A project report on consumer perception of organic grocery items and organic vegetables

A project report on consumer perception of organic grocery items and organic vegetables

Transcript of A project report on consumer perception of organic grocery items and organic vegetables

A project report on consumer perception of organic grocery items and organic


This Report is dedicated to…..

My best motivator,

My father-Muhammad Shahjahan Miah

My mother- Mrs shirin jahan

My Honorable Sir and Internship Supervisor

sarker Rafij Ahmed Ratan

Assistant Professor

School of Business & Economics

United International University


Mr. AK Azad, Mr. Sharif khan, Mr. Shah Muhammad, & Mr. kibria fuad,

Mr. Muhammad Hasan

A project report on

consumers perception on organic grocery items and


Prepared for

Sarker Rafij Ahmed Ratan

Assistant Professor

School of Business & Economics

United International University

Prepared by

kawsar Ahmad

ID-111 101 167


Date of submission: june.....,2015

Letter of transmittal

June, 2015


sarker Rafij Ahmed Ratan

Assistant Professor

School of Business & Economics

United International University

Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of Project Paper

Dear Sir,

It is a great pleasure to submit herewith a project paper on “consumers perception on

organic grocery items and vegetables” that you recommended. As a partial

fulfillment of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in United International

University, I have completed my project paper. To prepare this report, I have exerted my

best effort under your intensive guidance. It was surely an opportunity for me to enrich

my knowledge through getting insight into the theoretical and practical experience.

In this report I have tried to give the maximum information that will create a clear

concept about my activities, analysis and findings regarding the consumers

perception on organic grocery items and vegetables.

I hope that you will find this project informative and I will be glad to answer any sort of

query of this project.


kawsar Ahmad

ID: 111 101 167,

BBA Batch

Letter of Endorsement

This is to certify that the project paper on consumers perception on organic

grocery items and vegetables is done by kawsar Ahmad, ID: 111 101 167 as

fulfillment of all the requirements of BBA program Major in Marketing from United

International University.

This project paper has been primed under my guidance & is a report of authentic work

carried out successfully.



Sarker Rafij Ahmed Ratan

Assistant Professor

School of Business & Economics

United International University


All praises and gratitude to the Almighty Allah who has given me the ability and

patience to comprehend and complete this project paper.

My acknowledgement begins by thanking my Supervisor Sarker Rafij Ahmed Ratan ,

who has provided me with suggestions for making this Final project paper and also

provided me with the format for preparing this project paper, I would like to show my

warm-hearted gratitude to the Marketing Department of consumers perception on

organic grocery items and vegetable; which has provided me with great deal of

information, adequate data and lastly co operated me for the accomplishment of this

report successfully.

Finally, last but not the least, I am extremely grateful to Mr. Tanvir Ahmed Khan,

Business Development Manager. I specially thank to my mentors “Mr. Reza Noor, Mr. AK

Azad, Mr. Sharif khan, Mr. Shah Muhammad, & Mr. Emrul Hasan, Mr. Muhammad

Hasan and I am grateful for giving due consideration to my difficulties, interests and

concerns throughout the project.

I am also pleased to thank for the cooperation forming this report to my friends and

family members.

Kawsar Ahmad

ID- 111 101 167

BBA 101 Batch

United International University

Executive Summary

Table of content

1: Introduction

As the Globalization has become prevalent, the competition within the current business

world has been increasingly high. the people of the world are becoming faster day by

day. for this more population we need more organic food and vegetables that are not

harmful for us. here we mentioned some organic grocery items as such as Flour, Egg,

Sugar, Pulse, Honey and there are some kind of organic vegetables as such as Spinach

and Bell- peppers. For growing more foods farmers now mixing insecticides that are

very much harmful for us. organic foods are very fresh and healthier for our body.

organic foods have more benefit as such as Organic food helps fight cancer, stroke and

heart and Organic food contains more nutrients, Organic food is safer. consumer

perception are for the organic grocery items and vegetables are very high. now a day's

people are know the benefit of having the organic foods.

2: objective

Every report is build up with objective. The objectives of this report are categorized by

two parts-

a) primary objective: to fulfill the course requirement.

b) project objective: To determine whether the consumers perception of organic

grocery items and organic vegetables.

Based on this, some other objectives of this report are followed-

1.To study the major factors responsible for buying organic grocery items and


2.To study the awareness and popularity of organic grocery items and vegetables

3. To study which organic grocery items and vegetables used to.

4. To study the most popular organic grocery items and vegetables offered to them

5. To study the consumers buying and consumption patterns.

3: scope

This report covers only the selected areas of Dhaka city in which consumers are

surveyed. several activities including conducting survey, data collection and analysis are

done to finalize the project. Based on the survey data , consumers perception is

measured in terms of organic grocery items and vegetables. the survey is conducted to

know about the quality perceptions of consumers. consumers common perception

about quality of " organic grocery items and organic vegetables", through this is not

always true.

4: Methodology

For any report, methodology is very important. without proper methodology, no report

can be completed successfully. A Self-administrated questionnaire has been used in this

report. the questionnaire consists of some questions and statements addressed to the

respondents to obtain the information. After completion, all the questionnaires have

been personally distributed and collected by me. In this report, i have used both

probability and non-probability sampling technique. In case of probability sampling, I

have used only simple random sampling. Convenient sampling has been used in this


a. Types and sources of data

Normally data are two types-primary and secondary. In this report, both primary and

secondary data has been used. Primary data are collected from the questionnaire and

observation. On this other hand , secondary data have been collected from the

secondary sources like internet, articles, newspaper and so on.

b. Analysis plan

To fulfill the report objectives and make the report appropriate, I have used convenient

sampling in which two types of sampling techniques have been used. To do so, I have

selected five organic grocery items as such as Flour, Egg, Sugar, Pulse, Honey and some

organic vegetables as like as Spinach and Bell- peppers. Perception is measured in

terms of organic grocery items and vegetables. In case of quality perception , the

report covers two thing- quality perception of organic grocery items and vegetables and

non-organic grocery items and vegetables. After concluding the survey questionnaire,

the data have been analyzed through SPSS. Qualitative analysis has been done for

qualitative data that are collected through observation, discussion, and questionnaire.

5: Limitations

Every reports has comparatively some limitations. This report has also some limitations:

As I have mentioned earlier only selected areas in Dhaka city will be covered, it

could not represent the total scenario of the country.

To complete a report, time is very important. Insufficient time hampers the


For a report to be completed needs a large number of samples, enough time and

effort. In this report, only some samples are selected some areas of Dhaka city.

I have tried to make the sample convenient, unbiased and appropriate.

sometimes, people give false information due to provide information and some

manipulate the information intentionally.

Information regarding consumer perception of organic grocery items and

vegetables are not available.

6: Literature review:Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources

and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future

generations. Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that

are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using

most conventional pesticides, fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage

sludge, bioengineering or ionizing radiation.

consumer perception of organic grocery items and vegetables are very high. Because

organic foods and vegetables are very healthful for our body. organic foods and

vegetables made with 100% organic ingredients. The term "organic" is a common word

in our marketing world. the practice of organic farming is not new. It began to mark

something to differentiate from others.

Soil biology scientists began in the late 1800s and early 1900s to develop theories on

how new advancements in biological science could be used in agriculture as a way to

remedy these side effects, while still maintaining higher production. In Central

Europe Rudolf Steiner, whose Lectures on Agriculture were published in

1925. created biodynamic agriculture, an early version of what we now call organic

agriculture. Steiner was motivated by spiritual rather than scientific considerations.

In the late 1930s and early 1940s Sir Albert Howard and his wife Gabrielle Howard, both

accomplished botanists, developed organic agriculture. The Howards were influenced

by their experiences with traditional farming methods in India, biodynamic, and their

formal scientific education. Sir Albert Howard is widely considered to be the "father of

organic farming", because he was the first to apply scientific knowledge and principles

to these various traditional and more natural methods. In the United States another

founder of organic agriculture was J.I. Rodale. In the 1940s he founded both a working

organic farm for trials and experimentation, The Rodale Institute, and founded

the Rodale Press to teach and advocate organic to the wider public. Further work was

done by Lady Eve Balfourin the United Kingdom, and many others across the world.

For the customers point of view, consumer always have those kind of grocery items and

vegetables that are fresh and healthful. That's keep our body and mind clear. In those

organic grocery items and vegetables it should be maintain some factors as like as it

has to be fresh, pesticide free, healthful, minerals etc. Organic foods and vegetables are

not harmful for our body.

Both organic and inorganic foods and vegetables are present in the market. Quality of

organic foods and vegetables are very high. Because it has no pesticide. And inorganic

foods price are much lower than the organic foods. because it has pesticides and it is

very much unhealthy for our body. consumer don't consume this kind of food and

vegetables but it has no bound in ever place pesticides foods are present we have to

consume this kind of food.

From the price elasticity theory, we know that as the price of a particular product goes

up, the demand of the price go down. In Bangladesh, price of organic grocery items

and vegetables are growing day by day but the demand is not falling with respect to the

price. As the organic grocery items and vegetables are daily necessaries, customers

can't avoid them. once the price goes up, it doesn't down normally. There are some

factors responsible for price increase in market. During the month of Ramadan, the

price of products becomes tremendously high. price is also higher in some occasions

like Eids, Pujjas etc.

Organic grocery items:1: Honey

Honey is a sweet food made by bees using nectar from flowers. The variety produced by

honey bees is the one most commonly referred to, as it is the type of honey collected by

most beekeepers and consumed by people.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 64

% Daily Value*

Total Fat 0 g 0%

Saturated fat 0 g 0%

Polyunsaturated fat 0 g

Monounsaturated fat 0 g

Cholesterol 0 mg 0%

Sodium 1 mg 0%

Potassium 11 mg 0%

Total Carbohydrate 17 g 5%

Dietary fiber 0 g 0%

Sugar 17 g

Protein 0.1 g 0%

Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 0%

Calcium 0% Iron 0%

Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 0%

Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 0%

Types of Honey

GALLBERRY: Gallberry Honey is light to medium light in color and mild to

medium in flavor. The Gallberry Bush, which blooms in May, is found mainly in

the low flatlands of North Carolina, Georgia and Northern Florida.

ORANGE BLOSSOM: Orange Blossom Honey varies in color and flavor from

year to year. It is sometimes light and mild and sometimes darker. The flavor is

sweet, unique and it is sought after by many. It is mainly produced in Florida and


PURPLE STARTHISTLE: Purple Star thistle Honey is light to medium light in

color. The flavor is mild with an unusual but pleasant taste. Purple Star thistle

blooms in summer and is considered an intrusive weed by all but beekeepers.

SOURWOOD: Sourwood Honey is rarely sold outside the area in which it is

produced because of supply and demand. Sourwood honey is light to medium in

color. Usually mild in flavor, this honey varies from year to year. It is considered

one of the best honeys by many and is produced mainly in the Blue Ridge and

Allegheny Mountains. Sourwood is a tree that grows 40 to 60 feet and blooms

from late June through July. The honey is definitely NOT sour.

TUPELO: Tupelo Honey is light in color with a mild but unique flavor. Highly

sought after by many, it usually brings a premium price. Tupelo is a tree growing

mainly in the swamps and along rivers in South Georgia and Florida. It is also

called Swamp Gum or Tupelo Gum.

TULIP POPLAR: Tulip Poplar Honey is dark in color with a medium and robust

flavor. This honey is dark because of its high mineral content, which health food

experts consider desirable. Tulip poplar, sometimes known as Yellow Poplar, is a

tree that grows to over 100 feet tall and blooms from late April into May.

WILDFLOWER: Wildflower Honey is medium-amber in color and medium-strong in taste. It is a mixture of many nectar sources. This honey is the bestchoice for those people that want honey to help with allergies.

Health benefit of Honey

Prevent cancer and heart disease: Honey contains flavonoids,

antioxidants which help reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease.

Reduce ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders: Recent research

shows that honey treatment may help disorders such as ulcers and bacterial

gastroenteritis. This may be related to the 3rd benefit.

Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-fungal:“All honey is antibacterial,

because the bees add an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide,” said Peter

Molan, director of the Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato in New


Increase athletic performance: Ancient Olympic athletes would eat honey

and dried figs to enhance their performance. This has now been verified with

modern studies, showing that it is superior in maintaining glycogen levels and

improving recovery time than other sweeteners.

Reduce cough and throat irritation: Honey helps with coughs,

particularly buckwheat honey. In a study of 110 children, a single dose of

buckwheat honey was just as effective as a single dose of dextromethorphan in

relieving nocturnal cough and allowing proper sleep.

Balance the 5 elements: Honey has been used in ayurvedic medicine in

India for at least 4000 years and is considered to affect all three of the body’s

primitive material imbalances positively. It is also said to be useful in improving

eyesight, weight loss, curing impotence and premature ejaculation, urinary tract

disorders, bronchial asthma, diarrhea, and nausea.

Blood sugar regulation: Even though honey contains simple sugars, it is

NOT the same as White sugar or artificial sweeteners. Its exact combination of

fructose and glucose actually helps the body regulate blood sugar levels. Some

honeys have a low hypoglycemic index, so they don’t jolt your blood sugar.

Heal wounds and burns: External application of honey has been shown to

be as effective as conventional treatment with silver sulfadiazine. It is speculated

that the drying effect of the simple sugars and honey’s anti-bacterial nature

combine to create this effect.

Probiotic: Some varieties of honey possess large amounts of friendly bacteria.

This includes up to 6 species of lactobacilli and 4 species of bifid bacteria. This

may explain many of the “mysterious therapeutic properties of honey.”

Beautiful skin: Its anti-bacterial qualities are particularly useful for the skin,

and, when used with the other ingredients, can also be moisturizing and

nourishing! For a powerful home beauty treatment for which you probably have

all the ingredients in your kitchen already .

2:sugarSugar is the generalized name for sweet, short-chain, soluble carbohydrates, many of

which are used in food. They are carbohydrates, composed of carbon, hydrogen, and



Calories 9

% Daily Value*

Total Fat 0 g 0%

Saturated fat 0 g 0%

Polyunsaturated fat 0 g

Monounsaturated fat 0 g

Cholesterol 0 mg 0%

Sodium 0 mg 0%

Potassium 0 mg 0%

Total Carbohydrate 2.3 g 0%

Dietary fiber 0 g 0%

Sugar 2.3 g

Protein 0 g 0%

Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 0%

Calcium 0% Iron 0%

Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 0%

Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 0%

Types of sugar

White sugar: In white sugar there are some categories.

Regular or white sugar: Regular or white sugar, as it is known to

consumers, is the sugar found in every home’s sugar bowl, and most commonly

used in home food preparation. White sugar is the sugar called for in most

cookbook recipes. The food industry stipulates “regular” sugar to be “extra fine”

or “fine” because small crystals are ideal for bulk handling and not susceptible to


Fruit Sugar: Fruit sugar is slightly finer than regular sugar and is used in dry

mixes such as gelatin and pudding desserts, and powdered drinks. Fruit sugar

has a more uniform small crystal size than “regular” sugar. The uniformity of

crystal size prevents separation or settling of larger crystals to the bottom of the

box, an important quality in dry mixes.

Bakers Special Sugar: The crystal size of Bakers Special is even finer than

that of fruit sugar. As its name suggests, it was developed specially for the

baking industry. Bakers Special is used for sugaring doughnuts and cookies, as

well as in some commercial cake recipes to create a fine crumb texture.

Bar sugar: This sugar’s crystal size is the finest of all the types of granulated

white sugar. It is ideal for delicately textured cakes and meringues, as well as for

sweetening fruits and iced-drinks since it dissolves easily. In England, a sugar

very similar to superfine sugar is known as caster or castor, named after the type

of shaker in which it is often packaged

Confectioners or powdered sugar: This sugar is granulated sugar

ground to a smooth powder and then sifted. It contains about 3% cornstarch to

prevent caking. Powdered sugar is ground into three different degrees of

fineness. The confectioners' sugar available in supermarkets – 10X – is the finest

of the three and is used in icings, confections and whipping cream. The other two

types of powdered sugar are used by industrial bakers.

Coarse sugar: As its name implies, the crystal size of coarse sugar is larger

than that of “regular” sugar. Coarse sugar is recovered when molasses-rich,

sugar syrups high in sucrose are allowed to crystallize. The large crystal size of

coarse sugar makes it highly resistant to color change or inversion (natural

breakdown to fructose and glucose) at cooking and baking temperatures. These

characteristics are important in making fondants, confections and liquors.

Brown sugar: In brown sugar there are some categories

Turbinado sugar: This sugar is raw sugar which has been partially processed,

where only the surface molasses has been washed off. It has a blond color and

mild brown sugar flavor, and is often used in tea and other beverages.

Brown sugar (light and dark): Brown sugar retains some of the surface

molasses syrup, which imparts a characteristic pleasurable flavor. Dark brown

sugar has a deeper color and stronger molasses flavor than light brown sugar.

Lighter types are generally used in baking and making butterscotch, condiments

and glazes. The rich, full flavor of dark brown sugar makes it good for

gingerbread, mincemeat, baked beans, and other full flavored foods. Brown

sugar tends to clump because it contains more moisture than white sugar.

Free-flowing brown sugars: These sugars are specialty products produced

by a co-crystallization process. The process yields fine, powder-like brown sugar

that is less moist than “regular” brown sugar. Since it is less moist, it does not

clump and is free-flowing like white sugar.

Liquid sugar:

There are several types of liquid sugar. Liquid sugar is white granulated sugar that has

been dissolved in water before it is used. Liquid sugar is ideal for products whose

recipes first require sugar to be dissolved. Amber liquid sugar is darker in color and can

be used in foods where brown color is desired.

Invert sugar:

Sucrose can be split into its two component sugars. This process is called inversion, and

the product is called invert sugar. Commercial invert sugar is a liquid product that

contains equal amounts of glucose and fructose. Because fructose is sweeter than either

glucose or sucrose, invert sugar is sweeter than white sugar. Commercial liquid invert

sugars are prepared as different mixtures of sucrose and invert sugar.

Health Benefit of sugar

Calorie content: Sugar has a high calorie content that will give your body

energy that you lack. However, all that energy is short lived and it can only give

your short bust of increased productivity. Because sugar contains four calories

per gram, but it lacks nutritious value and because of that sugar is only an

added ingredient in many meals.

Skin health: Sugars glycolic acid can be very helpful in maintaining the

health and look of your skin. Using it can help elimination blemishes and

restoring the balance in the skin’s oils.

Less processed: Many people use high-fructose corn syrup as a means of

sweetening their food, but that product is highly processed and can cause

problems to their digestion. Sugars consist only from natural ingredients that

can be processed easily by our metabolism.

Minerals and nutrients: Sugars in their structure have ingredients that are

passed to them from their natural sources, sugarcanes or beet. Elements such as

phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium will not be greatly present

in the industrially refined sugar.

Environment benefits: Sugar is created from natural resources without the

use of pesticides and other harmful products, in a way what don pollutes

environment. That is not the case with the production of the industrial artificial



Eggs are laid by female animals of many different species, including birds, reptiles,

amphibians, and fish, and have been eaten by humans for thousands of years.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 78

% Daily Value*

Total Fat 5 g 7%

Saturated fat 1.6 g 8%

Polyunsaturated fat 0.7 g

Monounsaturated fat 2 g

Cholesterol 187 mg 62%

Sodium 62 mg 2%

Potassium 63 mg 1%

Total Carbohydrate 0.6 g 0%

Dietary fiber 0 g 0%

Sugar 0.6 g

Protein 6 g 12%

Vitamin A 5% Vitamin C 0%

Calcium 2% Iron 3%

Vitamin D 11% Vitamin B-6 5%

Vitamin B-12 10% Magnesium 1%

Types of Egg

White Chicken Eggs:

White chicken eggs are the commonest type of eggs that we eat. When you just go to

the supermarket and ask for eggs, they will give you white chicken eggs that are rich in

proteins, calcium and zinc

Brown Chicken Eggs:

Brown eggs are also chicken eggs but they are laid by brown or red hens. There is no

difference in the nutritional values of white and brown chicken eggs.


Duck eggs look like chicken eggs, but duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs. Duck

eggs have more protein and more flavor. Ducks eggs have a higher fat content and

more cholesterol.

Health benefits of egg

Eggs help to improve performance: Eggs have a high satiety index,

meaning they make you feel full for longer. Egg has high quality protein and a

large variety of essential nutrients, with the exception of vitamin C. Egg helps to

improve our performance level.

Eggs improve nutrient adequacy of the diet: The nutrient density of

eggs makes them a valuable contributor to a nutritious diet. A study among egg

vs. non-egg consumers revealed that the diets of the non-egg consumers were

more likely to fall short of vitamins A, E and B12. Eggs contributed 10-20% of

foliate and 20-30% of vitamins A, E and B12 among egg consumers.

Eggs can help to promote weight loss: Eggs with toast have a 50%

higher satiety index than regular breakfast cereals. Several studies have

reported that starting the day with an egg breakfast increases satiety in

overweight people and may help with weight loss.

Eggs help to promote brain health: Choline is a nutrient that facilitates

brain development in the foetus and newborn as well as memory function even

into old age. Eggs are an excellent dietary source of choline, and one egg per

day will provide 28% of a pregnant woman’s choline requirement.

Eggs help to prevent cataracts and to protect eye sight: A good

dietary intake of eggs, spinach and broccoli is associated with a significant

decrease in cataracts (up to a 20% decrease) and age-related lens and retinal

degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in the elderly (up to a 40%

decrease). Eggs are a good source of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthine,

which play an important role in keeping the eyes healthy.

Eggs provide the best quality protein: Protein is one of the most

important elements of our diet. Our bodies use protein to build new and repair

old tissue. Eggs are champions at providing high quality protein. Amino acids

are the building blocks of protein. Nine of these amino acids cannot be

manufactured by the body and must be derived from the diet. A complete protein

food contains enough of these nine essential amino acids to promote growth

and maintain body tissue.

Eggs can help to protect our bones: Eggs are one of the few natural food

sources of vitamin D, our sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D is essential for calcium

absorption and for maintaining optimum bone health. Eggs therefore play a

supporting role in the prevention of osteoporosis together with dairy products,

our main source of calcium.

Eggs promote healthy hair and nails: The hair and nails reflect many

biochemical imbalances and shortages in the body. Eggs can help to promote

healthy hair and nails because of their high content of sulphur-containing amino

acids and the wide array of vitamins and minerals.

4: Dal:The Dal is a plant species in the legume family. Native to the Indian subcontinent, the

Dal bean is mainly cultivated today in India, China, and Southeast Asia. 

Nutrition Facts

Calories 347

% Daily Value*

Total Fat 1.2 g 1%

Saturated fat 0.3 g 1%

Polyunsaturated fat 0.4 g

Monounsaturated fat 0.2 g

Cholesterol 0 mg 0%

Sodium 15 mg 0%

Potassium 1,246 mg 35%

Total Carbohydrate 63 g 21%

Dietary fiber 16 g 64%

Sugar 7 g

Protein 24 g 48%

Vitamin A 2% Vitamin C 8%

Calcium 13% Iron 37%

Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 20%

Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 47%

Types of Dal

Chana dal/Bengal Gram dal: It is produced by removing the outer layer of

kala chana (black chickpeas) and then splitting the kernel. Although machines

can do this, it can also be done at home by soaking the whole chickpeas and

removing the loose skins by rubbing.

Kala chana/ Black Chickpea: Kala chana are small chickpeas with brown

skins. Chana is a powerhouse of nutrients, rich in proteins, dietary fiber and

complex carbohydrates with a bevy of vitamins and minerals. It is low in fat with

zero cholesterol and because it is a plant food, it contains potentially health-

beneficial phytochemicals. Due to its high vitamins and minerals this dal is

disease resistant with few calories.

Urad dal/black gram: This dal is a very good source of iron. Consuming

urad dal regularly increases your energy significantly as it replenishes the body’s

iron stores. This dal is particularly good for women undergoing menstruation

who have a higher chance of iron deficiency. The best benefit of eating urad dal

is that it enhances digestion because of its rich fiber content

Masoor dal/ red lentils:This lentil is especially rich in the antioxidant,

molybdenum. This dal assist the body in breaking down harmful substances

hence reducing allergy symptoms.

Benefits of dal

Folic Acid: Toor dal contains folic acid, an important vitamin for all women,

especially those planning to become pregnant. Folic acid is essential for fetal

development and can help to prevent neural tube birth defects such as spina

bifida. Getting adequate amounts of folic acid in your diet can help to reduce

specific brain and spinal cord birth defects by more than 70 percent, according

to the New York State Department of Health.

Protein: The United States Department of Agriculture notes that beans and

peas such as toor dal can be counted in both the protein and vegetable

subgroups of the government's healthy eating plan. This is because legumes

such as toor dal are an excellent source of nutrients and plant protein, and they

also contain dietary fiber. In essence, legumes are nutritionally similar to poultry,

meat and fish, though they represent a low-fat and low-cholesterol alternative.

Legumes such as toor dal provide essential nutrients, fiber and protein for

vegetarians as well as those who wish to merely limit their meat consumption.

Carbohydrates: Toor dal is also an excellent source of carbohydrates,

which your body needs for energy. When you eat food containing carbohydrates,

your body breaks them down into glucose, or blood sugar. Blood sugar is then

used to provide energy to your brain, body and nervous system.

Fiber: Legumes such as toor dal are a healthy source of dietary fiber, which can

help to prevent constipation and promote regularity. A diet that includes healthy

dietary fiber can also reduce your risk of chronic diseases. Regularly eating

legumes as part of an overall healthy diet can lead to a lower risk of heart

disease, stroke, certain cancers, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

W White Chicken Eggs

5:FlourFlour is a powder which is made by grinding cereal grains or other seeds or roots. It is

the main ingredient of bread, which is a staple food for many cultures, making the

availability of adequate.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 455

% Daily Value*

Total Fat 1.2 g 1%

Saturated fat 0.2 g 1%

Polyunsaturated fat 0.5 g

Monounsaturated fat 0.1 g

Cholesterol 0 mg 0%

Sodium 3 mg 0%

Potassium 134 mg 3%

Total Carbohydrate 95 g 31%

Dietary fiber 3.4 g 13%

Sugar 0.3 g

Protein 13 g 26%

Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 0%

Calcium 1% Iron 8%

Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 5%

Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 7%

Types of flour

Whole meal :This is made from the whole wheat grain with nothing added or

taken away.

Brown :This usually contains about 85% of the original grain. Some bran and

germ have been removed.

White :This usually contains around 75% of the wheat grain. Most of the bran

and wheat germ have been removed during the milling process.

Wheat germ: This can be white or brown flour with at least 10% added wheat


Malted wheat grain: This is brown or whole meal flour with added malted


Stone-ground: This is whole meal flour ground in a traditional way between

two stones.

Benefits of flour

Whole foods, including whole wheat flour, contain some of the healthiest fats,

carbohydrates and proteins, which are essential in lowering the risk of

developing metabolic syndromes.

Whole wheat flour has been associated with reversing the weight gain process.

The consumption of these high-fiber foods helps in boosting the metabolic rate

and thus, contributes to keeping the body weight under control.

Consuming whole wheat flour in foods has been proven to protect the body

against the risk of insulin resistance, which can otherwise lead to visceral obesity,

low levels of protective HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides and high blood

pressure. There is sufficient protection against cardiovascular problems.

Enriched with the magnesium, whole wheat flour is linked to lowering the risk of

Type 2 diabetes. Daily consumption of these foods has shown a decline in the

increasing blood sugar, by about 19%.

People who consume a diet with high amounts of betaine and choline are likely

to have lesser chances of acquiring chronic inflammation by almost 20%. This in

turn lowers medical conditions such as heart disease, osteoporosis, cognitive

decline and Alzheimer’s disease.

Whole wheat flour is an excellent source of insoluble fiber which is vital for

preventing the formation of gallstones, especially in women, by speeding up the

intestinal transit time and reducing the secretion of bile acids. Excessive amounts

of bile acids can lead to gallstone formation.

Cereals high in bran, such as whole wheat, have excellent laxative properties that

are necessary for alleviating symptoms of diverticular disease like pain, nausea,

flatulence, constipation, distension and so on. These conditions are characterized

by inflammation and lower abdominal pains, sometimes leading to the

formation of a pouch in the wall of the colon due to chronic constipation and

excessive straining.

Eating a serving of whole wheat can reduce levels of cholesterol, high blood

pressure and other signs of cardiovascular disease.

Whole wheat contains the powerful antioxidant, vitamin E, which protects fat-

containing substances, like cell membranes, brain cells and fatty molecules, from

free radical damage. In turn, the vitamins are essential for immune system

function, cancer prevention and blood glucose control for both healthy and

diabetic people.

Postmenopausal women consuming a fiber-rich diet, with whole wheat flour,

have shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer by 34% compared to those who

consume fiber in the lesser amounts.

Being an anti-cancerous agent, whole wheat flour boosts the metabolism of

estrogen, which is regarded as a promoter of breast cancer. The bran in whole

wheat is highly beneficial in preventing cancerous agents in the colon, which can

otherwise increase the concentration of bile acids and bacterial enzymes in the


Organic vegetables1:Spinach

Spinach is an edible flowering plant in the family Amaranthaceous. It is native to central

and southwestern Asia. It is an annual plant, which grows to a height of up to 30 cm.

Spinach may survive over winter in temperate regions.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 23

% Daily Value*

Total Fat 0.4 g 0%

Saturated fat 0.1 g 0%

Polyunsaturated fat 0.2 g

Monounsaturated fat 0 g

Cholesterol 0 mg 0%

Sodium 79 mg 3%

Potassium 558 mg 15%

Total Carbohydrate 3.6 g 1%

Dietary fiber 2.2 g 8%

Sugar 0.4 g

Protein 2.9 g 5%

Vitamin A 187% Vitamin C 46%

Calcium 9% Iron 15%

Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 10%

Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 19%

Types of spinach

Savoy spinach: Savoy spinach has curly, deeply crinkly, and dark green leaves

and typically sold in groceries and supermarkets in fresh bundles. It has a very

productive yield and can handle cold a lot better than most types of spinach.

Because it has the habit of growing low, it can get muddy and gritty and thus be

quite a chore to clean. Common varieties of Savoy spinach include Merlo Nero

from Italy; Bloomsdale, which is popular for being fairly resistant to bolting, has

thick succulent leaves that is great eaten raw and added to salads; Viroflay, a

large spinach with high yields; and Regiment, which produces large deep green

leaves that stay tender.

Flat-leaf spinach: Flat-leaf, also known as smooth-leaf spinach, can be

distinguished by its smooth and broad leaves that make easier to rinse and clean

compared to the crinkly Savoy varieties. This is typically the type of spinach used

in frozen and canned spinach, baby foods, soups, and processed foods. Some of

the more popular varieties of flat-leaf spinach include Space, which is slower to

bolt than most varieties of the same type and Red Cardinal, which can be

identified by the red veins in its leaves and deep red stems like beet leaves.

Semi-Savoy spinach: A hybrid variety with slightly crinkled leaves, semi-

Savoy is grown for processing and for selling fresh in the market. It grows

upright, which makes it less likely to be dirtied with mud, and thus makes it

easier to clean than Savoy varieties. Some are bred to have good resistance to

bolt and disease and can run well up to seed. Semi-Savoy is usually the best

choice of spinach for growing at home. Some of the more popular varieties of

semi-Savoy include Tyee, which can be grown all-year round in places with mild

winter, is resistant to Downey Mildew races and bolting, and grows upright and

vigorously with dark green leaves; Catalina, which has succulent and thick leaves

shaped like a spear with moderate bolt resistance; and Teton, which has deep

green oval leaves and very slow to bolt.

Benefits of spinach One of the benefits of spinach is that this green is readily available, nearly all

over the world. Even though, with its abundant nutrient profile, it sounds like an

amazing super food, it’s still easy to find in the market or easy to grow. In

addition, it’s affordable.

This is a versatile food. It can be eaten raw in a salad (and is much more

nutritious than iceberg lettuce) or a spinach smoothie. Or it can be cooked

(lightly, please) and eaten as a dish on its own or added to soups and other

dishes. If boiling, use the least amount of water possible for the shortest time.

Another of the health benefits of spinach is that this is a heart-healthy food. It’s

an outstanding source of vitamins C and A which are antioxidants that help

reduce free radical amounts in the body. The antioxidants work to keep

cholesterol from oxidizing. In addition, folate is good for a healthy

cardiovascular system, as well as magnesium, a mineral that helps to lower high

blood pressure.

. Some conditions that are identified as inflammatory, such as arthritis,

osteoporosis, migraine headaches, and asthma, may be helped because of

theanti-inflammatory properties of some of the nutrients found in spinach..

Studies have shown that consumption of green leafy vegetables such as spinach

may slow the age-related decline in brain function. So, eat your greens and keep

working those crossword puzzles to keep your brain young and agile.

It’s a carotenoid found in spinach that is protective against eye diseases such

as age-related cataracts and macular degeneration. There is some indication

that it might be absorbed better if you eat it with a little fat, such as a sauce

made with tahini, or the food that you’re eating it with may contain some fat.

The mineral iron is particularly important for menstruating women and growing

children and adolescents. In comparison to red meat, spinach provides a lot less

calories, is fat and cholesterol free, and an excellent source of iron. Because

iron is a component of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to all body cells, it’s

needed for good energy.


Bell pepper, also known as a pepper and capsicum, is a cultivar group of the

species Capsicum annuum.

Nutrition Facts

Calories 20

% Daily Value*

Total Fat 0.2 g 0%

Saturated fat 0.1 g 0%

Polyunsaturated fat 0.1 g

Monounsaturated fat 0 g

Cholesterol 0 mg 0%

Sodium 3 mg 0%

Potassium 175 mg 5%

Total Carbohydrate 4.6 g 1%

Dietary fiber 1.7 g 6%

Sugar 2.4 g

Protein 0.9 g 1%

Vitamin A 7% Vitamin C 134%

Calcium 1% Iron 1%

Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 10%

Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 2%

Types of bell peppers

GREEN PEPPERS: Green bell peppers are harvested before they are fully ripe,

one reason they are less expensive than other varieties. Green bell peppers will

continue to first turn yellow and then red if they are left on the plant to mature.

They have a slightly bitter flavor and will never have the sweet taste of their red,

yellow and orange counterparts.

ORANGE AND YELLOW PEPPERS: More mature than green bell peppers,

yellow and orange peppers have a fruity taste but are not as commonly found in

local markets as green and red bell peppers.

RED PEPPERS: These are more mature than green, orange or yellow bell

peppers. They are rich in carotenoid phytonutrients and contain almost eleven

times more beta-carotene than green bell peppers as well as one and a half

times more vitamin C. Red Bell Peppers have a sweet, almost fruity taste.

Pimento and paprika are both prepared from red bell peppers.


Nutrient Green Red Yellow

Vitamin A 12% DV105%

DV3.6% DV

Vitamin C137%







Carotene340 mcg 841 mcg 110 mcg

Most other vitamins and minerals are c

Benefits of Bell-Peppers Bell peppers are low in calories! So, even if you eat one full cup of them, you get

just about 45 calories. Bonus: that one cup will give you more than your daily quota

of Vitamin A and C!

They contain plenty of vitamin C, which powers up your immune system and keeps

skin youthful.  The highest amount of Vitamin C in a bell pepper is concentrated in

the red variety.

Red bell peppers contain several phytochemicals and carotenoids,  particularly

beta-carotene, which lavish you with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.

The capsaicin in bell peppers has multiple health benefits. Studies show that it

reduces ‘bad’ cholesterol, controls diabetes, brings relief from pain and eases


If cooked for a short period on low heat, bell peppers retain most of their sweet,

almost fruity flavor and flavonoid content, which is a powerful nutrient.

The sulfur content in bell peppers makes them play a protective role in certain types

of cancers.

The bell pepper is a good source of Vitamin E, which is known to play a key role in

keeping skin and hair looking youthful.

Bell peppers also contain vitamin B6, which is essential for the health of the

nervous system and helps renew cells.

Certain enzymes in bell peppers, such as lutein, protect the eyes from cataracts and

macular degeneration later in life.

Findings and analysis:Every formal reports have some findings and analysis. it is the main body of the report.

based on survey questionnaire, observation and discussion with the customers, i have

found some information regarding the customers perception of organic grocery items

and vegetables of their consumption patterns. Various statistical measures are used to

analyze the data. All these data have been analyzed through SPSS and other qualitative


Table 1: Gender distribution of respondents


Frequency Percentage Valid percent Cumulativepercent

ValidMale FemaleTotal

35 35 70

50 50 100

50 50 100

50 100

Frequ... Percen...0







Valid MaleValid Female

The survey has been conducted on 70 individuals in which male are 35 and females are

35. sample size is selected 70 to conduct the survey. As both males and females are

familiar with the perception of organic grocery items and vegetables, i have tried to

show male female combination in the survey. Among the 70 respondents, males hold

50% and female holds 50%.

Table 2: Age Distribution of Respondent


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

PercentValid Below20 21-30 31-40 41-50 Above50Total

12 21 17 14 06 70

17.14 30.00 24.28 20.00 08.57 100.0

17.14 30.00 24.28 20.00 08.58 100.0

17.14 47.14 71.42 91.42 100.0

Belo... 21-30 31-40 41-50 Abov...0









The table shows the participation of different aged people in the survey. The age has

been categorized based on five aged group scales. Among the 70 respondents, only one

respondent is below 10 and it holds 8.57% out of 100%. Most of the respondents fall in

the age group 21-30. The ages of 12 respondents fall between below 20 showing

17.14%. And most of the respondent are fall in this group. Less of the respondents are

fall in the age of above 50 group.

Table 3: Education of respondents


Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulativepercent

Validprimary Secondary Higher Honors Masterstotal

6 18 12 26 8 70

8.57 25.71 17.14 37.14 11.42 100.0

8.58 25.72 17.14 37.14 11.42 100.0

8.58 34.3 51.44 88.58 100.0

primary secondary higher secondary

honors masters0










The above table shows the educational level of respondents. Only 6 respondents are completed their primary education. The number of respondents completing secondary education is 18or 25.72%. Most of the respondents have completed their graduation. The number of respondents completing graduation is 26 out of 70. It shows he the highest percentage that is 37.14% out of 100%. Eight respondents are completed their masters degree that is only 11.42%.

Table 4: location of the respondents


Frequency percent Valid percent Cumulativepercent

ValidDhanmondi khilkhet Stadiumroad Kalibari Mukharjeeghat Angikar Palbazar TruckroadTotal

12 10 6 4 8 6 10 14 70

17.14 14.28 8.57 5.71 11.42 8.57 14.28 20.00 100.0

17.14 14.28 8.58 5.72 11.42 8.58 14.28 20.00 100.0

17.14 31.42 40.00 45.72 57.14 65.72 80.00 100.0








The respondents of this survey questionnaire re from different areas of Dhaka city and chandpur. Most of the respondents are from Truck road and its surrounding areas Angikar, Pal bazar and stadium road. and i also survey in two places of Dhaka city. In Dhaka city 22 people are surveyed and rest of the people are Chandpur the height people cover from Truck road and it covers 14 people out of 70 and the percent is 20% out of 100%. and the lowest person also covered from chndpur and the respondent are 4 and the percentage of this respondents are 5.71%.

Table 5: Marital status of respondents

Marital status

Frequency percent Valid percent Cumulativepercent

ValidMarried Unmarriedtotal

26 44 70

37.14 62.85 100.0

37.14 62.86 100.0

37.14 100.0

Married unmarried0









In this above figure we see that out of 70 respondents, 26 respondents are married and 44 respondents are unmarried. The portion of married people are is 37.14% and unmarried people is 62.86% of the total.

Table 6: Employment status of respondents

Employment status

Frequency percent Valid percent Cumulativepercent

Valid Single employed Both of therespondents

are employedTotal

53 17


75.71 24.28


75.72 24.28


75.72 100.0

valid single Employed

Both of the respondents are employed







The above table shows that most of the respondents are individually employed. The number of single employed is 53 that are that are 75.71% of the total. There are some respondents who are mutually employed with their spouses. The number of this respondents is 17 that is 24.28% of the total.

Table 7: Household monthly income of respondents

Household monthly income

Frequency percent Valid percent Cumulativepercent

Valid 10000-20000 21000-30000 31000-40000 41000-50000 51000-60000 61000-70000 71000-80000 81000-100000total

14 24 10 9 2 3 5 3 70

20.00 34.28 14.28 12.85 2.85 4.28 7.14 4.28 100.0

20.00 34.29 14.29 12.85 2.85 4.29 7.14 4.29 100.0

20.00 54.29 68.58 81.43 84.28 88.57 95.71 100.0












This table shows that the monthly income of the respondents. large number of respondents falls in the category two that ranges from 21000-30000. there are 24 respondents whose incomes are in between 21000-30000. The percentage of this respondents is 34.28%. the lowest respondents are fall in 51000-60000 and the percentage of this respondents is 2.85%. The height level of income category 81000-100000 in this level there are 3 respondents are present and the percentage of this respondents is 4.28% and in this level 61000-70000 respondents are fallen.

Table 8: Types of food and vegetables want for consumption

consumer perception of organic food and vegetables

Frequency percent Valid percent Cumulativepercent

Validorganic Inorganic Bothtotal

47 14 9 7

67.14 20.00 12.85 100.

67.15 20.00 12.85 100.

67.15 87.15 100.0

0 0 0

Organic Inorganic Both0










in this above figure we see that the consumer perception of organic grocery items and vegetables. People are want to buy organic grocery items. Here we see that 47 respondents are want to buy organic grocery items and vegetables. The organic respondents percentage is 67.14%. some of the respondents are choose inorganic because of the high price. the respondents of inorganic grocery items and vegetables are 14 and the percentage is 20.0%. And the respondents of this inorganic grocery items and vegetables choose because of the shortage of organic foods and vegetables.

Table 9: Daily necessary organic grocery items you preferred most

Mostly used grocery items daily

Frequency percent Valid percent Cumulativepercent

ValidEgg Sugar Honey Pulse wheatTotal

24 13 4 12 17 70

34.28 18.57 5.71 17.14 24.28 100.0

34.28 18.58 5.72 17.14 24.28 100.0

34.28 52.86 58.58 75.72 100.0

Egg Sugar Honey Pulse Wheat0










In this above figure we see that which items of grocery items mostly used grocery items daily. here we see that respondents are more consume Egg in their daily necessary basis respondents are 24 and the percentage of this respondents is 34.28%. and wheat is in the second position. The respondent of this wheat is 17 and the percentage of this respondents is 17.14% of this total. the lowest respondents of product is honey . Respondents of this product are 4 and the percentage of this product is 5.71%.

Table 10: Daily necessary organic vegetable items you preferred most

Mostly used vegetable items daily

Frequency percent Valid percent Cumulativepercent

ValidSpinach Bellpeppers othersTotal

13 19 38 70

18.57 27.14 54.28 100.0

18.58 27.14 54.28 100.0

18.58 45.72 100.0

In this picture we see that mostly used vegetables daily. here I didn't mention more vegetables so, most of the respondents are mention others. Here respondents are more put their trick on others for this reason the total respondents of this others are 38 out of70 and the percentage of the respondents is 54.28%. spinach is 18.57% and the Bell peppers is 27.14%.

Spinach Bell peppers others0










Table 11: Respondents perception of price of organic grocery items and vegetables

Perception of price

Frequency percent Valid percent Cumulativepercent

Valid Extremelyhigh High Moderate LowTotal

27 23 18 2 70

38.57 32.85 25.71 2.85 100.0

38.58 32.85 25.72 2.85 100.0

38.58 71.43 97.15 100.0

Extremely high

High Moderate Low05



This figure shows that the respondents perception of price about the organic grocery items and vegetables. people think that organic grocery items price are very high. The respondents are of this high price are 27 and the percentage of this respondent is 38.58%. The respondent of this high price is 23 and the percentage is 32.85%and moderate is 25.71% and lastly the respondent of this low price respondent is 2 and the percentage is 2.85%.

Table 12: Authenticity of organic grocery items and vegetables according to respondents

Authenticity of organic food and vegetables

Frequency percent Valid percent Cumulativepercent

Valid Verypure Pure Moderate NotpureTotal

18 27 19 6 70

25.71 38.57 27.14 8.57 100.0

25.72 38.58 27.14 8.58 100.0

25.72 64.30 91.44 100.0

Very pure Pure Moderate Not pure051015202530354045


In this above picture we see that the respondents perception of Authencity of organic grocery items and vegetables. Here we see that people know that organic foods and vegetables are very pure. in this survey we see that respondent know the purity of organic grocery items and vegetables. Respondents believe that organic grocery items and vegetables are very pure and pure. For this reason 27 respondents are call it pure that percentage is 38.58% of the total and the very pure percentage is 25.71%. The respondents of not pure percentage is 8.58%

Table 13: variation of taste when consumer consume

Variation of taste

Frequency percent Valid percent Cumulativepercent

Valid No 11.4 11.4 11.4

idea Highvariation Variation Lowvariation NovariationTotal

8 12 22 20 8 70

2 17.14 31.42 28.57 11.42 100.0

2 17.14 31.42 28.58 11.42 100.0

2 28.56 59.98 88.56 100.0

No idea High variation

Variation Low variation

No variation



In this figure we see that the respondents variation of taste for the organic grocery items and vegetables. here we see majority of respondents are believe that organic and inorganic grocery items and vegetables have different tastes are smell are also different. The respondents of variation is 22 and the percent is 31.42% and the high variation of percentage is 17.14%. Low variation respondents are also present. They don't trust the farmer that they produce organic grocery items and vegetables. The respondents of low variation is 20 and the percentage is 28.57%. and the respondents are also believe that there are no variation between the organic and inorganic grocery items and vegetables. The respondents of no variation is 8 and the percentage is 11.42%.

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