v74n2-Winter-1957.pdf - Pi Beta Phi History

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Transcript of v74n2-Winter-1957.pdf - Pi Beta Phi History


At last 'tis eventide of college days; They do not end without some sense of sorrow, And yet the challenge of another phase Looms bright and clear at dawn upon the morrow, So much has gone to fill life's rushing stream Thoughts rise to wonder: whither is it bound?­But kept at heights to keep alive a dream The journey on must be both safe and sound. To wend the way with courage and with hope, Hold ever close the bonds which Pi Phi ties, And further, do recall this thought from Pop" "Act well your part, there all the honor lies." Along the way ahead then, may this token e'er remind, And help you build upon these days, you fain would Iea\'e behind.






O{fi(t 0/ Pllblira/ion: 41 0 Standard Offi ce Bldg., Decatur, III.


A"ow Edilor: ADELE TAYLOR ALFORD (Mrs . T. N.). 930 Olive Ave., Coronado, Calif.

Ailimme Club Editor: VIRGINIA S H ERMAN KOZAK (Mrs. Andrew ).)' R.D . 1, Kirk. vil le, N.Y.

Chapltr Le/ler &lilor: SALLlB TuCKER, 4:519 Cumberland Circle, EI Paso, Tex.

News from lillIe Pigeon: LOUISE WHEELOCK DoBLER (Mrs. Clare R.) , 3523 Federal Ave., Everett, W ash.

Ex(ht1n~es and College Noles: R UTH WILSON COCSHALL (Mrs. W . S .). 2001 Emerson, louisville, Ky.

From Pi Phi P~nI: M ARY ELIZABETH LASHER BARNETTE (Mrs. Kenneth A.) , 8 Cloister Ct., Tonawanda, N.Y.

Arrow File: Pi Beta Phi Central Office, 410 Standard Office Bld,q., Decatur, Ill.

In Memoriam No/ices: Central Office. 4 10 Decatur, 111.

Send to Pi Beta Phi tandard Office Bldg.,



Fraternity D irectory ................ . 102

Editorials III

Call to Convention 113

Over the World 116

"Miss America" 117

N ews from Little PiAccn 119

Pi Phi Personalities ............... . . 123

Honor Students for 1956·19'7 126

Chapter Letters 141

In l\.{emoriam ...........••••• , ..... Il9

Official Calendars ........•.•....... 161

Fnternity Supplies . . ..... . ..•.. . ... 164

CI.THI!! Anow is printed Fall. Winter, Spring and Summer by Pi Beta Phi Fraternity at the prns of Gcorge Banta Comp'any Inc .. 4~O Ahnaip St .• Menasha, Wis. Subscription price is $1.~0 a year, ~o¢ lor sin&le copies, $15.00 lot li fe subscription. ((,Scnd subscriptions. change of address notice, and correspondence of a business nature 10 Pi Beta Phi Central Office, Decatur 16. HI. CI.Correspondcnce of an editorial nature is to be addresKd to the editor. Mrs. T . N. A lford, 9}O Olive Ave., Coronado. Calif. hems for publication should be addressed to the editor to arrive not IUer than July U, October la, January I). Much ~. C!.Mcmlxr of Fraternity 1-h,ltuines Associated. A ll matters pertaining to national adve"isin& should be directed to Fraternity Maguines Anociated, 1618 Orrington Ave., Evanston, III. CI.Entered IS second·clau matter at the p<?st office at I)ccatur, III., and Menasha, Wis., under the lct of March 3, 1879, Acceptance for m.i1ing at specl.I rate of postage under the proyisions of Sec. 34·40 Par. (0) provided for in the act of February 28. 192'.

Printed in the United Statn of America

Jraternitlj DIRECTORY


Emma Bro .... nlee Kilgore (1848-1924) Margaret Campbtll 0846-1936) Libbie Brook Gaddis (18)0-19H) Ada Bruen Grier (1848-1924)

Rosa Moore (1848·1924 ) Jennie Nicol, M.D. (184).1881) Inez Smith Soule (1846-1941) Fannie Thomson (1848.1868) Jennie Horne Turnbull (1846·1932) Nancy Black Wallace (18-H· 1918)

Cbra Bro_m lce Hutchinson (18)0-1931) Fanny Whitenack Libbey (1848-1941)


May L. Keller, Westhampton CoileAe, University o f Richmond, Va.


Amy Burnham Onken, Chapin, III.


Lois Frankl in 5too lman (Mu. A. W.L 1001 S. Third St., Champaign, III.


G"md P"Jidtnl ......... , .•........... Marianne Reid Wild (Mrs. Robert 5.), Office; 310 HIli Bid,!::., 839-17th 51., N .W., Wuhing· fon 6, D.C. Home: 2021 Stlmont Rd. N .W. , Wuhngton 9, D.C.

Grand V;rt.PrtJid,nt . .. ......•.•...... Alice Weber Ma nsfield (Mrs. William H .). 8 Long Meadov.·s, St Louis 22. Mo. G,a"" S,u""r, ...... " ............... Virginia Voorh«s 5pulm (Mrs. James F.). 24 1) \'(fu hington Blvd .. Kansas City. Ka n. Gr,,"" TrttfJllr,r ...................... Olivia Smith Moore (Mrs. Henry, Jr.), 420 Pine St .. Texarkana . T ell:. Auow E4ttor ..•..................... Adele Taylor Alford (Mrs. T. N .), 930 Olive Ave .• Coronado, Calif. Dlrtctor 0/ RIIJh;,rK and PI"'" rraininK . Helen Anderson Lewis (Mrs. &n;amin C). 731) N. Gulley Rd .• De:uborn 6. Mich. Olru lor 01 &unJion ............•. . .. . Ruth Williams Hansen (Mrs. Paul), 3110 Eagle Pus Rd ., Louisville 13. Ky.


Ma ry Emrich Van Buren (Mrs. E.) , 262) Mandevi lle Canyon Road, Los Angeles 49. C3lif.


Marian Keck Simmons (Mrs. Oliver B.), 641) Morningside Dr.. Ka nsas City, Mo_


Rose McColloch Dmsler (Mrs. E. B.). 7240 Madison. Kanu.s Cily 14 , Mo.


Cb"lrma".- Olivia Smilh Moo~ (Mrs. Hen ry. Jr.). 420 Pine 51 .. Tvurlcana. Ttl:.; Lolita Snell Prouly (Mrs. Frank H . L 1760 Locust 51 .. Denver 20. Colo. : Amy Burnham Onken. Chapm. Ill ; MariJ.nne ReId Wild (Mrs. Robert S.), 2021 Belmont Rd . . N.W. WuhinJt· ton 9, D.C: Mary Van Buren (Mrs.), 262) Mandeville un)on Rd , Los Anseles 49. Calif. .


Dorothea White Flint (Mrs. Leroy), 28-49 N. Delaware SI .• Indianapolis ). Ind .

Chapter Treasurers send your monthly reporu to Fraternity AccolJnting S ystem, c/ o Mr. John DomBlaser, 310 Gaxeue Bldg., little Rock, Arlc.


MJrgaret J. Dick. 410 Standard Office Bldg .• ~calur. Ill.


Diruro,. 0/ C,nt,,,l OdUr-Margaret J. Dick. -410 Standard Office Bldg., Decalur. III.


For Artivt Mnion-ChlliT",tf": Omicron Pro.-incc Vice.President, Sarahi~ne PaulKD Vanasse ( Mrs . Horace J.L }02 Hov.'e St. SeJuie Wash. : Mu Province Vice-President, Dorothy Weaver Morgan (Mrs. Kent R. ), 26-t8 High St .. Lincoln 2. Neb.; Kansas A. Oklahoma A. Texas r Delegates.

FOI' Alumna Susioa---Ch,u,.,_: Zeta Pro,ince President, JOKpbine Rogers Ward (Mrs. uv.·is 0 .). 1) Bedtett Dr .• Muncie. Ind.

CONVENTION GUIDE-Ethel Sanford Adams (Nrs. Philip E.). 170 Mulboro St.. Boston 16, Mus. H o.pilality ~D-Adeline Pate Prentiss (Mrs. Gcorae).""O Beamn St., Natick, Mass. Rc&illnboa Cb.irman--Dorotby J. Warner, 821 Beacon 51., Boston, Mus.



STANDING COIOllTJ'EBS Seul • ..,.ol School Coaunirt.--Cb.ir __ VirJjoja Bracbtt Gam (lin.), 26)0 SatbtrlaAd An., lDdiaupolis' lDd.

Trt"s"",r-Zoe Saund~n Jama (Mn. lUc:bard E. ). 1116 Alimiolo Dr., Indian.pow 20, Ind. ' .h·n""'~Scbool LJbcUJ, J:Wna Oboo Archibald "'(II. Fred),'}O W. UiUUIII1:arkw", Ba1timor~. Md. Pd/ic'ilJ. UiltW .f liul, Pi" .. N,w/-Louise W'bee:lock Dobtcr (Mil. Clat~ ... • ))2) Fed~ral AY~. , Bntttt, Wasb. Slf",/-Dist,.ibtiu-Lois SnJder Pin,er (loin. bymood H.) 606 N. Elm Dr., uly Hilb uHf. Drr""(ff ., Stili,.,., S,i •• I-Muioo Mueller (!In.), Pi Beta Pbi Sett.lcmeat Scbool GaUinbw:1 TellO. M."'~ff. A"".",.." H"t-Elit.betb W.itt Rue (Mn. Nelion B. ). Pi 8ct.a Pbi Arro.craft sbop• Gatl inburl. Tenn .

Holt HOUM ColDIDittee-Cb~--N.dw Knighta Doda:~ (Mil. Lour C.), 210, S. 90th St.. Omah. 14 Nth. l ·"..,.'ff- Mad&:e Elliott Pisbct (Wo. Cha.rica M.), n4-19tb St., S.!. Cedar IlaficU. 10.. . • FiI.I-LoWx Reid Campbell (Mrs. Jobo C.) 111 South .tb St., Moomouth, 1I . Florence Orppe Holmlren (Mn. Eric) ~ 4429 Pembroke 1.an~,- rort Wayne. Ind. Elizabeth Poston Clark (Mrs. Wm. H.I, 2'n Wall, JopLiD, MO.


ColDmiue. OD Loaa Faad-Cb,,;" __ Jotcphiot McCktertJ. 602 Melrotc An. N. Se.ttle 2, W.sb. Co.""II" M''!''trs-~ucille Waiu Wall (Ma. Richard). Sweet SpdlllS. Mo. ; Edith Bacon ViDJon (Mn. O_en), P.O. Bo. 11 1.

SaDt. MODica. uhf. CommiUe. OD Public R.I.tio....--<:b..;,. ... ._&atrice J.ochm Miller (lin. Doo.-Id E.) 122) Nancy )0 Placc, Gleftdale 22. Mo. Commin .. 0 .. Scbolanbip-Cb"";"n-Jdarie Weat W'cyu (Mes. Paul), 1412.Akia Dr.:EuoSYille. fnd.

A /IIII.,,1 Ch.ir",.",.-Cltlyer )obDlOn, 229 Race St .• Pittsburcb II. P'a. AssiJt4'" Ch""",,,,. for C.,,1Ii/;4f1 Cb.pltr.r-M.dcleine Mader, 149 S. Park St., Halifu, N o .. Scotia, C&n. 1-',,,.,,,,, S.pn"UIHJ ",. S,b.JMslnp: Alpb.-Consult Ch.irman. Be«-Iktty M. Glus, 121 Old Loudon Rd. Latham, N.Y. G.mm_Jan~ AIDer Wolf (Mrs. Georae L. S. 226 Elmd.le An., AboD I). Ohio. Oelr..-Msrybcllc Carr Curry IMu. ROOtn 8.J. '609 Oyerlea Rd.~Wuhington 16. D.C. EPlilon--<:onstaocr G.tes M.dsen (Mrs. All re. H. Jr.). 2762 windcmcre Bitmingham, M icb. ze,--M.ry Cathcrin~ Bre.er Arthur (Mrs. James A. ). 1478 Grand An .• Colwnbul, Ind. Et.-PolI, Feue,. B·" Jelfel10II Apu ., Nubyille Telln. Th.r..-Ooril Plaue Burton (Mrs. l oho H., Jr.L 400 Thomas St ..... UDiYCClitr{ AI •. lota--Glldrs Olbome Hall {Mil. Gu.ld L.). 32) N. Benton St .• r.btine. 11: . K.pp __ OOlothy Tompkins Rcnll (Mrs. Eugene A.). 1<f)() 8th St. S. , Fargo, N .D . .... mbd_Tbclma Pb.rr Col: (Mil. Pb.rr). 2ttO Alh St. Taarbn •• Ark. Mu-AoD Horton Jeter (Mrs. Norm.n W .) )10 W. UrJ St., H.p. K.n . Nu-Luci llc Gluner Matkin (Mrs. Gcorge k). Boll: ))7. Seabrook, Tens. Xi-C-onsult Chairmsn. Omicron-Barhara Croll.Dd Lind {Mrs. William), 4)0) S.E. 7"th Aye .• Portl.nd 6. Ore. Pi-Helen. Dinf.le Moore (Mrs. George H. ). 702 Hel iotrOpe, Coronl Del M.r, ulif.

Committee on TntltI ~Mar&.m Strum Acheson (Mil. Ho.ard A. Jr.), 126 Pine Tree Rd .• &.door. Pa. Committee on Fntl.f'niry Stud,. aad E.amin.tioo--Cb.,j,.,.,,- MlfJ Foster Haney (Mu. la.rence 0 . ), 2016 N . Cascade Avc .• Colorado

Sprinll. Colo. P',,""II, l.p,,.,,utlf/ "" P,,,',,,,;';, SI"II, .,,11 ExPffi"ui/l'" Alph.-Alycc Fenn O 'Hara (Mrs. Edward), 1)90 S. Main St .• Cheshire, Conn. Bet.-M'I] Griffith Hllbin (Mrs. JOhn .. 2)7 Bedford. Buff. I .. Ib , N. Y. Gamm.-Janet Laud ick Gall (Mrs. E. D. >. 1}21 H.rvard Blvd .• Dsyton 6. Ohio. Deh __ Katb~rioe Batu S.Il~J (Mrs. W. c.:). 1600 Wcst 49th St., Norfolk 8, V •. Ep.ilon-Maxine Williaou Mone (Mrs. C. H.). 66U Glenwl, Dr .• Birmingham. Mich. Zel_AuJl1st. Hite Johnson, Mil. Eric A., Jr., 201 South Wcst St .• Cra.fordsyille1Ind. Et_Bettf Jean F.ints Trarillioa (Mrs. Tbomu R.). on Glen Eden Dr., Nashyil e Tcnn . Th.ta--J(atluyn Ltutwilcr T.oton (Mrs. G. C., Jr.). 29}6 Coral Sborcs Dr .• Ft. LauJerd.le. Fla . lot.-B.rbar. Munson Lcmuters (Mrs. Don), 806 S. Johnson. Urbondlle. JlI. K.pp_Alice Brown La~ (Mrs. Robert). 494' Russell A.c., South Minn~.polis. Minn. L.mbd_Helen Gorse. 616, Waterm'D An .• St. Louis 12. Mo. Mu-M.rth. Hcnncssy Austin (Mrl. J . R. )\720.63 rd St .. Des Moines 12. low •. Nu-Nell Ezell Thomu (Mrs. 'red I 304 E izabeth Rd .. San Antonio, Tn. Xi-Elizabeth Knowles And~rson (~{IS. C. H.L lBO} 17tb An .. Greeley, Colo. Omicron--MarJ Angell J.haot Aldcrson (Mra. Ed • ." F.), 12004 23rd AY~ .• N.E .• Seattle)) , Wash . Pi-Frances Chubb, 2471 Lincoln Avc .• S.n Jose C.lif.

Pi Phi Timea Committee-Coo,.d;"410,: Mari.ntha James Williams (Mrs. Benjamin R .• Jr. >' 370 S. Maple Ave .. Webster Groves 19, Mo. P,o"i"u Coordi"lIsorJ: Alph_Joyce .... rcher Johnston (Mrs. R. S.) \ 72 Deep Wood Rd.{ Darien", Conn. B.r.-DOrothy V. Millcr H.Uer (Mrs. H.IO d S. ). Point St . . S. tlburg r •• G.mm_MarJ l ant Sicin Derringer (Mrs. Paul), 3}06 H.rdesty AYe .• Gncinnati '. Ohio. neh.-Helen Mor3.n Glasser (Mrs. Leo G.), 112 Somerset Rd .. WilminlUon) , Del. Ep.ilon-lois Bosshart Fcatherstone (Mrs. Ron.ld A. ), 22) E. M.ryknoll. Rochester. Mich . Z.I.-J-.ullerltl M,lnew KlclnkneCht (Mrs . Richard D." 2000 S. eSt .• RlCbmond. Ind . EIa-Eleanor Saundcrs Morris (Mrs. Will iam T . • J r.), 76 E. Chestnut St. , Asheville. N.C. l'het.-Ruth Black Arnold {Mrs. SIdney M.,{ 1611 Iott. Plran Rd. N.W . ...,Atl.nu, Ga. 101.-Mlriam WJlie Eickhoff (Mrs. H.rold J.,. )727 Main St., Do.ners .... roYC. JII . K.pp __ Mary M.rlard. Lamers Grist (Mn. James) , 24 Winona 0 .. App'leton Wis. L.mbd_Maualou M.rshall Rotb (Mrs. Miro K.). )2" N. Mt. OIiye, SIloam Springs. Ark Mu-Hclen W.lton Wen {Mrs. J. Arch), .3108 V.lleY Dr., Siou. City, In .... Nu-Janet McDona ld S .... yer (Mrs. J.mes T.). HI} Bristol. Amari llo. TClI:Is. Xi-h,OIcs AveOl DeKIJ IMrs. Emory" 302 S. Tenth St . • Lar.all~. "'{ro. Omicron-Jun HO"'lrd Smith (Mu. M.urice R. >. ))06 DOu,lu Dr .• Yakima\ Wash . Pi-Lucinda Griffith Burro.s (Mrs. Gates W.). 9'0 Riyer Lanc. S.nt. Ana. Ca if.

Committ •• on Fr.remit,- Muaic--Cb.ir",.,,- Dorothc Anderson Lannin& (Mrs. W'. J.l. P.O. Boll: 92. Donr, N.J. C".",III" M, .. btn: Jerry Fruin Rein (Mu. Clarencc L. ) . 8m:,09 Still •• ter.Okl •. l-fcl~n R. Chadd Schudcl (Mu. P. S." 1014 ~ntrcll St •• Decatur, III. Lorr.iDc Buckman Brenton (Mn.) , 300 E. M.rcy St .• Santa Fe, N .M.

Committe. on Chlperon. H~len MoRett Ruucll (Mrs. Robert R. ), 682) Crest AYe •• UniYeuity City 14, Mo.

Bmma H.-per Turner Memori.1 Fund COmmiue--Ci.ir",..f1-Liliian Farrinaton McN.u,bt (Mu. Hector c.l. 11,l()1 f . Smtb " ve .. Dcnnr 6. Colo.

Co",,,,i,,,, M,,,,.ltrs: Nin.belle Green Dame (Mrs. W'S" E.), 2900 6th AYe. N .• St. Peter.burg Fl • . Ethel HOiln Copp (Mrs. JoJtph P. ). 22) Bentler Circle Los Aqelca "'9. <:alir.

C.nt .. nni., Pund Commiu.e-Ch .. i,,,,,,_Mrs. T. '[.c(Ina,d GeOtI~, 17011 W. Prlnklin St .• Richmond. Va. T,rds .... " t'-Miu Elizabeth Johnsoo.~'64' Vista Dcl Mont~ V.n NuYl, Cllif. Mu . O. D. Jlck .... dlma. ItIOt N . wood.ltd. Okl.homa ",it}'. Okl • . Mrs. W.lter H. Clark, 2' Gallo.,e, Wcatllcld. N .J . Mrs. J . Lloyd B,OWII, 203 W. Pcnns, ly.ni. St .• Uibana, m. Mrs. "phillip J. Shenon, 1339 Third Aye. S.1t Lake Citro Utah.

Comminltl on M,nu.l-Cb..;,-... _Mildml Od~1I S.le (Mrs. Oumce), 7612 Bryn Ma.r. O.Uas 2'. Tuas.

NATIONAL PAN HELLENIC CONFERENCE NPC Ch",i,md,,-Mrs. D.trrell R. Nord .... alJ. 60 Sutton PIa«, So., New York 22. N .Y. Pi B,III Phi DtI'l"'t-Mrs. Robert S. Wild, no Hill Bldg., ')9· lnh St., N.W .• Wuhinlton 6, D.C. CO"'",lIItt .. " CoU,&' P .. "h,II,,,/o Ci..". ... _Mn. Crccenc A. Farns , 2997 S.W. f.I"leW Bl.d . . Portland. Ore. Co •• i,,,, 0,. Cn, P •• b,lI",iu Ch." •• _Mn. Has.ell Staeble. "'1 TotrCfloc Ad .. Columbus 14. Ohio.


ALPHA PROVINCE Prt};4",t-Eliubdh N~belf)' Motych (Mrs. J oseph) . RI. 3, Folly Lane Coventf}'. Conn. M,,;ne A/pb_University of M.inl~. Jane Quimby, }28 Balentine Hall, U. of M ., Orono, Me. N."#I 5(.#11 A/ph_Dalhousie UniYcnity, Carol Earle, U Crichton PIi: . Rd., Dartmouth. N .S., Can. Vtml Dtrl A/ph_Middlebury Collcge, Lucy Paine. u Chateau, Middlebury, VI . V"mDII' B"~ni,ersitr 01 Vermont, S.II, Humphre,. 169 S. Prospect St., Burlington, VI. MlUlMIIIUtlll A/pb_Boston University, Margaret Black, 91 Bay Stlte Rd., Botton. Mass. Mill/Mill UtilI &o1_Univenity of MUlicbusd"ts, Eli:u.bf:th Anne Gravt •• l8S N. Pleasant 51., Amherst, Mu •. e"'''''';(1I1 Alpb-tlniversil'J o f Connecticut, Helen Johnson , Pi &1. Phi Howe, Storrs, Conn.

BI3TA PROVINCB Pftli4tlft-Mariana EYlos Carpenter (Mrs. C. R.), Box 437. R.D. I, Sllte College. Pa. N,,,, Yl"" Alpb-Syracuse University, Susanne Sprenkle, 210 Walnut Place, S)'raCU5e, N .Y. N,w Yo," G.mm_St. lawrence University, Barbara Boyink, Pi Beta Phi House, Canton, N.Y . N ,w York D, /I........comell University, Edith Salisbury, 3}0 Triphammer Rd., Ithaca, N.V. P,,,n111 •• ,,i. Bt/r-Bucknell Uninrsity, Carol Peterson, Box ,07 W., Bucknell Univusity, Lewisburg, Pa. P,llnI11 •• "i. G.mm.-Dickioson Colle,e, Jeanne Wilder, Drayer Halt, Dick inson College. Carlisle, Pa. P,nnI11,.ni. Eplilo,,- Penfl5ylvania State Un'iversity, Nancy Lambert, Box 219, McElwain Hall , University Park , P, .

GAMMA PROVINCE PmiJ",I-Josephine Ryan Hopkins (Mrs. Bcn P ., Jr.), 298) Montaomery Rd •• Shaker Heights 22, Ohio. Ohio Alphll-Ohio Uni't'ersily, M.ry Jo l-fcPhenon, 6 S. College. Athens, Ohio. Obio Bltll-Ohio State UnifCrsity, Kay Sandow, ISU Indianola An., Columbu. 10. Ohio. Obi. Dt/tlll--Ohio Wesleyan Uninuity, Mal1lu Warner, Awtin Hall. Deia1lflfe. Ohio. Obi_ EpJiJu-University of Toledo, V.onne Bronowitz, }029 W. B.ncro ft, To ledo, Ohio. Obio Z,t .. - Miami University, Barbara Ann Warrick. 220 Hamilton Hall, Oxford . Ohio. O.io Et.........ocnison University, J.cqudyn O,lesb" Be.ver Hall, Denison U., Granville. Ohio.

DELTA PROVINCE P"liJ,,,t-M.ry V. Williams, 21 E. Maio St., Richmond, Va. ltf."I."J Bl t_Uninrsity of Maryland. Phyllis Cox, 12 Fraternity Row, College Park. Md. Dis/,ia 0/ Col,,,,,.;. Alpb--veorge Washington University, Bonnie Borden. 620 21st 51 .• N .W .• Washinglon. D.C. Vi"i"i .. AJ;h ...... R.ndolph.M.con Wom.n' s Colle,e, Fr.nces PersiDSu, Box 2H, R.M.W.C., Lynchburg. Va . Vir,i,,;. G.m",-COUege of William and Mary, Julie V.kol. Pi Beta Phi House, Williamsburg, Va. Will Vir,;,,;. AIJI.~Wcsl Vir,ini. University. K.thryn Sell. 1493 University Ave .• Morgantown. W.Va.

EPSILON PROVINCE p,,,iJtnl-Mamie Gardner Christiansen (Mrs. G. T.), 42' Fairfu, Birminsham. Mich. A!ichi,_ A/ph_Hillsdale Colles e, Ann Bodnar, 183 Hillsd. le St .• Hill sdale, Mich. Afichi,,,,, BtI~Uni.ersity of Michisan, M.ry Lue Gr.ndbois, 8}6 T,ppan. Ann Arbor. Mich. Af;ebi,,,,, G.",,,,_MichiJ.n State University, Diaoe McHugh, }4} N. Harrison, East Lansins, Mich . O"/ilriO AIJlb_University of T oronto. Betty-May Ormiston. 120 St. Ceol,e St., Toronlo, Ont .• Can. O.tMi_ &t_Uniycrsity 01 Western Ontario. M.rlo Currie. 293 Central Ave., London. Ont .• Can .

ZEIT A PROVINCe P'lIiJu/-Josephine ROlen Ward (Mrs . u1Ifis 0 . ). u Beckett Dr., Muncie. Ind. I"J; .. "" Alph_Franklin Callese, Beverly Fewell , Elsey Hall. Franklin. Ind. I"Ji.". Btt_Indiana Uni.crsity. SaUy Buchanan, 928 E. Third, Bloomington, Ind. IIIJi.". G_m_Butier University, K.therine Williams. BII Golden Hill Dr .• Jndianapolis, Ind. 1"lIi .. " .. Dllt_Purdue University, Joan Hickey, 1012 Slate St., West Lafaydte. lod. ",Ji •• " B;JU.,,-DePau1lf Uninn:ity. CuolJO RaUl', }O} S. Locu.st, Grt'CncastJe. Ind. ",Ji ••• Z,t_B.1I StOlltc Tuchers Colle,e. Kay Thombur,. '08 N. McKinley, Muncie, Ind.

ETA PROVINCE P"liJ,,,/-Janct Skidmore Skinner (Mrs. Robert H.) , Merriwood Dr., Route 14. Knoxville, Tenn. ",,,'"el, Alpb_Uni't'ersity of Louisville. Patty Downey. 123 E. Shipp St .• Louisville. Ky. T,,,,,,II" AI;b--Uni't'ersity of Chananoo,a. Marilyn Harris, 700 O,k St_. Ch.tt.noog., Tenn. T,,,,,,II" Btl_Vanderbilt Uni~ersity. Eleanor Porce, 118 24th Ave. 5 .• Nasb't'ille. Tenn . T",,,,II,, G .... ......uninnit-y of TenneliCC. Sybi. Moulton, 2)26 E. Fifth A~e .• Knon-ille. Tenn . No,th c;.,o/i". Alph-tlniversity of North Carolina, Sarah Jane Shaw. Pi Beta Phi House. Chapel Hill, N .C. No,t. c.,/i". Btl_Duke Uni't'ersi", Helen Rhodu. Box 6402, College Statioo, Dwham, N .C. 5011111 e."li" .. AJpb.-Uni.crsiry of South Carolina, Jean Huffman. }407 Monroe St., Columbia, S.c.

THETA PROVINCE r,lJiJ,.t-Marjorie AtJce Pukl (Mrs. Leon c.). 9044 Fairway Dr .. Ptnsacol •• Fl •. A/ill ••• AJ,th_Birmin&ham-Southem Collca:e, Ramelle Moore, Birmingham·Southern College. Birmingham. Ala. AI __ .tI .tt--Uninnity of Al.bama, Dena Hu,p1CJ, Box 169. UDi't'USity, Ala. Alu-. G .... _ Al.bam.a Polytechnic Institute, PoU, Eut, Home M anagmlCnt House-Duples:. Auburn, Ala. P/oriJ. A/pb_StcUoo Uni~enity . J ud, Hil1, Box '90. St~n Uni •.• De Land. Fl •. FlHiJ .. Bit_Florida Stalt Uninrsity. Adria Ano Whittle. )" W . CoUele A't'e . • TaUahusce. Fla . PI,riu G •• .,_RoIlins ColleJ'C. Bently Milliha. Rollins Colle,e. Winttr Park. Fla. GltIf,i. AId_University of eeo,gia.).{ary Aon Hinely, 886 S. Milledae Aft •• Athens. COlI.



IOTA PROVINCE Pftsultlll- Fay Martin Gross (Mrs. L Mor~II). 746 Woodland An .• Hintd.al~. III. 1II,"oiJ A/ph_Monmouth College. Sue G in&rich. Grkr Hall. Monmouth. Ill. lIIilloiJ Bttlt·Odr,,-Knox Colleg~. Ann jung. 112 Whiting Hall. Knox CoII~~. Galcsbur,. Ill. IIIi"ois Epsi/o" - North .... estern University. Anne Allen. 6}6 Emerson. E .... natoo. III. lIIi"o;s Z" .. -Univers ity of Ill inois. Lois Lee Rucker. 100) S. Wright St .• Ou.mp.aign, 111 . IIIi.Dis b_MilJikiD Uoiftnity. Muy Tempel. 16 Crestriew Dr., Decatw. Ill. 1II",qis Thtt_Bradley University. Phylli , Blmel, 10004 N. Institute. P~fia , Ill.


PrtliJ",,- Matilda Maris StvetsOn (Mrs. Robnd G.), 70) Chestnut. GraDd Forks. N.D. WiJ(O"li" A/ph-tJnivcnity of Wisconsin. jeanette Hummel. 2H Langdon St .. Madison. W is. Wilrul;" Btt_8e'loit College. Bubara Hutton. lioburer Hill, Bdoit. Wis. WiJ(Uli" C .. "''''_ La .... rence CoUele. WallIcssa Allen, Colman HaU. App leton . Wis. At .. "itob .. A/ph,,-Univ~rsity of Manitoba. Rownary Stevens. H4 y.le Aft •• Winnipc,. Man .• Can. Norih Od.OI .. A/ph_Uniyersity of North Dakot •• M.ry Ann Wallhridge. -409 Cambridge, Grind Forlu. N .D . /IIi""uol" A/ph_University of Minnesota. P.t M.cP:arlane, 1109 ) th St., S.E . . Minneapolis. Minn .


PrtJ;rlt",- Mary £Iiubcch Zimmuman Knipmcyer (Mrs. L. L.), 612 w. ,Oth St., Kansas City 12. Mo. MiIlOMr; A/ph.t-Uniytflity of Missou ri , Claire Williams. '11 Rollins. Columbia, Mo. MiJJDtlri Btt .. - Wuhington University. Marla Unruh. 1)1 N. Bemiston Aye .• Cllyton ,. Mo. !If;IlDtl,i CIt",,,,,,- Drury College. Barba ra j o Williams. Wallace Hall , Drury College. Springfidd. Mo. Arj""JAJ Alpb;-Uniur1ity o f Arbnsu, Jud,. Plde. Pi Beta Pbi House. F.yctte'YiUe. Ark. ullisi .. " .. Alph .. - Nn,·comh College. Donna Laskey. 28 McAlister Dr. , Ne .... Orlnns. Lt. UII;JrtJ" .. Btl_Louisiana State University, ConnIe Gnidtl, Box n8}. L.S. U., Baton Rouge, La.


Pr#lirltlfr- Ruth Louise Dierks. 261 W. Rio Rd .. Lincol n. Neb. /"w .. A/ph_Iowa Wesleyan College. Nancy Krieck. Scbe.ffer·Trieschmann Hall, MI. Pleaslnt , Iowi. low .. Btl_Simpson College, j o.one Weir. -406 N. Buxton. India nola. Iotrl. l"w .. G .. ",,,, .. - lo.1 State College. Ellen Earls. -4j6 N. f ranklin . Ames. Jow •. Iowa Ztl .. - Uniyersity o f 10 ...... Linda Pederson. 815 E. Washington. 10 ..... City. Jo .... a. SOlllh Od"t .. A/ph..--Univusity of South Dakota. Shnon Gregg. 118 N. Plum. Vermillion, S.D. NtbraJl .. Bt l_University of Nebraska. Frances j ensen, 426 N. 16th. Lincoln . Neb. K""s .. , A/ph .. - University of Kansas, Marcia Hall. 1246 Mi.ssissippi . La .... rence. Kan. K .. "s .. s Btt..--Kansu State College of Agriculture and Applied Science. Ann Nicola,.. '0' Denison. Manhattan, Kan .


Pr#Jidtnl- E1oise Glazner Hensley (Mrs. C:ul W.). P.O. Box 3H. Se:abrook. Tuas. O./ .. hom .. Alph .. - Uoi.,-ersity o f Oklahoma. judy Groh. :-02 Lahoma. Norman, Okla. OH .. hDmtl 8 t,--ok.bhom1o St.te Uni\·ersity. Barb.ra Holsapple. 9H College Ave . . Still .... ter. Okla. Ttx .. s AI/lh .. - Univcrsity of Texas. j osephine Moore Howd l. 2}OO San Antonio, Austin, Texas. Ttx.rJ Btt_Southern Methodist University . Nita Fraur, Hn S .... iss. Dallas, Tuas. Ttx .. s Gamm_Tcus T«hnological College, Shirley Hamlett Cary. 262-4.22nd, Lubbock. Texas. Tuas Dr/t_Texas Christian University, Barbara Salter. Box j2j. T.C.U., ft. Worth. Texas. Ntw /oftxirq Alph-tlniYersity of New Mexico. judy Little, }821 La Hacieoda N .E .. Albuquerque. N .M.


PrtJirl",,- Lucy Scott Steinhauer (Mrs. Geor&e N.) . 3H Marinn SI. , DenTer. Colo. ColoraJo A/ph_University of Colorado. Eliubeth Mee. 890 11th SI., Boulder. Colo. CO/Dr.rdo Btl_University of Denver. j anice W illimont, 833 Marion St .• ApI. 2. Denver. Colo. C%, .. Jo G .. ",,,,_Colorado St.te University. Nancy Kay Fo .... ler. 1220 S. College, ft. Collins, Colo. W'1omitr, A/ph-tTnivenity of Wyomin&, Mary Bunce, Pi Beta Pbi HOUK. Laramie, Wyo. UI .. h AJph.r--Uni .. mity of Utah. Sus.n L Van Voorbis, 1831 y .le An . • Salt Lake Gty. Utah . Afo"ta" .. A/ph_M ontana Sute College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Rosemary Nicholson, Quad D. Bozeman. Mont.


PrtJiJtnl- Lou Ann Chase Tuft (Mrs. SteWlrt). 1938 S.W. Edge .... ood Rd ., Port l.nd, Ore. W .. Jhi",'D1I A/ph-University of WHhington, Barbara Bye, H28-6Oth N .E., Scfttle, Wuh . W IfIhi",to" Btl_Washington State College. Marianne Busunich. 707 Linden. Pullman. Wuh. 1f" .. Jhi"glo" G .. mm,,-College o f Puget Sound, Sandra Webber, Anderson Hall. C.P.S .. Tacoma . Wash. Ortl"" A/ph_Uniyersity of Oregon, K.thy Dahl, U18 Kincaid, Eugene, Ore. Ort,on Bt ,........ore80n St.te College. Nancie O ... ·ens. 512 Cauthorn Hall, Corvallis, Ore. O,t,"11 G .. ",,,, .. - Willamette University. Sandta Harris. 1-4·&5 Slat~ St. , Salem, Ore. Alb"r .. A/ph_Uninrsity' of Alberta. j.n Lurmooth, 1011}·122 St. , Edmonton. Alta .• Can. ".rho A/ph-tlninrsity' of Id aho. 'Phyllis McAlexander, Pi Bct.a Phi House. MoscoW'. Idaho.


PrtsiJ",r- Sarah Pauline Wild Gordon (Mrs. W. G.). 11" S. Oak Knoll Ave., Pasadena ,. Calif. C4Jiltw1li .. Btl_University of California, Susan Porter. 232' Piedmont. Berkeley 4 , Calif. C .. li/.",i .. G .. ",,,,-tInivenity 01 Southern Californi •• Carol ScIICf. 647 W. 28th St., Lo, Angeles. Calif. C .. /iID'''; .. Ddt_University of California.t Los Angelcs. Susan Mays. 700 Hilgard Ave., Los An&du. Calif. C .. /i/or1li .. EpJi/off-San Die,o Stat~ College, Tina Alcuio. )(lO' AJuda Dr., La 'Meu. Calif. C .. Ji/o,,,; .. Z,t_University of California .t Santa Barblra . j anet Allin. 1620 Grand Ave., Santa Barbara. Calif. Nn""" Alph.r--Uni .. ersity of Ncnda, Sharon Stiff. 869 N . Sierra, Reoo, Nn'. A,nu .. Alph.r--UniYersity of Arizona. Mall' Ruth Sandrl. 10}5 N. Moulltain. Tucson. Ariz.

~tumnae ::Department DIRECT O RY

S",II,.,,/II,. th, A/""",_ II"J G,,,,,J Vir,·P,ttii,III- Alice Wd)er Mansfield (Mrs. Wm. H.). 8 long Mudo ... s, St. Louis 22, Mo. Di,.ttl", oj Exl,,,t;Dn-Ruth Williams Hansen (Mrs. Paul), H 10 £agle Pus Rd., Louisville, Ky. AI"",,,_ ClII; E./itor-Virgini.Sherman Kozak (Mu. Andrew), R.D. 1, KirhiIJe, N.Y.

Send Idters for Summer I. ... ow to Mrs. Kozak by March ~.

-Alum"", Club COff"po"ding Secretaries • No Officer list received .

•• No Corresponding Sec.-Used Pcu.

ALPHA PROVINCE V;u.P,rsiJtnl-Adelle Wadhams Wright (Mu. A. J.) . 27 Reservoir Rd .• Newington II, Conn. 8(Ulon, MoIlI.-}oan Moorehead Johnson (Mrs. Wm.). 70 Parish Rd., Needham Heights, Mass. Bllrlington, VI.-.Marylin Hinsdale Fletcher (Mrs. John). 7 White Pl., South Burlington, VI. &11"" C""".-Lucy Frost Parkerlon (Mrs.) , Woodstock. Conn, &Jlt,-" "'.int-Mar)' J~an McJnti~ Whit~ (MD. L. E,). R,D, #1, Euel[ St,. Orono. Me. H.li/ax, NS., Can.-Miu Mary Lamb, 25 Carleton St., Halifal:. N.S,. Can. HII,-I/o,d, COlln.-Joan Lundberg Abbott (Mrs. V, J.). 11' Falknot Dr,. Manchester, Conn. -AlOII/,-,,.}, Q"t,. C"".-Ntw Ha~'n, Conn.-Ann Maynard Lucu (Mrs. C. R, ). 12 Suun I.an~. North Hav~n. Conn. Portl"nd, Alt.-Min Barbua E. Bornheimer. Black Point Rd .• Scarboro, Me. SOJithun P.i'fitld Cownll, Conn.-Gene Graham Filion (Mrs.). OJkwood La n~. Green .... ·ich, Conn.

BETA PROVJNCE Vi(l· PrtJiJ,,, t- Anne Logan Hemin (Mrs. Btrtrand). 41 Phillip St,. Bloomfield. N.J. Alb""l, N.Y.-Hel~n Maynard Borthwick (Mrs. Georg~). 2617·I)th St., Troy, N.Y. 8w,.10. N.Y.-Arlen~ Swan Lieneck (Mrs. Walt~r H.). 174 Fairbanlu, Kenmor~ 23, N .Y. C,nl,,,1 Pt".sll"a"i_Margaret Blair Mathias (Mrs. J . P,). H S. Waler St., Lewisburg. Pa . H"r,iJbM"·C,,,lislt, Pa.- Bette Daniels Freeman (Mrs. Melvin), Brtntwal~r Rd . • Camp Hilt. Pa. Lo",lsl""J.North Shor" N.Y.-Mary Ogden Sch~jn~r (M rs. Robert), 1729 Mtadow Court. Eut Meado .... ', N.Y. Ntw Y o,l Cit}, N.Y.-Mary Su~ Farm~r Saltsman (Mrs. W.), 42-25 80th St .• Elmhurst, N .Y. North"n N.J .-Mary E. Banta G~rber (Mrs. George) , 2 Sherwood Ave., Madison. N.J. Phil.uitlphia, Pa.-Miss Holly 51«5, Still .... 'a ter Farm. J.ansda[~, Pa. Pitl /bIt" h, Pa.- Marian Kidd Cunningham (Mrs.)' C.). 319 Overda[e Rd .. Pittsburgh 21, Pa. Pitllblt"h,Sollth Hi/il. Pa.-Phyllis Crow~ Brownl~e (Mrs. J. A.). 446 S~r~ntine Dr., Pittsburgh 16, Pa. PDM,hlnluit, N.Y.- Ruth Da&8~tI Noyes (Mrs. Robert), 41 Croft Rd •• Pou-'!hk~epsie. N.Y. RiJ,twood, N.J.-N~lli~ Whitney Brown (Mrs. Carl). 10 AII~n PI., Fairlawn. N.J. Ro(htJt", N. Y.- Julia Rosenkrans Washburn (Mrs. Burton R.). )) Stanford Rd ., Rochester 20, N.Y. Srhtnut.ui}, N.Y.-Miss Georgia Ntlson, 42 Washington Rd ., Scolia. N.Y. St.lt Collt", Pa.-Ro""·~na Edwards Hammond (Mrs. Richard), 4n S. Ath~rton St., Apt. 2'. SUte College, P;J. S,".Ollt, N.Y.-Jean Crenn;!.n McCuen (Mrs. Donald), 101 Downing Rd .. DeWitt, N.Y. lT~tSlfh'}ttr Cow"t7, N.Y.-Dorothy Verges Griffin (Mrs. Lloyd). 4 Richbell Rd ., Scarsda[~, N.Y.

GAMMA PROVINCE Vift·P"siJr"I-Helen Boucher Dix (Mrs. Carr E.), 6028 Dublin Rd .• Dublin, Ohio Al,o", Ohio-OJga Kosciukie ..... ia Phares (Mrs. Dewey), 368 Stratford Rd .. Aleron 13. Ohio Athtns, Ohio-Sallie Hawkins RoberlJ (Mrs. W. L). 2 Spring St., Athens, Ohio C""to", Ohio-Katharine Mar8ar~t Kelley Sullivan (Mrs. Bruc~ C.), 1744 Harvard N .W .. C .. nton 3. Ohio Ci"ri",,41i, Ohio-Shirley Culp Davies (Mrs. Alfred R.). 125 Glenridge PI., Cincinnati. Ohio Clt.tla"d & Jt- Marie Anderson Burrows (Mrs. R. P.). 28B' Hampton Rd., Shaker Heighls 20. Oh io C/t",l.nd lT~tst-Catherin~ Silbernagel Brannan (Mrs. John H .). 19431 Frazier Dr .. Rocky River, Ohio COIII/w;"I, Ohio-Kllherin~ Mon t80me:ry MacEwan (Mrs. R. J.), 2621 Notlin~ham, Columbus 21. Ohio D,,}IO" , Ohio-Mary Harnld Neff (Mrs. Stewart), 356 Easl Drive, Dayton, Ohio H.mi/to", Ohio-Beverly Klunk Rhodenbaugh (Mrs. D. D.), 113) Susan Dr .• H~milton. Ohio Ntw"rj·Gra""ill" Ohio- Mary Blackman Parsons (Mrs. Hugh G. ) , Columbus Rd .• R.D. #1, Gr~nvill~. Ohio Ohio V.II, } , Ohi_Vaughn Nolte Miller (Mrs. Thomas B.). 14 Mt tz Terr .. Wheeling. W ,Va. Sp";n,fitld, Ohio-Barbara Dtnnerl~in Miller (Mrs. Dale E. ). 316 Glendal~. Springfitld, Ohio T oltdo, Ohio-Jane Gordon Gu~r (Mrs. F. B. ). 371B Edg~vale Rd. , Toledo, Ohio YOItn,JIOIII" .W"Nt" , Ohio-Miss R.chtl T. Hopkins. 73' Bryson St, Apt. 2E, Youngstown. Ohio

DELTA PROVINCE V;ft·P,tSidt"t-Mari~ Tunstall Lin,o (Mrs. B. Harrison)' IHI Lanier PI. N.W .. Washington. D .C. A,li",lo"·Altlt."d,,ia, V".-Ellen Margaret Htlton Young (Mrs. Donald A.). 2327 S. Jng~ SI. , Atlinglon. Va. 8"lti",0", Md.-Pallicia Beasley Hold~r (Mrs. R. G.), 5816 Ed,epuk Rd .. Apt. 4, Baltimore 14. Md . Ch.".ltSto", W,V".- Lulu Vance fetzer (Mrs. Wm.). 143' LoOJrid,e Rd., Charleston, W . Va. CI.,-I};"", W.V •. -Lois Jean Atkinson Turner (Mrs. Ronald), Lake floyd, Brislol, W.Va. F,urmo"t, W.Va.-Ekanor Hutin8s Parlu (Mrs. S. W.l. Idle"''Ylc une (P.O. Bol[ 1187), Fairmon t, W.Va. Alo"""tOIll1t, W.V".-Mujorie White Spencer (Mrs. John). 621 Grand St.. Morganto .... n. W,Va. Nor/oil, V".-Miss Deborah Westcott, 7666 Maury Arch, Norfolk, Va. R;rh",o"d , V". (AI"l L, K,lIt,)~rolyn Schultz Frem:aan (Mu. Dwight). .c.c05 W. Franklin St., Richmond, V~. Ro.n"'t, V".-Marilyn Mjlcb~ll Putnam (Mrs. R. W.), 162) S""'ee! Briar Ave. S.W .• Ro~nok~. VI..



Srllllhun W. V •. -jean Blosser Lynch (Mrs. G. Burk), 207 Granville Ave., Beckley, W.Va. V'~,:uh'n,lu. O.C.-Muybdl Cur Cuny (Mrt. R. B. ). 5609 Onrlu Rd ., Wuhington 16, D.C. If~lflhin&ttu" V .C. /,..-Bubua McCollum Sh~m21tc (Mn. J . H . ), 1080) Tenbrook Dr., Silver Spring, Md . If~"min't(m, Otl.-MIU Muy Elizabeth Smith, 3104 W . 2nd 51., foste,.patk Apu. H-" Wilminlton. ~I.

EPSILON PROVINCE Virt PrtJidt,,·-l.eola Royce McKinley Koch (Mrs. H. c.), I Harvatd PI., Ann Arbor. Mich. A"" A,io" ,Uirb.-Miss Sallie ScojUtin, 711 E. Mitchell St., Petoskq-, Mich . BloD1lffo,lJ IUIJ- Uun. ThOrn Kent (Mn. R. E. ). 700 Gradield Ct . , Birmingham, Mich. Dt lrDif, Afirb.-Ann Walker Brown (Mrs. Miller), 1)512 Ashton Rd., Detroil 23, Mich. G,and Rapids, Mir b.-Mary Kilk Lindberg (Mrs. fred), 2432 Almont S.E., Grand Rapids 6, Mich. G,DJJt Po;"" , Mirb,-funres Weiser Nousc (Mrs. Dale), H4 !klanger, Groue Pointe Farms }6, Mich. Jar~ J{J n, Af;rh.-Mary Louise Sharkey White (Mrs. W. J.), 2038 Wildwood Lane, Jackson, Mich. l.""nli" ,·£"11 Lus;n" Mirh.-Grace Ashby Burgett (Mrs. Glenn A.), 1)12 W . Ottn.'a , Lansing, Mich. l..o"dDn, Onl" C.n.-Margatel Bell Ballantine (Mrs. J .l, 200 Devonshire Ave. , London, Ont., Can. SOMlhwtJlt,n M;rb.-Ava Jea nne Thomu Wilson ,Mrs. James), 523 Woods Rd . , Battle CreeK, Mich. T o,onID, anI., Cllr.-Annetta McMonagle Turner (Mrs. J.), 7 Alyarado PI., Don Mills, Onl., Can .

ZETA PROVINCE Virt ,P"lid,nl- Lena Pavey Morrow (Mrs. AYery P.) , P.O. Box 1888, G~ry, Ind. AnJ'rlD" , Ind.-Judy Buchanan Austin (Mn. C. E.) . 1612 Westwood Dr., Anderson, Ind. 810D",in" o", Ind.-Phyllis Sturgeon J.ittle (Mrs. Dick), Nashville Rd. , Bloomington, Ind . CO/'"wblll, /nd.- J'nice Harrison Armuth (Mrs. frank), R.R. #2, Edinburg, Ind . Fl. W.,nt, Ind.--Gcr,ldine Kierspc Erwin (Mrs. Don), 447 Englewood Ct., Ft. Wa)'ne, Ind . Frankl,n , Ind.-Pauline Pangburn Voris (Mrs. \VI. A.), 123·Hth 51 .. funkl in, Ind. Garl, Ind. loria DawJOn McDlniel (Mrs. Richard) , 836 E. 35th Ct., Gary, Ind . l-IammonJ, Ind.-Jane Calnon Soh l (Mrs. William I.), 6931 Ridgeland Ave .. Hammond , Ind. l"diantlpo/iJ, I,rd.-Martha Kirby Middleton (Mrs. Robert K. >' 434 N. Emerson, Ind ianapolis, Ind. ·KDl D"' D, Ind.-L~/aJtttt, Ind.-Mary Jlne Gifford Lorenz (Mrs. ~hurice), 14.} Ross Ack Dr., West L,fayene, Ind . Af'Ulrit, Ind.-Emily Waller Wallace (Mrs. John), 2727 S. Park ..... ay Dr., Muncie, Ind. Rhhmond. Ind.-Mary Agnes Shay Starr (Mrs. Robert c.), }02 S. 11th St., Richmond, Ind. SOMlh Btnd·Ali/htIWllllI, Ind.-Helen May jernegan Doolittle (Mrs. R. P.), 302 Miami Club Dr. , MishaW'lit.t , Ind. SOMthtall"n Ind.-Kath ryn BUSlrd Roller (Mrs. B.S.). 1214 N. Morgan. Rushville, Ind, SOMlhwtll"n Ind.-Iubel Jane Good Byers (Mrs. Herman), 2856 W . Pennsylvania St., Evansville, Ind. Turt f1aMtt, InJ.- Dorothy Burget Boone (Mrs. M. E.). 2700 Crawford St., Terre Haute, Ind.

ETA PROVINCe Virt·p,tJidt,,/- Nancy Howard Breeding (Mn. Warrcn C.), 371 Garden Rd., Lexington, Ky. BINt Ridgt-Miu Helen Fields, 1214 E. Holston Ave., Johnson City, Tenn . Chaptll-lill, N.C.-Nancy Burcham Dann (Mr~. Carl), 69 Hamillon Rd .. Glen Lennox, Chapel Hill, N.C. Charlollt, N.C.-Marilyn Messner Haayen (Mrs. R. ), 1047 Sedgefidd Rd ., Charlotte, N .C. Chall.nDoRII, T tnn.-Miss Sue Johnson, 008 Chamberlain Aye .. Chattanoog~, Tenn . Coillmb;a, S.C,-Mlrgarel Weinland Brooker (Mrs. W. L.. Jr.>. 1007 Hendenon St., Columbia, S.C. Kn Dxlillt·Litrlt Pigton, Ttnn.-MiSJ Patricra A. Ballard. 307-1)th St., Knoxville, Tenn . Ltxinglon, K,.-Kathryn Elizabeth Gable Thompson (Mrs. C. L.), 15H Tales Creek Pike, J.exington, Ky. UJllisl1i11t, K,,-Ann Carter Schubert (Mrs. Wm. 5.), 206 Marlin Dr., Jeffersontown. Ky. M t mphis, T,n".-Phyllis Gouin Kelly (Mrs. G. E. ), 4814 Marlin Aye., Memphis, Tenn. Nalb"illt, r,nn.- Elizabeth Burns Dayies (Mrs. Ed), 5631 Kendall Dr., Nashville, Tenn .

TH ETA PROVINCE Virt ·Put;dtnl- Lois OYerstreet Summers (Mrs. C. H. ), 60 11 Cellini. Coni Gables, Fla . Alhtnl, Ga.-Nelle Price Epps (Mrs. B. B. ), 190 Carlton Terr .. Athens . Ga. At/",'a, Ga.-Miss Betly Siedciberg, 790 Sherwood Rd . N .E., Atlanu, Ga. Bi,mi",ham, AI • . - J05ephine Winn Reiner (Mrs. Otto R.), 2117 Mountain View Dr., Birmingham, Ala . Dt Llltd, Fla. - Mabel Brooks Bartling (Mrs. E. P.). 209 E. Ohio, Dc bnd. fla. Fl. UMd,n/al" Fla.- Grue Cary Bachman (Mrs. C. W.), II Sunset La ne, Pompano Beach, fla. lar~/onrlill" FI •. -Eleta Padgett Duncan (Mrs. Robert) , ~363 Randall 51 .. Jacksonville, Fla. u~tland, Pla.---Ccorg ia Ann Uttetbeck Akey (Mrs . R. M. ), 1109 Afton Dr., Lakeland, fla. Miami, Fla. - Joie Lobn itl Nugent (Mrs. E. W.), 1777 Chucunantah Rd ., Miami. fla . A!o"lgomt'l. AI •. (A"ila Van Jr V OO" HIIJlon)-Jane P~Hsnn Roark (Mrs. Ray \V). 1901 Graham St., Montgomery, Ala. Oriando·Wint" Pllr~, Fld .-!3cyerly Hoffman McCa ll (Mu. Holl is), 500 Vern Dr., Orlando, fla. Ptnlafola, Pla,-Blanche Tanner Snow (Mu. John>. 2811 N. 19th Ave., Penncol ... Fla. St . Ptlnth", Fla.- Russe ll McCord Hobbs (Mrs. John D., Jr.), 890 Eden Isle Blvd ., Snell Isle, St. Petersburg, Fla . Tampa, Pld.- Lois Hartt Keune (Mrs. O. f .), 676 Geneva PI .. Tampa, Fl a.

IOTA PROVINCe Vi(l ·PrlJ;Jtnl- Edna E:arl Duncan (loin. Perry E.), 2121 lII ini Rd ., Springfield, III. A,lin,lo" I-/,;" hlt, III. - Jktty FiJChcr Donahue (Mrs. francis H. ), 809 N. Princeton AYe., Arlington Heighls, III. Aron, III. ( Libblt 8 '(10 . GlIdJil)- Jacqueline Luper Williamson (Mrs. Dan), Avon. III. Champ.i,n·U,h."., III.- tkuy McCormick Michul (Mrs. \"'. lter), 1806 S. Peach, Champaign, Ill. Chirlf,D BMI;"tlJ W D",t n, III.- Miu Lucile Groyer, 13) 5 . LaSalle 51., Chicago }, Ill. Chi(agD N orlh, III.- Miss Mary Lindemann, 423 Bhckhawk St .. Chicago 10. III. Chitlfgo SDIIlh , III.-Virgin ia Rundberg Daugherty (Mrs. Tice), 302) W . 7ht 51., ChicalO, III. Chira,o Wtlt SlIb,b .. ", II/.-Rae Leah Keller Wi llkie (Mrs. E. E. ), 4707 Grand Aye. , Western Sprinls, Ill. DualM" /I/.-Miss Merry Hope Hinton, 888 N. Dunham, Decatur, III. DMPag, CDM"ll, 111. (Ni". Ha"ir AII",)- Lois DePew Simmons (Mrs. M. ), 675 Duane St ., Glen Ellyn, III. Gal"b"" , III.-Sally Hopkins Hutcbcroft (hln. James), }Ol E. North St., Knon-iIIe, Ill.



G"~/" AII01I A,,4, 1II.-Marceib Durr Ericluon (Mrs. A.D.), }17 W. Pule, Edwudsyille, III. /W" tlis Fox Ri"" V ,d/,,-N.ncy Corrington Marks (Mrs. John). 1717 Kensington. Aurol"2, III.


"" 1m,, .. ;'''. 111. (A"" B. Od,,,j-Marcy Huger McQuillan (Mrs. John, Jr.). 348 S. Main, Wh ite Hall, Ill. / tlli", 1II.-Rlchul Horner Meadows (Mrs. W. A.) , Romeo Rd., R. #2, Box D8 , Lockport, III. W, CD."',. 1Il.- Elizabeth Ann Singer Ban(S (Mrs. R. E.). 911 Ash St., Wauiceg:an, III. "WID" TOUl"lh;~Sue Widcm.n Prichard (Mrs. H. Co>. Box 422, Glen Ellyn, III. Alumnlh. 1II.-Margartt Cary Ketterer (Mrs. John J.>' 8U E. Broadway, Monmout h, III. North Sho", I1I.- Vjvl Young T orcom (Mu. Ed"'ltd M. ). 9'" Hamlin Ave., Evan ston, III . North Short, Ill. !,..-Peggy Praser W .. lbrid~ (Mrs. Thomas C.). Longmeado .... Fum, Hibbard Rd .• Winneth, III. O.k p.,rk·Ri"" PQr'll, III.-Blanche Ethel Thomas Wagner (Mrs. G. W . ), 604 Clinton Ave .. Oak Park, III. P.r. RiJ" .Du PI.hm. III.- Barbua Winks Smythe (Mrs. W. W .), '27 Grand Blvd .. Puk Ridge. III . P,ori •• III.- Ruth Short Easton (Mu. R. 5.), n" High Point Rd ., Peoria, 111 . Ror./oril. III.-M iss Edith Whiling, In La .... n PI.. Rockford, III. SOl/th Sd.rhll" Chit.,o, III.-Hclen Fox Letter (Mrs. Thomas), 1676, Trapel Ave .. Hazel Crest. Ill. Sprin,fitlJ, III.- Mary Bro .... n Tobermann (Mu. Charles), 2000 Cherry Rd . . Springfield, Ill. Tri·Cil,-Nancy Jean Know les Rider (Mrs. D. E.), Sloi Kirkwood, Daven port. Iowa

KAPPA PROVINCE Vi,,·PrtJid,nJ-Helenmuie Jacobson Rosholt (Mrs. Gordon), 41D Glencrest Rd .• Tyrol Hil ls. Minnupolis 16. Minn. Btloil, Wis.- Dorothy Fisher Frederick (Mrs. 1. G.). lOIS Bushnell St ., Beloit. Wis. D./",h. I\li"".-SlIp"ior, Wis.-lone Nixon Sibley (Mrs. P. H.) , 1716 Crescent View, Duluth, Minn . por Ri"" VIIJI", Wh.-Miss Jean Curtis. 307 E. Lawrence St . • Appleton, Wis. Grlll,,1 FIJ,II, N .D.- Marion Bird Webb (Mrs. Frank), 317 Park Ave .• Grand Forles. N.D. MtlliiJDIf , Wis.-Jane Bours Webster (Mrs. L. C.), 1213 S. Midvale Blvd ., Madison. Wis. Mil,.,.".". Wis.-Betty Ste~'art Moun (Mrs. Marvin), nOI E. Marion St ., Milwaukcc II, Wis. ··Miu'''1Dlil, Mi"".-Alice Brown Larsen (Mrs. Robert). "94, Ruucll Ave. 5., Minneapolis, Minn . St. PlIIIl, Mi"".- Betty jean Marsh Rasmuucn (Mrs. Byron D.). 1158 E. Maynard Dr., Apt. 266. 51. Paul 16. Minn. Wi""ip" , M."., C.".-Norma Kendall Dingeman (Mrs. R.), 672 Waterloo St .. Winnipeg 9, Man .• Can .

LAMBDA PROV INCB Viu.PrtliJ, ,,,- 8ctty Rowton Holt (Mrs. Joseph R.), 6826 'Fontana Rd .. Kansas City U. Mo. &10" RON", Lt.-Helen Libby Gordiner (Mrs. james B .• Jr.), 31" Fritchie Or .• Baton Rouge. La . CDI"",bi", .Mo.- Martha l.cBuhn Allen (Mrs. Louis), 161) Bns Ave .• Columbia. Mo. P"",II,m" Ar •. -MilS Mary Droke, 17 E. Dickson St., Fa yetteville. Ark. For' S",i,h , A, • . -Eleanor Wood Teague (Mrs. John P.), Box 19', Alma. Ark. K""slll Cit,. I\ID.-Margaret Milchell Plunkett (Mrs. Thomas H.), 76}0 Belleview. Kanus City. Mo. 14., Ch"rl,I, Lt.- Andree Goudeau Bishop (Mrs. H . G .), 200' Elms St . . Lake Charles. L •. [jill, RDd, Arl.-Dorris Karcher Wellington (Mrs. Louis D . ), 340) Ridgeroad Park Hill. North Little Rock, Ark . .M.r.,d Tr", A, • . - Dorothy navis Stuck (Mrs. Howard C, Jr.). Box 21B, Marked Tree. Ark. N,w ort,,,,,s, Lt.~-aroline Trueman Sharp (Mrs. John). 324 Audubon St., New Orleans, La. Olr,olll, Arl .-Evely n Pigg Newcomb (Mrs. Guy) . Osceola. Ark. Pi", BINd, Ar •. - Helen Kost Ferranti (Mrs. R. F.). 700 Hudso n, Pine Bluff, Ark. St. LoNis, .MD .-Dolores Kricgshau.scr Lansche (Mrs. W. Edward>. 1322 McCutcheon. Apt. A. Richmond Htights 17, Mo. Shr",por'. I...t.- Mary Stubbs Shipman (Mrs. Carl). 3621 Grccnway Pl. . Shreveport. I.:t . SHOll", Spri",I, Ar •. - Matt2 lou Marshall Roth (Mrs. Milo ). ,24 N. MI. Olive. Siloam Springs. Ark. Spri", fi,IJ, .Mo.--China Patricia Hays Bradshaw (Mrs. Paul). 1603 S. Ken .... ood. Springfield. Mo. TUMII,," , Tu. ·Ttx,u-Ruth Hendrick Kittrell (Mrs. J . D. ), 1902 Laurtl St. , Texa rkana. Ark. Tr; Slatt--Ruth Mehon Patterson (Mrs. Hal R. ), HO Connor. j oplin . Mo.

M U PROVI NCE Vi(t .Pr,s;J",,- Dorothy Weaver Morgan (Mrs. Kent R.>. 264S Hiah St., Lincoln 2. Ncb. A",tI, low_Margaret E. Macy Ad-ams (Mrs. Clinton j.). 12M Orchard Dr .. Ames. lo .... a 8"rli",'D" . 10w_Elinot Thompson Lundgren (Mrs. J. B.). 829 N. 5th St .. Burlington. lo .... a C,J., R"piils, 10wlI- Phyllis Eschboch Schulz (Mrs. Robtrt ) . Hoi 3H h St . S.E .. Cedar Rapids. Iowa COII"ril BIIIII, IDu'. - Dolores Weaver Mielke (Mrs. Charles). Rt. 2, Council Bluffs, Iowa D'I I\ID;,,'I, IDw_jane Eller Collins (Mrs. R. R.). '130 Grand A,·e., Des Moinn 12. lo .... a Hlftchi"/lJIf, K"".- Nancy Broadhud Cook (Mrs. Kenneth M. l. 329 E. 17th 51 .. Hutchinson, Ka n. I"Jill"olll. TDw_ABnes Wrisht Stone (Mrs. Homer A.). Rt. 3, Indianola . Iowa IDW. CiI" TDw.- jeanne Hall L1oyd.Jonts (Mrs. Richard), 160 cnk Ridge St .. Iowa City, Iowa X""IIII Cit" K_.-Martha jane Sha .... Cooke (Mrs. A. C., Ill), '417 W. 76th St .. Prairie Village. Kan . Uwr,.r,. X.".-Johanna BretZ Piskotr (Mrs. Richard). 2003 Stratford Rd .. Lawrence. Kan . L;" rol", N,b.-Ruth Weigand Gray (Mrs. M. N . ). 4000 WuhinAlon, Lincoln . Neb. M.nhllll_, KII".-Mary Ann Montgomery McCoy (Mrs. John). 1516 Humboldt. Manhattan, Kan . MI. Pltlls""t, Tow.-Beulah Bill ingsley Hayes (Mrs. C F. ), 400 W. Clay St .• Mt. Pleasant . Iowa N Drlh PI.tt" Nlb.- Hden Smith ~nt (Mu. To .... nsend E. ), 402 S. Sycamore St., N orth Platte, Ncb. O",tlhll, N,i.- Erra Cornwell Carlson (Mrs. Curtis R.), '819 Ftederick St., Omaha 6. Ncb. SioMX Ci", low<t--Grace Harlan McKinley (Mrs. Sherman), 316 E. 2nd St .. South Sioux City. Ncb. Sio"" Fill/I. S.D.- Ann McClenahan $«hser (Mrs. Sam). 101) S. Second. Sioux Falls. S.D. TO''''", K"".- Barbara Hamilton Fuller (Mrs. M. L.), 1)20 Medford. Topeka. Kan . V".",illiiJrl, S.D.-Vera Courshon Meiscnholder (Mrs. Walter) . 619 Valley Vic .... Dr . • Vermill ion. S.D. Wnt"" Xlllfllll- Mary Kendall Pfleger (Mrs. W. G . ), Bo][ 219, aa8in, K .. n. Ficiitll, KII • • -Nancylcc FOSler Cramer (Mrs. L. E.), 112 N. Terrace Dr. , Wichita;, Kan.

NU PROVINCE Vir, .Pmi,/,.t-EnlfT1 Wilie Moody (Mrs. John 0 .).2008 Country Oub Dr., Midland, Tau Aiil,." T"'IIJ- MarT Pittman Minttl (Mrs. (icorge, Jr. ). ,",0 Sayles Bl.d., Abilme. Te:xa.s Alhf_nf.', H .M.-Mary Joe ClUo"ay Torgerson (Mrs. D . L), 3124 California N .E .. Albuqucrque. N .M.


A",.,.il/D. T,...r-MilS Betty Lou Toleson, 2417 Crockett. Amarillo, Tall A,.t1",D" , OH •. - Thcil Connor Hamm (Mrs. C. W.). Box 178, Ardmore, Okll. AlfllHr, T,x,u- Elis.e Bumpass Helms (Mrs. P. M.). }406 Hill ... i~ Rd., Austin 3, Teus Barllnrillt, Oll".-Adde Two: Muscuve (Mn. C. R., Jr.). 1)17 Smyser Dr . . Bartlesville. Okla. B,.taDI VlIIll1, T'x~-Sara Alien Cofu (Mrs. D. Broots) , BoJ: )2'. Collegt SUlion. Tau CD'PIII Ch,.ist;, T,x.J- Eliubeth Hu~ Cutor (Mrs. C. J.). 411 Pasadena , Corpus Christi, TeJ:u Dttll"I, Tt.u/-).Ia&lIe Miller Bell (Mrs. Wm. C.), 4316 Beverly Dr., Dallas. TeUJI El P.ID. TtX<ilI- Betty Colt Tynan (Mrs. Martin F.). ·"01 Trowbridge, EI Puo. Te:u.J Fl. W orth, T,..."J-M:ary Eliubeth W.[ker Meadows (Mrs. Henry). 2HI Shirley, Pt. Worth. Tau H OIiIlOII, TU.I-Emmi Prokop Monk.hoU5C' (Mrs. J. R.) , 290i Robinbood . Houston ,. TC1Iu uUDtl, Tum-Pauline B.arrier Lowe (Mrs. Brady). 3101·32nd St . . lubbock. Tnu MtAI,u", Oll",-Maqotie Wolcott Bell (Mrs. Robert). 400 Easl Greek, McAIHler. Okla. M;tiltt"d, T,x"I-Miss Dorothy Perkins. 800 N. 'T' 51., Midland, Tuu M,lIlD"" OH •. - Lucille Snffi:! Sparks (Mrs. C. N.). 1117 Georgetown, Muskogte. Okla. NO,.",II11, Oiltt.-Mary McMillan Taylor (Mrs. R. M.). 1200 Ann Arbor Dr .. Norman. Okla. OlldhtJ",., Cit" OH ... - Kathryn j ohnston Carr (Mu. Meryl). 11 21 Belford Ave .. Oklahoma City. Okb . OJ'''II/,tt, Oj/".- Ltla PUKs McCauley (Mrs. L.). Box )74, Okmulgee. Okla. Pallil Val/", OHa.-Btrnice Patterson LindlC'Y (Mrs. R.y). Twin O.k.s. Rt . 1. Pauls Valley. Okl •. PO"tll CiI" O.U ... -Frances Badger V.n Winkle (Mrs. Verne j .). 706 S. ,th St .. Ponca City, OHa. ROIW,Il, N.ftl.- Htlen W.rd Whitmore (Mrs. D. A.l, 64 Billy Mitchdl PI., Walker Air Force Bue. Ros ... ·ell. N.M. Sabi", Di!I,.irt (Nita Hill St .. ,j)- Martha Ann Griswold Stedman (Mrs. E. D .. Jr.). 2460 Louisian •. Beaumont. Tens. ·511" A""ltJ, T'X .. 1-San A"to"itJ, TU"J-Imogene Webb Sch~n6dd (Mrs. P. C.), 824 Morningside, S.n Antonio, TeJ:1S Shawn", Olld.- Charlene Yenon Ste .... art (Mrs. Bill). R. 3, Box 471, Sh ..... nee. Okla. Sh,,,,, .. II .D,,,ilo,,, Tum-Jane McElhannon Hubbard (Mrs. K. W.). 930 S. French. Denison, Tuu Sti/lwIII" , Oll ... - Ruth Sundtll Orr (Mrs. H. W.). 41 College Circle. Still .... ater. Okla. TIIIJII, O.tllI.-utherine Grant McAlister (Mrs.)' 2'2' E. 20th St .. Tulsa, 0k.1a. T,I", T,xIII- Katherine Weeks Bridewell (Mrs. W. F.), 213 E. ~cond, Tyler. Tuu Wa lD. T,r"I- Martha Brooks L.nham (Mrs. Sam), 2602 W . Waco Dr., W.co. Tuu If/ ithitll Fal/I, Ttx"I- Edllh Knies Woodward (Mrs. Nick), 2000 S~tdway, Wichita Falls, Tuu

XI PROVINCE Virt·P,t/itf,",- Evelyn Lowman Darby (Mu. Geo. T.), 7 W. Caramillo, Coloudo Springs. Colo. BOlildu, Co/tJ.- Mary Kay Hinkley Hudson (Mrs. James D.), lOOI·llth St., Boulder. Colo. Boumtm, Monl.- Wilma Van Honsen Hintzpeter (Mrs. E. D.), 619 S. Willson . Boleman, Mont. C"I,,'" 1I'/Io.- j ean ChristenlC'n Freeman (Mrs. Robert), 2il4 E. 3rd. Casper, Wyo. Ch"""", W)tJ.-Martha Bauman Brown (Mrs. F. Ricbard). 13U E. 18th St .. Cheyenne. Wyo. Colo,ddo 5",i",I, Colo.-E leanor Barnes Sunstrum (Mrs. John M.), 26 N. Logan, Colorado Springs, Colo. D,n"", Colo.-[one Goodknighl Sitler (Mrs. Charles W.), 1931 H udson, Denver. Colo. Fort Colli"J. Colo.-Lo[a T ompkins Downs (Mrs. Robert). Rt. 4. Box 1}4, Ft. Collins. Colo. LA,,,mi,, W,o.- Elunor Knight Keefer (Mrs. Wm. R.), li03 Ord St .. Laramie. Wyo. Ogdm, Utnh- Evelyn Holmes Salerno (Mrs. L. ).). 3'10 Tyler Ave., Ogden, Utah PI/,b/o, C%.-MilS Adrian Comer. 2912 4th Ave .. Pueblo, Colo. Silil Lill, Citl, UtaI--jennie Lee Alltn Crecr (Mrs. j . P.), 21" King St .. Salt Lake City, Utah

OMIC RON PROVINCE Vir,·P,t/id,nl-Sarahjane Paulsen VanaslC' (Mrs. Houce J .). 302 Howe St .. ~altle. Wash. B,II,"II' , Jr/ .. lb.-Phyllis At .... ater VolblOrl (Mrs. E. R.), 9346 Viney.ud Crest. Btllevue, Wuh. B,I/i",h .. "" U'/"lh.-Dorolhy Miller Wllers (Mrs. R. J.). 136, M'Jrine Dr .• Bellingham. Wuh. 8oiu, Idllh _ j ooy Raber Thomas (Mrs. EU,llene). 3404 Kipling Rd ., BoilC'. Id.ho C"I,a'I, Alia., C .. ".-jean Clo ... Irwin (Mrs. J. 5 .• III). 2319 Richmond Rd .. Calgary. Alia .. Can. COOl CtJ lI"t" O".- Elinor F'Jgles Chandler (Mrs. Btn jr.). 10·., W. Date. Coos Bay. Ore. Co,lIal/il, Of e.-lIne Holcomb RuslC'll (Mrs. J. A.). 349 N. 21st 51., Corvallis, Ore. EJ",tJnlon, Altll .. C"".-Miss Olga Doskoch, 12933 6ht St .. Edmon lon, Aha .. Can . Ell""', O,,..-Evtlyn Underwood Piccinati (Mrs. j. G.), 2332 Van Ness St., Eugene, Ore. Ertr,lI, 1l'/ "Jh.-Miu Alice Peterson. 3231 Broadway, Everett. Wash. KI"",ath PaJll , O".- Eleanor Collier Ehlers (Mrs. F. B.), 1338 Pacific T cr., Klamath Fdl5, Ore. Ard/ofd, O".-&lIy Corey Sexton (Mrs. Harold W.). 2H6 Lyman . Medford , Ore. O1,,,,,,i .. , Jr/llh.-Corne[ia Cockburn Btaty ("Mrs. R. W.). Rt. 7, SoJ: 664, Olympi •. Wuh. Po,tland, O,e.--Carol Glelson Anderson (Mrs. Henry D.), 2924 N.E. 39th Ave., Portland. Ore. 'ialtm. Ort. (Na1u, 81d( II Wal/M,)-Suzanne Barnes Morrison (Mrs. Robert). 3" Oak SI .. Salem. Ore . S,,,lfl,, W"Jh.--Carolyn Kuns Mo ... ·ery (Mrs. P. L.), 2671 Be[vedere, Seallie 6. Wash. S/lollln" W"lh.- Parricia Stewart Smirh (Mrs. Ro~er), West 221 241h Ave .. Spokane. Wash. TdrtJ",,,, Wilih. (Inez Smith Soule)-Junne Hein Holroyd (Mrs. J. A.). 7229 Custer Rd. S.W .. Tacoma, Wash. T,i.Cil,-Helen Bendixen Maurer (Mrs. R. Kenley), MId. Rt. 2. Rd. 4i, Pasco. Wash. V""rtJllu,. B.C .. C,,".-Belly Gray MacBtth (Mu. H. C.), 6109 Angus Dr .. Vancouver. B.C., Can. Wmatrb". ty1alh.-j eln Moir Whuler (Mrs. L. L.), an First St., Wen~lchC'C'. \l'ash. Yali",a, Wilih. (p,,"nit J(l hitmllrl Lihb,,)-Nlncy Beckham Gordinier (Mrs. L. L.), 801 N. '1st Ave .. Yakima, Wash .

PI PROVINCE Vit,.p,t/iJ"rt- E\tl )n Peters Kyle (Mrs. Stanley E.). 23 Oak Knoll Gudens Dr., P.sadena ',CaIiC. Bdtrlfi,./J, Cilli/. - Bttty Grove Mahoney (Mrs. Lewis). Rt. 6. Box 20'. Bakers6cld. Calif. 8"l,I", C .. li/.-Sarah F.rrell ScOIl (Mrs. J . L). 1)70 leRoy Ave ., Berkele" Calif. C",li"dll V.II" , C .. li/.-Margntl Fidler Marten (Mu. V. C.). ,839 Overhill Dr., los Angeles "3. Calif. Co"I,., COJ/II, C.,li/.-j oanne Norris Buckley (Mrs. Newman), 19 Valley Dr., Orinda. Calif. CtJrina. Po",on ... C .. li/.-Carol Trohan Glover (Mrs. W.yne), 'Ii S. Meado .... Rd .. West eo ... ina, Calif.


F,ItJ"~ . C,IIi!.-M.rth. Mckeel Hale (Mrs. A. L.). 1"9~ W. San Madclc, Fresno, Calif. G/II,t/tllt, e,,/i/.-Lorraine Westphal Loucks (Mrs. Ray L.), HI7 Raymond. Glcn,blc, Calif. f[o" oIJlfll, T.H.-Riu. Renfro Giddings (Mrs. Don Paul). 3110 A. Manoa Rd ., Honolulu, Haw,ii /..4 e"",,'. VaU". CllliJ.-Janc Silver Higgin (Mrs. Wilfred L.), 819 Invtrntss, Paudena, Calil. fA l oU", C"lIj.-Mildrcd France Durham (Mrs. T. II .), 621 Lorin&; 51. , San Diego 9, Calif. UtI VI,"J, N, •. -Miss Mart.dd Cooper. P.O. Box 1697. Lu Vegas, Nev. Lon, Blilth, C"IIf.-.Mary Hampe Clark (Mrs. Chules). 37)8 CeUltos Ave . . Long Beach, Calif.


lAl Aflldrl, C.di/.-Janc Gotch Morehouse (Mrs. L. E.), 2}8) Roscomuc Rd .• Apt. I, Los Angeles. Calif. M",i" CO""]. C"Ii/.-MuBucl Moorhn.d Anton (Mrs. John). U Acorn Way. Kentfidd , Calif. Paill A/III, C,Ji/.-Katherine Rivers Lane (Mrs. Ed .... ard), 176) Fulton St., Palo Alto, Calif. P,uaJ",a, C4/i/.-EloifC Armington Bro .... n (Mrs. G. Kenneth), 711 S. Paudena Ave., Pauden;!;. Calif. Pbll,,,ix, A,i:r.- Mar8aret Dutton Hensin8 (Mrs. C. R.). )17 W. Rose Lane, Phoenix , Ariz. R'''I1, N",- lkverly Burhans Horton (Mrs. Robert C.). 21)0 Brisbane Ave ., Reno. Nev. Samlmtnll1. C./i/.-Kathryn McDuffee Breue.r (Mrs. Arthur) , 4240 Bridge Rd .• Sacramento, Calif. S.n B""."/i,, I1, C./i/.-Ruth Kin8 Mellin (Mrs. Wm. F.>, 2128 Lugo Ave., San Bernardino. Calif. Sa" Dit,o. C"Ii/.-Marjorie Alexander Albri8ht (Mrs. H. B.), 942) Camp Rd. , Spring Vailey. Calif. S4" Pt,n,snJo V"II". C"fi/.-Darleen La""50n Trumbo (Mrs. T. K.>, 149H Stonesboro Pl. . Sherman Oaks, Calif. San Pranc;J(II, C,,/i/.-Helen Slidger Lermen (Mrs. John J. . J r.), IUO Jones St., San PranciKo, Calif. Sa" /011, C./i/.-Helen Virgini;!; Fisher Heck: (M rs. E. R.>, 1670 Lincoln Ave .• San Jose, Calif. Sa" AI.I,o CII.,lll. Cali/.-'/I.hrgaret Sparks White (Mrs. R. F.>. 1212 Ladera Way, Belmont, Calif. Sa1fta 8iP'"'''' Ca/iJ.-Geneva Morgan Thalman (Mu. Ray R.), 46}, Via Roblata Hope Ranch, Santa Barban, Calif. Santa /tfrn,;c", Ca/i/.-Ruth Rapp Thayer (Mrs. Robert N.>. 1274 upri Dr., Pacific Palisades , Calif. Solano COM"'" CaliJ.-Clara Sluart Ripsom (Mrs. F. H.), 1120 Ohio St .. Vallejo, Calif. SlI lIth Co.JI. C./i/.-Alvah Denton Van Dyke (Mrs. S. C.). 428 Narcissus Ave., Corona Od Mar. Calif. SIO,.,O,,_ C"Ii/.-Phyllis Hinkley Ba ltzer (Mrs. W. H.), 2240 Benlamin Holt 0/ .• Stocklon, Calif. TMOon, A,;:r.-Failh Gilmore Richardson (Mrs. J. B.). '0'0 E. Baker 51 •• Tucson. Ariz. Vall" 0/ Ih, M llon ( Stlnllf ROJa. Caiif.)-Miri~m Diggs Wright (Mrs. Robert>, 17H Wright St., Santa Rosa. Calif. YMb. ,SM'/t,_ C.lif.-Free Durnh~m Clark (Mrs. Wm. Beckwilh), l ive Oak, ulif.


From an address by DR. RALP H W . SOCKMAN, <I> tl 0, at the meeting of NIC:

"The frate rn ity is needed increasingly as the place we teach youth to learn to live with responsibi lity. Fratern ities are the style setters on our campuses moraJIy and r think even spiritually."

+ + +

"The right of the individual to choose his companions or associates is basic in our theory of individual f reedom and natura l law. But the right of every man, irrespective of race or creed or color, to serve the cause of mankind as a whole is never questioned by sensible men anywhere in the world ."-DAvro LAW~ RENeE .

+ + +

"T he reason men do not accomplish greater things is that they do not undertake g reater things."­ELBERT H UBBARD.

+ + +

" /\ man has two aspects : what belongs to him and what he belongs lo."-DR. HARRY EMERSON FOSDICK.

EDITORIALS Summer Officers Meeting



We use in this issue a picture of the province officers taken at Gatlinburg during the summer meeting of Grand Council and the officers-a meeting devoted mostly to work and the discussion of problems common to all of us- and what fun they all had between whiles, and what friendships were made! Truly these meetings are among Qll r most valued projects.

-)- + +

NPC Meeting Before this is in your hands, the meeting of NPC will be history. It took place November 8 to t2 at the

French Lick Sheraton Hotel with a large attendance, since besides the delegates and alternates, there were many of those past and present Council officers who are allowed to be present. Besides there is the always interesting Editors' Conference. Both meetings will be reported in full in our Spring issue. Matters of great interest were discussed, important decisions were made, the meetings were of more than wual significance.

+ + + Convention

H ere is first advance information about our Swampscott Convention next June. Make your plans to come - and send in reservation blanks early.

+ + -)-Apology

In Editorials in the Fall issue we gave Senator George to the wrong fraternity- it should have been Sigma Nu.

+ + + Centennial Fund

Let's make this the biggest year yet for the Centennial Fund contributions! Have you given for this year ? I t is easier to remember if you make your contribution for the remaining years until OUI hundredth anniversary all in one check!

+ + + Merry Christmas!

Grand Council joins the Editor of the ARROW in sending warmest g reetings for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Pi Phis everywhere.

Remember the Summer Craft Workshap


Pi Beta Phi Settlement School

Study Under Outstanding Craftsmen While Enjoying the Smokies 111

___ v-. ....... _ ................... -

I.,.', Chasm


___ .... __ h of Now Ocean_. talcen 'rom roof of the hotel

Cat! 10 Convention ... This official call to Convention is directed to Pi Beta Phis everywhere-north, east, west

and south .

It is said that the first letters of the four points of the compass are the basis for the word NEWS. Surely this forty-first biennial convention will make news in fraternity annals as onc of its best.

Actives and alumna'! from all points of that compass will converge on the New Ocean House, Swampscott, Massachusetts, June 22·28, 1958. There will be time to work and time to play and get acquainted.

Pi Beta Phi, the pioneer among national fraternities for women, will be gathered to­gether in the land of our American Pioneers. We shall be drawing strength and inspiration from one another. It will be the national fraternity in action.

So everybody come.

Lers make a date for ·58.



gUide ...


Pi Beta Phi Pilgrimage to New England in 1958

The Dates- June 22-28, 1958

The Destination- The New Ocean House, Swampscott, Massachusetts

The Occasion- The 41st Biennial Convention of Pi Beta Phi

Alpha and Beta Provinces welcome all Pi Phis

to the 1958 Convention. It takes place in the

home of a Pi Phi, Katheripe Kennedy, New York Delta, wife of the

President of The New Ocean House. For the second

time the Kennedys will greet the Pi Phis at

a Convention.

Exciting plans are already under way to make

th is a truly wonderful time for all-

even the new Massachusetts Turnpike is cooperating

to the extent of putting up signs showing a

Pilgrim hat pierced by an ARROW!



Registration and Accommodation

Register early and save $5 .00! The registration fee before June 8 is $20.00. After that date it will be $25.00. Please fill in the blank for regist ration and mail with your check. You will be sent a receipt which must be presented at The N ew Ocean House before a room assignment is made.

$20 pre-convention registration fee includes :

For those staying at the hotel a. Entrance to sessions of Convention

c. Tips to the hotel

For those not staying at the hotel

a. Entrance to sessions of Convention b. copy of the Daily for that day c. Banquet

$4.00 daily regist ration fee includes:

a. Entrance to that day's sess ions b. Copy of the Daily for that day

b. Copies of the Daily Each person is to reg ister on a separate blank.

Convention Registration Blank

Mail with $20 check payable to Dorothy I. Warner to

Miss Dorothy 1. Warner P.O. Box 668 Boston 2, Massachusetts

N OTE- will everyone, NO MArfER WHAT YOUR OFFICIAL CAPACITY, please fill In the Regis­tration blank below:


I sha ll attend the Pi Beta Ph i Convention and plan to arrive by train ... ...• automobile ......• or plane ... on

........ ' . .. .. . ..... '" at . ..... A.M., P .M. and leave the hotel on ........ . . . at ...... A.M., P.M.

Check accommodation desired : Rates incl ude meals and lodg ing-$13.50 per day

~.~ ..... 2 ~ a_m lina_m Owing to the size of ow Convention, single accommodation is not recommended. Your choice of two or three to a room wi ll be granted if possible. NOTE-active delegates wi ll be assigned rooms with active delegates- alumna- delegates with alumn:r: delegates. No change from this policy can be made (or those coming at National Fraternity expense. If you desire specia l roommates, please print names below:


Active D elegate ..... . National Officer .... . .

Alumnr Delegate ..... .

Chapter ... ... .

Name ..... .

Address ...... .

Active Visitor .

Alumnr V isitor

Year of initiation

City and State .. .... ... . ... ........ ... . .......... . . ... .. .......••. . ..•.•. . .. .. ... .............. _ ... .. .

I expect to attend the following special functions. Please check :

Golden Arrow ........ Old Timers ... .. ... Canadian Club Breakfast ........ Mother Daughter ....•.. .

Honorary Scholastic Societies .......... Theta Sigma Phi _..... .. .. Honorary Activit ies Societies (similar to Phi Beta Kappa) (similar to Mortar Board)

Recreation Day Sup~r _ Banquet .....



R egi6iration Chairman

Convention guide Sandy ( Ethel Marie Sanford) Adams was initiated into Montana Alpha in 1924. She transferred to Boston University where she affiliated with Massa­chusetts Alpha in 1926. After working in the advertis­ing field for a number of years, she married Dr. Philip E. Adams of Boston. They have a daughter, Cynthia, who has just entered college.

After her marriage she became a member of the Bos­ton Alumna! Club where she was Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and President. She is a member of the Massachusetts Alpha Chapter Advisory Committee and served as its chairman for two years. She also represents Pi Beta Phi on the Board of Governors of the Boston University Sorority House.

D orothy Irene Warner was in itiated into Massachusetts Alpha Chapter in 1926. She has worked in the field of finan ce and is now private secretary to the President of a bank holding company in Boston.

She served as Chairman of the Massachusetts Alpha Chapter Advisory Committee for twenty·five years. She is a member of the Boston Alumna: Club and served as its Treasurer for two years. She was the Club's delegate to the Miami Convention in 1954, For the past three years she was Alpha Province Supervisor of Fraternity Study and Examination. At the Swamp­scott Convention of 1946, she was business manager of the Daily,

.JJo6pUahi'J Chairman Addie (Adeline Pate) Prentiss was initiated into Arkansas Alpha in 1923. After graduation she taught high school Latin and French in Arkansas [or one year. She then moved to New York where she became a supervisor of service and trained hostesses fa! Schraffts Restaurants for twenty-three years. She was transferred to Boston and carried on the same work there for ten years. Since her marriage to George K. Prentiss she has lived in Natick, a suburb of Boston. She is a member of the Boston Alumm" Club.


Hotel Room Registration Blank Please fill in and mail to the NEW OCEAN HOUSE, Swampscott, Massachusetts. Will every one who wishes to stay at the hotel, NO MATTER WHAT YOUR OFFICIAL CAPAOTY, please fill in this blank for the hotel. If you are early, we should be able to assure you of the type of accommodations that you wish.

Room rate pee day (Amuican plan) $13.50

Name I shall attend the pj Beta Phi Convention and plan to arrive by train . ..... I automobile ......• or plane ... , .. on

..... . ..... . ......... at ...... A.M., P.M. and wiIl leave the hotel on .. . ..... . ............ at . ... . . A.M., P.M.

Check accommodations desired : Rates include meals and lodging

Single . . . . .. 2 in a room . . . . .. 3 in a room ..... .

Owing to the size of our Convention, single accommodation is not recommended. Your choice of two or three to a room will be granted jf possible. NOTE- active delegates will be assigned rooms with active delegates-alumn:r delegates with alumnz delegates . No change (rom this po licy can be made (or those coming at the expense of the National fraternity . If you desire special roommates, please print names below:


Active Delegate ., ... , National Officer .. . . ,. Active Visitor ..... .

Alumnz Delegate ... , •• Alumnz Visitor .... . .

Chapter " ... . .......•.......••..... . . . .• •.•.•.. .......... Year of initiation ..... . .....•••••. . . . •.• . . ..

Name ....... ....... ................. •............ , .•......... . ................ . • .• •...... , .... . . . , ..

Address .... ... ... • . . " . . " . . ', .......•.• •.... ..•.....••...•• , ..•.. , ............ • ••• . ....... , .... ... ,.

City and State .... .. .. . , .....• ••.• ..... . .. .••. .• ......... .. . .. . . . , . . .....••. . • ••.. • .••••••• • •. . .. .. ...

+ + +

The husband of Margaret Prentiss McKelway, District of Columbia Alpha, is now president of the Associated Press.

Patricia King, Virginia r, is one of the Aides to William and Mary's president. In that capacity she was in the front lines to greet Queen Elizabeth II when she paid a visit to that campus.

The husband of Gladys Watkins Westcott, Massa­chusetts B, has been sent to Japan for the State Department.

The husbands of Maxine Harris Stanford, Cali­fornia r, and Adele Alford Heink, California to, have received the Silver Beaver Award from the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, for their work with the San Diego County Council. Dwight Stanford is president of the council and Hans Heink is Advancement Chairman and Advisor of Explorer Post 4 of La Jolla.


Catherine Campbell , Michigan B, is spending a year of study at the Northern Children's Theater in Bradford, England.

Charlotte and Charlene Strah, Kansas B, were chosen Twin Oil Queens of the Rocky Mountain Oil Show held in Casper, Wyo., in September.

Anne H . Barnard, New York A, has been ap­pointed to the staff of the Development Division at Syracuse University.

Edna W allace JohnSton has just been elected for her third term as president of Phi Beta, National Professi onal Fraternity of Music and Speech.

Wei thy Honsinger Fisher, New York A, is the administrator of Literacy Village at Lucknow, India, where she is teaching the Indians to read.

/J • " Jifmertca

Miss America Marilyn Van Derbuc, Colorado A, was crowned

Miss America for 1958 in September. She is a junior at Colorado University and her father is a professor and member of Kappa Sigma.

Peggy McDevitt Lees, Pennsylvania B, served as one of the hostesses to the contestants and following is an excerpt from her letter:

"I just had to drop you a line to say how well the Pi Phis were in the Pageant. The society women of our town are invited to serve as hostesses to the contestants and what a thrill for me to have a Pi

Honors to the Van Derburs If being named Kappa Sigma Man of the Year

by his own fraternity were not enough honors for ch.i,man Francis S. Van Derbur of NIC, the ad­ditional honors which came to his family on Satur­day, September 7, should be adequate. It is estimated that 50,000,000 people by television saw the election of Miss Marilyn Van Derbur, the daughter of Chair­man Van, named as Miss America for 1957-58. She had previously been named Miss Colorado

Pofi,.alt fly }olo)l

Marilyn Van Derbur, Colorado A "MilS America"

Phi, Miss Nevada, Loni Jess Gravelle, Colorado A, daughter of a Pi Phi . She placed in the final ten and received a scholarship. Another Pi Phi, Miss Alabama, Anna Stange, Alabama A, won a talent scholarship.

"Our gi rls did a beautiful performance. Most of the g irls participating in the contest are college girls and the pageant is conducted in a very refined manner."

A fourth Pi Phi participant in the pageant was Glynnelle Hubbard, New Mexico A, Miss New Mexico. A fifth Pi Phi was Miss Oregon, Judith Hansen, Oregon A.

which brought her to the final competItion and the many friends of the Van Derburs were thrilled not only with her election but with the opportunity to see Van and Mrs. Van Derbur and their other daughters in the final broadcast. Marilyn, the fourth daughter of the Van Derburs is a junior at Colorado University and a member of Pi Beta Phi.

From [RA e Bulletin


Glynnelle Hubbard , New Mexico A " Mill New Mexico"

loni Jell Gravelle. Colorado A " Miss Nevada"

Anna Sfange, Alabama B " Mill Alabama"

Ma linda Digg. Berry, Oklahoma B. was crowned queen of the 1957 American loyal Assoc iation, hone show and livestock exhib it ion. in Kansa. City.



Edited by Louise Wheelock Dobler, Washington B

~ ONCE AGAIN Gene Redding has "come home" to Arrowcraft. On January 5, 1958 she will be­

gin again the position she pioneered in 1925 when the then Director of the school, Miss Evelyn Bishop, asked her to "find her job and make it" as weaving instructor. And Gene Redding, a New England in­dividualist and artist set about to meet the challenge in such a way that when she "finally retired" in 1945, she could look with pride and satisfaction upon the achievements of her record.

That record included many pioneering "firsts"­finding the women in the mountain areas who were willing to learn the almost· forgotten craft of their forbears; organizing them into a Weavers' Guild which provided social, recreational, educational. and financial advantages far beyond their imagined dreams; and finally, the creation of a market for their wares through organized alurnnre clubs and over the COuntcr of the shop on the Smoky Moun­ta in National Park Highway in Gatlinburg.

In the thirty-one years since "Arrowcraft" came into being, Gene Redding has been at the helm as supervisor of weaving longer than any other person, having served [or 15 years in three different terms. The first ended in 1929 after the venture was suc­cessfully launched and on its way- and before de­pression days were felt in the Smokies. After an absence of two years, Miss Redding returned to Arrowcraft and served until 1934. The following year she taught weaving and pottery making at Norris, Tennessee, for the T.Y.A. and again re­turned to Gatlinburg, this time for her longest tenure-from 1935 to 1945.

Winogene Redding learned weaving in a school of handicraft in Boston after some training in art school. She is a Master Craftsman in weaving of the Society of Arts and Crafts in Boston, and was Dean of the Weavers' Guild of that city from 1950 to 1952. She is also a member of the Southern High­lands Gui ld which means she has demonstrated her

Staff me mbers for Pi Beta Ph i work in Gatlinburg lIeft to ,rightJ. Tina McMorran . re tiring w eav ing l upervil ori Marjorie Chalmers. Health Nurse; Marion Muelle r. Direclori Elizabeth Rue. manage' of Arrowcraft; Eunice Cole. bookee per at Arrowcraft .



skill and originality to the satisfaction of a grollp of 'lualified artisans, and from 1945 to 1948 she was AssIStant Director of the Cnaft Education Program which is sponsored by that Guild.

When she returned to Boston in 1948 she taught private weaving classes in her own studio and found time to originate and perfect a most unique service for the handJoom weavers of today. Known as " Reddigraphs, " these detailed weaving instructions include directions for weaving complete articles, with ideas to vary the master draft given and how to use the varieties of exciting new threads and materials now available. "Reddigraphs" are being successfully and enthusiastically used by weaving teachers, occupational therapists, professional weav­ers, aDd hobbyists. They are circulated all over the United States and Canada and in several foreign countries .. . a new one available each month.

Although summer is usually vacation time for most teachers, Gene Redding gets her holiday just


by shifting to a differept tlrritory, still doiog the same beautiful things with her hands and heart. For four summers she taught in the Coach House Work­shop in Mason, New Hampshire, in 1955 and 1956 she was 00 the staff of our own Pi Beta Phi-Uni­versity of Tennessee Summer Workshop here in Gatlinburg, and in 1957 she studied weaving and water color painting at the Banff School of Floe .Arts in Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Miss Redding replaces Mrs. Tina McMorran who has been weaving supervisor since 194~ . Like many former Pi Phi employees, Mrs. McMorran has fallen in love with the region, and has built a lovely home in the mountains where she can enjoy their beauty the year 'round. Other former Pi Phi workers in­clude Miss Evelyn Bishop and Mrs. Ethel Snow who now call Gatlinburg "home," and they are just a few of the many on hand to greet our "new" Weav­ing Supervisor and to wish her well as she comes back to us.

+ + +


Have you your copy?

It represents the best in Pi Phi cookery from coast to coast. It is available from Arrowcraft Shop, Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Price: $1.00 plus postage. Oubs wishing to sell in quantity may have discount.

+ + +

Remember the 1958 Foreign Study Craft Tour Sponsored by Pi Beta Phi and the University of Tennessee

Write to College of Home Economics University of Tennessee

Knoxville, Tenn essee

+ + +

What's Good About College Societies? Doctor Walter Manning in the Indianapolis Sldr

for .August 10, 1957, discusses the above topic and concludes his article with the following words :

".As for the snobbishness, 1 find most sorority and fraternity members far less snobbish than many of the so-called intellectual groups on the campus. In fact, my experience has led me to believe that mem­bership in a fraternity makes one mOre friendly, less snobbish, and much better equipped in social graces.

"Today on the typical campus there would be no 'college spirit' without the sororities and fraternities. They are the only groups that can be counted on to do things for charity, to decorate for special affairs, to furnish willing hands and hearts for a whole variety of campus activities. Recently a col-

lege president said to me, 'I do not know how our college could operate without the fraternities and sororities. They are the only groups 1 can always count on to get things done.'

"Perhaps we are growing up as a nation and changes are needed in sorority and fraternity life. Yet, I believe that any fair analysis of these organ­izations, as they now arc, would cause most parents to say 'yes' to a son, or daughter who sought mem­bership.

"We need spirit, and e'pecially the volunteer spirit, in America-fraternities and sororities breed and sponsor both."

From IRAe Bllllelin

The Misses Charlotte and Charlene Strah, Twin Oil Queens, were greeted by their sorority sisters, the Pi Beta Phi Alumn" Club of Casper, Wyo., at a luncheon, September 20, 1957 in the Little Elbow Room of the H enning Hotel. The twin sisters were se lected from forty. five twin entries to reign as the Twin Queens of the Rocky Mountain Oil Show held in Casper, Wyo., September 19·2 1. They are juniors at Kansas State. Manhattan. Kan., and active members of Kansas Beta chapter of Pi Beta Phi.

Seated left to right : Mrs. Charles Crowell, Mrs. Elmer Connell, M iss Charlotte Strah and Miss Char· lene Strah, the Twin Queens; standing left to right : Miss Peggy Tobin, Mrs. Cecil Bon, Mrs. David Baskett, Mrs. Will iam Swanton, Mrs. John Lavery, Mrs. Robert Huffsmith, Mrs. Howard McDaniel, Mrs. Clyde Sissman, Jr., Mrs. Robert Freeman, Mrs. Darrell Booth, and Mrs. W . A. Hocker.

+ + +

Iowa Zeta Chapter celebrated its 75th anniversary last spring with a luncheon and historical review of the chapter. It was installed in 1882 as a chapter of I. C. Sorosis. A fashion show depicting 75 years of history was presented.


Left 10 right : Joan Frohwein Parsons IM,I. Carl.,I.I , of Iowa City; Ann Hkhl"lOn, of Scarsdale. N.Y.; Be H" Summerwill KOla (M,s. loyl of Iowa City, and Gabri.lI. loyal lobert.on (Mrs . T. A.I of W •• t liberty.

The lliinoll Theta Chapter prllident prelentlng the flag to Holt Houle. The ftag wal g' .... n In memory of one of their membe'l Marcia loIS.

Jane M,Guine .. lIeftl of North Dakota A wal the ,"Iiden' at 'he teremony on Marth 29, 1957, in whlth h., 111'.r, Carol (rlghtJ, wal Initiated . their moth." luth 5wanlon M,Gulne .. lpated), who wal formerty an octive membe, of the Chapter wal one of the alumnca ,relent.


Sandra and Sibyl Wahl, Wisconsin A. at lummer school a t the University of Oslo, Norway.

Miss Universe Contest Anne·Marit Studness, Minnesota A. was Miss

North Dakota in the Miss Universe Contest held in Long Beach, Calif, She was the only United States girl to place in the popularity contest, and won a scholarship for voice and dramatics. Only four scholarships were awarded to the 76 contestants.

Yolanda eNvol.lta , il linois E


Anne-Morlf Studn.", Mlnn.sota A. "Min South Dakota"

Yolanda Brugaletta, Illinois E, who has been a research analyst with the Toni Company for the past two years, has heen named program director for the New Miami University Center.

Shirley Pollard Peterson, California B, was ac· corded the distinction of being the first recipient of a $500 Rosalie M. Stern award to be given an· nually to a young woman graduate of the Univer­sity of California for volunteer work in community betterment.

.J/.onol' StuJenb lor 1956-1957 --> LAST YEAR the Chairman of the Pi Beta Phi

Committee on Scholarship reported with special pride a record breaking number of elections of Pi Beta Phi members to ill B K and <I> K <1>. Although

. it is not to be expected that a record will be broken each year, this committee regrets that the number for 1956·1957, 106, does not quite equal the 125 for the preceding year. However, it is gratifying to be able to report that the 106 is the second highest on rccord. This trend toward a larger number of honor students, together with the all time high proportion of chapters ranking first in scholarship on their campuses for all or a part of the year, as recorded in the fall issue of the ARROW, is evidence of the earnest effort by most of the chapters of Pi Beta Phi to uphold a high scholastic standard.

Again this committee is proud to present to the fraternity the names of Pi Beta Phi students who were awarded the highest scholastic honors of their universities or colleges. Only the names of those elected to the general Honor Societies are included. Limited space prevents printing in this report elec­tions to departmental, professional, and class hon­oraries.

Below are the comparative figures for the past three years :

19)4·)) 19)),% 19)6·)7 Phi Beta Kappa . . . . . . . . . . 44 69 )8 Phi Kappa Phi .... 42 )6 48 .Similar to the above 34 39 46 Chapters not reporting ..... I) 9 18 Graduations honors 60(29) 91 (22 ) 49(19)

• In this classification are included: (I) loca l Honor Societies which have the same scholastic requirements as Phi Beta Kappa with membership limited to the upper t~ percent of the g raduating class; (2) national Honor So­cieties in university schools or colleges, such as Beta Gamma Sigma in Schools of Commerce and Business, which have similar membership requirements; (3) other organizations of a general nature which require similar scholastic achievement. A few chapters are on campuses which have no comparab le organizations.

The figures in the parentheses in the above table indicate the number of chapters which reported graduation honors.

Delta, Epsilon, Mu, and Theta Provinces were 100% in sending Blank #4 on which honor stu· dents are reported. One chapter in each of the fol· lowing provine .. did not send Blank #4: Gamma, Zeta, Eta, Theta, Lambda, Xi, Omicron, and Pi.

Tennessee B and Oklahoma A are tied for the honor of leading the list of elections to if> B K, with four each; followed by five chapters with three each : Louisiana A, Kansas A, Colorado A, Wyoming A, and Oregon A.

Exactly the same number of chapters lead in elections to <I> K <1>. Connecticut A and Texas r each had four chosen by <I> K <1>, with the following five chapters reporting three each: New York A, Michi· gan r, Florida B, Iowa r, and Wyoming A.

Michigan A had the largest number elected to

simi lar organizations with six. Indiana a was second with five. Ontario Band Hlinois Z each had four, and Kentucky A, three.

Tennessee B had the distinction of graduating nine members with honors. Connecticut A had six graduation honors. California r was next with five. Ind iana E, Indiana Ll, and Nebraska B each had fou r honor graduates.

MARIE W EST W EVER Chairman Commillee 011 5cho/arJhip


MAINE ALPHA-Charlotte Brackett, Lois Whitcomb. VERMONT ALPHA- Priscilla Noble. CONNECTICUT ALPHA-Phyll is Valenti.


GAMMA PROVINCE OH IO ALPHA- Phyllis Peterson. OH IO DELTA- Phyllis Dobben, Arlene Thon. OHIO ZETA- Carol Neal , Marcia Waite.

D ELTA PROVINCE VJRGINIA GAMMA-Helen Sprague, Donna Kay Smith. VIRGINIA ALPHA- Eleanor Driver, Edwina Sykes.



ETA PROVINCE TENNESSEE BETA-'Elizabeth Klepper, Eleanor McCain,

Lucy St ites, Mary Ready Parrent Taylor. TENNESSEE GAMMA- Emily Turner, Patricia Ballard . NORTH CAROLINA BETA-Julia Drane Hart.

THETA PRovINCE ALABAMA ALPHA- Patsy Ruth Baxter, Ann Oliver Gray. FLORIDA BETA-Norma Jean Tedder.



LAMBDA PROVINCE ARKANSAS ALPHA-Dorcas Sue Patterson . LoUISIANA ALPHA- Elizabeth Osborn, Bamara Ott, Sarah

Colquitt. Mu PROVINCE

IOWA ZETA- Sally Files. KANSAS ALPHA uzaone Sawyer, Carol Stockholm, Diane

W orthi n.Rton. NEBRASKA BETA- Diane Knotch, Jacldyn S. Maupin.

Nu PROVINCE OKLAHOMA ALPHA- Lou Ann Montgomery, ussy Hamra

Masset, Sally Rahe. Marilyn Vavra Kunkel.

Xl PROVINCE COLORADO ALPHA- Patricia Hill, Charlotte Salvater, Suzie

Wright. WYOMING ALPHA-Barbara Smith, Martha Minn.i.s, Mary

Strange. TAH ALPHA- Joyce Wherrit.



OMicrON PROVINCE W ASHJNGTON ALPHA-Sandra L Adkisson, Margaret

Hesse. W t\SHI NGTON BETA- Helen Van Antwerp. OREGON ALPHA- Sally Allen, Sally Jo Greig, Nan Hage­

dorn. IDAHO ALPHA- Marilyn Nugent.

PI PROVINCE CALIfORNIA DELTA- Beatrice Alyce Bystron, Peggy Manuel


ALPHA PROVINCE MAINE ALPHA- Julie Dinsmore, Kathleen Vickery. MASSACH USETTS BETA- Ma ry Ann Cooper, Marguerite

Boisvert . CONNECTICUT ALPHA-Phyllis Valenti , Beverly Klambt ,

Ellen Chadwick, Elizabeth Berwind.

BETA PROVINCE NEW YORK ALPHA- Anne Marie Ku pfer, Barbara Tray­

nor, Charlotte Cushing.

GAMMA PROVINCE OHIO ALPHA- Phyllis Peterson. o.HIO EpSILON- Marcia Bruggeman.


EpSILON PROVINCE MICHIGAN GAMMA-Margaret Foster, Janice Van Der Jagt,



ETA PROVINCE KENTUCKY ALPHA- Janet Louise Altec, Margaret Louise


FLORIDA BETA-Norma Jean Teder, Charlotte Patten. Phyllis Patten.

GEORGlA ALPHA- Kathy Coiner, Mary Ellen Parker.

IOTA PROVINCE IL LINOIS ZETA-Paula Bresee, Ann Naranick. ILLINOIS ETA-Barbara Smith, Marilyn Quigley Welch.



Mu PROVINCE IOWA GAMMA- Anne Booth, Marilyn Mound, Cynthia

Kendall. KANSAS BETA-Margery Cornwell Ricklefs .

Nu PROVINC E OKLAHOMA BETA- Bonita Berry. TEXAS GAMMA-Sandy Casstevens, Joanne Holmes, Cath.

erine N elson, Beverly Woods. NEW MEXICO ALPHA- Dorothy Harroun .

XI PROVINCE MONTA NA ALPHA- Caro lyn Sargent WYOMING ALPHA- Lynn Gunn , Marilyn Marshall , Mary

Strange. UTAH ALPHA- Joyce Wherritt, Helen Marie Thomas.


PI PROVINCE NEVAD .... ALPHA-Joan Saw Ie. ARIZONA ALPHA- Judith Armstron~ Beach.

BETA GAMMA SIGMA INDIA N .... BETA- Nancy Crouch, Barbara Hibner. TENNESSEE GAMMA- Judy Gray. WISCONSIN ALPHA- Darlene Peterson. ARKANSAS ALPHA- Jane Cunning Smith. NEBRASKA BETA- Betty Branch. SOUTH DAKOTA ALPHA- Grace Vandel. OKLAHOMA ALPHA-Judy Groh.

Simi lar to Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi MAINE ALPHA- Joann Hansen. VIRGINIA GAMMA- Sue Journee, Kay Worth.


MICHIGAN ALPHA- Jane Maurer, Alice DePew, Joyce Carnahan, Ann Bodner, Julia Sapala, Carol Merchant.

ONTARlO BETA- Sylvia Meyers, Patricia Robinson, Judith Laurie, Barbara Mollison.

INDIANA DELTA- Jody Downing, Betty Shields, Lois H ar. rison, Nancy Lowe, Marilyn H easley.

KENTUCKY ALPHA- Janet Louise Ahic. Margaret Louise Fife, Bettv Louisa Miles.

TENNESSEE BETA-Nancy Ferris, Lynn Lester. FLORIDA ALPHA-Sue D avis. Mary Lane Weaver. FLORIDA GAMMA-Ann Futhey, Barbi Berna. ILLINOIS ZETA- Anne Naranick, Helen Nichols, Ray Bar-

clay, Rhea Peterson . ILLINOIS ETA- Janet Walmsley, Marna Gralike. MISSOURI GAMMA-Joan Drumwright, Roberta Pilant. IOWA BETA-Gwendolyn Groomes, Margaret Olson. IOWA ALPHA- Robert Watts Newburg.


Marguerite Boisvert, cum laude; .Mary Ann Cooper, summa cum laude.

CONNECTICUT ALPHA- Ei leen Chadwick, first honors; Phyllis Valenti , first honors; Elizabeth Berwind, second honors; Janet Brophy. second honors; Carole Davis, sec­ond honors; Beverly Kambt, second honors.

NEW YORK GAMMA- Gertrude List, hi~hest honors. VIRGINIA ALPHA-Eleanor Driver, magna cum laude:

Ed wina Sykes. magna cum laude. WEST VIRGINIA ALPHA- Ann Mu\{unn , cum laude. MICHIGAN ALPHA- Marcia Jannasch, cum laude. INDIANA EpSILON- Sue DeCosted, cum laude; Nancy Ford ,

cum laude: Ann Jaudon, cum laude; Judy Roser, cum laude.

INDIANA D ELTA-Jody D owning, with hi~hest distinction; Marilyn Heasley, with highest distinction; Dorothy Monk, with distinction; Nancy Lowe, with distinction.

INDIANA ZETA-Ruth Horstman. with honors. TENNESSEE BETA-Eleanor McCain, magna cum laude:

Ann Beach, cum laude; Penny Barnette, cum laude: Jane Houchens, cum laude; Ann House, cum laude; Eleanor King, cum laude; Sue Rogers, cum laude; Lucy Stites, cum laude; Eunice Walldorf, cum laude.

NEBRASKA BETA-Betty Branch, with honors; Jacklyn S. Maupin, with honors ; D iane Knotek, with honors; Gerre Swanson, with honors:

NEW MEXICO ALPHA- D orothy Harroun, with distinction. IDAH O ALPHA- Kristine Anderson, with honors; Patricia

H arrington, with honors; Rochelle Henderson Thorneck, with honors.

AL8ERTA ALPHA- Barbara Bennett, honour ,graduate; Mar­garet Learmonth, honour graduate; Adele Brown, honour grad uate.

UTAH ALPHA-Joyce Wherritt. with high honors; Helen Marie Thomas, with high honors.

CALIFORNIA GAMMA- Barbara Haase, cum laude; Mary Laird H olman. cum laude; Sue Suman, cum laude; Jene Lynne Tyler, cum lauJe; Mecca Wright, cum laude.

Charlott. lrackeH MaiM A

Sarah C.lqultt L .... I.iana A

D.nna Kay Smith Virginia P

P,I" illa Nabl. V.rmont A

Caf'f"1 N.al Ohl. Z

leatrk. Alyc. Irstrom Calif.mia .d

Marckt Waite OhIoZ

Edwina Sr .... Vlrvlnia A

Solly AII.n Or.".n A

Ellzobeth KI.ppe, T.n"" ... B

Honna Jean Tedd., Florida B

...... Manu.1 Campeotl Callfomia .1

EI_nora 0,1 .... , Virginia A

H.len Van Antw.rp Wa.hinl,on B

.a .. la ..... IIlinok Z

Solly lah. Oklahomo A

Lou Ann Montgomery Oklahoma A

Ann Wor,.1 Callfomia Z

CharloH. Salv.t., Colorado A

Patricia K.llo Indiana B

ClllY Hamra Mal," Oklahoma A

Marilyn Vavra Kunkel Oklahoma A

Julia Drane Hart North Carolina B

Margaret H .... Walhington A

Dorothy 11 .. low Vermont A

Sally Jo Greig Oregon A

Anita Tosettl Illinois B...6

Jocelyn Watt Michigan B

Lol. Whitcomb Mo ine A

Catherine lock Vermont A

Joyce Whenltt Utah A

Morgo Galloway North Ookota A

Phyllis Petenon Ohio A

Nan Hagedom Oregon A

Betty Osborn Louisiana A

Judith Laurie On"r~ B

Patsy race laxter Alabama A

Ann Iodmor Michigan A


Ph, Bola ...Kappa KONTINUED

Gwendo'"n Groo ..... Iowa B

Heln Nichols IIIlnol. Z

loberta WaHl Newburg Iowa A

Sylyki Me.,.,. Ontario B

'Margaret Ol.on Iowa B

Nancy lowe Indiana 6

Janet Walmsley IIIlnol. H

Marilyn Healley Indiana 6

Carol Merchant Mkh1lan A

Jwdy Groh Oklahoma A

Julie Dinsmore Maine A

Grace Vande' South Dakota A

Barbaro Smith ill ino is H

Barba.a Hibner Indiana B

Dortene ' .terun Win onsin A

Nancy Crouch Ind iana n

Cathy Cotner Georgia A

Marga .... folter Michigan r

Janice VanDerJa,t Michigan r

Chariotte PaHen Florkfa B

Judith Armstrong &each Arizono A

Phyllil Volenti Connedicut A

Jane Dickert Mlchl,an r

Phyllil Patten Florida B

Carolyn Sargent Montana A.

Helen Marie Thomal Utah A

Anne Naranlck IIlInoll Z

Catherine Nelson Texal r

Plu ...Xappa Phi CONTINUE~

Marcia IrulSloman Ohio E

JYCly Gray Tonno.... r

Maril"n Manholl Wyomlnl A

EmUy Turner TMt""-," r

Joan Sawl. "'voda A

Mary Ann C .. ,.r Mau.huHth A

Do"I. Harroun Now Mexko A

EIi.n Chodwklc ConlMctkut A

National Award Winner

Marcia JannoKh Michigan A

luth Horstman Indiana Z

Barbara Haa •• California r

Charlott. Patten and Phyllis Patt.n-florida D

Maria Unruh Missouri B

Patricia Moulton Ohio E

l-I Standing : Jan.t Eddy. J. an Olmsted. Coralyn Crandall. Sitting: Kay Gat.s, Marion Hill

Jon •• Wlnt., Missouri A

luauna love Utah A

Emily Turn.r Tenn ..... r


Chari.ne WarT.n Coloroda B

Margo, .. Comw.n Ikld.fs Kansas B

Con.tanc. Elmor. Mlno",1 r

Sonya Ch,l.toph., Ontario B

Kar. n M . Fox Mk hlgan r

Linda B,own lllinol. JI

Dianna D.ntlno II lIno l. e

Mary All,. Lippold Colorado r

Sally Manhall Waahlntton r

Rulh Barrell Smilh ScI" 0 larjh ip

htty fftlnC.. S",lth IMlMino A

Carolyn Hunt Vermont B


Edited by Sallie Tucker, Texas A

ALPHA PROVINCE MA INE ALPHA-UNIVERSITY O F MAINE. Chu1:ued, 1920. PJ~d •• Day, Oaober 27, 1957. INITIATED April 28, 19H: June AdaJ11J, Oguo9uit i.. Catharine Ayrr, Cynthia Ayer, Winchester, Mass. j Pamella ",!OCkway. Orono; Nancy Carroll, Southwest Harbor j Ann Hastings, Bethel; Marie 1611, Martha Zoidis. Banaar; Carol IversOn, Charlene Manchester, Falmouth Poreside j Pauline

laduon Orrington j Alice Lane, Rockport: Harriet ,-"co. Rock· and; Calol Robinson, Cape Elih~j Kay Sawrer, New Harbor ;

Diane Wiseman, Newport: Bubara I' ork, Old Town . Maine A was honored !>t" a .,isit from Mrs . Helen A. Lewis,

National Director o( RushlDg and Pledge Training. in Much, 19)7_

The: Calypso theme predominated at the annual Panhellenic Ball held on April 12. at which the new sorority presideota and the Panhellenic president were presented.

Pounden' DIY was observed by Maine A with a church seC'lice at the chapel on campus. A Pi Beta Phi student leader conducted the service and music was provided by a choir compost'd entirely of Maine A'I. The followi08 evening the annual Founders' Day Banquet'll" held It the Penobscot Valley Country Club.

A KVenth sorority was instituted on the University of Mline campus in the Spring o f 19)7 when r X A was formed. It is hoped that this group will eventually become part of a national womeD's fraternity. Maine A, .. well as the live other sOrorities, has pledged assistance to the new glOOp.

The $cnior Farewell Picnic was held at Swan Lake on May 4 Ind on the following day fOUl Maine A 's were chosen for membership in the All -Maine Women Society: Virginia Flffmln. Molly Inman, Kathlrcn Vickey, and Roberta Wyer. Th is organization is similar to Mortar Bo,rd. FOur sophomores were honored by mcmberahip in the Sophomore Eagle Society : Ann Hutings, Charlene Mln­chester, Clrol Robin30n , and Martha Zoidis. Th~e girls have played In important part in Freshman Wrck activities.

To d ose the .prin, semester, the chapter was honored by • r 6. Ind .I I for dinner Ind tntertainment following.

Many Pi Beta Phi n.1mes appeued on the Dean's List for the spring semester.


NOVA SCOTIA-DALHOUSI E UNIVERSITY, Chartt-red, 193 4. Plld.a Diy, N ovember, 19'7. INITIATED. March 16 19)7_ Judith Bell, Britannia Bay, Ont.; Helen Muir, Truro. '

On Wt'dncsday. September 2) the alumna: of A r 6. and Pi Beta Phi, u joint hostesses, held I tea at the home of Karine Anderson for the heshertes of Dalhousie. During that wcck the Creshettes were introduct'd to Dalhousie with a tour of the campus, a $Cavenger hunt, a theatre Pllty, and various dances.

On October 3, the first active metting of Nova Scotia AI fu rther plans were made concerning the fall rushing which is belDg held the latter part of October. The Panhellenic lea and theme party were discussed, It wu decided that a gypsy party would be held at Mary Sheppard's camp. a few miles outside of Halifu.

Plan. were also finali%t'd for the initiation of Jane McCurdy which is to be held Wednesda,., <><tobcr 10, 101l0win8 the active mrctin,. A(ter the dose of the ceremon,., the new initiate will be the guest at a Chinese dinner.

C\l.OL. EA..u

VERMONT A.LPHA- M.IDDLEBURY COLLEG E. Chartered , 1893. Pled.a Day, September 29, 19'7. IN.nATI!D. Ma~ 6, 19H: Emily Adams Wellesley H iUs, Mass. : Lois Boon, Rochester, N,Y.: Ruth Brown, Oswego, N.Y.; Jane BlTant, Niagara Falls, N.Y.; Suzanne BLishnell, Watertown, N .Y ,; Loui~ Eddy, Middle­hury; Jean Emrich, Norwalk, Conn ,: Evelyn Har..,., Manchester, Conn.: Paula Hsrt%, Highland Psrk, N .J . i Nancy Hill, Walpole, Mall.; J udith Jacobson, Beverly, Mus. j l:.lIzabcth Kelley, Gennan­town. Md.; Kj(hryn Olds, Hcm{Jstud , N.Y,; Catherine Sheldon, West Hanford , Conn.; He en Smith, Medfield. Mass.

Emily Andrews _1.$ 6. T candidate for Junior Wcdc:end Qurcn_ Nancy Smoller rtceived the Morlar Soud Cup, which i. awarded each yur to the sophomore woman most outstandins in CItra­curr icular activities, and tht F,ench Government Award, a scholar· ship. Priscilla Noble and Cathy Rock were clertcd to • B K. Anne Martin receivt'd the Portland Award .

Several Pi Beta Phis were leadtn at the NEWSGA Conference on April 12, n .• nd 14, ~'hich student government reprcscntativCl from eleven Eastern colleges attended. Heather Hamilton and linda Durfee ~'ere co-chairmen of the Conference, Nancy Smolltr was secretary, Hclen Dickey w.., treasurer, and Lyndia Smith WIS coordinator.

Nancy McKnight and Anne Martin hue recentl,. ~n clectt'd


10 Skyline, the governing board of the MOWluin Club. Dorothy Landry, Betty uyer, Anne Martin, Mary Lou Moore. and Carol Sippel are junior counsdou.

Many PI Bft. Phi. hold offices in campus ora.niutions. Grace Warder is chairman of the Undcra;raduate Anociation (the student govcrnromt). chairman of the Women's Committee of the Under· Araduate Association, .nd via· president of MotUr Board. Pat McCoy is Chief Just ice. Nancy Smollcr is trusurer of the Womtn's Committee of the Under,IIdulte Association, vice· president of the Prench Club, co·ch.irOWl of the Social Calendar Committee of the Undergraduate Auociation . which registers III loda! events, and ch.irman of the Women's Porum Sales and Finance Committee. Eliubrth ~Iley iJ secrct.ry·trclSurcr of tbe Prench Club. Lyndil Smith is man .. in, editor of the yearbook, the K.JtiJ(}J((}"t .. J.ne Bryant, a sophomore, i. literary t'ditor, a posilion usually ginn 10 a junior or senior. Anne Martin i • .,icc.president of W omen ', Forum. Sherry Bushnell i. publicity manager of Ihe Women 's Recreational Auociation. In the Christian Association, Janet Martin is secrCUIT. and Sue Work i. co-chairman of the Social Service Committee.

Vermont A is well rcporesented on house boards. Five of the Kven representatives of Peanens Hall arc Pi Beta Phis : Carol Davis, Harritt Palls, Evelrn Harry. Elizabeth Kelley, and Pat Sherlock_ In the Chlteau, tktty Layer represents the junior class. Other dormitory representatives are Nod Caseley, Mimi Packard, Helen Smith, Sail., Wagner. aod Sue Work.

Pi Beta Phi placed lirst in scholarship among the sororities 00 campw for the .pring semester. MdIlbcn among: the to{J ten w~n, scholastically, in their classes were : seniors, Priscilla Noble, fifth . and Cathy Rock. leventh; junion, Helen D ickey, fint, and Dorothy Bigelow, seventh; sophomore., Anne Martin, fourth; and freshmen , Emily Adanu, brst,

Pu!DGl::D: Sct>tember 29. 19n: J anet Martin, Dayton, Ohio, Susan Work, Scarsdale, N.Y.


V ERMONT BIiTA-U NIV ERSITY OF V ERMONT. Chartered, Novembe!, 24, 1898. PllldRII Dirt Februlry 15 19'8. INlTfATflO, April 28. 19H: Cecelia Mclone,., New York, N .Y.; Sheila O'Toole, Springdale, Conn.; Priscilla Roberts, Danville: Suzanne Dunn, J uliet Smith, Bristol. Conn.; Lynne Cotler StratfOrd. Conn.: l>atricia Dsrlinl. Brattleboro ; Ruth Fundin

b Portland, Me.: e,i I

Kaufman, Rockville untre, N.Y.: Janet Led u'JJ Branford, Conn.; Patricia Lyman t Glens Falls. N.Y_; Cynthia Marvio, EISn: Junc· tion; Helen Rlegels. Sacramento, Calif.

l' Joan Schmouth. Avon ,

Mus. : Sandra Trotman. West Orange. N .. The chapter is well represented in onoraries with Ann Lee

Knop'f. Judy Cluk, and Marilyn Jenscn members of Mortar Board, Manlyn being president; six in Staff and Sandal, the junior women's honorary: and nine in Sophomore Aides. the sO~homore honorary. J udy Clark, in addition to being lirst vice preSident of Women Studcnt Government Association, heads up the George Bishop Lane Series, which is a group of outside programs brought to the school with performances such u Broadway pial'S, ballets . and concert.. Other importaot offices held arc Marilyn Jensen president of Panhellenic: Ann Lee Knopf, social chairman 01 Women's Student Government j Pat Bums. SCCTeUry of Kab Walle. the winter wcckend here on campus. Six of the "iris arc dorm presidents. Carolyn Hunt, pruident of Vermont B, receind the California Alpha Scholanh,P while Pat Harrison and Ann Lee Knopf received Harriet Rutherford Johnstone Awards.

Homecoming Weekend was October 26-27 at which time eve!') fraternity and sorority entered a poster and teas were held at most of the howe. on Sunday.


MASSAC H US ETTS ALPHA-BOSTON U NIVERSITY. Char. tetad, M.arch 17, 1896. INITIATED. May 4, 19)7: Eleanor Brum. Itead, Batavia N.Y.; Patricia Mendes. Mih on.

Tbe Innual Powder Bowl football game i. $Cht'duled (or early N O'ICmbcr witb the chapter facing 4 ~ 6.

Marilyn Youn, and Jean Mask'll' han hccn cboscn to be in the Pan hellenic FashIOn Show.

The Boston AlumnE Club invited the chapter to Wellesley Hilll (or a dinner October 1. The chapter "i11 entertain the mothers, univenity faculty and the Alumna: Adyisory Board at a tea in early November.


MASSAC H USETTS BETA-UNIV ERSITY Of MASSACHU· SETTS. Chlrtered, 1944 . Jr.rrnATED, April U 1957 : Penelope Bullard, Carol C,immons, Diane DerSartisian, Alta.Mae Ide, Gail MacQus rrie, J OYce Ryan, Rosalind Tep~r.

The year IS off to a ,reat Stlrt with Janet Andrewa ')8 , MUJ


Manning "9, and Susan Hattington 'H scrring as dormitory counselors with Pi Phi, S.andra Stronl. Dorothy McGrath, Nancy Richardson, ~he Swanbedc. and Elsie Pa~nfuss scrYing as Hoor counselors.

Assisting in settlin, campus issues are Carol Crimmons .lind Aha Mae Ide on the Student Senate. Senior Clus 5«reury is Sheila Driscoll. Penny Bullard Ind Tammy Ide IcC mem~rJ of the Sophomore Honorary Society, ScroUs,

The 19H University Scholuship holden include J udy Seamons, Gail Heino ld, Elsie Papenfuss. Ind Gail MacOuarrie. Gail was abo .w.rd~ the sb.te five feu tuition scholarship from the American Orthopedic Association and &ety Gnxcs the Home Demonstr:ltion Council Scholarship, BtUy was also the State rKipicnt of the 19)7 Danforth Summer Fellowship and the 19,8 slate recipient of the Internalional Farm Youth Exchange trip to Europe. Mary ~hnning f«eiyed the hOnOr of being the out­standing junior member of the Daughters of Isabelle. Musachusetts Circle.

Sandra Strong played the lead in the campus presentation of "Tiger at The Gates' lut May while Susan Harrington was elected editorial editor of the camous paper and Janet Andrews was elected co·chairman of the Christian Association.

Last April Ingely Hansmann was voted best dressed girl on Clmpus by Gh.m(lll' Ma~u:ine . while Nancy Colbert was voted outstanding senior. Named in Wh,,'s Wh" were Lorraine Wilson, Micki Marcucci Phener. and Nancy Colbert.

Big eyents in the spring included the visit of M rs. Lewis to Massachusetts B and the annual banquet honoring the seniors in carl, May. In April Pi Beta Phi placed second in the annual Greek Week ,ing.


CONNECTICUT ALPHA- UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTI . CUT. Chartered, Apnl 10, 1941. Pled.e Day Marth " 19" . INITIATED. March 3!,: 19H: Jeanne Bianchi , New H ayeni Diane Doran. H artfOrd; Maryalyn Fisk:

J Poquonock Bridge ; J\h rgery

Heimberger. New Hyde Park, N.Y.; Nancy Roughgarden, Pater· son, N. J. ; Sha ..... n T oolin Granby; Gail Tyback. Sandwich. Mus.; Edna Mac Weber, Wapping.

The annu.1 Spring Weekend was held in April, highlighted by the formal held at Colton's in E.st Lyme and a picnic the fol· lowing day at Sweetheart Lake. Also durin!!: the month of April . the chapter participated in Greek WOrk Week. a serviCe proic<t sponsored by Inter Fraternity Council and Pan hellenic. .nd the annual 1: X Otrby Day, A recording of the favorite Pi Beta Phi songs o f the chapter was made .nd enthusiutically purchascd by alumnae as well as .ctivcs and pledges, In the spflng the chapter won the annual Greek Sing on campus.

Pi Beta Phis received honors at the annual Panhelienic Tea held in May. fndividual honors 1\'ere given to Ellen Ch.dwick and Phyllis V alenti for being the senior women w ith the highest scholast ic nerage. Connecticut A was congratulated for achieyin,8 second place in scholarship. Other individual honors arc: Phyllis Valenti and Elizabeth Ber .... ind elected to 4> B K ' Ellen Ch.dwick received the National Amy Burnham Onken Award; J anet M arshall elected to ... A e, history honorary; Janet Brophy and Barbara Olcott initiated into 1: n t, physics honorary; Janlcc Duyser and Jane Benham initiated into ... T O. home economics honorary; kay Kuuner received the Senior Award for the senior showing the most gro .... th durin,!!: her ycan as a Pi Beta Phi. This award wu presented by the Hartford Alumnae Club at $cnior Fare1\'ell in May.

PUDGED: March " 19)7: Florence Arabian, Wyandanch/. N. Y.; Germaine Bergeron, Willimantic; Betsy Bond, Sout h windsor; DorclS Ford, Northboro, M. S!!.; Audrey Heller, Lorna Hosford. Lucy Drieghoff, West Hartford: Arlene Krois, Byram: Elizabeth Liss, East Granby; Janet Marshall Patricia McCamphill, Merrick. Long Island . N. Y . ; Sally Nettlebladt. Avon; Patricia Pohl. Millo/d.


BETA PROVINCE N EW YORK ALPHA-SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY. ChutoI.nd, April 28, 1896. Pledge O.y, Octobol r 28, 19,,.. Malllyn Taylor and Kat ie Wallis IS "Goon" were bwy introducing the freshmen to the Syracuse Campus. }:ane frye and M.ry Lou Dexter arc Campw Guides while Sue Sprenkle is OYer·AII ChaIrman o( the guide program. The foreign students were welcomed to Syracuse by Kay Koster. chairman of the International Guides. In W.S.G. the Pi Beta Phis arc represented bl Peg Dills. a newly clecttd officer. while Mary Lou Dexter is Sa cty and Traffic Commissioner. The Elections Commission is chaired by fun Ergood. ~hry J ane Lahey is a senior edItor of the )ear·book, and the Chapel Board treuurer is Barbara Zschiesche.

INmATW into bonorarjc, .re · . Liz Clark and GIY Johnston Pllce. n A e; Jane Frye and Ellzabetb ullahan. linE: Jane Fl")e, 0 X; Marcia Murph" A ! !..


NEW YORK GAMMA-ST. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY. Charter>l!d Mucb 20 1914, Pledlle Day, FebfUaty 9, 19)8, New York r apcur~ fint place in scholusbip this year at St. Lawrence. The names of SIZ Pi Beta Pbis appeared on the Dean's List. They ue: Ruth Carlin .. , Barbara Gray, Mary Lou Hom, M.nh. Lawton, Mugaret Phillips and Nancy Schloss,

Sandra Clark.c is the new presidcnt of the Women's Student Government Auociation and was elected to Mortar Board.


Pi Beta Phi is also represented by two officers of the Women's Athletic Association. WAA's vice president .nd correspondin& §ccretary arc Ruth Van Wagenen and Sue Wagner res~ctiyely. St. Lawrence's campus social secretary is Anne Finkler. Recently elected to the Mummers Society was sophomore Carol Kemp.

This year three Pi Beta phis have returned from thelt junior year abroad, Marsha Lawton. Barbara. Gray. and Betsy Dunlop.

PLEDGED : Karen Eittreim. Neptune, N .J . ; Barbara Erikson. H emp· stead, N .J.; Joann Page. Niagara Palls; Nancy Schloss. Mt. Vernon; Barbara Scott, Newton Center, Mass.


NEW YORK DELTA-CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Charteud, 1919. Pled,a Day, Febrnty 24. INITIATED, October 1]: Carolyn Carlson. Oceanside; Sydney Clark. Greendale; Leslie Crouse. Wcst Hartfo rd; Sandra D ICkson, Eunnol!.o 111..,; Barb.ra Dunlap Schenectady; Marianna Giacalone. Burtalo; DClh Hooven, Mont: clair, N.J.; Susan Jnbes, Dumont. N.J.; Barbara Kielar, Glen Lyons, Pa .; Carole knoop, H untington Station; Dorinda Larkin. Hollis; l ane Lytt le. Betty Williams, Scarsdlle' Gloria ScOIt. Ithaca; anel Merkel} Saranac; Priscilla Miles. Hastings.on. Hud . son; J anis Mitchclhi I . Rancagua , Chile; Nancy Peery Garden Groye. Calif.; Sandra Tower, Tuckahoe; Anne Warren' Chappa. qua.; Judith Wetzel, Mentor. Ohioi Caro lyn H ill. Bango'r, Me.

A banquet honoring the ne .... initiates was enjoyed by thC' chapter on Octobt'r 13. Spclkers for the occasion were Lynne Gabrielson, Ellen Deger •• nd Marianna Giacalone.

The pledges arc planning a bake sale as their special project. :'English Muffins and Irish Stew," an annual fund raising dinner. IS scheduled for November. Part of the proceeds will go to the Settlement School.

Mrs. Carpenter. province president. is planning to visit New York 6 sometime in November.

Carolyn Carlson wu chosen Spring Weekend Qu«n by a cam,us wide vote. .

The intramural sports trophy for last year was won by Pi Beta Phi.

Ann Reimer was selected for Morur Boa rd and this year she is serving IS W .S.G. A. Yice·president in charge of dormitories. Ollie Reis is vice·president of W.S.G. A .

Joan Williams was elected to 0 N. The award for the highest average for one ac.demic yur was won by 10 Fromm.

Marjorie Nelson was selected as New York 6 's candid:ate for the Amy Burnham Onken Award .

Lynne Gabrielson :and J o Fromm .ttended a Bet. ProvinCe W ork· shop this summer. They gained many useful ideas.


P ENNSYLVANIA BETA-BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY. Chilr. tered, 1898. Pled._ D.", February, 19'8. INITIATED May 16, 1957: Eleanor Body, Boyertown; Nancy Dcan, Fairtie(d, Conn.; Mugaret Hollins head, Library; Margaret J ohnson. Edinboro; Johanne Nielsen. Wilmington, Dela.; M ari lJn Pearce, Westfield. N.J. ; Lynne Schube rt, Glen Rock. N.J . ; can Spaulding. Oak Park. Ill. : Gretchen Squires. Berea, Ohio; lanet Stockham. Balboa Heights, Canal Zone; Miriam T horn, Wallingford; Lorraine \'({aucrmann. Kenmore, N.Y . ; Eleanor Williams. Selinsgroye.

Pennsylvania B began the fall semester with a retreat to the University cotUp;e. The Pi Beta Phis 1\'ere entertained at a dinner at the 4> K +" House. Plans arc being made for the Homecoming float. The chapter is working with 4> r .:1 on the theme "Our Guys Will Sock ' Em."

Joy Stichweh is spending the year studying at the University of Edinburgh in England

Klten Reynolds was elected to Mortlt Board HOnor Society. Lnrrai ne Wasserman was presen ted an award {or the greatest im· proyement in freshman English.


PENNSYLVANIA GAMMA-D ICKINSON COLLEGE. Char. tered, 1901. Pled.e Day, February 17, 19'''. INlnATED, April 10. 1957: Elizabeth Griffith, Ceyton Heights; Virginia Suyer. Down· inE:to1\'n.

Sandra Turner and urolyn Carpenter hay~ been ciected to the Wh~1 and Chain, an organization fo r outstanding senior "'·omen. Sandra is president of the group.

Nancy Mentzer 1\'U awarded the highest recO£nition in sports while Ann BIddie and Susan Hansell reaived honorable mC'ntion for the same. Susan is co·captain of the varsity hockey team.

urnl Dorsey IS a freshman counselor for thit yea r. urolyn Carpenter is tbe business man:ager of the school newspaper and Cynthia Phillips and S~ndra Turner arc business manager and seniOr editor of the yearbook.

At commencement 10 June J:ane Raeder wu .warded a priz.c for having the hirheJt sophomore aveuge and Syl."ia Rambd.o rc<C'ivcd the politica science a1\'ard.


PENNSYLVANIA EPSILON-PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY. Chueered, N ovembu 11, 19'1. INITIATED Sep. tember 21. 19'7: Ferrcl Beck. Media ; J.ne Burd, Abilcoc, Tau; MarylliDDe Da .... son. Scranton; Carol 10 H.rlcness. HoUidaysbwa; Laurann Hill, Wilkinsburg: Margaret }-lube, Old Greenicb. Conn.: Mary Lee KJink. MeriOfl; Barbara RunYOD, P.trici. Runyon. Haver· lown; Judith Schindehette, Pittsburgh; Margaret Sm~rs, West· field, N.J,

Spring semester activity came to a close with "Spring Week" carnival. The Pi Beta Pbis joined aDd worked with 4> A. 9, to acbiC"Ve the third place trophy.


Elinor Wwel Da3d, Linda Walrath, Kaf KJtpper, aDd Nancy Hutcbison sang u th~ "Hi Pbi 's" in a Barber Shop Quart~t con, t~st, sponsored for a philaothropic proj«t. The: " Hi Pbi ' s" woo th~ tropby for IKond placc.

As th~ Pi ~ta Phis r~turned to campus plans .. er~ set: for rushing. as "'ell as the local St1tl~ment School sale aDd Mardi Gus festiv ities.

Linda Wa lrath was elected president of Chimes and abo chosen to be the National .w-cretary of Angel Flight.

Six members of the chapler have ~n initiated into national honour/es. Sally Jervis into ukonides, physical education honorary, Mary TaJlor into I. A n, spe«b honorary, and Pe~ Smyers into A A .6 freshman women 's honora ry. 9 I. 4>, journalISm honou ry. initiated Jean Hartley and Jodie Hough. Sue Mortenson and Nancy Lambert were initiated by • T 0, Hom~ Economics honorary.

Sally Jervis is Intramural Chairman o f WRA. NANCY lJ.WBEJlT

GAMMA PROVINCE OHIO ALPHA-OHIO U NIVERSITY. CbUlered, 1889. PledKe Da,.., Stptember 24, 19". INITIATED, Octobtr 4, 19n; Joann McDermott, Cincinnati~

Spring .social events brought several honors to Ohio A. Among these was the coronation of Jo Nichols as Greele Week Princess. The chapter received the trophy for hning the best booth at tbe Greek Week carnival. The membtn of AX A cholC Lois Yaeger as pledge quccn for the Caln'fUS' Claudett~ Chapptl and Carol Retter were made mcmbtrs 0 the I. X Sweeth~art court; and Connie RORers. a mtmbcr of the. K T Dream Girl court.

Nina Davis and Susan Anderson " 'cre tapped for Chimes, j unior ... omen·s h onorary. Judy Staab is president of A A 4 and Marilyn Davis is a member. Phyllis Petenon was elected to both 41 B K and 4> K 4o. Martha Welkr was preunted with a tlophy from 40 T 0 for bting the 5Ophomole with the hi3h~st 3rades in home economics, and Susan Anderson ... on the X 0 Economics Prize. This fall, Pat Donahey was chosen for Cutler Society, an honorary for exceptional $Iudents who wish to do further study in their rcspectjve fields.

Lee Erdman has been chosen publicity director of the O.U. Center Program Board. SU$ln Anderson is judicial chairman of Women's League. Carol Blosser js trtJsur~r of W .R.A.

PL£l)CEO : Lucinda Adams. Warren ; Musha Cadislt, Jackson; Joyc~ Dun. Vicki Rauch, Athens : Diane Otis, Carol Gattn~r, Columbus; Olive Fred~ricks , Mishawaka. Ind.; Pat Heiser. Shaker Heights: Cynthia H udson, Mansfield i... Kay Kalinowski, Steuben· vill~; Cornelia J.eitholf, Brid.CI:vilie. I"a.; Barbara Myers, Upper S.nduslcv; Sally Price, Muy,vine; S.ndra Rose. Wuhin,8ton C. H . ; Mary Sluss. Alliance ~ CharlOtte Smith, Cleveland Heights; Judy Stub, Avon : Anne ~tr«ker, Marictta; Karen Waldren . Webster Groves. Mo.; Kay Williams. Ne ... Philadelphia: Marilyn W ood­house, N~wark, Del.; Nancy Younker, Greenville.


OHIO BETA-OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY. Chartered, 1894. Pledge D ay, April 8, 19". INITIATED, April 27, 19n: Sctty Bal­lard, Dover; Gwen Demchak, Flint. Mich.: Barbara Hamilton , Franklin; Carol Kruckeberg. Columbus: Kaye MadisJn, Salineville; Joan Maginniss, Mansfield; Jul ie Masse, Sally Phipps, Pat Stil ... ell , Columbus i Cleone McNamara , Delaware; Marcia Reid. Dayton ; Sandra Scnossler, Ashtabula.

A mock rush puty with city alumn~ was hcld in preparation for rushing. Myra Jane Blair and Carolyn Cranmer are Pan hellenic rush counulolS.

Last spring Belty Jo Randolph was elected to Military BaIl Queen Court, Baker H all Queen Court. and May Queen Court. Elected to I. n Orchid Queen Court was Marcia Reid , and J udy Davis was chosen fo r Crescent Queen Court of AX A. Kay Sando .... was sel«ted fo r the court of DrtJm,v:iri of II K A.

During M ay Week the fo!lolll'jng Ohio B's were tapped for campus hono raria : Sally Phipps, Pat Stilwell. Betty Jo Randolph , Mirro", sophomore women's honorary ; Kaye Mad ison, Ch imes, junior women 's honorary. Selected for Motar Board and elected pr~sident and vice.president were Ann Gilmore and Carolyn Cran · mer. Lynda Curtis and Kay Sandow were named to 4> A e, education honorary.

Last summer for th~ second consecutive year act ivcs and alumn~ join~d in a m oney.making project for the Build ing Fund by assembling and s~llins Horu Show programs a t the Ohio State Fair.

Pi Beta Phis outstanding in campus activities ale: J udy H amilton, copy ed itor of the yurbook; Sally Phip;r . co·chairman of Student·Life Conference: Carol Kruckeberg an Sally Phipps. sophomore to .... ·n represe:nUtives, WSGA; Carolyn Curry, repre· senta tiv~ , WRA. Ailce von Le:hmden. Kare Madison. and Mary Ann Sinay are members of the University s highly sel«tive Sym· phonic Choir.

PUDGED; Belty Jn Randolph . Da ytOn; Mary Ann Sinay, Toledo. JANE STEPHENSON

OHIO D ELTA-OHIO W ESLEYAN UNIVERSITY. ChIlJ'­te red, October 3, 192:5. Pled&e Da,.., October " 19". In order to prepare freshman wormn for rushinlJ. Pan hellenic devised a ne .... rush orientation program. Under thu program, upptr class women attempt~d to int~rpret to the freshmen what a ... omen 's fratern ity meant to them. Each sorority and the indelX"fldent group was represented by tWo of its membtrs. The representativcs were


able to trar.scend the sorority bonds and discuss freely and sincerely the pros and cons of sorority life with the freshmen .

On April 29, Ohio 11 joined Ohio E, at OcnilOO University. in celebraties Founders ' DaI. Follo ... inl\: a banquet, Velva Demon Shortz, vice· president of Gamma ProVlDce, spoke to both chapters.

A " mad rush" party was given fo r the da tes o( the aids in the chapter (ollo ... in. thc final formal rush party thi.s fall. Name tags .... 'ere made from pictures in magnines and rcfresbmtnts were served . The entire party followed the order of the regular nub puty.

Honors won by cbapter membc:rs include; Judy Davis, president of K j. n: Syl.is Sanders, 9 A 4>, dramatics bonorary ; Jane McCabe, M 41 A. music honorary: Ann Kin" chairman of th~ G irls ' Industria l School Red Cross progrun ; Jane W iegal, unity ch~r1tlder: Elaine P~tersen , majorette ; Jennie Dickson, 4> 11 E, journalism honorary.

OHIO EPSILON-UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO. Chartered , April 28. 194'. Pled ge Day, Decembee 4. 19". INITIATED, Scptembtr 22 , 19'1; Roberta Backus, Royal Oak. Mich. ; Carol Smith , Toledo; Gretchen Vobbc, Peninsula.

H onors .... ere due to K 4 n members, Dora Ganoom , Pat Moul · ton. Marcia Bruggeman, and the ne ... vice ptc.Sident. Linda Mayo. Linda is also n r H vice-president and chapter president and also received the True Muench Scholarship for scholar of the YUt 19n. Later she .... ·as choun u I 4> E Sweetheart of 19H. A K I, pharmaceutical honorary, invited Shirley Falk to jo in them in membership. Pepper's, women 's honODry, was also in store for Linda and Yvonne Bronowicz who wer~ tapped at W omen ' s Songf~st.

Joanne Culp was cl~cted secretary o f the Studen t Union Board of Governors, and Nancy Gauthier ... as reappointed II socictl editor of the newspaper, COIl,!;dll •

H omecoming proved to be (:Xciting with Sharon Bartley, Men 's DOrm: Sue Nee. T K E; Miss Ohler • .I: A E: and T am Town· undo 4> K '+, all being choun for candidates and final choices.

Informal opeo houses, tns, formal parties, and rush parties ar~ keeping the chapter very busy. Pan hellenic rules have extended rush an extra week and presented off- campus silence period that lasted until October 6. Informal open houses, also, were new to Pen hellenic rules but proved to be a grcat success. Again, Ohio E looks forvo'ard to its tradit ional rush part i~s and sina·songs.


OHIO ZETA-MIAMI UNIVERSITY. Chartered, May ll, 194'. Pledle Da,.., October 10, 19:5 ' . INITIATED, September 30. 19n: 'Barbara Badey. Tokyo, Japan; Barbara Butler, Toledo: Pat ricia Cloud, Wheaton . Ill. : Linda Harper, EV'nston, III. ; P~tricia Mueller, East Liverpool: Susan Schepers, Spring LaI.:e, M ich.; Jo Ann Smith. W ort hington : Carol Weis. Sandusky.

Lau spring brought with it many honors for the Pi Beta Phis of Ohio Z. Kay Glass and Ellie Sweeney were tapped for Mortar Board. Barbara Klein, Marni Ranse! , Sue Stinchcomb, Kathy Parker, Nancy Peine, and Nancy. Webster were tapped for Cwens, the Sophomor~ girls' honorary. Kay Glass was elected president of Associated Women Students and Betsy Britton was elected secre­tary. Kay was also named outstandin,lj Junior and Nancy Arndt '\Vas outstandin,ll Sophomore. Chris Chtlstlanson was elected Junior Class representative. Barbau Laird was choun to be the Dltecto! of the All Campus Show. Nancy Arndt won the Pi Beta Ph i Debutante award which was pr('~nted to the chapter by the Cincinnati Alumn~ Club. Sally Risk Graybill was chosen as sweetheart of 4 T .6, and Sue Swingle was chosen to be sweet· heart of r cf> E.

Ohio Z published a newspaptr called "Croning Arrows" wh ich was sent to the parents and alumns. Barb Boswick was editor.

OHIO ETA-DENISON UNIVERSITY. Chftrlered, September 8, 19H. PledKe Da,.., October I , 19:5'. Ohio n returned to th~ Den ison campus anticipating another successfu l year. Sandra Miskelly is se rving as l:resident of the Denison Christian Em· phas is Prottram, while udy Frost heads the Panhell~nic Coun· cil. Janet Siegel is co·e itor of the Adytum. the school yearbook.

In th~ scholastic department Ohio H raised its scholastic st~nd· ings among the soromies on campus to third placc--the highest sinc~ the chapter was charter~d.

Homecoming week·~nd, October 12h brought back many .Iumnz to Denison campus. The Pi Beta P is III'orked with I. A E on the Homecoming fl oat and house decorations. T he theme was "The Little In jun that Could." Janet Siegel was the chapter's candidat~ for Homecom in,ll Queen.

Ohio U's urvice project th is year is the Golden A,IIeu' home. The girls spend one night a " 'eek adding a cheery note to the lives of older people.

Fall rushing brought a lot of hard work for Ohio Eta but with thanks to rush chairman, Janet Siegel, twenty.five wonderful girls " 'ere pledged. Th~ new Pi Beta Phi pledges were hostesses at an open house for . 11 th~ fraternity pledges.

PLEDGEn; Nancy Adams, T oledo: Cyn thia Allyn. Chillicothe; Christine Anderson , Flint , M ich . : Ruthie Balthaser, Webster Groves, Mo.: Edith Bender, West Orange, N.J. ; Margery Cal­houn, Jayne Fallisr Evanston, Ill. ; Susan Colwell , Chlmpaign , III.; Mar,llaret Cook, E gin. Il l.: Joyce Crich lty, Cynthia Harris, Cleve· land Heights; Jane Den ison, East Lansing. Mich. ; Judith Down· in,ll. Pelham. N.Y. ; Grace Fochtman. New Brunswick. N.J .: J ane Fuedberg, Bethesda , Md. ; Emily Gceuman , Pittsburgh, Pa .: Donna

Imm~. K ingsport, Tenn.; Nancy Mellinger. l«toni!.i. Melinda Mutrl, Wellin~on; Nancy O 'Neill. Lake Genevl., wis.; Con· stance tener. Plnd la}, ; Sandy Salt, Chicalo, JlI.; Patricia Thomu. Bedford: Ilene White, Walern SprinBs. III.


DELTA PROVINCE MARYLAND BETA-UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. Ch ... · tued. 19·.,. Pl.d • • Day, Ottob« 13, 19'7. INITtATED, Septem. ber 21. 19)7: Addiot Moore, Silver Spring; Pc"" Crayite, Chevy Chase; Shirlc;y Grimes Washington, D .C.; Joan Buck, BaltimofC ; Pit Martin, Arnold; Pat Boyles. Fre~rick; Elea nor Putnam, Alu:andria. V •.

The Maryland B Pi Beta Phis were bo no red by the presence of Marianne Reid Wild at the initiltion banquet held September 21. Under the dirKtion of Medora G rava, the chapter captured firs t pllce in tbe in terfraterni ty sinB.

Individual honors were bestowed upon Carole Bowie and J o Martin who were chosen for Mortar Board. Pi Beta Phi president Jo Martin was dected president of MOrtar Board while Carole. who is the fraternity 's vice' president, WIS chosen IS Mortar Baud's editor. AJide from thtse honors, Carole is ao editor of the college newspa~r and jo is associate editor of the year· book.

Maryland B's house corporation ..... as hard at work during the summer. and the chapter murned to a redecorated dinin, rO.lm and irrshly painted wall. in addition to some new furmture .

Tapped for D iamond. Ma ryland's sorority honorary. were Naucye Haler and Ery Dean.

The UOlversity of Maryland was host October 19 when the Queen of Eng land, in the comp.oy of President Eisenhower Visited the campw to witness the fOOtb.1I game between M.ryland and North Carolin.. Special bleacbers were erecled for the Queen's party .nd for the overftow af spectators.

Por the 19,8 fall rushin, at Mary land. Nancy Ped::ham .... as a verall P.nhellenic rush chairman and Marilyn Sanders wu head tOur luder.

RliPLJ!OClD. October n, 1931: Pat Clark. Ruding, Pa. PLEOGEO. October .13

l 1931: Lynn Rades, Baltimore; Heleo Eliu ·

beth Kibler, Kenwooo; Diane Manoll . Wheatan 'b

Sandra M aye Hmneuy. Barba,. Richardson. Bethesd.; Sally Gi bons, Dorothy Bemis, W"hingto~~ D.C-...j Barbara Moore{ Alexandria. Va.; Carol Caprio. Newark. N .j .; vai lyn Gwin, G endalt, Mo.


D.C. ALPHA-THE GEORG Ei WASHINGTON UNIVER· SITY. Charteted, 1889. Pled •• Day-, Sept.mber 29, 19'7. INITIATED. October 6. 1931: Janace Hamilton. Oklahoma City. Okla. ; Mllilou McConnick. Paye Motyka, Washington, D .C. ; Marjorie Prather. Baltimore. Md .

D.C. Alphas. back from summers spent in many parts of the country. combined their efforts in a successful rush season or· Banized by Pepita Laualle. The chapter was honored by the pres· ence of Mrs. Marianne Reid Wild at several parties.

Pi Beta Phi janace Hamilton is serving as president of StronB Han , the lar,est .... omen·s donnitary and social chainnan of Big Sisters. while new students It The GeOrge Washington University are enjoyin. two new dormilories. Madison Hall for women Ind Adam. Hall for men.

The chapter is very proud of Betsy Evans. chosen autstandin& sophomore woman on campus, and Bev Borden. dected May Queen and chosen outstandinll; senior woman .

Student Council Frrshman Director Elva Sch:oebel will be hpt busy in her additional office as trainer of the chapter's elC"Yell new pledges. Also on the: Student Council. serving IS proSnlD dite'Ctor, js Pi Beta Phi 's Pepita Lassalle.

The chapter is also displaying the Inlu·Sorority Athletic Board Cup ..... on by Pi Beta Phi for the second consecutive year. Tapped for Tassels. sophomore women 's honoraty. were Nancy Lee Head. Elaine Lam. Kay Palic. Susan Porter and Vicki Powen. Betsy Evans is serving as president of A A ft., scholastic honorary fo r women. while Janace lUmihon is secretary of the group.

The nCIt big social function at the University is the annUli Homecoming Weekend. A variety ahow a footba ll aame ..".ith Boston Uni.ersity, a ftoat contest, and the HomtComin, Ball ate on the schedule for D.C. Alphas .

PLIlDClD: jean Bakke, Oakland. Calif.; Elaine Bissell. LaNelle Peterson. Arlington . Va.' Nina DiPierrr. Bronxville. N.Y.; Gloria Farkas. Clifloo. NJ; j une Keller, Betsy Scrivener. Wash· ington. D .C.: l aan LeBosquet, Sharon Rcnmngen. Ale:undria. Va.: Pat l\1nkln . BakersfiCld. Calif.: Judi Ubel. Minneapclil. Minn .


VIRGINIA ALPHA-RANDOLPH.MACON WOMAN'S CO[.. LEGE. Chart .. red, 1911. Pled,. D.y, SeptemlNt- 21, 19'7. Elt:anora Driver and Edwina Sykes became mcmben of • B B: at the close a f tbe sprins KlDester. Martha McKay was selected as the junior rccipiml af the josph Lamb Armstroog Scholarship fo r her outstandin, work in £n,lish; Eltaoar Driver received I Quill Driver Award .nd was abo awarded a Fulbright Scholarship ror study in E~laod . Elected 10 Studmt Go .. emment positioos (or 19)7, 1958 were Virginia Catching, president and .. ice-presidtnt of West Hall: TOni Da1. chairman o f Orientatioo; j o Gro'ID. Sidney Reid. Betty }o 'Flte. Lyno H ume. and Ano Sc.hudy. Stu· dent Committee ~resentati .. es ; May Cos-. vice-president of tbe Y.W .C.A. : Jane Cornick. secrrlary·treUUIer of tbe Athletic Associl. tion: hany Zimmerman. assistaot chairm.an of the Social Com-


millee and prcaident af Ihe Westminster Fellowsbip : Renie Fer,u· son . Senior representative to Ihe judiciary Committee: .nd Iktty ja Fite. co·chairman of Sophomore Parents Weekend.

Marie Woody re igned as May Queen. Edwina Sykes WIS Maid or Honer aod Henrietta Gwaltney. Lila Scott. Kay Smith, and Penny Zimmerman were on the May Court.

Toni Oay bas been chosen chairman of the fall OrientatiOn Committee.

Named on the Dean 's List for the Spring semester were Seniors: Eleaoora Driver; juniors: Toni Day and Martha McKaYJ· Sophomores: Belty jo Filet Barblla Griffing

j Virginia Quinn. an

Paula Ra~usa : and Fresnmcn: Edith Ga lagher. Lynn Hume. Martha Mills. Ann Sc.hudy. and Penoy Zimmerman. Kay Smith and Betty j o Fite were chosen Junior Ushers, • scholastic honor. with Kay being tlected Co·Head of the group.

Caro l Penn was the May Day n, while I' and Snake chose Belty j o Fite. P. M. chose Marilyn Barineau. Jo Gro,an l and Sidney Reid, while the Blazer Club selected ~(arilyn BarlReau .

Pl.I!DGlln: Suzanne Blythe. BeUy Brady. Suzy Sha lfant. Bud Evans. Francie Pite. Shearin Grubbs. Dedee Gunnin. Laura Ham· mock. Sylvia Hoag. Nancy Hushston, Carol King. Mary McGee, Susan Mctz , Sharon Raney. j udy Richardson. Mary Ruffin. Francis Scott. Calhey Searls, Anna Stewart, BarbaTa Stone. Susan Surr. Sue Van Horn. j ao Walker. and Nancy Ward.

FaANcu PillSlNGEI.

VIRGINIA GAMMA-COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY. Ch.rtered, 192'. Pled •• nar. N ovember 19, 19'6 and F.bruary 281 19" . Tbe cbapter Invited the new Dun of Women , Birdena Donaldson . and her auistant. Miss K ing. to dinner 10 get better acquainted with them .

Nancy Simmoru ,.on the Mortar Board Scholanhip; Pat K ing "w" tapped to Mort.r Board in the spring and rteently was ap· pointed President's Aide. Judy Dickerson .... " voted ouutanding Freshman woman. Ann Shoosmith wu tapped into B 1: n. National Oassin Fraternity.

Other honors received were: Nancy Gilliam. set:retaty of Sopho­more CI.ss; Jane Palmer. s«rctaty of Pep Club having thirty· tight Pi Beta ""Phi members. Priocesses It the ROTC nail were Ann Perkins and Nancy Simmons. Six mcmben are cheerleaders. Mary Ann Curti' wu head of the Orientation Program with eight memo bers as sponson. Twyla W illey was d«ted president o f Orchesis. the modern dance ,roup; Pat King. secretary·treasurer of Student Body. Four members Ire on Honor Council witb one on J udicial Council. Ginny Wachob was elected president af W AA and jane Boonnan. Secretary of WAA. lynn Carr 'W" dected IS Assembly Woman.

The chapter wdcomcd the visit o f Miu Mary V. WilliamJ. Province President. who aHended the rwh parties.

PUOGIIO: Roberta 'Armstrong, Billie Calherine Howland . Alexan· dria; l o rna Bowen. Portsmouth: Ann Bro .... n. Carolyo Todd. Elizabeth H umrickhouse. Norfolk; Mary Morrison. Newport News j Mary judith H igh . ArliRJton; Regina Ann Holland. Suffolk; Nancy Ann Hutton . Charlottesville; Mary Benson Lightner. Purcell · ville; [Jnda McCray. W est Point; Alexandra Sandy McGrath. Palls Church: Palric.a Moore. Richmond; Susan Moyer. Raanoke; Betty Parker. Providence Forge; Jane Ridout. Ashland; Maureen Rumau:a. Newport. R.I.: julie Morxan, Chesterton. Ind.: JOin Costabell, Searsdale, N .Y.; Suzanne Frenslcy. Dallas. Tn.

J ULI. V .... K-OS

WEST VIRGINIA ALPHA-WEST VIRGINIA UNrvER· SITY. Chartered, 1918. Pled.e Day, September 28, 19'7. INI· TIATED. September 26. 19)7: Sandra Conwell , Clarksbura.

Honors rrcei .. ed by West VilSinia A lut spriOA were: Elizabeth Darnell. n K A Dream Girl. Mary jane Powell. initiated into • T O. Prances Baroes and Ruth Conley .... ere elected to Y.W.CA. Senior Cabinet. j oy Strawn was elected to Y.W.C.A. Junior Cabi. net. j udy Porter and Ann McMun n received Hub and Spoke Awards for beiog outstaoding senior .... omen. Carol Riggs Pasquale w.s initiated into • B K. rrances Barnes ""'as initiated into Chimes. junior WOmtn's bonorary. and jane McMillion and Ruth Keister were ini tiated into Spokes, senKlr .... omtn·s mock hononry. Wut Virginia A pllced s«cnd 10 the Mother's Day Sing. Ruth Keister was co-ordina tor of the High School leadership Committee. and Joy Strawn and j oan Bratton were chasen secretaries for the ·Monticol.... the West Virginia University yearbook.

Pall honors. which have been r«eived include: j ane McMillion who was ~lected as an R.O.T.e. spensor. Martha Neuenschwander was elected to repruent the chapter as Mountaineer Weekend queen candidate. and Francine KO("ni~ and Anne Taylor have parts in the University Playen production of " The Lark."

ListeninA parties have been planned with 1: • E on October 12 and K 1: on Novcmber 2.

PUDGIIO: Bonnie Belt. Petersbur~: Barbar. Sue BoJert. Buck· h.nnen : Sanh Brawley. Sally W ilhcit. Charleston: Lois Can It)'. Spencer: l ynn Cromwell. Sandra Shomo. Elkins; Nina Fletcher. Ann Roberts •. Parkesbu~: . Carolyn Houck. Lewisburg: Deborah Kart. Oendmm; K.y Miles. Montgomery; Betty Jo Richards. Mor,anlown.

EPSILON PROVINCE MIC HIGAN ALPHA-HILLSDALE COLLEGE. Chartered 1817. INrn .... TED. October '. 19)7: Marty Bayham. Delores Hoover. and Judy Mears.

1he second xmcster found the Michi,an A's bu.sr at work with the pled,es. Ind prepafltlan for Mardi Gras.


The chapter beld the annual opu! bowe lot ne., men on campUJ.

In the Mardi Gru celebruion n B • presented a ROali." Twenlles skit and caplured the Mardi Gru trophy with Charleston dancers, a lllpper Singer, and a calrplO brush.

Joanne Jones .,u elected J .Hop Queen. Marlene Lundgren wu e1rctcd May Queen,

After H onon Day the Michigan A'I . ·ere once again jubilant, wjth the highest 'verase for both actJves and plcdscs to .,in the Scholarship Cup. Epsdon Delu Alpha tapped JOl Carn.han, Alice DePew DeKter, JaM M,ur«, Carol Merchant. ulia Sapala. • nd Ann Bodnar. Lamplighters chose Flo Eubank and Mafy Shibley.

In honor oC the Illdu'llDg seniors the Michi&an Alpha Ch.in, a chapter publication contalnin-. a sh:ut ruwne of the seniors' activitlcs aod chapter {unctions. was presented to each active. Two of the graduatinl Knion. Jo Cammeu and Bttty Brown, achieved an all A average their last IClDCSter.

Lucie BlUere received the ch.pter scbolarship cup for greatest active improvement and Joy Carnahan a citation for highest active .ver.ge. Michigan Alph. rcceived the Vera Moss Bowl for chapter improvement.

Tbis September at Honors Assembly Michigan Alpha retired the scholarship cup .fter winning it thru acmesters in a row. Jo Jones wu tapped for Lamplighters.

The house WIS orwly redecorated in the summer by the aiumnJe. Nancy Sheldon painted a mural depicting life in Hillsdale in the lHaller smoker.

ThrC'C out of the siz candidatel for H omecoming Quun ate Mich. A's-Rima Frttman, Jud y Green, and Jane Maurer.

March 24. 19)7, we initiated ""enty·two pledges: Jean Alez· ander. Laura Lou Anderson, Barbara Ottl, Caror Bohner , Mar}' Lou Dover, Sue Eason, Amoret Erbs Kay Gehring, Nancy Gunn, Cheryl Hafer Mar}' Hall, Sue Henderson, Marilyn H uel,kemper. Joanne KowalSki,! Sue Malon~~ Sail, Mackintosh. LeVeme McGra .... ~bil Salsbury. ;,ue Sauter, Nancy Sheldon, Janice Smerda. Nancy Thayer.


MIC HIGAN BETA-UNIVE RSITY OF MlCHI GAN. Char­tered, 1886 . Pled,e Dey, March 1 19'8. INITlATJ!l). October 4, 19H: Sylvia HaiJItJ',l.,. Ann ArboHr' Lorna MlJuire. Grosse Poiote; Margaret McCaul , Dloomficld ilia; Mary Elleo Lewis, Coral Gables. Fla. : Susanne Rockne, Zumbrota, Minn.; Diana White, Monmouth, III.

'In League N!Jbt many honors were fiven to Pi Beta Phi. Lind. BJlling and Ahce Louie were tapped or Scroll. A lice Louie and Vera Khoury received Scroll scholarships. POII~ VanSchoick and Janet Neary were lapped for Mortar Board. ocrlyn Wett was elected to ... B K. Donna Wickham and Alice oyer were ta{'ped for Wyvern . Alice Louie was elected chairman of Lca§:ue J udiCIary, with K.y Y onker' and Karen Nelson on her committ rr. SylVIa H aisley was elected to the pos ition oC Chairman of the Skating CommIttee on the Women's Athletic Board.

Michigan B is well repre,entt'd in several other activit ies through. out campus: Cynthi" Lister lJ chairman of the International Com· mittee II the women 's League. Sue Rocknee is chairman of the Public Relations Committee in Sl\Ident Government Council. Julia Ann Baker is vice·chairman of loint Judiciary Council. Mary Ellen Le ... is is the A"inant Disp ay A vert ising Man.ger of the Vili/,. Joanne Ortwein is chairman of publicity for Home­coming with [aura Mali:uire IS her assistant. Mary Ann Nicoll was admitted into Enli:lish Honors lut spring. linda Balling is on the council Jt the Education Colleg~. Janet Neary is work in. with (acuity leaders on the campus Development Council.

There are others who have brcn t«ognized outside the cam{'us. Karen Taylor placed first in piano in the State Student Auditions Contest sponsored by the Federation Music Club. She placed second in the regional contests. J anet Neary is regional chairman to the Nuional Student Association.

This summer lucy Ellen Rilry attended the Univenity of Ozford in london. England . Margaret McCaul and Ann Osborn attended the Univenity o"f H .... aii.

Michi§:an B ha: I new housemother; Mrs. Margaret Willis who came from the Univef1ity of Missouri.


M IC HIGAN GAMMA- M IC HIGAN ST ATE UNIVERSITY. CherleHd, F.bruary 11, 19 .. ,. Pl.dge D ay, M .y 9, 19". INInATW. April 26. 19)7 : Cathy1kmis. l udy Buchan.n, Birmin§: . ham; Marilyn Iktweiler, Homewood. I I.; Dranna Ounn, Bay City; Mary Francrs F.rgher, Michig.n City, Ind. ; Joann Gist inger, loIS Nobes , Detroi t : Gretchen Hubacker. Cheboyga n; Sara Kessel· ring. Jonesville; Gail Miller. Sheboygan. Wis.; J ane Nolen. Muslcr,l1;on; Susan Russell, Western Sprin§:s, III.; Jackie Toikkaneo, Ashtabula. Ohio ; M'IT Watson, Dearborn; Doreen Wood, Snyder. N.Y.

The chapter ... as ?ery happy to welcome four transfers to the college; Bobbie Bauer, from Ohio Z, Judy DeVille and J udy Gib­son from Ohio n, and Gloria Gatz from Indiana E.

Last spring, the chapter, along with Ben, won the first place trophy at the Sruucade Carnival, with a booth entitled " Ah So." Water Catni.a follo ... ed a few 1I\'eeb later .nd the chapter. this time ... orkin,t with'" !J. e. lI. in won !irst prize with a 80at, " Mutiny On the Bounty."

The chapter allO lot into the act in the annual A X A Junior )00 Races, by racing to a second place victory with Patty Tavenner driving.

At May MorninA: Sinl, Gail Miller was tappcd lor Tower Guard .nd chosen .ice·prelidrnt for the coming yeu. Ann Mottinger,


who wu tapped for Mortal Boud, alJo JCn'CI the chapter ., .ic~· pmickot ana is rush counselor for Panbe:llcoic Council. Judy Langobr w., abo choKn u a rush couosclor. aloOl; "'Itb Ann.

Judy M~yer prepared the Nrwll«tCr during the summer mooW. Plans are now underway for bomecomina weekeod with llIinoH.

.nd the chapter is bua.ily workiog OIl the bouat displa,. Preceded by (ormal fall 1«'1$ November 2 and 3. dda.led rwh

II Michi,an State will uke place im.mediatelf aftu the Christmas holidays.

Even in the midM. of all the activity. M ichigan r plac~d second in Kholarship and won the Scholarship Jmpra..cmtnt t rophy .

PLEDCED: Mary Ellen Bills, Lansing; Nancy Paul, Jackson; Sue Shoemaker, Jooesville.


O NTARIO ALPHA-UN I V ERSITY OF TORONTO. Cb ... • t. red, 1908. Pled .e O a)', October 2 1, 19" . Dr. Sidoey Smith, formerly prnadeot of the University of T oronto has resisned hiS position to become Caoada's Minister of Eztern.1 Affaiu. De.n Moffat Woocbide is now act ing president.

The Toronto Blues ... On their first football "ame of the se.son, cheered to victo!1 by Sandra MacFarlane and Aileen McEwan. both chosen Vanity Cheerleadefl again this teaf.

Ontario A is well repre5tnted in co lege activities. Mary McLeod WIS chosen {'resident of the undergr.duate usociation of Physical and OccupatJonal Thelan,'. Wendy Law was elC:Cted vic~·president of the French Club and Sandra MacF.rI,ne . 'U choacn director of publicity for University CoUese. Other memhers .re also VCr}' active in campus athlrties and club funnions.

Jill Armstrong, Mary Timmens and Wendy Law achieved first clus scholastIC honours as a result of lut ~rm's final czamina · tions.

Jane Doyle, Mamie littlejohn, and Nancy O'Reilly were .warded bonour pcndanl$ for service on th~ir colle~ councils.

The chapter house was redecorated during the summer by the Alumnae club and the active members are looking fOl'Wud to hold· ing Opcn House October 26 for the homecoming weekend.

The chlpter h .. been ent~rtained by ... r A this term and membra are now preparing for a debate with e !J. X.

The phillnthroplC project undertaken by Ontario A this year includes visiting newly Immigrated Hungari.n families and h~lp . ing them acquire friendship and happiness in their new homeland .



il October, 19 J4 . Pledlle Day, s.,pllmber 29, 19,,..

Ontario heRan this school year by_ wtlcoming nineteen new pledges and twenty activ~s .t the Ch'pter convention on the "'eekend of September 20. During the weekend • luncheon and dinner were served to everyone and activities taking pl.ce in the fall ... ere brieRy outlined to all pledge:s.

Oue to the flu epidemic that swept the campus during the first few weeks, Ontario B had a Ic<:ond pledgi ng ceremony to accommodate 1111'0 pledges who were jll on the first occasion.

The pledge square dance wu held early in November and il$ great success hu practically established it as an annual event.

Shortly after pledgins the London Alwnnz Club entertained the pltdges and the active chapter at a wiener rout at the home of Mrs. B. M.cLean.

PLEDGED: Mar8aret Gillies Martha Farncomb. Katherine L.oUSh· lin. Constance McKay, Mollie Thompson. London; Judith Blake· ston, lynn Williarru, Toronto; Marilew Hahn, Nancy Kirkpatrick, New Hamburs; Mary Rimstead. Oakville; Ann Walker. Dunn · ville; Kltbaflne Coulson, Calgary; Sallie Crabtree. BtamJYilI~; M.rcia H ill. Dunda!.i Elizabeth Plnchin. Midland; Elizabeth Ter· rill. l indsay; Gay l ompkins, Weiland; Margaret Wishart. Sault Sainte Marie; Joan Lambrick, Orill i •.

M ..... GO CU .... 'I

ZETA PROVINCE I ND IANA ALPH A-FRANKLIN COLLEGE, Chertered 1888, PI. dlle O.y, Septemb .... 2 1, 19,,.. INtn ... T1ID, September 14, 19)7: Patricia Andrews, Karen Lemley, Virginia Vandivier. Franklin; Linda Vandivier. Morg.nto ... n; J une Mitchell, Brazil; Eva White, Ne ... A lbany.

Last spring four Pi Beta Phis received .wards at the ant'lual Franklin College Honor Da)'. Judy Balxock and Jantl Cartwright ...ere preacnted awards IS bemg oustanding in the held of dramatics and speech. Bttty' Smith rc<:eived an Ensemble Merit Certificate in music and the Baldwin Priu in classical langu.ges WIS presented to Eleanor Brinkman for outstanding work in Latin.

Laurals. undrrclasswomen 's honorary, linked June Mitchell at the M.y Day <:tremOny; .nd Betty Smith wu tapped to Gold Quill, equivalent to Mortar Board.

Honors at the cookie·shine, which WIS held alter rushing on September 17, were: Bttty Smith. outstanding Senior in humani· tiest Jane Johnson Kigbt, ~rade improvement over a three yur peflod, June Mitchell, highest scholarship durins freshmao year. and Linda VandiVier, pledge of the year.

Indiana A was ve'J hapP'f that Janet Cartwright won the National Service Aw" .nd that Betty Smith won the California Alpha Scholarship.

PLEDGEt); luora Langley. Jonita DeVore, Indianapolis: fUren Green, Ann Lynch. Speed ... ay; Alice Camp_bell, Franklin; Kay Carr, South Bend; Iknrly Dildine, Fort Wayne : Chlistinc SiS' mund; Donna Calvin, Nancy Armuth. Columbus; Donn. Kennedy, River Rouge, Mich . ; Geraldine Quick, J ,cbon. Mich.



INDIANA BETA- INDIANA UN IVERSITY. Ch.rtered. 1893. Pltdae V _y, September l?-, 19.57 . INITI .... TED. ~pttmbtr 27. 1957 : Karen Bowen, Alinston Heights. Ill.; Mary Lou Buhr, Barbara George, Judy Marchino, Nancy Richwine Indianl{'Olis: Libra Cleveland. Deborah Waldtn . Bloomington; Lind. Fullard, Prince­ton; Leagenc Gulin~, Muncie ; Ann Gerrish, Clinton; Jane Klock. Auburn; Frances Ku:mt'r, EVInston, III . ; Sherry Lackey. Hopkins­yjllt, Ky.; Marguet McConnell , Winchester, Ky.; Nancy Neubauer, Owensboro, Ky,; Lee Pryor. Calhoun City. ~hu.: Diane Roc. Fo rt Wayne: Pat Scott, Hinsd;dc. III.; N ancy Stern, New A lbany; Ann Sullivan , Delphi: Nancy Webster. Park Ridge, III.; Sally Wertz, Carmel.

Last sprioa: the Pi Bela Phis or Indiana B won the annual Spring Sang, sinfin&: " One World " with the 1: A E',. The chapttt also woo first pace b, bt-in& the coed sponsor of the I N's, wbo won the "little '00" bicycle race.

Pat Kelson ... .IS elected 10 • B K lut sprinR:. Morlar Board cbose Sandra Schroeder and Linde Schmidt. Elected to Eno mene, sopho· more activilies honorary, were Diane Roe, Margarel McConnell, Barbara George and Sherry Lackey.

Sandra Funke and Vi rginia Sly were elecled to seI'Ve on Union &ard for thi, school year. Marsalet McConne ll is a member of the Y.W.C.A. (abinet and Laura jean Passow is servins on the Auocialion of Women Students Council. Linde Schmidl is oow servins on the Student Suprcmc Court.

Nancy Kierspe took the feminine lead in the fiul University Thealer production of the year, " Petticoat Fever." Libra Cleveland, .. 'ho also appe.ued in tbe production, was elected to e A 40, national dramatics honora/'J' .

Earl, in October, the chapter scholarship banquet was held at which time awards were presented and Me Lyons, progum co­ordinator of the Union. spoke.

At the annual Pill Carnival. which raiscs funds fo r the Campus Chest. the Pi Beta Phis joined the A TO' s with a booth which featured two vaudeYille shows.

In November. the anoual fall pled,e dance .... as held. The theme ,,'U " Teahouse of the Pi Phi Moon' and the house " 'as decorated with a j apanese motif.

PUOCl!o: Patricia Alsop. Vincennes i Many Ann Neal. Nobles· ville; Kan~n Roett,ll;e r. Evansville: Vltginia Pugh, FOrt Wayne ; H arriet Stilwell, Indianapolis.


INDIANA GAMMA-BUTLER UNIVERS ITY. C harteHd, AUIUIt 27. 1897, Pled&e D ay, ~..ptembel' 18, 19'7. INITIATED, Octobt-r 6. 19)7 : Joan Abraham. Seymour; Jann Hccb, Conners· ville; ludy Bergen,.: Danville; Pat Crook . Anderson; Nancy Bush. BellCTi Ie. III.: ;)andy Templin. Richmond: Joanne Metcalf. Barbau Grimsley, Sally Holden. Patsy T ownsend, Mary H acke· ~yer, Sharon Petty. Indianapolis.

Nancy Bu.sh rcceived a recognition pin for the highest grades and Joanne Metca lf was named Outstanding Pledge.

Lan May. Marcia DeWitt .... u crowned Junior Prom Queen. Seventeen Pi Bc:ta Phis ""ere elecled into the class honorarics lasl Sprin •.

Suzie Hopkins .nd Mary H ackcmeyet were chosen !n lr..a.d the cheers for Buder this year. Sonia Harrer was e1ecled a mal0rette.

PLEDGEO: Suzie Bassel!, Carlml ; Viclc.i Foreman . Peru: Sarah Ruddell. Lebanon'

b Sonia Harrer. Shelby, Ohio; Karen Ed ... ards.

Claire Stitle. Bar .Ira Vou. Karen Baldwin. Cynlhia Croslr«l, Barbau French. Sue Fromhold. Janet Graver. Judy Hansen. Suzie Hopkins, Linda Crockett Joyce and Judy Morrow. Indianapolis.


INDIANA D ELTA-PURDUE U NIVERSITY. Cbarurtd 1921. Pledge Day , February 10, 19'7, Madonna Oienhan and Joan Marvel Abbott were tapped for Mortar Board . M arilyn }-feasley was awardtd a Mortar Board Scholarsh ip which she is using for graduate WOrk at the University of Pittsburgh .

Gold Pe~rs. I local activities honorary for upperdass women, chose: Madonna Oienhart. Carolyn Evans, Shirley Gayda, Ta;:!.na Schmidek. Orue Wilkes Van Pullen, and Nancy Wo rden for mcmbel1hi'p. Bett)' Moody is serving IS the vice·president Jnd pledge tumer of Ihis organization .

Working on Purdue's daily newspaper, tbe &/10""". arc Nancy Worden. Feature Editor; and j oan Nading, Jun~r Campus Cop)' Editor.

Barbara Cl ingman. linda McNc-cI)" and Kristin Noer arc Junior Editors for D,I>,.iI, the campus yearbook.

On the Juniot Executive Board of the Office o f Student Services is Susanne Bartlett. Susanne .... as the recipient o f the Outstanding SophomOre A ... ard presenled a t State Oa)'.

Betty Hess has b«n elected president of Junior Panhdlcnic. Choulctn. the Pwdue chorale group for women. has elected

Nancy Hadley as their accompanISt. In an aU·senior election . Elva )0 Downing .... IS choseo lola)'

Queen. She reiltned over University Sin,lt fesrit'i tics. The New 4 T 4 Queen is Gaye Kutcbins.


INDIANA EPSILON-DEPAUW UN IVERSITY. Charttred, 19-42, Pledge DIY, ~pumber 26, J9,7: INlnATtO, Octobt-r 20. 19)7: Marth.J Ann Dorsett. Indianapolis: K.J )' Grc-cne, lake .. ·ood. Ohio: jill Hohgricve, Webster Groyes. Mo.; Oi.n ne Jack~n. Kirkwoodl Mo.

Sue Sttldr:land is AWS donn advisor at Locust Manor Ind Ka), Habtad is on AWS dorm std. P:!.rticipating io freshmao orienta· tton were Doni Cunningham and Karlcnc English.

Susic Cubb represented DePauw II thc 10th National Student Conlress al the Univcrsity of Michig.n this past summer.


Last spring Carolyn Bculcy was elected to Mortar Board, and Massie Warnc was awarded the AWS Servicc ring and is co· chaIrman of Dad 's Day Weekend.

PUDGED : ~ptembcr 26, 19H: Amy Armer, M aywood, 111.; Ellen Combs. Terre H aute; Marietta Farrier. Dayton. Ohio; Karen Jenkinson. Ellie Rapp. Chicago. Ill. ; j oycc Jones. Lynn Orwi.a: Winnetka. III. ; Kathr.. Ka pellas. Auroral Ill.; Pcggy McQuiston: Ttlcla Myers, Lou Garriet, India napolis j Ann Madole. South Bend; j o Ann M osbau,II;h. Elwood; Sally ;)mith , Kenilworth, Ill .;

lud y Stackhouse. Fort Worth; Alice Stout, M entor, Ohio ; Char· ene von Rosen . River Forest. III.


INDIANA ZETA-BALL STATE TEAC HERS COLLEGE. C hanered, Augun 2J , 19'2. INITIATI!D. April 7. 19H: Frances Bly Converse; Paull &Icrjack. Mishiwaka; Carolyn Chutain Bc:dford; J anice Hattendorf. Fort Wayne: Carole Henderlon,: Kokomo; Aosalie H iatt, Nohlesville; Barbara Irwin. Funkfo rt ; ) 0 Ann j olly. New Albany; Carol j ur$enson. H ammond; Lorene Nor­tOn. Colfax; Carolyn Patterson. RIchmond ; Mary Patricia Paller· son, Rushville; Susan Powell, Gynelh Sprun,et, Indianapolis; P:!.tricia Puckett, Co lumbia City; Sharon Ronneau. Valpara iso; Sonja Sue Rouch. Peru: Diana Sampson\. Pat Stlltton, Vicky Timmons. Anderson' Susan SCh .... eikcr. urbana; Sue Spitler, Barbara Waechter, South Bend ; Jean Trwty. Muncie ' Doris Whitehad. New Paris. •

J udy Miller, Bubara Bailey and Wynara Daugherty have joined the speech and hearing therapy honorary . 1: A H. and Carolyn Coulson now belongs to A ,1 9 . Sandra Thompson has been made Senior Editor of the campus yearbook, Th. O,ir"J. J ud y H anagan ... as ini tiated into Clavia. senior " 'omen 's honorary.

KAy THOltN8uaG

ETA PROVINCE K ENTUCKY ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE. Pledge D ay, Septtmber 17, 19". Leadership Camp. whIch is unique with the University of Louisville, is held at the beSlOnlOS of ca~h fall ~mesler. Pi Beta Phis attending this year were Cuole C:!.udlll, preSident of the chapter; Mal Bc:verly Wade editor of the university annual; Beverly Huter, oan McDonough. Barball CUl and Patty Downey.

'''fa ret File was chosen outsunding senior woman Jnd Carole CaudiJ was chosen outstanding sophomore woman. Elected II University CommiSSIon heads from Kentucky A .... ere Beverly Hester and 'Barbna Gray. j oan McDonougb is corrcspondin,!l secretar, o f the Un iversi ty Student Senate.

Tapped for membership to CWENS, a sophomore honor societr ' were "terrie Price, Barbar:!. Mi lts, Helen St mchcomb. and Bc:ver y Hester. who was elccled vice president. J oan McDonough was liPped for Morur Boud.

First place trophies won by Kentucky A include the Red Cross ~rophr. ~arber Shop ~~ns. a!ld Ou~slanding Sororily award, which .... _ .. _ _ ~ competitive POiDt bUls.

At the start of U of L s football season Faye Cozart and Beu)' Leathers " 'ere elected Cheer Leaders.

The Kentucky A Mothers ' Cluh ,!lave a tea the firs l Sunday in October to extend membership III the mothers of the new fall pledges.

PLIlOCEO : H Jnnelore Angermayer. Phyllis Bader Sarah Baker, Nancy Blakey . Lois Clifford. Anne Duncan, Ann ·Frerman. Janet Frick . Sue Grafton . Mary L Irwin, Sally j ohnson, Linda Kambach. Betsy Leathers. Janis Newkirk, Judith Ochsner. Ida Ruth Schneider, Anne W imbish.


T ENNESSEE ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF CHATTANOOGA. ChantHd. 1923. Pltdge Day, Septtmber 24, 19". Last Sprina. Donna Phillips was elected Military Queen and Nona Johnson I nd Marilyn Harris were chosen to bt- in the ROTC Sponsor', Corps. Ann Knox .... as elected president of the Canterbury Club and the Religiou.s Council. Nona Johnson received the editorship of the Afot.sJi", the U.C. yearbook. Sandra Po ... ell .... as chosen .IS president of K X E, wOlmn's honorary service fralernity , and jeanne Carlsqn rccei\'cd Ihe posilion of prcsldent of the W omen's Athlet ic Associa· tion. Donna Phillips .... as selected to be the head cheerleader and was Ilso elected 5oCcreUry·!reasurer of the Student Body. Marilyn Harris received the POSt of secretary o f the Senior Class and member of the Honor Council. Mortar Board tapped Nona j ohnson. Maril yn Harris and Pat Puterson and elected Pat to serve as ils president.

Puocro: Carol Sorcmt Concordia. Kan.; judy Moore. Chicago; Margaret Bromley . loUIsville. Ky.; Pauy Kaylor. Oak Ridge: Dana Dc"·C')'. Washington. D.C.; Amanda Williams. Rome. Ga.; Courtney McCampbell , Corpus Christi. Tex .: Judy Morton . Barban. Painter. Pat Stephenson, Carol Prince, Marilyn Voges, Barbara Ha le),. Jane MurDh),. Chulorte Cummin,tS. Pat Ma), . Helen Barrett, GJylor }folder. Becky Steakley. Chattanooga.

M ...... 'LYN H ...... '!

TENN ESSEE BETA-VAND ERBILT UNIVERSITY, Char· tered, November 9, 1940. Catherine Turner the cbapter 's presi­dent. was elected Drum Girl of IT K A. Barbara Sue Putman was cro ... ned White Rose ~C'ftI of 1: N. Sharon u,ltOn ... u named Min Chanl), In a campus ... ·,de money uisin,lt drin for charity. Catherine Turner and Nancy Farris ... ere upped for Mortar Board. Ellen Purson ..... s chosen to be one of the Univenitj's four co·ed Cheer­leaders. Van Kirtley was chosen the Sponsor of R.O.T.C:s PelShin.:


Ri8es. Naney Furi, was electtd prcsident of the N ursioll; Student AssocIation. Connie MdUy IS the new pre-sident of the junior Qus Nursing Studttlu. Four members were elected to • lJ K ; Betty Klepper. Eleanor McCain, MallY Ready P,urent Taylor, and Mar· laret Ann Harwell Looney. Nancy Fauis and Lynn Hili uStCl were elected to r. 9 T.

Pall semester got off to a .cood SUfi .... hen nine members rtpre· scnted Teonasce B during Rush Week at Auburn . The Pi Beu Phis Ite now in tbe midst of preparinl for the VolIC'Jball Touma· avnl whicb is tbe first sPOrts "ent of the yeu. Homecoming preparations are well underwa, as the game is on November 2.

The Uni"ersity switched from the Quarter System to the Semester System It the bc$inning of the 19" school year. Due to this fact the ducs for Nsh,n.c have not been determined.

PLl!DGlD: March 26. 19)7 : Ellen Peirson. Louisville. Ky. ELEANOI. Foa!!

TENNESSEE GAMMA-UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE. ChutoRnd, May H, 1948, PI.d,_ Day, Sept.mber 16, 19'7. INtTIATED. September 1~, 19)7: Sarah Anderson, Knoxville; Ldlian Ronzo. AtMos; Nancy Wilson, Madisonvi lle.

Tennessee r membeu WelC billY during the lut days of Spring Quarter, 19)7, The chapter wu fortunate enough to win first place in Carnicus, the annual musical comedt" contC'St at the Uni· venity of Tenneu«, The title role in the skit, which was named "Eloise, " was played by Errol Christine Drake, and Grace Twitty was the director.

Eleanor Hatb was e1ccttd to Monu Board and also elected a member of the Publications Council. SylVIa Moullon was c1ecttd JCC~U'" 01 the Junior Cbu and Kay DIllon was chosen treasurer of the SopholDOre Class. Grace Twitty was named Queen of Spades at the annu.1 ACE Ball.

The KnoXYille and Little PiJcon Alumnll!' Club gave the first Sophomore Scholarship to Syhla Mou lton at the sprin.s banquet. This scholarship, which i, to be an annual awud . LS gIven to the outstandin.c sophomore in the chapter.

Eleanor H ub, Honorary Cldet Colonel. and Sarah PtrgUJon, Honorary Cadet Captain, will represent the chapter as Army sponson. Sarah Anderson WIS chosen Band Sponsor and will much at the head of the " Pride of the Southland Band" this yeu.

In tht publications department, Martha Setzer and Kay Dillon arc section editors for the VsllI"rtt" annual. and Glenna Woods is new. editor for TIll 0""1,, ."tI Whitl, tbe official college newspaper.

PU:DGro: Lucy Brimm Janice DoI5C'J. Bronnie POller. Bc:uit Wolfe. Knonille; Ma rt' iynn Blm""eIl, Penny Carter, Janice Hall. Cate Hammond, Judy Perkinson. Chattanooga; Brenda Martin, Cecile Pickens, Anne Tippy, Oak Ridge: Madge Murray, Jeanne Yater. NC'Wport: Jeanne Cheely, Elizabeth Tufts, Atlanta, Ga,; Delores Pratt. Kin.lsport : Jo Allan Rogers, Manchester : El izabeth Wagstaff\ ColumbIa; Lynne McNeish, Nashville; Patsf Kollun . Clevclana : Muriel Annt D isnt1, Gr«neville; hne DaVIS. Sevier· ville : Gai l Cunningham. Mornsto ... ·n; Nancy Paschall, Paris.

DoItOTHY Jo HooI'E. NORTH CAROLINA ALPHA-UNIVE RSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Chll1ltnd, 192), PI.dce oav, October 3, 19'7. INtTIATED. September 13, 19H: Billie Rose Britt. LumbertOn; Swan M. Donald. Nassau, B~hamu; Mollie Williams Spruill. Rocky Mount : Susao Gregory Warburton, Williamsburg, Va ,: Carolyn Wisltr, Seoul, Korta ,

Kit Whitehunt has been c1tcted chairman of Women's Honor Council for this year and Cynthia Seagraves, Doris Peter, and Sirah Van Weyk arc servin.c on the council with her. Bubara Madison WIS elected secretary of the Senior Class. Pat Gregory and Cynthia Seagllvts arc active on the Y.W,C.A. Cabinet. Carolyn Wisler and Sarah Van Weyk .rt serving on the Student Govern· ment Cabintt . while Marjory Staub WIS elected as director of the state Student Nut$t1i Assoclltion.

Social activities included the .nnual Foundtu' Day party with North Carolina B, the l: X Derby. Valkyrie Sing, and a fa culty tea given for all flculty members at the fraternity house.

Susan Walker .... 15 tapped for Valkyrics, the hi!!:heSl women's honorary on camplls. The Ordtr of the Old Well e1tcted Annette NIven as a member and Ann Stalvy received a '" B K KC'J.

Jane Sawyer WIJ crowned K A Rose for this year. Sarah Van Wtyk was chosen one or the Ten Best Dressed Collele Girls in America in a contest sponsored by Gltlm Sllr Magazine.

At the end of the year the chapter .... as in second place scholu tic.tll\ .

PLEOGED: Nancy Adams. Miami. Fla,; Carrie Baker. Wilson; Molly Bass. Louisville. Ky,: Joan Brooks, Greensboro; Mary K. Carothers. Houston. Tex.; Mal]. Prancis Con nell, Henderson; j ane Duncan , Sparta; J lnt Divis, Bristol, Va.: Elizabeth Gregory, Halifax; Sue Gre~oll', Jane Hatchett , Rocky Mount: Caroline GrC'Cn. Atlanta . Ga.; Bea Hun~er , Montclair, N.J , ; Joy Howell, WaJCfOSJ, Ga . : Judy Jones, WIIlSlOn·Salem: Joan Kaylor, Winter Park Fla ,: Kay Klopfer, Chevy Chuc. Md.; Jean McCauley, Blue~eld , W,Va.; Sanh Jane Nicholson, Ralci~h ; V irginia Pearce. Sparks. Md.; Corinne SpealS, Lookout Mt .• Tenn . ; Joyce Kinl Strickland, Smithfield: Carolyn Vaught. Paducah. Ky.: Martha Wilkinson, Ikckley. \~/ , Va .

SA ..... H JA NE SIIA'" NORT H CA ROLINA BETA-DU KE UNIVERSITY. Chu­tend, 1933. INITTATEO, October H. 19H: Marv Inglis Bc:ddoe, Ashland. Ky, ; Sharon Marie Gercken. Lakeland, Pia.

N orth Carolina B look first place lor beauty in the paude of Boats on " Joe Collele Weekend" lut spring. Tbt 80at. entitled " King Mid'as. " was in k«pin, witb tbe general theme of the

"7 wmeod, " Joe CoJlt«e io Storybookland. " The chapter finished tbe 19)6'19)7 yeu 10 ,lind style .... ith a beach party at Myrtle Beach . S.c.

Bet Rambin wu upped for Ivy, the fre-shman iCholarship honorary ..... hile Judy fieckrotb ""11 chosen for Sandals. the 5Opbomorc Itadership honoury,

Selected as freshman ad,,;sory counselors were Muriel Httldrix, MIIJ MOJteller, Jo Hollo .... ay. Nancy Rodhouse, Diana Risien , and Sandy Addinlton.

Among the mmlbers of the Homecoming Court was Nancy Rodhouse.

A welcome addition to the Duke Campus this fall is the new donmtory which houses two bundred .... omen students. Features of the building include a sundeck and a modern dining hall. Tht university opened a new 18·bole goll course on the campus for the use oC Duke students and facully.

Rushing ""ill not uke place this year until the second semester. The period will Clttend from Fwruary 2, 19)5 untIl February 19, 19'5.


SOUTH CAROL INA ALPHA- UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CA ROLINA. Chlrterltd. 1928. Pled,e Oav, uth Carolina A is busy with plans and preparations for Pall Rush which be,::ins October 13 and is looking fo ...... ard to another succeuful year.

Some of the attainments of the Pi Bell Phi. durin~ the sprin(l! scme~er include the winninA of first place in the bow ling Ind volleyball tournaments which ""ere sponsored by the Women 's Ath letic Association .

At the Panhellenic elections in April, Jean Huffman WIS elected presidtnt for this ytar. In May. Patty Ouinn. Bc:tsy Ann Quinn, and Jean Huffman were attendants in the OSC May Court, Jean Spear· man WIS elected cheerleader in Ihe spring campus elections. Ruthie Edmonds sponsored for A T 0 fraternity in the Garnet and Black annual. Bc:cky D illingham sponsored for II K A fraternilv. Becky Finley is sccretary·treuurtr of the sophomore dau fOr this yca r. Second place for costumes was won by the Pi Beta Ph is in the t X annllal Derby Day, Mary Savajl;e atlained the ultimate in scholastic achievement for the spring semester .... ith a grade·point ratio of 1.000.


THETA PROVINCE ALABAMA ALPHA-BIRMINGHAM·SOUTHERN C OLLEG E. Cherterltd, Octobltr 7, 1927. Plltdlle Day, October 7 19'7. INITIATED, September 22, 19)7: Linda Burnett. (klla Ann T idwell, Birmingham.

Alabama A is especially proud of its five members who were elected to Mortar Board, Thg arc: Beverly Bach, Katie Haynes, Mary Katherine Pugh, Betty Sapp. and Nancy Whatley. who was elected president of tht group, Katie H.ynes was elected IS I«re· ury of the Nation'! Conference for Methodist Youth at its con· vention in Colorado this summer.

Some of the members of Alabama A helped the ntw chapter of Pi Beta Phi at Auburn with their first rush,

The chapter hIS been elected first in scho larship on the campus for t ... ·o years and also won first in Theta Province for the )'ear 19)6·)7 .

PLEDGEO : Iktty Bennett. Pensacola. Fla .: Helen Bruwelh ,Demo· polis: Leiser Chandler, Selma; Joyce D.!y, Nancy u .... ards, Mobile: j udith Douthit. Dtcatur: Sandy Faulk. Onconta: Carol JnhnJlon, Nashville. Tenn.: Billie Grace Kttchum, Oolthln;

Marilyn Mull ins . Carol Cartledge. Glenda Teal. Birmingham, RAMIILLI! MOOItE

ALABAMA BETA-UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA. Ch.rtend. Septfmbu 19. 19~9. Pledilit Dlv, Sltptember 15 , 19.57. Ellen Hau ""1$ selected IS the Outsundin.c Freshman Woman for 19'6.)7 at the Honors Convocation. Oena Huguley was elected by popula r vote to represent the University in the Gltlmollr ma8azine contest.

Pi Beta Phi dairru officers in the foll owing : Bette ~"e .. er. president of X d "' : Oot Po .... ell. secretary of Trian,::le, .icc· president of Philos and summer school secretary of AWS; Bc:vy Ryan, secretary o f Newman Club and president o f summer school AWS: Louise Akard, prcsident of P.E. Maior Club: Ruth Barks· dale, sccretary of SGA le!islature, and secretary of Cotillion Club; Linda Lambert and RoSl ind Alexander were tapped for A A d. Sue Anderson and Pat Fulton. cheerleaders. Rosalind was chosen as Out~anding Preshman in pllblications and .... as appointed as· sociate editor of the Corolla.

Anna St:an~e is Miss Alabama of 19)7·'8, Durin.c the contest she was a"'arded the title of Best Actress.

PLlDGEO : Betsy Allison. Tampa, Fla.; Pe~v Aycock, Sallie Lackmond. BifmlO~h.m: Kiane Chumbley. Claudia McLau8hlin, Sharon Russman, Cam Scott, Joan Stites, Louisville. Ky.; Joy Burch, Catherine Sc3us, Sue SibleY. Mobile; Virlinia Colher, Rosemary Epptrson . Mar" i.ane Pickens. Beth Richardson. Tus· caloosa: Kaye Curry, Sheffie d; Patricia Harris, Covin.ctonl Tenn .; Joanie Haynes. Pensaco la . Pia.: Iktty Johnson. Eufaula: l'ohrgartl McClinton , Hutytown: Linda Lee McClure, Vickie Mulliniks, Atla nta, Ga ,; Pat PrMlor, Scottsboro, Ma rilyn Scott, Webster Groves. Mo.: Suilne Shelton, Livin~ston. Helen Theus, Mon rOe. La.: Mallory Wilkerson, Vicksburg. Miss.


ALABAMA GAMMA-ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC I NSTI· TUTE. Chertend, F.bruary 2, 19.57. Plltdlle 0.,.., February I , 19'8. INI'nATEO, April 17. 19H: Mary Kay Blanchfield. Beverly


Williams, Birmingham; Marth. Collier, Decatur; Polly East, Wrighuville. Ga.; Patsy Groves, Chamlee, Ga,; BarbIn Hurley. HunstvilJe: Nancy La,. Jackson, Miss.; Myra lyle, Trussville; Barbara ROltn. Adant., GI.

Last winter quarter, AJa!»ma r pledge class maintained the high«! 'fide average of 1M eleno sororities on campus. Marty Parisb was chosen the active: who had contributtd the most durinJ pled,c period.

Polly East wu elected one of five Senior Senators to the Student Govunmcnt. Jan Bishop was lapped for Cwcns, a national Icho· lastic honorary for sophomore women.

Mrs. Virgmia Voorhees Speaker. Gund S«rctary. 20d Mrs. Helen Ltwis. Director of Rushing and Pledge Training. and Theta Province President, Mrs. Marjorie Parks, were gutSlI of the chapter durinlt: rushmg.

PLEDGED: Kathy Bisho:r' Ro.lyn Brock, Anne Brua:h, Delores Busb«, Karen (Ievelan , Frances D~vis, Ruth Ruqua, Nancy Carol Gauser Judr. Guder, Pat Henley, SIlvia Hestu

h (arOl Ann

Kincaid Juay Ai me Kirby, Gayle Lee, oyu Meise eimt:r, Bu· bara Palmer, Janice Saur, Sara Wade, (arolyn Wiatt, Mary Wild, Ann Willbanks.


FLORIDA BETA-FLORIOA STAT E U N IVERSITY. Ch ... • tered, October 1", 1921. Pledee Oay. October 2, 19'7. INlnATBO, October 12, 19'7: Sharon Crochet, Clewiston; Paul~ Ruth Eda:ar, Lakeland ' Elizabeth Woodruff, Sanford.

Last sprinJ, .t the fraternity ~'eekends, Mit}' Anne Hannah and Ramelle Ellis were chosen Sw~thearts of A T 0 and • ~ e. In Ramelle', court were Pi Ikta Phis Sally Coulter and Nan Chamber­Ilin , Lynn La Granle gave florida B the title of Miss F.S.U, for the third consecutive year. In her court ""ere Dorothy Goodwin and Pat Jun ferluson.

At the annual Inter· Fraternity Council Dance last spring it was announced thn Pi Ikla. Phi was runner-up for Sorority of the Yur. Z T A was chosen for first place.

New Sophomore Council taps chosen for service are Donie Hatton, Mon'l Gi llha~ Ann Easterday, Malinda Oilton, Carline McDou&ald, ynn La urange and Linda Hanshaw. Junior Coun· selors chosen to lead the freshman ~irl$ in their dorms are DeAnne liudr Nancy Person, Eleanor Sweatt. Cynthia Lawrence, Dorothy UOO<lwin and Bubar. Eis.sey. Another honor for Sau Jane Griffin came when she was elected as president of the Presbyterian Westminster House. Priscilla Moss was chosen to be a member of the Student Bodv President's Cabinet servin,!!: as Secretal')' of State. Serving on Honor Court are Sara )ane Griffin, Cynthia Lawrence and Barbara EiMey . Serving as members of Judicial)' are Monty Gillham and Patsy Stewart.

'Florida B added thrte more Intramural Trophies to its collection by . winning swimming for the fourth consecutive year, and volleyball ,nd bowling.

PLEDGED: Yvonne Olliphant, Priscilla Wand, Gaa Weaver, L[:"" Williams, Jacksonville; Cynthia T ichenor, Helen Traylor, ane Newsome. Orlando ; Kitty W.de, Karen Shaner, Mary Jane W ite, Marilyn Wisehart, Miami; JoAnn Sory. Ft. Lauderdale; ~dY (lair Milton, Frostproo f: Linda Costin, Brenda McCampbell. ane Parmelee. West p.lm Beach; Carol Popingtr, L«sburg; Bo bie Nell Due,., Lakeland ; Judy McMillian. Tallahassee: Glenda Powers. St. Petersburg; Margery Blankenship, Columbia. S.C.; Kay Wright, Decatur, Ga.


FLORIDA GAMMA-ROLLINS COLLEGE. Chartered, 1929. Pled • • Oay, Oc1obe.r 12.1NmATED. April }1, 19)7: Carol Fortier, Gay Van Otusen .

Rollins College looked good to the Pi Beta Phis returning 10 Florida Gamma Chapter. Sandy Snell is now attendin.lt Tau Technological Colle~.

Florida r is happy about the rdurn of June Lundsberg who transferred her sophomore year to Missouri Valley Colltge but is back to finish her last two yeats.

Rush started in full swing September 27 with the annual Pan­hellenic Tel . Informal Open Houses followed this. Each women's fraternity entertained each entering g irl interested in pledJ:ing for I half hour. The tMInH of this year's formal parties Ife 1calT(>SO Kaptrs, a Prds Plrty and the Pi Beta Phi Heaven . FollOWing pledgin.lt there was I banquet htld at the Barbizon.


GEORGIA ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. Chanered, 1939. Pled,. D IY, Oc1obe.r 1 19". INmAno. October .c, 19)7: Lori Wright, Atlanta; June Kimble, Augusta; Sue Few, Mldison .

Last Sprin,ll: Sue Ro~ers was chosen for the A T 0 Sweetheart Court. Carolyn English won " uleot" in the Miss Athens contest and held position of women's editor on the college paper " The Red .nd Black." Deborab Anglin was society ed itor. 11K. chose Nancy Wheeler as S~·«the.rt Ind Conner Dyess u Sponsor. Georgil A 'p_llCed second In the Sprin~ s~'imming match.

This Fall Donnl Clifford was elected tlt.asurtr of Angel's Flight and Syl~ia Tindol milk cheerleader.

Georgil A has besun plans for bomecomin~ decorations. The weekend of the Alabama g.mr. Novtmber 1 .nd 2 will be hom.e· coming with R.1lph Markrie pJa,.iDA for the dances.

PLEDGI!.D : Carol,.n Blount, Snanna.h; Pamela Caldwell. Wash · in»on, D.C.· Jj Ann Cunrtll, h.,..inton; Rosemary difford, WinifffiJ Nesbin, IDet Slay, Judy Stepbms. Judy Rideout, Jlclc:ic T indol, Alice T d, AtJllIta; Cuol Middleton, MalJ Ann Fain, Jacboo . Miss.; Ma"urt Ftalces, Decatur; Jlne Ha.n.aer, Arlin,.


ton ; Lucy HOWl!, Marietta; Nell Martin, Merea. Shriner, Athens, Alice Smith, Conyers.


IOTA PROVINCE ILLINOIS A LPHA-MONMOUTH COLLEGE. Chlrtt.ted, April 26, 1867. Pledee Day. October '. 19'7. INITIATED , September 21, 19)7: Arlene Drumal, Arlina:ton Heisbts.

The active chaottr sponsored an " Alumna-bla: sister" party to b«ome better Icquainted with Monmouth alumnz.

Illinois A was especially proud to be host of Illinois e chapter It Holt Houst on founders' Day. At this time the visitin,R ch.pter presented • belutiful flag and standard to Holt House in memory of one of their memben Marcia Bass.

Blue Key sponsored &:ot5 Skits, which consists Qf the combined efforts of a sorority and fraternity, in eresenting original skits on a competitive bUls with the other Gr«k groups on campus. Illinois A was paired with the e X Fraternity and used a clever calypso theme which won the Scots Skit trophy.

The Women 's Athletic Association banquet in May, brought the Pi Beta Phis I trophy in tht badminton doubles and pina:-poni tourn.ment.

The .noual senior farewell picnic in honor o f the seniors WIS held .t the home of the fraternttY. sponsor, Mrs. Thomas Hlmilton.

Harnet Stillwell was initiated Into T II, Mortar Soard equivalent, Mel issa Melvin is president of the honorary Spanish Praternity and Orchesis Clu\).. Jo Ellen Hamilton was electtd secrttary and Sue Gingrich trusurer of the Women·s Ath letic Association. Sandra HalJiday is vice.preaident of Dolpbin Club Ind Barb D ivinsky vice·president of Dramatics Club. Hluirt Still~'ell Ind Judy Earp were eltcted secretaries of the stnior and junior c1ISS respectively. Amons those on the Y.W.CA. cabinrt are Ptay Evans, Iud, Earp and Sue Ginsrich. Anne Irq is the business manager 0 the school paper. Sue Ginsrich is presidtnt of the junior' Knior do rmitory.

Barbara Rowland rei(l:ned as qUtta last spring at Monmouth's annual May Fete Festival Ind also It the Mlrdi Gras Dance. Sally Fraser was named the best dressed Sirl on campus for Gtllmur maguine. J anet Hamilton competed in the Miss Illinois contest ,

PLI!DGI!O, October " 19)7: JOin Barteck, Racine, Wis. : N. t.lie Bigelow, Carolt Rowland, Gleo Ellyn; Linda Cole Elrlville ' Barbara D itch, Monmouth; Karen Domer, LeClaire IOJl'a' J eanne Gitlin,s, Cameron; Jane Inness, G.lesburg; Bettl i.kClure, Web· ster Groves. Mo. ; l'lancy Newton, Burlina:ton owa' Ellen Ray, Grand Island, Neb.

j· Karin Richter, Park Ridse ; A(ice Robbins,

Amboy; f rances Stil well , Hannibal, Mo.; Roberta Wilson, Evan· ston; Janet WiMmiller, Ft. MyeI1, Pia.


ILLINOIS BETA.DELTA-KNOX COLLEGE. C hl r1ued, 19)0 ( 8 eta 1872-Delta 1804) . Pledee D .y, N ovembt.l' 2'. 19'7. INlnATlD, Much 24, 19}7 : Gayle Anton, Glen Ellyn.

Anita To5ttli Johnson hu been elected president of YWCA. Tede Verner was chosen Women's Recreation Association prtsident,. Mary Mullins is Wbitins House Council treasurer Ind Nancy Cane is Graham House presidtnt. Becky Groff is sOng leader o f the women', dining hilI.

Five Pi Beu Phis have thtir own shows on the college radio stltion. They are Nancy Brown , Flossie Buescher, N.ncy Cane, Tede Verntr, .nd Blrbara Wllzer. Barbara Fowler has I leading role in the production of Noel Coward's " Blythe Spirit." Barbara Bamrtead .nd Tede Verner serve as news and fta ture editors of the Knox SlIul",l. Ann JunA .nd Ttde Verner are members of the MtMI,"'oiuIJ, College Board.

Campus Chest has two Pi Beta Phis IS members, Barbara Barn· stud and Ann J ung. Mary MuUins is a mtmber of the senior council.

19'7 Milit'lJ Ball Qu«n was Ginser Gengler. Last .pring Anita ) ,?hnll)o WIS e1tcted to both Mortar Soard Ind • B K.

RtlSel"ln&' ch;lpter award.s on Founders' pay wtrt Mary Jane Tennison, scnlor Bflde unprovement: Amta Johnson, hishest chlpter grades: Mary Mullins, outstandins junior : Sindy Hinson, best sophomore grades; Sarah Koons, outsundintt sophomore ' Joan Watt an~ Barbara Wetul , best freshman glides; and Joa~ WSIt, ouutandlng pledge.


ILUNOIS EPSILON-NORTHWESTERN UN IVERS ITY. ChlU'tered, May 26, 1894. Pled • ., Dey. September 29. 19'7. This past sprin,R quarter the Pi Beta Phis were very active. In MIY Northwellern University held its f"en!Y ' sixth annu.1 Waa -Mu all studmt ~iew. Ann WItmer, Betsy Fersuson, Jlnrt H3unstein ""et! show girls. Carol McKay ~'aJ in double seltttt dancinst grour. ' Son,a Jung, Penny Fuller, and Nancy Knutson were dancing gir s. Ksren Thomas was in the Orchesis group and Patsy Peterson WIS

a member of the choral ~roup . Bets,. Martin WIS 'Mistant ward· robe ounll:er Ind Janet Blair ~'U usistant production manaser.

At Founders ' D.y Suzanne Straight ~'on the Arlln,ltton Hei~hu_ Su.zannt was tkaed viet-president of the junior class as well IS btinl tiwed to Shi·Ai. Junior Women's Honorary. '

Mal')' Stoner, besides her honor of Praident of the Y.W .CA .• was chosen to Mortar Board. Diane Stoakcs was also cboxn to Mortal Board .nd May Court.

N orthwate.m's baseb.U team, this past ,pri"" won for the fint time in the bisto,.,. of the University its 6nt bi&: tea ch.mpionsbip.


PLEDGED, Stptember 26, 19)7; Judy Lau&blin.,( Adington Heights; Susan Blubaum, Aurora; Bvbara Wccw, Jurringtoo ; Marilyn Bannd:, Berwyn; N.OftI~ Rusk, Bloomington; Anne Oarlin&ton, ChC'V)' ChaIC, Md.; Silyia Uncle, Chln,o; Jan StauBacbc-r, Co· lumbus, K.n,; Kay GriBt!, Eldora, 10 .... ; Marilyn Ekberg, M.nb. Eaton, Katie Ludin,ton MI." Norm.n, Mary J.ne Youn" Ey.n· ston: Elu:abctb Buckmgh.m, Flint, Mich.; Sandra Lieman, Granite City: SaUr. Vinnedge, Kemlwonh; Carla R~rtson. Topeka, Kan. ; Ann Boye, M.nhuJCt, N.Y.; Dorothy Grubbs. Tulsa. Okla.; Marsha Smith. PitUbwgh, Pa.; Susan Smith. Sus.an Walktr, Plainfield N.J.' Carol Dim~iu, St. Louis. Mo.; Lmda Fletcher. Scarsdale: N.Y.'; Karen 05,000, Shenie Sto.kes, Cindy Bor(Cn. Sioux Fall" S.D.; N.ncy Findlay, Stamford. Conn.: Sue Valent me, Summit. N.}.: Janet Dombach, Wuhington. D.C.; Ruth Lamy. Karen Rocwade, WinnctA:.; M.ry C'II, Winchester. Mus.


I LLINOIS ZETA-UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Chlll'tcrtd, JS". Plcd.t Dar.' Oct.obu 3, 19". JNInATED, September 28, 19)7; Shllon Sko. und, Rochelle.

In M.y. Anne N.r.nick Hoa$lund .nd R.y Barclay Ford were tapped for Mortar Board .nd Shirley Rae Moore ~or Shorter Board. Sue Bucheit! Sallie CaPP', Pit ClaBin, .nd Lou Lee Rucker arc memhcrs 0 Torch. the .ctlvity honorary fo r junior women. Margo Kriege Ind Nlncy Wilson were chosen as Shi·Ai members. the activity honorary for so{'homore Greek .... omen.

The "fighting IJIini" .... 111 be cheered to victory by Dec Donovan .nd Margo Kriege who arc Varsity Cheerleaders th IS year. Illinois Z hIS been campaigning vigorously for Helen Nichols who i. one of ,ixtttn bn.!i.ts for Homecoming Queen. The Dolphin Queen will hc cro ... ned Dad's Day week·end .. Pi Beta Phi finalists .re: Gretchen MI.her, Diane Oro,. Margo Knelt, and K.tthy Parker, I transfer from Ohio Z.

Lyoo Tobin was elected pre.ident of McKinley Foundation, the youth foundation of McKlOley Presbyterian Church on campu~.

Nancy W ilsoo is $C"ing as lCcretary for A. A ~, schol.stlc honorary for freshm.n women.

Paula Bres« wu elected to Bronze Tablet and '" B K in addition to bei", co·salutatorian of her graduating clau. Plula Miller r«dved I fell owship for grldu.te study in psychology It Stanford University. Paul. receiyed the Amy Burnham Onken ,Award for l oti Province.

PLEDGED: Mall' Susan Biddle, Bloomington; Sandra Sonjean, J acksonyille; Susan Laura Boodin~ E,:an5ton; S~ndra Barne~ Dewar. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Irmgarde uoaegee, Qumcy; MaTCla Gin·

~ow Monticello; Brendl H ayer. Sparta: Jo Mary Lee. Rockford: ua~ita Ne~l~ Ch.mplign; Dllne Oros, Aurora; Eliubeth Roberts, tbana: DIXIe Ltc Rodehaver Decatur; Susan Tazewell. Harvard;

Viol. Thompson , Lin~oln: kristina . ~anberg. Spr!n.gficld; Ann Whitely, Arhngton Heights; Sirl WillIamson. Peona.


ILLINOIS ElTA-MILLIKIN UNIVERSITY. Chanut d, 191 2. Plcd.e Dey, Septcmbu 14, 19'7. INlnATEJ), October " 19H: Janice Bruns. St. Louis; Ann Drennan. Cottage Hills; Betty "atterson, East Moline ; Rosem.ny Whitaker, Streator.

Freshmen were enthusiastic ::about Freshman Camp. which was held on the week·end just prior to the opening of school at Camp Seymour on L.ake peCltur. T.he C.lmp is an annual event t.o ,c<Juaint new students With the UnlVenlty and the faculty. J.adae Cnnigan and Jo McDon.ld were counlClon.

Homecomin,ll; wu plrticularly significant this year n Millikin's new president, Dr. P.aul McKay. was insUlled as a part of the festiVities on Octohcr 17. The theme. "Bui lding the New at Old M. U., .. was .Iso especially appro,?riate as the university is pllnning the construction of .a new men. dormitory and student union building in the near future. Illinois IT selected Jackie Crinigan as the Pi Beta Phi candid.ate (or 19H homecoming qu~n.

Two mcmben of Pi Beta Phi Jlckie Crinigan and Karla Fleck. were elected by the student body to serve .as cheerleaders for the 19H·'8 $C.son. Selma Mitchell was elected secretary of Student Council.

PLIIDGI!.O : Sindy Bcrtuh, M.aryellyn Boersm •. Jane Rich,rdson. Mucia W.alquist, Chicago: Emilr.nn Berg, Bubar. Butler, Karla Fleck, Mary Gage. Vickie pj cher. Decltur; Barbara Bates. Brentwoodl Mo.' Carol Brooks, Flora; Jo Ann Benson Round Lake: ChrIStine Cot, Peori,; Eunice Ann Gr.ahbc, Jerseyville: J.anet Van Ausdale. Springfi~ld.


ILLINOIS THETA- BRADLI3Y UNIVERSITY. Chutercd, Ma,. 17, 1947. Pltd"e D'YJ, Septembcr 22, 19.57. The sprin,!! semester c10lCd It Bradley university with several members of Illinois receiving honors: Marilyn Frank gr.aduated as the bilShest ranking senior woman: Pit White .nd C.thy Schroen were initIated into Chimes. • national honorary for junior women; Thelma Kanaris, Cathy ~an, Audrie Suffield. and Mary Anne We,!!l.arz Ichieved membership in Wak,p., an honorary orltaniution for senior women: Muilyn Durham Brenkmln, Ann T'ylor Farley. Coleen Gregg, Muilyn Fr.nk. Lois McGauvran, Ind Nlncy Roake received WhD'J WhD i" A""rif'l'" C()III,'1 ,."" U"iptrJ;I;tl • wuds. Lite spring social events found Diane Dentino elected Junior·Senior Prom Quttn. G.ay Timboc crowned Sweetheart of 1: X. and Phylli) Biebel chosen e X Dream Girl.

Following Br.dlcy'. Opening Convoc.tion. the 1: X Frlternity sponsored an Innual watermelon bust. Ann B,ewster Ind J anet Brown, respectively, were cro .... ned Ictive .nd pledge Watermelon Bust Ouccn.

Leadinl cbeers It Bradlcy 'porn events durinl the ycat will be


sil r.ewly elcctcd cb«rleaden: Nancy Ita.btr, captain; Jlnet Brown: Shuon Ha"t'J; Sue bnsun; Vi Shdbr; Man. Traacthon.

PLtDCf:o: JU~BoUCbcr, Janet Brown, Sue Buck.. Betry Jape Code, Jolly HOIln, anet Mundclius. Judy Rothl Janet SII.-eA, Sh.ron Sleeth. Vi She , Peoria; Joan Eldswlck:, RjyU Forest; Betty Espel, Plmceton; K. y Johnson. Wluck.; J oao Peddicord, Marseilles: Muta Trl,ll;ethon. prinlDcld.


KAPPA PROVINCE WISCONSIN ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN. Chartered, N ovtmbe:. I. 1894, Pled.a Oay, Ocrobu 6, 19'7. Sindra .nd SibYl Wahl returned from EUrope .... bere they .attended SUmrDCr school in Oslo, Norwly. After summer school in Oslo, the tlll.-jns spent lour weeks touring Europe in • Volks .... ,Cen. Irene Wlttenhcrg, .Ik) spent the summer in Europe.

Jan Putt w.as chosen as public relations co·ordinator for New Student Week. Marilyn Underwood .... u ChOseD Committee Ch.ir· man of Publicity .and is Sophomore Representative to A. W. S. G.ail Farwell WII elected ExecutiYe Secretlry of Homecoming.

Lut semester under the leadership of Sue McClaren, Pi Beta Ph is placed third in the Tournament of Sonp;. Sue's choul group uns MMi."" 1,,.,,tu, and a melody of Mother GooIC nursery rhyme •. Sue has continued working .... ith her gtoup doing a minstrel song for rush, and Pi Phi Sy",phD"y, adapted by Sue. for pled~ing.

Student Guide. for New Student Weele ~'ere: Karen Ch1l5len· son. Margi Long. Mary Mcintyre, Sue S .... anson . and Blu Schiefer. Also, Sharon Bell. Bev, Braun , Je.nette Hummel, J udy Paptnfu5l, and Irene Wlttenhcrg were rushing counIClors.

Amidst the lovely fall weather Pi Beta Phi joined with other fraternities for I numhcr of listening parties and buBet suppers. Wednesd.ay, Octohcr 9, the Viking students (those brought from the ScandinlYi.ln countries on • .scboluship) h.d a success· ful dmner with the chapter.

PLIDGED : Jean Albright, Oak Plrk, III.; Judy Boone. Susan Falk, Milwaukee' Diane Boylan, Chicago, III.; Joan M . Bradley. Glencoe. III.; Abitail Ann Brown, Glen Ellyn, Ill.: Carol Cui· 5On, Rockford, II.; Eliubeth Duvall, Salt Lake City, Utlh; Anita Elllh, Helsinki, Finllnd: Carolyn Ferry, Port W.yne, Ind.; Barbara }o Field. Beaver Dam: Karen Host, Sh.a .... ano; Susan Klmm. Margery Otto, Connie Piatz, Sunny Ann Soldwedel, Madi· wn: Nancy Jane Ladd, Edgerton ; Elizahcth Miller. A. Carolyn Wilson, St. Louis, Mo. i Sara Murphy. Man itowoc: Sandy R.emisch Waunakee: Patncia Ann Potter. Cedar Rar.ids. Iowa; Suzanne }of. Reader. Dellv.n ; Elizabeth T. Seifert, Wi melle, III. : Sandu Sims. St. Ch.arit;,s ... JlI. ; Saily Tolin , Williams Bay; Mary Hart Vln Riper. New York, N. Y.; Kuhryn Wlchter, Glenview, III.; M.aril yn Wasson, Tulsa. Olr:la.


WISCONSIN BETA-BELOIT COLLEGE. Chlrtered, AUlult 20, 1919. Pled ge Oay, September 29, 19'7. Durin,!!: the last few months many honors have come to the members of Wisconsin B. Al ice ConwlY and Nancy Donnell .... ere elected to IT/ho'l Who in A",trir/#" Col/t,n /#/Jd U"i""J;liu. Ka.ren Center. Judy Meek. Ind Frede Sch~'.1U were elected to Who Ain ·t • .a locI I honorary. Karen Center was liso elected to '" B K. Bubara Huston was elected sccret.ary of the Union Board, Mary Johnson wu elected secretary of W . R. A., and Anita Wiuenhcrger was elected secretary of Social Board. Ruth Ann Cornish became the freshman member of Socia l Board. Kathy Clldwell was elected co·ch.irman of the Big.Little Sister Progum. Kathy was .Iso honored by being elected secretary of Nation.a l Collegiue Pla)'ers .nd she received the Players' Best Actress A .... ard. Sandy Jehu .nd Mudy Bishop bec.me president .and vice· president respectively of Orchesis. Barbara Huston was cholCn qu~n of the Beloit Relays . Two members of Wisconsin B. Barbara Huston .nd Nancy H ildebrand .... ere also elected to Mortar Board.

PUDGm: Lyn n Grunwlld, Vir~inia Holmes. Pamela Hurlbut , Margaret Oppermann, Ardeen Smith. Dilne Thorsonl Mary War· ren, P.uline Youn,!!:. Chicago; Sarah Taleen . HlOsdale, III.; Sally Sheldon. Western Springs, Ill.; Nancy Yunkherr, Auror.a. TIl. i Nlncy Sandrock. Ashton, III. : Barbara Perkins, Wheaton, JII . : Klnn Millu, Peori., III.: Sue Clyins, Charleston! III.; Kl thy Anderson. Appleton : Judy Schwartz, Madison: ulie Hooper,

loan Rosenow, Minneapolis. Minn.; Joan Woods, Michillln City, nd.; Robbin Klein, lndi.an.apolis. Ind.; Marth. McDonoug h.

Yon kers, N.Y.: Suun Rumbaugh, Washington, D .C.: S.al ly Leight, Silver Spring, Md . ; Sue Applehy. Kansas City. Mo.


WISCONSIN GAMMA-LAWRENCE! COLLEGE, Chartered, September 12, 1940. Pledlle Day, September 22, 19'7. JNlnATBO, April n, 19H: Virg inia Netz. WIU'Watou..

Wisconsin r ,t.rted the year with an enjoyahle and very suc· cessful rush season Ind the pledging of twenty-one outst.nding girls. The pledging ceremony was followed hy I Innquet for the whole chapter p:iven at the Riverview Country Club by the Fox V.alley Alumnz Club .

Pat Code was selected for Mortar Board last ytlr Ind was elected its yice.presideDt. Pat Miller .and Waltres». Allen were selected for n 1: and Pene Kegel for 1:.

Last May Mary Custis was cholCn to be May Queen .nd reigned over the traditional May Day festiyities.

The members of Wi5('onsin r ICrved as hostesses to the Wiscon­sin A .nd Wisconsin B Chapters on Founders' Day. The groups enjoyed • banQuet at the Riverview Country Oub followed


by the prcscnution of ;awards and a speech by Dr. Douglas M . Knight. President of Lawrence College.

Marilynn Llon, Pat Miller, Cyntbia Voss,. Joan Warren, and Waltressa AI en WCft .t college early this fall to welcome the freshmen and will serve as counselors throughout this year.

PLEDGED: Kathleen Ames, Marint1:te ' Ann Brockman, Lynn Smole. Evanston, 111.; Patlic ia Cane, ~lena!h2: Helen Edelboftr, Ann Kearns, Chicago, Ill.: Nancy ~rnon. Madison ; Nancy K:tm inski, lktw}'o, Ill.; Torrey Kipp, Grafton; Mucia Krause, Baraboo; Susie l>!ason, UniVtfSity City, Mo.: Louanne M c­Dougal, Erie, Penn.; Nancy Nelson. Maple Plaine, Minn.: Ann Paisley. Jachonville, Ill.: Barbara Richards, Glenview, III. : Janel Russell, l:.xcdsior, Minn.: Shirley Spranger, N.ancy Matteson, Ap· pl~ton; Jane Voss, Milwaukee; Carol Wiese, Chetek; Mary Wilder, Wmnetka. III,


MANIT OBA ALPHA-U NIVERSITY OF MAN ITOBA, Ch ar. tf red , M ay 1929. Plfdaf Day, J an u.ry 24, 19'8. On Monday, September 18, a Legacy Party was hdd at Mary MacKdvie 's beautiful home in CharieswoOd, south·west of Winnipeg. The feature of the afternoon was the swimming- pool. and actives and legacies were invited to bring their bathmg suils and go for a swim.

Classes began on September n. and the freshmen were ad· dressed br the President of the University, "Freshie Week" offered the wua plans for dances. ~p railles, the parade and the Freshie Queen , The Women's Association presented their 3n, nual fashion show to give the giris some idus on wh3t to weir to the various campus events throughout the year, Amy Hender· son of Manitoba A was the commentator and Shirlee Merrett was one of the models. The convenors of the afternoon were Pat Campbell and Pat Ross, both of Pi Beta Ph i,

In the Fresh ie Parade. Panhellenic sponsored a float with representatives of the sorori ties riding on it and escorted by Ihe sorority executives riding in convertibles, There was a larjtc crowd oul to sec the parade as it wound its way through down· town Winnipeg, The evening was completed by a dance in thc Union Buildmg,

The year's social events arc beginning to shape up as thc sorority and Panhellenic plan their various activit ies. The round of Open Houses is beginning and the Pi Beta Phi's have slaled theirs for November 3. Abo the d3te o f the formal party has been ch3nged from its accustomed time in February 10 e:trly in No· vember. Rushing is in January th is year, with the PanhelJenir formal scheduled for pled~in,lt night.


NORT H D A KOT A ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF NORT H DAKOTA. ChaMend . Oclobu " 1921. Pledge D ay, Septf olbfr 23, 19'7. INITIATED,)., June 2, 19)7: KoHen Dahlen, Fargo; Octob:r 4, 19'7: Margaret v OlVan, Forest River; Karen Mund, Larimore : Dorothy Outka, Hettinger.

The Pi Beta Phis at North Dakota A won second place. last semester, in the singles division of the "Flickertail Follies " wh ich is one of the University 's bigge-st events both in m:tgnitude and in enthusiasm.

AnneBelle James, a June 19'7 ,IIladuate. was th e recipient of the "Miss Red River Valley" title. Having won this honor, Ann was automatically entered in the "Miss North D:tkota Con­test ."' Ann received a trophy as the first runner-up.

Sh irley Ebel rt<"eived an $800 Fritz scholarship in April. Thil scholarship was awarded on Ihe basis of character, de~ndability, scho larship, and leadership. Shirley was one of the six studenu in North Dakota who received Fritz scholarships, Mary Ann Wallbridge received an Occupational Therapr scholarsh:!:' for $200 in September. This scholarship was one 0 five a ..... ar cd at tht University. for {'union and senion in Occupational Therapy. Oil the basis of seho arship,

With hom«oming being so early th is fall-October 11·12-tht chapter has h«'n ext~mcly busy with all the activities that it entails, The theme of North Dakola A's lIoat is an ice- cubt tray with one ice cube elevated with Pi Beta Phis in it dresud in the opponent·s. South Dakota. colors. Pi Bela Phis dres"d in UNO colors will ride atol? the olher ice cubes, One will be stand, ing and. supposedly, holding the handle of the tray. The entiu float will. give. the appear.ance of a frosty. frozen effect. and written on the slde-s In snow.dnpped letters ""111 be the- theme, " FreeZt Them Out,"'

PUOCEO. September n. 19)7: Marilyn Wood. Angus, M inn.; Helen Atkins, Bismarck; Joan Tuthill , Norma Tuthill, Cogswell : Diane Grimem.d, Charlson: Winnifrcd Sjberg. Devils Lake: Susit Alexandtr. Janet Hoyman, Linda Velline. Kathy Weiland. Fargo; Judy GC"froh, Kay Ke-nville, Janet Richards, Grand Porks; Sandrl Fleischfresser, Ja~tO""n ; Sharon KevlC'Y, Minot; J.anet K nott , New Rockford : Frances Hurtt, Park River i Lois Fortin, Thomp. son; Margaret Moore, Walker. Minn.; Edwlna J.0hnson. Zah!.


M INNESOTA ALPHA-UNIVE RSITY O F MI NNESOTA, Chaflufd. 19.06. ~Ifdtt:e D ay, April p. 19". INITIATED. Mal " 19H: Manlyn Slbbald. AShland, Wu.: Cynthia Kessel. N .O.: Ka y Dell Smith, Wolf Point, Mont.; Virginia Chamben, Owatonna; Sondra Anderson, Mary Cote. Susan Guzy Nanq H,·de. Minneapolis. .

Everything went oriental last spring fo r the Minncsotl A Pi Beta Phis when they presented " J apanese Geisha" together with the • 6.9 Fr:atemity for the annUJII campus carnival show. The ~roup receIved SC'cnnd place trophy for the best show and attendance.

Gail Christmas ""15 elected to Education Intermediary Board,


Shelia Smith be....me one of two student members on the Senate Committee on Student Behavior and served as co·chairman o( freshman camp. Barbara Johnson was electe-d publicity chai rman of Pan hellenic Rush, Patricia Macfarlane was elected to Pan· hellenic Judiciary Board, Patricia Foy is serving as chairman of button sales for homecomin8. and Marilyn Brennen was elected secretary of a five state provlflce for Ne ..... man Club.

Ann ~hri t Stud ness WI! chosen "Miss North Dakota" to rep· ~sent the state in the Miss Universe Contest at 10n,ll Beach, Calif, She was the only conte-stant from the United SUles to place in the popularity poll.

The University honored two girh, Nancr Fournier and Sheila Smith, by e1ectmg them to the Order 0 Ski·U·Mah and the Order of the Gopher rC'Spectivdy. Mally Struchen was given the­outstanding service award by the Union Board, and Karen Blood graduated 4> n K.

PLEOCEO, April 15, 19)7: Patricia lopp. Brainard: Blrbara Hedin, Red Wing: Sandra Jacobson, Austin; Heather T oy Clag· get. Montivideo ; Maril yn Brennen, SI. Pa ul; Carol Lynn John. son. Hopkins: Carol Sue Passi, Melrose,


LAMBDA PROVINCE MI SSO U RI ALPHA-UNIVERSITY O F MISSOU RI. Char­tf l'~d, 1899, Pledae D.y,. October I, 19" . INITIATED. Seetember 6, 19H: Joyce Belcher. Nevada; Virginia D3vis, Webster Groves; Rosemary Stone, Springfield: Beverl, Watson, River Forest, III.

l!.. welcome slghL to the Mi s.soufl A Pi Beta Ph is returning to the university this fall was the addition to the chapter house of six bedrooms and a specious recreation and study room. A X n, A 6 H, and 1: X have also enlarged their houses. and K A has built a new chapte-r house.

H onors acquired by Pi Beta Phi in the last few weeks of the spring semester included the selection of Beverly Barker and Kathy Shannon IS attendants to the Greek Week Queen, Janet Winter, who received the Amy B. Onken province award, was chosen for 4> B K. Futern,ty queen finalists ,.,'ere Sara Kate Sappinton, K A ; and Joyce Belcher, 1: N.

Freshman Orientation WIS successfull y directed by Mercedes Freeman this year. Modeling fOr the annual fashi on show W35 done by Sondra K3merer and Claire- Williams, and the vocal le:td and commentator was J udy Hiedecket. . Prep.arations for Homecoming are now. underway, J udy.La,son IS chalrm.an for all campus house decoratIOns, Savltar Frolics will soon take the spotlight as Pi Seta Phi joins l: N in rehearsing for the second year of co·ed skits to be presented in February.

The Missouri A chapler is now easerly await in,!; the visit of 1tcs. Lowel Knipmeyer. Lambda Provlflce President.

PLROCED, October 1. 1951: Ann Basinger, Shott H ills, N.J,; Brooke Beaty. St. Joseph; Sharon Becker. D;avoran Dustman. Judy Smith, Springfield; Sue Beynon, Mexico; Sally Burgess. Webster Groves; Merry Davenport, Atherton. Calif.; Cindy Drake. Sondra Merkle. Anne Ridgeway, Carolrn Roth, Columbia: Beve-tly Fitzgerald, Clinton ; Prudence Foge, Carolyn Hal l. Gay K lippsten, Nancy McCarthy, Charlotte Wornall. Kansas City: Marilyn Green , West Plains; Janet Holman, Lebanon : Carol Ann Krehbiel. Tren · ton ; Susie Mars , Evanston. III.: Nancy Mitchell, Belleville. Il l.; Pat McCloskey, Godfrey, III. ; Betsy McClure, La Grange, 111 . ; Judy McClure, Carrollton; Lauralou Schaper, Joplin; Susan Shea, Leilfmgto~; Carter Staff~)fd, Nila Yales, Kirkwood; D iane Stanley. Des Momes, Iowa : DIane Wallace. Houston, Tex.: Sue \Vilson, Maryville; Patricia Wright, Wayne, Ill. ; Judy Y ount, Di xon, III,


MISSOU RI BETA-WASHINGTON UN IV ERS ITY, Char· tered o 190'. Pledae D.y, September 29, 19" . INITIATED, October 20. 19)7: Marion Brandt , Nuevo Leon, Mex,; Rita Russell. Cros· set, Ark. ; J:?eanna Oarr, Jane Pcpc, Jane Spochre-r. Susan Thom p, son, St, loUIS.

The chapter placed first. last spring. in Thurtene Carnival with the " Eloise" show and also woo first in the Quartet Sing and the Intramural GoIf T ournament,

Several of the members were elecled to honoraries: Diana Zim · merman. treasurer of A A ~; ,an Wood, bura Matlock, secretary, and Marla Unruh. president 0 Chimes: and Carol Sauer, president of Morta r Board. Lynne Bland was selected to work on the H c>me· coming Committee, and Sue Marshall is president of the Washington University Swim Oub. Ann Garwood is secretary and Carol Sauer is co·chairman of Freshman Orie-ntation.

There is a new campIU honorary group. Angel Flight. which is connected wilh the R,O.T .C. program. Girls elected to this group serve III hostC'Sses for the military on campus. Several chapler members were elected: Pat Meisel, Jane Voe lker, Diana Z immer· mann. Jlne Pope. and Carol Sauer, preside-nt. In the exciting Stu· dent Senate elections last spring Barbara Bond was elected senalor from the School of Fine Arts, and Marla Unruh. recording secretary o f Senate.

Missouri B ranked second in scholarship among the women's fnttemilies last spring,

At Founders' Dn lasl April two province award ..... inners in Missouri B were announced. Marla Unruh won the Outstanding: Sophomore A",·ard. and Shirley Ann McDonlld "Won the l..Jmbda Province Service Award . Shirlev McDonald Wall~ce lost het" life in an automnbile accident on September 14. 19'7, her wC'"dding day, In her ff'emory there will be a new chapter a ... ·ard. similar to the province award she "" on, It will be gil'en to the pledge


.... ho cOntribut~ the most to the chapkr, and will be called the ShIrley M cDona ld Wallace Pled~e $crYice A .... ud.

PLEOGEO : Ruth Ann Bandy. Hillsboro, II I.; NaflC')' Boyd, AnDa, III.; Pu D ougan, Cle\eland , Ohio; Cheri Lee Kruse, Rich~nd, II I.; Mary 8c1h Paton, StlUtor, III.; Kathy Schumachu, BelinlUe, III.; EII«n Bechtold. Jeanne Behrens, Martha Drew, J oan fedder. Carolyn Johnson. GroJinc J onel, Sue Knight. Carole lintunich, M.try ]'hcnish, Ruth Mcintyre, Mary Alice Plesu, janine llcnaud, Sarah Simpson, Anne Ward, St. Louis.


MISSOURI GAMMA-DRURY COLLEGE, Chartued, january 9. 1914. Pled,l Diy. SepclrnlHr 22, 19H, INITtATED, $cptember 26

1 19H; Sail, Shott, Spring6cld; Ann Wood" Webster Groves;

Sa Iy Hog. Gbool. $crYing on tM Student Senate this ycar will be Joa n Ol\L.lDwright .

Pr~ident of Red Peppers will be Marilyn Gideon. Sally Short will serve 0 0 the Board nf Governors and Ann Woody is I member of the Program Committee. $crving on the Social Commlnee of the Board of Goveroors will be Ann Morrison. Gayle Dou&las. and Dona Kubias. Sue Cook is a member 01 the Con vocation Committee. Jobeth Elhs will be on Ihe uecutive committee of the Rtligious life Council. RoblD Pilant will act IS vice·president o f Skiff. Treuurer of W.A.A . is Barbara Will iams and the JtCrctlry is Sarah Schaeffer. Members of the St"lu,II"" staff arc Ann WGOdy and Barbara Will iams. President of A A 4 is Helen Uhr. Two Missouri I' PI Beta PhiS Ann W ood, and Barba.ra Williams lie on the H )usc Council 01 the senior dorm . Pltdges Margllet Stavros, Kay Smith , Claudette Judy, and jackie Mo rgan arc on House Councils of underclus cforms.

Jobeth Ellis was chosen Whitt Rose of I N lut spring. J:tLlDGI!D, Scptembt:r 22, 19H: Ginny Johnson, Dona Kubias.

Becky Curtis. Claudette Iudy , Springfield: Paula Pachlofer, Mis· sion, Kan.: Nancy Prohllch. Monett: Jane McHaney, Normandy: Ka.1. Smith, Mansfield; Margaret Stavros, Koshkonong: Debora h Wilso n. Sparta: Marilyn f ruend, Warsaw; Jackie MorBan . Kansas City.


ARKANSAS ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS. Char· tered, Oecembf,r 29, 1909, Pledlle Day, September 6, 19'7. INITIATED, Septembe r 19. 19)7 : Carolyn FOliC, Lake Villa,ge; Hansi

Utk~~tnXik~n~~:PAm~i' Beta Phis moved IDto their bt:auliful new chapter house lor rush week the fint of September.

The mcmbcr~ and pledge claim manr honors and activit ies this year. Elaine Smith is Personalities EdItor of the RdZor."d, the University year book, and Margaret Malone who is Greek Editor of the R"zorb"t ! is a lso editor of the Student Directory. lkth Brickell is Editor 01 the "A" Book,

Pi Beta Phi is very proud of Kay Kitchen who wu eltcted vice·prtsident of Associated W omt n Students and also tipped for Mortar Board. Ann Ktnnan is servinlj: this )-ear IS chlirman of the Student Union Music Committte and as president of A T, honorary EnBlish fraternity. Judy Park is president of X 9 , honoury busm~s fraternity. or \\hich Barbara Simpson and Joyce Nell Richarchon arc new members. Sue Shannon wa, eftcttd vice.pres ident 01 :& A H , honorary spccch fnternity . Mary Lou Hurbut is vice·presidt nt of I A I. and Nancy Worthy is a ne .... in itiate into this honorary music fratern ity, J udy Gilbeu and Ann Whaltn arc members of A A 4, freshman scholastic honorary.

Janet Byrd is treasurer of Elemtntary Club, an education club. Roberta Crow and Margaret Malone .,'tre elected to mtmbel$hip in tht Civic Club. New members of the Arkansas Boosttrs Club art Jan G raham and Judy Gilbtrl. Judy was also named Sophomort secretarY of the A.W .S. Office Manafi:emcnt Comminee:.

Claudette Schock hIS the leadin,lt ro le in th is year 's first play. "Green Grow the Lilacs." Judy Hollensworth is a maj orettt " ' ith the Ruorback: marching band, and Mary Ann D~venpon is Dream · girl of <1>.0. 9.

I.ast Spring three of the sen iors wert honOred by being invited to join scholastic honouries. Sue Patterson is a member of .. B K, Jane Smith of 8 r I . and Joyce Haskew of I' I .0. .

PLtDCW: M ujorie Browne. Jan Graham, Sarah Jane Ha~. Nancy Sue lrbv, Suzannt Murphy, Jane Parkin, Elsie Shipp, Little Rock : Lynn Lambert , Frances McShane. Marilyn Marrs. Patsy Rutledge. Ann Whalen, Fort Smith : Joan Faucett, Martha Lou Youn •. Pine Bluff; Jane Collier, Ann a Gamble, J? Ann Welter, favelt"ille : Mary' Ann Davenport , Betty MIY HartIS. Tuckerman; Catherine Cox, Tuarkan. : JudY Gilbert. Prescott; Kay Hampton, Slultl1:art: Judy Edwards , Bafd Knob: Judy Hollewsworth , Warren: Sammye Johnston, Heber Springs : Ina Ann Ormand. Harrison: Rose lyn Thompson, f ordyce : Patty Ellis. Springfield , Mo. M argaret Head , Memphis. Tenn .


LOU IS l ANA ALPHA-NEWCOMB COLLEGE, Chartert:d. October 29. 1891. predal Day, o.:.obe,. 3, 1957. Before winter wUlher urives, the chaoter has planned a pledAe Dic'tic on the Mi(sissippi Gulf couto The actives arc fix inR the food for tht ir liltle sisters. Th is is but one of the project. in the new pledge prog ram. The al umnae arc helping in evtry way to make the picnic a SUCCU(.

Bon Voyage to fivt I.ouisiana A Pi Beta Phis ..... ho haYt betn selected to participate in the Ne"'comb Abroad program, Roberta Ad:inwn and El ise Hopkins arc in En_laod while Jant Hanmllnn. Jane Hudley and Lyle Locleett arc studying at the SorlKlnne. Puis.

T ulane homecomln,lt I( not far awn: the chapter is well · represented in fina lists Ikcky Fuqua, ustra McArthur. Donna


Lukcy and Kay Kettleson. Commiltces arc already at work on the house d«outions.

P LWG8D: Lillian Braun, Julia Anne Clavtrie, Linda Hardy. Cynthia Jattum. Toddy Lyman) Ann Maught. Lynn Murray. j ,ne Sanford . Mary Helen Seago, ud, Shaw , Dotty Sto r~, Carolyn Suiter and Skrp WIlliams. New Orleans ; Clnthia Dawkllls. Nancy Phieffu, Lin~a Luuy\ ShrcvcpDrt: Carlin G ynn. Sally Schoono:ver. Houston: D rane Brogaon, N.Y.; Judy Becker. Brookhaven. MIss. : Pattie Lou Burns, Sao Anlooio. "la.; Jao Cole, H untsville. To: . : jan Hendricks, Clearwater, FII .: GlDger Murry, Litt le Rock. Ark. ; Betsy Patterson, Patsy Patterson, Pensacola, Fla.


LOUISIANA BETA-LOU ISIANA STATE UNIVERS ITY. Charttred, October 13 1936. Pledlle Day, October 2, 1957. Mary Ann Mclaurin In'J Barbara Gcrland Scheut2 have httn elected to Mortar Soard; Mary Ann was elected president. Connie Garidcl was elected Scabbard and Blade Sponsor. Beverly Schwaner and Lola White wtre t1ected R.O.T.e. Sponsors. Irene Charlton is a nominee for Penhing Rifle Sponsor.

Mary Ann Mclaurin Ind Connie Garidel art nomintes for Homecomin.lt Quee:n. Tht chapter is busily plannin}t for Home· comin,! decorations. the theme being " My Poor Ole KeOlucky HorDt. '

Rush Weele began with the perennial " W int Carnation Tea." and went througb a series of parties including an " Alice in W onder· land" party. "Pi Phi Hcavto" was the theme of the final tea.

PLEDGED: Jane Babington. SUJ.lO j ordan, Janice Ryder. AleJ:' andria; Linda Hill , Bastrop; Lynn Bridges. Margit Becham. Mary Baker, Judith Barrow. GtOrgene Cannon, Calhtrine Crawford. Ho lly Ourant , Anne HatvC)'. Betty Knight, Marcia Robens. Elva Rockholdt, J ulia Scholan, Susan Tucker, Helaine T uite, Baton Rouge; Joanne Ward. Covington; Jeanne Livaudai,. Folsom : Nita Grace ~ctt igrew, Houma; Lola While. Ju lia Brandt. Jackson , Miss.; Miry Ann Drewttt, Jena : Jene Lester. Barbara Mclaughlin, Brenda Lutring. Lake Charles; Sally Hinkle. Kay McCue, Lynn Theus, Monroe; Virginia Sue Shtpard . Dale Ridfi:e; Suzette Schwing. Anne La.ville. Plaquemine; Martha Ann Goff, l.ynn Rogen, Shreveport: Rosa Fa,e Cook: Vivian.


MU PROVINCE I OWA ALPHA-IOWA WESLEYAN COLLEGE. Chartered, 1867, Pl edgt O~, October 6, 1957. INITIATED, Stptember 26, 19H: Charlotte Campbell. Barbara Ann Wellons, Bri.nton ; Joy Eclccrmann , Davenport: Nancy Moen, Mason City; Nancy Tnl, KcoJ.luqua: Joan Smith, Mt. Pleasant.

In March Iowa A was honortd by the visit Irom the Grand President, Marianne Reid Wild.

Prior to the Senior Ctrtmony in June. a scholar.hip picnic was held at Saunders Pltk . The expenses were paid by the losers of terms of two who had competed for highe't grades.

Roberta Watts Newberg, from Mt. Plusant .araduated summ~ cum laude. Muy Beth Stanley Young, and Barbara Johnson " 'ere named to I +, an honoury scholastic frat trnity. Barbara l ohnson , Rosaltt Rauscher, and Nanc! Kri«k were tapped lor Qu i Est . Vivian Weiny wn announu as a new mtmber of A it 0, an honorl ry dramatics fratt rnity. Sue Carruthtrs

l Elizabeth Gentry,

2nd J oy Eckermann were selected IS three: of tne eight outstanding freshma n women. Nancy Krieck is I.S.E.A. vice,president, Joy Eckermann is the Secretary-Treasurer. Nancy T eal ..... u choosen as Emerald Ball Queen, and Joan Smith as A X A, Crescent Girl during the put school ycar.

(owa A continuts to hold tht Wesleyan scholarship plaque IS evidence of their first place scholastic standin,lt on the campus .

PLI!DCEO: Grol Holsteen , Sylvia Roscum. Westpoint; Nancy Ritch ie, Mount Pleasant · Ann Boyd. Winterset; Jarol Ornduff, Ainsworth: Sharon Buffo, Selma.

NANCY Kltr lel(

IOWA BETA-SIMPSON COLLEGE. CharteHd, 187<4. Pledge Day, St:pltmbu 17, J957. INITIATfl). $cptember 10, 19H; Barba ra Bakker, Crete, III.; Grey S .... aney. fort Dodge; Eleanor Buch , Glenwood,

Iowa B has acquired several honors recently. Loni Stark. Marcy Myers , and Sharon Pont were named as attendants to the Simp, son College Beauty Quee:n. Flora Kitzman and Loni Stark Wtfe chosen as two 01 Simpson's Representative Women . Elected by the college faculty to E !: were Gwen Groomes and Margaret Olsen .

For the fifth strai~ht semester IOwa B was named as the winner of the Panhtllenic Scholarship trophy. Th is is a tnvding trophy and when it has been ..... on for thTU consecutive semesters by a group it is awarded to them ocrmanentlv.

Man Ann 8ullis was electtd president of 8l acleftiars. duma tic club. and Jo Weir was chosen u the nn. president o f the future Teachen of America o rfi:aniution. Members elected to W .R .A. ~onor Sociey an~ Honor Board arc Flora Kit2:man. Jackie Vander Linden, and Lo01 Starle. At the fa ll class elections Jo Weir was elected treasurer of Ihe senior cllSS and Pat Walker was chostn IS treasurer of the freshman clan. Ann Q uist was namtd IS a Countess for the: t9H Ak·Sar·Ben celebration to be held in Omaha .

Upon return ing to the campus io the fall the members were plused tG. ~ that some rcmodclinR had been done to the chlpter house. ThIS Included a new fr ont tG the house and, new 5tCtionaJ livinll room suite. and a coffee table, a Ri ft of the Indiano la A lum· nae Club.

Carrie Miller, Judy Harper, and Marcy Myers were chosen IS


thtu of Simpson's represtntativtl to auend American University in Washington. D.C. for I stmestec', study in the nation', capital.

PUDGED: Dorothy Hodgcs, Carroll; Mary. Joy i...e'onud. Denrson; Sue Throngren. Hulin: Eleanor Bu(UJ, Karon Butler, Oru Ha ll , Sue Hubbud, Lola Miller. Wendy Tun. Pit W.ll1:u Maria! Williams, Indianola; Jane Stewart, Jdferson: Eliubnh Miller, Terri Tucker. Kno:a:v,lle: Barbara Ullrich, Monterey Park, Calif.; Nancy Johnson. Perry: Sue Mason, Ple:lSantvilk

}o Wfll.

IOWA GAMMA-I OWA STATE COLLEGE. Charcered, 1877. INITIATED April 14, 19)7: Nancy Connell, EI&in, III.; }o Cowen, Ankeny; ~1ary Eldo, West Ikod

il Wis.; Farilyn Fourth, Webster

GroYes, Mo.; Eliubcth Ann ankt-ns, Cherokee; Jean Hoppe. Moline, II I. : Sandra Nair!, Cedar Rapids ; Harriet Penqulte. Grinnell; Ca role Lea Taylor Des Moines; Belinda 'Thorne. Hins· dale, III.: Paui Walter, Western Springs, III. ; Janice Zwemkc. Marshalltown. INITIATIlD. ~ptember 13.1. 19H: Barbara Blanchard Mason CitY'

j Dian Dobson. Cherokee; :tally Olsen. Council Bluffs:

Sandra Tayor. Marshalltown: Ann Wright, Wauwatosa, Wis.: Sarah Willet!. Ames.

Iowa J' was honored by the visit of Marianne Reid Wild. The Pi Beta Phi singers won the Sor·Dor Sweepstakes trophy for

the s«ond consecutive year. Beth Brom. director, led the group 10 the top place in the annual song contest among all the .... omcn ·s residences at Iowa SUle.

Veishu. the largest student managed and organized festival in the nation, held special excitement for the Pi Phis as they witnessed the crowning of Kay Backhaus. Iowa r. and june Brandmill a transfer from Iowa Z. as the IWO attendants to the Veishu Qu~cn of Queens. Also during the Veishea festi ... ities. Tiggy j ohnston was upped for Mortar Board.

During the summer. Mrs. Hugh Mactier. an Iowa. r alumna . wu crowned Mrs. Nebruka.

Farilyn Forsyth is amonR the five finalists for Queen of the Ha rves t Sa.II, a dance given annually by the agricufture students at Iowa Sute College. For the past two years an lo .... a r has been honored IS Queen of the Harvest Sail. tbe first all.college dance of the year.

P1.r:oGm. ~ptember 20. 19H: Carolyn Cole. Atlantic' j oellen Conley. Omaha. Neb.: Mary j ane Fori.nger. Winnetka. Ill.': Marcia Grunwald. Elmhurst, III.: Carolyn Kirk. Boone; Sharon Phillips Collinsville. Ill.:. ~ianne Ransom. Waterloo; Mary Kay Schluc: Va!", Horne: PatnclI Taylor. Oskaloosa: Martha -Keeny. Grinnell: An ita Wellhousen. MulCo ; judy Clark. Barbara Kuru. j o Ann Schrampher, Ames.


IOWA ZETA-UNIVERS IT Y OF I OWA. Chu t er.d 1882. Pl. dae D.", Sept.mb.r 19, 19'7 . INITIATED. April 4. 19'7: Bette ~lteson, . E,Idora; .Mary .Bergstrom. Spencer: Nancy Cla.ri::. Estherville; Wlnllred Files. Llndl Hlnsen Cedar Rapids' COli' stance DeHun ... Fairfield; Mary jo Gitchell: Cresco: jean Hlnsen. ~ar Fall.: ./Iobry Jan~s. Des Mo~nes : Mary Helen Kennedy. .... lllance. Neb.; Kathenne McCormIck La Gnnje Park III ' M.mha McGovern. Clinton: Marilyn iiiner, Char es City: jud; ODonnell •. Waterloo: Carolyn Pillmore, DeKllb. III.: Muy Showers. Kirkwood. Mo.: K.ren S .... enJOn. Elmhurst. Ill.; Musha Yount . Aurora. Ill.

At the .nn.ual Mortar Board 'Tlpping durin. Mothers' Day weekend Bobble EdJccombe .nd Karen Clause were Pi Bell Phis chosen. Sally PileS was elected to • B K. Marilyn Miner reigned as H illcrest Dormitory Queen, and Kay Taylor ... as elected Hononry Cadet Colonel. with Ann Watkins in her court At t~e Pi Bet. Phi annual Senior Fare .... e11 ceremony Carol Ha~sen .... u named ouutandina Itnior Jid by tbe active chapter. jeln Hansen was elecwd cheer leader.

Sandra Knight, Muci. McGovern. .nd Marilyn Miner III represented then rtjpcctive cities for the title 01 Miss 10 ...... Myrn. R!Joolds was one of teo finalists for the title of Dolphin Queen thl' fall. ~.med to Central Party Committee for the year were Pi Beta

Phi s P.t Pollock and ~ary Bergstrom. and In Union Board is joan TePulte. ReprCHnllnJ the house on Union Boud .ub· committees were K.thy McCormick. Margaret Kolker .nd judy O·Donneli .• nd CPC su\).committees: Winnie Files B.'rb Byw.ter Klthy McCormick •• nd Marsha Yount. EiJht of the pledges WCf~ chO$Cn me~bel'l of Hi.hlanden, lo .... ·s Scottish m.rching. Jeam:

joa!) S.ld .... ln. Bubar~ ~,.......ter, Christy CarletOn Emilie Kolktr. onl Lehman. Ann Mllhgan. Judy Webber .nd karen Willits.

jane Hu~ly wil! .serve t~is .year as Socie'ty Editor. of the Daily Jow.n. While Mallann. SpitS IS treasurer of Women s Recreational Association. Winnie Files is Secret.ry of Live Y 'en .nd )oln TePuke is on Student Council snd .secret.ry of Assocl.ted Women Students .

10..... Z .... 15 pin sed to r«eive third pbce in Panhellenic Scholarship. with .n aver.tte of 2.70. P~: j oa!"! Bald .... ln. Holne!'"ood. Ill. ; Barbara Byw.ter.

C;arlm JrlSh . j onl Leh.mln. Des MOines; Christ! C.r1eton . Schertr· ... lIle. Ind .;. ane Gr.I,!"c1, Eldora.: lUCia Guild. Bettendorf: G,y H • .,. O.rrton: emilie Kolker. Waterloo: Linda Lear Webster City; ..... nn MilIiA:an . Idftfsoo: Melinda Mora"t"ec, Fon Wayne. Ind:: Ann Peterson , I-fampton : Myrna Reynolds, Clear Lake : PI! Smith. Elmhurst. Ill. : Sus.a.n Stewart. Iowa Gty: j udy Webber. Dayton. Ohio: JUren Sue Willits. Dnenport.


SOUTH DAKOTA ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH DAKOTA. Chartt.nd, 192'. Pled,. D.y, Sepft.mM .. U, 19'7.


INITIATED. September 20. 19H: Marilyn Cronk. Sioux Falls ' Linda Dewhirst. Aberdeen; Nancy Gibson, Vermillion. •

Last splin. Marge FairbankJ. M.ry Ruth L.ng. IUren Thoreson, .nd Decde Woods were tapped for Mortar Board. Oeede was elected vice· president. South Dakota A hu two members in Guidon K:llfen FrClberg, vlce.pruldent; and Theo Raybu ln. •

Fraternity S .... eethearu are: Barbara Goodell o f I A E: Sarbara Hall of a Z: Sandy Sona Ellis of <to A e; Karen Thoreson of !: e E. Audrey Ro land was a candidate for Rose o f .:), I n.

Kay McCahren hu been nominated for Miss Dakota. the uni· versity's homecoming queen . Mary Ruth ung is president 01 Histort Club and Latin Club. Karen Thoreson is president of Z <to E. honorary speech organiution. Georgia Westra is president of Toastmistress Club. Peggy Riggs is .se<:reury of Youn& Re· publicans while Nancy Aikens .... 15 elected Miss Young Republican. Bubau. Goodell is president of Dolphins. Karen Pool is president of A A D.. freshman women's honorary society.

South Dakota A rated second on campus scholutically this yeu. Loreus Dean had the highest average of all freshmln women .

PLHOGHD : Nlncy Aikens. jane Hogln , juJaine j oh nson. Ka ren LindQ,ui~l. Sious Falb;. Dessa Lang. pnda Eyres. Kay Myron . Vermillion ; Kuen Wise. Coleta Bannger. Geuysburl : louiu: Anderson. Susan Wilson. Aberdeen; Lee Ann Barnum, Mitche ll : Dorothy Coc. Custer; Diane Forney. Pierre ; Ann Holleman R.pid City: Norma jacobson. Meridan. Iowa; Gayle Marske. SI·. Paul. Minn .: jan ice Nielson. Rapid City; Alvita Ou. Chamberlain; Jo lene Peterson. Wlke6eld. Ncb.: Audrey Siders. Hartford: Leslie Smith. AInu. Iowa: Georgia Thielan, Ips ... ich.


N EBRASKA BETA-UNIVERSI TY OF N EBRAS KA . Ch.rr.r.d, 189'. Pl.dae D.y, S.ptember 6, 19'7. INITIATED. September 29. 19)7: Genene Brandl. Syracuse: C.rol Nun. Central CIty : Monica Ross, Gibbon.

Nebraska B was .... elcomed back to the Winter semester by the announcemenl that the chapter placed 3rd in .Il ·women ·s scholar· .h,p.

Janice Shrader .... .1.5 ffiuked a Mortar Board on Ivy Day .n annual Spring event on the University of Nebraska campus: ·and. Anne Wade. elccted for her 3rd consecutive year ..... .1.5 chosen to be: a Nebraska cheerleader.

Cut to play the leading role of " julie" in the drRmatic pro­duction " Miss julie" was Sally Wengert.

Pi Beta Phis chosen as officen of honoraries and campus organiza­tions .... ere : Marilyn Pickett. president of A A 0. freshman .... omen·s scholastic honorary; jo Anne Devereaus. president of Aquaquettes ....omcn·s synchronized swimmin,c organization: lnd janice Chat: field, s«ret.lfr of the Student UDion Boud.

PLIlOGIlD: Sue Burton. Shenlndoah. lo .... a · Mary Ann Huris Bellevue; Gari Hathlway. Holdre.q:e· Judy ' Hughes. Humbo ldt; Sharon janike. Ann BiJlmyer. Caroi tanghouser. jan Myberf qncoln: Polly Moller, Wakefield; Linda Oakeson. St. Pau; Eilleen Warren. Wendy Wood. K.aren Olson. Ann no .... ' linl Sua nne Reichstadt. Omaha; Janet Rhoda. York; Mary Ann Ryan'. Platts­mouth; Sue Stack, Illoomington. Ill. : Barbar. Taylor, Garden ; Mary Ann .Timmons. Beatrice; Nancy Tood, Union: Ann Whittoff. ~blllyn Hlil, Fremont.


KANSAS ALPHA-KANSAS UNIV ERSITY. Ch.rtered, Apri l I , t 872. Pled,. O.y, Seprember 8, t9" . The La ... rence AlumnlC Club ,IVe a party at . th~ chapter house on &ptember 24 honoring Ka nsas A for the winning of the Balfour Cup. The fall social calend.ll was begun .... ith a dessert dance .... ith 1: N on September H and a party to introduce the new pledge class on October 16 The pledJe class or,anized a successful booth for he annual Student U:nion urni .... 1 whICh was held on N ovember 9. The chapter has given much lime and tboU4ht to the writ inJ of a skit lor the annual K.nus University spong production

j the Rock Ch.lk Revue.

&",inl on th.e " Rock Chalk" stall lie E len Proudtit. Sue Sur.o .nd M.ry ClaIre Purcell.

lndi"t"idual honors were attained br several members of the chapter, Elected to Mo rtar Board were Ruth Ann Anderson Mesaa Lloyd •• ad Shirley W.rd. Three Pi Bet. Pbis who .... ere eiected to <to B K are Suzanne Sawyer. Carol Stockham and Diane Worthinl' ton. Ruth Aan Anderson. Megan Lloyd and Sarah Simpsoa were presented the W.tkin Schol1l1hip a .... ard. Pi Beta Phi. lie in many principal campus acli ... itiu this year. AmonR these: are Creta Carter. Vice· President of the All Student Council; Ruth Ann Anderson. Vice· President 01 Student Union Acti"t"ities' Mel.n Lloyd, Nancy O·Srien. Alice Gould and Betsy Sh.nld.nd All Women's Student Senate. '

PUDGIlD. May n 19H: Creta urter. jennings . PledJed . ~ptember 8. 19)7: Alice Gould. Kansas City, Mo.' S.ndra O .... ens Kansas City; hne Dean. Prairie Vill.Fe: Beccy Brown. Gretche~ Jehle. Kay i.thbone, Annette Wilhs. Wichiu: judy ..... Uen. lbrbua HOdgson. lawrence; Moll, Clark, N ancy Holmes Suzanne Sentney. Hut~hinson; Kay Dalby, j oplin. Mo. : Pat O ..... 'On. N.ncy Scott. ~polla : jean Garlinaho.u.~. lincoln . Neb. : Susan Mitchell. Falls CIty. Neb,: Mary Ann Mlle. Salina : Maril"n Mull Chanute ' N ancy O 'Brien , Great I...akes. Ill.: Sally Stucky . Bo8ota. 'Colombi.: S.A . : N.ncy. SueUenlrop. Great Bend: Sue Suran . Hays: Anne Taylor, Austin, Tex.: judy Vancil. Abilene; Phoebe Watkins. Leaveoworth .


KANSAS BETA-KANSAS STATE COLLEGE. CbJU1ut.d t9U. Pled«e .0.,., MyumM .. 6, t9". I.NITlATtD. September 29: 19)7: Sue HIoIIdeo, COttage Gro"t"e. O,e.; Judy Mann Kansas Gty; Emily Mohri. SiI'~f Springs. Md. .


AI the annual Pan hellenic picnic pr«eding Rwh Week, Kanus B received for Ihe s«ond COOStCUllve yur the Scholarship Plaque and Cup for the 19)6·" school year for placing first io scholar· uup amon, the women ' . hatemltle. II Karuu Stale. The chapter enttrumed at dinocr MI" Margaret Lahey, new anoclI.te dean of ""omen,

Follo .... ing a successful rush week of acquiring twenty.eight pledges. tU.nus B beaded into a bw, fall semester, Activities in· cluded a fiJI costume party gi\en h,. the pledge., HomecorDing evenll. Parenll Da, w«kend and a D ... d 's ... eekend held wben K·Sta te played Oklahoma UniversLty.

• K ... honors "'cnt to Mar~ery Corn"'ell Ricklefs a 1957 gradu. lie and those realvinA SC'Dior awards " 'ere Royanne Graham, Mllcia Boyd and Muilyn McCrudy Peuit,

Tapped b, Mortar Board ... tre Jll'yce Graham, Janice Graham, Mama Bord and Royanne Graham, and the new members of the lunior gir s' honorary. Chimts are Kluten PetefSOn, Connie Benlamin , Carolyn Eb,. MarCia Boyd is editor of the Ro].1 PM"" annua!.

Reigning II haternity sweethurts are Kuen Sk i"er , S",eethcart of I X: Marilyn Smith, TKE S"'eclhearl: Marilyn McCready Petlit, DU S"'wheart; .nd Acacia Sw«theart is Marlene VanSchooneveid. <Anme Morgan represented Kansas State in the Miss Football contest held at [he Berkeley Foo«~11 Festival in Californi •. WIOnmg a len stale twin conlest " 'ere Charlotte .nd Charlene Suah. who were chosen 10 reign over the Rock, MountaLn Od Show in Caspcr, Wyo.

Charlotte Strah is a ch«rleader with Joan Peters IS .n alternate. Members of Angel Flight, women's honorary ROTC drill organ iu. tion are Connie Morgan. FrancIS Schwartz, Nancy Payne , Charlotte and Charlene Strah. Jo Lydick will head the YWCA organiutlon while Carol Bliss is preSident of Orchesis, modern dance club.

PUDGED : Jane Garri50n, Abilene: Sara Umberger, Den"er: J udy Graham, Judy Ho" EI Dof2do: Brenda Morgan, Connie Morgan , Goodl.nd· Jan Stewart, Hays; Pam Morton Joyce Rogen, Ka, Purinton, 'N.ncy Thornton, Kansas City· Paula Wildgen, Larned.; Roberta HOllinsky, Judy Kuykendall, Nancy McCracken, FranCIS Sch.,'aru:, Jud, Wareham , Mary Washin~ton, Manhattan ; Deborah Lowman . McPherson; Sylvia B~hm. Mount Vernon, III.; Alice Lobenstein, Ogden, Utah; Rae Rankin, Phillipsburg; N.ncy Payne, Raytown. Mo. ; Mary Richardson, Stafford: Judy Tyler, Harriet Wctlaufer, T opeka ; Mary Attwater, Linda Pitch . Wichita.


NU PROVINCE OKLAHOMA ALPHA-UNIVERSITY Of OKLAHOMA. Chartt rtd, Seplembu 1, 19 10, Pltdae Day, Septnobn 13, 19", INITIATI!I> September ). 19)7: Beverllj-Dadgcr, Alt~; Sara Jane Bateman, Bartlesville: Brend. Boone, uba; Jan Davidson, Wichita Falls, Tn.; Didi Houck. Little Rock, Ark.: Judy Mideke Sue Shorbe. Oklahoma Cily.

On September 2. seventy·eLghl eager members came 10 Ihe Pi Bela Phi house. ready for work week and rush "'·eek. One of Ihe foremost IOprn of convenatron WIS the Nita HIli Sta rk Vase, which Oklahoma A r«eived for the H istory fOr 19)6·)7. At the end of the second week here, Ihirty·t hree girls donned the wine and blue ribbons, and the chapter was very proud of Its new pledKe clau.

Belty Blanton and Joanne Burkes wcre tapped, last spring, for Mortar Board . Joanne .Iso receLved a Harriet Rutherford Joh nstone Schol.rship. Marilyn Kunkel (Mrs. Richard). Samecra Massad (Mrs. JOl ) , Sally Rahe. and Lou Ann Monlgomery "ere named to 41 B K · Didl Houck in the Education College and Judr. Grah in the Dw'iness College were elected to Ihe '" B K equiva enU in Iheir respective colleges. The Pi Bela Phi.s are very proud o~ Susan Downing who r«elved Ihe Gold Lmelser Award for beIDg the OUUitanding Senior Woman at the University of Oklahoma.

BeUy Blanton was chosen 10 ~esd. the Con~eren~e 01) Religion Ihis year. Okilhoma A placed thud In the University SlOg, under the direction of Mar, Ruth Dobie. The Ih ird.place SPOI in the Yearbook Be.ut, section was "'on by Jane Houchio, and she and Cheryl Blankenship "'ere finalists lor Miss O. U.

Fotmal pltdginK for the new 19)7 pledge clau was held on October 2, and the members entertained the pledges at • coke party afterwards. Next on the calendar Wl$ Ihe Mortar Board Walk· out .nd the Pi Beta Ph is .11 mel .t tbe chapter hOUK to join in Ihe ' procession of University "'omen throughout our campus.

PUDCI!D: Cwelda Barnard. Newport Beach, Calif, ; Ann Binga· man, Purcell: Anne Blackburn, Elk City· .Beth Boata, Boise City: Eva BraKI Gretchen Bush , Barbara ElkIDs, Sally Howard, Pat Tro,,"'er, Ttilsa: Stephanie BrOOks, Hutchinson, Kan . : Kay Bro~n. ing Bartlesville; Nancy aabaugh. Kaye Ferguson. Mauan Matthews Shuon McCall, Maril,n McDowell, Lind .. Ra" Okl.· homa City· Carolyn Connell , Miami : Suun Davis, Okmulgee: ludy Disos~ay. Waco, Tex.; Diane Dowlin,lt, EI Dorado. Ark. : Barbara feimley , Bloominglon , III.: Karen POSler, Joan Hampton, Ponca City' Sandra Harrison, EI Reno; Plldcia Leonard, Duncan: Kat!)" Mui'lendore, Pawhuska; Diane Perkins, Midland, Tex.; Betty Peters . Midwest Cit}'; P~ula Camille Richardson, Shreveport. La .; Dell RU~lEles. Wichita Falls. Tex. : Terry Wirder, R.cine, Wis. : Judy Williams, Altus.


OKLAHOMA BETA-OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERS ITY. Ch.rt~red, A ugull 12, 19 19. Pl edg. Dey, Seplember 6, 19.". INITIATED, Sept(mber 29" 19)7: )o.n Edwar~s, Okl~~oma City; Janice Moravec, Waukomis: Patti Page. Cushrng ; Mrnam (ks,ch, Okarcbe.


Malinda Berry, PI Bela Phi pled,e will be OlWboaa $tak University's candidlle 10 Ihe Nllionsl AmtflCln Royal Contest whICh will be held in Kam., City JUn. This beauty coott.st is raled Kcood in the n.lIon to the: Mus America con~.

After nuh the old and new members of EJ:«utive Council had a retresl wilh [he AdvilO'1 Council II the lake.

Oklehoma B is lookrn$ forward 10 I visi t fr om Mrs. Marianne Reid Wild. Grand Presldenl. While she is here sbe will speak II the Panhellenic Workshop.

The .nnual Sludent Union fair was held urly in tbe .semester. The chapter entered Iheu traditional " Pi Phi Powder Puff Throw" Dooth . wh ich .gain proved to be a very amwrng as well as profitable tvent.

PUDGED: Ann Adams, Jo Je.n Hicks , JaDe Mytinger, Suunne Rucker, Tulsa; JaM Barrow Marry Lou DICkey: Jan Landrum. Gayle Perkrns. Joyce Tate, Oklahoma elly: ElizalXlh Wendt. Ann Tenell. Sherry SWearinll;en. Bartlesv ille; Malinda Berry, Doroth/ BUlkstra, Judy M~rs. Suunne Pilton, Barbara Selph, Stillwller: Meredith Lee, Deborab ltc, Miami: Sharon Henderson. Jeanne 8 rown, Sapulpa: Drane Arrington. Shawnee: Beverl, BlakeJ... Pauls Valley: MUlann. Cloninger. Wichita, K.n.: Jo Ann uozier, EOId; Joan ne Kelly, Cushin~: Linda Lee, Vinita ; Mary Lo" Antlers : M'/llyr. MIJ:on, Now.ta; Judy Sanderson. OaHu, Tex. : Lyn MaddoJ:. Holdenville,


TEXAS ALPHA-UN IVERS ITY OF TEXAS. Chut~"d, February 2, 1902. PI~dae D.y, S~pt.mber 14( 19" . 'NITIATED, September 6, 19)1: Rosemary McMurlry. Amari 10: Lad, Gretchen Siernhagen, Beaumont : Carol Anne Giesecke, Fort Hood ; Nan Fletcher Reed, Alice Lockett Wheless, Houston: Barbara Anne Coal~ McAllen: Mary Glenda Hairston, Wichita Falls: Carohn Sue uhols, Ysleta.

The sprin~ 5tIDCstet brought Kverd new awards and honors to Ihe PI Beta Phis of Tens A. A beautiful trophy, the first ol its kind. for havin~ the most partICipants in Ihe Round·Up Rodeo of April ) and 6 was presented to the chapler in addition to the Irophy received for having the Most Outstanding Float, Raggedy Ann and Andy. in Ihe Round·Up parade.

Tapped in Ma, to be: upperclau advisors of Littlefield Dormitory were Nancy Hunl. Pat Vlgeon. and Quay Williams. Also ~Iected for Ihis position in Blanlon Dormitory were Saily tU.y Maxwell and laVerne Johnston, president and vice.president, respectively, of the dormitory. Jo Howell was elected s«relSry of SpookJ. an honorary ~lVice organization for women. and Ann Corbusier is president of Ashbel Literary Society.

Adele Black and Joan McKnight appeared in the 19,6·19)7 Caftlll, the college yearbook, IS Out5tandin~ Siudents. Patty Cartwright i. the ch.irman of Ihe Inlernationa l Commiuion. Kay Howard is reigning as Oueen of tbe annual T,.ler Rose Festiva' October 17· 19. Mujorie Purnell , is the president of P.nhellenic Council.

PLEDGED: Elizabeth Ann Brown, Margaret Suunne Cocke, Mary Aline Gilbert, Marietta Payne, Nancy Weber, Janie Yeaton, Au'tm; Bonnie Rhe. J.iston, Celine SelY. Ama.rillo: Nancy Carolyn Fo" Brownwood: Lynn Louise Porter, Bryan; Elizabeth Ann Shuto, Columbus: Janet Clair Estes] Commerce; Patricia Ann Bush , Pauicia Oi.na Hawn . Gertrude achon, Nancy Beth Johnson, Joyce Adrienne McNamara, Rosemary Zonne Mill., Jane Stotts, ballas: Susan Blackshear Garrell, Danbury: Elisse Mafia Maneval, De Pere, Wis.; Mary C1audi. Allen, Elizabeth Check, Evelyn Miller Clay, Cornelia Ann Cummins, Joan Elaine Loffland, Fort Worlh; Carolyn Glenn Smith , GalveSlon: Sally Kay Muwell. Hamilton; Ayree Jane Klol2. Henderson ; Cora Louise Amtrman, Evelyo Elsie !kular. Judy Jerabeck. Coldte Renee Lebourg, Mary Leila Map:innis, Nancy Esther Nunnery, Jane Frances Riddle! Helen T o" 'nes Smith. Houston; Evangeline f"ord, L.Marque; 1- arianne Muse Longview: Kathryn Barragan, M.rilyn Marie Mueller, Ellen' Genevieve Munson r San Antonio; Nancy 1-1arie Garrard, Tyler: Anne Stuart Dryaen. Waco: Linda Link, Weslaco: Ann Holt Ullrich. Wichita Falls.


TEXAS BETA-SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY. Ch ... Ut.d, 1916, Pleda. Day October 6, 19". INITIAT!D, Dc· I,!ber 17 . 19)7: S.II, Pitts, &aumont: Ann Greenwood. Cooke· Ville, Tenn .

K.y Carbaugb and Marilyn Bludworth were called out by Mortar Boud. Marilyn WIS .Iso cbosen by Squire IS one ol the four most ouUlanding women 00 campus. Gail Baker. president of Tnu B, '10'11 appointed chairman of the Campus Scheduling Commiltee.

Sunday, October 13. Tens B had a brunch fot the Tnu As and Oklahom. As in Dallas for the Tnas·O.U, football g.me. A p:u costume party was held on November 16 with Z T A and .. j, 9 al the new. b. a House.

Sorority Ind fraternity houses sported outdoor decorations based on "Mustan~ H istory' for homecoming, Each group ChOK an ouut~ndinK year to depict.

PLEDGED: Carol Bowers, Lorella Dennard, J ane, Goff Sue Kn ickerbocker. Carole Meletio, Sharon Mooney, Beth Neary, Carolyn Shults Dallas: Nancy Bluntzer, Corpus Christi: Gwen Davis, Midl.nJ; Judy Eplen, Maril,n Williams, Abilene: Carole Graves, Beuy Mdlheran. Pe.':&}' Markum, Norma Richardson, FI. Wotlh; Pat Hoffman, San .Antonio ; Carol Lou, Lubbock; M.ry Earle Persons, Grand Salme; Sand ra Stred Graham' Linda Chilton, Lag,,!na Beach , Calif.: Peyton Cockrill: NlSh,.ilte: Tenn.; Nancy Godwm, Webster Groves, Mo.' Judy Granger Brentwood Mo.; Sallie Schirmer. Kan~s ~itv, Mo.: Roberta G;ecn , Rwton: La .; Marlha Hodsdon . MllrlU, Pia.; Jo Claire Jones Suunne Ogier, Sally Odord, Susan Stewart, Shreveport, La.: An~ Pollard,


Ottumwa, 10" '.:1; Btny Thompson, Tulsa , Okla. ; Virginia Vicktls, New Orleans, l ao


T EXAS GAMMA- T EXAS TECHNOLOGJCAL COLL EGE. Char1trtd , Aynl 2J , 19B. P1tda. Diy Stpttmbr.r 14, 19'7. Prominent offi ces held by Pi Beta Phis for the commg )'CU m­elude: Pal Rainer, K'Crelary of the Srudtnl Council: Judy Eckland, secretary to the Student Body President: Elizabeth WIl son. Student Council reprcsnlUti\'C; Jane Sullivan, A .\ .4 s«rrtary; i"" Schc~u, " 'inner of a ' 250 scholarship; Ind Sh:aron Eng Ish, Suzanne Duvall. Ind Delia CloJC members of Freshman CouncIl.

Members elected to Morlar Board .,,:: &th van Johlncn. Catherine Nelson J an ice Newsom , Sammie Fowler, and Billie Sue Grelory. J unior Council members arc : Virginia Buy. Peasy Malinak. Kafen W illiams, IDd Barbara McDougal. .

Preparations arc bein,,:: maae fo r a float to be entered 10 the annua l Homecom ing para .te.

Two new trophies have ~n added to the trophy cue: h-:l lding a place of honor is the Stoolman Vase ..... hich was awarded 10 the chapter last J une. Texas r was again rated fint on the campus in scho larship for the ninth consecuti ve semester, thus letiting the Pan hellenic Scholarship trophy.

PLEDGED : Elcdve Bla ir Doll M art in. Abilene: Donna Sue Christopher, Brownfield; Otlia Close. Sharon English, Judy H art, Ann Kerr B.ubara Underwood. Lubbock: Jo Anne Craver, Sulphur Springs; Carol CUrry. Calla Jo Rice. Sue SP!inger , Fort Worth; Jo Ann Dobbs. AliCe Ann Pc,,"., San AntoOlO: Suzanne Duvall, ),farilyn Gardner. Anne McElheny, Kay White, Caryl Yontz. Dallas ; Rol fe Fori. EI Paso; Ba rbara Jacks. J an Pfluger. Eden; Kay Kart. Corpus Christi: Kay Keltner, Crane; Margaret Moore. Seguin' Karen O·Brien. Woodville; Kathryn Nell Quain, Brady; Roscm~nd Rawlinll:s, Amarillo; Shirley Stephens, Denton; CeI(5te Ullrich, Bellaire.

SHU.LEY HAMLETT CAn T EXAS D ELTA- TEXAS C H RIST IAN U NIV E RSITY Ch.r. te red, Augu. 1 10, 19'6. Pl edge D.y, Octobu 13, 19'7. INITI. ATfO, October 26 . 19)7: Jerry Lynn Burd. Cleburne; Laura Shule·'. Dallas; Carole Baker, Ann Vaughn. Ft . W orth; Nancy Scofield, Houston.

The members of Texas ~ returned after the summer to find the new air·conditioned dormitory, Colby D. H all. completed. This dormitory houses the ten women's fraternit ies on campus. Pi Beta Phi occupies one wing. which, in addition to the /t ids' rooms, has a chapter room and kitcheo. The men's fraterni t ies arc aho living in a new dorm itory.

A Panhellenic Ribbon D ance. October 4, presented the pledges of all the women 's futernitits.

J ulie Tipton and Carolyn Jo Johnson were elected to Student Congress as sophomore representative and lower clus represent3tive respectively.

Betty Jane Johnson was appointed by the faculty to the staff of D tJ(anl , TCU s literary magnine. . .. .

PLEDG! D: Linda Monk, Altus, Okla .: V irginia Coney. AmJle. La.; Betty M cGrew . Bellaire; Bett ie B. Porqelius. Chatt3nooga. Tenn .. Betsy Boog.Scott. Cleburne; Nancy Stewart Corpus Christi : Sally Bch.nnf'n. Sally Chancellor, Barbara Griffin, Joan Rain", Betsy Small. Dallas: Kay Kent. Sa(1 Sturgu, Ft. W ort h; Judy Sommers Ft. Smith, Ark.; Diane Palmer. Houslon; Dianna ulth, Jacksonvllle; .Katl!J Boh3.nnon. Kansas City . Mo.: Lyn.da Youn~. Lampasu; J im Brooksh ire. Suunne Clement. Lufkin; Glona Neuman, ~brt : Mary Ra,!l:sdale. MemphiS. Tenn.; Zola Morsa n. M idland ; Carole P.1;ulselJ. Sca rsdale, N.Y.; LU3nn Stratton. Waco; Sherry Cannon, Wichita Falh.

N EW M EXI CO ALPHA-UNIV E RS ITY OF N EW M EXICO. Chllrured, s.ptember I I, 1946. PJed(l:8 Da)'t September 19, 19'7. INITIATED, O ctober 19. 1957: Vicki Broo s, Sarah Novak. Edith Williams.

Pi Beta Phi received the community action a .... ard last spring . t the annual H onors Day AS1Cmbly. Sue Dormeier was chosen out· standing stnior ..... oman. and Judv M inces ..... as ch~n outstanding sophomore ..... om.n of Ihe year. Gloria Hanawald W15 tapped for Mortar Board . Elected to Spurs were: Vicki Brooks, Gini Bu.ucy. Pat Dalby. N om; Diehl. Ann Humc. Jand Jenkins. Blanche Mc· Cord, Ellen Wilder. Joann Wilder. Chosen as varsity cheerleaders were Yvonne Pearl. head chtetleader, Vicki Brooks, Jayne Guvts. and An,!!:ie Ortiz.

Earl ier in the sprlnR Vicki Brooks served as Co lor G irl for the Air Foret: ROTC. and Jayne Graves reigned as Pa per Do!1 at the annual Ne ... ·sprint Ball sponsored by the Lda, V.N.M. s news' paper wh ich is published three tim" weekly,

Kaye Hubbard .... as Da iry Princtss of New Mexico. and GI,nndle Hubbard represented Ne ..... Mexico in the Miss America P'$eanl . She ..... on a $ 1000 scholarship for being chosen M iss Congeniality. U .. A.

O utstanding in campus aCtivities arc: Elltn W ilder. editor of the AWS lo .... n crier; Nancy Johnson. j oann Wilder .• nd J anel Jenkins •• Iternat" 10 Studml Senate; Kathy .GiUxrt. Co·charrman in ch u ge of to .... n decorations for HOID«omlng: Pat Jones. Pro· ~ram ch.irman for Homecominl:. rcappointfi! to the National Stu· dent's AssoCiltion ut'CUtlve commiltee. Ind as a mcm~r of the NSA (Ommiut'(! attended the national convention as one of five officia l dtle,:ates; Ann Krummcs. presidtnt of Waterloos; J ud, Minces. t~asurer of W.terloos; Je~ne Fleck. I pPOinled to the Student St.ndlfdJ CommitttC: Gratia Hanawa ld. reappointed to t~ Cultural Committee; .tld judy Littlt. vice·president of tht Inter Relil!'ious Council. Chairman of HOID«ominR danct .. ·hich will be held in Albuquerque's n~ Civic Auditorium.


Dollie Harroun. 1957 graduate. is now studying in Pa ris. France. under the auspices of th~ Fulbright schol arship she won lut spring.

PLEDG!O : Carol Allen. Trish Crowley, Junne J antz. Jud y ~hrtin , Barbara OlinRer. Sue Sackett. Emma Lou Shay. Janet Stapp. Albuquer'lue; Vuglnia Boles. Carlsbad; Pa uline Dapper, La Canada. Caljf.; Simmie Gibson. Glynnele H ubhard. Farmington; Helen Hougen. Sheboygan. WIS.; Kaye Hubbard . Artesl;!; Nancy Johnsoo, Carlsbad; Cornelia LO"-'ndes. Santa Ft ; Nancy Mayer. "Denver, Colo.; VirglOia Thaxton. Tucumcatl: Lynne T ouchstone. Pasadena. C31i£. ; Lynne Wiebe]]. Cincinnati . Ohio.


XI PROVINCE COLORADO ALPH A-U N IV ERSI TY OF COLORAD O . Chartered, 1884. Pledae Da)" Septemher I ' . 19,7. INITIATED , October 11, H,l'7: Loni Gra ve lle. Fritsi Hancock, Reno. Nev.; Betsy Howlett, l.a Canada. Calif.; Jun Ridgley. O~s Moines. Iowa; Barbara Sal fiJberg. Cheyenne . \'(fyo.; Jo Warren, Sa lt Lake City. Utah .

A ffiliated : Anne Breckenridge, Virginia A; Jo Bufford. Co lo rado 1'; Nancy Neece, Texas 8

National hudlines held special si,nificance for Cohrado A when Mari lyn Van Dcrbur ..... as chosen' Miss Amenca " 10 the annual pageant held at Atlantic City. H omecoming at the UnlVerSll j of Colo rado promises to be a bIgger thrill than ever th IS fall. smce Miss America herself plans to be 00 the campus for Ihe .... eel..end f(5 l ivitics. Maril ~n. who has hccn a popular and act ive participant in chapter and ca mpul activities for the past t .... o y:ars. will be the honored guest of the un iversity's 1957 Homecoming celebra tion.

Colorado A "-'IS further represented in the Atbn!IC C,ty pa,lteant by Loni Gravelle. " Miss Nevada."

Chapter members plan to part icip31e in various .1I.nmpus aClivitlts. Some thIrty _Pi Beta Ph is .. ill "migrate" to the Colorado· Oklahoma game in Norman, Okl •. The cotnmiuee for Ihe mi!l:ta· tion, which is sponsored by the student government, is headtd by Kay Cornum.

Anne Brcekenridgl" was chosen for the feminine lead in the Vanity Nights Revue. a Homccomin8 presentation. Othtr members of t he Chapter who ..... ill partIcipate 10 this shnw arc Bev Pollard; .nd the P, Beta Phi trio. including Ma r), Alice Ghormley. Jane Zeiler, and J ill Shiner.

The chapter SOngslresses. harmonizing with the 1: A E chapter from across the alle~, took ,!!:rand prize in the CV Days Songfest for the third consecutive year.

Susie \'(fright. Pat H ill. and Chnlotte Salveter were upped by 4> B K. and Pat H ill was awarded honors at gud u3 tion.

Amool: the final ists for fres hman queen was Marcia McGilian. a pledge. Tandy Craill: " 'as tapped by Spu r, sophomore worn-: 's honorary'. and was elected one of the sophomore representJO'·.C$ 10 the A \'\IS Stnate. Three hard,working Jun ior Pi Bel'· "'his were tapped by H esperia. the jun ior women 's honora'" f hey ale Kay Cornum, Lynn unnartz, and Marilyn Van Derbur. Lyn n also serve, as advisor for the Spurs; and Mari lyn. Kay. and Lyndal Holme have been tapped by Ihe Air Force R.O.T.e. honor:ary. Angels' Flight. Colorado A is represented in the Y .W .e.A. by Ph ilancy Catlin. who is vice.presidtnt of that orf!:aniution; .nd Judy Hark . ness is servinll: as executive secretary (or the ASVC commission . As a member of the cheerlelding squad, T eeoa Bennett is helping to urge Ihe Colo ... do Buffalos on to another victorious season.

Lisa Burg(5S and Pat Hill were honored in the Cala,ad,,,r, the yea rbook. when they were nam~ CU Pactsetters. Schobstic honor. aries also recognized the achievements o f three Pi Beta Phis. Chlr. lot te Salvetet ,us initiated into K .0. II , national education honorary: Marilyn Van Derbur into !. A I, national music honorary; and Bets Mee into'" ! I. nati'}nal modern langu3g(5 honorary.

PLEDGKO: Caro! Berney. Btttendorf. low.; Sh.ron Bai le),. Sandra H ughart, Robin M cDou,l/:. I. Matcia Peterson, Kim Y aksha. Denver : Suzanne Bayon. Judy Wells. Ne ... · Orleans . 1.3. . : Joan Ballins:. Garden Grove. Cal if.: Sue Braun, Englewood ; Ona ~unger, H am. mond. Ind.: M ardi Burnes. St. Joseph. Mo.; Pat D«rinl:. San Ml teo. Cali f. : Di.ne Dillman . Pat Farmer. Los AnJ::e1cs. Calif. ; I.tnd), Firtstone. Patty Jonts. Beverly Hills. Calif.; Evie Galanti. Chica.'to. Jl I.; D orothy Gershenson. University City. M o.: Eliu. beth Gill. St. Paul, M inn.; Judy Grady. Burl in~ame. uli£.: Sydney Hartm.n. Montrose: Damaris Hollid~e. Coh3'set . Mass.; Ann H nllow.y. Cedar Rapids. Iowa: Jinny Holter. Kanus City. Kan.; Judy Ki~hpau~h . Beloit. \'(/'il.: Nancy Lingenfe lter, Salt Lake Cil,. Utah: Marcil McGillan. Albuquerque. N.M.: Mari lyn M ilh. Olathe; Eleanor Manum. Sterlin,,::: Marilee Nagle. Iowa City. To .... a; Abby Parsons. Sue Snud. Marilvnn Thnmpson. Evanston. II I.; Anne Pre .... itt . Briarcliff Manor. N .Y . : J3n Rnctzel. Colondo Springs: TerfT Stoftr. V icto ria. Tex.; Ton i Sauer. MiI ..... aukee. \Vis. ; Kathleeo T ansev. laGrange. III. : Janis Van Lcuven. Dallu . Tex.: Linda W ahon. W innetka. III.: Sue Weber. Cltvel.nd. Ohio : j ulia Wright . Rensselaer. Ind . ; Nancy Ztiler, Fo rt Wayne . Ind.


C O t ORADO BETA-UNIVERSITY OF D ENV ER. Chartered , 18 8 '. Pl edle O .y, September 21. 19'6. INlnATm. February 2, 19H: Nanette Ctosb)'. Lubbock. Tex.: J anice Cra ... ·lcy. Elkhart, Kan.; Poll, PO"o. Gr~at Falls. MoO!.; Sandrl Sorenson. La j olla, Dlir.; Ail«n Calkin. Joyce Carlson. T rud, Crofts. OonOI Kes. sinll:er. Marilyn M illet. Carol Mossbtrger. Dtnver.

Thc m.jor "tnl during spring quarttr It the Uni9CrsitT of [Xnver ... ·.15 May Oavs. Tht thtmc f.-.r Ihi~ affair wu "Mav Da • Manh,nen." Colorado B placed first in the sorority division o f


"Twilight Sing" witl: a rendition of " You'll Never Walk Alone," Durin,ll: the quarter, Conni Dent and Jan Willimont were Klecud

as )'eubook a!tendants. Marydlen Dillon and Sandy Theis . 'ere chosen as nnallJlUi lor May Days quetn,

Mortar Board taPPt'd Roberta Rabinoff and Anne Welch. Charlene Warren was sel~ as 19)8 May Days channan,

. ·hile Anne Welch was appointed H Ome('(llI1ill8 chairman for 19)7. Roberta R2binolf was nsmed C/..,;o. editor lor the forthcoming year. Sandy SotelUOn was chosen as one of Denver University 's new chteriudelS.

On J une 8, Colorado B held its annual Spring Formal ! which was the last Itt·together with guduatinB seniors. FollOWing this function was the Senior BruHa't on June 9, in honor of all Knior tntmbtn.

Colorado B silO included the following functions on their busy lOCial agenda: "Pi Phi Night," Settlement School Night, Mother· Daughter BJnqud, Sonl and Paddle Nllht, Scholauhip Banquet and Ltgacy Dinne".

PL£l)GED: Susan Bunk, Middletown Ohio: Lynn Generis. AI· buquerque, N .M.: Carolyn Giles, Seldovia, Alaska ; Nedl Keller, Oyer, Ind.; Veronica Marta, Trinidad, Colo.


COLORADO GAMMA-COLORADO STATE UNIV ERS ITY. Charured, SeptemMr 8, 19'''. PIt-d i e D.y, Sepltmber JO, 19'7. INITlAT£tl, MJr 12. 19H: Joan Bella, Webster. N.Y.: Beverly Benn, Carol Phill ipson, Denvtl ; Jane Elder, Miles City, Mont.; Karlten K in" Kenilworth, III.; Clara Lander, Colorado Springs; Anne ludewll, Honolulu, Hawaii; Bernadene Ping, limon, Colo. ; Jeanette Richardson, Sterling, Colo i Nancy Riede, La Junu.

Colorado r wu very proud of tne many honon can relied upon its members last splln,. T he foJlowinjl: lirls were chosen as Colorado Sute Univemty A rmy Sponsors: Phrllis Slagle. Ann RobcrtJ, Carol Jo Ltwis, and Barbara PerIJ. T hose girls chosen for Air Force Sponsors were: Maurine Powtll. Phyllis Pomrenke, and Phyllis 8orderud. Phyllis Slallle and Barbara Petry were also chostn as Spurs, a sophomore women's honorary. Anne: ROlers . ·as voted ·'Miss Leadership of Colorado Slate University" by the Associated Women's Students. Mary Deeter Her ron was Upped for T I 0t a senior women's honorary.

ThiS !:all the Coloudo r returned to find the bedrooms of the house newly painted .nd decorated. There are 26 jl:irh living in the houst this yur.

Beverly Bentl Ind Barbara Perry were nominated for queen o f the Grtek 8311 which is one of the !arllest all·$Chool dancti of the year.

On October 11 Colorado r p'rtsented Its pledge dance. It . 'as called "Silhouettes in Pi Phi' and black sil houettes of every pledjl:e were made and used as decorations.

PLljOGHP : Sandra Allen, Judy Bro..,n, Carolyn Coopt-r , Carmeli:a Costa, Carolyn Doh, Marey G albruth, Patricia Leech, Mary Lipscomb, Cuol Jo Loucks, Donna Mackell. Margaret MiZer, Mary Olson, Carol Peterson, Den\'er; Debrl Bryant, Joan Burns, Daunine H ouska. Mary )0 Ricker, Fort Col lins; Sharon Foust, Littleton; N ora Hastings, Tucson, Ariz.; Ehubelh Lips, f erguson, Mo. ;

~n Luedecke, Falls Church, Va.: Melinda Morgan, Lincoln, Neb.;

ackee Stalcup. W orland, Wyo.; Eilttn Wrockloff, Fort Lewis, a3h.


WYOMI NG ALPHA- UNIVERS IT Y OF W YOMING . Ch. r_ lut-d , 19 10. Pledie D. y, Septembu 2 1, 19'7. INITIATED, Sep· tember 10. 19)7 : Mlria! fl ynn, Worland.

Scholastically speaking, the 19)6·)7 school year ended al the Torch Lisht Laurtls ceremony when Wyominll: A ""as awarded the scholarship cup for its 2.00 average, the highesl of any on campus. HelpinfC to make thiJ honor possible were the high mlrks of 4> B K . Martha Mmnis. Mary Stran,lte, and Barbara Smith aJ .... ell as those of • K <]> 's Lynn Gunn, Marilyn Marshall, and Mary Strange. O ther honors of the evening included the tapPIOg by Mortar Board of Carol DeKay and Barbara Smith, who was later elected president of this honoury, and the tapping of eleven Pi Beta Phi Spun, Nancy H lltwell , Frances Denny, Lyn Parsons. Mary Schlaikjer. M ary Lou Foreman, Sue Wi lev. Betty Northen, Colleen Larson. Kaf Kepler, lynn E ... anJ, and Lin Mclaughlin . Chapter members ..... ho are S£ur officers for the year include Mary L..u f oreman. president; ,in Mcbughlin , VIce president; Lyn Parsons, secretary; Nancy H art.'ell. treaJurer : Coleen Larson, A .W.S. representative; and Kay Kepler. hiscorian.

At la te l ceremonies, Muy H ansen was a\llo'arded the H istory Department Hnnor Book and Betty Northen named the outstanding freshman in frtnch while immediately btfore school was out. Roberta Grten, Barbara Smith, and Mary Thorson. in an all schoOl election, were chosen Student Senatou. Roberta was elected seere· ury of the Senlte at its first ~tinlil.

Honnrs accumulated by Pi Beta Phis since school started in September have b«n the a .... arding of the Iud in T,,.holl,, of thr AII~MJ' M ool'I' 10 Karen Kahl«n, Ihe naming of Katy Ku,tl und . Judy Houtz and Carola Ro .... IJnd as Air Force ROTC Angels and of bnn Mabee, Marial O'Melia, Mary K ay Kingham and Mary Ka v Sullivan as Army ROTC sponsors, as well as the IWlrdin,ll: of five rtf the Cot Fou ndation AmeriCin Studies Scholarships to Mary J.te Herm:;;n Carol DeKay, Barbara Smith, Mary Lou FOreman, and Beth Fair. At present, the entire chapter. includin,ll: chetr· leader, Nancy Bjnrn Ind pepsler. Sue Wiley. are campaigning for our ondidale fOI Homecoming Queen, another cheerleader, Roberta G rten.

PLEDGED ; Rosalie APGdao, Evelyn Hltnsherler, Susan H inil, N orma Grey. Ka ren J<ahlten. Klthryn Kugbnd. Ch~nne: Miry Sue Baker, Vivian Grant, Mariel KaJlerud, Linda Merritt, Casper:


Elsbcth Fair, Judy Sampson, Sheridan: Lynn Evans, Pine Bluffs, Nlncy B,orn, Susanvdle, CalIf.: Nancy Bradford , MIdland . Tn:.; Karen DamlCn, Holland, MICh . ; Maulyn Hoffm.:m, Sterlin.IiI, Colo.: N oralyn Gerruh, fnJlewood, Calif.; Ann Hurtt. Speufish, S.D:; Pew. Murpby, Kensington, Md.; ) o Harllet Orr, Pasadena . CairE.: Linda 5.trchet , Slevens POlnl, WIS.; Susan SchmlJt, uth Bend, Ind.; Mary Kay Sulltvan, Oem·er, Colo.


U T AH ALPHA-UNIV ERS ITY O F UTAH . Chartered, 1929. Pled •• D.y, Septembu 28, J9 ,7. IN,nATED, May 19, 19H: Linda McLatchy, LaNeya PeterseD , LuAnn R~u, Salt Lake City: Mary Cheldy. Seattle, Wash.; Suun Scalley, ORden.

Dwill8 SPring Quartu thrte membtrs of Utah A . ·ent to Sun Valley, Idaho, with the skI team. T hese three girls were Carol Robinson, Ann Fttvedt, Kevyn Warnock.

Out o( the 78 tntmbcrs UDDtd for. K 4t, lirls with 3.) overall averaA", two gi rls, Joyce "Wberritt and Helm Thomas were Pi Beta Phis.

Utah A placed second in the annual W .R.A. Carnival. and Sally Ackerman ruled IS quten.

Luanna Love, put president of Utah A, won the Amy Burnham Onken Award (or Z Province. Luanna also held the addi t ional honor of being U Days Queta.

As Spring quaner came to a close U tah A had two ~irls, Suzanne H atfield and Pamela Recse, in Ma nu Board; one ,ll:ul in C.'ens; and Sill girls in Spurs.

The chapter's I.e. rosis pin, awarded to the Rirl elected by the vote o f the chapter IS the ouuunding girl of the previous quarter, was won by Linda Nelson.

PLEDGED : Cheryl Andersen, Barbara Ba rben, Becky Batefus, Bette Bennett). Anne Boehmer, Joan Bollinger, Ann Amrie Boyden, Mary Ellen Hrennan, Gayhe Anne Brockbank, M ary Lynne Dawson, Barbara Duenler, Martha Evans, Dana Gibbs \ Lynne Johnson. Carolyn Mulliner, Patty Pomeroy, Alice Price, Diane Te«e, Wi Ina W.gstaff, Sharon Wa~, Judy Wright, Salt lake Cltr; Ann Blackett, Midvale ; Mitzie McParland , Wallie Sayner. Pat Gunnell, Ogden; Janice Ndson, Pro ... o; Catberine Peterson. Fairview; Joan Wasson, Los Angdes, Calif.


MO N T ANA ALPHA-MO NTA NA STAT E COLLEGE. Char. tert-d, SeptemMr J O, 192 1. Pledge D . y, Occober 22, 19'7. The theme of Homecoming this year WIS , "Crystal Ball MSC," I nd it gave Montlna A a look into the f utuu of a busy year ahead. Twenty· lour of the Pi Beta Phis displayed thei r talents at the H omecoming Variely Show. Their la.'n decorations mented a second ~ace in sorority competition. T he Bobcats madt' the day pcrftd ..... inning thea sixteenth .tflight fame to the cheering led by at Kamhoot, chter queen and Va Lcrkhind and J udy Lyons, chttrleaders.

T he chapter ra ted top on campus scholastically for last Spring quarter. O lher Pi Betl Pb i honors "'on wele : June Long, S\IIo·«t· heart of t X; Jeao Allen and Jean Painter, T op Ten; Janet Tobey, J unior Attainment Award; Sue Keller Jnd June I..onl. student government.

Fi"e Pi Beta Phis . 'ere"'chosen for Mortar Board. They are: Nancy Lichwlldt, J anC't Tobey, Carolyn Sarleant Beatty. Karen Keyes Strtet. and Sue Keller.

Anna Mae Brenden is a new member of Madrigals, a select singing group. Eight out of Ihe t ..... enty.five girls chosen for Spun are membtrs of Montana A.

Plans lie underway no .... for the Fall Parly on November 2. PLIIDGED : Karen Badgett, Ashland; Elaine Bar, Colstrip : Sandn

Bolsud, BIll: Fork; Evdyn Byrd . Hamilton; Sallie Cardwell, Karen Sperry. Bozeman; fay Chriuoffenon, Froid: Marilyn fraser, Reed Point : Eiletn Gr056tld, Bill: T imber; Marieua John. stone, Fort Benton; Sharon Kelly, Butte; Janet Lind~uist, Great falls : Judy Lyons. Billings; Nancy Martin , ~hles City : Donn. Nelson, Wisdom; Pat Snead, Dillon ; Sheila Spn8R, Belgrade ; Lois Suneson , Davis, Calif.


OMICRON PROVI NCE WASH I NGTON A LPHA-UNIVERSITY OF WASH I NG · T ON. CharteHd, J . nu. ry, ) 906. Pled.e D ay, Septenlher 26, 19 )7. fNInATED: Oiane Aardal. Linda Bell , Joan BerjiCrtn, Kay Buckley, Ann Campbell I Gail Crosthwaite, Pat Holmstad. Diane Hopkins, Lynn Horsfie d, Sally Ann H ovee, M.tdelene Hunt , Lynnelte b e,lter, Kristie Johnson, Bets}' McBride, Karen McCarthy, hnice OllIson, Nancy Olscn, Judy Pldduck, Sandra Schultz, Patti T aylor.

Mary Alice Martenson, chairman. and her assistant, Susie Flem · inlt are preplrin~ for Homecoming. A ,ltiant wuhin,ll: machine-­bubbles and III-will hell? to brinF, to life the chapter·s slogan, ··Shrink the Stanforized Redskins.' Robcru Hall:ist and Gloria En;:ebo are Pi Beta Phi·s candidates for Homecominrt Quten.

M rs. Ste"'art Tuft. Province President . will visit \'Vasnington A October 29· 31.

Not on ly are W'a,hin,lttnn A's working toward first place on campus in scholarship but also . 't are lookinl forward to a fall qu~rter full of dancu, f()(ltball ralites , queen contests and such events 1$ the N ickel Hop and ou r pledge dance in NO'tembtr.


WAS HI NGTON BETA- WASHI N GTON STATE COLLEGE, Ch.rte ,..d, J uly, 1912. PledRt- D. y, October I, 19'7. INITIATED, September 21 , 19H: Rochelle Wall ing, Camas.


New $tudent .... eek saw Spurs Mary l ett D iana Gibson, Molly Melcher, and Mari,O Shannon helping the freshmen ~ct acquainted. As a freshman, Diana was honored IS onc of ' the top len." During thc summer, Molly rdgned u Roundup Queen in Lewiston .

Scarcc'b had the eXCitement after pledgmg dJl~d down tban Christel IIscn, the forclgn sludtnl hom S .... cdco, arrived . She is a heshman ilUJoring in English, and the chapter fub she ,.,ill be: a great amI 10 the house.

Getting W.S.C. in the spirit of football arc yell luder, Janet McBride; president of Cougar Coordmating Council, Barbara Lindley: president of Cougu Boosters, Delight Richardson; and raJly squad member, Sharon JustICe.

After the Greek C.ucaus seven Pi Beta Phis found themselves on the ballot: Judy Greenup, Junior Class vice-president : Sharon j ustice, Junior Chss secretary: Barbara lindley, Junior Clus executive council; M.rt Jett, Sophomore Class 5tcretary; Marijo Shannon, Sophomore C au cxecutiye COuncil; Alice Camp, Fresh· man Clau yice·president: and Peuy Simpson, Freshman Clan cxt'CUtive council.

When Mrs. Al ice Webe r Mansfield, Grand Vice· President, visited the chapter, a tea was given in her honor.

Gwen Zediker is the chapter's candidate for Queen of H ome· coming.

PUDGI!D ; Barbara Allen.!. Pauy H aven, Seattle; Joan Baken, La· crosse: Su.unnc Bates, Peggy Simpson, Pullman; Alice Camp, Ephrat.a;, Barbara Durham, Spokan~ Lynn Ellingson. Steilacoom; Nancy Harkness ..... Gayle Williams, 1 acoma; Marilyn Wolfe, Mary Jett, Yakima' netty Nelion, St. j ohn; Beth Patterson, Cuol k ounduee, Olympia; Lois Peterson, SlUDner; Judy Ann Rosers, Yakima,


WASHINGTON GAMMA-COLLEG E OF PU G ET SO UND. Chartered, September 9, 19'7. I NITIATED, October 6, 19)7; Joan Green, Beverly Sweet.

Washington r pledsu have already begun to star on campus, for Barb M unz, Carol Jo Nelson, Marcia Raudebaugh, Bev Gilman. and Sue H olman are aU members of Adelphians, the Collese of PUSe:t Sound'. Concert Choir. The new yell staff includes twO Pi ada Phi pledges; Darlene Thompson, song leader, Jean Michel , yell leader.

The Jnez Smith Soule AlumniZ Club and our Mothers' Club bought the chapter forty·two place setunss of sterlinll, The chapter feels very fortunate to receive such a gift.

Four of the nine campus queens choosen ""ere Pi Beta Phis. Bette Birkland, Co·ed Colonel, Roulie Rosso. Dream Girl of e X, Marilyn Breidenbach, White Rose of l: N, Ind Jean Dix, 1: A E Violet Sweetheart,

Other members brinsing their chapter honor arc: Kathryn Howe , Rosalie Rouo, and Susan Sprenger, who were lapped for Spun. Susan also hIS the lead in the homecoming play, Sally Marshall, Gay le Switzer, and Ellen BreaKey were sdecttd for the college sen ior scholast ic honorary, Ot lah,

PUDGI!D: Susan Curran . Katia Ekva ll , Josephine Gloor, Sarah l ohnnon,: Susan Holman, Mlrsuet MarinKovich , Marcia Rlude· baUih, .,haron VanBeek . Tacoma; Shl rry Dorsey, Mercer Island; Beverly Gilman, Diane McDonald, Cilol j o Nelson, Seattle; Jean Michel, Spanaway' D arlene Thompson, Olympia i Cherie Pease. Phoenix, Ariz.; Barbara Munz, Abbotsford, Bntish Columbia, Canada; Lynn Hartshorn, Denyer. Colo. ; Ruth BillinllS, Puyallup.


OREGON ALPHA- UN IV ERSITY OF OREGON. Chartered, October 21, J9 13. The Spring Term SCflefll campus actIvities in· c1ude: Sarah Donaldson, Y.W,CA. Sophomore Cabinet Chairman; Senior Cabincl. Barbarl Burns; Panhellenic Scholarship Chairman, Barbara Burns; Student Union Direc10rlle, Betty Bullock, and Karen Mauney; Rally Board, judy Ecklund; Ore~n DlIJjl, E",trtJJ Reporter, Karen Mauney,

Specill Eyenls Ictivities include: junior Prom General Sccretar'J', Beth Allyn; Publicity Chairmln, linda D.avis; Duck Preview relistfltion, Linda Davis. Mary Ellen Ede ; General Secretlr'J', Nancy Taylor ; Junior Weekend luncheon Co·Chairman, ~ Bullock: Luncheon General Secretary, Lee Vincent; Mothers Weekend Gentrll Secretlry, Sarah Donaldson; Greater Ort,on Committee, Bobbye Ericluon, j'Anny Thadcer, Ardy Urbigkeit.

Tapped for honorlries were Martha t.h cy, Karen Mluney. A A 6, which honors I$irls for hillh scholanhip their freshman yelr; Maf'Y_ H elen Williams Ind Bonnie LeBaron, + X e, the National Womens' Business Honorary: Nln Hasedom and Sally Allen were tapped for • B K. n K A chose Kennette Kirk as their "Dream Girl," and Sue Rlmsby was I princess on the j unior Weekend Court,

Pi Beta Phi's fl oat with I "Calypso" theme took second in the annual Canoe Fete which is 10 nent of Junior Weekend. The chlpter' s "A Tribute to Romberg" also took second place in the All Campus Sin, which is another event of junior Wedtend.


OREGON BFTA-OR EGON STAT E COLLEG E. Cbartc.nd, 19 17. PI, d,e Day, Septembc.r 10, 19'7. Spring term honor as5lelDblies natoed scyeral OrelOo B members for honors Ind for campus positions this fall. julie Frahm was nlmed the editor for the 19,8 Belver Yearbook, and Mary Zenn became the assistant editor with Pam Cllyton editing the Music and Drama S«tion Ind Sindra Farrell helding Queens and Personalities, Lucy Sin nard is actin~ as Feature Editor of this yeu's campus papt'r, "The Barometer. " and Em ily Johnson huds the society section, uurit Allen, Pit Wri&ht, aod julie Frahm ... ct~ ChOSCD to Ict as Pan·


hellenic Counselors in the fruhman dormitories during rush week. and Nancle Owens was named a DormItory SponSOr, Nancie also received the Lipman and Wolfe award for the outstanding sopho. more student. Meredith Foote and lou Gibson were initiated into A A .6, tht freshman women's scholastic honorary, and Pam Clayton was named to membership in Talons, the sophomore women's service honorary. lucy Sinnatd " 'as tlppt'd fot Mortar Board, and Mary Glenn became a member of + K .. ,

In the beauty spotlia:ht Pat Crawford was selected as the collele's Betty Coed, Ind SharOD Spt'ncer was chosen the ROle of n K . , Cindy Lee represented the coliege and the sute in the N.ational Miss Football contest in California IDd placed second mlkina her one of the two princesses on the court. '

PLEDGI!D: Beverly Blackstone, Barbara Blom, Kathleen Frederick, Marion Friedland) SaUy H all, Kay Mannina, M usha McGuire,

lean M cMahon, udith McMahon, lauric McPherson, Janice Po· and, M ulene Relniita and Shlron Rose, Portland: Judith Seamster,

Sa lem; j udy Rushing. Eugene; Anne Gagnon and Diane Thompson , Oswego; linda Backen, Mary Diane M yers, and l lnice Romine, Roseburg: j anis Baer, Bend; Marilyn Nancarrow, klamath Falls

Judy P.aine\ j unction City; Vivian Stevenson, Ashland: H ollin Gary, Men 0 Park, Ca lif.; Andra H urst West Coyina

j Calif.;

Janet Pence, San Lorenzo, Cllif.; Sue Schmacizie, San Francisco, Calif.; Karcn M. Thompson, O ... kl.and, Calif.: Phyllis Milum, Newport Beach , Calif.


OREGON GAMMA-WILLAM ETTE U N IV ERS ITY. C har· tered~ june 1 , 1944. Pled&:e Day, September 2', 19'7. At tht awardS assembly lut .prins, j eannine Graber wu selected to be president of Cap Ind Gown: JoAnn McGi lvra was chosen as president of A A 6 i !lnd four sophomores, Mickey Daum, Ginny Grant, Carol McMiDuDee. and Dot Manker, were tappt'd for BAr, sophomore women 's honorary. Diane Wickstrom was elected as student body secretary: and Jeannine Graber and Mary Beth Van Cleave were chosen to be stnior schol.ars in psychology and drama respectively, while Connie Cla rk was chosen to be depart· mental luistant in sociology, Flouy Hodge WIS selected by the student bodr to reisn as queen over the annual May Week End.

Orelon I's J udith Hansen had the female lead in the Gilbert Ind Sullinn operetta. "Trial By j ury" which was presented at Parents' Weekend. Four juniors were nominated for H omecoming Queen, Lynn Schrock, Sondr.a Roark, linda Berry, and Sandi !-larris, Selected to represent WillamC'tte University at the state fair was Sonj.a Peterson who presented a piano concert.

A tea was given October 11 in honor of Alice Weber Mansfield and Mrs, Stewut Tuft Omicron Province President .

PLIlDGIiD: PelRY Hoffman, A lice Stewart, Salem; Elaine Buckin · p:er, Karen Drier, l inda Hostetltr, Karin Ketlenring, Jean Thomson, Portland; Barbara Bact Bend; Judith Hansen. Astoria: NOli Hounsell. Hood River: Judy Teufel, H illsboro; Betty T oy, Tilla· mock; BetS! Barclay, Arcadia , Calif.; Barbara Hamilton, l os Gatos, Cali,' Bea Julian, San Bruno, Calif,: Fran leonard, Berkeley, Ca lif.; Kat,. Moretti, San Rafael, Calif.; Mary Blanchard, Ross, Calif.


I DAHO ALPHA- UN IV E RSITY OF IDAHO. Chuccl't d, 1923. Pled &:_ Day, Sc.ptember 19, 19' 7. IN ITIATED, September 27, 19)7: j une H oa lst, Hammett.

Idaho A is in proud posstssion of the new Panhellenic trophy presented for placin~ first in scholarship among the women'S fraternitiu 00 the UOiversity of Idaho campus.

The entire chapter enjoyed meeting Mrs. Alice Weber Mansfield, October 7·9.

Washinston Bs were the chapter's guests October I) for a ,ltet· Icquainted party , HOm«(lming was celebrated by the build ins of a fl oat with .6 1: .. ,

Spurs selected Gerri Williams and Oul White. Virginil Symms was eJected vice·president of Mortar Board . • T 0 tapped jane­marie Smith Ind Doris Gisscl. K ~ n. educatiOn honorary, chost Jeanne Bishop. j udith Folkins, Judy Pu rkhiser and Ann Belrdmore, who was elected president. Joan Ferris, J oan Baldwin, and Jane. marie Smith were in itiated into 1 Club. W ,R.A , service honofll ry. Tapped for 1: A I were Karen Jordan and Shirley Lovgren. M arilr" Nusent was choscn for. B l( Ind Catherine Cannon and Phyl is McA lexander, treasurer, were tapped for A E .6, medici l science honorary.

This fall j une H oalst WIS selected for Vlndalcers, the co liege choir. and Shirley Henriluson was chosen held majorette for the collese marching band. Pre·Orchesis tapped five ~edges, Gloria Gowanlock, Darleen C1if!tsman, Barbarl Robinson, ulie Matthews . and Dawne:rta Hart while Orchesis tapped Geni iII iams jme· marie Smith, and Diane Smith. .

PLEDGED : Marilyn Applesate, Wilder: Patricia Clark, Seattle, Wash,; Darlcen Clintsman, Puest River; Patricia Day Gooding: Gloria Gowanlock, Silly Wilbanks, Spokane, Wash.: G~rene Grat, Kello,,; D.awneeta Hlrt, Moscow; Barbarl Hollowl~ Ann Scott, Boise; julie Matthews, St. Anthony: Barbara Robl~son, Mont· pelier: lynne Shelman, Bonners Ferry ; Diane Smith, Blackfoot ; Nancy Wlrwick, Dnmport, Wuh , ; Sandra Wilson, PuYlliup. Wash,

PI PROVINCE CALIFORNIA BETA-UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Chartend, lQOO. Pled,e Day, September 21 , 19,7. On the


morninl of Oct. 5, NOrffn Doric WIS initiated, and our bonored guest wu Mn. Gordon, Province Prelldent . In the afttmooo, the Miehilan State football lame took rollce, followed by the usual post·game open houw, and finall" p edle pre·stoll topped oH the moSt hectIC dn of the new semester.

Amons vafious honors r«ei,·td by lirls in the house. Martha McEnerney is president of tbe sophomore women's honor societyj Panile. Barbara Breyer bas just been elected to Panlle. Cuo Williams won a sophomore appointment on Rail, CommIttee' Sue Billan is Cop, EdItor of the University Yur Book: Ann Brad­shaw IS a future wrIter on the Dllli, ~/, the university newspaper. jane Lange aDd T oni Hamilton are hudUlI the YWCA Community Service aroups.

Scholastically, the Pi Beta Phis mnained in the upper third, and for the brst time in years, the sororities mainl.1ined a hisbet average then the dorlJU 00 umpul.

PLEDGED : Hille,.,. ~is. LUC}' Eberts, lynn Griffith CarolyD H.1nd, Anita ScOt:, San Francisco: BInnie Busby, Wendy HIWS, Arudil; Iohry Duu, Slcllmtnto ' Miry Hinman . Ross; Mary Irish, Sue Plulson, Sue Owen. Sin ~{arino; Alice Kent, Kentfield; Tish Molony. lauric Noll. los Angeles : jenifer P.1ul. Pludenl: Sue Verble, f:esno; Mlrtha Wri8ht, Atherton: Aim« CrOSlin, Piedmont: j udy Dieter, Bonnie O 'Brien, linda P.1lmquiit. Suki Schorer, Ikrkeley; Sue Wlrner, Olkbnd: j O.1n Moffitt, Abmedl.


CAL IFORNIA GAMMA-UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Chattued, July 27. 191 7. Pled"e Dar. Sap •. 21, 19'7. Diue ung.lltd was a princess in the K A Rose Queen Contest , held lut spring.

At the ReC08nition Anernbly list ~h" Munee ~he Tyler, Di.1ne Hunt, Ind Klthy Niemeyer were selected for AmazOns


Dilne H unt, Ind K.1thy NIemeyer were t.1pped for Chimes In Dilne has since been elected president of the orRlnizltion. Spun include Jkv~rly Swecny. .1nd Estelle Duies. Estelle was lisa select~d as a d~rk of Womens judicial Court.

r 's Annu.1l Beau .1nd Arrow Ball held .1t the Newport Harbor Yacht Club last May " '11 I wonderful puty Ind was thoroughly ~nioyed by III Pi Phis and their dates.

Pi Beta Phi won the 1: A E volley.b.1l1 tournament with N.1ncy Ellis rec~iv in,ll: th~ honor of being the best pllyer in the tournunent.

PLEDGED: Mary Let: Irwin, La Canadl; S.1l1y Beynon. Pasadenl: Judy Buckner. Joan Carter Connie Ch.1mberlin, l inda Crank, l'hilippa La.y, Sill, Messer, Joan Root. Anne Shirl~, Los Angeles i Susie Chen.1ult. West Covina; hnet J lcobus, PU.1deol; JerI Murphy, Barbie Stephens, North Ifollywood: Nanetle Salib. Nancy Smith, Whittier; Susie Titus, Suzanne Techenlin, C.1tol Ann White, La. Canida: Gwynne Tunney, La Jolla ; Shuon Willi.1m50n. Puadena; Nlncy \'(7imbush, Orange.


CALIFORNIA DELTA-UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES. CharCered Sartt!mbu, 1927. Pledae O.y, Sapct!mber 21, 19'''. Peggy Manu~ C.1mpeau Ind Be.1trice Bystrom Holmes were chosen for. U X. wh ile je.1n V.1n Buren .1nd Jny johnson "'~re upped U Mortar Boud members. Spurs. the sopho· more honouf}', cl.1im~d SUSIn Plumb and Melba Newbill.

U.C. LA. is .1ttempting this £.111 to r~uin its high sunding in football . With B.1rbu.1 O.1pper U I University song luder the ch.1pter e.1,qerly .1w.1its each ,ll:lme. U.C.LA.'s light stunts are .1lso a duwing cud (or ilS footblll g.1mes. After the firsl g.1me the enlire 51ud~nt body w.15 invited to .1n open house given by the A T a's. to diJpl.1, their be.1uliful new Ch.1rter house.

The ch.1pter is prepuing for its Innul weekend retrut on October 5 and 6. All pled,ll:es and Ictives ue going to I camp in the San Bernardino Mount.1ins to plan for the coming ye.1r and discuss 11'.1)'5 to improve the ch.1pter.

PLEOCED: Brenda Dod,weiJer, Beverly H iUs; Lindl Fehring, Aluden.1; Penny Hut ley, Riverside: linda Hoo"er, Los Angeles; M.1ry Sumlin, Sierra Madre: BarbJra Turner. South PUlden.1: S.1ndr.1 Wlrburton, Long Be.1ch: Bubua Wells, P.1udenl .


CALIFORNIA EPSILON-SAN DIEGO STATE COLLEGE. Chueued, September I, 1949. Pledat D.y, Seplt!mbu 22, 19'7. During the first .... eek of the: hll se:mester the ch.1pter mov~d into its new residence.

C.1lifomia E', Su:tlnn.1 Albri!ht received the Southern Cllifornia Arel Council Settlement Schoo Schollrship It the Founders' O.1y luncheon celebr.1ted with Californi.1 .6., and Califo rni.1 r .

C.1hfornia E tied for third place in the Fr.1ternity, , hiring the Phil.1de/phi.1 VIS~ with K2nus B.

The ch.1pler is proud to hive received the pledge schollrship troph, Ind to hue also won first for Clmpus schollrship. It also pbced first in Inler·Sorority sports.

1n clmpus acti.,ities J.1net Wilson is Upper Di.,ision Representa· tive to Student Council; M.1rilyn Stead and Barbarl Allin I(e A.W .S. vice·president .1nd secretary respectively; Ind Betty Harmon is sonl!:·luder.

At the A.W .S. Blnquet, C,t:" t.1Pped u.n Harbs. Susie Sellman, Chlrlotte Balsige(, and Lind. Bubour. Iinet Wilson Ind Plul.1 Hunt were tipped by Clp and Gown. 0 ivia Rou WIS Queen of the N .A. I.A. Tr.1ck Meet which WIS held in Sin Oiel!:o this yeu.

Sweet hurt candidate, for the spring se:mester were Ol ivil RoSll. I X Clndid.1te for the Blue Book Bill: Brenda Heiman, Sweetheart of Z B T: lynn G.1mble. findist for Cresent Girl of AX A; LiIIi.1n Lucus .1nd judy Slater, tinalists for sweethearts of T K E Ind n K A respectively.


PL..IDG£O: D i.1ne Anderson, jeln Collier, Marian Fitch Sharon Grell, lrnn luckey, Karen MIDley, Glil Mind, Mar,ie McClain, Shuon PI lister, Carol Rleff, Carol Sparhawk, Helen Thlyer, Marlie Webster, Bubua Wilson, Sin Oil:&o: Sidney Clark, Susan j ohn. son , Coronado ; Louise: Stier, S.1n Clemente.


CALIFORNIA ZETA-UNIVERSITY OF CAL IFORNIA AT SANTA BARBARA, Charured. Februuy 2, 19'0. Plec!Je Day. Saptember 22, 19,,.. JNlnATED, Sepl~mber 8. 1957: Get1lldine O 'Donnell, Chula Vista; MIt}' Wheeler, Burblnk; Nancy Woods, San Rahel.

Califomi.1 Z won first pla« in women's d ivision of Spring Sing with their original Kore for the " life of ChllSt. "

Cynthia Thomu gradu.1ted "'llb the bighest grade point .1Verage o( the school. Altboulh Cynthl.1 ·S .1VHage U a three point, her status in the fUlure would be I four poInt since the campus is changing to the four point system of grad in,. Ne .... pledge Ann Carpenter r«~ived HIghest Honors .1t Enllance.

janet Allen is a member of the Califomi.1 Club which blS members from all University of California Clmpuses. Marilr.n Plrry Ind Vllerie Hallor Ire Spurs, Sophomore honorary, while FlY Tysell Ind Jlnet Allen are Chimes, junior honorary. Pledge Penny Cutting is our school song le.1der. Ann W orrel IS one of our campus Representatives·It.Large on Legisluive Council IS well IS beinl a Colonel's Coed with Sandi B.1rth and Jlnet Bingbam. Helen Glrhtn h.1d I big job IS P.nhellenic Rush Chairm.1n. M.rth.1 Campilio is junior.Senior Prom ChaiUn.1n. A,W .S. First Vice:· president, Pat Puu, i. one o f the ch.1ptec·s chief com~rs. While president Ann Moldenschatdt repreKnts Pi Beta Phi in X A .6.. nation.1l educltion.1l honorary, j ackie Frank represents Pi Beta Phi in the community IS lou Rose: Of CaliforniA campus ~pfCKnt.llive .

j anet Binsh.1m rei,lned as Military B.1II Queen. Ann Worrel kept the Easler Relay s crown in the family by recei.,inll ber trophy from last yeu's queen lOY West. Miss S.1ntl Blrbau contest uw Helen Guben in the finl s.

PLEDGI!D: N.1ncy Allin, Ann Carpenter, j Olnn Hinkley , AIt.1dena: Alice Bishop, Susl n Cumins, Arndi.1; Penny CUllin •• Carolyn Duis, North Hollywood; Valerie H.1110r Wendy Lee, S.1nta Bubara; B.1rbul SummerbJ!~ Chula Vuta: Eileen Rufener, P.1trici.1 Ward. San G.1briel; Mary ,:,hropshire, Los Angeles; Sunn Swift, Glendale; Sirl Ketchum. S.1nta Ana; lindl Peterson, Christine Roberg, S.1n ~brino; Steph.1nie Smith , Pllos Verdes,


NEVADA ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, Chartered, 19". Pled"e D.y, Septembu 20 1957. INITIAT1!I), September 27, 1957: ,Se:lda Hicks, Pludena; ~{uilyn Feruri, T heresa Mariani, Sally Riley, j Olnn Todd, Reno ; Sh.1ron Teglia, Sparks.

Nevada A receivcd the A"ociated Wotncn Student,' Scholarship Improvement Pl.1que for arade improvemtnt.

Myrism Borders WIS elected president of the Auoci.1t~ Women Students. This lutom.1ticllly makes Myriam vice· president of the Associ.1ted Students. Myriltn w.15 .1150 eJected to Cap Ind Scroll.

Ebine Zeidmann is the ehairm.1n 01 the Women's Upperclus Committee on Clmpus of th~ coming yeu.

Initiated into S.1gens. an honoury " 'omen's up~rcllu urvice o rg.1nizltion, were: Myriam Borders, Nora Kelloll, SuuDne Kuypers. Delnne Munk • .1nd Ebine Ztitlm.1nn.

Myri.1m Borders snd Suzanne Kuypers ""'ere selected as members of • A e, national history society. S:uanne liso serves as .,ice· president of this organiution .

Bub.1ra Ruatk 11'.15 elected to serve Ihe Sophomore Clus of the University of Nevada IS its president for the eominl yeu.

Pi Betl Phi pledges, Suun While .1nd hne Franklin, were elected University of Nevad. songleaders for the year. Pledge G.il Fuhrm.1n is the ch.pter·s choice as clndidate for the Univ~rsity of Nevad.1's 1957 Homecomin,ll: Queen .

PLEDGED: Klrtn RietJens, Auburn; Theress McOuirel Bishop: Sh.1ron Wilkerson. Elko ; Jlne Fr.1nklin. H.1wlhome i Mutna Emet}', Lodi; Eleanor Boyer. N orth Hollywood; PuriCla Potter. Sally Sherm.1n. Piedmont; Sally Atcheson. Sonjl Carlson, Martha CleuT. G.1il Fuhnn.1n, Kay Gaddl, judy G.1ndee. Bsrb.1u Moncrid, Billie Morris. Nancy Vogt . SuS.1n White. T.1unYI Woodford, Reno ; SUJln Scuddtr, S.1n Francisco: Carol Armstrong, j osnne Dumble, Bubua Sbr.1gi.1, Spuks; lillian Muon, Winnemucca: DeAnn Me­Gow.1n, Yerington.


ARIZONA ALPHA-UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA. Chartered, Auaus( I, 1917. Pled.e Dey, S~ptembu 18, 19'''. INITIATED, October 5, 1957: Ricki Puquhlr, K.1Y Kelly, j Olnne L.1ns. Arline Postillion, Jean Roystet.

The Pi Beta Phi QUlrtet " 'on tirst place in the women's division of the I A E Barber Shop Qulrtet Contest. The chlpter also had two more queen aUend.1nts IS Ann Che.1irs was ChOKn Greek Week Quecn attendlnt Ind when Cathy Colbert WIS nuned an attend.1nt to the 1957 Sprin,ll: Footblll Queen. Dotsy lyon r«eived the highest honor th.1t can be awarded to I junior womln , when she 11'.15 elected IS junior Councilwom.1n of the student body. The Innual Aquaeade Wli co·produced by K.1tie Hlnnl . K.1tie was liso elected Treuurer of the Women's Athletic Association and Presi. dtnt o f Mermaids, women 's swimming group. Kle And reen WH

elected golf sports luder and President of Putters, women's golE club. The end of the )'CII came .15 SUSIn Shelly WIS presentea a pllque by the PhoeniJ: Alumnz Club wbich deSllln.1ted her as the most outstandinol' senior oI'r.1du.te.

This Kme:ster began with the USU.1! ucitemeot of fUJb. The


excitement was even greater whcn our efforts were paid off with forty- four wondrful new additions to Arizona Alpha. The pledges have since been royally enterUined with a formal Open H ouse given by the actives and With a dinner party given by the Tucson Alumnae Club.

One of the major hll act ivit ies is centered on thc football gridiron-here Pi Phi will be well represented Ihis year (Sorry, no football players). Proyiding half-time entertainment will be Kenlyn Williams. who has won the mOSI n:aliona! twirling a~'ards. uading cheers at the games will be Betty Hoc; and other entertainment will be performed by porn ·porn gids Jean MacGregor. Ann eheairs, and Rick i Farquhar.

As Ihis goes mto themail.Alizonl Alpha has four candidates in the finals for class officers-Ann ehtairs, junior Secretary: Nancy Owens, Sophomore Secretary: Kenlyn Wi Iiams, freshman Secretary: Ikv Zeidler, fleshman Treasurer. The outcome will appear m the nut reoort.

PLEDGED: Susan Alsrin . Carnl Travis, M id land.,t Tn. :}ody Biby. Jane Nesmith, Long Beach, Calif.: Carolyn Llevelan , Barbara krebs. Carol Jean Ltt, BlTbara MeEowen, Connie Szink, Mary Ellen Willey, liz Thomas, Phoenix; Anne Gibson, Marlene Glad, Gatti Morruon, Christme Polson, Dee Stigers, Pat Sullivan, Bev Zeidler, Tucson; Sue Pelton, Christine Wright, San Marino, Calif. : Lynda 8ost, Grass Valley , Calif.: Barbara Bostwick, l os Angeles, Calif.: Sandra Cotey, Clifton; Carole Dobbin, Atchison, K.n.: Molly Dunigan, Fort Wayne, Ind.; Wendy Gibbons, Barrington, Ill ,: Janet Gordon. Bea umont Tex.: Kathy Hinkle, Wilmette, Ill.; Phebe Hutchings. Geneva. )11.: Rae Kenworthy, Benson ; Janet Matts, Yuma: Olivia Ryland , Denver. Colo.: lean Savage, San Bernardino, Calif.: Yirgjni~ Selby, Ventura , Cali.: Sandra Smith, Akron, Ohio; Sherie Stark, Honolulu , Hawaii; Tori Straubel, Laguna Beach, Calif, '\ ludy Turben, Shaker Heights, Ohio ; Jeannie Watson, Orange, Ca i .; Nancy Washburn, Studio City, Cliif.; Gail Whitney, Burba nk , Calif.: Carol Williams, Oskaloosa, Iowa; Kenlyn Wilhams, Spokane, Wash.; linda Witwer, Grttley, Colo.




The only " fraternity" hotel in NEJP YORK

. in the world, lor that matter, open 10 the public, both men and women. This modem 26-story botd w3S built and is operated by members of the National Panhellenic Fraternities. That ,lone assures you of a "fraternity" wel C<lrne in Ihe big city ... 10 say nothing of the Beekman Tower's friendly atmosphere Jnd excel­lent service.

400 comfortable outside rooms ... complete facilities. Splendid location on historic Beekman Hill .. , next to the United Nations ... convenient to .11 mid-town .

Sin KIe, .hllring b lllh-£rom '5.00 Sin51 ~. priva te b:rlh-£,um '7.00 Double, prholOte b ath-from 1 10.00

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IIEEKltIAlV TOWER HOTEL O ... rloo'''" . I". V"lt .d N.".". , , , Eo .. R ill""

Ea.1 49d. 5 1 . .Il l III Aye"", .. , New York, N. Y.

->- ->- ->-

What We Expect from National It has been some time since I have written about

fraternities. I desire at this time to take advantage of this column to express some recent observations that mayor may not be of value. We, who are held responsible by our universities for fraternity de­velopment and promotion should be more expres· sive of what we expect from National Offices in order that local action agai nst their chapters does not come as a surprise and consequent hurt to their national welfare.

Universities, more and more, are assuming some responSibility for character development as well as intellectual growth. They, therefore, must screen all agencies within the University who have programs that influence attitude and affect conduct. No agency falls in this category more than the Greekletter fra­ternities. They will secure aggressive support from University administrations in Iroportion to their positive support of activities an programs that con­tribute to a religious motivation, democratic ideals, and gentlemanly conduct. Where they have nega­tive and destructive influences they must be reo moved from the university system.

Feeling strongly that we can no longer tolerate indifference to fundamental principles, I would suggest the following:

A. Aggressive and uniform positions on the use of alcoholic beverages in houses and at social [unc­tions. The policies should be demonstrated at all National Assemblies and district meetings. There is no place in education for thelromotion of alco· holic uses by any agency attache to an educational institution. This attitude in no way infringes upon the private rights of individuals nor challenges moral attitudes which are diversified throughout the nation. The present policy of national fraternities is not strong enough to be considered a policy and is contribut ing to confusion in the minds of col­lege students.

B. A long range program of reinterpretation of the meaning of fraternity brotherhood. This means a revitalizing of the ritual. The sacred respect for the ideals of the ritual has been lost and will be difficult to revive. Nevertheless, if the present atti· tude continues, fraternities will change their culture and become housing and boarding dubs. As this happens Universities will desire to operate them since they will have lost their basic reasons for par· ticipating in the educational program.

ARDEN O. FRENCH, K ! Dean of M ell, LolliJiana Slale UlliverJity - From Fraternity J\ionlh


KATH ERINE T OWER BARNES (Mrs. Harry 0.) initiated into Michigan Beta N ovember 3, 1899, died July 30, 1957, in San Diego, Calif.

HELEN SARGENT BATES (Mrs. Norman) initiated into California Beta September 18, 19 11 , died October 3, 1957.

ROSINA HAYMA N BROWN (Mrs. Beverly N . ) initiated into Missouri Alpha N ovember 18, 1899. died March 16, 1957.

CAROLINE SCHWEFEL BROWN (Mrs. Clyde) ini­tiated into Ohio Alpha December 2, 1893, died in May, 1957.

RUTH MONTGOMERY CHERRILL (Mrs. Edward K.) initiated into Ill inois Delta November 11 , J892, died May 11 , 1957.

H ELEN SAYRE COOLIDGE (Mrs. George R.) ini­tiated into Iowa Beta March 5, 1938, died Septem­ber 8, 1957.

LUCILE GILLIVAN EWART ( Mrs. Kenneth L. ) ini tiated into O hio Beta June 6, 19 12, died July 14, 1957.

ELIZABETH ROGERS EWING (Mrs. James W .) initia ted into Maryland Alpha June 6, 1897, died July 28, 1957, in Wheeling, W .Va.

ISABEL DRURY H EUBECK (Mrs. George F.) in · itiated into Maryland Alpha N ovember 1B, 1905, died May 27, 1957.

J ULIA KAUFMAN J ETTE (Mrs. Herbert W .) initiated into Oregon Alpha Ap ril 25, 1925, died August 3 1, 1957.

BERTHA HOOVER JOHNSTON (Mrs. fred P.) ini­tiated into Ohio Alpha in October, 1891, d ied March, t957, in Columbus, Ohio.

ELSIE BY"KIT KIRKE NDA LL ( Mrs. Jay) initiated into Iowa Alpha in 1886, died August 9, t 956, in Stockton, Calif.

FANETl"E OKELL LI ES ( Mrs. Edgar S.) initio ated into Iowa Alpha in August, 189 1, died July 5, 1957.

EDITH CALENDER LINES (Mrs. Kenneth ) initi-


ated into Indiana Alpha March II , 1922, died June 14, 1957.

JANICE CAVE MCCONNELL ( M rs. Philip Lewis) initiated into Illinois Epsilon Apri l 22, 1944, died August I , 1957.

MARTHA WINTERROWD Mc INTOSH (Mrs. Freal Hildreth) initiated into Indiana Beta January 6, 1914, died July 19, 1957.

MABEL LOGAN MONROE (Mrs. Jules Blanc) ini · tiated into Louisiana Alpha D ecember 16, 1896, died August 30, 1956.

EMMELINE MORRIS MOORE (Mrs. Arthur L.) initiated into Illinois Beta September 28, 1893, died November 7, 1956.

J ESSE NASON initiated into California Beta Janu­ary 24, 1903, died August 29, 1957.

CAROLI NE OLNEY initiated into Michigan Beta October 14, 1905, died March 29, 1957, in N ew York City, N .¥.

MARY Z,MBELMAN OTIS (Mrs. Charles) initiated into Iowa Gamma, in April , 1888, died April 20, 1957.

CARMEN SANKEY PLETZ (Mrs. Lewis) initiated into Ill inois Delta March 11 , 1922, died May 22, 1957.

EDITH HARPEL POORMA N (Mrs. V. W .) initi ­ated into Pennsylvania Beta June 13, 190B, died March 9, 1957, in Ashland, Ohio .

WI N IFRED AYLESBURY ROBERTS (Mrs. Edmund Condon) initiated into Il linois Delta November 19, 1898, died September 16, 1957.

ESTELLE fERN MACNEAL Ro ss ( Mrs. A. H .) initiated into Pennsylvania Beta October 15, 1924, died July 3 1, 1957.

L UCI LE SARIS initiated into Wisconsin Beta August 20, 19 19, died May 7, 1957, in Evanston, III.

EDNA BAK ER SCHWEM (Mrs. W m. A.) initiated into Pennsylvania Alpha October 17, 1913, died September 15, 1957.


N ELLIE JOHNSON SNEED ( Mrs. Earl E.) initiated into Oklahoma Alpha September 1, 19 10, died July 5, 1957, in Genoa, Italy.

ROSILAND V EATCH STROUD (Mrs. Robert ) ini­tiated into Iowa Zeta December 4, 192 1, died July 8, 1957.

BEULAH WATTS STURGES (Mrs. Wesley A.) initiated into Vermont Beta April 13, 19 12, died July 28, 1957.


MARY JESSIE SCOTT SYMINGTON (Mrs. W . H . 1.) initiated into Indiana Gamma November 4, 1899, died March 31, 1957.

EVA STAFFORD V ETTER ( Mrs. David) initiated into Ill inois Beta September 18, 188t, died July 14, 1957, in Grant, Iowa.

FRANCES CURNS ZEMKE ( Mrs. F. Richard ) ini ti­ated into N ew Mexico Alpha October 9, 1949, died March 27, 1956.

+ + -}-

The Uncommon Man In my opinion, we are in danger of developing

a cult of the Common Man, which means a cult of mediocrity. But there is at least one hopeful sign: I have never been able to find out just who this Common Man is . In fact, most Americans­especially women- will get mad and fight if you try calling them common.

This is hopeful because it shows that most peo­ple are holding fast to an essential fact in Ameri­can life. We bel ieve in equal opportunity for all, but we know that this includes the opportunity to rise to leadership. In other words-to be uncommon.

Let us remember that the great human advances have not been brought about by mediocre men and women. They were brought about by distinctly un­common people with vital sparks of leadership.

Many g reat leaders were of humble origin, but that alo ne was not their greatness.

It is a curious fact that when you get sick you want an uncommon doctor; if your car breaks down you want an uncommonly good mechanic; when we get into war we want dreadfully an uncommon ad· miral and uncommon general.

I have never met a father or mother who did not want their children to grow up to be uncommon men and women. May it always be so. For the future of America rests not in mediocrity, but in the constant renewal of leadership in every phase of our national life.

H ERBERT HOOVER The Angelos of Kappa Della - From Fraternity Month

+ + +

I, Can', Be Done

"The man who misses all the fun Is he who says, 'It can' t be done'. In solemn pride he stands aloof­Greets each venture with reproof. Had he the power he'd efface The history of the human race; No streets lit by electric stars, No TV nor shiny cars; No telegraph, no telephone, We'd linger in the age of stone. The world would sleep if things were run By men who say 'It can't be done'!"

N ews Sheet of Washington, D.C., Telephone Company


Communications for the Central Office should be addressed: Pi Beta Phi Central Office, 410 Standard Office Building, Decatur, III. For address of other officus, consult the Fratern ity Directory in this issue.


Send checks for initiation fee5 to pj Beta Phi Central Office, 410 Standard Office Bldg., Decatur, Ill. end checks for National Pledge Fee to Central Office.

Make checks for Senior dues payable to "Pi Beta Phi Central Office," and send to the Central Office. Malee checks for Settlement School payable to the "Treasurer of the Pi Beta Phi Settlement Schoo'"

and send to her. Make checks for Harriet Rutherford Johnstone Scholarship Fund payable to the "Pi Beta Phi ~tral Office"

and send there. Make checks for the Holt HOUR payable to the "Treasurer of Holt House" and send to her. Make checks for jewelry payable to the " Pi Beta Phi Central Office" and send to that office. Make checks for magazine subscriptions payable to the "Pi Beta Phi Magazine Agency," and send to

410 Standard Office Bldg., Decatur, III . Make checks for Centennial Fund payable to "Treasuur of the Centennial Fund" and send to the Fund

Treasurer. Make cbecks for Convention Hospitality Fund payable to HPi Beta Phi Fraternity" and send to the Grand

Treasurer, Mn. Henry Moore, Jr., 420 Pine St., Texarkana, Texas.

NOTICE TO CANADIAN CHAPTERS Canadian chapters send check made payable to "Pi Beta Phi" with official jewelry order form to Pi Beta Phi

Central Office. For Balfour products other than insignia listed on officia l jewelry order form send order with check payable to "L. G. Balfour Company" direct ly to the L. G. Balfour Company, Attleboro, Massachusetts.

Canadian chapters make all checks for payments of initiat ion fees, pledge fees. contributions to all funds. and payments for Bound ARROWS and Treasurer's Bonds, payable to Pi Beta Phi and send to the Grand TrC2Surer, Mrs. Henry Moore, Jr., 420 Pine St., Texarkana, Texas. Be sure to send GTI form with check for fees.

GENERAL INSTRUcrIONS CHAPTER TREASURERS: Should see that Jetter from Grand Treasurer to the Parents of Actives and Pledges is sent

to the parents as early in the fall as it is possible to get the local letter on chapter finances approved by the Province President to send with it. It is necessary that parents under5tand the financial obligations at the beginning of the year. Should see that Financial Statements to Parents of Pledges are sent approximately two weeks ~fore the proposed initiation. They should be sent ONLY to the parents of the Sirls who have met the initiation requirements and whom the chapter definitely plans to initiate. This means too that the blanks should be sent only for the girls who have received the required vote oC the Executive Council and the Alumnr Advisory Committee for approval of initiation. Should see that badges are ordered through the Central Office. It takes six weeks or more, to complete badge orders. Badges for prospective members should not be ordered until all initiation requirements have been met. Should send the National pledge fee for each pledge with Form GTI to Central Office. Canadian chapters send fee 10 Mrs. Henry Moore, Jr., 420 Pine Street. Texarkana, Texas, with GTI form. Send within two weeks of any pledging or repledging. Should 5end the initiation (ee for each :nitiate with Form GTI to Central Office within three days of initiation. Canadian chapters send initiation fees to Mrs. Henry Moore. Jr., 420 Pine Street, Texarkana, Texas, with GTI fonn. Should send monthly reports to l\.ir. John DornBJaser, ;10 Gazette Building, Little Rock, Arbnsa.s.

CHAPTER CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES: Should .eport to the Central Office and to the Province President changes in chapter officers if they are made any time during the year.

CHAPTER RUSH CAPTAINS: Should send within five days after any pledging, to the Director of Rushing and Pledge Training, a recommendation and consent to bid blank, or letter of recommendation, or blue blank of informa­tion from lhe State Rush Chairman, for each girl pledged. All blanks or letters must ~ counter-signet: by the chapter alumna rush advisor. Should send within two wet"ks after the close of the formal rushing season, a report to the Province President on the result of rushing and pledging. Also report to the Province President and the Central Office, the name and address of the newly elected rush captain.

CHAPTER PLEDGE SUPERVISORS: Should send a list of pledges, on (arms intended (or that purpose, to the Director of Rushing and Pledge Training and to the Central Office within five days after any pledging or repledging.

CHAPTER VICE-PRESIDENTS: Should send to the Province President within three days after any initiation a report that new membership cards have been placed in the card file.



CHAPTER HISTORIANS: Should send to the province Prnident within three days after any initiation a report that names of the new initiates have been recorded in Ihe Record of Membership Book.

CHAPTER PROGRAM CHAIRMEN: Should stnd a report to the Director of Extension (see current ARROW for name and address) within one week following the holding of the program based upon material sen t by that officer from Central Office.

CHAPTER PANHELLENIC DELEGATES: Should send semi-annual reports to the Grand President on blanks sent Qut by her for that purpose.

When college schedules make it impossible to (omply exactly with fraternity calendar dates, chapter officers should contact Central Office or the officer concerned, explain the situations and receive special permission to vary from the established dates.


SEPTEM6ER 10. CII.pter pr"ldent lend I"tter to Province P re.ldcnt. Chapl~r oflleen meel. re.d manual •• Ind prepare for eolle,e year.

SEPTEMBER 25. Chapter .ellolanhlp chairman lend to Province SchOlar­'h~ 8u\l(lTYItOr and to Provlnc. Prnldent letter ,1 ... lnl plln. for .tudy

oc~oJ't~ro~~m~~~~;e;e~~!!~hr~' .end letler to plrentl of actl'l'" and pledt.,1 ""lllnlnl due. and fet. with I,tler from th, Grand Trealurer

oJ~66rE~b.t. Chapt,r correlPondlnl leerelary und Aotl .... Member.hlp

ocL~~J~~ht~~~::e~~~" 'Irnldent .end Inactive Membenhlp Li l t to the

o~,;oll~~IRo~.cePled.e .pontol'll lend nltlon.1 .nd chillier letten which hue been a"rO'l.d by the Pro ... lnc. Prel ldenl. 10 ,arenb of pted"l

OC·M:r~RI· I~OI~~':::I::I'!o~~:!~~·l n. leeretary of ehapt.1'I m .• lntalnln, relld.ne .. m.1I to Chlirm.n of COl'1mitl'e on Chl\HTOn •• pTinted e.rd concern In, chUeron .nd .ltO blank eonll inlnl d.ta on ch.,.ron •.

OCT08ER I. PI.d,. 1P0nsOl'l I.n d cell)' of the national I.tler from Grand Council and on. from the eh.pter. which hal been . ppro,ed In .d. .... noe by Ih. PrO'l'lnc, Pre.id.nl, to par.nll of pledllM I. loon I. p_Ible .lter pl.dlln,. .

OCT08ER I. CorfUPondinl Secretary send 10 , Dlrector of EII:leAllon n."" .nd addT'" of IIruident of ch.,ter'. Motllel'l Club.

OCTOBER 5. ChlPler e..-r'lPondinl I,t(!ret.ry ~nll.n .nd m.1I chlllter letter ' '''r ARROW ta rllch Ch.,ter Letler Edllor by October 10.

OCTOBt:R 10. CIII,t.r IIrMldent lend letter .. nd COPY of by_llw. to PrO'l'_ Inc. Prelident and Alullln_ Advitory Com.lttee Ch.lrman. .

OCTOBER 10. Chapler cor .... llondln' ,eeretary ret,;,rn receipt for flit l uppll .. to the Central otnc. at loon •• the l uoollM .re ree~lwed.

OCTOBER 15. Chapter COrn''IOndinl .8Cret.ry lend Fraternity Study and Ex.mlnltlon Blank 1105 to the PrG'I'lnee SUlleTYisor of Fr.t.rnUy Studt .nd Examin ation not laler th.n October 15. and before If

OlTo'~~'R 15. Pro,rlm Ch.lrman . ubmlt pl.nt to the Provi nce Pruldent for chlpter IIro,ram for the 1Irst .. metier.

OCTOBER 15. Deadline for materi.1 for Winter ARROW. OCTOBER 15. Chlllter tnaturer l ubmlt to the PrO'l'in ce Pn. ldent for

."ro .... 1 • cop), of Ihe leUer to be ttln t to ,arenll of candldales for inlliition expl.lnlnl local chlDter flnlnci.1 requirementl. Thl. to IN .ent out loWitli nltlonal I.Uer from tile Grind Treasurer for ".renh to slln Ind relurn.

O~!?hB~~ '::nd ~:~~~e: c~r::f~:e:re!:~~/~n~er~~·I.o~::.ceAA~gow~o o;o:~~ ol~~~~' r:.a rC:~::t.~I~r::!~0..'!:1 .~~C3Ut~ti~t:~tor 01 Ch.,ter Account.

Inl a rnort concern In, curnnl ".tu. of deilnQuentt retorted lui Jun. 15 IoWhether the,.. are Iny: " 10. full inform.tion.

OCTOBER 20. Due to the Fraternity Auditor. Mr. John DornBlater. 310 GUette Build in,. Llttl, Rod!. . Ark.n slll . one CODY e~ch of report form . Cuh Reeeipti. Cuh Disbursement,. Accounb Heeel~bl' .nd Income. InCOllle and Exten .... nd Budlet .nd Control. ThIS II for Hhooh whiclt ol"ned prior to Septe.ber 15 and is tlla Summer_SepteJllber

OC~I()~ER 25. Chapt.r Khol.nhi, eh.lr •• n Mnd leUer to Province Prul­

O~~otB~n: ~.p~;::r ~~:~I:-j,eNilor tend I.tter to P ...... lnee P resident.

O~!~B ~I~d::' T~:I~'~~ 1~~~~e~~.':rI:1I f:~~I~:.!eh~ni~!;r f~ R~:hH:: chapter IIOII M h.ye p .... d • IIhnle.1 u.mlnatlon.

OCTOBER 31. Chutor colTeltondlnl teeTet.ry nolif), tit. Chalrm.n of the Committee on Tl1In" ... If eha,.er hat or hat not memben tranl. ferrin, to olher e.III\1u ... ull n, ofllci.1 Introduction Transfer BI.nk for th" t \lUr,OIe. Also .. nd to her a lilt of the n.me. .nd ,reunl .ddr.tlM of all under,radu.tM who ha .. not return.d to the ch.pter.

NOVEMB !R 10. Ch.pter pret ldent lend I.!ter to P ...... lnee PresIdent. NOVEMBER 10. Chitter Ichola,..hlp chairman Hnd to Ille PrO'l'ln ..

SU,""ilOf'. P ...... lnc. PrMld.nt and N.Uon.1 Ch. irman eoplu of Sehol­Inhlp BI.nk :3. Send earlier if IIo.,lble.

NOVEMBER 15. Pled" president sen d letter to PrO'l'lne. Prel ident. NOVEMBER 20. PI Pili Tim" eorr"POndent lend ",aterlal on Homa_

eominl Floatl. Sl unt •• for .... 1 partin. rU l hln, and ,uell other mat.rill II m..,. b, rellu"ted to Pro ... ince Coordin.tor of PI Phi Timet COlli . mitte •.

NOVEMBER 20. Du. to Fr. ternlty Auditor. Mr. John DornBla.er. 310 Guetl. Bulldln •• Llttl. Roc:k. Ark.n.a1. on. COllY of report form . CR. CO. ARI. IE Ind BC. Oue f ... rn .11 chapt'"' For Khoob openin, ,rior 10 Beplelltber 15 It will be for the .onth of October. for K hool l openln, after Se,t,mber 15 It will be th. Summer_October rt\HIrt.

NOVEMBER 25. Chuter ,.holll'lhl, chalrm.n Hnd letter to Province Presid ent .nd I. PrG'I'lnee &iperylsor.

NOVEMBER 25. Chutu ..... dn. ch.ifln.n tend Chriltmll ,ift .ubs.crl,. lI.n. t .. PI B,t. Phi Mltulne AlCnC)' to IlIIun Chrhlllll ,1ft elrd

D :g~~i Eb~ ~~h~e2r5-.,.lld.nt to mUnl Fire Preted Ion ._dawlt t, ttl. Counulor f..- Chuter HeMI N Cor",..II'nI_

DECEMBER 10. Cl'lipter "...Ident Mnd I«ter 10 PTftlnet Presldent_ DECEMBER 15. Chutar s.cholanhl, chairlla" lend IeUer te Prerin"

Pruld.nt and to Pnmnce 811....,.ilOr. DECEMB ER 20_ 011. te Fl1Itenlty Auditof' ..... cew cub for ... CR.

CD. ARI . IE a"d BC f.r the _nth of NaYe.ber. All eh.pten. JANUARY 5. Chuter ........ ""din' seeretary "",,are .nd •• il d.,"hr

letter f..- ARROW t. TUeh CtI.,ter L.tter Editor by J.n .. ry 10. JANUARY I . Chuter L')'Ilty D.y.

JANUARY 10. Cli l otar o.tlldent -end 18fter to Pro ... lnce P'Mlrlcnt . JANUARY 15. ChlDter pledg. IUIICTYi50r Hnd letter to Province President. JANUARY 15. Chapter corrullondln, .eeret.ry n lurn reeeipi for .n)' .u~_

IIl1el to the C.ntral Ofllce immedi.tely aft er .u~pll .. have been r." Del .... d and dbtribuled.

JAn~~IA~:\HI~' o~h~~~er c~::;~;erH~U~s~::;:::tr~ t~: ~t~dIC!u~fletl:~ ~:; Ch.pter Haute Corporations and the Pro ... inoe President .• nd for the

ff~.ln~ I:~:' $f~:x't~:' r~o:o:~\~gb~h'.e~:.!~~ertoOft~:e I~e~~:'e~o~~o~~~ Houll Corporation who m.kn out the report and sendl the 15.00 fee. but the ehlpter Inllurer must III that both report .nd fee .re lenl.

JANUARY 1$. Deadlln. for .... teri.1 for Sprinl ARROW.

JA.N~n~o~ '1PPfl!~~i::n~ra:~~~~ti~, ... :lth:d~~:~~e~1 b-~~~~:: t:2.~~ ~~: n.tlon.1 .Iumn_ dUel. The cl'luter trellurer II rellulred to forw . rd the Senior AilPllc.tion and mone), to the Central Otllee. Canldlan ehollters send Senior Dun .nd Applic.tlonl to the Grand Trellurer.

JANIJARY 20. Du. to Fr.ternity Allditor. one CGPY each of form l CR. CO. ARI. IE. Ind BC for Ihe montll of Dec.mber. All chapters .

JANUARY 25. ChlDter Kholanhl p ch.irm.n Mnd letter to Provlnea Prul_ dent and to PrO'l'inet SupeNil-Of".

FEBRUARY I. ChIDI'r p .... ldent tak .. the oln of an), IIlrl who II 1Inan­el.lly dellnou. nt .1 the clo" of sehool .nd i, rU lKln l lble for the "ndln, out of the Aulom.tle Prob.tion Blank IS required b)' the . t.tuIM.

FEBRUARY I. Deadlln. for the Chuter Protram Ch.lrm.n to H nd re­porb to the Director of Ext.nllon on PI Phi HI,IIt Pro,r.nn held b)' tile chaoter for fll'lt h.1f of Ihe )'ear.

FEBRUARY I. PI.n for Active FMlternit), Ex.mln.tlon . FEBRUARY I . Or a. lOOn 1.1 new IemHler begin,. ch.~ter trellur.r

Hnd to Su"rvllOr of Chapler Accounting • rOllort concernln, delin_ Quent •. whether there are 'n),: if 10. name •• nd .mount •.

FEBRUARY 10. ChlOter pre,ident take, the IIln of .n), ,Irl who II flnan-

:!~I~rn:e~~~u:~t t~~ I~eut~r::a~~ t~~ob'.TI~·~erbi."n~,be.:"r::~~~:~· ~~ :~: Statutel.

FEBRUARY 10. De.dllne for ch.pter p ... ,r.m chairman to lend re~ort to the Di rector of Exten.lon on Pi Phi Night Programl held by til. chall­ter.

FEBRUARY 10. Active chlpler history material ,hould b •• ubmltted b)' Cha_Ier hlltorlan to Ihe National Su" ..... I.or of Ch''Iter HI,torln.

FEBRUARY 10_ Chapter prelident send Ictter to Pro ... inc. Pre,l dent . FEBRUARY 10. Fln. 1 d.t. for the election of ehlCter ofllcerl. FEBRUARY 10. or II lOOn" new umester betinl. Chapter eorrullond_

In~ _ret.ry .. nd Fraternity Study .nd Ex.min.Uon bl.nk '105 to PrO'l'lnce Supervisor of Fraternity Siudy and Ex .... lnation.

FEBRUARY 13. Chapt~ eo-rresponllinl ,eentary lind one cOpy of new oflle.r list to Centr.1 Otllce and Province President.

FEBRUARY 15. Fin al d.te for chapter pr .. ldent to send nomination of candid.tet for Ihe AlllY Burnham Onken .w.rd to the Pro ... lnce Presi_ dent . (See MlnU11 on OMell1 Pi Bet. Phi Awards.,

FEBRUARY 15. Ch.pter .ctivity chalrm.n send reDOrt to the Provl"ee Pr .. ldent.

FEBRUARY 15. P .... ralll eh.lrlll.1I .ubmit IIl ans for chaptcr pro,rom, for the .Kond semetter to Proyince Presldenl.

FEBRUARY 20. Du. to Frat.rnity Auditor. on. copy e.eh of form l CR. CD. ARI . IE and BC for the IIIolith of J.nu.ry. All ehapteTi.

FEBRUARY 25_ Cl'llIIter Khol.mi, ch.lrm.n send I.tter to Province P relldent and 10 P .... rinc. Suoe"" •.

FEBRUARY 25. For th_ dI.pt'" h. rin, the thre.-"uarter Iydem. eh'Dler Mhol.,..hlp eh.lrm.n lend to the PrOYlnc. SUlICnoisor. Pro ... ince P .... ld.nt Ind Nation.1 Chair,..n eopiet of Blank ~ with Ir.det for th- ft~t qll i rter.

MARCH I. Ollea .. ' In"ruction RellCrt Ihould be flll.d out .nd sent to the Pro ... lnce Presiden t by the chl,ler pr .. id.nt.

MARCH I. Chapter vlee- presldent .. nd to the Provinet President within 3 dan .fter Initiation. report that new membel'llilp card. h .... e been pl.eed In the CI~d file.

MARCH I. (or before If 1IC" lble.) ChlDter ... ice-presldent tend one CO llY

M :fR'C'~ctl~' (~:~::::i ff L~!~'tl~~)n'C'~a~t~;e~orre'OOn dlng seer.t ary send on. eOD'" of Active M.mbenhlp Lil t to the Central Oflle •.

M~~t~rH foli ;~~~~ f:r~~~~n~~~1 clh!~~!~ryLe~::a~lt!~d no~al!te~h~~~e~ March $.

MARCH 10. Chlllter ,resident send leUer 10 Provinc. Prnldent . MARCH 20. Fln.1 dote 'or III.llln, of .nnual fraternity exa..,lnatlon for

.eti .. ..,e.be,.. to p ... 'l'inee SUDCn'isor of Fraternity Study .nd Ex.mln _

M~tAC'H ~.' 1f::Pt':' F;!~!~:~;;I~:litt;. b:n!e:::;,~~eh f:r f~r~~nlit. CD. ARI. IE .nd BC for .onth af Februlry. All eftllllel'l.

MARCH 25. Chuter Kholanhi, ehairm.n Hnd to tile N.tlonl Scholar_ , hi, Chalrlll.n n.me of Ihe ,1.1 receivin, the hllhett or.de anra,c for

Mlh~cte.2s. S~~.:.~ !'hO~;:h::ec::i~:::Zh:nl~:~'!"r:"~r~!eftc~~~I_ dent and t. Provine. Su,.rnsor.

MARCH 25. For thOM cha,ten h .... in. the tw ...... est.r l)'Stem. chapt~ Hb.l.nbl, ch.lr.., .... nd to the PTftinea SUDPn"isor. Prorine. Prol­d.,," and III ttl' NIII.n.1 Ch.ir .... n copla of Bluk :3 with ,l1Ides 'or the ~t ..... tlf"_

APRIL 5. Corralllndlni ~ rehtns recoi,t for IIII,pli .. t. tlte Cen­trol 0.01 I • .,edlltely .ner luUlie. h .... e been reeeiYed .nd distribulecl .

APRIL 10. CI'I,pI~ prMident .. nd leUer 10 the Pro ... lntl Pruid.llt. APRIL 20. OUt to Fraternhy Auditor. one ee,y each .f for. , CR, CO.

ARt . IE Ind BC for ttl •• ontb of M.rch. All el'lutert-


APRI L 25. Cha,ter tcholArlhl, ehalr.an Mild I,tter to p,...,lne. Pr"i. denl and Provinetl SUHnilor.

APRIL 25. r., those ch.,t.,.. huhll HI. thr« .... rter ."tt., ch.,t., Kholllnhl, chalr •• n H.d 1. tho P,,","H SU""" ...... Prn'I'H P,... I. d"nl. and I. Ilia N.II,,,.I Ch.ir ... H, ... ., BIalik :3 with ,ra ... of Ih. _nd ,.arter.

APRIL 21. Flllden' Ot.)' t. be H'tbr.lei! with Ih, lI..,.t AIII .II. Club.

MAY I. Chatter ,.rr*uolldln, .... eIarJ' .. " ..... COli)' ., AUllal Chu·

M ley ~~,;t"~~i~:-'~~::' c~=r ~::..::e =:r,.~:;. ct'!'=d fM~. t. lho Director " ExtcIIII ... III PI Phi Nllht P,...ra.1 Mid III, the chlllter for the _nd h.U of the )'ear.

MAY l. ChI,ler lteuurer ard ... IU"U" fOf' N.Uanal Accou nlln, 8pt.", for nlXt ye.r '1'0" Celltral Olke.

MAY 10. PI Phi n", .. Carrelpondent H" d ",.teri.1 on Found."' 01' and I .. ch oth .... lteri,1 .... .,. be rMjuelled to Prcwlnc. C:-dlutOf' of PI Phi Ti.n Co •• ltt .. .

MAY 10. Chuter ...... IeI"1 .... latter ,. 1M Pr .... iI.H P,...ldflll MAY 15. FIIIII •• I . I .... lectl..,. of chi" ....... . MAY 15. Ch."t .. hlttori .. IlIb.lt chaat .. hlrt..., to tho Naliollli ~,...

yl ..... of Chapter HI'lorin. MAY 15. Chl"ler eorret"lIdlnl _retl". _d all' 00"" of new ,Mcer

"" 10 tho Cenlral O"'ee .nd I. P~lnee Prald,nt. MAY 15. Ruh c .. taln reHrt to Prcwlnee Pl'llld,nt olltllnill, ,I.nl for

• u • • er Ind fell "".ftln,. MAY 15. Ch .. ttr acth1b' chalr.11I ""rt to Iha Prm"tti Praldenl. MAY 15. Olken' IlIItrllctiOn Report "'",Id IN: filled out Ind IIlIt " the

P",.,inc. Prfildta l b,. tft l eha"' ...... otlde"l.


MAY 20. £ ach "nlor II rnulred" fill oul I blank called Sellior A.,lIel. floll bl'lIk alld ,I", tM eha.ter treuurer '2.50 for natlo".1 1IIIIIIn M 'u ... Tha ehuter treaauret I. reClulrd to , ...... or. tftl Senior A" .. lIea· II .... 11' ... .,. t. tIM Centr.1 Oae.. CaIIldl'lI ell ... t ..... tend Se.I" d_ t, the Gr,"d Treu.rer.

MAY 21. 0 .,. la Fratenily AII"I.,.. '"' DOQ" ueh.f f ..... CR. CO. ARI . .£ ,"d BC for Ih, ... IR.f AIIf'lI. All chell1 ......

MAY 25. Cha,,!er Kholanh'" chalr.an ",ad Mit., to PrlYillCI Praldellt I". to Prftinca Su"",IIOI'.

JUN£ •. CtI..,,,,, ,....1'1111 tala thl ,,'a .1 III), ,lrl whl II flnanelafl, di li lll lla"t .1 thl c ..... , ..... f an' II ,.. ..... Ibli for thl .. nlllln, Mtt af tilt Auto"'llI. PrlbIU.n IIIlallb II rellulnd II)' the Statu tel.

J UNE I. Fill.1 d.te tor ,i.ln, ",,'"lIlaUon .. a",lnlllon. IUS':.~r;'rCa~I~~a: .. t::I:r.;::;".:~t"nlb cha,ler hldory to Ih, Natloll, 1

JUNE 10. eo.,..f III prinled or lIi'""llra.hed bulletl .. u",d 'eN' "'thi n,

Ju-:,ultI': t":::::: ;..!t~y~:f: !t:,~.~!':.~:r:~n~lI_ " Ictllret of 11011'"

.Iud ... a to N.tI ..... &cholanhl" Chalr.III , .aln, Scftollnhi .. BI,"k ;4. 51-d ", .. ,. to P.....,I_ P"'_lnl I'". Cha .. ler KIt,IArlhl, dtalr ••• H nd I,tter 10 P",.llIetI Prell.,,,t a"d Pro"'"H Suten'I .. r.

:~:: I:: ~~::~::: ~~e:~~~: ::~ ~~";-u~:r!r~t~r'C:: .. r:,otl~:~nlin, I "IIOrt conearnln, delln,'I"b. whtlher Ih. r. Ir •• n),: II so, n ... e. alllounb. etc .

JUNE 7'(1. Oua te Frat'f"IIlly Auditor. 0111 ee.,. each of forllli CR. CO . ARI . 1£ and BC far .ollth 01 Ma), and that .. rt of JUlia ua t. elld of IIChlO' "'Ilon. AIM I BII.llce SbMt II tha elld af tho IIChlOl nar.


Make checks for national alumnr dUe5 payable 10 Pi Bela Ph i Central Office and send 10 your Province Vice·Pre-:i· dent. Make ched,s for Settlement School payable to the "Treasurer of the Pi Bela Phi Sett lement School" and send to your Province Vice·President. Make checks for Emma Harper Turner Memoria l Fund payable to that fund and send to your Province Vice-Presi­dent. Make checks for the Holt House payable to the "Treasurer of Holt House" and send to your Province Vice·Presi­dent. Make checks for Harriet Rutherford Johnstone Scholarship Fund payable to "Pi Beta Phi Central Office" and send to your Province Vice·President. Make checks for Centennial Fund payable to "Treasurer of the Centennial Fund" and send to your Province Vice· President. Make checks for iewelry payable to the " Pi Beta Ph i Cen tral Office" and send to that office. Make checks for m3g3zine subscriptions payable to the "Pi Beta Ph; Magazine Agency," 4 10 Standard Office Building, Decatur, 1/1. Make checks for Jun ior Group Scholarship payable to "Pi Beta Phi Central Office" and send to yo ur Province Vice-President. Make checks for Conven tion Hospitality Fund payable to "Pi Beta Phi Fraternity" and send to your Province Vice· President.

NOTICE TO CANADIAN ALUMNIE CLUBS Official badges are ordered through Pi Beta Phi Central Office. Send check made payable to "Pi Beta Phi" wit h the order. Canadian alumnz clubs make all checks for payment of annual alumnr dues and contribu tions to all projects pay­able to Pi Beta Phi Fraternitv and send 10 the Grand Treasu rer, Mrs. Henry Moore, J r., 420 Pine SI., Texarkana, Texas, mentioning specific intended amount of cont ribution to each fund,

OCTOBER 10. Ailtlll"M Club eorrllPondln, seeretary ,end In Memorla lll nOlleu 10 tile Cenlral O",ell lor till Wlntlll' In ue of Ihe ARROW.

NOVEMBER 10. Alu mna Club eerrnpo"din, .acrltal')' mIll club ,.ear bGo4t or .ro,,.. dale. to the Grand Protldent. GrInd Vlce.Pr •• ld,nl, Director 01 £xlllliion . Ind the PrOylRCI Vlee· Pre.l dl"t.

NOVEMB£R 1$. AIIIIIIIIM Club trUiurer Mnd .lInll.1 alUmllM dUel 10 PrOyinH VIH·Prald. 1I1.

NOVEMBER 25. AlumllM Club ma,ul"a ehalr""n "lid Chrhtlllll ,Itt • uburlpllon. to PI B.tl Phi MI,ulne A,enc), to 1"luI"I Chrill"'I' ,1ft ea'd dellYeI'Y b, a lumber 25.

NOVEMBER 30. Alu ... n. Club co",,,,,ondln, 'Krltal")' lind nl., and I ddrul of club Ru.hln, Reeom", end.llon. Chllr"'ln to Central O"'ce. Club Rutliin. Reeolllmindationi Chllr.a n Ihould be "Ieclld In N,· .. mber 10 "",a until the followln, NO¥ember.

JANUARY 5. AllllllnM Cillb correoonllln, seeret.ry "nd III Melllorla ... noUus 10 Iha Central 0",,, for the 8,rln, luue 01 Ih. ARROW.

~AANR':t.tRr ~,!n::t~f ~:r!':: .~:!id be h, ld .1 Ihl .... lIlar March IIIMt. In, of the Clulll . .. Id ,Mcen to takl oMet I t tha eiOM 01 th l Club " " al ye"'. May 20. (C.",nl dues ",ust hI" beaA paid b, Ihll dati to enabla one to \'Otl at Iftl annlllf eleeUell or IN: 11I,lbla lor ollea.)

M!~~HC~Ub A~~=:':n~llIc~~f~':w~!~!nrn ';fi::'I': !Ir:::r:II:n~I~e;;: .. l e~I~r: Editor by Mlreh 10 for lhe Summer "IU' of til l ARROW .

M:o':f! ~o :~:IIIC~~tr~:u~'::~~7g!n\u':~::'17 .. !~ :n~h!n A~R"O°W!~m APRil 15. AIUMnM Club nIUo".1 dUel Ihould ... " nt I, lha Proyinca

Vlce. P,...lde"L ThIN IIl1lt IHt rIC.iYed b)' thl, dlle 10 III Included In currlnl ),ear'l total •.

APRIL 11. Foundan' 01., te be I:tlebrakd with the nearelt actin ch. pler or cllltteri.

MAY fO. Four tjulltlonul,... lor .nnua l repOrt Ihou ld hI .. been flll,d

M:u.: :1. l~ru:'ft:::,·,.;~~n~r,~'I~!'!,t ::.~~t~j~:~h:' I:lr:!I~~t b), _. re l POndln, ,"ret.I')' to Itla Pl'OYlnce Vlce· Pr.ld.nt Ind the Cenlrll Ollee. ( £arller, " PO .. lbl,.) PleiN check la Mle Ihat the corruPOndln, • .. reta..,. II. lubllCrlber to Ih, ARROW.

MAY )fl. Audit .tI,. Ihould be tent by the Alum n .. Club treal urer II dlrecled In the Cantral Olici I. ttar.

JULY 15. Alulnn. Club eorrllt flOndln, leer"a" " "d In Memoriam notlc .. to the Celliral OMee f., Hli f.1I hlya of tha ARROW.

+ + +


Unln. otherwise dui,olted (with price quotation), the .upplies litttd below .iIl be: furnished frec wber"cr nced of them i, csUbli.hed.



Blank applicationa for the lello"Jhip Blank chartclJ Blaok notific.tioo of fine. to Chapter President Blank notification of fine. to Grand Trruurrr Votin, blanb lor chapters on ,rantina of cbarten Votin. blanlcs fo r Grand Council


Blaok application. for alwone: club ch.rten Blank application. lor Ruth Barrett Smith Charters for .Iumoe: duba



Blank applicatioOl lor Harriet Rutherford Johnstone Scholar· .hip.

Cipher and Key U.t of , Uo"ed UpeOIC' to those traYelin, 0 0 fraternity bu.ineu


InstructiODl to petitionin& ,toups

TO MANGEL. Flotist, ChicaJo, III., for : Pi Beta Phi Wine Cltoation.

TO PI BETA PHI MAGAZINE AGENCY, 410 Standard Buildi na. Ocotur. III .• lor Ma.uioe Subscriptions.

TO PI BETA PHI CENTRAL OFFICE, 410 Staodard Buildina. Decatur, m., for:



Accountin. Forms: 8ill Book.-3't! IE-$1.U BC-$1.2' CR- ' 1.2' CD-$J.23 ARI-It.U

Alumnlt Ad,jsory Committee Maoual. ,0, Alumnle Ad,isof} Officer li.ts Alumnae Club Duties of OffiCe,. Alumnlt Cl ub Officers Lists Alumnlle Club Presidents' Notebooks $2.'0 Alumne Club Receipt 800ka (blur, triplicate receipts, no

cbarac) Alumnlt Committee RUlhin~ Recommendation. Manual, '0" Al umnae Dclc81te Manual, ,0" Alumnae M.guior Chairmen Manual 'Ot! Alumnc P.nhcllenic Manu.1 of Informatioa Affiliation CeremoDY Auo w (from old filcs) price to ChlP,tCII for com·

pleting arcbi ... es, '0'': SpKi~1 temporary hfe subscription for alumoJe, ' 7.'0

Blinks: Actin membership Iuts Affilialtoa Ind Trao,fu

Introduction Transfer Appro .. ' for Affiliation Note of Affiliation

Annual Rcport. duc May 1 Brokcn Pledge Chaperon

Whitc card to be aent out in faU to chairman Blank for Data on Chaperon Application Blank for Chaperon " The Relation. Between a Ch.pter aod Ju Chaperoo" Uniform Duties of Chapter H oUJC Chaperon

Chapter Officcr Lists Continued 00 oppo.ite paSe -

BLANK Send Your Order '0


Please entu subscriptions for.- the following magazines to be mailed MAGAZINE AGENCY

as issued by the Publishers to the subscriber. indicated below: Morgoret J. Dick, Director

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410 Standard Building Decatur, IlIinoi.

Chapte r or

Club No . ............ . .. .

Now M SubKribt.r'a Name and Addr,"

Reo, ... 1

PRINT PLAINLY Gin Full 1"lorauaoQ F_ard Promptl,


(Conlinued from opposite plge)

Contcnl of Arch"u l.nt uC'dcnll.h 10 (on"cntlOfl Dum, ... 11 and RtinstUcmtnt BI.nkl

Automau( P,Clbaooa Aul ' .. 'l.Itl( Ou.alllul O,UDIIUI Ellpulllon H <.Inor.blt O'.a11Sul R(I"ltatement

Embossed In lilltl" " urtlnCllc f1usl onn lepilC(d , ,0, ulh) Fraternity Stud, .nd Eumln;allon Bllnl-,/ .;;:1 0) , .;;: !O), # 30) (GTI lomul for plcd,ltt Ind Inlllltl"" ccs In.ctiye mcmbrrullp lilts Inlllll. ,," Ccrtlhcllc. Rush,n.

AI"'fk""'mow"I"Od",mJ:,."lc~lcf', oomf Rccom~ndulOn I ~c for H 81 II; SUle Rush ing Ollltnlln (10 chip lerl

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