It Is said that the late Mr. Logan of

Illinois died from the effects of bad air In

—A man who attended the play of Ham

let at the opera bousa hut week, didn't find out which actor was Hamlet until the

closel scene, having taken Horatio for Hi.

melancholy Dane until then.

—Bev. A. E. White, of tnta city, will

lecture in Summer St. church, Haverhlll

next Sunday evening, on "The Soudan,'

with particular reference to the rellgluus

Interests involved lu the struggle going on there.

—The "Major Merrill Grand March

composed by Jean Mlssud, was played

for the llrst time by the Salem Cadet

Band ou tbelr recent trip to Waahlngtuu

with tne Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company.

—One of the characters In the comedy

presented at the Academy of Music,

at Haverhlll. Tuesday evening, was ■ very correct counterpart of J. K. Tarboxu

Esq., of this city. Whether by accident or design is uot known.

—The Central Club have elected the

following officers fur tbe ensuing six

months i Pres., D. J. Corcoran, vke-pree., I). Sullivan; treaa.,M.J. Bailey;rec. sec.

Henry McQaeeney; trustees, D. J. Cor-

coran. It. W. Doyle, Edward Colter, M. J, Carney.

—One of Mrs. Proctor's friends,

recently paid her a visit at her quarters

lu Lawrence jail, reports that her health

never was belter. She remains firm, and

Is confident of acqultal when the time ar-

rives for her trial, which will probably take place in May.

—Tbe reduction of wagca has reached

Dracut and the employes of tbe Herri-

mack woolen mill at the navy yard, ex-

perienced a cut down of from 10 to 15 per

cent, They have been Aery fortunate In

that mill, for while others have been idle

they have been working overtime.

—St. | Patrick's night, which occurs

March 17, will be celebrated by Dtv. I

A. O. H., with au entertainment, banquet

and ball tn Baundcrs Hall. The Irish

Bsoeavolent Society will have appropri- ate excrclaes on that night In their hall oi

Essex street. An entertainment will also by held In St. Mary's hall.

—Friendship lodge, Sons of St. George, of this city, about 300 In number, went u

Lowell by special train, Monday evening,

to visit Waverley lodge. They were

tertained at t'nlon hall, where visitors

and hosts enjoyed themselves to a high

degree In fraternal discourse, songs

speeches and recitations, until about mid

ight, when the Lawrence brethren re-


Wednesday, Wm. Kent, a wood-

worker In the emplay of Henry Wight

Essex yard, brought his hand In contact

wltbabuzz-planci, badly lacerating the

Index aud second fingers of bis right hand.

He was taken to Dr. Chainberlalu's oHlce,

where It was found necessary to ampu-

tate the Injured lingers at the second phs

lanx, after which he was conveyed to bis

borne at 518 HsverhUtrjjt.

—At the prize drill by the Sherman

Cadeta, at Saunders Hall, to-nlgbt,

the beat drilled "non-com." will re

celve the Sntton medal; the Kussell

medal la to be awarded to the beat drilled

private, and the second beet drilled pri-

vate receives the Sherman medal. After

tbe drill there will be an enjoyable soiree,

and an order of twelve numbers danced.

Tickets may be procured of the members and at the deor.

Probate Matter*.

At the probate court, held at Salem.

Monday, the [wills o' the following

named persons, deceased, were presented

for probate:—William B. Aiken of Salem,

Prudence J. Bailey of West Newbury,

Charles W. Carter of Salem, Francis

Gerry of Marblehcad, Mary N. Greene, of

Goflstown, N. EL; John N. Handy of

North Andover, Anna Jacques of New-

bury. Mary P. Jewett of Salem, Patrick

Lynch of Salem. William S. Merrill of

Providence, It. I., and Abel Story of Es-


Monday night was a gala the Essex rink. The number of masquers

as large as has been seen, but

what was lacking In numbers was made

up In brilliancy, beauty and elegance.

The sitting capacity of the large rluk was

thoroughly tested. Hardly an unoccu-

pied seat could be seen, and the alleys,

and passage ways were completely packed

with the crowd of ou-lookers. The cos-

tumes were varied; from elegance to

oddity, aud from oddity lo originality. A

German Jew with pack upon his back

danced about the rink, chasing pretty

girls and offering to sell hose at wonder-

fully low Hgures, averring that be was

losing thereby JS per cent, a Japanese

lady glided about with a prince of the

realm, and a flower girl was pursued by

hosts of young knights upon whom she

IW and then favoring glances.

Topsy, black as tbe ace of spade*,

masqueraded with her white sisters, and

Oscar Wilde whispered poetic sentences

In the ears of damsels fair aud worshipful.

And so tbe throng of beauty and youth

glided about the rluk, iusplring music

lending to ilir mil-in.-i-^ flying feet, aud

ever as the dltzy ttirung went louud, the

eager eyes of hundreds of spectators fol-

lowed. The elastic sUp of youth never

earlcd of tbe pleasure, and bright even

flashed and sparkled, the glow of health

mantled tbe cheek, and graceful forms

glided In harmony to the rytbm of the

music. Until nearly ten o'clock the

masquers held the floor, and then the com-

mittee of award, consisting of Peter W,

Lyall, Esq., John F. Finn, and Dr. G. B

Elliott, annouueed the prize winners, who

areas follows: Handsomest, gents' first

prize, Von Merrill, blue knight; second

George Smith, Boaton, Venetian noble-

man; first ladles, EtUHymoods, blue silk,

flower girl; second, Oracle Ferguson,

pink silk; Bertha Brlerly, pink aatlu,

original, first gents, Frank Eastman,

Robinson Crnsoe;" secou;!, E. P. CraLg

jr., "Jim Crow;" first ladles, Itetta Simms

"Miss Two Lung"; second, Lilla Brown

Endiau princess; Comical, first gents', S.

A. Buynton, ltowley, "Woman's Bights";

second, James G. Abbott, jr., African

heiress; Aral ladles, Jennie Wood, coun-

try girl.

The following are the prizes gl

Handsomest, gent's first prize, pair Crop

per's all-clamp gold and nlckled skates,

valued at eS0; second, Itussia leather

cigar case, filled, $4; first lady's, pair

Cropper's half-clamp nlckled skates, ai

second, plush sofa pillow, 98. Most

orlg'nal, gent's first, gold watch chain and

charm, b.-, second, season ticket, $4

lady's, set of amber Jewelry, $G ■, second

hand painted satin fan, $2. Most comical,

gent's first, pair opera glasses, St; second

drinking cup, 91; lady'B first, tcrrallne

vast, *4; second, season ticket |4,

The occasion was In every sense a

cess, and the second masquerade of the

Essex will be anxiously looked for by the patrons of roller skating.

Letters of administration were granted

on the estates of the following named

persons, deceased: John S. Broker of

North Andover; Mary P. Brooks of Sa-

lem; Phillip Carbrey of t'eabody; James

Casey of Haverhlll, Margaret r. Dixie of

Marblehcad; Aaron Golthwaile of Salem;

Hiram E. Gordon of Salem, Prescott E.

Grant or Peabody; Benjamin I. Hender-

son of Salem; Mary A. Lowell of Sails*

bury, Walter E. Manning of Haverhlll;

Annie P. Richardson of Lynufleld; Chas.

H, Sargent of North Andover; Mary L.

Spiller of Rowley, and Mary Tleruey of


Grocers Organize.

I The hoard of mayor and aldermen met Monday taalon at 'ero,llBt la regular MMIOD, Mayor Simpson In the

chair, absent Alderman Dyer. The following uuilneaa was trantacted —

ivtiii-.i.- of i iinm, ± Joyce, running through alleyway betweea Valley Common anaati; of UammAJoyce, to occupy

for thirty days a port Ion M.nil. ! ■ i. ,. ■ ■:. I: ■ -.1 H M, lllckfOttl, elal., for afire Hliiriu l.<i\ eoniiT of Oxford and Melvln Strata, referred in the eommlttee on Arc alarm; of John Gale, el si., for street oil lampi on lireriiwiMwl street, referred to r>immlttc« ou Aiivi't-. ■•(...... ii. Wilson, to occupy and ate for llietcnnof iirtiia-lii)-., twenty feet In width of llampililre mid Park siren* while moving a bull.Hug, of (it-o. II. \\ IIBJII A Co., to oceupyand

for the term of live dnyn twenty feet in Width of Hampshire i AH™ street* while moving

IIIIIIUK. b°'h granted on UMIIII eouiiltloiid. Uepoii*—Of the committee on Ili-cuntM, that

tin1 llipior lleemw'i for the coming year be iu.-] it • :-i i..i m i [-Inns I,-, ,,,i

bokUva lleenae; at flu for Ont claa* 11. DII victuallers license, S1D0 for a fourth i lull dealer* license; SJOOfor a fourth I-IUSM

Wholesaler* license; *:I.»I ami *.«i for n urih claaahrewera Itcease.

Following ia the license rate (or the last few


Will Daniel W. Proctor be Dis- bam d?

was returned, that 1'roetor bo a

before th.

I" 1878 If" IHIHS 1£H1 IDS-' )Hri3 ItM 1#SJ 1st laa.. Mou |U0 ISM *-■■'»< *v*» *:«■■ tuo tv*} itC.Vl'r., 1M 1WI 1"> ISO 125 \%; Jja iW

Ith Itrtall, IA'J HO Ut 125 100 ISO 125 1110 Whole,, 'JU0 |75 250 S20 1.V1 l&o i.,i ■•„,

..Hi Urewer, SOU 200 3U0 :i00 200 300 9U0 SOU 250 350 350 250 . ;<. ■

Orrlera.—Tlmt the Splekcl rl ver commlaHloncrs Bder the direction of lhe "upurlntemlt-ut of pub

He property and Hi- city cuglneer, have liullt, In stead of a ttono cut 1.11 i ,e. a through Iroi) bridge

Lawrence »trect, over the now channel of the Sptcket river, iwo-tlilnla of the coat of construct- ing anld bridge to b*J paid rroiu lhe funda of Ihe -|.|. i . i river valley Improvement department, mdUie Ira Is an charged to the bridge depart in-ill. adopts*). That the amount n ,. -i UJ

Mono* Terklna on account of thu building of alt Idewalk on Margin siruet be reduced from ».I...I

0 r.i:»-. a* aecordlag to the n<presentation of ibe Ity engineer, adopted. That an Iron pipe if such .Inn.-II-I-.II- a* may be deemed beatbyUie ■Uy engineer, lie laid MBPOSS tin? new tuunelof the fcplckrt river on (tie lino of Eleimlngton street,Hie

i!> '" !■> ui'.-i fur sewers walafe may u- istructtNl In this locality, forming a connection

wlUi lhe main Spleket aowor. This work to be under the dlrecUon of ibe Mplckut river commis- sioners, and twu-Udnla of Uie expeuKB be

harge>l to thu sewer departmoiiL (or a *uui not .acceding »JO0) (he remainder u> \tc charged lo

the tatokat liver sewer department. Other business.—A good <!.■;.I of' concurrent

business wits Iraiisncteil, several resolutions were given Uielr dual pn.suge, Ibfl committee on license reported favorably en the petition of Mary A. w.-.-k .. I,.I- .. ■ ,., ■•■ to conduct an Intelligence office and It was granted, The report of Uie wa- ter board was sent liaek to tbe aldermen without any change uud wa* accepted. Nuinucl Urew and Jeremiah McCormlck were nominated aud confirmed special police officers.


Heroic Itcacue From Drowning

by a German Lad.

Walter Vosel ts the fi-year-old son of

Henry Vogel ard resides with Ills parents

at 1311 Jackson street. Wednesday after-

noon at about 4 o'clock be was playing

merrily on the bank of the Spleket, in the

vicinity of rhcstmit street, and shouting

lu glee as he watched the eddying waters

gliding down the stream, when suddenly

hia foot slipped and w ith a wild cry hi

fell latu the hurrying waters and was

bourn out Into the middle of the stream, waabalaoj rapidly carried down sen-am

aud waa alnklng, when Guitav Pllsch,

boy 18 years old, who works In the baker

shop of Kinil K..Hi, at L',". Chestnut street,

and who was asleep at the time ho heaid the lad's cry, his work being night work,

hastened to the river bank, and seeing the

condition of Walter, plunged Into the

stream, which at thia poiut is very rapid

and deep, and swimming out to hlin seized

him and after a desperate struggle suc-

ceeded In reaching the shore. Little Wal

ter had sunk several times In the ley wa-

ter aud was cold and slid", and ItusLav

thought he waa dead i Diet, he rolled him

the ground and rubbed hla hands, but

no signs of life were apparent. Ue pro-

inrad assistance and conveyed the lnsem

.llilc child to hla home, at 133 Jackson

street, where Dr. Sargent was called, and

alter working over him fur a long time

hairing his* hands and applyitur warm

cloths to him, the boy opened bis eyes

and gasped, aud In aahoit time was abli

to sit up. Ills young rescuer himself

w [■. nearly frozen by ulsbatli In the chilly

waters, but a short time sufficed to restore

to a comfortable condition. Today

little Walter Togel la aa bright nnd happy

as ever, his involuntary bath having had

uo permanently III effect. The bravery of

young Gustav Pllsch Is all tbe more com-

mendable when It la considered that at

the point where he rescued the little boy

the water 1B very deep, and the current

exceedingly strong on account of a bend

in the stream, and high water.


Fair Tenants Threat! the Mazea

of the Dance.

The following petition lias been pre-

sented to tbe Superior Court, uow In sea*

■ower I slon here, and lu reply the order appended

mmoncd urt March 1*1, lo show cause,

if any there be, why the prayer of the pe-

titioner should not be granted, and the

order wan served Wednesday i —

TO THE HOMOaUBLB Jl'STlCKft OF T1IF. 8l- pseion COURT, buideu within and for the County of Essex :—

The uudersigned, a member of the Es- sex bar, respectfully represents and in- forms the court that Daniel W. 1'roetor has resided lu Lawrence for two years past; thut during that time lie lias been practicing as au attorney at law, having a sign aud advertising us follows i "Daniel W. Proctor, <ouuselor-at-!aw. 4117 Essex street. Collections a specialty." That during that lime and prior to August,

l -■-1. It having been aaiertaiued that he had Keen admitted and expelled from the liar In the Slate of Maine, lie was not al- lowed by the court to appear as au at- torney in said County of Essex; that lu August, lug*, be applied to the Justices of the Superior Court, in the County of

Andover Advertiser. ltailroad Trat»s,

Leave Boston for A udoter, '.so. 10 U a w t u ».; .>.*», i.i\ !,5», alMv 1. a,» «;»,TSVS'

Amlorer lo Bo*toa, 8,6* 7.4a „ w 8j« w M' 'M

IMS. a. w. 11 ». ii.iu. *.«,. s.WI, ZlTTaWei |.. ui. ^..lii.'-.l.i>,...,Mri|.lsl»U3i(, uni.)

».J .r &: j'li.'a.'pfr- "•*• *■ - *»• «• Uuma Kasl. ».**. a. m. ].16.4.rtl6SI,p. ■. Uow*- .\oria, s. -it, a. m., tM, p. ».


Ittt Purity Tested ut Lowell.

At the last meeting of the Lowell water

board of 18B4, E. B. 1'tercc submitted a

bottle of water containing the washing of

a Uallowell quartz litter that had been in

uae on au ordinary kitchen faucet in Low-

ell for about a month. The sample when

shaken up was about the color of strong

boiled coffee, tlie sediment being fully as

dark aa coffee grounds, 'lhe specimen

presented so unfavorable au appearance

that upon motion of Mr. Tierce the super-

intendent was authorized to Imye the wa-

ter analyzed. It was accordingly done

and the report of Mr. Atwood. the chem-

ist, to whom it waa sent, Is given below f

Lowell, Feb. 23. MR. HOLDRN—Dear 8ir:—I have exam-

ined the sample of "sediment" from a Ni- ter, received from you ami make the fol- lowing report 1 The sample brought to me consists mainly of water, a small amount of brown sediment, aud grain-* of quartz aaud from the Alter; these latter are n>t Included In the results given be- low.

Coder the microsropo the sediment Is seen to contain low vegetable forms, some diatoms and desuildaen*. but no auimul life that 1 could dlarover. The sediment does not grow offensive upon long stand- ing In a warm plaeh. The sediment con- tains:—

..'-[■In.- .Iiifl m -.'.'n ,


The residue thus obtained contains

Organic matter, Silica, Oxhlo of Iron,

ij.ii.'ii.- .,r iinir,

also a trace nf magnesia. In conclusion I would say that I do not

consider this sediment dangerous to tbe health, and is about what we expect to find iu a tiller of city water.

Itespectfully yours, w. F. ATWOOD,

Chemist for Hamilton Company.

Fra'ttkllii, to be admitted to the bar there that licNalsuly represented to said court that be waa then residing ai Deerileld, In said county, or waa about to reside at said Deerileld; that he represented lo said court that he bad been admitted and was a member of the bar lu the State of Maine, and designedly aud fraudulently withheld from said court, lu Fiaukliii county, the fact that be had been ex pelted from the bar, lu said State of Maine, mid that he had been, thou was. aud Intended to con- tinue iu the practice of law, at Lawrence, iu tbe County of Essex, all of which he well knew at the lime of his application and admission to the bar in said Franklin County; aud all of which were material and '.in.w 11 to iitui to be so iu determining his qualttlcatloiis and lltncss to tweome a member of lhe bar 111 said Fraukllu conn ty. In of which said decep lion and fraud the court lu said Fraukllu County, admlttot' said l'roctorto practice In all the courts of this Commonwealth. Wherefore the uudersigned respectfully requests that the court will examine Into the matter herein set forth and thereupon make such order us Justice requires.

KlMlAll J. SUKHMJN February 9.


At the Superior Court begun ami held at Lawrence, within and fur the County of Essex, ou the first Honda* of March, A,D., 1885, Upon the foregoing petition, ordered that the petitioner give notice to said Daniel W. Proctor to appear before Ibis court, at l.awreuce, in the County of Essex, on Monday, the sixteenth dav of March Instant, by causing I dm to be served with an attested copy of hU aald petition and of this order of the court thereon, forthwith; that he may then aud there show cause, If any he has. why the prayer of said petition should nut bo granted.

Attest. Qao. R. Loan, Assistant Clerk.

The foregoing is a true copy of petition and order of court.

Attest, C1K0. It. LOW, Assistant Clerk.

the state. It will take more than bad air

upon such a sound and sensible basis I to kill John A.

The flrocers of Lawrence and vicinity

met Monday evening in Band of Hope

hall lo deliberate concerning organization.

J. C. Mct'ready of Boston, secretary of

the Central association, addressed the

meeting, explaining the need of, and the

benefit to be derived from association

The prime motive being a desire to re-

move abuses, rebuke fraud, and protect

lowest dealers. The following were

elected as officers of tbe Lawrence Retail

Orocers Association. President, Geo.

W. Smith; vice president, John Daly and

E. Devlin, Lawrence; J. L. Dodge, He-

rn; J. W. Berry, Andover; secretary.

Chas. H. Hartwell; trsaaurer, Wm. II.

Andrews; executive committee, ll A.

Buell. Q. E. Hogan, 0, C. Jackman, Law-

rence, E. L, Taylor, Uethpen, J. W. Ber-

ry, Andover.

Halne, a state which Is not always fore-

most In moral reform, Is only recently re-

ported aa alive to the Importance of hav-

ing her poultry well dressed when It la

exposed for sale- This we find In a very

correct agricultural Journal,

Wednesday the tenants of Sweeney'

block gave a social party lu tbe block, to

hi'-li a few friends were Invlted.thls be-

ing the llrst of a series to occur annually.

The idea originated with the young ladies

n the dress making rooma of Mrs. Anna

T. Chlpman, and one of the plcasantest

occasions of the season was enjoyed by

those fortunate enough to be present.

Dancing was the chief amusement, al-

though other pleasures were indulged In,

and In the large hallway tbe dance pro-

gramme, which eonalsted of ten numbers

was very successfully carried out. The

programme, which was the work of Tom-

my Callahan of the Journal, was unique

and original, and among the dance num-

bers were those of local application such

aa "Cut and basted," "Buttonhole Stitch,

Rats," "A close shave," "A fat Take,"

and "A boss racket." At the conclusion

of the dancing s delicious spread, con- Isiingof all the good thinga set down hi

the gastronomic catalogue was partaken

of In the ball overhead and full justice

'tmie to the tempting display. About

twenty couples participated In the danc-

ing, and the older people who did notpar-

tlclpatc seemed to enjoy as fully as any

the festivities of the occasion. At a sea-

sonable hour the party broke up, with

many pleasant wishes for the tenants of

the block.

Building: Improvements,

Workmen are engaged In digging for

the foundation of the new block to be

erected by Curran A Joyce. The work

s being done by Moulton & U'Mahoney.

The main bulldlug wilt be 50 feet front-

age by 40 feet side, and the L, 33 by 93

feet. It will tie four stories, of brick,

tbe front to be of pressed brick, and

trimmings of granite. The plan* were

made by Jamea Flanagan. Tbe work

will not be let otit by contract, but will

be dona under the supervision of the

firm. The entire building will be used

entirely by tbe firm for their bottling

bnalness. It will probably be tbree or

four months before the block is completed, j

Inauguration Night.

We venture to say, that uo society 01

organization In the laud celebrated inau

guration night more sensibly and royally

than did the Old Residents of Lawreuce

Wednesday ev'g, at City Hall. The Presl

dent was personated by Will Carlcton,

Esq.. of New York, aud bis inaugural was

a state paper, admiralty comprehensive and practical, of literary excellence most

rare. Democrats. Republicans, and Mug-

ups, all acknowledge Ita soundness,

and sbook their aides together over the

telling hits; showing tnat all we need to

harmonize sectional jealousies nnd con-

flicting opinions, in this country, in a

first class, brainy, humorist in the presi-

dential chair. The Cabinet officers were

appointed for the occasion as follows 1

Sec. of the Treasury, Hon. Edmund R.

Hayden; Sec. of the Interior, Dr. David

Danai Bee. of War, Hbu BrollyQ. Woth- erbec; Bee. of the Navy, Harrison IX

Clement, Esq., Attorney-General, John

C. Dow, Esq; Post-Master-General, Mrs. A. J. French; Marshal, Augustus M.

Fay, Esq.; Commissioner of Agriculture,

Charles Smith, Esq. The Inaugural dealt

principally of questions of finance, do-

mestic relations and educational Interests.

It was delivered extempore, with re-

markable force and unqnestloued power.

Prea. Carillon is booked for a second

term, aud A ill appear In the course

next season In his lecture entitled The

"Science of Home," written In the same popular s'yle, of even more of a homelike

character, aud with different rccltatlom

Long may he be spared to make audiences

and readers happy, to shake the cobwebs

it of heavy hearts, to charge with spark;

of Intellectual Urn more sluggish mortals

and to ride a "Golden H >r*e" to victory and fortune.

A Veteran of Many Ilnttlca Hears

the liiiffle Cull of the Great


Died In this city,Wednesday evening, at

twenty minutes of nine o'clock, from

pneumonia, Patrick Daley, aged 13 yearB. Patrick Daley was born in County Cork

Irelund, came in cnrlv life to this country

aud worked for a time lu the Pacific mills.

At the age of 18, In IrtCl. be enlisted In the

Third New Jersey Regiment, bo being in

Trenton at that time. He was in both of

the battles at Bull Run, lu the battle of

the Wilderness, where he was wuumlcd in

the foot; he waa also in battles at Cold

Harbor, AntJetam, Chontilly, Fair Oaks,

Cedar Creek, and Gettysburg. He was ii

the seven days' light before Richmond, and was mustered out in June, lSfii, M

having been off duty for a single day, and

was never In the hospital. Ho leaves two

daughters aged respectively 15 and 1

years, and three brothers, who reside in

Lowell. Dr. Daley, Cornelius Daley and

John Daley; also two siatcra, Mrs. Mary

Sliaunuhan, who resides bwe, aud Mb

Daley who :s In New Jersy. Hla aged

mother Is also living In this city.

Deceased was a member of G. A,

Post 3U of this city, and bis funeral, which

will occur to-morrow morning at i) o'clock,

from St. Patrick's church, will be attend-

ed by a delegation from tbe Post.


There are i,~,M luti|ruage*.

Jl«o persous ilk every second.'ji-Ca T43 miles tier hour.

(OBI lien were Ilisl used In Liif land In. last.

Whatever yon dislike lu another, lake rare to grreci in yourself.

-Mietiad r'ecney offers for sale ft (ood sew inlich •W. See advertisement.

Rev. I>r. Brenaoa, and Rev. .1. J. Blalr ex- iaasged pulpit* but sabbath awnuaf.

Rev. C. A. 1 .:.:..,■, .i, or Lowell, will preach at the M-mliiarj chapel «"'xi Babbtta.

Rev. D. 1'. .Viyes, lm»t..r of lliefKUSTCjational liureli, In WtUnlngtom, Un* roBlgned.

The preparatory lecture at tbe We*t church waa Klveii un Friday last by llev, Mr, Hakeneaoe.

Mr. ■•teuheu Jackson ha* been chosen lo All a leaaey in 1 in- coaualatoe of the Fret- church.

A »ary interesting Sabbath sr.liool r-oncertwaa iven at the Free church last Sabbath eToiilnf.

We ure In ibe world. Let us be cheerful and foyeoa, Morose iiilleunes* Is no part of Chris- tianity.

A Mother poose entertainment wa* given ai Vestry Rail, Tewksbury Centre, on Wednesday

The grocer* H

■lores from („■ i- le.k* could vote.

CUnrlo* h. Parker, ami William O. Uoldamlth, have been mentioned lu connection With tbe Aa- lOVir postmasters!] 1)1.

A baby iK-rndurtnga terrible storm, wa* named LyclonU. It* father says it it a mlannmer; a i-ycloiic doesn't howl every night.

nrooks F. Hull has recel veil from CongreMnum Hu**ell, a large supply of choloe ■.■<■,I,, which be will distribute among ihe farmer* onappllcatloa.

The next regular monthly meeting ot the Farm* er* club, will lie held next Momlay crenina* March <Kh, aud not this evening as announced on their can)*.

Mr. J. WhaUey of the So ml miry, I* *ui>ply1ruj tlie Kivereldecburch, Lawrer.ce, and a movement 1* ou foot, looking to his engagement by tha Tower Hill church, a* joint uastor.

At a 1 .■ i-f ui concert in Albany, for an Afrtcaa church there, the Pre*idem"-elect stepped upon the stage and shook hands with tin- member* Of the colored troupe of performer*.

t»r. Christopher Urahaiii died recently at Louis- ville, Kentucky, at the age of one hundred. Bo had never lost a Moth, and three years ago could shoot with tha bust marksmen of hi* State.

Next Knbbatli evening, ttev. Mr. Makepeace Is to give the bi-i of a course of thlrteer. sermon* upon the comma ndinentn. During thia series Uw attendance on evening preaching haa been la.

A bitter ward may make a n•und that will never heal. A kind word may win a friend that will never turn. A caution may save a aoul; aid yet silence Is sometime* more stinging, and other times more loothlng than any word.

Rov. William LaWMWSi Professor of Homli ].■ Hea in the fcplscona! Theological school, Cam- bridge, formerly Hector of Grace church, Law- rence, Mass., will preach at i lirl.t church on Sunday evening, March S. ServloeatTJOo'cloek. Stranger* cordially invited.

A lady taking tea at a small company, being fond cf hot mils, waa asked to have another.

Beally I CM not," *he modestly replied. "I don't know bow many I have eaten already." "I do."

pecU'dly- cried » juvenile upstart, whose mother had allowed him a seat at the table.

Vntt'vc eaten eight; I've been a-counUruy."

■■Ex perlencc may 1 w a dear teacher." remarked ■ let*- ni...1 as the contribution box ws» return

ed tohlmempiy, but the members of thl* partlcu- lar lOBfe Who have experienced religion have *<- complUhed It at a trifling cost, will sing Uie seventy ninth hymn, omitting the flrtt, third, and fifth TOSM, In order 10 save unnecessary wear on the organ."

Town oracorn chosen on Momlay : Moderator licorge II. Poor. Town Clerk: George A. Putnam. Selectmen, Assessor.., and Overseen of tbe

Poor: Chnric*S. Parker, Samuel H. Itautwell, Charles Greene.

Town Treasurer I John II. Flint. Collector of Tuc*: i;*,„Xi.. a. Putnam. School Committee [three year*): Fc'llx O

The Oliver Clionia.

The sololRta who are to appear at the

concert of the Oliver Chorus), on Wednes-

day evening, March ll, need no introduc-

tion to a Lawrence andlencc. Those who

attended the concert Riven by the Club

last year, will remember with pleasure

Miss Kehew's magnlilrent voice, and her

noble rendering of the dlRlcult music of

the "Loreley." And Miss Edmands, too,

has proved herself Justly a favorite with the Lawrence public. Mr. Willis Clarke's

name is well known to all New England

lovers of music, and his reputation should

insure for him a hearty reception. Mr.

Cornell we have beard before, at a con-

The Banana.

Hy descent Lite banana ia a devel-

oped tropical lily, not at all lemotely

allied to the eotooloa Ha, only thai its flowers and fruil are massed together

on a banging Spike, instead of grow-

ing solitary and Beparale, as in the

true irises. The blossoms, which

though pretty, ure comparatively in-

couapicuous lor the aizu of ihe plant,

*liow the extraordinary persistence of

the lily type, for almuBi all the vast

number ol species, more or less direct

ly descended from tbe primitive lily,

continue to the very enj of tbe chapter to have six petals, six stamens and

three rowa or seeds in their fruits or

capsules. But practical man, with

hia eye alwayB fixed on tbe one Im-

porlant quality ol edibility—the sum

and substance lo most people of all

botanical reaea-cli—has confined hia

alleullon almost entiiely to lhe fruit

of ihe banana. In all essentials (other

thaii the aysiematically unimportant

one just alluded to) the banana liuii in its origiual sti u exactly resembles

the capsules of the iris—llial prettv

pod thai divides in three when tips',

and shows lhe dilieate orange coaled seeds lying in triple rows within—

only in ihe tanana, the fruil does not

open; in the sweet language of tech-

nical botany, it is an indebiscent cap. aule ;"anrl the seeds, instead of stand-

ing separate and distinct, as in the iris

are embedded in a soft and pulpy sub-

stance, which forms the ediblo and

practical part ol ibe entire arranee- ment. e

Tali is the proper appearance of the original and natural banana, before it haa been taken in hand and culti-

vated by tropical man. When cut

across the middle it ought to allow

three TOWB of seeds, inicraperaod with

pulp, and faintly preserving some dim

memory of the dividing wall which

once separated tbeta. In practice,

however, the banana diflers widely

from this iheoreticnl ides, as practice oflen will difler Irom theory ; Tor it has

been so long cultivated and selected by

man—being probably one of the very oldest, if nol actually quite the oldest

ui domesticated plants—1 hat It fina n]\

hut lost the oriKiual habit of produc-

ing aeetla. This is a common eflect of cultivation on fruits, anil it ia, of

course, deliberately aimed at by borli-

culluriBta, as the seeds are generally a

nuisance, regarded from tbe point of

view of the eater, and their absence

improves lhe fruil, as long as one can

gel along somehow without thrni

In the pretty liltlo Tongieriue oranges

■so Ingeniously corrupied by (ruil

Arthur Dili*, Felix Q. Haynes,

cert 8iven some yeara ago by the LadleJ 11?"^ maLtlaijDB-'!»« ^ed« have

Chorus, and those who were fortaaate £?. [ 1 ""aW °Ul' 'D lh°

enough to bear him then wll, LlSt L^TSftS Mf """ W- be told of the pleasure his noble voice

must always give his audience. The pro-

gramme selected by Mr. Merrill Is one of

unusual Interest, and we b»pe that all

lovers of good music In Lawrence will

show, by their cordial support, their ap-

preciation of hla etforts, with those of tlio

club, to present a programme made up of

the beat music and only the beat. The

concert will begin promptly at a quarter before eight o'clock.

known in the dried state as currants,

tliey have quite disappeared ; while in

some varieties or pears they survive

only in the form of shrivelled, barren

and useless pippins, lint the banana,

more than any other plant we know

of, has managed for many centurieato

do witbool seeds altogeiher. The cultivated sort, especially jQ America,

is quite seedless, and the plant* are

propagated entiiely by suckers.— Coruhiil Magazine.

ODSMtitaa: tdwart K. Davis, Walter S. Donald, Worgw W. Chandler.

Feme Viewers : Joseph F, Cole, John B. Al» bolt, Jose ah Scott.

Highway Surveyor* : George F. Baher, John

ward n,r Ht'nry A' ,UTW*rU' **«*■«*-. Hay-

Surveyors of Lumber: Joseph F. Ceto, John 1 Abbott, Joseph ocott, Charl** Q.Husaey, Charles ll, Mariana, Jcxhua ratty*, J**hua H. chandler James P. Butteroeld.

Auditors: Henry Bo.vnt

Fluid Drivers: Atujuttn* A. Upton, Joseph C (iul.inmlth, William Finn. ~

Pound Keeper 1 Walter B. Allen. Voted. That the barn and barn-yard at the

town farm be the town pound. ITayer was offered hy Bev. J. A. Day. License, yes IDS; m. 313. Voted, that all unexpended appropriations be

covered Into the treasury- Voted for School* tfl,B0O; school house*, SB0O-

•choolbook* and supplies, |ooo; highwayi and bridges, tTJNj .idewalk., |1,000; removing •now. S*»; town offlcer*. ig.ani, town houae. S800; Ore department,; .treet lamp., SHOO ■ printing mid •tatlonery, a**i; Spring Grove

emetery, S300, and the avail, of aala* of lot* Decoration Day, SI76; .tate aid, SISOO; Indigent soldiers and sailor*, auoo. almahouM, S4.SO0; re- lief ..,it of almshouM, *900; bay scales, g00; stai, tax, S8.00D; adJu.tmenlof (a**., HM; dlaoount on taxes, S3.0O0. abatement of taxea, S*W In- terest, »i,uo*i lnsurmnro, •«»; all*. • 1,34)0.

Voted. To instruct the sinwt lamp «.__ 1) rcuiw only Iho.e post., and to repair only thai* lanterns, with the exrepuon ofbrakSBglass which belong t* the town, and such others aa tha present owner* shall surrender to the town with the awUiataiHiiDc that they may be re-located according to the Judgment of the committee, for tbe best advantage for lighting the streets.

Voted. That the town treasurer be autfaoriied lo hire money for tha u*e of the town, whoa neces- sary, on approval of the selectmen.

Voted. That all taxe* be collected by the col- l«tor; that ho I* paid one per cent, on the amount collected; that a discount of .|X per cent be .1- owed on tlie amount of all taxes paid to tha col-

lector on or before Sept. 1. anil that interest at tho rate or .1* per cent, per annum be charged and collected on all wxe* remaining unpaid, on and after Jan. l, I-MV

Voted. That the Bremen be paid «fty cent* per hour for their Mrvtce. while ou duly

Voted. the U.t of name, far juwra aa posted.

Wtcd. To pay the dog llcen*. money reWvetf-g I from the county treaaury, to the treasurer of the S Memorial hall, to aid In aupportlna; tbe library and reading room.

Voted. To accept the selectman* reports* Mew Marland street, and to appropriate twenty.five hundred dollar, to re-lmburw Ho*ea T. Stevens ln part for the construction thereof

Voted. To fllSSSSSRsasau that part of the old town way known a* Marland .treet, that Ue. north of lhe new way built by Horn T. Steven*

u. To accept the report of the asleeSSMB on the proposed new rtreet mldoatbytl*a»b*W«r1

Kim Street and Park .treet. and to appropriate- •oventy.uve dollar, for fence SsSxam feted owner*, and nine hundred dollar, for the con- itrnrtion thereof.

Voted. To appreprlato live handred dollar, to purchase « book and Udder truck f.r «» m th. Andover Are department.

Voted. To strike from the warrant the article

SS5?JT -*-«•—-».i»..:,

gS£B«S£Sa*SR the,n<,uth,,fthor.wrrolr , M IUI,lwl,i. ol

,,.,,r itn- houMlorc, Suinmor .treet

».!,„„ TS."" *" """"""' ■*» " "«M tat™™ m""'T^""""'™'l,'»'«re.xun,,il.k.

;r.T, ■"'!'" i*""'",' *"*■» »•!»''- l«rl.T. lUrt,, Jata, Com.1], *,„,„„ K. j.,,,,' »i>n, to report ,t t future meeting

—HrJ^T^™' *~ *"*"» wniwii. tlie u.o of the water eoramlttec

VoW. To .ppro|,rta,o .1, h„,„]red do.Ur. tor 11,. co,,.„o,^on of . ««„„|r „,„ ^ noUM™,

1» built under in, ,l,„e„„n„f ,„. bo.„, 0, Ore .njlneer., i„.t the ..Id bo.rt .i„n m„„ ,„d „.

SL'T'™"'.'™ ,■■"*"■»« "»>» ~«rr=lr trnct KM |„,„, roepon.ioh, h,dj„ „,,„,„

VoW. To .u,e„.l He t„wn „,.„„ „„„„ cllln, town „ee,tn,., b, .trUvta, out th. w„rd, "or fourteen d.,,." ^^

Vow. To run tblrr, ttaauw dolur. by lu

VoW. Twutho .treet lamp cotnmltw bt tol «tm« .. l..t ,<„, ,„ | ch„,(1 T-I,., ir-Ja* F. Draper, ami Benjamin F. W.rdw.lJ.

VoW. Tnattb. p., ot lb, hi,),,,, ,„_,„_ bltWOlloUanpoioi,., 7 ■""•70-

' One man In Lakeviil* hat ihot Art fotM Hill WlBMT.

A TO foot whale It Mid to hava been receutly towed to Bootbbay. Ha.

Q. D. KiiirtiirT.N ([ , t;S- »lt'*'lT killed eighteen foxes tliu present aoaaott.

MM. Appbta > 1-I..-I-. 0( Salem, N. H., readi Without glUMi In her, ninetyMventh year.

■ I'- «.f W. J. Tucker, D. D.. preached at the ton gregntlonal church, Wnkeneld, last Sabbath.

George A. Putnam U town clerk or Andover, ami George A. 1'iiiin MAM.

The aelectmen aii'l arhnol committee will meet next Monday, at 10 a. m., to pay the school

sdnesday even. n of !•].■-)■ in!i

n clerk>f Kutlauci,

< runt wore iiri'.i In town on W log. In honor of the Inaugurate Cleveland. I George W. Jackson, or Concord, N. II., took a pickerel at London ou Saturday (bat weighed 0 l-l poundi.

Tbe regular monthly moating ot the selectmen. for business, will be held at their room next Monday afternoon.

The many frlenda of Mrs. William Jenkins. will be glad to know that *he la recovering from her late aevere sickness.

Hi'v. nr. Bronaon of the Baptist church, and Rev. J. J. Illalr of the Moth churrh, exchanged pulpit* laat Sabbath morning,

rrofeasor ami Mri. C. M. Mead, Have removed from Halle, (iermany. to Berlin, where tliey are apendlng the winter In excellent heai. ..

About twenty-live laiUesaml gentlemen took alelgh ride to Lowell a few evenlnga alnce, and had a aupper el the American llouae. Pray fur Dlabed the conveyance.

Mra. Mary Ho men way, of Boston, In worth over fifteen million dollar*. She supports Uie fainon* Armstrong school, und several idiV, Mortal lnatltutlom In Ntw Kngland and South Carolina.

The closing entertainment lu the BallArd Vale free courae, will consist of nu Instrumental Con e*rt by Collins'orchestra, e*sl»ted by Mr. F. 8. Dryad, humortat, and will lie given next Wed. j,j#day evening.

rrofeiaor W. J. Tucker, D. IX, preached the *r. .linn at the Installation of Bev. A. II. Burr, at Peterboro'N. II., on Thunday, and IH-a. Nathan U. Abbott was present aa a delegate •>! the W**t church, Andover.

The alumnt and friends of Amherat College, as •emliled at tho Parker Home, Boston, ou Thurs- day night, to celebrate with a dinner and speeches their annual re-unlon. Bev. Dr. ueorgc Harris of Uila town, was one of the speakers on the oc- caalon.

'I'lii: new board of aelectmen organised ou Mon. day evening by tbe choice of Charles S. Parker, chairman, awl Charles Greene, secretary. They appointed George foster auctioneer, and ap. proved tbe bond of Walter 8.Donald aa conatable.

Daniel Wood of Uoxford, aged UJ years, was In town on Thursday selling butter, Ho la remark *b)y erect and active for a man of his age. He Is said to have been connected with shoeiuakliig ■>.'■ yeara. If thl* be ao, he must have begun to pull the atrtnga early.

There are indications that about the number of buildings will be erected In town this season aa In previous years. lu addition to those prevl ly referred to, we understand that Mra. James ttaundera will build a two story residence lu Ab- bott Village and N- W. Smith will eroct a cottage house on Maple Avenue.

A home owned by F. L. church, and attached to a alelgh, ran away from front of tbe town hail-on Saturday afternoon. Tho horee becoming entire- ly unmanageable and running up Park street at a rapid rate, the driver Jumped out, and the sleigh waa left on the side-walk near Frama'a blacksmith Chop. Tbe animal took a circuitous route, and brought up at the residence of Henry Gray In the Holt dlatrlct.

The festival and sale at the South Vestry en Thursday evo-dng, was successful l>oth In regard to attendance and receipts. There were about three hundred persona present, and nil the de parttnenta were well patronized. Tbe "Anil. quartan Supper" attracted a very large number of patrons, and the supply held out against all at- tack* made upon It. The net pro<»ed* of the af- fair were * I to.

The nineteenth competition for tho Draper Prizes for selected declamations, will take place In Phllllpa Academy hall, Monday evening, March 8, IBM, at T.t.'i. The speakers are W. K. Eaton, Wakefleld; VY. I. French, Srrautan, Pa., S. !■.. Irobock, North Heading| A. n. Peabody, Laramla, Wyo.; W. A. Ferrln, Tltuevllle, Pa.; W.F. Blcbarda, Newport, N. II.; J. il. Hopes, Andover,!'. It. Shepherd, Minneapolis, Mum.. J. M. Wlinen, Boston; A. 8. Wood,Northampton. There will be music by Phillips Urchestra.

Laat Friday evening, a mos I Instructive and in- (erecting entertainment wn- given by Principal W. O. Goldsmith, for the lieueilt of tho friends of the Punohard high school. It oonalstod of a lee. ture upon tbe Moon, as shown by the successful photographs of Mr. N.-mliti, exhibited by aid of the atereopttcan. Our popular Principal inn a lteen relish for scientific study, and seemed aa much at home In the Mvon, aslu Andover. The audience will hold In grateful remembrance bis vivid descriptions, and the wonderful photo, graphs.

Pnblc examinations of the Andover Theological Seminary, will be March in—11. Tuesday, March 10, 9 a. in., Bartlett chapel, general elocutionary oxcrclaea. At 1) a. m., Sen. lecture room, exam lnatloii of the senior class In history. At > p. m. Mid, laotnre room, examination of the middle class In Systematic Theology. At t p.m., Gen. lecture room, r xamlnatlon of the senior class In Bomlletlcs. Wednesday, March 11, at -.,v> a. m.. Mid. lecture room, examination of the middle elate In Biblical Theology. At 10.13 a.m., Jun. lecture room, examination of the Junior class In

The yonttg Udlea of Darin Hall In Abbott Academy, gave their friends a very pleaaant entertainment laat night, by produciof a rrenoh Charade "FacillW and a French Comedy "to QuarUcrTTannullle." Prof. Morand of Boston, who la the native Trench teacher In Abbot Acade- my, aud who assists Ml** Merrill, me regular teacher, by meeting the classes onoe a week, pre- faced both play* by a few very felicitous end amusing remarks, tho* giving at once a brief ab- stract of the two pieces, and considerable infor- mation lu regard to the French luatructlon In Davis-Halt. Ju the Charade, as well aa In Comedy, the young ladles showed that they bad studied their parts not only with care aud dill, genre, but also with great succcee, and they alto proictlwhat lias of late years BO often been In- sisted on by teachers of modem languages uamely, the Importance of combining with thuelu method sufflrlent practice in speaking. In nu other way than by constantly speaking French, x>uId they hare attained such success. What with the fluency of their French, tho music fur- nished by Mr. Downs' pupils, the fun contained in the play*, aud the presence of so barge and 'ali- an audience, the guest* of the French itudunlt enjoyed an entertainment which they v111 long and pleasantly remember.

Vote for ConettblM a. I. Smith bad D. rtrnaadaa H. H Amttk


About IIfly young ladles und gentleman, plena. natlj surprised Alexander W. Fraaer, at tho resi- dence ot George Mander, Main street. on Thurs- day evening. Mr. Turner of tho Theological Seminary, presented to him ao Ux ford Teacher's Bible, and a generous turn of money, which had been contributed by his friends. After partaking of a bountiful supper, the young people played games and passed the evening In a most enjoyable manner, Mr. Fraaer la about te leave for the Western part of tbe country, and the guests, al- though reluctant to part with him, expressud their beat wishes for his future success, wherever ha anay be located.

The Andover Review for March, contains mil else from Is Pre*. Mark Hopkins, I). D., on "Optimism," Dr. Gerhart, on "Keformation Theology," Dr. Stanley Hall, on the result of Philosophic Studies In American College*. Ilou. D. H. Chamberlain, on ••ThomasCarl) le, the Man, at Laat." Dr. btukenberg gives a deeply Inter, •atlng account of Tbolttek's early Life, Kdltorlal articles on the evils of our public school system, "The Confidence of the Dead," ami on "General Gordon at Khartoum." In the department of "BellgIoua Intelligence," Bev. Mr. Montgomery point* out some causes of tbi< Free church move- ment In Sweden, in the book notice*, Prof. Smyth review* Professor Allen's "Continuity of Christian Thought."

Mra. Joseph Cook gave the young ladles of Ab- bott Academy a delightful cutertalnmvnt Thurs- day evening of last week, exhibiting a choice eerie* of pictures, which aba brought homo front India, and accompanying them wlih an Interest lag account of the tombs, temples, and other striking features of that fascinating land, Taylor had charge of the rtereoptlcon, and the picture* were thrown almost faultloaaly upo<the aereen. Not only the young ladloa, but (by Mr*. Cook's kind consent,) aa many other* as the hall could accommodate, ware admitted by ticket, and a handsome little turn waa realized for the school, Mr* Cook declining any compensation. The running commentary on the subject* Illustrated ma a model of elmple, vivid, and instructive conversation, so that apart from Interest In Cook herself, the listeners were pleased as much at profited, nni proflted a* much aa pleated.

Tbe annual town meeting on Monday was Urge- 1 j attended. There was but one tlckot In the field tor town officers, and but little Interest was felt In the election, ■-"■»■"' ballots only Iwlng east. The contest wai on the license question, and It was conducted In a spirited utanuer. Tho rote stood, yeslBH; no 1)1; total til- This ahowi a slight gain In the majority of nees over last year. Quite a number of merchants from a neighboring city, who do not deal In textile fabric*, were present to witness Hie result or their missionary labors and generous contribution* In town for llccn*c during a week or two past. They were a fine looking set of fellows, and are evidently good liver*, but they are not yet able to carry this town In favor of the liquor tralllr. Sonic of our cltlmns even who like a drop occasionally, always vote "Ko," Because conscience wag* them, and the voters *f the town feel themsclve* capable of do lug their own voting without the Interference of their neighbor*.

Mr. John C-Phillips died In Boston, on Ratur day laat, of heart disease, aged *fl. Ho was sou of the bite Rev. John C. Phillip*, for many year* paetor at Methuen.and grandson of Hon. John phllllpa, fir*t Mayor of Boston, who waa a mem. berof Phillip* Academy, Andover, at it* begin nlng In 1778. Mr. Phllllpa graduated at the Acail amy In ISM, and from Harvard in 18M, since which he baa been engaged in buslncs* In New Tork, though residing latterly In Boston. In ItTTB he we* one of the General Committee on the On tennlal celebration of the Academy, and one ol the finance committee. He gave the Academy SJ3,0M for the Latin profe**or*blp, held by Mr. Comstock, and also gave, on request of the trust- a** of the Institution, a portrait of himself, by Vlnton. TueadaymornlngtheportraltwupUcad ta the chapel, limply draped In black, and the Principal made appioprlnte mention of Mr. Phil llpe' connection with the »cbool, as pupil aud benefactor, and paid a tribute to hi* memory Dr. Bancroft and Mr. Cometock attended the fu naral to Bortoa sjj tb* MM daj*.

Committee will orgaulz* tin- after

c Stars wilt put a strong amateur team In the leld this scaaon.

Tbe Board of Selectmen ha* appointed Mr. Gro. I. Smith thief f Police.

A regular m cling of the Board of Selectmen I* to be held Mot lav next.

A horse belonging to Mr. Natlinn Barker, died suddenly a few days since.

Officer Fe run tides was presented with a mam- moth tin ko: ■ btal Tuesday.

Fo*ter, the student-burglar, baa been removed from Charlestown to Concord.

The Indies of the Charitable Inlon are making preparation* fur an apron anle.

The Young People's Mutual Literary and So. clal Society has purchased a new piano.

Thomas H. Kcliey la to go to Florida, next Thursday, where be Intends to settle.

luring II Rt-a will leave for Montana, where be haa A large cattle rniiche.the bitter part of this month.

The eoclnl party, at West Iloxfonl, Wednesday evening, waa attended by a number of North An- dover couples.

The John»o« High School Alumni Association will meet at Mr. L. IMgar Osgood's residence, next Friday evening.

A letter received from Gen. Stilton, the other day, stales that the voyage to U.uecn»town was an extremely pleasant one.

Miss Bertha Brierley waa one of the priac win- ner* at the costume carnival in the Essex rink, Lawrence, Monday evening.

The Item Agricultural Society will hold an Institute, at Lawrence, March 17th. Topic. "The Cultivntiiiu and Preservation of Fruit."

The Selectmen organized on Tueadtty after. in.n. with the choice of Mr. Win. J. Dale, Jr., as

chalnmtn, and Mr. Calvin lira aa clerk.

.pedal car leaves for thl* town after the prtxo drill and soiree, under the auspices of the Sherman Cadet', at Saunders Hall, to nlghl.

Letters of ailmlnlstra' ,nn were granted on the estate* of Johu A. Ben 1 IT and Cha*. S. Sargent,

. the 'robate Court, neld In Snlcm, Monday.

At tbe ast quarterly conference of the ofnecra ot the M. k Church, It was voter! uunnlmousty to retain the paetor, Itev. W. W. Baldwin, nneth'r

At a regular meeting of he Cochlcliewkk Is- glnu Company, hebiTnesd tyevcnlng, Mr.Daniel Fernandes was unnnlinoii' elected an honorary member.

The annual meeting of the North Parish church id society w.i- n'ljourned to next Thursday toning, at 7 o'clock, In the vestry. No buslnfas

was transacted. Monday night entrance was effected at the Ponil

district school hoiir-c by forcing In one of the main doors, and a clock taken away by the thief. The case was reported to Chief of Police Smith-

Hon. N. P. Frye, who failed to-receive a re. election. Mommy, made a record for ability, fair-

can ami unvarying courtesy, during Ma two Bars' term of office on the Hoard of Selectmen.

There waa a largely .at tended pariah sociable at te residence of Mrs. Horace N. Stevens, on

Thuuxlny evening of last week. A collation waa III I Hi. ISII various dlverHloue made the occa- sion an exceptlonuily pleasant affair.

'id.,ion-I,one lias written a letter to a friend, in which he say* that, If be bar I formerly attended church and Snlilmth rrhonl n* regularly a* he faaj now, he would never hove cimmlttcd ativ crime which would have caused him to l>e sent to

oncert will lw given by the Oliver Club, In City Hall, Lewrcnoo^Weilnesday evening nest. Mr. Keuben Merrill Is to be conductor, North Andover people may procure their tickets of

Irs. Horace N. ntovous. Kcaerved seat ticket* IT sale at Dyer nrna., l.-iuicnn-.

Mr- Dennis Coslello, a carpenter employed by lr. P. P. Daw on the broom factory bclug erect-

i at South Lawrence, accident ly received a blow from a sledge hammer on the left band lust Fri- day, brenklng one Anger aud liadly Injuring two. He wax attended by Dr. Chnmlierlaln.

Mr. Kugene F. Kenney, formerly employed for a numlier of years at the Dnvla A Furber Machine

works, who left Lawrence Dec. lith, for a visit to Kurope, on business connected with tho settlement of his father's Inheritance, who died In Paris thirty year* ago, ha* returned home,

John A. Blunt, of Reading, and formerly of tide place, hail an Infernal machluc scut him a

avHago In tho form of a box filled with wires, i-..inie. nu.-; with *omu explosive at the bot- tom of ih« box and matches protruding from the

A elide rover on the lop wan mndc to draw over the match heads which would cause them to Ignite, and then tho box would explode. Wheth

r the machine H as sent as n Joke or otherwise la nt a* yet learned. It It a simple contrivance. nt capable of dealing death and destruction.

The vettry of the Church waa IU scene of a very pleasant sociable, WedneHduy

evening, managed by the ladles of the society. Cake aud coffee were served lit abundance, and the flow of pleaaant conversation and rlpptet, of laughter were unroitralnod by any formalities. Acceptable featuree of the occasion were tho ren- dering of throe vocal aelcetlona—one l>elng given In reaponao to an encore—by a quartette com- posed of Messrs. Charles Moult in, Andrew Me i.enn, 'I'll ,i- J.IT ii...I r.t'i -mi I;..i.iii'--.n, and a piano duett, exe- utcd by Mlaa Kttn nud Mis*

bud Perkins. Tbe "Willing Workera" have every reaaon to

iv. J a pardonable pride la the excellence of their •iiioitiilhnimi i.nd Flipper, given at the Method!-!

y.lual Friday evening, with such a gratify- ing financial re-ult. After all had lieen supplier!

:i substantial supper, Hie following pro gramme was rendered lu a capital manner: Song,

Veering My Home," Willing Werkora; roc- n, Mnii.'i Pilling, ruclutlon, Cora Horn;

aong, "Our Ship Is Homeward Bound," Leon Baldwin and Jitmes Bracket*; dlnlogue, "Tbe

HIS," Bertha Brierley, Hannah Brlorlcy, Edith Clark, Frank Abbott; song, "The Blind

," ten boy* and girls; recitation, .lames kett; Ming, "Sweet Violet-'," Fannie Rail-

clHTe, Harerhlll; dialogue, "fairy Kin.-,'' Kmlly Home, Annie Currier, Lettle Darker, Loou Baldwin; song, "Merry Band of Children." Kmlly Home, Annie Currier; recitation, "Three Wlae Old Women," I JI Baldwin; song, "SulTer the Children to Come I'nto Me," Willing Work- am. The entertainment wn* under the tuper- vIMon of Mrs. W. W. Baldwin; Mr-.. Jns. P. Markey ami Mrn.W. B. Currier had charge of the supper,with Hannah Brierley, Kdith Clark, Letts*. Barker ami Mabel Pilling a* assistant*; the ■andy table WHS managed by Foy S. Baldwin, and the fancy table by Kmlly Home and Annie Cur-

LUilc Stone and Kdlth Chirk presided at

J. Wilton *n i. G. L. Harris 1*1

B. I. Koblnaou [ ■' J. L. Tatteraall '■* A It. Durgin *Tl F. L. nargent »• S.atlering, *

And G. I. Smith, D. Feroande*. H.R. Smith, II Chriatenaeo and W. A. Johnson were elected.

Tbe Selectmen will art aa A**e**ora, Overeear* of tbe Poor, Board of Health and Fence Viewers for the ensuing year.

On motion of A.U-Dur^n, It wa* voted to choose G. W, Tucker Field Driver for the entire town Inatcad of electing one from each district, and that he receive »»» for hi* aalary. The vote wa* lua In the affirmative and 70 lu the negative.

Surveyor* of Lumber were chosen aa follow* C. F. Johnson, D. A.Carleton, O. J.Clough.W. S. Cowdery, P. Holt, Jr.

J. L. Faruuni, Bup't of the Alm.liou-c. waa e hum-11 Pound -keeper.

Surveyora of Wood and Bark i C. F. Joha*on, L. S. Perley, B. W. IngaUs, A- ■>■ Carletoo, IL P. Ingall*, O. F. Spoflord, W. B. Chailwlck, B. P. Jeuklna, P. Holt, Jr., W. Lalng, C. E. Holt, J. F. Carleton, U. W. lie*, K. AiUm>, H. R. Smith.

The clialrmon of the Board of Selectmen, School Committee, Road Commissioner* and Audltora, will commute Hie Finance Committee.

A committee conaletlng of J. PS BUke. N. Uaaa, ami J. W. Boltoa were appointed by tho Moder- ator tn retire antl bring in « list of name* for Audltora. Tltlo committee preaentad tba follow- ing nomination*, which ware accepted: J. (J. Brown, W. F. Kelley, C. C. Barker.

The vote on i he llccnee ideation was ** follows Yea, ITS So, 1ST

J. A. Lllison, J.T. Johnaon and H. C.Oagood, uted aa a committee to aaaort and count tba

On motion of II. F. Bo I ton, the Auditor*' Be port wa* accepted.

It wa* voter) that the unexpended appropri- atlona lie covered Into the treasury, on motion of Hon. JJ. P. e*rye.

Appropriation* recommrndcd by the Finance Coiiiinltleu were made as subjoined

School*. S9^-M 0» Repair* and luppllet for

acboola, •» W Text books, 700 So Service* of school officers, 400 00 High way H, bridges aud HtdewalkJ, 9,40 Support of poor,

B;; BAIKARO LUUMIKG!*, Bmlder, Sbop corrrr ot Street', formerW occupied b Uutidina lumber conalai tly

Andover, April 11, IBM.

Carpenter and 'aiksnd Rartlet John i :'r ii 11. i uand ur fur.

BF. HOLT, lea Dealer. Order Hoses eat Km at AM, ,ti'*, Andover, and a

Ballnrd Vale Order

BB. TUTTLr; will coniinuu the Jobbing «*nd express business, tuning obtained a

new nu tilt thin- General lubblng, removing of piano*, lurniture, etc. Parlies accommodated tor day or evening pleasure. Residence at Mi

'■in*e, "--- Uleason'r -, K**ex

__ and Rubbers. Boot* made and repaired _ short notloe. Ordway A Clark'a celebrated Liongola Boot* lor Indies Wear,oonatanllv on " nd. Main street, Andover.

V laker. B. etery. Ofuc street. Ami

!. PARK KB, rurnishing bndcT erintendentuf SptlngUruveCe-n- I'ark »tieet, Ucoldence Sumuier r, Jan. 1.18SS.

EDWIN II. BAKNAKI), Painting, Ola- aiog. Graining and Paper Hanging, A

ntly on flilv

JOHN a. Dealer h

NOTICE lahershraT <a tiai ihe anbMrlbsr MS br en du y MlagSSsl aUtSSaef ol the Will

ol -obn L cook, sen , lale ol Haabaam. In the Co uutvof htrtx, manufarturrr, il>cea.rrl le*tat> .nd has tskea *!*>* kimaeli inn t,u.t b'r glvag bon.l. a* lb* law diieela. Ai\ oeraou* hatlnt oo oraurl. upoa>aea*tate ef.aid-leesas.J arereqnlr-

liibittheasme; and nil person, ind-bted to aald enlateaia

February 16 h, ISBo

li'.l uu oi tt> nske naymeal

_ _ hive been tan appointed A<iinlnln>rau»r* Ot tbe oili 11 nf Bebecoa R.Sa. ker lale of NoMA I"

iver. In Hi* Co Jnly of Iwi, slngltwoau de aaed, and have taken upon ttieotelvae that u.t by glrlngnofKt*. aa the law (|ileet* All

person* having deaaaoda upon tbe estate of said (oeaaud are required to exhibit ibstam*; and II person* indebied to sad estate* u called upo* > make ptyaaent to


An.'.,ver. Teh. in. 1WO. ArtminiKralora,

DRAN, Merchant Tailor, Clothing and Uent'aPDrnlshlng

all kinds. Gar mauls made In th* latest tad to Hi. Bepalrlng.cleau- done neatly. Mala Street,

l.oo.ll . (aahlon ._ log and pi Andover. OLIVER \v. VKliNABIt, Bexion of the South

Church and In ntiarge ol tho Cemetery, AII work In the yard done with tiromptne** and ai reasonable r*u>n. Huiiimrr -•—r—■-- - O. Hoi : it TTTlLLiAM F. FlNULav-iieaterinFiihTt f-'iJi- ?LB^fi_?^!^-.,,,d ■*U» •«'oke<l and


-jbscrlber ha* been duly appointed al [ElDlsU-ster.oI the estate ol Wlllism Abbou, late of Andover. in tbecouatyorBstei, larmer.decaa*- eil ano "ha* taken upon himself that irn,i t,« *|>ina uon.l*a*thelawillrecl*. All peison having do m*iid*upoe theeslatcof *ahi dece*lt|]aie re- ■iiiired toojliiiiit tb- Mat; and all pcreu** in debtd tosaideilau are called upon io make payment to ^^


AadLver, Mas*. Ardover, 16aS. a


ilekled; LOL Icllvererl. Malnatreel, F'ftiSB M. SMITU haa bougl : -nT C^O.Cum

mioga, the LooalExpre** anil Jooblng Bual- Joublng Bual- — - -n for a year or two nail

H.Tntile. All ordera promptlyattendmt -- Conveyance to Lai to at reasonable prtoei

t the' Jrder

nlnarv. tf in


Total, 119.100 ot)

On motion of A. R. waa voted to ralao S33S for the Field Driver'* salary.

The following motion, offered by Hon. Geo. L. Davis, prevailed:

That the Scl"ctinen and Treasurer Jointly be and are hereby authorised to hire what money they Hi tin actually neceaaary for temporary loan* In anticipation of tbe taxes to be'1 this year, and the name to be paid therefrom. Aiid'tli*! they be Instructed to give a detailed re- port of said temporarr loans, which shall *how dates, amounts, rate* of Interest, where obtained and time* of payiuelil, to be publlvhed lu the Au ■ ni<.ii-' I;, pni i

It waa voterl to pay the Collector of Taxe* S300, on motion of J. T. Johu*on.

On motion of Hon. N. P. Frye, It was voted to pay the ilremen M cent* per hour for service*.

Voted I To adopt a method similar to laat year (o repair the highways.

The compensation for labor on the hlghwayi waa reduced from $i to Si JO per day.

The list of Juror* waa accepted. Art. 11 waa stricken from the warrant upon

motion of J. A. Montgomery. It read aa followa ■)'.. BCO If the town will authoriie a petition to

the General Court of Maaauchusotu, praylug that n special act may be framed by that body, au- thorizing the town to pay through It* treasurer. to the parties holding the same, th* amount* on varlou* notea given In the name of the town Hlgtiod by Andrew Smith, Treasurer," upon petition of John G. Brown and others-

iin motion of K. W. Greene, It waa voted: That tbe Selectmen and the School Committee together be li"tructe<l for tho further accommo- dation of pupils In Ihe Merrlmack school, either to build an addition to the present building, nr to build a new school house, as mav seem In thrli Jnrlgmeut l>e*t for the Interest of the schools.

In relation to Art. 11, Dr.C. P. Merrill Intro diiced a motion to the effect tliat the town author. Ite the School Committee to ap|ioiiit a Superln- leiideni of Schools, the cxpenae not to exceed (Mi more than what Is now paid for sii|ierln- temllng the same, lint It wa* loat.

There waa an animated dlecmvdon lu regard to the article asking tbe town to purchaae a pair of horse* and necessary equipment* for tbe *teamer cnmiiany. It was, however, stricken from th*

street, in u->TTAGBUOC3I! w th I- i- II aore ol LAND,

ilfblamj, w th frill, nees ano grape «lnes.ha'f mill from notion A Milne B. R. Station. A very healthy and de*!r»m>loo*., lion for any one wishing to obtain a home near aoodtcbools.onur.he* ami pleaaant surround. irga. Ch nee ior a good bai*ala II applied for toon. For umber pirliculara addneas O. M. III (JOINS, Wnrccucr. Haa* J,nl> wit Fill - Al.lV A

ly in *. Mant olo ami -

_ ly new. ManofaciUi*ed br Oman Co., of Boston. Aadover. Mas*.

i ry etiMi., near, e New England LOCK. Bos 30.

Ian -M ' t

Emma 11. E. Sanborn, M. »., OBEEN STREET,

Andover, * - MaaM,

Ofllce Hour* 8 |o 10 A. at., 1 to I 7 to t F.

CMS*w*a of Massaciisetls. FMBX as

BOBATB OOUBT. To the widow, next of kin. creditor* and all

other pa son* loUre*ted in theestaie of /. M O am, late at Lawrence, in aaid Uountv

carpeniar, deeea*ed, Intaatatr:

tt hereaa,application bat been mide to said Couiltogranta letter niadmlnislratii.n on inr e-Uteof ssid deceiaed. to Newton P. Frye of NarthAadovcr, la tba County ol Ssaea, You SmkSNta eited lo appear at a Probate Court ti be held at Lawrence in ,„,,] Couatv ol K* —y on tba seeond Moaday of March, neat.

nine o'clock befOie noon, U show cansr if any you have, againat ► rantl g ib« . n ■

And Cheater W, seoll, of i-ei • I . L. ,. a Ih petitioner. I« hereby din c ,.,, u „,,„ uUO|i0 ni Hoe thereof, by,u II h, g thai ettalion' week.fe, tnree sue..-., ..iva we, kt, in tho new*- paper Mil d th* LAwtiDHOa AMIKKAM and AN- 1.DV1I iiivuTim, p.lnted at Lawrence, (be laat [mbllo.uon io be two d*v. *( |Mli before s»id court. ' """■"

Witness, George F. Choai*. Eionlre, Judge of ■aid Court, this eight earn day oi Vubruai j Ta ihe year oae tbontan i t Igll hHcrired and eighty Bve.

J. T.M.UUMBT, BeVlatar. Ww9

Our Spring Styles Are Now Ready.

Hawes the Hatter, 2M Essex St., - Lawrence


Barnard'* B oek

Main it, AID ivaa. Mats. Night Bel)

VoteiL To appropriate S7A to repair the street leading from Main Street to Hnmuel llotroyd'a

The in .I of - "-on was appropriated for tho libra, ry, wbb It will also rooelve tbe dog tax.

It wa* voted to appropriate Slot) for Memorial Day, to be expended under the direction of th* following committee: A. B. Ourgln, I. C. Bui- zell and Geo. l\ l.emltt.

Cpon iiintlnn of J. 0i Morse, It was voted that Interest *t die rate of T par eeut. ke obarajvd or, dl taxes reinaliilng unpaid Sov. 1st.

It wa* voteil to publish the names nf delinquent ax payer*, with the amounts owed, lu tbe Audi-

tors' Report, upou motion of J. G. Brown. i motion of Hon. \- P. Frye, It waa voted to nprlate 110,000 for the puopoae of building a ol house lu Merrlmack dlatrlct, and thai the

Treasurer and Selectmen be authorlied to hire ie money for that purpose. After tendering a vote of thanks to tha coan-

mlttee on assorting and counting the ballot*, en motion of J. P. Blake, tbe meeting dissolved.


ANDOVER. ('imrustENTanr to

Miss Nellie W. Burnham ASrSTID ST

MR. (iKO. A. TVI.KIt. llasMi, A"D THB


Town Hall, Andover.

Friday Ev'£, Marcli 6,1885 Concert bestir. 7 i.'». Admission 50 cent*.

A SPECIAL TRAIN « I 1 leave North Lawrenee it To'aioek. Reluming, ail' l*av*Andover at 10 I'docx- dwir


Emrer, Mire, Mute., Milk mm Heat WAGONS.

Itepatring In all Its Btanrbes). •f-int HA.I,K_A Calljraph In good order, but r llt< la useu. Applv to boa (70, Pott ofkoe, Andover, Ma*s.

Town Election.

waa it very large attendance and much manifest at the town meeting, Monday.

Tbe contest for a numlier of the unices wa* a ■plrllerl one, and nerer In tbe history of the town were "Sllnlliri" so freely uscrl. A report of ilie business trannactett Is given below —

he vote for Moderator wa». Hon. M.T lion. N. P. Fry.

And Hon. M. T. Stevens was elected. The MOIUTHI.II appointed the following as a

committee toa**ort and count the ballot* V. Vi. I ..■■■,. C. C. Barker, T. J. Murpby.

For Clerk: I. F. Oaaood had 277 II. W. fleld US

And I. F. ■ waa electetl. There were Wl votes caat for Treasurer, and of

that numlier H. YY. Field received 407. Appended Is the vote tor Selectmen:

W. J. hale, Jr., had 400 II. II. "

'. Rea ■<t» Hon. X. P. Frye Wn J. P. lllake SOB

And W. J. Hale. Jr., 11. II. Sarden SSI C. Rea were elected.

The balloting fer.Srhool Com ultt*enian (three years) is given:

Dr. C.P. Morrlllhad 183 I.I-M. L. Well, Esq., -n.\

Ami Dr. Morrlll wa* elected. Th* outcome of the Road Commlsaloner*' vote

follow* 1 F. E. Nason bad MS i . Adam* ns

And F. E. Maon waa elected. For Collector of Taxea

J. F.Allen had tu- E. 1 Hit let worth rn

And. J. r. Allen Waa elect*!.

FOR SALE. A good new M1LCS COW, viva* about IS .it*.

Of tulXaeay. Ml H.KI.yEF.NEV, AI Noah Abbott* plsoi.

An 'ovrr, Msi ■* "

To Whom It may Concern, All Bills now doe Frank A. iwyr, mint be ■ Irl nelere APbtll. I. I aotpsblih nibeywlll s nut in the rand* of a CoiAoior. M ti w ii.

SB. E K HAHKIH, Slain St. anil I'luit'linnl Avenue

ANDOVKB, - t|.\ss.

Ofllce Hours: KSOIOOSOA. M.,8lo4 P.M. isStf

OllAb. 11. tilLllKUT,

DEN flST. QBAPFd'a p| nr.K- • 4NOOVEH

Nutliitu F. Abbott*

STONE CONTRACTOR. Stone **r railed for lonndailons and othe

Rurpoae ■' ..I'ort notke. Cellars conlraotd kr m town ...d Vlelaitv and built b- experience

work MI. \\ n,v7


Johnson's Amtorer and Boston Eipress, an I wdl ronlinie ihe *aroe under that name

Ofllce*: -1J Court i-'ipi ne. 109 Arch Street. Order Btx : IS Merchant*' How, in Huston, and

at hi* *t .re In Andover. I. II.* II.\\Ul,i:u,

Andover, Bepl 1, tf Proprietor and Maaa*nger



GROCERIES and CODDTRT PRODDCE Firal-Clati StKh aad Uaaaooable Price*.


WOOD & COAL White Asb aol Franflm Coals.

HARD AND *OFT WOOD Prepared,if laalred.


JOHN CHANDLER . Andover Orde a root d,a i blllaai


"nnco IU Pn t Offle.e.

H. A. BODWELL, -— la——

Parlor, GbamUer ana Kitchen FURNITURE,

IB, lied*, Lounge*, Mnltrcate*, 8tu- <lcnta* and tCtiay Cbalrs,


Warerooms - Carter's Building, Cor. Main and Central Si.,

ANDOVER. - - - ■ MA8S, a*T-i|,f.Mj.i sitentlon pail to repairing all klnda Furnliure.

tv .ruatv-'V, I-i'.. If


Iiatmd to order, ;.r.!s,Ac. l,.>okin

Next door toJ./ . Aug. I ft,

Jurtdns, Tts eta, tiiaa ,* ami Con- ■■rim i A Co.

Now la tha time to buy

A SMALL FARM ot If acre*, >*ro aaiies from Churches, (•tiro, Mi, b Mb i-,i- Post niii .-, eto.,1 mlnntrs Walk Iron Sieam Saw Mill, were there ia plentj of w ii k li a.'-licit, *nil wood cheai>, alao two mile. from t e ril In go nf Brook line, where there are Churuhe*. Mi,re* and Maniilairlorte*. The build Itgaaren atl.' n«w, In good repair, aunnv and ooeer, uleaianil; located on high land, conalai a

A COTTAGE HOUSE wlheil.ei liaaarsrea rcom*. Carriage ben ** and bare ■>.. i eeliar oonnecleo, wster in house, land 11 good oomltil-n, \> enty oi fruit. Prloe SI.'IJO en ea*r terns. For inrther parfculara add ret*

L. P SMITH, Hni i i% N.

nm c. u. A. SAUIOUV a atudeu'.ol (be Xrw Knglaud Con*erira- or), wlabtito obtain pnplhi in

Piano-Forte Playing and Harnieey, Sheiaperntltted to refer to Professors Janw*

C. P. Parker and Uoorg H. Howard of Boston.

TEBH9 tlS.OO fc UR SO LES*0!«S.

t.rrrn Mnrl, Atidoicr, MHBB.

FOR SALE. A i 'A KM k tiirilela the town of Andover. <i rrb- ■> M-imul ■ and *toie . Thl* fm n*. which

I e ti*. ful j titnated In the w**t pa t nf t »n, oont«in»gancre*oi Laid(sbo t40a i w.i n arc II- ,n i Ian ') Itweil ng Hone , Bin

h«dP. good*ip,lr if water, and a eailety of p,,'e, p-*i b snd p'ar t'eea. Tata proper j will

i -i lil on vi ry ri'S'enabla terms, a 1 .rge part Ol |iiircii:in' money being allowed Io remain on murl

(j. For further partloulaia anpbr io

S. A. aaaaawt, Ando. rr, Bfaaa. Andofer, MaiehS lsaS. wSaniSw


Sail irom New Tork erer* Saturdai for


Sill*. Sl'SikiaAQB, flB.

LIVERPOOL and QUEENSTOWN. Regnlar K..- i*u.hiiy Berrlea troen New Tork.

■I Hi .if Rome." ,-.lli tins. Let gth, StW II O.tUiiprltN. May H, Jr ,1. July I.

laJSAS P*>*n«e,S»0 miHMI, aecorrling loea- linn. Stroad ulaea, BAB. Storage, (IB,

For peaf a-e or further Ii liar

Kew Paper Box Factory. 277 Hcihuen SI., Lawrence.

Plniii uii'l l''uin'.\ Uoxea

ilesrrlpilun are now iea<ly to Ad any i itnptly and al lowest puce*.

. K. KENT & CO. Telephone Connection.

Him ill's Ice Cream Parlors, PURE CONFECTIONERY

Manufactured dally. Partie* *upu)|ed wbb ICKCREA^, SHERBET.

ml a lln-*ssortm*nio[ CAKKat -nriii auUct. Meal* aVsrrM to Orde>r,

MOKIUitiEES SALE By Tirtn* *r * powar ot sale ooatalne.i In a ear.

tin n. rigaaj* iieed given by Tbomaa J. Do„d ad Mary *. t onrtney of Lawrence, In the onaiyol K* cj in lb* Andover Sating* Bank, .ted January tlllb A. D.. UK recor.led wUn nrlke.n D.s.ricl ol Ustcx, t>«d. Book S. piee A, willbesoldat Poblio Au< tion for bieaebof te npndlt on* of said mo-tgign en t edtaraday th* Klghteeklh day offf arrh, Ot at nine u'o oek In the ior, noun, oa lure uraaa- ea which are i escribed ig follow*, via : A certain lot at bind wltb Hie buitdiags thereon

i;--■ ^"V*3 L0«h*'rly Sltj MM feet by land oi Patrick bltei | theoo*ea*tetl Bfieen feel b, land of said Kil-y; tsJaftM northerly nlney itwo fiat by land of aalil Rtley; thenoe lor.y feetby thesouihany lin-"-' " ■

Andorer, Feb. ;MH, i«afl.


00AL, WOOD, HAY and STK4W, Kemoved from Dra er*a Blo<:k to Carter** Block,

Bin tijuate ANDOTEfc, - . . MASS


I'll hAtd. DYES. Handy Package Dye, 15c. Diamond Package

Dye, lOcta. Tbe iwo leading dj e* In th* market *'

CEORCE H. PERKNS, Druggist ami Apothecary,


Stoves, Plumbing, TbenDderslgned hi* purohiae-1 in* ■**•*

Trade ol the la'e Willisin lltirugti -- ua-ln on ibebualne saLlbeoUa" ,.. .u will earry I lb.. I,,. , ! .1 . t*~ ...111 .1 . . ,.-. _ tZ

.'"" >HUl i the t — receive ihe patronage ot i

ilarneit.rualonitr.and many allien He Is making Urge addition'. _ a Urge k.aorlnirniof gueds ID thl* lue -R«~i. prepared lo Bl,0 prool|,t JSZ*W |s s!

tranche* «i Tin. Bkect-Iraiai, .u,t r.nD.r «-,.»k

'T*nr Hark or Kr pairs.

MICHAEL T. WALSH, Ereftex street, . Andover

Feb. I, IMS, u

Mbii.,1 c|o*ed laat Frldav.

Puy the Huqday Telegram at Dane's.

I.;isi Mirnlay wa* commuulon at the Congrega- tional cbnrcli. :

Ttte offlce of auperln ten dent ,,f school*, by vote of the town, ba* been abollahad.

Jame* IngaUs, Esq., attended the dedication of tbe Waaldngtou monument laat week.

The teaiher* and scholar* of the public arhnol* are enjoying the annual spring vacation.

Mrs. Calvin .1. Hargent haa donated a numlier of inagaalne* to tbe Lawrenee Induatrlal M|I,«.I,

Mlaa Llaale M. Churchill ba* reelgned her post don a*.teacher of Uie school In Pleaaant Valley dlatrk-t.

The Cheerful Worker* gave a supper tertalumcut nt the Baptist vcetrj, Wedneaday evening.

Tbe rostume carnival at the BsSSB rink, Law rence, Momlay evening, waa attended by a nmu tier troa* ibl* i>iwn.

There wa* quite a famllj party of tramp* en- tertained at the lockup Friday night but, at tha ex|tense of the Uiwo. •

Bev. Cha*. 11. Ollphant will dallvera lecture c Calif.,rot* M PbllUp* chapel, this (Friday) evei ■ig. ThesubJeetls-Aiillropwof tha PaclDc.

Prr.f. c. B. Pluininer, the talented elocutionist id facial artlnt, aaalxted by Mlaa Lulu Smttb, tve au entertainment al tbe town ball, Thursday I'Ulllg.

Mr. John C. Phillips, sou of Rev. John C. Phil- lip*, tbe Oral pastur of thcCongrcgatlonalsociety In this town,died recently, In Uoaton, quite *ud- leuly, of heart dbjaaaa, aged I* rears.

James g. Dodge Is one of the vice president* and Klbridg* B. Taylor a member of tbe niSUS tlvccomraltteoof tho Lawrence Iti-iaii tirocer'a Aaaoelatton, welch waa formed In Lawrence, but Monday evcidng.

Mi- Alice I. I mi. daughter of Col. H. Kminona Rill, formerly a resident of thla town, wa* mar- ried laat Friday, Io Mr. Howard II. Burges*, of Cleveland, Ohio. The groom I* aald to I* * tal- ented writer for the Cleveland Herald.

linger William* Colony, Pilgrim Father*, waa represented at the annual *e**lon of the Supreme

my, In Boston, but H'edne*da.v, by In-. Ja*. Pelrre and Mr. tieo. W. Copp. Mr. H. U. Sargent

attended the urn-Ion as a "permanent mum of the ( "IiHIy.

is* LlllleE.KImball, daughter of \l'..ii I, anil Mary K Klinball, died of consumption, Mon- day morning laat, after a ilngering iiluea*. aged about 17 year*. Deceaacd wa* a young lady ana, •eased of many excellent trait* of character, ever genial ami kind to ali, and bur early death cauls

ver a wide circle of frlenda. Beside* tho parent*, two brother* and,two (later* survive her, who liavu the sympnthy of tbe entire com- munlty In their liereavrnrnt. The funeral Q*> mirred Wflueaday afternoon, Bev. ti. F. Bnin

i, of Andover, ofOclatlng. Tbe remains were t ikrn to Walnut lirovo Cemetery for Interment.

The "ti. K." aiK-iety, composed of young people o HI HOC ted with the Congregational church, will hold a grand fair and festival at Philip* Chapel, on Tbuntrlny and Friday next. The "time" will be Inaugurated Thin id:, y' m«>n with a flmt •■hi- turkey dinner, with all the "Sila'a," and wl nmtliiue Thursday afternoon and evening an Friday afternoon and evening. Them will be a multitude of fancy inliln, u*eful aa wel namental, offered for sale, and all the atiractlona n-iiiil at fair*. Thurcuty evening there will be pleaatng stage entertain men! and Friday evening will be presented the cantata entitled "lirandpa* Birthday,'' Mr. C. W. Kenlsou taking tbe part of lirandpa. a ticket admitting to alt, Including the turkey dinner, will roat but SO cents.

The thirteenth annual supper given b Straw"*. F. K. Co., at tbe town hall, Monday evening, was a* uaualamarkcdsuccess, upwi or one hundred and fifty being In attendance partaking with a gimto of the excellent r c ho wrier, oyster ate*, rie-, which were gotten up In Leach and Ro|ie* lieit manner. Suppet be lime, antll a lale hour, wa* pleaaant.

|>ro(ltably(r) piiMcrl by the following, who, In their remarkable elocutionary effort* took «<■<■*. alon'to tell they didn't know about Sres : Kuginccr, sninur-l A. Harvey; *elert men-elect, D. Pierce, lumen T. Wall aud A. P. Kuasell, J. II. Morse, ti. O. Mundi, Jame* <>. Parker, James I n- galls.W M Hogcrs. Jacob Km Ileiiri- (', Nevlns, (irnuville K. I .<■.. II C. Fees, II. c. itlch- ardson, liamui'l (•Sargent, C. It Uage. Jtidson 1. W.....I. I ii'i t, Pearson, Joaejih S..Ilowv, Cbaa. K. Trow nnrl nthcrs. Tl»e apeechea wen- Inter, uperfdl with-nog* by a glee club, o«Mpoa«doi l.ymati U. Qaga, .1. Frank Emeraon, -tin- I,. Hoi nmii. Mff] II A- D*atfs, Cbaa. W, Keni*on, Chaa. aaMOM and Jtulaon I. Wood.

The unusually pleasant weather of Monday made the annual town meeting aalnterettlog one, Inaamuchnsltcauncdn very large attenrlauoe, tbe rnral district* liclng wellrepreaeuUd. Tliere were two regular ticket* In the Said, though there were bogu* ticket* and stlckera plenty. The flrat business was Io cbooic a moderator, and tiran. rille E. Fo.s wa* elected to tbe pasltlon. The poll* were opened al 1US0 o'clock and until 11A0, the hour nf closing, the voUng waa lively. At that hour tliere were five hundred and Ufty cbtbf votei" reglHlcrcd on Ihe l.allm bo^. 'II,,; |,,t.- for elective ..Olcea rc-iil|cd H |nlt— ^ el*rk and c.iicclor i»i **•— ,^^l: TaWB

• !■■•■ 11.1' a. J*— *, Joseph B, Howe, 0»- *•" -■ ...-JT. Wall.JW;Addl*on P. Hus-; Darius Pierce, JB5; Henry N. Flail, xdt). GaorgS II. Marah, MS j Danlol C. bUilllna, lul; and the three Orst named are elected. School coramIt- tee men fer three year*, Charle* L. Mitchell, MB; (ieorg* B. Bradley, Hi; Joacph Martin, ilfl; two Sn.1 named elected. ConWable*. John W. Hllver, ■Hi John JJ. W*l>*ter. Wl; John M. Ueorge, Ul; L. E. Barnes, All; John L. Kelley, Ul, Ueorgc A. c lon-iii. 1(7; Brat Ore elected. Auditor, John M. Morse, US. Road com ml M loners, village dis- trict. John Q. Hill, SU, (elected ■, Edmund P. Ed mauds. Id; Phauaat Valley, Edmnnd P. Sar gent,ns, (elected); John A. Shirley, ISS; Howe diatrai-t, lialn. II. Barne*, 4:«, Marab district, Daniel E. Cole, Me, Bartlett dlatrlct, cbarle* J. Griflln, »i, (elected); Dartd W. Xoyea, tM. IwW Tlewnrs, ItinU f. «llcre*at, KOi Asrsn

-A^- W. S T IE A. ^, 1ST {3 &> Q O . *^$&ffi%£^ oftheir ^eraM6-

Case Spring ShadesllAip^iall|Twills, 44 inches wide, only 7i cents per yard, and 1 case

SPRING SHADES DRAP D'ALMA, 2£^&^&&5r ,W° ,,,,e8•we a,n "■•*» *">we the^ «— •■* o'e™* hr] the


CARPET DEPARTMENT. We are prepared te show the CH0ICBSTSIILSCTI05 of 111 PAITBBXS In all the most desirable makes of


BBTJSSBL8, T^JPBSIVR^ir A 3STTJ I2TC3-K-A.I3ST OAEdPin-a "*2?*tm"i " ,*MM "" ""•" "<"«l>"10»» •» «W. 11», r«.rdl«, or what.,,.? br ..kl t„ tk. V^-O rX» ITJBTJ. O




(lllcrea*t,SM; Clarenea Wardwell, Ul; Marcna W. Keyea, SM; iretl A. Buaaell, 19>; David M. Ayer, lt»; A. B. Gordon, Ml three flrat elected. Tntstee* of Kevin* Memorial ball, George R. Weodbury, one year, Ml; Jame* Ingalie, two •ear*,Ml. Tbe vote nil the iitiertMon, "Shall 11. cense* l>e granted for the aalu of Intoxicating 11 • ■ uor* in thla town?" wa* yea, «W; no, nt.

The following additional offluer* were noaatn. atod frmii the floor and elected by acclamation :

Yield driver*: John Welch, John at. Currier, -. G. K hni'!ilI,Kdmtind Dowdlng. laaac II. Laney, Judaon I. Weed-

Pound kecpor*! Mcphen \V. tVIIUams, Ju*p|ih U. BiuweU.

SurveyorM of lumber: Italph Clark, M, F. Lin eraon, Jame* K. Ueascr, Samuel Emerson, Jeaae A. Town, M-.I I-.. Klmball, Daniel Dowdlng, W. J. Nichols, JaasciO. Parker, M, M.Couaj, Gaorge M. Humour, T. II. Currier, Johu W. rrederlck.

Hurveyur* of plaater: Lyman B. tinge, >i i; Oaaay, J. A. Town. K. P. Wlnn, YY. I). Norrl*! George A. Page, B. K.Nowell.

Wood anil liark I John C. Webster, Seorge U. Harah, J. B. Holman, J. K. Sawyer, G. VT. Uage, B. A. i.rlfllii, N. M. Bludgett, M. E. Klmball,Cha*. JackHoii, U. P. Kmerauu, Italph Clark, John A. Shirley, Daniel Dowdlng, S. L. Hulmau, Xtephen Currier, K. P. Hargcut,Ja*. K. Newer, r'red A. Itu*sell, Kugene A. t:ha*e.

It waa voted that the sealer of weight* and meaaure* be appointed by tbe board of aided- men.

The annual n-|iort nf the eelectmcn was acnept- •d.

The follewlng auin* of money to defray town 'hargc* for the ensuing yuar were appropri-

ated:— support of arliools, teachers, Janitors, fuid and music.

Supplies for leboo]*, b'linlin fui IU'IIIHII bouses, SOD OS

MM OS 'i.i.lie llbiary, Jpvulug roatfs emu in bared with *n Hlgbaaysaiid briilgea,

•no en iw, i.ku w no •Irv deparlmcnt, 1-.11O00 ;ontlngeuclea,

Hpeclaruolli-e, lauo ou

100 OS lieo uo too 00

.'auperdapartniunt, VKJO 00 3000 IK

Sllltnry aid, || II 00 Ldgesumes,

Total, gJt.,500 00

Vnti-l to collect tho laxca in ibe •nine manner

■ pay G. Voted to appropriate tan dollar* P*M for aerrlcee a* modeiator.

i oted to adjourn to Monday, Marah loth, than oonaldcr tbe reaoluUon aaklng tbe town to

recogulae the obligation* (so rialmed; to volon- teer *olillera, etc.

SAI.I;M, y, H.

as previous year*. Voted lo appropriate the highway la net and

repair tbe highway* the same a* laat year. Voted to authorize the aelcetmen to hire lu be

half of die town a sufficient aum ef money to pay any note* that may become due during the year, or that may be necetaary to pay order* drawn by the ardecttnen, and empower Uie treaaurer to algu auch notea lu behalf of the town.

Voted to accept the Hat of Juror* prepared by the aelectmen for the ensuing year.

Yuled to accept the annual report of the acbool cnimiilttee, the report of the committee en mate* for a at-hool house on the west side of tbe river; the report nf the eommltte* appointed spcrlal town meeting. June u, to conilner article I, aaklng permlulen fur Daniel Taylor to open a sink drain In the aewer near the Bapllat church, and voted that pcrral**t«n lie granted.

Voted to ci/m | is II.nin the uit-ruber* of tbe Bra department for their service* ihe ensuing year the same a* laat year.

Voted to restrain neat onttle, horses and awl from going at large.

Voted to appropriate tbe amount weired from deg taxoa In accordance with chapter I ft:, aectlun 107 of the public statutes, the wmc aa la»t year. yv*tcd t„ grant the re>|nc*t of Post 100, U. A.B.

that the town appropriate the aum of one hundred dollar*, fer the purpoie of decorating th* grai of mir toldlar* and *iillorsun Mraiorlal Day, May 30, I'M; said money to be expended under the direction of Cot. Wan. It. Green Post 100, G. A. It.

Voted to refer article It, asking Ihe town lo construct a sewer through French street t mlttee notistntlng of the heard of *elertmen and Mr. Josephs. Hone.

Voted lo refrr tlie replied of Joseph V.. Bu*. well and others, to »ee If tht< town will vale ta pa** tha following resolution "Whereas it Is claimed In tieluilf uf tin- aurvlvortof the Uetliura quota In MM war af the rebellion,and of the heir* of ihoae that are dead, that tho HWS of Hcihuen haa heretofore Inrurred oertain nbllgaiin volunteer soldier* which am now legally barred by lapeo of time. Beaolved.thal the u>wn Of M. thuen rerognlilng It* moral obligation, and IH llevlng that no mere technical defer,., should be permitted to liar the honest claim of It* veteran •Hddlers and their heirs, now reafllnnaand renew* the premlnes It made to Bj volunteer aoldlcrs at Iheliiwniuoctlngof April 30, ISSLandnt the *ev. er:il hntl meetlnga held aiibncipicnt to that dale, while the war of tbe rebellion wa* In progre**," to a committee ef five, eonHlatlug or Jame* (I Parker, Joseph W. pulton, Jacob Kmrraon, Ha' phen W.WIIIIHIIIII, and George W.Uagc, who will report at a future meeting of tbe towu.

Voterl to accept a atreat Uawn aa (>- - a. laid out by the ■.'■b IIL*.-*, - -■•'"" W-. SS00 for the aauw, ■ M,d apprnprtate

r**#- ■ i to ac-cpt n street r\t< ii>lln« from Union

HI i ei near the house of John B. Ilon'l, t« a polat near Ibr hou*e of Patrick Wright, a* laid aut by the •clrrtincn, und apprnpriuti^ llfty dollar* for the same.

Voted to ronstriir'l n aeuer frem the corner of Pleaaant street and the atroet extending past the west aide of the atone church Uirough said Pl*a* ant -tint te the sewer near Exchange betel, and appropriate awo for tbe same.

Voted to ci.ul.IMi atraet llghn at the following place*: On French atreet, near Ha*on'» court, on Centre atreet, near the residence of bewail W. Tapley, and en Annie •treat, near tho resident-* of John D. Hoblnaun, and appropriate thirty do! lar* for the earne, to be ei|>ended under thedlrer. don of the selectmen,

Voted to Instruct the marl comml**loner« In the dlatricta ouUlde of the village lo work out elghty- flve par cent, of their approprlatlona i-cforc the HFMday of July.

Voted to abollth the olio* of i hoela, and appropriate four irtbeaervlceaef the aohoo] committee

111, nay*, so. Voted to pay one-half of lisa, that being the

amount Incurred by Varnum Corlla* In removing earth and building a wall on I^wrcnce atreet, ea-i of Pearson A Page'* atore, and make prapriatloa accordingly.

Voted to grant the raqneatof thenelraof E*tbcr W. Teal, to see If tbe town will dlacount arty cent* on the dollar on a hill of *«ven hundred and dollar* and ninny three oente due th*

u from the eatate of Abide P. Blchanlnen, li paid within one year.

~ tad to cut down and lower the grade of "Gut- ■ Hill," so railed, located on the road lead-

ing from Mnrah'a corner to Dracut Uae, and ap. propriaia two hundred dollar* for the same

Voted to rebuild tbe bridge on Broadway, near the woolen mill, either with a atone arch or wood, a* may he determined and appropriate one tboua- aud dollar*, tho ebutneent* to be laid aut tbe

I-lib of thestreet. Voted to allow the tru*t«e* of Xevln* Memorial

library to take from th* public library *uch hooki aa they may aelect for tbe uae of the Memorial.

Voted to appropriate tbe sum of two hundred dollara to eoatplete tba grading, paving and fat lug of Highland atroet.

Voted to appropriate the suaa of eight hnfidred dollar* for the purpoae of remodeling the engine house, io that It will accommodate a pair of horae* and a man to drive them, Mr, Henry ft Kevins having offered to furnish th* narses and driver free of expense, tbe money to be expended under the direction of tbe board ef Are engineers.

"oted to pa** over article *S, to aae if tha town I rota to purchaae a lot *f land on tbe waet

*ldeofthe tillage, on which to erect a achiol

Wallace Smith showed a hen's egg, laid by one ' Ida own bens, which meaeiired 71 1 liicbci bv

_ 1*1 luchea in r ire mo termer. While handling (t the shell waa crushed, revealing in,Me another perfect egg with lu own shell intact.

Mr*. Mary A. Woodbury, widow of the late Henry W. Woodbury, la In Indigent clreum *"PSJ| III. Living alone, ahe is

t aluioat entirely to the kind nlBces of oornpa* ante neighbors aad connections. She I* a mberoftbe htrthi.dl.t church, ami a* auch, uk, entitled to »uch consideration and aid a*

the chin eh rllrer-ta in like caaea. J. II.

' have .>e, block and other working gear so mysterlouV

■mi puiilliigln bind lubber* T* on B, and the ■■Old tsslt" who own* 11 can rstile off the names <|ulckcr'n scat, with abhrerlatlona truly In dell -ucc of grammar or Inblllgthlllty.

The given by the Congregational seel. ly.on the'ilth Iti.t., wa* well attended and net

ted the ii niiiuf gl'j.'ioo. I'roflleaketchea.Uken L per and nuillmd

.. bv Mr. Prank ly praised and ge

patronised, many laillea and gentlemen * were deservedly pral»ed I

portrait* wlilch were tnarreli <>r thli-iiii i« run "ud feature. An OU painting, the subject being . view uf lloatou from the hariwr, wa* rontrih utod bv a ciliieu an-l sold by auction. Kvery fea- ture of tbe occasion waa well rarrled out, the wcathei and travelling proplthiu*. and all were ■ileaaed. Tb* Congregational lit* are a warm loaned and whole *ouled •oclcty, ami whatever

theveaaay, la carried out with aeal and aplrlt, ami .salein may well look wltb pardonable pride u|x>u this venerableaodhunoredehrlatlanrhitrrh 11* present bouse of worahlp.or "meeting house," to adopt the i|iialnt nontemlauire or lu priiattlt - career Is one of the naaf— -

coay, not to the extreme uf luxurlousneaa, but enough t., keep one from thinking of dltcomfort lu the neglect of tbe aervlrea, wblidi are of a na- ture to merit the Interest aud attention of all. K««pou»lvo scriptural readings, congregational singing, a well trained choir ami aklltul nrganl-t, and last, but by no means lia.t, a popular and devoicl pastor, wliom pnlpli ndnUtratlohs en. dear him to hi* people, all go to complete■ round

>l grai-lou* riuatiUe*. sure to enhance tbe value, nni mightily aid lu the proaeeiilloo of ehrlallai work. A r,freshing spirit of rev'

alls and Ihe church la gatlicrliuc t< ious », men and women, who _.. _ Iwred |n tlie rank* of the church trluinpliant.

KI.WEI.I..-ln South ; ^Harc* 1, Alice,

rcr and In- aerraq lu U»o SouUi Cewttcry. t.liuusi.s -in Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. St>\

Annie Selxaa, wife of Mr. Jainea II. Glddins and daughter of the late Hr. Wm. H. BurleWb formerly of thla city,aged M yra.

FLIKT.—In Anrlover. Waal Parian,, Fob llth, MU* Caroline I Uui, aged Ti yeara.

PKltUtN.-ln Andover. Wi-at Pnrlab. I> - --sugblerof Gilbert 1*

•dlr —


Special Announcement. We shall offer to-iuorrow the following Extraordinary

ltnrftrnlns :—

IN ALL COLORS AND 8HADE8, blo h h-tro been aalfl ht-retnfore for 75 CSDU ; we offRr tbe entire, lot at tfes U* bea\rd or price uf ai cent* per yard. An early call will bo accaaaary In order to oeaurej one of the-c liurgahia, aa tlie SiMn W||I be> aold for lews t ban hall pries

rani will laat but at few .lay*. ^

SUMMER SILKS. 8000 yard* Just opened, which we ofi>r at uatonlahlngly low figure*.

500 YARDS SATIN RHADAME. In tall color*, which hav« never l>ren aold for lean than $1.00; we oflfar tbla lot Ibr (K) cent a per yard; < o.iimeiit la niwieceaaary. Su»h iow prlCLi ware* never befor*

uained for llrrs- bilk*.

BLACK RHADAME SILKS from $1.00 upward*-.

Black Gros Grain Silks, ths Rent (loorla ever offbrad In IiHwrenoe—every yard warrantee!. PlMH esajn-

tne tlietn. I'rleea never no low btfort.

Colored Dress Silks > Juat apenad. We cull npri'lnl iillenfIon to our $1,00 and $1.30 quality. Ws

warrant every yard to wear well nad give perfect aatl*faction,

3000 yds. Imperial Serge Dress Goods Juat received, which coat HO cents per yard lo Import. We offer this lot for only 50 ceavtt. Tbla Is tbe greateot hargulu ever olTererl In Drcaa Oooda In Lawrence.

We -hall nlto offer to-morrow a full line of

FINE SPR1NC DRESS GOODS In Beautiful Colon* and Stuide*.

Byron Truell & Co. Lawrence, Mass. .;"»

tin, agrdlo nonuu. ., and Nellie

HtHHBS-*- ■CISTlflT" Taath P*rw**r.

..i, refreablng. harmless, elegant, cleans ,g, orenervatlve and fragrant. Me. l>r gglal*


WataX You Sat. "Tliere are ao mattv fraud" a<lvertl»ei >tr " MB aav. Ho there are, hut l'arat

not one ■■< them. It will not work mlr ■cles, 1,111 II will .In heuer servh than anvthlng rise Ti>u can Snd Inal ii'l'.r. cure* dandniS, ni\es Kleganlly perfuaned. b'otarlyi

Restore a orlg new growth rlwcedlmrvlH

oua, uae *Wella' llealtb Hencwer" glata.

GER. II. F. "i-iieit1

Still live*, ao do hunrlrad* of other _ been cured of rheumatism ami neuralgia liv the C-at l.lo.«l purifier, Sulphur Bluer*. Seed for


■COTT'S KJll l,«tlO.\ tl'v- i-i in Cad Llwi Oil vsllli ItypaphoiphiUes

A Moat.Nutritious Food ami HfatUnS, Johtiann. ot ' .in.T-i , 0«

I great pleasure 1

««.0. TitMin HI.O Ihn itnnx" VTIilakaywaa IntrtNluiwrl liy < Ii enter II. Grave* A Sons «lx yeara ago, alien it »aa n|>|>riivri| by «t. Hani. Uayei, State A»*aver, Ma*>.Ncliu*etta. Italonre uatalillsiieil a n-puintlnii aa a perfnllv uun-whl. ur, ami we learn il ha- Jm-i recetveil II (re-h un- ilri'raemuut from Ihe prctciil "IJIIII Aa-nyir of MnsMuhutetU. leading dniggintaaml grocei


ell H ilwlwci.




Well*' HealtlTKenewer- reataret vigor cure* dyspepsia, lmpetauce, I Ity.Sl ___^_^^^__

health and ■maI delill-


IK ciiaKUSABUl Wttiiiix Paonle are lienefiued by tb* uae of Speer'a Port Grape Wine. For *ah* bvji. M. Wiiltn-v A Co.

H'holiavi' tm**gTJre<l ami all gmie fr lon'l like to U< <ll*tur>>erl, will '■ml troul>k,l with tills their Impure blood, o new 1'Unxl Um no I vein In the human

'plaint uphur Hitler* will Moae i*r«r tlinnigli everv niter*

I TnEHSiaNriTais IAar«t00fWaCSJtf

theKMiiliagnlnat Ulieglnawswelliheult •ay* a Uilrl. The reaaou of the in lie la v<ni 'thin', we SoioiluDl, and L revent your teeth dei n; lug.


p«i lenoe not easentlat. Salary wltb Rzpensea Paid.

LUieial Indufenenta to man of good baalra alillnv. ami aar :*■:ui

\>t leite

T. (JAN>uN AGO., SfoctTA, MAIS*.

Si.rili J

WANTED. lake .-Marge ot Milk Boata In

■ L. r A Milk a

i '»''«"'. Vtfr J Is ■■ »>*jesa|» Sitpt.

WKTitr.HKLL'a saiuarauLLa I'clipniieally ei.mblneii wltb Iodide 1'olanalum. ami Is a preparatluii ot *u|ter)or worth fur Invlg- iirtitlng the notriu, gHlng luiie ami vlgur lo tlie wliolelMHlr. H.apcp*!* ami Blllou*, Int j leld iTBilliT iu the womlerftil action of thl* rem- edy, if it were possible to place before yon tba written testimonial a of It* wonderful cores, the) pa***] hkcptiia! would be convinced. Onedolhar buttle, fold by til druggUU. dwlweod

it KM Ml'cia, yt.tyjt. Fllea, roaches, ante, bed hugs, t


CAPITAL PHIZ*, »;V>33. Mckeu only *s. «!,»„, i„ proportion.

li.S.L. Loui-;ana State Lottery Oompanv.

"Wo no HNto MM)) (nil wo ■ arrnaiarnanu i«r ail we Mum", Annual Draanofi of int. LOUUHBB JW» Uortip»nj,«BaiB |ifr.„D man, urol tn« Dr..wicj[» tucm*eiv*a, »nd II

Ui!j» aod Semi ~ late I.OL

ncjr* luemscJi**, and ihj. iu«» i, ■••> ■jwviui'.ip-i WHO hooealy, U'rimia, uii ,, ■ 0 I ra.lo toward .11 partta*. and w. But" i. loo t-oaspaoT to uso this oertlSoaio, mul Jac


Incorporated In is*s for as years, bT the I eg '■iMnrc tor Kducational and charitable i,u" •«M»-wlth capital of Sl.0trO.0Ou—io which a *9QI fund of over #KiO,000 bat since leer-

air an overwhelming popnlar rote Hi Iran ... ^,w" n>*,,«* P»r* « »>e preaeot Slate Coo

Btiiatlon, miui.ini Deoesaher 3d. A, [>. lira. Too only Lottery ever voted on and amiorwi

Dyihe people or any SUM. IT NKVIK 8CAI.KS OH POSTPONES.

s*fi ,°»»»"» ftgHJi Kenans. DiAwinoa («M plaoa month) v.

A KPLKMDID: (IITIIKTI f TO Will FORTl'SE. 3rd Ura. | DtaW- Ii«. Olans (', I., the Arartamy of M«W Orleans, TltHIUI, U A IK II lsta, )«« - lTdtn Stata this Driwlaf,

CAPITAL PRIZE, S79 000. 100, 00 T/ckots at fiva Dollars Each

lent in Fifthi In oroDortlon. unorriiiKi.


■ IFftlSUoriCOM * " ».ow

10 M 1,000

1,000 H JJ

ArTXOXIMATlOJI Fturl, I Appro i linmlon Prlaes ol #768

■'■' do SB0 P do do U0

•7B.IW M,uut iS.OM I.','-'

]«.<«■ Ill,'"-

(l,7W <..VI*J pp

1,1*1. Prisetamonnl —f. 0',f«'on'<>*ra(ea loalubaahouldbe

_f.° J'llrthw InlormftiloB writ* clearly. rJtlni

Order., or New fork Li^htiin m urdloart tat lor. Cnrra oTl,]rp»„.-.M(,iT *„„,, ol y M,| upward* at our i»M) addreaasd


or M. A. DAUJ«m, "•'' 0^,W,",■ Lt» - h •f78»»«,,'h «"'•••. Washington. D. C.



Ssloaroom 286. Residence, 205 mon Street, Jlyrjsn 1


AMMONIA IN FOOD. In analyzing samples of Baking Powder purchased by myself


My examination shows that Cleveland's Superior Baking Powder is better than the Royal Baking Powder, because:

1st. It is compounded of better and more wholesome ingredients.

2d. It yields a larger amount of Carbonic Acid Gas and In a more satisfactory manner, in consequence of which less pow. der is required to produce light bread material

3d. It is honestly sold as to weight. The Cleveland cans con-

tained full net weight, while the ROYAL CANS WERE SHORT WEIGHT.

New York, July 11, 1884.

R. OGDEN DOREMUS, M. D., LL.D., Prof. Chemlatry and Toxicology in "Bellovuo Hoapital Medical College |"

Pro! Chemlatry and Physios in the " College of the City of *Tew York."

NEW GOODS. NEW PRICES.! Great Reduction in Switches and Waves

MISS i>. i. iivLLs (Successorto Joiiii Medina,) 232Es For GO X>et3rs Only!

We are telling no rhn.|> tlmt every laily who la In need of HAIR GOODS ahould tiik.' ni|\ .mt;(;.,. ,ii thmo rpiimrkubly low prlcea.

VenlHal-'i PatllBga, Wo , Fanner ytice $lJio. Jpriev I.I y, :l"c, •■ " i^", LaBtir*. il c, " •■ l.wi. •lontauua, 6ft;., •■ >• ',n Rplncl- Wave, tor.. •• '■ 1.W VanlUlud I aiiKir", wl li back tiiilr. HM, foriuei

price, Alio a iroit

SWITCHES. yir^"u"W„VJ,T5ii,,,Ar,a.V.,0

ma. rromll.Miupwarfla.

Vl""ai"iio* ■****"*' 8WITCBBS a:, |t and

Kx Ml|M EVKM SWITCHB9 from #1 lo |10.

BPEOIAL BUIOAIN8 lB(iHKVdwiTcaK3.onelot at ai, gijw «„ i

• i..o A lar^a ma k 01 oar own make al .:,■■.:. MS ■■ ■( [.i .,,-...


I CAMBRIDGE MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO offer you * itrong, reliable tod careful'.7 managed Company In which to insure your *'DWILLIi;Sar.4FUIWi:UEE." Thsyare BOW paying (H> ■ retnrn premium on ST* year policies. They have never amiiti, JUTS paid all losses promptly and their rates are as low *i soy Mutual Company. 5, W. C#>k, Pnt. 1 /t//hj L. Btrteur, Stc.

tFor insunuKi afffy U



MR. W. II. BAItKBIC, Will recalra popll* In

Oil Painting, In Kaaox Bank Building

Cor. Kaaai and Lawrancc 'la , Foom {H.f'houri Irora U to VIM, unit 1 .no to 6.


Lite, Accident and Fire Insurance JOHN I.HU MIlis, ■ AOEMT

Insurance Agency ■ ■MiatKi.m louo.,,.

oo] CF-AJSTT »& lfrankl i «>i .".iia.,i'B. , Poonaj vanla.of Pea*,i| Genii'i , An ciii'.Hii, H. T. Wentol aatei, Hew York. WnM.rt.own, New Tork. Orient, n.u-ir. i, Conn. Haridan Conn.« lent. Commonwealth Bi>aton Shawmut, Hmmr fat National, Wo alar Queen, Kngiend. linmrtal .« M.irtliai n.KnKland. Uoyai, Metro idle die. Co., -'aria. i.tintlr i Aasuranoe, Kn,-. d. Guard an Anauranca, ¥ land. LoDdo , in.I Liauaanhlr Cnalnad. Travel era- Lira and A cldent of

Han o,.I,Conn. Btate M ual Llle, Weresstsr.l


Ml Eaa*a etrret, l.twrfirr.

Water Curl Wa\cs for 10c. WAVK I)l(K-*siN(irrom 10.-.. t>iv.. COUIIINUS made late >wii' i"'- al i <■ per i -i.

lt*7mcinlM<r, thetM Prtcrs are fur Thirty iMya. only.

B tt I- a leuly'a atore, I have in.rn great pains In selecting onr atook of

CORSETS, HOOP AKIRT8 AND BU8TLE8, •n<1 wftfMreaaaB*rlar Use re any flr<n inihedif. nmm

26 ots. per packet

FOB fa.lLB.

An 8 Horse Power BAXTER


The Colt Arms Co. ot Hartford In excel lent condition, and only Hold

becauae owners have no further use for

t. Apply a



SeeJs by mail a specialty. "igO,


W. W. EAW80N, l:ed Grower and Market Gardener, Arlington, Maes.


I'r.i,,.hills. t..i.i':hrr M."nt wh (I'y'P'pala), tlm rnirlv •tug"

HOSE,'THROAT atliV LUNQaVuREoV/Th.'/aiw UUCOimSfiTJli O *r£3TiC3*.

Not a Jouohe, snuff, n:r patent mddlvin..

iRESMsiMEmi THE SURE CURE """""^ ros "•"■""■




Dr. P 0 N,\l.

Dr. B. N. Clark, &> Hrro, Vt. "KliUMT-Wijrlliaac'ii 4mywlf"»ilrriwOTO«r«

tufl. rmt-" Pr. C. M. Bummarlm, BUB UUI, Oa.

IN THOUSANDS OF CASKS ithaanuwl when*an rUa hul fiiiM TlUmild.

.Ill A!\ It li'H AtTIO>, but barmlnM In al if II .!.«".. ■!

Il» < New III. i UiabidT. Tl.oiu


in !";...,« la ,r in,!:;!!!*, I healilifully. ro irailiuaud

estta, BASS tiorri) m

n i i r ., R.tiivitu

BT, i<ui.D Bi »r«u ut hyiaail. laCO.Oarlla.rlai

Y. M. C. A. QTMNAgllM.

How It It Pfttronised and Its EffectaT.

It, IH but a few months alncc the V. M.

('. A. ifymnaslQin. In this city wan an ex-

periment. It la so no longer, for iu s«s>

eesa Hnanclally la aeanred, and ttifWnvtlt"

physically, which hare followed Its pat-

r insge i>v the young men of the ett* have

been wunderful. The apparatus nssd Is

nil of the latest device, light iu coiintruc-

tiun, and while tber funtish a gentle, in-

vi^oratlng exercise, do not exhaust one B

ttr^Dgth. Among the beat of the varied

iipliarntua In use 1B the back weight, of

which there are twelve In the gymnasium.

i bass especially develop and strengthep

the back, cheat and shoulders, aod lsvlgor-

.u .■ the whole body. Formerly dumb bells

were made of Iron, and their nee by per-

sona weak either from disease or youth,

was almost Impossible. They are now

made of wood, and their use Is more

beueHcl&l than the old style of bell, and

Hive a pleasant exercise that is at the same

time productive ef the best results in de.

vcloplng the form. The principal time in

which members use the gymnasium 1B In

the evening, when usually there are present

twenty or more. Some ef the members,

however, use the room during the day, at

any and all hours, and seem to enjoy It

thoroughly. Among the members there

are clerks, operatives, lawyers, who are

probably getting up their muscle f oi BOIUU case, high school boys, and small

boys under sixteen years of age. The

younger portion of the members usually

use the machines during the afternoon.

The members for the most part, drees In

kuee pants, a woolen undervest, and shoes and stockings for their gymnasium work,

though some wear the regulation gynina-

lum costume. Either 1B light and easy,

and looks very natty. Those who have

used the gymnasium regularly Blnce It baa

been opened, say that It has been a most

decided benefit to them, giving them a

new feeling of life and buoyancy that tbey

lever felt before the use of the gymnastic

ppllauces. One young man who used

the gymnasium regularly until a month

ago, when he was out of town forawhlle,

said that he toon noticed the different

feeling, there was not the same elasticity of spirits, or the same physical vigor as

when using the instruments, and on bis

return he at once began bis exerclsea

again. Another youug mm has gained

ight pounds since he became a member,

and attributes it all to the exercises be

has gone through. Several young men

have jehied on advice of their physicians,

ami find their general health greatly Im-

proved by the use of the appliances.

There are at present one hundred and fifty

male meinliers of the gymnasium. A

track for walking is very much needed,

but there Is no room for one In the build-

ing. It is to be hoped that some arrange-

nt may be made for one before another


But the gentlemen are not alone In the

desire for greater physical development.

There are at present twenty-five young

ladies who form a clans In gymnastics,

and use the gymnasium everyfday, Mon-

days and Wednesdays from 5 tO|6o'clock

p. in., and on other days from 11 a. m. to

12 ra. Among these are several school

teachers, school girls, and married ladies.

Altogether the gymnasium Is doing an

excellent work. Kvcry thing about it la

quiet aud orderly, and It is much appreci-

ated by the many who have became mem- bers.



TO DEALERS. tive-M.s in Mr. • l .:■.«" u i>o will purchaac a certain amount of Cement. i The ilfn conaiata ol a Hack S It feat high, plr* tctura name, plate, flag i and

BO POUND WEIGHT. ret nil,: ai»Is«


uaneis mr Sale Norses, ('A lame **...orimr<nt of Horses 'eona'anllr 0 hand mr ■ ii ■ Or eichante. Mm are. fecund irom UMeounurve err """* '■ f ne Carload of Bale Hones Ar

■Ivnl to-day from Montreal.

A. N. BEAN; Franklin House Stables.

JS). This Master Act* .ili. i i \ upon Ihe

HH n>u> aod nervea ol n... -■■V tiack, in* seat of all [tain. ff|\ FOR ALL

•*'' I V^x_. I.imp; Tronlilea whether I ^\ loe<rorrieetilv*eaiedtbi*

. v\li.-lrrwll b*. round lo * . C f% aV* W"" '"■l"nl r«"er by B|>

i m SHARP I mmmmLgmm^m Aerfor Kl.iner Trouble

| ItflUiillM If am m tl.« si.leaml Han Kiie, ihev arc a wruin mi spaady enrs.

PAINI- Fold by I'liniii'infntfl

' -rorSI ""







i pr< 1 wlili ladUe I' m.

Invlfrw In* toi bojy,

DYSPEPSIA AND IIILIOCS RBABACHK Tlrl.l remlMy lo the wonderful irtlmt ef Ihii

r nady. If It w.-r. r.-ii.l<< t» pl:.,« l,ef,.re j ilrrful


■nl I

rceaa of Ihla tni-itin *.f llial It ii far tujj

Ilr.»T, 1IFIHITNI!, • Saraapar Ha t

It*. Tliei at horn gh

■ In a

roller.' L. K. WETHS8it,L, Dratfial and Ckaatlat,

I:\I;TI:K, >. n. *rlc, $l.fOper hiil

rw lllr

♦ ■» »»*>♦»♦<>»♦



Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Walarbraih, Heartburn, Acid Sinmirh, If*l-nulrillon, riatulaney, Gas- trittt. Bllloumass, and Habitual Comtlptilon. Il >|xr.iily ,':::-, ,,,4 curf, Cinrer end Canker of

the tana, hi Ih aroua I lar, Manlrmnaand toUige- mriil of Ihe l.„er a,„| ,',ra|y„, „f ,|, Tlowcl..

Il aim exerti a won.lnfully lalutar* crfed upon the Ki.u.cvi,,]!.!, krninC in.11 B rhr.r leireiing p-iwer, remnviiiK ilujui .h . uiuKr, .n.. iilUytng inlliiuiatalkiii, aod rthcTina j,u.ii in ihe back.

TltV IT AND BE CURED. Prka $1W r" r«-nrl<?. SI. Iwnici bl JT.M

the««iih, i. a beUlt of Dr. Fkrwar*! AUuhlew Liver I'd la.

Dr. Plowor'a LUUO COEDIAL. On* I>ulUr perboiile. Six botilei fur $*.

Dr. Flower's CATAEEH REMEDY, <•);■■■• !'..■! ]ier botlle. Fit '■:■■-, fur $S.

e fur sals by Irailing drut r t!rii(gii[ it out I,I ikm.

ac<fi''n'iiMiiii<iv, i.'ir .(ml,:,IC, i toua, fiaodtwo..^ni«i..mpf<,r|.imi.hln containing valu.

tMe iui;i:'«ii ii. MM ihe iirjimcm uf a number ul prrtui---: ditcuei.


'■ '•. Ti. MASS.


E. II. KELL1Y, ! DRliiCIST Post Offloe Block.

1 * If jj3EEiJL

IPIASTERT; mini i' .I..I pr:

Trade mark. Patented )>v iinnlib, ■•noiitt'i* * Smith, oi-utial Aieatt, Boilon. Uantcdwir

llsiia laptic Apsliances CURB DYSPKPE

» < \ i \I.I;M.

HUM ".lAIISM, ** INDIClK-oTlUN, « MUM \ |»|»KASK, " l'AK\i.Vhls. ■* UKNKKAL DRBILITY.

The Most Potent Kemedv ol the tentiiry.

Invesllfcate and he eonvlneed of their merits.

Call for Pamphlet ami ai'<raine]lhaApp!<aao«a at II. U. W1NTNKV A CU.'B, Drugglata, AgenU r Lawrence Haas. iTeod

1 ba mailed COCC^.

to rii-ioiin'rt oflaat year "rlngit. It rontaltii llluatr


—Tlic cost ol the new county jail in

Salem promises to lie about double the estimates

Ground was broken Menday for the

r block of M. Carney ft Bro., on Hampshire street.

— Work was btgtu. Monday on the new

block of Curran &. Joyce, near the cor-

ner ofConunos ami lltimpshlre streets.

— A. V. Smith. Lynn, has recently par*

hased a SO horse power Annin|ftou ft

ttims engine of the Jarvis Engineering Company, o f Boston.

lie new dustiess blaukboanl crayon

furnished to the schools, are a delight

to teachers and pupils. No more

lend beads ami dusty clothing.

V meeting of the water board was

nt the city hall Saturday evening, at

li II was voted to adhere to the form-

■rlsltni making the salary of the ieer SHOO.

The hose canlage houses, wMch

have been In process of construction at

the I^ower Pacific mills, have been com-

pleted, and painted, and the carriages placed in them.

—An entire mw net of vibratory electric

l>clls Is to u6 pat In the high school build-

ing. The work of placing them Is to be

done by Frederic H. Safford of '83 now of

the Mass. Institute of Technology.

— It may be considered certain that the

concert to be given by the Oliver Chorus,

March 11, will be abundantly worthy of

generous patronage; the efforts of Mr. Hetihon Merrill aic r-elug rewarded by ex-

cellent results, and we hope our music-

loving citizens will encourage the chorus

by a liberal attendance.

—The Opera House malingers deserve

the thanks of the amnsement loving pub-

lic, for affording the opportunity of

jiylng the representation of Hamlet, by Booth; in the present seasan, the enter-

prise presented great pecuniary risk with

no nf reward, and

we believe the effort h appreciated by the community.

—During the month of February, the

letter carriers in this city delivered 88,408

letters received through the malls, 150

registered letters, 87ti4 mall postal cards.

1617 city letters, 8.W3 city postals, and

80,821 newspapers: tbey collected from the street boxes, 78.0M letters for other

Dees, »2tJ0 city letters, 10,05a postal Cirds, anil B9H newspapers.

—The funeral of Miss Carrie Yeaton

to'ik place In Boston on Thursday, and

was largely attended. Among those pre-

sent were Col. J. IJ. Drew of this city,

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hill, and Mrs. Rose of

Boston, and Mrs. Goodwin of Maiden.

The remains were brought to this city at

noon, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.

Yeaton, Mrs. Joplln and Col. J. D. J>rew,

and interred in Believe metery.

_Jittot twenty-five years a husband who

had deserted his wife, returned to her

boms in New Haven, to And her married

to another.

A Chinese couple have petitioned a Chi-

cago court to be allowed to adopt a male white baby.

The sparrows have suddenly entirely

disappeared from Concord. Mass., and a

like occurrence has been noticed in aevsral

towua in Vermont.

A bill la before one of the legislative

committee to prohibit the attendance of

girls under twenty-one j ears of age, at

skating rinks after 5 o'clock, P. H.; it

won't psas.

What difference will it make if nil the

trestles and compromises relative to the

Congo country which can be framed, shall

be arranged beween Great Britain and

Germany? The Queen la to meet the Kaiser

at Baden and time will show what is on

the cards I"

When the Mobile Register suggested

that Justus Schwab, Kossa and others,

should "go down and wipe out the Mex-

ican cattle thieves, be rated the farmer as

Just a swab and nothing more.

In settlement of the estate of ex-

governor Hum, of New Hampshire, the

widow aud daughter receive S82.000.

The Electrical World publishes llluslra-

UoDa ef s :u->del rsJiWAy track with car

propelled by an electric muter, made by

Mr. Hall, of Boston, in 1850.

At a meeting of the Law and Order

League delegates, the sentiment of one of

the speakers, "that they wanted cranks"

at the front in the association, was loudly


George Washington's brother Samuel

was married live times, although he died

at the age of 4G.

In a log, 16 by 18 feet, near

Hogansvllle. Ga., live two families at

white people, numbering Just 18 souls.

Birmingham, Ala., baa among the pupils

la one of its schools, a widow thirteen years of age.

.A man In Newport, Vermont, wears a

straw hat through the winter to prevent headache.

Jay Gould's daughter Nellie Is engaged

to her father's bacheler partner, Washing*

ton E. Connor.

Frank Davis, the taileat man In the

Missouri legislature, stand.-, seven feet In bis stockings.

Despite the dull aod hard times, the

New York Barings hangs show a net in-

crease of resources In 1884 of about .*,*;.-

750,000, while the number of accouuts

opened or reopened exceeded those closed

by 17 385.

A marriage license baa been issued ie> a

couple at Saratoga, Cat., whose joint ages

numbered 1U3 years.

Newport has contracted for 58 Thomp-

son-Houston electric street lights at U3

cents per night.

A bill of fare has been Introduced Into

the legislature of Minnesota, forbidding

the admission of both sexes to any skat-

ing rinks at the same time.

The well-kuown Capt. Williams of the

New York police force, against whom

charges were preforrcd for allowing

gambling houses In his preciuct. has been

sustained by the police commls iouers,

the charge being dismissed by a vote of

three to one.

Mr. Eudicotl, who is probably hooked

for the Cabinet, belongs to the old school

lng of the Massachusetts democracy,

and has not been considered a very strict

party man; he is understood to have con-

tributed and voted for the election of

GOT, Itohluson, one year ago loot fall

The Salem Telegram maintains, as If It

were a surpislng matter, that Judge I lui I i

cntt, "although bearing the name of the

Idest New England families," will be

found affable and approachable.

A boy in Camden, New Jersey, was left

In charge of his baby brother, while tin

mother went upon an errand . the boy left

[he baby to take care of Itself, and visited

the rink to skate ; the baby set lire to its

clothing, and was burned to death before

the mother arrived.

After live years contlnement in the

Chester, 111., penitentiary, In a fourteen

years' sentence fur murder, Henry Dlgby

has just been released, his sister's hus-

band, now In prison for life, for a similar

offence, having confessed to the former


At a recent meeting of the Jersey City

loartl of education, two members called

■ach other liars, another appealed to the

president, while a colleague was talking, to

'shut off wind pipe;" yet anothe

luniteil to a fellow, "get out you dirty

loafer," aud altogether the session was a

peetacle on the part of the guardian

the education of the youth.

Une of the dlrectorsof the Metropolitan

tpera House, New York, authorlzai

statement that the expenditures for the

German Opera season exceeded the re-

ceipts about #45,000. There were tlfty

seven perfo: mancos so the deficit is about

sl8u0 per night.

Bsrsh Bernhardt (rets AflOO a (lav f *f

acting. Of this her creditors take |1K>,

leavliis her #120. Her table costs her S-iO

a day and fuel and lights about «7> more.

Her carriage hire—she has sold -her own

<1 ulpages—comes to «8 a day, and cos-

metics, Including rouge, g5 more.

Fifty cents will buy s Georgia shad Iu

the New York market, and *i-50 will pay

for s pound of hothouse grapes.

Rlcbard A. Proctor says that a hand at

whist can be made up iu W5,013,539,600


Count that day lost wlioae low ilews-udlng -am Vlowa from tby bund BO uorlliy BStlon doue.

The mayor of Salem bus forbidden the

Salvation Army to use drums while on

parade ou the Sabbath.

Fair Daren, loan., has a newly formed

antl-sweuring society, In which the mem

!"■)» agree nut to Indulge In profanity for

a year; anyone breaking the rule LB tc

"stand treat" to the entire membership

lu whatever drink each may choose; the

prohibitionists will say the penalty is

worse than the fault-

The Journalists of Lowell have orgi ized a rifle team. A saloon keeper in the city, wishing to preserve his S5o0 mirror from harm, haa loam-d It to the club f< target. During a saloon right it ml get broken. [Norrlstown Herald.

Michigan Is likely to re-establish c

tal puuishment.

tin rlii iti:hlt>K and burning, Inatantly relien

warm bath with CUTIUUBA »oae, uml apptUiaton of CtiTliTB*, lh" (trout skin I,UTI-. lhi» reiHNiHMl d:or.-,ivnh I*" or tttrte doso- 01 tJl'TirjCa* KKsoLVKNi, Itir SKW U1I»HI Kurllicr, to ke*u Hie bl ol loil.tue |K!rMilr»li.i«]iii-eand unlrrtiatlnn, Hi" licmrl. open, Urn liiret anil kid- neya active, will m.eedilv • ur« e.aein*. Tetter. MoKWurro, Piorlaiir., J.h ten, I'miilua. Snail Head, randrnff, uml e>« V ape-, ee ol Itchl--K. Hoalv, nnd ennpiv Humor, of Ida Scalp sod

'-'— i ami ail known

" K II in, HouianlHiii itml Itebt'llion'

Ms. I.iiiitr.v's Llttio Chinaman


ii.'- ri'iiion* «i'd direction.! for plahttna Wet-taw and Flower SEEDS, Bl.xSJH.eie




moment, a vision In blue ap- I before inc. It was no other than

Wong Mo come to call "Madam." Wong Mo i- the patronymic of Mrs. Lantry's little Chinaman, who halls from San FraneUcn. Although he has only seen thirteen summers, his face Is stern and .rave a* a mmi of fifty. His good quali- ties are absolute devotion to au Indulgent mistress, ami an Imperfect knowledge of KnglKh. which keeps his tongue from wagging, ills temper Is not always well l)ed. The other day he eut off his pig.

tall in a III of passion. As for dress, he wears many costs ami many petticoats, lie l« magnificent, and In his own coun< try might pass fur a mandarin, Wong Mo Is a lucky boy. - Pall Mall Onsette.

Win ■],. rnu vifirr wltl! IM< . |ghe. pain In the MM, rheumatlim.ur laSMSOM «m where whei

■ JITKR will aiirelr give you relief a. dwlweod :■..■•■■>-. Utosa.SSe

To ■ in atari \ 11. \i > )•■» snrln In a C- ■B'.Ci'" * BIIO'.K pull »n.u.,.pll. Cud

■IIV troniile* Lh ( ■" n -.. .i.i ■■ Wil

I.mi-." a Bate and ture rensJv. •< prcpiraMon, but la rernlailj

. , IhemedH'*! isciitlv. MentTaehir itrbTA.B.wiLBoa,Ohamlal,Bo«lon. Sold

j.lli.ui.aHta. rtOaj


hi all right fnr OMU to t\Dg Uie pralaea of the beautiful enow, ami the tnrrrr alelKh Iflla and the rliialna; .kale- on thcfia..T Ice^.ul they can't ■III tlielilirwllh that eort of etuS whan one'l* alt llDi-wltlibi! feet hot water, hla head done up lu OauueU aud with mustard plaater* .,n Imtti aide* of lite cheat. What a person need* then laa cathartic fur m.thlni; will *■■ qulcklv ir. lime that einijte-dive, feierlsh eoudlUun which ciinie* nf a hanl eold. Often these eolda rauaS l.llloii* attnrki, lame lia.-ka, dlaurdere.l ktdneri, rheumatism, catarrh, etc. Kldnev Wort ran bo retledun to brltu; back a liealtbr condition,


Mr. Bonner declares that Maud S. shall

not trot fur money, while owned by him

Mcblle la boasting of a watermelon that

has Just rlpeued In the open air. The seed

was planted In the late fall, and the vine

grew right along In the open air, with no

protection from the weather.

And this is from the modest west i "Mr.

Clark Wilcox of Irwln county raised a po-

tato this year that measured seven feet

>lx Inches In length and about tbe size of

a man's arm."

A New Hartford youngster of some aix

summers upon being thwarted In some of

his mischievous undertakings by his

grandmother sententlously remarked i "If

there's anything I do hate it'-* women,"

Successful experiments have been made

with the pulp of the Florida banana, and

a splendid tmallty of paper and rope ob-

tained, but they slip up on the peel.

The gas Investigations In New York,

shows that the gas for which consumers

are charged S3. Hi, costs the company ex-

actly 46 cents.

At s recent public dinner a clergyman

asked his right hsnd neighbor of which

sect he was a member. The reply seemed

to preclude further discussion. It was "I

am a reporter."

An exhibition of hirds has just been

held at the Crystal Palace, Ixindon. One

canary exhibited was valued at 85,000.

It Is probably true that the one man

whose sleep is least broken, and whose

tears manifest the least disposition to

flow, liecause of England's wholesale

budget of woes, is named the Prince von


Skating rinks were vigorously

nounced on Suuday by the Catholic priests

lu Brockton.

A man in Lakevillc has shot dve foxes

this winter.

An Illinois clergyman Is reported to

have startled his people recently by the

slugular announcement i "Remember our

communion service next Suuday fore-

noon. The Lord will be with UB during

the morning service and the bishop In the

The bright Washington correspondent

of the Boston Traveller, writes as fol

lows t —

In all the columns of newspaper mat- ter, and I am almost tempted to say books, that have been written on Dr. Burchard's famous speech to Mr. Blalne at the Fifth-avenue Hotel, last fall, the true story has never yet been printed. My information comes from the verj highest source. Several days before the Fifth-avenue Hotel lucldeut, Mr. Blai: received telegrams from several of his friends In various parts of the country, all of them warning him to look out for sons trick or trap which was about to he set for him. He made inquiries, but certalned nothing, and tluully cauiu to the conclusion that the fears and warnings of his frleuds were groundless. He came to New York and drove at once to the Fifth avenue, where his family were waiting for him. After giving notice that he wat very much exhausted by his long journey he retired to his private apartments, with the members of his Immediate household. He had not been there but a few moments when a colored messenger came and said that there were about 'a thousand preach era waiting to see him." This was the first notification that he received of the Intended visit of the clergy. He went to the head or the staircase, and the air seemed to oe full of preachers. Mr. Blalne says that he did not hear a woril that Ilurchard was saying to him, owing to the confusion and noise, but he guessed at the object of their call aud replied in a brief speech. Now comes the Interesting part of the story, and which, I am in- formed, has been verllled by Mr. Blaliit: and his friends. There were In the crowd at least two agents of the democratic ni tlonal committee, and these agents kite every word that was in Ilurchard s speech

»re be read It to Mr. Illalne. AH soon as it was delivered, aud Burchard had carried out bis part of the programme Mr. Blalne firmly believes, these agents ran to the democratic headquarters and reported at once the fact tliat Burchard's alliteration had been allowed to go un- challenged and uncoutradlcted. The most skilful meu in the employ of that commit- tee were put at work to see that Burch- ard's speech and Blaiue's reply hail the most display In the democratic newspa- pers and In various other channels having the public eye ond ear. The result of It all was that the next day Ilurchard awoke to flud himself famous. The democratic trick had succeeded, ami so far had It been carried, ami so effectively had il been placed in the mind of the public, that Mr. Blalne's subsequent speech on the topic had, as It afterwards proved, very little weight. Now, there Is another curious circumstance which may possibly throw some light on the question of how Burch- ard uta ft*ward. Smith M. Weed is an astute New York politician, who was committed to Mr. Cleveland's cause with all the ardor anil enthusiasm with which one man could support another. He held a mortgage on Burchard's house for 84500 A very few days after the "lUim, Roman. Ism ami Rebellion" speech was delivered this mortgage was discharged. Of course Mr. Blalne's friends would not for all the world Intimate that Mr. W«d paid Dr. Burchard for making his speech to Mr, Blalne, or that there Is any connection between the two; neither do I, but n was a peculiar circumstance happening at that particular time, wasn't It?

Id H:l|>ll.(

IdVi .'.IKll f..i,-

AOVlOalTO MoTHKKS. Are you dlnturls'd nt nlifht ami broken of you

ldld suffcrlDgainL- -ving- with pair

Whinloi bildren TeethhiK. It- value In liieulcn'hilit'c ' It

rill relievo the [ r littlf sufferer Immediately. IMrpend upon it, niuthcm, there mistake about " It cure* dyaviitery and •llarrhirti, rt>|rulau>*

.[.mm, li ami lnt\Vt'K i-itrr-Min] cllc, HVUI-IIK .... guiim, reduce* the Inllumiuntliit), and u-ltc* t>.ne iiml energy Uillie wludf- -i ..[crit. .Mr-. Wins low'i.suotliluar Syrup for Children Teething l« pleasant lothe mute, and l« the prescription of one ol the oldest MII.L u-st renuile numca ami physician*: In tin- I idled state-, and Ii for aal, II tint—' •

Ke». Curti Klin ,v ,.„,,„„. H MM

luirclhan rift ■-::;«. •1

pSaJtBTB." k n a nut be imp orei

Irugiflnta t aahottlB

oughuui the i dweodlvjai

M.W I.IUIITOS UllKL'MATISM. I bad been completely disabled from rheurat n. I lined Parker'* tout, kidney ,iir,e.i-,e en tii in, i II,.- ■SHM.A.. ...._

uleudy d .appeared.-1 S. write* Urn. Henry Ho Sm, of No. 1&4 Atlantic Aveuite. Ilrooklyn, N. V.

:icuiiiatl*iB arl-c» fr„m the failure of the kid-

IN CaUMOBAB&B WaUTftSS People are lienefltu-d by tbo u*e nf Spoer'l Pn Urape Wlue. lor aale l.y II. M. Whitney A C


itching Diseases ■ Ni/.:


Mrrraiitudo to Ootl I* ual otiiided if let I h Una 1 vnu I I

night for yen

there- I>IC u-oor tne ct'Tt- becn tniu1 le.1 With

nty y ib« inn n.n;' and

... I am happy to aay. I have no Iriu de. Only the il*rr-col"rcd paicipn on my limb* remain aa a token of niy loruier mi «ry.

HKSi v I„ SMITH, ]-■ H'rfl Avenue. Hoeheiter, S. V.

BCZKBA ON A t Jill,u. Your " o«t valuable IIIUMIU RKMKIIIE8 hare

done mr child KU IDUCJ good that 1 feel like tar. ina lui* l"i tin- bem Hi 01 ttiose who are troubled! disease. Uv little girl waatrouulett with Ki/.u na, mm 1 tried Mitml doctor* and me ii.'in, :, i.-iL did not do her any food until 1 uicd Ihe ct'TiiiK* KEMkiUEs, which aptcdlly cured her, for which 1 owe you many (hank* and nuiiv uirfSi ■ ..' real-

ANTON BOSSIMIB. Union Bakery. Edlnbiirih. Ind.

TK'I'TKK OF "THE t^CAU' I was almost petf ,n> bild.cauaed byTeOer

of the top of tho a.culp. 1 Died four CunCCRA KaMantRaaliout nix werk* ami tbeyrurtdmj «, i ii tierfcctly, and now my balr la oomlnf baci aa thick aa t ever wa*.

J. P. OHtHOK. Whlteaboro', Texas.

OOTHBBD WITH BLOTCHES. 1 wanl iu teilyu that your t i miiti UBSOL

VBKT ia in.- n n i il int abut three months ugo mr lane waa overed with blot be*, and a ler m-cj I'm ■ ■. ni » .:■( in.'* H.M..S1 1 waa peifcoi

HIKDKlt t K MtlTltE. tl -t Charles cfeet, Sew Urteai a, I a.

IVY POISONING. For all eases o| Dolioptnc by*- try or dogwood

Icanwairun. CUTiciTRA to eurr erery tm.H. 1 tun e told it for UTO y ai* and It never r.i 1*.

C. U.kUKJS.Uruggitt. Hnlll-ion. Maaa. soul eveiywbcru. I'IM; oiJiit.uuA.uUi u

RUOLVBNV, SI; Snip, 91 ola. IMII.K liatio AMIJ CHEMICAL CO. , Uirion. Hara

mmm The Great Ktleamlc'lMaillUtlon or \V Stllnirl. tin, il.-mi | in,, Canadian

Marigold, Clover Bloaaotn, etc, or tbo Immedlata Beileland 1'ermantntOnto 1 arery rnrai oi Catarrh, ironri a Sinipe Head Old Mluaossa to the Loan ol Suicli.Taato nd Hearlnaf, couch, Hr^nchltl*, and Inciidi m

Consumption lieliel In Qre mlsntea in any and - --yca«e. Nothiog like It. GralortU, fraaraat

leaomc. uuro uegmn from the nr-.-L aople rauloal, aod permanent


and nrrer lai Ooe bottle HB,lical Cure, one Dox CaUrrha

Solvent aid hsnfordV Inh.ler. all Inoneiaok ajte, i-i-iii .-(.• :i lompletc (re*tient,afall drna alula lor fi. A»k lor -"tsromc* hUnicAt. t VKK Poilrr Itrug and lli'iuiisl («., Hostnu


P ■ son

AIN - roroua

„_Pl"»»ar lor » oeDln. tirtlltl. ItRn mi --, rain. Vltlat

Weak and Worn out paiw, StAaatbSSS II muscle*, prevent) dlseaae, and dor*, more I one ha i lbs IITI- than any ott er MestSf ia (I world. Sold orrrywbera.

Do the Right Ihing. . S. V ALBAS

Dr. Darld K"nne,lr. rt'iidout, N. Y : I'SAK -lit: About e ((lit jeara><fol ofSSB lo

•utlcr from a Liver riiffli: dtv. During !!;'■ i,n ,. t. ■ I Hxpeneaccd aeri-ra am, acenmpan^ed by what lo nnnldeaurloo better Iban broilllng It a draw- ing in M-ni.iti'in. The agony of II wa* ulmori be- yond endurance. N ne of the u<u*| modiclnea employrd in-urhra-en had any eflcci upon mc. Fioml'mftoiim.. I waa lui.I uu and unah e to attend to any hiulneae. Tbla covered a period ol

rinally Mr. Lloyd, s druaclnt .ir thla eltv, sna. ao*ted,.ur raVOIUTK Ki:WKl>Yi* aa excrl- tonl thine lor i ... Liter. I bad not taken ihe

of ihe Drat botl'o be! .re 1 found moat du llel; the pain piarcd *M, and to mi rianl.edlne power to eijuy and dlgea

... wKhnui the inrmer ,1 Intro a, Hmurc t to beaetgolncagaln. 1 canno belter e« my apprreai on m iir. IUvi,i Ktmm ib'- KfTB HKHKDY than Irrlclllrr T-U tilM

knonlcdgo or It* rlrluea I It io a great uuiiy ol n.j

aMed . .ICllVtll I


lure I,.-... mended Irlinde and acqiafid

Y.iura tru'y, 3. rill'aOS. er Aveniir.

f AlbanyV ot | an I reapert tfU io the publication ol

■Fit Ale. klr.IVp

ad roatdaala, ano »-t._. 'Jie above letter.

Dr. David Km ndy, !(,,„... » _, Phyalolan and Eurg^n

MALARIA. a* an.-inii-imljirln medicine


FAVORITE REMEDY has won golden oplnlona. No trnvpler ahould con- aldir hl-'ialilieomil. reunl- — i ni.-tini... i, I,.,, |..,,t thU m.-,llelne. If" jou *„■ |.,|.™,| i„ |,„|llrn,

"-—•aofcllmate.fiioilami water. KaTi.ilie C-i, ■-■- J^W*.,i*",,IH"jr£!"' ~*0h'. "'"K1*


Botanic Cathartics. For Conatlpatlon, Coativenta, Piles, Sick Head -he, ItillouaDeaa, Etc. It la tba moat ploaaant _ id aale Cathartic for children and adult* to take. Tbey ara always reliable- Aak your drug-ilatforlt. Sem prepaid bv mall on receipt ol f.- i-e, .■-,,■;...,,, ■ f i otiper box.


Botapathlc Dr.ops, The (iroiit I'ado Killer and Health Pro

tec tor,

For Eneurratl a, Nanralgla, Paralyala, llcajt DIMU c, liipnihcna, Colda and all pnin* and brulkea It haa no Bojoa] in the world. Aak jour druggist f.,r it. -ci.t prepaid breipreaa on re- ceipt oi price, $1 per Lottie.


Botanic Worm and Fever Powders The onlv'remed'

[■ .!■■"(■■. and •trenatden the i. venlliig worma from accumulating;. Overtwo- Ihlrdaol thedif>euc* of children are cauaed uy worma. Aak your drugalat lor (bem. Sent pre- paid by mail on receipt of pilce,U:U, and f


Botanic Salve. Cure* itch, PUM, UldSorea, Soalda and liurna, and all kinds ol SKIS DISEASKS, Aak your itrukKlat for II. Sent prepaid br mall r« <•■< id ,it piicr, 'iSola. and $1 a boa.

All theau valuable remcdioa ard prepared only by

OBO.A ROBERTS, Chemist. Reading, Mass.,

To wl om all crrNri ahould bcaddrewrd.


F3B! the PIOPLR'S CYCLOP.*; DIA. Th. beat tallln* work pnldl.hed; ISO to 9100

made ■• e.kiv. IHAKTI\ <- SasanSwa A (' 70 Milk Ntreet, Boalou.

sleighs! Sleighs t

-A.- ST. BBAN,

BEHT TRU 88 Ever Used

I ii, in, i veil f. laa tie Truaa. Wora nlgbt and day. Poaitireiy cuic. rupture. Beat iif mall evervwkero Writ- lor lull dcacrl*. ■ irreire-Ura to the

N. Y. ELASTIC TRUSS CO, 744 Broadway, !V*w V.nk


Collins, Caskets and Under- takers' Goods

or .LI. KIBI ■.


yMm^w HAI.K- KOOM—4T Araeahuty

~-l«l Tretnont St., 83 Jao eoncection i.t oOlco and r prompily nanwered day t i,i«in. A iniy la


When Well-Known People Write such Letters as these, who Can doubt the efficacy of Dr. Schenck's Great Medicines?

!!•■».,ri llmslf.f l:in,| i,„ Id alwaya be wlllilnyour r

In the beat prvventaiin- i.r , tiiiln Id. Ilia

lar tat pol-nna, an and malarial (■-«-, frre,| ana irusimirthy >.pr,-| ami I.Ker ■ ,'iiiplnln' ■.r.iin nnlll nt H,l.,liall ill ,ir.1. I

Kmtirti: III iimtj Ihi-iiimtantly pin falling rrten.l ■ til, -.n,^ /.,| 'i n. K, ■., Hondout, N. 1 •&>>>? all drugsi«u.


Tlie Voluic U.dtCoiuiiany i.f Manna! offer to aeud their fcc lee trie Voltaic Ben sUsetTtfl Appllaaces on trial fur thirty daya, io men (young or obl| afrilcteil with nervnu* dcbll Ity, loan of vitality and inniilio.H|, and all kindred trouble*. Ainu f„r rho atlitui, neuralgia, puruJ. yala and many oil»>r illneiincn, complete rc.torii 11..11 L.. hrniiii. vigor and manhood guaranteed. Na rlak IN Incurred, a* thirty days' trial la allow.

Vt rltu them al once for Illustrated pamjdile dwlyeuiijuy

"Hot !. II ■•> I-1 [\- I'oruun nnd atrcnfthctiln*;. Imp

.i- Im.ka, he. [-alii. be.i ,,, ,, curalgin. tSs. I>ruggl«la or in

PLANTEBS. ed, the b iin-iiiiiiiii-i

S»U,^S \fhe Greatest Blood Purifiei

KNOWN. reatlJcnnan McdtcL

, ..-and best. ]'ii,|.,HL-*,.rsl'l.., |PlH'ltmTTI-Hi.Sf,,.-»i.i»i,l,MN,|,.„ ' ■"ne cont a doao. It will euro tbo.

rorntcHaesof akin illaeanc, fnnnJ cimtnun ptinplii on thti fiu-e,

"!^.'.l',',t„".rrul <"->•"• ScrufulaJ |!>L'Ll'fIt;K IHTTLKS In

S niertlclno to Uce tu i "• of "in ii atubliurn ip SSatSfl dlauaacs. > ever take


If you have any of the pre- monitory symptoms of Con- sumption, send at once for Dr. Schenck's Book. It gives a full description of all Throat and Lung Diseases, Liver Complaint (that"great forerunner of Con- sumption) and Dyspepsia.

After reading this Book you will know what your condition is, and will he prepared to apply the proper remedies to effect a permanent cure.


I have used Dr. Schenck's medicines in my family for many years and therefore know them to be Rood. I know those who have been cured of very serious lung diseases by their use.



Schenck's Pulmonlc Syrvp has been used In our institution fur several years, and haa proved a very efficacious remedy in the numeroui cases in which it haa been em- ployed, by removing inflammation and otherwise relieving the patient. We keep a constant supply of this valuable remedy In tho house, and continently recommend iu use to all who are subject to affections of the throat and lungs. *



*|mmitttiurij, M,l., June, 10,1880.


•oon nettled there. I h.sju had all the synipu/ma of Oinsuin pil, in-couth. 11 tub 1-* weal*, palu In mr breast and MSB, and wa* «u «root a* to be cunlined to my tx-d a good deal of the time. My disease was pronounced to be fouamnptlon by all the Phy'li-tai's 1 employed, and I have no doubt that It waa, li,r the dlacaae 1* hereditary In my family, three of my aimer* havltiK dIAl of It. 1 waa ao rick that I w II-,,,1 wi lie house for nearly a rear. At laal, hy tbo tdrlea of my wife, I waa Induced to use the medicines of Dr. ScViict.or Philadelphia. 1 benaii to aain In utreiiRth very soon after I began to u*e them, and eventually was entirely cured. When I commenced to take them I only weighed one hundred and twenty pounds; my present weight la one hundred and «l*ty pound*, and I have excellent health all the time. I have never had a doubt but thai Dr. Sciieuck'a medicine* saved my life, I make thla atatcment for tho beiieiltiifthoaewhor- - aal ibon pertlos o:

"cafflicted with lunR-dlaeaae,

v,fh-i !!•*. I



Thal every article uaed foj toe a*roe mirpone IH fciinal value uu one admit*, A., all natural irtHluetlon* no lu the inanufnctiiM'd,all h.vctheir ,c*rree of merit, and .soap 1* an eonaplcuoua In lu arletyM anything elac. llut in thin, aa the de-

mand for the 1'iiro and Sellable iucicaaea, ao the value of the prodm-iimm ,,f'.'unla Davla

«<•., ea|icclallv their "lVel,-,.iii,-" nnd "In, iiualleil Kiira" brauda, la-log practically recoiii-',1 l.v otli-r nmiiiilii, imii . * „,' lu,it;,,,. them In every cmcclfalile way. Hut, while thla ciniplimeiit may Iw appmLued, .-an be, iiciuion, ui- n1H cliarac. ter at auch ((ood* and iheir in ik, r. - - S,, une ahould IM deceived, an the iinainal lui* the name of turlla Uavln Ihivl-, In full, etlbcr uu till) bar or wrapper, and It I- their pmp,i,e to let their reputation -i ii..I ou Una c.laaa of goodn. dwlw

THE iiin-i. oi niiMiinv n lldreu, slow lu norolopntstrt. punr. -. r.i

I ilelbale, line "V eNV Heullb h.m'u.i. '

NIUIITNM'KATN. Ilesdaclie, fever, chill*, malaria and dyniicp-l red by "Wells' Health Itenewer." SI. dwl>

A I i 111 IL or Titaaxa, Mrs. l.ydlaK. I'inkbam; Very dear Mailam

Uy wife, Arlo A. lirecn, ba* aurTered with a dla placement which cauaed her unknown pains, til I had almost gd*en iin all hope* of finding air

IsL'LPiirif itinnus k the pureat and bust*

MkwSLtat^BH wtlhayellowatlrky, •nhatnoee? Iay,)uri in i'-it ii foul Bud#ni ■■ flat, offensive? Yonr*h'il jrl annio'at o atoiiiach ia outAT"'1!! curuyou. Sulph'u of 'MIIIT. IV,'#UIUoralB

iiriTti(r,#Tn«JJiTalld»i Friend.! l|^?n,r^'yAT^n^nnB''the"ff^»"''tot-| i«.y .M i. #",,',l,t«''' <•'"•" made well' ■ - «U uk#" .U,

L°- Keiiwint-ar wliat v ■y, cln.^,.,,u,i neraf I, „,„_ KVti -M|

life, It haa aaved hundred t wait until to-morrott


1 wait unltl y

Try a Bottle To-day! 1 liw .plrllcl and weak.l

BliaSljIltS fnne *K" -1

fyoutli ? If ', .SLLl'UUit IllllKUal

rdway A Co., kpubltahedr


The flurry In Lowell, over the poor farm

manage merit has subsided; no one who

knows Col. tinder, the superintendent,

for a moment believed that there was

anythlDR out of the way In his accounts nave roi seen ms Windsor Billiard or conduct, ]parlors?

■Id the lir -r t ■ after tin

■ave.._. .

the tlr*t bottle »lm declared herself anew p two bottle* entirely cured her. Your niedii Invaluable to me. It waa Indeed a mrmteii peace In my house, It cured my wife, knows I am the happiest man alive to <li canuot eipreaa

,,,, iifi'r ,.f

lines toward* you.' . W. LH -ii, Camptl, I.a.


A (' win. io all who are aufrerlnf fraiti error* and ludlscretloin of youth, nervous weaknes*, early decay, loaa of mauhooil, Ac, [ will send a —el pa that Will'lire TOIL, 1 111 a Or CFIArKtE. Thla

eat remudv waa diacavcred 1,v a mlaabmary In uth America. Send aelfbdilrt-aaeil envelopo i;i ' .1.. i i H r !-. -i -, -. ■■■■■. i, D, New Turk



my rJSSdS advertised fnr the >th

There are *o many frauda hair," you aay- So there are, _ Balaam la not one of tliem. It will uot work tulr-

, but It will do better aervlca for yuur balr anvihlng else you can nml. Kealorea orl*. color, cure* daudruiT, tiivea new rrowtF.

KleiAnllyperfumed, Kotadye. dweodlmfyit,

WilKI AlATls.M

AGrandjtesult! An Invaluable rem-

edr lor all r»Inaand Aches, In any part, of tho bodr,

sUimnrs •MB VITAL OIL PONITIVI; ci'iti:











•T. H. PORTER, M. TJ.,



JEREMIAH WINN, Spoke and Wheel Manufacturer.

r-tlrvlugSt, Worcatcr, Mat*., May 28,1881.


During the part two years my mother and brother have died of Consumption. I waa myself quite unwell moat or tbla time, and when, ahortlr after their death, I was attacked with cough and severe hemorrhagee, I naturally concluded that 1 waa destined to go with the aame disease. I Im- mediately consulied a physician, who made a ipe- eialty or lung disease*. After examining me.heaald that he thought my lungs were sound, and that I Would soon recover. In leas than aweck after this 1 had another severe hemorrhage. Thinking that my physician had mado a mistake In my case I consulied another doctor, lie thought my lung* affected, and prescribed for ma for a long tlme> I got no better under his Ireatment, but generally worse* My cough was very bad, my appetite en- tirely gone; I bad aerere pain In my right side and for month* I did not sleep more than two or three hours |U B night. My tongue waa heavily coated and I had a bad taste in my mouth. I bad the headache almost all ibe time.

Feeling that something mu.<l be done I at last concluded to consult with l»r Sehenck, the phyH- elan who, i ,rlll,k. , good reawn to believe, to bo the best in the treatment of lung disease I Went to his lu Boston, and waa examined Ho found my left lung qtilts badly diseased and my liver acrioiudy affected. nc told mo that I could bo cured if i would follow hla directions. Of course I consented to do so, ,nd I very soon saw that my confidence in his ability was well

K 5* "1U "ssarrtsMrs. Ssawfad Tome andPulnmnic Syrup,all at one time, aa directed b, hlra. and within cno nrnnth my worst symptom, were gone. I went to K0 the doctor o0 his next

HI„„ » * .• "" ' •U,l! "> w"rk a* usual Since my recovery 1 have n„t |,..t a da7s llnTe except when I have mad,- l. endly vuVt* to uTo docbir at his BoMon office Mv couJh u „,V. Ii appetite |a „«,,. 1 lm,c noUnaXVSn tty side I ale.,, lien,-r u,Bn | ,.Vi.r,,,,, , u™|,f"

These are the reasons why I believe tn ■„,) *. i^^Hf3|egS ■ '"hla me.liclue«Bnd


TOMPKINS&MANN, Successors to



Al <hrl Linseed till■ Lard (XI, Mixed faima.alUolort NraurooiOll, Naptha,

Broom*, 01 ire Oil, oxalic A el.'.

iotas, Oakum, Piirsfl)ne (ill

borsSa PuUy, I'arrn hor.

[ ream Tartar r.olM*olallabada>, Pu-tlonS'CBa MBiholc Acid, .'oaoh Varnish, I'.ni Hi li-lea. .'»fi'i mi, Paper Palls,

■■ 1 11'lc 01 l.lme. KibberWagon Mjirlaf. C.pi er Klvela, Cast leeoap Rotten Stone,

Rook Salt, Dippers, wooden lor horsesaudeatlle,, Unct Hrn-he Sulphur, itmery Parer, Sand Pater,

■,: i i . Cloth, Enamel Dressing. Sal bods,

I'll (. ,,i ,:,.:,- I (.ii-,

SaltaMtft Sew in. Machine Oil, rioor Hruabta,

riah Glue, Varnish. roreat linn LSStt

''iin Arable.

mil Lent, Kuerlaila, ■ • 11 II onxe,

M anrrgan Soap,

Dla bar Sal , Soap, , vt bale Oil Sean,

III ■!.■'>,

London Purple,


Xo.rSStatt 1. EDDY, opp. Hill,, St., Boaloa.

Secores Ptients la ihe Uailod EtUoa: also im Orsot BntaiP. France and oth.r lorelin eoun- rla*. Loptcaof the < laims ol any I'aeatlurr """'1J

b.> remiltiisr one dollar. Ais'nssooiB ,i .,r1e,i("., ""''"'S'0"' No Agency™T tho Inited M i-s ,,„«,-.„ .up rlor fac.llUM lor ■t,Uiiuim I ment I.I a.iertalmDgthapaieniabll- itjnii i.ivi i,i i.i ■.

i: ii - KDDT, Solicitor ot Patenta.

TSSTIHOMAIIS. ■1 regrrd Mr. Eddy as ooe <

and successful peactltl«neia had ofUclol interconr,F.n

CUAS. MASON, tommlislonei or Patenta,

••Inventors cannot ciopiny a person more tisut.

i/moe"-'1 MWM|B" OWWtnaWllBwS. tli.Pai.Bl Kl .MINI. BURKE,

late Commissioner of Patents.

R B rnnv ■ „ »'BTOH,0 Mstt IB, IB7S. K. a EOIIT, R, Q —Doar Mr; YOB nraeair** :r.l"Se.,B,1f4Ul"', "V "*•£• eAVspBws sreacic.i iur and s.tvaed sna I. bonSrodioS

« .i ra. i lor craclnnaliy emplojoS too rll*Si*l-c* L" N,iw York- "lladilnfila si! .ra.h1o.ton, bul 1 aim |Ue you "iSoJ ^J

'.oar. 11 SployST 'n »« Wisft,B



I believe thai I o my life n

FRED. F. TRULL, Mudton, Afaw., Hay a, ISSI,


sick with what my it.tlon.ihBt neither Ihnt U waa poatllih,

feetng that 1 vn.t L I'-,IL- ,VllW„*; , ■ -.

2a?s«,iSri7.i::;,;,V.";;,.'r ■,it;;.jr t S IKJS^SSS;


*rt ia, MB." *■ •** SSaSm! «i-.


Z'iS,\X'1' °'""""°n''"""- asaaS

•intsoaa, ■** * "■ SSasSJB BR. SCHEKK'S MCDlCmS:



SOAP Acknowledged Ihe "STANDARD" of LAUNDRY SOAP. There Is but One. Finding these goods every- where Imitated, the manufac- turers would suggest lo consum- ers who appreciate the

'GENUINE" to see that every Bar is stamped with a Pair of Hands, and not accept any substitute. In tbe use of

WELCOME SOAP, people realize 'VALUE RECEIVED' and discover that superiority in WASHING flUALITY peculiar to 'his Soap.



$4.50 to $7.00 Per Set, Al the DentalJRoOBjs of


»Dd .11 oihcr worktU.we,t poi.t ,1, r,l«. *'

^„*T" IBTII* th« ela««.t Mrniii.yoI .I, onr Work

sSra,** "■""■•b"""" •»" wa Con«nr

prcjud ,-


The at lent on of T^dle

'Peerless" Bias-Cut

Bone Casing, &e.,&c.t 1 Oinnoienllaa Ladloa* aid

Aprone, Uacoi- oloihiH.Ae.

Jnsl reoelred and ferasie by

Misses Sheldon j Wakefield, MLlllnorj nn,l Foscy Good*.

341 E.sei St., - - Lawrenoe,


Fio'ffl VfflTis, From Twenty Five Cents to

Three Dollars.

fely PaiM J mi 17 M, L S. fltela^^ iassTV, Mail,

Kcllcy'i Orug Store.lMWr.scs,


Andover Advertiser, —runusnED—

Every Friday Morning, ——»T—

OEORGE S. MKHHII.r., Post Office Block, Lawrence, Mass,

The Daily American

■ 0B90HlPTlON-PoBt*«e Pr*pal«lt- •3-SO nor year, irom which 6Q cents will be deducted for strictly td> payment.

the Lara-oat Dally ta the OHy wBh four TlniBB lb* Circulation of Hf other. ^

BUBSOBIPTION.lB advenoa; On* tsar, 10.00 | flixMontba t*.0

Whan not paid in advano*. W-Oa

QEO, S. MKltitlLL, proprietor

Tba Circulation ot the Lawrence Ameri- can le the largest of any paper In the County, and more than Three Tlmea


In the lanreet and mOBtthoroughly t» mailed In Eastern llaaawehtuaMt, With modern preaeaa, axwJ eonataa. addltlona ot the nawast atylaa oiTrp we are *bl* tolurulah the beat quallt of work, at low prloaa. Ordare by ma

omptly attf tided to-


Lawrence American, LAWBENCE, MASS.

I ill II* 1 MOUHIMO, M4KCI113. IMS.

W, h,,ej<i«tr«cel.«d Inra lb, ikor,,!. ,,,., „, the UUit

SPRING STYLE Fur Hat . flee din>r*rt shape*, oalnra, black ant bnun, wblelw* shall eell etoh. Thla wlir.out d< uMr'*ra'ha peouioaii oi-ponu. itj toob-.slniha bait ti,,tln,- al.w CTcr oHered IB New

* Knim-nl mtbatp loo. Hob-i-ei - »tv'fhate*«b« had at ant puna. Tatnkoflt. Kaablsboo wore pat-cf-etyl* Mat

but tm latistetylu; arc different snap •ana I*OK)I«II toteled froai. Gooiquauiy

HATS FOR $1.50 ii mlml these are not wnp| hnt>, I. t rood Qaah'y for. i a-th tlmQtiova we haveaaraadislreiioo m sprint *•?.* ball 'a a'l t-e tfMMM and [in'i-. "•' B —The o.,ir pi*<id m Lswr* IN to obiala ihi otleferated Wiloox Eat* veutilattd sweat leather, la


TBEKK IS an unmistakei) fettling of uneasiness in democratic circles, lest President Cleveland really means what he said as to appointment* and the civil ■ervfee governmeul,in bis inaugu- ral.


BLACK SILKS, Velvet*, CM*.- mama. bilk irmju., flullous, Ulovea, Aa

a 4,i MM'H. . in 'ii<^ <i i >wol

B A.dilAltl'H.

>OOTS A SHOES, * complete stock, at pn

Street full HMfl

"l". It. itOHlNsoN.Ui Baeex Street. COO KINO STOVES, Banff***,

Ifarnaooe. Sola tueul Uatf-'e stoves JtiUN K. Ill N.. HAM, Lift KaaexCi.

GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, FIMI- •YiiusMsaodrroduce.

.(.(n'l'Ja llltus. ,-,,ir. Kmei, Amcilml PHOTOOBAPHY, sole licen*«M

foitoauuy lorltieCarbun frocea-ee. VEANK KU8SHLL, Sit Baeex at.

SEWINO MACHINES. TheM«W U. iljwe. Domestic, ana he* lluine. W.

BAUr.K, Afeotail »a a«8t. All kind ,:>«»■ lag «a.iU..i i* uiuj it, sold, repeiied a a In let, 'PA1LOUS, French, KuKliak nod X Aia.iriuitii Noreiliea. _. .

F. W.dtJH AAKB A CO.,PobJlomee Block TA 1 M>K, ituitorted and Domea-

liO liiwiin. H OBWMtlt MOaag, ia»Caa^a Street.

A" w. HUVYLAWD, Ii. b. "A., • DIMTAL SUBUttON,

SBaaei Strs*l. bawreno*. Oaa.Btbar a*d nrororm Administered. CibAttA U. ttOGEH*). Disease* of wo / nan a ipaoUlt*. til bail street. Law Ifu

DK M. J. HILL, nivniciAN

ir llio Common. OOoea l.oura, •a Vails? St, tmmiTtuiii.w •

Daii J. C A1UUBM, lifiMTAL BUh uaON. Me. 19J Baaai Street, OTBT *.h-

- •Mask. LBWrenoa Maaa. U*i, Cbloro_ , aa preierred Cloaad i, er I

Aariaa Attjitiat. | iSKJalBU* rftlW'TlKK, Obi'io. Oio L"e-rla«. iwiiilj Kun CoBaaa, ■-•— aaad

tfcaiaaai tTAaeaa.

I K flAKHia, <i. K. Hunt «A.ilnna < irukea -**tar wnaaia, fi rfiaaStank<,Ui|i. tta(i

TraaatiTer of Ih* i., 1M BroailwBj — line aliila. WaHiiera ilora.Ao. Ao.Vlan*


rertralta and LaDdacayea. va <aaajBT.,LAwn1QB.

HOLT A CO., ICB DEALERS. Offict ■rltb Bui baa A Haok.ia ■aaexatraet.La*

■MBvafAaa. api-twy. TSiUttlOft A (SLIMOUS, AFPKAlf r BBS. itil EBTATB AC.KKT8. Uwraaee.afaaa. ParaoaBlattaialoiite anbu.

y IQTSIC S5Cr Ul UMiiC l,ll'l>

A Sura fur. far llfidaihf, 1> ya|>»p,t ■ r i..ri|.«ili in I nil lent Ion. Kattir M«m«< h H».tbar», l.w.r * Malaria.

A ii-x'i"ioaful 'tf Rllinuaine lake* at bed'ime W Ii Mjai**tf pr»,rnl (ho 'embla lira In'Ii- w m li in 'ily lolni*. juiuiLL'n ion or liumoirr- it* ilnnklnr.

Aar On--i-b'nrti leal the i tBeacj ol nil

n'l * 'Mjal i'

I0T(_ . ..Atifc We wll i U(j:ie i»cel|it or

HSttlY A i:\H1.i:,,,rr, It. I-

Mortsaft'cs I AU/;.riru.reH,;6pereeal. 4 percent

M BO In i > u

eltj ntor 11 a f* a,vli.

p.C. Ml B>M<Ba*d naat 4 p. c. "4 14.

" "4 1-2. at (rum It lo * per rail

J- O. rtamar.

COKE!_ COKE! R Cheaper Fusl than Wood or Coal THE LAWRENCE GAS CO,

Per barret, " " "J Onlera tnaatbe flat the oMoaof tMeompan]

So. 258 K«»ei 8L,aml tbeCcke pa..l lorattbf loie tba unler in «i*on.

orxuc BOORS KI-UI.I 7.W to If. • - - 1 •« ». *

C. J. H. nCMPHRETI, A«ent.

TUB DRHVBK chamber ol commerce has adopted a reaoltitton requesting the Secretary ot the Treuary to get the stiver dollar* into circulation by pay- tog tbem out; let the Secretary aend a Teer car loada to Denver; if the people there realty want the cart wheel*, let them have an abundance of ilium ; it is indeed a pity to disappoint their yearnings.

ONB DEHOCBATIC newspaper, the ; Manchester Union, Ihui early opens

tire upon (he administration ; it soeers at the appointment of Judge Eudicott, and avers of tbe selections of the presidental advisers generally, thai "to say that it is such a cabinet as the masses generally expected President Cleveland to call to his aid would be a disrespect to tbe intelligence and good sense of the American people."

THE SCIENTIFIC TEST. Royal Baking Powder Absolutely Pure

and "Wholesome.

The following reports from the Government chemists and others equally well known who have, from time to time, made tests of the various baking powders of the market to ascertain their true value and character, are evidence impartial, scientific, and positive, of the absolute purity and wholesomeness of the " Royal," and of its supe- riority over all others as a perfect leavening agent:

" I have tested a package of Royal Baking Powder which I purchased in the open market, and find it composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It is a cream of tartar powder of a high degree of merit, and does not contain either alum or phosphates, or other injurious substances.

" E. G. LOVE, Ph.D.," I. Oo.emmant ChemUt.

"It is a scientific fact that the Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure. H. A. MOTT, Ph.D."

I'. 8. Government Cbemlat.

t^ti.. FITS! riLaWT «r UI.I.IMi

G,A.PIummer CO.,

guacMian (a Plumcra W UtUs

Saturda. November IB, All During »ili;««fc


linl Flush k\m —AT

$29.OO. 100 j AT


"SG. J°« pmnlftr • mod.r.l. prlo. to c^l »nd .x.mln. tliem.

531 Washington St, BOSTON.

Heit to Boston Thonlrf.

raawdr. Olra BarraHiaaraai „_..,— _.._.„ far. nul. .n.l Hrlllru.joa.

aaMnaalir. II.U. 1100-1', l»l'.ailIt,lM«*f«tfc,

• WlfcTlTPAV S2.50 PER DAY Toallwl.o wot. mm To Mill' , I •



CONSUNIPTEO-I Kfljui IIir.TI'.V ,>:,^.l ■iPuriHL.M.V.

UBO P. ..v-Vr.l.l. A CO., ID S;,i

"The Royal Baking Powder has been used in my family for many years, and this practical test, as well as the chemical tests to which I have submitted it, prove it per- fectly healthful, of uniform excellent quality, and free from any deleterious substance. Wit. MCML'RTKIK, KM., Ph.D.,"

Prof. ChamlaUT. nL laduatrfal Dnlveralty; late Chief Chemlut U. 8. Dept. of Ajrieulture.

" I have analyzed a package of Royal Baking Powder. The materials of which it is composed are pure and whole- tome. S. DANA HAYES,"

Late Maaiv State Anaaytot and Ciii-miat

"I have examined a maple of Royal Baking Powder, and find no injurious substance nor any adulteration. The materials comprising the powder are pure, and the propor- tions quite accurate. F. L- BARTLETT,

RIDDLEBKBOEK succeeded in making a spectacle of himself in the senate by

bjecting to tbe coLtlrmaiioa of Bayard as secretary of slate, on account cf mo anti-dynamite resolutions of tbe latter ; one objection was sntQcicut to send the matter over a day, and the entire matter waa suspeoded by the whim of one man. Itseams a strange perversion of rules wlie.i one man's freak can block so important a matter as cabinet confirmations.

THERE AHE many indications of a serious clash of arms across the water ; Russia seems to be taking advantage of the troubtca of Greta Britain to make aoch advances towards India, ta will yery liko'y lead to war; at tbe same time tbe relations of Germany with Knglaod are seriously alralned, and should a conflict oome sbe might te found inclined to assist Ruisla. Tbe Chine** war la about all that France can take care of, end Great Britain would be likely to be without a power in! friend on the coatinent, and at a time when her resources are taxed to the utmost with the necessity ol a strong force in Ireland and India, and the stiugglc in tbe Soudan.

ONE OF the leading republican Con- gressmen of Massachusetts, before leaving Washington last week called upon President Cleveland, and In course of tbe conversation, allusion waa made to democratic disseut from the course of the new chief magistrate as outlined in tbe message ; the Con- grcsamsu expressed gratification will. the sentiments of the luaugural, anil stated that if tbe President rcalh meant what he snid, be would find n cordial support from republicans. The President repbed that he bad weigbed his words carefully, and that he in- tended just what he bad said, and should stand thereby iv- matter who disapproved.

Maine Bute Aanaylat and Chemlat.

r:-;3T NATIONAL BANK.Corning, Iowa

fWiaV'1;;!'; fir v .7 "ivU^V^

(JijiClisiiiovCi ■-■< l.iwni.«,:w,l'na1 B*^1 u ^ Uw.'n'V-'N."..' »'■'■'. 0*j*au' AUaaM



I.ttGF, NI'WARK. M \V.Ii:iTSl~V. niillrtliiu*. \*n*+\ and Tt"t.' Mnr>

" I have examined a package of Royal Baking Powder, purchased by myself in the market. I find it entirely free from alum, terra alba, or other injurious substance. •

"HKNRY MORTON" PreebWnt Stareoa Inatltute of Technology.

Arelhef'IlKaFF.mT and IIUVT fur rill L-

..<i. NooaaaniilnawiUio'ii'jnaHatL-MDrLi,

" ■■inilBor*avhl«lr. HT I I t.\. iMk Mr',

iM,iiiii.ii«iri«ar" JkW ■■-

tln.r Hu.nlli-iis will Lavi. >U OTIIKU JIAKt:. t*-i;ivi; T'r Hinirt ATKIAU

Mr >»lil by nil rrpalable •'ralen. •%«


Wa*»i»raMitr«ai-" Annthlna itellantful *» Um aaa-

Tr.iila Mark " WOODt*' rniK IXAVORINO


BBXBOTKD BPICU* eonranilon of_ IWflODS

. ,|,,.lM.ipOBj!?vH.7^Vw>.lJ Absalila funty «•* »■ i ... 11■, i, ,l.|,.,„i ii^u Aaoeli

riarat iluullly. THOMAS WOOD A CO., BOSTON,

CHfcluTlAS AND HOLIDAY Wines & Cigars.

The ehtelecat brattda of l-oirlgii ana aaaaaeaUa lVlnca, l.lnnora. CorAUla and Cigar*, m»y ba found at tka Vial Katab- Ukad Irtera *f



B> ajaaaatUaa taTaalt ( -at eaava*

im WSPECtM'8 NOTICE. The D"!arHa*f<l h««i f Iwrn apjoirtrd


Piano S; Organ Instruction. Mrt.O. N. HOMAN

will reeelTe nplla at 20(1 EBMX Ntreet, - Lawrence

ah Hia onllra wpf>k. Knrlhe

i,ll IPUV -1 11 i<> rep .,»l" rior at tin "Hi'■•■. *ii--i

•■■n«l '!•.' r J rlin;'. OfflOi BtPollOB Blall'li.


■' IV-.ll.I'l.

Fistula AND


I LI, U I »» lll'.i.. I ■■ "' ' '■■ i:'i '-, WU.LIAH 1,1 M'r- I).. Il.irtii..!, IMJ ) linl ItOlll >1. I.K M'. 1 M- !>., II H-v !■■ HK) KVANB IKitBB, 1TB Tn Hi , hoaten, trral KI- rrt.A. PILK", AVI> ALL :il 1 A h-> or THK li r 1 run wlUtom il B ten linn from -inlnaaa. Kelrrrnrea alffn

•■■■Mi inr a panptilit. om i 1..'in- 11 a. v. to4 p. PU ex r-nfit Hunda*a-

11 -



fear y»ara • i I T hiB a»< 'I umixrincc. H"iil«ini|n lallatrealUCDoe, 41 A^plclo


Cold Inthe Heal,

CAJARRI Not B Liquid,

8null or Salve. laa aal) laaal

. •!» la*,**!


TUB PUI LA DELPHI A Inquirer lamcnt- njj the lute of tbe Nicaragua treaty,is

of the ouiuion that if the measure had '»een pressed long ago it would ba'rc prevented the invostmcut of money in the Panama canal scheme, but that it Is too late now to begin work in tbe hope of heading off the de Lessepe protect and " wc may as well await quietly tbe outcome of tbe work in the lauoons of the Isthmus" Now it is barely possible that the Inquirer bad not made inquiries concerning the geography of that portion of the isth- mus through which tbe de Lessens project is expected to run, and the Star and Herald of Panama kindly seta it right on the subject of "lsgoons" bv snyirjg that they exist on the Isthmus but not *'aloog the line of canal work

Hhotigh tbey abound in the region vl.ii Ii tbe Ciiririqul lobby would seize

if tbey could prrnnadt U'c government and people of the W*¥d States to assist them 111 plundering trrriion from Colombia." ^^

Weekly News Brevities.


A revolt against English rule at Alexan- dria 1* threateded.

Freight rales to Nashville and Metnphla have been cut SO per cent.

It is expect**! that tbe Maine Leglshv ture will adjourn this week.

Tbe new Court Honse project was UN- at the State House, ywterdav.

Soulhurn New Euitland Bas« Ball League win formed at Hartford, vcster> day.

Gen. Samoel E. Chamberlain was. yes- terday, chotwn Warden of the Connecticut Suit..' Prison.

Tbe funeral of Rear Admiral Preble oc- curred yesterday. In tbe old First Parish Church. Portland.

The Dak* of Edinburgh does not give a very flattering daacrlptlon of the condi- tion of the British navy.

Two Brockton ahoe manufacturers, Daniel C. Bird and Wlnslow F. Holmes, bavti failed for small amount*.

The dynamite explosion In i'n- House of Common* mil West minuter Hall u«ii aged the building to tbe extent of $48, 000.

Newspapers have been received In Chill la :n daya from London by ateamnhlu to Mucous Ayn-s nnd tbence across the con- tinent.

A strike was Inaugurated yesterday on tbe T*XM and Missouri Pacific Hallways. All traffic, passenger and freight, ha* been cut off.

It Is said that after tbe vote In Parlia- ment on the censure question the Queeu requested Gladstone to 1 esign. but he de- clined to do so.

The cost for extra police In London the past year on "dynamite" duty has been A1UQ.0O0. Tbe previous year tbe expense was only $60,000.

At the German Embassy In London it la declared that war lietwecn England and Ilussla la Imminent. At the Russian Em- bassy the idea is ridiculed.

The new Cabinet was not confirmed yesterday, owing to Hliltllehcrger's oppo- sition to Bayard, whom he declared was imt fond enough of tbe Irish.

Fires In tbe Uulted States and Canada during the past mouth destroyed $10,000,- 000 worth of property—considerably more than for any previous Februarr-

Haturday. The Maine Legislature adjourned soon

after midnight. The Kiisso-Afghan question la still agl

tating diplomatic circles in England aod Russia.

The Reichstag yesterday rejected a mo- tion iu favor of reassembling the mone- tary Li HIl" l I I 111 '■■

General J. 0. Black of Illinois, baa been offered, and will accept, 1 he commission- erslilp of pt-mdous.

Great vigilance is being displayed In the British colonies to protect public buildings from dynamite explosions.

Senator Rlddlcbergcr withdrew his ob- jections lotlie continuation of Mr. Bayard, and the entire Cabinet HIS confirmed.

't'lie state seuate did some routine busi- ness vesterday, aud the house adjourned because of the absence of a quorum.

Count Herbert Bismarck visited the Prince of Wales yesterday, charged wllh a special friendly communication from the Kui|' ■!■"■ William.

All the workmen in the Missouri Pacific Railroad shops at Dent sou. Tex., .quit work yesterday, and will not penult auy one to till their places.

Presldeut Cleveland yesterday affixed his siguature to the commission of General Grant a* an oftluer on the retired list of the army, with the rauk of general.

In tbe British house of Lords lost even- ing. Earl Uranvlile upoke on the Bismarck controversy, claiming that tbe iuteretila of the Eugllsb aud German governuiunt* as civilizing powers were ideutlcal.

It Is reported that Congressman Hls- ock and Ml Hard of New York, and BayO*. if Pennsylvania, republicans, Imv* a*- •iurcd Prcwideut Cleveland or their hearty mpport In carrying out tba policy indi-

cated In his Inaugural address. Grant slept more and better ou

Thursday night thou for three weeks. "" l throat is Improved In appearance, and ... Is lii every way more comfortabfe. He remarked lo Gen. Badeau the other day that he didn't expect to live thirty days. Monthly.

Empress Kngcnlc Is seriously III (nun a nervous shock.

General Lew Wallace, United States mluls'er to Turkey, boa resigned.

The roller skating contest tn New York is won by Donovan, who made 1002


The Ex-Pre .Ident of tbe Council Gone to Itest


$4.50 to $7.00 Per Set, At tbe Denial|Roo as Of

ORS. C. D. & M. E. mm, BSJ* EIIII Street, I.awrrarf,

EXTRACTING, • SO CTB. ,aad ill Mftsf work at leaf it p »ai «H raiaa. w« Invite tea etaae-ier-ruUi-jr of all eor wnrk

an>! a-a jonto compara It win, t c l>-at Ir man I Bern-11 In r are nutSalbe beai itt.ltianJ *arr*>< Itbamf-rSI.oo, joar own latrreata. LIT aiida yon arajedica loil call and riaaita* fer ymra«lf*s *B«Taiw PSaaaViaaa*.

SALESMEN WANTEDI TIJ BtrUstl nrrlera for KBraarr Stock. Wa hara all

tin-' >'-'' f"n" »-il Rnwrr* Bu'ln'atM.ttT lain»H • ■•IKMIM.OVMFNTOIVEN THF TEAR ROUND. mm tilo ran rlr, «(|.farinrT ltf«n"<r». n^tMt applr. Pnr larma anrl nar'kulara,

Addr.aa T>. F. ATTWOOIl » TO . Nnraerrniua. GENEVA, N. T.


Fit; th ■ PROPl.l'.i ( TcMUM'.nia, The beat .elllr* wnrk )tUi'M«''»si ■ #,■» tn |IS0

■ nn.'f -.«•■■ W*lt I l\ I.AIIItlXO 1 A III., I T» MtlB Btraat, B»atoa>.


Flora ViiEHTis. From Twenty Five Cento to |

Three Dollars,

Nicely PacM jo_ send li Hail. L. S. MimWj_ ■ AaJow, Mass,

KeUey's Drug BSor*, Lawraoea.


Loan* 01 Improvad fanna a hlch ara ooaaianilT lacrtaa a/in value. iB*Kfa*l coliieaj wiun-vi

pstai-ie lo »•* Turk luoda. Cer - '-lied.

I'OSS, Crete, Neb,


PHOSPHATE IM IT A »H 1 form in condition a: IIIH-HIK valuei by ^

Kr Dr. Goeiiraann, of MJH , Hy I'r-.f. IU.inp.,,1. ;1 s 11... By Prof. Sabin, of Vt

Tliia (how* lha Phnaphal* at food aa li-prrscntcil, i— ■* ~

..•30.16 «JH,09

..•39.09 m ha fully hlch far Bi-

ll buy andijaltrwir money'' wonh.


TnK SI in MI: to induce the legisla

ture to commit the Connnouwealth lo a Ilnanciai endorsement ol a railway bridge acrosB the Hudson, oujjht not to receive a moment's favorable con- sideration. In tin. early daya of rail- roads, before their capabilities and

possibilities Decrtme known, it was probably good policy for the state to

lend it* aid to great enterprises, and perhaps, in the case of a gigantic pro-

ject like ibat of the Hooaac Tunnel,

the backintz of the state was defensible ; but in this age, there is no possible

excuse for the support of tbe Common- wealth to new railroad schemes. There Is ample privat* capita), some ot It Hie, or earning very low interest, which can be had for any enterprise of this nature affording fair promise of

success, and there is amely no great public exigency, so demanding addi- tional railway* or railway bridges, induce the state to Invest it* millions where private capital re uses to go

! Let tbe Commonwealth profit by the lessons already learned, aud keep the treasury from burdens of interest in behalf ol scb*aier .of this charaoter.

dies. It Is reported that the Mahdi has ordcr-

d his lieiiti-iinni at Meleiuuch to advance upon Kortl.

Tim French garrlsou at Thuenquan, China, has been relieved, after being be- ileged for IS days.

Of tbe 7T6 deaths In New York city last vcek, 142 were from pueumonla, au un precedeuled record.

The governor of Mississippi has ap- pointed General K. C. Walthall to succeed Secretary Lauiar as United States senator

An amicable settlement of the dlfllcul ties between England and Russia regard- lug the Afghan Irontier is courldenlly ex- pected.

The Drawbaugh Telephone Company filed its articles of Incorporation iu New Ifork on Saturday, with a capital of B3,- 000,000.

Ttie British steamer Harvest, which ar- rived yesterday from Hamburg, wa*thirty live days on the passagu, owiug to rough weather.

General Grant, though reported general ly better yesterday, has been restless for icvural nights past and Is said to teadlly aluklng.

A strong effort Is being made lo secure the appointment of Pull Thompson of Kentucky as commissioner of luternal revenue under the new administration.

AU the members of President Cleve- land's Cabinet took the oath of office on Saturday and will assume active couirol of their respective departments to-day.

The stables, barns, and outhouses, b* longing to the Oc«U House, Newport, B. | I., were destroyed by Ore yesterday after- noon. Twenty-clue horses perished lu I the dames.

It is announced that President Cleve- land will not grant interviews with office seekers or consider personal or written applications for appointments; all paper* must be tiled with ttie respective depart- ment*.

Tbe British steamer Clermont, which sailed from New York for ports In South America on the loth of January, has uol beeu heard from since and It Is supposed

easel ha* been lost with all ou board, .',1 lu number.

Moses B. Dlckenaon was murdered at Amhersl, Mass., about ten years ago. man suspected of the murder was rec ly captured In Tennessee, and ha* been brought to Norlliamptou. where he Is *waUlng trial. ,

Tbe number of acres of railway land forfeited by tbe three bills which pa*sed the lost Congress wa* SO.930,890. The number of acres covered by the bills wh'ch were reported to the house, but uol prun- ed, wo* *y,84e,o<K}.

With a surprise equalled only by regret will the announcement be received by the community of the death of one of Its most promising young men. ex-president of the common council, Patrick F. Halle;. The s«d event occurred shortly after 6 o'clock Friday morning, at the residence of hla parents, &S1 Oak street, after an Ill- ness that had barely covered one week's time, lu November lam, Mr. HaUey wa* a sufferer from rheumatic fever, but he recovered from the disease sufficiently to resume business, althouffh it Is now be- ttered that then wen aown tha seeds of the fatal malady, typhoid pneumonia, which ha* been *o summary aod Impera- tive In Its call.

Mr. Helley was born In this city on the 27th of March. 1859, being a week or two less than twenty-seven years of age. When very young be removed with MB

family to Framiogham, and subsequently to Natlck, where be posaed through the several grades of public school life, and graduated with honor* from the high school. At the completion of hi* educa- tion, he waa called Into partnership with EiImuoil Halley and Thomas HetanesHy, grocers, In this city, and at hi* death hail nearly reached fourteen years of uninter- rupted connection with tb* Arm. Ardu- ous and burdensome as were hi* tuslness duties, Mr. Halley found time to supple- ment the acquirement* of his school days with extensive reading in various depart- ments of literature and science, and for a considerable period had been regarded by « large circle of Intelligent people In which he moved as being a gentlemen of extensive knowledge and culture. In 188a, he was elected a member of Hie commou council, and filled tbe position there wltb such acceptance, that upon his re-election the year following, he waa mode president of that body. Although a year of extra work for the city govern- ment that portion of It which devolved upon Mr. Halley aa presiding officer of tbe lower board,was performed wlthsuch exceptional satisfaction, that at the close of Ida session, an unusually warm vote of thanks waa passed aud ordered to be en- grossed upon the records of the council. At tbe last state election, he received the democratic nomination for represent£- tlvc from the 20th district, but was de- feated, and from that time ceaaed to be known In public. The death of a youug man of hla attainments and praiseworthy ambition Is sad. He was anxious to hon- orably advance himself In the world, and took every opportunity and precaution to make the war certain and safe. He never could be induced to take Intoxicating: drink, aud avoided the use of tobacco In all Its forms. Deceased was a trustee of the Central club, a member of Court Col- umbia of Foresters and had recently Join- ed the St. Mary's new Lyceum.

The funeral of the late Patrick F. Holly took place Monday forenoon, and was ac- companied with ceremonies and marks of ri'speci of unusual Impress!vencas. From an early hour the stream of people seek- ing tbe last sad look at the remains was continuous, members of the vari< us or- ganizations to which tbe deceased belong- ed appearing in regalia, or with hnil^es of mourning. At nine o'clock, the body, enclosed In a handsome casket, with heavy silver trimmings, "was borne out from the family residence by the following pall bearers I Daniel J. Corcoran, president of the Central Club, Couocllmau M. F. Snl- llvsn, and Ex-Councllmen Thomas J. Mor- rlssey, and Richard D >yle, James Coyle and Mr.Thoma* A. Tomoaney. Members of deceased'* family, carrying the floral symbols of sorrow, followed. Mayor Simpson and Kx-Mayor Breeii headed a large delegation of the city governments of tbe present and post years, including Alderman Gage, Ex-A?dermcu Schonland, Fm-d and Bruce, and Councilman Abbott, Townaend, Burnham, Burckel, Campbell, Lane, McCarthy, McQueency, Murray and others, with Captain Merrow and Ex-Cltv Clerk Kane. Tbe members of t e Central Club, wearing white gtovea and rosettes

lurnlug, took their place next in Hue, and were succeeded by a large represen- tation of Court Montgomery, A. O. F, About one hundred cltlsena closed the procession, which moved *lowly to St, Mary's Hall. The edifice wa* appropri- ately draped for the occasion, and was already nearly filled by friends of the de- ceased. The casket was placed on a cat- afalque In front of tha altar, and sur- rounded with lighted tapers. The flornl offerings were arrayed on tbe lid of the casket, "ml presented a really handsome grouping. A broken column, from ihc councilmen of 1884; cross, crown m d pillow, contributed by D. J. Corcoran; wreath and pillow, hearing the Inscrip- tion, "Our Nephew," from Edmund Ha- ley ; a cross in purple immortelles, from the Central Club; an appropriate design from Court Montgomery, A. O. F.; cross, from Miss Maggie Gsfluey, of HBverhlll; baskets and bouquets of flowers, from Miss l.izzle Sullivan aud Mrs. Carraber, were atnoug the most attractive in the display. Solemn requiem moss wo* cel- ebrated, with Fr. OXOMM a* celebjant, and Fr. EcEvoy and Row anas deacon and s'nb-dcacon. The music sung on the oc-

m!) wa* selected from the Gregorian chant In the "Memorare," Mr. J. D. Ma- honey rendering, with mucli effect, the solos In the "De l>rofuIldl•.,, At the close of the mass, the prayee* for the dead were Intoned, and an opportunity offered the congregation to look at the body before Its final withdrawal from human view. The procession then re- formed onuidc tbe church, and proceeded to St. Mary's cemeterv, where ail that Is mortal or the late Patrick F. Halley wss deposited in the grave.


Production of Chemical y Pure Cream Of Tartar-Total ERmlnatltn of

all Lime Impurltlea—hew Dta- •ovtilr* ID lleflnln*;—A

Long Stride Toward Pure Food.

tin. ft. r. Bt-TLiat f the murder was recent- [ still live., so do hundreda of !*■*» W>*_kayS

1 been cured «f rheunaatUm and iirnral*ia *I £• great I)1.KMI purlOer, Sulidmr Bitten. -- reatlmonlala.

[New York Trlbuae ]

DlarnrartSI of much luqioruince on acootmtof the relation they bear toward a more wlioleaomc food aupply end conaeipietiily upon tho public health, have been recently tnadji In tbe proueaa of reflnlng cream of tartar. Cream of tartar, aa la well known, la a UtartraM of potaeae purlDud from tl»e crude tartar, or argol, which collect* la

■ ■!■' ■■i-iiihir ■ii-i'—n ","■:■ i1" bottom and aldca of wine caaka during tin- furmtmlaUon of tbe wine. Thla tartar, In Ha crude atata, conutna

JU.!.,,..!.!..., mo." no proceaa of reflnlng known prior to that here deacrlbod wa* able to .'iiilii'iy remove. It liaa been ]•»« lble, It

i to neutralise the lime lo xitnt axteut by the aid of chemtcala, and thla methuil waa resort

to lu order to proem e cream of tartar In email quantJUce for phamiareutlral purpoaca; but 11

to aerioue objoctlou In view of the ran* that the eiiemleala employed fur thla purpose

not elwara waahed out Imt remaliii-il in quanUtiea Uiat were unnerUlii and |ici<Judlclal h> lu quality. The auppoaud lmpoeatbtUly of re. moving tlir lime has, armordlogly, caused cream of tartar to lie (-leased and aold ea pnni when It

eontalu more tlutnOve per cent, uf Uila Impurity. The major part, however, ui that uv-d In commerce, or fur culinary purvoeee, couiaiua the tanrate of lima to an eu.-m much gruater than five per cent., not Infrequently liebig found, upon analysis, debased to a degree equaling oue fourth or more uf IU entire welgliL

In s report upon tho uuhjeet "f food edultera- tlou made to the Sew York State Boanlof Health by Prufessora Chandler and Love. It la stated that of 17 aamplci of eraamof tartarboughtfrom dealers as pure HI aero adulUratcd with varloua aubatanoaa from B to US ncr cent., while ->f the rv- malndeT all contained Urtrale of lime, MHIO aa high aa per cent.

Tb* serloue character of thla edulteradoti li more readily appreciated when It la i ■■<■< iiu-itid how largely cream uf tartar cntera Into tho prep- aration of (he food of every family, lu connec- tion with aoila In baking powder it is the chlof agent now employed for raising and making light anil illguatltile all our biscuit, cuke aud other |,-'- try, and Is licsldea, in many communities, «u|tcr- sedlng the old fsahioned yeeat for all leavening purpoaca, ao that It le emnl.-y< d to some extent In Blinoet every meal of which we eat. The amount of cream of tartar ueeil In thla country In a yeur In baking powder and otherwise lu the pawaaaja- tlonof food, leeaUmatodatten million ssaaan*. If tide were SO per cent, pure—* blffa eaUmate—

would i-..ii-mm oue million p-iundi or more of .■ jiiiiiiinlly aa a substitute for bread. Ao large

a deterioration becomes approclablu in the di - of our food ■<! a purtlon of IU nutritive eleraenU ui>t only, but If, us la now supposed, thla exceaa of llmu taken into the system has i relation to thu painful alTeuUuii* of the kidney* so prevalent In thla euuntry. Its hearing upon Hit health of the entire community la too liujKirtaut to be overlooked.

The new yntMSby which cream of tartar la produced 100 per cent pure—Hint la, with the lime totally eliminate I,—1>y treating me crude materln I under pressure instead of using any chemleala whauver tor uie purpose, was the discovery orb-, laally of a Uerman chemlat, but luis bcundvvei. iped aud ]>ci I. eii .1 liy thu Koyal llaklug a*o*dur

Compauy of thla clly, thrmigti whose efforts a lew years since In Iwhalf of a high aUndnrd ot parity in food, tho SaMtS wa> rtd of tlic aajSjaay

alum baking powders at thul time so prvva- lent.

The detenuInatlon of this Company to pluee upou the market only absolutely pure goods; snd the Impoaaibllily of doing lids from the cream of

of commerce, made It apparest that ann e am method must be sought by which cream of

could be proeurrsl lu large quantities, fit e from lime and chemically pure. The ■ n im of Urter reflnera of thla eouiiliy ainl fcurupe wfen ipproaclietl u|iou the ■ i.i.n , i declared sui'.lt a eault lmpuaailile, anil declined to Incur (ho ex

peudlturu necessary to innke Ui- trial 'lliu Itoynl lUklng Powder Compnny, accordingly, reeolvi to solve theiiroblem Mr Itself. end lievlug seenn tlie uld of the best eheinlsls of B**VBp* uut Ann lea, proceeded with lu liiveatlgHlloTis nud <\ ooverita until the reault, afU-rjK'veral years labor and the expenditure of over half a mil,Inn dollars lu the punlmse of pan-nln, perfecting ot processes, end the ereclloii of huildlnr» and machinery, was reached iu tlie iimiplele satat*. men! nf tlie oad Bought. The works (now owred by The Now T«I Tarter To.) an- iBUttSl In ilruoklyn, and exceed Iu slau ami rapacity aanj other similar refinery In ihe wmld. They pn-luee a chemically pure cream of UrUir. which Is mm exclusively used fur pharmaceutical preparation* and In the tnanufniturc of the celebrated Hoyai DaklDg Powder.

The energy and oiilhiy that have effected thla. will undoubtedly be fully uwarded by the public which will chiefly beuelll by the successful Issue of the Investigation*. People arc coining dally t.. tmire fully apprucbiU Ihe valuu of pure aud wboleaomr food, lly tlie eaclualve use of this ehcmlrally pure civamaf tartar, the Hnynl linking I'owiker la produced entirely fi*e from lime, ami absolutely pure, qiinllties possessed by no other baking powder* yet made. A baking DO*OS* et. tlroly fit* fnmi Uau or other Impurity must not nnlyconUlu more xtrcngth or leavnulng p««nf and produce batter food nnd therefore Im m,.ie Important, possess qimlKles of whole

CheiidsU and physlelans have looked iipmi the BxperlmciiU wllh much Interest, aud regnrd llielr success aa a matter of much impurtuiice.

MfltDKiKM s tvSUI.l

Snrne few nilliutes before twelve oVlocli Priday evening, a party of youug hoodlums got mixed up In card-play luu lit a sa- loon at the upper end of Essex street. The dispute became so warm Unit ait ad- journment was had to Broadway, where an effort to prevent a tight was unavail- ing. J*a. S. Duress, a mil. young, red- haired boy, was passing the corner when he wo* accosted as belug a member of ihe Ksng who attempted "to clean out tin- >ar." James Farrell, one of the follow- er*, said, "You are tho man I am looking

and without further IUJIIIIHUDII, thrust a knife Into Dana*1 neck, The iu-

IMIUII did not create pain, but be remem- bered only one more blow.lthal being one administered In his left side. Five more itabs were made without in file line other

titan flesh wounds. Duress was uhle to walk li* the station house, where Capt. Bailey Miinimotuleil ibe help of Dr. Ab- bott. The several wounds were discov- ered not 10 lie serious. Capt Bailey subsequently found ue*r the •oner "l Common street and Broadway, a pen- knife, with tinges of blood, and .lamer. Farrell, who hod already been taken from the Pacific House, - iktiowledged It as lw- iiiK his propertv. Both were kept In the station house sil iiiglit Farrell claims to ire a resident uf Lawrence f»r two years, And is employed in Farwell's Bleacbery Duress is not known to have at proseni any employment.

Farrell was arralcncd In court next morning, charged with twaanll with a knife. He pleaded not guilty. The tes- timonv of Duress as to how ami where he was cut was not disputed by tbe de- fendant. Capt. Bailey repealed a con- versation held with tbe prisoner, in which be admitted the ownership of the knife, but denied the staWihiu;. The court believed there was piobimr cause of his guilt, ami ordered him before the superior court In default of Sinou bai

A Davnaarows Caae. • • * BocuttTxx, JuMl, last. _. Tears ego I was at talked WHI. the sanst

' W hlch made me dollrioui! Trum agony,

••lidok uiree men to bold MM *t bade

"Tba t'octoia tried I* vain to relieve OM, bot I* BO iurh"ite.

Mo-i>liine and other opiate*! ■Had no effect] ' Aft ;r two months I was give* up to dl* I

"Wu umy Wh* ii:ii-' a in- ghb r ti I! what Hep Bittfia had do**

lor bar. she s t uac« got and gave aa* SOBS*. TO* asxl aavbiaia sad sa-sa«l lo a* haat,

i a" j nse* tasi leii swan thai 1 el**) 1 lour.. soaaethlKg I had set do** *w 1 -aaweaS ii. ,.,,■ 1 Had ii ,il avebottua. 1 waa w.llaada workaa hard aa an, man coutrt far over tar* •*.*!■: but 1 worked tn bar 1 lo myst-aagta

nil '•"-'.iu" s"ml'V Aefflf'l m>uWa\ia\Ball Tars *1B «iv*i t.m t at ever waa known.

■■in 1.1 d ihe uoooa again Bad after several we, ks, they -Bit HI a cripple -a crutches for tile, a* Ui. r said. I ant B lllrnd »' «" told hla -i y ease, and be said slop BiUcra bad eured tax aud wouti ■ II e in*. I poiiDed at him, but Be wa* o earned I WH. induced to use idem agai*. in less .LUI. four weeks I Utiew away Bay

■ ■uui'tii'- mi i went lo work liahtlr -ndkaploa isiaailM bit era or Svn weeks, aalll t sons we aa well aa any asaa living, and bavB boa* ao lor • ix vesr. sine*.

It ii- ui-n . i i el in c wile, who had been sick m Vrars: and haa kept nar and my oniklrea, ■■II sad boalihy with (roes two •• •Area ueryssr. There la ao ated o be sick at all hf

,'Or daughter

,Wili you let them lunar*1

the picture of health I " (j BiUa/el.

Hop* on Hi nuss'u* w -How," In thaar »*M'

la Tn'ir Wood Impure. Got a remedy that la known to possess merit. Vegotlno haa been tried and nnt fmtnd Wiiiitlng. Whatever tlie cnusc of tho poisoned condition. Vi'goilna will rsatore aad -IrciiHilieu.

Horeftilrma ITiimora h*T* trism, arc lietng eurnd dally " the nee of Vegetine. Wet ahow teatlmnnlnli or re... mn to tbe parties lu proof of thla.

nyapofMla and all the rm- t-lcn.niit effects nf Indig-'itlmi .■ire at mine rellavod b, tho -w* of Veretlnn.

Malt Itl.rum and all dli- en- H of the Ikin dl.npt-ear when Vegulina Is faithfully 'aod. For T.I

floinplalii and Kidney

ii will And Vef. ,1 icib JI rcmsdy,

"Ohhnwllrsdl am" Is at efton heard. Au mii.tue con-

i ilillnn of tbe btoo.1 will ni ;-avi pn.i1.iiM- ilil. ftii'llug anil It SI ■ •ir»i.>i,o relieved by the use ot VugcUue.

Ladles whn hare tiaed Vi i»cil Vea;. ■r nf stich

if large, nrn Inui

cullar to their si

Nernnta Sufferer run ran «■(! nnthlng *o sure t'i furnish you slori> slid real aa VswaSln*.

VEGETINE le eotd by all Drniglat*.

get the Best" HOP

PLASTERS KUl pain, aeothe and sUm ilass the Hrad

musclaa, and wondarfuUr Btrararthan weak rarta. All tho valnabla madlotaal iMWIiaf Irsali rops, oomMoad wtta BnTgtinay XII* and Canada nalsaia. AppUad «S liatiaha, OaUUcn. nhaumausm. Crick. SUtOBsW, s**a- .',■']-. idn«» Aiiuilona, Mon Ctnat or any of ihe ' ariOMS pwtna aad tnrttmt rails* is givaw Ll m troubles wttbou1

o*arjrwharo,06n.8fofSl. Ttor PLASTTinCO., rropTa,

^Wonderful <> STREfJGTHENER


KNOW THYSElF.a 'Great Mfidicsl work on Manhood fe.xhaitte-1 Vitality. Nervous aad Pmstoa

O'buitv flapllllll Itnciiua la ma", F.rrora * v.mih. arlt the ui.t Id miser lea re-uttiag froaa ni1i..T'ii'-n or exnssaee. A book lor ararv mn, veiling, mlddlr-aerd aat old. II coaialea X i.rairiptiin lor all scueand ehroniodla- a-e-, each one ol wniea li lavalBabla. Bo HI.mi 1JV me Author, wno-e rxperlence for t*

rears Is such -* probs jlv Bever beiora fll tto the otefrnv MiiT*l..i*a. sWpMOa.lioaedtiil.eaa mn rrcien mm I In. erobo oert o»*wra,raU gdt. laarMt*** >« 'm a ■»» work in **rry eeaae— h„ni fti, litersrvand prof*ask>*al— laaaasy iilisr ami, soil la IhiacouaUT lor *J J« , OT IH ■.men will lie rerun ed In every laalanoe, "nee on iv |1 ttu bv mall, postpaid. IlluetraUva sampleSci-nls. Hen I Bow, Ool • madalawara- d tn* aucW bv ta- Nsiioaa' Helical Aaaoola- loo, to ihe ii'iin' ' of which be reiara. Toe Bcl-nos ol Liie should b* read fy ta*

.on as tor i-n I ruction, and by IheaBUcled 101 r*- let. II will benelll all.-f.oBdoa Ijocel.

I here is an memoer of sonlMy t* ah*** tb* virm-i at Lite will sol be useful, wheahar fouln,, siimlinn, inalrucior. or elorgy- -ian.— Ar^otaut _

A Mies* lu- I'es'svlv Medical Dr. «. U. Pa. ker, No. 4 Bultlnch St., BOBIOS, Hasa,

ay i«. IDI.SIHU ion slldmeasis lequlriag el exporiea*. Ctirouio e*d • bauaate

. :- that have baffled LI C A I * - • ill of all aiber pbTi


THK iiorr, or TflK HkTlOiff. Cnlld ren, alow la development, nuay, aerawny d d* lltate, uae -W ells' rliaith Um * <i

liter IIM einl|ln.

t. aaxarai

roitiv Taaos souo BSCOEO. , Dr.Sath ArnolireCough_Klll*r give* tmraedl

The strlk«oD the Texas Pacific Railroad *i*-*Hef.*nd hfaj reauied IU most critical Juncture. Train* arrived at Dallas yesterday from opposlt* directions without interruption. The mas* of tlie people In southern Texas sympathize with the strikers and their methods. Governor Ireland declines to1

call out troops to break the Joadlock along thelto*.

V14JI1T IWEATI Hsadache, fever, chllla, maUtia and dyap-pili

nrrfbyoWellslleaimBaawwer." «1. d*jl*

* roT*wflT^ne*B,WB**a sad all fsrsrlBh habile ua* DrAeth Ajraeld'a aUton* Pllla.

"Itol I.II ..% I'lU nroua and •trengllnmtng. laiqn-oi iMnkache, pain* In clie-l »r -eh', ralgla. Me. Druggists or mall

ri.AHTI-lRS. ed, the lie rliciii.nill-i


Hi; -rar-.l bj PTiral' nes b*<ansr It U TnE BFJT. '.'* -1 br tin'usan :*■ It win cure S"ii. Flo oplusn la It. fetolban. Jon "» eoooner that dreadtul foe. CBOrP, *1lh it- It la prrfectly fats. Ttsvs lloa hsnd, sn-l SSTS ths child. Over eoo.OOO Is*** flea aold- Tfae beesi la aae for morethuxai XWE.1TI IUHI. SOLO ST PXLOOLSTS. g

, OaitM Bf WKALTB. I>* C. WXrT-a Mm iMirrimTlUT

WHAT Sou finnl- < so many

Uf, So Hi- it one of i It-

_ilvertlicl fnr the j, hut Parker's Han It will not wort mil

hlng else you can find. Bee* ore a nrtS r. Am .iau.'ruff, Blvea new sii"1"!

" a. dw<rodim()l; than any

Lisg-uti> periumed

antirT, iineaa, ll-ada tn irntirai r, raind ly us

>r u.lis. eo, W kelulnria. sfea* Oepreveioo. fiollenli.s of Iks B.aiS rrsolllrg la n-anlii, and leading to n laety, decay a*4 rat !'■' " -11'" '",| ■*■''■'' rreooesa, UaM of flwer e -diner Hrs, Invol * air Lo«ea,a»ll -i*t.alorrtioia. cau-ed by VW exertion ol .a* irai -auiiu ii over in-lu aee.e. Kaoh BSdJ irii'ti' o>e Biala'e tree men On* dollar

s 1,1 nr six bixea for Bv* ..ollara; sea br talM

.-Itlll l-II O-V I-A1X • Cnrea colic, cramps, dlsirjaaij externally'for

ache* nalns, sprains, hea-la-lie, neuralgia, mSSal ffW**M«*aajL #IB...I*S. dwiw

Kotberi. elwevs ue* Dr-fwth amold'e Boolh- lag end Ouieiing Cordial fer etilldreB. A mild, aatatouk. %H- <lwlw

W* uaraets* e. Wiibeaehordrr ■ accampsBied Will be IH.


re', l*e<l br *■ ">r

1,0 .1-1,1. , wc «l'l aend ih* at MM onr ariiien nuarantee to rrlund the money, II tb* rea'raer do-a aol eBTeol * ear*. Ucissies

sated oa a* ,wmTSBYAOT..l>r*lirislB, LIWHICI, MASS.

Oidanby ta a at re saw prlo*. 4wiy>Tl«



Lawrence American, LAWRE5TCE, MASH.


Weekly News Brevities. TuoNday.

A bread riot occurred at Cracow, yes- terday.

There waa an $8000 Are at Watertowu, l*at evening.

A number of nihilists hare been arrest- ed In St. Petersburg.

The deficit In the Spanish budget li b+* tween »15,000,000 and #18.000,000.

The French lost 30 officers In the two day* QghUnK at Thuycnuuan, China,

Mr. John Cndwallader, of Philadelphia, Is to be First Assistant Secretary of Bute.

A strlkeof 53.000 miners in England, age ii -• a reduction of lu per cent, la pending.

The licit Mi troops concentrated at Kortl warn reviewed yesterdav by Genera Wolsel* y.

Nearly twelve thousand coal miners I the riltsburjr district went out onestrlk yesterday.

Three powder mill* at Newburg, N. Y.. exploded yesterday, killing two men ami Wrecking the prujierty.

Tlie naftring In the case of Cumilnutiani and Barton MAX resumed la the I<ondun police court ycjterday.

Negotiations between Japan and Chi In reference to the ( ort-au trouble w abortly be begun at t'ckln.

In the Urliisb House of Commons, last evening, the relations between Germany and England were dtacusaed.

Advices from the weat coast of Africa •taiu that the BrtlUh flag at Victoria has been hauled down by the Germans.

The strike at the Calumet Iron and St

glass workers strike In Ohio is also eml< 'I'll.- Illiuols legislature haa only passed

two bills of minor Importance, yet the ei- »■■-!■■ of iii.- session to date haa been 9104,000.

The Mossgrovr Hotel, at Steubenvllle, Ohio, ami an adjoining building waa burned last night, the property loss ag- gregating M.l;..."."(.

Dr. Douglass says that General Grant did not sleep well Sunday night, but that be ohtalned considerable sleep yesterday and experienced nu palu whatever at the throat.

Tin- court martial for the trial of ex Burgeou General Wales, of the navy, or Charges of culpable Inefficiency and neg- lect of duty, has beeu postponed until the 14th proximo.

The Itev. Dr. Tlurchard of presidential Campaign fame has been retired to pri- vate lite a» pastor emeritus, wttti a salary of |600, by the Murray Hill Church which be Is pastor.

The l'resliient, yesterday, nominated Charles S. t'airchlhl, ef New York, to be asslstunt serrrisrv of the Treasury, and John I'. Black, oi Ulaiula, to be commis- sioner of pensions.

The ascendancy of the Slav party In the councils of tlie C/ar Is thought !<■ be too freut to .ul..1.1 prospect of peace with

uglatid. Indeed, the Journal's cable corrospoudent says that Kussia haa thrown down tile gauntlet.


It la said that the French mission lies between ei-Meuatur l'eudleton and Oen. UcClellan.

The condition of the Ice gorge on the SiiM|itih;iiii)iL nt Wilkesbarre, l'a., causes tuui:li uneasiness.

Ei I run ml Yules has been released from prison, after serving about one-third of his sentence for libel.

An insurrection hus broken out In Al- bania, and Hie Turkish regulaia have been deleated by the Insurgent*.

lien, (iriiut has not had a refreshing night's mat since last Friday, and his con- dition is steadily grow lug worst'.

The br rish government has been offi- cially Informed that Germany recognizes Victoria Colony as llrltlsh territory.

Mr, H. S. Conant, the missing manag- ing editor ol Harper's Weekly, was seen In Jacksonville. Fla., on r'rlday last.

After two hours" debate the United States senate yesterday seated Senator Blair of New Hampshire by a vote of H to 20.

lu the lit ih-h Parliament yesterday the reported hauling down of the British flag at Victoria by German officials was dis- cussed.

The Russian advance on the Afghan ter- ritory Is believed to be of so aggressive a nature that a collision with Kuglaud Is imiukueiit.

A memlwr of the Arkansas Legislature la uuder arrest on the charge of arson, aald to huve been committed nineteen years ago.

London was agltaU'd by a report last Dlgtii that a collision had occurred be* twri-n the Huenlan and Afghan outposts at 1'eiijdeh.

The Central Hotel and SO houses and ■tores were burned In Newbeme, N. C, on Monday night, the property loss resell- ing b100,000.

Sergeant I'lunkutt. the armlcaa hero of the Twenty-ltr>t Massachusetts Voluu- teers, died at his home In Worcester yes- terduy morning.

It Is reported that the administration Is devising a plan by which the now virtual- ly vacant judge advocate generalship of the army may be filled.

An Investigation of the pension agency In Philadelphia discloses that -..-■...... i,.,. been paid out for fraudulent claims by two clerks in the oltlLe.

Dr. John Itiiehanan was convicted In Philadelphia yesterday of conspiracy In the matter of issuing bogus medical di- ploma*. Madam Kussell was acquitted.

It has been found impossible to hold the lulled States court for the trial of the Oklahoma boomers at Wichita, Kan., and the case will have to go over to the regular term in Hcnteinlier.

The proposition to change to biennial session* of the Legislature, now before tlie House, passed the llrst stage yester- day by a vote of 118 to 55, three mure than the necessary two-thirds.


Gen. Limit was more comfortable y terday.

The village of Windsor, N. Y., was about half burned Tuesday night.

Both bouses of the Dakota legislature have passed the woman snlfrage bill.

The rcstiii of Count Bismarck's spec- ial nii-sloii In England has been mnde public.

Tlie French, after five days' fighting, have i arried tin: Chinese positions around Keluog.

The Michigan republicans yesterday re- oomlnated Judge Cooley for the supreme bench of that state*

There was a $100,000 Are at Troy. N. Y , Tuesday night, and a auo.uoo blaze at East NagiuHw, Mich.

The state senate ordered to * third reading yesterday the bill to close the drinking saloons at eleven o'clock. *

The Bunllght Knitting Mills in Troy, N. Y.. were burned on Tuesday night, the property I OH aggregating over •100,000.

Secretary I.atniir hus ordered the sus- pension of land patents to the New Or- leans Pacific Kaliroad until further notice.

'The minor that the Russian forces have sein'l a town it, the Afghan territory Is not credited by the Russian embassy at London.

The situation in Texas Is less peaceful, the stiike.-s initially instances threatening to nse force, if necessary, to accomplish their purpose.

The eamptroller of the currency has called for a statement of the condition of national hanks at the close of busluess on the 10th Instant.

Four votes were taken for Cnlted States senator In the Illinois legislature yester- day without resull, the republicans ab- staining from voting.

Five thousand women cigar makers ■truck work In -Madrid yesterday and the military' hail to be called out to suppress the riot they incited.

The United States senate transacted but little business yesterday, confirming, among others, the nomination of Ed- ward I). Clark of Mississippi, to be as- sistant si-i retiiry of tlie interior.

No matertal change occurred In the great railway strike yesterday. In Mis auurl the strikers are determined, hut quiet. Guv Marmadillo has Informed them that the militia will not be called Into requisition unless it isabsolutely nec- essary, butulso assures tiieiu that the taw must nut be violated; neither must trains be stopped,

TCKKKT is troubled lest tin: move*

raeiit towards AhJUAnisUo proves

merely a cover for design* opon the


THE VISIT ol the Prince of Wales

to Ireland, will, in the. present slate

of feeling, put the prurience of the

Irish people to a pretty severe test.

Ou, Yss ; when the members of l lie

common council wish to re-establish a

'reputation," they will probably go to

be Kiocn orgth to learn just what

iliey ought to do ; how disinterested

Of Tin.: seventy-eight votes in the

national bouse, against the Uranl re

tirement hill, only nineteen were lrom

northern states, and five of these from

Indiana ; that all wcie democrats goes

Without i:i\ ii;-. *

BISUAKCK LAUQHS as ho secures

plump apology from Euglnud, am)

(■ermaoy will abate a bit of the grow

ing opposition to (lie old chancellor, in

rejoicing over bis success in humiliat

ing (.real Britain.

CoOVCIUUM MUKI'HY, ol tlie soulh

warn, would evidently have the board

ol alikrman abolished—at least while

be IB a member of the lower branch ;•

be whines that everything that the

council passes, is laid on the table in

the upper board. Sad.

THE Float between the Heiidriek:

and McDonald wing or Urn Indiana

democracy is only intensified by the

successful efforts of the vice-president

to keep bll great rival out of the Cab-

inet . McDonald intends to be the next

senator, and the two factions are busy

whetting their knives.

THK IRISH o( Boston, who sympa-

thize with the dynamite lentimet.:,

are talking of sending to Senator Kid-

dleberger, some testimonial of estecu

in recognition of bis opposition to tbt

continuation ol Mr. littyaid, Well

it will lickle tin; Virginian and not

hurt ibe feelings of Hay-aril one bit.

Tin-: MOHMONS are not in a peculiar-

ly happy frame of mind jusl now ; the

machinery of the courts seems lo have

been freed from tbo power of Ibe

saints, and the hoped for relief under

thedemocratic administration, receives

a serious blow from the condemnation

of the system by tbo new president.

It looks decidedly squnlly for the in-

stitution just at present.

The anti-tobacconists are just now

pointing a good many morals by allu-

sions lo the cane of Gen. Grant, and

arguing that his disease arose fiom ex-

cessive smoking. His physicians have

denied this, although ail milting that

smoking may have aggravated the dis-

order. But suppose It were true?

Many a man has died lrom excessive

ttse \>I ice water, Borne have beeu taken

off from over-indulgence in eating, but

it would hardly be held therefore, that

water shouhl not be used as a beverage,

or that we must starve ourselves. It

s no more an argument in this case,

than the reverse, that because many

habitual tobacco users have lived to a

very old u.j.e, one inveterate smoker

dying last week at 110, tliercfoic

tobacco has a tendency to prolong life ;

one position is as nonsensical as the


THK REPUTATION of WooUley, the

Britishgcucrul who thought it a pretty

thing lo speak of the great American

captuiu as "Mr. Omul," is not, even

□ English estimation, what it was

bred months ago ; when his campaign

in the Soudan was planned, all the

great resources of (be United Kiugdom

were put ut bis disposal ; be went out

wilh no more misgivings as to the re-

sult of the venture, than us if be were

going to a picnic. The enact true ol

bis victorious arrival at KlitirUium was

set down, and preparations were actn-

ally considered relative to ilio grand

ovation to he given uiin on returning

to Kngluiid , an Earldom was hes[>okeu

as bin rewind, and everything WHS set-

tled,—in bis miud. But Woolstev

has not proven such u magic conquer-

or ; his move.nnniH were so slow that

Gordon was sacrificed, the Brltisl

compelled to retreat .ilo- g ibe lines ot

tbeir defences, aggressive efforts have

been postponed, nud Great Britain

awakened to 1 be eo .sciousuess that

the pelted geueral Keetns just now very

like a failure. Tbo result is indeed

humiliating to the English, and they

are not happy over it.

Co-orKitATiuN, uot alone in mailers

of merchandise, buying and sailing, but

of manufacturing aud geueral biisiuess

making considerable headway in

Great Britain. In a Maison LaCluire

established lust year, iu London, stid

which Is now on u good footing,

manager says of ibe principle of its

organization, that the plan is based

on the principle that all the workers

are to share lu the profits of ibe busi-

i. "We pay our workmen —our

future fellow partners—'.lie ordiniry

rate of wages in their respective em-

ployments. We pay five percent, in-

terest, anil no more, on the c«j)iial in-

vested in the business. That is, the

Interest payable to shareholders is bm

ed to .'• per cent. Thai is the lowest

rate that can reasonably bo assigned

to capital which runs the risk of busi

"ess. even when the business is, like

ours, not a specially risky oue. Every-

thing we earn beyond this .1 per cent.

is profit, and is divided in the follow-

ing manner : One quarter goes to the

managers, one quni'ter to a mutual aid

fund for the beueilt of 'the workers, to

give them help in sickness nud provide

pcusions for tnem in old age, and the

remainiig half will be distributed

among the workmen according to the

ivsgcs earned by them. In the first

nslauce, we intend that tliey shall take

their hull ul the profits in shares. We

rial) lb.-in to tie shareholders in the

usluess. But in any CBFC they will

Iways, by the articles of association,

have the benefit ot one-half of our an-

nual earnings oyerand above the ■'> per

cent, interest of which I have spoken."


An enterprising thief at Vernon, 111.

stole a large stack of hay from a neighlwr

carrying It off In small loads on hi* sled

The Lynn clergymen have been discuss-

ing the lottery i|uestlon with the Grand

Army for maunders.

Mrs. Abigail Holmes of North Barn

stead, N. H.. celebrated her tOOth birth

day yesterday.

Sims Heeves has decided to visit tho

United States.

Congressman Kecd, of Maine, has no

faith in the civ 1 service promises of the

administration; he says every republican

office holder will have to go. The only

question being as to the amount of hy-

pocrisy in the case.

Sixteen state legislatures are occupied

at present with labor legislation.

It costs $413,000 a year to pay the sal

arics of the United states senators, 91,

800.000 to pay the mileage and salaries of

rcnresei.iattves, and at each aesslon of

CoBgltM the subordinates of the House

ami Senate draw about•700,000more.

Of the 40,000 telegraph operators In the

lulled stj.I,-- 25,000 are employed by rail-

roads and 15,000 by private corporations.

Green pea* are selling for Si a peck at

Jacksonville, Fla.

The Hoyallrlsh Blfles, theonly regiment

now In garrison lo Halifax, N- U., has been

ordered to prepare for active service.

A convict lu Moyamenslng prison was

so impressed with the execution of l)r

Doersen, the wife murderer, that he died

of fright In his cell.

Mr. Henry Varley, the English evange-

list, and St l.'.iii-. are out He says that

St. Louis la the moat wicked city li Lmarioa •■iH nn, „f the oaoers In that city retaliates by calling him "an arrogant,

affected. Impudent fellow, with some

learning, a llttk- eloquence, and more

cheek than the traditional g-overnmen


Mootlzura ool Moolk Mohsaoood Uo-

wlah Fureedoom Jah Synd Munsoor t'llee

Kahn Dahadoor Nusrut Jung Nawuh Fa-

aim of llengal, Debar, ami Orlssa, late of

the Palace, Moorshedahad, llengal,died lu

India, November last, and his name, en-

tire bus just arrived In London. — [Spring-

field (Ohio) Globe Republican.

A society for the suppression of alaug

has been organized among the female

operatives of a large factory in Cleveland

Three iiillion tons of Ice have been hsr

vested ou the Hudson.

It's not the clock with the loudest tick

that goes the best.

Jacob Fetler of Lancaster, I'eun., has

sent a large order of felloes to England

vii Philadelphia. These are the kind of

felloes which do not complain cf the fet- t-rs of the tariff.

The New York city government has un

der consideration an ordinance prohibit-

ing minors from attending skating rinks

unlesa accompanied by their parents or guardians.

Colonel Hob Ingersoll—and rather a bright man Is Colonel Hob—has discov- ered another proof that religion Is all a hoax '-Compare George Elliot with Queen Victoria," he says; "the one Is clad In ralies of g.ory woven In the loom of her own genius. Tlie other la a queen by blind fortune." We have seldom seen a more unanswerable argument against llglon. George Eliot was born a genius, and Victoria a queea. When thete ttvc vital tacts are considered In all their lutl mate relations with the gospel, how can .on. .in- longer doubt thai there Is no God " [New York Tribune.

A young Ituningtonian, who patronizes the skating rink, Is called "Khartoum" by his companions, because he falls so often. [Burlington Free Press.

Miss Elisabeth Stuart Phelps -i ill suf-

fers from Insomnia.

An lihlo newspaper occupies two col- umns telling I,.in "Fahrenheit got his zero mark." A mar, ed copy should be sent to a genileiuau of the name of Mc- Donald reading In a neighboring State, lie might like to compare notes with Fahrenheit. [Tribune.

Ami what, pray, are "licensed" sessions

of the legislature, of which our morning

coteraporaiy speaks! It is said that within a year Mr. Wm.

II. Vanderbllt'a income has fallen off from

81.000.000 to 9730,000 per month. All the

wives know how to pity Mrs. Van when

the monthly hills come In and William II-

nu.llts the accounts'

A Methodist clergyman with a taste for

flL-iircs, estimates that the salaries of all

the clergymen In this country aggregate

only 811,000,000 annually, while the lawyers

get iu fees -s:;j. and the cost of

the dogs'ls fully 8"i,lKX),000.

Miss Alice M. Taylor of Lake Village.

N. II.. has made lltO pies during the last

Sight mouths, and Shouting Bill Kuril of

the Salvation Army has glveu up work

there and left town.

A down east politician asserts that "me

and Pat Collins" are going to distribute

the Maine patronage.

Alpharctta Is a young Georgia city, but

it is remarkable In some respects. Its

population Is at present 200, and of them

ill" are lawyers and two physicians.

There uro two churches, if Lawrence was

equally well supplied, It would have 1000

lawyers, 4oo physicians and 400 churches

t'ocoanut planting is one of Florida'.1

booming Industries,

Everybody is glad to read Mr. Edwin

Dooth's denial of the rumor that he In

tends soon to retire from the stage.

During the negotiations following the

Franco-German war of 1870 Hlsmarck of

fercd Jules l.iviv a cigar, which was de

dined. Then said Bismarck: 'By not

smoking you have one ndvantvgeover me;

you are more vigilant. But then you havi

this disadvantage . you are more irritable.

A diplomat must be ready to make conces-

sions, and tobacco makes one feel happier

and, thereby, more conciliatory."

Dakota has 2,ft00 miles of rallwar, more

than any one ol twenty old Nettled states.

It has " i school houses, more than any

one of fifteen stales. It has 27J new

pers, more than any New Englsnd Slate

except Massachusetts, or any Eastern state

except New York and Pen usy I van la. In

the cumber of post offices It rauks above

twenty-three states and territories, aud

pays more revenue to the postofnee depart-

ment than any one of thirty-two states,

and It has a population as large as

Nebraska or Connecticut, and nearly twice

as large as Vermont or Florida

Wives for Twenty-Flvo Men.

Twenty-five brawny-looklng young men and tweuty-n»e red-cheeked young wo- men, the latter wearing high-topped buotH, passed through this city from New lurk for Hutch Chunk on the Reading road at 0 o'clock last evening. The men are miners In Carbon countv. They orig- inally came from Hungary, so did the wo men. The young men, who wanted to get married, sent an agent to Hungary three mouths ago to gat then) wives. The girls were all strangers to the men until they met them ou the arlval of the steamer Werra at Caslle Harder on Sunday. They were all married In New York before tarllng for the coal regions.—Philadel-

phia Times.

Ujs tjiolns;.

wiih»nt s he left as, ami he went Ihnt we lisit never known,

...., e'er this .ll.Wnt roa'l alone; Jlngeruil still, sml womlewl trliai It meant.

in-1 i>rotuaro*S

S I;;,:,

The fain wan Ui,—tbo IOM, this waa our own. Ami we with hitter tear* were wrll-nlgji *ueut.

iul'1 lit nut have u»l'l «* what he tnunil ilii- to in yet nti ■pher*!' k the aravrjani, «u<l shove lh« mound.

Where lies hln atSTi we ben.l a tUWalaf ea/» Anil ean It IM- lie nuenki stul VHWM Is drowned UT carlblj Uut we »tlll hold dear'



Nupt'K Salary Cut Down to s>i*_»tM) Tlie Experiment of Opening It

by the Common Council. on Sunday a Success.

On Wednesday notice was sent to minion Council from the water board

at they had fixed the salary of the

T-. The salaries were the same as when

>i.u<-ation was last received from the

board, and the matter provoked some


Councilman Lyall said he liellevcd It

was partly through his motlou that the

matter bad been referred hack to the wa-

ter board, he being then under the im-

sslon, which he found to be errneous^

that they would make a change. He did

not believe that any office within the fran-

clilse of the people of the city of Law-

rence entitled a man to a salary of 81&00.

Some ten years ago when tho price of

nearly every class of goods waa nearly

twice as high as now the superintendent

received but 91200. Now It was asked of

the common council and supported by the

board of aldermen that such a salary as

this should be paid, when the city was

laboring under a burden of dent, and

when the contested policy of the city

government was to practice economy.

At the last municipal election the people

said tney wanted au economical adminis-

tration, and yet In the face of this the

board of aldermen support the paying of

such exorbitant salaries. In Justice to

thejpeople in the present aspect of anal

wc have no right to grant this demand.

i 'r..] ri-i y Is depreciating. The Washing-

ton mills are Idle, the Lawrence woolen

wills soon will tie, and their valuations

must be lowered and less revenue in the

way of taxes be collected. Mr. Lyall

atatcd that he had been requested to as- certain the value of ible man's services, ami he fouud that he did not have

amount of labor to perform, either mental

or manual, of other men In the depart-

ments of the city who got less pay. Bis

work was not nearly as laborious as that

of the street commissioner or city engin-

eer. He found no fault with the officer,

but believed the salary asked was too

much. He proposed If the council non-

concur, to make an amendment that the

salary of the superintendent lie reduced

and that of the other officials remain as

reported bv the water board.

The council then, with hut one dissent-

ing voice, voted to nun-concur, and Coun-

cilman Lyall aiucuded as above, making

the salary of the superintendent, at the

suggestion of Councilman Lane, *I200per


lie fore the close of the meeting Coun-

cilman lllnchcliflc stated that he had

waived his right lu regard tu the pay of

the engineer of the water board, but h« found that the uffieers of that board had

been receiving pay according to last year's

rate. He asked the auitltur if that were

so, and the latter replied that It was.

Councilman Hlnchcllire then asked ho<

the committee ou accounts came to ap-

prove such bills. They were nald month-

ly and the hill would amount to 6*00.

'Old the committee on accounts overlook

a bill like that?"asked Councilman lllnch-

clifie. One of the committee on accounts

the part of the council statei' that he

supposed they would draw the salary

last year until It was changed.

Councilman Lyall moved that the com-

mittee on accounts, on the part of the

council, be Instructed to approve no mort

bills of the water board for the auperln

tendent until his salary had lieen definite- ly fixed by both boards and agreed to by

water board, The tnotlen was sec

onded aud passed with one or two din

senting voices, but It was doobted, antl

peudlng Its being put again some further

discussion took placn.

Councilman Sullivan thought the com-

mittee on accounts should not approve

bills until the salary was fixed. Ho

no reason why those who had voted

to reduce the salary of the superintendent

should not agree with this. It was only


Councilman O'Neill thought the bills

might be approved If they did uot exceed

the sums allowed by the common council.

.iiiiiiliniiii Cooney thought there was

some motive in attacking the superintend

ent In this way, and he should continue to

think so until the matter was explained

Councilman Lyall denied that so far

he was concerned there was any persoi

motive. He believed the superintendent

as receiving too much for the labor he

performed, and he was only looking aftet

the Interests of the city and the taxpay-

ers. Councilman Suulran wanted the mem- r from ward six tu uuderstaud that he

had no motive iu his action on the matter

ther than a due regard to the city's In-

terest. He believed the city had been

paying too much for bis services anil be-

lieved that the salary should be reduced.

After some further discussion the ques-

tion of Instructing the committee on ac-

counts to approve no more bills for the

superintendent's salary was called for

and passed eleven to six.


Friday evening at Matthes hall a wrest- ling ni.iii-li. style, best twe out of three falls for njio, occurred be- tween James Kubinsun and John Cassldy. A very large number of spectators was present. Will Jordan acted as referee and Robinson was seconded by his father, Frank Hohinson. and Cassldy by John Itiley. At a. .to t in- wrestlers appeared up- on the stage and took their positions. For tnirty live minutes the struggle was thoroughly exciting, the advantage being first with one and then with the other, until at the end of that time the first fall was won by Cassldy. The second bout was even more exciting than the first and was contested sharply by lioth wrestlers, but at the end of f!2 minutes Robinson won the second fall, the secoud bout had hardly begun when a quarrel arose between the two and Cat-sidy throwing Robinson upon a gas pipe put him on his back with terrific force, almost breaking the hitter's arm. The decision on the bout was reserved by the referee. This finished the contest, which was marked by considerable skill and science. While the second bout waa In progress the spec- tators became so excited that they crowd- ed close about the wrestlers and Captain Kalley put a stay to the proceedings un- til he had cleared the stage of all but those persons properly there.


Two suits were wrought against the city

ill morning for damages for injuries re-

iltliig from defective sidewalks, and

Tils of attachment served, by Deputy

Sheriff Ilriggs. one by John Conway who

on an Icy sidewalk on Haverhlll street,

near St. Ann's church, In February, and

broke his leg* the other by Catherine

Daley, who fell on Chestnut street, op-

posite the Immaculate Conception church,

and broke her arm. Criminal negligence

on the part of the city In permitting the

lidewalks to remain In unsafe condition.

Is claimed, noth writs were made by

Col. John P. Sweeny, who Is counsel for

the plaintiffs, and the writs are returnable

at the June term of the superior civil court

tu tic held at Salem.

Visit to the Jail.

Yesterday morning the first Jury serv-

ing si superior court was excused by

Judge Gardner, at the request of Sheriff

Derrick, at 10.30 o'clock, and on the Invi

tatlou of the latter visited the Jail. They

were shown through every department

and were very much pteassd with the ap-

pearance of everything, end on taking

their leave passed a vote of thanks to

Sheriff Henicfc. for his courtesy and kind-

ness. They returned at neon.

The trustees of the public library have

no reason to regret their prompt rcspense

to the people's request to open the library

on Sunday. Yesterday week when the

doois were unlocked to Sabbath patron-

age, the outlook for the experiment was

somewhat discouraging, 'he visitors being

few and tbelr stay of brief duration. The cause of thbj was Insufficient notice that

the privileges It offered were unknown to

the general public. The local newspapers

during the week, however, made the nec- essary announcement, and yesterday the

results proved with what eagerness cit-

izens of literary taste or desire for Infor-

mation were prepared to take advantage

of the boon offered them on the most

auspicious day of the week. Public libra-

ries were established mainly for those

who have none—and they represent the

multitude In every community who pre

serve life at the cost of six days' toll

The seventh was set apart for rest and

recreation, acd In these days, prollnc of

books and papers, both are secured In

reading. Thus It was shown on yester-

day that the opportunities offered were

grasped with comparative aridity,

Shortly before two o'clock, the library

was opened, .Miss No well taking charge of

the reading room, while Miss Seavcrus at-

te'i i<- : 1.1 the call for books. Before the

ladies had time to prepare for reception

the room was replete with attendants.

A rush waa made for the Sunday papers

but forbearance was never better exein

plirled. The stalwarts gave way to those

of lower stature, and Were content to

read over the hitters' shoulders. The

Sunday Herald and Globe had their ad uilrera, wblie tat) two copies of the Sun

day TKLKQRAM Were simply unapproach

able- The illustrations of the paper, with

the crisp reading by which they were sup-

plemented, rlvetted attention, aud made

waiting to expectants of momentary pain.

At three o'clock the eyes roaming along

the columns of tho Sunday Journals could

not be counted less than by hundreds.

remarkable feature-of the gathering was

its simplicity. At one table could be- ob-

served an elderly man absorbed In the

profoundlty of Harper's Magazine, while

opposite him was a fair representative of

"Peck's Bad Boy," taking In the humor

of "Oliver Twbjt," neither Indicating the

diverse thoughts excited within him.

was the Sabbath, with practical obedience

to Its traditions,

"Do you believe," asked the reporter of

one of the ladies In waiting, "that

opening of the library on Sundays might

lead to u.idue levity among the younger


"No, sir. You see those hoys," refer

ring to some twelve youths sitting along

the desks,—"they have been hero over an

hour, and not once have I heard them

speak, or noticed their eyes wander from

their books.''

"What class of works do they call


"So far to-day, they are novels, but

the standard character. There are two

f Dickens, one each of Wllkle Collii

and Charles lteade, and so on."

i looking about it was evident that the lady's encouraging anticipations of

cess of the experiment were lu this re-

spect, at least, well founded Of the

large number of men and boys gathered

In the rooms not one broke silence. The

day wasknojwn, and there appropriately recognized.

In reply to a question, whether the

library was understood to be open for the

of ladies as well, Miss Seavcrns

Stated thai Its privileges were equally for

their benefit, but there waa a dellcacj

about their sitting amongst the extra

throng of men expected on Sunday

Should they wish to attend, tlie lady had

no doubt Mr. Hedge would give them tl;

use of the reference room.

With a few more Sunday papers, t

prevent the groupings of yesterday before

popular prints,—the full measure of use-

fulness anticipated to come from opening

the public library ou man's day of rest

will soon be reached.


Mns. EVA M. C. EVEUKTT, widow of the

late Henry C. Everett, and daughter of

""r- George H. Churchill, died at the resi

deuce of her father, at half past eight

Sunday evening, after a long Illness, at

the age of 32 years, one month, 23 day:

. Everett had lived In Lawreuce from

childhood, was widely known and esteem

I, aud her death, although not unexpeet-

I, will bring a shade of sadness to many

hearts beside those of the home clrc

She was married about eleven years ago,

to Mr. Henry C. Everett, then money or-

der clerk in the post efflce, who died of

consumption three years later. Mrs. I-.

ett has for a considerable portion of the

time since, been engaged In Miss Hall'

formerly Medina's, hair store; she has

been iu 111 health since the date of Mr.

Everett's death, and once was nearly glvei:

up by her lrlends, but she recoveredqultt

fully, and was able to resume herposltlor

until last spring, since which time she

has been gradually falling. Of even dli

position and pleasant ways she won many

warm friends, and as the only daugbte

residing at home, was the Idol of the

household. She leaves one child, a daugh-

ter, eight years of age.

THE nmajui. was from the [resi-

dence of her father, on Wednesday

afternoon, and numerously attended by

latlves and friends of the deceased.

The services were conducted by Elder

Jehu Couch, of the Ail vent church, a choir

f rom that society rendering a number of

appropriate musical selections. There

ire many floral offerings, incluillug a

pillow Inscribed "Mamma," from little

Grade, several baskets, an anchor, aud a

profusion of cut flowers. The pall bear-

ers were Measra E. 11. Colby, W. M.

Morse, II. Dennle Morse, and Wm. II,

Josselyn. Interment in Bellcvue ccme-

ery. family lot.

The funeral of Mrs. Dennis Ragan.whn

died on Thursday last of consumption, at

the age of 47 years, took place yesterday

iiiorniiig, at 8.30 o'clock, from St. Mary's

old church, Hi-v. Father Kowai officiating.

lie services were largely attended by

latlves and friends. Including the Sis-

ters of the Sodality, of which the deceased

was a member. The deceosed was a most

estimable woman and a devoted wife and

mother. She left five children, the young-

est live years of age.

George D. Hayward, day janitor at the

police station, died on Tuesday at his

residence, 79 High street, of brain disease,

aged 32 years, He was born In Acworth,

N. H., and had lived In this city hut a few

years. He was a member of the Masonic

fraternity, llr had been Ul but a little

over two weeks, during the most of which

time ho waa delirious, He leaves a wife

and two children. The remains were

taken to Laconla, N. II., for Interment.

Funeral services over the remains of Mr.

Alonzo B. Poor took place Wednesday af-

ternoon from his late home,202 So.Broad-

way, Rev. Clark Carter officiating. The

services were very solemn and affecting.

The remains were entombed In Bellevue


SEW I.IOIIT OH Klllt-MATISkt. "t had been completely tllaabletl from rht ma

Ustn. 1 iiaeil Parker* Tunic fur kltlncr (';»•»«# WMa t« my SSfetaWnMM the rhenma0>4p i-era pletaly dlMfpeareil-" so write* Mi- H*-erv Ho •>n, of Nn. lit AtlKtvili- ATeaur, Brooklyn, N. V. KtirumatUm arises from thu failure of Ihl fcld- BKTI to leparate the uric aelil from the bload.

' d««QQMmlTll


Maxwell Crawford Run Oror by a Horse Car.

Tuesday ulght as the 10JW horse carjlor

North Andover was passing along in the

vicinity of the base ball grounds It ran

over a man lying across the rails. The

car was In charge of conductor Jonathan

Cllley, and upon it at the time was officer

Taylor. As soon as the accident was dis-

covered the officer sent intelligence of

the matter to Captain Bailey and convey-

ed the victim Into the saloon of Michael

Donovan, near by. Capt. Bailey antl

Officer Donovan were soon at the

of the accident and on the return of the

car the Injured man was placed carefully

In the car atul taken Into the city, and

when Appleton street wss reached, Offi-

cers Shceily, Spauldlng and 8hea assisted

the other officers to place the victim on a

stretcher and convey him to the city hos-

pital. He was here attended by Dr. Ab bott, who after a careful cxamlnatioi

gave no hope of his living- From tin

first he was unconscious, and it had been

Impossible to ascertain his name orwherc

he belonged. At the hospital, an cxarol

nation of the man's clothes revealed a

pay envelope which contained something

over $30 and upon the envelope was found

the name of Maxwell Crawford

wore upon his person nine undershirts

and eleven pairs of drawers, while hi*

outside clothing was of dark mixed ma-

terial. It was evident that Crawford had

been drinking heavily, and It is supposed

that he was walking along the road and

fell upon the track, too stupefied to rise.

Di. Abbott found that the right leg was

broken in two places above the km e aud

at the ankle, the former Injury being a

serious wound from which the bone pro

jected several inches. There were injur-

ies about the left leg and the body. He

died at about an hour after midnight.

Crawford had been working In the Low-

er Pacific, but complained of the wages

and short time, and Tuesday left the city

In search of employment. He was t7

years of age and unmarried, but had two

brothers who reside at 52 Bailey street,

South Lawrence.

Company M. Inspection.

Monday evening occurred the state in

spectlon of Co. M., 8th Regiment, In their

armory In Suunders block. There were

present forty-four men and three officers.

The Inspecting officers were Col. Currier

and Capt. Hall, of the Second Brigade

staff and Maj. Copeland and Adjt.

Thomas, of the Eighth Regiment staff.

The arms and equipments were found ii

fine order, and the inspection was

thoroughly satisfactory to the Inspecting

officers. Following the Inspection the

company was put through the company

movements In fine shape by the two

lieutenants, under the supervision of Col.

Currier. The movements were executed

in excellent shape.and the company showed

the result of careful training. There was

a vast improvement over the inspection

of a year ago. The manual of arms was

then essayed, uuder Capt. Puchesncy

with commendable success; throughout

all the work of the company the evidence

of careful, painstaking drill was most ap-

parent. The company formed in two

lines facing each other, and were examined

by Col. Currier In regard to sentinel duties,

guard mounting, etc. The men proved to

be thoroughly posted In this direction,

answering the questions put without hesi-

tation. Taken altogether it was a good

showing for the company, and one that

argues well for a return to the high rank

once held by the company In the slate

militia. 1 ■ >■ * Inspection of Co. F.

The state Inspection of Co. F. occurred

Monday evening, in the company's armory

lu Brechin block. There were present 45

men and three officers, The inspecting

officers were Col. Rockwell of the gov-

ernor's staff, and Capt. George of the

Second Brigade staff. The inspection of

the armory, arms and equipments wss

eminently satisfactory. The first and

second lieutenants exercised the company

In the manual of arms, company move-

ments, and loading and firing. The com-

pany waa then formed In two files, facing

each other, and examined relative to

tlncl duty and guard mounting, after

which the books aud papers were Inspect-

ed and found In good conditlou. The

company showed to much better advan

tage than last year. Among those present

as interested spectators were Attorney.

General Sherman, Capt. Dolau, Ex-Mayor

Breea and others.

In Common Council. The i .minion Council mot Wednesday evening

II regular aeaaluti. tliu prescient In tne rhalr, present every member.

Orolere were adopted in ewcuireaca autliorU- Ing the *uperlnteudeut of public property lo re- pair Eaaux ODfino huuae at SOOSt not to eiceed $1000, to build aa Iron brlilge aeroia the sptcket at Lawreaes street M-IM-I nt a atone the oost to be paid from the In cldental fund, two-dilnU rrmii Uiu SplckBt river Improvement fund, to authorlte the Splcket river

imlitnloner* to seize land in tlie vldolty of Uie irovcmuDi* that a street might be built Ihrousn>

n>rt ut the roiiimltlcu on public property that Vwbury street nehool house lie repaired an expense of e<;oo «a» accepted, after the in ter hud lawn Inquired into by several memlwr* of UM council.

Councilman • I'Selll Introduced ordcraforatreet oil tamp" tu tlie ri.iii.-i- of Avon and Hw atreeta, aud on l.i'Mii^ti.n near Park atreet, adopted.

< oiim-llinmi Murphy Introduced an order tors street oil lamp at tho corner ef South Broadway nud Eastern street, adopted.

In Board of Aldermen. The hoard of aldermen met u*t evening, with

Mayor Simpson In ibe chair. IVllih.ii- (if Lee. llliii-Wliurn .Ho., for ubiit.'-

liii-ni uf -I'IM'I ..-■>'■ -nt. laid mi tho table one week; of Wm. NaMIng, to enter Berkeley itract sewer, referred, of William II Sprague aud oth

i street light on Summer street, referred j of 11. J. Williams, for license to deal In aecoud hand elothe*, granted , of John ttorgan, for leave to obstruct a portion of Trenton street; of Wlli A Sheehan, for leave to obstruent reel during erecUon of a building, grautad; of Arlington Hill* and nthers. for a mala MWCX, to be locatei In Chalmers aud Broadway, referred; of Thomas Ayrey, et al, for sidewalks, referred.

Order—That the superintendent of public prop erty, under the direction of the committee <>i public property, lie and la hereby authorized and directed to make certain repairs and alteratli on Essex 1 engine house; aald repairs aoilalif tlone to lie made according to plans now In hands of said superintendent, and to include painting the exterior of the building at to exceed SIOOO ami to be charged to the Are special department, adopted.

An order was adapted authorizing alterations to be made la the Newbury streot achoc

Reported Highway Kobbertes.

A young man, named Raleigh, who said

he resided In Andover, states that while

crossing the Broadway bridge, about II

o'clock Tuesday night, he was attacked

by three nieu, who, after beating him,

robbed him of over twenty dollars,

had barely eacaped from them, when the

attention of the roughs was called to the

approach of another victim, who turned

out to be Timothy Corbett of South Law-

reuce. They also set upon him, but had

considerable difficulty In placing him

ler their control. Corbett estimates his

loss at a dollar aid sixty cents. The lat-

tct scuffle attracted the notice of officer

John Sullivan, but before the latter arrlv

ed upon the scene, the robbers had Bed.

A New Ward for Lawrence.

The legislative committee on cities took

up Friday forenoon, the consideration

of project of dividing the city of Law-

rence Into seven wards instead of six.

Hon. Andrew C. Stone thought that the

city council should be given power to es-

tablish new wards when needed, and sub-

mitted a bill drawn for that purpose.

Councilman P, W. Lyall preferred that

the legislature should Interfere to the

extent of making it certain that there

should bo at least seven wards. Several

geutlemen from the district on the north

glde of the Splcket river, appeared to

urge the claims of the district to be made

a single and united ward.

Death of Sergeant Plunkett.

Thomas I'lunkett, a sergeant In the

twenty-first Regiment, who lost both

arms while gallantly defending the colors

at the battle of Predcricburg, on Dec. 13,

IKi;:'..lii-.| at his home In Worcester, Mass.,

this morning, aged forty-four years. On

recovering from Ids wounds, he was gen-

erously provided for by the contributions

of people who honored his bravery, and

by a full pension. He has held the posi-

tion ii- messenger at the State House for

fifteen years. No man in the State was

better known, and no soldier hail a grand-

record for bravery and sacrifice. Me

leaves a wife end two sons.


nn Officers i Moderator, Othnlel

Eames; Town Clerk, W. H. Carter;

Selectmen. Assessors, and Overseers of

the I'oor, Edward A. Carter, J. Howard

Eames, Sylvester Carter; Treasurer,

Frank L Eames; Collector, Darius Buck;

Constable, Edward M. Nichols; School

Committee, Hcv. Mr. Webber.

North Heading.

Town [officers i Moderator, George L.

Flint; Town Clerk, Daniel 0. Abbott;

Selectmen, Assessors, and Overseers of

the Poor, Solon 0. Holt, Dennis Batch-

el Jer, Samuel Batchelder; Treasurer and

Collector, Joseph D. Gowlng.

Rills Extraordinary.

Ex-Supt. of Public property Flannagan

has presented to the committee on claims

a bill for Sign, the same being for the

use of stable for city horse, wagon etc.

for iilncty months, or seven years and a

half. The committee on accounts con-

sidered the matter at a meeting hefd

March 8, and laid It over. A member of

the committee said that the claim would

not be allowed and that no jury would

give a verdict for the plaintiff If n suit were brought to recover. Another bill

presented by Mr. Flanuagan claims thi sum or 911.40 for car fare from August 9, lt"J2, to April 14, 1HS4. Of this amount 910. IS was fur car fares between the dates ol August 9, 1S8S, and March 8, I--:;. It seems a most extraordinary thing that these hills were uot presented Ft the end of each year. The bill for car fares was also laid over. A memtier of the committee on accounts remarked this morning that there were more sharks try- lug to rob the city treasury than there were honest men In all the city endeavor- ing to get an honest living.

Superior Court.

In December, 18w«\ Tobias Cronln,

while working In the Washington Mills

was caught In a dnstlng machine and his

arm so badly mutilated as to require sm-

putaMon. Suit was brought to recover

damages, aud Tuesday the case was on

trial In the Superior court. The evidence

offered by the plaintiff was that he had no

experience In running the machine. That

the first he ever run it was on the day he

was Injured,and that the machine was

of order. That he #as put on the job to

take the place of a man who usually run

the machine, hut who was out, and that

he was using due care. The defence

claimed that the machine was In order,

that It was not a machine dangerous to

run, and that due care was not exercised.

The case was glveu to the Jury at 12.30

yesteiday afternoon, and after being out

three hours and a half they returned a

verdict for plaintiff in the sum of 93,000.

Col. Johu P. Sweeney for plaintiff, Judge

Glle for defendant,

Probate Court.

In the Probate Court of Essex county,

held yesterday, wills were probated as

follows: Matilda Mains of Lawrence,

Sarah 11. Moore of Derry, N, IL.Jouas

Herveyof Lawrence, Levl Emery of law-

reuce, Oswald T. Degenhart of North

Andover, Lemuel S. Chase of West New- bury.

Administrations were granted on the

estates of George E. Tucker of Lynn

Alexander I). Robertson of Andover, Jo-

arna 0. Sullivan of Lawrence, John Ord

way of Hampstead, N. II., Jason lngalls

of Melhuen, Peter Hoberg of Salem

Mary E. Carroll of Peabody.

Among the Inventories filed were those

of tho estates of Joseph Maslen of North

Andover, 94713 74 ; John L. Cook of Me- thuen, S-.I.,..-I ;«; Bethlah 11. Higgius of

Lawrence, 945U7 57; Mary A. Hasten of

North Audovcr, 87U79 97.

Simply Immense.

We believe lu all sincerity that It has

never beeu our pleasure to examine In this

city such an enormous line of nobby head

wear as that opened to-day by Hawes, the

hatter. Bound to outdo all previous ef-

forts which he has made, Mr. Hawes has

placed on his counters and literally piled

on the floors of his large establishment a

stock of the latest shades and styles in

spring hats, that we hove never seen ap-

proached lu this vicinity. You have only

to step In antl verify this statement for

yourself. The styles for the coming sea-

son require two or three entirely novel

shapes, and all of these in a huudred

shades and colors are Included In the

stock. The place Is In reality "a wilder-

ness of hats," and should be seen to be


Another Suit Against the City.

Notice of suit for damages against the

city was served upon the city clerk this

morning, by William Taylor, through his

attorney, Chas. A. DeCourcey, Esq. Tho

notice seta forth that on the 8th of

February, 1885, sahl Taylor fell In the

alley back of the city hall, between Apple-

ton and Pemberton streets, caused by ac-

cumulation of Ice and rubbish, aud by

which his arm was dislocated at the

houlder, and other Injuries sustained.

Serious Accident-

August Hoffman, employed In Stanley's

brewery, while engaged th|s morning In

handling a cask was Injured by Its falling

upon him. He sustained a fracture of the

thigh bone. His injury was dressed by

Dr. Chamberlain, and he was taken to his

home at 174 Union street. He 1B In as

comfortable a condition as could be c<-

pected under the circumstances. He had

been In the employ of the Stanley Brew-

ing company only since last Friday.

Partial Shut Down.

Tuc Atlantic Cotton Mills, giving em

ployment to twelve hundred operatives

n running with a full nm plenient

help will shut down a third of iu r

hlnery Immediately. Th-.- mills have not

been employing a full quota of help for

some time. It Is not probable that the

machinery which Is to be shut down will

be started again until business Is better.

SCOTT'S KSIINIOH or I'Mif: Cod X,ly*r Oil with H> Poph>«*pkUi.s,

la Incipient Consumption seems to possess remedial powers of great efflra. CT. It heals the Irritation of thethroatandlungs. Make* pure blood and hulld* up and NllllSI the system against further Inroads by disease.



Dr. C. W. Scott Intends taking a trip

abroad the first of April.

—Seats are now on sale for the McCaull

company's presentation of Apajtinc.

Monday evening at the Essex rink,

conies the Eagle Methucn polo game.

—Jsuiei B. Shepard has been re-elected

supreme secretary of the Uulted Friends.

—Kcarsargc encampment, 1. O. O. F.,

bold an assembly In the banquet hall, next

Friday evening.

—Ex-street eommlssloner Barry has

returned from his trip West and reports

a delightful time.

—Mr. Frank Wilklns, formerly of the

Lowell railroad, has secured a second

patent for a car coupling.

The common council arc having ajse-

i struggle over the salaries of the

water department employes.

—The McCall Comic Opera Company, Margaret Mather arc Included In the

attractions of the week of March lilth.

I. Hurley, of last year's Lawrence

club, has signed with Manager Jackson of

the Rochester, N. V., club for next sea

—Next week's attractions at the opera

mine will he Monday, the McCaull 0|

Company; Wednesday, Lizzie May I'lmcr,

and Friday, Margaret Mather.

—The new bonds for the ,s80,0O0 loan

to make up the deficiency iu the appropri-

ations lost year, are being printed, and

will bo put In the market before April.

—Wm. W. Hatch, captain of the night

watch In 1871, lies In a critical condition

at bis home on Hampshire street. The

disease Is described to be Brlghts affec-

tion of the kidneys.

—The statement comes from Maine

that the Maine Central and Boston A

Maine railways arc negotiating for the purchase of the boston & Bangor Steam-

ship Company's lines and boats, and that

one offet has already beeu mule by the


—Mrs. Proctor's friends In Salem think

It outrageous to oblige her to lie confined

behind prison bars for go long a time,

without trial, for the charge on which she

was arrested. She Las about two months

longer to spend In jail before the duy si

rives for trial.

—It will be remembered that the Jury

rendered a verdict convicting Emmet J

Kenyon of embezzlement, whereupon his

counsel, W. H, Moody, Esq., made a mo-

tion to set aside the verdict. This motio n

the Judge has granted, which will admit

of a new trial.

— After careful investigation of the

comparative expense, the Splcket River

Commissioners have recommended, and

the city government approved,the substi-

tution of an Iron for a stone arch bridge,

over the new channel of the Splcket river

at Lawrence street.

—A statement which has been prepared

at the naval observatory In relation to the

annular eclipse of the sun which takes

place on the Kit.h Inst., shows It will occur

so as to be visible at Boston and New

England points generally, approximately

at 12.12 p. in., eastern time.

—Mrs. Waterman, at her greenhouses

at Audovcr, haa a specially abundant va-

riety of flue flowers just now, and her

well-known taste In arrangement, Invites

the attention of all who wish designs for

special occasions, weddings, parties or

funerals. Orders may be left at Kclley'i

drug store.

—It Is not generally known that alder-

man Brown Is one of "them literary fel-

lows. " Ho Is the author of several

fcreoasrsi of note, aud edited In England,

the works 93f many writer* on textile

manufacaurcs. Mr. Brown Is an expert

proof reader, and In many ways may be

of service to the present government

where literary taste requires counsel.

—The grand lodge of the Ancient Order

of United Workmen, the jurisdiction of

which extends over New England, has a

membership of 6100 embraced within

lodges. The order Is making every rapid

growth. During the past year t>80,000

n ;>ald out to the beneficiaries of

deceased members. At large the order

bos a membership of 145,000 which has

been obtained since Oct. 27, 18G8, the date

ii its institution.

—The Brcen officials were models of

ici'snnal thrift, but ex-publlc property

tuperlntendent Flanagan bags the biscuit,

n presenting a hill for seven and a half

yearB rent of a barn, the entire time of

his occupany of the office. We suppose

the bloated bondholder had so much sym-

pathy for the poor municipality, that he

allowed them the use of the money due

him all the time. Flanagan should be

given a leather medal.

A remark of one of the druggists at

the aldermanlc hearing, was, In the par-

lance of the boys, "a dead give away."

He stated tbat he kept only two qualities

of brandy, the best French, for prescrip-

tions, and a cheaper grade, for external

use and cooking. Now, under the purely

druggists' license, for which the plea

was being made, there was no right given

to sell for "cooking" purposes, and

every such sale waa In direct violation of

the law.

Important Postal Changes.

Bylhc provisions of the new law, to

go into effect July first, the weight of all

ilnglc rate letters may be Increased to

one ounce; all newspapors sent 'rom the

office of publication will be carried for

cent per pound or fraction thereof

and by placing a special ten cent stamp

lu addition to the regular postage on let-

ters, they will lie entitled to Immediate

delivery by special messengers employed

for that purpose, in any city or town

containing four thousand or more popu

within one mile of the Post Office, between 7 A. at and midnight.

Another Vacant Pulpit.

It has been understood for some months that the pastorateof Rev. Henry F. Jenks.

at the L'tiltarian church, was to be termin-

ated, aud the reverend gentleman has

tendered his resignation, which will

doubtless be accepted, to take effect with the close of this month.

Fancy His Feelings.

As President Cleveland was proceeding from the stst front of the capltol, aftet tlie Inauguration cireinouh a yesterday, among the vast crowd that surrounded him with congratularory words, was very neat lookliiR gentleman wearing a [lark-brown overcoat, black kid gloves, and a shiny plug hat, and carylng an um- brella In a nice new silk cover. "How do you do, Mr. President?" exclaimed the neat looking gentleman, cordially. "Pret- ty well, thank you," replied Mr. Cleve- land. "Can I see you a moment private- ly?" Inquired the neat looking gentleman, attempting to draw the new president to one side. "Keally, sir, It la Impossible to grant your request junt at this moment," said Mr. Cleveland, stanchly maintaining fils ground. "You seem to' have forgot- ten mc," persisted the neat looking gen- tleman; '1 am Erskine M. Phelps, presi- dent of the Iroquols club." I can do nothing for you just at this moment," replied Mr. Clevelaud, "but you can de- pend upon It I was sincere when I de- clared in my speech to-day that you Li- lians should oe fairly and honestly treat- ■d."—Chicago News,

Andover Advertiser Hall road Trains.

Leave Boston (or Andover, *,io, I.SD. ]0,ts. a u i m,; 1J.S0,i,lB,«,M,3,80, 4, S, i S,ai, T.iOr.J,

Andover to Boston, 6JM, 7.40, HIS, s.SS.s.ts, tu .11-88, IS-SS. i-tW, S.00, 0,S«7T. ts

(Wei To Lowell, 7.«, K,U SJM, 11

JOU, i ■ . :. ii. .■":'.).. m.,: h.i- i. in. ].10,4.vO,S5l,p. Uoitiri North, a. *4, a. m. is.**, o.»i. p. i


After using- all the bumlm*; liniments and salve* wltb aure laimrc, vu and gvtofyour driigtl.t a Hue I'LAstta. nsaMM arel beet porou* aver made. Vastlv superior to all other external remedies, The mm pint* pain allaying virtue* of frrah Hop* cotnlilnrd with streiuruwiilna- tioma aad Burgundy Pilch. Me. dwlwooft

Itannliiu sxpsaaes .Children.

A olnb liouso— The police station.

Au Important suit—A man's wmlding sarmSDtt.

Be charitable mid lndultt<!nt to every one but jour self.

ram tor salt) in the Weit Parish. Sat adver ItllaaSBt.

The Ind day or April will be Fast Day In this Common wealth.

i: H-I-IL peas are *olllB( for one dollar a peek at Jacksonville, I l.i.

l'rofessor Hineks will preach at the Seminary impel next Sabbath.

John W. Brown of San Franclseo, fal., haa been In town un a short vlelt.

I.R the Lawrence dactors la one n ho Is both French and American.

Landlord Hatch will vacate the Elm House on the iii-i ot April, and remove to Falrhaven.

The winter term of the Abbot Academy, closed un Tuesday, nud will have a vacation uf oae week.

.Mi- .1 ■!.:. Frye has returned to h«r bom* at in I-.I Vale, from Kvsrvtl, where *he spent UM winter.

The Aln*«achii*etts Iluuie ha* passed a bill which i.rohlbita the sale ef liquor after 11 o'clock In the evening.

The town treasurer paid the teachers of Ibe public sclioola on Monday, the sum *)f 2,9BS,M far their services lnst term.

11 Is Aought that the rate of taxes In town tha present year, will not exceed $« on •1,000, and in it eume below that per cent.

A tcctierous lady I* thoroughly repairing- and othrcsvlse greatly Improving tbs West Pariah Parsonage, at her own expense.

Tliaaks to Joseph 11. Partln for a copy «f tha annual report of the officers of the tawn of Water- town, for tlie year ending January 31, lSSft.

The Andover bras* band will furnish tbo utuslo fur the first evening of the steamer engine fair, and llartlett and 1'rescoU for the second evening.

A* F. A. Sawyer, baker, wa* driving down Mala street, near tbo town nail, un Friday artornoan, hi* horse fell aad broke one of tho abaft* of the wagon.

EJward ii. Davis, of BallarS Vole, who waa chosen oue of tlie conaubloa of this town at the annual meeting, was funnei-.'v on the Boston

Bev. Smith Baker of Lowell, gave an lnterettuia; :iii.l Instructive lecture to Sabbatb schoolteacbora and others, at the Union cbnpel, llallard Vale, on M..mlny evening.

Dr. Khattuck kSS leased the Morrison place at Ballard \ ale, whleli he has occupied for some time, and Is enlarging his office and apothecary accora m odatloo s.

J. W. Barnard will toon erect a two story build. Ing on hi* vacant lot, south side of the town hall- It will be occupied by Mr. Barnard for but own buslnes* purpose*.

■ Mr. J. Bradford, who haa celebrated his elgbly second birth day, has been carrying the .mall from i.e..II,.ii-, i.-iin . to Hartford, N. I.'., seventy years without missing a day.

Bradlee's factory at Ballard Vale, has adopted the sixty hours a week rule, with the same pay aa t'-forc Hi* i, il netluu of time. The employ*** are

it sat unlay afternoon* at 1 o'clock.

Joseph Blunt, son of Charles C. Blunt, while chopplug lu the woods In the south pan of the town a tow days ago, had a troo fall upon him* dislocating nn ankle and breaking one of hi* lei,*.

In Uie proceedings of the annual town mooting, publish oil last week, two Itema were Inadvertently omitted. The town appropriated $8,e00 for tbo county tax, and SSOO for a reacrvolr on Salem street.

Several hens wore stolen from the premises of H. F. 1'aalio on Summer street, a row night* since. The thieves were traced a considerable distance, and the heads of the fowls were found In the road.

The school committee organised on Monday by choosing Variiiini Lincoln, Chairman, Felix U. Uayues, Auditor, and E. Franols Holt, Secretary, aud appointed Patrick Daly, and Hhaiard M. Ab - bolt, truant officers.

Professor and Mrs. George F Moore, loft town on Thursday, and will sail from New York for Liverpool next week on Wednesday. They will proceed directly to Uermany, and remain there seven or eight months.

A grand concert la to be given at Bradlee's heals Ballani Vale, -about the first of April. Mr*. Kfatx will give readings, E. u. Fesoeodon. pianist. K. It Foster, flutist, with a chorus ot six- teen voices. David Shaw, conductor.

A Chicago man who called apon a musical friend tho other evening at supper time, waa warmly welcomed as they bad a party, and tbej were Just going to have a sonata. Ho said ha thought be smelled it aa he come over.

At a recent Sunday school meeting to ChicOfo a long-winded clergyman consumed too much of the time with a wordy address. Whoa lie oat down, the leader of the meeting unwittingly an nounced the hymn, "Hallelujah, 'Us done."

Charles 11. Marland Is about to build a double house on .Marland street, Ballard Vale. lira Farnhnm ts putting in tbo collar. Mr. Marland baaalau contracted for sinking the well at bis block on the -in.ii- street, flfteen feet by stsam drill.

lore new buildings on the tapis. Richard A . Ward will build a new dwelling bouse nearthe" residence of his father, on tho road leading from Fryo Village to the West Parish. William Wood

111 erect two cottage near bis reeldenoa i Park street.

The aunual meeting of the Fanners Club, will be held next Monday evening at half pastsevsti o'clock. The officers for the ensuing year will be chosen, and the following question discussed I In what way can Andover be mada more attractive aa a place of residence, and how can tbe Farmer's Club contribute to *uch a reault:' A full attend-

ice Is desired.

The annual meeting of the Union Congrrgs. tlnnnl Society at Ballard Vale, was held March

lx O. Hayne* was chosen moderator; DeBM 11, Poor, clerk; Howell F. Wilson, treas-

and collector; H. M. Hayward. chorister; B. T. llaynes, trustee for 1 yMrs. The following committee on tho annual festival was chosen I Charloe H. Mariaid, William Lord, Mrs. A. A. Woodlln, Mrs. Charle* Ureone, and Miss Nellie Holme*.

Th* annual meeting of the Woat Parish, wa* held March fl. B. H. Boutwell was chosen moderator, E. F. Holt, clerk; Benjamin Boyntoi, treasurer; Peter D. Smith, S. H. Boutwell, and Edward W. Burtt. aaaessors; Daniel L. Trow,

S. H. Boutwell, Henry Boynton, and .■Minincr (smith, committee on tho part of lb* Parish to supply tbe pulpit. Voted to npproprl- au si.:-* for current expenses. Chose A. S. Cutler, Sumner Cnmith, and I-;. I). Jefferson, a committee to paint the church.

The selectmen nn Monday, mode tha following appointments: Undertaker, Charles S. Parker; Auctioneer, Samuel U. Bean; Keeper of Loek-Up, Walter B. Allen . Public Weighers, J. M. Boon, John Chandler, John Cornell, Charles 11 Mar- land ; surveyor* of Wood, Timothy Abbott, John i li.ui.I,IT. J. P. BuUerfleld, Henry Bnyutoi. Joshua Phelps, John B. Jenkins, Benjamin BoyaUn, Charles C. Blunt, Albert A. Hardy; Fl-h committee, Geo. H. Poor, B. Frank Smith* John II. Flint, Newton Jariultb, Joseph T. Lo ve- Joy.

Much credit I* duo Mies Burnhant, for tho musical treat of Friday night. The concert proved as was promised, "the beet of tbe season." Tho "Beethoven Club" was all their name implied. Miss Burnbam'a Aria "In gueato ttlmpllce" with Orchestral accompaniment, waa artistically rendered. Mr. Tyler's selections were good, and highly appreciated. The concert, without excep- tion, was one of a high order, and those who nvnlled themselves of the privilege of attending, will not soon f..rgct the favor, or the pleasure they received through tho effort* of Hies* young artists.

At the annual meeting of the South rarlab, held on Thursday evening, March Mb. tbo following oncer* ware chosen; Moderator. George A. Miner; Clerk, E. K. Jenkins; Aasoaeora, George A.Parker, S. K. Goldsmith, James J. Abbott; Treasurer, George L- Abbott; Collector, O. W. Vcnnard; Auditor*, William 8. Jenkins, J. w. Berry. Appropriation* for music SSoo, Pastor's •alary, «,000. Vacation supply. |S0, Sexton's salary, ,-J.VI, Collectors salary |.vi. Fuel, light, ind miscellaneous t'QO, Treasurer's Ministerial fund salary, ett, Assessors aalary «l.i, Insurance •ISO; Tout, S»7u.Oo. Estimated receipts, SttOO. Voted to raise by subscription. *770. Voted tr. authorize the Treasurer to hire money for use of Parish by approval of Asae«sors. Voted that tbo Pastor and Deacons supply tlie pulpit In summer ynraili.ii. Voted that the proceeds of saw of lota In cemetery bo used to Improv the cemetery. '■' William S. Jenkins, UoorgS Rlpley, and George L. Abbott, a committee to devise the best way to Improve cemetery walks, fences, Ac., also

idvis* with the town seeking the removal ot Centre Primary school house, for tbs better

protection of the illeat dead. Voted to have a chorus choir If considered feasible. The Fail

:"» the past year, has paid a debt of Site, has a balance to the treasury of lid, beside*) leetlng enough, with the s f old or cure a new e

calling u ll*!l«. which oecupl

Room* to let. See kdrortltemeut.

Stephen D. Abbott It recovering from hi) recent attack of pneumonia.

John A. BjmontU 1« very tick »t hl» residence In the We*t Pariah, and aot expected to recover.

Ooe hun<lre<l famlllu* of Russians, direct fion Europe, will eettle In ttcl'herion countj, Won. tola spring.

George A. rutnam of thl* town, bee boon *p. pointed by tin- governor, a Justice of the Peat* lor the Count; of Eaaex.

A meeting of the Farmer's Club wa» held on Monday evening. The di*cu»«lon of the uue.llou assigned for the evening wee poetponed " annual meeting next Monday evening, ai subject Of "Poultry" waa debated. Thoae who

jook part In the discussion were, Meeara. Bramerd Xummlof i, Varuura Lincoln, (ieerge Klpley. II. A. Bodwell, U. H. Poor, W. Wllley. S. H. Dent, well and other*. Bev. Charlea UnriUi *pokc upon the eubject of Vinegar, a matter which la now under consideration lu the The meeting waa well attended, and the <U*ca»lon nil mated and Interesting.

The nineteenth annual .peaking of aalecUd declamation, for the Draper prises at Phillip* Academ*, oocarred on Monday evening. The .peaker. were favored with an nuu.ually large audience which, by It. careful attention and en applause, teetlfled that the competition waa in no way Inferior to that of former yeur*. There wore prcaont many parents and friend, of the apeakere, graduate, of the Academy, wreral of whom had won prise, at prevloua conte.1*. ■nd the honored founder of the prtiea hlinedf While the committee. Be v. Nrtwrn Mlllnrd, I> P , Of Norwich. Conn.. tier. Joseph Ward, D.D ,of Taakton, Dak., and Kev. Levorett Ursdley of Andover, were making their award, Dr. Bancroft called the attention of the audience to a one por trait of the late John 0. Phillip*, of ltoatuu. wblch bad been placed upon the atage. briefly poUitlng out eeme reaembleoeeatothe Phillip, family, and

amlnd hi. noble gifuto public lnstltt,- , men Introduced the Phillips orrhe.tra

„^upled the time In a very creditable ,,,„,, until the Be*. Dr. Mlilardappeared with

Utree envelope, containing the prtxe. In hU hand. He aald the committee were unanlmou. In lue

opinion that they had rarely heard aa |oed .|*.k- 1„ even la college canteats. their chief regret bJL that they had not a round down prise*, one £Teach .peaker. and two for the d.MmguUJed profe.sorwho had trained them Thert, being only *m. the flr.t of •». M I'ven to 1 raucl Richards. Newport. X. H-, the sewadof •». » 2 vauu. Everett Krohoea, North Heading, the third ot I*. Trad Robtnaon Shepard. Minneapolis. Mian. The floral gift* were very fine, and the competition a aucce.. In every particular.

Some facta from the annual Wwr. report *► prVpriationa over-lrawn-Sehoola. AM*■ .ehool hZe. •».»; highway.. AS^W.Mi removing «ow ilTuStowo officer.. »«».7o. Are depart- *no '•'.,. lUW ug |iiW.*tl; dlacouot on

TS-i- mm*** —*> " a"*""* ;,jJJ Whole number ot p.upen 1° ■ durtn, Uve ye... *»■

5£ ^mberTweek. board. ,». 1 ZSmS prison** awaiting trial. «. Whole number of week, >. ToUl number of week, board, MOO. Average weekly expen.c for «ch lnmat*. flr.t deducting the amount .old from "e farm from the expen*e of the a.m.houae, I. eT7i Remaining In llaHallll Ml hundred —arsold. I! between eighty and ninety, 6; be- iween .evenly and eighty, 3; between slat)and «tlty,*; between fifty »d alxty. Il between forty and fifty, 1; between thirty and forty S; ne- •wJn twenty and thirty. If between ten ami twenty, l| between one and tea, 11, WUI M. Number at beginning of the year, «| ■«-*»•*• Kitted, 6; number discharged, 7; number died, 4. There have been during the year, twelve alarm. of fire. Spring Grove Cemetery-Lot. •**£■ Tear IS; aold, 1«; total IM. Intar- menii* aa par laat report, IRS, Interment, thla year, M-taUlJO-V Amount of taxea uncoliecte.1. *1. 166.36. BaUnce agalnrt the town. llH^iia.r. Memorial BkO Library-Whole number of volume. In the library, Natj oamphleU, .1071: number ef day. book, delivered, Kfl | number of volume. deUvercd, 11.1M. Urgeat dally i.»ue, ,19. large.! weekly l.aue.lMl; nolle*, to deUn- q,ant borrower.. 1033, new name, regl^ered, IffT- whole number of olmea regi.tered, 37«3. average dally attendance in rea ling -roam, fti. •mount of One. MUUMl, HIM i amount received tor uae of book., til". Kocorded by town clerk —Mortgagee of Pon-ona! Property, II; aa.lgn- ment of wage., 17; Uouor Hcenae.. .Ixtb claa», 3; all other paper*. 4; number of Juror, drawn, IS, number of flahlng permit, five*, 197.

Whole number of weeka i niiiiiiHT of tramp*, *«P

One appllcatloii from a druggi.t for a llcanae baa bean filed with the Selectmen.

A meeting of the Gun Club wat held Monday evening, and arrangement, were made for the beginning of active work for the xeaaon at once. The name, of Meaar*. F. E Nason aud 0, F i,lemon were propoaed for memlMtrahlp.

on Thuraday forenoon of laat week a stranger, giving bl. name a. Abbott, vl.ited Mr. A. P. Cheney's .table, and hlradaborbe and cxpre.a wagon, to go, a. he .aid, to Lawrence. He claim ud to be a carpenter, and prevloua to .eelng Mr. Cheney had called upon Mr. Stephen liugbeo foreman of the Davla ft I-UI-I.IT Mat-blue Co.'l yard, aud aald he desired t» puixhaae aome pouts lie waa furnished with a team, hut not returning that 11 a;.- the j ■ ■ ■! i - - - authurltk'a were notlltod. aud la.t night tha itolm property waa discovered lu Parker, auble, Lowell, where It had been left liy tlie thief, whone trail the Lowell oftleer* are following.

TO LET. Tie nt roemi fir oQlne or liaht bu.lnes. pur

„. . :-A-i1 M 'ni.Kit, March II, IMS. If Main Street, AXdover

\MI I .IA11 POOR, M.Nuraufunitn or

express, Store, Mai W, Milk and Meat WAGONS.

llepalrtng In all its lttam he*.

BBAINAUD « UMU1NOH, Carpenter and llullder, Shop corner of Perk and Rarilrl

iireeta, lormerlr occupied by John u'Conneli. Uuildlna lumber comiaeily on band or im nianed at *b..rt notice.

Arniover. April 11, laat.

Baliard Vale Ordera

BB. TUTTLE will continue tbe jobbing ■ and eaprea. bunluc.., having obtained a

irw uutiliihereior. General Jobbing, removing Jfpianoa, furniture, elu. Par lira accommodated tor day or evening pleasure, ite.ldence at Mr*. lilouaonVreanleiicc, Eaaex atreet. IT

uii notice. Urdway A Clark'* celebrated Dngota iloota lor ladlca v>ear,<iontiantlT on ind,*/ I, Main tlrecl, Andover.

C1IA laktT. Hi

tery, MIIII- a tree t, And O'

S. PARKER, Funilaliln, Under >ennte»deut Of Spring UrovtiCe-n Park street. Reaidence Mummer

er, Jan. 1,1«8». EDWIN H. I1AKNAHI), PalDtlDg;, Qla-

alng, Urai ' _ Paper flangl_^ n Paper oonalantlv

JOHN II- DEAN, Merchant. Tailor, Dealer In Clothing and Ueat'.Furnishing

Jood. ol all kind*. Garment* made In the latest laablon and warranted tofit. Repairing, clean. >ng ami pre.aing done neatly. Ms In Street,


M la In New York cliy for a


An'liiver. Man

ro~W om 11

uu»V, give, about IS i lUJiKLrEKNBY,

AlNoah Ahbott* pi*

iij Ceneern,

FOR bnLE. A^A^ J situate ■ the rof andove

l,u>ehe.,.e»u<,l,aiid>toi . . Till-, f«i n*. i I,- nitiiiitiy altuawd in the pa^t wo.conteinaMacrp.ol MWtHtoleVl

rhieh are wioil lan<D Dwelling HouBr, II bed*, gootl •npplr "'."■'"will1,"

apple, peach W ip<- -jraT

. . ry rWMUt 1 ..—.. monev being t'll

<age. For further pa'tleula1

Thl. property wil -mt.a 1 rgepaitoi llo remain on merl

. ai ply lo

J. A. Kmart, Andorer, MMI.

Andover, Ma ob^lB*. »Saad«w


Pal! Irem New York every Saturd.] for

QLASliQW Hi LOHDOBIEHBT. """• vs,.T^irB-«ui



Saloon Pi lion.

,.iFa May n,.lu e*. J Iv D,»80 lo»HM», accj.rdn adcia*.. g)0S. ill erage.

iiw York- r i •I'AI-IH K

NI)TH,Kialior by given del itie cuj^cnb ha. IH'en duly «on' Inied a I ilniaraio

aataleolLuoyr'Alliotl.lileofAirinverm" r of K t Mill

non him»el( Iba't irual by giving bead*, a* lb. lawdlreel* AH pa -n- bating daman.1.i.p i lawaatlMtfaaJd ilawuin aie r.q neii to ex

ibit lhe ■»"!«; amlal per ana Ind.bleil lo .am eatatearcialled upon io make pijmontie

DAVID FLOYD, SHD. Ada. Wlnihrop.M»ro>-in.'gHi. !i?i_

t tie unpointed mI»,'

» aatat* of ihwatider D. R btr.aon iltba ol .ndCT.r, lot.o County ot e-.-X, Mid Hupenn

tend'nl. dejea.-d.and baa Liken upon himael lhaltiuatby glvlag bon3-, aa lhe liw directs. All ptraona havina drmanda upoo the e.ta e ol •alddeoeaaedarercimrrdU. eihltilt the .arat, aril all peraana lode ,led to said estate arcoallen apoa to m.kepaym^to )-|1JDLETON Arlffl

Andover. Mai-cbU. 18*5. ... IB.U

Commonwoalth of Matsachutetli.

piton \it coi'itr. 3 lb.' Vir. at liw, nnl oilier. Interested in the

eMaUiol David VYidlnr. lale oi North Andovi

Whereaa, Jol Admlins'.rator i ureaintedto an •ell »n ~

iisi.iy. decra

?.Gtle,(Publ'c Ai |i-i- c-l l.f HI -III

nil r ■ihi.-i ili'Ktateoi iliumlieil the paym i risn

ny eight doll loi dcblaaan



The police force will hereafter be paid off by

Ua Chief. A gold ring, found by Mr. *\ W. MM

aa owner. M>. Milton Rea ha. been re-elected a constable

Ot the town of Revere. Mr. Jacob L. Farnum he. been ro-appolnted

Superintendent of the Almihouso. Mr. W. F^TTinee will be manager anil captain

of the Haverhlll Banc Ball Club this aea.on. Hen thieve, visit Mr. John F. Carlewn'a place,

«n Thuraday bight of laat week aad stole thirteen

fowls. A brother o( Rev. Charles Noyee died a few

dar* «*« *■ Florida, whither he had gone for hi. health.

The School Committee ha * organlied wllh Mr. K. W. Greene aa cbalrmau and Mia* Carleton ss aocretary.

The annual meeting of the Farmers' and Me- cnanlce' Club is to be held at Meveua 1UI1, ne»t IVedneaday evening.

The annual .upper and entertainment of the Cocolchewlck Engine Company will occur on Friday evening, April loth.

The Ladlee' Benevolent Society connected with the Congregational Church, are to have a fair lu the vestry, early In next mouth.

Berg ft Towle's Urcheatra, of Haverhlll, Ua« been engaged for lhe Luater Monday evenlug aa aembly, under the auaplcea of the Stars.

The re.try of the Melliodl.t Church baa been leaaed by the School Committee for next tern < and it W»l bo llttod up for a primary Hanoi

The semiannual meeting and election of offl eera of the Young People'* Mutual Literary anil 0oci«i society occurs In the Congregational Church ve»try, next Friday evening.

The Selectmen and School Committee held a conference, Tuesday, In relatlou W the new school house, but no action waa taken lu the premises. Another meeting will be held next Tueaday.

There will be considerable change In the Roman Catholic property thla year, aa It 1. intended lo remove the church hulldlngto Main Street, and dispose ol Merrlmack Hall and lhe lots fronting on Water and Merrimack Streela.

At tb* annual meeting of the Korlh parish Church and Society, held In Hie veslry, but even lug, Mr. Jos. P. Blake waa chosen moderator, and Mr. Cha*. L. White clerk, pro tern. After accepting the trcasurer'a report, the following ofateer* were elected for the ensuing year 8. D. Steven*; Parish Committee and *i. D. Stevens, J- P- Blake, C. F. Johni jirer, Nathaniel Peters.

Hon. N. P- Frye has received from Washington a complete set of the Congressional Record, cov •ring the past six years, to be placed In the pub Be library. This set ot book, was conlributed by ■on. Wm. A. Huaaell, and, at hi. reuue.t, will placed where the public can lutve acee.s to the The treasurer of the Library Committee Ima l« notified of the fact, afjd this generous gift ou lhe part of Mr. Russell will be appreciated by the people of North Andover.

A large company of ladles and gentlemen, In eluding the member* of tho Young People* Mu- tual Literary and Social Society, visited Mi*. Irene Prince's home, Uat Wednesday evening, upon Invitation of her parents, who bad arranged the affair as a surprise for her, snd the efforts of Mr. and Mrs. Prince were happily succcaaful. A delightful evening was passed In vocal and In- strumental muaic, games and social conversation. A Sue collation waa served.

At the farmers' Institute, to be held at Cliy Hull, Lawrence, Tuesday, March 17th, under the auspices of the Essex Agricultural Society, the aubject for discussion will i» "Fruit; it* culUva- (ion, Preservation and Sale." Brief Introductory remarks will ha made by Joseph How, of Me thuen, on apples; Hon. Peter M. Seal, of Lynn, on pears and email fruits; and Q.W. C-iigc, L»<1- •f Methuen, on peachoa and grapea. Lach to be followed by a general dtacuaaluu.

Mra Kllen, wife of Mr. William Leahy, died or Tuesday morning, after a very palnlul Illness o: about two months' duration, death re*ultlng from a complication of dlaordcrs. The deceased a most devoted wife and affectionate mother, who perform en I many kind offices for thoae in distress- Among the many who knew hi was respected and beloved. Her age <r year*. The funeral took place Thursday fore noon, a requiem high mim being iTlehratcd nt the Roman Catholic Chun-h, Hev. Fr. Cronley being the celebrant.

Death has been diligent within lhe past few ysars among the resident, of the Centre, and laid Monday removed another member of a long time family of that locality—MIBB Sarah W. Sievena, at tli" i.*M of 40 year*. She had been III ouly gbout a ween* from pneumonia, which caused the .most acute suffering. Ml*. Steven, had an uu-

,. piitrusivo demeanor, a pure character, and waa astaanisd very highly, hbe war a member of the TJalffMB parii b and Cbariuble I'nloa. Rev. Charles NoyM officiated at the funeral service.,

Uoh took piaoe Tbnrsday afternoon, at her • rasldence. Thera was a very large atten' ■tsV The floral offering* oon.urtexl of a beau' BsMcher and wreath.

nd miycLnt* r. ebarge^ol adm'Obiri

You are hereby cii Court to be tioldcn

nhie'ho'cloc'k!in IU forenoon, to she-- cause, irany vou have, arainstthe ,ame. And'ad JohnB. t.i « la orde ed citation be nub'linlng tha sameoneo a week,

three wee** auci esslvely, in tie L*w«f>oii AMI.BICJAN AHU ABUOVKB AEVKK


a new*pat>er printed at lAwronc*. the lael ptibll ealon lo l» two days at least beiore aal 1 Courl

Wiino.s.OeorgeK.C.oale.B quire, JuiUe o -ml Court, this ninth day oi Fubiuiry, II Hie vear oau liiousaiid eunl liund'ed and elghi; Qve J■ T' M*"ONk,Y, Register.


. VK'»NAHi>, Sriiou uf Itir Suuil, _ _ml in charge ot the Cemetery, All

e yard done with Dromptnesa and at

.__ fresh and salt, smoked and 'iokled; Lousters, Clams and Oyalera. Uooda Icllvnred. 'UmUiiri. Iv ml"

nforajes. iv It. Ii. Tm il.-. All ordera promptly attended Oat reasonable Conveyance to Law- uoce on ai.y evening when desired, Utder K>ies at Uie PoaUJtuce and Bemlnair. tf H« Foit~S*LR OB TO Lht.—On Kim Street, In

An<lov.jr,Mass.,alOTTAUa-HOlT:>i; with i looma all In good repar. U acre oi LAND, .tiaaanily apua ed on high land, w th frnli trees mo grspe vines, oaf milt irom Boston ft Maine t. R. dtalion. A very healthy and deairauie Iocs-,

HI, lor any one wiamng to obtain a home near ood schools,cnur Inn aud pleasant turroun-i. IKS. Lb-hoe lor a good bargain If aoplied for inn. For lunber particulars* O. M. liUUI.V-j. Worcester. Ms.i. JanO wtf

Manufactured by tne'Nuw Kagiand :o., of Boston. Addreai LOCK, lioi SO. r. Haas. fan S3 »

Emma HI. E. Sanliorii. IH. IK, UitEEN HTREKT,

ViitUuCr, - - M«H.

Offlce Hour* 3 lo IB A. M.. 1 to 7 to b p.

Dr.C E.ABSOTT Office Hour*

Knmard's Dlook .."ii.i-'ii' A. M t.oo to j so r. st '..:n to g.uo P, M

Main It., AND >VEM, Uai*. Night Ball,

1H! M. B. IIAHKIM, Halii St. and l'liuclii.rtl ATCDU,





fun" IHI-IH ii.-d for foandatlona and otbar lurpoera, at arort nolle. Cellars contracted oi in town an I vicinity and built b" experienced verse en. It mv7


Johnson's AMorsr and Boston Express, in.I wil continue the same tin Irr that name.

Offices : 81 Court Square 104 Arch atror t. Order Box: IS Merchant*' Row, In Boston, and

«t hi* diro in Andover. J. H.CHANDLRK,

Andover, Bcpl 4. if Proprietor and »•• aasnser


QK0CERIE3 and COUNTRY PBODUCE rirat-Clas* fi! re* aad Beasonable Prices.


WOOD & COAL White Ash and Franllin Coals.

HARD AND HOFT WOOD Prapar«d,it laglrad.

ro Str.t I,T

JOHN CHANDLER . Andover. h-da s received,and blllssattl ■ i br


Onoosite Post OOlce

Morrlll's Ice Cream Parlors, PURR CONFECriONRRY

liBBufaetured dally. Tartiea supplied with IOK CRKAM, HHF.HBET,

ndaflneaasortmemorCAKEat anon nolle.. Meata ekirved to Order.

Abbott 8t.. directly opposite Tern. *era. Uronnd M,.V thHsS Andover. Mass.

F. ill 8A1.K- lit le uaei

An lover, Masi AO^I i i'O, Post i.m ■

NtiflUB. !. bere'iv a Vt... Uat ilia suh-oi b. ,,na b en du y unstated Kaecut u ol ilic,wi

ul ,uhn L Coi>k, acii , late of Ucd.n ■■.. In (tie C unlvof r:a*ex,rnaiiuia.liirer, ili-tfivil, t<*tal ,n,i hi* tal.en un»n hlSSafU that t. uat by fif r bond* a* the law directs. All iieraons tiavlna d

and* upon tneealt<leor»Hldiloc anedaiereu'il toe»liibitliiesiiiiic;sndBilp?iaonslnd bled

"* "•»■• ■* "*%sirtfx8g, sinci!! February l"ih. letifl W*

NliTlUKiabe .bv Kiven, tliat t Imvcbeendui* ui-i»ii"i''il -•>'■

lhe"ilat"o(Bebe'c, il.ituiktir lai

c.!a*cd. and nave Uken U|ion them e trust by living bond* " i,frsonslin»lU(( di-ms deoeasodare require all perauiis indcoiudu lo make payment '"

i the law i

» exhibit ib rd estate ai

An 'n-.-rr._Ki'l>-_ , i--->. i-lriloi


II puir

Now la the time to buy

SMALL FARM of if acre*, .wo miles from Churches, Btoresi ni.ii s, ii ,.i„ Post OH *, «te.,S mluui"* walk rom Hiram Haw M 111, where there la plenty ot

work II desired, and wood r.hea,>, also (wo allies irom t-e vlllaue of Bronlline, where there ar Jnurobea, Mure* and Haouraciorle*. The bull i i--l» lire n art'new, In good repair, snnnv and I'.osi'V, pleasantly located on hiati land, consist o

A COTTAGE HOUSE Hi pii. rt alsseleven rtoms. Carriage house

i ».. icellar connected, ir.ln m house, ■ood i ■uu HI. plenty ol ii-n't- Price

H.aoo on easy tsruis. For further uarfcular* addresa

I,. P-SMITH, ; .1" ■ ': : BOLLIf, N. II

Mr. Hearv C. Kevli few day*.

Mr. Darius Plerca I* chairman of the new iward of selectmen.

The sxnmlnation of tho High school occurred Tuesdayfurcuoon.

Mr. Z. Iiurrell lost a horse hist week, by It* hreaalng a leg, lu the -mil

Mrs. Uoorglaniia Q, llodgiloii and her sbuar, Mr*, i MII.I , are In New York.

Mlas Minnie W. Tnpley read at an entertainment In Haverhlll laat Tneiday evening.

Mr. David Kevin* has hung an elegant palm- lug lu Memorial hall for a short lime.

The Methuen polo team waa defeated Weduea- dsy evening, by the lleserve*, of I^awrenre.

Mr. J. stunner Emery, the genial station agent, Is again couflued to bis residence by Illness.

Mr. J. j. Jackman, from the weal, la passing a few day* with hi* brother, Cha*. V. Jackman.

George Hoop, uf Aahburnham Academy has been rlslUng at the residence of Frank Itussell.

The Methuen* aud Eagles play a second i of polo, at the Eaaex rink, next Monday evei

The cold Ing, and sei location*.

. II. Ollphaot gave an interesting dis- course on "Books," at thuCongrugatlona!church, last Sunday evening.

The school committee will orgaulso and assign the charge of the schools for the eusulng year, to- morrow (Saturday) evening.

Mr. Fred '.Vnlker, who has been 111 for several lay* has recovered BuOlctently is resume his pe- tition on Hill'.- bread wagon.

The member* of the Methodist *ocletr, held a pleasant sociable at the residence of Fred 8. Pearson, last Wednesday evening.

Ir. Geo. W. Copp has been uunble to iiursie usual avocation for several daya part, on ar-

int of lameness, occasioned by a slight accl-

Tbe Merrimack Valley L'n I venal lit* hold a conference at the i-rMMt In Haverhlll, yesterday. There wat a large attendance from tlie society

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W.Tenoey have been In itundauce at thu New Orleans the past week.

They were accompanied by Mrs. Joslon Dear- MSH

The almost superhuman cheek of a business urn In this town hi claiming "originality" In any

thing after copying from nla neighbor* for several fear*, Is unsurpassed.

Oeorge S. Tcnuey, pitcher In laat year's Methuen Stars, will, next season, hold that posi- tion lutbe baae ball nine at Amberst College,

hen* he la pursuing hi* atudles.

il.-v.Mi-. Wallace, of Mancheatcr, NIL, attained hi* eightieth hlrtbdny Uat aunday and the other pastors of the city united lu holding a meeting in honor of the event. The reverend gentleman Is well knows here, having on several occasions lupplled the pulpit at the Congregational church-

The Esaei Agricultural ttoclcly will hold a farmer's Institute at illy hall, Lawrence, next Tuesday morning, at half past nine. The subject for discussion will be: "Fruit, its cultivation, preservation and sale." Messrs. Joseph Howe endlieerge W.Uage.V this town, will take a part, the former speaking on apples and the bit

>r on grapes, peaches, etc.

Tin' followtne rosolutlous on the recent death ii Mr*, l-.lui U. Bines, of this town, were passsed

by Mayflower Colony Pilgrim Fathers, of Law rente, of which deceased was a member :—

Whereas, The Supreme Governor of the unl- irse. lultli Infinite wisdom, hits removed from ii- inldst, one of our number, lie It Ituaolred, Thai wc bow In submission to an crriillne power, who doeth nil things well. Koolvcd, Tliat In the doalh of Lady EttaG.

Bines, we have loat a respected memlier uf our order, and that «r tcutlcr our *WMn and hi-art- f.-lr svtui>alhles lo Die dear children sodeeply jereaved.

ItOMilvetl, That In respect to tho memory of .in- late ulster, the chailer of this Colony, be Iraped with the Insignia of mourning for thlrtv lays, that a page in thu record Itook of the Colo

" set apart aa a memorial, and a copy of " ; i- HI ■■ l>e sent to tlio family of the de-

llefpeclfully siilnnitt-.l, in E. II. ft F. JoilK U. KlMliALt. ( Cominllt i Jueix BKVN«LIIS \ Besolutlons.

i in Wednesday evening last the spaclaus reel- lenccaf Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wellington Clark, who reside in the western part of the town, was completely "taken, by atonn" by the sudden ap- pearance, without a word of warning, of upwkrds

hundred of their friends, comprising many from Lawrence, thl* village and a large repre- sentation of the neighbors. Before the eouple bad come to known the meaning of the onslaught Mr. Lewi* Towey, of Lawrence, stepped from the rank*and In hie most fcllcltloii* manner pre- sented them, in behalf of the company, with an elegant patent haircloth rocker, a camp rocker, marble top tawio, aeveral handsome engravings and numerous other present*. To Mf that "Well." was overcome Is but faintly expressing It, but ho quickly regained hi* composure, and in feeling language, heartily thanked tho donors for the many tokens of esteem. The parlor doors were then thrown open aud the visitors given the free*

uf the house. Dancing, games, instrumental ami vocal music were then Indulged in until a late hour. A liountlful collation, consisting of cake, coffee, fruit, etc., which was provided by

Intruders, was pnrtaken of with a test, and the party separated, utter passing a unanimous voui tliat H bad been "the" event of their lives.

111. -i- I I -. .1 11!

FBOM ALL taccouots tho delegation of Ma»8flc'iu9ctla democrats who went *o WaabingtOD in force at lhe inaugu- ration, with a alate all made up and lhe OIIJLTS all iiaicelled Out, are about Jfae moat disgruntled aat of men in tbla country. The* could ool; get within leeing distance of the throne, and came borne in a state of uodln- guised disgust.

THE QUESTION of the future supply for tlie relief funds of the Grand Army, now before n legislative committee, Is ooe of DO small importance, not Odly to the posts aud their dependents, but to the people of the entlie Common- wealth. For seventeen years tbe Grand Army of tbe Republic has been engaged In this work of sympathetic chanty, expending in that time, In Massachusetts, over $600,000. Dur- ing this period these funds have bean provided mainly by fairs, tbe financial success of which has been largely due to (he milk's held and prizes swarded. With the recently growing sentiment among the best people,—those whose friendship has always been warmly with this organisation, and the efforts to enforce strictly the provisions of the statutes against all kinds ni gamns ol chancw, tbe seriou-i queblion of how to provide for these rt-liel lands, stares the Grand Army in the face. There is no question but that this charity fa among the most carefully, economi- cally and judicioualy expended ol any in the state, and almost if not quite tbe whole amount would fall directly upon tbe cities aud towns, if not disiilbuied by this organization. An old soldier has an instinctive aversion to beats and no man can so soon delect them, while by their army records and sys- tem of correspondence between posts, the bums are sure to be known as would be impossible in case of ordi- nary poor authorities. Then, again, there Is something repulsive to tbe average patriotic heart against msking ordinary paupers of the old veterans who are in need, aud they can confide their wants to their comrades with a little less feeling of personal humilia- tion than to city or town authorities, while tbe work of investigation and of expenditure is carried on by the Grand Army with absolutely no expense,— no salaried oflloers, all a work of love. We believe therefore, that tbe amount paid out by this organization, is so much, surely so much, andjprobably much more, taken from tbe ordinary burdens of municipal treasuries. A bill is before the legislature, and there should be no question as to Its pawagc, to permit cities and towns to make di- rect appropriations to the relief funds of Grand Army Posts; were this to become law, we believe that the sev- eral governments would promptly make the needed appropriations, and that it would not ouly be a patriotic, but emiuentiy Judicious and economical expenditure, settle the mooted ques- tion of lotteries as tbe Christian people wish it, and relieve tbe Grand Army of tbeir great burden of immense effort to secure lunds by appeals to tbe pub- lic, in addition to tbe gratuitous work of careful distribution.

ml liit IH, MHII.IIIY evening. The co- led for the frav, ami the rally. in. We ahatl nee the remilt all

HISS f. H. A. SAMIOIIV a ttnden*,o! lhe Mew llugland foimrn-

lory, wlahe. to obtain pupil* In

Piano-Forte Playing and Harmoiy. She I* permlUe) to refer to rVafraaora J*mfi

C. !>■ Parker and Qeorg II. Howard of Boston.

ii ItU* ll.ViMi 1 OB SO LBMOMI,

iniTii Stteet, Andover, Haas. deeW ff ti

oTR'i-.ia HEKKUY U»Vfc.N Uat lOt lorlber ha- been duly aopoiatetl ad

iniairalar »l lhe ral* tool Wlldjm AbuoLl, laieoi in"!ov"r In Vi.H.i.uiiivorB«*e«.iarmer.iieceas.

I .in,iii,tV taken ii I'"!' U "'■' H LlmWuiul by slvliv uun.i. a. the law direct*. All wi aon h.via| d. mundsupon iheeaUleoI MaN » i.ulred toe»hlDlith* sam; «ni ,iebt*d to *»id eiUM are called payment to ALBON B. ABBOTT, Adm. UBOEOK W. FOiTAB. Agen',

Andover. Mas*. Andover,- lfefi, Ftb6St

MlllUi.ltiKKS SALE By virtue of a power oi aale contained in seer

■ Mn in rigago deoJ giv.n by Thoni** J, Down JUI Marv A. lourluey *l lJiarcnee, In the cnn-iyoi K.* Bank. .Uicdianuaiy nilh A. P-.J—, 1

1r*"'r,,fl!1 »'»

„nrthem U.a.r el of E***x. Derila Hook fie, i>.i<< lt«. Piello Au.lioo lor bicjenol tlieeontlit onsof >aitl mo tgisiir-n tVrdneadnt-lltr Ktghlernth d»J" ofMareh. naat ai o'o tn-a n. n,« x» noon, os in* pma. Isel which are eaenbad as roil >w*. via :

AeerUIn lol Of Hind wltM if hundlagaiherfor ■llnale on the y aide oi Kim SUM* "

, id Lawrence hounded, beat late o . .1-. M . i. .-. .■-...-..

hy tbenoil'ierlv line of *al feet j Ihenre northerly IIUJ Patrick 111*1 i theneoeaiti of s*ld Bilriyjlhanim nonl.ntj °.j ,-— bv land ol aald Illlry; thunue eualeily lon> reet by lhe southerly Imeol an aby wav t lenei southerly nin ty thne Itet by lana ol said ate

«««&». t-^^-I-fbttiasart, Uoitg gee

By JOUN' r. Kl.ilBALL, Treasurer

Andover, Feb. JOth, MSB, ti

n? mi I Kim -lri-,-I rli tv t*o feel by lai


COAL, WOOD, HAY and STBAW ttemoved from Urn er'* to Carier'* Block

Ki... E<iuere


flew Papr Box Factory. 277 Methuen St., Lawrence. The undenlgned having fitted up a factor

vith thelateat and most approved mtcMnery fo ne manufactured

Plain and Pancv Boxea

, K. KENT A CO. Telephone Connection.

I'M'k.Ud, DYES. Handy Package Dye, loo. Diamond t'ackagr

Dye, im-n. Tbe two leading d)ea In tbe market a'

CEORCE H. PERK'rfS, DrurjUt and Apothecary,


8AL.EM. N. II.

Klecllnn la al hand, but there seemn t* 1* m movement iiullraiKe of i-Mitlng Issue*. Tb< democrats held their tainm Matunhiy evening, and the rep ubHenna, Mr J" horts are marstiailcd * lng e lee decided on. i-rthe mnokeof battle lift" from tbe bloodies* Held, where ballot* Instead or bulleta win.

Henry W. Tewkabury'a lecture on the battle of liellvaburg, Illustrated by a panoramic view of Uie battle ground, U\1M feet, waa given at the Methodist church on Wednesday evening liafore

fair sited audience. Tbe account of the contest ai graphically given, wldle the canvas aided lu ^uvcvlug to ilie iiilml ilic niaKiiltudc* and ues-

perate nature of the uatlle. A nupper In tlio ve*- trv wa» furnished for ten rents, and a uuiuber partook of the vibolesonio faro provided.

o i-'iu in.-. •' Club held Its *ec«nd public meet- n Monday evening, ai the fiwn hall, with

liudimlulxhed stlehdant-e. The dlacuaalon of the prevloua tneetliig wa* eoulliiuvd, anil many very nten-allngremnrka were niatli- by the vnrioua •peakera. Tlie tide of opinion KCI very strongly lu support of die nropositl'm "Tliat com can be raised at a profit in Salem." Mr. Cha*. Ktmtmll. of Salem Depot, made mine acnalldeand practical reinarka, showing hla exiM-rient-e autl theory as :o iwrn tidliire. l>urlug the cuimlderailen of the IIII-HIIUII, -.Liti-iii'-iif were offcicd by aome of oui armera of their corn corps thr past year, »naw. jng eattmalea of expense* In tilling, manuring, planting, rulllvatlng and harvesting and the value* of prodirtla tlierefrom per acre. Joteph W. Emerson rnlac'l 117 bin-lieU aoiniil corn (uu- Klu-lli-ili l.W Kt,uitrf r.nlH uf land, lieltii of an acre, which would he at the rate of tuiahrl* an acre. A. II- Merrill planted S-l of acre, hanoatliig 7tt bushela. Mai at the rate IU liuwhela per sere at a total t>X|ien*e of a* 1.00, Disking the cist of ralalug (per buahel) after tie dueling value of fodder, aw., about lUeenls. The reinalnloKeatlriates vsrlett from the alrave flg urea up to M i*nU per buahel, vet It waa conceded that even ai the lasl named ran- the profit waa un Questionable. We are much ml-uikcn If the out. i-omc of thla talk lie not the Incentive to an In. t-rcneed acreage for the corn crop the coming season. The nest raif ting will lie held on tin evening of the loth Inat., when lhe loptr. for dla cuaalon will he: "I* It profitable for fanner* to raise milk for the market:*" Other rxerrUea ol a musical and literarv character will enliven and inti'ii'-l tin- ■ri't'iiilih ami II I- li.i-.i-.l Im ii rencriil atteudaui-e from all part* of the tonn, DON ladle* and gentlemen. Number* of our farmer* and iiH'chaoira arc Joining the club. Tbe adral**1oii fee 1* but half a dollar, and wc hope In the near future to seem any acco»»llonF to tin mcinlH rshlp

A Pleasant Visit. at-

Laat cYeuiiig a delegation from tlie Grand Lodge of Knight* of llonor. by special liivilatum iiaid a visit to Merrl- niiirk lodge of this city. Tbere were pres- ent Grsud Dictator Lawrence of Lowell, (iruml Chaplain McCHnch of ('lik-opeP

and Dictator Holt of Lowell. Iteaidea these there were present a large repre- sentation of the officers of Adelphlc lodge. After the transaction of regular business the vlsltora were escorted to the banquet hall, where a tempting collation was nerved by Caterer Crowell, and the delicious viands were thoroughly IIIB-

uusscd. A musical and literary program followed which thoroughly pleased the auillei'ce. Afterthla Grand Dictator Law- rence waa introduced anil spoke, and he was followed by 1'ast Dictator Woods of Merrimack lodge in brief remarks. As- sistant Dictator Wild of Merrimack ren- dered a song dedicated to tbe Knight* of Honor, lo a clever manner, and thuu other addresses were made, the exttrdscs clos- ing with a duet by Vice-Dictator Wash- burn and assistant Dictator Wild.

Knew When She waa Kissed.

batag; M of i:



(118151) We have just reoeived our line of


MANY NEW AND NOBBY STYLES that cannot tie found at any other store la toe city. We will not attempt to quota price*, aa that would be Impossible In oar small spaee to name tha ■**■* har. lain* we have In onr Hat l>epartrDeat for the eomlng seasoa, but simply say any one In want of « tint at any price should not tall to examine our

Below are three tilings our customers can always depend on.

1st. OT7XL STOCK, is always tlae LARGBST. axxd. OTTXt. STYLES aro always OOIinHOT.

♦OTJ3X Z^XUCOSlaav are always tlxo LOWEST.

Hawes the Hatter, - 285 Essex St., Lawrence. NOVELTIES in PINE DRESS EABRIC


Strictly New and Fashionable Dress Goods. The Ladles of Lawrence and surroundln* towns are requested to Inspect the Klchcst and Finest Htockof strictly Ptyllah Goods to I _ In New England. They are unsurpassed by no ottier Houae In this sectlou of tlie country. AmoiiK the many Novelties In French aaa liiTtnim fabrics we would'all particular attention lo our COMBINATION 8U»T8 with silk and Wool, embroidered and woven Flsturew aurt stripes, all wit i plain Koods. The above are tho most desirable a»d Htyllsh Fine Goods of the a«aaon, and^are offered at remarkably

low prices.

New Spring Shades in all the Fashionable Plain Goods, Full lines ranglnr tn price front 88 cents to 91 .OO per yard.

PRINTED ALL WOOL NUN'S VEILING, in White and Colored Ground. The moat deslrablfj thin Wool Fabric of tbe season.


3ST E^W FRENCH The Choicest Styles to be found In New England, unapproachable. To see them la

to buy them.


T>aJEtTI*^4/r:E OF LKWTE i3sr

ROYAL BAKINC POWDER. Analyses heretofore mnde by noted chemists show that the

Tartrate of Lime which the Itoynl Baking Powder Co. condemns in ita advertisements has been found In Its own baking powder, as follows t

Tartrate of Lime found In Royal Baking Powder—Per Cent. WM. M. II Altl KSIIA W, F. C. 8., n.05

Chami.t of Ihs N.V. State Afrienllur*l Boc.atr

PROF. JAMES F. BABCOCK, 4.52 State A**ayer of M**t*e*>M*eH*.

STILL WELL & GLADDING,' ft.00 OMMICU t* (he New Verk Pratae* aaSSatgS.


Annual Prize I>rlll and Hall

Stoves, Plumbing, Timvaro.

TLe iini]. raignnl Ina purehased the Slock-ln- Trade <>i the late William Barnttt.ami will cirri io the U"*lne-sal tbe oi island. Hatine tietn is II- cmidOTof Ur. llarnetl fur Itrentr year* he

Belhavei he i* Tamiiur niih the bume**. anil ii |ie* to merit and trrelre tbe nilroaafe ofal. tlr. Barnell'* cutmmcrsand manj stliars. He

II. inakleg iarge sildliiima lo .be Hock, and effen . Inrse aksiuimt-nt of goixl* la ihla line. He 1* .rep i re-1 lo (i** pnnnpt ailentiaa lo all

!rancbea ot

Tin. Sheet-Iran. anS Capper Work, l'lii]iil>tiiR. »ilr"tii llrallnf A I iitn.rf >,

AMI Work ««' K'|»lrv

MICHAEL T. WALSH. Essex Street, * Andover

r*b, a, law, u


Parlor, CiiamiiBr antt KitcHen FURNITURE,

Botaa, lleiU, Loiiitftr-H, Mattreaaea, Stu- denta* »n«I Knar Cbalra,

KATTAN FURNITURE, Cari>eta, Window Shade* and Fixiure*, the II UP r.ililnm and )inn.H Bed. also, au lAVALIt

liK11 to let.

Warerooms - Carter's Building Cor. Main and Central M .,

ANDOVER, - - - ■ MASS aV-HpccliI uteatioD paid torepalrlni all kind*

ol Furniture, reiiruaijsi.issi. I

I.AV('H.K-N«t»I.K.-lii thla attr. Ilarrli «th. nt ill.' h..n-.' >■< Mr .'"l'l> N"l'l''. '" »•>»■- I ■ I inmiilnff. Wr. (ie.irge It. 1-»)T<«-k and Mis* Rnrhel Noble, Nith of I .uu in.ii'.

II VLK—WII.I.KV.— In En*l rnirldence, .Inn' aid, bv Ri-v. Win. flu. Mr. Samuel CiM>*»oti II:.!. tn UN Hnltle Hell**a Wl.ley, both of I .[in I ■ in i- Mil--;-.

RIIOPKS—SMITH.—In Prorljlepee. B. I,. March 7th,

, bolh fonnerl)- •


FOR! the PBOPLK'S CYCLOPEDIA. Th beat seilln* work puiilfabexl; SM i" S10

made *r*eklr. MARTIM UABRIHO.t at CO. TB Mtlk Street, Boston.

Dental Notice.


Plo.iui. liaaiid to order, Judiioi, T*# pj*. Fliture*.Corda,*c. Luomn Ula* isandtoo- leeUoiaij. Baxtdoor lo J. J UroajACo.

Aa<l»T«r,Anf.l>, tf




BRA1M.KY—In Amliirer. Manhiilli, tn ii. ..■■!. I Mr*. Le*eroU Bnidkr.

IJILPOYLK— In Kmith Lawraaee,at street, a daughter to Mi mid His.


l-i H u: ]n thin city, March iRh, of ronnumoi Mi Alonio B. Poor, iiKcl 4S rrs, i mo*. 1

BIRTWKLL.—In rrorldrnie, It- I., Feb. nll, Mra. Mar}-, wife of Thomas lllrtvrell.ln the Utt •car ot bar age< Service will ne hfld at her non* residence, Ul

Bnmdwnv. on Friday, Mun-n ISih, jit I r " Relative* and frUnda lnvlte<| Uiatleml.

tTEVF.NI*.—In North Andover. March 1Kb, Ml** itarah W. .steveaa, aft'd 40 yr», 11 num.

LKAIIY.-ln North Andover, March IOK), Mr* Kllen, wife of Mr. William Lrahy. w<i if yr«

Bl'BNS.—In Baliard Vale, Manli 7th, Mr. Mile* Bums, a«ed U.

MKKRII.I..—In W'orcP*Icr, March flth. Mm Sa rah B. Merrill, fornicrlv of Andover, aged H rrs, 1 no*. Milv*.

aDVJCSTO M-.illi i:- Are vou di*turl>ed at nlaht and br<>ken of you

rest by a Bick child IiifTenag and .• -ylnn wllh pain ,if .-lilting H'rth? lf*o, tend at once and get* bottl* of Mr*. Wlnslo*'* Id ug Syrup foi cinidri'ii Teething. It* v*lue 1*tii.aViiiiible. Ii •rill relieve the iioor llule mfferer Immn I lately. Pepcud upon It. mother*, tliei-e mt«lake alwut It. Itctire* dj*entery aud dlsrrliu**. reguiaie* th* ilomauli and bowel*, cureswlnil coll., soften* tha gums, reduces the lnQ*~-inatlon, andgti tone and energy loth* whole ■•■tern. Mr*, wli low's Soothing Svrnp for Children Teething pleaiant to the ta*le. and 1* th* pretcrlptlon of one of the oldest and lieat female nurse* sad ibvalclan* In the I'ulled State*, and 1* for lalebi ' it* throughout tho world. Price *'

The annual urizc drill and ball of the Sherman ("adota, Co. M-, Htb H«K't, oc- curred at their fcrn-ory, Handerl Hall, Friday evening. The exhibition drill by company was ilr-d given, aud then came drilling for the company meda'a. The Hutton medal, preaentud by Hng.-Oen. Kbeu Hutton, for the beat drilled non- commissioned oftleer, waa awarded to Sergt. Chaa. F. Sargent The Rnaselt medal, prenented by Hon. Wm- A. ltua> Sell, for bent drilled private, waa Uken by KranK A. Warren; aud the Sherman medal, given by Col. E. J. Rhermn.ii, for second beat drilled private, went to Wm. A. Bower. Juii^s omt-latliix were Capt. Lovcttof the lat Regiment, Capt. Abbott of tli.* Second Cadeta and Capt. Baliard of the Eighth Regiment. Attorney Gen- eral Sherman pleasantly awarded tbe medals, and a moNt enjoyable party fol- lowed. The order of dancing Included twelve numbers, lasting until au early hour this moruluL. The floor waa In charge of tbe following etnt.ieiit commit- tee: Floor manager. Capt. L. N. Duches- w\ ■. alda, Lleuts. Wm. I.. Steadman, E. A. Rogera, Kergts. Sanborn, Hougbton, Sargent. Jonca, corporals Cooper, Reeves, Seaverns, and private Wm. A. Bower.

I lll\ l'lUl'l.l. Wells' Health Renewer" reitorea health and

vigor cure* dv*pi'*i*la, Impotence, sexual del.ll lly.ll dwlw

(iEN. it. P. i: .-nil live*. *o do huwlred* of otnera lieen cured of rlii'iimatum and neural. Kifni hliMut purifier, Sulphur Bitter*, leatiuioiilal*.

iho have a by the Send fur


WHAT YOUSAV. "There hro «o many fraud* advertised for the

hair," you say. So there are, but Parker's Ilslr Balsam I* not one uf thini- It will not work mlr- ar.le*, but it will So better service fur your nalr tluni anvtlilng elae you ran And. HeMore* orlg hml color, nurex damlriiS. hive* new growth. I■.lrtf.milv Notadye. dweodlmfyp


Special Announcement. Wo shjill offer to-morrow tlie foUowlng Kxtraordtuary

Itarjriihis :—



• I.

A lady snd gentleman were invited into the dark cabinet, and soon came out again tc'.llng startling stories of spirit farms and kissing. Another couple en- tered, when the nolsee Inside were of an Itogether different character. A table

was overturned and the lady emerged, looking as If she bad had a struggle. Aft- er telling startling stories about the spirit forms aud the kissing, tbe medium rame out, followed by the gentleman who had been In therewith Mm. He immediately addressed the audience, saying that he was no longer a Spiritualist, for this was an infernal fraud. Then be dived Into the cabinet, from which, tn aplte of the medium's eflurts to lead him off, he brought back a long-handled paddle cov- ered with canton flannel. "This Is the kisser," said he amid yells sad laughter.

At once tbere waa great coufusion and shoots from all overtne house, lie went

.)■ that on entering the cabluct bu 1 to place one of nla hand ■ on the

medium's head. He felt tbe medium move Ills knees and release the loops about his wrists. Then he thrummed tha guitar; then took th? paddle and touched the gen- tleman on tbe cheek and lips with It, making a klsxing sound as be did ao. The gentlemen seixed him, hat, being a pow- erful man, and the lady interfering, the medium sUcimb'd In replacing his hands In the loops. Tbe whole affair was cheat, he said. There was no Bertha King.

When he tiad stopped speaking the po- lice officers came forward and arrested tin- medium and his partners on, a warrant previously taken out against them for ob talulng money under false pretences. The money at the box office waa secured and tbe apparatus seized.

The only voice raised In defence was by a tall woman who bad been first In the cabinet autl who stood up and shouted ■■I know enough about kissing to know the difference between a bathing swab and a genuine salute. I tell you ladles and gentlemen, I was kissed, If I die for Shouts of laughter silenced her further testimony.


Nor A Sraur. Wethtreir* Sarnaparllla 1* no weak ayrup wi

a "y wtker" iiame attached, nor a "Kutu lonii but a i-oiieenirsted cslract of tha 3 prep* nit I

PXWAUCS Port Grape



At this aeaw Wine. Phyal ktreiigtlienliif sale by II. H. Whitney

.il IJiiMfylnj

G. W. CarleU)D, the well known New York book publisher, says in a private Dote from t'le Yacht Club at St. Augnsiine : "I came down here three weeks sgi to stay smong the alllgrttors and oranges of Poneo de Leou uotil about April 1, and ao ci- cape the blizzards and snow storms of New York. But the climate here this wiuter has been wretchedly varia- ble ; one day hot enough for straw hats, whits sun umbrellas and iced lemonade, and the next dsy cold enough to freeae out every stockholder in the Consolidated Gas Company or New York City- Here is a Florida Uem for the Southern weather depart- ment of some of the valuable New York Journals : An entire Ismily waa froacn to daaih in St. Augustine yes- terdsy picking strawberries."

The lloaion Transcript tells the following story of the late mistress or the White House; At her reception two weeks ano, among others who were presented lo her by Marshal Mc- Michael, the master of ceremonies, was Dr. M«.ry Walker. This nonde- script personage, wearing light trou- sers and a little cost aud carrying a cane, presented a most grotesque and ridiculous figure, utterly out of keep- ing with the surroundings. Mrs. McElroy spoke a word or two to bar rather unexpected guest; and. ss it ao hsppened, tbe next person that was presented to her was a Miss Mann. To her Mrs. McElroy made the neat reixark, 1 have Just neen presented to a woman who would like to be a man. I am pleased, now to meet a Maun who ia content to remain a woman."

While the Mat w Breathing new

We'll think .if her, as I* our wont, Wli'ise teeth and liroaUl are, every day, winir as whlu* ilever—•■*eet a* hay,

And all from uiluK Hozodoul. dwlweod

In rerlaln rase* i.f sickness It 1* Important to oliwlii pure whl»key. rtueh lathe "i;. O. Taylor ni.I I1..111-I...11." h.ntlr.1 liy Chester H. (iraves a •■(■ni*, lloakin. Ask your druggist or grorer fur it. dwlw

BED Bl'US, Fl.IKM. Files, roarhea, ant*, bed bugs, rats, gophers,

iloe.clilptuunka.elearedoutby "Koughou Itats."

IN ALL COLORS AND 8HADES, whlcb have been sold hi-rcUiture. for 7■"> rent*; we offer the entire lot at'the aa- heard of pHce of 31 ueaU par yard. An early call will be necessary la order to Bpetire uu. '•• these bargains, aa tlie S*tln will be aold for leaa than half prt a,

aud will la*( but a few daya.

SUMMER SILKS. OOOO yards Just opened, which we offer at aatonlahlagiy low figures.

5000 YARDS SATIN MADAME, In all colors, which have never bann sold for leaa than $100; wa offer thla lot for 110 rente per yard! Comment la unnecessary. ftuchlowprlrt.swere never before

mimed for Dreea Bilks,

BLACK RHADAME SILKS from $1.00 upwarda.

Black Grps Grain Silks, the Heat Goods o

Fereosllreitesa, Dillniianeaa, headaelif and all feterlahhuhll* use Dr.tttth Arnold's Bilious 1*111*. Wet*. SWlW

Foarr YKAUS SOUD Dr. Beth Arnold'* Cough Killer give* tmraedl

ate relief, and eurea severe*! coughs, and malignant levers, sore thteat, aslimiu. Ac. "«■ , He. iindU *ue*. dwlw

"WHICH WAV?. That erery article used to. g*J *amepurpose )■ | e.iual value uo one admits. A.... all

production* *o In themanufaelured.allh vethelr degree of merit, and Soap I* a* eunipleuou" in its variety as anything else. Hut in thla, a* (lie de mnti.l fur the I'ure and He.llahl* Increases, m> doe* the ralue of tbe production* of Curtis Davla

quailed Kxtra"

Iii Prison and Out.

In one column of the Lawrence .Wi'.iti- can Is a pan graph about the Germans of that city who hare been oat of work this winter, ami in some of whoso families 'here ia much deatitutton. In another Is a letter from a voting man In the Conconl reformatory prison to a friend, in which he says: "This Is aflneplace. Voudonot know what sport we have, nor can vou real- ize how we are fed." The editor thinks it lucky that virtue la its own reward, or such comparisons ss might be made bc- tween the poverty of the Industrious worker and the comfort and contentment of the criminal might have a bad moral

[New York Sun. luflnance.

• -Kon.n osi raui" PLAHTESS.

Mothers, always use I>r. Seth Arnold's Sooth g and guletlug Cordial far children. A mild, ,i.* i..iilc lAr. dwlw

in I '

iltate theiD In every conceivable way. But, while thl* itomtillineni may tie appreciated, waat can be

-ild lu favor of *uch ouiiipetltluti. or the charac- „* of Km t. goods and their maker*!- No one should be deceived, a* the original ha* the name of Cui-tl* Davis Davis, in full, either on the bar

wrspper, aud It la Ihnlr puruoae to let their reputatlt u auud on thl* cla** o dwlw

COHTgESOg I UK TZAB BIOHT. !><>ii't make too many resolution*, but hold nn k<> .■ 11 ti, death to tliuae Ton do make. If your i) deal avkiem Is of ortler vou shnuld attend

at on<*i (ortt I* no use trying w keep*

inii'l. un your iitn,'■ l» luni oi tneiice Liu* year bv ukln* a t tltu nelelirated KMnev W ort.

i .n. . [. f.. natlnatlou, >

WII*T TIIBT t>"> is NEW ORLEANS 90W-A-DAT* Tbe great crowd* In New Orlean*. at the Kit"., liberally cnlrllmleil lo the au.Hence lire* eui at the 177th Urand Monthly I'mwIiiK of the I.oul*i*na hUle lottery, ou Tueedny, Feb. loth The *um of gMMN waa fairly placed by, the band of fortune a here It BttDSttV Will do tlie mo*t good. A* MDll 10 UxrU, how the goddess tn-au her votarie*. we note thai ticket He. m.flSO drew the Firat CaplUl ITIie of MSrwS, and wa* sold ana whole to* resident of Man Franr1*eo. C»l., ami exilleete-i through the Nerada llauL of that cltT- Ticket No-8H.4I1 drew the net-ond Catillal Prlieof H\tl»i. *nd wassoldtoauartj In New ilrleans, ta,Tt*illng the Kxpoaltlun pndialily. Ticket So. l.73(i drew tlie Third t a pi la I l*rl»« M gloOOO. and was sold In ' Joel, HI Munroe ttrect, Lynn, Ma»a , another collected tin..ugh First National Bank of lllnnliighgm, Mttslmrgh, l'a. No*. 70,t«e and flp.tTH, dieweaeh — *"" — -J were held In N,ew isrlean* Imitttwla

' thing wlllT» re it. of which M A. all lnfonnadon on

apyUcaUon. dwlt,

. leaf, cum thorough iviutae ol

, ilneyWort. Thouaaixla of ■«■,. nle ti'Ultv Hi Hi (t.HHi effeeU f..r kidney '" — blllousne-ia, plleH,

Si I ir.KIMi WOMAJIHOOD. Too lunch effort cannot IH made to lirtng to the

attention of suffering w ..manhood the great valui ..[ l.yilia t:, I'liikhaiii'" V egeialilo Compound as i renwdy for the dlseaara of women, and perlwpt nothing ia more effectual than the testimony of thine who have lieen cured t.y it. Such an one la the wife of tieiu.ral Barringer, of Wlniton, n. C, ami we ipiota front lhe lieneral'* letter a* fn|. low*: '-l>ear Mr*. 1'lukham: fieaae allow me to add my testimony to the mod excellent medl do;d qualities of your Vegetable Compour '

— iy*"" „_.oa

lapaua t'terl comlilned. I sent her to Klcbmoud, V*.. where *b* remalne.1 for alx montha under the treatment of an eminent phv*lt*bin without

iy'irrmanenl lienefll. She waa'ltidueed to tt . iiirmetllclne and after a reaaonahlc time mr rneured to tirurove and (■ now able to attend I her Uu^lai*»* *ud consider* herself fully rellei ed." [(ieneinl BarrtBger Is the proprietor of the A inert-run Hotel, Winston, N, C , and 1* widely

.■.h.n 11

, u* whole pasted again on April l«»h

Saw Orlean*, La., will gi'

•■BOUtiH OT r\f% ■ Cores nolle, cramps, dlarrhaMi: externally foi

aobe*. piln-, sprain*, hradaehe. neuralgia, rheu aaatUta. For mau or beast. -MandaOc dwlw

.heph>. i I tcltl

'•lean*ralle.1 l^ucrorrhea and Pro

Colored Dress Silks Just opened. We rail apectal attention to our *1.<M> and «12S quality. We

warrant every yard to wear well and «tve perfect satisfaction.

3000 yds. Imperial Serge Dress Goods Just received, which cost HO rents per yard lo Import. We offer this lot for only 50 cent*. Thla la the greatest bargain ever offered In Dress Uooda In Lawrence).

We shall also offer to-morrow a full line of

FINE SPRINC DRESS GOODS In Ileiui t If ul Colors and Shades.

Byron Truell & Co. Lawrence, Mass.



Lewando's French Dye House, /; TIMPLC «.. B0ST0H. MISS.


WANTED. A Milkman to lake chant* ol Milk Bent* la

l.-iwrrnce. Apply lo I,. Il IIJ.-.C, hapt, I North Aadofer, or J. D. W, rrenob, V> *-tnt* si.,

early decay, iosa of manliood, Ac, 1 will *cnd a recipe iimi will onra you, laaiOff OBAMH. Thl* Srwtl reiiMKly wa* dtaoavered M a mla»lon»rv In

nulh America. Send self addressed envelop* to KIV. Jiiatcii T. 1M4AH. station t± Sew York

.!« |.e.'.;»nglU . I a • ■ ■■

tll.l.K ATI L ADISS ! Whnhav* that tired and all gone feeling, and doutltkate Iw dlslurbed. Will continue Vi M trouhle.) with this complaint mini H« > renew their Impure blood. Milphur Bitter* will came a*wantirlchblikn|toroOr*at*ir*JtlgheTer»arter» aud vein In the human •■ratean. See another ***> umo. tjeriaeoet

California. Psrtle* f r rahrwaia leave Hosion on (tie fl

Tm «'iay of every raonita. ¥ar full parilrul t*'1dre>aA.PUlLLlre*\Ci>.,KeWaanng n kVHWi.. Hwlr

-'IliiK.llii> i.l \ I IH I I ....lit rowdtr, Smooth, refreshing. harmlr*>, elegant. cMn

lng, preM-rvNUveaud ftnrrant. IV. Ih* gglms dwlw


Seed aMAjLrtMl Store.



DONALD'S Grub and Canker Worm

Exterminator. The most eOlrlent article ever oOerad (o

tlie public for tbe protection of

FRUIT TREES from the ravage* of tha Grab aasfl Can- ker W<.nu-

ll la the beat, la theap and easily ap piled. Call and get mine.

SCOTT &.VIETOR, oVHr-803 Common Sir*at.

■aril fta ,


I CAPITAL PHIZK, aiB.OOU. rioktU only tu. Blurt. In proportion.

L.S.L. Loui-'ana State Lottery Uompanv. "*i at n.TOOy ■■*■!■ iify itim we supervise Hit

BrTangeinenLa let all ui. MooUily jud f.u.i Aiir.ii... Drawing* 01 |M Louisiana elate Lot lory Corniiany, iM In per.on uiauAgc ami cou UOi the I)i iff.m. laeioaclvuA, and thai in* *n ' c art) LU>II,IUOI* [ wun hooMty, Wnw, >t< IN goodfAilU lower,] all woulK uc UM UtMtUlf U) UH Una MTUioaM, win l*C ami lot of our alguaturee stur.bed, IU aJurHMBioou."


, laeernoraiedle Ifstor 2orear*, hvths !.*•- llWlure (or Educational ami charitable PUT P0ae»-wllh rseitsl of siono.MMX-io which ■ rwAKrio fund of over ♦I'.O.OOO baa alno« >*er MM,

Br an nverwh dmlni popular vote it* tr-,n ehl«- » i» made a par I nl the present tUaleCor. •lllnllnn, ni i|.ii'il In-■fulifr M. A. D. I81-.

Ton ruiI v batttry ever voted on anil endorsee by i he people of any »UH.


take !■' "-.- month'*. A I ■I,I;MIMI OPPnRTrXITF TO

Win A POHTIHI. Itk dri.d Dr*.-- !■»«, tlui D. in the 4r.J,.i; mt ««w llrl..ill, TIMIMI, APRIL lit', )■■■.. I ■, ■, Innlhl, .>r-.*lr.a:.

CAPITAL PHUE. •73 000. 100*00 Ticket. At Five Colin* fact)

lorn m Fifths In oroDortlon. uaror raisae.


■ PHIZES or ft«.0M • •* 1,«00

10 " 1,001

1.JJ. PrlKsamoumtas to

HMD .'.VIM in..* I

IM» lll,<<< 111,.., wtl.l.M




From a clirmicul examination I have made of cans of CLEVELAND'S SUI'LKIOR BAKING POWDEB and ROYAL BAKING POWDER, purchased by myself In open market, X arrive at the following reaultst

CLEVELAND'S BAKING POWDER Is made of very pure materials, and Is entirely free from Alum, Ammonia, Terra.. AMm, or any adulteration whatever, and I recommend It as a healthful, effective and perfectly reliable baking1 powder.

Tho ROYAL BAKING POWDER CONTAINS AMMOKIA, AND AS THIS DRUG IS NOT WHOLLY EXPELLED FROM THE DOUGH 131 THE BAKING PROCESS, and us most medi- cal authorities agree as to the Injurious effects resulting from the continued use of Ammonia, its use in food mhoultt be strongly condemned. CLEVELAND'S BAKING POWDER evolves more carbonic acid gas than the ROYAL BAKING POWDER, and it Is, In eoutfequence, more economical to housekeepers.

Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1884.

ELIAS H. BARTLEY, B. S„ M. D*. Chemist to the Department of Health, City of Brooklyn; Lecturer on

Physiological and Practical Chemistry in the Long It land Medical



T.k.n from UM L»U.t Pt» with Briar BUMrraphlaal

akairha. or lb* Moat NotaW. B*a.ta In Cnr-ata.

■ontlnry «C Suta.

•dtooL Caning to Si. run. »•"»• •"■ to tb. 08V. ofJnJ.. A. B. Uwrin... Htrj WUan, bran. fnmUi.r -ilk tte lntrlot* kw. of Ootlum. whk-h It »""""d*i?*~ had.* a. oorponUo" «""',?' l°£?'£l Ha nctatatai to to. S.» Vorlt °" took PUK. to IBM. HUbutuna. for ton. tiro. wni chinuT In oonnactloo "1th corporm- tlona. In which ho obtntool . !«*.• pmcUoe. Prior to hi. Ont»nt u "rpo™; tlono»n»lof u»city of Sow Wk, which took pUca to 1813, at > Urn worn IU. TwaM rut. affair, wan. .till <ln>m.".nS throuSn the oarmn, ho 1»M th. otn™ «"■*"* throuBhthaaJn>tolitraU'»»'''"'v»r»1"l'J°" till loss, when ho rwlgo»l, M h* ntol, roc



For lorther lernrmatlon write finartf, »:»in, Inll aiWreaa. PMSTIM. S'lFK-t. Kxpie-a M«ir.-j (li.lrfp, or Vrw *i, L Kt-li,m,n in ur.liin - I- In Cnrre >y i - tZM aa I .11 mini Q( A0 am! tlt.wanl. aloiir ts«n mm) nl,!n-..fil

H. A.UAUPaiN New Ui leant, LaH

BrM. A. DAUPHIN, r-07H-TenlhHlr«et, Waihlnaton. n 0

fc ha P.O. Moner Orders IUJILIJ* andaddieri K■ n ■ -i ■■■ I I <■((■ i ■■ to



Salanroom 286. Besldenos, 285^ ■nan Stree-t. flyrJAD 1


I CAMBRIDGE MUTUAL FIRE IMS. CO offtr yon Eitrong, rellabis nd cartfull? m»ni.fed Comptny In whlcli to insur. your "DWELLIUQeaidruaiIIHn.1." Th'-ju* now piying WH rotara premium oa fi>. TfArpollcl.-. Tlisy hare nonr ui«.s:d hirt paid all prsnptj aad taelr rates are as loir as a^y Mutual Ccmpafiy. % W. OcA, Pnt. i Alfnd I.. Darbtur, tot.

JOHN K. NoltHOOD, _A«;«it



Will receive pupil* <n

Oil Pavlntlnf, la Ruox B»nk BalltUns' Cor. Kenrs aeil LawienieMa , Koon. 1'. .mm

u.i... :" II I .'■!'. -I.T.-■ I ■'■" l.i .'.. I'alntiojia Tor Bale.

lite, dec dent and Fire Insurance JOHN WiWABDS, - AUtM

Insurance Agency

■ rtDtl > ol v- na.,i'a. 1 PwnnB) *ao,.» o[pinm.M Oerma . "- > ■ « ■>'. N.T, Wint.i- untui , Nti.T York. TAiiMiriDWii, >r» fork. Ui-ldtit, Harm. .Conn. Mertden Conniu Icut. Co ram on w Atl tt Boaton BhAwnut, Boato' ■it.,!. Wo tier U .■■■■-! KHj,ittn>l. lrt. -...[-in1 .\; J n-iliii n.Ktiuland. Bn,ai, Kntlnn.l. Metro >o1e na. Co., *arl>. L.ond( i A&<*iirt.Do*, Kn.' d. (.unr.l HI Ariaurance, K land

Bttat* aa ui.1 Ltta, Wareeater. THOMAS HEVINOTON,


An 8 Horse Power BAXTER


The Colt Arms Co. of Hartford In excellent cotidltlon, *.nd only aold

becAuae owners have no further uae Tor

t. Apply a


Jfpadquariers tor Sale Horses. EIA larre aaiortment of Horaea 'MnlHUf o

and iV- tale or eiuhanae. Uoraca •« ur> d irom thr! ammir* * rr^ »e<-k ■* fie rwlaad of Bale Horace Ar

•Ived t.j--lny from Montreal.

A. N. BEAN, Franklin House Sialili's.



TO DEALERS. I am now I'iri'iiirrI In lurnifh a rrrr attrar

iiv(^iuM"HK.|.MH,bu will pnrchaae I certain amount o< Cement. _^_^

Tbe alfn conMsta ol .i Rack 111 feet rJl|fa, pic leiure iniiii't plule, Flaiaand


for nil, i H • i .»• adtiitaa, A. HA JOB,

SJ1 William StreM New Tnrt Clry*

This Master Acts Ulrert , upon th mu cle* and nerve, QI me back, the i-rat of all u ilo

FOR ALL I.nna Trnnhloa wh*ther

In a lie'.weeu loo.houl rr bUdra.

SHARP A#-r.'r Kl.ine* Troulile

PAINE. old by "ne-i-'aforS* m.,i.rS'fiDi •) 00.

Mtll il-.n :- -l[l.. iirlM Trade mark. Patented b* M<»lit>, Ooellllle A ffaaiti-, UeetiaUAfeBtt, Uoatoo. jaaMdwly


Great Reduction in switches and Waves Miss I). F. HALL'S (SnccesEoV to JOHB Medina,) 232 Ks

For OO Dayn Only! Woareaelllnzaoeheiip that every It'ly who la In need of i.AIH GOODS eliould

lake u,dV.M.lag* of these remarkably low prlree.

VMUIajed PUIJAMI ?»« i tormaf iirlea »W»., S iV I TC H E 8, 1?1' r, -rnnn awii,-i«., ,,-i.. T5' , A.'.rO, andll.10.

■"• !■ ,.!■.. n n .in ■-.Viri.Hi..i o. our own make iron #i ■■'■!. w rla.

Vorvnlo. nTaHiaKiS eWITCBE'* «L «(

» My.

'"i ■ wai bulk hair, ai.10. foiiuer

in 'Mlr.Y WAVtS. A Also a licit n'-lii'-'

Water Curt Waves for lOe. COMBHttM

)■.!.. .1 ii' KVl-.S' SWIfi INKS fnin. |)l.i IU),

8PEOTAL I!M1U\I.\'S In (.Hi- V -iwiri HKH.onnlot at tl, |l..> an

«:.'U A nr e m> k 01 our owa make i B.mly i |i, 1. !■«.

I t.'iinnih«-r, tlicrto PtlOM are fop Thirl y I>ays only. a It 1. ti lady'a store, I have taken great palm tn selecting onr atock of



Stvis by mail a specialty. "So*


W. W. EAW60H, Seel Grower and Markrt Oaideiirir, 31.00 per ounce. I Arlington, Man

CATARRH W IN THE HEAD, ■■ hof»i-li (l>rip*niilaiTtli« itartT •re:

Hoi a douoha, snuff, nor patent mediolm, irl'lviir..' It .MI .ii' r. .Ilffrn r y u mil nfTf.irl Iu H, > uu alinuld .1 ki.i III'.-UK-II', Trrntmmi both in. u .1. n .. I'm*.-mi., n in- tiL-rorli annriienul. yT.tflil ilifinrrnr iri III.' It..), IB in. ■.• Mliij..ti «l"l

... Hum .lir. Ar.. .111.1..-1.n L. im-.*i»ilr.mill«lT«Mt F.t.i.'V! 'h- -i i I. i l-^.'t uu . .t .rili'oiiitjltuii" Vnfur

tn va aad iti»«-r■•!!.. li:...,..ti. .. AIIIHTM.

Dr. ti. W. BE ALL, £„K!nKrJ»




*f-.:l medj

••];idnejr-Wort is alw jyn mllanla.'* I>r. H. N. Cl«rt. bJ Hrtii, Vt,

"KUlMrT-Worthaauiir UTIJwiraalrrtwoyran ,u!itr. .j." VT. C. al. Bummirrlla, Bus IIIU, Oa.

IM THOUSANDS OP CASES :r baa etirod wi:i-r->al; .•!«■!'•.! Mtf<l. Ttitratld, a-jt .fflQlont. l-l::i'IAlM IM ITBA€TIO.N,but

■ the !ll"".l "".1 l|T"flli.-"i ar J I 10 all th* linrorr-.tii nrcana of nataralaethnef poEJdnajnal.

irltllaan. tI.M "

jdj. lheni vim I. Tb.t Li »:. I the ii. .-.■. ■■.... 'n tlii» war tbe trom th* ajatem. 3

1 uonn QB DKT, HOLD pr Daruoim. Pijeeabeeniilii mil,

« ! 1 1 -. i;.- ;. ■ ISII-.I . A 1 (.Miuriinato. et.

\nnm mm kjhe Best and Purest Medicines ^L EVER MADE.


N2bX a *>»<•

1* f'*. flr-A C 'I

TSOKAS PILAIiriB BATABD. Three geoerationi of bajarda have occopled

exalted stations In rongrea* and In onr diplo- matic service, and each lias reflected honor thereon without deriving therefrom undue pruflt. OraniUatber, son and grandeDn link the preaent to tbe revohitlonarr period of mi: net i< HIA) historv. They have all been diaUu- gulahed ntembers of tbe United States sen- ate. The two latter were members of that body from the same state for a time, which is tbe only Instance of the kind that has oc- curred. The present conspicuous member of this illustrious family, Thomas F. Bayard, lain his 57th jeer. Be k tail, well built, healthy, and altogether a clean-looking man, and all acknowledge that his record harmonises with his aftpeenuvee. He haa been sixteen yean in the senate, and is looked upon In Washington as a type of official parity. He has been married twenty-eight years, and haa twelve children, nine of whom are dantrhtara. One of his sons teaches school in Maryland, lira. Bayard spends a part of each winter with her huaband hi Wash- ington, though she much pntfors, as her huuband does, their modest, old-fashioned mansion in the extreme southern portion of the city of Wilmington, overlooking Dela- ware bay. This -home Is well stored with paintings, books and works of art, as tbe family have inherited a taate for the finer bingsof life, which tastes has been Judiciously

..retitled, air. Bayard being possessed of moderate wealth. He is probably worth •100 000, *80,000 of which he inherited from

Secretary of the Interior.


tncnni Qr/isnrB uuirrifa LAVAIL

Lucius Q. 0. Iaamar is a typical southerner not only in appearance but by birth and training, end Li unquestionably the brainiest man iu southern politic*. He is in bis BOth year. He was a member from Mimtsalppl of tbe Hit!, and Orlth .rongrcesee— prior the breaking out of the wax—but terdgued to lake part in tbe secession convention of bi» state. In tbe Confederate army be won a colonelcy. After the war, while holding a professorship lu the Mississippi university, be was elected to the Forty-third and Forty- fourth congresses, and then elected to tbe United Rtatea senate in 1HT7 and re-elected in 1882. The eulogy of Charles Bumner, de- livered by Mr. Lamar in the bouse of repre- sentatives in March, 1874, was tbe advance step toward healing the sectional differences that existed between the north aud south an a result of the war. Mr. Lamar knows and cares as little about money making asa child, and la consequently poor.

a'oetmaater General.


What Mr. Manning U he owes to His t-nrhond wao so hard and abort that at I

,.(» .■'„. iras f> ' <11.1 earn his lirin; a. ...;; t. ooy in The Ait«my Argiia, where hi learned to set type while making his way uitt WmCeeaidy.thoeoUU>r\gr»dgr»cee, Froo honest Irish parents young Manning got the rugged constitution and powerful frame thai have bean to him more than a fortune and t college diploma. But from William Caseld} he learned suave courtesy and easy dignity It has often bean said that no man could as- sociate with Caaakly and not learn to behav. tike a gentleman, Mr. Manning ha* been tbe president of a bank, a leader in tbe enterprise of Albany end the greatest single power It his community. He has great common sense ■nH btulnea. sagacity, qualities that have made hli paper a power and turned the oppor -unities It threw In bis way into the roads U an honest and a handsorne fortune. He Is an adroit and Imperturbable politician, who use* candidates rather than others in his game. He haa never until now held an office, though he has disptMd of many. He lias long boon a disciple and confidant of Samuel J. Ttlden, and as chairman of tbe Democratic state committee has a national reputation.

Secretary of War.

ffilsojia KaiDBtic Appliaices, VI UK DTHPRPHIA.

•' lAIAIdtll, " Kill- I MAI ISM, " INIMt.K-IION, " KII'NKV DISKASB, •' l'Alt ll.ValS, " I.KM'.UAI, i.l.Hll.l I \ . " rit'l.V.I. DlMKAffK, •« 31 KM vl- KXII.Vl STION

The Most Patent Remedv of the Century.

larcstlKnte and he eamineed of their merits.










ntOJe DCS1NK*3. AOORKdi,


J»O»I0>', SUM.

njtlL It eoiita'iis llliutralloi,*. prices, (IfH'rlpiiona and ill ret Ho n a fnr WaBMng ai' \ «nd Flower IEB1M, ill 1,11s, ate.


Do The Right Thing. Common fttnae Talk tit Tlllliiii. People.

I 1. » 1 1 r.i lii j .if a lVltneaa.

Ai.n.xr.N.T Or. n.vj.l K«nnedT,tt.n.loat,N. Y !

t'KAH IB: Anout eghl i".-.(.l i"p-ni" iiilTr rrnnjal.i»rr^llBrs.ii». Du<lwi|i a.Irk.

I etnn 1 iteiinlbolielieiii .n LT c.llirg Ii a 'raw- uu In >i n. Tle«f«nr of It »*« n| tio-t ne- tf N eeduTaeea Nine «f ihf ■! mcllelnea -m. in ri.i^h e.ntea had any el-'Ct upon me. K.nin lunf to II111.1 I wu I■■ !•! uu ami ninth e in ■""-I oany bu.loeaa. Tbi. rotercil a period ol a year.

• tiuilli Vlt. I Tiv.l ■ drus^l't it Ihlt eltv. <m ce-lud .-in- nn'i.ii KKMKDY *a anei.'l- t-iifli.. HIT t'.e l.ner. I nail noi t,kae the trttole . i l.i f! II beaj e b- fore 1 (omul iinat d-

141.rhl I r.aaieil in, iiuwei lite Jov .nil disra. 11.- .-> 1 MI.11 11 Ilia in.mer .;.■!.-« mi- e mtvl ' • tien-t goin. again 1 ■ 11 rn Ite'terei r-. mv «|.ii..e.M'..n 1.1 Dr. Di.'ll Kenn'ilt*.

FWoiini: ll-HKOV tuan b» irl'li « rou mat . nre 111* u 1-"T 1 knov.le.lse of Ita *lrlue. 1 n»»' r >■- in. n.if.i 11 10 a great mtuf 01 my irkndstindarriunii-inneea.

Y,urs Iru'v, 9. rEPiOS, tn *'"van 'er AT.HU . VI.. |-B,,M n i> 01 • 1 i AHiany'A oil an ' respect

■ I N-Hitii-nt., 11ml -onae-t- it, Uia publication ol

l»r Oavid Ke n:dr. Pajsiilm sad Snneoa, liim Lin . ■• Y.


FAVORITE REMEDY baa won antden opinions No traveIrr should eon- sldet hit outfli complete unless It lacludcaa bottle of this medicine. If you are eipoeed to frequent changeaot climate, tualand waier. Favorite Remedy hould •honlit always be —fTlhl rirlff lasrs. it oipelsi

Unal ,HIIW,(H, mu. i.thebt.t pr*.entail.o i,t ch AII.I niitlarn.i (rt-riii itm worlrt. H I. < >-...-I>I.S fiTr.laa»ifuai»t.ftnynteflrk. lorllvevuirolthliir, an! Liver coiiiplalnivt tmiilpoimii inoall .ll«H.iats ^«lj«f™m»nli.'i''ii.-_-_i_.t,._..riii.i.|i«t|. T,.«,.m,u

' IHII an uu- em tl I.I--.11I.. A

w tsri:i. i^nn;* * i;i SILKMLS, nee io oui .l.ois 10 |-. ai tu !>■' at itae-r UI-IT Madef work

; Bioty -nee ■*! r.Hiaired. AlMett MaBatfstelitrlagCe..

BoAMJi, Bot.oiirMaas

WTLIJAM T. VH.AS. Vr. VHas w.-i.i bom nt ChelABa, Orange

County, Vt., July 0, 1-40. Whao he was eleven year* old be went to Wisconsin and entered as a pupil of U10 i'lmvrsitvof >>-J S-n;.... and was graduated there in lfffiS. After which be atudiod law in Albany, M. Y„ and was graduated from the law school of that city iu 1-...1. Being admitted to the rmpreme Court of New York he romoved to Wisconsin, and In lHoiJ he made hU Unit argument before tho Hupreme Court of that Htate. Upon tbe outbreak of tbe war Mr. Vllaa entered the army aa captain in the Twenty-third Wis- consin Volunteers, and rose to be Major and Lieutenant Colonel. He 1. ■ ■ ■,,.:..-. I his conintU

and resit mod the practice of the law Jan. 1, l-J-l 'Mi,. Bupreme Court of Wisoraosro appointed Col. Vilas one of the ravisora of the statntiM of the Btate In ItfTS. aud the revision of ISTS, adopted by the Htnte, was partly

-' by hun. Attorney Oeaeral,

Arocwrue n OAALAITD.

Mr. Oarland was born in laVMsSM In 1833. and the next veer his family removed to Ar In 11 MS H* waa e.!n-.<«^ at- the mlWe* ti DI. .liarv ami i-it. Joseph in Barrlstiivni, K'v. After his admittance to tbe bar he immedi- ately secured for himself the respect of hit (vtllaaguee for bis calm reasoning and un- biased good judgibRatt, In )8U1 he went * it Ii hii State over to the Confederacy, and htff was a member of both housea of the < oif v<\- r nte Congress, He was elected to the United btataa Henate in 18n7, but was not admitted t-■> ti -ea'. 1 tils brought about the fanaoos tost oath case, In whinh Sir. Garland wan finally iiua»BsfuL In 1ST* tie wss alacted> Governor of Arkansas, and since lSn) hat represented that tttaU la the United fcUlat

eeeretarr ef the Narv>;tl|.te a <1H

WTLUAlt a William C. Whitney was born at Conway,

Mam., aft years ago. He Is the son of (Jen. James M. Whitney, of Boston, and son-in-law of Henry B. Payne, of Ohio. He graduated a» Yale b ISffi mk 0M •» Harvard law

WILI.IAX CBOWTtTN»in»TLD EXDICOTT. Ex-Judge Endicott was born in Salem aboul

1S17. He attended the Ualem schools, an.: graduated from Harvard college in the claa- of 1817. He married his cousin, a daughtci of Oeorge Peabody, and has two children, 1 son and a daughter. HIH eon graduated (tan Harvard college. In tho class of 1883. Judg Eudicott was admitted to the bar about lBSo 1.1 .v. U'u>]iniMi appointed him to a seat 01 the supreme bench in 1873, which he held nut i 1M83, wheu be resigned to make an extendet tour of tho continent for his health. He was a membVr of tbe Salem common council in 1852 185.1 and 1 -■"-■'. and city solicitor from 1858 t- 1863. He is a member of the Masseebusetti Hintortcal society and of the board of over seers of Harvard collago. Judge Endicott it a direct deecendant from Qor. John Endicott Until the Bell and Everett campaign be wa an old-line Whig. At that time he come int ■ tbe Democratic party. Aa a lawyer he ha been very thorough, and in plaaduag a caa. very dlgniflod. A- a Judge he stood high I. rank. He has never been prominent in pob tics, until ho was the nominee of the Den ocratic party of Massachusetts for governo last full, and although defeated he received 1 very IjAiicUuinc vote.

Tho First Mrs. Adam.

Another lllunlon of history has been destroyed—gone to Join th« chcrlxlietl legend of John Smith and Pocalioiitai, Franklin aud the kite, Itoland ar.d Oliver, Bel and the Dragon, and to many othei articles of clilltlllkc faith. It in proba- bly knowu to Hebrew ncholara and other* Tutlite, that Eve, "(l» mother ol all lit

tng," was only number two, our great ancestor bavin;; picvhmsly been married to a lady WIIOHC maiden name watt * lull. But It U commonly supposed that Adam came a bluahing and totally Inex- perienced bridegroom to in- match with Eve. Ket-eut explorations by a Turkish conveyancer, who waa Hearchliiir tltlea to Home riparian rights on the rivers Hidde- kcl and Euphrates. In Asia Minor, result etl In the discovery of 1 palimpsest which being, after great care and labor, deelp' ered), proved to be the orlijinal marriage Mttltaant Tails establislies the fact of the marriage 'eymitl a reason, able doubt.

The subsequent events, however, are still buried in a mystery wilch will prob- ably never be cleared. How lung Mr. and Mrs. Adam lived together, and whether they were sepirated by death or divorce, we shall never kt.ow. It It. scarcely probable that Adam ever told lils second auytlil.ig about bis th >t yen ture, and aa Eve la described as tin 'mother of all living," there were, o: course, no neighbors to give It awav And so InHplte of all the knowledgi she acquired by following the advice t>; the serpent, she probably Went to her own flrt,t claas funtral In the blissful faith that she was the rlmt and only, that Adam, (not having had a mother,) had never had a chance to compare her epph plea with those of any other housekeeper, and she could look forward with joyful anticipation to a re-united yoke in heaven.

Of courae, we might speculate upon the fato of the bride of Adam's firsi youth. It Is ptirslble that she ran awav into the land of Nod and fell asleep, anil hat) a rib extracted and converted Into a helpmate. For it la certain that years afterwards, Cain, the eldest sou by the second n.arrlage, having got into dlfflc il- ty with the Kden police, fled to Nod, and the very next thing we hear of him, 1 as tbe head of a family there. Why may not his wife have been a descendant of his father's HIM? Let that pass, how- ever, there are no reliable facta In the case of LUteth, beyond her wedding, but the discovery of this circumstance wlh cause a shock to many romantic mlnd» who never have suspected Adam of bcli g a gay widower, or worse yet.—Pr dence Journal.

She Wants 9100 fop her Banff. - » Miss Mary Motley of Allegheny, until a

few days ago wo c her heavy blonde hair in a hang, of which she was exceedingly proud. On the day of the recent explo- sion of natural gas In the Pcnn Gas and Fuel Company, she was walking alnm. tl.*' street at the spot where the explosion nc. ciirred. She wfl» struck by some object which wns hurled through the air, and which severed her bangs from her fore- head, leaving her hair ragged and thin at that place. She lias brought suit against the gas company, giving the aoove is her ground of complaint, and laying her dam- ages for the loss of her bang at 8100.

Another Western Fish Story. A stage wftv* upset in Applegate creek,

Southern Oregon, the other day, by arnsh of salmon. The horses were rut loose snd tbe driver escsped on their backs. The salmon crowded the river from bank to bank, and the school was over a mile long.—Pate, Montana, Inter-Mountain.

It Will be a Great Sight. Ben Butler Is attorney for Mrs. John I..

Sullivan In her Milt for divorce. Whtn these two great worklngmen—Ben and John—come to stand up against each oth-

antl the Judge rails time, there will be slugging wortn more than tbe price of ad- mlesion.— Chicago News.

Why Harrow Oar Feeling*? "■Msjt.r Merrill, of the Lawrence Ameri- can, baa had a "grand march" named af- ter him. It Is suggestive and appropriate. But the Major Is s good fellow, all the —i.—Lowell Times,

Mr. Crose, In hie "Llfeof George Elliot," •ajs slie wu "ofa religious cast of mind," which it proof positive that he Is Cross eyed.

The censorship having been removed from the cable message*, sensational news from the Uulted States of Colombia Is

In order, most of it without sense or reason.

In view of the protectionist reaction In Germany, France and Russia. It Is sug- gested by M. (hi-tave de Mollnarl, the Belgian economist, writing to the Times, thai England, Belgium, and Holland, the only countries favoring free trade, shall be hound together In s customs union like tbe C-ermau Zolvereio. This might be done, lie says, by Holland and Belgium

pllng the English tariff. Ho count- on tbe powers of expansion of such a un on, and In those doubtless would rest Its

hope of usefulness.

In Denver, Col., hydrophobia Is un- known.

California Is getting rid of the eucalyp- tus tree.

Charleston, 8. C.. Is driving the deepest artesian well In world.

It Is reported In Loudou that France Is furnishing arms and ammunition to the Malnli, but It la more likely that England Is.

There are 1,500,000 slaves In Brazil. The season of Lent in marked In Chicago

by an almost complete cessation of dancing and a revival of progressive euchre.

Tnc cost of purchesingthe Niagara Falls grounds for a public park will be twenty- eight cents each, to the population of New York state.

Iu Warwick, Pcnn., live members of tin- Metbaxlist church have been arrested on complaint of one of the deacons, for dis- turbing the worship by praying aud sing- ing too loudly.

Swearing through the telephone may cost the use of the Instrument; a Cincin- nati printer, who brought suit to compc'. a telephone company, that hiid removed his telephone because he used profanity It) a message through It, to replace tbe In- strument, has beeu defeated in the Su- preme Court of Ohio, the Court holding that the company hod the right to remove the Instrument.

Tbe Rev. Dr. Storrs of Brooklyn, h made It a rule for years not to announ from his pulpit public meetings to which an admission fee is charged. It la only at extremely rare Intervals that he departs from this custom.

One of the cheap restaurants In New York furnishes tea or coffee, so-called, for one cent per cup; soup the same per bowl; beef steak or roast meats, four crnts, beef or chicken stew, hash or corned beef, the same; ham aad eggs eight cents; a bunk in the lodging room for a night coats ten cents.

English holders of Virginia state b( mis, Ii memorial I xlug tbe president, address him as "His Excellency, the lion. Grovrr Cleveland."

Kaiser William's favorite desert is ■ponge cake sieeped In pineapple rum.

On the dome of Pbllr delphla's new city hall, was placed a marble statue of justice, holding the traditional scales; the god- dess stood at her post about six months, hut tbe scene was too much for evrn blind eves, and last week she let the scales fall with a crash.

In New York during February, 25C chil- dren were cared for by the aociety for the prevention of cruelty to children.

Dr. Collln, who has made the subject a study, claims that sugar can be made from sorghum for one cent per pound.

The effect of the unfortunate St. John campaign, is 1 een In Isrgelv Increased votes for license in New York State at the spring elections.

Only whisper scandal and Its echo le heard by all.

In Albemarle, Vs., a girl nine years of age is under arrest for killing her little cousin by fracturing his scull with a blow from a shovel.


The Action Recommended by a Committee of the Owners.

For a considerable time past, the peo- ple have been kept lu suspense ae to whether an.l at what time the Washington mills would resume operations,—or If the icreral rumors which at periods were set afloat were, true, that the property would ultimately pass into the bauds of other

All speculation on these points may now be set at rest. Friday s com- mittee of the directors aud stockholders held a meeting at the office of John s Farlow, No. 3 Merchant's Row. Boston This committee had been appointed some time previously, to consider the question of what disposition should be made of tbe Washlngtou mills, the result of their de- liberations to be reported to the stock- holders. Capt Couch, of Newburyport,

ilent of the hoard of directors, acted as chairman. The members of the com- mittee who were present at the incetiug were: N- C- White, Esq., Lawrence; A.

Bouncy, Esq.. Lowell; Mr. Sawyer, Boston: John S. Farlow, Esq., Newton; Charles V. CottlUg, Esq., and Messrs. Couch and Murphy" W. FiskeUlle, Esq..

f this city, ami Mr. Thaycrof Worcester, were absent. The committee gave the matters before tneiu lung and earnest consideration, and concluded finally to recommend the sale of all of the real es- tate and machinery ol the Washington mills sumetlme lu June uext.


Botanic Cathartics. For C (ti h itlven'M . Piles, Ri<-k n«s'

En. Hi- iber..o.iVI a>ec 1 lor eLll.i

lable Atk MII 1 |.r.v„l<l


Botapathic Drops, Tbe Great p.iln Killer And Ileoltb I'ro

sleighs! Sleighs I Fi-tr new and leoQud hand tlegbs for lale at

v.-iv 1 >w price*. Apply to

A. 30*. 3333yv JXT, Franklin HOIIFC Siillfs.

f'.'v Rneuirstl r Veurs'fi., Psralrals. Ilia: t 1 in.i. snd all pains no id in .ii ■ -.nil. ..-I. 10. nt e rpiiii b? express on r

Batanic Worm and Fever Powders


The Haverhlll camp Suns of Veterans paid a visit to the camp In this city ItL-t eveulng, coining In two barges and arriv- ing at about 'J o'clock. There were In addition to tiie Sons from Uaverhill divi- sion officers from Hudson, and Dunsvllle, N. H, A tempting collation of the mos- appetlzlng klud was served by Caterer Crowd!, and after a thorough discussion amusements were indulged n until nearly one o'clock, when the visiting delegation started on the homeward trip, having, HC

cording to their own words "hail a jolly time."

Itch, piles, uld * ill kinds 01 SKIN . - in. iri-t for it.

1 Or lot Of |ii lee, Hints. I All tftuso v.In.Ill* remeilie

OEO.A ROBKRTS, Chemist Reading, Muss.,

To whom all on'era .hcu.d lM_il>!.eiH«l.


BEST UU If Ever Uaed

Imuroveo alias He [-HOB. Wore night LIKI day. I'umtiiBij untU rnj.iure. Seal Ii* mall .i.i mine

N. Y. KI.ASTIC TRUSS CO., 744 Broadway, 9.ew Task'


Coffins, Cnskrts and linlrr- lakrrs' Goods

ir .LI. Kim e.



1135 WashliiKton and It West Street, BOSTON, MASS.

.OMPKINS&MANN, Successors to





Itching and Burning! TORTURES

Ihavelrleriroi eleven let


1 to have mv w '«, T.efU'ICU t-'M.ll.iM,. W it .)


Itt-sniirier, Hiiernalljr) have what I n 1 'ii tried KT I vm >e Yon shall havettie uhiii r s ■.•■Mi m loy.m. tmi nawOrtTf ihi-.i..u. ul 111 1 nv.i « ill I ttio i-Bin 'lie* will uru all who 11

sJasYSviLLt, Kv. CllA


u ttie (.- - .1.-.1 1 mi

(.RANT, THE DERO, DYING- What Is this sad rumor 0ylng7 Or-nt, ihr sturdy eoliller, .l>in.' i.i-ftiit. tin- grim, yet .lirlous Mara, Sat,our of the stripes aud stars —

Grant, (lie warrior, dylnajr Grant, whose cool, inin'iiUl bjarlng Stimulated deed* of daring In the hottest of the Meld, And whose cry was "VI-IT yield,'—

Grant, uuroniiuered, dying * Grant, whose msny faults sre hidden 'Ne.tb the uloak that ■ sate* unblddea— Royal rube of purple dye— In in.' loom of memory-

Grant, th* hero, dying?

Ah' 'tl* worth a Nation's ilghlngt (In Truth's wing* the rumor's flying, Sifily, fi-lendal a hero f ilia w Lui the nuwelcoine augol calls.

Grant, at work, Is dying. -(Columbus (Ohio) Dl.natck.

A Chicago judge has decided that a boy

Is not obliged to attend worship lu a pub- lic schoA

Mr. Townley, who already owns vset

tracts of land iu Illinois, is going to Eng.

land to lay claim to an estate there twelve miles in circumference.

Several Kentucky desperadoes v

cornered In their mountain cabins by a

sheriff ami ten picked men ; they only 1 rendered after severe fighting.

Mr. Cleveland Is reported as meeliug

the protest of the Massachusetts democ. racy against Eudicott with this merciless

lump of frozen truth: "I am not selecting

any one to please the Massachusetts democracy. If they had voted for me we should have carried the state.

The most destructive disease In New Vork during the past four months has

been measles, there have been over 3500 cases with .00 deaths.

An exchange states that Queen Victoria

has three vacant garters at her disposal If she could find one more so as to match

that odd one, ebe might be able to give

them away

Several Coney Island pool sellers have

been fined from 9103 to (750, and sen-

tenced from 20 days to three months In

prison for the offence.

California evidently believes In being In

season; the legislature has appropriated

•26,000 towards entertaining the Grand Army, should the National Encampment

go there one year from next June.

A Vale freshman, whose father is a

wealthy resident of Atlanta, has been fined In the police court for fighting In a

house of ill fame, and for stealing the

watches of two follow students.

Recently, at Louisville, Ky., after sev- ers) hours of dark fog, a drenching show-

er took place, during which small fishes— minnows—fell to the ground.

The London theatres have on tbelr pay

rolls the names of 28,000 people, more than half of wnoni are women.

Six convicts In the prison at Lansing, Mich., escaped through a lo g tunnel they

had been constructing; one, too fat to run was recaptured.

The supreme court of Illinois has de-

cided Hint the hoe Is a dangerous weapon, a man hiving been killed with one.

He—''Won't J"u 8° sleighing with me this evening'" She—"Have ymi a gentle horse?" He—"Yes, Indeed. I can drive

with one hand." Baa—"I'll go."— [Philadelphia Call.

In some of the rural churches of Hol-

land It la quite customary to smoke dar-

ing the service. Sometimes the officlatlntr,

clergymsn Indulges In s smoke while th* hymn Is belmg suif iliig tha -kin, <li. M ea*e paint, tml sll ihe tlut 11 ted le.v ratlin*.In i.uie an wi 1 a t-r. 1 sint. ait >(r< ate.t ila.siiie I1111 ro'o IIHIM. lin "linn an a ■ note. It. MACK.

C'sniploaComiqne Roller Skater. TorKGBTOWN, UHlO.


Mar.hftl 1 Coo* County, Oregon.

$200 FOR NOTHING !■» vi.- ,: p.Ill MI. in. *j.v. 1 • fir .1 c'asadtctori t.

cure rot b by eltsuwl sucr,*.*. I no ihe Otm- CL'BA I- BHLU1ES, whlCU til m^letey Old il ■ lei KSl.' ■ i". WM 'GOUT. -N-

B7 tilingltn AT., C 1a 1 — IOTTIS, HUB:

8 Id tvirrwlwre. 1*rice; • I'TIGU.A. '»:• MlAI-, .'ft., KIMH.1 r\r «1. I'OI . >'..l I'KI ., AM 1 lltM.i'tl. Ci. . It 1* e.s . Srml for " Unw to cure Skin*.*."

n||TI( rilA -O .l> for Hough, 'happed UU I I «»<• Keddmri. stklii and Hasina.

CATARRH Complete Trottment, with luhttler, foi

. every form of U.ttnrri., $1.


SlNfORD'S R D CAL CIHF. 11 1. n.i C ,1.1., Wal. re Ditobarge* from the Noae

111 Kyes, Itlnglns N i|sH in Ml* Mead, itervou. Read tohe s ui Fivtr ittntsniij lellrved.

Cltoklag mm u. .I -1 'ilgel, membra le d.-aetri and hedeii, brestu twtteicoed, am* I. taste, anil hearing restore1, snd isr.igss ■ h .■'■■< .1

OsnttJt, Breochi I-. Ii ■ 1 -1.■ a-..- into 1 =■ ■ T ro>'. 1'AIHA In Ihe Chest, lit* ee ii Kutls| ol Sin" gth F.e.h I ..Mi- ol 11. ee, etc., cur*''

u..f mu i,-it..ii n (;,.ie, .me hit U tarrhaiSol veal an.l one Dr. SastOrO1* Inhal r, In in |iark- age of all ■ r t ists.forSI. Ask lor SaNrnso'S KADICA , ( lias, a pure ilialillatlnn ol With. BBS*). An . 1' 11-, ' 11. fir, Mil :«W ii, I.H.V.T 1. us

Patter Drngand t hem leal Co., Boston.


a*, --.-ii11* terv I ..-l.i. I 1 nil I, lint-

I'll < ..nil.In. .1 with ■ -*-*-!*/ Bicdli .n.i 1'laa-

i3e. AH uiu.1






IT WHIN ivRSY-rHim. rtss raits. IT HAS HBKH vsen FOB VBAKS WITH vwvAanm)



IT HAS NBVBB BSRH KHCWH TO MO, tn rusiNa Dyspepsia, IndiaesUen, Wsterbca.h, Keinburn,

Acid Stomach, Hal-nutrllion, Flaluleitay,Cu~ trills. Biliousness, and Habitual Constipation. Il STietdily relievei sssl curt* Cancer and Csnker of

th* Siom-ch, I'fctrouj I.ivet. Ilirdeiiing and tnUrae- ■tentof the ljver and Patalytis of ihe Tto-relt.

It *l»o cmrli a wonderfully salutary effect upon ihe Kidneys, quickening and toning limit teeming power, ntmcwing iluuuh coiuluioin, allaying iiillAinmiiion, ar.d HSMMjalm in ihe back.

TRV IT AND BE CURED. Pitte $1 W f*t bottle. Si* L.tile* fur $7.60 Sir With bottle, and for use in conneeiinn

therewiih, it a bottle of Dr. Flower's Matchless LivtrPdli,

*^ The following Letters were published In

The Christian at Work, the leading religious pnper of New York, some months Bince.

That they attracted great attention is proved

by the fullowing cdiloriitl notice whieh soon

after appeared in that, paper:—

"The publisher of The Christitn at Work has been if tho letters published In this paper, by Dr. J. H. Schertck, of Philadel-

phia, were genuine. In reply ho says, that

his representative hits seen tho originals of every letter at the oQice of Dr. Schcnck, In



MEBSRS. J. H. ScnKXCE ASON, Philadelphia. Gentlrmt.n.—I have concluded that it Is

my duty to write you in regard to the great benefit I hare received by the use of Dr. Scbenck's medicines. One and * half years ago I was very sick with what my friends and myself believed lo be Consumption of the Lunjrs. The discasu betran with a heavy cold, its wnrst symptom being a dry, hackinrr cough, which wo* utmost continuous night and day. ;•■ ■ .11 after this I began raising a thick yellow matter. Being exposed to all kinds of weather, by working at my trade, 1 caught additiiriial (told and crew worse, until I was obliged to eiv- up nil work. I at this tints had terrible paint in my lung*, and was soon ntt.tcked with severe night-sweats. I tried nil tho cough remedies advertised, I be- lieve, before I heard of your remedies. They were first brought to my notice by reading your book on "Consumption and its Cure."

I used all your medicines; that is, the Man- drake Pills, Seaweed Tonn mid Pultnonio Syrup- I felt their beneficial eti'eets from the Li rat. They gave ma strength and they gave me appetite, and in a very short time my cough was looser, and soon after disappeared lli.i.'.'.irr. I begun to giin flesh, too, and in

lm course of two mouths from beginning their use, I was very near well. 1 am now entirely v.ell, and, believe me, very thankful that I found ymir medicines and took them in time to save my life. I shall lie pleased to have any one call on tne in regard to my case.

Yours truly, P. TURNER., JR.,

Cor. Henry and Liberty Sts,, Oct. «, 1331. : Binghampton, N, Y.

CURED OF CONSUMPTION. ' l':r:i.,\nci.riiiA, July 10, 13S2.


Dttir Sir .—I have been very Rick, and was told by several of the best physicians of this city that I had Consumption, and could lire but a short time. I was advised by a friend to consult you, which I did. Under your treatment I Improved rapidly, and am now enjoying perfect health. I expected ;. die, my symptoms being all very boa ; had hemor- rhage*, night-sweau, and a hacking cough. I believe your treatment saved my life. Please accept ray sincere thanks for all you hove done for me. SI mi 1 recommend your remedies -. utIIL-V -1 meet any one afflicted as I was.

I remain ever graufully ami respectfully, ANNIE W. RITTENHOUSE,

!M't Kurtz Street, Philadelphia.


H*UC*Tfd»fC*n»*mf>tti>nbyI>r.flrhmek'*, after bring girru up to die by etnese 0/ (Ae beat rhyriciana of (Ae City,


D**rSir:—l bare been cured of what three

*f the best ribyiiriani of this city told me was 1 r,i, ■ ,.,., , ,,,„ „f th. Lungs, by tbe us* of your SB*4I«.O*«. 1 wss fiml attacked with th* disease in O.-tober, 1HH0, snd sllbough I was from that time continually under the care of • physician, I grew worse and worse, until at last I was eon- nned to my bed. I can hardly say that I was lint attacked with the disease in 1H8U, for my lung* had been weak fur many years previous to this, and I would quite often have severe pain In my breast, if I took the least cold or eierted myself too much in any wsy. I grew worse, my cough became very bad ; I had night-tweaU eo severe that my bed, througb the night, would be ss wet aa though water had been thrown over me. I was continually raising b!ood and large quantities of offensive matter from my lujga, and at last had all the well-known symptoms of Consumption In its last singes.

At th* reqne*t of my fumlly, mv phjaldan tailed tn two rinrlurs of llilniiy, »nd lli-r, after an *■> stnliialkin. ear...-! that my BBSs w-« li-pH™. T„.T tiifiirniHt my ttltr. D,«t 1 hail bfit-r 1* tide that I rould sot live, aani) linn, wnulJ b* very short Ibrarranslna my worldly a IT* In. They *].o M|i| that no mrrnciei wuuld l™ of BA-aS*IS me. The n.Bt day my friend, Mr. H. I. trill,, B**rlaj| of my con^ltlnn tent m» a btntl* of your Pulmonic Svrup, tlimkn.. » aileht relieve my OOUBII, niel iimLti mv .i|.. ciuniiim e.sin- 1 beaan II.II,|- it, i„trr r.-n ho|iliiB t.wat It would cure me, but tin Hue gr,»( teller frtiru it* uae. When the nr-t bottle Wat Kotie, I ,. m -i..t mo\ more; ... I enn- tiniirit ii until I ha.l iiee.l ,01*11 or eight bottte* All thl- I mm 1 era. In bid mi. I ws* to wridi Ibat I bid to be IIRed. Tbi* wss not a 'Wr.i.'iil t lliin- to do, however •* I only molshid -I...ui iiiiirtv Txiiind*. A* I have aiild. I (Ommriiced the u«o Of 111. in.illHn. wlih no IboDghl of II* curlii,; I,I«. I.„t aflee fatUnc the elehlh IK.111* 1 would Kirtit-iini.-t.Vel a Jillit- liungrv a iblna I hud not liefotn ikini- f,.i INMH uii.nili, Iomllli-dtu meiilioii thai *ner IskliiR four i.r flte'lwtnlM „r ih,

it i «-iii* V "T'," u" H^*** fi"*. Jt Itneedirt* tor me lo nit* y<m a„ ,....,„,, , .;, my l-e<iii|r* dutitig my rreotery. Of Court* it

— I shades] 17 galntd

jStT ._ iiaiii«i n.-*™r

oul tliiom, ami miw 1 am e mv arqiialnlilirea who saw mo «hen 1 wns so low I welsh one hundred and Mxlv-lwi. i-iun.ti Ar.Dr.i.i good, ;nd I an ,n,ly„, il,., 1 i^JR keiterXn v life. I eon.lder yimr medUlert as wonderful in theft efl. rls. They hare MVnl my lire, ami 11.^1 ,„ thankful toynu that I *m *i,xl.iti* ih.t all .1,., hrr. „.*„,„.

Inng troiihlea ,hou1.l know bow er»s ITS

mo MI . 1 «rad«,irr |M ttrenglh, iht it what IiBl.e.lf...wiu,|1,n«,w..rhanfrf

nut being *.,..fl,.nsivB-arid.1 l-tt I w.t .1,1. to get . and walk about my room. From Ihl* time my %-

. wonder to a

w how g,*d II

I,, erestcd, lit*, are w%ttM .0 call N m « g

Afar 13, ! ■■■'!.

Tunn truly, 1UKLKV P. noPRINS,

So. 3 II1,well 81., Provldane*. R. I.

I. who write* Ihe fnri ■•C'l-ie ■

MB llai.rr P. ROFSI letter!.1 Dr. Scb*iick,,if II. 1,.!, i,| of Providence. I kava known ,,|m Wr„ for ,„„,,;

n^i^Vof T,:: ssw, niixr^ to th* use of Pr. Ukwmkt median*.. ' ***

U. I. LEITU. Drvtg*,

jf<v a, mi. **"m "■""" 8'- *">**•*<*, R. L

FROM TOWANDA, PA. Da. J. H. FcnitNtT, Philadelphia. Pa.

Dear Hr.--1 wa* taken sick In tho Fall of UN but managed to k^p up an<) B, „,. bU(tnct, lt^

two yetre. Finally 1 had to cea-e work altogether

Dr. Flflttrar's LTTWfl SfittTAf AT ^TS^FSt Ih,lU,1";kl,"t«>ufib cli the time, VT. r-lOWerS i,U-Ntt CUliJJiAi.. [and when the weather was damp I could searr*l.

On* Dollar per bottle. Six bonks for $5. e Weather was damp I could scarcely

Dr. flower's CATASRH SEMEDY. One Dollai per bottle. £u botiltt for $9.

TV above ntnediet an for sale by leading drtie- gtsw everywhere If your druggist U out of them ■crept nothing else, but tend direct lo us.

Sand iwo-eem stamp for pamphlet cotuauiing abtt .ufgeiiuni for the treatment of . number ol prevalent diseases.




E. B. lEllEY, 5 DBIGOIST Post Office Bloek.

.,--. them's Irlal. 'l u>eii rii.-'p'ui.

some time, until ili.j- cur,,i Die, ami hinc* men I have had gnotl lieslth sll the time, my lunl-Vbt' ng I SppBfently toniM. I iNlitve ths! 1 hi,I cVumrT

uon, 1 have ureat futtti 11 your tnedielnr* anil 1 would urge .11wl.o are «»«w«S&eSS

plaints w use them. Yours truly, ^ JA1II3 McISTYBS,

Jket. 13,1SS3. or MclNtvng A SPExeta, Carriage Manu>cturen, Tottanda, Pa.

M. tuurnri Koiam.- MANDRAKE PILLS,


mtSfSSHsxivsua aij«"™. •» i».i ■fi. £LS. .. ll'* "rappent of every Dsekam.

■1 11 ■•',

truth liiooms, 1 11 kn,


11 i.ii Vsrnlsb,

Cha moi- sals, .. I ■!!■!.■ ..I P.irilC,


upper*, wooden ►ti.BtiJ. Ken- rui i. ■ I fMi ;."

■ in. 1 ■. l'i ( '

Ewft."., "' l)ix-.l PalDt'.slleoloTl . r . 111 r . ... , »j , I / ' Kspibs. II OI*e"il, K ( v. ii' A. 1,1, Oasum, I- -

I I'aiaiire nil rarefta* Wai. Putiy, La la White, L "*«r Paris. 1'ourb, I'd . lo>-a uu*.

I I nh, III. I I'M I ■ HI".


rspirPaiL, It ,1 been It r Wagon Spiisgi

lor huraesantleattle, Uu l.o, Sulphur,

;■] uti'..".

Ituaa Jai'* anl Mugs, ealtpeur, Htivi'lits MarhlusOll, ruble Pail*, Mnii iUiiii.ers, 8ci 11. Kru.lies,

VFIIIUWSBS Bruihfs, wanregHO Motf. Vttlliauis' Uarbar Bai

i ltd Iron rail*, W bale Oil Soap,, Whiliof, , YVIoBtir * Newton'* n'ne, all tints. Tube Colors. - Purple, .

quantities to suit at Low- est Market Prices.

I TV™,, C.TT*r.rT T et^T^v^A

W A. 1ST T JJ D nge tic. d n'ellUn. ...en to miiii nrd.

m l.K■.'B-«ll.ror^Utt>hHV8TOiK. I

Salary with Kzpentea Paid. ■1 lii.u enitnt* 10 nun o( giod ' 1 |.!:, ;-t...i if- 1, latte aud 1

>su. *•;. / l i.l r-TA. M AIKB.

HAffc«.TS. T.. H . K I» D V,

Ho, 7S Blase t>t.. opp. Kllby at., Beaten. ■torts t'ueni* in ihu lui.-.i tile.; also In ™.M ^rj:'-. .*.:.'C0,B.":,_*.l.h'r_.,o.rc'«'».'M»-


'oiled el.lei i.Uinli.11 la v tl .l.t- h,

IUI lielmea 11 Ii,...«. 1

k. 11. kDDV. Swhcltar o( PsUaU.


UiJAH. HAeON.t'o inUslonst of Psttsts.

..rlt.i.l fee ralle conslKiatonal ihu Lai'eul

1.. Ml MI UUBKE, IMM Cunjuittltftcr of PSISDU.

BSef.Bwl p.oetrcd m.oj p,i. M.. I>I*,IH*.I4 Xteii-.tlS. I (l'i l.. . ,.■... j.l.y ,tl,l,.|,j,tl tot

Ntw Yors, iBi^aoTipfaaTaal 1 n.i, I, 1, ti, 1,1 hide 1 _ SUIl »ivf y,u .lo,

1 -.'".' ln«, .1.0 aOTiai



SOAP tcknowledaed the "STAHDARD" of LAUNDRY SOAP. There is but Ono. Finding these goods every where imitated, ihe maiiulac turers would suggest lo consum ers who appreciate the

"GENUINE" to tee that every Bar is stamped wllh a Pair of Hands, and not accept any substiiule. In the use of

WELCOiyfE SOAP, people realize jVALUE RECEIVED' arid discover that superiority In WASHING ttUAUTY peculiar* to lets Soap.





SARSAPARILLA la chemically

dlss btned With ledtde P .nil loU of l-ptr.or worth f01~',

H10 syneii). gjting tons •r to tiie whole body.


:h* wJitJn'iS Z^V? ^XftJ?


i. ■. WRBSlin L, nr.rai,, .„ C...UI. CXLTEn, N. n.

rrlM,$l.(J0p.rlK.ti!... For Bale t..


.011 ..„,.,„....,.„;„;;',„,.",.,•„,•,; • but !• raf.l, I, ... 1,.* I. l.l l,Bo»rn. Bald .1 onlTbj*.B.»iLn0a,.

THE L.TEST Whnt 1 lie Ladles Are > u»Hoi ■>».

[he Daily American Published Eierr ETtninr.

> ]• the Ur(Mt Dally In tbe OI%y «t>h

Tour Time* tha Olroulattoo ol ary oLbor. _

SDBSCKII'TION.ln advancer ODI iear, SG.00 | Six Month* SSXO

When not paid In advance, 98.00.

OBO. S. MERRILL, Proprietor.


Is tbe lartraatand moattborouajtary fur- nished In ■••tarn laeaaauobueatia With modarn praaaaa, and oonatant additions ot the newaetstylaa oflypa v* era abla to rurnlab tba bast quality ol work.atlowprtoaa. Orders DT mail promptly attandad to*

A Convincing Argument

No person possessing ordinary powers

of observation, who lias given a moment'* tbolfbt to tu3 course pursued hy our local merchant* and the results of i hi- same,

will for a moment doubt that those who have luccerdeil best have advertised most.

Probably no better illustration or ctiiivlnc-

lag proof of the truth of this assertion

Could be offered than that of the llrm of

Btckni-ll Bros.

To ronuense the cause of tblsnrras'suc- cess la as few words an possible w« ue- lleva the whole story cau be told In these

ttr words, untiring Ulllgonce, honesty of

purpoae. liberal and convincing adver-

tising, Tbey drive their business and

keel BO drone* about their establishment. TbesnatuiiT In which they treat their cus-

| tonaw* is worlliy of being copied by the | rlsiag generatl'Jii, and the telling points

a adverti-lnir are humorous oilylnality. 1 aad«ver-ellnKlug to facts l)f course a

cartful watch of the minor details of a retail business haa much to do with Ita

mcoaaa but we -relieve tliu above to be the foundation to gooil results.

It coiitin-tidii v. it'i the above no would

add that msuuracturlnK their own goods

has helped larijcly to bring about desired

r-Mllts. It has stimulated their business

both In quality and quantity. Knowing .

the wants of the people they arc thus eo | "AOOII,

ablad to belter meet those wants than If

Nonthor«:lolbin«Houi Strlo-i All Wool and ii >ve


»^.^'^:i^^xir,:,z'^^^j'„^^^i 12.00 PER YEAR'

COMING IhreaiUffe-tnt sfr'f lniho -in- in en 'in- Lin; r iiniiiry mi I

11 »bini**l Hint; In i« dd ii'J imbues s.

aa? irI° VIW " ""rT fb",»«■ 1 Um MS SB* H*rBi

200 All Wool Suits at

$6.00 EACH.


^^rz-S'r,^!Lawrence American, "*">New' B™,u"- Tliere was a terioDs (Ire at Stroudsburg,

Va., tally yestereay morning.

Gi'netal Grant was not quite so well yesterday aa be was on Wednesday.

The resolve tn favor of biennial ses- sions of the Legislature has pawed both branches.

Thofttilee'of lhl> none

H.eel Hie o nil lion nf I >M< "".till HOn-lAHl

r.-vtarighau -i Me only l.irl 1-nt-tie lb ui -II '. fo» il e ni-log n"'l i i. il la t >0 la !■. I ii-., i

KSSid! lhf,.P?°i,l» lh-»' we are aH*t*>tlia tkafj nab■ assertions >n ;—) iwas wa art daijiaJst-j to Rr*« tarn (ojdt ■t al

i hor lUjrhlt „ lof*t •!'« but »r imii '". I : b in- * Ii ,111 I III (


ll* Mli*B«a*wli~ IT'Wll -ItljB-tlO.

-. mpeind MffAlaai — coma ilr«t - area I. Anr mm whu »■■'

*!£*9£!£*WH!Tm'9*Wa own 11111111 irte d>a'

goods. Another very important item that

counters no man has received a profit on

them, the benefit of whi'-n goes to tba

consumers. Those of our readers who are tired of paying the prices asked for

cuatom work would do well to examine the One suits and spring overcoats this

Arm are preparing for the spring trade. There Is, and always was, a demand for

a good honest article, made and trimmed In a substantial manner at a moderate price, and Blcknell Bros, are determined

to meet that demand. Prove to your own satisfaction that thia Is ao by visiting this

firm and examining the quality of the trlumlngs they are uaing In their Una

good* for the coming season. They claim tn be the only clothing house In New

England which manufactures only for

their own retail trade. This brings them Into competition with no one and euables

them to trim their cur incuts with such value as the quality of the goods requires

and as will do justice to the garments and give satisfaction to the wearer.

One look at the east wlnduwof Blcknell Bros, shows the people a few of the styles

from which they are manufacturing their spring stock, and in proof of the above

a a convincing argument.—

rJJJJ j From Saturday's American. laSKBBHti

. Drt , proenre on* o


BLI m LACK SIXKS, Velvets. C*vtb

lores, dllk rYiaasa, UuLloua. liiovrt. aa A. Sit A Li I'll, t UO.. J

G? OOlilNli STOVES, ■ . dale mtenl Mu HH r.UINotlAH,

ItMl Siro-t a Hill and

CtasAttSS. l£ung*a,

dale Mtenl Mug. " A.JU,:i>-' r,»»pirt,

GROCtilUHS, Flour, Tea, Fan- <r<ioii'it»i'l fto-luuo.

« Ui'i'lO* iliim, «»»n, Amoil,an PIloTOUliAlMl V, sole llcetmast

I'ortud^ikt I<M'tin-Cm linn ]'n"-i-« aa. mANK ItUSSKLL tSSBaaexSt.

•flarsv _ jie. W.

HAUKLI, A^.-m ;,i ... ,-\ ,i. All k nU ut-ew- la| 4s illi I K l) nl-* it. -!■■■!. d'|M .'■'! a il 1J let, TAlLOltis. Freuuh, KugllHbaod Nuveuiei. F. W.S JIIAAKK • CO.. E'« i oni'-e Block

TAILOR, Imported and Domniu UeUooOa.

11 OttVNIR Udic-tK. ISt Caaex street.

AW. duwuMb, u. u7 a., • USNTAL4URUKUS,

MS laiex -Jtreet, Unwruncr. visa , Ether Cb nroinrm Aittninlaleret).

1L4KA tl. liOli£H.t, 1)14 . ill lail I to 4 anU 7 1.1 ra*j«. Dili

DK a uoiii.u-in. OAoea lionra,

Drt. J. tl. it! mi bit, UKNiAL bUh '.iKOS, Su. JSJ latex Street. u*sr 'Jt

£it S<sw iimn.. Laurreeuu H4«., Cblovo r>a, or gthar (Ivsn, as t»reierred. Closet)

UaiJAsirt * iVdirt'lJiU, CU*JH« tilO • •n*i. -itriuilji en ) UD-Iiea, "■•'•—sand

aiito i«T ■■%', run Uuit Uairiua ol Butler anu Mil. "* * mi1"1' « rant.

f? ri. -laAitltlt rj»H. ilLint 4iuna<

ISM" *hwks UK*. *•<

siAUUlH, Ir.aBUtcr ol lb. " —m« Co., Ml n-..i.|*:iy -

ia,raiUag rtiiis. Wssticr. .':..,;■i, , \ !■ , .*.'. I'Niii-

A Ran ran fir flaadarfc-a. It >•«,)■ pal ■ <'i'nal>|)a(l' nil KrXinn, Kill r ■•(■■*>■. (fa atailkar*, LlvarCamplaland*. KaUrU

A lei'ivmndii or Riti-m-i,i« laken m iK-d'lm* 1* H .-ii In- f.. Or ii- II "Ii i

all d i't< ■il'C ll"i].[.„„lii|.,..r;,

"•' I ffl^nif oj Kil'. II . mi « ■■ ].,i HI kino'mill. n,. „,, lig (o aaj ,ilt|r«*« «,. .o ,,,-,■, l of

* i: iiii.i:.,trlUr, R. i-


JPHOSPHATEi I Made from BONK, BlOOn and I

POTASH l thor-mnhiT reliable anil ooi- fe form in condition an.I quality. The fol- 1 Inwinif valuea by Stale t, are I'S b.i»eil on an.nlysea i.f the I'hoaph.ite "a J

. I"und indifrertiHtp.iiUdfjjew kni(l:in*i: fll By Dr. Ooesimann, of Hiiaa ,. Sin. ir, I

t Hy Prof. Hlan,,i,d.ofN. II S;l«.nt» 1 f By l-rof. Sabdi, »f Vt S30.0* I & Thia ahow« the I' tn ha fully J


KULT k 00-, ICtf UKALEKS. OlQd aritb Qugbe k Min-.a,..■■;[ Ifase:



t. Kl ,)iiU:t\ * .JbUdJUN. APfttA^

BUS, BEAL E3TATB ACJBMTS, Lawreao«,4aia. Psrsoaalattenilntilo allbua

Z' k Besl


(jr.u %: OMoa 't.iiin. 4 L

G. A. Plummer CO..


Saturda.- November IS, An4 Durln, NUI WMlU


M M k\m AT

$29.00. 100 :—AT—

S35.00. Tna*»' are unhenr-1 of pelces for the

r-usittr, »i<l we *«>k ev-ry Indy In New ICnsl-titf! who wlf het for A slylish, sen- •iMn. ihirables-vriii-nt fi»r A mmlerittr price to call and axamlna them.

53! Washington St, B03TOS.

Heit to Bnslon Theatre.


Wfb ;i"nn«Tfra;-'' Antthlna rtrllrMfnl to OM HD-

Tru-la Mark "WOOD'S" rniK 11.A voni NO


ISKLECTKD BI'ICEs. il Ko forreptlon of th* fjdaUcacYof larraTBaasi . '-■ , ,.i,i aiK'iiMib of ' nillnncU In erary are iintryeanbaoM aicr;,£ by " parlanoa.

'JJ.VrM'Dallghtwi „. *lli|.|lipi.nhivlli7*.lnc.l» • Abaeluta 1'ui ity uud


OBilsTliS ADD HOLIDAY Wines SL Cigars

of I arrlgM an.. I. I.i.illula ...i,l tba Old li.taii.

The thole rat brand' Doaacatle Minn. I Iqnoi Clcara, may be fmiiid al Ubed Star* ol

JOH* L. 8TEVENBOM A CO. I &>B> * F*MI.'II. | .i i, IQOAU.


M% traaMtltlaa (a aaUt Cmstasswa-


CUKE !_C0KE! A Cheaper Fuel than Wood or €oa!

THE LAWRENCE GAS CO. in triiiiiit UIIKK al the 10II0WI&R pneca i

PerGaat<iroaoflibbk.,diUTarca %t fit, 7 » J ■

Tar bsrrti, •• •■ ,f

^■-•■.rt must be tintthe offlceoi ih-romi'-r! ""* M EasMBl.,»TBii tbeccka pa.,1 jor attbi



I CURE FITS! Oat*. lit

>. 1 I'.'-I.IBY ^r eiij,isa

|,.iii.ill-c',„ii,,,l. .nj l.i;t.nrt jnn, IIHl llr. II. 0. IUHVr. III I', .il St., H.W Vuk.

1 WluL PAY $2.50 PER DAY T<> all ffi.o MOta I >r me ■ t h -n e T-nnin I can

!■■ it 'i'I in jay •■•■ re. m- STE«0Y FMPlOVftrNT, Llch',

P'». Sit Work * Dead Puatot 1 aril tn W. IV.

I.l.lll.l III, , III

qONSUMPTlON limi a Mlllia raiiMU| I"' u« III'I ul*.*—; 'if Ii* ui

li In Ii afll.-.r7, i- :■ .in-. - y.1.

I.lrr,r. Ol™ KL

,/■> .1.1, A 66,, 10 3.]

Are ibaCIIKAV-KlST and IU -'i i 1 Mil..

BEN. Snne nuninr antho.i' B-uiarkan.rjon^Mi.Niin.1

('"" iiji«ili»i.|caibl'.iir. I'll I'lillHt'il.y, Iflok Mr*., "Ii"l 'oinfiirl.lhitwrairi Lli.i.

fe«v,»':?,a;ii,,.'--*?*''s.iff.,viV'fliVit aa»*w*aM fct KITri-i •* -Ur- -/.-.

Addreaa nTV. ATTWOOlY * ri> '.""' Mnraeryman. OKNEVA, N^ T.

COI.LEOK. MTVARK. NKWjERSEV. lcetip'ea lh-. BjUMlHIti t nrj-'-« ""il BXt. Mnra I"!'!"!", f .Ttnl.-i1 1 1. 1 • 1 l..r -rln>oTn


I the Mil Powders. " Royal" the only absolutely pure baking pow-

der made—Action of the New York State Board of Health.*

Under tho direction of the New York State Board of Health,

eighty-four different kinds of baking powders, embracing all tho

brands that could be found for sale in the State, were submitted

to t ■Lamination and analysis by Prof. C. F. CHANDLEB, a Mem-

ber of the Stato Board and President of tho New York City

Board of Health, assisted by Prof. EDWABD G. LOVE, the well-

known late United States Government chomist.

The official report shows that a largo number of the powders

examined were found to contain alum or lime; many of them to

■uch an extent as to render them seriously objectionable for use

in the preparation of human food.

Alum was found in twenty-nine samples. This drug is em-

ployed in baking powders to cheapen their cost. The presence

of lime is attributed to the impure cream of tartar of com-

merce used in their manufacture. Such cream of tartar was also

analyzed and found to contain lime and other impurities, in aome

samples' to tho extent of 33 per cent of their entire weight.

All the baking powders of the market, with tho single excep-

tion of "Royal'' (not including tho alum and phosphate powders,

which were long since discarded as unaafo or inefficient by pru-

dent housekeepera) are made from the impuro cream of tartar of

commerce, and consequently contain lime to a corresponding


Tho only baking powder yet found by chemical analysis to

be entirely freo from lime and absolutely pure is tho " Royal."

This perfect purity results from the exclusive use of cream

of t?.rtar specially refined and prepared by patent processed

of the N. Y. Tartar Co., which totally remove the tartrato of

lime and other impurities. The cost of this chemically pure

cream of tartar is much greater than any other, and on ac-

count of this greater coat is used in no baking powder but

tli* "Royal."

Prof. LOVE, who made the analyses of baking powders for

tho New York State Board of Health, as well as for the

Government, says of the purity and wholesomeness of "Royal":

"I have tested a packago of 'Royal Baking Powder' which

I purchased in the open market, and find it composed of pure

and wholesome ingredients. It is a cream of tartar powder of

a high degree of merit, and docs not contain either alum or

phosphates or any injurious substances.

"E. G. LOVE, PH.D.,"

* [NOTE.—For full details of tbe official action of the Now York Stato Board

of Haaltli ou tbe subject of Halting Powders, soo Annual Report of the Board,

_transmlttod to the QoTsrnor, Febrnary 8,1B82, pages 559 to 583 inclusive. ]

, Further

Piano & Op tain. Mrs. C. N. HOMAN

will receive upII* al 2f)0 Eaaex Mtruet, Lnwrrure D IT or evenlna;. through the entlr l .|...nni...II .-anlx' nlitalnel at h. Dim ATKism.w.a Wiliiacrei

Fistula AND


nre. tin lured wttbeai lie n»o <.j tt.t "mr-, WILLIAM KKALMM

4. HKAi>. ftfc ■>., Uar.ard lfW IT4M Uoosa, WSTre ■nmi t)i., Koelon, treat fib nil A, P1LK«, ANU al.L (.I-KA-HB Of THK flat'

I I'M without (Icton'on trnn, "lalnaaa. kelereanai a1v«n lor a paaiphlit. Offl . noun II a. ■>. tut u. m., ai

■VI MlU) rla -


Cold In the Head,



'■■ !■:. nflclura. I

FuraMrc, Trom Twenty Five Cent* to

i lino Hollars,

*A^r^n?nTHo J11* M t0 WH-7M. DRS. C. D. & M. E. BRUDE, "*■■»■•« «**», L.™....

»»» Eaaca Street, Liwnlt*, BXIHAOl 1NO. - Uft < TS.

■ r.'l all nil.i r wnit ai lewral | , ,, At i...( ,.


Be e«i

e thacinaoo liyoi alii r wo k

SOLID 7'l.! NO RISK 11

L«« Nbar lema'acltie l< a. ii- ll, anil DJ.,1111 'J'"1.

lem SI 00 'Our nwn inlrreal*. Lav nt'de roi, ,

pnjaitias ssvt aa¥j^ljaallll R ysssntsaj I P4gjB aft FOtS, Cratw, Nab.

nlmnreveifarna whlehare eoBaiani * .tin value. iBt«raa| cl.,,. wild. W.

i[. oij.anlpaia.HlaMar Turk laads. Car-

[uwioaw baeemaj44.


laJonrd by PhrSclantbecaiualt !■ TIIE DIST. OM bj tbouModa. II wffi cere TOO. No opium ii. It. HMbani. jou can conquer thai drea.irnl loe CBOTJP, wllh It It la parfcetl/aafe. n»te lion band, anil cave the child. Over bot- tlaaaold- II■■been lnmec for nor«th*.n TWEHTI IUBS, SOLDBTDBL'OGWTS.

.leani)uariers tor Sale Horses. A la-*a aaeortnieni nf Rorera eoBx'ani]* o

UN*D» fI-Vo"n?re - *"**"'! ■"Was Mcured - ' ne ftrload of gala Hones Ar

Irad to-rtaj rrorn Montreal.

A. N. BEAN. Franklin House Stable*.



Ma. BLAIKI puts an eutl to tbe silly

stones «enl out concerning his altitmte

towards tbe atituiniatratlon, by rnakinp

nn informal friendly call upon l'tvai-

deot Clerelanil.

THR SKMTKKCK to tbe peniteDtlsry

of two of tbe Dotoriont ballot box rob-

bers in Chicago, will be a source of

genuine graiideation to honest man ol

all classes the oomtt-rr o-ver ; ttrerw

never been a more bold scbeme to de-

fraud tba people out of the righ'ful ex

|;evasion of their will.

IK COBKA a woman is not supposed

to have any iudividual existence. She

is spoken of as the wife, or mother or

daughter or sister of some man. In

thia country it is quite the reverse

Many of our public married women

use their own given aames and ibe ex-

istence of a husband la a raattur ol


Tm MANNKIE in which our neighbor

of the Sentinel drags Mayor Simpson

into the controversy over the printing

of ibe auditor's report, is utterly gratu-

itous ; that official acted with the com-

.niitee in the absenoe of alderman

Dyer, by request, aud his action we

believe lo have been straightforward

from first to last.

TUB DiePATCu ol three vessels of

war lo tbe MM of Guatemala, is

indication that ibe state department

intends that the interests of this gov

ernment are to be closely looked after ;

tbe assumption of dictatorship by Bar-

rios may lead lo complications with

our country which will be serious, and

it is well to have s naval force a* hand.

THE TxLtOBAii Is right;- our demo

(•relic morning cot«wporar«> abused

Councilmau Murphy without stint, and

approached blllhgsgate in its com-

ments on President Abbott, of tbe

common council. Now that Murphy

has succeeded in giving it a j->b of

printing, he is declared very near

Demoaiheuea," and the president who

gave him tbe opportunity, is looked

upon by tbe Hopping organ, as a little

tin god on wheels.

x vfttes for United States acnator, In tho IlllkuU legislature,yesterday, resulted In chiilw.

peaceful solution of the Afghan frontlet question Is hoped for In diplo- matic drcit-s.

Latetulrlce* from Snaklm, last ntalit, report lu E'tixageRiuflt between the con- t*!tirlln|t forces.

Ac'djb preparations are being matte in CssnrsTAnietlea to resist the attempted usurpation of President Barrios.

Ttie St. Domlnlck Catholic Church In Waalilnju-in. 1). l\, wax (Ismi-,"-*.! to tbe extent of fIOO.000, by are. yesterday.

The half-breedpopnlatlonof the Nortl west terrt ory or British America »r* n ported to >,- on the verge of a rebellion.

A frreat council, to assemble at Pektn, ts announced to determine, the question of peace or war between Krau.ce aud Chlua.

The Pamcll party perslHt In demanding that the attitude of the Irl»h people to- wnrils ttie Prince of Wales should uot be corolal.

President Cleveland sent a formal de- mand to the Senate yeaterday, for the Ni- caragua and Spanish treaties, but tbe Sen- ate hail siljuurued.

Itackln and Gallagher, convicted of election frauds In the eighteenth ward of Chicago, have been sentenced each to two years Imprisonment and a Hue or lo'XM each.

No material change occurred tu the UYMi-ni railroad strike yesterday ; freight trains are st|ll delayed at many points, the engineers declining, on request of tin1

strikers t-> move them.

About a doien more heirs of the Law- relict; Towuley estate, valued at #.100,1 MX).. 000, have turned up, and Mr. Clarence Seward, of New York, whose wife la one of the number, Is prosccutliig tbu claim.

The Culled States senate, yesterday, considered, without, however, taking ac- tion Uereon, the Van Wyck resolution, directing the Secretary or the Iuterlor and the Attorney Ueiiersl to take steps to prevent the sales of lands granted to tne State of Klsrlda to aid In the construction of railroad In that State.

Saturday. Geu. Qrnnt had another uncomfortable

day yesterday.

President Seeiye or Amherst College, Is expected to recover.

Trade dollars are worth 84 cents each st the l'hllsddphls mint.

Mr. Bla'ne paid lili respects to Presi- dent Cleveland yesterday.

A 9711.000 residence at Tarry town, N. Y., was burned yesterday.

The water gas hearing at the State Mouse was cotnluued yenterday.

The emigration from Ireland tu 1884 fell off uearly forty thousand.

ll Is reported that Italy's relations with (jcrmany arc somewhat clouded.

Pope & Coal, metal dealers at Baltimore, have failed for one million dollars.

Gov. KoblusoL's Past Day proclamation la Issued txlay. The date Is April S.

Major General Thomas II. Neal, U. 8 ,. retired, died ou Thursday at Phila-


Tho Missouri Pacific Railway Company has restored the former rate of wages to Its employes.

Tho Senate committees are announced. Seuator Sherman refused to serve ou the Fiuauce Committee any longer.

The Irish members of Parlliracnt have Issued an address, counselling their ountry men to receive the Prlucv of Waius II silence.

A French man-of war hca detained an' English steamer and subjected her to search on susplclou that she was convey* lug lead to Chtua.

A sensation was created In the llazen court martial yesterday by a statement ouceruiug ex-Secretary 0r War Lincoln,

made by BUM a counsel.

City Marshal Moore or Gloucester has resigned because or Ills Inability to get along harmoniously with the Mayor. Ills

icceasor Is Capt. Robert Tarr.

The Mexican Government lias taken a decided stand against tl<e pretensions or Geu. Barrios, who assumed military inaml or the live Central American re- publics.

Mrs. Emma Hudson, whoae operatl< Huston are pretty familiar to su

elllzeus of the Hub, has beeu arrested lu k for pursuing the same game

carrletl on here. arrest of the Fenian agitators In

Paris lias caused a big sensation. They were taken to the French frontier yester- day and warned not to return. They went to Belgium.

It Is reported that the French Govern- ment considers s inarch upon Pukiu im- perative, and will shortly ask for a grant of leu million dollars to provide for the dispatch of twaatf-lvf thousand men to China.

Gladstone announced in the Honsc of Commons yesterday that a peaceful understanding had been mode with Russia

the Afghanistan <-n.< Vu ad- vances are to lw made by either nation ou the Afghan froutler.


Daniel Ford Is tinder arrest at Lowell charge with murdering his Infaut stepson.

King John of Abyssinia is reported to be setting out fin- Khartoum with au ar-

v or l&.uoo DUO. The dispute between England and Ger-

many ou the steamship subsidy question ' virtually settled.

Suukini advices, published In London yesterday, announced the capture or Kas- ssia and the massacre of the garrison. The news, however, Is uot believed by the government.

The Secretary or the Navy, In view of the threatened military dictatorship of President Barrios In Central Amerleji, has ortlercd three. American war vessels to that coast to protect the interests of the United Stat-..s.

General Hatch ataies that the Okla- homa Iniomers have postponed tie luva-

lou of tin- Indian Territory until to-Uay. he posipouement was determined upon

ceipt of the President's pro- Army ofllcers think that the

luvaders will uot disband.

It has been discovered that Zchchr Pasha, Gen. Gordou's favorite and best trusted general, was a traitor, and has for a loug time bten In league wllh El Mahdl. He has been airestetl fur treasonable con- piracies against the authority of the

Miti.iii aud will be luterred tn the Island or Cyprus.

Secretary I.nmar has directed the chief clerk sod Hiiperiuteudcut or t,hc Interior l>epaiiineut lo sell all the Dorses, car- riages and equipments which are the prop-

■'t/ of the Iuterlor Department, except bo i.'Mscd for trucking purposes, the

yi oceans of said sale to be covered Into me Treasury.

The conference at St. Loula, Mo., yes- terday, liet ween the leadtug officials of the Missouri Pacldc Railway Company aud the goveruors and other representatives

, of the States of Missouri ami Kansas re- ters with the Romans. Drennns him- ' suited In an agreement to pay their strik-

ing employes the same wages they wers receiving In September last, and tu rein- state theui In thslr old positions.

CABL Scarjfez declined to salt for tne retention of a clerk in one of tho de- portments, on the ground that it was not s part of the work ot the inde- pen- enls lo favor individuals; thai they ahould be content in the advo- cacy of priniiplea governing retention n i II1..-C, and iliat when they rntered nto individual advocacies, they de-

parted i.-o-n their high plane. This is a pretty theory, but suppose there is an effort to remove a clerk, in absolute defiance of civil aervice rules? It is a preliy poor position that argues for certain principles and then refuses lo stand up for their enforcement.

TUB CoiH'LsiKTs agsinst monopolies by railway corporations, and charges of Height discriminations, aru not con- fined to ibis country. In England, at tbe last Kent Chamber of Agriculture some revelations were lately made which evoked the bitterest reflections on the English railway companies. Ii was shown that a ton of hops sent from Faversham to London coats 33s. lor carriage ; from Flushing, Holland, only 20s. Potatoes are delivered in London from Cherbourg, France, at 80s. per too; from Pcnxance tbe charge is-Us. A ton of Cheshire cheese from Cheshire coils 42s. 6d., but (torn America a ton of cheese is brought for Ms,

Tux ROOM Kits of the far west, who arc attempting to invade the territory granted to the Indians, have received auother diasppoinlmcnt; they wee exceedingly vexed with the attitude ol President Arthur, sntl finding them- selves confronted by the United Stales M my, sullenly retired to the borders of Kansas, where they ware increasing their forces, awaiting tbe advent of a democratic president to afford them license to proceed in their unlawful schemes. But President Cleveland takes precisely tin- same course as did bis predecessor, and promptly Issues s proclamation that tbe proposed in- vasion will be resisted by the power of tbe government. Until Congress arrunges with ibe Indians for the dis- position of this territory to tbe nation, the while people must keep their bands off.

GOVERNMENT BT women, receives a good endotsement, and tbe advooalea of women suffrage a fresh argument, by a reference to ancient history ; in France, where this suktept Is under discussion, it is recalletTTiat Plutarch mentions that at one period lo its his- tory Gaul was governed by a Senate of women; and Seinle-Foix, in his work on Farisiau antiquities, roalo- si ;s Hint so long as this system of

government lasted, tbe Gauls bad

self was but the lieutenant of these ladies. When the Droids wieeted the supreme power from tbs hands of the women, Ihe glory of the Gaul began to decline, and tba Romans soon reduce;!

J the country to subjection.


ptlora (or flr.t-ctma furnltura can found atfStier a Co.'a, tl Tw SI WaafiisfWn St.


It la the most natural turns; In the world

for men lii-h In office to have relatives near them, but we were not quite prepared for the Habdl's uncle.

The Russian question thus resolves It-

self: If Kngtand occuplea and fortifies Herat will the Russians take offense there- at? If ao, who will she Are atT

When meutiou la made of the carnival to take place lu B ston In April, It should

be called the soldiers* and sailors'carnival, as the sailors come In for the benefit on signal terms,

lu Heading, I'a., a stranger, having se- cured hospitality at the residence of a

wealthy widow, exploded a safe in the hoase at midnight expecting to secure a large sum of mouey.

Congressman-elect J. D. Richardson of Tenneaaee stands uearly seven feet high In his stocking reel.

Both housej of the Dakota legislature have passed the woman BUffi-age bill.

It has been settled deflultfly that the next national encampn.ent of the Oraod

Army of the Republic will be In Portland, He.

It Is understood that President Cleve- land will follow the same course lu rela- tion to the protection of the Oklahoma

lauds from Invasion that President Arthur pursued.

James Ballsrd, the oldest man in Salem, died yesterday, In his »6th year.

It Is reported that prominent Fenians

lu l'-irls have been arrested aud ordered to leave France.

The magnitude of the cattle business at

the west Is illustraUd hy the fact that one single range |n Wyoming comprises a million acres.

It doea not seem to be Just the thing to

call Mr. Burdettc tho "Hawkeyo humor- ist." It sounds as if he bsd sore vytm.

It Is doubtful If ex-mayor Powderly of

Scranioa, Pa., would be allowed to visit F.nvlaud, as he was oisde lu this country

and la known to be a friend <f libor. Thus far, however, be has boon conaid- cn-ii a harmless explosive.

Mr. G. R. Sinning of Ooodell, Pa., sent

a sermon In favor of Col. Irgersoll to a Sunday newspaper, the editor of which

refused to publish It because tt lacked originality. Now the champion of hetro-

doxy Is In doubt which Is more mortlfylug to be "sinned againat" or Sinning.

Buffalo now rejoices In SI skating rinks with aeveral new ones under way.

Mr. Blalne Is contemplating a forclgu tour of a year or two, as aoon as the second volume of his history is finished.

Dr. Burchsrd will now have unlimited opportunities for Rest, uReflection and Retirement.

The Mahdl has joined Bismarck, O'Don-

ovau rtoasaacd other dangerous persons in douollng his precautions against assassin- ation. Ho objects to good rules that wprk both ways.


—Henry T. Wing a Co. of this'city, lioddy manufacturers, have suspended.

Liabilities ei!5,D00.

■The earnings of the Boston & Maine

road a c reported as allowing a decided Improvement of late.

The Y. M. C. A. rooms, and the gymnasium have been supplied with the electric .Ight, and a large arc light pUued over tin: entrance to the rooms.

—The partial suspenaiou of work at the Atlantic mills Is caused by over-produc-

tion of their specialties. Tho corporation

Is hopeful of rc-opeulng at an early day.

— I coucert aud sociable will bo glveu under tbe aupices of Hearts of Oak lodge

No.tt294, I. 0.0. F.,M. U., at Unity Hall 89 Appleton street. Thursday (Fast Day) cveulng, April 3d.

—It la seml-offlclally announced that In tbe spring the Boston 4 Maine railroad

will run direct trains from Salem to Havcrblll, aud an early train from this city to Havcrhlll.

—At the stock sales In Boston on Saturday. Pacific Mills sold at »1545; At-

lantic, 104 1-3; McKay and Blgclow Heeler, lu 8-4; Bostou and Maine H. R.,

178 1-2; Bostou and Lowell, 110 I-a.

—Many people in our city will be glad

to know that Miss Kate Field, the well known author aud lecturer, Is aoon to de-

liver her lecture ou the -'Mormon Monster"

In this city. Miss Field 1. to-day tbe most

popular lady lecturer on the platform.

—The fifty-sixth annual meeting of the

Essex county teachers association will be

held In Abbot Hall, Marblehead, on Fri- day, April third, the day following Fast. Mr. Chas. F. King of the Lewis

School, Boston, will give "Fingers and

Eyes," a finely aud fully Illustrated and

practical paper. Oeo. A. Walton of the

BHUe Board will present "School Exami- nations in Essex Co; Their Great Lessons." Other live topics will be presented by live £saex Co. teachers.

The Coming Fast Day. The followlug In Governor Robinson's

proclamation for Fast Day :—

In the fear of the Lord Is strong con- fidence, and his children shall have a place

refuge," tin every hand come proofs his wisdom anil power, overruling the

ts of Individuals uud directing thodes- lies of states. It is fitting, therefore, that the people,

st this season of the year, wl*h one accord turn uahle from the ordinary vocations aud pleasures, and. In observance of time honored custom, acknowledge their de- pendence up n Almighty God for the in numerable blcsnlutfs he has vouchsafed, and in reverent humility neek his mercy.

With the advice aud consent of the Hindi, 1 hereby appoint TMIIIKDAY, the

SKCOND DAY of APRIL next, as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer.

Let the people throughout the Common- ealih unitedly implore forgiveness for

their alus. and let them dedicate their lives In thr highest con-ecratlon aud de- voutly make supplication for tbe continu- ance of divine favor and protection i—

That we may be that people whose God la the Lord;

That relief may come to the distressed, unfurl to the afflicted, and hoj>e to the

downtrodden and despairing; That Integrity, uprightness. Bound

morality and pure religion may every- where prevail, to the elevation of man and to the advancement of the Slate;

That every form of vice and wrong may bring a sense of deep contrition, and rouse to vigilant activity the aoblest Instincts of thasoul;

That our beloved Commonwealth, reared and perpetuated by ths fatbsra, may stand before the world the highest Ideal In human government of Justice, equality and freedom for all;

And that the guidance of Infinite love and Intelligence may be universal!* recog- nised In full obedieuce to God's holy and beneficent law,

20,690,506 BOTTLES OF

WARNER'S "SAFE" CURE Or,Warner's SAKE Ktfney and Liver Cure (Us former tlUaj).

80LD TO FEBRUARY 1st, 18851

No other Compound on earth can show a similar record, and no Phy*icran i Detter one.

The highest Medical Authorities, pronounce It tbe only known Speeille lor Kidney, l.lver ami I riunry iliseusen; thai ft lias no equal niamOoD f>»d thattt ta the b at <-afeWuard against contagious diseases, both mute ami chronic, keeptuer thm Kidne a -.nd ' iy»i— the great organs of the body - tu healty condition, disease then being Impossible.

For the m.tny distressing ailments ofdelicata Ladies- ft ha* no equai.

We cm furnish over One Hundred Thousand voluntary Testi- monials similar to the following.

Read them for the good of yourself, your family and your friends.

Note the fol'owlng, showing how this vast number 01 bottles was distributed, as evidenced by our aalei-fbooke.

Boston, 936.842 B. F. I AKUAlUCE. BBS. . IB CiM-uer Iqusia,

Boal n, SUM., in llt;'> wai gircai «p h\ »«T. eral pioiuiiii ni »o«lan l*hy*lrlaun >■ Irae-ar- abU/iom bilgbi' SMS. Ha took orm btfitlca «f Waiii-i'i Bars Care, lo 18-til, ami <>.". a lt*>l wn.t i thai in* "ssur* waa as i latna*at •• anrprt■!■•(,>'

Providence, 128,947 a. w. rui.i-oN, r; ,,, t- .rt -.1, ts< I for tea rears from irriani kladdri- ,1 »■ il. ,»ainlb«ifM.minoao|i ui.u; Is IsSi he *l 14 I.OIili-iofWariLCr'a aUraC-iir, an I re

oovrr-r<)b i natural weWht and mid: "leo-aald- trmyni'lf mil foi a rats of li." tieieiaiHi Mitn. if-i. >•«■ knU, "1 have had no tjmpnm- of kiioer itisorder iloea ins:, sad U N.d I - ta olJ rely apou f ArS Cure."

Portland. MB., 330,829 SZ-OUV. It T JiCUB, Weipori, Kr- Is

1891, tluriai a poll1 cal ctitv, bd-Kh gate waj Bed aaaprokl-atril wllhairera kidney tumli .-, I.oat SO pound* of a«ak. Uaid Warnai-V -i-KK Oi'i' in IN-;, 'lint mi" i. isai. wiit-a:*'l hart arvtr rujoyrd In tt. r lnolili, -a I OWlnl to W :u n. ■ '•■ -AU. Cure.'"

Bal.ofN.Eg., 331,315 . r Bulirr HOS.N. A.PLYHn'US (H.

catupaWn, af Woroeatir, kla > , I" Hay, 1SS0 wai pruaii-atrd bv kldaev SSttSi raaied l>r itm paa afa ul aniv 1 fioa tba kid aa? a to tha U dder. Its tin n I-« m ti'loa; War asi*« 1-jtrr. Cuia, aad la a >b n t m- paaaad • ia-Be i' sod a omuli n or >mnller • aea lino l"th, 1-fl Mr. Pljmptin asjaui "■ have hart aa recarrsNes *t m> old trouble due. Wan ei'. .iAr.. i;n rriircil nto."

New York State, - 3,053,080 us* J II. t>h.m< ri..N, tin Mora<o arms

[. r-oiilr.. Uo.. in 1-4, SJPMlai "I liavr boon lu delicatr hrallli for many ) tar. i nut W« .

i -']>: Cms in i'I■i ni r mi plclnre *t hrallh." .line I'd. SSI. rl.S *>rut I ".Wj- lirallh baa linn good tur the laat two jrsars."

(hicago, 2,181,520 OUa^.K. iT*i'Hiesa,orLouimls,aT..aav.

13, IBSJ. wroio: "*Tbsa an dissbicr «as las yaar* or ass *b* was acr oualy sttaoktd or as- ir.uin ki iney dltordar. tbo r-rojisrsd latapa ranly. bul a Tnr a«o wai B|ala proaiiaf d. flbo wa awooll •■ to Iwto-s har ualarral alas, had freqnc'ai hoadachoa, aauata. sad otbar ii-vun.-i BiaiSMpI or ill, di-ord r. All hsr l.iiul.t lllr jihy.lrUiti aajrssS that aha could i.oi reoavar. Hor otas and trsalnsat Wdrr ii I -KiMiiii >l los I««W l'arh apaelalUt, who aalat rnovcrj- waa linpoaatbla. l-aal 4us »' wa ii|iu io irsai bar "ur«l»*», sad o.w, wasllf uiioujb tha latucaos ot Waraatra iiraCure, *h> l*a)ipareatir as w II as s-aar." Min'mbi'i. nil, tie «.y»: "Mr dmujatar la ap- piranlli In parftol urallh."

Detroit, 635.210 THE I:KV. AMIKKVV J UBSHA1 (I'- ■•>.

;.an i ifiin.i N.ii, iii iSSl, *a -praaaauasaa (■tally nick wild lii 'Kill'* IMasaaa. tiU cosdt- lion, h at r.wai d«*iarata. aid ta> ooidd sM aa rrllrr from ^hytltlaua. Uo tbaa Jbllow- •>l Wainr.'-sars Uura rraiis-'rl. aad July T, 1-ni. ni>wiot'-- * All lacal traablt has «Usaf» prarrd. Uiit talma no. BIS ,lcise lor aemily a

Milwaukee, 344,171 s. V. II KS-, iux:h -aloi, N. V , lie wall toowa

■.rui.-.i in mu -.,<• uri-r, tiiroe yrara sao, took »■ y lie I. mli-n ol Wirnir'i Han Cura for

liver dltordar, ant Atif'Sl I0tb, ISM, be ra- Oil "1 conanla- mi.air rttlljr tarw, Bad cr illt la wholly due to Wuasi'fl SAFS

M nnesota, 486.013

Pennsylvania. 1,365.914

v.. W UtkMli.TuN, ailtoa, 'atila Moaa Ua,, li..'.nil*- I'll-, last, wr.iit that "lour -nan n-" aajr wllb W*B mffhr ng «l h llvar H.rnin.ii.t »i.i Ii i.'.i' n-il bar to a akalrtata. Iliad i -tora lli.a I; |nontiua'«0 hur «_« . Hrtbt'S nasasS ol tnu bUSOpS. sod la»rablf. Saw men -II .i U bet Ira of Waniai'a -ara cai-a, sad n !• been tn |i»-/*ii h - ■ i n- a-fer Btasa. Saw aaw *r r"- ""• pouuda, win re lo-marly aha was aa< li'ion. Ifarsw'a »*.ra Guts will atsSt a |i, ol ourt alway* U Uhaa by dtraai

Hal. N. IV. Mates, • 1,400,362


HARD TIMES WITH YOU Resort to the Remedy that Nine-tenths

(9-10) of Sufferers Require, thereby Saving Continuous Debility and

Expensive Medical Attendance. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.

Cl vpland. 511.914 i St. tools, I. H Ul Wi

Ml. | W.I

... ....

1,222,895 JOS "I'll JaUUUiCl, S<| , St. a laat, Vt., ta | B-.V. JfcUKI SUWIN, Memo lilt otloisier,

Jtauary, ISTr, wtaukrn .k-.inT-t-ly Blok « Hi WM K U n. S'. V . <••> loag to t aeil' IU BilBbl'a DdessasftbekMeSlSi He t-pal b:. tul. | w li or tha pi "data glaaid [m -SUB run inlounlr bnaiedi-ml a*em*d to bo be- ■ *ery olutinale dianrj-r). !■ ISSl, lit bagaa lbs yaad tha power or I lie beat pbyalrlana. uae of Warner't -*ri Cars, ami Jnnt S3 b, ISSl, llHlirn ii" L HI lint .■■ iii WanuV. SAW t era, , wrols "1h« rellel oblalaed two ywmrn ai* wit ■•■•' ircd btSJ lo !.■■ '1 ll. Jai nary |.t, IM.%, | proved |in inmiriil | phyelrlana ttprtu elfhl yeart aftrnvarda, be wr> IS: "I Merer i icreal rurprlae," •adored better htaltb iSSny Ilia llitu 1 do ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ — ■■■■ ■■ , o^.iinll um It nil.o Waine-'a SAKS I.' I KlllCaC f I W LQR IQt*sir eared of BrUM't Di.t-tas- |r.3BMSliy, 3110,033

\..n> is-l >N. Laoklngtoa.Ohla, Sept. SS, tUled ibal ler ihi ly yaara hs had laSersd

torture* with dvapepaU,ba li wat rureil bv lbs uat ol Waiuei'a "JPB Curs. Dee. mb, 18-1, IV Barn -I tooa at or to boUles of Wai ner*a 84FS Cure, and II has aarar IbUad loaop an. Mnii'imiK if my old ooiai'lalat If Iks* 1.1 i- , ■ ■. mr health Is (oad."

Cincinnati, 11. .1. WnltliU 1 . Ol Ulitlllf. rt,

waa piotl'tied wllh Biubi'* DIseateel nejr, a d under ihe Iiril trraimeoi pr w w. rie. j •Ma ihe'xUioe ot ilorrrnor llrtw't alater, 1 Ijei .n ».. urti I'h Km hato no* l>

ican e.uni Drew or .1 , , m, S'Hh, lasi.tsit: 'Mr. Won. firs rue S'SBlr-ibtl'le'ine in V and I uthe it- tnalj Iwdarat

'a SAk-a Uuie, «lk in' ti. mu Hf.i-uif or ii-:i'i'i. i; rured about four years, anil '

a. niUai III'MH." t.m.i. I lilt. Apill

'a sate aod oure tner'aSirsCuie,

Bal.Ohio, (State) - 414.869;r;l'.'";"™.r."':

. S. W States. - 635,092 >. H. VIM.KV. r:«.j., 01 Bi ad ford, ra., la MSI*

sraart-rrarMiaalyMAl of •xlrenit kidiey dbv miler and rh< umntlain, and jrta luallTT araw

I'll) .)• !■■•• I>. li.B unablr tn aaalat Sirs Care*

'•My I

IH1S.M. A.Ct-AHK. K.i« liranby, C no.. In IsSl.aMSitterl-r naedwp wl.h cnna'l u bawl an I f. male r ini> ■ m. of Hie worn kinl. Been aleh Ua years, abd truil eterl'dp. In No. rrw *r, IBS-I.M.O role: "Warnfli'. H.r* Ui re etared ate fbttr yenra af*, and bat Sept me

Southern States, 'lUMSKTUhaHAM,'.


offered lor • ii yean tiotu lollaniatloii of the bladder and t rlrtuie. Nla phyal- • laui, a])relallala, -rare bint up to die. In llSl,liebe|jn Wtin.iV "AF" < ur . aed Ha conllnued n»e, h* Bar*, eSe. lot a compute cure Under ilale June ii ISSl. to aaya : "My ii. mm conilnutB "nod; h«« ««s«l »• SSS#» lelae alswe *i '■ ' . IBS"


bfltrr Iban lor lso yaart paat, and i -i eolt ia li. lini it has been for Sre yaara. Wbeti I catch cold and bare any fcinsey hou' I , I rraiine the «-e<tl In- aisln and lbs ra- Hot I li i i'ii' It |trrmaneat."

San Francisco, 932,210 JAsas [f, »m d null Pearl alrtat,

Alhan* N. V.. aunerleirndenl nf J*pter lr«B OS*, In IN'I, an (Tried from rrry atrlaaa kid- ney trouble i na ■ unni but ISO pound*; be BBad M bsUss nr Warner'a SAIS t.ora, sad Danem->er 8th. ISSl, be wrote: "That waa fully three yeart •«-.. I hare had na trouble ilnn, and I irel Sritcl.a* anl «H|k I'tf patada. i wanld not g> bach ta tha tluie of four year* apja for all tho dollars In the I nlted Mates."

Bal. Pacific Coast, - 624,237



Canada, All th*Te*tlmonlaie above given nre from oer-

aona who were PERMANENTLY CUHED aeveral years ago and remain so.

Smimm 7'/.\ *- , IEC|RITIES|MORTGAGE|


tajaeEr^awinal^fest ■rfwttvl YtiRf' EiPES'iEiiZi U mr >lotia In Ijw.ilna. Bta

wi hona; SI I>S1 B ssv uul-ir nade; work •nl r>* mail; ae...rl*nre, nil reqnlisd.

Albion Xanurut irlng Co.. dsdlst itvs tm, BMIM, af •

TO DEALERS. I in now nienif.Mo lurni»h a rery aliri

ItteSMMTO I»E*L!:at»*bo Will pnrchaie csrlaln amount u> Utmeol, mm

TUB BlgD coi ami* Ol a lUCt t 1-J fCSl high, |m tolura flame, plala, r l,i,* sad

riOl'OUNI) WEIGHT. M n n 11 ni rtdiitS B.

A. MAJOR, tat wa:iain Straat

Mew Tork gib*

Jsfas ivnn i,..tiiri * UEiTLEMRlf,

m> 10 oblral'in, US

m I

Lawrence American, LA WHENCE, MAHS.


i i

Weekly News Brevities. Tuesday.

East-bound freight rates have been re- stored.

The Eiu/llah goveniuieut Intend* to re- lieve Kaaaala.

THE I< I. period is prolonged to an extent lilnM. i Bopnoedealtdi and Jack Frost has done his work remarkably well this winter. In many place* on the Suaqueliann* it in MIA that the ice haa reached to the 1« il u( ihe river,

il uow people are praying Tor a grad- ual thaw Tor the sudden breaking up of the ice would do great damage. They .are proud ol lliwir gorgeoua scenery, but they don't want loo much gorge at once.

WHEN JoL'RXAi.isTitdobave a stroke of luck they usually ace and improve upon, and it la interesting to note in view of the position oow held by Mr. Secretary Manning, that the papers say that 17 years ago, at 40 years ol age, he was a reporter at the slate Legislature for the Albany Argus, Three gentlemen connected with the Argua died suddenly, nnd Mr. Man- ning by the help of friends, It Es «■ ported, came into possession of a con- trolling interest in the paper and thus he has made his way. We have often had occasion to note how many jour- nalists have taken their first upward step from the reporter's gallery of a legislature, and yet there are very tew comparatively who take kindly to such reporting. It needs juat Ihe talent which the secretary seems to have.

The French fleet la now ulsckadliiir Northern Chin*.

I'arueh'a latest pronnnclamento Is pro* 11 uu need treasonable.

The city of Wheeling, W. Vs., cauuot meet Its obligation*.

Gun. Black was yesterday couflnned Coniniiseloucr of Tensions.

Hon. Ueo. Uray Is to succeed Mr. Bay- ard in ttis I iilietl States Senate.

Coal la reported to have been discov- ered ia the very heart of Mexico.

A desperate battle between officials and outlaws La lu progress lu New Mexico.

Gen. Grant's mental agitation la now very great and causes hinimiich suffering.

The gunbeat Vantlc has been ordered to Gualaiuala to protect American intercut*.

The British Baptists object strongly to the cession of African territory to G< many.

The democrats were successful lu the municipal election in i'srtland, Me., yes- terday.

A atOO.OOu Are lu Hull, Eng., yesterday, destroyed the town hall among other buildings. *

The price of bread haa been Increased In Paris and the people are becoming dis- contented.

A man and a woman, suspected of rob, Carles, were lynched In Clay county, Neb. ou Burnley. J "

Joseph S. Miller, of West Virginia, wa. yesterday nominated Commissioner of In- ternal Kcvci

Edmund Yates won one libel suit yes terilay and was at once served with pa. para in another.

The Dublin Corporation, yesterday yoted not to nsMsi an addreaa to tJie iTluce of Walea.

The city of Panama was attacked by revolutloulaia yesterday morning, and tin result is unknown.

Cupt. Jaa. A. Johnson, who has rounded naps Horn thirty-three times, died at JJauvers, yesterday,

The Mexican government states that it proposes simply to protect its own fron- |lst against Barrios.

An uprising of the people in Cochin China baa resulted in the murder of a number of foreigners.

A deputation from the Women's Chris- tian Temperance Union called on the mis- tress of i in; White House yesterday.

The Massachusetts House of Represent atives filibustered yesterday on the Stale House DtstaWKjf bill, butcaaictonoliual decision.

The Missouri Taciilc strikers refuse to return to work, despite the company1

concession to their views. They will doubtless, yield to-day, as trains are mo< Ing on most of the roads.

Southern democrats think they hat. found a fatal flaw In the regulatloua af the Civil Service Commission, and will endcavot to so reform things that ex-sol- diers of the , Confederacy may obtain clerkships. Wetluesilay.

It is again reported at Suaklra that Kassula has fallen.

Canon Waukjurd is to BUcceed Cardinal Ledoci'jowskl as Archbishop of Posen,

It Is reported thst Germany Is ready to act as mediator between France and China.

Lord Wolseley is belfltf urged for gov- ernor general of the Soudanby the British officials at Cairo.

The supreme court of Iowa haa affirmed the constitutionality of the prohibitory llijUor law of that Ntate

Fear la expressed in London for the safety of Sir 1'eter Lumsdeu and the few British soldiers with him lu Afghanistan.

Ex-Senator McDonald of Indiana had a protracted conference with President Cleveland yesterday, the nature of which has not yet transpired.

The United States senate yesterday adopted a resolution providing for a special committee of five to consider and report on the question of Interstate coni-

The President's proclamation is believed to have had a restraining effect on the Oklahoma Invaders, and their proposed laid Into thu territory will probably not be attempted.

The Panama revolution has collapsed, the Insurgents withdrawing from the city. The rebels have also been defeated

, In the interior, two of their generals being killed and nearly all the men made prison- ers.

Mr. Tarnell created a sensation In the British house of commons on Mondaj^by announcing that an agreement existed be- tween the government and the nationalists regarding u triennial redistribution of the Irish constabulary.

The steamship Berkshire of the Balti- more Hue collided with the steamer Frost- burg near Baltimore yesterday morning and was sunk. No lives were lost, , and | be some thousands of dollars licher.

engcrs were remt city in tugboats.

The Central American question wasdli cussed lu Cabinet council yesterday, and •Secretary Bayard lias communicated the chairman of the foreign affairs com- mittee the action thus far taksn by the government to protect the rlghta of the United State-

Consume the Pmrker strr.i School House in South Lawrence.

FnOM THE accounts of female suf- frage in Washington territory, we clip the following, which appeared in the

Sprague Herald, showing in what a happy I mm j of mi*id ihe citizens and citfxenesses of some poriioua of our country found themselves after elec- tion:—

"The Indies of Sprague aro deserv- ing of special meution for the good work and elllcient aid lliey gave on election day toward rolling up the ma- jority we got for our ciiy. * • Kvery few minutes carriages tilled with ladies would be driven up to the polls and the fair occupanta appieciating the importance of iheir righls and duties, would form in line aud present iheir tickets to the ins(>ector. It was a gala day for Sprague; beauty and duty combined to aid us in the etrug- gle for seeunug the coveted prixe (the county seat." Some l:\uun women voted for member of congress, and young Voorhees (dem) owes his elec- tion to the female voters."

Oin 0f the moat extraordinary acts of the year, is that or the aldermen in dropping Mr. Bell from the Spicket Commission ; the illness of Mt. Harry,

who was chosen by the aldermen, need not come into the controversy. Mr. Hell was the only lawyer upon the Board; the mechanical work of the

Commission is approaching completion, and the most importnnt duties remain- ing to tin' Board, are in the adjust- ment of land claims and settlement ol

controversies involving legal consider- ations. Mr. Bell's tastes and talents lie in just this direction ; he has made

a careful nod painstaking examination of the legal points involved, and Irom this time forwnrd Ids nervices will be invaluable to the city. If he Is now

omitted from the Board, it will beata coat, directly, of thousands of dollars to the city of Lawrence, while every person who has u private claim of any kind arising from the work of the com- mission, would be ai,i.- to secure, in

opposition to the city, the experience of Mr. Bell—the education in all these matters which he haa thus far acquired at the expense ol the city. To keep

an attorney upon the Commission uulil the exact time when his legal informs,

tion is needed, and then deliberately

turn him over to private claimants, serins like ono of those stu|>endous

bits of folly which men could not com- mit in their right senses. Il the council should concur, the wait will be that the law linn of Sherman and Hell will


As the overseers of Harvard University have decided that prayers are not to i«-

elective" there is still hope that some of the students may be found among "the elect."

The l.owcll Courier dots not believe in store pigs." and aays")t Is better to keep

the pig advancing all the time," and this la the popular opinion. The trouble la that the pig sometimes becomes disgruu- tled and then the Lndep«ndence of a mug- wump Is notbiug to his.

A representative of the general court has averred that a person who hod the conti-act for building some cells In the old state prison In Charlestown thought At to aell the contract at a higher figure. Whether the transaction was to perfect a cell, or "a sell," is a matter for ilia gen- eral court, which has been sold, to deter- mine.

It la said that China has asked the me- dlatlou of the United States government.

It ia expected that the New England fair will il.- held this year at Bangor-

01 the works called for In the great library t»f the British Museum, less than 10 per cent are novels, and none of these dime.

Street cars In Venczula are always epen ones, and arc so small that they will seat only 12 persons. The conductors carry horns which they blow upon approacnl-ig street crossings.

There is a wild rumor afloat that Ft Mahdl has been asked to deliver the next course of Monday lectures-

One effect of the business depression Is shown In the decreased number of Imml grants landing at Castle Uarden. The de- cline this year amounts to 35 per cent, as compared with the same period last year.

This ConnectU-ut house of representa- tives passed a bill permitting women to vote In any school district meeting or to be elected on school boards.

A gentleman living at Orlnnell. Iowa. Is lu Hi,- city to-day and relates a atory conceming Gen. Ben Butler which we have never seen In print. Ben was deliv- ering a speech at GrltmcU in the last presidential campaign, when some parties ascended a tree overlooking the speakers stand. When the General began his ad- dress they lowered over his head a string i' which a spoou dangled. Without showing the slightest embarrassment, General Butler, aa soon aa he saw the dangling spoou, clutched it and placed It In his pocket, remarking. "Why that's the one I didu't get." [ Dubuque-Telograph- Duraocrat-

The Hon. Sam Kandall has the gout again and Is forced to postpone his In- tended trip south. What further evidence dees Mr. Watterson require that special dispensations of Providence do actually occur? |_N. V. Tribune.

kews from various points Indicates a collapse of the Southwestern railway strike today.

"Darling," he said, as he tried to tickle his wife under the chin, "Why am I like thu moon?" "You are not like the moon. John Henry. In any particular." "Why, how do you make that out, my dear?" "Bccau&c the moon has been full but twice this month." lie says that isn't the right answer. [Newman Independent.

ny In lu mother's lav,


.-.! I .i> lnunl

wl by ■ ,V I'll II ,


It 55TC£E """"" " "*» <° •■"> "» -V »f L»ren« . very much larger sum out of pocket.

Mr. Gladstone announced In the British house of commons yesterday that BttBi had agreed not to advance her troops the Afghan frontier beyond the posltlou they now occupy unless the Afghans made an advance. Extraordinary efforts will be wade to prevent a conflict. Thursday.

The Turks ami Albanians aro flu again.

Gen. Granl was somewhat cosier terday.

Vesterday was Vermont day at New Orleans.

A terrible death rate prevails among the British at Kortl.

A rupture between Itussla and the Vati- can is imminent.

The winter wheat crop Is expected to fall below the overage.

The President made some Important nomination^ yesterday.

The Prince of Wale's oldest son was last night made a Freemason.

President Cleveland yesterday annoui ed a progressive Indian policy.

Uon, Geo. Gray has been elected United States Senator from Delaware.

One hundred lives have been lost In a colliery at C'amphauseii, Germany.

A gem-ral advance of Hussion troops toward the Afghan frontier Is reported.

Fifteen thousand Mexican troops are 11 motion toward the Guatemalan frontier

The editor sf the Mormon organ at jlalt Lake has been arrested for polygamy.

Twenty-three citizens of Wichita, Ks. are reported under arrest as conspirator- to murder.

The Grand Council of the lioyal Ar conuin of .Massachusetts met in Bostoi yesterday.

It is said that the President hasTderlticil to re-appoint 1'ostnuister Pearson of New 1'ork.

The new secretary of the Navy has or- dered the Tallapoosa repaired fur the reg- ular service.

A bllz/.ard of the first magnitude pre- vails in Northern Michigan. Several per- sons have perished.

This year's Indian budget shows a de- ficit of •9,500,000. East year there was a surplus of «5,isX>,000.

Immense damage has been done by on Ice gorge at Wavirly. Mo. A dozen per- sons have been drowned.

The six great Powers hove signed a convention regarding Egyptian Ounces. One Item provides for a new loan of •45.00O.OO0.

The report comes Irom Paris that France is willing to abandon her c aim to an indemnity If China will execute the Tien Tain treaty.

The Union Pacific Railroad Co., having discontinued the subsidy paid to th<> Pa- cific Mall Steamship Co.,. the latter Is talking of retaliating.

Secretary Manning has issued an Im- portant order to custom olflclals, calling attention to certain alleged wrougs aud demanding their repair. (

THE STRONGEST proof of hard times is the uuprccedcnlly low prices at which each article for sale in the great stores is out-red. Customers arc not only solicited to buy but goods aro almost given away anil the ueoe«sity of the dealer is the opportunity of the rich. The poor cannot atlorri to buy at any price. TUo products of the soil show an equal reduction in mar ketable value with mauufacturodgoods, and the change has been very gradual In each, Whether this low condition will continue for a brief period and then change abruptly and rise witli a rush, as some predict, is a serious ptestlon. The American Grocer in a

review* of tbe past financial condition of the country, referring to seasons when prices have fa!'cn below the cost of production, observes thai by means of new Inventions, Improved machlu- ory, reduced wages and other causes, the cost was lowered aud the product was again made remunerative. It recommends as the best method of re- sisting the evil that wu should strive to lower the cost of production. Our exchanges almost daily contaiu com- parative statements of prices in the seventies and eighties which have changed almost imperceptibly, but even at the low (inures which are of- fered we seem to he no better off. In 1870 granulated Buyar was 13 cents per pound ; cost of refining 4 cents per pound; in 1884 it was 5 7-8 cents, costing 1-2 cent per pound, and this is a good basis on which to reckon the fall in prices. Wheat which 11 years ago sold at $1.29 last year, Bold for 82 cents. Fish has made the same decline ; also canned, cotton and wool- en goods, and no one has suggested any possible practical means of relief xcept the horrors of war, which pub-

lic sentiment is loth to contemplate, and which no nation seems to be equal to bringing about without forcing a quarrel with barbarians. Enlightened nations are inclined to peace and only 'the heathen rage."

of black It MH'inoil, au upciitiiK (learned.

Tin' mother, coar»e, unkempt, uurlcaii. Wax rlail In rag* of a (jri'««» nhiten;

II-il iba lnv*l bat babe, ami held u tight, Ami toaool; tiling tlmt nan lafl l<> Mglil

Wa» the tialij'* ays. Lite n -|<iirkllng gem In the cold, diillearth,

< T n .niilr that lu War* flndi luihlen Mrth, The one lirlght Hung la um l*;ui whula,

Nil- the window ul au Immortal »»til. The bahy'i eye.

I Cohnataa (Ohio) Diipatcti. Journalists In India are excused from

Jury duty, doubtless because they were nr« known to agree. Speaking of art the designs of women

are saittto bean evidence of wider culture. The addition of another d in the adjective would make lots of trouble.

About this time perhaps President rievelantl wishes he had not decliucd the present of the little dog.

The Boston Post thinks it a sensible act for republican onice-holders to at once resign, and let democrats have their places we fear that very f-w will be resigned to the Posts admonition,

Qeorge W. Mudm>, a much esteemed citiien of Lynn, 74 years of age died sud- denly on Tuesday.

Tlie postmaster at Camdeu, Me,, has dis- tinguished himself by resigning because he thinks the office oelougs to o democrat.

A gong of post office swindlers Just broken up In Connecticut Is alleged to contain a Salvation Army Lieutenant.

Forty-five per cent, of persons dying lu Porls oro burled at public expense.

Toe Philadelphia Times idem) says that "the tip of the democratic tonguo la aw- fitlly at hirst for postage stamp glue."

The sberlll'of Ware county, Georgia, is six feet, live Inches lu hlght.

Trees have some characteristics lu com- mon with people. In the spring thry 1H*T

gin to leave for the summer, although some will DO unable to do so because their trunks will be seized for board.

BpoBbrd's American almanac gives Cleveland's plurality as 6S.688.

In Amesbury are two school uhlldrcn neither late nor absent for ulne years one not for seven yearH, and one not for the years.

If Miss Murfee thought she would score more points as Charles Egbert Craddock why did she emerge? We perceive no emergency.

QetL ibi/i ii Is evidently so aucry over his trial, that he is drawing upon next winter's supply of weather, to hurl seg- ments upon the people of the country.

The woman suffrage amendment was defeated lu the Rhode Island House of Representatives, not a majority of all the membership voting for it, as required by the constitution, although the vote stood T2 yes to 12 no.


Kirk Hoses, jr., lives at the corner of Parker and Audover streets, In Sooth Ijiwrence. iJlroctly opposite stood, here- iifore, the Packard school, built In In7», it a coat to the city of |K,000. ben there have been Improvements made

upon It until the total coat was probably not leas than 4VW,000. Wednesday night Just

fore 10 o'clock, Mr. Hoses saw what appeared to be an unusual light In the

hool building, apparently In the base- ment. Investigating he found It to be tire and he quickly rang In an alarm from box 28. In an Incredibly short time the portion of the are depart meat whose duty it was to answer that alarm was on the spot and working with a will, althoogh the exact locatiou of the body of the Are was difficult to determine. Their efforts to queuch the Homes had lltu-em-ct, such headway had the flames acquired, aud shortly after a second alarm was rung In. summoning the entire department. The blaze had by this time penetrated to the upper portion of the build ng and led greedily upon the dry .Under-like wood- work. Huge volumes of smoke rolled up- ward, and In a few minute* the flames burst through the roof and lit up the scene far and near, castlug a sickly glare OB the night. The Are department poured streams of water upon the bluing editli but still the flames crackled and roared with terrible cflect In the dry wood, and did Its fearful work regardless of the labors of the firemen. The showers of sparks flying on thu wluda presented a scene of brilliancy equal to a Fourth of July Illumination, and promised, uuleas extraordinary efforts were uied, to com- municate the flames to the Party 8t. Meth- odist Episcopal church. To prevent ibis the firemen placed ladders upon this build- ing aud took every precaution necessary for Its safety. Meanwhile the flames up- ou the Packard school building we lug their work, eagerly catching on to every piece of woodwork and spar untl ot o few minutes past teno'clock the roof, deprived by the Irs of its Kiipport, fell in with a crash and rgaln the flames lit up the sky with their lurid glare. Until nearly eleven o'clock the (lory element did ts baleful work, when thu western wall ,of Hi. building fell In, cidangerlng the

if the brave tlreai-Mi who stood in ..II in I doing what lay In t'jeir powei queuch the devourlug flames. Not long after the Arc was gotten uiutr control. At 1 o'clock the flames had been extin- guished and the weary firemen \ called.

In the Packard school bnlldlog, which was of brick, two stories high, there were eight rooms, four upon each floor, and capable altogether of accommodating about *00 scholars. Thera were four rooms given up to the pupils In the gram- mar grades and the remaining four were devoted to the middle grades. Last mouth Mr. Albert P, Doe, ol Marbk-head:

elected to take the place of Mr. Frederick W. Shntiuck, who resigned his principal- ship to accept a similar position at Man Chester, N. H. Uuder him there are eight teachers: Miss Klla V. Kastman having charge of the fourth and iifth grammar grades; Miss Jessie M. Dou, sixth and seventh grammar grades; Miss Teresa 8. McCabej seventh and eighth grammar grades; Miss LillianK. Larrabee,flrst and third middle grades; Miss 8adle W. Proctor; second middle grade; Miss Sarah E. Webster, third middle grade; Miss Margaret (i. Hcanlon, fourth middle grade; Miss Fannie ltobblns, assistant.

There are various conjectures as to t he origin of the Are, one of which Is that it caught from the heating apparatus which

located in the basement. From the fact that the flames were first seeu In thla part of the buildlug this appears the most plausible theory.

The work of the police, under Capt. Bailey, was greatly appreciated, the crowd of people being kept back from the scene of the Are aud allowing the Bremen a chance to work without hindrance.

Although the Packard school house has cost something near «-'■'■."IKI. beside provements since made, it is estimated by competent builders that it can be re placed for 81.1,Out) ot the present time, ai labor, building material and everything to bo used In Its construction are much cheaper than when the building was crect- d In 1872. Much of the brick, ols.>, In

the building, can be utilized lu construct- ing the inner wall of a new school build- ing, the foundations are uninjured and many other considerations will greatly reduce the expense of rebuilding.

There was no insurance upon the build- ing, the policy In the Niagara Company issued lu May, 1878, having expired In

77, and never having been renewed. In theabsenceof Supt. Ilrewstcr, Mayoi

Simpson and commltteemeu Sauuder* and McCormlck are making arrangements fsr Ihe continuance of the schools. It |s un- lerstoou that tlp-ec rooms can be accom- modated In the Parker street church, and doubtless matters will be so arranged aud other convenient places found for the other schools.


Two Sneak Thieves

For several days numerous complaints have been made to the police from per- sona whose houses had been entered In the day time ami property stolen. Hou- day night Edward Faulkner of Wilming- ton and William Lynch of this city, were arrested by officer Shsebtn and Inspector Griffin, on whose persons many articles which have been stolen were found. On last Wednesday they eulered William Hutchlnson's bouse, No- 323 Common street, stealing a silver watch and chain and other articles. They next visited the house of J. 11. Welden. .No. H Amesbury street, where they purloined a lady s gold watch and chain; on Saturday they enter- ed the house of Lulu (lark, Ho. 30 Ames- bury street, ami stole K>; Julia King, Ns. 79 Lowell street, hod «:iu taken by them. They paid a visit to Mrs. West's boarding house, No. BT9 Common street, and rob- bed a hoarder's trunk of $1$; another lost |17 which ihey found. The last place visited was the resilience ot James Henry, No. 5 Coucord street, where they stole a watch, revolver, necktie and $2.11.1 In money, the watches, revolver, Jewelry and bracelets >>eliig found In their pos- aeaslou. It Is believed that other eases of theft arc attributable to the prisoners. The man Faulkner claims to have come from Brown's crossing, Wilmington, to lltU«.llj*. Lynch ia a* "bad one," and for some time has resided on Common St. in this city. The arrest was made in Hagulre'B stable on Valley street, where Faulkner has been accustomed to sleep of late, and where some of the stolen pro- perty was found.



How RUly Hayes Came to be < 'aj»- 111 red.

Theut» , '.he arrest of ■Hilly" Hayes at New cans on Monday, spread rapid- ly over the tiwn yesterday. He was keeping a saloon there under the assumed name of Farrell. and his brother-in-law, Halloran, was barkeeper for him. A for- mer resident of Peabody saw '■Hilly" there, aud, recognizing lilin called him by name, but he denied his Identity. The man then recognized Halloran, but he, too, denied the soft impeachment. The man then wrote home to Peobody and asked what was the matter with Billy Hayes, and de- tailed the circumstance*. An answer was sent him with the story of the dynamite transaction of Feb. 6, 1881.

Meanwhile Detective Shaw got the story and procured the necessary papers from the clerk of courts and started fur

Orleans, where he found his man and is uow on the way home with htm.

are at least four Uqaor coses, with bonda of #300 each, and he Is also surety 011 several other bonds. The bond on the dynamite cose was llftiOOO, with John Miller, of Boston, and Thomas Salmon, of Woburu, as sureties. Hayes WAS found guilty July 17, 1844, and exceptions were taken, aud on November 5 the rescript came down overruling the exceptions, but "Billy" had skipped the town the day before. An attempt was made to sue his boudsmeu, but his counsel, lion Win. I). Northern!, declined to accept service, and pending the publication of tlie necessary legal notice "Billy" has turned up.


In Board of Aldermen.

The board of mayor and aluarmen imi ln.t evening lu regular Mission, Mujvr Slmpiou li rlialr, abient AMerman Dyer. The following uuiineia was tranuetetf:—

FetWaaa :-vt QSHgs 11. WHaoa ft Co., (m privilege to ■OTSS building, grenteil upoo (hi muul condition; of George A. N> Uon A Co., fn] nn lnnholder'* license at tin- ShswalUii buuic, re furred to the i-onimlttce on HOBBM ; of L. Mpragtu ft Co., for aewer on IlruaUway, referred to csnv iNitii.-i- on -run■-, 1,1 < m-r:ni ,V .Imi i-. for ~1v.11 lu alleyn ny between Comnon and Valley, of Hampshire ttreeta,referred lo the [omiilUee on newer* and drain*; of Aua Daley ami othen, tImi a |.n 1.1 ic street forty feet wide, be laid from Walnut to lleunlngton atrset, running par. all«l to Park and Myrtle atreeu, of H. Camay A llro. and other*, that Munmoulh street, from Park to Buawel) streets, he laid out and grade ex la bit shed, boU. petitions referred to committee on streets.

Miscellaneous.—Mayor Slmpaon called Hi t«-1.1 Ion of the board to tbe fact tliat the ter oOlcc of Charles V. bell, as splaket Klrer Valley Improvement Commissioner expired In April, and motion was made U> proceed to the election of hla successor, with thu result that John 1] Barry had i votes, C. I*. Bell, I.

Three orders for street lamps which had been adopted In tbe lower board, came up and wi ferret! U> tho committee an street*.

The action of the council In the matter of Ihe salaries of the water board officials was not OH* currod In, the board adhering to their formurae HOB.

A C4RO-—To all who are Mifr.-rltij- frctm errors ml Indiscretions of youth rvoiis weakuess, irlr decay, loss of manhood, ft.-., I will send a ■elae that will run- you, r'ltr.EOFCHAHos, This

_reat remedy was illieevered IIT a missionary lu »oiilii Amerl.n neud -ilf »ddre,<„«d envelope

Bav. Joa*i-uT.lMi*N.sniilon D, New Vork dwlycodauglo

i in ■. HI' ii-Ji ■- -.1 mi Across the moorlands of the Not

We nbaae the frueaoaM When, Ami hunt Ihe lines* of the What

Throogk forest* or the Then. Into the tuner eoiiselousuesn

We track [lie crafty Where; We speak the K.-i tough, mid bsanl

TheKrKoluhlsla.r. With lassos of the brain we eateh

The laaaaa of tho Was, Ami tu the copses of the Whence

We hear tlie Think bees boss. Werllinbthe slippery Which bark tree

To watch the Thiianes* roll, And panne lieMmes In gnostic rhymes

To woo the Over Soul. —[Chicago Advaan

A Boston nrin of pork dealers this week received from the west a car load of 'S.\ hogs, which aggregated a weight of 30,- DO0 pounds or au average of 960 pounds each.

Ex-Congressmen Flnerty haa been nom- inated fyr City Treasurer by the republi- cans of Chicago. The Independent New says that ho is a man of force of character and undoubted probity.

Shut Down at Tjowcll.

The Massachusetts Cottou Mills, yes- terdar, posted a notice that they will stint down several hundred looms April I, which will leave their works running about two-thirds of their full capacity. Over production, low prices, and a limit- ed demand are i In- causes 'or thu shot Iowa. It Is expected that similar action will follow In other Lowell companies.

l.-">k mi: FOVnUsWi Beware or slow-acting Imitations of Benson's

a pel lie. Plaster*. Word C'apclue cut lu the g«n- lue. Uwwfts


Elder1 Arraigned for Killing l>aitlel Cnrr.

The groat murder case of the State vs. t'lark W. Banders for the silling of Pan- ful I'arr, at Montpellcr. Vt., formerly of this city, while the latter was silting at his desk, Aug. 32, 1H84, came on Wednes- day In the Washington County court at Montpeller, Judge II. Henry Powers pre- siding. The prosecution was represent- ed tiy Stales Attorney liar Ian W. Kemp, lllrani A. Hose, cx-Stato's attorney, and John H, Beater. The respondent is rep-

uted by Heath & Willard, C. H. Pk kin and Oordon A Gary. The defence is Is claimed, has been In the family for several generations. Tim records of the courts show that lu all murder trials in the State so far this plea has not availed. All the forenoon

used up in drawing a jury, ami In the afternoon the State proved the facts con nected with the killing. The sworn evl deuce Is not materially different from the original statements. The court room wot

rowdud. The respondent sat beside lib wife, whose alleged infidelity to her mar- rlage vows caused the commission of the critao. Sanders appears complacent, anil bis vsngconflnsnient In jail does not seem to have affected him unfavorably. He is quite pale, but appears the same model ate person as ever. The case will last about two weeks.

BASK HALL. •*. Meeting of the Lawrence As-


At SI. Mary's School. m

The pupils assembled Tuesday afler- iii ">ti at two o'clock, In St. Mary's hall, for the purpose of general exercises Jn commemoration of the St. Patrick's day Pieces were read and sung appropriate to the day. One very pretty feature was the efforts on the drum of little Johnnie Morrlsscy, aged six years, who handled the instrument like a veteran. Thomas and -b.lui Leonard gave some fine selec- tions on the plauo, and Daniel Barry gavi harmonica solos. The piano accompani- ments were played by Miss Lola Leonard, a member of the school.

The largest audience that ever convened in St. Mary's hall, was present Tuesday evening. A fine entertainment was gtveu, consisting of stcreopticou views of Irish scenery, and portraits of distinguished Irish patriots. Miss O'Kecfle gave inter- esting descriptions of the pictures. There was an operetta song by the Misses 1)1^. nam, Messer, and Lcary, Mr. Thomas J. Murphy and a select chorus, and piano ploying by the Leonard brothers, and Mi Williams of Cauada. The entertainment was for the benefit of St. Mary's school and a large sum must have been realized from the sale of tickets.


Hearing on their Sewer AssesM- ment.

St. Patricks J>ay. at

St. Patrick's day was properly observ- ed Tuesday* by tho Irish societies of the city, the usual parade being dispensed with.

The Hibernians, Plv. 8, rendered a lit- erary program In Haundera' hall, after which dancing was in order. The atten- dance was large and the occasion thor- oughly enjoyable, Refreshments were served and the festivities kept up until the small honrs of the night.

The Irish Bencvoleut society, together with Invited friends, observed tho occa- sion by a banquet In their hall, after which toasts were proposed and responded to most gracefully. Vocal mnalc was ren- dered by a large number of those present and the pleasure of the occasion was greatly augmented thereby. Kx-aldor- man Ford lu closing the exercises made remarks upon the alms ami objects of the society.

The stockholders of the Lawrence Base Hall association, pursuant to a call by the secretary, met at the basement of the clty ball Wednesday. A proposition was sub- miiti-d and accepted to lease the grounds toj P. liurnhom of Portland, for 9300 for the sesaon, subject to certain restric- tions. The meeting was rather a stormy

and much 111 feeling was evidenced among the shareholders. It has transpired that the stock of the association was Is- sued with the assurance that the organl-j /ation was "Incorporated under tha laws of Massachusetts" which. In fact, was not the case. Much dissatisfaction was ex- pressed at the attlon of the offlclalsof the association In leasleg the grounds from the Lssex Company in their own name.

A Slight Blaze.

The fire department Monday was called by an alarm from box 10, located In the Arlington mills, to a house on Chalmers street, number 17, occupied by Isaac Hall. When the department rived at the house the fire was discovered to be down stairs, in a room used as kitchen, and was blazing In a wood-box and hail begun to catch hold of the man- tie and trlmmlngi) back of a kitchen stove. It was speedily extinguished with dam- ages not excooding *3. The funnel from the stove was very Bbort, aud after mak- ng a turn entered the chimney on a leva with the top of stove. Directly under Death was placed the wood-box, and as a brisk fire was burning In the stove it Is probable that the wood In the box be- came so heated as to igultd The occu- panta of the house were all up stairs at the time of the fire, which was first noticed by Win. A.Andrews, who reported It at the Arlington mills, where au alarm was rung In.

Mrs. Martha Shove, wife of Augustus J. Shove, died Tuesday afi<*fttoon at her residence on Iloverlilll street, of gaa- trlc fever after au illness of three weeks Tbe news of the death of this estimable lady will be a shock to her friends, not- withstanding the fact that for many years she has fought against disease, anil by her indomitable will aud courage raced physical Ills that would have overcome the stoutest heorls. She was o lady who made friends everywhere, attracting by the grace and beauty of her character and her gentle ami rellned nature, aud at taclilng them closer by her unfailing kindness and sympathy which always prompted her to good deeds and cheering words for the poor, sick or unfortunate. Her loss will be keenly felt by the mony who Lave learned to love her and who will feel as if they could not spare hei from the circle which she has adorned for so many happy years. -Tier rare Christian character was shown through nut her Illness, and her last moments were made happy by a calm trust in Hi: who had beeu her stay through all tl past years of sickuews and suffering whk she has eudured.

She leaves a husband, and son, Frank A. Shove, now a resident of Maiden.

FRANK P. CIIOCKKH, brother of tho lvte Charles P, Crocker, formerly of the AMKRK'AN, died In New York, on the thir- teenth, instant, after a short Illness. Mr. Crocker was a son, we believe the young- est, of Moses C. Crocker, Esq., for many years a resident of I-awrenec in the early days; Frank became a priuter, and re- moved with his parents, some years ago, to Vinelaud, New Jersey, where, for time, he published a newspaper. For five or six years past he has been In the publication department of Scrlbner Co., New York. He was of modest, re- tiring disposition, sincere, faithful and

: made warm friends wherever be was known. He was the sixth sou who has died from the family j he leave a wid- ow and one son i, tho Interment was on Monday, at Halifax, i„ tl.ia ataU, wb-r his parents formerly resided.

CUT. IlKMtv Ciifm-ini.L, of Concord, N. II., who has four brothers. John and others, residing In this city, died at Con- cord, N. IL on Wednesday, at the agu of flfty-one. Capt. Churchill was a veteran of the late war, and his death originated from a singular accident; some months ago. he broke his leg, while pulling off his boots, aud the limb being improperly set, a bone disease began to develop Itself, finally resulting in death. It Is thought that the limb has become affected bafo c the accident from disease contract- ed during his army service; he was at the time of his death, 'local null agent at Concord.

Tuesday afternoon occurred the death of Mr, John Bradley, au old resident of this city, at his late residence, 206 Osk street, after on illness of about ose month,

was 56 years aud 8 months old at the time of his decease. He was the father of Michael, James W., John and Patrick Bradley, all well known In this city. John arrived from Havana, yesterday, just lu time to attend the funeral, which took place In the) forenoon, from St. Mary's church, and Interment was In the Immac- ulate Conception cemetery.

In tioortl of aldermen Monday a pe- lon for abatement of sewer assessment

was presented to the board by Lee, Blackburn 4 Co. When the company was connected with the main sewer last year they were assessed glfssi by the city government. Col, John 1'. Sweeney ap- peared for the petitioner. He suld he

as aware of the trouble the Lee, Black- burn company bod from the fact that there had been no system of drainage In that locality. For some years they had used the brook for that purpose. Parties after a time objected and they were de- nied the use of It within a certain space. When the matter wos taken Into court the petitioners were ordered to build o box drain to connect with the brook low-

mn, and below the laud of Mr. F.ll- ood. At that time the city talked of

putting In a sewer through that section, but it was not completed In the time nam- ed by the court for the company to build a drain, and they built a box drain. Soon after, tlie city put in a sewer. The sew-

was a great accommodation to them but they thought the assessment dispro- portionate and excessive. The whole cost of the sewer through that locality, and ii drained the Land of a number of persons, was fl4,000 and Lee Blackburn & Co. were assessed »1000 of the amount. In addition It cost them about vOOo to build a sewer from their works to the Lawrence line. This made the total cost to theiu JlfiOO or more. The petitioners lived in Methuen and would like to con- tinue the use of the sewer. They would be satisfied If the assessment was abated t)300. In reply to a nuestlon Col. Swee- ney stated that there had been no agree- ment with the former city government that I-ee, Blackburn & Co. would pay #1000 of the cost of the aewer.

The petitioner and his counsel then withdrew, and city engineer Marble was asked what the proportion of the chemi- cal company's assessment would be; he stated that it would Ire 9600 or over. The sewer, he said, was built at least five years sooner than it would otherwise have been, for the sake of accommodating I^ee, Blackbiitn & Co.

Alderman (lage stated the employes of the company all lived In the city and were paid good wages, averaging from |1.50 to *'.b0 per clay. He thought it policy to foster small industries.

Alderman (.owing moved that the as- sessment be abated one fourth and the motion was seconded by Aldcrmau Gage and unanimously passed.


Ue Enteraa IIouseTliUNoon and Carries off Articles of Vuluc.

Monday while the family of Mr. IOICH Henry, No. '■ Concord street, were

at dinner, some sueak thief went through upper portion of ihe house, um i taking

u watch ond chain, a revolver and cart- ridges, #1 in money, a bottle of cologue,

nd o necktie, made good his escape. The houiber in which the stolen goods hail eeu was turned topsey turvey by the blef, Mr. Henry's clothes scattered

about upon the bed, and everything In llsordcr. It wos probably the Intention jf the miscreant to convert the clothing to his own use, but undoubtedly they were too small for him, as Mrs. Brody, living at the next door, says she saw a tall man

blue clolhcs, come out from M r Henry's door at about the tl^c the deed must have been committed, which was lu the vicinity of half past twelve this after- noon. At 11 o'clock there had been no- thing disturbed lu the room. It se probable that the thief entered the house by the back way. went up stairs ami took what he chose, going down the front way. The police ore at work upon the cose. People should take warning and secure Iheir doors.

Andover Advertiser Railroad Tratai .

Leave Boston lor Audorer, 7,30, Oso. in W. i ■ . ii *t.; iJ,M,i.ia, 3,j6,a,ao, *., o, s, «,», ?.io r*S'

Mi.Sincr lo Bostoa,6.S4, 7.46,S.OS IJUJLta 1«, a. m. ls*i,, i.W, a.i«, l!u. LiTiS in. (We'lnuaUayaaadF--—-«— —">•••■ Tu Lawell, T.4A. ■-,'. J :>.:•

i.OU, i ■ ... .1, ,.■■■!. », in t.ntDK K;isl,H.'«.a. m. : I. -I-:- Vulli. -. ■!!, „





Arrest,-,! for Killing HIN Infant Son.

In Lowell, 00 Sunday, Da.ticl Ford, re- aiding at M (ioiham street, was arrested, charged a ith causing ihe death of an in fant sten-son, one year and ten months of age Ford, who had been drinking heavily, was left in the house with the child Saturday, while the wife was at work in tho mill. When she returned at 4.30 o'clock, Ford told her lie thought the child was dying. She found the in- faut covered with bruises, anil sent Ford after a doctor. He returned soon after, saying he could not llntl a doctor, and the ehlltl died soon after. The matter was reported to the police, anJ Medical Ex- aminer Irish was notified and viewed the body. He ordered the arrest of Ford, who denied all knowledge of the manner of the child's deatn, claiming that he was in bed all day sick. An autopsy showed that the child had been beaten and kicked, dying from Its injuries.

Superior Court.

Essex Four Engine House,

Workmen ore cngagod In repairing the F.sscx 4 engine, house, Tho stalls are to be moved so that when on alarm is rung In the horses will go straight ahead to the steamer. Before the horses had to make a turn, and were liable to strain them- selves or wrench off a shoe. The boiler down stairs Is to be moved to the raar of the basement. The building has got to be

' silled, aa the old sills are rotten, and the building In tbe vicluity of the tower has settled tap Inches. The house lain bad condltlenrgenerally, and will require many minor repairs.

a Tewksbury.

The following report of the late annual town meeting In Tewksbury was not re- citvpii in suSaou for last week's paper; Town clerk, John II. Chandler; selectmen, assessors and overseers of the poor, Wil- liam II., Ueorge It. Marshall, Jacob L. limit, treasurer, Frank if. Farmer; collector, Nathanel F. Frost; constables, Frank II. Farmer, Janus Mauley. Ap- propriations: Schools t3,fi00 and balance from last year; Incidentals, 12,000; high- ways, Ox.MO; public library. 0200, and dog tax; cemetery, $00; wells at town farm, fSOO; new roads flOW,

The Jury in the csse of Klllngwood vs. Lee, where a claim for damages was put In for a nuisance alleged te have been caused by the defendant throwing cncml- cals and other substances of an offensive nature upon land of plaintiff, and In which use tlie ml ilnmnum was placed at as.iMS),

brought in a verdict this morning ior the defendant. A. K. Sanborn for plaintiff, Col. John 1». Sweeney fur defendant.

Unehan vs. City of Lynn. This was a case where tho plaintiff, Mary I.lnehau, brought suit for personal damages In 84,- 000, resulting from falling on au icy side- walk. The case was given to the jury yesterday aftaruoon, and they came In at 2 o'clock this morning, having disagreed, standing <J to tl. Morrison for plaintiff, Berry for defendant.

To-day and a portion of yesterday after- noon, the trial of Chad wick vs. Bodwell nas occupied the court. Both ore resi- dents of North Andover and plaintiff seeks to recover $78.00 for milk furnished de- fendant during the year lsns>, the latter claiming that he over-paid Chad wick •20.00. Jenkins for plaintiff, J. C. San- horn for defendant. The Jury are now out.

Bcebe et als vs. Merrltt ct al.—This was a case where h. tBcebe and Sons bring action to recover »1,000 on a note. The defendant claims that the note was given on a private i of Ueorge S. Merrltt, mi. I that the llrm Is not liable. Also, that It was Indorsed for the Ann without tin authority of the latter. I). C. Bartlett and W, L. Moody for the plaintiff, and Henry P. Moullon for the defense. Taken from the Jury at 11.13 this forenoon and settled.

Probate Court.

In the Probate court, held at Salem yesterday, wills were proven as follows: Nehemtah Berry of Lynn, Sarah J. Glrd- ler ol Louisvl le, Ky., Mary Brown of Lynn, John Calhoun or Lawrence, Wil- liam B. Long of North Andover, Enoch Lord of Salem, Aaron 8. Hilton of Salis- bury, Luther 8. Munroe of Lyunfleld, Nathaniel B. Perkins of Salem, and Be-

acon C. Heed of Marlilchcad. Administrations were granted on the

estates of the '.following deceased per- il Elbrldge (i. Allen, -M, of Lynn,

Susan Haskell of Itockport, Aaron Uoldthwalte, James Keating of Salem, Mary 1'. Batchelder of Sacm, Elizalwth

Chapman of Marblehcad, Mary E. Wiley of Lynn, Charles A. Mahoncy Lynn, Mary 11. Eaton of Lynn, Benjamin F. Tucker of Gloucester, Itobert Hooper of Marblehcad, Klbridge Trosk of Bev ly, Henry II. Payne of Lynn, William Oliver of Lynn, aud Saiuual Kimball of Boxford.

Among the Inventories Bled were those of estates of Nancy ti. Anderson, of Box- ford, SSIH7; Elizabeth T. ltlchards of Lynn, 87851 i»; William P. Hayden of Gloucester, 842GU 58; Mary E. Balcli of Topsdeld, tWHflU 56; George Grler of Gloucester, 136,890 Urt ; lureal Foster of Beverly, i30,U5; John Story, Jr., of Itockport, •1H,;«I) SO) Ellen M, Burnham of Ipswich, #C3C0.


A Wealthy Hostonlan's Remark- able Experience.

Frara Boston Herald, Sunday, i.h-t. M. i >,'Ui-e "f tlie F. OMnwsky Furniture to

bMoatM Street, r.. caeibndge, liass. Oetolxtr, M, l*Ki. Ijwtfall I went to New York (•> ineillrail ad

rtoe and ii,,i. 1.1. | visited Dr. Kdward I, Keys, of I Park Avenue, visiting and caiiaultbiif

Bllll I I. K.,....i,-.l

The following officers were elected at the annual meeting, last week, Tuesday, March Dth: Moderator, Leonard A. Morrison; Clerk, James Cocuran; Select- men, Hiram 8. Reynolds, W. D. Cocuran, 8. L. Prescott; Treasurer, J. P. Crowell. The nuances of the town are in a prosper- ous condition, ond the town Is free from debt, with ai.OQQ dollars In the treasury.

The Nesmltn Library comprises over 2500 vohj.

What Five CentVa Day~Will Do e>

America wastes enough yearly to feed the thoasands who are now said to be out of employment. The time may yet come when It shall l»e considered practical somewhere In the course or the education which a State gives to the people, to teach girls how to extract the greatest amount of nutriment from the common materials of food, and a careful statis- tician Justly remarka that whoever can t aeb the masses of the people how to get live cents' worth a day more comfort or force out of the food which each one consumes, will add to their productive

Sd. wnw them at once r»r niiisirate.i peanhH u,ti "dliiou dollars a year In value.—Pro- nee, d*i revdjurB 1 lessor >'c vr man Smyth,


The funeral ef Mrs. A. J. Shove took place yesteroay at two o'clock, Kev. Mr. Amory of Grace Episcopal church officiating. Only the relatives ami Inti- mate friends of the deceases' were pres- sent. The floral tributes were many and bcautlfnl. The remains were placet! In the receiving tomb In Bellevne cemetery and will be Interred at Salem, the native place of the deceased.

rot™ Max I it i ui THIS.

doths Kclectrlc Aupllaoces on trial for thirty days, to rnnn (young or old) aflllcted with nmnua delill Jty, loss ot Tltallty and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism,neuralgia,paral- ysis and many utlier diseases, complete restore tlon to health, vigor and manhood guar

trial Ii

of 31 Weal Twenty-fourth street, slclan of the t liarlty Hospitals ai grouor the Kellevun aud Mt. Mlnal Honolulu. Ihey found that 1 was suffering sevcrelv from Itrlglifs Inseane, v,ht, h «n- cvlilemlv of some five or nix years' standing. My urine was mbi- flril with blood, nus ami lube J-asi-, and at times

■.ufiii. .i mifir.i' |..iin. i had no appetite; su tongue, was furred andeoateit.

Three months ago [ was Induced to trr l)r Cralg's Kldlii'v CHIT, and I at oi:r» til Ini prove. 1 examliMl ui> meill, lio< ,-an-fully. ami found that It contained a brown powder, wh.leli dlil lint dissolve. J fell assured that, at last, I had discovered the true eu.iv, and I Immcillalelr, In loiunaiiy with my neighbor, Mr. A. 11. Midler. rliu was In a worse condition than I was, and tin) lias since boen cured by lir. Crslg's Kidney ,uru, TlslU'd the office. No. i iVarl street, aa'l isil a long Interview with the manager. As it re ult. I liegau taking Hr. Cralg'a Kldnev Cure. I

have made my ca.r the .object of special study, making my own U>sts, ami found no blood or tube casts, and noted a iriadual diminution of alounu-ii la my urine. 1 have now taken HIK.IUthirty Init ties af Dr. Cralg'a Kidney Cure. *

I owe my health nnd strength today to I>r I ralg s kidney Cure, and to the pr.icllcal advb-» ami unremitting MteatkM of Dr. Calkin*, the gen eriil manager, whose theurlcs concerning my dlr fhullcast proved correct In every particular. I ii in, my dear air, yours lo command.

II. M.Whitney A Co., Whala'sa'lo anil Retail Agents, Lawrttuee, Mass. dvriw

Whidlmm, N. II.

— I'nrtH of the Pacific print works are working over time.

—The main streets of tlie city are near- ly free from snow and Ice.

—Merchants about town arc putting in their stock of apring goods.

—Mr. John Hart, whose illness was an- nounced Monday, is much better.

—Warner II. Craig tuts beeu granted u patent fer a uteam engine lubricator.

—Officer Curtis has been appointed night Janitor of the police station and night Janitor Burbunk has been appointed day Janitor.

Among the officers elected this week by the Grand louncll of the Koysl Arca-

in, was CoL J. 1). Drew, of this city. i if.-iid Sentry.

—(leo. 8. Gilswold has bought the building formerly occupied by A. B. Btannsrd on Appleton street and will move in at once.

—lu the case of Chadwick vs. Bodwell, tried In the supcri jr court, Weduesday, a verdict was rendered in favor of the plaintiff, who was awarded 812.10.

—If any of the relatives of Daniel Ucr or C. M. Wright, soldiers In tlie late war, will send their address to George M. Flagg, they will confer a great favor.

—Au Irish genllemau In town, who Is good authority In musical matters, says he doesn't wonder the Danes left Ireland when they heard "Brian Boru's" march played.

—The ringing of the bells for church Sunday afternoons has been suspended at the I'pper Pacific mills, as a needless operation, sufficient notice being given by the bells of the other mills.

—Violin playing Is so much In vogue that It Is as common now to hear prac- tising on that instumeut as one passes through the street, at in was a few years ago to hear practicing on the piano,

—Mr. William M. Parker, formerly su- perintendent of the Boston & Lowell llail- road, has been appointed station agent of tlie Kallroad at Nashua, and began tbe duties of his new position on Monday.

—The McKay & Thompson Consolidat- ed Lasting Machine Association, has de- clared a dividend of 5 cents per share, and the McKay & Copeland lasting Ma- chine Company a dividend of lo per cent, seml-aunuut.

—The House of Heprcsentatlvcs Wednesday, ordered to a third reading the bill to authorize and confirm certain leases to the Boston and Lowell railroad corporation, and to Increase the number of It directors.

Said a primary teacher In town to one of her pupils yesterday, "Now, Mary, what would your mother do to yon If you acted as badly at home as you do here

Sbe'tl lire me out," was the prompt and unexpected answer.

District Officer Batchelder started yesterday with the proper papers for the requisition of "Billy Hayes, under arrest by Officer Shaw, at New Orleans, con- victed of an attempt to blow up Frank S. Parnham's house in Peabody, with At- las powder,

—The committee on tire alarm met Tues- day, and decided to place Are alarms at the corner of Foster and Springfield streets, comer of Andover and South Broadway, ami the corner of Essex and Oxford streets, as petitioned for to the city council.

—The following was overheard In an outward bound train from Lawrence the other day i Mother to her son of leu years i

Johnny, don't you eat any more of that pop corn; you always eat tloo macb

hen you come to Lawrence, and make lurself slok, and Just as sure as you get

sica this time I'll lick you."

St. Patrick's Literary Soclety.of Low- ell, will present "The Nettletops," a new cemedy by Dion Bouclcanlt, at the opera house on April 20, under the auspices of St. Laurence church. This play was pre- sented in Lowell and drew forth the most favorable comment from the entire press of that city. Mr. J. Coulson, Jr., former- ly of this city, sustains the heroic charac- ter.

-The announcement of Blcknell Bros., that they had coming two hundred all- wool suits to be retailed at $fi each, has raised a breeze which eclipses the eclipse. The people wonder how the thing cau lie done, yet while they wonder, they do not doubt, knowing that when this Arm say all wool they don't mean cotton. The

Its have arrived aud am on exhibition lu their east show window.

—The entry of "neither party" has been made In the two cases of Young against the City of Lawrence In the Superior Court now in session. The cases were on the trial list and defendants were ready for trial. It will be remembered that these are the cases for damages for Juries received at corner of East Haver- hill and Berkeley streets last summer, which resulted in the death of Mrs. Young.

apes were loveuteu In i.'.ya Envelopes were first u*«a] In H9H. Where there's a will IhcrVa a wau't. The average of liumau life fj ;n yean. The flrst steamboat piled tbe Hudson La 1B0T. The drum corps was out on a serenade Heads*

Rev. 11. B. Putnam Of Burllnirtou, Vt , ku lu lawn aua Walt. (

Professor Churchill gav on Ihe evening itt the I lth

Among tbe I.nwrenee u who never denied being >

I'rufeesor Harris preae gregtitlonul church, Boston

James (irasvenor will soc Mill.Icu, and build a residence

William II. Huwea of Clncli been In town visiting at Mrs. S;

The. present ttrm of I'hllllpa March H, and the next term

Hi- 1'nrllugton snid that I heartily that she feared be

his Jocular vein. Urs. Klliabelh I!igg|]

wi.ii-i.!. are spending a few

Profeasor Moore who tallad for ( ivcek, will return In season to resume h] tbe next Seminary year.

The winter session of the Andover Tia^ Seminary closad March lith, and tha I .um will begin March v u .|.

Kev. Henry K. Barnes., of Haverblll, at the kbuislon House a few weeke t rest, by advice *f hi* physician.

VSlpey Hruthers, a few daya since, al a lamb S weeks old, for B. frank * weighed, whan dressed, 21 founds.

- .i -1.-.IH..II. the champion hunter ot' Carroll ! county, N. U., lias recently received SM from the sL-hH-tiiieu "f Bartlett, as bounty on flve boars.

A hypeetitical scoundrel to A loans, la scribed over his tloor, "Let nothing evil entei DM*," Diogenes wrote under It, "How does the owner get In?"

Mrs. Alexander I). Robertson and children, leave town this week far New Jersey, whereUsty will visit friends for a week or two, and then salt for Scotland.

Urs. Annie 8. Downs of this town, read an In- teresting paper befare the Women's Christian t'nlou, In Bonton, on Thursday afternoon, upon

."Ueorge Kllot." "Johnny, do you know the tenth com aural.

mentr" "Yea'in." "Way It."J'Cant." "Bot yoi Juat said you knew It, Jubnay." " Ves'in, I know It when I see It."

Flarenee Nightingale never loses an opportunity to do good to her fellow-creatures. Bhe la new raising mouey for sick and wounded British soldiers In the Soudan.

Mrs. Newgold in picture gallery)— "Tblt, Auat Eunice, Is a real old master." Aunt Eunice— "Well. I shouldn't care If it was; It's Just aa good as some of the new ones."

The amount overdrawn for highways In towi the past year, was SWije. A superfluous (aai mischievous type In last weeks paper nude II a much larger sum than the above.

.'Vine whales have been killed between Mona*. gau mid Squirrel Island. He., within three weeks. Kacb yields forty or fifty barrels of oil, while tki carcaases are used for rertllUlng material.

Tho Ellsworth, ale. American, heara that East Surry is to have a new I'ostraaater, and sayi that Postmaster Uenoral Vila, will have to take "llubsou's choice," aa there Is but one Democrat

A dog chased a Hue Urge doe lute a Sold aur the house of K. Damon, In Charlotte, M«.,la*t week. Mi Itanion drove the dog off and look tho deer to bis barn, not much the worse for Its hard struggle for life.

Jones asked ids wife why she waa like a trust, pet vine, fthe knew well enough that the answer waa because she liked to run, bat she said It wu because she waa willing to cling for support to a miserable old stick.

Little Polly baa a neighbor who has a Hide donkey team In which she often haa a alee ride. One day, aa aha waa sitting with her ■M*a»1 Ihe donkey was heard to bray, and Polly, looklsg sp says: "Mamma, 1 like the donkey; but J uoat like to hear him dunk."

It la uudorstood that George W. Haradea will remove tbe "Roberts Bouse" from tho Halt dis- trict to the new street between Elm and *ark streets. He tuts purchased i»„d or Bl j_ j^kin, for the location, and the building will bo wsado lute two dwelling houses.

v.itiniH.i Pepot Village, N. H., haa a Union church building where four denominations have one Sunday a mouth for tbelr respective services, When there Is a fifth Hunday an Episcopal clergy. in in has the pulpit. This la all dene with tnUre harmony among the people who attend.

A lady lu a certain town, painted a plaque la the most exquisite manner, and expressed It to a friend. Soon after a not« of acknowledgment came. In which the lady stated that "It la alto- gether too utc-u for use every day, so I only use It for a bread plate when wa have company."

Mr. Henry Vlllard, who only a few yean ago appeared to he one ef the successful mllllonslirs In New Vork, and who built one of the moat Itui. rloua houses on upper Madison Avenue, Is new living modestly In Berlin. Ills fortune Is said lo be flve hundred thousand dollars. It waa ka.

Iy iiv'■ UI1HL-.II dollara. Rev. B. H. Cummlnga of tbe Baldwin Place

dome for Little Wanderers.In Boston, waila •abliath, and presented the claim* ot

that Institution at the South church la the am id at the Free church In the evening. He

waa accompanied by a guartstte of little gtrU from the home, who greatly interested the audl- encea with their singing. The appeal In bekilf of the cause waa ro*ponded to lu contribution* amounting to about aso. The Sabbath echsols connected with those churches 'make annual Thanksgiving contributions to this object.

The winter terra of the Punchard Free Seheo', cloeed on the 10th lost., with oral examination* conducted by Kev. J. J. Bum- of the board o trustee*. The summer term will commence ndt Wednesday. Mil* Anna S. Abbott passed lb* beel oral examination In all tbe studies of tha senior claa., Miss Ktnma L. Cole, In the studies of the teeond clan, Ml** Mary r. Mason, la the studies of the third claa*, and John J. Drt^jj, |„ tho studies of the fourth class. In the work of the whole term, Mies Nellie W. Battle* waa ■um- ber one In the senior class, Ml** Emma L. Col* 1 the *econd class, Mt„ Mary r. Maao* In the third claw, aad Ml** May Bella Herd, In the tonnh cuts*.

New lni.iti brary:—

D'Albertls, I,. M. N>w Uulnea. DcCandotle. A. Origin of Cultivated Pleat*. Dolby, (j. Charles Dickens a* I know him. cillman, A. Tale* of tlie Pathfinder*. Holub, E. Seven year* In South Africa. Jackson, M. Tho pictorial Prat*. Kennedy, J. Ufa and Work la Iknaren aad

added to tha Memorial Hall Lb

—In the Merrill 4 Co. case vs. Ilosb & Lowell Railroad, to compel dcfemla corporation to comply with the order of the New Hampshire hoard of railroad rommlHAloimrs, directing It to furnish the plaintiff additional express facilities on tbe lines owned and operated by It be- tween Keenc and Boston, the demurrer of the defendant, that the commissioners have no jurisdiction under the act creating the board beyond the limits of this State, .has been sustained by the full bench of the supreme court.

—John Noonan, 28 years of BRC, resid- ing In Ballardvale, visiting some friends in Lowell, Tuesday afternoon, and re- ceiving a cordial reception became par- tially intoxicated. He went to the Bos- ton & Maine railroad station Tuesday evening, and boarded the seven o'clock train to return home. After the train started he changed his mind and attempt- ed to leave the car. In the effort Ids foot was caught between the platform of the station and the car step, and he received such lujurlcs that it was necesaary to amputate several of the toes,

Morse, J. T. Jr., John Adam*. Itothrock,.!. T. Vcatlon Cruising; in Cheat.

peakc and Delaware Bay*. Shortbouao, J. H. rjejhj scboclmasur Hark.

-ii.I part. Hpyri, J. Red-Letter Storle*.

Wilson, w. Congressional Government. Woodberry, O. 8. Hdgar Allan Pol The annual meeting of the Andover Farmer's

C'lnl., was held on Monday evening, and the tub lowing officers were chosen for tlie enautng year President, Samuel H. Boutweli; Vice-Presidents. Ueorge W. W. I>ove, George Blpley, Bralaord Cummlngs; Bcrreury, Luther Sheldon; Trees urer. George H. Parker; Committee on Topic* and Leaders for, M. C. Andrews, J. H. Smith, F, B. Makepeace.c. C.Blunt; Commit- tee on Inspection of Ksrms, potar ». Smith, M C. Andrew*, John L. Smith, 8. H. Boutweli, C. <>. Cummlngs, George P. Baker, David Jameson F. \: Mhnttuek; Committee on tree planting, G! W. VY. Uove, F. B. Makepeace, f. F. P. Bancroft

Voted that the club meet next Monday evening to listen to tbe lecture by Profe.*or Jowpb Kim. ball, upon Electrical 1'henomlna. Voted thatthe annual excuralon be left with the executive com mlttee. The club has In tu treasury «lt7M.

After the business, the question—"How to make ■dent more attractive," wa* discussed. Prof

Park sent s note, a* he could not be present, la hlch he emphasized the beauty of shade trees

and gave an account of his own labors when he first came to Andover, In having them planted Mr. Dove followed in tt well considered speech Iwelllng on the duty of rendering- a cheerf ol sup port to sll moral reform. Mr. Lincoln spoke et Andover'. natural beauty. Mr. Makepeace on the healtkfuluess of the town, need more shads tree*, snd system in planting them, and the dnty of the town to have greater oara of lu street lite. Mr. Charles Smith spoke of the new Indian Sl<fie Park, and Dr. Bancroft of the great Improve- meut In town wlthtn the past ten years He was followed by H. A. Bodwell, W. Wilier. G. Ptd, vU^BMoibexi, P "*

1'rof. W. J. Tucker, I). D., |>r«arJieU at the lud Church, New Unveil, <Joni..,Jast babtialh.

The steamer engine fair, In addition Ic other attraction!, will Lave a full 11M of garden a nil flu MIT MI-I.-.

The Union Cc-ngregatlotial Boole)} at Ballerd Tale, will hold tliclr annual fair and festival about tut. Qrstuf nsxt mouth.

The public schools will bcglu the spring term Oil MunJar, March 23rd, exceiittuose ID the West, which « 111 begin the following Wedues .lay.

Foatmrnilur Uagouil uf North Aiulover t'eutrt', will be verr likely U> reUlu bla ■ .IHi ..-. n* there .-■ no evidence that lie did »nv work for the Kcpuh- lican psrtj ai iht: Presidential election, or even roted for Hlalne.

Lecture before the Farmer's Club next Monday evening, upon electrluat pticDomlua, at '.-.<■ •'slock, by I'rof. Joseph KlmUII. All are In- vited, lucludlug tus ladles. Prof. Hlaiball || an Instructive and tnieresttug lecturer.

The entertain in ent at the Free cburcli, which wa* announced In preparation aome weeka alnce, will be given iu the Vcatry, trlday evening, March II. Readings, final and Instrumental music, and a repetition of thu popular and pleaalng cantata, "l.anrl of Nod" will constitute the program, and should attract a large attend- ance. AdinlasUu l.'i cents.

Mn. LDIToa.—1 MO glad to learn lliat Prof. Joseph Kltnball Is to lecture again before the Farmer* Club. The laat lecture he gave beforv luls orgauliatlou w»i lilgbly entertaining and Instructive; and all who atluuded were delighted with the speaker* treatment of the subject. II< not only presented an array of useful fact*, bu aim enlivened and enipiiaaUed these facts In one of the most Interesting branches of science, by * fund of mice |,.ic and illustration. Hli lecture on noil Monday evening, on Electrical l'henomhut, we have reason to know, will be of etjunl Interest He deserves a good audience, and none can at Und without being well paid- All persons are cordially Invited.

NORTH A MM ) V I :it.

Mr. John V. Cerr 1B confined to his residence by Illness.

lieu thieves captured fifteen fowls at the Wm. Peters' place, Uat Sunday night.

Bar. Varnura Lincoln, of Andovsr, preached al the t'ultarlan Church, Uat Sabbath.

At the nreijale court, held lu Salem, Monday, tba will of the Isle William l-wig was proved.

Tickets arc Belling rapidly for the Easter Mon day evening assembly, to lie held at Stevens Hall.

Mend-annual meeting of the Young People's Mutual Literary and Social Society, at the Con- gregational vestry, this evening.

Mi !■«... h. Barksr, of the Arm ef Ken ft Bark- er, has disposed of his Interest In a cattle ranch in Montana, to Hon. John A- Wiley.

There was a olam chowder served at thu Kbeu Button house, Saturday orenlng, the company and a number of invited guests being present.

last evening Mr- Ueo. Ii. Clmdwlck was drawn to servs as a Juryman for the civil session of the superior court now being bolden at Lawrence.

Mr. Thomas J. Murphy, of Hellhau A Co., as- sumed one of the principal parts lu an operetta, given In St. Mary's Hall, Lawruur*, at. Patrick's night.

The Gun Club range will be removed to the field between the railroad and Simons pond, above the Boston A Maine (Eastern division) railroad brldgo.

Twelve hens and a turkey were stolon from Hill Crest farm a few night* since, and a reward of »i'i la offered for the arrest and conviction of the thief or thieves.

si... Henrietta Hatch, of Kingston, has boon engaged by the School Committee to teach the primary school to bo opeued^lu the Methodist C mren vestry, next term.

Tbo date of the annual supper and enter! air. ■sent of the Cocblcliewlck Company has been changed from ths 10th to the 1st of April, B'U»- per Is to be served at ?.4."> o'clock.

Lack of a quorum prevented the transaction of Bay business at the annual meeting of the Farm- ers' and Mechanics' Club, Wednesday evening, awl an adjournment was made u> neat Monday night.

Abbott, who stole Mr. A. P. Cheney's team, Is an old offender, and is wanted in East Cambridge for obtaining doors aud window sashes on the JI edit of well-known builders; In Woburn for hiring teams which were not returned, and for other offences.

It being contrary to law tor a member (with ths exception of the clerk), of the Board of Regis trars to hold any other pnbllc office, Mr. C- C. Barker has tendered hi* resignation, In order to accept tbo position of auditor, to which he was chosen at the annual meeting.

la the case of Chadwlck vs. Bodwell, tried In tho auperlor court, at Lawrence, Wednesday, the Jury retur ed a verdict for the plaintiff, who was •warded tw.10. n was a suit to rocover 173, for milk furnlahed tho defendant by plaintiff. Jenkins for plaintiff; Sauborn for defendant.

The notorious lieo. A. Tucker, and his wife, Visited l.iiiimn-f, Wednesday, to dispose of a Jot of chickens, and from the proceeds of the aale a sufficient amount was obtained to make a "lime." While In tho height of their revelry, Officer Ed. Johnson espied thcin and escorted tho roysterlng pair to the police station. Yesterday they wore arraigned for drunkenness, plead guilty, and were lined *1 and costs or 10 days. In dafault of funds tlioy were committed.

The committee to provide for additional school accommodations met last Tuesday, Mr. Wm.J- Dale, Jr., acting as chairman, and MlssCarleton as secretary. It was voted unanimously to build an annex to the Merrimark school building. It will bo 40 feet long and M feet wider than the present structure, 9 1-3 stories high, and con tain sli school rooms and basement. It is arob. able that only three room* will be finished this year. .There wilt be three separato contracts— for tho stone, brick and wood work—and oper. atlons are to commence as soon as possible.

Miss Fanny A. Lynch died last Tuesday, bav log been confined U> her room only a few days. She was a most estimable young lady .whose win- ning way* aud spotless character endeared her to many friends. The deceased has passed awsy at the age of *l years, 7 months. The symbols of friendship in floral form were beautiful, consist Ing of a cross aud crown, with the word, "Best," (Ivan by the overseer and employes of the weav- ing roomot dutton's Mills; a pillow, Inscribed " Iannis," from Mrs. John Barry, Andover; basket of flowers, contributed by Miss Mary Lynch; bouquet, sent by Miss Mary Connors; and two bouquets, presented by Mrs. Margaret Flyun, Wakefietd. Tho obsequies, held Thurs day forenoon, were largo IT attended. Rev. Fr. McMaaus officiated at tbo requiem high MM, celebrated In the Human Catholic Cburrli.

A large company of relatives and friend* as- •embled at the residence of Mr. William Brlggs, Wednesday morning, the occasion being the mar- rloge of their daughter, Mis* Ellia A., and Mr. Thomas Uomervllle. The ceremony took place at 9 o'clock. Rev. W.W. Baldwin, pastor of the Methodist Church, efnclatlag. Mr. John Somer TIUO, Jr., a brother of the bridegroom, was best man, and Miss Llirie Briggs, a sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. After the nuptials were performed, tho newly-wcddcd couple received tho hearty congratulations and propitious wishes of those in attendance. A nicely -prepared colla- tion was subsequently served, and at noon ths guests sat down to an excellent dinner, the inter. val elapsing between the gastronomies! features being devoted to social Intermingling of a most pleasant character. Mr. and Mrs. Somervllle left about 11 o'clock for a brief wedding trip, aud their departure from the house was ths signal for a shower of rice and the traditional slippers. The gifts mads an elegant display, and comprised tho following Set of silver knives, forks and ton spoons, silver sugar spoon, sliver butter knife, from Mr. Thoe. H. SemcrvtMe, [.awrence; counterpane, Mrs. dm Ith Jo well, Lawrence; oet of silver tea spoons, Mrs. Hannah Noble, law ronco; fruit dish, Mrs. John 1-ovsdnlo, Hetbueu; gold band China ton sot, Mr. and Mrs. John Som- ervllle; chamber set and rug, Mr. and Mrs, William Briggs; mantle cluck, Mr. Uoo. H. Ml Mnand Miss Llssle Briggs; silver castor, Mr. Peace Briggs, Providence, It. I.; sliver pickle Jar, Miss Annie Homervlllo; pair of celery holders, Mr. John Somervllle, Jr.; pair of silver desert spoons and pair of silver table spoons Mr. Charles Soinervllle, Stamford, Conn.; sllvei butter knife, Mr. ticorge Hex trow; dozen silver tea spoons, the Sabbath School class to which the bride and bridegroom belonged, Mr.and Mrs Prank Greenwood and Mr. John If Id v. I; pal: of silver napkin rings, Mr. Andrew Hooves; sll ver sugar spoon and sliver bultor knife. Mis* Agnes Paterson; silver butter dish, Mr.and Mi William Woolley; sot of silver nut picks, Mr. W. Fred Mureh; .one half dozen tumblers, Mrs. Kobert Broadbent; pair vases, Mr. Wm. Somer- vllte; lemonade set, Mr. Walter Stone snd Miss Lliilo Stone; table rover and doien napkins, Mrs. Samuel Tattersall and Miss Etta Tattersall; table rover, Mrs. Joseph Tempest; fruit dish, Mr. and Mr*. David Mitchell; cheese dish, Miss J.l.jie Mitchell; water pitcher, Miss Almlra Hey wood; lamp, Mlsa Agnes Winning; toilet set, Miss Jennie ullver; set of lamp mats, Alias LlsaloSldebottom; tidy, Mrs. Win. Young; paper rack. Miss Jennie Kextrow; paper rack, Mis* Emma Robinson; silver sugar spoon, a friend.

DEVOUT of the condition or

"The Andover Nation?! Bank,"

BtsooaOsB. Loans and discounts, overdrafts, i a. Bonds to secure circulate n, U.8. Bonds on hand, Hue from approved reserve ageals, Heal estate, furniture noil Allures. Current c~ Checks* Hills of oilier banks. 'i,7W 00 Fractions! paper currency, nickel*

and pennies. 17 M Specie. 2,41 ■ tut Legal tender notes, il.uOU 00 Uudcmntion tunil with U. 8.Treasurer

(ft per cent of circulation), 0,000 00 Doe from D. n. Treaim er, olbor than

3 per cont. redemption fund, »w» < u

TOTAL, tOU.lll 01 l.tsBlUTUS.

Capltalstock paid in, »lfi0,000 00 Surplus fund, Si.'SI M 1'iidivideO 1'iofl .-. 1I19N National bank notes outstanding, 171,441 00 Dividends unpaid. 004 00 Individual deposits subject to check, lOI.Hne *4 Demand clrtlflcaies ol del oait, U.stO 43 Doe to other NstHnnl Banks, 308 U

mui, tSOMl*' *1 Stale of Massachusetts, County of Essex, as. I, Mooes Foster. Cashier of the above named

.miik, do solemnly swear that tho above la true to the best of mv knowledge snd belief, MOiKS FUiTEK, Cashier. .

Subscribed snd sworn to before me, this iSth day of Marco, loss.

UEOIUJE W. FOSTER, Notary Public.

COIHXCT—Attest. KliWAKli T*, i JOHN F. KI MB ALU > Directors J. A. SMART. '

_, Carpenter and of Park snd Bartict

streets, lormerlr occupied by John ti'Connell. Building lumber constantly on band or lur.

BP. HOLT, Ic« Dnnlei. urdtr Htuea . •" As. * Abhoti's. Andover, and at

breeoe A Woodlin' , Bollard Vale Orders promptly attended to. \[

1). T(Jftl,E will continue tbo Jobbing ■ andeiprcss business, having obtained r

io/day"*; ( tileason'ar

Boots made and repaired at notice. Ordway A Clark's celebrated

Douaola Uoola lor ladies wear,constantly —iu. Main street, Andover.

hlng Dnd. ' rove Co-

B Hummer

EDWIN II. BAKNAUD, Painting, Of* sing, Uramlng and Paper Hanalng. A

Ito.lassortment olUoom 1'aper constanltV on nai dind fur sale. ShopEsaOXBt. myl'ly

JOHN H. Dealer In

Uoodsotallkl fashion and wi

DEAN, Mi!reliant Tailor, Clothing and (loot's Furnishing ids. Garments made in tbo latest -ranted to til. Repairing,clean- ng done neatly. Main Street,

POTlBl JLIVKK W.YKNNAftl.. Bciioii of tlie-iunih

Ohurch and In charge ol the Cemetery, All work in the yard done with promptness snd at reasonable rates. Itcldencc. Central street. l\ O. Box Hi. Andnsev.Sepi. 7, 1BI». em

Andover, Mass.

The well known and long established


la for sale or to rent und

Furniture for Sale

S. «. BK.V V Proprietor. PMBMOIOB given April 1st 20tf

A CARD. Ffrliiids wiio lisvea d

long, severe illnessof Mr. Toe wtary snllerer Is now at rest.


I'AlkVt.h DYES. Handy Package Dye, Ita, Diamond Package

Dye, tOcts. The two leading dyes In ths market a'

CEORCE H. PERK'MS, Drunjrlgt and Apothecar}-,



express, stirc, Hartet, Milk and Heat WAGONS.

Repairing In all Its Brandies.


WILLIAM r. PINDLKY-Dealeriortsbor all kinda, fresh and salt, smoked and

lokled: Loosters, Clams and Oysters. Uooda ellvered. MalnstreoL. lyJaH t -sNh at. Ml I Til has bought ol C O.Cunv r minus, the Local Exoross and Joublng Bust nesi wtilch has been run for a year or two pasl hT B. B. Tnllle. All orders promptly attended to at reasonable prloes. conveyance to Law- ronoa on any evening when desired. Order boics et the I'osl UtB.ce and tMmlnarv. If

OommoDwealth ol MassachuBetts, saananann*.

FHOBATB COUBT. To the heirs at law, next of kin, and all

ota.-r persons inte:eotH in tlieenUteuf si-r.ih W. Hleven>, lit I of Nortb Andover, m said

count , smglowonaa, deceased; GnkKTINO:

Whereas sect tarn iosfumcrt rurportna to be the last will and testament of said deceased his hten presented lo said conn, lor frobale, by John r. Blmi'sll, who prays that letters testa- mentary may lie Issued to him ire executor therein named, and that hs may bo from glvinu a sun ly Pt sureties on his bond, tor tbo reason* alleged in >al 1 petition.

You are hereby cited to appear at a Probst?f Uourl. to be held at Salem. In said county ol I.sen, on the flrst Moadai or Apill nexi. a nine o'olock belore noon, to show cause, II any ton have, against the same, Aad said John r,

Imbsil is hvieby dliuiled to give public notice ttiein ,bj i.ulilislimg thiscitation once a week, for three successive weeks. In the newipaper


DMnted at Lawrence ihe last pubIIcat on to be two dija at least before said CourL

V?lines., (Jeorge F. Chua e, Kniulre, Judgi ol said Court, this nlretieoth day oTMaroi ID the year one tbousaud eight hundred and eiahty ii ie-

J, T. MAUO.NBf, B(glsler. rtOKS


FOB Saf.K OK TO LRT.—On Ulm Street, Andover,MaBB.,aCOTTAUKUOU»B w _

9 loom! all In good renar, II aore «i LAND, plinsaolly sliua ed on high land, w to fruit treei ami grape vines, half milt from Boston A Malm B. B. Station. A very healthy and desirable looa- LIOB for any one wishing to obtain a homo near cood schools, churches aad pleossnt surrouna Irgs. Cb'nceior a good bargain li applied for soon. For lurther particulars addsess O. M. HllJGINS, Worcester,Moss. Janu wit

Emma H. E. Suiilturn, H. D., OBEBK STREET,

Andover, • - Haai Olllce Hour* | lo 10 a. v., 1 to 7 lo 6 r


I'srnard's Clock

Main -d., AMI ivaa. Hsia.

OfflctlHouri 7.00tOV.00A.M 1 00 lo 1 SO P. at 'i.:m lo H.00 P. M

Night Botl.

1>1C. K K UAituis^ Main St. and I'liiicbard Areuue ANDOVKR, - HASS.

Office Hours: KM lo 9 SO a. M., | to 4 P. M. auttU



Nathuii F. Abbott, STONE CONTRACTOR.

Mime tnrnlihed for fonndstlons and other arposes, :it short noil e. Cellars ooBtraetod or in town snd vicinity and built b- experienced

workmen. it mv7


Juhnson's Andover and Boston Express, and will continue lh" same un lor that name,

once*: Si Court ?uuare. WO Arch Street. Order Box : IS Merchants' Row, In Boston, and his store In Andover.

.MI.IIIANDI.KII, Andover, Sepl A. if Proprietor and Ueisengor

Now Is the time to buy

A SMALL FARM of'.>.' acres, .wo mites from Churches, Stores,

' SebooU, t'<iM inn ;c, etc, S ininoto* walk _ Htcam Saw allll. where Lhers la plenty of

work II desired, and wood cheap, also two miles from He Tillage of Brookllne, where there are Churches, b lures and Manufactories. Tbebulln- ings are nearly new. In good repair, sunny and coicy, pleasantly located on bign land, consist o

A COTTAGE HOUSE 'l'heil,c< sins eleven rcoms, Carriage house

andbarnw.. I cellar connected, water in house, land In good condition, plenty Of fruit. Frico gl.OOO on easy term*. Fur further particulars address

I... P- SMITH, JsD0-"3m HOLLIS, N. H.

WOOD & COAL White Ash an. Franklin Coals.

HARD AND SOFT WOOD Hropared.if leslred.


JOHN CHANDLER . Andover, Urdc.s received, aad bills aettl d by


Oiiposlte Foot Okloe.

To Whom It May Concern, All Bills now due Frank A. Sawyer, aauat bf

Kiduelore A Pit II. 1. II not paid ihnn tnoy will put In tbo bands of a Collector. MO wot,


Ball irom New York every Salordaj for


• SO. HTEEBAUB,tllt.

LIVERPOOL and giJEEMSTOWN. Bagulsr FortolghUv Service irom New Tork. City or Home." t*.lift tons. Length, 3-ti It,

Sills April M.May it. Junes, July I. Saloen I'aisage, SAO toSIOO, accortling loca-

tion. Second class, $38. Steerage, fin.

r'ur p r Tork.

Son-lift Ice (ream Parlors, PUKE CONFKCTIONKRY

Manufactured daily. Parlies supplied with IOKOREAM, SHF.HBIiT,

nd a One assortment oi CAKE at short nollcr. Heala 8er\r<l to Order.

Abbott Bt.. directly opposlle Fem. Sera, (ironnd Nov. as.lU^ Andprer. Mass.

Audover, Mass. , Post OO'I


GOAL, WOOD, BAY nnd STRAW. Bt moved .torn Draner s Block lo Curler's Ilioct.

Elm Square ANDOVEh, - MASS.

H. A. BODWELL, I.I. II 1 l: IK

Parlor, cnamHer ana.Kitclien FURNITURE,

to, lied*, Loungr*. Mattregaes, Stu- dents' und I'.ns\ Chitlra,

KATTA1* FURNITURE, Carpets, Window Shudes and Fixtures, Ihe llnrr Folding and Uaaiel Bed. Also, an INVALID

BED lo let.

Warerooms -■ Cor. MaJi

ANDOVER, gV.Speclsl aitealion pi>

' Furnllure. »'«liru*;vJ7, !>-:>,

- Carter's Building and Centr.1 SI.,

- - - - MASS. repairing all kind)


PloluK named to orderi Jurli'ns,Tss els, FIsturns,Cords,4o- I. ">i- \<-

Stoves, Plumbing, fPlXX*WlTs5lX"©.

Mr. Barnett's cualomers and la making large additions lo the stick, and effers a largo assortment of goods In tills line prepared lo give prompt altenlion

New Work or Hepairs.

MICHAEL T. WALSH, Essex Street, - Aiulover

Feb.e.iW, |

$25 REWARD. ■or the arrest and«

persons who stole sol

nty place.

MaixU j.-, lijBi,

invictlon of Ihe person or

e bens and a turkey from

fcliKN 3UTTON.

FOR 8 ALE. A FABM situate IB the t wn of Andover. near hutches,scttooUaBdslorce. This lani-. which

Is beautdully slinaled In the w<st psrl of the town, contains■ acres oi Land (about40svresol which are wood land) Dwoll'Bg House, Bsrn and

purchase inoaey being allowed torema gage. For further particulars apply t

HISS C. II. A. SAXHORN, i ituden- ol the New Eusjlanal ConserTa- ry, wlshsa to obtain pupils in

Piano-Forte Flayii and Haraeiy. She Is permitted to refer to 1'refissorj Jamf •

C. II. Parker and tieorg H ■ Howard of Boston.

1RMS »in.ot> |OBM IJEMONS.

1*11 sti pi!, Andover, Maai.

Hew Paper in Factory. —AT^-

277 Methuen SI., l,an rcnee. The undersigned having filled up a factory

willi thel»te«t and most approved machinery for the mniiiil ii-Uiren

Plain nnd IftaaVBf Boxea

'very description are now ready to Ail any 'orf s promptly and al lowest prices.

E. K. KENT & CO. Telephone Connection.

TO LET. Pleasant rooms for oOe.e or llsht business par

esos. NANCY M.TTLKR, March It, inti.'Hif Main Slreet, Andover.

tbe esUte ol Lucy F. Abbott, late of Ardover nountv of E sex, widtw, deceased, and has taken upon himself that trust by giving herds, as the taw dlrteta. All persons having demsn (s rp n the estate of said deceased are required to ex hlbit ihe iam<; and al per ens indebted to said estate arc railed upon lo maka psynteni lo

DAVID FLOYD, IMD, Adm. Wlnlhrop, Msroh 10.1888. »«

NOTICE is hereby given th-i the tubserlber his keen dul. appointed sdmislatrator id

iststs of Alexander D. B ncrtaoa, late of )Ter, In the County of esseg. Mill tJnpcrin.

H'1,.1 in. .'.■■'-,- il.n, .I has taken upon bimseli tiuat by glvlrg , as ihe law directs. icrscna having demands upon the eels e ol

. deceased are rcquir-'d tu exhibit the samr; srdsllpersenn Inde led to said estate are called upon lo m ike payment to

DAVID MICDLKTON, Adm. Andover, March 11, I.-SJ \un


KAMKI, l>\\ AM , DEALEB tu

GR0CEB1ES ail CODNTRT PRODUCE Flrat-Claai Slock aad Beasonable Prices.


oi lohnL.Conk, Sen , late of Uethuen, iir of Essex, msiiufa. lurer, detested, testate, t\ has taken upon himself thai trust by glv>ns:

Imiid' as the law directs. All persons hat Ins de. isudsupon tneealete ol said deceased are requir

. toeahibillhesame; and all persons Ind'bted lo s.ilil estate sre called upon lo mike payment to

JOHN L. COuK. JB., Kxer. raj ninry MthJM 11 Jt

OTJCrTia he sby given, ihsl the uhscrlbcrs re I'l-en duly appointed Adminls'raters ol

eeiuttolKebecci It.Barker late or North An- iver. In .heCo-iniy of Ksaex, slnglew^niaB (le- ased, and have taken upon themselves Ibat

_.uil by givlnguoods, as ihe law dlieota. All persons having demands upon the estate of said deceased are required to exhibit iheaame; and ill persons Indebted lostild estate aie called upon lu masepaysnent lo


Andover, Feb. IS, 18SB. Admlaistrators,

Common wsalftfof MatasehuMttt. PBOBATE COURT.

FslSX. SS. To the liens al law, and others Interested In the

David Wlddup, lale ol North Andover, In si Counly. deceased,

CHKETIHO Whereas, John S. title, (Public Adtiinlitrslor).

Ailministratorol theeolsteof asld deceased, has presented to said Court his petition for license to sell so niurhoi the real estate ol said dcceaied a* will ralsetheium Often hundred thirty eight dell- am and nlty cents, for the payment of debts aad charges or adsiinlslration.

You are hereby cited toappearat a Frobale Court to be hnlden al Salem, in said county on the first Monday or April next at nine o'clock. In the forenoon, to shc7 cause. If any von have, asalnsl the same. And raid Johns. Uile la ordered to serve this citation bv publishing the same once a week,

three weeks successively, la the i.*wnf>cn AJUUOA* AND AauovBi Ajtvgn-

Tiaaa, s newspaper printed at Lawrence, the last p ukli cadon to be two days st least selore slid Court

Witness,George r. Ciwaie, E-quire, Juilge ol slid Court, this ninth day ol February in the year one thousand oigat hundred and eighty JM J.TSMArJONISY.RegisuV;1

By virtue ofa power or sale coBtained inaoer- nn m Tlgago deed given by Tbomas J, Dowd

and Mary A. Courtney of l.aarence, in the Conatyol Ks ex, to Ihe Andover Savings Bank, dated Januaiy nnli A. !>., ISM), recorded with northern D.a.ncl ol, Doeos Book W, page S06, will be sokt al Public Auction for bio*- - ' the noniill nns ol said iiiiirtgase on Wednesday the Ivlghlrenth day of Mnrch, next at nine o'o ook in tbe ion noon, on toe prom- isee which are , escnlwdi. follows, yfi.:

A certain lot ef land wlln the buiidlags thereon situate on the northerly aide of Kim tuei ■aid Lawrence bounded, beginning bv land ot late o nneMotiovera,and running westerly by the noi tnerlv line of sal.1 Klin alrcel Oily bine Ml theui-e northerly Ul U two feet by land of Patrick bile*; thence easlei I; flfieen dot b/ land of said Bilny; (huron nonnerly ninety two feet by land of said Itiley; thenue ea.teily forty feet by tbe southern line of an alley way, Hence southerly ntmty three leot by land of said Me- UOVSIB to the point ol begh.ulos:.



Andover, Feb. SOth, IBSB. 41 '


B-M. Tufts, ef Harwich. Conn,, was In U Ihe last of the week.

Mies Winnie B, Haskell, of lutnvers, has been visiting relatives here.

Miss Bessie Howe has been vlsiting relatives In (ilen Bldge, New Jersey.

The order of tbe "Iron Hall" Is being talked up hero. Iu object is Insurance.

The Exchange bole! staldo laabouttobeopened by Mr. Fred Parker, of Lowell.

The fair of tliefJ. E. society of the Congroga tlenal church netted about (II...

Miss Charlotte Woodbury has been In Wor- cester several days, visiting friends.

The committee on soldiers' claims gave the sol- diers interested a bearing Weilnesday.

Miss Ella P. Bodwell, has boon passing the vacation with rvlstlvss in llallowelt, Me.

Mr. Judson I. Wood, of the high school, tuts been somewhat indisposed the past week.

J. Branch lugalls has been appointed adminls trator of the estate of tbe late Jason Ingalls.

The woolen mill is now running on full time, but a part of the machinery is still lying idle.

Tho upper floor of the new shoe company's shop Is wanted for "barracks" by tbe Salvation Army.

The it mi I assessment of stock subscription to the Hctbuen Boot & Shoo Co. Is payable April B.

A concert in Memorial hall, under the direction of Mr. Cbas. W. Kenlson, is anuounccd for : mouth.

Darius Pierce, Esq., has lieen invited to d er the Decoration day nddrese, before Post 100 0, A. It.

The fair given by the O, E. Society at Phillip chapel, Thursday and Friday evening!, was complete success.

A praise service was held al mission chapel, Sabbata evening, at TJH o'clock. It, v. Chase, of tbe Baptist Church, conduetv (the

The Hose Co.'s entertainment in the town hall, Wednesday evening, was well attended and tbe receipts, after paying all expenses, will net the company about tin.

The noted tern pent nee advocate, John B. Finch, together with Prof. Ktandford MltcbeU, the alng. er, are to be present at a temperance meeting lu the town ball, Sunday evening, at 7.30o'clock.

The directors of the Methuen Boot A Shoe Co. voted, Wednesday evening, to make all possible haste to turn out samples for the spring trade, aud It begins to look as If the wheels of Industry would soon be In motion her*. _

The Shakesperean Club, of Lawrence, are to present the drama "Our Boys," in Memorial ball, on Friday evening of next week,;the proceed* to go to tbe CBlversallst church here. Tickets aud plan of hall at Harris' drug store,

The lower grades of the public schools com- mence agalu Monday; the grammar schools Wednesday. Thccommlttoe hare not jet decided what course to pursue should tbe principal of the high school be unable to resume bis labors

: week.

r. Frank F. Wheeler, Ihe welt-known milk man. In response to a con gram, latory letter tu President Cleveland, following his Inauguration, received the following reply I

Executive Mansion, Washington, I March II. IBM. j

DBAKSlKr--The I'reiddeiii direct* uie to ac- knowledge with his thanks, thu receipt of your Icll.-I "I'lln- ,.-lll lust.

The following comprises the noble army of specials as appointed by the selectmen, for the cusulng year: K. J. Barrows, Roscoe A. Fitted, D. H. Bowell, 8- W. Tapley, F. ft Hapell. Daniel E. Cole, Hal. C. Sleeper, Jos. Harrington, Jno.

Shirley, A..B. C-ordon, P. W. Stevens, Kd. Dowdlng, Hoyt Silver, J. P. Towns, David M.

ole. R. W. Clark, .1. E. Measor, Tom Manuton, J. i; Merrill, Patrick Curraii, Phlneas M. GrlDlu,

>. W, Noyes, Frank Ingalls, John C. Sargent, .un- Mnergan, Thomas (tinley, James M.

Klchsnlson, Woodburn J. Nichols, Charles W. mlson, W. II Dlnsuiore, E. W. Powell, Alon- Hoble, Cbaries U. Scherig, C-eerge Cookson,

i i. i. : .■ i i .)■■■ .. ■.■ v i : ■ .I. Joseph Mar- tin Walter H. Sargent. 311 Hard I",'Emerson, ami

uaries Partridge.

The school committee met for reorganlxatlen Halorday afternoon, the full hoardlielng present. Wm. M. Rogers, Esq., was chosen chairman and Cluvs. L. Mitcitcll, secretary. Schools were si. ilgned as foilowa: < Jeorge B. Bratlley, Merrill

and Pleasant Valley districts and second Inter- dlato school; Chas. K. COBS, nrat amlsecnud,

east primary sail third grammar schools; (has. L. Mitchell, flrst weal primary, Howe and Uros- venor district schools; W. O, Norris, flrst Inter-

late and the two Arlington schools; Wm. R. Resjers, flrst and second era in mar and Marsh dlatrict schools; HughSmltn, Barker aud Banlell llitrlcts and second wcit primary schools; com. mlttoc on music, Uoss, Rogers, Bradley; text looks, Rogers, Bradley, Mitchell; wriUng and Irawlng, Uoss, Smith, Nerrls. Miss Sarah New. ill was elcrted teacher In the Plsasnnt Valley ichoel, Miss Linlc Chun-hill, resigned.

The death of J. Sumner Emery, the well known ■tatlon agent here and a highly respociod cltlsen of this t(iwn, occurred Thursday forenoon, from blood poisoning, resulting from a complication Of kidney disorders. Mr. Emery was bunt In Salem, N. II., and lacked but a few months of being AT years eld. Ho came lo Methuen some fourteen years age aud soon after taking up a residence here succeeded Mr. J. O. Parker as agent at the Methuru depot. Deceased was a be- loved member and earnest worker in the I'nlver-

dlstebun h. He also held membership In four of the organizations which have representation

■ere, Masons, (hid Fellows, Royal Arcanum and lome Circle. In the Arcanum be was Regent at me time and bis death Is the first to occur In this

o de, here. In classes A and II. I. O. O. F., Mr. Emery was Insured and was also Insured In the Home Circle and held a half rate policy In the

mum. A wife and one sou, Mr. M. F. Em- survive him. He also has Uvluj, three ale Mrs. BenJ. Woodbury ami Mrs. Tenney, of

•iiileui, and Mrs Hastings, of California. Puner WlnH. Will lie hehl at at the Unlversallst wli at % o'clock Sunday afternoon, Itev. Don-

ald Fraser efliclatlng. Several of the orders in which be held membership will probably take part In the ceremony.

Peleg S nil-, of Kingston. Mass., forseverni years prior to IWs, had »o suffered with rheuma- tism, Ac, Ihal the cords of lilt neck became so contracted as to draw the bend back so that the top of the tiead rubbed his luck, and the hair was n off by centart with the clothes. Frequent

■™i accompanied this ili.Iress. Various ph (Ktitn- and Un'alh treatment :i( the \|*»> <'•>■'■ gl Hos|iltal wore tried with no help. One vear application of Uiollulmeui prepared by Dr. 1 kUreetcr, and under his treatment completely cured the man. These facts are verified on oatli beforea Justice hv hl\ prominent citizens, and by DM selectmen of Kingston, Mas-. The entln statements verified. Ac., will lie sent to any ad dress by Ullman Bros., Boston. See ailverilse nieiit of Dr. Mcccter's Liniment In tnts Wafts'* issue. . Tl,

■tiOTT-s, KMtVLKioia op prnn Cs>4 I.irrr oil with Hr|MphnepsUtos,

Especially Desirable for CUld>—n


Scott's Emnlilo,', with great IWffli, OtariJ gJjL^

Where's Ihe snn-e in i|>end1ng money fort doubtful sffalr, when a sure aud ndlahie lliln, ii °«,^!!.U»ri^«orB_PLji»Ta;iMfor all aches

SALEM. N. H. » At the Congregational rhur.h, on .tumiav, lii

M bank, four recent .-ouveru H erc MaSf«3 lub memborsblp.

Tho Farmers and Mechanics club and the (jraoi Army I'ostareto lunelhe ilM.uf u,,, („„„ tal( rent freei the coming year, Ly vote of the town.

Tbe young people of the Methodist society are have a dramatic exhibition at Ihe town ball,

"Bread upon the Waters,'' such stage effect as may be

. democratic Baplranls for efflee, notably tbe po-tmaslershlp al Salem, arc getting a side .'bow among theoaselvea, In the way of rivalry, l-o-k out for IkjiKirtpataUc circulator, of papers tu the Interest W ambitious scalpers.

it is hinted as among the probabilities that the ;»t Methodist Society will have » llcw SLS tsslgued 11 at the next conference However it nay be, we can but feel Uicomuilwrate a Hrthud st preacher's lot, when railed upon lu utuve oft- •ncr than once in three years.

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Child* started for Voilev Springs, ( allfornla, where Mr. child-, will euaaire lu huslness. Mrs. Cbllds, noe Miss Stoat) ,f Ulis village, has made tbe journey previously!

remaining In California a year. Her staler Mary Is now there visiting relatives. Both are' ladlea who will lie mUacd from the wide circle of their acijiialiitaurt! here, and have the kindest wishes for their future happiness and prosperity.

Town meeting passed off rather ouletly, not more than two thirds of Um voters Wing present Eta republicans elected a full ticket with uo trouble. The principal officers for the ensuing yeararo.' Town clerk, Joseph Webster; select- men, Peter lialcliclder. Wallaoc W. Cole. Chan T.Maxwell, treasurer, Lev! fluff; overseer of poor, Charles T. Maxwell; superintendent uf schools, Rev. Henry II. Collmrn. Appropria- tions; Voted lo raise t3,A0u lo defray town charges; f,V», to ruu tho "road machine'^ In re palrfng|highways; SI000, la labor on highways ami hrlilgns,»»0, for repairing certain sctlous named In the warrant. Vote*! lo allow a discount of e per cent, on taxes, If paid before October 1st. Darius M. Thorn was chosen town agent for tlie eufen-cment of the liquor law. Considerable reeling was manifested over Ihe con aide rat Ion of the case, and Mr. Thorn's services sharply crltl cixed. but Mr. W. G. Cmwell, In a few remark*

f characteristic vigor and earnestness, defended



dingo, BUS SUppltOd Causeway.

Succeeded Too Well.

Now," said the bride, "Henry, I want you to understand distinctly that I do not wish to on taken for a bride. I am going to behave exactly as It 1 were an old married woman. So, dearest, do not think me cold and unloving If 1 treat you yery practically when there Is anybody by."

"I don't believe I can pug for an old married man. I am ao fond of you that I am bound to show It. I am sure to give tho »nap away."

"No you mnstn't. It's easy enough. And I insist that you behave just. like all old married men da. Do you boarf"

"Well, darling, I'll try, but know I will not Hucceed.'*

The flrat evening of their arrival the bride retired to her chamber, and tbe groom fell in with a poker party, with whom he tut playing cards until ^ o'clock In the morning. 11 ii wife spent the wea- ry hours waiting. At last he turned up, and met his grlef-Btrlken bride with tbe liilariong question:

"Well, ain't I doing the old married man like a dalsyf"

Sin- never referred to the subject again, and everybody knew after that, that they had Just been married.—Han Francisco Chronicle.

Sweet Things.

"Sweet things are very bad for von, dear," said a fond mother to her 6-year old boy, who bad the end of a fast wan- ing stick of candy In his mouth.

'•And is sweet things bad for papa, too?" asked the innocent child, releasing the stick from his mouth for only an In- stant.

"Yes," said the msther. "I thought so," replied the boy, as the

last end of the stick disappeared. "Why did you think so, my boy?" "Because be always goes out when you

begin to sing 'Sweet Violets.'" If that boy lives he may manipulate the

bones some night.—Detroit Free Press.

(>ne little black cat, one little gray— Twn little funny cats having such a play! Overgoes U) i gray cat, sticking out her tntt- DOW! tumbles Itlackle, right upon her nose) Here enmes the mamma cat, straight across the

There go the kitten-cats scrambling for the door; I'p'pi'pssbenwii mouse, coming through a rmek ! .tump goes the mam ma-rat before It can get back 1 Kunny little black cat, funny little gray 1 How they let the brown mouse try to run sway I 'iff goes the brown mouse, in among the palls, Then how the mama cat pulls their little (alls'

—Little FolkV Bonder.

Veil wi*» one Skaters glide, A pair of rollers un my feet,

A sweet girl by my side. He tried to be a skater.

And bravely he struck out.

HiediHl Again


SAVOHY-HHI STC cnts, reb. awb, by lb-v. Thomas __ Henry P. Hamry. i,r Westboru, and Mlas Adella 1.. Houston, of Newton Highland*.

HI.ilMlli-:»i. JAl K-i>N. Mureh Sd, by Bev. Thomas II. Htocy, Mr. I'arl 1> and Miss l.llhi II Jackson, botb of Wallhain.

BOMERVILI-E—BBIUtiS—In North Andover, March IMth. at tbe residence of the hrhie's par- ents, by Bev. W. W. Baldwin, Mr. Thomas Soincrvllle and Miss Ullia A. Briggs.


rfcc McUlilen.iSl'niu Mi I.II.I.KN -in this cityLMarch lUtb, n daugh

ter to Mr. street.

WE1.IXJN.—In this city, March 13th a son to Mr. 11. Weld en, 4* Ainesbury St.

n to Mr. and Fairmont street.


CKOC'KKK.—In New York, March l.ii.ii, Mr. Frank I'. Crocker.

I.VM II.- -In North Andover, March ITtli, Miss Fanny A. Lynch, aged *J yrs, 7 mos. i-..\ i;-. in Andover, March 1Mb, Mrs. Mary Hears, aged -si yrs.

BOYNTON.—In Andover, Uaith IT, Samnel II. Boynton, aged '■: yrs, - in..-.

WIHIK.-In Andover, March Id, Miss Lucv B White. Bged 44 yrs, daughter of Ueiiaiuln White. Funeral services Bt the resilience of the fnther

r (he deceased, on 1'unehard Avenue, Satur>Uy, iir. a. Tur.v WILL SURBLr Fisn Yon.

They are looking for you everywhere. I>rafts fair In unexpected places, going from hot room*

to cool ones, carelessness In changing clothing —In short anything which ends tu a "common cold In the head." I'nluss arrested, this kind uf cilil l>ccontes seated tn the mucous membrane of the head. Then it Is Catarrh. In any and ail Its >tagc* Uili disease always yields to Kir's Cream Balm, applied to the nostrils with the fluger. .'Safe, agreeable, certain, Price fifty cents.

A WORD mow JAMES J. It (jfigooHr, or Mas- ni.BHLAD.

The following Is taken from a lecture delivered iy Mr. i.regrini, at Itowley, Mass. I "In regard to commerslal fsrtlll/.ers, having

pokun In a general way, let us advance a step .■■wards the Htnckbrtdge theor), This, as you well know, Is that by analysts they find that each plant has certain elements and combines them in —*-||i proportions, so that, If I feed those ele- > In the same peapnrtlons, I get that crop. memo-1 lie tkem as the crop wants them. So "'rofessor Stoekbrldge makes a formula to applv

.different crops. Now that in general I endorse. . think that in general he is correct. We all know that certain crops like ashes, and thrive on them. Certain crops arc especially hungry for ammonia. We know that different crops like different pro portions *r tkeae etcraaots. We understand Mr. Gregory "as used (he tttockbrldge Manures with good success. wit

mi..II 111-1. WHoomo' ii Dr. {Edward Gi Hughes, Rockford, III. ii-i v i. City, ISSB). voluntarily I -.nne venri ago my only sou, ageif fo

attack of Whuoplng Cough, characterised by the most violent spasms 1 have ever seen In a prac- tice of I" years. Had several consultations with eminent pbvslelaiis and nil ordinary and eitra- nilnary nmedtes wen- resorted to. The parni- sma were slmplv fdnhtful. I l-llevwl tbe child rmild die. 1 reliicWmly tr|e!| Ur Helh Arnold's

iirh killer und thu effect wan magical. bottlus cured him," Uvlw

l..vtllMii,ltKli Mil 11. Many people admire rod hair, but If you do not,

Parker's Hulr Italsam will Impart to It a ilarker hue. It will also thicken thin hair, eradicate dandruff, and impart softness, glossiness and life to hair which has become dry and harsh. Not a dye, does net soil tbe Unen. (lives a dell



. . withstand Ihe stormy wintry weather thai luii prevailed. But unfoKunately the confine- ment and thnclosualref modern nouses during the winter season, Is very enervating, and the system neoda help lo enable all Hag organs to du their proper work. If these organs have lieen lie active, tbe couacciuenccs are ahowlng themselecs in the bilious condition ef tbe system,, or in con stlpation of the bowels, or lu disorders ol the kidneys, with all the aiJie* arid pams that aeconi pan* tbene oompUlnis. If ytru are In this condl t."..iT..m any cause you should muko a faithful trial i/f that well known reread,. Kidney wocl It sets at the same fine «,« iKe kidneys, iWer ami tH.wels. aqt\ 1* snerefore eatieclBllr fatted to cor- rect this u-ipld oouOlUon of the system,

dwlw ■ *■«!» -■

inr luiiii i IN Tax i mi.11 Babies are very little things, yet ther leave

great gaps or kinullueis behind theru when (hey die. M'dherj save your little ones by giving them Marker's Tonic when they iliow signs uf bo- th** unwell. Tbli famous remedy Is so pleasant that an* Infant will take it. and It will soon uulet tnd remove their aches aud pains.

dweedl minis

We have just received our line of



lOrt. OCH STOCK ±m always tile LAUGBST. **nca. OXTH STYLES cure 0,1-wa-ym OOZUUIOT, Ox-d. OUM PRICBS are alwoys tile IiOtTtTHST.

Hawes the Hatter, - 285 Essex St., Lawrence. NOVELTIES in FINE DRESS FABRICS,


Strictly New and Fashionable Dress Goods. btHStS^Jf^SSH? a™d •,lr™un'"™« towns are requoted to Inspect the Richest mnfl Finest st.„k „r strictly stylish Ooodsto beftmnd I,™,^Jte'1- TJJ"y»re<»'siir|«Mse<Ibyno other House in tills section of the country Among Ihe muny Novelties I™ Frenchinfl SSSsSSsSSTJCSSf ra" '."""'i?."1'";"tte""<"> to our COMBINATION SUITS with Silk and Wool, embroidered i.n,l wo™ Pla-ure. anil stripes, all wlta plain goods. The above are tho most desirable a»d stylish I-|„c Hoods of the season, aud'aro offered at VcmarEiblr

low prices. w

New Spring Shades in all the Fashionable Plain Goods, Full line* rung I HIT In price from 38 cents to $1.00 per yard.

PRINTED AT.T. WOOL NOTTS VEILING, In Whlteand Colored < Iround. The most desirable thin Wool fabric or the season,

3iTE-W COLORI¥GS IlfcT PLAIDS. ntElSrCH SATEENS i'o'l'o! 'Vllcm' *"''' " '" '"''"'""' '" "' " Bn"',nd■ <™»P»«>aolMiWo. To see them U




BAKING POWDER. Analyse* heretofore made by noted chemists show that the

Tart rale of Lime which the Royal Itakli.|r Powder Co. condemns tu Its advertisement)* has been found in its own baking powder, as follows:

Tsrlrtte of Lime found In Royal Baking Powder—Per Cont. WM. M. HABIRSHAW, P. C. 8.. n,05

Cbsmist of <ha N. V. StaU A,riculti,ral Social,.

PROP. JAMES F. BABCOCK, Stats of Massochusstts.

8T1XLWELL & GLADDIMO, Chsmisti to (hs N.w Vorii PrMluoB E.ohaa(a.





Gold and Silver Watches at Prices to Astonish the Natives..

At the fnilnrt- of a firm In Tloatoii, w* Imvs B«cur«<1 a IMH Block of ■JMshsk. Chains, Clmrms, KIDKB, l.n.t und Jrrspy I'lna. Also « lot of Mgurriliijr <iaods In Ony i sttnl (sold, nil of thn finest qu*llty ana In the beat dealanu. Havlnsj liuusjht theae goods for Ins than lOcenUon the doll sv, we can cloee them out very cheap.


BRADLEY'S SUPERPHOSPHATE Has Maintained Its Supremacy for 24 Years.

BECAUHE It has been lha conataoi aim of tbe ninalactaruta to make It TmCBBHTlHTRK MARKKT. BECAUfli-i Ii CUUMIOB ail .oe rfqnlalte elamenU of plant food, derlred f and combtoed m prjportlooa, proven \<y the ornrtiml fxptritme of 24 ytart to boat constitute a WELL BALANCED QOMPLKTB MANURg, FOR OBNE1UL Ur-E ON A Lb Cult's. BECATTSK .tin BESaWal of which It la tompoa»d are aalacted with raference not only to their cbemlcal compoeltloo, r>Bt eapeclslly TO THKIR CROP PftODtJCK- 1NQ POWKKW. WITHUITT KKO«,KD TO t'OHT. ^^~" ' ' BKCAUnK iurt SIUBM 353M IS KOUU H> Its mintifsctarn to secsre uniform quality ami condition, all the raw materials, aa well an tba maa(.factored protiact »«log dally aaajyeed by corapeteat cbemlata. Thna there la DO gaeee work, KVRHY • THIKO BEING HEDUCKD TO A BC1KNTIFIO BAB1H. BEtAUHU iu ciuniMMiLHiu IN nan.-n uu u» to(TNn^OBOiT, bnt oq thorn prinripu. "//esx/isf planU vhirh art wuntzed by the highm authority of home and atiroud at the only pmcticahle and profitable. mttho<ls t.f KKTUKNING TO TUB MOIL TgOSJ IXtMKNTB EXHAUSTEI) BYTHErBOl'-. ' ' ' ' ""

ur pal.ou-, wneiuer at{euLt «r isriatare, are Invited to our facterle*. and SEE FOKTHKMHKLVEH BOW OJJB VV.U ttLQKM ArtR MADB.

Pamiiblots for 1 M.S.-» sont free on applteatlon. ' For Bradln>'d Saperpbobphite, apply lo oar oeaveit local ag^nt, or It there la none

ear JMQ, adilresa


For Sale by H. K. Webster & Co., Lawrence. MwwwM

"WHI1.U fflf, Thai every article usml (OI UII> Mmr intrpnse Is

uf euiial valuti IHHIIM" u-liiilt-. A... all aatiual SnxtiKitluiin BU lu the iiiaiiiifailun'il.all Ii .ulln-lr

egree ot iurrlt,ami HuauIs as runs|>liuuus ID US vaHrty asaiiflliliiyelse. Hut In this, aa the de- mauilTnr tlw Pure ami fd-tlalile Increase*, an lines tliu raluc uf ttn< |iri»lui<tl>nis uf L'urttS hnvls ACS., eaimlallr their "Welcritne" anil "'.in- i|iialh"l Estra" lirauils. heln^ )iraiii,ii|v wain- men-led by atlier raahiifii tnrer* wm Imitate them tn every eonclvalile war. But, while IIJs r..iii|illnienl may IHI aiiiinilnti>t|, w.iat oan b«

shoulil l-e .ii'ii'l •■-<!, HI Un- HI initial lias the uai of Curtis Davis l»a»ls, in full, .-itli.-i uu ihe i er wm|i|ier, snd It Is their puryuae lo kil their lUjiutmiuu siauduu IUB eAaas uf KUOUS. tlwlw

I ii wmn Thousands of persons suffer from this distress.

Ing complaint, aud nevi-r ri-aLlM1 what Uielr 'lls- eBse Is until II m" Us worst fonns. Wi-thi-r

'HOri.ll QX l»i:\TlfST- Toe** Psswder. Snooth, refreshlnf. harmless, elegant, cleans

Injr, preservatlvo au<l fraxiaui. U)c. in ggtUt dwlw

Of Bit the dlfTerenl schools tn tho country have thousands die every year ,.( *u-'.K|„„ SSiim of the kidneys, who could I* llvlusr to-day If LVM had use.1 Nbtasf lll!t.-rs. They are OmquSZ

I.1WII Wl.kM-l, I H ( Imr. Ii Hill, M.I ,

IhanLfiil for Ihe rrstoi-ntliiii of his wlfn to IMIUI that In' !• u:i:ii,„ in eeftif] i

nd insiiiii'i .if her c 'lo Mrs. LydU K

■I'IIIK from a mrrlUe disease wldch >«m« tlu aktll or tin- Ix'sl mi■dlt-al nseu. She v

In a poor, languid, depmiaeil, uervousnoudltl «'•■ flnallv cnut-ludurl to uy ymir Vc,(cialilc I ■. eoiuidsmtMour ireet surnrlse the half of i

"in,- lio-l not IMWU take a before there see tin* be a tlkoniUffh cliange In her whole caniiiilou. i 1 today Bfee Is In good health and entirely

id from all former depressed feelliiKl T. it. UsJTurd ■

nrwl Bff. unj ii ir>-

■ 'Koi 4.11 *W TOOTH S4 in lusiautre^Bf fiir Nauialjrbt, Too**..,,!., vac,

BChe. iWt fall ba lrv"\rtUa' %$m Ke'newei

Till. FlNKST Astll I'l nl -I ?."ntBkfT which ean he iiroeure-l Is the "G. ( Taylor Old ItourlHiii." ft has malntalnnl Its raj uutlon for years. DruffjrUts and 1.1 - ■■ i ■ sell It


_ They are unequalled V! tJ'e_w5";l,l fsaalidlsta-csuf Uiskldnevs -New

dwiweod I worm, titter, .nit rue Haven l in.-u.

"HOU-H l>\ 1111. It.-iiitli on It«h" cures humors, erupllom

II MH,ll..|!.' Who left the United Mates for UlK-rla last yc*i

mn lately iriuroed, Uitnc unabk to stand lh< ■[(male. Kveryliady 10% to » ww cllmaP ihould have a Ixittle of Sulphur lilticr. wltli then wa safetruard Bgalnst dUeasu.-lUrtford (on

111 lM"i.;i

like eating you up, dearest/'

Tim i'i in -ii . Wells' Health licnewer" restores health and

•Igor gang dyspepsia, BJBMBBjBaB, sciual debll- ">.«i dwlw

tmiii; 1" Miiimm. Are you dlsturlie<l at night and broken of yoi

rest by a sick child suffering; aud c -ylug vrllli pa! of entlliiK teeth:' If so, send at ones and gel;. bottle of Mrs. WtusluWs HooUitng Hyrup for Children Teething. Its value la tncoVulahlc. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Imme.1 lately. IH'lH-ml o|n.ii 11. nioth'-rs, there lsnomistake atioul It, It cures dysentery Bud dlarrlura, regulate* tli« itoniai-h and Niwela, cnreawlod colic, aofutus the gums, reiluces the InflacimBtlon, and si tora and energy tothe whole sutrm. of ra. ffl... low's southing Wyrup for Children Teething la pleasant to the taste, and Is Ilia prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physblaiisIn ths United Mates, and Is for sal*by ll druggists turoughout the world. Price la e:ils abettla. dwoedlriBiitfT

Special Announcement, We shall offer to-morrow the following Extraordinary



SUMMER SILKS. 8000 yards Just opened, whlob wo offer at astonishingly low figures.

5000 YARDS SATIN MADAME, In all colors, whirl, have never boeo nold for leaa than Sl.oo; we offer UU lot for OO rents per yard. Comment IB iiiiiiereanary. Sm-i, Ion i.rlr* a were never bafopa

named for Uresa Bilks. ""wrw

BLACK RHADAME SILKS from *1.00 upwards.

* Black Gros Grain Silks, ths Beat Goods ever offered In Law renre-e very yard warranted. I'least exaan.

Ine them. Prices never so low before.

Colored Dress Silks Jaat opened. We mil apodal attention to our »1.0O and »1.35 aualltv. Wat

warrant every yard to wear well aad Rive perfert Baturactloai.

3000 yds. Imperial Serge Dress Goods t&iSSf'TtbC'E&.'Si'lS. f?to T '"r<l 'l!"iP»rt. W. onrr I hi. lot for oolj OU n nl.. Till. 1. tli„ matMt l..r,.li, ever oOkred la Oreu Hood, lo l.swreao..

We .hull sl.o offer 1 g-m.rrow .full line of

FINE 8PRINC DRES8 GOODS In Beautiful Colon and Bhadea.

b.»^t tau ™*,i!.*.r.!i °,^le * VT* ,mr"* Pawn*" la M«w Tork of the above goods, for cash, aad site hen, at tnlB twrir tints at much IBBB prions than tbe7 can bo bought lor a few weeks 1L0T WM,f

Byron Truell & Co. Lawrence, Mass.






327 Essex Street, Lawrence, Mass.

California. Parlies far California l«?BTe nos'»n en the first

TuflKlar of rvfiry tnnnili. Yar full particulars B'MressA. fiHLLiru * CO.,-jiin ngonat., Boston. .Swim

Dental Notice. DR.N.B.RUSSELL.



4a. will rMi... SI. .So. UMT. UM dr., ef Anil. . B«

.IHMONM an*.

«nml 11'MTluI, u. ^i>- jun«. MI.I.!.... ■■ .

»f k -i...,,!. Mu. , TOM


RumsAEisa. tanlgu. la* MB SUM SonBmt Sfniis. i aaav

fro-. I Eksa.] ksa


LINIMENT! TS.m laterssal and 1 Eiteraavl TJ». The best and BSOBIKUB. Mr In the world fas- oil kinds of sches Bed

tf Send fc>r of ill

Pries 3S aad SO ots.

^ T~

CAPITAL PRIZE, »75,0O0. ftckete only »6\ MUN la proportloa.

LSI. Loui-'aua ttialeLotttTf ■Juwpanv.

•bj i UQ i irunwiutni. all u,t Moolnlw aot Annual Drawing, ui tiie Louiaiaaa butt %, lei v i:.i'D|>jn>. ...ill )■ m.niiixc auii g Will IOC 111 J Wll t . 1II.-.,..,1 v., 1U<: 111 Ji LtM t, bre iM»i<iuui»l wita utiuoijr, Ul0*a> ar- aui'l Uiiti low*.- i >n |>.UIIUI,IH<I wtuiri toe Uoiatpjaj in u.e Mn certiScale, will

" iigualuroa r"


laenrporaiad in ivsior ■ Tears, bvths let ItlatUre mr E luci'lnna! and charitable tun po-wa-wlth MnUal of 11.(**,»»—10 which t rainrv* fund of over •.l.' b*a alnc.e wet ■MM. ■ r an -tve-rwiidming popular vote it* inn

ehl*. (l. mm)* i pen ol the preacnl lUUOea Saltation, adnplrd (InnenDM-r *d. A. n 1179.

T»««nir Lntier*/ ever votad on am) eailorw "7'he people uf any SUM.


IT* Hm-ri timuLS Human DaAWiaQ* take plan* mnnlh'v.

A ■>i*l,BNtiii> Hi'i'iiiiTi \rn TO

IVI.HA KOIITI.YK tlh >.r...l «>■>«.

I»«. tUea D. in the A-adeea*/a.r »fu*ir

Mew Vikaai, TI i.ainf, AFIIIL

Ul>, 'Ml-lib.', IwatM* ISrawlaar,

CAPITAL PrtlZE. 97S 000.

100.00 Tickets tt Fivs Colls.i Each

Ions i" Filihi in oroportion. UtTOr mux*.

I CAPITAL i'IIIZIt ol a,.-, :. ■ I ' " . ».0M p 10," (

."! MM 10,1*1 lOt KM «I.III

NO 1M W mi HO M Kl.iKi

1.0D0 •• m •»,l«l


t Approilmatloa l*ila.*e «( J7n« fl.TM

1,*1 Prlinam'iuntlnii- 10

inn-pan j, I

... write clearly, fi»in> lallart'lrnat. Nuitral. VIITK... Kat.>*-> Mon \ <>.lrr.,..r law Vo k *.\ hins* in ordltaiv J« l*r tlntre fit i y . a >r an I all tun. ol *t ko.l Buwaiila at our *au n.,r) ail.irr -.-d

M. A. DAUPHIN Naw Orleans, La-

trH. A. DAUPHIN, ■07 i-vnninNlreet. Wan hi am on. n 0.

1> k«P. O. Hnner Orders par*bit tndaddie*. ltd ''"'•■' Latter* n>


■ ruin* or MOM k - 1,000

10 ■ t,0M


Salesroom 286. Resiileoce, 866 Boo .Street. 1 lyr jtm 1


a CAMBRIDGE MUTUAL FIRE IN8. CO Offor you | strong, relUbli atd cirafiuy toanajsd Company Insure jtrar ■ SwSiLOnandtWKStOkm? Tapirs HOT piying 00 A islam premium an fl?o 7*irpoiialei, Tasy nsrs cov;r umi:d hiTo pild all 1QI303 prom:t'7 and their ritai art is loir si a-.7 Mutual Csm;u7, J, W, CM*, Prti. Alfrtd L. Dortour, Sic.

Fir UiurjK* mfffy t*


MM. U. II. HAItKIK, Will . ■ i-rii. |.i||,ll to

Oil Painting, In Raiicx Bank Building

Cor. Kaon «n.l Lawrence «U , i:.i.« a .KJtkowt irotn It 1 • 111 3il, nnrl I PHtlo f.

fainnnKalur H*le.

Lite,/cc dent and Fire Insurance JUUN l.l>K AIC1», - A«.l-M

Insurance Agencj •WBMHITI mm roLLO...

CO] (TOPA-JSTT HJS H'ritnkcl 1 01 Prtirt.,PA. Panns) veu't JI Peno. frtam , A.I ■ IJMI N. T.

»»tn' abtat, N.i* ToTh. -uertowu, NOW fork.

Ortwnt, Hun. , Conn. MBrt.lnr "- Comm JI altt DuatOB 8b»w-iut. (lotto 'it Million*!, v., ,tnr •^.I'l.fll. h.,xl.!l..|. I111 -urlf.1 \i .' irMiH n,Ku,'liril, Rorai, Knj(i iii. lletro ,-u« no. Uo,, .*arl<, Londt 1 .'\-IMI-IMII.I, Kn* d. <1 iirl in -V . ■ ii-.iiu-.i, )• 1,1,].I. Londo 1 ii. I I. ni.'Hililr Cnciaml. Trwval «r»' Lir^ and A otdsnt ol

Butt* M Ukl l.ilrt. Vi.rn .mr.


•a* Katies atreet, Unrtw _ P. .ml OffioeRrti 8^


" in: c. wciraMivf #»»isiivfvt HINT, |l' >■>'"< M i r( til ) Ml til, I l"'t, ' • i • ■ ' ' ' I i" t ■ hn I-1 Hcada I

■I':-' »■'"., ■. ... i ■, . of th<


c;: ntare Oi i i

i>p lrr>», |in U am ri»,.lli'( !

II", H ireoneit, i.oat ol

11*1 i-»ii nl iiv in eaartlon ni I »i ,'nii'Ki ' Oil' In lu roue. Katil) h..i •Ml t« •■< ii i i'' imt man Ona Jnllt A bT 'i' l( hiltlt (or Ira .liillar,; IHII b< •B.IIII-".!'! i on rme'lit of prioa. We ua-amn ni'i'V-i to ''ii i- »■■» naaa. W.'h cii'l. i,. il- IMl-i-1 V il |..| , n |.,.l.. . «.-, ,,|„,, ni. ,| will Ifi! ilnlli -, wr *l I i-ci,.l ihe !■ r.-.i n-n oili "I ■'!< " t.iiliT lo nil the III,,|.PT, II I In

iri-iriitfi iio> • no) ifnel a cure. Uu raolci •-in ■ I on > by

a.*i.wairnKV*co. n u-n.i., l.'*m:*:i, *!*»■.

it*rr'hr-i % at re nlir in !.■.■. .|wnmTl<


THE SURE CURE *^^~— FOR ■~"—^™-



PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILY. ■'r,:.iii,y-v/ort lathi, n

levariucd." Dr. P.< '•.. ..InirT-Wurt la ilitip nUanla."

1 - H K. Clara, Bo Hfro, Vi. "Kldnr7 \Vorth««i?TirJm]rwlfl*a1crtwoj»ara wfltr-j,-." Dr. C. U dimmerlla. Nun mil, Cta.

IN THOUSANDS OP CASES .Ihui-iwl whrreaijrlwhad falltxt. ft la mild, B-Uc.Hoiont, (LjTmi IS IT* ACTIOM,l.ut

. . Il.lri «J a-d UlrnilbtHut i ■« I::it"i'-'-'* nr^ana of ocllon of t • Kltn-jji la

or alldiieaaa, and hcalthfti'ij.


FOR fcb ^LB.

An 8 Horse Power BAXTER


Ihe felt /rms Co. of HartfcrJ In exfiellcnt t-onil tlou, And only told

brcnuie owalvll httve no furthor uao for



BAKING POWDER. This certifies that I have examined samples of

Cleveland's and the Royal Baking Powders, pur- chased by myself of grocers in Burlington, and that I find CLEVELAND'S BAKING POWDER IS COMPOSED OF PURE AND HEALTHFUL MATERIALS, properly compounded; while the ROYAL CONTAINS AS AN ADULTERATION OR IMPURITY AN AMMONIA COMPOUND. The use of Ammonia compounds in such a prepa- ration I regard as injurious, as they are powerful medicines and do not serve as food in any way. The Royal, contrary to the representation of its manufacturers, contains Tartrate of Lime.

I find, moreover, that Cleveland's Baking Powder is of considerably greater strength than the Royal both samples being equaiiy fresh.

Burlington, Vt., Aug. 19, 1884.

-A_ EC. S A.T-lIJSr, 8tate Chemist, and Professor of Chemistry In University of

Vermont and State Agricultural Collese.


Great Reduction in Switches and Waves

MISS D. F. HALLS (SDCC8-SOT 10 Mil Ifiiilfi.) 232 Essex IFoi? GO Days Oxxly-!

Wo B\rt> selling an <*h*Mp CRAt every Ufly tvho la In nre.l of HAIR GOODS abuuld hike Hdviiniiijfi' of thttae romiarkitbly low prices.

Vonllla1-"' l-.i :n. ... owe , fjrmcr pi iuo 11 l>0.

will bar.k hnlr, IJ.'.O, foruiur .


SWITCHES. 11 avRatMl «i. T5- , airt 01.10.

II I'llt .vviri-'lli;* o, o^r owa wake m f i 'I'ui.W i- '*.

-I'.'.MI.KH dWirCBBi «i, || and

• KVaV STTITCUES rrora |1 lo |10.

RPEOJAL DXKOAINS '.'.-. ■! '.V . I II ■. ■- ■>., ■ I .!. u si, || ,, ,n t-'. 0 A i i .( .-,. k oi our own waka i


I lot of

Water Curl Wares for 10c. WAVKDRK.-INU'IO^.III,. |,|*0 COelBUUl

Bemember, thess Prices arc for Thirl y Days only. Ao It !• » lt*ily*e store, I h«vo t*K«n greN4 pnlut In avlertlng onr stork of

CORSETS, HOOP 8KIRTS AND BUSTLES. >n-l wuw i ar*- A .iiwri-rllTtiQMi Arm l*ii^»(i*.

2d eta, per packet.


S»»ds by mail a specialty. *Qt


W. W. KAWSON, Seed Grower and Market Gardener, Arlington, Maa*.


Hot n Jcnoho, snull, nor p?.!enl mtdiolnt,

BUS l.wi.'l'l™,

i;'.ss- ril| « III* B» f.- i i I'l- r ,, i, ,.r., nil I "...Il I r U-,', i"it —nt lu j.nir, „ 1 I, r bnnK un • at Tin ,

Or. S. IV. BE ALL, I Kl-'Ullrt, nbue, O.

smm ) Best and Purest Medicine

EVER MADE. ^Itwltldrti-n the Ilinnnr from yniirll

Do the Right Thing. t Irar 1 rallmoiiy

Talk t» III l inn* Prople. mini) of a \\ Itiin*.

A 1.0*1.1-, N. T



A Former Lawreiiee Han Arrost- ed for Bmbegslement.

"Adospalch from Chicago, 111., says: Frank Atkins, aoparlntondrnt of lbs Drl-jliton Cotton Manufacturing Companj' la lu a fair way of going to the pt>mu-n. 11;ir\. Tli.-es days ago the trt-aaurer of Mi,' company swors out a warrant for At klu'.i urrt'ttt, ctiATglog him with having •tabesiLsd thu sum of #7500. Atkins wtu> »r-i I'ltt-il and brought Into court yesterday, Tin- charge against Atklna is that lie mil aii|iruprlated the money which pa*i*ied throngs bis tiands while he was acting lo thti capacity of superlnteudcnt. lu re turnlu,: his reports monthly, he made the -nil", much smaller than they mill., were, putting the difference In his pocket. ni-ii mliiiil to liii Income by doctoring the salary rolls. He was led to steal through his paaslon for stock gambling, fie dealt as extensively as his means Allowed, wu never ituccessful.

Alklns was formerly a resident of this city, being employed in the Washlngtoi mills In this city ss superintendent. While hen* he made many friends and was well llk'd by the mill officials. He was very pk-aalng In hi* address, finely educated iiinl a good manufacturer. Hu la married but hat> no children. It Is stated that even when he lived In tlds city ho something In the stock buainoss, but l.l« position gave him no opportunity fur cmbeiiliug as at Chicago. The news of his disgrace wan a great surprise to his friends in I hit city, who bed the highest opluion of his integrity and honesty. When Atklus left here he went to some town In Connecticut, nesr Norwich and worked In a mill there. This was some four years ago, and not long after he left Connecticut, soonsfter which he went to Chlcsi*o and entered the employ of the Brighton Cotton Manufacturing com puny, where he remained until arrested for embcz/.lenient.


Hand Taken ofl* at the Upper Pacific.

On Saturday, Jesse Uourbeau, employ* cd lu the l'lckerronmof the Upper .'settle

mills, while running a picker mschlue, gut ids hand caught in the machinery and

horribly lac-rated. The greater part of the hand waM cut off be.'ore It could be

extricated. The Injured man was taken

to the city hoepltal, and Dr. Chamberlal: and Dr. called, who were ohllged to

amputate the hand at the wrist Joint, on

account of Its being so badly lacerated At last accounts the patient was doing

well. The case Is one which should excite aympatliy from the fact that the insi extrt-uiely poor, and ha* a wife and Hiaull children dependent upon him for »upport. What they will do during the long period which must elapse before Mr. H<-ni iii'aii will he a>ile to work. Is not known. They reside at 118 Valley rttroet.

I nit ri-siilisi s tu Conference.

lljttfOUful. ibaat nnj rl

ill cine. ,..i\wlM .

Uetltof JfuOf ImiXfil.i,


If you nre nflBtint from I1

ner PlrrsSM, mid «'*'i l" " till age, DOS fiL'l.rilt It BITT£U9^

| riifj ueferfall tuc<

mm, .-i nirj";1!T^!''.^

.'ofjrtal.liT.inl Mower 8K1-:11S. Kt I,US, . ;\

ELM. FERRY &C0.0I3,"glf



T..l,„n. HiaM-fiinT-flt*.* 1 MD.I m llinir- N lie ef lb- u u-l mpillrln*' i in in h i i- is huil an> nilrut upnn uni

say liualoea*. fl.l, cove ml a period I

I Ui. I).-i.l K-nn < ME IttVIKllY (i.a

' das ' psr,

X nrslrN'y, s. rgPaOS. M . i\|."0 taoietl *lliBn*/'« ol | an-' rtiapeet

.1 id i Uni ,:iiin "oiia--". (■! Ilia publication Oi

lir '« n Jy, I' *ail Burfeen,

M A LA RI A. Ai rui anil malarial ipeillcine


FAVORITE REMEDY (H won i:i>jiif>;ni .i:iio .( Ke traveler afceoM eou ■iJer li.i outr.t complato unlcai it Inirlntka] n buttle of tola medicine. If you ire ezpuaoil lo frequent fhangeeof cUmate.tuoUaBdwauu.Fa'orlieltaaieily ihonldalwa^ab-- wltliln Tour reach, tt etpela ■»'- I.U'll l-i.l.i.IH. ,tl|.| Htbl'hoT

Tlie WiiHlilnicti.n Mills.

There will be a special .netting of the Stockiiolders of the Wasliington mills,

on Friday. March 20, at 11 o'clock a. m.,

at No. '202 Devonshire street, Boston, to

set upon tlie report of theli Committee appoint d Oct. 8, and to consider and de-

termine whether the Corporation will sell at public auction or private sale, the whole

or a part of ItH real estate, mi la, machin- ery, and other property, and authorise Its

Directors to negotiate such sale, aud the

terms of payment for the property sold,

and to carry the same Into effect; or will

take any other measures In respect to the sale or disposal of its property, real and

persoual, and to transact such other tins- s as may properly come before tin


■iiSer from

ill--■'mil iiir««inu. rl >.y, I; I, III, ..$¥

.:.,!'/ Oil ilium: .-.

. n Biijmf thi'Ml* ni*iiy amMtuuy

l'H •■■ niiiinoof rtillla ,.-"U,rtJ. It 1~ ii-i^irllj ot- t-atllU'lorincctHi-of tu.n.y iiiitiiiiHiit.ii ni.uall ill.nrnet*



ifcTffor f pt(lTlll«ll

A.iilrrMI*. rf. Y. SI l>


Seeil anil Ag,ricnlmral Store.

NlTW - S ni- Tilth ID

KEASONAI1I-; PRICES I he h.ur.d In mr atiivk. Wu .1™ lo

.«« Ot'It PRK'F.S AKE INVA- RIABLY LOWKB m.o in. ...•

COMPARISON qa.lli, .1 c.jn |.t.




DONALD'S Grub and Canker Worm


FRUIT TREES from the ntvages of the <<rub ami Can- ker worm.

lit- the In at, la cheap i piled. CwJl Mint get sume

SCOTTtt VIETOR, .1.-. i-.til'l Coinmoo Street.

Th« Lataat Paliirn», tin most Siibstanlial Work-

m;iii-liiii, nail

The 1 pwest Prices.

83 to Dl *ashi -gton St, tarntr Elm,



The conference of the UniversalIsts of

the Merriiuock Valley convened Thursday

morning at the Summer atreet church, Haverhill, at 10 oclock. The clergymen present were Hevs. J. C. Snow, of Haver-

hill, A. Titus, of Amesbury, Q. W. Blck-

nell, of Lowell, W. H. Hooper, of the West Parish society, the presiding officer, A. E. Will e, of this city, K. A. Grcme,

of Lowell, Donald ('razor, of Methuen, C. Blddle, of Cambridge. There wure

also full delegatlous of the numbers of

both sexes, representing the societies whose pastors were present. Mr. Stan-

ford Mitchell, of Boston, led the singing The morning hour was pasrtcd in a social

conference for prayer and general re- marks, interspersed with tinging, and at

'clock the occasional seriuou was de-

livered by Kev. a. W. Bicknell, of Low-

ell. In the afternoon the exercises included

praise service at 2 o'clock, at which Hcv. . Huoper, of Haver hill, presided, at

1.80, an address, "The Conditions of

Church Life," by ttev. A. E. White, of city; at 3.30, an address, "Our ubll- J

gatluns as Christian belleverH," by Hey.

. Greene, of Lowcl., at 5.30 a aupper and social gathtrln,' lu the vestry. In

the evening a praise service was held at 7

o'clock, Itev. Donald Frazer, of Methuen, presiding, followed by an address, "What vuung nieu may do fur religion," by Itev. (J. W. Hi-idle, of Cambridge.

WHEN « On overworked in body or mind Bad feel tra down " or " Urod ont," th«n l» iho time to oVetothM. It La jn»ttha lUln; lu rualore your

HAS YOUR BLOOD )«coma Impure and tlio rirenbilon bad' Are 'oniirodi potc-l tour lian' ■ ■ >n nilirntiid •ernfii

out hnmora? Uae Vojtt tine faithfully and a ourr i certain. There la not a remedy made that ha-

tsrforsed BO saany wonderful rurm of torofula

ARE YOU DYSPEPTIC inrf In nocl of aomethlns to aid the organs of dl- rcttlon? Vcgollue Ukun In aruall dowa U the

rery beat remedy.

DO YOU WANT - ■edlelBs RN nny dUonae eniucd by an Imptm tondllioii . f tli.i blood, oi Bait Hunr-m, Itliotim.t !-■ ■ I -'•f-.!', !.;■, r *" >■■!;.■. -.i. Mrrrouanca-

Md lXb-.ii) t Alnny*seLoueil>.il 1B KNOWN Is

toiM*. rnorlt like Vefetlne and yoa are lore to

WE MAKE STRONG CLAIMS 'orYcfcetlno but yot are ablu to back them with

.bo itrongeet kind of teaUakony from ttio putteuU

IA Grand Ecsult I I As Inralutbls rtm-

, ody for all Palm and Achsi, Is any part of tat body.

















HOP PLASTER What la thetuo cf auCbnnf witn Eaekaoha.

Fain I n the Blda or Uip, GolaUrw, UhnucaUaB. XJdnnj Daeaeas, Crick, rutofaoa, Bwollto and Crli?d MiuolfM.C IiCB' Lumnri.)ubl»a. oraiiy aortof palo crrncrnkaaa, elthar looal ordacp- H.iHiat.c-if.lIcp Flaator will tITO Inatanl reUrff FrcparedframCur4rtiDd7?IUh,Cana- da Balaam, and t!.a paJn-klllliis Ttrtnae of Bepa. The beat atiersthanlns plaatar erar known. Thouaauda cay ao. Sold by all daalan. Hailed on icoaiptof prioe, SZc, 0 for II 00. tlOP rLASTEB COalTAjrF,


Knit Ag-alnst the City.

Suit has been entered against the city

by William Taylor, for damattea resulting

from falling lu the alley bock of city hail,

between Appletou and Fvmberton streets

February 8, said fall, as 1« alleged, being caused by an accumulation of Ice

•now. On Saturday, Deputy Sberlfl

Bright served a writ of attachment upon the city for damages placed at 03000. Tbi

writ was made by C. A. U* Courcey, wh<

is counsel for the plaintiff, and Is return

able at the June term of superior court at


Muperlor Court.

On trial to-day—El ling wood vs. Lee.—

This Is an action to recover for damage*

to Cie plaintiff by the pollution of a brook

(lowing through his land, from tbecheml cal works of Lee. Blackburn A Co. A

large number of witnesses for the prosecU'

tion havo been examined, and the case will probably continue through the day

A. K Sanborn for the plaintiff, Col. John P. Sweeney for the defence.

Accept the Anieii-lment.

We moat take exception** to the AMRHI

CAN deslKiiating Councilman Murphy aa i "crank." As WL understand the term 1

la applied to personswho kuew something once. —Sentinel.

" Bremi-pAiBA." Quick, enmplete core, all kidney, bladder and

urinary illaesttra, .i-alnl-nf, Irritation, it me, arav I, catarrh of the bladder. Si. liriij-jLta.

SAYS^fif TO_fAC — •** if.

Lewando's French Dye House, 17 TIMPIEPL, BOSTON, MASS.


WANTED. . Milkman to iaka Cttarse of Milk Route ft


I ii-- repolt ...ii r out laat week that T. M. Thorn- ton. Bnnter, of It.I. elty, had dra i.riiiK in.'i ..I.IL.-II |'i-i/r or the [.oulalana Suite l.i.u.-i v, of Hi 11 month, 1* true, and what la me the iininer haa Ireeu paid over without defini- tion Off 'I l"-' "i m. It la aabl that It la better In lie tnirn lucky than rlrh, but Mr. Thnruton haa the ndi'Bntiian of helnir Imrn Uith rich and luckr.- -in-ill.viii,. (in.) toader, .lan, j-i. dwll

HEABTPAinl.' Palpitation, dronileal Bwelllnfa, dlaalneaa, In

■llRi'ailon, heailaibo, ileenleasneaa cureil "VTulla' iiii.iitii Benewer." d*rl

"nOTJOFToil COaUfB." Ask forWella' "Rough on Corna." 15c. Qul

complete cure. Hard or aeft ooraa, bunluna warta. dwlw

"BOtTtaH llt'lMTl- Clear* out rat*, mice, roacbea, Olee, aata, bed

bug*, akuuk*. chipmunk*, fopUar*. Uc. Druf gists. dwlw

riMaTka At til. asaeoti ihould u*s Speer'* Port Urape

Phyttcbuu ahoulil recommend It '


Loro, (be Safe Blower, Probably: • Concord Po t Office itoubcr. !

A year ago last fall at the time of the New England fair iu Manchester, K. H., the safe lu the Concurd post wlllce was olowu open and ruolred. The Job was well done, and the burglars eseuped with their plunder. There was nu duubt at the time, and there In none now. that the men engaged lu the affair w<.re In V chaster uu the day or the robbery, aud that they eiigaguti u team of James Bios, tu drive to Concord, returning with It the next morning, and sugaglng auother which they drove u» Fltchburg, filass., and left. Several attempts have oaan made to Iden- tify prisoners who were uuder ; nest It otlier places or by v -.1 unions to the rogues' gallery iu iioatou tu Ideutlfy oue or more of the partlen concerned lu the robbery, but withuut succeea. It wa« uot uutil yesterday that this was accum- pllshed. Uc tec live C. II. tllldreth, ol iliiiiclu-tiT. receivetl a letter this week Hum L, 11. Little, chief of police lu El- .iiiin, H. V., glvluglnformaLRn of the ar- rest of a party of live nafc-blowers Ii .Hat city, aud among the uuuiber iris Juhuuy Ltive, alias James 1) Wulls,whu-j< pholugraph was Inclosed with the letter Detective Hlldrclh WAS requeated by the Jblef tu iuiiiiali him all the evidence he .mill! commaud that would connect Lav ■vlth any other crime, as tho authorities >i Eluura were making a big effort to so jure all the cases possible against him the detective went uulckly at work and • IHII obtained au IdcutiUcailou of Love on .in- man who lilted the hursc of Jaiuei tlrothern to drive to Coucord the night o die post ulHce robbery. This was dom. »y exhibiting Love's photograph aud the lescrlptlon un the bock of u, to b. S. Jsiues, E. M. James, Walter James aim John McCormlck at James Brothers' bla- de, whu were present when ihe team was

>et, and who had a good remembrance ol i o leatures of the man. Walter James .ias been taken thruugh the rogues' gul- .•ry In Uustou, aim separately nhovvi ■very plcturt there without [hiding a like .less nun tallied with the features of the ,n-i -on who hired the team, but when lie- Mafrra Hlldrelh place 1 uefoiU his fac .esterday the picture of Johu Love wltL out saying a word, James exelaimeu

• I'hafs tie mnu, Mr. Hiidrelh, why hlreu the team."

i timing after the robbery a well Iressed liulividuel entered the stun J. F. Bosher & Co., aud wished to _.. -dr. Bo»her some -jultl bunds. Ho did ■ot succeed. Mr. iiosher Identities tl» .diolograph of John Love as that of II ■mtu fffbo called with the bonds aud e icavored to negotiate lor their sale. Tl ktectlve does nut care for any turtin tli'tniin at ii ni ui' the fumuus *u.fe bluwe.,

■vhu is a "pai" of Johnny ilobita. «nd one ff the IUONI notorious cracksuieu iu tin 'ountry. He has inaicrlal enough to adu -u these facie to make a atroug cane igalust Love, and will Indict him lor liwj .uncord post offllco robbery before the -iiitcd Sutes court next May. Love 1; ilf years of age, aud a printer, but LII

.rode Is safe blowing and lie is au adep il It. The "btjotne" captured In tin ..'uncord affair consisted of 81,600 n. -tamps, OKW in money order luuds auu KlUff money belonging to a siable keeper hat was deposited there. Ai tic:es Ukeu

irom tlie Duat ollice were afterward*, louuilou the highway between Aluuehei «r and Concurn.—.\ i a nci jester yirror.

WAMJAiM Cleanse a the

H e A d.-A11.. .i •

In tl a in in ii M .i i-

b/ili the Sores.

Restores i in

■lenses of Taste

£ Smell. A quick

'& positive (ore

a ■ruKm,Drta(**t,iOwen*,s.v.

A Ottuaeious Cuae. * • • BrvHtSTkit, June I, ISSJ. "Tnn J «r- .c.. I aaailasAwd w u. ih«m..t Interne am. d-uthh pinna in mv bvk and

-KidBtj*. "Eiteallrt* to tharnd cf toy t.a. ani to at

■rain I '*"loh made me delluoua! 'From ag .nT. lit ok uirve m-n l> bold m* on sty betl i

" The Doctor* flPd In valo to n Uses m-. bat t.

II J piibie-nd "theropnteal -i.| II ■ etlij. t P

n.y wife ith* 1 WBB glvsa mi to diet

sard a na ic\,-., t tell what il- p rt ttwi had •!■"" ■r her the .t oans sol and aaie m- ion- Th raid M f. I mr Ivain ami »»em-d logo hunt ig th-ough m- .yituni lor the pain lne*e«>*eea>Ml ma an mueh (bit 1 ,\r\ ourn, aomeihlig I had not done for 1 month

furs aa haul aa aur man enuld lor over IS'- e k-; but I wurktcl i ... mr . [or ,nj at onut' al laklnjr a haul rod, I wai taken with in Onta ni- and p.lnlu. rheumadaiaall ihn.u*l

■a. •jr-t.iii li.Bteier wa* known ■lealted Out JOODI a^aln and >fter*everB

•TP k-.i'pT mi me a oripiile n ciutuhea f" Hie, aain. . aaid. I mtt a Nlend a " t. Id In ■ oy o.ue, and SffSOld Hop BlUerl hail onreil Inn

I po iiifl.l ai Mm, but ne wai

wilaasasaTwiit'ta wort'llabiU BSk-ptoi i-i.II iin- Ii t .i- in five wetUp, u'dil i H well aa nnt man l.vl.g, and nave beea 10 lo

■ e*i i i-.l | H-ft • rnl-i .i ,| to u

israd m. wile, who hid b-eo alt i ki tit tier and mj child'* lib from two '» three u nil. au n-•■1 IP be tick at ad

J. J. lit iK, Bisuyo.iu ' rtial I""'! inv.i i ! niir.

'■ be LI.I. the nlt'lnrs of h-ilih I ha I w bidt-eaor lloii lliiie:.l II you let then tulT.-i r"


KNOW THYSELF, (Great Medical work rnManhnnd

ii-iniiil Premature

'Hi-aged trlptloa lor all

.■I. It ooaisina

i wnieh U Invaluable. Su onnu oy me author, Who«e eip 'Henee for 1*

.-ear* la sueh .. pruba'al' never beiure CIS elo Id. otel rttj soo nasea, IKOUIMI la t>eau- Itul iii-iaiiti. fi.iiiti .i tl niin, rui * ' .

nechanlnal, literary and pmlearlonal— 'han anj Wher work,aoll in ihiaouunUT forfiJl ,or Hit UOI.LT »HI be return e>i la eterv Instance, rnce onlv |l *0 hv n.*|l, |>oat t aid. II u.n,in, •ample 0 cant*. b*n I now, Qol' m.ilatatvar.1 -■I in- an I.or l)T th • Nation* Me' en Aiai>:l>. ion. to tne oSlce a of wiii.-ti h ■■ r<>*era me Sclencs oi Llie abould b- read r th*

rount mr It iruciion, ,ni b*- thearDicied lone- .t*t. It will ttenalli all.— London I,an. et.

There la au member of sonleiy lo • bom Iht ■ni..n.e -l ilia wii. not be u.elui. whether T-.nth, ii.if.1, tuaidlae, laauuntor, or olsisj. ■an.— A rgOLaul.

A.i.u-.a. in featiody Medlaal In'il nle.or Dr.

Viniuoii ,i m littkiug 1'owdurs ■


Among iin- recent discoveries In science ni.i chemistry, uoue is uiure iiupurtaui -iiuii the uses in which cumiuon umiuuula ;au he properly put H a leaveuing agent, md which indicate that this familiar sail is hereafter to perform an active port lu tile preparation of our dully food.

TlM carb iuatfl uf aiumoula is an exceed- ingly volatile subsuuee. Place a small ,nii nun of it upou a knife „iid hold <_ t name, and II will almost Immediately be utlrely developed into gas aud pass on

nio too air. Tne gas thus formed la u iiuiple couiposllluu of mi i'.i-eii and lu irugon. No residue tu left lrom the am ii.uu,!. This gives it its superiority as ,i eaveulng power over sotla and cream ol -artor Used alone, and has Induced Its use it a supplement to these articles. A .mall quantity of amm >ula In the dougii s efl'eciive lu producing bread that will ■e Uguter, sweeter, ami mure wholesome .han ;ii.i.- risen by any oilier leavening •ajwwa. VY tii-ii It Is actwt ,.,i..u uy t.u» i>. >t baking the leavening gas that rai; .he tlougn Is liberated. Iu this act it uses iself up, as Ii were; the ammoula is en- .irely diffused, leaving no trace or re*d- luutu whatever. The light, fluffy, flany ippeur-iuee, so desirable ui blshmts, etc .ud so sought alter by professional cooki., <* said to he imported to them only by the use nl tlii* agcut.

I'lie bakers aud .baking powder mumi lacturers producing the tluest goods havt iceu quick to avail themselves of l\\h. a-icful discovery, and the handsomest ami Hist bread aud cake are now largely risen »y the aid of ammonia, cuutolned ul with other leavenlog

A is one of the best kuutvn pro- luets of the laboratory. If, as aeeius to te Justly claimed for it, the uppiicatlui

its properties lo the purposes of cooking .esults iu giving us lighter and more ■a-hole , ,iue hreuil, biscuit and cake. It ,vlll prove a boon lo dyspeptic humuuily, tnd will speedily furce Itseil' lulo general i»e III the new Uuhl to Which -science bag a,B|guid II.

Pit in fill Accident

While Edward Bagley wta engaged at ink In the dye |- hUse of the Everett on Fridav, the thumb of his left ami got caught in the machinery, ami i-us completely wrenched off. He was onveyea to Lhe ufflce of Dr. Fans, where he surgeon areased the wound, anil afl- rwards taken lo his home. No. 103 Park treet.

ii He. . ail ii'i'in ■> requi i-i.nio sid l belli _._

HEAL-; aapecialty »unn ir. r.1 ■■ "f*» |B W g. a— * •»**« M itrNHluill Wit*.. I ni<3 CLl eotSNNsian«-«*ttaUnn, Mtauea tin* »»**,.%

■©ally Is 4

TUEHX I* a whU-tpreail nnd •erioii* prevalcnee

of diaurderauf the klduaya; and of various db-

,*es by the !iii,, operation uf tbu

ilueya ami liver. Anuonllng toBuberta, Tliomp.

•en, and other reeognUed authorltlu*. kidney dlt.

r-i nre very common, but the obscurity t.f

potltlve lyinptoina la so marked that many

people, III and out of aorta ganerally, aro really

un* of kidney complaint, and they and the.r

|. i-ilelau do not rratilSS It. Rheumatic pain*, ii-

r^utar appetite, frequent headache, cblll* and

era, "blue*," bot and dry akin, sour •lomaeh,

d/»|iep*la, Irregular action of tbe bowel.*., nu-

ii i-ii:ii.[|ii,.. muacular eoraaea*. crampa, lax*

gaor, Impairment of memory, loss ef virility, HI*

among tho preliminary evidence of coming kh:-

ney and liver derange menu. A* tbe dlaeaao 6c

lop* then follow lame back, Bwclllng tinkle*.

tie face, ainlding uetiBatlona, the water lomt.

;nii ■-. being very light and abundant, at other*

suite,aSlfe colored aud frotby, aud abouudlug

a audlment, aud, uader the microscope, lu u.i.ii

nan and tulie coat*. It tbe deranged kidney* nre

uot prumptlv alteuded to there 1* ilanajer of tbe

terrible Biijjlil'p, I li.uaar - lilihei l.i coniltlorod In

curable, which I. a coniutoptlon or duatrucllon of

tbi kldoeya—die near appn>aeb of which alarr-i

I'dUunlcr ihould awaken the IIvelle t

r It Boon hurrlca on* Into the grave ui

omptly checked.

DIsonlBred kidney* have the unfortunate effect

alto of weukeolug Die rigor of tha llwr, a* Imll-

rat.'d if one, ban, basUUl the abore lymptonia,

iw ipoUeil akin, tat covered eye ball*, frontul

h imtaehe, after eating, burning and Itching iklo,

odd extrumltlca, but head, bad .,,.., .m n of

blood, .id headache, nausea, light colored evac-

uation*, eonatlpallon, pile*, variable appetite null

fueling*, dlailueat, blurred eyeilght, liver-rough,

ijiui'. chilli, fcrcr*. wakefulnea*at ulgbt.drowal-

n >a* by day, ate,

Theac are *ome of the commoner *ympt im* a*

.el down by leading medlenl nulhorltlea, Bud

with them In view oue ought not to huvu much

trouble In B*certalulng If be It .u(Tei-iti~ from dla-

orileri, of theae great organ*.

Tbeae oliiervadoui have been called forth by a

double column article which appear* In another

place In till* paper. Skeptical of aenie nf the

statement* made therein, and at other tlnica by

he SAABS per*on*. we have been led to make a

iitlc study of tho matter ournelvea, tvilh the remit. Tneu disease* pruvall Bmongat

young and old everywhere, mulling In terrible

untimely death*; tbev take off more people

than epidemic*; phyali'lan* report death a* oc

curving from such dltea.ea as apoplexy, paraly

ala. convulsions, heart diaense, pneumonia, fe-

er*, eic, whan In reality these dlaorders are

ften *eeondary to llrlght'a dUeafe and would

teldorn otycur were the kidney* In healthy work'

ng condition. Hence, from personal knowledge,

ir from the trustworthy experience of otheroom-

petetit.jedgei". ws believe there la no preparation

equal to the remedy that 1* IO prorolneutly men

doued elsewhere in tbi* l**iie, for jirevanUng

and curing the dangeroui disorder* of which we

havo written. It ha* had an extraordinary sale.

1* evary where commended, ihe record of lit work

aosma Indisputable, Its manufacturer* are re-

puted lo bo men of ths blgheit Handing. Ws

hold, th.r*fore, that not to as* It, If needed,

would be a criros against one's supreme*! inter-

•*u, aepeclally at thl* time when, threatened by

a fearful epidemic. It I* of the iilgue»t import.

sacs,occwrdlng to Dr. Koch, tbe eelehrflted Usr-

m*n cholera aneclall.t, that wa keep ths kldnay*,

liv*r and dlgeiilrc organ* la healthy action, If

(fas scourge weald be ■sseped.



Itching and Burning! TORTURES

I have Irled (oi eleven teirn lo hivn mv wife HIIIIII m <i|i |.ikiiiill—a n. T oruicunl

iu.u Hi:" ■ I II i 'H Lu '■ ^ '■■ >. ■!■'■ '--iv in... .1 Pin i He., in i T ■■ 11., .on. tin Lit*, i. .:«■.. ,t>k II

<Ju e, a d l IIN em Soap, an iX ui its "kin ■L-Biilitler, i-ii.-initlly)iuvo done lo an w»«k- whalt ii-v ■ in- n lur I vcn r*>ra t>. have dm

f 'iSeyou t,". ll-JMH Of ll

MASVSl ILLS, kv. rhenMtws* CIUS H. 1


l> laffsiontt-- i«r novha al"cira,'

•aaa paiot, an-l all ihe nuf u ed uy Ulem r o« H-- i '■ In luie sne wi I e *n i soli. M> al*«l|.Ua*ui* I* iiirLConiueiidin- *u -ti nn a ■

Hole. H. MAi.ii. Ci amploa Coinlqoc Ujlier baaier


8ALTRHEUW. I haqa had IhaSalt hheum f i about 3 yean,

n lave.p-iit nm-ani ra^ney to have It r. re ■ ;!■ . i -0 C-ar, in i I I irl d ItM LVTICUhU

■|.**ri>i|-.B, ait* do!..* Uic w . k. O. J.Y0UX0.

Marsh'cll. Coo* CouitT. Or*g ,n.

$200 FOR NOTHI..C Having paid u *.: " to flrtt <• as* dm-toti t II,' on n by 'lliiout uu e.eia. I rlo ihe IX'Ti

OU«* eaafcldKB, wliluu o< m^b-ie y o«r- d a te ti, ii- 'hire Hetties. WM.UOUDON.

ST aihngtcn Ai„ (.'111.1-iow,., Ni...

S..!d evsrv»h*re. Prloe; '11:1:1^1. fo- SlIAl', ?■>.■., IlKltllMlM *). I'lil.UtUHIHMl

IU 'I IU. ITU . II .-l-.V

Stead for "Bow to enre Bkla IMeeaae*.


Botanlo Cathartics. For CoBBiipslloo, C itlvert'is. Pllrs, Sick Bead

■*■- ".ii mtiiri.*. En. Itlsthemofl pi a.ant tale C'Lbsrtio lor el ilarun and adult, lo

Tbey are alwav* reliable Aak I'UI dt"f i»: 1 T ll. friu |.r.-,.i,i-i bt mail uu receipt

' i'l ice, ii ola. au 1 at M per b. 1.

Botapathfc Drops,

far Knrunatl in, Neuralgia, I'aralyali, Hurt Dina e. Dipiiibrna Coin, and all pain* ami

1.1 ■■■. I- 1,1 - i.-. .,..:. ,1,' w.i,1,1. AHk ' n..I iujigi.1 i r I. Bt-i t |M i'|. mi bv express on re- l|l. ... |-il..e. *l per Oil .*.


Botanic Worm and Fever Powders The oolv remedy f«r evp'lllng all kinds o' r..rn»fiom adulta and cniMn-n, and iTeaklng p won. levera. Theae inmii-n are free iron. ri-<.n, and -irenmncii the, ihii* pie-

eutiug worm* irom accuiruliiln^. Over two hirdaol the libra,en nl cm ilrun aie caused n> UP- 111.. A*k vour ,111 u . ■■ : lor ti em, rt- m pre ni" by mail on rteeipi id pi Ice, Hilt, and * box.

BOBBBTB* Botanic Salve.

GEO.A BOBKRTS, Chemist. Keadlng, Muss.)

To whom all or era ■ 1.. u u 1,.. .i.n . ■ ■ ■ d 1 Ivt

TlLrUslWTOiOMCKr 'lii - 11 ■ '.'i i,'in .1 ii i'"' it be n :i|-,■■>■: -1


* 1 ' i.iw rolnvt*d 10 n-pot Hie -.ami o il I. -1-i-eio Bt 1. a. ace. whtr-r-aaiil-a will bee -efwal nee nf ibti ic- onic at i-oiice aiatl m. Bour*,


CATARRH Complete Trent men t, with Inhaler, for

every form of Cutarrt,, jpl.

SANFORD'S RDCAL CURE, Head Cold-, Watrrv Dbcbargra from the Koar

anl B)rs, BliglnsNnsa In Mie Head, Mervou. H a.lHCiir n-e. I' v. 1-m KMiiiiy iel:-v-.|.

Ciio.i.ig inieuiii.-l idged, membra te rlesBBrd ni.l lit ihni. lur .111 me ii'iicii, am-.1. ta*te, 1 heni In 1 1* it.te 1, and 1 a v. g.-a ■ beektd.

Couth. Bronchi 1-, Dtpplec into lhe Tin P Ins In the Cbesl, Oyspep>ia Was'.bg A nrgthaad Feb. Loss of I kep, etc . cure.

One boi le Batll a Cuie,ona bi\ C lairhaiSot v P,I and nne Dr. failor-f. Inhal r, In one park ace, of all ''ruegirta, for tl. A-l; lor s*sr nv Rum:*, tra a, a pure il I* Illation 01 W|| II laat, Atr. Pine, C*. Fir, Ma Igold, (.lover Do sons*, etc.

Potter Drug and C hemlcal To., Boilmi,

COLLIUJJ,^ 3few I.Mr 'or rhalie . Palnlul - ss

Wtini.'i t'atH... Illai' Voltnle ltls*

«. aaavist* lee* en


llriliD-l.aUniil, Hal |W rumblnrd with

■m dh 1.11I l*|i





Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Wa lor brash. Heartburn, Acid Stomach, Hal-nutrition, Flatulency,Gar.- trllls. Biliousness, and Habitual Constipation. It speedily relieve* and cura* Cancer and Canker ol

tha.stoin*<:h,l' Hanleiiin-aiid Enlarge trentof^i.ilv. ' the Bowel*.

It aUo eieru a wonderfully auhilaiy eHei.t upon lhe Kuliiiyi, tiiii^lt.-iiinf and toning lUir secrcliiig power, rtinoving aluggbh rondiiiu,^, attaylng InlSNMHMaM,

JaWrT AKDUBE CURED. Price SJI to per bnnle. Si, Lmlei [or S7.M •aT-Wiih nth boiile.and for <i« in ton nee lion

tharewiih, 1* a Untie of Dr. Flower* M-IKMUI lin.i fliil.

Dr. Flower's LtTNO CORDIAL. One Dollar per boltle. Six bottle* for (i.

Dr. Flower's CATABEH 2EMEDY " One Polka per bold*. Si* bonlei Toi Ji.

Tb* »bov* remedies are for aale by leading rlmi guti everywhere. If your dr-ggitt ii out ol them sctepi noihins rite, bul Mnd diicrt to ui.

Send two-cent ttanpfor pamphlet containing vain- able •u(feiiion*. fur lhe tlHlmiSI of a 11, -ir , pnv^leiii du«a*ei.



B. KELLEY,?". DIUSGIST Post Office Bock.


Coflius, Caskets and Under- takers' Goods


F)BJthe PIOPLKI CYCLOPEDIA, Th- bi-St leilln work 1.1.1 ll-ln.l; |30 ,. A'O

LV%.«t*k^ nsRin»AintiNo«A(u.. 7* Milk Nlreet, Uoeton.

Ct HE DTSPKPfllA. •* CATAKKH, " Kin in \i ism, " I M 'H.I. I M»s, " KlliNKY niSKASR, " I'AKAI.VMS, " ( DEBIUTY, " SPINAL I1I-.1 ■ \si-;, '* J1K.M ,1, IXII.vl SI'lON

Tbe Host Potent Rcmedv of the tviiim y.

Inrestlgate and be convinced of their merits.

Call lor Pamphlet ml ev m BB tb'Apsiimc* I at a M. WUlTNir « CO.-S, Orugilai*. Ages , Uwiaaos Mass. i7Md

The following Letters were published In The Christian at Work, tho leading relig-it

paper of New York, some months since. That they attracted great attention is proved

by the following editorial notice which soon

oiler appeared in that, paper

"The publisher of Tho Christian at Work has been asked if lhe letters publiahed in tbi

paper, by Dr. J. H. Schefick, of Philadel- phia, were genuine. In replj he suv*, that

his representative has seen the originals of

every letter ut tho oHico of Dr. Schenck, In



MESSRS. J. U. SCIIEXCE A SON, Philadelphia. Gentttmm:—I have concluded that it Is

my duly to write you lu rejrard to tho great benefit I have received by the use of Dr. Schenck'a medicines. One ami a-half years ago I wai very Hick with what ray friends and myself believed to bo ConMimjition of the Lu'nt-s. The diacose began with a heavy cold, its worst svinpiom being a dry, hacking cough, which iv 1- almost continuous night and day. Soon filter this I beritn raising a thick yellow matter. Being exposed to all kinds of weather, by working at my trade, I caught additional mild uml grew worse, until I was obliged to give up all work. I at this time bod terrible pains ia my lungs, and was soon attacked with severe 11 iirht-sweats. I tried all the cough remedies advertised, I be- lieve, before I heard of your remedies. They were first brought to my notice by mailing your hook on " Consumption and its Cure."

I used nil your medicine*; that Is, the atsa- draks Pills, Seaweed Tonls and Pulmonia Syrup. I felt their beneficial effects from the first. They gave me strength and they gave me appetite, and ia a very short time my cough was looser, and soon after disappeared altogether. I I. -.■ m to gain flesh, too, and in the course of two mouths from beginning their nse, I was very near well. I am now entirely well, and, believe me, very thankful that I found your medicines and took them in time to mm my life. I shall be pleased to nave any one call on rac In regard to my 01

Yours truly, P. TURNER, JB.,

-*• Cor. Henry and Liberty Sts., Oct. «, 18SI. 4 1 Blnghampton, N. Y.


DR. J. II. ScttEKCK. Dear Sir:—I havo been very sick, and was

told by several of the best pfajatoaM or this elty that I had Consumption, nnd could live but a short time. 1 was advised by a friend to consult you, which I did. Under your treatment I improved rapidly, and am now enjoying perfect health. I expected to die, my symptoms beingall very bad; had hemor. rhngos, mght-swcals, and n hacking congh. I believe your treatment saved ray life. Please accept u-.y oincere thanks for all yon tiBve done for me. Shall recommend your remedies whenever I meet any one afflicted as I was.

I remain ever gratefully and respectfully, ANNIE W. BITTENHOUSE,

MS Kurti Street, Philadelphia.


JTesa rnr«f e/Cotaaumevf lota by Dr. SehmeVt Mrdicinrm, mflrr briruj «/ln» up to dit by **t**o of *A*t best fleawaMHM •/ MM CUy.


J)*ar Sirt—l have been cured ol what this*.

of th* best physician* of thl* eity told m* was Consumption of the Lung*, by tbe use nf your medicines. 1 waa Unit attacked with the diterue in Ojlober, 1880, and althnugh I was from that time continually under the cars of a phyalclan, I grow worm and worse, until at last I waa eon- fined to my bed. I can hardly say that I was Bret attacked with the diaease ia 1880, for my lungs bad been weak for many yean previous te lhi», and I would quite often havo severe pain in my breast, if I took tbe least cold or exerted myself too much In any way. I grew worse, my cough became very bad; I had night-sweat* so severe that my bed, through the night, would be as wet as though water had been thrown over me. I waa continually railing b!ood and larg* quantities of offennlve matter from my tu.ii., and at last had all the woli-known symptom* ot Consumption in it* hut ctage*.

At Hi* rreiiMt of my family, mv phyrtclan called In two oi nr doctor* of till* tily. .„d ||,„ tIttT ,„ „. amlnallon. agrard that my CM wae h- pel era. Thev Informed my wife that 1 bail better be I..IJ that I raSj nut live^ u my ilni. wuuM l« very iliurt for armniln* my worldly .(fair*. Tliry ala. faU th*. no S3S3

Nf- II I I.eilli, hearinjt of my court tlon ..,iit n» J Untie of your Pulmomc Strep, iblukln'g u Zgu

■■■' i"!ilnu Hut it would tari

._>f fmni It* u». When Uu

un...dr,■»»? "i !?"?■' rni *"d«man- p • ~S- llnn. I ll until I imi ,ltr^ t„tn ur ,, h| tom ... thl. time I waa lu bed ami .n ... nS »,,, J h.ri , be lined Tht....not..lifllc,.lt.lii";iod0' l^*?" Ml only w.ialie.1 atal nlnei, p.iui.,1,. A* 1 hire ••Id, 1 eoi.ii-iri.ce.1 lb* n.e uf 1],. BlewaawM wilha!

hopgl.1 or IN earing me. lint .fter SSS' Ih.. i «h?h boltle 1 would tomeiuii,-. f„t , |tlM, |,„ " r! , !,'"

., 'rsionrM'^"^*"'.* vf?r "",,v "•" ™ R-ftw ™ Bienlio, ll,.| after t»kl«g four or (IT. boi.i.. ,.r ,LI

OF ALL 1.1M 3.

*LF- a-i' M—IT Am r-l-u y 'teit; U>SIIig>CkB -IS TV. in ,1 t St. Nl .lacker St. T. l.-i-lm- * •oni ecllon t otUce and hSttf ro-S. All calls i"i.ii...".v aasweied diy or A la'V IB »t s- rtane* wh.n del eel. 1 N-wly



xl (.ea«c,

i>k 1* ol all slaes.

lirldeot 1.nne,

Lard < It, Mix-d Paluis.Bll* >eal. 1-iHPitnl, Nspibs, 01 ve I'll,

<■!.. ir A.I,),


I a.trl'arlB. PeUrh, Pu - lo.. Sana

'■■HI 1, Inr, Bod sail,

lor ln.iei • and oallle, ah.Uc.

rv 111 h, IIH 1 111—UU. r Carriat« Top*,

K.niiK-i Oua.era. "■ r 'tru.his,

GIN*. ii-r • VatnlBh,

*ei l-cod.

til ■". ■ I,.-, ami MutH, (--Ii,.., ... ^ bewina M itlilnaOil.

Bill. Qu •' Arai.le g VariBh,

(ff n ieu Iron Pails, V IMI. ui -. 111, W tilling. WbiBir A v.Hion'*

'111- l .P1.PI*.

n quarjtitlcfi to suit'at Lo\ f* ost Mnrkct Prices.

sleighs! Sleighs ! PI ty m-w nnd m-inl hand tleigt* far *sls at

■ ery 1 -w pejeea. A|-pli to

Franklin llouse Mi l.Irs. iti:si rni -*

rELASTIoTl KverUaad TRUSS J*! 'mvoven b. ia* 1 le

wota night

- Hi l i!ncii[.

N.Y. KliASTK; TRUSS CO, TAI Uroadwy, Slew Terh

w A. JST a- ±u JD

Salary with Kx penes Paid. al 11, 1. t, iu i„,u vl KiOU Iiuilitds

SH_.MP.1***' k ■-' *"a st.le age.

PATgfwTg. Tt. H . f I ■ D Y

So. T« Male at., opp. Itllbj et.,' He*tea. mere, r.ieois ,n he U1.i1.-ti 1 ,e j gaw. la

rl"' CuuWu/l"«t""url VlU'' i0"l'n *>UI1* ■ be' b, reoiuiig one du"lai. * A* VaV«Mta pi-roiai N,. Agerci m in

ffaiiad Bt-Uj |nK.«i .up .to. helAto el ■•^■alBa Pawai 01 a^anslaiag law H..CUUL|J.

li. It. KDIJY. Sulicltorol I'litiu,

Tts-riaoNsiLS. ■■'reg-rl «r. Kdd a -

nil nice, K,|UI pmct ll .a 1 tdawA.1 mieic 11 -r.-

Ooab. klAiON.loinmbiionei of 1'attBts

'I. 10 t> ,.y it iei.i ,1

' kxalU.SD UUUKE

Tsxsstt^aj^ late mbiloaerof Paitau.

»ou. r-d 1 rli

1, u'~ th. 1 joa I'iBia t.f "• B nil

' ««». ihia.i.l,.h.. and

Mb 11' l«?*0M> DKAPEt-


PURE COD LIVER) ^OIL Am IIME. Wtlb jr'a 1 I.Iv, r UU and l.hne.-Ta* " * l» '"* »U' In. UlPllU l.»U.-M- '/;»" ," f "■* sf'ibui^ble 10 11. Intrn fa (.-.!«' 1, 'tt2!2 of \:""t'»- «• W . A 'hma, •roue In., whonpin* Coui-n, H, i,,i„|,,Ue Uu.

1 i.e.iin.l .1 I ' nnaum ti e ymp uni,, It na< nn ", .|iui. L-looi.iui.c.1.1 t ibo esily W "I," e»»e.wl..nai. a,eni| -l baud

.,Jl ' L,uur" ■ I.<,°n,l,"l»'" 01 he Utietl, p na-*, or TUr m. M ,,„. cturetl ot.l, b* A. It. 1 n.iH,cJfmU', liu.-ttto. vd ti .ll.rag*

»>. *a_*» *aj»»;_*»> eT-i.


SARSAPARILLA s chemically combined with ledMe P-J.-I

and I- a prepar.11 ion of ,;^r.or u-or'A fu, UvlBorii,,,,, tho „>Mm. tone

auJ vigor to tne wbolu body.

■JTSPEPSLl AND III LI 01 'M m:ADACHa yield wdllv to tha wonderfnlactlon of thl*

" alSfilSRAlFLMi fiu« before yoa iil'rful enrea.


r lire I-. itl, ■ of ih. iking -.— Sjirus, I nlwi 1

Tonic, anil I .liu li»k ><m It I* needle** for ms to

BIT leellug. nuiIngmy recoier.v. "of coat-**' I...1 It 1.. MM .111._ I grivlually guineil wrengtk ihi cbaraelerir win I I11M,i „,,„ *"„• |un„ wa. eWawS ~„ot belli. »„ffen.i,_.„a u Qi I S. ."r^SJ

"'7, "" •¥*, ! i™"""1» f.l and .cor, ir-M 5rt5tf&wtf-Stt»«f«|

wlib hmg tumble* nhoiild 'jiwwbnw'ioTj th***?? Of courae J rsN give a lirlter aen.unl „f m, £Tai l.llin, of It tban In - riling, aa, 5 -nv .1 "rrao th- ere, lb*y are welcome to call WaasMU »--*»* Yonr. truly, ******


Jfay », mi. K0"2 B°W*H "'- Pro'U"-' »•»

. •ft-fCEL* J[0nm- "I" write, th* foregflii. lettertn Dr. I „ ' ,„.,, |,„, l,MoM*"X*l of ProTlJence, I Imve known blm well fur ■!,. ]„! flfleen jeam, and I «„, ,,Miirb M,0 public lhatall ha haa written In reganl Ic hi. K. knew and recovery la .trie ly tru*. He .-.. cnnrJJered . Con.umpN... |" Ihe iMt tt*pr. if tin 1 ...... I,, ].(, „l,Mf.l.n 1~J f,i.»d....d1w,,„ ,„ ■„,;,,:„ KisjiS to thl u»t .d Ilr. l-.-liem k . in. .11,1 nee

II I. LEITH, In M .. .,„-

Mm, a, mi.' K°" ^ "'lfaln au proTU,0«. ■■ fc

FHOM TOWANDA, PA. Da. J. H. SCHMCK. Philadelphia, Pa.

Dear ■*/_] was taken sick In the Phil of TMf but managed lo keep up and at my buainea. for two years. Finally I bad to cease work sltngeiher ror over a year. I had a hacking cough all the time and when tbe weather was damp I could scarcely Set mv breath. Hearing of your medicine* I

etrriiiilied ,„ give them n M£ I u*-ed the P„|, ■.oak S*rue. Seaweed Tonic ami Mandrnk* Pllfi f,S some tin,.., iii.lll ,hcj euro,I me, Zl"„,, &£ have ha.l B(«vi health nil ihe tin,-., u,y limits betna apparently sound. I Mltvs that lid tKnSZ ESIAI SrSiv^fi f",lh ln ff" medicines auej jnud urge all who aro niflering wiWi lung cota- plaiuu 10 use Hum. You™ tTuiy" ^

JAKES HcINTYRaV •Aja. la, 18*3. Or WcljiTYas A Sra.vcia,

CarttagB Manuiacturers, Towanda, pa.


.1 sksptleal wnuU bB^gfiS^tffl. ■lo siiece.* nf (Ms -aaaWMTHwaaKE

proof ih.tlti.Ur aupnrlorto Myl*;;




LfcS*9BP,i wn',,w ta one bottle .... locllclur limn *„y 0;her pranaimtloa

Jteroff.rcd iu tl.opabllc. l'rcpiroj bJlr'I*mta* A. 8. WETHEilKM,. Dragglst aad Casmta*.

CX.ETBB, N. n. "~"» Price, $1.00 per bod |0. |jj \nWtt tot g,^ Por Salo by all Dnnm«fc

THE L-TE3r. What the Ladies Are NowPolnaT.

• ari'lnirtnii'a t \Tl 11 A I I „, ■V....J

tinati.lier, mtm, Do in.,' 1 ibraiv a »in.tiu- to m ko t-Zh. TaJ liart with lt ,hm ^0B"_ p.J"""

ecu, mutVX* a".1 jWlawW, 111 W bd'sr or pu* age

"•'■ »*»«««TOS* CO,, Baatwa, sVaas.


^^ (TBADE HAKE.) ^^^^

SOAP •cknowledged lhe "STABDARD" oftAUH0R?S0Ar. TheEtatat One. Finding Ihese goods every- where imilaled, the manulne- tureri1 would suggesi lo consum- ers who appreciate the

"GENUINE" to see that every Bar is stamped with a Pair of Hands, and not accept any substitute, in Ihe use of

WELCOME SOAP, people realize 'VALUE RECEIVES' and discover lhat superiority In WISHING QUALin' Jiculli? & Inls Soap.

MADE j»-s-



Andover Advertiser, —FC iun K D

Every Friday AEornloff, —ir—


Post Office Block, Lawrence, Mass.

SUBSCRIPTION -Poster* Prepald:-

Tb« Circulation ot the Lawrence Amert- oan Is the larsest of any paper In the Oouney. and more than Three Times that of any other Weekly Paper pub- lished la this City,

[■Bates of advertising sent upon application.

l.'itered at the Poet Office, Lawrence. Mass., lor tranamlBHloa through the mails as second-class matter.


The Daily American t Published.EverTlEteniM.

Is the UrtNt Dally in the Oltr w-Hli Four Times the Circulation ot anr otner, _______

SUBSCRIPTION, in adTanoet One tear, tfloo I SUc Months *SXO

When not paid In advance, M.OO.

OEO. 8. MERRILL, Proprietor.


la the largest end most ttaoroUfUj fur- nished In Eastern Masss ohMasatts. With modern presses, and constant additions ol the newest styles of Type we are able to furnish the beat quality ot work, at low prices. Orders _jr mall promptly attended to.

LAWRENCE MASS.. FRIDAf MORNING, MARCH 27 1885. A Convincing Argument

»^___i_*k% """" """"*' "■••■"•■J" ""■ WTHKTM, w.

COMING Tores ilifl'-rrnt My'e' Nev.-r In lh-' kill .f, inch value lor their i

In all aboitMOanl r Hi* C oiiilng n.,,1 inncy as la lound la tie

No person possessing ordinary powers of observation, who has given a moment's thought to the course parrtued by our local merchants and the results of the same, will for a moment doubt that those who have succeeded best advertised most. Probably no better Illustration or convinc- ing proof of the truth of this assertion could be offered than that of the tlnn of Blcknell Bros.

To condense the cause of this firms'suc- cess in as few wurds as possible we be- lieve the whole story can be told In these few words, untiring diligence, honesty of purpose, liberal and convincing adver- tising. They drive their business aud keep no drones about their establishment. The manner in which they treat their cus- tomers la worthy of being copied by tho lining generation, and the telling points In advertising ace humorous originality, and ever-cllliglng te facts. Of course a careful watch of the minor details of a retail buslnuss has much to do with Its success but we relieve the above to be the foundation to good results.

In connection with the above we wouU ) add that manufacturing their own g Is */, ,,'h has helped largely to bring about desired remits. It has Stimulated thtlr busiueriji ' *"] '^.'i',,' both in quality aud quantity. Knowing I Another mine * a desire to have an It i stood Is ■ hit < the wants of the people they are thus en I fi2P_____i__ Krt r"t,c,,e' "'," murm- K"" ' r r, ' , ,, iiBMh-i'i-iii imt for im pprlne aniUmnrnpr, teitlflt abled to better meet these wants than if of there suits before ii li too late. Blcknell Bros, dependent on the wholesalers for their LLATKIII they have ceme, ssmk o

■tots fro-n 33 to 43 every f<ibrle w*o! at fa per ault <•'! _My_c!otning bouse attempt to give in* people

200 All Wool Suits at

$6.00 EACH. Toe obj ict ol this unheard of -v* i? to prrnAo >be pe >ple that we are ahle to give him su.b

valu-i lor the , -money ..they , .nnol ill el.ewher*. sod th« w. sr. dM.rmlrfed lo « ve .Letn foods to meet tbs coiidithm oT tbe.lm-i. As are dare t> bs iboruu„hlT nosersiood In tb™ ,.!. wo «nh to .ay that tb,-e «-mis are a-.i own „> tanrsetere, but a"a mad "sad trimmed a snad aob'iantlal maiiBer, the original retail of one style belsa A12 ana- lbs other two

i cannol'jrlv* aaiptndart wtlb them, n ■. H -i served. Any man who wania

i bin own interest If be dsa't orocure one

t iiifnir It U too late.

goods. Another very important item Is, that when their goods are placed on their counters no man has received a profit on them, the bencflt of which goes to the consumers. Those of our readers who are tired of paying the prices asked far custom work would do well to examine the flne suits and spring overcoats this firm are preparing for the spring trade.

There Is, and always was, a demand for a good honest article, made and trimmed In a substantial manner at a moderate price, and Bicknell llros. are determined to meet that demand. Prove to your own satisfaction that this Is so by visiting this Ann and examining the quality of the trimmings they are using in their line goods for the coming season. They claim tn be the only clothing house in New England which manufactures only for their own retail trade. This brings them into competition with no one and euables them to trim their garments with such value as the quality of the gooda requires and as will do Justice to the garments and give satisfaction to the wearer.

One look at the east wlndowof Blritnell Bros, shows the people a few of the styles from which they sre manufacturing thtlr spring stock, and In proof of the above assertions ',» a convincing argument.— From Saturday's American.


meres, 8ll» Fringe*, Buttons. -loves, ft* A.dUAKl'B a* ICasex street

BOOTH & SHOES, a lull ana oompiste stock,al pneea to suit the limes.

. 1*. li. UOUl N SUN. Hi Base. Street. COOKING STOVES, Run (.'*■,

IPumau**. Sols uncut M«K*I- stoves. JOHN i". HINiiilAM, .MiK.sei M.

GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, Fftn- ay i.u" 11 and Produce.

d IVITUUK UttOS. oor.Bssei, Amesbart PlloTOfUtAl'll v, sole Hcen«sM

form* citv 101 Hie Carbon rrocesaes. FKANK BUoHBl.L SSI) ICssex**,

SEWING MACII INKS. TheNow U. Howe, Dotaeilia, snd New Home. W.

■ A-BR, Agsatsil a* ex St. All kind olSew- lng d«''h,d ■- b m«' it, sold) rspaned aud to let,

r.W.HUIIAAKKA' \AU,OI{ . iloUoodi

O.,PO»(O_0O ISIork

H DBKHIK MOMljlMlaseagtrsot.

A, DKSTAL 8URUBON, IS* Kiaex Street, Lswrsnce. <*aa, Etber and Cli orotorm AdinlntnUred.

laasfs of wo c street, IJW

s hours, > to < and 7 to 9 p. , ■

DR. M. J. HlLb. rnraiciAN

■S Valley St, neir the Common. Offices hours, Ileassd7 loVp.m. T'-bU. X H. KlDDfclK, IJ'EHTAL 811K XJ QKUS, Ns. a:" Biasx Street, over lbs Bay siai* W««k, Lawrence Mass. Uas, Cbloro Ibras, er'lther given, aa pre;erred. Closed

(.Ii...II-' Oro- •[>("• aasd Butter and

\ iSfJttBR* WtlXTTlEH, Cl L/eerie*, btrioily. Pnrs Cuffaes,

One* fS "», ilAKlUB, Treasurer or iht XUs B. Hunt M.ic.liino C.i.. MH Itrosdway.— Earblns vTaisr vriiesis, fulling Hills, WII»IICI*

tiling Slocks,(Jlia, Itegiil iiorn. Ao., Ao. Flans Swlsbfl 1 «ntl nil mill wnrk <lonn.

Portraits and Landioapea.

for llesdsnhs, Dyapapsln Coast IpatlenilaKUgsstlesi, Benv Bte sasjsss Heart burn, Mvtr OaaaplslMI A. Malaria

, tci'poonlnlor B]|lou,lne iKken st '. i Ime noslUvely prevent the terrible Headache

■ Ii iiannlly mll'-ttd iril.iMi t.iust or lmino.Hr-

ny dbn unhlnc lo teat the rfllcacy ol l'llniul nBcaooht»lna"[ihl |(ii kiRe"gr»iia. We wit* sends a^ mlilrea* upoe recciit or WO flit lull! llfil Htnillp. K\o\v A. lAlll.i:, Provldenrr, II. I*




POTASH i (hnroughly reliable and uni. form In condition and quality. The fol- lowing; values by State Chemiati, are baaed on annlytea of the Phoaphate as found In different parts of New England : Oy Dr. Ooesimann, of Mais....130.36 By Pror. Hlanpied, of V. U B3H.69 By Prof. Sabin, of Vt s)30.0SJ

the Phosphate to he fully '—"mftaxe>

IB»KssaabT.,Lawfiaiio». HOLT k CO., ICB DSALKKS. Office

I Lwltb Bsribee A Maok, i. ;:i Hssexatrset.Law seaa.Vaas. sprmiy.


Lawrence,Man. roreonalallcnUoato allbttal i ritmtn

f-OLtJkK, J'lei'lor lb Bpeciicles snd 7 aUa Bys Oiaaa •», sells the »...i^ ». I?I,I


of Aperlaclas ■' Blrspt- Iv TT. 1H1 MAS*

Street, Residence 7B Ganlsn St, Boors. I to ) a, tn , 1 to■ and 7 to u p. i

G. A. Plummer CO.,

Suwcssorste PlumerA Wildes

Saturday NovemberllS, And.OurlBg N«l Weclt:


Seal Huh l9Xt AT '

$29.00. lOO AT

S35.00. Tbeseare unheard of prleea for the

vitality, and we ask every lady lu New Kngland who wlPbea for a stylUb, sen- sible, durable garment for n moderate price to call and examine tbem.

531 Washington St, nOSTON.

Next to Boston Theatre.

si good a loney'a



SHOES sre ihe CHEAPEST .ml IH>Tf"t»IIII,- . Sniuttfi-ti'miewtlhoit' »rk«i„l"Ji.HNM, M,I i [ .HM.|....f..i,l,|.-1ir KI'I

i:(TI,V. Irf«h Nter, ^MtiajO^ (li\(( umlitri.()iilMeitr°tH< r"

Cnlle.e, Itilltl. k.|, a. SU » V: .*t|t''TliVn'iV Md 11„,r iiiL«r,1i:,i.-"itl i„i.. NO OTIIEK IMhC. UflilVK SOI.Alt T'P -lltllS ATltlAI-

*rf--"l,l tiy ..if •■■■■" •t,.a||.ni. -(,«

SllSl! Will! tall ,.oMf»l 3S*tfS X^mrr Slock. Wa have all

i i ii, V'i .'..,■■*"■'- ."""lne.ieai.llv^.rtie.1 1 Ol \V) V,1! ■ N1 V,VKX THK TEAR *[.... II»H| jppir, Frir Win* unrt na " '

Addreaa II. T, ATIW(IOI) k na.OKNEV, Nurearrrne>i BNEVA,>

3 OyRE t-ITSj

The great success of the Royal Baking Powder is due to

the extreme care exercised by the manufacturers to make it

entirely pure, uniform in quality, aud of the highest leaven-

ing power. All the scientific knowledge, care, and skill

attained hy a twenty yearV practical experience are con-

tributed toward this end, and no pharmaceutical prepara-

tion can be dispensed with a greater accuracy, precision,

and exactness. Every article used is absolutely pure. A

number of chemists are employed to test the strength of

each ingredient, so that its exact power and effect in

combination with its co-ingredients is definitely known.

Nothing is trusted to chance, and no person is employed in

the preparation of the materials who is not an expert in

his particular branch of the businooo. As a consequence,

the Royal Baking Powder is of the highest grade of ex-

cellence, always pure, wholesome, and uniform in quality.

Each box is exactly like every other, and will retain its

powers and produce the same and the highest leavening

effect in any climate, at any time. The Government Chem-

ists, after having analyzed all the principal brands in the

market, in their reports placed the Royal Raking Powder

at the head of the list for strength, purity, and wholesome-

ness, and thousands of tests all over the country have

further demonstrated the fact that its qualities are, in every

respect, unrivaled.


$4,50 to $7,0b~Per Set, At tbe Dental Boom* D!

DRS. C. D. £ HI. E. BRANDE, 3'JN Usaex Street, Lawrence,

KXTUACTTNO, - »fi CT8. mm all o, i,<-r woik ai Isweal p*tal «a rait s. Wok ■ tbe ■■! i:,i-i. an n.v i>i alionr worb

ii wiiii ins beat la 'own is beat I.-, tb and warisat Item, _

h'-ii i :i |;,0U Ciinault , mir own internal*. Lay salde your

II i j i-: . . i ■ i call and examlae for youtaeves, ii i Mm wiii !«■ convinMd,

r.ntr"M»la. I ir-.* ■ i ol rn's. Mum u

WluL PAY $2.50 PER DAY roall who woik iDrmesthime. To many loan

afford lo |■ ■ iv mnre- • 'r STEADY EMPLOYMENT. Llaht,

Plenant Work- I'o.l-I Tarn to W. W. Itltlmit,

I..M.I..III--, M>

CONSUMPTION TMM *a.*ui« n« Bata>aavsTaaflit^«■■

?I"'I"III'B"<'TWO BOTTLES faaa. i«"t.-r*in>* vat ^■»aa»^T»*l^,DVT.A.jiA«ru."i!t"lWS^

bTKRTINKHM.-L'tweM hate-fir ad ■ i-.|-i i • itantiine uo:, to s;;,,,,


„a>sfcaM«fej| AdilrriaUaVO. 1 B. T,


Wnb*Wnn«wer«: — " AnyOilna ttellRbUol to



I SELECTED BPIOES. ■ Ha ennceptlon Of ■ ilslita-ior ha IWOQDS

Jli'Iffl!?1 Delighted OM Every ric-knar. In.i.l uponlinrttia:~V<inil'* K| T«il>n»y,|,>p,-lnl ll"JHl AbHlaU furlly uuS



Tlie choleeat brsnde of Farvlfn aad Domestle Wlnea, I.lquftra, CoreHala and Cigars, may be fouud at Hi* Old Estabw lelitil Sters -I



$m fitaaiUUes te> salt cuatemer

Fistula AND


I>- llarvaril, Iwa'JJanil ROBT M. HKAD, (M. D-, Uarrar-i 187",) EVANS HOUSE, ITS Trs

i. St.. Boat i ra TIM A, PII,K«, AND ALL HI' SAatl or TUB REC- TUM without detention from l«i*lne*a. References xlven. Send lor a pamphlet. OfUre bears 11 a. m. tot n-oi„ex itepl Sundays.

I'j.r.'V!*! .'•


From Twenty Five Cents to Three Do liars.

Nicely Packed to secrl liy Hail. L. S. WPterman,"" ~ Aflnorer, Mass.

COKE!_ COKE! A Cheaper Fuel than Wood or Coal

THE LAWRENCE GAS CO. laaelllns UOK.K at tne tollowlns prices:

rerCbahlronof 14bbla..ilclivcrca $4 60 a • 1 . * IV

rex barrel) " " -38 Orders must be ft at the offlce'of the eompaal

No.'A3 EiseiSL.aml theCcke paid lor ai UM ime Itte order Is given.

UKUUK HOORS From 7.U0 lo 11 . . - 1 to 7.w p. p

C. J. R. Ill Ml'Ultl* ". t K. ill.

OS— Kelley's Drug Btorejiuaii

M Organ Instruction. Mrs. C. N. HOMAN

will receive uplls al aOO Essex Street* - J^awrenoe Day or evrnlnft. thron«h Hie entire week, further Information run bo iiUuiiiiiil at her rooms, o "" alias ATKIMSUN.S alillinervatore. 2lis K.«-.

Hpadquarters lor Sale Horses l ef,*Horses eona'anlly on

hand ic- aale or exchitnae. lloraee aevurod Iroui the cnunlryevery week.

v*oe rarload of Bale Horses Ar 'Ived i o-tiny I'ruiii HoDtreaJ.

A. N. BEAN, Franklin House Stables.

C^»™rfHR0AT lodursxt by Physicians becsnsa It It TUB REST.

I'aed by tbonsantls. It wrn eora yon. Ns aplam In It. Mothers, yon can conquer that d-eadfuL foa, llloir, II'I 11- It la parfectlyaafa. Rav* Horn hand, and save the child; Owes- SOS.OOfl bo«- tlsssold. 11** beea In nee for nor* Ihaa TIVJ^TV lliAHN. SOLD BT DBUOOUTS, «

An Invaluable rem- edy for all Pains and Aches, In any part of tho body.




H'lNK AND l.i MU-.









»2.00 PER YEARi

THE EVIL systefai •( overworking chilttrao seems to fltsflfr" in Milwau- kee ; a Senlmct rfpoor fouud Uial uae little fellow of ll reitrs lui.l !.»( u dlscbarged from A shop because be de- clined to work regulars/ fourteen hours a day ; be had tried no comply with these conditions, but WAS not able; boys of his age refjived $1.76 per week for eleven hours, snd from 15 to 20 cents extra for flv, hours daily extra work UM roMnfgTft?

THE POLICT of ooD-tnsarance upon city buildings, or practically, of the city becoming its own insurer, received two pretty sharp blows in the burning of tbe Broadway Bridge and* tbe re* cectly destroyed school bouBe, 'KJIII

cases where policies of iusuranco bad been permitted to sxuire. Of course, ni the long run, as Insurance com- pautes llx their rales at A figure which will afford a profit upon average losses, fie city, which, unlike an individual, has not its all, perhaps, in a single bnildm;>, will In' tin' gainer by non- insurance. But tbe difficulty is in the matter of yearly average; if Insurance is kept I'pmi the public buildings, the cost is paid, year br year, and a fair proportion goes nils each aunual ex- penditure account; if a loss occurs, il is not seriously felt. On the other hand, with the system of nou-iusnr- ance, one or two heavy losses in a single year, may throw a specially he.tvy burden of cast upon (hat partic- ular period, and freally embarrass the administration. We believe that if

the city is to continue the policy now partially in force of becoming practi- cally, the insurerof its own property, an insurance sinking fund ought to be established, snd gradually increased until it afforded a sufficient: sum from which tho losses by lire might be paid whenever occurring. Otherwise, with ao insurance policies, a serious confla- gration might destroy sufficient city property, to prove a public disaster to our aauuticinality.

THE RESULT of tbo recent cootiiots in the Soudan, Is not believed to have no Ti in favor of tbe British, and Lon- don papers generally credit tbe Arabs with the advantage; the situation con- tinues to he a er.'tical one, and the safety of the English troops is by no means assured.

THE FAITH CORE pretense met with a sad reverse last week In Sycamore, Illinois; the wife of a clergyman was stricken wit. fever, but being a be- liever in tbe faith cure heresy, she re- fused all meiii'ine and medical aid and the whole church indulged in i seventy-two hour prayer for her recov erv. Her death ended tbe service.

THE l'iiii.Ai'Ki.iiitA bell is not the only bell of historic interest at tbe New Orleans Exposition. The bell belong- ing to the Catholic Church at KaskAs- kia. III., has been sent down by per- mission of the Usbop of the diocese. The cfly was once the scat of govern- ment of Spanish dominion of tbe Mis- sissippi valley, and it Is the first bell tolled west of tltc Allegheny moun tains. One hunilrtd and forty, years ago it was presented by the king of France lo Louis Buyotte for this parish. It was cast in Rochclle, France, in 1741.

Weekly News{Brevities. Friday.

Wllllain H. Vanderbilt's family U>m)> will cost $250,000.

Tbere was a serious Are at AugusU, Ga., tills morning.

Warden John C. Pillsbury. of tlie New Hampshire state prison, died at Concord, yesterday.

The Itaflwiy Oomidasloners advise the Boston and Albany Corporation to reduce Its fmight tariff on aatvL

There is believed to be serious cause to fear a caliision botween the United States troops aud Oklahoma boomers.

The British force at Saaklm sallied out yesterday morning to look for the enemy. Be was soon found and tlie British hur- riedly returned.

It ts reported that President Cleveland Is desirous of extending tlie operations of the Civil Service law, lucluding chiefs of tftvlalorris tn Its scope.

It ia semi-oniclally stated that Prince Bismarck has offered to arbitrate between England and Hus^a In regard to tbe Af- ghan boundary dispute.

Tbe Connecticut State Senate yester- day rejected the bill giving women U<e suffrage in school district*, aud the act for a bureau of Laber statistics.

A hearing was glveu yesterday by Judge Allen, of tbe Supreme Court, to Bostonl-

bj Who petition for a commission to ro- ve the water rates of the city. The freshmen of Union College, Schon-

ectady, N. Y., while engaged lu the old custom of cremating algebra, had a right with the sophomores and Juniors, inwhtoh several were severely injured.

The Rhode Island Republican and Dem- ocratic State Conventions were held yes- terday at Providence. The republicans nominated George P. Wetmore, of New- port, for Governor, and the democrats nominated /ii.a O. Slocum, of i'levl- dcuce.

A freight m-riiii in occurred yesterday on the Pennsylvania railroad, near Alle- grlppus, on the eastern slope of the Alle- ghany mountains. An east-bound freight train broke In two, and the forward por- tion of it, hurrying forward to prevent contact with the rear portion, collided with another train lu front. Many cars were wrecked and cue man was killed aud several injured. Saturday.

A rival of I'.i Mahdi has appeared at El Obehl.

Tbe rumors of a rebellion in Kashgar arc I'.iiusi in- -1.

It Is expected that a call fur bonds will be made in April.

The Government Cattlo (Juarantine at Waitham is being removed to I.lltletou.

Ht. Joseph's Academy, an Important Catholic Institution, was burued yester- day.

An effort Is being made In Ohio to change the State election from t ictobcr lo November.

i-'ruiik Harris and Henry S. Itipley were injured in a runawav aueldent at Illugham yesterday.

The British forces In tin- Soudan achieved a victory yesterday over Osman Dtgna's troops.

Camp's drug store and Bradbury's bard ware store at Petersburg, Va., were burn ed yesterday. JA>SB #34,000.

The Swedish Parliament has rejected the measure by which It was proposed to place import duties on foreign corn.

Joe Hanson, alias Hory Sims, one ol th*> most noted safe robbers in the country, was arrested at Philadelphia last night.

The Boston Machine Manufacturing Company's buildings In Soutli Boston were burned last night; loss about $175,- ~10

Mayor Madden or Cork has publicly au- luneed bis Intention to officially Ignore

the visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales.

General Grant did considerable work on bis hook yesterday, and was quite com- fortable. Ills daughter, Mrs. Sartorls, arrived yesterday from England.

Two persons were burnrt! to death and a Sniiiitn was seriously burned by the burning of a dwelling house at East Bridgeport, Conn., yesterday morning. Monday.

M. de Glers has not resigned the Russian ministry of foreign affairs.

The Stub birthday of Emperor William waa celebrated in Berlin vesturday.

No material change in the condition of General Grant was marked yesterday.

It is expected that tbe Senate will ad- journ without delay Ibe last of this year.

The State House at Trenton, N. J., was damaged to tbe extent of #100,000 by Are on Saturday.

More fighting In the Soudan, in which the British forces do not appear to have gained much.

There was a $CO,000 Are yesterday at Newark, N.J., and an $80,000 blaze at Petersburg, Va.

The hill Increasing the import duly on ■wool has passed Its seeond reading In the German Kelchstag.


KNOW THYSELF, Great Medical woik on Manhood

Ssbilltj. i M ll.lOlrt >: iM ft*

Dental Notice. DR.N.B.RUSELL.



naesaea. A hoos lor sverv I sat lae ration i young, wihl liciii-pil mi mn.

l£t nrttiirlpltoa for all acute an0 a esses, r».h OSS Ol WUieh ll mv.'ili .

id by the Author, wtiono f K|i-rii'i"-c fnr ■?.'. JUTS la as prolialilv nevtr belore (11 cto the lot •! say iiliy*l<'ian. SOU pagna, hound In beau- tlt'ni Prenoti mualln. PIUIHJ ar.t oovera.mll gill,

aauetl to be a loer work tn awry srtnae— asrr.Sanloal, literary nrnl proiea*lonal— lhan any r work, sold In Una oounurv I'm- »2M. or lbs ay wtlf be refunded In every Inalance. rnoe only » bv mall, post paid, llluatratlve sample H cents. Hen 1 now, "til.r ma.lala war.l ad the auihor bv is- National Ue^lcai Aaaoela- tlsn, lo the ofnoers of which he relere.

Tae Science or Life should be read by the ronna tor In traction, snd by the sflllcird lor i •■■ iff. it will beaeut alt— London I jmcri. There la no member of society to itbom the

Selence si Life will not bs useiaL whether youth, psreni, guardian, Instructor, or clergy- ■*•*— Argotaut

address tbi t'esbodr Helical InRlltiil-, W. n. Parksr, No. 4 Bnlflnch St., Boston, who may bscooaulle'ioaalliliaeaai* tn, akin and experience. Cbrouloand obstinate dlaeaare lhal hava baffled •kill of all aitier ph*al a specialty such in'at- - sd sanessafally wlin- _ •at an laataaoa of failure,



Eastern New England ArMoci- aiion MeetlDg.

A meeting of the Eastern New England Association of base ball clubs was held at the Essex House, Saturday. There was a large number of well-known base ball men present, among them II. A. IMtson of Boston, Arm of Wright A Dltson, Messrs. Prince aud Howard of Haverhlll, Parsons, Eowle ami Wellington of New- buryport, poa of Gloucester, Waterhouse of Portland, Harris and White of Con- cord. The alx clubs of the association

i represented as follows : Biddeford, r7. Sutberland; Lawrence, W. W.

Barnham: Haverhlll, W. E. l'earsuut<; Gloucesfer, J. J. Flaherty; Newburyport,

J. Leonanl; Portland, C. J. Wlggin. Seley of I^wrence, Prince of Haverhlll, and Flaherty of Gloucester, were appoint- ed acotrmUtee to take into consideration she playing rules to tie a*»e.i*d. and re- ported, recommending the adoption of the national rules—with the exception of those relating to the pitcher's pesttlun and ac- tions. It was voted that tbe price of ad- mission b"' 25 cents—except In the city of Newburyport, where but i* cents will be charged. Considerable argument Anally resulted lu the admission of Brockton to the league and tbe election of Henry Bicknell as its representative director on the board. An assessment of $10 was levied on each club, for entrance fee, uu- der the national agreement, upou which It

vtiifil to enter at tbe last meeting. The question of "guarantees" waa taken

and after much discussion It waa voted to amend the constitution to the effect that visiting clubs hi the league should be guaranteed $A0 for each game, with the privilege of taking 15 per cent, of tbe gate receipts Instead. The Wright and Dltson ball was adopted for the league. Next Saturday the meeting will re-assemble at Hotel Webster, Haverhlll, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to arrange the sched- ule of games and appoint umpires.

HEAL re. Mention this paper.).

THE (JOALIFICATIONS for foreign missions seem to be misunderstood by tjentlcmen who have lived abroad for a number of years and have returned to their despised native land for tbe sake of an appointment and the con- sequent cmoluaient. What do they know of ihc needs of tbe country? What do they care for tbem? 17 they bad been willing to work for tbe inter- est of iheir native laud, they would

have lived hers for a portion of the

Ml|MSlfiB8t' Tue ProPer m*n t° represent a country ia one who is known to its inhabitants as a public spirited, liberal minded citizen of suffi- cient means to have acquainted him- self with the manners of foreign ports so as not to >gnorantly interfere with their customs, but not so much imbued with foreign ideas that he forgets the dignity and requirements, social and commercial, of the section of the world which be represents. Kaoh division of our country should interest itself in this matter and see that tbe best man ia sent, direct, oof. moved or trans- ferred from some other country to re- present what he kuows nothing what- ever about. The United States is not what it was ten years ago, or even fire years ago. Tbe newspapers cannot possibly represent the coirect relations of this country to other countries in tbe minds of habitual dwellers abioad be- cause no two ot them agree and tb* ideas of readers must become contused. Neither will a short visit to this coun- try suffice tc initiate tba foreigner or the would-be foreigner, Into popular American necessities and demands. If the United States Is not good enough to furnish a home to aspirants for honors at its hands, let tbem ask for office and emolument where they spend their lire* and then mouejr.

Secretsry Whiting declines to accept the new steamer Dolphin, until after an- other trial of her speed.

The Canadian government Is desirous of borrowing $.50,000,000, with which to meet Us outstanding liabilities.

Attorney General Garland has reduced the niniiiit r of examiners In the depart- ment of Justice from seven to four.

The eighty-eighth anniversary of tlie birth of Emperor William was celebrated with great rejoicing in Berlin yesterday,

Notwithstanding the reports of paclflc relations between England and Russia, the farmer Is making active preparations for war with some nation.

The Langham Hotel In Chicago was destroyed by (Ire on Saturday night. A lady guest was killed by leaping from a window and three persons were crushed to death by fulling walN. Several others were also badly wounded. Tbe property loss will reach AU50.000.

Partial Shut Down In Lowell.

Agent Joseph S. Ludlam, of the Mrrri mack Manufacturing Company, has n celved orders to reduce by one half the in a n n fact tire of print goods, and next Saturday night 10 printing machines will stop work until further notice. This stop about one half of the total number •f printing machines owned by tbe com- pany, and the calico printers will be dis- charged. It is customary while Idle and still In the employ of a company to pay printers half pay, but as these 10 have boen discharged they will receive M wages aud will Immediately look for em- ployment elsewhere. The manufacture ol

printed cotton goods will remain nor- mal.

A Ni 11 Alir.i. ARSKST.

:. H. Oberbeck, Deputy Sheriff, si. Loots, Ho. k Warner's Hafe Cure f#ra very aevt'rs kldnsy

and llvfr complaint; be bad ls*t '•:■ pound* In weight under the doctor'* ran-. Five bottlea of Warner'* Hafe Cure armated and cured the di- eaae, ami Deaemher, l"t, ho wrote,"Innw weigh MO pounds and never felt better In my life. 1 recemmend Wsruer'a Safe Cure."

' '■! "I • i I \\. ■ Dan. A. Groavenor, Esq., United State* Treas-

ury Department, First Controller's < mi. e, Wash. limtou, D. C, took Wsrner'e Ssre Cure In J»>, and Dee. tWh, i--i. he wrote, "Warner's Safe Curs In my caae effected a |iermanent I for flve er six years I have experienced no trouble from what wss a serious kidney affee-

Helllng- to Minors.

Saturday evening, Capt. Bailey, at the request of parents, made a tour ainoug the liquor saloons on Common and other streets. For some time past there have ln't'ii complaints made i Uni. boys from ten to fifteen years of ago are accustomed to frequent these resorts,aud that they were cuconraged In it by tbe proprietors. It

as to asce tain the truth of this, and mi.i a boy whose pareuts said h« ■pent much of his time In one of the placss,that the tour was made. In nearly every sa- .'■"II visited, ('apt. Bailey found boyB of all ages up to sixteen years, who, as 800% as they saw th- officer, scampered away. In one saloon were found as many as flf teen boys aud they were all told to ge out st once, which they did without a second request. The proprietors were forbidden to harbor boys,and told that if they persisted in doing so they would be proscuutod

It Is the Intention of the police author- ities to put a stop to tots kind of business, and all liquor dealers who entice inlnorB into their saloons, or sell liquor to theiu

III bo dealt with accordlug to the law.


A Wealthy Uostonlan'ti Remark- able Experience.

Fi'niii Itoaton Herald, suntlsy, Oct. M. nilli-c of Uii' V. lieldowaky FurulturcCo.

Becond Mreel, W. Cambridge, Mass. October, U, ItstO.

Last fall I went to New York for meUlcsl ait Ice and treatment. 1 vlaltol Dr. KUward I.

Keya, of 1 Park Avenue, vlaliliig and iwnaultlng --■-ro» ■■( tbe Id-lime and Charity Iloapltale, wasalio i-iainluwl by Dr. Alfred L. Lotimla of:(] West Twenty-fourth street, conaullliig I'll* alclan of the Charity llo*>alUI* snd vlaltlug aur goon of the Uellcvuc an* Ht. filnal Haai'ltul- They found lluii 1 waa suffering sovemlv from Itrlglit'a Dtseaae, which waa evidently ef some flve or six years' atamllng. My urine waa niln Fled with blooili iui» autl tube oasts, aud at times

Bitff.'iTil Inlt'OT I'uiii. 1 had no apjietltSi longiie waa furred aud coated.

'I'Tirse month* ago I waa Induced to try I ralg'n Kidney Cure, and 1 bsirah at once t* Srove. 1 eaainliif-d inv inedlrfnii careful!),

tuml that It coiiUlncila brown powder, w llil not oases] vc. 1 felt assure-I that, ai last, I bail llaiijvereil tlie true cure, ami I Imiucllaiilv, Ii iKimpany with ray neighbor, Mi A. n Moflei who was In a »oi-i' ivinlltlou than I was, am

tin lia- alnce been cured by In-. Cratg's KIdue' urj, visited the office, Ho. 4 1'earl etreet, aai ad » long Interview wllli Hit manager. As a re ill, I lH'gau taking Dr. Crulg'a Klduer Cure. 1 art) iioidc my eaau the subject of apeclnl flinlr, laklug mr own testa, aud found no bluodnr lube talk, aml'iioted a gradual diminution i>f albumen

.J my urine. I have now taken about thirty bot- tle" ef Dr, Cralg'a Kidney Curs.

I owe my bealth ami *tnmgtli to-day (■> I >r. Crnig1* Kidney Cure, and to the practical advice

I iinrenilUlug attention of Or, Calkin*. Hie gen j manager, whose thnsrte* concerning my dlf-

fli-ult case provcl correct In every pnrtlruhir. 1 in, IIiy tlcar air, vnur* to loinmand.

Y. UBjKMrntr, II. M. Whitney A Co., Wholesale and Hetall

Agents, l.itH icui ■■, Haas. dwttv

Tilt 'I 1(1*1 - Of A UlSlSTBH.

The Rev. J. P. Arnold, (BapUst.) Cam-leu. Tenn., in 1S7S wa* taken with nright'a Dlaesae, which produced two large abscesses, lu IS7S iiiodior ni.*..--- forms*! which discharged fur ilgbteen month*. In 1SSI two abaceeaea formotl.

He then began Warner'* Safe Cure, "which re. etored me to perfect health," and June, 1SH3, he

*, "My health Is a* good as ever." Try ll'

Living people, Who are prominent and influential, send ui their testimonials, certifying what a vaat amount of good Sulphur Bitters has done them.

The Baggage Master, Boston and Maine Railroad, Lawrence, Maes., A. WILLIAMS, says: Forseveralyearslwaj subject to frequent and very severe attacks of tick headache, caused DO doubt by Imperfect dlges- Uon.aa my stomach troubled me a great deal, and although 1 have spent many dollars, I failed to find permanent relief until 1 uacdSulphur Hitler*. Since using this medicine 1 have bad ao return of the headache, and my stomach has regained lu original lone and vigor, and I believe

People who are now living send us their »—*: hh We publish nothing from dead persons, or give false names.

A running sore for 14 years eurad. HENRY H. CARCatLON, of LewU- ton, Me., sava; I have suffered with a running sore on my leg for the past 14 years, caused by ci '-urc in ttic army, and have suffered every. thine a man could, i he sore discharging constant- ly. I have tried every remedy that I beard of, but without benefit Sulphur Hitter* is the only thing Hat ever did me my good. Whsalcsasv menoad taking them I could sot pat say foots* the Boor. I can now pat mr whole foot on the floor and walk on it I think Sulphur

Sulphur Bitters ble family i.__

EDWARD TJa«)TT, Waverly, lau, I«J*I I hav health for years, and suffered 1

Bitters Is a reliable family medicine,

■ been In poor h for years, and suffered" greatly from Ul-

is and torpid liver. I have consulted the best phyaidana and tpenlagreat deal of money, with no permanent benefit, and had about lost faitb in everything. I purchased three bottles cf Sulphur Bitters and commenced to take them -, and, to my great Joy, I began tofeel better after thefiratdose. My head is free from pain, my an. petite good, and since using Sulphur Bitters I enjoy life with a sest long deemed Impossible; and they will purify the blood as no other can do.


have saved my life. There Is 1 ■keuj. lcaiaestly entreat all afllk

The Cashier? of IBi Bern* WM. E. DURGIN, say*. your Sulphur Rittersas the bast spring mecUttne 1 have ever used; there is nothing like tbem to give an appetite, lone up the system, aad do avray with that languid feeling which Is so fr*> <ro*jntinioag thrjMMrifmedlndoors, Uyotasre aick and unable to oliuin relief from other sssdi- CJDSB, try Sufphur Bitters, for It will cure you. Cleanse the vitiated blood whan you ass its tat. purities bunting through the akin In pimples, blotches and sores. ,

They Will Cure * You. The well known Manager of ths Raymond Eaearslons to California, I. A.

WHITCOMB, sap: No other medicine can equal Sulphur Bitters for bUiousassa aad dys- ptpsia. They hava cured ma when all other rajbodles failed.

DO the Right i hing. California. 1 leave Boston on th* first 11.. For full PSurtlonasrs A CO., SSB Washing oa at,


ess Seats* Talk (o BIHana People, Clear Tea 1 Iniony of a Witness.

At.lUNv, M. Y Dr. David Kennedv, lion toni, N. Y.:

DSAK >in: About night years ago I begsn to euffer From a Liver dlfUoultv, Durln« tli»attack* I experienced severe 1 siu, ancnmpanlcrl by what I cinni.1 dosorlbo better Mian br railing It a draw- ng In lensatias. The agony of it wn* almost oe- .ontl endurance. N ne of the U'ual meiliclaea ttmployed In aunh ca*e* had any edimi upon me. Kroml<me toilme I wss luld UP ami unable to iiienil to any business. Tula oovercd a period SI a year.

finally Mr. Lloyd, a ilni««1«t ,->r (hit ellv, sug- cealodTOUr FAVtllllTK KKUKDYaa sneseel- entthlnx for the Liver. I bad not liken the ivholsot Ibe Aral bott'ebff'ire 1 found most de- -lied relief; the psin pispuil wm, and lo my lelirhl I regslned itie puwer to eejny aad digest .ay food wi.limn the HIT iti«lro>a. tlalure loemcl to beset (coin* agnln. J cnnnoi belter rx- Freaa my apnnciat'on ol Dr. D.evltl Kennedy'*

AVOItfTK ItKMKIir (lino bv telling you that ■ isce mr v rsonul ktiowledgs of lu virtue* I nave recommended It 10 a great many ol my irlenda and acquaintance*.

Tour* truly, 8. rgPfiOM, tii AleTandcr Avenur. Mr. r.-|..nii Is onei'f Albany'* old an I respeot-

*d re* id out*, anil roinf',i lo the publication of he above i- ; >• r.

I>r. David Kein-iiy, 1'hyti and Surgeon, l.N.T.


FAVORITE REMEDY ha* won gulden opinions. Vo travrler should oon- atdsr bisoutat complete imleaa It luciudca a txitilc of Uda m*dlcln*. If you sr* exposed to frequent changes of climate, food and water, Favorl le Itameil/ should always bo within your reach. It expels ma- larial poaeooa, ami la Ibebeai pretinUilvr of chills aad rsatorlal fe»sr ua the world. liu.«i-vi.ih ftsMssa tmsiworthy IBS tlie ror UaS*M of Kldr •Sd Uvar oomrjealnla.l'oDMlpaiiun ana all dl arlaliu|frornanliTi|iore.UU.1.f ihetikM-l. To fX£*]tt;v£nViiMi'fi!;iVt£t te-i+mv m tailing fiiruil a real lilmahiK. Atldn-utlie propiie. K, Dr. D. Kennedy, houdout, N. V. gi buttW, ll for

ty all drugglau.

ntass =V|T&~ »«"«.




I'm IUSIKS IN 1111, 1 114 in r liable* ar* very tlule things, yet they leave ■eat gapsofluuelliie** behind tlinin when they

JSi Mother* save your llttl* ouea by glviug tbem Psrker'a Tonic when tlie v abow signs of B*>

mwell. Thl* famous mined}' I* so pleasant Unit any Infant will take It, end it will aoou tiuiet aud remove their aches and pains.

dwoodlratnis *

1 111 iK-i'i: OF THEISJATIUW. (nllilren, alow lu development, putiv, acrnwiy d ilelKktt'.us* "Weil-' IlcalUi Item 1-.. 1 "


Ir Tor Dofirr, Tar IT AND flat;.

tit U. Dewcy, of Hoi:beater, -V ) . .1..0 .' .. 1. .'. wrote, "Onsof tho moat Jprsailneot phyalclsna here found £! grains of augsr to Hit fluid ouuce.of 1111 itlin* i ws* unable lo leenuOl inn. 1 then began using Warner's Safe Diabetes t,'ure, and Warner's asfe Pill*. IlavtnguBSd flve leaajiee of each. 1 found myself cured." M.B.—Mr.Dewey reiiialss well.

,1 CRN I i) Bssj Hat Many iiesjile admire ra,| hall

I'urksr's Hair lUlaaru will Imp. hue. It will alao Uilr.ken tb)

1 11.■ 1. .ft life to hair which baa bee

If youdouot, 1 It a darkar

II al»u Uilr.ken thin hair, eradicate il impart aofloeee, glossiness and

dry and harili. ,doss not soil the line

* pirfmue. An elegaut ilresslnu. dweoillmml^


riti nniinii,\. ,:ii|-.e- who would retain freshueaa am

Don'l fall to try " Well*' Ilesltb Item dwlw

"Ssvaii." M 1 I'.-oU". I. -1 . I.JIIIIIII.IH, T.-trt", III IHTQ,

wa* attacked with black Jaundice, followed by hemorrhage ef the kidney*, and waa proaounond incurable. Mcvuu bottles of Warner'a Safe Cur* restored him is health In ISSO, and July lit, l-*4,

rites, "My health has leecn excellent ever 6." Try It. Try III

A CASD.-'To all Who are suffering fr*m em an* Indiscretlou* of youth, nmum weakne early decay, loss ot mniilu-od, Ac, 1 will asm recipe that will cure you, Pan OF CHASUS. T. great renwly was CSeflSrSfl by a mlaalouary nouiii America, send self addressed euvek

Hav. Josafu T. Is jets,, D, New Yefk dwlyeodauglO

' WuiurTiwKAT*. " Headache, fever,chills,


. tCAfllER CCMENT. f.fAJORC^PIipCti.. r-ror ...

TO DEALERS. I am now prepared lo fursiab'a v«ry(lattr*a

tlvs SttiN TO DKS l.XUS whs will purchase a certain amount of Cement,

Th* sign consists of a Rack S1-1 feet high, pie* lolur* inline, plate, TUgs and

SO POUND WEIGHT. For fnil particulars addrs B,

A. HA JOB, tn William Street

. Hew Tert Clfj*


Lewando's French Dye House, 17 UMrlE PLACE, BOSTOS, U.S.*.




I PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILY. -Kidney-Wort li I iiuisatal *■■*■*■

Dr. P C. Ballon, Xoauktaat, ts. "Kidn*y-Wort Is always reliable." Dr. B, a. Clark. 80. Hero, Tt, '

"atldoar- Wort haa oursd mr » w> sosr tw* ***** tum-niK." Dr. O, at. Siisnsarlln, HSR Hill. Qs.


pates, si.** ugrrs «a 1

irrm, t aTDssti a rrs. 1


WHEN (Ml are overworked In body or mind snd feel

or " tired out," then U Ilia time to 111* juilU10 liilng lorotloro your ISO Vegolls


HAS YOUR BLOOD seeomo lm,inro nml llio circulation bail? Ar* rouiirudl'pnaod to or bnvc yon inboTllod ae.rof u

fous hiiinon.? L'ne Vcgellne f.iithfully and n euro

eortaln. There i . Hot a remoily mado tlinl hat

srf»r nod au many wundcrfut cures of acrofula.

ARE YOU DYSPEPTIC id In need of something to aid tho organs of -II-

fc-.ll.>n? VegaitlleS taken In aiusll doaua la lb*

Very best remedy.

DO YOU WANT t medicine tar any disease cetiiieil by an Impure condition of tho blood, a* Salt lilx-um, Ilheiima-

Jsm. Scrofula, Liter '.'oniplalnt, Nervoinineiia

n.rl Debility? AU ay- getoiio that la KNOWS lo

ooaceas merit like Vegelinc and you aro euro to

j* aatliflod,

WE MAKE STRONG CLAIMS forVe»ettnobiit yet am able to buck tbem with

die itrnngcat kind ef toaUuony from the patiuuls


CREAM BALM. Cl mm tils


111 II nil) iitutloa.

Heals the Borss.

Restores tk«

Scni.cs Of Taats


A positive (lire. au ccnU at Drngctats.

0 oneiahv sail registered- *"•* 'or wrcular. ■ in i.'i h« m»ll I" cents. , . _ •

KI.Y lil(')THKlW,Drug«'»»A, Owego, H.T marlisodwlr


and riy,j,f p.i» ni*dby"Weus-Ue*lttial*Btw*a:.'' *1. dwlwl |>*u , «, ls*i.

MILk HSI'M TOK S NOTICE. Th* undersigned havlrg been appointed '

INSPECTOR OF MILK for tbe City of Lawrence, s 1 er-on- n'lhn. mdk wilhi-i the city are hershy n .rif-i.-ii to c.oniorui t* all the i' ■(■.! in-ini'ii . ol the l.v relating to tt.e eaete. All |itr*rm* sware of any vioUllon* al said law sr* InvltM lo report tii* ssme 10 Iht Issp *i'ior at bia offlr-e, wbure aamplea wi 'I be ex- amined 1r*>e of charge.

OUi-a ai Police station. Hours 8 to 1) a. m„ 7 lOSp. ns.

UIBAlf K. NBAL, In*|>ectir

NOW ..■ Tin; Mm TO—


DONALD'S Grub and Canker Worm

Exterminator. 'Tbe III-I-I • Uii 'it-ill .11 Hi to ever offered to

Ike |.ui.11. for tin- protection of

FRUIT TREES from !ln- m \-;i jri-s of 1111- Grub and Can* 1.'i Worm.

It Is I In- beat. Is cheap and easily ap piled. Call and (M some.



Lawrence American, LAWBENCE, MASS.



■tSP- as-

Weekly New« Brevities. Tuesday.

A partial famine exists iii the liirk counties of W«t Virginia.

There Is no material cLum in General (..rant's condition as reported yesterday.

Mr. Clarke, the newly appointed As- sistant Socretary of tlie iutvrlur, died yesterday.

Tin: French troops are so harassed far* the Chinese forces that they are unable to advance from Langsou.

ITuere was a tdu.000 Are In Teabody ear- ly yesterday morning, and au jBCOOti blaze at Charlebtow.i, W. Va.

Toe Chinese jrovermneiithas negotiated two loans In London—one of e.WV.Ow and anuther of a.000,000 taels.

The Lulled (StaUs scuate, jestenlav. considered in executive aesslou the Well and LaA'jra conventions with Mexico.

General Edward E. Hryant, ufMaillsoii Wit', Is to he assistant attorney • ' the Poet Ofilcc Department at WaslUngto

The British house of commons ha llxed Thursday next, as the time for dis- t-UiisiiUjf the SgypttaB tiuam-ial agreement.

The ultramarine blue works of llellei * Men, In Newark, N. J., were destroyed by lire yesterday morning, the propeity loss reaching t)l&0,oOt>.

The findings in the Haaeu court martial have beeu sent to the becretary of War, but will not be made public until after the Cabinet meeting of to-day.

The house of representatives, yester- day, passed a bill giving the Justices ol the supreme court, on their retirement three-quarters pay. The. senate passed the bill relating to tbe leasing of great ponds. A bill to regulate assessment in- surance mi. reported in the house.

President Cleveland yesterday nominat- ed Edward J. I'helpki-i&f Vermont, for miulsler to England, Governor ltobert M McLane, of Maryland, for minister to J'rance, George II. I'eudlelou, of Ohio, for minister to Gennany, and iieiuj i\. Jacksou, of Georgia, tor ..uulottri to Mexico, and t»ey were all continued by

THK WILL BcBtatl u> induce ttie Coin moi, wealth to npea a general load office, and go into co-operative build- ing, by loaning three millions of dol- lar! to aid working people ID erecting bouses, was killed in ilia house of representatives bj a vote of nearly two to one.

IT H an importaut fact, if true, as stated, that tbe town of ' >' ',. has, within three years, reduced its pauper expinseB from 915,000 to 95000 an- nually, tbe result of tbe enforcement of the liquor law, and tbe closing of tbe dram shops ; It would he a practi- cal argument tbat would appeal to every tax-payer's pocket, aside from the additional moral aud social consul orations.

THK UALI.OT tliievca in Chicago get a respite by a decision of tbe circuit court granting writs of crior, whiob are hereafter to be beard, and the prisoners are to be released from jail on heavy bonds. Although this is merely to grant a now bearing upon qucsiio3s of law, the friends of honest voting in Chicago, are disturbed lest it prove the road to finding a loophole somewhere, for tbe escape f.'otn pun- ishment of the rascals.

Huaklm advices slat* tbat General Gra- ham began to move his whole force toward laiuel last night. The advance force had proceeded about a mile at last ac- counts but had met with no opposition from the Arabs. It Is expected, however that a general battle will oeou to-day' General Wolseley has ordered the evacu ■UouofKorto the troops proceeding to the intrenciiwl lines of Uebbeh, Annl and Dongola. *

Mr. Henry Goodwin, Grand B gent o tli» Orand Council Itoyal Arcanum 01 Massachusetts is reported as saying at thi eighth annual banquet on evening In boston, when he called apoi the gentleman on his left, Suprem Trustee Simmer Albec of Cambridge, t., speak, that If the fciupreiiie Hegeut had T»eeu there It would liuva been all right but as that digultary was absent it wouhi have to be all left." The Junior hest ol the Crawford House never gets left on a joke.


Barrios, It Is said, Is rnarchlrtn on San Salvador with fifteen thousand men.

Hon. Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the Juterljr under l-resldeut Buchauau, i- dcad.

Ex-Congressman Sparks of Illinois has (icon appointed Commissioner of the Land Office.

A Are on Commercial and Clinton streets Boston, ii„i night, destroyed about STo . 000 worth of property.

Mew Hampshire courts are called upon to decide the ijnestlon: May a woman marry her deceased husbands fatherr

Serious trouble in the Northwest 1* threatened, and Canadian authorities ex- pect to be obliged to put down another re- bellion there.

It is believed that a commission will be appointed to investigate the Oklahoma question aud report some plan for Its set- tlement.

The members of the Chinese Legation at Berlin Htale that earnest peace negotia- tions between France aud China are pro- ceeding at 1'ekiu.

Mormons are unhappy In view of the recent decision of tlie Supreme Court, Which, while it says the test oath Is not valid, sustains the validity of the Edmunds act.

Considerable stress is laid upon tbe fact that a hastily called Cabinet meeting was held in IAIIKIUII yesterday. The war cloud *." i^ii^ijiw, ....„,.-, ,„ M growing darker. ° *

Capt. Loromy Smith, a retired sea cap- tain, disappeared about twenty years ago and has just been found living the life of a hermit near Waco, Ky.. and has been taken to his home by his brother.

In the House of i-ords yesterday Earl Northhrook, lu reply to Viscount Shi- r.outh, -aid a naval officer had been sent to America to Inspect a newly Invented torpedo boat, but It was not desirable to publish the result of his investigations


Kdward J. Buckley, the actor, is dead.

The Northwestern revolt against Cana- dian rule Is assuming serious proportions.

Gen. Grant was decidedly bettor yes- terday ami was able to take a drive of nearly live miles in the afternoon.

The United States senate was occupied yesterday in discussing the Well aud Lt .Abra treaty, but did not dispose of it.

The Illinois Legislature yesterday al- most re-elected Gen. I-ogau Culled States Kenator. He received one hundred votes.

A dinner in compliment to Henry Irv lug Is to IK- given In New York by a num- her of gentlemen high In American liter in > standing.

AkSfiuauron of cavalry and a battalion of trench Infantry will act as a guard of honor during the forthcoming visit of 4jueen\ Utorla to France.

TheMuslc Hall and the St. LouiTThS- raan Catholic church were burned last night at Buflelo. The McCaull Opera Company lost its entire wardrobe.

The rumor of an alliance between Tur- key and Ku.i»la causes increased uneasi- ness in England, aud created a sensation In the London stock market yesterday.

The Mexican minister of foreign affairs nays Mexico will aid the resisting repnh- Brs of Central America lu their warfare against the Invasion of {'resident Barrios.

The British cabinet yesterday resolved to flniily demand of Husala that she be- gin at ouee the work of delimitating the Afghan frontier and will proceed to eu- loroe the demand by war if necessary.

Attorney General Garland has decided thai suited meats which are exported, with the benefit of the drawback ofdutioa on foreign salt used in curing the meats, can lie relinported free of duly upon re- funding the drawback.

The President yesterday nominated tin Hon. Samuei' S. Cox ol New York foi minister to Turkey. Captain David B. Harmony of the ifjne State to be chief of the bureau of variu? and docks In the Department of the Navy.

The President yesterday nominated the following postmasters lu New England : Samuel J. Gerrlsb, at Portsmouth, ft. II.; ■William Burns, at Plymouth j JJIcholSa Iiatheway. at Fall River) W. V. Kennedy, at Taunton aud Ursoii G. Couch, at Am- herst, -Mas,.

Gen. Graham has moved his headquar- ters two miles nearer Tamai ami it Is ex- pected that the general advance of his troops will begin today, it is now ascer- tained that the British losses in Sunday's battle will rent ti iwo in killed aud wound- ed, while (hot of the Arabs is placed at JHJUU.-

THE SELECTION ofUeo. II, Pandit* ion, as minister to Germany, will bo

eapecially gratifying to the friends of

civil service reform, and accepted gen-

erally as an earnest of President Cleve-

land's sincerity in his advocacyof (hose

principles. Mr. Pendlcton, against

.i... majority of bio party, stood out in

frank advocacy of the best ideas of

civil service as opposed to tho spoils

system ; for this he wus ostracised am)

defeated for the senntorsbip by ibo

ruling faction of his party, mid h

appointment to so important a mission

is one ol the significant acts of the

new administration.

In the Kings Couuty Court a few days

ago the plaintiff In au action had the

sprightly name of Heath and the defend-

ant was one Gordon. This is believed to

be the first time that Death ever had to

go into court to establish his rights.

The Supreme Court at Baltimore decid-

ed In favor of a coloreU lawyer who had

been refused admission te the Bar of tbat Itjr.

An knot hole lu Up frame of an old

house, erected about 1750, at Newlnyton,

Conn., has been the home of a family of

bluebirds for 76 years.

Mr. George Bleisleiu, twenty-three years

of age, la now president of The Buffalo

<'ourler Company. Nine years ago next

May he entered the oltlce of that paper as

uu errand boy.

A man lu Hubuque, Iowa, said he had

received a divine command to ny through

the air. He built a pair of wings and be-

gan his flight from the gable end of his

bam. He fell down to the ground aud

broke his wings ar.d his leg. He explains

his mishap by saying that the wings were

not of a divine pattern.

A bill before the New Jersey leglslsture provides that a tine sliall lie Imposed on

persons killing song birds, or having any

snug or bay bird "for preserving or stuf-

fing the same as an article of ornament or


The annual cost of maintaining the

reading room of the British Museum Is

•lL'5,000. There are over 100 employes,

si' of whom are engaged In taking out and

replacing hooks.

London has the faith cure mania.

Forest fires cost this couutry •800,000, 000 a year.

TttKttK is something iu the sugges-

tion of the Boston Tiunscript, that

although the recent appointees of

President Cleveland ore of a pro-

nounced southern type, one of them

having Iweu in Uic confederate army,

another a strong slavery advocate be-

fore the war, and a ihird one who de

nounccd the northern troops haBten

log to tbe rescue of tho capital, at

"invaders" of the soil of Maryland,

they were uot tbe men who were being

urged by the present leaders of tbat

type of democracy. Altogether a dif-

ferent type of candidates was pressed

upon the president by the men now at

the front of the southern wing of tbe

party. There may bo a moral here

for llioso inclined to evolve its true


THE MISTAKE in the Spiuket Itiver

Commission has been happily correct-

ed ; the error was sn palpable, and

public sentiment so unmistakable, that

the members of the board of aldermen

were early to recognize it, while Mr.

Barry so cordially coincided in this

view of the case, that be promptly sent

to the board a declination of the posi-

tion. No notice of the election on the

part of tbe upper branch having been

sent down, the aldermen nt once rec-

tified their action, and re-elected

Bell to the pooUlon where be is

......-i. Bo«d«a. it i.i to itie credit of

Mr. Barry that lie so readily accepted

the situatiou and declined to allow bis

personal interests to stand in tbe way

of the public good, while the aldermen

have manifested a most commendable

opirlr, in remedying what they saw lo

have been un ill-considered action.


In Hoard of Aldermen.

TBE PBSUDENT has given the poli-

ticians, at least, n lurprin, in bis re-

cent list of foreign appointments. Mr.

Pendleton, who goes to Berlin te well

known, ar.d from hit associations with

the civil service question, is not alto-

gether acceptable to the spoils wiug ol

the parly. Mr. I'holps of Vermont,

who is given tbe first mission in im-

portance, thai lo C.r. ut Uiilaiu, is a

mail almout wholly unknown lo the

mass of his party ; ho is an allornev

of great ability, a inau of wealth, has

been wholly out of politico, and is ex-

ceedingly conservative. Mchane of

Mat viand mid Jacksou of Georgia, are

bot'i of tho olden democratic school,

the former was minister lo China thirty

years ago, aud the latter WOH in Lbc

Mexican war. The entire list is of

able men, who will creditably represent

the country, but nut one will be par-

ticularly pleasing lo the politicians.

Mr. I'helps is strongly aristocratic,

and said to be quite English in his

opinions, and his selection for Ibo

British mission will hardly be pleasing

to the In.-h demucruts.


There are Indications that the winter

wheat crop has beeu damaged iu several localities, and that It will fall below the


A ton of gold is burled with those who

die In this country each year.

There are bureaus of labor statistics in

thlrteeu'of the states. That of Massaehu

setts is the oldest. Tli* man wli* writes, and wrlten lit verse, I- worth atluker'n IHITH). The man wtiu plava 16* violin, la >lvt«Y* Isiler llian «ln. Tlie uinti who think, ha known II all, PhtuUTiMinltflitv «lKlit.f gull- Thu man wh* tlilnka lilnu.Tt (be belt, U he whom we ■hould all itoteit. lint tie wlm piiTA the printer Is The noblvit Kiiuian In the«bli."

{Texas raDtAgrsph. There have beeu a great many jokes at

the expemte of frequenters of the skating

rluks but who have dreamed that the

skaiiug rliia Itself would have slipped up

It will right itself again, however, "when the clouds roll by."

I f Mrs. buwdrlckl isn't quite sure where

she stands It is the easiest thing iu the

world to obtain legal adviee. There's

llelva hockwood, for instance. The very

best authority on precedential contests.

In reply to the Homestead's leading

luestiou—'which variety, all things cou-

idercd, do you recommend as the best

general-purpose potato?'—we should say

mash. For alt general purposes such

wallowlofpAc., we think the mashahle

potato in really the most agreeable. Like

the glorious sun It rises In the yeast.

Mooed City, Illinois, has flfty-one cases of small pox.

tv. Dr. Burchard insists that he Is

lier a dmle, a fool or an ass, as he has

been variously called ; well, opinions dif- fer.

Temperance crusaders are in trouble In

Cornwall. New York; two quaker ladles

have been holding a temperance

prayer crusade, ami were In the habit ef

entering saloons, hotels ami stores to carry

t their purpose, have been flued $lu

aud costs by the justice of the perce.

The largest locomotive ever built has

been finished by the Baltimore company

iu Philadelphia, and will be sent to Brazil "-Tt week Its weight Is pounds.

The republican state committee head-

quarters are to lie removed from Park

street, Boston, to Ifii; Washington street.

Build a tittle fenoe of trust Arauntl to-day;

Kill the npnru with loving wink, And thetvln HUy.

Look m>( thm ugh Uie nhelt'

Tii- board ol mayor and aldermen mrt lam evenlug In regular aeuloa, Mayer Simpson la tbe chair, abaent AlderoMa Dyer. Tbe fallowing i.u-■!:■■ ■ wan transacted;—

I'rtltion*.—of James Bahlnaou, lor a c*m- ii,...I wwer running through ( llutou court to i rosi street, referred toeonunltUM on ww«n; of U. K. Ilixxt. ui enter drain at tbscerasref Albion ami Avon ..irmte, granted, of E. B. FlflelU. torus t, k|.l, ■:■■■ « in-" III Utla city, laid un the table DM wees , ol -Mary O'Connor. Ouroufh her attorney, f,„ .. mpriiwitlou for Injurtea •uatatncal by fall IngMstdOwaJkea Haverhlll utrwt.near Proapeet ■iri'i'i, referred to committee on elalma; of George It. I.', v.i >H<up) a portion of Margin atreet, gnuit- ..| on iiaiinl . ( of >..■■■ M Wllaon, to oc- . u|i> a portion uf Newbury, Kim und other attests, wbllo mining building, granted on uiual ruii'lltlona, uf ilif Viral Urlgadu signal Corp*, to SOevp? the hall of tbe battery building for UII< In drilling, granted and order adopted Hi. kui'll. t., |.> a portion of Hairrhtll and Uellevne mreeta, for a term of Ou daya, granted Oil 11-.11.11 . .niillTHll-.

ir. !■■■::■ HI li..- . ..MHJIIII. ,■ i,u aeweri, on p«41 tlon uf I'urnw A Joyc-e, for pipe MM In alley way In rear of Hampshire atreut, Hint It be grant. .-.I. ii. . r|.t<-.l and onh-r adopted; of aarae nun'■■ . ou psttthn of I), r. iMlan, r..r ten Inch pipe aewer In Fairmont street, for dlatanee of A00 feet, that 11 l»' grante'l. iierepterl and order adopt- ed, of -|ii. k.'i itiu'i- OtsasatHtaMsO, on petition of Nicholas Magulre, for 'litmaget caused by In. Jnrtea irnivi-d while In employ about. he have leave lo withdraw; of the committee on Sie nlarin lb it agreeable to peUUoni the follow lug fire alarm lioiei lie located, urr of Spring th Id and Ko«ler itreeta; corner of South Uroad way aii'l Andover street; comer t U&font atreeta.

MlwellaueuuH.—Aeommuiileallon waareceivetl from the labor bureau, Making the appotnOnent uf enumerator* from each want and they were appointed aa followa: Ward I, Lewla Towey wards, Waller ft. RtWO; wared, Wa. II. Moore wiird 4, Eugene fenneton. ward i, John II. ilul fur.l, wnrdil. Harry at. Eamea.

The attoet commtaaloner was authortaed cure, either by purchaee or eM<haohe, auch bora es as were aeceiiary for uae In the street depart

Mayor Simpson read a Hat of public property which waa Insured. It was thought best to as certain wliut was net In aured and report at i meeting, to which time the whole matter wot- on tbe Uble.

The committee on aldewalkii waa authorlied to receive propoaala fur edge atones and (lag alonea of granite, of auch dimensions as called for, and to accept such prapmuila as seemed most lageuus to the city.

John It. Hurry, elected, at the last mertlug, a •ploket Klvurt.'otnmlasloner. sent lu a decUaa tlon to iSffvS, and Oharles U. Uell was elected for three years.

The up) roprtntlnnM reaulutlon « under n suspcnalou of I he rule*, took Its second reading and wBs pas set I to be enrolled, the follaw Jug amount* being reported In each depnrtmei bridge department, *_i



VmrtM Suspension

The effect of the severe manufacturing

es.-ion In

lnteresu seems to be

brooding and In nearly all New England

Alls there has been a curtailment of pro-

duction; to-day, there Is but one of

the Large manufacturing establishments

Lawrence, the Arlington, running with

a full complement of help.and the same is

true In Lowell, the Lawrence corporation

being the one exception. For some time

past, the Everett mills of this city ha«

been working with » reduction of about

cent, from the full number, and

with the close of the present week,

further reduction will I* made, leaving

two-thirds of the capacity of the mill In

operation; this will he a reduction, with

that already made, of about three hun-

dred employes.


A Man Terribly Injured on tbe Boston and Hulne Track.

I I,.I I;.I school, lutereat department, (municipal h

" " (water loan) Intercut ou bridge loan. Interest ordinary cllv debt loan, Suiekel river loan lulereat, l.lithilng department, Military, Harks, I'super, Police, Public library, I'nlilb |ir..|icrt». Salaries, School, School linn-.',

Sidewalk, great. Sinking fund, (Sph-kctriver)

" [Water loan, Bridge loan, shaking fUSC

M.fMI UN tnKjri MM

■n.ioii ■.-..KNI

'j:,,i»i .':.'«« Ml M

lil.'.'i o H,'.,I»JU


(V A n u TEST. 1 PurjttTLtC, MASS.. flee. IS, ISM.

1 lil.Lll. V- Superphosphate (or three \tiin 1.-1II fertiliser, t t ha-Invariably dl-Utnced

hlan'-sperUI fertilizer," O I, Whl ami II.: Iin. ii just near enough to U-

land treated tlie asinc, in - the Held, and the U'ul-


IOM Imgoulv, but With Ihe rropson which the


u to useU, J.C. WJIITISO.


rtetor of the st. Jaanes leld, ll., 1 in link on account of the

a Uokat In Ihe Louisiana state Lot-

whole ltt,ket and fl»c one HfUl tli i„ ganie. Veslerday ,1" ik !■;■''■: anil Mr. Krann

lotifylng him thai

eta, paving tin lor ihe «nnie *■"" | Ihe drawing- L

■ " icl.-gnu

. ret.

HKh.) eelved a teJegniui iiotlfyl.-P

ticket had drnun $i\m> la >a*h, which ■iihJ<-.-t W lil, order.-JUnaflsW iUtiio; I.llwrsl fob. li. aw it

THK RELATIONS between Russia and

Great Britain, arc undoubtedly in a

strained condition, ami the tone of re-

cent event.-' kadi to the belief tbat war

between these two great powers is in-

erllalile. Kussians in l^ondon write

to tbeir friends that they believe no

other end is possible, and the tenure

of recent dispatches has Iiecn to send

down the price of Russian securities

in the British market. On Monday

evening, in the House of Commons

Lord Edmund Fihtmaurioet uodor for-

eign secretary, replying to a qnctUon

put by Sir Henry Drummond Wolif,

conservative, En regard lo the Afghan

frontier, said that it was not recorded

in a formal docunicut. Mr. Woltf then

asked: "Does the question of jteace

or war depend upon tbe verbal assur-

ance of Russia?" To this the under

foreign secretary did not reply, where-

upon the conservatives cheered ironi-

cally. Karl (Iranville, in the house ol

lords, said tbnt it was desirable thnt

the government, while firmly adhering

to tbe policy which England's obliga-

tions required, should not omit any

banco of arriving at n friendly agree-

ment with Russia. Russia is just now

n a much better condition for war

than is England, while the resources

of Ibo latter are BO severely strained

by tbe conflict in tho Soudan and the

unhappy coridilion of Ireland, and to

add a contest with a power of the

strength of Russia, would increase the

burdens to the utmost tension.

g bars

Cod will help thee'bear w hal come* "f Joy or sorrow.

There arc said to lie nineteen metals more valuable than gold.

Another claimant to the treat ToWUe-

ley e.Htute in England has turned up. It

in a Brooklyn woman woman, and she pins

her faith on her Bible—not the lr.splred

text, or even the family record, but the

name of an ancestor written on a fly le af

The lulled States now stands third In

the list of silk manufacturing countries,

witu un annual orodnellon valued at |M,-

000.000. In 1843 sixty thousand pounds

of cocoons were raised lu this country.

'Derailed by a Bon Kink'' Is the pic-

turesque bonding which an enterprising

newspaper uses for an account of cars

being thrown off tho track by the expan- ion of the rails from the sun's heat.

Morphine parties are said to he fashion-

able In Paris, one of their disadvantages

is that they reduce all the habitues to a

common level of dulncss and put bright

people ai well an bores to sleep.

The National Vie** says: "Taxation,

like the dew or heaven, falls equally upon

all, hut boars most heavily upon consum-

ers." We know who tbe consumers of

mountain dew are but It never occurred

to us that tliey were onerously taxed.

The prairie cattle company sued Lon

Horn lo ret-over money paid hlni for cat-

tle which were not actually received.

Perhaps lie meant he furnished them—"in a horn."

It Is said that the Arabs lost three thous-

and men In last Sunday's light with the British troops.

It Is said that Turkey, which has been

coquetting with Russia, has decided to

side with Kuirlaud In consideration of an

pportunlty to regain lier old-time control f Egypt.

Superior Court.

In the ease of Krulevltz vs. Eastern R.

1. Co., In superior court to-day, a pro

• rum verdict for defendant was found

ami the evidence Is to la- reported to tho

Miprcme court. This was a case where

the plaintiff was arrested for alleged re-

fusal to pay fare on the defendant's road,

he holding a ticket for a ride in another

direction on the same road. Suit was

brought for Illegal arrest, with above re-


WO hye loan,) stoo

Total, The reaoluUon provided that hill* in onMS of

the apportionment of the department* rolsht he allowed tu the amount of the receipts Into any

en department, bul Uie agtrrea-nte amount Mid apportiontiicnt Bad receipt* shall In no ( be exceeded.

Alao that for m« maintenance and extension or the Lawrence water works the sums ol SIU.000 for maintenance and 012,000 fortheexten- sion, shall l>eall«wedandiharjred and pnyabl* from IhS nale of water and rents thereof.

The appropriation* laM *taV#4p*gatod #403, M3.00. The sums apportioned to each depart- meat laat year are not gWeu as no eorrect com. |..n u HI can be marie, aa there was no atUmpt to confine the ex|>enrilturcs lu the several ■;.,..,,( menu within tbe appropriation, but under Uie rteUOBS system,—or want of It, ularjte dchYlencT w:m made In almost every Instance, causing the biK debt at the end ef the rear.

Last rear ii j.0oe vraa appropriated to the pan per department and a3.\QWJ wua expended, max Ltijt an overdrawal af »J:(,INICI,

III Common Council. 1 he Cumaun council •»-i Wa^aaxtdaj evening,

In -.„I.].II »J«slon, PrOBUenl Abbott In the chair; I.I. -i in eouucllmuii Ahearn. The gTBBtet pan of the business brought up were matters In

The following new busliietH wa


if Work.

CornellUBMinahai, a worker In the iron

mir on tbe Boston 1 Maiue Kallrnad, was

struck by the 1 o'clock train on Satur-

day as hewaswalkrig on the track under

the 8alem street bridge lie was horribly

hurt, but the extent of his Injuries have

not yet been ascertained. He was token

In a hack to Ms residence at ;U'i Elm

"'rn t, and nodical aitendance summoned.

it Is thought he cannot recover.

Weekly Payment*.

The labor committee of the house of

representatives, reported the following

bill for weekly payments. Senators

Whiting of Worcester aadOunn of Frank-

lin and Represeutatlfe Far well of Mel-

rose dissent.

Section l. AU^ttrporatlonB shall pay, at intervals not exceeding 10 days, all

operatives employutl by them, the wagei*

earned by such operatives to withla six

days of the date of said payment.

Sec. t. Aoy corporation violating any

of the provisions of this act shall be pun-

ished by a fine not exceeding ar.o. and

not less that (20 for each and every of-


Sec. S. This act sliall take effect Aug

1, 1880.

The mlnoilty say that the committee

has given prolonged bearings, and the

advocates of the change have lieeu chiefly

those receiving weekly payment, or per-

sons enjoying salaries from labor organ-

isations, no actual employes of a Massa-

chusetts corporation now receiving

monthly payment having appeared, cither

personally, and but few, If any, by peti-

tion, itemonstrauces were presented by

about 400 corporatloni. The minority

say that any legislation fixing periods for

the payment of wages to employes by

corporations is tiiexpelleut, because it

would be of doubtful :onstitutlonality;

It would Inaugurate class leglslatlou ; It

would apply to only a United numbar of

persons tfor, in the Impartaot Industries,

60 per cent, of the cmpUyes are In

service of Individual*, aid only 40 per

cent, in the service o." corporations);

less tbsn 10 per cent, of the whole popu-

lation would bo affected ly It; It would

annul the common right of making con-

tracts, heretofore always exercised by

persons employed by colorations; that

existing modes of payment, weekly, fort-

nightly and monthly, are natural growths

and will change accordhg to circum-

stances; that restrictive legislation Is per-

ilous, discouraging the lnv*staientof cap-

ital and checking the demand for labor;

that the preseut time is esptclally Inop-

portune, because so much corporate ma-

chinery Is Idle.


Writ of Habeas Corpus AI-KIUK! In

New Orleans.

Win. Hayes, alias Farrel of 1'eabody. who was arrested In New Orleans, while

keeping a restaurant near the exposition

grounds, on the evening of March lo', Is

still In custody there. Heyee was arrest-

ed by a Massachusetts officer, assisted by

two New Orleans detectives, charged

with blowing up a house with dynamite.

Since his arrest counsel has been active-

ly employed In endeavoring to effect his

release, aud a- a result of these efforts a

Wtit Of habeas corpus was argued before

the criminal district court Monday. Hayes1

attorney made a strong plea for his re-

lease, and long arguments were made

After carefully considering the case the court decided that the statutes of Louls-

sna provided for the extradition of a per-

sou charged with the crime of which Hayes has beeu convicted In this state.

The prisoner waa therefore fully rcniand-

td to jail. The requisition from the gov-

ernor of Massachusetts for Hayes was

sent to Baton Boogc

After hearing tho decision of tbe court

Hayes did not show much emotion,

though he appeared to realize that his

last avenue of escape was closed. The

has been considerable Interest manifested

In the case at New Orleaus, onac

the peculiar and atrocious nature of the

crime charged against Hayes. Tbe oft).

cers sent down to make the arrest are

greatly elated over their success hi find-

ing him, and lu securing a favorable de

clsion from the court. Hayes has caused

no trouble since his arrest, apparently re>

lying upon his counsel to secure his re-


officers Batchelder aud Shaw started

for home with Hayes Wednesday, having

procured the necessary papers.


Superior Court.


3 I .' TOI This

IU It Aim. a trig crop, tail It was raised »y Henry

Petitions —Of M Carney et al, for larlnn out ami Ki-S'lliur Motimoitth stfeet. referred to com- mittee ou streets; of Daniel Daley et al, fur pub lie street ><r way from ltennlnt[t"U ntreet wester- ly ; referred to committee on street*.

Notice was received from the upper hoani tliat (hcalilenoeii hail coocnmd lu the matter of the salaries of the water luianl onli-lal*, with the ox. eeptloa of that of the mperlnteurlent, thejr a.lher UIK to their former action In placing that aalarj at vl.Wu. A m-itloii to eoucur with the upper hoard la this, was made hy Couurlliuuii Cooney. councilman l.yall amended that the council ad here lo Ita furnier action, by Widen this official'* salary was placed at SlJOii. Councilman Drark etl oppoxed thl*, and gave a* hi* reason the fttctlhat Mr. linger* «a* a.competent did hi* work thoroughly, that lu other cities larger Halnile* were paid. Councilman Lyall ■aid that Ihe other cities uauied were more pop ulous, richer, and that no com pa rlaon could be made. I^wrencu was poor. Ho thought the aalary too much, tt had been stated that service pipe put In hy Mr. Kogers had proved iiosatlgfrnc lory and been taken out. After rounldcrable ■ !i- ii—ii.n by other rnomlier* of the board, the amendment was put and carried, and the adhered to IU former action.

The appropriations resolution was received from the upper hoard.

Councilman Murphy moved to amend hy aertlng ■■Including (sou as thn salary of th« agent of the board of health," after the word health, lie iiHHerteit that the city council had the right to Bx this nffli-la)'* salary. After Hlderable lively dl*cui*1on between Councllmen l.yall, .Sullivan, IVNcll, Murphy, l.nuc and oth- orx, the amendment was put ami lost.

It wa* moved by Councilman Smith that the appropriation for the board of health 1M- amend ed to rend Sll.euo Instead of !W0». It waa not seconded, nevrral mcmlier* of tho board explain leg that the ■■nm appropriated Ha* what the board of health asked for.

I oundlman I jne Uiought es.000 for the lighting department was loo little. He moved to Increase It to SIM* m. It WHS again ntaUd thai this sum wa* what had Iwcn Baked for by the offlrlal In this department, and the metlnn was withdrawn.

Councilman U'llrlen thought the street depart meut had not received a *ufUclenily large appro. |, and moved that It lw made aUA.OOG, what It was last year, Instead of SiT.HOO, and the amendment was carried.

Hn motl'in of Councilman l.yall, the pauper department approprlallou was amended lo read »J ),UO0 Inaterd of »'j:.,i«u.

The appropriation resolution was yn. second reading.

Mlscellaaeou*-The alatement of the auditor for January anil February wa* accepted.

Notice was received from the upper hoard that council orders for street lamps ou KIU street, Lexington street, and South Itreadway, had been referred I* the committee on streets, and the

,aa eoncurred In. llman Uaelierle Introduced two orders 't lights which were referred to the com.

The case of Jlorgan vs. Pacific Mills,

where the plaintiff, Catharine llorgau, a

iniuor, through counsel, brloga suit to re-

cover gI0,0O0 damages through being In-

lured by a falling wall on Lawrence street,

July, l»8t. has been continued. This Is

the case where two children, II<>rgan and

Klaherty, while carrylug d'nnen to tbeir

parenls in the I'aclllc Mills we*e crushed

by the brick wall, maintained ly the de-

fendant; at the corner of Haterhlll and

[.awruuee streets, falling upon them. The

Flaherty girl waa killed a id thl Morgan

girl had a leg broken and suflired other

Injuries. The declaration of tot plaintiff

alleges that the wall was in n unsafe

condition aud that the plaintiff was exer-

cising due care. The defendant denies

all allegations. The case was Jailed yes-

terday morulng, but Col. Sheruan asketl

that the case be continued, as he under-

stood the prosecution intended to claim

that there was a dead bone lu Ihe child's

ankle, and surgeoiis stated If inch were

the case it would manifest itseif lu two

or three months. .If they would waive

this claim the defendant would agree to a

trial. This the plalntlfT declined to do and the case was continued by order of Judge

(iardlner. Sweeuey and Burley for the

plaintiff and Col. B, J. Shurmaii and Solo-

mon Lincolu for the defense.

Probate Court.


In hennebunk, Maine, and took the fl I'rcnuuiii. It Is uot i lalmcil that thl* can be done everv year, and ccrtalnlv not by every fanner, but It has 1-ccu approached by many farmers -ib.i IIUM- U-....I itn> -|.„ Un'l.iKF (.ti,.. top ]>:<>,*. lug. This fertilizer ha* I wen a success from Ihe Drat, lieeau«e u is made especially for top-dre**-

i. It IseomMsed largely of chemical*, hen applied to the surface, do nnt evati-

...„,..,. lose their virtue, as la the ca*e when a fertilizer coojpo.iii of animal matter Is applied I., ii,.' -nrt:i. r. It I* a special manure for grais top .In--lug, In whl. b ihe form of the ammonia used I* of as much Importance us the amount ap- plied. As lbc price of thin f.-nlll/.r hn- Iwrn iv ■! i,. «■■( this year »'> per tun, It will have a greally on-iva-ied *nle. wit

WHICH IS VBRT I Other plasters are 'lull at _

CapclneVla*tersoct promptly, saving time and sufterlug.

; Mm* ant dwwfts

- I have BO hesitation lu certlMng to the abso- luto purity or "li. O. Taylor Old Bourbon" Whis- key ^obudued for analysis al random from lead

liruirglsit*,) at bottled by Messrs. C. H. H.L. 6awksr. State A*.

•ayer, Mait,

lgflssU,) a* * Sous, Bosto


After tho I'nlieettfted.

Saturday afternoon, Officers Johnson,

Murphy aud Hourke visited the saloon of

Catherlue r'oley, li Klra street, and

found a cask of ale on draught, and Jugs

f liquors of various kinds, ami as she

has no license to sell, the officers seized and conveyed them to the police station.

They also visited the unlicensed saloon

of Anne McKnefncy, 324 Park street, and

discovered a barrel of ale nnd liquors of

ell descriptions in bottles and Jugs. They

were seized snd taken to the station.

—Corporal James Tanner. Code ctor of

Taxes of Ilreokfyn, New York, a

who lost both feet by the bursting of a

shell at the battle of Hull Run, and cne

of the most brlllaut speakers on war top-

ics iu America, comes to the city hall, ou

Friday evening next, by Invitation of

1'ost 39, U. A. K. Aside from tbe good

object, aiding the Tost fund, no one who

fails to hear the Corporal, but will regret

Jt ■. he is one of the most stirring and el-

oquent speakers in America, and his war

descriptions , will be something to be re-

membered for a life time.

In the Probate Court justerday, foi

Ksscx county, wills were proven aa fol-

lows: Jane W. Orant of Salisbury, Lu i unlit J. 1'ike of Salisbury, < llivc ('. Kim

ball of Newbury, and Thouas K. Web-

ster of North Audover. Admin 1st rat ionti

were granted ou the cstatts of Eliza

Hlchardsou, Nath. Hills of Iptwlch, Emi-

ly A. Frye of Methueu, Amos 11. Currier

of Newburyport. and Jeslah I) challla or

Ames bury.

Among the Inventories filed were those

f Anna Jacpies of Newbury, |81,1M 73

was personal estate and fril5u real estate |

Abigail Chase of Beverly, 0,2070 25; Jo- seph L. I >ber of Beverly, oo77H tf7, Fran- ces Gerry, of Marblehead, 0^475; Marga- ret Ford of Lawrence, gaaoo,; Mary Mil- lett of Salem, atS.ttt go, James McMulleu of Lawrence, gWOOi John Crowley of l.iiwiciici-. (SL'.-,IHI; Thomas L. Kohblus of Weat Newbury, gooot 1(5.

Guilty of Man sUughter—The Pen

alty 7 to 20 Years,

The jury la tbe Kandcrs murder trial at

Montpeller, was given the case at noon

Wednesday. Afteralittleovcrthree hours

deliberation they returned a verdict ol

manslaughter. The penalty for this de

grec of crime is, lu the discretion of the

court, cither flue or Imprisonment for

life. The counsel for Saoders saved sev-

eral law questions, but It does not seem

probable that they will attempt to have

the verdict set aalde and run the risk of

another trial.

Tbe murder occurred at Montpclicr, Vt., Saturday forenoon, Aog. 23, ism

The murderer, Sanders, was married

about a year aud a half ago to Louisa

Spencer, notorious in connection with

Carr while he lived In Lawrence. Tbo

couple lived unhappily together, Sanders

being Jealous of Carr. Un that eventful

Saturday morning Sanders left bis home

at East Montpeller and drive Into Mont-

peller, went to the store of Blanchard

Brothers, on Main street, and procured

cartridges and a revolver, and visited

Carr's store, where he found Daniel Carr

with his (Sander's) wife's mother and a

young girl. Carr at the time was seated

at his desk. Sanders walked up back of

Carr and tired three shots inta his body,

one taking effect In the back of his neck,

another going through his lung and tht

third lodging In his body. Carr fell out

of his chair ami expired Immediately, while Sanders coolly picked up his re volver and left the store, lie was at once arrested aud confessed the deed. There is no need at this time to rehearse the ca- reer of "Elder" Daniel Carr. It Is too well kuown In this city to need comment. The conylctlon of Sanders was a surprise to most Lawrence people, who, knowing the character of the murdered man, and fully believing be had only had justice meted out to him after years of profli- gacy, hart hoped to see Bancier* arcquuw*.

Tlic Wing Failure.

A meeting of the creditors of Henry T.

Wing 4 On., mamufacturers or shoddy, was held in Boston Tuesday, 8. N. Al-

drlch acting as chairman. The commit-

tee of Investigation chosen at tbe first

meeting presented IU report through

Moses Taf t of Uxbridge. No change in

the liabilities and assets was made by the

committee from the figures submitted by

the firm at the first meeting, except In the

case of the stook, which the committee

had a dealer appraise, and which he re-

duced to 07.991.17, which is about

gilOOO less than It was figured at lo tin

firm's statement at the first meeting. The

committee had the bonks examined some-

what by »n accountant, and he reported

that they had been properly kept, and that

a trial balance had been taken every

month. The firm's net losses from bad

debts the last two years have aggregat-

ed »38u9. The committee was of the

opinion tbat the real estate of this city

ii Somerville Is so heavily encumbered

that the equity, If there lie any, might

as well be Ignored in determining what

the creditors ought to receive. In the

matter of a compromise, Mr. WIngstated

to the meeting that he had found a party

who would hack him in aa offer of lo

Oettto on the dollar, and this proposition,

being submitted to vote, was accepted by ihe meeting.

The Printers Club.

The printers met Tuesday and or

ganlzed a base ball club aa follows i I'resl

dent, C. II. Glidden, of the AMKHICAN

secretary, Fred H. Manson, AMRIUCAX

trcasurer, H. F. Hlldrcth of tbe Eagle:

Manager, I). E. Halley. Eagle. Twenty-

one persons expressed a desire to see the

printers put a good nine lu the field, and

signed the roll. A committee was ap-

pointed to solicit names to the roll as fol-

lows: From the AM run ,\ William

Donovan ; Eagle, Fred tialllsnn; Journal,

William Welsh; Sentinel, Joseph Wbltte-

more; to visit the Job offices and solicit

names, John Courtney. After a general

discussion tbe meeting was adjourned un-

til next Tuesday evening.

siol.Mi Team KeH-overetl.

Sunday evening, Emll Melhorn left a

team, hired at 1'orter's stable, on Com-

mon street while he went Into a house for

a few minutes. During his absence some

person took the team and drove off. The

police were at once notified, and c:ty mar-

tial Neal luformed the police departments

f neighboring cities of the theft, together

with a description of the team. It was

found Sunday night in Bradford, vhither

it had been driven by the thief, aid yes-

terday city marshal Neal was notified, and

in the afternoon Officer Stelgler went to

Bradford and returned with the team,

noth'ng about It having been Injured. No

trace of tlto thief was found.

Lawrence Cricket Club.

The Lawrence Cricket Club met last

evcuiugat the Brunswick and elected the

following officers i President C. T. Main ;

vice president, H. Wilde; secretary, C.

Wilde; treasurer H. Smith; executive

committee; Wm. Hendry, W. 8. Bruce,

Barrlngton, W. Marshall, J. McLac h

. A. Smythe. Auditors, F. Manley,

Parkinson. The treasurer's report

was read and accepted. It | showed that

In the past year a debt of gCOO, contract-

ed in fitting up the Cricket grounds, had

been paid off. and that the club was now

free from Indebtedness. The cricket sea-

son will open in about two weeks. The

club Is making arrangements with the best

teams In the country, among them being

Lowells, Harvards snd Longwoodi

Only a nominal admission fee will t asked.

Tbe Young Mult Settled. The case of Mrs. Dr. John D. Young,

formerly of this city, against the Boston

and Maine Kallroad, for damages for per-

sonal Injuries arising from a wreck of

cars on defendants'road, which was on

trial three days last week lu the Superior

Court, has been settled, and withdrawn

from the courts. The amount claimed

waa #5000; the terms of the adjustment

are generally understood to be the pay-

ment of gfioo by the railroad.

A Generous Offer. Immediately upon learning of the de-

struction by Arc of the Packard School

House and contents, ex-superintendent

Harrison Hume, who Is agent forthe pub-

lishing bouse of Ivlson. Blakeman, Tay-

lor k Co., telegraphed Superintendent

Brewster, a contribution of one hundred

dollars worth of school books for the

[mmclinti- use of the schools.

Lovett's Gnlda to Prull Culture. Or all the publications of nurserymen there no other that can be compared with Lovrtt't

UuiiU to Fruit Culture. It is really a val- iniilf work on Horticulture, giving, as it !oe*, full instruction* for planting, pruning, ulture and management or fruits of all kinoa, ud impartial descriptions of all worthy va-

rieties. It is a book of over 70 psges, with an 11 uiniimtcrl cover, Megantly printed and em-

bellished with hundreds of engravings and s.-vontl colored plates true to nature. Price, with colored platee, 10 eta.; without pistes, 5 eta. Everybody si all interested in fruit

I culture abould send to J. T. Lovett, Little I SUrer, New Jersey, and get a copy.

IIOMK GOSSIP. The post clock In front of Blckncll

. has been put Lu.

Five-year-old says she has got as far

hool as the forty-oueth lesion, iu the

reader, and tbat she will soon have tbe


The Everett Mills will begin work on

summer tltrc next Monday morning,

adopting tbe same time table as that to

be used at the Pacific Mills.

—Old Winter if you linger In the lap

of Spring much longer yoe'll be talked

about; your conduct Is simply disgrace-

ful, at your lime of life—The lierm.

—Mr. Goo. Connolly, superintendent of

the Lowell schools, aud Principal Bur-

bank of the Ldson street school In that

city visited the Lawrence schools yester-


— Mr. ,1. F. llanrahan, foi several years

onnecled with the Western Union office,

at Burlington, lias recently been placed In

charge of the office of T. B. Bishop & Co.,

in that city.

-Those having boys to clothe should

be Interested in Bicknell Bros,

this Issue. The prices they name on boys

its are proportionally as low as their

wonderful all wool suits in mens sizes at


—In the I'ulted States dlsti let court at

Boston, on Wednesday afternoon, before

Judge Nelson. Elf B. Bellows of this tit;

pleaded guilty to maintaining an Illicit

distillery Iu Lawrcucc. Sentence was


—There was a meeting of the executive

committee of the hospital at Band of

Hope hall ou Tuesday afternoou. About

twenty members attended. The ipjestiou

of the purchase of the land for the

was warmly discussed.

—John Donahue of Lawrence broke

into the passenger depot of the Manches-

ter A Lawrence railroad at Derry, N.

Monday night. He was discovered be-

fore stealing anything and held for the

grand Jury.

—The liquor license fees In Lowell were last evening fixed as follows for the

ensuing license year: First-class inu

holders, *U<iO; common victuallers, $U0

second-class, SIM; third *126; fourth

6150; fifth. |136{ sixth, gl.

—The Pembertou base bail club of this

city, has orgaulzed for the season, and

is ready to cope with any amatucr nine

lu the state. All challenges should b<

addressed to Wm. J. Bradley, 131 Spring- field street, South Lawrence.

—Bay State Council of the Order of

United Friends, the new organization

ceutly instituted, has decided upon the

first and third Friday evenings as the

nights of meeting, at Knights of Honor

Hall, in the Bay State Bank building.

—Five year old was riding in the cars

with her mother last week. As they

were stopping at a station, and when the

silence was pro fount) In the car, she said

lb a loud tone, "Mamma, did you say you

were forty-two or fifty-two years old to day?"

—A lady In town called to see one ol

tht executive committee of the hospital board and was Informed by her daughter

that she was out on business. "Any-

thing urgent?" ijueried the caller. "Yes

very urgent, she is out begging laud,' was the reply.

—The retirement from active service,

by operation of law, of Col. George P,

Andrews, 1st artillery, U. 8. A., on March

22, 18H5, Is announced. Col. Andrews is

the seu In law of Gen. H. K. Oliver, and

has hosts of friends In this city, where h Is a frequent visitor.

-The members of the common council

will organize a base ball nine. Then may be expected ihat there will be some

discussion whether the third base is not

properly first base, and If the fielder has

a right to catch a batted hall.

An eltlerly coople with two grown

children, came into the office of law

yer Stone last week, to get him to draw-

up a paper whereby they could be lawful

ly separated. It was with difficulty that

tbe legal gentleman made them under-

stand that he had no power to make this

to them, deslraole arrangement,

—Michael Walsh, an employe of *he

Boston & Maine railroad, while asslstii

to unload a lot of rails yesterday aftcrnoo sustained a severe fracture of his right

leg. The injured man, who resides at

Atkinson street, was removed to

the hospital, and attended by Drs. Cham-

berlain, Dana, Sargent and Abbott.

The entertainment and sale ty the

ladies of the First Baptist church,

Wednesday evening, was In every respect

a success; the apron aud domestic Uble were admirably supplied, as usual, the

upper was abundant, the flower ami re-

freshment booths prettily arranged, and

the programme of entertainment pleasing and acceptable.

A rescript has been sent down to the

clerk of the cnurts of Essex county in the

case of Treat vs. Josslyn. A decree is

ordered for the plaintiff. This was a bill

In equity to try the title to a right of way

from Essex to Oxford streets, in this city.

The court saya the passageway Is east of

a line drawn parallel with and M feet from the line of Oxford street.

Funeral services over the remains

late W. W. Hatch, ex-captaln of the

Lawrence police force, occurred from

the residence, at 32 Common street, Tues-

lay afternoon, Rev. Thomas H. 8ta.:y,

officiating. The services were deeply

Impressive. There wss a choice profu-

ilon of floral tributes. Interment took

place in Bellevue cemetery, family lot.

-The funeral of the late Leonard

Stoddard took place Suuday afternoon,

the services, under the conduct of Rev.

Luther f. Klnney, of Manchester, N. II.,

being very Impressive. The reverend

gentleman spoke feelingly of the good

traits of character for which the deceased

was distinguished. A large delegation

from Grecian Lodge of Masons was pre-

sent, amen? whom were past masters

Kidder, Simpson, and North, In addition

to representatives of tbe Old Residents

Association. The remains were taken to

Bellevue cemetery.

—The alarm of fire rung in from box

M, shortly af terclght o'clock last evening

was occasioned by the burning of brush

wood on the summit of Prospect Hill,

near Marston street. The firedepartment

promptly responded, but found their ser-

vices were not needed. Thousands of

people rushed in the direction of whei

the box was located, at the poor farm,

thinking tbe institution or the neighbor-

ing Industrial School, with their human

freight, might be In danger of destruction.

Their fears were allayed, when they had

a clear view of the eminence froni which tbe flames rose.

A young woman, a strange-, claiming

to have come from Boston, and register-

ing, Wednesday evening, at the Hotel

Brunswick as Miss Hutchlna, was discov-

ered the following morning to be critical-

ly 111 and as requiring other attendance

than the house could afford. She was

taken, yesterday, to tbe almshouse, In a

hack, but Superintendent Wlggln declined

lo receive her on account of want of ac-

commodation. The clerk of tbe overseers

epoor waa next ap pealed to, and a

request made by him for the woman's ad-

mission to the city hospital Wats promptly

granted. The usefulness of this benev-

olent institution Is dally becoming more

apparent, and IU claims for support more


*\ndover Advertisei Kallroad Tralas.

Leave Boston lor Audover. 7,HO, »■&). WM- *.M . •* *.; 1S,S0,1,19,2,55.3,S0, a. ». li, U,W, 7.10 r, U,

Andover lo Bostnt,, R.M, l.*i, B.uil,S.SJ.H.3S,!!.*« • Ifl, a. m. 1J 3«, I a ill. iM. s.UU, 4 tt S.«, 7- G'.i m, (Wc<loe.,|ajMiL>il r'rl.lai* 0 M, IJIL.).

To Lowell, 7.U, tvti U.SMl.i0,a. w. 1J.JU, i.ll "■-. i..'i, ■, ii, . .. p. in. UoliigKa*i.*.',>4. it- in. 1.10.*.*0, a ft I, l>. m. Going N.irth.s. J4.a. in. 1J.W, p. in.

ANUOVEA, r HI .fin- list pound*.

match waa wade lu is?.).

nered In California in lUs

Is Ims removed to Maiden.

lit lite Kreu cliurcli vestry llili

Hi. i. II.-, : ventng,

, I:*ii4i

Thauks to Benjamin BOTMOU of the West arlsli, for ..on,- nice celery.

A Manchester, N. II., man, who Is ths fatasr af 11 i liiMreu, Is in prison for debt.

.1,... ■■■ Sulltvnn win build a two tenement i,. I..- ...I. M.iin *treet,aouth o( tils present reel, dene*.

The Audover National Itank lias declared a HtnJ-aonual dividend ofH l-iper cent., payable April 1st.

Ueorgv Goldsmith of the West Parish, a raw day. alui-v, received a car load o/ new mlkb oews from Canada.

The On


Concert Wednesday

Auction of household article* on Saturday after neon, net advertisement.

Professor Harris preached at Ui« central church, Boston, last SaMialh.

Among the applicants fur a school lu Audi Me,, was a vvomau TO yours of age.

Iu Georgia, eggs arc. IU cents a doxen, l<u Montana the; sell for 10 cents apiece.

Lawrence was Incorporated a i iiy, It had hut oue mayor who was all Wright.

Tho TheuloglcAl Seminary resiimtd lls exec sea on Momlay, after n reMH of eleven dat*.

Phillip* Academy ch.aed Ita winter leim on Tueeoej , aud will have a vacation of two weeks.

The -I'lcctmen havu appointed the following police i.Ulcer. John W. Tough, Michael Walsh, Patrick J. Dwaluc.

Her. A. W. M ..iivi.. ' church, Lynn, preached at the Free rhurch last Sabbath, Iu ei change with the pastor.

The Inventory of theeaUteof Mary Donoran, laui uf this tovtn, lias been returned to the Pro hate Court. Amount ,!■.■.

II. M. lltiywoxd, will build this seasou, a new houer on tllgu street, U*liar.I Vale. Ii will he two stories, vrtlb eight rooms.

Brooks F. Molt, raised the past season, three tons uf marrow ■qnaitum on of an acre of land, for which he received $00.

Itev. William Amory, of Urace church. Law. rencu, orearheit at Christ church last Sabbath evening, in exchange with the rector.

Ernst us CUlS it".- 11,■■ in.-, i work, and Kara Faroham puts In the cellar of Barnard* new two story brick building, aouih *lde of the town hall.

Connecticut farmer* take tlielr hay toiowulr wet weather. The dampnees makes it weigh more, and every houuvt farmer I* uutlous toglvt full weight,

llev. I.. H. Sheldon of this town, HiestlllSS Uie dedication aerniou of the new chunii m Eat ton, nineltta Ins*,,end supplied the puiptiontbe following.Sabbath.

Detly I* not yet quite perfect In nor catechism Who was the tir*t niuuV" asked her mother, re

Kev. W.i of Ulli i one of the IS ^leakers HI tale Theological

seminary, In May.

The annual supper of the K. U. A., of rbllllps Academy, was sencd at Young's hotel, Boston, on Tuesday evening.

Cnlon services will be held on Fast Day at Uie South church, commencing at loJO a. ni. Sermon by Kev. Hr. Bren»ou.

The Home Missionary, and the Missionary Herald fur April, each acknowledges a legacy of ».VXi from the estate of tho Uie Itev. C. L. Mill* of thl* town.

"Yei Who . the Orsl

■ John Snunilers, the new superintendent of manufacturing In the Smith 4 Dove mill., reside In the house on Chestnut street, recently occupied by Alexander D. Itobertonn,

A horse attached to „ carryall, and owned by Michael Iboiiiou, run nwsy on Mondnv and upset the carriage near tho residence of II. H. Tyi Chestnut street. There was no one In the vehicle at thu time.

Since tho beginning of imt, Uiere has been Uiiprecedentedly large growth of oysters In 1 Knglish oyster beds, and thure la a double result of greatly diminished prices, and a lurgedecrrase In \in- ii. in Importations,

Ahorse and buggy owned lj George I.. Ah bott,«serr left on Ihmleti street, for a short time on Tuesday morning, and the borse becoming frlghtenotl ran away. Jumped over a plrkel fence leaving tho carriage behind him In a damaged condition.

A teacher after tbe Qulney pattern, was Illus- trating the processor orapo ration to a young scholars. "Supposu I should set a basin of water out In the school yard In the morning and hit It remain all day, what would haupou:'" "It would got upset, was the practical reply.

Mr. William George, familiarly known aa "Captain George." deceased on Friday of last week, In Georgetown, at the advanced age of ninety-five years and twelve days. Hehadtwen aclU/en aud meinlicr of the. Baptist rhurch In that place about «J yenrs. Ills funeral occurred on Monday, the exercises being conducted hy Rev. 11. R. Wilbur of this town.

Josh Bllllugs was asked. "Mow fntt doe* sound travel?" His Idea Is UkSt It depend* a good deal upon the noise you are talking about. "The sound ef a dinner horn, for lustauce, travels half a mile lu a second; while au Invitation tew got up lu the morning I have known to lie B quarters UT

aa hour goin' t pair ef stairs, ami then uot hev strength enuff left to he heard."

Mr. John A. Blanchard of FL- - ■ A*4 of tj phold fever In Florence, Italy, on u,» j:i, .| |D„,p

aged 43 years. Mr. Blanchard wa* a son of the late John A. Blanchanl, formerly a well known merchant In Bosten, was a graduate of Harvard University In tbe class of ISS4, aud WM n promt, nent member of the Cnlon Club. Ho had been living abroad about two year*. He leave* a widow ami roat children. Mr*. Blanchard was formerly 11 -, Laura Duve of this town.

Tern Jones, a noted tiddler, had been engaged to play at a hail in n certain tewn iu Maine. The day before Uie aflalr was to come off, hla wife died, and tbe managers look the liberty lo secure the service* of another; but Junes was ou hand

t the tlmn appointed, and when they expressed urprlse at seeing him thereunder the clrcum.

stances, he exensod hlniaelt by saying: "Waal I thought the matter alt over, and cum to the cun- clu-lon that teeing a* how Sally was no blood re-

of mine. 1 might just n* welkumsnd ilddle

The Phllomatbean Society or Phillips Academy, 1*1 an entertaluinent at Ihe town hail OD Krlday

evening. The admission was by complimentary tickets, and It Is estimated thai there were seven hundred persons present. It wn* undouhledl the object or the participants to have aa ei

un, and they -ucceedod remarkably ling the large and interested audience for

nearly three hour*. Several conundrums II

ipersed .luring the entertainment contained some apltal local hits which elicited much merriment.

Tbe April number of the Mlssianary Herald (.-knowledges the following receipts from thb town: Chapel church and congregation, *:,-,i

ee church. Slou.M; West Parl.h Juvenile Mis' nary Society, eio.uu. Jt also contains aa in


■rs building of Phillip* Academy la nearly done. It Is a beauUfol brick structure and has rooms ior principal, treasurer, commit- tees and nrclllve*.

Willie Trow, while attending singing school In the Weat Parish, a few evenings since, had one uf his hand* severely injured by thrusting it through ii window.

NOTABLE NUPTIALS. A fashionable wedding, noteworthy for the

hlh'h nluiidlug of the principals In social clrvlsa, look place nt Haverhlll, Wednesday afternoon,

i contracting parlte* being Mr. Nathaniel vens, of North Andover, and Mi-- Elizabeth White, daughter uf Jamei 1). White, Ksq., of

the Oral mentioned place. The beautiful weather aud bright sky were auspicious elrc urns tan ess if the occasion, and slgnldcaut Indicator* of a omplete realization of the programme arranged or thu event. The invitation* numbered high

up Into the hundred*, aud wen) largely respond- ed lu troni Uustuu and more dUUtui locallUes, as well as from this vicinity. Tbe 10 o'clock tralu from Boston brought a Inrue delegation ef guests, and a special train arriving at II.SO added to (he number ot those who wore to honor the nuptial occanluu by their preience. The spacious and elegant mansion of the White family, situated on a sloping plateau on Uolduu Hill, Uoardman street, commanding a charming view of the Mer- rtninck valley, was at early morning stirred by tho work of preparation fur Uie affair, and Ihs apurtmcnla mode ready to resound te the words of welcome and the exchanged congratulations of thu«e who had assembled. The touch of the florist'* hand wa* early seen shaping with artis- tic i.i -i. tbe decoration* which were to add grace- ful beauty to the scene. A massive floral arch wns madu to span Ihe chosen spot where the mar- riage altar shuuld be approached, and every Hpurlincot of the home *Q soon lo be passed from by the bride in her eutrnuce upon the new iel»- tlons was garnished ami made redolent with tbe choice flower*. They embraced Scutch heather, IIIICH of tho valley, fuchsia, ruses of rarest vari- eties, iiin-.-i-.ii-, tulips, oiallas, violets, Japonl- c*9, and numerous other choice varieties. In ad* ■ hu. 'ii, the niches aud approaches to tbe stairs and ;ij.,i] iiii.'in entrances were adorned with potted plants, palms uud other evergreen shrubs. The hour for the occurring uf the ceremony waa ll.-io, when the bride, SUlred In a dreas ol heavy white satin eu train, with pearl trimmings and white veil fattened with orange blossoms, and the bridegroom In customary full dress, without .iii.'ii.i.ini-, approached tbe alter beneath thu floral arch, In Uie centre of which appeared the mystic wishbone. The usual term of piscina; tbe marriage ring attended Uie marriage cere- mony, H ii MII was conducted by Rev, N. Boynton, and was pleasingly and impressively performed. The usher* were A. Tenuey White, brother of the bride; Mamuol I). Hterens, brother uf the groom; Wm. J.Hale, Jr., of No. Andover; Dr. ti. CoIburu Clement, Haverhlll; N, S. Hunting of DeMolues, Iowa; Austin P. Nichols, Haverhlll. Attendant upon the occasion was Collins, Uulna- hy & Kduey's orchestral band, playing at Inter- val* durlug the reception. The array of pres- ents was very extensive, and the Hat consisted of a costly solid silver service, a greet variety of stiver, brte a brae and a great many other thing* which make appropriate wedding glfu and adorn the homo* of wealth and refinement.. Tho te cepUan took place from 1 to • o'clock, Smith Bros., caterers, of Boston serving an elegant re- past. The weddlug pair took their departure on a brief bridal tour after tbe reception.

The groom tendered a complimentary supper and sociable to ihe employee of the mill at Haver- hlli, In the evening. There was dancing at Brit- taln Hall, and supper was served In Hartford's lining room*.


a will probably Isave (or the

i Saco,I


tercHtlng letter from Brahman* and others of Melur, Southern In where Rev. ueorge (iulter.on Is the w|,iioMrj.

acknowledging the receipt of the A. It. c. a number of books sent t (rutterson by

friends In Andover, for tho use of the people at

I'mfessor Joseph Klmbnll of this town, on iindny evening last, lectured befere the Farmer*

Club, UJK.II the general subject ef electricity. There was n largo attendance. The lecture WJIS

and Interesting, embracing a vast array of fads upon the phenomena and practical uses of •' '- agency. The recondite Influence of magnet

, combined with electricity, In enabling cer tain pereon, to dtseuver underground spring, by

Into, was dwelt upon largely, and ,„anv fact* lllustrallug It* efllcloncy M a motive power

i brilliant, penetrating light wore also pre' sented. Amusing Incident*, and salllee of wli were Interspersed to enliven the subject, and sn tertalutbe audience, while Instructing wllh an unusual presentation of autistic*. The club meets

UneU Stef- '°WOr l"W" "*"' °n rm*r *vw"u*' Quite a full auendance greeted Prof. Joseph

Kimball, on th* occasion of his second lecture be fore the Andover Fanner* Club, last Mondav

Ing. The subject of this lecture wa* aeon Unuatlou of his first on "Electrical Phenomena » and a large and Interesting collection of sc.lenttflc fact., which he had drawn Tram reliable sources, aside from bis own expe.linents, wa* presented to the audience in a very pleasing manner. It 1* difficult te conceive how so ninny and varied Incl dents, resulting from Ihe laws and lateut forces of nature, could lie gathered up aud cumprease within tbe limits uf a single lecture, but M Klmbnll satisfied Ills hearers of bis ability to a> complisli tbe task, and to do It in such a manner ns to engage their c!o*e nttcnilon for ii full hour Ho spiced his statement* with several humorous anecdotes which aildod not a hul.' to the enter Uinmeutof the evening. A uoanlmeut vote of thanks wo* accorded the .ecturer at the close.

I .mill -- B. I West next Monday.

A special meeting or th* Selectmen will bt bold S it i in lay aflernenti.

Ml** 11. A. Kittrcdge ha* found a tiua of money, which await* an owner.

Mr. Ueo. L. iUrrta hat been re-appointed on agent of the society with the extended name.

Easter Suuday evening there will be a Sabbath School concert In the vsatry of the Congregational Church.

Next Sunday evenlmg, at 7 JO o'clock, the Rev. William 1-awrence win preach at St. Paul's ■MOB,

The annual inoetlng of the Congregational to - clety will be held at the vsttrv, Monday evening, April nth, at 7.30 o'clock.

Cnlon service* will be held at the ContTOfn- tlonnl Church, Fast Day, at 1U.S0 o'clock, A. M Kev. II. II. Leavitt will preauh.

William Stark pole, who recently removed o, Me., ha* ptirchused a paper and period.

al store In that place, which bo will conduct.

The flSth anniversary of the InstltuUon of the Independent Order of odd Fellowship will bo observed by Wauwlnct Lodge, Monday evening April i7lh.

An apron sale and entertainment will oceur at the CongrogaUunal Church vestry, next Friday afternoon and evening, under the auspice* of the Ladles' Benevolant Society.

Mr*. Minnie McKone (**« Sullivan), who had many warm friend* in this place, died In Wor. center, but Wednaoday. BM ,Tai ,D ,BC*l!on, vocallit, and had taken part In a number ot pub- lic entertainments and social galharlng* here.

At the semi-annual meeting of the Young Poo- elfrs Mutual Literary and Social Society, bald la.t Friday cvcnlng-the following officer* were elected: President****. Frank W. Frlshee; sec- retary,rMIss Annio L, Sargent; Treasurer, Mr William Fernsld; Executive Committee, the president Ar-oOTcio, Mis* Draco Sanborn, Ulss Helen Konchn, Miss Alice Godfrey, Mr. Uwton

Indications point to a very large attendance at he Ka-ter Monday evening Rmmbiji „, HU,Tem>

nail, under the management of the Star Base Ball Club, and every effort 1* to be made to ren- der It an enjoyable affair. As tho proceeds wll t be added to the fund raised to liquidate the ex- pos** of the game* for this season, the financial assistance of the public 1. respectfully solicited Ticket* for *ale by member* of th* dub and at

Deacon Nathan B. A bbott. died at his residence in the south part of the town last Saturday. II,- was liorn In Andover, Nov. It, ISIS, and always resided on the old homestead formerly owned and occupied hy hi - father, the late Capt. Job AbboU, doceaecd. He bad been In declining health several years, and during thi* protracted period, he contlneed to fall gradually, both physi- cally and menially, until he beea me entirely belp. less. He wa* one of the substantial nud well to do yeomanry of the town, and alwiiys sustained sn Irreproachable character for strict Integrity m,i uprightness. He has left a widow and two laughter*, who reside at their home, and two ions In Montreal, who are engaged In an exten- ilve business of bridge building both In the Ito. mlnlunand States. Mr. Abbott was * man of positive opinions, and did not hesitate to express

* honest conviction*. Ha wa* for many years loacen of thu South church, and continued to

fill that position until 111 health Induced blm te resign it* active duties. Funeral services were observed at the bite residence of the deceased on Wednesday afternoon, Kev. J. J. Blalr, a»*l«ed by Rev. Charles Smith, officiating, and th* re main* were Interred In the family lot of the South Cemetery.

the door.

Another futile attempt wa* made Mondav evening to secure u sufflclcnl attendance of mem- bers of the Farmer.- end Mechanic*' Club to form a 'piorum. An Informal dl*cu**len of mat. ■er* relating to the welfare of the orgaaliaUon, interest In which has been steadily waning for •everal year*, led to the conviction among tho** present that It waa not feasible to make Mr

further effort* to awaken Uie club from lu dor mnnt state, bnt rather allow It to pa** Into the ■hade, of oblivion without the customary f0™ of dissolution. Whether any movement will

be made to breathe the breath of life into >nce flourishing and prosparou* society lo-

cated m one of the best agricultural and meal historic town* of Essex County, time alone can tell, but the outlook, for many year, to come la anything except cheering, to say the least. A

subscription ll,t, to pay th* indebtedness of the organisation, wa* opened Monday night, and a considerable *um realixed, but e balance la vet due the treasurer. *

The organ tmllt for St. Fail. Uis.len, br Hook 4 Hastings of Boston, 1. completed ami wa.ploced In position thl* week. It Is avoir nnartor Instrument, and will be used for the first lime on Ka.ter Kay, the third anniversarr nl lbs flrst service held iu the church. We give the scheme of the organ, which comprise* two manual* and pedals, below :—

OnEAT OKOAM. 1, Open dinpson. s feet, si pipe,, i. Melodla, * feet, sBplpe.. S, Tulson bass, S feet, u pipes. «, hulclana, - feet, 49 pipe*. S, Oftm, 4 feet. (11 pipe*.

SWELL ■ nn, i v N I, 1 :■ .1 in... ■■ feet, ai pip*,.

T, Hwppert -llapaoon, treble, 8 foot, 40 pipe*. ». Stopped dlapaoon. !«„, s feet, n pipi, o, Viola, 8 feet. 49 pipe*.

10, Flute barmonhiue, 4 feet, fll pipe* 11, viollua, 4 feet, 01 pipe*. II, Oboe, S feet, 40 pipe*

rnruLt. * 13, Bourdon, id feet, R pipe.

Total number of pip*,, m

nxCHi«JICALB*G«T«as Hi Groat to awell coupler. IS, Ureat to pedale coupler. 10, Swell to pedale coupler IT, Bellow* ilgnal.

ITOAL noTimjrre. Great to swell octave coupler. Balanced swell pedal.

A fine programme of music has been »™„-.^ fur the merrdng .ervlc* on Footer I.*T^M th* flowing snndsy JZETSt/lS

i*nu» wn b, maw, b7 ZmSRmT

■B HORSE.—Irving TUN Horn*, ton of Erastut

L W. and ult/le M. Home, died at North An I ilotrr, March in, ISM. aged < no*., II ti». |BgjMBS--y-'- have bei-n down to earth, BJC

wn loom-in,]

Little Irving;, with Willie In Heaven, Neslleth liy tlm Saviour'* knoe,

Llsteulug to the bk'i.ud welcome,— Buffer .u. ii in came to me.

Andover, - - - Mass.

The well known and long established


U for null" or to rrul un'l

Furniture for Sale at reasonable prices. For purtleulars enquire at once of

S. (i. HEW. Proprietor. Possession given April ltt. »Otf

r.vckHii. iius. Handy Package Dye, 13". Diamond Package

Dye, lOctS. Tlie two leading dye* in lb* market ef

GEORGE H. PERK US, Druggist and Apothecary,


WILLIAM POOR, utKum;Luaas or

Express. Store, Isrbt. Milk rS Meat WAGONS.

Kepalrlng In all its Branches. Now Is tho 11 me to buy

A SMALL FARM Of '.' aoraa, .wo mi>"» from Churi-hca. Stores, Jlitti School,, Pom Untie, tto.,3 tuinnle* walk froui Steam Maw Mill, wnere ther* i* pi 'uty <>l w >rkll desired, ami wood cheap, also iwo mile* from f e vlllago of Brook line, where there an' fjliurohea, Sh-rea ami Mauulnoioriea. Tho buli-i tr.g* nre nrm 1i new, in good repair, suite v and eo.*y, iileaiaoily located on high land, coat lit o


ukaianiiy -. u inn grape \ i in it. It. Station.

k-ood schools, cliur>.'lieB and plea Cb.nculor a good bargain

Fui lurthor particular! UlGUIMi, Worcester. M*..*.

Emma M. E. Saiihurn, N. 0., GBEKN STBEET,

Andover, - - Hast.

ee Hour* B lo 10 a, H., I to 7 to I r.

wl hell,04 alseelori ■nil birn a., i cellar o land 1 i food C'indlMo U.M0 oo ta.y term*, addre.s

J lufl-iatn

i TLOIM. Carriage houae laectea, water in bouao, , plenty of fruit. Price For further part'oular*



JHurrlU's lcc Cream Parlors, PUBB CONFECTIONERY

Manufaotured dally. rartiea *u pulled with ICECREAM, SHERBET,

ud a flae assortment ol CAKE at ahorl notice. Meals Served to Order.

Abbott St.. directly opponlle rVm. Hem. i. ion mi WlT.ll.ltaa. Andover. Maaa.


JOHN CORNELL. 1)1*1.111 IK —


ANllOVBK. ;__; ■ MA


Parlor, GbamUer and Kitcta FURNITURE,

Botaa, Bed a, Lounge*. Mattresses, Stu- deuta' and Kusy Chairs,

RATTAN FURNITURE, Oarnett, Window Shadesand Fixiurea, i'"' Botr Folding and Marvel Red. Alto, tin INVALID

BED to let.

Warerooms — Carter's Building, Cor. Main and Central St.,

ANDOVER, - - - • MASS. •V-Bpoe.lal eileal on pii I lo repairing all kind.

o Vurnitore. February «. Mft


Plelui. Iiamnl to order. Jurltlns, Tea els, Flvtures, Orns, Jin. I.ookln Ulaa laaji'lCoo- i«cti<>ra>y. Neat door to J.i troa ilCo.

Andover, Aug. IB, If

Stoves, Plumbing, Tinware.

The undersigned h n purchafctvl the stork-in Trade of the late vTilllsm llitrnelt. and will carry on the li nine aat lhaol I stand. lliiTiim i»« ■ lb" employ of Mr. llarnett lor twenlv year believes ha la famni ir Wl h Ihf husines*, linpei to merit and receive itie pitrooage o Mr. Barnetl'a customer* and many elhera. Ii making Urge additions to Ihe Mick, anil offer* a Urge assortment or goods In Ihla line. H prepared to give prompt alteution to

branches of

MICHAEL T. Enti Street,

Fab, A, INS.

WALSH, Andover



GROCEBIES Ml CCUNTEY PRODUCE riral-Claaa Stook aad Keaaonalde Frkea.


Kaw Paper Box Factory. [—AT—

277 Methuen St., Lawrence. (■The anderalgoeilthailng iltted up a laetor Wltb lh< lateat and moat approved mao''lnery u tea manuf »ciure

Plain and Fancy noxra

of every deae.rtptlon are now i eady to nil aav ore dera promptly and at lowest price*.

E. K. KENT & CO. Telephone Connection.

HISS C. 11. A. SAMMKV a atttdeut oi toe New England

tory, wiahcs lo obtain pnpila in

Piano-Forte Flayini anrl Hanesy. ■be la permitted lo refer to Prortaaors

C. D. Parker and Ueorg H. Howard of Boston.

Tr.nnw «i9.oo » on so LEMONS.

Green Stittt, . Andpver, Slate.

B .i t r.MMi*-'.-, Builder, Sluip "1 ■■Ireet", iurmrrlv oecniilcd ii> lluihlina tuinlH-r eon»u»iil> \

■;-'■,-■! ,i ■ i- rt nolioe. AnioviT, April II, IHM.

F. HOLT. Ice Uee.lvi. It Eea * Altboll'*, Ai

■ it'ce A Woodln* , Uni.u uromplly attended lo.

Carpenter and ■ark and Sarllet .lohnU'Connell.

■ iiii-i ■■ \;-J<■■■- busi

Urdci lioxe*

Vale Ordera

Jinlture, etc. Parties accomiuodai TCIIIUK pleasure. Iteaidence at Mm. imdeuce. Kasex alieet. II

>"- ... i -. made a Urdway A Clark'

. ior ladles wear,!] tet, Andover,

repaired celebrated


S. l'ARKKK, r-urnihlilni Under icriiiti; ink* til of Spring U rove Ue-n Park street. Uusidence Summer


Oil A it .K; taker, di

!•-:-■. Dliu- street. AadQ'. EDWIN II. KAKNAKii. PalDtmo;,Q]a

aing, UrainloK and Paper Huugiiay, t fCu.UaaorLincnloi Boom 1'apor constantly oi o»Ldind lor sale. HhopEasea 9t. uiyttly

[. DKAN^Merchant Tailor, Dealer In Clothing and Uent'ef nrniabiiig

<»ods otall kinds. Uarmenta tnaileln the latest .i.o.ion and warranted lo Hi, Repairing, clean- ng itnd pressing done neatly. Main Street, Andover. novUlrr

J"6lIN Deal

.i promptness and ai Iteaidence, Central street. V.

near, rtepi.7, lBita. an

. and iekled: Lou stars. Clams and Oysters. Uoods

lellvered. MainstreeL Ivialt FRANK M. SMITH liaa lioii«tit el C. O.Can.-

mings, the Local Kipresn and Jonhing Busi sswblen lias been run iorayear or Iwo past ' B. U.Tottie, All orders promptly a lien dad ai reasonable prices. Unnveyanoe lo Law- ore on any evening when desired, Urder xesat the Post Onice ami Suaiinaiv. If tW

luab la nil, w tb fruit trees niU iroiu Bostoe k Maine leadliy and dealrsoie looa-, ig to vbtaln a home near

Janu wit


Mala *t, AND VKR, HAie.


i.Urt lo a.30 Y. H

i»i; M. B. HARRIS,

Main St. and runchartl Avenue


Ofuce Hours: e.HO lo DM A. a., 3 to t r. M.

tilth. Ii. tilLBERT,


NiH.hiin F. Abbott,

STONE CONTRACTOR. nap lornl-li'd for loundstlons and other

»iew vicinity and b W nivT


aPECUL liOTIUf. rchaaed Ilia butlneai

Mnson's Aodorer and Boston Express- Offices : 3J Bqsjara, ltift Arrh Slrott. inter IJOK : 13 Mercn.nU' Row. in Boston, and

al bis sllre la Andover. J.H.CIIANDLKK,

Andorer, Sepl ft. if PropneBif and Meaa*

ily aupoloted ad ntni.trator ol Lnoyr Abbott, late of A> iinvir initie

nountv of E Hex, widnw, deceased, and lias taken upon himself that trust .by giving bond,, as the law dirtuta. All persons having rismnn Is Bf " "* eaialeof said deoeaaeil are required to

b;t i he same i and n:l per-nns ind.hted lo s ■late arc called upon to make payment lo

DAVID FLOYD, 1HD, Ado Wlnthrop. Marc'i IQ.lsat. »«

IT1CK is hereby given tint the luuscribsr his been ilulv appointed

islfite of Aleiunder D. R bertson, late ol •vir, lo tl.euoiinly of Essex, Mill Hunciin-

I ■ ■ 1., 1 III, .;-(■ ,.• -!, '-'-, Ii'.- < <<■ -I UpOn I: I I tiust by giving bon.l', as Die liw direel pera DB hiving il.oiMnils upon tbe e-tie

said ileocnsDd am requi ill persons m '■■ -1' to inske pay '

UAV iaw. And over, March I

NOTICE la hereby KtVen, ttial lha sub-unber has been duly nnpolnied Kxecutor ol tholwlll

of >ohnl..CiH>k, Son., late of Meil.uon, in tb* Co- unty or Essex, manufacturer, ilecesoed, testate, nod Ims taken upon himself that trust by giv ng bond* as the law directs. All persona bavins: de-

nied" upon tnc eslsle of said deceased lire renulr. toexlibitthoeiioie; and nil persons Inil. btod lo

"" •»"""""•' JOUK'L.'cOOlT.SUrExoc? February lath, leSftj »7-3t

t tba auh. been iiuly appointed arimtnUira-

1th tho will annexed of the esUto of Levl _ _ v, laleof Lawrenco in theoouniy of Essex, lee eased, and has taken upon hlnsell that trust,

Iving bonds, ax the law d'recia. All olisona ng demands ma tin- estate ol said dee^utBtil

.... ,-ei|iilrsd lo exhibit the sunn-; and alt persons Indebted to said estate are called upon lo make payment"

Administrator's Sale. Will be sol 1 at Public Auction, on

Saturday, March 28th,

METHUEN. Tbe schools ara again la session.

l 'rt-1 Day eomes on Thnradaj of meat waek.

Drama "OKI (!■■■■ at Memorial hnll.tbit | tLay) evenlug.

Tbe Misers, Kent liave sold their paper box business In l-awrcnce.

Mr. C. L. Hitcbell had bis foot crushed under a cart wheel, Monday. H

Mr. Frank B.I'lerce If studying at McLean Asy lum, Somorrille, Mass.

Mrs. J, M. Doe has bad .1 succetaful operatleu performed on her eyes.

Mesitrs. Isaiah Eiuersou and t.eo. K. Julius.>n have gone to Hi IN.

A brother of Mr. Woed, the blgb school prlucl pal, is stopping In town.

Mr. S. It. McFadden and wife have returned to Ihetr home al Atlauta, 111.

More mitehluery for tbe new shoo shop hai been pur.-lisseil thin week.

Mr. Aaron H. Clark lias bought a new honu fur use In his bread wagon.

The Anal subscription to the new shoe com pan) '■ stock Is payable April •,.

Bev.C. H. Ollphant attended a eouvontlou n Sulew, N". II., « i-ln.-^Iti.v evening.

Mr. and Mm. Kdwln 8. chirk celebrate theli iry-ul »i-l.liiiit next Tvesday evening.

The (i. E. Society,of the•ougregntlonalchurch are preparing for another entertainment.

Fred and Helen (Warren) Benden gave an en joyahle mustcai enicrtalnmunt In HaverhUl, last week.

Mr. Chtis. M. Hlekek bae been appalutetlbythe Ml office department the mall messenger at this

Mi' EmmaF. Holinau goes to St. Paul, Minn., where her brother, Rev. F. O. Holman, Is looted,

txtneck. The Fast Day servlcea this year will be held at

the M. K. church, Bev. S. L. B. C'baae preaching tbe sermon.

original paper will be read at a meeting of the M. E. sewing, with lira. Mary Jonea, next Wedncailay eveulng.

The ladle* social circle of the Congregational society gave a soap bubble party at Phillips 'hapel, Wednesday eveulng.

Numerous applications have been made for the imsltiiiii of station agent here, made vacant by the death of Mr. J. 8. Emery.

Mr. Albert Hawley, a Methuen boy, was in .ottiian Monday, in the Interest* of a Boston wool.' .urn ii. which be now represents.

Mr. J. N. Webiter now takes the contract to fuinliti nud light Hit- street lamps, buretofore ism- by ii" tin* Light Co., Boston.

Mr. i.HUeH Emerson and wife attended, on Wednesday, the funeral of Ira Pearson, of Sa-

ra , Mass., who lived with them during mtnor- f, A wife and three children survive him. The temperance lecture by Hon. J. B. Finch, of

Nebraska, Sunday evening, was the beat and moat logical ever listened to here. Prof. Stan- ford Mitchell aang several selections. Tbere waa ,i full hall.

Mr. W. Othulel Norrla wu married, Wedne*. ituy afternoon, to Ulaa Sarah 0. Carletou. The ceremony was pei-furmed by Kcv. C. H. Ollphant,

' c residence of Dr. Canton, Lawrence, the bride's brother.

ml*} afternoon, at I u'elock, an adjourned town meeting Is called, to consider the soldiers1

Inlni. Tbe business Is of more than ordlnary uiportAnce, for should tbe ■ lulm be sustalued, a

large sum of money will have tobeapproprlated. - voter should be present.

SALEM. N. U. M.inii has iieeii tbe severest month of the rear.

The cold has been coutluuoua and steady. "'c are Informed that a yoke of oxen belonging

Pre*" Kellcy, of Salem Depot, were killed In woods, by a falling tree, which ero-bi<l theto waa in -1:1111!;. killed, and the other died In a

The r'anncr*' i:lub dlseuHsed the milk <|ue«tlon la-t »-i'i'k, iln- -piiikei-. I>eltig, Messrs. Ueenre Wilson, Charles Klinball, ltuel Wheeler, Isaac WtJtHiimrv.yiasou D. rruabt, I'resldent Crowell, ti . M. H.i ■■■Itiiu'. It was slated that the yearly coat of a cow was toV, 6 or 7 quarts dally waa considered a fair average yield per cow, allow Unx -;"" ''ays m milk. Sume aaw a good proHt a :i cunts per ounn, while other* thought the nmr gin loo small to tasUM protlt. The vote at (h< close of the urgiionoi-. fodttoUM that the peeph saw re in uuc rail ve results In milk producing, a present prices.

The dramatic entertainment furnished by the young people, at the town ball, Wedueeday CTCII mi;, was witnessed by about 1W persona. The netlng was pnmeunced good, though the neces- sity of a vigilant prompter waa apparent. A ".unllower uiiertette" sung a selection of popu- IHI- music. The sunflower hit, was not accounted for, and It looked Just a trifle Incongruous to see .i pretty face set off with a yellow circlet, sup- posed to represent the petals of this floral man strtislty. Ice cream was sold at the close of the pluy. The receipt., wire about »3fi, which are to be nulled to good account.

The gush over the advent of a tin peddler Into town 1B getting to be too nonsensical. One would suppose that the very acme of expectation waa PteenM when one of ihenenrks was sighted, bear- ing down far Salem, to barter bright tin for rags. etc. This noddling business may be overdone, aud we feel for one, that too many kinds ef com- modities are lugged about from door to door, to bother people. The old tin peddlers cart la In

i^K ,i,i .t,-,,,.,-Monti u;nt visits borne with, but why ahould we have

~ c (Miming of pertlatent foot pads, I'rtr thread, needles, faney good*, perfui I oarers, pumps, trees, solder, boo)

ntlcry, chromoa, brushes, combs,

At! o'clock p.m., at the late residence nndoi D. Robertson, on Chestnut street. lowing articles of Personal r"i

I he fol-

_ Bedsteads, Ciiamh rdet. Chairs, Tables, Parlor Stove, ttelrigeretor, cmboned Velvet Parlor Bet. Carpel*, Crockery, Glass, and Hlcne Ware, Lawn Mowei, and other ai tides too nu-

_ to mention. Sale pout y». Londlthns, CASH.

DAVID MIDDLKTON.Adra. GEORUE tii-TKIi, Auclionecr.

March .'."i. liiU. mil-.:: it

Commonwealth of Maatannuaetti.

PROBATE COURT. Faagx, Sfl. To ihe heira al law, aad other* Interested la the

David Wldilup, late ol North Andovor, In s-iid I inoly. decaieo,

GnatlM: Whereas, John P. till" (Publ'c A.ltnmlstralor),

Administrator ol tho esi nc of suld occeaiud, has presented lo saidC urt h - petition fir license lo .ell ao much ot the real estate of said drceatedn* will raisellteaiiin often hundred Cr y eight dell- ataand fllty c nts. fir the pajuitutoi drlnaand charges ol admiol'lrntion.

You are herein . itul to appear at a Probate Court to be bolden at Valeui, in said county on tbe flret Monday of April nevt at

o'clock, in tlie forenoon, to BIICT- cause, y you have, against the same.

.i .j .1 iini s. (.!'■- ill ordo.ed to *erve Ihi* el ation '•* inb'ithliix the same r. no a week,

three weeka sueresilvcly, In tie UttKr'tf AaUittOAN AMI> A-.n n Kk AIVIII

THtta, a newapaoer printed al Lawrence, the 1*at imbli ea ion to be two day* at least belorc said Court.

Wlinosa.Oeorge F. Cioate, K-.(ulrs, Judire oi and Court, this ninth day oi February, in the year uue lliousnnd elgnl hund'ed and eighty

J.T.MAHONKY. Register. 1.WOS7

3... door to door are found even lu country stores a bedel' traile seeured tlie re.

Alexander Ewlns, brother of John C. Ewiiis, o this village, a native of this town, died In ilydi Park, Muss., and tlie remain* were brought here for burial, public service* being held at the M. E. church. Mr, Ewlns wa* (*) year* old. He bad been a resident of Hvde Park for munv years, nud was a dentist. East summer, while here vis. itlug relatives, he cinoplaiiicil of trouble with hla suoulder, which gave him oioch nulu. After hie ri'tnrn home he consulted n physician and on «

initiation ltw«e fniind that the shoulder had be

family, his wife died two years ago and .... burled here. He waa a gentleman and Christian, and hi* attachment to this hla native town wa* great. He has In his will remembered tbe town, and the religious society he fella lively interest In. He gives Urn town »3,000, ihe anm to remain al Interest until It reaches gA.iNMJ. theu to be used for IRerarv purposes. The 1st M. E. church re- iwires WO. the lueouie of which I* lo be used for the support of preaching. Other bequests at -•pokeii. 1,0)111 C. Ewlns, now In his HAth yea mil Mr*. Ijiroy Snnderland, are, we believe, th inly sort Ivlng members ef a large family. Til former 1* a remarkably bale and active octogeu arlnii and may frequently be aeen engaging la manual with the vigor and lest of younger daya- Mr*. Sunderland is an estimable and re sm'cledChrislUio l„dv, *M by kind deed* aud a ' onevulciit spirit, witnesses to tbe blessiiluesa of

faith whose greatest exercise l*«buwn in worki follewlug.


^larch II. iata. Main Htreet, Andover

WOOD & COAL fbite Asb anil franklin Coals.


Ko.UiU 1.1

JOHN CHANDLER . Andover. Orde.a received,end Dills soul 1 by


Opposite Post OtOce.

To Whom It May CenreriT, Alt Bill* BOW due Frank A. Sawyer, must be

iPHIL 1. ir not paid then they will band* of a Collector. IHWM,

!' -.iriiouwutiltti ol Massachusetts. feaapEil,

PUOBATE COUKT. To the heirs at law, nexl ef kin, and all

iti 1 r teisons inte:e*t(d in Hie ■ ■ iii- of sarab W.Hteven*i 1st of North Andover, in said

count , alnglewo-ian, deeeaied: tiMtrma:

Whereas a oeitam hHniMM purporting lo be the last will and testament of said decatsd hi* been preseaied 10 aatd conn, for Frob-tte. by John F. Kuni all, Wo. prays that lellera letta- meniary may be Usucd to him Ihe erecuior therein named, and Dial ha nay be exempt Irom giving a surety or enroll'* on his bond, tor toe reasons alleged la sail |.,"ii:.o.

Yon arc hereby cited to appeir at a Probst f Court to be held at sslem. In sal" Ifaaex. on Ihe flret Monda, of Ap nine o'o'oek before noon, to show c you ha*i*. against the lame. And H1mb.11 I* heieby dim.led to give public ihero ,by publishing ihi*citalion a a week fir three aucoeatlve weeks, in th« newspaper

called the LAWHRKCK AatlaitlaE AKt) ANPOVKB

ADVMBTtag . p Inted at Lawrence ihe last publication to be two diys at IraKt before said Court.

Wnn. c-.i.e-iii' F. < h >a e, Esuulre, Jud«i of saldt ouri.thm nleel enth day of Warei le the year one thousand eight bundled aad elahly live-

K nOKiuaiiEO;

By virtue of a power ot sale contained In a cer- tain m irtgego deed given by Thoma* J, Dowd aad Mary A. Courtney ef l.asrreoie, In the Coaaty of Eaiex, to Ihe Andover Havings Bark, dated January nnh A. Ii., l«-0, recorded wiiu aortkam D.airlcl of Essex, Un ds Hook ftf, page Ms, will be sold al I'ablin Auction for bleach of the eoadlt'oo* nf said mortgaeo on Wedaeeday the Klghlrrnth day ofMsrrh, nexi at nine o'o oca in the Ion noon, oa tne preui- |MI which are 'escribed MI follow*, via. 1

A certain lot af land with tie buildings thereon ■llnaie on the northerly side or Kim street 1 ■aid Lawrence i«.nsde.l, beginning by land now Of late 01 nne MttHivera, and running westerly by the noilierl v line of aal 1 Elm siroet flfly nine feat; theme northerly flfly two feet by land of Patrick Kllev; tor nee easier I' fifteen Icol b, land Of aald Bil'y; llmnc northerly nlneiy two feet by land of aai-1 Itilev; thence earletly forty feet by ine southerly Imeol an alley war, t icn ,omherly ntntty thrtefeetby land ol — '-* tiovein to lha point of hejtlnntni

tab! Me



By JOHN r, KlMBALf" Treaaurei





8ALE7 nf Andovrr. near Ihi* rarnt. which

T tbe r.iol

AK\RM*iiuatela the t ri ci-ori- -e«, school* aodatorre. la 1 e nitiliiliv situated in the

e wood land) Dwell ng House, II "itl *opply of water, and a ranety of

1 ic-ti and pear trees. This properly will n very reasonable term*, a l<rge part -*

All) KKMOV tlll.E CALKS. Calks always sharp. An entire ael can bt

changed in five minute*. Costs lev* than lha ok style of shoeing. Send for circulars and letlmo nlala. Tbe N. it. Wrench, used lor removing and asertlng theaa Calka, will be louad easpeclally iief ul lor house hoi it and stable. The Neverallp Horse Shoe Company,

86 India Wharf, Boitott. 5 WALL ftTllKST MBW YORK

A FlsOBAL BOWER. Tropical Planta and Beautiful




Friday and Saturday April 3rd t& 4th.


Exotics. An AMERICAN reporter, Thursday

the course of lie travels, paid a visit to exteusive greenbouseg of Thoroton

Brother*. He was shown around by the

nlal ([entlumau, among; niasaes of potted

heath In lull ulaggoui,gracefully arranged upon tables; delicately tinted calla Ulle

la great profualou were grouped In pota apotl Mum!-*, and near by beautiful Easter iilii-". whoiie rare fragrance perfumed the

air, were artigtically arranged. The

porter was led along avenues, on either

side of mliili nodded an elegant array of

rosea of every description, while tropical

plants, such as are used In church decora- tion*, werh displayed in bewildering vari ety ami numbers. It waa like a dream of

the East; the fragrance of rare flowers, the exquisite blending of their nolois and

their artistic arrangement calling up tales

uf OtlenUl gardens. Cinerarias, tbe fin- est the reporter had ever seen, were dis-

played in rich profusion, and forests of

sinllax. of mast delicate green, clambered up the curds upon which they wen- trained. Such a display of geraniums I It would

task a btitanlst to call them all by their

names, but for variety and beauty it Is

gain to say they can hardly be excelled in the vkluity, aud as nearly all were in

blossom it was a sight worth seeing. In

another part of the greenhouse there were,

a great number of carnations, whose sweet odor added to the fragrance of the

atmosphere, and stately dracenas af ex- quisite tlutiugs and veinings, drooped

their loaves as if in sleep. One of the

finest sights, however, was a very wealth of pslms. instinctively calling up pictures

of the tropical lands, where they grow In wild luxuriance. The vary large display

of Easter anil calla lilies Is, perhaps, the

finest in tbe city, autl would richly repay

the Inspection of all interested Inflowera,

while the order anil neatness about the greenhouses, the artistic grouping of the

plants and blending of rich colors, at

once stamp the proprietors aa not only florists, versed in culture, but as baring

the rare faculty of arranging colors to the best possible advantage. Thornton Bros.

In past years have decorated a greater part of the churches In this city, also In

Methuen and the two Antlover*, at Ea*ter

aud other festivals. They furnish agreat quantity of cut flowers,designs for church decorations and bouqneta and are already engaged In preparations for a large busi- ness in Eastern decorations.

The most grand and Imposing opening of Spring Goods that it has ever been our pleasure to present to tbe people of Lawrence and surrounding towns will take place as above. Notice


Having taken advantage ef the depressed state of the markets «e have been enabled to purchase far Cash the richest goods in die market, at the price of ordinary goods. We propose to give our customers the benefit of niir pur- chase, and shall offer on opening day many goods at naif price.

Cloak £ Suit Department. In this department will be found an extensive line of

Spring Wraps & Ladies' Ready-Made Suits, In all the Latest Parisian Sides, and Novelties or tbe Sea- son. !.-M!1OS are especially invited to attend the opening which, we promise, shall surpass any thing we have hither- to attempted.

Upholstery & Carpet Dep't. In these departments we shall also surpass anything of

the kind we have ever attempted before. We shall oner Opening Days special bargains in

Lace Ciirtains, Winflow Draperies, Portieres, AND KINDRED GOODS,

Together Wiih Many

MAGNIFICENT FOREIGN NOVELTIES. Special bargains will also be offered in our Carpet Hall.

We advise Ihe public tu lake advantage of this oppartunitv, as many goods will be offered Opening day Unit can never beduplicated.

Dress Goods Department. In this department we shall present the most gorgeous

display of

French, English and American Dress Fabrics,

Ever shown in Lawrence. We shall offer reversal lines of DRESS (iOODS AT i:\Tlt KlltllU" 1 ItV low prices for Opening Day only, Ihe display of

Silks & French Novelties, Will make even Boston envious.

Lace & Fancy Goods Dep't. Here the lovers of art and Ihe beautiful will be delight-

ed. We shall display the finest stock of

Rich Laces, Fringes, Trimmings, Hosiery Etc, that has ever been shown in Massachusetts. Many goods will be offered at about half price. All are cordial- ly Invited lo inspect goods and prices.

Domestic Department. We shall offer many job lots of

SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, &c, That will all be taken Opening Day, and cannot be dupli- cated.

We invite one and all to attend Ihe Opening and assure you you will be well paid liir your time and trouble.

\. II. Opening Days Friday and Saturday, April 3d and 4th.

Byron Truell & Co MAIi'l.'I.VI.I-S.

Dl_-NBAR-WlI.KINSON.-ln Xnrth Amluvrr, March 1Mb. bv lion. N. 1*. Frve, J. P., Mr. Marcus L. Hi'iilmr aiH Mis* Ann Wllklusun, both of North Aitiluver.

STEVENS— WIMTK —In Hnvcrhill, March lath, in the reslilen ''■■•■ 1'ii'te- i.iirents, Mr. ana Mrs. .lames Ii. White, by U..v. N. Buyoton, Mr. Nathaniel .Stevens »f North Andover.and Miss KlUalM-th I'rUrllln White, of HaverhUl.


WALL.—In An lover, March nth, Mrs. hlleu Wall,*ge.i7«vrs.

ABUfrrr—lu AUIIOUT, March si, l>en. Nathan It. AIIIN.U, itjje.liii vr'.*in<.s,3rlys.

nTZGKKALD.—In Andover, (West Parish,) March is, Lllla A., -inuguler •( Thomas Hi/ ftraM, ao-cri 1 vr, H inns.

■ A \ A \ W '1. 11 11, I;.n:.. r,! Vale, March U, Mrs. Ann t iiiiiimujili, ageil 75 rrs.

TOMPKINS.-III llil. elty, March 2.1th. Mr. Isaac Tumpkliis, a^eil -■■: >t~. Funeral (jrhntc.


SHAW—ID RaltarU Vale, March Jd, a to Hr. and Mr*. .1. Arthur Shaw.

nuti|\.. I <i\ in ADdorer, Mnt-.-ii.t-i. Mr to Mr. and Mr-. Ueorga Ilddlngtoi

HIi.i.lN-. In Andorer. March 13, a to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. HLggtn*.

ANGL'f*.-In Andover, March Id, a si and Mr*. William Angus..'

JENKINS.-In Andover. March 17, a< to Mr. and Mr*. Charles B. Jenkins.

r A M I' It I 1.1. i ii this city, March »Xh. Mr to Mr. and Mra- George Campbell, ard atraet.

HTMONIH).—In Andover, March }g, to Mr. anil Mrs. ilenry Symonds.

MADDUX.-tn ADilovor, (West Parian a daughter to Mr. and Mr*. John Mail



11 ;i ii Kliter

M to Mr.


Feb. 13,

BEAU the big anuatuiceuient elsewhere of Truell * Co.

iniikN YEARS'

Jno. L. Clark, M I)., Waterloo, N. Y-, ID I--I . was nroatnited with itrlfbt's Disease, crick In tbe back, rheumatism and malaria. From the latter be bad suffered to* flrtaen years help- In 13>tt he says, 'Warner'* Safu Cure cured uicaml I am sound Bud well." If you doubt, ask ; »n i uelghUir.

ri.Kl1.tMM -L' I mil.

T. O. Lewis, tiaii Knuiclsoii, Cal, Oct. M, 1BXI, ■ays; "I have suffered forien years with con- gesMd kidney*, and bare uaaaetl sioiiea ranging In slsc from the bead of a sin to a pea, which caused strangury of the bladder. Tba beat physi- cian* In this city said 1 could not recover. 1 used four hottlas of Warner's Sale Cure, and fot rid ot four calculi." Writing .ruoeSSd, 188*, he *ay«, "The cure effected In ISM waa permanent.''

TEXT roa a -nino* ru EvEEToaa,

Itcv. H, I". Smith, I iiivci-aJlKt, of Marlilehead. Mass., suffered for year- fr-im lilllons attacks aad gull stones. In January, IMS, bn wa* cured by Warner's .Safe Cure. June ti, iw*. be say*, "There tins been no retara of the billons troubles, I have not experienced tbe least |*in or suffering since my restoration ly Warner's aafe Curs." Cure permanent.

Mu. CaiRtE I>. T. -vviir, BochesMr, N. T., for 13 years suffereil from hereditary rheuma- tism, IIIHJI.V tlmea lielng utterly helpleaa,•special- ly in warm weather. In July, IMS, *he uwed a few butttea of Warner'o safe Bkeamatlc Cure, and In January, ltstt, aatd her re«toratlon to health waa aa completa as mlraculeu*. Cure per- muneiit. Try It.

Hawes the Hatter. ForDisi£ Goods Deparli't.


NECKWEAR. fVehave opened to-ilay the largreiit

aud choicest Huea of

Gentlemen's Fine Neck Wear

ever ahow n In Lawrence, made up iu five different httylea of 8(1

different deatirug In

New and Nobby Silks —FOB —

Spring & Summer Wear. The nrlccM we have marked this

line oi Ties at are from Twenty Five CentH to One Dollar, which in Itaelf tatimit fall to Insure a quick aale.

Hawes the Hatter. 285 Essex Street.



TKT A III CZS T Summer -a>3. -aTA. _l_ rZ9 JL styles.

Spring and

Gentlemen will find our stock of Hats for the coming sea- son the largest and most complete we have ever shown, at prices that would be impossible for us lo quote wllb printer's Ink In our small space, but to save money and get the correct style a few words lo tbe wise will be enough.



Hawes the Hatter.


Linen Collars. It Is afact that a Neck Tie la not

the only thing* needed for Gentle- men'aNeck l>rcaalnir. In order to have it look well* for It would be iiupoaatble without a stylish and

iicat-ftttintf Collar. Our line of

Linen Collars coutdatft of 21 different itylea of Htatnding, and 10 Turn-down from 3 of the beat known uianu- mcturera of fine g-ooda In the

country> *!'•» a1ul*Wll*sa;tfe* A. da B-, watrraaUadl

all Hi., .i. aud Wood. Lawla * ■ ■■iv'tj , r.duKo at Tray, M. T.

Hawes the Hatter, 285 Easex Street.


DRZ GOODS AND CARPBTING-S! In tbese times the people go where they can ret the best

and luteststyle of goods for the lease money, und that place ts A. W. STEARNS A CO.

SPECIAL NOTICE. Our large atock of Gilbert's Broche, t> 1 Inches wide, only tl.OO,

sold elsewhere for $1.25.

STILL THEY COMB !!<> pieces Plaid and Check Dress Goods, all wool, 44 Inches wide,

only OS tents call aud seetnemjust the thing for Blisses'Dresses or Cloaks.

Home Spun Suitings THE LATEST NOVELTY.

Special iu Black Dress Goods. A piece. HtrliMMl l>reM Goods, SO Inches wide, all-wool

Checked heap at * 1.BO.

Nobby Designs t French Sateen* HAVE YOU SEEN OUK


JERSEY WAISTS. We have Just opened a large stock of Jersey Waists, In Plain,

Braided and Tensel. Prices low.

Carpets. • Carpets. There Is considerable fuu In Carpets now-a-dayt, and we are hound

to haveahaud in it. Call and see our large stock, andnote tbe prloas* Also re in mi n is of Carpet* cheap.


A K'""1 reliable ireuUeiiuin nf Htratham, K-. H, Bays: "After u«ln« all oilier iireiutiatlniis 1 tried Wetliereir*Sar.aiiarllla,aiiilIibaBeutirelycurB't me of a troiiblvaomu skin tllsuaaa. I fouuil thai one liDttle went further than tiiruc or four bottles of other klml* or mcillelne. It etimmeneetl at ■JM'-I- to be)i'." >"]'! ii) all <trug|[lBta. tlwlweod

111.Ill -i- i ■! l! I i i I1", I

Bpeer'a Port Urapa Wine ranks above all for mcdlclual purposes; It Is a diuretic autl toul-

When fazing In vuur lover's ejes. lii.iv stiou bfit sense Of raeture illeu

if tbrru's no sweetness tn vour lireatb; If by vuiiv [ailing tei-tli lie sbuwii '■-,.... .-. i..... ,.r. -. ....L

TBE itMiiin WOULD Bus.—For five year* I waa it groat sufferer from Catarrh. My nostrils were ■o sensitive 1 eoulil not liear the least till or ilimt, at times so had tlie bluml would run, anil at night I could bartllv breallie. After in lug uiauy lliluj(t without benefit I uxcil Kly'a Cream Balm, lap a living wltne** of iu efflracy. Peter llrm-t. Farmer, Ithaca, N. Y. Kasy to use; uric* flfly osuta. .I ul in-,,, i


Mr*. Lyiiln K. I'tnkham: "About tho nnt of rVeptemlier, Itwi, my wife was taken wlUi uterine liemmiin'liiiKe- The licni ..i.]itie« Un- pliyslclau uouht pres.-rlUe dlil not i■deck it and iSa got inoro and mure enfeebled. She was troubled with Prolapsus Uteri, Leiirorrhea, uuniluiesa of the limbs, sickness of the nl»iuaell nmt loss ot apue- lilt). I purchaseil n trial liotllr of your Vegeublr Compound. Hhu said she eimld iliseuver a SHIU tary effect from tlie lint dose. Now she is torn parntlvely free from tho l'n>lu|>*us, Stoiuaeli'i sickness, Ac. Tlie hemorrluige in very niueJi l>et ler and U leas at the regular periods. Iler tt|i|ie lite la restored, and nor general health and strength are much improved. Wu feei Hint wt have Win wonderfully Iwueflited, and our heart) are drawn out lu gratitude fur the same and Ir ■yiii|iathy fur other sufferer*, for whose sake* wt allow our tinmen to be uaed."

C. W. Earos, Thuraton, S. T. dwlw

I>r. Setli Arnold's sugar-fJoaSeil Bilious fills unequalled Tor eostlveuess, jaiindti-o, liver troll' es. 'iV. dwlw

•', Hit III -I-tilt A. " gJQulck. caraplete cure, all kidney, bladder and urinary diseases,sealdlng, lrrltatlin, stone, gra'

I, catarrh of tlie bladder. $1. lnuggi.n.

IINKUROESI Who left the L'nltaxl Matee for Liberia last year

have lately returned, being unable to stand the climate. Kverjbedy going to a new climate should have* bottle of bulpliur Bitters with them aa a safeguard against disease.—HartfonI Cuu- rant. dwiwsod

HKAKT PAINS. falpllatton, dropsical swellings, dlaalne**, In

digestion, headache, al — '- "Wells'itealUi Keuewer.


The Voltaic Belt Company of Maralutll, Mleh., offer to send tlielr Ecleoirle Voltaic Beltaiidulher Kclectrk ApiiUaonea on trial for thirty day*, to men ryonng or old) aflllcted with nervous debit Ily, lo*s of vitality and Manhood, and all kindred trouble*. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, nural yalsaml msny other diseases, eemidet* restora- tion to health, vigor and manhood guaranteeil. No risk Is Incurred, a* thirty days' trial Is allow- ed. Wniy ilieui at olive for Illustrated painphle fras. dwlyewdjuy


Are you disturliesl at night and broken nf yOL rest by a sink child «ufferiDg amlc ylug wltlipain uf cutting teeth' If so, send at nwM and get a bottle of Mrs. Wluslow's Soothing Byrup for Children Teethlug. Its value Isiiualculahlr. n will relieve the poor little sufferer I in mediate I y Depend upon It, mother*, tbere Isno mistake MMW It. Iteurea dysentery and dlarrbusa. regulates the stomach aud liowels, cure*wind colic, softer' the gums, reduoea the Inflammation, and glv tone and energv tollie whole ■•stem. Mr*. Win low's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething pleasant to the taate. aud 1* tbe preserliitloa one of tbe oldest and be*t female nurse* at ubysichins In the I'nited .States, and Is for sale liy II druggists throughout the world. Price iu

dweodl rJann

ItoM.n OM RATS." lear* out rats, mice, roaches, Slot, ants, betl

akuaka, ohlumuuke, gopher*. 13c. nrug

llrugglnt aalraUl

liix: I Ihi Vt tlcM'

At this seasen of the veur * lien so many IH . become subject lo attack" of biliousness, kidney troubles, const!c,*tlou and all the list -J " I that arise from lielug housed up, dl*"Vaat a brought on by roldn and eiposure, It la the part of prudence to take warning fioiii the experience of others and provide ourselves with the m of esiaiie from dmllnr ti-i>ul>lc rk> wide I, fame of Kidney Won, that great remedy fu kidney and liver trouble, thai almoat every knows of It* great virtue for such rasei should bo kept In etery househuld ready 10 elm 1*1-11. J . dw

■■ it n m I'OBIS" A«k for Wetla'-'Bough on Corns." ISc- Qulekf

Dr. ficth Arnold's lough Killer Is a sure and safe remedy for lough-, Col'li, Hlphtlierla ami Pneumonia. Iteinre the public 40 years. Has saved thousand* of lltts, -::«■., Me. and Slot) per Itottle. Try It. dwlw

Itr.Seth Arnold's ^'otniog aud Quieting Cor dial for children. Iteco in mended by inothersaud nurse*. y» dwlw

_. ... one ailmlta. A. ... all uattual Snxluctions so In the luanuf a< ■turi-d, all hive their

egree of merit, and Soap Is as conspicuous iu it* variety as anything el*e. Hut In thin, as the de mand for the Pur* and Reliable increases, »■ doe* the value of the production* of Curtl* Iiavln ft Co., esjieclallv their "Welcome" and "t'uc qua)le<l Litra" draiHl*. being praetlcilly reeom mended by olhcr manufacturers m*o Imitate them lu every conceivable way. Rut, while Hits compliment may tie appreciated, w.iai can be aaldin favor of *ucli nomp<!tlilou. or the charac- ter of such goods and their makers? No one should In- deceived, aa tbe original has the name of Curtis Ihtvls llavin, In full, either on the bar or wrapper, and it Is their purpose to let theli ivi.iitalii.ii -I ■ ' a till* class ■ ri goods. dwlw

GEM. LOGAH came willi'n one vote of an election in the Illinois legislature on Wednesday. _

TAMMAKT KaXKivBB recognition in tbe appointment ot Congtessman Cox to tlie Turkish mission.

COMURKSSMAN COLLIKS wics in tbe contest over tbe Taunton post office ; he bscked Mr. W. F. Kennedy against Mayor Hanson, and the former bas b«en sppoiuted.

TIIE TKIAI. of Sanders for tbe mur- der of Elder Daniel Carr, formerly of this city, ended In a verdict of man- slaughter, for which tbe penalty is fixed by law at Imprisonment for a term of years in the discretion of tbe court. Tbe charge of the presiding Judge was considered favorable lo tbe prisoner, in whose favor public senti- ment is strongly enlisted.

ONB RESULT of the disastrous specu* lations of tbe Norwich bank ofheers, is likely to be tbe passage of a strin- gent Isw by tbe Connecticut legislature against gambling in margins. Tlit house bas already passed a bill aimed at tba bucket shops, prohibiting tbe various kinds ol stock operations on margins, aud customers may recover any money which they place wilb bro- kers for margin operations. Tbe pen- alties are fine and imprisonment.

THE DEMOCRACT of Boston are evi- dently In a "state of mind," aud r. fierce war of words is raging between the factions. Last year, the active democrats in tbe Common Council made themselves notorious through in- tensely partisan schemes, and resorted to tbo most obnoxious tactics to en- force party discipline and carry tbtougb their personal measures. The prcseut year the name purpose was in view, when a minority revolted, snd forming what baB been termed a "combination" with tbc republican members, succeed- ed in defeating tbe plans of the "rega- lars." This has caused a tlrsl class commotion, and led 10 a degree of bitterness which promises to split the party iu twain. On Wednesday eve- ning there was an indignation meeting in one of tbe wards, in which tbe bolt- ers were most vigorously denounced ; next it will be In order lor tho other wing to attacttbe "machine" follows, and altogether it looks ss if two rival democratic committees might be or- ganized and tbe fight continued.

•■not't.s osi S»AIJ«." Cares ooile, cramp* Mtfasf,*,

ach", pain*, T* :-|BliT matiiBi. For man

ealemaily for ... ruralgU-rbcu

"wast. WtSUm dwlw

i racoon Btreugthener. Vt cent*, drug gt*t». dwaodlw - j

— . -a «*» *■ ru SCOTT'S X»t l.-lc,, OP t€UU

V's4 Llr.r oil >4tfc Eiwa*ph..i.biu., '" --T»rnloitt aad Cooeumptlva Casea.

Dr. C. C. Lockwood, New York, **\ -: "I rue

A CASE of general interest in its bearing upon municipal government, bos just been decided in the supreme court of Maine. In tbe early part of InBt year, city msrsbsl Andrews of Portland, was removed from otltcc, by sn order passed by the sllermen, ap- proved by ihe mayor of that city. Subsequently the deposed officer brought suit sgainst the mayor and aldermen upon the ground that he had been illegally removed. The decision of tbe court, which covers the points made by tbe plaintiff, is that where an officer is subject, after a bearing,to re- moval by tbe mayor, with tbe advice antl consent of the aldermen, the hear- ing by the aldermen alone is not sutH- cieut; second, where the officer it re- movable for inefficiency or other cause, tbe fact of sufficient cause must be passed upon or tbe order is invalid. In this case tbere was a bearing by the aldermen only and there was an omis- sion to vqdj^ipon the tm'h of tUo charges against the officer, hence the order for the removal of tbe officet was Invalid, As tbe then city government hfts gone out of existence, and cannot review its proceedings, this so Tar re- stores Ihe marshal to his position that be will be able to recover, his salary for tbe entire year, nltiiough it has been once paid by the city lo bis sue-


ROYAL BAKING POWDER: Analyses heretofore made by noted chemists show that tlm

Tartrate of lime which the Itovul Baking Powder Co. condemns in its advertisements has been found In Its own baking powder, as follows:

Tartrate of Lime found in Royal Baking Powder—Per Cant, IV M. M. II V 111 UKH \ W, F. C. s„ 5,05

Chemist of tb* N. V. Slats Agricultural Society.

PROP. JAMES P. UAHCOCK, 4.5a •tat* Aaeayar of Maisachusalt*.

STILLWELL & OLAPDINO, 5.00 Chemist* to (h* New Vortt Prodeoe Esehaag*.


This old and reliable Fertilizer, which baa iiecn on the market for ritrltteen yrars, is unsurpassed for use on Farm, Harden, Laws, or Flower Bed. Il U a complete manure, rich in all the necestarv elements. The Farmer who plants his crops, looking to tbe money (he/ will return, unua that every dollar's worth of

SOLUBLE PACIFIC CUANO > applied to the soil, repays its cost many times over. Try it, and be convinced. Pamphlets, with testimonials, etc., forwarded free. If there is no local agent in your vicinity, address

IIIIIIHV «V CURTIS, Ueil'l Selling A,a.U, UoMon, Iu.

Hilton Bouncy & Co., Agenu, Lawrence.

Easter Decoration. LILIUM HARRISII,

The Great Itcrmudit Lily. Easier Miles,

tallns, Pcllargoniums,

Cut Flowers of all Kinds, L. S. Wpterman^ •" Andorer, lass.

Kelle.v'* Druo; Nliirc, iMtwranee.



KEST TABLE POULTRY. Uf ,^.wiW ., .tnta

mvLiiiicmisrgisac. Wnle Nan tar Circulars.

A. O. HAWKINS, L.nn..,r, Ha...

EtHMDNB »1.r tn MM 1 "...ii »i .... Mywi.imi. tnl MH.IUI, u, ^v-


LINIMENT] It Internal and

Btatanraal t .e. best and mo*trella.

In tbe world for all kind* of ache* and pain*. SaVSend for

.omuls of

for Man or Beast. DON'T FAIL TO TIV IT

Oil MAN BROTHERS, Wlwl***lsnriinMs,Uora» *riee 2S and SO ».



"EXTB.V THICK BALL." Oiva Double aervlca of may Other Kind

Bdr-UllllOCI lloOtAKI too .41111k On Mil' tun after a few ws>k*'wi

StrTbaCaKDBB IM'HUKR CO., bv a reeetit isvenlion, tiers relnfore*! th ir :. ,.|. al tne treat wenrlna point an the l.-iM. and th- v ar* known at IM "BITS* TNI* H MAI.l.. and will Ostt-waaa- T*v* l-nlr. g( oidiaarv Bubber Buou.

S*rBetursand e»ll for iho CANORK lU'B- BBS CO'., make and I'ks no other, t.-t either the Vara "Um nun. P IIIMHII ■ or tbe common Dull flnlsl,, U-ilk are A. N*. 1.

Fllea. Piles. A roeltlve Cure! RelUblel Safel Hundred* of teatltaoolal* in IU favour. Saat

by stall on receipt ol St osats la aiaaaps. Addroaa

ItlM.'s raaslLY SALTB CO., ST West Broadway,

N*w York.

SaT-Belngo i ■>■ l■ "*' ul Was* Root, n

tb* alert tn seenrr »vei r derided 'or our t ade, we have a line of atock at regular price*, and wa i -.'low rniiinio and ciiilain the

Jamosj Donovan, Lawrence, MUKM.


Ball irom New York every Satorda) foe


LIVERPOOL and BUEEliSTOni. Regular Fortsightir Servloe Iros* Sew York.

'CltJ- af Itasate." rt,ll* tOUB. Leogtb, SOS It. Bail* April H. Hay *, Jane S, Joly I.

laloan PaWSSft)BSM» tuSlOO, aooordiag loea- liou. Steoad class. $SS. SUeragc, *IS.





327 Essex Street, Lawrence, Mass.



CAPITAL PKIZK, 975,000. rtcketaonly 8>5. Share* lu proportion.

LSI Loui^ana State Lotterr Oompanv.

"We no nrreby certify that wtiuMrrln the I ■maftMiti tar all inr Monthly anil ttcmi ' Annual Drawing* ui tut LouliltM HUI* Lu MTT Corniiany, ami in person Dani(C and co« ' trol Iho liir.wicgi them .elves. >n! In*. Lh* rr eiwooaduuled wiln tunesiy, la?rna**, anu

Wbat Constitutes a Fure Baking Powder. OPINION OF EMINENT NEW YORK CHEMISTS.

H i



iBeorporaledla lfrsfor « the Leg- lslator* inr K.I.national ami charitable our pcaes-witn ,-M-u»tol *.l.nwwK>-io which . reWrv* fund of over $UO,W» hat tlnce ieen MM,

By KD overwhelming popular vote It* tran MN waa ma.In a mart of the present Stale Con Btitistlon. adopted Deoeasber 14. A. D. IS79.

The onlr Lottery ever voted on aatl endorse, "7 In* people of any state.


take place month IT.

A aPl.KNhii) in-poETcsiTr T« WI1TA FOHTIMF. 4th '.raw.I Draw l*S, Clan », la IhtAcadlaixaf Maik, ««w Orleans, TUUDAT, APRIL lit*, JSM-lTWh Hossthl* Dr.wlai,

CAPITAL PRIZE. B7S 000. 100.000 Ticket* ai Five Dollars Each

fraction in Fifths In oroportlon. uimrrxiii


VPttlZBB OF W.000 • " 1,000

M " l,Mt


• Approximation Prises nt S:M,


il>,«* t'J,u« l*,ouf lu..«n> lll.WK! ■;.!,!«. :ui,uoii »,«!'


l.W. PrlaeiBmouBllBR to A id motion lor rale* to e

•ol* totbe otBce ot Hie < for further Information

p*.ny,ln New Or

c.earlv.glTlni foil address. PiMTAL NOTIU, Kiurnu £ Order*, or New fork IWhange in ordinary let tor. Curreroy by exureasl*.] aume of 85 ami Upward* at our extienne) addressed


exM.A.DAOPHIrt, "WO"""'"*. HOT Seventh Hlreet, Washington. D. f

hike P.O. Money Orders payable and address JtegUUire.l Letters to



Salesroom 286. Residence, 285J MOD Street. Tl*rjen 1


£ CAMBRIDGE MUTUAL FIRE IH£. CO offer yoi a ttrong, reliable and managsd Company In which to insure jour ,"DTZLLIN3anirimMITUBI." The? are now paying (to h return premium on fire year polleiti. They have never uienii, hare paid all losses promptly and their rates art ai low ai any Mutual Company. fi W. CM*. Pr*r, { Alfl-td L. 0m*mr, •>

tAf iiiiunnci of fly I* JOHN K. NOKWOOn, Agent

Wo have analyzed sample* of tho ROYAL BAKISO POWDER

and of (JLBVELAM»\S SCPEKIOB. BAKING POWDER, bought by our- aelvert iu the ojx'ii market.

We find in the Royal Baking Powder, Scsqut-CarbonaU' of Ammonia.

Free Tartaric Acid. ' We regard these two ingredients as highly objectionable.

Ammonia, which is a prodr.ot of decomposition and a refuse of the worn-out tissues, should not l>e tolerated in any article of .food. It is a ])owerful drug and its use in food is vigorously condemned by all physicians.

Free Tartaric Acid over-accelerates and wastes the leaven- ing action of the baking powder. Both of these ingredients are cheap, inferior and deteriorative substitutes for the more costly and wholesome pure Grape Cream of Tartar and pure Bicarbonate of Soda which we And u neon laminated in CLEVELAND'S BAKIXQ POWDER, and which, with a Bmall amount of Hour to preservo the compound, are the only ingredients jf this powder.

NEW YORK, Aug. 1, 1884.

STILLWELL & GLADDING, Analytical and Consul ling* Chemists.

. ChrroirttH to the New York Produce Kirhangv*.

NEW GOODS. NEW PRICES. Great Reduction in Switches anil Waves

MISS I), r. HALL'S (pom to Join Heliaa,) 232 Essex St.' S'or OO Daya Only!

Wc (.reselling.■>. h. ,|> tlmr ......v I...I, ,vlm Is In need of HAIK GOODS should tiike Hdvantwffe of Ihrse reiuarktibly low prices.

former piioe |i.''' SWITCH E8. I.prman Switrhe* 4An..TSe., I1.0O. «ml II ». I 1:1- M n iiAiu-.HiHiii-. oi our OWB I

rromai>U<ipw<rila. •■•■•■■■ ui.-,. >i>.Mt,KSH SfflTCBEs *i, tl and

Extra lloe EVEN SWITCHES from ai to 110, 8PKOIAI, U*.KOAItMS

in (.ItKV SlVII'i HKi,ow|..t at $1, i|„vi ID I *:.'u A in..- »to<k 01 our owa make al iimaily reduuad pine*.

llemcmber, UMM Prlcet* arc for Thirty I>i»ys only. Ae It !■ »■■. aiorc, I huve 1'iki'ii palna ID eeleotlDg onr etook of


Ventilated l.anx-rj, wlili back hair, SJ.SU, former price, S3.W.

■o a great re.Juollon in UREV WAVI-.3. A amatl lolnf

Water Curl Waves for 10c. lofflr. COMIIINOS



(Will rccolre pupllt in OH Painting-, ID KMCX Bunk Ilulldlng" Cer. Eaaex and Lawrence SU lioom |ll,|lho.ra

Irome ti> UJO,MM) !.__ ralniiiu* for Bale.



Lite, Accident and Fire Insurance JOHN i:i>\\ \m>s, - AUENT

Insurance Agency ■ ■PM.MT.T.. .OLLOwir,.

003 fEP-AJlTIJH^S Vrmnkll i or i"iii».,i-a. Penney*.oi penn. Oermai , Araetiean, N, T. Waatot •nter, Kew York. Satartowo, New Tork.

riant, Harm r.l, COBB. Morl'lnn Coaneetlciul. Commonwealth Boaton Shawmut, lloitor. let Nt.ttono.1. Wo , • aier Queen. Knaiaml. Imperial Ai Northei n,Boi;|and. Mnt I'I-I'mi,* Ine. Co., 'nil. I.timli ti Assurance, Kn,. , ,| Ouard an Asriiirtinoe, Fr i ,»,.i. 1 .omlit i and LtincMsblr ■ Entrlai Travel era'Lire and A etdent





rich (l>r«tH-l"i»*.lh*«*rly MMM

^Sfc Not a Jouche, snuff, nor patent mtdiclm. Fart""'*.!*??•!■' m?'v'- "»'"-'Iil!"'i I.''!'" .'r™ptolK' 'ih*'"'" ["' lhni«i-.. .■ ii rI \d „.."'|.....t invu.'ngnt.'. 'Tn-.Lmriil^K.lh H" n, ,[. ..I,, n il,..r,,y. tin' l.l.™i| .n.nlfm.l, wlili-h la it tr*nd dl-wovi-ry In thn h.-ajtnv «rt. *u *lini>l. ami Kl -o..ite. H'XK.IIri araaJliilMHnt In IIH, .ml r««lu mixl

i.tlM.„r. Tn-.tin-nt -■!., I., ,.,i,r I..mi-, >lirr< It ran b* ■'"■■ 1 "i' "hillr. H.-d'l '■■[■ l,o„l( un i m.ii-.ti a.nmali' tmtar en.■■■» mil! ilia*- tw l.itnk, f!>■<-. Aildrau.

Dr. S. W. BE ALL, SSSiSSlra Atl>anxeroae ^-nr.

• • • ).■ ■ in.,-1 i-.ii. .tun.' i. i- ;. "Ten Tear* *KO I wn* attacked will, the moat Iniomo and deathly |>MD* in my hack and

"Extending to the end i T my tuea and to n


State M nil Lite THOMAS

areeater.l HKVINOTON,

*•• Esaea .t i.. i. i,HINI


An 8 Horse Power BAXTER


The Colt Arms Co. of Hartford Ja excellent condition, and only sold

became owner* htm no further use for Apply at.


KEASONABE PKICKS Will ba found in our atock. We aim to produce the moat nu^stsntinl furniture, and OCH PB1CE8 AKK INVA- RIABLY LOWBR thin tbe same claas ofgoode can be pDrcbaacI for elm - -there tn BOB'OD. WE SOLICIT COMTAHIHON ■ ;. n,■ 1af«r point, quality alone i if. Id. ed.


ch made le dellriou*

BB to bold me on ny bed a

, hut " Tbe Doctora tried ID yaln to relleye 10 cur, Menu

114 throuah

Uelorel hi"

n* and other opiate*! o effect I two month* I wa* virea nil 10 die I my wife -Kiii. if tell what Hop Biter* had done He at once «ol and cave n.,< •ome, The

■ ' In anil aeemed to go hunt- Tor the pain.

bat 1 *lep


had not done tor 3 month.. eltotUe*. I wa* well and a

■«»™ a* auy mim could, for oyer lore k»; IHUIWOHHH) IJJ hart fo- my *trenalh Ikkina a haul cod, 1 wai taken with the

;l painful rheiiinaU*m all tbrouf h

■■■II.- x waa tn.

i and i

N'<-, a* tt they lett me a crippli " (Mill, I met a irlead am told him

■■.,., i Hop Bitter* bad cured him cme i*i'. I |ionhe.i| at him, hut he waa

o uarneal 1 »,., iiniuufd t.i u*e them ***m in IflH than f»ur week* I threw iiway my

rutobeiani went to work lightly and kepi on I»IIII< the hit'pra lor B»« week*, until I beoaine • veUatiay mu living, mid bare boon *o tor

An Important meeting of the Htoi-kholU- ere of the Washington Mills wan held at •J02 Deyotulura street, Boston, Friday, to act upon the report of the camuilUee appointed October 8, and determine whether the corporation will sell lb* mlUl and tiiacbtaery, and If ao, how the Male aiiuii ba made.

About 100 persona were present, and tlu mall) discussion was upon two propo- ■iUonr. The report of the majority, pre- sented l)j Mr. C. U. Cotting, of Boston, liiitnicted tbe directors to sell the mills In one or more parcels on the IHth of June next, with the condition that the ma- i l.inery and fixtures should >><■ previously Hppralsed, and should be taken at the ap- praisal by the purchaser., of the mills.

Mr. Bouney of Lowell proposed a sub- stitute to tbe effect that the mills should be sold on the Itith of June, but that tbe stockholders should positively order the sale to be made In the following manner,

The mills shall be divided Into two or more parcels, and each parcel offered .eparatcly, with the proviso that after bids have been made for tho separate parcels, the mills shall be offered as a whole; and If the bid for the whole pro- perty exceedH the aggregate of bids for the separate parts, then the property shall be sold as a whole, but otherwise the bids that have been made for the divided pro- perty shall ii.' accepted.

Tbe argument In favor of Mr. Bonney'.* proposition, as developed In the remarks of several speakers, consisted in the fact that the No. 1, or worsted mill, of the

poratlon was very desirable property to be operated separately. It was thought that, if that were sold by Itself, tbe Pacific Mills might desire the remaiuder of the property whirl: adjoined them,orlt would probably be wanted by other parties at the very great bargain at which It would be likely to be obtainable. It was held that tbe mills c > tS.OOO.UOO worth of property, and are likely to tie a great bar- gain in any event.

J. S. Murphy, one of the directors of the mill, opposed the plan of Mr. Bonuey, upon Information given hitu that it was tried In the case of the Manchester Print Works some years ago.and proved a failure. Not a single bid was obtained for tbe separate parts, aud the result waa that the lack of offers so depreciated the property thitt when but a single bid was made for the mills as a whole It was ac- cepted.

Another gentleman, however, said Mr. Murphy had been misinformed in regard to the Manchester sale In qQestlun. Bids were obtained on the separate parcels, and that adjoining the Ainoskeag was actually sold to Mr. llovey of Boston ; but when the committee who had the matter In charge stated that they had received a bena .Me offer of $1,000,000 from Mr. 8. K. l'aysoti of Boston for the whole pro- perty, Mr. llovey kludly withdrew and Mr. I'ayson's offer was accepted.

The protracted discussion having several times brought out expressions as t* the value of the worsted mill of the Washing- ton corporation, one of the stockholders Inquired whether the remainder of the property could not be sold and enough tulck capital be obtained In that way to

retain the worsted mills and operate them for the present stockholders. He based bis Inquiry upon the statement made last October that the sale of the tenement houses with exiting quick assets would leave the whole mill property and ma- hincry free from debt. If such werethe

fact, the further sale of all but the worst- ill would yield capital enough to start

the latter, and it could be run at a profit. Messrs. John S, Farlow, Joseph Sawyer

and others, favored the report of the ma- jority of the committee. Other stock- holders, however,- were equally earnest in advocating Mr. Bonney'B proposition. II was finally decided to adjourn to Saturday March N, at tbe same place at 11 o'clock when a stork vote will be takeu upon the question of substituting Mr. Bonney's motion for the majority report. Mean time, both propositions will be printed and sent to every stockholder.


The Latent Pal terns, the most Substantial Work-

manship, and

The Lowest Prices.

83 to 91 Washington St. Corner Kim,



K"""fwELVE' YEARS' EXPERIENCE IHI( fnrlTn ... hi i.-'..-. .,,ui ii'u-i i ui .1- ■'.sor How \n tn. III i HOW SI:LI,»

la our Mono lii l.i..Miinu. H.-I..I ii.r Wn-iilar

0*)«G NuUTON.t!* IIT LKW I l.-HllKilv.l-m.1,,

ed i

well and healthy wl per j ear. There U tlietc hiiteraare u«e<

' Thai poor taVaUld

if wife, who iml been >j< kept her and myehiJdre b from two to ihree boitlk.. o ueid IO be aickat all if . ■■ l. Hi.HI,, *■.x -i.(„■.-,..,.

Ua» he aiaite the nWnre of health I ■- -w bottle* of Hop Bitter* I

let tbein aulTer?'' Willy oi


....... ill is Dl I'.BmTnNn

MI.M, xi an i ii... M< ajrir**, * I tl.ada te, !■ rnoi > I roi uae of *■■■ ■ i i n.Nii.i . ■ <i I lv-Kiml. Sr,|L. nun Of inaanily, and leading tc dealt., I'rcmature Old Age i«iwi'r ii either Sei, Inv ■*i'i:iniitorrhiit.t, c.auned by

. te.t abuae

Wiaim \r IM'IVAIN Trail r "c i' i I JKII n», [in it, Nenti.* Ku algla IUSI i. rauttd Ijtir

'tin Bialn reuniting In a laety, deoay anil

. B rrennea*, t.oa* oi aiy Lu .lei., run

rer exertion ol tbe ' in.In u Each box

n • ii«- i men dollar i* for Are dollar*, xm bi

n rooelot « price. We .uaraBtee cure unT oaae. With each ordei

i lor aii lime*, aeeempanled with are Will aend the piirchaaer ooi intee to refund tbe mopcy, If the •■ not effect a cure. Uuaranlc.

'i. l\ IIMM-.V .* I TI , hnicki,, l.AWKKNCB, MASS.

a at r« ular price. dwlimyl

THK ROYAL CIIINKSK QBHT* WA^TF.D-910 a day wn. vor price Uala, Ac. »end«Ump ._

Tt if.,) ui Chincae fill Co., iitt.~n.-iii. HMI

I-ILLS i your own

Clothing Comp'xiy We have nothing special to advertise at this time, but would just

mention a lot of

arars uutmtB of our own manufacture, made from French Percale, fancy patterns beautuully laundried, separate Collars and Cuffs, at $1.50 each

In our Children's Department, those

All Wool Soits for Boys at $4.00 Each are in great demand. We always have in stock

_ BOY'S KNEE PANTS, sizes from 4 to II years, at 50 cents each. Full lines of

MEN'S SPRING OVERCOATS in the latest ptyles and shades.

MEN'S ALL WOOL SUITS all sizes irom 341to 44, at $5.00, $6.00, $8.00 and upwards.


1>EATII OF ■..<:<>% \ lfi> MTOD- DAHD.

Another Well-Known Old Beat- dent PaWM Away.

The summons has again been answered i one of the pioneers of Ijiwrerce. Mr.

Leonard Btoddard, fhc well-known car- penter and builder, at one time chief of police, died Friday at bis residence, No. S Newbury street, after sn Illness of comparatively short duration. The de- ceased was bom at Durham, Me., ou the 22ntl of February. 1808, where he learned his profession. He removed to Dover in the same state and became so popular li Ills new settlement, that he was several times chosen to represent the district In the state legislature. He cams to l.sw rence, when it required sturdy, practiced hands to help to build It, and many of the substantial business and dwelling blocks scattered over the city, bear testimony to Ills taste aud skill. About :i0 years ago Mr. Stoddard was made chief of police, and filled the office with such acceptance, that at the expiration of his term of ser- vice, he was appointed deputy sheriff, and held the office over ten years. De- teased was a charter mem!>er of (irccla n Lodge. F. and A. M., when it was Itsti- tutcd ut Methiieii, and had been worshipful master ef the organization. Ills wife, who still survives him, was the mother of nine son, six of whom are liv- ing, and occupying honorable positions In life. They are Russell, a resident of Lowell] Frederick, of Winchester; Leo^ uard, Jr., a clerk In the treasury depart meut at Washington; (Jranvllle M., n prominent manufacturer Worcester, for- merly for many years superintendent of the Washington mills In tiiis city, and AI- phonso and WlnOeld of this city. Mr. Btoddard was a member of the L'nlversa- llst church and the first leader of Its choir, under the pastorate of Itev. Geo. II. Clarke. Deceased was among tne best knowu^Rt! respected men of the community—one who looked on with pride, at the rapid strides which the city of his adoption was making toward pros- perity.

Superior Court l>s»\ s. 8.


Young vs. Bosten A Maine It. it. Co. This Isatase where the plaintiff, Mrs. Young, the wife of Dr. Young of this city, seeks to recover for personal Inju- ries received while riding on the road of Die defendant, March, 1888, said Injuries hclufi caused by an accident at Lowell unction, where the train ran off the track,

The ad damnum Is placed at 85,two. The lefendant denies any liability In the ter, and claims that the accident waa the result of circumstances over which he had no control, and that due caru was used. This case Is still on trial. Knox for the plaintiff, and Solomon Lincoln and Attorney General Edgar J. Sherman for the defense.


The original Thirteen Club, organise In New York as a protest against the su perstltion attaching to the number, brtd ita third annual meeting last week, even one of the original members being alive; tbe thirteen dins together lu room 13, have always 19 courses, and generally set at defiance the old IU bufbtar. There arc now a large number of 18 club* In New York.

It Is estimated that two millions of cigars are dally smoked in New York city.

Doctors disagree; the democratic. New Yerk Sun wants the President to turn out republicans and appoint democrats, In or der to strengthen tbe democratic party while the democratic Herald appeals tt him to take Just the opposite course, U remove no one but for otiier tltau poll 1.1 cal reasons, and claims that this is tin way to build up democracy.

lu Moutreal this week, a strange cast was being tried In court, being a suit for *.'.,i"«i damages for slander instituted bj a Mrs. Waldron agatast her daughter Mrs. Eaves. A large number of witnesses gave evidence, testifying to the defendant having applied odious terms to ber moth' er.

In New York on Thursday, a man died lu an undertaker's rooms, whll% purchas lug a cotlln for his dead wife.

When Colonel Wattarsou heard that President Clercland had turned a deaf ear to Kentucky and "Phil" Thompsou, he pensively remarked to tbe star-eyed trod dess of reform that while tie hoped for the best he feared for the West, and that until further notice he should regard tin Presldetit as an uncertain white man [New York Tribune.

Gen. Grant la represented ss saying that he has no particular form of religious be lief. He holds that there is a God and a hereafter, but he is not prepared to accept the extreme position taken by most Pro- testants that the unconverted aud indif- ferent will be eternally termented.

A Washington letter says Mrs. Manning Is so far the tjueen beeTn the new cabinet. She is a bride, although not a very > woman, and brought Mr. Maiming some wealth and a social position. She is tall with a slender, graceful figure, has goot features, light brown hair and great aul uiiitii.ii and grace of manner.

A Boston clerk who thought he could smell escaping gas, went Into tbe cellar and lighted a match to enable him to Mud the leak; he discovered it, aud will re- main in-doors until he grows a new crop of hair.

It is calculated that it takes 7,000,000 sermons every year to go round In this country.

Operations in stocks have been the cau ' iiin.■■triii I.s of tiie defalcations disco

ered of late.

Abraham, Isaac and JacebKlle, of Itlcli- mond, Pa., are triplets, seventy-two years of age.

West Virginia must be growing into an Intense morality; over one hundred per- sons have been arrested for publicly play- lug dominoes.

Henry Watterson hasn't bceu heard from for so long that there is a suspicion lie has eloped with the Star-eyed Goddess of Reform. [B«w York Tribune.

First—"Charming girl, that Miss Lucy, Jack." Second—"Think so? I never could bear her. Site always treats me as if 1 was an ass, you know." "First—"Indeed, I didn't know ahe knew you." [Harvard Lampoon.

The Morning Moon is the name of a paper just started In California.

The Japanese "upper ten thousand" are learning to dance In the Amcricau fash- ion.

The Ameer of Afghanistan Is to meet Karl Duffer in in India, but It is a mere matter of form.

The telegraph lias It that nar-en is sns- pended. Is he tbe fellow who makes all the trouble with the University freshmen?

During the past year, lu Chicago. 4,- 228,000 hogs were slaughtered for pack- ing purposes, and 1,270,000 cattle were killed.

Colorado is kicking at Its treatment at the New Orleans exhibition.

Next Monday, the Summer time table 0ne town appreciates a brass band go into effect at the Pacific and Low- Harwich town meeting voted tsoo to its

er Pacific mills. Work will be commenced local organization-unfortunately for the M., and will be completed at horn footers, tbe vote has been declared

Leave of work Saturday, at 12, illegal.

Why not call It by Its KlglHName?

(NewTork TelesT""' ' ■tan* a Wrong, well built man leave*

day, before algs. ba will have a chill, and lu a few hour* he will be dead' Tfala '» the way lha dreaded pneumonia take* off. Tbe list oi notable uieu iW an |U victim* I* appalling'

Dr.Dtuaroach, the (aniou* niu-lilan, la MUed by aohlU while conducting mlie»r*al, uext day hi* phyalrtau* tell u* lie 1* dulug well. Next day b* la dead!

Tbe IW j. K, Latlmer. DJ)., H T.l»„ dean of itoaton University Theological School, preaehee eloquently aayj mornlim, lun a alight chllllaSM thereafter, feel* unwell for a few day*, and un. expaotadly dlMl A geuUfiBi.u la Albany gwe* to hi* pbyalcian one morning auUug that Ho feel* * I range I y uoc«mforUhle, la examined, advised atonee UtaettleuphUalTalta, dee* *u and die* before nlgtit'

K very one dread* this prevalent .dlaonier. Ita coming le audiien, lu termination uaually speedy.

What caiiacn the terrible ■■■..:,;-' It U not "tn the air,"—Infectious or contaglou*.

It result* fr*ui expotun', change* of weather, prevail* more swung nn-n than wamen, mo-: *DH>D( tae apparently healthy than among the feeble.

I'm'iiiaoiila, we are told, la Invited by a certain condition *f the ayiiteui, Indicated If one ba* oc- casional chills and fever*, a tendency to cold* In the throat and lungs, rheumatic au.l neuralgic pain*, extreme tired rrdlng*, ihurt breath and pleuritic lUtebes tn tbe ilde, lu-- of appedte, backache, nervous unrett, scalding *eii*aUon*, or acant aud discolored fluids, heart fluttering*, *our etotnarh, ill stress* .1 UNak, puu> > yo tan*, i„,t and dry akin, i-~~ of itiviigth and .iitlttj. Theae in- dication* may nut appear together, Uiey may come, disappear and reappear fur year*, the per- mit n<>t nmllalBf that they are nature'* warnings

In other word*, If pneumonia doe* not claim a* a victim the person* havlog>ui'h*ymptoBi*,*ome leas pronounced but more fatal malady certaluly wilL

A celebrated Now York physician told tho I'M I. one, a year age, that,pneumonia was a secondary disorder, tho-expoeur* ana cold being aunply the agent wbiub develops the disease, already dor- mant In tho system, because the kidneys have been but4partl»ily doing their duly. In abort, pneumonia 1* but aa early Indication of a brlgbt'a diseased condition. Tills Impaired action may exist for yeara without the patleut suapectlng it, booaoao no pain will be felt In tho kidneys *r their vicinity audufteoltoauhodutoctodouly by chem- ical and microscopical exa ml nation*.

Nearly ISO of ita 740 deaths in Kew York city the Aral week in alarch, and In six weeks T81 death* were caused by pneumonia!

Tbe disease 1* very obsUaate, and If theaccom. panylog kidney disorder 1* very far advanced, recovery Is Impossible, for the kidneys give out entirely, aud the patient Is literally suffocatod by water.

Tbe only safeguard against pneumonia Is t* maintain a vigorous condition »f tho system, and thus prevent It* attacks, by using whatever will radically and effectually restore full vitality to tho kidneys, for If they are not sound, pneumonia cannot be prevented, ror this purpose, there Is nothing i-.ji ul tn Warner's safe cure, a remedy known to mlllloBs, u*ed probably by hundreds of tho uam ids anil commended so a standard specific

DWH and used, it does not preteud re an attack of pnoumonla, but it doe* and remove the cause of and preveut that ISO If taken In time No reasonable man can

doubt this If he regards the personal experience of thousand* of honorable men worthy bis favor.

When a physician sayi his patient ba* either bright'* disease er pneumonia, he confesses bis Inability to cure, and In a measure he considers bla responsibility ended, in mauy Instance*, In deed, persons aru reported as dying of pneumo- nia, heart dl*oa*e, apoilexy and convulsions, when the real cause of deslb and so known by the physician Is this kidney consumption. Thou sasda of peiplo have It without knowing It anil perish of It because their physician* will not toll them the facts! The same bite awnlta every onr who will not exercise his jutgmeut Iniucfaaniut. ta*r and uotruuu himself, Ms family and lo so- ciety.

Something of the extraordinary man- agement of our local base ball club last

season, was pictured In tiie Sunday Tele- gram.

An additional target Till be placed In position at tiie range of tiie Lawrence

Hine club previous to the spring meeting in May.

Ex-police officers Pan; Hannegan and

Patsey Dloeen arc said to he booked for places in the post office, under Mayor Breen's anticipated adniloUU**Uv« wf that office.

—John Qulnn, an old resident of Law- rence, diet] at Nashville, Tcnn.. "Thurs- day, of heart disease, very suddenly. He bad been there only a short time, and

was employed in manufacturing. His wife left this city Friday to go to Nash-



Itching and Burning! TORTURES

1 have Iried cured of a t-ri tatrauMCCij Former, inirr,- Uure, m 'i Lt Beautiller. eat what I li:iv." II Ton shall

tl.c n

nvetra Io have mv wife nilBi-rtso. TeeCuricUMA ■:i - ■■ ■. f M Hii'llr-iV 1,1,..!.] Ii I [tCL'Ma.ifiegreeiskin

i ..i K^ try, I

tic If.

.I.E, lil. CllAS U. UMM J

BLOTCHES CURED. 1 n.i-l your < IT ( i HA HI.HKDII:■ lor Blotebe",

andanicnu Ictelv cored, to my Inexpressible loy, i i i: rn i 0OA1' In the i .--i 1 have ever used, am to the prolessioo It la invaluable jnr olea eioglhnhaln, (hereby removing ftll'-oork," ■■ease paint, and ail Ihe .-tiitl ujed by them. leiving toe skin pute and whi e and sort. My —.siisit oleaBiire Is in recoinmendinK such an iir-

II. MACK. Cbuniploa Coin io, lie Holier skalcr.


SALT RHEUM. I haqeha.l the Halt Kheum for about S vcerr,

an,i liave spent nine and money to have It cired, without 'ii r until 1 iried the i i m i K* lltar-MEs. « bl< li are domx "id w<v k.

G. J.YOUNU. MimliBi I 1. Coo* County, Oregon.

$200 FORNOTHIisC. Having paid about * 1 11 ID lirit o!a*« divtnr* to

cure my b,bv, vlihout iu«ooas, I iriu I tho CLTI cuaa HEmnni.s, wiu.'ii .:. ui|ili-teiy cnmlalei IIMIU three bottles. WM. GOUlHiN.

87 Ai lington A v., CbailealowD. Mass. Sold everywhere. Prioe. CtlTfcuss. We.!

SoAi'.Ue.. Uuiot.vr.NT, $1. POTIXK DILUS.M CHEMICAL CO,, BOSTOM, Mend for " How to care Skin DUeoar*.'

I Hrddcued Mklu aud Hai , Chaii|ird



ISANFORD'S R'DICAl ||Head Cold*, Walcry Dlrehaige* frox the Koeo and Byes, Uloglne Noises In 'be Mead, Nervous Headache ami l-Wer innuntiy relieved.

Choking urn. ii i dislodged, membrane cleansed and heile-l, bretin .wi^tcned, smeil, taste, and heaiinir-store i, Mini ut,'Sges |taWIfll

Couab, Braaebl Is, Oropplats lato Ihe Throat, Palo* in the Chest, Dyapepsla. Wasting of Strength and Flesh, l.ons of t'lrep, etc., enred.

One imi'ic Itadlea' Care, one liox Catarrhai Sol vent and one Dr. sanlord's Inhaler, in one pack age, of all druggists, for 81. Ask lor SasrJBu'i BAOIOAL Cras, a pure distillation oi Wit.-h llaxel, Am., Ca. Fir, Halgo'd, Clover BIOS MIDI, etc.

Potter Drug and ( In nil. ul Co., Itnslon.

COLLINs r bhatteird Hew Life • Neiria, I'.,:. 'and WaabSMor) Uaanna (ollln- Voltale Hilts trie J'lastn niB.antic ai lucta in ■ nervoue < c t u and bird she* pain, nervous


«.!.*.« I it.V ttTy ,,„„t,|„,,| „|,|, |

*-/!»> I C.r*'# ter for «c. All .uugtist

"Oi SumaiMo W/OMANl" C.F.B. iUskoll, (formerly of Vernon, Vt.,)

ocatlng engineer on the B. C. R. and N. Railroad, pikota, stated In isas, that his wife waa utterly Bf ••trated with female difficulties, and did not

ii lo lie amenable to physician*' remedies. could not sleep, trembled 'Ike a leaf, period-

ically lost ber reason. Tbey then beg** the us* of Warner'* safe Cure. Writing la July, ISM, from Oaketa, kir. Itaskell any*, "My wife has never seen tbe *UghtO*t Inclination of S return ot the illUeultlea Warner'* safe Cure removed." Try It, O, suffering woman!

at t;.;io 0.24 P. M

The dinner hour will lie as at pres nit, from 12 to 1.

—Dr. John Khannahan, *a member of he l'eabody board of healtk, Is engaged

in newspaper controversy, Kith a former member, Dr. C. C. Tike, the discussion having been begun by the latter In the columns of the l'eabody Press. It purely a local matter.

—Dr. Kogers u verr narrow escape from what might have li.-n a serieus ac- cident on Saturday. She was driving along Hampshire street just at the corner of Concord, when the Franklin Hook and Ladder Truck came dashing down Con- cord and turned the corner at Hampshire street. Tbe driver, Mr. Ueorge Ames, was barely able to turn bis horse aside, yet not enough to avoid striking the tire of the wheel of Dr. Roger's carriage with the pole of the truck. No injury was done to the carriage, neither was the doctor hurt, but It was a close call.

A CAM PA ION aits brauatrcB, Lawrence Mix, Bsq., Warsaw, K. Y., a well

known eampalgu orator, lu ISM took 19 bottle* ol Warner's Safe Cure for kidney trouble, (after many physicians of excellent sUndlng had given hlra up,) anil was cured. I.eceaber Wth, I8H, he says. "I have hail no aerlou* ratimef my trouble and ao conclude that my cure la permanent."

A WoMAIt'S Hue, lli'i i..,,| Mrs. K. i '-■Hutr. Uaverhill, Uais., Aug. Mh, 1I-I.

said ahe had lieon cured of lnitimmatlon of the bladder by Ore bottle* of Waracr's Safe Curs. DecemberMth, Isst, Mr. DolloiT wrote: "Mrs. PoUof ha* never seen a sick ilay from that Io-,IT ,!!•.,',,,...■ since Warner'* Safe Cure cured her la HSU." Cure permanent.

I i:*s, is i,. ituw, as*lsUu(~police marihal. Taunton, Mass., three year* ago wa* cured of atone In the kidney and bladder by Warner'* Safe Cure, and In June. K-t, he wrote, "I have not ■eon a *lck day .luce 1 began using Warnor'a Saffl Cure, and never felt better; have gained eighteen paaeda.'

DOCTORS! of all the different schools In the country, have

thouaandadleevery year of Bright'* Disease of the Kidneys, who could be living today If thev had used Sulphur Bitters. Thev are unequalled In the world for all diseases of Uiekldneys.-Saw Haven Union. riwlweod


Isaac N. Wood, Flshklll, N. Y., July, lSM.wroto, "it I* two year* ago last spring slice Warner's Safe Cure cured me. 1 waa called a dead aun hut that medicine brought me to life. I takes few', every spring to keep me right." lie w.i- afllteteil for six year* wltta pains In the back, ending lu kidney hemorrhage. Cure permanent.

Till'. K.iisi.ii'. l!,:\i r I,MM.

A. Way, Navartno, R, Y., In 1878, waa afflicted with neuralgia, ringing sensation in his ears, hacking cough, pain In the back, Irregular urina- tion, dropsy, nausea and apasns of acute pain In the back. Then came chill* and fever. The doc tor* gave him up, but after using li buttle* of Warner's safe Cure, he said, "1 am hale, hearty and happy." On Jnne j.ui,, last, be write*, "My health wa* never better. I owe say existence to Wanes'* Hare Cure." Cure permanent.

"WOK DEM." IE. II. Beckwlth, Norwich, Conn., Dec. 1Mb,

ISM, Mated, "I owe my life to Warner's safe Dia- betes Cure; when I began Its use I paased ten quartaof water dally, which contained li per cent, of sugar, after using seven dexen bottles ny doctor pronounced the water free from sugar; t ha* done wonder* for me."

If von ai leultll Kc

I I VI. fit III It V 1 It I losliigb'oui- grip on life try "Wells ewer." (soee dlrectto wrak ipot*.


<ib, tin- plonker, The rich old plumber! Won't be go It strong next lie can sport store clothe*

And *hlnlug collars, I ■!■■ "ir ii |...-

Ami epeml hi* 8 8 18 Happy!

Ilappy! Happy

NEVE a. Mr*. Helen Lelkera, West MoUonry, III., two

ytara ago uaod Wamer'a >«f* Nervine for com- plete uervou. pnislmtloe- August, IW. aho vtrote, "I have never eajoyed *ue<a good health, baveluvliwroturaofinyeia troulls." Try It, I Bins.

. . . old | ■ 11; i n I.. t- iii lih.iin ;i rolil winter

llrlug* a ii :n MI summer. —[Whitehall Tim.

The chief Industry of Ohio, according to the Chicago Herald, Is the manufacture of primaries, caucuses, candidates and such—Its greatest pastime the parcelling of spoils.

The Middleboro (Jaictte, commenting on the nuletness of that town at present, says that a person after inspection of the village, came to the conclusion ttiat It was a good place to set a hen, as the chances were she wouldn't be disturbed.

The general dullness of business affects even matters connected with death; the report of the trustees of Greenwood Cem- etery shows a large falling off In the sale of lots.

British statistics shew that in thirty- two years past 8,848,094 persons of Hrlt- ish ami Irish birth have emigrated, (if these 8,700,454 came to the I'nltetl States, 1,111,522 went to Australasia, and ii 1,888 to British North America.

The snow blockade of the Intercolonial Railway In Nova Scotia Is unprecedented; Halifax has had no malls from Montreal far five days

Two more 'spotters" of the Ijiw and Order League are In trouble, having b/eu arrested In Cambridge far attempting to obtain "hush money" from liquor dealers.

~"0hI where Is the spring, That mystcrlou* thing?

Sow do aot all answer together.". Correct. Let us ting That the advertised spring

"Is postponeil on account of the weather." March, thus far, has bceu the coldest

far thirteen years.

A New York judge decides tint, n wo- man, whose husband has been absent Qve yoars, may marry again, upon the pre- sumption that the man is dead.

Gen. Butler offers to enter his yacht America against any vessel that England may send over to compete for the cup In the coming race of the New York club.

A singular rule has been established for the opening night of Minnie Palmer. In

My Sweetheart," at the l/ulou Bouare theatre, New York; no gentleman Is to be admitted unless accompanied by a lady.

The Fall Mall Gazette says the British admiralty are a set of blockheads.

All Fool's Day uezt.

At a sociallsts|meetlng In New York, held to denounce the proposed new tramp law, It was stated that there are COO.OOO tramps in this country.

Portland has a veritable curiosity, a danaocratlc prohibition mayor.

The Pacific coaat wheat trade with Eu- rope gives employment to more thao four hundred sailing vessels.

It Is amusing to note the efforts of free trade democratic journals to demonstrate that ex-speaker Randall really had nothing to do with recent appointments.


ie k-rn wi.






Botanic Cathartics. for Constipation, Costivea's*. riles. Sick Head ache, KiUousnee*, Etc. It Is the most pleasant and eafe Cathartic tor children and adult* to take. Thev are always reliable. A»k your ,IHI_[M.H t.i, it. Cent prepaid bv mall on receipt

out. uifi irbox.


Collins, Ciiskcts nnd Under- takers' (imiils

• >V ALL MM -■

Strata wmn eviav-rHiNc a HAS hr.r.n DSBB rna VXA ss is THB MACTHK or


Djipepila. Indigestion, Waterbruh, Heartburn, Acid Slomaeh, Mil-milritinn, Flatulency, Gas- tritis, Bllioujnen, and Habitual Constipation. It speedily relieves and cures Cancer and Can Wet of

iheSiunu. h, Ckeroui I.ivrr, ll.uiirniiignnd tub rat- nent of the Liver and Paralyjii of ihe Ttowela.

It also e»m a wonderfully saluiary effect upon ihe Kidney*, quickening snj toning their secreting power, removing slugicish tondiiiun*. all.,)-lug iiiftammjiLn, and relstv.iiLr naias in ihe back.

TRY IT AND BE CURED. Price $1.60 per bmile. Sis boules forJT.oO SW* With each bonle, snd for use in connection

.herewith, 1* a bottle of Dr. Flower's Matchless Liver Pills.

Er. Flower's LUNG COBLIAL. One Dollar per bolile. SU bottles for $5.


Dr. Flower's CAToUlBE REMEDY. One Dollar per boltle. Su bottles for .;"..

Tbe tbove remedies are for sale by leading drug. gisls everywhere. If your druggist is out U'IIKIU, SSMM 11 iiiiingelw, but send dttfct to in.

Send two-cent stamp for pamphlet containing valu- alile luggesiions for the treatment of a number of prevalent diseases.




R. M KEMEY, MK ri,.. 1ST Post Office Block.

This r- laster direct,y upon the ssand nerves oi the

back, tbe scat of ail pain, FOR ALL Troubles whether local or deeply seated this piaster wl 1 bo found to give imiant relief " stylus between tls ■1.1 blade*.

^HAHP «#-For Kidnev Trouble

Kheunmllsm, Neumlgia. 1'aln in thasuieand Back tche, thev arc a Ofrlaln \nd speedv cure,

PAINS- fold by firuagi-ieforM


PLASTER', ,,' ' Mailed on reeeiptol nrlre ITade mark, Patented by Mull li, lr..«I H 1 le A

■nerat Agenti.'FoslOD. jani-ii'1

SOLID 7"l„! NO RISK 11

Loin* on Improved farms which are constantly iBcreaslngin value, interest colnred witbout er pens* and payable in New York lunia. Cor- respondence aellalted. DAWES .V POS8, Crete, Neb.

Hametic Apiliaices, CORK DY1PBPMA




The Most Potent Remcdv of the Century.

InveKtigate and be convinced of their^merlts.

Call for Faiaphlet aa I examine the A npllaaco «*. T 1IMU40) ,% DruHlsta, Agea

Uwrtac* Mass. iTNr.

Botapathlc Drops, The Gveavt l'aln Killer and Health Pro


For itii.uit ;iti in. NeurilKla. l'aralysls, Heart Dista a, Diphlhena. Colds anil all pains and bruises It has ao equal in the world. A-k. jour druggist fur It. »ui.t prepaid bv cipres* on re- ceipt 01 price, 81 per tottle.


Botanic Worm and Fever Powders The i.iiiv'ri'mi'iiv for oipelllnK all kind* of worm from adults and 'hililren.'and breaking

1 fever*. These .C".

thirds ol the illseasvn of cliii'iii-ii aie i-;tu»eil ny worm-. Ask vour dnigKlst lor (hem, beut pre- mtid by mall on receipt of price, H;U, and 8' a box.


Botanic Salve. Cares Itch, Piles, Old Soree, SeaMs and Durnis, ■ ml all I.,ii,l, 01 SKIS 1H-.I-. \-~c-, Auk your iirinrpi-i for It. Sent prepaid by mall on ricrint 01 prIre, Wit*, and 81 a uo».

All these valuable remedies are 1 renared only i»y

GEO. A ROBERTS, Chemist. Reading, .Mn-!t.,

To Whom all ore'era tbotild beaddrceeeil

"ALE'B'K-M—i' Amtftbuy Street; Krstiocscig ■ i-i Treniont tit, »i Jackfin St. Teleuboae

.-ni 1-1 :.t oturu and risld -nee*. All calls rmmi.t'y answered ilsy or night. A lasy la nt eintaace when desired. lv-wly

TOMPKINS&MANN, Successors to



Lard oil, Mixed I'ainta.all - olori Neal* Foot Oil, Naplha, Olive Oil,

sizes. Oxalic Acid, Oakum, r-araninenil 1'sraOlne Wax, I'utty, 1'a I* White. F •» er Paris.

L'hamiii-rltin, Chloride ot Llmi iJopper Uivcu, **- -IcSoap

% The following Letters were puWishar! in

The Christian at Work, the leading religions pa|>er of Kew York, some months since. That the;; attracted great attention is proved bj the following editorial notice which soon after appeared in that,paper:— -.—- -

"The publisher of The Christian tt Wort has been asked if the letters published In this paper, bv Dr. J. H. Schenck, of Philadel- phia, were genuine. In reply he says, that his representative has seen the originals of I'V.TV tetter at tho office of Dr. Schenck, In Philadelphia.1

FROM P. TURNER, Jr., (IIHC,HAMPTON. N. V. IfESBBs. J. II. ScneMCK A. S. is, Philadelphia.

Gentlemen;—I have concluded that it is my duty to write you in regard to the great benefit I have received by the use or Dr. Schenck'n medicines. One and a-half years ago I was very sick with what my fhends and myself believed to be Consumption of the LungH. The disease began with a heavy cold, its worst symptom being a dry, hacking cough, which waa almost continuous night and day. Soon after this 1 began ralaing a thick yellow matter. Iteing exposed to all kinds of weather, by working at my trade, I caught additional cold aud grew worse, until I waa obliged to give up all work. I at thia time bad terrible pains la my lungs, and was soon attacked with severe night-sweats. I tried all the cough remedies advertised, I be- lieve, before I heard of your remedies. They were firat brought to my notice by reading your book on "Consumption and its Cure."

I used all your medicines; that is, the Man- drake Pills, Seaweed Tonio and Pulmonlo Syrup. I felt their beneficial effects from the firat. They gave mo atrcugth and they gave me appetite, and in a very short time m_r cough was looser, aud soon after disappeared altogether, I begun to gain flesh, too, and in tho course of two months from beginning their uae, I wa* very near well. I am now entirely well, and, believe me, very thankful that I found your medicine* and took them intimetoaavomy life. I shall be pleased to have any one call ou me in regard to my case.

Yours truly, P. TURNER, JR.,

*•*■»»*** Cor. Henry and Liberty Sta., Oct. 8f, 1881. v " 1 Biugfatuupton, N. Y.'


Da. J. n. ScHENcx. r »*• Dear S\r :—i nave been Tcry B', tk, and waa

told by several of the best physicians of this city that I hod Consumption, and could live but a short time. 1 waa ml vised by a friend to consult you, which I did. Under your treatment I improved rapidly, and am now enjoying perfect health. I expected to die, ray symptom* being all very bad; bsdhemciv rhagea, night*weats, and a hacking cough. I believe year treatment saved my life. Please accept my sincere tbunks for all yon have done for me. Shell recommend your remedies wheucver I meet any one afflicted as I wns. .

I remain ever gratefully and respectfully, _i ANNIE W. EITTENHOUSE,* *l

948 Kurtz Street, Philadelphia,


PENCE, fl. I. 1

Uet»Cur*(f nffonfumrtionby T>r. Srhenrk't Jferfscntne*, after briny given up to die Otf •oiwe o/iAe6e4Tt2>Ay*(<7iu«Mo/ (Ae (Jity. _


i*™r Sirt—I have been ottrod of what thrat or the best physicians of this city told mo WM fotisuinptii.n of the Lungs, by the use of your medicines/ I was first attacked with tbe dieeaie in October, I--H, and although 1 wa* from that time i-.'iii i ■ r v under tho care of a physician, 1 grew worse and worse, until at last 1 waa con- fined to my bod. I can hardly say that I wa* first attacked with the disease in l.-Su, fur my lungs had been weak for many year* previous to this, and I would quile often bare severe pain in my breast, ir I took tbe least cold or esterted myaelf too much in sny way. I Krew worse, my oough became very bad; I bad night-sweat* so severe that my boil, through (he night, would be a* wet a* though water had been thrown over mc I wa* continually raiding blood and large quantities of offensive matter from my lungs and at last bad all the well-known symptoms of Consumption in if- last stages.

Al tha request of my family, my physician called In two other doctors of Ibis cily, and they, after an **• animation. Bflrsod that my ease mi hiii-eles*. Thev Ushintieri my nil- that I had batter lietohl that I enuli) nut live, as my tint* would 1* vary short for arranging

WMM bS ofany use to me. The aett .UymyWend, Mr, II. I. Leitb, hearing of niy condition, sent me n bottle of your Pulmonk Syrup, thinking u might

igh, and make my ei pectoral I DO easier.

II Ice 80 tn l.ri'.'t

Hru-l I'au-r 1'ailj, Ked Lead. Kubber Wagon springs

Koitcii Stone, ICock Salt,

tor horsta and cstll*, ctulac.

rvClilh, i-'.niiiNi'l Dressing.

lor Carnaie 'lopi, fiiiilher I'liitiers. floor Itriialu*. riBh <.i-i-, furniiiire Vain ah,

>re*t diver ue,*ll . 11 I-,

. tt-u AMliln i>um T.a/ai-a ...I I 1:1 ll, ,- 11 Ii onae,

lihi-f i.iie, ,., 1.H..1 .: \ /i ■,!;, "la n.'i >ni ,

ilvun'.ed Iron Pa a mesa a oat i.

l>|i<ucJar*ani llun, Mltoetie, Benin* klsi Hint Oil, MHIIIC Pall", BhsltatDbuero,

■-■ii lirushc*, Tar, V- .... I ;, ].:; ,.,- . Window tils-..

■ I |;,,t 11 Uli. 1

- -Until a ilinii

Unued 11 I (his time I was In brd ami waa so sreak lh*t I had be lilted. This waa nut a illflUult thing to do, howei as I only weighed ibi.iit ninety jaiiiuils. A* 1 h. mid, I romm-neeil Hi* use of thn mi-illeina with tliotigbt of it. curlnc mi., l„,t «n,-r taking the eighi bottle I would sometime, feel a llul„ |inll|r, * 1 had not heron, duns fur inanv niniiih.. |,; mention that *fw taking tour or five bottl Pulmonlc Syrup, I lank, ami I .,i«, 1.

It la needless for niy In-Uniis during tnvrertitet bin It was al*., ,„,,. | griulually R-j„,,i .lr'engTh"'t'he' rhancter* what I .:i,..,.| r,.„ , lung*was etWged -not belna so oflr,„,„-.l,j „, |„t, «,„ „,„ J •

alk alnut my n„„„. rrom Ibis time nt re. galm-.l fl .1, hat anil soon want .mi entirely well.awnnder loall

Is, whale Oil siap, Whuing, W'lnsor A Newlnn"*

Tuiie Colors

rjuantitfes to Suit ;lt Lot cst Mnrkct Prices.


FJHEthe PKOI'LVS CT'LOPit>lA, ThS brsl soillnv viork published, t'M 10 81H

made -fHkiv. Vt4ttll\(.AKItl*l(>.*CO., U7 Milk Hlreet, Hoaton.

sleighs! Sleigiis I Fiityocwnnd secird hnnd alelarna ror sale at

very I >w price*. Applv to ^a.. sir. smAitr,

Frmikllii HOUHO sin tiles.

"W -A. NT B D ataarawiwaed a'alltgaei men to Mboii orders, IhiBOKm tig season. 1.irMUillUVSTO^K. BE- |,|..I.'1U" 1 .,-'■. .'I.ll ,I.

Salary with Kxpen>es Paid. 1.1 ■■■■ul Intsu emenU 10 1.1 K< 0,1 bueloesa aiiil tv. Ai.pi.v at OIICO If le ter aud state age. an,I miir... 1. 1, ■ .II. ... fi- im >*. T. oamui ACO., svon

PATENT8. , Matst.

Tl. HDD Y. !.. opp.KIlby at., Boston.

■ ■ i',i,ir- m ihe United ftale*; Hw 1B Itninin, trance and other lorclgn <*un- <0]ilcso( the 1 Lion, in *ny fa'ei " '

\o. 7.1 .Mi,,. St.,

la the 1 snp nor lacilJUeo lor ciiaininglbepaienUbil.

No Agei I'lllli'i! Mil"- pi>iHM>aea ami >lnp I obtaining l'uten Ity of invent onx

U. II. EDDY, Solicitor ol Ps tent*. TEaTIMOKAILS.

' regard Mr. Kdd. a* one or tpe most capable I'mrUrmtereour1'1.1'""*" Wl'b Wnt,m ' b*"

cUA.s. llAbON.LetnmUslocei of Patent*. Inventor* ci

worthy or mor nmcr""" U" n*i»'™>ftinto*'«'the"KTeVi

KDHUS-D UUBKK, lats. Con inld loaer of I'alei

U.H Kl»I.Y.B.y~uCVrhl1^,Ynirl^,870v.

forme in )Hlt),rav llr-t p.U-nV M«'C21!!3 uaveaetcdloraml advli-ed me in hnnoIVl.''o"l ,■,,.,.., .i.iil poured man, pauaia, reiS^^'.nd extension*. ! h»ve ocessmnallv cmploved saw ict ater.c <* In New York. Ph latfeipfiu aid Washsn.uin, bu. I sllll glvo you siioal lS2 whole of my liui-ine r, 111 your lire, and sdviao ulbers lo rmpluy von.

Youra truly, GKOBGl DRAPER. BosTOs.Jaimarv 1, IWU


It Mim, ■, < i„|.i,i„ , Oil and I.line. The great poiiulnnty ol this rale and effluscion* prep. aralion 1* nlone attrlbntable to IU Intrinsic

"■ Inllceure of Coughs, Ctld-, AMhma, Whooping Cough, Hcrululoua Uu-

..,..., iiJComiimutiJe 1 ymplmne, It has no perlor, ifttpiai. Let no one ne.lect the early

symptoms of dl ease, when an agent ii at hand hlch will cure al complaint* 01 ihe Cheat, tinga. or Threat H.nuiactured oaly bv A. B.

■ 1 v, (.l-.inuai, Loiton, t0l,j I), ill drug. gislB. * ^

[an taking Ihe „„ of ihr> Mandrake puii. live yea an ireonnt of ,U

wss raiitd.


rid know how good Ihe

San' Of a

are Interested, they sro welcome i„ tall 1 r"Ueu<*' Tour, truly.

HAKLEY P. HOPKINS. K--2«—'"mFrort-.uc.B.L

or Provl-lenc. I have kn.,»„ hi w..|| f„r ,,,. ]„

H. I. LEI Til, Ie,w«,

ATegW.ISM. ■ ^"'"•^^^olaitv.ll

FROM T0WAN0A, PA. Dn. J. II. PcHr.jr<it. rhilndelphi*, pa,

Z*jor ,%■;-! wa- Man sick In the Fall of 1M» but managed |o keep up nnd at my bindnea* for two years. Finally I bail te oean work allogetlier for over a year. I had a backiint rough all Ihe time, snd when iho weather «raa damp I could scarcely -rrt my breath Hearing ot your medlcltiee, ! letermlneil I., give ihem a (rial. 1 u., ,1 u„. pJ. isoalc Jvrup. Seaweed Tonic ami Mini' ak* PIHt for some time, until they cured me, i.n.l sin™hen have had goorl henlili nil the tliiii-,iii)-linigB tielnw apparently sound 1 In-ll.-ve thai 1 bid ('.n-umif Uon. I have grent fH1.i, .11 your medicine*, nnd Would urge all who lire >niTcring with lung com-

o use them. lung uiui- truly,

JAJIES McINTVIlF, *>«yi. 13,1882. or MCINTVRK A 8«snta,

Carringr MauufiicturLTi, Towanda, Pa.



~t?!2l'f^IJ_''.li?,Ty^l*"L^;5Jl,ll,Ilrw?lon« rbr iheli


rnuiiE MABX.) ^lsv*t»Bw

SOAP Acknowledged Ihe "STAKDARD" of LAUNDR* SOAP. There is bul One. Finding these goods every- where imitated, (he manufac- turers would suggest (0 consum- ers who appreciate the

'GENUINE" to see that every Bar Is stamped with a Pair of Hands, and not accept any subslilute. In tbe use or

WELCOME SOAP, people realize 'VALUE RECEIVED' and discover that superiority In WASHING OJJAUTY peculiar to this Soap.



♦>-<■♦<♦»■ ♦ » dr«? WETHER ELL'S

SARSAPARILLA *- chemically combined with Iodide Pataoadsrara,

unit la a prep»r,itl,in of n,pfrior wor/h ti.i . the .vstem. giving tone

ami tlgor totho whole body


ren e fy Wr('irw?reU^Kf 7f,,lr,lon °r ""•


jTs^SfL'sSSSHS'"" - »»• at*. •"■-""" ."..I" K'.Svw*»u»<

1. s. rStTOSll, Hrq,!,, .., c.1,1 1 \ i.Tiit, N. n.

Weo. ,1.00 ,,„|„„|.. Bl. talll,, ,0, ^.j^ • "-"-leljr.lllirnpgiri

♦ 4 » ♦ *+* + + + + THE LATEST.

What the Ladle, Are Now Dolna. BA;a."ff;'-„<'4T'JI "■'" " "A.TH