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    1) Deskripsi

    Adalah obat anestesi inhalasi berbentuk cairan yang mudah menguap,berbau

    harum, dan tidak mudah terbakar.

    Sevofluran adalah suatu obat anestesi umum inhalasi derivat eter dengan

    kelarutan dalam darah yang lebih rendah dari halotan, enfluran dan isofluran.

    Rendahnya kelarutan serta tidak adanya bau yang menyengat

    menyebabkan induksi inhalasi berjalan dengan cepat dan mulus, juga kelarutan

    dalam darah yang rendah menyebabkan pemulihan berjalan dengan cepat.

    Dibandingkan dengan Desfluran, Sevofluran mempunyai A! yang lebih

    rendah "#,$%).

    Desfluran mempunyai kelarutan yang lebih rendah, akan tetapi, iritasi jalan nafas

    lebih besar dengan Desfluran, maka obat anestesi inhalasi yang paling cocokuntuk teknik &'A adalah Sevofluran.

    (idak ada iritasi saluran nafas, sehingga induksi berjalan lancar. ejadian

    iritasi saluran nafas serta kelarutan lebih rendah daripada halotan, sehingga

    induksi inhalasi "baik untuk pediatrik atau de*asa) akan lebih cepat dengan

    sevofluran daripada dengan halotan.

    +ada induksi inhalasi kejadian batuk, menahan nafas, spasme laring,

    eksitasi lebih rendah daripada halotan, sehingga &'A dengan Sevofluran akan

    lebih menyenangkan daripada dengan halotan.

    angun dari anestesi, pemulihan fungsi psikomotor, kognitif, orientasi

    lebih cepat dengan sevofluran dari pada dengan halotan. Sevofluran mendepresi

    SS+, kardiovaskuler dan respirasi paralel dengan isofluran.

    Sevofluran didegradasi oleh soda lime membentuk suatu haloalken yang

    bersifat toksik pada ginjal tikus, tetapi efek tersebut tidak terlihat pada manusia.

    Aman digunakan untuk operasi bedah saraf, pasien dengan kelainan serebral,

    bedah !aesar, pasien dengan risiko miokardial iskhemia, penyakit hepar,

    penyakit ginjal.#) 'ndikasi

    Digunakan untuk induksi dan maintenance pada anestesi umum.

    -) ontra 'ndikasi

    a. pasien yang diketahui sensitive terhadap sevoflurane

    b. pasien yang diketahui atau dicurigai secara genetik mudah menderita demam yang

    hebat " malignant hipertrofi )

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    c. pasien dengan hipovolemia yang berat

    d. pasien dengan hipertensi intracranial

    ) /armakologi

    Sevoflurane merupakan suatu eter isopropil berflourinasi yang tidak menyala.empunyai tekanan uap sekitar 10# mm g pada #$ 2! dan mendidih pada %0,% 2

    !, dalam hal ini sevofluran serupa dengan anestertik volatil lainnya dan diberikan

    melaui vaporisator standar.kurang poten dibanding isofluran dengan A! dalam

    oksigen sebesar $,00 3.

    oefisian partisi darah 4 gas pada -5 2 ! adalah $,%6, kelarutan yang menengah

    dalam darah ini menimbulkan induksi anestesia yang cepat. Sevoflurane kurang

    bersifat iritan terhadap saluran pernafasan bagian atas dibanding desfluran, pada

    induksi menyebabkan lebih sedikit batuk dan laringospasme. Setelah pemberian -$

    menit, ratio konsentrasi alveolar terhadap konsentrasi yang diinspirasi adalah $,7%

    dibandingkan dengan $,66 untuk oksida nitrosa dan $,5- untuk isoflurane.

    %) Dosis

    Sevoflurane harus diberikan dengan menggunakan vapori8er yang khusus

    dikalibrasi untuk sevoflurane agar konsentrasi yang dihasilkan itu akurat dan mudah


    a. Dosis untuk premedikasi

    +remedikasi harus dipilih dan dipertimbangkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasien.

    b. Dosis untuk induksi

    Sevoflurane dapat diberikan pada anak atau orang de*asa dengan dosis

    disesuakan dengan individu pasien aik dari segi umur maupun status fisik

    pasien,alternatif lain bisa dengan pemberian obat barbiturat yang bekerja cepat atau

    obat intravena lain kemudian dilanjutkan dengan inhalasi sevoflurane,jika induksi

    langsung diberikan dengan sevoflurane maka dapat dilakukan dengan campuran

    o9ygen saja atau dengan campuran o9ygen dan :#;, pada pasien de*asa yang

    diberi sevoflurane sampai %3 akan masuk pada stadium bedah dalam *aktu #

    menit, sedang pada anak anak sevoflurane dengan konsentrasi 53 akan masuk ke

    stadium bedah dalam *aktu kurang dari # menit sedangkan pasien yang tidak

    mendapat premedikasi dapat diberikan sevoflurane untuk induksi sampai 7 3.

    c. Dosis untuk maintenanceSetelah dicapai stadium bedah konsentrasi sevoflurane diturunkan untuk

    mempertahankan stadium anestesi,dengan konsentrasi antara $,% < -,$$ 3 dalam

    o9ygen dan :#;.

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    0) =fek samping

    Dapat menimbulkan depresi system cardiovaskuler dan respirasi seperti obat>

    obatan anestesi halogen yang lain.

    enimbulkan rasa mual dan muntah pada masa pasca bedah4anestesi sama

    seperti obat anestesi inhalasi lain. +ada anak>anak sering terjadi hypotensi.

    +ada orang tua dapat terjadi hypotensi dan bradikardi.

    Dapat terjadi tetapi jarang? somnolen, menggigil, rasa pusing, bradikardi, salivasi

    meningkat, gangguan respirasi, hypertensi tachycardia, laringismus, demam, sakit

    kepala, hypothermia.

    (erjadi kadang>kadang ? arrhythmia, peningkatan @D, peningkatan S+(,

    hypo9ia, apnoe, leukositosis, ventriculer e9trasystole, supraventricular e9trasystole,

    asthma, retensio urinae, peningkatan creatinin, glycosuria, atrial fibrilasi, A& lock,

    begeminus, leukopeni.

    Dapat terjadi tetapi sangat jarang ? kejang>kejang terutama pada anak>anak. Buga

    terjadinya melignant hyperthermia dan kegagalan fungsi ginjal akut.

    5) +enatalaksanaan

    edalaman anestesi berubah dengan cepat , segera setelah ditingkatkanya

    konsentrasi uap yang dihirup oleh pasien.hilangnya kesadaran dapat dicapai dalam

    % kali tarikan nafas tunggal dengan induksi sevoflurane sebanyak #3, kelarutan

    darah 4 gas yang rendah "$,07) menghasilkan induksi dan recovery yang cepat,

    karena bau yang enak maka jadi pilihan induksi untuk pasien anak dan de*asa.



    Current Drugs|Archives| Search


    Sevoflurane Baxter

    Admin Kalbe Medicalposted on August 13, 2013 0!00SEVOFLURANE BAXTER

  • 8/12/2019 Wita


    Komposisi:Sevoflurane 1$$3.

    Bentuk Sediaan:!airan inhalasi dalam botol aluminium #%$ m@.

    Farmakologi:erupakan anestetik inhalasi berhalogen dengan onset dan pulih sadar yang cepat, bau tidak tajam, A!

    #,13, metabolisme di hati %3, dan tidak stabil terhadap CO2absorbent.

    ndikasi:'nduksi dan pemeliharaan anestesi umum pada de*asa dan anak>anak.

    !osis:" 'nduksi anestesi? 'ndividual> +emeliharaan anestesi? $,%>-3 dengan atau tanpa :#;> (idak dianjurkan diberikan dengan // C 1 @ 4 menit selama lebih dari # A!>jam.

    Kontraindikasi:ipersensitif terhadap anestetik berhalogen, pasien yang diketahui atau mempunyai kerentanan genetikterhadap hipertermia maligna.

    #eringatan dan #er$atian:" Diberikan dengan vapori8er khusus sevoflurane.> Sevofluranedapat mempengaruhi pernapasan dan meningkatkan tekanan intrakranial.> (idak dianjurkan menggunakan CO2absorbent yang mengandung ;.> CO2absorbent harus sering diganti.> angguan fungsi hati atau ginjal berat.> ;perasi obstetri.> 'bu hamil.

    E%ek Samping:ipotensi, depresi napas, batuk, laringospasme dan apnu pada induksi, mual, muntah, hipertermia maligna.

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    "osted in! Anesthetics

    Sevoflurane (Inhalation-Systemic)


    Commonly used brand name(s): Sevorane; Ultane.

    Note:For a listing of dosage forms and brand names by country availability, see DosageFormssection(s).


    Anesthetic (general)



    Anesthesia, generalSevoflurane is indicated for the induction and maintenance of generalanesthesia in adult and pediatric patients during inpatient or outpatient surgery. Often,sevoflurane is used with other medications to induce or supplement anesthesia{01}{65}.

    UnacceptedSevoflurane does not have analgesic activity at subanesthetic concentrations and is notrecommended as an analgesic {02}.


    Note:Concentration-response relationships for inhalation anesthetics are described in termsof the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC), which is defined as the alveolar concentrationthat prevents movement in 50% of patients after surgical skin incision. The MAC decreaseswith pregnancy, hypothermia, hypotension, increasing age, and concurrent use of othercentral nervous system (CNS) depressants, including other inhalation anesthetics. AverageMAC values for sevoflurane (vaporized in oxygen) are 3.3%, 3%, 2.6%, 1.7%, and 1.4% for

    neonates, and patients 1 to 6 months, 25 years, 60 years, and 80 years of age,respectively{01}. While MAC is commonly used to compare the concentration-response

    relationships for inhalation anesthetics, the AD 95(the dose preventing 95% of patients frommoving in response to skin incision) is more clinically relevant in dosing patients withinhalation anesthetics, if the inhalation anesthetic is used alone {03}. Often, inhalationanesthetics are used in combination with other agents to supplement anesthesia.

    Physicochemical characteristics:

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    Chemical group A halogenated hydrocarbon (methyl ethyl ether) anesthetic.Molecular weight 200.06 {04}

    Other characteristics MAC in oxygen for adults 40 years of age: 2.1% {01}. Blood-to-gas partition coefficient (37 C [98.6 F]): 0.63 to 0.69 {01}. Brain-to-gas partition coefficient (37 C [98.6 F]): 1.15{01}. Oil-to-gas partition coefficient (37 C [98.6 F]): 47 to 54{01}.

    Mechanism of action/Effect:

    The precise mechanism by which inhalation anesthetics produce loss of perception ofsensations and unconsciousness is not known. Inhaled anesthetics act at many areas in theCNS. The Meyer-Overton theory suggests that the site of action of inhalation anestheticsmay be the lipid matrix of neuronal membranes or other lipophilic sites. Anesthetics may

    cause changes in membrane thickness, which in turn affect the gating properties of ionchannels in neurons. Interference with the hydrophobic portion of neuronal ion channelmembrane proteins may be an important mechanism {05}{06}.

    Other actions/effects:

    Cardiovascular system effects:

    Sevoflurane has several effects that serve to lower blood pressure. It depresses cardiacfunction, decreases cardiac contractility, and decreases peripheral vascular





    in a manner similar to that of isoflurane{66}

    . These effects are dose-related; increasing the concentration of sevoflurane during maintenance of anesthesiaresults in a dose-dependent decrease in blood pressure {01}{07}. The effect of sevoflurane onthe coronary arteries and the potential for coronary steal has been investigated in dogs.Sevoflurane administration to chronically instrumented dogs resulted in a reduced ratio ofoccluded/normal and stenotic/normal coronary artery flows. However, the ratios returned tonormal when the arterial blood pressure and heart rate were restored to conscious values {67}.

    Sevoflurane has little effect on heart rate or rhythm. At clinically useful doses, sevofluranedoes not increase heart rate or myocardial oxygen consumption {07}{10}{11}{63}. At higherconcentrations, sevoflurane may increase heart rate{66}.A study on the effects of sevofluraneon the arrhythmic response to epinephrine suggests that sevoflurane does not greatlysensitize the myocardium to the arrhythmogenic effect of catecholamines {09}.


    Electroencephalogram (EEG): Sevoflurane causes a dose-dependent decrease in EEGactivity. In dogs and rabbits, EEG burst suppression occurs at doses of 1 MAC orhigher {12}{13}{63}. Although sevoflurane is not believed to be epileptogenic, case reportsdescribe clonic and tonic seizure-like movements and clinically silent electrical seizures

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    during induction of anesthesia{14}{15}{73}.

    Effect on intracranial pressure: Sevoflurane did not impair cerebral autoregulation of bloodflow when studied in patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease {16}. However,sevoflurane has the potential to increase intracranial pressure{12}.

    Neuromuscular effects:

    Sevoflurane impairs neuromuscular conduction and decreases muscle contractility.Sevoflurane may produce sufficient muscle relaxation to allow some types of surgery to beperformed without a neuromuscular blocker {17}{63}.

    Respiratory system effects:

    Respiration: Sevoflurane depresses ventilation in a dose-dependent manner, with apnea

    occurring between 1.5 and 2 MAC. Surgical stimulation changes the threshold at whichapnea occurs {18}. Sevoflurane increases carbon dioxide tension and decreases ventilatoryresponse to increased carbon dioxide concentrations {19}{63}.

    Effects on the airway: Sevoflurane results in a low incidence of respiratory irritation asevidenced by a low incidence of breath-holding, coughing, increased salivation, andlaryngospasm during induction{01}{20}{21}{22}.


    Sevoflurane is rapidly absorbed into the circulation via the lungs. Its solubility in the blood is

    low; for a given concentration of sevoflurane in the gas phase, only a small amount dissolvedin the blood is necessary to achieve equilibrium between the alveolar partial pressure andthe arterial partial pressure {01}{23}.


    Approximately 5% of the sevoflurane dose is metabolized, primarily by cytochrome P4502E1, with release of inorganic fluoride and carbon dioxide {24}{25}{26}. The plasma inorganicfluoride concentration is increased to > 95 mcg per dL (mcg/dL) (50 micromoles per L[micromoles/L]) following surgery of long duration {27}{28}.

    Time to peak concentration:

    The alveolar concentration of sevoflurane increases rapidly toward the inspiredconcentration. The ratio of alveolar concentration to inspired concentration increases morerapidly with nitrous oxide and desflurane than with sevoflurane but more rapidly withsevoflurane than with isoflurane and halothane {23}.

    Time to peak effect:

    Onset of anesthesiaSevoflurane has a favorable rate of increase of the ratio of alveolarconcentration to inspired concentration. When sevoflurane is used alone and is administered

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    by conventional technique, induction is accomplished in 2 minutes. This time can be reducedby the addition of nitrous oxide or the use of a vital capacity breath technique. With the useof a vital capacity breath technique, induction can be accomplished in about 1 minute{29}{30}.

    Duration of action:

    Time to recoveryRecovery after discontinuation is rapid but is subject to interpatientvariability. Recovery time is affected by the administered concentration and other CNSdepressants used concurrently. Emergence from sevoflurane is more rapid than emergencefrom isoflurane, but less rapid than from desflurane {68}. Spontaneous eye opening, responseto simple commands, extubation, and orientation are more quickly achieved with sevofluranethan with isoflurane{68}. However, time to later recovery events (walking, tolerating oral fluids,voiding, and home readiness) does not differ between isoflurane and sevoflurane ordesflurane and sevoflurane{20}{31}{68}.

    Elimination: Rapidly eliminated via exhalation. The metabolite is conjugated with glucuronic acid andeliminated via the urine. Up to 3.5% of the sevoflurane dose appears in the urine asinorganic fluoride. Up to 50% of fluoride is taken up into the bone. As compared to the half-

    life in healthy individuals, the fluoride ion half-life is prolonged in patients with renal functionimpairment (33 hours versus 21 hours) and slightly prolonged in patients with hepaticfunction impairment{01}.

    Precautions to Consider

    Cross-sensitivity and/or related problems

    Patients sensitive to other halogenated ether hydrocarbons may be sensitive to sevofluranealso{01}.


    Studies have not been done {01}.


    No mutagenic effect was observed in the Ames test. No chromosomal aberrations wereinduced in cultured mammalian cells. Problems in humans have not been documented {01}.

    Pregnancy/ReproductionFertilityReproduction studies performed in rats and rabbits at doses of up to 1 minimum alveolarconcentration (MAC) revealed no evidence of impaired fertility.

    PregnancySevoflurane crosses the placenta. Adequate and well-controlled studies have not been donein humans{01}.

    Studies in pregnant rabbits and rats at doses of 0.3 MAC, the highest nontoxic dose,revealed no fetal damage{01}.

    FDA Pregnancy Category B{01}.

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    Labor and delivery

    The safety of sevoflurane in labor and vaginal delivery has not been established.Sevoflurane was used as part of general anesthesia in 61 women undergoing elective

    cesarean section{01}{32}




    . There was no harmful effect in any mother or neonate.There was no difference between sevoflurane and isoflurane in recovery characteristics,Apgar score, or Neurological and Adaptive Capacity Score{32}. In one study two of sixteenpatients had poor spontaneous uterine contractions after receiving sevoflurane {69}.


    It is not known if sevoflurane is distributed into breast milk. However, because of rapidwashout, sevoflurane concentrations in milk are predicted to be below those found with otheranesthetics. The concentrations of sevoflurane in milk are thought to be of no clinicalimportance 24 hours after anesthesia {01}.


    Due to its lack of pungency, sevoflurane is widely used in Japan for induction of anesthesiain pediatric patients. As compared to halothane, sevoflurane for induction is associated witha higher incidence of excitation {33}. In one study, this led to a longer time to intubation withsevoflurane {33}. The longer time to intubation was not seen in two other studies, perhaps dueto differences in the speed with which maximum concentrations of anesthetic werereached {34}{35}.

    Pediatric patients require a higher concentration of sevoflurane for maintenance of generalanesthesia than that required by adults {01}.

    Sevoflurane is associated with a higher incidence of emergence excitation in children than is

    halothane, perhaps due to earlier emergence and the resultant earlier experience of pain inchildren receiving sevoflurane {33}{36}{63}.


    MAC decreases with increasing age. The average concentration of sevoflurane to achieveMAC in a patient 80 years of age is approximately 50% of that required in a patient 20 yearsof age{01}{03}.

    Older adults may be slower than younger adults in achieving full cognitive recovery fromgeneral anesthesia with sevoflurane{78}.

    Drug interactions and/or related problemsThe following drug interactions and/or related problems have been selected on the basis oftheir potential clinical significance (possible mechanism in parentheses where appropriate)not necessarily inclusive (= major clinical significance):

    Note:Combinations containing any of the following medications, depending on the amountpresent, may also interact with this medication.

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    Many of the following interactions have not been reported with sevoflurane. However,because they have been reported with other halogenated hydrocarbon anesthetics, thepossibility of a significant interaction with sevoflurane must be considered.

    Alcohol, chronic use (anesthetic requirement may be increased; induction of cytochromeP450 2E1 hepatic enzymes increases the extent of metabolism of sevoflurane, increasing

    the production of inorganic fluoride{25}


    Aminoglycosides, systemic orAnesthetics, parenteral-local orBacitracin orCapreomycin orCitrate-anticoagulated blood, massive transfusions of orClindamycin orColistimethate sodium orColistin orLidocaine, systemic orLincomycin, systemic or

    Neuromuscular blocking agents orPolymyxins, systemic orProcaine, systemic orTetracyclines orTrimethaphan (large doses) (neuromuscular blocking activities of these medications maybe additive to that of sevoflurane, with the degree of potentiation increasing as theconcentration of sevoflurane is increased {37})

    Amiodarone (concurrent use with inhalation anesthetics may potentiate hypotension andincrease the risk of atropine-resistant bradycardia {50}{82})

    Antimyasthenics (antimyasthenics may decrease the neuromuscular blocking activity ofhalogenated hydrocarbon anesthetics; also, the neuromuscular blocking activity of theanesthetic may interfere with the efficacy of antimyasthenics; neuromuscular blockade withvecuronium during sevoflurane anesthesia may be more difficult to reverse with neostigminethan when similar blockade is produced during isoflurane anesthesia {38})

    Beta-adrenergic blocking agents, including ophthalmics (severe hypotension may resultbecause beta-blockade reduces the ability of the heart to respond to beta-adrenergicallymediated sympathetic reflex stimuli{60})

    Catecholamines, such as dopamine, epinephrine, or norepinephrine (sevoflurane maycause some sensitization of the myocardium to the effects of catecholamines, increasing therisk of arrhythmias; this is similar to isoflurane's effect on the myocardium; sevofluranesensitizes the myocardium much less than does halothane {09}{73})

    CNS depressionproducing medications, other, including those commonly used forpreanesthetic medications, or induction or supplementation of anesthesia (see AppendixII) (may cause increased CNS depression, respiratory depression, and/or hypotension,

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    decrease the anesthetic requirement, and prolong the recovery from anesthesia {01})

    Hypotension-producing medications (see Appendix II) (hypotensive effects may bepotentiated when these medications are used concurrently with an inhalation anesthetic)

    Isoniazid and other cytochrome P450 2E1 hepatic enzyme inducers (enzyme inductionincreases the extent of metabolism of sevoflurane, increasing the production of inorganicfluoride{41}{42}; increased plasma fluoride concentrations have been associated with renalfunction impairment with other volatile inhalation anesthetics)

    Laboratory value alterationsThe following have been selected on the basis of their potential clinical significance (possibleeffect in parentheses where appropriate)not necessarily inclusive (= major clinicalsignificance):

    With physiology/laboratory test valuesAlanine aminotransferase (ALT [SGPT]), serum andAspartate aminotransferase (AST [SGOT]), serum andBilirubin, serum, indirect andLactate dehydrogenase, serum (values may be transiently increased; the increases aredose-related {27}{43}{44})

    Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) andCreatinine, serum andFluoride, serum (concentration may be increased {01}{27}{28}{43}{45}{46})

    Glucose, serum (concentration may be increased{01})

    Leukocytes (counts may be increased {01})

    Medical considerations/ContraindicationsThe medical considerations/contraindications included have been selected on the basis oftheir potential clinical significance (reasons given in parentheses where appropriate) notnecessarily inclusive (= major clinical significance).

    Except under special circumstances, this medication should not be used when thefollowing medical problems exist:Malignant hyperthermia, history of (possible increased risk of malignant hyperthermiawith sevoflurane {01}; malignant hyperthermia has been associated with the use ofsevoflurane in both children and adults {47}{48}{49})

    Sensitivity to halogenated ether anesthetic agents (possible increased risk of sensitivityto sevoflurane {01}; although not yet reported with sevoflurane, cases of immune-mediated

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    hepatitis have been reported with similar inhalation anesthetics {79})

    Risk-benefit should be considered when the following medical problems existFamilial periodic paralysis orMuscular dystrophy or

    Myasthenia gravis orMyasthenic syndrome orOther neuromuscular disease leading to muscle weakness (the neuromuscular blockingactivity of sevoflurane may increase the risk of severe muscle weakness in patients withthese conditions; although use of an inhalation anesthetic with substantial neuromuscularblocking activity may be safer than [and eliminate the need for] a neuromuscular blockingagent in these patients, caution is recommended {61})

    Head injury orIncreased intracranial pressure orIntracranial lesions, space-occupying (sevoflurane may increase intracranial pressure tothe same extent that isoflurane may {01}{12}; in a study on ten patients with ischemic

    cerebrovascular disease, carbon dioxide response and cerebral autoregulation weremaintained under 0.88 MAC anesthesia{16})

    Hepatic function impairment (in patients with mild to moderate hepatic function impairment,administration of sevoflurane resulted in prolonged terminal disposition of fluoride, asevidenced by longer inorganic fluoride half-life than that observed in patients with normalhepatic function; there is no published clinical experience with use of sevoflurane in patientswith severe hepatic function impairment{01})

    Pulsed dye laser therapy for portwine stain (sevoflurane anesthesia is associated with

    portwine stain fading and subsequent early termination of pulsed dye laser treatment,resulting in inadequate treatment of the stain; the incidence of portwine stain fade withsevoflurane is significantly higher than the incidence of fade with halothane, enflurane, orisoflurane{51})

    Renal function impairment (extended anesthesia with sevoflurane is associated withhyperfluorinemia; with methoxyflurane, hyperfluorinemia in excess of 95 mcg per dL [mcg/dL][50 micromoles per L (micromoles/L)] has been associated with renal function impairment; atendency toward decreased urine concentrating ability and increased urinary excretion of N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase [NAG] has been associated with the use of sevoflurane{40}{72};serum fluoride concentrations in excess of 95 mcg/dL [50 micromoles/L] achieved with theuse of sevoflurane have not been associated with frank renal failure {27}{28}{33}{45}{52}{53}{74};

    reaction of sevoflurane with carbon dioxide [CO 2] absorbents is associated with theformation of compound A, a nephrotoxin in rats {54}{64}; the toxicity of compound A has notbeen established in humans {55}; although causality could not be established, transientnonoliguric renal failure was reported after a 25-year-old burn patient with previously normalrenal function received sevoflurane three times within 2 weeks for debridement of burnedtissue{39}; caution is recommended in patients with renal function impairment because oflimited studies done in this patient population {80}{81})

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    Patient monitoringThe following may be especially important in patient monitoring (other tests may bewarranted in some patients, depending on condition; = major clinical significance):

    Note:Various organizations, including medical specialty societies, and institutions haveestablished standards for the preprocedural, intraprocedural, and postprocedural care,evaluation, and monitoring of patients receiving various forms of anesthesia. The followingrecommendations represent the minimum standards established by the American Society ofAnesthesiologists for monitoring the status of patients receiving general anesthesia.Individual patients may require additional monitoring. {62}

    Blood pressure andBody temperature andCardiac/pulse rate andCardiac rhythm andPulse oximetry andRespiratory and ventilatory status (continuous monitoring is advisable during anesthetic

    administration; respiratory depression and excessive decreases in blood pressure may berelated to the depth of anesthesia and may be corrected by decreasing the inspiredconcentration of sevoflurane {62})

    Side/Adverse EffectsThe following side/adverse effects have been selected on the basis of their potential clinicalsignificance (possible signs and symptoms in parentheses where appropriate)notnecessarily inclusive:

    Those indicating need for medical attentionIncidence more frequent (greater than 3%)During induction by mask (adult patients)Airway obstruction{01}



    cough, increased{01}



    During induction by mask (pediatric patients)Breath-holding{01}

    cough, increased{01}

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    During induction by mask (adult and pediatric patients)


    During maintenance and recovery (adult and pediatric patients)Bradycardia{01}



    Incidence less frequent (1 to 3%)During induction by mask (adult patients)


    During induction by mask (pediatric patients)Apnea{01}


    During maintenance and recovery (adult and pediatric patients)Breath-holding{01}






    Incidence rare (less than 1%)





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    malignant hyperthermia{01}




    Those indicating need for medical attention only if they continue or are bothersomeIncidence more frequent (greater than 3%)During maintenance and recovery (adult and pediatric patients)Cough{01}




    salivation, increased{01}



    Incidence less frequent (1 to 3%)During maintenance and recovery (adult and pediatric patients)


    OverdoseFor more information on the management of overdose or unintentional ingestion, contact aPoison Control Center(see Poison Control Center Listing).

    Clinical effects of overdose

    The clinical effects of an overdose of sevoflurane represent an extension of its therapeuticeffects. Some respiratory effects of increased depth of anesthesia (for example, respiratorydepression and apnea) do not present difficulties if assisted or controlled ventilation is beingused during the procedure. The following effects have been selected on the basis of theirpotential clinical significance (possible signs and symptoms in parentheses whereappropriate)not necessarily inclusive:Acute effectsApnea{18}{19}

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    cardiac arrest{01}{07}

    circulatory collapse{01}{07}

    circulatory depression{01}{07}

    decreased cardiac contractility{08}

    decreased peripheral vascular resistance{01}{07}


    respiratory depression{18}{19}

    Treatment of overdose

    Discontinuing sevoflurane, maintaining a patent airway, initiating assisted or controlledventilation with oxygen, and maintaining adequate cardiovascular function with generalmeasures of circulatory support{01}.

    Patient ConsultationAs an aid to patient consultation, refer to Advice for the Patient, Sevoflurane (Inhalation-Systemic).

    In providing consultation, consider emphasizing the following selected information (= majorclinical significance):

    Before using this medication Conditions affecting use, especially:Sensitivity to sevoflurane or other halogenated ether anesthetics

    PregnancySevoflurane crosses the placentaOther medications, especially aminoglycosides (systemic), capreomycin, citrate-anticoagulated blood (massive transfusions of), clindamycin, lincomycin, neuromuscularblocking agents, or polymyxins (systemic)Other medical problems, especially a history of or genetic susceptibility to malignanthyperthermia

    Proper use of this medication

    Proper dosing

    Precautions after receiving this medicationPossibility of psychomotor impairment following anesthesia; for 24 hours followinganesthesia, avoiding driving or performing other tasks requiring alertness and coordination

    Avoiding use of alcohol or other CNS depressants within 24 hours following anesthesia,unless specifically prescribed or otherwise authorized by physician or dentist

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    Side/adverse effectsNotifying physician if cough, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, increased salivation, shivering,vomiting, or headache occurs or persists after discharge

    General Dosing InformationSevoflurane is to be administered only by trained anesthesiologists or nurse anesthetists {83}.Equipment and personnel for support of ventilation must be immediately available {01}.

    The dosage of sevoflurane must be individualized according to surgical requirements;concurrent use of adjuvant medications and/or nitrous oxide; and patient variables,especially age. Anesthetic requirements are increased in young children and decreased ingeriatric patients {03}{33}{35}{36}.

    The dosage requirement for neuromuscular blockers may change with sevofluraneanesthesia. The dose of neuromuscular blocker administered for endotracheal intubationshould not be decreased, because delayed intubation may result {01}. During maintenance ofanesthesia with sevoflurane, the dose of neuromuscular blocker is likely to be lower than that

    required during anesthesia maintained with nitrous oxide and opioid agents{01}.Neuromuscular blockade with vecuronium during sevoflurane anesthesia may be moredifficult to reverse with neostigmine than when similar blockade is produced during isofluraneanesthesia {38}.

    Sevoflurane has a nonpungent odor and is associated with a low incidence of respiratoryirritability, making it suitable for mask induction{01}{33}{35}{36}{63}.

    Sevoflurane may be vaporized in a flow of oxygen or a nitrous oxideoxygen mixture {01}. Theconcentration of sevoflurane being delivered from a vaporizer during anesthesia should beknown. This may be accomplished by using a vaporizer calibrated specifically forsevoflurane. Fresh gas flow rates below 2 L per minute (L/min) are not recommended {01}. A

    concern in low-flow systems is accumulation of compound A, a substance produced whensevoflurane interacts with carbon dioxide absorbents (e.g., soda lime or bariumhydroxide) {56}{64}.Compound A has been found to be a dose-dependent nephrotoxin inrats{54}{75}{77}. The toxicity of compound A in humans has not been established.

    During the maintenance of anesthesia, increasing the concentration of sevoflurane producesdose-dependent decreases in blood pressure. These hemodynamic changes may occurrapidly with sevoflurane due to its relative insolubility in blood. Excessive respiratorydepression or decreases in blood pressure may be related to the depth of anesthesia andmay be corrected by decreasing the inspired concentration of sevoflurane{01}.

    No specific premedication is indicated or contraindicated with the use of sevoflurane. Thedecisions regarding premedication should be based on the judgment of the health care


    Safety considerations for handling this medicationAcute overexposure of operating room personnel to sevoflurane may cause headache,dizziness, and, in extreme cases, unconsciousness.

    The results of some epidemiological studies suggest a link between chronic exposure ofoperating room personnel to low concentrations of inhalation anesthetics (waste anestheticgases [WAGs]) and increased health problems, including reproductive problems (increases

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    in spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, and possibly birth defects) {57}{58}.Although a causalrelationship has not been established, measures to minimize exposure are recommended{57}{58}. Such measures include maintaining adequate general ventilation in the operating room,using a well-designed and well-maintained scavenging system, and, by employment ofcareful work procedures and routine equipment maintenance, minimizing leaks and spillswhile the anesthetic is in use{57}{58}.

    Although no specific work exposure limit has been established for sevoflurane, the NationalInstitute for Occupational Safety and Health Administration has recommended an 8-hour,time-weighted average limit of 2 parts per million (ppm) for halogenated anesthetic agents ingeneral. The limit for halogenated anesthetics coupled with nitrous oxide is 0.5 ppm{01}.

    For treatment of adverse effectsRecommended treatment consists of the following

    For malignant hyperthermic crisisDiscontinuation of possible triggering agents (such asinhalation anesthetics or succinylcholine), managing increased oxygen requirement, coolingthe patient, and correcting fluid and electrolyte imbalances and metabolic acidosis.Dantrolene can be administered by rapid intravenous injection (see Dantrolene

    [Systemic]monograph) {01}.

    Inhalation Dosage Forms


    Usual adult doseAnesthetic (general)

    Inhalation, vaporized in a flow of oxygen or nitrous oxide and oxygen:

    InductionDosage must be individualized according to patient response{01}


    MaintenanceDosage must be individualized according to patient response. Surgical levelsof anesthesia usually can be achieved with concentrations of 0.5 to 3% sevoflurane with orwithout concomitant use of nitrous oxide {01}.

    Note:Anesthetic requirements decrease with increasing age. Minimum alveolarconcentration (MAC) values for sevoflurane in oxygen are 2.6% for patients 25 years of age,2.1% for patients 40 years of age, 1.7% for patients 60 years of age, and 1.4% for patients80 years of age. Geriatric patients require lower doses of sevoflurane for induction andmaintenance of anesthesia{01}{03}.

    Usual pediatric doseAnesthetic (general)

    Inhalation, vaporized in a flow of oxygen or nitrous oxide and oxygen:InductionDosage must be individualized according to patient response {01}.

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    MaintenanceDosage must be individualized according to patient response. Surgical levelsof anesthesia usually can be achieved with concentrations of 0.5 to 3% sevoflurane with orwithout concomitant use of nitrous oxide {01}{33}{36}.

    Note:Anesthetic requirements decrease with increasing age. MAC values for sevoflurane in

    oxygen are 3.3% for neonates, 3% for infants less than 6 months of age, 2.8% for infantsand children 6 months to 3 years of age, and 2.5% for children 3 to 12 years of age. MAC inpremature neonates has not been determined {01}.MAC in adolescents has not been determined. The adolescent dose for other inhalationanesthetics is slightly higher than the dose for adult patients {73}{81}.

    Usual geriatric doseAnesthetic (general)Geriatric patients require lower doses of sevoflurane for induction and maintenance ofanesthesia {01}{03}. SeeUsual adult dose.

    Product(s) usually available:U.S.




    Packaging and storage:Store between 15 and 30 C (59 and 86 F) {01}.

    Stability:Stable at room temperature {01}. No discernible degradation occurs in the presence of acid orheat{01}. The only known degradation reaction in the clinical setting is through direct contactwith carbon dioxide absorbents such as soda lime {01}.This reaction producespentafluoroisopropenyl fluoromethyl ether, also known as compound A, and trace amountsof pentafluoromethoxy isopropyl fluoromethyl ether, also known as compound B {01}. Theconcentration of the degradants is inversely correlated with fresh gas flow rate{01}{56}.

    With sevoflurane, unlike with desflurane, enflurane, and isoflurane, degradation of theanesthetic during use does not result in significant production of carbon monoxide{59}.

    Revised: 12/11/1998

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