1940-11-30.pdf - The City Record

THE CITY RECORD VOL. LXVIII NUMBER 20508 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1940 PRICE 10 CENTS THE CITY RECORD coagc. 155 OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Published Under Authority of Section 872-a of the New York City Charter. STEPHEN G. KELLEY, SUPERVISOR WILLIAM VIERTEL, EDITOR 2213 Municipal Building, Manhattan. Wo RTH 2-3490. Published daily, at 9 a. m., except Sundays and legal holidays. 'Subscription: $20 a year $10 six months; $5 three months. Daily issue, 10 cents a copy. SUPPLEMENTS: *Civil List, $20 (by mail, $20.20); Official Canvass of Votes, $1 (by mail, $1.12) ; List of Enrolled Voters, prices vary; List of Registered Voters, 25 cents each assemby district (by mail, 30 cents); Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, prices vary; Detailed List of Exempt Proper. ties, $2 (by mail, $2.10). OTHER PUBLICATIONS ON SALE: Building Code, ;3.50 (by mail, $3.65); Electrical Code, 30 cents (by mail, 34 cents); Fire Department Specifications, IS cents (by mail, 17 cents); Fire Retarding Rules and Regulations, 10 cents (by mail, 12 cents); Land Value Maps, complete for the City in one volume, $2 (by mail, $2.10) ; Multiple Dwelling Law, 50 cents (by mail, 57 cents); New York City Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Index to New York City Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Official Directory, 50 cents (by mail, 53 cents); Proportional Representation Pamphlet, 5 cents (by mail, 7 cents); Sanitary Code, 50 cents (by mail, 55 cents). Order must be accompanied by currency, money order or check drawn to the order of "Super. visor Of THE CITY RECORD.' ADVERTISING: Copy must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before publication, copy must be received THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. 'Check must be certified. TABLE OF CONTENTS New York City Housing Authority— Proposals 7282 Official Directory 7281 Parks, Department of—Proposals 7283 Police Department— Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Property 7282 Report for Week Ended November 23 , 1940 7281 Public Works, Department of— Notice to Bidders 7284 Proposals 7284 Purchase, Department of— Notice to Bidders 7283 Proposals 7283 Sale of Old Materials 7283 Queens, President Borough of—Pro- posals 7283 Regulation Adopted by Board of Esti- mate on February 17, 1938 7288 Supreme Court, First Department— Notice to File Claims 7286 Supreme Court, Second Department— Application to Amend Proceedings 7287 Application to Cgridemn 7287 Filing Bills of Costs 7287 Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to File Objections 7287 Notice to File Claims 7286 Transportation, Board of— Notice of Public Hearing 7282 Proposals 7282 Proposals—Notice to Bidders 7282 Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 7282 Triborough Bridge Authority—Pro- posals 7288 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of—Report for Week Ended November 16, 1940 7281 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Hearings on Local Laws PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Local Laws numbered and titled as hereinafter specified have been passed by the Council, and that a PUBLIC HEARING upon such bills will be held at the MAYOR'S OFFICE, EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, CITY HALL, BOROUGH OF MANHAT- TAN, NEW YORK, on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1940, at 10.30 O'CLOCK A. M., viz.: Int. No. 198, Nos. 223-363-426A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in reference to materials and thickness for fire walls. Int. No. 316, No. 386—A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to standard specifications for structural silicon and nickel steel. Int. No. 323, Nos. 393-427A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to sizes of water pipes. Dated, City Hall, New York, Nov. 26, 1940. n28,d3 F. H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The COMPTROLLER OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK contemplates an early offer to the public of $55,000,000 of Serial Bonds to Provide for the Supply of Water, for the Construction of Rapid Transit Railroads, for Dock Improvements, for the Construction of Schools and for Various Municipal Purposes. Full particulars which will include the date of these bonds, the rate of interest sod other terms of the bonds and of the sale will be published in "The City Record" later. Dated November 25, 1940. n25,30 JOSEPH D. McGOLDRICK, Comptroller of The City of New York. CITY PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICES OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Master Plan Matters NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT ITS MEETING HELD ON WEDNES- day, November 20, 1940 (CP-1809, Cal. No. 14), the City Planning Commission adopted the following resolution: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 197b of the New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, December 11, 1940, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on the adoption, as a part of the Master Plan, of the first and second stages of the Master Plan of Land Use for the five boroughs of the City of New York, more particularly explained and described in the following statement and shown upon the accompanying Maps Nos. 03-MP-LU-1-1, and 03-MP-LU-2-1 bearing the signature of the Secretary and dated November 20, 1940. Prefatory Note on the Master Plan Section 197 of the Charter charges the City Planning Commission with the prepara- tion of a Master Plan which shall show such desirable "features, changes and additions" as will provide for the improvement of the city and its future growth and development, and "afford adequate facilities for the housing, transportation, distribution, comfort, con- venience, health and welfare" of its people. Other sections of the Charter establish certain instruments and procedures for making the Master Plan effective. The purpose of these Charter provisions, as they are understood by the Commission, is to formulate a comprehensive, coordinated plan as a guide in the development of New York; not a plan for a perfect, finished community, but an elastic formula which shall provide the best features conceivable for a constantly changing city. The steps necessary to bring such a Master Plan into being are obviously difficult, and present a challenge, not only to the Commission but to other agencies of the municipal government and to the citizens of New York; a challenge calling for new concepts, as well as graphic delineation of attainable objectives in the evolution of the metropolis. A Master Plan can only be conceived and developed by first striving for the most comprehensive view and clearest understanding of the city, of its chief reasons for existence ; its main functions in the larger scheme of things ; of what facilities are needed to perform these functions. It is necessary to know, at least approximately, how many people are to be provided for in future years; where and how they are to live and travel about ; how and where business and industrial activities are to be conducted ; how space for various purposes is to be allotted; and, finally, how the whole can be integrated, unified, and stabilized, and yet provide for further growth and orderly changes, which cannot possibly be foreseen. None of these problems can be considered sensibly or solu- tions proposed with any degree of satisfaction without reference to past and present conditions, and rational plans must be based on reasonable expectations of a continuance of present general trends. The Master Plan, in its entirety, should reflect the sum of the calculations, analyses and reasoning of the Commission and the Department of City Plan- ning on all of these problems and their complex relationships. Closely integrated with the Master Plan sections of the Charter are those provisions which entrust to the Commission the custody of the City Map, the preparation of Annual Capital Budgets and continuing Five-Year Capital Programs, and the review of assess- able improvements. Proposals for specific projects are considered not only in relation to the Master Plan, but with due regard to the city's financial resources, and without the intervention of any interest other than that of the community as a whole. Certain physical features of a Master Plan can be shown on maps and charts. Other elements and factors can only be presented in the form of statements of guiding principles, standards, and social and fiscal objectives. Parts of the Master Plan, such as those relat- ing to streets, parks, drainage, etc., which may be shown on maps or charts, are not to be confused with the official City Map, which is a binding legal document and can only be amended by the Board of Estimate after the City Planning Commission has held public hearings and rendered reports to the Board. The Master Plan in all its parts is initiated, adopted and amended by the Commission after public hearings. It has beer necessary for practical reasons to present various parts of the Master Plan for public consideration separately, regardless of relative importance or logical sequence, yet those so far developed are correlated with other finished parts. A Master Plan of Sections Containing Areas Suitable for Low Rent Housing was made the subject of a public hearing late in 1939, and after modifications growing out of the hearing, was adopted on January 3, 1940, and has since been modified in certain respects, and has served as a guide in the approval of several public housing projects. A comprehensive program developed by the Department of Health, showing districts, health centers and other facilities to serve the entire city for many years to come, was submitted to the Commission and adopted as part of the Master Plan on June 26, 1940. This program was initiated by a city agency other than the Commission, and not only represented the opinion of leading health authorities of the city, but was endorsed by numerous civic and welfare groups and citizens interested in the future betterment of the community. It is the hope of the Commission that other parts of the Master Plan, when submitted for public hearings will stimulate like interest and produce helpful suggestions. The Charter, which charges the Commission with the preparation of a Master Plan and provides merely that it must be subcted to public hearings before adoption and modifica- don, makes the creation of such a Plan a collaboration between the Commission and the public, free from all other influences. Actual sanction reposes in the understanding and acceptance of the Master Plan by the citizens of New York. It can be as broad and as effective as they care to make it. MASTER PLAN OF LAND USE FOR THE CITY OF NEW YORK A land use pattern, showing appropriate distribution of business, industrial, resi- dential and open areas in the city, is the first essential in the development of a Master Plan. Such a pattern should show all the land, public and private, vacant and improved, non-residential and residential. It underlies all the other features of the Master Plan, such as highways, transportation, parks, schools, and sites for public buildings. Present land use has been greatly influenced, for example, by the location of existing transpor- tation facilities, but its best potential future use may determine where new facilities should be located. There is thus an inter-relationship between use of the land and planning for public improvements, and neither can be considered without taking cog- nizance of the other. At some time in the future, nearly all the buildings that stand today will have been replaced. Monumental structures such as great museums, libraries, churches and impor- tant public edifices, may last for centuries. Most of the other structures—apartment houses, tenements, dwellings, offices, factories and lofts—will earlier have passed their day of usefulness. It will not be a question of forcing their replacement. They will no longer be suitable for their purposes, and will have bceii voluntarily demolished to make way for buildings which will better serve new needs. Many structures will be replaced within the brief span of one generation; more will assuredly yield in the next succeeding generation. It is the inevitable process not the time element that is important. For this reason the Commission has not attempted to set up a time schedule for realization of the suggested Master Plan of Land Use. New York of today would have been a more convenient, a more efficient and a better and happier place, if its amazing growth could have proceeded in accordance with some form of far-sighted direction, but it is never too late to plan. Whether we look ahead or not, we know that a new city will take shape within and around the old, and that in time the old city will be something that can be studied only in archives. To help avoid haphazard rebuilding, the Commission now presents, as the basis for public hearing and discussion, a proposal for a more orderly land use pattern for New York. This has been prepared in two stages, so that it may be easier to visualize Board Meetings 7282 Bronx, President Borough of The— Proposals 7283 Report for Week Ended November 23, 1940 7281 Changes in Departments, Etc 7281 City Planning Commission— Notice of Public Hearings—Master Plan Matters 7261 Notices of Public Hearings 7286 Comptroller, Office of the— Abstract of Transactions for Week Ended November 16, 1940 7280 Notice of Contemplated Offer of Serial Bonds 7261 Vouchers Received November 29, 1940 7276 Education, Board of— Proposals 7282 Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 7282 Estimate, Board of—Notices of Public Hearings— Franchise Matters 7284 Public Improvement Matter 7284 Estimate, Board of—Bureau of Real Estate— Corporation Sale of Excess 7284 Corporation Sale of a Lease of Certain Real Estate 7283 Finance, Department of— Confirmation of Assessments—no- tices to Property Owners 7288 Warrants Made Ready for Payment November 29, 1940 7272 Fire Department—Proposals 7282 Hospitals, Department of—Proposals 7282 Mayor, Office of the—Notice of Hear- ing on Local Laws 7261 Municipal Civil Service Commission— Notices to Appear for Examinations 7283

Transcript of 1940-11-30.pdf - The City Record



THE CITY RECORD coagc. 155

OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Published Under Authority of Section 872-a of the New York City Charter.


WILLIAM VIERTEL, EDITOR 2213 Municipal Building, Manhattan. Wo RTH 2-3490.

Published daily, at 9 a. m., except Sundays and legal holidays. 'Subscription: $20 a year $10 six months; $5 three months. Daily issue, 10 cents a copy.

SUPPLEMENTS: *Civil List, $20 (by mail, $20.20); Official Canvass of Votes, $1 (by mail, $1.12) ; List of Enrolled Voters, prices vary; List of Registered Voters, 25 cents each assemby district (by mail, 30 cents); Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, prices vary; Detailed List of Exempt Proper. ties, $2 (by mail, $2.10).

OTHER PUBLICATIONS ON SALE: Building Code, ;3.50 (by mail, $3.65); Electrical Code, 30 cents (by mail, 34 cents); Fire Department Specifications, IS cents (by mail, 17 cents); Fire Retarding Rules and Regulations, 10 cents (by mail, 12 cents); Land Value Maps, complete for the City in one volume, $2 (by mail, $2.10) ; Multiple Dwelling Law, 50 cents (by mail, 57 cents); New York City Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Index to New York City Charter, 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Official Directory, 50 cents (by mail, 53 cents); Proportional Representation Pamphlet, 5 cents (by mail, 7 cents); Sanitary Code, 50 cents (by mail, 55 cents).

Order must be accompanied by currency, money order or check drawn to the order of "Super. visor Of THE CITY RECORD.'

ADVERTISING: Copy must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before publication, copy must be received THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion.

Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City.

'Check must be certified.


New York City Housing Authority— Proposals 7282

Official Directory 7281 Parks, Department of—Proposals 7283 Police Department—

Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Property 7282

Report for Week Ended November 23, 1940 7281

Public Works, Department of— Notice to Bidders 7284 Proposals 7284

Purchase, Department of— Notice to Bidders 7283 Proposals 7283 Sale of Old Materials 7283

Queens, President Borough of—Pro- posals 7283

Regulation Adopted by Board of Esti- mate on February 17, 1938 7288

Supreme Court, First Department— Notice to File Claims 7286

Supreme Court, Second Department— Application to Amend Proceedings 7287 Application to Cgridemn 7287 Filing Bills of Costs 7287 Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to

File Objections 7287 Notice to File Claims 7286

Transportation, Board of— Notice of Public Hearing 7282

Proposals 7282 Proposals—Notice to Bidders 7282 Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 7282

Triborough Bridge Authority—Pro- posals 7288

Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Department of—Report for Week Ended November 16, 1940 7281


Hearings on Local Laws

PURSUANT TO STATUTORY REQUIREMENT, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Local Laws numbered and titled as hereinafter specified have been passed by the

Council, and that a PUBLIC HEARING upon such bills will be held at the MAYOR'S OFFICE, EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, CITY HALL, BOROUGH OF MANHAT-TAN, NEW YORK, on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1940, at 10.30 O'CLOCK A. M., viz.:

Int. No. 198, Nos. 223-363-426—A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in reference to materials and thickness for fire walls.

Int. No. 316, No. 386—A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to standard specifications for structural silicon and nickel steel.

Int. No. 323, Nos. 393-427—A Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to sizes of water pipes.

Dated, City Hall, New York, Nov. 26, 1940. n28,d3 F. H. LA GUARDIA, Mayor.



The COMPTROLLER OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK contemplates an early offer to the public of $55,000,000 of Serial Bonds to Provide for the Supply of Water, for the Construction of Rapid Transit Railroads, for Dock Improvements, for the Construction of Schools and for Various Municipal Purposes.

Full particulars which will include the date of these bonds, the rate of interest sod other terms of the bonds and of the sale will be published in "The City Record" later.

Dated November 25, 1940. n25,30 JOSEPH D. McGOLDRICK, Comptroller of The City of New York.



Master Plan Matters

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT ITS MEETING HELD ON WEDNES-day, November 20, 1940 (CP-1809, Cal. No. 14), the City Planning Commission

adopted the following resolution: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 197b of the New

York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, December 11, 1940, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on the adoption, as a part of the Master Plan, of the first and second stages of the Master Plan of Land Use for the five boroughs of the City of New York, more particularly explained and described in the following statement and shown upon the accompanying Maps Nos. 03-MP-LU-1-1, and 03-MP-LU-2-1 bearing the signature of the Secretary and dated November 20, 1940.

Prefatory Note on the Master Plan

Section 197 of the Charter charges the City Planning Commission with the prepara-tion of a Master Plan which shall show such desirable "features, changes and additions" as will provide for the improvement of the city and its future growth and development, and "afford adequate facilities for the housing, transportation, distribution, comfort, con-venience, health and welfare" of its people. Other sections of the Charter establish certain instruments and procedures for making the Master Plan effective.

The purpose of these Charter provisions, as they are understood by the Commission, is to formulate a comprehensive, coordinated plan as a guide in the development of New York; not a plan for a perfect, finished community, but an elastic formula which shall provide the best features conceivable for a constantly changing city. The steps necessary to bring such a Master Plan into being are obviously difficult, and present a challenge, not only to the Commission but to other agencies of the municipal government and to the citizens of New York; a challenge calling for new concepts, as well as graphic delineation of attainable objectives in the evolution of the metropolis.

A Master Plan can only be conceived and developed by first striving for the most comprehensive view and clearest understanding of the city, of its chief reasons for existence ; its main functions in the larger scheme of things ; of what facilities are needed to perform these functions. It is necessary to know, at least approximately, how many people are to be provided for in future years; where and how they are to live and travel about ; how and where business and industrial activities are to be conducted ; how space for various purposes is to be allotted; and, finally, how the whole can be integrated, unified, and stabilized, and yet provide for further growth and orderly changes, which cannot possibly be foreseen. None of these problems can be considered sensibly or solu-tions proposed with any degree of satisfaction without reference to past and present conditions, and rational plans must be based on reasonable expectations of a continuance of present general trends. The Master Plan, in its entirety, should reflect the sum of the calculations, analyses and reasoning of the Commission and the Department of City Plan-ning on all of these problems and their complex relationships.

Closely integrated with the Master Plan sections of the Charter are those provisions which entrust to the Commission the custody of the City Map, the preparation of Annual Capital Budgets and continuing Five-Year Capital Programs, and the review of assess-able improvements. Proposals for specific projects are considered not only in relation to the Master Plan, but with due regard to the city's financial resources, and without the intervention of any interest other than that of the community as a whole.

Certain physical features of a Master Plan can be shown on maps and charts. Other elements and factors can only be presented in the form of statements of guiding principles, standards, and social and fiscal objectives. Parts of the Master Plan, such as those relat-ing to streets, parks, drainage, etc., which may be shown on maps or charts, are not to be confused with the official City Map, which is a binding legal document and can only be amended by the Board of Estimate after the City Planning Commission has held public hearings and rendered reports to the Board. The Master Plan in all its parts is initiated, adopted and amended by the Commission after public hearings.

It has beer necessary for practical reasons to present various parts of the Master Plan for public consideration separately, regardless of relative importance or logical sequence, yet those so far developed are correlated with other finished parts. A Master Plan of Sections Containing Areas Suitable for Low Rent Housing was made the subject of a public hearing late in 1939, and after modifications growing out of the hearing, was adopted on January 3, 1940, and has since been modified in certain respects, and has served as a guide in the approval of several public housing projects.

A comprehensive program developed by the Department of Health, showing districts, health centers and other facilities to serve the entire city for many years to come, was submitted to the Commission and adopted as part of the Master Plan on June 26, 1940. This program was initiated by a city agency other than the Commission, and not only represented the opinion of leading health authorities of the city, but was endorsed by numerous civic and welfare groups and citizens interested in the future betterment of the community. It is the hope of the Commission that other parts of the Master Plan, when submitted for public hearings will stimulate like interest and produce helpful suggestions. The Charter, which charges the Commission with the preparation of a Master Plan and provides merely that it must be subcted to public hearings before adoption and modifica-don, makes the creation of such a Plan a collaboration between the Commission and the public, free from all other influences. Actual sanction reposes in the understanding and acceptance of the Master Plan by the citizens of New York. It can be as broad and as effective as they care to make it.


A land use pattern, showing appropriate distribution of business, industrial, resi-dential and open areas in the city, is the first essential in the development of a Master Plan. Such a pattern should show all the land, public and private, vacant and improved, non-residential and residential. It underlies all the other features of the Master Plan, such as highways, transportation, parks, schools, and sites for public buildings. Present land use has been greatly influenced, for example, by the location of existing transpor-tation facilities, but its best potential future use may determine where new facilities should be located. There is thus an inter-relationship between use of the land and planning for public improvements, and neither can be considered without taking cog-nizance of the other.

At some time in the future, nearly all the buildings that stand today will have been replaced. Monumental structures such as great museums, libraries, churches and impor-tant public edifices, may last for centuries. Most of the other structures—apartment houses, tenements, dwellings, offices, factories and lofts—will earlier have passed their day of usefulness. It will not be a question of forcing their replacement. They will no longer be suitable for their purposes, and will have bceii voluntarily demolished to make way for buildings which will better serve new needs. Many structures will be replaced within the brief span of one generation; more will assuredly yield in the next succeeding generation. It is the inevitable process not the time element that is important. For this reason the Commission has not attempted to set up a time schedule for realization of the suggested Master Plan of Land Use.

New York of today would have been a more convenient, a more efficient and a better and happier place, if its amazing growth could have proceeded in accordance with some form of far-sighted direction, but it is never too late to plan. Whether we look ahead or not, we know that a new city will take shape within and around the old, and that in time the old city will be something that can be studied only in archives.

To help avoid haphazard rebuilding, the Commission now presents, as the basis for public hearing and discussion, a proposal for a more orderly land use pattern for New York. This has been prepared in two stages, so that it may be easier to visualize

Board Meetings 7282 Bronx, President Borough of The—

Proposals 7283 Report for Week Ended November

23, 1940 7281 Changes in Departments, Etc 7281 City Planning Commission—

Notice of Public Hearings—Master Plan Matters 7261

Notices of Public Hearings 7286 Comptroller, Office of the—

Abstract of Transactions for Week Ended November 16, 1940 7280

Notice of Contemplated Offer of Serial Bonds 7261

Vouchers Received November 29, 1940 7276

Education, Board of—

Proposals 7282 Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 7282

Estimate, Board of—Notices of Public Hearings—

Franchise Matters 7284 Public Improvement Matter 7284

Estimate, Board of—Bureau of Real Estate—

Corporation Sale of Excess 7284 Corporation Sale of a Lease of

Certain Real Estate 7283 Finance, Department of—

Confirmation of Assessments—no- tices to Property Owners 7288

Warrants Made Ready for Payment November 29, 1940 7272

Fire Department—Proposals 7282 Hospitals, Department of—Proposals 7282 Mayor, Office of the—Notice of Hear-

ing on Local Laws 7261 Municipal Civil Service Commission—

Notices to Appear for Examinations 7283








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the gradual progression Trough the years. It should be emphasized that the "first stage" is thus an intermediate step, not difficult to conceive as a logical outgrowth of the unordered pattern of today. By the same token, if the first be accepted as reasonable and in general desirable, the "second stage" could gradually evolve from the first. This second stage is an orderly pattern and yet is not theoretical or abstract in its conception. It is not an "ultimate" plan. There is no ultimate, for the city will always be changing. Movement, change, fluidity—these are the essentials of life within the city. Some tene-ment areas and old manufacturing districts are already under the dead hand of age and obsolescence. But no matter how dreary their immediate outlook, they are not beyond hope, provided that constructive plans for their future can be agreed upon and effectuated.

Nearly a year ago, the Commission adopted a Master Plan of Sections Containing Areas Suitable for Low Rent Housing, thus taking a first step toward a city-wide Land Use Plan. At that time, the more comprehensive plan was already in draft stage, and the housing areas were studied in their relation to a broader pattern. This pattern embodied, among other basic considerations, the principle of more or less self-contained communities within the city, thus providing and at the same encouraging the rebuilding of deteriorated residential areas situated close to the main established work centers of Manhattan, downtown Brooklyn, Greenpoint, and Long Island City. The Land Use Muter Plan is thus the basis for a comprehensive plan for achieving better social and economic standards. A first and second stage of a Master Plan of Land Use is presented herewith for information and consideration prior to the public hearing which the Cant-mission on November 20, 1940 (CP-1809, Cal. No. 14), fixed for December 11, 1940.

The land use plan has been influenced but not bound by the fixity of existing uses, and present legal and financial limitations. It represents possible steps toward reasonably attainable objectives. Those features which typify the best out of the past and the present are preserved and utilized as focal points for replanning sections of the city now otherwise deteriorated. It should be emphasized that although the plan was pre-pared under the guidance of the Commission, it is hoped that it will serve to stimulate improvements suggested by the public.

The plan itself has purposely been kept general instead of precise and detailed. It can readily be amended if judgment changes as to conditions or objectives. It is a plan for the future, not a map of the present The Commission has avoided making exact lines of demarcation between areas designated for different types of uses. Such lines are the province of zoning maps, which are legal instruments regulating the type and location of buildings now permitted. Zoning maps always refer primarily to present regulations, and should be changed progressively as the time becomes ripe for effectuating more and more of the Master Plan of Land Use.

Certain of the city's outstanding areas deserve mention before considerations relating

to the remainder of the city are discussed. It is anticipated that the financial district will continue indefinitely at its present location in lower Manhattan. It is readily accessible since nearly all the present rapid transit lines converge upon it and pass through it. Similarly, the midtown business and shopping district has a high degree of stability; it lies within the rectangle formed by the Lexington Avenue I. R. T. subway, the 14th Street crosstown line, the 8th Avenue Independent line, and the B. M. T. line on 59th Street. Other routes, including the new Sixth Avenue subway, pass through the rectangle, creating a grid system giving unusual transit service to the entire district.

New York City's port function is essential to the economic structure of the city, and will always be closely interrelated with the primary industrial areas. Thus the Commission has emphasized the continuance of large industrial districts, strategically located so as to be served by ships, railroads, and express highways, and has provided for their expansion. It anticipates that some of the less well situated industrial areas will continue to diminish in importance and will eventually be abandoned. Such locations can then be devoted to more appropriate purposes.

Between downtown and midtown Manhattan, there is a large motley area, much of it still devoted to business and light manufacturing carried on in obsolete buildings. Here there appears to be an opportunity—though not perhaps an immediate prospect—of creating new centrally situated residential neighborhoods. A start in this direction is indicated on the first stage of the plan, and the second stage gives diagrammatic effect to the possibility that there may be a wide residential belt extending from river to river. The scale of the Master Plan does not permit the delineation of strictly local business districts, nor the type of business that might string through such an area, as frontage along a single important avenue or cross street. Working out such details is more properly the province of local neighborhood planning, to be effectuated by zoning provisions. On the city-wide map it should suffice to show basic features which can better be studied and judged if the pattern is not confused by too much detail.

In order to reduce the amount of time that the average New Yorker must spend travelling to and fro, the Commission anticipates that both business and industry will be further decentralized within the limits of the greater city. This involves increasing the space for existing principal business centers outside Manhattan, and providing for the growth of new secondary business and industrial districts. In New York, business has usually sprung up and flourished where transit lines cross. Thus, the most effective encouragement for new centers would be to produce new focal points of trarksit lines, by constructing one or more new routes that would intercept the established subvPays. These focal points would be within walking distance of the homes of many of the people who worked in them. They could also be reached by surface and rapid transit from all directions.





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In order to secure the amenities and advantages of more open space, and at the same time to separate these large communities one from another, the Commission sug- gests the principle of gradually developing park belts and reservations

i of open space,

public and private, to serve these communities and neighborhoods particularly in The Bronx, Queens, and Richmond. The opportunities in Brooklyn and Manhattan are not so great. Many of these areas will take the form of "greenbelts." In addition to public parks, they would include express highways and large open areas used as airports, military reservations and possibly some wooded areas. They would also include private open space devoted to large estates, farming, golf courses and country clubs. Much of the necessary open space already exists in one form or another. The Land Use Master Plan suggests the eventual inter-connection of existing open areas so as to give a more completely integrated pattern of such uses. A good deal of the additional land needed could be secured by utilization of vacant property which is not favorably located for residential or business development, and thus has no apparent economic future except for public or private reservations of the various types described. Another important use of the greenbelt feature would be to separate industrial areas from adjacent residential neighborhoods, in order to give permanent protection to the latter.

In general, a gradual reduction of densities in residential areas is believed to be desirable and possible of attainment without going to the opposite extreme of spreading the population too thinly over the city's area The Commission has completed studies of the costs involved in the development of residential areas of various types in various locations. The present land use recommendations are in keeping with the results of these studies, having regard particularly to the economic resources of the city and the income of its citizens. Tt seems reasonable to expect that most of the existing substandard areas, with their old law tenements, will be eliminated within not much more than one generation. They include practically all the previously adopted areas suitable for clearance, replanning, and low rent housing; and also areas more suitable for higher rent apartments and other uses. In the process of reconstruction it is evident that there should be more open space in the form of neighborhood playgrounds, less intense building bulk. and lower land coverage. These areas show as "Multiple Dwellings—Group 2" (high density) on the Existing Land Use map, but have been indicated as "Multiple Dwellings—Group 1" (lower density) on the Master Plan of Land Use—First Stage.

Similarly, the present "new law" apartment areas, which have high densities, may be rebuilt with more light, air and open space, and less concentration of people. It may be quite a long time before this will take place, and these new law areas have there-fore been retained in the Group 2 classification on the first stage of the Master Plan,

but are shifted over to the less dense type of area on the map showing the second stage of the Master Plan.

Recent trends in building design and site planning indicate that obsolescence of existing structures may proceed faster than has been the case to date, as people are rapidly becoming accustomed to thinking in terms of good large-scale developments. The process of rebuilding is therefore expected to take place not lot by lot as in the past, but whole blocks and groups of blocks at a time. A better opportunity will thus be given to achieve well-knit residential communities complete with the small parks and playgrounds, public and semi-public buildings, and local shopping centers requisite to a satisfactory neighborhood environment. As all this can happen in areas that are already close to places of employment, it may be termed a "recentralization" of the residential pattern, which in recent years has shown a tendency toward excessive dis-persion, as the Commission has frequently pointed out in its published reports. In brief, recentralization will save the cost to the city of duplicating and extending public services in areas that do not need to be developed at this time, as they are less well situated than the older areas which have been permitted to decay and thus lose their power to hold and attract population.

It is recognized that some areas now built up at high population densities—new law fireproof apartments—will continue indefinitely in their present form. This is particu-larly true of certain lands adjacent to large parks and river fronts, and on the fringes of the principal downtown business areas where people logically concentrate because of the convenience of such locations to the central areas of activity characteristic of New York. This conclusion is reflected in both the first and second stages of the land use pattern.

Beyond the present limits of the rapid transit lines, it is logical that residential neighborhoods should be preponderantly of the single family and two-family types. This would include row houses, which are gaining so rapidly in popularity. There are exceptions to this general principle, notably in the planning of satellite communi-ties or outlying subcenters. These would suggest a moderate provision for garden type apartments to give a balanced residential development.

The densities of population contemplated in the proposed land use pattern are not only less than are now legally permissible under the multiple dwelling and zoning laws, but in most built-up areas less than actually exist at the present time. It is obviously necessary to make provision, in any long range planning, for all the people it is antici-pated will live in the city, as well as for business, industrial and other areas required to serve these people and to meet the city's general needs.

It is recognized that New York's population, like that of other large cities, is approaching stability. The 1940 Census has done much to confirm this conclusion,








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03 - M P- LU-2- I


ferSecird 1.14.j.4.1444.6, NOTE FOR SOUTH RICHMOND SEE INSERT ABOVE -P 03


indicating an increase of but 6.5% during the past decade, compared to the 23% growth in the decade 1920-1930.

If the city were to continue its physical growth as in the past, this would mean underdevelopment, if not complete uselessness, for substantial portions of its area. A better ordering of the city would reduce excessive densities, and thereby enhance the possibility of some usefulness for all portions of its territory. Such is the intent and effect of the development pattern projected in the proposed Land Use Master Plan.

In order to facilitate comparison between present conditions and what is planned, the following table of approximate equivalents has been prepared, subject to further refinement.

Areas in Acres, Including Streets 1938 First Stage Second Stage

Residence Business and industry Large parks, private "open" or extensive uses,

cemeteries, and large public and semi-public institutions, etc.


Total area of New York City 198,330 198,330 198,330

Note : These figures are released at this time for general informational purposes only. They are at present being recalculated to account for late changes. They are not intended to be taken as precise indications of distribution but only as showing relationships.

It will be noted that the combined business and industrial areas of the city (exclusive of local or neighborhood business in each instance) show a slight expansion through-out the entire period. This is believed sound, despite some indications that the space demands for such purposes may fall off considerably, in order that there may be an ample choice of sites for all these economic activities upon which the prosperity of the city depends.

The total area assigned to residence shows an increase throughout the first stage, and thereafter a decrease. This is in recognition of the fact that scattered develop-ment is taking place at present, and probably will continue to do so for some time to come. In the second stage, however, with a more rational pattern as the accepted objective, a more even and economical residential development should take place.

There remain the lands not needed for business, industry and residence (including the uses incident to each of these). For these remainders the Master Plan of Land Use offers a useful outlook. Recognizing the limited demands to be made upon them, and the positive advantages to be derived from early adjustments of future expectations to realities, the Land Use Master Plan virtually eliminates vacant land and classifies all these remainders as useful for one or another form of open or extensive use. This is done without any attempt to distinguish between public and private ownership and use and with full recognition that important changes in taxation and other public policies may be required.

In preparing the two stages of the Master Plan of Land Use, and drafting at the same time a schematic map showing the approximate distribution of existing land uses, the Commission has been guided by the desire to show how a greater measure of orderliness of arrangement may gradually be achieved by a process of evolution. It has carried these studies forward concurrently with the development of the tentative Master Plan of Express Highways, Parkways and Major Streets, and the Master Plans of Schools and Parks.

The fundamental type of land use plan which has been worked out, with its partly self-contained communities and rebuilt residential areas, follows naturally from the necessity -or planning with a view to economy in the conduct of the city's affairs generally, as well as in the carrying wit of the plan. It is the kind of pattern that can be achieved with the minimum of expenditure for both capital improvements and operating costs, and will make the fullest possible utilization of existing public facilities.

(See Diagrams "A," "B" and "C," on pages 7262, 7263, 7264.)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT ITS MEETING HELD ON WEDNES-day, November 20, 1940 (CP-987, Cal. No. 15), the City Planning Commission adopted

the following resolution: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 197b of the

New York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, December 11, 1940, at 2.30 p. in., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on the adoption, as a part of the Master Plan, of a system of Express Highways, Parkways and Major Streets, established and proposed, to serve the five boroughs of the City of New York, more particularly explained and described in the following statement and tabulation and shown upon the accompanying Map No.. 02-MPH-6 bearing the signature of the Secretary and dated November 20, 1940.

Prefatory Note on the Master Plan (See Page 7261)

Use Category

100,073 104,506 90,621

18,105 29,065 30,037

28,841 32,133 76,430

51,311 32,626 1,242





Next to the portion of the Master Plan assigning appropriate uses to all the lands within the city's borders, that which establishes the routes of the principal channels for vehicular traffic is probably of greatest importance. Such a highway Master Plan is presented herewith for information and consideration prior to the public hearing which the Commission on November 20, 1940 (CP-987, Cal. No. 15), fixed for December 11th. It shows tentative conclusions reached by the City Planning Commission as to a desirable framework of express highways, express. parkways and major streets for the entire city, indicating important existing facilities satisfactory as now mapped, desirable new facilities, and those which will require amendments to the city map in order to make them adequate for the traffic they may be expected to carry.

In the development of this part of the Master Plan, the Department studied the many proposals for improving the city's highway system made during the past several years by city departments as well as by other public and semi-public agencies. The tenta-tive Master Plan herewith presented consists of a modification of the plan of parkways and express highways submitted for public hearing on June 21, 1939, to which has been added a suggested framework of major streets. After revising a first draft of the tenta-tive map, copies were sent to the various city agencies most directly concerned, namely the five Borough Presidents, the Commissioner of Public Works, the Commissioner of Parks, and the Chief Engineer of the Board of Estimate ; and also to various other agencies which have made studies of arterial highways for New York. Many valuable suggestions and criticisms received from these agencies have been incorporated in the Master Plan here-with presented. Any further suggestions, comments and criticisms received at the public hearing on December 11, 1940, will be carefully considered by the Commission before official adoption of the revised Master Plan of Express Highways, Parkways, and Major Streets. General Outline of the Plan

While the last ten years have seen remarkable activity in the building of streamlined traffic arteries—parkways, express highways, tunnels and bridges—there still remains much to be done before New York has a continuous and integrated system of modern express routes needed for the circulation of present and future passenger and commercial traffic. In order that such funds as may be available during the coming years may be used to the best advantage in gradually perfecting such a system for vehicular traffic, a Master Plan is required as a guide to the City Planning Commission and other agencies concerned with the approval, budgeting, appropriation and construction of future street and highway projects.

When the pattern shown on the Master Plan has been constructed in its entirety, it will be possible to drive speedily from any section of the city to any other, on con-tinuous modern highways free of traffic lights, adequate in width and designed to carry the maximum anticipated traffic. The Master Plan of express facilities has been planned to form an integral part of the major highway system of the metropolitan area and thus of the nation itself, indicating an essential framework for road transportation to serve the needs of national defense. Naturally, such express highways cannot reach the heart of every neighborhood of the city ; but, as laid out, no portion of the city will be more than two miles from the entrance to a highway forming part of this comprehensive and interconnected express network.

The Commission makes a clear distinction between express highways and major streets. For the purposes of the Master Plan, an express highway is a facility suitable as part of a metropolitan or federal road system, providing for substantially uninter-rupted traffic flow by eliminating intersections at grade and traffic lights, with on and off access at infrequent intervals, and with no rights of direct access from abutting property. This does not preclude such abutting access to service roadways or to a major street parallel to, over or under an express highway. An express highway may be the central portion of a wide major street, or it may be a viaduct or a depressed roadway.

Again, for the purposes of the Master Plan, an express parkway is a specialized type of express highway possessing distinctive legal qualities in that it is built on park land dedicated to park and recreation purposes. A parkway is usually, but not necessarily, restricted to passenger vehicles, this being a matter of traffic regulation. Most of the recently constructed parkways conform to this definition. On the other hand, some of

Cathedral Parkway and others, do not entirely accord with the Commission's definition. Some of them, including the Bronx and Pelham Parkway, are recommended for con-version into true express parkways by making minor changes in physical treatment.

Next in importance is the system of major streets, which is as distinctly a city-wide problem as the express highways and parkways. The major streets carry passenger and commercial traffic between neighborhoods and from local neighborhoods to the access points of the express network. The major street pattern is laid out to provide sufficient, but well-spaced channels for through traffic. Within their framework, there will be ample oppor-tunity for the development of well integrated residential communities and business centers, protected from long haul, through traffic. At a later date it is proposed to add secondary and needed local streets to the Master Plan. These in turn will form interconnecting net-works, feeding the major and express highways. They present many local problems and involve study of the individual communities which they serve and the relationship of these communities to the borough-wide pattern.

The tentative Master Plan is shown diagrammatically on the attached map. Larger scale copies are available at the Commission's office, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan. There is also available for inspection at the office of the Com-mission a 2,000 foot scale wall map showing all officially mapped streets, on which the tentative Master Plan of Express Highways, Parkways and Major Streets has been superimposed.

Of special concern is the problem of delays to commercial vehicles, which increase the cost and reduce the efficiency of business and industrial enterprises in the city. These delays are due to two causes: first, congestion of traffic; and second, the neces-sity of traffic lights at virtually all intersections of major commercial streets. No solu-tion will be adequate unless it removes both these causes. The only way in which this can be done is to construct an interconnected system of express highways open to com-mercial traffic as well as to pleasure cars. This principle has been agreed upon by the Commission and it is believed will be effectuated by the Master Plan herewith pre-sented for public discussion. These mixed traffic routes would act as feeders to the great bridges and tunnels and the growing system of modern highways in New Jersey, Westchester, Connecticut and Long Island. When completed, it will be possible to move goods by truck, from one borough to another, and from the chief industrial zones to and from the major tunnels and bridges, with the same speed and smoothness that passenger cars in New Jersey, which were formerly held up in the maze of local streets, lift bridges, grade crossings and other obstructions, now use the express high-way and Pulaski Skyway leading from the Holland Tunnel to Elizabeth.

The provision of express highways open to commercial vehicles will greatly enhance the general benefit to traffic conditions that has already been accomplished by building parkways and passenger express highways to relieve congestion on ordinary city streets. These recently constructed facilities have diverted large volumes of private passenger cars from the existing street system, and thus have ameliorated one of the two factors delaying the movement of goods within and through the city. The other important cause of delay, namely frequent traffic lights, particularly affects trucks which must travel comparatively long distances within the city. This can only be remedied by pro- viding express ways for commercial use. The locations of those parkways and express highways already built were chosen with particular reference to the needs of passenger cars, and it is not now suggested that they should be thrown open to commerical traffic.

Obviously mixed traffic express routes will also be available for use by passenger buses. At the speeds they can safely travel, this will greatly expedite this form of trans-portation and to some extent relieve congestion in the subway system. Operation of express buses would attract a considerable number of riders who now drive private cars into congested downtown districts in rush hours. It would thus indirectly decrease the number of vehicles and the extent of congestion and parking on business streets.

The location of a particular proposed project on the Master Plan does not mean that it will necessarily be built exactly where shown. The Plan indicates the approximate locations at which improvements are recommended. Explanation of Legend on Master Plan

An "established" facility is defined by the Commission as one which does not require any further map change in order to make it satisfactory. It may not actually have been built to its mapped lines and treatments, but the necessary right-of-way has been officially mapped, and no further action by the City Planning Commission is needed, in so far as its status on the city map is concerned.

On the other hand, an "added or amended" facility is one for which a change in the city map must be made, either to lay out an entirely new right-of-way or to widen or otherwise modify an existing one.

Express highways and express parkways as defined above are shown on the map in heavy lines with dashes separated by squares or dots to distinguish between their different legal status. Where these lines are unbroken they represent "established' tacilities which are now officially mapped. Many of these are completed and in use, while others are still under construction. Where the dashed lines are broken, they indicate routes which are suggested for adoption as "added or amended facilities." Studies of these have been carried sufficiently far, either by the Department of City Planning or by other agencies, to give reasonable assurance of their feasibility at the approximate locations shown.

Major streets, as defined above, are shown by narrow lines. An "established" major street is one which is now mapped to the full width that is considered desirable or feasible, and for which no further city map change is recommended. These include not only streets now mapped to a satisfactory width, but also those whose mapped width may be insufficient as judged by ideal standards, but which are so solidly built up, or present such other obstacles, as to make their widening impracticable.

"Added or amended" major streets include those to be constructed over new rights-of-way and those whose present mapped width 's insufficient and which it is deemed practical to widen by acquisition of additional land. In the latter case, a recommen-dation for later adoption of the necessary map change is implied. The map also indicates certain existing major streets suggested for conversion into express highways.

Wherever an express highway or parkway crosses another express highway or a major street, it is intended that the design will provide for grade separations, together with suitable access drives. Intersections of major streets with each other are to be at grade where not otherwise shown. However, there are a number of such crossings where city map changes, involving grade separations or traffic circles, seem to be required. These are circled on the map. In some cases the critical area extends over more than a single intersection and is therefore enclosed by a somewhat larger circle. No specific solutions of such circled intersections and areas are now recommended for adoption on the Master Plan, as detailed designs are more properly a part of the city map, and should be made by appropriate city agencies. Relationship of Master Plan to City Map

After a public hearing at which comments and suggestions will be received, the City Planning Commission will make appropriate modifications in this tentative map with a view to its adoption as part of the Master Plan. When adopted, it becomes the instrument to which subsequent applications for map changes will be referred in accord-ance with procedure set forth in the Charter. The Charter provides a simple method for amendment of the Master Plan, and there is thus no lack of flexibility nor danger that it might hamper desirable improvements that cannot be foreseen at this time.

The Master Plan of Express Highways, Parkways and Major Streets will also be used by the Commission as the basis for recommending to the Borough Presidents and other agencies, from time to time, that detailed alteration maps be prepared in order to transfer specific features of the Master Plan to the city map, with a view to acquisition and physical construction designed to carry out the Plan.



Number Name

t E 1 Battery-Brooklyn Tunnel *E 2 Miller Highway Extension—Duane to Albany Street

t E 3 Miller Highway

t E 4 Holland Tunnel *E 5 Lower Manhattan Crosstown Highway

t E 6 Williamsburg Bridge

t E 7 Manhattan Bridge Lincoln Tunnel Midtown-Manhattan Crosstown Highway Queens Midtown Tunnel George Washington Bridge 178th Street Tunnel East River Drive Extension East River Drive—Corlears Hook Section East River Drive—Grand Street to 18th Street East River Drive-18th Street to 125th Street Queensborough Bridge Triborough Bridge Harlem River Drive-125th Street to 165th Street Harlem River Drive-165th Street to Dyckman Street Washington Bridge Triborough Bridge, 110th Street Spur Miller Highway-23d Street Realignment Miller Highway-14th Street Realignment Park Avenue-96th Street to 132d Street Park Avenue—Harlem River Crossing Putnam Express Highway Bronx Crosstown Highway Grand Boulevard and Concourse Major Deegan Boulevard Southern Boulevard-Whitlock Avenue Boston Road—Bronx Park East to City Line Pelham-Portchester Highway Extension Bronx-Whitestone Bridge Cross Island Parkway—Whitestone Bridge to Francis Lewis Boulevard Whitestone Parkway Northern Boulevard—Grand Central Parkway to Whitestone Parkway Creedmoor Highway Triborough Plaza Brooklyn-Queens Shorefront Highway Connecting Highway Boody Street Connection Kosciusko Bridge Meeker Avenue 9th Street Connection Queens Plaza Midtown Highway—Queens Midtown Tunnel to Laurel Hill Boulevard Midtown Highway—Laurel Hill Boulevard to Woodhaven Boulevard World's Fair Boulevard—through Flushing Meadows Park Creedmoor Highway—Flushing Meadows Spur Middle Brooklyn-Queens Highway Queens Boulevard Kew-Laurelton Highway Sunrise Highway—Laurelton Parkway to City Line Atlantic Avenue—Flatbush Avenue to East New York Hamilton Avenue-Eastern Parkway Connection Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel Approach Hamilton Avenue-Ocean Parkway Connection Cross Brooklyn Express Highway Canarsie Connection Linden Boulevard—Connecting Railroad to Southern Parkway Sunrise Highway Extension—Borough Line to Atlantic Avenue Woodhaven Boulevard Sunrise Highway—Southern Parkway to Borough Line Cross Bay Boulevard—Howard Beach North Channel Bridge Cross Bay Boulevard—Broad Channel Broad Channel Bridge Beach Channel Drive Marine Parkway Bridge Flatbush Avenue—Belt Parkway to Marine Parkway Bridge Narrows Crossing—Brooklyn Approach Narrows Crossing

t E 8 *E 9 tE10 the older thoroughfares customarily referred to as "parkways," e.g., Ocean Parkway, tEll t E 12 *E13 t E 14 *E 15 t E 16 t E 17 t E 18 *E 19 t E 20 t E 21 *E 22 *E 23 * E 24 CE 25 * E 26 * E 27 *E 28

E 29 t E 30 * E 31 * E 32 * E 33 t E34 t E 35 t E 36 t E 37 * F: 38 t E 39 * E 40 t E 41 t E 42 t E 43 *E 44 *E45 * E 46 t E 47 *E48 * E 49 *E 50 *E51 *E 52 * E 53 *E54 * E 55 * E 56 tE 57 * E 58 * E 59 *E60 * E 61 * E 62

E 63 64

* E 65 # E66 * E 67 t E68 *E 69 t E 70 *E 71 CE 72

E 73





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Number Name * E 74 Narrows Crossing—Richmond Approach * E 75 Rosebank Avenue

*E 76 Cross Richmond Highway

E 77 Goethals Bridge E 78 Bayonne Bridge

* E 79 Bayonne Bridge Approach

t E 80 Outerbridge Crossing

* E 81 Outerbridge Crossing Approach

*E 82 Outerbridge Crossing—Hylan Boulevard Connection

* E 83 Eastern Boulevard * E 84 Gun Hill Crosstown Highway

*E 85 World's Fair Boulevard—Queens Boulevard to Grand Central Parkway

*E 86 Cypress Hills Highway EXPRESS PARKWAYS

t P 1 Henry Hudson Parkway

t P 2 Mosholu Parkway—Northerly Extension through Van Cortlandt Park tP 3 233d Street Connection

*P 4 Mosholu Parkway

t P 5 Mosholu Parkway—Easterly Extension through Bronx Park tP 6 Bronx River Parkway Extension to Eastern Boulevard south of Eastern


* P 7 Bronx River Parkway Extension

* P 8 Bronx and Pelham Parkway

t P 9 Hutchinson River Parkway

t P 10 Hutchinson River Parkway Extension

P 11 Orchard Beach Connection

t P 12 Grand Central Parkway

P 13 Interborough Parkway

* P 14 Interborough Parkway—Realignment

t P 15 Cross Island Parkway

t P 16 Laurelton Parkway

1• P17 Southern Parkway

t P 18 Shore Parkway

SP 19 Gowanus Parkway—Owl's Head to 39th Street

t P 20 Gowanus Parkway-39th Street to Hamilton Avenue

t P 21 Beach Channel Drive

SP 22 South Shore Parkway

* P 23 Willowbrook Parkway Extension

Key Number

Name t P 24 Willowbrook Parkway * P 25 Richmond Parkway * P 26 Wolfe's Pond Parkway

Note—t Established. * Added or amended. (See Diagram "D" on page 7266.)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT ITS MEETING HELD ON WEDNES-day, November 20, 1940 (CP-1811, Cal. No. 16), the City Planning Commission

adopted the following resoution: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 197b of the New

York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, December 11, 1940, at 2:30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on the adoption, as a part of the Master Plan, of the first stage of the Master Plan of Schools, comprising certain schools, school sites and areas within which school sites are recommended to be located in the five boroughs of the City of New York, more particularly explained and described in the following statement and tabulation.

Prefatory Note on the Muter Plan (See Page 7261)


There is herewith presented a proposed first stage of the Master Plan of Schools showing only those existing or immediately planned improvements and sites which seem qualified for inclusion in an eventual, complete plan for all educational facilities. The City Planning Commission on November 20, 1940 (CP-1811, Cal. No. 16), fixed Decem-ber Ilth, as the date for a Public Hearing. It is expected that the material now being made available will facilitate more adequate consideration of the proposed Master Plan by interested public and private agencies and individuals.

A complete Master Plan of Schools would show the location and size of all school sites and the capacity of all school buildings planned eventually to be needed throughout the city. As the first step in developing such a complete plan, it is necessary to analyze the city's existing school properties and to recognize those which seem adequate and may be expected to fit in with the needs of the future city. In addition, as the result of recent studies, it has been possible to determine appropriate boundaries of several areas within which new schools should he located during the next few years. This procedure is similar to that adopted in preparing a long range park plan. The adoption at this time of exist-ing satisfactory schools, sites, and certain areas for future schools will provide a frame-work of reference for new school proposals and for detailed analysis of ways and means

Sectional No. Name


Map Pete 1 Abingdon Square

2 Ahearn Park

5 Battery Park

6 Beach Street Park 7 Bowling Green 8 Bryant Park

9 nennett Park

10 Central Park

11 Chelsea Park

12 Christopher Park

Hudson Street, 8th Avenue and West 12th Street

Grand Street, East Broadway and Scammel Street

Foot of Broadway, State Street and Battery Place

West Broadway and Beach Street Broadway and Whitehall Street Sixth Avenue, West 40th Street to

West 42d Street Fort Washington Avenue, West 183d

Street and Pinehurst Avenue Fifth Avenue to Central Park West,

59th to 110th Street Ninth to 10th Avenue, West 27th to

West 28th Street C s.,,nher, Grove and West 4th

Si PlAq

12 (A 2)

12 (B 3)

12 (C 2) 12 (B 2) 12 (C 2)

8 (B 3)

3 (B 1)


8 (C 2)

12 (A 2)




to increase the size of many buildings and sites that do not now measure up to appropriate standards of adequacy. Even such a partial Master Plan will facilitate the coordination of other municipal improvements and facilities with school requirements.

There are 860 active city-owned schools, ranging in age from one to one hundred years. Of these schools 598 have fireproof buildings (some of which, however, require enlargement or remodelling to make them adequate) ; and of this latter number, 92 are on adequate sites. The 598 schools have been plotted on a copy of the City's sectional map. This may be examined at the offices of the City Planning Commission, Room 2700 Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan. A list of these schools, including high school annexes sharing fire-proof buildings with elementary schools, is given below. Fur-ther details may be obtained from tabulations and records at the Commission's offices.

School buildings are classified by the Board of Education both as to type of construc-tion (fire-proof, partially fire-proof, or frame) and as to capacity and adequacy (whether satisfactory as now standing, in need of remodelling or enlargement, or requiring com-plete replacement). In determining whether or not a building should be classed as satis-factory, the Commission has been guided by the recommendations of the Board of Edu-cation. In judging the adequacy of the site on which each school now stands, the City Planning Commission has applied its own standards of minimum play space per pupil. Its recommendations emphasize the need for larger sites than in the past were customarily provided. For schools of substantial construction which the Board of Education feels require eventual enlargement, the Board's own estimate of eventual capacity has been used to determine the adequacy of their sites.

The Board of Education has jurisdiction over many playgrounds and athletic fields which are separated from school sites; and in some instances, the City owns land adjacent to schools, whose jurisdiction has been transferred to the Department of Parks under a joint development agreement with the Board of Education. Although these latter proper-ties are available to the general public at other times, they are used as school playgrounds during the school year. Where deemed satisfactory, these two types of play space have consequently been shown on the Master Plan of Schools and are indicated for adoption.


Fireproof and satisfactory buildings on adequate sites: MANHATTAN : P. S. 15, 57, 97, 98, 173, 177. BROOKLYN: P. S. 48, 67, 121, 125, 175, 180, 183, 184, 188, 189, 192, 194, 221, 229,

236, 239 (Junior H. S.), 254, 259 (Junior H. S.), Abraham Lincoln High School, Auto-motive Trades Vocational High School, Bushwick High School, James Madison High School, Lafayette High School.

BRONX: P. S. 4, 14, 47, 56, 61, 80, 87, 94, 95, 96, 97, 108, 114, 119, De Witt Clinton High School, James Monroe High School.

QUEENS: P. S. 3, 10 (Junior H. S.), 13, 33, 36, 38, 41, 48, 49, 83, 85. 99, 104, 119, 122, 143, 146, 148, 159, 162, 163, Far Rockaway High School, Flushing High School. Woodrow Wilson Vocational High School.

RICHMOND: P. S. 5, 19, 29, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 48, Port Richmond High School. Fireproof buildings, requiring enlargement or remodelling, on adequate sites:

MANHATTAN : P. S. 66. BROOKLYN : P. S. 73, 248. BRONX : Boys' Vocational High School. QUEENS. P. S. 7, 22. 34, 52, 102, 133. RICHMOND: P. S. 18.

Fireproof and satisfactory buildings on inadequate sites: MANHATTAN: P. S. 1, 3 (Junior H. S.), 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12 (Junior H. S.), 17,

20, 21, 24, 29, 30 (Junior H. S.), 31, 39, 40 (Junior H. S.), 42, 43 (Junior H. S.), 47, 60 (Junior H. S.), 61, 63, 64 (Junior H. S.), 65 (Junior H. S.), 68, 80, 81 (Junior H. S.), 85, 90, 91 (Junior H. S.), 95 (Junior H. S.), 99 (Junior H. S.), 101 (Junior H. S.), 102, 103, 105, 110, 113, 115 (Junior H. S.), 118 (Junior H. S.), 119, 122, 130, 132, 136 (Junior H. S.), 139 (Junior H. S.), 147, 151, 152, 157, 158, 159 (Junior H. S.), 160, 164 (Junior H. S.), 165 (Junior H. S.), 166, 168, 169, 170, 171 (Junior H. S.), 179, 183, 184 (Junior H. S.), 186, 187, 188 (Junior H. S.), 189, 190, 194, Benjamin Franklin High School (Old), Benjamin Franklin High School (New), Central Commercial Vocational High School, Chelsea Vocational High School, George Washington High School, Haaren High School, Haaren High School Annex (109), High School of Commerce, Julia Richman High School, Women's Garment Trade Voca-tional High School, Women's Garment Trade Vocational High School Annex, Metro-politan Vocational High School, Murray Hill Vocational High School (New), Music and Arts High School (193), Central Needle Trades Vocational High School, New York (Boys) Vocational High School, Seward Park High School, Stuyvesant High School, Textile High School, Wadleigh High School, Washington Irving High School.

BROOKLYN: P. S. 5, 6 (Junior H. S.), 8, 10, 25, 28, 35 (Junior H. S.), 44, 47, 49 (Junior H.S.), 54, 64 (Junior H. S.), 66 (Junior H. S.), 80, 91, 94, 95, 96 (Junior H. S.), 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105. 112, 114, 115, 116, 119, 122, 123, 124, 126 (Junior H. S.), 127. 128 (Junior H. S.), 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148 (Junior H. S.), 149 (Junior H. S.), 150, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156 (Junior H. S.), 157, 158. 159, 160, 161, 162 (Junior H. S.), 163, 164, 165, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 176, 178 (Junior H. S.), 179, 181, 182, 185, 186, 187, 190, 191, 193, 196 (Junior H. S.), 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210 (Junior H. S.), 212, 213 (Junior H. S.), 214, 215, 216, 217, 219, 220 (Junior H. S.), 222, 223 (Junior H. S.), 224, 225, 226, 227 (Junior H. S.), 228 (Junior H. S.), 230, 232 (Junior H. S.), 233, 234 (Junior H. S.), 235, 238, 241, 242, 244, 246, 247, 252 (Junior H. S.), 253, Alexander Hamilton High School, Bay Ridge High School, Special Trades Vocational High School, Women's Garment Trades Vocational High School, Brooklyn Technical High School, Bushwick High School, Annex (151), Eastern Dis-trict High School, Fort Hamilton High School, Franklin K. Lane High School, Girls Commercial High School, Manual Training High School, Midwood High School, New Utrecht High School, Samuel J. Tilden High School, Thomas Jefferson High School, Thomas Jefferson High Scholl.

BRONX : P. S. 7, 19, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 (Junior H. S.), 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 (Junior H. S.), 3E, 39, 40 (Junior H. S.), 41, 42, 43, 45 (Junior H. S.)

, 48,

57, 50, 51 ( Junior H. S.), 52 (Junior H. S.), 53. 54, 55 (Junior H. S.), 57 58, 59, 60 (Junior H. S.), 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 , 78, 79 (Junior H. S.), 81, 82 (Junior H. S.), 83, 85, 86, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 98 (Junior H. S.), 99, 103, 104, 107, 113 (Junior H. S.), 115 (Junior H. S.), 117 (Junior H. S.), 118 (Junior H. S.), 124 Science High School, Christopher Columbus High School, Evander Childs High School, Jane Addams Vocational High School, Morris High School, Samuel Gompers Vocational High School, Theodore Roosevelt High School, Walton High School. West Bronx Vocational High School, William H. Taft High School.

QUEENS: P. S. 14, 15, 16 (Junior H. S.), 19, 24, 29, 31, 32, 35, 37, 40 (Junior H. S.), 42, 50, 55, 63, 64, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73 (Junior H. S.), 77, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 100, 101, 107, 108, 109, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125 (Junior H. S.), 126 (Junior H. S.), 127 (Junior H. S.) 129, 130, 132, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 142 (Junior H. S.), 144, 147, 149, 150. 151, 152, 153, 154, 156, 160, 166, Andrew Jackson High School, Bayside High School, Forest Hills High School, Grover Cleveland High School, Jamaica High School, John Adams, Long Island City (Bryant) High School, Queens Vocational High School, Richmond Hill High School, Richmond Hill High School Annex (56), William C. Bryant High School.

RICHMOND : P. S. 11, 30, 45, Curtis High School, McKee Vocational High School, New Dorp High School, Tottenville High School. Fireproof buildings, requiring enlargement or remodelling, on inadequate sites:

MANHATTAN: P. S. 25, 41. 46, 51, 52 (Junior H. S.), 59, 69, 72, 78, 83 (Junior H. S.), 96 (Junior H. S.), 104, 116, 121, Yorkville Vocational High School (66).

BROOKLYN: P. S. 16, 17, 19, 27, 29 (Junior H. S.), 30, 42, 50 (Junior H. S.), 53, 63, 75, 83, 84 (Junior H. S.), 85 (Junior H. S.), 92, 97, 103, 109 (Junior H. S.), 136 (Junior H. S.). 171 (Junior H. S.), 177, Boys' High School, Erasmus Hall High School, Girls' High School.

BRONX: P. S. 3, 10 (Junior H. S.), 11, 12, 16, 17, 44 (Junior H. S.), 46, 102. 105, 106.

QUEENS: P. S. 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 39, 44, 45, 54, 58, 72, 78, 79, 96, 106, 131, 137, 141 (Junior H. S.), 155, Newtown High School.

RICHMOND: P. S. 12, 13, 16, 20, 22. High school annexes sharing buildings and sites with

mended for adoption as part of Master Plan: MANHATTAN: Wadleigh (179), George Washington (98), Julia Richman (183),

Seward Park (4), Seward Park (21), Textile (186), Chelsea Vocational (95), Metro-politan Vocational (177), Yorkville Vocational (158).

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT ITS MEETING HELD ON WEDNES-day, November 20, 1940 (CP-1810, Cal. No. 17), the City Planning Commission

adopted the following resolution: Resolved, That the City Planning Commission, pursuant to section 197b of the New

York City Charter, hereby fixes Wednesday, December 11, 1940, at 2.30 p. m., in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, as the time and place for a public hearing on the adoption, as a part of the Master Plan, of the first stage of the Master Plan of Parks, comprising certain parks, playgrounds, parkways, squares and public places in the five boroughs of The City of New York, more particularly explained and described in the following statement and tabulation:

Prefatory Note on the Master Plan (See Page 7261)


There is herewith presented a proposed first stage of a Master Plan of Parks showing only those existing facilities which seem qualified for inclusion in an eventual, complete Plan for all Public recreational facilities. The City Planning Commission on November 20, 1940 (CP-1810, Cal. No. 17), fixed December 11th as the date for a Public Hearing. It is expected that the material now being made available will facilitate more adequate consideration of the proposed Master Plan by interested public and private agencies and individuals. Further to facilitate the public's consideration of this matter, a map showing the location of all the parks listed herewith is available for study at the office of the Commission, Room 2700, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

A complete Master Plan of Parks would show the location and site of all existing and proposed lands that The City of New York now has or will eventually need for parks and playgrounds. As the first stage in developing such a plan, it is necessary to examine all established parks and give recognition to those that evidently fit in with the needs of the future city. Most of the parks that have been laid out on the City Map or acquired as park land can now be made part of the present plan, and will then serve as a framework of reference for future park proposals. These proposals must neces-sarily be considered on their individual merits, as their purpose is to correct deficiencies in specific neighborhoods or to provide play space in areas now wholly unserved by parks.

At this time, the Commission is presenting for consideration only the first stage of the Master Plan of Parks. It includes those established or mapped parks concerning the permanent desirability of which there appears to be no question. It also shows a limited number of recent proposals that have been carefully reviewed by the Commission and are in the process of being added to the City Map, with a view to their acquisition in the near future. All the parks now shown on the Master Plan are listed below, for convenience of reference.

Although most of the important parks in the city have established legal status as such, and are so shown on the City Map, there are many other properties which are in use for recreational purposes as the result of leases, or by assignment of administrative jurisdiction to the Department of Parks. Though used as parks and playgrounds, they are not legally parks. Thus the neighborhood playground, with its hand-ball courts and wading pool, may have been purchased for the Board of Transportation or held by the Bureau of Real Estate. In a great many instances it has not been formally laid out on the City Map as a park, although such action may be eminently desirable. The examination by the Commission of such neighborhood parks in relation to the adopted plan of established parks will constitute the second stage in preparing the Master Plan of Parks. Their subsequent addition to the Master Plan of Parks, where such action is appropriate, will give recognition to their permanent suitability for park use, and will be a preparatory step toward laying them out as parks on the City Map and recommending their formal transfer to the Department of Parks, or acquisition in the case of privately owned properties.

As consideration of these parks which now have only temporary character or quasi-status will take some time, the Commission has thought it desirable to proceed at once with the first stage of the Master Plan-existing established parks, legally acquired, laid out, or both-rather than to delay action until additional items can be individually reviewed. The fact that particular parks or park proposals are not included at this time does not mean that they are considered unsatisfactory ; it may mean simply that the Commission has not yet assured itself of their legal status, or that they have not yet been considered in sufficient detail for the Commission to render a report as to their relationship to the ultimate pattern of parks and to the distribution of present and future school sites, and other parts of the evolving Master Plan for the City of New York.

What can be accomplished now is to give formal Master Plan status, as envisaged by the Charter, to the framework of existing parks, which are both mapped and acquired; and at the same time to adopt as a part of the Plan those permanently desirable recrea-tion spaces that have been mapped but not acquired ; or alternatively, have been acquired but not laid out as parks on the City Map. Their adoption is thus an important step toward clarification of their status in the reasonably near future. It will facilitate the consideration of many other municipal improvements in their relation to the park requirements.



elementary schools recom-

BROOKLYN: Manual Training (10), Samuel J. Tilden (235), Girls Commercial (138), Thomas Jefferson (150), Abraham Lincoln (216), Specialty Trades Vocational (5), New Utrecht (180), Automotive Trades Vocational (147), East New York Voca-tional (155).

BRONX: James Monroe (48), James Monroe (29), James Monroe (66), Morris (30), Morris (58), Morris (43), Walton (95), Theodore Roosevelt (85), Bronx Voca-tional (38).

(71). QUEENS: Newtown (89), Jamaica (109), Richmond Hill (90), Grover Cleveland

Note : Figures in parenthesis give the number of the public school with which the high or vocational school annex shares a building.

Areas Within Which Proposed Schools are Recommended to be Located MANHATTAN : P. S. 133 within the area bounded by West 126th Street, Eighth

Avenue, West 135th Street and Fifth Avenue. BROOKLYN : P. S. 20 replacement, within area bounded by South 3d Street,

Grand Street Extension, Union Avenue, Metropolitan Avenue and Havemeyer Street; P. S. 71 (Junior H. S.) within the area bounded by Wythe Avenue, Keap Street, Harri-son Avenue and Penn Street.

RICHMOND: P. S. 49 (Junior H. S.) within the area bounded by Henderson Avenue, Clinton Avenue, Prospect Avenue, York Avenue, Brighton Avenue, Webster Avenue, Castleton Avenue, North Randall Avenue, the eastern boundary of Sailors' Snug Harbor Park and of Sailors' Snug Harbor Cemetery, and Caldera Place.

St. Nicholas Avenue to St. Nicholas Terace, West 128th to West 130th Street

First Avenue, East 67th to East 68th Street

East End Avenue to East River, East 84th to East 89th Street

Canal, Hester, Essex and Jefferson Streets

Broadway, West 70th Street and Am- sterdam Avenue

Eleventh Avenue, West 22d to West 23d Street

Broadway, West 106th Street and West End Avenue

Rutherford to Livingston Place, East 15th to East 17th Street

Riverside Drive, Claremont Avenue West 122d Street

Avenue A to B, East 7th to East 10th Street

Broadway and 4th Avenue, East 14th to East 17th Street

Manhattan Avenue, West 114th Street, Morningside Avenue

Broadway, West 46th to West 47th Street, 7th Avenue

Broadway, Amsterdam Avenue and West 73d Street

MacDougal to Wooster, Waverly Place, West 4th Street

Fort Washington Avenue to Haven Avenue, North of West 173d Street

Amsterdam Avenue and West 181st Street

Fifth Avenue and Broadway, West 24th to 26th Street

100 Cherry Street Clarkson and 7th Avenues East and Harlem Rivers Canal to East Houston Street, Chrys-

tie-Forsythe 407 West 28th Street East River (Hell Gate) West 138th Street between 5th and

Lenox Avenues Northwest corner Lewis and Riving-

ton Streets East 12th Street between Avenue A

and Avenue B 83 Roosevelt Street, between Cherry

and Oak Streets Essex, Norfolk and East Houston

Streets Front and South Streets, Gouverneur

Slip Broome Street, Willett Street and

Sheriff Street 342 East 54th Street 35 West 134th Street 5 Rutgers Place (Monroe Street) West 145th to West 155th Street and

Hudson River Grand Street to East 12th Street East 105th Street to East I06th

Street, East of Lexington Avenue. West 45th Street east of 10th Avenue Fifth Avenue, West 130th to West

131st Street East 42d and East 43d Streets, east

of 1st Avenue Lenox Avenue, 139th to 140th Street West 43d Street between 8th and 9th

Avenues East 23d Street and East River Drive

to East 25th Street Rivington Street, Margin Street and

Baruch Place Peck Slip, Front to South Street Clinton, Cherry and Water Streets..

Name Location

East 125th Street, 1st Avenue, Har- lem River

West 143d Street, Lenox Avenue, West 145th Street, Harlem River Drive

Third Avenue, East 128th Street, Lexington Avenue, Harlem River Drive

Gouverneur, Madison, Jackson, Water Streets

East River Drive, 102d to 104th Street






6 (A 1)

8 (B 3)

9 (A 1)

12 (B 2)

8 (A 3)

8 (C 2)

5 (B 3)

12 (A 3)

5 (B 3)

12 (A 3)

12 (A 2)

5 (B 3)

8 (B 3)

8 (A 3)

12 (A 2)

3 (B 1)

3 (B 1)

8 (C 2) 12 (B 2) 12 (A 2)


12 (B 2) 8 (C 2) 6

6 (A 1)

12 (B 3)

12 (A 3)

12 (B 2)

12 (B 2)

12 (B 3)

12 (B 3) 8 (B 3) 6 (A 1)

12 (B 2)

3 (C 1) 12 (B 3)

6 (C I) 8 (B 2)

6 (B 1)

8 (C 3) 6 (A 1)

8 (B 2)

8 (C 3)

12 (B 3) 12 (C 2) 12 (B 2)

Sectional Map Page

6 (B 1)

6 (A 1)

6 (B I)

12 (B 3)

6 (C 1)

Sectional Map Page

23 (B 1) 16 (C 3)

13 (C 1)

23 (A 2)

17 (B 2)

16 (A 2)

16 (B 3)

12 (C 2)


No. Name


2 Amersford Park

3 Bartel Prichard Square 6 Beattie Square

7 Bensonhurst Park

8 Betsy Head Memorial Play- ground

9 City Hall and Park (Boro Hall Park)

10 Brooklyn Botanic Garden

11 Brooklyn Heights Park

Avenues I to J—East 38th to East 39th Street

Prospect Park West and 15th Street Broadway, Stuyvesant—Vernon Ave-

nues Cropsey and 21st Avenues, Bay Park-

way and Gravesend Bay Dumont, Livonia, Straus and Hop-

kinson and Blake Avenues

Fulton, Court and Joralemon Streets Eastern Parkway, Flatbush and

Washington Avenues, Empire Boulevard

Foot of Pineapple, Orange, Cran-berry, Middagh Street, Columbia Heights to Furman Street

78 St. Nicholas Park Extension...

79 St. Catherine's Park

81 Carl Schurz Park

82 Wm. H. Seward Park

83 Sherman Square

84 Thomas F. Smith Park

85 Straus Park

86 Stuyvesant Square

87 Sakura Park

88 Tompkins Square

89 Union Square

90 Plot

Duffy Square

Verdi Square

Washington Square Park

J. Hood Wright Park

McNally Plaza (Washington Bridge Approach)

Worth Square

Gymnasium and Public Bath Gymnasium and Public Bath Randall's Island Sara D. Roosevelt Parkway

Gymnasium and Public Bath... Wards Island William McCray Playground

(War Memorial) Playground

Jos. S. Sauer Playground (War Memorial)





Gymnasium and Public Bath... Gymnasium and Public Bath... Gymnasium and Public Bath... Recreational Area

Public Park (East River Drive) Playground

Playground Playground


Playground McCaffrey Playground

Public Bath and Playground

Baruch Playground and Public Bath

Park Playground







102 103 104 105

106 107 110







130 131 132 140

144 148

154 155


160 161



167 171










19 20




City Hall Park

Colonial Park

Columbus Park

Cooper Park

Corlears Hook Park

Carmansville Playground

Coleman Square Playground Dante Park

Dewey Square

DeWitt Clinton Park

Dorrence Brook Square


25 26 27





32 33


Fort Washington Park

Fort Tryon Park

Foley Square and Court House Plots

Gorman Memorial Park

Greeley Square Hamilton Fish Park

Hancock Park

Duane Street Park Dyckman House Park Downing Street Playground

35 Harlem Lane Park and Colonel Charles Young Triangle

36 Herald Square

37 Highbridge Park

38 Hudson Park

40 Alexander Hamilton Square

41 Hamilton Place Playground

42 Inwood Hill Park

43 Isham Park

44 Jackson Square

45 John Jay Park

46 Jeannette Park

47 Jefferson Park

49 Jasper Oval

50 Kuyter Park

51 Lincoln Square

52 Madison Square Park

53 Manhattan Square Park (Museum of Natural History)

54 Mitchel Square

55 Montefiore Square

56 Morningside Park

58 Mt. Morris Park

59 John J. Murphy Park

61 Plaza Lafayette

62 The Plaza

63 Playground and Public Bath

64 Lilian D. Wald Playground

65 Bernard Downing Playground

66 Dr. Gertrude B. Kelly Play- ground

67 Sophie Irene Loeb Playground

68 Yorkville Playground

69 Thompson Street Playground

71 Riverside Park and Drive

72 Riverside Park Extension

73 Roger Morris Park

74 Rutgers Park 75 Ryan Park

76 St. Gabriel's Park

77 St. Nicholas Park

Broadway, kg. 1,- Row and Chambers Street 12 (B 2)

Bradhurst and Edgecombe Avenues, West 145th Street 3, 6

Baxter, Mulberry, Bayard and Park Streets 12 (B 2)

Third and 4th Avenues, East 6th to 7th Street 12 (A 2)

Corlears, Jackson and Cherry Streets, East River 12 (B 3

Amsterdam Avenue, West 151st to 152d Streets 3 (C 1

Cherry, Pike and Monroe Streets 12 (B 2 Broadway, Columbus Avenue and

West 63d Street 8 ( A 3 Seventh Avenue, St. Nicholas Avenue

and West 117th Street 6 (B 1 Eleventh to 12th Avenue, West 52d to

West 54th Street 8 (B 2) St. Nicholas Avenue to Edgecombe

Avenue, West 136th to West 137th Street 6 (Al)

Hudson & Duane Streets 12 (B 2) Broadway, corner West 204th Street 3 (A 2) Downing to Carmine Street, West of

6th Avenue 12 (A 2) Riverside Drive and Hudson River,

158th Street to Dyckman Street 3 Riverside Drive to Broadway, 192d

Street to Dyckman Street 3 (A 1) County Court House Center, Worth

and Pearl Streets 12 (B 2) Broadway to Wadsworth Terrace, at

190th Street 3 (B I) Broadway, 6th Avenue and 32d Street 8 (C 2) East Houston, Stanton, Sheriff and

Pitt Streets 12 (B 3) St. Nicholas Avenue, Manhattan

Avenue and West 123d Street 6 (B 1) Seventh Avenue to Macombs Place

at West 153d Street 3 (C 1) Broadway, Sixth Avenue and West

35th Street 8 (C 2) West 155th to Dyckman Street, Har-

lem River Driveway to Edgecombe and Amsterdam Avenues 3

Hudson, Leroy, Clarkson Streets and 7th Avenue 12 (A 2)

Amsterdam Avenue, West 143d Street and Hamilton Place 6 (A 1)

Hamilton Place and West 140th to 141st Street 6 (A 1)

Dyckman Street, Hudson River and Harlem River Ship Canal 1, 3

Broadway, Isham Street to Inwood Park 1, 3

Eighth and Greenwich Avenues, Ho- ratio Street 8 (C 2)

East River, Cherokee Place, East 76th to 78th Street 9 (A 1)

Coenties Slip at South and Front Streets 12 (C 2)

First Avenue to East River Drive, East 111th to 114th Street 6 (C 1)

St. Nicholas Terrace to Convent Avenue, West 136th to West 138th Street 6 (A 1)

Third Avenue, East 129th to East 130th Street 6 (B 1)

Broadway, West 66th Street and Columbus Avenue 8 (A 3)

Broadway to Madison Avenue, East 23d to East 26th Street 8 (C 2)

Central Park West, Columbus Ave- nue, West 77th to West 81st Street 8 (A 3)

Broadway, St. Nicholas Avenue, West 166th to West 167th Street 3 (C 1)

Broadway, Hamilton Place and West 138th Street 6 (A 1)

West 110th Street to West 123d Street, Manhattan Avenue to Morningside Drive 5 (B 3)

Madison Avenue, East 120th to East 124th Street 6 (B 1)

Avenue C to East River, East 17th to East 18th Street 12 (A 3)

Riverside Drive at West 181st Street to Haven Avenue 3 (B 1)

Fifth Avenue, West 58th Street to West 60th Street 8 (B 3)

West 59th to West 60th Street, be- tween Amsterdam and West End Avenues 8 (A 2)

Cherry, Monroe and Gouverneur Streets 12 (B 3)

Columbia, Delancey, Sheriff and Broome Streets 12 (B 3)

West 17th Street between 8th and 9th Avenues 8 (C 2)

Henry and Market Streets and East Broadway 12 (B 2)

East 101st Street between 2d and 3d Avenues 6 (C 1)

95 Thompson Street between Spring and Prince Streets 12 (A 2)

Riverside Drive to Hudson River, West 72d Street to St. Clair Place 5, 8

Riverside Drive to Hudson River, West 135th to West 159th Street 3, 5,6

Jumel Terrace, Edgecombe Avenue, West 160th to West 162d Street 3 (C 1)

Rutgers Slip, South to Cherry Street 12 (B 2) Prospect Place and East 42d Street,

near 1st Avenue 8 (C 3) First to 2d Avenue, East 35th to East

36th Street 8 (C 3) St. Nicholas Avenue to St. Nicholas

Terrace, West 130th to West 141st Street

Sectional Location

Map Page Sectional

No. Name

Location Map Page

6 (A 1)

CP- 96 Canarsie Beach Addition East 92d Street, Rockaway Parkway. CP-1016 Easterly line Fresh Creek Basin,

Southerly line Belt Parkway, East-erly line Sheridan Avenue, Jamaica Bay

East New York Avenue, Kingston, Lefferts, Albany Avenues

East 12th Street, William Court, Homecrest Avenue, Belt Parkway.

CP-1396 Park, Nostrand, Floyd, Marcy Ave- rims

CP-1461 Albany Avenue, Foster Avenue CP-1471 34th Street, 3d Avenue, 35th Street,

4th Avenue CP-1614 3d Avenue, 18th Street, Hamilton

Avenue to Playground 55th Street, 3d Avenue, 56th Street,

2d Avenue

CP-1261 Alexander Hamilton-Metz Memorial Field


CP-1678 Addition No. 98




Sectional No. Name


Map Page

12 Brower Park (Children's Mu- Park Place to Prospect Place, Brook- seum) lyn to Kingston Avenue

13 Browne Park Manhattan Bridge Approach, Sands and Bridge Streets

16 Bushwick Park Knickerbocker to Irving Avenue, Starr to Suydam Street

17 Bushwick Playground Putnam Avenue between Knicker- bocker and Irving Avenues

18 Canarsie Park Seaview Avenue, East 80th to East 93d Street and Schenck Avenue...

19 Carroll Park President, Carroll, Court and Smith Streets

21 City Park Flushing to Park Avenues, Navy to St. Edwards Street

22 Playground Lynch and Middleton Street, west of Lee Avenue

23 Playground Lafayette Avenue, East of Reid Ave- nue

24 Cooper Gore Metropolitan and Orient Avenues... 25 Cooper Park Maspeth to Morgan Avenue, Olive

and Sharon Street 26 Cuyler Gore Greene Avenue, Fulton and Cumber-

land Streets 27 Veterans Memorial Park Stone, Hegeman and New Lots Ave-

nues 28 Dyker Beach Park 7th to 14th Avenue, 86th to Graves-

end Bay 31 Fidelity Memorial Park Meeker and Engert Avenues, Moni-

tor Street 32 Fort Greene Park Mrytle to DeKalb Avenue, St. Ed-

wards and Cumberland Streets 33 Fort Hamilton Memorial Park 4th and 5th Avenues at 94th Street 35 Fort Hamilton Park Shore Road, Fort Hamilton Park-

way and 101st Street 36 Fort Sterling Park Foot of Clark Street, Columbia

Heights to Furman Street 38 Fulton Park Fulton and Chauncey Streets, Stuy-

vesant to Lewis Avenue 41 Grant Square Gore

Bedford Avenue and Bergen Street

42 Gravesend Park 18th Avenue, between 55th and 56th Streets

43 Greenpoint Park

Commercial, Franklin and Du Pont Streets

44 Joseph A. Guider Park

Eastern Parkway, Washington to Classon Avenue

45 Heisser Square Park

Knickerbocker and Myrtle Avenues, Bleecker Street

48 Institute of Arts and Science Eastern Parkway, Washington Ave- nue

49 Irving Square Park Knickerbocker to Wilson Avenue, Wierfield, Halsey Streets

50 Jeannie Scott Dike Playground Columbia and Amity Streets 54 Lincoln Terrace Park Eastern Parkway, Rochester, East

New York and Buffalo Avenues 55 Lindsay Park Johnson Avenue to Boerum Street,

Lorimer to Leonard Street 56 Linton Park Dumont, Blake, Miller Avenues and

Bradford Street 57 Marine Park Flatbush, Gerritsen, Fillmore Ave-

nues to Jamaica Bay 58 McCarren Park Nassau Avenue, North 12th Street,

Leonard Street, Bayard Street 59 McKibben Playground White, Siegal and McKibben Streets 60 McKinley Park

Fort Hamilton Parkway, 7th Avenue,

73d Street 61 McLoughlin Park Bridge, Tillary, Jay Streets and Ca-

thedral Place 62 Memorial Gore (Woodpoint) Bushwick, Maspeth and Metropoli-

tan Avenues 63 Milestone Park 18th Avenue, 81st to 82d Street 64 New Lots Playground Riverdale, Newport, Christopher

Avenues and Sackman Street 66 Owl's Head Park Shore Road, Colonial Road, 68th

Street 68 Parade Ground

Parkside Avenue, Parade Place, Ca-

ton and Coney Island Avenues.... 70 Park Circle

Southeast Corner of Prospect Park

73 Prospect Park

Prospect Park West, Parkside, Ocean and Flatbush Avenues

77 Red nook Park

Verone, Dwight, Pioneer, Richard Streets

78 Playground

Southeast Corner Pitkin and New Jersey Avenues

79 Saratoga Square Park...

Saratoga, Howard Avenues, Halsey and Macon Streets

80 Seaside Park West 8th, West 5th Streets, Sea Breeze Avenue, Ocean Parkway to Beach Front

84 Public Bath and Indoor Pool... Northeast Corner President Street and 4th Avenue

85 Public Bath and Indoor Pool... Southeast Corner Bedford and Met- ropolitan Avenues

86 Shore Parkway Extension 4th Avenue, Bay 8th Street, Cropsey Avenue

87 Sunset Park 5th Avenue to 7th Avenue, 41st to 44th Street

88 Tompkins Park Tompkins, Marcy, Lafayette and Greene Avenues

'89 Underhill Gore Park Washington and Underhill & venues, Pacific Street

90 Louis Sobel Park Lee, Division Avenues and Roebling Street

.92 McDonald Square Fort Hamilton Parkway, 7th Avenue and 79th Street

.93 Playground Howard Avenue between Atlantic Avenue and Herkimer Street

94 Sergeant Joyce Kilmer Square.. Kings Highway, Quentin Road and East 12th Street

95 Ennis Park 11th to 12th Street, between 2d and 3d Avenues

96 Playground Vandervoort Avenue, Cherry and Anthony Streets

97 Playground East 95th Street, Avenues K and L.. 98 Playground Northeast Corner 2d Avenue and 56th

Street 99 Playground New Utrecht and 16th Avenues, 70th

to 71st Street 100 Playground and Bealin Square.. Bay Parkway, Avenue P and West

12th Street 101 Playground 39th Street from 2d Avenue to Ferry


28 (B 3)

16 (B 3)

12 (B 3)

22 (C 1)

22 (A 2)

17 (A 1)

16 (A 3)

12 (C 3)

22 (B 1)

17 (B 2)

22 (C 3)

16 (B 2)

13 (B 1) 23 (A 2)

22 (A 1)

22 (B 2)

22 (C 2)

16 (C 2)

Sectional No. Name


Map Page

17 (B 1)

12 (C 2)

13 (C 2)

13 (C 2)

23 (B 3)

16 (A 2)

12 (C 3)

12 (C 3)

17 (A 1) 13 (B 1)

13 (B 1)

16 (A 3)

17 (C 2)

22 (C 1)

13 (B 1)

16 (A 3) 22 (C 1)

22 (C 1)

12 (C 2)

17 (A 1) 17 (B 1)

22 (B 3)

12 (A 3)

16 (B 3)

13 (C 2)

16 (B 3)

17 (A 2) 16 (A 2)

17 (B 2)

13 (C 1)

li (B 3)


(13 1) 13 (C 1)

22 (B 1)

12 (C 2)

13 (B 1) 22 (C 2)

17 (C 2)

22 (A 1)

16 (C 3) 16 (C 3)


16 (B 2)

17 (B 3)

17 (A 2)

No. Name


No. Name


2 Bronx Park

3 Bronx and Pelham Parkway 4 Bronx River Parkway

Bronx River Parkway Extension 5 John Fraser Bryan Park

6 William C. Bergen Park

7 Castle Hill Park

8 Claremont Park

1 Aqueduct Lands



80 to 100 Grand Street, near Wythe Avenue

27th Avenue to Bay 46th Street, Cropsey Avenue to Gravesend Bay

Ocean Parkway to East 4th Street between Avenue 0 and Avenue P

Grove to Linden Street between Cen- tral and Wilson Avenues

Atlantic and Fountain Avenues (Ridgewood Pumping Station)._

Kent Avenue, foot of Broadway South Side 23d Street between 4th

and 5th Avenues 3d Avenue between Degraw and

Douglas Streets 65th to 66th Street and 8th Avenue Avenue U, East 58th to 60th Street New York and Clarkson Avenues Avenue L, between East 17th and

East 18th Streets Northeast Corner 38th Street and

Dahill Road Fort Hamilton Parkway, 52d to 53d

Street West Side Hmard Avenue between

Pacifc and Dean Streets South Sti Street between Berry Street

and Bedford Avenue Sackman and Powell Streets between

Glemnore and Pitkin Avenues East 16th Street, Avenues R to S 82d to 83d Street, 18th Avenue South of Eastern Parkway, East of

Flatbush Avenue Underhill Avenue and Prospect Place 10th Avenue, New Utrecht Avenue,

42d Street Atlantic Avenue, Elton to Linwood

Street 17th Avenue at Shore Road Extension Spring Creek Basin

Owl's Head to Queens County Line Avenue V, East 13th to East 14th

Street Shore Parkway, West 5th Street and

West Avenue

West Tremont Avenue and Univer-sity Avenue to Mosholu Parkway South and Van Cortlandt Park South (Portion Old Crotona Aque- duct)

East 180th Street to about East 205th Street, Southern Boulevard to Bronx Park East

Bronx Park to Pelham Bay Park Bronx Park to Mount Vernon and

City Line Bronx Park to Lafayette Avenue East Fordham Road and East Kings-

bridge Road East 181st Grand Concourse, Anthony

Avenue Foot of Castle Hill Avenue, Pugsleys

and Westchester Creeks Clay, Mt. Eden and Teller Avenues

16 (A 3)

17 (B 3)

28 (A 3)

12 (C 3)

28 (A 2)

17 (B 2)

16 (A 2)

29 (A 1) 17 (A 2)

16 (B 3) 12 (C 3)

17 (B 2)

13 (C 1)

17 (B 1)

22 (A 2)

12 (B 3)

28 (B 2)

22 (C 3)

13 (C 2)

17 (A 3) 12 (B 3)

16 (C 2)

16 (A 2) 22 (B 2) 23 (C 2) 17 (C 1)

22 (B 3)

22 (A 3)

22 (A 2)

17 (B 2)

12 (B 3)

17 (B 2) 22 (C 3) 22 (C 2)

16 (B 3) 16 (B 3)

22 (A 2)

17 (B 3) 28 (A 2) 18 (C 1) 22

29 (A 1)

28 (B 3)

Sectional Map Page

23 (B 3)

18, 23, 24

17 (C 1)

28 (B 3)

1233 ((CA n

16 (C 2)

16 (B 2)

22 (A 1)

Sectional Map Page


3,4 3,4

1,2,3,6 1,2,3,6

3 (A 3)

3 (B 2)

7 (B 1) 3 (C 2)

102 Crispus Attucks Playground.... Southwest Corner Fulton Street and Classon Avenue

Euclid, Blake Avenues and Chestnut Street

Avenues V to Y, West 10th to West 11th Street

Park to Myrtle Avenue and Taaffe Place

106 Playground Avenues U to V, Stillwell Avenue, West 13th Street

107 Playground Riverdale, Van Sinderin, Snediker Avenues

108 Playground Union Street between Van Brunt and Hamilton Avenues

109 Bill Brown Memorial Play- Bedford Avenue to Mansfield Place, ground Avenues X and Y

110 Playground Hopkinson Avenue and Marion Street 111 James J. Byrne Memorial Park

and Playground 4th to 5th Avenue, 3d to 4th Street.. 115 Joseph A. Wynn Circle Bedford and Division Avenues 116 Zion Park (Loew's Square).... Pitkin, East New York Avenues,

Barrett Street 117 Zindel Park Broadway, Throop Avenue, Lorimer

and Middleton Streets 121 Playground Sullivan Place, west of Nostrand

Avenue 123 Alben Memorial Square New Utrecht and 11th Avenues, 46th


103 Playground

104 Playground

105 Playground

124 William E. Sheridan Playground (W. M.)

125 Dreier-Offerman Park

128 Playground (3 Plots)

139 Heckscher Playground

141 Playground

142 Playground 143 Playground

145 Playground

146 Playground 147 Playground 148 Playground 150 Playground

151 Playground

152 Playground

153 Playground

154 Playground

156 Playground

157 Playground 158 Playground 1:9 Mt. Prospect Park Playground

161 Playground 162 Playground

163 Playground

164 Playground 165 Park and Playground 166 Shore Parkway 197 Playground

204 Abraham Lincoln High School Playground

Sectional No. Name


Map Page

East 163d Street, Whitlock and Hunts Point Avenue 6 (A 3)

Southern Boulevard and Crotona Park East to Fulton and 3d Avenue and Tremont Avenue to Crotona Park South 1, 3

East 177th Street, Castle Hill and Watson Avenues 4 (C 1)

West 188th Street to West Fordham Road and University 3 (B 2)

East 165th Street, Hall Place and Rogers Place 6 (A 2)

Hunts Point to Longfellow Avenue and Oak Point Avenue to Drake Park South 6 (B 3)

East Tremont, Westchester and Lane Avenues 4 (C 1)

East Tremont to Burnside Avenue West of Valentine Avenue 3 (B 2)

Grand Concourse, East Tremont Ave- nue and Echo Place 3 (B 2)

Riverdale Avenue to Johnson Avenue South of West 232d Street 1 (C 2)

Sedgwick Avenue and Stevenson Place to Jerome Park Reservoir 1 (C 3)

Fulton Avenue between East 169th and 170th Street 3 (C 2) Westchester and Hoe Avenues and

West Farms Road 6 (A 3) East 137th Street, Third and Lincoln

Avenues 6 (B 2) East 142d Street, College and Morris

Avenues 6 (B 2) East 177th Street, Westchester and

Virginia Avenues 4 (C 1) Fulton to Franklin Avenue South of

East 167th Street 3 (C 2) Hunts Point Avenue East River and

Farragut Street 6 (B 3) East 161st to East 164th Street, Grand

Concourse to Walton Avenue 3 (C 2) Aldus Street, Bryant, Longfellow and

Whitlock Avenues 6 (A 3) East 158th to East 162d Street, River

Avenue and Harlem River 3 (C 1) East 169th Street, Boston Road and

Clinton Avenue 3 (B 2) East 151st Street to East 162d Street,

Cortlandt Avenue to New York Central Railroad 6 (A 2)

Bronx Park to Van Cortlandt Park 1 & 3 East 162d to McClellan Street, Jerome

to River Avenue 3 (C 2) South of Reservoir Avenue between

Sedgwick and Strong Avenues 1 (C 2) Eastern Boulevard, Eastchester Bay,

Hutchinson River, Long Island Sound 2, 4

East 192d Street, Grand Concourse, Kingsbridge Road 3 (A 3)

East 133d Street, Willis Avenue at Willis Avenue Bridge 6 (B 2)

East Fordham Road, Webster Avenue, New York Central Railroad 3 (A 3)

East 143d Street, East 144th Street and Morris Avenue 6 (A 2)

East 191st Street to East 193d Streets, Jerome to, Creston Avenue 3 (A 2)

East 149th Street, St. Ann's Avenue, St. Mary's Avenue 6 (B 2)

East 233d Street to Pratt Avenue and Seton Avenue to Eden Terrace 2 (B 2)

East 158th Street, Grand Concourse, Walton Avenue, New York Central Railroad 6 (A 2)

Eastern Boulevard, Hollywood and Baisley Avenues 4 (C 2)

Meyers Street between East Tremont and Edison Avenues 4 (C 2)

Sedgwick to Cedar Avenues, North of West 180th Street 3 (A 2)

East 163d Street, Washington and Brook Avenues 6 (A 2)

East 161st Street, Washington & El- ton Avenues 6 (A 2)

West 242d Street, Spuyten Duyvil Parkway, Fiel icton Road... . 1 (B 2)

East 164th Street, Third Avenue and Boston Road 6 (A 2)

East 171st Street, Webster and Clay Avenues . 3 (C 2)

Jerome Avenue, from Macombs Road to Elliot P'ace 3 (C 2)

East Fordham Road, Crotona Avenue and Southern Boulevard 3 (A 3)

Broadway and Mosholu Avenue 1 (A 2) East 188th Street, Third Avenue and

Washington Avenue 3 (A 3) East 169th Street and Franklin Avenue 3 (C 2) East 149th Street and Austin Place 6 (B 2) East 167th Street, Bryant and West-

chester Avenues 3 (C 3) West 168th Street, Shakespeare and

Woodycrest Avenues 3 (C 2) East 183d Street, Crescent Avenue

and Adams Place 3 (B 3) East 182d Street, Arthur. Avenue,

Quarry Road 3 (B 3) Bailey and Heath Avenues Crotona Avenue, Garden and Grote

3 (A 2)


3 (B 3) East 207th Street to East 210th Street,

Webster Avenue to Parkside Place 1 (C 3) East 180th Street, East Tremont and

Van Nest Avenues

3 (C 3) East 149th Street, Bergen Avenue

and Gerard Street

6 (A 2) East 234th Street, Bronx Boulevard,

Bullard Avenue

2 (B 1) University Avenue and Featherbed


3 (B 2)

9 Crames Square

10 Crotona Park

12 Church Square

13 De Voe Park

14 Albert Dorey Park

15 Joseph Rodman Drake Park

16 Owen F. Dolen Park

17 Echo Park

18 Triangle

19 Ewen Park

20 Ft. Independence Park

21 Fulton Park

22 Benjamin Gladstone Square

23 Graham Square Park

24 David W. Gentle Square

25 Hugh J. Grant Circle

26 Hines Park

27 Hunts Point Park

28 Joyce Kilmer Park

29 James J. Lyons Square

30 Macomb's Dam Park

31 McKinley Square

32 Melrose Park

33 Mosholu Parkway 34 John Mullaly Park (Macomb's

Dam Ext.) 38 Old Fort No. 4 Park

39 Pelham Bay Park

40 Poe Park

41 Pulaski Park

42 Rose Hill Park

43 Geo. P. Ryan Square

44 St. James Park

45 St. Mary's Park

46 Seton Falls Park

47 Franz Sigel Park

49 Schneider-Sampson Park

50 Throggs Neck Park

51 University Park

52 Triangle

53 O'Neill Square

55 Plots

56 Triangle

57 Michel Square

58 Center Plots

59 Johnson Square

60 Triangle 61 Flood Square

62 Triangle 63 Triangle 64 Hayes Square

67 Triangle

68 D'Auria Murphy Square

69 Hutton Square

70 Triangle 71 Triangle

72 Triangle

73 James A. Young Memorial Park

74 Triangle

75 Triangle

77 Triangle




1 Alley Park

2 Grover Cleveland Park

4 Astoria Park

6 Bowne Park

7 Bayswater Park

9 College Point Shore Front Park (Chisoltn Park)

10 aearview Golf Course

11 College Point Park

12 Crocheron Park

13 Elmhurst Memorial Park

15 Forest Park

17 Martins Field

19 Walter A. Garlinge Memorial Park

Third and Franklin Avenues 3 (C 2) Kingsbridge Road and Sedgwick Ave-

nue 3 (A 2) Independence Avenue, Kappock Street

and West 227th Streets 1 (C 2) North of Pierce Avenue between Ten-

broeck and Newport 4 (B 1) N/S East 183d Street, between Ryer

and Valentine Avenues 3 (A 2) East 164th Street, to Teasdale Place

East of Boston Road 6 (A 2) Barker Avenue to Olinville Avenue

South of Britton Street 4 (A 1) Foot of Soundview Avenue, East

River 7 (B 1) West 191st Street, Bailey Avenue,

Harlem River Terrace 3 (A 2) Broadway, Jerome Avenue, Van Cort-

landt Park, East and South to Yorkers City Line 1

White Plains Road to Unionport Road, Mead Street 4 (B I)

Harlem River to Wash. Bridge to Undercliff Avenue 3 (B 2)

White Plains Road from Gun Hill Road to 212th Street 2 (C 1)

East 238th Street, Oneida Avenue, Van Cortlandt Park East 1 (B 3)

Southwest corner 176th Street and Bryant Avenue 3 (C 3)

Eastern Boulevard to City Line 2,4,7

East 188th Street and Hughes Avenue 3 (B 3) East 141st Street between Brook and

St. Ann's Avenues 6 (B 2) East 208th Street and Bainbridge

Avenue (Williamsbridge Reservoir) 1 (C 3) South of West 165th Street, Jerome

to Anderson Avenues 3 (C 1) East 146th Street, Grand Concourse,

Walton Avenue 6 (A 1) Northwest corner City Island Avenue

and Orchard Street 4 (B 3) East 182d Street East of Belmont

Avenue 3 (B 3) 72d Street, Manhattan, to Saw Mill

River Parkway at City Line 1 West 178th Street, Sedgwick and

Cedar Avenues 3 (B 2) Cauldwell Avenue between East 161st

and East 163d Streets 6 (A 2) Southeast corner Macombs Road and

Gobel Place 6 (B 2) Morris Avenue to College Avenue

North of East 166th Street 3 (C 2) Stebbins Avenue North of East 167th

Street 3 (C 2) Lafayette and Metcalf Avenues, Bronx

River 6 (A 3) East 140th Street East of Alexander

Avenue 6 (B 2) Bradford, Edison, LaSalle and Water-

bury Avenues 4 (C 2) Wilkinson and Mayflower Avenues 4 (B 2)

Eastern Boulevard to Ferry Point Park 4, 7

Old Ferry Point between Baxter Creek Inlet and Westchester Creek 7 (B 2)

Southeast Corner Alexander Avenue and 136th Street 6 (B 2)

Grand Central Parkway to Northern Boulevard at 233d Street 11

Grandview to Fairview Avenues and Stanhope Street 13 (B 2)

Ditmars Boulevard, 19th Street, 25th Avenues and East River 9 (A 2)

29th to 32d Avenue, 155th to 159th Street 10 (A 3)

Beach 32d Street, Dickens Avenue, Norton Basin 31 (A 1)

Poppenhusen Avenue, East River (College Point Shore) 7 (C 1)

Between 22d Avenue and Little Bay, Foot of Willets Point Boulevard 7 and 10

20th Avenue to 21st Avenue, 123d to 124th Street 10 (A I)

33d to 35th Avenue on Little Neck Bay 11 (A 1)

Whitney Avenue, Judge Street and 43d Avenue 9 (C 3)

Myrtle Avenue, Union Turnpike to Park Lane South 13 and 14

46th Avenue between 164th and 165th Street 10 (B 3)

Grand Avenue, 57th Avenue and 72d Street 13 (A 3)

78 Frank H. Corbett Square 79 Disabled Veterans Plaza

80 Henry Hudson Memorial Park

83 Plot

85 Playground

86 Playground

87 Louis Zimmerman Playground

(W. M.) 88 Plot (Clason Point)

89 Plot

92 Van Cortlandt Park

93 Van Nest Memorial Park

94 Washington Bridge Park

95 Williamsbridge Square

96 Woodlawn Memorial Park

97 Playground

101 Hutchinson River Parkway Ex- tension

102 Vincent Ciccarone Playground

(W. M.)

103 Playground

104 Williamsbridge Playground

105 Park

106 Playground

107 City Island Park

108 Playground

110 Henry Hudson Parkway

Ill Playground

112 Playground

114 Playground

115 Playground

116 Playground

118 Sound View Park

119 Mott Haven Health Center Play- ground

121 Playground

122 Playground 125 Bronx-Whitestone Bridge Ap-

proach (Hutchinson River


126 Ferry Point Park

131 Playground

Sectional No. Name


Map Page


Sectional No. Name

Location Map Page

CP- 684 Public Place Soundview, Randall, Thieriot Ayes.. 7 (A 1)

CP- 774 Sound View Park Lafayette, Metcalf, Bronx River Ave- nue, Lacombe Avenue, Bronx River 6 (A 3)

CP- 775-A Sound View Park Addi- tion Metcalf, O'Brien, etc. 6 & 7

CP-1399 Affects No. 87, above

Britton, Barker, Allerton, 011inville Avenues 3 (A 3)


Crosby, Baisley Avenues, Eastern Boulevard 4 (C 2)


Riverdale Park Hudson River, West 254th Street, Palisade Avenue, Line Southwest of 245th Street 1 (B 2)


Sectional No. Name


Map Page

*CP-706, laying out an addition to Cunningham Park, was adopted as a part of the Master Plan by the City Planning Commission on November 22, 1939 (Cal. No. 3,, CP-841).

**CP-750 As originally submitted provided for laying out two (2) parks. One of these was excluded from adoption by the Board of Estimate on October 5, 1939 (Cal. No. 44B), and has been omitted from this list.


Sectional No. Name Location Map Pats


Sectional Map Page



Sectional No. Name Location Map Page No. Name Location

21 Cunningham Park (H ill side Park) ...

22 Weeping Beech (Jackson Park) 23 King Park

24 Kissena Park

25 Major John W. Mark Park (Lafayette Park)

26 Linden Park

27 Laurelton Parkway

28 Marine Park

31 Playground

38 Albert C. Benninger Playground

44 Playground

45 John Andrews Playground

46 Corona Playground

47 Queens Village Veteran's Plaza

48 Rainey Park

49 Jacob Riis Park

50 Rockaway Park

51 St. Albans Memorial Park

52 Capt. George H. Tilly Memorial Park

54 Triangle

55 Triangle

56 Times Triangle

57 Carl R. Sohucke Square

58 Jackson Plaza Triangle

60 Triangle

61 Chas. J. Steinmann Square

62 Triangle

63 Luke J Lang Square

64 Triangle 65 John V. Daniels, Jr. Square....

67 Triangle

68 Triangle

69 Triangle

70 Triangle

73 Triangle

74 Triangle

76 Legion Square 77 Triangle

79 Corp. George J. A Triangle

80 Veterans Memorial Elmhurst Manor

81 Triangle

8.3 Interborough Parkway

84 Grand Central Parkway

85 Jackson Heights Model Play- ground

86 Memorial Field of Flushing.—

89 Playground

93 Park

94 Park A. B. C. (Tudor Field)

95 Park

99 Flushing Meadow Park

100 Flushing Park (Center Plots)

101 Middle Village Playground 102 Juniper Valley Park

103 Raymond M. O'Connor Field 105 Howard A. Von Dohlen Play-

ground (War Memorial) 106 Daniel M. O'Connell Playground

(War Memorial) 108 Laurelton Playground

115 Playground 116 Park

118 Playground 119 Playground 120 Playground

World's Fair Boulevard to Grand Central Parkway 11 and 15

37th Avenue near Parsons Boulevard 10 (B 2) Jamaica to 89th Avenue, 150th to 153d

Street 14 (C 3) Oak Avenue to Hempstead Turnpike,

Kissena Boulevard to Fresh Mea- 10 (C 3) dow Lane

14 (B 3) Hillside Avenue, 173d to 175th Street 41st to 42d Avenue, 103d to 104th

10 (C 1) Street Sunrise Highway to Southern State 19

Parkway Beach Channel Drive, Beach 116th

28 (A 1) to 124th Street 52d Street, Woodside Avenue, 39th

9 (C 2) Road Madison Street, West of Fresh Pond 13 (B 2)

Road Greenpoint and 47th Avenues, 42d to 9 (C 2)

43d Street 49th Avenue, West of Vernon Boule-

9 (C 1) vard Corona Avenue, 102d Street, Alstyne 10 (C 1)

Avenue Jamaica Avenue and Springfield 15 (B 2)

Boulevard Vernon Boulevard, 33d Road, East 9 (B 1)

River Jamaica Bay, Atlantic Ocean, Beach 29 and 30

149th Street to 169th Street Beach Boardwalk from Beach 110th

30 to 126th Street 1 1 1th Avenue, 174th Place, 113th Ave-

15 (C 1) nue, 169th Street 165th Street from Highland to 85th

14 (B 3) Avenues Laurel Hill Boulevard, Borden Ave-

13 (A 2) nue and Laurel Place 42d Avenue, National Avenue and 10 (C 1)

102d Street Myrtle Avenue, Cypress Avenue, Cor-

13 (C 2) nelia Street Roosevelt Avenue, Woodside Avenue 9 (C 2)

58th Street 82d Street, Baxter Avenue, Ithaca 9 (C 3)

Street Broadway, 76th Street and 41st Ave-

9 (C 3) nue Roosevelt Avenue, Skillman Avenue, 9 (C 2)

55th Street Woodhaven Boulevard, Penelope 13 (B 3)

Avenue and 63d Drive Fresh Pond Road, 59th Road, 61st 13 (B 2)

Street 13 (A 2) Maurice Avenue, 56th Drive

Roosevelt Avenue, 51st Street, 43d 9 (C 2) Avenue

Broadway, 37th Avenue and 69th 9 (C 3) Street

Roosevelt Avenue, Elmhurst Avenue 9 (C 3) and Case Street

Corona Avenue, 48th Avenue and 9 (C 3) 90th Street

Astoria Boulevard, 97th Street and 9 (B 3) Jackson Mill Road

Northern Boulevard, 169th Street, 10 (B 3) 170th Street, and 43d Avenue

Archer Avenue, Twombly Road and 14 (C 3) 151st Street

18 (A 1) Rockaway Boulevard, Elderts Lane Borden Avenue, Gale Avenue and 9 (C 1)

Young Street Rockaway Boulevard, 106th Street 18 (A 2)

and 109th Avenue 32d Avenue, 94th Street and Jackson

9 (B 3) Mill Road Borden Avenue and 64th Street, 54th

13 (A 2) Drive Highland Boulevard to Grand Cen-

tral Parkway and Queens Boule- vard 13,14

International Parkway and Queens Boulevard, East to Nassau County Line 9, 10, 11, 14, 15

25th to 30th Avenue, 84th to 85th Street 9 (B 3)

Bayside Avenue, 25th Avenue, 149th to 150th Street 10 (A 2)

15th Avenue, to 20th Avenue, White- stone Parkway 7 (C 2)

North Conduit Avenue, between 117th and 121st Street 18 (B 2)

North Conduit Avenue, between 80th and 88th Streets 18 (B 1)

North Conduit Avenue, and 149th Avenue 18 (B 1)

Grand Central Parkway and Flush-ing Bay east of Grand Central Parkway Extension 10, 14

Northern Boulevard, between Main Street and Bowne Avenue 10 (B 2)

68th Road, 79th Street, 69th Avenue 13 (B 3) New York Connecting Railroad to

Dry Harbor Road at 62d and 63d Avenues 13 (B 3)

32d to 33d Avenue, 210th Street 10 (A 3) 138th Street, Archer Avenue, 91st

Street, Jamaica 14 (C 2)

113th Avenue and 196th Street, St Albans 18 (B 2)

Brookville Boulevard, South of 136th Avenue 19 (B 2)

59th Place, South of 53d Avenue.. 13 (A 2)

Southwest Corner Astoria Boule- yard and 90th Street 9 (B 3)

Liberty Avenue, 101st to 102d Street 18 (A 1) 111th Avenue, 134th and 135th Streets 18 (A 2) 179th Place North of Jamaica Ave-

nue 14 (B 3)

Liberty Park

Playground (Astoria Health Center)

Ridgewood Memorial

Francis Lewis Park

Marconi Memorial Field

Playground Playground Playground

Playground Cross Island Parkway

Columbus Square

J. Wesley Drumm Park

Liev Barclay Square

Catholic War Veterans Square




160 Triangle

163 Rockaway Beach & Boardwalk 165 Park and Playground 171 Triangle

172 Corona Plaza 187 Triangle

188 Triangle

190 Corp. John Ruoff Square

203 David J. O'Connell Square

207 Gerald MacDonald Memorial Park

213 Triangle

214 Corporal Leonard Square

267 Court Square

CP- 47 Parks adjacent to John Adams H. S.

*CP- 706 (CP-841) Addition to

CP- 747 Queensbridge Cunningham Park

**CP- 750

CP-1162 Public Place

CP-1277 Creedmoor (Ki s s e n a


3 Clarence T. Barrett Park (Zoo)

5 Clove Lakes Park

6 Conference House Park 8 Faber Park

16 Marine Park

17 New Springville Park

19 Port Richmond Park

22 Silver Lake Park

26 Playground

27 Playground 28 Tappen Park (Washington Sq.) 11 Hero Park

13 Latourette Park

15 Randolph Walker Park (Liv- ingston)

Liberty Avenue, between 172d and 173d Streets

South West Corner 31st Avenue and 14th Street

Myrtle, Cypress and Putnam Ave- nues

East River to 3d Avenue, 147th Street and Parsons Boulevard

155th to 157th Street, 108th to 109th Avenue

Atlantic Avenue, 88th to 39th Street Atlantic Avenue, 125th to 127th Street Utopia Parkway, 202d Street, Little

Bay Avenue Braddock Avenue and 240th Street Whitestone Bridge Approach to

Laurelton Parkway Hoyt Avenue, South Astoria Boule-

vard and 31st Street Cooper Avenue, Cypress Hills Street,

and 65th Place Astoria Boulevard, 31st Avenue and

102d Street Rockaway Boulevard, 116th Avenue

and 122d Street Grand and Kneeland Avenues, Cod-

wise Place Justice and 56th Avenues and 90th

Street Winchester Boulevard, 93d Avenue

and 220th Street Astoria Boulevard, 25th Avenue and

88th Street Beach 73d to Beach 109th Street Spring Creek Basin Linden Boulevard, South Conduit

Avenue and 83d Street Roosevelt and National Avenues Illth Avenue, 177th Street and Sayres

Avenue Austin Street, 125th Street and 84th

Drive Cross Bay and Rockaway Boulevards,

Liberty Avenue Rockaway Boulevard, 118th Street

and 115th Avenue Queens and Yellowstone Boulevards,

70th Road Northern Boulevard, Crocheron Ave-

nue and 162d Street Northern Boulevard, Roosevelt Ave-

nue and 156th Street Jackson and Thompson Avenues

101st Street, 103d Street, 133d Ave- nue

North of Union Turnpike, 198th Street, to Hollis Court Boulevard

Line 680 feet North of 43d Avenue, East River 960 feet South of 38th Avenue, Vernon Boulevard

35th Avenue, Leverich Street, 36th Road, 69th Street

Union Turnpike, 126th Street, 82d Avenue, Queens Boulevard

Lawrence Street, Avery Avenue, etc.

Forest Avenue, 75th Avenue, 60th Place, St. Felix Avenue, Decatur Street Wellbrook

Park of






128 129 132

134 135








Park addition)


No. Name Location

CP-1355 South Side North Conduit Avenue at 114th Street

CP-1401 Jewel Avenue, Utopia Parkway, 73d Avenue

CP-1512 45th Avenue, 21st Street, 45th Road 11th Street

CP-1642 South Side Ditmars, 97th to 100th Street

14 (C 3)

9 (B 1)

13 (C 2)

7 C 2)

14 (C 3)

18 ( 8 (j 14 .:

7 (C 3) 15 (B 2)

7, 11, 15, 19

9 (B 2)

13 (C 3)

10 (B 1)

18 (B 2)

13 (A 3)

13 (A 3)

15 (A 2)

9 (B 3) 30 18,24

18 (B 1) 10 (C 1)

15 (C 1)

14 (B 2)

18 (A 1)

18 (B 2)

14 (B 1)

10 (B 3)

10(B 2) 9 (C 1)

Sectional Map Pate

18 (B 2)

15 (A 1)

9 (B 1)

9 (C 3)

14 (B 2)


13 (C 3)

18 (B 2)

14 (A 3)

9 (C 1)

9 (A 3)

Broadway, Glenwood Place, Clove Road 21 (B 1)

Slosson Avenue, Victory Boulevard, Clove Road 21

Hylan Boulevard & Phillip Street 35 (A 1) Richmond Terrace to Kill van Kull

North Street 20 (A 3) Hylan Boulevard, Fairlawn to Emmet

Avenue 33, 34 Victory Boulevard, Travis Avenue &

Signs Road 26 (A 2) Herberton to Park Avenue, Bennett

to Vreeland Streets 21 (A 1) Forest Avenue to Clove Road, Vic-

tory Boulevard 21 Mill Road to Weed Avenue near

Tysen's Lane 27 (C 1) Cozzens Boulevard to Ottilio Street

/1 5 ((111 Canal, Hammond & Front Streets Victory Boulevard, Louis Street &

Howard Avenue 21 (B 2) Forest Hill Road & London Road

Rockland 26, 27 Delafield Place, Bard & Davis Ave-

nues 21 (A 1)

10- 3-40 Berger Mfg. Co. Helmus Hardware Corp.

10-10-40 Chivers Book Binding Co , Inc.

10- 8-40 Consumers Book Cooperative, Inc.

10-10-40 National Quotation Bureau.. Noble & Noble Publishers,

Inc. 10-26-40 General Radio Co.

10- 3-40 Atlantic Metal Products, Inc 10- 9-40 Allen Calculators, Inc. 8- 5-40 D. C. Heath & Co. 5-17-40 Willoughby's Camera Stores,

Inc. 10-28-40 Jacobson & Co., Inc. 10-18-40 M. Bartos, Inc. 9- 1-40 Servall Garage

10-25-40 Ditto Incorporated 7-26-40 Marietta Apparatus Co.

10-16-40 Federated Purchaser, Inc. 10-19-40 Thorns & Eron, Inc. 10-31-40 Standard Scientific Supply Co. 8- 3-40 Microchemical Service

10-29-40 The Hampton Instrument Works

10-29-40 Rabsons Music and Camera Co.

9-26-40 H. Gertz, Inc.

9-30-40 Empire Wiping Cloth Co., Inc 10-16-40 Davidson Printing Corp. 9-26-40 Genesee Book Shop

10-14-40 American Council of Public Affairs

11- 1-40 Postmaster 10-23-40 Steinway & Sons 9-23-40 Direct Mail Envelope Co

A. G. Spalding & Bros. 10-15-40 Robley Press Service, Inc

A. G. Spalding & Bros. E. Machlett & Son

10-30-40 Standard Scientific Supply Corp.

43 20 5 50

6 50

1 80 3 00

3 60 45 30 42 00 4 60 186

37 13 469 00 190 00 44 23 64 64 32 00 3 55

65 00 1 15 5 50

11 22

1 50 26 10 66 25 20 50 6 00

3 25 40 00 2 40

18 27 62 86

134 75 52 80 77 00

9 25

223209 223210 223211


223213 223214

223215 223216 223205 223206 223207

223393 223394 223392 223460 223461 223462 223463 223464 223465 223466


223468 223453 223454 223455 223456

223457 223458 223459 223930 223931 223932 223933 223934

Invoice War- Date or rant Contract

Name of Payee

Amount No. Number

223163 133768 Macmillan Co. 418 86 223164 9- 3-40 1 Macmillan Co. 6,862 31

133767 223165 6-15-40 ) Leo Cohen

130629 223166 130629 Leo Cohen 223167 9-21-40 Continental Press

135598 j 223168 135034 Harry Rogers, assignee of Jay

Tee Painting Co 1,183 90 223169 9-10-40 ) Pitman Pub. Corp

133788 223170 9-20-401 John C. Winston Co

1342901 223171 9-12-d0 Man. Stationery Co., Inc 223172 6-24-40 Comm. Credit Corp., assignee

of W. E. Pruden Co., Inc 223173 9-12-40 Laurence Belting Co., Inc 32 78 223174 8-23-40 Samuel Levine 116 30 223175 8-19-40 Bruce & Cook, Inc 137 00 223176 7-26-40 C. F. Pease Co 22 80 223177 7-30-40 Mastafalt Prod. Corp. 14 00 223178 Globe-Wernicke Co 2 75 223179 8-27-40 Morris Glass Co., Inc 20 70 223180 9-19-40 Harry L. Mayberry 14 00 223597 9-17-40 Atlas Stationery Corp 3 36 223598 9-23-40 Mariner Harbor Natl. Bank,

assignee of M. Georges 170 00 223599 10- 4-40 Linde Factors Corp., assignee

of Co-Operative Sheet Metal Works 125 00

223600 8-26-40 Vernon Co. 125 28 223601 8-22-40 Contract Asso., Inc., assignee

of D. Luxenberg 39 00 223602 6-21-40 R. Solomon, Inc., assignee of

Lawrence J. Ortman 123 00 223603 9-11-40 B. F. Gilmour Co., Inc., as-

signee of Lawrence J. Ort- man 243 00

223604 9-17-40 Joseph Sikorski 713 00 223605 8-22-40 Remington Rand, Inc 55 04 223606 7- 3-40 Linde Factors Corp., assignee

of Essem Glass Cont. Co 38 00 223607 8-29-40 L. J. McDonough 73 00 223608 9-24-40 Linde Factors Corp., assignee

of Essem Glass Cont. Co 30 00 223609 9- 4-40 Contract Asso.. Inc., assignee

of O'Leary Cont. Co 119 00 223610 Natl. Bronx Bank, assignee of

Irene Realty Corp., assignee of Montel Cont. Co., Inc 431 43

223611 9-14-40 Contract Associates, Inc., as- signee of Don Canty 56 00

223612 9-24-40 E. Cappello 39 50 223613 7-12-40 Linde Factors Corp., assignee

of Essem Glass Cont. Co 31 50 223614 10- 5-40 Terence Connell 5 00 223615 7- 1-40 Safety Fire Extinguisher Co. 77 50 223616 9-10-40 Hartley Productions 40 00 223963 Chief Disbursing Officer, U. S.

Treasury Dept. 18 17 2520 Comptroller, City of N. Y ,

as Custodian of Teachers' Retirement System 635,000 00

224603 8-30-40 American News Co., Inc 528 84 224604 9- 3-40 Houghton Mifflin Co 75 17

224594 124021 Rao Electrical Equipment Co , Inc. 952 50

224595 124914 Chase National Bank, as-signee of Penner Electric Co 888 00

224596 131658 Jesse E. Kahn 10,082 54 224597 134753 Shaw-Walker Co. 1,049 40 225386 9- 3-40 Harper & Bros 3 15

133738 225387 133687 American Book Co 225388 8-23-40 ) F. E. Compton & Co

133711 1 225389 9-11-40 ) Allyn & Bacon

133685 225390 8-23-401 Longmans Green & Co., Inc.

133763 225391 8-26-40 D. Appleton Century Co., Inc.

133698 225392 8-29-40 American News Co., Inc

133692 225393 124745 Simes Co., Inc

Fire Department 223219 6-29-40 Hose-McCann Corp.

Department of Health 224126 Walter H. Daly 223688 10-21-40 Pronto Addressing & Mail-

ing Service, Inc. 222597 Star Office Partition Co 222598 Taylor Instrument Cos. 222599 Addressograph - Multigraph

Corp., Multigraph Division

38 10

93 91 410 52

5 25

28 44

12 60

3 75

6 34 61 00

9 28

3 37

6 27

6 65

497 80

37 00

2,193 62

31 50 47 00 5 30




Sectional No. Name


Map Page Sectional

No. Name


Map Page

50 Playground

51 Playground

29 Westerleigh Park

30 Willowbrook Park 31 Wolfe's Pond Park

32 Playground 33 Abraham Levy Memorial Park 34 Austin J. McDonald Playground

(War Memorial) 35 Nicholas De Matti Playground

(War Memorial) 36 Mariner's Harbor Playground 37 Playground 45 Schmul Park 47 Willowbrook Parkway 48 Playground 49 Playground

Willard to Neal Dow Avenue, Main To Springfield Street 20, 21

Richmond and Rockland Avenues. 20, 26 Holten to Cornelia Avenues on Rari-

tan Bay 33, 35 Richmond Road near Pierce Avenue 21 (C 2) Jewett & Castleton Avenues 21 (B 1)

Forest & Myrtle Avenues 21 (B 1) Tompkins Avenue between Chestnut

& Shaughnessy Lane 21 (C 3) Harbor Road near Richmond Terrace 20 (A 3) Winter & Bismark Avenues 21 (A 2) Wild Avenue & Pearson Street 26 (B 2) Victory Boulevard to Manor Road 20, 26, 27 Arnold Street at Harvard Avenue 21 (A 2) Waverly Place & Targee Street 21 (C 2)

Forest Avenue & Elizabeth Grove Road 20 (B 2)

Harvest Avenue, Davis to Lawrence Avenue 21 (B 1)


Sectional No. Name


Map Page

CP-755 Willowbrook Park Additions (1) Parkway, Whitestone Avenue, Redland Avenue, Cumberland Avenue 20, 26, 27

(2) Easterly side of Parkway from Redland to Monitor

(3) Parkway




Hereinbelow is a statement of warrants made ready for payment on this date in which is shown the warrant num-ber, the date of the invoice or the registered number of the contract, the name of the payee and the amount of the warrant.

Where two or more bills are embraced in the warrant the dates of the earliest and latest are given, excepting that when such payments are made under a contract the regis-tered number of the contract is shown therein.

All warrants herein will be forwarded through the mails unless some reason exists why payment is made in person, in which event, written notice will be given to the claimant. ALMERINDO PORTFOLIO, Treasurer.

Invoice War- Date or rant Contract Name of Payee Amount No. Number

Armory Board 222595 10-17-40 Patsy Strangis $147 50 222596 Manhattan Boiler & Equip-

ment Co. 689 00 Budget

223724 11-11-40 Desks, Inc. 8 10 223044 10-31-40 Economy Clean Towel Sup-

ply Co., Inc. 5 04 City Council

225242 Newbold Morris 119 51 Board of Elections

225243 11-14-40 J. M. Dooley Fireproof Ware- house Corp. 19,157 25

Parole Board 223380 10-31-40 N. Y. Tel. Co. 83 47

Board of Standards and Appeals 223379 10-31-40 N. Y. Tel. Co. 55 26

City Planning Commission 223376 R. G. Tugwell 33 30 224121 10-16-40 Schultz Book & Map Binding

Co., Inc. 12 00 Department of Correction

224606 10-15-40 Daniel Duskis, Inc. 224 07 224127 James F. O'Brien 26 62

County Court, Bronx County 223383 10-31-40 N. Y. Tel. Co. 128 50

County Court, Queens County 223371 11- 6-40 North Shore Bus Co., Inc 162 50

County Court, Kings County 223384 10-31-40 N. Y. Tel. Co. 4 50 223736 Jules Bank 3 65 223735 John J. Shanahan 2 10 223733 Sylvan S. Furman 4 29

City Magistrates' Court 223730 Fidelity & Casualty Co. of

New York 9 00 Court of General Sessions

223381 10-31-40 N. Y. Tel. Co. 200 35 Domestic Relations Court

223719 Western Union Tel. Co. 2 75 Municipal Court

223731 11- 7-40 Amplifier Co. of America 5 00 Supreme Court Library

222613 10-18-40 I. & S. Glick 350 42 Supreme Court

223732 9-20-40 James Cunnion & Son, Inc 186 00 223720 10-21-40 Seward Corn 75 50 223721 6-30-40 Franklin R. Moon 114 80 223722 9-30-40 Franklin R. Moon 100 00 223780 129941 N. Y. Tel. Co. 52 15 223204 129970 N. Y. Tel. Co. 545 21

Surrogates' Court, New York County 222612 9-30-40 Tower-Crossman Corp. 84 51

Surrogate's Court, Bronx County 223382 10-31-40 N. Y. Tel. Co. 96 75

Surrogate's Court, Richmond County 223386 10-31-40 N. Y. Tel. Co. 38 94

District Attorney, New York County 224405 Samuel S. Sklarew 377 00

District Attorney, Kings County 223054 One Seventy-Four Montague

Restaurant, Inc. 14 40 223366 11- 1-40 Boro Hall Grill, Inc. 39 00

District Attorney, Queens County 223057 11- 8-40 John J. Ward, Inc. 14 00 223056 Ritz Bar & Grill, Inc. 3 00 223356 8- 1-40 Star Restaurant-Guasconi, Inc. 10 50 223367 10-15-40 Franklin Hotel 4 2n 223368 10- 1-40 Star Restaurant-Guasconi, Inc. 14 25 223369 Nat Benedict 13 87 223370 11- 1-40 Butler's Cafe 6 00

District Attorney, Richmond County 224135 10-31-40 N. Y. Tel. Co. 49 97

Department of Docks 223365 2-27-40 Treas. of U. S. 210 81 224602 Treas. of U. S. 2,000 00

Board of Hither Education 223309 A. B. Dick Co. 26 50 223208 10-10-40 N. Y. Frame & Picture Co 15 05

Name of Payee


223935 10-23-40 Eugene Dietzgen Co., Inc 58 60 223936 10-23-40 Debevoise Co 99 00 223929 10- 8-40 Highway Hand Laundry and

Cleaners 160 223923 10- 4-40 Houghton Mifflin Co. 23 84

223924 10-15-40 The Egyptian Lacquer Mfg Co., Inc. 1 97

223925 The Comet Press, Inc. 31 14 223926 10- 2-40 Bureau of Publications, Teach-

ers College 1 60

Amer. Council on Education 16 78 223927 Josephine Hammond 3 50 223928

134610 Artesian Well & Equip. Co , 225397 Inc. 3,860 00

225398 134843 H. Weickert Sheet Metal Works 1,056 44

Board of Education 224208 9-10-40 New England Woodworking

Co., Inc 224192 130631 Crannell Nugent and Kranzer,

Inc. 224193 130631 Crannell, Nugent and Kranzer,

Inc. 224194 9- 4-40 South-Western Publishing Co.

133806 224195 9- 7-40 The L. W. Singer Co.

133805 224196 8-26-40 Scott Foresman & Co.

133797 224197 9-30-40 Monroe Calculating Machine

135793 Co. 224198 129768 Forest Box & Lumber Co ,

Inc. 224199 7-24-40 Forest Box & Lumber Co ,

129768 J Inc. 224200 129769 J. F. Gleason Co. 224201 129745 A. L. Cahn & Sons, Inc 224202 129754 Conray Prod. Co., Inc 224203 9- 3-40 C. C. Birchard & Co

133706 224204 133565 Emile Bernat & Sons Co 224205 133728 Ginn & Co 224206 135375 Comm. Credit Corp., assignee

of Greenpoilit Coai Docks, Inc.

224207 9-10-40 New England Woodworking Co., Inc

223040 9-18-40 Baitinger Elec. Co., Inc 223041 9- 3-40 Chesebro Whitman Co., Inc. 223042 J. F. Gleason Co 223683 9- 9-40 S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co. 223684 9-28-40 Landis Machine Co 223685 Frank Hussey 223161 130076 Woodstock Typewriter Co. 223162 133781 Noble and Noble Pub., Inc

Invoice War- Date or vant Contract No. Number

172 00

64 55

257 64 48 00

75 00

2 40

130 00

34 95

95 24 17 05 16 80 78 72 23 10

49 50 1,538 26

3,841 62

344 00 161 55 27 00

269 79 76 15

420 92 3 17

440 00 214 75

Invoice War- Date or rant Contract

Name of Payee

Amount No. Number

223715 John J. Kearney 223716 Joseph Weinstein 223717 John J. Kearney 223718 Herman Erde 223710 Walter H. Daly 223711 John J. Kearney 223712 Theodore Rosenthal 223713 John J. Kearney 223714 Michael Antell

Department of Hospitals 223430 8-16-40 Batavia Mills, Inc 223419 10-31-40 Air Reduction Sales Co 223043 8-20-40 Corporate Press, Inc 222600 Wm. Langbein & Bros 222601 10-16-40 E. L. Walters, Inc 222602 Craftsweld Equipment Corp 222603 10- 2-40 Acme Pump & Tank Corp 222604 10-24-40 Armor Elevator Co 222605 9-26-40 A. Jacoby & Sons, Inc 212228 21231 N. S. Low & Co., Inc 223201 135310 Municipal Factors Co., as-

signee of Paul Goldman 223202 135310 Paul Goldman 212229 8- 7-40 Fulton Mattress & Bedding

Co. 223726 American Bonding Co. of

Baltimore 223727 Indemnity Insurance Co. of

North America 223728 National Surety Corp. 223729 Aetna Casualty & Surty Co 223781 10-15-40 Gem Industrial Corp., as-

signee of Simpson Roofing & Ventilating Co., Inc...

223782 10-21-40 Parsons Boulevard De Luxe Cleaners & Tailors

223783 10-24-40 Hellige, Inc. 223784 10-21-40 J. Sklar Mfg. Co. 223785 10-30-40 James Mulokey 223786 11- 2-40 L. Blau & Sons, Inc. 223787 10-31-40 Eastern We:ding Equipment

Co. 223788 8-23-40 Standard X-Ray Co. 223789 10-31-40 Leonard Valve Co 223790 10-17-40 Tree Mark Shoe Co., Inc 223791 9-30-40 Linde Factors Corp., assignee

of Newberger & Co. 223792 10-24-40 International Business Ma-

chines Corp. 223793 11- 6-40 Majestic Rug Works, Inc 223938 10- 1-40 Thompson-Bonney Co. .... 223939 8-27-40 Otis Elevator Co. 223940 7-26-40 Hobart & Peers, Inc. 223941 10- 4-40 George Haiss Mfg. Co., Inc. 223947 Chief Disbursing Officer, U.

S. Treasury Department 223948 Chief Disbursing Officer, U.

S. Treasury Department 223949 Chief Disbursing Officer, U.

S. Treasury Department 224123 J. Virginia Vient 224124 E. Giddings 224125 John A. Cahill 224607 10-24-40 Demco Library Supplies . . . 224608 10-29-40 Paragon C. & C. Co. 224605 Central Scientific Co.

Department of Housing and Buildings 224739 C. H. Blitman 224740 D. Standley 224741 J. Mark 224742 J. A. Thompson 224743 H. Lippman 224744 J. M. ScheMer 224745 F. J. Woodbridge 224746 C. E. Grant 224747 J. V. Johnson 224748 A. G. Clay 224749 G. L. Kaufman 224750 Sylvester W. A 224751 F. Ward 224752 W. Polack 224753 L. M. Zamory 224754 A. M. De Rose 224755 H. L. Yakel 224756 F. Randazzo 224757 M. B. Weissman 224758 G. P. Brookfield 224759 D. D. Streeter 224760 H. V. Murphy 224761 R. F. Schirmer 224762 J. Mathieu 224763 L. A. Walsh 224764 A. Young 224765 I. Rubenstein

Law Department 223707 George H. Mitchell 223045 Weitzman's Photo Shop, Inc. 223352 10-31-40 Hudson Blue & Photo Print

Co., Inc. 223777 130498 New York Telephone Co 224738 10-28-40 Linde Factors Corp., as-

signee of Adelsberg & Co. 223703 11- 9-40 Stuart C. Ross 223702 11- 1-40 Walter H. Guffin 223701 10- 3-40 Quinn, Berran & Co. 223700 10- 7-40 Joseph Milner Co., Inc 223699 11- 8-40 Herbert E. Mitler 223698 11- 2-40 Herbert Jacques Morris 223697 Louis Carreau 223696 10- 4-40 Joseph A. Coon 223695 10- 4-40 Joseph A. Coon 223694 11- 2-40 Raymond E. Ryan 223693 10-31-40 Joseph A. Coon 224390 10-29-40 Albert Mayer 224391 G. Richard Davis 224392 :\ urray S. Fields 224393 10-30-40 De Mars-Finkenaur, Inc. 224394 10- 9-40 Charles Partridge Real Estate

Co., Inc.

36 05 2 40 2 10 2 05 6 35 2 40 5 75

74 80 146 96

207 90 750 10 364 68 186 14 17 50

114 85 38 00

680 00 38 20

10,661 89

225 00 336 00

30 90


1 80 1 80 1 80

740 00

24 00 12 00 11 50 24 00 3 50

30 77 4 80

14 92 5 00

18 00

34 50 3 60

222 08 195 00 65 00

498 00

2,524 75

3,064 48

2,501 01 12 01 3 15 6 00

23 00 235 00 26 36


25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00

333 33 9 00

4 90 1,674 00

325 00 175 00 345 00 320 00 500 00 750 00 150 00 565 00 700 00 300 00 750 00 150 00

1,150 00 620 00 75 00 50 00

1,000 00

Department of Markets Fellowes Morgan, Jr.

Postal Telegraph-Cable Co... 10-17-40 New York Water Service


Miscellaneous Hetty 0. Green 3 91 Estelle Libert 26 30 Dexter D. Ashley 30 63 Metropolitan Title Guaranty

Company 13 12 VV illiam Groepler 7 50 Walter J. Brotzman 7 50 James O'Farrell 5 50 Schulte Real Estate Co., Inc 3,410 83 Tuhok Holding Corp. 984 00 Victor W. Hungerford 185 42 Cabin Holding Corp. 892 10 United States Trust Company

of New York 11 85 L. D. Auchmoody 94 76 Guy A. Jones and Anna Jones 69 54 Astoria Federal Savings &

Loan Asso. 4 87 The Dime Savings Bank of

Brooklyn 7 50 Ernest J. Hansen 7 00 John H. Glaessgen 4 82 Ciro Di Giore 3 76 Liberdar holding Corp. 135 53 Emily J. De Forest 518 33 Greeley Square Building Corp. 20,180 00 Home Owners' Loan Corp. 99 22 Flushing Manor, Section 11,

Inc. 7 60 Joseph D. McGoldrick, compt.

as custodian of the funds of The New York City Em- ployees' Retirement System 34 65

Edward R. Molloy 152 85 The Treasurer City of New

York 800,000 00 132950 Meads Engineering Co., Inc 8,879 55

Harry Le Clair 83 83 Benjamin Goldberg 25 00 The Comptroller of The City

of New York, as trustee of The Sinking Fund of The City of New York 559 86

The Comptroller of The City of New York, as trustee of The Sinking Fund of The City of New York 893 15

The Comptroller of The City of New York, as trus-tee of The Sinking Fund of The City of New York 400,000 00

The Comptroller of The City of New York, as trustee of The Sinking Fund of The City of New York 300,000 00

10-31-40 Albert F. Ganz, Inc. 333 33 Elizabeth M. Topping 247 16 Edmund G. Burke 129 24 Edmund G. Burke 11 91 Sarah Emmerman, Annette D.

Bernstein, Rose Kaminsky, Bertha Emmerman 2,669 22

Edmund G. Burke 174 70 Carrie Rohsa, William C.

Rohsa, Theresa Sweeting, formerly Theresa Rohsa and Charles F. Rohsa or City Collector 163 55

Guaranteed Title & Mortgage Co. or City Collector 143 54

Dorothy Kulkis 52 34 Mary Herlihy 52 34 Mary Herlihy 65 94 Dorothy Gulkis 65 95 Edward Naused 41 13 Edward M. Naused and Anto-

nia M. Minnick 58 41 William Meyer, Jr. 58 41 Association for Befriending

Children and Young Girls, House of The Holy Family 2,137 57

Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum 90 00

Brooklyn Jewish Home for Convalescents 557 20

Brooklyn Nursery and Infants Hospital 4,251 07

Brooklyn Thoracic Hospital 5.378 25 Country Home for Convales-

cent Babies 56R 40 Graham School 4,385 06 Hebrew Home for Chronic

Invalids 1,305 25 Inst. of Franciscan Mission-

aries of Mary 1,717 80 Hebrew Convalescent Home 1,223 60 Little Flower House of Provi-

dence for Homeless Colored Children 11,815 51

223377 223725 223046

224415 224416 224417 224418

224419 224420 224421 224422 224423 224424 224425 224426

224427 224428 224429


224431 224432 224433 224434 224435 224436 224437 224438


224737 224947

225385 226109 226110 225416




224406 223640 223641 223642 223643

223644 223645


223647 223648 223649 223650 223651 223652

223653 224948




224952 224953

224954 224956


224955 224959

214 92 1 41

23 30

Invoice War- Date or rant Contract

Name of Payee Amount No. Number

224958 Jewish Memorial Hosptal 1,188 50 224960 Ozanam Home for Friendless

Women 210 00 224961 Rockaway Beach Hosp. and

Dispensary 4,401 45 224962 St. Agatha Home for Children 5,258 95 224963 St. Agnes Hospital 2,233 90 224964 St. Malachy's Home 3,759 06 224965 Leake & Watts Orphan House 6,128 14 224966 N. Y. Foundling Hospital 110,116 26 224146 Dignus Vander Horst 2,429 68 224147 Dignus Vander Horst 2,433 64 224148 Dignus Vander Horst 332 91 224149 Dignus Vander Horst 164 27 224150 Dignus Vander Horst 90 00 224151 Dignus Vander Horst 25 00 224152 Margaret Goebel Bartle or

City Collector 107 16 224153 Arthur Bernard Recknagel or

City Collector 246 34 224154 John H. Recknagel or City

Collector 246 35 224155 Cesare Guelmina or City Col-

lector 371 43 224156 Viola Sommers 1,500 00 224157 Viola Sommers 121 30 224158 Viola Sommers 1,095 65 224136 Sarah Dorsky or City Col-

lector 281 18 224137 Martha Kruedelbach or City

lector 58 52 224138 Isabelle V. Fajens or City

Collector 424 00 224139 Isabelle V. Fajens or City

Collector 1,174 33 224140 James J. Lenahan and Bridget

M. Lenahan or City Collec- tor 9 12

224141 James J. Lenahan and Bridget M. Lenahan or City Collec- tor' 19 13

224142 Gerardo Ripo or City Collec- tor 36 32

224143 Norwood Building Corp. or City Collector 61 55

224144 Leon Montague and Rachel Montague or City Collector 45 40

224145 Angelo Pedicini or City Col- lector 180 61

223657 John W. E. Camden 83 78 223656 Louis C. Jaeger, as adminis-

trator of the Estate of Louis Jaeger, deceased 592 72

223655 Padula, Inc. 473 66 223654 Maggie Ripp 359 83 223737 Staten Island Transcript 25 80 223734 10-25-40 Richmond Borough Publishing

& Printing Co. 25 00 223723 Abram S. Jaffer 10 45 223796 8-27-40 Appellate Law Printers, Inc 987 51 224128 N. Y. C. Housing Authority. 100 00 224129 Socony Vacuum Oil Co., Inc. 250 00 224130 Rockaway Savings Bank 60 00 224131 Robert Abraham and Minerva

M. Abraham or City Col- lector 30 00

224132 Concetta De Nardo, as Life Tenant, Francesco De Nar-do, Vincenzo De Nardo and Guiseppo De Nardo, as Re- maindermen 30 00

224133 John Lonardo 35 00 224134 Louis Zaretsky or City Coll 35 00 224290 11-20-40 N. Y. State Elec. & Gas Corp. 5 80 224286 Motorcycles, Inc. 466 05 224287 10-31-40 Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc. 129 22 224279 Johnson's Laundry Corp. 22 05 224280 11- 6-40 J. Bruce Lindsley 6 50 224292 11- 4-40 Central Hudson Gas & Elec.

Corp. 11 08 224293 J. A. Guttridge 97 39 223884 Webb Sanitarium, Inc. 121 50 223885 Waldemar A. Robinson 86 16 223886 John Gillen 100 00 223887 James E. Bolton 136 19 223888 Beatrice Exum 387 66 223889 Albert Misko 8 31 223890 Dennis McCarthy 76 16 223891 Harry Levine 4 33 223892 Leon William Berlage 32 00 223893 Louis V. Gallo 30 00 222894 Harry Toye 25 00 222895 Walter Kennedy 4 17 225244 Joseph F. Egan Co., Inc. or

Max E. Greenberg, as its attorney 20,943 29

224057 Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treas. of City of N. Y. 1,012 50

224056 Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treas. of City of N. Y. 45,112 50

224055 Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treas. of City of N. Y. 11,137 50

224054 Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treas. of City of N. Y.111,487 50

224053 Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treas. of City of N. Y. 3,000 00

224052 Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treas. of City of N. Y. 17 50

224051 Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treas. of City of N. Y.306,450 00

224050 Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treas. of City of N. Y.1,533,937 50

223855 First National Bank of Mount Vernon 5,000 00

223856 Williamsburgh Savings Bank 30,000 00 223857 Howard Kellogg of Buffalo,

N. Y. 10,000 00 223858 Comptroller of the City of

Rochester, N. Y., in trust for local improvement fund 9,000 00


Invoice War- Date or rant Contract

Name of 1-ayee

Amount No. Number

224395 10-31-40 Nathan Horowitz 92 00 224396 Herbert E. Solomon 615 00 224397 10- 1-40 Leon Fleischmann 500 00 224398 10-14-40 Hollander Associates 100 00 224399 11- 4-40 Capen & Zerega 437 50 224400 10- 2-40 John E. Nail Co., Inc. 200 00 224401 10- 1-40 Thomas A. Martin 25 00 224402 9-27-40 Herbert Jacques Morris 550 00 224403 Herbert E. Mitler 1,250 00 224404 10- 5-40 Hollander Associates 300 00

128 90 75 05 92 67

Department of Licenses 223374 10-31-40 New York Telephone Co 223373 Paul Moss 223372 Paul Moss



Invoice War- Date or rant Contract No. Number

Name of Payee Amount

Invoice War- 'Date or rant Contract No. Number

Invoice War- Date or rant Contract No. Number

Name of Payee Amount Name of Payee A mount

Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treas. of City of N. Y. 731,000 00

Chase National Bank of City of N. Y. 386,000 00

Citizens Bank of Perry, N. Y 10,000 00 Comptroller of City of N. Y

and Treas. of City of N. Y 460,000 00 Comptroller of City of N. Y.

and Treas. of City of N. Y. 195,000 00 Chase National Bank, N. Y

City 35,000 00 Bradley Bros., Inc 20,000 00 Bronx Savings Bank 10,000 00 Williamsburgh Savings Bank 562,000 00 Williamsburgh Savings Bank 338,000 00 Frederick B. Blanchard 21,500 00 Chase Bank, N. Y. City 110,000 00 Chase National Bank of City

of N. Y. 93,000 00 Comptroller of City of N. Y.

and Treas. of City of N. Y. 565,000 00 Comptroller of City of N. Y.

and Treas. of City of N. Y. 813,000 00 Comptroller of City of N. Y.

and Treas. of City of N. Y. 45,000 00 Comptroller of City of N. Y.

and Treas. of City of N. Y. 27,000 00 Comptroller of City of Roches-

ter, N. Y., in trust for Local Improvement Fund, Roches- ter, N. Y. 5,000 00

Geo. Pick & Co., Chicago, Ill. 100,000 00 Padom Co. 250,000 00 Suydam & Co.. N. Y. City 78,000 00 Comptroller of City of N. Y.

and Treasurer of City of N. Y. 13,000 00

Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treasurer of City of N. Y. 1,000 000 00

Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treasure of City of N. Y. 400,000 00

Chase Natl. Bank of City of New York, N. Y. 600,000 00

Comptroller of City of N. Y and Treasurer of City of N. Y. 2,994,587 36

Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treasurer of City of N. Y. 192,325 75

Comptroller of City of N. Y and Treasurer of City of N. Y. 409,038 62

Comptroller of City of N. Y and Treasurer of City of N. Y. 106,209 63

Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treasurer of City of N. Y. 398,752 12

Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treasurer of City of N. Y. 49,713 38

Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treasurer of City of N. Y. 23,488 75

Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treasurer of City of N. Y. 1,167,265 50

Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treasurer of City of N. Y. 3,440,770 50

Comptroller of City of N. Y. and Treasurer of City of N. Y.

Lillian Becker Anna Schoeck Sheldon Solomon Al. Kasden Jennie Davis City Collector Boehm's Bathing Pavilion Irving Segerman Dora Schoenfeld William Becker Jack Dolowich N. Y. Life Insurance Co Dorothy M. Carlson Louis Talansky F. Green Louise C. Garger Esther R. Harris Beatrice Sandler James De Stefano Alice Connell Honoria Gavin, adm. of est. of

Margaret M. Gavin Natalie Schumer Irene M. Orloff Michael J. La Monto Karl Mortensen C. Stewart Seip Jack Ballis Charlotte M. Miller North River Savings Bank Harry Abrams, Inc. Hermmer, Inc. Patrick J. McCabe Albert B. Bauer 1164 Third Ave. Corp. Gertrude Hill Gavin I. Randolph Jacobs and Ev-

erett Jacobs 333 E. 68th St. Corp. Margaret H. Corrigan Guadalupe Ruiz Milton Hammer Gresham Realty Co., Inc. Samuel Stern Meyer Alterman N. Henry Lindenauer Charles J. Masone

321,746 75 16 26 13 20 10 00 10 00 1 33

61 80 15 00 10 00 4 73

50 00 18 58

1,127 52 20 0000

5 10 00 4 50

70 00 6 00 2 10

14 00

92 56 8 50

14 84 6 00

72 1 16 8 50

60 581

4 0 12 00 81 18 91 75 9 00

75 58 161 65

53 98 597 84

50 00 42 00 22 60 9 97

333 33 333 33 333 34 25 00 36 10



223861 223862



223865 223866 223867 223868 223869 223870 223871






223877 223878 223879 223880














223980 223979 223978 223977 223976 223975 223974 223973 223972 223971 223970 223969 223968 223967 223966 224294 224295 224296 224297 224298 224299

224300 224301 224302 224303 224304 224305 223305 223306 223307 223308 223686 223687 223659 223660 223661

22366305 2 221

223049 223048 223047 223050 223053 223052 223055

223058 11-12-40 Jacob I. Zinman 223062 William W. Kopeck or Kopek 223061 Joseph Blackwell 223060 William Shavce 223059 Isidore B. Schwartzstein 223328 August Laupheimer 223329 Dora Wolkoff 223330 Bernard Rice's Sons, Inc 223331 Nicola Argentieri 223332 Raymond H. Fiero 223333 Murray N. Harwin 223334 Grace Schnibbe 223335 Lieber Holding Corp. 223336 Manderkin Building Co., Inc 223337 Margaret Strohm 223338 John K. White, Frederick D

Wood and Samuel J. Titus as trustees under a declara-tion of trust dated July 1, 1938

223339 Sophie Fanelli and Mary Cal- iendo or City Collector

223340 Elromo Realty Co., Inc., or City Collector

223341 Vito Castronovo or City Coll. 223342 Marie Vogel 223353 Ruth G. Goldberg 223354 Lewis Goldinger 223355 Carmine J. Marasco 223343 M. Goldenberg 223344 Ethel McGarvey 223345 Ethel W. Carlson 223346 Herbert J. Vock 223347 James F. Free 223348 E. H. Crane 223349 Joseph Botter 223350 • Benj. Levitt 223351 Walter Kidde & Co. 223375 10-31-40 N. Y. Tel. Co. 223385 11- 1-40 Joe's Boro Hall. Inc. 223706 Jos. D. McGoldrick, Compt ,

as custodian of funds of N. Y. C. Employees' Retire- ment System

223705 William S. Gaud, Jr. 223708 Alberta Burton 224159 Carl L. Recknagel or City

Collector 224160 Harold S. Recknagel or City

Collector 224161 Elizabeth Dunn as administra-

trix of estate of Thomas Dunn or City Collector

224162 Nathan L. Goldstein & Bro 224163 Helen Mendelson 224164 Morris Struhl 224165 Henry F. Klemens 224166 Henry F. Klemens 224167 James Garone & Domenick

Garone or City Collector.. 224168 Kristen Poulsen & Agnes

Poulsen 224169 Kristen Poulsen & Agnes

Poulsen 224170 German Evangelical Lutheran

St. Mathias Church of Can- arsie or City Collector

224171 Veronica V. Schenck or City Collector

223076 William Eigenbrod 223077 Francis Darwaszewski, also

known as Francirch Dar- vaseski

223078 Florence Mills Rankin 223079 Central Manhattan Properties,

Inc. 223080 Erwin Geissman 223081 East N. Y. Savings Bank 223082 Central Hanover Bank &

Trust Co. 223083 Metropolitan Title Guaranty

Co. 223084 South Shore Trust Co 223085 Minnie Hoeckele 223086 Estate of William Ottmann 223087 Murray's Haberdashery, Inc 223088 Emil Bans 223089 Charles Preuss 223090 Charles Preuss 223432 10-17-40 St. Luke's Hospital of New-

burgh, N. Y. 223426 9-11-40 Patterson Bros: 223422 10-11-40 Thomas A. Edison, Inc. 223420 8-31-40 Pine Hill Crystal Spring Wa-

ter Co. 223421 Independent Electric Lighting

Corp. 223504 City Collector 223505 Toney David 223506 Sarah Fraider 223507 Stella Atwood 223508 South Shore Trust Co. 223509 Jean A. Tesche, also known

as Jeanne Tesche 223510 Elsie Naumann 223511 Alfred W. Barber 223512 Reprah, Inc. 223513 Home Owners Loan Corp 223514 Home Owners Loan Corp 223515 Home Owners Loan Corp 223516 Home Owners Loan Corp 223517 148 Corp. 223518 Katharine Mali 223489 George W. Byrnes 223490 George McDonald 223491 Rector Church, Wardens and

Vestrymen of the Church of the Epiphany in The City of New York

223492 Staten Island Savings Bank.

223493 Oceanic Investing Corp. 10 49 223494 George W. Rosin 20 51 223495 College Point Savings Bank 11 68 223496 Fred Boeschell 10 28 223497 John Peters 49 50 223498 Josephine Norvold 8 19 223499 Cross & Brown Company 1 50 223500 509 Madison Ave. Corp. 4,834 10 223501 Muriel Clearman Deeigen 121 50 223502 Pem Realty Corporation 599 20 223503 402 Seventy Avenue Corp 3,693 26 223038 11- 6-40 West Publishing Company 5 00 223039 10-31-40 Board of Transportation, Ind.

Division Operating Fund 260 66 223033 Kingston Trust Co., assignee

of the Ulster Co. Hotel Co. 223034 National Ulster County Bank 223035 Charles F. Noyes Company,

Inc., as agent for the New York Life Insurance Co 3,535 50

223036 Charles F. Noyes Company, Inc., as agent for the New York Life Insurance Co 1,000 00

223037 11- 6-40 Clark Boardman Company 7 50 223029 127817 Associated Contractors, Inc 552,274 37

Municipal Broadcasting System 223795 1- 1-40 Steinway & Sons 288 75

Department of Parks 223357 Strongin Glass Works 21 05 223358 Bronx Gear & Bearing Co ,

Inc. 23 75 223359 B. & J. Auto Spring Co., Inc. 15 10 223378 11- 7-40 Leo S. Stern 3 75 271923 27118 Garofano Construction Co.,

Inc 11,358 00 223709 Strongin Glass Works 32 45 223943 Chief Disbursing Officer, U. S.

Treasury Dept. 223944 Chief Disbursing Officer, U. S.

Treasury Dept. 223945 Chief Disbursing Officer, U. S.

Treasury Dept. 224122 Leroy Automotive Distribu-

tors 223964 Chief Disbursing Officer, U. S.

Treasury Dept. 223965 Chief Disbursing Officer, U. S.

Treasury Dept. 1,559 42 224942 American Museum of Natural

History 5,550 60 225394 133380 Stock Construction Corp 62,658 22 225395 128822 Hartford Accident & Indem-

nity Co., assignee of Hill-side Construction Co., Inc.

223254 Herbert Holton or City Col- lector

223253 Herbert Holton or City Col- lector

223256 Herbert Holton or City Col- lector

223255 Herbert Holton or City Col-

Herbert Holton or City Col- lector 1,020 38

Herbert Holton or City Col- lector 17 89

223260 Herbert Holton or City Col- lector 894

223259 Herbert Holton or City Col- lector 510 19

223261 Herbert Holton or City Col- lector 497 50

223263 Herbert Holton or City Col- lector 95 46

223262 Herbert Holton or City Col- lector 510 19

223264 Herbert Holton or City Col- lector 95 46

223265 Herbert Holton or City Col- lector 510 19

Police Department 222594 9-30-40 William J. Olvany, Inc 932 00 223217 9-30-40 United Const. Co. 585 00 223218 Henry E. Schiess 42 50

President, Borough of Manhattan 223418 134245 Public Factors Corp., assignee

of Michael Dellutri 189 72 223310 Treasurer of City of New

York, trustee for account of Street Opening Refund

Account 724 89 223220 10- 1-40 Welland Cont. Co 409 35 223395 Treasurer of City of New

York, trustee for account of of Street Opening Refund Account 992 37

223390 10- 7-40 Antonietta Fierro, assignee of Vito Stefano & Chas. Per- nice 435 18

223391 8-31-40 Antonietta Fierro, assignee of Vito Stefrano & Charles Pernice 221 88

223951 Chief Disbursing Officer, U. S. Treasury Department 2,491 81

225399 8-20-40 Corporate Press, Inc. 291 63 248604 24843 Public Improvements, Inc 776 47 223952 Chief Disbursing Officer, U.

S. Treasury Department 20 07 President, Borough of The Bronx

223954 Chief Disbursing Officer, U.

S. Treasury Department 1,503 95 President, Borough of Brooklyn

223678 135237 Cranford Co., Inc 38,900 88 223679 134964 Cranford Co., Inc. 3,166 26 223449 Robert Stevens 60 00 223450 10-31-40 Robert Stevens 65 00 223950 Chief Disbursing Officer, U.

S. Treasury Department 1,733 50 224598 135652 Willman & Nazzaro 29,840 27

31 50 25 00 10 00 98 00 98 00 35 00 35 00 40 00 40 00

265 00 435 00 35 00 42 00 60 00 35 00

325 00

35 00

45 00 15 00 30 00

333 33 333 33 333 33

1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 6 94

20 00

74 89 633 44 28 07

246 35

246 34

70 00 50 00 39 92

100 00 4,189 43 4,287 34

107 68

371 77

11 51

272 93

414 90 16 93

43 15 26 32

7,893 54 12 90 8 93

19 50

15 93 10 31 13 39

870 30 476 81

8 46 4 50 4 50

59 00 1 08

1,083 40

2 82

15 34 94 30

101 53 5 26 9 96

12 94

109 04 19 25 3 04

30 28 29 30 52 11 30 28 12 58

337 50 148 11 12 72 18 05

68 51

125 00 125 00

425 73

8 13

20 00

23 75

196 06

lector 223257


386 00

268 51

510 19

60 86

510 19

Invoice War- Date or rant Contract

Name of Payee

Amount No. Number

224443 11- 6-40 T. M. Duche & Sons, Inc 12 50 224444 Pine Hill Crystal Spring

Water Co. 224445 10-28-40 West Publishing Co 224446 General Electric Co 224447 10-31-40 Globe-Wernicke Co 224448 10-29-40 Edward Week & Co., Inc 224449 N. S. Low & Co., Inc 224450 10-12-40 C. G. Conn, Ltd. 224451 11- 7-40 Natl. Lead Co.-Atlantic Br. 224452 9-24-40 Atlantic Elevator Co., Inc. 224453 10-18-40 Hanline Bros. 224454 10-11-40 Harnischfeger Corp 224455 10-26-40 .1. A. Morand & Son, Inc 4 70 224456 10-23-40 Raisler Corp. 8 58 224457 9-24-40 American Centrifugal Co ,

Inc. 208 48 224458 Addressograph - Multigraph

Corp., Multigraph Div 10 06 225241 134725 O'Brien Bros., Inc 1,428 80 224515 134923 Dexter-Carpenter Coal Co ,

Inc. 3,051 31 224516 134923 Dexter Carpenter Coal Co ,

Inc. 3,302 16 224517 134923 Dexter Carpenter Coal Co ,

Inc. 10,616 90 224518 134973 New Dorp Coal Corp 14,301 224519 134973 New Dorp Coal Corp 876 224520 134973 New Dorp Coal Corp 275 224521 134973 New Dorp Coal Corp 114 224522 134973 New Dorp Coal Corp 120 224523 134973 New Dorp Coal Corp 151 224524 134973 New Dorp Coal Corp 31 224525 135233 Burns Bros. 881 224526 135233 Burns Bros. 731 224527 135233 Burns Bros. 253 224528 135233 Burns Bros. 21 224529 135233 Burns Bros. 31 224530 135233 Burns Bros. 262 224531 135233 Burns Bros. 142 224532 135233 Burns Bros. 131 224533 135233 Burns Bros. 551 224534 134799 F. D. Koehler Co., Inc 1,087 224535 134799 F. D. Koehler Co., Inc 787 224536 134799 F. D. Koehler Co., Inc 754 224921 134959 Burns Bros. 6,959 224922 134959 Burns Bros. 1,824 224923 134959 Burns Bros. 23,508 224924 134959 Burns Bros. 812 224925 134959 Burns Bros. 2,643 224926 134959 Burns Bros. 1,568 224927 134959 Burns Bros. 686 224928 134959 Burns Bros. 995 224929 134959 Burns Bros. 1,952 224930 134959 Burns Bros. 5,017 224931 134959 Burns Bros. 1,023 224932 134959 Burns Bros. 992 224933 134959 Burns Bros. 49 224934 134959 Burns Bros. 31 224935 134959 Burns Bros. 437 224936 134959 Burns Bros. 20,826 224937 134959 Burns Bros. 253 59 224938 134959 Burns Bros. 949 224939 134959 Burns Bros. 819 224940 134959 Burns Bros. 7 224941 134959 Burns Bros. 1,198 223431 Case Crane & Kilbourne

Jacobs Co. 223031 130924 White Motor Co 223299 133534 Philbern Thermometer Co ,

Inc. 223311 9-28-40 N. S. Low & Co., Inc 223312 J. D. Johnson Co. Inc 223313 7-23-40 Fruit Industries, Ltd 223680 135424 Parke Davis Co. 223681 135424 Dept. of Purchase 223682 133428 Dooley Angliss Co 223689 7-31-40 Diamond T Motor Car Co 223690 10-29-40 American Thread Co., Inc 223691 10-19-40 Swift & Co., Inc 223692 Sharp & Dohme, Inc 222513 10-24-40 J. & C. Ernst 222512 8- 2-40 Pennwell Oil & Belting Co ,

Inc. 996 222511 10-25-40 Carter, Milchman & Frank,

Inc. 222510 10-21-40 Prest-O-Sales & Service, Inc 222509 10-24-40 Simmons Co. 222508 10-28-40 Picker X-Ray Corp. 222507 10- 1-40 Fairbanks Morse & Co 222506 10-28-40 H. Barrow Co., Inc 222505 A. Pearson's Sons, Inc 222504 10-31-40 Remington Rand, Inc 222503 10-24-40 Old Town Ribbon & Carbon

Co., Inc. 4 50 222502 Standard Scientific Supply

Corp. 222501 Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn 222500 News Syndicate Co., Inc 222499 McKenna & Phelps, Inc 222498 A. L. Cahn & Sons, Inc 222497 10-29-40 Excelda Distributing Co 222496 10-22-40 Aluminum Goods Mfg. Co 222495 John Minder & Son, Inc 222494 Feldman Bros. 222554 10-22-40 Carl A. Braun 222555 10-17-40 Geo. W. Miller & Co., Inc 222556 New Union Coat Apron &

Linen Supply Co., Inc 222557 E. Machlett & Son 222558 10-29-40 National Used Car Market

Report, Inc. 222559 9- 5-40 Davis Emergency Equipment

Co. 222560 10-25-40 Energy Control Co. 222561 10-15-40 Tricolator Co., Inc. 222562 10-23-40 David Linzer & Sons, Inc 222563 10- 8-40 Wm. Langbein & Bros. 222564 9-25-40 American Optical Co. 222565 9- 6-40 High Tension Electric Corp

64 60 11 19 56 94 89 85 32 78 15 72 75 88 81 54 41 42 21 74 56 14 66 67 06 71 60 41 09 26 62 89 39 11 86

34 46 49 73

249 05 200 00

897 00 526 50 50 80 93 00

144 40 13 00

897 42 13 52 8 90

1,590 68 31 90 76 54

10 88 4 50

45 00 48 75 5 82

39 60 79 40 4 62

16 95 26 60 7

93 2 4

13 890


oo 00 oo 00 50 36 88 80 oo 00 00

62 80 305 00 10 50 29 40 17 86 38 20 6 48

560 870

349 6 129 00

5 75

800 161 31

16 00

240 00 84 50 15 56 5 55

92 50 1 80

14 00

Invoice War- Date or rant Contract

Name of Payee

Amount No. Number

222566 Crane Co. 16 00 222567 10- 3-40 James H. Hughes 26 55 222568 9-16-40 Ayres & Galloway Hardware

Co., Inc. 12 36 222569 10-21-40 Worthington Pump & Mach-

inery Corp. 52 98 222570 9-28-40 Standard Plumbing Supply

Co. 300 222571 Canaday Cooler Co., Inc 45 00 222572 9-19-40 Smith & Gregory of N. Y ,

Inc. 400 222573 9-30-40 Henry L. Scott Co 40 72 223106 10-29-40 Master Oil Burner Co., Inc 7 68 223107 9-23-40 Hygiene Shower Curtain Mfg.

Co. 30 00 223108 10-23-40 B. Schaeffer & Bros., Inc 34 50 223109 10-28-40 Whitaker & Higgins, Inc. 14 07 223110 10-29-40 Atlantic Calsomine Co., Inc 875 00 223111 9-30-40 Behrer-Nason Co., Inc. 28 16 223112 10-24-40 Maritime Electric Co., Inc 11 28 223113 10- 9-40 David E. Kennedy, Inc 44 40 223114 9-26-40 Daniel Duskis, Inc. 32 38 223115 11- 1-40 Good Manufacturing Co., Inc. 8 70 223116 10-15-40 Van Brunt Electric & Mfg.

Co., Inc. 8 64 223117 10-18-40 The John Van Range Co ,

Inc. 29 61 223118 10-16-40 The Daunt Corp. 90 00 223119 10-29-40 Chase Brass & Copper Co ,

Inc. 968 223120 Port of New York Authority 37 50 223121 133962 William J. Wardall, trustee

of the estate of McKesson & Robbins, Inc. 2,276 57

223122 135573 General Steel Products Corp. 16 62 223123 134511 The Hospital Supply Co., and

Watters Laboratories Con- solidated 4 10

223124 133095 Merck and Co., Inc. 10 90 223125 135460 Schweickert & Baas, Inc 6 48 223126 134772 Marnis Oil Co., Inc. 3,199 49 223127 134799 F. D. Koehler Co., Inc. 170 00 223128 133121 Westinghouse Electric Sup-

ply Co. 22 85 223129 Arrow Horseradish Co., Re-

gis Foods o. 36 20 223130 Special Foods

C Co. 82 20

223131 Wayne County Produce Co 59 52 223132 Van Brode Milling Co., Inc 78 69 223133 Zenith-Godley Co., Inc. 155 84 223134 Weinberg Butter & Egg Co ,

Inc. 209 54

223135 223137 223138 223139 223140 223396

223397 223398 223399 223400

223401 223402

223519 223520 223521 223522 223523 223524 223525 223526 223527 223528 223529

223530 223531 223532

223533 223534 223535 223536 223565 223557

10-29-40 Peckman Little & Co., Inc 10-31-40 Levinson Produce Co., Inc

Norfolk Creosoting Co 10-29-40 M. O'Neil Supply Co., Inc 10-29-40 Crane Co.

Buda Engine & Equipment Co., Inc. 52 49

Mueller Co. 99 94 H. 0. Penn Machy. Co., Inc 712 79 M. Brown 12 42 Atlantic Electrical Distribu-

tors, Inc. 106 72 Bishop McCormick & Bishop 460 69 Palma Motor Sales & Service

Corp. 157 29 10-12-40 Eliezer Samuel & Sons 759 55

Swift & Co., Inc 1,197 32 Simensky & Levy Corp 729 28 Swift & Co., Inc 3,961 79

10-30-40 Superior Air Products Co 96 34 Central Scientific Co 15 91

10-24-40 E. Machlett & Son 86 29 10-30-40 Breeder Co. 15 00

Stand. Scientific Supply Corp 37 26 11- 1-40 Fyr Fyter Products 28 35 10-25-40 Hayes Duster & Brush Co ,

Inc. 800 10-30-40 Vesey Music Shop 15 65

9-25-40 Erie City Iron Works 23 55 9-19-40 City Trading Co., assignee of

Leroy Automotive Distribu- tors 529 20

10-25-40 Coburn Trolley Track Co 47 36 10-17-40 E. Machlett & Son 22 17 8-31-40 Bridge Hardware Co., Inc 7 35

11- 6-40 Holliston Mills, Inc 9 50 The Texas Co 36 89 Montgomery & Co., Inc 10 80

13 00 15 20

206 59 12 95 27 24

Department of Sanitation

222609 10-17-40 Sier-Bath Co., Inc 993 50 222610 11- 4-40 Martin Nadelman, assignee of

Bilou Bus Lines, Inc., and Samuel Friedman 511 50

222611 11- 1-40 Frederick Brinks 1,344 00

223946 Chief Disbursing Officer, U. S Treasury Dept. 1,783 36

Board of Transportation

223425 9-12-40 West Auto Supply Co. 1 95

223427 11- 1-40 South Park Garage, Inc. 17 00

223428 9-10-40 Lufkin Rule Co., Inc. 4 62

223429 11- 5-40 Rite-Mohawk Garage 20 00

223423 Press of Fremont Payne, Inc 480 95

223424 10- 1-40 Gerhard Motors, Inc 15 00

224943 Burns Bros. 361 64 Board of Transportation-B.M.T. Division

4062 J. Cohen & Bro 337 65

4063 The Texas Company 105 84

4064 Hempstead Auto Parts Co 2,236 62

4065 Mulveny-Barr Corp 29 64

4066 Traction Supply & Equip. Co 50 24

4067 New York Telephone Co 4,036 00

4068 Long Island Rail Road Co 5 00

4069 Sicilian Asphalt Paving Co 251 84

4070 Sicilian Asphalt Paving Co 117 78

4071 B. F. Goodrich Co., Mileage Dept 8,877 :.:

4072 Westinghouse Air Brake Co 5,396 78



Invoice War- Date or rant Contract

Name of Payee

Amount No. Number

President, Borough of Queens 223032 132725 George Negri, Inc 12,881 26 223451 10-17-40 K. & G. Auto Parts, Inc 34 20 223452 10-29-40 J. D. Johnson Co., Inc. 37 85 223953 Chief Disbursing Officer, U.

S. Treasury Department 1,274 00 President, Borough of Richmond

223387 127305 Harlem Contracting Co., Inc. 248 96 223388 127542 Hastings Pavement Co., as-

signee of Harlem Contract- ing Co., Inc. 197 80

223389 127542 Harlem Cont. Co., Inc. 70 69 Department of Public Works

237371 2379 Cauldwell Wingate Co. 59,000 00 237372 Patrick J. McCabe 10 80 237373 Patrick J. McCabe 60 37 223794 10-25-40 Standard Speedometer & Hub

Odometer Repair Co. 3 60 223779 135360 Active Exterminating Co.,

Inc. 127 50 223959 Chief Disbursing Officer, U.

S. Treasury Department.. 1,285 99 223942 10-28-40 Naumer Electric Co 65 28 223960 Chief Disbursing Officer, U.

S. Treasury Department 84 79 223961 Chief Disbursing Officer, U

S. Treasury Department 1,563 86 223962 Chief Disbursing Officer, U

S. Treasury Department 591 91 224599 John H. Smith 39 90 224600 John H. Smith 48 05 224601 Edward G. Orpheus 95 24 223955 Chief Disbursing Officer, U

S. Treasury Department 1,929 18 223956 Chief Disbursing Officer, U

S. Treasury Department 2,171 21 223957 Chief Disbursing Officer, U

S. Treasury Department 1,325 90 223958 Chief Disbursing Officer, U

S. Treasury Department 1,115 11 Department of Purchase

223558 Troy Laundry Machinery, Division of American Ma- chine and Metals, Inc 97 50

223560 John Minder & Son, Inc 187 35 223561 Feldman Bros. 222 25 223562 John Minder & Son, Inc 984 62 223563 10-24-40 Nassau Farmers Corp. 25 00 223564 Geo. C. Moore Co., Inc 155 14 223566 Eimer & Amend 67 01 223567 Banks-Baldwin Law Publish-

ing Co. 12 00 223568 Clark Boardman Co., Ltd 17 00 223569 Boston Water Purifier Co 26 25 223570 9-17-40 Nation Wide Mfg. Corp. 180 00 223571 Scientific Glass Apparatus Co. 32 97 223572 9-19-40 Frank Shepard Co. 85 00 223573 10- 2-40 George Malvese & Co 16 88 223574 Franklin Hardware Co. 48 86 223575 10-19-40 Ellenville Lumber Co., Inc 378 46 223576 9-10-40 Quimby Pump Co., Inc. 76 70 223815 Physicians Oxygen & Hospi-

tal Supply Co. 27 00 223816 10-15-40 Fairbanks Co 98 20 223817 Picker X-Ray Corp. 393 50 223818 Press of Fremont Payne, Inc 206 45 223819 10- 2-40 Dey St. Nursery Co. 187 55 223820 Consumer Farmer Milk Co-

operative, Inc. 2 00 223821 10-28-40 Romanoff Bros., Inc. 131 20 223822 Jacob Zucker 29 54 223823 A. Carobine Co., Inc 49 26 223824 Jacob Zucker 27 14 223825 Abeles-Lewit Co., Inc. 59 20 223826 9- 6-40 Celluloid Corp. 288 00 223827 10-31-40 Tower-Crossman Corp. 9 80 223828 11- 5-40 Fairchild Aerial Surveys, Inc 927 50 223829 11- 6-40 Roebling Luggage Corp. 5 35 223830 Hospital Supply Co. and Wat-

ters Labs. Consolidated 5 85 223831 10-18-40 Daniel Duskis, Inc. 272 00 223832 10-30-40 Kieley & Mueller, Inc. 20 00 223833 10-23-40 Rollo Johnson & Siedler, Inc 27 60 223834 10-29-40 Morgan Stove Repair Fdry

Co., Inc. 3 00 223835 Shell Oil Co., Inc. ..... 241 28 223836 10-23-40 United Fish Co. of Manhat-

tan, Inc. 19 17 223837 10-24-40 Automatic Voting Machine

Corp. 27 89 223838 Chas. A. Stratton Co. 1,423 59 223839 11- 1-40 J. P. Bernstein 35 10 223840 10-17-40 Topping Bros., Inc. 32 16 223841 10-11-40 Charles Kurzon, Inc. 529 04 223842 Air Associates, Inc. 55 45 223843 11- 5-40 Keystone Underwear Co 17 50 223844 Simplex Oil Heating Corp 8 40 223845 9-30-40 Edward G. Striffler 5 32 223846 9-25-40 Ayres & Galloway Hardware

Co., Inc. 13 05 223847 10-30-40 Griffin Campbell Rates Walsh,

Inc. 18 00 223848 Smolka Co., Inc. 9 36 223849 7-19-40 Kingsbridge Machine Works,

Inc. 1 36 223850 10- 1-40 H. F. King Co. 9 16 223851 10- 1-40 J. A. Abrahams 1 04 223852 7-17-40 Arkay Lumber Co. 13 50 223853 10-23-40 Bishinger-Koehler Mfg. Co ,

Inc. 264 90 223854 10-18-40 W. H. Hussey & Son, Inc 3 51 224088 134923 Dexter Carpenter Coal Co ,

Inc. 4,370 25 224089 135821 H. 0. Penn Mach. Co., Inc 1,974 33 224090 135322 H. 0. Penn Mach. Co., Inc 4,136 25 224439 Burroughs Add. Mach. Co 25,966 80 224440 9-19-40 Granville-Sellers, Inc 157 82 224441 9-17-40 New Amsterdam Import and

Supply Co., Inc 20 00 224442 10-31-40 Ward Baking Co 60 76

2233 Chas. F. Guyon, Inc 1 94 2234 Haloid Co. 42 90 2235 Hansen & Yorke Co., Inc 732 40 2236 R. Hoe & Co., Inc 51 60 2237 Hoffman Roberts Cordage

Corp. 60 00 2238 Hope Webbing Co. 208 80 2239 Horne Equipment Corp 625 74 2240 Ingersoll Rand Co 171 00 2241 Irvington Varnish & Insulator

Co. 105 60 224? Johnson Bronze Co 32 49 2243 W. R. Kline Co 22 20 2244 McGuire Bros., Inc 1,029 71 2245 Mahoney-Clarke, Inc. 4 20 2246 National Pneumatic Co 11 00 2247 National Vulcanized Fibre

Co. 12 46 2248 Penn Fibre & Specialty Co 49 66 2249 Pittsburgh Spring & Steel Co 24 12 2250 Ramapo Ajax Div. of Ameri-

can Brake Shoe & Foundry Co. 161 00

2251 Revere Copper & Brass, Inc , Rome Division 1,143 55

2252 Revere Copper & Brass, Inc 8,061 05 2253 Jos. T. Ryerson & Son, Inc 83 98 2254 Sinclair Refining Co 262 85 2255 Standard Oil of N. Y., Div.

of Socony Vacuum Oil Co., Inc. 7 15

2256 Troy' Engine & Machine Co 21 00 2257 Chicago Railroad Supply Co. 312 85 2258 Hewitt Rubber Corp 1,402 72 2259 Oliver Iron & Steel Corp 16 57 2260 Scientific Production Corp 102 27 2261 Brooklyn Edison Co., Inc 307 41 2262 Consolidated Edison Co. of

N. Y., Inc. 1,541 62 1130 Italo Bonini & Harry Dimin,

attorney 255 30 1131 Herbert S. Felner 127 65 1132 Gunhild C. Oishei Hoschek,

executrix of estate of A. J. Oishei Hoschek 127 65

1133 Thomas J. O'Neill, attorney 325 00 1134 City of N. Y., Dept. of Wel-

fare 325 00 1135 Mary C. Guilhempe 596 00 1136 Estate of Manley J. Green-

wald, deceased 254 00 1137 City of N. Y., Bd. of Tramp ,

N. Y. City Transit System, Cashier's Account, I. R. T. Div. 75 47

1138 Chase National Bank of City of N. Y., Coupon Collection Dept. 20 00

2263 Guarantee Exterminating Co. 4 50 2264 Guarantee Exterminating Co. 5 00 2265 Johnson & Johnson 318 57 2266 Manhattan Towel, Coat &

Apron Supply, Inc 9 30 2267 Eugene W. Meenan Fuel Ser-

vice, Inc. 11 00 2268 N. Y. Coppersmith Wks., Inc. 45 00 2269 N. Y. Telephone Co. 1,376 79 2270 N. Y. Globe Ticket Co., Inc 70 10 2271 N. Y. Water Service Corp. 35 30 2272 Pine Hill Crystal Spring

Water Co. 11 10 2273 Puro Filter Corp. of America 18 80 2274 Puro Filter Corp. of America 3 50 2275 T. W. Smith Co 6 80 2276 Trainer Contracting Co. 2,321 41 2277 Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg.

Co. 184 74 2278 J. Britchky 13 02 2279 City of N. Y., Bd. of Transp ,

N. V. City Transit System, Cashier's Acct., I.R.T. Div. 711 53

2280 City of N. Y., Bd. of Transp., N. Y. City Transit System, Cashier's Acct., I.R.T. Div. 109 00

2281 City of N. Y., Bd. of Transp., N. Y. City Transit System, Cashier's Acct., I.R.T. Div. 370 19

2282 Hecla Press 90 69 Triborough Bridge Authority

11210 Carroll Reilly 12 16 11211 National City Bank of N. Y 167 10 11212 0. H. Ammann 625 00 11213 Delhan Constr. Co., Inc. 9,130 23 11214 W. Earle Andrews 3,435 60 11215 Treas. of City of N. Y. 4,500 00 11216 Treas. of City of N. Y. 2,640 00

New York City Tunnel Authority B76 Comptroller, City of N. Y.,

Agent, N. Y. City Tunnel Auth., Adm. Fund TU-5 3,928 94

B77 James H. Dugan, Engineer of Design 2 00

B78 Comptroller, City of N. Y , Agent, N. Y. City Tunnel Auth., Mm. Fund TU-5 22,843 58

B79 Lawyers Trust Co., trustee 3,665 27 4230 Port of N. Y. Authority 208 34 4231 Comptroller, City of N. Y ,

Agent, N. Y. City Tunnel Auth., Adm. Fund TU-5 3,635 51

4232 James H. Dugan, Engineer of Design 37 45

4233 City Collector 13 35 4234 Comptroller, City of N. Y ,

Agent, N. Y. City Tunnel Auth., Adm. Fund TU-5 36,843 87

Board of Water Supply 224291 11-20-40 N. Y. State Electric & Gas

Corp. 20 66 224288 11- 4-40 Central Hudson Gas & Elec-

tric Corp. 14 10

Invoice War- Date or rant Contract No. Number

Name of Payee Amount

Invoice War- Date or rant Contract

Name of Payee

Amount No. Number

2 75 224285 10-31-40 The Emil Greiner Co. 3 51 223658 Sullivan County Nat. Bank

of Liberty, N. Y. to the credit of Abraham Benski 177 00

224407 Albert E. Sheridan 200 00 224408 Charles G. Kirchhof 300 00 224409 Marjorie L. Miller 147 00 224410 Peter Crough 225 00 224411 Phillip Gassoun 300 75 224412 10-16-40 Linde Factors Corp., assignee

of Edward E. Adams 69 75 224413 George S. Douglass, care

Bureau of Valuation 65 70 224414 Evelyn N. Fagher 124 50 Department of Water Supply, Oas and Electricity 223030 134826 Donaldson Iron Co. 3,500 06 223300 P. J. Brophy 33 00 223301 Lonardo's Approved Home

Appliances 33 30 223302 Thomas W. Clark 27 00 223303 Frank J. Donnelly 46 93 223304 A. Oerter, Inc. 44 10 222606 10-16-40 Monroe Calculating Machine

Co., Inc. 1 50 222607 10- 7-40 Flushing Motor Service, Inc. 37 20 222608 11- 1-40 Acme Elevator Corp. 10 00 223203 130169 N. Y. Tel. Co. 1,227 97 223360 Charles J. Keenan 28 10 223361 Harold M. Gilbert 197 56 223362 F. S. Sims 20 65 223363 H. B. Machen 63 05 223364 H. B. Machen 4 50 223704 10-11-40 William J. Yates 200 00 223778 130169 N. Y. Tel. Co. 755 63 225396 134828 Flockhart Foundry Co. 721 48

Department of Welfare 225699 William Hodson 273,301 80 225700 William Hodson 42,843 34 225701 William Hodson 22,290 62 225702 William Hodson 11,256 67



Hereinbelow is a statement of all vouchers received in the office of the Comptroller on this date in which is shown the contract number (if a contract), the name of payee, the department number (if other than a contract). the tickler number and the amount of the voucher.

JOSEPH D. McGOLDRICK, Comptroller.

Contract Vouchers


Tickler No. Name of Payee

No. Amount

224289 11- 4-40 Central Hudson Gas & Elec- tric Corp. 4 84

224281 L. C. Smith & Corona Type- writers, Inc. 10 69

224282 Westchester Coat & Apron Supply Co., Inc. 33 87

224283 10-29-40 Motorcycles, Inc. 9 14

224284 11- 1-40 John H. Tracey Saies Co , Inc.

136108 Abbott Lab. 225579 $15 92 134213 Acme Visible Records, Inc 225587 12 10 WB44 Altberg, Inc., H. Z. 11062 1,413 67 130103 Amer. Blue Print Co. 225477 8 40 115891 Amer. Ed. Press, Inc. 225499 358 00 133036 Amer. Soap Powder Wks. 225517 72 50 133036 Amer. Soap Powder Wks. 225517 58 00 133036 Amer. Soap Powder Wks. 225517 64 10 130219 Appeal Prtg. Co. 225488 3 00 136168 Ashford Roofing Co., Inc. 225669 1,530 t'ff 136109 Bard, Inc., C. R. 225580 5 63 134025 Bard, Inc., C. R. 225590 132 02 135596 Benjamin Bros. 225588 354 33 134981 Berkshire Elec. Co. 224944 2,682 95 133112 Blood Trans. Better. Assn 225581 181 80 130626 Centl. Scientific Co. 225481 2 10, 130628 City Chem. Corp. 225480 35 07 C0104 Clarke, G. D. 11059 85 56. 135491 Comet Press 255503 2,955 32 130630 Conray Prod. Co. 225486 425 28 135055 Daniel J. Rice, Inc. 225665 12,416 97 133081 Difco Lab., Inc. 225582 397 00 135364 Dobkin, 1. 225670 1,000 00 • 129761 East Coast Elec. Sup. 225495 4 20 129763 Egleston Bros. & Co. 225496 2 12 134761 Endres Plg. Corp. 225663 3,723 85 131620 Equip. & Fur. Corp. 225668 1,214 11 124740 Federal Mfg. Co. 225661 172 60 126257 Federal Constr. Corp. 225664 4,924 09 PW21230 Foregger Co. PW212247 1,538 78 133489 Gehron, William 225462 2,449 44 130634 Gerrish Padgett Corp. 225497 24 30 133335 Glasco Prod. Co. 225519 83 84 133335 Glasco Prod. Co 225519 7 11 133335 Glasco Prod. Co. 225519 303 03 133128 Haloid Co. 225520 1,391 91 133128 Haloid Co. 225520 165 24 133128 Haloid Co. 225520 82 62 128955 Hirsch, S. S. 225357 53 78 133683 I. B. M. 225867 904 17 133683 I. B. M. 225868 26 04 130636 Ind. Dist., Inc. 225482 12 70 130636 Ind. Dist., Inc. 225492 153 23 130637 Interboro Chem. Co. 225494 8 61 134932 Leach, Francis M. A. 225515 346 02 130638 Lindner Co. 225487 4 70 129787 Lindner Co. 225489 286 134617 Lynn Constr. Co., Inc. 225667 11,283 00 135414 Maclane Hdwe. Co. 225586 2 83 135414 Maclane Hdwe. Co. 225586 11 22 C0128 Madigan-Hyland 11063 42 41 130639 Mallinckrodt Chem. Wks. 225493 24 73



Invoice War- Date or rant Contract

Name of Payee

Amount No. Number

Atlantic Electrical Distribu- tors, Inc. 16 86

Peter A. Frasse and Co., Inc. 34 72 General Register Corp. 36 60 Manhattan Water Meter Re-

pair Co., Inc 7 15 Cranford Co., Inc. 2,569 99 Delia Waste Products Corp. 42 77

Transportation-B.M.T. Division Samuel P. Fensterstock 700 00 Pennsylvania Coal & Coke

Corp. 35,600 58

4029 Barnes & Tucker Co. 21,355 72

4030 Berwind-White Coal Mining Co. 45,367 65

4031 Consolidation Coal Co. Inc 36,105 32

4032 Cortright Coal Co. 5,401 89

4033 M. & J. Tracy, Inc. 4,984 73

4034 Fort Pitt Spring Co. 1,102 82

4035 Columbia Machine Wks., Inc. 286 13

4036 0. K. Electric & Machine Works 8 82

4037 American Optical Co. 6 47

4038 Asco Supply Co., Inc. 190 79

4039 Barnett Janitor Supply Co 31 52

4040 Cantor Bros., Inc. 8 33

4041 Crescent Brand Chemical Co 10 92

4042 J. B. Currie & Son 64 21

4043 Empire Brush Works 329 28

4044 Federal Hardware Co., Inc 16 35

4045 J. B. Ford Sales Co. .... 182 50

4046 Goodweld Equipment Co. 41 94

4047 Horton Wiping Materials Co , Inc. 145 24

4048 Meyer, Grimes & Weiner, Inc. 202 36

4049 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co 149 06

4050 Prest-O-Sales & Service, Inc. 19 60

4051 Standard Oil of N. Y., Div. of Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc. 58 57

4052 Topping Bros. 32 40

4053 Condenser Cleaners Mfg. Co. 1,274 00

4054 East Coast Electrical Sup- ply Co., Inc. 3 49

4055 General Lead Batteries Co 609 31

4056 Greene Wolf Co., Inc. 26 80

4057 Jaclin Stationery Corp 10 29

4058 Kay & Ess Co. 79 20

4059 Keystone Bolt & Nut Corp 2 08

4060 Metal & Thermit Corp. 54 39

4061 Silk Screen Supplies, Inc 11 76

4079 E. R. Merrill Spring Co 321 76

4080 Spielman Motor Sales Co , Inc. 90 38

4081 Howell-Treiber, Inc. 47 42

4082 E. A. Wildermuth 66 10

4083 Jamaica Battery & Eng. Co , Inc. 114 92

4084 Chas. Fischer Spring Co 4 86

4085 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Inc. 1 53

4086 National Lead Co., Atlantic Branch 110 86

4087 Otto Myhl Co. 315 31

4088 Strober Bros., Inc. 7 39

4089 American Petrometal Corp 11 76

4090 Air-Maze Corp. 18 59

4091 Atlantic Electrical Dist., Inc. 65 46

4092 Carroll-McCreary Co., Inc 57 50

4093 A. P. Dienst Co., Inc 21 07

4094 H. Texier Glove Co. 13 72

4095 K. & S. Metal Supply, Inc 26 60

4096 Railway Specialties Corp 85 81

4097 Henry Acker 319 97

4098 Malleable Iron Fittings Co 152 88

4099 John Morris 60

4100 Jamison Laboratories 5 00

4101 Methodist Hospital 16 25

4102 City of N. Y., Bd. of Trans- portation, N. Y. City Tran-sit System, BMT Division, Pre-consummation Reserve Account 147 50

4103 Knickerbocker Scrap Iron & Steel Co., Inc 17 56

4104 City of N.' Y., Bd. of Trans- portation, N. Y. City Tran-sit System, Cashier's Ac- count, BMT Division 2,371 06

4105 Automatic Coinwrapping Ma- chine Corp. 36 12

4106 Astrup Co., Inc 122 77

4107 Bethlehem Steel Co 5,747 52

4108 Armco Railroad Sales Co , Inc. 6,500 67

4109 Cross, Austin & Ireland Lum- ber Co. 236 18

4110 Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corp 9,411 42

4111 Consolidated Car Fender Co 2 20

4112 Berks Engineering Co 512 18

4113 Columbia Machine Wks., Inc. 2 72 Board of Transportation-Independent Division

23819 City of N. Y., Bd. of Trans- portation, N. Y. City Tran- sit System, GA Division 562,207 67

of Transportation-I.R.T. Division Cuny & Guerber, Inc 9 36 E. I. Dupont De Nemours &

Co., Inc. 1,046 50

2225 Economy Baler Co 13 20

2226 Electro Service, Inc 1,558 25

2227 J. & C. Ernst 190 74

2228 William J. Paul Co 55 25

2229 Germain Lumber Co 721 89

2230 G 1 o b e Kneadable Metallic Packing Co. 480 00

2231 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co , Inc. 3 42

2232 Graybar Electric Co., Inc 5 45


4074 4075 4076

4077 4078

Board of 39


Board 2223 2224

SM2 Martin, Inc., H. G. 11060 2,775 63 133093 Mead, Johnson & Co. 225510 3 17 133093 Mead, Johnson & Co. 225510 225 00 130641 Mercer Glass Wks. 225498 2 18 PW24818 Meyerstein, Inc., A. M. ....PW248606 4,265 20 124931 Murphy, Inc., J. L 225662 1,002 81 135149 Newcomb Co., Inc., Jas. F.. 225584 720 20 130562 N. Y. Tel. Co. 225059 822 71 130307 N. Y. Tel. Co. 225191 135 93 A30307 N. Y. Tel. Co. 225191 23 03 130307 N. Y. Tel. Co. 225191 3 60 130307 N. Y. Tel. Co. 225191 20 39 130307 N. Y. Tel. Co. 225192 4 50 130307 N. Y. Tel. Co. 225192 14 59 130524 N. Y. Tel. Co. 225359 5,588 54 130499 N. Y. Tei. Co. 225398 2,697 90 79830 N. Y. St. Elec. & Gas Corp 225444 141 00

130642 N. Y. Scientific Sup. Co. 225500 62 28 133146 N. Y. Carbonic Co. 225585 120 00 136304 Pabst Sales Co. 225511 30 72 136304 Pabst Sales Co. 225511 30 82 129809 Printers Ser. 225490 3 34 120571 Radium Chemical Co., Inc. 225360 375 00 130114 Remington-Rand, Inc. 225501 2,718 50 135055 Rice, Inc., D. J. 225666 18,625 46 PW2106 Simes Co., Inc PW210183 5,629 00 135380 Rockwell's Bakery, Inc. 225508 362 63 PW24832 Sicilian Asphalt Pv. Co. ...PW248605 8,270 82 130932 Singer Sewing Mach. 225491 126 22 130115 Smith, L. C., & Corona 225483 1,470 00

PW21731 Silver & Co., S. S. PW217298. 2,476 89 130115 Smith, L. C. & Corona 225484 60 00 135264 Solvay Sales Corp. 225516 2,016 00 130645 Standard Scientific Sup. 225476 10 76 PW24842 Starkman & Bros., H. .. PW248604 8,460 00 130645 Standard Scientific Sup. 225502 88 19 PW2486 Steers, Jr., Inc. PW248607 61,287 30 135800 Sullivan Dry Dock Corp. 225898 725 66 135544 Tenney & Ohmes, Inc. 225461 5,000 00 135939 Tobin Co., Inc., M. J. 225399 378 10 135939 Tobin Co., Inc., M. J. 225400 3,845 38 133474 Tree Mark Shoe Co.; Inc 225589 35 00 130064 Underwood Elliott Fisher 225478 2,093 75 130064 Underwood Elliott Fisher 225485 1,255 00 128174 Unity Sheet Metal Wks., Inc 225358 68 84 132541 VanBro Constr. Corp. 225066 1,304 92 136342 Waterman & Co. 225509 70 00 136272 Wesson Oil Snowdrift Co. 225512 187 66 136272 Wesson Oil Snowdrift Co. 225512 1,026 47 134646 Westinghouse Elec. Sup. Co 225518 4 21 134646 Westinghouse Elec. Sup. Co 225518 22 05 134646 Westinghouse Elec. Sup. Co 225518 4 85 133121 Westinghouse Elec. Sup. Co 225583 1 97 133121 Westinghouse Eke. Sup. Co 225583 71 93 133121 Westinghouse Elec. Sup. Co 225583 21 47 130649 Wholesale Radio Ser. Co. 225475 5 66 136273 Williams Co., Inc., R. C. 225513 290 22 136273 Williams Co., Inc., R. C. 225513 1,889 94 130650 Woodridge Mfg. Co. 225479 59 57

136276 Worcester Salt Co. 925514 34 00

136276 Worcester Salt Co. 225514 108 80

Other Than Contract Vouchers (Key to Department Numbers May Be Obtained at Room

720, Municipal Bldg., Manhattan)

Dept Tickler Name of Payee

No No. Amount


Contract No. Name of Payee

Tickler No. Amount Name of Payee

Dept. Tickler No No. Amount Name of Payee

Dept Tickler No No. Amount

Aba, A. A., Key Shop 302 225951 ABC Grate Bar Wks. Co 55 225903 Ace Gasket Co., Inc. 903 225075 Acme Grate. Co., Inc. 28 225695 Acme Salt Co. 901 225840 Adams Town Hose, Inc. 302 225939 Address Multigraph Corp. 842 225003 Address Multigraph Corp. 10 225798 Ahrens, C. Raymond 903 225076 Airddon Co. 79 225568 Air Reduction Sales Co. 61 224949 Aitkinson, R. J. 79 225548 Albright, J. E., & Co. 10 225799 Aiken Rlty. Corp. 81 225228 Alliance File Corp. 902 225146 Allied Gym Equip. Co. 28 225188 Allen Wales Add. Mach. Corp 10 225800 Alliance Photo Print Co. 836 225809 Allans Garage, Inc. 302 225947 Altman, Irene 864 225368 Altman, Irene 864 225368 Amberman Agency 864 225271 Amberman Agency 864 225271 Amer. Bk. Note Co. 734 225009 Amer. Perforator Co. 734 225010 Amer. Auto Elec. Sales Co. 86 225047 Amer. Oxygen Serv. Corp. 903 225077 Amer. Rattan & Reed Mfg. Co. 903 225078 Amer. Fluoride Corp. 902 225125 Amer. Steel & Wire Co. 902 225144 Amer. Gear & Auto Pts. Co., Inc. 902 225147 Amer. Rattan & Reed Mfg. Co 902 225148 Amer. Window Shade Mfg. Co 28 225186 Amer. Wood Type Mfg. Co 28 225417 Amer. Oxygen Ser. Corp. 79 225531 Amer. Type Fodrs. Sales 28 225687 Amer. Steel & Wire Co 901 225823 Amer. Steel Foundries 901 225843 A T.er. Sterilizer Co., Inc. 59 225860 Amer. Sterilizer Co., Inc. 59 225861 Amer. Cystoscope Makers, Inc. 61 224968 Amsterdam Bros. 81 225027 Anchor Pack Co. 902 225145 Anchor Steeple Jack Ser. 56 225198 Anchor Steeple Jack Ser. 56 225198 Andreobin, Anna 864 225233 Angel, Reeve H., & Co. 79 225550 Araneo, Francesco 864 225236 Arcus Simplex Ticket Co., Inc 842 225002 Arcus Simplex Ticket Co., Inc 842 224996 Armour Labs. 79 225555 Arnone, Ignazio 26 225050

8 55 23 50 2 45

28 00 37 04 19 25 2 50

61 63 399 84

9 87 173 10 18 50

Art Steel Co., Inc. 836 Arthur F. Smith 864 Asbestos Const. Co. 903 Ascher, Emil., Inc. 28 Assoc. Enterprises Asgn. Colum-

bia 28 Assoc. Enterprises, Inc. 28 Assoc. Enterprises, Inc. 28 Assoc. Enterprises Asgn. Colum-

bia 28 Assoc. Enterprises Asgn. Contrac. 28 Astor Plbg. Htg. Corp. 56 Astor Plbg. Htg. Corp. 56 Astor Plbg. Htg. Corp. 56 Astoria Tire Co., Inc. 402 Atkins, E. C., & Co. 902 Atlas Waste Mfg. Co., Inc.' 903 B. K. Trustees 864 Baitinger Elec. Co., Inc. 903 Baitinger Elec. Co., Inc. 902 Bailey, Samuel P. 61 Bailey, Samuel P. 61 Baldwin Belting & Leather Co 903 Barad Tool & Sup. Co., Inc 903 Barnett Janitor Sup. Co., Inc.. 903 Barrow, Harry 25 Barry, Michael 79 Bassett, Elizabeth R. N 302 Baumwald, Abraham 864 Baumwald, Abraham 864 Baum, Russell Ernest 836 Beaudry, Thos. A 76 Beineix, Adrien L 734 Benedict, Nat 402 Berman, Max, Inc. 903 Berks Engr. Co 902 Berg Chem. Co 79 Besam Realty Corp 864 Bianchi, C., and A. 864 Bianchi, C., and A. 864 Biddle, James G,, Co 734 Bklyn. Prog. Blue Print Co 79 Bklyn. Edison Co., Inc 82 Bklyn. Edison Co., Inc. 734 Blaw Knox Co 11 Blehiman, Regina 864 Blehiman, Regina 864 Boetel, Martha H 864 Boetel, Martha H 864 Boglioli, Edith 81 Bohling, F. A. 28 Boiler Service Corp 28 Bond Electric Corp 903 Bongiorno, Maria 864 Bopp, George S 302 Bordis, Frank P 864 Boro Hall Grill, Inc 302 Bortolotti, Adelina 864 Bortolotti, Adelina 864 Boston Instr. Mfg. Co., Inc 61 Bowery Savings Bank 864 Bowery Savings Bank 864 Bramer, Margaret 81 Braislin, Inc., Gordon S. 902 Braun, Samuel G 79 Brauer, Marie, est. of 864 Braun and Heines 55 Braxmar, C. G., Co., Inc 302 Bristol Co 903 Brickner, Herman L 864 Britton, David M 25 Bridge Hardware Co 79 Brown, Inc., I. Edward 903 Bronx Gear and Bearing Co 79 Brown Instrument Co 901 Brodsky, Abraham H 302 Bruning, Charles, Co 79 Bryskowska, Sabina 864 Bryskowska, Sabina 864 Bulloss, Herbert A 28 Burroughs Adding Mach. Co 56 Burroughs Wellcome and Co 79 Burke, Thomas J 28 Burge! Realty Co 864 Burgel Realty Co 864 Burroughs Adding Mach. Co 836 Burroughs Adding Mach. Co 901 Buttler, Mrs. E. 864 Byrnes, John 79 Caffray, James A 864 Calendo, A 864 Cambalik, Joseph 864 Cambalik, Joseph 864 Candela, Lodovico 864 Cap, Screw and Nut Co. of Amer. 903 Cap, Screw and Nut Co. of Amer. 902 Capalbo, J 864 Capalbo, J 864 Carnegie Illinois Steel Corp 902 Carlson Iron Works 28 Carborundum Co 11 Carolan, Pat 79 Carroll, Pat J 79 Carey, Michael J. 28 Carey, Michael J. 28 Carney, F. W., Co. 901 Castle Const., asg. Columbia Ftr. 28 Central Scientific Co. 86 Central Scientific Co. 86 Center Tool Co. 903 Century Rub. Stp. Wks., Inc 10 Century Rub. Stp. Wks., Inc 836 Chase Natl. Bk. 533 Chase Natl. Bk., N. Y. C 864 Chase Natl. Bk. 734 Chelsea Corners Laundry Serv 81 Chic. Apparatus Co. 86 Chiapparine, Nicholas 26 City Chem. Corp. 903 Clark, James J. 81 Clarke, Gilmore D. 38 Clarke, Gilmore D. 38

225011 7 65 Clarke, Gilmore D. 38 225060 50 00 225763 1 82 Clark, M. 25 225329 13 00 225079 9 06 Clauer, Sylvester 864 225742 22 56 225402 20 00 Cohen, J., and Bro. 902 225129 297 39

Cohan, Louis 116 225363 16 40 225464 460 00 Cohan, Louis 116 225364 14 80 225653 237 00 Cohen, Bernard 11 225456 10 00 225654 277 00 Cohen, Bernard 11 225457 100 00

Cohen, Bernard 11 225458 200 00 225705 372 00 Cohen, Bernard 11 225460 125 00 225707 321 00 Cohen and Ganbaum Co., Inc 79 225605 735 50 225201 200 00 Columbia Mach. Wks., Inc 902 225142 535 55 225201 332 50 Colarn Furn. and Equip. Co 28 225153 795 00 225201 98 00 Columbia University 59 225852 75 00 225256 11 32 Columbia University 59 225853 100 00 225128 2 65 Consol. Teleg. Elec. Sub. Co 903 225068 18,708 08 225080 150 68 Conklin Brass and Copper Co 903 225092 16 93 225237 4 50 Conversano, Leonard 28 225184 109 00 225081 2 08 Connolly and Duffy, Inc. 64 225452 37 26 225126 158 87 Connolly and Duff, Inc. 64 225453 37 12 225353 20 00 Connors, Pat. J. 79 225613 31 00

Connell, Andrew J. 864 225785 257 94 302 225942 116 84

225083 16 23 Cook's Hotel and Res. Sup. Co 28 225410 14 11 222222555300858442 89 0018 Connell, Vincent

70 91 Coppola, Anthony M. 314 225789 46 80 225327 31 45 Costa, Charles 864 225367 13 50

864 225367 53 2 56 225208 3 50 pshks,C.Inc. 225955

5 00 2225580 ccC000lixsthrate,naedCyhsaRLraloeic

15 225013 35 35 2257154 18 Coxhead, R. C. Corp. 836 225808 21 20 225810 5 69 Crannell, Nugent, Kranzer, Inc 28 225422 23 00 224995 10 00 Creamer, W. G., and Co. 902 225130 49 16 224979 130 00 225255 Cresci, Maggie 864 225369 67 50

15 24 Cresci, Maggie 864 225369 13 81 225085 459 96 Cross, Austin & Ireland 99 11064 1,351 55 225127 454 67 Crowe, William C. 25 225330 13 00 225525 7 25 Cutolo, Nicodemo 864 225326 3 75 225243 8 69 Danowitz, M. 25 225331 12 00

225289 209 68 Darcy, Thos. F. 302 225916 48 50 225289 26 78 Davies, J., asgn. Solomon, R 28 225693 79 00 224980 292 83 Davidson Gas Therapy, Inc 61 224963 30 00 225552 16 48 De Phillips, J. 28 225172 171 00 22499190 De Phillips, J. 28 225178 168 00

34 69 De Loca, Donald 55 225902 125 00 222254499551 Delmas, John 842 225000 10 00

225287 29 90 9 44 Dellomo, Chas. 864 225239 4 50

225287 07 Dela., Lackawanna & West R. R. 302 225931 74 90

225285 26 21 Detex Watchclock Corp. 61 224960 27 00

225285 2 10 Deyo Produce Co. 79 225604 1,048 51

225020 10 00 Deyette, Bessie C. 864 225730 3 44 225190 191 00 Dick, A. B., Co. 836 225005 l5 DO

Dick, A. B., Co. 564 225869 1 50 222255043863 23105 00 50 Dierks, A., and Co., Inc 61 224956 781 00

225749 225929

7 05 Ditto, Inc. 79 225645 14 70 10 00 Doherty, James

11 03

81 225025 1,466 23

225780 Dorsey, John J.

49 20

64 225446 44 75

225944 Douglass, George 901 225842 92 12 22576743 00 Doyle, Robt. 864 225762 4 94

225767 864 225762

224971 2 09 Doyle, Robt.

1 Drexler, H., Inc.

225737 97 35

08 61 224953 134 32

57 Du Bois, Fred 79 225614 33 00

225737 10 00 Duffy, Peter 79 225615 31 00

225017 11 94 Duffy, Thos. 79 225616 10 00

225119 11,95834


25 77 Duffield, Thomas J. 59 225873 2 35



47 50 Dunlevy, Joseph 864 225272 65 39

8 65 Dunlevy, Joseph 864 225272 1 93 Duophoto Corp. 836 225812 5 00

225935 8 63 Duskis, Daniel, Inc. 28 225166 144 90

225087 9 16 Duskis, Daniel, Inc. 901 225827 3 90

225230 225328

21 00 Eastern Wiping Matls. Co., Inc. 903 225093 242 06 Eckley Dental Supply Co.

225573 14 00 4 84 Edelman, Isaac

79 225528 1 47 864 225375 22 05

225088 5 12 Edelman, Isaac 864 225375 91

225578 317 10 Edgerton, T. A. 25 225332 12 00

225832 7 50 Educational Records Bureau 86 225041 154 73

225919 10 00 Egan, Pat F. 81 225023 275 65 2255268 70 Egleston Bros. & Co., Inc. 903 225094 77 62

z22 55 77 22 00 9 16 E h8 39 le & Hagemann 61 224975 5 05 2

225708 18 00 Eimer & Amend 61 225522 4 65

Eimer & Amend 79 225523

225194 4 00 Eimer & Amend 79 225523 6 60

00 225529 5 10 Eimer & Amend 79 225523 56 46

225704 341 82 00 Eimer & Amend 61 224966 3 50 2

225716 78 18 Elco Electric Co.


28 225650 111 00

225811 225819 113 20

Elec. Bleaching Gas Co. 5 05 Elev. Supply Co.

903 225095 183 75 79 225544 3 25

Elm Drug Surgical Co., Inc 903 225069 61 43 225390

10 31


Elwell Parker Electric Co. 79 225648 5 94


20 00 Embury, Arran 38 225061 75 00


2 17 Embury, Ayman 38 225061 50 00 3 00 Enhaus & Son, Inc., W. H. 55 225906 13 50 2 55 East New York Savings Bank 864 225393 4 81

222255272834 90 Erie Bolt & Nut Co. 901 225841 49 59


903 225096 954 99 1 14 Ernst, J. and C. 57 48 Error No. and Turn a Page


225735 10 68 Sales 836 225813 1 75

12 16

79 225617 24 .00

225141 225735

49 Esber, Alex 864 225747 11 28 Eschert, Harry A.

9,661 84 Esposito, Thomas A. 26 225052 183 44 Esposito, Thomas A. 225441 153 00 26 225053 218 64


13 9

Eveready Automotive Corp. 79 225545 3 44

225611 225612

16 00 Famous lkfodel Co. 86 225049 515 00

225682 20 00 Farrell, Edmund C. 214 225790 10 40

225694 136878 00 Federal Hdwe. Co., Inc. 903 225097 1 96

902 225131 68 70 eit 225836 15 50 F Roy

0Hy Hdwe. Co., Inc.

225474 633 00 Feit, Roy 864 225295 88

864 225295 34 62 225042 23 68 Feld, G. A. Co. 28 225171 44 60 225042 54 50 Feldman, Louis 64 225451 13 00

79 225603 1,050 36 28 225675 34 95

225090 2 65 Feldman Bros., Inc.

26 225054 150 50 225801 13 15 Felix Co., J. H.

28 225712 88 00 225801 4 50 Ferraro, John 225226 1,448 28 Ferrulli, Nick 225240 68 82 Ferguson, Anastatia 864 225779 4 28 225806 7 26 Finnie, Alexander 26 225055 386 19 225032 2 15 First Aid Supply Co. 903 225070 73 30 225045 57 52 Fischer, Carl 0. 864 225231 3 43 225051 388 85 Flaherty, Charles 864 225292 79 29 225091 6 76 Flaherty, Charles 864 225292 4 68 225040 604 57 Flatbush Savings Bank 864 225378 11 85 225060 75 00 Flatbush Natl. Bank 836 225814 14 35 225060 100 00 Flood, Philip 79 225618 33 00

1 50 3 00

19 99 273 00

4 56 7 00

31 95 11 24

42 25 13 1 43

6,700 00 607 00

7 92 145 04

1,818 11 177 87

6 91 202 78 28 30

169 00 14 00 3 62

130 50 63 24

500 00 5 75

17 90 63 55

170 00 119 75 107 00 18 58 27 00

135 00 3 00

69 20 64 81 5 95

852 80

Dept. Tickler No. No. Amount Name of Payee

Dept Tickler No. No. Amount

Dept Tickler No. No. Amount Name of Payee Name of Payee



Flushing Manor, Inc. Flushing Manor, Inc. Flynn, Wm. A. Flynn, Wrn. A. Flynn, Wm. A. Flynn, Wm. A. Fort Pitt Sp. Co. Foregger Co. Fordham University Foregger Co., Inc. Frasse, P. A. & Co., Inc. Frappollo, Wm. Frappollo, Wm. Franco, E. Frasse, P. A., and Co., Inc Frappollo, William, asg. Mun.

Ftrs. Frasse, Peter A. Fremer, I. Friez, Julien P., & Sons 79 Friedman, Louis A. 59 Fulton Metal Co., Inc. 903 G. X. Matthews Co. 864 G. X. Matthews Co. 864 Gabris, Joseph A. 864 Gaffney Kroese Elec. Sup. Co. 902 Gaffney, Clement J. 901 Ganzert, Gustav 61 Garfield Elec. Sup. Co., Inc 902 Gasper, Francis 864 Gasper, Francis 864 Gen. Elec. Sup. Corp. 28 Gen. Fireproof Co 836 Gen. Elec. Co., Lamp Dept 901 Gen. Elec. Co 901 Gen. Motors Truck and Coach 901 Gen. Elec. Co 901 Gen. Meter Serv. Corp. 82 Geoghegan, Pat 79 Gilmour, B. F., Co., Inc. 902 Gilmour, B. F., Co., Inc 79 Gilpin, William 79 Gilkes, Percy G. B. 302 Glass Co., Inc., Morris 903 Glaser, Harold J. 302 Glendinning, Thos. A. 56 Gleason, J. F., Co. 28 Goddard and Goddard Co., Inc 903 Godfrey Keeler Co 56 Goldman, Benjamin 28 Goldman, Albert 13 Goldsmith Bros. 8 Goldberg, Harry 864 Goldberg, Harry 864 Goodall Rub. Co., Inc 902 Goold, Margaret N. 864 Gordon, Harry 864 Gottfried Bak Co., Inc. 79 Grady Travers Co., Inc. 903 Graybar Elec. Co., Inc 903 Graybar Elec. Co., Inc. 903 Graybar Eke. Co., Inc. 902 Graef, G. L 28 Graef, G. L. 28 Graybar Elec. Co. 901 Grant, Amelia 59 Grant, Amelia 59 Grant, Alphonsus V., Det 302 Green) Rose F. 864 Greenblatt H., asg. Indust. Credit 28 Greenblatt, H., asg. Mun. Factors 28 Grenier, Abel 28 Green Bus Line, Inc. 28 Greene Wolf Co. 901 Gulf Oil Corp. 902 Gulf Oil Corp 901 Haloid Co 86 Haloid Co 734 Halpin, William A. 842 Hammann, Sue M. 864 Hann, Wm. J., asgn. Hussey &

Son 28 Hampton, Inc., James D. 28 Hansen, T. 28 Handel, Abraham 864 Hantman, Sarah 864 Hansen and Yorke Co 901 Harvey, John 864 Hartel and Davies 28 Harms, William, asgn. Nun. Fac-

tors 28 Harrington, John J., Det. 302 Harold Sur. Corp 61 Havens, Benjamin F. 302 Health Kraft Furn. Co. 28 Heffernan, Lawrence 79 Henman, Annie 864 Hendrickson, Andrew 61 Hendrickson, Andrew 61 Henricks, Lillian E. 864 Herson, Sam 28 Hess Homes, Inc. 864 Hess Homes, Inc 864 Hewitt, C. B., and Bros 79 Higgens, John H 314 Hobart Mfg. Co 79 Hobart Mfg. Co 61 Hodson, William 97 Hodson, William 97 Hodson, William 97 Hodson, William 97 Hodson, William 97 Hodson, William 97 Hodson, William 97 Hodson, William 97 Hodson, William 97 Hodson, William 97 Hodson, William 60 Hodson, William 97 Hodson, William 97 Hodson, William 97

864 22 864 22 59 22 59 22 59 22 59 22

902 22 79 22 59 22 61

902 2 28 22 28 25 22 28 2

28 22 79 25 22

2 2

5467 112 00

225546 806

5334 26 45

25536 37 41

25876 2 50

225071 193 80 225761 1,198 14

225761 131 18

225301 3 12

225134 134 23

225818 12 00

224961 350

225149 98 00

225757 30 54

225757 3 01

225413 15 68

225815 6 98 225821 2,005 59

225829 941 84

225837 224991 225619 225135 225569 225620 225937 225113 225920 225210 225424 225117 225209 225165 225222 225355 225373 225373 225150 225740 225726 225602 225098 225099

5714 88 56

5714 164 14

5874 16 89

5875 56 00

5889 27 40

5890 21 50

5143 913 54

5558 9 10

5854 40 00

224964 5 75

25133 19 48

5168 44 00

225180 89 00

5333 3 25

25426 4 27

225100 35 28 225151 107 80 225397 2,244 54 225397 1,772 50 225833 20 58 225877 22 25 225891 8 65 225923 11 00 225323 18 00 225465 400 00 225466 141 00 225659 105 88 225660 427 92 225831 72 52 225136 3 76 225830 142 18 225046 62 94 224981 40 90 224999 10 00 225293 10 98

225685 914 00 225699 240 00 225187 149 00 225229 39 00 225307 53 57 225838 12 44 225384 18 00 225439 63 00

225680 56 00 225928 14 00 224974 2 25 225949 260 225189 699 00 225621 14 00 225325 13 50 225347 10 00 225348 20 00 225746 28 20 225167 119 00 225758 116 18 225758 10 08 225527 56 25 225788 42 76 225538 171 89 224958 137 39 225794273,30180 225795 2,188 90 225795 5,710 66 225795 898 84 225795 420 29 225795 127 00 225795 473 75 225795 3,105 93 225795 6,397 13 225795 2,968 12 225796 40,364 47 225796 432 05 225796 224 24 225796 1,699 77

12 72 91 26 33 00

178 33 2 23

19 00 7 00

50 82 16 20

5 00 11 61 32 42 9 28

41 50 6000 000

0 21 81 2 23 5 34

22 56 4 84

10 29 2 65

338 10












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97 225796 7 53 97 225796 115 28 97 225797 21 00 97 225797 30 42 97 225797 36 84 97 225797 167 80 97 225797 1,921 63 97 225797 8,322 11 97 225797 756 87 86 225048 320 95 79 225554

864 225743 533 225021 81 225021

903 225101 56 225211 56 225211

864 225232 864 225274 864 225274 864 225275 864 225275 864 225276 864 225276 864 225277 864 225277 864 225278 864 225278 864 225279 864 225279 864 225280 864 225280 864 225281 864 225281 864 225282 864 225282 864 225283 864 225283 864 225296 864 225296 864 225296 864 225297 864 225297 864 225305 864 225309 864 225309 864 225309 864 225309 864 225395 864 225395 864 225395 864 225395 864 225395 864 225395 864 225395 864 225395 864 225396 864 225717 864 225717 864 225718 864 225718 864 225733 864 225755 864 225755 864 225759 864 225759 864 225768 864 225768 864 225770 864 225771 864 225774 864 225778 864 225787 25 225335 28 225652 28 225678 28 225696


225698 191 00 225260 3,494 1

225622 33 00

225751 23 64

225751 24 9 Horton Wiping Materials Co 901 225845 140 1 Horne Equip. Corp 901 225846 18 66

Hosp. for Ruptured and Crippled 81 225037 243 90 Hotel Wellington 302 225952 16 0 Howard and Co., James L. 903 225102 97 09 Howard and Co., James L. 903 225103 164 4 Hubbard, H. W. 1 225345 200 00 Hughes, Frank J. 842 225001 193 5

Hunter Illuminated Car Sign Co. 901 225825 113 2 Hussey and Son, Inc., W. H 28 225700 259 7 Hyde, Belcher E., Inc. 79 225534 78 I. B. M. Italian Enterprise Corp. Ind. Cordage Co., Inc. Ind. Fence Co., Inc. Indem. Ins. Co. of N. A Indus. Distr., Inc. 28 225429 5 5 Indemnity Ins. Co. of No. Amer. 59 225895 4 Inst. of Mercy Italian Enterprise Corp. J. and C. Ernst Jackson and Perkins Co. Jaeger, Henry Jannsson, Axel Jaques, Washinton L. Jaques, Washington L. Jensen, Anna M. Jockers, H. E. Jockers, H. E. Johnson and Johnson Johnson Serv. Co. Kahn Bros. Kalmus, Edwin F. Kaplan, M. and Weiss B Kayell Rlty, Corp. Kayell Rlty. Corp. Kay Rubber Co. Keating, Pat J.


Keegan Co., H. F. 903 225105 79 87 Kelleher, Jas. J. 864 225244 10 09 Keleher, Joseph A 864 225394 20 25 Keleher, Joseph A 864 225394 7 93 Keleher, Joseph A. 864 225394 1 00 Keleher, Joseph A. 864 225394 77 48 Kelly, John J. 79 225624 50 00 Kelley Koett Mfg. Co 59 225862 3 44 Keller, Ward 302 225921 26 65 Kelly Travel Agency 302 225930 101 80

18 00 Kennedy Photo Engr., Inc. 86 225043 9 36 28 20 Kennedy, Dan 79 225625 33 00 6 99 Kesseler, D. E., Co 28 225170 28 85

78 38 Keystone Bolt and Nut Corp 90222

15 22 7 02 Keystone Bolt and Nut Co. 79 n 55 513767 58 91

25 00 Kieley and Mueller, Inc. 61 224952 81 95 93 00 Kinley Corp. 902 225123 45 39 00 Kinsella, Matthew 79 225626 21 00 6 35 Kirchmer, August H 64 225445 45 05 1 33 Kirchmer, August H 64 225445 80 7 05 Kiahr, P., Plate Glass Contr 56 225195 26 00 I 77 Knickerbocker Fed. Savgs. Loan 864 225286 30 07

7 86 Knickerbocker Fed. Savgs. Loan 864 225286 1 10 06 Knudsen, Fred M 901 225834 30 50

Kny Scheerer Corp. 61 224973 57 50 Kohnstamm, H., and Co. 79 225524 3 10 Koop, John F 28 225686 765 00 Koppers Co 903 225106 19 60 Kreisberg, William, and Son 28 225175 85 00 Kreisberg, William, and Son 28 225658 345 00

60 Kroop, B. 25 225336 9 75 Kroepke Plg. and Htg. Co 28 225432 53 00 Kroepke Plg. and Htg. Co 28 225692 63 00 Kuhls, Fred H. B 56 225216 5 50 Kummerle Contr. Corp.. 28 225173 28 00 Kurzon, C., Inc 28 225404 8 00 Kurzon, J., Inc. 28 225428 26 99 Labor, Dept. of 81 225227 5 00 Laidlaw Co. 79 225566 9 30 Lamb, Jas. J. 402 225249 18 39 Langbein, W., and Bros 836 225816 2 50 Landes, Jacob H 59 225892 1 10 Larkin and Co., Inc., J. 903 225107 75 71 Larsen Baking Co 864 225316 27 00 Larkin, Peter 79 225627 33 00 Latham, E. B., and Co 28 225421 400 Laurel Lumber Co., Inc 28 225416 136 50 Lauer, Andrew 864 225734 40 Lauer, Andrew 864 225734 39 00 Lawyers Co-Op. Pub. Co 10 225007 60 00 Lawyers Co-Op. Pub. Co 310 225365 30 00 Lawless, Robert J. 59 225878 9 15 LeLebaCnlaoinr, HHoasrpr y 81 225038 108 83

. Assn

67 225262 3,891 25

Lebanon Hosp. Assn 67 225263 3,727 30

Lebeau Piping Corp 28 225672 430 00 Lebeau Piping Corp., Asgn

LeBbreiutni 28 225676 345 00

Piping Corp. 28 225677 215 00 ea Lebeau Piping Corp 28 225688 625 00 Lee Finish Corp 79 225543 114 83 Lee Tire and Rubber 79 225575 264 40 Lehman, Louis 302 225915 40 00 Leland College 864 225320 7 50 Lenox Elec. Co. 56 225196 229 00 Lenox Elec. Co. 56 225196 42 50 Lenox Elec. Co. 56 225196 22 00 Leonard Auto Sup. Co. 28 225411 37 74 Leroy Auto Distribs 55 225901 38 08 Leslie, Scott E 102 225361 185 00 Levine, J. 25 225337 225 85 Levinson Produce Co., Inc 79 225601 179 39 Levins, Elizabeth 864 225753 10 00 Levinthal, Lazar R 302 225925 10 00 Levine, Edward H 302 225936 12 30 Lewthwaite, T. H. MacG., Co 79 225542 9 85 Lewisohn Sales Co 79 225549 75 00 Liebe] Flarsheim Co 61 224962 628 21 28 Lincoln Savgs. Bk. 864 225372 7 20 28

67 79

864 864

13 225225 2 53

864 225371 460

903 225104 55 13

28 225163 8 00

74 225366 63 00

33 76 5 73 9 96

20 00 5 05 9 98

90 00 109 15 19 50 3 52

25 115 13 42 20 69 21 14 65 89 50

127 80 68 40 68 40 67 05 38 70 7 50

50 00 4 09

25 00 44 74 47 01 4 82 3 71

47 7 38 1 24

11 40 7 12

14 25 11 40 50 00

924 35 262 00 36 00

294 00 566 00

51 92 18 27 16 80 6 00 4 08

74 00 10 58

4 12 73

15 04 44

8 Lincolnkavgs. Bk. 864 225372

Lippschultz, Sarah L. 2881 222255402719 175 400794 Linde Air Prod. Co

Low Surgical Co. 81 225031 42 50 3 Low, N. S. & Co., Inc 81 225033 4 05 ° Low, N. S. & Co., Inc 61 224965 26 50

Lubin, Samuel 61 225350 45 00 Lubin, Samuel 61 225352 20 00

5 Luria Bros. Co., Inc. 902 225122 332 02 Luxenberg, D.. asgn. Bdwy. Pur 28 225442 564 00

9 M. & M. Iron Wks., Inc. 56 225206 33 75 M. & J. Laundry Mach. Ser. 61 224959 157 50

5 Machlett, E. & Son

79 225540 2 10 5 MacPherson, Suzanne 564 225871 7 50

00 Magnus, Mabee and Reynard 79 225530 9 25 Mahoney, Clarke, Inc. 903 225109 6 66 Maier, Sophie 864 225739 16 92 Malvese, George & Co. 79 225567 1 08 Malvese, George & Co. 79 225577 65 74 Maltese, Serfafino 864 225727 5 08

2 Manhattan Gen. Hosp 81 225028 433 03

50 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Inc. 903 225110 143 53

67 225261 2,627 55 angane mseitiee64 225288 566 04

Forge Co Co. 902 225132 205 80

864 225371 670 50 Mangels,

79 225539 8 00 Mangels, Minnie 864 225288 8 63

38 225910 765 00 Man. Ltg. Equipt. Co 79 225535 4 25

402 225252 19 80 Mann, Estelle 864 225786 8 47

56 225215 660 00 Mandula, Nicholas 59 225863 8 50

864 225754 63 37 Man. Stationery CO, Inc. 61 224946 540

864 225754 1 05 Maritime Elec. Co., Inc. 903 225111 98 29 81 225022 4,050 00 Marhi, John A. 56 225204 116 00

864 225736 72 Mary Immaculate Hosp 67 225264 3,765 25

864 225736 21 15 Martz, Minnie I. 864 225321 750

79 225532 51 96 Maritime Elec. Co. 79 225537 2 75

28 225674 130 00 Marowitz, Jos. 79 225628 36 00

903 225072 159 12 Marnis Oil Co 901 225822 137 80

28 225401 49 34 Martin, Edward J. 59 225880 2 40

864 225234 7 50 Masseo, Rooney 81 225029 312 68

864 225370 85 50 Master Bookbinding Co. 79 225533 4 00

864 225370 2 01 Mass, W. E 28 225706 65 00

28 225418 11 70 Matthies, Bernard 864 225769 379 32

79 225623 30 00 Matthies, Bernard 864 225769 35 21




Dept. Tickler Name of Payee

No. No. Amount Dept. Tickler

Name of Payee

No. No. Amount Dept. Tickler

Name of Payee No. No. Amount

225926 21 00 225039 1,242 93 225124 29 09 225247 9 88 225247 58 225629 33 00 225630 51 00 225631 33 00 225851 25 80 225899 300 00 225108 65 88 225722 2 66 225702 2,547 80 225541 325 00 225679 250 00 225324 300 225312 12 00 225343 7 50 225344 7 50 225632 52 00 225633 32 00 225338 12 00 225773 21 95 225711 130 00 225900 372 00 225671 52 00 225879 17 30 225315 216 00 225430 1'33 00 225056 961 05 225112 8 33 225250 20 40

80 225062 43 84

225062 849 31

225063 32 88

225063 636 98

225064 75,000 00

225064 25,000 00

225065 300,000 00 225067 3,361 39 224976 2 75 225943 8 70 225946 307 10 225953 25 10 225932 8 00 225912 4 00 225637 30 00 225638 33 00 225639 34 00 225887 3 17 225887 4 35 225957 10 00 224983 200 224983 12 65 224983 206 13 224983 224983

79 90 65

224984 6 15 224984 135 15 224985 10 224985 300 224985 89 45 224986 35 85 224987 19 95 224987 11 05 224987 43 15

224988 99 77

224977 6 00

225155 14 00

225710 39 00

225940 37 35

224954 63 00

225847 151 77

225719 13 88

225719 40 96

224970 900

225407 420

225927 19 00

225447 24 80

225784 12 03

225183 229 82

225212 175 00

224994 500

225423 23 50

225415 129 00 11065 5,000 00

225732 220

225254 13 00

225922 17 85

225924 40 50

225954 134 10

225956 35 00

224902 812 86

223961 75 00

223962 201 75

224654 5 05

225221 10 00

225340 16 25

225777 8 35 224754 1,614 39

225731 2 07

224777 15 01

224002 28 00

224019 24 00

225241 26 25

225314 2 10

225934 100 00

224649 13 63

224253 3 25

11051 58 00

224311 54 35

Z24':: 30

864 225303 8 58

8 225356 75 00 59 225865 920

60 225913 11 35

60 225914 116 53

302 225917 90 00 302 225950 16 26

61 224948 59 00 864 225238 39 00

28 225156 968 50

28 225473 152 50

81 225035 15 48 864 225298 18 32

864 225298 54 56

864 225298 62 26

864 225298 31 46

864 225299 11 94

864 225299 39 68

864 225299 36 79

864 225299 18 59

864 225300 16 58

864 225300 154 44

864 225300 119 97

864 225760 8 79

864 225760 1 69

38 225217 2 25

38 225217 7 85 864 225766 2 69

864 225766 05

864 224039 130 08

864 224039 271 70 864 224039 233 60

901 224096 198 76 902 224911 1,325 12

79 224615 227 44 864 224779 3,568 59

902 224839 25 00

864 225741 14 10

902 225152 706

59 225881 10 30

734 224989 1 00 81 225024 2,396 41 59


225469 724 00

225470 651 00

225012 350 225169 21 00 225157 16 00 225158 107 25 225159 70 20 225160 124 00 225174 35 75 225454 9 19 224258 225 224841 500 224850 164 00 224308 82 00 224331 98 00 224332 570 00 224333 318 00 224334 260 00 224335 268 00 224336 180 00 224337 740 00 224338 380 00 225756 1 82 225756 37 225764 251 43

7 45 289 00 18 80

398 00 728 00 25 00

8 76

225634 21 00 225848 14,000 00

225948 13 40

225594 581 12

225600 234 03

225606 41 20 225265 18,854 67 224969 • 17 65

225179 30 00

225721 6 12

225034 7 85

225599 125 00

225938 37 00

225941 518 00

225202 35 00 225649 1,190 71

225709 14 50

225905 121 00 225259 18,129 90

225339 13 25

225392 650

225635 33 00

225257 40 75

225382 900

224949 68 00

225431 170 00

225302 416

225636 33 00

223957 360

225008 300

225844 51 16

225896 900

224651 60 90

224804 141 92

224166 90

224612 58 52

224613 66 37

224775 388

224878 28 50 223940 8,158 00

225014 184 84

225471 133 00

225703 172 00

225855 807 50

224957 295 00

225253 33 80

224882 22 50

224116 25 00

224219 1 90

224820 3 50

224868 1 50

225908 600 225266 3,350 90

224036 295 00

224068 121 00

225044 180 00

225219 139 35

225219 460 92

225219 248 00

225219 391 48

225219 11 25

225219 139 00

225219 19 90

225219 230 22

225219 77 17 225220 1,817 07

225220 189 19

225220 69 23

225220 48 51

225220 123 86

225220 23 62

225220 41 57

225220 134 62 225220 120 225220 829 59 225220 425 28 225220' 1 00 225220 22 63 225224 59 65 225437 55 00 225443 539 00 225449 40 00 225521 486 19 225792 209 90 225872 592 225933 435 57 224992 65 224992 30% 54

Platou, Pedro, M.D Place, E. Clifford, M.D. Porto, Paul Porto, Paul Porto, Paul Porto, Paul Porto, Paul Porto, Paul Porto, Paul Porto, Paul Porto, Paul Poje, Sophie Poje, Sophie Pokorny, E. Pokorny, E. 225764 Pollak, Inc. W. 31 PW217299 Pomeroy Co., Inc. 81 225030 Porto, Paul 28 225689 Porto, Paul 28 225690 Postmaster 836 225006 Postal, Harry 864 225303

Matthews, Edwin B. 302 Mazzone, Anthony 81 McSweeney, P. J. & Co. 902 McGovern, Katherine S. 864 McGovern, Katherine S. 864 M c Caff ery, Jos. 79 McPartland, Hugh 79 McShane, Thos. 79 McGann, Jos. A. 2 McElligott, J. J. 55 Maclane Hdwe. Co 903 McAllister, Daniel 864 McCarthy & Co., Inc., John A 28 McDermott, Patrick 79 McDonough, L. J. 28 Meagher, Daisy I. 864 Mechanics Farms. Svg. Bk. of Al. 864 Melhem, Georgette 310 Melhem, Georgette 310 Mendola, Jos. 79 Merriam, Willard E. 79 Meschkow. R. 25 Messelhauser, K 864 Metz, William 28 Met. Overhead Door Co. 55 Meyer Wire Wks., Joseph 28 Meyers, Jerome 59 Mfg. Trust Co. Phoenix G. Trust 864 Michaels, C., Inc. 28 Midtown Equip. Co., Inc. 26 Miller & Van Winkle, Inc. 903 Miller, Sam A. 402 Miller, Sam A. 402 Milton, Michael 79 Miller, Catherine A 19 Miller, Homer D. 302 Minder, J., & Son, Inc 79 Minder, J., & Son, Inc 79 Minder, J., & Son, Inc 79 Miss. Sisters of St. Francis 67 Mitchell Rub. Weld. Process 61 Modern Glass Wks 28 Montague, L. J. 864 Moore Cottrell Subscription Ag. 81 Moore, G. C., & Co., Inc 79 Moran, James J. 302 Moran, James J. 302 Mostow, P. H. 56 Moscrip, Frances E. 28 Mostow, Hyman 28 Motta, S. F. 55 Mt. Sinai Hosp 67 Mullin, M. F. 25 Murphy, Raymond C. 864 Murphy, Felix 79 Mutual Glass Wks, Inc 402 Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N. Y 864 Mutual Glass Wks., Inc 61 Nadig, J. C., & Sons 28 Nagle, Ellen 864 Nash, Myles 79 Natl. Surety Corp. 27 Nat. Cash Reg. Co 11 Natl. Cylinder Gas Co 901 Natl. Surety Corp 59 Neu, Inc., John 79 Neverfail Rlty, Corp. 533 New Amsterdam Casualty Co 61 Newcomb Co., Inc., J. F. 79 Newcomb Co., Inc., J. F. 79 Newburgh Svg. Bank 864 News Syndicate Co. 864 Newtown Exempt Fire. Assn 81 Newcomb, James F., Co 734 Newberger & Co 28 New England Woodwkg. Co 28 New York University 59 Newell, Orr & Walsh, Inc 61 Nix, Jas. H. 402 Noel Agency, Inc. 864 Nordheim, Henry 63 Norwood Co., Inc. 84 Norwegian Lutheran Deaconesses 902 Norador Properties, Inc. 864 Noiseless Write Mach. Co 38 Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess 67 N. Y. Svgs. Bk. 864 N. Y. Brass Fdry. Co 901 N. Y. Univer. Inst. of Fine Arts 86 N. Y. Botanical Gardens 45 N. Y. Botanical Gardens 45 N. Y. Botanical Gardens 45 N. Y. Botanical Gardens 45 N. Y. Botanical Gardens 45 N. Y. Botanical Gardens 45 N. Y. Botanical Gardens 45 N. Y. Botanical Gardens 45 N. Y. Botanical Gardens 45 N. Y. Zoological Soc 46 N. Y. Zoological Soc 46 N. Y. Zoological Soc 46 N. Y. Zoological Soc 46 N. Y. Zoological Soc 46 N. Y. Zoological Soc 46 N. 4 Zoological Soc 46 N. Y. Zoological Soc 46 N. Y. Zoological Soc 46 N. Y. Zoological Soc 46 N. Y. Zoological Soc 46 N. Y. Zoological Soc 46 N. Y. Zoological Soc 46 N. Y. Tel. Co 13 N. Y. Armature Wks 28 N. Y. Seating Corp 28 N. Y. & Q. Elec. L. & P. Co 64 N. Y. Tel. Co 108 N. Y. Tel. Co 409 N. Y. Tel. Co 564 N. Y. Tel. Co 302 N. Y. Tel. Co 76 N. Y. Tel. Co 76

N. Y. C. Compt., as Tr. Sinking Fund

N. Y. C. Compt., as Tr. Sinking Fund

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.N. Y. C. Compt., as Tr. Sinking Fund

N. Y. C. Compt, as Tr. Sinking Fund

N. Y. C. Compt. as trust. Sink. Fund

N. Y. C. Trans. Bd. O'Brien, J. J. and Son O'Dwyer, William O'Dwyer, William O'Dwyer, William O'Halloran, John Det. 0. K. Elec. and Mach. Wks. O'Neill, Thos. O'Reilly, Peter O'Sullivan, kis. J. Oberwager, John Otter,,vd,ger, John O'Brien, Frank B., Bds. O'Connell, M. F. O'Connell, M. F. O'Connell, M. F. O'Connell, M. F. O'Connell, M. F. O'Connell, M. F. O'Connell, M. F. O'Connell, M. F. O'Connell, M. F. O'Connell, M. F. O'Connell, M. F. O'Connell, M. F. O'Connell, M. F. O'Connell, M. F. O'Connell, M. F. O'Connell, M. F. Ohio Chem. and Mfg. Co O'Leary Contr. Co. O'Leary Contg. Co. One Seventy Four Montague Rest Ortman, Lawrence J. Otis Elevator Co Overocker, Jeannette Overocker, Jeanette Oxygen Equip. Mfg. Co., Inc P. S. Pub. Co Pacifico, John Joseph Palumbo, Michael Parker, Blanche Peabody Seating Co. Pearwins Sons, Inc., A. Pearlman, Samuel Peckham Little and Co Peerless Film Pro. Corp. Peerless Iron Wks., Inc. Peiffer, P. Penn. R. R. Co Penn. R. R. Co. Penn. R. R. Co. Penn. R. R. Co. Pendelton, Raymond K. Pershing Sq. Bldg. Corp. Perosi & Bro., J. J. Perosi & Bro., J. J. Peterson, A. D. Co., Inc. Petit, Joseph F. Petit, J. F. Peterman, Frank Pfizer & Co., Inc., Chas. Pfeiffer, Elizabeth Phipps, Henry, Estates of Photostat Corp. Photostat Corp. Philps, H. A. Philps, Walter E. Phillips, Francis Det. Pilling, G. P. & Son Co. Pine Hill Crystal Spring Water. Pipe & Engr. Corp Pitt. Plate Glass Co Pilgrim Pt. Prod. Asg. Natl. Bx.

Bk. Pilgrim Pt. Prod. Asg. Natl. Bx.

Bk. Pine Hill Crystal Spring Water

Co Pioneer Fireproof Door Corp. Pitts. Plate Glass Co Pitts. Plate Glass Co Pitts. Plate Glass Co Pitts. Plate Glass Co. Pitts. Plate Glass Co Pittsburgh Equip. Meter Co. Plaza Typewriter Exchange

Postal, Harry Postmaster, N. Y. C. Postal Tel. Co. Postmaster Postmaster Postmaster, Bklyn. Postal Tel.-Cable Co Powers Reg. Co Prudential Ins. Co Pub. Serv., Columbia Ftr. asg. of Pub. Seating Serv., asg. of Col.. Purchase, Dept. of Queensboro Corp. Queensboro Corp. Queensboro Corp. Queensboro Corp. Queensboro Corp. Queensboro Corp. Queensboro Corp. Queensboro Corp. Queensboro Corp. Queensboro Corp. Queensboro Corp. Queens Co. Say. Bk. Queens Co. Say. Bk. Quigley, George L. Quigley, George L. Quinn, Elizabeth Quinn, Elizabeth Rabinowitz, Aaron, et al. Rabinowitz, Aaron, et al. Rabinowitz, Aaron, et al. Rabinowe Co., Inc., E. Rabinowe Co., Inc., E. Radio Printing Corp. Railway Express Agency, Inc. Ralston, Anna Martin, Dr. Raab, Frank Rabinowe & Co., Inc. E. Rabinoff, Sophie

Randazzo, Charles Railway Express Agency, Inc

Ray's Auto Ser. Rea, Ed. L. Regents Calif. University 31 Reid Wm.

11 Reid, Wm.

11 Reid, Wm.

11 Reinhold Pub. Corp

31 Reichmann, Louis

31 Reiman Hdwe.

79 Research Phar. Lab

79 Reynal & Hitchcock, Inc 31 Reynolds, T. W

15 Read & Co., Geo. 864 Read & Co., Geo. R. 864 Reading Elec. Co., Inc. 28 Real Est. Directory Co., Inc. Rea, Edward L. Recht, Est. of Carl F. Reichert, Harold J. Reichert, Harold J.

Reinhardt Engrg., asp. Mtm Factors

Reiner, Fred Remington-Rand, Inc. Remington-Rand, Inc. Remington-Rand, Inc. Remington-Rand, Inc. Reuter, Jr., Inc., Louis W. Rhode Island Tool Co Rialto Elec. Co, Inc. Ridgewood Say. Bk. Riekert, Edward G. Roberts, Anna D. Rockefeller Center, Inc. Roehm, Herbert C. Roehm, Herbert C. Rogers, Myles P. Romanoff Bros., Inc. Ronon Htg. Corp. Ronon Htg. Corp. Ronon Htg. Corp. Rosen, Julius Rossel, Marianne Rosenthal, Theodore Rothman Engrg. Co., asg. Linde

Factors Ruhle, Alex C. Sand Co., Inc., H Sand Co., Inc., H Sandifer, Clara A Sanborn Map Co Sanatorium, Trudeau Sayford Co., Inc., Frank M Saal, Henry Sackarts, Nick Salamander Grate Bar Co. Samuel Eliezer & Sons Scavone, John Schaer, Betty Schwaid, G., Blumenthal, L. & B. Schwaid, G., Blumenthal; L. & B. Schieffelin Co. Schad, Chas., Inc Schwartz, E., Plg. Sup. Co., Inc. Schneider, F., & Manns, L Schiff, Ida, & Rogers, Sid Schlossberg, Emma Schaffer, H Schmelz Bros. Schwarz, M. J. Schill, Marion M. Schill, Marion IL Scheidt, Harry J., Mrs. Scheidt, Harry J., Mrs. Schramm, Fred. C. Schaeffer, C. & Son, Inc. Schulz, Richard Schlosser, H. Corp. Schnittert, Walter Scientific Glass Apparatus Co.

59 564

864 864 864

28 864

81 79 10 10 28

903 28

864 56

864 734 864 864

79 79 56 56 56

864 864


224168 224242 224048 224049 224050 224243 224287 224639 224687 224223 224440 225248 225248 225406 225866 225870 225322 225290 225290

253 79 2 70 9 00

197 00 164 00 94 39 15 15 49 93 6 00 2 40

15 00 25 50 2

15 78 100 00 13322 5


29 1 0



225004 225647 225802 228 225


225118 225438 225783 225193 225776 224990 225273 225273 225640 225598 225199 225199 225199 225391 225775 225882

997 00 84 60

3,790 00 3 15

104 21 182

50 0600

84 142 00 14 41 10 00



57 1 30

23 00 71 00

125 00 150 00 88 00 8 75 2 80

15 10

28 225472 239 50

864 225725 2 42

28 224292 188 00

28 224328 247 00

864 224871 19 25

27 223960 27 25

81 223996 188 55

79 224535 6 25

28 225683 47 00

864 225745 12 58

28 225691 94 00 79 225595 807 04

864 225313 600

12 224185 344 50

533 224347 285 81 224347 266 38 79 224399 2220

79 224699 37 50

79 224707 162 20

864 224766 2 15 903 224924 1,100 00

81 225018 44 24

28 225182 24 00

56 225207 45 52

56 225203 10 00

864 225291 5 21

864 225291 22 16

864 225310 10 80

864 225310 30

864 225388 11 00

28 225405 80 00

64 225448 450 79 225593 483 89

61 224967 15 20

79 224400 100


Dept. Tickler No. No. Amount

Dept. Tickler No No. Amount

Dept. Tickler No. No. Amount Name of Payee Name of Payee Name of Payee

Scient. Glass Appar. Co 79 Scott, Foresman & Co 31 Scribner Book Store 31 Searle Co., G. D 79 Security Steel Equip. Corp. 79 Segall, L. Martin., M. D 902 Semon Bache Co 79 Sergio Rlty. Corp 533 Seaboard Glass Corp. 28 Security Steel Equip. Corp. 734 Security Steel Equip. Corp. 734 Selchow & Register Ca 28 Seymour, Walter H 12 Shaw, Julia, Est. of 533 Sheppard, Charlotte, Guardian 82 Shelton Holding Corp 864 Shiffman, Louis 79 Shorthand Reporting Co 12 Shave', M. 28 Shakin, Nathan 864 Sherry, James A. 38 Sherry, James A 38 S. I. Plate Glass Co. 28 S. I. Sup. Co. 28 Sibling Prop., Inc 864 Sicula Operating Corp 864 Siegel, M. 864 Signature Co. 10 Signature Co 734 Silvester, V., Inc. 38 Simons, Henry Clay 13 Simpson, Helen M., est. of 864 Simpson, Helen M., est. of. 864 Simensky & Levy Corp 79 Simons, C. C. Co 38 Simpson Roof & Ventil. Co., Inc. 61 Simpson Roof & Ventil. Co., Inc. 61 Singleton, George W 28 Singer, Morris 28 Singer Sew. Mach. Co. 61 Smith, Chas. 79 Smith & Gregory 79 Smith, Elizabeth D. 864 Smith, Arthur E 864 Smith, Harold I. 55 Smythe Donegan Co. 79 Smythe Donegan Co. 901 Socony Vacuum Oil Co 28 Socony Vacuum Oil Co 864 Socony Vacuum Oil Co. 901 Solomon, H 864 Solomon, H 864 Solomon Bros. 79 Sommerville, Isobel, Mrs. 864 Sontag, J. Sons 28 Sontag, J. Sons 56 Sorrieso, Angelo 864 South Bklyn. R. Co. 902 South Bklyn. R. Co 902 Spinrad, Abraham 102 Squibb, E. R. & Sons 79 St. Johns Lic. Hosp. 81 St. Dept. Information Co. 81 St. Christophers Sch. 67 Standard Scien. Sup. Corp. 28 Standard Register Co. 59 Standard Accident Ins. Co. 59 Steinhauser, Julius 402 Steffens, Winfield S. 79 Steen, J. A. 10 Stewart, R. A. & Co. 59 Steinway & Sons 842 Stolp Wire Works 28 Strickland Fdy. & Mach. Wks 79 Straus, Nathan 79 Stroh, Charles 59 Strusser, Harry 59 Street, H. J., Co 734 Sturges, Est. of Stephen 864 Sullivan, William A 54 Sunderman and Co 79 Sup. Shade and Awning Co., Inc. 28 Sup. Ptg. Ink Co., Inc 28 Sutherland, Kenneth 310 Systematic Cont. Co 56

28 225164 286 20 Voss Ice Mach. Wks., assignee of 864 224025 89 06 Murra 28 225468 335 00 31 224284 1 80 Voss Ice Mach. Wks 28 225651 65 00

864 225242 17 94 Wagner, Frank 864 225738 28 20 302 225945 7 00 Walter A. Gitter 56 225205 12 95 59 225856 110 00 Waltzer Elec. Co., asgn. T. B.

& T. 28 225435 273 00 28 225701 268 00 Waltzer Electric Co. 28 225436 194 00

864 225744 54 99 Waltzer Electric Co. 28 225440 198 00 902 225138 12 58 Walter, August 864 225752 45 54 79 224618 8 02 Warsawer, Sidney L. 864 225379 85 50

901 224080 217 85 Warren Fdg. & Pipe Corp. 38 225551 268 28 533 224809 506 78 Warden, Sing Sing Prison 901 225839 36 00 533 224362 57 Washington Irving Trust Co 864 225781 66 50 81 224362 53 84 Wasserstrom, Sidney 59 225886 27 22

902 224848 48 00 Water Supply, Gas & Elec. 901 225793 12 84 864 225318 36 00 Watson Elevator Co. 61 224950 70 00 79 225642 33 00 Waters, Peter J. 76 224993 1 00 56 225214 132 97 ‘Veinstein, Martyn N. 63 224144 25 00 79 225557 348 00 Weiss, J. 28 224294 70 00 79 224549 26 47 Weinblad, Charles R. 903 224929 2,559 86 79 224555 24 00 Welfare, Dept. of 60 224367 2 55

864 224749 25 10 Welfare, Dept. of 60 224374 49 71 864 224749 2,360 00 Weldox Equip. Co. 79 224682 2 40 79 225559 6 00 Weldox Equip. Co. 79 224682 15 40 61 225349 30 00 Westinghouse Eke. Mfg. Co.... 901 224063 207 25 61 225351 20 00 Westinghouse Elec. Mfg. Co.... 901 224090 144 11 79 225561 14 85 Western Union Teleg. Co 564 224172 2 65

842 224997 13 50 Western Union Teleg. Co 564 224173 5 66 903 225114 317 13 Westchester County Pub. Welfare 60 224368 25 45 901 225824 12 68 Westchester County Pub. Welfare 60 224369 12 72 903 225073 868 86 Westchester County Pub. Welfare 60 224371 8 48 903 225074 20,400 42 West Puhg. Co. 79 224559 10 00 902 225139 1,693 11 Western Union Teleg. Co. 902 224854 1 54 71 225504 2,588 10 Weiss, J. 28 225181 45 00 71 225505 11 20 Weiss, Bernard 864 225306 56 40 38 225506 577 53 Weil, M. 25 225342 16 25 38 225507 166 41 Weiss, Bernath 864 225374 34 22 79 225571 9 99 Weiss, Bernath 864 225374 1 53 79 225643 50 00 Weiner, E., asgn. Teicher, F. 28 225681 72 00 79 225565 10 65 Weinstock, T. 864 225729 4 69

302 225958 10 00 Weksler Therm. Corp 28 225425 3 50 864 225319 2 57 Westwood, Sarah E. G. 864 225270 11 41 302 225918 5 10 Westwood, Sarah E. G. 864 225270 1 30 61 224972 27 50 West, John B. 59 225888 28 65

864 225724 2 13 West, John B. 59 225888 55 864 225304 23 52 White and Sons, Wm. A. 864 224040 69 64 225450 1 70 White and Sons, Wm. A 864 224040 59 00 79 225646 4 15 White Sanitary Wet Wash 99 11050 4,184 13 Laundry 533 224360 1 82 79 224532 21 80 White Sanitary Wet Wash 79 224532 11 65 Laundry 81 224360 170 01 64 224429 176 38 Whiting Paper Co. 79 224623 17 13

224554 6 64 Whiting, Wm. H. and Co 864 224903 74 61 224885 6 00 Whiting, Wm. H. and Co. 864 224903 2 58

28 225185 73 00 Whit, John C. 864 225308 45 66 864 225377 6 00 Williams, Joseph V 864 225269 21 62 864 225377 32 Williams, Joseph V 864 225269 4 40 28 225409 7 08 Wolburg, Morris 864 225380 270 00 79 225560 34 00 Wolff, Lena D. 864 225385 15 75

901 225828 61 74 Woodside Natl. Bank 864 225268 766 88 28 225408 13 50 Woodside Natl. Bank 864 225268 56 46

901 224058 1,000 00 World Steel Corp. 864 225317 65 10 864 225383 603 00 Woyke & Bro., M. E. 56 225200 300 00 79 225556 11 51 Woyke & Bro., M. E. 56 225200 400 00 79 225572 2 55 Woyke & Bro., M. E. 28 225434 165 00 55 225791 1,162 00 Yawman & Erbe Mfg. 28 225176 118 65

836 225817 2 05 Zimbalit, Alma Gluck, Est. of 864 225246 22 74 61 224978 16 55 Zucker, Jacob 79 225596 5 58 26 225057 189 75 Zucker, Jacob 79 225597 21 63 26 225058 104 01 11th Ave. and 46th St. Corp 533 224815 1,945 58 54 225849 143 62 115 W. 45th St. Corp. 864 224041 2 54

903 225115 236 38 115 W. 45th St. Corp. 864 224041 243 00 903 225116 360 15 12 28 Lukowsky, R. L. . 63 224106 25 00

79 225644 33 00 17 East 49th, Inc. 864 224788 20 08 25 225341 14 00 17 East 49th, Inc. 864 224788 34 28 225412 3 00 475 5th Ave. Corp. 864 224899 409 91 59 225884 51 50 510 W. 124th, Inc. 864 224037 146 50 59 225885 121 35 510 W. 124th, Inc. 864 224037 146 50 59 225893 17 80 510 W. 124th, Inc. 864 224037 145 00 59 225894 47 95 510 W. 124th, Inc. 864 224037 295 00

864 225765 7 65 843 Rlty. Corp. 864 224781 22 32 864 225765 49 170 E. 77th St. Realty Corp. 864 225387 23 06 79 225607 1 38 104 E. 40th St., Inc. 864 225245 177 44

224689 2 40 224281 1 85 224282 1 75 224401 16 47 224691 33 60 224842 8 00 224414 3 00 224795 831 99 225162 85 65 225015 54 28 225016 826 40 225414 96 40 225965 375 00 224812 96 08 224458 41 54 224783 125 25 224412 1 70 224186 17 25 225161 78 62 225311 1 50 225218 149 02 225218 12 25 225656 71 43 225657 89 11 224881 46 25 224879 36 00 224791 9 51 225805 583 64 225807 150 00 225909 54 00 225223 4 65 225294 906 225294 197 65 225608 1,168 77 225911 460 224951 948 00 224955 987 00 225420 900 225655 107 50 224947 53 75 225641 23 00 225574 567 59 225750 14 10 225763 117 41 225907 2 50 225562 1 15 225826 13 96 225463 460 68 225782 125 00 225820 95 94 225376 12 00 225376 63 225591 4,417 86 225389 11 38 225177 17 00 225213 12 30 225386 900 225120 4,895 20 225121 4,720 00 225362 940 225553 6 59 225026 103 50 225036 25 00 225267 1,725 00 225403 250 225857 33 225897 9


225258 225592 225803 225858 224998



3 225564 225859 225883 224982 225381 225850 225570 225154 225419 225346 225197

Szerlips, William, Sons Tancredi, Henry C. Taylor, Alex. & Co. Inc. Taddiken, Paul G. Taelman, E. A Teachers College Terminal Iron Wks., assignee of

Murray Tewes, Emma Texas Co Tension Env. Corp. Texas Co. Textile Crafts Building, Inc. Thompson, Paul Thompson, Paul Thompson, Sydney E. Theiling, Joseph, Est. of Thearle, Reginald Thompson and Sons, Jas Thompson, Edward, Co. Timken Roller Bearing Co. Tisch, Chas., Inc. Tishman Rlty. & Const. Co. .... Tishman Rlty. & Const. Co. Tiemann, George, and Co Timm, John A Timm, John A Todd Combustion Equip. Tooker, J. H., Litho. Co Topping Bros Topping Bros Transp., Bd. of Transp., Bd. of Traction Sup. and Equip. Co Treas. of U. S Treas. of U. S Treas. of U. S Treas. of U. S Tremont Hardware Co Treacy, Jas Troy Laundry Mach. Div Trost, Slavoy Tuerk, Victor Tursellino, Maurice Tvestmann, R. Tyet Realty Co Underwriters Trust Co Underhill Hand Laundry Underwood Eliott Fisher Co Union Railway Co. Union Stove Wks., Inc. Union Stove Wks., Inc. United Meter Ser. Co.

Union Special Machine Co..... 79 United Title and Mtge. Co 864 Union Roofing Co United Asso. Homes, Inc United Asso. Homes, Inc Universal Mus. Inst. Co Union Iron Works Unity Sanitary Sup. Co Universal Society, Inc U. S. Wk. Projects Adm. U. S. Trust Co U. S. Vitamin Corp U. S. Slicing Mach. Co

86 20 U S., Treas. of 688 66 U. S. Elec. Sup. Co

7 70 U. S. Slicing Mach. Co 1 70 Valentino, Eric

25 00 Valentine, Carlo 110 00 Valentine, Lewis J

I 89 Van Dorn Railway Sup. Co 1 60 Van Dorn Railway Sup. Co. 7 00 Vasquez, Alfonso

37 4 37 215 Vinticinquo, P 47

Vocational Service for Jr

81 00 Vock, Herbert J 20 00 Vock, Herbert J 15 05 Vock, Herbert J

342 0 00 0 rV7oo Vock, E , Herbert 32 12 Vogt, E


153 00 Von Damm, F. H


Abstract of Transactions for Week Ended November 16, 1940

Claims Filed Contracts, Supplies, Etc.: Rao Electrical Equipment Co., Inc., additional cost on

contract—Parkway lighting; N. S. Low Company Inc., balance due on contract—Ampules dextrose solution furnished; Garfield Electrical Supply Company, Inc., reel not returned on contract 131510; J. C. McElroy Company, Inc., balance, due on contract 132119—Iron and steel furnished for use in landscaping Tillary st., etc., Bklyn.

Personal Injury : Jule Sternberg, Arcadia Briganty, jack Grimaldi, Adm., Sadye W. Manne, Pearl Lebovitz, Billie Banberger, Edward L. Weiner, Irene Weisfeld, Abraham Weisfeld, Allen Roberts, Morris A. Roberts, Sandra Samberg, Elizabeth Donahue, Marie Strel, Fritz Strel, Elizabeth Tammaro, Jacqueline Bartels, Charles Bartels, Renee Weber, Democlia Agloupas, Ruby Warren, Joseph Bernstein, Louisa Castore, Michele Castore, Annie and Philip Chenkin, Elsie and George C. Sondergaard, Paul Costa, Mae Galasso, Kathryn A. King, Nick Farrace, Goldie Davidoff, Max Davidoff, Florence E. Ahner, Margaret L. Pettengill, Julia Shapelsky, Joseph A. Lockhart and Laura J. and Andrew J. Cuccia.

Damages to Personal Property: Rose Barrett, clothing; Reliance Hand Laundry, truck; Ira Levy, Ramon E. Basora, Mary E. Carter, Esther Antman, Frederick Coonley, Eugene Brickus, Weitzman Shoe Company, Ernest Calardo, Morton Jacobson, Louis Kantrowitz, auto; Adolph Gobel, Inc., truck ; Morris Feinthal, Adm., Louis Gunsher, Anna Tesler, General Exchange Insurance Corp., Denis J. Tims, Florence J. Jackson and Jack Corin, auto.

Damages to Real Property : John Daniel and another, trustees ; Doctor White Memorial Catholic Settlement Assoc., Inc. ; Sue Belowsky.

Refund: Kew Gardens Syndicate, Inc., William Levy, Dorn & Winter, Nedick's Stores, Inc., B. & B. Clothes Shop, Inc., Charles Pesaniello, Mitchell D. Schweitzer, Lawrence H. Levinson.

Services: Blanche La Palma, Jacob Blum, Louis Miller, Michael J. La Rosa, Wil-liam B. Farrell, Ethel I. Lindsay and Martin J. Bergen.

Admiralty : Petrie Transportation Company, Inc. Liquidated Damages : James F. Newcomb Company, Inc., contract 135149. Advance Payments on Awards : Willard Paste & Glue Company, Inc., Charles A.

Aspiotis and another, Prospect Realty Company, Anthony Napoleone, Joseph McCarthy,

Jonas Auto Supply Company, Inc., James Bamunudo, Mike and Anna Moishenk and Eugene Scalesse.

Local Law : Monroe F. Lenetz. Claims Disallowed

Services : William J. Cook, Lawrence Clifford, Frank Gormley and Harry L. Edelson.

Personal Injury : Sam Feirstein. Damages to Real Property: M. Steinhardt; Consolidated Edison Co. of N. Y., Inc. Damages to Personal Property : Otto H. Taub and Claire Worman, auto ; John

Katopodes, clothing; James R. Ashley, Robert Hensinger and Murray H. Yachmin, auto; Henry G. Morewood, water main break.

Affirmative Claims Paid Rae Novick, damages to traffic light ; Victor Brill, damages to fence ; N. Y. C.

Omnibus Corp., damages to tree ; Gladys M. Mitchell, Florence Henry, Ben Franklin Transp. Co., Third Ave. R. R. System, Louis Sole and Angelo Costagliola, auto; Acme Water Wks. Co., shut off water ; Acme Water Wks. Co., shut off water main ; Salvatore Zangara, excavating tap; T. Scalere, Reuben Daub, Weber Holding Corp. and R. E. Halleran Agency, leak; Gold Medal Farms Co., Helen Duffy, James MacLeod and John P. Lillus, damages to stanchion ; Robert C. Pagano, damages to light.

Claims Allowed Contracts, Supplies, Etc.: Afgo Engineering Corp., work done at Sea Tiew

Hospital. Damages to Real Property : Gresham Realty Co., Inc. Services : George M. Fullum, Eugene D. Grun and four others, Arthur C. Katz,

John P. Byrne. Refund : Abraham S. Jaffer. Damages to Personal Property : G. & T. Coal Co., truck ; Milton Hammer and

Guadalupe Ruiz, auto; John C. Hewitt, eyeglasses, etc.; Margaret H. Corrigan, auto. Personal Injury: Viola Katz, Thomas Armano, Inez Dickens, John C. Fredell, Jr.,

Rose M. Hopkins, Charlotte Horowitz, Pearl Ribner, Aaron Ribner, Anthony Urso and Salle Sackin.

Affirmative Claims Paid August Eberhardt, damage to auto.

Affirmative Claims Filed Gertrude Murray, damage to auto; Douglas Crockett, damage to fire alarm post;

Edward Brown, rent; Eleanor Ricciardella, Alfred Cairno, Malvern Fitz, Robert Klein and Michael Colucci, damage to•auto ; Al Kurzon, damage to truck ; Leon Unterman,


Holtzman, Attendants at 50 cents an hour, Nov. 24.

Died —Bridget M. Hughes, Cleaner at $4.50 a day, Nov. 18. James E. Callan, Climber and Pruner at $6 a day, Nov. 19.

Brooklyn-Municipal Bldg TR iangi 5-7100 Queens-90-33 Sutphin blvd., Jamaica

RE public 9-1916 Richmond-Borough Hall SA intGeo 7-1955

9 a. to 4 p. m.; Sat. to 12 noon. ESTIMATE, BOARD OF-

Secretary's Office, Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4560

Rea/ Estate, Bureau of, Municipal Bldg , Manh'n WO rth 2-5600

FINANCh, DEPARTMENT OF- Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-1200

City Collections, Bureau of- Manhattan-Municipal Bldg WO rth 2-1200 Bronx-Trent. & Arthur aves TR emnt 2-6000 Brooklyn-Municipal Bldg.- TR iangl 5-7100 Queens-120.55 Queens blvd., Kew

Gardens BO ulenrd 8-5000 Richmond-Borough Hall- .GI braltr 7-1000

Emergency Revenue Division- 50 Lafayette at., Manh'n WO rib 2-4780

FIRE DEPARTMENT- Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4100

Brooklyn-Municipal Bleg TR iangl 5-8340 GENERAL SESSIONS, COURT OF-

Centre and Franklin sta., Manh'n WO rth 2-6424

Probation Dept. WO rth 2-6632 Clerk's office open 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.•

Saturday* to 12 noon. Court opens at 10 a. m.

HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF- 125 Worth O., Manh'n WO rth 2-6900

Bronx-191$ Arthur ave. TR mud 8-6320 Bldyn.-295 Flatbush ave. extension..

TR iangl 5-9400 Queens-146-15 Archer aye., Jamaica

RE public 9-1200 Richmond-51 Stuyvesant Pl.. St. George


695 Park ave., Manh'n RE gent 7-4131 HOSPITALS, DEPARTMENT OF-

125 Worth at., Maiden WO rth 2-4440 HOUSING AND BUILDINGS-

Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-5600 Bronx-851 Cr. Concourse... rome 6-3941 Brooklyn-Municipal Bldg TR iangl S-7100 Queens-120-55 Queen.. blvd., Kew

Gardens BO nlevard 8-500 Richmond--Borough Hill GI braltr 7-1000

INVESTIGATION, .DEPARTMENT OF- 2 Lafayette st., Manh'n WO rth 2-2300 LAW DEPARTMENT-

Mankind Bldg.. Maiden. rth 1-4600 Brooldyn-Minucipal Bldg Ti Magi 5-6330 Queens-Sutphin blvd. and 88th ave.,

Jamaica JA ms ca 6-1234 LICENSES, DEPARTMENT 01'-

105 Walker st., blank's' CA nal 6-2400 Brooklyn--Muiricipal Bldg. TR iangl 5-7100 Richmond-Borough Haff GI braltr 7-1000

MAGISTRATES' COURTS- General Office, 300 Mulberry at., Manh'n

CA nal 6-6500 Brooklyn Office-Municipal Bldg. TR iangi 5-7100

Clerke office@ open 9 a. in. to 4.30

gyp.p. Saturdays to 12 noon. Saturdays

Week End Felony,

Night and Week End Courts, are open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., ex-cept Saturdays, Sundays and holi-days. The Women's and Felony Courts are open from 9 a. m. to 4 P. except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, when only morning sessions are held. The Night Courts are in session from 6 p. m. to 11

Eoumits every night. The Week End

are in session Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 9 a. m. to 12 noon.

Dist. Mankottos 2-425 6th ave. GR storey 7-4467 3-2d ave. and 2d at GR mercy 5-0296 4-151 E. 57th st VO halter 5-0442 5-121st st. and Sylvan p1.....LE high 4-3535 7-314 W. 54th st. c't) lumbus 5-4630

12-455 W. 151st et. ED geoomb 44429 Commercial Frauds-52 Chambers st.

Co rdnd 7-4763 Felony-12 Franklin at WO rth 2-2133 Hoodcide-301 Mott et. CA net 6-6500 Municipal Term-42 Chambers at

CO rtlnd 7-4763 Night Court for Men-314 W. 54th st.

Pranticm-300 MAury st 6-450, co gaz 5-4630

Traffic (Lower)-401 Mod d 6-65410 Traffic (Upper)-453 W. 1SIst st,

ED gems& 4-3700 Week End Court (East Side)-151 E.

57th st. VO hmter 5-0442 Week End Court (West Side)-3l4 W.

54th st. CO hulks 5-4630 Wounes-425 6th see GR away 7-4421

damage to stanchion; Michael Cavallaro and Sophie Lipeher, damage to auto; A. W. A. D'Angelo Co., damage to window; Ernest Klein, damage to bench; Ernest Wietzerrek, damage to bridge ; Theodore Borsella and Irving Baras, damage to railing ; Pincus Rosen- berg, William Goldman and Thomas J. Drummy, damage to tree; Archduke Felix, damage to fence; R. & M. Collins, excavating tap.

J. DeVito and Jacob A. Fine, excavating tap; C. Spellman, W. H. Feist and Mr. Handy, leak ; Park Plaza Auto Renting Co., damage to hydrant; Richard Silverstein, damage to post ; Philip Frietag, damage to wall ; Charles C. Thompson, damage to lamp-post; Charles A. Culley, damage to truck ; Capital Coat & Apron Supply Co., damage to pumping engine; Ira Gilbert and another, damage to hydrant; Charles Teichman and Charles C. Townsend, damage to lamppost; Surface Transportation System, damage to hydrant; Gold Medal Farms, Inc., damage to truck; Nellie Cholewka, damage to light; Mildred Holl, damage to truck ; Bertha H. Hubner, damage to signal light; Lawrence Garnache, damage to auto; Winston Gibson, damage to light, Sadie Koenigsberg, damage to stanchion.

Community Realty Co., excavating and shutting off tap; Josephine Piazza, damage to fire alarm post base; Mr. Fox, excavating, etc.; James Conannon, damage to fire alarm post; Aaron Cohen, damage to bench; Edward Farrell, damage to pole; Marty Sampson and Sherman Graves, damage to fence; Clara Sacco, damage to post ; Earl Rosenthal, damage to fire alarm cable; Harris Structural Steel Co., damage to fire alarm circuit; Drug Delivery Service, Inc., damage to rail ; Henry Bruyntjes, damage to tree, etc.; Elwin L. Taber, damage to fence.

Orders, Etc. Filed Certified Copies of Orders: Paul Joachim (4), John Cosgrove (2), Richard E.

Weldon (2), Rose Gottlieb (2), Home Owners Loan Corp (2), Jessie Clark, Ruth E. Goldberg, C. J. Marasio, Lewis Goldinger, William Paige, Meyer Alterman, Samuel Stern, N. H. Lindenhauer, Charles Dewer, Charles J. Masone, Bessie Bigler, Paul Seiderman, Mary Ensweig, Ira Maier, Jeanne P. Maromier, John Catti, Mario J. Cari-ello, Peter T. Farrell, Albert Sorrentino, Adrian P. Burke, Margaret Martarello, Dennis McInerney, Viola Sommers, Celia Englander, Greener Peecook & Buck, Laurence McGee, Esther Marshal, Louise M. Percival, Mary Savino, Fiorentina Palladino, Modan Holding Corp., Loumar Building Corp., John L. Armstrong, Six Van Pelt St. Corp., Inc., 243 Corp., William P. Thomas, Douglaston Hose Co. No. 1, Provident Trust Co. of Philadelphia.

Offers Re Certiorari Taxes: Sarden Units, Inc. (4), London Terrace, Inc. (4), Lawrence C. Stix (4), George A. Molleson (4), Peck & Peck, Inc. (3), The Virginia Hotel (3), New York Life Insurance Co. (3), Helen Van Norden (3), Naim Corp. (3), Merle G. Elliott (3), Fair Deal Properties, Inc. (2), The Lambs (2), Lefrak Amuse-ment Corp. (2), National City Bank of New York (2), Lawyers Title & Guarantee Co. (2), 50th St. Associate, Inc. (2), 12 East 44th St. Corp., Jacob ICrimsky, Grace Walker, Manufacturers Trust Co., Central Hanover Bank & Trust Co., Bowery Savings Bank, Helen S. Satterlee, Jacob Goldberg, Molleson . Realty Co., Blervie Corp., Curtis Corp., 77th St. & West End Avenue Corp., Berry St. Garage, Inc., Dumbra Realty Corp., Maples-Kissena Realty Corp., H. L. & M. Corp., Adele Kneeland, Cortland Properties, Inc., Rose Rankovic, Manderken Building Co., N. I. B. Construction Corp., Simmons Apartments, Inc., Esther Pearlman, New York Title & Mortgage Co., Berjam Realty Co., Inc.

Judgments : Rose Harrig, Helen Crook, Florence T. Donovan, Anaslas Doulgeris, Joaephine Lasewicki, Zigmund Victor, Katherine Szandrowsky, Harold Purssell, Morris M. Seide, Second Avenue R. R. Corp., Alice Dugan and James Sinko.

Summons : Russell S. McEnaney. Bill of Costs : Joseph Baldwin. Petitions : Manufacturers Trust Co., E. Hennessy and George B. Keller.

Approval of Sureties Board of Higher Education (Hunter College)—Contract 39, group 3—projection ap-

paratus: Gerrish-Padgett Corp., New Amsterdam Casualty Co., Surety. Department of Hospitals—Desks, etc. for Bellevue Hospital : Equipment & Furniture

Corp., American Surety Co., Surety. Beds, etc., Bellevue Hospital : Equipment & Fur-niture Corp., American Surety Co., Surety.

Opening of Proposals President, Borough of Brooklyn—Furnishing and delivering materials in various loca-

tions for construction of sewers. Rented equipment for above. Department of Docks—Contract 2295—construction of a new pile platform between

51st and 52d sts., upper New York Bay, Bklyn., class 1, construction of a new pile plat-form. Class 2, dredging and disposal of material.

Higher Education (Brooklyn College)—Furnishing and delivering printed pamphlets for Brooklyn College.

Department of Purchase—Printing and binding pamphlets, bulletins and other printed materials. Calendar pads and stands, diaries and date books. Trees (50 ft. elms and 22 ft. oaks). Laboratory animals. Cotton blankets and bedspreads. Furnishing and delivering, ruling, printing and binding of blank books.

President, Borough of Queens—Furnishing and delivering the following at 57th ave. between Queens and Junction blvd.: No. 1, materials; No. 2 construction equipment. Regulating and repaving with sheet asphalt as follows : 3, 150th st. from Hillside to Jamaica ave.; 4, Baxter ave. from Roosevelt ave. to 82d st.; 5, 46th st between 30th rd. to 31st ave. ; 6, from Belt pkway. to a point 2,000 feet south thereof ; 7, Saunders st from 63d dr. to 64th rd.

President, Borough of Richmond—Repaving with bituminous concrete pavement road-ways of Charles ave. from Richmond to Sharpe ayes., etc.

Department of Sanitation—Drydocking, scraping, scaling, cleaning, painting, etc. the hulls of D. S. steel hopper barges. Contracts 1 to 9 inclusive.

Board of Transportation—Furnishing and installing additional drainage equipment in pump chambers and pumps at 40th st. and 8th ave., 108th st. and Central Park West, etc. of New York City Transit System (Independent Division) Manhattan.

Triborough Bridge Authority—For Belt pkway—Pedestrian overpass and alteration to B.M.T. structure, contract E-6.

JOHN W. HASLETT, Secretary to the Department.

Poke Department Report for Week Ended Nov. 23, 1940

Nov. 19

John Shell, 84th Precinct, Nov. 15; Adolph J. Thompson, 19th Precinct Nov. 17 ; John Alafberg, Jr., Traffic Precinct P, Nov. 18; George H. Hinds, 73d Precinct, Nov. 15; Herbert R Hoffleit, 79th Precinct, Nov. 30.

num: Peter P. Cahill, 24th Precinct, Nov.

Manhattan Borough Detectives, Nov. 30. 15 ; Thomas H. Kennelly: 18th Division,

Retired—Patrolmen at $1,500 per annum:

Retired—Lieutenants at $2,000 per an-

Nov. 20 Died—Paul G. Kastner, Patrolman, 18th

Precinct, Nov. 19. Nov. 22

Reward Granted-The following member of the force with no deductions therefrom: Detective Edward Larkin, 18th Division, $20 from British General Insurance Co., Ltd., for recovery of a valuable camera.

Changes in Departuenb, Etc. LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Com-missioner.

President, Borough of The Bronx Report for Week Ended Nov. 23, 1940 Vouchers amounting to $89,502.49 were

transmitted to the Comptroller for audit and payment.

Money Received—For sewer connections, $50 ; restoring and repaving, $1.132.09 ; re-demption of incumbrances, 5.57; sale of maps, $10.40; total $1,198.06.

Permits Issued —Sewer connections and

repairs, 15 ; water connection and repairs, 45; gas mains and repairs, 49; construction of subways, 3; material on street, 2; cross-ing sidewalk with truck, 3; miscellaneous permits, 124 ; renewals, 33 ; total 274.

Laboring Force Employed—Mechanics, 132; Inspectors, 18; total 150.

JAMES J. LYONS, President.

Departmeat of Water Supply, Gu and Cedric*

Report for Week Ended Nov. 16, 1940 Collections—Bureau of Water Register,

all Boroughs, $6,607.85. Appointed—Christine Greb, 253 Northern

blvd., Little Neck, L. I., Typewriting Copy-ist at $960 per annum.

Died—Charles C. Weismantel, Laborer. WILLIAM H. CORREALE, Deputy

and Acting Commissioner.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS Transferred — Peter Linden, Laborer at

$1,620 per annum to President, Borough of Queens, and salary fixed at $1,500 per an-num, Nov. 16.

Retired — William J. Maher, Laborer, effective Dec. 18.

Services Ceased—Carl J. Amato, Laborer at $1,620 per annum, Nov. 15. Attendants at $4 a day: Martin M. Rosen, Nov. 11; Paul J. Leone, Nov. 15; Anthony B. Ruf-fino, Nov. 15. Morris Cantor and Sidney

OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Unless otherwise stated, City dikes we

Men from f a. m. to 6 p. at.; Saturdays to 11 noon; County Oakes, S a. mi. to 4 p. as.; Saturdays to 11 noon.

ARMORY BOARD- Municimil Bldg, Manh'n WO rth 2-1330

ART COMMISSION- City Hall, Manh'n CO 'dud 7-1191

ASSESSORS, BOARD OF- Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-3630

BRONX, PRESIDENT OF- 851 Grand Concourse ;Stowe 6-3941

BROOKLYN, PRESIDENT OF- Borough Hall TR Magi 5-7100

Highways and Sewers. Mtmicipal Bldg. TR tang 5-7100

CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER- 125 Worth et, Manh'n WO rth 2-3711

Open all hours of day and right Bronx-850 Walton ave JR tune 74642

Open 9 a. m. to S p. m. every day. Brooklyn-Municipal Bldg. .'

iangl 5-9251

Open all hours of day and sight.. Queens-88-11 Sutphin blvd., Jamaica..

JA mica 6-1640 Open 9 a. ni. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays,

Sundays and holidays to 12 now. Richmond - Police Headquarters Bldg.,

St. George GI kdtr 7-0007 Open et.; Saturdays

to 12 noon; to

dosepd Sundays and

CHILDIV&ARE. BOARD OF- 52 Chambers at.. Maiden CO rand 7-5210

CITY CLERK- Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4430 Bronx-177th at and 3d ave.-Titania 8-2204 Brooklyn-Mtmicipel Bldg. TR lane 5-7100 Queenr-Sutphin blvd. and 88th ave.,

Jamaica RE public 9-1694 Richmond-Borough Hall GI Waft 7-1000

CITY COURT- Bronx-851 Grand Concourse...J11 rams 6-6915 Kings-120 Schermerhorn st mbrind 6-6070 New York County-Old Comity Court

House, 52 Chambers at. CO rtlnd 7-6264 Queener-Sutphin blvd. and nth ave.

„Tamales JA males 6-2410 Richmond - 66 Lafayette are, New

Brighton GI kalif 7-6210 Clerks' offices open 9 a. to. to 4 p. m.,

Sat. to 12 neon. Courts open at 10 a. m. General and commercial calendars called at 9.45 a. m.

CITY EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM- Municipel Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4566

CITY .PLANNING COMMISSION_ munitoBldt.. Maslen WO rth 2-3600

CITY RECORD, THE- Municipal Bldg, Manh'n WO rth 2-3490

COMMERCE, _14PARTMENT OF- 60 BwaY., Mankta WH itehl 3-7575

COMPTROLLER, OFFICE OF- Munich* Bldg, Manh'n WO rth 2-1200

CORRECTION, DEPARTMENT OF- 139 Centre st.. Manh'n CA nal 6-1390

COUNCIL- Civ Hall, Manh'n CO rtlnd 74770

Clara Office, Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4430

President's Office, City Hall. Manh'n CO mind 7-6770

COUNTY CLERKS- Bronx-851 Grand Cancotirse g tome 04400 Kings-Hall of Retards iang 34780 N. Y.-County Court Howe.... WO rth 2-6114 Queens Sutphin blvd. and 38th ave.,

Jamaica JA males 6-2607 Rich.-Cotmty Court House.. SA intGeo 7-1106

COUNTY COURTS-Courts open at 10 a. m.

Bronx-451 Grand Concourse JE some 7-8963 Kings-120 Sebermerborn st. MA in 44301 Queens-County Court House, L. I. C.

ST ilwel 4-7525 Rich.--County Court House- .GI braltr 7-7500

DISTRICT ATTORNEYS- Bronx-851 Grand Concoune JE rome

9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Sat. to 12 noon. Kinge-Municipal Bldg TR hang

9 a. re. to 5 p. m.; Sat. to 12 noon. N. Y.-137 Centre st. CA nal

9.30 a. m. to 6pn; Sat. to 1p. m. Queens-County Court Howe,

STihCs 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Sat to 12 noon.

Rich.-County Court Howe GI braltr 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Sat. to 12 noon.

DOCKS DEPARTMENT OF- Pier 'IA," North River, Man WH held

DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT- 135 E. 22d st., Manh'n AI gooqn

adldren's Court Division-Manhattan-135 E. 22d st...ALdormn Bronx-1111 Gr. Concourse.. rotne Bklyn.-111 Sebermerhorn st lane Queeno-

amaica10544 Union HaIljAst iea males _J

Riehmand-100 Richmond ter., St. George SA intGeo

Haring of cases begins at 10 a. m. Family CAurt Division-

Manhattan-135 E. 22d at- AL Bra m-1111 Gr. Concourse.. roam Bklyn.-327 Sehermerliorn st. iangl Qu l eenama-ica105-34 Union Hall IA m st.,

ales Rielnnand-100 Richmond ter., St.


110 Livingston et, Bklyn MA In ELECTIONS, BOARD OF-

400 Broome st., Manh'n CA nil Bronx-Tremont and 3d aves...TReomt








4-1900 7-9100 5-8611



4-1900 7-9800 5-9778




1-1186 6-2600

Dist Bronx I-161st st. and 3d ave. ME hoes 54466 2 and 3-161st et. and 3d ive..ME hose 5-3670 Fdcmy-16Ist st. and 3d ave...ME irose 5-3466 Homicide-161st st. & 3d ave..ME hoes 5-1951 Municipal Term-161st et. and 3d ave.

ME hose 5-1958 Probation -161st st. & 3d ave..111 Iron 5-2345 Trak-161st st and 3d aye- ME Irons 5-1958

Dist Brooklyn 5-Williamsburg Bridge Plaza-EV era= 7-2503 7-25 Snyder ave. BU ekmnstr 2-1506 11-2963 W. 8th st. CO neyIs 6-0013 9-43d at. and 4th ave. WI tido 5-0381

10-127 Peansylvania ave.....AP *gate 6-8606 Addescent-31 Snyder ave BU demi* 3-3516 Felony-120 Sehermerhorn_ .41.— MA in 4-0216 Municipal Term-120 Sehermerhorn st.

TR lane 5-42 Night Court-4S Snyder ave.

20 BU dmmstr 3-1506

Probation-Ilnmicipal Bldg TR lane 5-7100 Traffic-1005 Bedford

soave. MA la 2-2904

Traffic (2)-49S Gates ave. MA in 2-1214 Week End Court-25 Snyder ave.

Dist Queens BU dualists 2-1506

. 1-County Court Howe. L. I. City...

II amides 6-9009 2-Town Hall, Flushing FL ushing 9-02211 3-90th at, Far Rockaway. BE Illfrbr 5-0125 Fdony-Chaffee et. and Catalpa ave.,

Glendde moan 343 Traffic-Town Hall. jamalea...JA

HE males 6-0311


Richmond Central-Bement and Casdeton ayes.,

West New Brighton PO rtRich 7-5712 Traffio-67 Targee st, Stapleton


Municipal Bldg.Manh's WO rib 24600 MARKETS, DEPARTMENT OF-

139 Centre at.. Manh'n CA nal 6-2810 MAYOR'S OFFICE-

City Hall, *mien CO riled 7-1000 MUNICIPAL BROADCASTING SYSTEM-

Munici* Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-5600 MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COM'N-

299 Broadway, Manh'n CO rand 748150 MUNICIPAL COURTS-

Office of the President Justice, 8 Reale st., WO rth 2-1400

Office hours: 1.45 a. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays to 12 noon.

Dist Madmen. 1-1 Rade st WO rth 3-1475 2-264 Iladiaon st OR ehrd 44800 3-314 W. 54th it CO lambs 5-1772


Appointed—Charlotte R. Youngerman, 1667 Sterling pl., Bklyn., Clerk at 840 per annum, Bureau of Highways and Sewers, Dec. 1.




4-327 E. 38th at CA ledonia S-9431 5-2565 Broadway RI versde 9-4006 6-155 E. 88th at SA amento 2-7878 7-447 W. 151st st. AU dubn 3-5410 8-170 E. 121st at LE high 4-5590 9-624 Madison ave VO hinter 5-3150

10-107 W. 116th at MO numnt 2-4340 Central jury and Non-Jury Parts and 8 Reade st.. WO rth 2-1400 Small Claims Part

Brost 1-1400 Williamsbridge rd-.UN drhil 3-6100 2-Washington ave.. 162d st...ME lrose 5-3041 Central Jury and Small Claims Parts,

Washington ave. and 162d st.ME lrose S-3041 Brooklyn

1-120 Schermerhorn st TR iangl 5-2052 2-495 Gates ave MA in 2-3010 3-6 Lee ave 4-260 Utica ave

ST age 2-7813 SL °cum 6-4500

5-4th ave. and 42d at WI ndar 5-2540 6-27.33 Snyder ave BU ckmnatr 2-9643 7-363 Liberty ave AP plgte 6-8600 8-1301 Surf ave CO neyIs 6-8303 Central Jury and 1 120 Schermerhorn st Small Claims Parts f TR iangl 5-2052

Queens 1-10-15 49th ave., L. I. City .IR onsdes 6-7987 2-Broadway and Court at., Elmhurst

HA vemyr 9-0087 3-69.02 64th at., Ridgewood.HE geman 3-7010 4-Town Hall, Jamaica JA maica 6-0086 S-90th st, Rockaway Beach BEI1Hrbr 5-1747 6-Town Hall, Flushing IN depndce 3-5668 Small Claims Part, Town Hall, Jamaica

JA maim 6-0086 Richmond

1-Bement and Castleton ayes., West New Brighton PO rtRich 7-0189

2-71 Targee at., Stapleton SA intGeo 7-0313 Small Claims Part. 71 Targee st„


Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-6607 9 a. in. to 5 p. m., Sat. to 1 p. m.

N. Y. CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY- 122 E. 42d at Manh'n AS hind 4-8360

N. Y. CITY TUNNEL AUTHORITY- 200 Madison am., Manh'n...LE xington 2-5151

PARKS, DEPARTMENT OF- Arsenal Bldg., Central Park, 64th at

and 5th ave. Manh'n RE gent 4-1000 Bronx-Bronx Pork East, at BircUll

ave. WE stchstr 7-3200 Brooklyn-Litchfield Mansion, Prospect

Park SO nth 8-2300 Queens-The Overlook, Forest Park,

Kew Gardens CL evind 3-4600 Richmond-Field House, Clove Lakes

Park, Victory blvd. and Clove rd., West Brighton GI braltr 2-7640

PAROLE COMMISSION- 139 Centre st., Manh'n CA nal 6-3160


PUBLIC ADMAISTRATORS- Bronx-851 Gr. Concourse JE rome 7-7484 King-Municipal Bldg. TR tang! 5-7100 N. Y.-Hall of Records WO rth 2-6615 Queens-Sutphin blvd. and 88th ave.,

Jamaica JA make 6-5037 Rick-Bement and Castleton ayes., West

New Brighton GI braltr 2-5422 PUBLIC WORKS, DEPARTMENT OF-

Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4740 PURCHASE, DEPARTMENT OF--

Municipal Bldg, Mullen WO rth 2-5860 QUEENS, PRESIDENT OF-

120-55 Queens blvd., Kew Caron's.. BO ulevard 8-5000

RECORDS, COMMISSIONERS OF- Kings-Hall of Records TR ingle 5-6988 N. .-Hall of Records WO rth 2-3900

RECORDS, COM'R OF, CITY COURT- 52 Charnbe , M nh' CO'rtlnd 7-6264


851 Grand Concourse RECORDS COM'R OF, SURROGATE'S "892

COURT, NEW YORK COUNTY- Hall of Records, Manh'n WO rth 2-6744

REGISTERS- Bronx-851 Grand Concourse JE rome 7-9811 Kings-Hall of Records TR 'tangle 5-6800 N. Y.-Hall of Records WO rth 2-3900 Queens-161-04 Jamaica ave., Jamaica

REVISION OF ASSESSMENTS.-jamaica 6-8684 Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-1200

RICHMOND, PRESIDENT OF- Borough Hall, S. I GI braltr 7-1000

SANITATION, DEPARTMENT 0E- 125 Worth st., Manb'n WO rth 2-3221

Bronx-530 E. Tremont ave...TR emnt 8-3676 Brooldyn-Municipal Bldg TR Iasi 5-7545 Queens-129.25 97th ave., Richmond Hill

VI rginia 9-6465 Richmond-Borough Hall GI braltr 7-8500

SHERIFFS- Bronx-851 Grand Concourse...1E tome 7-3501 Kings-Municipal Bldg TR lane 5-7100 N. Y.-Hall of Records WO rth 2-4300 Queens-County Court House, L. I. C.

ST ilwel 4-6017 Rich.-County Court House...GI braltr 7-0041

SPECIAL SESSIONS, COURT OF-Clerk's offices open 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

Saturdays to 12 noon. Carts open at 10 a. m.

Manhattan-32 Franklin st. WO rth 2-3434 Bronx-851 Grand Concourse JE rome 7-2898

Court held Tuesday and Friday. Brooklyn-120 Schermerhorn st .. MA in 4-5916 Queens-County Court House, L. I. I C.

ST ilwel 4-4930 Court held Monday and Thursday.

Richmond-County Court House, S. I. SA intGeo 7-0324

Court held every Wednesday. Probation Bureau - Municipal Bldg.,


Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-0184 STATUTORY CONSOLIDATION. BD. OF-

City Hall, Manh'n CO rand 7-6770 SUPREME COURT-APPELLATE DIV.-

First Dept.-Madison ave. and 25th at., Manh'n LE xington 2-1000

Court sits from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. The first and third Fridays of each term, motion days, the Court opens at 10 a. m. Motions called at 9 a. m. Appeals from orders called at 10 a. in.

Second Dept-45 Monroe pl., Bklyn. TR iangl 5-1300

Court sits from 2 p. in. to 6 p. in. No court on Saturdays.

SUPREME COURT-1ST JUD. DIST.- New York County-County Court House,

Manh'n WO rth 2-6500 Court opens at 10 a. m.

Bronx-851 Grand Concourse JE rome 6-1031 Court opens at 10 a. m.

SUPREME COURT-2D JUD. DIST.- Kings County-Joralemon and Fulton

eta. Bklyn. TR iangl 5-7300 Court opens at 10 a. in.

Appellate Term TR iangl 5-7452 Court opens at 10 a. in.

Queens County-Sutphin blvd. and 88th ave., Jamaica JA maica 6-1570

Richmond County-County Court House, S. I. GI braltr 7-8700

SURROGATES' COURTS- Bronx-851 Grand Concourse JE rome 6-4892

Court opens at 10 a. in.

Kings-Hall of Records TR iangl 5-7020 Court opens at 9.30 a. in.

N. Y.-Hall of Records WO rth 2-6744 Court opens at 10.30 a. m.

Queens-88-11 Sutphin blvd., Jamaica JA maim 6-6000

Court opens at 10 a. in. Rich.-County Court House....GI braltr 7-0572

Court opens at 10.30 a. ro. TAX DEPARTMENT-

Municirl Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-1800 Bronx- remont & Arthur aves TR emnt 8-5090 Brooklyn -Municipal Bldg TR iangl 5-7100 Queens-Court sq. L I. City ST ilwel 4-6860

h Richmond-Boron Hall GI braltr 7-1000 TEACHERS' RETIREMENT BOARD-

139 Centre st., Manh'n CA nal 6-2353 TRANSPORTATION, BOARD OF-

250 Hudson st, Manh'n CA nal 6-6600 TRIBOROUGH BRIDGE AUTHORITY-

Randall's Island, Manh'n LE high 4-5800 WATER SUPPLY, BOARD OF-

346 Broadway, Manh'n WO rth 2-3150 WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELECT.-

Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4320 Bronx-Tremont & Arthur aves TR emnt 8-5400 Brooklyn-Municipal Bldg TR iangl 5-7100 Queens-120-55 Queens blvd., Kew Gar-

dens BO ulevard 8-5000 Richmond-Borough Hall SA intGeo 7-0840

WELFARE DEPARTMENT OF- 902 Broadway, Manh'n GR amrcy 5-3500

WORLD'S FAIR COMMISSION- New York City Bldg., at the World's

Fair, Flushing Meadow Park, ueens HA veayr 6-1060


Armory Board Meets in Room 2208, Municipal Bldg., Manh'n,

on first Wednesday in each month, at 3.30 p. m. EDWARD G. RIEKERT. Secretary.

Art Commission Meets at its office, City Hall, Manh'n, on

second Tuesday in each month, at 2.30 p. in. A. EVERETT PETERSON, Secretary.

Board of Assessors Meets in Room 2200, Municipal Bldg.. Manh'n,

on Tuesdays, at 10.30 a. in. FREDERICK J. H. KRACKE, Chairman.

Banking Commission Meets in Mayor's Office, City Hall, Manh'n, on

first day in February, May, August and November. PATRICK J. SHERRY, Secretary. Board of Child Welfare

Meets in Old County Court House, 52 Cham-bers st., Manh'n, on third Monday in each month, at 2.15 p. m. PAUL E. FUSCO, Secretary.

City Planning Commission Meets in Room 16, City Hall, Manh'n, on

Wednesdays, at 2.30 p. in. PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary.

Connell Meets in Councilmanic Chamber, City Hall,

Manh'n, on Tuesdays, at 1 p. m. H. WARREN HUBBARD, City Clerk and

Clerk of Council. Board of Education

Meets at its office, 110 Livingston at., Bklyn., on second and fourth Wednesdays in each month, at 4 p. tn.

MAURICE G. POSTLEY, Secretary. Board of !Sections

Meets in Room 407, 400 Broome at., Manh'n, on Tuesdays at 11 a. m., and at the call of the President. S. HOWARD COHEN. President.

Board of Estimate Meets in Room 16, City Hall, Manb'n, on first

and third Thursdays of each month, at 2.30 p. tn., and the second Thursday of each month at 10.30 a. m.

FIANCES LEHRICH, Secretary. Examining Board of City Suffern!'

Meets in Room 1347, Municipal Bldg., Maiden, at all of the Chairman.

JOHN C. RIEDEL, Chairman. Board of Health

Meets in Room 330, 125 Worth at., Manh'n, at 10 a. in., on the second Tuesday of each month and at the all of the Chairman.

JOHN L. RICE, M.D., Commissioner of Health, Chairman.

Board of Higher Education Meets at 695 Park ave., Manh'n, at 8 p. m.,

on third Monday in January, February, March, April, June, September, October, November and December. Annual meeting held third Monday in May. ORDWAY TEAD, Chairman.

Municipal Civil Berrie. Commission Meets at its office, 299 Broadway, Manh'n, on

Wednesdays, at 10.30 a. in. PAUL J. KERN, President

Parole Commission Meets in Room 400, 139 Centre st, Manh'n, on

Thursdays, at 10 a. in. JOHN C. MAHER, Chairman.

Board of Revision of Assessmasts Meets in Room 500, Municipal Bldg., Manh'n,

upon notice of the Chief Clerk. LEWIS F. LANG, Chief Clerk.

Board of Standards and Appeals Meets in Room 1013, Municipal Bldg., Manh'n,

Tuesdays, at 10 a. m., and 2 p. m. HARRIS H. MURDOCK, Chairman.

Board of Statutory Consolidation Meets in City Hall, Manh'n at call of Mayor.

REUBEN A. LA.ZARUS, Counsel. Tax Commission

Meets in Room 936, Municipal Bldg., Minden, on Wednesdays, at 10 a. in.

WILLIAM STANLEY MILLER, President. Teachers' Retirement Board

Meets in Room 603, Municipal Bldg., Manh'n, on fourth Tuesday of each month, at 3 p. m.

LOUIS TAYLOR, Secretary. Board of Transportation

Meets at 250 Hudson st, Manb'n, on Tuesdays, at 11.30 a. m., and at the call of the Chairman.

11:0X1 H. DELANEY, Chairman. of Water Supply

Meets at 346 Broadway, Mullen, on Tuesdays, at 11 a. in.



Owners Wanted for Unelaimod Prow*

OWNERS ARE WANTED BY THE PROP. erty Clerk, Police Department, City of New

York, for the following listed articles, now in his custody without claimants, consisting of recoverai lost and abandoned property, property feloniously obtained by prisoners. and effects of persona de-ceased, alleged to be insane, intoxicated or other. wise incapable of caring for themselves:

Adding machines, automobiles, bicYcles, boat cameras. electrical and optical goods. furniture. furs, handbags. hardware, jewelry, metals, motor-cycles, pocketbocdo, radios, robes, securities, silver• ware, stones, suitcases, surgical and musical in-struments, tools, trunks, typewriters, United States and foreign currency, wearing apparel and other miscellaneous articles.

Onsicas OF PIOPEITT CLIME Inquiries relating to such property should be

made in the Boroughs concerned, at the following offices of the Property Clerk:

Manhattan-Police Headquarters Annex, 400 Broome st

Brooklyn-Police Headquarters. Bergen st. and 6th ave.

The Bronx-42d Precinct. 160th st. and 3d ave.

Queens-103d Precinct, 91st ave. and 168th st, Jamaica.

Richmond-120th Precinct, 78.81 Richmond ter., St. George.

LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commissiona.


PROPOSALS See Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Fire Commissioner, at Room 1131, Municipal

Building, Manhattan, as follows:

Until 11 a. in., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1040

For the construction of a portion of the under-ground fire alarm system, Borough of Queens.

Blank forms and further information may be ob-tained at Room 1111, Municipal Building, Man-hattan. A deposit of $5 in cash will be required from all intending bidders, for each set cf speci-fications received. The deposit will be returned on the surrender of the specifications or filing of bid.



PROPOSALS See Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the New York City Housing Authority, 14th floor,

122 E. 42d st, Manhattan, as follows:

Until 8.30 p. in., on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 80, 1940

For the construction of the fotmdations, super-structures and appurtenances for all structures to be erected for Clason Point Houses (U.S.H.A. Project No. N.Y. 5-7), located in the area bounded by Story ave., Noble ave. Lafayette an. and Metcalf ave., and also the area bounded by Lafayette ave., Croes ave., Seward ave. and Met-calf ave. (except the area occupied by P. S. 107, in Borough of The Bronx).

A copy of the contract documents may be ob-tained upon payment of $65 as a deposit to guar-antee the safe return thereof. If a proposal is duly submitted by any person or corporation making the deposit required, the full amount of such deposit for one copy win be returned to such person or corporation, provided that the copy is returned in good condition within thirty (30) days following the award of this contract or the rejection of the Proposal of such person or cor-poration. Upon return of any other copies in good condition within such period whether by a person or corporation duly submitting a Proposal or by some other person or corporation, reimbursement will be made to the extent of $64 for each such copy returned.

Checks offered as payment for the documents must be made payable to the order of the New York City Housing Authority. n20,d2


PROPOSALS See Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Department of Hospitals, Room 626, 125

Worth st., Manhattan, as follows:

Until 11 a. m., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1940

For furnishing all labor and material to make certain repairs and replacements on one (1) ele-vator, in the west pavilion of Metropolitan Hos-pital, Welfare Island, New York City.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at Room 627, 125 Worth at. Manhattan, where plans and specifications may be seen.



Proposed Approval of Subcontractors

THE BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION, ACT- ing by its Chief Engineer, proposes to approve

as subcontractor, Concord Metal Products Co., 80-82 Guernsey st., Bklyn., for fabricating and installing bronze cash window, grilles; as sub-mitted by Centaur Construction Co., Inc., 11 W. 42d st., Manhattan, general contractor for Rehabili-tation of the Dyre ave.-East 174th st. route, Route No. 124, contract No. 1 (revised). n30,d3

THE BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION, ACT- ing by its Chief Engineer, proposes to approve

as subcontractor, Zucker Water & Sewer Service -Co., 108 Avenue D, Manhattan, for cutting off water taps and sewers; as submitted by Albert A. Volk Co., Inc., 1819 Bway. Manhattan, general contractor for Agreement QH, demolition of the 9th Avenue "L". n29,d2

Notice of Public Hearing

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A public hearing will be held at the office of the

Board of Transportation of The City of New York, 6th floor, 250 Hudson st., Manhattan, on December 13, 1940, at 11.30 a. rn., on the pro- posed terms and conditions of draft form of con-tract for furnishing and delivering bronze cable and trolley wire for maintenance use.

Copies of said draft form of proposed contract may be obtained at the offices of the Board of Transportation, Room 501, 250 Hudson st., Man-hattan, at 50 cents each.

Dated, November 26, 1940. BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION OF THE

CITY OF NEW YORK, by JOHN H. DELANEY, Chairman; FRANI X. SULLIVAN and Glom KEEGAN, Commissioners.

Wm. JEI0111 DALY, Secretary. n29,d13

PROPOSALS See Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE Board of Transportation, at 250 Hudson st.,

Manhattan, as follows:

Until 10 a. in., on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1940

For the removal of muck by dredging at 58th st. and North River, Manhattan. n25,d2

Until 10 a. in., on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1940

For aluminum brass condenser tubes. n27,d2

Until 10 a. in., on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1940

For fire brick. For plastic refractories. For abrasives. For special bolts. For nuts, bolts and screws. For material fabricated to blue print: cold

rolled and open hearth steel, high speed steel, car- bon steel, copper and malleable iron. n20,d2

Until 10 a. m., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1940

For repairing field coils of subway car motors. n25,d3

Until 10 a. in., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1940

For anhydrous di sodium phosphate and mag- nesium chloride. n22,d3

Until 1.) a. m.. on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1940

For common brick, lime, cement and gravel. For cast iron journal boxes for rapid transit

Mrs. For axles for rapid transit cars. For rough turned armature shafts for rapid

transit cars. n25,d5

Until 10 a. m., on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1940

For rubber: gaskets, sheet, door reversing shoes and rims.

For tinned banding wire. For porcelain insulators. For brass, copper, bronze and phosphor bronze. For electrical supplies: dry batteries, fixtures,

fittings, fuses, test clips, sockets. switches and outer boxes, etc.

For lead seals and presses, and brass seals. For gases: acetylene, hydrogen and oxygen. For cotton bags. n27,d6

Until 10 a. tn., on MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1940

For finished annealed steel castings. n29,d9

Until 10 a. m., on MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1940

For binders: post, prong, snap and ring, etc. For books: stenographic, memo, record and led-

ger, etc., and for columnar and ledger paper. For electric gib crane. For insulated wire and cable. For magnet wire and bare copper wire.


Until 10 a. in., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1940

For drafting room supplies: Blue print paper and cloth, detail paper, tracing paper, tracing cloth, cross section and graph paper, compass, curves, rules, triangles, lettering pens and parts, blue print fluids, tapes, cord, etc.

For paint, white lead, putty, shellac, enamel, etc. For hack saw blades, metal cutting band

saws, etc. n29,d10

Until 11.30 a. m., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1940

For altering railroad roof, New York City Tran-sit System, BMT Division, to permit removal of mall on 4th ave., between Pacific and Dean ass., Bklyn. (Agreement QJ). n26,d10

Until 10 a. in., on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1I, 1940

For copper rail bonds. n30,d11

Proposals-Nalco to Bidders

GCNItfOl Instroctions to Bidders for Fsrnarking Mottrine, Sothis stsi.Equitmens is The City of New Perk for Use in the Msnitessare sad Operation of the Ness York City Tretteit System.

VARYING QUANTITIES OF MATERIALS, supplies and equipment used in connection with

the operation and maintenance of the New York City Transit System and other activities of the Board of Transportation are being purchased as required. Competitive bids for such supplies are desired from all responsible individuals and cor-porations. Names of those desiring to be bidders will be placed on appropriate list, but bids will not be limited to those on such lists. Where quasi-tides in excess of 31,000 in value are required the same will be advertised and the time for opening the bids will be announced by public notice.

Por further information and particulars apply in Room 411, office of the Board of Transporta-tion, No. 250 Hudson st, City of New York.

No bid will be requested or accepted from any contractor who is hi arrears or in default to The City of New York. The right is reserved is reisa may sad sil bids.


Proposed Approval of Subcontractors

THE BOARD OF EDUCATION PROPOSES to approve as a subcontractor for photography,

Jack Bernstein, 358 E. 17th st., Bklyn., as sub-mitted by Jonwal Construction Co., Inc., contrac-tor for general construction of P. S. 29 addition, Richmond. n30,d3

THE BOARD OF EDUCATION PROPOSES to approve as a subcontractor for additional con-

crete pavement in unpaved spaces, General Con-crete Co., 153 Centre st., Manhattan, as submitted by Wilaka Construction Co., Inc., contractor for general construction of Wm. Howard Taft High School, Bronx. n28,30

PROPOSALS See Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Superintendent of School Supplies of the

Board of Education of The City of New York at his eta, at 1334 York ave., corner of 72d a., Manhattan, as follows:

Until 10.30 o'clock a. m., on MONDAY, BECOMES 2, 1940

For furnishing, delivering and storing fuel oil. n20,d2

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Superintendent of School Buildings, Design

and Construction, at his office, 49 Flatbush ave. extension, Bklyn., as follows:

Until 2 p. in., on MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1940

Borough of Queens For general construction of an addition to P. S.

40 on Union Hall st, 109th ave. and 160th st., Jamaica.

Deposit on plans and specifications, $10. For general construction of additions to P. S.

147, within the blocks bounded by 218th st., 219th st.. 115th rd. and 116th ave., St. Albans.

Deposit on plans and specifications, $10. For general construction of additions to P. S.

156, on 137th ave., between 229th st. and 230th st., Laurelton.

Deposit on plans and specifications, $10. n28,d9

Plans and specifications for the above proposed contracts may be examined or secured at the Esti-mating Room, 131 Livingston st., Bklyn.

The deposit will be returned to bidders making a formal bid, if the plans and specifications are returned in good condition immediately after the opening of bids.

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Superintendent of Plant Operation and

Maintenance, Board of Education of The City of New York, at his office, 34% E. 12th st., Man-hattan, as follows:

Until 10 a. m., on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1040

Borough of Brooklyn For WPA materials for the following schools: P. S. 186, reinforcement rods, wire lath, etc. Manual Training High School, coal tar products,

etc.; lumber. n26,30




Gale pl., between Orloff ave. and a point about 240 feet westerly therefrom, together with all work incidental therefrom (7408-A).

No. 3. For furnishing and delivering rented equipment: 3 to 4-ton dump truck, 315 cubic foot air compressor (7408-B). n22,d3

Until 11 a. m., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1940

No. 1. Furnishing and delivering concrete sewer

lipe, steel reinforcement bars, jute packing, Port-and cement, sand, broken stone or gravel, cinders, common bricks, bluestone curb, granite headers, steel curb, c. i. frames and gratings, c. i. hoods with w, i. hooks, w. i. steps, c. i. manhole beads and covers, vitrified pipe, timber for guard rail, w. i. bands with bolts; in connection with grading and regrading, curbing and recurbing, landscap-ing, constructing malls, laying and relaying side-walks, building inlets, receiving basins, drains and culverts, approaches and guard rails; paving with asphalt on a concrete foundation (permanent pave-ment) in Eastern blvd. from Bronx River ave. to Stratford ave., from Fteley ave. to Leland ave., from a paint about 160 feet east of Virginia ave. to 384,5 feet west of Castlehill ave., from a point 270 feet west of Havemeyer ave. to Zerega ave. and approaches from the existing bridge over Bronx River to Bronx River ave. and from Zerega ave. to existing bridge over Westchester Creek and grading from Stratford ave. to Fteley ave., together with all work incidental thereto (73444).

No. 2. Furnishing and delivering rented equip-ment 5 to 7-ton dump trucks, l ).4 to 2%-ton dump trucks, 27-E gasoline driven street pavers, 2-ton dumpsters (Dempster dumpster or equal), 10-S gasoline driven concrete mixers, 315 cubic feet air compressors, gasoline or steam driven shove!, gasoline or steam driven roller, 4-inch D. P. pump, 5 to 7-ton boom truck (7344-B).


Until 10.30 a. m. on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1940

For fish. n30,d3

Until 10.30 a. in.. on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1940

For fuses. For electrical wiring devices. For wire and cable, rubber braid and rubber

lead-armed. For boltsi nuts, screws, rivets, washers and pins. For surgical, laboratory and dental specialties. For flashlights and dry cell batteries. For rigid conduit, elbows and couplings. For pan scrapers and scoops. For bread. n22,d3

Until 10.30 a. m., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1940

For tools and implements. n15,d3

Until 10 a. m., on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1940

Borough of The Bronx For WPA materials for Bronx High School of

Science, wood and glass partitions, doors, sash and railings. n29,d10

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Purchase of The City of

New York, Room 2214, Municipal Building. Man-hattan, by registered mail only, until 11 a. m., on

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1940 For the sale "as are", of dumper, flusher, swivel

broom and snow broom trucks, miscellaneous scrap iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, glass photo plates, lead-covered cable, insulated copper wire, cast iron scrap, wash basins, crankcase oil cleaner, bags, shoes, viewing stand, old badges, stone sinks, scrap rubber, glass battery )ars, drums, laundry machinery, motor, pumps and peroxide bottles.

For further particulars and for sales agreement proposal and specifications, apply to Department of Purchase, Room 2214, Municipal Building, Man- hattan. n26,d6


location of the 15 White dumper trucks included in the above sale has been changed from Depart-ment of Sanitation Training School, 22d st. and East River, Manhattan, to Department of Sanitation, Zarega Avenue Garage, Zaregs and Turnbull ayes., Bronx. n30,d6

PROP O See Regaled= on

SALS Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL El MINED BY the Commissioner of Parelmas at Room 1114,

Municipal Building, Manhattan. at the faBovisi times for the follow* Jungles, matsrWe, eolsiP sent, etc., to wit:

Until 10 a. m., on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1940

For eggs. n28,30

Until 10.30 a. m. on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1940

For furnishing and delivering steel office parti- tions, railings and counters.

For mastic floor covering and cement For christmas trees. For snow plow parts and hydraulic pumps. For yellow pine piles. For nails and brads. For oak piles. n20,d2

Until 10 a. rn., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1940

For fresh fruits and vegetables. For stock fruits and vegetables. n30,d3

Until 10.30 a. m„ on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1940

For printing and binding "The Official Direc- tory".

For steel boilers. For cans, funnels, measures, oilers and fillers,

pails, dust pans and waste receptacles. For laboratory and hospital glassware specialties. For incinerator furnace castings. For large incandescent lamps. For furnishing and delivering blue prints, etc.,

reproduction service. n23,d4

Until 10.30 a. m., on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1940

For pipes, valves and fittings. For hydraulic press, tool wagons and tool heaters. For rubber and linen hose. For x-ray and dental film developing and fixing

powders. For ball and roller bearings and parts. For corporation taps, hydrant and valve parts. For steel bars, plates, shapes and sheets. For brooms, brushes, mops, wringers, handles

and chronic leather soles. For ladders. n25,d5

Until 10.30 a. m., on MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 19441

For photo copy paper, developers and fixers. For steel office equipment. For laundry sour. For fuel oil, For wooden library shelving. For automotive wheel and undercarriage parts. For silent chains, roller chains and parts. For opthalmic spectacles. For traffic signal lanterns, control apparatus,

lead cable and junction boxes. n28,d9

Until 10.30 a. m., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1940

For duplicating machine supplies. For vaccines and anti-pneumococeie serums. For kerosene. For printing and binding pamphlets, bulletins

and other printed materials. For automotive clutch and brake units and parts. For snow plows. For battery plates. n29,d10

Until 10.30 a. m., on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1940

For butter and cheese. For printing one-piece window envelopes for De-

partment of Welfare. For pharmaceutical, biological and chemical spe-

cialties. For bread. For trucking and delivery service. n30,d11


Bway., Manhattan, on Dec. 6, 1940, beginning at 9.30 a. m. n30,d6


E. 20th st., Manhattan, on Dec. 4, 1940, beginning at 5.30 p. m. n28,d4

Until 10 a. in. on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1940

For repairs to the following schools: Borough of Manhattan

P. S. 121, inkwell holders. Manhattan High School of Aviation Trades,

steel stools. Shops, door check parts: Plumbing

electric materials. Various schools, replacing glass.

Borough of The Bronx P. S. 56, incinerator repairs, etc. Various schools: Piping repairs, etc.; covering

repairs, etc.; piping repairs, etc.; heating repairs, etc. (repairs heating coil, etc.).

Borough of Brooklyn P. S. 15, resurfacing slag roof, etc. P. S. 18, removing rolling doors, new platform,

etc. P. S. 41, new desks, tables, chairs, etc. P. S. 46, new return traps, etc. P. S. 57, added radiation, etc. P. S. 66, new locks, etc. P. S. 67: Transferring furniture; new shades,

etc. P. S. 194, heating repairs, etc. (replacing radi-

ators, etc.). P. S. 108, new tables. P. S. 114, added and new radiation, etc. P. S. 115, repairs pavement. P. S. 135, new vacuum traps, etc. P. S. 136: stereopticon screen; replacing sump

pump priming device, etc.; sheet metal repairs, etc.; temperature regulation repairs; vacuum pump repairs.

P. S. 144, new metal key cabinet, etc. P. S. 145, new stereopticon screen, etc. P. S. 156, piping and valve repairs. P. S. 165, new heater and reservoir. P. S. 181, chairs and tables. P. S. 188, new radiator return traps, etc. P. S. 241, new window shade equipment, etc. P. S. 247, float trap repairs, etc. Brooklyn High School for Specialty Trades,

benches, tables, stools. etc. Brooklyn High School for Women's Garment

Trades, new wood filing cabinets, etc. Bushwick High School: Steel stools; new pupils'

furniture. Bushwick High School-Annex, new window

shades. Eastern District High School, pipe covering,

etc.; new shades; installing sprinklers. East New York Vocational High School-Annex,

new furniture (tablet arm chairs, etc.). Girls' High School, desks, tables, filing cabinets,

etc. James Madison High School, added radiation,

etc. Various Schools: Bentwood chairs; machine re-

pairs, etc.; sanitary repairs; sheet metal repairs, etc.; new asphalt tile floors; sheet metal repairs, etc.; grate repairs, etc.; new chairs.

Hall, Board of Education, new steel filing cab-inets, etc.

Borough of Queens

P. S. 7, heating repairs (section of radiator, etc.).

P. S. 44, repairs pupils' desks and seats, P. S. 45, roof repairs. P. S. 150, repairs and refinishing desks and

seats. P. S. 156, repairs tables and chairs. P. S. 170, heating repairs (replacing return

lines, etc.).

in,Bayside High School, heating repairs (regasket-

flanges, etc.). Jamaica Vocational High School-Annex, in

chinery repairs. Borough of Richmond

P. S. 5, teachers' lockers. P. S. 28, interior repairs and painting.

. Various Schools: General repairs, etc., chem-ically treating cesspools. etc.; heating repairs (new buck staves, etc.; heating repairs; repairs hydraulic ash hoist, etc.; grate repairs, repairs bentwood

chairs. n25,30

Until 10 a. na., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1940

For WPA materials for the following schools: Borough of The Bronx

P. S. 8, steel door bucks, cast iron saddles, etc. DeWitt Clinton High School, lime, plaster, and

iron compound; paint material; sand and gravel. Borough of Brooklyn

P. S. 186, paint. P. S. 205, paint materials, etc.

Borough of Queens P. S. 122, paint, turpentine, dryer, etc.

Until 10 a. m., on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1940

For WPA materials for the following schools: Borough of Manhattan

P. S. 141, hardware. Murray Hill High School of Building and Metal

Trades, hardware. Borough of Queens

Newtown High School Athletic Field, lumber. Borough of Richmond

Port Richmond High School, millwork. n28,d3

Until 10 a. m., on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1940

Borough of Manhattan For WPA materials for the following schools: Food Trades Vocational High School, new radi-

ator and air valves; sheet metal materials. Borough of The Bronx

Bronx High School of Science, plumbing ma-terials.

DeWitt Clinton High School, cast granite steps. n29,d4

Until 10 a. m., on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1940

Borough of Manhattan For WPA materials for Food Trades Vocational

High School, exhauster fans, etc. n30,d5

Until 10 a. m, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1940

For WPA materials for the following schools: Borough of The Bronx

DeWitt Clinton High School, Portland cement. Borough of Brooklyn

P. S. 205, paints. n27,d7

Until 2 p. m. on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1940

For furnishing, delivering and installing furni-ture equipment at various schools, as follows:

Borough of Manhattan Item 1, pupils desks and seats, tablet arm chairs; Item 2, bentwood chairs and stools, office chairs,

settees; Item 3, office desks, typewriter desks, teachers'

desks, tables and bookcases; Item 4, steel filing cabinets; Item 5, woodworking benches; Item 6, drawing tables and sewing tables, etc.; Item 7, bentwood chairs, tablet arm chairs, ped-

estal tablet arm chairs; Item 8, steel filing cabinets and storage cabinets; Item 9, office desk, typewriter desk and teachers'

desks. For steel lockers and benches at Straubenmuller

Textile High School and for new steel drawing tables at Manhattan High School of Aviation Trades.

Borough of Richmond For electric work in P. S. 20. n29,d10


The technical-oral and experience tests will be held in Room 703, 299 Bway., Manhattan, on Dec. 3, 1940, beginning at 1.30 p. m. n27,d3


The written test will be held in Room 207, 299 Bway., Manhattan, on Dec. 3, 1940, beginning at 2 p. in. n27,d3


High School, 350 Grand st., Manhattan, and at Knoxville, Tenn., on Nov. 30, 1940, beginning at 9.30 a. rn. n25,30


Seward Park High School, 350 Grand st., Man-hattan, on Nov. 30, 1940, beginning at 9 a. m.


MEDICAL INSPECTOR (CARDIOLOGY) The training, experience and personal qualifica-

tions interview will be held Nov. 30, 1940, at Room 704, 299 Bway., Manhattan, beginning at 9.15 a. m. n25,30

PROMOTION TO ASSISTANT COUNSEL, GRADE 4, BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION The training, experience and personal qualifica-

tions interview will be held in Room 705, 299 Bway., Manhattan, on Nov. 30, 1940, beginning at 9.30 a. in. n25,30


The training, experience, and personal 'qualifica- tions interview will be held in Room 703, 299 Bway., Manhattan, beginning at 10 a. in., on Nov. 29 and 30, 1940. n23,30


PROPOSALS See Regulation on last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the President of the Borough of Queens at his

office, Room 224, Queens Borough Hall, 120-5S Queens blvd., Kew Gardens, as follows:

Until 11 a. m., on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1940

No. 1. For regulating and repaving with sheet asphalt upon an existing concrete foundation, to-gether with all work incidental thereto (in the abandoned railroad area), in Northern blvd. from 35th ave. to Woodside ave.

No. 2. For regulating and repaving with sheet asphalt for a width of 30 feet, centrally located, upon an existing concrete foundation, together with all other work incidental thereto, in Main st. from North Hempstead tpke. to 58th rd., and from 60th ave. to World's Fair blvd.

No. 3. For regulating and repaving with sheet asphalt for a width of 30 feet, centrally located, upon an existing concrete foundation, together with all other work incidental thereto, in Main at. from Franklin ave. to Cherry ave.

No. 4. For regulating and repaving with sheet asphalt upon an existing macadam foundation, to-gether with all work incidental thereto, in Empire ave. (Broadway), 18 feet wide, centrally located, from Corsage ave. to the County line.

No. 5. For regulating and repaving with sheet asphalt upon an existing concrete foundation, to-gether with all work incidental thereto, in 116th st. from Liberty ave. to 103d ave.

No. 6. For regulating and repaving with sheet asphalt on an existing concrete foundation, to- gether with all work incidental thereto (for a width of 20 feet centrally located), in Edgemere ave. from Beach 35th at. to Beach 36th at.

No. 7. For regulating and repaving with sheet asphalt upon an existing concrete foundation, to-gether with all work incidental thereto, in 116th at. from 111th ave. to Linden blvd. (114th ave.).

Contracts and specifications for any of the shoats may be purchased at $2 a set, and plans for Nos. 1, 2, 3 or 6 may be purchased at 30 cents each, and for Nos. 4, S or 7, at 25 cents each.



PROPOSALS Bee Beculatisa es Lost Pico

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Parks at the office of the

Department of Parks, the Arsenal Building, 64th st. and 5th ave., Central Park, Manhattan, u follows:

Until 10.30 a. m., on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1940

For furnishing all labor and materials, together with all work incidental thereto, necessary or re• quired for a combined comfort and life guard station at the foot of Beach 135th at., Rockaway Beach, Borough of Queens as follows:

For general construction (known as contract Q-164-140);

For electrical work (known as contract Q-164- 240);

For plumbing work (known as contract Q-164-340);

For heating work (known as contract Q-164- 640). n19, d2

Until 10.30 a. m., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1940

For furnishing all labor and materials, together with all work incidental thereto, necessary or re-quired for the construction of the Hamilton ave. Bridge over Gowanus Canal, Borough of Brooklyn, known as Contract B-210-140.

Blank forms, etc., may be obtained at the above office, where contract drawings may be seen and arrangements made whereby prospective bidders desiring sets of blue prints for their own use may secure same for the cost thereof. n18,d10


PROPOSALS See Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the President, Borough of The Bronx, at Room

207, Bronx County Building, 851 Grand Con-course, as follows:

Until 11 a. m., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1940

No. 1. For constructing sewer and appurte-nances in Spencer ave., between W. 259th at. and W. 260th at.. together with all work incidental thereto ( 7402) .

No. 2. For furnishing and delivering Portland cement, sand, broken stone or gravel, cinders, com-mon bricks, vitrified pipe, jute packing, C. I. man-hole heads and covers, W. I. steps in connection with construction of sewer and appurtenances in


Corporation Sale of a Lease of Certain Real Estate

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Estimate of The City of New York,

by virtue of the power vested in them by law, will offer for sale at public auction, on

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1940 at 11 o'clock a. .m., at Room 1030, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, a lease of the following described property:

All that certain parcel located in the Borough and County of Queens, City and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at the corner formed by the intersec-tion of the northerly line of Jamaica avenue with the easterly line of Parsons boulevard as the same are now shown on the Final Map for the Borough

ce of Queens; running thence northerly along easterly line of Parsons boulevard 100 feet; thence easterly and parallel or nearly so with Jamaica avenue 109 feet more or less to a point in the westerly line of a right of way, distant 100 feet northerly from the northerly line of Jamaica ave-nue; thence southerly along the westerly line of said right of way 100 feet to the northerly line of Jamaica avenue, thence westerly along the northerly line of Jamaica avenue 113.5 feet to the point or place of beginning, together with the rights of the City over said right of way.

For a period of 10 years with an option to the lessee to renew for a further period of 10 years.

The minimum or upset rentals at which the said lease may be sold is hereby fixed at the sums of $15,500 per year for the first five years, $16,500 per year for the second five years, $18,000 a year for the third five years and $20,000 a year for the fourth five years, payable quarterly in advance, said lease to contain and be conditioned upon the following terms and conditions:

The highest bidder will be required to pay 25 per cent of the amount of the yearly rental bid in cash or certified check at the time and place of sale together with the auctioneer's fee, if any, and in the event of the failure to do so, the Director of Real Estate may immediately reoffer said lease for sale, subject to the same conditions and pro-visions; the amount paid for one quarter's rent shall be forfeited to the City if the successful bidder does not execute the lease when notified it is ready for execution.

No person shall be received or accepted u a lessee who is delinquent on any former lease from The City of New York, and no bid shall be accepted from any person who is in arrears to The City of New York upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter as surety or otherwise upon any obliga-tion to the City, as provided by law.

'1 he lessee shall deposit the sum of $10,000 in cash or certified check at the time of the execution of the lease as surety for the performance of the terms and conditions required of the lessee.

The lessee will be required to demolish the existing Town Hall and comfort station located partly upon the property leased and partly on the remaining City-owned property and will be re. quired to fill foundations of the structure on the remainder of the plot not leased, to street lewd for which work the lessee will receive an allowance of $5,000 towards the rent to be paid. Upon comple-tion of such work to the satisfaction of the D tor of Real Estate, The City of New York will re-turn to the lessee $5,000 from the security depa-ited under the terms of the lease.

The lessee will be required to erect a modern one or two-story taxpayer type structure costing not less than $50,000 which structure shall be com-pleted within seven months from the date of the execution of the lease, which shall thereupon be. come the property of The City of New York. Plans and specifications for such structure shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Real Estate. Upon the completion of such structure and the delivery to the Director of Real Estate of a certificate of occupancy therefor, the remainder of the security deposit under the terms of the lease will be returned.

The lessee will be required to pay all water charges and also as additional rent, an amount equivalent to the taxes that would be levied based upon the then current assessed valuation of the building to be erected on the plot and upon the then current tax rate. Such sum shall be com-puted as of the dates when each installment of rent shall be due and shall be paid together with the rent hereinbefore provided.

The lessee shall save harmless The City of New York from any claims for damage on account of injury to person or property in connection with the use of this property and from all fines, suits, claims, demands and actions of any kind or nature during the term of the lease or any renewal thereof and shall carry public liability insurance in the limits of 225,000/$50,000.

The lessee shall not encumber or obstruct the sidewalk in front of said premises, nor allow the same to be obstructed.

The lessee during the term of the lase, shall keep the premises in proper repair both inside and outside at its own cost and expense and comply with all rules, orders, ordinances and regulations of the City, State and Federal governments or any departments thereof, applicable to the premises for the correction, prevention and abatement of nui-sances or other grievances in, upon or connected with the premises during the term of the lease and shall promptly comply with and execute all rules, orders and regulations of the New York Fire Underwriters for the prevention of fire at its own cost and expense.

The lessee shall have the privilege to make minor


Sale of Old Material


Notices to Appear for Examinations



REPORT N• 64,11

SCALt IN PITT con see

EXPLANATORY NOTE • ,1-4313 indicates me boamlory of Ore area

of osoorsment indicates bat of thrift lefel/4' ooffp,ba?

All distances are e fret ale mess ollierwae edicofecl ore to be moo3vreel et rifht angles or normal to the street Aires Ib which they ore referenced






Mw ) Oct/4/14a

Chief triVOMP


improvements or alterations of the premises, in connection with the subletting of portions of the property• provided the same are in conformity, with the requirements of the City agencies having juris-diction thereover and with the zoning laws. Plans for structural changes shall be subject to the ap proval of the Director of Real Estate.

The lessee shall insure the building against low by fire for the replacement value thereof in a company satisfactory to the Director of Real Es-tate, The City of New York to be named the beneficiary. The lessee may use be required to carry such other and usual insurance u determined by the Director of Real Estate.

The lessee shall not assign or encumber the lease without the written approval of the Director of Real Estate. The lessee may sublet portions of the premises for any business not deemed extra-hazardous provided the same are in conformity with the zoning and other laws applicable thereto.

In the event that the said premises should be required for publicpurpose the lease may be can-celled by the City effective at the end of the tenth year of the term, in which event the lessee shall be entitled to receive upon such termination of the lease an amount equivalent to one-half of the con-struction cost of the building. If the parties to the lease shall be unable to agree u to the amount thereof, the same shall be determined by arbitra-tion in accordance with the provision of the State Arbitration Law. Such privilege of cancellation shall be exercised in the following manner: At any time during the ninth year of the term: the Board of Estimate shall adopt a resolution stating the public purpose for which the same is required, and directing that the lease shall terminate at the end of the tenthyear of the term and a certified copy of such resolution shall be transmitted by reps-tend mail addressed to the lessee at the address stated in the lease before the end of the ninth year of the term.

Should the privilege to cancel not be exercised by the City, the lessee may renew the lease for an additional period of ten years by ma ilmt notice thereof by registered mail addressed to the Director of Real Estate of The City of New York, at his office, during the first six months of the tenth year of the term. The term of the lease shall commence on the date of execution of the lease by the City which shall be not earlier than the date upon which the premises shall be vacated and available for delivery of possession. The first six months of the term shall be free of rent.

In cue of the bankruptcy or insolvency of said lessee, no title to said lease or interest in said premises shall pass to a receiver or trustee in bankruptcy or to any assignee for the benefit of creditors, or to any receiver of any kind, or to any purchaser without the consent of the lessor, who at their option upon such bankruptcy, insolvency, as-signment for the benefit of creditors, receivership or sale, may declare said lease null and void. If default shall be made in the payment of rent or any part thereof, at the time specified herein, or if default shall be made in the performance of any of the covenants and agreements, conditions, rules and regulations herein contained or hereafter estab-lished, as herein provided, on the part of the lessee, this lease shall (if the lessor so elect) become null and void thereupon, and the lessor shall have the right to reenter or repossess the said premised either by force, summary proceedings, surrender or otherwise, and dispossess and remove therefrom the lessee, or other occupants thereof, and their effects, without being liable to any prosecution therefor, and to hold the same as if this lease had not been made or had by its terms Er.. and in such case, the lessor may at its ;dee the prem. mot or any part thereof, as agent of the lessee, and the lessee agree' to pay the lessor the differ-ence u ascertained, froth time to time, between the rents and sums hereby reserved and agreed to be paid by the lessee and those otherwise received co account of rents of the demised premises, during the residue of the term remaining at the time of re-entry or repossession. Except witb respect to the provision of payment of rent the lessee shall be entitled to receive notice by registered mall, of any default, and ten (10) days within which to remedy same before tk lure may be. cancelled.

Should the successful bidder be represented by a broker the commission to be paid by the City will be based solely upon the total of the rental bid. No commission may be paid by the City unless the written authority of the broker to make the offer signed by the person for whom he is acting shell be filed in the Bureau of Real Estate before the day the sale or lease is advertised to take place.

The Director of Real Estate shall have the right to reject any and all bids if deemed to be to the interest of The City of New York.

By order of the Board of Estimate under a resolution adopted at a meeting of the Board held November 14, 1940 (Cal. No. 135).

LEE THOMPSON SMITH, Director of Real Estate. n19,d6

Cooperation Sale of Ewen FIE

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Board of Estimate of The City of New York,

by virtue of the power vested in them by law, wM offer for sale at public auction on

FRIDAY, DECEMBER A, 1$40 at 10.30 o'clock a. mg at Room 1030 Mtmicipal Building, Manhattan, City of New Yorikthe lege to occupy and remove the exams on City. owned property located on the westerly side of Tenbroeck avenue and the easterly side of Hering avenue between Pierce and Van Nest avenues, Bor-ough of The Bronx, designated on the tax maps of The City of New York for the Borough of The Bronx as Section 15, Block 4113, Lots 14, 20, 21, 2S and 59.

The minimum or upset price at which said privi-lege may be sold is hereby fixed at the sum of five hundred dollars ($500) and the gale shall be conditioned upon the following terms and condi-tions:

The successful bidder will be required to pay the amount of the bid in cash or certified check, to- gether with the auctioneer's fee, if any, at the time of sale.

The purchaser at the time of sale shall deposit the sum of $100 in cash or certified check as surety for the faithful performance of the work, which sum shall be returned to the purchaser upon completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Director of Real Estate.

The permittee may occupy the premises for a period of 90 days from the date of the granting of the permit

The permittee shall secure at his own cost and expense all the necessary permits for the removal of the fill and comply with all the rules and regu-lations of City Departments incidental thereto.

The permittee may remove the fill to the extent of and in the manner prescribed by the City de-partment having jurisdiction thereover and the property shall be left cleared of any boulders, stumps or other obstructions. The till shall be left one foot above curb with natural slopes to adjoining property.

The permittee shall be responsible for any damage to the sidewalk or curbing adjacent to the prop-erty and shall keep said sidewalks free from de-posit of any materials.

The work of removal must be carried on in every respect in a thoronh and workmanlike man-ner and the permittee shun provide and furnish all materials, equipment and labor necessary therefor, and shall place proper and sufficient guard and fences and warning signs by day and night for the prevention of accidents, and shall indemnify and save harmless The City of New York, its officers, agents and servants and each of then, against any and all suits and actions, claims and demands of every name and description brought against it, them or any of them, and against and

from all damage and costs to whiCh it, they or any of them be put by reason of injury to the person or property of another, resulting from any cause whatsoever in the performance of the work, or in uarding the same, or from any improper or defective

materials or machinery, implements or appliances used in the removal of said fill and shall carry public liability insurance in the limits of $10,000/ $20,000 to give effect thereto.

The Director of Real Estate, at his option, may resell the fill if the successful bidder shall fail to comply with the terms of sale, and the person so failing to comply therewith shall, in addition to forfeiting any deposits made on account thereof, be held liable for any deficiency which may result from such resale.

The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of Estimate under rest>

lotion adopted at the meeting of the Board held on October 31, 1940 (Cal. No. 56)

LEE THOMPSON SMITH, Director of Real Estate. n19,d6


PROPOSALS See Regulation on Last Page

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Department of Public Works, Room 1800,

Municipal Building, Manhattan, as follows:

Until 11 a. m., on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, IMO

For furnishing all labor and materials required foe the following, In connection with the power clot expansion at the Lingo County Hospital,

Brocidyn: Contract No 5, refrigerating plant and plumb-

ing De-posit foe contract document', $10. 46,27


refrigerating sad pismo$9,7 on Ms above receipt sad tSsing of bids for "contract No. 5,

contrad has postponed until 11 a. m., on Tuesday, Dee. 8, 1540. n26,d3

Until 11 a. m., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 190

For furnishing all labor and materials required for the alterations and additions to the air con-ditioning and ventilating systems of the laboratory building and new animal house of the William Hallock Park Biological Laboratory, foot of E. 16th st, Borough of Manhattan.

For furnishing all the labor and materials re-quired for the installation of the steel andglass classroom partitions in the east center wing of the industrial budding, located at Riker Island Peni• tentiary, %lure Island, Borough of Bronx.

Deposit for contract documents, $10 on each 3 job.

n20 ,d

Until 11 a. m., vn FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1940

For furnishing all labor, materials and appli-ances necessary and required for installation of venetian blinds and the completion of window de-flectors at the new Borough Hall, located at Queens blvd

Qu. and Union tpke., Kew Gardens, Bor-

• of eens. Deposit for contract documents, $5. n30,d13

Until 11 a. m., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 11140

For furnishing all labor; materials and equip-ment required for the erection and completion of the Tuberculosis Pavilion, Riverside Hospital, North Brother Wand, Borough of The Bronx, as follows:

Contract No. 2, general construction of founda-tions and superstructure;

Contract No. 3, plumbing; Contract No. 4, heating and ventilation; Contract No. 5, electric wiring work; Contract No. 6, elevators; Contract No. 8, laboratory equipment; Contract No. 9, sterilizers; Contract No. 10, refrigerators: Contract No. 11, kitchen equipment; Contract No. 12, refrigeration plant; Contract No. 13, boiler equipment; Contract No. 14, sprinkler system; Contract No. 15, metal equipment Deposit for contract documents, $15.


Blank Bid forms and further information may be obtained upon application to the Department of Public Works, Room 1814, Municipal Building, Manhattan, where plans and specifications may be seen.

Deposits for contract documents must be made in cash or certified check for the amotmt specified on

each New Yorke to The Comptroller of The

City of New York.


PWA Docirr No. N.Y.-1526-F

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Public Works, Room 1800.

Municipal Bids Manhattan. until 11 a. m., on D 2, 1640

at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud.

For furnishing and delivering wood furniture, books, nits, medical equipment, appliances and other equipment for the Domestic Relations Court 22d at. and Lexington ave., Borough of Man-hattan, City of New York.

The Department of Public Works reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all bids.

Each bidder must deposit with his bid, security in an amount of not less than five per cent (5%) of the base bid in the form and subject to the conditions provided in the instruction to bidders. No deposits will be received in fractional parts of a dollar. All security deposits must be computed to the next higher even dollar.

The Department of Public Works' estimate for this material and supplies is u follows: Class No. 1, typewriters, $110; class No. 2, wood fund-tore,$45; class No. 3, venetian blinds, $39; class No. 4, refrigerator, $115; class No. 5, clinical equipment, $231; class No. 6, glass tops, $180; class No. 7, desk lamps, $69; class No. 8, child's crib, $4S; class No. 9, law books, $1,216; class No. 10, books for probation bureau library, $200; class No. 11, books for psychiatric clinic library, $175; class No. 12, books for physiological labora-tory, $130; class No. 13, shelving for steel cabi. nets, $88; class No. 14, draperies, $300; class No. 15,

w for psychological laboratory,

$400; Class No. 16, books and maps, $179.15; class No. 17, time recorder, $203.50; class No. 18, Padding press, $11.25.

The successful bidder will be required to fur nish a performance bond in such form and having as surety thereon such surety company or com-panies as are acceptable on bonds given to the United States Government and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works in the amount of not less than 100 per cent of the total amount of the accepted bid.

The time allowed for the performance of the contract is forty-five (45) consecutive calendar days after notice to the contractor of the execu-tion of the contract by the Department of Public Works.

No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days after the actual date of the opening thereof.

The information for bidders, form of bid, form

of bid bond, form of contract, form of perform-ance bond and !specifications may be examined at the office of the Department of Public Works, Room 1814, Municipal Building, Manhattan, New York City.

One (1) set of the above contract documents may be obtained on application and upon

lars payment

of deposit in the amount of Five Dol ($5) in cash or certified check drawn to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York. This deposit will be refunded in full to each bidder submitting a formal bid with the return of the contract and specifications within ten (10) days after the date set for the opening of bids, if in the opinion of the Commissioner they are in good and usable condition. In the event no formal bid is submitted, or if in the opinion of the Com-missioner, the contract documents are not in good condition, the deposit is to be forfeited. nI6,d2

IRVING V. A. HUIE, Commissioner.


Notices of Public Hearings


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PUR-suant to law that at a meeting of the Board of

Estimate, held October 31, 1940, the following petition was received:

Before the Board of Estimate of the City of New York. In the Matter of the Application of New York

City Omnibus Corporation for the grant of the franchise, right and privilege to maintain and operate a certain omnibus route in the Borough of Manhattan.


Extensions to route proposed in petitions dated April 9, 1940 and June 24, 1940.

To the Honorable The Board of Estimate of The City of New York, City Hall, New York, N. Y.:

The petition of New York City Omnibus Cor-poration (hereinafter referred to as the Company) respectfully shows as follows:

I. The Company is a corporation organized and existing under the Transportation Corporations Law of the State of New York duly authorized to own, operate, manage and control lines of omni-buses for the transportation of passengers for hire.

2. The Post Office address of the Company is No. 605 W. 132d st., Borough of Manhattan and City of New York.

3. The Company, at the date of this petition, owns and operates various omnibus routes in the Borough of Manhattan which it is operating under a franchise contract with The City of New York dated December 26, 1933.

4. The petitioner respectfully applies for the franchise, right and privilege to maintain and operate for the transportation of persons for hire in, upon, along and over the following streets and avenues in the Borough of Manhattan, extensions to the route proposed by petitioner in its petitions dated April 9, 1940 and June 24, 1940, as follows:

Along Avenue C from East 15th street to Mar-ginal street; thence along Marginal street to East 23d street; thence along East 23d street to lit avenue; thence along 1st avenue to East 26th street; thence returning along the same route to the intersecti.m of Avenue C and East 15th street, the point or place of beginning.

Also along Montgomery street from Madison street to South street; thence along South street to Clinton street; thence along Clinton street to Water street; thence along Water street to G:wmr-neur street; thence along Gouverneur street to Madison street.

And to cross such other streets and avenues,


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate at its meeting held on

Thursday, November 14, 1940 (Cal. No. 20), the following resolution:

ereas, The Beard of Estimate is considering the advisability of taking the real property re-quired for the opening and extending of Harding avenue from East 177th street to the westerly line of Prentiss avenue, and Prentiss avenue front Harding avenue to the center • line of Mullen place (avenue) in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York;

Whams, The total estimated cost of such prm-erty to be acquired is the nun of $13,750, the total es imated expenses thereof are the sum of $500, the prorated assessed valuation of such

Resolved, That such Board consider such au-thorization, the fixing of an area of assessment and the apportionment of the cost of such im-provement, by placing

(1) Upon the real property within the area of assessment hereinbefore shown (a) one-third of the cost of acquiring buildings and improvements, and damages to same, (b) the entire cost of acquiring the land necessary for Prentiss avenue, exclusive of the cost of acquiring buildings and improve-ments, and damages to same, and (c) 60 per cent of the cost of acquiring the land necessary for Harding avenue, exclusive of the cost of ac-quiring buildings, and improvements and damages to same;

(2) Upon the Borough of The Bronx (a) one-third of the cost of acquiring buildings and im-provements, and damages to same, and (b) 40 per cent of the cost of acquiring the land neces-sary for Harding avenue, exclusive of the cost of acquiring buildings and improvements, and damages to same;

(3) Upon The City of New York (a) one-third of the cost of acquiring buildings and improve-ments, and damages to same, less the share of the value of buildings taken which the Court may by law place upon The City of New York, and (b) the assessments computed as chargeable

named and unnamed, as may be encountered in traversing said extensions of route.

5. The petitioner will accept said franchise on the same general terms and conditions as are con-tained in the franchise contract dated December 26, 1933, above mentioned, except that the amount which shall be paid to the City as compensation for said franchise shall be equal to 5 per cent of the gross receipts, as defined in said contract, de-rived from the operation of said extensions of route from the commencement of operation thereof by petitioner through January 31, 1945, 6 per cent of the gross receipts derived from such operation from February 1, 1945 through January 31, 1948, 7 per cent of the gross receipts derived from such operation from February 1, 1948 through January 31, 1951, 8 per cent of the gross receipts derived from such operation from February 1, 1951 through January 31, 1954, and 10 per cent of the gross receipts from February 1, 1954 until termination of said franchise contract, and the petitioner prays that the said franchise contract of December 26, 1933 be modified and amended by including therein the above mentioned extensions of route and the above mentioned compensation therefor in addition to any and all of the routes and other provisions therein set forth.

Wherefore, the Company prays that public notice hereof and of the time and place when and where this petition will be first considered, be given as required by law and that the desired franchise, right and privilege be granted in accordance with the provisions of the New York City Charter.

Dated, New York N. Y. Oct..25, 1940. NEW YORK CITY OMNIBUS CORPORA-

TION, by Josue E McCann!, President. (Seal.) Attest: E. C. Counts, Secretary. State of New York, County of New York, ss.: John E. McCarthy, being duly sworn, deposes

and says: That he is President of the petitioner herein;

that he has read the foregoing petition and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. 'mix E. McCutritv.

Sworn to before me this 25th day of October, 1940.

H. P. Huns, Notary Public, Bronx County, Bronx County Clerk's No. 124, Reg. No. 60-1141. Certificates filed in New York County Clerk's No. 381, Reg. No. 1-11-213. Commission expires March 30, 1941.

(Notarial seal.) and at the meeting of Nov. 14, 1940 the following resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, the foregoing petition from the New York City Omnibus Corporation, dated October 25, 1940, was presented to the Board of Estimate at a meeting held October 31, 1940.

Resolved, That in pursuance of law this Board sets Thursday, the 12th day of December, 1940, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon, and the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, as the time and place when and when such petition shall be first considered, and a public hearing be had thereon, at which citizens shall be entitled to appear and be heard, and be it further

Resolved, That the petition and these resolutions shall be published at least twice in two newspapers published in the borough or boroughs affected in the City of New York, to be designated by the Mayor and for at least ten (10) days in Taa CITY RECORD immediately prior to such date of public hearing. The expense of such publication to be borne by the petitioner.

Information relative to this matter may be ob-tained at the office of the Bureau of Franchises, 1307, Municipal Building, Centre and Chambers sta., Borough of Manhattan, Telephone WO rth 24563 (James D. McGann, Director).

FRANCES LEHRICH, Secretary. Dated, New York, Nov. 14, 1940. n30,d12

property to be acquired is the nun of02,500, the assessed valuation of the land within the area of assessment deemed benefited thereby is the sum of $26,977, and the assessed valuation of the buildings affected within the are* of assess-ment deemed benefited thereby is the sum of $26,300, as such assessed valuations are shown by the tax rolls of such Borough for the fiscal year 1940-1941;

Whereas, Such Board is required at the time of the adoption of the resolution authorizing the taking of such real property to fix and determine upon an area of assessment and to apportion the cost of such taking;

Resolved, That such Board, pursuant to the provisions of section 300a-1.0 of the Administrative Code hereby gives notice that the proposed area of assessment in this proceeding is as shown on the following diagram:

on lands within the area of assessment which are by law exempt from assessment;

The Borough's and City's shares to be payable with the taxes of such Borough and City the first fiscal year next succeeding the confirmation of the assessment, -at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Thursday, December 12, 1940, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., and that at the same time and place :asublic hearing thereon will then and there be

Resolved, That the Secretary of such Board cause this resolution and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in TEE CITY RECOID at least ten (10) days prior to Thursday, December 12, 1940.

Dated, New York, November 29, 1940. FRANCES LEHRICH, Secretary, Board of

Estimate, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Tele- phone, WO rth 2-4560. n29,d10

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate at its meeting held on

Thursday, November 14, 1940 (Cal. No. 21), adopted the following resolution:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate is considering

J-4353 J-4354

EXPLANATORY NOTE' indkees Ilte bawler,' only area cianw.ssment /Whisks kw distree/ lega4 adopted

All elniknces 4.4:leafed fared, feel NW ore A; Ate measured et right ens/es * the street hilts k wawa they ore referent-4V







14,/ew Fir c,a-tober 10, /

Chief Engineer Sc LE IN FEET





cause this resolution and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in Tin CITY RECORD at least ten (10) days prior to Thursday, December 12, 1940.

Dated, New York, November 29, 1940. FRANCES LEHRICH, Secretary, Board of

Estimate, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Tele- phone, WO rth 2-4560. n29,d10

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate at its meeting held on

Thursday, November 14, 1940 (Cal. No. 26-B), adopted the following resolution:

ereas, The Board of Estimate is considering the advisability of authorizing the regulating, grading, curbing, recurbing, laying sidewalks, re-laying sidewalks, removing and replacing trees, constructing receiving basins and retaining walls, where necessary, together with all other work incidental thereto, in 80th street (Weisse avenue) from Furinanville avenue to 71st avenue; and in 69th avenue (Houck street) from 80th street, westerly a distance of about 45 feet, Second Ward, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York, the preliminary authorization for such im-provement having been granted by resolution of such Board, adopted on April 20, 1939 (Cal. No. 17) and amended on November 14, 1940 (Cal. No. 26-A) and of apportioning the cost thereof;

Whereas, The total estimated cost of such im-provement is the sum of $31,700, the total esti-mated expenses thereof are the sum of$4,500, and the assessed valuation of the property deemed benefited thereby as shown by the tax rolls of such Borough for the fiscal year 1939-1940, is the sum of $1 051,800;

Resolved, That such Board, pursuant to the provisions of section 300 of the New York City Charter consider such authorization and appor-tionment of cost,

By assessing the entire cost of sidewalks and curbing upon the frontage; by placing one-third of the cost of basin manholes, inlets and con-necting drains upon The City of New York; by placing 25 per cent of the cost of the grading work upon the Borough of Queens the City's and Borough's shares to be payable with the taxes of such City and Borough the first fiscal year next succeeding the confirmation of the assess-ment, and by assessing the remaining cast of the entire improvement upon the property deemed to be benefited by such improvement as shown upon a map bearing the signature of the Secretary of the Board of Estimate and dated November 1, 1940, -at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Thursday, December 12, 1940, at 10.30 o'clock a. To., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had;

Resolved, That the Secretary of such Board cause this resolution and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in Tin Crre Racoan at least ten (10) days prior to Thursday, December 12, 1940.

Dated, New York, November 29, 1940. FRANCES LEHRICH, Secretary, Board of

Estimate, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Tele- phone, WO rth 2.4560. n29 ,d 10

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate at its meeting held on

Thursday, November 14, 1940 (CAL No. 27), ad ed the following resolution:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate is considering the advisability of authorizing the construction of sanitary sewers with the necessary appurtenances in Hylan boulevard, north side, from Hunter avenue to Bedford avenue; Hamden avenue from Hylan boulevard to South Railroad avenue, and Husson street from Bedford avenue to Adams avenue, in the Borough of Richmond, City of New York, the preliminary authorization for such improvement having been granted by resolution of such Board, adopted on February 29, 1940 (Cal. No. 29), and of apportioning the cost thereof;

Whereas, The total estimated cost of such ha-pravement is the sum of $13,300, the total esti-mated expenses thereof are the sum of $1,400, and the assessed valuation of the property deemed benefited thereby as shown by the tax rolls of such Borough for the fiscal year 1939-1940, is the stun of $65,000;

Resolved, l'hat such Board, pursuant to the provisions of section 300 of the New York City Charter consider such authorization and appor-tionment of cost, by assessing the entire cost of such improvement upon the property deemed to be benefited by such improvement as shown upon a map bearing the signature of the Secretary of the Board of Estimate and dated November 3, 1939, at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Thursday, December 12, 1940, at 10.30 o'clock a. ID., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had;

Resolved, That the Secretary of such Board cause this resolution and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in Tin Crre RECORD at least ten (10) days prior to Thursday, December 12, 1940.

Dated, New York, November 29, 1940. FRANCES LEHRICH, Secretary, Board of

Estimate, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Tele- phone, WO rth 2-4560. n29,d10

the advisability of taking the real property re-quired for the opening and extending of Palisade avenue from Independence avenue to a property line about 560 feet south of the southerly line of West 231st street and of Kappock street from Palisade avenue to Independence avenue, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York;

Whereas, The total estimated cost of such prop-erty to be acquired is the sum of $91,300, the total estimated expenses thereof are the sum of $1,000, the prorated assessed valuation of such property to be acquired, including City-owned prop-erty, is the sum of $74,840, and the assessed valuation of the property within the area of

Resolved, That such Board consider such au-thorization, the fixing of an area of assessment and the apportionment of the cast of such im-provement, by placing

(1) Upon the real property within the area of assessment bereinbefore shown (a) one-third of the cost of acquiring buildings and improvements, and damages to same; (b) the entire cost of acquiring the land necessary for Palisade avenue

elusive of the c art of acquiring iCtiSciikagsstri im- from Independence avenue to u-

provenients, and damages to same; (c) 75 per cent of the cost of aNlp land necessary for Palisade avenue from La street to a line about 560 feet sou of West 231st exclusive of the cost of acquiring buildings improvements, and damages to same, and (d) 75 per cent of the cost of acquiring the land necessary for Kappock street, exclusive of the cost of acquiring buildings and improvements, and damages to same;

(2) Upon The City of New York (a) one-third of the cut of acquiring buildings and improve. ments, and damages to same leas the share of the value of building_! taken which the Court may by law place upon The City of New York, and (b) the assessments computed as chargeable on lands within the area of assessment which are by law exempt from assessment;

(3) Upon the Borough of The Bronx (a) one-

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate at its meeting held on

Thursday, November 14, 1940 (Cal. No. 22), ad the following resolution:

Whereas The Board of Estimate is considering the advisability of taking the real property re. quired for the widening of %Whitlock avenue on its easterly aide from Lafayette avenue to a line 275 feet south of Tiffany street, subject to the right of the Consolidated Edison Company to maintain thereon the present building as long as said building is operated by the company or its successors as an electrical substation, in the Bor-ough of The Bronx, City of New York;

Whereas, The total estimated cost of such prop-erty to be acquired is the sum of $30,250, the total estimated expenses thereof are the sum of $200, and the prorated assessed valuation of the land to be acquired is the sum of $19,200, as such assessed valuation is shown by the tax rolls for such Borough for the year 1938;

Whereas, Such Board ie required at the time of the adoption of the resolution authorizing the taking of such real property to apportion the cost of such taking;

Resolved, 'That such Board consider such au-thorization and the apportionment of the coat of such improvement, by placing the entire cost upon The City of New York, to be payable with the taxes of such City the first boa year next suc- ceeding the confirmation of the assessment, at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Thursday, December 12, 1940, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had;

Resolved, That the Secretary of such Board cause this resolution and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in Tag Cm RECORD at least ten (10) days prior to Thursday, December 12, 1940.

Dated, New York, November 29, 1940. FRANCES LEHRICH, Secretary, Board of

Estimate, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Tele- phone, WO rth 2-4560. n29,d10

Racoon at least ten (10) days prior to Thursday, December 12, 1940.

Dated, New York, November 29, 1940. FRANCES LEH' RICH, Secretary, Board of

Estimete, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Tele- phone, ',1O rth 2-4560. n29,d10

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate at its meeting held on

Thursday, November 14, 1940 (Cal. No. 24), adopted the following resolution:

ens, The Board of Estimate is considering the advisability of authorizing the regulating, curb-ing and refiaggmg, where necessary, within the dedicated area, and paving with permanent asphalt West 7th street from Avenue U to Avenue V, together with all work incidental thereto, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, the preliminary authorization for such improvement having been granted by Tesolution of such Board ;dolt:ere: the 27th day of June, 1940 (Cal. No. 343 and of apportioning the cost thereof;

The total estimated cost of such im- provement is the sum of $8,600, the total estimated expenses thereof are the sum of $600, and the assessed valuation of the property deemed benefited thereby as shown by the tax rolls of such Borough for the fiscal year 1939.1940, is the sum of $95,720;

Resolved, That such Board, pursuant to the provisions of section 300 of the New York City Charter consider such authorization and apportion-ment of cost, by placing the entire cat of such improvement upon the property deemed to be bene-fited by such improvement, as shown upon a map bearing the signature of the Secretary of the Board of Estimate and dated June 24, 1940, at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Thursday, December 12, 19401 at 10.30 o'clock a. in., and that at the same tune and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had,.

Resolved, That the Secretary of such Board cause this resolution and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in Tex Crry Runt, at least ten (10) days prior to Thursday, December 12, 1940.

Dated, New York, November 29, 1940. FRANCES LEI:MICH, Secretary, Board of

Estimate, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Tele- phone, WO rth 24560. n29,d10

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate at its meeting held on

Thursday, November 14, 1940 (Cal. No. 25), ad ed the following resolution:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate is considering the advisability of authorizing the regulating, grading, curbing and flagging where necessary and paving with permanent asphalt East 49th street from Avenue I to Avenue J, together with all work incidental thereto, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, the preliminary authorization for such improvement having been granted by resolution of such Board, adopted on June 6, 1940 (Cal. No. 107), and of apportioning the cost-uf;

Whereas, The total estimated cost of such im-provement is the sum of $11,300, the total esti-mated expenses thereof are the sum of$1,100, and the assessed valuation of the property deemed benefited thereby as shown by the tax rolls of such Borough for the fiscal year 1939.1940, is the sum of $130,415;

Resolved, That such Board, pursuant to the provisions of section 300 of the New York City Charter consider such authorization and apportion-ment of cost, by placing the entire colt of such improvement upon, the property deemed to be benefited by such improvement as shown upon a map bearing the signature of the Secretary of the Board of Estimate and dated May 28, 1940, at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Thursday, December 12, 1940, at 10.30 o'clock a. tn., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had,•

Resolved, That the Secretary of such Board

Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Thursday, December 12, 1940, at 10.30 o'clock a. in., and that at the same tune and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had.,

Resolved, That the Secretary of such Board cause this resolution and a notice to all persona affected thereby to be published in Tnx CITY Recoil) at least ten (10) days prior to Thursday, December 12, 1940.

Dated, New York, Nov. 29, 1940. FRANCES LEHRICH, Secretary, Board of

Estimate, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Tele. phone, WO rth 2-4560. n29,d10

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate at its meeting held on Thurs-

day, November 14, 1940 (Cal. No. 29), adopted the following resolution:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportion-ment by resolution adopted on March 12, 1937 (Cal. No. 3), authorized the acquisition of title to the real property required for the opening and extending of 141st street from Grand Central park-way to the centre line of Coolidge avenue, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York, and di-rected that the entire cost and expense be asseseed upon the real property within the area of assess-ment described in such resolution;

Whereas, Such cost and expense were assessed in the final decree in the proceeding to acquire such real property entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 14th day of November, 1938, pursuant to such resolution of such Board and heretofore referred to;

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate consider the advisability of reapportioning the entire cost and expense of the aforesaid proceeding pursuant to the provisions of section 303 of the New York City Charter, by placing 50 per tent of such cost and expense upon the Borough of Queens, to be levied and collected with the taxes of Such Bor• ough in one installment, and by having the re-maining 50 per cent of such cost and expense continue and remain a lien and charge against the several lots and parcels of real p as- sessed for benefit and set forth in the final decree in such proceeding entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 14th day of November, 1938, at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Thursday, December 12, 1940, at 10.30 o'clock a. in., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had;

Resolved, That the Secretary of such Board cause this resolution and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in Tns CITY RECORD at least ten (10) days prior to Thursday, December 12, 1940.

Dated, New York, Nov. 29, 1940. FRANCES LEHRICH, Secretary, Board of

Estimate, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Tele- phone, WO rth 2-4560. n29,d10

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate at its meeting held on Iliurs- .

day, November 14, 1940 (Cal. No. 30), adopted the following resolution:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportion-ment by resolution adopted on June 19, 1936 (Cal. No. 5), and amended on Jullyy 15, 1936 (Cal. No. 37-A), authorized the aoquioltian of title to the real property required for theliopieug Ind extending of Alonzo road Morrell ) from the centre line of Virginia street ( errall road) to Nassau County line, Borough of Queens, and directed that the entire cost and expense of inch proceeding be assessed upon the real property within the area of assessment described m such resolution as amended;

Whereas, Such cost and expense were assessed in the final decree in the proceeding to acquire such real property entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 29th day of April, 1938, pursuant to such resolution of such Board, as amended, and heretofore re-ferred to;

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate consider the advisability of reapportioning the entire cost and expense of the aforesaid proceeding pennant to the provisions of section 303 of the New York City Charter, by piaci 25 per cent of each cost and expense upon the of Queens, to be levied and collected with the taxes of each Bor-ough in one installment, and by having the re-maining 75 per cent of such cost and expense continue and remain a lien and charge against the several lots and parcels of real proputy as-sessed for benefit and set forth in the final in such proceeding entered in the Ace of the Clerk of the County of Quern on the 29th day of April, 1938, at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Thursday, Decembos. 12, 1940, at 10.30 o'clock a. in., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had;

Resolved, That the Secretary of such Board cause this resolution and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in Tao Crry Racoan at least ten (10) days prior to Thursday, December 12, 1940.

Dated, New York, Nov. 29, 1940. FRANCES LEHRICH, Secretary, Board of

Estimate, Municipal Building, Matk,n, Tele- phone, WO rth 2-4560. n29,d10

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate at its meeting held on Than-

day, November 14, 1940 (Cal. No. 31), adopted the following resolution:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportion-ment by resolution adopted on February 24, 1927 (Cal. No. 14), and amended on April 7, 1927 (Cal. Na 308-A), and April 7, 1933 (Cal. No. 5), and further amended by the Board of Estimate on March 24, 1938 (Cal. No. 13), authorised the acquisition of title to the real property required

,for the opening and extending of 177th street from Baisley boulevard (Locust avenue) to 120th avenue; 177th place from 119th road (Forman avenue) to 120th avenue; 178th street from 119th road (Forman avenue) to 120th avenue; 178th place (Stevens street) from Beige', boulevard (Locust avenue) to 120th avenue; 179th (Stewart) street from Baisley boulevard (Locust avenuelutso.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate at its meeting held on

Thursday, November 14, 1940 (Cal. No. 23), ad the following resolution:

Whereas , The Board of Estimate is considering the advkability of taking the real ProPerty re. quired for the opening and extending of Bonbons avenue from East 233d street to Light street, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York;

Whereas, The total estimated cost of such prop-erty to be acquired is the sum of $165, the total estimated expenses thereof are the sum of $300, and the prorated assessed valuation of such prop-erty to be acquired excluding the City-owned property is the sum of $0.00, as such assessed valuation is shown by the tax rolls of such Borough for the fiscal year 1940-1941;

Whereas, Such Board is required at the time of the adoption of the resolution authorizing the taking of such real property to apportion the cost of such taking;

Resolved, That such Board consider such au-thorization, and the apportionment of the cost of such improvement, by placing upon The City of New York one-third of the cost of acquiring buildings and improvements 'and demesne to same, less the share of the value of buildings taken which the Court may by law place upon The City of New York, and by placing the entire remaining cost upon the Borough of The Bronx, the City's andBorough's shares to be payable with the taxes of such City and Borough the first fiscal year next succeeding the confirmation of the assessment, at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Thursday, December 12, 1940, at 10.30 o'clock a. in., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had;

Resolved, That the Secretary of such Board cause this resolution and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in Tog Cert.

assessment deemed benefited thereby is the sum of $727,720, as such assessed valuations are shown by the tax rolls of such Borough for the fiscal year 1940.1941:

Whereas, Such Board is required at the time of the adoption of the resolution authorizing the taking of such real property to fix and determine upon an area of assessment and to apportion the cost of such taking;

Resolved, That such Board, pursuant to the provisions of section 300a-1.0 of the Administrative Code hereby gives notice that the proposed area of assessment in this proceeding is as shown on the following diagram:

third of the cost of acquiring buildings and im-provements, and damages to same; (b) 2S per cent of the cost of acquiring the land necessary for Palisade avenue from lappock street to a property line about 560 feet south of West 231st street, exclusive of the cost of acquiring. buildings and improvements, and damages to same, and (c) 25 per cent of the cost of acquiring the land necessary for ICanodc street, exclusive of the cost of acquiring buildings and improvements, and damages to same;

The City's and Borough's shares to be PaTahle with the taxes of such City and Borough the first fiscal year next succeeding the confirmation of the assessment, -at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Thursday, December 12, 1940, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had,•

Resolved, That the Secretary of such Board cause this resolution and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in Txs CITY Racoan at least ten (10) days prior to Thursday, December 12, 1940.

Dated, New Yorlc, November 29, 1940. FRANCES LEHRICH, Secretary, Board of

Estimate, Municipal Building, Manhattan Tele- phone, WO rth 2-4560. n244110

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate at its meeting held on Thurs-

day, November 14, 1940 (Cal. No. 28), adopted the following resolution:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportion-ment by resolution adopted on June 6, 1930 (Cal. No. 39), authorized the acquisition of title to the real property required for the opening and extend-ing of Amundson avenue from Pratt avenue to the City line; Whitehall place from Byron ave-nue to Barnes avenue, and East 226th street from Bronxwood avenue to Laconia avenue, Borough of The Bronx, and directed that the entire cost and expense be assessed upon the real property within the areas of assessment described in such resolution;

Whereas, Such cost and expense were assessed in the final decree in the proceeding to acquire such real property entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of The Bronx on the 25th 120th avenue; 180th (Waldron) street from • day of May, 1938, pursuant to such resolution of leymontabouuklevarstredet(Locusfromt

Baisley boulevardboulto ei12,19:dh avenue;

such Board and heretofore referred to; Resolved, That the Board of Estimate consider avenue) to 119th road,. 119th road from Montauk

the advisability of reapportioning the entire cost street to Farmers boulevard; 120th avenue from and expense of the aforesaid proceeding pursuant Merrick boulevard to the right-of-way line of the to the provision, of section 303 of the New York Montauk Division of the Lug Island Railroad City Charter, by having the sum of $1,393.33 rep- Company, and triangular street area at the inter-resenting one-third of the estimated value of build- section of 119th road (Forman avenue) and bas-inful taken, continue and remain a lien and charge ley boulevard (Locust avenue), Borough of Queens, against The City of New York, and by ppm-. and directed that the entire cost and expense of tioning the remaining cost and expense of the pro- loch proceeding be assessed upon the real oromV ceeding, by placing 70 per cent of the assessments within the area of assessment described in such levied against Benefit Parcels Noe. 138 to 145 resolution as amended; inclusive, and 35 per cent of the assessments Whereas, The total estimated cost and expense levied against Benefit Parcels Nos. 146 to 154 of the proceeding are the sum of $83,100; inclusive for the aaruisition of Whitehall place Resolved, That the Board of Estimate consider upon the Borough of The Bronx to be levied and the advisability of reapportioning the entire cost collected with the taxes of such Borough in one and expense of the aforesaid proceeding pursuant installment, and by haying the remainder of the to the provisions of section 303 of the New Yea assessments levied on the aforesaid Benefit Parcels City Charter, by placing upon The City of New together with the entire assessment upon the local York one-third of the value of buildings taken, areas of benefit for the acquisition of Amundson less the share of the value of buildings taken avenue and East 226th street continue and remain which the court may by law place upon The City a lien and charge against the several lots and par. of New York; by placing upon the real property eels of real property assessed for benefit and within the area of assessment heretofore fixed set forth in the final decree in such proceeding and as shown on the diagram hereinafter attached entered in the office of the Clerk of the County 40 per cent of the cost and expense of acquiring of The Bronx on the 25th day of May, 1938, title to 120th avenue and 119th road; SO per cent at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City of the cost and expense of acquiring title to


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Notice to no Claims


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title to the real property recuired for the widening of HAMIL-TON AVENUE from Henry street to 3d ave-nue; Prospect avenue from 3d avenue to 4th avenue, and 3d avenue from Prospect avenue to 39th street and from 62d street to 63d street, and a public park within the block bounded by 3d avenue, 65th street, 2d avenue, and 64th street, and a public park at the intersection of Hamilton avenue and 3d avenue, and a public park bounded by 2d avenue, 55th street, a line



in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated Decem-ber 4, 1939 (CP-1222—November 20, 1940—Cal. No. 22).

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate at its meeting held on Thurs-

day, November 14, 1940 (Cal. No. 150-B), adopted the following resolution:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate is considering the advisability of authorizing the construction of a combined sewer and appurtenances in 44th ave- nue from 111th street to a point about 520 feet easterly; and the construction of a sanitary sewer and appurtenances in 44th avenue from a point about 520 feet east of 111th street to 114th street; 114th street from 44th avenue to 41st avenue; 43d avenue from 114th street to a point about 260 feet westerly; 42d avenue from 114th street to a point about 180 feet westerly; together with an automatic electric ejector station at the west side of Grand Central parkway just north of 44th ave-nue prolonged; and a force main in 114th street, easterly side, from the ejector station to 44th avenue; and in 44th avenue from 114th street, easterly side, to a point about 520 feet east of 111th street, Second Ward, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York, the preliminary au-thorization for such improvement having been granted by resolution of such Board adopted on May 18, 1939 (Cal. No. 24), and amended on November 14, 1940 (Cal. No. 150-A), and of apportioning the cost thereof;

Whereas, The total estimated cost of such im-provement is the sum of ;30,900, the total esti-mated expenses thereof are the sum of ;4,200, and the assessed valuation of the property deemed benefited thereby as shown by the tax rolls of such Borough for the fiscal year 1940.1941, is the Bum of $102,100;

Resolved, That such Board pursuant to the pro-visions of section 300 of the New York City Charter consider such authorization and apportion-ment of cost,

By placing one-third of the cost of the combined sewer and appurtenances upon The City of New York; by assessing the sum of $20,000 upon the property deemed to be benefited by such improve-ment as shown upon a map bearing the signature of the Secretary of the Board of Estimate and dated November 7, 1940, and by placing the re-/mining cost of such improvement upon the Bor-ough of Queens, the City's and Borough's shares to be payable with the taxes of such City and Borough the first fiscal year next succeeding the confirmation of the assessment, —at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Thursday, December 12, 1940, at 10.30 o'clock a. in., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had;

Resolved, That the Secretary of such Board cause this resolution and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in THE CITY RECORD at least ten (10) days prior to Thursday, December 12, 1940.

Dated, New York, Nov. 29, 1940. FRANCES LEHRICH, Secretary, Board of

Estimate, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Tele- phone, WO rth 2-4560. n29,d10

177th street and 178th street; 60 per cent of the cost and expense of acquiring title to 180th street, and 65 per cent of the cost and expense of ac-quiring title to each of the remaining streets and the triangular street area. and by placing the en-

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate consider the proposed action at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Thursday, December 12, 1940, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had;

Resolved, That the Secretary of such Board

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate at its meeting held on Thurs-

day, November 14, 1940 (Cal. No. 32), adopted the following resolution:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportion-ment by resolution adopted on March 5, 1937 (Cal. No. 160-A), authorized the following local improvement to wit:

Regulating, regrading, recurbing, relaying side- walks, where necessary and heretofore graded, curbed and flagged; for curbing, removing and re- placing trees, constructing receiving basins and spillways, laying stone block gutters, 10 feet or less in width (preliminary .pavement) where neces- sary and for paving, outside of the area entitled to repaving with a permanent pavement upon a concrete foundation eight (8) inches in thickness; the combined width of repaving and new paving to be 40 feet, centrally located, in Northern boule-vard (Broadway) from 220th (8th) street to Douglaston parkway (southerly location); and for laying sidewalks on the southerly side between Snell avenue and Douglaston parkway, and for all work incidental thereto, Third Ward, Borough of Queens. Between 222d street and 226th street and between 233d street and Douglaston parkway the pavement shall be bituminous concrete; elsewhere the pavement shall be sheet asphalt. Exception; from the sane of this resolution shall be excluded the bridge over Alley Creek, —at an estimated cost of ;71,100, and directed that 20 per cent of the entire cost of the grading work and drainage facilities, and 30 per cent of the entire cost and expense of the paving work including stone block gutters (preliminary pave-ment) be placed upon the Borough of Queens, to be levied and collected with the taxes upon such Borough in one installment; that the remaining 80 per cent of the entire cost and expense of the grading work and drainage facilities, and the re-maining 70 per cent of the entire cost and expense of the paving work, including stone block gutters (preliminary pavement) be assessed upon the prop-erty deemed to be benefited by such local improve-ment, and that the entire cost and expense of the curbing and flagging be assessed upon the frontage;

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate consider the advisability of reapportioning the entire cost and expense of the aforesaid local improvement pursuant to the provisions of section 303 of the New York City Charter, by placing 40 per cent of the entire cost and expense of the improvement excepting the permanent pavement and the curb-ing and flagging upon The City of New York; by placing 40 per cent of the entire cost and ex-pense of the improvement excepting the permanent pavement and the curbing and flagging, and 50 Per cent of the cost and expense of the perma-nent pavement upon the Borough of Queens, the City's and Borough's shares to be payable with the taxes of such City and Borough the first fiscal year next succeeding the confirmation of the assess-ment, and by assessing the entire remaining cost and expense of the improvement upon the property deemed to be benefited by such improvement, as shown upon a map bearing the signature of the Secretary of the Board of Estimate and dated October 2, 1940;

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate consider the proposed action at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Thursday, December 12, 1940, at 10.30 o'clock a. in., and that at the same time and place a public bearing thereon will then and there be had;

Resolved, That the Secretary of such Board cause this resolution and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in THE CITY Racoon at least ten (10) days prior to Thursday, December 12, 1940.

Dated, New York, Nov. 29. 1940. FRANCES LEHRICH, Secretary, Board of

Estimate, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Tele- phone, WO rtb 2-4560. n29,d10

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate consider the advisability of reapportioning the entire cost of the aforesaid local improvement pursuant to the provisions of section 303 of the New York City Charter, by placing 40 per cent of the assess-ment for paving placed on the lands in private ownership upon The City of New York, to be levied and collected with the taxes of such City in one installment, and by having the remaining assessments which were placed on the privately owned lands together with the entire assessment on City-owned lands, continue and remain a lien and charge against the several lots and parcels of real property assessed for benefit and set forth in Assessment List No. 5679 confirmed by the Board of Assessors on February 20, 1940;

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate consider the proposed action at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Thursday, December 12, 1940, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had;

Resolved, That the Secretary of such Board cause this resolution and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in Tria CITY Ream at least ten (10) days prior to Thursday, December 12, 1940.

Dated, New York, Nov. 29, 1940. FRANCES LEHRICH, Secretary, Board of

Estimate, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Tele. phone, WO rth 2-4560. n29,d10


Notices of Public Hearings

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON THE meeting dates noted at the end of each item

hereunder the City Planning Commission adopted resolutions fixing the following hearings, to be held in Room 16, City Hall, Manhattan. on

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1940 AT 2.80 P. M.


Eliminating the lines of two public parks located within the block bounded by Canal street, Eldridge street and Forsyth street, Borough of Manhattan, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated April 18, 1940 (CP-1592---November 27, 1940--Cal. No. 8).

Changing the lines and grades of the street sys-tem within the territory bounded approximately by Shell road, Atwater court, West 3d street and Circumferential parkway, Borough of Brooklyn, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated June 28, 1940 (CP-1684--November 27, 1940—Cal. No. 9).

Changing the grades of East 230th street from Bronxwood avenue to a point about 400 feet east-erly therefrom, Borough of The Bronx, in accord-ance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated September 30, 1940 (CP-1776—November 27, 1940—Cal. No. 10).

Changing the grades of Pleasantview street from 66th drive to Metropolitan avenue, Borough of Queens, in accordance with a map bearing the sig-nature of the President of the Borough and dated April 26, 1940 (CP-1630—November 27, 1940—Cal. No. 11).

Establishing or changing the lines and grades of the street system within the territory bounded approximately by 96th street, Grand Central park-way, New York City Municipa) Airport (La Guar-dia Field), Grand Central parkway, 23d road and its easterly prolongation, 102d street and 23d ave-nue, including the layout of a proposed park abutting the southerly line of Ditmars boulevard from 97th street to 100th street, and a change in the lines of a public park abutting the southerly line of 22d drive from 98th street to 99th street, Borough of Queens, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Bor-ough and dated July 19, 1940 (CP-1682—Novem-ber 27, 1940—Cal. No. 12).


Modified drainage plan for Sewerage District No. 43-S-20, Borough of The Bronx, showing sizes, location and grades of sewers in the area bounded by Tomlinson avenue, Morris Park avenue, New-port avenue and Sacket avenue, bearing the signa-ture of the President of the Borough and dated September 24, 1940 (CP-1769—November 27, 1940 —Cal. No. 13).

PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City Planning Commission, 2700 Municipal Building, Manhattan. WO rth 2-5600. n29,d10

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON THE meeting dates noted at the end of each item

hereunder the City Planning Commission adopted resolutions fixing the following hearings, to be held in Room 16, City Hall, Manhattan, on



Notice to no Claims


In the Matter of Acquiring Title by The City of New York to certain real property located on the northeast corner of 2d avenue and East 73d street, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, duly selected as a site for a retail market.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY AN order of the Supreme Court of the State of

New York, dated the 26th day of November, 1940, and duly entered and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of New York on the 27th day of November, 1940, an application of The City of New York to have the compensation which should justly be made to the respective owners trof anthtede real property proposed to be taken in the above entitled proceeding ascertained and deter-mined by the Supreme Court without a jury was

The nature and extent of the improvement here-by intended is the acquisition of title in fee simple absolute by The City of New York for the use of the premises for a retail market for the Depart-ment of Markets.

The property acquired is more particularly bounded and described as follows:

"All that land and improvements thereon situ-ated, being and lying in the Borough of Manhat-tan, County of New York, City and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point on the easterly side of 2d avenue, distant 102.19 feet southerly from the intersection formed by the easterly side of 2d ave-nue with the southerly side of East 74th street, both as laid out on the map of the City of New York, running thence eastwardly, parallel with East 74th street, and at right angles to 2d avenue for 199.92 feet; thence southwardly deflecting to the right 90 degrees and part of the way through a party wall for 102.18 feet to the northerly line of East 73d street, thence westwardly deflecting to the right 90 degrees and along the northerly side of East 73d street for 99.96 feet; thence northwardly, deflecting to the right 90 degrees and parallel with 2d avenue, for 51.09 feet; thence westwardly deflecting to the left 90 degrees and parallel with East 74th street for 99.96 feet to the easterly side of 2d avenue; thence northwardly, deflecting to the right 90 degrees and along the easterly side of 2d avenue for 51.09 feet to the point or place of beginning, and comprising an area of 15,320,87 square feet."

The premises are more particularly shown upon a survey map or plan on file in the office of the Corporation Counsel, Room 1562, Municipal Build-ing, Borough of Manhattan.

NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that each and ever/ person interested in the real property acquired in this proceeding, or any per-son having any claim or demand on account there-of, is hereby required to file his claim duly veri-fied in the manner required by law for the verifi-cation of pleadings in an action, with the Clerk of the County of New York, on or before the 16th day of December, 1940, and to serve at the same time on the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York, at his office, Room 1559, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, a true copy thereof.

Said verified claim shall set forth the real property which the claimant owns or in which he is interested, and his post office address, together with an inventory or itemized statement of the fixtures, if any, for which compensation is claimed; and in case such claim or demand for compensa-tion in reaped to any fixtures is made by a lessee or tenant of the real property acquired, a copy of such verified claim and demand together with an inventory or itemized statement of the fixtures, if any, for which compensation is claimed, and in case such claim or demand for compensation in respect to any fixtures is made by a lessee or tenant of the real property acquired, a copy of such verified claim and demand, together with said inventory or itemized statement shall be served upon the owner of such real property or his attorney.

Proof of title will be received by the Corpora-tion Counsel, at his office, Room 1265, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on or before the 16th day of December, 1940.

Dated, New York, November 27. 1940. WILLIAM C. CfIANLER, Corporation Coun-

sel, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. n29,d10

tire remaining cost and expense of the proceeding upon the Borough of Queens, the City's and Bor-ough's shares to be payable with the taxes of such City and Borough the first fiscal year next succeeding the confirmation of the assessment:

cause this resolution and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in Tim CITY RECORD at least ten (10) days prior to Thursday, December 12, 1940.

Dated, New York, Nov. 29, 1940. FRANCES LEHRICH, Secretary, Board of

Estimate, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Tele- phone, WO rth 2-4560. n29,d10

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate at its meeting held on Thurs-

day, November 14 1940 (Cal. No. 151), adopted the following resolution:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate by resolution adopted on July 28, 1938 (Cal. No. 16), author-ized the construction of the following local im-provement to wit:

Paving with sheet asphalt on a concrete founda-tion (permanent pavement) the roadway of Aque-duct avenue east, from West 181st street to Clin-ton place, and from West 182d street to West 184th street. together with all work incidental thereon, Borough of The Bronx, —at an estimated cost of $27,500, and provided that the entire cost be assessed upon the property deemed to he benefited by such local improvement;

Whereas, The assessments for such local im-provement were confirmed by the Board of Asses-sors on February 20, 1940 (Assessment List Ns. 5679);


Eliminating the lines of Cherokee place from East 76th street to East 77th street, and by laying out an addition to John Jay Park along its west-erly boundary from East 76th street to East 77th street, Borough of Manhattan, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated one 24, 1940 (CP-16116-- November 20, 1940—C-a1. No. 18).

Changing the lines and grades of East River drive between East 92d street and East 99th street, including incidental changes in the grades of oer-Min of the intersecting streets affected; by estab-lishing the grades of But 96th street from 1st avenue to East River drive; by widening York avenue between East 92d street and East 93d street and by laying out two Public Parks within the blocks bounded by East 95th street, lit ave-nue, East 96th street and East River drive, and East 96th street, lst avenue, East 97th street and East River drive, Borough of Manhattan, in ae-cordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated October 11, 1940 (CP-1804—November 20, 1940—Cal. No. 19),

Changing the grades of the street system within the territory bounded by Broadway, Boermn street, Lorimer street and McKibben street, Borough of Brooklyn, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Bawd and dated January 10, 1939 (CP-767—November 20, 1940—Cal. No. 20).

Changing the grades of But 153d street from Grand Concourse to Walton avenue, Borough of The Bronx, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated September 25, 1940 (CP-1768—November 20, 1940—Cal. No. 21).

Eliminating the public place in the territory bounded approximately by 78th avenue, Grand Cen-tral parkway, a line about 150 feet east of 78th avenue, and Queens boulevard, Borough of Queens,

Changing the line at the northeasterly intersec• tion of Yellowstone boulevard and 64th road, Bor-ough of Queens, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated May 6, 1940 (CP-1629—November 20, 1940 —Cal. No 23).

Establishing the lines and grades of Victory boulevard from Richmond avenue to Willowbrook road, Borough of Richmond, in accordance with a map bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated June 20, 1940 (CP-1741— November 20, 1940—Cal. No. 24).


Amended drainage plan for Sewerage District No. 41 SD-39, Borough of Queens, showing loca-tion, sizes and grades of sewers in the area bounded by 176th street, Farmers boulevard. 167th street and 144th drive; in the area bounded by Baisley boulevard, Farmers boulevard, 120th ave-nue and Montauk street; in the area bounded by Sidway place, Selover road, 127th avenue, 174th place, 125th avenue, Ursine road, Irwin place and Leslie road; and in 181st street from 146th road to 145th road, bearing the signature of the Acting President of the Borough and dated September 9, 1940 (CP-1772—November 20, 1940--(:A. No.25).

PHILLIP B. THURSTON, Secretary, City Planning Commission, 2700 Municipal Building, Manhattan, WO rth 2-5600. n22,d3


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Third: That The City of New York, and all other parties interested in such proceeding or in any of the real property affected thereby, having any objections thereto, shall file such objections in writing, duly verified, in the manner required by law for the verification of pleadings in an action, setting forth the real property owned by the objector and his poet office address, with the Clerk of the County of Queens, on or before the 19th day of December, 1940, and parties other than The City of New York, shall within the same time serve on the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York, at his office, Municipal Building, Room 1539, in the Borough of Manhat-tan, City of New York, a copy of such verified obj ections.

Fourth: That on the 20th day of December,

1940, at 9.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as Counsel can be heard, the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York will apply to the Hon. Charles C. Lockwood, the Justice of the Supreme Court, who signed said tentative decree at a Special Term, Part IV of the Supreme Court to be held in the Municipal Building, in the Borough of Brooklyn, to fix a time when said Justice will hear the parties who will have filed objections to the said tentative decree.

Dated, New York, November 26, 1940. WILLIAM C, CHANLER, Corporation Coun-

sel, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. n26,d12

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Costs, charges and expenses with the certificate of the Corporation Counsel thereto attached has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings, there to remain for and during the space of ten days, as required by law.

Dated, New York, November 23, 1940. WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Coun-

sel, Office and Post Office Address, Mtmicipl Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. n23,d4

about 200 feet east of 2d avenue, and 56th street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, in connection with the construction of an elevated parkway from Henry street to Owls Head park, together with the necessary appurtenances and approaches thereto, and for the construction of a high level bridge across Gowanus Canal, as selected by the Triborough Bridge Authority, and approved according to law, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY AN order of the Supreme Court of the State of

New York, Second Judicial District, amending the proceeding, dated November 25, 1940, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on November 25, 1940, the application of The City of New York to have the compensation which should justly be made to the respective owners of the real property taken in the above entitled proceeding ascertained and de-termined by the Supreme Court without a jury, in accordance with the resolution adopted by the Board of Estimate on the 10th day of October, 1940, was granted.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT PUR-suant to section B15, subdivision 11.0 of the Ad-ministrative Code, the map or survey of the land acquired in this proceeding has been duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings, and each and every party and person interested in the real property so to be taken, and having any claim or demand on account thereof, is hereby re-quired to file his claim duly verified in the manner

Filing Tentative Decree—Notices to II1e Objections


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title to the real property required for the opening and extending of SAUNDERS STREET, from 63d drive (Penelope street) to the easterly line of 64th road (Modjeska street), in the Borough of Queens, City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PAR-ties interested in the above entitled proceeding,

as follows: First: That the above named Court, after con-

sidering the testimony and proofs submitted on the trial of the above entitled proceeding, has completed its estimate of thecompensation which should be made by The City of ew York to the respective owners of the real property to be ac-


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title to the real property required for the opening and extending of 14TH PLACE (LEBANON TERRACE) from 25th (Hoyt) avenue to the property line about 100 feet southerly therefrom, in the Bor-ough of fQueens, City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PAR-ties interested in the above entitled proceeding,

as follows: First: That the above named Court, after con-

sifting the testimony and proofs submitted on the trial of the above entitled proceeding, has completed its estimate of the tion which should be made by The City of ew York to the respective owners of the real property to be ac- quired in this proceeding, and has made an assess-ment of the value of the benefit and advantage

required by law for the verification of pleadings in an action with the Clerk of the County of Kings, on or before the 11th day of December, 1940, and to serve on the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York at his office, Room 1559, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, within the same time, a copy thereof.

The said verified claim shall set forth the real property which the claimant owns or in which he is interested, and his post office address, together with an inventory or itemized statement of the fixtures, if any, for which compensation is claimed; and in case such claim or demand for compensa-tion in respect to any fixtures is made by a lessee or tenant of the real property to be acquired, a copy of such verified claim or demand, together with said inventory or itemized statement, shall be served upon the owner of such real property or his attorney.

Proof of title may be submitted to the Cor-poration Counsel at his office, Room 506, Mu-nicipal Budding, Borough of Brooklyn, or Room 1265, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on or before the 12th day of December, 1940.

The property affected by the above amended proceeding is located in Tax Block 829, Lots 6, 12 and 13.

Dated, New York, November 29, 1940. WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Coun-

sel, Office and Post Office Address, Municil Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. n29,d10

Application to Amend Proceedings


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title to the real property required for the widening of HAMILTON AVENUE, from Henry street to 3d avenue; PROSPECT AVENUE, from 3d avenue to 4th avenue, and 3D AVENUE, from Prospect avenue to 39th street, and from 62d street to 63d street, and a PUBLIC PARK within the block bounded by 3d avenue, 65th street, 2d avenue, and 64th street, and a PUB-LIC PARK at the intersection of Hamilton avenue and 3d avenue, and a Public Park bounded by 2d avenue, 55th street, a line about 200 feet east of 2d avenue and 56th street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, in connection with the construction of an ele- vated parkway from Henry street to Owls Head Park, together with the necessary appurtenances and approaches thereto, and for the construction of a high level bridge across Gowanus Canal, as selected by the Tnborough Bridge Authority, and approved according to law.

PURSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby given

that it is the intention of the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York to make ap-plication to the Supreme Court of the State of New York at a Special Term for condemnation proceedings, Part IV thereof, to be held in and for the County ofKings, at the Municipal Build-ing, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the 3d day of December, 1940, at 9.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or U soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for an order further amending the above entitled proceeding, and the petition and order granting the application to condemn and to have the com-pensation which should justly be made to the respective owners of the real property proposed to be taken in such proceeding heretofore duly entered and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on June 12, 1940, as amended by an order of this Court, dated July 25, 1940, and duly entered and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on July 26, 1940, so as to provide for the acquisition of title to the real property required for the widening of Hamilton avenue, from Henry street to 3d ave-nue; Prospect avenue from 3d avenue to 4th avenue; 3d avenue from Prospect avenue to 39th street and from 62d street to 63d street; 18th street from 3d avenue to a line 175 feet north-westerly; 19th street from 3d avenue to a line 100 feet northwesterly; and a Public Park within the block bounded by 3d avenue, 65th street, 2d avenue, and 64th street; and a Public Park within the area hounded by 18th street, 3d avenue, 19th street and Gowanus Canal; and a Public Park within the area bounded by Gowanus Canal, Ham-ilton avenue, 3d avenue and 18th street; and a Pultie Park bounded by 2d avenue, 55th shoe a line about 200 feet east of 2d avenue, and 56th street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, as now laid out on the map of The City of New York, in connection with the construction of an elevated parkway from Henry street to Owls Had Park, together with the necessary appurtenances and approaches thereto, and for the construction of a high level bridge across Gowanus Canal, as se-lected

by the Triborough Bridge Authority, and

a proved according to law, in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Estimate adopted on October 31, 1940.

The additional real property to be acquired in this amended proceeding is shown upon map dated November 19, 1940, and is more particularly bounded and described as follows:

Parcel A-1 Beginning at the corner formed by the inter-

section of the former northeast line of Hamilton avenue with the former southeast line of Smith street, now eliminated by a map adopted by the Board of Estimate on October 31, 1940; thence northeasterly along said former southeast line of Smith street 35.03 feet to the corner formed by the intersection of the southeast line of Smith street with the new northeast line of Hamilton avenue, as laid out by the aforesaid map adopt by the Board of Estunate on October 31, 1940; thence southeasterly deflecting 134 degrees, 27 minutes, 42 seconds to the right along the new northeast line of Hamilton avenue 201.42 feet to the northwest United States bulkhead and pierhead line of Gowanus Canal; thence southwesterly de-fleeting 57 degrees, 48 minutes, 22 seconds to the right along said northwest United States bulkhead and pierhead line 29.54 feet to the former northeast line of Hamilton avenue eliminated by the afore- said map adopted on October 31, 1940; thence northwesterly deflecting 122 degrees, 11 minutes, 38 seconds to the right along said former north-east Horne paflaceHamof ilbetonginnaveninee 192.66 feet to the

Parcel D-1 Beginning at the point of intersection of the

southeast United States bulkhead and pierhead line of Gowanus Canal and the former northeast line of 13th street, now eliminated by a map adopted by the Board of Estimate on October 31, 1940; thence northeasterly along said southeast United States bulkhead and picked line 22.57 feet to the new northeast line of Hamilton avenue as laid out by the aforesaid map adopted on October 31, 1940; thence southeasterly deflecting 122 degrees, 11 minutes, 38 seconds to the right along the new northeast line of Hamilton avenue 42.36 feet to the northeast line of 13th street; thence northwesterly deflecting 147 degrees, 48 minutes, 22 seconds to the right along the former northeast line of 13th street 35.84 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Any and all party walls along the exterior lines of the parcels herein before described and to be acquired shall remain standing until inch time as the buildings of which such party walls are a part may be demolished, and no rights in said party walls are intended to be extinguished by this proceeding.

The property affected by the above description is located in Block 483E of Section 2 and Block 1025 of Section 4 of the Kings County Land Map.

A survey map or plan of the property herein-above described is on file in the office of the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York.

Dated, New York, November 20, 1940. WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Com-

te!, Office and Post Office Address Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. n20,d2

Application to Condemn


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title to the real property required for the widening of DITMARS BOULEVARD on its southerly side between 98th street and 99th street; the widening of 23d avenue at the northwest corner of 101st street; the triangular street area bounded by the west-erly side of 101st street, Ditmars boulevard and 23d avenue; 22d drive from Ditmars boulevard to Grand dentral parkway, and the three phlie parks adjacent to the southerly side of Dinners boulevard from 97th street to 100th street, as the said streets and publicparks are now laid out on the City map, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York.


TroHjdoc4STnAolaTEisSheret teeelIN SUCH

that it is the intention of the Corporation of The City of New York to make application to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term, Part IV, for the condemnation proceedings of said Court, to be held in the County of Kings, at the Municipal Building, in the Bor-ough of Brooklyn, in the City of New York, on the 9th day of December, 1940, at 9.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon for an order to condemn the real property hereinafter described and directing that the compensation which should justly be made to the respective owners of the real property to be acquired in the above entitled proceeding, be ascertained and determined by the Supreme Court without a jury, and to have the cost of such improvement assessed by the said Court, as hereinafter set forth in accordance with the resolution of the Board Of Estimate adopted on October 17, 1940.

The nature and extent of the improvement here-by intended is theacquisition of title in fee by The City of New York for street and parkzr: poses, to the real pmerty required for the w mg of Ditmars boulevard on its southerly side between 98th street and 99th street; the widening of 23d avenue at the northwest corner of 101st street; the triangular street area bounded by the westerly side of 101st street, Didn't.. boatyard and 23d avenue; 22d drive from Ditmars boulevard to Grand Central parkway, and the three public parks adjacent to the southerly side of Ditmars boulevard from 97th street to 100th street, as the said streets and public parks are now laid out on the City map in the Borough of Queens, City of New York. The real property, title to which is to be acquired, is shown in red on a map by the fiord of Estimate on October 1r1o97, and is more particularly bounded and described as follows:

WIDENING or DITUARS Botruevan Parcel A

Beginning at a point formed by the intenee-tion of the easterly line of 98th street (41st street) with the southerly line of Ditmars boulevard (ave-nue) as laid down on Map No. 2787 hereinafter described; running thence northerly for 99.41 feet along the prolongation of the easterly line of 98th street to the former southerly line of Ditman boulevard; thence easterly on an arc of a circle, the tangent of which ddects 87 degrees 45 mina rtes 10 seconds to the right from the last men-tioned course, the radius of which is 768.83 feet, for 198.34 feet along the former southerly line of Ditmars boulevard to the prolongation of the westerly line of 99th street (42d street); thence southerly, deflecting to the right 72 degrees 58 minutes 18 seconds from the tangent to the last mentioned course, for 86.30 feet along the pro-longation of the westerly line of 99th street to the southerly line of Ditmars boulevard as laid down on Map No. 2787 hereinafter described; thence northerly and westerly on an arc of a circle tangent to the last mentioned course, the radius of which is 42.60 feet, for 55.51 feet along the southerly line of Ditmars boulevard; thence west-erly on an arc of a circle tangent to the last men-tioned course, the radius of which is 250.00 feet, for 133.95 feet along the southerly line of Dit-mars boulevard; thence westerly and southerly on an arc of a circle tangent to the last mentioned course, the radius of which is 42.60 feet, for 55.51 feet along the southerly line of Dinars boulevard to the easterly line of 98th street, the point or place of beginning.


Beginning. at a point of curve on the northerly line of 23d avenue (Mansfield avenue) as laid down on Map No. 2787 hereinafter described, said point being distant 150.00 feet east of the easterly line of 100th street (43d street) ; running thence

easterly and northerly on an arc of a circle, the radius of which is 50.00 feet, for 78.54 feet along the northerly line of 23d avenue to the westerly line of 101st street; thence southerly, deflecting to the right 180 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds from the tangent to the last mentioned course, for 50.00 feet along the prolongation of the westerly line of 101st street as laid down immediately south of Ditman boulevard to the prolongation of the northerly line of 23d avenue as laid down im- mediately east of 100th street;. thence for 50.00 feet along the prolongation of the y line of 23d avenue, the point or place of be gtnning.


Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the southerly line of Ditmars boulevard with the westerly line of 101st street as laid down on Map 2787 hereinafter described; running thence southeasterly for 312.48 feet along the southerly line of Ditmars boulevard to the prolongation of the northerly line of 23d avenue as laid down im-mediately east of 100th street; thence westerly, deflecting to the right 133 degrees 06 minutes 25 seconds, for 213.50 feet along the prolongation of the northerly line of 23d avenue to the prolonga-tion of the westerly line of 101st street as laid down immediately south of Ditmars boulevard; thence northerly for 228.10 feet along the westerly line of 101st street and its prolongation to the southerly line of Ditmars boulevard, the point or place of beginning.

22n Dans .Parcel D

Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the northerly line of Ditmars boulevard with the westerly line of 22d drive as laid down on Map No. 2787 hereinafter described, said point being distant 280.tree) east of the easterly line of 22d rod (43d; running thence easterly and northerly on an arc of a circle, the radius of which is 209.77 feet, for 317.99 feet along the westerly line of 22d drive; thence northerly tangent to the last mentioned course, for 49.98 feet along the westerly line of 22d drive to the southerly line of Grand 'Central parkway; thence easterly on an arc of a circle, the tangent of which deflects 85 degrees 56 minutes 08 seconds to the right from the last mentioned course, the radius of which is 2,397.00 feet for 60.10 feet along the southerly hne of Grand Central parkway to the easterly line of 22d drive; thence southerly, deflect-big to the right 92 degrees 37 minutes 40 seconds from the tangent to the last mentioned course, for

Third: That The City of New York, and all other parties interested in such proceeding or in any of the real property affected thereby, having any objections thereto, shall file such objections in writing, duly verified, in the manner respired by law for the verification of pleadings in an action, setting forth the real property owned by the objector and his post office address, with the Clerk of the County of Queens, on or before the 10th day of December, 1940, and parties other than The City of New York, shall within the same time serve on the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York, at his office, Municipal Building, Room 1559, in the Borough of Man-hattan, City of New York, a copy of such verified obj ections.

Fourth: That on the 12th day of December,

quired in this proceeding, and has made an assess. ment of the value of the benefit and advantage of the improvement to the respective owners of the real property within the area of assessment for benefit herein, and the tentative decree of the said Court as to awards for damages and as to assessments for benefit was signed on the 28th day of November, 1940, by lion. Charles C. Lockwood., Justice of the Supreme Court presiding at the trial of the above entitled procading, and was filed with the Clerk of the County of Queens on the 20th day of November, 1940, for the inspection of whomsoever it may concern.

Second: That the said Court has assessed all the real property within the area of assessment fixed and prescribed as the area of assessment for benefit by the Board of Estimate on the 11th day of January, 1940, and that the said area of assessment includes the parcels of real property situate and being in the Borough of Queens, in The City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded as shown on the following diagram:

of the improvement to the respective owners of the real property within the area of assessment for benefit herein, and the tentative decree of the said Court as to awards for damages and as to assessments for benefit was signed on the 8th day of November, 1940, by Hon, Charles C. Lock-wood, Justice of the Supreme Court presiding at the trial of the above entitled proceedl and was filed with the Clerk of the County ofQueens on the 8th day of November, 1940, for in- spection of whomsoever it may concern.

Second: That the said Court has assessed all the real within the area of assessment fixed and prescribedas the area of assessment for benefit by the Board of Estimate and Apportion-ment on the 20th day of March, 1931 and that the said area of assessment includes the panels of real property situate and being in the Borough of Queens in The City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded as shown on the following diagram:

1940, at 9.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as Counsel can be heard, the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York will apply to the Hon. Charles C. Lockwood, the Justice of the Supreme Court, who signed said tentative decree at a Special Term, Part IV of the Supreme Court to be held in the Municipal Building, in the Borough of Brooklyn, to fix a time when said Justice will hear the parties who will have filed objections to the said tentative decree.

Dated, New York, November 15, 1940. WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Coun-

sel, Office and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. n15,d3

Filing Bills of Cots


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, for the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tene- ments and hereditaments required for thepur- pose of opening and extending BANK STREET from Linden boulevard to DeWitt avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A BILL of Cats, charges and expenses incurred by reason

of the above entitled proceeding, will be presented to one of the justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second Judicial District, at a Special Term, Part IV thereof, to be held in and for the County of Kings, at the Municipal Build-ing, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, on the 6th day of December, 1940, at 9.3n o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for taxation in acordance with the certificate of the Corporation Counsel, and that the said Bill of

DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Confirmation of Aseessments

Borten ro Plonen Own=

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 415(1)-11.0 of the Administrative Code for The City of

New York, the Treasurer of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property affected bY the following assessments for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF QUEENS:

SECOND WARD Grading, cuthiff, gagging, etc. in 66th dr.

from 71st at to riessantnew st.; Plessanniew it from 66th rd. to Metropolitan ave. Affecting blocks 3053, 3055, 3056, 3057, 2d Ward.

FOURTH WARD Curbing, flagging, etc. in New York blvd. east-

erly side, from Comfort ave. to Gerard ave. Af-fecting block 4531, 4th Ward.

Sewer and appurtenances in 140th ave. from Thurston st. to the Long Island Railroad. Affect-int blocks 3664, 3786, 4th Ward.

Sewer and appurtenances in 157th st. from 109th ave. to 108th ave. Affecting blocks 10145, 10146, 4th Ward.

Sewer and appurtenances in 158th at. from 115th rd. to Meyer ave. Affecting blocks 2956, 2957, 4th Ward.

Grading, curbing, flagging, etc. in Springfield blvd. from Hempstead ave. to Hollis ave., together with a list of awards for damage mused by a change in grade. Awards affect block 11110, lots 6, 8, 10, 11, 22. Assessments affect blocks 11110, 11153, 4th Ward.

Grading, curbing, flagging, etc. in 177th pl from 119th rd. to 120th ave. Affecting block 3183, 4th Ward.

The above assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors on Nov. 19, 1940, and entered Nov. 19, 1940, in the Record of Titles of Assess-ments kept in the Bureau of City Collections, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any per-son or property shall be paid on or before Feb. 17, 1941, which is 90 days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, to be calculated from 10 days after the date of entry as provided by section 415(1)-12.0 of the Admin-istrative Code for The City of New York.

The above assessments are payable to the City Collector at his office, Borough F Iew Gardens, L. I., between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p. m., and on Saturday' from 9 a. tn. to 12 noon.

ALMERINDO PORTFOLIO, Treasurer. Dated, New York, Nov. 20. 1940. n26,d6




to the westerly line of Main st.; thence southerly, on the arc of a circle, the tangent of which de-flects 64 degrees 19 minutes 58 seconds to the right from the last mentioned course, the radius of which is 803.83 feet for 65.36 feet along the westerly line of Main at.; thence southerly, tangent to the last mentioned course; for 21.42 feet along the westerly line of Main st. to the southerly line of Crommelin ave.; thence westerly, deflecting to the right, 111 degrees 00 minutes 29 seconds for 1,369.90 feet along the southerly line of Crom-melin ave.; thence westerly, deflecting to the right, 7 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds for 110.26 feet along the southerly line of Crommelin ave. and its prolongation to the former easterly line of Bloc som ave.; thence northerly for 93.64 feet along the prolongation of the easterly line of Blossom ave., as laid down south of Saul st., to the north-erly line of Crommelin ave., the point or place of beginning.

The area to be acquired is shown as public parks, Blossom ave. and Crommelin ave. on Map 2731, dated Jan. 22, 1940, showing a change in the street system heretofore laid out within the territory bounded by Lawrence st., Avery ave., Crommelin ave.. Byrd st., Peck ave., etc., in the 3d Ward, Borough of Queens, approved by the Board of Estimate, Aug. 6, 1940, copies of which were filed in the office of the Register of the County of Queens, at Jamaica, in the office of the Corporation Counsel and in the office of the Presi-dent of the Borough of Queens.

The property affected by the above proceeding is located in Blocks 4702, 4703, 4704, 4704-A, 4705, 4707, 4708, 4709, 4710, 4710-A, 4711, 4712, 4713 on Section 19 as amended and 4815, 4816, 4829 on Section 20 as amended. of the Land Map of the County of Queens, City and State of New York.

The Board of Estimate by resolution adopted on October 31, 1940, determined that the cost of such proceeding shall be apportioned by placing 333i per cent of the cost of acquiring the parks and the streets upon The City of New York, and by placing 66% per cent of such cost upon the Borough of Queens, the City's and Borough's shares to be payable with the taxes of such City and Borough the first fiscal year next succeeding the confirmation of the assessment.

Dated, New York, November 28, 1940. WILLIAM C. CHANLER, Corporation Coun-

sel, Office and Post Office Addresi; Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. n28,d9

53.49 feet along the easterly line of 22d drive; thence southerly and euterly on an arc of a circle tangent to the last mentioned course, the radius of which is 184.83 feet, for 294.79 feet along the easterly line of 22d drive to the northerly line of Ditmars boulevard; thence westerly for 446.99 feet along the northerly line of Ditmars boulevard to the westerly line of 22d drive, the point or place of beginning.

Pusuc PAlL Parcel P-1

Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the easterly line of 97th street (40th street) with the southerly line of Ditmars boulevard as laid down on Map No. 2787 hereinafter described; running thence easterly for 195.00 feet along the southerly line of Ditmars boulevard (the northerly line of a public park) to the westerly line of 98th street (41st street); thence southerly, deflecting to the right 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, for 100.00 feet along the westerly line of 98th street to the southerly line of the public park; thence westerly, deflecting to the right 90 degrees 00 min-utes 00 seconds, for 195.00 feet along the southerly line of the public park to the easterly line of 97th street; thence northerly for 100.00 feet along the westerly line of 97th street to the southerly line of Ditmars boulevard, the point or place of beginning.

Punic PARK Parcel P-2 •

Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the easterly line of 98th street (41st street) with the southerly line of Ditmars boulevard u laid down on Map No. 2787 hereinafter described; reaming thence northerly and easterly on an arc of a aide, the radius of which L 42.60 feet, for 55.51 feet along the southerly line of Ditmars boulevard (the northerly line of a public park); thence easterly on an arc of a circle tangent to the last mentioned course, the radius of which is 250.00 feet, for 133.95 feet along the southerly line of Ditmus boulevard (the northerly line of a public park); thence easterly and southerly on an aro of a circle tangent to the last mentioned

the radius of which is 42.60 feet, for 55.51 course, thethe southerly line of Ditmars boulevard

(the northerly line of a public park) to the west-erly line of 99th street; thence southerly tangent to the last mentioned course, for 20.00 met along the westerly

pu line of 99th street to the southerly

line of the blic park; thence westerly, dello:din; to the right 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, for 95.00 feet along the souther) of the public park; thence northerly, d to the right 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, or 20.00 feet almg the southerly line of the Sells:me thence westerly for 100.00 feet along line of the public park to the easterly line of 984 street. the point Punior place of

P beginning.

c utx Pared P-3

Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the essterty line of 99th street with the south-erly line of Ditman boulevard as laid down on Map No. 2787 hereinafter described; running thence easterly on an are of a drcle, the radius of which is 768.83 feet, for 259.3 feet alone the southerly line of Ditmars boulevard (the northerly line of a public park) to the westerly line of 100th street(43d street); thence southerly, ddeeting to the right 43 degrees- 35 minutes 30 seconds from the tangent to the last mentioned course, for 70.76 feet along the westerly line of 100th street to the southerly line of the public park; thence westerly. deflecting to the right 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, for 120.00 feet along the southerly line of thelighlic park; thence northerly, deftwing to the ri 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seemds, for 60.00 eel along the southerly line of the 'public park; thence westerly, deflecting to the left 90 de-glees 00 minutes 00 seconds, for 100.00 feet along the southerly line of the public park to the easterly line of 99th street; thence northerly for 145.17 feet along the easterly line of 99th street to the motherly line of Ditmars boulevard, the point or place of beginning.

The area to be acquired is shown u Ditmars boulevard 23d avenue, 22d drive, 101st street and threedelic parks on Map No. 2787, dated June 5, 1 , glowing a change in the street system heretofore laid out within the territory bounded by 97th street, Grand Central parkway and 23d avenue and establishing park' along the south side of Ditsnars boulevard from 97th street to 100th street in the Second Ward, Borough of Cinema.

Approved by the Baird of Estimate October 17, 1940, copies of which were filed in the office of the Register of the County of Queens at Jamaica, in the office of the Corporation Counsel, City of New York, and in the office of the President of the Borough of Queens-

The properti affected by the above proceeding is located in Blocks 1478, 1479, 1480, 1481, 1482, 1483, 1484 of Section 6, as amended, of the Land Map of the County of Queens, City and State of New Took.

The Beard of Estimate by resolution adopted on October 17, 1940, determined that the cost of such proceeding shall be apportioned by placing the entire cost upon The City of New York to be payable with the taxes of such City the first fiscal rear next succeeding the confirmation of the as-sessment. MIT( i'.orkbciaLER.rember 25, 1940. cowl.

Office and Post Office Address Municipal

Yot Bftg, Borough of Manhattan, City of New

t. n25,d5


In the Matter of the Application of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title PARK, real

required for the PUBLIC P in forr sections, in the area bounded by Lawrence street, Avery avenue, Crommelin avenue, Main street, Peck avenulder avenue and as bound-ary line north of Elder avenue, 133d street and North Hempstead tarmac for the widening of Blossom avenue on its easterly side from Law-rence street to Crommelin avenue and for Cram-melin avenue from Blossom avenue to Main

Yorstreet, in the Borough of Queens, City of New

PURSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH ass made and provided, notice is hereby given

that it is the intention of the Commotion Counsel of The City of New York to make application to the S Court of the State of New York, at a Term, Part IV, for condemnation pro-

of said Court, to be held in the County of Kings, at the Municipal Building, in the Bor-ough of Brooklyn in in the City of New York, on the 10th day of December, 1940, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for an order to condemn the real property hereinafter described and directing that the compensation which should justly be made to the respective owners of the real property to be taken in the above entitled proceedingb, e ascertained and determined by the Supreme Court without a jury, and to have the oast of such improvement assessed by the Court, as hereinafter set forth in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Estimate adopted on October 31, 1940,

The nature and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title in fee by the City of New York for street and park pup poem. The real property, title to which is to be acquired, is shown in red on the map approved by the Board of Estimate on October 31, 1940, and is more particularly bounded and descfibei as follows:

Praise PARK P-1 Beginning at a point formed by the intersection

of the easterly line of Avery ave. with the north-

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 415 1)-11.0 of the Administrative Code for The of '

New York, the Treasurer of The City of ew York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN:

SECTIONS 3-15-18-20-22-23-24-25 Curbing, Bagging, paving, etc. in Albany ave.

from Avenue D to Foster ave.; grading, curbing, flagging paving. etc. in E. 54th st. from Tilden ave. to Beverly rd.; E. 95th at. from Avenue 1) to Foster avenue; 8th ave. from 39th at to 100 feet north of 39th it.; Locust ave. from Coney Island ave. to E. 12th at. Affecting blocks 903, 908, 4738, 4739, 4974, 4975, 6731, 8127, 8128.

Grading, curbing, flagging, paving, etc., the widened portion of 4th ave. from 95th at. to Shore rd. Affecting blocks 6117, 6122, 6123, 6126, 6127, 6130, 6131, 6134 6135, 6137, 6138.

Curbing and Bing, etc. in Amenfort ave. from E. 52d at. to atbush rve.; grading, curb- ing, flang, etc. in E. 45th at. from Avenue H to the Long Island Railroad; Avenue S from E. 29th at. to Nostrand ave.; grading. curbing, Rag- ging, paving, etc. in E. 48th st. from Beverly rd. to Clarendon rd.; curbing, flagging, paving, etc. in E. 57th st. from Snyder aye. to Tilden ave.; grading and curbing, etc. in Avenue V from Haring st. to Batchelder at Affecting blocks 4728, 4729, 4758, 4759, 4768, 4769, 6835, 7308. 7364, 7365, 7387, 7388, 7728, 7729, 8543.

The above assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors on Nov. 19, 1940, and entered Nov. 19, 1940, in the Record of Titles of Assess- ments kept in the Bureau of City Collet ions, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any per- son or PrePerty shall be paid on or before Feb. 17, 1941, which is 90 days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, to be calculated from 10 days after the date of entry as provided by section 415(1)-12.0 of the Admin. istrative Code for The City of New York.

The above assessments are payable to the City Collector, at his office, Room 1, Municipal BOd- ing, Bklyn., N. Y., between the hours of 9 a. in. and 3 p. m., and on Saturdays between 9 a. tn. and 12 noon.

ALMERINDO PORTFOLIO, Treasurer. Dated, New York, Nov. 20, 1940. n26,d6

easterly line of Lawrence at., as laid down on Map No. 2731 hereinafter described; running thence northerly for 39.76 feet along the easterly line of Avery ave. to the northerly line of a public park; thence easterly, deflecting to the right, 58 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds for 152.86 feet along the northerly line of the public park; thence easterly on an arc of a circle, tangent to the last mentioned course, the radius of which is 5,586.00 feet for 117.31 feet along the northerly line of the public park to the westerly line of Blossom ave.; thence southerly, deflecting to the right, 122 degrees 35 minutes 02 seconds from the tangent to the last mentioned course for 119.01 feet along the westerly line of Blossom ave. to the southerly line of the public park; thencewest-erly, deflecting to the right, 58 degrees 33 minutes 53 seconds for 161.24 feet along the southerly line of the public park to the northeasterly line of Lawrence st.; thence northwesterly for 94.92 feet along the northeasterly line of Lawrence st. to the easterly line of Avery ave., the point or place of beginning

PUBLIC PAIL 13-2 Beginning at a point formed by the intersection

of the southwesterly line of Saul ave. with the northerly line of Peck ave., as laid down on Map 2731 hereinafter described; running thence westerly for 849.07 feet along the northerly line of Peck ave.; thence westerly, deflecting to the right, 7 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds for 258.19 feet along the northerly line of Peck ave. to the easterly line of Blossom ave., as laid down on Map 2731 hereinafter described; thence northerly, deflecting to the right, 121 degrees 18 minutes 39 seconds for 270.36 feet along the easterly line of Blossom ave.; thence northerly and easterly on the arc of a circle, tangent to the last mentioned course, the radius of which is 50.00 feet for 51.22 feet along the easterly line of Blossom ave. to the southerly line of Crommelin ave.; thence easterly, tangent to the last mentioned course, for 58.74 feet along the southerly line of Crommelin ave.; thence easterly, deflecting to the left, 7 degrees 17 min-utes 00 seconds for 589.03 feet along the south-erly line of Crommelin ave. to the southwesterly line of Saul at.; thence southeasterly for 352.80 feet along the southwesterly line of Saul st. to the northerly line of Peck ave., the point or place of beginning.

Punic PARK P-3 Beginning at a point formed by the intersection

of the northeasterly line of Saul st with the northerly line of Peck ave., as laid down on Map 2731 hereinafter described; running thence north-westerly for 347.05 feet along the northeasterly line of Saul st to the southerly line of Crom-melin ave.; thence easterly, dedecfing to the right, 133 degrees 42 minutes 50 seconds for 711.69 feet along the southerly line of Crommelin ave. to the westerly line of Main st.; thence southerly, de-fleeting to the right, 68 degrees 59 minutes 31 sec-onds for 185.17 feet along the westerly line of Main at.; thence southerly, deflecting to the right, 1 degree 47 minutes 42 seconds for 68.02 feet along the westerly line of Main at. to the north-erly line of Peck ave.; thence westerly, deflecting to the right, 109 degrees 04 minutes 59 seconds for 357.57 feet along the northerly line of Peck ave.., thence westerly for 203.46 feet along the northerly line of Peck ave. to the northeasterly line of Saul st., the point or place of beginning.

Pratte PARK P-4 Beginning at a point formed by the intersection

of the easterly him of Blossom ave. with the southerly line of Peck ave., as laid down on Map 2731 hereinafter described; running thence easterly for 298.51 feet along the southerly line of Peck aye.; thence easterly, deflecting to the left, 7 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds for 910.25 feet along the southerly line of Peck ave. to the southwesterly line of Saul at.; thence southerly, deflecting to the right, 46 degrees 17 minutes 10 seconds for 40.38 feet along the southwesterly line of Saul st. to the northerly line of Elder ave.; thence westerly, deflecting to the right, 89 degrees 32 minutes 10 seconds for 32.46 feet along the northerly line of Elder ave.; thence westerly and southerly on the arc of a circle, tangent to the last mentioned course, the radius of which is 730.00 feet for 257.37 feet along the northerly line of Elder ave.; thence southerly and westerly on the arc of a circle, tangent to the last mentioned come, the radius of which is 302.51 feet for 93.80 feet along the northerly line of Elder ave. to a property line; thence northerly, deflecting to the right, 117 degrees 23 minutes 55 seconds from the tangent to the last mentioned course for 64.00 feet along the property line; thence westerly, deflecting to the left, 94 degrees 51 minutes OS seconds for 326.33 feet along the

property line; thence southerly, deflecting to the eft, 68 degrees 43 minutes 29 seconds for 148.97 feet along the property line; thence westerly, de-fleeting to the right, 76 degrees 40 minutes 49 seconds for 88.26 feet along the property line; thence westerly, deflecting to the left, 20 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds for 48.92 feet along the Pro/ line; thence southwesterly, deflecting to the 1 27 degrees 30 minutes 32 seconds for 192.57 eel along the property line; thence south-westerly, deflecting to the left, 22 degrees 44 min-utes S3 seconds for 103.02 feet along the property line; thence southwesterly, deflecting to the right 26 degrees 07 minutes 46 seconds for 132.42 feet done the property line; thence southwesterly, de-

to the right, 8 degrees 05 minutes 00 sec- onds for 188.61 feet along the prop line; thence westerly, deflecting to the right, t, 35 de-grees 58 minutes 09 seconds for 43.2 feet along the property line to the northeasterly line of Lawrence at.; thence northerly, deflating to the right, 92 degrees 04 minutes 49 seconds for 1,193.45 feet along the northeasterly line of Law-rence st. to the easterly line of Blossom ave.; thence northerly for 69.34 feet along the easterly line of Blossom ave. to the southerly line of Peck ave.; the point or place of beginning.

Tax WIDENING or BLOSSOM MINIM Beginning at a point formed by the intersection

of the northeasterly line of Lawrence at. with the easterly line of Blossom ave., as laid down on Map 2731 as hereinafter described; running thence northwesterly for 7.37 feet along the northeasterly line of Lawrence st.; thence northwesterly on the arc of a circle, tangent to the last mentioned course, the radius of which is 458.95 feet for 17.22 feet along the northeasterly line of Lawrence st. to the former easterly line of Blossom ave.; thence northeasterly, deflecting to the right, 55 degrees 49 minutes 52 seconds from the tangent to the last mentioned course for 411.57 feet along the former easterly line of Blossom ave. to the prolongation of the southerly line of Crommelin ave., as laid down on Map 2731 hereinafter de-scribed; thence easterly, deflecting to the right, 58 degrees 41 minutes 21 seconds for 51.52 feet along the prolongation of the southerly line of Crom-melin ave. to the easterly line of Blossom ave.; thence westerly and southerly, on the arc of a circle, the tangent of which deflects 180 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds to the right from the last mentioned course, the radius of which is 50.00 feet for 51.22 feet along the easterly line of Blos-som ave.; thence southerly, tangent to the last mentioned course for 409.93 feet along the easterly line of Blossom ave. to the northeasterly line of Lawrence st., the point or place of beginning.

CROSINELIN Annex Beginning at a point formed by the intersection

of the easterly line of Blossom ave. with the northerly line of Crommelin ave., as laid down on Map 2731 hereinafter described; running thence easterly for 56.51 feet along the northerly line of Crommelin ave.; thence easterly, deflecting to the left, 7 degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds for 1.331.24 feet along the northerly line of Crommelin ave.


SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY Triborough Bridge Authority at its office, Ad-

ministration Building, Randall's Island, Manhattan, New York City, as follows:

Until 10 a. m., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1940

For Hutchinson River parkway extension, pav-ing, E. 197th at. to Eastchester Creek (Hutchin-son River), Borough of The Bronx, Contract No. H-11.

For blank forma and further information apply to Madigan-Hyland, consulting engineers, 28-04 41st ave., L. I. City. n28,d10

Blank forms for proposals, information for bid-den, contract, bond and specifications may be obtained at the office specified. Contract drawings may be seen at the said office and arrangements will be made whereby prospective bidders desiring sets of blueprints of the contract drawings for their own use may secure same at cost thereof to be paid by them.


1. Advertisements, proposals and bids. (a) Bids for contracts shall be solicited by

public advertisement in at least 10 successive issues of TEE CITY RZCOAD. All advertisements soliciting bids for contracts shall be approved by the Corporation Counsel before publication. Bids shall be publicly opened on the day of the last insertion of the advertisement.

(b) with the approval of the Corpora. Lion the advertisement shall include only: 1. The place where the proposals may be ob-

tained; 2. The place where and the day and hour

when the bids will be publicly opened; 3. A brief description of the supplies, ma-

terials and equipment to be furnished and of the work or labor to be done.

(c) Prousforbids shall be such aaeocy

same and shall state: 1. That the person making the bid shall deliver

it in a sealed enveloPe, addressed to the had of the appropriate agency, on or before the time and at the place designated in the advertisement;

2. That the sealed envelope shall be endorsed with the name or names of the mom or persons presenting the ume, the date of its presentation and the title of the proposal;

3. The will be publicly opened;

4. The gustily and quality of tbe materials and equipment to be furnished Vitt; • nature and extent of the work or labor to be done;

S. That um bid shell be smompanied by a deposit is approximately the sum of two Mrcentunt of the amount of such bid; except that in the cue of a proposal for a single item or clue al items, the deposit shall be approximately two percentiles el the contracting agency's estimated cost of the plies, materials materials and equipment to be furnished and the work or labor to be done. Such deposit shall consist of a certified check upon a State or Ne-tional bank or trust company or a cheek of swab bank or trust calumny signed by a duly authorised officer thereof, drawn to the prder of the Cow-troller, of money, or of the obligations of the City described in section 241 of the New York City Charter, which the Comptroller shall approve as of equal value with the sum so required;

6. That in the event of the failure of the bid-der to execute the contract within five days after notice of the award of the contact to him. Ms deposit or so much thereof as shall be applicable to the amount of the award made to him shall be retained by the City. and be shall be liable for and shall agree to pay on demand the difference between the price bid and the price for which rock contracts shall be subsequently Met, 'Deluding the cost of such reletting and less the amount of such deposit No plea of mistake in such accepted Mel shall be available to the bidder for the recovery of his deposit or as a defense to any action based upon such accepted bid;

7. That upon the execution of a contract for work or labor, in which provision has been made for payment by installments, the contractor may be required to deposit not less than approximately two perceatimi nor more than approximately fin Percent= of the amount of the contract. until such contract shall have been performed to the extent of the amount of the &Posit Such dwelt shall consist of a certified cheek upon a State or National bank or trust or a cheek of such bank or trust company by a duly authorized officer thereof, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, of money, or of the obligations of the City described in section 241 of the New York City Charter, which the Comptroller shun approve as of equal value with the sum so

8. That each bid shall contain: (a) The name, residence and place of bad-

ness of the pence or 'persons making the same; (b) The names of atl perms interested there-in and if no other person is so interestvd, such fact shall be distinctly stated;

(e) A statement to the effect that It is made without any connection with any other gam making a bid for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud:

(d) A statement that no Councilman or other Auer or emplwee or person whose salary is payable in whole or in part from the City treasury is directly or indirect) interested therein, or in the supplies, mateniaand equip-himentanyanpdortionworkotorthelab;aizofitsto which fit relates, or

oath (d) of The bid shall be verified by the written the bidder that the several matters stated

therein are in all respects elm (e) Each agency shall keep a proPer recereacle

for the receipt and safe-keeping of bids. Upon the receipt thereof, bids which are duly presented shall be deposited in such receptacle. No bid shall be removed therefrom nor shall the sealed envelope in which it is contained be opened, except as pro-vided in paragraph (f) of this section.

at the time and place designated in the (f) The bids shall be opened and read=

meat, In the presence of the Comptroller or his representative and of such of the bidders as may desire to be present. The opening of such bids shall not be postponed If the Comptroller or his

attendrepresentative shall, after• due notice, fail to

(g) This regulation shall be published in Tin Cery Itzo3ap daily, All advertisements for bids

any one agency appearing in any one issue of THE CITY RECORD shall be published in sequence by date of opening and shall refer to this regula-tion u advertised in Tax CITY Racoon. Such reference shall immediately follow the name of the asenc7.

9. Medical and food supplies. Medical and surgical supplies and perishable food

supplies involving an expenditure of more than

Tone thousand dollars may be procured on purchase riers based on competitive bids received after

advertisement in at least three successive issues of Tits CITY Recoil*.