An analysis of Psychopath’s Jocker Character in The Dark Knight Film

Analysis of Jocker as Psychopathic Character in The Dark Knight Film Prepared by: Retno Tri Jayanti (092120204) Singgih Pratama (092120208) Siti Khotimah (092120210) Slamet Riyadi (092120216) Agus Prasetyo Aji (092120223) Ahmad Nawawi(092120225) Anim (092120228) Annisa E.U (072120023) Director: Christopher Nolan

Transcript of An analysis of Psychopath’s Jocker Character in The Dark Knight Film

Analysis of Jocker as Psychopathic Character in The

Dark Knight FilmPrepared by:

1. Retno Tri Jayanti (092120204)2. Singgih Pratama (092120208)3. Siti Khotimah (092120210)4. Slamet Riyadi (092120216)5. Agus Prasetyo Aji (092120223)6. Ahmad Nawawi(092120225)7. Anim (092120228)8. Annisa E.U(072120023)

Director: Christopher Nolan


• The Dark Knight is a film of Christoper Nolan which tells about the Jocker who wants to make chaos in


• This study analyze Psychopath

of Jocker’s Character.

• This result, Jocker is a Psychopath analyzed by Psychological Approach.

Keywords: psychopath, film, character, psychological approach, the Dark Knight


I. Introduction Film is a series of moving pictures

recorded with sound that tells a story, shown on television or at the cinema or

movie theatre (Hornby, 2005:573).

We conduct an analysis of psychopath in Jocker character found in The Dark

Knight film, that was directed by Christopher Nolan.

No one knows who the Joker really is. Little can be confirmed regarding his

early life before he turned to a life of crime. Despite his capture, no traces

could be found on his fingerprints, dental records, or DNA matches against the GCPD’s


The Jocker makes chaos in Gotham. He influence the Gambol to join with him. He

murdered many people. He hunts some important people in Gotham to make Batman

reveal who he really is because he thinks that Batman is the most

interesting partner to do the game.



C. Psychological Approach

B. Character

D. Psychopath

A. Film


• Film is motion of pictures. It can be shown on a screen (Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary: 134)

• Film is a series of moving pictures recorded with sound that tells a story, shown on television or at the cinema or movie theatre (Hornby, 2005:573)

B. Character

The meaning of character are the persons

presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed

with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say – the

dialog – and what they do – the action

C. Psychological Approach

• The psychological approach leads most directly to a substantial amplification of the meaning of a literary work. When we discuss psychology and its place in a literary work, we are primarily studying the author’s imagination. As all literary works are based on some kind of experience, and as all authors are human, we are necessarily caught up in the wide spectrum of emotional problems (caused by experience). Not all recourse of psychology in the analysis of literary work is undertaken to arrive at the understanding of the literary work, to a certain extent, we must be willing to use psychology to discuss probability.

• The word “psychology” derives from Greece language, “psyche” which means “soul” and “logos” which means “science” (Walgito, 1987:1).

• The aim of psychological study folds in three natures. Foremost, the objective of understanding behavior, that is by defining factors that combine the development and expression of behavior. Secondly, the psychologist striving to develop procedure for the accurate prediction of behavior. Thirdly, psychology aims at developing techniques that will permit the control of behavior that is, way of “ shaping”  or course of psychological development through manipulating those basic factors to the growth and the expression of behavior.


D. Psychopath

• Psychopaths are social predators who charm, manipulate and ruthlessly plow their way through life, living a broad trail of broken hearths, shattered expectations without the slightest sense of guilt or regret. ( Robert D Hare, “without Conscience”)

The Key Characteristics• Lack of empathy Psychopaths have no emphaty and as a result, they are neither truly human, nor truly alive.

• Lack of Remorse Psychopaths understand when people are angry with them for their behavior, and as a last resort, they may pretend they are sorry, but unlike most people, they are not the least bit disturbed by feelings of guilt.

• IrresponsibilityPsychopaths are irresponsible because nothing is ever their fault. Someone else, or the world at large, is always to blame for all of their problem. This makes sense if you understand that psychopath think themselves perfect.

• Impulsive BehaviorThe psychopath’s impulsive behavior makes sense in light of their megalomania. In their world, whatever they want now, is good, and whatever they do not want is bad.

• Lacking GoalsAnother characteristics attributed to psychopathic personality is the lack of goals, such as murder two victims at once, sabotage a co-worker, or become president.

• Compulsive lying Living at the expense of the rest of humanity would be an imposible situation in a rational society. Psychopaths have solved this dilemma through their premiere weapon - lies.

• Manipulative Hand in hand with the psychopath’s extraordinary ability to lie comes the ability to manipulate others for their own benefit. They use this ability to keep those around them confused, unable to think clearly, and of balance.

The following lists some general stereotypes

• NarcissistsThey need a constant source of Narcissistic Supply, which is attention, adoration, recognition, awards, and praise.

• The VictimCommonly used by female psychopaths,(but by no means unheard of among males) is the professional victim stereotype.

• Con ArtistsNot all con artis are psychopaths, but psychophats make convicing con artists. Being excelent liars, they put that talent to use by cheating others.

The types of psychopaths

• Malevolent Psychopaths• Secondary Psycopaths• Professional Psychopaths:The malevolent psychopath is the most dangerous; however, it is the Professional Psychopath that is the most destructive. While the victims of the former can range in the dozens, the victims of the professional psychopath can run into the tens of millions.

The professional psychopath’s ruthlessness and cunning gives them a distinct advantage over any no psychopath rival. They make charismatic leaders manipulating and brainwashing the naive, vulnerable, uneducated, or mentally weak.

The Psychopath’s Modus Operandi

• The Interview:interview:Psychopaths are experts at Cold Reading. First used by psychologists to describe what phony fortune tellers do ‘Cold Reading’, is the ability to guess a person’s personality type quickly through verbal and non-verbal communication.

• The Seduction:Should you or your organization be seen as a suitable victim, the next stage is the seduction. Based on the results of their interview the psychopath will tailor the seduction to your personality.

• Divide and Conquer:They accomplish this through the tactic of divide and conquer. In a personal relationship, the psychopath will sabotage and undermine his or her victim’s relationships with family and friends.

• Fear and Tyranny:The final stage of the psychopath’s strategy is tyranny, the absolute and sadistic control over his victims.

III. DicussionThe Key


In our discussion, we said that Jocker has lack of empathy,It is shown when Jocker.......

In our analysis, we said that Jocker has lack of

remorse. It is shown when