
DAMPAK PASCA RECLAIMING TERHADAP KESEJAHTERAAN PETANI DI DESA SUKA MUKTI GARUT Erlisa Saraswati *) dan Endriatmo Soetarto Departemen Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat *) email: [email protected] ABSTRAK Perlawanan petani muncul akibat adanya ketimpangan struktur agraria di pedesaan. Salah satu bentuk perlawanan petani adalah dengan melancarkan aksi reclaiming lahan di tanah-tanah terlantar Eks-HGU perusahaan. Hal tersebut sejalan dengan kasus reclaiming lahan Eks-HGU PTPN VIII Dayeuh Manggung yang dilakukan oleh para petani di Organisasi Tani Lokal (OTL) Suka Mukti, Garut. Penelitian ini berfokus pada bagaimana pengorganisasian aksi reclaim tersebut berpengaruh pada tatanan kondisi sosial-ekonomi masyarakat pasca reclaim. Pengorganisasian reclaim yang baik itu pula akan memberikan dampak pada kondisi sosial ekonomi pasca reclaim yang mutualistis antar sesama masyarakat. Kondisi-kondisi sosial ekonomi pasca reclaim terebut meliputi redistribusi lahan, kelembagaan penataan produk serta pembangunan sarana dan prasarana dasar. Selanjutnya tatanan kondisi sosial-ekonomi pasca reclaim yang baik ini akan berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan petani yang dilihat dari dua aspek yakni subjektif dan objektif. Kata kunci : perlawanan petani, aksi reclaiming, kondisi sosial ekonomi pasca reclaim, kesejahteraan petani THE IMPACTS OF POST-RECLAIMING AGAINST THE WELFARE OF FARMERS IN SUKA MUKTI GARUT ABSTRACT Resistance of peasants appeared due to the agrarian structure of inequality in the countryside. One form of peasant resistance is to launch an action in reclaiming the lands abandoned ex-HGU belongs to the company. It is in line with the case of reclaiming lands ex-HGU PTPN XIV VIII Dayeuh Manggung who was conducted by the peasants in the local Peasants Organizations (OTL) Suka Mukti Garut. This research is focused on how to reclaim the action organizing effect on socio-economic conditions of the community order after reclaim. The well-organized reclaim will impact the socio-economic conditions post between people society. Socioeconomic conditions covering land redistribution, the institutional setup of products and the construction of basic facilities and infrastructure. Further, the good socio-economic conditions of post- reclaim will affect the improvement of the welfare of farmers who viewed from two aspects which is the subjective and the objective. Key words: Resistance of peasants, reclaiming. socio-economic conditions of he post- reclaim, the peasant’s welfare


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Transcript of 624-1560-1-PB

Page 1: 624-1560-1-PB


Erlisa Saraswati *) dan Endriatmo Soetarto

Departemen Sains Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Masyarakat *) email: [email protected]


Perlawanan petani muncul akibat adanya ketimpangan struktur agraria di pedesaan. Salah satu bentuk perlawanan petani adalah dengan melancarkan aksi reclaiming lahan di tanah-tanah terlantar Eks-HGU perusahaan. Hal tersebut sejalan dengan kasus reclaiming lahan Eks-HGU PTPN VIII Dayeuh Manggung yang dilakukan oleh para petani di Organisasi Tani Lokal (OTL) Suka Mukti, Garut. Penelitian ini berfokus pada bagaimana pengorganisasian aksi reclaim tersebut berpengaruh pada tatanan kondisi sosial-ekonomi masyarakat pasca reclaim. Pengorganisasian reclaim yang baik itu pula akan memberikan dampak pada kondisi sosial ekonomi pasca reclaim yang mutualistis antar sesama masyarakat. Kondisi-kondisi sosial ekonomi pasca reclaim terebut meliputi redistribusi lahan, kelembagaan penataan produk serta pembangunan sarana dan prasarana dasar. Selanjutnya tatanan kondisi sosial-ekonomi pasca reclaim yang baik ini akan berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan petani yang dilihat dari dua aspek yakni subjektif dan objektif.

Kata kunci : perlawanan petani, aksi reclaiming, kondisi sosial ekonomi pasca reclaim, kesejahteraan petani


ABSTRACT Resistance of peasants appeared due to the agrarian structure of inequality in the countryside. One form of peasant resistance is to launch an action in reclaiming the lands abandoned ex-HGU belongs to the company. It is in line with the case of reclaiming lands ex-HGU PTPN XIV VIII Dayeuh Manggung who was conducted by the peasants in the local Peasants Organizations (OTL) Suka Mukti Garut. This research is focused on how to reclaim the action organizing effect on socio-economic conditions of the community order after reclaim. The well-organized reclaim will impact the socio-economic conditions post between people society. Socioeconomic conditions covering land redistribution, the institutional setup of products and the construction of basic facilities and infrastructure. Further, the good socio-economic conditions of post- reclaim will affect the improvement of the welfare of farmers who viewed from two aspects which is the subjective and the objective. Key words: Resistance of peasants, reclaiming. socio-economic conditions of he post-reclaim, the peasant’s welfare