令和2年度 医学教育部講座別研究・教育課題一覧 - 大学院生命 ...

令和2年度 医学教育部講座別研究・教育課題一覧 ※「しおり」機能で、目次より各講座のページにジャンプします (青字以外の講座はデータなし) 【臨床(外科)系】 1. 消化器外科学 Gastroenterological Surgery 2. 呼吸器外科学 Thoracic Surgery 3. 心臓血管外科学 Cardiovascular Surgery 4. 乳腺・内分泌外科学 Breast and Endocrine Surgery 5. 小児外科学・移植外科学 Pediatric Surgery and Transplantation 6. 脳神経外科学 Neurosurgery 7. 整形外科学 Orthopaedic 8. 産科婦人科学 Obstetrics and Gynecology 9. 泌尿器科学 Urology 10.眼科学 Ophthalmology 11.耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科学 Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 12.歯科口腔外科学 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 13.皮膚病態治療再建学 Dermatology and Plastic Surgery 14.麻酔科学 Anesthesiology 15.臨床国際協力学 International Medical Cooperation ※国立病院機構熊本医療センターとの連携講座

Transcript of 令和2年度 医学教育部講座別研究・教育課題一覧 - 大学院生命 ...

令和2年度 医学教育部講座別研究・教育課題一覧 ※「しおり」機能で、目次より各講座のページにジャンプします


【臨床(外科)系】 1. 消化器外科学 Gastroenterological Surgery

2. 呼吸器外科学 Thoracic Surgery

3. 心臓血管外科学 Cardiovascular Surgery

4. 乳腺・内分泌外科学 Breast and Endocrine Surgery

5. 小児外科学・移植外科学 Pediatric Surgery and Transplantation

6. 脳神経外科学 Neurosurgery

7. 整形外科学 Orthopaedic

8. 産科婦人科学 Obstetrics and Gynecology

9. 泌尿器科学 Urology

10.眼科学 Ophthalmology

11.耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科学 Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

12.歯科口腔外科学 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

13.皮膚病態治療再建学 Dermatology and Plastic Surgery

14.麻酔科学 Anesthesiology

15.臨床国際協力学 International Medical Cooperation ※国立病院機構熊本医療センターとの連携講座



I. 消化管領域における研究・ 消化管癌・GIST に対する代謝阻害剤を用いた革新的治療法の開発・ 食道胃接合部癌に対する新規治療ターゲットの網羅的探索・ 胃あるいは食道癌切除後の腸内細菌叢の変化と予後・ 生活習慣が消化管癌に及ぼすリスクの包括的評価・ 胃癌進展に関与する癌関連繊維芽細胞の機能解明と制御・ AI を用いた CT 及び組織標本テクスチャ解析による治療効果予測・ 下部消化管穿孔における術前後の SOFA score 推移による予後予測解析・ エキソソームと胃癌腹膜播種転移に関する研究

II. 肝・胆膵領域における研究・ 肝・胆膵領域における癌関連遺伝子発現と術後再発・転移機構の解明及び治療法の開発・ 膵癌における癌と間質(特に癌関連繊維芽細胞)の相互作用に関する研究・ 膵癌微小環境における TGFβ-Hippo 経路を介したがん進展機構の解明・ 膵癌と糖代謝関連遺伝子制御及び遺伝子変異に関する研究・ 非肝炎ウイルス性肝細胞癌における癌進展機構の解明・ 慢性炎症に起因する代謝産物を介した NASH 肝癌の発癌メカニズムの解明・ ミニチュアヒト肝臓を用いた革新的医療の開発(医工連携)・ 生体吸収形状記憶膵臓クリップを用いた革新的膵切離法開発(医工連携)

III. 外科一般 に関する研究・ 消化器癌の発育・進展に関与する癌関連遺伝子の解明・ Micro RNA をターゲットとした消化器癌に対する新たな治療戦略の開発・ 消化器癌における免疫チェックポイント機構の解明・ 消化器癌における腸内細菌叢の解明・ 消化器癌におけるレトロトランスポゾンの変化の解明・ 癌代謝が消化器癌に及ぼす生理学的意義の解明・ 消化管癌におけるカヘキシア及びサルコペニア経路の網羅的解析

【教職員・医員および大学院生】 【メールアドレス】 【研究プロジェクト】 教 授 馬場 秀夫 [email protected] I, II, III (研究の統括) 特任准教授 吉田 直矢 [email protected] I, III 准教授 山下 洋市 [email protected] II, III 講師 宮本 裕士 [email protected] I, III助教 岩上 志朗 [email protected] I, III特任講師 馬場 祥史 [email protected] I, III特任准教授 石本 崇胤 [email protected] I, II, III助教 今井 克憲 [email protected] II, III助教 岩槻 政晃 [email protected] I, III診療講師 林 洋光 [email protected] II, III助教 澤山 浩 [email protected] I, III特任助教 小川 克大 [email protected] I, III助教 武山 秀晶 [email protected] II, III特任助教 中村 健一 [email protected] I, III特任助教 北野 雄希 [email protected] II, III

医 員 甲斐田 剛圭、問端 輔、安田 忠仁大学院生(4 年生) 秋山 貴彦、上村 紀雄、北村 文優、野元 大地、布鲁克 大学院生(3 年生) 松村 和季、森永 剛司、山根 大侍、付 凌峰、胡 熙晨 大学院生(2 年生・ 社会人大学院生) 丸野 正敬、魏 峰 大学院生(1 年生) 加藤梨佳子、原 淑大、堀之内 誠、松本 千尋、木下 翔太郎、佐藤 寛紀、

白石 裕大、松本 嵩史、柳 昭

【連絡先】 電話: 096-373-5211 Fax: 096-371-4378 【ホームページ】http://kumamoto-gesurg.com/

【特殊技術】 1.Pyrosequencing 法を用いた遺伝子解析2.腹膜播腫に対する遺伝子治療3.食道・胃・大腸癌に対する完全鏡視下手術4.腹腔鏡下 肝・膵切除5.特許:膵臓切離断端固定クリップ(特許願 2019-050488)

【英文論文】 1. Harada K, Abdelhakeem AAF, Ajani JA: A balancing act: dual immune-checkpoint inhibition for oesophagogastric

cancer. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 16:9-10, 2019 2. Harada K, Hwang H, Wang XM, Abdelhakeem A, Iwatsuki M, Murphy MAB, Maru DM, Weston B, Lee JH, Rogers

JE, Thomas I, Shanbhag N, Bhutani MS, Nguyen Q, Ikoma N, Badgwell BD, Hofstetter WL, Baba H, Ajani JA: Paratracheal lymph node metastasis in operable localized esophageal and gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma. J Clin Oncol 37:e15526-e15526, 2019

3. Iwatsuki M, Harada K, Wang XM, Bhutani MS, Weston B, Lee JH, Nguyen Q, Hofstetter WL, Thomas I, Rogers JE, Baba H, Ajani JA: The prognostic factors associated with long-term survival in the patients with synchronous oligometastatic esophageal adenocarcinoma. J Clin Oncol 37:e15523-e15523, 2019

4. Russell JO, Lu WY, Okabe H, Abrams M, Oertel M, Poddar M, Singh S, Forbes SJ, Monga SP: Hepatocyte-Specific beta-Catenin Deletion During Severe Liver Injury Provokes Cholangiocytes to Differentiate Into Hepatocytes. Hepatology 69:742-759, 2019

5. Kang Y, Chin K, Chung H, Kadowaki S, Oh S, Nakayama N, Lee K, Hara H, Chung I, Tsuda M, Park S, Hosaka H, Hironaka S, Miyata Y, Ryu M, Takeuchi M, Baba H, Hyodo I, Bang Y, Boku N: A phase III study of TAS-118 plus oxaliplatin versus S-1 plus cisplatin as first-line chemotherapy in patients with advanced gastric cancer (SOLAR study). Ann Oncol 30 Suppl 4:iv153, 2019

6. Izumi D, Gao F, Chen Y, Ishimoto T, Horino K, Shimada S, Kodera Y, Baba H, Chen J, Wang X, Goel A: Identification, development and validation of a circulating miRNA-based diagnostic signature for early detection of gastric cancer. Ann Oncol 30, 2019

7. Hamada T, Nowak JA, Masugi Y, Drew DA, Song M, Cao Y, Kosumi K, Mima K, Twombly TS, Liu L, Shi Y, da Silva A, Gu M, Li W, Nosho K, Keum N, Giannakis M, Meyerhardt JA, Wu K, Wang M, Chan AT, Giovannucci EL, Fuchs CS, Nishihara R, Zhang X, Ogino S: Smoking and Risk of Colorectal Cancer Sub-Classified by Tumor-Infiltrating T Cells. J Natl Cancer Inst 111:42-51, 2019

8. Kiyozumi Y, Baba Y, Okadome K, Yagi T, Ishimoto T, Iwatsuki M, Miyamoto Y, Yoshida N, Watanabe M, Komohara Y, Baba H: IDO1 Expression Is Associated With Immune Tolerance and Poor Prognosis in Patients With Surgically Resected Esophageal Cancer. Ann Surg 269:1101-1108, 2019

9. Margonis GA, Amini N, Buettner S, Kim Y, Wang J, Andreatos N, Wagner D, Sasaki K, Beer A, Kamphues C, Morioka D, Loes IM, Imai K, He J, Pawlik TM, Kaczirek K, Poultsides G, Lonning PE, Burkhart R, Endo I, Baba H, Mischinger HJ, Aucejo FN, Kreis ME, Wolfgang CL, Weiss MJ: The Prognostic Impact of Primary Tumor Site Differs According to the KRAS Mutational Status: A Study By the International Genetic Consortium for Colorectal Liver Metastasis. Ann Surg:10.1097/SLA.0000000000003504, 2019

10. Okadome K, Baba Y, Baba H: Response to Comment on "Prognostic Nutritional Index, Tumor-infiltrating Lymphocytes, and Prognosis in Patients With Esophageal Cancer". Ann Surg 270:e105-e106, 2019

11. Shimura T, Toden S, Kandimalla R, Toiyama Y, Okugawa Y, Kanda M, Baba H, Kodera Y, Kusunoki M, Goel A: Genomewide Expression Profiling Identifies a Novel miRNA-Based Signature for the Detection of Peritoneal Metastasis in Patients With Gastric Cancer. Ann Surg:10.1097/SLA.0000000000003647, 2019

12. Yoshida N, Yamamoto H, Miyata H, Baba H: Response to Comment on "Can Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy Replace Open Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer? Latest Analysis of 24,233 Esophagectomies From the Japanese National Clinical Database". Ann Surg 270:e110-e111, 2019

13. Harada K, Wu CC, Wang X, Mizrak Kaya D, Amlashi FG, Iwatsuki M, Blum Murphy MA, Maru DM, Weston B, Lee JH, Rogers JE, Thomas I, Shanbhag N, Bhutani MS, Hofstetter WL, Nguyen QN, Ajani JA: Total Lesion Glycolysis Assessment Identifies a Patient Fraction With a High Cure Rate Among Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Patients Treated With Definitive Chemoradiation. Ann Surg, 2019

14. Yoshida N, Yamamoto H, Baba H, Miyata H, Watanabe M, Toh Y, Matsubara H, Kakeji Y, Seto Y: Can Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy Replace Open Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer? Latest Analysis of 24,233 Esophagectomies From the Japanese National Clinical Database. Ann Surg, 2019

15. Imai K, Benitez CC, Allard MA, Vibert E, Cunha AS, Cherqui D, Castaing D, Bismuth H, Baba H, Adam R: Impact of Surgical Treatment for Recurrence After 2-Stage Hepatectomy for Colorectal Liver Metastases, on Patient Outcome. Ann Surg 269:322-330, 2019

16. Kosumi K, Baba Y, Okadome K, Yagi T, Kiyozumi Y, Yoshida N, Watanabe M, Baba H: Tumor Long-interspersed Nucleotide Element-1 Methylation Level and Immune Response to Esophageal Cancer. Ann Surg:10.1097/SLA.0000000000003264, 2019

17. Yagi T, Baba Y, Ishimoto T, Iwatsuki M, Miyamoto Y, Yoshida N, Watanabe M, Baba H: PD-L1 Expression, Tumor-infiltrating Lymphocytes, and Clinical Outcome in Patients With Surgically Resected Esophageal Cancer. Ann Surg 269:471-478, 2019

18. Harada K, Hwang H, Wang X, Abdelhakeem A, Iwatsuki M, Blum Murphy MA, Maru DM, Weston B, Lee JH, Rogers JE, Thomas I, Shanbhag N, Zhao M, Bhutani MS, Nguyen QN, Swisher SG, Ikoma N, Badgwell BD, Hofstetter WL, Ajani JA: Frequency and Implications of Paratracheal Lymph Node Metastases in Resectable Esophageal or Gastroesophageal Junction Adenocarcinoma. Ann Surg, 2019

19. Yuda M, Yamashita K, Okamura A, Hayami M, Fukudome I, Toihata T, Imamura Y, Mine S, Ishizuka N, Watanabe M: Influence of Preoperative Oropharyngeal Microflora on the Occurrence of Postoperative Pneumonia and Survival in Patients Undergoing Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer. Ann Surg:10.1097/SLA.0000000000003287, 2019

20. Li F, Xu Y, Liu B, Singh PK, Zhao W, Jin J, Han G, Scott AW, Dong X, Huo L, Ma L, Pizzi MP, Wang Y, Li Y, Harada K, Xie M, Skinner HD, Ding S, Wang L, Krishnan S, Johnson RL, Song S, Ajani JA: YAP1-Mediated CDK6 Activation Confers Radiation Resistance in Esophageal Cancer - Rationale for the Combination of YAP1 and CDK4/6 Inhibitors in Esophageal Cancer. Clin Cancer Res 25:2264-2277, 2019

21. Yamamura K, Izumi D, Kandimalla R, Sonohara F, Baba Y, Yoshida N, Kodera Y, Baba H, Goel A: Intratumoral Fusobacterium Nucleatum Levels Predict Therapeutic Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res 25:6170-6179, 2019

22. Tokunaga R, Xiu J, Johnston C, Goldberg RM, Philip PA, Seeber A, Naseem M, Lo JH, Arai H, Battaglin F, Puccini A, Berger MD, Soni S, Zhang W, Hwang JJ, Shields AF, Marshall JL, Baba H, Korn WM, Lenz HJ: Molecular Profiling of Appendiceal Adenocarcinoma and Comparison with Right-sided and Left-sided Colorectal Cancer. Clin Cancer Res 25:3096-3103, 2019

23. Tokunaga R, Naseem M, Lo JH, Battaglin F, Soni S, Puccini A, Berger MD, Zhang W, Baba H, Lenz HJ: B cell and B cell-related pathways for novel cancer treatments. Cancer Treat Rev 73:10-19, 2019

24. Suenaga M, Stintzing S, Cao S, Zhang W, Yang D, Ning Y, Okazaki S, Berger MD, Miyamoto Y, Schirripa M, Soni S, Barzi A, Heinemann V, Lenz HJ: Role of CCL5 and CCR5 gene polymorphisms in epidermal growth factor receptor

signalling blockade in metastatic colorectal cancer: analysis of the FIRE-3 trial. Eur J Cancer 107:100-114, 2019 25. Kosumi K, Hamada T, Zhang S, Liu L, da Silva A, Koh H, Twombly TS, Mima K, Morikawa T, Song M, Nowak JA,

Nishihara R, Saltz LB, Niedzwiecki D, Ou FS, Zemla T, Mayer RJ, Baba H, Ng K, Giannakis M, Zhang X, Wu K, Giovannucci EL, Chan AT, Fuchs CS, Meyerhardt JA, Ogino S: Prognostic association of PTGS2 (COX-2) over-expression according to BRAF mutation status in colorectal cancer: Results from two prospective cohorts and CALGB 89803 (Alliance) trial. Eur J Cancer 111:82-93, 2019

26. Yagi T, Baba Y, Okadome K, Kiyozumi Y, Hiyoshi Y, Ishimoto T, Iwatsuki M, Miyamoto Y, Yoshida N, Watanabe M, Komohara Y, Baba H: Tumour-associated macrophages are associated with poor prognosis and programmed death ligand 1 expression in oesophageal cancer. Eur J Cancer 111:38-49, 2019

27. Izumi D, Gao F, Toden S, Sonohara F, Kanda M, Ishimoto T, Kodera Y, Wang X, Baba H, Goel A: A genomewide transcriptomic approach identifies a novel gene expression signature for the detection of lymph node metastasis in patients with early stage gastric cancer. EBioMedicine 41:268-275, 2019

28. Arima K, Ohmuraya M, Miyake K, Koiwa M, Uchihara T, Izumi D, Gao F, Yonemura A, Bu L, Okabe H, Imai K, Hashimoto D, Baba Y, Chikamoto A, Yamashita Y, Furukawa T, Araki K, Baba H, Ishimoto T: Inhibition of 15-PGDH causes Kras-driven tumor expansion through prostaglandin E2-ALDH1 signaling in the pancreas. Oncogene 38:1211-1224, 2019

29. Bu L, Baba H, Yoshida N, Miyake K, Yasuda T, Uchihara T, Tan P, Ishimoto T: Biological heterogeneity and versatility of cancer-associated fibroblasts in the tumor microenvironment. Oncogene 38:4887-4901, 2019

30. Shimada H, Kiyozumi Y, Koga Y, Ogata Y, Katsuda Y, Kitamura Y, Iwatsuki M, Nishiyama K, Baba H, Ihara T: A novel cholinesterase assay for the evaluation of neurotoxin poisoning based on the electron-transfer promotion effect of thiocholine on an Au electrode. Sensor Actuat B-Chem 298:126893, 2019

31. Hamauchi S, Furuse J, Takano T, Munemoto Y, Furuya K, Baba H, Takeuchi M, Choda Y, Higashiguchi T, Naito T, Muro K, Takayama K, Oyama S, Takiguchi T, Komura N, Tamura K: A multicenter, open-label, single-arm study of anamorelin (ONO-7643) in advanced gastrointestinal cancer patients with cancer cachexia. Cancer 125:4294-4302, 2019

32. Izumi D, Toden S, Ureta E, Ishimoto T, Baba H, Goel A: TIAM1 promotes chemoresistance and tumor invasiveness in colorectal cancer. Cell Death Dis 10:267, 2019

33. Allard MA, Nishioka Y, Beghdadi N, Imai K, Gelli M, Yamashita S, Kitano Y, Kokudo T, Yamashita Y, Sa Cunha A, Vibert E, Elias D, Cherqui D, Goere D, Adam R, Baba H, Hasegawa K: Multicentre study of perioperative versus adjuvant chemotherapy for resectable colorectal liver metastases. BJS Open 3:678-686, 2019

34. Baba Y, Yagi T, Kosumi K, Okadome K, Nomoto D, Eto K, Hiyoshi Y, Nagai Y, Ishimoto T, Iwatsuki M, Iwagami S, Miyamoto Y, Yoshida N, Komohara Y, Watanabe M, Baba H: Morphological lymphocytic reaction, patient prognosis and PD-1 expression after surgical resection for oesophageal cancer. Br J Surg 106:1352-1361, 2019

35. Iwatsuki M, Yamamoto H, Miyata H, Kakeji Y, Yoshida K, Konno H, Seto Y, Baba H: Effect of hospital and surgeon volume on postoperative outcomes after distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer based on data from 145,523 Japanese patients collected from a nationwide web-based data entry system. Gastric Cancer 22:190-201, 2019

36. Kano Y, Ohashi M, Ida S, Kumagai K, Nunobe S, Sano T, Hiki N: Oncological feasibility of laparoscopic subtotal gastrectomy compared with laparoscopic proximal or total gastrectomy for cT1N0M0 gastric cancer in the upper gastric body. Gastric Cancer 22:1060-1068, 2019

37. Koga Y, Iwatsuki M, Yamashita K, Kiyozumi Y, Kurashige J, Masuda T, Eto K, Iwagami S, Harada K, Ishimoto T, Baba Y, Yoshida N, Miyanari N, Takamori H, Ajani JA, Baba H: The role of FBXW7, a cell-cycle regulator, as a predictive marker of recurrence of gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Gastric Cancer 22:1100-1108, 2019

38. Ri M, Hiki N, Ishizuka N, Ida S, Kumagai K, Nunobe S, Ohashi M, Sano T: Duodenal stump reinforcement might reduce both incidence and severity of duodenal stump leakage after laparoscopic gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y reconstruction for gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer 22:1053-1059, 2019

39. Shoji Y, Kumagai K, Kamiya S, Ida S, Nunobe S, Ohashi M, Yoshimizu S, Horiuchi Y, Yoshio T, Ishiyama A, Hirasawa T, Osako T, Yamamoto N, Fujisaki J, Sano T, Hiki N: Prospective feasibility study for single-tracer sentinel node mapping by ICG (indocyanine green) fluorescence and OSNA (one-step nucleic acid amplification) assay in laparoscopic gastric cancer surgery. Gastric Cancer 22:873-880, 2019

40. Shoji Y, Nunobe S, Ida S, Kumagai K, Ohashi M, Sano T, Hiki N: Surgical outcomes and risk assessment for anastomotic complications after laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy with double-flap technique for upper-third gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer 22:1036-1043, 2019

41. Takahashi R, Ohashi M, Kano Y, Ida S, Kumagai K, Nunobe S, Chin K, Yamaguchi K, Nagino M, Sano T, Hiki N: Timing and site-specific trends of recurrence in patients with pathological stage II or III gastric cancer after curative gastrectomy followed by adjuvant S-1 monotherapy. Gastric Cancer 22:1256-1262, 2019

42. Tsujiura M, Hiki N, Ohashi M, Nunobe S, Kumagai K, Ida S, Ohashi T, Sano T, Yamaguchi T: Should pylorus-preserving gastrectomy be performed for overweight/obese patients with gastric cancer? Gastric Cancer 22:1247-1255, 2019

43. Yamashita K, Iwatsuki M, Harada K, Koga Y, Kiyozumi Y, Eto K, Hiyoshi Y, Ishimoto T, Iwagami S, Baba Y, Miyamoto Y, Yoshida N, Komohara Y, Ajani JA, Baba H: Can PD-L1 expression evaluated by biopsy sample accurately reflect its expression in the whole tumour in gastric cancer? Br J Cancer 121:278-280, 2019

44. Liu Y, Baba Y, Ishimoto T, Iwatsuki M, Hiyoshi Y, Miyamoto Y, Yoshida N, Wu R, Baba H: Progress in characterizing the linkage between Fusobacterium nucleatum and gastrointestinal cancer. J Gastroenterol 54:33-41, 2019

45. Hashimoto D, Arima K, Nakagawa S, Negoro Y, Hirata T, Hirota M, Inomata M, Fukuzawa K, Ohga T, Saeki H, Oki E, Yamashita Y, Chikamoto A, Baba H, Maehara Y: Pancreatic cancer arising from the remnant pancreas after pancreatectomy: a multicenter retrospective study by the Kyushu Study Group of Clinical Cancer. J Gastroenterol 54:437-448, 2019

46. Osumi H, Kawachi H, Yoshio T, Ida S, Yamamoto N, Horiuchi Y, Ishiyama A, Hirasawa T, Tsuchida T, Hiki N, Takeuchi K, Fujisaki J: Epstein-Barr virus status is a promising biomarker for endoscopic resection in early gastric cancer: proposal of a novel therapeutic strategy. J Gastroenterol 54:774-783, 2019

47. Lopez A, Harada K, Vasilakopoulou M, Shanbhag N, Ajani JA: Targeting Angiogenesis in Colorectal Carcinoma. Drugs 79:63-74, 2019

48. Suenaga M, Cao S, Zhang W, Yang D, Ning Y, Okazaki S, Berger MD, Miyamoto Y, Schirripa M, Soni S, Barzi A, Yamaguchi T, Lenz HJ: Genetic variants in CCL5 and CCR5 genes and serum VEGF-A levels predict efficacy of bevacizumab in metastatic colorectal cancer patients. Int J Cancer 144:2567-2577, 2019

49. Tsukamoto M, Imai K, Ishimoto T, Komohara Y, Yamashita Y, Nakagawa S, Umezaki N, Yamao T, Kitano Y, Miyata T, Arima K, Okabe H, Baba Y, Chikamoto A, Ishiko T, Hirota M, Baba H: PD-L1 expression enhancement by infiltrating macrophage-derived tumor necrosis factor-alpha leads to poor pancreatic cancer prognosis. Cancer Sci

110:310-320, 2019 50. Kalikawe R, Baba Y, Nomoto D, Okadome K, Miyake K, Eto K, Hiyoshi Y, Nagai Y, Iwatsuki M, Ishimoto T, Iwagami

S, Miyamoto Y, Yoshida N, Watanabe M, Baba H: Lysyl oxidase impacts disease outcomes and correlates with global DNA hypomethylation in esophageal cancer. Cancer Sci 110:3727-3737, 2019

51. Kiyozumi Y, Baba Y, Okadome K, Yagi T, Ogata Y, Eto K, Hiyoshi Y, Ishimoto T, Iwatsuki M, Iwagami S, Miyamoto Y, Yoshida N, Watanabe M, Baba H: Indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase 1 promoter hypomethylation is associated with poor prognosis in patients with esophageal cancer. Cancer Sci 110:1863-1871, 2019

52. Miyata T, Yamashita Y, Yoshizumi T, Shiraishi M, Ohta M, Eguchi S, Aishima S, Fujioka H, Baba H: CXCL12 expression in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma is associated with metastasis and poor prognosis. Cancer Sci 110:3197-3203, 2019

53. Sawayama H, Ogata Y, Ishimoto T, Mima K, Hiyoshi Y, Iwatsuki M, Baba Y, Miyamoto Y, Yoshida N, Baba H: Glucose transporter 1 regulates the proliferation and cisplatin sensitivity of esophageal cancer. Cancer Sci 110:1705-1714, 2019

54. Umezaki N, Nakagawa S, Yamashita Y, Kitano Y, Arima K, Miyata T, Hiyoshi Y, Okabe H, Nitta H, Hayashi H, Imai K, Chikamoto A, Baba H: Lysyl oxidase induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition and predicts intrahepatic metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Sci 110:2033-2043, 2019

55. Miyamoto Y, Hiyoshi Y, Daitoku N, Okadome K, Sakamoto Y, Yamashita K, Kuroda D, Sawayama H, Iwatsuki M, Baba Y, Yoshida N, Baba H: Naples Prognostic Score Is a Useful Prognostic Marker in Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. Dis Colon Rectum 62:1485-1493, 2019

56. Giganti F, Tang L, Baba H: Gastric cancer and imaging biomarkers: Part 1 - a critical review of DW-MRI and CE-MDCT findings. Eur Radiol 29:1743-1753, 2019

57. Mima K, Baba H: The gut microbiome, antitumor immunity, and liver cancer. HBSN 8:67-68, 2019 58. Jiang A, Okabe H, Popovic B, Preziosi ME, Pradhan-Sundd T, Poddar M, Singh S, Bell A, England SG, Nagarajan S,

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59. Nitta H, Allard MA, Sebagh M, Ciacio O, Pittau G, Vibert E, Sa Cunha A, Cherqui D, Castaing D, Bismuth H, Guettier C, Lewin M, Samuel D, Baba H, Adam R: Prognostic Value and Prediction of Extratumoral Microvascular Invasion for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol 26:2568-2576, 2019

60. Takahashi K, Okamura A, Amada E, Otake R, Kozuki R, Toihata T, Imamura Y, Watanabe M: Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer in a Patient with Left Pulmonary Artery Sling. Ann Surg Oncol:10.1245/s10434-10019-08125-w, 2019

61. Takahashi K, Watanabe M, Kozuki R, Toihata T, Okamura A, Imamura Y, Mine S, Ishizuka N: Prognostic Significance of Skeletal Muscle Loss During Early Postoperative Period in Elderly Patients with Esophageal Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol 26:3727-3735, 2019

62. Yamao T, Yamashita Y, Yamamura K, Nakao Y, Tsukamoto M, Nakagawa S, Okabe H, Hayashi H, Imai K, Baba H: Cellular Senescence, Represented by Expression of Caveolin-1, in Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Promotes Tumor Invasion in Pancreatic Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol 26:1552-1559, 2019

63. Yoshida N, Morito A, Nagai Y, Baba Y, Miyamoto Y, Iwagami S, Iwatsuki M, Hiyoshi Y, Eto K, Ishimoto T, Kiyozumi Y, Yagi T, Nomoto D, Akiyama T, Toihata T, Imamura Y, Watanabe M, Baba H: Clinical Importance of Sputum in the Respiratory Tract as a Predictive Marker of Postoperative Morbidity After Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol 26:2580-2586, 2019

64. Yoshida N, Nagai Y, Baba Y, Miyamoto Y, Iwagami S, Iwatsuki M, Hiyoshi Y, Eto K, Ishimoto T, Kiyozumi Y, Nomoto D, Akiyama T, Imamura Y, Watanabe M, Baba H: Effect of Resection of the Thoracic Duct and Surrounding Lymph Nodes on Short- and Long-Term and Nutritional Outcomes After Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol 26:1893-1900, 2019

65. Suzuki T, Okamura A, Watanabe M, Mine S, Imamura Y, Asari T, Osumi H, Nakayama I, Ichimura T, Ogura M, Ooki A, Takahari D, Yamaguchi K, Chin K: Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy with Cisplatin Plus Fluorouracil for Borderline Resectable Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol:10.1245/s10434-10019-08124-x, 2019

66. Kuramoto K, Beppu T, Irie K, Kinoshita K, Sato N, Akahoshi S, Yoshida Y, Yuki H, Hamada Y: Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic: Intra-ductal biliary schwannoma. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 34:1674, 2019

67. Imai K, Yamashita Y, Nakao Y, Uemura N, Kitamura F, Miyata T, Nakagawa S, Okabe H, Hayashi H, Chikamoto A, Ishiko T, Baba H: Is disease progression a contraindication for the strategy of portal vein embolization followed by hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma? Surgery 165:696-702, 2019

68. Nitta H, Allard MA, Sebagh M, Karam V, Ciacio O, Pittau G, Vibert E, Sa Cunha A, Cherqui D, Castaing D, Bismuth H, Guettier C, Samuel D, Baba H, Adam R: Predictive model for microvascular invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma among candidates for either hepatic resection or liver transplantation. Surgery 165:1168-1175, 2019

69. Yamashita Y, Imai K, Kaida T, Yamao T, Tsukamoto M, Nakagawa S, Okabe H, Chikamoto A, Ishiko T, Yoshizumi T, Ikeda T, Maehara Y, Baba H: Multimodal radiofrequency ablation versus laparoscopic hepatic resection for the treatment of primary hepatocellular carcinoma within Milan criteria in severely cirrhotic patients: long-term favorable outcomes over 10 years. Surg Endosc 33:46-51, 2019

70. Hayami M, Watanabe M, Mine S, Imamura Y, Okamura A, Yuda M, Yamashita K, Shoji Y, Toihata T, Kozuki R, Ishizuka N: Steam induced by the activation of energy devices under a wet condition may cause thermal injury. Surg Endosc:10.1007/s00464-00019-07312-w, 2019

71. Hayami M, Watanabe M, Mine S, Imamura Y, Okamura A, Yuda M, Yamashita K, Toihata T, Shoji Y, Ishizuka N: Lateral thermal spread induced by energy devices: a porcine model to evaluate the influence on the recurrent laryngeal nerve. Surg Endosc 33:4153-4163, 2019

72. Aoyama T, Yoshikawa T, Ida S, Cho H, Sakamaki K, Ito Y, Fujitani K, Takiguchi N, Kawashima Y, Nishikawa K, Oshima T, Nunobe S, Hiki N: Effects of perioperative Eicosapentaenoic acid-enriched oral nutritional supplement on lean body mass after total gastrectomy for gastric cancer. J Cancer 10:1070-1076, 2019

73. Imai K, Yamashita Y, Miyamoto Y, Nakao Y, Yusa T, Itoyama R, Nakagawa S, Okabe H, Hiyoshi Y, Nitta H, Chikamoto A, Baba H: Implication of primary tumor location for the indication of preoperative chemotherapy in patients with colorectal liver metastases. HPB (Oxford) 21:405-412, 2019

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77. Miyamoto Y, Hiyoshi Y, Akiyama T, Kiyozumi Y, Eto K, Yohei N, Iwagami S, Baba Y, Yoshida N, Baba H: Low Skeletal Muscle Mass before Salvage-Line Chemotherapy Is a Poor Prognostic Factor in Patients with Refractory Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. Digestion 99:79-85, 2019

78. Hiyoshi Y, Miyamoto Y, Kato R, Sawayama H, Eto K, Nagai Y, Iwagami S, Baba Y, Yoshida N, Baba H: Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy and double-stapling technique anastomosis via needlescopic surgery - a video vignette. Colorectal Dis 21:122-123, 2019

79. Tokunaga R, Nakagawa S, Miyamoto Y, Ohuchi M, Izumi D, Kosumi K, Taki K, Higashi T, Miyata T, Yoshida N, Baba H: The impact of preoperative anaemia and anaemic subtype on patient outcome in colorectal cancer. Colorectal Dis 21:100-109, 2019

80. Gasser E, Braunwarth E, Riedmann M, Cardini B, Fadinger N, Presl J, Klieser E, Ellmerer P, Dupre A, Imai K, Malik H, Baba H, Ulmer H, Schneeberger S, Ofner D, Dinnewitzer A, Stattner S, Primavesi F: Primary tumour location affects survival after resection of colorectal liver metastases: A two-institutional cohort study with international validation, systematic meta-analysis and a clinical risk score. PLoS One 14:e0217411, 2019

81. Kitano Y, Yamashita Y, Saito Y, Nakagawa S, Okabe H, Imai K, Komohara Y, Miyamoto Y, Chikamoto A, Ishiko T, Baba H: Sarcopenia Affects Systemic and Local Immune System and Impacts Postoperative Outcome in Patients with Extrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma. World J Surg 43:2271-2280, 2019

82. Okamura A, Watanabe M: Author's Reply: Significance of Intramural Metastasis in Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: An Indicator of Aggressive Cancer Behavior. World J Surg 43:2649-2650, 2019

83. Okamura A, Watanabe M, Kozuki R, Toihata T, Takahashi K, Imamura Y, Mine S: Significance of Intramural Metastasis in Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: An Indicator of Aggressive Cancer Behavior. World J Surg 43:1997-2005, 2019

84. Yamashita Y, Hayashi H, Imai K, Okabe H, Nakagawa S, Kitamura F, Uemura N, Nakao Y, Yusa T, Itoyama R, Yamao T, Umesaki N, Miyata T, Chikamoto A, Shimokawa M, Baba H: Perioperative Allogeneic Blood Transfusion Does not Influence Patient Survival After Hepatectomy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis. World J Surg 43:2894-2901, 2019

85. Kumai Y, Miyamoto T, Matsubara K, Samejima Y, Yoshida N, Baba H, Orita Y: Determining the Efficacy of the Chin-Down Maneuver Following Esophagectomy With Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 100:1076-1084, 2019

86. Iimaa T, Hirayama T, Shirakigawa N, Imai D, Yamao T, Yamashita Y, Baba H, Ijima H: Antibacterial-Agent-Immobilized Gelatin Hydrogel as a 3D Scaffold for Natural and Bioengineered Tissues. Gels 5:32, 2019

87. Nakada S, Allard MA, Lewin M, Awad S, Dahbi N, Nitta H, Cunha AS, Castaing D, Vibert E, Cherqui D, Miyazaki M, Ohtsuka M, Adam R: Ischemic Cholangiopathy Following Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization for Recurrent Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Hepatectomy: an Underestimated and Devastating Complication. J Gastrointest Surg, 2019

88. Nitta H, Kitano Y, Miyata T, Nakagawa S, Mima K, Okabe H, Hayashi H, Imai K, Yamashita Y, Chikamoto A, Beppu T, Baba H: Validation of Functional Assessment for Liver Resection Considering Venous Occlusive Area after Extended Hepatectomy. J Gastrointest Surg:10.1007/s11605-11019-04234-11609, 2019

89. Maehara Y, Soejima Y, Yoshizumi T, Kawahara N, Oki E, Saeki H, Akahoshi T, Ikegami T, Yamashita Y, Furuyama T, Sugimachi K, Harada N, Tagawa T, Harimoto N, Itoh S, Sonoda H, Ando K, Nakashima Y, Nagao Y, Yamashita N, Kasagi Y, Yukaya T, Kurihara T, Tsutsumi R, Takamori S, Sasaki S, Ikeda T, Yonemitsu Y, Fukuhara T, Kitao H, Iimori M, Kataoka Y, Wakasa T, Suzuki M, Teraishi K, Yoshida Y, Mori M: The evolution of surgical treatment for gastrointestinal cancers. Int J Clin Oncol 24:1333-1349, 2019

90. Sasaki S, Oki E, Saeki H, Shimose T, Sakamoto S, Hu Q, Kudo K, Tsuda Y, Nakashima Y, Ando K, Akagi Y, Kakeji Y, Baba H, Maehara Y: Skeletal muscle loss during systemic chemotherapy for colorectal cancer indicates treatment response: a pooled analysis of a multicenter clinical trial (KSCC 1605-A). Int J Clin Oncol 24:1204-1213, 2019

91. Hiyoshi Y, Miyamoto Y, Kiyozumi Y, Sawayama H, Eto K, Nagai Y, Iwatsuki M, Iwagami S, Baba Y, Yoshida N, Kawanaka K, Yamashita Y, Baba H: CT-guided percutaneous radiofrequency ablation for lung metastases from colorectal cancer. Int J Clin Oncol 24:288-295, 2019

92. Taguchi N, Oda S, Yokota Y, Yamamura S, Imuta M, Tsuchigame T, Nagayama Y, Kidoh M, Nakaura T, Shiraishi S, Funama Y, Shinriki S, Miyamoto Y, Baba H, Yamashita Y: CT texture analysis for the prediction of KRAS mutation status in colorectal cancer via a machine learning approach. Eur J Radiol 118:38-43, 2019

93. Okamura A, Yamashita K, Kozuki R, Takahashi K, Toihata T, Imamura Y, Mine S, Watanabe M: Inflammatory response and recurrence after minimally invasive esophagectomy. Langenbecks Arch Surg 404:761-769, 2019

94. Kurahara H, Shinchi H, Ohtsuka T, Miyasaka Y, Matsunaga T, Noshiro H, Adachi T, Eguchi S, Imamura N, Nanashima A, Sakamoto K, Nagano H, Ohta M, Inomata M, Chikamoto A, Baba H, Watanabe Y, Nishihara K, Yasunaga M, Okuda K, Natsugoe S, Nakamura M: Significance of neoadjuvant therapy for borderline resectable pancreatic cancer: a multicenter retrospective study. Langenbecks Arch Surg 404:167-174, 2019

95. Mine S, Watanabe M: Reply to 'Is there really no difference of mediastinal lymph node metastasis pattern between esophageal adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma?'. Dis Esophagus 32:doz044, 2019

96. Mine S, Watanabe M, Kumagai K, Okamura A, Yuda M, Hayami M, Yamashita K, Imamura Y, Ishizuka N: Comparison of mediastinal lymph node metastases from adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction versus lower esophageal squamous cell carcinoma with involvement of the esophagogastric junction. Dis Esophagus 32:doz002, 2019

97. Okabe H, Ohsaki T, Ogawa K, Ozaki N, Hayashi H, Akahoshi S, Ikuta Y, Ogata K, Baba H, Takamori H: Frailty predicts severe postoperative complications after elective colorectal surgery. Am J Surg 217:677-681, 2019

98. Ishikawa S, Sawayama H, Matsuo A, Uchino R, Honda S, Hirota M, Baba H: Construction and validation of a simple scoring system for stage III colorectal cancer recurrence (SiS-SCORE). A case control study. Jpn J Clin Oncol 49:238-244, 2019

99. Matsumoto T, Okabe H, Yamashita Y, Yusa T, Itoyama R, Nakao Y, Yamao T, Umzaki N, Tsukamoto M, Kitano Y, Miyata T, Arima K, Nitta H, Hayashi H, Imai K, Chikamoto A, Baba H: Clinical role of fludeoxyglucose (18F) positron emission tomography/computed tomography ((18)F-FDG PET/CT) in patients with pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Surg Today 49:21-26, 2019

100. Kurogochi T, Honda M, Yamashita K, Hayami M, Okamura A, Imamura Y, Mine S, Watanabe M: Safety and efficacy

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101. Poudel S, Hirano S, Kurashima Y, Stefanidis D, Akiyama H, Eguchi S, Fukui T, Hagiwara M, Hashimoto D, Hida K, Izaki T, Iwase H, Kawamoto S, Otomo Y, Nagai E, Saito M, Takami H, Takeda Y, Toi M, Yamaue H, Yoshida M, Yoshida S, Kodera Y: A snapshot of surgical resident training in Japan: results of a national-level needs assessment survey. Surg Today 49:870-876, 2019

102. Sakamoto Y, Miyamoto Y, Tokunaga R, Akiyama T, Daitoku N, Hiyoshi Y, Iwatsuki M, Baba Y, Iwagami S, Yoshida N, Baba H: Long-term outcomes of colorectal cancer surgery for elderly patients: a propensity score-matched analysis. Surg Today:10.1007/s00595-00019-01934-00592, 2019

103. Tsukamoto M, Imai K, Yamashita Y, Kitano Y, Okabe H, Nakagawa S, Nitta H, Chikamoto A, Ishiko T, Baba H: Endoscopic hepatic resection and endoscopic radiofrequency ablation as initial treatments for hepatocellular carcinoma within the Milan criteria. Surg Today:10.1007/s00595-00019-01903-00599, 2019

104. Yamashita K, Iwatsuki M, Koga Y, Toihata T, Kiyozumi Y, Kuroda D, Eto K, Hiyoshi Y, Iwagami S, Baba Y, Miyamoto Y, Yoshida N, Baba H: Preservation of physiological passage through the remnant stomach prevents postoperative malnutrition after proximal gastrectomy with double tract reconstruction. Surg Today 49:748-754, 2019

105. Elmezayen HA, Okabe H, Baba Y, Yusa T, Itoyama R, Nakao Y, Yamao T, Umzaki N, Tsukamoto M, Kitano Y, Miyata T, Arima K, Hayashi H, Imai K, Chikamoto A, Yamashita Y, Baba H: Clinical role of serum programmed death ligand 1 in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: Where does it come from? Surg Today, 2019

106. Hirayama Y, Fujisaki J, Yoshimizu S, Horiuchi Y, Yoshio T, Ishiyama A, Hirasawa T, Imamura Y, Mine S, Watanabe M, Tsuchida T: Efficacy and safety of endoscopic resection for gastric tube cancer after surgical resection of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Esophagus 16:194-200, 2019

107. Takahashi K, Mine S, Kozuki R, Toihata T, Okamura A, Imamura Y, Watanabe M: Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy for patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the thoracic esophagus with a history of total pharyngolaryngectomy. Esophagus 16:382-385, 2019

108. Toh Y, Yamamoto H, Miyata H, Gotoh M, Watanabe M, Matsubara H, Kakeji Y, Seto Y: Significance of the board-certified surgeon systems and clinical practice guideline adherence to surgical treatment of esophageal cancer in Japan: a questionnaire survey of departments registered in the National Clinical Database. Esophagus 16:362-370, 2019

109. Yamashita K, Mine S, Toihata T, Fukudome I, Okamura A, Yuda M, Hayami M, Imamura Y, Watanabe M: The usefulness of three-dimensional video-assisted thoracoscopic esophagectomy in esophageal cancer patients. Esophagus 16:272-277, 2019

110. Iwatsuki M, Yoshida N, Baba H: Challenge for establishment of international benchmarks for complications associated with esophagectomy. J Thorac Dis 11:S1894-S1896, 2019

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115. Miyata T, Beppu T, Imamura YU, Hayashi H, Imai K, Chikamoto A, Yamashita Y, Fukubayashi K, Ishiko T, Baba H: A 12-year Recurrence-free Survival After Multidisciplinary Treatment for a Patient With Combined Hepatocellular-Cholangiocarcinoma. Anticancer Res 39:2139-2144, 2019

116. Nakao Y, Yamashita Y, Arima K, Miyata T, Itoyama R, Yusa T, Umezaki N, Yamao T, Nakagawa S, Okabe H, Imai K, Chikamoto A, Baba H: Clinical Usefulness of Perioperative C-reactive Protein/Albumin Ratio in Patients With Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: A Retrospective Single Institutional Study. Anticancer Res 39:2641-2646, 2019

117. Tanaka Y, Ueno T, Yoshida N, Akutsu Y, Takeuchi H, Baba H, Matsubara H, Kitagawa Y, Yoshida K: Is Oral Mucositis Occurring During Chemotherapy for Esophageal Cancer Patients Correctly Judged? EPOC Observational Cohort Study. Anticancer Res 39:4441-4448, 2019

118. Yamashita Y, Okabe H, Hayashi H, Imai K, Nakagawa S, Nakao Y, Yusa T, Itoyama R, Yama T, Umesaki N, Arima K, Miyata T, Chikamoto A, Baba H: Usefulness of 18-FDG PET/CT in Detecting Malignancy in Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms of the Pancreas. Anticancer Res 39:2493-2499, 2019

119. Arima K, Nitta H, Beppu T, Nakagawa S, Okabe H, Imai K, Chikamoto A, Yamashita Y, Yamashita Y, Baba H: Impact of Repeated Hepatectomy on Liver Regeneration in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Propensity Score-based Analysis. Anticancer Res 39:965-970, 2019

120. Umezaki N, Hashimoto D, Yamashita Y, Nakagawa S, Nakao Y, Itoyama R, Yusa T, Yamao T, Okabe H, Imai K, Hayashi H, Chikamoto A, Baba H: Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Hilar Bile Duct. Anticancer Res 39:903-907, 2019

121. Yamao T, Yamashita Y, Imai K, Umezaki N, Tsukamoto M, Kitano Y, Arima K, Miyata T, Nakagawa S, Okabe H, Hayashi H, Chikamoto A, Ishiko T, Baba H: Clinical Significance of Preoperative Hepatocellular Carcinoma With High Lens culinaris Agglutinin-reactive Fraction of Alpha-Fetoprotein, But Low Alpha-Fetoprotein. Anticancer Res 39:883-889, 2019

122. Kurashige J, Yokobori T, Mima K, Sawada G, Takahashi Y, Ueo H, Takano Y, Matsumura T, Uchi R, Eguchi H, Sudo T, Sugimachi K, Mori M, Baba H, Mimori K: Plastin3 is associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition and poor prognosis in gastric cancer. Oncol Lett 17:2393-2399, 2019

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124. Hara Y, Miyamoto Y, Hiyoshi Y, Iwatsuki M, Baba Y, Yoshida N, Baba H: Severe Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis and Hyperammonaemia With FOLFIRI Plus Aflibercept After Two-stage Hepatectomy: A Case Report. In Vivo 33:563-565, 2019

125. Yamashita Y, Imai K, Nakagawa S, Nakao Y, Yusa T, Itoyama R, Okabe H, Hayashi H, Chikamoto A, Baba H: Ultrasonography-guided Suction Thrombectomy for an Isolated Portal Vein Thrombus in Liver Surgery. In Vivo 33:209-212, 2019

126. Sakamoto H, Shirakigawa N, Bual RP, Fukuda Y, Nakamura S, Miyata T, Yamao T, Yamashita Y, Baba H, Ijima H: A novel evaluation system for whole-organ-engineered liver graft by ex vivo application to a highly reproducible hepatic failure rat model. J Artif Organs 22:222-229, 2019

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128. Akiyama T, Miyamoto Y, Nomoto D, Kiyozumi Y, Eto K, Hiyoshi Y, Iwatsuki M, Nagai Y, Iwagami S, Baba Y, Yoshida N, Baba H: Laparoscopic dissection for pelvic lymph node recurrence of thymic carcinoma: A case report. Asian J Endosc Surg, 2019

129. Yamao T, Imai K, Yamashita Y, Umezaki N, Tsukamoto M, Kitano Y, Arima K, Miyata T, Nakagawa S, Okabe H, Nitta H, Chikamoto A, Ishiko T, Baba H: Thoracoscopic surgery for hepatocellular carcinoma located in the hepatic dome: Technical aspect and oncological results. Asian J Endosc Surg:10.1111/ases.12755, 2019

130. Nakao Y, Okino T, Yamashita Y, Taki K, Nakagawa S, Matsumoto K, Goto M, Baba H: Case report of aggressive treatments for large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the esophagus. Int J Surg Case Rep 60:291-295, 2019

131. Sonoda A, Sawayama H, Miyanari N, Mizumoto T, Kubota T, Baba H: Giant myxoid liposarcoma of the stomach: Report of a case. Int J Surg Case Rep 60:234-238, 2019

132. Harada M, Takahashi T, Haga Y, Nishikawa T: Comparative study on quick sequential organ failure assessment, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and the shock index in prehospital emergency patients: single-site retrospective study. Acute Med Surg 6:131-137, 2019

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136. Haga Y, Miyata H, Tsuburaya A, Gotoh M, Yoshida K, Konno H, Seto Y, Fujiwara Y, Baba H: Development and validation of grade-based prediction models for postoperative morbidity in gastric cancer resection using a Japanese web-based nationwide registry. Ann Gastroenterol Surg 3:544-551, 2019

137. Imai K, Adam R, Baba H: How to increase the resectability of initially unresectable colorectal liver metastases: A surgical perspective. Ann Gastroenterol Surg 3:476-486, 2019

138. Hashimoto D, Okawa T, Matsumura F: Training in the Japanese Society of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery board certification system for expert surgeons during 225 consecutive pancreaticoduodenectomies. Ann Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg 23:145-154, 2019

139. Nakao Y, Okabe H, Yamashita Y, Itoyama R, Yusa T, Kitano Y, Arima K, Miyata T, Nakagawa S, Imai K, Chikamoto A, Baba H: A case of acute perforated cholecystitis with intracystic tumor thrombus of hepatocellular carcinoma. Int Cancer Conf J 8:43-45, 2019

140. Kinoshita S, Yamashita K, Iwatsuki M, Sato H, Matsumoto C, Matsumoto T, Shiraishi Y, Yoshida N, Baba H: Disseminated carcinomatosis of the bone marrow from gastric cancer during pregnancy. Clin J Gastroenterol 12:447-452, 2019

141. Ozaki K, Hayashi H, Ikuta Y, Masuda T, Akaboshi S, Ogata K, Matumoto K, Ogawa K, Kamio T, Baba H, Takamori H: Conversion surgery for initially unresectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with synchronous liver metastasis after treatment with FOLFIRINOX. Clin J Gastroenterol 12:603-608, 2019

142. Harada K, Zhao M, Baba H, Ajani JA: Endoscopic resection for esophageal or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma. Dig Med Res 2, 2019

143. Itoyama R, Yamashita Y, Nakao Y, Yusa T, Umezaki N, Yamao T, Nakagawa S, Okabe H, Imai K, Hayashi H, Hashimoto D, Chikamoto A, Baba H: Carcinosarcoma of Vater's papilla: case report of a rare neoplasm and review of the literature. Surg Case Rep 5:13, 2019

144. Okabe H, Hayashi H, Higashi T, Nitta H, Ikuta Y, Yusa T, Takeyama H, Ogawa K, Ozaki N, Akahoshi S, Ogata K, Osaki T, Baba H, Takamori H: Frailty Predicts Severe Postoperative Complication after Elective Hepatic Resection. Gastrointest Tumors 6:28-35, 2019

145. Yokoyama S, Baba H: Is primary tumor location an independent prognostic factor in stage IV colon cancer? J Anus Rectum Colon 3:196-202, 2019

146. Takeya H, Ohnishi K, Shiota T, Saito Y, Fujiwara Y, Yagi T, Kiyozumi Y, Baba Y, Yoshida N, Asano K, Tanaka M, Baba H, Komohara Y: Maf expression in human macrophages and lymph node sinus macrophages in patients with esophageal cancer. J Clin Exp Hematop 59:112-118, 2019

147. Kuramoto K, Nakahara O, Maeda Y, Kumamoto S, Tsuji A, Hayashida S, Oya Y, Shibata H, Iizaka M, Tomiyasu S, Hayashi H, Inomata Y, Baba H: Single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) for Meckel's diverticulum. J Surg Case Rep 2019:rjz210, 2019

148. Sawayama H, Baba H: Glucose transporter 1 and prognosis in cancer. Molecular Nutrition: Carbohydrates 11:191-207, 2019

149. Imai K, Yamashita Y, Baba H: [How to achieve a cure in patients with colorectal liver metastases?]. Nihon Shokakibyo Gakkai Zasshi 116:702-712, 2019

150. Morinaga T, Imai K, Morita K, Yamamoto K, Ikeshima S, Horino K, Shimada S, Baba H: A rare anastomosis between the root of common hepatic artery and proper hepatic artery: implications for pancreaticoduodenectomy. Surg Case Rep 5:180, 2019

151. Yumoto S, Baba Y, Nomoto D, Oozono K, Eto K, Hiyoshi Y, Nagai Y, Iwatsuki M, Iwagami S, Miyamoto Y, Yoshida N, Mikami Y, Baba H: Thyroid metastasis from esophageal adenocarcinoma: a case report and literature review. Surg Case Rep 5:137, 2019

152. Kinoshita K, Beppu T, Sato N, Akahoshi S, Yuki H, Yoshida Y: Preoperative 1-week diet can markedly decrease blood loss during hepatectomy. Transl Gastroenterol Hepatol 4:20, 2019

153. Wang R, Song S, Harada K, Han G, Pizzi MP, Zhao M, Tatlonghari G, Zhang S, Wang Y, Zhao S, Badgwell BD, Murphy MB, Shanbhag N, Estrella JS, Roy-Chowdhuri S, Abdelhakeem AAF, Peng G, Calin GA, Hanash S, Lazar AJ, Futreal A, Ajani JA, Wang L: Cell-of-Origin Analysis of Metastatic Gastric Cancer Uncovers the Origin of Inherent Intratumor Heterogeneity and a Fundamental Prognostic Signature. bioRxiv:725390, 2019

154. Berger MD, Zlobec I, Cao S, Miyamoto Y, Suenaga M, Soni S, Puccini A, Tokunaga R, Naseem M, Battaglin F, Zhang W, Lugli A, Lenz H-J: Polymorphisms of genes encoding for regulatory proteins in the coagulation cascade to predict outcome for stage II and III colon cancer. J Clin Oncol 38:227-227, 2020

155. Yamashita Y, Itoh S, Shimokawa M, Takamori H, Fukuzawa K, Ninomiya M, Araki K, Kajiyama K, Sugimachi K, Uchiyama H, Morine Y, Utsunomiya T, Uwagawa T, Maeda T, Adachi E, Ikeda Y, Yoshizumi T, Baba H, Mori M: A multicenter clinical randomized phase II study of investigating duration of adjuvant chemotherapy with S-1 (six versus 12 months) for patients with resected pancreatic cancer: PACS-1 study. J Clin Oncol 38:669-669, 2020

156. Wang R, Song S, Harada K, Ghazanfari Amlashi F, Badgwell B, Pizzi MP, Xu Y, Zhao W, Dong X, Jin J, Wang Y,

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157. Yoshino T, Cleary JM, Van Cutsem E, Mayer RJ, Ohtsu A, Shinozaki E, Falcone A, Yamazaki K, Nishina T, Garcia-Carbonero R, Komatsu Y, Baba H, Argiles G, Tsuji A, Sobrero A, Yamaguchi K, Peeters M, Muro K, Zaniboni A, Sugimoto N, Shimada Y, Tsuji Y, Hochster HS, Moriwaki T, Tran B, Esaki T, Hamada C, Tanase T, Benedetti F, Makris L, Yamashita F, Lenz HJ: Neutropenia and survival outcomes in metastatic colorectal cancer patients treated with trifluridine/tipiracil in the RECOURSE and J003 trials. Ann Oncol 31:88-95, 2020

158. Hidaka M, Eguchi S, Okuda K, Beppu T, Shirabe K, Kondo K, Takami Y, Ohta M, Shiraishi M, Ueno S, Nanashima A, Noritomi T, Kitahara K, Fujioka H: Impact of Anatomical Resection for Hepatocellular Carcinoma With Microportal Invasion (vp1): A Multi-institutional Study by the Kyushu Study Group of Liver Surgery. Ann Surg 271:339-346, 2020

159. Yoshida N, Kosumi K, Tokunaga R, Baba Y, Nagai Y, Miyamoto Y, Iwagami S, Iwatsuki M, Hiyoshi Y, Ishimoto T, Eto K, Imamura Y, Watanabe M, Baba H: Clinical Importance of Mean Corpuscular Volume as a Prognostic Marker After Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer: A Retrospective Study. Ann Surg 271:494-501, 2020

160. Kandimalla R, Tomihara H, Banwait JK, Yamamura K, Singh G, Baba H, Goel A: A 15-gene immune, stromal and proliferation gene signature that significantly associates with poor survival in patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Clin Cancer Res, 2020

161. Kawazoe A, Yamaguchi K, Yasui H, Negoro Y, Azuma M, Amagai K, Hara H, Baba H, Tsuda M, Hosaka H, Kawakami H, Oshima T, Omuro Y, Machida N, Esaki T, Yoshida K, Nishina T, Komatsu Y, Han SR, Shiratori S, Shitara K: Safety and efficacy of pembrolizumab in combination with S-1 plus oxaliplatin as a first-line treatment in patients with advanced gastric/gastroesophageal junction cancer: Cohort 1 data from the KEYNOTE-659 phase IIb study. Eur J Cancer 129:97-106, 2020

162. Haruki K, Kosumi K, Hamada T, Twombly TS, Vayrynen JP, Kim SA, Masugi Y, Qian ZR, Mima K, Baba Y, da Silva A, Borowsky J, Arima K, Fujiyoshi K, Lau MC, Li P, Guo C, Chen Y, Song M, Nowak JA, Nishihara R, Yanaga K, Zhang X, Wu K, Bullman S, Garrett WS, Huttenhower C, Meyerhardt JA, Giannakis M, Chan AT, Fuchs CS, Ogino S: Association of autophagy status with amount of Fusobacterium nucleatum in colorectal cancer. J Pathol 250:397-408, 2020

163. Hashimoto D, Mizuma M, Kumamaru H, Miyata H, Chikamoto A, Igarashi H, Itoi T, Egawa S, Kodama Y, Satoi S, Hamada S, Mizumoto K, Yamaue H, Yamamoto M, Kakeji Y, Seto Y, Baba H, Unno M, Shimosegawa T, Okazaki K: Risk model for severe postoperative complications after total pancreatectomy based on a nationwide clinical database. Br J Surg:10.1002/bjs.11437, 2020

164. Haga Y, Hiki N, Kinoshita T, Ojima T, Nabeya Y, Kuwabara S, Seto Y, Yajima K, Takeuchi H, Yoshida K, Kodera Y, Fujiwara Y, Baba H: Treatment option of endoscopic stent insertion or gastrojejunostomy for gastric outlet obstruction due to gastric cancer: a propensity score-matched analysis. Gastric Cancer:10.1007/s10120-10020-01040-10120, 2020

165. Yamashita K, Iwatsuki M, Harada K, Eto K, Hiyoshi Y, Ishimoto T, Nagai Y, Iwagami S, Miyamoto Y, Yoshida N, Komohara Y, Ajani JA, Baba H: Prognostic impacts of the combined positive score and the tumor proportion score for programmed death ligand-1 expression by double immunohistochemical staining in patients with advanced gastric cancer. Gastric Cancer 23:95-104, 2020

166. Haga Y, Hiki N, Kinoshita T, Ojima T, Nabeya Y, Kuwabara S, Seto Y, Yajima K, Takeuchi H, Yoshida K, Kodera Y, Fujiwara Y, Baba H: Treatment option of endoscopic stent insertion or gastrojejunostomy for gastric outlet obstruction due to gastric cancer: a propensity score-matched analysis. Gastric Cancer, 2020

167. Nakamura K, Hatakeyama K, Furukawa K, Fujiya K, Kamiya S, Hikage M, Tanizawa Y, Bando E, Ohshima K, Urakami K, Machida N, Yasui H, Yamaguchi K, Terashima M: Prediction of S-1 adjuvant chemotherapy benefit in Stage II/III gastric cancer treatment based on comprehensive gene expression analysis. Gastric Cancer, 2020

168. Okadome K, Baba Y, Nomoto D, Yagi T, Kalikawe R, Harada K, Hiyoshi Y, Nagai Y, Ishimoto T, Iwatsuki M, Iwagami S, Miyamoto Y, Yoshida N, Watanabe M, Komohara Y, Shono T, Sasaki Y, Baba H: Prognostic and clinical impact of PD-L2 and PD-L1 expression in a cohort of 437 oesophageal cancers. Br J Cancer, 2020

169. Haruki K, Kosumi K, Li P, Arima K, V?yrynen JP, Lau MC, Twombly TS, Hamada T, Glickman JN, Fujiyoshi K, Chen Y, Du C, Guo C, V?yrynen SA, Dias Costa A, Song M, Chan AT, Meyerhardt JA, Nishihara R, Fuchs CS, Liu L, Zhang X, Wu K, Giannakis M, Nowak JA, Ogino S: An integrated analysis of lymphocytic reaction, tumour molecular characteristics and patient survival in colorectal cancer. Br J Cancer, 2020

170. Hashimoto D, Mizuma M, Kumamaru H, Miyata H, Chikamoto A, Igarashi H, Itoi T, Egawa S, Kodama Y, Satoi S, Hamada S, Mizumoto K, Yamaue H, Yamamoto M, Kakeji Y, Seto Y, Baba H, Unno M, Shimosegawa T, Okazaki K: Risk model for severe postoperative complications after total pancreatectomy based on a nationwide clinical database. Br J Surg, 2020

171. Tokunaga R, Nakagawa S, Sakamoto Y, Nakamura K, Naseem M, Izumi D, Kosumi K, Taki K, Higashi T, Miyata T, Miyamoto Y, Yoshida N, Baba H, Lenz HJ: 12-chemokine signature, a predictor of tumor recurrence in colorectal cancer. Int J Cancer, 2020

172. Matsusaka S, Hanna DL, Ning Y, Yang D, Cao S, Berger MD, Miyamoto Y, Suenaga M, Dan S, Mashima T, Seimiya H, Zhang W, Lenz HJ: Epidermal growth factor receptor mRNA expression: A potential molecular escape mechanism from regorafenib. Cancer Sci 111:441-450, 2020

173. Arima K, Lau MC, Zhao M, Haruki K, Kosumi K, Mima K, Gu M, Vayrynen JP, Twombly TS, Baba Y, Fujiyoshi K, Kishikawa J, Guo C, Baba H, Richards WG, Chan AT, Nishihara R, Meyerhardt JA, Nowak JA, Giannakis M, Fuchs CS, Ogino S: Metabolic Profiling of Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissues Discriminates Normal Colon from Colorectal Cancer. Mol Cancer Res, 2020

174. Hiyoshi Y, Yamasaki A, Shono T, Miyamoto Y, Eto K, Nagai Y, Iwatsuki M, Iwagami S, Baba Y, Yoshida N, Baba H: Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Cooperative Surgery for Rectal GI Stromal Tumor. Dis Colon Rectum 63:116, 2020

175. Kitano Y, Baba H: ASO Author Reflections: Clinical Significance of PD-L1 Expression in Both Cancer and Stroma Cells in Cholangiocarcinoma Patients. Ann Surg Oncol 27:608-609, 2020

176. Kitano Y, Yamashita Y, Nakao Y, Itoyama R, Yusa T, Umezaki N, Tsukamoto M, Yamao T, Miyata T, Nakagawa S, Okabe H, Imai K, Chikamoto A, Ishiko T, Baba H: Clinical Significance of PD-L1 Expression in Both Cancer and Stroma Cells of Cholangiocarcinoma Patients. Ann Surg Oncol 27:599-607, 2020

177. Yoshida N, Adachi Y, Morinaga T, Eto K, Tokunaga R, Harada K, Hiyoshi Y, Nagai Y, Iwatsuki M, Ishimoto T, Baba Y, Iwagami S, Miyamoto Y, Imamura Y, Watanabe M, Baba H: Wives as Key Persons Positively Impacting Prognosis for Male Patients Undergoing Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer: A Retrospective Study from a Single Japanese Institute. Ann Surg Oncol, 2020

178. Nagai Y, Yoshida N, Baba H: Salvage treatment for superficial local failure after definitive chemoradiotherapy for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Dig Endosc 32:146, 2020

179. Nagai Y, Yoshida N, Baba Y, Harada K, Imai K, Iwatsuki M, Karashima R, Koga Y, Nomoto D, Okadome K, Ishimoto T, Imamura Y, Watanabe M, Baba H: Clinical significance of evaluating endoscopic response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Dig Endosc 32:39-48, 2020

180. Sunami E, Kusumoto T, Ota M, Sakamoto Y, Yoshida K, Tomita N, Maeda A, Teshima J, Okabe M, Tanaka C, Yamauchi J, Itabashi M, Kotake K, Takahashi K, Baba H, Boku N, Aiba K, Ishiguro M, Morita S, Takenaka N, Okude R, Sugihara K: S-1 and Oxaliplatin Versus Tegafur-uracil and Leucovorin as Postoperative Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients With High-risk Stage III Colon Cancer (ACTS-CC 02): A Randomized, Open-label, Multicenter, Phase III Superiority Trial. Clin Colorectal Cancer 19:22-31 e26, 2020

181. Yuki S, Shinozaki K, Kashiwada T, Kusumoto T, Iwatsuki M, Satake H, Kobayashi K, Esaki T, Nakashima Y, Kawanaka H, Emi Y, Komatsu Y, Shimokawa M, Makiyama A, Saeki H, Oki E, Baba H, Mori M: Multicenter phase II study of SOX plus trastuzumab for patients with HER2(+) metastatic or recurrent gastric cancer: KSCC/HGCSG/CCOG/PerSeUS 1501B. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 85:217-223, 2020

182. Mima K, Sakamoto Y, Kosumi K, Ogata Y, Miyake K, Hiyoshi Y, Ishimoto T, Iwatsuki M, Baba Y, Iwagami S, Miyamoto Y, Yoshida N, Ogino S, Baba H: Mucosal cancer-associated microbes and anastomotic leakage after resection of colorectal carcinoma. Surg Oncol 32:63-68, 2020

183. Adam R, Kitano Y, Abdelrafee A, Allard M-A, Baba H: Debulking surgery for colorectal liver metastases: Foolish or chance? Surg Oncol, 2020

184. Uchihara T, Yoshida N, Baba Y, Nakashima Y, Kimura Y, Saeki H, Takeno S, Sadanaga N, Ikebe M, Morita M, Toh Y, Nanashima A, Maehara Y, Baba H: Esophageal Position Affects Short-Term Outcomes After Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy: A Retrospective Multicenter Study. World J Surg 44:831-837, 2020

185. Fu L, Bu L, Yasuda T, Koiwa M, Akiyama T, Uchihara T, Baba H, Ishimoto T: Gastric Cancer Stem Cells: Current Insights into the Immune Microenvironment and Therapeutic Targets. Biomedicines 8:7, 2020

186. Hiyoshi Y, Miyamoto Y, Kiyozumi Y, Eto K, Nagai Y, Iwatsuki M, Iwagami S, Baba Y, Yoshida N, Baba H: Risk factors and prognostic significance of lateral pelvic lymph node metastasis in advanced rectal cancer. Int J Clin Oncol 25:110-117, 2020

187. Daitoku N, Miyamoto Y, Sakamoto Y, Tokunaga R, Hiyoshi Y, Nagai Y, Iwatsuki M, Iwagami S, Yoshida N, Baba H: Prognostic significance of serum p53 antibody according to KRAS status in metastatic colorectal cancer patients. Int J Clin Oncol 25:651-659, 2020

188. Ando K, Emi Y, Miyanari N, Tsuji A, Sakai K, Sawai T, Imamura H, Mori S, Tokunaga S, Oki E, Saeki H, Kakeji Y, Akagi Y, Baba H, Maehara Y, Mori M: Efficacy and feasibility of S-1 plus oxaliplatin (C-SOX) for treating patients with stage III colon cancer (KSCC1303): final analysis of 3-year disease-free survival. Int J Clin Oncol, 2020

189. Hectors SJ, Lewis S, Besa C, King MJ, Said D, Putra J, Ward S, Higashi T, Thung S, Yao S, Laface I, Schwartz M, Gnjatic S, Merad M, Hoshida Y, Taouli B: MRI radiomics features predict immuno-oncological characteristics of hepatocellular carcinoma. Eur Radiol, 2020

190. Tang L, Wang XJ, Baba H, Giganti F: Gastric cancer and image-derived quantitative parameters: Part 2-a critical review of DCE-MRI and (18)F-FDG PET/CT findings. Eur Radiol 30:247-260, 2020

191. Ohtsuka T, Nagakawa Y, Toyama H, Takeda Y, Maeda A, Kumamoto Y, Nakamura Y, Hashida K, Honda G, Fukuzawa K, Toyoda E, Tanabe M, Gotohda N, Matsumoto I, Ryu T, Uyama I, Kojima T, Unno M, Ichikawa D, Inoue Y, Matsukawa H, Sudo T, Takaori K, Yamaue H, Eguchi S, Tahara M, Shinzeki M, Eguchi H, Kurata M, Morimoto M, Hayashi H, Marubashi S, Inomata M, Kimura K, Amaya K, Sho M, Yoshida R, Murata A, Yoshitomi H, Hakamada K, Yasunaga M, Abe N, Hioki M, Tsuchiya M, Misawa T, Seyama Y, Noshiro H, Sakamoto E, Hasegawa K, Kawabata Y, Uchida Y, Kameyama S, Ko S, Takao T, Kitahara K, Nakahira S, Baba H, Watanabe M, Yamamoto M, Nakamura M: A multicenter prospective registration study on laparoscopic pancreatectomy in Japan: report on the assessment of 1,429 patients. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 27:47-55, 2020

192. Kitano Y, Yamashita Y, Nakagawa S, Okabe H, Imai K, Chikamoto A, Baba H: Effectiveness of surgery for recurrent cholangiocarcinoma: A single center experience and brief literature review. Am J Surg 219:175-180, 2020

193. Okabe H, Yamashita Y, Inoue R, Kinoshita S, Itoyama R, Yusa T, Nakao Y, Yamao T, Umezaki N, Tsukamoto M, Kitano Y, Miyata T, Arima K, Hayashi H, Imai K, Chikamoto A, Baba H: Postoperative nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is correlated with malnutrition leading to an unpreferable clinical course for pancreatic cancer patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy. Surg Today 50:193-199, 2020

194. Watanabe M, Otake R, Kozuki R, Toihata T, Takahashi K, Okamura A, Imamura Y: Recent progress in multidisciplinary treatment for patients with esophageal cancer. Surg Today 50:12-20, 2020

195. Watanabe M, Otake R, Kozuki R, Toihata T, Takahashi K, Okamura A, Imamura Y: Correction to: Recent progress in multidisciplinary treatment for patients with esophageal cancer. Surg Today:10.1007/s00595-00019-01952-00590, 2020

196. Motoyama S, Yamamoto H, Miyata H, Yano M, Yasuda T, Ohira M, Kajiyama Y, Toh Y, Watanabe M, Kakeji Y, Seto Y, Doki Y, Matsubara H: Impact of certification status of the institute and surgeon on short-term outcomes after surgery for thoracic esophageal cancer: evaluation using data on 16,752 patients from the National Clinical Database in Japan. Esophagus 17:41-49, 2020

197. Okamura A, Hayami M, Kozuki R, Takahashi K, Toihata T, Imamura Y, Mine S, Watanabe M: Salvage esophagectomy for initially unresectable locally advanced T4 esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Esophagus 17:59-66, 2020

198. Watanabe M, Nakajima M, Nishikawa K, Kato H, Matsubara H: Thoracic endovascular aortic repair for esophageal cancer invading the thoracic aorta: a questionnaire survey study. Esophagus 17:74-80, 2020

199. Watanabe M, Sato M, Fukuchi M, Kato H, Matsubara H: Treatment of aortoesophageal fistula developed after thoracic endovascular aortic repair: a questionnaire survey study. Esophagus 17:81-86, 2020

200. Yamamura K, Yamashita Y, Yamao T, Kuroda D, Eto T, Kitano Y, Arima K, Miyata T, Okabe H, Nitta H, Hashimoto D, Baba H: Efficacy of Staging Laparoscopy for Pancreatic Cancer. Anticancer Res 40:1023-1027, 2020

201. Mima K, Kurashige J, Miyanari N, Morito A, Yumoto S, Matsumoto T, Kosumi K, Inoue M, Mizumoto T, Kubota T, Baba H: Advanced Age Is a Risk Factor for Recurrence After Resection in Stage II Colorectal Cancer. In Vivo 34:339-346, 2020

202. Matsubara K, Kumai Y, Miyamoto T, Samejima Y, Yoshida N, Baba H, Orita Y: The effect of a chin-down maneuver after esophagectomy on oropharyngeal swallowing pressure measured using high-resolution manometry. Auris Nasus Larynx 47:141-147, 2020

203. Tokunaga R, Nakagawa S, Miyamoto Y, Ohuchi M, Izumi D, Kosumi K, Taki K, Higashi T, Miyata T, Yoshida N, Baba H: The clinical impact of preoperative body composition differs between male and female colorectal cancer patients. Colorectal Dis 22:62-70, 2020

204. Akiyama T, Miyamoto Y, Nomoto D, Kiyozumi Y, Eto K, Hiyoshi Y, Iwatsuki M, Nagai Y, Iwagami S, Baba Y, Yoshida N, Baba H: Laparoscopic dissection for pelvic lymph node recurrence of thymic carcinoma: A case report. Asian J Endosc Surg 13:107-110, 2020

205. Imai K, Margonis GA, Wang J, Wolfgang CL, Baba H, Weiss MJ: Liver metastases from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. J Pancreatol, 2020

206. Yasuda T, Eto K, Yoshida N, Iwagami S, Hiyoshi Y, Nagai Y, Iwatsuki M, Ishimoto T, Baba Y, Miyamoto Y, Shiota T, Mikami Y, Baba H: Multiple heterochronic gastrointestinal stromal tumors in the stomach detected 6 years after resection: a case report. Surg Case Rep 6:48, 2020

207. Yumoto S, Miyamoto Y, Akiyama T, Kiyozumi Y, Eto K, Hiyoshi Y, Nagai Y, Iwatsuki M, Baba Y, Iwagami S, Yoshida N, Baba H: Synchronous NET and colorectal cancer development: a case report. Surg Case Rep 6:10, 2020

208. Matsumoto C, Imai K, Nakao Y, Itoyama R, Yusa T, Nakagawa S, Okabe H, Nitta H, Yamashita Y, Chikamoto A, Yatsuda J, Kamba T, Asato T, Mikami Y, Baba H: Renal metastasis from intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Int Canc Conf J, 2020

209. Yasuda T, Nakagawa S, Imai K, Okabe H, Hayashi H, Yamashita Y, Chikamoto A, Ozono K, Mikami Y, Baba H: A case of primary hepatic mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma incidentally found in the sustained virological response state of chronic hepatitis C: review of the literature of this rare disease. Int Canc Conf J, 2020

210. Mima K, ..., Baba H: Frailty is an independent risk factor for recurrence and motarity following curative resection of stageI-III cololectal cancer. Ann Gastroenterol Surg, in press

211. Goel A: Identification of an immune and stromal gene signature and establishment of a nomogram for risk-stratification in patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Clin Cancer Res, in press

212. Arima K ..., Baba H: Utility of Metabolic Profiling of Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Materials in Colorectal Cancer. Mol Cancer Res, in press

213. Hayashi H, Baba H: New era with the the genetic assessment for biliary tree cancers beyond the anatomical assessment alone. Annals of Translational Medicine, 2020

214. Yoshida N, Adachi Y, Morinaga T, Eto K, Tokunaga R, Harada K, Hiyoshi Y, Nagai Y, Iwatsuki M, Ishimoto T, Baba Y, Iwagami S, Miyamoto Y, Imamura Y, Watanabe M, Baba H: Wives as key persons positively impact prognosis for male patients undergoing esophagectomy for esophageal cancer: a retrospective study from a single Japanese institute. Ann Surg Oncol, in press

215. Yoshida N, Baba H: ASO Author Reflections: Wives as key persons positively impact prognosis for male patients undergoing esophagectomy for esophageal cancer: a retrospective study from a single Japanese institute. Ann Surg Oncol, in press

216. Sonoda A ..., Baba H: Clinicopathological features and menin expression of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasm associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci, in press

217. Shinriki S, Maeshiro M, Shimamura K, Kawashima J, Araki E, Ibusuki M, Yamamoto Y, Iwase H, Miyamoto Y, Baba H, Yamaguchi M, Matsui H: Evaluation of an amplicon-based custom gene panel for the diagnosis of hereditary tumors. Neoplasma, in press



I. 肺癌における DNA 異常メチル化の解析 Ⅱ. 肺腺癌の発生にかかわる遺伝的素因の研究 Ⅲ. 肺腺癌の発生、進行とエストロゲン代謝の関連の解析

Ⅳ. 呼吸器外科手術前後の低酸素血症の定量的評価

【教職員および大学院学生】 【メールアドレス】 【研究プロジェクト】

教 授 鈴木 実 [email protected] 研究の統括 准 教授 池田 公英 [email protected] I, Ⅱ.III, 助 教 藤野 孝介 I, Ⅱ. 助 教 本岡 大和 Ⅰ.Ⅱ 助 教 山田 竜也 I, III, IV

大学院生 新地 祐介 大学院生 松原 恵理 大学院生 眞田 宗 大学院生 日隈 大徳 大学院生 眞田 宗 医 員 大隅 祥暢 技術補佐員 吉田 彩香 事務補佐員 重藤 尚子

【連絡先】 電話: 096-373-5533 Fax: 096-373-5532 【ホームページ】http://kumadai-thoraic.com/ 【英文論文】 1. Novel approach to pleurodesis with 50 % glucose for air leakage after lung

resection or pneumothorax. Fujino K.*, Motooka Y., Koga T., Osumi H., Matsubara E., Shibata H., Ikeda K., Shiraishi K., Mori T., Hayashi K., Yoshimoto K., Wakimoto J., Kubota I., Suzuki M.

Surg Today 46, 599-602 (2016) [IF, 1.329; citation, 3] 2. Synchronous Multiple Lung Adenocarcinomas: Estrogen Concentration in Peripheral Lung.

Ikeda K.*, Shiraishi K., Yoshida A., Shinchi Y., Sanada M., Motooka Y., Fujino K., Mori T., Suzuki M. PLoS One. 11 (2016) [IF, 3.057; citation, 0]

3. Chronic Progressive Pulmonary Aspergillosis after Surgry for Lung Cancer Yamada T, Mori T, Nishi W, Motooka Y, Ikeda K, Shiraishi K, Suzuki M. Kyobu Geka.2016Sep;69(10) Japanese.PubMed PMID:27586316.

4. Insulinoma-Associated Protein 1 Is a Crucial Regulator of Neuroendocrine Differentiation in Lung Cancer. Fujino K, Motooka Y, Hassan WA, Ali Abdalla MO, Sato Y, Kudoh S, Hasegawa K, Niimori-Kita K, Kobayashi H, Kubota I, Wakimoto J, Suzuki M, Ito T Am J Pathol. 2015 Dec;185(12):3164-77.

5. Interstitial Fluid Pressure Correlates Clinicopathological Factors of Lung Cancer. Mori T, Koga T, Shibata H, Ikeda K, Shiraishi K, Suzuki M, Iyama KI. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2015 Jan 26

6. Metastasectomy of Pulmonary Metastases from Osteosarcoma: Prognostic Factors and Indication for Repeat Metastasectomy Matsubara E, Mori T, Koga T, Shibata H, Ikeda K, Shiraishi K, Suzuki M Respir Med 2015

7. Prognostic Significance of Aberrant Methylation of Solute Carrier Gene Family 5A8 in Lung Adenocarcinoma. Ikeda K.*, Shiraishi K., Koga T., Motooka Y., Fujino K., Shibata H., Mori T., Suzuki M Ann Thorac Surg. 99, 1755-1759 (2015) [IF, 3.021; citation, 2]

【和文論文】 1. 左肺癌術直後の肺静脈断端内血栓による塞栓症の 2 例

古賀教将 森毅 柴田英克 池田公英 白石健治 鈴木実 日本呼吸器外科学会 30 巻 5 号(2016)

2. ProGRP 高値を示した非定型肺カルチノイドの 1 例

山田竜也 吉本健太郎 日本臨床外科学会誌第 77 巻 6 号(2016)


【研究プロジェクト名および概要】 Ⅰ.動脈硬化進展、動脈瘤形成に関する基礎的ならびに臨床的研究 Ⅰ-1.動脈硬化の発症・進展における分子機構の解析 Ⅰ-2.動脈瘤発生における分子機構の解析 Ⅱ.虚血性心疾患の外科治療に関する臨床研究 Ⅱ-1.びまん性冠動脈病変に対する外科的治療 Ⅱ-2.急性冠症候群に対する冠動脈バイパス術に関する多施設共同研究 Ⅲ.日本の人工弁置換術後における抗血小板療法の有効性および安全性に関する研究 Ⅳ.高齢者大動脈弁狭窄症に対する経カテーテル大動脈弁置換術と外科的大動脈弁置換術の臨床的研究 Ⅴ.動脈瘤に対するステントグラフトを用いた低侵襲手術の研究 Ⅵ.新規組織工学を用いた、心臓血管外科領域の次世代型再生医療技術開発 【教職員および大学院生】 メールアドレス

教 授 福井 寿啓 ([email protected]) 講 師 岡本 健 ([email protected]) 助 教 吉永 隆 助 教 西川 幸作 特任助教 高木 淳 非常勤講師 高橋 幸宏 非常勤講師 森山 周二 非常勤講師 鈴木 龍介 大学院生 古賀 亜由美 大学院生 荒木 直哉 医員 定永 達明 医員 廣田 貴史 技術補佐員 谷口 裕子 事務補佐員 船津 靖子 ([email protected]) 事務補佐員 竹本 麻衣

【連絡先】 TEL:096-373-5205 FAX:096-373-5207 E-mail: [email protected] 【ホームページ】 http://kumamto-cvs.com/ 【英文論文】

1. Nishigawa K, Fukui T, Uemura K, Takanashi S, Shimokawa T. Preoperative renal malperfusion is an independent predictor for acute kidney injury and operative death but is not associated with late mortality after surgery for acute type A aortic dissection. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2020 (in press)

2. Komorita T, Fujisue K, Sueta D, Sakamoto K, Yamamoto E, Hashimoto Y, Sakamoto T, Tsunoda R, Uesugi H, Suzuki R, Naito H, Hanzawa K, Araki E, Nakayama H, Kasaoka S, Hokimoto S, Fukui T, and Tsujita K. Clinical features of patients with acute aortic dissection after an earthquake. Experience from the Kumamoto Earthquake 2016. Am J Hypertension. 2020 (in press)

3. Aonopoulos A, Odutayo A, OikonomouEK, Trivella M, Petrou M, Collins GS, Antoniades C, Akoumianakis I, Channon KM, Herdman L, Margaritis M, Neubauer S, Thomas S, Karkhanis R, Rade J, Fukui T, Nishida H, Takanashi S, Hwang HY, Kim K, Mannacio L, Mannacio V, Nakano J, Perrault L, Kardos A, Okabayashi H, Tousoulis D, Kelion A, Sabharwal N, Krasopoulos G, Sayeed R, Taggart D. Development of a Risk Score for Early Saphenous Vein Graft Failure: An Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2019 (in press)

4. Poudel S, Hirano S, Kurashima Y, Stefanidis D, Akiyama S, Eguchi S, Fukui T, Hagiwara D, Hida K, Izaki T, Iwase H, Kawamoto S, Otomo Y, Nagai E, Saito M, Takami H, Takeda Y, Toi M, Yamaue H, Toshida M, Toshida S, Kodera Y. A snapshot of surgical resident training in Japan: results of a rational-level needs assessment survey. Surg Today. 2019;49:870-876.

5. Fukui T. Bilateral Internal Thoracic Artery Graft in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. J Coronay Artery Disease. 2019;25:21-26.

6. Nishigawa K, Fukui T, Hagiya K, Tobaru T, Uemura K, Takanashi S. Propensity score-matched analysis of coronary artery bypass grafting versus second-generation drug-eluting stents for triple-vessel disease. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2019;55:1152-1159.


1. 福井寿啓,西川幸作,高梨秀一郎. 冠動脈バイパス術後抗血栓療法. 日本冠疾患学会雑誌 2019;1:49-54.



I. Liquid Biopsy(採血検査)による予後予測、治療効果予測診断

採血検体から得られる情報(serum DNA, 全血 RNA, Exosome 中の核酸変異・発現)を解析し、


II. 原発乳癌におけるバイオロジーの解明



III. 転移再発乳癌におけるバイオロジーの解明



IV. エストロゲン療法における臨床的、基礎的検討


V. 乳癌に対する術前薬物内療法に関するトランスレーショナル研究



VI. BRCA1 機能低下と Triple Negative 乳癌に関する研究

原発・転移乳癌を対象に BRCA1 機能低下による遺伝子修復機構不全について検索し、治療効果予測


VII. 転移再発乳癌に対する逐次内分泌療法の治療戦略の構築

逐次内分泌療法の臨床試験のデータ解析および上記 I.の liquid biopsyの手法による治療効果予測を踏


【教職員および大学院学生】 【メールアドレス】 【研究プロジェクト】

准教授 山本 豊 [email protected] 研究の統括 助 教 末田 愛子 I,II,III、IV、V、VI、VII

助 教 冨口 麻衣 I,II,III、IV、V、VI、VII

特任助教 後藤 理沙 II,Ⅳ,Ⅴ,VI 専 攻 医 日髙 香織 II,Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅶ大学院生 (博士課程) 邱 什 II,Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅶ

【連絡先】 電話: 096-373-5521 Fax: 096-373-5525 【ホームページ】http://www2.kuh.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/breast/index.html

【特殊技術・特殊装置】1. センチネルリンパ節生検 5. 統計学的解析手法2. Vacuum Assisted Biopsy 6. DNA シークエンス解析3. 免疫組織化学法 7. FISH 法による遺伝子増幅解析4. Digital PCR, 定量 PCR による変異発現解析 8. 家族性腫瘍の遺伝子検索

【英文論文】1. Kosaka Y, Yamamoto Y, Tanino H, Nishimiya H, Yamamoto-Ibusuki M, Hirota Y, Iwase H,

Nakamura S, Akashi-Tanaka S.: BRCAness as an Important Prognostic Marker in Patients withTriple-Negative Breast Cancer Treated with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Multicenter RetrospectiveStudy. Diagnostics (Basel). 2020 Feb 21;10(2). pii: E119

2. Sueta A., Yamamoto Y. & Iwase H.: The role of exosomal microRNAs; focus on clinical applications inbreast cancer. Cancer Drug. Resist. 2, 847-861 (2019)

3. Ishiguro H, Ohno S, Yamamoto Y, Takao S, Sato N, Fujisawa T, Kadoya T, Kuroi K, Bando H, TeramuraY, Iwata H, Tanaka S, Toi M. Pharmacogenomic-pharmacokinetic study of selective estrogen-receptormodulators with intra-patient dose escalation in breast cancer. Breast Cancer. 2019 Sep;26(5):535-543.

4. Iwata H, Masuda N, Yamamoto Y, Fujisawa T, Toyama T, Kashiwaba M, Ohtani S, Taira N, Sakai T,Hasegawa Y, Nakamura R, Akabane H, Shibahara Y, Sasano H, Yamaguchi T, Sakamaki K, Bailey H,Cherbavaz DB, Jakubowski DM, Sugiyama N, Chao C, Ohashi Y Validation of the 21-gene test as apredictor of clinical response to neoadjuvant hormonal therapy for ER+, HER2-negative breast cancer:the TransNEOS study.. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2019 Jan;173(1):123-133.

5. Goto-Yamaguchi L, Yamamoto-Ibusuki M, Yamamoto Y, Fujiki Y, Tomiguchi M, Sueta A, Takeshita T,Iwase H. Therapeutic predictors of neoadjuvant endocrine therapy response in estrogen receptor-positivebreast cancer with reference to optimal gene expression profiling. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2018 Nov;172(2):353-362.

6. Fujiki Y, Yamamoto Y, Sueta A, Yamamoto-Ibusuki M, Goto-Yamaguchi L, Tomiguchi M, Takeshita T,Iwase H. APOBEC3B gene expression as a novel predictive factor for pathological complete responseto neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer. Oncotarget. 2018 Jul 17;9(55):30513-30526.

7. Takeshita T, Yamamoto Y, Yamamoto-Ibusuki M, Sueta A, Tomiguchi M, Murakami K, Iwase H.:Prevalence of ESR1 E380Q mutation in tumor tissue and plasma from Japanese breast cancer patientsBMC Cancer. 17(1):786, 2017.

8. Sueta A, Yamamoto Y, Tomiguchi M, Takeshita T, Yamamoto-Ibusuki M, Iwase H.: Differential expressionof exosomal miRNAs between breast cancer patients with and without recurrence. Oncotarget.8(41):69934-69944,2017

9. Guo J, Sueta A, Nakamura K, Yoshimoto N, Baba M, Ishida N, Hagio K, Toyama T, Iwase H, Tamakoshi A,Yamashita H.: Genetic and environmental factors and serum hormones, and risk of ER-positive breastcancer in pre- and postmenopausal Japanese women. Oncotarget. 8(39):65759-65769,2017

10. Takeshita T, Yamamoto Y, Yamamoto-Ibusuki M, Tomiguchi M, Sueta A, Murakami K,Omoto Y, Iwase H. Analysis of ESR1 and PIK3CA mutations in plasmacell-free DNA from ER-positive breast cancer patients. Oncotarget. 8(32):52142-52155,2017

11. Takeshita T, Yamamoto Y, Yamamoto-Ibusuki M, Tomiguchi M, Sueta A, Murakami K,Omoto Y, Iwase H: Comparison of ESR1 Mutations in Tumor Tissue and MatchedPlasma Samples from Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients. Transl Oncol 10(5):766-771,2017.

12. Suyama K, Fujiwara S, Takeshita T, Sueta A, Inao T, Yamamoto-Ibusuki M,Yamamoto Y, Iwase H. Clinical features of lenvatinib treatment in elderly patients with advanced thyroidcancer. Mol Clin Oncol. 7(1):24-26,2017.

13. Watanabe J, Ito Y, Ohsumi S, Mizutani M, Tashiro H, Sakurai K, Takahashi M, Saito T, Tsurutani J,Mukai H, Yoshinami T, Takao S, Yamamoto Y, Matsuoka T, Iwase H, Iwata H,Nakamura S, Saeki T. Safety and effectiveness of eribulin in Japanese patients with locally advanced ormetastatic breast cancer: a post-marketing observational study. Invest New Drugs. 35(6):791-799,2017

14. Kawase K, Nomura K, Tominaga R, Iwase H, Ogawa T, Shibasaki I, ShimadaM, Taguchi T, Takeshita E, Tomizawa Y, Nomura S, Hanazaki K, Hanashi T, Yamashita H, Kokudo N,Maeda K. Analysis of gender-based differences among surgeons in Japan: results of a survey conductedby the Japan Surgical Society. Part 1: Working style. Surg Today 48(1):33-43,2017.

15. Miyasato Y, Shiota T, Ohnishi K, Pan C, Yano H, Horlad H, Yamamoto Y,Yamamoto-Ibusuki M, Iwase H, Takeya M, Komohara Y. Highdensity of CD204-positive macrophages predicts worse clinical prognosis in patients with breastcancer. Cancer Sci. 108(8):1693-1700,2017.

16. Sueta D, Suyama K, Sueta A, Tabata N, Yamashita T, Tomiguchi M, Takeshita T, Yamamoto-Ibusuki M,Yamamoto E, Izumiya Y, Kaikita K, Yamamoto Y, Hokimoto S, Iwase H, Tsujita K. Lenvatinib, an oralmulti-kinases inhibitor, -associated hypertension: Potential role of vascular endothelialdysfunction. Atherosclerosis. 260:116-120,2017.

17. Tomita S, Abdalla MO, Fujiwara S, Yamamoto T, Iwase H, Nakao M, SaitohN. Roles of long noncoding RNAs in chromosome domains. Wiley Interdiscip Rev RNA. 2017 Mar; 8(2).doi: 10.1002/wrna.1384. Epub 2016 Aug 3. Review.



I. 脳腫瘍の病態と治療に関する研究

1. 悪性グリオーマの病態解析と新規治療法の開発

2. 悪性グリオーマ以外の悪性脳腫瘍(中枢神経原発悪性リンパ腫、髄芽腫、AT/RT など)の


3. 熊本県における脳腫瘍の疫学

II. 脳血管障害疾患の病態と治療に関する研究

1. 脳卒中(脳虚血や脳出血)における神経細胞死のメカニズムとその治療法の開発

2. 血管内治療における塞栓物質とその治療法の開発

3. 脳血管障害の疫学

III. 大脳基底核疾患の病態の解明と治療に関する研究

1. 大脳基底核神経回路網形成機構の解明

2. 脳深部刺激装置を用いた大脳基底核疾患の治療

IV. 視床下部・脳下垂体疾患の病態と治療に関する研究

1. 機能性下垂体腺腫におけるホルモン産生メカニズムの解明と治療法の開発

2. 嚢胞性疾患における嚢胞形成機序の解明と根治的治療法の開発

3. 間脳・下垂体部腫瘍の疫学

V. てんかん脳の病態・機能解析

【教職員および大学院学生】 【メールアドレス】 【研究プロジェクト】

教授 武笠 晃丈 ([email protected]) 研究統括

准教授 浜崎 禎 ([email protected]) III, V講師 篠島 直樹 ([email protected]) I, IV 助教 大森 雄樹 ([email protected]) II 助教 黒田 順一郎 ([email protected]) I 助教 大田 和貴 ([email protected]) I 助教 竹崎 達也 ([email protected]) I, III 助教 賀来 泰之 ([email protected]) II

大学院生 甲斐 恵太郎 (博士課程 3 年) I 大学院生 内川 裕貴 (博士課程 3 年) II 大学院生 伊東山 剛 (博士課程 2 年) I 大学院生 亀野 功揮 (博士課程 2 年) II 大学院生 松浦 任 (博士課程 1 年) I 大学院生 竹島 裕貴 (博士課程 1 年) I

【連絡先】 Tel: 096-373-5219 Fax: 096-371-8064 【ホームページ】 https://kumadai-neurosurgery.com/

【特殊技術・特殊装置】 1. 細胞培養

クリーンベンチ、CO2 インキュベーターなど 2. 神経細胞初代培養 3. 脳組織スライス器官培養 4. 遺伝子工学機器 DNA-sequencer, DNA-thermal cycler, PCR など 5. 位相差顕微鏡、共焦点レーザー顕微鏡 6. 組織解析法全般 一般染色、免疫染色、蛍光染色 7. 動物実験機器 脳血流計、定位脳手術装置、血圧計、血管撮影装置、麻酔装置など 8. 生化学研究機器 遠心機、恒温槽、Western Blot 用機器など 9. 手術用ナビゲーション装置 10. 定位脳手術装置 11. 神経電気生理記録装置 12. 手術用内視鏡装置 紫色半導体レーザー装置(術中蛍光診断装置)


[1] Hayashi K, Hasegawa Y, Takemoto Y, Cao C, Takeya H, Komohara Y, Mukasa A, Kim-Mitsuyama S: Continuous

intracerebroventricular injection of Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide induces systemic organ dysfunction in

a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Exp Gerontol 2019, 120:1-5.

[2] Hayashi K, Uekawa K, Kawano T, Ohmori Y, Amadatsu T, Takemoto Y, Mukasa A: Cortical Venous Reddening

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[3] Inoue H, Kawano T, Ohmori Y, Amadatsu T, Yamamoto H, Nishi T, Mukasa A: Internal carotid artery aneurysms

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[4] Kitagawa Y, Tanaka S, Kuriki Y, Yamamoto K, Ogasawara A, Nejo T, Matsuura R, Koike T, Hana T, Takahashi S,

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[5] Nakamoto T, Takahashi W, Haga A, Takahashi S, Kiryu S, Nawa K, Ohta T, Ozaki S, Nozawa Y, Tanaka S, Mukasa

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[6] Nejo T, Matsushita H, Karasaki T, Nomura M, Saito K, Tanaka S, Takayanagi S, Hana T, Takahashi S, Kitagawa Y,

Koike T, Kobayashi Y, Nagae G, Yamamoto S, Ueda H, Tatsuno K, Narita Y, Nagane M, Ueki K, Nishikawa R,

Aburatani H, Mukasa A, Saito N, Kakimi K: Reduced Neoantigen Expression Revealed by Longitudinal Multiomics as

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[7] Nomura M, Saito K, Aihara K, Nagae G, Yamamoto S, Tatsuno K, Ueda H, Fukuda S, Umeda T, Tanaka S,

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Narita Y, Nagane M, Nishikawa R, Ueki K, Saito N, Aburatani H, Mukasa A: DNA demethylation is associated with

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Narita Y, Nagane M, Nishikawa R, Ueki K, Saito N, Aburatani H, Mukasa A: Publisher Correction: DNA demethylation

is associated with malignant progression of lower-grade gliomas. Sci Rep 2019, 9:7935.

[9] Oya S, Yoshida S, Tsuchiya T, Fujisawa N, Mukasa A, Nakatomi H, Saito N, Matsui T: Intraoperative quantification

of meningioma cell proliferation potential using rapid flow cytometry reveals intratumoral heterogeneity. Cancer Med

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[10] Shirakawa Y, Hide T, Yamaoka M, Ito Y, Ito N, Ohta K, Shinojima N, Mukasa A, Saito H, Jono H: Ribosomal

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[11] Takahashi M, Miki S, Fujimoto K, Fukuoka K, Matsushita Y, Maida Y, Yasukawa M, Hayashi M, Shinkyo R,

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[12] Takahashi M, Soma T, Mukasa A, Tanaka S, Yanagisawa S, Momose T: Pattern of FDG and MET Distribution in

High- and Low-Grade Gliomas on PET Images. Clin Nucl Med 2019, 44:265-71.

[13] Takahashi S, Takahashi W, Tanaka S, Haga A, Nakamoto T, Suzuki Y, Mukasa A, Takayanagi S, Kitagawa Y, Hana

T, Nejo T, Nomura M, Nakagawa K, Saito N: Radiomics Analysis for Glioma Malignancy Evaluation Using Diffusion

Kurtosis and Tensor Imaging. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2019, 105:784-91.

[14] Takami H, Fukuoka K, Fukushima S, Nakamura T, Mukasa A, Saito N, Yanagisawa T, Nakamura H, Sugiyama K,

Kanamori M, Tominaga T, Maehara T, Nakada M, Kanemura Y, Asai A, Takeshima H, Hirose Y, Iuchi T, Nagane M,

Yoshimoto K, Matsumura A, Kurozumi K, Nakase H, Sakai K, Tokuyama T, Shibui S, Nakazato Y, Narita Y, Nishikawa

R, Matsutani M, Ichimura K: Integrated clinical, histopathological, and molecular data analysis of 190 central nervous

system germ cell tumors from the iGCT Consortium. Neuro Oncol 2019, 21:1565-77.

[15] Takemoto Y, Hasegawa Y, Hashiguchi A, Moroki K, Tokuda H, Mukasa A: Predictors for Functional Outcome in

Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Who Completed In-Hospital Rehabilitation in a Single Institution.

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[16] Takemoto Y, Hasegawa Y, Hayashi K, Cao C, Hamasaki T, Kawano T, Mukasa A, Kim-Mitsuyama S: The

Stabilization of Central Sympathetic Nerve Activation by Renal Denervation Prevents Cerebral Vasospasm after

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Rats. Transl Stroke Res 2019. doi.org/10.1007/s12975-019-00740-9

[17] Takemoto Y, Kawano T, Ohmori Y, Nakagawa T, Ohta K, Kuroda JI, Yano S, Mukasa A: Dural arteriovenous

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[18] Takeshima Y, Kaku Y, Nishi T, Mukasa A, Yamashiro S: Multiple Cerebral Aneurysms Associated With

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[19] Takesue Y, Wei FY, Fukuda H, Tanoue Y, Yamamoto T, Chujo T, Shinojima N, Yano S, Morioka M, Mukasa A,

Kuratsu J, Tomizawa K: Regulation of growth hormone biosynthesis by Cdk5 regulatory subunit associated protein

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[20] Tsuboki S, Kawano T, Ohmori Y, Amadatsu T, Mukasa A: Surgical Treatment of Spontaneous Internal Carotid

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[21] Uchikawa H, Kuroiwa T, Nishio A, Tempaku A, Kondo K, Mukasa A, Kamada H: Vasospasm as a major

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[22] Yamamoto T, Fujimura A, Wei FY, Shinojima N, Kuroda JI, Mukasa A, Tomizawa K: 2-Methylthio Conversion of

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[23] Yamashiro S, Uchikawa H, Yoshikawa M, Kuriwaki K, Hitoshi Y, Yoshida A, Komohara Y, Mukasa A: Histological

analysis of infiltrating macrophages in the cerebral aneurysm walls. J Clin Neurosci 2019, 67:204-9.


1. 【悪性脳腫瘍】神経膠腫グレード II/III の治療戦略

武笠 晃丈

脳神経外科ジャーナル 28(11) 699 - 704 2019 年 11 月

2. 【専門医なら知っておきたい 疾患・術式別 脳神経外科手術合併症の回避・対処法 Q&A 156】

(7 章)脳腫瘍 悪性脳腫瘍の手術 皮質静脈の温存と draining vein 処理の際の注意点は?

黒田 順一郎, 武笠 晃丈

脳神経外科速報 (2019 増刊) 189 - 190 2019 年 10 月

3. 【専門医なら知っておきたい 疾患・術式別 脳神経外科手術合併症の回避・対処法 Q&A 156】

(7 章)脳腫瘍 悪性脳腫瘍の手術 易出血性腫瘍の対応法は?

黒田 順一郎, 武笠 晃丈

脳神経外科速報 (2019 増刊) 191 - 191 2019 年 10 月

4. 【専門医なら知っておきたい 疾患・術式別 脳神経外科手術合併症の回避・対処法 Q&A 156】

(7 章)脳腫瘍 悪性脳腫瘍の手術 術中蛍光診断の注意点は?

黒田 順一郎, 武笠 晃丈

脳神経外科速報 (2019 増刊) 192 - 192 2019 年 10 月

5. 【専門医なら知っておきたい 疾患・術式別 脳神経外科手術合併症の回避・対処法 Q&A 156】

(7 章)脳腫瘍 悪性脳腫瘍の手術 BCNU wafer 留置時の注意点は?

黒田 順一郎, 武笠 晃丈

脳神経外科速報 (2019 増刊) 193 - 194 2019 年 10 月

6. 各種疾患 脳腫瘍 悪性脳腫瘍治療の未来

武笠 晃丈

Annual Review 神経 2019 191 - 197 2019 年 3 月






4.MRI を用いた軟骨代謝の画像評価に関する研究



7.骨・軟部腫瘍における MRI 拡散強調画像の応用に関する研究


9.脊髄機能評価への MRI の応用に関する研究


【教職員および大学院学生】 教授 宮本 健史

准教授 藤本 徹

講師 唐杉 樹 入江 弘基(救急部)

助教 谷脇 琢也 岡元 信和 佐藤 広生 岡 潔 末吉 貴直

米満 龍史(救急部)

特任助教 中村 孝幸

舛田 哲朗(地域連携) 上原 悠輔(地域連携) 德永 琢也(地域連携)

診療助手 井手尾勝政(救急部)

医員 伊藤 仁 湯上 正樹 久永 哲 杉本 一樹 松下 紘三

宮本 佳奈

専攻医 内田 裕己 後生川 輝 呉屋 亮太 髙木 寛 髙島 佑輔

佐々木一駿 磧本 宏信 東 宗一郎

笹岡 眞光(大牟田) 田中みずほ(大牟田) 川口敏典(大牟田)

大学院 博士課程 1年 福間 裕子(社会人:救急部) 前田 和也(社会人:救急部)

浦上 勝(社会人:山鹿)

有馬 嵩博 河上 純輝 吉村 直人

【連絡先】 Tel : 096-373-5226 Fax : 096-373-5228

E-mail : [email protected]

【ホームページ】 https://kumadai-seikei.com/


1.筋力測定装置(Cybex-340) 5.核酸解析装置

2.神経伝導機能検査装置 6.蛋白解析装置

3.レーザードップラー血流波形分析装置 7.細胞培養装置

4.関節弛緩測定装置(KT-1000 arthrometer、Stryker knee laxity tester)


1. Kaneko Y, Tanigawa N, Sato Y, Kobayashi T, Nakamura S, Ito E, Soma T, Miyamoto J, Kobayashi S, Harato K, Matsumoto M, Nakamura M, Niki Y, Miyamoto T. Oral administration of N-acetyl cysteine prevents osteoarthritis development and progression in a rat model. Sci Rep. 9(1):18741, 2019. 2. Miyamoto T, Miyakoshi K, Sato Y, Kasuga Y, Ikenoue S, Miyamoto K, Nishiwaki Y, Tanaka M, Nakamura M, Matsumoto M. Changes in bone metabolic profile associated with pregnancy or lactation. Sci Rep. 9(1):6787, 2019. 3. Okada H, Kajiya H, Omata Y, Matsumoto T, Sato Y, Kobayashi T, Nakamura S, Kaneko Y, Nakamura S, Koyama T, Sudo S, Shin M, Okamoto F, Watanabe H, Tachibana N, Hirose J, Saito T, Takai T, Matsumoto M, Nakamura M, Okabe K, Miyamoto T, Tanaka S. CTLA4-Ig directly inhibits osteoclastogenesis by interfering with intracellular calcium oscillations in bone marrow macrophages. J Bone Miner Res. 34(9):1744-1752, 2019. 4. Mima Y, Suzuki S, Fujii T, Morikawa T, Tamaki S, Takubo K, Shimoda M, Miyamoto T, Watanabe K, Matsumoto M, Nakamura M, Fujita N. Potential involvement of semaphorin 3A in maintaining intervertebral disc tissue homeostasis. J Orthop Res. 37(4):972-980, 2019. 5. Izawa N, Kurotaki D, Nomura S, Fujita T, Omata Y, Yasui T, Hirose J, Matsumoto T, Saito T, Kadono Y, Okada H, Miyamoto T, Tamura T, Aburatani H, Tanaka S. Cooperation of PU.1 With IRF8 and NFATc1 Defines Chromatin Landscapes During RANKL-Induced Osteoclastogenesis. J Bone Miner Res. 34(6):1143-1154, 2019. 6. Yonemitsu R, Tokunaga T, Shukunami C, Ideo K, Arimura H, Karasugi T, Nakamura E, Ide J, Hiraki Y, Mizuta H. Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Enhances Tendon-to-Bone Healing in a Rat Rotator Cuff Repair of Chronic Tears. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 47(7):1701-1712, 2019.



I. 臨床研究

A) 生殖内分泌学

① 遅発思春期女性に対する低用量エストロゲン補充療法の効果に関する研究

② 体外受精・胚移植の成功率向上目的の臨床的研究

③ 生殖医療・がん診療連携センター開設後のがん・生殖医療の検討

④ 子宮内膜症の組織発生に関する形態学的解析

⑤ 子宮内膜症治療における既存アレルギー性疾患用薬(トラニラスト)の臨床投与研究

⑥ 原発性卵巣不全患者における減数分裂関連転写因子異常の探索

B) 産科・周産期医学

① 環境省「子どもの健康と環境に関する全国調査」(エコチル調査)

② 妊婦における歯周病評価基準の策定

③ 生体肝移植ドナー女性の妊娠出産

④ 子宮頸部円錐切除後の妊娠・分娩転帰についての検討

⑤ 妊娠初期に出生前遺伝学的検査を希望する高年妊婦における遺伝学的超音波検査の有用性


C) 婦人科腫瘍病態学

① 子宮頸癌

1. 予後改善を目的とした基靱帯血管群の処理を先行させる広汎子宮全摘出術の検討

2. 子宮頸部胃型粘液性癌に関する臨床病理学的検討

3. 子宮頸癌 I B2 期-IIB 期の子宮頸部通常型腺癌における術前化学療法の有効性について

の後方視的検討(JGOG1072 試験)

4. 子宮頸癌術後再発高リスクに対する強度変調放射線治療(IMRT)を用いた術後同時化学

放射線療法の多施設共同非ランダム化検証的試験(JCOG1402 試験)

5. 妊孕性温存を目的とした子宮頸部円錐切除術後の脈管侵襲を有する IA 期の子宮頸癌に


② 子宮体癌

1. 子宮体癌の発生とプロラクチンに関する臨床病理学的検討

2. 内分泌学的因子を包含した新たな子宮内膜癌の分類と新規治療戦略の確立

3. 若年性子宮体癌症例に対する妊孕能温存治療とその限界に関する臨床研究

4. リンパ節転移リスクを有する子宮体癌に対する傍大動脈リンパ節郭清の治療的意義に

関するランダム化第 III 相試験(JCOG1412 試験)

5. 子宮内膜異型増殖症・子宮体癌に対するメドロキシプロゲステロンとメトホルミンの併


③ 卵巣癌

1. 長期経過後に再発した卵巣癌の臨床病理学および分子生物学的検討

2. プラチナ抵抗性再発卵巣癌における化学療法に関する臨床研究

3. 卵巣癌における大網転移と予後との相関についての検討

4. ステージング手術が行われた上皮性卵巣癌 I 期における補助化学療法の必要性に関す

るランダム化第 III 相比較試験(JGOG3020 試験)

5. BRCA1/2 遺伝子バリアントとがん発症・臨床病理学的特徴および発症リスク因子を明ら

かにするための卵巣がん未発例を対象としたバイオバンク・コホート研究(JGOG3024 試


6. 卵巣癌における相同組換え修復異常の頻度とその臨床的意義を明らかにする前向き観

察研究(JGOG3025 試験)

7. 上皮性卵巣癌の妊孕性温存治療の対象拡大のための非ランダム化検証的試験(JCOG1203


8. 再発卵巣癌における新規化学療法に関する臨床研究(治験)

④ 絨毛性疾患

1. 熊本県における絨毛性疾患の地域登録(1974 年開始)

II. 基礎研究

A) 周産期研究室

① 間葉性異形成胎盤(PMD)の臨床的・分子遺伝学的基盤研究

② 糖尿病の影響を受けた胎児における膵臓特異的遺伝子発現に関する研究

③ ヒト子宮および腎臓の発生に協調的に関与する遺伝子群の変異/欠損の研究

④ 減数分裂における染色体分配の制御機構の解明(臨床-基礎連携プロジェクト)

B) 生殖内分泌研究室

① 生殖細胞・体細胞の相互作用に関する分子生物学的解析

② 卵巣機能不全の分子生物学的解析

③ チョコレート嚢胞の悪性化に関する分子生物学的解析

④ 未受精卵子凍結融解に関する基礎的研究

⑤ 子宮内膜症の鉄・ヘモグロビン代謝におけるマクロファージの機能解析

⑥ 子宮内膜症性嚢胞を形成する炎症環境への receptor for advanced-glycation-end-product


C) 腫瘍内分泌研究室

① プロラクチンを介した子宮内膜癌発癌・増殖機構の解明

② Pole 遺伝子変異を有する子宮内膜癌の発癌機序に関する検討

③ 内分泌学的因子を包含した新たな子宮内膜癌の分類の検討

④ 子宮体癌に対するメドロキシプロゲステロンによる妊孕性温存療法の効果に関与する病理


D) 分子腫瘍研究室

① 新規分子標的治療をめざした卵巣癌幹細胞の研究

② Wnt/PCP の活性調節に基づいた上皮性卵巣がんの新たな治療戦略の確立(臨床-基礎連携プロ


③ 卵巣類内膜腺癌における ARID1A のシグナル伝達経路に関する研究

④ 卵巣癌の大網転移と腫瘍微小環境に関する研究

⑤ CSF-1 および CSF-1 受容体を介した卵巣癌の進展機構に関する研究

E) 臨床形態研究室

① ヒト卵巣癌細胞株に対するサイトカインによる増殖抑制効果に関する研究

② プロゲステロンレセプター発現組織特異的 Mob1A/B ノックアウトマウスの解析

③ インターフェロンβ産生骨髄系 iPS細胞を用いた進行卵巣癌の新規治療に向けた基礎的検討

④ 卵巣癌の発癌機序における外因性化学物質曝露の影響についての検討

【研究者および大学院生】 【メールアドレス】 【研究プロジェクト】

教授 片渕 秀隆 [email protected] 総括

教授 田代 浩徳 [email protected] I, II

准教授 大場 隆 [email protected] 総括


本原 剛志 [email protected] I, II

山口 宗影 [email protected] I, II

診療講師 齋藤 文誉 [email protected] I, II


佐々木 瑠美 [email protected] I, II

松尾 勇二 [email protected] I, II

田山 親吾 [email protected] I, II

値賀 正彦 [email protected] I, II

坪木 純子 [email protected] I, II

診療助手 竹下 優子 [email protected] I, II

瀬尾 優太朗 [email protected] I, II


中村 美和

神尾 未紗希



相良 昭仁

杉野 麗花

中村 菫

山元 真由子






楠木 槙

岩越 裕

李 晨妍

中村 美和




I, II 【連絡先】Tel: 096-373-5269


I. 主な英文雑誌論文(10 編)

1. Yamaguchi M, Erdenebaatar C, Saito F, Honda R, Ohba T, Kyo S, Tashiro H, Katabuchi H.

Prolactin enhances the proliferation of proliferative endometrial glandular cells and

endometrial cancer cells. J Endocr Soc 2019; 4: 1-13

2. Yoneda M, Imamura R, Nitta H, Taniguchi K, Saito F, Kikuchi K, Ogi H, Tanaka T, Katabuchi H,

Nakayama H, Imamura T. Enhancement of cancer invasion and growth via the C5a-C5a receptor

system: Implications for cancer promotion by autoimmune diseases and association with

cervical cancer invasion. Oncol Lett 2019; 17: 913-920

3. Erdenebaatar C, Yamaguchi M, Monsur M, Saito F, Honda R, Tashiro H, Ohba T, Iyama KI,

Katabuchi H. Serum prolactin contributes to enhancing prolactin receptor and pJAK2 in type

I endometrial cancer cells in young women without insulin resistance. Int J Gynecol Pathol

2019; 38: 318-325

4. Motohara T, Masuda K, Morotti M, Zheng Y, El-Sahhar S, Chong KY, Wietek N, Alsaadi A,

Karaminejadranjbar M, Hu Z, Artibani M, Gonzalez LS, Katabuchi H, Saya H, Ahmed AA. An

evolving story of the metastatic voyage of ovarian cancer cells: cellular and molecular

orchestration of the adipose-rich metastatic microenvironment. Oncogene 2019; 38: 2885-2898

5. Motohara T, Katabuchi H. Ovarian cancer stemness: Biological and clinical implications for

metastasis and chemotherapy resistance. Cancers (Basel) 2019; 11: E907

6. Kondo T, Nakamura M, Kawashima J, Matsumura T, Ohba T, Yamaguchi M, Katabuchi H, Araki E.

Hyperemesis gravidarum followed by refeeding syndrome causes electrolyte abnormalities

induced rhabdomyolysis and diabetes insipidus. Endocr J 2019; 66: 253-258

7. Suzumori N, Sekizawa A, Takeda E, Samura O, Sasaki A, Akaishi R, Wada S, Hamanoue H,

Hirahara F, Kuriki H, Sawai H, Nakamura H, Yamada T, Miura K, Masuzaki H, Yamashita T, Kamei

Y, Namba A, Murotsuki J, Tanemoto T, Fukushima A, Haino K, Tairaku S, Matsubara K, Maeda K,

Kaji T, Ogawa M, Osada H, Nishizawa H, Okamoto Y, Kanagawa T, Kakigano A, Endo M, Kitagawa

M, Ogawa M, Izumi S, Katagiri Y, Takeshita N, Kasai Y, Naruse K, Neki R, Masuyama H, Hyodo

M, Kawano Y, Ohba T, Ichizuka K, Nagamatsu T, Watanabe A, Nishikawa N, Hamajima N, Shirato

N, Yotsumoto J, Nishiyama M, Koide K, Hirose T, Sago H. Classification of factors involved

in nonreportable results of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) and prediction of success

rate of second NIPT. Prenat Diagn 2019; 39: 100-106

8. Ebina Y, Mikami M, Nagase S, Tabata T, Kaneuchi M, Tashiro H, Mandai M, Enomoto T, Kobayashi

Y, Katabuchi H, Yaegashi N, Udagawa Y, Aoki D. Japan Society of Gynecologic Oncology

guidelines 2017 for the treatment of uterine cervical cancer. Int J Clin Oncol 2019; 24: 1-


9. Imamura Y, Tashiro H, Tsend-Ayush G, Haruta M, Dashdemberel N, Komohara Y, Tsuboki J,

Takaishi K, Ohba T, Nishimura Y, Katabuchi H, Senju S. Novel therapeutic strategies for

advanced ovarian cancer by using induced pluripotent stem cell-derived myelomonocytic cells

producing interferon beta. Cancer Sci 2018; 109: 3403-3410

10. Mikami M, Shida M, Shibata T, Katabuchi H, Kigawa J, Aoki D, Yaegashi N. Impact of institutional accreditation by the Japan Society of Gynecologic Oncology on the treatment

and survival of women with cervical cancer. J Gynecol Oncol 2018: 29: e23

II. 主な和文著書

1. 大場 隆. I 章 画像診断のモダリティー B. 超音波断層法 JSAWI 発 一冊でわかる婦人科腫瘍

の画像診断 モダリティー・解剖・病理・診断・治療フォローアップ・ピットフォール 片渕秀

隆、楫 靖編集 文光堂 2019; 4-5

2. 田代浩徳、今村裕子. II 章 女性骨盤臓器の発生・解剖・組織構築と生理変化 C. 子宮頸部

JSAWI 発 一冊でわかる婦人科腫瘍の画像診断 モダリティー・解剖・病理・診断・治療フォローア

ップ・ピットフォール 片渕秀隆、楫 靖編集 文光堂 2019; 16-19

3. 山口宗影、片渕秀隆. II 章 女性骨盤臓器の発生・解剖・組織構築と生理変化 C. 子宮体部(子

宮内膜) JSAWI 発 一冊でわかる婦人科腫瘍の画像診断 モダリティー・解剖・病理・診断・治療

フォローアップ・ピットフォール 片渕秀隆、楫 靖編集 文光堂 2019; 4-5

4. 齋藤文誉、浪本智弘、片渕秀隆. IV 章 初回診断と診療後画像フォローアップ B. 初回診断と再

発診断 2. 子宮頸癌(扁平上皮癌)) JSAWI 発 一冊でわかる婦人科腫瘍の画像診断 モダリティ

ー・解剖・病理・診断・治療フォローアップ・ピットフォール 片渕秀隆、楫 靖編集 文光堂

2019; 68-69

5. 大場 隆. V 章 画像診断ピットフォール A. モダリティー 1. 超音波断層法 JSAWI 発 一冊で

わかる婦人科腫瘍の画像診断 モダリティー・解剖・病理・診断・治療フォローアップ・ピットフ

ォール 片渕秀隆、楫 靖編集 文光堂 2019; 106-107

6. 齋藤文誉、片渕秀隆、山下康行. V 章 画像ピットフォール B. 疾患 2. 子宮体部 JSAWI 発 一

冊でわかる婦人科腫瘍の画像診断 モダリティー・解剖・病理・診断・治療フォローアップ・ピッ

トフォール 片渕秀隆、楫 靖編集 文光堂 2019; 116-117

7. 大場 隆. COLUMN: 超音波断層法による 3D 撮影法 JSAWI 発 一冊でわかる婦人科腫瘍の画像診断

モダリティー・解剖・病理・診断・治療フォローアップ・ピットフォール 片渕秀隆、楫 靖編集

文光堂 2019; 135

8. 片渕秀隆. VIII 章 臨床進行期分類と組織学的分類 JSAWI 発 一冊でわかる婦人科腫瘍の画像診

断 モダリティー・解剖・病理・診断・治療フォローアップ・ピットフォール 片渕秀隆、楫 靖

編集 文光堂 2019; 156-174

9. 齋藤文誉、片渕秀隆. 性索間質性腫瘍 産科婦人科疾患最新の治療 2019-2020 吉川史隆、平松

祐司、大須賀 穣編集 南光堂 2019; 262-264



I. 腎細胞癌に対する分子標的療法の感受性および抵抗性に関する研究

II. 転座型腎細胞癌の発生・進展に関わる分子機構に関する研究

III. 泌尿器科悪性腫瘍の発生・進展におけるマクロファージの役割に関する研究

IV. 泌尿器科悪性腫瘍におけるアナフィラトキシン C5a とそのレセプターシステムに関する研

V. 3D 培養を用いた泌尿器科悪性腫瘍における新規標的分子探索に関する研究

VI. 癌微小環境で免疫抑制に係る分子機構の解明に関する研究

VII. 泌尿器疾患に対する治療成績に関するアウトカム研究

VIII. 泌尿器科疾患に対する鏡視下手術・ロボット手術に関する研究

IX. 尿路平滑筋機能および排尿機能、病態に関する研究

【教職員および大学院学生】 【メールアドレス】 【研究プロジェクト】

教 授 神波 大己 [email protected] 研究の統括


助 教

助 教

助 教

助 教

助 教

山口 隆大

杉山 豊

矢津田 旬二

村上 洋嗣

元島 崇信

倉橋 竜磨



医 員






山中 広太郎

福島 結美

今村 隆二

上園 英太

原 千瑛

穴見 俊樹

西澤 秀和




坂田 朋美

吉見 有加

【連絡先】 電話: 096-373-5241 Fax: 096-373-5242

【ホームページ】 https:// kumamoto- urology.com

【英文論文,著書】 1. Arakaki R, Yamasaki T, Kanno T, Shibasaki N, Sakamoto H, Utsunomiya

N, Sumiyoshi T, Shibuya S, Tsuruyama T, Nakamura E, Ogawa O, Kamba T. CCL2 as a potential therapeutic target for clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Cancer Med. 5(10), 2920-2923, 2016

2. Kamba T, Kamoto T, Maruo S, Kikuchi T, Shimizu Y, Namiki S, Fujimoto K, Kawanishi H, Sato F, Narita S, Satoh T, Saito H, Sugimoto M, Teishima J, Masumori N, Egawa S, Sakai H, Okada Y, Terachi T, Ogawa O; ZAPCA Study Group. A phase III multicenter, randomized, controlled study of combined androgen blockade with versus without zoledronic acid in prostate cancer patients with metastatic bone disease: results of the ZAPCA trial. Int J Clin Oncol. 22(1), 166-173, 2017

3. Yano H, Motoshima T, Ma C, Pan C, Yamada S, Nakayama T, Kitada S, Fujimoto N, Kamba T, Takeya M, Komohara Y; The significance of TIMD4 expression in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Med Mol Morphol. 50(4), 220-226, 2017

4. Motoshima T, Miura Y, Wakagami N, Kusada N, Takano T, Inoshita N, Okaneya T, Sugiyama Y, Kamba T, Takeya M, Komohara Y; Phenotypical change of tumor-associated macrophages in metastatic lesions of clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Med Mol Morphol. 51(1), 57-63, 2018

5. Tsuruta M, Ueda S, Yew PY, Fukuda I, Yoshimura S, Kishi H, Hamana H, Yatsuda J, Irie A, Senju S, Yuba E, Kamba T, Eto M, Nakayama H, Nishimura Y; Bladder cancer-associated cancer-testis antigen-derived long peptides encompassing both CTL and promiscuous HLA class II-restricted Th cell epitopes induced CD4+ T cells expressing converged T-cell receptor genes in vitro. OncoImmunology. 7(4), e1415687, 2018

6. Kamba T. Bone-Targeted Treatment in CRPC management. Hormone Therapy and Castration Resistance of Prostate Cancer. Edited by Arai Y. and Ogawa O. Springer. pp.317-325, 2018

7. Ito K, Mikami S, Tatsugami K, Masumori N, Shinohara N, Kondo T, Nakanishi S, Nagashima Y, Eto M, Kamba T, Kuroda N, Tomita Y, Matsuyama H, Onishi T, Tsushima T, Nakazawa H, Oya M, Ozono S, Naito S, Asano T; Clinical outcomes in patients with metastatic papillary renal-cell carcinoma: a multi-institutional study in Japan. Clin Genitourin Cancer. 16(6), e1201-1214, 2018

8. Sugiyama Y, Yatsuda J, Murakami Y, Ito N, Yamasaki T, Mikami Y, Ogawa O, Kamba T; Impact of tumor size on patient survival after radical nephrectomy for pathological T3a renal cell carcinoma. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 49(5), 465-472, 2019

9. Kurahashi R, Kadomatsu T, Baba M, Hara C, Itoh H, Miyata K, Endo M, Morinaga J, Terada K, Araki K, Eto M, Schmidt LS, Kamba T, Linehan WM, Oike Y; MiR-204-5p: a novel candidate urinary biomarker of Xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma. Cancer Sci. 110(6), 1897-1908, 2019

10. Baba M, Furuya M, Motoshima T, Lang M, Funasaki S, Ma W, Sun HW, Hasumi H, Huang Y, Kato I, Kadomatsu T, Satou Y, Morris N, Karim BO, Ileva L, Kalen JD, Wilan Krisna LA, Hasumi Y, Sugiyama A, Kurahashi R, Nishimoto K, Oyama M, Nagashima Y, Kuroda N, Araki K, Eto M, Yao M, Kamba T, Suda T, Oike Y, Schmidt LS, Linehan WM; TFE3 Xp11.2 translocation renal cell carcinoma mouse model reveals novel therapeutic targets and identifies GPNMB as a diagnostic marker for human disease. Mol Cancer Res. 17(8), 1613-1626, 2019

11. Yoshimura Y, Taguchi A, Tanigawa S, Yatsuda J, Kamba T, Takahashi S, Kurihara H, Mukoyama M, Nishinakamura R; Manipulation of nephron-patterning signals enables selective induction of podocytes from human pluripotent stem cells. J Am Soc Nephrol. 30(2), 304-321, 2019

12. Horiguchi H, Kadomatsu T, Kurahashi R, Hara C, Baba M, Osumi H, Terada K, Araki K, Takai T, Kamba T, Linehan WM, Moroishi T, Oike Y; Dual functions of angiopoietin-like protein 2 signaling in tumor progression and anti-tumor immunity. Genes Dev. 33(23-24), 1641-1656, 2019


1. 神波大己. ロボット手術におけるトラブルシューティング. Japanese Journal of Endourology, 29,

24-27, 2016

2. 神波大己. 去勢抵抗性前立腺癌に対する治療の実際. 日本臨牀増刊号 新前立腺癌学(日本臨牀社),

632-639, 2016

3. 山口隆大、神波大己. 進行直腸癌に対する泌尿器臓器合併切除(膀胱・精嚢・前立腺). 消化器外科, 40,

1533-1538, 2017

4. 神波大己. 前立腺癌骨転移による骨関連事象とその予防. 泌尿器外科, 30, 1511-1516, 2017

5. 村上洋嗣、神波大己. Topics of RCC〜腎癌診療ガイドライン 2017 年版改定のポイント〜. 4.術前・術

後補助薬物療法. Year Book of RCC 2017(メディカルレビュー社), 47-53, 2017

6. 神波大己. VIII.腎癌の治療 3.薬物療法 (3)サイトカイン療法. 日本臨牀増刊号 新腎・泌尿器癌

上(日本臨牀社), 301-305, 2017



1. 組織線維化における炎症細胞のエピゲノム変化とメモリー効果に関する緑内障病態の研究

2. アミロイド眼症に対する核酸医療と遺伝子改変に関する研究

3. 線維柱帯細胞のエキソソームを介したシュレム管内皮細胞への影響

4. エキソソームの網膜疾患、網膜血管内皮細胞への影響の解析



7. 末梢血中を循環する fibrocyte の緑内障術後創傷治癒への関与の解明

8. 脈絡膜新生血管におけるミクログリア亜種とアミロイドβの関係に関する研究

9.網膜神経節細胞における IL-6/sIL-6 とアデノシンシグナルの相互作用の意義

10. 結膜創傷治癒過程における代謝経路とエピゲノム制御機構の解明

11. 緑内障手術成績に関する研究

12. 網膜疾患の治療成績に関する研究

13. 緑内障と関連病態における Rho と生理活性因子の関与に関する研究

14. MicroShunt の有効性・安全性評価および改良研究

15. ドラッグリポジショニングを目指した神経保護薬と眼圧下降薬のスクリーニング

【教職員および大学院学生】 【メールアドレス(任意)】 【研究プロジェクト】

教 授 井上 俊洋 1〜15

講 師


高橋 枝里

伊藤 康裕

1〜4, 8, 11

1, 2, 12

助 教

藤本 智和

瀧原 祐史

小島 祥

芳賀 彰

中島 圭一

福島 亘希

1〜3, 5, 13〜15

1, 2, 6, 11

1, 2, 7, 8, 11, 13

1, 2, 8, 12

1, 2, 9, 11, 14

1, 2, 12


渡邊 文香

江口 桃佳

中村 健一

渡邉 隆弘

浦橋 舞衣

浦橋 佑衣

1, 2, 11

1〜4, 8, 11

1, 2, 7, 12〜14

1, 2, 12

1, 2, 11, 12

1, 2, 11, 12

技術補佐員 舛本 悠

長谷 照美



事務補佐員 山村 小由里

廣澤 裕子


研究の事務手続き 【連絡先】 電話: 096-373-5247 Fax: 096-373-5249

【ホームページ】http://www2.kuh.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/ganka/ 【特殊技術・特殊装置】

1. リアルタイム PCR 解析装置 6. 超音波画像診断装置

2. 蛍光顕微鏡 7. 広角眼底カメラ

3. ルミノメーター 8. 網膜光干渉断層計:OCT(CIRRUS, HRA, Triton)

4. ex vivo 房水流出量測定装置 9. 前眼部三次元画像解析装置(CASIA)

5. 多極所網膜電図計測装置(VERIS)

【英文原著】 1. Kawabata K, Shobayashi K, Iwao K, Takahashi E, Tanihara H, Inoue T. Efficacy and safety of Ex-PRESS® mini

shunt surgery versus trabeculectomy for neovascular glaucoma: a retrospective comparative study. BMC Ophthalmology 19:75, 2019.

2. Yonemura H, Futakuchi A, Inoue-Mochita M, Fujimoto T, Takahashi E, Tanihara H, Inoue T. DNA methyltransferase inhibitor suppresses fibrogenetic changes of human conjunctival fibroblasts. Molecular Vision 25:382-390, 2019.

3. Tsutsumi-Kuroda U, Kojima S, Fukushima A, Nakashima KI, Iwao K, Tanihara H, Inoue T. Early bleb parameters as long-term prognostic factors for surgical success: a retrospective observational study using three-dimensional anterior-segment optical coherence tomography. BMC Ophthalmology 19:155, 2019.

4. Sakata R, Yoshitomi T, Iwase A, Matsumoto C, Higashide T, Shirakashi M, Aihara M, Sugiyama K, Araie M; Lower Normal Pressure Glaucoma Study Members in Japan Glaucoma Society. Factors associated with progression of Japanese open-angle glaucoma with lower normal intraocular pressure. Ophthalmology 126:1107-1116, 2019.

5. Sugisaki K, Asaoka R, Inoue T, Yoshikawa K, Kanamori A, Yamazaki Y, Ishikawa S, Nemoto H, Iwase A, Araie M. Predicting Humphrey 10-2 visual field from 24-2 visual field in eyes with advanced glaucoma. British Journal of Ophthalmology. in press.

6. Yamazaki Y, Sugisaki K, Araie M, Murata H, Kanamori A, Inoue T, Ishikawa S, Yoshikawa K, Maeda H, Yamada Y, Negi A, Inatani M, Tanihara H, Okinami S, Mizuki K, Mishima K, Uchida K, Matsumoto S. Relationship between vision-related quality of life and central 10° of the binocular integrated visual field in advanced glaucoma. Scientific Reports 9:14990, 2019.

【和文原著】 1. 草野雄貴, 井上俊洋, 谷原秀信:緑内障 Baerveldt チューブシャント手術後晩期に生じた低眼圧に対して

ナイロンステント術を行った 2 例. 日本眼科学会雑誌 123:418-423, 2019. 2. 光田 緑、中島 圭一、谷原 秀信、井上 俊洋:マイクロパルス波経強膜毛様体光凝固術の短期成績. あ

たらしい眼科 36: 1078-1082, 2019. 3. 井上俊洋:バルベルトチューブシャント手術後インプラント露出症例の検討. 日本眼科学会雑誌 123:

824-828, 2019. 【和文総説】 1. 二口 亜希子, 井上 俊洋:Summing Up 緑内障の病態. Frontiers in Glaucoma 57:34-43, 2019. 2. 井上俊洋:画像が緑内障手術に及ぼす影響 画像が開く新しい眼科手術. 臨床眼科 74:66-70, 2019. 3. 井上 俊洋:【眼科と薬剤】(第 1 部)最近の眼科薬物治療 緑内障 ROCK 阻害薬. 眼科 61:1066-1072,

2019. 【和文著書】 1. 芳賀彰:閃輝性硝子体融解, 硝子体アミロイドーシス. 後眼部アトラス(近藤峰生、辻川明孝 編)2019 :

325, 328-329.

耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科学講座 【研究プロジェクト名および概要】 1. 頭頸部腫瘍学

① 頭頸部腫瘍の診療と治療 ② 頭頸部腫瘍における網羅的遺伝子解析 ③ 頭頸部腫瘍発症マウスモデルの作成

2. 喉頭科学 ① 声帯瘢痕生成機序の解明と新規薬物治療法の開発 ② エビデンスに基づく嚥下障害治療法の確立 ③ 筋衛星細胞を標的とした声帯麻痺に対する新規薬物治療法の開発 ④ 機能性発声障害と声帯振動解析 ⑤ 痙攣性発声障害の病態解明と新たな治療法の開発

3. 耳科学 ① 遺伝性難聴の根本的治療法の開発 ② 内耳発生メカニズムの解明 ③ 加齢性難聴の治療法の開発 ④ ミトコンドリア異常による難聴の病態解明

【研究者および大学院生】 (研究プロジェクト)

教 授 折田 頼尚 (研究の統括) 講 師 村上 大造 (1-①②③)

宮丸 悟 (1-①②③、2-③) 助 教 伊勢 桃子 (1-①②、3-①②③④)

西本 康兵 (1-①②③、2-①②③④⑤) 竹田 大樹 (3-①②③④)

宮本 祐亮 (1-①②③) 医 員 伊東山 舞、大德 朋亮、廣田 薫瑠子、志茂田 裕、眞方 洋明、村上 瑛、

寺田 夕希、古庄 隼也、幸野 香織 医員(パート)菅村真由美、髙村春香 大学院生(博士 3 年) 齋藤 陽元(1-①②③)

【連絡先】 TEL:096-373-5255

【ホームページ】 http://kumamoto-ent.com/

【発表論文】 1. Koyama T, Kariya S, Sato Y, Gion Y, Higaki T, Haruna T, Fujiwara T, Minoura

A,Takao S, Orita Y, Kanai K, Taniguchi M, Nishizaki K, Okano M. Significance of IgG4-positive cells in severe eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis. Allergol Int. 2019; 68: 216-24

2. Kumai Y, Miyamoto T, Matsubara K, Samejima Y, Yoshida N, Baba H, Orita Y. Determining the efficacy of the chin-down maneuver following esophagectomy with fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2019; 100: 1076-84

3. Kumai Y, Miyamoto T, Matsubara K, Samejima Y, Yamashita S, Ando Y, Orita Y. Assessment of oropharyngeal swallowing dysfunction in myasthenia gravis patients presenting with difficulty in swallowing. Auris Nasus Larynx 2019; 46: 390-6

4. Tachibana T, Kariya S, Orita Y, Makino T, Haruna T, Matsuyama Y, Komatsubara Y, Naoi Y, Nakada M, Noda Y, Sato Y, Nishizaki K. Spontaneous closure of traumatic tympanic membrane perforation following long-term observation. Acta Otolaryngol 2019; 139: 487-91

5. Akagi Y, Tachibana T, Orita Y, Gion Y, Marunaka H, Makino T, Miki K, Akisada N, Yoshino T, Nishizaki K, Sato Y. KRAS mutation in tongue squamous cell carcinoma. Acta Otolaryngol 2019; 139: 647-51

6. Tachibana T, Kariya S, Orita Y, Makino T, Haruna T, Matsuyama Y, Komatsubara Y, Naoi Y, Nakada M, Wani Y, Fushimi S, Hotta M, Haruna K, Nagatani T, Sato Y, Nishizaki K. The efficacy of OK-432 sclerotherapy on thyroglossal duct cyst and the influence on a subsequent surgical procedure. Acta Otolaryngol 2019; 139: 788-92

7. Takeda H, Miwa T, Kim MY, Choi BY, Orita Y, Minoda R. Prenatal electroporation-mediated gene transfer restores Slc26a4 knock-out mouse hearing and vestibular function. Sci Rep 2019; 9: 17979

8. Miwa T, Minoda R, Ishikawa Y, Kajii T, Orita Y, Ohyama T. Role of Dach1 revealed

using a novel inner ear-specific Dach1-knockdown mouse model. Biol Open 2019; 8(8)

9. Miyamaru S, Kumai Y, Murakami D, Kodama N, Miyamoto T, Yumoto E, Orita Y. Phonatory function in patients with well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma following meticulous resection of tumors adhering to the recurrent laryngeal nerve. Int J Clin Oncol 2019; 24: 1536-42

10. Kumai Y, Shono T, Waki K, Murakami D, Miyamaru S, Sasaki Y, Orita Y. Detection of hypopharyngeal cancer (Tis, T1 and T2) by ENT physicians vs gastrointestinal endoscopists. Auris Nasus Larynx 2020; 47: 135-40

11. Yamada T, Kumai Y, Kodama H, Nishimoto K, Miyamaru S, Onoue S, Orita Y.

Effect of pirfenidone injection on ferret vocal fold scars: A preliminary in vivo study. Laryngoscope 2020; 130: 726-31

12. Matsubara K, Kumai Y, Miyamoto T, Samejima Y, Yoshida N, Baba H, Orita Y. The effect of a chin-down maneuver after esophagectomy on oropharyngeal swallowing pressure measured using high-resolution manometry. Auris Nasus Larynx 2020; 47: 141-7



I. 口腔癌の予後・治療効果予測と治療抵抗性に関する研究

I-1 口腔癌の転移機構の解明と新規治療法の創出

I-2 口腔癌の放射線耐性機構の解明と克服

I-3 口腔癌の抗癌剤耐性機構の解明と克服

I-4 口腔癌の免疫抵抗性の解明と克服

I-5 口腔癌に対するペプチドワクチン療法の開発

I-6 口腔癌患者の全身状態と治療効果の関連性についての研究

I-7 口腔癌患者の口腔フローラと治療効果の関連性についての研究

I-8 口腔癌患者の術後機能と機能回復についての研究


II-1 骨吸収抑制薬関連顎骨壊死の発症機序解明と新規治療法創出に関する研究

II-2 口腔フローラと全身疾患との関連性についての研究

III. 災害時の全身疾患と災害医療に関する研究

【研究者および大学院生】 【メールアドレス】 【研究プロジェクト】

教 授 中山秀樹 [email protected] I, II, III(研究の統括)

准教授 吉田遼司 [email protected] I, II-1

助 教 福間大喜 [email protected] I-4,5,8 II-1

助 教 廣末晃之 [email protected] I, II-2, III

助 教 永田将士 [email protected] I, II-1

特任助教 川原健太 [email protected] I, II-1

医員 平山真敏 [email protected] I-4,5,II-1

医員 松岡祐一郎 [email protected] I-1,2,3,8,II-1

医員 小島拓 [email protected] I-4,5, II-1

医員 湯野晃 [email protected] I-4,5, II-1

医員 前城学 [email protected] I-1,3

大学院生(博士課程 4 年) 川口翔 I-1,2,3,8

大学院生(博士課程 4 年) 山名啓介 I-1,2,3,8

大学院生(博士課程 4 年) 永尾優果 I-1,2,3,6,7,II-2, III

大学院生(博士課程 4 年) 郷原俊輔 I-1,2,3,8

大学院生(博士課程 4 年) 八木田麻耶 I-1,2,3

大学院生(博士課程 3 年) 竹下尚志 I-1,2,3

大学院生(博士課程 3 年) 内藤久貴 III

大学院生(博士課程 3 年) 岩本明日香 I-4

大学院生(博士課程 3 年) 劉 隣 I-1,3

大学院生(博士課程 1 年) 大山徹 I-1,2,3

大学院生(博士課程 1 年) 久保隆太 II-1

大学院生(博士課程 1 年) 井上淳貴 I-1,2,3

大学院生(博士課程 1 年) 石川紘平 I-1,2,3, II-1

【連絡先】 TEL:096-373-5288, FAX:096-373-5286 【ホームページ】 http://www2.kuh.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/oralsurgery/ 【英文論文】

1. Yoneda M, Imamura R, Nitta H, Taniguchi K, Saito F, Kikuchi K, Ogi H, Tanaka T, Katabuchi H, Nakayama H, Imamura T. Enhancement of cancer invasion and growth via the C5a-C5a receptor system: Implications for cancer promotion by autoimmune diseases and association with cervical cancer invasion. Oncol Lett.17(1):913-20, 2019

2. Nakashima H, Yoshida R, Hirosue A, Kawahara K, Sakata J, Arita H, Yamamoto T, Toya R, Murakami R, Hiraki A, Shinohara M, Ito T, Kuwahara Y, Nakayama H. Circulating miRNA-1290 as a potential biomarker for response to chemoradiotherapy and prognosis of patients with advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma: A single-center retrospective study. Tumour Biol. 41(3):1-10, 2019

3.Sakata J, Hirosue A, Yoshida R, Kawahara K, Matsuoka Y, Yamamoto T, Nakamoto M, Hirayama M, Takahashi N, Nakamura T, Arita H, Nakashima H, Nagata M, Hiraki A, Shinohara M, Nakayama H. HMGA2 contributes to distant metastasis and poor prognosis by promoting angiogenesis in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20(10):2473, 2019

4.Gao P, Liu S, Yoshida R, Shi CY, Yoshimachi S, Sakata N, Goto K, Kimura T, Shirakawa R, Nakayama H, Sakata J, Kawashiri S, Kato K, Wang XY, Horiuchi H. Ral GTPase Activation by Downregulation of RalGAP Enhances Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Progression. J Dent Res. 98(9):1011-9, 2019

5. Abdalla MOA, Yamamoto T, Maehara K, Nogami J, Ohkawa Y, Miura H, Poonperm R, Hiratani I, Nakayama H, Nakao M, Saitoh N. The Eleanor ncRNAs activate the topological domain of the ESR1 locus to balance against apoptosis. Nat Commun. 10(1):3778, 2019

6. Okazaki S, Umene K, Yamasaki J, Suina K, Otsuki Y, Yoshikawa M, Minami Y, Masuko T, Kawaguchi S, Nakayama H, Banno K, Aoki D, Saya H, Nagano O Glutaminolysis-related genes determine sensitivity to xCT-targeted therapy in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer science 110(11):3453-63, 2019

7. Suenaga N, Kuramitsu M, Komure K, Kanemaru A, Takano K, Ozeki K, Nishimura Y, Yoshida R, Nakayama H, Shinriki S, Saito H, Jono H. Loss of Tumor Suppressor CYLD Expression Triggers Cisplatin Resistance in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 20(20):5194, 2019

8. Sakata J, Yoshida R, Matsuoka Y, Kawahara K, Arita H, Nakashima H, Hirosue A, Naito H, Takeshita H, Kawaguchi S, Gohara S, NagaoY, Yamana K, Hiraki A, Shinohara M, Ito T, Nakayama H. FOXP3 lymphocyte status may predict the risk of malignant transformation in oral leukoplakia. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology 32(1):33-9, 2020

9. Komorita T, Fujisue K, Sueta D, Sakamoto K, Yamamoto E, Hashimoto Y, Sakamoto T, Tsunoda R, Uesugi H, Suzuki R, Naito H, Hanzawa K, Araki E, Nakayama H, Kasaoka S, Hokimoto S, Fukui T, Tsujita K Clinical Features of Patients with Acute Aortic Dissection After an Earthquake: Experience from The Kumamoto Earthquake 2016 Am J Hypertens. 33(3):261-268, 2020

10. Sakata J, Hirosue A, Yoshida R, Matsuoka Y, Kawahara K, Arita H, Nakashima H, Yamamoto T, Nagata M, Kawaguchi S, Gohara S, Nagao Y, Yamana K, Toya R, Murakami R, Kuwahara Y, Fukumoto M, Nakayama H. Enhanced expression of IGFBP-3 reduces radiosensitivity and is associated with poor prognosis in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Cancers 12:494, 2020

11. Hirayama M, Wei FY, Chujo T, Oki S, Yakita M, Kobayashi D, Araki N, Takahashi N, Yoshida R, Nakayama H, Tomizawa K. FTO demethylates cyclin D1 mRNA and controls cell cycle progression. Cell Rep. in press, 2020

12. Matsuoka Y, Iwamoto A, Yoshida R, Kojima T, Hirayama M, Takahashi N, Nakamoto M, Nakayama H.

A rare intraosseous schwannoma in the maxillary left incisor region: A case report Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology, available online 13 January 2020

13. Yoshida R, Nagata M, Hirosue A, Kawahara K, Nakamoto M, Hirayama M, Takahashi N, Matsuoka Y, Sakata J, Nakashima H, Arita H, Hiraki A, Shinohara M, Kikuchi K, Nakayama H. Efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy with S-1 in stage II oral squamous cell carcinoma patients: A comparative study using the propensity score matching method. PLoS One in press, 2020

14. Yamamoto T, Hirosue A, Nakamoto M, Yoshida R, Sakata J, Matsuoka Y, Kawahara K, Nagao Y, Nagata M, Takahashi N, Hiraki A, Shinohara M, Nakao M, Saitoh N, Nakayama H. BRD4 promotes metastatic potential in oral squamous cell carcinoma through the epigenetic regulation of the MMP2 gene Br J Cancer in press, 2020




Ⅱ.膠原病および皮膚悪性腫瘍における microRNA によるエピジェネティックな病態への関与





Ⅶ.iPS 細胞由来の遺伝子改変マクロファージおよび樹状細胞による免疫療法の開発

Ⅷ.皮膚疾患における HSV1, 2, 6, 7, VZV, EBV の関与










ⅩⅧ.皮膚悪性腫瘍における cell free DNA を用いた新規バイオマーカーの開発

【教職員および大学院学生】 【メールアドレス(任意)】 【研究プロジェクト】

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大学院学生(博士課程) 門久美菜 Ⅸ,ⅩⅡⅩⅣ,ⅩⅤ 大学院学生(博士課程) 坂元亮子 Ⅸ,ⅩⅡⅩⅣ,ⅩⅤ 大学院学生(博士課程) 山下智香 Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ 大学院学生(博士課程) 石橋卓行 Ⅸ,ⅩⅡⅩⅣ,ⅩⅤ 大学院学生(博士課程) 林 みゆき Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ 大学院学生(博士課程) 宮村智裕 Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ 大学院学生(博士課程) 石松翔子 Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ 大学院学生(博士課程) 水橋 覚 Ⅸ,ⅩⅡⅩⅣ,ⅩⅤ

大学院学生(博士課程) 草場雄道 Ⅸ,ⅩⅡⅩⅣ,ⅩⅤ 大学院学生(博士課程) 金子彰良 Ⅸ,ⅩⅡⅩⅣ,ⅩⅤ 大学院学生(博士課程) 田中憲一郎 Ⅸ,ⅩⅡⅩⅣ,ⅩⅤ 大学院学生(博士課程) 山村修司 Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ

【連絡先】 電話: 096-373-5233 Fax: 096-373-5235

【ホームページ】 http://www2.kuh.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/derm_plas/

【特殊技術・特殊装置】 1. 凍結ミクロトーム LEICA CM3050S 7. Bio clean bench (SANYO) 2. 蛍光顕微鏡カールツアイツ 80DM 8. CO2 incubator (SANYO) 3. JMEC 社製 Q スイッチルビーレーザー 9. Thermal Cycler DiceTM Real Time Syste(TAKARA) 4. Candela 社製 Vbeam®色素レーザー 10. ChemiDoc XRS (BIO-RAD) 5. Qubit フルオロメーター(サーモフィッシャー) 11. NanoDrop Lite (eppendorf) 6. Microplate reader (サーモフィッシャーMultiskanFC) 12. Dynamic RI シンチグラフィー


1. Sakamoto R, Kajihara I, Miyauchi H, Maeda-Otsuka S, Yamada-Kanazawa S, Sawamura S, Kanemaru H, Makino K, Aoi J, Makino T, Fukushima S, Masuzawa M, Masuzawa M, Amoh Y, Hoshina D, Abe R, Ihn H. Inhibition of endoglin exerts anti-tumor effects through the regulation of non-Smad TGF-β signaling in angiosarcoma. J Invest Dermatol. 2020 Mar 3. [Epub ahead of print](IF:6.29)

2. Nakashima K, Saruwatari K, Sato R, Imamura K, Kajihara I, Fukusima S, Saito T, Ishizuka S, Tamanoi D, Jodai T, Hamada S, Tomita Y, Saeki S, Ichiyasu H, Oya N, Ihn H, Sakagami T. Non-small-cell Lung Cancer with Severe Skin Manifestations Related to Radiation Recall Dermatitis after Atezolizumab Treatment: A Case Report. Intern Med. 2020 Feb 12. [Epub ahead of print](IF:0.956)

3. Fujii K, Hamada T, Shimauchi T, Asai J, Fujisawa Y, Ihn H, Katoh N. Cutaneous lymphoma in Japan, 2012-2017: A nationwide study. J Dermatol Sci. 2020 Jan 25. [Epub ahead of print](IF: 3.986)

4. Fujimoto M, Asai J, Asano Y, Ishii T, Iwata Y, Kawakami T, Kodera M, Abe M, Amano M, Ikegami R, Isei T, Isogai Z, Ito T, Inoue Y, Irisawa R, Ohtsuka M, Omoto Y, Kato H, Kadono T, Kaneko S, Kanoh H, Kawaguchi M, Kukino R, Kono T, Koga M, Sakai K, Sakurai E, Sarayama Y, Shintani Y, Tanioka M, Tanizaki H, Tsujita J, Doi N, Nakanishi T, Hashimoto A, Hasegawa M, Hayashi M, Hirosaki K, Fujita H, Fujiwara H, Maekawa T, Matsuo K, Madokoro N, Motegi SI, Yatsushiro H, Yamasaki O, Yoshino Y, Pavoux AJL, Tachibana T, Ihn H; Japanese Dermatological Association Guidelines. Wound, pressure ulcer and burn guidelines - 4: Guidelines for the management of connective tissue disease/vasculitis-associated skin ulcers. J Dermatol. 2020 Jan 21. [Epub ahead of print] (IF:3.377)

5. Wakamatsu K, Fukushima S, Minagawa A, Omodaka T, Hida T, Hatta N, Takata M, Uhara H, Okuyama R, Ihn H. Significance of 5-S-Cysteinyldopa as a Marker for Melanoma. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Jan 9;21(2).(IF:4.183)

6. Mizukami Y, Kanemaru H, Nakamura K, Hashigo S, Kajihara I, Miyashita A, Aoi J, Fukushima S, Honda Y, Ihn H. Successful treatment of occult pancreatic melanoma using BRAF/MEK inhibitors. J Dermatol. 2019 Dec 23. [Epub ahead of print] (IF:3.377)

7. Nakahara S, Fukushima S, Okada E, Morinaga J, Kubo Y, Tokuzumi A, Matsumoto S, Tsuruta-Kadohisa M, Kimura T, Kuriyama H, Miyashita A, Kajihara I, Jinnin M, Ihn H. MicroRNAs that predict the effectiveness of anti-PD-1 therapies in patients with advanced melanoma. J Dermatol Sci. 2020 Jan;97(1):77-79. Epub 2019 Nov 30. (IF: 3.986)

8. Sakai K, Fukushima S, Mizuhashi S, Jinnin M, Makino T, Inoue Y, Ihn H. Effect of topical immunotherapy with squaric acid dibutylester for alopecia areata in Japanese patients. Allergol Int. 2019 Nov 22. [Epub ahead of print](IF: 3.965)

9. Kawano Y, Egawa K, Egawa G, Egawa N, Honda Y, Noguchi H, Ihn H. Spontaneous regression of genital warts at untreated sites following electrocoagulation treatment for lesions at the other sites. J Dermatol. 2020 Feb;47(2):e46-e47. Epub 2019 Nov 14. (IF:3.377)

10. Sueta D, Tabata N, Ikeda S, Saito Y, Ozaki K, Sakata K, Matsumura T, Yamamoto-Ibusuki M, Murakami Y, Jodai T, Fukushima S, Yoshida N, Kamba T, Araki E, Iwase H, Fujii K, Ihn H, Kobayashi Y, Minamino T, Yamagishi M, Maemura K, Baba H, Matsui K, Tsujita K. Differential predictive factors for cardiovascular events in patients with or without cancer history. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Nov;98(44):e17602. (IF:1.870)

11. Yokota K, Uchi H, Uhara H, Yoshikawa S, Takenouchi T, Inozume T, Ozawa K, Ihn H, Fujisawa Y, Qureshi A, de Pril V, Otsuka Y, Weber J, Yamazaki N. Adjuvant therapy with nivolumab versus ipilimumab after complete resection of stage III/IV melanoma: Japanese subgroup analysis from the phase 3 CheckMate 238 study. J Dermatol. 2019 Dec;46(12):1197-1201. Epub 2019 Oct 22. (IF:3.377)

12. Tsuchiya N, Zhang R, Iwama T, Ueda N, Liu T, Tatsumi M, Sasaki Y, Shimoda R, Osako Y, Sawada Y, Kubo Y, Miyashita A, Fukushima S, Cheng Z, Nakaki R, Takubo K, Okada S, Kaneko S, Ihn H, Kaisho T, Nishimura Y, Senju S, Endo I, Nakatsura T, Uemura Y. Type I Interferon Delivery by iPSC-Derived Myeloid Cells Elicits Antitumor Immunity via XCR1+ Dendritic Cells. Cell Rep. 2019 Oct 1;29(1):162-175.e9. (IF: 7.815)

13. Kimura T, Akamatsu Y, Kajihara I, Fukushima S, Ihn H. Case of metastatic extramammary Paget's disease treated with trastuzumab-biosimilar monotherapy after S-1 and docetaxel combination chemotherapy. J Dermatol. 2020 Jan;47(1):e1-e2. Epub 2019 Sep 30. (IF:3.377)

14. Miyashita K, Matsuo A, Johno M, Noguchi H, Matsumoto T, Hiruma M, Kimura U, Kano R, Yaguchi T, Ihn H. Subcutaneous cystic phaeohyphomycosis caused by Exophiala jeanselmei. J Dermatol. 2019 Dec;46(12):e449-e451. (IF:3.377)

15. Kawabata K, Makino T, Makino K, Kajihara I, Fukushima S, Ihn H. IL-16 expression is increased in the skin and sera of patients with systemic sclerosis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2020 Mar 1;59(3):519-523. (IF:5.149)

16. Noguchi H, Matsumoto T, Hiruma M, Kimura U, Kano R, Yaguchi T, Fukushima S, Ihn H. Tinea unguium caused by terbinafine-resistant Trichophyton rubrum successfully treated with fosravuconazole. J Dermatol. 2019 Dec;46(12):e446-e447. Epub 2019 Jul 29. (IF:3.377)

17. Noguchi H, Matsumoto T, Kimura U, Hiruma M, Kano R, Yaguchi T, Fukushima S, Ihn H. Fungal melanonychia caused by Candida parapsilosis successfully treated with oral fosravuconazole. J Dermatol. 2019 Oct;46(10):911-913. Epub 2019 Jul 25. (IF:3.377)

18. Nakashima S, Jinnin M, Ide M, Kajihara I, Igata T, Harada M, Masuguchi S, Fukushima S, Masuzawa M, Masuzawa M, Amoh Y, Ihn H. A potential significance of circ_0024169 down regulation in angiosarcoma tissue. Intractable Rare Dis Res. 2019 May;8(2):129-133. (IF: 2.761)

19. Sawamura S, Kajihara I, Ihn H. A case of scleroderma associated with interstitial neutrophilic granulomatous reaction. Australas J Dermatol. 2019 Nov;60(4):e338-e340. Epub 2019 May 2. (IF:1.701)

20. Noguchi H, Matsumoto T, Hiruma M, Kimura U, Yaguchi T, Hirose M, Fukushima S, Ihn H. Interdigital Hyalohyphomycosis Caused by Members of the Fusarium solani Species Complex. Acta Derm Venereol. 2019 Jul 1;99(9):835-836.(IF: 3.531)

21. Fujisawa Y, Yoshikawa S, Minagawa A, Takenouchi T, Yokota K, Uchi H, Noma N, Nakamura Y, Asai J, Kato J, Fujiwara S, Fukushima S, Uehara J, Hoashi T, Kaji T, Fujimura T, Namikawa K, Yoshioka M, Murata N, Ogata D, Matsuyama K, Hatta N, Shibayama Y, Fujiyama T, Ishikawa M, Yamada D, Kishi A, Nakamura Y, Shimiauchi T, Fujii K, Fujimoto M, Ihn H, Katoh N. Classification of 3097 patients from the Japanese melanoma study database using the American joint committee on cancer eighth edition cancer staging system. J Dermatol Sci. 2019 May;94(2):284-289. Epub 2019 Apr 17. (IF: 3.986)

22. Yamazaki N, Kiyohara Y, Uhara H, Uehara J, Fujisawa Y, Takenouchi T, Otsuka M, Uchi H, Ihn H, Hatsumichi M, Minami H. Long-term follow up of nivolumab in previously untreated Japanese patients with advanced or recurrent malignant melanoma. Cancer Sci. 2019 Jun;110(6):1995-2003. Epub 2019 May 23.(IF: 4.751)

23. Fujisawa Y, Yoshikawa S, Minagawa A, Takenouchi T, Yokota K, Uchi H, Noma N, Nakamura Y, Asai J, Kato J, Fujiwara S, Fukushima S, Uehara J, Hoashi T, Kaji T, Fujimura T, Namikawa K, Yoshioka M, Murao N, Ogata D, Matsuyama K, Hatta N, Shibayama Y, Fujiyama T, Ishikawa M, Yamada D, Kishi A, Nakamura Y, Shimiauchi T, Fujii K, Fujimoto M, Ihn H, Katoh N. Clinical and histopathological characteristics and survival analysis of 4594 Japanese patients with melanoma. Cancer Med. 2019 May;8(5):2146-2156. Epub 2019 Apr 1.(IF: 3.357)

24. Ihn H. Eosinophilic fasciitis: From pathophysiology to treatment. Allergol Int. 2019 Oct;68(4):437-439. Epub 2019 Mar 22. Review.(IF: 3.965)

25. Miyashita A, Fukushima S, Tsukamoto H, Itai H, Miyamoto H, Nakahara S, Kubo Y, Kimura T, Kuriyama H, Ihn H. Nivolumab-induced colitis in a patient with malignant melanoma: A case report and immunological analysis. J Dermatol. 2019 Sep;46(9):e339-e341. Epub 2019 Mar 25. (IF:3.377)

26. Urata K, Kajihara I, Myangat TM, Tasaki Y, Otsuka-Maeda S, Sawamura S, Kanazawa-Yamada S, Sakamoto R, Makino K, Aoi J, Igata T, Makino T, Masuguchi S, Fukushima S, Jinnin M, Ihn H. Overexpression of cyclin-dependent kinase 4 protein in extramammary Paget's disease. J Dermatol. 2019 May;46(5):444-448. Epub 2019 Mar 21. (IF:3.377)

27. Morita A, Okuyama R, Katoh N, Tateishi C, Masuda K, Komori T, Ogawa E, Makino T, Nishida E, Nishimoto S, Muramoto K, Tsuruta D, Ihn H. Efficacy and safety of adalimumab in Japanese patients with psoriatic arthritis and inadequate response to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): A prospective, observational study. Mod Rheumatol. 2020 Jan;30(1):155-165. Epub 2019 May 21.(IF:1.973)

28. Miyamura T, Egashira S, Yoshino Y, Sawatari M, Nishihara T, Ihn H. Papulonecrotic tuberculid after Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination with lung infiltration that mimics disseminated BCG infection. J Dermatol. 2019 Aug;46(8):e267-e268. Epub 2019 Feb 27. (IF:3.377)

29. Yamada-Kanazawa S, Kajihara I, Kobayashi A, Watanabe C, Ihn H. Infliximab improved the refractory cutaneous involvement in a patient with dermatomyositis. Dermatol Ther. 2019 May;32(3):e12859. Epub 2019 Feb 27.(IF:1.740)

30. Okamura K, Fukushima S, Yamashita J, Abe Y, Hayashi M, Hozumi Y, Ihn H, Suzuki T. Natural course of epidermolysis bullosa simplex with mottled pigmentation in a Japanese family with the p.P25L mutation in KRT5. J Dermatol. 2019 Jul;46(7):e233-e235. Epub 2019 Jan 28. (IF:3.377)

31. Kanemaru H, Honda N, Kubo Y, Nishihara H, Onuma T, Sakai K, Fukushima S, Inoue Y, Honda Y, Ihn H. Case of cutaneous myoepithelioma managed with surgical resection without recurrence for 4 years. J Dermatol. 2019 Jun;46(6):e206-e208. Epub 2019 Jan 23. (IF:3.377)

32. Egashira S, Jinnin M, Makino K, Ajino M, Shimozono N, Okamoto S, Tazaki Y, Hirano A, Ide M, Kajihara I, Aoi J, Harada M, Igata T, Masuguchi S, Fukushima S, Ihn H. Recurrent Fusion Gene ADCK4-NUMBL in Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma Mediates Cell Proliferation. J Invest Dermatol. 2019 Apr;139(4):954-957. Epub 2018 Nov 2. (IF:6.29)



I. GPR103, GPR7,8 の侵害刺激伝達における役割

最近内因性のアゴニストが見つかった Gタンパク共役型受容体である GPR103, GPR7,8 26RFa はその存在

部位から侵害刺激伝達に関与していることが想定されている。我々は、ラットを用いた in vivo の系で、

GPR103 及び GPR7 の生体内での役割、特に侵害刺激伝達における役割を検討している。また、GPR103 の

内因性作動物質である QRFP の knockout mouse を用いて、QRFP の生体内での侵害刺激伝達における役割


II. アセトアミノフェンの鎮痛効果はよく知られているが、その作用機序は不明な点が多い。現在は、アセト

アミノフェンの代謝産物である AM404 が関与していることが示唆されているが、その作用部位・作用機序

に関しては不明である。そのため、ラットを用いて AM404 を下行性疼痛抑制系に関係する核である PAG・

LC・RVM に直接投与し、その鎮痛効果を検討する。このことにより、アセトアミノフェンの下行性疼痛抑


III. α2δリガンドの鎮痛効果について






IV. 侵襲時におけるインスリン抵抗性と臓器障害 -分子生物学的アプローチ-

現在主にストレス惹起インスリン抵抗性血管内皮障害に対する Ras 阻害剤(ファルネシルトランスフェラ


器障害の主要因である。ターゲットとなるシグナルについては Nitrosative stress、PI-3kinase→eNOS 経

路、NF-kB を介した過剰な iNOS による NO 発生、Akt/PKB などがこれまで報告されてきた。一方 HMG-CoA

還元酵素阻害剤(スタチン)の lipid-lowering-independent effectがタンパクのファルネシル化抑制とさ



重症患者モデルとして LPS マウスを用い、RAS 阻害剤である FTI-277 を腹腔内投与し、血管内皮障害への



V. ペインクリニックにおける慢性疼痛患者と心理社会的要因 -心身医学的アプローチ-










VI. 手術前には、誤嚥防止のため絶食・絶飲を行っている。しかしながら、どの程度の絶飲期間が必要である




VII, 集中治療部では、人工呼吸中の誤嚥性肺炎が大きな問題となる。このために、気管内チューブのカフ上部





VIII. 麻酔器の基本的性能の検討、特に揮発性吸入麻酔薬の排出に関する研究

[教職員及び大学院学生] [メールアドレス] [研究プロジェクト]

教 授 山本 達郎 [email protected] 研究の総括

特任教授 杉田 道子 V, VI

准教授 生田 義浩 I, II, III, VIII

講 師 鷺島 克之 VII

助 教 徳永 健太郎 VII

助 教 洲崎 祥子 V

助 教 山田 寿彦 I, II, III

助 教 石村 達拡 VIII

助 教 野中 崇広 I, II, III

助 教 小松 修治 I, II, III

大学院生(博士課程) 中村 真吾 I, II, III

[連絡先] 電話:096-373-5275 FAX:096-363-9697

[ホームページ] http://kuma-ma.com

【 英文論文 】 1. Miyazaki R, Yamamoto T (2012) Efficacy of morphine, pregabalin, gabapentin and duloxetine on mechanical allodynia is

different from that on neuroma pain in the rat neuropathic pain model. Anesth Analg 115,182-188.

2. Sugita M, Harada H, Yamamoto T (2012) Operative management of a patient with thyroid hormone resistance who

underwent total thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer. J Anesth. 26,595-597.

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