PROGRAM 2013 Cohort # 1


―Akhuwat Internship Program is

not just an internship opportunity

but Akhuwat‘s succession plan. It is

finding leaders and nurturing


Akhuwat wants to revive the spirit of brotherhood and volunteerism.

Acting as a platform for social cohesion, Akhuwat Internship Program

(AIP 2013)has attempted to enable the youth to look at poverty and

social challenges from a different lens and turn them into opportunities.

The enthusiasm and spirit displayed by this year‘s interns is unprece-

dented. It has shown that our future leadership has immense talent and

capability. We hope and pray that they carry forward the message of

Akhuwat with them and practice it in all their future endeavors. We

might have failed to eradicate poverty but they will not. The challenge is

not only to transform Akhuwat into an enduring institution, but also to

learn from the experience and lessons of Akhuwat and apply them at as

large a scale as possible. I am sure this responsibility will be taken over by

our supporters and friends who realize that the journey of Akhuwat has just





AIP strived to make the immensely talented Pakistani youth realize that black and white areas of idealism and pragma-

tism are mere social constructs to confine human capability. The grey area marked by the marriage of both is what

allows us to utilize our capabilities to the fullest. Professional or material suc-

cess dictated by ignoring ones social responsibility is just another level of medi-

ocrity. Excellence lies in respecting yourself enough to strive for your ideals.

Excellence is marked by independence in thought, not dependence on social

validation. Most people living in the developing world are exposed to social

marginalization and the pain financial deprivation brings. AIP‘s purpose was

not just to enable the interns to understand that , rather a journey meant to

open our eyes to ourselves. AIP initiates the journey of reviving ―Behtar Insan

— saay Behtar Pakistan‖ for each of us, bringing about the realization that

fighting our inner demons is harder than bringing social change. Akhuwat is

not a loan or an NGO; AIP is not a summer internship, this is a living proof

that the dreamer and idealistic person inside all of us is destined for an immortal legacy if he / she has the courage to

strive without letting the noise around silence it.


Inside this issue:

Speakers and presen-



Activities during AIP



Akhuwat: Fighting

poverty with interest


Leadership or follower-

ship ?


Detailed Program of

AIP 2013


Field Visits 10-


Carnival & Ijtimai Iftari 13

Akhuwat Education



About Akhuwat 15

Leadership & Intern-

ship Programs of Akhu-


Volume 1, Issue 1





Akhuwat was formed on the principle of brotherhood; enabling Pakistanis to help each other in reaching their full

potential. Since 2001, Akhuwat has empowered micro entrepreneurs to successfully transform their talent and ideas

into business ventures that make them financially independent citizens, positively contributing towards Pakistan's

economy. To this day, Akhuwat has disbursed more than Rs. 5 billion as Qarz-e-Hasna to more than 350,000 families

in 115 cities of Pakistan transforming their lives through a value that we Pakistanis possess: the gift of giving.




This year‘s interns were intended to

go through a comprehensive social

development training and leadership

program. Applications came in from

all over Pakistan and overseas, and

the final list of interns was divided

into two batches. The first batch has

successfully run its course, an intern

pool that consisted of a mixture of A

Level and college students. Through-

out a period of four weeks, interns

underwent leadership training work-

shops, development of soft skills; as

well as engaging in dialogues of social

issues. The aim of these sessions was

to provide a conducive space for the interns to think critically, freely question

social structures and understand how their capabilities can be best utilized to

counter predicament facing Pakistan

A favorite of the interns, Mr. Syed

Hussain Haider was among the few

who made regular appearances

throughout the program and lec-

tured the interns on issues as deep

and varied as you can find in a politi-

cal philosophy book on rights and

justice. His booming voice and larger

than life presence in the classroom

ensured that none dared yawn dur-

ing his lectures. Aggressive and in-

quisitive, his lectures focused on

personality development and per-

sonal growth. One of his most im-

portant lectures discussed the four ‗-

pathies‘ (as Mr. Haider likes to say),

namely: sympathy, empathy, apathy

and antipathy. He said how one

must strive to become as empathetic

as he can before even beginning to

serve society.

His sessions also circumvented the

importance of understanding self,

nurturing inherent skill sets and devel-

oping self motivation through simple

techniques, exercises and intensive

dialogues. Professor Haider urged the

interns to be action oriented by focus-

ing on small issues such as cleanliness

(everyday & everywhere), respect for

all and controlling wastage from an

individual, family, institutional and

communal context.. (Syed Hussain

Haider is Project Director, Akhuwat

Education Services and adjunct fac-

ulty LUMS / UCP Lahore, besides

being a HRM consultant to Govern-

ment Organizations)



Message from the core

team AIP 2013

"It was an exhilarating

experience working and

cooperating with a diverse

group of core team members.

Their altruistic and dedicated

personalities completely

redefined the definition of

volunteering within the group.

Not only did we perform the

tasks assigned to us with

diligence and perfection, but

also willingly assumed each

other's responsibilities when

needed. Given that there were

multiple tasks that needed

doing, sharing the

responsibility among us with

firm commitment made us

believe that the word

―impossible‖ itself says

that ‗I‘m possible‘-(Audrey

Hepburn) In addition, we

were led by a guiding beacon

in the form of Shehrbano

Raza, the AIP lead


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Volume 1, Issue 1

The interns en-

gaged in ice breaking exercises

and the Behtr Insan discussion

on the orienta-tion day. This day

enabled the in-terns to make

new friends and get acquainted to

the passionate and avid volun-

teers of Akhuwat


The First speaker the interns were introduced with was Professor Hu-mayoun Ihsan, (Director, Akhuwat / Dean Pakistan College of Law) In-terns were greatly moved by his speech, his subtle way of talking really attracted the interns to listen to him. Most of the interns were truly inspired by his examples and learned a lot. Other prominent individuals invited to speak at the program included Maryam Wasif Khan, a Princeton University gradu-ate. She emphasized on the impor-tance of spending a couple of hours every week doing social work. Nau-reel Abbas, who is physically chal-lenged and a Youth Ambassador discussed the necessity of producing conducive environments in society such that every man, woman and child are not encumbered by artifi-cial constraints. Professor Mr. Ba-sharatullah Malik talked to the in-terns about time management and explained the notion of creating time. Interns were also given a lec-ture on self-branding, which was conducted by Ms. Ammara Zubair. Her lecture covered writing CVs, applying for jobs and giving job interviews. Imran Sarwar, co-founder of Rabtt and a Harvard Graduate also came in to speak about the varying gradations for every emotion and action that we experience. Dr. Shahid A.. Zia, Principal, Grace College, Lahore elaborated the sig-nificance of failure and how it be-comes a learning pedestal which eventually leads to success. Dr. Kamran Shams, CEO, PEEF / Di-rector Akhuwat, also addressed the interns and shared with them his experiences of life, profession and their exigencies. Dr. Izhar-ul-Haq Hashmi, Director PWTD / Akhuwat talked about the importance of vol-unteerism and the value based ap-proach of management. He also shared the contribution of Akhuwat Health Services and how AHS planned to collaborate with Univer-sities and colleges by promoting ―Emergency Management Services‖ for the well being of students. Akhu-wat has already developed a strategic collaboration with Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)-

EMS and is supporting all its activities.

Mr. Saleem Ranjha Sahib, Director Akhuwat excited the interns with his globally focused pres-entation on the efficacy of the internet and how it can be leveraged to improve individual and institu-tional performance. He advised all the interns to be networked together and to stay in touch through the different social media.

The interns spoke to Professor Malcolm Harper, Chairman of M-CRIL Emeritus Professor, Cran-field School of Management UK . Being a veteran in the field of micro enterprises, microfinance and financial inclusion, Professor Harper emphasized on the need of socially responsible lending policies that empower the borrower rather than keeping them wrapped up in the debt cycle.

Qiam Aminuddin spoke to the interns about his organization Afghan Scholar‘s Initiative (ASI) from his hometown of Kabul and inspired them to utilize their existing knowledge and skills to give back to society. He discussed his personal journey from a carpet weaver to an international consult-ant & CEO of ASI and convinced them that cour-age to fight the odds leads to success.

The purpose behind these lectures and many others was to help give the interns a broad intro-duction to social work, sentisize them to the spirit of volunteerism and inculcate in them the desire to shoulder the responsibility of not only their own lives, but also cater to society‘s problems. While field visits were integral to giving the in-terns a realistic picture of society and practically exhibit the work being done by Akhuwat, these sessions focused on equipping interns with the necessary tools and skills to become the leaders of tomorrow.

Fundamental to presentations and field visits were de-briefing sessions conducted by Ms. Shehrbano Raza Rizvi. These sessions were meant to bridge what interns learned on the field via presenta-tions. Witnessing poverty and social marginaliza-tion, circumstances witnessed on the field are far removed from the socio-economic background of the interns. To help reconcile the two, these de-briefing sessions were always open-ended and discussions ranged from why was it important to do social work, to the qualities and values that would help us to become better human beings.

OTHER INSPIRING INDIVIDUALS She united the core team

towards a larger cause while

managing the minute details as

well. It was due to a multitude

of conscious decisions that we,

as the core team, were able to

successfully execute our plans

during the 2013 AIP. The

main message we took from this

journey is that we must strive to

realize the enormous potential

possessed by those around us. If

we work together as a cohesive

community instead of as

stranded individuals, we are

able to accomplish far more

than we can fathom. As

Aristotle said, the whole is

much greater than the sum

of its parts. Bringing a

change by working for

humanity has no

correlation with one‘s age

or money. It solely depends

on one‘s will: the

commitment of a dedicated


Page 4

Akhuwat Internship Program 2013


The first activity conducted was the

Tower Building exercise; the interns

were ever enthusiastic and curious.

This activity aimed to highlight the

importance of strong foundations

amongst the interns. The group that

emerged victorious focused on their

tower's ability to stand independ-

ently rather than its height. Next in

line was the ‗Behtar Insaan' activity

in which interns drafted value flow-

ers that opened the discussion on

the values that need to be promoted

for a more humane society. This

activity initiated AIP's journey to

seek within ourselves and under-

stand how we can be better citizens

before we lament society for all our

woes. All the AIP activities came

with practical lessons that resonated

with the interns because of the

means they were communicated

through. The Blindfold Activity was

an exercise in group building and

cooperation, which emphasized on

the need for creating strategies and

seeking opportunities. Next was the

Pipe Creativity in which interns had

minimum resources (a few chart

papers, some pipes, a cutter and

tape) to build something innovative.

Each group took extremely delicate

and decisive measures showing a great deal of intellect and innovation. The

group with the most creative model won. There was also a Social Media and

Marketing Competition through which the interns were challenged to think

outside the box and devise cost effective strategies to carry Akhuwat's message

of serving humanity to the Youth and Young Professionals around the world.

the competition amongst the interns

led to the idea of having a table

tennis competition, which was yet

again a successful activity and an

exhilarating experience.

Not to forget, celebrating birthdays

of fellow members was also an im-

portant aspect showing and express-

ing the love and compassion they

had for each other.

The long presentations and field

visits under the scorching heat of the

sun fatigued the interns. Thus our

interns fully made use of their daily

breaks to incorporate leisurely activi-

ties. They explored different places

for lunch, also creating an environ-

ment for having fun. Apart from

that, table tennis and carom board

were among the exciting things on

which they spent their time during

the breaks. Seeing the intensity of



Page 5

Volume 1, Issue 1

Our interns avidly participating in

different activities

Top : Pipe Creativity Exercise

Bottom from L to R : Tower Building

exercise, group exercise , Blind

Fold activity

Interns participating in Table

Tennis & Chess competitions

Interns celebrating the birth-

day of a fellow colleague


A group of 10 enthusiastic and deter-

mined interns spent time with the

Akhuwat borrowers in Walton. They

visited a mammoth 34 places, includ-

ing shops and households, in three

days. To talk about a few visits;

Muhammad Younis operates an

Internet Cafe together with an Easy

Load business. He has 5 computers

in his cafe, and hopes to increase his

10 MB Internet speed in 1 or 2

months. He takes Rs.40 per hour for

Internet consumption, which gives

him a total of Rs.500 daily. He com-

plained that " my business is some-

times affected because of hourly load

shedding" but still is affirmative that

things would change and he will get

a chance of prospering as long as

Akhuwat is with him. The interns

also met Javed, aged 32, who owns a

small fruit and vegetable shop. He

has two sons and two daughters and

was the happiest person the interns

met. He took a loan of Rs.25000

from Akhuwat and wishes to add

variety to his PRODUCT LINE.




works as a maid at a house in DHA.

The jittering of exuberance that they

showed when the interns greeted

them cannot be interpreted in

words. It was not only Abdul

Khalid's family but also every other

family they visited. Rehana Bibi who

took a loan from Akhuwat for her

husband to start a motorcycle busi-

ness; Munawara Bibi took a loan to

commence a Boutique along with

her talented daughters; and Rubina

Bibi to amplify their shuttering

business. All of them greeted us with

the same gratitude and compassion.

In turn, the interns adopted these

new families and participated in

their daily household & business

chores, which included taking tui-

tion with them and cleaning their

houses, counseling their children

and most importantly appreciating

their hard work and internal drive to

emerge successfully as micro-


The determination of the interns

and the drive of ebullience gave

them the opportunity to visit 16

families. All the families shared a

diverse set of emotions and points of

view on social issues that they shared

with the interns. They also discussed

their goals, ambitions and aspira-

tions. The interns visited the house

of Abdul Khalid (aged 50) who has

six children studying in a nearby

MadrasSa. Abdul owns a repair

workshop for cycles, with that he

also manufactures concrete slabs for

graves, which gives him Rs.700-

Rs.800 daily. Meanwhile his wife

"I would want to take this

loan again, because it helps

me a lot in my business. I

tell every other person to

promote this organization.

Akhuwat has changed my

life “

(Muhammad Abdul )


Page 6

Volume 1, Issue 1

Javed answering questions of

the interns .

Our intern Mazin Azhar dis-

tributing candies to children

Our intern Aqsa Khalid helping a borrower clean her house. Interns playing with borrower‘s children


The Shah Jamal group of interns visited the borrowers with a dif-

ferent mindset; to gel in with the borrowers, interact and expatiate

the happiness in them and share new ideas with them, developing

an everlasting bond. They visited Ghazala Baji's home; A Christian

family inflicted with internal conflict along with financial instabil-

ity. The presence of our interns in their home gave them the oppor-

tunity to come together as a family and discuss their grievances and

joys, something that had become a rare occurrence in their house-


Another hardworking and content person the Shahjamal group

came across was Ghulam Muhammad. After struggling through a

failing motorcycle business, Ghulam found hope at Akhuwat. He

took a loan to begin a snooker club. Today, Ghulam Muhammad

is able to support his family to the best of his abilities.




Sofia‘s family was another joint family

coming out of financial instability with

the help of Akhuwat. They had taken a

loan before from some other NGO on

which they were paying interest, making

it difficult for them to achieve the opti-

mum utility of the loan. They were now

in the process of solving these matters,

and wish to take another loan from

Akhuwat to start a clothing business.

“ We didn’t learn to sympathize from this

journey We learned to

empathize“ (Interns)

Page 7

Akhuwat Internship Program 2013

Our intern Minahil Ghafoor with Ghazala Baji and her


Interns amongst community members and Akhuwat Staff





Haroon Ahmed Shabbir is

currently head of Human

Resources at Master Group

of Industries. Over the

years, he has worked in

Human Resource Manage-

ment with various organiza-

tions of Pakistan and the


Mr. Shabbir gave the in-

terns a very important les-

son on leadership. He

taught all of us that before

we aspire to become a

leader we must first learn to

follow. Many of us tend to

take leadership as a quality

rather than a responsibility.

No one is born a leader;

they work hard and become

one. One must not take this

responsibility for granted.

For a leader‘s duty is to

serve the people not have

the people, serve him.

Leadership in Islam is a

Trust. It represents a psy-

chological contract between

a leader and his followers

that he will try his best to

guide them, to protect them

and to treat them fairly and

with justice. The current

leadership paradigm is

changing and ethics are

making a comeback. The

best sellers in the area of

leadership now emphasize

sincerity and integrity. Mr.

Shabbir imparted the lesson

of taking leadership as a

responsibility and ensuring

that we do not take it for

granted or as a means for

obtaining power

Promoting Brotherhood and Volunteerism in the Youth of Pakistan

(Detailed Schedule) (8:30 am—6 pm) Week 1: Akhuwat – A Social Conglomerate 16th June 2013: Orientation Day

Registration & Resource Material Distribution

Sharing of experiences by AIP 2012 Alumni

Group Photo & Networking

Introduction by Professor Humayun Ihsan, Understanding Self and Values of Akhuwat by Professor Syed Hussain Haider 17th June 2013: Behtar Insaan say Behtar Pakistan tak

Constructing a Behtar Insaan + Value Flower Exercise

Inspirational Speakers: Dr. Syed Azer Raza, Ms. Laiba Mukhtar and Ms. Mehek Raza Rizvi 18th June 2013: Creating Conducive Environment

Visit to Punjab Welfare Trust for the Disabled & Amin Maktab (A school for special children)

Group Exercise on Creating Conducive Environment and Experience Sharing with Mr. Naureel Abbas 19th June 2013: Understanding Social Marginalization

Visit to Fountain House (A rehabilitation home and health centre for the mentally challenged)

Presentation on Time Management by Professor Basharat Ullah Malik 20th June 2013: Akhuwat Health Services

Visits to Akhuwat Health Services, Akhuwat Head Office and Make A Dream Project at Mayo Hospital , Lahore

Volunteering with Akhuwat by Dr. Sidra Ali 21st June 2013: Loan Disbursement

Loan Disbursement at Akhuwat’s Shah Jamal Branch with Dr. Amjad Saqib

Exploring Morality & Ethics by Dr. Amjad Saqib and Professor Syed Hussain Haider 22nd June 2013: Closing for the Week

Importance of Community Involvement and the Role of Women by Ms. Maryam Wasif Khan

Importance of Failure by Dr. Shahid A. Zia


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Akhuwat Internship Program 2013

Week 2: Akhuwat: Fighting Poverty with Interest-Free Microfinance 24th June 2013: Personality Development

Sessions on Self Motivation by Professor Syed Hussain Haider and Self Branding by Ms. Ammara Zubair 25th June 2013: Meeting with Loan Officers and Overview of Borrower’s Neighborhood

Visits to Shah Jamal, Walton and Mian Mir Branches of Akhuwat – Overview of Al-Noor Housing Project, Q&A Session with Branch Managers of Akhuwat

Volunteering with Akhuwat by Mr. Nausher Khan

“Lend with Care” with Mr. Hassan Taqi 26th June 2013: Improving Individual Performance

Sessions on Dynamic Leadership Professor Syed Hussain Haider and Enhancing Self Productivity by Mr. Kashif Afzal

Understanding Factors of Motivation – A Discussion with Dr. Amjad Saqib and Mr. Nazir Tonio

Table Tennis Competition 27th June 2013: Field Visit: Meeting with Borrowers

Visits to Shah Jamal, Walton and Mian Mir Branches of Akhuwat, Spending a Day in the Homes and Workplaces of Bor-rowers

Session on Enhancing Performance by Mr. Kashif Afzal 28th June 2013: Field Visit: Meeting with Borrowers

Visits to Shah Jamal, Walton and Mian Mir Branches. Adopting a borrower family by the Interns

Stress Management by Col. (R) Nazar Hayat Siddiqi

Pipe Creativity Competition 29th June 2013: Closing of the Week

Sessions on Followership & Leadership – An Islamic Model by Mr. Haroon Ahmed Shabbir, Volunteerism: To Gain by Giv-ing Mr. Imran Sarwar

Social Media and Marketing Campaign Competition

Promoting Brotherhood and Volunteerism in the Youth of Pakistan

Week 3: Akhuwat – A Way of Life 1st July 2013: Akhuwat in the Globalized World

“Future Possibilities & New Horizons of Akhuwat” – Introduction to US and UK Chapters of Akhuwat Mr. Hassan Taqi

Skype Sessions with Professor Malcolm Harper (UK) and Ms. Fatima Rasheed (USA) 2nd July 2013: De-brief of visits and planning of projects

Presentations on Field Visits and Discussion on Social Mobility Event and Projects by the interns 3rd July 2013: De-brief: Pursuits of Life

Planning of Social Mobility Event, “If money did not matter: pursuing passion vs. pursuing money” by Ms. Shehrbano Rizvi

4th July 2013: Inter-faith Harmony

Social Media Competition (The Next Level),

“Significance of Faith in an Idea & the Power of One” by Ms. Shehrbano Raza Rizvi

“Lend with Care” - developing case studies by Mr. Hassan Taqi

Loan Disbursement event and interaction with community at St. Mary Magdalene Church, Lahore

5th July 2013: Self Preparation

Skype sessions with Mr. Qiam Amir-ud-Din in (Kabul)

E-Learning and its application by Mr. Saleem Ranjha 6th July 2013: Time Capsule and Khwaja Sira Event

Time Capsule How to Prevent Volunteer Burn-out

Pearls of Wisdom with Dr. Kamran Shams

Khawaja Sira Event in Fountain House


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Akhuwat Internship Program 2013

Week 4: Project Week 7th July—12th July 2013:

Development of Projects by the interns and guidance by the core team, meetings with experts and visits to rele-vant organizations

13th July 2013: Closing Ceremony & Submission of Projects

Tolerance and Self Drive by Syed Hussain Haider

Priorities of Life by Professor Humayun Ihsan

Closing Comments and Q&A Session by Dr. Amjad Saqib, Professor Syed Hussain Haider and Ms. Shehrbano Rizvi 14th July 2013: Social Mobility Event in Shah Jamal, Lahore

Carnival & Ijtimai Iftari attended by 300 beneficiaries, their families and community members along with BOD of Akhuwat

Projects of Interns

(i) Development of AIP newsletter, (ii) AIP blog, (iii) AIP documentary, (iv) Library Project & (v) AES Marketing


Mian Mir was an exhilarating and a

self-realizing experience for the in-

terns. They visited shops and differ-

ent households to understand their

lifestyle and how loans from Akhu-

wat molded their present improved

state of affairs. They went to a tailor-

ing shop; Ali Nizam tailors that has

been in this business for 40 years. He

has been taking loans from Akhuwat

for 15 years and has taken 7 loans to

date. The owner briefed the interns

about his business set up; 2 people

were employed in his business that

managed to make 6-7 suits per day.

Adopting good budgeting skills al-

lowed him to save money for his

family and pay loan installments on

time. He is very optimistic about his

business prospects. However, he complained that borrowing in a group often

sets them back on payments because of the inefficiency of others. Our in-

terns explained to him that the entire purpose of extending loans in groups

is to promote fraternity and enable them to correct each other‘s mistakes.




The interns visited a borrower named Kashif who used to drive a rickshaw

but switched to tailoring business in someone‘s house. He opened his own

business by taking a loan from Akhuwat. His first loan was for Rs.30, 000

that bought him cloth from the market and he started making his own line

of sports wear, mainly pajamas. He works in a small cottage that he set up

above his house. He employs 5 boys and 30-40 widows. His average earning

is Rs. 70,000 to 80,000 per month. Even though his business is self- sustain-

ing he still borrows from Akhuwat to maximize his profits so he can save

more for the family and increase his utility.

“This is the primary purpose

behind extending loans in

groups. So that you form a

relationship with others and

promote fraternity”

(Hussaam Masood)

Page 10

Akhuwat Internship Program 2013

Our core team member Talha

Ahmed with Ali Nizam”s son

SNEAK PEAK The field visits not only

allowed to learn about

Akhuwat borrowers but

created Muwakhat be-

tween the borrowers and

the interns living as one

Akhuwat family. They

adopted each other and

while in their homes and

work places , the interns

participated in their eve-

ryday chores. Many of

the interns continue to

stay in touch with their

new families and contrib-

ute to their well being.

Interns playing with the kids in Mian Mir Interns playing with the kids in Mian Mir

Intern Minahil Aamir cleaning a borrower‘s kitchen


Amin Maktab, a school that provides

special education for intellectually im-

paired children, turned out to be one of

the most popular visits of the internship

program. Our interns spent time with

the children who were attending the

summer camp. The camp worked to

affiliate them with the school environ-

ment so they can eventually settle when

they are en- rolled into the school. The

class group is arranged keeping in view

the mental chronological age of the

children and their personal abilities and

they are

given vocational training as well. The

interns were also briefed about Amin

Maktab's home-based outreach pro-

gram and their work to pro- mote

inclusive education services. In addi-

tion to this, they provide counseling

sessions for parents that assist them

in catering to their child's needs

better. We were awed by the hard

work and persistence of the children

who were ever so determined to face

all the challenges that came their

way. Their vocational skills that

include wood-work, stitching, art

work, embroidery and block printing

were commendably refined and we

were told how they can utilize these

skills to earn a self-sustaining in-

come. The way Amin Maktab treats

every student individually and

brushes his or her best ability was

inspiring. We also met an exception-

ally good table tennis player who

stood undefeated even after playing

against many of our interns. Akhu-

wat truly appreciates the services of

Amin Maktab staff, specially Justice

(R) Amir Raza for providing passion-

ately dedicated Leadership and

strategic vision.

gram – A collaboration of Fountain House and Akhuwat; the addiction

unit; female ward; and art and drama therapy unit. They even got to witness

the display of talent by the members of Fountain House during their music

therapy, as they performed songs for them. The paintings made by the mem-

bers over there further enunciated their creative and artistic aspirations. The

interns ended up not only having a great time but also realized the social

responsibilities they need to address in order to become vigil citizens.

Our group of interns toured Fountain House in Lahore to gain an under-

standing of the social marginalization that plagues society.

Fountain House is an integrated rehabilitation centre and residential com-

plex for the mentally challenged. It was established in 1971 and is a 400

bed hospital. Over 15,000 patients are annually provided health and coun-

seling services by the institution. It also has a relaxation / outdoor health

complex in the rural area of District Sheikhupura.

The visit started off with a detailed presentation of the activities that take

place over there. After that the interns were divided in smaller groups and

each group spent time with counselors in different departments, interacting

with the members of Fountain House. This included the Khwaja Sira Pro-



“You do not find

hope , you bury it

inside yourself and

believe that it was

always there “

(Mazin Azhar)

Page 11

Akhuwat Internship Program 2013

Interns with the Khawaja Sirah at Fountain House


'Make A Dream', an initiative of Akhuwat that fulfills the last wishes of children with terminal ailments, was also introduced to our interns. AIP interns con-ducted the monthly activity at the children's ward of Mayo Hospital. The interns organized a series of activities to entertain the children admitted in these

wards, this included face painting, coloring, singing and musical chairs. Snacks and juices were brought along for the children that were distributed in the wards. It was an overwhelming sight to watch the interns and the children immersed in joy through the course of the day. They saw the room that was decorated by AIP alumni Rida Kamran and Shahroz Ahmad, who were part of AIP 2013‘s core team. The interns also collected gifts for children receiving radiation therapy at Jinnah Hospital. The AIP alumni continues to contribute towards ―Make A Dream‖ and are currently busy organizing an Eid project that aims to reach out to a maximum number of hospitals in remote areas and urban centers of Punjab.

Our group of interns had the opportunity to oversee Akhuwat's loan dis-

bursement at the Shah Jamal Darbar. Dr. Amjad Saqib addressed the bor-

rowers and the interns and his zealous commitment to achieve his ideals

greatly inspired the audience, motivating them to bring out the ―Behtar In-

san‖ in themselves. Interacting with the borrowers also gave the interns a

better insight of their association with Akhuwat and how they have benefited

from it. This served as a prerequisite to the field visits the interns had yet to




Page 12

Volume 1, Issue 1

Akhuwat promotes interfaith harmony and carries out its functions

without religious discrimination. Our cohort attended a loan dis-

bursement at St. Mary Magdalene where Father Saleem Sultan ad-

dressed the audience followed by Dr. Amjad Saqib who conveyed not

only the philosophy of Akhuwat but also the message of appropriating

religious tolerance in our society. The interns spent time getting affili-

ated with our Christian brothers and sisters and took home the mes-

sage of peace, harmony and love from the experience. There were

more than 95 people who were present at the event.

Intern Hussam Masood having a musical session with children Intern Minahil Aamir having a drawing session




Running a successful event is all about being strategic, creative and maximiz-

ing interaction with the target community. It‘s about planning and getting

the process right from the get go. This starts with the ―idea‖.

We see that the Akhuwat interns brought something new, creative and

unique by indulging the borrowers and organizing this carnival for them,

which was then followed by a grand iftar for the Akhuwat borrowers they

visited during their field visits

The event was held at Akhuwat-PCCM College. In the initial stages of plan-

ning the interns divided themselves into different groups.

Some handled logistics and planning, while others were occupied in Market-

ing, Media, PR and Communications. At first there was this tension in the

air, a lot of work and very little time. It wasn‘t an easy job managing such a

grand event and that too for the first time. But due to the combined effort

and immense display of unity the event became a success. The interns made

sure that they weren‘t short on any sorts of material before the carnival. The

balloons for kids, bags, the decoration material alongside all sorts of logistical

equipment was ready just the night before the carnival. Moreover also ensur-

ing that they have a contingency plan incase things don‘t work as planned

and improvise efficiently as much as they possibly can.

The day of the Carnival, all necessary arrangements had been made. There

were a variety of stalls ranging from ‗Pin a tail on the donkey‘ to ‗face paint-

ing‘. The interns had made small goodie bags and prizes for the children

coming from Walton, Shah Jamal and Mian Mir.

As Iftari time approached the boys were sent to make necessary arrangements

in regards to food and drinks, they

ensured that they bring food on time

and distribute them before iftar

while the girls kept the women and

children occupied at the stalls. Ar-

rangements for the Iftari had been

made at the back of Pakistan College

of Law. The core group members

and interns also spoke about their

life changing experiences. The food

and drinks were distributed to about

300 borrowers by the interns them-

selves. Dr. Amjad Saqib and the internship

coordinator Shehr Bano shared their

views on the necessity of giving

something back to the community.

It was not an easy job managing such

a grand event but the combined

effort of the interns made the event

a success. Dunya TV, Dawn News

and Jang Newspaper covered the



Page 13

Akhuwat Internship Program 2013







They say books are a unique, port-

able magic and it is also said that

books are the most loyal friends; and

to know some people are deprived of

this gift is simply tragic.

A group of six interns initiated a

book drive collecting almost a 1000

books as well as monetary donations

that were utilized to buy book

shelves. A reading corner

with 100 books was created at a

Door of Awareness School in Allama

Iqbal Town. In collaboration with

Pakistan Youth Spring (PYS) a li-

brary with 1000 books was created in

the government primary school in

Khurram Village, Tehsil Kasur. A

third library is being created in a

government school in Lahore.

The interns are grateful to all the

donors of this drive for their gener-

ous contribution and hope the chil-

dren blossom and take full advan-

tage of the knowledge the books

have to offer.

Continuing the journey of alleviating social marginalization by identifying financial needs and realizing the altruistic potential of Pakistanis, an independent Division of Akhuwat has been operationalized under the Akhuwat Educa-tion Services (AES). Currently, AES is striving to provide equal educational opportunities in Pakistan through six strategic social units. AES' primary instru-ment is the Akhuwat - PCCM College, where needy talented students can obtain multiple degrees in commerce and management up to the Masters level. As of now, 76 students are studying completely free of charge, and an additional 21 are on Qarz - e- Hasna besides hundreds of students being offered quality education / facilities on subsidized tuition fee.

Secondly, AES serves those bright individuals who have gained admission to the top Post - Secondary institutes of Pakistan, but cannot afford that education. As a result, we are sponsoring 74 brilliant students in King Edward Medical University, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, NUST Islamabad, University of Engineering & Technology Taxila, Fatima Jinnah Medical College, Agriculture University Faisalabad etc, through Akhuwat Educational Assis-tance Program, in the hope that they will contribute in transforming our nation for the better. AES is endeavoring to establish Akhuwat University, a pro-ject in its planning phase where many more needy and talented Pakistanis would be able to realize their academic potential, and in turn help our country materialize its progressive vision. Akhuwat University will eventually operate from two separate fully integrated campus in the peri-urban area of Lahore and the remote area of Dera Ghazi Khan. It will have a unique focus towards the functionality of degree curriculums and emphasize on the development of stu-dents character and value system.

AES has also acquired a world class Training, Research and Residential facility in the heart of Lahore for the establishment of Akhuwat Institute of Social Entrepreneurship and Management (AISEM). This will become a regional centre of excellence and will promote best practices in the social sector of Paki-stan. Akhuwat Volunteer Services is being institutionalized under AES, with a vision to register and enroll 20,000 volunteers throughout Pakistan and en-gage them in Nation Building and Relief Work activities. The Akhuwat Internship Program under AES is setting new standards in Leadership Development and inculcating the Youth of Pakistan with a strong sense of harmony, patriotism and responsibility coupled with compassion and tolerance. Akhuwat Edu-cation Services (AES) is catering to the needs of the deprived and side-lined segments of society who have immense potential but lack opportunity. AES will extend a multi-pronged framework to motivate and catalyze the Youth of Pakistan and bring about a positive change in our society by promoting values of peace, harmony, tolerance and equity.



Page 14

Volume 1, Issue 1

Library Project: Setting up the second reading corner at a primary

school in Khurram Village, Tehsil Kasur

From L to R: Saad, Zainab, Mehrunissa, Ameera, Zuneera, Khadija

Top: Coordinator Shehrbano and our intern Ameera interacting

with children

―Nothing can withstand the powers of a resolute and determined mind

— barriers fall, everything succumbs, —- if positively inspired the very

gates of heaven open.‖ SYED HUSSAIN HAIDER


(Executive Director)

Address: 382, Block 15, Sector B-1, Township,


Phone No: 042-35122743, 35156382

Fax: 042-35157257

Cell: +92 300 842 0495

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected] ,

[email protected]

Visit our Akhuwat website : www.akhuwat.org .pk


A poverty free society built on the principles of compassion and equity.


To alleviate poverty by empowering socially and economically marginalized

families through interest free micro-finance and by harnessing entrepreneu-

rial potential, capacity building and social guidance.




A K H U W A T : -

Applications are Invited for

Leadership and Internship Programs of Akhuwat for 2013-14



Akhuwat Junior Internship Program (June 2014). A five day exposure workshop for students in the age group of 14 years—18 years.

Akhuwat Youth Leadership Program (June—August 2014) (Flagship Pro-gram)

This is a 4 weeks comprehensive and intensive leadership and personality grooming pro-

gram for self driven youth in the age bracket of 18-24 years.

Akhuwat Outreach Internship Program (May—September 2014) Akhuwat Outreach Internship Program (2014) will be conducted in different Districts of

Pakistan. This program will be of 2 weeks duration focusing on social development and volunteerism. The age group of participants will be 18 years—25 years.

Akhuwat Fellowship Program (September 2014—August 1015) This program has been developed by International Consultants in conjunction with local experts especially for working professionals. This will be a 6 week, practically focused, staggered program (over 1 year) in all the provinces of Pakistan. This program will focus on social entrepreneurship, management skills and leadership (working professionals above 25 years may apply)

A group of AIP 2012 and 2013 Alumni are raising funds for this noble cause of free education

by selling AES memorabilia that includes a T Shirt for Rs. 1500, Coffee Mug for Rs. 500, a bag

for Rs. 600 and a book in Urdu on the ―JOURNEY OF AKHUWAT‖ by Dr. Amjad Saqib

for Rs. 500. Please join us in our effort to create a more educated and better Pakistan. Any

monetary help, or even spreading the word about our cause, would do Pakistan a world of

good.—show compassion—MEET US!!! JOIN US!!!




1st Sunday of every

month starting from

September 2013. An

enlightening, high energy, inspiring and full of

experience sharing session of 4 hours on Leader-

ship by Dr. Amjad Saqib covering::-

1. What is leadership & what do

leaders do?

2. Leadership dynamics

3. Islamic Model of Leadership

4. Leadership & Volunteerism

5. Vision Exercises


Address: 96-G Block, Gulberg III,


Tel: 92-42-37032968, 36147736, 37032943

Website: www.akhuwatcollege.edu.pk,

www.pccm.edu.pk, www.aisem.com.pk

[email protected]




Contact Us :-

Register as a



For applying to any one of the above programs kindly visit our website www.akhuwat.org.pk or other related websites

Finalized schedule of the Akhuwat Internship Program modules will be available on our websites. Kindly regularly check for updates / amendments.

You can see glimpses of our Akhuwat Youth Leadership Program 2013 on 1. www.facebook.com/akhuwatinternships 2. http://akhuwatinternship.weekly.com



Regarding Internships Email Us or Call Us!!!

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Prof. Syed Hussain Haider, Advisor AIP

Shehrbano Raza Rizvi, AIP Lead Coordinator

Farwa Hussain, Volunteer coordinator, Akhuwat Education Services

Rabia Asif, Economics Lecturer, Akhuwat College

Ali Nosherwan Hamed, Aitchison College

Rida Kamran, Lahore University of Management Sciences

Shahroz Ahmed, Lahore School of Economics

ZakaullahRana, Pakistan College of Law

Ahmed Latif, Lahore Grammar School, JT Branch

Talha Ahmad, Lahore University of Management Sciences

Sarim Saeed Bhatti, Lahore University of Management Sciences

Mr. Hassan Taqi, Lahore School of Economics

Mr. Farrukh Nazir, University of Central Punjab

Mr. Ali Ahmad, CQS-Pakistan

Mr. Osama Moeed, University of California, Berkeley

Farazeen Amjad, University of London

Dr. Sidra Ali, King Edward Medical University, Lahore

INTERNS FOR 1st COHORT 2013 Hussam Masood, Lahore University of Management Sciences

Ahmed Ghazi, Lahore University of Management Sciences

Ameera Jamal, Lahore School of Economics

Zain Mehmood, Institute of Business Management

Hasseeb Akbar, FAST, Lahore

Saad Nadeem, FAST, Lahore

Zuneera Shah, Beaconhouse Defence Campus

Aqsa Khalid, Beaconhouse Defence Campus

Waqas bin Hamed, Aitchison College

Hamza Ahmed, Lahore ALMA

Sarmad Hassan, Lahore Grammar School, JT

Mazin Azhar, Lahore Grammar School, JT

Khadija Fayyaz, FAST, Lahore

Mehr-un-Nisa, Lahore College for Women

SehrishIbrar, Lahore College for Women

Faiza Ali, King Edward Medical University

Hafiza Farah Javed, King Edward Medical University

Sehrish Noor, King Edward Medical University

Minahil Ghafoor, Manarat Al-Riyadh International School, Saudi Arabia

Zainab Amir, FAST, Lahore

Minahil Aamer, Beaconhouse, Canal Side Campus

Muhammad Nauman, FAST, Lahore

Muhammad Ahmad Amin, Lahore Grammar School, JT

Rafia Javed, Pakistan Institute of Fashion Design, Lahore

Mohsin Anwaar, Lahore Grammar School, JT

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