Bulimia Nervosa Artikel 11

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  • 8/18/2019 Bulimia Nervosa Artikel 11



    What is bulimia?

    Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by frequent episodes of binge eating,

    followed by frantic efforts to avoid gaining weight. It affects women and men of all ages.

    When you’re struggling with bulimia, life is a constant battle between the desire to lose

    weight or stay thin and the overwhelming compulsion to binge eat.

    You don’t want to bingeyou !now you’ll feel guilty and ashamed afterwardsbut time and

    again you give in. "uring an average binge, you may consume from #,$$$ to %,$$$ caloriesin one short hour.

    &fter it ends, panic sets in and you turn to drastic measures to 'undo( the binge, such as

    ta!ing e)*la), inducing vomiting, or going for a ten*mile run. &nd all the while, you feel

    increasingly out of control.

    It’s important to note that bulimia doesn’t necessarily involve purgingphysically

    eliminating the food from your body by throwing up or using la)atives, enemas, or diuretics.

    If you ma!e up for your binges by fasting, e)ercising to e)cess, or going on crash diets, this

    also qualifies as bulimia.

    Am I Bulimic?

    &s! yourself the following questions. +he more 'yes( answers, the more li!ely you are

    suffering from bulimia or another eating disorder.

    • &re you obsessed with your body and your weight

    • "oes food and dieting dominate your life

    •&re you afraid that when you start eating, you won’t be able to stop

    • "o you ever eat until you feel sic!

    • "o you feel guilty, ashamed, or depressed after you eat

    • "o you vomit or ta!e la)atives to control your weight

     The dangers of ipecac syrup

    If you use ipecac syrup, a medicine used to induce vomiting, after a binge, ta!e caution.

    -egular use of ipecac syrup can be deadly. Ipecac builds up in the body over time. ventually

  • 8/18/2019 Bulimia Nervosa Artikel 11


    it can lead to heart damage and sudden cardiac arrest, as it did in the case of singer /aren


    1ource2 National Women's Health Information Center  

    Bulimia treatment and therapy

    +o stop the cycle of bingeing and purging, it’s important to see! professional help early,

    follow through with treatment, and resolve the underlying emotional issues that caused the

     bulimia in the first place.

    herapy !"r bulimia

    Because poor body image and low self*esteem lie at the heart of bulimia, therapy is an

    important part of recovery. It’s common to feel isolated and shamed by your bingeing and

     purging, and therapists can help with these feelings.

    +he treatment of choice for bulimia is cognitive*behavioral therapy. 0ognitive*behavioral

    therapy targets the unhealthy eating behaviors of bulimia and the unrealistic, negative

    thoughts that fuel them. 3ere’s what to e)pect in bulimia therapy2

    • Brea#in$ the bin$e%and%pur$e cycle 4 +he first phase of bulimia treatment focuses

    on stopping the vicious cycle of bingeing and purging and restoring normal eating

     patterns. You learn to monitor your eating habits, avoid situations that trigger binges,

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    cope with stress in ways that don’t involve food, eat regularly to reduce food cravings,

    and fight the urge to purge.

    • &han$in$ unhealthy th"u$hts and patterns 4 +he second phase of bulimia

    treatment focuses on identifying and changing dysfunctional beliefs about weight,

    dieting, and body shape. You e)plore attitudes about eating, and rethin! the idea thatself*worth is based on weight.

    • S"l'in$ em"ti"nal issues 4 +he final phase of bulimia treatment involves targeting

    emotional issues that caused the eating disorder in the first place. +herapy may focus

    on relationship issues, underlying an)iety and depression, low self*esteem, and

    feelings of isolation and loneliness.

    (elpin$ a pers"n )ith bulimia

    If you suspect that your friend or family member has bulimia, tal! to the person about yourconcerns. Your loved one may deny bingeing and purging, but there’s a chance that he or she

    will welcome the opportunity to open up about the struggle. ither way, bulimia should never 

     be ignored. +he person’s physical and emotional health is at sta!e.

    It’s painful to !now your child or someone you love may be binging and purging. You can’t

    force a person with an eating disorder to change and you can’t do the wor! of recovery for

    your loved one. But you can help by offering your compassion, encouragement, and support

    throughout the treatment process.

    I! y"ur l"'ed "ne has bulimia

    • O!!er c"mpassi"n and supp"rt* /eep in mind that the person may get defensive or

    angry. But if he or she does open up, listen without 5udgment and ma!e sure the

     person !nows you care.

    • A'"id insults+ scare tactics+ $uilt trips+ and patr"ni,in$ c"mments*  1ince bulimia

    is often caused and e)acerbated by stress, low self*esteem, and shame, negativity will

    only ma!e it worse.

    • Set a $""d e-ample for healthy eating, e)ercising, and body image. "on’t ma!e

    negative comments about your own body or anyone else’s.

    • Accept y"ur limits* &s a parent or friend, there isn’t a lot you can do to 'fi)( your

    loved one’s bulimia. +he person with bulimia must ma!e the decision to move


    • a#e care "! y"ursel!* /now when to see! advice for yourself from a counselor or

    health professional. "ealing with an eating disorder is stressful, and it will help if you

    have your own support system in place.


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    Buliia dalah gangguan a!an yang "erle"ihan dan dii!u#i upaya pani!un#u! enghindari pening!a#an "era# "adan #er$adi pada lela!i dan%ani#a&

    'enya!i# ini era# !ai#annya dengan psi!ologis penderi#a( "iasanya pendri#acenderung a!an engeluar!an a!anan yang #elah dia!an denganea!sa!an diri un#u! un#ah ( a#au olahraga "erle"ihan se#elaha!an( eng!onsusi o"a# penurun "era# "adan )ipepac*( dan die# !e#a#&

    O"a# penurun "era# "adan yai#u sirup ipepac ( apa"ila dii!onsusi#erlalu

    sering "isa enye"a"!an !ea#ian* Ipecac enupu! di #u"uh dari%a!#u !e %a!#u& A!hirnya dapa# enye"a"!an !erusa!an $an#ung danserangan $an#ung endada!&

     Un#u! enge#ahui apa!ah anda penderi#a "uliia( "eri!u#per#anyaanny +, Apa!ah Anda #ero"sesi dengan #u"uh dan "era# "adan Anda-, Apa!ah a!anan dan die# endoinasi hidup Anda-, Apa!ah Anda #a!u# !e#i!a Anda ulai a!an( Anda #ida! a!an "isa"erhen#i-, Apa!ah Anda pernah a!an sapai Anda erasa sa!i#-

    , Apa!ah Anda erasa "ersalah( alu( a#au depresi se#elah Anda a!an-

    'encegahan dan pengo"a#an yang dapa# dila!u!an adalah denganencin#ai diri sendiri dengan dei!ian seua a!an "er$alan dengan "ai! (dapa# eneria diri sendiri "isa ening!a#!an !epercayaan diri sendiri&