Unit Overview - SockFeat

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Transcript of Unit Overview - SockFeat

Literary Essay (MLA) | S. Van Dine

Grade 11-2 have finished reading John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and are to write a literary essay in MLA format based on the novel. Students will be provided with a list of essay topics: they are to choose one topic from the list to base their thesis on. The essays will consist of 7 paragraphs: an introduction paragraph, 5 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each body paragraph must have at least one source of evidence from the novel. Evidence must be properly cited and supported by a Works Cited page.

Unit Overview


Timeline Grade 11-2:Length of Unit: 9 Days | Length of Classes: 60 Minutes Day One (LP1): Students will receive instruction on the assignment. Day Two (LP2): Students will write essays individually.Day Three (LP3): Students will submit completed introductory paragraphs and continue writing. Day Four (LP4): Students will continue to write essays individually. Day Five (LP5): Students will arrive prepared with “rough” drafts of essays to participate in a peer editing activity. Day Six (LP6): Students will arrive prepared with “good” drafts of essays to be typed on computers. Day Seven (LP7): Students will continue to type essays on computers.Day Eight (LP8): Students will submit final essays and start watching the movie Of Mice and Men (1992).Day Nine (LP9): Students will continue to watch the movie Of Mice and Men (1992). Day Nine (LP9): Students will finish the movie Of Mice and Men (1992) and answer questions based on the film.

Atlantic Canada | English Language Arts Curriculum

Reading & Viewing

⦿ Students will be expected to read and view with understanding a piece of literature.⦿ Students will be expected to respond critically to a piece of literature, applying their understanding of language, form, and genre.

⦿ Students will be expected to speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences.

⦿ Students will be expected to use writing to explore, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and learnings.⦿ Students will be expected to use essay writing strategies to to develop effective writing and to enhance clarity, precision, and effectiveness.

Writing & Representing

Speaking & Listening

Literary Essay (MLA) | S. Van Dine


Citing a Book Source

Author(Last, First)

Title of Book (Italics) Place of Publication

PublisherDate of Publication Medium

Citing a Web Source

Author(Last, First)

“Document Title” Website Title

SponsorDate of Publication Medium Date Accessed

Literary Essay (MLA) | S. Van Dine

Essay Checklist

I have created a thesis statement.

I have created an introduction paragraph.

I have created 5 body paragraphs.

I have provided 4 points of evidence from the book & 1 outside source.

I have written a conclusion paragraph.

I have followed MLA format.

I have edited my essay to the best of my ability.

I have cited my sources properly.

I have a Works Cited page.

I have attached my peer edited draft to the back of my good copy.


Complete & Attach to Final Copy of Essay

Name of peer editor: ______________________

What is strong about my essay:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What I had difficulty with: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Overall, how I feel about my essay (on a scale of 1-10, circle):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Macbeth | Ms. Van Dine

Lesson Plan 11 (LP11)

Date: Wednesday | 19 | April | 2017 Subject: English Language Arts | Topic: Macbeth | Length: 60 Minutes

Introduction (5 minutes): Take attendance and display the Agenda as students arrive. Students are to retrieve copies of Macbeth. Instruction/Activity (50 minutes):

Step 1: Briefly review Act 3, Scene 1.Step 2: 11-2 | Read Act 3, Scenes 2 & 3 as a class, according to assigned roles in Dramatis Personae.

11-3 | Read Act 3, Scenes 2 & 3.Step 3: Review Character Profiles, add any additional notes if necessary. Record on whiteboard.Step 4: In their groups, students are to discuss and complete Macbeth Questions Act 3, Scenes 2 & 3.Step 5: Each group is to select a representative to read their findings to the class. Record on whiteboard.Step 6: Screen This is Macbeth DVD: 24. Interview with Macbeth and lady Macbeth (III, ii-iv).

Conclusion (5 minutes): Students are to complete Exit Slip: Act 3, Scenes 2 & 3.

Students are to return their copies of Macbeth


Day Eleven | Grade 11Teacher: Ms. Van Dine

Twelfth Night | Ms. Van Dine

Lesson Plan 5 (LP5)

Date: Tuesday | 18 | April | 2017 Subject: English Language Arts | Topic: Twelfth Night | Length: 60 Minutes

Introduction (5 minutes): Take attendance and display the Agenda as students arrive. Students are to retrieve a copy of Twelfth Night. Handout: Act 2 Questions & Exit Slips. Due: Act 1 Questions & Exit Slips. Instruction (50 minutes):

Step 1: Briefly review Act 1.Step 2: In their groups, answer Twelfth Night Questions Act 1, Scene 5.Step 3: Have one representative from each group read their findings to the class. Record on whiteboard.Step 4: Read Act 2, Scenes 1 & 2 as a class, according to assigned roles in Dramatis Personae. Step 5: Review Character Profiles, add any additional notes if necessary. Record on whiteboard.Step 6: In their groups, answer Twelfth Night Questions Act 2, Scenes 1 & 2.Step 7: Have one representative from each group read their findings to the class. Record on whiteboard.Step 8: Review Character Profiles, add any additional notes if necessary. Record on whiteboard.

Conclusion (5 minutes): Students are to complete Exit Slip: Act 2, Scenes 1 & 2.

Students are to return their copies of Twelfth Night


Day Five | Grade 10Teacher: Ms. Van Dine

Twelfth Night | Ms. Van Dine

Twelfth Night

Multiple Choice (circle correct answer) /301. Orsino was the Duke of ___________.

a) Italy b) Illyria c) Sicily d) England

2. ___________ was Viola’s brother.

a) Cesario b) Antonio c) Sebastian d) Toby

3. Who was Orsino in love with at the beginning of the play?

a) Maria b) Viola c) Olivia d) Dr. Phil

4. Complete the quote: “If music be the food of ___________, play on.”

a) love b) sorrow c) joy d) melancholy

5. Why was Olivia unwilling to receive any visitors?

a) She was in mourning b) She had a headache c) She lost her voice d) She was too tired

6. Why was Sir Andrew Aguecheek staying at Olivia’s house?

a) He’s Olivia’s cousin b) He’s courting Olivia c) He’s a servant d) He’s courting Maria

7. In the first 4 acts, who was the only person to know Viola’s true identity?

a) Maria b) Orsino c) Olivia d) The Sea Captain

8. Who did Sir Toby drink with on a regular basis?

a) Maria b) Sir Andrew c) Malvolio d) Olivia

9. Who delivered messages of love from Orsino to Olivia?

a) Cesario b) Antonio c) Curio d) Fabian

10. Who forged the letter that Malvolio thought was from Olivia?

a) Feste b) Sir Toby c) Cesario d) Maria

11. Who did Olivia begin to fall in love with by the middle of the play?

a) Sir Andrew b) Cesario c) Malvolio d) Orsino

12. Who did Viola begin to fall in love with by the middle of the play?

a) Malvolio b) Olivia c) Orsino d) Antonio


Twelfth Night | Ms. Van Dine

Twelfth Night 13. Who stole from citizens of Orsino’s court in the past and was fearful of possible revenge?

a) Fabian b) Antonio c) Sebastian d) Sir Andrew

14. What did the forged letter make Malvolio believe?

a) Olivia loved him b) Viola loved him c) He would gain fortune d) He would be killed soon

15. Who challenged Cesario to a duel?

a) Antonio b) Sir Andrew c) Malvolio d) Orsino

16. What did Malvolio wear in the hope of pleasing Olivia?

a) A black cape b) A fedora c) Yellow tights d) Her ring

17. Why did Antonio travel to Orsino’s court, even after he was told not to by Sebastian?

a) To woo Olivia b) To woo Viola c) To fight Orsino d) To protect Sebastian

18. Sir Andrew attempted to fight Sebastian because he thought Sebastian ___________ .

a) Made fun of him b) Stole his money c) Was Cesario d) Slapped Maria’s face

19. Who took the place of Cesario in the original duel?

a) Antonio b) Fabian c) Malvolio d) Curio

20. What did Olivia think was wrong with Malvolio?

a) He was drunk b) He was insane c) He had a concussion d) He had a fever

21. What/who did Feste pretend to be when Malvolio was in the dark room?

a) Sir Topas b) Sir Toby c) Satan d) An angel

22. How long did Olivia pledge to mourn her dead brother?

a) 3 years b) 17 years c) 1 year d) 7 years

23. Who else in Olivia’s family also died recently?

a) Her mother b) Her uncle c) Her father d) Her sister

24. Who did Olivia eventually marry?

a) Cesario b) Orsino c) Sebastian d) Sir Andrew

25. When he realized that Cesario was a woman, what did Orsino do?

a) Arrest her b) Banish her from Illyria c) Challenge her to a duel d) Decided to marry her


Twelfth Night | Ms. Van Dine

26. Which character does not get married (or plan to) at the end of the play?

a) Viola b) Orsino c) Sebastian d) Malvolio

27. Who claimed he was injured by Cesario?

a) Sir Andrew b) Antonio c) Sir Toby d) Malvolio

28. Who did not fall in love with Olivia?

a) Malvolio b) Sebastian c) Sir Andrew d) Antonio

29. What did Malvolio not ask for while in the dark room?

a) Food b) Ink c) Paper d) A light

30. Who said “O time, thou must untangle this, no I..”

a) Cesario b) Olivia c) Orsino d) Feste

Twelfth Night Name:Date:

Twelfth Night | Ms. Van Dine

Twelfth Night

1. ___________ Viola

2. ___________ Feste

3. ___________ Olivia

4. ___________ Malvolio

5. ___________ Maria

6. ___________ Sebastian

7. ___________ Orsino

8. ___________ Sir Andrew

9. ___________ Sir Toby

10. ___________ Antonio


A. This character masquerades as Olivia when she writes a letter imitating Olivia’s handwriting to play a trick on Malvolio.

B. He appears to be Cesario, but in reality, he just came to Illyria after being saved from a shipwreck. His sister is Viola.

C. This character appears to want Sir Andrew to marry his niece, Olivia, but he really just wants money from his noble friend.

D. She is a twin who masquerades as a servant boy because she is all alone in the world, or so she thinks.

E. She behaves like a “cloistress” until the right “man” comes along; then she forgets mourning for dead brother and falls in love.

F. He thinks he is in love with Olivia, but in reality, he’s in love with love.

G. He is pretending to be a brave and fearless knight, but he’s really a wealthy foolish knight who is tricked into a duel against Cesario, and tricked into buying ale for his friend.

H. He tries to appear wise, proper, and businesslike. He is a puritan who is very egotistical. He’s convinced Olivia loves him.

I. This character disguises himself as a monk, Sir Topas, to make fun of another character. He spends the play making fun of characters.

J. He is a sea captain and a good friend, but he’s also an outlaw.

Who’s Who? (match each character with their true identity) /10

Twelfth Night | Ms. Van Dine

Twelfth Night

Characters /30Write a descriptive paragraph about each character. Who are they? What happened to them in the play? What happened to them at the end of the play? Did they learn any important lessons? Write as much information about the character as you can :)



Duke Orsino!____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Twelfth Night | Ms. Van Dine

Twelfth Night Malvolio!____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



You did it! All Done! :)
