Affiliates Earn Up To $291.50 Join Now!

Affiliates Earn Up To $291.50 Join Now!

Transcript of Affiliates Earn Up To $291.50 Join Now!

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Disclaimer..................................................................................................3 Introduction................................................................................................6

The Blueprint .........................................................................................6

Step #1 - Choosing A Product To Promote!.............................................8

Why Affiliate Marketing? ........................................................................8 Working With ClickBank ........................................................................9 Selecting A Product .............................................................................11 Creating Your HopLink ........................................................................12 Putting Numbers To Your First $100...................................................15

Step #2 - Keyword Research .................................................................18 Step #3 - Building Content With Your Keywords ...................................23

Knowing The Product Without Buying It!.............................................23 A Website For A Specific Purpose! .....................................................25 Creating Your Review Site ..................................................................27 Articles In Your Website ......................................................................30 Following-Up With Your Visitors ..........................................................31 Will Free Websites Work? ...................................................................34 What About Blogs? ..............................................................................35 Alternative Method - Forced Subscription! .........................................36

Step #4 - Send Targeted Traffic To Your Content .................................39

Traffic Starts With A Link .....................................................................39

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Where To Get Your Links ....................................................................40

Step 5 - Rinse And Repeat!....................................................................42

Let's quickly go over the steps again...............................................42

Conclusion...............................................................................................45 The Tool Box ...........................................................................................47

Web Hosting ........................................................................................47 Auto-Responder...................................................................................47 Keyword Elite .......................................................................................47 Social Bookmarking Demon ................................................................48 Magic Article Submitter And Rewriter..................................................48 Killer Preseller......................................................................................49

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Making your first $100 online is easy. Actually that's not quite true -

actually earning your first $100 online IS pretty easyand what I'm

going to show you in this guide makes it easier. What's hard is believing

you can do it, and sticking with the method. Once you've made $100

then replicating the system is easy. You know you can do it, your sub-

conscious belief system kicks into place and before you know it, pulling

in $100 daily will be a pretty simple matter. It's that first step that takes

some doing. So much so that I think it's easier to make $1000, $10,000

or $100,000 online that it is to make $100. Take that first step, jump that

first hurdle and you'll never look back.

Before we start, you need to understand that there are free ways of

doing this and paid ways. I will reveal the power tools that I personally

use to get the most out of this system. However do note that everything

can be done manually on your own - it just takes longer. If you're on a

tight budget, you may want to consider this, or if you're already in a

position to invest, now is a good time as these tools are useful in many

other areas of marketing!

The Blueprint Please print off the diagram below to see how this system works. As we

take you through each step, understand which part of the system we're


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Affiliates Earn Up To $291.50 Join Now!

Step #1 - Choosing A

Product To Promote!

Why Affiliate Marketing? One of the easiest ways to get started in internet marketing is to promote

affiliate products. This means you get a commission for each sale of a

particular product that comes from your link or referral. It's definitely the

easiest route into making money online.

You don't have to spend time and effort creating and marketing a

product of your own, you don't have to deal with customer service and

recruiting people to sell for you...all that you have to do is find a product

to promote and create a website or link "pre-selling" the product and send

traffic to it - all of which will be discussed in this guide.

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Working With ClickBank

Many affiliates choose ClickBank to start out with, for a number of

reasons. They are incredibly easy to use, the merchants pay generous

commissions, and their products sell well. When you sign up, you need to give ClickBank your physical address,

because they will be mailing you a check for your commission. They do

not currently have an option to pay via PayPal, but they HAVE just

introduced a direct to bank account system. This makes things a whole

lot easier if you live outside the US.

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They will also ask you to choose a nickname. This nickname is how you

get your commissions, because you are going to include it in a link

called a 'hoplink'. Don't worry it's not madly complicated - this is just a

web address that people can click on that includes your nickname so

when you make sales, ClickBank knows who to pay.

We'll talk more about Hoplinks shortly, because they're very important.

They are how you get paid. Customers will be able to see the nickname

in your hoplink, so keep that in mind when choosing it. Also, once you

choose that nickname, you will not be able to change it later.

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Selecting A Product

It's a good idea to pick a product that is in an area that you have some

familiarity with. There are so many high quality, profitable products on

ClickBank that it doesn't make sense to pick a product in an area that you

don't enjoy.

For instance, if the thought of loans and credit repair bores you, it

doesn't make sense to promote a related ClickBank product. If you are

blessed with a super high metabolism and have never dieted, a weight

loss product might not be the best choice for you. The best thing to do is

pick a product that you would enjoy promoting and learning more about.

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And you also want to pick a product that is on the first page or two of its

category on ClickBank, and that has fairly high gravity. Be sure to

organize your finds by gravity first from the drop down box. ClickBank

have recently made changes to their site to organize products by the

most relevant keywords which isn't always to best policy! Check the

sales page first before you check the gravity. It might be that the product

is new and not many affiliates have discovered the product!

Once you have done that, you are in good shape. And now that you've

picked your first product, let's talk about creating your hoplink, and then how

you will go about promoting your product.

Creating Your HopLink Once you have selected a product, you will need to create what is called

a "hoplink". This is the link that you will put on your sales page, or in your

email and when someone clicks on it, it will take them to the merchant's

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page where they can look over the product description and decide if it is

right for them.

If the person then proceeds to buy it, ClickBank instantly credits the

affiliate for that purchase. You are going to want to put this link on

several locations on your landing page, to make it easy for a customer to

click on it. The link should be on the top, middle, and bottom of the page

so the customer never has to hunt for a way to get to the merchant's


The link contains your affiliate nickname, the publisher's name, and the


Let us say that your nickname is 'sellsalot' and you are creating a

hoplink for the Fatloss 4 Idiots product.

The hoplink would look like this:

The HTML version would be:

<a href="">Click Here To

Visit Fat Loss 4 Idiots</a>

The way that you generate a hoplink is to go to the list of products and

find the one that you want to promote.

Tip! Most reputably products in the ClickBank market place will have

their own affiliate page section which provides you with the hoplink, and

content to help you promote their product!

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After generating your hoplink, keep it safe in a notepad or write it down.

You will need it later on when you come to build your review site.

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Putting Numbers To Your First $100

Okay now that you know what you're doing and why, let's first talk about

how exactly we're going to reach this mysterious $100 goal.

The last thing I want you to do is read through this guide, attempt the

system half-heartedly and then call it quits. It will only set you up to

trying something new again and falling into the trap of searching for the

next big thing.

Let's put some realistic numbers as to how exactly you will achieve

your first $100.

Let's assume you've chosen the product or products you'd like to

promote at you know you'll be paid $25 per sale. You'll only need 4

sales to make that first $100, which is also the minimum earnings

needed before ClickBank takes you seriously enough to release the

check. A good ClickBank product with a high gravity score and compelling sales

letter will have at least a 1% conversion. That is, for every 100 visitors

that come to that site, 1 will buy.

So if you're sending 400 visitors to an affiliate offer, you can respectively

assume 4 affiliate sales which will make up your $100.

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How do you determine if the product you're promoting is worth

promoting?.. As a general rule of thumb you should be looking out for

stunning graphics, an attention grabbing headline, a clear and concise

presentation video (if any), compelling long sales copy, exit pop-ups,

optional upgrade offers, and an eCourse. Try and put yourself in the

mind of the person looking to buy. Does the site look established? Does it

convey trust? Would you buy it yourself? If so you're most likely on it a

winner. 400 visits to an affiliate offer is pretty straight forward, but you must

remember you're NOT sending them directly to affiliate offer because 1 -

won't be able to achieve rankings and multiple listings in the search

engines, 2 - it'll be extremely difficult to get a good quality score in

Google Adwords should you wish to pay for your traffic and 3 - you will

not be able capture leads to convert them into buyers.

What you're essentially doing is reviewing and pre-selling the

product first with your own website, and then getting your visitors

to click on your link which will then send them to the main offer.

Let's say your site receives a 50% click-through rate so that so every

100 people that visit your review site, 50 check out the main offer

through your affiliate link. This is quite a high conversion but can be

achieved with a solid layout and design and with the right pre-sell copy. So now, it would take 800 people to visit your main site, 400 of which will

click on the link to your recommended offer, and out of that 400, 4 will

buy the offer. 4 sales with $25 commission will lead to your first $100.

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Let's break this scenario down even further. What does it take to get 800

visitors to your website? You could buy the traffic through per-per-click

advertising but it may cost you $0.50 or more for every click which will

only make you break even.. or you could do it the free way using the

methods and tools I'm about to share with you and keep your profit

margins high!

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Step #2 - Keyword


Before you can start promoting your own site or know what to write

about, you will need to know what keywords to optimize for so that you

can rank higher up in the search engines, receive higher quality scores

on PPC engines such as Google Adwords and increase your site's

exposure. Let me give you an example..

If you wanted to promote a Golfing site, and wanted to people to find it in

the search engine results page under the term 'golf' how hard in terms of

competitiveness would that be? Right now as I type in Google, there are

286,000,000 results for that term - where would your site be? Also, is the

term 'golf' specific enough that the searcher even knows what he or she

is looking for? Is there a commercial intent with that keyword, are they

looking to buy something or are they just doing research on the subject? Okay, now let's type in 'golf instructions'. Already there's a drop to

3,090,000 results. It's a much better search term because it relates

directly to the digital product you'll be selling but there's still too much

competition to see your site at the top any time soon... Can we narrow it

down further?..

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Okay, now let's type in 'golf swing basics'. At 214,000 page results it's

very possible to rank on the first page of Google with the right promotion

and link-building strategy and it still falls under the 'golf instructions' sub-

niche. And just to prove that it's possible to rank first place with

200,000+ page results, you'll see an Ezine Article right at the top! You

could quite easily write and submit an article about 'golf swing basics',

and have a link in your author bio pointing back to your money site!

Note! Another reason why this Ezine article is right at the top is also

down to the number of back-links pointing to this person's article under

the anchor text 'golf swing basics'. This would be coming from social

bookmarking sites, blogs, and other web 2.0 properties. We will cover

this in more detail in the traffic section of this guide.

Now the other question you've got to ask yourself is how much traffic will

I receive once I reach the first page of Google? How much traffic can I

expect to receive per month and what does it take to knock the number

#1 listed site off the top? Whilst you can use the Google Adwords tool to see the level of

competition, you won't be able to get exact numbers. There is a tool

called KeywordElite which will allow you to see the number of backlinks

a site has for a specific keyphrase, how much traffic you can expect to

go get when you reach 1st page position and the number of page results

for that search.

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Use the Keyword Surge and Market Research Sleuth to gather

relative keywords and analyze

them to determine which is best to


Keyword Elite also lets you spy on paid advertisers to see which

keyword or keyphrase separates

the browsers and the buyers.

System lets you back-track 6


Take a look at the screenshot of one of the spreadsheet data pulled from KeywordElite .The first column is the keyword or keyphrase people are

typing into Google, the second and third column state how many times

that keyword or keyphrase is entered every month and the fouth column

states how many competing pages there are for that keyword or


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Although highly relative to the golf product we'd like to promote, at

around 1 million competing pages

there is simply too much work cut

out for us. Better pick another

keyword with less competition and

lower monthly search volume

Much better, with only 9690 competing pages and a search volume of over 1000

a month, we're on to a winner. A simple

article submitted to Ezine Articles

optimized for the keyphrase 'golf grip tips'

will rank well in Google. A few extra

backlinks from various sources, and it may

very well rank on the first page.

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Now that you know you can rank #1 on a site like Ezine Articles for a

fairly competitive term with over 200,000 results, you know where you

stand. If you look at the search column and exact column you'll notice on rows

14 and 15, that terms like 'golf instructions' and 'golf lessons', despite

their 18,000/14,000 hits a month, would be too difficult to rank for

because they've got around 1 million competing pages. No thanks!

Whereas when you look further down at row 44, you can still get an

estimated 1600 hits a month with a small competition of 9690 pages for

the term 'golf grip tips'. Which one would you go for? The higher traffic

keywords with more competition that you're not guaranteed to rank for,

or the lower (very specific) traffic keywords, that you can rank instantly

for with a YouTube video or Ezine Article or Squidoo Lense, or Digg

bookmark?.. Even then, you don't have to stick to just that one keyword,

you can attack 'golf instruction books', 'golf instruction tips', 'correct golf

swing', 'golf swing help' and many more and your total traffic will amount

up over time!

Once you optimize your review site for a set of low competing, medium

traffic keywords, you'll also be able to start promoting with Google

Adwords with a higher quality score. A higher quality score allows you to

pay less per click, allowing you to send more traffic to your site, leading

to more sales and profits! So, research your keywords first, look for the

gaps in the market and attack keywords with traffic you're comfortable

receiving with low competition.

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Step #3 - Building

Content With Your


Knowing The Product Without Buying It! Thinking of content to write for your chosen affiliate product can be

difficult at the best of times - especially if you don't know the subject that well.

Now, here is an important question: Do you have to actually buy all three

products? Well, in a perfect world, you would buy and try all three

products for your product review page. However, this could get quite

expensive, especially if you expand and have a lot of product review


There are ways to get around buying each of the products. You should

not lie and claim that you used a product that you have never used, but

here is what you can do.

What you have to remember is that you're not 'selling' your visitor when

they come to your site, but rather 'pre-selling' them by talking about the

product, talking about the problem and discussing whether or not is a

good solution. By doing this you already side with them which allows

them to trust you whilst putting them in a mood to buy.

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So when you come to write your review page, you want to be more

factual and authoritative rather than over-hyped and loud - leave that for

the affiliate product to do that!

You can get a LOT of information about the product from the merchant's

sales page. This is an example from the popular Sit Stay Fetch home

page. Sit Stay Fetch, as you probably guessed, is a dog training ebook,

and also has a series of videos.

The sales page tells you that the book will teach you to solve over 25

dog behavior problems. It also tells you that if you buy this eBook, it

offers unlimited dog behavior consultations with the Sit Stay Fetch team.

It tells you that you can download this eBook instantly. And on another

page of the website it actually tells you specific dog problems that are

addressed AND it tells you what page addresses those problems!

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So, without buying this eBook, you could very legitimately describe its

contents and the problems that it can solve for dog owners. You can do

this for every product that you plan to review, whether you will be writing a

negative or positive review. Go to the sales page, read the information,

and you will have enough facts to tell your readers what the product


A Website For A Specific Purpose! One of the most popular ways to market an affiliate product is by

creating a website, and writing a review that pitches the virtues of the


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You are going to be reviewing the product, so the website name should

reflect that. The reason for this is simply that reviews generate more

sales than in your face sales pages. When registering a domain for your site, try to include the keywords of

the product and the words 'review'. For example if you were promoting

the site 'Fat Loss 4 Idiots', your review site might be

'' or ''.

If you do a search in Google for 'fatloss4idiots' you'll see the number of

domain names that have been created solely to promote this one

popular ClickBank product.

You'll want to register your own domain name, ideally with the product

name or keywords you're targeting to get ranked and positioned quickly

in the search engines.

The next step is to design your website and build content around it - but

before you even lay one finger on that HTML editor, let's go over how

you're going to get your customers through the use of keywords and

keyphrases which will ultimately determine what content will be in your

website! If you know how to design your own website, that is great - you can save

a lot of money that way. If you don't, you can find and hire website

designers privately at places like Freelancer, Guru, and Elance .

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Or better still, you can use Google Sniper 2.0 to launch your own niche

sites and utilize one of the best strategies implemented by George

Brown for outstanding affiliate commissions.

Creating Your Review Site In one approach, you will present yourself as someone who has used

this product, who had a problem that they needed solved before they

discovered this product, and who found that the product worked really

well to solve their problem. The key to a review page like that is not to sound too gushing or overly

enthusiastic or you will sound as if you are writing an advertisement

rather than an honest review, and lose the trust of your readers.

It is best, in fact, if you can find some minor flaw in the product.

Yes, that's right, a flaw. You do not want to trash the product, or you will not be able to sell it. (If

you truly don't like the product, then pick a different product to promote!

There are many excellent, high quality products out there; there is no

need to promote a product that you don't like.)

What you want to do is pick a minor flaw that will not take away from the

product's effectiveness. For instance, if you are promoting "Fat Loss 4

Idiots" you could say something like "Most, but not all, of the recipes,

were very good. There were a few recipes that I wasn't crazy about, but

the way the fat melted off me...I really didn't mind!"

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This reinforces that the product does what is says that it does, but it

does not sound like an over-the-top "advertorial" - an advertisement

disguised as an editorial.

For a product like "Run A Car on Water" you could say something like:

"This product was a little complex to put together and it really took me a

while to understand the science behind it. However, once I was able to

understand it, I hired a mechanic to build and install the system for me,

and I have nearly doubled my gas mileage!" So that is one common type of review site. Here is the other kind: you

write a product review page in which you review at least three similar

products, all in the same category. You give the page a name that

reflects that, like "bestfatlossproducts" or "trafficproductreviews." You will

rate each product using some type of rating system, often using stars -

say, from one to four stars or one to five stars, with five stars being the


You will put the product that you recommend the most on top. Now, here

is a way to make some more money: Put an affiliate link with your

ClickBank name on EACH product. Let me show you an example of a good comparative review site which

encourages a high click-through rate of your visitors.

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Non-hyped headline with brief introduction to the

Opt-in box to follow-up site with visitor at a later date and to bring them back to the site.

5 star rating for your best recommended product.

Reduce rating for other

products to help visitor

make decision..

Build site with quality articles optimized for

specific keywords and

keyphrases to get more

pages indexed and for

more traffic.

Products are reviewed with brief introduction.

Provide link to an in-

depth review of the

product and link to the

official site.

Hyperlink all your images and buttons as visitors

are more likely to click

this than plain text


Keep layout clean, tidy and consistent so visitor

knows how to navigate

the site.

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The advantage of having multiple reviews and side by side comparisons

it that someone may have found your page because they are

researching the second rated product that you mention, and they may

have their heart set on that product.

So you will want to say that the first product was great and it was the

best at doing what it was supposed to. The second product was also

good but not quite as good, or it cost more and did the same job as the

first product. With review sites, layout is very important. You want to keep the

structure of the page consistent, with a short caption about each

product, another page for a detailed review and 'call-to-action' buttons to

get them to click!

As soon as someone lands on your site, you want them to know that you

are the gateway to the best products and that they are on the right page to

get what they want. If you can't convey this, they'll leave your site and

check another review site and that affiliate will get commissioned for the

sale instead!

Articles In Your Website

You'll notice on our example review site, on the left-hand column we

include links to several articles. This serves two purposes.

1. It makes our site look established and well looked after in the eyes

of the search engines. It also serves are more pages to link to

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when you come to promote your site. More pages to promote and

link to means more pages get indexed in the search results - more


2. You educate and pre-sell the visitor. Your visitor may be at various

stages of the buying zone. Some will be researching what it is they

need, some will already know about the product, others won't even

know what their problem is until they read your articles. Each

article finishes off with a link back to the main site where they can

see the product comparison.

Following-Up With Your Visitors Notice in our sample review site, we include an opt-in box in the top-left

corner to allow visitors to sign up to our newsletter. This allows us to

follow-up with our visitors to continue educating them and show them our


If you refer back to the blueprint, you'll see that each email sent out

through our auto-responder system sends the reader back to our review

site. In most cases, first impressions are not enough, and a visitor has to

see the site several times before he or she makes up their mind.

Although not a necessity when you're first starting out, you may want to

consider taking advantage of automated emailing systems like Aweber

or GetResponse which can remind subscribers about the products

available on the market and allow you to promote other products in the


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To give you an example of how this would work, imagine you have a

visitor who is interested in losing weight. They then come to your review

site which compares 3 products on weight loss however they're not in a

buying mood or need more time before they purchase. But they see an

opt-in form on the side of the review for free information and tips about

losing weight which they happily sign up for. Now they close the window

and never see your site again, that is until the auto-responder kicks in! Now, 2 or 3 days later they receive a nice friendly email from you which

is sent out automatically

Subject: Still Wanting To Shift The Pounds {!firstname}? Hi {!firstname}, For many people who are overweight starting an exercise

program can be quite difficult. What you need to understand is that you don't have to

immediately start going out for long-distance runs. In

fact to do so if you are quite overweight could be

detrimental to your health.

In the beginning of an exercise program it is better to

start by going for walks and don't be too concerned if

initially they are short walks and slow ones at that. More Information: You can't expect to run before you walk and you will

find that once you start taking the steps towards your

goal it will become easier and easier.

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Even if you don't like exercise you need to be aware of

the fact that exercise is one of the fastest ways for

you to reduce weight and improve your health and speed

up your metabolism to help reach your goals. The more exercise you do, the more energetic you will

become and this in turn makes it a lot easier for you to

achieve your daily activities. Exercise also helps to flush out toxins in the body and

improve your digestive system with increased blood flow

throughout the body so even small levels of exercise are

going to benefit to some degree. Any exercise that involves the use of resistance such as

weightlifting will boost your ability to lose weight

considerably as muscle burns fat and any muscle that you

can build will help to lower your fat levels. These resistance training type exercises also help to

increase the strength of your bones that is very

important as you age. If possible, it is good to have some physical activity

each day and at least you should assign time to do a

minimum of 30 minutes of exercise three times per week. If you find that you can't do that initially don't be

too concerned as you will build up to it before too long

and most people end up enjoying it and make it part of

their regular lifestyle. More Information: Regards,

The Weight Loss Specialist ---------------------------------------------------

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You are receiving this email because you joined our

newsletter for free helpful information about losing


They receive great advice to help them achieve your weight loss goals

and then click the link in the email which takes them back to the review

site or the best affiliate program that you recommend. As a visitor they're

impressed with the information that's been handed out and value it, so

they come back to our review site and take another look. This time they

buy one of the affiliate programs and you make the commission.

What if the first email didn't bring about enough trust? Well then another

email is sent out a few days later, again providing quality useful

information and then reminding them to visit your review site. Keeping in contact is important. It can take as much as 12 emails before

they buy what you recommend but it's not going to be a problem

because it will be delivered automatically with your auto-responder!

Will Free Websites Work?

If you can't afford hosting or a domain name to begin with, there are

some free sites that will allow you to create a web page.

Squidoo allows you to create what they call a "lens", which is a web

page, and many affiliate marketers use Squidoo to test out products.

The downside of Squidoo is that you do not own your domain name your

site is hosted by Squidoo and your domain name will have Squidoo in it;

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for instance, if you name your lens 'dogtrainingsecrets', the website

address would be

Also, Squidoo lenses have advertising on them which can distract from

your sales message and it can be difficult to format the page into a 3-

way comparison review. There are other sites that give you free hosting and template design,

including Weebly, and BlinkWeb. They both have paid upgrades which

allow you to direct your own domain name there. The advantage of using those sites is that for a simple website, you

won't have to hire a graphic designer; you can use their premade

templates and upload any graphics that you want.

What About Blogs? You can also upload blogging software like WordPress. This has some

advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of WordPress is that it is incredibly easy to add

new content, and delete old content (what you say on your site) The

downside of WordPress - and any other blogging software - is that it is

laid out like a blog. You can always pay someone to reconfigure it for you, but it is pretty

hard to make a WordPress blog look like a sales page.

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Blogs do have their uses, but they do not make an ideal sales page

because of their layout. One of the best things to do when you are

getting ready to design your site, or have someone design your review

page or landing page for you, is to look at the what your competition has

done, and tell your designer which sort of page you like. It's not a good idea

to make direct copies though - you could get into trouble. But how do you find these landing pages? That is very easy. Go to your

favorite search engine and type in the name of the product that you are

going to be promoting. Most, probably all, of the results that come up, are going to be landing

pages designed by affiliates who are promoting the same product. It's a

good idea to spend some time studying sales pages for numerous

ClickBank products. This way, you are learning from people who are

already out there selling. You should look at the headline at the top of the sales pages and see

how they entice their readers to keep reading further. You should look at

where they place the affiliate links.

Alternative Method - Forced Subscription! Another method to affiliate marketing is by sending your targeted traffic

directly to a squeeze page where you can build up your niche list. From

there you can send them to the affiliate offer you're promoting. If they

buy straight away, great, if not, then you still have the opportunity to

follow up with them at a later date several times. Even if they still don't

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buy the product, you still have the opportunity to promote related

products to them in the future.

Use of logos for trust and credibility.

Use bullet points and tick boxes to summarize the

benefits when they sign up.

Oversized arrow brings the visitor's eyes straight to the

opt-in box. Great for


Opt-in box with call-to-action button and small statement

about their privacy helps

maximize conversions.

Here is a great example of a 'weight-loss' squeeze page. The design is

straight forward, follows a simple, clean layout and gets the visitor to

take action. Whilst this is a more aggressive approach, it works well if

you know the product sells well and you plan to promote other related

products in the near future.

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Use this layout for maximum conversions. If this is pass your current skill

level, then it's worth hiring out a designer to do this for you, or if you're

on a tight budget, use the templates provided in Instabuilder.

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Step #4 - Send

Targeted Traffic To

Your Content

Traffic Starts With A Link

So how do we get links? Good question! First let's define what a link is

and how we optimize our hyperlinks.

1. is a link. 2. The HTML code is:


3. An optimized link for the keyphrase 'lose weight' would look like


<a>lose weight</a>

4. On a website, this would simply look like this:

lose weight

The goal is to get as many quality sites as possible linking to you for

your keyphrase. But how do we do that? Do we go round the web and

ask every webmaster to put this code on their site for free? Do we create

100s of websites of our own that just have that piece of HTML code?

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Thankfully, you won't have to do that because there are much more

sensible and ethical ways of getting backlinks to your website.

Where To Get Your Links

If you refer back to our blueprint, you'll see our cloud of traffic sources.

This is where the majority of traffic will come from. Let's quickly discuss

where and how they work.

Blogs - Find blogs, leave comments, gets backlinks. Just don't forget to

check to see if the backlinks are marked as 'nofollow'. If so, don't waste

your time. Start with CommentKahuna for a completely free way to

search for blogs to comment on.

Forums - Post in forums that allow you to have links in your signature.

Just don't overdo it and spam or your accounts will get deleted. Also,

check out the profile pages for your account. Lots of them will let you

leave a link to your home page. Pop over to for a

massive (searchable) list of tons of forums to get started with.

Web 2.0 sites - Create lenses at Squidoo, blogs at Blogger and web

pages at Weebly. Use them to send backlinks to your review site or host

your review site directly on them. These are free websites that you can

post your content to which Google also favors! Links coming from these

Web 2.0 properties pass on a lot of link value.

Social Bookmarking - Digg, Technorati, Reddit, and friends. Not only

do you get the one-way back-links from several modern social websites,

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but if enough people like your content and "vote it up" you'll also get

direct traffic from them. Either manually create accounts for all the top

bookmarking sites and submit your bookmark or use a tool like

Bookmarking Demon to get the job done fast.

Directory submissions - There are tons of sites that exist purely to be

lists of other sites. Directory submissions are a very quick way to build

100s of one-way links. Either outsource this job or use a tool like Submit

Eaze to get the job done quickly.

Article Marketing - Simply write a 250-500 word article on the same

topic as the product you're promoting, optimize it for the keyword or

keyphrase you're targeting and submit to as many article directories as

possible. Your articles will contain a biography box where you get to

enter your hyperlink. When the article directories host your content on

their website, you allow other webmasters to copy and paste your

content so your links will build virally! You can submit them manually just

submit to a few of the top directories like Ezine Articles, Article City, Go

Articles, Article Base and so on, however there are now powerful tools

like Magic Article Submitter that will create new accounts for you,

verify them, and then submit automatically to 100s of directories.

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Step 5 - Rinse

And Repeat!

After following through Steps 1-4 you would have created a very solid

affiliate marketing campaign. Remember our traffic goal to reach the


Assuming the product you're promote has a 1% conversion and $25 per

sale, you'd need to send 100 visitors to the affiliate offer for your first $25.

Send another 300 over, and you'll make another $75 which will get you

your first $100.

Don't forget, you must factor in the click-through on your review site! Get

it on the first page of Google for the keyword you're targeting, and if that

keyword is searched 1000 times a month, and you're at the number 1

position, you'll see that $100 in your ClickBank account sooner than you


Let's quickly go over the steps again

1. Find a product to promote. You can do this now. Go into

ClickBank or Clicksure and choose a product that you are

somewhat interested in and something you could write a review

about or at least research. Choose another two to compare it with.

Be sure to sort out the product results by gravity. As a rule of

thumb, the higher the gravity the better the product.

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2. Get the keywords. Use tools like KeywordElite, or free tools like

Google Keyword Planner to find a keyphrase or keyword you

could rank on the first page of Google for. Search for low

competition with medium monthly volume traffic (i.e. ~1000

searches a month). Remember! You can rank #1 on Google with

an Ezine Article even with 200,000+ competing pages!

3. Build your website. Create a comparison review site and lay it

out like the Forex website example. Register for a new domain

with Hostgator or Bluehost if you haven't already got one, or use

free website services like Squidoo or Weebly. Note that you'll be

limited by what you create. Use the product images from the

official websites and hyperlink them with your affiliate links. Keep

the design clean, and the layout easy to follow. Use the

information from the sales page of each product to write a factual,

unbiased review about the sites. If you can't build websites, use

the templates from Killer Preseller. For more information about

building highly profitable niche sites check Google Sniper 2.0.

4. Get traffic. Create backlinks to your review site by submitting

articles, social bookmarking, directory submissions, blog

commenting and forum posts to get you started. Be sure to include

your keyword or keyphrase in your hyperlink so Google knows

what your link should be about. Your aim is to get to the first page of

Google when you type in your keyword. Keep checking to see if

your site shows up. If not, repeat this step to generate more

backlinks and use automated tools like Magic Article Submitter,

Bookmarking Demon, Sick Submitter and Submit Eaze where

possible. If you have the budget, hire a specialist from Elance, to

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do this for you. Specify your keywords that you want to rank for

and they'll provide the backlinks.

5. Do It Again! Once your site is at the top for your keyword, you will

enjoy traffic and start to see the sales come in. Simply repeat the

process in different niches and you're on your way to freedom!

Note: it took me nearly 3 years to get my rear end into gear, research, test, and fail

many, many times. You won't have to experience the same thing as me because you

have EVERYTHING you need to know right in front of you. If you feel you missed

something read this guide again and study the blueprint. It's all there. Take action

now, not later. You need to make a decision that you want this, that you deserve

this and what it really means to have money to spend and do as you please.

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Many people have quit their jobs to become full time internet marketers

as affiliates. Reading this book was the easy part. Now you have the real

challenge ahead of you - DOING IT.

If you follow the methods in this book you'll make your first $100 online.

The techniques and processes I've just explained will feel weird and

alien the first time you do things. You'll get some things wrong and have

to start again and all in all it'll be a steep learning curve.

Stick with it and you'll see the profits come in.

There's more to it than that though. If you see this method through to the

end - that is until you're actually banking the money that YOU have

made online, then I promise you your life will change.

You'll see the potential of the internet and a huge feeling of pride will

swell up inside you because YOU have taken nothing but an idea - this

book - and turned it into cold hard cash. That puts you in the 5% of people who actually do something with

information. I said there were more rewards than your first $100 though,

and there are. Once you realize for yourself that this method works (and I can tell you it

does a million times but you won't really believe me until you've done it

for yourself) then you can replicate the system as many times as you like

and turn that $100 into $1,000 or $100,000.

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And with so many great tools out there and all-in-one solutions like

Google Sniper 2.0 you simply cannot lose! You can quit your job, go full time on the internet or whatever you want.

It'll free you from someone else (i.e. your employer) deciding what you're

worth and put control of your own earning power firmly back in your own


That's a rare thing in today's world.

I think you've realized by now that the real secret to this book isn't

earning $100 - it's about changing your life, becoming your own person and

taking back control.

You do this and you'll never ever look back! To your success, John

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The Tool Box

Web Hosting Whilst you can still make money

without your own web host, you

will not have your own link to

promote and can increase your

conversions by not sending your

visitors to pages with a high

number of ads.

Click Here For Hosting

Auto-Responder An auto-responder can be

responsible for $1000s in backend

commissions even after your

customer has bought from you.

Use it to announce new products

to your subscribers and to keep

them up to date with your latest


Click Here For Aweber

Keyword Elite Very useful tool for gathering

accurate keyword data from

various search engines as well as

analyzing competition, traffic data

and tracking PPC affiliates. Click Here To Watch Keyword

Elite In Action

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Social Bookmarking

Demon Intelligent software allows you to

spin titles, tags and descriptions

as well as create multiple user

accounts keeping you under the

spam radar.

Click Here For Social

Bookmarking Demon

Sick Submitter Unlimited backlinking from a

variety of sources without the fear

of sandboxing/banning your site

from Google and without the high

costs associated with having to

get your own dedicated server.

Click Here For Sick Submitter

Magic Article Submitter And Rewriter Mass Article Control is a 2-in-1

product with both article spinner

and article submission tool. Use to

turn old private label articles into

fresh keyword optimized content,

and submit them to the article

directories for long term traffic.

Click Here For Magic Article

Submitter And Rewriter

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