A rea acts hit - DigitalOcean

V / 9-37Q6 , Phone " , 73:J-0«)31 O* ut« »u> loll.ffM numb«(( ' BuW CotlMpicl 943 4&48 BurlayRuptfl-Poul vol. 67; NO. 165' Magic Valley's Home Newspaper TWIN FAILS. IDAH5; THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22,1970 fiUr l)6a*rton- Holllit.f 33453)'5’' W.n.l.l| Cooirmg.Mfm«j.mun- 93A-3S39- TEN CENTS . -* THERE’S tONaBEENTr**yfa«lii Twin PtU# that •• iooa «*- B new street li built someone wlU tear It up. «nd It proved to bo corrcct Wednesday. Now asphatt io a secUou of the 100 Block of Main Aveauo West, part ol the redevelopment prosram wagtora , -up a!mo«t-belerHt^hfld hftrd«edHn 1^ Manager Jean MJlar, was thatcnginccrfl no the project declined to accept the pavement becsuse of uneven edges where Uie asphalt Jolnii the new concrete-croBswalks and curbs B WASHINGTON (UPI) -T he I’ovornmcnl nnnounci'd Wodncc' day it will ndvlso doctorH to drostically curb iisc of tolbutu*, mido, the most widely pro- scribed - druu for dinboticfl, bocnusc of initicntlons it (ma little o^cct nnd mny bo connected wiUi nn Jncrensc in Ijonrt dlsense. 11)0 driij; is Kold undor tlic Irode n n n ic ’- Orinasc. • Tlie mnniirn(iiurtir, llic Upjohn Co., x)f KalnmoToo, Mich., eslimntcs It Ib used by 000,000 diiibetlca in the United Stiites. nic Food and Dtuk AUrninis- [- trntion said its forlhcominK . bulletin to doctors wos ba.scd'on a $7 million acienlific study whibh .concluded ttial tolbula- mido coupled with u diabctic diet is no more effective tlion -U)0-<lioU-Hlonoi A rea -A n g e la Ordered Tlic same study concludt'd that patlcnt.s taklni' lolbiitaniidc ' __________ ^incicienco of fatal heart disea.se than Uiose on a diet nlone, or n.diet coupled vith-inaulin united nations _tUPI)— idont debntinj? the internntionnl Soviet Foreign Socrotary An- issuoa of the day. Secretary of d rie A.. Gromyko Bflid W(?dne.‘!- Stuto Willfum P. RoKcrs, day no .“artifici/il conditions represonlinR the United Statea, nnd dertmnd.«i" should bo told the gatherinB President • SOVIET Tbreign Minister nttnched to the resumption of Nixon's latest Vietnam pence Andrei Grpmyko raps podium Middio East poaco talks. plan was up for dlseus.sion and during address at United Gromyko, in hard-line was not put forward by Nations. General Assembly, speech at tlio United Nations Washington onr' a tflke*it>or- charging Israel with Idoeklng 25th anniversary commomf«or- Ieave4t basis. — ------- ' ' peace talks. (UPI) ative yession, upparently re- ferred to Israel’s demand that violations of the Suez Canal military litandstlll zone by Egypt be rectiliod before the talks resume. £» HoWevor, Gromyko look what T ^ V T l I _A y -^plomatic sourcca said was a ________ "aiirllnsly dn’forcnl" tono dur- DrIUsh F o rel^ Sccrotory Sir Knucklcr... Nixon In. his-speech, diplomatic, sources said, noHcrs applauded the Idea of hiub'level council meetings but held they should not bo summoned periodically but ratlier Kpeclfically to doo) with doflnlto crisis. Upjohn issued a stntement , WASI11NGT0N{UPD—Pres- ing a later speech at n secret Idcnt Nixon hoped at his U.N. Security Council moetlnff. meeting - today with' Soviet Tlioy said his speech was Foreign Minister. Andrei Gro- virtually free of poletlcs. myko to make some progresa In It was the first timo In acts hit shot ------- ByROBBRT-VANAUSDBLN— TImcfi'NewsStaff Writer TWIN FALI^ - Tlio board president of the South. Central Community Action Agency Wednesday night charged tho agency has been operating programs without, approvpl of Uie trl-county board of direc - tors. Royal Slotton.said.Uio. board , f 1^8 fuM power to coordinate programs accordlng'to tho agency's by-lawa, but that several programs have been put Ihto operation wltliout board approval. Slotten said the by-laws state the board must approve hiring 'Of all administrative personnel. Tliis has not been done, ho said, during Uie past six months. Slotten also took issue with Uie amount of funcls spent in administrative costs. He said 32 per cent of Uie funds allocated to tlie CAA, Excluding the Head Start program funds, were used for -adminatnitivB— costs:— Hr compared this to Uie United Fund's admlstration costs of six per cent'. Slotten said the CAA monthly budget has been 110,373 and 51 per cent of this Is for nd-. ministi'ation ui\d clerical ployes while the rest Is for tlio others who work directly witl» the poor people, ________ __ Slotten said the agency^should bo redirected toward Its original purpose — helping poor people. He said the agency should never spend money simply because it Is available. Ho urged continued support of- tlie agency and. Its directors. Twin Falls County Com- missioner William Qiancey, a member of the Community Action-Agency board, said ho sees a neod for the agency.,But, he said, if Its money is not spent to help the peopl? It was In- tended to aid, it is useless. (See related story P. 15) NEW YORK (UPI)-Gov. Nelson A. nockcfelicr has signed an extradition order wliich Angela Davis's lawyers plan to fight (Q prevent t)ie__ _ » _____________ __ 'black nilirtanl fWna bolFg 'If returned to California to face 9Ay f V murder charges. Alec Douglas-Home said the 1^- mombcr council was bocoml/ig more and more a propaganda~ forum and a^ reflecUon of the J-— , ™t — General Assembly. He urfiod_ oaslng ll»p Middle Easr^rlsFs lUsIoi'y^.thCTSocpilty^^tJouncli-^ m fw ^^m a nntlPin.'mnB wlUi a •’ sm’inB nett,5 reporl.s of the KDA udmlnlslrntlon MridolB mot In special condnvo wlUi 11 problom 11 also should hov« n nctlon •■resulted In imnecessnrl- (eur mny cvcnlun ly lend In n forelRn mlnlstcra nnd n pres- suKgcstcd solution. ly (rIchtenlnB" some-ol-llit-^rcct^mnlconlntlonJeJSMn ------------ ^ ---------------------------------^ ----------- tolbutamide users. "We do not agree that there Tlie (11 n.m. EDT) While' insnclmlnn hftwiM'n Houso. mcctlnii wns tlio Pres- ndmlnlstrS of tolbSSdo.. 'P'rT"', " " 't -nnd the Tnortnllty lotmd ln ' took office 21 months ago. Nixon's mooting wlUi Gromy- ko follows two sessions Secrotu- Reds hit (study) group,” Upjohn said. “’niere is no question of the A honrlnKfor Miss Dnvls. SANTIAGO, Chile (UPII- eltocljveness oftolbutnrnlilo In now bolnit hold wllhout ball, Is Gunmon shot and crltlcnlly lowerlne Uio I,iRh blood sugar ^V “ SMo sot (or Nov. 0. Rookotellor wounded Clillenn nrmy com- o| selected pntlenla wlUi sinned Uie citrndltlon order Into mnnder Con. Reno Schnclder Wednesday o(temoon for the In «n apparent nssnsslna- admltled Communist nnd Black Uon attempt Just hours Panther party supportccjirrost. >»foro congress was to confirm od-luro Oct, 13 on a • fodornl Marxist Salvador Allendc as charge of. interstato flight to president, escnpo prosocutl6n. Slio wna / TV® army chlcfs of stat( met tl/rned over to state* authorltle.l Imrnedtntely nfter tjio attgnipt held wit!) Uie Soviet foreign minl.ster in Now York. ‘vote ploy’ for extradition. Polrce captive released on Schneider and It appeared likely that a military alert or a declaration of .some form of military law would be applied until after the congressional • vote. Sclmeider was ruslied to a military hospital for emergency surgery. An army high com- mand communique said he was in serious condition. Lome duck President Eduordo Frol and Gen. Vicente Huprta conrunan- der of the Cnrabineros'Nalloriol Police, rushed to the hospital. Guerrillas freed for hostages SAN JOSE. Cosla lUca (UPI) —Tlic Cosla Rican government today freed four loftisl guerril- las to prevent tho murder.of Co. strike . todoy ' entered its four U.S. citizens aboord a eighth weoic with no progreas Costa Rican airliner hijocked to reported on stalemated Cuba. negotiations. Tlie guerrillas were placed Gordon Carter, company yico_ atoard a plane to Mexico. . proHldont, said ho Is willihg 'to A Costa Rican government negotiate with tho Buhl strike / ' /' drags on Nixon arc not dostlned to settle peacefully the Vloti^om probltim but to got votos In tho elections." said Xuan Thuy as he wtwfid thirformBrM aJ^icr- Hotei conference room. ‘"Hi^se post few' dflyi, Presl^nt of the United States^ Typhoon aid asked MANILA (UPD-TTic Phi- - lipplne-^RedTGrosa-appoalcd today for worldwide assistance In the wake of two typhoons which have taken nearly 1,000 lives. ' Typhoons Joan iind _Kato. dcvostated twolarge sections of the .archipelago and left the Pliilipplnes with what tho Rod Cross described as Its' worst disaster since World War ft.' Tlie de/)th toll was placed at 047, , with 3<B missing and damage to crops and property estimnted-at-$100 million;---------- M rs. Loreto Paras Sullt, secretary general of tlie Red Cross in Manila, said aid' already was beginning to pour In, _Ttie Soviet. Unlon.andJhc. Singoporo Red Cross societies were among Uie first to respond,.she said. Blankets and textiles wd-o being airlifted by •'tlic.. Soviets via Tokyo, and Sing^toorc wos flying In child- ren’s cl ^ ST. LOUIS. Mo. (U PI)-A Detroit couple released a black policeman they had held iiostage for hours Wedries- v t day night after police said tliey - J t l c lT I S C ll would not be charged wltli holding him. Out tho man wos - PARIS (UPI)-North Viet- nam' said today President Nixon's latest poa^K) proposal was not an effort to settle tho Indocbl/ia “W or'but ralljcr an attempt to got votes In the Nov. 9 elections. , Entering Qie 80th seiision of the Vietnam peace conference, , North Vietnamese negotiator In undertaking a major election- Xuan Tliuy again attacked trip, has declared several times BUHl^ *- Tlie Carter Packing Nixon’s Oct. 7 flve^wlnt peacc that his Intention was to put an proposal. end to the war but the realitios . Uo Vlot Cong negotiator,- of the situation s^w , tp, the , Mfldamo Nguyen Ttil Bbih, contrary. He iwekii ralRc^ to appealed for occeptance of tho. prolong the war and extend the* Communist KVpoint '/global hostllltfcs.” ’l^tice ^ullon.” ***lhc proposals of Mr. Nixpn ... .HI-.... ................. ........ -- “It Is moro ond’moiO) clcBr ore sheer hypocrisy,” Xuan official said thot when. Ujo AmaigoAintcd Meat Cutters Uiat the five points of M r. Thuy said. Costa Rican Airllnos plane and Butcher Workmen of North--------------- - holding him. But tho man wns # ^ ^ ^ J booked-as'U-fugitivo-wQnted-in— t d p - p C -C l Detroit. Anotlior pollccman driving anotlier landed on the Colombian island America, of San Andres Wednesday to The stike began Sept. 3 when refuel tho hijackers passed a 22 of tho firm’s' 25 employes note to auUioritlos tlireatening walked off their Jobs In a to kill four“Amerlcnns aboord dispute ovor-wages-anU union and blow, up the alrcraft'ln 'dues collection. A report on the Havana if the guerrillas were strike Is expected soon from Ujo not released. National-Labor Rolotions Tlie official said release of Board..Carter said Information WASHINGTON (UPI) — Rep. Uio guerrillas, members of Uie gotliored by a NLRB rvalUiinscn,R-ldaho,hasbcen Sandinista Front of Nicaragua, representative namod to the Task Force on was arranged during a tele- being studied by labor officials. -Early-Chlldhood Education of plione conversation between Twelve union membors Enemy waits PHNOM PENH (U PI)-Tho Cambodian military spokesman Cambodian Command said to- said* '‘The. VIet'Cbng wore day Vlot Cong units lay in wayt waiting." fof-an qdvancing 10-battaUon Heavy flahtlng broke out Cambodian task force and around lUrivong and iW (tin rmmin'o onr In n .^niiPA wAonuNuiwnvurij — uup. ulu guornuas, mcmuors 01 UIO uy u Muiio carrlod out two attacks on Cambodians called in air pinrJhSumm Orvaman8cn,R-ldoho,hasbcen Sandinista Front of Nicaragua, representative last week Is Higliway 2 at points souUi of support. Casualties were not Siauon was snoi. 1 OUCO bouevc , 1.„ _____ _ _ r_i_ l... nn.l niin» nnnmm/<iul mli&m i n r f o Tllio fliianpgbt fc^ariy-oiimnood biducatlon of pjione conversation between rweive union members ^ ^ ^ 0 Education Commis.slon of Acting President Manuel Agull- continue picketing dolly at Uie :»gl. Anurew UOVIS, JJ, nau ,. »■__l ___ mAnt nnnt#l«n ninni lulHi hun been callod to tho Goorgo Washington Ilotol and was told M armod couple had barrlcad Uie States. lar Bonilla and Mexican meat packing plant wlUi two Hansen will serve on th^ task Foreign Minister Antonio Car- nr^cn taking threo4iqur shifts at forco with 20 federal and state rillo Flores. n time. Ptmom Penh ond near the announced. Vietnamese border. Ihe first attack Wednesday came as Cambodian troops pusliod Into Kirivong 72 miles south of Phnom Penh and.Uiroo miles from tho &uth Vietna- mese border. •to ik rw m , S S iailS n a cducatlonalandpolltlcalloadors Officials said the pilot of the Tho plant Is contlnulnn on tlin fifth rtMr "''“'"''I Uw couhtry to do- hijacked airliner reported It operation with 12 now em- . _ _ . _ nnui« 1 . ■irii.Mi™ Ir> ,.hnrm voloprccommondatlonsforslato had boon seliod 'at gunpoint on ployos, hired sinco tho strlko "It was the flrsl tlmo our when Camhodlart units captured ocllon |n tho orsa Of corly chlld- a domostio flight Uiaforlclnat- bogan. Curriintly omployea arc iroops have arrived In Kh-lvong It Monday, No caiualtles w«o □I uio narcotics mjuaa, loio tnc .,i ]„ c— making hamburger " " Viet Cong aUo struck at the Cambodian force-near tho town of Oiambak, 21 miles south of Plinom Ponh, field officers said. Oiambak had boon Jooted by fleeing Viol Oing Iroopj witli him. The man askod Davis If ho. was-a black policeman and Davis said yos. Ho wa;| admitted ......................................... -■ After. I^vls-talked wlUi tho _m«n._ldontltli!il „ as _ .Wesloy Copeland, 29, and bis wlfo, Goldie, 27, Copeland said, "lU rather die than go to ]all." He was holding a .49 caliber, pistol on Davis and his wife held a JO caliber level-acllon rifle, police said. , Copeland’s wife told Davii, "He's my husHand and I'm staying with him," poUpe u U .' Copeland talked at- various times with two inlnlaleri| representatives oJ black .mili- tant organiiatlom^: «nd police offlciaU. He HniSy calleU 'fcr',' cigaretles and a blacic Bttomey he had met lit i.pi«vlou< visli /i to St. Lbub W IMS.' An aJtr'eement .w u reached whereby Davis would be released, the Copelands would not be warged {or holdin police officer and they wouIl „ . escorted out of the hotel, police farought their red OoTvair to the front ot the hotel ani| left It with the ^notoj' nuuibig. - od ln_SanJose. since the war began," a reported in that clash either. Aiidrus ask^ constitution <J(C DyLEETREMAINE coitfldent Uio legislators could Times-News Stall Writer Soyern Uie slat* adequately. TWIN PAU.S — Cecil An- Aitdr(js told the students he drus. Democratic gubernatorial endorses glving the vote to IBor cahdidata, strongly endorsed 19-year-old etu^nU, as. they hayo a great stake In the quality of government. Moon, stat« tr«asurer, and D. F. to-^a—qttestion, Bngell^lng, auperintendent of at "I could give public instrticilon.visiited twin tho proposed rcWsion of Uie Idaho^nstitutlon In a speech . , ^ ^ r e dboU 200 CoUege of ‘In answer Andrus said Uiat ______---------------------------------------------- Uie aick answer Uiat U io people Falli and appeared at Uie will decide and I wiU B k M e '^ Democratic headquarters along Uie voice of Uie people, But you with state and county oan- ,are entlUed to know how: I (lUates. personally feel about Uie new Andrus told Uw appredaUve MnstituUofl. I approve'of Uie (tudeiit audieiu» one M Idoho'i revision and'I wUI personally m o st' el<u(tlal problems la vote (or it." c6titcololpolluUon.Hechi^e<| NoUngUiat some critics h«ve Uie pcesent lUpubUcan ad- TO W.jiWhior Oeai Aadrtw u ls _________ bUie OMKtta(ioa daring « KJk >1 I lit S o l e n t Idaho WedaMUeK. ^ r pictnrea from h|s said Uie revision gives too much power *0 Idalw |L<gtilature, Andrus, a former state sena said that "I-bave fitlenoe in II Uglslature," and lUoawiUifaillnitto to,.ei«-b propeaur Was adviaeif to bis wastepMucts “in U m Answering a quesUbn from a student, Andrus said be op- poses allowing mining in ie r e ^ la operate in Uie White Oouds, especially since "eastern in- terest" would' mine the molybdenum (or eiport "olitsfde Uie Unlted'Statea.'! however, that according to eidsUng law mining 'ciUi be , allowed in the White aouds area, and that- (ormal iegislaUve acUon la needed , to ' preserve.tlw area. Mining in the m t « Clouds would Inevitably - result in - drabiage of waste pnducta In^ Uie Sabnon Rlvcf whlek 111turn drabu Into Uie &iaks River, Andrus said, ', Uieriby Uireatenbig flah life ovw a vast area. ■ “We muat conal^.,what (a . th i most benencial use d(t^e public landa fof U1 people, ta tt: Just (Or a favored few'," AMira# ‘

Transcript of A rea acts hit - DigitalOcean

V / 9 -37Q 6 , Phone ",73:J-0 «)3 1

O* ut« »u> loll.ffM numb«(( 'BuW CotlMpicl 943 4&48 BurlayRuptfl-Poul

v o l . 67; NO . 165'

Magic Valley's H om e Newspaper


fiUr l)6a*rton- Holllit.f 33453)'5’'W .n.l.l|Cooirmg.Mfm«j.mun- 93A-3S39-


-* — TH E R E ’S tO N a B E E N T r* * y fa « lii T w in P tU # th a t • • io o a « * - B new s tre e t li bu ilt som eone wlU te a r It u p . «nd It p roved to bo corrcc t W ednesday. Now asp h a tt io a secUou of th e 100 Block of

— Main Aveauo W est, p a r t ol th e redevelopm en t p ro s ra m w a g to ra ,

- u p a!mo«t-belerH t^hfld h ftrd « e d H n 1^M anager J e a n M Jlar, w a s tha tcnginccrfl no th e p ro jec t declined to accept th e p avem en t becsuse o f uneven edges w here Uie asphalt Jolnii th e new concrete-croBsw alks and


WASHINGTON (U P I) - T h e I’ovornmcnl nnnounci'd W odncc' day it will ndvlso doctorH to d ro stica lly cu rb iisc o f to lb u tu * , m id o , th e m o s t w id e ly p ro ­scribed - d ruu for dinboticfl, bocnusc of initicntlons it (ma little o ^cc t nnd m ny bo connected wiUi nn Jncrensc in Ijonrt dlsense.

11)0 driij; is Kold undor tlic Irode nn n ic’- O rin a sc . • Tlie m nniirn(iiurtir, llic Upjohn Co., x)f KalnmoToo, M ich., eslim ntcs It Ib used by 000,000 diiibetlca in th e U nited S tiites.

n i c Food and Dtuk AUrninis- [- trn tion said i ts forlhcominK .

bulletin to doctors w os ba.scd'on a $7 million ac ien lific study whibh .concluded ttia l tolbula- m ido coupled w ith u diabctic d iet is no m ore effec tive tlion -U)0-<lioU-Hlonoi

A rea - A n g e l a


Tlic sam e study concludt'd th a t patlcnt.s tak ln i ' lo lbiitaniidc' __________ ^ in c ic ien co o f fa ta lh ea rt disea.se th a n Uiose on a d iet n lone, o r n .d i e t coupled vith-inaulin

u n i t e d n a t i o n s _ tU P I)— idont debntinj? th e internntionnl Soviet Foreign Socro tary An- issuoa of th e d ay . Secretary of d r ie A.. Grom yko Bflid W(?dne.‘!- Stuto Willfum P . RoKcrs, d a y no .“ artific i/il conditions represonlinR the United Statea, nnd dertmnd.«i" should bo told the gatherinB President

• S O V IE T T b r e ig n M in is te r n ttnched to the resum ption of N ixon's la te s t V ietnam pence A ndrei Grpm yko ra p s podium M iddio E a s t poaco ta lk s . • plan w as up for dlseus.sion and d u r in g a d d r e s s a t U n ited G rom yko, in hard -line was not p u t forw ard by N a tio n s . G e n e ra l A ssem b ly , speech a t tlio U nited N ations W ashington onr' a tflke*it>or-charg ing Is rae l w ith Idoeklng 25th an n iv e rsary com m om f«or- Ieave4t basis. — ------- ' 'p ea ce talks. (U PI) a tiv e yession, upparen tly r e ­

fe rre d to Is rae l’s dem and th a t violations of the Suez Canal m ilita ry litandstlll zone by E gyp t be rectiliod before th e ta lk s resum e.

„ £» HoW evor, Gromyko look w hatT ^ V T l I _A y - ^ p lo m a t ic sourcca sa id w as a________

" a i i r l ln s ly dn’forcn l" tono d u r- DrIUsh F o r e l ^ Sccrotory Sir

K nucklcr. . .

N ixonIn . h is - s p e e c h , diplom atic,

sources sa id , noHcrs applauded th e Idea of hiub 'level council m eetings b u t held they should not bo sum m oned periodically but ra tlie r Kpeclfically to doo) with doflnlto crisis .

Upjohn issued a stn tem ent

, W A SI11NGT0N{UPD—P res- ing a la te r speech a t n sec re tIdcnt Nixon hoped a t his U .N. Security Council m oetlnff.m ee ting - today w ith ' Soviet Tlioy said h is speech w asF o reig n M inister. Andrei Gro- v irtu a lly free of poletlcs.m yko to m a k e som e p rogresa In It w as the f irs t tim o In

acts hit shot-------ByROBBRT-VANAUSDBLN—

TIm cfi'N ew sStaff W riterTWIN F A L I^ - Tlio board

president of the South. C entral C om m unity A c tion A gency W ednesday night charged tho ag en cy h a s b ee n o p e ra tin g program s w ithout, approvpl of Uie trl-county board of d irec ­tors.

Royal S lotton.said.U io. board , f 1^8 fuM power to coordinate

p ro g r a m s a c c o r d ln g 't o tho a g e n c y 's b y -law a, b u t th a t several p ro g ram s have been put Ihto operation wltliout board approval.

Slotten said the by-laws s ta te the board m u st approve hiring

'Of all adm in is tra tiv e personnel. Tliis h a s not been done, ho said , during Uie past six m onths.

Slotten also took issue with Uie am ount of funcls spent in adm inistrative costs.

He sa id 32 p e r cent of Uie funds allocated to tlie CAA,

E x c lu d in g the H ead S ta r t p rogram funds, w ere used for

-a d m in a tn it iv B — c o sts :— H r com pared this to Uie United F u n d 's ad m lstra tio n costs of six p er cent'.

S lotten sa id the CAA m onthly budget h a s been 110,373 and 51 per cen t of th is Is for nd-. m inisti'ation ui\d clerical ployes while th e re s t Is for tlio o thers who w ork d irectly witl» the poor people,__________

Slotten sa id the agency^should bo r e d ir e c te d to w ard Its original purpose — helping poor p e o p le . H e s a id th e a g e n c y sh o u ld n e v e r sp en d m o n ey sim ply because it Is availab le.

Ho u rg e d continued support o f - tlie agency and . Its d irec tors.

T w in F a l ls C ounty C om ­m issioner W illiam Q iancey , a m em ber of the Comm unity A ction-A gency board , said ho sees a neod for th e agency .,B ut, he sa id , if Its m oney is not spen t to help th e peopl? It w as In­tended to a id , it is useless.(See re la te d sto ry P . 15)

NEW YORK (U P I) -G o v .Nelson A. nockcfe licr has signed an ex trad ition order wliich Angela D avis 's law yersplan to figh t (Q pre v e n t t)ie__ _ » _____________ __

'b lack nilirtanl fWna bolFg ' I freturned to California to face 9 A y f Vm urder ch a rg es .

Alec Douglas-Home said the 1^- m om bcr council w as bocoml/ig m ore and m o re a propaganda~ forum and a^ reflecUon of the

— J-— , ™ t — Gener al A ssem bly. He urfiod_ oaslng ll»p M iddle E a s r^ r ls F s lUsIoi'y^.thCTSocpilty^^tJouncli-^ m f w ^ m a n ntlPin.'mnB wlUi a •’

sm ’inB n e tt ,5 reporl.s o f th e KDA udm lnlslrn tlon MridolB m o t In special condnvo wlUi 11 problom 11 also should hov« nnctlon •■resulted In im necessnrl- (eu r mny cvcnlun ly lend In n forelRn m lnlstcra nnd n p re s - suKgcstcd solution.ly (rIchtenlnB " s o m e - o l - l l i t - ^ r c c t ^ m n l c o n ln t l o n J e J S M n ------------ ---------------------------------^ -----------to lbu tam ide users .

"W e do not ag re e th a t there Tlie (11 n .m . ED T) W hile' insnclm lnn hftwiM'n Houso. m cctlnii wns tlio Pres-

n d m l n l s t r S of t o l b S S d o . . “ “ ' P' r T" ' , " " ' t - n n d th e T n o rtn llty lotmd ln

■' took office 21 m on ths ago.N ixon's m ooting wlUi G rom y­

ko follows two sessions Secrotu-

Reds hit(s tu d y ) g roup ,” U pjohn said.“ ’n ie re is no question of the

A h o n rln K fo r M iss Dnvls. SANTIAGO, Chile ( U P I I - eltocljveness o fto lb u tn rn lilo In now bolnit hold wllhout b a ll, Is Gunm on shot and crltlcn lly low erlne Uio I,iRh blood sugar ^V “ SM o sot (or N ov. 0. Rookotellor w ounded Clillenn nrm y com - o | selec ted pn tlen la wlUisinned Uie c itrn d ltlo n o rd e r Into m n n d er Con. Reno Schnclder W ednesday o(tem oon fo r the In «n ap p a ren t n ssnsslna-adm ltled Com m unist nnd Black Uon a ttem p t Just 4» hoursP anther p a r ty su p p o rtcc jirro s t. >»foro congress w as to confirmo d -lu ro O ct, 13 on a • fodornl M arx is t Salvador Allendc ascharge of. in ters ta to fligh t to presiden t, escnpo prosocutl6n. Slio wna / TV® a rm y ch lc fs of s ta t ( m ettl/rned over to state* authorltle.l Im rnedtntely n fte r tjio attgn ip t

held wit!) Uie Soviet foreign minl.ster in Now York.

‘vote ploy’

for ex trad ition .


on Schneider and It ap peared likely th a t a m ilita ry a le r t o r a d ec lara tio n of .some fo rm of m ilita ry law would be applied until a f te r th e congressional

• vo te.Sclm eider w as ruslied to a

m ilita ry hospital for em ergency su rg e ry . An a rm y high com ­m an d com m unique said he was in serious condition. Lom e duck P resid en t Eduordo F ro l and G en. Vicente H uprta c onrunan- d e r of th e C nrabineros'N alloriol Police, rushed to the hospital.

Guerrillas freed for hostages

SAN JO SE . C osla lU ca (U PI)—Tlic Cosla R ican governm ent today freed four lo ftisl g u erril­las to p rev en t tho m u rd e r .o f Co. s trike . todoy ' en te red itsfour U.S. citizens aboord a e igh th weoic with no progreasCosta Rican a irlin e r h ijocked to r e p o r te d on s ta le m a te dCuba. negotiations.

■ Tlie g u errilla s w e re placed Gordon C arte r, com pany y ico_a to a r d a p lane to M exico. . proHldont, sa id ho Is willihg 'to

A C osta R ican governm ent n e g o t ia te w ith tho


/ ' / '

drags on

Nixon a rc not dostlned to se ttle peacefully th e Vloti^om probltim but to g o t votos In tho elections." sa id Xuan T huy as he w tw fid th i r fo rm B rM a J ^ ic r - Hotei conference room.

‘"Hi^se p o st few ' dflyi, P r e s l ^ n t o f th e United States^

Typhoon aid askedMANILA (U PD -T T ic Phi-

- lipp lne -^R edT G rosa-appoalcd today for worldw ide assistance In the w ake of two typhoons which have taken nearly 1,000 lives.' Typhoons J oan iind _Kato.

dcvostated tw o la rg e sections of the .arch ipelago and left the Pliilipplnes with w hat tho Rod Cross described as I t s ' w orst d isaster since W orld W ar f t . ' Tlie de/)th toll w as p laced a t 047, , w ith 3<B m issing and

dam ag e to c ro p s and propertyestim nted-at-$100 million;----------

M rs. Loreto P a ra s Sullt, s e c re ta ry g en e ra l of tlie Red Cross in M anila, said a id ' a lre ad y w as beginning to pour In, _Ttie Soviet. U n lo n .a n d J h c . Singoporo Red Cross societies w ere am ong Uie first to respond,.she said . B lankets and tex tile s wd-o being airlifted by

•'tlic.. Soviets v ia Tokyo, and Sing^toorc w os flying In child­re n ’s cl ^

ST. LO U IS. Mo. ( U P I ) - A Detroit couple re le ase d a black policeman they h ad held iiostage fo r hours Wedries- v t day night a f te r police sa id tliey - J t l c l T I S C l l would not be ch a rg ed wltli holding h im . Out tho m a n wos

- PARIS (U P I ) -N o r th V iet­nam ' sa id today P resid en t N ixon's la te s t poa^K) proposal was not an effort to se ttle tho Indocbl/ia “W o r 'b u t ra ll jc r an a ttem p t to got vo tes In the Nov.9 elections. ,

E ntering Qie 80th seiision of th e V ietnam peace conference , ,N orth V ietnam ese n eg o tia to r In undertak ing a m ajo r election- Xuan Tliuy aga in a t ta c k e d trip , h a s d ec la re d sev era l tim e s

BUHl^ *- Tlie C a rte r Packing Nixon’s Oct. 7 flve^w lnt p e a c c th a t h is Intention w as to p u t an proposal. end to th e w a r but th e rea litio s. U o Vlot Cong n eg o tia to r,- of the situa tion s ^ w , tp, th e ,

Mfldamo N guyen Ttil B bih , con tra ry . H e iwekii ralR c^ to appealed for occeptance of t h o . prolong the w ar and extend the* Com m unist KVpoint '/g lo b al hostllltfcs.”’l^ tic e ^ u l lo n . ” ***lhc p roposals of Mr. Nixpn

... .HI-.... ................. ........ - - “ It Is m oro o nd’ moiO) clcBr o re sh ee r hypocrisy ,” Xuanofficial said th o t w h e n . Ujo A m aig o A in tcd M e a t C u tte rs Uiat th e five points of M r. Thuy said.C osta R ican A irllnos plane a n d B utcher W orkmen of North--------------- -

holding h im . But tho m a n wns # ^ ^ ^ J booked-as'U-fugitivo-w Qnted-in— t d p - p C - C lDetroit.

Anotlior pollccm an driving


landed on the Colom bian island A m erica,o f San A ndres W ednesday to T he stike began Sept. 3 whenre fuel tho h ija c k e rs passed a 22 of tho f irm ’s ' 25 em ployesn ote to auU ioritlos tlireaten ing w alked off th e ir Jobs In ato kill fo u r“A m erlcnns aboord d isp u te ovor-w ages-anU unionan d blow, up th e a l r c r a f t ' ln 'd u e s collection. A re p o rt on theH a v an a if the g u e rr illa s w ere s tr ik e Is expected soon from Ujonot re le ase d . N a t i o n a l - L a b o r R o lo tio n s

Tlie official sa id re le ase of B o ard ..C arte r sa id Inform ationWASHINGTON (U P I) — Rep. Uio g u errilla s , m em b ers of Uie g o tl io re d by a N LRBrva lU iin sc n ,R -ld a h o ,h asb ce n Sand in ista F ro n t of N ica rag u a , re p rese n ta tiv e

nam od to the T ask F o rce on w as a r ra n g e d du rin g a tele- being stud ied by lab o r officials.-E a rly -C h lld h o o d E ducation of plione conversation betw een T w elv e union m em b o rs

Enemy waitsPHNOM P E N H ( U P I ) - T h o Cam bodian m ilita ry spokesm an

Cam bodian C om m and sa id to - said* ' ‘T h e. V Ie t 'C b n g w ored ay Vlot Cong un its lay in w a y t w aiting." fo f -a n qdvancing 10-battaUon Heavy flahtlng broke outCam bodian ta sk fo rce a n d around lUrivong and i W

(tin rm m in'o onr In n .^niiPA w A o n u N u iw n v u r i j — uup. ulu g u o rn u a s , m cm u o rs 01 UIO uy u M u iio ca rrlo d out two a tta c k s on Cam bodians called in a irp in rJh S u m m O rv am an 8 cn ,R -ld o h o ,h a sb cen Sand in ista F ro n t of N ica rag u a , re p rese n ta tiv e la s t week Is Higliway 2 a t points souUi of support. C asualties w ere not

Siauon w as snoi. 1 OUCO bouevc ,1.„ ______ _ r_i_ l... nn.l niin» nnnmm/<iul

m li& m i n r f o Tl l io fliianpgbt fc^ariy-oiim nood biducatlon of pjione conversation betw een rw e iv e union m e m b e rs ^ ^ ^ 0 E ducation Commis.slon of A cting P resid en t M anuel Agull- continue p icketing dolly a t Uie

:»gl. Anurew UOVIS, JJ , nau ,. »■__l___ mAnt nnnt#l«n ninni lulHi hunbeen callod to tho Goorgo Washington Ilotol and w a s told M arm od couple h ad b a rrlca d

Uie S ta tes. l a r B o n illa a n d M ex ica n m e a t packing p lan t wlUi twoH ansen will se rv e on th^ ta sk Foreign M in ister Antonio C ar- nr^cn taking threo4iqur sh ifts a t

forco with 20 federa l and s ta te rillo F lo res . n tim e.

Ptmom Penh ond near the announced. Vietnamese border.

Ihe first attack Wednesday came as Cambodian troops pusliod Into Kirivong 72 miles south of Phnom Penh and.Uiroo miles from tho &uth Vietna­mese border.

• t o i k r w m ,

S S i a i l S n a c d u c a tlo n a lan d p o lltlc a llo ad o rs O fficials said th e p ilot of the T ho p la n t Is c o n tln u ln non tlin fifth rtM r " ' '“ '" ''I Uw couhtry to do- hijacked airliner reported It operation with 12 now em- . _ _ . _

nnui« 1. ■irii.Mi™ Ir> ,.hnrm voloprccommondatlonsforslato had boon seliod 'at gunpoint on ployos, hired sinco tho strlko "It was the flrsl tlmo our when Camhodlart units capturedocllon |n tho orsa Of corly chlld- a domostio flight Uiaforlclnat- bogan. Curriintly omployea arc iroops have arrived In Kh-lvong It Monday, No caiualtles w«o

□I uio narcotics mjuaa, loio tnc .,i ]„ c— making hamburger " "

Viet Cong aUo struck at the Cambodian force-near tho town of Oiambak, 21 miles south of Plinom Ponh, field officers said. Oiambak had boon Jooted by fleeing Viol Oing Iroopj

witli him . T he m an askod Davis If ho . w a s -a black policem an and Davis sa id yos. Ho wa;|adm itted.........................................

-■ After. I^vls-talked wlUi tho _m«n._ldontltli!il „ as _ .Wesloy

Copeland, 29, and bis wlfo, Goldie, 27, Copeland said, "lU rather die than go to ]all." He was holding a .49 caliber, pistol on Davis and his wife held a JO caliber level-acllon rifle, police said. ,

Copeland’s wife told Davii, "He's my husHand and I'm staying with him," poUpe u U . '

Copeland talked at- various times with two inlnlaleri| representatives oJ black .mili­tant organiiatlom^: «nd police offlciaU. He HniSy calleU 'fcr',' cigaretles and a blacic Bttomey he had met lit i.pi«vlou< visli /i to St. Lbub W IMS.'

An aJtr'eement .w u reached whereby Davis would be released, the Copelands would not be warged {or holdin police officer and they w ouIl „

. escorted out of the hotel, police farought their red OoTvair to the front ot the hotel ani| left It with the notoj' nuuibig.

- od ln_San Jose. since the war began," a reported in that clash either.

Aiidrus ask^ constitution <J(CDyLEETREMAINE coitfldent Uio legislators could

Times-News Stall Writer Soyern Uie slat* adequately.TWIN PAU.S — Cecil An- Aitdr(js told the students he

drus. Democratic gubernatorial endorses glving the vote to IBorcahdidata, strongly endorsed 19-year-old etu^nU, as. they

hayo a great stake In the quality of government.

Moon, stat« tr«asurer, and D. F. to-^a—qttestion, Bngell^lng, auperintendent of at "I could give public instrticilon.visiited twin

tho proposed rcWsion of Uie Idaho^nstitutlon In a speech

. ,^ ^ r e dboU 200 CoUege of

‘In answerAndrus said Uiat ______----------------------------------------------Uie aick answer Uiat Uio people Falli and appeared at Uiewill decide and I wiU B k M e '^ Democratic headquarters alongUie voice of Uie people, But you with state and county oan-,are entlUed to know how: I (lUates.personally feel about Uie new Andrus told Uw appredaUveMnstituUofl. I approve'of Uie (tudeiit audieiu» one M Idoho'irevision and 'I wUI personally m o s t' el<u(tlal problems lavote (or it." ‘ c6titcololpolluUon.Hechi^e<|

NoUngUiat some critics h«ve Uie pcesent lUpubUcan ad-

T O W .jiW hior Oeai Aadrtw u l s_________ bU ie OMKtta(ioa daring « K Jk >1

I lit S o l e n t Idaho WedaMUeK. r pictnrea from h|s

said Uie revision gives too much power *0 Idalw |L<gtilature, Andrus, a former state sena said that "I-bave fitlenoe in II Uglslature," and

lUoawiUifaillnitto to,.ei«-b

propeaur Was adviaeif to bis wastepM ucts “in Um

Answering a quesUbn from a student, Andrus said be op­poses allowing mining in ie re^ la operate in Uie White Oouds, especially since "eastern in­terest" would' mine the molybdenum (or eiport "olitsfde Uie Unlted'Statea.'!

however, that according to eidsUng law mining 'ciUi be , allowed in the White aouds area, and that- (ormal iegislaUve acUon la needed , to ' preserve.tlw area.

Mining in the m t « Clouds would Inevitably - result in - drabiage of waste pnducta In^ Uie Sabnon Rlvcf whlek 111 turn drabu Into Uie &iaks River, Andrus said, ' , Uieriby Uireatenbig flah life ovw a vast area. ■

“We muat conal^.,w hat (a . th i most benencial use d(t^e public landa fof U1 people, ta tt: Just (Or a favored few'," AMira# ‘

2 T lm w N e w i. Tw in F a l i i, ld»ho -nuifniaV , o d o b « r J2, w o

T id ie d . .;ACCUSED hippie cu lt le a d e r C harles MotiBon ap p e ars c lean ­

shaven for th e lirst tim e since h is trin i for th e Tnte-LaK lanca m u rd ers b eg a n . (U PI)

RFK authorized King phone tap

Genes' ‘affect

HOUSTON (U P I) - Nobol P riz e 'W in n o r D r. .W llllo m S h o ck ley s a id W odnosday NoKroes In Uio North a re m ore in telligent th an tltoso tho South and a t t r ib u te d 'i t to the ra tio of Caucasuu) gonos.

fihocldey-said-theJntoUigcni • quotient (IQ ) of N egroes rmiy in c re ase with the ra tio of

> Caucasian 'geneg to Negro genes a t about a r a te of One IQ point fo r Qvcry 1 ' per cfcnt of C aucasian g e n e s . .• In a paper dc)ivcr<kl to (ho

N ational A cadcm y of Sciences, Sliocidoy called for m o re study into Uie posslbUity t)ils thesis iiuiy Imj correc t.

Tfio^N nllonal A cadem y has re fused to sanction Shockloy's tlicorles o r support his p ica s for additional re sea rch . ,

S>)ockley sa id tlie gene which m ay Increase Ujo IQ o f Negroes is a blood type w hich was m lss in s fi'offi t)io orig inal slave population bu t found In 4.1 per ce n t of a ll.C aucasians .

Inheren t In S lipcklcy's presen­tation Is tlic idea genetics,ra ti ie r tljan environm ent, is tho m ain fac to r' for .determ ining intclllRence.

a io c k lc y , wiio won the Nobel P rlz c “ a s co-invc^tor of the trn n ais to r, sa id a study prc- induction m en ta l te s ts for

W/\SHINGTON (U P I) - A t - interview s w ith Kennedy and lorney- G enera l R obert F . King, ImUj o f whom w ere Kennedy autliorized a ta p on assassinn ted in 1000.M artin L uther King's teleplw no N avasky w rote th a t Kcnnc- in lM 3-partly to avoid political d y ’s auUiorizatlon was. m ostly p roblem s w ith FB I D irector J . " to avdld problem s ... not E(te<ir H oover, occordinB to P m ere ly Uio p re sen t p roblem s of ^ ^ cntcrinB th e arm ed a rtic le p u b lia fe a W ednesdny In ’ living wlUi Uie bureau , h av in g ' ^ r v l c e s lu c k s un his contention th e A tlantic MonUily. ' to fi.ce non cooperation on

AuUior V ictor N avasky sa id im relateil n ro n s, risking an FD l 'KennCtly also thought the ta p torpedo of Uie civil rig h ts bill, g „ y , contended lor would p rove King w as not inviting h a rassm en t from con-Influenced by Com m unists and g ressm cn , co lum nists an d o ther because ofT ) ia rs u c h -p ro T )rw 5 n irp re v i! i\rn i! jrm m riir“ c s n s t l t u m 5 - w i i i r - ‘" “ “ ^ ^ ^ ^U,e issue from._ being , ra ised respond to Mr. H oover's T S r s l

d is tress signals, j,i, a v e ra g e ' I Q ^. . NcHroeq dropped five poIrHS as

K e n n o d J^ m be published next - M L ____ . . ■

/ i j i c s i . . .

J>AINTEK G eorgia O^Kcotfe, Widely regarded a s the most orig inal A m erican o rtls t, will be 83 on Nov. 15. (U P I)


ANKARA, Turkey ( U P I ) - 'ru rk ish troops and U.S. m ilita­ry adv isers sea rched today for a p lane ca rry in g two U.S. Army g en era ls 'm issing on a flight n e a r T urkey’s border witli the Soviet Union.

l l i c tw in-engined Beechcraft Ufl U.S. Air F o rce p lane, al.so c a rry in g an unidentified U.S. Air F orce m ajo r wlw acted as p ib t , niid n Turkish o lltcer,' wi(3 not h ea rd from afte r takirig off Wedne.sday m orning from E rzurum on a 100-mlIe flight to K ars.

iCars Is about 35 m iles from T urkey’s border witli Uie Soviet Union.

— Til e-D efense-D epartm en t-

aga inst the pending civil righ tsbill. -------------

Tlic m agazine said N avaiky drew tlie conclusions af te r a

- Kix-vear study—U int-lDcluded.

Vyasliington identified the ge­n era ls a s M aj. G en. E dw ard C. D .^ P o n y : S ch crrc r , W ,. of am w neetow n , II)., and Brig. G en. Claude M onroe McQuarie J r . ,'45, of F t. Denning, Ga.

Quebec outlaws

^ l e n t• MONTRKAL (U P I)-Q u e b e c IJberation F ron t ( F l i j ) k idna­p ers of Ilrltlsli d ip lom at J a m e s R . Cross m ain ta ined tholr silence today, on tiie fa te of tJioir captive. . .

_ H opca-W icc-rulscd^W edm jB i i ia rw d ffiR m c c T e e c tv o d -th i

ca lls from -n h anonym ous persort cla im ing to rep resen t

;U»o Crosy .k idnnpers. The p e r s o n . said tlio FLQ w as "Interefttod" In a' governm ent o f f e r 'to fly tlio k idnapers to CuIju in exchjmgi) for tiio safe

're tu rn of. C ross, b u t subsequonl cliecklng led imIIco to "doubt U)o autlicntlclty of the ca lls ."

In addition, police checked . out and found.to l)C Iwgus an

a lle g e d FLQ co m m u n iq u e . dropped in tlic com m unity of C liateayuay, 15 m iles west of M o n tre a l, 'l a t e W ednesday n ight.

Tlio Inst auU ientic com m uni­cation from O o s s hnd tho F l / J a rriv ed Sunday, tlic day aftor the body of ulaln Quebec Cabinet M inister P ie rre Ij i - porte was found.

In two notes—o n e addressed to tlie autlioritles and one to h is wife—CrosJi w arned police h is life would be endangered if.thoy continued to sea rc li for him .

An! accom panying com m u­nique from tlie FLQ tlireatencd to ext'CWe- C rosa If the governm ent dlTl not m eet its dem ands,to re le ase 23 m em bers of the terro ris t organization lield in Quebec Jails. It added, however, Uie te rro ris ts “hoped

-to-snvc-thc-lifc-of-eV oss:"'-------Sliould Uie FL Q decide to

accept the governm ent offer, a helicopter, Is w aiting for tlicm .. a t Uie Canadian pavilion of the Expo 'f)7 W orld’s F a ir. Tliere Uity would have to turn Cross over to the Cuban consul. *


Outdoors. . .FO R A NICKEL BtudenlB a t G eorgetown U niversity can get

Cflun6clllng>-.from vice p resident of student developm ent, P a tr ic ia R ueckel. D ie outgoing school official m oved tills stall outdoors hi o rd e r to Increase h e r contact with studen ts. (U PI)

M rs. D avo R o b erts and d a u g h te rs w indow shopping downtown . . . Sharon McMlllon

|_ ad g in a tln g -n e w -h a lt-* ty J® -fo r- Sandy Stoker . . . I.,arry Doahl e m p t y i n g n e i g h b o r ’s w astebasket . . . M rs. Robert Niven ■ b u y in g g ia n t scn ry Halloween sp ider . . . 'J u n e Wilson, H ansen, explaining Uie meaning of a g ra m . . . Peggy Hogue re c e iv in g oxpectod telephone call from P lioen lx .. . b onn lA . H a y n o s, K otchum ,

Smith enjoying end of forest fire w eather . . . P a t Bormlngliam ■ discussing traffic cItaUona will) Je rry Cargill . . . ^ b KrousJi bowing Jioad Into'snowstorm . . . Ron G oodm an sing ing a^rls tm as song . . . ‘Arlohe Gregg w orking in hospital office ; . . and overheard , "M erry Q irlsU nns."


SANTA CRUZ. Oall'f. ( UPI ) ^ . Tlie killers of a wealthy, eye • surgeon and four oUier persons left a note nea r, his blazing mansion declaring "W orld War 3 " a g a in s t th o se who 'm isuse the environm ent.". SJVerlff's deputies revealed W ednesday night they had found the note tucked under a windshield of slain D r. Victor M. Ohta’s red .Rolls Royce.

Deputies also announced Uiey- were hunting three "hippie- type" persons, one a w om an, as


Magic Valley HospitalsMagic VnUoy M cm oriiil Cnssin M cm orinl

Copilot tried to turn nlane

AdmUledM rs.. Duflne..W ubker,. Joseph____ m t s ^

‘ P a tterso n , G eneva M oyes, J . Kenneth G reene , M rs. Albert F risch , C harles O’Dell, H arry Rayl, M ark Glenn Reynolds, Mova H aynes, Jolui D. R oberts and Q m rles A. H arris , all Twin F alls; Dixon B allard , Buhl; Wlnnio H ow ard, F ile r; M rs. C. K e n n eth H a rk n e s s , B u rle y ; Arley Hoigh, Gooding; RuUi A.

A dm ittedR oln lio ld-K obor, - and

Regional ObituariesH y ru m H iin ler F u n era l Serviccs^^ E Rydalch

D r.O hta,47 ; Ills wife. V irginia, 41; their sons, Victor T aggart,

,-U ,. an d -R ic h ard D errick. 12; and the physiclans's sec re ta ry , M rs. DoroUiy d^dw allader, 30. Tlie m ansion whs se t a f ire and firemen found Uie bodies.

Before the hilltop s layings Monday, M rs. o n ia h a u ~ w n P “ plained to her fam ily tha t hippies had to be cha.sed aw ay from her estalp ,

Tlie d isclosure of Uie m essii-

M rs. R ichard Wliile J r . , boUi B u rle y , a n d M rs. C fa lr P etersen , P aul.

DlBmlsBcd .M rs. D ean Allan- an d son,

H eyburn; M rs. Lewis Parisli and son, O akley, and Leonard C unningham , Salt L ak e ' City.

RlrtliBD aughters wore born to Mr.

T W IN FA L L S - H yrum Lowell H unter, 81,'751 Second A v e . N ., d ied W e d n esd ay m o rn in g I n , M ag ic V alley M em oria l H ospital af to r a brief lllne.ss.

B orn M ay 30,1839, In Oakley, he m a r r ie d A d e la id e J a n e Cozzena, July 5, 1013, in Twin

Jess A. Wa*T, M urtaugh.D ism issed ,

/ / J r t r s / b o u ^ l a s Haw kins/ an tf^ / M l , K y le M asd iek , Alplieus • N yo ,--R obert H ildreth , M rs .' .T h o m a s B u rn ik e l , Loulso

P o tte r, M rs, R ichard High and so n , M rs . L a v e rn F r a s ie r , H arold Nelson, M rs. Jam es R lioades, U oyd M ason an d Mac M iller, all Twin F a lls; B aby girl F ink, D orothy Cam pbell and Jeffrey H urley , all F ile r; M rs. L eonard Kennison, Shoshone; H a n n e lo re E g a n , H e y b u rn ; M rs. W a lte r. W clsm an, Wen­d e ll ; .F ra n k S tr a in , E d en ; Donald H elken, D ietrich; Roy F a i t , M a ttie O lson , P au l S trolberg and F ran k Brown, all B uh l; M rs . G a ry A skew , K im berly; M rs. David Wilcox^ B urley; U oyd Viall. Salt U k e C ity , U ta h , an d T h o m as Shorwood»-Troy, n r ......

nirUiBA son w as born to M r. and

M rs, -L arry R auntree,. Twin Falls.

I 'v t i n F a l ls C l i n i c

Adm itted M rs. L eona C ra n e , Susan

H innessey , and Dennis F ix , all Twin Fall-s. and M rs. Antonin G orrano, R upert.

SI l ls rn il ' l ION »A I’i s I in; i im i:s-m ;u s

I'uiii I'tilU. IillihnH> I j i r r i r r , . .

P t-r iiHMilli( Ojiilr-Vi ^ u ju Ihn ) . S12.2.'»

ll> M imI P a id iit Vilviinrr ( Ih iilv S iiih Ih> )

I Monlh . . . . . . .(i >1<inlh«..................l.'l.OO

- L X a i

M r. and M rs. R ichard White

G ^ o n d in ^ M c m o r i f i l

A dm ittedM rs. W illiam P arish , B liss;

M rs. Lyle A dam s, Slioshone; M arlon Short, W endell; M aude P au l, J a m e s S. Y am am oto, M arcellno G olchoechea, Jolm K orhner, M rs. C.hC. M ette, M rs. I ra K istler, M rs. George A rkpo^h, L eo n a rd B ay an d W illiam R o g e r . .C a s c h , all Gooding.

, DlsmlsBcd R o b ert' P e te rso n ,' Gooding;

G eorge lu^mon, H agerm an , and J e r ry F reem an '. Wendell.

H l a i n o C o u n t y

A dm itted

a Juno 7, 1060:; r/io7(i/ / / ' ' /• w as a membei- of the

Second W ard LDS Church and of tJie E ld ers (Quorum of Uial w a rd . He fa rm ed in the Paul a re a for 40 y e a rs and w as a m em b er of the school board Uiere a t one lim e. He m oved to B righam City, U tah, in 1902 and had lived the past th ree an d one- h a lf y e a rs in Twin F alls.

H e is surv ived by a son, E d w a rd L ow ell H u n te r , T rc m b n to n , U ta h ; th re e

'd a u g h te rs , M rs. Zelda.Tshgland, O g d e n ,. U ta li; M rs . D a lla s (Je an n ln e) C lark , Indianapolis, In d .; M rs. Dwight (M yrna) B ell, Twin F alla ; a broUier, W llford E lm o H unter, Oakley; th re e s i s te r s , M rs. J e n n is

................. A lbert, Milford, U tah ; M rs.— .lohn-R oanoyv-’ilio r tU -D y o r,— iJacQ ld -(A da)- P e te rso n ,_ a n d both H a ile y , an d J a m e s E lzjna H unter, both M urtaugh,

Henry Thom ey a t 11 a, m. F rid a y (n Hove F u n era l Quipel by R ev. Robert C. Cooper. Final r i le s w ll be in ^^vin F alls Cem etdry. F rien d s m a y call at the chapel until 10:30 a. m. F riday ,

, ■ U oyd Ju s tic e a t 2 p. m. F rid a y In the Hove F uneral Q iap c l by Rev. Lyle Higgins.

- F in n l - H l e » - w i l l - b e - h e l d - i n ' Je ro m e (JJemetery. Fylepds m ay cu^I 'a t the c p p e l u n t^ tim e of SQto-lces F rid ay .

Mrs. J . NellisTWIN FALLS - Word has

been receiv l'd here of the deaUi o f M rs . E lw y n ( J e a n e t te ) N eills, Y akim a, W ash;, fo rm e r' Twin F alls re s iden t. M rs. Nellis died Monday of a long illness.

Slie w as Uie wife of Elwyn N ellis, form er city ed ito r of the Tim es-News. He cu rren tly is an ed itor of Uie Y aklrha H crald- Republlc.


• BURLEY - E v a Amelia R ydalch, 56. died Wodne.sday a t Cas.sia Memfln'al Hospital oL a long nincss.

^ e was born F e b . 19, .10H, in Biu-lcy. Slie n ev e r m arried and w as a moml>er of tho LDS C lm rch.

Surviving a re two bro thers, Je th ro D. R ydalch . Boise, and

' W lll9m Rydaloh,*Settttli‘ : five s i s te r s , M rs. M a r y D onkin . M rs. Florence F o rre s te r , M rs. Enid Funk, Cleo R ydalch, all B urley, and M arg are t R ydalch, N am pu.

G raveside .services will be conducted a t 2 p .m . S aturday In Uie Salt U k e City Cem etery u nder the 'd lrc c tto n " o f~ U ic " M cC ulloch F u n e r a l .H om o, B urley.


WICHITA, Kan. (U P I)—C o - clearance over w hat ! know to pilot Ronald G. Skipper .h as be th e -Continental D ivide,” testified he tried tor turn a Skipper said.c h a rte red plane c a rry in g p a r t “ Tlierc w as m ore than ________________ __________.of tliP .Wichjln. S ta ia_U nlvcralty_ .sufficien t ro om -to -m ako-a 100— go's conten ts ca m e af te r U n ite d - football team when he realized degree turn and fly back down Press In ternational reported

Uie valley . I InjUiilCiLlLJ’Jght Uie note w as In the h an d s of tu rn ... and as I w as rolling out police bu t w as being withheld of th is turn, C aptain C rocker because of Uie frightening said , 'I 'v e got the a irp la n e .' He nature of its contents.Initiated a loft tu rn , the a irc ra ft ' . ~began v ibrating , he pu t Uie L E G A L N O T I C E nose down and shorUy th e /ea f- te r wo c ra sh e d ." ‘

Skipper said he w as hazy

Uie p lane couldn’t m ake It over Uie C ontinental Divide. '

Skipper, 34, also president of Golden Eatsle Aviation Inc., which supplied the crcw s .for Uu! unlversity-8 football' team /ligh ts, testified ijndpr oath W ednesday a t a federa l inquiry into the c ircum stances lending



crafllL J5 cl...2 ^ ..!llltr iy _ ab Q U tljd ia L J iap p cn e d _ aftc r-._ n ic^ -S o u N T ?°o & S w iS ^ -p Iu u j,‘ ' S T A T C 'O F ID A H O

In t h e / ^ M e r g l/ lh e 'E it s le of M IN N IE O. K N A P f^ DeceBiad.

Puriuant to nn order or lAld Court, made on the 30th day ol October, 1970, notice is hereby o lv in ttiat Tu H d n y . the lOth day of Novonr)ber, W 70«l ten o'clock. A, M , of » «ld d*V. at Ihe Court Room ol u id , Courl, at

p o r^ n s were klileci. Including 'w a rd . 13 football p layers, the te a m ’s h e a d c o a c h an d i ts a th le tic d irec tor.

Skipper was to testify ayain a t loUuy’s sc&sion.

Ho sa id the twin-engine M artin 404 had a no rm al flight from W ichita to D enver w here U" m ad e j f refueling stop en route to I^ g a n , -U tah. At D enver, he said , he took over flying th e nirplnne~from pilot Danny E . Crocker who w as killed in the c rash .

In C le a r O e e k Valley "it began to look to m e as if we w ere not going to be able to clim b so as to hav e sufficient

Stocking, C arey.D ism issed

Henry n ras .ie , Hailey.

.S|. H c n u d io l 's

A dm ittedM rs. Eva Jolinson an d M rs.

E m m a W illiam s; both Je ro m e ; M rs. Donald Capps, TwTn F alls.

DlsmlflBed M rs. Jack Spcllerbug a n d son,

Twin Falls.D lrths

A son w as born to M r. and M rs. Donald C apps, Twin Falls.

an d 22 grandch ild ren ; six great g ran d ch ild ren . His p a ren ts , two .sons a n d . two d augh te rs and eig h t b ro tliers and s is te rs also p reced ed him in death .

F u n era l serv ices will bo held S a tu rd ay a t 10 a . m . in the Second W ard LDS Q iu rch wlUi S ta n le y Snow , B ish o p , of­ficia ting . F riends M ay ca ll at W h ite M o rtu a ry T h u rsd a y , F rid a y and S atu rd ay a t Uib Second W ard LDS Cliurch from Oto 10 a . m . B urial will bo In Uie Oakley, cem etery .

„ MembersI win rails

News In Brief W e l c O m e dAn Ohltlme dance will bo held ; ..H A G E R M A N — ,,S ix new

a t B p .m . S atu rday a t the Twin m on ibcra w ere w elcom ed Into

M iiil Hiil)Hcri|tlio <■(1 (M ii\ w Im t i ' n i r r i t T i l i ' l i v - «T> i»< iio l n iiiiiilu iiit 'd .

2 :t .« 0 f a l l s Moose hall. Tom L a n * ^ ’® ch ap ter of tho F u tu re , ‘" ’••‘•I"- c a s te r ’s band will p rovide th e - J * “niem akjsr8 of A m erica ot

m usic and lunch will be served . ‘nUlntion ce rem onies Tue.sday . evening.

All m o th ers of .studen ts at* l l ie y a re Sliaron Lapp, Becky tending Robert S tuart Ju n io r T upper, Slm rl Q iap m a n ’, Dlaric Illgli School,have been asked to Owsley, Dlano Jones, and Adelo sign and r6 tu rn Uie cooked>food

meeting planned

TW IN FA L L S - M rs. M a u r ic e H u ffm an w a s r e ­e le c te d p re s id e n t of tho Ckiuntryslde F low er C lub a t the re g u la r m eeting M onday at the hom e of M rs. W illiam Ljinting.

M rs . Jo h n P a s to o r w as nam ed vice p re sid e n t; M rs. L yle S c h n ltk e r , s e c re ta ry - t r e a s u r e r , a n d M rs . M ax C rothers, re p o rte r.

T he to p ic d isc u ss io n w a s "W reaUi M aking ," and the item s used in m ak ing Uiem. A luncheon m ee ting w a s planned for-M onday a t the Depot Grill, to be followed by scavenger hunt for w reath m ak ii^g jtem s.

M rs. O o th e r s rovlewiffd J h o book, "Tlio Joy of a ' Small G a rd en ," a llgh t-liearted ac­count of g ard en in g -.th ro u g h , m a s s e s 'o f — flovTora— .arjd. vegoUibles, to a final Japanejio typo garden which required only inlnirii^il c a re .

M rs. P ete Tliornton will |>o hostes.<) to Uio group a t ;a workshop m eeting in Novem ­ber. _____ _ . • M,

o l e g a l ' I n io t ’ i c e

TIIVIES-NKWSc ? ■ I v v 'C / ' ' l > 1 1 > l ? l > C fliini n n u rf t tu rn U iecooked*foo<l

Rrtios s l i p s . t o th e p r in c lp f t r s

f o r s<*rvl(M* o n I ’ l ip c r l)< .| lv iT jf

OdIJ your ('nrri^r

’ llffo rc p.in. diiily » r liffort' I ^ ttiiii. OH Sdiiilwyv

office by, F rid ay .

T heS en lo r C ltlie iu S ilver and Gold Club will hove a •special s p e a k e r (It th e ir m e e tin g M onday*al 1:30 p. m . In Uie Comm unity C enter in Sunny View Courts. Topic will bo

A rtc rburn .The iniUation w as u nder Uio

d irec tion of Sofia Cam poa, who also conducted Uie installoUon serv ic e of new 'offlcdrs, M arlota G ilm ore, asslfitant h istorian , and B ecky T upper, recreation ch a irm an .

T a b le d e c o ra tio n s o f fa ll flo ra l a r ra n g e m e n ta w ere m ade

legislation perta in ing to>8enlor by M r s . 'C a r o ly n L ttn k fO rd ,' clUzens. Rofreslunonts will bo c h a p te r ad^'lser, 0BBl8t«d by serv ed . All sen io r citizens a re M iss Cam pos, .M iss Q iap m a n ,

IA 'n llA M .I.................. ............* trt ffy* 1 .......' u rged to a tten d .' ; and sen ior F .H .A : ni«rnl>erli;

•4 '

Daughter borrtHAGERMAN - M r. and M rs.

K ent C. K rohn, Pocate llo , aro> parenlfl of a d au g h te r, bom - Tu’e a d a y a t tho B an n o ck hosp ita l. Pocatello. M rs. Krolm Is the fo rm er T erri Larson, fo r m e r ly o f H a g e rrp a n . M aternal g ran d p are n ts a re Mr. and M rs. L arson , H agerm an and pato rna l g ra n d p are n ts, M f. and JVlrs. Ron K rohn, Boise, fo rm e r Ifag erm n n , an d -D lia s r ts ld e n ts .

BU H L— A poUuck dinner and b ab jr-ah o w c r honoring M rs. Richie O e tto l,. Caldwell, s ta te Jay-C-Eltc p re sid e n t, was given by th e B uhl - J a y -C -E tte s T uesday ' Right a t the Buhl Jay c ee Hall, m ak ing the official visit of M rs. C rettol.

M em bers of th e Gooding Jay - C-E ttes w ere in attondanco, with KaUiy Schm idt, goodlng, vice p resid en t,'co n d u ctin g the G ooding m e e tin g an d M rs. Willie P rice, Hjuhl Jay-C-Ette p resident, conducting the Buhl rneetlng.

G u e s ts w orq M rs . L a r ry I jim m o rs and M rs. Bob Day, both Buhl. ■ •

Official ivisilmade_

R IC H F IE L D Jo h nS p o lja r ic , d i s t r i c t g o v e rn o r, Boise, m ade hl^ official visit to th e R ichfielc( L ions c lu b T uesday night a t a lad les n ight d inner meeting tho M ethodlat church .

Describing Ui^ outronch of Uio I n t e r n a t i o n a l L i o n s organization ,ho sa id cluL^havo com pleted 400,000 bom m unity p ro je c ts . Ho In v ite d lo ca l m em bers to tho 1071 n tf t lo n a l . convention In U s V egas, N ev., next Septem ber. Tho d is tr ic t governor w as accom panied by C h a r le s W olfhof, B o ise , an em ployd.of the D oportm ont“o( th e Blind for .Idaho. H ie m en wort) in tro d u c e d by A lb e r t 'PqU oy ,____R ic h f ie ld c lu bj^eslden t.

docoasM, and lor hearlno tho ap.-------plication ol Fred W illiam Knapp. J r .

lor Ihe luuance to hlAi o l lotlori ol administration wllh W ill Annexed,

_ whcnandwhoroanypor&onintom ted IN V ^ITA TIO N F O R BIDS appear and contoil same.

■ Sealed bids on blanket liability Dated October JO, 1970. insurance will be received-by the s * E V E L Y N M . H IN T 2 EClt' • - • - •

L E f e A L N O T I C E


P R O V lN O W IL L ------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------IN T H E P R O n A T E C O U R T O F the County Court Houte Inj^he City OfT H E C O U N T Y O F T W IN F A L L S , Twin Fall*. County of Twin F a lll.S T A T E O F ID A H O Idaho, hat been appointed B» the

In ihc^AAAtier o l..lh& . Estate of time and.place.for oroulno lh « W IlUF R G O W I L L IA M K N A P P , of &aid Minnie O. Knapp, doceaied,Doceased. and lor hearing the application of

Pursuant to an orderof sal'd Court, Fred Willifim Knapp, Jr ; lof lh « .made on the 30th day ol October, issuance to h im of le lte rt1970, notice l» hereby gfvon that testamentary, when and where anyTuesday tho lOlh day ol November, person interested may appear andI970,at tono’clock A, M .o f sa id da y, contest same,at tlie Court Room ol u i d Court, at Dated October 30, 1970.the Counly Court House In the C lly ol E V E L Y N M . H IN T Z ETwin Falls, Counly dl T w in . Falls, Deputy ClerkIdaho, has been appointed as the (S E A L )time and place lor proving Ihe W ill P U O LIS H : Oct, 33, 39, Nov. 5, 1970.-• said F re d W illia m Knapp,

lrtnr>o,_o'l_lho__ . Clerk........o K th c City Clerk up lo 4:00‘ clock P. M . on T h u rs d a y .

November 13, 1970, at which time they w ill be opened publiciy and read In the Council Cham bers ol the City Hall, 33\ Second Avonuo East, Twin Falls, Idaho.

In fo rm ation for* cove ra ge Is avallablo at the office of Ihe City Clerk at tho City Haii, 331 Second Avenue East, during ofllce.hours.

Didders w ill bo required to furnish bid securlly In Ihe form ol cash, corlilied check or bid bond in the amount ol at least rive per cent ol the total amount ol the bid.

Tho C lly resorvei the rloht to reject any and ail bids and to waive Inlorm alillM ,

C I T Y O F T W IN F A L L S ,ID A H ODy Constance J . Loiier

City Clerk P U R L IS H : October 33, 39, 1970

P U B L IS H : Ocl. 33, 39, Nov. 5, 19)0.



f B R A N



D urin g th e las t w.eek o f O c t o b e r !■■ B i ■ H ■ ■ M H Ml H M I M l H i M W H H i H I b




vicroRHI PATENT . 2 5

Pound Bag


P o l i t ic o a t w o r kUuriitii Tw in FaUs visil, ’ Cecil A n d rm ch a tted ivilh

. vo ters and received a p o r tra it

I'll.1; Oc! 'L>Ct i2, Tjffi'.i-Kj,vi.. ‘I'Ain.Fiiillv. iCjJ

Truck di-iver hurl in Burley wreck

BUrtLKY - It took ono and ono4iBl( hours U) clear tho road after 0 IrUck-car collision af 5:05 p. m. Tuesday ot tho in- torRoclion of Overland Avcnuo

U 5 6 6

Constitution lectures at high school Monday

JWildlife film shown

YMCA post still open

SHOSHONE - A film on. . wildlife shown tho Rotary

• TWINrALI.S— Detailsoftlie reinovin« portab le c lass ' mcmbbr of Ujc revision com- club Wednesday noon. Gilbert proposed Idaho Constitution dividers so n Inr^o number of mission will spenk for t}io nejct pjerson was proDram" chair- revision to bo voted on Nov. 3 by students can attend the same two periods. Sixth period man.

, ........... D«“n Durloc was IntroducedDcPmil snid IJoyd Webb, city council member. ns o prospective new member,

form er d is tr ic t Judiie nnd DcPnul said students will be Kenneth &oUiers wns named'n member of Uie Constitution votlnc the 'regu lar Twin FnUs. d iro c lo r, rep lnclng Donnie

County billlot today nnd Friday. Everett, who has taken ,n leovo

Idaho voters will be presented high school student's In a series of lectures Monday.

Arnold DePaul, scljool social studies instru cto r, said the students will be utlllzinK the new . “pod” constructed this summer for the first time in the special proKram. In the "pod” one InrRe ccnler is provided by

He said It had been atlclpated the new executive director will be selected by Nov. 1 when presetit executive director Qiet B a r tle tl’s reslRnatlon takes effect.

Patterson snid, however, the selection probably will be delayed un til about mid- November.

Revision Com mission, will speak durinji the first two one- lu)ur periods Monday. Jolm Wolfe, scliool board member, will address tlie third period and Douglas Kramer, also a

■Riipeiiri'esideii U asked not to burn

, . . of abscnce.• Voting machines a rc now ot -sc n lD r 's tu d e n ts , who werethe school, DePaul said, with all (juests were Rick Helsley,Junior nnd senior class mem- eh Us Gooch and Tom Haddock!bcrs of the .social studies group other guests Included Jackto be voting Tliursdny and Bowlin, Brodo school principal;Friday with the new automatic u c Adams, Alan McCombs and

TWIN FA LI^ - H ie 'Twin Falls YMCA is receiving ap­p lications for the post of executive director, Dale Pat­terson, board president, said Wednesday.

P a tte rson sold six ap ­plications have been received.Ho said the executive com­m ittee will meet soon to review applications.

Cafe opening SundayFAIRFIELD — Tlio Frontier the premises In preparation for

Cnfe will have a fjrand openinu Ihe openinft. Mr. and Mrs. •Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn I^ach and their two childrenI^ach , Boise, will re-open Uie have moved here,cafe which has been closed for M r. and M rs. Dal Leethe past year. . , . operated tho cafe prior to


in - ceremony

SEOUL tUPI). - Seven (^uples from tlio United States imd 1.56A more m en and women from Europe und Asia were marrJod Wednosday In « wcddin({ in a hui{o gymnasium In —downtown Seoul while fireworks exploded outride. ..

It was Uie biy^est mass wod.dinQ In SouUi- Korean h isto ry , nnd possibly In tho world.

Tlic 700 couples a rc members Xtl tlie Holy Spirit Association for tho Unification of World Cliristianlty, also known as thoIn tn rn n tln n n l flir lto iln n Ifn if lrn .

lion diurcli. Most woro from South Korea and Japan, but oUiers came from tho United Stotos;Wost Germany, France, Italy, Uio NeUierlanda and Nationalist China;---------—

'n>o wedding ceramony was performed by church M aster Sim MyuiiB Moon, who founded U\e church in 1051, and his.wlfe, both wparinR olden robes and crowns.■ "Do you swear to love your

spouses forever?" nsked Master Moon. Hie answers "Y eal”

and 22nd Street’. )Police said H. W. Blauer, 71,

Burley, driving an auto, halteda t a stop sign on 2^ street, then apparently pulled bito the lane of traffic and irolllded with a two-ton, truck traveling north • on Overland.

Driver of the truck was =A<ar.}8arprw»yfW fBqrlB)r7xph»r-T= ..was--lrctttW *Tor'Injuries at Cassia Meiporial hospital and reloised., . . .‘ Wlicn tho vehicles collided,

Uie truL'k’s bod broke loose and tlie truck rolled over.! The aiito was demolished and tho truck, owned by Albert Anderson a n d ' Sons. Oukley, also was denyollshed.

a n o t h t r

N EW T O L L FREEt l i r n c t (li.ii

2 4 l i u i i r li.-li.’p l i o iu

8 0 0 - 6 4 8 1 1 7 7

t £ mm a i i m



'RUPERT — Rupert residents arc asked not to burn leaves and trnsh in, compliance with the new sta te antl-burnlng rc({ulation, but to place them in containers and city crews will pick them up.

Mayor Wendell Johnson urges cooperation with tho new regulatioh, even though there is

-no ••c itr-o rd ln n n cc - uf'oinst burning. ‘

Councilmen plan field trips soon to neliihboring city dumps to study methods and cost^ of operation. Tlie mayor said Uio Rupert city dump is not being kept up properly and coun- cllmen want to Improve its operation. - - .

Councilmen,agreed to let the '-library handle its own money,

after a request was made at Tuesday n ig h t’s council


■ ^FA IR FIELD - Teen-aijcr Murk Johnson gave an illustrated talk on various kinds of rock that he had collected

• from different 'p a r t s of the country while traveling with his. parents.

He was featu red a t the meeting of the Soldier Mountain

• Rock Wranglers-'J^-Tuesdriy evening in the Qimas County court room. Johnson also described a lapidary machine timt he had purchased.■ Mr. and Mra- L<ec Daniel showed slides of Indian pctroglyphs and oUier subjects. Rocks and a rtifa c ts were "dlsplaycti by~Ofa?Ic.9 Wonvor, John H um phreys, M orris Stokes, and Mr. and Mrs. E r­nest Mizor.

Hie Nov. 17 meeting will feature Lowell Fields, Gooding, who docs profoBsldnel rock work.

meeting.Building permits were ap­

proved for G. W. Masterson, addition to house, I2.7&0; Guy McAlister, remodeling, $1,500; Delmor Dorsey, sto rage building, $100; Phillip Pines, ulllily and storage building, $945, .an d ' H arris Vooller, remodeling theater, $1,000.

close Friday at 3 :45 p. m. he said.

~ C o n d ld a lc s“ and'aduU"vbtcrs~" have expressed an interest in the school election resu lts , DePaul sold. Hq noted it Is a two-fold program in that It teaches studen ts voting procedure and will give them a chance to com pare youth political thinking with tho vole’ of tlielr parents and other adults I d be taken Nov. 3.

6lg ^eat bHls?

Hoalino fubi Budoel PHln: even, low monthly paymenis IhrouQh ll\e heating s


DICK SERPA • 733-9541•tUAdifd Oil Oowiuny ol Ctlifvnla


D O I N I L I G O I O ■ T R I K I S f A M M T h it W « « l ( « n d o n a ll e rd a rt of *20 *0 0 o r m or*

D O U B L E Your savings at Marty’sDEUCIOUS

HAMSSH A N KH A i F .. M r w lb B U T T

H A L F . . 3 7 1 b


Dal M o n l« 17 ex. can

FRUIT coi;ktrilD atM snl* ) « o i . can

RED SALMOND a lM o n U 1 6 e x . can

PEAS, CORN, CUT BEANS 3 i 69*W ith C o u p o n

PILLSBURY FtOUR .T T T 2 5 T b .: • I ”

G A i N D h E R G E N T ^ . . , : . . . . . . M



T a k e h o m e a w e d g e o f d e l ic io u s C h e d d a r , a v a iT -~ a b le s h a r p o r m i l d . , . n u t^ ^ jk e ^ S w is s . , . M o n ­t e r e y . J a c k ; C h a l le n g e C h e e s e . . . g r e a t f o r s n a c k s o r c o o k in g . . t h e b e s t id e a t h a t e v e r h a p p e n e d .

- t o ^ o r a r b u d g e t 'G e t s o m ir t D d a y ; ------- —


. C l u I J a r B * ll wjlh lart Jonathan a|>pU i.'

S w is s B * il w M i la n g y O f M n ln g o p p b i ond ■Dtndw g r M il F in o M grapat, . '

5 3 ■ 'B tit with t w M I , lu lcy A n ^ p M » or ip lcy, cinnamon c o l^ n d t o u p tg tt.

■ ■ / & : _

Produced Ucally By IDA GBM DAIkYMBN, the.


I s “ L iv e ” O r T V B e s t?\(ai2tv I alloy'K Homo

Thurtdsy. October 72, 1970 M W etleroren. Publiiher PHONE 733 09 3 1O H ica I Cily ond Coui«ty N rw tpapvi' ........... .............. ' of AuJII nurtou ol Cifculolion and UP'Puc\uonl lo S *«ion 60108 Idoho Cod*. Iliuiidoy li h»(«b y daiigntiUd nt ,lh» diiy ol lli« wtali 'on which l«gul n e t i i n will b# r>tyb)>»h*d Pul»Jnh»<rdH(J>> lyid iu n iln y . •k ip p i So tu iJ a y . ol ' )3 ? 1i»nl W »U , Iwin fo\U,Idoho. 83301. by Mo q k VnlUy N * w ip o{i»u . Inc. n i i x o n j cliUMnnil > ^ u r April 8. l9> 8 ..a U l)e P°*'(>4licr in Twin Fnllf Idnho H330T under ih» a d of Mntch R, IB79.

American Cause

WASHINGTON (NBA) - A itallii* Uie o u e . : Qoldborg'i raljior cumborsome In Calltortla, Uioy’ve been >ay» he told th e . senator sixlot or sage types a re saying PredDiitlon.IbniiorKennedy l»riional|ty; saj/g lelovlslon Is saying for a t least tour years years ago he hoped he'd live

political show these i i y t , but In help New York Deinocrrta sell ___important ways they're over-, governorship nominee Arthur new h


John W. Gardner, secretary of Health, Education and Welfare In the Johnson: administration and chairman of the Urban Coolltion, has launched a new organization called "Common Cause.”

"Everybody’s organized but the people,” he states in a full-page ad in the New York Times. "Common Cause" will.not be a third party but,a third force in American life, "a mighty 'citizen’s lobby' con­cerned not with the advancement

speiclal interests biit with the well-being oTthe nation.”

No particular Interest group can prosper for long if the nation Is

- f t i s ln tf tn e ra tin g ,-h t i^ P Q in ta out, Every group must have an overriding interest in tiie well­being of.the whole society.

• And disintegrating the nation is, according' to Gardner’s bill of particulars;

The air we' breathe is foul: The water vie drink is impure. Our public schools are in crisis. Our courts cry out for reform. Race conflict is deepening. Unem­ployment is rising.

. . Wherever yba touch th(i pubiic- process in this country today, he says, almost wlthoutg|(Ccption you find a failure of pbrformonce; State govefmnenls are mostly- feeble. City government is archaic. Congress is in grave need of overhaul. The parties are virtually iseless as-instruments of the

-T here-musl bo o majdi

some tough,, realistic, steps to revitalize oiir institutions. Wo had better get on with it.”

A challenging proposal, indeed,, is “ Common. Cause.” Un­fortunately, in the view of one critic, It runs afoul of a few basic , facts of life.

"It is a forlorn, hope that any organization can expect to superimpose from the top. any reordering of national priorities,” says J. Reid HambrIck, professor of law at George Washington University.

"This is a development that can only percolate up from the bottom. This aspcct of 'the system’ is the solid rock of a frce,peoplo.” .

The popular will is not being frustrated, says Hambrick. It's just not there, at least for doing things as fast as some would like.

It is an illusion to say that "every group must have an overriding interest in the well-being of the whole society," ho counters. There is no such thing as the public in­terest. There arc only private in- tersts, competing s.pecial interest slmggling for thp upper hand.. ,

It is relatively easy he says, to sit in the ivory towers of intellectual contemplation and formulate in general terms what might be done about ajl the problems listed by Gardner. But it is a different story when one goes out into the country and .ta’lks.to .the peoplejn all their

- rilvprslty. Thev lire engrossed in

budgest this yeai'—aat G o 'c l^k every evening.'

No question about it, that's where Uie big money Is going. No question, either, that the art of Uie pKld political commercial Has reached a peak ot sophistication. Everybody Is hiring the aeknoVledged

~ 7 P0ct»ll»W ~ like— .Charles Guggenheim, whq has galned'S reputation for excellence that makes him sort ot the Allred Hitchcock of political film.

Vot, otter five weeks on thli road viewing various key Senate and governorship

icamiwigns, I've concluded that the best efforts are being made bv tliose who know how to work tholr states In person.

Among these, so far, oro Sen. Edward ' Kennedy ' of M assachusetts and Govs. Nelson Rockofollerof Now York and F ran cis Sargent of Massachusetts. None of tlicM fellows, ncglocts the tube. Ob­viously, nockefeller ond Ken­nedy con and do hlro the beat

;|)e— long<noughtovot«for-hiniono«- " te g iiu on "the tube rtiore. 'Tho ^man winds up

BoylnR: “Well, Albert, hero I am.”

Good show,- B rother Gu({gen|iGlni. Except that a friend of Gore - who Watched his CTpe t tclPVWTon spotadurlnKtpe t tcithe hot Bummor before ' the p rjm ary decided tl^at whutCBm e-thrbugh , afKer—m any----- -7vlewlngsww Gore»8««rrogano<5.. . An osKite Illinois politician aoys ho Utlnks. the point has - been'reached where much ' telovlsion production dxpertlso'Is being,employed by politicul candidates-that the stuff Is lending to; cancel itw lf out.

Wo m ay not be far ffom tha( montent when tlio viewer wlto ‘ sees a candidnte with his coat slung over hlu slioulder Ui the now stereotyped ’ "natural bit" may s.imply conclude tliat they guy can 't afford d well-fitted . suit.

WlUi experts on boUi sides showing thoir cnndidatos proving tlielr human qualities by mixing will) ‘‘Uio people" '. _________ ________ . _ , . . In

telovlsion m asters. But they go. endlessly "normal" situations. U y ond. Says-o Kennedy aideT— >iwi>l^,venlufli|y^fr;going-

"He's our biggest asset, llio most Important tiling is where he Is todny, tomorrow nnd the next dny.”

Obviously, It's tljo jf lm e for Uie veteran ’ bdttcry-cimrgcr, Rockefeller. When anybody gauging his political future says "great compalgncr" he isn’t

wear ibwlf out. Television has a cnpoolty . for exhausting practically everything. . . .' None of this means- the

modiiim will not bo used honvlly in Uic future Just as now.But Uicre is likely lo to less stuff from, the preaontly touted television production smartles

talking about h is fancy ‘and more activltlbs which get television spbls but the mon the candldolcs on the regular himself. What Rocky has Uiat shows nil the time Is love of the gam e. You don 't have lo package it for the scroeni and anyway it's belter in the flesh.

tHings. an(ritl5~fl'Tnnt*veHhgt~


Never Betdering of national priorfties, he

~says7The"problems of-poyerty-and - race must be among our first concerns! We need new solutions in housing, employment, education, health, consumer protection, en­vironment, family planning, law enforcement and the ad­ministration of justice. '

"We arc not the people we set out to be,” Gardner concludes. "We have not lived by the. volues wo profess to.h nor. And, we will never get back on course until we take

wo ever accomplish anything with our-big national problems.-

news allows and on Infonnnl Inlk proBrams where Uiey may perform loss predictably.

We already have n good deal ' ' of tills, especially from the good cnmpalgners who know how to make nows wltllout n' produc- Uon m an a t tholr elbow. And, In plain fact, It Is simply .itandnrd politics,' updated — to cope wlUi

(or .lurvlvnl, has some of the Uie realities of urban sprawl, juiciest television stuff ever put cruslilng traffic and a con- on, showing him ploying slsten tly d istrac ted voting chcckcrs wltli oldstors in his public, l l ie re has been plenty ofhomo tow njounty square and change, but more fuasTjvcrit-------meeting iin ancient chap who Uinnit -------------

"If you like people nnd like problems, this Is Uic bualne.13 to be In," .lays Uio governor.

■ .'In Tennessee, beleaguered old Sen. Albert Gore, fighting

As for ttie charge that wo are not living “by the values we profess to

. honor," Hambrick replies that nobody ever said we would live by them.

‘‘They are ideals to which we • profess to bo tending. And*A«e are stiil heading in that direction — upward. I am afraid that ‘Com- mon Cause’ is not a well-conceived ' enterprise."

WASHINGTON — A rich and lives. He accused Nabrlt q l students and that busing lo-re d h e a d e d __editor__ jlwavfl.-burdcninB_Uie .Court wlUi. UiU- nchlevo integration tlicrefore <■

warned his staff never to bet job — "to relocate all tlio people was unconslllM lonalnuid—of— cash money on a Supreme Court from where tliey have naturolly course, Uie NAACP Is now decision on account o f . life- lived for reasons of poverty or arguing Uiat white children tenure judges l e n d 'i o be wealUi or anything else. How should bo discriminated against

GEORGE C. THOSTESON, M.D.irascibly unpredictable. I hope can you rearrange the wholehe never finds out I have country?"wagered a modoHl two bucks on This is going to i>e o toiigh one ,Die outcome of two school for the Court, because tl^e ad-busing cases now before the vcrsarics' arguments ore let*Court. lered will) ironies. For exam*

Witliout consultation wlUi U s pie, liio lOM decision, which .

PancreatitisD'oa -D r, Th'oateson: la Is rallier difficult to trea^; ond”

yet in some Instances relief can bo achieved very dffectlvely. Removal of a gall bladder that


Expert At W6rk

by being forced to transfer to schools beyond the borders of Uiclr neighborhoods.

But Hugo Black 80 years young, who was defending the pancr(?aHtla caused by an in>Negro as nn equal citizen when fectlon, as would'soem to bo Uio

_____________ ___________ __ .... ___ ______ ______ some of today's crusaders were case slnco it is trea ted ,Vegas, it does seem possible to OHCfl was nnathe n a rto m any— atill-in-dinnors.-lfl-stlcklnG-tn-SQmetif^es anyway, witli nn» is Infectcd or contains slones soolhsjiy th at our h ighest white Southerners, Is now being principle.' He Is saying Uiat tiblolica? Has diet anyllilng 10 som^Jllmes uruigs ronufrltnblc- trlbiinal will deoide Uiat hauling cited by lawyers for SouUiem white children also have rights, do wlUi it? Is it raUier d ifficult- results.:And occaslonaUy-stoncs idds long' ihiles fn<lr^fy to p^j'cnjbs^opposfed tOiblislng. ;< ///Tnjls.niny/sound outrflgeous to to treq) with any s u c c c m ,? — are fpund In the pancreatfc achieviJ perfect school in- "We plead the samo con* Mme far-out ears, but In this Mrs. L. w. ' ' ' ' ducts. cAUsinH Uio nnnproritiHs.................................. ............................................. ........... post-Warren era U»e Supreme Pancreatitis, or inflammation

Court is not wholly composed of of tiio pancreas, is a very far>outA. I expect I have nn even serious disorder and requires chance of .collecting that two- prompt treatm ent. And that’s (k>liar bet. one of Uio few simple things Uiat________ ____— - ---------- — can-be -snid-flbout- It.- It'a -a

complicated m atter.

is im p ractica l'We plead Uio samo con*

stltulional rights here that tlw plaintiffs pleaded in Brown," said Blakoney. He Inslsls that the Brown ruling roqulrod “color bUnd" assignment of

tegration sophistry.

The reason for this foreca.st is no t. only that, tim es hove

, changed on Uie Court, but Uiat one justice In -p a rtic u la r Is sticking to the principle which ...............caused him lo vote for equal PAUL HARVEYeducational opportunlUes in the landmark lOM desegregation decision, This would bo JusUce

. Hugo t . Black, whose record.as, _" a liberal and a champion of civil Certainly It's news when a can sonio of ua.

rights is unassailable. leader of war veterans an- Y ou 'and I can call It an.Black remains f irm 'In oi>*‘ nouncoa himself In opposition to unrecoverable . fum ble; ho

poslUon to what ho calls ‘‘plain war. But it may bo moro th an ' can't.

Against WarNo, it is not always caused by

infection.. . Moro common causatlvo facto rs a re gall bladder d isease, excosslVe conaumptlon of alcohol, and excessive food in tak e . In'-. fccUons such as mumps or oUiorvirus diseases also con be sKln). factors.

While p a n c ro a titls alw ays

Antibiotics arc used, quite often in treatm ent, even though infection had nothing to do wlUi Uie beginning of the disease. Tlie purpose is to control or prevent secondary- infecUons Uiat m ay occur In nn inflamed pancreas.

Severe pain In Uie upper abdomen is the prime symptom of pancreaUUs, but oUiers Uiat m ay be aasocialod wlUi It are fever, nausea, vomiting, and jaundice (yellowing of tlie

Dear Dr.. Tliosteson: Whatdiscrim ination.:* But In th a t. . I ln f o r h m n t n l v h n w u v o rarguments in two koy coses VFW Comdr. H erbert there a re some very bad bovs troa tm ont, It wouldcau.se a 12-year-old girl toInvolving aiarlo tte, N. C., and Roiowptbr's significant break p arad ing around under tho S n her teeth whileMobile Ala., ho is sayUig a good wlUi trddltlon m ay have b e g u n '‘'norieo” banner whoso real o^^ckrequlrlng complex asleep? She m nkes-onough

E S S . S r : -The A m erican Legpon a seek the destruction of our „ la x a t her? - Mra. S.h «pa»m.. Some sort Of nagging tension

Portland, Ore., concludod wlUi Hiere also, can bo n chronic or Irritation Is Uio usual cause, approval of. tho custom ary . So t h e e„ Bhtenc .0 ,

l t ' e « h n w ’X A » y d t |i e r a t e ° y “' \ ' i e r S „ [ ' T x M M l j r i n f f S! u l r S M e he^,‘"b ic n i^™e x c h a ^ ^ ^ i Atty; — s S u r i K a S L

This Is a picture of an expert hi ■'iworit.

Tliis man is an expert at _^thcawinglthe-b'ulLJU<Miocs-it-ovi

\most of th'6 stote.. H6wasd0ingitd0wnatP0catell0|

tlie otiier night and Mr. Spectator snapped this picturc Just to show .vou what a real artist loolced lil<c.

Tousee;'^i=7Bilyeil Is wliat you • would, probably call a professional

master of' cercmbnies. Of course he's at his best at a Democratic banquet because he is a Democrat. His wife is also Ji State Senator

i from Bannock'county.On the side he's a professor at

Idaho State University. If you evei'. . have the opportunity to heaMliis'

guy, just tell' him Mr. Spec^tor ' recommended him and we are sure

he will take it from there.- There's only one "Chick" Bilyeu.

And after this column of praise Mr. Spectator is sure that if he. gets

S ta n d la the p rem ise th at children should not be hauled hilhor and yon merely to make a show' of integration in the schools.

: . -TheUpoff came in on exchange Jam esroprosenUng Uie NAACP Legal Defense Fund, who caUcd tho neighborhood system “ tho same os saying ruclal system ."

Nonsense. Black retorted, in effect. Hie, Court’s sUx)ngost opponent of segregoUon told Nabrit “ If you can sliow mo

-Utero has been discrimination ■against someone bocauso of race, 1 will be with you on Uiat. But 1 don't like Uils attack on

field,It has been accepted without Rainwotei; whose pa trio tism

qu'estlonUiQtournatlon’sm aJor cannot be impugned, whoso veterans' organlrationa w ould. m otives cannot be m iscon-always accept wiUiout question sU-ued.our naUob's miUtary posture, Our naUon's llfc-and-UeaUiwhatever and wherever. problems right now are on tho

Tlien obrupUy, nt a nows liomo fronts. If wo don’t meetconference In early September, the dom estic challenges ofUioncwniitlonalcommnndorof eroding dollars nnd erodingUio*Voterans-of'Poreign*Wars env lronm ont-and-lncreasingsaid no. ' ■ crlm c and rioting In our own

C o m d rIf^ ln w atcr says ho streets, then Uio Communists


stronded in Pocatello and-looks up "Chick” he will at least get a free meal. Or perhaps a free tank of gas to get back to-Twiiv Falls.

G IVEAW AY D E P T ;Have .a cat' to give away. A

female, spayed. Is striped and has, short hoir Call 734-2826 or see at

' 2020 Falls Avenue East in Twin Falls. :

-Have a, male, part-Terrier- Poodle .pup. to give away, Is. 10- months-old and likes youngsters. Very' lively. Call 324-4381 or see at 221 Seventh Ave. W. In Jerome. -

I u o iiiu r.* ^M UiiW Hw r s iiyH iiu aui-njui, viiuii u icI— Ui^^cticc-and.tEamllQHJ»LllnL-Boos-iino reason to-flghl-wftwhwe—oan-jiavo-wliat-'ft-fiooa-to-bojoft-niolghborhood school. It disturbs don't Intend to win” and ho of thlfl,country; It won't be any

me Uiat you are U-ying to predicted that U)o 1.8 mlUlon place American would want tochalengo and rearrange the men of Uio'VFW will change live,wliolo living practices of tho iijsUirlc policy of slip- It took o lot of courage for aP®0P , porting wors. naUonnl commander of one of

— Lao-DOl_put thoughta..liL^— .m\VIUv no prospect of vie- our n a tio n 's proudest w arSupremo Court jusUco s mind, tory," said Uio commander, vo tero n s ' orgonlzotlonA. to

*^^0 ground up 43,000 donouncb dead-end wars.'That's. Implylng-UinLhllslnB-lS-nJQ^—Amorlcana ln-Vlotnami Isoo.no not Uio Idnd or pronouncementof segrogaUon in. reverse. Ho reason to grind up any m ore." Uiat brings old soldiers to tholr

I expect Uio commander \vlll feet cheering,bo rebuked l>y a segment of his For m ost of them arelfrom anown membership; I hope he will era* which wlU-not bo again,not bo slloncod. ' when w ar was fought "for"

Our country’s best IntoreslA som dthlng, when warriors

seems to agree W hltoford . S.

wiUi Atty.. B lakenoy,

a busing ordlir bi O ia rlo U ^ I^^If it Is wrong lo segregateatudjnts tor rm lal roasona in th e 'so o n est poasibie mwolted toward on objective.Ih e to t t place, then It la e quU y e,tricaUon .of our forcca from Tom orrow ’s , .in lern a tlo n a lwmitK to assign them to achaola (i,i, unwanted, unwinnable w ar. decisions will bo negoUated byon a racliU basis to remedy Uiat p r „ |d « n t ; Nixon wanta us poliUclana with their trigger

disengaged andovt. He bdleves lingers on red bvttons.that he la doing all that a . It's in this trahsiUon while, President can toward that end. when traditional w ar Is abiiost

aigregatlon./■M ore obvious la B lack 's rejection o t the activist Warren Court'a assumption or the duty

rearrangement o* pwplo « utterance, cannot be as blunt a s m art/young oneq a re . . . nev .r

Samuelsoii pockets L E G A L N O T IC E .

MCtion of lh « b u i ln m o f M id M ta lt .DATED thli I3lh day ot Octobar.

1970. ,' »-'Ruth K. Jonki

Admlnlttrator.PUBLISH: Oct. » . 39. Nov. S»nd 13, 1970. , •

L E G A L N O T IC E T hurtdsy , O clober M ,,)w o T lm et-t)«w t, Twin K allt, Idaho 5 ,l ,E O A L N O tlC E

no lSE .(U I> n - tdiilw 's com trovcrHiol d irec to r of odrnlnis- Irnllvo sorv lces tried ta^chnrt{c

alo rt au d ito rs blow tlio whlfitlo on lilin W cdnosdny..

Wljcn K dward W. &»wyor’s'

a n o t h b r V u m m o n iIN TH6 DISTRICT COURT OP . _ Fli:-TH ju d ic ia l DISTRICT


COMPANV. • ioU proprlatorihip, n „ ^ . , |.n « i ,h .



ask G raham w hot It concom ed. foct Uiut I im i iicrvln(( in->Uu)' N cw R nicnaskedSaw yorabout capac ity I am Rcrvlng In.

»...v.v« ou.vicvn u.«v* ------ . ------ - •• — - U loclulm wlicnhoaddrcss^tlio • "And. I view that visit tothe taxpayers for ncpubllcan $B1.40-truvcl vouchor lilt the ' l io n s 'Q u b W ednesday noon In WnKhjlm County us » m a tte r of juoV h . o e n n b t t travel oxponsos UUs week bu t pro-nudlt desk a t tho office of - I\>catbn6 ' and iSawyer said he obUaatlon to iny official iwsi*

Ktate Auditor Jo e R. W lllfam sH ^K aV oltno serious thouBht. - tlo ri," ho said , ' .th b st a t e

m«nlh Ihtf«at1»r lhrok>ah th t monthu . i in bIock » o( Soot p«-k

M d lllo n l i t w l r ' P . » . , f . ’ l^ T o 'V .n , ' r o i . T . ".............................................u id

CtBftA j%f mrmwAifkn 4a ' *0 vVII, 0< in« ItUVI' p«’0p*rfv to b « w>ld. lo la t l i ly u Id

fi!>k 7 « i pPif2 n ^ r i V R ^ t t r S ^ obllflitlon. ^ I c h In M a U m W i InM I® ®' c lw it principal and o t a f « l .

_______ __ I made.wllhoulODVanant o r w arranty i-agflrdlnB

. ll| le ,p o m »»lo n o r# n c u m b r* n c # »to t h o u s a n d llHylhaoblloillonki— I ” 9 0 SAND

. . principal and jntarMl.T>ia principal bal^ca.owvd a t ol

. Truil It FOUR .ONE HUNDRED NINE and 43-10

W ells ”flaysHansen

pocted jw m cthing w as wrong.A.H Uic reaKon for n lwo*day,

S44-n)ilo rotmd trip from his homo a t Caldwell to Blackfoot Inst T ltursday and F rid ay , Saw* y er .N ta ted : “ To add ress tlio...

Klvo-to y^u Is tiia t I would not ilay nlRlit w as to a GOP dinner hav e been Invited to'^BlnKlmin'in Blackfoot. It. w as typed by a County h ad I not been serv ing ' s ta te Becrctary on sta to time In m y p ro sc n tp o p itio n ,"S a w y er and lU tex t was d lsirlbu ted to said . - “ U»e nowa m edia by tho gover-

d a lm b iy h o m a lu s "abou t 60 n o r’s office. Its' olght nnd one*'

In the Dltlrlct Court ol the Judicial Ditlrlcl ol tho Slate of idAlto. In and lo^ Twin Pallt County by th» above-named plalnlllf, and you are hareby* directad to itppaar and plead to' ,'tha tald complalnl wllhin twenty daVt *he tefvlce of

ninRlmm County -nepubllcan spbeches a y e a r” In hla p6st, h a lf puKcs w ere devoted to do- ni'iViinorher iu“rnwoni» w d you are b« made I t that the Granlor, juiia illnncr." , liosaM “ raost o tm y Invllotlons fcnsc of hlii dopartmenl imil S j f ,™i'

Sinned IwlcDby Siiwycrlton-- togpcak...iirooci:aslon«lbythc praise of llio Itopubllcon llckol. wiihinihniimthiriin tpuiiiM, ih» d « y -boU j»»U > ocl» lm nnlnnd ' ' ,the d ep a rtm en t head — tlio • Thit it an action for divorce on the

■ ' ‘ “ “ orounrii of cxireme mental cruelly.Wiintttt rr>v h^nd and the teal ol

thP Dltlrlct Court thIt Uth day of October, t9;0-

« K. A. LANCASTGH Clerk I ■

tru ilar, lor th* benefit and tacurlty of Lollle AA. Black, a widow, recdrded May 19^, a t In- ktrumeni No. SSliM. In Book 3U ol AAorlgaoet al pao* Records ol Twin Pallt County. Idaho.

The default tor wtikh th it u ie li toBy T..W. Sllvert,0<Mier . ,

PUBLISH: Oct. 33. 39, Nov. i L )3, »970




R. JOINBS, Oeceated.PURSUANT to an Order of tald

Court, made on ttf< l«th day of ■October. 1970.notice (thereby given that Tuetday. ttte tOih day ot Novamber, 1970, al 10:00 o'clock a.m .ot tahj day, althe courtroom of ' tald court. In t^e Judicial Building of lh« County CourthOMe In the City of Twin Pallt, County of Twin Pellt. Idaho, hat been appointed a t the time and place (or pr6vlrfo the Will

DATED. October U . 1970. ■t-EVELVN M. HINTZP. Depmv Ciei'k

■ (SCADPUBLISH: October 33. 39. Novitmber S, 1970.

cla im w as m ade atja lnst tiie ap- .,* p roprlutlon for th e butl^jct d lv i* ' filon of S aw yer's dop iu lm cn t.

11 asked for pay m en t ol JM.40, — trnnsporta tion a t 10 ce n ts per m llo In S aw yer's p riv a te c a r — plus m eols of $2.50 on l lm rsd a y

nyO.A.(GUS)KEIJCIi:n TImcs-NcwB Editor.

TW IN.FAU 5 - Marden E.Wells, Democratic cnndidatl* for Coniiresa, from tho Second District who (locsn’t nlways.sce cye»to-<5ye wltli members of rrl.f n„(j J4.50 on Friday.' own party, wns stiunping this a ie s tc r Graham, chief ac-area Wednesday In his quest to countnnl for Williams, felt tlio , ......: , , , • ’ rr- . 1 .

Wells, Who said his cam paign 11 w o ^ c w ln y to ¥ c ^ dcu sp o ich a U l i r n t ^ n n s t UOrT'^ :w as a little sfliort on Advertising E x am in ers — dom inated by tho R?*"*‘■‘because wc are short of nepublicans-torconsldefatlon.campaign money," didn't take . ‘•WoqucstlonodwhcUiertrav-

P o l i t i c a l t r i p s a i d p a r t o f j o b

P O C A T E L m (U P I) - - Ed- cap ac ity th a t I an j serv ing in. w ard W. Saw yer, s ta te d irec to r “ And 1 view that visit to of adm in is tra tiv e services, said B ingham County a.9 a m a tte r of

HflVborn. Hhvhorn, WolUi a. Pike Miornoyt.iQf Plfllntlll Rf^lcJIno at Twin F^illt, Idaho.

H e sa id h e m ade al>oul 50 S a w ^ r M onday subm itted o speeches in the past y ea r nnd

travel cla im of $131.40 fo r a added Uiat h is com m ents about lonB’i:;*c;;Vf”;7 i;i,nc"pui.li™ “• .DomocmUc Bubcrnalorial. g r e c t V n g s "

oppoMnt by charging U,at the X „ t U x p S S r a p i 'n i ," ■ CaUwoll nnd D lockloor last norataccwhcnhj..spok^ .Idalio Environmental Council Grnham said addlna bla office nna-sdny nnd Frldny. In Black- foot were "Incldcnla .. Tlicii he nnd Hansen nro notlilns more )„ |j ..„o nrcc'edonl" for paylnc foolheaddrc.wcdaGO Pdlnner.' a8alncrltlcliedCcdll.Anclru8for than “political bedfellows of tho „i„h n clnlm Wben bis claim bit Uic state hla nttncks on admlnlstnitivceastern establl.sliment." . nuilltor'.s office it wns referred' services, accusine lilm of "mls-

Ilo Chnreed tliat n smnll Gov.Don-Snmuclson.tlie man ' « ' Eiam lners lendlna the voters." m ajority of "pseudo- who hired Snwyer nnd to whom Snrouolaon. — — V

_ Intellectuals" who feel Uiattliey ( i^ l„ l,„csp „„slM c, allot promptly Wiled it. ^ L E G A L N O T IC Ecan get awny with tclllnB m Uio minute he saw It Deachedduringanotlicrspenk- ------------------------------------------

, Id a lip n n s w h n l , to _ la c h n l r m n n o f th e In a .e n g n s e r a c n t - - - t t o o n o , u . i „ S h e W o ° a t c ° co° ' ! . V o flau n c liin n a s m c n r c a in p n ig n to n „ „ „ i f . n m i n o r s noon lu n c h e o n o l th o P o c a tc tlo t w in f a l l s c o u n t v , s t a t b o f

d is c re d it m y .c a n d id a c y a s n S K b o B oinc U o n s C lu b - S a w y e r to ld b is o p

r e p re s e n ta t lv o o f th e p eo p le o l _ |5 „ lc r no c lr c u m - a u d ie n c e , w h en n.aked a b o u t th e e s t a t e o f : N ic h o l a s

' s l im c c s ," th e B o v crn tir s a id lo■It s even more Inerodlble

know b e tte r than to put tliat


-rWlN' t-fiLUS CDOW.......... ............-

tJiat the council would ^clalm tliat tlie bill sponsored by my opponent In Congress - would actually p re serve , the hunting

” rights of Idahoans," he said. He had reforenco to Uio SawtooUv

—N ationa l— P a rk — blU—wJiicii- “mamtni]

with other m em ber^ of UieIdaho delegytlon. . ______

" Iji t no one be doceivci ’’Wells said . “Wlicn an a rea

cla im : CONSCNTINO. OoceaietJ " U c only answ er I could Give o’l IKS

to you Is th a t I would not hove Etiale ol NIcholat A, Conientlno.been lnvlle<l to BlnBham County S J S S r ’.'.”. ! : ; ‘Z l T Z Shad I no t been serv ing in m y u id aecoated. 10 eithibii them withn r p ^ r n t nn<ilt{nn the necettary vouchert, within (ourp resen t position. . monthi altw me lirsi pubiicntion ol

In o th e r w ords, m ost of m y notice, to the said acjInvitations to SDOak tluit I re» minlatrator. r u t h K.JONES. Twin

:n i UJUII IIIU CIIU U1 HIL* , , * 1„ , n , « P « H t County T r e a t u re r . Cour-r mc et i nf t r Af l or l houf l ht — — | ihouse, Tw in Fain,^U|ar(oBJJ0i, tms ^ 1 . . ^ ..LU g cn'u|jl^ of U ^a t^ a m 's c r v ln tp ln 'th g . .^ ln p the piece. {^W eS'tor-Uielrar.--

Uirougli."l l ic n , slipping It under h is e l­

bow while ho peru.'jed o ther c la im s, Snm uelson ignored the docum ent until Hie end of the

ID A H OIn Ihe Interoil ol M IC H A E L .

H I L F I K E R , Child under Ifl Y o a rt o( Aoe. ‘ » -» -t

T H E S T A T E OF ID A H O SEN DS T O , - ' L 'lN D A

V o 6 'A R t= H E H tr n V N O T IF t C D that A petlllon. puriunnt to the Child Protoctlvo Act. hat been'tlled In tho nbovo ontitlod matter In the Probate Court of Twin F n llt County, Stato ol Idaho, by Iho Pelllionor,’ Depart­ment o( Public A»>atanco, State o( Idatu), and you are hereby diroctod lo appear at tho hearlno on tald potliion, at 1:30 p. m , on tho 4th day ol November, 1970, In the Probate Court, Judicial Oulldlno. Twin Fa llt,

-'ldalio.-ln.com pllane« with Jhe order ol thi> above enlilled Court.

W lT N E S S m y hand Ahd the te<il ol t&id:Probate Court Ihlii l&th day ol oclobor. 1970.

: E U C I -N E L. M c C O Y Probftto JudQO k EkOKIcIo Clork a y -G V C L V N M . H IN T J H Deputy Clerk

P U B L IS H : Oct. 13 L 39, 1970.

-rm iy g h iit im e s h e q u ie tly fo ld ed the

-eliilm tm d took it w ith h im from • th n n e c tln g ro o i i i r

At no lim e did h e rnentlon or

NOTICE OP TRUSTEE'S SALEOn Mondav the 33rd day ol

Fcuru a ry, 1971. at tho hour ot 10;00 o'clock a.m . o( taid day, at the Eait front door o tjh e Twin F a llt Counly Court HoDte, Twin Fal|&, State o(idano. - eu o N E LAND t i t l e

JfQnting rjjghts.go out the win- r^ m n rk tndow. ID cT ouncll also neglectedD ncglected to m ention tliot tho church youth c a m p s w ith in th e proposed national pnrk would have to be bu rned to tho ground if tho SawtooUi N ational P a rk bill becam c law ."

— IIoM idU Jat-hi. . „ forced the political t^dfellow s

■"of Uie e a s te rn estabU aliincnt lo co m e o u t fro m ''u n d er th e

• covers ." , '

l l io can d id ate also term ed

G rah am who wos -sitting In for the ab se n t aud ito r who doubles us non-voting board sec re ta ry . G rah am sim ply ask e d him for Uie n u m b er of th e cla im — 1732A7 — when he saw tlio gov­ernor Intended to keep the doc- um ent.

N orm ally , business l^ fo re the board Is shown to new anfcn who cover Uie m ee tings an d 'a t one point Sam uolson even tossed one of th e c la im s to a re p o rter

^ i a ^ m o t ^ e

r r , '

Uie election n "figlU for Ujo to study. Tills one he kepi to survival of tho Idalio farm er." hlmiwlf and newsmen had to*

/ E’er the . .. Wash ’n Wear Age

S ' i S n / Star Values--------------— Bonus Buys

brings you a bushel of saviiigs!!! H U T cnE A T V A IU £S‘


- V o o r A g M t y In T w in Fall$~

rC u ie fashioni for tho iKtle ladles. "All are perma- preti fdbrles and ore eaiy-caro for Mom. Exciting kniH In every color of fhe rainbow . Sizes 4 to 6X and 7 lo 14.


‘3.50 to ‘6.50 ‘4.50. tg ‘6.50

a im iu .

A , n*w as tomorrow, qt pracllbls a« today.' Thsi* go anyw h «r», do anything Pant Sulti are th« "in" (athlon today! A t you enter our pant suit world, you (Ind the most exciting colon of the spectrum from Spring Llloc to Autumn'Ruitt, You touch the elegant l(nili and Initantly you know they ore Ihe worlds (ln»it eaty-ear« Wends. Note Ihe (am illar name brands on Ihe labels and you realiie that these are the pant suits lor you. Select |ijst Ihe right one or two for your' wardrobe addlllon. . ^

2 4 t o * 6 0

C « U 7 3 3 - M 1 « V M r N l H

hew rlp llen*!


‘ t f a u r S l i o u / il ii f / C 'r i i h r ___


Television Schedules 4 - ■ N«iW(, WwAthnr« Sporii 7&L <- IMoui'Inu It Oul

. , H M I 7C,l. — CoiiKiiunlty Alsrt

H im .■* - Oick C^nvBlt

T M irtd * v .O c lo b «r9 M * ro 'Af 7 p .m . on ch*nn*l» 7b, 3 and U

and at B p.m . on 5 — M )v l t : " T h t BlooMt Dundia or Tham A lt ." A Oano of crooka, lad b y an axllad Oftngsiafi lio u t lo itaal t i million InpialTnUm.

Bvanlnfl , tioo

SB — T ru ih o r Coniaqutnca* i — Tru th or Conu qu sn CH

-3 -< N a w «, W aathw. Sporti ) — Naw*. WaalhM'. Sporfi 7B — Tha t OIrl ...U “ J im N a b ort'

i iM

lO iM3SL — Johnny Carton 7B — Johnny Carion 8 T Johnny Carion 3B — Mod Squad3 — Avaogarin - 'n r a c E a n ’tW o rld 1Di40 S — Suipenie Thbalra

- lliOO4 - N aw t, W ia th w . Sporti

• m »9B — Hlllemati • 4 - Dick Caveit,

11140,5 — / ^ w la : "W a V o Not M a rrie d ”

. HiOOm~S<w>a— — '

.■?|00J » 1- luforn*3 — Intern*11 — Inlernt4 — Toin Jonui?n Hioh ChapArral h — Hlgli Chflppnrrfll i lOiMJ5L - - Nfw*. Wonthor, Sporl* 9n — Nowi, WtiAl|ior,.Si>orU 3 ~ N bw », WefltJior, Sporit

D — • N nw j, Wontlmr. Sporfi 11 — Ne«/B. WoHthor,‘ Sports A — I 'o rry M «w n


'■Tt»o MorwNth Mon.,5 - AAowIa; i io r t ’'

^ I tliOO 3GL — Movlot "T h o Haal G lo ry ''

t iM4 — Movler "T h a T a rr o f" ' ,

Loaned KxccuAivcisUNITED FUND SUPPOIIT by Twld FallB

buslnetf concerni hbs Included the “ loaning" of ■a crew of nine young biulncB* enccutivcii lo

BfBUt la UnHed Fund coUeptloaB. Among thoic on loan are in top piioto, Kcnnclh.Montgomery, Ifltemiountaln Gatf Co.i Tom Wojclk. Mountain

Bell, standing, and Ruiia Miller, Sears,. Roebuck & Co.} Bill Berry, Idaho Power Co., and Bill H auary, Idaho First hJationnl Bank, «eate<l. all from left.In the lower photo a re Lynn Baird and Kenneth Coiner, both Twin Falla Bank and TruBt, (uid Andrew Ward, Kellwood Co., all

ifrom left. '

TEnilYflMITII . . . Att loan to the United Fund

drive In Twin FnllH lii*'ylcc, chniminn In churi*c of the limited executives Bcctlon of the drive.

Sm okingchiefm enace

Dawltchad IB — Bawltchad

M a tfU n c o lnTiM

JSL — Ironilda 70 > - Ironilda5 B — M o v la :''Th e B lo o a it Bundle of Tham A t l" .3 — ^ v l e : "'Tha Dlgoeif Uundla bf ThWn A ll"n - M o v l a : "Th a O lo o d tl Dundlaot Tham A ll"J -«N*llm Nnbori 7SL — W tiat'i Naw

• 7iMi — DAwllchod 75L — Hook B«Al » - Nancy .

l i U3SL — Doan Mnrlln7D — Doan Marlin8 — D o «n Martin4— Bar'-foot In the Park5 — Atovla; "Th a DIOQOit UundlaolA ll"JSL — W orld Pros*

Ii304 — Odd Couple

• t !M .JSL — F lip Wilton 70 - Pllp W llion 8 — Flip W ilion

3 — Jim IvlAbori4 — Im m ortal • —' 7SU — San Franclico Min11 — Donn Martin

----------------------------------- ,5jOO--------

Ohio senatorial^ o n t e s t t o s s ’ -u p

LONPON (U P b - Ci«areUe,- smoklng Is now th e . chlcf avoUlnl)lo j\i£pnco to hcrtlth In Brltatn. the ijovtrnm cnfs chief medlcnl offlccr concludcd In n report published Thiirsdnyr -- '

In his nnnunl report on the Bt.ite of public henlth, Sir G o o r^ Godbcr snld resciircli hns/ nscertnlncd smoklnK-ln- (hj<fe(| lllnc.iscs nccount for nenrly 100,000 premnlUredentlis each yenr In the United Kingdom.

Gobcr also reported there were sharp Increnses in 'abor­tions nnd venereal diacnse athonR teen-nge girls nnd said ' this siynnled an urgent need for expansion of existing birth

-■CQnti'Ql.norvUijaBj ___-.nn smiiklne. Onlici

2SC - - N o w i, W oalhix; Sporti 70 — .N e w i , Woftthar, Sporti 3 — N a w i, Waalher, Sporti 5 - N e w «, Wealhor, Sporti a - N e w i, Wealhor. Sporti , 70 — N a w t, Weather. Sporti 7Q — N e w t. Weather, Sporti 11 — N o w i, Weather, Sports 4 Per r y Maion 7SL — Flourino It Oul...................... •7SL — Community Alert

3SU — AAovIe: "M y ile ry Streat" l iM

’ 4 — Movie: "Beat the D e v il"

P rid a v.0 e lo b o r)3 ,1970 At 7 p:m . on channoli JO , 3 and 11,

And at 8 p.m. on 5 — Mov/la; "Not With M y Wile, You D o n 't." Thit movie cenler’i on two eu-war hud dint who once courted the tame Italian beauty, One married tier anil the other leolt tha needi a new man around ttie houie. ~ <

Evening '4 iM ,

JO — Tru lh or Con»cn]uonces4 — Tru th or ConieQuencei'3 — N ew», Wealhor, Sporti5 N ow i, Weather, ^p orii70 — Nanny and fho lVQleisor

ti303SL — Name ol the Game

— Headmatter3 — Headmatior 11 — Hoadmatior4 — llrady Bunch5 — Interni7SL — MItteroflori 7D — Orady Bunch 0 ~ Mod Squad

7iOO20 — M ovlo: "N ot witn M y Wilu, Vnu nnn‘t’‘3'-* Movlu; "Not With My W liu . yo u . O o n 'f - '*11 — Movie: "N dl w llh M v W llo , You Don't”4 — Mowiei "F lv o Goldon H o u rj” 75L — W hftl'i Now 70 — Namo of the Gflmo

JSU — Jolinny Cnrion 70 — Johnny C.irson fi — Johnny Cai'son gn -- .n u c k Ow«n&3 - Movlo; ''M illion Dollar L«^os" .11 — Movlo: "rn riio It inn Name ot iho G am e''

>0i40 .S — Suipiiniu Thoairo

I l i M? n — Movlo; "Jo hn Paiil Jonet'’



’T rad ing Po*t




5 — Headm atior 7SL — Comment: Lively A r i l Q - Room m

. I-.M .JSL — Movlo; ‘ 'The M alchm akcr” 5 — Movie; "Not W ith M y W ife. You D on't" ■ '7SL — Washinolon: W cok in Ro v Il'w B — Urackon'i World

1:30• '7SL — N G T Playhouse

7D — A fla m lJ

A nyo ne w ith -a receipt from A lla y C lu b or Bro nd lo u n tjo w ill b * o d m lltB d o t H A lf PRICEIl

Program timingcauses mystery


HOLLYWOOD (UPI) — Tlie itself-with going on the nirgreiUest my.itery program in between 0H5 nnd 10:15 p.m.Iclevislon ia “ TIio Silent All this is frustrntiti^ to t)icForce," not bccnuse ol alory slww'a aliu, Ed Ntelson of

Welcome T p Tw in Falls "D o lly '

. COUUMBUS. Ohio (U P l) - Hie llncBBii- of Hobect A. Taft J r. includes a preaidehl of ^Uie Unlttid Stnlcs nnd a senntor who for decades wns known as ■"Mr. Republlcnn.'-’

Howard M .. M ctzenbaum came from humble beginnings


—Hie alrtke ngntnat Genernl Motors Corp., idling ut loual G-1,000 Ohio workers.

—Incomplete investigations of tlte Kent Stiite University sliootintjs, coupled wltJi genernl approhension about cnmpiw nctivltles this fall.

wore ‘‘very large" nnd quickly noticeable.

; i t ia surely lime that every i-Tlle people ot Ohio want n effort wns made lo help tlie

senator to represent their *intjivi(Uial achieve them ,"-he Interests, not those of liberalpressure groups." Taft said. Godber’s rpport said lung

Taft omphiLslzed bombings, cancer accounla for only nbnut burnings nnd shootings of law one third of nil smoking deaths, enforcem ent officers as chronic heart disease and evidence of a need for anti- coronary thrombosis'respbhsi-'

l ip n y t n n - P t n r o "

nved Dr. Michael Rossi.’'W O llly '^ n o c u T ra n n is rseen. . . .

West Coast viewers m ust turn he sold. "Tliere's no telling howon the tube Monday nights and Uiey can check us liecause Inwait around' for. tlie ABC some .major cities we aren'tadventure series to hit the air. even "seen, thanks to proU i e problem with "Tlje Silent football.Force” is professional football. "In tlie Enstern, Central and

ADC h a s sc h e d u le d Monday Mountnln time zo n es we go onn ig h t fo o tb a ll g a m e s w h ich a r e Just b e fo re th e g a m e s , l l i a t ’sfo llo w ed b y ‘" n ie Y ounB g r e a t e x c e p t In Miami,I j t w y e r s ” - nnd "T h e-S ilen t W a sh in g to n , D.C. a n d - New —

T ^ - N 4 . T . EDoors O p e n 6 :1 5 P.M .

Dollv A T 6 :4 0 -9 :1 0

bahbm snmsAinWINNER W t

r = = i i c i n i ™ r i AWIRDSI

PHONE 733-6336 in U S. 30 tQ Eaitland Driv*

. V_________

G a te t O p « n 7 :0 0

K id s Alw ays Free

and had q 115 Essex taken Qway so my father could pay h is 'ta x o s" —and went on to build, a l&O million u vear buslncu out of airport parkinglots. _ .....^ __ _. Taft, leaving his Houso scut to r u n -o s the nepubllclm candidate for the Senate, campaigned as o m an who will bnck President Nixon.

Mctzenbaum, his Democratic opponent, hns strongly criti'

. cized the President nnd has been called by Uie GOP a "radlcllb,” the term used by Vice President Spiro T. Agnew to describe radical .liberals. Motxenbau does not deny it.

"If that’s the wny they want to charge me, I plead guilty." he says.

Tlie two different candidates with two different political philosophies should made Ohio voters' choice next month an easy one.

But it isn't. Tlie race Is considered a toss>up with several other outside issues muddling the picture;

—A continuing controversy over allcRcdly illegal loans of state funds arranged by busi­nessmen who Inter made contribution.H to Republican campaiKns.

T h e A l m a i k a c

By United Presn InteriiatlonalToday Is^TliursdnyrOct. 22,

Utn 205th day of 1970.' Hie moon is tielwecn its Inst

quarter nnd-jiew phase. . ..TTio ^ m o m ln iL ^ ta i

‘Ily-becflusooHhe-lofln— orlme->OBi«latlonr-Ho-acouMd-fa|c-forTnost-oHhc-restHt-8ald— Orlcaris our halfj t our Is ^ k ^scandal, Democrat John J. Metzenbnum of “blind opposi- GlHignn, n fo i^ e r Cincinnati tion to constructive legislation congressman, is generally con- for the fight against crim e."ceded a lend over state auditor --------Roger Qoud in the gtjbcrnntor- Tlie Port of New Ork>ans Is

• Ifll race. Its e f f ^ s on the Toft-.. Uie lahKoat and busiest Gulf of Mctzenbaum contest were un- Mexico port, predictable. Taft has been polite, rather than warm, to the rest of the ticket.

Ohio's Senate seat, filled for 12 years by retiring Democratic Sen. Stephen M. YouVig, Is one President Nixon needs to gain for Republican control of the Senate.

If Taft turns the trick for Nixon, It.would be fitting, since the grnndfatlier of the 5;i-yenr- old congressman wns Republi­can President William Howard Taft, and his father wns "Mr.Republican," the late U.S. Sen.Robert A, T a f t..

Melienbaum, also 53, Is a Cleveland publlshor-nttorney who has been critical of Nixon.

"Mr. Taft says ho wants to -go to the Senate to fight for President Nixon. I want to go to Washington to fight for tlie people of Ohio," he said.

smoking causes "all told, perhaps 10 times as many dentils as do road accidents and nearly as many deaths as all ,, , , .canccrs. unrelated to, smoklnB,, “ ''<=nut toocthcr "■ ' ' ,/hd ®l o spcciried time, “ lliopui iDBCinLr.

predict when the game will end, up with local shouTs starring tliePi*ee iticnr H e a t e r i Nightly!

Uieae two sliows m ust await the final whistle.

Unless nnd until the football

coach of the local diacu.sslng the game."

Nelson's grin wns t ig h t . '"Wlien I got Into this show it

wa. suppoje^ .tQ, l>c, nn hour in length," he said. ' •''

F ro m th e c o u n t r y t h a t g a v e y o u ,

'•I A W O M A N ,"" IN G A " -a n d•lAMCUniOUS

MercQryi Mnrs and Saturn.Hio eypning {itars are Venus

and Jupiter, nioflo l)orn today are under

tlie sign of IJbra'.'.!-__ _____•On this day in history:In 1Q3S Gen. j>oin IlQUston

' wns sworn in us l*realdent of tlie Republir of Texas.

In 1(U13 Ihe MuHi'iipnlitan Opera Iloii.se in Nt-w York City celobr^ed its grand opehlng wltlT^ perforrnaiu'f of Fiiiist.

In lOB2'^ 'i - .- • K-nni-dy nnnounctil'an ji.-niii nf

' CuGa after v>oviul missiles w discovered on tho Communist Di8fnt)iViod by

^-Island; 'CINt-M*TtQH.IMDU5TRlEB.In m tho Apollo VII

astronauts splashed down afte^. an ll*dny pjU-th orbital

.» A thought f<ir today: ti^"linn I\iet llaiiier .Marla Rlike .-.aid»**A good m arriaao Is that in which each appoloU (ha other

. guardlttnofhlsaoUtuda.V

^ ^ 5 ^ 3 j

FannyH il l -■ ■ ■ diunrtimJL J l J i J U

- mOLOR by DoLuxo

wiwfcMMi njr<.iwuu» I Hie». .

S how ot t :U «>3D l l . ) l

N o o r )t uhdlcr 18 A d m h U d • P o illlv* . P rM f of u g v |r«qulrtd.

u n t e r 6 ---------------

S e u f o o J - O - EF R ID A Y , O C T O B E R 2 3 rd

. . 7 ,to 11 p .m . .

All y o u can e a t . . .A d u l t s ......................................... ... .. . . * 3 .5 0C h ild re n u n d e r 1 2 ...........................M .7 5

a m a

F e a t u r i n g :• F resh C rack o d C ra b• L obster N ov /burg• S h rim p Chov/ Yuk• B a r o n o f B o o f (Coakod you likol

• O th e r delic ious d ish es & a ss 't. s a la d s

Spend The Evening W .I.T.H C U N Y C A S I I V O O D

l u c a n i a k c i t !' ' V- f '

# I A T 7 : 3 0 -

" A F i r t M l of


# 2 A T 9 :0 5 --------

"H a n g 'Em H ig h "

# 3 A T 1 1 :0 0 —

_'Tor a F « w Dollars M o re "

Closed Tonite Starts

Tom orrowFri.-S a t.-S u n ^-O n ly

~ L i n l e t ' s ------------------------------

\ ^ n n u a / 2 ) i n n e r■ S A T U R D A Y / O C T O B E R 2 4th

« 7 p .m .

• P la te

F e a t u r i n g :• Rtoasf Prim e

- ^ ^ i b - a u - j u i

Both ' B u f f e t D inne rs S e rv e d b y C h e f C o f f e y

In .the PortiorellB R oom a t the P o n d o ro sa C o n v e n tio n C e n te r


'P l e n h A ' o f F r c e P a r l c h i f ;

i \ ’r x l l o l l u ; G o l f C o u r s e


Women in prison without men!

0 9W O M E S N f

COLOfl '

A w om aji who never experienced a m an! Sandy Dennis in That


B a -Cailman COLOR


Polls show landslide Victory for“Gov. R e a g ^

SACRAMENT^. ColH. (UPI) —Gov. Ronald Reagon Is coosUng toward the biggost liindslldo victory , by a Califor­nio governor since Earl War-,

-ren, Judging by the polls.Hla major task now. In tho

fow remaining days before the

"YQU,noed a fighter in your corner,” Tunney telli voters through his television nnd billboard a ils ." ,

"Mr. Tunney jsa ’t Uio guy wlio licked Jack Dempsey," Reagan notes! *

In Murpliy!s corner uro

Sen. GoorgeMurpliy. members of the Cabinet.* All, Murphy Is running scared and' but Nixon have boeli in • (dlgliUy behind^ccording to ' California campaigning for tho

tho polls-in his bid for n ^yeur-o ld senator, and thesecond t'erm against vigorous. New England-reurod John V. Tunney,. 36, M ^d f, Uie form er

■ News- ^Of Record


DoroUty S. Corless, Paul; Loa Clayton, 52, Burley; Silva Lnrn, 53, Rupert; Ellen B.

.Peck, Burley; Lawrence H. Duffin, .55, Burley; Dnryl T.

-W j p n m n n 90 H n y h n rn ; ‘

President Is expected here, too, boforo the election.

But tho 'stroiigest coattajls

lUagan's.Tlie latest Qillfornla poll, tho

only major Independent survey in Uio state, shows Roagan widening his load over.-Domo- crat Jess Unruli and running .10 percentage t>oinL<i ahead, 52-.1R.

Unruh—who hnS' boon Wros-

W. Allen, 50. Burley; Albert I HnrUy, 64, Rupert; Dennis H. Dayley, 33, Paul, and Hefon McMurroy, Burley, all JIO, for expired license plates.

RodnoyKellyriyrBurley, 110,- fallure to signal before turning, Jam es L. Nowland, 03, Burley, $10, ext)lrcd vehicle safety

. in spec tion ; Rayon Driscoll, Burley, $5 bond forfeiture. Improper truck parking; James,

_ D. Cantrell, 24, Burley, $20 bond forfQlture, speeding; Tonny Gozmon, 17, Burley, $15. no

- driver's licensp; Ixm a Gillette, 34,.Burley, $15 bond forfeiture, expired vehicle safety In­spection; Clnrence Yupe, 41, Oakley, $50 bond forfeiture, drunk in an auto; Greg Toylor, $5, parking tickets, nnd Ployd K. Rogers, $25 bond forfeiture, following too closelv.'

Others were Ivan I^ockwood Jr., Twin Falla, $10, defective

I equipm ent; Steve E . Wliitehend, Twin Falls, $25,

Ulng tho former entertainer, apparently unsuccessfully, for Ui6 middle Income vote— laments:

>"rm willing'to'stipulate Uiat he’s a better actor than I am. But 'oh Uie Issues he 's a total failure. In every situation that

I lwlco;or now."-*^

Reagan blames many of tho slato’s , problems on the fact Democrats .controlled Uie legis­lature for Uie fii^st half of'his four-yeUr term . . ,

Now ho Is spending ns much jnuw5tjunplng-£cr-G0P-UgUl^ tlvd candidates ns he ' is for hlmsolf.

Reagan only a monUi earlier liad reduced a . leglslatlve- apprnvp<l..,piiy^jyilso for the, patrolmen’ from five to three per cent. Assemblyman Unruh led n losing lcgl^l9tivo fight to restore Uie full amount. But it was Reagan who roccivod two standing ovations, loud ap­plause and a gift toy pig from Uio officers, ynruh received

.only n polite reccptlon—nnd no

Samiielson e n d ^ s e d

by Nixon


t u p i ) —piasU cbagsor B^clai bags m ade of two different wrapping materials are the most p ra c t ic a l , packaging material for freezing vegeta­bles. Mrs. RuUi J. B uck,... extension-foods and nutrlUon specialist a t Uie Pennsylvania State University, says single thickness bags need an outside

' coyer, usually a cardboard box, to give them a unlJonn shflpe . and prevent Uiem from tearing.'

n , 1970 T im M -N «w «, Tw in F s ili , Idaho 7

million television sets In tho. United States.

Explo^iflrn k ills tw o . . .>N-WORKgRS-mu

otlicrfl were injured in on explosion at a ski lodge construction

Want Clean heal?

Chevron Hoating Fuels burn clean and pack a lol ol heat inlo a |ew pennies,


D ick SERPA 733-3541

3 -day weekejid reality'CAM BRIDGE,M ass.(UPD- lhrce-<lny weekend.

For n small number of workers Mrs. Poor said tho mostUiD dronm of the working mnn frequent benefit cited by the —n Uireo-doy weekend -is . firms studied I s —Incentive,•

BOISE,.(U PI) . “ Gov.. Don already n rcnllty,.^ , . 'fnornle and. better living' ■o' -.1 i_ — •• jyjQijy ^ the Arms condltfohs for cmployeslTHe -

whlch have adopted Uie policy’ &imuclson reyeased to hews-' men Wednesday copies of a let-

< v i v o » U | i . . ,

LARRY SinJD, 19, volun­tarily surrendered a t the Tortage Counly (Ohio) Sheriff’s office. He was on^ of tlie M persons Ihdlbted by a speblal grand Jury In the May distur-

ter in whlcli he- received en- of fitting the 40 hour week Intodorscment for re-election from four d ay s , the outcom e hasPre.'ildcnt Richard Nijton. been benoficlnl.

In the letter from Uio Wliite At least . 36 firms haveHouse, dated Oct. 15 and nd- converted to tho four day-40(Ire.iscd “Dear Don," Uie Presl- hour week, many of Uiem in diedent said one of his groat con- lout year, and the Bursk andcerns "is Uiat we must reverse poor Publishing Co., of Cnm-Uie flow of power from Uie bridge, Mass., is publishing astates nnd localities to Wash- study of such firms,ington and instead bolster the Uic book, entitled, .‘‘4 Dnys,

40 has been a strong recruiting point in a competitive Job market for skilled workers.

Ono nspect cominon to all the foiir-dny firm s j.s . Uiat it p ro v l^ s advaniagcs simul­taneously to Uie firm nnd to Uie workers. A result is that the

■firms genernlly obtnined. more husband work at home on Uiat improvements such as in- extra day off.

creased output and ' lower production costs than they planned on, she snid.

By working 40 hours in four duys.^workcrs experience no loss In pny. One worker said it was like getting full-tlmo wages for working n part-time Job.

One disadvantage noted n spokesman for Merrill En- ginoering Uborfltorica. In Den­ver, Colo., which has been on 4* 40 for more than five yenrs. Is Uint some wives m ake Uieir

bnnce at KSU, whic.h left four power and authority of -Btate 40 House, Reporting n Revolu- students dead after a campus and local governments Uiem- tion in Work and L eisu re ,” confrontation "with NnTlonal se lv e s .''. ' Traces Iho 'experiences of 27

basic rule violation;. M ark Guard. (UPI) “'nil.s,will require.a spirit of firms that have converted to 4- ^ ------------------------’ !QQilwilljindcnnncmtion-among—4Q.—Tlioy—includa—flvp—Umt— ■ —s —:— Sorenson, ^ _safety helmet; Judi- Jane Kirk' Patrick. .Twin Falls, $5 costs, driving the wrong wny on a ono- wny street; Samuel Normnn

' : Fnlcon, T w in 'F a lls ,-$10,' im­proper turn, nnd Pnul Roberts. Twin Falls, $5, no mufflers, nnd $10. contempt of court.

Terry E. A hrens, Twin Falls, $5rimproper left tu rn : Gayln R. Stnndlco, Twin Fnlla', »75,.

Mitchell’s army trial postponed

goveVnmontB"nt'nil-lcvel»—fed'--8wltch*<r back to -U io -p r6Scn trz |—.eral, state and local," Nixon atnndard of five doys-40 hours.Wrote. In his foreword, economist

'i n particular, it wUl require Paul A. Samuolson of Massa-that Uie-states be led by nble, cliusetta Inatltutc'of- Technolo-dedicated governors who can gy, n former advisor to nnd will m ake Uie most of Uie President Jolm F. Kennedy, opportunities Uils new era pro- cnllcd the 4-40 a "momentoussents. social Invention." He snid it is

. .. ‘;I know-Uiat you fully 8liaro -"tnerelyone fnccl of the steady.............. .. T.w. FT. HOODTTex. (UPD—T lie . tills de term ination to m ake sweep toward greater leisure

___rnniflPBc' Hrlvln n ! Minhtipl Opening of defense testimony In _ ^tflt(>_L»overnmont more offec- nnd less lifetime toil."Wllllnm Sommer. Twin Fnlls, -t—$10, defective equipment; Grant Stuart Jr., Twin Falls, $10mufflers, and $18, speeding; Lenora Ward, Twin Falls, $10,

, , /d riv ing on, wrong aide o f , ^ //roadw ay; D o/ald.A . Wliitten,/

Twin Falls, $5 , improper' backing, Diane Kay Richter. Twin F a llS r-fS . res tric ted driver’s license violation.

Don L. Arnhnrt, Twin Falls, $5 costs, permitting anoUier use of llcenseplates; Benjamin H. Brannon, Twin Falls, $10, faulty b rak es; Harold Alexonder O-aggs, Twin Falls, $5, faulty equipment; Donald Northrup; Twin Falls, $5,. improper fen­ders, and John Calvin Triplett, Twin F a lls , $10. im proper passing.

NamedBOISE — Gov. Don

Samuolson today announced appointment of U e Barron, Corral farmer-rancher, as a member of the Idaho Advisory Council for Hospital Con­struction . Barron rep laces George Bllck, Castloford

"— ranchci7 ~wh(rTCslgned.~ * -

Uf6“lWy u u courwnarunl o f^ iv e^ and your record of ac- iiie advantages of the four- S.Sgt.DavldMitchell Wednesday compli.ihment amply shows tlint day week to the firm are varied, was Dostponod for at least your leadership Idaho according to M rs.-Riva Poor,24 hours to give defense attor- iqoIc forward to great pro- editor and co-publisher of the neys more time to bring years ahead," he book, but for Uie labor, it is thewitoosses to Texas; . ............. '

m d o t^ so -wns by, "YBur undoratamlltig, l « . » l 'surprlKo ■^osday w i r f Uio, „ndinii|nUvohnvi!b«onotsroal Bovcrnmonl nbruptly roaled Ita „,y ndminlstrn-

Uon, and Tlook forward to con­tinuing to work wiUi you as. to- geUier, we seek the best for Idaho nnd for the nnUon."

Tlie letter closed "With warm personal regards.'

case against Mitchell after calling only Uiree witnesses, all of Uiem former members of Mitchell’s Vietnam platoon.

Mitchell, Uie first American soldier to be court-martialed for Uie alleged m assacre, is charged wiUi assault wiUi intent to m)irder 30 Vietnamese civilians.

If convicted, Mitchell, 30, of St. Frnnclsville, La., could be

Conversion sought for fish ponds

Fish & Gamem s E s ^



BIG BUCK CONTEST, Gift C ertificate o f ..............

Pheasant ^eafh«r ContestGift Certificate of ....................................

BIG TROUT CONTISTGift Cerllflcole of . . . ..........................

. Fish und Game DoparUnentT o k v O l a r £ 2 [ C S t Director Jolm Woodworth hoa

^ ® rccommcndod that tlio U.S.UNITED n 'aTIONS (U Pl)-A -, y^my Corps of Engineers take

U.N.twpulotlonsui-vcy released stops to convcrt 50 rearUigsentenced to' 20 years at hard •n’mraday lists Tokyo as Uie ponds a t the Dworshnk flshlabor.

Cliiof Defense Attorney Ossie Brown said ho plans to ask the military Judge elUior to dismiss Uie charges against Mitchell or grant an instructed verdict of Innocent when court recon- veries. __ ,

Brown said ho~foels the prosecution has failed to prove that Mitchell Is guilty of Uie assault.

m u r a u a y nsis lOKyo as mo jwnu» u».biggest-iiity in Uio world wiUi lintchory to a reconditioned wa- I

....................... IcrBystom. i - - ---- -----------1WoodworUi said tho inove was m

necessary to achieve a combln- ■ ed steolhcad, smoU and rosl- I dent trout production. |

"Inruncdlato action must be m inltlatod if required production ■ goals a rc to be m et to offset I adverse effects of tho Dworsliak | Damandreservoir,"WoodworUi | |

0,012,000 Inhabitants. .New York is second with

7,064,000 persons, nccording to a 1068 figure, and London la. Uilrd wlUi 7,630,000. Chicago rnnkji 12th wiUi . 3,550,404 cltlzons.

Tlio figures cover only city limits and do not Include people living in greater metropolitan areas.

HUMTING COATSH «ayy , b row n duck.Fro m ...........................................^ '.7 . . . .

HUHTING VESTSDeluxe, w llh x ip p er fro n t an d thell lo o p i. RsQulor $ 1 1 . 9 5 ........................

SHELL BELTSS H O T G U NO n l y ................................................

HUNTING CAPSC a m o u fla g eN o w J u i t ....................................



Athens, Sparta new 7th grade course ■ GOOSE DECOYSWASHINGTON (UPI) ~ Arc

Sparta and Athens relevant In today's classroom? For sevenUi graders?

A generation dully honed on a classroom diet of names and datos'wlll ^ k o iU ITea'ds in disbelief Uiat today's children

(orrot).And s tu ^ n ts of thd claRa-

room relevance scene may wonder if today's, breed will quietly .accept what tholr forefaUiers w patlenUy suf­fered.

' In spite of such ‘odds, the National Endowment for the

Ono of Its hopes for success is that it Is not really a history course.

"A typical history, course woul4 tiV almply to convoy what happened in the Pelopon­nesian War," said Uie develop*

. Alhons and SparU Wr Mvenlh- Iho place ofItradora and bolting lhal lh« cl'“"8l"8 socialMd> will lop it up.


In 0 report. primarily a course.In human own.times." - mHie agency I's shelling out beluivioQ, nnd only secondarily If AUicnsondSpartalcatchon *

$136,074 over a two-year period a cose study of SparUi and in the classroom, Henry VIII I to develop tho course, which Athens," said Dow. nnd S ir'n iom as More, Ixrenzo |'sliould bo roody for publication "But wc use Uiem as a kind and Savonarola will not bo far ■ next February. It was produced of metaphor.for looking at our bcliind. ' ' .

.by Dr. • Erlcli Gruen, " a University of CallToVnla histor­ian, and the Education Develop*

^inenKGentei*-.ln-Cambrk]g&r Mass.

DUCK DECOYSP la iti-D ucli 6 (or

"It Is M relevant as any SDS- . tt (member bf Studonti (or a

Denucratlo Sodaty) could wlah U becaila# It'twlslJ history

into the ahap« o( mo.headllnea,' hut beoauie the hlatory ot

Albina and Sparta In tho Sth m tu r y B.C. bears a genuine

— t«>emblaitt*-toour-llmwi;"-lh«-

.The course has been, tested In lUne: MalsachusitU and New York clasaroonu, - and the tentative conclusion la that Beventh’graderaahouldbeable to handle It; Not by books alone will this course breathe, but through Oreclan art, alldea and lUnutrips, and even dram a and debatti

Independent federal tgenoy said “ IdeaUy, a unit of this Un'd l«

Johsinn Strauss isatulip.

................ ..... I f'Pick th is pure whito dappled ca rtn ln s Dutph tulip nnm od a ilo r th o King o( Iho W allzl O r 'ch o o se Ironi a modloy o( o ther gorgeous Dutch tulips, d a llo d ils . h y a c in th s , c rocusds (o r s p rin g . But

___ p lan t,n p w jT h o y 'reg o in g lo ra s tg ig ; ,


HUNTING VESTSwith Shell Loopt

- O n l y . - ................................. ..................... ...

TARGEt THROWERD onle lio rt

99'9 9 !


JIM*28.95 *113'"


f io w . ................

BULK SHOTW ln c S eilflr Brandf o o i b i . ................

Duck-Pheasant LoadsW In ch d ite rO n l y ....................................................................... .....

Reg. $ 1 2 .8 8 ........................N o w Ju it V a l # l

| . : B L U E ; i A K E S ; S l l i l l i | ^ ^1 2 3 6 Blue Lakes Blvd.

SWEATSHIRTSz ip p e r fro n t w ith hoodR »0. * 4 ,2 9 ................ ........................................... N o w

SHOOTERS MITTENSLined, lea therReg. $ 4 . 9 8 ................................ N ow Juti

COOKING KITS 'For C a m p e nFrom $ 6 .9 5 ........................................................ to

RIFLE SCOPEw e o v e r 6 Powerle a v e r 6 Power R eg. $ 5 2 .5 0 . . . . N o w O nly

HUNTING KNIVESSchrade W a ld e n "0 1 d T im er"R eg . $ 1 6 .5 0 ................................................ Or»ly

CAMP STOVESC O L E M A NT hree Burner J i . O n ly

SLEEPING BAGtg . 4 2 " * 8 0 " , 5 Ib t.,D a c ro n 6 B in»u- lo tio n , heovy cover. C o m p a re a t ................

DbL Barrel ShotgunN e w N o b e l 2 0 G a . , 3 In . M a g .O n ly _______ . * . ________ __ . . . . .

SHOTGUNU w a W M le rn Field 13 Ga..Pomp W o. » 4 4 . r S r ;T l i l , y « l .e n d o n l y . . . ,

n e w s p AMgfIeldM dar»7n>---------------- --------------

- 3 h . A U g .

*38.501 *39.951 *13.97 *29.87 *29.501

» T lm e i-N e iy i , t w in F « U « , Idaho Th u r»d » ii , O clolw r n , i»70

Vixon uses- W ASU lN GtON (U W )—Four days'Before the 19G0 preslden* tiM -elec tio n , a noisy crowd jostled l^mdon and l^d y Bird Johnson a t .a Dallas hotel. The

. ,incident helped Democrats cMr> ry Texas in a v?ry close contcst

. and Republicans haven’t forgot* .ten It.. Now, JO yonrs Inter, Uie administration Is trying to ft.Qt

• w iw irh tm m p (j|iMr n l nilt

evident during the cnmpolKn— just as there was no hint In 1060 that Republicans wore responsible for the abuse of the Johnsons in Texas or- for ttie frequent'hccklinK which Demo­cratic presldontial candidate Hubert H. HunHphroy endured two J^ears ago.

"Two days ago the President "of the United States ... was the'

Qt-a-'ahbwer of rocksatarccL01 a lO w rocKS • ujrown u> President Ni](on’s direction last

. weekend as he. ta lk e d throui^h an airport at Burlington, Vt.

None of the rocks camo close to Nixon, and he did not seem, to notlcb them. Some reporters traveling wi,th the presidential

- ..p arty -sa id -lh cy -d id -n o t- thcm, but the incident later called to their attention by

' White House aides. Vice Pres* • idortt Spiro T. Agnew criticized

the-new s'm edia 's handling df ' the Incident In a speech

Monday night.The Incident Is being used as

■ Q symbol of what has become . perhaps the most potent

campaign Issue of the year—Ihe “Rocinl issue" encompassing law and order, campus and racial violence, bombinfis and

■ “ 1 necwinirNixon repeatedly has alluded

to the rock-throwing incident during campaign appcurances in which he urged voters lo

-repudlate-U»c-rock*throwers ort Nov. 3 by voting Republican.. Tlierc is no hint, of course, that Democr/its threw the rocks or tliat. Democrats have been

, behind any of the heckling

'Own by young rSUtcol

er, was burled Jn some nows columns and went unmentloned In others ... '

*'... Any public man, of any party, who. has helped to create tho abnosphere of pennisslvo> ness—where tills kind of obsceno outrageous conduct has become so commonplace that It's longer n6ws—tltat public man - should go down to hiunlllatlng political defeat In

Any one of those rocks could Jmvo seriously Injured' Uio ' Rrcfildent ... That physical 'a ttack on tho President, howevr

Democrats have tried to k^'ep tlie economic problem upper* most In voters’ minds, but Uiero is reason to suspect they

lu-e falling'and have adopted a strategy of trying to answer tlie "p e rm iss iv en e ss" charges tlirown at them.

One leading Democrat, in a private memo, told, party leaders tho 1068 election was lost because votors. felt the. pilrty was on the wrong side of the law and order Issue. TIjo mmui .thing , will happen tills year .and Iti__1072, he, snldi

that tliey 'stand fo r 'law and, .'order, as -well a.s n liberal approach to tlie kolutlon of. social problems. •

Outof jail.. •PEHNADETTE DEVLIN,'Britain 's younKoBl member ol

ParUament, was released from prison Wednesday after serving four months of a six-month scntcDce for helping Incite the 1M9 riots id Undonderry4 North Ireland. OffielalB said the 2^ycar> old clvlhHi^htrwmtpaiEner had earned two monthfl remission of

. sentence for (^odd behavior. (UPI)

Bernadette outIX)NDONDERnV, NorUiern

Ireland (UPI) — Bernndette Devlin, B rita in 's youngest m ember of Parliament, was released from prison today, after serving four months of a six-month sentence for. holplng Incite- the lOCO riots In

Undonderry.. Officials said the /23-year-old civil rights campaigner liad earned two months remission of acntence for good behavior.

Miss Devlin left Armogh Prison; about SO miles south- ea.'it of Londonderry, in a police


happy unlle a s he wades through a crowd that gathered to hear his address on the campbs at

East Tennessee State Unlvcreity at Johnson City. Nixon Is campaigning across the country on behalf of Republican candidates In the November election. (UPI)

Population may double in 36 yearsUNITED NATIONS (U P D -

____ TliP.WPrld’s populutlon.of morethan 3.5 billion will double in .16 years if Uie current growth rate is maintained, according to a

, U.N. statistical survey released Thursday.

1\\fs U.N.'s lOflO Demographic YcarlMok with data from 250 geographic entitles said Uic

million persons over the pre­vious year..

Lincoln H. Day, chief of tlio U.N.'s Demographic and Social Statistics Brancli, said tl)e population safety margin was exceeded when the number of persons passed tlie two billion m ark.

- - . He said If the populationpopulatlon-increasc- remained -continues to grow at about 70 static at l.fl per cent over aie milUon a year "it certainlypast Uiree years. Its mld-1969- would make it very difficult for .................... . ..................figures represented-B-rlsfr-of-fiO—th jr-v n r lo u r^ m m trtc s^ f-th c — Occaninrthtrycarbook-saidr

world to raise their • living Mainland - Qjlna with 740------------- -------- --------------------- -------------- c lfln d n rfla ■■ F m m L Jn _ th P _ r l r h m illio n P e rs o n s w a s th e m o s t

nation and Tokyo wiis

control was tlie only method to halt tlie exploding numbers of people. “ Tljero'a no other way," he said.

Worldwidepopulationclimbed- to >1.552 billion In July, lOflO.' including 1.088 billion in Asia. 'ICO million in E^urope, 345 million In Africa, 27G million In Ijitln America and the Carib­bean, 210 million In the Soviet Union, 224'm illion In North America and 18.0 million In

Fire hits Boise barBOISE (U P I ) - Fire of ynde-

tcrmlnedoriglnguttedtlie Back­ward Door, a bar on Orchard

_____ Stcccl_BQise.icadiLWcdncsday.i_Wes Zimmerman, battalion

- ■ chief for the fire department, said the cause of the blaze still was under Investigation by the city fire and police d e p a rt­ments. Ho said it appeared to

cdunlries Uiere will be dlfflcul- populou: ties In providing housing’nnd listed nt the world’s largest

tlon will double to more than seven billion by the year 2006 if tlie current growth rate con­tinues.

Desplt<Llhe increasing num­bers of persons, the birth rate dropped to 33 live births per 1,000 from a rate of between 31 and .15 in 10C5 and between 35 and 36 in lOfiO. But the

• yearbook said the decrease did not necessarily Indicate a decline in fertility in all

-nations;^— ----------------------------Ttie highest birtli rates were

in the undeveloped countries^

social services.’*Day said the "chances are

rather good" the rate of growUi would Increase and said birth

city with slightly more than 9 million Inhabitants.,

Tlie 21st annual statistical ' report said the world's popula-

A dm itted cannibal gets life sentence

■With Paklslail |)r6ilUi.'ln« th most newborn with 49 births per 1.000 in 10C5.

Accounting for the constancy in population despite the drop In the blrtli rate vlas a decrease In the death rate from 16 per 1,000'ln 1965 to M per 1,000 in 1060, that survey said. .

Timothy Leary now in Algiers

ALGIERS ( W l) - Timothy U a ry , one-time high priest of American I.^D culture who escaped from a (Dallfornla prison -Sept. 12, has been granted political asylum by tlie Algerian government.

F riends-said U a ry would work with Eldridge Qeaver in the U.S. Black Panther exile headquarters In Algiers.

In London, Uic Youth Interna­tional Party (Yipples) said Ixary and Qeaver would hold a news conference Tl)ursday In Algiers.

U a ry , 50, had”been sought by "U.S. police since he fled the California state prison system 's

“ rnmimiim'BCCurUrChintrinsti- >tutlon where he was serving

-to-10. years for marijuana^ ss e s s io h :. G a ry 's wife, Rosemary, 31, who had finished a six-month sentence for possession of m arijuana at the time of Leary's escape, arrived In-

./Mgiers with him. Botli have l)een granted asylum In Alger-

van Shortly after 6 a.m.'file first indication .^he was

gone came ■ \yhen a prison official strolled up.to a group of newsmen and advised th e m ' tliey were wasting tlielr lime. "Slio's gone alrciady,”

Tlie British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC) said Miss Devlin was going to 4 "secret- hideaway" \vhere she would rest for several days. She then plannud to. hold a news conference to discuss her time behind bars, BBC said.

Miss Devlin was convicted last Doeemlxjr on four out of 13 counts of Incitement to riot.

Dividend dates set

TWIN FALLS - An­nouncem ent of ■ dividend payment dates for mutual funds has been made by Rex Ulrich

-and-AflfioelHlesrThe funds a re A m erican

Business Shares, 4 cents a

Aill-"European meet'I — — _ . . ............

becom ing unlikelyWNDON fUPI) Russia's Tbolr conditions are that tho

hardening polld^ has increased conference must bo very wellU.S. and British hesitation lo prepared, Uiat n firm agendayield to Moscow's Insistence on i)c approvetl In advance, that It

jr] , early all European security contains iconcrcte Issues sucii Icfln(crep^Cfi,jlpLqmnjjr^f».urccB_oa_bfliunccd_ml)!^ryiwiihdTtti

report. ' wals of East and west fromThe Soviet Union has lately Euroi>e and not merely, us

Increased Its prcMuro for such suggested by Uio Communist fl-H-confprmfji? whiDl i^~th?^— "Kremlin, supported by Its East tlon condemning the use ofEuropean alilcR, hopes to get force in InternMlonal'disputesbroader endorsement' of the nnd pledge more East-Westpostwai' frontiers In Europe, trade nnd toclinologicaloxchan^ .with th6ir divisions and parti- ges. .. .tions. Tlie Riwso-Gonnan nnriag-

Tlie United States and Britain gresslon agreement last monthhove hesitated In the past to seemed to Improve conditions ■commit themselves to such a for a conference. But Uieparley at which Moscow wants accord has yet to' bo ratified,to see all Ea.st, West . and and ratification by Bonnneutral European countries depends on progress on a Berlinrepre.sented<^at high level, settlement, a subject on whichReluctantly, the Soviet Union Russia lias been tough lately,agreed that the United States sources said,and Canada also should partici- NATO Is currently consider*pate. Ing the conference problehi and

Tlic Red bloc has been is to come up with proposals at . touting tills meeting for some' its ministerial meeting Inlime and hn.<i. proposed it lie December, sources said. Butheld In Helsinki, Finland, as Uiey said tltat tliese proposals

soon as po33lble._LatcaLi

"Shat e , pBynble— rrflOt-Af-

sals were for a meeting early policy developments and good- next year. .y ,, will.

In Uie course of these efforts some o f 't h e smaller West - - .European member nations of ‘ Ancient Festival the- North Atlantic Treaty The. Jewish Passover is a Organization (NATO), such as 3,500-year-old f e s t i v a l of Denmark’ nnd Belgium, have freedom and Ihank-igivlng gradually been showing Interest m arking the exodus of the in the Communists’ plan. Some children of Israel from bond- have, In effect, been giving It anc ent E gypt undercautious support fccontly, ' Icmlwshlp oi Moses.

IV prc recently, even F r a n c e '‘ •• ..............has slilfted Its position from initial coolness to partiaU backlng. Tills occurred during lost week's visit to Moscow by French President Georges Pompidou -who was reported to’ have agreed In principle to "preparations" for Uie all- European conference.

Tlie Kremlin’s hardening line in recent weeks—over tlie Middle East and Berlin most notably—has made Uie United States, and Britain even less inclined, to eVnbark on a conference of giant proportions, for f e a r ' It"" would serve

Immunlsl propaganda purpb- ses rather than concrete peace achievements. .

filiated Fund, 0 cents, payable' Oct. 20; Washington Mutual Investors Fund, 13 cents, payable Nov. 27; Puritan Fund,

-10 c « n ls -p a y H b le -O c ti-2 3 r Dreyfus Fupd, 0 cents, payable Oct, 20: Dreyfus Leverage Fund, 31 cents, payable Oct 29.

IRREGULAR7V A I a ^ u «%r e n n n *DUE TO LACK OF FOOD


B U D S '

Now! Pepsi-Cola in One-Way7 No-Deposit Bottles!

O N E \ w i ^ Totts th at b'e’alk ~

tho o lhart cold!

B o t t lo d b y P o p i i - C o l o U o fllin g C o m p a n y p l_ T w in F a lU u n d o f o p p o in lm o n t I rc m P ap s lco , tntf., N , Y,

LIVINGSTON, Mont. ( U P I ) - Schlosser was a welfare i.u iw.u upiiuu.^u .w Stanley Dean Baker, 23, who worker In the community of

have started W the center of Uie admitted he ate Uie heart of his . Rounelup, Mont., at U;e time of bdlldlng’ heiif the bar. •' " victim ,-wfls-giveft-a-llfo Mn>' liis d e a ^ . His remains, without

A* passerby noUced smoke'and flames and reported to a cruising policeman who turned In Uie alarm a t 1:39 a.m. Tliree trucks and nine men responded and spent l>b hours bringing the fire under control.

Uw -lying smoke impeded efforts at first and firemen had to use face masks in batUlng the flames.

No dollar estimaU of damages was available immediately.

tence Tuesday for first-degree murder.

Dist. Judge Jack Shanstfom accepted Baker's guilty plea and passed sentence. He could also hove sentenced him to death by hanging., Baker and Harry A. Stroup, 20, boUi of Sheridan, Wyo. were nccii.scd in Uie July 9 dldmem- berment and cannibal slaying of James M. Schlosser, 22. of GrearFaliij, Mont. •

head of heart, were found In the Yellowstone River near Gardirier, Mont., July 10.

Baker nnd Stroup were a r­rested In the Big Sur region of California a few days later while involved in a traffic vio­lation In the victim 's aptomo- blle. •

Stroup has pleaded Innocent and is scheduled to go on trial Nov. 16.


m H G 's

m o d Ho?

in the Magic Valley KING’S is the i^ominil thing

K IN G 'S Food Hoat, U . s X . is coming soon. Whon it does, you'ii onjoy a dining dKloronco th a fa K IN G :s own spoclalt^. F.or oxamplo, wo aro modorn food opociallsts. To insure fostor soryico.ond tho highoot quality, vjq o iler o

'speclallzod nrlonu, sorving only thoso foods that Amorico lov'os bost ond ' wo moko bd&t. Wo ‘ K IN G 'S Poopio mnko our own salad drossings, soups, onion rings, Fronch frios, p io s...g rin d our own hamburgor from U .S . Choico

boo l...so rt our own beans. K IN G ’S moons quality. Relaxed fomily dining with our own spoclal dilfocQnco.

\upplie!'Wont to bo a KING S Peraon? Wo havo th t tuppilea and the rocipot and the tacllltiaa, now we need the good worhora to make the delicioua thingi on our KINO'S menu comb true. Doth lulMlme end part’tlme people ere w«/como (0 epply.

the Family Uiln0.O n Blue Lak« i Boulevard N o rth o l Filer A venue Eoit

■ Twin F o lli


^ e /d tie 'A , S n o w h i f eFRYING CHICKEN




THfeRE IS A DIFFERENCE! Grown & Processed in... I D A H OA V A IL A B L E

A T Y O U R F A V O ftlT E G R b C t R Y


KRTCnUM - C ity.property , ownorti t n n y ap p e ar to volco

approval o f.'ob jec tion to the city 's UMossmcm foils for Ixcnl Im p ro v e m en t- D is tr ic t I-A Moiuljiy nifjhl « n d city eoiincil

d iB v .e ::= :la a u e tl-

L E G A ^ N b T lc eN O TIC fl O F T H B T i M B



S T A T E O F ID A H O In iha 6f Ih* e ila t* of

JA M B S P. M A Y S , DMoatcd.Pur«u*n( to dnordcr ot la id Court,

mada on th« ,l91h day ol Octobtf. W 70.,nailc« Ik h«r*by o lvtn lh«t ToM day. mo lom day of Novembn', 1970, « t 10 o'clock A, M. of la id day,

'Al tha Court Room of la ld Court, Twin F a lli, County Judicial Didg., In thtt City of Tw in P a lli. County of

. Twin Mallf, Idaho, tias liM n ap- nofhf« d M ffic fim t and 0tnc« tor proviruTtf™ Will of iv ld J a t n « F . ' M a y :. deceat»d. and for hoarinu the application of Edna May* for tlia

-iMunncn-lo Rrtnw

E V U L Y N M . H IN T Z C Daputy Cl*rk'~

P U O L IS H i Oct- U 79, L Nov.' S, 19?0,

In Ihe im arait of A M C L ZA M O H A . J r . , A N A O G L Z A M O M A , ’ and A L D E R T ZAM O R A , Chlldron undar


statemeril to explain some of andDie miflconceptlons concornini' conioit wma.Uie aHiieK8tnontfl..Tt>e meetliii; is’ •.slated for 7 p.m. in the city hall.

’Hie lylD involves the in­stallation of tiic city's sewer line am! construction of the plant, s u m m o n i f o r p u b l i c a t i o n

F oilL.nil i r u n t s <!( S im ™ i r P A U ^ " ? O U N T v “ T A T E.Vnllcy W ater and Sowor i o a h o • . • . District contribution of 1150,500, and Ketchum GenoVnl Ohli(>ation l>onds for $10!>,000 will furnish all but $!»5,000 of Uie total cost of $1,441,800. n ia tn m o iin t Ihn r n iin r il 'R ntiitnm pnt Y O U A R C H G R C D Y N O T IF IE D ju n o u n i, II 0 co u n c il s s ia ie m e n i ^ paimon, puriuant to the Childrend, must bo paid by aase.Hiiinf; Proioctive Act, h a i be»n fii»<i in thet e p r o p c r r bo"o(ilcd by !!.«wjvyer system. idnho, f,y the paffffonw, Doparf-

All p roperty in Ketchum ment of Public A iiU ta nce , state of u ih\rh hnr/lr>rB iinnn n QPu/Ar ""f* vou are hereby directedwnicn Dorticrs upon , a sewer ,o Jippenr al the hearlno on laid Imc, either a street lateral or a petition, at 3;30p: m. on the trthday trunk Iip Iml* ih w p k s o i! nr. Nowemljer, 1970 In tlie Probile i r m m , ts :^ i i iB _ a H M .to tu u c - indiciai nulldino Tu;in r » n tcordint' to the tjcncflts received idAho, m compliance with the order by the nronertv . Separate of the ahovo entitled court,

assessments have been com- J 'JJ 't^afeT ourV m u u5“ ov ol puled for each individual lot in Ocioi>or, t^w. platted area, even thoiit’h ad­jacent lots may now bo in Utc same ownership, except where Instllutional or com m ercial type occupancy would normolly preclude separation into in- dlvidunl lots. A partial lot ad- Joininf’ a full or anoUier partial

- lot in the same record owner­ship shall also comprlso one

^assessment.Tlie, statement said in un­

p latted a rea , separate

P AY & P A C K ELECTRIC & P L U M B IN G S Tw in P «ll> , Idaho



5 0 % OFF

E U G G N C L ..M C C O Y Probate Judoe &

. ExOfflclo. Clerk . .D y -E V C L Y N M . H IN T Z E Deputy ClertC

P U B L IS H ; Oct, 33, 39 & Nov. S, 19J0,



PORTABLEn o V o i i


A V P A V& P A C K

$ j p 5



E S T A T E O F W IL L IA M S TA N G E R . Deceated.

N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N Dy the undwtioned Adm initiralrlK to the credllor$ of »nO all porwn*

as.sessments will be 'com puted havino claim* aoaim t the laid fnp n m .h -n u -n o rc h ln n f rn rn n \ WiUlam 0 . Sfanoer. deceaied, or tor eaen-ow nersn ip ot recoru. jmtj e tf«io , »o ewhibit tnem with the

The u n it s q u a r e foot nocottary vouchon, within four i iisscssrncnt ra te is linirorm m m lh. «ii.r Iho (Ir.l piibllc.llon ol .1 . 1 ' ■ ' • ! > / t h li notice, to the %ai<l A d- ith ro u jjh o u t th e d i s tr ic t fo r mlntslrntrix at the law offlcei of l)cnefiled property ow nerships niandford and Oiandford in Kim-itn In f in fotil in flimlVi w h nlhnp berly, County Of Tw in Fall*. Stale Ofup 10 uu teel in dcpin, wneincr ,h i, bjing ,ne piAce fucd torp latted or unplatted , ti^e the transaction Of the businotft of

councllraon sn ld ._ o. s.p-Mayor Richey said the Idaho lem ber. t97o«

i.ocal Im provem ent District t h e l m a v . s t a n g e r . A d-

law provides that assessments ? u i u 5H?octotDcr r. o, is and 33, Ilevied aKoinst the property a re i970,

—<luo-and-payablo-to-Uio-city— -------------------------------trea su re r 20 days from the date of confirm atio n ^ o( th e

fljn o u n t of c a sh p a y m e n ts deuucleil from the i5R!),000 due d eterm ines the am ount of local im provem ent dis’tr ic t bonds to be sold in J a n u a ry , 1071. ,

In addition to the assessm ent, a m onthly sew er user charge


In the Matter of the Estate of has also been established for tlie g r a c e e . c o x . ooceaied.

d l y . m ,o a vo rpR O alnglo r„ m ijyresident W ill pay <2 p er montJl, the creditor! of and alt personi

w h ile u s e r s w i th l a r g e r '." .V .f.:* ,'.'d e m a n d s upon th e sew er them wiih the necettarv vouchon, system pay m ore ,-depend ing 'our month* after the fir*t

u i» n a m o u n . of u .,e . H , l .charue, M ayor Richey said, Is Raybom , Raybom , wobb & Pike, fo r m a ia le n n n c e a n d o p e ra lio a

' of the se w e r sy s te m a n d Fans, state of idnho, ihi* t>oino t^e trea tm en t p lan t, and m ay be ra ised or lowered by the city Dated October a, 1970. council, dependiny upon Uio a m o u n t ' of m o n ey found n e c e s s a ry to o p e r a te th e sew age system .



Room 30s, Slatohouse, fk)lte, Idaho m til: 2:30 p.m . • November J, m o for Ihe lo ilo w ln o : for Cam ara SuppMe* for Iho variou s *t«te departments and intlltulion* at variou* iocationi.

All bids will be publicly openad ttid read al the above time and place. Form* statlna condillons, must b# securad beto^* blddlno. Tht)S6 Bi'V'Mvatlable-from th* State Purchasing Aoent's Qlflce.

I T E D C R A M E RS ial^Qucchailna Agent

" P U H LIS H ; October 3 0,311 33, 1970.


T W IN F A LLS C O U N T Y , S T A T E OF ID AH O , . ■ '

In ll>e Mailer ot the,Estate of LO lS V A Y P H IL L IP S , Deceased.

N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N by Ihe undorslonod to the creditor* of and ' B li-to «rto n s h a v l n t ^ l a l m i . aoBlnst Lo li vi«f1*MtfS»«Wec«(ised, or her estate, lo exhibit them .wlth- Iha necessary vouchers, within four montt\s alter the first publication,of this notice. Is Ihe snid undersigned

>ENecutor at Itte oltlc* of h ll at­torney*, May, M ay L fiennett. A t ­torneys at La w , at i H Second Street East, P.O. noK 10s, Tw in Falls, County of Tw in Falls. Stale of Idaho,

'this being Ihe place lined tor the transaction bf the buslneii el taid

' D A T E D T h il I3lh day ol Oclobar,

D A L E M> P H IL L IP S ,- . Eweculor

M A V . M A Y I D E N N E T T .Qy J . A L F R E D M A Y Afiorneys for E>i*cuior •S U Second Street Cast P.O. Dov 10s

_ T w ln -F a l lt .-ld a h o .iU O l— ----------P U B L IS H ; OclrtlS ' ^ *< Nov. S. WTO.. -

H E N R Y W A Y N E COX Administrator of the Estflto of Grace E . Com, Docented.

P U B L IS H : October 8, IS, 33 ft 39, I97Q.

N O T IC B T O C R D D It'o R i ~IN T H E P R O D A T E C O U R T OF T W IN F A L L S C O U N T Y , S T A T E OF ID AH O

In thD-^Matler of Ihe Estate o f JA C K O r S C O T T , Deceased,

N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N by Eileen Scott, Adm inistralrlu, to Ihe creditors of and all personi having c ta lm i Ja c k 0 . Scott,deceased, or his estate, ;to exhibit them with ihe necessary vouchers, wllhln lour months alter ttie first publication of |his notice, lo Ihe said Administratrix al the oftlcei ol Rayborn Rayborn,. AMebb i Pike, Dank of Idaho Oulldino, P . O . DoK

,331, Tw in Falls, Idaho 13301, this -being Ihe place fixed for the lra n «

saction of the businessol said eslale. Dated Ihis 14lh day of Seplemtieiu,

1970. -E IL E E N S CO TT

Administratrix ol the Estate ol Jack B,Scotl,Deceased,

P U B L IS H ; October 1, 8, IS I , » , W7Q, - .

N O T IC 6 T O C R B D IT O R SIN J H E J > .R b W A T E C O U R T OF T W * F A o l i i t f U N T Y , S T A T E OP

" ID A lioin the MAIter ol the Cflate of

R A Y M O N D D E R T . H O W E L L S , Deceased.

N O T IC E IS H E R E O Y G IV E N by the undersigned,' Delia Howells, Administratrix ol Ihe M lale of

" Ills, deceai- ‘. . . . ___________ ...>d all perst -

having claims apalnit tha said deceased to axhlbft them wim Iha necessary voucheri w llhln four. 14) months after tha first publication el Ihis notice ID Ihe tald Adm lnltlralrlx at th e o itlce e l William J. Langlevt 348 Th ird Avenua B a il, Tw in F a lli, Idaho, this being th* pt«ca IlKad for Ihe tram acllen ef the. buiiness of saitiaslala.

D A T B O thli «th day of Octebsr. 1970. ' ■


We Also Carry 220 Volt Heaters


A n d Save M oney



go* furnac* From P a y & Pack

00,000 BTUN O W O N IY .

100,000 BTU N O W C N IV ,.



3 6 *6 " G a lv .E L B O W S ................. . . # 9 .

2 1 / 4 x 1 4 F lo o r $ > i 9 5 DIFFUSER.................... ■

Let U i S a v « Y o u M o n e y O n A ll Y o u r Furnace Duc» W ork

Fam ous M arkel Lifetim e

Portable Heater

* Th rea h s a t( - 650,9 5 0 and 1 65 0 w a t l

* L Ifs tlm a g u a r a n t e e ... o n e le m e n t* T h e r m o i la l





T H E C O U N T Y O F T W IN .F A L L S ,r * r e - e F i d a h o : •In the Mailer ot the Estate of O.'J.w ithin 30 dnys Uierenftqr> will

bccom e delinquent imd will bo Weathers, D«easod.collected in the sam e m ariner ns gndors‘ i5ne*d adminyst^e^or with winoUlor dolinquont nssessmcnlH, annexed -ol said esIale to the plus n two per ccnl ponnlly. Tl,edate for confirm ntion of tlie deceased, or his estate, to exhibit nsseMnicnl roll Is fOci. 20, so

_cashj)0yment3_wmJic.nctcplC!l_pu6iic<iiii«uiUiiitnoiiMjiuiitniiLbv the city trea su re r a s of Nov. administrator with win annexed al IBnnd oonnol be ncceplotl ntler X r » " .U ‘' . r , aDec. 10. Didfl,. P.O. Qo* 3J1. city ol Twin

Mihn n rn n o rtv fiurnpr'c; n n . Falls, County Ol Twin Falls. Stale Olu e p ro p e rij owner s op- tion, the assessm ent m ay be the trAmaction oi the business ol

s i!ii‘?nirpiusTL”cr"'Mnyor Richcy added tlinl iSc h m . r a v o .

• Administrator v ,A/yjeued, Estate,pe .. Weathers, decekitil- / ' I

P U B L IS H : Oct, 1, I , IS 4 >«’ 0. t

e top AMP iniide p n nil with «ub main brvoliir

e too AMP rounJ m » l»f ho»«_______ ____________

e 5 Fl. t I '4 riQld ionduil

e 6 b (to b irt for lighit ond plug*

e 3 DoubU p oU b^in|ie>« lor lang*, dryft and wotar• HeoUr. 1 ' • ■

• t I /4 weather head

e 3 0 it ,o li« r v ic * wir*

e ID ft. o fn e u lrsl w ir«

e 6 fl, ground w ir«

e ' Ground dom p

_ ? -..L l-4 -g Q ly jn lie d .n io p ie __• Tw o I l ;4 lock n u ll .

• Two 1 I '4 buihinQt

e Two 1 1.'4 (o nduil tlia p t

PAY & PACK PRICE ............ $ / | , g 5 o

Mercsiry Viapor


* 3 6 ’ *


• 1 ,0 0 0 W a l t• 1 ,5 0 0 W a tt• 2 ,0 0 0 W a t t• 2 ,5 0 0 W a t t

1 3 . 5 0

18.50 .21 .5 0 . 26.7S

Large Roll Of


WHh w a te rp r o o f cover

a 9 *Id e a l (o r use o v e r

h e a t t a p

r * j S i • ff^OUSTRY . M O B IU HOMES

2 Y « a r W a rra n ty

5 2 G a l _________ S 2 .5 0MoKim um lank life. Glass lining insures cfyslol • e iw r w ofer. Co n - net ro il or cerrede. N « plttino, (h ip p in a « ' croddno- Equipped w llb iMflneslurti red, 130 lo ISO lam paralure'fldjuilm enl. 6 le 13- Hal. Tank »l<as.

F A C T O R Y 1 0 -V 6 A R T A N K W A R R A N T Y

52 G A L SIZE . .

f . H E A T T A P E SU | | W e stock ta p e i fro m 4 ft. to 3 0 (t. Prlcsd from

w i l h lh » r m o * ia l

Copper Loomex

HOUSEWIRE12/a with 13

g o u g e g ro u n d

w i r e U L A p p ro ve d

250 f». rolls ,



Priced From | | pC hoose F rom O v e r 5 0 S w a g L ig h ts N oW In S to ck i


$ ^ 9 5



ELECTRICAL and PLUMBING SUPPLIES1 8i30:t9 5imp.m,,Mohdc<yJhruJ!ddciyt ' , ,. twin'f^lis' rtftb'iTiniiMily'Ri '' MISe,710 N.OKhard NAIWPA; S24 diwlond^.^^^

10 T lm e »-N «w i< T w in F a tli , Idaho Th u rsd n y, October 72. J970

Coroner candidate outlines choices—TWIN-K*AI.IJ{___Horinaii-IL bciuuiuulo to npj>oar m imir-JewoU, Democnitlc ciindldato ilcrs and otic mlsacd duo could .for election as Twin VaWn make tills hooiiV to bo true.County coroner, wild today Uiat- Itr addition. JowoU uald,Uio coroner must decide three Uiini'a In the event of ii.doath by

. violence.■•Complete (»atberin|{ of .data

at - the scctje ufld . objectj'^c

INews.of's -


"I=]xcellent couimunicntlons, cooperation and coordination a re CHBcniial between 'a ll memberK of the Saw forcotnenl team to effec^

" d r . DALE L. MILES . . . Kb> opened an office with

D r. Gayland E rlkson, o[k tometrlst. a t 691 Shoihooe St. N., Twin Falls. A Rroduote of Wendell lllRh School in 1957, Dr. Miles 'served In ■the~Alr Force- and Is a grodunte. of Pacific University Optometry school, Forest Grove, Qre. He and hi* u-lfe, the former U ls Olsen, live In Jerome.

rliibt deciHion," Jewell said in case.”bifl Rlatemcnt. "One overlooked Jowoll naid the post of coronerclue could cuujto your coroner to woiiUl bo lii» prime concern anddecide that the victirn of foul that, lie, will perform nil theplay had dlod at liLs own hand or duticH and reflponBlbllllles

MAJ. ROBERT M.' UEEVF^ Rupert, was decorated

Weed group to m eet

.TWIN FALLS - Membera of ttio Idaho Weed Control A&vi.,’ urill hold thoir annual moetlnt; In July, 1971, In MuckB Inn, Wallace StivaKo, Twin Falls County Wood Bureau director

■■ today.

tjie 1072 meotlnt; . ’ m ow here In the Magic Valley, ho safd and final decisions o h ' Uiis will bo mado In Macks Inn convention.


Probate Court ' Russell Ted Worry, Ketchum,

IS for failure to roKistor. Odell G. Buttars. Twln Kolls, |5 for failure ' to reg is te r before operating vehicle.

Clerk’s Office . Wnrronty deed filed'by Mr. and Mrs. Carl lioldon to L. V. D ates. Honorable dlschai^go

Issued by U.S. Navy to Ctordon ' Russoll Gat(o.


, Npia Storm, Twin' Kallfl, $30,drunkenness; Mrs.GlKlErdoisn, Twin Falls, $5 costs, unlicensed do{{; TeryJ Taylor, INvin Fallai 15 costs, unlicensed dog; Danny U e Grayblll, I'wln Falls. 130. drunkenness: lUley W. Scotl,

'I'wln Falls. $31). drunkenness; Joao Moreno, 'Fwln Falls, $6 costs, unlicensed dot;; Jerry Baumann, Twin P'alls, 15 cosbi. unlicensed dog; Dun Moreno, •;i'win Falls, W5 bond forfeituro, (IrunkennoMS, and Mrs. Bum UmKdon. Twin Falls, $5 cosbi, dog at large.

LINCOLN COUNTY ■ Probate Court

U w ell E. Wills. 'IVin Falls. $15 for «|>oe(llng.

jow nnatuiui IIUVIUJ, <um i unjnfimuMnv.v.-. . ■ . . ^4by nccidCTit. CniivorBcly, roqulrccl liy hla o lt lc o w llli S!* ' ‘ “ P

nnd aecl>lor.ls hnvc . Cro«« and the Air Model nl

News Of UecordCross and the Air Medfll Alcimbury Royol Air Forcc Stntlou, England.'

RLAINE COUNTY Delwrn Jenn Al>elnr; SjintaClerk’s Office ' Monica, Calif.; Robert Craig

'M arria g e lict'nses. w ere Forem an and Linda Fay Issued to Hugh John jijlkcn and Deasini’e r . both Oakley; JoAhno neiler; Daniel Gruener Tljonins J . Wake, Burley, and and Vlcloria Stewart; Richard Deborah Jane Heinze. Paul; Barrymore and Elizabeth Ann • Na.sario Carlos Paez and Glenn and to nolMjTlFallowfleld OinrisKc Carmel Allen, l^tlr and Jane Farmer. BurlAy; Samuel iJiO Roberts.


S t ' I I ' d ' C ' l l ' t S --------—MnrrniBir— iic tn s e r T ^ e r e —HeybHi-nT-(tn(l^IoAmi

needed in class

TWIN FALLS - Anyone interested in taking a course on Sliakespenre must attend the session al 5 p. m. Friday at Room n o at the CSI Academic building. More students are needed or the course cannot be held, Marvin Glasscock, CSI adult education coordinator, snld.

Nine people have reglslered. but about twice that number is needed, Glasscock said. Tlie basic lime for tlie course will be from 5 to 7 p. m. Friday, witli extra sessions either Saturday’ mornings or a t anoU^er lime convenient for those attending.

Issued lo Isidro M artinez. Rupei t and Debra Kay Bailey. Burley; Roberto Garcia and Vaunda Jo M illard, both Burley; Ronald Uoyd Ernst. Fullerton, Calif., and Mary Kristin Robb Spencer, Burley; Wallace Fred Peterson and Glenda Joan H arris , both Burley; Buck Collins and Sherri Lynn Wilson, both Twin Falls; Glen Paul Osterhout,.and Carla Dawn W alker, both Declo; •Kerry Merl Smith. Biirlcy. and

Community parly set at Tuttle

P„,d;-im d, KMherlnc Carolyn „ , ] S ™ f r n i r T r l " n ' f

Croft,and-M ary

Lydon, Declo.Hurley Police Court

Don Adams, 20, Albion, fined

and program later. Everyone In the community is invited, in­cluding children , M aster$50, disturb ing the Pcnce;, . ^ “ uuut c . m

Tcn»w.i nnuoQ :?n TVirln. i2fl. William Maude.said.Isabel Reyes, Dcclo, $28. petit larceny: Fred E. Wonnan, in. B urley, $50. illegal

The Tuttle Grange has donated to the Nampa State

po,»oHsion' of bcor; Nco Schoal O.apel Fm d. M cdelez. 23. B urley, $50, disturbing the peace; Joe Toledo-, .11,' Oakley, $75,- 'In­toxication. Tapped

1 9 ^ 6 p r C S i d G l l l ? MOSCOW - Elaine/Mtibrosc,daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Neal

nlfiht, Morton snld ' he will An^ro«o. Wendell, was tappednominate him for vice president for Tlieta Sigma Plil, nationalat the 1972 GOP convention. journalism honorary • at the

•■;\nd, at the 197(1 convention, University of Idaho. She is aI intend to nominate hinj for sophomore majoring in Jour-president of the United States." nalism advertising andMorton added. currently is vice president of

'llie nno Republicans at the the Alplja Lam bda Delta,dinner clieered. scholastic honorary on campus.

BALTIMORE (UPI) - Rep. Rogers C. B. Morton. R-Md., tl>e Republican national chair­man, has proposed Vice Pres­ident Spiro T. Agncw io r president in 197C.

Wlille introducing Agncw at a GOP fund-raiser here Tuesday

Work dayset by ~ Jayeees\,

TWIN F A LI^ - Jayi;cefl,of Twin Falls aro continuing tholr city wide campnign against

.junk c a rs and m em bera oHtimatp_nlv^»» bodles have been disposed of sinco their work began two weeks ago.

Jaycee officerfr tuinounced plans for anoUier all out work day Saturday,..urging porisons who have old junk cars to contact Bud Phillips, KEEP Radio. A m ap prepared by the city showing location of about 500 old car bodies was given the Jaycees and each property owner Is being, contacted-and advised of Uie procedure of disposal.

Tliose who are unable to handle the problem are being assisted by volunteer crews and equipm ent provided by the

. Jaycees.

M et for F irs t Tim e On April 1, 1709, the House

of R epresentatives held its first uill m eeting in New York City; thus began the history of the Congress of the United Slates. _

o u

^ e w e ^ o m p a n y i

W e l c o m e s y ,

to til e ir

^ r a n d p e n i n q

October 21 sf thru 24thC o m e in a n d Register fo r Beautifu l Prizes:

D I A M O N D P E N D A N T M E N ' S A N D L A D IE S ' W A T C H E S



I^^^D & B A R T O N SILVER C E N T E R P IE C E . L A D IE S ' PEARL r i n g



: N. Machamer

r iM E S -N E W SCorrespondents^are Always hunting “ Home-Town” News in Magic Valley

mmtinities.— — -

It may be a fire, accident, wedding or engage­ment. Perhaps it's an interesting personality, bus­iness promotion, a club meeting or b new build­ing going up.

All are news.

Times-News correspondents in key Magid cities, towns and villages want to be the first lo know.

Help them to report fully and promptly the news from your community'. '




Mri. LoPiioc Luyfon 678-8900. Burl.ty

Mrs. Robert Day 543-5412, Ouhl

Mf\. J. L. Wiiclnver 537-6582, Costlt-lord

Mrs. Nolon Taylor -654-2501-Oocio-




“ WEMDELL-^----------

' Shoila Sorunsitn 544-2404, Dietricli

Mrs. Norman Cridr.T 829-5581, Rl. 1. Edi.-n

Mrs. M. I. Doniol 764-2427, Foiriiuld

Mrs. Reuben Litrman 326-5454, Filor •

Mrs. Davo MH/qtn 934-5535, Gooding

Mrs. Ed Larson 837-4436, Hagermon

Mrs. Gene Bolton 700-4475, Box 53»-Hailey .

Mrs. Dorolhco Slnulsnulli 423-5400, Hansen

Mrs. Robert Boll 324-476], 616 East Avr. F.

Sondra RoinlinrdI 733-4696, Roufo 1.

Mrs, Arthur Groor 366-2258, King Hill

Mrs. Fornum Warr 432-2772, Murtaugli

Mrs. Ninn Brush 487-2900, Richliold

Mrs. Howard Sluplions 438-5521, P a u l.

Mrs. Horroll Thorno 806-2071, Box 366, Shosi^ono

Mrs. Comilo Bronson 678'2077, R». 1. Burloy

Mrs. Roynard Wriflht 037-4448, Rl. 1, HaQorman

Mrs. D, S. MoHbM 678-5785, Rt. 2, Burloy

__Mrs..Earl-Stluonk____536-2761. Box 56, Wondall .

fIMES.NEWSP h o n e 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1


U . S ^ D ^ A

CHOICEFalls Brand

B A C O N 2 lbs. 1.49BonelessBOSTONBUTf ^ 9

_ 8 949

Grade A, small





EGGSWhite or Yellow


Juice Drinks

DEL MONTEO ra n g e , m e rry ch e rry , f r u i t punch

targe red ripe


Blenders Pride

COFFEE 1 lb. can


2 lb .ltk 9 .

Large Complete Selection ofHALLOWEEN

C A M P Y 6l I R E A T SMuch More Liquid ^

DETERGEMT full qt. bottle , ..i. ............... ...........Norwest

Large Juicy Sweet




a Bag I


^ i b .B A G !* 1 . 9 8 W ITHOUT COUPON I


IRONINGBoard Pad & Cover set values to *3"

1 2 g d . 6 s h o t W i nch'ester- Phea sa n t

S M i y sD eluxe

b i r d v e s T n m " ^ 3 'Jersey


Pampers for drier, happier babies

OAYTIHE M > : DAVTIME 1S'« ; OViRHiqHT. 1 2 'iN E W P O R M ^ '^

. /.

VJmei'f'iBv.s. 'fv.in ^attt,-tdc;^lo Vtivntifir'-*;rtoboi~*2rjV.‘0-

C a r la T idw ell> S h ^ tle f w e d Make Shorty Piijaina Tops From Old Dress Shirts


, DEAR PO IX Y nnd M rs. II. B .-W Jien the collars and f ^ u f f tu i rm y h U s b n n d ’rd ross 'B h lrt^ 'a rflw orn-ou trl'C U tT Jff—

tho collars, ciil out tho sloovos, bind around tho nock ond arm holos with colored bias tabe and have v e ry cute, com- fortablo nlchtlos for mysolf. w hen the tap e fa applied to tho nQck, I leavo lonit'onough ends to tie a b:ow In front. ,-N IN A •

, DKAU P O U .V -I wnht to toll Mro; H. B. Uiat l m akefor. shorliL-UflJflmas , „ . . _______

. sh irts with, worn-out collars ond cuffs. Ilom ovo collar, cu t .W)ff tbfl-sloovos Just above tho cuff opening, th e n 't r im

around tho nock, up tl)d front and arouna the sleeves edges and tho pocket top with a "fancy stitch mado with tho sewini! mnchlno, URlni| dlfforont colors. In se rt elastic in tho sloovo 60 it will inaico a rufflo a t tho bottom . Frd in old shoelfl, I salvado onouijh m ateria l to m ak e short

TWIN TALLS - lU e First Presbyterian Oiorch was 'the setting for the Oct. 9 rites which united In m arriage Carla .Jo Tidwell; daughter of Mrs. Nyle Smith, F iler, and Cary. Wayne Shetler, son of Mr^ gnd Mrs.Paul Shetler, Filer.

'n ie double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Robert'W illiam s befoVo background (teco.rations of baskets of gold and greon- glndloll and chryMnthcmtmis fl^nkpd by

“ ■enndf5tatjnr*holding tapers.T1)e brldo, given In marriage

by her grandfather, Theron- l4 itham , Pocatello , wore a noor-Icngth-4{own of white satin fashioned on the A4inQ and fenturlng long full Mtffiveft-uilth^' wide cu tfs ,'a rounded neckline trimmed ^ I t h lace and nn empire wnsitUne trimmed In rows of Ihco. Hio chnp«l train of the gown attach ed a t tho shoulders of the gown and was edged in lace.'

The bride’s fingertip veil of illusion was held by Jowoled

' lcnv£s decorutcd wltli pearls - and rhinestones. She. carricd a

Colonial bouquet of green and gold carnations and chrysnn> bivm um s TTctl wltli shlln streamers.

Donna Oliver was maid of honor, and brldesmnlds were.Becky Ruszlcr, Margie I.iitz, and Caroline Wells. Debbie Shetler. s iste r ’ of ■ the bridegroom, was flower girl.Jack Slietler, brother of thebridegroom, and Tony Tidwell, ;brother of the bride, were taper the guest book, and gifts were lighters. Tim Shctlor, brotlier of displayed by Patty Ordnz, Betty the bridegroom , wns Schnell and Katie Fleenor.

' rlngbearer. ■ Tlie couple look a weddingKent.IJecmnn. Filer, was best trip^tp Sun Valley.jTlie couple , , r, i r^T -A n n n r t v vi/vnn

m/m. and ushers were Kelly \vill reside in Phoenix, Ariz., F r s t United• «?hptlpr iind u;ii/>pn thf« hrifinornnin will Pentecoata Qiurch w 1 havo a sevcrni coat hangers with

Jo i? M a t. S e n d dectronics^S^^^^^ rumm age.sideat H 5^d.Ave. S. adhesive tape to use for hanging wet. perm an^nt-pressM rs. Cliarles Allen, organist. Special guests a t the wedding from 9n .m .to5p .m .I‘ridnyand

played the wedding music and mclyded .Mr, and Mrs. Keith Saturday, acco m p an icd -jan c llc -w h ite , Lathiun and family, Pocatello; ,soloist. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Schlfner, _ TWIN FA L U - Tlie Single.

A reception was held In tlie Ogden; Mr. nnd M rs.’ Ray Fireside Ijounge of tho church. Stites, Pocatello; Mr. and Mrs.Tlie bride's tjible was covered Jam es Bute. I.^Junta, Colo., witli a lace cloth over green nnd and Mrs. C, J. Krln. American centered with a tliree*tiered Falls, great-grandmother of the wedding coke decorated with bride.green nnd gold roses and topped Tlie bride was honored at a lA*ith two large wedding bells, k itchen .shower hosted by

Jean Tiroxell and Mrs. Alex M argie Lutz nnd a Wells .wrvi-rt tlin rnkn. Mm, mlsPPllnnooua shower hosted by , . •tHicron tjitham served punch Donna Oliver, l l ie parents of~vlub~wtM-meel Nov.-5-al-tne lind Mrs. James Bute poured the bridegroom gave a home of Mrs. Floyd Patterson, foffee. rehearsal dinner In tlie Colonial with Mrs. Blake Frochllch as• Simdra Mills was In charge 6 i Room of the Rogerson Hotel, progrom chairman.

-Lose p o u h d s -w h ile fe a s tin g

M R , A N D m s . G A R Y SH ETLER (S h ig M o r i ia p h o t o )

S o c i a l ^ v e k t s

TWIN FALLS - Tlie U dies Auxiliary 'o f F irs t United

-b loom orfl-w lth.clastlc.puU n-thcJcgs-to .lm vo-rufflcs-aC tlio- bottom and trim Ihem as tho shirt. My teen-agers lovo these shorty pajam as and their girl friends also enjoy them when wo have overnight P J parties. Mine a re polyes­ter nnd cotton and require no ironing.—RUTH

’ DEAR POLLY—I have found nn inojtponsivc Way to put flowors on my glaRs sliding doors so.no ono runs into them . Duy adhesive-backed shelf paper ^that has a design of

■ - ',hlng th at appeals to you. Cut out tho do- them on as you like.—TERRI

j.u i.i,,.......... . ;i. ; ro iiy 5 Problottln DEAR POLLY—I would like some suggestions on

how to display some very old sheet m usic and also nlQlJ0-and~lnaKpa n&lvB.wa y.ta4 i:am » ^ M litp lay~

Ki r s 'D**N** p ictures ahd cam jialgn buttons]—

DEAR PO L L Y -T o keep m y-toddler's suspenders up - and noat a t .the same tlme7_,

' I use ono of the clips that was bought to secure his m ittons to his coat sleeves.Clip tho straps together in the back, n ea r the top, and they will s tay up without m ossy knots and twisting.-C A R O L ANN

D E A R P O L L Y -W rai

NEW YORK, N. Y. - T»JO holiday season no longer has to mako you afraid oY'a bulging waist line, or seeing tho num- beffl on' tlie scale rise.

jt-'i____ ____lrw ln~ M. Stlllm ani' whoso

' Before and After Holiday Diet Is featured in Uto November lusua of Family Circle magazine.

'riie diet Is geared for tho woman who chn't resist tlie tem ptation of those; ex tra h o lld flr trtjats. Dr.'SUIlm an contends that by dieting before

aniJ.'affer tho holidays you can have a slimmer, trimm er figure wben the festivities havo ended.

Dr. Stillman, author of “Tho Doctor's Quick Weight Iu)sa Dior’ niid "The Doctprfl„Qulck_

you go ‘*into U'alnWg'^ a week ahead with u ( 7-dtiy. before holiday diet. By eating from a variety of foods and following Uie diet exactly, >ou can look tljlnnor even before tlio holidays ■begin.

During Uie holiday week, if la suggested tliat you take a rest

from tlie rich food.9 and oc­casionally switch to a Liquids Only One Day Relief Diet.

After tho week of. fcstivitloa end, tho Soven Day After

rcsult.M should Iw . seen mediately..

According to th u -F am ily Circio 'a rtlc lo , by following tlieao simple Uirco steps, tho comforUible feeling of your rlglit^flltlng cloUies will delight you-bcforp, during, nnd after' tlio liollday seasons. '

clothes or sw eaters ond the tape prevents ru st m arks or unsightly creases in the dry clothes,—KAREN

Ites Club will have n dance Saturday night a t tlie lOOF Hhll, Twin Falls. Tliere will be live music for dancing from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. All single persons between the ages of 30 and CO arc welcome, l lic re will also bo a dance Halloween nl({ht.

HANSEN - Tlie Friendship

N otice !The Times-Nows (in'di on incrcosing number of storios

appropriofo for iti women's pooos. Bocouso of tlio premium on ovoiloblo tpacc, ilorici mujt be solccicd on the basis , of currency.

All sfories pertaining lo tho women's poQO* must bo brought lo the Timos-News no later than two days .alter Ihe mooting lo bo considorod for publication.

Wedding picluros and stories must be in within two weeks of the wedding. As in tito post, o $5 fee will be charged for two-column woddirtg^lCTaTer'arrd'Tr^WO-HeoHof-wn' gagement pictures


A claB slc c a su a l with co m fo rt a n d fit th at wlll toko you th ro u g h y o u r busy

Use Y our B a n k C a rd s


Let y o u r lin gers live a little a t SWENSEN'S MARKEYS, THIS WECK-



C h iq u ita or C a b a n aP roforrod b y little f in g ers the kids fa v o r i te . . . . . . i

1 L o u i t ia n a W h o over h o a rd o f a yellow y a m ? b u t th en , w ho over h o a rd o f a f in g e r w a lk in g ’.

I3>»1 1 2




ROASTFalls B ra n d

WIENERS2 lb. Pkg.


TURKEYS12-14 Pound

C Toms


S w an ia n 'i M a rk e li p red ic t Ih o t a M | ■Ih it w ill b « the la t l lim e t lio t J g L I . f jyc«j'll b« o b le lo buy JE ILO o r ^J E U O P U D D IN G fo r , 10 ‘ a O RD o c k a g e until the next deprei? . _____

JELLOPUDDINGmix or match


A u th e n tic

JA M SESSIONFestiva l Preserves 2 lb . jar


69* 59*CoMoiia'. '7*' coMofts . 'A*'



a n d I S O U T H PARK Ju«l g tr«i« th»

, S T O H ^ f r o U a S > 8 a . n ; ; i . r O p .n i . M O N . t h r u < » T . C L O S E D t V t H V S U N D * V ^ W C K t f f B c n V t T H U I I S D A Y , F r id a y , S A T U R D A Y p n d M O N D A V

Rite B erry , Kuest e x c h a n g e vow s

FlIiKH - Rifn 'Suo Berry, (kiufthtor of Nir. and Mrs. Hod Berry, and nobort KUosl, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kucst, were united In innrrinKo Oct. 0 in rites at Iho Mlsslonnry Church, Filer. •

Ttio double rln|{ ceremony was porfonned by Rev. Josepli John boforo bnckKround

tlie gifts. Gift cdrHers were Connie Lutz and Carol Lutz.

The bride's table was covered a lace cloth over pink and

centered with a Ihrfio-Uered cnk& decorated with hearts and pink rdses and topped with tliree white bells before a heprt- shaped background.

- , . Velina Porter, cousin of the —dg6oratlona^ot-bnBkot8-hpminff—l>rid«,-Mfvod-tlW-oake-which.

pink nnd white glfldioll centered had b^en baVod and decorated with pink and white carnalionfl. by M rs. Reuben Llerm an.

The bride, given in marriatto Treva Harrison, cousin 'of the by her fatlier,, wore a floor- bride, served punch and Della icnitth white satin {{own which ' Kuost, sister of the brldoRroom,' featured l9ni! Illy point sleeves, poured coffee, Mrs. -Homer scooped neckline and a fitted Schnell mode the mints. Mrs.

Thu riday^ October 2 2 . 1970 T Im m -N flw i. Tw in ^ a l l i , Idsho \ y

Sk/ri c /oc fo rsransw er b e a u ^ / quesfiorisKeeping up with tlio newest do anything to niy skin? ' Question: Docs 'pot'have any^

medical findinKs in areas that Answer: Slceoing' pills ore effect on the skin?affect your loolu could drive you among a.list of. drugs including Answer-,'So far as doctorsto a life of solitary confinement faxatives, headache m ixes, know now, no. Smokers m ay'In th6 mcdlcal l i^ a ry . To side tran q u ilizers , diuretics and notice th at thoir sense of (oudistep 'th o t poor, pros^eot, blood pressure pilla' th at can la heightened — but that's notGlamour's beauty editors have sometimes cause drug rashes, because of any skin change. It’sstacked up some of Uie most Question: What can emotions more likely a mental jrhange.often asked questions about do to the skin? ' Imports shbw that under therecent dovelophtents in the Answer: Lots. Just' atout influence of marijuana, {(asttreatment of sidn problems. anything from m aking yoii and fu tu re m em ories are

Here are a few of tlio most

the skin? What'does It do?Answer: Alcohol n^ay

dehydrate the skin I'or a short time, but that effect Isn’t lasting and won’t cause any perroanent problenu.! It can make an it« thing sklncondiUon worse since*It causes an increased fb)W of blood to the skin. Also, b ex­trem e, c^ses,. -very heavy •

„ „ . drinking can cause loss of ap- ".................... . . . blush to making your skin break decreased and concenlraKon on . petite — to tlio point that poor

often'aflkiMi guostions— along' ^6uL-Jh-patchcs of -hlvea-OC- present_atimull is |pi'jou!iod;._ nulrlt|oa_cQiJd. produce’sypip-^ .with the . answ ers from a o ggraveV m ^a"icndoncy . to TnlCiJ5flroTod’ concontrnttotT~:tom!rTanBWirTiroiirpiiDr"8kln------------number of speciiUists in. the pimples and blackheads. For> probably accounts for tone to cracks in the skin a t the field - from the November example. In stress situations noltjlUonod sensory ncrcoption. sides of tJyimoulh a'qd scaly oily • i^uo : . ' skin conditions like psprlasls, Quostipni Is drinking bod for iMitches around Uie nose. • ■ *

Question: Do birth control eczema, or hives cun appear • • •pills have any effect on the from appai*cntly_jowhero iis

bodice which Hared into the full skirt. Five self*mnleriul roses attached tJie long train to the gown fit the back.

Her clbow-lcngth veil of tiers of Illusion foil from n hondplcce of ponrllzod petals, enhanced with rhinestones.and sequins.Sho carried ii cascnde bouquet of light pink rosea and deep pink rosebuds .tied with satin s tre a m e rs . She ca rried the traditional tokens of sentiment and wore a pcnrJ pendant glvcfj, iior by her RrandmoUier Sexton.

Lola Berry, slater of Ujo bride, was maid of honor. Twlin „ . .Porter was flower girl and bridegroom , w ere , apociai carried a white basket. fille<i 'guesLs. . ' . h a t i p vwlUi flower petals wiiich slie Tlie bride was honored at a H A iLbY ' •»,«scattered In Uie path of U.e mlacelbncoua shower by U la -Cl'»lrmen for. the newly U.e palients bccouse of -the bride. Berry, Connie loitz and Carol ?r6onizcd

Tlielma Unn made Uio corsages. nnd all the (lower arrangemonls.

Guests wore seated a t quartet tflblcM which were cover<^ with . white cloths and centered witli

. bud vases holding, pink c a r - , nations, l l ie Women’s Society of the church was in charge of serving.

Tlio couple took n honeymoon trip to Salt Lake Q ty and Ft.Collins, Colo. 'Dicy reside in Filcr-whero the bridogroom is employed a t Magic Mill.

rXT m d Wrd. Pilillp gngel.---------------------gran d p aro h ts of the n O m O d O t tlPST

MR. A N D M R S . R O B E R T K U E S T (S h ig M o r i t a p h o lo )

Blaine a u x i l ia ry cha irm en

— Com mittee Uto service carl is available to

Vauglm Schmeck'eli Twin’ Lutz. Fall^, was best man, and ushers were Rod Berry and Ron Berry, brothers of the bride.

Eva M etcalf played the wedding m usic and ac ­companied Mrs. Roger Kaib- flcisch, soloist.

A reccptlon was held in the fellowship hall. Karen Ward was in clinrge of the guest book and.Sliaron Kucst, sister of tiie bridcKroom, was in charge of


(UPI) -A .T exaa AitM Univer- slty profeBSot says air pollution affects clothing. Kay Elmore says pollution tends to fade blue -fabrics, discolor whites and change color of nylon carpeting and permanent p re „ .

Blolno County necessity of auxiliary orien Holpllal Auxiliary were named tatlon.Tuesday dw ing the group's first Tlio group will meet again at 2 meeting in Hailey. p .m 'N ov. 17.

Auxiliary president, Barbara Cisco, appointed Louise Pat­terson, chairm an, and Barbara Bowlden, assistjint chairman, telephoning committee; Alice Broyles, chairman, and Pat G w lnner, a ssis tan t, serv ice c a r ts ; M arg are t Vernon, chairman, and Ada Busluiell,

skin? pliyslcai'outlets ^ emotions, a i 1 1 I / . *'Answer: A lot of girls have Dr. B lnford ' says th is Is A ctlV ltlG S SCn©ClUl©0 TOT

heard Umt thqlr complexions probably ooused by. an- Im*will improve when tiMsy.start balance In the automlc nervous , U v , ’ \ A / I \ / £ ^ c ^ ' \ A / A i v i £ a n ’taking tlic p ill. Tills Isn’t system. And alUiough emotions ra C U ltV W IV 6 S 0 0 0 W O m e ilnecessnrily tru e . F or still don't cause pimples, Ui6y make - ■unexpinlned reasons, some girls them worse. Tlio more you TWIN FA Ll^J^A ctivlties for at B p.m. and leave from Jack-do notice an improvement, but w orry, the weaker ^your tlio College of Southern Idaho pot al»ut lliSO p.m., Norma otliors soy their skin got worse rcsistanco, the more o ^ n to . F aculty Wives and Wothen Hughes and Mary U ndonwhen they first started, on tiie infection you arc. ' ____ includes a noon.luncheo^i Oct. 28 Carter are in charge of. thepill. Dr.Richard C. Gibbs thinks Question: Can conditions at the Colonial House, witli Pat arrangements,the real change Is more likely to resulting from stress situations Acreo as guest speaker,take place when girls go off the be controlled? Sl)o will speak on 'in teriorpill — a change for'the worse, Answer: If the . tension D ecorating ." ReservationsUiough. Once tfjc body bocomoa sltuatlo/j Js predictable — like must bo made and baby sittingaccustomed to n certain level of taking a big oxam or giving a will bo availab le at the

.^es tro g en , tlie backwards ad- speech > — some ■ doctors Methodist Qutfch............................... Tw^ m en4ft-mlld-Uwqui!laarnwa»A boacfUnftating.

And even in eases whore the for Nov. 4 at the homo of Marysituation can't bo anticipated Ferrell, 074 Del Mar Drive,and symptoms do show up, A couples party for membersm any doctors p rescribe a is being planned for Nov. 7 tranquilizer along wiUi m o re ',fea tu rin g dinner - and on- specific treatm ent for the tertalnment at Jackpot. A buasymptoms. will leave tlio Fine Arts Center

baldnce.Question: Wliat nliout lOD’s?

Do they have any effect on the skin?

Answer: As far as it known now, no.

Question: Con sleeping’ pills

Tlie regular evening business meeting Is set for 7 :M p.m . Nov. 12 at the home of Judy Wright, 700 Northview Drive. Co-hostess U Cheryl Campbell.

D U E T O L A C K O F rO O D B U L K IN V O U n D IE T


DEAR ABBY: I con't believe millions of people are going to sit still and lot you call tl^m dullards bccouw Ihelr only Interests ore tiieir childrMi, I

Roberta McKercher, clialrm anr- public re la tio n s ; Ida Lake, c h a irm an , h osp ita lity ; Lola Packer, orientation, and Luciie Friedm an, hislorlart.

Each of the chairm en rep o rted on p lans for her respective committee and Mrs. Packer gave a brief history of the hosp ita l. Its serv ices, doctors on duty, means of financing and hospital cthics

~ftnd"ctn!|uiSome 45 charter members

have enrolled in the auxiliary. Mrs. Cisco reported special help is also needed from women able

. to speak foreign languages, those Interested in sitting 'wltli patients a t nlglit and those willing to perform otlier special se rv ices . She said it will probably be November before

iMmofl and 'Jobs.Mai'y young couples are on small budgets and they don't haye die time to get involved In civic and political things as you suggested: Instead they are planting lawns, rcfinlsh- iflg furniture; and trying to moke ends meet. n • f i i

:~ 'T h o y T n 'o 4 u B t-ira -p ro u d -o M h e{ i* -aco o m p Ii« h m en ta^ tfia J_ .B £ (If l[/lru /_ A n S ll/£ Hman who changes a zoning law or a woman who campaigns

- - for low-cost housing. DonH knock the little giiy, 0 . K.7BELITTLED JN DARSTOW

DEAR BELITTLED: In a democracy, the '*lllUe guy" ii mere Important than tlie "big guy" becaate the little Ipiyi comprUe the majority, which rules. The people [moitly little guyil vote their candlciBtes Inlo office, and. In many communities they vote for tax reforms, bond Issues, and ether vital m atters concerning their communities.

The most Importaht'thini; a man loir womani cdn do for hla family Is to study the Issues and the candidates aod to make Intelligent use of his ypUng privilege. What does It profit o man to have his furniture refinlshed if soincbody* is building a bomb In his basement? Edmund Burke said, “ All that Ib necessary for evil to luccced is that good men tip nolhlng."

DiSAR ABBY: I am so mod at you I could crown you for giving all that valuable space to those dirty houso- Icccpers. One would think you had to be a dirty housekeeper in order to bo a Good Samaritan!

One woman bragged that she keeps open houso for run* awoys. alcoholics, hippies and drug addicts. Big deall

1 know a little Ofl-ib. woman whoso houso is so clean you could oat off her floor. Slw even bnkes her own bread! She has one child of hor own and roeontly adopted on orphaned infnni and a H-year-old girl whoso own mother didn’t wont licr. Come clean, Ahby. whoso aide are you on anyway?


BEAR NOT: Them Is "cfean" dlri and “ dirty" dirt, anil I am offended by "dirty" dirt. But If one’s home is U IrsB Ihon apple pie nrder because her time is spent In chnrity. I wouhl not criticlie her.

DEAR ADBY: Plense print this. It may help some other stupid kid who can’t wait to Ipavo homo:

My sister and <1 lind 'n 'good home but wo thought our parents were too strict. My sister ran away a t ifl and mar* rled.a guy who turned out to bo o bum Just like we figured

. howouW.M eft home whon I turned IB-bocauso I wanted to be

free to c6mo and go as I pleased. It was fun for obout six ' montiis, then I started to get lonesome and things got really

tougli, but I didn't have the nerve to ask my folks to let m« come home because I hadn't kept in touch with them to let them know'I was safe. The longer I stayed away, the mora ashnme<l I got. so I just sort of faded out of the p ic tu j:r^ r two years.

Then I heard my mother was s lck rto 1 went home. She* had had a nervous breakdown about a year after M eft, and she will never get out 6f the sick hooi« B^e's In. She doesn't • know me or any of the family anymore. Now IMI n e v t f : ^ able to toll her I love her and I'm s o r ^ for what I didTMy father has aged 20 y e a n and he a tayrdhtnk all the time.

1 have nothing now. No hoRle, no slst«r,.no parenta. e-.What a mess I’ve.m ade out of my life and I'm only 20.,

Those friends M eft hAme to be with don't m ean a thing (o - in ern o w r-I-h ate -th en rs ll-B tit-m o eth rf-B U rl’ hate’m yB ^.. &gn mo . ... SAD CASE FROM o ino^

It*ry»uk' i^ h ib l^ r Vou'U reel bettor U yiM get M eir year ebest. WHle to ABBY, Box ttYMi Lm Aageles. CaL u m . Per a perM sal reply eiwlese tU aiped, a d i m e i envelepe.

iSmutiful answer fo T 'o m y event or hour of your day Is this graceful aliope. Widely banded cardigan neck, raglan sleoves are new, fla ttering ."

Printed Pattern 007B: New M lues' Sixes 8.10,12, i T Size 12 (bust 34) U kes 1 ^ yards 604nch fabric;

Seventy-Five Cents for each * pa ttem -add 25 cents for each pattern for Air Mail end Special H andling. Send to M arian Martin, Tlmes-News Pattern Dept.i 232 West IHh St., New York N .y . loon.

Print Name, Address with Tip, Slifl ttid ^ l e Numbei^,

' C a t ^ , Sl4 <i^am lc d e t i l ^ . 'F W ieT a ttch i 6>ui»n.'50c,

ln«*i»i|t fiAwIng -loduy, w ear tomorrow. |1 .

InaUnt Fiuhlon Book-W hat- to-w ear BH iw eri, a o o tu r y . Hgure tipal Only II.

i4 ,H m « « 'N e w i. ,T w ln F a lli , Id^ho T h u r «d « y . Octobar 22< \.7

6 0 mittiim w,P E N G U I N

Ftffi td Wwtet 1970

Dress rehearsa l . . .- O PENiNG N /G H T fj r/gM o f /lond /o r /ho Tw/n F a lls H ig h S c h o o l D ra m a d e p a r t ­

m e n t 's "E a s t L y n n o ,” s o l f o r 3 p .m . t o d a y , F r id a y a n d S a tu r d a y a t O 'L o a ry J u n io r H ig h S c h o o l A u d i to r iu m . P r a c t ic in g f o r th is m o lo d r a m a a r o , f r o m lo f t , M ic h a o l G u H - Ia n , th e ^ v J IIa in ; C o lle e n A r r in g t o n , w h a t e ls o b u t th e h o r 'o in o , a n d L a r r y H o d g o , th o d a s h in g h e ro . A d v a r ic e d 't i c k e ts c a n - b o o b ta in e d a f th o J i ig h s c h o o l b o fw o o n th o h o u rs o f 9 a .m . a n d 4 p . m . ; b y c a l l in g 733*655 J, or pf th o d o o r th o n ig h ts o f th o p e r fo rm a n c e s . T/io'p/oy is Under th e d i r e c t io n o f B r a d f o r d T .T Iic lc o rs o r i.

W hat no smart w ard robe will be

without this season.— The pantsuit, to go

shopping, lunching,- hopping from town to

“ ’ country. R e d ^ r groT” bonded flannel.

Sizes 6-18.

( y l V

I ? . : , - . Hft:


« •

m i i ; W R L L ' O n K D L O O K. TIic lieroil Hlyling of iIiia wiml iwn*il UiUrtt Himiri well

HfrtimInK uiid lontlii^r ncrcniH iil (lohl linrUt<^*lriniinr<l IMickriH. ( '(u ily linnd In n rry llr pili*. H-UI, UliicWwhiiu, K rnnuind brown. S » 0 0

Y O L N G A T I I E 4 R TSuktty clircbu swhi^ Hniiirtly nft Roliil woi»| )u?cUh '(Mil nrniind frHmn collitr nnil pnloli ptirkelfi! IlnKlnn tilrcvCH, |pnlli(>r bu llo n trim . Wool rh r rk , pltiah nvrytic p ilr lin ing . K>1B, Onniel, blurk/whil«s gn^fn, anil red cL rrk ., , - . • 8 9 . 0 0

C I I K C K - M A T E(iold |iiickl<«H aecnni ih« blai) trim on roopty pork«ln ond lalitt Irini uIppv<ih in thlA annppy wool cliflck . . . lined wllh wo<i|. iiH'ltnii. S{il«-x{p VAnK ad ju st, blncik/wMte,KfetMi, i 4mI and ciinwH cbndkK. * 6 0 . 0 0

S l^ lJ O S O P I I I S T I C A T I WTho daiwy look o f wool w(lh n snupny wool p loid IlidiiK uiui Ihroe-llftr well fii)an)lnn. Carry>oll |u»«koU und I fo lh ' » rbu lloh» . I l 'lU . Comitl, f(r(ty« brow n. r«id, g^id , gr««n.



• TWIN. FAI4-.S , — Stuff Center. Muck said Uio NcIkH- Umt this Is not In nny munnerroorKanl*utlon and u now Iwrhood Center, us such, will trying to substitute -for theproKrain for .IHo Community not bo hmcUonInK "too mucli” crnploy^nent-olrtco,. b u t , w|llAction Attcncy •proposed by under the now proposal, und . afflict only spoclal cusos.*'Ijirry Muck, CAA director, wus M rs. Wootbn- will become- . .upprovcil by n m ujorltyvotc of community resowce developer nsslKnment, Mrs.board members when the Kroup with u multltuao of resjwn- Wooten also will bo responsiblemol WcdiJosdiiy nJ«hl. slblimos.. ' - for developInK Issue yroups.

• . ' Tills, Muck said, w ill’involve. . Ileber Uui'hm lller, member SI|o will act as u catalyst In i>eoplo wh6 are particularlyof Ihtf board and chalrnjim, o f ' doveloplj)iJ voluDtccr pro/jrams Interostod- In certa in In-Oie Twhy Falls County Com- andwlHboovalJabletonrrnnue stltuttons, and tluit tHrou(»h themlssiQn.^mov()d-Uic cajl on podnlc Isaue >Kroups, soclul . a nd

'rMfi'Cfc;ln Ills ■' i»terB.*«reW~tfr"^Von({ln^-Htj—pdliticttl~T>ro.wim?e~nT»y” be"c ffo rli Tile motion wns ap* volunteer ncUon groups. Slie brought to-bear.,proved by an afflrmatlvo vote of ■ also will work closely with fltlier. -Mrs., Wooten also will IwUjree m em bers' 'Hierc wns one Kovornmont ai'oneloH Involved finding maximum use for a busno vote and Qne abstention. , In poverty and will Ikj dolnu- and tf stallon wpnon'wlilch is

MacV’a proposal includes tho some job placement for people bolnK ^Iven to tlio CAA by theredelcKotion of authority for who are extremely dlffloult to Kovernment.Iletty Wooten, who has-been plnco in employment, n Mack “'Hie thlnkin« behind thedirector of tho Nd«hborhood «j)d it "should bo empJiaslzod. modification,” Mflck««id,“l«‘lo

boKln to work on chanKlnj{ “ We oro,*" Mack snid, social pattorns, compared to "strlvinK for quality sbrvlcesr c h a n ( ( ln K i n d i v i d u u l Outreach workers wilt stay and

• situqilpns.” work-with .one family In aTho oulreich.^prker? at tlic multiplicity of problems." Too«- - •"

NelKhborhood Center stUl will much time has been spent, he - n . be Involved with low Incime said. In makinw the orliilnal families, but one of the workers visit, with not enouyh follow probably will Im ns:BiKnod to tlm throuKh. "

•county'cpm m ’issiOners' office Tho Burley .unit, unde^ the which has subiitantla) drop in roWicd pro/jrani, wijj bo a ’unif contact wlUi this typo of ini,-KUnto . itso |f. M rs. . Karen

.d iv ldu^. The other: outreach Cbrlst.bpheraon' will have • -w o rk ^ M n c k ^ id 7 ^ |{ -b e -6 —w cponcjb{» tF fQ t^ 'ira itT «cIi— — ‘'trouble siiooter'.’ for the t'ot4il workers,- except those a t Community Action ProRram. Burloyj This includes tho ones

In Twin Falls and Jerome.Mack said tho proHram also . TIds, Mack said, will free the

will olloolnate tho “outreach- senior citizen director, lUiV...— ,'specialists" in varied fields, P rue tt, for developm ent of »n<l_ULnt all wlll_b£Como equally dynamic programs known and ,' knowlo/tBoable In nJI /lold«. ifwoven in other communities.

Off to w ar again . . .MacAUTIIUR'S CONSTELLATION left the Douelas MacArthur and his Btaff across the

Twin Fafls Municipal Alrporjt Wednesday for Pacific, will lay o l,SO(Kfoot«wlde swatli of in>— ’rhT»ilirapni t r >< fr 7tmnrcf1hgia»ryg!erH y<^----- iw>ei<ctd»^t-»aoh-pMB, Pftfp.r .nrnnig, ntt-nrr oL

Scrvice, nuiier of the aircraft. Tho aircraft will AVI, Inc., Twin Falli, which rebuilt the aircraftthcngolnTupelo.MlBd. for a "w ar" on a severe for its new role, flew to Wyoming andInfcHtatlou of biiIh afflicting feur 'states. H ie Mississippi wltli the crew,foftr-cnglncil aircraft, which once ferried Gen. ---------------—

Tower aid bid made

TWIN FAM-S - Memters o(. ■Uiu" Twill—KnH

TImo& Nows. Twin Foils, Idaho Thurtdoy. October 72, 1970

Cahyon park aid offer accepted

TWIN FALLS - Parks and r c c r c a t i o n c o m m iss io n members for the county have accepted an offer from tlie 20Ui Centur>’n u b of Twin Falls.for participation in full develop­ment of n park site in Rock Creek Canyon West of tlie city.

Ed Woods, county zoninR adminislrntor, said today Mrs. D. A. Jackson of the women's orManization m et with the commission Tiiesdov night, offering cooperation In con­verting Die area from a junk car collection site to a day park Xor tourists and local residents.’

Work is hearing completion

on a project to crush and remove old car bodies from the site to make way for develop­ment. ^

Progress at Balanced ftock Park near Costleford was discussed with commission nlcmbers reporting the north half pf Uie area has been developed and t])C souti) half has been progranuned for next summer. Picnic tables, slirubs and levellnfi of tije area fn the soutli park site are planned. Rest rooms liavc been inslaUp:(l and a slielter Is being built at Uie base of the rock for persons

'who wisli to obtain a close view

of the rock without hiking up the m()untain.

Don Zuck, comml.sslon chairm an, .said another problem faced by Uie com­mission is tlie continuing tfireat of vandalism, He said It still occurs at regular intervals in county park areas and urged the general public to keep aware of tliis and to report- any such instances tliey may wit-

' ness.. fJucJgetlniJ for park flctlvlrles for th’e coming year was dlscassod and Woods said It

^appears about the same funding will bo available next year as was used,this year. ‘

Vote Rockers conduct regional conference

TWtIN FA Ll^ - "Tlic hand that rocks the cradle — is a potential Vole Rocker;"— — t

n iis I? a Buldeline of Magic Valley women who’ convened today , a t the P resbyterian Qiurcii Fireside Hi)om for a Central Idaho Regional Con- ference.

A Vote ROclccr is a wom/in Interested in becoming better informed on public /issues. Perhaps in education, in* vlronm ent, health , women’s

. rifiljts, drufl abuse, welfare, housing, jnilltnrism?*con8umcr protection, election laws, youtli unrest, law enforcem ent.

racism ' and constitutional revision, flccording to tho

-confercnco chairman, Mrs.Gall Dliunond.

910 stalled the objective of Vote Rockers is to organize women powor for social progress through education and orientation in the legislative • and political process and U> inspire women to Income in­volved fn these actlvlticit'.

^ coffee hour was held a t 0 a.m., with Mrs. P a t Ehflich— Boise, tem porary sta te chairman, giving tlic opening remarks about tho challenges and reactions received by tho

ortianiznllon since Us formation in Boise in April this year.

Trace leftKIMBERLY - Tlie second

snow of the’ season In valley areas today amounted to no more Uian traccs, U.S. Weather Bureau officials in Kimberly reported,

At higher elevations^ however, m easurabJc snow ranged from a half-inch up to six inches on Galena summit.

Fairfield received a half inch, enouglj to make the ^ound white between 0 and B a. m. This was tjie first snow of Uie season there.

At U)e Galena storo, north of Ketchum, a total of six inches had fallen this mpming and it was still snowing. Snow was heavy onougli to require snow plows to clear U. S. 03 over the summit, officials at tho storo sold.

An inch of snow (611 at Sun Volley and about tho some omoUnt a t Hailey, QeDcvuc and Ketchum and It was continuing to snow but roods were clear .In Uiose areas os tl)o snow melted shortly after It fell.

Other speakers Included Mrs. Ilope'Kading, Boise, stale PTA legislative chairm an ; M rs. Diane Bilyeu, Pocatello, Idaho state sen ato r and form er loglalativc district chairman and precinct com- mitteewomah; Mrsv^Sue Pack, educiftion ciialintiyn of theTwin Falls LrCague of Women Voters; Mrs. Jean Barchas, coordinator of tlic Community Action Day Care Center, and M rs. Bosemary Haley, Twin Falls, creator of media reports on a ir pollution on the East Coast.

A lunclieon was held at llie Rogerson Roundup Room at noon, with M rs. M aurine Darling, Boise, legislative chairman for the League of Women .Voters Jiflcuflsing ‘‘How to Affect Legislation."

Magic Valley women serving as district chairman at present and assisting in coordinating this , conference Include Mrs. Roger Ling, Rupert, District No. 21; Mrs.- Forest Hymns, Jerome, District No. 22; Mrs. Fred Docker and Mrs. Uoyd

’Walket^ Twin Falls, Districts No. 23 and 24, and Mrs. Jam es Marlin, Burley, District No. 25.

A irport . Commission met with Rep. Orval Hansen Thursday morning to make form al application for assistance In securing .a control lower for tlie field, according to board chairman Armour /\n- dersoh.

A irport officials ’recentlj*- received word from Vaughn M, Clayton, area Federal Aviation Adm inistration, official, that Tjvin Falls liad (jimlified for consitleralion on the basis of traffic count.s.

Tliis means the a ir field is clif^lble for budgetary con­sideration alonn with other eligible fields, but money for such a project must come from coHfiressjonal sources. _

Congressman Hansen wlll'be asked to expedite the ap ­plication In view of the hig)). traffic gain locally in bolli alrltni. charter and general aviation traffic.

Members of the Twin Falls County Commission and thc.city_ commission arq Joining with airport officials In the request.

Buildijnig rite set at Paul .

RUPERT — Groundbreaking cerelnonic'S for tlio now Paul labor cam p are scheduled Friday with a no-host luncheon at the Ramada Inn, Burley, at noon to precede the ceremony.' "Aftcriunch offlclols will tour- the s ite where some con­struction Is alretidy in progress on tlie $640,100 project. which win Include 20-four-fiparlmcnt units.

Don Winder, Boise, stale FHA director, and other FHA of-'

•ficials will attend, according to Vern Veal.s( 'FHA' DUicidV at - Paul.

Hot water burns boy' TWIN F A L L S -A Twin Falis boy who received extensive second degree burns late Wednesday when a vaporizer

' spilled is reported In satisfactory condition today at Twin Falls Clinic Hospital.-

Twin Falls Police said Dennis B. Fix, 5, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fix, was Injured diortly before midnight Wednesday, n iey said the child apparently tumbled from his bed and knocked the vaporizer over, spilling the contents onto his body. .

■nic parents heard tho child scream and called police, who took him to, the clinic.

UUULEY — Siwan llepworlh, a soj)homore at Burley .High School, f s 'n supporter of the Cassia County Red Cross Fund Drive which will open Sunday and run throughl Oct.

Miss Hepwortfi, dauiOiter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hopwdrh, is well aware of liow Uie Red Crof^ assists local residen ts« Durihf< the pnst 10years site ha.s used about l&O pints of blood from Uie Red Cross Blood Bank.

At the age of 3 It was found that Susan had a blood problem and at the present time there Is no known cure for the disease and the only relief is from blood transfasions.

Stic mu.st be admitted to the hospital each time site receives the transfusions. During a 20- day sidy ul the hospital one time she received 22 pints of blood.

*‘I can prelty well tell when I , am getting to the. point I need

blood for I feel weak and get o headache",.she states.

Mrs. Keith Stoddard, ■ Red Cross V olunteer, will be working with the schools In regard to the Red Cross Fund Drive In Cassia County.’

Mrs. Charles Terhune, general chairm an for thd Cassia CquQly Rod Cross Fund' Drive, announced the Red Gross Headquarters will be open from 3 to C n.m. Monday through

Fund D rive OpensDISCUSSING the Red CmsB fund (irfve which

opens Sunday at Hurley are Susan llepworth, lefl, high school student who has used about 150

pints gf Red (>ps( blood durioe the past ]0 yeorfl, qnd Mrs. Xeltb Gtoddard, Red Croii volunteer.

\ig h t jet flights due to start Sunday

is Invited to witness the first night arrivals. Tlioro will bo no special program, howovor.

‘'Hie pianos will be lOO- passenger DC-O’s ," M errick said, “ and it will be an historic

Friday and from 1 to fl p.m. Saturday In the conference room;of Uie Idalio Bank and Trust bulldlnii.


HAZELTON - Better ropport and communication between school districts In this part of Uto state, the' department of education and universities and' colleges was urged hi o melting ot OS urea educators hero Wednesday.

Among the 'educato rs at- - tending from 2fi d istrlcUchoola,...

tho department ot education ond Idaho Stole . University were high school, junior high school ond olemGntory’ school p rinc ipals from tho Fourth D istrict; Roy Irons,' sta te d irec to r of vocational education, Bolso; school superintendents and officers of various educational associotion branches. - • .

Irons, who addressed a dinner meeting a t tho Valley*school, outlined stattf vofflt(ona) education programs for the coming year ond oxplalnod their application to local school districts.

“ Irons said more meetings of U)ls typo will bo held during tho current scliool year In all parts of the state. .

Among oUiers participating were disU'ict presidents, Frank Charleton, Buhl. Secondary. P r in c i p a l s A s s o c ia t io n ; Clarence-Parker, Twbi Falls,

/ /G U n ^ o n ta i 'y ' P r f n c ip a ls Association, and Lawrence L a ru o , S u p e r in te n d e n ts ' Association.

occasion for Twin Falls becauseit will bo tlio first time in historythat Uie big c’onunerclul jotshave used tho hlgli Intensity ■«runway lighting facilities onlyrecently Installed." ”

Safety rewarded marked

TWIN FALLS F irst commurcjul jet airliners to land at night ut Uic Twin Falls City- County Airport will come in Sunday evening, it is an­nounced by Lurry Eklund,H ughes Air West station manager nt the local field.

' .Air West l\ns hnd t\yo dolly jots into nnd out of Twin Falls but starting Sunday there will - BURLEY — The B urley ' ^n n er guests a t Purky'A Diner, be four flights, It Is pointed out. Rupert Jaycees announced Rupert. Pearson will receive a Eklund'snid the first night jet today Howard Pearson, 30, safe driv(ng certlflcote and bo from Seattle und Boise will land Rupert, has been selected as the ellglbla for tho Driver of thcf iiero ot fl.-40 p. m. and U»e first first safe drlv<?r of U)o monUi. y o o ro w a rd . night Jet from li)8 Angeles and Tlie project Is jointly spon* 11118 award will bo madb a Siilt4^nkej:ity Is scheduled to sored by tho Burley ond Rupert year from now. touch down at 0:15;_j). hi. Jn y ceeg. Capt. Chet M ills, Jaycea committees chairmen Dnytlme jets now hmd at'^TwInTRupert Police departm en t, ar« Dave Nelson and 'D ean Full8nt'l:45p.m .nnd4:15p. m. nominated Pearson. Bott.boUi Burley; Larry Malor

H arry M errick, a ir- Mr. and Mrs. Pearson ond and Ed Stamper, boUi Rupert, port mnnogcr, snid tho public Cnpt. nnd Mrs. Mills will bo

TWIN FALLS—Business and Professional WonrAn of Twin Falls arc observing National BPW week wiUi o w ^ o m allo n by Mayor 'TVank Foidtman declaring tho observance Utrough Saturday.

As part of the observance, Uio local m em bership presented Mrs. Ina Schrolber an orch id ' corsage In honor of SO years in • Uie business field.

in fla tio n co n cern s H ouse can d id ates(Gillian im lerThli It the lOlh

' of levtriil <ll<|ulcb« ouUlniiu: Ihc vltwi ol-lhe variout ct»- dlditei lor s l i l i mul c r a i i i ^ ■loiUI Oirice In the Nov. I ( c b - c n l election. They ore ta ied on ekcliulve Jntervlcwi w|lh each ol the candldotM. Today-Con-

, grew, F Irtt Dlitrlct.)By BICIWBD CHAHNOCK BOISE (U l^)—Both Candida*

tea lor CongresH Irom Idaho's first district soy they «ro con­cerned about Inflation and Its eltoct on the oconomy but th ey

, disagree sharply about the cau- so and cure ol H.

"I believe that government dellcU spendlriti has been

' major contrll)ulor to the Inlla- llon that has caused so many

, problfcrni and Is oa^alnB so ■ many problems," RepuUlcan

Incumbcnt Jam es A. McClure w ill,, , > . ,

"Tho nigh Interest rotes and tight m oney a re d irect out­growths of the Inflation. Iliey are the results and not the cause ol Inflation. One ol the flrat responsibilities ol our gov­ernment m ust be to bring Its budget Into reasonable b a l­ance.", . *

His opponent, Democrat Wm. J . Braiufer ol Caldwell, doesn’t see It quite that way.

“ It seems to m e that the c4 u se ,rf th«:probloti 1« th'* poIlcles'suDMrtwl.by my oji- ponent of high interest rates, tight,m onw, deliberate unem­ployment o r forced unemploy­ment and Uie refusal to use any wage-prlceguldelines," Bra- u n e rtt ld .

Tills, he oddod, has led Uio cost o( living ond tho prjces ot commodities Idahoans buy to continue their spiral upward "while the afcrlculture and lum-. ber portions of tho economy

-h av e been depressed."

"The administration needs to usewage<irlcegLldellnes,"Bra- unersald . "We're goliig to have

' In decrease Interest rates and loosen the money supply so the demand for h o u ^ which ex- lsts.i!an be met.'*.

McOure, ,4S,w(io jerved three .-.■terms a s a State senalsr ,fWm I Payette County before l)ia e ljc j Uon to Oongr^iu four y ^ ag<), was a lawyer In private Jlfe: He *ervedin the N a v y liS ln j W o rld W arll. ’ f

Brauner, M, has served two

' ' ' I

termii oti a atato reprosehtntlve from tho Caldwell oroo, Ho ol- w ls> a lawyer w d is u forn\on prosecuting attorney of Owy­hee and Canyon Countiofi'and Q former deputy prosecutor., of Ada C ounty ..

While there are similarities ir tho backgrounds of the two can­didates there are algnlfloiint f* ferencei^ In tholr opproachM to the ,problem< facing thO 'state and nation and even to what they tee a s tl\6 problems.

M caurct’ranked the, War In ■Southflnst Asia a t of his list i f the ^ggest prob­lems confronting th« nation to­day, T U m M lilted “driUcal

'. problems confronting our natloi) dQmestlcally and eoonomlcolly to d related problems of, crime and violence,'eomnus tmrost."

To Bfiiuner.Uio biggest prob- ' 1cm was-lho "ccohomic sltua-

'l “tod tlio problem of flndlnll solutions to "our onv lrp iim D ntn l dilemma." Tlicn ho picked tlio need lor whnt ho ’ tolled a "reollsllc federal form program.." . program ."

' "The war In Vietnam saems to m e to be. taking direction consistent with the overall, worldwlds lorelgn policy s ta te '’ ment by President NIxonwhlch was enunciated In Ouairl,” Me-

' Q ure said. "I thtok the direc­tion he Is taking In Vietnam... Is the best policy for us to pur­sue a( this t(me.

^ 'In the Held ol crim e, social unrest and campus unrest I think It’s Imnortant th at we W crease tho ability of our courts

In tho processing and handling of crim inals, strengthen law enforcomont ogftncles so they

.have ttio tools a|id the n)anpO( Wor to handle Increased work­loads," McClure said.

Brauner singled out the mor- iiM u m on dam building along, tlie Middle Snake River as an eifamnle of action which must be ta len to help preserve the environment.

"I support this proposal of a m oratM um on the Mlddla Snake for the purpose of fiirtber,' study,'’ Brauner said. that we i tM le^slatlon In.Uie. federal area, to^oontrol lems of Interstate poUutMn and ' problems of ,lnterit»(« com­merce’s pollution of the enidmn- ment within our slat*. But we m ust enact-laws which are en -.

forceable and which-will b een - m anagem ent agencies, theforced. change ol law dealing with th*

"Idaho needs a realistic farm m an n er In which public re - •program ," Brauner. added. " I sources are utlllied will be Un-would favor » sutaldy pr«gram dei consideration during th*with, a »M,l)Od m ixlm um pay- nenl year or two."ment on the c ttn « llg lb l« . lo r J , .,Both men said theyTavor -thht progratn and the hw ans of .Isuition IntiMuced by the IdahokeepWg p « « n i from having a congressional delegation to pro- .great numlier of corporations vlda for Ireatlon of a recrea-whlcheadi would ba draw liK * Uon a re a In Ih t Sawtooths andsubsidy.’’ ■ ’ bnposm enofam lnbigm orator-

M cau re .sa l4 lw beU m M tht ium. Braim*i‘ alao'& vors th* M o r i a « W « * »iU (H ^ l , ■■ - -

cauat H i* r«S)A df th* PubUo IBahooftiwr**Wdfoii*«iJtiiirir^^

■'.■■'‘ThUw**:tob*,of'*it««i«i*.''''Inttrest to all dtUon^ of lda-.

n i Outgreaa «iU ^ livMt a< p r o c o t t d p M ia m e t p i . t ^ m * . i* In th*.fl*U o» i»«Ung U w '’*»!d th*re U » ‘■growln* »w «fr W deal with pahte lands b»; neaa on Uw part of p*opl*

(hlnlng l»wa, raalW m liiF of(Next; C(

A re a Produce> ■ ,

Y esterday’s 3 p.m. PricesWliontBarloyOnUMixudCorn ' ' Pintos fircat Calif. Sumll

.. ' Groin n^p.c.) NorUi Pinlw.Flods' NQ NQ NQ NQ

1.33 1.80 1.00 1.80 1.31 NQ NQ NQ

M T lrW e «-N e w «.'Tw ln F a ll i , ld «ho Th v r»d a y , October 2?, J970

Warehouses s , , n u m ,

Ik)nn GroworR Ilnn^Gn. Inc.* , Shields Trlnldiid

BUIU.KY Ucan Growers FeetlorB Grain Union fvccd


FAIKFIRI.D Camn.s Prairie Grain

EDKN MorKan-Undsay

. . f il e JhBean Growers - Qiester B. Brown . O.J. ailUlK Seoii Idaho Bean Allison Feed Mill

GOODING Beakon Bean .

IIAZETj ON Bean Growers Conlda Wrhse.

JEROME, Bean GroNtfers Marshall Wrhses. Morfian-Und.say


Andrus will fire aide

I 'I

2.20 . NQ





NQ,NQ--.NQ^ NQ ^ ,1.30 ,1.00 2.10 1.0(

1.30 . 2.00 2.10 2.00


1.2fl 2.05 • 2.05; 2.05


NQ NQ N Q ’NQ ' NQ' . , •


NQ 1.H5 1.05-1.05



n q ” NQ“ T^Q n q -1.30 '1.32 l.flO 1.00 l.flO





. NQ NQNQ NQ '7.50 7.50



SHELURY, Idalio (UPI) - Cecil Andrus promised In Sielloy Tuoiulay ho will fire tho »tatc comniissloner of uKrlcul' turo H he Is elected Kovernor.. ."'njo first Uiln« I’m «olnK to (io'for oKrlcultuk-p In tills state Is roplHco tjio contmlsaloncr of

partm ent oT AKrlculturo n firat- clnas'dopai-tment." tho Demo' crutlc noinineo wild.

Andriu chWKcd that- Incum- bent CominiwilonDr Stanley. I. IVGnhnllo Uocs not represent tho furmerH and ranchers of Idaho. Until tiiere Is o cltanKo in the' office holder, he said, pie far* mer won't have representation In BoIkc or WaslilnKton. D.C.

He said ho rcco({nizes that fnnnerH are the only mnjor-pro*

ductlvc force in Ainorlca still recoivInK 1935 prices. ,

"Four years u^o inj* opponent said ho would help tho farmer,** Andrus said. "Instead, when tho potato farmerfl caino to Bolso to ‘ talk about Inflated prices and asked for his help tlie Kovernor

Trerihaile protests rail hike on spuds

Ho also promised U^upjjear at IntorslAto Commerco Q)mmls* slonhearinKSto fight frciKlit rate increases. .

*‘Every dollar Increase in freight rate^ is a dollftr riyht out of tho farm er's hip pocket," ho Bald.

Later ot,Dlnckfoot, 'Andrus (uildlie favored n quotat system ' to roKulato tlie number of out- of-Ntate hunters in Idalio.

Beim Growers Hansen Farm er's Elv. Majjic Valley Bean Co.. MorRan-Una.'iay

.MURTAUOH Bean Growers


RUPERT Qiester B. Brown Floyd E. Idle Wrlise,

SHOSHONE l^akon Bean

TWIN FALLS Bean Growers HaneyIdaho Bean Si Elevator Intermountaln Bean South Side Bean Co.' T.F. Feed & .ICO

WENDELL Wendell Elevator

NQ NQ N Q - -■■■- N i r NQ NQ1.80 1.90 l.BO' 7.50 7.50 7.50 fl.OO1.80 i.90 l.flO NQ NQ NQ NQl.BO I.OO 1.80 7.50 7.50 7.50 13.00


■ NQ NQ NQ NQ..1.90 NQ 1.90



7.50 7.50 7.50 a.ooNQ NQ NQ NQ7.50 7.50 7.50 8.00

l.BO 1.90 1.80

, 1.90 2.00 2.90 2.20 7.50 7.50 7.50 0.00

M e e t

s u p p l yfair

_-BQlSE-( UPI)-Stut«-A«rlcul. ^u ru Commissioner Stanley T Ti^enhalle ha.R protestod tho pro> posed rail Increases for shipping; Idaho iMtatoes to Callfernia, calling the reque.sted l»osts “.spurious'! and “haphazard.’'

IVenlinilo, under fire political­ly ' In this election campalKn from Democrat.s who feel ho does not-represent agriculture properly, ;scnt his protest by mail to the Piiclflc Soiilhcoa.st Froltiht Bureau.

Tie noted recent rail incroa&es have already “.seriou.sly threat-

Icul-- <inod-our-abllltv-to.^Ltpota--toe.s)a|.(uinstcompetlni{pro<|uc- ers wl»o reach tlio.sc saine mar- keta.by'truck.’''

"Ttie potato indu.stry Is a ma­jor a({rkultural endeavor of tlie stato of Idaho," 'IVenhalle said, " it Is l^ullt on solid foundations and pur exppndod cultivation of tills crop over the . years has l)Con possible only because of competitive prlce'post^iro in the consuming markets. ,

Tlie Increase proposal by the railroads would increase xhip- pinij cosl.s of Idaho pot itoe.s

: from io 3ft per cent, (lepcnd* • irtjn iiw nicntlm itton:— 7 —

Trenliailc complahiQd Uiat the proposed rates are "not even'oh a unlfonn basin of Increnwr."

“ In some ea.HOH, lireater rbal Increase la requested to major terminal markets tlian to smal­ler cities reached only by Inter­line service and greater rail mlloago frommiijor interchange points."

B a l l „MUItTAUQH - 'ni(; ,^m in l K e p o r t g i v e n o n

soil surface areaCALENDAR

Tlie followUie guide to the nation's foods In best lupply for Uie weekQud was prepared by the U.S. Departinents of Agriculture mid Commerce for DPI.

harvest ball of tho Murtaugh Clinpter, Future Form ers of A m erica , is planned for Saturday at 8:30 p.m.

D ana S ilvers, chap ter provident, said tlie chapter'.s sweetheart will be crowned during the dance. Music will be

•provided by the King Koiig.'

QUOTATIONS arc provided as n service to both fanners and buyers. Quotatloiu arc given the Tlrae»-News by each buyer.

“N.Q.” Indicates that a buyer does not wish to quote a price.

LivestockOMAHA (UPI) - Uve.stock: Hngs 8,500. Barrows and gilts

25-75 lower; 1-3 200-230 Ibs-IB.25 to lfl.75; 230-210 lbs 10.0(H9.25; 2-3 210-2C0 lbs 17.50-18.00; M 250-280 lbs lf).75-17.50. Sows at weak to m ostly.25 lower; 320- fiOO lbs 14.50-15.75.

Cattle 5,500. Calves 125. Stpers strong to 25 higher, heif­ers fully steady. Cows weak to 25 lower. Feeder supply con­signed for F riday auction. Steers, high choice and prime 1,250 ll)s 29.50, same grade 1,100 to 1,150 lbs 20.35; choice 28.25- 29.10; mixed good and choice

-.25.50-27.5Q..Hclfera..high-choicc and prim e 1,000 lbs 2B.40; choice and prime 850-1,000 lbs 28.15-28,25; choice 27.00 - 28.00; good and low choice 24.50-27.00. Utility and commercial cows 20.00-21;00; cimncr and cutter17.50-20.00. - •

Sheep 500, Ijimbs steady.Ett'es scarce , weak. Choice shorn lambs 27.75; choice and prime wooled lambs 2fi,50-27HW. Cull to good .slaughter ewes at5.50-7.00.

Grain.SEATTLE (U P Ii-G rain , fob

Seattle:Soft while 1.65 Wliite club l.fifi Hard winter 1.75

. Corn 57.00-59.00 ;Biirley 47.50-18.50

P0HT1.AND (UPI) - Ca.sli grain, coast delivery prices: Wliite wheat LRf.Soft while l.GfiWliile club 1.G7Hard red winter no bidOats no bidBarley 47,50

No m o w i n gPHlNCETpN, N. J.

llutgers Universiiy soienlista are trying to develop g rac e s which, will never need mowing.

Tijeir .search is. being con­ducted for the New Jersey State Iligliway Departjnent, but the discovery would alsp be a booh ;o home owners and golf courile.s.

DENVER ( U P I l- Uvestock: Cattle 500. Mainly feeder catr

tie for afternoon auction.Hogs 400n5al’r'ows and gilts

25 to mostly 50 lower; 1-2 at 18.75-19.00; 2-4 17.25-18.25. Sows steady. 1-3 14.50-15.00.

OGDEN (UPI) - Uvestock: Cattle and calves 725; slaugh­

ter steers weak, slau^iter hei­fers not established, slaughter cows strong, slau^ iter bulls scarcc.-fcedcn-cattliLialrlj^ ac­tive, prices strong, slaughter steers, high, goo<l and cliolce 1050-H651bs. 25.25-27.70; slaugh­ter -holfors,-high, good and cholcc, 705-950 lbs. 2fl.00-27.G0; slaughter cows, utility and com- merclol, 18.30-20.50; slaughter bulls, utility 28.60-27.70; feeder steers, choice, 300-400 lbs. 36.75- 39.00; feeder heifers, choice, 300- 400 lbs. 30.3W5.20.

Hogs ond sheep, none.

POHTUAND. Ore tUPl l-Clvt*1ock.(net calvM l i . no report itiusd

Sh*«p lor Tu(t(]«y }0.' im dl ottarino l«*dor. Um bi tltadv- trntll lot cnolet lincv U V IS 7t SO

Produce PricesCHICAGO lU P It— ProductCh**it ) ID. procfiud loti

brick 40 70'., mucntttr idW)0'4; ch«d Oar tlnglt d«l«la» longhornt tlU . 40 ID biock» (Win IwKMit).loo raw lo raporl; (block* 10100 lb ) or«M a JV a 17' i, Qrad* 0 M M' >. orada C i t U ' , .

Djiltr itaady. 9] tcora t t 'i , n icora t9'7, W icor* iJ ' 1 .

Eggi urttwan: Whila la>0* aitraft 34, tlandardt 30; chickl

«n Hloh Law LiUM l .!V « C A T T L i j

J* JO J7 J*.JO tf.JO JfOr-ao ]«4S j 9 j i 3 l. i\ }?70 Apr ]0 13 30 }S 10 11 30 }S 14 Jun MSI 10-t; 30 It II

rn O Z IM PORK I I L L I I I Fab 10 11 M 30 IS 30.40 30 tO iOl Mar 31.7S 31 3S 30 02 30 «J W4 May 33 » 3] }0 31.17 3117 «3

Poiaioat Tolal thipmanti l ll i •rrlvali ._ }} . track 10. tuppllat llgnt; damand mod

araia. markai about dtady.Track talat: MOO lb U.S lA) Idaho

ruiiai uurbat\kt 4 IS; Minnaiola Norlti Dakota Had Ulvar Vallty round radi 3]V

Onlont Total iMpmanli 70; arrlvalt 4; tra(k 12, iuppli«« modarali; damand modarata markai iiaady.

Track tflat. W>t Idaho yallow ipanlih laroa I 3), Colorado yallow ipinlin larga


JEROME — Fnt' hogs sold woak to 25 cents lower; slaughter cows, steady to weak with 'Instances 50 cents lower than last week a t the Producers L i v e s t o c k ^ a r k e 11n g Association Tuesday.

Holstein feeder steers strong on lightweight steers and weak to 60 cents lower on

-heavyweights.-- Qiolce feeder s te e rs fully s tead y , choice feeder heifers steady to strong, and steer and heifer calves active and strong, with good demand.

F at hogs. 15.50-17.75; com- m ccciaL_cow s, 20.00-21.00; u tility he ife rs, 21.00-24.00; utility cows, 19.00-20.00; canner and cutler cows, 17.00-20.00; utility and commerclaI“ bulls,25.00-28.00; feeding ctuvs, Holstein feeder steers, 23.00- 2fl.00; light Holstein steers,28.00-32.00; choice feeder s te e rs , 28.00-35.00; common feeder stee rs, 25.00-28.00;- choice feeder heifers, 2G.OO- 30.00; common feeder heifers,23.00-28.00; choice steer calves,35.00-42.00; choice heifer calves,30.00-30.00.


WASHINGTON (UPI) -U S - .DA'h Consumer and Marketing Service reports that food alioppera will find a fair supply of meats, but only a , few vegetables and fruits In abun- ^ n t supply tills weekend. _

At m eat counters, in the beef line, roasts and steaks will be special offerings. And In pork, bacon, ham, roasts will be the cliolcc cuts In best supply. In poultry, the lone item in abundance • will be broiler- fryers.

Best offerings in vegetables Include cabbage, c a re ts , onions, potatoea. and lettuce.

In the fruit department, only apples and grapes will be In abundance tills weekend.

Tlie Department of Com­merce reports canned salmon, fish sticks and portions, nnd canned tuna will be in JJXCfiUcnL supply.

Foods on USDA’s plentiful foods list for October slioppers ore frosli apples, applesauce, bpple juice, jwrk, broller-fryers, dry beans, canned peaches, canned salmon, onions, eggs, potatoes, and dried prunes;

KIMBERLY — Surface area Center', K im berly, and co­ls an Important measurement to workers at Weslaco, Tex., have many people. developed a m ethod for

, ,, , determining surface area of .soil To 11,0 furmor U Indicnlca the

number of nereis available torplanllns, or upon which he pays Tlils m ethod consists ofirriiiiitioii wntor coats or tnxos. weighinB the qunntlty of nt>-To Uic iirlinn resident It inny 1)11 sorbed cthylono glycolthe square feet of tilo needed for moncothyl eUier. AlUiollgli thisfloorlni! Uie fnmlly rOom. metliod is simllnr to several

' , . ■ oUiers’ which wore already InSurface area is Important m n | j

soils also because It relates tosome of the physical and ,

women milkers are pushini! S M il? T i rh S ° e r o tliers, sc ien tists have men out of the milkini! purlers „roa hold m o re--w atcr-an d -!!® '-" '" '" '''> h a t the surfaoc areIn bl« d a ir ies acro ss the poqulre less frequent Irrlp tion . ^ ^ .m p fe .r a y ^0" ^ . V ( S 5

Also, these with u rea te r square feel per pound.. Surfacesurface a re a hold more area of clays may be as hl(ih asnutrients nnd generally are ^million .square feet per pound


WASHINGTON • D. C. - Women milkers are pushing

country, according to n recpnt siory In tho Farm Journal.. Owners and m anagers of thedairies, the story says, have .......................... ............. . — . . . .found women dependable nnd naturally more fertile. Surface which la equal to approximatelyexcellent cow milkers. area of soil m aterials la also »<) acres of surface area per

Florida probably leads in Important in the shrinking and cloy-women milkers. A, G.OOO ow swelling characteristics of thedairy near Jack.Honville has soil, ond depends upon Uie kind Development of the new

-employed -women-milkcrs for o n d ^ o u n L o f clny ln the sQil, tecl^lque allows the scientist to.over a year. Tlie ladies earn rapidly measure surface urea ofaW nt $00 per week' during *^^vid L. Carter, research _ soils. He may then use tlie datetraining nnd more than $100 soil scientist of the ARS, Snake ’ indeterm iningthebestpractlcalwith experience. River Conservation Research use for tlie soil under s tu 3 y .--


Advarliiamant: 0<lebar31 AucHon«ai»i W «rl,,E II«tt,

Wall & M a«t«ctmilli

0 C T 0 B lB a 3MR. ond MRS. OlE^•N HESTERLEE

A A v «iliu m «n l: Octob«( 31 Aucllonaafi: Wert, Eilart.Wall and Mattarimllh


Aiivailitamonl: O do boi 33 ____ Auttionaac LyU Maitart

O C TO B E R 2 9 CUFF M cCASllN . H A ZEITO N Advarlitamant: Oclobar37

Auctlonaari: Wat, Eilart,Wall ond M att«r«m illi


Advarlitamsnt: OOabar 30 Auclionaar: lyU iA a tla i*

N O V E M B E R 2K EN N ETH I . BOB DO U G H TY Advarlltamanli OOobar 30

Aucllonaari: Haiold Klaai and Jo* DuKak


SAN FRANCISCO (U P I) - A trial examiner for tlie National t iilio r Relations Board Tuesday recommended reinstatement two potato workers in Idoho Falls along with back pay and any raises or other benefits.

ExamUier Martin S. Bennett also recommended that Mlknml BrotheraandldahoPoUitoFoods, Inc., cease and desist from dis­couraging membership in local 083 of the International Brother­hood of Teamsters, Qjauffeura. Warehoaiemon and Helpers of America, independent, o r any other lobdr union.

He recbmmendod Mlkaml Bro- tliera reinstate Ben Ro]aa and tlmt Idaho Foods reinstate Irene Henderson Ifl tho Jobsfrom which tliey were* fired bi January. If tlie Jobs no longer exist, Bennett said, they sliould be put into substantially equivalent ones.

Spol IVIctalsQiangesTin, N.V. prompt delivery—

174.00c lb.

l o d a y ' s F U N N Y

___ IJrazil is the w orld's great-est coffee g row er.; —

Ins(';CtK, m ites, nlant dis- e a se s 'a n d weeds aostroy 30 per cent of the w orld's food crops annually.> The weight of cvldonco Is th at C hrist’s crown of thorns was siipnlled by a buckthorn t re e , PQiijirlus splnochrlstl.

F reshly hown . birch chips' sink w h o-n they foil into w ater sinco birch hos a high proportion, of green wood, th at Is, colls filTod with s a j t . instdod of fllr, ' ' —► ...............

6RAP£6^ O F U/PWri


UJINB,Tkaav U lutkUy Nati'a. , ,I..,I, r... ,71

-v im ir Ml*. •’«.

BOISE ~ Tliere were 185,000 head of cnttle and calves on feed for slaughter In Idaho on Oc­tober 1. occordlng to tho Idaljo Crop ynd -Uvestock Repoftlng Service, an admlnislrotive unit of the U."S. Dtipnrtmont of Agriculture.

Tlie total represents an in­crease of five per cent over tlie number a year ago, but eight per cent below tho July 1, 1070,. lotal.

A year ago, however, tho total, of cfltUe on feed on October 1 hod docrooBod 10 per cent from the Oct. 1 ,1006 level and was six per cent below tho preceding quarter beginning July 1. 1000.■ Placement and marketings Increased; tho number of cattle and cfilvofl placed on feed between July 1 and September 30 for tho slaughter m arkbt totaled 114,000 head, compared with 103,000 placed dilrlng tho same period a year ago.

Marketlngi of fed cattle for slau g h te r during, the July* Septembdi* period- to ta led 131,000, vOhich was 17*000 more thah for thd U M 6 |MHod in IM O .

Milkgrowingcheaper--^NORTH BRANCH^ Mich. - Hie “r e a r ' price of milk has ■grown clionper every year for tlie paat 25 years. In splto of tills, consumption continues to declino, according to Glenn Ijiko, president of tho National Milk Producers Fedoration nnd a Nortli BNinch, Mich., dairy farm er.‘ It-tookl0.4m inutesofw orkto buy a half gallon of milk in 1060, resulting* in the lowest "real" price In history, Lake said, but the U. S. has dropped to IGtli in world milk consumption.

I^ko rela ted‘tho 'm ilk sales picture to thQ higher percentage of Americans suffering from malnutrition t^an in. andtlier in'dustrlalited nation.



Regular ’6’”


$ 2 « 8

Reg. *2.99 Swing To p .



Deluxe 3 5 tn m .





$ | 0 0

Regular 98'


5 7 * ^

Regular M ”


3 9 *


7 7 *


_ R E N X _

1 o r


-^ -C h o ic ^

9 9 *



Market Rev ietv Th u rid a y , O clob«r » , .| 9 7 0 Tlm > vN e w >. T w in F a lli , Idaho 17

(UPI)-Slncks ^ 0 broadly loivor In quiet

IK III tllo iiilfwny iimrklliu .rsiliiy,’ Vyei.lqtcRs ronectojl Koncral Jlisflppointnicnl wlUt tliint quiir- lcr,coriK)falc ciirnlij«8 «nd ii Covortiincnt rcjwrt Indlcjitlnu Uint inflfitinn Is Ntill on,

On Wcdnewlny, tlio Hovorn- monl nolwj t},e <,/ llvink roHo ono-liiilf of one'per ecnt in Scptunbcr, more Uinn wMiblo.tlie rate In AiikiwI when

' .0.2 per .cent rise was evUk'nce Its Iirili-lnfljilidri ilHlve wna succcciliiij;.

Bill liiie nnnlysl oljservcd tlilit ■ till' Inlcst roiiorl showed Hint

"the adm lnlslnitlon 's i(nmo .plnn on innntlon Ik behind .nclicdulc,"

Sliortly berore 1:15 p.m., the Dow./o/ies lmlu.s{rial avcraiie

was off more than 2 points al 757.2fl, and docKnofi wore lcn<lin(; ndvnnccs by more Uinn n two-to-one ratio, fl(W to HUH.

A llircc-liour turnover of ) . 5.570,000 .sliares compnrcd wlUi

7.080,000 shares traded at a comparable period Wednesday.

Amonfj tlio slocks on the most active list were American Crystal Sui;ar up H i on.l-J-1,200 sliares, Telex Corp. lii^her on 92.000 .shares,uand Philip Morris down' U on ‘ 73,000 shares,

now Ch )M O 'M ttr 1.40 Uuk»l> 1M .Dul'wif J'..l nufltnL I U nyiiAtii }d*i


I , Idaho T em peratures IHagic V alley Weather National

.T em peraturesCOLD AtlunUicy ’

Bosloncy Buffalo cy" Qmrloslfln ChlcuKO cy ColuinbusO. cy Dos Moines cy K1 Pasp c Houston c Indidnnpolls cy

lltxh.lvow Pep.72 5257 50

— - w i r "iicyM u

50 50'y 57 50 Mf 72 50 1.63

. B2 5376

y 5 7 _ ja ,;

SliOWEIlS ARB likely over purtfi of the ccntral Uocklos, upper MlRHiiiflippl Valley, lower Florida and portloiiH of (lio mid-Atlantic

KtnteH toiilRlit. Clcor to partly cloudy jikleu ulmuld prevail over the re«t of the iwlloo. (UPI)

Ma(5ic Valley, Tu’in Falls and vicinity , N orthside, Burley* Rupert area;

Ualn in the, valley and snow’ above 4000 feel ended Uiis m orniny. cicarlnijtonight. Increasin({ clouds Friday with rain and snow likely again by Friday nighty Cooler toniBhl wUlxlo>vs 23 to H3, Ilijih.s Friday 40 to 51)'. Westerly

wlnd.s 10 to 20 rnilcs-per-hour today. P robability of m cflsiireable p recip ita tion decreasing to 10 per cent nr less tonijjht, but increasini' to GO per cent a{,'Hjn*by Friday, niyht. Further outlook for, &ilurday decreasing sliowcr activity andcool, __

" Camas P rairie, H ailey and lower Wood River valley:


SdIO. AcmeMk ;o

Aurriio 1 jO* Aaniir^l Cp

...Air Pro. lOo ” Atr Heo- wu

AIC4<iAI 1 }0 AIIPOCp lOd All LutJ 3 40 Allp Pw I V Alld Ch 1 JO Allceoil I 4D Allit ChAini

More rain tomorrow riight

cySt. Uulflpc

Seattle cy Spokane pc Washini{tnn cy

' Wichita cy -

70 50,U I^ .01 ,

W 4461 72 .05 .50 ,.0172 4004 0002 01.57 3053 . 4000 . 55 ..1460 4755 42 M61 53-.-^15. —50 44 .3453 30 •IB04' 0373 BO

In lo rm illcn l snow this morning decrea.sinH to n few flurries and^ partial clcarini; toniijht. Increasinj; clouds Friday with snow likely again by Friday niyht. CooJer tonifjlit with low.s in the leens, Higiis Friday in the -lOs.

Synopsi.s:____ _ _ . . _A temporary clearing trend

will follow n disturbance after it

m oves across Idaho today.However, clouds will incroa/>c

; from the- West ai|aln on Friday and rain the v^dleys and snow in the mountains Is likely by Friday nli;ht In eastern Oregon and western Idaho. The Pacific storm irack seems reluctant to jnove._back_norlhward.-ao.ycl_YoBterdHyanother period of rain and snow La^i year is likely to spread over this Normal region about Sunday.

Twin Falls Tem peratures

Hiuh Low Pr.50 34 .06 61 20 04 33

Successful InvestingQ. I atn Interested in buying bonds 9nd someone suggested a

js4*o» Potom ac utility com pany Joi serving New York and Vlralnla,

* 7r n “—Thobond.'j“nrc'A-rnted-nnd-pny- 3 4V 4 01 over 9 per cent. Do you ap­

prove? H.S.A. A (70 million bond Issue

offered In mid-August t^y Potamac Electric Power -mo« nearly fits your description, n u s utility company serves Washington D.C., Maryland and p art of Virginia: its service area does not extend to New York. H ie bonds in question, carry a 0‘-j per cent coupon, m atu re in 2005 nnd ore currently soiling at a premium. Issued In rogiBtercd form, i.e., in the nam e of the owner, the

B y R O G E R E .S P 6AR

l)ond.s flhould soon be approved for NVSE listing.

Decnuse of declininB earnings and the need to conserve ciipitalrfltoek-rather Uinn casli was paid in the October, 1B60, quarter. Subsequent dividends, although in cash, havo been a t a roduced ro te . SIncc 1007, Potomac’s long-term debt has been enlarged by 51 per cent ~ f|t increasingly greater intcroat pal09‘— to tlie-prosfint level of IS5D.G million.

In addition, in Uie t^^olve montlis—tljiough Junc,—1Q7I1. p r e f e r r e d d i v i d e n d requirements were up 55 per cent , year-to-year. Thun, although fotom nc bonds arc still considered to have

adequate* earnings covero^e, there has been flignlficunt ahrinkage.in the margin'. Rate increases granted recently by

'Y siju la tlng__uuthoritleB -a reexpected To~Tittd‘'$2V nrilliop annually to revenues and to relieve much of tlic pressure on earnings. A sliorler term bond which you might olso consider ia Long Island Lighting SV s of 1075.

Q. What companies, beside Am erican Telephone, allow au tom atic dividend rein* vestment? Is there a charge for tills service? G.F.

A. According to m y sourccB _Uiore_arc..at least J o u c othec-

companies offering such a plan. Hieso include Allegheny Power ■ System s, • Dow - Chem ical,' Gam ble-^ogm o and StoWart- Warner.


U J - J / ' . .U }!>« l l 'i -•4 V 11 •

C b m m o d ily F u tu r e sT 1 a.m . Toclay

( ) v « > r ' I ' I m - C o i i i i l v rOuelollsn^ NA&O ol app<eii>

im a lily n o e n rflllb ld i o/i in liid ta l- • r b idl. In U iiU a U t qu«lalion» d « net iniluda matbu|>, moflt-d ow n sr (e m m iiiio n . Tiicw, i)ualo-

. i>ani a t« fiiavld«d by <6. W . MtRab> •tuA ^o .

_ B ld _ A ,lL .

IIM n 04 4 VI »,44>>'o) n.oi

il0 tk F a i7 M EUtrtt EO'al Kmsroef'f'arCnt Fcl a.ir .. .EQully i n I MCQl Or . M l l U Cq)‘Pro<l 119 i nEuan 0.4 ) II SIcv*ft« n.jfij.jjF<lr<l{l I I I ' r u

ifm Bor 1,1} | . »

May Idaho Potatooa Nov. MflliKi.'PoUUi^j May Maine w tatM a Oct. Uvo ColUo

Prov,OoM HIsh Low 11 a.m.

t 5.17 I S.U I S.ai $ S.22107 2.eg 2.67 1.683,57 3.M 3.S5 3.56

10.46 29.32 20.3S S9.27.

Dec ElW 9 1^ ^ .385<rD m ’. Com 'W H. H7V4- 146 147^

— D w r B l iv t r ' 173.111 17J.M 172,00 172,00JulySlW«t' • . 133.20 182,70 1S2.00 182,40

(^uUtbiiia (ram'LoidlN, Rltteh Oil, Twin F t lu

a r " " ^

Bank ot Am. Equity on F lritS sc.C . Garrett Fr. Idaho Pwr,

, 60,76 61,12141 4 ,IliU 1 4 .t2 U33.00 33,2310.00 21,00 60,00 56,00.

Id a ,ls tN a t'l 20,00 31,00 Itm n,O ai B,7S 0 , im J,S ,In d . 6.00 8.60

;JCellw04d-____.24.7t_,_8S.JS„Ml-Knud, ' 11:26 11.76 Pac.Kngi ■2,78 3,M

-B ao .S W Jfa— -A M X k— t M H - KogeraBttu, 18.60 17,60 S e rra 8.00 .4.00SUvwStarQ. • .07 .12 . Surai)Tur« 4,<2U 8.UM

Fid Puntf I] IS IS.I. f \ i Trnd )0 M » U lilNAMCIAL PNOORAMli O^n 4.04ind , ).MInc $ i;r s u V(K>I ]> l 4.M

III ^ V« 9 M 10.4* III lr>i/ D« «.W IM HI In O 1^m in iIM Mbitl f . t f III*III IKrf Xt.t\ Fl*lchr € U f - - ' Pl«l(hr P 4.tfl Pis OrtH. t.OI

iooFr.d n u u . v t Oo« Wm I7 »4 n ,«4 ONtll II 10 II 10 Opp AIM « 13 l»M OpB»* * M ».SJ OTC tflC t lPIOI*»»«# f-a f.i> }f?p«ul n«V 4 90 7,S4 p»nr<-|q 7.WP*nn M ] «4 1<4 Phil* Fd 17.S] l].f] Pllgrm • .» ».0] Pin* t l lO.ftJ 10.04 PIftn Bn r- S IS 4 3* PI«r>F(i lOSSie.Sl PMnntd t.} | 10.14p h Icd HDwr:— :Cwlh Jl.Of JUOf NW Br* * OJ f OJ NwHor : } ,u n . i 4

Pro Ftf t . u . t . u prM pati 4 40 r.oa Provldl 4.M 4.<’ PrU4J*«l *14 l,«f Purlltd *00 1.44 PUTNAM fUNOli .

■faulHr' i.JJ 1.40 0 » U S S lU J

' , OMth . . t.T4 f .ir 'l_Jn«-------- i . n }.»»

inw . V - 4 *0vi»u t .n 1 .VVovo . I.*0 4.41

N o t h i n g a d d s t o t h e f l a v o r o f a p a r l y l i k e

S e a g r a m ’s 7 C r o w n . D r i n k a f t e r d r i n k ,

b o t t l e a f t e r b o t t l e , , t h e f l a v o r o f 7 C r o w n a l w a y s c o m e s

• t h r o u g h . T h a t ’s w h y . 7 C r o w n i n v a r i a b l y m a k e s

e v e r y p a r t y a b e t t e r - p a r t y .

S ^ S e a g t a m l i 7 C r o v i m

and Be Sure.

b w m DIuUWi C ^ p in y , Yptli « 1 ^ . m . < j ^

• ' *• ’ ■ ‘ ■ I ' ’ I ' . . ' . » V-V’ • *

18 T lm e i-N e w » , T w in F a llf, Idaho Th u rsday, Ocfober 72, 1970

W ood River-W eiidell and -Jeromezbattles to

area grid slate

hd'rptaus s e e '

nwr tiA tss 'A / e w s

meet winNAPA, Calir, (U P D ^oC lT '

Nicklaufl, plajring ‘‘reasonably Well" despite trouble making club selection, begins defense of his UUe In the $160,000 Kalsor Intcrnatfona) Open Golf Tour- nampnt t<vlny fl«urln«,- In advance he won’t'shoot a very Boo<l round. •

- 5 ------------------------------1----------- --Qf::^the=

Behgals face must win gituation in Big Sky

WlUtnnnssunmcoofnowoi'jMj llio c'nd of tho Bortson fpr aovoriil pit Ita four-four defense njjnlnst winning, atronk while Wood Piny and the Byron 'N elson’ihnn a tie for the South Coptrnl teams. the atron« runnlnM nttnck of the River -is ' 1-5-1 but m ore Classic this year, shot a threeIdaho IcnKue title, the Jerome Burloy will brInK a i o record Troj{mB, headed by the two dangcrous than would Indicate, under par 3W3—69 Wednesday

. TlRerfl try to muscle In on the into the four*team Cross State Oonnis boyji. And the Valley’s Vikings, trying to In the. pro-am prelude to theCross State crown Friday nl«ht loop and a win against Jerome Wolverines, whoso offense has ahakt) a four-game loss 'fipo)U Kalscr International and saidwhen they entertain U)o Burley would Ice It for Coach Bob boon picking wpU,considerably will travel to buhl wherp the he couldn't rem ember ever

• Bobcats. •niaV®M?rffl^'fi'^th a Mathows’ crew. Jerome Is 1-0 better In .the past tlu-eo weeks Indians, after losing tholr first • Ploylng In such heavy air.firound tost .betw een Wood' Uius far and a win would glye despite a losing Reason, will three, have come up with three ‘ *'The ball Just wouldn't go,”HiVdr and the T rojnns a t the Tigers a cinch to finish no hn.ve a formidable defense to out of'four wins since. said the Golden Bear, “and IWendell, figure to aplce n J3- worse Ujan tied for Uie title. run against. Wem'lell Is un- Filer, which hasn 't yet tasted honestly think scores In theRnme weekend which will murk At Wendell, Wood'Kiver will dcfcntcd and mu-.qlng a l!H»nme victory,* will again find the first round will bo a jittlo

^ . . scrappy tough us It travels to: hlgherUian th o y sh o d d b e / '^ • 1 Glenns Ferry. Its n game thePocatello invades Mimco and

- • Wendell.

Bruins travel to Meridian '• . ■ Wood River, will be at Mountain

year. , rclnjiired in the Twin Falls Homo where the Tigers haveTwin Falls will be facing a gnmo after directing U»e In- been Rotting bruising ground

ground-oriented team again dians to an early touchdown, running from Mike Taylor,whose tradem ark Is only of the Comstock sustained a knee Gary Gorrell. who has passedquickest one-second ' sets in injiu-y three weeks ago, missed for 134 yards In two . loophistory.^The Warriors posted‘Ji two gamos and- Uien was hurt outings', will probably test .Uie

battle at W^ber State

Mlnlco will en te rta in Pocatcllo.Jn the Spartans’ first home game In a month Friday wliile the Twin Falls Bruins travel to Morldian In tlic sIxU) round of the SouUjern Idaho , ^

-Conference football c h a se .------- strong defensive reco rd InMlnico, which hUd a week off winning their first four games


around travel dates, will be • seeking its first conference win

after two opening non-league victories while Twin Falls will be trying for Its third straight decision and a 4- m ark on the

Rams top T .F .for east title

P.0CATELI,0 - The Highland Ram s took their, second straight decision from tJje Twin Falls Bruins Wed­nesday afternoon In winning the cross country championship for tlte eastern division of^ the Southern Idalio Conference.

Tlie Ram s went one-two in Indfvidual finish which was enough to offset the fact that Twin Falls’ top six men com­pleted the course before Highland’s fifth man came In.

Burton won the c^ent over the hilly Highland golf course with Tliornton second. Stan Doten topped Twin Falls by p lac ing , fourth while Jack Cooper with sixth, .Dave Sears seventh, DaiTo|l Groves 10th, Bob Bllllngton lltli 'an d Bruce Cobper-12tirrtllghlBnd finlslied l-2-fl-0-13.

Highland wound up with 33 points while Twin Falls had 38, Pocatello 83, Idaho Falls 104,

Big Eight recruiters

Tiger defense. His counterpart, Rick Singleton, hns passed for 185 yards.

A pair of victory hungry

N ick laus ' prediction was based on the fact that the Silverado Country Club's two_ coursoso^tho north and south—' are wot from rain earlier In tlie week and from rain Wednesday night.

" I t 's not s o . much tlio wetness," said Nicklaus, who won U]o 1000 Kaiser title in ir four-way playoH with Billy Casper, George Archer and Don January, “ but the heavy air. I can 't .remember* ever having played where the a ir was so heavy. Ordinary seven or eight iron shots now are six Iron

tem m , KImborly and D c c l o , "nil oven Uicn I.wns abort meet a t Declo Friday in a non- ** times,league set. Kimberly Is while . Nicklaus, faces the usual Declo is 1*7 lineup of tour stars in the

Hngorm an. loser of six ' .Kaiser, among Uiom the Uircc straight, will bo a t Shoshone he beat In lost y e a rs

playoff plus PGA champ Dpven i t3i\ where the Indians are enjoying W ? ” P* T i ^ l - y o „ r and living largc^ Slockton,off a strong defense.

Hansen, knocked out of thf

of tlie year but have dropped three stra ig h t since going through the Borah back breaker. Tliey boast two of the top IQ rushers In tlie league In Marv Gibbons at 371 yards and Robin Prlndlc wjth 324 yards.Excluding the Borah "game,- W c t r i l C i l Meridian has tlie best grounddefense record In tlie league. ^ , . _ .

Twin Falls may not have ?lg Eight Confwenco.second-leading ru sh er Alan ru,ui.^uu uuv u, u.cSchcrblnskc avollable for ac- puke. W iu ine .^y Issued whm p ictu re , has the las!tion, the senior l i a l f b a c k - I n - - [ .‘Jnlled a stern warning,, to .regulai^oason chance to ruin curring a shoulder injury in Oakley's bid for an undefeatedp ra c t ic e th a t h a s p u t h im o n th e totlon of an a tlile tes high sea.qon. Oakley hns the Magicdoubtful starter-list. That will school ranking or college valley Conference title about In ~transfer the load to Robert entrance examlnni on mayWarner, the loop’s I2th lead- well result in p a r t la . If not ^ jgfontojIng rusher,'and probably Alan permanent, Ineligibility torConner, a Junior scatback. aUilele. opportunity to tie, Hjc• About Oie biggest offensive Dukf U'e B g Eight has Ho^ngts will be toklng on fifth NAPA, Calif. (UPI) -T liedifference In Twin Falls of late investigated up to a dozen district champion Grace in the pro tour exemption pointhas been ao increase in passing such cases In the last year and feature ofthedoubleheader Oct. system , devised this year toy a rd a g e .7 ju n io r - q u a r t e r b n c k - l l ’ at riJIngB-liavo-rangod-from-jj t f n B u r l c y 's B a a g e ' F l e r d T determine— the — 60 c x e m p r

Missing from the cast, tljough, ore Arnold Palmer and Tony Jacklln.

PGA sets exem ptions

Kevin Nelsoh rising to fifth (n the leagc wlUi 42<i yards. Rocky Reece has Joined Uie top five In boUi punt and klckoff returns. - AlUiOUgh Mlnlco’s chances of breaking Its loss streak are rated no worse than even, the Spartans .can’t , be fooled, by P ocatello ’s 2-5 record . Its

h denlnl of admission to ruling of Ineligibility.”

The formal part of the statement IssUed by Duke read;

‘It Is the policy of the Big

Raft River plays host to Castleford which built a spoiler role last week by dropping Hansen from the title picture. Raft River hns six shutouts with

El^U Conference that In cases Its small, but mobile defense.In which there Is significant while Castlerord Is having itsevidence that improper or best yeac in a while. At theunethical conduct m ay exist on conclusion of this weekend’s

players for the 1071 tour, will bo changed next year, it wai announced W ednesday by Joseph C. Dcy, commlMlonoi* of tlie tournam ent players division of the PGA.

In announcing the change, m ade by the tournament policy' board, Dey said tlie Jiow system

POCATEU/) - For about five seconds everyone In'Uie ISU.M Inldom o thought the BenKals were In first place In tlie Big Sky Confcrent;o. Then tl)cy saw tlie penalty flag on the tuff that nulirriod an ISU touch- down and Montana esoaped to wm aiW4'>^hon two ISU field goal trios went owry in the last 30 second.?.

— Idaho State still has a chance for first If someone knocks off Uie. Grizzlies and to hold onto tlint*sllm chance faces a must- win situation Saturday in Ogdton. Tlie opponent is Weber Stale, a team JSU hasn’t beaten In lo thcsR many moons. Game time la 2 p. m.

A clipping call took a touc;h- down awayirom ISU fii the 1 ^ minute of tho Montana gain?.

Stuart drops W est 24-6

RUPEllT - Ttio dofcnso scored tho two decisive touch­downs Wednesday night when the Stuart Boars dropped West Mlnlco 24-6 in frosh ploy.

Stuart took tho lead when Mike Olson hit Terry Hillman on a 15-yard pass play and Dwayne Tucker skirted-cnd-for_ tlie points that proved enough.

However, in tho second period West tied It on a 70-yard off- tackle romp but lote in the’half Curt Ward blocked a punt and Hillman fell on It In the end zone. Stuart added Ita final points in third period when Olson Intercepted a pass and re tim ed it 30 yards. Olson scored on two-pointer on a sneok and possed to Rex Glltenwater for U]e final points.

'rho i^rent Jerry Dunne wos scrambling behind tho lino and managpd to ''escape several tiicklers an(l throw to wlngback Ron Havlnear acros.<i tliO goal line. Bedlani broke out. followed by boos.

Coach Ed Cjivannugh. looked at tho filhis and said. “Tliere’s no question but tliat wo clipped.It was a fine call by a fine of­ficial.'' • •

Weber hns a lot going for It. incJoding a 50-13 trouncing 6! Montana State, a team ISU bnroly escaped 24-21. Coach

O’Leary frosh trim Indians

The O’Leary frosh broke open a tight game with 28 second-half points Wednesday night to trim Buhl 30-8.

Kyle Anderson Scored on a 13- yard run In the second period and Pat Keegan got the two points. A mishandled hike from center In punt formatloo by Buhl set O.’tcary 'up oh tlio 14 in tlie tliird period and Anderson went In from there to sta rt a quick point expfosion. ^Seconds later. Buhl’s Charlie Hopwortli lilt Watson with a short pass and Watson logged it Into an RO-yard bomb. But two m inutes'later O’Leary scored ogaln on a five- yard dasli by Keegan and An­derson got the two-points.

In the final period .Denny Wentworth sneaked In from tho one and Jess Hornnnder.. con­verted. Minutes later, Her­nandez' tackle stopped a Buhl fourtlj-down gamble and on the nextnolay Hernandez-squirtcd- off tackle and went 46 yards to end scoring,

Sark A'rslanlnn has rearranged his backfield. obviously In a succpflsful f^^ lbn , uftcf .the Wildcats werQ dropped 40-14 by Portbind State's p ac ing gimie.' Quarterback Is now scrambling Dale Miigfir and set behind him aro fullback Ben Dew and t^illbuck James Edwards.

Previously reg u la r ball ' carriers wore Jack Brown, an All-American (ullba(ik and Uie leading scorer In the Big Sky Confererico, nnd Bu/ord “Wliools'' Wilson. Wilson was dropped from the squad but may be back for ISU.

Edwards, a groat runner who has had ^trouble honglng onto tlio ball, put It all together wltl) IIG y ard s against V ontana State. Mngei*£6mplctcd eight of 14 tosses.-Dew m ay hav i quite a - go witli ISU’s own fullback Ray Millward. i-

Webpr has m ade several .successful position changes. Besides Dew there is the case of John Smith..

Chevron Healing Fuels burn clean and pack a lot of heat into a few pennies.



D IC K S E R P A 7 3 3 -3 5 4 1*St*ndard Oil Company ol Cihloinii

defense lins Improved cnd i the part of Ihc studcnt-nUilolc gnmes, only Hngcrman of the would bo bascil on .Uio monoyxifAAl/ tinII lltn In/llnno Hnl/l T ittln ........... . . •__ i* • • .n ... _____ <____ __ a n l > it.,. - » » l .week and the Indians Held Twin Falls to fewor total yards than anyone save Borah.

So th a t should moon a defensive duel in R upert. Minico has dono well defen- slyely, making a fine effort

In establishing academic quolir* Magic Valley Conference hns a breakdown for -each tourneyficatlons, then the student- game remaining. with d player receiving points athlete shall be-denie<l-ellglbUi- - In olght-tnnn piny. Carey cn n H n direct rfclatlonshlp to moneyty for financial aid, procUce or take anoUjer step closer te Uie won. nartlclpation In.aUiletics untU Snake River Conference title Also, all tournaments co-that student-athleto has m ade a when It entertains Dlotrlch. sponsored by tlio tournament

,U»MU ,<,ua T . . , full disclosure to the InsUtution“ DiotrIch has won only once In plnycrsdivisionwill be includedSkyline 126 and Mlnlco recei ved— or — the— confcrcncc ■•of--nll- slx outingirwhllc Carey has only toward exemptions 'WltH^ thtt

-ne-polnts4>ecflu»Hlrdidn'l havc high a tie wIUj Richfield blemishing oxcoption of Uio Bing Crosby'a full team . However, Uio school records and qualification Its record. • N n t l o p a l ^ o - ^ , the Qpb^UopeS partans en tered three In- Q uarte rback Arlen Wood- U recclii of this Second place Camas County, Desert Class c, the nationaldividuals. informntlon and any other hoping for help, will be at Bliss team championslilp and all

Twin Falls now resumes a Uie league wIUi 404 relevant Information, a decision where tho Bears haven’fw o n toiirnoya.playod on Uio carlb-fall-long rivalry with Jerome V^^ds and I^oLynn Soamons ^ concerning tho one yet. • l»»n tour. Thojo-lournoyB

--wlien-Uioae-lwo-heod a «eld— ----------------------- ---------------- ^ i m o l f l c l n l . -------------------compctinB F riday for the with 242 yards and two

• - •- ^ touchdowns. But Uie Spartans



district title, n ie state finals ■ will be held Oct. 30 in Mountain


Cowboys shake up NFL team

, DALLAS (U PI)-D aliasC ow - l»ys Coach Tom l-andry, who says this is “not the, kind of wobk-you plan for ... tiut you Just try to live through it,” promised Dob Hayes his first starling call of the season in a team shakeup following a 54-13 loss to Uie Minnesota Vikings.

Landry said thot Uie decision to start Hayes next Sunday against the Kansas City Cliiefs was not prompted by any special improvement of the star

,. split end’s performance level.,I “Nobody Is doing any better,

so we have to shake things up nnd hope for Uie best,” iJindry said.

"I feel our basic problem is Uie passing game, so we’ll bo

. sliuffling ,receivers a lot. But, quarterback is where it nil has to sta rt—and,, we’re Just not getUng it from thero."

And. things , m ay get worse ...beforeltlicy got M te r in that

a rea since |)oUi quarterbacks, veteran Craig Morton and sopliomoro Roger Staubach,

’ have crippling Injurlcif.Morton, who suffered anoUier

blow to o 's o re kneo ih Ute Vikings slaughter, Is limping, but Landry tfirld it was "no >^qrse than before tho Mlnneso-

-JiL K 6 m 9 t“ '

haven 'tan indiv ldual In the top 15 rushers.

Pocatello may be operating without senior qu a rte rb ack Dave . Comstock who was

High schoolfootiballstandings

Mlc.Odl (tOI Clo.t.t Ferry If I Ooodifig (} 4 11 ihoihori* 14 } li WoodRlvtr.d S I

Shovhoi.t (4 V<ll«v I] SI K.fTlllOtlvll

OtkltvUOJ : fl«ll Kivtr 17 U

li 21 CiUitloril (S 7) MurlAuu*' I) SI OtClOIIM - >Uu«rmaii <0 tl

InC»reyCental CoulityUiinniOUiCl'JiHcl

StautMCh, who subbed in very

Uiough nursing a badly swollen Infoiled elbow, »UM was hospl- lalUed 'Tuesday ana was listed a t "very que^Uqnablo" tor tho titltf iilam e .j'' .1 .

&kviir.b<i}l .C «p il»M IJI Caiiiwtil N II *rwir.r»MSii4iM triU ia n U I)N»mp* (I SI M lr.ic a im ' i (l< h o f«liiO S)

•HioM*ndU'l>—r---- -------

Iio/>htro) ' C«l(tw «IIU )l

ctaiiti«){* M trtdianfO)


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S T A T E [ardwar<

-249"Main“Aveiroe East — Twin FallsOPFN FRIDAY EVENtMt

Jet coach passers arien’t available, will go with Namath^s siib

NbW VORK ’(UPt|_Cbacli Woob Ewbnnk 8nid Wednesday 0)0 Now. York Jots hfive no pfHns to trade,.for,n nuurter-

—uaclc-bflomise therasim pljrlsno’

Bradshaw fined by Steelers

V. PITTSDUHGH (UPI) - The Pittsburgli Stoclors sockod. rookie qiuirterback Terry Brad. aiuiw wJU) a ‘‘subsiavtlflj” fine Wednesday for mlsflinB practice Tuesday after n visit borne to Shreveport, Lfl.

It was the second time in less ' Uinn n week that Dradsliaw had

been fined.“ I learned 'a lcs.ion,‘‘ Brad-

sJiaw Mid. -’I won't be flolnR homo attain until after the season."

T!jc fee le rs had given Oradaiwiv and otiier players

-Dcrmia-sio'n. to, loavo- tlic d ub following Sunday-game.q. as long as tiicy were back here in time for Tuesdoy practice. Monday Is a .regiUar day off from pracUcc.

Brndsliaw said tlic Slirovcport airport was fogged in nndihe could not return on the flight he normally takes. Ho said a later flight was delayed and then terminated in St. U uis. Ho did not get to Pittsburgli tmtil lute Tuesday evening.

Last weekend in Houston, Bradsluiw_wusJined-t25_when. he was five minutes late for a team meal.

The cluh refused to acknow­ledge Ute amount of the latest fine,' other than to call it “ sui)slantial." Bradshaw also said it was "substantial to m e."

“n ie sire of the fine Is not Important," said Dan. Booney, the Rcncral manager.

Coad^Ghuek-NoU said “Terry, called me Monday night and told me he was unable to got a plone out of SlirfivepoH. He said someUilng obout being fogged ..in or something^ but that’s no excuse for missing a practice."

Ex-Utah dominates NFC rush^- NEW.... yORK-:~{UR4-'W)0-St'*U)uis"Cardinals finally are finding, out whai a healthy MacArthur Lane can do.

Lane, the Cardinals' first- round draft choicc out of Utah State three years ago, had been

•set back by vnrioua-injurios during his career. Now, healthy for Uio first time, Lane has taken over the National Foot­ball Conference rushing lead, according to official figures released today.

Lane crashed through 'H ii- ladclplija for J25 yards Sundoy to boont'his scasoh total to ond move ahead of Lai;ry Brown of Washington. Calvin Hill of Dallas ranked third with

-427.John Brodie maintained his

lend in the pa.uing ratinBs, earning a low 6 1-2 points in U»e pro football system of comput­ing percentage, percentage of iHterception, touchdowns and avbrago yards gained.

Gene Washington of San. franclsco led Uio pass re­ceivers witli 2fl catches - and Minnesota's Fred Cox' load.*j scorers wlUi 51 points. TlJreo players-Clancy Williams of Los Angeles, Willio Wood of Orcen Bay and Carl LocWiart of Now York are tied for Uio interceptions lead wlUi four each.

Balancc paves Denver’s win

DENVEn( UPD-Ttio Donvw nz>ckels, uslnn n balanced attack to make up (or tho loss of injured superstar Spencer Haywood, opened tliolr Amerl** can Basketball Assoclotion homo season Wednesday wlUi o 133-115 victory over Iho Texas Chaparrals.

-nio Rocket attack was so that only four points

separated tho top,five players.Don sidle, a M forward who

camo to ihe^H ockeU . IhUi '■ season fromWlaml, led Denver I with M points and W rebounds.

■■*~TSoHrnaJplrSmpsotrha<J-22- pQlnts; Byron Beck and Larry Cannbh eabh had 21, and Lonnie Wf]«W had:*),:

Leading scorer (or the O ia ^ Was Rich Jones with 10 points*

one uvoUflblo who might help tlie team.

'llio Je ts’ chances' of salvag­ing a'rospcctablo season'

“ denlt H HtuAnlng b lo w -la s t, Sunday when Joe . Namatli

•buffered a broken rlj{iljt wrl4 which will sldollno him for at

' least six wobks;> and the Jots’ quarterbacking duties.now rost

. In the hands . of untried youii((stcr}), A1 Woodnll and Bob

■ Davis.liecause of tlio Injury, to

Numath It had been < rumored tliat tlie Jots would Zry quickly to obtain an expcrlonced quartorback. John Hadl, who hai) been having his dif/icuUie<( witlj tljo Ran Diego Q iargcrs’

; m anagem ent and coaching ' stiiff, was rumored to bd on tho trading block and so was Miko Taliaferro of Boston. However, r^wbank Kque/ched tliosc ru­mors Wednesday.

• ■ "Tliose people you talk about in the papers a ren ’t avallublc,", Ewbank said. VTallaferro and Hndl aren 't available. I Uilked with Sid (Gillman) about Hadl

.ycptorday,.Ojid_Sld 8ald_^i»orsc- feathers.’’ I could have (KlmT Hammond (of Boston f but what do I want wiU) Hammond? I could have (Jim ) Wardi but, hell, everybody's let him go. I , could get (RicV)- Norton, but he hasn’t played as much as p av is . Wo decide’d tho best fWlJslble porRon-.weJmve is Al- Tlie players offered us are the same as we would offer. Tli6y can 't help you. You just don't play musical chafrs.

"Wliat we're gonna find out is ifji^ have to go for a quarterback the draft nexTycar.~Heck, we just might open up a star in Woodnll. He's gonna hove to play now. We're gonna find out not only about the quarterback, but a lot of other people. We're Just gonna keep going and not give up until it's matlicmatica!' ly im ^sslb le ."

Woodall, a rangy fl-foot-5,205- pounder, got quite n bit of opportunity to play ln"U)e pre^ twason games when Namalh was late reporting' to camp. However; Uio former Duke star was unimpressive for the most part and ho has not thrown a pass in n game since the Jots' regular season opener at Cleveland. However, the 24- ycar*old quarterback is anxious for the chance to perform in a starling role, and he feels he can help the team,. *

“ I think I*m ready. I ’m not

L.A. topples T 6 e f r T 5 1 - 1 1 7

PH n.A DELPHfA(UPI)-Jcr; ry West scored 37 points-and Wilt Chamberlain added 26, plus 22 rebounds, and the Jjds Angolca_Lnkers_ defeated the previously unbeaten Ptilladcl- pljia 7Gcr8 Wednesday night at tlie Spectrum.

Tlie Lakers broke the game wide open in the third period when they outscored Philadel­phia 41-25 on their way to handing tiie 76crs t^icir first • loss after four straight vlcto- ‘ ries.

West scored J6 of (lis points in this period and the U kers moved out to a 21 point* lead twice. The period ended with U s Angelos In front OC-77.

The closest Philadelphia came in (lie last quarter w«s 13 points a t 102-69 with 9:22 remaining.

Squires roll over Colonels

W U ISV nX E, Ky. (U P D - Hie Virginia Q uires, boosted by tho 33 points of rookie Qmrlle Scott, trounced, ti^o Kentucky Colonols, 112-97, Wed- nbsday nlght uhd atrcngthenod their hold on tJje i Eastern

•Division lead In the Amorlcim Basketball Association.

Tlic two teams were tiod at 24-24 a t tho. end of the first quarter,- but Uio Combined shooting skills of Doug Moe and Miko B arrett pulled the Squires away to a S&-43 halftlme lead.

Sonics rally past Phoenix

SEATTLE ( U P I ) , - Center Bob Rule scored (our points In the (Insl m inute of play Wcdiwsdsy nteht lo^lesd the b a tt le Superionlcs to a UO-IM National Basketball A iuelatlon victory over the Photnlx Suns.

Phoenix had Ued It at I04-10( on a threoHMlnt play by 1-oolde

H»rrla— betoro— Buta dropped In a neld Boal and two free throws to Ice I k

Rule had » tor th ? , and p layer«)ac)i. U nny WUk-

,en i- id a < (d 'a .. ' I '

saying I wan' hoping Joe would Ret h u rt, bu t h e 's h u rt an d I'm gettlntl u chance. I ju s t w an t to Ifonut th ere and not m ak e any U u m is ta k e s ,-s a id W M a ll .—. "

Reb coach feHed by seizure

OXFORD, Miss. (U P D — Jol^my VauKht, one of tho natloh’s wlnnlngest college foot­ball coSclies now in h |s 24(h season n t the l/n lv e rs lty of Mltulssl[^l, was' iiospitalizcd early W c^esday with a mild heart attack.

Vaufeht, 02, suffered tho seizufo at his liome Tuesday night, only tlin»o days after Ole Miss was upset 3M4 by unsung Southern Mississippi. He^had no history of hoart troublo.

A {diyslclan snld Vauglit was in "cxocllont condition and ingood__sp irits /’ A . universityspokoBmdn sa ld 'h ls condition- "(iocs not appear serious."

V au^jt Is expected to remain In tho hospital a t least tlirough tho wceicond, tlius missing Saturday niglit's Southeastern Conference game wlUj Vander­bilt at Nasiwiilo, Tenn. It wUI bo the first he lios. m issed in 250 games.

Veteran offepsive line coacli Frank “Bruiser” Kinard, wlio lias received numerous head coaching offers in recent years,

^wllL-liflndlo__tho. re in s in Vauglit’s absence.

Sayers to miss rest of season

CHICAGO T u ^ - ^ t a r run­ning-back Gale Sayers of the a iicago Bears sliould be pliyslcnlly ready for the 1971 Moson. after his second knee operation in liiree years. Dr. •nieodore Fox said Tliursday.

Sayers has “no chance’’ to return to tlie Bears this season. Fox said after operating on Sayers' loft .knee to treat damaged' posterior.ligam ents. He also operated on Bears rimning back Craig Baynham for a “dislocated" tendon In his ankle.

Fox said ‘ both operations were "complotely-successful" and that-notJilng-uncxpoclcd waS' found In tho b ju rlcs of either player. Sayers, ho said, would bo in a cast for six weeks ond would have to do cortalrf exorcises during tiiat

-tlm e-and-lnto^


FIV&TIME BILLIARD ClIAnb*, Jim m y Caras, will conduct three exhlbiUoni Sunday a t the Bnnuwick Bowlodroroe. Coras wUI put on thb exhibitions at 1,4 and 7 p. m. with no admission thorfied. Coras' striuK of pocket bUilard world titles stretches ^

back to 1934 SAd he last won the title in 1967. He also defeated WiUie MoBcofli in l M 2 aod 1M3 to win the Dational iuvitatioaal pocket billiards titles.

Bucks toy with idea of forfeit- MILWAUKEE (U P I^-A MU-' waukee newspaper rp ^ rted Wednesday that the Milwauk^Uucliii !uiU ..-!;ili'.-ij •’''rjfiu;!',' forftiliny jA.sstictiii[on giiimiiai'.t. Jio

-"NW ^brk-Khipk-Vriithrr-Hteir^ playing It at 1:30 p.m. on a

. FVlday aftcmoom’Hte game In question in

sfheduled lor Nov. 27, the day ■ aifter Ittanksgiving,. and. the.. Bucks said last week thfi'Knrne had been chunked from a niglii'

game to a day : ganio at tlie request* of tho NBA and so (t could be niiUonallyielccost.

The Milwaukee .Idumul sold the Bucks imd originally agreed

' to an afternoon game on that.date, but were Utlnking In

; terms af a 4:30 p.m. cfit startinif time.

Wl)Cn tiioy learned tlie NBA I .wanted tlio gome at 1:30 p.m.I cst instead, tljoy rescheduled it ' *)U.a night game.

Clay’s mouth wins first round duriiig post-workout exchange with Quarry

ATLANTA (UPH. - Cas.slus .Clay proved Wednesday tliat lie Is back In slujpcT-physlcally and vocnlly—when ho under­went an examination with Jerry Quarry for their 15-round

“Well, if you do you’ll be Ui'c greatest fighter in the whole world," Clay said, “but you don’t hnve a chance.’’

One of Clay’s sparring partners, Willie Johnson, piped

henvyweigljffight next Monday, up, “Vou bettor call Uionight.

Clay boxcd'SDven rounds, but Quarry took the day off frojji training and showed up nt the arena only for o physical from Drs. Calvin Dro^vn and James Ellison.

Tlie crowd pushed down around a rope that cordoned off the examination area, (tnd for Uie first time during training for his comeback Clay gave Uiem whal they^nnnroTTnrfor— j

“Do you really believe you hove a chance against m e?’’ he asked Quarry.

“ L is ten ," Q uarry snapped back, “nobody won a fight because he has a big mouth. I don't like much you've been saying.’'

With the opening parry, tho .2ft-year-old Clay knew he had won this round out of the ring. Quarry’s Irish, temper was sliQwIng, and that was Clay’s whole ' intention— long witli stirring up a few more ticket sales. ..

“ IVe biJat every m an I ever fough t," Clay deadponned.

'"H en i lk o ' Pottofson,-Llfiton',— Otuvalo. I was the champion boforo anybody over heard of Jerry Quarry.”

“ But I'm not a iuva lo or

undertaker. Quarry.T lia tjid it. Quarry rnntod at

Joimson; “ U stenrU im , I ww

knocking you out in tho gym siffrilfy thot Uio rfiow was over when 1 was just a prellmlnory for tho afternoon.fighter." • ---------- - .-i’Tlioy certainly aro In good

"Give it to. him ," shouted a sliapc," said one of Uie doctors, fan. "I couldn't got a ticket for Clay winked as ho left Uie tho fight.’’ ' arena to p lace^a basket of

Angeio Dundee, Q ay's t ra l- ' flowofs on thd of Rev. ner, and Lou Gross, who has Martin liithor King!~Thd ox- been working wiUi • Quarry, cljamplon knewho was in aliape

. pushed between the fighters to again.

Big heat bills?

He.itinq Fuel Dudoci Plan oven, low mQnjhly.payrnftnis ItjrouQh thcrhoatmg ?.ca^on


DICK scepi ■ 7113S41'Sfjrulard Oil ComMny of C«li<0'nli


P atHo said Baynham will bo in a

cast (or four weeks and "a week or two later” should be ready to play agoln. Hius, BayiUinm might be able to rejoin the Bears for the last few games of the season slnco nine g^mes remdln.


erw n ” Quarry' countered.litiuti, ^ liO i i yll'taKCs is one *punch-to' your mouth. I know, I can

Bullets add to Royal woes

CINCINNATI (UPI) - llic Baltimore Bullots, sparked by tlio second-half scoring of Kevin Loughery and Jock Marin, gradually pulled to' a 117-1D5 victory over tlie Cincinnati Royals Wednesday night.

TIjo Bullots are now 3-1 overall while Cincinnati Is (K1 with all losses coming a t liome.

A four-basket surge by guard Norm Van Lier had put Cinclnnotl ahead for Uio last time late In tlie third period, 78 76, but then Loughery and Marin began hitting tlio big baskets. " ^

Pistons clakn- fifth stra ight

BOSTON (U PD -D nvo bins 'poured in 35 points to give tlio Detroit Pistons their flftli straight win and spoil- the. Boston Celtics h o q e opener Wednesdoy night 121 to U8.

Boston led 110-10.1 with 4:32 remaining In .the gam e but. Jimmy Wolker led Uio final attack with 0~ points. A three- point play by forw ard Terry" Dlschlngor wlUi 20 srtw ndsitlrr put Uie Pistons a t 121.

Jolin Havlicek scored wiUi two seconda left in Uie match to make it 121-118 but Uio Celts lost Uio ball as the buzxer sounded.

NECESSRRYflt PEmWWitE!You'll lind everyiiiino you


Model 500 Slide Action

12 or 20 Gauge Slioofs23/4" or 3"





2 0 ^ A U G E


Illin i study grid program

CHAMPAIGN, HI. (u p iy -llis Universlly of DUnols atlilcUc

w inLjllscuss “ the «nllr«(oolbalLaihuUM" Priiliy a t lU n e iiU r Athletic Direc­tor, Gene Vance said Wodnes- day.

Vance emphaiUed that themeeting Had not been called

W U I c a lly to d lM uii fooUulI ■Ince It had been adieduled on AprU M. But nilnoli haa lost Ita la il ta« g a in u ; to N orthm s- tern and Indiana, to stretch l|a losing streak In Big Ten

— ■-Ih e losses have rasulted lU

criticism o{ !coach Jim Valek, with niiiwU a in n the igea season,, both among fan* andlrfnewapapkrcomments.

A tlanta wins in last m inuteATLANTA (O P n -A tia n ta 's

Lou Hudson Mt a field goal and a freoTlirow In Uie lost half

■ minute of blay Wednesday night to give tne llawks a . 102*100 National Basketball Association victory over San FranciBCO.

•nie three points ended what hnd been a nlp-aiul4uck balUe Uiroughout. Ttio H a w W Ie d most of Uie way, but never by more than 10 points. Through most of Uie final period, a field ' goal was all tAat separated the two teams;.

The Hawks’ Walt Hazzard kept* A tlan ta In thev ganie through the flmt three periods.

nine 0plnts. fo r . bo th . , team s.. Hu490A followed vwltti another twintv4our.

'J e f t MulUivI led :the San- FVanCis^ jjeorlng With W pobitf. Joe EUii cam e off the tench i»ith IS m ore. .


SHOT25 lb. Bag


JT/ie very best buys ar^ at


8 oz. Can AL-5 or A l-7

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Lucerne Party PridieIce Cream

T -N oW -R ineapp lerM dcflc lam fa

Prestone cAiiti-Freeze

_____ -W iM o H x e-Y o u r C a rs , T rucksd n d F arm E q.u,ipm ent '



Ocean SprayiCranappie Juice



Dinty MppreBeef Stevr

A C jro a i .Q u lc k .M e a lJ d o o ^ , .

Farm Fresh

Fancy fryersU .S .D .A . Inspoc^od

For W h o lo so m o n o ss

Safeway Superb

Ground BeefB u y 'A n y Size P a c k a g e Y o u -N o o d

At This lo w P rice P e r P o u n d

Full SlabsSpareribs

E x ac tly A s S h o w n

Slab BaconC u d a h y B ar-S — By The Piece

HdKday Bbnel^srBar-S Hams

C u d a h y — F ully C o o k e d B o n e le ss , W astQ Froo

Fryer Breasts wloacUdVith Mtot

Fryer Drumsticks 56

lb.Beef Short RiBTS;

Fryer Thighs ib. 56“Chunk Bologna 59“

:7SC(tD(J with T*ndir b «.f

Chuck RoustFull CulLUS,D.A. Choio

Ground Chuck CfDunil

Round Steaks

lb. 5 8Frankfurters Sliced Bacon w'ltL siiced Bacon Sliced Bacon


69»Mb.PLfl. 79“

Canned Hums Leg 0 ' Lamh Lamb Rib Chops

5:14.98 Perch FilletsMorroll'l

U.S.D.A. Choico 4 AQSofaway I'im 'lb . I *110

U.S.D.A CI>ol<>

Turbot Fillets C'a in ln nil >4alibul lb.1.19 Link Sausage tlormil

lllll* Siiilgri


Swanson TV Dinners"4~Csrnpifrtment~VcfriHty '

-C h ic k e n ,. T u r k e y ,-M e a t L o a f , o r C h o p p e d S irlo in

Bufffirin TablfitsSavQ On N ational E

1 0 0 -c o u n t -B oH l,



"Crisco'^hortenin^! Apple Cider S ;" NoM_EiHJkyLMllk.i::, Aspen Freezer Wrap

Pals Vitamins’ K i d r t W b Th o -A n tTTTo l* S h i

ftoll 96“

31 6 0 -c o u n t 7 - ------ -B o ttl.dm

11-01 ,Pt<g. 52<

Kava Coffee

Bel-air Cherry Pies _ Corn On The Cob l . t i Shrimp Egg Rolls Chicken Chow Mein Sweet 'ti Sour Fried Rice Cheese Cake

Chun Kir\g Pori

Will> Mccil Chur> King

Pit4.Earfu tU


15-01.H q.




Coffee Cake Dulla' Slroutil




Orange Juice Concdnt'oiaif

Orange Juice r i " IZd Strawberries^ili°J'“ Grape Juice Concinlfcii^cl

Bel-dir Hash Browns Bel-air Piizas n Bdnquet Fried Chicken Floiir Tortillos


Fcanch't Pt) Food

Con I *


”c": 37“ 23“13-01.



33-01. 1.84

Doggie Donuts Alpo Dog Food " Z l , Soltine Crackers C^eme Cookies Puff Cookies Morihmollow

Bon Bon Cookies Chocolnl*

Maxim Instant Coffee


Buiy Bokfr Sondwlchai




M b.Pi>0-


Shaver's Juicern;rr";:"‘‘‘‘ c" 50“ Canned Tomatoes ” " 29“ Pork & Beans c":,, ’ c" 28“ Edwards Coffee . r r '" 3 1 2 .6 0



f Crindi

OvIirQcnf 33-OI.Spicial Pock Dolll*

Dove Bar Soap r z ^ ' 2b„,.33“Dove Liquid

Lemon Polish I:::.?"""Breath of Spring Air Refresher Fiva Frag'ancal 'cT; 38“


Wick 13.ei. J Q iJOaoJoranl h O

Oven Cleaner JIfoomAtroiol


U-oi.Con 99“

’X 59“ 'V:;: 39“ X 39“ ■r; 1.96



RointiioffO H n

Ssleway Diitounl Storci In Tlieie Towni:

Excedrin P.M. Tablets Excedrin Tablets

^ "V O S Hair Spray

S O -coun tb o ttle

lO O -co u n tb o ttlo

H a rd To H old

1.09 1.28m

1.07:' 8 |

1 .1 9 ^

113:9?^ 1 . 0 9 j

Thocolate Cake Orange Cake

M -o i.Caka

eooCfi. 0 0

Cake Rolls Drumsticks n".'!"

Lutrina !<• Creqm, ’r 77“



Bel-air Froien Vegetables, . Jo»l P our W lia l Y o u N o 6d a n d S to re T h o Ro»t

C u t G r e e a B ea ns , M ix e d V e g e ta b le s ,

G re e n Peas, Peas & C a rro ts r o r m i M ■ ' ' 1o r G o ld e n C o rn y^^W I'lill Y o u r

.....................- x l V C h o ic e ■ ■ ' m #(G ro o n D o o m 2 4 -o z . — A l l O lh o r i 3 2 -0 2 .) ^

’ BoliO -pocalolloBlackfoot ‘ Tw in Falli

•Idaho Fall« *M ln. Hom oRiflby Report

•Payetto BurloyM ontpelier G ooding

* W e li«r ‘ Caldw ell‘ Jerffmo *Nam pa

A nti-P e r sp ira n t

A n d ‘ O nto rlo , O regon

T h j i A d v o fllio m o n t Effoclivo T h ru N#x», S un d a y.

*Theso Storos O p en Sunday

Dristan Nasal M ist Soft & Dry Aerosol Adorn Ultimate Hold spty Extra Strength Micrin . c Sthick B l a d e s ^

TScc boltio

3 . 3 - o x .


6 . 3 - O X .


In jec to r Blados,-


r - PRICE _ mm ■ a«l■N . Z' PRICE ^ PRICE PaiCE mm ' ■■

■N r

DristanCapsules12 H o u r N a i a l D o c o n o o ito n t

116J 10-count, P a c k a g e

Saltine CrackersF r e t i i .C r l tp • B u iy B oker

w b.B o x

Apple Sauce, H ig h w a y D e lic io u i

ife1 7 -o t.— : G « n — I

Canned M ilkLucerne E va p o 'ro to d




Gelatin DessertsJ e ll W e l l • A IL F ru il F la v o r i




Uncle Ben'sRice Mixes

C hicken , B eef o r S p a n ish



Duncan HinesCake Mixes

A ll P o p u lo r F lo v o rs o f L ay er C p k c M ix es



Lucerne Bonus Quality

N inft P o p u la r V a r ie t ie s


.Head €i Shoulders 1 0 0

S a v e O n H e a lth & B o o u ty A |d s

A f S A F E W / I Y D I S C O U N T !

TfoldliroolrMnrgiiriiiB- Coldbrook Postloosties.Dqiry Glen Butter

•• - . . .

: H e re 's Proof o f S a f e w a y 's

D isco u n t . ’ P ric in g l

Safeway Quality

Bananas.S a f e w a y P ro d u ce . . . A lw a y s Best

lb. 1 4

Idaho Russet

U.S. N o . 2 S e lec te d

■ y i l lB t t r O 'n I e n s I lM ';

dilden Carrots o f l resh Turnips

Potatoes Delicious ApplesE x tra F artcy R ods — H o m o G ro w n

Firm !• Mild G>«ol fo r Sitw

2^;2 8- 18“

'flmrPBrinilpsi;'. Banana Squash Hubbard Squash

Delicious Apples Delicious Apples ['


Lo.al g .d l r -lb. A Q U Eiiro Fancy w bag

U t c l j -lb,

lndtp*nil«nl fi*llor<li Firm.


Ho. 99“



M b.pko.

Bayer Aspirin ” ‘C 35'—

B r l 8 h L S i d a i h n m p o i L _ . ‘. , ; . V J 8 “_

.!2 99“

Butterfinger Jr. Boby BoHi a ix i. J Q P

B a y e r A s p im 41“ Pertussin Night Time 39“79“ Johnson Baby lotion

Nestle's Morsels Libby's Corned Beef 67“ Liquid G o ld jn : r ; i i ; - l^ :L l .4 4 : One Steip Floor Care 98“



Dipped Cakes


antJell Well Puddings Libby's Catchup Libby Red Salmon


1 4 -., ^ 4 0


9“2 1 “

' r : 1 . 1 2

Cut Green Beans '„°r. Pancake Mix


Apple Juice

T w cy-R ich -D « v ll5 -F o o d -:U » y « r6 -G o v o fed -W ith - C h o c o lo te B u tte rc re a m Icing a n d C re a m y

■ CU iocplote F o n d q rit P o u re d All 0 / / e r To C r e a te Its U n iq u e A p p e a ra n c o > & Flovor-

2 Layer 8-lneh 98<

Silgar Doughnuts' lo<l, 5“Cdffee Cakes S ' 72“pbiner Rolls 12,., 45“i^ampkinPies r . 7 Pizza Bread

B-lnck . .N a ,

i - « i . tsaf .


(^nch Bread " :T M b.lonf 34“

-C^oiolate Eclairs— — - ' t i T t h 1 5 LS^idae Suplrem Pie a.Intb'

Pi« 88“


DoughnutsS p ic b d J u s t Right

P e t ^ Carrots 14“Appian Way Pitzd Dennison's Chili Mild Cheese jr.Z,'Armour Beef Stew Armour Vienna Sausage

.Armour Potted Meats

Buliar Sauc*___ Con

14-ai.V oii» lr Pku'.

Will*Baant Can






Town Houit

Pinto Dried Beans Pinfd Dried BednsJr.

,C a n

Ji!J;U9 “r : 36“ 4 ^ 5 6 “

1 0 ^ ! ^ 1 .2 9

DISCOUNT PRICESAllflovofiLucerne Breakfast

Tomato Paste Heinz Pickles Cucumbar

Heinz PicklesWilhBaoni


Mdley's Chili Dubuque Temt Cranberry Juice Chef Boy-Ar-Dee

IS -o i.Con 33“

’^ l':59“-Oollon <1 Ballli

pifio n<«i.M lx«i Pltg.


S IU»i


Ftancti • Saiam*

TVbBrue Cookies S l i , . . 64“ Jell-0 Puddings ,‘I ; , t:.' 11“

-Cbntadina-SttUce$-5.”J~ ^ ',;-3 4 ^

Skylark Bread Skylark Bread Twin R o l l s ■

'Crumb Donuts Sweet Rolls i ; i : a

-Cinnamdn-Rolls-Befty Croclier Puddings'V:; 30 Oyster Craclters ! : n X 2 V

DISCOUNT PRICES- ^ f t V ^ E V £ N ^ « O R ^


~E xa“cf SizesloloniSllciii 39“


Town Houia Mandarin

lu < trn a ' Inilonl

Pear Halves r ” .......Oranges Breakfost Peaches'/.nl’ci":;Cleanser ri;.,:,”"" liquid Blench r " ’Chunk Tuna W . r

Pineapple Tomato Juice Corned Beef TiZ.Coffee Tone L”: Z


*><sun« I Paik I



Mao'< PlaMlf

HB i„ i{ .


Safawoy lOOd.'BoMU

Bil-oir I t -s i . Froian Can

5-Grain Aspirin Oraiige Juice ____

National Brands Totdl ____

Safeway Brands Totol ___^ i n g s T > « - S a f e w a y - B r a « d i - :

t i





Skylark BunsH ot D o g . B a rb ec u e o r S e ia m e ■

8 -c6 u n tPock



Skylark Bread■ 1 0 0 % W h o l . W h a o l - S llcad

M b .Loaf 2 5 *

Grade A A EggsC rc /)lm O ' T h a C ro p

L o ra . n Q c

dozen J 7(E x tro LdrQ o • d o i . 4 lc )

Puncli^DelergenfS pecia l Pack ' ' '

■ t3-ib,Pkg. M ' i


32 TlmM-N*wi, Twin Falli, Idaho


Thurtdsy. October 1970



N O T IC B T O C R B D IT O IIN T H E T R O n A T d C O U U . _ TW IN F A L L S C O U N T Y . S T A T E 01= IDAH O

' In Hip MMIpr- o f Ht» E d a l* 0 G P IT H J . T C A G U G , DocN tnd.

N O T IC E IS G IV E N DViho tiiincutrlH to Urn c r/d llo ri of And All pertcxii hsVInu Cial»ni ndilh J . Tekoutt, d «C M ifr

to PMhlbll Ihnm




T W IN F A L L S C O U N T Y . S T A T E Ofi JO A H O . - ■ ' /

>. E S T A T B O F M A M IE O . M A R ­T I N , D E C E A S C O .

Nolle* Ift h»fet)v Olvon to i>«« c r»d lio r» ol *ncl All p «rw )n ( haying c lA lm t Aoalntl Mam lo O. M a rlin , do c«ated, nf ; ' » r e ila le . lo ouhlbil th «m w ith .lh f n p c ttta rv vouclieri, w llh in lour m onlhi Aflvr ihv (Irtt publlcallon 01 Ihit nollcc lo ijiv laid EMeculor At Iho o lllce i of Dnnoil.Ranolt a, Alexander, (lank (L TruftI

• nulldino, Counlv o l Tw in Pa lli, R Avborn.'W eiib fc. Plkni {innk i ' S la lB o M d a ^ , lh i» boino me plflco Uldfl., Ro« 331i Tw in Hfltl

D^led: September H.C, M A R T IN (•Keculor ol the L a il Will Te«tam ent ol Mam lo

' O. M A rlln ; d eceaifd. > decoAied.

P U R L IS H : Ocl. B. IS, 32 & 39. 1970.

N O T IC B O P DIDSNollce, II hereby o ‘v«o ll*Ai the

HoArd ol T ru H e e i ol Three Crook School D i»lrlc l No. 4IA, Rooefion,JdAha, w ill receive bids unlil Oc-

' loberOO, 1970, lor the contlrucllon ol a clAftroom unil lo be locAled on «a id ichool d itlrlc l property in .itie com m unity ol Three>Creek, locAled thirty.ieven (3 7 ) n'lilei w e ll of Rooerton. Idaho, on the Rooerion i» r h l r i f l « _ tJ a u A dA ._h l4ih iuau— llJt .

ter ior condrucllon ii to be of a molal type, speciflcnilon* m ay be obtained from Mr'. Paul Norri*. A IA , 674 Tw e lllh Avenue Ncwlh, Ouhl. Idflho,Dr at the home of Gooroo W . Clark,Clerk of the Hoard of Tru tln c t,Three Creek, Idaho.

Sioncd: Georoe W Clflrk, ClorkThree CreeU School D iH r ic l No.

___ ly III<{ ll>u fltherti, p nu tltvilio it oxpi PiUiniittod.

Th« lollowlnfT i i th« rovlied SECTION 0, OUAnANTRE; tlii<ao ilop«rtmaiiU Bhhll Conilltutlon to be voted on « t AGAINST CUUEU ANU UN- nuy |>nwi>ra properly Iiul tho next Generkl'Electlon t<i W USUAL PUNISHMENTS. to * '■ '

O F h e l d N o v e m b e r 1 0 7 0 , ' E x c o s H lv a f ln o e R h a ll i i o l b u h n - ' i i s in tliii

■'QVKBTWN ON TIIK K urA m r..''L “/ S X . r u S ni5VIMKI> CONSTITUTION" KSv i ^ '

T o -vftt< o n t h e /o l l o w l n i r , m n r k n • c n m i i ( X ) r o r o th o ;■ u l tn b lf lto «||I thu aqii

8 K C T I 0 N 10. G U A U A N T E B J E O I * ..u'mo7«.Uy_c|i«

low lI>o v o te r M ‘ in to n t 'ih A K U Y , — N o ptoraoii aittin li lwl.u mil l„ J.«|.urdy for II,


o rcU o a lm ll bo puBaoil dJicopt W h ill f ro m j lU u n l o r i cu u io d h y o iio m yn o r ahiill b u y hilt ho p u t u pon u ttu c k o r hi period* 6 f o m o rK o n -Itfl flnal pBMBDsro u n t il th u aump c y ruHuUlncr f ro m tho im m ln n n t w/||, ___w it h tho n m dn ilm a n ta th e re to t h ro a t o f aucti (l l iH it« rH . tho leir- v m .-a h B llh a v o b o e n p r ln t o iio r r o p r o - la lu liirH Hfiull hnvo tho n o w p r . <V> P ' (lucod In w r it in ir fo r tho use o f a n d thn (m m u iK a to d u ly titho m o m h rira i n o r ahnn a n y h ill p ro v ld n f o r p n m in t u n d l(

a IS'UHRly W ii


jfl'anai" S lm li Ih o n . v l . . , l C o H it lt u -

t !o „ c o M t .l . ,c ! Ir. K M ' N h N T

a , n i o H T O F D O M A I N ? A N D

r « " > 'I m l ^ U » L I C U S E D E F I N E D —

S E C T I O N r _________ ______r O W K l l . — T h o Iflfrixlntl' p o w e r o f .the a tn to Nimll ho vo ted in tho ' lo trliiln tu ro , e xce p t ]|lrovldod in noetlon 2 o f thla n

S E C T I O N 2, U K R E l l V A T I O N

to r ahalt a t the jin ir u t oAi'h ai>H»lon, tend t u th e r Uttinx. tflvo thn lo|{-

a la w vm loB H ^ho 'anmo i r y aucciiiil.V ,; to I h i p o w o riTn n d ■hall ho vi, bonn rond fe r ttth r -o n d u tln a o f p u b lic ofltceV o l w h n t - tho •Urjijr* t>f th " ‘•tato a d roc-

L E O r S L A T I V K U i r o f l no vo ral d a ya } n . oach e v « r .n a t u r e and w h o ^ T irr ’ m ip d conaldura r

.t h o

I twiflni n in y a

:o ililo i

hoUHo provioUH to t h « ftniil voto h y o lo ctlon o r a p p o ln tin im t, tho nuconHury t h u ro o n ip r o v ld m i, in c liK o o f u r - inp um huntn o f w h ic h beconio ( b ) A t (Concy, t w o .th ir d s o f tho houao u n a v a lla h io . to c a rr y o n the thi w h oro 'auch b ill m n y bo p a n d in u pow ora a n d d u tlo i u pon a v o to o f iiyea iin d nnya con, iind ( h ) to ndi

illsnttnno- w ith th is | iro y i- muuRuroaOn, ijn a l pnnBUKo o f nll-b ll

m a yand p ro p e r. In tho |ix

o'/nucii •pt auch othor U necCKKiiry

tlm ^ l fixpd b y law ,ibmlt to the

t I

Dated October A, W70. ’ M A R J O R Y D R A P H R

. . ‘ r-kocutrik of iJie-' i-tta le of Cdith •

J. ToAUue. Deceatoil P U U L IS H : October 8. IS. 33 A 39, 1970.



t M e P R O D A T G c o u r t OP I f a l L s c o u n t y , s T A t n o f

lOAHO -in Iiiii MAttor of the Ettale of

iO W A R D . DocoAtnrl.

. □ .

I . j . « . N O . I'ja y g yA JO IN t .M IO lU T lO N ficTnl


rltfhtii o f . . . .ilitchiFi, flutnoB, o r p lpoa to v e y w fttitr' to tim placo o f I

Ro o r fo r drainaK o d riiin u K o o f inlntti

‘c O N S T J r U T I O N F O R T H E tho w o rk in jf .thori;of> b y ii S T A T E O F I D A H O : S T A T - I N G T H E Q U E S T I O N T O H E ' S U B M I T T E D T O T H E E L E C T O n A T E ! A N D D I - R E C T I N G T H E S E C H E - T A U Y O V S T A T E T O G I V E l i E G A L N O T I C E T H E R E O F .

iIru o f tho

10 K O V U I-- ........ —louliilH turu a hUdefat fo r tho no: f^Hcal ptiriod, Miittlnic fo rth propoRud oxpi^n'cliturcH nn d anti cinntoil Incom e of a ll oITtcoR and



S H C L L E Y l------N O TTC T

ThAl Dori Ih ii Gout probate o Howard.

etnnr Howard hat fllei

her DAtition for he will ol Shelley coaled. Ana tor U l t i r t Tettament

>&aid D orlt (£. Howj etdny, Iho 3rd di m , a

n llr o u d : itfl. tu n n o la , B haj'tR . lu

w o rk H , d u m p R o r o th o r f o r t h o i r c o j i ip lo to i lo v o lo p m o n t o r f o r a n y o t h e r purpoR O necoR R a r y f o r t h o c o tn p lo to d e v e lo p - n io n t o f t l i o nm t«.‘r iu l rp iin u rco 'i o f , th e H tn to , o r f o r t h n p ro R itr v n t io n o r o n h n n c c m o n t o f t iu h o f t l lh a n d th o u v n o r n l w c l f i o f ItR in h a b i t !n h a b i t n n t a , in .h e ro l) V

tA bo II ijlim io TiH O -'iiiu r

rtroom of the nbovi r l, at Hie T w in F a I.. iciai Duildino. Tw in Falls, Ti

luh je ct to roirulfttio tro l b y tho Rt4it

‘ ( b ) I ’ r lv a t • bo ta k e n 'fo i ‘ a juRt com p

c tTta in e d in Rcrihed b y In paid.

S E C T I O N 1

1, C9n

p ro p e rty m a y not p u b lic URD u n t il

n xntinn, to bo aR« tho n iim n o r p ro - k', Rhall have boon


of Olrectort Lift irrloalion DKtr 'he O in r lc f olHco Idaho, between th( 3-m.. And 5:00 p.n

■ember 3rd. 197( recllo n . lor II

iiim e n i roll



aid D ill, 1970................... vied Ocfobe

and It nowon file At the office oi iho O iitrict. where anyone Intereilod

Peiiliont for corrcctlon will bo received by ta id DOArd of Correction between the datet of November 3rd, 1970 and November 7lh, 1970, bolh date

P U B L IS H : O c t ..IS ..32,. 1970...

Aid petition,' perion intut

D A T E D T h li3 n d flay of Oc • 1970.

E V E L Y N M . H IN T Z E .Deputy Clerk

-M A Y . M A Y L O E N N E T T ■ ny J . A L F R E D M A Y Altorneys for Pollllonor

- SteSwonrt-Stfeet ----- -


following J C o ih iiiu t io i

l o h i ' v i j l c d u " G n i c u n n i c c i i o n "

N'.ncmbLM .V l ‘) 7 0 .

D o U R e io lv o d b y th o I.o(flRla tu ro o f t h e .S U t o o f Id a h o :

,ri! . S E C T I O N 1. T h o LojplR latunN - . s r x v r t m s Tt f - n n rti tn iC T H mIn <loom it necoRRory to c n ll i "0 Co iVBtitiitlo na l C o n ve n tio n foi !r ' t h o purpoRo o f a u h m lttin ff t

roviB od C o n B tltu tio n to tho oloc. a to ra . T h in re v is e d C o n B tltu tio i of i h n l l bo B u b m itto d fo r nd o p tio r

_________ __ 10:00 o r rt)jo c »io n . b y m a jo r it y v o tt.aict day, Af me o f . tho oJectora v o tjn c - on thi*

p ropoH al, o t the n e x t ce n o riil e le ction to be hold on tho T u o i d a y a fte r th o flra t M o n d a y i:

iBu N o v o n ih c r , 1 9 7 0 . T h o C o nR tltu , of t lo n o f tho BtAto o f Jd a h o ahall

ind ro a d BB fo llo w * ; 1“* TH8 CO NSTITUTION O f TMI

Si'ld IT A T l o r IDAHOf lC A M S tl ‘

■ W o , tho p e op lo o f the atnte o f Id a h o , a rra tofu l to n lm ijrh ty G o d f o r o u r fro o d o m , to aocuro itB bloflBingB a n d p ro m o te o u rc o m m o n w e lfa re do oBtnbliR h. _______•thi» c o n s titu tio n , m in d fu l o f ^ P A I N S T

r _ ' J r r u l o r o 5 h b b r h ~ o t : i l t t f Z 6 a T K d v « h t ^ T l " ^m o n t f o r tho v ir t u o n n d a o b rlo ty no im p rii

, o f th o p e o p lo . p u r i t y o f thu thlH a ln tt ______ h o m o , a n d o f tho m ia 4 -t t » ' - iu r - -/ r a u d . . .

n ,„ . r^■7 r . f f : i • ^ h " ^ r o l S “ ‘ - S E C T I O N !icnd- tom p o ra n co a n d m o ra lity . C O N T R A C T S , —ncxi ARTICIB I im p n irin ir tho obli;?ulheld----------------o ic iA iiA T lO M ro i' B lo H Ii contrftctfl nhntl c v p r bo

peop. .p o w e r o f r o f L . . ........... . ..........the poW or to a h p ro v o o r ro jo c l a n y -no t poRHOd b y the lotflala -

J ««■ t u re ; and a lso the p o w e r o l in i- '• t la t lv o , th a t la. the jjo w o r to

pVopoRo law s to the JiHjno oxtf/nt. S E C T I O N Ifl, ______aR tlio lo ir lR la tu ro nnd o lia ct th u m U E Q U I U E M E N T 0 > I In dopom rnnt o f tho lo t f U la tu r o if A N D J I E S O I . U T 1 0 N S . conKlBtont w it h th in e o n n titu tlo n . b i lU o r Jo in t rfiBohitionii T h o condltlonR and ih a n n u r in Rhall bo Rltrncd b y tho p

....... w h ic h the p ow orK o f In lt ln t iv e onicorn o f bo th tho houup andan<l re fo ro n d u n i m n y bo o xo rH io n a to ^

f i r o v h M S E C T I O N 17 . V E T O B Y T l l f i E n t ! ? ™ r « q ,H ™ l lo p „ l i l l o „ f i O V E n N O n . - ( , . ) W l ,„ , , « 1,111 f o r l i i i l l n l l v o lu ii l r o f o r o i id i in i l« I'V , ‘ Ij" l« (r l« li> l |jro I t■n„ n H n i , l _ » l , l , l l- h o H ^ i n l < . , t , i | , ; | i a l W l . - f o r l ) T O l t l i - ' i r ° « i m U a - l .

dhnll bo o nto rm l u iio n thu Jo u r, i l ; nnd/Tin b lll Nhiill biicom o a iw w ilH o u t tho c oncu rru n u p o f m a jo r it y o f tho m o m |jo r« proR - i t , *■

• S I G N A T U R E n iiJ .s ^ A l lpUHROdooldInK

....... f o n n to t h o ro f ju iro m .c n tu o fth i» c o i iR t l t u t i o n u x n o p t t o th n e x t o p t t h a t , In i t a J u d K in o n t , - to d o flo w o u ld b o i m p r a c t i c H b l r r o r w o u ld a d m i t o f u iid u o d o la y . , .


S E C T I O N i . e i . h : c t e d ; O f - F I C I A L 3 A N D T E R M S 0 1 - O F - F I C E , — i

( a ) T h o o l o c t o d o m c la l B o f th o o x o b u t lv o d o p a r t m o n t b Ij o II c o P ' a i n t o f a u o v o m o r , l io u l o n a n t*

io c r o t n r y o f

a l« n ip o r c o n t o f t h o l o U l v 5 to c n 'l t f o r K o v o rn o f . I t u l in l l b. j r o v o m p r in t h o p r o c o i l in j r c u b . ••‘W i f t h o R o v o r n o r e i t h e r o r n a t o r i a l o lo c t io n . A m a j o r i t y v o to I t w i t h i n uu v u no f t h o v,oteB o n a n y n u c h p r o - ‘l i 'y " . S u n d a y B e x c o p to d , o f p r o - poB o l R h a ll d e c id e t h o fjU D ation . 8« n tu t l o n i f t h o -lo ffiB ln tu ro ia

S E C T I O N , a . C O M P O S I T I O N i l ' n o t l n \ “i S n i i t h V n ”^O F T H E L E G I S L A T U R E . — o f n u r i r i o l t m ^fPi. « _ i . .n I. (JO,,,. ),ocohio Ih w I f t h o V o v -

h o iin o , , r n o r n k ^ n n i t o r f f l t la t o v u to i t tc c n du y H , S u n d a y s if i t s p r o n o r i t a t i n n .

Y _ i . i c , ; o , « , . . y r n h a l l r e t u r n t o th ^

ill n o t o f

lU d lto r,state ftttorno)tu n d o n t o f pi

( b ) T h o tft offica lR Hhal R i n n i n c a t n d a y In Doco

Htnto truai•riiv


: in n tru ctio i

o fo fllc o o fm ic h fo u r y o n r« h»i-

) f tho flru t M o n . ■ fo llo w in jr th u ir

T g T T tn n cfivwn m r tn a y r o t iv e n * '— th n lo B l s l a tu r o In R pocifll aoK* ■ B lnn . a n d a h a l l do ho w h o n a m u - J n r l t y o f ' t h o m o m b o r s o f th o ' B o n a to a n d a f n a j o r i l y o f th o . in o m b u r o o f t h o h o u a e b o th rii- q ijow t h im to d o jio .

( d ) T h o KO vnrn or i n n y v e to b ills paR H od-by t h n U iu is la tu ro , and u in y b y vuto , s tr ik n itoinH in a p p ro p rin tln n b ilU . H o sh all hu vo no p o w o r to v « to in itia t iv e ' o r ro fo rn n d u m m im s u r c a . Tho> veto p o w o r of tlxi K o v u rn o r Bhul). hi) n u b je ct to Iho Ilm itu tio h R a n i j . oxorcinod in t h o n in n n o r p ro vidn «l

- i n - s e c l i o n - U —u L a c t i c l a J I I - o t tiiiB co n s titu tio n .


Rhnll boT h f l- l o j r i s l a t iposod o f a Bonato n n d u J io iino e rn o r niirns o f r o p r » « n t n t l v o . , T h o p n n ,) , ( , r w i t h i n fo o f m o m b e rR o f c n c h c h n m b u r «xc o p to d ■hall^bo^ pro B cribo d h ^ la w , p ro - 'i '|,q povo'i


b o elfi«

v id e d t h a t t h e n u m b e r o f r o - H o u h o In w h ic h i t o r i c i n a t e d tli p r c a e n n tiv o f l a h n l i n o t o x c o u d b i l l w h ic h h o h a ii v e to i .d to f f c th . tw ic e th o n u m b o r o f i iu n a to r a . u - i th Id a o b Jo c tlo u H . w i t h i n nov<

S E C T I O N 4 . D E F I N I T I O N d a y s o f n r c H o n tu t i o n i f t h o lc i O F E L E C T I V E D I S T R I C T S . — in l f t l u ro la t h e n ii

I til

;tio:( c ) T h o ( fo v o r n o r a n d lln i t - c o v « n i o r a h a l l b c lo n ^ r tc

p o l i t i c a l p a r t y a n d :ti ;d j o i n t l y .

. S E C T I O N 2 . q U A L l F I C A T I O N S O F E L E C T E D O F F I -

0 C I A L S . — X h o c lo c to d o n ic ia l f o f t h o o x o c u t iv on s h a l l b o a t l e a s t _______'• y e a r s o f a B o , .c i t iz o n s o f t h o U . if t e d S t a t e s , a n d rc R ld u n tn o f th

il A . ;il \\icr ' b T

___________ . . . G U A R A N T R EO F R I G H T T O D E A R A R M S .—T h o p u o p le h a v e t h o r l p h t to

c o n nii<l b e a r n r m o , b u t th e tfri^B lnturo n h a l l r o K u la to t h e

c x o r c is o o f th i« r i t f h t b y la w ,

S E C T I O N 1 3 . G U A R A N T E E A G A I N S T n i L L S O F A T - ................... ... ......................... ...................... . .T A I N D E U A N D E X P O S T T h o I c K la ln tu r o a h a l l d o f ln o t h e I t i s n o t , n t t h o c o m m o n c c p i o n t - t t a t o f o r tw o y e a r s im m o d ia t e ly F A C T O I .A W .S , N o b i l l o f i l l . t r i c l s f r o m w h ic h t h o , m o m - " ' t h e n » n t M i i l o n o f t i r o i n m o p t-o c o d in i- t h o I r l i l i ,i( r f o r o m c o , « r i l j o ( l n t t i i i n i l e r o r c x p o r t f n c t o lo w b o r o o f t h o lo ( r l« ln l „ r o n r o o l o c I c i t U l n tu r o , T h o l,o ,(n « t o w li lc l , b u r l n i t t l i o i r to r m « o f o f f i c o . t h o i l o n t o f t l i j h n l l o v e r b o p n » » o il. to i l . S u c h i l i . t r i c U n h o ll b o c o m - t h o 1,1 I h n n b o o n r o t , , r n o c l j h n l l j | „ c t o d o lT lc in ll o f tl io oK ocu tiv

1„ Iful- of V p N ^ r V m ™ s O N M F N T «' p r;.,;!!? ," r o r £ ? l o i % w " i h i ' r d “ '’o“f th i 'o r l j l J y r n e n t

f , , . w i th t h e i r o v i - r n o r 's o b j c c t i o n a n o iiH i t h e '• V '" '-" '» " ' ' ' ' I li r i -

■ h o u a

S E C T I O N 7 . P O W E R E X E C U T I V I J C L E M E N C Y .I n ( ill casc B o th o r t h a n im p o a c i i ' m e n t n n r l t r e a s o n , t h o g o v o r n o i m a y c o m m u to tmntoncfiR, b u s p c n d n n d r o m i t flnoR a n d f o r f o i-

...V tu riiH , n n d j t r n n t p a rd o n R a n d r«: ilia ll f ir ic v e n . A n f liro n e y m a y h e on-

tn h l lR h c d o r doB lK natO fl b y law to a id n n d a d v lR o th o t r o v o r n o i in t h e u x e rc if lo o f o J (o c u t lv u d o -

d o n a r t m u n l S E C T I O N fl. P O W E R S O F t S v - f t v o t h e L I E U T E N A N T • G O V E R -i w o n t y j ^ v o i i e u to n n n t - B o v r -

i,M ' i " ' .............1 : ■— — tT h u r a - R h - f lP b T .,T..w,r,t /n r - f i o » ^ t in t a t l o n . w n c n o v e r

i-t t h e

- i . . . G U A R A N T E EA G A I N S T T H E I M P A I R M E N T

S E C T I O N 1 . I N A L I E N A B L E *

. of T ce of I

laho I CONSTIo u t - . - .o'clock p.m .. on Thursday.39. 1970, t t which tim e thev opened publicly and read Doard Room of tho C liy t- Second Avenue E a it , Twii Idaho. Said bidt will bo rec the fo llo w in o :-^ .■

I. B5 each now ttAndard m —(^*fk<fViH'AelArfr^ilowlno-lor.a4 £<

in of 40 older meters.3. Eacti ....................................

'od a

Nt’i .h 't "V o


lL M in ilic fu l lo w ,n i! .K i M m ihL-S.1U.UC al

.■ -S lw ll

I, J R .N o .3

I S O f I h ,

■ A ll m e n A G A I N S ' . . . . m d e q u a l S E A R C H

VO c c r t a i n I n n l i c n a b lo — T h o r a m o n ^ th e m to c p j o y b o B ecu r )n il l i f e a n d ' l i b e r t y ; t o h o u s e s ,

poRRoaR. a n d ~ * p r o t c c t n u n i n a t i n n d e n jo y t h o r i p h t a n d iio izu

ic y : t o h n v c t h u ( j u a l i t y I n to d ; n r i v i r o n m e n t p ro H u rv c d li

bated upon aservi :lng

R I G H T S O F M A N , a r o b y n a t u r e f r e e a n d h n ' r i e h t s , a n d def< n c q u l r o . p r o p e r t y o f p r ivo f t h o i i ..................... - ............. . . . .a n d e n h a n c e d ; t o p u r s u e h a p p i - s h o w n b y a lllil i

■ n e i 8” n n d “ K e c a T r s i r f i r t j r ................... ....................................S E C T I O N 2 . I N H E R E N T

q i i l r t n u - n t n f o r t h e d ia i i s u p r e m e c o u r t s h n l l f fin n l j n r l f ld i c t io n t c o m p l ia n c e w i t h th i .i H c c tio n .

S E C T I O N 6 . Q U A I . I F I C A ..T I O N O F L E G I S L A T O R S _____M o m b c r s o f t h e I c K i s l n tu r e hIiaII

S E C T I O N 11,5. j : i U A R A N 7 E E bo < p ia tin * d c-JectorH .

i> o t h e r II iflc b .i r

m o n i'b e r .' i t H hul'i bi

( b ) T h o t i n u th e t f o v e r n o r Id

i r n m o n t ite fl, th n H tn to , o t

......................... ib d iv i a io n . N o p e n• h e re i t s i i a l l a h „ n i,o c lo c tc i l t o t h e o lllco

c c o n s f fk - r e d , a m / n 'a t t o r n u y - f f o n e r a l w h o il h y t w o - th i r d f l o f f t t t o r n o y n d n i t t u - d . t-

p r e s e n t^ in t h a t a u p r o m e cl

l a t e .

if th e

i)fi n o t n n - p r a c t i c e •t o f t h e

o S r m l t t e T i - t l l -------S E C 'n Q N - 3 _ X Q M P E N S A u _ „ g ipormimM . to p t p rT i.:n O F F l .^ " '? " '

U N R E A S O N A l l I .E Z S A N D S E I Z U R E .S . , t ; h t o f t h e p e o p le to u in t h e i r p c ip n p c


C I T Y -O P • T W IN

; October ISth and JJnd,

n j . y„i(./ J I.

■ <;«ricvi.AJ ' l l u r ilu -

shjtl r r -

■rtbin p - t h ^ — plni- .......................... ....... - - . i r c l iu d n n d th u

P O L I T I C A L P O W E R ; O F T H E th in i r t o bo acizL 'd .

• o b a b le . , p a r t j c i

e fT u c ts ‘nrchcR )L> v io .

R hnll


it r i lc c o u t a n y i t e m ........................ i p p r n p r i n t i o n b i l l s pa K a tid b y ih

S E C T I O N 0 . T E R ,M S O F O F - le K iH li 'tu re s h a l l b e t h e s a m e a F I C E O F L E G I S L A T O R S . — p r o v id e d in t h e p r e c c d i n p p a n . R c R r t^ a e n ta t lv o H film ll ho e l e c t e d ( r r n p h w i t h r o h p e c t t o lii i- v i i f o r 1 1 t e r m o f tw o y e a r . i a n d o f o n t i r e b i lU , a n d t h e i t e m o a e i i a t o r s f o r n t o r m o f f o u r i t e m s s t r u c k s h a l l b e v o id u n lc s

r s . T h e t e r m o f o m c c o f m c i n . a B o in p a s s e d a c c o rd in f ir th a o f t h o I c L 'i s l a tu r e s h n l l b e - n ik - s a n d l i m i t a t i o n a p re .H crib e

:lu) f i r s t .M oad ft^ ’ f o r t h e p a s s a f r e o f o n t i r e b ill fo ilcxvinK : t l i f i r n v o r t h e K o v e r n o r ’s v e to . .

BiiBil bnk 'em or h v l a w .

. . . . . ilfin in ly w h o n th o

d iv id e d . H e a h i KnV|0n i 0 r in th i o r n o r 'f l . to m ’p o f th u Rtato, a n d b y t h e K o v e rn t

s e c t i o n 9 . S U C C E S S I O N T O T H E O F F I C E S A N D P O W ­E R S O F G O V E R N O R A N D L I E U T E N A N T . G O V E R N O R — ( a ) I f th e u n v e r n o r - f i l o c t r

i lu t ic a A SHiBnod hy a n d d u t i e s p r e - H o s h a l l b o p r c H i .

a to , b u t a h a l l v o te s o n a tu I r e q u a l ly

.11 B orvo a s a c t i n t t ! o f . l h o irov-. a r y a b s o n c o f r o m w h e n s o d i r o c tu d

f r i T I O N O F E L E C T E D C I A L S . — T h r ---------------o n ip e i

O F F I - i t l o n o f

d is q u i

D e c e m b e i r t io n . O n e * H lm ir r .c

h rTTected ( • r y tw c ^ - ^ ^ l i e r i O N lf t : R E S T R I C T I O N

O F S U H J E C T S I N H I L L S .

• P E O P L E . - A l l p o l l t i c j l p o w o r S E C T I O N 1 7 . C .U A R A > > T E E J i 9 1 .

F O R P R O V IN G W IL L , E T C .■ IN T H E P R C O A T E C O U R T OP T H E C O U N T Y OP T W IN F A L L S , S T A T E O F ID A H O .

In iHe Matter of the E ita io o l E . L. R A Y D O llN , Oeceaiod.- PursuanMo-aivofiUF-oKaid-CiWM- m *de on the fffhdayof Ocfober. 1970.

N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G iV E N , Thai Wedneiday, ihe 4th day ol Novem bar. IWO. at ton o'clock a.m.

T D f -



I r I n h c r o n t J i u t b o p e o p le . G e m m e n t i s m B t i tU V e d - f o r t h e i r e o u a l p r o t e c t i o n n n d b e n e tU , a n d th e y h a v e th o r l f i h t t o a l -

. t o r , r e f o r m , o r a b o liR h i t w b e n - e v e r t h o y m n y d e e m i t n c c e s - Rory; n n i l n o s p e c i a l p r lv i lo j r o s o r im m u n i t i e s . s h a l l e v e r bo a r r a n t e d t h a t m n y n o t b o a l ­t e r e d , r e v o k e d , o i* r e p e a l e d b y ,t h f l J a i __

S E C T I O N '^ 3 . I N D I L I T Y O F - T H E S T A T E F R O M T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S ‘ O F A M E R I C A . — T h u s t a t o o f ' I d a h o is a n i n s e p a r a b l e p a r t o f

_ t h o - U n l t d d - S t a t i u * ‘

O F R I G H T O F A S S E M R L V . -T h e p e o p le H h all h r to a B s e m b lo in a p e a c e a b le m a n ­n e r , t o c o n s u l t f o r t h e i r c o m - m o n (jo o ii, t o i n s t r u c t t h e i r r o p r o a e n t a t iv e H , a n d to p e t i t i o n t h e l o p i s l a t u r c f o r t h o r c . l r e s s o f i ; r i e v a n i v s .

S E C T I O N IS . G U A R A N T E E O F F R E E D O M 0 F _ 5 E E £ C I i

T H E L E G I S L A T U R E . — W h n va (’a r\( 'Y .m T M rs in e itjio j - c h a •b o r o f t l i o l e i j i s l a t u r e . i t s h b u n ile< l n a p r o H c r ib e d b y la e x c e p t t h a t a n y u m - x i . i r f d s i a tv t e r m c a u s e d b y a v a c u r H h all h e f ille d n t t h o n o x t le i;

i f p:

r y h i l l s h a l l bo )iio s u b j e c t a n d p r o p i

c i a to d m a t t e r s , a n d i -*» p r i a t i o n b i l l s s h a l l l» '\ - t o th e s u b j e c t o f a p p r c ‘11 e x c e p t t h a t r e c o d ll lc i ^ 'i o t h e r c o m p r e lv

t h o H ta lU to a fl •■•y p o s e m a y biT

n iv i

is id e :p c c if lc p u i

, . . . . j l o c t c d o fllc la lH o f t h e . t i v e d e p a r t m e n t a h a l l b e p r o - ^ s c r ih f td b y l a w , b u t s h a l l n o t bo * d im in lB h o d d u r in ( r t h o i r r o s p o c - 5 t l v o te rn iR o f o m c c .

E> S E C T I O N 4 . E X E C U T I V E :1 P O W E R S O F T H E G O V E R - s N O R . — ( o ) T i ie e x e c u t iv e p o w ­

e r s o f t h e Btate s h a l l b e v e s t e d in t h o f f o v c r n o r . H o s h a l l b e r o - BpbTTalbTo-rorlhornillhTureyr'rn^ t i o n o f t h e l a w s . H y a p p r o p r i a t e

' a c t i o n in t h e nam i* o f t h e R tn te . h e m a y o n f r i r c o c o m p l i a n c e w i th o r r o B t r a i n v io l a t i o n s o f th e c o n s t i t u t i o n o r t h e a t a t u t e s o f t h e s t a t e h y a n y Bt’o n c y , o lU c o r,

I - o r e m p lo y e e o f t h e s t a t e o r a n y p o l i t i c a l - s u b d iv i s io n b u t t h i


a l i f io d , „ . . . clo<

:c e e d t o t h o o fn co o f itc ■ th e f u l l t e r m . I f th e r - e l c c t fn i l f

f o r n n y o th a n t - K o v o r n o r in ir K o v e m o i c c e d to t h o ( t h o j f o v e r n o i s u m o h i s o l f i i o f t h e b c fr in i

i l u a n j i M

th<‘ih n ll

n t hth e iivt c n a n t - R o v g o v e r n o r fo t h e t e r m .

J c ) _

e oR on , t h e lioi s h a l l s e r v e a s a c t - ; a n d h e s h o l l sue- m c e o f i f o v e r n o r i f - e l e c t d o e s n o t n>- e w i th in s ix m o n th .s iln ir o f t h e t o r m .D o f t h o ro iT io y a l n f ^

f r o m o fd c o o r l u a ilf i-n a t lo n , t h e l ie u - l o r s h a l l b e c o m c

r e m a i n d e r o fth e

b y O FS E C T I O N 1 0 ,


p o w i a c t i o n o r p ro c t h o l e i r i s l a t u r o .

.lU th tle ilin u ' a B o in a t

(b> T h e B o v o r n o r m n y n t i7 rt-W H r= = ^ * in TH c T:tt lntMr tf nh u ll■t !i i n r - l ‘&-im ir c ’ in ra Y rn irH b T r^ ln ^uch p o w e r s o n lT d u tio R a >».»!■■> nfl !ipC'c ln|-TTT-tni-n l n u f v h m - T V T t t i n r - 0 r - 0 the rw lfl0 ; - f w m w ih 0 K o r c i sed b y t hg-tie titgn ii

. . . . .n d p u b l i s h ' ( U t Is r e s p o n s i b l e o f t h a t l i b e r ty .

n d t h o c o n s t i t u t i o i t e d S t a t e n i s t h o s u p r e m o o f t h o la n d .

S E C T I O N ~ 4 ^ R I G H T - .

» ' H o u i r i F n f r 5— ih r r e r c r n

1 the time and pla<

ind Kenneth E. Dri

eitam entary, whon ai lerion Inlereited rrjai a n te it w m o .


■ .h .ill p io M Jc lo

• F R E E D O M . — T h ’ n n d e n j o y m e n t o f r e l l , a n d w o r s h i p s h a l l i

......a t i O i i u N — 4 ;— n i o i i * — u r p u a m n t e o d r a n d - n o - p <T R I A L P Y J U R Y I N C I V I L C d e n ie d a n y c iv i l t

" A N D c r i m i n a l C A S E S . - H . h t , p r lS l l J R ? - " ^ ^ ^ T h o r i R h t o f - t r i n l - b y j u r y s h a l l - b - e ^ n u a c '- o f h i s . r c l i c i i r e m a i n i n v io l a to , e x c o p t t h a t ,o n a . T h e I c B is la t i

( a ) in c i v i l c b s o r . a j u r y n o l a w r e s p e c t in o t r i a l m n y .bu w n lv c d b j ; c o n s e n t m o n t o f rc li tr i (

fi. O A T H O F O F 'F I C E F O R L E G L S L v V T U R S . —Di-fort* Uio legislators enter upon

S E C T I O N 1 9 . „ G U A R A N T J J S k o ; l ‘‘ ‘t h . ! y ° ' . h '’„ | | ' ' t " k r o r ? s u b ; .he'tho followiTif? iWith or af-

ear lottery

_ .W hen i> _ver th e R n v e r n o r ,m llR to t h e p r e s i d i n i : olll-

c o r s o f t h e h o u s e a n d s e n a t e h is w r i t t e n d e c l a r a t i o n t h a t h o is u n a b lo t o d i s c h a r c re t h e p o w e r s n n d d u t i e s o f h i s o fflce , a n d u n ­t i l ho t r n n s m i t a t o t h e m a w r i t In n d c o l a r a t i o n tp t h e . c o n t r f l i

h p o w e r s a n d ( lu t ie V allta ix------ill be

R l G H T - O P - - R R t l G I O U S -x c r c l s e r t r m n t io n r “ I d a s o l e m n ly t »« ( o r a f l l r m ) t h a t I w i l l «u j

C o n s t i t u t i o n o f t l i e U - S t i J to H - n n d t h e C o n s t i t u t i m

S E C T I O N 21). P R O H i n i T l O N , O F - L O T T E U I E S _____ T h e l« K i« -

tf ri i e n t o r a y c n c y u p o n n n r o l a t i n k to t h e i r r o s p e i

«r#ii i8

( d ) W h ,

: t i n i r RO' e m o :

la ll- M if t <

IS. 33 & 3


’ ' P R O V IN G W l t L R O O A T E C O U R T O F T A LU S C O U N T Y ,

Ibisjpp r.^vc iIc^ isla lii

...ipprt>i)tidc'c'tiuii cM -.y 1.)

w » u ld ir 0 l.i provK. i u . k-iihlaliL

'i h c r c h y

b o 1 . . •e b e llic i n f e t y r

• i n t h o la w .

E SlAto of H A R V E Y M P E T E R S .D6c eAiod.

PIJR S U A N -r to an order ol saidCouirt, made >lh dAy ol October, 1970, rlOIICO I& h«reby O'vcnihAt Tuoida y, the 3rd dAv of

ember. H 70, At 10:00 o'clock A.M .,i }f said dA Courlroom of

Court, At tho Tw lii F A l l i County

L‘ i o f , . u r ( - l ) y i M i

' ' 5 .J . n. No.

■■Shall S a t i . u , ' u r ic \ m ,>f th n u i iu t i n i i o f il, 'W i>)' U h h n h i-n d i'il 10 n r o v U

/ / i f i ’k i l i . m <. '.in iy tr ra iu r c i

I j u r y

o f t h e p a r t i o D . s i j r n i f te d In s m a n n e r o s p r e s c r i b e d b y la w t h e j u r y B h a ll c o n s i s t o f a n u m h e r n o t lo s s t h a n s ix n o r m o n t h a n tw o lv o p e r s o n s a s p r e B c r ib e d b y l a w , o r o f n n y n u m b o r u p o n w h ic h t h e p a r t i e s m a y .a ip ro o in o p e n c o u r t ; u n d th r i f o u r t h s o f t h o j u r y m a y r e n i a v a r d i c t :

( b ) in c r i m i n a l c a s e s , b H b II bo w o i v o d 'a t t h o r e q i

5i " n l f i ' f » r o ' r o > ' ’t L 'r o " n 'm a d e in o p e n c o u r t . I n m is d '. m o a n o r e a s e s , t h e l u f i s l a t u r o o u t d u e p r o ( m a y p r o v id e t h o t t h u j u r y a h a l l U \e e q u a l pi c o n a i a f o f n n y n u m b e r n o t le s s t h a n s ix n o r . m o r e t h a n t w e lv e p e r s o n s , an<l t h a t f iv o - u ix th s o f s u c h j u r y m n y r e n d e r a v c r d i c t .I n f e lo n y c b s c b , t h o v e r d i c t m u s t

iM M i w w lm o t t r ------------------------- ----------

S t a t e o f I d a h o , n n d t h a t 1 . S E C T I O Ni t h f u l l y d is r h ;

H o f H O nnTor ( o r r u n , •) n c c o r d i n r t o t h e bi b i l i t y . " S u c h o a t h m

l i n i a to r e d b y th e j r o v o r n j s t i c e o f t h e s u p r e m e '

. b y t h e p r . 's i d i n n nllU- i t h e r houHC,

____________ A P P O I N T - S t a t .MENr,--” "QTTA7TFICATroXS.-thpm-to A N D D U T I E S O F A U D l T O R - p r e f lo r v o

( c ) Tho* c o v c r n o T 8K a i n . T { h o c o m m a n d e r . in - c h i e f o f t h o a r m e d forcoR o f th o a t a t o , e x ­c e p t w h o n t h e y s h a l l b e c a l l e d i n t o _ t h o .B c rv ic o o f th i

Id ho

S t o f - T h o Ic R ia la 'ly b id i t

■ s u r e . T h e i , .p r v s f r ih t . .d

t h e p o w e r p n s ta u d i lH a n d o f t h e u

' p r i n t e d o r s t i ' o y s b y p o l i t i i

t h o .lU ite . H i t h e i ; o v e r n o r t

j d i t o r , iiy la

a n d .1 >f a l l

m il n p p o • I p ie . to

S E C T I O N 2 0 . G U A R A N T E E O F R I G H T O F H A B E A S C O R .P U S . — . T h e p r iv i lo B u o f th e

i t o f . b u b c n s c o r p i l s s h n l l n o t r e c T I O N 9 . C O M P E N S A ip o m lc d , un li-» « in c n s o o f ^ l O N O F I .E O I S I .A T O l l S . -

■OBlon t h o p u b l ic i , | , „ | | r o c c iv o th ei t , o n d . t h o n o n ly m u j n l lo w .n n c e .4 p r i ‘HcribcMlr p r o i c r ib o i l h y t | , „ , „ „ y c h o n K o

in t h e a m o u n t s t h e r e o f s h a l l n o t S E C T I O N 2 1 . G U A R A N T E E " P P ' j ’ l e / r i « l« to r e ,l)i

f O F R I G H T O F D U E P R O C E S S e n a c t e d i t . _ w , l l t a k e e f f e c t1- A N D E Q U A L ' P R O T E C T I O N . / S E C T I O N i n . I M M U N I T Y ^hJ . '— N o p e n io n s h a l l bo d e p r i v e d O F L E G I S L A T O R S . — Mi “ ........

f l i f e , l i b e r t y , o r p r o p e r t y w i t h - b e r s o f t h e l e u i s l n t u r e a h a l l if la w n o r d e n ie d in a n y c a s e , e x c e p t f o r t r e a

o r f e lo n y , bi d u r in K : a n y so l a t u r e , o r i n u ' in c : f r o m n n y t h e y b e l ia b le fOBB d u r i n g p r i o r to

le r v e il

Bv c a l l u p o r i jx p c u te t h e - lawB.-t< i r d u r . t o a u p p r e s s in ' , t o r e p e l i n v n a io n , o i I t im o o f p u b l i c e m o r

M ie v er t h u l i e u t e n a n t - a n d a m a j o r i t y o f

u i t h B r ^ h c - h c n d r 'o f - th i r o T to c u t iv t ' ;lepartmentR o r o f t h e m e m b e r s o f s u c h o t h e r b o d y fis t h o Jc«-IrIo-

Luiiu-u p r o v id e t r a n s m i t t o t h eU n i t e d ^'‘’ ••‘o a n d s o r ia to t h o i r w r l t t e i


o f Iu t i v e d o p a

s t e c t io n o f t h e la w s .

S E C T I O N 2 2 . S U B O R D I N A - T I O N O F M I L I T A R Y T O C I V I L P O W E R . — T h o m i l i t a r y s h a l l b u s u b o r d i n a t e to t h o c iv i l ,

i - .........................

!Ct to a r r e s t . o f t h e le jr is - o i n p to a n i l r e t u r n -

s s io n ; n o r s h a l l > a n y e iv i l n r o - _ f o r t e n . l a y s

'I S E C T I O N ______t D A T E O F A C T S . — E

t y d a y i > io n a t

p a s s e d , u n l e s s n i h a l l h e a p e c if i e d

a w , b u t a n t ic t n m y t a k e U a n e a r l i e r d a t e in c a a i ! m e r j r e n c y w h ic h s h a l l bo l a r e d in t h e la w .

•J- c o n e y ..'0 ( d ) T h .: t p o i n t a n d

n c ie s , o f a l l ex o c p p r o - ( „ ) T i ,„ ( , „ v o m „ .

; p o i n t n i l m o m b o r i1 ju b d lv i .H ,o n » o f c o m m l . i l n n i , c « c

. h n l l r e p o r t t o |„ . ( f ) |,,d t h e I c i t lo ln tu r o . n n d f o r t h o t o r n , .

E F F E C T I V E >'>’ > ?" '• * ' ' W « t t,

i ln to ,’t o ' n b i ' i ,‘IT ect h o r s

, , f s i o n ; p r o v id e d t h a t mu Ic - o n y c o m m iR s io n w h ic h

p n tc Q in tho s o lc c t lo r i of o r r e commendfl t h o oolection of jud

S E C T I O N 2 a . S E N T E N C E S , bob Rhall bo appointed in. the r i ^ P i i A T l O N , . I ^ A i lO L E j A N D m a n n e r p r o i c r l b o d b y U w .

t lD c ln r n t io n t h n t t h o f ro v B rn o r ii u n a b l e , to d l s c h a r c c - t h o - p o w c r a .

- n n d d u t i e s o f HIr o f tlc o . t h o l ie u - to n n n t - K o v o m o r s h a l l I m m e ; d i a t e l y b o c o n io a c t i n u f fo v o r n o r . T h o r o n f t o r , w h e n th o u o v e r n o r t r a n a m i t R to t h e h o u s e a n d so n - a to h ia w r i t t e n d e c l a r a t i o n t h a t n o i n a b i l i t y c x ia tu h o s h a l l ro - s u m o h i s p o w e rR n p d d u t i e s tin - IcRs t h o l i o u t o n a n t - B o v e m o r n n d n m a j o r i t y o f o i t h o r t h o h e n d s o f t h e e x e c u t iv e d e p a r t m e n t s o r o f t h e m e m b e r s o f s u c h o t h e r b o d y a n t h e le j r iB la tu r e m a y p r o .

- - ........... - , v id o t r a n s m i t w i t h i n f o u r d a y si f i r m a t io n , a n d to t h o h o u s e a n d - B o n n to t h e i r

: t i o n a o n r e m o v a l , n s m a y w r i t t e n d o c l p a t l o n t h a t t h o g o v * iR cr ib o d b y la w . I i .u t ja b l® t o d lR c h n r g o th o

T h o p r o v i s io n s o f ( e ) p o w e r s n n d d u t i e s o f h i s o iftc o . s h a l l n o t a p p l y t o m o m - T h e r e u p o n t h e lo g iR ln tu r n

f t h e S t a t e l \ n r C o m m is - B h a ll a a R o m b l '

s h o l l a p - 3 t h o h e a d s •tmentB.

B h a ll a n . o f b o n rd B o p t a s p ro -, n t h o m a n . p r e s c r i b e d

iq u ir

A ith e iin ie a n d for provinW ill of iAld HArvi»y M. p«decoAicd, and lor heflrino thipilcAllon ol M iille W. Potofs lo

of LoTotlam ontAry. when flnd whenperson fntcreil ed m;fiy /ippo.ir

D A T E D Octcibor 9,E V E L V ^ 1 M . t<ItN T Z EDeput

( SEAL) PUDLtSH: 1970.

c n m m e n c ii i f : w i th th e f ’c t ic r a l -c l i 'c ih i ’i o f I ' m ra th e r th a n c \'c rv M m v c a n l i iprs 'iO M h ' r a m i r o i r

A T T O n N C Y G E N E R A L s ' S TA T E M E N T OP M E AN IN G


S. J. n .N o . 121

'T h i '; p r f i |u » c d a m c n d in c




T - n r r i f i e - r ” ” ' ' ’ ”r i F T H J U D IC IA L D lS T H IC T OF T H E S T A T E OF ID A H O ; IN AN D F O R T H E C O U N T Y O F TW IN F A L L S

In Ihe Matter of Iho Diswlution ol G O L D E N V A L L E Y F A R M S , IN C. A Corporation

N O T IC E I S .H C R E O Y G IV E N -T h a t G O L D E N V A L L E Y F AR M S ,

IN C ., a (^drporatiort, oroanii«d and exlRtino under and by virtue ol the lawR of Ih t Slafe of Idaho, ha« filed herein JiB verified application for a

T l * f r i r 9 l i r e r m - O a l & - c o r ‘|io r 'a ir(rn rand tt at AAonday, the 3nd day of Novem ber, 1970, at 10:00 o'clock A. M , of taid day or a i w o n Ihoroalter BI couniel can ba heard, h a i been appointed a t Iho tim e and the court room ol la id D litr lc l Court of the

’ FIflti Judicial D iitrict of the Stale ol Idaho In and for the County of Twin P b II i •< Iho place at vxtiich the taid application l i to be heard, and

Tha t on or beforo iho &ald 3nd day ol Novom ber, 1970, any p v io n may (II* herein h ii objeclloni to luch • p p llca tlo n ’ o r to- the g ra n lin o thaffdf by Ihe above ontlHed Court.

I»/ W IT N E S S W H E R E O F . I have norounlo te l m v hand and alfixed

fc,iM; 111 ih c n f r i t e o f th e c o u n ty s u re r o f ll ic se v e ra l c o u n i i

- f < t t i f - f 4 ) -y e H f* r -f ln < l - i f r - f e c c i tu in ()ro v iii ( in s f ro m S c c iiu n 6 .A f l ic t c .X V II I./ t/a /ir ; Q n n U itu - tu r n , d c j i in i i w ith p i o b j i c and o i l i e r c o u iU y jiid B C i.

S c c t io n 6 o f A r l id e X V II l o l th e U a l io C o m i i n n i o n . a s now in e r f c c t , i t j i c i ih a t (h e Icg is la '

. t i u e ih a l l p (ovic )c f o r tf ic e le c ­t i o n o f ' t h e c o u n t y I tc a s u fc r e v e ry tw o y e a r s . S c c l lo if f t , o f

S E C T I O N fl. G U A A G A I N S T P R O SE X C E P T B Y I N D .................O R I N F O R M A T I O N . — Ni p e r s o n a h a l l b e h e ld t o a n s w e r f o r a n y c r i m i n a l o flfu n se e x c e p t u p o n in d l c t m o n t b y u { r ru n d j u r y s o r o n I n f o r m a t i o n o f th p u b l i c ' p r o s e c u t o r , u x c o n t c o R c s o f m la d o m o a n o r . N o In f o r m a t i o n R h a ll bo f i le d b y th . p u b l i c - p r o s e c u t o r u f t o r i

It IS c h n r u o h a s b o o n I g n o r e d h y i ! o f K r n n d J u r y , n o r u n t i l u f t o r i rc .v c o m m i t m e n t b y u m a B i s t r a t o ( lo e x c e p t t h a t B u c h c o m m itn i o n l,ov«__ aluUL-DOl, bn .rcoiiif^d-in^cuBCf

i m p o a c h m o n t , in caso B u r iu ' in f f i n t h o m i l i t i n d i ' ' t u n l B o rv ic o in t im ep u b l i c d a n x o r , a n d i i ................m la d o m o a n o r ' p u n l s h a b l o b y . p r i s o n Rontonco o f s i x m o n th i o r loRB, o r b y t h o u a a n d d o l U n b o t h s u c h p r lB o f in e .


t r t e r e d in

o f %

o f p e o c o s h a l l b e q u r a n y h o u s e ’ w i t h o u t tho- o f i tn o w n e r , n o r in t im e x c e p t in t h e m a n n e r pi b y la w .

S E C T I O N ............ - ............................O F R E M E D Y F O R , A N Y I NJ U R Y . - r C o u r t s o f ju B tic . ' ' b o .o p e n to e v e r y p e r s o n , . . Rpocily r e m e d y a f f o r d e d fo i o v o r v i n j u r y o f p o r s o t i . p r o p e r t y , o r c i m r a c t o r , n n d r l u h t n n d ju s - t lc o s h a l l . b o n d m i n i a t c n v i w i t h ­o u t . Bale, d e n ia l , d e l a y , o r p ro - ju d i i

m o m b o i S p e e c h 0 b e r , b e p la c o .

a n y s o H s io n ; i f o r w o r d s u t

d e b a t e In e l th i u e s t l o n e d in a

i iVU(]/V 1 I Wi> , 1p R n r K n u n k . s

ed ilM a

r i i \T 7 i M T P t ; ’ S E C T I O N I I . S E S S I O N S O F ' - n n f i v W t h e l e g i s l a t u r e . — T h o

t i l ’n " J '" ” « c o n t in m .u n‘7 ” b o d y d u r in B t h e t e r m f o r w h ic h

t h o m e m b e r s o f t h o h o u s e o f r e p - r e a o n tn t iv e n a r e e l e c t e d . T h o le j j '

ih a i l m oot* i n ro R :u ln r n n teiu la tu bcbhIoB ln n s o f t h o \c « \ c a l l e d b y th o ffo> b o c a l l e d b y h im w h i

■BR G T I Q M ■ C. A L L O C A T I O N - O F O F F I C E S A N D A G E N - C I E S . . . - — ►tho

( a ) A l l o x o c u t iv o a n d n d n t in i s - t r n t l v o oflflcoB n n d n f fe n c io a o f t h o B tB to a n d t h o i r r e B p e c t iv o f u n c t i o n s , p o w o r a , a n d d u t i e s

. B h a ll b e » l I o c a to d b y I r ---------t h o p r i n c i p a l e x e c u t lv

,1 or V o rr .c tlo n a n n .titu . Z Z pr.Vtic.“b n ? c T h o l o B l i l o lu r o ■ h n l l d t i l i t - „ a i „ , . ^ n c t l ,

................jn<l m in im in n d p r o b a t i o n , p r IcaH o n r o c e t lu r o s f lc r ib e i l b y in w e i t h e r c o n v ic te d n r ra in K t t h e s t a t e c h I K ubd lv lfii, s i i c h offt po: til

.. ---------------- w i t h i n f o r t y -if o l B h t h o u r B l f n o t l n B O B B l o n . n n d

a h a l l d e c id e t h o Irbu o . I f t h o lo g - i i l a t u r o , w i t h i n t e n d a y a a f t e r t h o r e c e i p t o f t h o l a t t e r w r i t t e n d o c ln r n t io n o r , i f n o t i n B o a ain n . w i th in t o n d a y a a f t e r t h e I o r Ib Io -

J J l r f t jR . r o n i l l r o / l In n a a n m h ln ^ f ln .^ t e r m i n e s b y tw q - th l r d B v o to i

•o le . a n d r e - s h n l l b o p r c - f o r p e r s o n s o f o f fo n se ji

o r n n y p o l i t i - c o n v lc l e d . -

;l c o n f in e d

m u m b o r f l

d e p a r t ) t h o m , ai

> r d in e I

i l l y . S p e d ; ‘( r i s l n tu r o m a y b i


n'd s h a l l la ji


a t a b l l a h ... B to a d m in

ir in f f I tn i o f w a i

f ln o o f o r loBB. o r

tio n to n cO

S E C T IO 'N 2 4 . G U A R A N T E E I t y o f t h o m o m b o r s o f t h o a o n a to O F _ R I G H T - Q P .S U i : l E U A G E ^ r r - . - n n d , i i J p n i c 'r i t y o f t h i ! ^ m « ‘m b c r f l N o p o w e r , c iv i l o r m i l i t a r y , s h a l l o f t h o n o u s o r e q u e s t n im to d

,n y t im i . i’t h "or I d . N o i t h o r h o u i o i h o l i n d j i id b iw f u l f o p n io r o t h a n t h r o o d a y a w i t h - d i i c t li

I t t h o p o r m l i a l o n o f t h o o t h o r :c o p t w h e n t h o a o n a to i:

c vc iy iw u years, a c c u o n o , oi p ,W | i T m p a i t

-Afti.lo-XVmra»-imvrinT!ffectr“ ? ^ n B l i L r «

in to rfi - p yovotit th o froo

if oxorclso o f tlio r lirh t o f auffrujri



................... property .luMlllciitloni ihnll bo SECTION 12. ORQANIZA-GUARANTEE\ f“ TION AND PROCEDURE INblJA U A M lhM ,n y ., |,o llo ri «iic«pt In <!tc- T ;iia;iEG I8LA TU nB . — Each

.( ." .. ''S llS i! < iu n » i .ju d i-i t o r l u c l i c i „ | , lo n ip o r n l 'y n i t o n c io i c « .

t n b l i a h o d b y l a w m a y , b u t n e e d S E C T I O N 2 4 . I M P E A C H - n o t . b o n l lo c n to d w i t h i n p r i n i i -

M E N T . — ( a ) T h o e l e c t e d o f ll- P n l o x o c u t iv o d e p n r t i n e t^ ta .c i a la o f t h e o x o c u t iv o d e p a r t - ( c ) T h e l a f f l i l a t u r e a h n l l p r o - n o m in n t c n l lo u to n n n t- ir f l m e n t , j u B t l c o i o f t h u B U p re m e i c r l b o t h e p o w # M ~ « n d d u tle H O f ‘ W h o 'ih t t i r r i» k o 'b f n c o u p o n e o n f lr : c o u r t a n d Jud((O R o f a l l c o u r t s t h o 'p r i n c i p a l e x e c u t lv o d e p a r t - m a t l o n b y e a c h houRO o f t h e l/iB- m a y b o I m p e a c h e d f a r . ^ l a e o n - m o n ta a n d o f a l l o th e r 'n f i e n c i e a l a l a t u r o b y a m a j o r i t y o f t h e

o f t h e a t a t o i a n d m a y f r o m t lm o m e m b e r a v o t i n g .o fflce .

. . . . . --------------- v o t in j r I n b o tl: .hAUROR t h a t t h o j r o v e m o r ia u n ­a b l e t o d iacharffo t h o p o w c rR a n d d u tio R o f h i s o fflce . t h o . l ie u - t e n a n t . j o v o m o r R h a ll c o n t in u e

. to diRchnrffo t h e d u t i e a o f O ctin ff u o v e r n o r ; o th o rw iR O . t h e B o v u r- n o r a h a l l r e a u m e t h e p o w o r a a n d d u t i e s o f h ia offlce .-

( 0 ) T h e n c t in t r ( r o v e r n o r a h a l l h a v o a l l t h e p o w o ra a n d d u t io a o f , t h p B o v o m o r .. ( f ) W h e n e v e r t h e r e ia a v a ­

c a n c y in t h e o fflce o f l i e u t e n a n t - ', B o v o r n o r , t h o B o v e r n o r Bhall' io m in n tc a l lo u to n n n t - i :

f h u T h n ♦ in ii ii. ft# r i in r « B e n iB . t o t lm o . r e a l l o c a t e o fflc e a a n d ( b ) . T h o h o n ,o o f p , , n c l p » l

lO M lo h f o r t h o i o l . n n d l o p - v o to o f u

t o p n r p t . . , . o f . c o n . l d . r l n e 'I S lo J S w S r t i c l S I " " ” -m ia c o n d u c t n n d t h e r e b y I n i t i a t e im p o a c h m o n t p r o c e a d in i r o .

p u rp t iL ____m n r m a t l o n o f a p p o in tm i

d e p a r t m e n t ! m o d i f y , d im r c h a n s e t h e .

e v c o p t t h a t

/id e s , a m n iig o th e r th in g 's , f o r Ihc b ie n n ia l c ic c tid n o f .1 p r o b a ic ju d g e in c a c h t i f i l i e jc v e ia l c o u n i i c t . u n le is Ihe leg it- l a iu ic d c i c f m in e j ’o t l i c r w i ic . and t h a t a p r o b a te ju d g e ur-'Oiher c o u n iy j u d g r n i a y b e a c o u n ty o f f i c c i j r [ jro v id cd b y ta w .

T h is p r d p u jc d a m e n d m e r r l . If a p p r o v e d . W ill fc m o v e th u sc pro- v i i i o n t u f S e c l io n 6 , . A riic io X V II l ic la i in g to th e p rc b u lo ju d g e o r o ih e r c o u n ty ju d g c i ,

p e r s o iBufflcient R>ir c a p i t a l o f fe r p r o o f la o v id e i t i o n a : r e a t . B l - n o t b e r e q u i r e d .

. , , v n a i i i u o r o f t h e l e f f i a l a t u r o a h a l l f o r b o t h e ( In a l J u i l d o o f w h o t h o r at h o in iT rS e U V I I I m o m b o r h a a l> een o le o to d n n d ia

u i o ,in a r U c l e V I I I , B o c tlo n a 4 u n d 6 . o th p r w la o q u n l in o d . E a c h c h a m

S o i l B h a ll S E C T I O N 2 0 . H E S E R V A - T I O N O F R I G H T S N O T H E R E

. , J . P tW h o re

r t h o p ro i

(<^) T h o l e n a t e a h a l l t r y . a U t l i U h t t f t f i r n T W l i c d n d u c t . I s o lu c t t h o p r o a id ln B o f fic e r o n e m a y b o c o n v ic t e d o f

horBO B u n lo a a t w o - t h l r d i

, , rB ii’t u r e 'a h i U n 'o i 'a h o ilB h a n y o f . ill p > o o r a i r e n e y c r e a t e d b y th l a

( f f ) T h e lo B iB la tu r e . In c a i e i : n o t h e r o i n p io v ld e d f o r , m a y e n ­a c t l a w a f o r a u c c e a a io n to t h o o f . ' f lee o f B o v e r n o r a n d l i e u t e n a n t - Ifovornor.

ARTICtl V T H f.JU D lC U lM l» A iim iM r

i h i n s a % ’‘o f i ; ; r a t o ”; : then 7 nn a n d r u l o a o f p r o c o S u r e ; c w r i * •

c o n a tT tu t io n , not* a h a l i t t ' a b r o - .N o b b u o r c u r t a i l a n y p o w e r , f u n c - S E C T I O N I . E S T A D L I S H -

u c l j t l o n . o r d u t y h e r e in c o n f e r r e d M E N T O F A S I N G L E F O R M ’ o f u p o n a n o fflce o r a f f o n c y . O F A C T I O N . - - D i a l i n c t l o n B b e -

( d ) T h e B o v o r n o r m a y m a k e t w e e n n c t io n a a t l a w a n d BUita lu e h c h R h s e i I n t h e a l l o c a t i o n o f « n u | t y , a n d t h e f o r m i o f a l l

party «eouiod< Bhall havo th« rl|rh i to ftT^peedy and publli

l e m b e r . I W ,H . A . LA N C A ST E R

- C le # k . --------Olilr’ET^S^i-------*"d no p.r.i>n of QJKV.J'ln' thJ^'oiliV""""’”’ " E R N M E N T S .- In o rd .r K, In- dl..p i|rov.d

* . » » ■ ' iou,>i4)y.aii. a ta ln it hlniMU/ . pwp»ny balonjlnir .to ona of PASSING BIl Ls ____ No Uw P ^lod i o t ■MMiwncy Naultln* a a c lh o u m .

' ■ \ h

A I T I C t l l l *DII1IIBUVI0N o r rOWIRI Of THI

OOVIRNMINT Cl* THI ITATl ........- T h e p o i W M ’f l l ^ t h V i o ^ ^ ^

O F s f S t F T a F STiitP r\^f3T^T from holdino' any aUte ail THE .LEGISLATURB. — The ^ nerlocT buBlnoM of each houao of the -ii^S. Y,U ^ • - lojrialuture and of the committee [," ' i J | ' j .....................II 1- . . . . . . I conyicioa

„ aa auch chantfOB a(Tec>, - ,ir law, th«y ihall ,be u t Pfl'"

o d a i a t u r r a n T o f t h r c ’o m m l t t e e { ." n iicV o d o r a c a S k t l / w n a n a f * K K “ **^ ' A0 X I N 8 T ' T H E ' S T A T e 7 ' ' l A h o w h o le a h a l l bo t r a n a a c U d t o Jrim ?> ?n l n r o a S l ^ o ^ T r o a a o n a g r e l n l T ^ e a U t e ah i

..fol: to have the'nroeeaa. of the court to eoi^pel the «tten>

'•unlo te l m y hand and aifixed C T , , , . ' : , ' ! r 7 ‘''', ‘I * " ® * wliWeaioi In Wa behalf,

v S w ld , , ,^ i iS « h ° d a y ^ '^ ^ s S ! 7 u r r i pSreon R*TCth"«>una5l.^ - " o f‘ th i r r tS to ° l r ^ AMENDMENT 0 ^^’b I L L ^ SECTION SB. CONTINUITY

the Judicial; ami no nerao., «, , . , . xt - o ______ «... ...- --------------- --------------- --aure continuity of atate (<nd lo. ourrod in by bhth houaea by

--------------- -— ----------- ...---------- . ----------- --------------------- . n p v o t lB i "


S ix -:KiuM, aijd may ara.nd.il or e r NMENTS. - In ord.r, ^ jH- dlaapi>rov.d b^ k K.olulion T n i t^ iX o n y of * wo- Ktwo- wltnei_ o v r t

rn open coul., ..... . . . ture ihmll have the ppwer I

l e g a l N O T IC E L E Q A L N O T IC E L E G A L N O T IC E L E G A L N O T IC E L E G A L N O T IC E L E G A L N O T IC E

: tilOil I

. c ln m tlio iH iiiiB lim cn t f o r I rp i i-( c ) r h o lo c n t lo n o f p h n n ib o r * S K C T I O N K K S T R I C T I O N W u f t u r l » i K rn » U - l . lo t\u

SV’ C T IO N ^ v v v « r i t t v n v f J " " f l« o <l ■ t r l c t c o u r l n i« ; y u v ; (U-’ « A « O M N K T A X - H lu t« l»y U i« uu lU i»u il U dV i-niS c n 'K H K I G N 1 V. A N D M O T O R V K i n C t .K m i- n t , k m m -ti l u bcIkhiI

‘T K c ..... ...........--X ■ u k ( ; i S T a A T K ) N K K i : S . - T h o i p u l thoH o In lU 'li .oH o v o re lp i lin r ( , i ) n r ; t l t o c H u ljIc t jirr tc iio tla friiiu t iu i « f m ir l i ; Iiu u Ih lu ’q t i l r c i l l iy i r i f t il

(’o u r l Blmll ronlcltf In t im i l l i t r l r l H ny tuK n il «n«< tlltie « ii . l . .) ju ^ lo r j r i a t i t f r < . i i i ,n n y i i n n o nIn u ’l i i f h liu wnH p lc c lm l o r t o v t - h lr lo fm -li ko Ii I •t'mml Ut I 'o n v lio n n i u W n » y la w cw lilc li )io w o n i i p p o ln U d . itroi>i>l n u i lo r v trh lc lo n u p o n t i n t o f tlii> in u lo n i i l ir“ v t ‘r»»nti

( u ) T ill) M iiliirv o f lmhr.<B l i f i l i r U 'H y i in f OiIh h U iIu tin il f r o m n il o l l i u r K niH tR o f liin il■ - ^ ^ I . 'm 1x ? .I n » y tn v o r fee t o r l l i o r , . « U t n i . t l i . . . l u t e f r o m tlu* i.H lio i

l i l t H in t t io i i o f n id ti ir v e l i l r l e « , iii u» ;n ‘nn f r i u i u ' i i t f o r in -n i 'rH l.i 'i l i il i o iilm ll n o c o m n ry cob I h o f i-oII.t -j i i i r i m■Inir h U t t n n a m i a i ln ih j iB lr i i t lo iw in i l « iij '*T '^n»ii

iliiill not l>i> nifHo, ....... n*” »»y politlnil BUluii.

ylH o n . isv i-i'iu to tl i« c x t o n t hiwI H tlu* inm uH T p rp m -rib o d h y tli.>

le iriii i i l i in - • u l iB o ip io n t to llio . ■ " O p tio n o f .ih lB o o .iB iilu lio .K

- t l l y o ru H iiiz u il III Him o u in m n - i i u r i c u l tu r iW p i i r t '|i r« H c i'll iu il l iy I ftw , v / l t l i u n u u t i l iy u u d i mili.iir liiH lit H onui <liiiliu*(| p o r t i o n p r in to r H hIiiiII Imi

o f tli i i H tiit« iin i l w i t h (iliiciiilH ii i ' o v IhIo i): w h o i i r o d lo r to il h y v o to rH ri>Hiil. t i i U i n u - o f p: > U r,o r o w ii i iu r Im ii! w i th in n ia -li p u h l lo itm l

A 'ho i i r u n p p o l i i h 'i l r u ( | t o in v

.Hi'jt. I h u til Hppr<

||I>J|.CI til Htirli

T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 32 , J970 , T lm M - N e w i , T w i a F a t l i , I d a h o

L E G A L N O T IC E L E G A L n '6 T IC E

H K C r iO N .’1. V O T K O P

U K I .E f iA T I O N I’OWUIl OP

r i l K a :i 'A T K , — • ( « ) K x r a p l f o r|i Iho |i o « r (0 try ItnintnclunoiitK! H i'l l o r t l i In H cctiDii 'J j r>f n rtiL 'li)

M l, th e jiH lic iu l p o w o r o f till--------------

l*y th o I c j r l . l a t n r e , « x t« p Ifiol B u ln ry n f p iic h ft JlhlL-

o f |( iw n 'K i i l a t in j f ih it P K O in .K I tK Q \ I [ U K |) . — K „ . p o \ p r Iv u t f f p r o p o r l y f o r p ro p o H u l f . i r a n n w o o n H iim t lo n » 1‘ '

t i l u l l o n . [

lo t bo 1 1 1of omc.

iBbod 111

• I f ) T lio Ju .lu o B W ltllll ( l iH trk 'tB lu ill fluh^cl c o u r t poB ltlo i

- .•fu m l < TPlllt

J s s s : 'i= j0 r 3

I liiftVn’iliirloii o r w h o iiru a p p o ln io ii rod to in u i'clioii - U o f iirtlciii I m «-n l to, U m '"r«n u lU u lTo Ti w b I ’n i O M i' r i “ '*' H l ’ ‘ *“ - '" » » t i lu l lo n . [ th o r jnm io b y tho lncl(*liit'urr (

nilo to H'lbtllviHhiti «h a ll iiu'li;»lii blit not u r m O M .1 ' ^ ro n H tltutb m n l (‘onvoritloi

tllmui IIUM Hi u I.inl inilni'-in!ll t-'ONTINl.'IN'*; I'tKJHTS T(1t i o n a l n . u .m i p a l , W A T K I l . — W b o n rV i- r a n y u -n . q » « lin < ..l o W to rH o f , |W

‘| i " l «‘ h o o . j I l i a d . I ....... .... „\ux\\ I... 8H«’b p r o p o a a l h y

v i.h ,lu y h*..iirlB .

■rod f o r lu d mi p A r t o f hoc nb a ll !)< <livt>rt(<

■ n r fiiiHlH o r o tlH 'i'w i o tIiiT p n r p o a . 'H w h a t

‘'o»rt. „ district Vbiirl. ■ (,r) Tho ninmmr of idcctlo» lhl‘ "S,^ 1(1 H m b o tb o r n m r t t i in f»>rinr n m l to im ro o f Ju d ifo « o f t h o d la - ij iN itlo i

"»„.?ECT10N 11, A U T I I O n i T V I ' ' " " " ' "

l l u i l lU M in l , III I i r l i l l r i t in i l O F A J U D f i E O E T I I K I l I S -111 TRIC-T r o u n r , a k k t i r e d


AN INTEftllATEl) .lUDIL-IAl' ■'‘f’''' JlJlMCrAbBYSTKM. — Tho courlH Hball I’lS IK lC l. — Whon rcqueited

:con«titiit.> a and intcirra-' j ‘'Htico to do so. n• tir l ! i S of SECTION 1. I.I.MIT (IN Al'

' { ' '" ‘-‘■‘c t t i v o h o d y o f a p o l i t i c a l niibd: m il a i i p r o p r in l e m o n ie n o f r i 'm i u f s f o r t h . - iu T

r w h ic h till- a p p r i .p r i i i t i .H is , n.ie.

.........................‘y whoHoH. i l i i lb 'u , o r f ii iu tlt.nH a r t ' ih h y tb U f o im t i tn l l i i n .

( d ) A ll R tn tti n m cnrH , it'nrl n il H tiito b o a n lH . inm niiH H ioiiK , a n d airnnc-b.H I'K ci-p i im th o y ar<> a h o l . Ihhi-d b<-ri-in , w hall ro n l.in in - t . r

t l n ' i r « lm li-H sa n d

iHhiiVl n r i i n l i l t h o i r a r .-H . liif’ti.fl a-nd rp m lil^ in i n c c o r .l - in if t o t h i s r o i . ' t t i t u l i o n o r t lu i law K i> n a rlf( l p i i r H iia h l t l i iT f t o . f

S K C T I O N ' r,. T l l A N . ' i m O N




■ir n rA p K I 'A iA I K JV;,: J'L'Ht.lC KDL'CATIONAI

d I j sTITL’TlONS, — Thn a - c t a r in n I 'o ii tv o l »< :- a l lo n a l h iM im t io n

'K .T b . 'i v H lu iU h o r n in p u h l i f c d n c a t i f

..ns lH-oam><> uf viu-v

............. il ( h i t icllv lB ln iu i. a n d . f o r I h i 'I r l m o r p .1

I, daitHmcatlon, a - r j r o r , d iv iH io n

|> ro v ld u d t lia i l i t y m a y bn <)i' o r c o n .i.iH d a t. '< l

SIvCTIOX f, AlM'IiOPIUA.' (S rt i l iny j S ™T I O N S I 'O l l T H E J U O I C I A I , I n i i l o n 0 c li n D E I 'A I I T M E N T . - T l .o c l i l i .f L \ l l » ti io . l i i ty " f r j i K l s o i f J j l iH tiu - » lia 1 R iih m it r i-qu i;8 tB f o r t h o illB lr lc t c o u r t t o c o m p ly w i t h , n i i l . r o p r iu l i m i . f o r H ic j i i . l u l a l i in y m ic li ro q iiD .ln , • S E I T I I I N Ti. E S T A I I I . I S l l .'ili'linrtmcTU to lllf i:OviTiior mill .............. 'SECTION 2, I.IMITli ON IN- MENT OE THE STATEto tliB li'Ki.liiluri-, Th™i. ii|i|iro- SECTION IS. JURISDIC-pKnTEDNESS OE THE llO A Iin 'd E ElirCATION. —

‘pruilloii. uliiill proviili' (or loni- T’O f ' D STRICT STATE ANII OE POI.ITICAI. Tlo' foniiiilutii.ii nf liolii'V for. (Itiinmioo for tliii jm ticci iiiiii COlIIiT. — llin , l . t r k i court sUItDIVISlONS. — m l No iL.l.i oii.l Hi.' (.- ik'toI suil.'i visioii of. Jii.lBL's, iiiliini’s for tlio pot.oii. «liul Imvo or itllinl jllrltiilclion ,tKiII lii' liinirri'il I.V i r iiollli.-iil tli.'

' In a l l c H n im a l a n d c iv i l a c t i o n s m ib d i v h io n imU-«-i tb .> m in u i s i 's i a m i B i.ch i ip p e lb i to J u r lB d l c t l o n '. , f k .k- I . 'd r b t i.rc w i t h i n a A i s s i - t ag p r u s m b c d b y l a w . - l i c a l i .m p r l '^ i . . l l^ ly a u th o r ia l . ', I >

S E C T I O N U . Q U A U F I C A . t b o lo jriH liiiu ro . iT I O N S O F J U S T I C E S O F T H E n a K odL -ln o U k t i h i i n . .m - r e - ^H U P H K M E C O U R T A N D J U D - ,,, , - a b le w ^ H r is ? p " im l. I’C E S O F ' T l l n : D I S T R I C T f f i i n ; ; i „ a ,n ' ; . , l b y iti i u l u i l f '

S E C T IO N 7. T H E S U P R E M E C O U R T . — J u s t i c c f i o f t h e b u - •,7^ 1,,. „ ta U ‘ n r a j io i i l i . a l s u b ,I I . ‘COURT OF THE STATE. — t»>o viHton uxcui.t for 0•• • sUhU u’V court nbnll hu cUizcmi of ouiflUlonn (VislinctI

im l b o i . - I U o f n o d m l i e a t lo n

le d h o i r . i . I 'x r i l b HUci'(>Nifor>

n lio .i o x - llu^ roafl* .'!« l o f a m a j o r - ho d o p r iv c o u n t y o f th i! o f t h i i t w v n t i i u r o n th u <b)i)ii.-Htic purpO K o

ifa ti* th e la n d s o n tp n t— ' S H ( = T I t> N - i i :u J iI ; |- .O L ‘A T I O N - i m p r o v e « l ; n ip o n - p « y m is t i . O F I S D E H T E D N K S S W I I E N A f o r a m i c o m p l i a n c o..... P O L I T I C A L S U H D I V I S I O N LS <!‘iu i l a b I o tc rm H a m i

M E R ( ’.K I) . C O N S U L I D A T E I ) , “ h ‘im i m tv u s e d D IV I U E I ) . O R D I S S O I .V E l ) .— " '» > • i»- I'

Il w n to rH Kn ( J c d l c a lc d •H oiii-o b o i't) l io b l . ro i i to i l

i i tv d to H iiy p u r H o n . ' iiH w 't t l o . l u p o n o r I m p r o v i id . S E C T I O N r>. P R O C K D U R K m l f.n - a i ' r i c u l t u r a l P«Jn>o«'-H F O R V O T I N fJ . ~ ( a ) P n .p o s a lK I th th e v i. iw o f r u c i - i v in i r . t h o b y tb n lo u i i i l a lu n i fi

T I I O R I T V O K C O N .iL t**d-j; r n w T i o N o F - iN it f t t o t i i a t -

O F T H I S C O N S T I T L 'T I O N .

ic h R tit i i l lo i

T h u h-i whi'

u-1.u r t ; th o

o f th e


'riinn, bin aniendimInhitratnrH , iihnll he1. sh all notlis cnhHont burlKlatiiiinnuiii UNI! needed fn r

.'.■ ■ ii!, ; .! : ; ';

. U » ) I ’*tin nal co H titutio n

i c n t t h c r e - - a m e nd nu

w ith such nhall be

cniiditiom i 1 and timoM c onve ntii

-'scribe-.l hy

r fo i

rn tu d o n b y tb<’ p i-u pb - mori' mu'nUouH un ihv

R h a ll d e rii lo ... .

ono iiu lH b y a ro i iH ti tn - iv tm ti i in f o r a n u w c o iu o r f o r a r iw ix in n o f , o r n t - t o ; - i b i > o o i « i i t i t i i i i o n .’o to t l o n b y lb i! - iiu u t» l i '

m<iri> qm -«li*inH a s t h e n K h ali ( b 'c id e .

( a i A ll ra .s .v . o fli i r l i f .n n io d .in the

.................. . \m U ‘ r ih o a u t h o rio n o f o r x i i t i i l i .m o f IM'J i l i i l i l T i t i o l i ^ ' i t b i i i iW’t. y

r K u l i o h d a t i ' . s h a l l hi b y Ih ir K u p rfm c

l lK lV w o ti<in d a t - t h i s ro n

•|Vussod- duti* .

(b) E) f o n l a n c r

^ . : r “j;ii;;i..............• l i d a 't r d . i i i v i d r d .

XptM0 t i iH i ru 't c o u r t ,

- a m i i n f n i o r c o u r t - : I h c m o n e y n iH '. - s s a rv 'lo r - th e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n

••■of th e in tu i r rn to il c o u r t h y H tem ; ‘a n d n il o t i i c r i*xncnRe!i o f th e ju d ic i a l dep

ihl tb<- .n] •

" ( a ) T l’■ 'th e h itrh cH t

iim l sH all coi ' o n e o f w h - ; ) i l« l f ■' r ro f ts t

to se \

_______ i r t B h a ll b .o u r f o f t h o H ta tc 1st o f fiv e ju H tic o a . s h a l l . lu> Ih o c h ie f


T h e U 'iM « b iT O r L n i i r y n i i ^ “ ^ " ‘“ V / ”T ^ th e . n m u b c r n f J u s t i c e .

t h e U n i te d S ta te H . r c s i d o n t i . th o f l t a to , .n m l s h a l l h a iro b o o n (<^) a d m i t t e d t o p r a c t i c e b e f o r e t h o o h l i i r a t io

' t r - o f - l h e - * t f t t e - f o r th o - t ia U

i c t ly

( b ) A n v d i s t r i c t • o r a n v r e t i r e d »ii j u s t

: .su p r

i m r e m i c rm r i S K C T I O N U ________________r e . d i s t r i c t T I O N S O N J U S T I C E S A N D

>y i i t w i t h t h , J J r lD O K S - “ A lu s t i c o 0; t h - -

of 1 u l h o r i t ) t ' p c c if ic d ,

i r t , a t i t s ;l w i t h tl:

if u ju s t ic u m th e c a u s e s | i

( c ) T h e i iu p n - m o c o u r t mn>Ml o n h u n c ^ r In d iv is io n n o f n o t fc k-sfl t h a n th r e o j u s t i c e s . I n c ase fi, iho c o u r t s h a l l s i t in d iv is io n s M tch d iv is io n s h a l l b a v o tli

i r t lU rt H

e je c tio n o f j i . . . , .Jd m ll b e n o n -

( d ) LiR E S T R I C -

• t h e I. ,i ls - . l e b to d n e


deb t to Hi . .,s Bluill h e in c u n -e n b y

. .p o l i t ic u l - J iu b i l i



pol.lic .S. I,• S t a l e r-h i.il hi- v.->t i l . ' h o a r d o f I 'd iU ’i.li.Mi r i>{ ih . t n io iv t h a n lit v e r I h n n n in e n i r in h i v e r s a n d d u t i e s u f th :i t h e oM U 't n m n h r r a: uili.-.- o t ' t h '.M T ibed h\

p o i a t r d by

l i t a h l y .

-M e n

rs. Th.' .■ hoard i.i t.M'm ihlill he h.TS ot


i l i s s o lv e d , nt.HH o r th e b n rd i- i

'h a l l iiu a l l o c a t e d a m a n n . . r - a n . l l,y

an^ iiK e iK 'y t . r a» ,'f tu -ii-s to b e p i e - .sV rihed by l a w ; p n .v i . l e d . b o w - e v o r , t h a t th o l o n t r a o t i i a l r i i r h t s o f th .- o w n .T s o f s iic ) i i n d e h to d - nob» s h a l l n o t In- im p i . in - d in a n v w a y . T h e i i m v i s i o n s ^ f a r t i c l . - V i n s h a l l n o t a p p l y t o a n y s u c h

il.- t h a t 1“ 'S E C T I O N r.. P R I O R I T I E S

A N D M .M r f .V r i O N S O N U S Eim l .- b t i ; . f ^ O F .\V .A T E R , — W H l . . . . . . . .........

>{ u iie h i n . t h a n . o n . - p J - T H o n h a a s o t t l o d u p d la n . l w i t h t h •n p r




S E C T I O N I . E F F E C T I V E I D A T E O F T H I S C O N S T I T U . .• T I O N . — K x c o p t a s h e r o '

n il

iu r t x h a l l n o t e n l .T t a i i io f o r iu in r d j u r i s d i r i l 6 i iy e i ir n a f l e r ' l h c r n l i ( i . - aunleKsi p r o v id e d f o r in

s l i t u l i o n r a f l e r ~ l b Q

:c c n t a s ni W llh th e

lO difi.'.l in a.v p n iv i s i . i n s o

H li lu t i . .n . a l l o x iK lin t

iT im ii ia l ii a ln l i l i o s , p r o1, ju d fm ie .rn ji, a u m ^ n c e ;I f c r e e s . a i111' a p p e a l s 11

a l . th

i t b c r w i s e i 'x p re s K ly o r o v i . ie t l , ii ih ', r o n - t h in c o n s t i t u t i o n s b a l l bo in • ro f.f . a s f n rc o f r o m a n d i n c l i i d i n c th . ; . l a y •I o f th lH tw o y o a rH h f t o r t b o d n to o f i b i! a m o n r r r n t i f lc B l io n b y tb o p o o p io o f t h o ■e H iipo- s t a t e .

f s u c b .S E C T IO N 2 . R I G H T S U N -•al o rd '

im p r r t '' f D E R . A R T I C L E X X I O F C O N - td r n i i

in v io la tio • t id e .

•e ti. I I o f

, th e

o f th o

ir t ic o o f la w , b o b ^ o f f ic o »»iH

ss h y . t h e ib ii iv is io n s h a l l be iH ln luro . b u t s t a l e Blinll n e v ..T excoe .

KHte t b o

:a t io i r h o ld I

bo I i y o th o :

|)0W nd a< . i i r l in th o

. th e i s s n in j r o f th e e x e rc is e , o f p o w e r s vo i th o c o u r t h y t h i s c o n s t i t u i b v s t n t a t e . s u b j e c t to Ihi

M'nil control. luvM oU w 'i i n d ' r o j r i i l a t io n s , n f t h o ' f i i l t in p cn b n n c ; b u t a l l

lo fln rii. L i m i t s i111 i i i iy im l i l lc n l p i i r l y o r i i n r i i s n n | i in i r a m » o f u o n c r n l olil:

c n n i l l i l n to l io n 'l? I » « I " - “ “ ‘ n u b l ic o f . f r a c t i o n o f tno a i s p o s e . l

•e. t i o n o f p r o p e r ty w i th in ^ t l

„ o , „ S E C T I O N 15. T H E I N F E R - b o l l , l , ' ' \ \ r ; . t k m o ' " 'l i o r l t y o f . t l i u f ill lO R I” " - !iM c ^ io a t io n J "

1‘ :! I'. ; r o d i° lo n l t i ? U ? ~ ^ S E C T I O N ! L I M I T

il l.y 1, •Itiixini:

p o l i t ic a l

j . e t t o c n l U n . a t i n i ] 1 l>y t l i r s .-n -

v V ' F r t T o N ' r n l i P o R A f i rP O \ \ T R S ■ ( I F T A T E I N -. ' i T I T U T l o N S ( i l ' l I K i l l K RL K A H N I N C . — T hu n i o n s . . f h i i j h e r le i i in in K '. - i n -c tu . i in j r th o ^ e n o w lo c a te d a tH o is ,.. L e u i > tn i i . a ■ I.i P o e a te l l oa n d ^ u e h o t h e r in:s t i t u t i o n s o fh i i r h e r l e a r n im r an m a y h e r e a f -t e r hv c r e a t e d b v th . s h a l l h a v . . .th e s a n PUW .TS l.S lln w o r h.

• l .- i r ih ln lu v e .-

seSM -.l b v th e U n iv e r s i t y o f l . l a -\u, a t .M .isc 'ow .


inii . ..1 p u r p o s . 's u n d .

o r d i s t r i b u t l o i >v ided f .> r in i tc c t -i.'U*, p r i o r i t y in h p e r s o n « S h u l l r i i y o f r i t r h t t o t h ' t o r in t h e n u m o r

s u c h K e ttlc -m o n tu . .S E C T I O N I. C O O P E R A T I O N m o u t s : h u t w h o n o v c r th

O F P O I . I T I C A L S U H D I V I - o f s u c h w a t e r s h a l l n o t I S I O X S . — T h e I f j r i s l a t u r e m a y t i e i e n t to m e e t t h e d .-m u n d :a \ i t h o r i z e n n v tw o o r m o r e p o l l - a l l tlVofie d o s i i ; ln tr t o liHO i t , i........ r . u n i s .

^ i c a l s tih .i iv tM o n s lo - n i r r r r - tT r r i r T - p r io i - i ty - r r f - f lK h t - H h f t l l - b e - s u b je c t - , s i n i r l y f o r a l l , o r j o i n t l y , t h a t - t o r o o a o n f tb lo l i m i t a t i o n s r o - n , o t 'n iv iT H i ty w b i i 'h t a c h is e m p o w e r e t i o r n - c n n l i n i r t h o f j u n n i t y o f w a t e r u e n t s b y th o T o r r l t o r j q u i r e d to do . u s e d a m i t im e s o f u s e n s th e „ r b y th o C o n s t i t i i t i o

S E C T I O N C O O P E R A T I O N »-’^ iB l« t i i r e , h a v i n g d u o r o j r a r d „ r „ h u r e b y c o n tln u .> .l O F T H E S T A T E A N D O F P O - I>r‘« r i t y _o f n t r h t tl '

.-toil ( c ) ' A r t l c l

h a l l

V t

n t in i

.................. j f t h in c o n s t i tu -ih a l l c o m o in to ofToct tw o

y e a r s a f t e r . t h e r n t i f t c i i t i o n d a te .( iD - D iB t r ic t c o u r t ju d ( ;e s

h o ld in g ' n tlic c tw o y o n r» n f i o r th e r a t i l^ c n t io n d n t o a h n l l c o n t i a u o in o fflco u n t i l t b o o x p iro tio i* o f th e

L I T I C A L S U H D I V I S I O N S W IT H O T H E R P O L I T I C A L U N I T S . - T o t h e e x t e n t p o r - n i i t t i 'd b y th e C o J ia ti

• th e U n l le . l S t a t e s , th turi>- m a v m i th o r l^ o th e p o l i t i c a l su b d iv ia io n H . a t e in th e n d m i n i s t r a t i f u n c t i o n s n n d p o w

, S T I T U T O N O F IH llO .— ( a ) T b o P l 'i y - lo c ia i o n o f Vho U n lv c r n l t y o f I d n -

h o - a s o H ta b liiih o d b y e x i s t i n g _ l a w s ill h e r e b y c o n f i r m e d . A ll t h e

» r i g h t s . im m U n l tle g . p r l v l lo tf e s ,

o f I d a h o o f i« m i

i in d c o n -

i>d .f o r w l i lc h i lu i y w e ro t-b a p p o i n t e d . T h o tu r m o f

iu B lifo o f t h o s u p r e m e ...........h o ld in i r nfflco tw o yon irn n f t e r t h e

i m p r .

e.s o f th o se . f s e t l l e m c i .y b y Uiw

u b -

r n m o n t ip .d i t i c a l j i i ib d iv is io i

..................................... p p t . ..d i c t i o n n r o s c r i b c d - b y li

rm o f o fflco , c n m p o r. in it f lc n ttrrn n . -tn T T r T nrm i

' f h * C U M U L A T IO N O F F U N D S B Y

S E C T I O N 1, .'^E A T O F S T A T E C iO V E R N M E N T . - T h e

o f th e s t a t e

...........p illin v o lv in i r th

i s t i t u t i o n s o f t h e U n i te ite.s o r o f t h e s t a l e n b a l l 1) id e d o n ly b y th e c o u r t c

f e r i o r c( b y la w ,

o f ju d i r e a o f s u c h in - f a b a l l b e p r o s c r ib e d t*>


T H E S T A T E A N D H V i ’O L I T I - « h a l l b e lo c a t e d a t Boi o f C A T . S U l l D i y i S l O N • ■



( h ) A ll o t h e r p e r s o n a p o sB o s s - in tr s t i l l e x i s t e n t r i j r h t s a n d p r i v .

s p r in i . i le ir e s u m le r t h o .S c h e .lu lo a n dj t i o n ^o f O r d i n a n c e o f A r t i c l e X X I o f th e .J o u iU t t - S E C T I O N - « . R E G U L A T I O N ^ " " " t i t u t i o n o f im *0 , in c lm l in i f l u lo a n d O F R A T E S F O R U S E O F W A - t h e c i t y o f H e l le v u p , H h all c o n -

T E R . — T h e l o i ' i s l a t u r e - s h a l l P o H se s s a n d e n j . i y t h e mp r o v i d e - h y la w t h o m a n n e r in v m d o r t h e p ro v is io n H o f t h i s c o n - w h ic h ro a B o n a b b * m a x im u m i^ t i t i i t io n .r a t e s m a y ho e s t a b l i s h . - d f o r t h e ' i c ) A ll p r o p e r t y a n d i n « l i l i | . u s e o f w a t e r s o M . r e n t e d , o r ii< ,n s o f t h e t e r r i t o r y b e c m n in i r l i i a l r i b u t e d f o r a n y u s e f u l o r t h e p r o p . - r l y o f t h e s t a t e u p o n

f lc ia l p u r p o s e . t h e a . l o p t io n o f t h e C u n H t i tu t io nf IKiH) s h a l l so c o n ti i

n o f t i i e i r • ith o l h e r

o r t h e i r

h e

S E C T I O N • ? . E S T A H L I S I I - .M E N T O F A S T A T E W A T E U

ra tific a tio n da te ishall e xp ire at.m id n ie lU _ D £ -th o _ t h k t y if lra t -d a y .of D e ce m be r fol|o\vinL' thoelection hi-Teina r te ) >'e<iuiredunle«H hi> r e le n t ftn in o l i o isa p p ro v.'d a t fluc I election. A lthe g eneral elect un im m e d ia te .ly p rio r to tbo e xp ir/ iiio n ofthe te rm o f offlc i> to w h ic h bewa.s elected o r iiippointe.l, and

f :r 'r “th .--re n fle r so

lo n u as lie Ti fic u .. e v e r y - auch S i r i . i f Tho-Huprem e c o u rt si la ll bo subje ctto a p p ro v a l .>r n Oe<‘tiiin b y tbi*electorH of Hut oiH ire state.

ie l T h e ju rix d ie t io n of co u rtsia fe rio r lo the d is tric t c o u r lsh all o n t in u o .uiiich a n B c d _n fi.-rthe r a lillc a tio n date, and Ju d -KCH o f such co u rl,« sb a ll c ontln uoin ..ff lc . u n t il tlvu e x p ira tio n of

<d) t h e s a l a r y o f t h o ju R tic o i K hali b e O x cd b y tb o I c t ' i a l a tu r o Im i n o j u s t i c e ’s s a l a r y s h a l l b> i l i m i n i a b e d 'd u r i n i r h i s t o r r l.(Tice.

S E C T I O N Ifl . R E T I R E M E N T , f r o m o D I S C I P L I N E . A N D R E M O V A L o n ly f( O F J U S T I C E S A N D J U D G E S . im p r n v — I n a . l d i t i o n to t h o im p o n c h . c o n d i t i m o n t p r o c e d u r e in t h i s c o n s t l t u - l i l a t u r t i o n , tlifi lo K ii i la t f t re s h a l l p r o v id e

I h y la w f o r t h o r e m o v a l o r d i s c i - _ _ S E C T I

- s E tr r io N 2. - n s r . \m is u -M E N T A N D S U P P O R T O F P E N A L A N D - C U U R E C T I O N - A I . l N S T l T r T I O N S . — ( a i T h .

'1^ l e i r i s l a iu r . . s h a l l p r o v id e ( o r lb

__SECTION VA D M I N I S T R A T I O N O F P U H L i e I .A N I J S . — T b o lo c a t io n , p r o l e c l i .u i , a c q u i s i t i o n , s a l e . eX

o f t h o

b y la->f ju u t ic e f l a n d ju d f f i

i r t B h a i r V i l f u l o r p e r » ib t c n t f a i :iiihUci! n f t h e s u p r e m e c o u r t s n n i i w i i i g i o r p e rs i s i . ~ n u ^ t l c T t - h ) ' - t h e n i f o w m f ) r - i n - t h f —p v r f o r m - th e l r - ^ lu l i

ni’a n n e r p r o s c r ib e d b y la w , w i th n t e m p c r a n c o ; a m th e a d v ic e a n d c o n s e n t o f t h i b y la w f o r t h e r o t i r o m c n i c n a t e . T h e t e r m o f n m c e o f c tic c f l a n d ju d g o s f o r n tre , i u s t i n — o f — th e — H iip i^ m o —o o i iH . - ^ i f l a b i l i t y - th f t t - n o f io u B ly - H hall e x p i r e a t m id n i t r b t o f t h i f e r o s w i th thA p o r f o r m o n c o o f t h i r t y - f i r s t d a y o f D e c e m b e r f o b t h o l r d u t i e s a n d w h ic h is o r is low in(T tb o e le c t io n h e r e in re^ l i k e ly to , b e c o m e p e r m a n e n t , -

S - e ‘*is u n r r Q v ! ; d \ r H U c h ‘ clcl:- S E C T I O N 17, C J E N E R A L f i o i A ^ h S C a ^ I M • ^ e r f . ^ e ^ e c t i o V A N D U N I F O R M O P E R A T I O N

K ball be

leX litu ce

•, , ................... ......... ,.d of tho public .'■ lanils of the state sball be

0.1 a s p r '

p r. p o w

ip i ln ru n i

iettroi^hftbilu«l-A.NCJC ;l s h a l l p r o v id e G A T I U N HO.S'D

. t i t u t e . l ...................... . . .■V c f in i n n s e d a s lb . ' ‘' ’“ I t i l l n a y n .»w »>r h e r . - a f - j‘“ l>l'c 1)

ib e , w h ic h s h a l l b a v o " 'U n d a r it . i f o r m u l a t e a n d im - •>' ...............s t n t o w a t e r p l a n f o r " " ” ‘■‘‘1 o r h e l . l b y a n y I n d ia n n 01

le V e lo p m c n t o f w a t e r t r i b e s ; a n d u n t i l t h e t l tUt ,u iv i . . t , r 'iii.i- re f lo u rc o B in t h e p u b l i c i n t e r e s t ; t h e r e t o s h a l l h a v e b e e n ex

f n r V « .1 t o c o n s t r u c t a n d o p e r a t e w a l e ^ i n ,c u is h e d b y ih u U n l l e d S t a l e s r t ic lo \ V o f t h i s P r o jo c lB ; to isH u e b n n . l s , w i th - “ “ ' ‘JL-et t o tliir t u u \ \ o f t h i j s t a t e o b l i f f a l i o n , to b e r e p a i d <l^M»<'>*ition o f t h o U n i te d S I u I oh

f r o n t ro v e n u o H o f p r o j e c t s ; to “ “ 1 I n d i a n l a n d s s h a l l r e

T T T r T r T A N T N ' ' r W “ 3 ^ f c ^ o t ' , a t h ‘S “D O W M E N T F U N D S . - T h e d u c t i o n ; U. a p p r o p r i a t e p u b l ic t h e U n i t e d S tH te a , T h a t m

It—rnriow-mmt— fimrt«-\rnt|fiM“ ni~tfi3BrCT^ror Alrebcy t'‘*<‘*""bBH-bff'-hnpotriI'-bj’ t i

i,ii Tho ,..-,opio of tiic. ,t,iti.

, , , . . - i : i ! . la lu r o t o a b o l i s h s u c h . t h e u n a p p r o n r m t o d c o u r t s , m o . l i f y th .M r j u r i s d i c . I s - l y i n t f w i t h i n t h e t i o n . . . r a h n liM i t h e oilko .-i o f

th i^ r4 < o f,-u m l‘ t o a l l t h e i r j u . l u e s .L' w i t h i n s a id l i m i t s . “

S E C T I O N tl. C O N T I N U A ­T I O N O F P O L I T I C A L S U R D T . V I S I O N S A N D O F T H E I R O F - F I C E R S . ^ A ll p o l i t i c a l s u b ­d iv is io n s s h a l l c o n t ln u o In o x i s t - eiR 'u l i f t e r t h u r i i t i l l c n t io n d n to un loH s a h o lU h o d . - i) io r i. 'u d , , c o n -

o r n>liiirn!)|i^.-f||ti^r^d—p u r s u a n t t o s t o t u t u o n n c te d n f .

th o r a t i n c u t i o j ! d a t e . A l l o f -

r. p n h y th e

I the ;


th .;

S E C T I O N O F V O T E llO N D A N D

e<i by ,

(lo! o f t h o ju«»- c h i e f j u i t i « o f h i s t ^ r m .

from' t h o ' f c of hlB n». I»“ » rolnlinit to tlio Himption of omcB iin.l cvory hIx «H ™Im of plciiilii y.Mirs thomnftor no lonu nn lie “i** procodiiro niiiil .

■ ictains hl» offlco. cvory junllco Pr';'"« ' ““''I "of tho lupromo courl ■h»ll bo uoiforra throutlioii subjcet to approval or rojocti by the electors of tho state.

(f) The justicen of tho iiu- un mwnv* i.*i i.'fi'U iv. -Aurt shall by_ majority SECTION L GUARANTEE th.' lecisiatUR-restVi

OF SECRET HALLOT. — All lo hmiluwiiLri under . t by the people sball be this artiel,-, '

He may be chosen n8^chiof jus-tico for ndditionnl terms.' Dur- which the IcKislalure n inc n vacancy in tho/offlco of “ ''toe by law.chief justice, nil tho powers and SECTION 2. QUALIFICA- •.... ••duties of that office shall d c TIONS OF ELECTORS. ■ — »i>) In ail «i\v volvo on the justico of thu su- Every citizen of the United quired hy law f< prome court who is senior in States who meets the re<|uir.;- rif bonds or the e (enpth of service on that court, monts prescribed by law as K. tal n'aerves, a i ‘ (1:) The supremo court .li«ll “i;" »™' re»i'le.i.f m iho sliit.,- vofu oi,>i simll Hit at places prescribed by law.' SECTION H. JURISDICTION no'p.‘rson shall I.e permiiu-.i i.. s TRIcTION.S ON THE IS. OFTIIESUPREME COURT.— vole who is in prison or other s i ’ANCE 01’ HONDS HV PC

Le for Uu^r"invBWo--

from rtv SUPPORT OIl _____.K , n .,l OTHER STATE INSTITU­

TIONS.— Ulli

bed by tho loKiBlature. in bon.is or (ibliKations-<if tho Uni- to.i Slates, slates, counties, mu- iiieipalilies, or school districts, njilherwjflc-pujdonlly-invofite.l

Jiermiited by law.

a u t h o r i t y q u i r e d h

ntrol 1

b la ibod hy the

lay he



• he mibiic K a>li>h.'d. l»iated.


ballot, ist KU

Hy. bu.-lhiid> t|


‘'''''''■■■I!-,off;i the voti CORPORATIONS ANDclinn 4 of -------------PUBLIC UTILITIES- ..............

SECTION 1. PnoVISION U i r s t a t ^ SFOR CORPOHATIONS. - The "„|y j,,. i,„,|cr comlitii

ihnll-prnvitle-fnr th.| forth by the' loKislature

■ tb ii


ixty-hiv of th.

lired t(

o d d b a l l S E C T I O N 1 . .....................h a m re d . F O R O I H J A N I Z A T I O N A N D

s t a t e a s E g U I P M E N T O F M I L I T I A . —T h e s t a t e m i l i t i a s h a l l ho o r^ ra n - iz e i i , m a n iio d , e . i u ip p e d , a n . l d i s - , 1. , c i p i i n e d a s p r o v 'i d i . l b y la w . '

S E C T I O N ‘J . C O .N D IT I O N S F O R - EX EM PTiqi^ F R O M s k i a

f r o m t iu o I h a l l n l lo l

......... ... real prop-' tberein holontfinjr th, ................Ifr prP^^‘'/« niwj y, miiy- lLToafter hu-pim:haBmLLt:—

fltat!''iaSdT^rV- ,ter projects; all SECTION .'{. TRANSITION I


__ THIS CONSTITUTIOX. — ____ SECTI0N*_._7. _CONlINUvV--____(a> Artcle MI and section II TION OF STATUTES. — All

/,| ofj^r Icl. IV o ff .H 'rnn^ fm*l‘t5~mi-thO' OfTccHvoTho name o i m I. Ida- tVoli shall ‘>-to of this constitution in the

ill nt n n hft h /n ! ’ tho first Mon- "‘"to of Idaho which nro not re-d‘ .fU?e';4mik.l'Riv- December folloilnif the ^ 1 '

■ loiri



I t h e i r r e s p i f c t iv o c o m m is - i lo n s o r a p p o ln tn V e n U u n t i l t h e i r .lll t-es a r e a h :> lish e d n r t h e i r b u c - • I 's s o r s q u H ll i le d a c c n r d i n u to :h is c o n s t i l u i l o n o r t h e I n w s e n - ic t e . l p u r s u a n t th c r o t o .

lid Its II b o ir im

id d lo c b ii t i l u t i o n

h e ro t h e n o r t h e r n b o u n d a r y J l l J , i i ‘'," V t''h o ' [ I | ^ c t e ! ^ f o ^ " ^ ‘ ^ l r ■ i ' l J p l r " l" y '* t ' 'h e 'i r ^Hwii l im i ta t io ^ y e a r t e r m u n t i l t h e f ir .

f O ref o l lo w (I.

t h e S n a k e R ivlol .

ele .7

. , f c a p i

ihall h;

d p o l i t ic a l s u b d iv i s n u a l i f le d o le c t . i r ,

so n s h a l l b e [1 . d io is in p r i s .

p e im l I n K l i tu t i o n s e r

lio n s h a l l h

lajority of 1 arry the ipi

nowers. rights, bilities of ih hl.ickbobkTs o

id rei

' i i i j

ulalioribe til

, ____ by the>f state of Idaho and the t of the l i i te .ed Sta

n ibelid

. . . . th wn the ch;•r to 0 point opp.i

ne mouth—of... tbu-iCoc r Cloarwnter River, the rth to tho forty-ninth par

....... of latitude; thenco east "o. 't nlonir that parallel to the thirty. " tbe niiub dpffreo of loniritude. west " •t’SH o f , WnHhinBlon;,.them‘o south “

aloncr the dojrroe of lonjritude to the crcst of tbe nilteV Root a Mountains; thence HoOthwanl b ilonjj the crest of tbe Hitter Root

• be altilenislatu

>>d r repenlod by tbotil the first clcctic >f the legislature followinif the•alillcat^on <bite. A f^ ......SECTION—H-.-EFWXTIVK•loaion. iTu- leulilaiuro H iall DATE OF REPEAL'OF CON-



•pt that ci.'rTION C, OTHER nr.-. LKtASL IN (.API! .\ L M OCK J'ROPRIATED WATERS AS A thenco southward nhHied t.. sTRIGTION.S ON THE IS- " r‘ b S ? l x c l n f '^ labl'r ~ T |‘ ‘ U"** n"

i‘e« < ! • .V V/-M.- n i, ' n n v t » y u v p n . b o n .is i x t e p t f o r l a b o r \ c a t e r s n o w a p p r o p r i a t e d o r t h a t t h e t h i r t y . f o u r t h ^ d e ^ r e o

of I

supreme coi ' tory nbd- qi


irt in the Bvuio ai.u ------ - ,>ellnU JuriHdietion V rII* orders or jydtr- by a judirmcnt of 1ts inferior t i tho lctr'Hl«turo may

isi- udicial E l u , to votinif, .'fflcoHaa shall SECTION a. AUTHORIZA


d.minrirtf Th.- ualified


.n-lCAl. SPHDIVISION^----- i n r n mj UinnT^lomls payable from sm irianiT^............... V-LPrOK-r. i; b..-iie Ited Htock or of indobtedm iriirii ■

id s .

bo prescribed by law. TION FOR RECALL,(b) Tho supremo .court ahnll

have the oriicinnl jurlBdictlon prescribed by this constituti. and by statute enacted subs. , quent to tho ratification of thia

- Eb


the fu ) r ‘app>I-

(e) Tho Bupremi have power to ise

or prone exercise of its orijci Ipto juriHdiction.• (d) The practici

dure for the prosecution apriooU and methoda of Bhnll bo roRulnted by rub . lunrttuie court. The scopb and con< m i^ .f nil appeula shall be ro((ulated by tho Icfrlalati

il subdi [licial officers [rail, in the 1 by law, by lh<

the stale, or political

irt ahnll which they wi " writa •


te.l id

except ju- Ijoct to re-


■ In,•opt I shall I.e

lid t;onHili( ed hv Ih.ileirislalure kvithsedlun:' of Ibis

nd all

Imnds,ral oh issue'

Tpm rrr .•rease of .i,n,I 0/ nil .. » ih i i l l b c | , r J p r | n i c , l fi



ibedilified electors

........‘ ilistrict.ibdivision from

d f '. 'a ' sv st e mSCHOOLS. - Th

------------ ^ihTrir-^^TT":-;— ■jreneial, unif..rni ami th'

SECTION 1. LIMITATIONS svslem of nuldic, f i .e c ON THE TAXIN(; P O W E R ,scho .iM ,. open to all pers-

. whichraft’e.I SECTION LIAHILITV OF has heretofor

STOCKHOLDEHS. Amounts after be sold r .Hn- from .st.Kkh.d.lers to private buted: {s her

<-.)rporations may be secured bv a public uio,■ nieiins preserihrd by Inw, but a retfulatlon ai

sl.K'kbnlder shall be liable only »tate in the for tho unjiaid balance <hi.- the by law.

ion for stock purdiinccl .SECTION



alontr that deitrc to the forly-secoi; ■th luTltude; ‘

pproprlation west nlonu that paralH neen or may here- eastern boumlary of the rented, or distrl- of Oregon; ihence .north

iby di'clartM to be th at boundary to the pli nml subject to tbo boKinninir. d -control of*tbo 'nanner prescribed ARTICll XVII


Utermine by lot whether the .enalors clerted from the oven- lumbero.l dlRirfcts or from the )dd.numbored dlHtrlcts shall ierve,f.ir a two-year term,

(h) Leirislators first elected ftor tbo ratification date shall <e eloctod from tho .districts xislinur on tho ratmcatlon date,

rsection (c) The terms of lefflslutora In iintain»: offlco a t the rntificntlon ante ni? the shall torminnto at noon two tains to yonrs from tho first Monday in of lonir- Doccmber followihtf their dec-

■ --------------------------------------I S E C T IO N I. T R A N S I T I O N v , v l o F E X E C U T IV E * - D E P A R T . f o l lo w ln « tli

.STITUTION OF ISOO. — All of the constitution of IHPO and amemlmentft thorctu shall.bo re^ peale.l two years after the rati- llcntion dnto, cxcopt;

(n) Article I lt 'o f the conBti- tullon of IKlio and amendments thereto shall l»o n-penled ofTec- iiv'» noon of the first Monday in December followintr the rati- tlcntion date.

(bl Sections 10 and U ,of ar- ticio IV of the constitution of IHOU and amendments theroto whftli-btTT n ifalpiW ff^ftlW >f tho firit Monday in Docembtr




- OF THE-CHIEF JUSTICE. — TiitlhHv (a)_ Tho sujirem*^ court may

shall h . u p tfo ra public jnj/poHo.

(I>) No tax Khali be impoi jxcept by the elected repn iltiveK of the penpli

M E N T F R O .M A U T H O R I T Y O F o t T T I f l V ft U N n F S T R i r T .^ ’O N S T I T U T I O N O F IHDO T O v i ? S’ A T U R E o V P ^

■ T H A T O F T H I S C O N S T I T U - i k G I S I A T l 'R E -I T I O N - l i i l T h . c.U .cto.l o l l l H o l . i l ^ 'W . t V l c t l n ^ r t i , p o w c r i f th o

o f th o c x c c u l lv o I o p ii i j i i o i i t | j „ i , | „ i „ r „ , | „ , | | |,e . I rn iv n f ro m. ■ j e i t o l o i i o r lu 'f o r o t h o r i i t i l ™ . , |„ u . i |o i i , o r o n il .n lo ii i i f r o mc'lo ii i l i i to . l u l l c o n t i iu io in o lIW o r o p . t l i u t i o i i o f n i iy p r o v i .i i f l c r ^ t h o j i i t i l l c n l i o i i ^ i ln to lu ii l S>, i | , o c o im l i t u l io n o f IHUll.

S E C T IO N I . E S T A H L I S I I . V O T I N G O F S H A R E S O F r a l « s o r c o m p e n s i t i o n f o r th o H V T H E L E G I S L A T U R E . - .M o n d a y in D e c ^ n b e r f o lh m l i i i r i , ^M E N T A N I) M A j N T r : N A N C : S T O C K , - - E v e r y h o ld e r o f u s e o f w ,i te r s u p p l i e d to a n y T b e l o , r l . l n t u r c . t w o - t h i r d s o f t h e i r e f e e t i o n . T h e ( J o v e r n o r a n f j ^ n l t r d S t a t e s .

OI' HILL shares of voting stork in any county, city. town, or water dis- the nu-mbers of each house con- lioulenant.«overnor sliall he SECTION 2. Tho question to '‘~ --4 ‘-'‘i ''-H’‘ nJL9i»u?'.T.Tjttld^ut.tJii5Jnhuhiuuitiaheii£ijl4_ciirrln

rniiHiTTi nnvt' or mtWiersliTp corpora, is a.fnindiise, and cannot be ox- •tftutlon, nr a revTsiort of or tho OrBt election for such olllces the atato of Idaho at the neitt-iirlftbf cum. ercise.l except by authority of omendmenta to, the copstitution; occurrinir after the ratification uonora) ell'ction shall bo as fol-

d a to . a n d tb o t e r n i a o f o f ilc e o f f o w s : ^ I m l l t h o r e v i s e d C o n -th o R ta to o f f i c i a l s t h e n c lo c tu i i s l i t i i l i n n c o n ta h io d in th la S e n *ib fill c o m m e n c e a t n o o n n n t h e a t e j o i n t r o s o l u t l o n K o . 1 2 2 b e

id o p tf ld ? "

iTd~lyh tion shall have tin ion ulativc vptinir of such sha'rei

. . . . of for the election of directors 0 tl uKe, aild may provi.le f<-r nianiurers of the corporation,

public ulucaiiunal insiit

.■cike.l nd in tbo

rity of amendments to, the copstilution ribod by aniV in the aame mannbr, n

law. ■ amend or withdraw Its propoi SECTION 3. GUARANTEE OF o P rriA w o -------- - APPRO PHIATE-SECTJON . 2, c o n s t iT u .


Bupremd court may r, make ruloB of til

power of the subdivision, (

by rtferendum ure shall prescribe n<l limit the


.jTtl of vxanilneru fid board nro abolished

-pt byri nt-npi* M-,i.,riu(\ 1. I, J t i II rt 1»u.> .I sysii III 01 [iiioi le ,. 11 fi! tooniHio.«'i«n';‘-- vjuiok oi Muca inarvH iimi III tpo manner pi

of all ------— • • - ............ ........... ...........................I........ . .

T l h i c“pt?or M.ulilii lmrpo«'ii:'........ “lli«>- Public .iluculioniil in«titu. SECTION S. RKnULATION UIGHT TO APl'ROPHIATE r n v v p w T m " w " " I Moniiiiy "f'noconibcr' foi-- I ........ W - p y i ,u c l m U T I E ,S . i T i ; . e .T £R _A N D „f^ST ^^^^^^

INVlOI.Aim,- “t ‘I'o WiiWnluto to roBu Him- ITV OE IMMll.lC - SCIIOOI. "" ‘I control public ulliltli! itotc- El.'NI). - Tbo publlc.«rhool "fver bo nbrlclitcrt. No ptib. i , r by luo.l of tb(>..tiito Hhiill forever II' “HMty i ^ i i r over ill.erlml- I'."!’.'!'The r.iiiain invioliitu iimi inliicf; tb e " “}»,“"'i."ly Ip Ihn norvlcim lup. the intercut linil Income from it ibnll PHoil or ruteii clinrKiid.

It of iio expcnileii 111 the mnlnteniince RECTfON II. T.UAnANTEl. . .,„..v .... . ........ . . J by of the bcIiooI. of tho utiito, iinil AOAINST CO.NTWACTS AND 'S '?

nil procedure for iill court!. a poiitinil KubillelBloti. . »bi,il bo ili.tributeii urtionu tin,COMHINATIONR IN HE- I ^tb i't lm rn iS l 'n U iv rE .l’ oV'tb; SECTION 2. ■ UNIFORM Z T „ V / n Z r ' t u brtt“.'r‘" ; i K 'n . " h7tw,.“„ " th o ;: of th o « v „ to » ',m -tb .l nL-

i i l S S f

M E s f OP. iMllOuiTIES FOU o rU i\'i ''ro S t\”i'ioS SECTION a. Th« SocwHty ofITS USE. - Tho rliibt to ill- COMMlaSION SUnMISalG.S.* ,|,„|| „|,,,|y „ „ y Ht»t« i.jllrocteil, lo ciulo tliU

p p r ia te d n a t u r a u a u r r a c e o r co n c u rr ln jr , m ity • u b n ilta t a ffenern i e le c tio n tboquoaU D ii. o f-w h e lh a i* to r a i l n e o n v « n t^ n

itiltiilon to b« pub.

iu b iu ^ i^o w utorsi'^ 'ben^ficui slU blic shall nov.

w lt i? & 3 n m lt 'l? o " S S '« W ro ^ -« P ro |» V B ‘new !i)".tuV llny iJ-.r~ (^

than Hix the I

inioeullvd weak* prior :t eloHion In

of n p p ro p rln tf f K n Bivo"tho tho ^onitltutlVn." U /a"maJo7u^ ihnll^ have ffllled (1) l,o_pt-ovi[iji• pawei amendnienti to, yeara a f te r the* ratfflcatioi ' " have failed (I

p^rfo rm an t-

imUahcii, or (8^ t ^ n • which II il I

data latinn pulillahoi la earh county

ioalloii_ior theih all^ rflfflM i

)f tho »tat« of (liho.

-COU RT-Ol^THH-STATBr;----- «n‘^ n rm ^ a lu a U a t» - f^ « J j« fc ^(a) Tlia dlatrlcl courl aball be ments af taxoa upon all property, |,y PMTICAI UlBDIVilldNl

-Tttiirpo wBTHfli r in iv o v B f« ovor thoie UBlnff th« lame ■....... .................... ________Il Vubmiiud"to tbe" leiriiia. irovernor ihVl'l. by gXMylyg tTr’ l . ITtfneoufai* ■ lo

. 1 murjufaelurlnK p u rp o iM . And in Ju w ib y ■ duly •uthorU edV onitl. qjtolrt UiU’ booktot *0/T!W>’ih ^VlXlSJ* ^ s e c t i o n • 1. DE^INITIO.V **!/ orffatiliwU m ninjf dlitrict fuUaii wvli on comniUiloh, the imtwkrtimiiluMilhamawWhaki.#

SUUDIVI. tK oM uJln»lhewuteirform lnliur»««C*tuw.,,t^^^^ Pf thf................................................................. ........................................... .. ..o .ii., o ,

vided 'u rat'”tl(o"lowTsh may — Thu puhilo.schnol Vui ttilow such oKumpHnni sVibM. rapsb

.V ........„ : „ | o M n th e t e r t - l t o r i a l l lm i t a o r i i i o S E C T I O N .1.'• D E F I N I T I O Na i i t h o r i t y lo v y ln w t h e - t a x ; p ro -. O K P U I I L I C - S C H O O L ..............

W hich ahall ho clo iorm inou u y lao | l„,rluh.iu i-fl m a v — T h u nubllo.schm il fu r .............. ..i«t._nf_tliin pyn.’

................. -p.auth liit«n**if ? n ;- , e i l i t » n r ; b c a « I ,

NOTrCETO ELECTORSA booklerof eompailtdn and

cornt'i^nl conccfAing (he' pro*, [WMd Revlwd IdahoC. ' '•iwt'tjM p re w n l |diho C o n tilliH (Ion II available at' youf.. local coiiniy couflhouie; tthd it. th*

o f (h i S e cie U fy ^ S U t e l r

:x iE S !o r ^

24 T im e s -N e w i, T w in PaMi. Idahd Th u rtd a y , October 2 3 , W70 O A S O L IN fi ALLE Y


Z Tries His Hand At Jdcoby Modern

N O U T I I ( 0 ) 4 ~ A Q I 0 n V . A K Q J 7 f t : i

. ♦ A ♦ 4

-~KAHTj»---- --- A K R 7 i

V V o id♦ Ql.OflSS* A 10 7 3.

-W K S 'T —

A j a a 2V 0 8 4 ♦ K J f i , * Q 0 2

S O U T H . .' . 4 4

V 1 0 0 2♦ i ) j 4 a 4 . K J Q a 5

l i i i t - W c B t v u lc r n n b l oW c t i N o r l l i K n tt S o i i t l i

2 * 2 VJ ’ U M ___ P hsI — J M —I 'n » 4 N T . l \ m 4<P u n s . fl V - P n s s PHnn P n ta

O p e n in g le n t!— V 4

Old ninn Z. who used to play nil the dum m ies in nuc- lion bridge columns, has s ta rted plnying ' duplicate every Thursclny. His,one re ­quirem ent is that he fill Soiith. sincL* he always play­ed in that position in the old days.

■ North wanted to p i n y JACOBV MODERN, Z com ­plained that ,in liis dny con­ventions were somethinR for political parties and large orynnizatlons. but ho had

- lookod. oveCi^ACGBy MOD* ERN and it-seemed to be the sim plest syslem currently available, so he would try it.

Ifis tw o-heart response showed 4-6 high-card points. His partner bid three henrts. 7. didn 't want to raise with three trum ps imtil he renl- ixed that he was going to play the heart contract, lie was dellehted to hear his p.artner's six bid but w asn’t at all pleased with the open­ing lead.


' W ithoul it Iruinp load, it would , havo been a liinipli) m atte r to ruff tlireo of

— spadoR—wltli—ldJi-,1- - three Irumps, Now he had a Vhoice of WnyK lb go arter hifi contrncl. ,

The Kimnle way-would be to let tlM*. lead-com e riniSuyl

~l«^il6^=TDW W l^ku::n^Kpaoci■finesr.o ,J^ - , . ' ............■ Z niiver iried,sim ple plays.Mis experitnoe ns the »tar of the auction bridge column.s

’ had taught him th at Kimplc plays didn't work for him.

Therefore, Z won the tritk in dum my nnd led dum m y's singleton club. Kasl ducked without a quiver and Z, who never niisguessed ’in his youth, whsn't going to s ta rt m isgui'ssing in his old age.

“ f r c ^ t w i i f i ' w i n r t h e n r " clubs, tried the spade fineiise in an effort to mako seven and settled for rnffing out the 10 nnd six of spades.

Me m ade his contrncl afier the finess'O lost.

liEFO'VJE LOANS'CM A C.IULIOM ro 'A R r • AM' C U |.TU kH ----



1 H £ R . ^ O O T U M E r '

AM ASKED how porutoes eainu to lie callcd spuds. Iltisn't that coino up hofore?.Anyhow, sonic Irishmen, w)io thoughr potatoes were poisonous, orynnized an o u tfit. callcd -Tho Society for the ProvoiUion of Unwholcsonie Diet, SPUD, for riiort. "Eat potntoes nnd die!" That ivas tlicir cry. Hut the • cltlz«nry Inutlied It off with t|ie nickname.

s/*RINGMb for flowers, sura cnouah, but this time of yoor _■ belongi to tho trees. When the complexion of all those crowmi turns fiory, like the fever before the dull, nnd \]\t ailments in • the wind trim the branches, and all the. burks rq dark underd a rk e n in g - ^ pi ,_tlic . i in e .l i ia t -m in p .s .ln .m i n d - k ^ i l l i r n th p r ls ', - ;■---------"I like trees because they seem morc'tesiiincd to the way they .. have to live than other ihinBs do."


(Newipoper- [n letpriie A n n .)

Tijt* b id il iii j ; bun b o o n : 'W c t( N 'o rd i I 'n ii i S o i i l l i

1 A PnJis 2 ♦ P i is s 2 V P i 's i- 3 A Pn-s.-; I 4 4 N .T .P » s a ri 4t P n s s • ?

Y n u . S o u t h , h o ld :A K J 8 5 V 2 ♦ A K 0 4 3 4 J H 5

W h n l <io y o u d o n o w ?■■ A — IU n ~ T Iv F 'm iV l ru n ii i . ‘ Y « u w a s u tn a l e r t y o u r i i a r l n c r t n ' t h e r h a n c c th o t ( h e r e m a y l)c n U Tand s ln i ii.

T O D A V 'S Q U flS T IO M Y o u r p n i in o r b id s .six d i a ­

m o n d s to filiow o n u Icin i;. W lia t d o y o u d u n o w ?

A n s w e r T o m o r r o w

Joeobyi txploin iheir ioutnomtni- vinning tteh n iq u tt with Jacoby Modtin in ihtif n#**' book, "Wm ot Bridgt." Ayoilable though thit n»w$papir, $tnd nom«, oddrttt, Zip

f £r-IN Ybu p;i-u-

, HIP- <INd>

'I,- I


C y S T O M n R S n R V l C I i - 0 “ i T o V i m m y o f the n -y e a r -o ld ' girls ore w e a rin g lip stick n o w ? " A . H e re a b o u ts m u yb c ,70 p e r c e n t . . . . Q , "W h e re was the first b ric k hoii.sc bu ilt 4n th is c o u n t r y ? " A . F i r s t -e n t i r e ly o f brick was W illia m P e n n ’s in

.fhilndclphin ___A b o u t the size o f n 4 S -p o u n d ”p u m p k m .

C R B D I T M R . S l l A K E § P H A R n also w i lh c rc a tio n o f such c o m m o n p la c c _ cxpression'J as " I t 's .G r jc k to rn u ." ."the g rw > n -«y w l ; n o n 8 l « , " - “ G ii 'o iho D o v i) h w d u o - i jn d -d u a d /»s » d o o r n n d ." . . . F a C I ' T H A T a M r . W a tts w o rk s fo r the e le ctric c o m p a n y nt O a k H a r b o r , W a sh ., c e rta in ly Qualifies h im fo r th e P ro p e r Jo b C lu b , d o cs it n o t ' . . . . I F Y O U W A N T to lose w e ig lu , go to K e y W e st, F la , I’ u ll o f g ra v ity there is less tha n a n y w h e re e lic in the c o u n t ry , it 's said.

T I M E A N D P L A C n o f th e N a t io n ’s w o rs t riot - th a t's w h a t ■fl s U b s c r i b 'e r 'w a n i F t ^ n o w ^ u r i n g J u ly o l 1863 in N e w Y o r k 2 C it y it w a s ; A b o u t 1 ,2 0 0 p e o p le got k d i^ d . In fo u r d a ys. A t - isiue w a s w h e th e r c ivilia n s o ug ht to he d r a f t e d 'in t o t h e ’ a rm y . . . . I F Y O U A R E 4 8 years o ld , y o u w ere b o rn at tha t tim e w h e n c<gar*sm oking-w afc'a( m o st p o p u la r p eak . S o n g s y o u r 'm o t h e r nnd da d w ere singing tha t y e a r w c ru ‘C a ro lin n in . the M o rn in g ,” " M y B u d d y " and " T h r e e O ’C lo c l: in ih i; M o rn in g ,"

- G E T |IT R I G H T - - D id I say y o u can pave a road 4 0 feet ■wide jin d 1,8 5 0 m ile s lo n g w it h a b i ll io n pennies? T h o ^ o d ir t y d e cim a ls ! M a ke it 1 0 0 b ill io n pennies.

Your questions and cotniuenis art; wclcomcd and will be used in PASS IT ON wherever possible: Please uddrcss your leiiers fo L.M. Boyd, P.O. Box 9>J06H. Seaiile, It'ai/j.


7 V I E T R E A C W E R O O S G E C M N E V E P .

S L e i r P S / V / p - W J 0 T H E V S 2 B E t ^ O J P .

V I Q I U A N C E / y

rcjHewr* V

T H E B V ld .« 3 E c a ^ w n n m .O J C S r C B 'V B T H /

People and Things

A C R O S S to o c l ie r ( B lb -)

i S c a n d in a v ia n 33 5 ' ^ ! .n a v ig a to r c n t

S M r .S k o l to n H in d u m u .lc a l ,

G r® «nU nd 3 0 M i l lU r y 1 2 V e r d l 'i

E t l i lo p ia n 4 0 D l« c k -------■prinflWM-------- 1—41Vi

A m w tf to f t o l a u i P u i tli

i m

ALLEY O O P. / a J R I ; IS M O T, C50C! ^if l lL BE GLA.D WHEN NOU A'Jv We.GBT 70TH‘C A m i./^ - .C ^ SAY__

f a m i l y c i r c u s

t ^ E D O R h ^ lO S C R

1 3 F i n t w am an (D lt^ )

. I4 T r le ii l« 'w in e ' m o o iu rn

15 P a c o ICLDlbble 17 A c to r.

M a x --------Ifl D aao k u llo r,

------ W y n n

r r

42 A ppla i44 R a d ia l 4 7 M fif l» u ro o f

d ia tan c o45 AbaU oct bcintf SOCumnlicatlon

In a d ra m a ,52 A llo w a n c e

f o r waLBtc &3 O b a c rv e

.54 I n a t r u m e n t^ f . , n o r c t i u lo n

S S S U tfh o * . 5flT o«lill«r 57 Protkib49ranc0

D O W NlE A B te r to b .)

'2 C o ru m o n y 3 N o tio n

n I T -

A W h im 'S D yca n e y/ n M ilu O n b d r 7 E x ilo d a ilB v ln a lob«ii 0 E p o c h a l

10 A rr o w po inon11 D is U n t lO T y p e o f b o o t 21 U n c o m m o n24 P i tc h e r ...............2 i > V « K ( c o l U ^ 2fl R e d a c t 27 S l ip p e d S n G o r a in t 'i w ife 20 F o r k pronK 30 H e a ltn ro a o r l i 32Laru>-'st

3 5 iU n se.'UtScbiKiinkviuh'

»oa rovera'3A Small istci30 Tree41 Property

lt*m42 Ireland43 l ^ w e r corner

ntinuari* lu il45 Midday4 flW ril* n -----------------

- Fe rb cr47 M ountain!

(ab.)49 R e ce n t

(comb, farm )51 O vu m

, -------------- ITCLL'OU.WK.WlaEAUiEf;,

"M o m m y , w as th is REALLY s 'p o so d to b e my lu n c h o r d id I p ick u p th o w ro n g b o g

w h en I w as lo a v in ' th is m o rn in g ? "

I T T A K . G n A * 3 E « ! ‘ ^ ^ ^

‘ 5 ! r

a |26: 1?6.,



M - p o

42 U 3


''a k iis■ UA». Jl

A f t . I . ',3 0 3 l-3 9 4d

• & ^47-7?73 •' y / T A U iU I J - * _ A f r 10 I ^ U A t JO

.1-56 60 63 1-77-7900


' r y jU H l »

) 4. 7.ia35 37-4174

- . 1 ! ^

11) C ;i.AV R I 'O I .L A N - ^ Youf Oailx Activity Guid* M

* Acco'c/ing to tfie-SloH.T o d e v e lo p m u v ia g e to r T f i d a y , ri'od words cpffciponding 1o Mymljcrs 61 yo u r2 o «l'o c birth sign.

3111, M TheJ2 (> i(aq A2Nf»Jt»vv

A15 ToJb tiffllcn l



»- >W J5-37-M


' > w d o .-A MO- »>

w \ . »

1 Imtl 2A<K,t..3 y<Hi4 T in .(I5 Inlrixlui6 Con7 Tribt

. O l ' l u a U -9fiieotof

lOTciiiI I New IJC.-roIn l3'Pto|>lc 14 Hnmonlic lSH«ir16 Huiict)7 lV(vin IB Inliitil


40Ct'()t-ce 41 Unlomilic

44 A.|<lf,|45 Tl>innt 4Ar.,inil

40 Of

30l>G.in.nl..j.v 50 111.,I! ?1Tokt *'* ■

a 34 P’unofaiJS a n ,a a --------

36Ualh«r J7 rmoncfal" 3S R «ia :u .-

, 3»0rt f 30 Your

5) ^Kipwrtck53 Yc,ui|al|

--57 Vou'll 5B To .5VU#AO Mtoionl

64 Olil f,’j Siwnilino t f , 5>i<(jniecl 67Cro-<l

■” 6v !^«H u757071 Try73 A.wl

74 floe*75 Who76 Ail«»tic.n 77A •< /I) ll«7«CoiyrnOTwowm*01 tifinnH3R«aliml H3Gfoi./ul-

' H4 iuyoU» • ;l^H i-Aaaid4iL -

UA Yoo B; P'ooi>i«d

. 8R H*tp nOApftfOri'v o u

^ C o o J @ * A c|vcm ! ^ p N e u ir i l

LIIRAUH. U r - i n

5 33 39-5Q ^ 6 U 4 ^ 7 ^

ic o ip io 'OCT. u g . NOK.

4- » 2 f l 3 l »


DIC. Jl5 7 -M 6 6 6 I i ^70-7&-QS06g..

T U B R i n ,B 5 A R B *T'U IN A W A I ^ E H O O # e i NCAPC T H B Ih B P O T . A H 'M T P U T A « M IP M 6 K JT OP;'B M O N T H Bw a « n » o u N R .



’ T T W


Wv/lpiNG TWG CQOJJC W t V M o r a D l N S«3U(2 OcfA^ CDULt>


iAH. II M 6-19.3A /T>



tti. ti . , 5 ^

PilC HH9- It MAI. M T S3- 6- 8-3471


N O T IC B O P B X H C U T O R A N D A D M tN tlT R A T O ri V

A ^ IT H W IL L A N N E X B D '9 S A L B O P R B A L B S T A T B

a t p r i v /^t b i a l bIN T H E P R O R A TE C O U R T Of-' T W IN f a l l s c o u n t v , s t a t e OP ID A H O

In Ih t MHMer o« tht G ita lM of And S TE L L A

H A N S IN G , Qolh DtCM lvd.N O T IC E IS H B R E D V G IV E N

Th*t th*.underilon«J E ««c u lo r ol 1h« E ila ta of AmeaM H a n iln g . deceaiBd, and fho u nderilgno d Adrm nlil^Alu’ u/llh Will AnnoKod ol

, E ila lff ol Slella H a n iin g ,

l e g a l n o t i c e L E G A L N O T IC E L E G A L N O T IC E L E G A L N O T IC E^ . N O T IC B T O C R B P I T O R I

, , , R R C B / s re C O U R T y O P JW INAl bid* o r Offari mutt. b » In P A L L S C O U N T Y , IO/(WO.

m ln litra lw w llh W IIIA n n B K e d .M h e N O T IC E 15 M ^ R E B Y G IV E N lo i Bnyborn. ‘h# credHori ot and all p«fion«

of . Idaho h»v(n o c d a lm i apaln»f l^• abov* nulldiiHj. n . 0 . Box M I, Tw in F a lli, t*«e*d»nl lo M hlbll fhffm, wllh Ih#*

O'" may b« lll»d iri 1h* Ofllo* n # c t* ia rv v o u c h a ri to the un- of ihBCIfrfkofiald probal# Coorl, al /t**r»lgnad ■! tl>* o lllc t .o f Parry,

"5. publication / Robw lton, D a ly.,4 , La rw w , Th#ol thli Nolle*, and bvlofa maklno / Idaho P lrtt National Bank Building. M li»i and tiial iho u id «ale will b « ' Tw in Falli*JdahPi Which madp on or a iu r iha 7lh day ol ,o» builn#** In a l l m a i W i corinaeiM' Novombar, 19?o. with tald e « l«t« , within four monthi

Said tala w ill bo iTiada (o r caih. » » » « lb « f ir il publication ol thli

tha EKMutriM ol »«|d n U t a » l tt)t law oKICM el Rayborn. Rayborn. W tbb •• P Ikt, P . O. B4k 331. Tw in p a id , Coufityof T w in Falla, StBte ol Idaho, th li balno tha plaea i IiOk] for Ih* traniaqtlon of lha b u tlne tt of tald a ttatt. ' .^ O A T E O ocfobvf 30/1970.

G R A C E P A L IS C H EKeeutriK of lha E tla la of R . J.Palltch, DM aated.

PUOLISHi Oct. 33, h Nov. S L \970.____________;

ORDINANCBNO.HMAn prdlfiance of Ihe C lly ol Tw in

F a ll!, Iltaho. chanolng tha’ nama'of O u llk l A venM ,to Robblni Avanua.

w ill w ll al ;VlvaVa%;ia"?’o conllrmatlon of .ala: notlca. , ................................................lha hlghMl And b^il bidder', lublect Sollari will lurn th lltla D A T E D Oelobar 30, IWOto c o n l l r r n i . b y X P r o b S Con- J E N N IE N . F E A M S T E HCourt ol Iho Countv of Tw in F s lli Adm lnltlrd lrlx of thoSlal4 or Idnlio, all Itia rluM , line, , lo ten per cool oMha E ila le ol Marla L.InlarM tandetlnlo ol llto laid A m s a l' IJVUV accompany eacli Feam iter, Deceilied 'ju m n «yiniuii

Be It ordained by the mByor and c lly councllol lha City of Tw in Fn llt, Idalu:

That lha name ol Oolllcl Avenue'

title and iiite rW ' thal Iho lald . W V " ^H la lothflve o M n A nd ta lh fllccrlA in roal property i llu n l«P ln the tAld .Tw in Palli County' SIa Io ol Idnho,and doicrlbed a i lollowi, to wil.

Lot IS In OrcliAlAra Subdlvlilon, Twin PAllft County, Idalto, According lo Iho plat Ihereol recorded In Volume I ol PlAli,.pa(ie BI,'rDCordi ol lAld County, togelher wllh w.)lef rlghlciiiroprotenledbv I3.30tharot ol CApllAl tiock In Twin T a IIi Cnnal Compnny. boino fliJOut 10 Acroi ol

.R O B E R T E . h a VIs i n o C xecul&r.Qt' iiiet i la le of A'tneni--------HAniinK Dot'baiiir H IC M A H D H A N S IN G - Adm lnltlralor w llh • W ill Annexed of Ihe Etiale Of Slella Nam ing, Deceaud.

fU O L IS H ; O cl. 33 8, 39, 1970,

N O T IC E T O C R B D IT O R IIN T H e .P U p a A X E C O U R T OP T W IN F A L L S C O U N T Y . S T A T E OF

of Ihe E itA ie oi R, j , n * A a 5 C H , Deceated.

N O T IC E IS H E H E O Y C lV E N - Oy IhB Execuirm lo Itie c ra d llo ri ol and All periont having c la lm i agalntl R. J , P a llK h ,d * c o a i«d .o rh i»o tla le . lo UKhlbll them wllh Ihe neceitary vouchori, w llhln four' mbntht aller Ihe (Ir tI publtcallon of th li Nollce, lo

Tw in F a lli , Tw in F a llt County. State- of Idaho, bbl\V«»n Wendalt Street

. arid -Oram Jvlew D f lv t i i h »rtU v changed lo Robblni Avenue.

P A S S E D DV T H E C I T Y C O U N -' C IL O C TO D E R 19, 1970-

S IO N E D n V T H E W A Y O H OC- T O n E U 19, 1970, • ■

F R A N K H . F E L D T M A N * Mayor

A T T E S T ;ContlanCe J. Lo lier C lly Clerk

P U D L IS H : Ociobor 33, 1970, '

•• N O T I t B C r B X l C U T O R A N IX A D M IN IS T R A T O R •

W IT H W IL L A N N C X B D 't - • i A L B O P R B A L H S T A T B ;

a t p r i v a t b s a l b .IN T H E P R O B A T E C O U R T O F T W IN P A L L 5 C O U N T Y . S T A T E O F ID A H O .

In Ihe M ailer of lh « E i la lM of A M E A L H A N S IN O and S T E L L A

■ H A N S IN G , Doth Deceaied.N O T IC E IS H E f^ E B Y O IV ^ N

Tha t Ihe Undertigned Executor ol the E t lB le ol A m e a l H a n tln o .

-d B c s a s e d .-a n d -th 'e _ u n d ir i lg n «d . Adm in litra lo r wllh W ill Anhexed of Iho E t ia le o l S tella H s n tln g . decoated, w ill tell at private talV (o Ihe hlohetl and be«l bidder, tubleci to conllrmatlon b y th* Probale Courl of l^e County of Tw in P a lli, Slale ol Idaho, all thb rlghl, tillft. in leretl and etlal* of Ih* tald Amvql

, -d a c B a ia i l ._ * n d -. i la l lf t^deceaiedrnncmitrtherloht,


L O S T ; W inchetler- 3&4 magnum . rtfl*. Saturday afternoon near ifi*

— old ,-'ihe e p -corr«ls - a bove, Thom ' Creek Ranch. ’Reward, Benny Laughlin. M4 7779 Shothone.

J I i lX J lU j i i lU : j l l k a ic c u ip lB ^ l l< l .K X |M ,. |i , l i l , , ,e « .f « r th < H P e r tn < l - |a m - h < r i i ^ h 4 J ( h - l^ 7 « - p f “ ~9 - 1 2 - 7 , ' i

- G E N E R A L FUN[5 - Revenue

•On Hand Tr.inslcrt TotAlPorjonfll Services

________ MiiinlpnAnci),Capil<il Oi/tiAY Toiai

-W A T E R 8. O P E R A TIO N

Revenue............. On Hand -

TrflnslefST o ljlPcrson.il Services

. MAintcnnnce CApijAl 0011.17 Tolfll

i m w j j o .oo174.759.00555.910.00


S E W E R . -M A I N T E N A N C E &

JAW,<3fl,00 • 174,759.00 . 336.000.00 l,m ,99?.00




1,154.900,00 .

330.975.00435.121.00 193,7$0:00 l}S9,Q4«,00

AJR/’ O R TRevenue . 1IO.3J3.00

Total IU,04S.00Perionnl. SorvicesMnmtenflnccCapilal Outlay '

• . Tolal ---------------------------

S T R E E T L IG H T IN GRevi'nue 47,641.00On Hand 2.00


LID R A R VRt’vunuo a j,753.00OnrianB - - r- 16,734.00'Total 104,407.00

W A T E R & S EW E R R E V E N U ERevenue 303.500 00Transiers .00Reserve 530,706 00Totiil 734,306.00

W A T E R «. S EW E R REV OO ND IN T fi, S IN K IN GTranslerj 300,000.00Revenue • 10.000.00On Hand 341.069,00Total • ^ • , 551,069.00

L 1 D G U A R A N T E ERevenue 1,500.00Reserve 25,379.00Tolal 36.Q79.00

1965 WA’T E R BOND R E D E M P T IO N & IN TTra m lo rj 161,766 00

'Tnt 4. Due I’rom'C'.r......... VS.OOO'.OOOn Hand & Res ' 95.085,00Tolal 353.651.00

30.150.0036.770.00 4(LJ25.00

114,045 00


• 37.747,0070,000.00


6B.5 47,639.00

33.665.00 68,5 , 47,639,00


60,5 '

77,519.00 74,1 104.407,00

179,261.00 • 00,0 •.00 439,413,00

520,704,00 • 304,793.00699,967,00 96.6 724,206,00

36,000,00 ■ 13.07.001,00


374,950,00 60.6 551.069 00



26,094.00 97,4 36',a;9 00

117,166.00 73.4 76,197.007,507,00 - - — ------- 07t9— ............ ' • 177,194;00'

95,DBS.00 104,060.00330,550.00 63,5 353,651.00

45.000.00 -139*10 0 0 -

104.060.00 2U7.670 00

Rovcnuo On Hflnd Tolfll

’ a v r w ' -19.498.0045.777.00

n il* and Inleretl -Ihal IH e .ta ld n ia le ih a v e o f . In and lothal certain r 9 » l prooeriy tlfuafed In Ih* tald Tw in F p lli County, Stnle of Idaho, Arfd deicrlbed at lollowt. lo wit:

Tow niHIp 10 South, Rang* 17 E.< n . M .; Secllon 9; NW*/4NW'/4 and a

iporllon ol.Ihe NE'/<NW<<^ deicrlbed

I W e ile riya lon o fh* North l|n*of laid NE'/^NWV* lo the Norlhwott lc6<ner. Thence Soulherly along Ihe W e ll line of uild'NeW NW Mrtoritte-SetrftY- w e ll corner, Thenc* E a tle rly along lht> South line ol M id NE'/^NW'/i to a point 731.0 loel W e tle riy Along the South line ol lAld N EUN W '/< from Ihe S oulheatl corn e r of la ld

’ N E''4NW 'ai; Thence Norih Odeflreei 34' E a tl 710,95 leel, Ihenco North U degree! 59' W e il 15.0 le«t. Thence N orlhorly along a line parallel to th e . E a il Line of m id N EV 4NWV4 a

, diitance o( ^ O .lo c l to Ihe Point ol Dogtnning, ToQolhor .w ith water r lg h l i AppurienAnt thereto a i rep re te nle d . by 5H.31 iha ro t of Capital Slock In Iho T w in Fallt Canal Co, being About 57.70 Acrei of land. And togothnr w ith all im- provom enli iltuAlod Ihereon,'

All b id ! or o tle n m uit be In w riting and will be received by Ihe u n d e rilg n e d E x e c u to r and A d - m ln lilrA lo r with W ill Annexed a l the lAw olflcei ol Rayborn, Rayborn, Wobb L Pike, Dank of. id«ho Oulldlng, P. 0 . Dok 331, T w in F a lli , Idaho, or m ay be Hied In the Office ol Ihe Clerk of.taid P ro b «t« Court^.Ai. any tim o alter Ihe t lr t l publication of Ih li Notice, and before making SAle; nnd that Ihe laid lale will be

.m a d e bn or after in e ’7lh d a y 'o f November, 1970, 'I Sflid &a Io will bo mado for CAth, PAyablo upon conllrmAtlon ol tale. And Iho Seller! will lurnish title inturance. including Order Con­firm ing SAle.

A turn equAl to len por cent (10 per cent) ol me amouni bid m u ti ac^ com p a ny each b id a t earnett money- Th e . Executor and -Ih* A d-

.m ln l il rA lo r with W ill Annexed reiorvo'tno rlghl to rojecl any andaii.biav

DAlod: Oclobor 30. 1970,R O D E R T e . H A N S IN G Executor ol Iho Eila to ol AmoAl Haniing, Deceaiod.R IC H A R D H A N S IN G Adm lnlslralor wllh Will Anndxod of the Eita le ol Stella Hnniing, Oeceated,

P U D L IS H ;.O C I..2 2 ,4 ..W .J970.. .. 1


P R O V IN O W IL L' IN T H E P R O D A T E C O U R T O F‘ T W IN P A L L S C O U N T Y , S r A T C O P

ID A H O , In m e Matter q I Ihe G ita l* ol F R E D R E IC H E R T , Dec*Bted.

Puriuont to an order of la ld Court,

‘t970,*"n^enr»iBr^tp^plvet^ Tu e id a y .th e lO lh d a yo l November

-T ln m -N «w i,J y < ln P«ilB, Idaho'Thortday, October 33, T970

lo ti a n d Found SpMlol N«H«4tR E W A R D leadlriq to th* recovery ol

our comnsef’c latitoor polliher and <crubb*r. Machine diiappeared from th* back -of our ilo r* th* •venlna of September 30th. W ilton- Batet Appliance Store, Twin Patl|, 733 AI44.

. T R E E T -R IM M IN G and removing Free eitlm alet. Iniured. Phone

' 733-.A0W, ,Dox 311, Tw in Falli^


Nollce It hereby g^ven that J . R. M iller Autom ollve, S33 Waihlngton, Tw in F a lli . Idaho, w ill lell to th* highetl bidder on* 1957 Quick Supe^. No. SD3037438. Didl wijl be rec«ly*d until 13:00 noon on November 13, 1970. Sale it being held lor tiorage and. r e p b lr i , . ' T h * A d v * rllk e r re ie rve i th* right lo r*|*cl any or all b ldi.P U B L IS H : Oclober 33& November 3, 1970.

N O T IC H T O T C R T O IT O r S ------------IN T H E P R O B A T E C O U R T OF T W IN F A L L S C O U N T Y , S T A T E O F ID A H O

Elta tei.o f M IC H A E L A; O R A F F , alto kr^own a i M - A . 'G R A F F , and O A R O A R A O R A P F , huiband and wife, D E C E A S E D

Nolle* it hereby given by D A IS Y F O R D . A d m in lt lr a lr lx to th*. credilori-of and a ll .p « r u n t having cla im t agalnil Mlchkel A. G ra il and Qarbara Graff, huiband and wile, deceated, or their e ila ie i to exhibit them with the rteceiiary vouchori, wllhln lour m onlhi after Ih* firti publication of Ih li nollce, to Ihe tald A d m in ltlralrlx at th* law olflcat ol Stephan, Dallelten and Slavin at Tw in Fa llt Dank & T r u i l Company Building, Tw in F a llt County ol Tw in F a |Ii , Slat* ol Idaho, Ih it being* Ihe

C' :e fixed lor Ih* trantacllon ol Ihe in M i of laid eital*.

Dated October 30th, 1970, . .______ D A IS Y F O « D _ - . - . j - .

A d m in ltlra lrlx of the E tia le i of Michael

-------------A .-c ra l l amt QarbaraG raff, Huiband and

Wile, Deceaied.P U B L IS H : Oct, 33. 39, Nov: S L 13, 1970.

1970, at 10:00 o'clock a-m . of lhal day. al n«e Court Room of tald Cnurt, At Ihe County Court Home In

-------ja ii-W A T B O -B O N D -C O N & T R U C T IO N ----------- - -— -RevenueFed, Grant • 103.000,00OnHftnd 01,308.00Total io4,3asoo

. r -E D E R A L A V IA TIO N A G E N C Y P R O JE C T ,9 10 003 7Q11-

Feo, GrAnl 139,250.00 Transltirs 153.166-00

- ....... ....... Tolal-------------------------------------------------------------2fll.4l6.0Q_

• 97,030,00 100,125.00

_ 197,16100

75:065 770.0

T f A t e O r iDATTO------------------------------------------------- • •C O U N T Y O F TW IN F A L L S 5SC IT Y O F TW IN F A L L S

I, Jo m o i R, QArnhart, T ro n iu re r of mo City of - Twin FnHsHdAho,horobvcorllly ihAl Iho foregoing

ropori Is true and corroct 10 me best ol my knowledge and bcHol.

JA M E S R. B A R N H A R T . TreAsurer

— fiubierlbed a n d iw o rn lo auloranta th ii 30in clay at October, 1970.

C O N S T A N C E r t E l S E R . Notary Public Roilding at Tw in Falls. Idaho

P U B L IS H : Oclobor 32, 1970

ttic Cllv~0* Tw in F a IIi , Co unty""^__ Twir, r A ilt , Siateof Idaho, net been

Vpp^nTo'd a i the llnTe and pIa£#^bf'^ . .p ro v in g the Will of la id F R E D

R E I C H E R T , dk c e a te d , and for hearing the application of E lm er George Relcherl and Raym ond Fred Reichert lor Ihe iilu a n c * o f l* tle ri te ila m e n la ry lo them , wH»h and wtier* any person .In lire ite d m ay AppoAr and conlBit the tam e-

batod Ih ll ISth day of October,' 1970, - - -

l E V E L Y N H IN T Z E- . . . -------- -D e p u t y Clerk............. -

L L O Y D J- W A L K E R Aiiorney.lor Pelilioneri •Bank ol Idaho Building Twin F a llt, Idaho P U B L IS H ; October 32, 29 and November 5

I N V IT A T ld N V O R B ID S .Sealed b id iw lli be received by Ihe

Clly of Tw in F a llt , Idaho al Ihe olllco ol Ihe City Clerk up lo 4:0C o 'clo ck P. M ., on T h u r id a y , November 3, 1970, at which lim e they will be opened publicly and read in Ihe Council Cham beri of Ih* City H a llr3 }t Second Ayenu* E a il, Tw in F a llt , Idaho. Said bidi w ill be received on Ihe following:

1, Three (3) 1971 four door ledani for Ih* Pollc* Department ’

3. F ive (SI 1971 PIckupl. 'All b idi m utt contain bidder'!

le c u r lty o l at leait live percent ol the'' amouni bid in either caih, c a ih lo r'i check, certified check or b idder'i bond executed to Ihe C lly ol Tw in F a lli, Idaho. Old fo rm i and ipecilicallont m ay b* obtained Irom Iheoffice'ol the City Manager or the (vffl^eof Ihe-Clly Clerk, C lly Ha ll. )3I Second.Avenue E a it , during otllce houri.

The C lly re ie rve i Ihe eight lo relect any and all b id i and lo waive Inlorm aliliei.

C I T Y O F T W IN F A L L S , ID A H OB y; Conitance J .-L e it * r ............ -City Clerk

P U B L IS H ; October 33, 39, 1970

T R E E T O P P IN G , /emoval. and thrubbery u rv ic * . Fully Intured. Call Jack Pa rro tl. 7^3 m s . o f 733- osoa.

H Y P N O S IS -— stop imokino. <ote w e ig h t, develop better t iu d y ha biti. Call 734-3M51 ■ Ip .m . M on ■

A L L -P R O M O T IO N A L -H e m * -that have been patied.oul before Ocl. I l l ar* no longer accepted alter Sunda^O <;tober 35, 19/o, al Ih*

,NnenalALCblnoD'dS AT3'<Sf7VWOU5, TwiTf . F a l l i Courthouio,, Wedneiday al

a :W p. m . f o r 'Further In lljrm aiiDn, 733 4030. Al-Anon 3rd lloor. 733-7937.

P R IV A T E Ipveitiaalor - 34 Hour Service, All conlld*nllal- Phone 733-M31 — night 733 5773.

H«lp Wontad 18

W A N T E D *x^*rl*nc*d mllk*r for C r* «fe ^.,D a iry. AAerl# Brown. 543-

L A D Y T O L IV E IN and a iil i t w 6m an w llh 3 children and M u te w o rk , 733-7110.

W A N T E D experienced bank te llir. Apply lorMr. Taggart by phonMgM1 0484------------ ----------- --------------- ------- -- ....

E X P f^ R IE N C E D S A L E S L A D Y lor Tw in F a lli ' largetl Ladlei' Read/- .To Wear iliopi. .Young woman; Tqp talary com meotural* wllh la le i A b ility ,' P le A u nt 'w orking conilM loni. good h o U ri and lio nofili. P le a io w rite im -


G O O D E X P E R I E N C E D , dopen iliihJe'itinnof cook. Ntflwn Cala, llurlev. Idaho Phnn* 67b 5331, L M Nelion.

E X E R C IS E Ihe new way. Rent Vkarciie and heallh ' equlpmoni ipeed hike, m atiage roller, ball vibrator, Acll0ncy<le. D A N N E R Furnilure, 733-1431.

-H V P N O S 1 S -

Boby SIMari—ChIM Co.* 1A

AVO N R E P H R S E N T A T IV e S lead Inlereiling llve i. They meet new people conilanliy, become ln> 'Volved In the beauty b u iln e ii, and

. have the money for many extrai. Call now 733-7413 or w ril* M ri. Phyllli M clnlurfr PI. 3, K im b K iy .

E X C E L L E N T -----------I J l & B n & T l J M I T V

C H IL D R E N 'S V I L L A G E child care center. Licented. A^et 3W and up. 461 N orm U C U it . Phone 733-70I0, 733-9010.

J A C K I. J IL L N u rte ry .. Licented c h ild ca re . C h ild re n 3 '''j-p re - ichool. 1104 lOlh Ave. E a it , 733- 6A47.

W A N T E D R E L IA B L E D AO Ylltler' In m y home, three hourt in al- terrwon. Phone 734-3490.

E m p U y m B n t A g a r t c U t . 17

M A O IC V A L L E Y Placem ent Coniullanit, Do k 710, lecond lloor,

. Dank of Idaho Building, 703-4530.

J O B O P E N IN G S at Perton ne l Service ol M aolc.VJilloy, M 9 Filer Avenue, Box 1313, 733 5S6}. .

H#lp WanUdA T T R A C T I V E la lo i tnlnded woman

needed. M u il have car. Good earningt, Ptione 135 5356.

T .V . R E P A IR M A N , pari o r lull- tlm e, Catnera Center, Hall ol M u tlc -

3 m e n wllh ktarting pay o f 13.05. Carter Pack ing, S41-43U or S43 4633.

F U L L E R B R U S H needi male and female, part tim o, 140 (70 a week. 543 4736, 733 740S.

W A N T E D ; D rive r lor hay o f grain truck. Opportunity to ,learn lo drive dieiel tru ck i. Year around w ork. Top w agei. Cell 934-4036, Gooding.

. . . l e d b l d i _______________________office of the Salmon R lv «r Cat lle m e n 'i A iioclalion . In c - 133 Th ird Avenue N orIh, T w in F a lli, Idaho, mailing a d d re ii P . o. Box 1378,

P iltfridaho"§330»r«ntlhf; ■M.

ol approximately 1,000 a cret of bruih land on Ihe San jacin lo Ranch near D e la p la ne , N e va d a . The contractor will furnith all equip- mpnl and labor. Appolnlm enti lo le* th* land or obtain further In­formation m ay be ,had by calling Roger KIrkm an, Area Codinoa-TSSv 3133.

n id t will be opened at 1:30 P . M'. on Ih* abov*'dat*'and at Ihe abdV* location: - , - ....................... ..

Th* right l i re ie rve d to reject any or-all b Id ro rJo accept th* bid which b e ll i4 rv e i the In te re ili of th* S alm on R iv e r C a ltle m e n 'i A iioclalion , Inc.P U B L IS H ;'Oct. 33, 33, 3S, 36, 37 t 38, 1970,

JO IN T U K P O riT O F O P E R A T IO N S IN F L N D SOK TM IN K V l.l,'' ( IM N i \ . T U IN I' M -l,''. I I) M tO


, 63,376.79 59,630.07


StAlooi'idano - Current Expense Generat&cnool inv. T a x Phaio Oul No. 234 HotpltAl AirportpArkiAndRoc.

•Poor Fund Noxious Weed CrAdlcalion — 4,47J,07

_________ - • .. 1,000,00Agricullure , . . .

■ (^ontlngonl Fund Tw ia Fa lliH lg h w A y buhl Highway Filer Highway MurlAugh Highway Twin F a liiC liy DuhlClty File r VHIaao KImborlv VlllaaeHolllslerVillAOD HAnion Vlllogo MurtAughVIMage CaillefordVillAuo C IB IIA 4 II C ia »A 4 1 3

- C lfl«A 4 1 3 -------- - - -CIa u A 4N

-C la it -0 -4 lS ------------------



,. 995.00 50,937.95 23.776,60 10,637 33 0,903,35 -

179.659.33 33,903.30

0JB3.70 . 5,330.31

303,29 1,432 73 1,050.31

516 01315.039.33 93,760.00 76.531,90 33,146,73

_ 2 2 .2 2 L i4 _



< » ; 4 1 . I rn m J i i l i la. IM Tlt. li>0rv‘>. 10711. holh inrll

Rocelvod Ov On hand Paid Dv Paid DyTransler And Recoivod Warrants T ra n jle r

I 37,635,50 i 315,669.03 % 137,507,32 ,0534,655.939,024.97

110.100,41 334.064,06 4,79133,556.4069,974.75


U6 61 330,30 99,933.432.72 39,007,57 38,017.45 1,43

603.03 15.030,30 14,000,00 . ,50337,34 14,760.53 13.098,65 .11

>4,630.03 . 135,693.46 35,107,73 1,301.397,60 43,937.01 47,757,02 ,30

1,001.90 u r4 iin u ■■

1.80 153,431 40 33

:..................................... I I -On Hand SO U R C E S . -

Above Dale ^ co, T ro a i., Dellnauont lax, , Rolh K, Jwies, Co, T re a i,. m h crlM ncela*

‘ Rum K. Jonei, T rc a i ,, T ra ile r Hquie Ta x -~M ],sai.34 K jo n o i, Co. T re a t., pertonal lax

16,062,11 R u „, jo n o i, Co. T re a t., ca llRulh K. Jonoi, Co. T re a t,, County llceniei

' Har ol d Lancatier, Co, Auditor, Court T ru ti 360,69 H A ro ldLancaslerCo , A u d llo r,ita te ta xfu n d

Harold Lan ca ite r, Co. Auditor, Social Security Harotd Lancaster, Co. Auditor, Feet

90'5B4.35 Harold Lo n ca ilor, Co. Auditor, Copletof Initrum entt— 3.031.11 Haro ” _ . . . ...................


, / ArhounI

I 69,5BS.10 30.5)3.31

' 1,900.66 3,131.00

33.00 130.00

60.301.36 3,673.31

73.011.36 9.413.13 . 393.97

791.30333.31 150.9094 54






154,639,90' 50.703,31 39,104,05 30,413,40

301,516.IB 3S,S3fi.0a 9,33? 40 5,60139

393.14 1,533.011

34.30 605,10

307,342 69 115,599,90 95.332,77 44,*17.6


39,003.14-------------------J0 -W .1 3 ----------1,043,493,370,69





C la tiA 151 ClASin333 Class 0 417 ClaitB4)0^D lilrlc j Schools 41*

■ OheraYoV'i Llconie Fund Social Security T ru ll Fund B4,073 Unapporlloned Delinquent .Tax Unapporlloned Real Revenu*Courl T ru tl FundS he rill'i Revolving Fund American F a llt Reiervolr D lilrlct •

Pending Eichenl )5 44— C o u niyR O Id Fund - - - ..............

Ouhl Bridge 6,540.04Unapporlloned Feet Unapporlloned PerionaiTax 563,36 Snowmobllei 832-“Public Adminiilrator A c ­count 1,705.19 Tax Anilclpalion Cerllllcalei T ra ile rH o u ie Ta x 11,33J-S9 W a le fm e ile ro iilric li 3,193.30

l it t r lc t i



10,033.41 116,377.01

1.670,61. 7 ,M 4.44 'J .A/at*rwavi

Twin Fan* counly H*alfh

.17 ---------------- n n v ;---

.64 20,50 3,391.8317.49 7,190.68 40,907.55

16.03 7 ,073.00 43,315.135,613.69 104.31 13,033.15

• 8,183,»5-- - 8,133,1573,011.36 157,684.1569,508.10 69,518.10

68,381.36 106,781.04300,00 1,100.00

333 06 3,393.10

38,513.31 ■36.887.7115.66

U9.4I1.70 149,411.70, 436,14 7,174.18

» ,4 1 3 .li’ 0,413,833,138.00 3.700.36


1,705.1943,500.00 - 43,500.00

1,100.68 n,03«.373,193.38




4,343.93■ 315.13 ____ 39.57

-0a4J5 .- ^ i a i o o . 0 0 - , —

T 7 .IM .M-1A.141.7S.

1.197.30 " 537.30 ' 163.13 306,61



38.61. 3,396.03

494.01 316.93 430.87 143.86

_____d Lanca tie r, Co, Auditor, R*l. H u ik y Olj & W eil* rn Union clock 13.97Haro d Lancatier, Co. Auditor, Sal* fav anticlpalion n o iH ,-1,' 63,500.00

3,391.19' 40,S«1.96 - 43,037.65

1,399.3]■ - B<)33.)S <



Cliflord Thorr^pion, Co. A iie t io r . — » . ...........CIHIord Thom pion, Motor V * hlc l* tra n if* rf* »Clifford Thompson, Boat Idenlif Icallon N o 't 'C iillord Thom pion, Tra ile r Houi*Licen<* Stal*Cllllord Thom pion, Co. A t ie ito r , im lla r houta llc*nie - Counly Ciillord Thom pion, Co. A t iM io r . Co. thar* T itle Service C llllord Thom pion, Co. A i m i o r ,C o . thare la le i lax Clllford Thom pion, Motor Boat Licenie-C urrant exp.Ciillord Thom pion, Co. A t ie iw r , COUnly Boat LIcenie Ciillord Thom pion, Co. A t m i o r . Reflecler Paint Ciillord Thom pion, Co. A t iM lo r , i pt. Pavm >nt.-aAmaoeto Car Paul Corder, Co- Sherlll, operator's l in m e - Stale 1- *~Paul Corder, Co. Sheriff, operator'i license - County P a u lO t d e r ,C o . Sherlfl, Identification N o 't .Paul Corder,' Co. Sheriff, R e lm b u ri* Sh*rilf‘i Revolvlr>g Paul Corder, Co. Sheriff, F e e io l ofllc*W allac* savag*. Weed Director, Saleof Material........ ■ - • • * Weed Revolving

— i m w r o # offlcr— T - " ---------------------- ----

405.59 ■ 317.40 11,433.00

County C o m m itilone rt. Rent Co. Property County C o m m liilo n e rt, M Itc. collection candy i cig.

3.413.00 67.00


1.737.00907.00 105.04 315,1}

1.537.01 110.53




— 1.474;

County C o m m lii' Counly C o m m lii County C o m m lii


)>^396.S4 3.S40.79

' 1.460,Sj




t . i o s . n .,4.479.04 '

oneri, refund rent, Iraniporiallon L food ita m p i onert. refund oi\bur|al

.... ............. o n e ri,fir* Ine.paym itnloi’anditandCounty C o m m lii o ner«,renlal Co. E xt. operation & expeiu* Counly Com m ittlonera, Dlsa ite r Rallaf £ Civil D*feni*Co. Zoning, Oulldlno P e rm itt ,Telephone Pay StalTon Receipts Slat* Auditor, lnv*nfory Tax Phaia-ouf Slat* Auditor. Motor u ie ri revenu* sial* Auditor, Taylo r G ra iing Act

, J l . School No. 416, Current lax ~ Jt. School NO. 4U< POblic School. Incom t Fund

. J l . SchoftI No. 416, Inveniory Ta x Phaie-out Ju itlc e o f P*ac*. T ra ffic F i n n ^Ju illc e o f P*ac*. FOrf«ltad Bond JuiM ce of Peace, Other F ln*i Ju itlc e o f Paac*, Co urtcojie Ju itlc e o f Paac*. Traffic F ln M . Stat* Pollc* Juitlc* ofP * a c* .B m a llC laim ft .. .Ju itlc e o f Peace, FIstt i Oam*


m .M',13,354.33

3.060.00 750.00 7t3.SO

10.30 i9.f74.JS

J49.»n.70 3,050.17 1,943.7f

7 U .SI . 4,704.93

17.31 131.44 3.144.70 3 ,»M .M

10,471.10ssa.oo33 7 .SO

74I.P11.MI tveraby cert Ify ttiat th*abov* ilatam aril l i true and corract:

R U C H K , JO N H S , ~ Tra a nffa r.

S T A T E OP lO A H D i (

( 1,644.041.4J » 740,011.33 3,933.440.6a ' 3.334,7«0.07'— - . ^ S 0 7 4 4 J . W _ 1 -

■SJ.'Msaa > S T A T E O F ID A H O i ( ' ............ 1

» w *, KUin n . Jon*t, irvesurar, « tni n . « , M w g iio f~ 0 m itr1ii,074.4a county» do solem nly tw aar Ih a tth f foraoolnostaiamenl It Iru e a nd corract------ afiHInn fW;t. 0. I*f0, .

H .A . L A N C A S T B R' ‘for-th* Q u a rfc r v * a r eodino O cl. 9, 1*70.

' R U T H K . JO N E S

N E-Q R AS KA b a r In Shothoneneedi lady bartenders. No experience nece iia ry. f u l l time work, day or night th illl. Apply in person.

for mnhlle homo laleim an, tales exporlonce p re le rre d . H ig h

, c o m m litlo n pay . p lu i fringe Z 'tM neflli. W rite Box C 17, c «I Time<. Newi. Setid resume and

relorqncoi, AM replies held con- IldAnllal.

P B R S O N N C L S B R V IC B • O F

M A O IC V A L L B Y"S w v ic e w llh Inlegrily"

■--------- M r i. Evelyn W llw n.M rt. DeAnnaVolim er

(1) Exceilenl openings for clerical, lo c r'e ta rla i. re c o p llQ n lit and general o llice. Full and part.tlm e available. -

(3 ) Good salaried talet poslllon ■AVAliAble, Aitove at company ex- panio.

687 Filer Av^u<


TiO i Is a great new nam e In tloipllel. Surgical. Medical In* lurance, American Republic In-

' lurance Co. has been Using Ih ii new dailgnnllon 'tor it t poHclei And II S services, new b u iln e t t h a i_ Increaied over 3l per cent.

We will train a talesman wllh either insurance or dli;*ct salat experience, for S full weeka and pay him tlSO ta la ry and -draw per week lor lust showing h irn .o u r proven sales m e th o d .'O u r e x­perienced salesmen con slitm tlv earn over i350 each week. We

~ R a ve Tje * n 'lu rrtllfiW (J'p r8 l|Jte m ff- our mer\ without coll every week

D R IV E R S W A N T E D ; A p p ly in person Yellow Cab Company.


E X P E R I E N C E D r e i la u ra n i em lov*r.»Apply-lni>*rionrRoO' eitaurani.

R O U T E S A LES M A N M utt be m a tu re , m arried and bondable. S a le i ' exp * ri* n ce preferred. A p p ly Troy National, Inc., Twin Falla, Idaho. -


"Malurt wo'mM ' wtlcome. Good working <Onditioni, paid group in- lurance, vocolioni, cor pool may be avolloble.

• C H A N C I M I N/ 7rnltrtlllAg work, pold group iniur- once, vQCotion. tome living quor- ten ovoiloble.

newspapera In Idaho for IS years. ConlacI Robert Burden,Friday, October 33rd, from 4:00 p. m . to0 ;0 0 p. m . at ' 1 0 0 6 'W a n ta n a.Gooding, Idaho.

-2 3 -

C O R N -TW R O SW ifcU J^la n -a m tJa ra d - M cCoy. Phone 733 4879 or 733-S14V.

C U S TO M rock pfcklng with A iT " derion rock picker. Br*nt Bower, 543-4735. ' ____________________.■ •

C U S T O M M A N U R B H A U L IN O Llllibrldg* Cuilo m Parm lno-

733 IU 3

M A N U R E tpraadino- Leo 'i'C ustom Farm ing, Filer.

C U S TO M hay slacking anyvi,*iara. AAeiienger and Lewis, 334-334S.


SW ATH If4G A N D B A L IN G . B la lr 'l C u ilo n i F a rm in g , call e a rly m o m ing i or evenlngl, 33444S9, Jerome.

W A N T E D : Dean Ihraihlng. corn thrashing, plowing. Art P*t«<aon, 534-3353

C U S TO M O E E T Kervastino and plowing. AJ^x Melton and S w . 334- ^954, 3365425. F ile r..

W A N T E D beet harvesting and corn c o m b lnlno - VarrtoA P a/rchlld/ phone,543-5443. B lh l.

D E B T H A R V E S T IN G : 3 X ro w a n d 1 3 row harvestors, and 1 4-rew b**( whlpper and topper, would Ilka from 300 lo 500 acre*. J ,o . Com and Soni, Kim berly, 433-5413 or 433, 5109.


Burley!.::^ H ey b u rn o w a . G o o d p ro fit ( o r lim e Involved.

INTERESTED PARTIES ------------------R H O N E - --------


- CQNTAtrr ^

-gao>tferth MAInGATE CITY g lE E l - "

. '1

7 i Tlfrio*-Now#.’ T w ln PaIIi, Idaho Thursriay, Oc|obor 33< 1970


C U S TO M P L O W IN G S tw ltom . C>Arv D tck A rd .'4 7 3 ^ ^ 1 k lm b rrly . •

W o rk W a n to d

p a i n t i n g fend rooting «nd car- p tn lrv don* by Ih ttio u co r loti. I'U - 4344, after 4 p. m . «

P A IN T IN G W a N T G D : Aliv r t»m :r^X20-tmoniL3Hd!mLzk!Ui!!!£4-^

Y O U R HA ^JP »AW *na circle »«w * (hitrpened — nulomftllc machine p ro c e ti. S l)flno;i S liArponlno SeruIcQ, S43 ith Avenue North. 731' 34S4. -

B u tln o u O jjp e rtu n ilia t 30

W IL L purchM o refll e »l«te con. Ira c tt. tru ti ricodt. m ortonoM . O v e r 15,000 per c o n lrn c l. Al ditcsunl. Canyon Loan Co., noK 817, D urley. Idnhn.

H U L K G A S and oil cpporlunlly lor man wno w nnfi to mnl^o monoy. 5irrvlcpjtntlQ n and thop lor entra m comc., *45,000. Call ’V i r ^ r T f T T "

H e m o t For Sal* SO

C O U N T H V l i v i n g . New 3 be<lr' o o m , b a ttu . p lu ih ap'p n ln lm e n li , p riv a te w e ll, ap- p lla n r e i , c a rp e l. |IS,900. Ace Mealty. 73) S:i7.

V l:M Y C L I:A N lam lly liomo lor - $13,300 O I " o r 'le r m iV ‘ WJIc i lie ■ liAiulv kltclmn carpet, and tile

hath. Ilatninnnt lor expan&ion. Call 733.S9J4 AA<iuf»tain S ia io i H eallV loday. " M LS "

o n A U T IF lJ U lirlck home in nicii location, Throe liejlroonu tn,»ln

J lo o r , . two li> bafcenionl. p lu i

n r ra ,'c a rp e t ihrouQhoyt . main Moor. m s o q . • / • •


••'1.' tU.,r li.lrvN oiil.;.1,1

n.'.M ............ I 7 ;!U4^.'.K\ .11. • /j T | ‘>.I .

F a rm t For S o U

73 ACM t: S TO C K lai’m d o te to town,

H U N DO W N larm . 140 acre*. Good fii^ldt, poor* builtilttgt.'Priced at o nly $35,000. S T O C K M n N 'S / H E A l . T Y , <00 Snulh L In c o lo .l Jurorne. Ptione 334 464S.

back ly tlD m . .t'tionaJ)4:i


40 A C R E S‘A ir in hay arul pniturt). Good livalilu 4 bedroom Iwm o. Soulh- w r s i .o t Jorotno. Tota l p ric o $10,000. '

I 1 1 t U ' ' \

Fred, 733 3830 V' l i i ' f .............rooov. 733.6015 4 # ITony, 423 SAOQ ,E a rl. 433.SAS9 '1043 niun LakOt Norih 733 8337

C H IN C H I L L A S (or sale. Other business' In lo ro tt m akes sale necessary. Write P. Wells, P- O. Oox 03. Mountain Home. Idaho D3647 or phone 5S7.S033 between 10 A M and 3 P. M.

E A S Y IN C O M E . 5 unit ,ipartnu-nts. nets HaOO por ypar' A low flown PtSymeni is all you • p a y .' Your tenants pay Ihc rest. Pr I CP St 5.500

•■'■«l£AL E S -TA TE S E R V IC E . H I

l n V 0 (t m e n t $ 31

AN IN T E R E S T cneck cverv-olAnth' 9 Pfrccnt mlorcsi p.ucJ on loan> ol five thousanfl or more. Prmcipiil (u lly secured Jind. guflranteed. W rite Sawtoolh Venture Group, Don tOOA. Twin Palis, !/laito.

S c h e e lt 44

E A R N A H.S diploma Al home. Wriie.for (rec brochure. Ann-rlCan School O lsin e r Office. Oox 74J4, Boise, Idaho

' 50 i

This spitco will l>o used to .ad - vcTtlso your properly. Wo have sold all our listed proper lies OKci'pt the homo doscrllxid below — A N D that will be u>ld soon. T A K E ad. vantaoeol our T R E E adv<*rtislng o l((;r. List your‘ properly N O W II

D E L IG H T F U LThat bcsl tfescribos Ihts rugOi'd brick home. Evoryihlno lor luxury Itvino ~ and only t?4,900, 3 b<idroom. fam ily room and formal_ ctinlng area. Large well planned'

j kitchen. Pireptace, I ' j b.iths, and I Attached garage. Oest iocalion ' near high school. Low interest • finnncino, Inspect this properly I today. • --------

„ H AM LETT I REALTY; OovD Knmleti, QrobcfI Plen»e call 733.4070 ( o n y tim .V '^

Ann H o flm o ii.r 7 3 3 .7 n m n io m B T

! - I

H o m «$ For S aU

W E N D E L L . T H B E E bedroom s, e le c iric heat, com pletely rem odeled, w iih w a lM o wall CArpetino IhroughOut. Large living

. and dining rooms. I ' j baihs plus — carpon. pncB reduced to $13.350.

P E T E R S O N R E A L E S T A T E 534 inTi,

IS N 'T T H IS T H E .DAY ? of.

•nv O W N E R : 3 bedroom home. Large fenced lol. No«fi\ school. Rental unit on nllcy< Ph\n.8379. ’

OUR S IN G L E bedroom home plus 3 small clean rentals. All lurnishod. As a package or separslely .^Owncr linancing. Phone. 733.5200. H, L. (H a d ) Clarkrl071 3nd Ave. Wojl

DY O W N E R : Deautiful nearly now fu lly carpeted gold M edallion home. Excellent location. 733.6973.

OY O W N E R : Large new all brick ’ home on corr or lol In Northeast Tw in Palls, 3 bedrooms, 3 balhs, mtchen, living room, dining room,

____Iflmity rnnm-at

Come see thfS elegant- homo. 5 bedrooms, lam lly room plus rec., 3 baths. 3 llroplaces, c]i/n.~gnrdm court. Real water tails in living room. All H e c lr ic ..Y O U 'L L L O V E ITI

S H O R T A C R E 3bc'droom t,fam ily room, .3 fircpUices. V j baths. C L O S E -IN .

D U P L E X . Just listed. Price is right. S E t T O D A Y I

N rA T FnrW IN -FA T C S—36 acres, 30 stanchion d a iry barn, corral buildings. Good 3 bedroom homo: Year round stream . Goo<l h-rms. Ow ner will c a rry $43.000.'

N O R T H O F J E R O M E■ UO acriis lovely 3 bfldroom homo.

Dairy barn, loafing sheds. Idu'al slock or d a iry selup.,$43,500. Good Icrnis. . ’ -

C h a r le s P. H iiw k o r ■ R e a lto r

W A N T Ihc best bargains jn homes — acreages — farms ranches or Dosincss opportunities? Please bo iure to call ‘

Both W ickham , 733-5476 Edna IHshr733-O802- -

C. L O O N E Y , R E A L T O R

R «o l E tta lo For T ra d * 53

E X T rV n i C E 150 head slock ranch near Arco, for 40-acrob wilt) good homo iri Soufli Central Idaho. Contact Kon T a lb e rt- Jones Realty. Qox 131. Arco. Idaho. Phono 537.3114.

M ob llo Hom oa 64

A L W A Y S • B E T T E R B U Y S

iM/atcti lor 14 wide* a rrivin g each week, i y and*;0 '.

M A G IC V A L L E Y ' - M O B IL E H O M E S

' Travel Tra U e r Motor liom ei 3Vi miles west of Wesl 5 Points

Open 9-A. unless advance ap- . POlnlmenl, 713-A14I.

L O O K IN G F O R . a

HoUtW i— F u rn ith o d 73

N IC E L Y F U R N IS H E D 3 iMdroqm linuse In Filer, Phone evenings. 734 3549. . '

T H R E E n C D R O O M home, good location. Rolorences reo u ire d . $135 por monlh. 733 3V43.

M O B IL E H O M E , compjoioly lur- nl»hfid. country living. Couple or .lady. $90. 733-0095.

.H o u u i — iIln ^ u in lih B d 74

Room s— Doqrd a n d Room 76

' C L O S E -IN , clean, exceltent sleeping j ro o m s, p riv a te e n lra rice . A ir ' c o n d ition ing . 137 4lh Avenue :■ North. X

I-W IL L C A R E for olderlstperson in m y home-. Vacancy now. Phono 733 3513.

'Q U I E T R O O M 'fo r young collcge I man.. Phone 733 4363.

lig h t In d u ilr io l E q u ip

W o rilo d T o Ronl

N E E D O V Ih * 1st, 3 bedroom hous«. PItone 7JMJ739.

T H R G R n e O R O O M tfome or dupUM '."Ljr 1 y e a r, p ra lt ra b ly w llh

'*’ ,.u a «om e hl a n d ' lanvvtf'-ln iia c k yard. Phone Dri. KusI, 33A-433I. (iiiyllmo,7}3-i453,eu|. M a flw 5:00

••WANT T O R E N T : 300 to 300 acre*. Have tiolp, flnantf^t. «ntnffHi>lp- ment. WrIto/UoK C -U , c -o -T lm M - News.

r W A N ik D _ - T O . renti_fur-nlihed., 7 bedroom hoitsoor aparlmenl witlt shower. Would like, modarn Itomo. W lljlno jo tvaie. No children w pe ll. Phone 734.373$,

acreage groui}c), prelerably wllh qpllon to buy. Will sign lease If- buy, .... . . . desirw}, Phone 734-3735.

F a rm Im p lo m o n it

M T R A C T O R wll»i M l 1 Inlernatlonal boot harvoslor mounted. Ready to go. $W0. 733 B059.

W A N T E D : L A R G E l l i o looder w adoh. P re lp r c a rl ly p e w ith

wheels. A rou n d ' 4-ton

M O L Y N E U X M a c h in e ry Co. T ra c to r re p a ir in g , all makes. Phone 733 7547.

N E A R L Y now Ifl' and U ' beet bods. t>l)pne B39 51A7. Haiellon.

5i0 I N T E R N A T I O N A L F a rm a ll . excellent condiljon. brand new rubber on Ironl. $3,000, phone during day B63-3443, evenings afler 9:00 713 4753.

ID A H O T R A C T O R salvage. CasK lor used trjictors. Used paris al big

'discounts; 733 9393.

C a t tU

R e o iS T e R B D H E R B P O R D S . T td Monaotfin. H a g K m a n ., l3;-48&f;

100 t B E T T E R h t i d Holateln Springer tie lltr i,. wtlohlng ln»m 1.000 to 1,350 poUndl.>'LoU of cloMUp lielfert, lor m I« or irada, Sonrt* Je rs e y and G u e rn ie y Springer Hellers. I now l>ave two finance com pw ilei to lell cow i Ihrough. I can finance from 3 lo 5 y e a n . See m « for lurther In- formallpn. Bugene Hughes, 334 - 341S, Jtrome.

R B O IS T C R E O A N G U S DU LLS. See - ’Oee-Hord—»-nortti7~1~We*r"or

Jerbme goll course’or, phone 334, 4034,

G O O D J a d Y and pasture calvek lor tale. All kinds. Phone 334.4U3or 334-4^|i Jerom e,

lO H C A O n U L L G . 35 tiead hellers, <-} to U Ch(irolals cross bred calve*. AH ellgiblo lor registration. Phone 733 04M.

S P R IN G E R J E R S E Y cow. 835-5334. 3 m llei North, .h W « t , >/4 .North Hansen Rrldgo.

isat lOvUii r I p .m >

leeler prices, «7B 0419

F R E S H or Sprinoor cows or hollers. Guaranteed. Uuy or trade lor sprlnosrs or beel- Hap or Clyde Hughes, Duhl. 543 5335 or 543-59i0.

F A M IL Y M IL K cows, ctienper tnan m ilk bills, financing available. Jerome 334 3415.

IM CO O E E T H A R V E S T O R wllh tractor mounted IflOOCI-UfiiLlxtank type only dug 130 acre*. $3.000; Phone B39 5407. John Okollierry.

1 N E W 15'6" combination grain and boot bed. 733 3390. 733 40SB, or 733- 0]9Q. Goneral Qulldlng Supply.

C A L V 8 S O A n Y a nd G ra ssc a lvo s.a ll kinds. v«West, 1-4 South of Klm bdrly. 433- 5134 or 433-5009. B K. Q Callle.

T O P Q U A L IT Y light weight calvos. All kinds. 1’ 3 West of Duhl on Highway 30. 543-4766. If no answer, 543 4013.

— r coR t*AL“ PO L-ES;-approKim alelv-4 . incii in diam eler, up lo 30 loot'

I lengths. Call 733-3684 or. 733 0995..

I H o y , O ra in a n d Foad 9 4


f a U a n d P o t S u p p lU t H O G o o d T h in g t t o Eat

H U N T IN G D O G S , English Pointers. Ha d shots. Deft of breeding. Phone 533 43115, Hsnien.

C A N N IN G H B N S , 3 pounds up; $1,10 each, poultry Supply 313 5th Avenge Wesl >33,3148.

P E M A t E Germ an Shep»>et'd. Like* children. Also good watch dog- Pt>nna>31.9198. ________

DO STO N Screw Ta ll puppies, niack and w4«lte. Wejl m arked. Call 733- 8979. . ■

D O U n L E M KO D E L IC IO U S apple*, $1.50 p w bushel. You pick. Wind- lalls $1.00. W « still have a lol ol nice applns. J . G. Dowden O r ­chard, </i mile soulh ol KlmbeftV.

A D O R A R L E * week old purebred bassell puppies- $3S each- f>hone 543 4566.

T R E A T Y O U R f ^ L F lo Wholesome m llkvvllha gre a t flavor. 77 cents a 'gallon. Save at DIngham D a iry, Addison Avtnue East.

eoODLB-OROOMINOrnftJd-Tiw^ vice, pupple*. Chert M ille r.K e o -

. n e l», West Riklcap corner, K im -

.D C L IO O U ^A N O -W 1 N X £ JZ -Q aiapplM , you pick, cabbage;.-red polaloes, n O D E N S TA O S , 3 miles North, 1 m llp .W e st ol West,-5 Points, ■ • ' . - ’ !

A K C reglslered.toy poodle puppies. W hile also apricot ones. Phone 733- B01B. N E E D A CAR OR N EW t iO M E ?

ConsulMo(loy'!k Want. AdsQO D'S K E N N E L S : Gun d o g s . -

Obedlence 'ira ln ln O f Boa rd in g . Hnye some t ^ s lor sale. 733-3310.

Antlquo* n v

T O G IV E A W A Y m year old par| T e rr le rm a ie . Houseljroken. Phone

- 334 3591, Je rom e ,fro m 9:00a,m . to 5:00 p.m.

G U IO E O T O U R S D A I L Y . Pete Johnston, 304 Soulh Washington

-(A irp o rt Road), 733 3345,

A K C R E G IG T E R E D black labrador pups. Good hu n te rs — field champs. English pedlgrtw. Phone~

M li<«{lanuui F « r S o U 1 4 0

CROSS tlO R D E R collle puppies lor sale. $5. Pitone B37 4439, llagor- man.

------ N IT i> fte r-»w in -fa »l* r7 fll'»4 « lr -

N E W 4' x B' R E G U L A T IO N pool table with accessories. $350, Phone 655 4331.

W A N T E D : A u s tra lia n shepherd dog. Phone 4366367, Rupert.

T W O R A U D IT S Wllh double cage. $B.Jp. 734-3455, after 5:00 p. m.

SEA R S G G N ER ATO R 1350 watt*, nought new In June, 1970, Phone 655 4315, Hollister.

ikKC M IN IA T U R e Sclinaujor'pups > E xtra nico litter. Satlslactlon. H

M a hrt, Durley, 67d-7943.

B -P A IR furnlfure clamps. Enough pipe to make pipe I ' to 5' j ', Lots of hardwood. Also I canvas, 10 x 14'.

- - Phon«-733 3148:..................... ........

A K C C H E A T D A N E S , Poodle*. Qritlany, G e rm a n ' Short Hairs,

■ N o rw e g ia n E l k . Hounds, S a m oyeds, P u re b re d G orm a n Shepherds, E n g lis h Polntnr S ho rth a ir c ro s s b re e d . M a c's Kennels. Pttone 536 3317.

C L E A N carpels the utve and sale "w a y w ith B lu e Lu stre. Rent

ele.ctric shampooer $1. Greennwalts.

D O N 'T merely brighten carpets . . . . Dlue Lustre them . . . no rapid resoiling. Rent elcctric shampooer $1. Krengel's.


C R A IG car tape player, Akai tope recorder Connon movie camera. Inquire at 113 Harrison St. alter 6

' A/ty Dreed of D o g -

Lo ti a n d A cra o g a i

FOR S A L E or trade, 3 acres, 3 bedroom modern home, garage and hen house. Phone 334-3333, ■ Jerome. |

_Oni^ $10.000.___ O N L Y A F E W --------M l t E S -

W ESTERN REALTY C O . 733-2365

Only ft lew miles from Tw in flails. 2 bi-droom home Pasture for

, tiurscs and cows. $1,000 down will

-LEAA aV-N &R-&A L-T-Y -


Michigan'125A loadoi. S66QQ. JO04O»cfopc.r 55.000 Hancock 8E4 icropor. S7.100 Col I? Grader. S6500 AC model H3-*fawler do-oi

S4750CASE, motlfl W9 loodcr. 56,000 IHC model TO t8 C ro «li-r ,~,th

clojef, S350U JO 2010 Daclihoc. S6250 CASE 530 Bociihoe, S6750 Full line of now John Deere mdu\- t'la'l £c)uipmenl.

E L L IO T rS111 Overland Ave., DutUy. Id.

Phone 678-5505 Dob H o u ito n ~

SalasQepreientativa. ______Horo*-Pl»o

H A Y bought and sold. Oondod dealers. M c K ilr ic k T ru c k in g , Ocllevue, 70B-33B1.

C U S TO M _ . . . . . mobile — molasses. Al Masl 433-5800, Kim berly.

A reliable market for your baled hay ID A H O A L F A L F A P R O D U C TS , IN C. Just north of the Suonr F a c to ry Phone 733 9187 T w inFalls.

A n im a l B rooding 100 i


S E L E C T sires Incorporated. All breeds, d a iry, bool. Walter Lellch, 543 4 6 5 0 ,____________________ __

A R T IF IC IA L Oroeding to'ADS great proven sires, nation's highest type production sires. All'oall breedsof beef available. Ouhl, 543-6103;

I Jerome, 334 3653; Shoshone, 6B6- . . 7507; Qur.loy, 67B 9353, Hajolton.

O C TO B E R 33 rd150 HEAD good quality ileer ond

heller colvai from the liigh <eunlry.

iO HEAD goed.yearling tteert.SO HEAD good yeofllng halfert. r SO HEAD good cross brad ite trt

and heiUri.4 0 HEAD good Holstein tteeis.-----------6 0 HEAD good fat and feeder cows,


"WJiire Compilitive bit/d.ny nnurai lop dollar '

In Iht hoo't ol good qicih (ovnliy on lh« U P. Mainlino. '


Livflitacic W a n t « d t M

ID A H O H i d e a. t a l l o wD E A D A N IM A L P IC K U P

Phone collect 733 6035

IN C H M A S T E R lor sale Very good condition. Ptiono 733 4331 days, 733 3307. evenings

A p p lia n c a t& H H Eq u ip . 130

S M ITH A N D C O R O N A all electric typow rilor, 3' } months old. Never used. Sold now for $339, 5 year guarantee. Now $130. 734.3735.

W E S T IN G H O U S E L A U N D R A M A T T W IN S — washer and drye r. Doth only $149.50. 90day w arranty. M & . Y E L E C T R I C , 441 Main Ave. “

33 C U B IC F O O T Chest Ireeter, $100. - 3 Wheel utility trailer 150. 305

Carney, 7J3 7609.

S E E TO D A Y S W A N T A O S -lo r the bost buys in town.

O L Y M P IA portable lypowriter with regular siie keybonrd. Phone 733. 0037.

N £ W A N D U S E D appliances.-Alio repairs. Hall of Music and Ap-

• pUance, 733-4931.

Fu rnitu r* & U H G o o d s 139

irpeted,' lull basement, doUbli c a rp o rt. refrig e ra te d 'a ir condlHonlng. beautiful home, call

“■~r73709nrayror7M-#460«iows-*nd Sundays.

P H O N E ; 733 0074

i~ 0 u t a f ,T j .w j l i io "?•.»_____

air condilicnad. sprinkler system, double garage, top area. gi}0 d

iM fL____ •. _ _____ $35,0003 D E O R O O M norlhwcst, '.i 'y iir rp spacious home for . $I8,S00C L E A N and cheap 3 bedroom, gas Jurnace ' $7,800UttICK 7t)eoroom $34,600

F C L D T M A N R E A L T O R S VU Sno-.,none Strecl North 733 19B0


B u iin a ts Propar^V ' "

‘o WN E RTTIo fir new d iip t^ x ^ le o in c - heat, carpeting. Good location.

F o rn ^ I m p l t m a n t i 9 0 F o r m I m p U m a n U

/ mori.', conwomont term ‘j. Really fl comfortable nomu

'H u r r y on this one Tw m rails

Haney 733 J609 or EstMur 733-5408 . _______________

UY O W N E R in Wendell. V e ry nici; large 4 bedroom, dining room , lulllin ishe d basem ent, lire p la c e , ----------------------lam ily rocni, garage, large lot ; C a m p t r t //ell landscapes. Phone 536 336-1.

ro r S,ilo or Rent, Dusino!100 loot Ironlaoe. Clioici

-tiiCiijLirjiuIt-O.olllcc. Cfl.

1 ,u, « , . . .location. I]

.733 287J. |!

Commerclfll Property A S P E C IA L T Y

Feldiman-Ronltors 733 1900

' F a r m i F o r S a l* - 53

^ i v e O E D R O O M Q R IC K acre.a m in u roo m , large kitchen,

• panelie(l_family room, worksnop. 3 full Daths. double carport. DY O W N E R 733 1305.

T H R E E B E D R O O M p a rlia lly (in iih tcJ full o a s e m fn i. -La rge aouDie garage. Oirch • cupboflrtii and paneiitig, lirepince cind Iruil trees ?33 1226

- K IM B E R L Y 1,4j acres, beautiful ./ colonial 3 s^6ry home, lully car-

. . . paled, high'way Irontage. $30.000.. ■r^ Aco Realty. 733 5317.____________

E A S Y L IV IN G ! Charming homo plus apartnient, fireplace, shag carpel Peaceful location $13,750. Ace Realty. 733 5317.

OW N E R has lelt.slnic, duo lo illness must sell immediately at reduced price 3 bedrooms, carpeted living room, nice kitchcn and bath. Sewing room, garage, completely fu rn ishe d. $7,800. Im m ediate possession. Call Eunice Cooper 733 4960 or L A N D O l^ F lC E OP

D A H O R E A L T O R S . 733 0716."TfyretT'T

■ 3BS A C R d , 3S0 head ideal' cailie' *anch. 3 bedroom modern home. 334 4001 — 655-9904.'

f-'nr bale Appronimateiy 300 aero (,»rm all m .jilalt.i $6 0 ,000 easy do ^•n t-iisv icrm-j C.ill Smooch 67B 2:4H O viTl,ina Roiilty, tlufk-y. OvtTl.ind Stioppmg Center.

fiO /.CRES. mostly nay and paiturc, nice 3 t)fdroom home, bjsem enl, plenty ol out builolnos incluomg a ■.i.incj'ion.vjaik thrcugiyDarn, ,fof, quick jni# priced n/ o ^iy $04,500 te rm s excellent, J E R O M E R E A L T Y , Glen Jackson or Dili Kersey 3?4 .1368

FOR S A L E or trade; BO acres. 00 ihares of Twin Falls canal water. , Southwest ol Ouhl $45,000. Would like home or rental for $13,500 eciuity. B R IS TO L A G E N C Y . 336 5670 or 733 3863.

80 ACR ES.With good Grado A dmry biirn. hay shed and loafing stied. 3 bedroom twmo. Clo^.o to Gooding. O n ly $33,000. M U F F L E Y i R E A L T Y S. I N S U R A N C E .'

D U Y T H E Q E S T. All models 1970 Travul Quoon 'campors. Now In stock. S portsm an Lo d ge , 1000

“ Springsr Hagerm an, Idaho. -- - -

M obil# H o m a i


U S iD :________—T tJ A G T O R S ^ a -E Q U IP M E N l

In le r 0 $t d o f o r ro d u n t il 3 > 1 -7 1

U S m T R A C T O R SS —W«SEYTeRG050N 33 OI«*l-----------------------l -M A S S E Y F E n C U S O N 16S DUsal (Damal 1 -M A S S E Y fBRG USO N 50-Go*1 ^ J O H N DEERE 4030 Diaial w ith cob, U U Now.I - J O H N DEERE “ A ’ Go».

- U f i D K Q U I P M I N TI — N E W H O U A N D 1044 Pull typa Hay SlacLar. 3 wida 1 -M A S S E Y FERGUSON 3 row Corn Haod.

Will fit MaisaV'Parguson S \ 0 and 4 10 eombinas.1 — OPPE^ 7 row Biat H an/ittsr with row findar

and lopping units. (N E W ).1 — W ESCO N 7 tow InnL typa Raat Harvastar



CoiMiQ'" D,ly,. Cooding(>34-5720

JocV Ci»»t, Goorirfig 934.5298 ’ OfFlCE— 934-4342

'RorM i ‘H O R S E S H O E I N G , t r im m in g ,

grooming. Denver F in * ,'336-4631, 'F ile r.

•ALL TY P E fro f hofsosi bought, sold;- -rradod. Plenty ol ranch geldings. Ron Hrioy. 733 6055.

S A D D LE H O R S ES lor Anyone, pony b arno ts. H o lile ln bull calvos. Small gardon tractor. 433.5750.

H E A V Y D U T Y -3 horso trailer. $195. 3 blocks north of Rangier D rive-In . Jerome, Vernon DIako.

S h a a p 106

30 H E A D G O O D breeding owes. 1 good Sulfolk buck. Will start lambing last o( December. 543- 4B33, Huhl.



PRTc e ’ HIcD U C C O

N IC E 2 tW'dfOOm home with ni.-w ■ a lu m .n u m sicjing. 6' Hetiwnod

ti-nci'd back yard This home tidS fi r«-crealiof> room, u tility ' room, Ix-droom and storage room in nasem ent, Gas heivti-o. Was $13,000. N OW $\1,900

T A Y L O R A G E N C YM em bvr ol Twin Falls

" M L 5 " Service

Donaitl Tayror llrokt-r 431 5289.H V f N i u r . ’.____________ ;___________Hon fa y lo f’ , ! 433 S403

$5,000 DO W N BUY S this small dairy or stock setup over 160 acrcs, modern home excellent term s' See Lps Thompson at WeMcrn Ranch ' 'ji-rvice, 733 041 1.

BO acres. Good soil. Modern Itome. ^ear round water. Beet allotment. >43,000. Excellent terms FAR

•MERS R E A L T Y . Duhl, 543-4650. or Ken Beecher,

80 A C R E S , Jerome area $22,000 40 A C R E S beaulilul home and v>ew,good soil fast. Buhl $36,iX)0


D X 55 Wllh tipout Air condilionod

.Full carpet ’

.AwningSkirling 'Garbage disposal Screen doors

Qolow you will find m any sorvicos a va ila b le from M a g ic Voiloy Dusi* nesses. Looi< under tiie tow n in your oroo . . . contact one of those firms for liib finest in service an d qu a lity pr<^ducts.


R E F R I G E R A T O R S , w a s h e rs .

30 y.enrs ejsperionce oei way. Phone 731 6167.


n U T they can bo more thoroughly onloyod in a homo ol your own. And lor lull unjoymont, lake a look

‘ At thl$ 3 bedroom ram bler on Julio Lane. It ha$ a double garagevind a k llihe n with electric built ins. 3 b »lh$ . tunken living room with t lra p l«c «. II alto has a rod iron d «c o r«ta d $ l«lrw a y lo large lam ily

„ L y .N W O O D -R E A L T -Y -.AtO Oiua Lakos North

733,9 jn

A P T B R H O U R S ;R . J.SchuMmdiman M a rltv M a the rt

160 A C R E S Full Tw in fa lls water ..p lu s w e ll. Near, per.loct . loed

corrals. Modern 4 bedroom l»m e , O w n e r desires sm a lle r place, W E S T E N D R E A L T Y , 543 4409 or evenings ptione Al Daiss, 543 4578,

100 A C R E S . Full water rights plus irr lo B tlo n w e ll. Deel a crnage. Good home and corrals. One ol lha belt In rm i In the Woodoll area. .

30 A u U E S . 30 Shares ol water, 2 bedroom h o m » and other buildings. Close to town. 117,500.

W EN D E LL R E A LTY Phona 5 3 6 -2 2 7 4

D A IR Y F A R M SO with real nice modern homo'.'Oil furnace, 6 stanchion cow ^arn. A real nice lltlla 'dairy sat up wllh lots of c o rra li. t40,000. Also tOOhoadof high producing m ilk cow« and leed can b t p u re ha u d M parataly!

A LS O 3 gooa./arm t for laata.

L A M R 6 A L B S T A T Q C 0331 So, LIncetn

334 4BOO . Jerom e

E A G L E Cook Binding. Old book — DIble restoration our specially. 5B0 Fillm ore, 733 7314; 934 5195.


T n A i u mC B N TIII*

•Pickup Camper Close Outh t m m s

} KtairCaUia’CtURtrvCiaipHi ‘17SS.M

B U IL D IN G Contractor. Remodel, additions, now construction Free estim a te s. Phone 334 5657.

• Jerome.


Prescott Mobil Qutcherlng Cattle and Sheep

Phof)0 733 7»91or 433-4931


A L M A H A R D IN — Ch lr^ra c to V , 157 North Washington. Twin F a lli, Pltnno 733 4741.



D R E S S M A K IN O , w o m a n 'l and a ir l 'i altarailon» Wadding d ra ita i. R . 734-MOa,

U A S IC H and other Sbaklee 1 ‘ ‘unaa product*. Fred Yoder. 3l5 Lenore\ NMkJ(0Ud(MiK»4> . . J a J Q . - . _ ‘s,roat, Twin Falls 733 1565,

I I'utt^KorWiotf.................W IM a s ii1 W ^ t k k v f ua ««r uud 'S|SM ai ii 1 IOI/rH «aM M iJt. . . . m b O a ik I I'R iacKo,; ‘m .M a $ k

W ln la iiie N e w 'Non'Toklc Antl'Ptaat* /^vollabla

W « C o r r y iMarlatta, Kit,,Chnmplon, Tahmq*

--------rotVr!rovalmr#c\firin)nn*r;---------------•Tf»ry Concord. - - . . O PIM .

7Days-a W a a li.e vanlnA iby A p p e ln lm a n l-7 3 3 -a 4 IO

e ia b a al AiIdli«n,.Twln FAlU ............. . ■ ' .........—

r U R N A C B C U 8 A N IN 0

S U P B R V A C fu rn a ca c la a n ln g. B vp a rla p ca d o p a r a lo ri. Idatio Furn a ca xitanlng. F?t«na 733-4J6*

ez H A U L National truck — irallar renlal. Kampar A ^tilc a Taxaco. 404 Shoihona btraat W ait. 733-M41.


"rtp Job — Jnnllor Service, we do _cnrD P t clCQnlna._Cflll 7■ 3.3B49.

Mobile Home-Transportm g

H U G H E S . AAoblle Homes. Locally owned. Insured carrier. Local and long distance. 733 3773,

t e W lk O M A C H I N it

E X P E R T sewing mactilne repair (■ sales. Now and used com m ercial!. Scissors sharpened, V ic's Sewing Machine Service. 534 4th Avtnua East. 733 7065.


LA W N lortllliallon. tormlte coplrol. house lumlgatlon, root leeding. Gem .Spraying Service. 733’420*.


R O T O -R O O T E R sawor la rv lc o Sewer lines and septic ta nk cleaning- A lio all typ a i ol ax- cavallon. John A. Haken. 733-354t.

C R A V C N 'S Sawer Sarvlca: Keptlc tank • tawar llna c lo n in g . Power aqulpmanl, fraa ln<padlon. 733- 3053. -----------


H O S P IT A L b a d i. wttaal etialra , com m odai. cru lchti. ate. Rant.of lala. Crowlay Ptiarmacy. 7 33-»fn.

W H C 5 L chalra, aKarclaltH) aqulp m anl, crytcttai. walkara lor rant or lala. K In o ib o rv 'i Pharm acy. U 7 Main B a it , 73J-WT4of


PAR KS A N D SONS - 733-4441. icrcifll and ro ild o n lla l

C Tng - c'on1tM6l»t - W K W hai'is — inside o r -o u li id # -c l ly llm lti.



V A L L C Y T R E E S E R V IC E Dangereua Tre a t, G ive U i A Call,


■TQ W H -AN D C O U N T R Y . vice. Free estimatus. insured. Phone 733 6Q60, Dox 3)1, Tw in Falls.


F O R S A L E : O ra ve l m a la ria l* . Smith Sand & G ravel. 837-4804,

. Hagarman.


W E A R E T H G A U T H O R U E O Dealer tor Hoovar, Flltax .ahd K irb y V a cu um claanar*. Wa service and repair all make*. A good ittacllon of rabulll vacuum*,

~ 'va c iiu m Claai^art of Idaho. Corner of Dlua Laka* and 9nd Avtnua B a ih Call 733 1037.

V A C U U M Si#vlca Canlar! P a rti ‘ repair* on K irby compact. Mo*t r-pthar^. Tw in Falla 733 6041. , ‘

^ B L D m o ™

l>O RTABLBor'*hopw aldlno. Ptiona 733 MM

OUR-A ntw arin g i«rvR;«. Tfta a d v « r t l^ r w ilf b a ' Iq 'coll you . If ili9 " ia le p h o n « o f any b d v ert(ie r lit' (h it D IR E C T O R Y Ji no) oniw er«cJi d ial 733«3d 86 ,

.ph o n e A n|w «rlnO Servlcft In Twin F a lli, D a y o r N ight.-

- Tra de . Cam era Conlor.^ualr ------- ------.----------1 FALL=T:l-C-^

S TO W a -w a y bed for rent. 13.00 a week. Oanner Furniture, phone 733-1431.

L I K E N E W beaulilul mink sto le .- Auburn haie In cofor. V e ry a t­tractive double collar. This stole Is in excellent condition and Is reasonably priced. Call 734 3394 or 733 6675.

linish. Call 733 1303 e

U S E D L I V IN G R O O M fu rn itu re . Priced from *15. Wilson Dates. 703

_____ ________ -

-G O O O -U 6 E D -and g u a ra n te e d . Some color, term s available. Wilson Dales. 733- 6146

Host. No wet Shampoo problems.Rent machine *1, Wllson-Oates,Twin Falls and Jerome. .

U S E D S T E A M cleaners for sale, high p re s su re w ashers, call' CUlUfti.4 :oulDtnfni. ____

lingsdays or evenings.

S M A L L .D A N ISH jn od o rn -Jflla -w lth . attached ond table, Immaculate, t39. Drow n Irle ze hid e -a -be d. Cisudo Brown's Music' and F u r ­niture. •. ■ '_______________

A L L - T H E - n o w .slylos .ol_V.irtue dining and kitchen sets. Just arrived. All reduced o& much as 30

■ per C tn r C iaudo-B ro w n's Music- and Furniture.

S A V E O IG I Clean ru g s and upholstery with DIuo Lustre. Rent electric shampooer »1. Olacker Appliance and Furnilure.

C AS H FO R G O O D used stokofmAtlC parlor lurnaces, also good used oil heaters, D A N N E R F U R N IT U R E 733 1431..

W A N T E D ; U s e d 'f u r n it u r e , a p ­pliances, baby things, coal stoves, antiques. Repairing, upbilslerlng. Hayes F urniture, 733-4010.

F iJ liL s iz e metal t)0d with coll spring and inner spring mattress J39.95 at Cain’s 733 7111.

O E IG E nylon swivel rocker, lust recovered, look* like now, U 8 al Cain's 733 7111,

S P O T CASHFor Furnlture-Appllances

Th lng so l Value D A N N E R F U R N IT U R E 137 Intl AVW1Ur W H T,- 7Tl TI 7»

M uilcal Intlrum aittf 124

Q A N D IN S T R U M E N T S , used and new. Rental plan, rental applies on purchase price. Conn • Dundy - Selmer and Reynold*. Warner M u tlc . 133 Shothone North.

R E N T A L R E T U R N : H am m o nd Organ T - l l ) . Save 1300. Masonor M u tlc . 733 8609. 331 Main East.

_.HIQHJ5.T.CASH yovr (la v .,andalk liidet, Idoho lli'da ond Tal- low Co.

CASH F O R S C R A P M E T A L copper, Dra*i, Alum inum , Radlalort. Datterlai, Etc.

H .K O P P B L C O .153 3nd Avenue Soulh ,

N E W Y a m a h a pla n o i; Used planos;Vox guitars And am pllllers. K LH

— ale# ao— f«c o rd ^p »a v »«f Music. 131 Shothone Norm

D O G E N SOwall P. A . ampllllervt75. Claude Drown'* Music and.J^uo. i>lture. *

F O R S A L E : W h itn e y K im b a ll Spinal piano. Mint condition. t450. 733-U37.

“S A L E M M A P L E Spinal piano and bancti. Baldwin Acronoslc. Lika new, axc'allant Iona and action. Phona 433-9343.

Radio orsd T V U H 1 3 5S P A C E E l t t H r Aoto Starao. I track,

C o m p a r* ..o u r I4 » .«S p rica •nyvUtara. Cam ara Canlar,


P U R N jT U R B . ctothino and chlldran'aclolhinD* m ttcallanaoui, F rid a y JSrd. from *to S at a \ 5ih

, gtraat. P ilar. __________________

O N E D A Y . T h u r ^ a y . only. 19. Moving. U l « of antlqua*. fur- nllurai Vapllancaa. T .V .. bunk badt, clothino *nd inl»<;alUnaoui. 3rd houta Waat of Conaumar'i AAarkat.op H lw a y 74.

W d R 'dD UTCD hydraulic Packs at A b b o lt's Au to S upply. 305 Shoshone St. Soulh.

V O L K S W A G E N Dus. Needs motor. Good liras. (100. 1737 3rd Ave.East. _________ . .

S H A M P O O - y o u r - owrr c a rp a l, professional resuilsrRenl a Clarke sham pooer w llh com panion vacuum. Danner Furniture, 733. 1431.

'M U F F L E R S Installed while you wait. Complete mulllor service. Including custom duals. Abbot!'* Auto Supply. ^ 5 Shoshone St. Soulh.

S E W IN G M A C H IN E S , new and used. Servlcs all makes. Complete slock ol S -T -R -E -T -C H labric*. Pattern* and notion*,' Skinner's Sawing Shoppe. SaveOn Shopping- Center. '

M lM « llb n « o u i W a n te d 141

W A N T E D ; Tw o 4' or 6' Counter Glass Display Cases. W rite: Dox 395, KetchUm, Idaho. B3340.


R i a l a n d W o m I 149

F IR E P L A C E W OODCut toordor.dellvered lor only tl<

■ T T «u n IMfl'.'pnon* ■733-3U4 0?^31-

FO R S A L E , fireplace wood, u v a ra l varlallat. 130 par ton deliver ad 733- 5W0. _______

D R Y P IN E . Cut and IPlll.- H I P K pickup load. Phona 733 SO**.

C o m * ra «P h o la S uppI/ 155

M O D E L 900 Polaroid, black and white or color picture*, wllh c a u , new price wa* I 3 » , Will u l l for 145, 733-1373. Day*. .

S n o v ym e b iU t 160Yam aha for ‘71 It Hera


S30Malrt So; Twin Falla 733 40M

B, 0 M O E 0 j B -

SALES a n d SEKVICE D A G A utom ovite

136 and Ave. 1 7 3 M 3 9 9

X h u r«d «y , 0<:l(il»r.32, J970_ -T l m w N tw i, Tw in F a lll. I((*h6 J »

r es u lts a r e w h a t y o u p a y f o r ANP RESOT-TS a r e w h a t y o u g e t w h e n y o u u s e a w a n t AD!g ° ° ll For S o l . I t 9 f o r S t f l . T 3 0 0 1 For Sal* 1 « 9 T r u < l« i w T A i i lo i For S ol* J o o l A u l p t f o r S ^ ~ ~ 7 0 ^ I A u lo i For S ole A u to t For S ola ~W IN T 6 B 5T 0 H A 0 E lof vour boat,

c im p w , or c «m p tralltr. C#nlufv Aoiomotiv* AUchInf, 541 Wn I Addlion, J33 5070.

T ru cb i 1 9 6



1 9 6 7 O O D G 6 6 0 0 ' .Tilh toll 3A1 engin#, 5 ip i«d troni' minion. 7 tp tid o a r nils, 000«30

power ilterjng

> 1 9 6 5 D O D G E7^o»>. V-H •nQint, 5 tp ttii

Iranimuiion mIiIi.ci 2 ipctd reor oxU

1 9 6 6 CHEVR O LETTill cob, 327 V fl .r.om.. ip««<| Irontmimon, 2 ipeoil reo'r o «l» power llnrinQ.

■1965 C H EVR O LETno Scf,*, ^ 1 2 loo, V-f) engine. 5 ipaeti linntmxtion 7 »p»et^ f»or o.lo, 900.20 W »

Ford N - 7 0 03 10(i Ituck V-fl enQ.nt .5 ipped I'ofnmliiion, 20 (octofy Hal boil, 10 .20 1ire» 2 ipocd leai oile.

conipleiely*reliuill rnotof. ,

1 9 6 6 G M C• 2 ton, V-6 «nc|ine, 4 ipoed l»on»-:jaiiiaxw2_ipefldjcni_aiii_.9Q0.2i:u

1 9 6 0 IN T E R N A T IO N A L2-lon. lono wlieel boie Iruck, V-fl en- gi''* 5 ipeed Itantmiiiian, 2 ipeed renr ode. almotl new fl2Si20 liret.

1 9 6 ^ FO R DC -70q.i.l| tob, 361 v a engine, i ipeed Ironimiition, 2 kpred rear i«le. 900.20 «;>ev


. — SOO-block 2nd Ave. South

O p e n e v e n in g s t a g g .m .

1970 Plymouth• (UiveiUre 4 <<Joor wdan, A ipecioi

Indorv purckot* ol thii beoutilul.

condilinrinfl. (oufi lor liio i

’ 2 9 8 1 '”’andonly 10,1)00 miUt,

1968 MercUry•t-door, iadon, ,b«aulilul 3 ton* ulu# and whil*. fully arjuippad will, power (leering, power diic brnbet, oulomotic drivt, radio, plut loclory oir comlilionlng.

•isss--J9 .6 7 -C h ty A le r ll -

C H R Y S L B R b o t U in d m olora. S larcrtM boati. C «m p «r lr« li* rf H » r l t v -D i v ld t o n m b le rc v c lt t . J B R O M B I M P L E M B N T I.

_ M A R IN A .

B U Y A N E W m i custom bullf I I fM » d l « p V boat In o u lb o v d . tn- boardoutbesrd o r !•) or V d rlv t,

' at full 1070 prICM . Sava rnonty. Iradartowl N op a ym a n to r IntarMt III Spring. O th»r i I i m avallablt. Canlury Automoliva AAachInt, 34I Watt Addliort. 7M S070.

I l# t« V tw f

le o'U -V A M A H A 3J0 .W llh 305

enoina, i 300, 731-A973 jitter * (>.

194^ 441 OSA Victor. Good condition. *4J$. Phona 753 M 76.

T ru c k *

19&3 C H U V R O L G T 7 ton long wtiael bflip . 4 i p « t d . 3 tp a ad . 4]ood rubiiar. 4} r S 095.

19S5 C H E V R b U C T W ton panal. Saa « t 141 «th Awa. C . 7M - W 1.

, Newport Cuilom tadan with lull pawar and oir conditioning. See llti« very clean col now. Speciol Price

•1 8 8 3 "“' 1967 Plymouth .

fury III Slolionwagon. V-fl,-Auto'’ . fnoltt. powar tlaaring. 3rd laat.


FOR 6AU&t~)0i4 lnUrna«l«A*l'M6ft- - iruck Willi T .W . bad, itock ruck

and ho lil, CAll Rupert, 434 4393.

P O T A T O t ru c k i naadod ' i m medlalelv. 10 vi taal o r bob tnll Phono 835 ^044, Cdan.

T R U C K S H O P P G R S . 19i 0 G M C ' i - lon pickup. EvarvtHIno w o rk i and in Qood condlllon- 734-373S.'

1966. FordCu»lom Slalionwagon, Radio, hoqly. automolic. power ileenno, nnd lactory conditioning.

• 1 4 7 3 0 0

1966 Mustang

1933 M O D E L D Pickup, good con­dition, call Goodlna< 934'4394attM’ 4 p. n>, best olfor.

^ door Hardtop V-Or#odia. Oucltel laoti. Floor ihilt and oir candi- tioning. Priced at only

*1 2 8 5 ““1 9 6 6 T o y o t a

4 Honr ttdari. SlonJard ilijll.ocon. - ' otny plui good Irontportalion at

* 8 8 6 *’ °

1 966 V W BeetleA nice cleon economy unit. See

" V tpacialled a'

1947 C H C V R O L C T Spdrf VW», JB3 V - 'B~br\afne< brand n »w , naw pnlnt, S p n tto n o s r.o la iio n lld o », 324 S433,

PORSAte194S G M C 3 lon, S n n d 3 , 14 It, ttael lloor bed w llh 10 Ion double ram

■ h o lil. One owner. 23,000 m llet. t 43S0.

1944 C H E V R O L E T Hilton pickup, 4 M 4 lockout hubi, V 6, heavy wheoli ^ d hitciv, ( 179S,

1943 S C O U T . Good 4 wtiaal driva. Bftt o iler 6vaf tfOO. Pnona S34- 3309.

N G W W B m « 'M d . 'M a f a l (rama. •900, Call 733j^yaOy ‘

A u lm -F iir S o l . — ' W O

Good, 1944 car. Power tleerlng.

(17S.OO, Ptione 733 }079 pvanlngi.

1 940O LD S M O aiLe BB4<ioOr. Clear^., «)7S. Ptiqn,ai733'7494,

1944 V O L K S W A G E N ledan- Good condlllon. Dark tjlua. Ptione S43' 493S, OuhJ. - ' -

1947 98 O L D 3 M O O IL E L u x u ry •adan. Fully equipped. Stereo, air condlMonlno. Phone 733 S17B, ■

N E A R L Y N C W 1970 Ford Ranchero, Under 3,000 m llet. Now Mlchalin tirei. Phone 733-9494, a ller S:00

1947 C H E V R O L E T ImpAla SOper Sport, EucellenI thapa. 44,000

_ _ m !U L . lnauir4UJ33-4773, daytim e. ^Alter b p. m. S4l 4Bfll,

V O L K S W A G E N Dui, Need* motor. Good tire i. tlOO, 1737 3rd Ave- C a il.

1940 C O R V E T T E . Olue. Lvggaga rack. On* owner. 34.000 aclual mile*. Sharp: Phone 73304S7 or 733.8939.

1970 D O D G E Ctialienger, txcellent copdltlon. Special edition. Take

‘ o ve r p a y m a n ti, 734'3033, Sun Valley.

N E W 1970 Cam aro 8 Chevrolet, '! monlh old, S.OOO actual m llei, power kleerlno/ * ((teed, «3900, call 934 4ije a nd a * k for tlob Hoagland.

1940 T R IU M P H ,Spori* car. 14007 PItone 334-3034. Jerome. .,

.1948 M U S TA N G . 3 ipeed' aiilomiiH'c.

19S9 F O R D Ranch'ero. Make oiler.Seo/Bt Curl ManulacturlnOr Phonv

• 733($7al.

1944 T H U N D D « D I R D . Call Lynn Schmler, G rand Vu Tra ile r Court, ipaca 41, a lle r 10 a. m . <

FOR S A L E : Sharp 1945 Chevrolet Im p a la . tIOSO. Call .788-3335, Hnlley.

1940 T H U N D C R O IR D 11300- A d a m i, Kim berly-

1945 D O D G E Cornot. V8. good condlllon. SVOOor best o iler, Pnone 733-9198.

1948 D O D G E panel- Fu lly carpeted. Good condition. Call 733 4338,

*881 00

bcm ;a r -DEPARTMENT

2 5 4 4 l i i A v . . W . i t

A N T ADS and tflvc

»u «o « fa r S oU ^ - 3 0 0 A u t o iF o r S a U 2 0 0


TO SELL!1 1 -1 9 7 0 \ Impalas, Galaxie500 L o w f A l l e a g * ................F R O M ^28952 0 — N o w 1 9 7 0 a n d 1 9 7 1 , B o n n e v ille , G T O , 2 M o lib u s , l e m a n i , C u t l a . . , S k y la rk , B la ie r , 2 — 4 X 4 p ic k u p . , 4 — 1 / 2 to n . , 2 3 / 4 I o n . , E lc am in o .

4 0 " “ N o d oub t the b e .) .election of u .e dc a r t a n d p i c k u p . W e e v e r h a d . -

-W68-CHEVROLET—M o o ia sporl CQupe, 4 tp«*cl tran tm iiiio rT .-ih o rp . W H r $ t l 9 5 ; .

1 9 6 8 CHEVROLETim polo tto tio n w ag o n , vary go o d . W a i $ 3 4 9 5 ................................

1 9 6 7 CHEVROLETBol Air, t ia tio n w ag o n , 1 , ow n e r, W a i $ 1 5 9 5 ................................

T ^ ^ H E v r n —Slation w o o o n , lik® new,W o * $ 1 0 9 5 ................................

1 9 6 5 CHEVROLETIm pala Si W o t $ 1 0

•8 9 5

•1 9 9 5

•1 1 9 5

Im p ala Sport C ogpa, a b *a u ty , M 0 9 5 ................................

•6 9 5V

•6 9 5


LEO RICEtMEVrUkHD"A UH)«- O o l O l 1h t W a y »ul A lo l U i l To fa y "

_ C H I 5U (0 i e T - < 3 l D S M 0 B l l E - K ) N T I A C - B U I C K


1945 F O R D 1 ton Wllh duals. -SSS' V 8, Sampson combination bod, I 179S,

14' C U R L bod with 1 horse heavy duly motor. U 75.-----------------------------------------

1944 C H R Y S L B R , NOW Yo rk e r, in good condition. Will accept trade. Phone 7: 3.7719.

W O R K M A NB R O TH E R S__ ________ L

. OM C R upert, Idaho. 434 3474


At. L E O R t C l M O TO R S




DIrecf Factory D * a l«r

HARBAUGH MOTOR CO." D r iv o A L it f lo , S a v e A L o t "

G O O D IN G _________________ 9 3 4 - 4 m

D O D ^ IY L J- w m m w t

BEST SELECIION«7 P ly m o u th $ 1 3 9 5Valiant 4 door sedan, V -8 engine, aulomatic transmission, very good condlllon.

$4951944 C hevrolet"S tallo nw agon, V -8 engine, ifar^dard transmission, radio, and healer, runs good.

1967 D o d g ePolara 4 door sedaii, radio,' V -l engine, automatic transmission, pow er ste e rin g , fa c to ry aircondtlionlno.

1 9 i« I} o d a e $ 1 4 9 5Poltra statlonwagon, V 8 engine, automatic transmission, powersterrlno *nd brakes. --------

1 9 M D o d fle M954 door 880, V -8 engine, automatic !ransm il»ionr f»w e r_ steer mo- power brakes.

$3395 19«4 M e rc u ry ' *1250AAonlclaIr 4 door sedan, V -8 engine, aufomallc transm lislon, power steering, bright rod.

I 1 9 4 5 M u sla n o *U 95 > « e C h r y s le r $ 3 0 9 5I «r V ^ i4 r/Mintn, Ixannn \/.B

Fasrback. V -8 engine, automatic t ra n tm lts lo n , p ow er slearing

' and brakM , lactory air con- I dltionlng, nice.

1 9 6 7 C tiry 5 lo r *1795Newport 4-door sedan. Power

1969 F o ^d ' $ 2 6 9 5Galaxie 500, 4 door hardlop, 390 V -8 enoine, power steering and brakes, lactory « l r , v inyl lop, low mileage-

19&8 T 1B9 5

Town and. Country wagon. V -8 engine/ aulomatic transmission, p ow er ste e ring. And pow er bTflke^, Ipctory alr-condilloning,

.one owner. .

'6 8 O l d . 9 8 $ 3 0 9 5lu»ury Sedon, lully powered, air con­ditioning. jull lilii brand new

1944 P ly m o u thOarracuda, radio, V -8 engine.

' automatic transmission, healer, see this onel

'6 9 D o d g e $ 2 1 9 5.1 S.iiinflet°14n fUtJn,i|V;8 »noirw,

Coronet -440 itafionwagqn, V 8 engine. aOtom’allc (r a n s m ltllo n ;' p o w K steering, brakes, 1 owner.

1963 R a m b le r $595

4 ipaed irantmmion. vin/l lop, c owrtir. nice.

1948 C h r y s le r *2495N*v»i»irl , door hurillop, U -i engine, auto- t ra n s m lil lo n , power steering brakes, lactory a ir, sharp.

49 D o d g e $ 2 5 9 5

1970.Pontiac4l)0Calallni hardtop. V - l engine, automallc ’ transmission, power steering and tv akes. taclorv air

•cbtS'dinwirt'g'n ? w i« r o a r

. -»ww < . ««n g ln «. automallc transmission, power steering, brak M , bucket seals, v in y i lo p , la c to ry

A new ctirysler trade-in- • ' •

1 9 4 4 M u ita n g *1495Hardlop, 3M cu. In. V ;8 angina, auiom allc transmission, power iteerlng, In *Hceir«nt condlllon.

'6 9 C h r y iU r .Town A Country ttolionwogon, VO engine, automolic tronimitiion, lolly powered, lodory oir -cortdi- Honing, one oWner.

1949 P ly m o u th $ 2 7 9 5Fu ry III J door hardlop; V -l

. engine, auiomallc transm lislon, power lU e rln g , power brakes, v in y l top . fa c to ry a ir - conditioning, sharp.

' f i y C h r y i l e r $ i > «3003 door hardlop. V -l angina, auiom allc iransmlsslon. power sieerlno. power brakes, real nice.

1944 Olds * i 4 9 r 1963 Ford '4 9 5Polrlane 5dO } door hardlop, V>8, automatlCj Irontmlitjort, tiiiro

'91' Lu u u ry ledan. V - l A > g ln «,. auiom allc trM srftlu ton . power steering attd brakes, windows ' and la a l. belted lire*, (u io ne palm .


. 500 Block 2nd ftV6:South- 7J^'■*l^*nn/M o6lu*Jo..Bu(l^r® >M o^elll(, I

1949 6 L D S M 0 B IL E Cullass P 85. - Excellenl condlllon. Phone 733-


1944 E L C A M IN O . 4 cylinder, 3 speed. Euceilent motor. tIOOO. 733-

. 1844 alter 5 p, m.

WHY PAY MORE??1 9 7 0 M A ¥ E R IC K ........’1795

A utot^otic , b ig 6 , low m ll« ,.ja c lo t^ .w o rra n ly ..

T O f f l P A U . . . . .Factory o ir . au io m allc Ira n im iu io n , pow rrr sloerlng, rdcilo, '

.„ VB. e tc . Factory w b rro n iy .-lb w mllet.

1968 COUGAR. . . . . . . . . . ^ 1 9 5Factory a ir . JusI llkti new . lo W m ileage.

BAUER CHEVROLETA m e r ic a n F a ll*

" D r/v f l a — S a v a ^ r to i”

THIS WEEK'S SPECIALSAt Bill Wot'lcman Ford

1969 Chevrolet , I t1/2 Ton Pickup

Long w heel base, 4 speed tronsmission, V -0 eng ine, m irrors, hitch.


1966 FordCounlry tadan Ootionwagon, V-B • ngina. automatic li'antmlulon, power itaaring, 10 poitangar. ro- dio, lugong*'ock.

1964 FordCountry ledon (talionwogon, V-Q engine, ttondord Ironimiiiion, ro- d<o, good II

Speciol •^75

19&6 Chevrolet Nova- 4 door.-d'cyiindit. engine..itand: ard trantmiitlon. one owner.

: ^ » 5 5 0 .

..7 door,. V *8 engine, aulomalic

ilaering. (

•8 4 5er braVai, power windowi. oir- conditioning,Sj^ctol .

"TmpIjnSu!!^9 door, radio. 6 cylinder engine.

olf-iondl-Honing, vinyl int«r!o(;

“ Spudal'T'r" •1IS 01943 Chevrolet

3 door, 6 (yllnUer engine, tiand •9rd“*r0nimli|l0n, "g'ood tlrei,

S p «c la t *4 4 0J97? f o r d sales a r e g r e a t , w e ' re o v e r l o a d e d w i th u sed cars. '

B ill W o r k m a nm i r J

A V I N U iK A IV ro m 7 3 3 . 1 0 1 9_____C lflfftii—

S u M d c e y s

A u te t For SoW .


1 9 6 1 FORD1/7 Ton hc.Vup. long wKaaf b<ii«, wide 1,01 . ,un» (iinl good, bioulilul


' 196 8D .O D G E.Polnrn « Ooor Sadan, baautiful on- morred rnailium .^raan Imiih with •op,hd« ciulomolic tronimittmn, pow- • ' Uaaring; power brakat, rodio. haot- ar, etc


1964 FORD.4 Door Slolionwogon Ihii it one ol the cliona' wagoni you w>ll Imd in the Vnllay, good tirav, good engine, good lfon»mniiOn, hnve your mecliort-


-1968-O P EL-Rollay Sport, iKarp rad with black combination, .black bucket leott. loolit naw.


1966 MERCURYColient* 4 Door Sedan, t ol tha cleoneit con in Mngic Volley, obto- - lutaly looki brand new, lully equip­ped, lully powered, only lor the por- tlcular ptoplf.

M m E B E K

1971 MAVERICK1 Door Sedan

E quipped w ith 2 0 0 C .I.O . engine, 6 i4 5 X 14 w hite lid ew a ll* tires, A M rad io , this i f . / i o f a stripped dow n Special!


6 In Stock To Choose From At This Price!O V E R 5 0 N E W r r i


-1971fORDC iiiteM L M rW liM lhM flduip

lo a d ed with equipment, V >8 enqine, sport cuilom seot, ommeler ond oil

. 4 ipeed franim itilon, 1250 1650 lb . rear


aauaes. A ipeed franim itilon, i : lbs. front ip rln Q i, 1650 lb . r< iprinQ i, 8 ply roted belled t.irei.

DELIVERED |N TWIN FALLS ^Another Bill W oikm an Ford Special -

30 Nfew 1971 Ford Pickups In Stock To Choose From

C o m e I n T o d a y . . 7 W e ' r e D e a l i n g ! !

144 3nd Ava. Cost a d.irt. t » y |».nl. Weakday't


i' — 7--------------7—

* 1 2 8 8

1965 FORDGaloaie SOO i Door Hordtop. Thii it o leal clean unit, lully tfluipped, • power (tearing, pqweV brqkei, outo- motic Irontmittion. dn inceptionol value.


1964BUICKSpeciol Blue with while top, wKit#- woll lirei, aulomotic tranimittian, ro- din, litnlef. teni llinrp .


1964 0LDSM 0BILE90 4 Door Sedort, I local owner, new cor trode-ln, a nice runnlrtq tor,

“ * 4 9 5 -

1969 P O N TIA CBonnaville Broughom, beoutiful 4-door hardlop. loflki brand .new, full powar. plui oir-tondllloning, locol owned. IF ' you'rf looking (or a neorly new <er end Inlenfl to lova ever $3000.'

-4MioA*-lodoy. . . . , t ■

' - ^ 3 6 9 5 " "

1963'CHEVROLETImpolo 4 Door Hardtop, excellent (hope, luni good, o lot ol miles left in Itiii cor,


1967 CHRYSLERNewPorf Cuitom 4 Door, toll beige ' enlerlor, white.vinyl lop, brawn nylon

^inlerlor. ol cburie Iti lull/powered ond corryi 0 D W worronly.


1966 CHEVROLETCorvolr Club Coupe, cule little 4 ipeed, radio, heoter. t k . ond eif cellent buy.


. -1964 PON TI A C -StarChiaf 4 Doo' Sedon, V-B enolrte, oulom olk iro m m liilen, e^ealltnl iMope, funi good, tootii good,


1969 MERCURYMonleoo 3 Door Hordlop, brenie llnlth. while top, brown leotlxr fnter-ior 'tuHy erjuIppi«i,'to»iy» factory woi- ronty.


1968 RAMBLERAmbotioilM 4 Door Sedoff- Un^while Iklih, with (onfroillitg Inlerlor, fully equipped with power (leefUg,

rodip,- heoWf. whitewoU tirei. . lo ^ s brond new.' ‘

*1 6 4 5


iM zJIm M ililg W rffJC w ln -F -itU tr-ld a h e -Th u rs da yrO cto b ei' 33: 1770

IJNHAPPV WINNEHS In the *‘llttlcst cowboy” contest nl Sdii_ FrnncUco were Inn Jones, rieasant Hill, Cn]l7., and W ^ l e McDonald, Sonoma, Calif. They were picked at the 28Uj aimiinl Grand National Horse Show and Uvcstock' Eximfiltlon. (UPI)

remains major Mid-East need-

By P i n t >TEWSOM ^ UPl Foreign News AnalystIn Beirut, Lebanon ' Uial

August, a newspaper coliunnlst propos^ only half fncotiously Umt "whnl is really needed now is n ceosc-firo nmonR theArabs-"

If the colunmlst’s remark hhd bearing then, It is doubly sq today as reverberations of the Jonlim civil war shake the

Like Syria, Irnq is ruled by n faction of Uie Daothist party

.which, however, dqes not Bet along well with the Syrians.

Syria’s crisis arose from the opposltfr-rcoson.

Althoufih officially denied, It

govecrmients of Syria am H raq,. the truce between Palestinian

commandos and the troops of King Hussein sliows signs of

. fflUing apart and the Arab world ponders life without

— G m p n ttm c rN iis s e r :

generally is occeptea timt a Syrian brigade crosscd the border Into Jordan at the peak of ‘the fighting between the

ccs; presumably to h e ljr the commandos. The brigade was. said to be loyal to former Syrian strongmiin and party leader Salah. Jadld.

“ iiTDaghdad It was disclosed tliat vice president and Air Moralial Hardan ' Takrlt, a leading Iraqul hawk In the war against'' Israel, ' had been stripped, of all power and placed in a purely ccremonial post.

In Syria, president and Prhnc Minister Dr. Nourcddln Atnssl,

- q u if h ls p o s tm ir rcaalf'o f a crisis tt1thin_the ruUnc. Banth party.

Tnkrit had been a foremost critic of Nasser’s decision to accept the .JJnited States- proposed ceasc*flre In the

. Middle Jl)ast, and his removal appeared to be tlie result' of a split within ruling Iraqul circles over failure of the 12,000 Iraqul ti'oops stationed in Jordan to fight />n the side of the commandos.

-S y rln n -P d fflig nGen. Hafo~z. Assad strongly opposed Syrian intervention, according to reports and

' touchcd off the current crisis ■ dcllb^ate ly .- ------------

The .Iraq i regbpe led by President Alimed al-Bakr'seized power in mid-lOCB and with only a narrow popular base has kept itself In power

'Thfoughm rclgn of tcrror-whlch hos inclucled executions, n ^ y In public, of more than 00' Iraqis, including 14 Jews, on charges of spying and consplra' cy.

Its foreign policy Is based on Implaccable cnrrdty toward Israel which It alsa has used In - an .attem pt to gain popular

•support.Tho Syrian sqiiabblo Is m ade

up of a cast of character which |iavc been fc'tidlng f v ppwcr for many months.

ACA endorses 165 candidates

WASHINGTON (UPI) - londor Hufil) Sojll,. who is. Ainorioann-Iot^ComlUuUunal__M hlnn rcclcclinn tills year,

Aclloh (ACAI, a conscrvnttvo was not on Ulo list. ■ ■ ordanliatlon, announced Us Republican camlldiitca endorsement Wcdnosilny ol. 15 candidates (or the Sennto and.150 for tho House In tlit Nov. 3 elections.

n ilr tc e n .o t those endorsed for tho .Senato were Ropubll- cans, n ie others endorsed were

wlio h a s ' no Republican op­ponent, and Sen. Harry F . dyrd

■ > i!tu- D-Va., who Is secklnii reoleSIfln- ns nn' Independent against Domocratlc and Repub­lican nominees.

01^ tho 150 bockcd for the -llouso , 123 were Republlijiuis, 20

utcro Democrats and one New Yorker was n-candidate under t in , Conservative party label. Six others endorsed |n Now

' York were nominated by botli tho Republican and Conserva­tive parties and one wo^ Just the OOP nomine*.

All but two of Uio. emlorsed, r r iT r a i lM m r r c p m m i t r T l tB t r i^

In the South. The two e«cep. (loni were Reps. Salter B«rln8i

- — N w ...m d-jQ hnJL«ro'“ ’jJ5!5'"L

............mJMdar,-. O erild R. F ord , KOaiTHouse

GOP whip U«U« C, Arends, HI., and Rap. Rogerf C. B.

dorse<l for the .Sennto were Sen. Paul J . Fannin, Ariz., Sen. Goorge Murphy, Calif.,- Rep. William C. Cramer, F la., Sen. Ralph T. SmlUi, I1 1 ,^ M ). Richard L.- Roudebuali, Ina.T Roman L. Ilruska, Neb.,

Tom Kloppo, N.D., Rop. Robert Taft J r.. Ohio, Rop. William E. Broqk-ni, Tenn., Rop. George Quail, Tox«, Hop. Ijiurence J. Burton, Utah, and Rep. John S.Wold. Wyo. . J-------

‘‘•nto fllectlotf of a conserva- tlvo Congress will bring about Uio change the majority of Americans now demond," said ACA President Clinrlos A. McManus.

McManus announced that otlier candidates for CongroRS would bo endorso<l t^foro tho election.

Oblaiivguivrd:- c i l lC A G O I U P l i - T h o a i lc n -

■p W|thln“ <i week___ InlnK veteran «uiKins from tho- Portland Trail- blarers Itf exchange for Slialer Hilllmon and Portland's No. I

Uonal' c h « lrn )« n '' S * ia to OOP- i lr t id chnleo In I W r "


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