kd 3.1

RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN (RPP) Sekolah : SMPN 1 BUKIT SUNDI Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester : VIII / 1 Alokasi Waktu : 4 X 40 menit (2 x pertemuan) A. Standar Kompetensi Berbicara 3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. B. Kompetensi Dasar 3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari fakta, dan meminta dan memberi pendapat. C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Bertanya dan menjawab tentang ungkapan:: 1. Asking, Giving and Refusing service / help. 2. Asking for, giving and refusing goods / Things. 3. Asking for & Giving opinion 4. Admitting & Denying facts D. Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah mendengarkan dan mempraktekan diharapkan peserta didik dapat bertanya dan menjawab menggunakan ungkapan : 1. Asking, Giving and Refusing service / help. 2. Asking for, giving and refusing goods / Things. 3. Asking for & Giving opinion 4. Admitting & Denying facts E. Materi Ajar 1 . Fakta : Ungkapan tentang meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari fakta, dan meminta dan memberi pendapat. 2 Konsep : Ungkapan tentang meminta, memberi, menolak


rpp smp kelas 8

Transcript of kd 3.1

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Sekolah : SMPN 1 BUKIT SUNDIMata Pelajaran : Bahasa InggrisKelas/Semester : VIII / 1Alokasi Waktu : 4 X 40 menit (2 x pertemuan)

A. Standar KompetensiBerbicara3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek

sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

B. Kompetensi Dasar3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan

interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari fakta, dan meminta dan memberi pendapat.

C. Indikator Pencapaian KompetensiBertanya dan menjawab tentang ungkapan::1. Asking, Giving and Refusing service / help.2. Asking for, giving and refusing goods / Things.3. Asking for & Giving opinion4. Admitting & Denying facts

D. Tujuan PembelajaranSetelah mendengarkan dan mempraktekan diharapkan peserta didik dapat bertanya dan menjawab menggunakan ungkapan :1. Asking, Giving and Refusing service / help.2. Asking for, giving and refusing goods / Things.3. Asking for & Giving opinion4. Admitting & Denying facts

E. Materi Ajar1.

Fakta : Ungkapan tentang meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari fakta, dan meminta dan memberi pendapat.


Konsep : Ungkapan tentang meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari fakta, dan meminta dan memberi pendapat di gunakan saat kita menemukan ungkapan tersebut dalam sebuah pembicaraan.


Prinsip :

Asking, Giving and Refusing service / helpAsking for help Offering help Accepting help Refusing help

Can you help .....

Help me, please

Can you help

Can I help you? May I help you What can I do for

you? Shall Ii take

Yes, please Thank for the

offer That’s very kind

of you

No, thank you I would rather

not That’s all right,


Page 2: kd 3.1

Asking for help Offering help Accepting help Refusing helpme, please?

Could you .... Will you ..... Would

you .....

this ..... for you? Would you like

me to .....? Let me help ..... Won’t you ....? Shall I make .....? Do you want .....

to .....? Do you need .....

help? Would you like

any help? Is there anything

that I can i do for you?

Thanks any way I’d love some ..... That would be

nice Lovely Thank you very

mush Yes, that’s sound

nice Sure, thank you

I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to .....

No thanks That’s very kind

of you, but I can manage my self

Asking for, giving and refusing goods / ThingsAsking for things Giving things Refusing things

Can you (take) me ( a book on the table), please?

Do you mind if ...? Is it okay if I ...? May I ...?

Here you are Please take Not at all, please Here they are Sure, here it is

No, you don’t sorry

Sorry Sorry, not this


Asking for & Giving opinion

Asking for opinion Giving opinionDisagreeing with someone’s

opinion What do you thing about

that? What about …..? How do you feel about …..? How do you see about …..? How would you react to

…..? How would you say to …..? What is your opinion? What do you think? What are your views?

I think ..... As I see it ….. It seems to me ….. In my opinion ….. In my view ….. From my point of view

….. I’d just like to say ….. In my mind is ….. I think that …..

I can’t say anything I don’t think so That’s good idea, but


Admitting & Denying factsAdmitting facts Denying facts

Yes, you are right Yes, it’s true That’s it Yes, that’s right That’s right That’s true Absolutely That’s correct

No, it is not actually I’m afraid that’s wrong It is not true That’s not correct It’s wrong That’s incorrect

F. Alokasi WaktuBeban Belajar Waktu Bentuk tugas

Tatap Muka (TM) 80’ Classroom activitesPenugasan Terstruktur (PT) 40’ Create a short dialogueKMTT

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G. Model, Pendekatan, Metode Dan Teknik Pembelajaran1. Model :2. Pendekatan : Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses3. Metode : Conversation Method4. Teknik : Tanya jawab

H. Media dan Alat Pembelajaran1. Media : Powerpoint , dialogue2. Alat : Komputer, in focus

I. Kegiatan PembelajaranLangkah-langkah pembelajaranPertemuan 1



1. Salam pembuka dan meminta ketua kelas untuk memimpin berdo’a.


2. Mengecek kehadiran dan kesiapan peserta didik untuk mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran.

3. Menyampaikan KD, indikator dan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai.

4. Menginformasikan alat bantu, media pembelajaran dan sistim penilaian.

5. Apersepsi: Dengan tanya jawab peserta didik dapat mengingat kembali tentang ungkapan-ungkapan yang pernah dipelajari.

6. Memotivasi:Memfokuskan perhatian peserta didik dengan cara tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi yang akan dipelajari:

INTI Eksplorasi 60’1. Meminta peserta didik untuk membaca buku sumber Let’s

Talk Grade VIII .2. Membantu peserta didik memahami materi yang ada di buku


3. Meminta peserta didik untuk duduk dalam kelompok (2 orang / kelompok)

4. Membagikan sebuah dialog!Andi is visiting his classmate Nila. At this time, Nila is in thebackyard of her house.Andi : Hi, Nila.Nila : Hi, Andi.Andi : What are you doing?Nila : Well. I’m planting a rose now. Can you help me get the flower pot over there, please?Andi : Yes, of course.Andi takes the flower pot and gives it to Nila.Andi : Here you are.Nila : Thank you, Andi.Andi : You’re welcome. These flowers are beautiful. Are they all yours?Nila : Yes. My mother bought them for me.Andi : Oh, I see. By the way, would you like me to water the flowers?Nila : No, thanks. You don’t have to.

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5. Mempraktekan dialog

6. Menjelaskan tugas setiap kelompok yaitu dengan mengaris bawahi ungkapan Asking, Giving and Resfusing service/help

7. Membahas unkapan-ungkapan lain yang dipakai dalam Asking, Giving and Resfusing service/help

8. Meminta siswa untuk membuat dialog yang memuat ungkapan tentang Asking, Giving and Resfusing service/help.

9. Demonstrate a short dialogue .You can choose the topic given .a. Ask your friend to help you to do your English

homework.b. Ask your friend to help you to submit your mathematic

book at the teacher’s room (refusing).


1. Meminta siswa untuk mulai bekerja menyelesaikan tugas dengan pasangan.

2. Memperhatikan dan mengamati aktivitas peserta didik.

3. Memastikan semua kelompok sudah menyelesaikan tugas.

4. Meminta peserta didik untuk mempresentasikan kerja kelompok.


1. Memfasilitasi dan membimbing kegiatan presentasi.2. Memperbaiki hasil temuan peserta didik jika ada yang kurang

tepat.3. Memberikan penghargaan kepada setiap peserta didik atas

keterlibatan aktif dalam diskusi kelompok.

PENUTUP 1. Bersama peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang materi yang telah dipelajari.


2. Memberikan evaluasi (membuat perckapan singkat).

3. Menginformasikan materi pelajaran selanjutnya

4. Menginformasikan nilai

5. Bersama peserta didik menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dengan mengucapkan hamdallah



1. Salam pembuka dan meminta ketua kelas untuk memimpin berdo’a.


2. Mengecek kehadiran dan kesiapan peserta didik untuk mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran.

3. Menyampaikan KD, indikator dan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai.

4. Menginformasikan alat bantu, media pembelajaran dan sistim penilaian.

5. Apersepsi: Dengan tanya jawab peserta didik dapat mengingat kembali tentang ungkapan-ungkapan yang pernah dipelajari.

6. Memotivasi:Memfokuskan perhatian peserta didik dengan cara tanya jawab yang berkaitan dengan materi yang akan dipelajari

INTI Eksplorasi 60’

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1. Guru menanyakan tentang pengetahuan awal siswa tentang ungkapan yang akan dipelajaari

2. Guru menampilkan konsep pembelajaran hari ini

3. Guru membantu siswa memahaminya


1. Guru menayangkan contoh dialog

2. Guru membantu siswa memahami dialog

3. Siswa mendengarkan percakapan tersebut

4. Siswa mempraktekannya


1. Meminta siswa membuat percakapan singkat bersama pasangannya dan di praktekkan kedepan kelas

2. Mendampingi dan mengawasi kegiatan siswa3. mendiskusikan4. Memperbaiki hasil temuan peserta didik jika ada yang kurang

tepat.5. Memberikan penghargaan kepada setiap peserta didik atas

keterlibatan aktif dalam diskusi..


Bersama peserta didik membuat kesimpulan tentang materi yang telah dipelajari.



Menginformasikan materi pelajaran selanjutnya

3. Menginformasikan nilai


Bersama peserta didik menutup kegiatan pembelajaran dengan mengucapkan hamdallah

J. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran1. Jenis Penilaian : lisan2. Teknik

Penilaian: Tes

3. Bentuk Penilaian

: Essay

K. Sumber belajar1. Bima, Bachtiar M dan Lilik Kurniawati. 2005. Let’s Talk Grade VIII . Bandung: Pakar Raya

Mengetahui :Kepala SMP N I Bukit Sundi

H.HABIBULLAH, S.Pd, MMNIP. 19681212 199403 1 006

Muara Panas, … Juli 2015Guru Mata Pelajaran

NENSI ANGELISTA, S.PdNIP: 19780411 200501 2 008

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A. Penilaian hasil BelajarIndikator

Pencapaian Kompetensi



Penilaian Indikator SoalInstrument/Soal

1. Merespon ungkapan asking, Giving and Refusing service / help.

77.00 Tes lisan essay 1. Siswa dapat merespon ungkapan asking, Giving and Refusing service / help dengan melengkapi teks rumpang.

2. Merespon ungkapan asking for, giving and refusing goods / Things

77.00 2. Siswa dapat merespon ungkapan asking for, giving and refusing goods / Things dengan melengkapi teks rumpang

3. Merespon ungkapan asking for & Giving opinion.

77.00 3. Siswa dapat merespon ungkapan asking for & Giving opinion dengan melengkapi teks rumpang

4. Merespon ungkapan admitting & Denying facts

77.00 4. Siswa dapat merespon admitting & Denying facts dengan melengkapi teks rumpang


Complete the dialogs and choose the right statements to make a good conversation.a. yes, the souvenirs are very prettyb. Can you help me lift this box?c. may I have a blue shirt with the design like this red oned. I don’t like wearing a hate. Can you help me lift this box?f. What can I do for you ?g. Can I help you?h. would you also like a hat, sir?i. Let me help you.j. I’d be very happy to care of your cat

Page 7: kd 3.1

No Soal Jawaban skor1 Robert : excuse me

Shopkeeper : yes.(1…………………..) Kristen : (2…………………………..),

please?Shopkeepe : yes, of course. I think we still

have it in the storehouse. Please wait a minute.

Robert : yes, thank you.After a while, the shopkeeper is backShopkeeper : here you are, sir.Robert : thank you.Shopkeeper : (3………………)There are

several colours, including blue.

Robert : no, thank you.(4……………………). But we’re very interested in buying some souvenirs you have

Kristen : (5………………………..). By the way, we’ll pay the shirt later along with the souvenirs, if you don’t mind.

Shopkeeper : not at all. Please

1. Can I help you?2. may I have a blue shirt with

the design like this red one3. would you also like a hat,

sir?4. would you also like a hat,

sir?5. yes, the souvenirs are very






2 John : Excuse me. (6………………….) 6.Can you help me lift this box? 2Dick: Sure

3 Ron : The box looks heavy. (7……………) 7.Let me help you. 2Hermione : Thanks.

4 Harry : You look tired. Do you mind if I take some glass of water for you?

8.No, thanks. 2

Ron : (8…………)I'll take it by myself.

5 Nina   : Niko can you do me a favour,please ?Niko   : Of course, (9………………) 9. what can I do for you ? 2Nina  : Would  you be so kind as to take care of my cat. I’m going to Bogor tomorrow to visit my uncle, He is sick. I’ll be there for about two days.Niko  :(10………………).I love cats. 10. I’d be very happy to care of your


Nina  : Great. ThanksNiko  : Should I bathe it?Nina  : No, it’s not necessary

Total 20

Practice the dialogue in front of the class !A couple go to the shopkeeper to ask something

Robert : excuse meShopkeeper : yes. Can I help you?Kristen : may I have a blue shirt with the design like this red one, please?Shopkeepe : yes, of course. I think we still have it in the storehouse. Please wait a minute.

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Robert : yes, thank you.After a while, the shopkeeper is backShopkeeper : here you are, sir.Robert : thank you.Shopkeeper : would you also like a hat, sir? There are several colours, including blue.Robert : no, thank you. I don’t like wearing a hat. But we’re very interested in buying some

souvenirs you haveKristen : yes, the souvenirs are very pretty. By the way, we’ll pay the shirt later along with the

souvenirs, if you don’t mind.Shopkeeper : not at all. Please

a. Pedoman Penilaian :

Analisis nilai akhir belajar Bahasa Inggris dalam skala 0 – 100 adalah dengan mengunakan rumus dibawah ini:Nilai Akhir (NA) : perolehan skor

skor maks

b. Rubrik penilaian :

c. Aspek d. Skor e. KeteranganKelancaran f. 5

g. 4h. 3i. 2j. 1

k. Lancar l. Kelancaran agak sedikit terganggum. Kelancaran banyak terganggun. Bicara terputus-putuso. Bicara terputus-putus dan terhenti

Pengucapan p. 5q. 4r. 3

s. 2t. 1

u. Mudah dipahami v. Mudah dipahami meskipun dengan aksen tertentuw. Ada masalah pengucapan yang membuat pendengar

harus konsentrasix. Sulit dipahami sehingga sering diminta mengulangy. Masalah pengucapan serius sehingga tidak bisa


X 100 (skor ideal)

Page 9: kd 3.1


A. Standar KompetensiMendengarkan1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sederhana untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

B. Kompetensi Dasar1.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan

interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari fakta, dan meminta dan memberi pendapat.

C. Indikator Pencapaian KompetensiMerespon ungkapan :1. Asking, Giving and Refusing service / help.2. Asking for, giving and refusing goods / Things.3. Asking for & Giving opinion4. Admitting & Denying facts

D. Tujuan PembelajaranSetelah mendengarkan dan mempraktekan diharapkan peserta didik dapat merespon ungkapan :1. Asking, Giving and Refusing service / help.2. Asking for, giving and refusing goods / Things.3. Asking for & Giving opinion4. Admitting & Denying facts

E. Materi Ajar

Asking, Giving and Refusing service / helpAsking for help Offering help Accepting help Refusing help

Can you help .....Help me, pleaseCan you help me, please?Could you ....Will you .....Would you .....

Can I help you?May I help youWhat can I do for you?Shall Ii take this ..... for you?Would you like me to .....?

Yes, pleaseThank for the offerThat’s very kind of youThanks any wayI’d love some .....That would be niceLovely

No, thank youI would rather notThat’s all right, thanksI’m sorry, I can’t. I have to .....No thanksThat’s very kind of

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Asking for help Offering help Accepting help Refusing helpLet me help .....Won’t you ....?Shall I make .....?Do you want ..... to .....?Do you need ..... help?Would you like any help?Is there anything that I can i do for you?

Thank you very mushYes, that’s sound niceSure, thank you

you, but I can manage my self

For exampleNina : Niko, can you do me a favor, please? Niko : Of course, what can I do for you?Nina : Would you be so kind as to take care of my cat? : I’m going to Bogor

tomorrow to visit my uncle. He is sick. I’ll be there for about two days.

Niko : I’d be very happy to take care of your cat. I love cats.Nina : Great. Thanks. Niko : Should I bathe it? Nina No, it’s not necessary

Asking for, giving and refusing goods / ThingsAsking for things Giving things Refusing things

Can you (take) me ( a book on the table), please?Do you mind if ...?Is it okay if I ...?May I ...?

Here you arePlease takeNot at all, pleaseHere they areSure, here it is

No, you don’t sorrySorrySorry, not this time

For example1. A : Can I borrow your pen, please?    B : Sure, here you are.    A : Thank you very much.

2. X : May I borrow bag , please?    Y : Sorry, I’m using it right now.    X : It’s okay

3. A : May I use your text book, please?    B : Of course, here it is.    A : Thank you.

Asking for & Giving opinion

Asking for opinion Giving opinionDisagreeing with someone’s

opinionWhat do you thing about that?What about …..?How do you feel about …..?

I think .....As I see it …..It seems to me …..

I can’t say anythingI don’t think soThat’s good idea, but …..

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How do you see about …..?How would you react to …..?How would you say to …..?What is your opinion?What do you think?What are your views?

In my opinion …..In my view …..From my point of view …..I’d just like to say …..In my mind is …..I think that …..

Contoh Dialog Expressing OpinionRead this dialogue!

Andy : Well, what do you think of my car?Bimo : Well, personally, It looks comfortable. By the way, is it an expensive American car?Andy : No, it’s a cheap small Japanese car.Bimo : How many people can it take?Andy : There’s room for five people.Bimo : Has it got brakes?Andy : Yes, there’re very good. The engine’s in the front, and there’s a big boot in the back.Bimo : It’s looks well madeAndy : Would you like to come for drive?Bimo : OK. Drive carefully, won’t you. There’s a lot of traffic today.

Answer the questions.1. How many persons are involved in the conversation?2. Who is the owner of the car?3. How does the car look like?4. What does Bimo think about Andy’s car?

Admitting & Denying factsAdmitting facts Denying facts

Yes, you are rightYes, it’s trueThat’s itYes, that’s rightThat’s rightThat’s trueAbsolutelyThat’s correct

No, it is not actuallyI’m afraid that’s wrongIt is not trueThat’s not correctIt’s wrongThat’s incorrect

Situation : Yanti and Ani are in the classroom. They are having an art class.Yanti :Ani, where is my eraser? You borrowed it yesterday, didn’t you?Ani :Yes, I did. But I lost it last night at home. I really sorry.Yanti :That’s alright. But don’t let this happen again.Ani :I won’t. I promise.