Two Po m s F110! 1113 CAMBRIDGE J UVENCUS Page 1

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Transcript of Two Po m s F110! 1113 CAMBRIDGE J UVENCUS Page 1


1. Two P om s F110! 11 13 CAMBRIDGE J UVENCUS Page 1

1. Po em on page I I

I I. P o em on pages 48, 49, and 50 2



XVI II .XIX. Englynnionn y Be dev

Kygogion . Elae th ac cant

XXI . Ele c t}:Agant

vi t

XXI I . “c l‘

l'Il lt fiI I'll -hil l








XXXVI . Mzmmau l Madame mahMar mlut .

Kvntf-Iv I’ricIit Maur av (‘


XXXV I I . Manmml Madam: Iil Mar mlut


XXXIX. I'lnwm . Mvilmn . l warvh I Ion

BU N K “ F Axm'


I. I‘J I ImImIin . Alwil'il l

I I. (hm-hal l Tutwu lvh

I I I . ( Iwan 'han Ado-ho n

IV. Gn rvhan Kvnvc -Ivn

V. ( Irwarvhan .\I:u

IV. Tm:Bu n k u p

l l . Marvnat Vil Ve il ,

I II . I Il lzlrvIl IIt I

IV.- u


Tln s mnmln -n Iu In n -n In em - l ILv - I I I | I l °- I \XXI I

c o xrnxm vii

Arymes Pn'de in Vuot

VII . Ange r Kyfyndafit

V II I . Kat Gode nIX. Mab Gvfre u Talie ssin

X. B aronov

XI I . GlaswaOt Talie ssin xxun . ATM

XIII . Kade ir Talie ssin XXI II I.

Kade ir Tevm on. cm'


Knde ir Ke rritue n. C‘



XVI I . Kanu Vgfiynt . CFC. ATAL.

XVI I I.Kanu y Me IL x xnn .

Kan“ y Cfirfif. XXI II I .

xxn. Plae u yr Re ifl‘

t . x . c .

XXI I I. TraOsganu Kynan Garwyn . Brod ).

XXIV. LathMo e sse n

Y Gofe issvwz Byt .

GOc ithArgo e t LIOVI’

c in . Kanu

Yspe il Talioasin . Rmm e u

Dmlo lfrchVrye n


XL. Me roue t Erof


XLII . Marfmat Co rro i. M . B aytyXLI I I . MarOnat Dylan e iI Ton. Te l. ae Cant.

XLIV. Marfinat Gwe in


XLVI .XLVI I .XLVI I I . MarOnat Vthyr P e n


LI .

LI I. G63“ Lud y MaOrLI I I .

LIV. Ymarwar Llud BychanLV. Kanu y Byt MOar

LVI . Kenn y Byt Bychan

THE RED Bo o x o r HERGFS I‘

I. Kyuoe ssi Myrdin a Gwe ndyd y choae r

I I . Gfiasgardge rd Vyrdin yny Bed

I I I . Ymatre c Llywe lyn a Gwm e rth



VI .



XI .


XI I I .




\Vyne bc lawr


1. Bo xmm Gm Y Comm)

Translat ion ofdo .

11. Tmonn ARTHUR as Wm

Translat ion ofdo .

Is nxx



Fac simile ofPage ofBlack Bo ok ofCae rmarthe n ,

fo lio‘

2 T0fac e page

Facs imile ofPage ofBo ok ofAne urin

Facs imile ofPage ofBo ok ofTalie ssin

Fac s imile ofPage ofRed Bo ok ofHe rge st


THE We lshText was prin ted in 1863, afte r c o llating the te x t

of the poems with the original MSS.,first in MS., and again

in pro of. The c o llation,howeve r,was to a great extent pure ly

me chan ical. The oppo rtun ities which the Edito r had ofc on

snlting original MSS., c ontained in thre e different libraries, at

a distan c e from himse lfand from each o the r, we re nec e ssarily

so limited, bo th in t ime and in frequ ency, that, although thekindness of the ir owne rs made them ac c essib le to him as

often as was possible in the c irc umstanc e s, the c o llat ion had

in consequ e nc e to be made ve ry rapidly,and he was unable

to pause in his ta k to c onside r the meaning ofthe text.

Instead ofpre serving the te xt as it is usually transc ribed

in su ch MSS., continuously, and without break e ither as to

sente nc e s or metrical lines, he has arranged it in lines so far

as he c ou ld at the moment he gu ided by the rhyme , bu t he

has prese rved'

the original punc tuation, and made no c onje e

tnral emendations whate ve r in the te xt . He has printed it

e xac tly as he found it, even whe re the sc ribe had o bviously

e ithe r mistak en the word, or wr itten a wrong le t te r. Whe re

words in this text diffe r from those in the Myvyrian or o the r

texts, and the fo rmer is obviously a mistake , the e rror is that

of the write r of the o riginal MS.,and no t of the Edito r in

c o llation ,as in Poem No . XXI I . of the Black Bo ok of Cae r


ruarthen. whe n: rem- in t is wri t t e n in the MS. fo r rede int.

The wo rds are also n o t alwat “

rightlv divided, and it is

diffic ult to s t ine uish b e twe e n 1'

a nd x . the o ne be ing often

in te nde d whe re the o the r has b e e n prin te d.

As to the o rt hography . i: may he re marked that in old

MSS In the mu te c o n s onan t s. the te nu e s are frequ e ntly used

whe re mode rn o rt hography has the me diae . as final C and Tfor

and I). and that the in itial mu tat ion o nlv oc

casionally ap

pm rs : b u t . altho u e h no t e xpn s s e d in the o rthography, it

se ems to have I-e e n u nde rsto o d. as a some t imes e xpre sses the

ample so und . and at o the rs obviously re pre s ents 8 6 . The

le t t e r mu st also b e as sume d o c casio nal ly befo re‘


and D.

In it ial c is ofte n re pre se n te d bv K :mo de rn I‘

by I'

and V ;

and w afte r G and A is re pre s en te d in the o lde r 1188. by 1’

some t imes V. and in the Bo ok of Talie ss in and Red Book of

[l arge s t b y a pe c uliar le t te r 0. The diphthongs Al and Al’

appear as m and El’

. The tlj pll t lml lg El is re pre se nted bv r .

The o ld English c apitals re pre s e n t the rubric al le tte rs in

the o riginal MSS .



Go srsrs , BY C. VBTrtus AQUILINUS J uvnNcus, PRE




1 . Omnipotcm auc to r

Ti dic one s adiamo r

2 Nit arcup be t id hic ou id

Canlon c e ttic e idin gui bag uid

Uo r rduto u ti g uirdoned

3. Dic ones pater harimed

Presen isab ruid ic unme rNisacup m src up lede r

4 . Dicones 17mm dielimlu

pbe tid aguirdou pendibu

guo tc apaur amne r adu

5. Our dic ones remedau

Elbid anguorit anguorau t

Niguru gn im mo lim trinta [u t]6 . I t c luis inban ic iman

Guorsed c e inmic u n u cmou t ran

3 Ucatrin tau t b e an tride nt [an]B


7. I t c lu is it humil inhe r ed c e ln tcd

Rit pu c saun mi de trintau t

gurd mein t ic onidid imo lau t

8. Bit e rc is o rau t inadau t

Pre sen pioub ui int gro isau cInungu e id guo led trin tau t

Un hanied napuil hepe tc ne In isnem nitc ou e r

Nit guorgnim mo lim map me ir

POEM ON PAGES 48, 49 AND 50.

l . Niguorc osam nemhe unau r

I Ienoid mite lu nit gurnmu r

M i amfranc dam anc alaur

2. Nicanu niguardam nic u sam

Henoid c e t ib c n med noue l

M i amfranc dam anpate l

3. Namc rc it mi nep leguenidIIeno id is discyrr mi c ou c idid

Do n nam ric eu s ungue tid

NOTE—These two po ems are writ te n in the Saxon charac te r. The firs thas be e n read with great diflic u lty, owing to its having b ee n transc rib ed o n

the first page of the MS. , and injured and part ly c II'

ac cd by rubbing . The

sec o nd po em has b ee n pre vio usly bu t ina c

c u rat e ly prin ted, and is nowfo r thefirst time c o rre c tly given . The r e are o nly two wo rds that are doub tfu l.

N icanu in the fourth line may b e re a d Nicam’

l and if so , it is pro bab lytransposed, and should be plac ed at the e nd o f the line , so as to c o rrespo nd inrhyme with the wo r ds no ne!and paid . The le tte r re pre sented by y in diary"is a pe c uliar let te r, which may represent one of the Saxo n fo rms fo r y, o r theIrish contrac tion fo r u i, in which c as e the wo r dwill read (harm


r r .


Lles kyndur tra me ssur y kuynan .

Llas hae lon O dinon tra uuan .

Tryu ir. nod maur eu c lod. gan . e lgan .


Tray athmi. my. a my. y do e than .

Trav athrau imdoe thbran ame lga

Llat dine ] o e dine t . kyulanan

Ab e rbin ae u e rin awnae than .


Llu mae lgun b u yse un y do e than .

Ae r Wir kad tryb e lidiad. guaedlan .

Ne u gu e ith arywde rit pan

Vit y deunit. O hid y wu chit y darpe ran .

Llyavs pe leidrad guaedlad guadlan .


aus. ae rwir b ryv b re uau l vidan.

Llyaus ban b rivhe r . 115»aus ban fo b e r.

Llyau s ev hymchu e l in en hymvan.


Se ith me ib e lifl'

e r. Se ith guir ban bronhe r.

Seith ganewui oche l in en se ithran .


Se ith tan. vue lin. Se ithkad ky'ue rb in.

Se ithu ed kinve lin y pop kinhnan.



Seith guaewgowanon. Se ith loneid awon.

O g nae d kinre inon y dylannan .


Se ith uge in hae lon . a ae than ygwllon .

Yg c oed ke liton. i' . dat unan.

Can is mi myrtin guydi. taliessin.

Bithaud. kyfl’

mdin. vi' de rogan.

B re nduid a ue lun ne ithwir. ysc e luit ae dehoglho .

Ny ritre ithir y re uit. nis guib it ar nuyge lho .

Gue ithred llara llyu iau nine r nid hofi'

e t me int e t b ro .

Neur uum ydan un dated a bun dec liu guan ec gro .

Nid c ur llauur urth dinda. se c ofi'

a arnuydalho .

Guae th. vygniwOdiuattep. ir nep nuyhatnappo .

Nyt iuu ic rac dricwe ithred. im attre c guydi darfl'

o .

Ny dichu enie but pedi. is gu e ll de lli u rth auO.

Ac imganlin adeduit . adioffrid aaduo .

Awna mynich e nunyre t. ordive t. ase rlinho .

Nid ehalath astrae tha. nychafi'

awae bamkevo .

Ny lluit renne t y dire id. Ny chen ir buye id arfl'

o .

Ny nau t u chene id rac guae l. Ny de rllit hae lar nuybo .

Ny ry de l

” eve ren rimawy awen. Ame n fiat

i edic . wand. fruythlaun. trae thaud tryb e straud he id.

Hervit urte n autyl. kyrridven ogyrven amb ad

Amha(d)anav are ithawyrllav. y e avk e ine id.Cuhe lin hart kymrae c hart kidvr thodiad.

Kert kimuynas. k ed kywtas . nifain tinie id.

Ge tbit kywy’straud kivan vo land. c luttaud attad.

Kywrge in ge nhid. co r a chiwid. kyhid kydne id.


’m kyvle kywlaun flamde k i'wvire vad.


Kene tyl wo ro r. kywrisc wo se onl. kyghygne id.

Kywo lv. waur. kywarvs mavr . kir llavr e irche id.

Ke rit vychod. k ere nhit nod c lod achvb iad.

Clo k e lvid. kant kalan kid. kynvllid gre id.

Gre id b le it b lyghaud. Gre tywde tywdurand. gnaud branduriae th.

Gur o e t e ito e l go rvyre o l. go rde tho l do e th.

Grvytb uil dragon . go sparth b rython . go sgyman gvith.

Gnaud trygane t. gnaud kyhide t . go rsse t me tve ith.

M e ttvin kywran . marchau c mitlan. mann me idro lae th.

M e itrid mur io r. mans pedir pedro r. maur c o r ky'

voe th.

M oe s vre isc vreyr. mo e s wirthvehir. milwir orvith.

Mae r c lae r kywid. mad cathyl kyvid. mOidit ie ith.

Mas c as nognav. minhev nev frav. mo lav frav fre e th.

Mune r u odau c . mae r anhe tau c . mare tau e do e t.

M ede l visc i me l varto ni. mynogi gvyth.

Mynvinad vro n . me tv to n dro s trae th.

M e r ke rtev ke in. mywir c ove iu . mire in ano e th.

M e ne stir. vytud. meuve t ve tvd mo lud e smu ith.

M usic a gan mal e ur o rian man vahanie th

Gve ith re ith rysse t gvich ruich ryn e t rinu e t re e n .

Re c rysio law. re c a archaw. mymav iu rthe n .

Ru thur. vthir ave l rj'nau t uve l. ryve l ve bin .

Ruteur dyrllit. rychlud c lodrit . rihit ade n.

Revwe t parand. rin vynn. wasc aud. tra gwand wo b rin .

Ry bait itau t . ryche idv y nau t rac cant ge lin.

Ry. chedwis de tyf. ry chynis gre tyw. rac lle tywogyrve n .

Rae . dae~ dro ssow. reghid brid b o t . ro t enhe lin


E ERVIT vrten. au tyl kyrridve n. ogj'rven amba d.

Ambad anav. are ith awyrllav. y cav k e ine id.

t e lin doe th. kymrae c c o e th. kyvo eth awyrllav.

R e luit id gan . c luir vir s e dan. kywlava n lev.


Ke rt kywlaunde r. kadeir dirpe r cadir wobe r. yv.

Kanho lic ion cafl'

od eilon. keinon vrthav.

Can tyirne t . cathil kyhide t kj'urysswyv.

Campus y veireh. canhyn ae pe irch. kywren e irchglyv.

Co r waradred. kene tj'l no ted ked i we tliv.

Lliwed a b un. llysse it e itan. llun venediv.

Llyd am kywor. 110g dessefi'

or. llog po rth anav.

l gyrin kytrim. lledvegin grim. llim yd grim glev.

Lle uve r synhuir. llaue r a vyr . llvir idworiv.

Co rpo gvr gu le t druy tagneve t he t Ohe tiv.


K YVAENAD ke luit. kyne lv o douit .

Kyuae nad kynan O c rist ke in didan.

Ac ve i gyne rkinan amygylchin huan.

Ar gnyu e r pego r yssit y dan mor.

Ar gnyu e r. ede inau e a o ruc kyuoe thauc .

Ac vei. ve i. paup. tri trychant taue nd.

Ny e llynt ve trae thaud. kywoe thev y trindaud.Din dy


Iual y faud. Ny e ruill c ospaud.

Kymun b id paraud. in e rb in tridaud.

Bid glafglefychaud ban wanha. y gnandY diodru t. y issc aud.

Onae ti din hewid pir doduid unb id.

Q u id imwaredit. o r druc digonit .Nev daid ythrihit ythurid. a. k erit .Drnd dytihenit. dy imtuin ar llogylwit .Trvachdydive t. dy lauriav. O. ve t.

As egi athraed ymlithprit athydwe t.Dihafal dyimte ith dyissc ar ath k edimte ith.

Co rphdifiid dire id gobuill. O. thene id.

Co rph u i glivit paleue ir y gilit .Pa ro teiate o th rev ve t. kin kynes arge l.Pa ro te iate o tho lud kin mnill mOll mud.


Ac yharue tud. ac y diadaud.

Ac ny riue lssnd y me in t a garyssud.

Ac ito e t Owud y larv te in t. dud.Adao u i tae than t ig kjfme int Ofi


uia nt.

Prit prinude chant. o thriit age ugant.Ac ysmortiuant. mal gossod amrant.

A u e le iste O garant asv tre is tragissant.Ny phe rche iste guener o th vaur e tyllte r.

Ni che un toste pade r na philge int na go spe r.Pade r priwtrae tb aud. gobuill O nebaud

Namuin y trindaud.

Ry talud istedlit tri se ithpader b e unit.Afi


v ac mido e s. ac nithreghis. ev hoes.

M o e y dinwassu te me rwe rit. no phrege th evegil.

An de id i gle thuir gu e rth na buo st viiil.

Ni phe rche iste c re irev na 1100na llanev.

Nid cnde u e iste kiwrev b e irt goue c higlev.

Ni phe rche iste kiure ith c reaudir new’ kin lle ith

Llyaus aghiu ie ith adodu te ardiare ith.

Gvae vi pir imte ithge nhide in kyu e ith.

Gvae vi pir wuufar dik ino lv.

Pan douthume attad o eth bichan vianuad.

Ne u rimartuad o th laur kiu e ithad.

Amun nine red ui n ep. o th ted.


‘ NEID kid im gune it. in agb en dige rit.

Gu ir yv guac u inhev pir de u thoste imgo te v.

Nae irOfe . nac aghev. na diue t. na dc chrev.

O se ith lauanad. ban im so sained.

O se ith c readur pan im dodae th ar pu r.

Oe t un. tan . llachar. pa n im ro ted par.

Oe tun prit dacar. aym dyhae tc i alar.

Oe tun guint go uehaflle i vvnru c nom da.


Oe tun nyul ar mynit yn keissau ke to n hit .Oe tan b lodev gait ar vin ep e luit.

Amssuinasse ie douit im dodath ar deunit.

Ene id kid im gun e it.

mAC im adne irun nev. rimwaredun.

Keugant kywraghaum. wide kywissc aran.

A chiwnod sene t. A cheugant kinatle t .

A daduire in Ob e t guydi hir gorwe t.

Kywoe thau c dawawe t. 5» din iny dehen wuche t .A dyadu tan ar poplo e t anylan.

Allu ch a tharian. a llj aus llydan.

Ny lle ttaud lle dinag. na didrifna diag.

A widy tagde te emas arve re .

Dyge ttau r. y. tri. llv. rac dre ch drem ie ssu .

Llu guirin guinion e ih'

v egilion.

l arall b rithion. e iliv b rodo rio n.

Tryde llv diuedit. sy'

thle ith gywe ithit .

Huilant iglithuir 1m parthred dievil.

In vn nidaon gan dull aghimon.

Mynymae me illon agulith ar tirion.

Mynymae k e rtorion in ky'

veir kysson.

Ke in vid cv gofi'

alon gan guledic go rcho rtio n.

Myny mae ehestil am te emas awil.

M en 3} mac pe rywhae l iny c lae r kyu e iste t.

Ro tiad b id b eddrae ]. nid guac l y ge re nhit.

A chin deginull emne eilive rt vedit .Or saul dymguytat. ar lle ith dimgo rb it.

Ac ewgue ithdimgtme lemn e . dimb rodic dit .

N is rydrae th ryu etev kyvo e th r uvte v dou it .


1 1 4 W il l an re ithmarch inis pride in .

Carnawlau c march. owe in. mab vrien.

A. B ucheslum se ri. marchgagaan c le tywrut .

A Tauau tir bre ichir. In. kadwallaun. fiL k.

TRI thom e tystir inis pride in

Arwul me lin. marchpassc e n fil. vrie n.

A. Duhir te rwenhit. m. se lywmab kynan garrvin .

A drudl uid. m. Iyt e rchhae l.

TRI goho ev e tyste r inis pride in.


rn ev godvfl'

. hir. marchk e i.

Ru thir eho n t uth ble t. m. gilb erd mab

A. k e in c aled. m. gualchme i.

TRI ho ev e tistir inis pride in

l ago r. m. karadauc . b .

A me lynlas . m. kaswallaun mab b e lyfi"

M OLI duu inn e chrev a diu e t

Ae kyniwnywe lli ny ome t.

VII mab mc ir modridawte eme t .

Me ir mam c rist. e rgynan riane t.

DYdav yr heul o r duyre in ir gogle t .Dy e irau l ir dy. maur drugare t.

Ar dymab io lud e n kare t

Duv nchom. Duu ragom. Du u ve t.

Be n newanro tone . ran trugare t.

Tayru u ron. tanc y romne . heb imome t

Diwyc c omne a digonhom ogamu e t .

The MS. he re se ems defe c t ive .


Oe t in chuan t in car in tro sse t

Tre itan ty tir dyalltude t .

Se ith se in t a se ith uge int . a se ith c ant . awant

Orsse t .

Ygid a c rist gu in. ny fo rthint vevygile t.

Re c aarchawe nim nac c e r. y rofadav. dagnou e t.

Am bO fo rth y po rth r ie t.

Grist ny buve trist ytho rsse t .



o 1. 18. a. @OGONEDAUOargluit hanpich

Athu endic c o de egluis. achage ll.

A kagc l]. ac eglu is.

A. vastad. a difi'


A. Te ir finhaun yssit .Due u chg uin t. ac vn u ch c luit

A. y risgaud ar dit.

A. Siric a pe rwit .

Athue ndiguiste awraham pe n

A. vnchc t tragiuit .

A. adar a gu ene n .

A. attpaur. adie u .

Athu endigu ste aron a mo e se n.

A. vasc ul a femen .

A. sc ithm'

en a se r.

A. awir. ac othe r.

A. llevre u a llythe r.

A. pisc aud yn hydirue r.

A. kywid. ague ithred.

A. tyuvod athydued.

A. 5'q da digoned.

Athu c ndigafdo arglu it gogoncd.

Gogonedauc a. h. g.


E RDUIREAUE tri trined in c e li.

Y esi nu athri. vned nu yun i.Vn gnirth oe te ithi. nn dun diuo li.

Athuo lafnanrri man r dyu rhidri.

Dyn o lanr ysguir. Dyn o laudir yamiYs bud b artoni arhe lv e loy.

Hanpichgue ll c risti.

Pate r . fili spiru. domn i.

on. adonay.

fi RDUIREAUE dev. yasi vn a den .

Y ssi tri hep. cv. hep hant y amhev.

Awnae thfrnith afreu afop. amrifl'


Dun y env. in den. duynanl y kyfi'

re n .

Dnn y env. in tri dnyunanl. y inn i.Dun y env in m Dun panlac sauhun .

fi RDUYREAUE vn . isy den ac nu .

Issi tri ar nun . issi dun y hnn .

Aunae thmanrth a llnn . a masc ul a bun .

Ac nat kynorun has so ano tim.

Anne th tuim ac o e r. a. heu l allo e r.

Allythir. ig. cuir afflam im pabnir.

A. se rch in sinhnir. a bun hygar hnir.

Allosc i. pimp kae r o tyne ti. wir.

Y NENU domn i me n y. vo li. manr y no land.

Mo lawe douit. manr y kinnit ar y cardand.

Dun ausmac . Dun ango ruc . Dnn angnarand.

Dun angOb e ith. te ilng pirfe ith. te e y pnrfaud.

Dun andyli Du n issi vry. vre nhin trindand.


Dun ab ro ned iny truyted in y tralland.

Dnn a dyfn . Oe garchar ngan vnildaud

Gnledic deduit an guae l inrit e rb in dit b rand.

An duch ir gnle t iry vare t . se . we rindaud.

Ym paraduis. impu r kynnnis rac pnis pe chaud.

Angune l ie chid irypenid ae pimp dirnand.

Do lar eghirith. Dun andiffirch ban kyinirth c nand.

‘Din a c o lle i b e i nasprinhe i dine i devaud.

Or c ro c c revled y deu thguared ir vedissyaud.

Kadarn bnge il Crist nid adwe il. y te ilygdand.

XIII.21 ° j RENHIN guirthvin guirth uchawyssit .

Yssi pe n plant adaw.

Yssi pe r gade ir gadarnaw.

Yssi hae l diwae l diwe irhaw.

Yssi haul uranl gnrhaw.

A c liwir. issi owir id pridaw.

Y Dav manr. y duv llaur llariaw.

Y dnv gnin guenge rt aganaw.

Yaywuyw. y duv indin dige rit o rdevnit vdiallaw.

O pe chn a pe chnis adaw.

O pe chaud kin brand pryde raw.

Erb in oed y dit. y de l paup o e

Be t iny devre t in devraw.

Mal y bv ban iv o re nhaw.

In vn llv ir vn lle tec c aw.

Hid impe n vn b rin e rbin cv barnv.

Or te nlv te ilyghaw.

Te ilygdand wasc aud o sgo rt nav grad new.

V5"Dewis kinvllaud.

The handwriting change s he re and be c omes smalle r. Hithe rto the le t

te rs have be en large , and eac h page c ontains only twe lve lines ; bu t the sc ribefinding it ne c essary to ec o nomise sp i

ce, puts sixte e n lines in a page . Thong!

the le tte rs are smaller , it seems to have b e e n writte n bv the same hand.



r Devs domenvs menand.

vy barde ir. y Be irt y nedissiand.

vi maurhidic ne n. vy pe rehen .

vy parch. kin tywarch. Kin ty'wand.

Amgadn y trae thn trac thand.

Y thvo li kin tewi tawand.

Ac im c ow. valiofi‘

. adiwand

Urthy gure ic . 3"am dre ic vfl



Ban dywu gnas dav diwarnand

Attav. ir imb rav se b riand.

Ro tesewdim e id. kin dirnand.

A bilwis O b ilion. y gnand.

Canydoe t hagen higafi‘

. y ro tion. a ro the i O u chaud.

Gvnae thdnv trvgar gardaud.

In evr c oe thkyvoe th. y trindand.

Y mas mae istand. y mae mo lidnv.

Adwin y c o ti. A. diwad pe chaud.

Wid. we ti. Adiwin ke lv b rad ke li.

Culait arglnit newnav kanmanl attad.

Gnenglad vad ve idro li.

Gnenvlit rit rieitim vo li.

Gwingar kar gvar guirone t kedwi.

Ny chedwis eva irawalle n pe r baranys dav.

Vrthi. am y cham nychimv ahi.

Guythgo lev a o rev e rni.Ryv dnted edmic . ogyllestic guise . A gniscvis imdeni.P e riwnewa pe ris idi. impe rue t ychiwoe thy no e thi.

Ac eil guirth. awnae thehalae thargluit a e rgliwyvo li.

Ban winnvis goche l y de li.Sewfort yfi


oes iti.

Inyto e t aradnr in e redic tir

B e rwit guir in gue ini. Y diwand y trindand ke liEwas mam dinam dann owri.

Agur guin. a r guir gwydi ny.

l’u l. b . 23.



A « lav 5 ge is av in gu e st i.

Ar owris i’ Winit i.

A gue le is te gure ic a mab ge n t i.A diwe d t ithe r iro lev gu iro ne t .3n thome t in gwe t i.

J n gu e led in myn ed he b t i.

Y rande r arad du r e rni.

Ar hnni vdo ethdigiwoe thgwe rin . Llin kain ka de fl

To riwanwar e nwir cv hinn i.

Turr k e issc id vke issav ke li.Y diwad vn gurthwn gurtharab . Y rthvgvr awe li.

A gue le iste dinion din . gowri.In myned hebod heb dro ssi.

Gne le is ban llj'

une is ylle ntir

Deguch a we lnchy medi.Sewawnae than t plant kaiY Y rth y mede l ym chne li.

Drny c irc led me ir mariOe gvybod guybv duv Ob e n i.

Yt o c t my difi'

rid. j . gidahi.

Ysprid glan a gle indid indi.


‘ADWIN c ae r vssit ar lan

Adwin yd ro tir v paupe r y chwant.

Gogywarehde gwin e t boad tevwvant.Gwaewanr rrin. Be i adarwant

1)e me rchir. gue le isse gnir yg cvinowant .

Dyv iev bv. ir . gnarth it adc o rssant.

Ad o e t b ryge r c o ch. ac o ch ar dant.

Oe t lln tedic g nir guine t. Dit y denthant.

The handwriting he re changes and becomes mu ch smalle r ; the twolowing pie c es , tho ugh in the same hand with those that fo llow, seem to

be e n subsequen t ly inse rte d in a blank page .


Ac am kewin lle chvae lvy kylchnywriwant.

Cuytin y c an ke iwin llv O carant .


Fo l . 23. DINAS maon dnv dafi'

ar. pendevic edwin advie r.

Asich hen]. agnlich edar .

DINASmao n c as vnbin te em e t . kymynad kad degin .

Asich henl agnlich. mervin .

DINAS mao n gulad adav. amdifiin duv amdanav.

Asichhenl agnlich. nynhav

MAD dodes y mo rtnit. ar me rchin marchllu id.

Kade irdeu ramdiwnrn. asichhe nl agu lichmas lg nn .


m . 24. WIN y bid hi y vedwen in difi‘

rin guy.

A sirch y chegev pop vn. pop dvy.

Ac anit pan m . y god in ardndvy.

A chimrevan hiv am rid vochnvy.

A phe le idir a gaur iny ganhvy.

Ac edwin imonban glnedichny.

Ar gueisson gleisson ysca(win) tra vodi.Ar dillad rntion in cv ro ti.

6 WIN y b id hi y vedwe n. ym pimlnmo n .

A wil ban vit ban baran e ilon .

Ac awil. y. fre igc in llnricogion .

Ac am gewin iraeluid bvid balawon.

A mine ichin vynich in varchogion.

WIN y b id hi y vednen y gnarthawdinvythny.

A vib id ban vo ygad in ardndwy.

Ar pe le idir kychnin amedIywny.

A. phont ar taw. ac arall ar tawny.

Ac arall amwall amdwylan gwy.



Ar sae r ae gnne lwy. b Id y e nv garvy.

Ar b enyganl mon ae . guledychuy.

Gumge t dan y gint. gu ir yg kystvy.

Dedwytach no mi ae harhowe.

Amee r kadwaladir. ke rt aganh


h. H FALLEN pe re n pe r ychagen .

Pilwanr manr we irranc enwanc invev.

Ami disgoganave rac pe rehen machrev.

In difi'

rin machavnyme rchyrdit orev.

Go ruo le t y loegyr gorgo chlawnev.

Oian a parche llan dydan dywiev.

Go rvo le t y gimry go rnau r gadev.In amuin kyminand c lefytand e lev.

Ae r O Sae sson. ar onn ve rev.A gnarwyanr pe lre ac cv penn ev.

A mi disgoganafe gwir heb gov.

Dyrchafaud maban in advan y dehev.

fl FALLEN pe ren pre n hydnfglasv anr y chagev by as che in wanaa

Ami dysgoganafe kad am dias.

P enguern kywe tyrn me ty hatas .

H WALLEN peren. a pre n me lin .

A. tywin hal art. heb art inychilchin .

Ami disc oganwe kad im prydin.

In amvin cv te rwin aguir dulin

Se ith log. y denau t dros lyde n lin.

A se ith cant dro s mo r y o re skin.

The fo llowing lines are added, at the bo ttom Of the page. same

hand, b u t with fain te r inkAc am gylch kyminawd kymyn leasEingyl gan pe ndeu ic e ryri e ri att kas .


m ALLEN pe re n atifi'

ar Ian . afo n.

Iny llnrv. ny lluit mae r. arychlae r ae ron .

Trafn vm pnyll. westad. am bniad inibon .

A. bnn wen warina. vn we inns vano n

De c inline t adev ugein iny ge in ane twon

I t vifinymte ithgan wille ithagwil lon .

Gnydi da diogan aditan k erto rion.

Nv nev nam guy. gnall. gan Wylle itha gnyllo n .

Nv nev nachyscafe e rgrinaf. Wyn ragon .

vy arglnit gnendo lev amb ro rryv b rodo rion.

Gnydi porthi b e in t a hoed am eyleh c oed k e lito n .

Bnyfgnas guinwydic . gan gnledic go rcho rtio n ,

fi FALLEN pe re n b lodev e sSplit .

Atyfigwe rid ag hiid y gnit.Disgogan hwimle ian hwe til adiwit .

Id lathennanr gan b rid gurhid e rwit .

Rae dreigev arde rchev. riev r yb it .

Go rnit grat wehin din digrefit

Rac maban hvan heo lit arwe it .Sae sson ardiwneit b e irt ar kin it.

ren a pre n fion

Attify dan ge l yg c o ed k e liton .

Kid keisse e r Ofe r vit b e ruit y hatOn .

Iny del kadwaladir oe kinadil kadwao n .

Y e rir tywi a te iwi afl‘

on .

A (1d grands O aranwinion.

A gnne uthnr gnar. O. willt O gwallt hirio n .

K FALLEN pe ren a pre n fion .

At tif. y dan ge l yg c oed k e lito n .

Kid ke isse r Ofe rvit b e rwit. y hafon .

Yn y de l kadwaladir oe kina dyl. rid re o n .


Kinan iny e rbin efkychwin ar sae sson.

Kimry a orvit ke in b id e ndragon.


and panb y te ithi. llanen vi b ri brython .

Kenhitto r kirm e lnch. kathil he tuch a hinon.


! IAN a parche llan . a parche ll dedwit.‘

Nachlat dyredc ir ympe n minit .

Clat in He arge l in arc o edit .

Rac e rwis ritec h hae l myfadnr fit .Ami disgoganafe a gwir nit.

B id in ab e r taradir rac transev pryde in

Kimry Oll inyen kyflnit.Llyuelin y e nv O e issil lit

Gwin e t gnr digo rb it.

F01 27 0 ® IAN a parc he llan oe t reid myned

Rae . kinyt ion mo rde i b e i llafassed.

Bac dinod e rlid arnanme ac ingne led.

Ac o r diaghnne . ny chnmnne in llnte d.

Ami disgoganafe . rac ton navfed.

Bac vnic barifi'

vin gvehin dived.

Dirchafand llogand tud ir lle ttc red.

Yn tymhir gnrthtir a guystniled.

In y de l kinan iti o e chin gu e led.

Ny bit attc o r bith ar y threfred.

. IAN a parche llan nyhant kisscafl'


Rae godnrt y galar yssit arnaf.Deg mline t a den uge in yd porthe ise po e nY strnc ao rhoen yssit amaf.

Oe s imi gan ie ssv gafi'

v guae ssaf

The first stanza is writ te n in a diffe re n t hand at the e nd of the previo us


Brenhinoe t newo e t ac ho e t nchaf.

Nymad rianed oplant adaw.

Ar ny c reddoe ydovit indit diwe thaf.

Yd we lese gnendo lev in pe rthic riev.

In cynnll pre itev 0pop e ithaw.

Ydan vygne rid rnt nv ne nd araf.

P en te em e t gogle t llane t mvyhaw.

. IAN aparche llan oe t re id gwe ti.

Rac Ofiin pimp pe nae th o no rtmandi.

Ar pimhed in myned dros mo r he li.

Y o re skin iwerto n tirion trewi.

Efgnnahand Tyn e ] a difissc i.Ac arfev c o ch. ac o chindi.

Ac wint tny in dihev adoant O heni.

Ac . awnant enryde t ar b e t. Dewi.Ami disgoganafe bid divise i.

Oymlat mab a thad gnlad ae gnyb i.

A myn ed y lo egruis difi'

nis trewi.

Ac nabO guared bith y no rtmandi.

. IAN a parche llan. Nanit hnnanc .

Rydib it at tamne chne til dyfridanc .

P enae then byche in anudonau c .

M e iri mangaled am pe n k e inhanc .

Pan difl’

o n. droamo r gu ir e ne ichane .

Kad me irch. y dannitt ve devwyn epanc .

De nwlae n. ar e nguaev ano le ithanc .

Ert i heb medi ymb id dyhe tanc .

Gne ll b e t. no b uhe t po p yghe nanc .

Cirrn ar y gurage t pedryfanhau c .


anvont ve c o rfo rion me ib o n e idanc .

Y b it bo re tae r. rac kae r sallanc .


®IAN a parchellan. a parchell dyhe t.

Run dyuneid huiml e ian chne tyl enryn e t.

Kywrng b rodoryon brad O wine t .Ban dihole r taguistil inhir O tir guin e t.

Dyb it se ith ganllo g O yu t gan wint gogle t

Ac in ab e r dev en kinatle t.

®IAN a parc he llan a parche ll guin.

Rymdywod hnimle ian chne til am c chrin .

Pan be billo lloegir in tir e thlin.

A gunenthnr dyganhny dinas degin.

0g‘( lloegir a llyu e lin

Adnit mab srwarr. kychuin .

Ban so rrO deinoe l mab dnnand deinwin

Ad vit frangc ar fi'

O fo rt nyOfin.

In ab e r dnlas. gvanas gnehin .

Co chne t inev kylwe t. yn cv kilchin.

. IAN a parche llan ho ian hOiev.

Be i ychenanc dnv gunai. ymchne lev.

5’ ll yesy. wiv. bitand mev.

Ar hnn yssy keissed in tev.

. IAN a parche llan nc nd dit go lev.

Andande le is adar dnfi’

yr dyar leissev.

An hit ui b luitine t a hir diev.

Ariev enwir edwi fruythen.

Ac esc ib . llnch lladron difl'

e rch llannev.

Amyn e icha Ob rin b e ich O b e chodev.

The line within brac kets marks a ho le in the parc hme n t caused by thegre e n capitals having eat into it .


® IAN a parche llan llim y vine t.

Kyune ly anwinnd pane lhnte y o rue t.

Bychan awir ryde rchhae l he nOy ar yA po rthe ise ne ithnir O anhun e t .

Eiri hid impen c lnn. gan c nn calle t.

Pibonvy imblev. blin wy rysse t.

Ry dib it div manr dit gnithlo ne t.

Kywrng glyn powis se b las guine t .A chivod hire ll oe hir o rwe t.

Y amvin ae e lin te rwin guin e t.

Ac onymb it gan vy ri ran trugare t.

Gnae wi ban imbv. trv vy diwe t.

. IAN a parchan. Ny b it kywnn .

Ban kyhuin lln ae r O kae r wyrtin.

Y hardny dev kenev. in kywrenhin.

O hil ris ae rllnt . ae r llyfbitin.

Ban llather y Sae sson y kime rev trin.

Gnin ev. bid vy kimri. kimrvy. we rin .

® IAN a parche llan. a parche ll. gnin gvis.

Nachnste hnn bo re . nachlat im prise .

Rae dynod. Ryde rchhae l. ae cvn kyfruys.Kin cafi


ae l O ho nantte y co ed reddand. dychnis.

®IAN a parche llan a parche ll guin .

Be i gue lnd awe leis O tre is degin.

Nychysc nte hnn bo re . ny chlatnde brin .

Ban e iste tho sae sson iny sarfi'

ren .

A chirchn O pe ll c astc ll go llwin.

A tuit dilled ho ev a gloev dullin .

On the margin

NV chirchud dill'

e rch O difl'

uis lin .


® IAN a parche llan sude nde y naur

Ban do ttint . vc gu ir gnine t cv gue ithmanr.


nev in e rtirn kirn a ganhanr.

Brinhand llnrngev rac llnn waewanr.

A luniont tegneve t O n efhid laur .

Kynan kadwaladir. Kymri penbaladir.

Bitand cv kinatil aedmyc c anr.

A chinre ithan gulad a chistu tia gwad.

Allv a11e ( )divahaur.

An b i ni inae thguared guy( )ae th

Neb O hae lo nae thnidido lanr.

. IAN a parchellan. Nud glas minit.

Tenev vyllen imi ayd llonit.

Llnid yv. vyb le it nim treit guendit.

Ban difl'

on t guir. b rine irch ir gnarth Init .

Kimri a o ruit ke in b id cv dit.

. IAN a parche llan. a parche ll gawi.

Na chlat de redkir nac iste winny.

Nac achar waes. nachar. warvy.

A chnssil aro tafe y wenabny.

Nanid ienangc se rehane sybe rvwarray.

Ami disc oganafe gueithmachavvi.

Adnit ge lo ranr rut in riv didmny.

O kiwranc y kynvre in bron re ino u kifrvi

Advit bo re Och. ac ochOfny.

Arth O dehe nbarth a dirchafny.

Rylle t tand y wir ewtra thir mynvy.

The fo llowing lines are writ te n in the same hand o n the margin

Ban dill'

on no rtmin . yar llidan lin

Advit imurchrin ina gan vitinaur .

Ago re sc in pride in y niro n yswe inAr vall O lunde in adyat tavr. ami

m m wx cr cam am

A phan de l kadnaladir y o rm in

Gnrt kynan namn o lan te iwi.

Gnnahand am dyned diguiysc i.

Bit itan inae lan e ilo n indi.

@ IAN a parche llan. Mo r e nryue t.

Na b it nu sub id y b id munve t.

P e lled son sae son se il kynriss.

Ar b rithon hae lon hil kymnye t.

A mi disc oganane kindigue t.Brithon dro s sae sson b rithnir ae me t.

Ac ina indann e daun go ruo le t.

Gn idi b od inhir inhnir. vride t.

(‘DIAN a parche llan andande ire ilon

A gro ar adar kir kae r reo n.

Vn yasun aronn minit mao nY edrich drichnmanc drich s crchogio n .


E QOIAN a parche llan. Nym dawe ki ngid

O c lybod lle is adar dnwir dyar cv grid.

Tenev gvallt vy pen. vy llen nyd c lid

Do lit vy iscnb anr. nyd manr vy id.

vy c rann hawami nid imve rid.

Kyn isc ar adnv ditani kyvid.

Ami disc oganawe kin . go rfl'

en b id

Gwrage t heb gvile t. gwir heb gurhid.

E LOIAN a parche llan a parche ll rynni.

Ten ev vyllen nid llonit ymi

Yr gue ith arywde rit mi nym do rb i.

Kyndngnite i awir y lavr. allyr. enl li.

Ami disc oganawe gvydi henri.

Bre enhin na b re e nhin b rithwyd dyb i.

Ban vo pont. ar. tawac arall ar tywi.

Y dav y dyved ryve l iti.


p01. 32. a.

E m v as gulichy glav.

Gvir ny ortywnassint vy dignav.

Ke rwid. a chivrid a chav.

EBETEV ae tut gvitwal.

Ny lesse int heb ymtial.

Garyen. morien. a mo rial.

EBETEV se galich kanad.

Gvyr . ny le sse int in lledrad.

Gwen a garien . a garind.

BET tede i tad awen. yg godir br i nAre n. ynydvna ton to lo .

Be t dilan llan b evnO.

This po em is writ te n in a diffe rent hand and in


BET ke ri c le tifhir. y godir he n

Eglnis. yny difl'

nis graeande .

Tarv tom cat ymynwent c o rb r e.

BET se ithennin sinhnir vann.

Y rug kae r k enedir a glann .

M or manridic a kinran.

EN ab e r gweno li. ymae

Be t pryde ri yny te rwto nn ev tir.

Yg kart anc b e t gwallanc hir.

BET gwalchme i ym pe ryto n .

Ir diliv. y dyn e ton .

In llan padara b e t kinon .

BET gurgwand nrtin

In nehe l tyt in . inise l gwe litin .

Be t kynon mab c lytno idin .

BET run mab pyd in e rgrid

Avon. in o ervil ig gve rid.

Be t kin on in re on rid.

P IEV y b e t ydan y brin.

Be t gut Burt i'

g kYnisc in .

Be t kinon mab c lytno idin .

BETmab o svran yg camlan.

Gvydi llave r kywlavan .

Be t b edwir in alld tryvan.

BET owen ab urien im pedryal

Bid. dan gverid llan mo rvae l.

In abe rerch ride rch hae l.GWYDI gurnm a choch a che in.

A go ruytanr manr minre in .

In llan hc le t b e t . owc in .

GWYDI gwe li a gwaedlan .

A gviscav se ircha me irch cann.

Nend ewhnn b e t kintilan .

l’IEV y be t da y cystlnn .


A wuai ar lo egir. lv kigrun .

Be t gwen ab llynarchhen hnn.

P IEV y b e t in yr amgant.

As tu t mo r a go ro r nant

Be t maigen mab run rviwc ant

P IEV y b e t my rinis

Ac tu t mo r a goro r gwris.

Be t meigen mab run rvifllia

E3 on] y b e t ac ys hir.

In llnrv llyana amb ir.

Be t me ige n ab run ruywgwir.

TRI . b e t tri bodanc inarte rchanc

Brin. ym pant gwinn. gvin ionane .

M o r. a me ilir. a madane .

BETmadanc mnr eglnc

Yg kywlnc kinhen. vir vrien.

Go rev. mab y guyn. o winllyue .

BETmor manrhidic die ssic

Unb en. post kinhen kinte ic .

Mab pe redur penwe tic .

BETme ilir malninanc saluvodanc

Sinhvir. fissc ad fuir fodianc .

Mab 5’ b ruin o b richc inanc .

P IEV y b e t in rid vaen k ed.

As pen gan y ranvaered.

Be t. run mab alun diwed.

BET alun dywed yny drewred

Drev. ny kilie i o c aled.

Mab me ige n. mad pan aned.

BET llia gvite l in arge l

Ardndwy. dan y gve llt se gveve l.

Be t epint inyfl'

rin gewe l.

BET dywe l mab e rbin ig gwestedin .

Caeav. ny b ite i gnr y b re inhin.


Divc i ny ochelei trin .

‘BET gurgi gvychit a guindodit

Lev. a b e t llanr lln onit

Yg guarthawguanas guyr yssit .

E BETEU hir yg guanas

Ny Chanas ae dioca.PVTwin t V?IN ?en negea

TEULU oe th ac anoe th a dyu n

Y noe thy en gnr y en gnas .

As c e isso vy e lated guanas

BET llvch llaneghin ar c ertenhin

Avon pen sac aon snyt e rbinNy bite i drimis he b drin.

EBETEU yn hir vynyt .

Yn llvyr y guyr llno ssit

Be t gvryen gvrhyd enguavt . allvytanc

Pien yr be t ynymynyt

A lyviase i lnossit.Be t fyrnnae l hae l ab hyvlyt .

P IEU ir b e t hnn b e t e itivlch

Hir. ig gurthtir pe nnant turch.

Mab arthan gywlanan gynulch

BET llev llaugyfe s y dan achle s

M or yny bn y gywnes.Gnr oe t hvnnv gnir y neb ny ro tes .

BET b e idane rut yn amgant riv

Lyvnav. b e t llno sc ar yg keri

AC yn ryd b ritu b e t omn i.

PELL y vysc i ac argut

Gneryd machave se cu t.

Hirguynion hysse t b e idane ru t .

PELL y vysc i ac anan

Gne ryd machave arnan .

The handwriting changes he re .


lliwe lit .


Be idan e rut yv hnn ab eme r llydan .

BET nnpen O pride in yn llen tir

Gnynnassed. yn yds lliv yn llychnr.

Ig ke lli nrianae l b e t gyrthmn].EBET yn ystynachenYmae paup yny amhen.

Be t gnrtheyrn gnrthen e n.

‘KIAN a nd yn difi


e ith c und

Drev o tach pen b e t alltud.

Be t kindilic mab c o rknnd

NEUM due . i. e lfiin.

Y prowi vy bartrin .

Ge ssevin vchkinraIL

Be t rave au rnyvenit ran .

NEUM dnc . i. e lfiin

Y b rowi vymartrin .

Vchkinran ge ssevin .

Be t ruwann ryievanc dae rin .

BET y march. b e t y gnythnr.

Be t y gngann c le tyfrnt

An oe th bid b e t y arthu r.

BET e lchwithys gnlichglav.

Mac s mene tanc ydanav.

Dylie i kynon yno y kin iav.

P IEV. y b e t hnn. b e t ban a b u n.

Gowin ymi. mi ae gun

Be t cw. b e t e tewo e t hnn ,

A b e t e idal tal yscvn .

EITEW ac e idal diessicAll tndion. kanavon cylchny dr ei.

M ek id me ibon meigen me irch Ine i.

P IEV y b e t hnn. b e t braynoHir hydir ywirmy b ro .

The handwri ting ofthe first part ofthis poem is he re maime d.


Parthy dve i ny bite i fO.

P IEV y b e t hnn nid

Aral guythnch urth e rvid.

Trath lathei chvarohe i vrthid.

BET silit dyval inedrywuy le

Be t llemenic in llan c lvy.

Yg guemin b re b e t e ilinvy.

BETmilar mire ia gnand k e le in

Oslav. kin b n. tav. y dan me in .

Llachar mab run yg Clnn ke in.

BET talan. talyrth

Yg kinhen te ir ca d.

Kymynad pen pop nyrth.

Hyge t a gore t y pirth.

BET e lissne r abne r. inywinde r.

Daear diarc har dib ryder.

P en llvwn trawn y amse r.

BET g nr gurchy var .

Llachar llyv nive r. in abe r dnwirYny gvna tavne to niar

P IEV y b e t j uy ridev.

Be t rnywyv hunnv mab rigenev.

Gnr a digone i da ar y arwev.

PIEV y b e t hnn b e t b re int.Y rug llewin ae lle dn e int

Be t gur gnae . y issc e reint.P IEV y b e t yn lle thir. y brin .

Llaner nys guir ae gowin

Be t y c o e l mab kinve lin .

BET deheve int ar c leve int awo n .

Yg gurthtir mathanam.

Y stifi‘

n l k edwir c adarn.

BET aron mab diwinvin.




Ny dode ilewar ladron.

Ny rote i gwir y alon.

Ae c lathe i cafl'

ei b ut

P IEV y b e t ar Ian ryddnant.

Run. y. env radev k encant.

Bi oe t cw. Biogan ac gvant

OET efkyfnysse n y ho liGalanas. gnawrnt grut ate n.

Achen bvir but b e t b radwe n.

P IEV y b e t pedrival.

As pedwar mein amytal.Be t madanc marchanc dywal.

EN e iwonit e lvit tir.

Ymas gur hydufhir.Lleas paup pan rydighir.

ETB I b e t yg k ewin k e lvi.

Awe n ae divand imi.

Be t kinon garvy dnyae l.

Be t kinvae l. b e t kinve li.

BET llvid lledn e is. ig kemeistir.

Kin boed hirtnwy e is.

Dygirche i tarv trin ino treis.

BET siaun syb erv in hire rw.

M init yrng y gve rid ae de rv.

Chne rthinanc b ranc b rid chne rv.

P IEV y b e t yui c lidur.

Trawn ny bv eitilnr.

Be t eb ediv am mae lnr.

P IEV y b e t my rallt. trav.

Ge lin y lane r y lav.

Tarv trin trugare t itav.


Fo l. 35. b.


A newy nos y tragho .

Otreinc mab din heb imdiwin

A dav. am awn el o pec haud.

Nymad ae th eneid iny gnand.

Ny naud y dire id imioli

A dav. in e rb in dit kynhl .’

Ny theb ic drud y treghi.


Gwirion ac egilion hevid

Co rmot o cam syb e rwid.

Gnae as gnne l heb k e l imb it

Nycharawalawo l difod

Bre ssnil. pop pressent yshawod.

d v gorev im go rvod.

Iaun. ae pe lltaun. ygid as aw

Im pop ieith ob e ith stew.

Llara c lodnanr, hae l po rthanr new.

Y duv yharchawarc h ro ti

Im ene id rac y po eni.Nant 011 yr b o ll merthyri.Y duv yharchawarch aton

Dihev rac po enev gelinion.

Y. menid. o ple id c ofion.

Nant meir gwiri ar gu e riton.

Fo l. 36 . B.


Y dav. y. harchawarch hewidKywisun can dichann vynifl


Y. mene id rac po en sub id.

Nant c ristonogion y b id.Y dnv. y. harchawarc h giwreint

Ymen eid rac poe in oweint .Nant dnire y rohe saint

Heb c ofl‘

av duv.


R AGgere int ge lin kystnt

Y gneleise meirch c an c rimru t

Rae Gcreint ge lin dihad.

Gne le ise meirch c rimrut o kad.

Aguidi ganr 8am Ruined

Rac Ge re int ge lin orme s.

Gne le is meirch c an en c re e s.

En llogb orthy gnele ise vrche int .Ageloranr mvy nome int.

En llogpo rthy gne leise giminad

Bac gere int vanr mab y tad.

Ac yved gvin O gnydir gloev.

Guir a gayar in din ev.

A gvydi ganr garv atu e y .


En llogporth y gne leisa y arthnr

En llogporthy llas y ge re in t

Ration rnthir e ririon blith.

Oc t re rere nt dan vo rtnid

Ge reint garhirion grann ae bv.

Bu tion rnthir eriro n dv.

Oc t re re rein t dan mo rtnid

Ge re int garhirion graun bo loch.

Bnt io n rnthir e riron c o ch.

Oe t re re re int dan mortnid

Ge re int garhirion graun wehin .

Bntion rnthir e ririon gvinn

Oc t re rere int dan vo rtnid

Ge re in t. garhirio n grat hit'

I\I rufgo te ith ar difl‘


Oe t re re re int. dan vortuid

Oe re in t garhirion gran anchvant

Blaur b lae n eu raun in ariant

Oe t re rereint dan mortuid.

Bntion rnthir e ryrio n glas.

Oe t re re t e int dan mortnid

Ge r ain t. garhirion graun en bnyd

Bntion rnthir e ririon llvid.

Ban ancd ge re int o e t a go re d

P irth n ew. ro te i c rist a archedPrid mire in pryde in wogo ned.



fi EV rydadlas am laith e nrgvas enas lyvny.

Ergig anchvant. guent gnlad morgant. Dyffrin mynvy.

Dyned dvycann. k eredic iann . kiflann owny.

A meironit ac ewionit. ac ardndvy.

Ro s rowynnianc . ran arde rchanc . ragil yg gortny.

Tegigil—)al. ede irnann ial aria] arlvy.

Byn el ebruit. a difl‘

rin c lnit. a nant c onvy.

Powis enwanc . a Chyne ilanc ac avo mvy.

Dyfl’rin hawren. ke ri dygen. kyve n venvy.

Elwae l bne llt mae lenit gue ll. pe ll y treithvy.

Te ir rac ynis. ar te ir inis. ar tramordvy.

Eyn e l gnledic . vt gve ithvntie . id y guystlvy.

B re ie angerdanl tnrvfmoro e t manr. meint achnpvy.

Rywisc uis llanr am y vyssanr enr amae rvy.

Be i na chaned. y. tyerne t anhvye t rvy.

Or sanl pe nnae th age is inae th. arvae th camrvy.

Hydir y k ymhe ll. hywe l e nv ope ll. guell yv noc vy.

Dipryde ran t di vscarant rac . y dibvy.

Dihev ittun t . t ralland kystnt . achnr kystvy.


Gwe rin we rid. gwedy c levid c rid a chymvy.

Ny dav me tic hid orphen b id. hid y no ttvy.

Hyuc l hae laf. vanr eilassawgore scynhvy.


and hyu e l nrthyhoewe t.wy rybnchvy.

W Y ry pnched y c o lowin k ed. c lod pedrydant.

Kyu e l dywal vrien haval. arial vytheint.

Gnrisc gne ilgi dowyn. kyvid hehowin c olofyn milcant .

Llugirn dendo r. lluoe t agor. gnr. bangor breint.Prydns pe re hen priodanr b en. pen pop kinweint.

Go rev b re enhin ar go llewin. hid in llnnde in.

Hae law lariaw. levai te c ca£ O adawplan t.Gwe rlig hae ton gvant ve rdidon vaton ve tve in t.

Go ruir Inenic mnr gwe rennio gurhid gormant .

Te rrain am tir. ri re ith kywir. O hil mo rgant.

O mo rc c anhvc O rie invc radev rvytheint.

O te emon kywrid leon. galon re ib e int

Vn vid ve ne id y e llyspp b id. ge lleist po rthant .

Hoe thil hir ac ew. a chain y s tewtrvi artnniant.

Vrte n arnav. rad so anaw. sfl'

av a phlau t.


fl SSUYNAW nant duv diamehv

Y dann aedonyau c wifiinnhev.

Ar dy gnir e rir ae rev.

Ar dy gnlad gnledic de b e y .

Assninafarchafe irc bad

Ym ge lwir. nant kynir kygwastad.

Ar dydrissev ae r. drnssad.

Ar didrissanr gvanr gwenvlad

Assninawarchawarc h vau rY pe riwa pe ris newallaur.

Nant rac dynar c ar k e rtanr.

Ar dypirth ar dipo rthanr.


Assninafnant hant hae lonDehenparthdihenporth k ertorion .

Athto ryfoth te em meihou .

Assninafy chnant nache lnch.

Ychporth. c an pe rthin attregnch.

Goste cwir llis go ste gnch.

Goste c . b e irt bart aglywuch.

Assninafhant nant hae lvone t

Ar (15? torifc oryfkywrisse t

Ar dy tenln te ilug me t.

M e t cnin cv gwirand me t himAe gwallav. ae gwe llig in enrdirn.

Aglo ev y ved in edirn.

Te e rn weilch pridein prydaw

Y chpriwgert yehpriwc lod adigaw.

Y ch. bart ychb e irnad vytaw.

Y eh porth pe rthin yv ataf.

vy arglnit ergliv. wi. c an do thuif.

Lleissann lliwllev gliv glevrvit

Lae ssa divar di bart wif.

Viwk e t tanr imrnw. ruisc . morkimlaut

Gnrt. ruis firt kvit ke rt. vahant.Assninasse rv he rvhirvlau tAssninafar wnt naw. nant.

Assninawnant dnv diamhev. y dann.


Fo l 40. 3‘

EIRBA vom kyd k e redd. goned kydimyte ith.

Bid pyrfeyth in gne ithred.

This sho rt po em is writ te n in the same mo re mode rn handwith the stan

m at the end ofthe Englynno nn y bedev.


A. c revit. so red. kyd c redwit

Eneid pan im ke nerchyt

Pa dive t se b e t ambit.


Fo l . 41 . a. ” V dy narchdn dy c apan .

Da dj' pen da duhnnan.

Ia dn ae ti ysc o lan.

Mi isc olan yso o lheic

Y sc awin y pnill isc odic .

Guae . ny baut agant gnledic .

O lo sc i e c lnis. allat bu ch isco l.

Allyvir rod y vo ti.

vy penhid. ystrnm kynhi

Cre audir y c readurev. pe rthidev

Mnyhaw. kyrrawde imi vygev.

Athvradaste . am tnyllas ynnev.

Blnyt in llann im rydoded.

Ym. bango r ar panl c o red.

Edrich de po en imy gan mor pryn ed.

Be iyscnypnn arvn.

M or amluc guint. yvlaen b rie guit fallnm.

Arav vnenthnme b ith nys gunann‘


The handwriting ofthe early part ofthe MS. is here resumed.

t The fo llowing stanza is added in a smalle r handCreaudir y c readuriev pe rthidevmuythaw.

Mate v imvygc v. athnradaste am tuyllas ynhen .

Bluyt in llaun ymrydodid. ym bango r ar paidCo red. edric h de poe n imi gan mo r pryned.


Be n newrnitade vi neges.

O e issillit gnledic . a gueith

Wtic . wosprid. aphedir pen pop ieith.


reid snynade in imdeith.


wyc evifi‘wim pe chaud am gneithred.

m 1 aego winneis y ofl'


Bid. se hesgip ae higneid

Ba b e th o rev rac eneid.

Pader a bnieid a b endic eid

Cre to . ae canho rac eneid.

Hid wrand go ren go rtj'wneid.

Y seithrichfort ade lhich ti. allnnhichtagnene t.

Bo vid. y. newynanc . a dilled y noe th.

A chenich go lj'chnid.

O kinil dienil dothnid

Gne rthmin ed dros nessnr.

Ystir nithian ui b o pur.

O ve t. a rie tillte r. o gjrnand.

Lljfna chnec chnerv erb in. brand

Anndon am tir. ab red arglnid.

A dinanvHangar.Dit brand b itand ediwar.o kjrnodi pilgeint adeneint

the bo ttom ofthe page , in the same hand as the addition toTon -win pisc tu th e le irchTe nn . tryb e lid are ith.

Dnvy din a denvin kedimdeith.

Go rwin b lae n pe rthe n . Ke inmwvAdar. hir dit bann cogev.

Tragar dafl'

ar duv o re v.

Pb ] . 43. a.


B ubunan. ac ymeitnnav. ar se int.

Id keifii pop e ristann. kjfrre iue int .


@VLEDIC ar b ennic erb in attad.

Er barch o kinareh. o . kinaenad.

Ynigab il b arabil ar y pared.

V)? kert ithkirpnill. kanuill kangulad.

Can vid priodanr.

Cannid meidrad manr.

Cannid kighoranr gnanr go lenad

Cannid b ron profi‘

nid. c annid inad.

Cannid rievhae l. c annid. ro tiad.

Cannid. athro im. name thrjrad.

Nam ditanl o th. wt . vt e che iad.Nam gwellic implic impled dit ed.Nam go llng o th lav. gnallus trewad.

Nam ellug gan lln dn digarad.


WLEDIC arb enn ic . ban gene ise .

O. honand. nid ower trae thand imi ar a tre che iaNid eissev.wjr kerd. j g ke in ewreis.Nid eissj'wed ked men y k eweis.Nid ewym crevis dews difileis.

Yr gtmenthnr. amhuill na thuill. na thre is.Nid ewdnhnnanr a handeneis.Nid ewro tir new. ir neb nvy keis.Nid N i 0awit awenjft eis.Nid N i 0ohm)? a ob rj'n eis.

Nid po rthi rynic rinege is im b ron .

Nid porthi penid. ri ve tj’leis.

In adandwj' re n rj'damvne is.

Ridid imene id. re id rj' io les.

Fo l. 44. 3.



B ENDITH j wenwas. ir de c dij rnaaBre ise ton. b ron ehalae th.

Dj llit enweir me ir rjmae th.

Mad devthoste j g e o rfl'

o lae th.

Llj na mab gowri go b e ith.

A dj livas idas j le ithBn drvi. vewil. athnj llvris e th.

In b udanl gvar gnassanae thj arglnit

Eu hjwit. ac. nj bn doe th.

Ac bid vrand. nj vn j arvae th.

Kj fl'

e i bart pridit. ar j ssit.

In e lnit. Ar hall t ar e ehnit.

Ar graean ar mir. ar sir sjweditiae th

Be irnad rodiad llara llan frae th.

Mui j dinwas sune . gnnsnne eddwae tlr

a oe thev. ri. nisrdrae th.

Manr duv he tiv. mo li dj vr daae th.

B ENDITH nantorjwnew. it kalnit

Creandir. kj nothane dnn dou it.

Ape ris lle nve r llenenit.

He el. vj nve r henl in dit.

Eil kannill eristann. a lenjeh neb eigann .

Lloe r vilio e t vile nhit.

Athrj dit rj ne t. j vmerwe ritM or. cv thre ia end e ehwit.

Cv da. evd jmda cv. tre igil. cv threwna

Pa bid. a nev e nd vit

Y pen j seith mline t.

Yve t . mde canc dnwyr chwit .

Fo l . 45 . 3.


Y dne ren j risse t .

Y dadwe t. j nj dnit.

J o lnne ara b e ir. kjvoe thane

Dun vahmeir a pe ris newae e lnit.

Pan denthoste j passe diwedit .O vfl


e rn. awn ran iti. bv rit.

Ren newrj phrinomn e digere nhit .

Anhant eafi‘

ae l e lid.

Llierid rid mubid Din .

Ton trathon toid tn tir.

Gomehe l gnaetev rae b ron banev

Bre breit allan or senir.

Oer lle . llnch rae b rj thneh

Oe r gnelj pisse and j gkisseand

Ottid eirj gnin j enes.

Nida k edwir oe nege s.Oe r llinnev en llj n heb te s.

Ottid e irj guin. amen.

Segur j se nid ar isenit hen .

Ottid eirj ar warthawrev.

Gompid gint b laen gnit tev.

Kadir j senid ar j se nit ghv.

Diurj ssintvj k ednir j cad.’

Mi nidaw. anawnim gad.


Ot tid e irj 0 (IV riv.

Kareharanr go rnit eul hiv.

Nid annnj d hawdit he tiv.

Mj nit. llnm gnit 110g ar mo r.

M e e e id lli r llaner kj ghor.

Eurtim am e irn. e iru am dnir.

Oer Ilj ri llnehedie anir b ir

Diwedit b laen gvit gvir.

Adar. dit dnilith.

s sulwin k ewin b rin eoehgwanr.

Guenin igodo . oe r agdo

Rid. renid rev pan vo .

Ir nep go leith. lleith dj ppo .

Guenin igke ithiv gwirdiv

M or e rin calawealed riv.

Oe r divlit. j r e lnit he tiv.

Guenin ig e lidnr rae gnlj bnr

Gaeaw. glas ennl le it e ev ewnr.

Drie wen e t llj vrde r ar gnr .

Hir nos llnm roe llnid riv.

Garvmir glan enit he tiv.

Sieh gnint gnlip hint.Kinnedane difi



Oe r c alle t eul hit

Lljwin awon hinon nit.

Driee in imj nit avonit

Igniw. gnlie bid lh'

wllanr trewit.

Nend gneilgi gne led ir c lnit.

Nid vid iseo lheie . nid vid e leie

Unb en. nj th e lnir in dit reid.

Oehgindilie . na buost gnre ie


Kirehid c arv e rnm tal c um

Clid. brinhid. ia b roo e t llnm.

Rj die ige glev o lane r trum.

Bronnre ithb re ith bro n.

Breith b ron bronnre ith.

(lam earv enlgrum c am.

Gomehe l awe ] gnae t. vann .

Bre it guir or se nir allan .

Kalangaeawgurim go rdngo r

Blaen grne . go renj nane ton mnr.

Bir dit de rnhid j eh kigho r.

O kise and j sc nid ac aral

Gornit. a guir de ur diarchar.

Te e nos. j . ffissee an e scar.

Kinte ie gnint e re ilum

Co ed. e rin e ann e arn isc nn .

Pe lis ennir pa tir hnn .

Kin o tte i e irj hid inarnul

M e lin. nim gnnae i artn awirtu l

Towissnn e lv j b rin. tj tu] .

Can medrit morruit . j rodwit

A rid a riv eirj adignit .

Pe lis pan vid kjvarwit.

Nim guna prj de r im prj de in

Heno kj rehn b ro priwnehe i.

Y ar c an kanlin owe in.

Kin imtuin ariwe n ac j se nid

Amad. difl'

re idad kad k j nnid.

Pe lis pa tir. j thnagnid.

Y gur a rithao duv. o rigae th

Carchar. rut j par 0penae thOwe in . reged am rj vae th.

Can e thiv rniwin .



Rodwit iwe rit a tenln na fonch.

a di. me t men il na vj nneh.

Y bo re gan 188 j ditBan kirchuid mug manr tre nit .

Nj d o e t nagand me irchmec hit.Nim gnna llenenit llad

Or ehne t len amdiallad.

M e chit go lo gnit amad.

a arnnan ameavall

Ke le in arinar ar wall

Kiwrane rnn ar drud arall.

Canisfonogion muge . alatant me chitDrndnas nis amgifl

ne dit.

Pe riwnewpe re iste imi dj nit .

Gwir. igrid. rid rewitto r.

Oe rne lane to nn . b rith bron mo r.

Re n ro thid. duv. in . kighor.

M e chit mab lljwarch. dihawareh

a e n. glvj ste e llenn lh'


a taw. a fi‘

rnin e lnjmns march.


Fe ] . 47. F A gnr jv j po rthanr.

Gleuluid ganae lnanr.

Pa gnr ae gonin.

Arthur. a ehei gnin

Pa imda ge nhid.

Gu ir go rev im bid.

Ym tj nj do i.

Onj sgnaredi.

Mi ae guardi

Athi ae gne liVj t l me int e le i.

Assivj on e ll tri.


Gh tosz v c r nial

Pun r ue i O I-


b e i dur ao digonhe i

Oe t dihe it aghev ke i.

Ke i gu in allachev.

Dignnin t we kade v

Kin glo e s glas ve rev.

Y gum-thawj staw in gnu .

Ke i a gnant nav gnito n.

Kei win aae th von

Y dile in lle non.


Y isenid o et mj nnd

Erb in e ath palne .

Pan gogine ire h tud

Pnj gnant e ath palne .

Nan uge in kinllnc .

A e nj te i in j bujd.

Nan uge in kinran. a°


.l. 49. a. fMe ino e th kie lev lewhe id.

Pe n ge thin pe ll ban dj gneid.

Onj loehir llanr nj fi'


(3XAN is c o egane issi mo renrau eAhin in emil llis gnallane .

Minnev b itawgo lvdane .

Boed emendie e id ir gnit .

Attinvis j ligad. in j wit.

Gwallane ab lle inane arglnit

Bo ed emendie eid ir gnit dv.

Attinnuis j ligad o e ttv.

Gnallane ab lle innane pe n llv.

Be ed emendie e id ir gnit gne um

Attinvis j ligad. o e peml.

G. ab lle inane unbe n .

Be ed emendie e id ir gnit glas .

Attinwis j ligad in gnas.

G. mab llej nnane vrtasi

The M8 . is here again de fec tive .

1' The handwriting changes, a ndwhat fo llows is in the same

the Hoianan.

On margin , in a small handwritingNid ae thneb ane i e nvane .

In go rllnro idae thgvallane

Yvalae n yr ve iriane .

Nid ae th nep ane i e dmic

l r go rllnro id ae thmeuric

Ar kewin y gnre ic in tri dib lic .


”m m 1 wo rn; or M

m as s-s au n a“

hé 1 9 33 i: affirm.

h t"


IJ i'u '

ris im t rum tawnv and .

Nid j tawn e ne smwalan raw

Ifnhial nam vin j tawne e ithaw

lirir u mr te l-ruin tre iaw.

Ys eithre id vi' modrm"e u r kvwrnv

"ann. j gan wi'

anarvj .

(lu c le is avr me kae r wan tvi:Rm:mantvj llv a we le isAussanr b rihnid. to rrhid e ia

Mj gmlanl. ke in a (lj ge i tre is


Gwin ab nnt but. b itinanr.

Kint j sirthe i kado e t rae earne tanr

Dj ne ireh no b r nj n b riwj laur.

Yste c vj ki ac istrnn.

Ac j ssew. o rev o r cvn.

Dor maeh oe t hunnv afv j mae lgnn .

Do rmach truinrnt ba ssillit

Amawe anissam gifi‘

re dit

Dj grnidir ar wib ir win it.

Mi awum inj He Has gne ndo le v.

Mab ke idav e o lowin ke rtev.

Ban rj e rhint bre in ar e rev.

Mi awum in He Has branMab jwe rit c lod ljdan.

Ban rj e rin t bre in garthanMi awum He Has llaehev.

Mab arthur n thir ig ke rtev.

Ban rj re in t bre in ar e rev.

M i awum lle las menrie .

Mab karre ian e lod edmie .

Ban rj re e int bre in ar e ic .

Nj b nnm lle llas gwallanc

Mab goho lhe th te ithiane .

Attwod lloegir mab lle j nnac .

Mi awum He Has milvir

Pride in. o r dnj re in ir gogle t .

Mi. wi. wiw. vin tev. j. b e t .

Mi awum He Has milgnir

Bride in o r dnj re in ir dehev.

Mi. wi. wiv. n'

n tev. j aghev.


K YD karhwin e mo rva. eassane mo r

I’j r to e i wane e c arre e e amlnnr.

56 m e BLACK so on o r em .

Glev diwal hj gar hae l hnj scur.

Game e lod he ilin b enflic awirt ul.

Hid brand purahaud 5' e rtiwul.Kj d earhiuwe mo rna cassaane ton.

Dige nea to n tre is o e r e le ia 5'


Ewknj nhiw in5' wniw in herrit.hon.

Gwe ithheinjwgo lehiwar winvjwmn.

Kid j lle inv k endand nis b e irv ealon.

Ac inllvrv kj he ie kiniod 5' mu.

Yssim edivar oe n ege ssev.

Ban wrissnis pe brnr pe ll 5'


Glev diwal kjwe ithit 5'd vam in dev.

M e n ic it arwe t dnwir dalenn ev.

Fe chid diristan o thiwod.

M i nj the rvill imehod.

()mparthgne rthe isse march irod.

Dial kj he ic amoe t bliaAm 5

' kjwrev 5 me lis.

” l'll c o rr dj so rrde 5

'mi bv ewnis.


m . 51 . m ARCHAUe agirchy dinas

Ac c un gwinion ae e iru bras.Nj thadwae n. mi rj thwe las.

Marchanch a kirch ir ab e r.

Y ar march e adam kad fe r.

[ )abr e

ge nhiwnjwgwatte r.

Mi nj d awina in aur.

(lo t ev g ue ithj go driee anr.

Elhid b e ndith n ew. a. llanr.

a r nim gne las he nn it .Yte b ie j gnr dedu it .Ba hid e idj aphando it.


Ban denawo cae r se o n

O imlat ac itewon.

Itawcaer lev a gwidion.

Dabre de genhiwir dinas

Athnit me t ara phe llas.

Ac enr c oe th ar diwanas

Mi aj d adwaen j gurhjAme tev tan a gve li.

Tee aehnec j diwedi.Dab re genhiwimtino

Athnit gnin go rj sge lhor .

Vgnach jw. vjheno mab mj dno .

Vgnaehb endithithorsse t

Athvo rad ac em'

j de t.

Talie ssin viwinhev talaw itt i djTaliessin penhawor guir.

Be itad j g ke rt j kj nergir.

Trie ima hid dj v merc h .

Athvo . rad j gnlad pennhaw.

Nj hae tawkabil nj thrigi



m m v PBIDIT mum AB CANT.

@ODURYW o glj naw. ar c lanr

Mae lenit. mur e lnit e lnan gaur.

Te ulv Madanc mad anhanr.

Mal te nlv. bann b enlli gaur .

Godnrjwa glj naw. ar c lanr ie ithon .

Hir. hj dir j wir ar saesson.

Tenlv madane mnr galon .

Mal tnrnw. to rmenhoe t kinon .

Go durjwa glivaw. godo r dre in


‘Vaewanr gnae lo egir in dit kein.

Te ulv madane mnr prj de in .

Yn lluithane in llithiav b rein.

Be i. rj n e le lod dissegnr.

Te ulv madane mur eglnr.

Mal gavr to rjwte nln arthur.

Godurjwa glj aw. ar c lau r vagv

Glj v. gloev madane b j e iwn.

hinva kj va kinj tn.

Tr j dit tri diwe ir te ulv.



C m . Mu rmur .

K YWARCHAW im ri. rad wob e ith.

Kjwarehawkjwe rcheise e anweith.

Y prowi prj dv. opriwie ith.

Burge rt. jm arglnit k edjmte ith.

Y evinav madane . me twe ith

Y alar. ae alo n jmpob ie ith.

Do r j se o r ise vid eanhimte ith.

Tarian in ae rwan. in evrwe ith.

a uwgrne j g gotne gote ith.

Tariwe sc ar j isouid in dile ith.

i . mirt kj rt . k e rto rion.wob e itli.

Ru t . dilu t dile tjwk edimte ith.

Rj ge lwid. madane . kin noe le ith.

Rnid galon. j . vogion difi'

e ith.

Rvit attawatt ep n ob e ith.

Ilit.wissc o e t.we ssgvin eanhimte ith.

Bu t on gir. Bran vab llir lledie ith.

Ruit j e lod ine lndav anre ith.

t woane vao n nj o le ith.


Bo ed emendie e id j vaehteith.

Ae . go lligant gnj di gueith.

Finann wene stir mo r difi'


Diaspad ve re rid j ar vann cae r.

Hid ar dnn j dodir.

Gnand gnj di traba trange hir.

Diaspad me re rid. j ar van kae rHe tiv. hid ar dnn j dado lneh.

Gnand gnj di traha attregneh.

Diaspad me re rid am gorehnit

Heno . ac nimb ant go rllnit

G. g. traha tramgnit.

Diaspad me re rid j ar gwinev

Kadir k eadanl dnv ae go rev.

Gnand gnj di gormo t e issev.

Diaspad me re rid. am kjmhe ll

He no j urth nj istane ll.

Gnand gnj di trab a trange pe ll.Be t se ithenhin sj nhnir vann

Rng kae r k enedir a glan .

M o r manrhidic a kinran .



Fo l . 54. a. mEC j d gan ir adaren ar perwit pre n .

Vch. pen gwen. kin j 010danTjwareh b riwe i c alehhen

Go re n trjwir in cv gnlad

Y amdif‘

fin ev trenad.

Kithir. ac e rthir. ac argad.

Trime ib lljwareh. tri aghime n.

Kad. tri ehe imad awlawen.


he handwriti ng again change s to the same handwritingthat ofN00. 36 and 37.


Llev. ac arav. ae vrien .

Handid hans imachuisson

Oe adav ar Ian awon .

Y gid allvewnr. llnj don .

Cledir kad kanvill. O. girinn .

Be n newrnj a ende id hnn.

Go rev trj wir j dan new

Y amdifiin enhadew

Pill. a se liw. a sandew.

Y bo re gan las j dit .Ban kirchnid mug manr trevit.

Nid oed vagand me irchme chit .Kjwarvan am cavall.

Ke le in ar wiat ar wall.

Kj vrane run. ar drud arall.

Diaspad a dodir j gwarthaw1a .

a it. 0. duchpen b e t kinllue

Men gerit.mi ae gorne .

Ottid eirj tohid istrad.

Dwrissint kedwir j cad.

Nj dnid ti j sc o le ie . nid vid e le ie

a en nithelwir in dit re id.

Ochkindilie na bu o st gnre ic .

Pe ll o tima ab e r llj v.

Pe llaeh j n dnj kj n e tliw.

Talan te le iste de igir imi he tiv.




A MS.” I? Tm: 1 m m:mm o r rm. 13m OR THE BEGINNING

OF Tm:Hr" (‘

e rmm Tm: PROPERTY OF SIR Tuom



Axrzuux AI:mm .

S REDYF gwr o ed gwas

Gwrlij t am dias.

M e irchmwthmj ngvras.

A (lan vo r dwj t Inc-g ? was

Ysgwj t 5'


n lle dan

Ar b edrein me in vua n.

Kledj uawr glas glan

Ethj e nr aphan.

Nj bi efa vi

Gas 0rofa thi.

Orwe ll gwn eifa thi

Ar wnwt dj no li.K5' u t 5 wae t e lawr

Nogj t j ne ithj awr .

a t j i t j vrc inNo e j nmj nn -in .

Kn kj ue illt Owc in .



l j no t a dan vre in .

Marth j m pa vro

Lled nu mab marro .

K AYAWC k jnho rawe men 5' de lhe i.

Diflnn jmlae n bnn med a dalhe i

Twll tal 5'

rodawr e n e kljwe i

Awr. nj rode i nawd me int dilj ne i.

Ni ehilj e i O gamhawn enj ve re i

Wae t mal b rwj n gomj n e i gwj r nj t e che i.

Nj s adrawd gododin ar llawr morde i.Rae pebj fl madawc pan ate orj e i

Namen nn gwr O gant enj de lhe i.

Ru thj r e rj r en eb j r pan ll ithjwj t

E amo t a vn no t a gatwj t .

Gwe ll a wnae th e arnae th nj gilj wj t .

Rae b edin Ododin Ode ehwj t .

d e r gjmhe ll ar vre ithe l vanawj t

Nj nodi nae j sge th nae j sg'wi' t .

Nj sllir ane t rj vae thpwj t

Rae e rgj t c atvannan e atwj t

K AEAWC kj nho rawe b le id e maran .

Gwevrawr godiwawr to rehawr am rann .

Bn gwevrawr gwe rthvawr gwe rthgwin vann .

Efgwrthodes gwrj s gwj ar disgre in.

Ke t dj fi'

e iwj ned a gogle d e rann .

O gnssj l mab j sgj rran

K AEAWC kj nho rawe arnawe eg gawr

a no diwe gwr gwrd eg gwj awr.



a ran en racwan rae bj dinawr

i de i pjm pjmwnt rae j lafnawr.

Owj r de ivj r a b rennj eh dj chiawr.

Uge in cant en dinant e n nn awr.

a t j gie e vle id nogj t e ne ithj awr.

a t e vnd e vran nogj t e allawr.

a noe argj nre in e wae t e lawr.

Gwe rthmed eg kj n ted gan lliwedawr .

Hj ne id hir e rmj gir tra vo k e rdawr.

@WYE a ac th Ododin chwe rthin ognaw.

Chwe rwen trin a llain en emdnllj aw.

Bj rr vlj n ed en hed j d j n t endsw.

Mab b o tgat gwnae thgwj nnj e ithgwre ith e

Ke t e l n t e lann en e b enj dj aw.

A he n a j e ne ing a hj dj r nllaw.

Dadj l dib en anghe n j en tre idaw.

fi wYR a ae th Ododin ehwe rthin wanar .


mnj e is em bedin trin diaehar.Wj lledi a llavnawr heb vawr drj dar

Co lovj n gljw re ithnjwrodi arwar.

@m a se th gatrae th o ed frae th

Glasved en hanewj n a gwenwj n vn.

Irj ehant trwj b e irj ant e n eattan .

A gwedj e lweh tawe lwehvn .

Ke t c l u t e lann en e b enj du .

Dadj l die n agb en 5'

e n tre idn.

635m a ae thgatrae thvaduae th nedwn.


j rj ffrwj thlawn o ed can) nas kjmhwj llwn .

E am lavnawr e o ehgo rvawr gwmiwn .

i s dengj n ed emledj n ae rgwn .

6 6 m Diff (f m

S i eh

A esgare i oswj d

Tutnwlchhir e ch e dir as drvu i- d.

Efllade i Se as on se ithue t di‘d.

Ae govem gun e gem gyweithi'd.

Cre i kjmhj n t kj nnulli'

nt re iawr.

Gwr go rvj n t gwr e tvj n t gwr llawr.

Efrwj ge i. a ehe thre i. a ehe thrawr.

Od neh lied lladei a llavnawr.

En g‘stnd hej rn dur arb ennawr.

E morde i j stj nge i a dj ledawr.

Rae e rthgi e rthj ehe i vj dinawr.

vre ithj e ll gatrae thpan adrodir.

Maon dj chioran t e n hoe t b n hir.

Edj rn diedj rn amj g‘n dir.

A me ibj on godebawe gwe rin enwir.

Dj fo rthj nt lj ns saWr ge lorawr hir.

Eu trn a dj nghe tven e ughe n g'wir.

A dj ngwt j dntvwleh a ehj vwlehhir.

Ke t j ve in ved glo jwwrth Ion bab irKe t ve i da e vlas j gas b n hir.

Y ! “


B LAEN e cheching gaer glae r ewge i.

l r gwe irj d gwanar ae dilj n e i.

Blae n ar e hlndne dj go llonit vnal

Ene i nvawr vorde i.

Blae n gwirawt vragawt . efdj b j de i.Blaen e ur a phorphor ke in as mj ge i.

Blaen edj strawr pase ae gwarede i.Gwrthlefac enO b rj t ae de rllj de i.

Blaen e rwj re gawr bndnawr dre i.Arth en llwrwbir th hwj r e te ehe i.

fi NAW Rgj nho rnan

Hnan arwj ran .


rwledic gwd gj fi'

ge in

Nefenj s b rj de in .

Garwrj t rae r j nn

Ae s e lwrwbndj n .

Bnal o ed arwj nn

Eg kj n ted e idj n .

Erehj d rj odre s.

E ved medwawt

Yne iwin gwirawt .

Oe d e rnit nede l.

Yu c iwin gone l.A e rne id en arne d.

Ae r gennin vede l.Ae r adan glae r.

Kenj n ken it ae r.

Ae r se irchj awe

Aer edenawc .

t oed dirjfj t j sgwj t

Gan wajwawr pljmnwj t

i dj n gj no edj on ;Eg e at b lj mnwj t


Diessie e dias.

Divevj l as talas.

a b u c lawr glas

Trj ehwn a thrj ehan t.

Eidj n enrnehawe .

Tri lln llnmgawe

Tri e nr dej rn dorehawe .

Tri marehawc dj'wal

Tri chat g hanal.Tri chj sn eit kj snar ;Chwe rwfj sgj n t esgar.

Tri en drin en drwm.

Llew lledj n t b lwm

Eur e gat gj ngrwn.

Tri thej rn maon

A djvn O vrj thon .

a ri a chenon .

a re in O ae ro n .

Gogj nerehi j n hon

Deivj r dinemg on .

A dj vn O vrj thon

Wr we ll no ehj non

Sarph se ri alo n .

S VEIS j win a med 9 mo rde i.

Mawr me int e vehj r

Yg kj nnrno t gwj r.


Bwj t e erj r erj smj ge i.

Pan grj ssj e i gj djwal kj fdwj re e i.

Awr gan wj rd wawr kj ui dodai.

Ae ssawr de ll t amb t a adawe i.

Paren rj nn rwj gj at dj gjmmj ne i.

E gat b laen bragat b riwe iMab sj vn o sjwj edj d ae gwj dj ei.

A we rthws e ene itEr wj n eb grj bwj llj e it

A llavj n llive it llade i.Lledessit ae athrs ac afl


re i

Er amo t arno t arnae the i.

Ermj ge i galaned

O wj r gc hj r gwn ed

Em b laen gwj n ed gwanei.

a VEl S j win a med e mordei

Can j ne is disgj nneis rann fin. fawt nt

t didrachjwed eOlwed drnt .

Pan disgj nne i hawb ti disgj nnvt

Y s denpo gwaeanat gwe rth na pheehnt .

Pre ssent adrawd o ed vre ichj awr drnt.

Q WYE a ae thgatrae thhuant enwawe .

Gwin a med o e ur vn e n gwirawt.

Bl dj n en e rbj n nrdj n denawt.

Trjwj r a thri nge in t a thrj ehant enrdorehawe .

Or sawl j t grj ssj assant nehgormant wirawt

Nj diengis namj n tri O wrhj dri fossawt

De n gatki ae ron a ehenon daj rawtA minhen om gwae tfre n gwerthvj gwennwawt.

Q I YG ear j ug wirwar nj n gogj fl'


neb onj b e i O gwj n dragon dneawt .

m ano x or asm

H dm ein eg eat dian ein en aeh‘ t

Trae hi'wed vawr tre igles j d llawr llo egrr j s giv e t.

Gre it vab ho e - g it{ e j sbe ri

Y b e ri e re n.

E dalvrith. ac e il t ithorvn ‘dan.

Bu trj dar en ae rure bu tan.

Bu chu t e waewawr bu huan

Bu bwj t bre in b u b ud e vran.

A ehj n edewit en rj do n

Gan wlith e r j r tith tir j o n.

Ac O dn gwasgar gwane c tn bmnn .

Re ird bj t barnan t wj r O gallo n .

Die b j rth e ge rth e gi'

nghj r

Dina oed e gj nre in gan wj r.

A ehj nn e 010 a dan e le ireh

Vre ; j to ed wrj t ene arch.

Gorgo lches e gre n j sairobBndvan vahb leidvan dihavarch.

wAM c adawhe b gufcmnh vhc lac th.

Ni' t adawe i adwj

j r su lwri'

ac th.

{ vi- m

El ‘ ll y l


t edewis e lj s le s ke rdo rj o n prj de in

Diwcalan j onawr e ne arnae th.

t e rdit e dir kevc i difl‘

e ith.

Dra ehas anias dre ic ehelae th.

Dragon j g gwj ar gwedj gwinvae th

Gwenabwj vahgwe nn gj nhen gatrae th.

B U gwir mal j me nd e gatlew.

Nj de liis meirchn eb marchlew

He e ssit wajwawr j gljw.

Y ar llemenic I l b j r dew.

Kenj vake t am vj rn am b orth ;

Djwal j gledj nal emb orth.

Hee ssj t onn O b edrj ollt j lawY ar veinnj e ll n edo rth.

Y t ranne i rj gu e rjwin

Y t ladei a llanj n vreith O eithin.

Val pan ve l mede l ar vre ithin

E gwnae i varchlewwae tlin.

TSSAC annonawe O barth dehen .

Te b ie mor lliant j denoden.

O wj led a llarj ed

Aehe in ju e t medM e n j thglawd e Offe r e bwj thmaden .

Nj bn hj ll dihj ll na hen dib en.

Se innj essj t e gledji jm penn mamenMur gre it o ed mo le it efmab gwj dne n.

K EREDIC c aradwj e glo t.

Aehnb e i gwarchatwe i no t.

Lle tvegin is tawe l kj n dj no t

E dyd gowj ehj d j wj b o t .

X I V!


Ys de npo car kj rd kj vno tY wlat nefadefatnabo t .

K KREDIO caradwj gym .

Yn S't e ur c Idir cadlan ;Gwaewawr nswj d agkyuan.

Kledj nal djwal diwan.

Mal gwr e atwe iwj alnan.

a n k jsdnd dacar hj nn afl


O dafl'

ar difl’


e i e vann.

YB denpo kj nns j g kjman.

Can drindawt en vndawt gj nan.

F AN grj ssj ei garadawe y gat ;Mal baed e oe t trj ehwn trj ehj atTarwb edin en trin gomj nj at

Efllithj e iwj dgwn oe sughat .

Ys vj n tj st ewe in vah enlat.

A gwrj en. a gwj nn a gwrj at .

O gatrae th O g mj nat.

O vrj nn hj dwn kj nn eafl'


Gwedj med gloewar ant


WYE a grj ssj assant huant gj tneit.

Hoedj l vj rrj on medwe n n ehmed hidle it.

Gosgo rd vj nj dawe enwawe en re it.

Gwe rth en gwled O ved vn en he ne it .

Caradawe amadawe pj ll ac jenan ;

n awn a gwiawn. gwj nn a ehj nvan.

P e rednr arnen dur ; gwawrdnr ac aeda n.

Aehnb j at eng gawr j sgwj dawr angkjman.


y i l'

w .

kiwi “


Djwal djwalaeh no mab fe rawe .

Fe r j lawfaglei fos varehawe .

Glewdias dines e In ovnawc .

Rae b edin Ododin bn gwasgarawc .

Y gj lchwj dan j gjmwj bn adenawe .

Yn dj d gwj thbn j stwj th nen bwj th atveillj awc .

mY wnae thpwj t nenad mo r diessie

NO ehj non larj vronn geinnj on wledic .

Nj t efeistede i en tal ll e ithie .

E neb a wanei nj t atwenit.

Rac ljm e waewawr ;Caleb dre i tj ll e i vj dinawr.Rae vuan j ve ireh ; rae rj giawr ;En dj d gwj th atwj th o ed e lavnawr.

Pan grj ssj e i gj non gan wj rd wawr.

E ISGYNSIT en trwm j g kessevin .

Efdiodes go rme s efdode s fin.

Ergj r gwajwrien rjve l ehwe rthin .

Hu t efl‘

j t j wrhj t e lwrj e lfin .

Eithinj n no leit mur gre it tarwtrin .

E ISGYNSIT en trwm j g k essenin .

Gwe rthmed j g kj nted a gwirawt win

Hej essj t j lavnawr rwg dwj vj di n.Arde rehawe varehawe rac gododin.

Eithinj n no le it mu r gre it tarwtrin .

E ISGYNSIT e n trwm rac alano e dwj re in .

e e lln Ilae s j sgwj dawr .

Ysgwj t vriwrac hiwbe li b lo edvawr.

Nar Odu ch gwj ar fin fe stin i'awr.


An de lu t kj nll t j ar gj ngho rawr .

Gorwj d gwarens rith rin j ch enrdo rehawr.

Twrchgo rne amo t emlaen j stre j strjwj awr.

Te ilingde ithgwrthj at gawr .

An ge lwit e nefb it athledhawr.

Emj t efkrennit e gat waewawr.

Catvannan e r a c lu t e lo tvawr .

NO e lij nhennit na b e i lln idawllawr.

H M drj nni drj lawdrj lemi.

Am l as am diffs djwarehe n .

Am gwj dawgwallt e ar benn .

Y am wj r e rj r gwj dj en .

i dne n ens amne ac wajw

Ardnllj at diwj llj at e he rchen .

Amne mo rjen gwe nwawtM irdj n . a ehj vrannv pe rmPrifeg we rj t. ac an ne rth ac am he n

Trjwj r j r bod bnn b ratwen .

Dende e gwenabwj vahgwenn.

H Mdrj n ni drj lawdrj le nn .

Gwe inj dj awr j sgwj dawr j g gwe ithj en .

En arjal e ledj nal am b e rm.

En llo egj r drj ehj on rae trj ehant nnbe n .

A dal mwng ble id he b prenn.

En e law gnawt gwj ehnawt cuj lenn .

O gj u rang gwj th ac asgen .

Tre nghis nj die nghis b ratwe n .

8 1 mar v ur cae r k rj sgrwj dj at

Ae r e re t tj na thae r ae r vlo dj at.

lln ara a c le issj ar

Ar gatwj t a dar b rwj drj nr

i t v“


Sj ll o vire in nens adrawd a vo mwj

Od amlneh llinanat .

Na b e i kj nhawal kj nheilweing.

F AN vnost di kj nnivj n c lot

En amwj n tj s sen. gordiro t

O haedo t en gelwit redj rehgwj rOed dor diaehor diaeho r din dre i

Oed mj nnt wrth Olnt as kj rehe i.

Oed dinas e vedin se o t otei.

Nj e lwit gwinwit me n na b e i

K ET b e i c ann wr e n vn tjAtwen ovalou k enj .

l’enn gwj r tal b e ing a delj .

mm wj fvj nawe b lin

Nj dialafvj ordin.

Nj ehwardafj ehwe rthin

A dan droe t ron in .

Ystj nnawe n glin

A bnndat j en tj dej e rj n .

Cadwj n hej e rnin

A mb en vj n deulin

0ve dO vne lin .

Mi na vi ane irin .

Ys gwj r talj essin

()ve e kjwrenhin .

Ne n ehe ing e O dodin

a n gwawr dj d diliu .

X u t


@OBOLED gogled gwr se gorne .

Llarj vronn hae ladon nj essj llnt.

Nj t emda daear nj t emdneMam mo r eirj an gadarn haearn gad

O ne rth e kledjfe lae r e hamne .

O garehar an war dacar em due .

0gj vle anghen O anghar dut

Ken en vah lljwarehdihanarehdrnt.

mYT efb orthi gwarthgo rsedSenj llt. ae lestri linwu med

Godolei gledj fe gat ed.

Godo lei lemein e rj n e l.

Dj fl'

o rthsei lj ns sawr oe vre j eh.

Rae b edin Ododin a b re ennj ch.

Gnawt ene nenad vj thme ireh

i ar a gwrjmseireh.

Keingj e ll hirj e ll oe law.

Gwen ac jmhj rdwen hj rdb eit.

Disse reha se reh ar tro

i r nj t oedj n drj ehdraet fO.

He ilj n aehnb j at pob b ro .

E LBOH lentu tnt le ndvre

GOdOdin jatt e .

Ystre ragno ar j sughat.Angs t gj nghor e lenne r eat

Gangen ge e rs

i or djmhestj l. tjmhestj l djmo r.

E b eri reste rac rialln.



i s j d wodjuLljm j t we nj n .

Ll r genj n lln .

Rae tarwt rin

Y dal vriwv n.


RKRYN e alon ar af

Erj b rwj drin trin tra chnar.

Kwr e vank e irw

Am gwr e vannearw.

Bj ssed b rj ehb riwant barr.

Am bwj ll am diste ir am distar.

Am bwj ll am rOdie am rj ehward.

Y s b ro j s b rj s trenllj awt rj s e n riwdre c .

Nj hn wj nj gafi'

o e n eges.

t anghwj awanwj Odiwes .

fi l Y mat wam it 5'


Nj mat dodes j vo rdwj t

Ar vre ichir me in - ll t .

Ge l] e baladj r ge l]

Ge llaeh e Ob e ll .

Y mae dj wr ene ge l]En cnOi anghe ll

Bwch bnd 00lawidawPoe t jmb e ll.

) A j doe th adonwj atwen .

Ym adawssnt wenn he li b ratwe n.

Gwn e lnt. lladnt. Ilo sgnt

N9 mo rjen nj we e thwn e lnt .

Ny de lj e ist nae e ithafna ehj nho r.


Ysgwn drem dibennor.

Nj we leist e morehwj d mawr marehogj on

a edin nj rodin nawd j Sae sson .

@ODODIN gomj nafdj b legj t .

Tj no en dra thrnmein dr um e ssj th.

Gwas ehwant j arj ant heb emwj t.

O gnssj l mab di e i dj wrhj t .

t o ed gj ngho r wann .

Wae l j rac tan ve ithin .

O lj ehwr j lj ehwr Inch bin.

Lnehdor j bo rfo r b e rj e rin .

Llad gwaws. gwan maws mur trin

Anj sgarat vn j nat ac ane irin .

K YWYREIN ke twj r kjwrennin

E gatrae thgwerin frae thfj sgj o lin .

Gwe rthmed j g kj nted a gwirawt win .

Hej essit e lavnawr rwng dwj vedin .

Arde rehane varehawe rae gododin

Eithinj n vo le it mnr gre it tarwtrin .

K YWYREIN k e twj r kjwrenhin .

Gwlat atve l goehljwer e n dilin.

n oglawd to nn b evj r b e rj e rin.

M en j d j nt e ilj assafe le in .

O bre i vrj ch nj we lj ehwe j e lin .

Nj chemj d haed nd a gordin .

Nj phj rthmevj l mo rj al en diliu .

Llavj n dnrawt barawt e wae tlin .

K YWYRB IN ke twj r kjwre nhin .

Gwlat atve l go ehljwe r e n diliu .


Nj dido lit j ug kj nted O ved gwirawt.

Efgwnae i ar b e ithing pe ithj ng arnodj awe .

Efdisgre in eg eat disgrein en ae lawt.

Nens adrawd gododin gwedj fossawt

Pan ve i no llivj en lljmach nebawt.

fl aw angkj nnnll agkjman dull agkj sgoge t.

Trachjwed vawr tre iglessj d llawr lloegrs giwe t .

He essit e is j gkj nnor e is j g e at ne ren.

Go rne wj r llndw

A gwraged gwj dw

a n oe anghe n .

Gre it vahho ewgirAc j sb e ri

Y be ri e re n .

ELBWR y dwj

j sgwj d adan

E dalvrith. ac eil tithorwj daIL

Bn trj dar en ae rnre bn tan.

Bu ehnt e waewawr b n huanBn bwj t b re in b n bud e vran .

A ehj n edewit en rj don

Gan wlith e rj r t ith tirj o n .

Ac 0dn gwasgar gwanec tn bro nn .

Be ird bj t barnant wj r 0gallon .

Diebj rth e ge rth e gjnghj r

Dina oed e g nre in gan wj r.

A ehj nn e 010a dan e le irch

Y rs ; j to ed wrj t e ne arch.

Go rgo lehes e gre n j se irch

Bndvan vah b le idvan dihavareh.

Q AM e adawhe b go fc amb o lie lue t li.

Ni' t a dawe i adwj a dwri'ac th.

‘u m


Ys denpo car kj rd kj vno tY wlat nefadefatnabo t .

K EREDIC earadwj g nran.

Ke imj at j g eat gouaran.

Ysgwj t enr erwj dj r e adlan

Gwaewawr nswj d agkj nan.

Kledj nal djwal diwan.

Mal gwr e atwe iwj alnan.

a n kj sdnd dacar hj nn afl‘


O dafi'

ar difl'

j nn e i e vann.

YB denpo kj nns j g kjman .

Can drindawt en vndawt gj nan.

P AN grj ssj e i garadawe y gat ;Mal baed e oe t trj ehwn trj ehj at.

Tarwbedin en trin gomj nj at

Efllithj eiwj dgwn oe anghat .

Ys vj n tj st ewc in vah enlat .

A gwrj en. a gwj nn a gwrj at .

O gatrae th O g mj nat.

O vrj nn hj dwn kj nn eaflht~

Gwedj med gloewar antNj weles vrnn e dat.

$ WYE a grj ssj assant huant gj tne it.

Hoedj l vj rrj on medwon nchmed hidle it.

Gosgord vj nj dawe enwawe en re it.

Gwe rth en gwled O ved vn en hene it .

Caradawe amadawe pj ll ac jenan ;

n awn a gwiawn . gwj nn a ehj nvan.

Pe rednr amen dur ; gwawrdnr ac aedan .

Achnbj at e ng gawr j sgwj dawr angkjm

V vi w


A che t lledessj n t wj lladassanNe b j e n tjmhj r nj t ate orsan.

@WYR a grj ssj assant huant gj tvae th.

Bl dj n Od nehmed mawr en harnae th.M o r dru en hadrawd wj . angawr hime th.

Gwenwj n en hadlam nj t mab mam ae mae th.

Mo r hir en he tlit ac en he tgj llae th

En Ol gwj r peb j r temj r gwinvae th.

Gwlj ge t gododin en erbj n fre e th.

Anewj n mj nj dawe enwawe e gwnae th.

@m a ae thgatrae th j g eat j g gawr.Ne rthme irch a gwrjmse irehac j sgwj dawr.

Pe le idj r ar gj chwj n alljmwaewawr.

A llnrngen e lae r a ehl edj nawr.

Rago re i tj ll e i trwj vj dinawr.

i de i bjm pjmwnt rac j lavnawr.

Rnnawn hir efrodei e nr e allawr .

A ehe t a ehoe lve in ke in j gerdawr.

fi Y wnae thpwj t nenad mo r o rehj nnan .

MOI:vawr mor ornawr j gj vlavan.

Dj rllj dnt mednt mo rje n tan.

Nj thrae thei nawne le i kenon k e le in .

Un se irehj awe saphwj awe son edlj dan .

Se innj essit e gledj fem pe nn garthan.

No e ac e sgj e cariec vj r vawr j chjhadvan.

Nj mwj gj sgogit wit nab peithan.

mY wnae thpwj t nenad mo r anvonaweOnj be i vo rj e n e il c aradawc .

Nj die ngis e n trwm e lwrwmj nawe .



Djwal djwalach no mab fe rawe .

Fe r j lawfaglei fos varehawc .

Glewdias dinas e In ovnawc .

Rae b edin Ododin bn gwasgarawe .

Y gj lehwj dan j gjmwj bn adenawe .

Yn dj d gwj th bu j stwj th n en bwj th atve illj awc .

Dj rllj de i vedgj m e ill t mj nj dawe .

mY wnae thpwj t nenad mor diessie

NO ehj non larj vronn geinnj on wledic .

Nj t c i eistedei en tal lle ithie .

E n eb a wanei nj t atwenit .

Rae ljm e waewawr ;Caleb dre i tj lle i vj dinawr.

Rae vuan j ve it ch ; rae rj giawr ;

Pan grj ssj ei gj non gan wj rd wawr.

Hr ) “ ) ISGYNSIT en trwm j g ke ssevin.

Efdiodes go rme s efdodes fin .

Ergj r gwajwrien rj ve l ehwe rthin .

Hu t efi‘

j t j wrhj t e lwrj e lfin .

Eithinj n noleit mur greit tarwtrin.

I- ISGYNSIT en trwm j g kesse nin.

Gwe rthmed j g kj n ted a gwirawt winHej essj t j lavnawr rwg dwj vj di n.

Arde rehawe varehawc rac gododin.

Eithin j n no le it mu r greit tarwtrin .

I n 5 { in ISGYNSIT en trwm rac alanoed wj re in.

\e e lln llaos j sgwj dawr.

Ysgwj t vriwrac hiwbe li b lOedvawr.Nar Odnehgwj ar fi nfe stinj awr.

1 Lvlh


Sj ll O vire in nens adrawd a vo mwjO damwe innj e it l l0d amlneh llinanat.

Nens adrawd ano mwj

Na b ei kj nhawal kj nheilweing.

P AN vnost di kj nnivj n c lot

En amwj n tj s sen. go rdiro t

O haedo t en ge lwit redj reh gwj r

Oed dor diaehor diaeho r din dre i

Oed mj nnt wrthOlnt ae kjmhe i.

Oed dinas e vedin se e re te i.

Nj e lwit gwinwit men na b e i

K ET b e i c ann wr en vn

Atwen ovalou k enj .

Penn ; gwj r tal b e ing a dalj.

Nj ehwardafj ehwe rthin

A dan droe t ro nin.

A bnndat j en tj dej e rj n .

Cadwj n hej e rnin

Am ben vj n deu lin

O ved O vnelin.

O gatrae th-we rin.

M i na vi ane irin.

Ys gwj r talj essin

Ove c k jwrenhin .

Nen ehe i ng e Ododin

a n gwawr dj d diliu .


G OROLBD gogled gwr se gorne .

Llarj vronn hae ladon nj essj llnt.

t emda daear nj t emdne

Mam ; mo r e irj an gadarn haearn gad

O ne rth e kledj fe lae r e hamnc .

O garehar an war daear em dne .

O gwle anghen O anghar dut

Kenen vah lljwarehdihanarehdrnt.

mYT arb orthi gwarthgo rsed

Senj llt. se lestri llawn med

Godolei gledj fe gared.

Godo lei lemein e rj ne l.

Rae b edin Ododin a b re ennj ch.

Gnawt ene nenad vj thme ireh

i ar a gwrjmse ireh.


re ll kirj all os law.

Gwen ac jmhj rdwen hj rdbeit.

Disse reha se rch ar tro

i r nj t oedj n drj ehdrae t fO.

He ilj n aehnbj at pob b ro .

E LECH lentu tu t lendvre

GOdOdin j stre .

Angat gj ngho r e lenne r eat.Cangen gae rs

i o r djmhestj l. tj mhe stj l djmo r.

E b e ri reste rac rialln .


i s j d wodj u

Lljm j t wenj n .

Ll r genj n lln .

Rac tarwtrinY dal vriwv n.

a RKRYN e alon ar af

Erj b rwj drin trin tra chuar.

Kwr e vank e irw

Am gwr e vanneBj ssed b rj eh b riwant barr.

Am bwj ll am rodie am rj ehward.

Ys b ro j s b rj s tre nllj awt rj s en riwdree .

fi Y mat wanpwj t j sgwj t

Ar gj nwal earnwj t .

Nj mat dodes j vo rdwj tAr vre ichir me in - ll t .

Ge ll e baladj r ge ll

Ge llaeh e Ob e ll.

Y mae dj wr en e ge llEn enOi anghe ll

Bwch bnd os lawidawPoe t jmb e ll .

) A j do e thadonwy atwe n .

Ym adawssnt wenn he li b ratwe n.

Gwne lnt. lladnt. llosgnt~

N9 morje n nj wae thwne lnt.

Ny de lj e ist nae e ithafna ehj nho r.

L P n A

rnB BOOK o r ANEURIN. 81

Y ar we illj on gwe bj l

Ac ardemj l gledj nal.

Blaen ancwj n anbun

Hediwan dihunMam re idun rwjftrj dar.

GDWINVEITH a medwe ith

Yd ae thant. e genhj n

Llnrngogj on nj s gwu lleith lle tkj nt.

Oju l l ded e n lleas dj darnn .

Rae eatrae th oed frae th en lln .

O osgo rd vj nj dawe wawr dru .

O drj ehant namen vn gwr nj djun .

WINVEITH a medve ith5mgrj ssj assan t .

i r en re it mo le it ene it diehwant.

Glo ewdull j am drull j t gj tvae thant .

Gwin a med amall a amnesant .

O osgord vj nj dawe am dwj fatve illj awe

A rwj fa go ll e is om gwir garant .

O drj ehan riallu j t grj ssj assant

Gatrae th trn name n vn gwr nj t atc orsant.

E v b j de i j g kjwj re in pressentAr j e hn bj de i. en e n e i atre .

Hu t amne Ododin

0win a med en dieding

Yng j strj ng j st re .

Ac adan gatvannan e oehre

Ve irehmarchawe godrnd emo re .

E NGOR dewr daen

Sarph se ri raen

Sengiwrjmgae n

1 ! m I? J an na.

H 1111e c cann t han o r ri.

Twri'ftan athan n ar t‘ue rthi.

Gwr gwn ed divudj aw dimyng'

e i

Y gat. o r me int gwlat i d 5' kljwi.

Ae j sgwj t j sg'wj t ar 5

' j g wj d. hu t aro lli

\Vajwmal g'win glo ewO wj di' r lest ri.

Arj ant am j ned e ur di' lj i.

Gwinvae th o e d wae tn e rth r ab lljwri.

fl a LI-mawc c ann e lae r o rchj rdo n .

A gwedj rlj r re ith dj lle inwae ro n.


Bn bwlchbn twleh tande .

Mal twreh j tj'

s se ist vre .

Bu go lat mj nnt bu lle .

Eu gwj ar gwe ilehgwrjmde .

M o on dwj reawe yme itin .

O gj nnu abe r rac fin .

0dj s j n tj'

s j n dj lin .

Rae c ant efgwant gessenin .

Oed garwj gwnaewch chwiwae t lin .

Mal jue t med drwj ehwe rthin .

Oed llewj lladeweh chwi dj nin .

Cledjnal dj wal fj sgj o lin .

Oed mor diaeho r j t lade i

Esgar ; gwr hanal en j b e i.

I- ISGYNNWYS e n afl'

s dra pheun.

Nj de liit kjwj t kjwrennin b e rm.

Disgiawr b re int vn e lad ar gangen .

a nedj fj ewe in esgj nnv ar j stre

Y stwng kj n goro t goren gangen .

Dilnd dj le j n cathle n dilen .

Lljwj lljvroded rwj eh ac asgen .

Anglas asswj den lovle n .

Dj fi‘

orthes ae lawlurie wehj n .

M gwallawgwledie dal

Oe b rid b re nnj al.

Bido l ado e r c re i grannawr gwj nnDj sgiawr pan ve i bun barn b enn .

P e rehen me irch

A gwrjmse irehAc j sgwj dawr jae n.

Gj no e t a gj ne rgj r e sgj n disgj n .

L I N u

u m v



E t na dj s rj djs rj ve l.

Gwlat go rd gare i gwrd nede l.

Gwrdwe rj t gwae t am irved ;Se irehj awr am j rnd j t ned.

Se ingj at am se it ch se irch se ingj at .

Arde lwlle ith dj giawr llnde t.P e leidj r e n e is en de ehren eat.

Hj n t am Ole n bn gode n b e le idrj al.

K EINT amnat amdina dj ge ll

Ac j stane ll j tnj de i. dj rllj de i

M ed me lj s maglawr

Gwrj s. ae rgj nlj s gan wawr.

Ke t l s 11e s lliwedawr .

Rj b enj t ar hj t j d attawr .

Billt wjned k ljwe r e arde rched.

Gwananhon bj t ved.

Sai eadai gwj n ed.

Tarwbedin treis trin te j rned.

a kjwesc daear kj n gorwed

Bu t o rfnn gododin b ed.

B EDIN ordj vnat en agerw.

Mj nawe llnj dawe llawehwerw.

Bn doe th a ehoe th a sj be rw.

t o ed efwrthgj n ed go chwe rw.

Mndj n ge innj on ar j he lw.

Nj t oed ar ll es bro pob de lw.

An ge lwir mor a ehj nnwr. jmpljmnwj t

Yn trj vrwj t pe le idj r. pe leidj r gogj mwj tGoglj ssnr he jm llive it llawr e n assed.

Sj ehj n j g go run en trj dar

(lwr frwj thlawn fiamdnr rac e sgar.


86 mm BOOK or m um .

u um h YFFORTHES eat ve ircha chat se irch.

Grenlet ar gatrae th e ochre

Mae b laenwj d bedin dinns

Eehadafheidj n haearnde .

Lu z " M W AWC gododin trae th e anno r.

Mj nawe am rann kwj nhj ato r.

Rae e idj n arjal fiam nj t ateo r.

Efdodes e dilis j g kj nhor.

Efdode s rae trin tewdor.

En arjal ar djwal disgj nns .

Can llewes porthes mawrbs .

O o sgord vj nj dawe nj diangs

bm ‘" GOLLET morj e t nj bu ae ssawr

Rj dne os lovlen glas lavnawr.

Pe le idj r ps pre iglj n b enn pe riglawr.

Y ar o rwj d e rehlas penn wedawrTrindj gwj d trweh traehj lavnawr.I’an orvj d o e gat nj bu foawr.An dj rllj s mo le t med melj s maglawr.

” a t “ @WELEIS y dul l o b emr tir adoj n .

Ab e rth am go elk erth a diaGwele is oed k enevin ar drei redege in.

Gwe le is gwj r dnllj awr gan awr adevj n

A phenn dj vj nwal a brej ehb rein ae cnoj n.

88 11 13 BOOK or 113m m.

Rae rnthi' r bwj llj ade n a chledj vawr

p i t t a!

Gwede meddawt

A med ju e t

An go rwj lam

Enj d frwj thlam.

Pan adrode r to rre t e rgj r

O ve it ch a gwj r tj ngir tj nge t.

Lu l u lliaws prj de rPr j de raffun .

Fun e n ardec

Arjal redee .

Ar hj n t wj law.

Kn kj stndjwn.

Kn c arasswn

Ke lleie faw.

Ac argoeds

Y emdnllj aw.


dadodes ar Ilnj d ps ar llc s ric n.

Ar dilj vj n go e t

Ar diliwhoe tYr kj vede n.

n o “v

mm " A


Kj vedwogant efan dj dnc ar dan adlojw

Ac ar groe n gwj nn. gosgrojw

Ge re in t rae dehen gawr a dode t.Llnehgwj nn gwj nndwll ar j sgwj tY o r j spar llarj j o r.

Mo lnt mj nnt mo r.

Gogwne ifhe issj llnt

n j ne i ge reint

Hae l mj nawe oednt .

IANNOT e glo t e glntvan .

Diaeho r ango r j g kjman.

Die ehj r e rj r gwj r govaran.

Trinodefe idefoed sirjan.

Ragorei ve ireh racvnan.

En trin lle tvegin gwin O bann.

a glasved a glassn en rann .

Bu gwr gwled Od nchmed mj gj r O bann .

E IENHYT j b ob llawr llanwe tE hnal amhanal afnene t.

N 11 tall e rOdawr


as Ohir gwj thawe

i onj awc difi'

re idj e it.

Eil gwe ithge lwide in t amale t.

Yg eat ve ireh a se irchgrenle t .

Bedin agkj sgoge t j t vj d e at vo rj on

Coehro Ilan ban rj godhe t .

Trwm e n trin a Ilavj n j t llade i

Garw rj bnd O gat dj dj ge i.

Cann ealan a darme rthe i

Efgwe nit a (Ian vah e rve i.

Efgwenit adan dwrch trahane .

Un rie in a mo rwj n a mj nawe .


Lwn x.


O glo t a ehe t e ehiawe ;

P ars dinogat e vreithvreith.

Chwit chwit chwidoge ith.

Gochanwn goehenj n wj thgeith.

Pan e le i dj dat tj e he lj a ;Llathar j j sgwj d Ilo rj enj Ilaw.

Efge lwi gwu gogjhwe .


gaff. dhalj dhalj dhwe dhwc .


ll edi bj se j ug e o rwc .

Pan e lei dj dat tj e vj nj d.

Dj dj gei efpe nn jwrchpe n gwj thwehpe rmPenn grng ar vre ith O venj d.

Penn pj se O raj adj r de rwennj d.

Or sawl j t gj rhaedei dj dat tj s e gicwe in

O wj thwch a llewj n a l l ne in.

Nj t anghe i Oll nj ne i orade in .

P EUM dodjwangkjvwng O angkj nareh

Njm dawnjm (1d a no trjmach.

Nj magwj t j n n enad a ve i IewaehN00 ef nae j ug e at a ve iwastadach.

Ac ar rj t b e ne l t pennawt oed e ve ireh

I’e llj nie c glo t pe llws e gulch.

A ehj n go lo gwe ir hir a dan djwareh

Dj rllj de i vedgj rn vn mab femarch.


Uo ron gwj ehj ro lj on pan rj gode t.

Trwm en trin allain j t ludei

Gwaro rj bnd O gat dj dj ge i

Gant. can j g ealan darme rthe i.Efgwe nit adan vah nrnei.

Efgwenit a dan dwreh trahan c .

Un rie in a mo rwj n a menane

A chan o ed mab b renhin te ithiane .

Ud gwj ndj t gwae t kilj d gwaredawe .

a gOlO gwe rj t ar grnd hae l e tvj n t

Doe th dj gj rehe t j ge t ae glo t s e e ehiane

Uo t b ed gorthj n hir O orthir rjwj nanc .

A Mdrj nni drj lav drj len

Am 1s am diffs djwarehen

Trib u e harnau t dre is dili plee he nAtgnne emo rem ae gnian hem

Hanc ai nre ner nrag denn

At gwj r a gwj dj l a phrj de in

At gn k e le in rein rnd gnen

Deb enec gwe nanwj mab gwen .

AM ginj av drj lav drj len

Trjm ds tra difl'

s djwarehe n

Kemp e lumen . arwr harnaut asge ll

Vre ith edrj ch eidj n a b re itb e ll

Go rnehj d j lav lOfienAr gj nt a gwj dj l a phrj den .

A ehj nj ho mwng b leid he b prenn

Buj lawgnavt gc hlant ene lenn .

Prj twjfnj be i marwmo rem

Deb enec gwenabwj . mab gwe nn .

rm:BOOK or mac aw. 93


fl RYF angkj nnnll angkjman dull twrj fen agwed.

Erae menwed. e rae mawrwed. e rac matj ed.

Pan j stj ernn gwem 6 am ganr gj rn e am gamgled.

E nOIi ri. allnawr. pe ithliwraewed.

Yd i gweles ar hnal tre s tardei galled.

n o chwiawr a chloi a pho r ; a pherth a phe rA rnd norna ac j morna. ac ewj onj dd

A gwj nheidj d ke in edrj ssed.

Trj b edawt rawt rae j devawt ; e il dal ro ssed.

Tarj anen bann am dal hen bann bj edrj ssed.

Ble id e vjwj t oed b leidj at rj t c uj dewred.

Pnb e ll pe leidj r pevj r prj t ne idj r. O Iwch nadred.

We lj d j dwj t gwe lj don rwj t rie in gared.

Carut vre idvjw earwn dj vjw; vu t hejwred.

Camhwrawe darwkwj nafdj varw. earnt dj hed.

Baran mor j gkj nho rj fgwj r. j am gatpwll .

m an bran j g kj nwj t

Tarde i donn gj vrj ngon gowj dawe bj t .Efgwrthodes ar Il th pene s ar Iles pedj t

Pe twar lliwe t. pe twar mile t miledawr bj t .Aessawr j n ne llt allavj n eg wallt. nn 0b edro r

Gwr gwj llj as. 0g m gIas med me itin

Gwr te ithiawr O b lithporfo r po rthloed b edin .

Bre e j th tntvwlehbaranre t do st. b enongwaed gwin .

Yr med a fawrj fj d ae thant ae rj fdro s en hawfin .

i alvan weith e r eadwkjvre ith bu kj vj ewin.

a an kenon te ithvjw0von. ar vre int go rllin.

Tutvwlch kj vwleh a o ren vwleh ar vann c ae re u .

What fo llows is in the same handwriting with the first part ofthe GOdOdin .


Gan vj nj dawe bn atve illj awe en gwiroden .

Bl dj n hirae th e r gwj r gatrae th am mae th j s me n .

En llavnen dur en med en bur en banalen.

Arj fangkj nnvll angkj man dull twrjfneu s kiglen .


BDBOKKKU ewm em mason.

mY phe II gwj d avaI O avall.

Nj bj d ehovj n noe th e n j agall

Pawb pan rj dj ngir j t ball.

Agarwn j efcare i anre ithgar.

Nj bj d marwdi e ith ;

t amsnd j vud eare ith.

Nj che ri Q fofni gj vj e ith.

Am swrn am gc rn knhe lj n .

En adaftangdefc o llit.

Adefled b uost lewen dj d mit .

Kndvj t ke issj essj t keissj adon

M e in n ehe I mede l e alon.

Dj ven ar warehan Adebon



p EI mi b rj twn

P eimi ganwu

Tarde iwarchan go rehegin .

Gwe ilg'ing to rch trj ehdrwj t

Trj che thin t rj chinfwrth.

Kj rehessit e n avo n


fl fl f wk m

‘m p fi m

E ciju m g'

e s fivnu fia g ’

Wrth rifa: i n b a n - fir m

This bann eat f loridvJ‘


Trj wj r a thrivge im a thrj'


I vre ithj e ll gat rae th rd ae thant.

Or sawl 51 grj ssjm nt


chmed menes tri nami' n t ri n j t atwrsant .

a o n a chadre ith. a chat lewO gs tnan t .

A minhen o ni e re n dj chio rant.

Mab eo e l ke rthn wen h j a wnae thant

O en r pur a dnr ac ar j an t .


ve t nj t node t e cawssantGwarehan kj rd kj nve lj n kj vnovant.

Em s a raavvxa cwaac nax KYNVELYN.














DOLEU den ebj r am gaer.

Ymdnhnn am galeh arn glae r.

Gwibde a de er adwj ae r.

Clodrj d ke issidj d k j sg nt .

Brithwe arwe arwrnt.

Rnthj r anorthwe a nebir.

Adwj adode t nj deb it .

Cdcfj nj as dofj wrj t .

n wgei en arj fen e sgnt .

Hn te i e n wlj d e lwit .

Gwr a ret pan dj ehe lwit.

a eiliwnae e iliwe tvrwj n

Tervj n torre t te e te ithj awl

Nj t aruedane e no lawt.

Mo lawt rin rjmidhin rjmeno n.

This rubric , with the Gwarchan Mae lde rwwhich fo llows, is thesame handwritingwith the last part Of the GOdOdin . Bo th se em t o

he additions made by a diffe ren t hand to the o riginal MS.



Dj ssj lle i tre ch tra manon .

Disgle irj awr ac archawr taI acho n

Ar rnd dhre ic fud pharao n.

a eillj awr e n awe l adawao n.

Trengsj d a gwj de i neb ae enen

Y ar o rthur te ith te th a thedj t .

M enit a osgo rd mavr mur onwj d.

Ar vo r ni dhe li.

Na chj ngwj d gil na ehj ngo r

Go rdib len eneit talacho r

t mwj r j nndj t j e sgo r.

Esgo r e idin rac do r.

Kenen ke in mur e rago r.

Go ssode s efgledj far glawd me iwj r.

Bndie e ren enjAnnavd wledic .

Y gjnnwithic

a las kj nwe is

Dwnj n djvj nve is.

c hu ech nj chwj d kj chwe rw

Kj ehvenj ehe s

c hwenj ehwj enlliwe lea.

A le nwis miran mir edles.Ar j stre gan vo re godemle s.

Hn te i idware jngorvj n t

i r go rnj nn afrj anne t.

En Ilwrwrwj dhen rj go lle t .

Co ll d. medwj d me nwj t.

Gogled r un ren rj dj nnit .

Gorthewa mdj ehne l dj ehne lit .

Gorwj d mwj galwant no Ine lwit.

Am rwj d am rj 5'

sto flit .

Ystofflit llib Ilain.

Blin blae n b len b le nwj d.


Ac en dj d eamavn camp awne eiY ar aruul c ann kj nn oe dreghi.

Calaned c oehwed ae deni.

i s b laen rj dre fe rei j gad

Die ehwith 1am

Y orwj lam

Nat rj giglen

Efgwneei gwj r Ilj dw

A gwmgedmdw

a n o s aghen.

Y b e ri gren.

Kein guOdeO e c e l'

erj vjhj r

O hanav er a fj sgnt

Pan esgj nnei baub ti disgj nnvt .

Cene i gwin gwae t meirwme int awannt.

Te ir b lj ned a phede ir

Tute t en vavr j tuaer

Ath nodi gwas njm gwerthna theehnt

Pressent kj nadrand o ed b re iehj aul glut.Pan gj rehei j g kjwlat e glo t oed anvonave

Efdilj deiwin gwr enrdorehane


Efrode i glojwdnll glan j gwj ehianeArdwj ei cann wr arwr mj nane .

Anvonavc eissj llnt all tnt marchanc

Un maban e gian O dra bannaue

Pan vei no IlifIljmaehn ebant .

Angor deor dain sarfi'


wj graen

Anj sgoge t vaen. b laen b edin arall

Arl treis tra chj nnivj n .

i gobwrj go rdwj lain.

Enwir j t e lwir o thgjwir werthre t.

Re sto r rwjfj adur. mvr pob kj nj eith.

Tu tvwlch tre issic ae r caer O dil e ith.

Angor de o r dain sarph safi'

wj grain. b laen

Buwit j’

t e lwir o thgjwir gve rit.

Kewir. j th e lwir o thkjwir we rthre t.Re c to r rwj vj adur mnr pob kiwe t.

M e rj n mab madj eithmat j th ane t.

L1 u. c. Aches guo lonj glasvle id dnuj r dias dull.Ango r dee r dain anj sgoe vaen e in b laen b edin

Le t rud lenir a meirch a gwj r rac gododin

Re ewgj nareh kj wuj re in

Bard kemre to t tarth rac garthmerin.

at M 80t dan wodef. nj j stj ngei

Rae neb wj neb c ared e rj thuac c e i

Dirj eit O eirchmeirc h j g kj ndor

Anr gwrjavr hein gwaewawr ke Iin e reudei.

Pan wane t j g kj ueillt efgwane iEreill nj t oed anievj l j t a dj ec ei.


vit en cadwrj t ke in asmj e e e i

Pan dj dnt kj hnran c lo tnan morde i.

Gen athdiwedns tntleo

Na de liis meirc h neb marehlew

Ke nj vae c e t am b j rth ampo rth

2m “

5 m

n w il m fi d n .

h i z fi m lfl a é zd a sa i difln

Me imh eiliv e le irch a seia hgweb in.

En amwj n called a me d e idin .

O gumtj l mj nj dawe

Wj e e ri gon gwj lae s disgin .



j pho rthassan warth wj r 115'

the-ehj n .

Ne nt e rj n e is j ued ar j g ke rde t

Gwinnae th rac eatrae th j n nu gwarvt

I’an ladhei ac lavnawr j nj sgoge t

Yn daj r nj t o ed wae l me n j t we le t

t oed hj ll j de llj ll e n emware t .

Atwj thic se j ndanc madane e lne t .l’an (le e j c j narchant aj t o ed ho edj l clinac


Gnau t i llurn alan buan bithe i

Gnau t rac te ulu deo r em disc inhe i

Gnau t mab go listan e e n ne i b ei

Ganu t ar Ia minidauc scuitaur tre i

Te b ihie tan te rj d drui c inn e ue t.

Din j eu c ennadeu amode t

Din guene r calanet a c iuriu et

Din sadum b u dedumn en cit gneithre t

Din snl Iaue nen rnd a at ranhet.

Din lIun hj t be nn e Inn gnae t lungue le t

s adrand GOdOdin guedj Ilude tHir rac pe bj ll madane pan ate orhe t .

Disgj nsit in trnm in aIauoe d dwj rem

Cinte b ie e c e leo c r it migamGnannannon gnirthmed gurj t mui hiamAc guiehfodiane gnichau c inharn

Eithinin no le it map bodu at am.

Gnir go rmant ae thant c ennin

Gwinwe ith a medwe ith oedj n

Anthuem c im inruinaue

O gOIl gnr gane t rin

Mal taran nem turb ei se uj tanr

Rae rj nnand eithinin.

Moch arnire ith i me itit pan e is

Ce ne rein i midin Odo u is

In tos inilin

Rae c ant em gnan t e e se nin


Oed mor guanauc idinin

Mal ine t med n en win

Oed mo r diaehar

Yt wanci c egar

Uid att guanar gnrthj n” 1 3; Moch arnire it i more

Ic in im apherjm rae stre

Bu c inarehgneir gniat

Igoiu o r or e at

Cineillt ar garat

Init gene

Bugno lnt minnt b u lee

Bu guanar gue ilging gwrj mde .

Gne le t e Ianananr e n Iiwe t

In e inamnin gal gale t

Rae godurj fj ae ssaur gode ehe t

Techin rae e idin vre nrnie t

M e int a gaffeilan nj t ate orj e t

O hanan c uir oed amav ac can e t

Cin dinnj ane ealc drei pan griniee grinie i

Nit atwanei ri guanc i ri guane t

Oed me nj ehgwedj ewj n i e sc ar

Ie imlian oed gnennin hie c araite t

A chin i 010atan titgne t dejar

Dirlishei star med me t .

xz vQ Huitre uit c lair e in te ilnuat

Clae r e leu na c lair

Air neu er sehie am snt

Se ie sic sac adleo gogj nnrd gogjmrat

Edili edili ni pnillj at

s adrand gododin in dit ple igb e it

Na be i e inhanal e ite lnat.

Llafnaur le t rud Iaime inach Ind

Gu ro n gno ru t j maran Iaim gur Ie idj at

L i n B


Cino idalu ni bu guan

Ennir ith e lwir Od gwir gue re it

Re c to r liuidur mur po b kjvj e ith

Tu tvwlch tre issic hair cae r godileit.W M 13 Kj uarnu ac ac st odu Ie idiat In

e ro nj bu ac c ihoit ac i hero ui buHe ro e ined gn ec gue ro

Gnissint gneuilon ar e heIO

Nit oed ar Ie s b ro b o t e ro

Ni c ilias taro trin le t nu ero

Trans j achans Iiu ir de lO

Efguant tra trigant e chassaf

EfIadhe i ane t ac e ithaf

()id gnin e mIaen IIn IIarahaf

GOdOIe i O heit me irch e gaj af

Goehore bre in da ar u nr

Cae r e e in b e i e t’


Rug e iuin ue rthi ig disnr

lg kanne r gne rno r gnanr

w u Erdj ledam c ann ic inon c igne ren

In gnanthac e in bu dinan t dile it ae ro n

Riue sit i Iofien ar pen erirhon

Luit em rannuit guore n b nit i igluio n

Ar Ies minidane marchanc maon

Em dode s itu ar gunin galon

Ar gatrae th o ed fraith enrdorehogj o n

Wj gnenuit Iledint seniogion

()ed ech e n temj r tre is c anaon

Oed Odit imit O barth nrj thon

Elo dodin 0b e ll gne ll no eheno n

v Er diledafcann c iwan eafa

In c etwir am gatrae th ri guanaid brit ro t






WYNNE, ESQ . o r PENIAarn, M .P.

Po ] . 1 . n.

‘ Gan ieOyd gan e le stron .

Ry gauhj mde ith achOysson .

BIOj dj u j g kae r Ofanho n.

Oyfhe n Oyfnewyd. (vyfgOion .

(vyfll r (JyfsynOyr ke ino n .

Dy gofi dyhen vrython.


d kyl dine r ogj o n .

M edu t medOon .

(vyt bard ny rifafi e illon .

(vyfsyO (vyfsy6 amrysso u.

Syhe i arahe i. arahe i nj s me de i.

Si fi'

radj r j n y fradri.I’Os b e ir de in b ronre in a di i.

A denho nt nehmedlc stri.A gunb oat gam var do ni.

A ge issont gyfarfis nj s de nb i.

The MS. as it at pr ese nt e x is ts, is de fe c t ive , a leaf b e ing appare n t lywanting b o th at the Ing inning and at the e nd. It the re fo re b egins in the

middle o fa po em. A c omple te c opy of this po em u il l b e fo u nd in the Red

Bo o k ofHem-st.

1 10 m s BOOK or u m nr.

my c irc le t rac ried

Bydoyfo r trindaflt trngared.

IOlafryb e ehafe lnj d gGaed.NaOrad nefne stie tornoed.

A de cne t se in t se ic se ithoed.

GGrhydryeh ryfyd ie ithoe d.

Morheic mat gynnyd kyho ed

Nife r awyl Du6 tryehoe d.

Yn nefj n daj ar j n diwed.

Yn vs 11 1 ehag YD yewedYge o rfi


yn eneit j n hagwed

Pe II pGyIl rae rihj d raewed.

Athio lafwledic wlat hed.

Poe t ym hene it j m bnched.

Yn maywyd ygkynte dYn gfias nefnym gomed.

a aasm a me rthyri.

GOe rj don gOedwon gofri.

A se lyfDu 6 a semi.

Glan ie ithglan te ith dj te ithi.

Ac j n dnnn glas dyfyd imi.

Hyt pan rychattrj fvynte ithi.

Nife r annant glan Ifiys

Graden e ur go lofneu egIOys.

Ar me int trae thadnr a trae thOys

Sjwedj d Ilyfren llOyrl s.

Rae gOe rin digarat disOys.

Bo e t ym hene it j amdilfynnfiys

fi IFER a nuant yn aghyflre t


e rn. oe r gfierin goare tre t .

B yt pymhoe s byt .

Hyt pan dillygfij s Crist ke it liiwe t .


O dtrfyn ne is afl'

fiys abre t .M e in t dj dnc Duo troy no de t .

Day vil ve ib 0plant Ilia.

A b imatn e t infra

A Iede int yr amistra

Edris e rtri kilaDe e e raOn raehe l gfie lsit pla.

Dyb i ie ro so lima.

E lma se int amo rion.

Anife r yn dull to ro nia.

A thorsi traehae r roma.

A po li ac alexandria.

A garanoys ac indra.

Tres partes dinicia.

Asie ia afl'

rica e uropa.

fi l IFER sein t c apharnaOm. marituen sanim

A zab ulon a e isuen a n inifen a neptalim.

In dnb riac tus a z o rirn .

Yndi y profi'

Oj d s Crist vahme ir ve reh ioaehim.

O artemhyl pen e che n pan vnr.

n IFER se int e re ehalde .

Clo t pe ll easte ll marie .

Nat atto rroed sylo e

Ec Iie re tnnde

Phalatie c esarie .

Amaniou amab u te .

A dyfl rynoed b e rsab e .

A ehj ne re t gfij r eartasine .

A re ithno rj on re tOnde .

[ e itho ed gro c e a cfre i

A Iladin gfiyr Ilaehart e .

1 12 m 1:BOOK or TALIESSIN.

n IFER se int enugynye it

De e yr e chenrin en ple it.

Rae rihyd rs e no le it.

Ke twyr neb c u kj ne irc he it .

Yn yg j n chag j m pop re it .

BOynt dinas in e o rfi'

ac j n he ne it .

E rma seint sieomorialis

A deprofi'

ani ynj s.

Ar meint glan a vendigtvys

Défj r gain gfiyr al dist rytvya

Ac e iraOI e i u rdafil p6ys.

Dan syr se int ryse iIOys.

E IFER se in t a de ily goro r.


e e tns re infe rio r.

A superare supe rior.

Ac armonim a thyfor.

A dj fi'

ryn enor a sego r.

A ehartago ma(rr a minor.

AC ynys gGyr te rwyn mor.

n IFER se int yn j s prj de in.

Ac iwerdou ad n ran.

Tornoed gfie ithredoed mire ia .

A gredis a gfieinis j genhj n .

E IFER se in t se ned anehwan tO a dewin darogantYmpop ie ith j m prydant .

n yleh e luj d j huant

Ar me int doe thnr a darogan

Crist ae hyn dyb e i dybuant.


Am ninemange li.

Pre eednnt c onfirmati.

Vnistrati baptizati.

Usqu e in diem indien.

Q uando fnit Christus c ruc ifixns nt sib iIpsi placuisse t. venissent ib i in afixilinm.

Plusquam dnode c im Iegiones ange lornmTo to o rb e te rrarnm.

J e sns Christns nidentem in agonia in mnndo .

Vt sint nostri auxiliumDnodec im miIia miliantem

An te tribunal stantem.

Q ui landantie Iandantinm

Tues more s re x regnm

fi IZFER ann ac anyd

Vch nefis nefmeint yssyd.

Ar meint a gredfiys ygkywyd.

A gradis trey ewyllis dofyd.

M eint ar lit troy j rodyd.

Tragar duGdyge renhj d.

An bGyr gear anwar goledie .

NythgOd fk j n bfiyfdiennie .

Tost yt gGyn pop eOIledic .

Ffe st yd haGI e issywedie .

Ny reha b ryt ryodic .

O ryre t pressent pan Oyfdie .

Trae thafpan vydafyggro

O ossymde ith o sepio

A ryfyr O merthyr e lO.

Yn edryfynt se int sege rno .

O e ir pe ehafit pan ymb o .

Dim nchdimmeint am e lyho .

Fo l. 3. a.



§DYMPEILL1 oe t ympOyIlat

Y ve ind b rython pryde st Ofe r.

Ymryorssen ymryorsed.

Digatm gofaI y gofangord.

(cyfe issygpren kyfyg ar gerd

Bnarthhe ird ar nys gfiypo .

Pymtheg mil drosta6

Yu j gymhfiyssao.

Oyfk e rdolyat. Oyfkeinyat elae r.

“d ur fiyfdl‘



(cyfserch yd ymgestaf.Nyt Gyfvard syn yn aryfre idaO.

Pan gan k einyeit cann ygkof.

Nyt efwnafut Oy ryfed vehoa .

B andit ami en he rbyniafi.

Mal arno ll dillat heb IaO.

Val ymsa6d yn Ilyn heb naO.

Tyrui aches ehofyn ygradUche l n aed mord t trefyd.

Cre ie amwanee . (vrthvaOr trefnat .

An c lut ysc rut escar nodyat.

Cre ie pe n pe rehen pen anygnat

Yn g6na medu t meddaOt medyd.

Gyfk e Il (ryfde ll Oyfdatweirlle t

Oyfloge ll ke rd Gyfll e ynnye t.

Karafy go rtvyd a go re il e lyt.

A hard a bryt ny pryn j rst.

Nyt efearafamryssonyat.A geibyl k e luyd ny men ed med.

1 15


Mad68 myne t yr ymdio t

A ehe lnydeit am ge luydyt .

Aehame lwm kystfim kj wlat.Buge il b roo ed po rthoed neirthyat.

Mal ymde ithheb tme t y gat .Eri vynnei ymdeithheb tro e t.

Eri vage i ku suba heb go et.Mal k eissafibj dne id yg grne .

Mal pe ire int anre ithj unu t

Mal go sgord llnyd heb pen .

Mal porthi ane lnt ar ke n.

Mal grynniafityndei O vro .

M al haedu awyr a bach.

Mal e iraeh a gfiae t yseall .

Mal gfin eu thu r gOIen y dall

Mal doc ni dillat yno e th.

Mal tannu engOyn ar trae th.

Mal po rthi pysc aOt ar Iae th.

Mal to i n enad a de il.

Mal Iladn Ilyry a gfiyei].

Mal todi dyfe t rac ge ir.

(vyfbard n enad. (vyfkyto kade ir.

Digonafy veird Ilafar Ilesteir.

Kyn vy mayfirein ym garfigyfloe

Ryprynhom ui an Iloeyth tydi vah


Fo l . 3. b . fl TU’

YN rin rypc nyt i ryre t.

AraII at6yn pan vyd DnOdymgfiare t

Attryn kyfed nOy gomed gogyfi'

re t.

Arall atfiyn y am kyru kyfyfe t.

AtOyn nnd nd ble id naf.

I l 8

Fo l. 4 11.


At. Iluarthpan Ilfiyd y genhin .

At edystystyr ygkebystyr IIe t

Ar. at. kyweithas a brenhin.

At. glefinfiy go leithgogywe e .

Ar. at. c Ilein gymrae c .

At. grne pan vyd ehoe c .

Ar. at. moms ywarthe c .At. tymp. pan dyn Iloe Ilae th.

Ar. at ewynafic marehogae th.

Ac ys imi atfiyn nyt gfiae th.

A that b ual firth tal mednaith.

At ayse Yuy 11m 11mmArall at y ore ilfigwaryhafitAt. geir a lefeir y trindafit.

Ar. at rypcnyt y pe chafit .Adufiyn hafor adnfiyndafit.

Ke renhyd a dofyd dydbrafit


ID EUS dnfide lwat.Gfiledic gfiaed neirthvat.

Crist J essn gfiyliat.

Rfiysc rihyd amnat

Adne laehkafi'


Nym gfine l heb ranned

Mo li dy trugared.

Gfiledie dy gyuna

Nehkystal a donydNj gane t yn dyd plfiyfi.

Neb kystal a Dnfi.


Nae nyt adef.

Nehkystal ac cf.Vchnefis nef.

Nyt gfiledic namyn ef.

Vchmor is mor.

Efan e refiys.

Pan dyfl’

o defis.

Efan gwnaho mafir trfis.Dyd b rafit yn eehwrys.

Kennaden O dIfis.

Gfiynt. a mor. a than.

Llnehe t a tharyan.

Erge lhafir mor a syr.

Y dadyl as nifer.

A chym gope tror.

Ac ennynnu mor.

Llfiythbyt llose etafir.

Lloscafit ynyal ran

Rae y vafir varan.

Eftynho ac hesRae y varanre s.Diffnrn dyd reges.

Te rdit nefy Iafir.

Echy gadfiynafir.Neu byt mor wastatMal pan great.


Seith pedyr as dywafit .Dayar diwamafit.

Dywafit dufisadfimDayar yn vn fi



Sadfirn vo re rfiyd.In gfinaho ny c ulfiyd.

Gfiynt y todo gfiyd.

Eb ryn pop dj hed.

Pan Io sc o mynyded.Atnyd triganed

A ehym rae rihed.

Kyfoe thafie ae henuyn .

A dayar gychwyn.

Ac nehpop mehyn.

A marfime in uudyn.

Ery'farge lfieh.

Ac enj nnn llfich

Ton aghyo lfieh.

n nefa dayar.

Pan dyfi'

o trindafit

Llu nefymdanafi.

LlfiythIlydan attafi.

Kyrd a cherdo ryon

A ehathleu egylyon.

Dryehafant O vede n.

Eirant o de ehren .


Tanafidy vyn dfiy vreich

Tanafidy vyn dfiy yscfiyd.

B andit mo r dyuyd.

m fin vyg callon.

Y rfig vyn den lygat

Tanafiyr da allat

Coron drein ym iat.

Awanpfiyt vyn tn.

Ten j fiehithen.

Mal yr yfich Ilafidehen.

Ifichnj hyd madeu

Vy gwan a b eren.

A wledic ny wydyein.

Gfiledie nefgfiledie pop tut

Nj wyde in ui grist tut vyhu t.

Yn arbyn dofydyat.

Yssyd imi yn tyston.

Yge roc yn grenle t.

Myhun ym gfiare t.

rrm BOOK or rALIEse . 123

Yn nefoed bu c ryt

Pan jm c rogyssit .

Pan ore lwisk e li

Dy c ulfiyd vchke li.A ehenfichden ianau

Ragofy den gynran.

A den lyfyr yn achIlafi

Yn eu darlleafi.

Rygossfiy rygossya

Ac afieh b iwynnyeith

Gfierth afichynnyt are ith.

Kayator y dyleith

Arnafich y vfi'

em lleith

Crist J essu u ehe l ryseilas tryehamil b lfiydynedEr pan yttyfiym bached.

Ac eil mil kj n c ro c .

Y t Iewychi enoc .

Ne n nyt atwen drat

Me int en heissillut.

Gfilat pre ssent yth e rmu t.

A chyt afieh b ei Odit.

Trj chan mil b lfiydyned namyn vn

Oricodit buehed tragywyd.


Fo l. 6 . a. :. YGOGAN awen dygobryssyn .

Maraned a mened ahed genhj nA phennae th ehe laeth afi

rae thvnbyn.

Agfiedy dyhed anhed ympOp mehyn

Gfiyr gfiychyr yntrydar kasnar degyn .

Esc nt yggofut ryhyt difl'


124 THE BOOK or TALIme .

Gfiae thyl gfiyr byt gae r weir gfiasgarafit allmyn.

Gfinahafint go ruo led gfiedy gfiehyn.

A chymo t kymry agfiyr dulyn.

Gfiydyl iwerdo n mon aphrydyn.

Comyfiaehlndfiys en kynnfiys ge nhj n.

Atpo ryon nyd b rython pan dyo rfyn.

P e II dygoganhe r amse r dybydyn.

Teyrn ed abonhed e n goresc j n .

Gfiyr gogled ygkynted yn e n kylehyn .

Ympe rned eu racwed ydiscynnyn.

Yn ab e r perydon me iryon me ehteyrn.

A chyny b e i vn re ith lle ith a gfiynyn .

O vn en lis b ryt yd ymfirth nyunyu .

M e iryon e n tre theu dychynn nllyn .

n e to ed kymry nat oed a te lhyn.

Y ssyd fir dylyedafic alefe ir byn .

Nj dyfi'

e i atale i ygkeithiwe t.

Mab me ir mafir a e ir pryt na tharde t.

Rae pe nnae th saesson ac eu hofi'


Pe ll bfiyn t kyehmyn j firtheym gfiyned

Efgyrhafit allmyn y all tnded.

Nys arhaedfiy neb nys dioes dayar.

Ny wydyn t py tre iglynt ympop ab e r.

Pan prynassant danet trfiy file t called

Gan hors ahegys oed yng en ryssed.

Eu kynnyd bu yfirthym yn an nonhed.

Gfiedj rin dilein ke ithym ynu e r.

Deehymyd meddafimafir wirafit O ved.

De ehymyd agb en aghen Ilawe r.

De cymyd anae leu dagreu gfiraged.

Dyehyfroy e tg llae thpennae thIle tfe r.

De ehymyd tristid byt aryhe r.


Dyhed j en gfiraged a dywedant .

En c ryssen yn Ilafin eren ao rolchant.

Gfiyr dehe n en tre then a amygant.

Llyn IIifeit Ilafnafir llfiyr j Iladant.

Nj hyd j vedyc mfiyno r awnaant .Bydinoe d katwaladyr kadyr j denaut

Yg gorfl‘

en en tre then aghen afidan t.

Oes osasen en tre then nys escoran t.

n oe t ymaes ym b ryn.

Canhfiyll yn tywyll a gerd genhyn.

Saesson rae b rython gfiae agenyn.

Katwaladyr yn baladyr gan y nnbyn .

Trfiy synhfiyr yn Ilfiyr yn en dychlyn.

Pan syrthfiyn t en c las dro e e n he rehwyn.

Yge ustud a chre n rnd ar rnd allmyn.

Ryn gfiarafit y trindafit or traIlafit gyn t.

Na ehryne t dyfe t na glyfiyssyg

Nys gfinaho molafit me iryon mechte ymNa ehynhoryon sae sson k efl'

yn eb ryn.

Nys gfinafimednt meddafit genhj n

Heb tal e t O dynge t me int a gefi’


Oymdife it veibon ac e re ill rj a.

Trfiy eiryafil dewi a se int prydeyn .

THE BOOK or rALIEse . 127

:. YSGOGAN awen dydafiy dyd.

Pan dyfi'

o iwys y vn gfissyl.

Vn c o r vn gygho r alloegyr Ilo se it.

Yr gob e ith anneirafiar yn prydafiIuyd.

A cherd araIInrO a fi'

o b eunyd.

Ny fiyr kud ym da efid a efid vyd.

Dyehyrchfiynt gyfarchmal arth O vynyd.

Y taln gfiynye ithgfiae t en hennyd.

Atvi pe leitral dyfal dillyd.

Nyt arb e ttfiy ear e orfi'

y gilyd.

Atni pen gafiafiheb emennyd.

Atui gfiraged gfiedfia me irchgfie ilyd.Atui O be in vthyr rac rnthyr k e twyr.

A Iliafis Ilafiamhar kj n gfiascar llnydKennadeu aghen dychyferwyd.Pan safhfiynt galaned firth en hennyd.

Efdialafir y tre ith ar gfierthb eunyd.

Ar mynyehgennadeu ar gen Iuyd.

:. YGORFU kymry trfiy kyfe rgyr.

Yn m e ir gyteir gj tson gytfiyd

n orin kymry y peri kat.A Ilfiyth Iliafis gfilat agynnnllant.A Ilnman glan dewi adrychafant.Yty

'wysafigfiydyl trfiy Iie ingant.

Gofynnant yr sae sson py ge issyssant.Pfiy me int eu dylye t o r wlat a dalyant.

Cfimae en herfipan se ilyassant.

Cfimae eu k enedloed py vro pan doe thant

Yr amse r gfirtheym ge nhj n y sathrant.

Ny chefiir O wir rantir ankarant .Neu vre in t an se int pyr y saghyssant.


Nen firthen dewi pyr y toryassant.Ym ge twynt gymry pan ymwe lant .Nyt ahont allmyn or nen y saiant .B yt pan talhont se ith we ithgfierthdigonsant .Ac aghen dib e n y gfierth en c am.

Eftalhafir O anafir garmafin garant .

Y pede ir b lj ned ar pedwar can t.

Gfiyr gfiychyr gfiallt hiryon e rgyr dofyd.

A dehOI saesson O iwe rdon dybyd.

Dyb i O Iego lyghe s rewyd.

Rewinyafit y gat rfiyc eafit llnyd.

Dyb i O aIc Int gfiyr drut diwe ir .

Y diho l O pryde in vire in lnyd.

Dj bi O lydafiprydafigywe ithyd.

Ke twyr y ar katu e irc h ny phe ireh en hennyd.

Sae sson O pop parth y gfiarth se de ubyd

Ry treghis e n hoe s nys o e s e luydDyde rpi aghen yr dn gyweithyd.

Clefyt a dyllid ac angfieryt .

Gfiedy enr ac arj ant a channfiyned

Bo e t pe rth en difi'

e ithygwerth en drvc fl'


Bo e t mo r bo e t ago r e n knssnlwyr

Bo e t e re n b o e t ag hen en kywe ithyd.

Kynan a ehatwaladyr kadyr yn llnyd.

Etmyc eafir hyt vrafit fi‘

afit se denbyd.

De n vnb en degyn dfiys en k nssyl.

Den o re sgyn sae sso n O ple id dofyd.

Den hae l den gedafil gfilat warthegyd.Den diarchar barafit vn fi

afit vn fi'


Den e rchwynafit pryde in mire in luyd.

Den arth nys gfina gfiarthkyfarthb e nnvd.

Dysgogan de rwydon me int a de rnyd.

O vynafibyt Iydafiyn e n llafiyt vyd

O dyned hyt dane t fiy b ie inyd.


Nys denb i aro tho .

Lliafis y g fo lu .

Nens dnc yn geluyd.

Gfiiafin a Ieferyd.

A dfifyn dyfyd.

Gfinae i O varfivyfi.

Ac aghyfoe thyfi.

Gfin eynt en pe iron.

Gfineynt en de liden .

Yn oe s osasen.

Dydfiythdydye e afit

O dyfynwedyd gfiafit.

Nent angar kyfyndafit

Pfiy yehynefafit .

Kymeint ke rd kifidafit

A de lis afieh tafafitPyr na thre thfieh trae thafit .

Llat uehIlyn IIathrafit

Penillyach pafib

Dybydafyna gnafit

Dfifyn dyfn ygnafit

Neur dodyfiystygnafit.Trydyd par ygnat

Trvge in mlyn ed

Yt porthe isilafirwed.

Yn dfifyr kafia chiwe d.

Yn e luyd tired

Kanwe is am dio ed.


Irs e .

Kant rihyd O dynoed

Kan yfiyd ae thant.

Kan yfiy doe thant .

Kan eiIewyd y gant.

Ac efs e darogant.

Lladon ve reh Iiant.

Oed bychan ychwant

Y eur ac arj ant.

Pfiyr byfiae diadas

Gfiae t j ar wynwas

Odit trae thato r

Mafir mo lhator.


Ry phrydafy iafin llin

Parafit byt flin

n yne lfie lphin .

Neur deirj g he t

O rifcur dylye t.

Pan gassat nj eharat

An udon a b rat .

Nu ny ehwennyeh vat

Trfiy gogyue e an gfiafit

A gogyfarchfiy b rafitfirthy

’fny gfiybyd nebafit

Do e thnr prifge luyd.

Dispfiyllafit sywedyd.

Am fiyth am edryfiytb

Am do len dynwedyd.

Am gfiyr gfiafit ge luyd.

Ke rdfin dufiyssyd

Trfiy ieith talhayarn .

Bedyd bu dyd varn .

A varnfiys te ithi

Ange rd vardoni.



Efae rin rodes

Se ith vgein ogyrue n

Yssyd yn awen .

fiythvge in 0pop vge in e nyd yn

Yn annfifyn y difiyth.

Yn annfifyn is e luyd

Y mae ae gfiybyd.

Py tristit yssyd

Gfie ll no Ilewenyd.

Gogfin dedy'fraden .

Awen pan defi‘


Am ge lnyd talen

Am de twyd dien.

Am bnehed ara.

Am oesseu ysc o rna

Am gyhaual ydynt trfiy we ryt .

Mafirhydie . sywyd pan dygyfrensit

Awe l nehe l gytPan vyd gohoyfibryt

Pan vyd mo r hyfryt

Pan yfigfird e chen.

Pan e ehrefiyt nehe lNe n henl pan dodir.Pan yfi to i tir.

To i tir pfiy mein t.

Pan tynhit gfiytheint.

Gwythe int pan tynnit .


Pan yfirud egro e s.

Nen wreic ae dioe s.

Py datwe ir yssyd yn enr lliant.

Ny fiyr neb pan radir y b ro u huan.


fiyn e rkynan newyd

Anahafir ydfiyn.

00° W sflyn py gan

Py geidfiy didan.

Py dydfic garthanGe reint ac arman.

Pan yfiper erwein.

Tt ayarn yssyd

Mfiyhafy sywedyd

Pfiy amgyfi'

rafid gfiyd

O aches amo t dj d.

Gogfin do. a drfic

Cfida. cfid amewenir mfie

Kafic pfiy as dylifas.

Pfiy gfiafir gorfi'


Pfiy abrege thas.

Eli ac eneas.

Gogfin gogen haf.

A uydant y gayaf.

O dfifyn ys dygaf.

Anon kyt b e rytGogfin y gfirhyt.Gogfin pan dyu e iufi.


Gogfin pan dyleinfi.

Gogfin pan wese ryd.

Gogfm pr pesor

Yssyd y dan vor.

Gogfin e n he isso r

Pafib yny ose ord.

Pe t gygloyt yn dyd

P e t dyd ymb lfiydyn

Pe t paladyr ygkat.

Pe t dos ygkawat.

Atnfiyu y trannafit.

Gfiafit nfiy mefyl gogyfi‘


Aches gvyd gfiydyon.

Go gfin i nebafit

Ar pobyl pharaon.

Py dydfic rfiynnon

Baran aehfiysson.

Py ysc afil Odef

Pan drychafaffij t nef.

Pfiy nu fi'


Pe t byssed am pe irAm vn am nede ir

Pfiy e nfiy dene ir.

Pan yfidu pyscafit

Hyd pan yfimedyse

Pan yfidu troet alarehgfiy .

P edrydafie gfiaefi Ilyrn .

136 THE BOOK o r TALIsssIN.

Llfiyth nefnyt ystyg.

Py pedeir tywarehen.

Nj wys en gorh‘


Py voch nen py grfiydyr hyd.

Athgyfarehafvargat vard

Cfidynt den rayadyr gfiynt.

Trae thattor vygofe c .

Yn efre i yn efroe c

Yn efro e c yn efrei

Laudatu Landate J essn.

Bum ki bum hyd.

Bum ifirchymynyd

Bum kyfi‘

bum rafi

Bum bfieIl yn Ilafi.

Bum eb ill yggefe l

Blfiydyn ahanhe r.

Bum k e ilyafic b rithfiyn

Ar ie ir yn c idin .

Bum amfis ar re .

Mal ymae thafir.

Bum gronyn erkennis.

Eftyffiys ymryn

Ymrygiafir O lafi.

Am haruolles yar.

Grafrnd grib esc ar.

Go rfi'

owysse is nafino s


Bum c ledyfyn aghat.

Bum ysefiyt ygkat.

Yn dfifyr yn ewyn

Bum yspfig yn tan.

Gfieint mil mafire in.

Amafiyd o ed eanpen.

A chat e r dygnafit .

Dan von y tauafit .

A Chat araII yssydYn y wegilyd.


an dn gaflafi.

Cant ewin amafi.

Neidyr vreith gribafic .

Cant ene it trfiy b e chafit

Aboenir yny ehnafit

Bum ygkae r nefenhit.

Yt gryssynt we ll t agfiyd

Kenynt ge rdoryo n

Ge lwyssit ar ne ifou .

Ar grist O achfiysson.

Hyt pan y gfiare t te i

Y re n rfiy digonse i.

Nyt mi (cfny gan

Keint yr yn bychan.

Ke int ygkat goden brie .

Rae prydein wledic .

Gfieint veireh canhOIie .


As attebfiys dofyd

Rithfich riedafie wyd.

Kat arllafiannefie .

Pan sfiynhfiyt goden.

Y gobeith an goden.

Dygo ttorynt goden

Kfiydynt am ae ren.

Dyar garde i b un.

Gfiae t gfiyr byt an e lu n.

Ac vn a deryfi

A Christ y eroe cafi

A dyd b rafit rac Ilafi.

Gfiem b laen Ilin

A want g sse uin.

He lyc a eherdin.

Buant hfiyr yr vydin.

Eirinwyd yspin.

Anwhant O dynin .

Gfirthryehyat gfirthriu.

Ffuo nwyd e ithyt

Erbyn lln o gefiryt


Bedfiyr y vafir vryt.Bu hfiyr gfiiscyssit.

Nyt yr y lyfyrder

Namyn yr y vafired.

Omi gore n ardyrehed

Rae brou teymed.

Llfiyfyr y varanhed.Nyt oscoes tro e tned.Ri Iaddei a phe rned

Ac e ithafa diwed.

Gfiyros gfiyn ymTarfitrin teyrn byt.

Morafic a mo ryt .

Ffawyd Eynyessit .

Bu efy gfirhyt

Yspydat amnat

Go rtho ryssit ygat .

142 m BOOK or rALm snr.

Am c reu am e re at.

Om'fiyth o fi'


O fl'

rfiythdnfide chre u .

O vlafit gfiyd a godeu .

O prid O pr-idre t .

O vlafit danat

O dfifyr ton nafive t .

Am sfiynfiys i vatlL

O enrwys O ewron

O pymp pnmhfint k e luydo n .

Pan ymdygyaed.

Amsfiynfiys iwledic .

Am 8firms"; sywydon

Pan ve i genhyfy vot

Pan vei vein t byt

Hard bard bud an gnafit

Ar wafit y tu edafa trae tho tanafit .

Gfiaryeis yn Ilyehfir.

Kyse e is ym po rfl'

o r.

Gan dylan e il mo r.

Yn den wayfianehwant


O nefpan do e thant.

Yn annfifyn llife reint

firth urfiydrin dybydant

A gfieint yr en whantNyt ynt hyn nyt ynt ie n

NO mi yn en b e ren.

Aryal canhfir a geni pafib o

Oed genhyfinb eu .

Yge Iedyfbrith gfiae tBri am darwed

O donyd O gOIO IIe yd o ed.

O dofyt Ias haed.

Efgfirith efdatwrith.

Efgfirith ieitho ed.

LIachar y enfiIlafifi'

e r.

Ys c e inynt yn nfe l.

O dofyn nehe l.Burn ne idyr vre ithy mryn .

Bum gfiib e r yn Ilyn.

Bum se r gan gynbyn .

Bum bfiystne r hyn .

Vyg. eassul am kafic .

Armaafnyt yn drfie .

Pe twar vge int mfie

Ar pafib a dydfie

Pyrnp pemhfint aghe II

A ymtal am kylle l.Wheehmarchmelyn e ll.

Canwe ithyssydwe ll.

Vy marchme lyngan

Kyfre t a gfiylan .

Mihun nyt eban.

l 43


Kyfrfig mor a glan.

Nen gorfiyfgfiae tlan.

Rud em vyg kychfiy.

Ny ganet yn adfiy.

A nu ym gowy

O do len edryfiy.

Hir wynn vy myssafir.

Pell na bum heussafir.

h e igleis y myfin IIafirKyn bum IIe e nafir.

Treigleis kyIchyn e is

Kyse e is cant ynys.

Cant cae r a thrugys.Derwydon do e thnr.

Darogenfieh j arthur.Yssit yssyd gyn t

Neur mi e rgenhynt .

Ac vn ade ryfi

O ystyr dilyfi.

A Christ y c roc e afi.

A dyd b rafit rae llafi.

Eu re in yn euryll.

Mi hudfiyfb e rthyll

Ac fiydyfdrythyll

O e ryrne s fi'

e ryll.

MAB am ne TALIEse .

m . 13. K YFARCHAF ym re u

146 run BOOK OF rALmssIN.

A fido sti Cfid nyd

Nos yn arhos dj d.

A fidosti arwyd.P e t de iIen yssyd.

Py dryehefis mynyd

Kyn rewinyafie luyd.

Py gynhe il magfiyr

Dayar yn bresfiyl.Ene it pfiy gfiynafir

Pfiy gfie las efpfiy gfiyr.

Ryfedafyn llyfreu

Nas gfidant yn dib e n.

Bu sit pfiy y hadn enPfiy pryt y hae IOden .

Py parthpan din en

Ry wyn t a ryfl'


Pe ehadnr pe riglafit .

Ryfedafar wafit

Pan nu y gfiadafit.Py go ren medd dafit

O ved a b ragafit

Py go ryfiy ffafltAmfiyn dnfitrindafit

Pyr y trae thfin i traythafit

Py pe ris ke inhafie

Pan yfimo r redegafie .

Karr Ino r eithiafie .

Agb en se ilyafie

Ympop gfilat ys rannafie .

Agb en u ehan pe n

Ys lladan y le nn.

Fo l. 13. 11.


Vch nefnoe nen .

Aien ie u pop amse r.

Yssit a pryde re r

Or bressent haed

Pyr yn gfina u i byrhoedled.

Digafin Ilafiryded

Kywestfich a b ed

Ar gfir an gfinae th

Boe t efan dufian dnfich

Attafior r1i


:. vfidifl‘

e rth neffiy

Rae IlanfiIle t Ofrfiy.

Atre is dros vo rdfiy.

Py pren a vo mfiy ;

N0ge t daronfiy.

Nyt fiy am nodfiy

Am g lob balch neffiy.

Yasit rin yssyd ufiy

Gfiafir gfiyr go ronfiy.

Odit se gfiypfiy.


n oe t pan tyffiy.

Ffrfiytheu nfiy kymrfiy.

Kynan ae kafi’


Pryt pan wledychfiy.


148 THE ” OK OF Tm .

Ar pymhe t nyt gfiae th.

Ar pryde in aruae th.

Gfiraged a ui fl'

me th.

Ryfe rthfiy hime th

M ed a marchogae th.

Dedeuho dfiy re in .

Heyrn e u hade in.

Ar wyr yn cove in

Dydenho kynre in

0am tir rufe in.

Eu ke rd a gyge in

Eu gfiafit ayse e in.

Anan derfia dre in.

Ar ge rd yt gyge in .

Ki j tynnn.

March y rynnyafi.

Eidon y wan. hfichy tyt un.

Pymhe t IIfidyn gfiyn awnae thJ essu.

O wise adafy ymtran.

Gfiydne t eOe t ke in en syllu .

Hyt yt nuant a byt yt nu.

Pan wne l kymry kamnalhauKeir arallnro pfiy karounLleme is i 1am O lam eglfie .

Kefissit da nyr gahO drfie .

M egedorth run yssefa fie .

Rfig kae r rian a ehaer ryfie

Rfig dine idj n a dine idfie

150 ran BOOK o r rALIEssrx .

Kat yn ros te rra gan wafir.

Oed hyfist gfiragafin egurafin.

Yn de ehren yghenyat y ge irafir.

O rien O ryfe l ry difl'


Gfiyr a digafin godei gfiarthegafie .

Haeardur a hyfeid a gfiallafic

Ac owe in mon mae lg nig deuafit.

A wnafipe ithwyr go rweidafic .

Atnyd kalaned gfie in .

A b re in ar dispe rafit.

Ym pryde in yn c idin yn adeneafic .

Yn e rbyn yn yscfin gae nafic .

Ny wyl gfir ny we las gfiallafie .

GLASWAfir TALIEse xx rm. ArAL

Fo l 14 K ENNADEU am dodynt mo r yn t annonafic .

Dygafin ymlle tcynt meint vygkend afit .

Gnafit rfiyfyn he li be liwirafitGnafit yscfiyt ysc afin argefyn yseafiit

Gnafit gfiyth ag adfiyth O yspydafit

Gae r. a nafieant mae r mae r marfihafit.

Atvyd me i ar vene i c re i g fiogafit .

Atvyd mfiy ar gonfiy c re ithgfiynye ithgfinalmfit .

Adoe rlle ithdyrre ith anafibarafit.

O b eyrn e rchwym edyrn dyrnafit .

Tri dillyn diaehor droch dryrnluafic .

Te ir Ilyghes yn aches aryme s kj n b r afit .

Tri diwedyd kat am dri phriafit

(lfilat gfinahafit bat b e trafit .

THE BOOK or rALrEse . 151

Tri O pop tri. tri phe chafit

Ac e ryri vre varnhafit

Llu O seis. e il O ynt. trydyd dygnafit.

n yrnry yd e rhy gfiraged gfieddafit.

Rae baran kynan tan tardafit.

Brifihafit b re a b rfiyu .

Gfie IIt a the te i. ty tandafit .

Gfir gan ve rchy vrafit

O honawy tyfhafit

Cochkattyb rudawt .

Nachefyn derfina b rafit .

firth Iefc orn kadfir

Nafi c ant ynafyrdfil.

O b edrydant dygnafit .

Dygo re lwi Iesni O Iaswafit.Efre t firth a gafid ygendafit .


F0] . 15. a. m mm me rwe ryd,

M o lafit dufidofyd.

Llfirfikyfranc kywyd.

Kyfren dyfynwedyd.

Bard b ron sywedyd.

I’an atlefe ryd.

Awe n cfidechnyd.

Ar ve innyoe thve invd.

Re ird Ilafar Iluc de .


Ar ystrat ar ystre .

Nyt mi fiyfkerd vas.


Bath vadafil ides.

Dofyn e ig afin adaa

Pfiy am Iedwis kas.

Kamp ympop noe thas .

Pan yfidien gfiIith.

Allat gfienith.

A gfilit gfienyn .

Aglu t ac ysto r.

Ac e lyfi tra mo r.

Ac enr b ib en llefi.

A Ile n aryant gfiifi.

A rud em a grafin.

Ac ewyn e igyawn .

Py dyfrys fi’


Be rfir byry r dafin .

Py gyssyllt gfie rin

Bre c c i boned Ilyn .

Allfiyth ll oe r wehyn

Llcdyflloned ve rlyn .

A sywyon synhfiyr.

A sewyd am he r.

A gofrfiy gfied gfiyr .

Gfirthawe l awyr.

15 6 a w l! “

M a h al a—j i n n ;

Lou m am-5 1 m

Yas ir imi te ir kadair kyweir kysson .

Ac yt vrafit parabafit gan gerdoryon

Burn ygkat gode n gan Ile n agfiydyo n.

Vy arithfiys gfiyd e luyd ac elect ro n.

llnm y gan vran vn iwe rdon

Gfie le is pan Iadfiyt mo rdfiyt tyllon.

Kigle n gyfarfo t am ge rdo lyon .

A gfiydyl diefyl dife rogyo n .

O pe nre n file tli byt Inch re o n.

Kymry yn finvryt gfirhyt firyo n .

( lfire t « Iy gyrnry ygkyme lri.

Te ir ke nedyl gfiythlafin o iawn te ithi.


Gfiydyl ab rytho n sroman i.

A wnahon dyhed adynysc i.

Ac am te rnyn pryde in kein y threfi.

Keint rac te j rn ed u ehmed le stri.

n einj on de on im aedyrodi.

An dfiy pen sywe t k e t ryferthi.

Ys kyweir vyg kade ir ygkae r sidi.

Nys plafid neb b ein t a heneint a no yndi.

Ys gfiyr manafiyt aphryde ri.

Teir o ryan y am tan a gan re edi.

Ac am y banne u ffrydyeu gfieilgi

Ar fl‘

ynnhafin fi‘

rfiythlafin yssydd O dnchti.

Ys whegaeh no r gfiin gfiyn y Ilyn yudi.Agwedy ath iOIafo rnehafkj n gfie ryt


Fo l. 1 6 . b . M YTH awdyl eglnr.

Awen tra me ssnr.

Am gfir de u afidnr.

Ae fi‘

onsa ae fi’ur .

As reom re chtnr.

Ae l 'l rfiyfyadnr.

Ae rifysc rythnr.

Ae go ch go ehl e ssnr

Ae e rgyr droa nu r.

Ae kade ir gyme ssnr.

Ym pIithgo se o rd nnr.

Ne us du e O gafir nur.Me irchgfie lfigo strodu r.

Teyrnon hennr .

15 6 1 111 31w

Ar ge rd gyfaenst

Pfiy y tri chmwe isu t.

Pfiy y tri chvfarfiyd

A dafifirth awvd.

Ban ryd hyn hoywed.

Ban c orn k erde trfiyd.

Ban b ififirth e chfivd.

Bannach pan Iefe ir.

Ban pan doe th o pe ir.

Ogyrwe n awen t e ir.

Bum mynafic mynwe ir .

n o rn ym nede ir.

Ni gatwo vygge ir.

Kade ir gynifglae r.

Awen hnafidyl hae r.

Pfiy e nfiy te ir kae r.

Rfig lliant a llae r.

Nys gfiyr ny vo tae r

Eissylut en mae r.

l’cdc ir kae r yssyd.Yin pryde in powyssedltien ine r we ryd.


Fo l . I 7. 3.


B EN rymafiyr tithe u.

Ke rmifant om kareden.

Yn dewe int ym pyl ge inen.

Llewyehafit vy Ileufe reu .

Mynafic hoedyl minafic ap Ilen .

A weleis i j ms gj nhen.

Diwed yn Ilechned Ilen.

Bu gfird y hfird ygkadeu.

Anac dn vy mab inheu.

De twyd donyd rfiy go re n .

n yfamrysson k e rden.

Oed gfie ll y synhfiyr nor ve n.

Keduydafgfir a giglen.

Gfiydyon ap don dygynne rthe u .

A hndfiys gfireie a vloden .

A dydfie moch O dehen.

Kan bu idafidisgo reu

Drnt ymj t a gfiryt pletheu.

A rithfiys gorfiydafit

Y ar plagafit

Lys. ac enwe rys kyfrfiyPan varnhe r y kadeiren.

Arb enhic vdnn y ven.

Vygkade ir am pe ir am dednon.

Am are ith tryadyl gade ir g sson .

Rym ge lwir kyfrfiys yn Ilys don.

Mi ac enronfij ac enron .

Gfie le is ymlad tae r yn nant ffrangc ou .

Dnfisnl pryt pj lge int.Rfig fiythe int a gfiydyon .

Dyfieu yn gengant yd ae thant vo n .

THE BOOK o r rALrEse . 150

Y ge issafiyse ut a hndo lyon .

Aran ro t drem c lo t tra gfiafir hinon .

Mfiyhafgfiarth y marth O parth b rython .

Dyb rys am ylys efnys afo n .

Afon ae hechrys gfirys gfirth te rra

Gfienfiyn y ehynbyt kylchbyt eda.

Nyt fiy dywe it gen llyfren beda.

Kade ir ge twided yssyd yrna.

A byt vrafit parafit yn enropa

An ro thfiy y trindafit .




. CCC. ArAL.

Fo l. 17. b. ’ ECHYM IC pfiy yfi.

Creadt kyn dilyfi.

Creadnr kadaru

Heb gie heb ascfim .

Heb fiythen heb wae t .

Heb pen ahe b trae t.

Ny hyd hyn ny hyd ie u .

N0ge t y deehre n.

Ny dafios Oden

Yr Ofyn nae aghen.

Ny dic e s e issenGan greadurye n.

Mafir Dnfimo r wynne uBan dafiO deehren .

Mafir y ve rth idenY gfir as go ren.

Efymaes efygkoe t

Heb lafia heb tro e t.


Efar vor efar tir

Efar tir efar vo r

Efyn die issor.

EfO pedeiro r

Ni hyd firth gygho rEfkychwvn ago r

EfIlafar efmu t.

Efyn anuynnt.

Efyn fird efyn drnt.

Pan tremyn trostu t.

Efmut efIlafar.

Mfiyhafy vanyarAr fiyneb dayar.

Efyn da efyn drfie .

Efyn aneglfic .

Efyn anamlfic

Kanys gfiyl go lfic .

m m

Fl t -5 m m

K n?

HWEDYI. am slawo galehuvnr d.

l k w -i r le u dwuhi r vedr d.

Il afin rfi v vsam hr m gynnyd

Kat g ormez t ra t rachwre s brn .

Odit O gymry ae llafam

Dyfe t dy gynehe t bifimab idn u

Ac n j llefessit ne b n_v do .

Yr taln can mu vrc f51 1 HO.

Go le ithdv vsearant amgan t dv rm.

Mal tan tfiym tarthyn yt vo .

l’an gy rch assam u i trfivde t ar t ir gfiydn o .

le dke le in ve inwe n rfig grayan a gro .

l’an ymchoe le s e chfiyd O gludfiys vro .

Nyt cfreffiys buchfirth 5' 110.


Goy farchvaho n O arall vro

Kat. pan amne owe in b ifiy vro .

Kat yn ryt alc lnt. kat ynygwe n .

Kat yg gossulfiyt abann udun .

Kat rae rodawys e irfiyn dryc li.

Gfiaywafir a dn a IIeulIe nyn .

Kat tnman Ilaehar de rlyfide rlin .

Yscfiydafir yn Ilafigarthan yggryn .

A welei vahon ar ranwen re idafil.

Rae b ifirege t y kymyseyn .

Ony be i ac adaned yd ehe ttyn .

Rae mabon heb galaned vy nyt eyn .

O gyfarfo t diseyn a chychwyn kat.

Gfilat vabon gfiehenyt ano le ithat.

Ban disgynnfiys owe in rac b ifiy tat .

Tardei galeh aehfiyr ac yspydat .

Nyt ysc afae l j neb dfiyn b ifimo e l.

Kyt e s c lfich rae gfij r re in radj o u .

Rae pedrydan dande

Rae gfiyar ar gnafit .

Rae afar ystaenafit.

Kychwedyl am dodyfi

O lentired dehen .

Trae th rieu go leu hae lo n .

Nythy ogyfe irch O chwynog'

o n.

Am ryt o r am gfie rn y gatuno u .

Ban be rit kat ri rfiyfdragon.

Billt na owill t b ifirac mabon .

O gyfaruo t gfirgun.

Bn kalan ed ned re i j n r un .

Bu Ilewenyd dybyd y vre in.

Ban ymadrafid gfiyr gfiedy nnehie n

Kat. nyt efdieghis yscfiyt owe in.


1 64 t rn BOOK o r t n m an .

Ni re e i wu the e he b fivne b rud.

Rudyou be ude r bifia mafir y n t .

Ac ar fymb gfrn yd yr a-h

M eindydwydynt OW 51 1 mm 8018 '

Yr e chfiys go rere fe in bud os tat .


r NED. m um.

m . 19 . b. Q OLYCHAF wledic pendiuic pop we .

Gfir agynhe il ynefarglfiyd po p "it

Gfir a wnae thy dfifyr j bafib yn da

Gfir a wnae thpop llat ac ae llfiyda

M edhet mae lgfin mon ac an medwa.

As vedgom ewyn gfie rlyn gfiymha.

As kynnn ll gfienyn ac nj s mfiynha.

M ed hidle it mo le it mo lu t j pop tra

Lleafis c readnr a vac te rra.

A wnae th dufij dyn yr j donha.

Re i drut re imut efac mfiynha.

Ile i gfiyIIt re i dofdonyd ac gfina

Yn diIIig vdnnt yn dillat yda.

Yn nfiyt yn diafit byt vrafit yt parhaGo lyehafiwledic pendefie gfilat b ed

Y dillfig e lphin O alltnted.

1 6 6 ru e BOOK o r TALIESS IN.

Dufi e tuyn t ynof.

Yd vyd yn y vodLlaryafyfi trindafit .

Gorfiythmedfimedfihafit .

O vynnt pyscafit

O me int y godrefLGrayan mo r he liKyn trae th re ne rthi.

Grayan mo r he li

Y dan tywafit .Am knd y ar te ithiafie .

M i hnn am gfiarafit .

Ny digonir nebafit .

He b gyfo e th v t-rindafit .

mElTHI e tmygant .

Yn tryfiin garan t

Gallafic gallfigyd. anchwan t

Sybfill symadnant.

Ban e r dife l tane .

Neu no s efit dvnvd.

“yny VO eginyn

Efae tafid we ith arall.

Hyny vo yn vall .Dre nhafic dydernyd.

Dysgofac yr e luyd.

Go lche ttafir j lestri.

Bit groyfiy vre c e i.A phan vo anawe ll

Dydyec afi’

r o ge ll

Dydyc cafir rae r ie u .

Yk e in gyfede u .

Nys gfirthryn pop de n .


Kwd dirge l rac dj d.

A fiyr ke rd ge lnyd.

Py ge l kallonyd.

Am dj ro amde .

Or parth pan dfiyre .

Py dydnc Ilyfigayaf.

Py gyt deehre n l le .

Yn dewis e chiafic .

a s. fi'

ons fi‘

odiafic .

Efduhun hnnafic .

Efgo bryn karafic .

Kymry kae rnedafie .

Y tat garadafic .

Dear meneiuo n.

Dear mynafic mo n .

Mafir e rch anndon .

Gfienhfiys gfiallthirj o n .

Am gae r fiyrago n .

Pfiy a tal y k e in o n .

Ae mae lgfin 0vo n .

As dyfyd O ae ro n .

Ae c o e l ae kauafio n .

Ai gfirwedfias ve ib o n .

Nyt anchward y alo n .

O ynyr fiyst lo n .

Efkyrchke rdo ryo n .

Se sybe rfi se o n .

Ne nr die rue rs 1 rin .

Ymo rde i vifin .

Ymo rhred gododin .

Y s c e iru rith kyfre nhin .

Bran bo re dewin .

fiyfke rde nhin he n .

fir fkvfre u lawe n .


Va l. 2“ l o

rm; D il l ru m

Kat vn harm ‘ s

a r ae b rir r a

Gle asvn t a cyll gfiafir.

Esc o rvn t vy waywafir.

Trvchant kalan hyman c lo tuafir.

a r ar tir yn wir c o chafir.

H KCHAF y we n y dnfiplfiyfe sc o ri.

Fe rc he n nefallafir pfiyll uafir wofri.

Adufiyn gae r yssyd ar glafir gfie ilgi.

Bit Iawen ygkalan e iryan yri.

Ac amse r pan wna mo r mafir firhydri.

Ys gnafit go rnn he ird u ehmed lestri.

Dydybyd gfiane c ar vrys dyb rys idi.

Adafihfiynt y we rlas o glas fliehti.

Ac am bfiyfO defis droa vygwedi.

l’an gattfiyfamo t kymo t athi.

Adnfiyn gae r yssyd ar Ilydan Ilyn.

Dinas diaeho r mo r ac chylc liyn.

Gogyfarch ty pryde in kfid gyge in hyn .

Blaen Ilyn ap e rb in ho e t ten voyu .


Go chafin y medu t y mo lu t gofre in .

Aduffiyn aren ho r esc o r gynfrein .

Gode i gfirych dymb i hir j hade in.

Dychyreh bar karree c re e mor edne in .

Llit ymyfin tyghe t treidet trath amein.

A b le idnt go rllfiy'

t go ren afl‘

e in .

Dimpyn e r O dnch Ilat pfiy Ilad c ofe iu .

Bendith c u lfiyd nefgyt lefafe in.

Amyn gfine l yn vrowyr gorfiyr owe in .

Adnfiyn gae r yssyd ar Ian lliant.

Adnfiyn yt rodir y pafib j chwant .

Gogyfarch ti vyn e t bo e t te n nfiyant.

Gfiaywafir ryn re in a de rllyssant.

Dnfimerchyr gfie lj s wyr ygkyfnofant .

Dyfien bu gfiarthen a amngant .

Ac yd oed vrige r c och ac och ardant

Oed Iludned vyn ed dyd y doe thant

Ac am gefyn lle chvae lfiy kylchfiy vriwan t .

Cfiydyn ygan gefyn lln O gamu t .



a FREI e tnyl ar ve ib israe l

Ve b e l ennryt .

Kyt rifdilyn

Rydyn e sseyn .

Ilygadfiys dnfidial

Ar plfiyfphare onns.

De c pla po e n iKyn e n bo di .Ymo r afl


fiy s.

Kyssefinpla pysc afit (lifa.

Dignafit annfivt .


Eilpla llyfl'

e in t IIno ssafic .

Llefissynt fl'

ro no ed.

Pe twar ic cwr

Cur am ystyr edynogyo n .

Pymhe t bfiystno n .

Ar hOII vib non

Egiption .

Be lsit mile t

O trfim alle t

De rito lyon .

Chwe che t he b e n .

Chwyssic c rugen

Cre itheu mo ryo n .

Se ithn e t taryan

Kynllysc athan

A glafikynfiyt .

Gfiyn t go rdibe rth.

Ar de il a gfiyd.

fiythu e t Ilo sone .

Llydan en e lnst .

Blode n kyfys.

Nafiue t arnthvr

Dinedlafic vthvr

Doniafic nofns .

Du tywyllfic

Dre rn anc glfie




De e veinyoe th

Mfiyhafgfiynye ith

Ar plfiyfkynre in.

Crist ie ssu Christ iomHu t ynt c lydfir.

Chwe chant milfir

Mile t efre i.



GAav . M. BROCH.

a n. 2-

1 . a. K YNAN kat difl‘

re t

Amarllofe is k e t .

Kanyt gen gofyge t .

Gfirthe lgfin trefbre t.

Kant go rfiyd kyfre t

Aryant e n tnde t.

Cant IIeng ehoe c

0VB ovaen gyfi'

re t.

Cant arme ll ym arfi'

e t

A phympfint c athe t.Cledyfgfie in karre c

Dymge ll gfie ll hone b .

Cant kynan kafi'


Kas anwe le t

Kate llig ystre t .

Kat anysc oge t.

Kat ar fiy kyrche t.

Gfiaywafir eb rife t.

Gfienhfiys alade t.

A Iafyn gfiyarlc t .Kat y mon mafir t

174 THE M OF TM .

Di' lrfivthdufi ke in m arflet meir v he im fit.

Kyut gfiiryoned kyflafin rihed kynne lfiO homfit.

Gfiyeil iw e dy pobyl iude . dyehyfae rafit .

Hu ge lwir Ile n 0 Inch aleho yr e n pechafit .

Deheu re en mynyd adien mfiyn kyfundafit.

Yn ran e luy d yn temhy l se lyfse il O gyflrafit.

Gofun et gfias c o lofyn dias fi'

est filemyehafit.

Paradfiys drfia b nge il defis dnnn gfiledvchafit .

Neu rygigle u gan pro flfivde u Ile e nafie .

Ge n i iessu a rydarfu. byt y unched.

A ne i nnched y pop ried bfiyt parafit.

Kyn pe rissit b e imi prytfin pe rifilafit .

Ry due e lae r nyt~ dayar a yspe idafit.

Ar vo r difi'

fiys pan disgynnfiys dy amgyfi'


Gfilat priodafir nys due mfiynuafir b e i im OhO honafit .

M e int dy gode t bo e t imdy rat. gfiye il iesseArat ie ssu Ilathyr y b loden.

Mafir gfiyrthyn y vryt O dnfido nyen.

Efo ed ygnat. ygnat oed ef. dewin dib en.

Gfir y c u ssyl i pop vfyd rac gen.

Efyssyd gafae l c layar n ife r to en.

Cnn ll e ithy Inyd dehen .

Y mal b j defiin c1t 0In llone it.

Hnbyd y gfirthvn mab me ir mo li re e n .

Huarwas gfias O dnfi tre idas pe t wyr pe t gfiiryo u .

Dy rae afac l kyfo e t c o e t kyfiafin .

Lledyssit ge in O arfi'

e t ie ssa.

11nd ny popon mo ch y dysc atO rodi rat re x me ihou.

Newyd anafinj mafir glywant dynyado n .

Gnir y rat gfias po rthyant he b fir adon .

Dygfie rthydyd pop vchis rac de rwydo n.

Nudris nj widyn llarychwe l gfie le t mabo n .

Dydugan t thus ac enr de lus O e thiopia.

Fo l. 23. a.

THE BOOK o r TALrEssIN. 1 75

O dnfigo rde n a dufi re e n re x mene ifo n .

B e ro t gystic nj bu go die . y ge lendo n .

Dy poe nedic gfiallat penes pe rehen me ihou .

Pan ae th dofyd pe rth pan dillydNiIns habed rydnc b e ro t. annfiyt gayafafil.

Kyfiafin vouhed. ygkae r nazared

Nyt ae thpene s pe rehen anafi.

Byt adeb ryat hn bfiyfj th rat tu t go rc ho rdeo n .

Gen i do nyd dydnc pe rehe n IIeg egylyo n .


WORRIT anuyndafil

Tuth iafil dan ysc afil.Efio leu O du ch Ilafir

Tan tanhfiyt in gfiafir

Uch awe l uehe l

Uch no phop nyfe l.

Mafir y anyfe l.

Nj thric y gofe l

No ne ithafir Ilyr.

Llyr llfiybyr y tebyr

Dy var ygkynebyr

Gfiafir gfien gfirthnehyr .

firthwafir firthwrys

firth pop heu e lis.firthhe ue lis nfiython

firth pedyr aiso u .

Ardfiyre afi a varn gfirys

Kadaru trydar dfifyn y gas .

Nyt mi gfir Ilfifyr llfiyt

Crfiybyr firth c Ifiyt.

Hu t vyn den garant.

Den dich uar dichwant

Om IIafiyth Iafidyt dfiy dim.

176 THE M K OF u um .

A msrchgene thafic.

A marc hh n dafie .

A march talies sin.


A phebvr Ilei llfiynin.

A gre imarc h c unin .

A wyd awydafic .

Du moreod e nwafic .

March b rfiyn b ro bradafic .

Ar tri earn aflafic .

Carn uvuru amafi.

Go rfiyd ll emenic .

March ryde rch rydie .

Llfiyt Ilifi e ll e ie .

A Ilamre i Ilafin e lwie .


roennoll gfiyrenhic

March sadyrnin.

A march c nstenhin.

Ac e re ill yn tr in

Rae tir all gfiin.

Henwyn mat dydnc .

Kychwedyl Ohiradne .


Gfilat pe rs a mere a gfilat y kanna.

Ac ynyssed ple th a phletheppa.

A chifidafit bab ilon ac agase ia

Mafir a gfilat galldarus bychan y da.

Hyt yd ymduc y tir tywarch yna

Ac yt wnahont en b ryt firth en he lya

Y wedant gfiystlon y enropa.

Ac anre ithafigfiladoed gfiyssy oed terra

Gfiythyr gfie nyn t wraged go rdynt yma

Bron lose edigyon gfiyled gfiastra.

O gaden afor pan atrode t

Digonyn t b re in gfin e in t pen b rithr e t

Y milwyr mage idafin pan attrode t.

Ne u wlat ythweisson ti pan difi‘

yde t .

Ny hyd yth e sc o t esc or llnde t.

Rae gofal yr hnal se ag ale t

M il cant t inllu a nu varfirac syche t.

Eu gen gogfiillen ar en mile t.

As gfienfiynfiys y was kyn noe trefre t .

Kyn no hyn b e i gfie ll digone t.

Ym harglfiyd gfilatlfiyd gfilat gogone t

Vn wlat ior oro r go ren ystlyned.

Diwyc efiyfdigo nfiyfpoe t genhyt ty gyfi'

re t .

Ar safil am c lyfipoe t men en hune t.

Digonfiynt fiy vod dufikyn gfiise tytwe t.


Fo l 24 b fi R c lafir e luyd y gystedlyd ny ryane t .

Te ir person dufi. vn mab adfiyn te rfij n trine t.

Mab yr dfiydit. mab yr dyndit. vn mab ryned.

Mab dnfidinas.mab gfie n me irgfias mat gfias gfie le t

Mafir y o rden. mafir dufi re e n ran gogone t.

O hil ade ac ab rahe yn ryane t .

O hil dofyd degyn dfifynwedyd lln ryane t .

Fo l. 24. b .


Dj duc O eir deill abyde ir O pop ae le t.

PObyI ginhiafic . go c e gamwedafic salfiamnj ned.

Rydrychafom e rbyn trindafit gfiedy gfiare t .

Croe s c rist yn glae r. Ilnry c Ilaehar rac pop ae ls t .

pop annafis po e t yn dilis dinas diffre t.


mYFEDAF na chiafir

Adefnefy lafir

O dyfot rfiyfgafir

Alexande r mafir.

Alexande r magidafir.

Hefiys hayamdafin

Cledyfal anwogafin .

Ae thdan e igj afin .

Dan e igafin e ithyd

Y ge isiafik e luydyt .

A ge isso k e luydytBit O iewin y vryt

Eithyd Odnchgfiynt .

Rfig de n grifi'

t ar hynt

Y we le t dremynt

Dremynt awe les

Pressent nj chyme s.

Gfieles ryfedafit .

Go rll in gan pyscafit

A eidunfiys y ny vryt .

A gafas o r byt .

A henyt oe diwedGan dufi trngared.


ro t fi n dnfime idat dnfidofydat

Mafir e nwe rys pan yra nodeist i trfiy to nyar.



Torno ed mo e ssen gfiledic re en gfiae en b e scar.

Ys arganfu perifae ln reglyt y par.

Ac y vorafie a orngost newyd y par.

Ne nr dinenfiy trfiy ryferthfiy a nafid adar.

Adryeheifhenl byt go llewe in y bn dayar.

Ti 9. nodyd a rygeryd O pop karchar.Namyn toruo ed te ryd eu gafir trfim en clear.

A nafid ninheu rae adfiyden nfi'

em anwar.

Ad dnfime idat dnfidofydat dewin trngar.

Ys ten tiwlat n ef. ys firth tagnefit y kerj .

Nyt o e s Inde t nae e issywe t ythwlat dofyd.

Nj phe rir n eb ny hyd e scar neb j figilyd.

Mi awj dj on b eis deallfin rac kewilyd.

Karn Ohonafit y Ian trindafit O neb k e luyd

Be ird aehgogan fiynt acharan yn trag wyd.

Nj bu agfiae l y rodeist israel. yn llafidanyd

Alexander k efi'

e i Ilafie r nifer y wyr .

Nyt efherthas onj chafas dy ge renhyd.

As vj dinoed ae vafir gaden ae gamlnyd.

Pan doethant yr dayar busut dear en dihenyd.

Se lyfygnat a gennis gfilat. bu gfieIl noc yd.

Mab teyrnon. bn gnafit b erthon os gywe ithyd.

Iago feibon a nu ve rthon ar eu he lnyd

A dygymnant arannyssant trfiy e ir dofyd

Anel wirj on a nu Ifiydon a gymyrthfi’


Y vrafit kaim bn diwe rin drfic y gussyl.Aser a soyfiyn awyr loyfien kyweithyd.

Se ren age l a dfiyn nife r rac en milwyr.

A Ilathvoessen efas to ruoed e r en he lnyd.

Rndeehdalen vd eilladem vd c i genhyrn

Llafar amnt a doe th a drat as diwygyd.

Gfiledic cfid vn cfid dirpe ryan dihenyd.

Molafinheu pressfiyl toruoed adefmenwj t.

M o laf inheu adafit gore n goreilenfibyt


Tri llone it prytwe n yd ae tham ui ar vo r.

Ni Ob rynafi Iawyr Ilen IlywyadnrTra chae r wydyr ny we lsyn t firhyt arthu r.

Tri vge in t c anhfir a se ui ar y mur.

Oed anhafid ymadrafid ae gwylyadnr.

Tri llone it prytwen yd ae thgan arthNamyn se ith ny dyrre ith O gae r go lnd.

Ny Ob rynafy Iawyr Ilaes e n lrylchfiy.

Ny fidant fiy py dyd pe ridyd pfiy.

Py afir y me indyd y gane t cfiy.

Pfiy gfinae th ar nyt ae thdo len deffiy.

Ny fidant fiy yr ych b rych b ras y penrfiy.

Se ith vge in kygfing yny aerfiy.

A phan ae tham ui gan arthir anyrdOI goffiy.

Namyn se ith ny dyrre ith O gae r vandfiy.

Ny Ob rynafy lawyr Ilae s en gob en.

Ny fidant py dyd pe ridj d pen

Py afir y me indyd y gane t pe rehenPy vil a gatwant aryant y penPan ae tham ui gan arthur afyrdfil y nhe n .

Namyn se ith ny dyr re ith a gaer ochren.

Myn eichdyehnnt val cnnin c o r.

O gyfranc udyd se gfiidan ho r.

Ac vn hyn t gfiynt s e vn dfifyr mo r.

As vn nfe l tan tfirfifdiaeho r.

Myneychdyehnnt val b le idafir.

O gyfranc udyd se gfiydyanhafir

Ny fidant pan yscar dewe int a gfiafir.

Nen fiynt pfiy hyn t pfiy y rynnafid.

Py va dina py tir a plafid.

Be t sant yn dinant a b e t allafir.

Go lyehafy wledic pendefic mafir.Na bfiyftrist c rist am gfiadafil.

Fo l. 26 . I).



fl afiYRE gfiyr katrae thgan dyd.

Amwledic gfie ith nudie gfiarthegyd

Vryen hfin anwafit e inenyd.

Kyfedeily teym ed ae gefyn

Ryfe lgar. rfiysc e nwir rfiyfb edyd

Gfiyr prj de in adfiythe in yn llnyd.

Gfien ystrat ystadyl kat kynygyd.

Ny node s na mae s na choedyd

Tu t schlee dyormes pan dynyd.

Mal tonnafir te st en gafir dros e luyd.

Gfie lais wyr gfiychyr yn llnyd.

A gfiedj b oregat b rifigic .

Gwe le is i tfirfifte irfiin traghedic .

Gfiaed gohoyfigofaran goehlywid.

Yn amfiyn gfien ystrat y gfie lit

Gofnr hag agfiyr Ilafir llndedic .

Yn drfis ryt gfie le is j wyr Ile trudj on.

Eiryfdillfig y rac b Iafiyr gofedon.

Yuyu t tane gan ae thant go lludyon

Llafiygc ro e s gryt y are garanwynyonKyfedfiynt y gynrein kyfiyn don

Gfiane cafir go llychyn t rafin en kafi'

on .

Gfie le is iwyr go spe ithic gospylat

A gfiyar a nagle i ar dillat.

A dulliafidiafiym dfiys firth katKat gfio rtho ny bnfi


o pan pfiyllatt

Glyfirege t renedafi pan u e idat.

Gfie le is i ran reodic am vryen

Pan amfiythae alon yn lle chwe n

Galystem. y fiythe int o ed IlafynAe ssafir gfiyr gob orthit firth agb en

Awyd kat a diffo eu rwvn .


184 THE BOOK OF 11 m m.

Ac yny vallfiyfy he n

Ym dygyn agb en aghen .

Na mo lfiyfi vrven.

m . 27. a W H EN yr e chfiyd.

Hae lafdyn bedyd.

Lliafis a rodyd

Y dynyon e luyd.

Mal y kynnnllyd

Yt we sc e ryd

Llawe n baird bedyd

Tra vO dy nnchyd

Ys mfiy Ilewenyd

Gan c lo tnan c lo tryd.


s mfiy gogonyant

Vo t vryen as plan t .

Ac efyn arb e nnic

Yn o rnche l wledic .

Yn dinas pe llenn ic .

Yn ke imyat kyn te ic

Lloegrfiys ae gfiyda nt

Pan yma drodant .

Aghe n a gafissan t .

A mynyehgodyant .Llosc i e n t refre t

Adfiyn en tude t

Ac ennfinc c o lle t

A mafir aghyfl'

re t

He b gafl'

e l gfiare t .

Rae vrye n rege t .

llege t difl'

re idyat

Clo t io r ag or gfilat

186 THE BOOK or TALrEssIN.

M e nedfiys med

Y omOIed

A chein tired

Imi yn ryfed.

Aryfed mafir

Ac car so afir.

Ac afir ac he t

Achyfrine t


A rOdi ehwant.

Chwant os rOdi

Byt yn gengant

Rie n ygnisRae Ofyn dyb ri

Annogyat kat


re idyat gfilat

l at difi'

re idyat.

Kat aunogyat

Gnafit am danat


Ae yne t cfirfif.

Kfirfifo s j fe t

A ehe in trefre t

Fo l. 28. a.


A che in tnde t

Llfiyfenyd van

Ac e irch achlan

Mafir a bychan

Taliessin gan

Tidi se didanYs tidi goren

Or a giglen

Y fird Iide n.

M o lafinheu

Ac yny vallfiyfhen

Ym dygyn aghen agb e n.

Ni bydifym dirwenNa mo lfiyfvrye n

fl R vn b lyned

Gfiin a mall a med

Ac eilewyd goro t.

A he it am ve re n

As pen fi'


Ac te e gfiydna en

Ei pafib os wyt

Dyfynt ymplymnfiyt

Ae vareh y danafiYg goden gfieithmynafi.

A chwane c anafi

Bud am Ii am lafi.

fiythvge in vn Ilifi



O IOi a b ifi.

Bifib lith ac yehe n

A phop ke in agen

Ny bydfin Iawe n

B ei Ileas vryen .

Ys c u kyn e ithyd

Ye is kygryn kyemA b rige r me n Olche t

Ac e lo r y dyge t

A gran gfiy ar lle t

Am wae t gfiyr gonode t.

A gfir bfirr bythic .

A ne iwedfiy wre ic

Am ys gfiin ffe le ic

Am ys gfiiu mynye gyltfin .

Am so rth am po rth am pen

Ky n na phar kyffiyre in.

Kymaran tanafi

Gfias y drfis gfiarandafiPy trfist ae dayar a grynAe mo r a dngyn

Dy gfiyuyc ychyngar firthyOssit vchymryn

Nent vrye n se grynOssit u ehy mpa ntNent vrye n ae gfiaut .

Ossit vchy mynydNe nd vrye n a o r uyd.

Osait vchyn rifi

Neu t vryen ae b rifi.

Ossit vchygc lafid

Ne ut vrve u a b lafid.

Vch nynt vch as

Vchympo p kanms .


Fo l. 29 . a.

A gfie rin a grj sfiys gan e inewvd.

Arinafy b lfiydyn nat fiy kynnvd.

Ac yny m llfifl y he n

Ym dygyn agheu aghe n.

Ny bydifym dyrwe n

Na mo lfiyfvrve n.


Neu ti rygoste is kyn bfiyfte n.

Gnissyn t kat Iafnafir a chat ve re n.

Gnissyn t wyr j dan kylchfiyafir. lle e n

Nys gyrr neges y ge issato n

O dre ic dylafiadafido ethafido n

Yn y doeth vlphyn treis ar y alonHyny do e th vryen yn edyd yn ae ron.

Ny bu kyfergyryat ny bu gynnfiys.

Talgymfib vryen y rac powysNy bu hyfrfit b rfit e chen gyrrfiysHyneid a gododin a Ilen towys.Defir yn emnyned a the ithgfiydnfiys

Dinenyl dydfiyn ygfiae t gfiyde n

A we les llfiyu enyd. vdyd kygryn

Yn e idoed kyhoed yn e il mehyn

Kat yn ryt alc lnt kat ym ynne r .

Kat ge llafir brefiyn kat hireurnr.

Kat ym pryse kat len kat yn abe rio ed

TEE BOOK or TALIEse . 191

Y dygyfranc a dur brene r mafirKat glu tnein gfie ith pen c o e t

Llfiyth Ilithyafic c un ar o rmant gfiae t .

Atne ilafigfiyn gou chyr kyt mynan

Eigyl edj l gfirthryt.

Lle trnd a gyfrane ac vIphyn ryt

Gfie ll ganhe r gfiledic pyr y gane t y vd.

P ryde in pen perehen b ro estlafin y vd.

Nyt ymdu c dillat na glas na gafir

Na choch nae ehoe c vyc mo r Ilafir.

Nyt ardode s y vordfiyt dro s vae l mae lafir

Ve ireh O genedyl vrychmo r gre idiafil.

Hafj dan ayafac arafyn Ilafi.

A ryt a ro twyd en harfiylafi.

A gfiest y dan ge ird ac ymdfiyrafi.

Ac hyt o rfi'

en byt edry'wyt kafi.

Gofydin goyscnb . dyhafil am de lfi

Dilefir am Ienne ren. nen vi e rthyche is

Yn e is rae hfiyd pe le idyr ar yscfiyd.

Yscfiyt yn Ilafigode n a rege t yn ymdullyafi.

Nen vi a we leis fir yn bnarthafi.Sarfi

soned vire in segidyd Iafir.

Nen vi gogfin ryfe l yd argo llafir.

Ar me int a go llfiyfy argo llafir.

Neu vi nen ym go rfiythmedu medly n

Gan hyfe id hyfir hyfist dilyn

Nen vi nen yse e uhede is kyscafit gfie ithenDithrychfiys vy rieu raden Iawen

Gfiasea gfilat da. firth urnfiyn

Ac yny vallfiyfy he nYm dygyn agb e n aghen .

Ny bydifym dirwen

Na mo lfiyfvrye n.




Fo l. 29. b. a G gfirhyt gogyfe irc hyntrafi‘


Gfiae tfiyfawe llfiyfynk e rth

Wir. gfie leis i rac neb nym gfieles

Pop annfiyl. efdiwyl y n ege s.

Gfie le is i pase am Ie u am lys.

Gfie leis i de il O dy fyn adowys

Gfie le is i ke ig kyhafal y b loden.

N enr we le is vd hae lhafy dedne n.

Gfie le is i Iyfikatrae th t ra maen

Bit vy nar nfiyhachar kymryen

Gfie rthvy nat mafir nyd y and y raden

P en mae n milwyr amde .

Pre id Ij dan pren onhyt yfivy awen gfi

Y sefiydafir y me glyfigloyfiglasgfien

Glefiryhafit glefihafvn yfivryen .

Nym go rse ifgfiarthegyd. go rdear

Go ryafic go rlassafic go rlassar goriag a go rdfivre .

Pop re i sag dilefidu me rwyd y mo rde iVd tra b lafid yn yd e lo thvod.

Vared me lynafir yn nena d

Maranhedafic . difl‘

re idafic yn ae ro n .

Mafir y wyn y anyan t . ac e ilon

Mafir dyfal ial am y al o n .

M afir gfirne thystlyned j vrytho n.

Mal ro t tanhfiydin dro s e luyd

Mal to n te ithiafic Ilfiyfe nyd.

M al hathyl kyflifigfien a gfie ithe n .

Val mo r mfiy nnafir yfivryen .

Vn y egin e changryt gfiafir.

Vn yfirieu rfiyfyadnr a dyafir.

Vn yfimaon me irchmfithmiledafir.


Kaletachyr arte ithhae l byut .

To ryfpre ssennafil t ra phrj de in

Tra phryde r rygohoyfirylyc e rafir

Rylyc c rer. rytharnafir ryb amafir.

Ryhe rn pafib y gfir banhe r

As ninat yn ygnat ac e Ine t .

Nyr y gfir dilafiy dae re t

Gfias gre it a gfirhyt go trae t

Er eichafic gfiallafic yn llywe t.

Hfiyrwedafic gfiallafic artebe t.Ny Otyn y neb awne c li nd

Neut ym vd nae nent ychdarwe rthe r

Tefined yn diwed haf.

Nys kynnyd namyn chwe eb .

Chwe chaeh it gynan O hynnyd

Chwedlafic trfiydedafie trae thdyd.

Tem ed y gfined nfiys med mat

Teb ie henl hafhne nyd soned gan mfiyhaf

Kenhafgan doe th y gan lln e ilassaf

Bint bydi dc rwyt b ryt hafpryt mab

Lle enafic Iliafic . hamgfirfil gfinn

Gfiafil. gfinn gfires. tarthgfires gwres tarth

Tragynnis yd eghis heb warth.

Cleda c ledifa e ledifareh.

Nyt amesent y gafiy kj wlatTyllynt tal yscfiydafir rac talen y ve ireh.

O marc h trfist moryal. rith ear riallu

Gfiynafie ri gfiystIant gfieiryd go lndafie

O gaer glut byt gae r garadafic .

Ystadyl tir penprys a gfiallafic

Teymed tefirn tagfiedafic .

Fo l. 81 . 11 .

THE BOOK or TALrassIN. 195

Vryen nym gomed.

Ragot yt gfiynir ys dyo leith

196 THE BOOK o r TALm BIN.

Kyt efmynassfin

Gfieyhe ln henfin.

Nyt oed we ll a gerfin

Kyn ysgfiybydfin

Y me int a gafi‘


Namyn y dnfivchaf

Nys dioferail

Dy te yrn veib on

6y kanan en hyscyrron

Ac yn y vallfiyfi hen

Ym dygyn aghen agb en

Ny bydafym dirwen

Na mo lfiyfi vrye n .

MAafiNAT a r .

r e l. 31 . a. Y MCHOELES e luyd

Val nos yn dyd.

O dyfo t c lo tryd


pen bedyd


a dywede i.Agb en nas rine i.

Yscfiydafir y morde iArnafia torrei.

ErcfilfsywessydErmin Ilo e rgegyd.

Pede ir cOlOfyn kyhyt

Rndenr ar en hyt

COlOfnen e rcfilf

Nys arne id bygfil.

w Co nnor. 1 . Dam .

Fo l. 31 h

A oed voy y drwc nys nfi r gic le u

Mab dayry dalei lyfi ar vm dehe u

Dathyl oed y glot kyn m e adm u.

Dy fiynhafin lydan de lleinfino nne u .

Dy fl'

ynhawn Ij dan dylle infidyllyr.

Gfir a were scyn mafir y vuranre a

A wedy mynafimynet t refyd.

Tra nu nndnge re b ore dugrafir.

Chwedleu am gfiydir owir hytlafir .

Kyfranc co rro i a cho cho lyn.

Lliafis en te rnysc am en te rnyn .

Tarde i pen amwern gwe rin goadnfiyn.

Kae r y sy gulfiyd ny gfiyd ny grin .

Gfiyn y vyt yr eneit ae harobryn .




Y N dufiuchsfdewin doe thafmfiyhafane d

Py de lis mac s pfiy ac sfiynas yuIlafi trahae l.

Ne u gynt no c cf. pfiy nu tagu efar redyfgefe l

THE BOOK o r TAe s IN. 199

Gfirthrifgfiastrafit gfienfiyn awnae thgfie ithgfiythlo ned.

Gfiann dylan adfiythie Iann tre is yn hytyrne r.

To n iwe rdon a the n vanafi. a thon ogled.

A thon pryde in to ruo ed vire in yn pe twe’


Go lyehafi tat dnfidonydat gfilat heb omed.

Creafidyr c e Ii an kynnfiys ui yn trngared.



a NEIT owe in ap vrye n gobfiyllit y re n os re it.

Re get nd as e nd tromlas nyt oed vas y gywyde it.

Isc e ll k erdglyt c lodnafir escyll gafir gfiayawafir llife it.

Cany chefilr kyste dlyd. y vd Ilewenyd Ilatre itM ede l galon gene ilat . e issillnt y tat ae t e it .

Pan Iadafid owe in fflamdfiyn . nyt oed nfiy 1100 e t

kysc e it

Kysc it Iloegyr Ilydan n ife r a lenne r yn e n Ilyge it

A re i ny fl‘

oynt hayach. a o edyn t aeh no re it

Owe in ac c o spe s yn drut mal c nu t . yn dylnt dene it.Gfir gfiifiu ehy a mlifise irch a rode i ve irehy e irche it.

Kyt as e ronye i mal eale t . ny rarme t rac y e ne it

Ene it O. ap Vrye n .


b . (Homer s ynys gfiafit hn ynys gfirys gob e t ro r.

Mo n mat goge gfirhyt e rne i. mene i y do r.

Llewe is wirafit gfiin a b ragafit gan vrafit e sc o r.

Teyrn wofrfiy diwed pop rfiyfrewin e to r.

Tristlafin deon yr archaedon Iran rychio r.

Nyt nu nyt vi ygkyme lri y gyfe isso r.

Pan doe th aedon. O wlat wytyon se o n t efido r.

lfie nfiyn pyr doe thpede ir pennoe thme inoe th tvmho r

Kfiydyn t kyfo e t ny b u e lvt c o e t gfiynt ygoho r.

a m t -r a n


jrnafir cunedar’

emis sary-i.

n s e r we ir a chse r iiwe lvd.

Ergrynafit k z'fatfit kyfe rgvr.

Kyfanwane c tan t ra my r

Tu n. lln pafit glefiy gilyd.

Kan kafns y whe luch e lnvd.

Mal vc lmne it gfiynt firth o nwvd.


Efgoborthi aes yman rego rafil

Gfiir gfirafil o ed y vn byn

Dymhun a chyfatam a thaI gfiin

Kamda. dina hnn O goe lig.

F0] . 33. b. ) YGOGAN awe n dygobryssyn

Maranhed amenned a b ed genhyn.

A phennae th ehalae th a ffrae thvnbyn

A gfiedy dyhed anb ed ym pop mehyn

Se ithme ib O ve li dyrchafyssynKaswallfin allndd a chestudyn

Diwed pIO c o ll iago O tir prydj n.

Gfilat nerfidyde rnyd hyt valaon

Llnddedie e n hoe lyon ym de ithie en haffiyn.

Gfilat wehyn vargo tyon

Ko llafit kymry 01] en healder.

a ygyst lyned O pennae thwe isso n.

Rydybyd llyminafie

A nyd gfir chwannafic

Y we re seyn me nA rewinyafigfiyn ed.

Oe he ithafo e phe rned.

Oe de ehren o e diwed.

A chynu'

yt y gfiyst lo n.

Ystie y fiyn e b

Nyt e stfig y neb

Na chy mry na sae sson

Dydafigfir O gfid

A chat y gynhonAral] a dyfyd

l’e IIe nafic y Inyd

Llewenyd y vrytho n .

34. It .




mac vi Ino ssafic yntrydar.

Ny phe idfin rfig denIn heb fiyar.

Neu vi a e Iwir gorlassar.

Vygwreys bu ennys ym he sear.

Neu vi tywyssafic yn tywyll

Am rithfiy am dfiy pen kawe ll.

Neu vi e il kawyl yn ardu.

Ny phe idfin heb fiyar rfig deuln.

Nen via amne vy achlessnr.

Yn difant a charant casnnr.

Nenr ordyfneis iwaet am fiythn r.

Cledyfal hydyr rac meibo n cafirnu r.

Neu vi arannfiys vy e chlessnr.

Nen vi a to rre is c ant kaer.

Neu vi alede is cant mae r.

Ne n vi arodeis cant Ilen.

Ne u vi alede is cant pen .

Neu vi arodeis i henpenCledyfafir goruafir g ghalle n .

N eu vi oren terenhyd

Hayarndor edeitho r penmynyd.

Ym gfiednit ym gofit. hydyr oed gyhir.

Nyt oed vyt ny b ei fy e issillyd.

Midfiyfbard mOIadfiy yghywre in t .

Po e t y gan vrcin ac c ryt ac fiythe int .

Anacdn se denhu y gyme int.

Pan ymbyrthpe trywyr rfig dfiy ge int.

Drigyafiy ncfo ed cfvychwan t.

Rae c ryr rac Ofyn amhe irant .

fiyfbard ac fiyfte lynafir.


Fo l. 34. b .

Y am deu lfieh

Llficham ple it.

Kae r vn ehae r

Ar lleg kafi

Mfiyedic n e in

O dnch lle en

Lle st ren Ilat

Llat yn warmEurgyrn yn Ilafi.

Llafiyn ysc i.

Ysc i ymodrydaf

Uur ythiolaf

Bndic ve li

Amhanogan. ri

ltyge idfiy te ithi.Ynys ve l ve li

Te ithiafic o ed idi.

35 . a .

r u m or-

rm .

Nyt oed lflyr degwdyn rieflo n

Yd atrefnfiys neffiy yn ardnefm

Marchafic ln mor tae r am gae r llio n

A gfiarc pe lre a phen sae sson.

“marm fl hyt ym porthfiygyr y mm

Or pan amygir me l a maillon

Rydyrchaffiy dnfiar plfiyfbrython.


mRINDAfiI‘ tragywyd

A oren eluyd

A gfiedy eluyd

Adafyn gelnydA gfiedy adef.Day goren eua.

Yr israe l b endige it

A oren murgre it.

Gfird y gyrbfiylle it.

Glan y gywyde it .

Dende e trefyr israe l. dfiyre in gywychafae l

Dende e me ib yr israe l. a o re n dufihae l .

Dendee meib yr israe l bnant gytnac th.

Dende e dn dinam. te ir mam ac mae th.

35 . b .


Dendeg meib yr israe l a wnae th c ulfiyd.

Ma] y gfina a vynho a no arglfiyd

Dende e me ib yr israe l a wnae thdofyd.

Ma] y gfina a vynho a vo ke luyd.

Dendee meib yr israe l dymgofn

O gauhe t iessn.

Ac vn tat ae bn

Athe ir mam ndn

O nadu y doe th rat

Ac e issydyd mat.

A me ir mat great.A Christ vy ne rthat .

Arglfiyd pop gfienwlat .

A alwafa eilfipop ryd

H11 b0vyg hynnyd

Ge nhyt gerenhyd.

GfiAfiT LUD v MAfiR.

K ATHYL goren gogant

fiyth nifer nodant.

Dufillnn dybydant

Pe ithiafic ydan t.

Dufimafirth y trannant.

Gfiythyn yscarant .

Dnfimerchyr medant

Ryodres rychwan t.Dnfiieu esc orant

Eidyolyd anchwant.

Dnfigfiener dyd gormant

Ygwae t gfiyr gonOfant .Dnfisadfirn


Gfiaed hir rac go rman.

Katwaladyr a ehvnan.

t b udy d br ehan .

Ann aundvd.

Ke rd afin y genhyd.

fiylhafit e il e chfiyd

Yn te rmed mynyd

Ban ben Ilafin hyd.

Brython ar gyghyr.

Y vrython dymb i

Gfiae t gfined ofri.

Guedj enr ac enrynn i.


e ithmon i a IIe e nni.

Ac e ryri anb ed yndi.

Dysc ogan pe rfl'

e ith

Anb ed ym diffe ith.

Kymry pe de ir ie ith.

210 THE BOOK or TALIEssm.

O e chen adafhenyn

Dygedaf'r trydfiy a chwyn

A lliafis gynire tA gofnt am wehynDialen trfiy hoyfigreden bre ssfij lo

Godi e reafidyr kyfoe thafie dnfivrdin

Pe ll amse r kyn no dyd brafit

Y dafi (1iA dfiyre in darlleafirTe ruyn tiryon tir iwe rdon

Y pryde in yna y dafidatfiyre in.

Brython O vonhed raisin.

Amb i barnodyd O aghygres dien.

Ygfilat y c o lledigyon.

Tra mor tra brython.

Hafny hyd hino n.

Bythafit b re n b reyryon

Ae deubyd O gfianfre t

Tra merin tat k e t.

Mil ym b rafit pryde in vrdin

Ac yam gyfifin kyfin .

Gfie rin gfiae lo twed nfl'

e rn .

Vch O vor vch o vynyd.

Vch O vor ynyal ebryn.

Coe t mass tyno ab ryn

Pop arafit heb e rglyfiafine bafit

O vynafic O pop mehyn

F0] . 36 . b .


Ergrynafkylle strie kae n

Gan wledic gfilat ano rfi'

en .


Y N wir dymb i roman i kar.

Odit O vahdyn araII y par.

Rae dafiryglyfihafir mafiM agar

A bydin a gfiae tlin ar y e scar.

A thrigan ed kyru a gfie rin trygar.

Ry thrychyn t rygyrehyn t yge lcdyfar.

Bre in ac e ryro n go llychant fiyar.

Arllfiybyr gfirit arthgfirys diarchar.

Ardyrched katwaladyr llnch allaehar.

Ar fiyneb bydinafir b roed ynyal.

Y N wir dymb i dydranone u.

Gofnne t dysgogan ygkyne chren.

Blfiydyned bndic To ssed rihyd re ithen .

Gayafgyt Ilyry Ilym IIywit llogen.

Ke ithiafin e ilyassafmynnt ryffren.

Prit myr ryn erthfiy ar warr tonnen.

Elyrch dymdygyrch tan i O glafir balcheu .

Arth a IIefide rIIys Olen byll e n.

Efdibyn y te rnyn O rnd veren .

Rfiy k eissnt kystud rybnd ragen.

Rae y varanre s se vafir veden.

Creden cfiydynt tyrch to rrynt to ruoed ta le n .

Y kynnifkatwaladyr c lo t Iathyr len.

Dydyrchaffiy dre ic O parthdehen.

Gan was rydad Ias yn dyd dyfien.

Y N wir dymb i hae l hyfired

Tyrnafit mo lu t mafir edrj ssed.

Llfiybyr tefiIluossafic Ilydan y wed.


Hyt pan nwyn t se ith ie ith y ri gfiyn edB yt pan traghfiy traghafit trydar.

Ri eidnn duhun dudedTre is ar e ig l ahynt i alltnted.

Trfiy vo r llithrant en heissilled.

Y N wir dymb i te ithiafic mon

Ffafidre ic difl’redyat y popyI b rytho n .

Pen llnyd perchyd llnrygogyon .

Dfifyn darogan dewin drywonP ebyllyafint ar tren a tharanhon.

Gorlle chant gordyfynt y geissafimon .

P e II debe t by byt O iwe rdon

Te e fiafidillygyafike ssarogyon .

) YSGOCAN delwat o agarat dyhed.

Gogfin pan pe rit kat arwinned.

Arth O dehenbarth yn kyfarthgfiyn ed

Yn amfiyn rihyd ryfed To ssed.

Y che iric altirat y darinerthed.

Gayafke lenic yn Ilen tiredKyfiefiynt ae ssafir yggafir ygc led.

Y gynnifkatwaladyr ar ior gfiyned.

Y N wir dydeuhafir dyderb i hyn .

Llo cgyr Oll yme llnn en me noc d genhyn .

Gfie le t arteb e t y gfiyr brychwyn .

Rfing sae thve re n a hayam gfiyn.

Galfihafir ar vo r. gfiaywafir aegrj n .

Nnchafint yn e igafin tra Ilydan lyn .

Hallt ac yn yssed vvd e n budyn.

Y N wir dymb i dy dra hafre n .

Vrthe nedic pryde in b re nhin go rde n .


Dy go re scynnan pryde in prifvan ynys.Gfiyr gfilat yr ase ia a gfilat gafis.

Pobyl pfiyIIat e nwir en tir ny wys.

Famen gowyre is herwyd mariaAmlae s en pe issen pfiy en he u e lis.

A phfiyllat dyvyn e r Ob e r e tnia.Europin arafin arafanis.

Cristyafin difryt diryd dilis

Kyn ymarwar 1lud a Ilefe lis.

Dysgoge ttafir pe rche n y wen ynys

Rae pe nnae th O rnfe in kein y e ehrysNyt rys nyt kyfrfiys ri rfiyfy areith.

Arywe le i arywe le is O aghyfyeith.

Du llato r pe trygfiem 11a ymde ith.

Rae ryn onic kyu ran baran gode ith.

Rytalas mab grat rfiyfy are ithKymry ny danhyal ryfe l ar ge ith.

P ryde rafpfiyllafpfiy y hymde ith.

Brython ic yniwis dydyrehefis.


m . as. a . @VOLYCHAF vyn

Vyn dnfivyn n e irthat .

A dodc s trfiy vy iat

En e it ym pfiyllat .

Am goi'

u c yn gfiylat

Vy se ith Ilafanat .0tan adayar.

A dfifyr ac awyr .

A nyfil a blo de nA gfiyn t godehe n.


l synhfiyr pwyllat

THE BOOK o r TALImsm. 215

Ym pfiyllfiys vyn tat

Vn yfia rynnyaf.

A den a tynaf.

A thri a waedaf.

A phe twar a vlassaaf.A phymp awelaf.

A ehwe cha glywaf.

A se ith a aroglenaf.

Se ith awyr ysyd

O dnch sywedyd.

A the ir ran y myrMOT ynt amrygyr.

Mor nafir a ryfed

Y byt nat vn wed.

Ry go rne dnfivry

Ry go rne sOIa

Ry goruc Inna.

Y marcaruc ia

Ry gorne venerns

Ry gorne se ne rns

A se ithued satumns.

Ry gorne dufida.

Pymp gfiregys te rm

Pa byt yt para.

Vn yssyd o e r.

A den yssyd oe r.

Ar trydyd yssydwrea

A dyofae anll e s

P e twe ryd paradfiys

Gfie rin a gvnnfiys.


Pymhe t artymhe rafid

A pyrthy vedyssafit .Yn tri yt rannat

Yn amgan pfiyIIat

Vn yfiyr as ia.

Den yfiyr afi'

ric a.

Tri yfi e uropa.

Bedyd gygwara.

Hyt vrodie yt para.Pan varnhe r pop tra

Ry gornc vy awen

Y vo li vyrenMydfiy talie ssin

Are ith IifdewinParahafit hyt fin

Yg kynne lfi e lphin .


Fo l . 38. K EIN ge ne is kanaf.Byt vudyd mfiyhaf.

Lliafis a bfiyllaf

Ac a b ryde raf.

Kyfarchafy ve ird bytP ryt nam dywe id

I’y gynhe il y byt .Na eyt ehyn e issi yt.

Nenr byt b e i syrche i.Py ar yt gfiyde i.

Pfiy as gogynhale i.

Byt mo r yfiadnant.

Pan syrch yn dinan tEtwa yn gengan t.




PART or TEE 1411 1 To TEE MIDDLE o r TEE 15TH CI N






’ EUTHUM i attat y atrafidYguadac thy gogled y gennyf.Syfipob tu t trae thfiyt firthyf.

Y r gfie ith arde ryd ac erydon

Gwendyd ar meint dybyd arnaf

Ene ichiat kyned kwd af.

Vyrdin gfir do e th darogenyd

Kan hepc o ryd O honaf.

Pari an b un ganthafi.

This and the fo llowing po em are writ te n in the same handwriting withthat ofa c hro nic le (Co l. 51 6 )whic h te rminate s with the Year 1318.


Kyflifidy b enn ac aryen

Gaeaf. gfiares dufidy anghe n.

Pfiy wledychwedy urye n .

Digo ne s donyd digued

Awafc Iaffiyfor diwed.

Mae lgfin hir ar dir gfiyned.

Oys gar ymb rafit. yt vych

Vygkalon drfic vy ho e n am ryd drveh

Nen wedy mae lgfin pfiy wledych.

Run y enfi rngyl y fi'


n ynno r bydin b rfiydrafit.

Gfiae b ryde in o r diwarnafit .

Kann fiyt kedymde it ae b a non

Knnlle ith athal wafir ab o rthfin.

Kwda gfiyned gfiedy run .

Run y enfi ryn e l O vri.

A oganafy dyde rb i.Gfiendyn gfilat yn anghat ve li.

Kyfnarchafym c lo tlefi Ilallafic .

Anvynnafie vgkyni.

Pfiy wledychwedi be li.

Cann e thyfinym pfiyll gan wyllyo n mynyd.

Amyhnn ynagro .

Wedy be li y nab efiago .

Cann e thyfidy bfiyll gan wyllyon mvnyd

A thyhun yn agro .

Ffiy wledychwe dy iago .


Amgfirthgynarchym b rytnan .

Y gyu ede u nent ebanGfie dy iago y nab cfkatnan .

Y ke rde u rydrae thassam

O dyno t c lo t bodrydan .

Pfiy wledychwedy katuan .

Gfilat kadwallafin firyt mafir.

P tdrynae l byt . ryglywawr

Dygfiydit pe rme igyl y lafir.

A byt byt y he tmyc c afir.

O we le t dy rud mor gre nlafin

Y dafiym b ryt n e nt armogafin .

I’fiy wledy ch nedy kadwallafin .

Gfir hir yn kadfikynnady] .

A phryde in yn fin paladyr.

Go ren mal ) kymro kalwalafidyr.

Am gfir th gyuarchyn glaear.

Y gynnednen nent abar.\Yedy katwalafidyr. Idwa] .

Athgyfnarchafyn glaear.

Clo tlc n go re n dyn dayar.I’fivwlcdvchwody idwa] .

Gfiledychafit wedy idwalYn Ilfirfidyuynnyn diarchar

Ysgfiydwyn hofie l nab kadwal.

v narchafvrn c lo tle n lle llafic .

22 1


Pfiy wledychwedy howe ].

Mi aedywedafy glo t O vri.

Gfie ndyd kynn eagar athi.

Kynan y mon a ui

Mab k ealedigan v1.

KyfuarchafO e ehlyssnr byt.

Am dywe it ychwaryan

Pfiy wledychwedy kynan.

0less gwendo len yg gwac tfreuArde ryd. digoni o vrafi.

M ernin vrych0dir manafi.

Kyfnarchafym c lo t ovri.

Vrafit k e rdo len o reudyn

Pfiy wledych nedi me rnin

Dywedfiyfnyt O drycafir.

Ormes b rydein pryderafir.

Kynarchafym c lo tlen Ilallafic

Annynnafie yn dyd gafir.

Pfiy wledychwedy mab rodrimafir.

Ar Ianu konfiy kymfiy dufime rchyr

Arbennic aryen anarafit.

224 TEE BED BOOK or m e an .

KynarehafO e ehlyssnr byt.

Kan gfido st y yatyr.Pfiy wledychwedi b rehyr.

Disgoganafse rnen wynn.

Ke nn s t gfias tat ysgfiydwyn.

Glefigadarn garchar gylchwyn .

Tre iglafit b ro b radafic unbyn.

Efgrynnafit hfint raedafibyt yIn pryde in .

Kyfnarchafymbrafit y gfiynn.

Kanys mi ac hamouyn

Pfiy wledychwedy se rnen wynn.

Den ysgfiydwyn ve li.A dyvi y nae th awnant dy nysgi.

Nac enrin hedfichvi.

Kynarehafym c lo tlen Ilallafie

Aunwynnafic yngkymry.

I’fiy we ledyehwedy de n. ysgfiydwyn n e li.

Vnic arfiynaul. ar wyncb kedafil

Kyngho rafit kat difl'

rc t .

Awledych kynno r go rmine t .

Kynarchafy mc lo tle n Ilallafic

Annwynafie yn lluyd.

l’fiy yr u n ic arwynnafi]

A daroge ny di y une th.

Pfiy y e nfipadn pan vyd.

Gruffnd y e nfige idafi] mire in

Gfinawt cfgan argan kyngre in .

Awlcdveh ar dir pryde in.


Kyuarchafym c lo tle n

LIalIafic . auwynnawc ygkaden.

Nen gfiedy grufi’

nd pien.

Dywedwyfnyt Odryck e r

Ormes prydein pryde re r.

Gwedj grufi'

nd gfiyn gwarthe r.

Kyuarehafym c lo tle n llallafic .

Annfiynnanc yn ryn e l.

Pfiy uledychwedy gfiynn gfiarthe r.

Ui awendydwenn mafir adrasdi] gogan

Chwipleia a ehwedl en. atkas

Gwehe lie ith anyd den idas .

Am dir e tmykafir oe gfiir hir alanas.

Kynarchafym c lo tlen

Llallafic . annwynnafic yg kaden.

Pwy wledych nedy fiyn te u .

Disgoganafnat gfias b e id.

Brenhin llewIlafidiwreid.

Gylnin gene ] gane I ble id.

Urafit awe le is yn veduae tli.

O dyna pfiy anyd pe nnae th.

Kynine rfich a rify se r.Kynhebycke r ynine r.

Efyfiymac kfiy de n banne r.

KynarchafyIn dinune r



Un fit . s llwed bydin bud n et .

A chym o a chymrud cher.

Fl yfl fl glfydmhrfifm

Urafit a dal -Ilewys Iynyr eado .

Pfivwledvehwedy e no .

Bythynyoe s nyt oe s ware t.

Kynarchafy c lo t evri

Pfiy wledychwedy mab henri.

Pan no pont ar dav ac arall ar dywi

A mi disgogafwedy mab henriBrenhin na vrenhin b rithnyt ani.

Kynarchafymb rafit ygfiyn

Kanys mi ac hamouyn

Pfiy wledychwedy b renhin na vrenhin .

Le tynnyt nrenhin a dafi

A gfiyr Iloegyr ynydfiyllafi.

Ny hyd gfilatlfiyd y danafi.

Myrdin de c dafinglot gywyt .


Pan no ewc in vm manafi

A chat ymprydyn ge irllafi.

Biafit gfir cfa gfiyr idafi.

Kynarchafym ehalae th

Vrafit a wele is yn nednaeth.

0dj na pfiy anyd pennae th.

Urafit awe leis yn n ednae th

O dyna pfiy au j d pennaeth.

Elit Ilene in yn dyfi‘rynt.

BoIi hir acwyr go rwynt

Gfiynn enbyt gymry a gfiae gynt.


c ]o t1eu

Llallafie annwynnafie yghadeu.

Neu wedy be li pien.

Elit Ilene in yn ab e r

Be li hir ac wyr Ilafier.

Gfiyn en byt gymry gfiae wydy] .

Kyuarchafym c lo tlen Ilallafic

Annwynnafie yn ryne l.

Pa y wae y wydyl.

Disgoganafnu dyssyawc .

Gfiyned gwedj afich trallafit.

Go rno t yfichar b op kiwdafit


Canon morurynn mo rune t.Oedyn myrdin nrychvreise Iiwe t.Pa dafiyny den onune t .

A IIn Ilydan gantafikymwed.Dnfime rchyr y a mfiyn gfiyr gfiyned.

Asdenbyd gfiyr kae r gamwed.

Nae ysgar yn antrwyadal

Padu ydisgyn kadwaladyr.

Biafit tra thrwm ebyr.

Gfiasgarafit b rytho t b rithwyr.

Kyuarchafym ehalae th

Urafit awe leis yn nednae th.

Pfiy wledychOdynae th.

Pan no te ir ieithyafie taeafic

Ym me n . se nab yn gnnnachafic .

Ryglywawr gfiyned go lndafic .

Pfiy gfiasc ar Ilo egyr yar diwedM o r. pfiy y gfiyn ar dened.

Neu gymry pfiy vyd en gfiared.

Talvfmm a thfiryfryde rch

A bydin ocd kadwaladyr.

Yar darde nnin anon .

To rryn t allwe dgfiyr.

m n m m m

E nr iq u e- E M

A n i a- M M

M iG- fl ew

S ue‘s

-m u “

A n i o g - d d

A thrveh nt mlr n sd krih

Nac varar m antrfin dvl

A mi o angfianh vr g'


Y wendvd v d edaf

Goge le t bafip y e inyo es.

Gan gj ndafkvmo t nyt oes.

Nc u t a gannafit undyssyafic

Gfiyned gfiedy afieh trallafit.

Go rno t yfichar bob kiwtafit.

A chiwtafit plant adaf

A henyn t ac gfiafit.A dio c a gfiare t byt urafit.




Gfiendyd wenn b e nn mynogi.

As dywedafyn difri.

Och arnwylor o e r esgar.Gfiedy dyno t yn drydar.

Gan unb en defir diarc har.

Gfiasgarafit awe l awyr

Pfiyll drut adfiyll ot gerdir.


afit byt vrafit ys dir.

Ochleas di vednae th.

Ho e t da ado e t pan dygir

Clo t vrnO. pfiy drac tho gfiir.

O lochwyt kyno t a thanotLlyfreu awe n heb arsfiyt

A chwdyl bun a hnn b rendwyt.

Marfimo rg enen marfikyfrennin .

Mo rya]. marfimorye n mnr trin

Trymafhoed am dywoe t ti vyndin .

Digones do nyd digned arnaf

Marfimorg enen. marfimordaf.

Marfimo ryen marfia garaf

fiy nu b rafit na ehe ryd arnaf

Yr gfie ith arde ryd fiyfc laf

Kyuarfiydyt a ge issyaf.

Y dufiytho rchymymraf.


Athorchmynnafdithe u

Y benn y c readurye n.

Gfiendyd wenn atlam he rden.

Y k e rden rydrigyassant.

O dyno t c lo t vodrydant

Ochdufifiynt a adnant.

Neur ro e t y Ilfiythyr dayar.

Diofryt O bafib agar.

Ym byfinyth diofredaf.

Ahyt vrafit ythgofi'


Dy fi'

ossafit trallafit trymat'


Escnt go rwyd rfiyd gfiyn t

Amehyniynaf. vy e irio es

Vrafit y re n ryfigo re n.

Ryme r gymnn kynn aghen.

Ny chymme rafgymnn

Gan ysgymnn nyn e ich

Ac en tfiygen ar en c lnn.

Am kymuno dnfie hnn .

Go rchymynnafvy e iryoes

Vrafit. yny gae r we rthenin.

Goge le t dnfiO vyrdin

Go rchymynnafinhe u vy e iryoe s

Chwae r. yny gae r we rthe

Gogt dufiOwendyd. Ame n .



Co l. 584. @WR a Ieu c ir yn y b ed.A dysgfiyt kynn se ith mlyned ;Marc h marfi enrde in gogled.

Eryue is i 0win 0wydyr gfiynn.

Gan rieu ryne l degynn.

Myrdin yfivy enfinab mornryn.

Erj n e is i owin O gafic

Gan rieu ryne l eglfic .

Myrdin yfivy enfiamhe idfic .

Pan de l gfirthryn yar Olwyn

Du. y lad Iloegyr llfiybyr wehyn .

Chwerfiwenfiyn yn amwyn.

Gfiynbrynn wynvrynn e isiwyn e rhy.

Hir ne ne t giwe t gymry.

Ny hyd diogellafir ygk e llafir ardndfiyAr ardalfiy kymry

Rae arderehafic tfirch toryfhy.

Pan dyuO c oc h no rdmandi

Y ho li Ilo egyrwys tren] difffiys.

Tre tham bop darogan

Caste ll yn ab e r hodni.

Pan dyuo y b rych cadarn

Hyt yn ryt b engarn

Lliwafit gfiyr tre nliafit karn .

I’cnndcnic pryde in ynO penn barn.

THE am W K OF 11m m .

1551 a wd In t firthlve u

En diuanwafit gfiir lle tafit ge u.

Gfim fivd b ob eildvd dadleu .

Byt a nyd b ryt firthdilk t.

Kyghafis arglfiyd maer chwiniat.

Gwae llafibard hard efl'

e iryat .

Diuannwafir gwj r lle tafir gfiat .

Byt a nyd heb wyn t heb lafi.

Tir digafin nyd un erfiy nafi.

Pan dyno yr gfiyr heb wryt.

Ac ynlle j co e t kac I yr yt.

YmpOb hed gfiled ag nyt

Pan no kyn elin gymyred. gfiyd gfiannfiyn

A ui. gfiedy pe nnae thgfie nfiyn.

Bydafit gfiae th bnde lfino chrowyn

Dufime rc hyr dyd kyghor fen.

Ytrc ulyafir Ilafnafir ar b enn

Cudyant dcn ygkrc n kyghenn

Yn ab e r so r yt nyd kygho r

Ar wyr gfiedy trin treu lito r.

Glyfigfiyn llyfiyn yse o r.

Yn ab c r anon y hyd lln mo uEingy] gfiedy hinwedo n .

I l ir we ryt nrwrvt no rvo n .


Yn ab er dfifyr nwy de il dnc

Yt vi agnaho gfiidie .

Cat a vi ar byrriAnon a b rython dyworpi.Gnafit gfiyr gfihyr gfirhydri.

Yn aber y do n perno r catA phe lydyr anghynyon .

A gfiae t rnd ar rud saesson

Wassafic dy waed dy wendyd

Am dywafit wylyon .

Mynyd yn ab e r karaf.







g m mynyd gwynt am b e rth.

Kanys c reafidyr nefam nerth.

As kysgn awna gfirne rth.

Eiry mynyd dnfiyn bennaf.

Kanys attafigwediaf.

Nac cfkysgu nyallaf.

The remainde r of the po ems tak en from the Red Book ofHergest are in

handwriting with ano the r chro nic le (Co l. 999) which is bro ughtdown to the year 1376 .


Hr z ar s v m ifif:

Ein mr ny -I gfiynt am vn'



s e nd d vr nefam mvnn

Ae kysgn y mar“

: llvwd vn.

Eiry mynyd gwyn t de’

he u).

Kanys trae thafprife irve u .

Nae cfkanu vy o ryeu.

11 ! I E: I C'ZE'

F M IT- I S !

Tm fi lm nu'

. re r ain!

Kvfl e a r b ri-

1 1h zan f.

Gan «iufi py h y .

-ehm i.

Bud ase v en a ehvflret .

Ac y dufiIiafkvfi'm f

Pa dial a vvd arnaf.

Or gfin ev dfivll vmdire t .

He b ffyd heb grefyd he b gre t

Kev b envt ar dy Se ithne t.

Kyflifidyd mi athgredaf.

Ac yr dnfiy govynnaf.

Nefpywed yd henillaf.

Nyt kyfi'

e lyfida a drfic .

l’an ymladho gfiyn t a mfie .

(lfina da yr dnfiscfy dific .

Blae ngar awen pob aehle s.

Itu tnafir go rwydafir ar t es

Diwed po b pe thvfikyffe s.


u l. 1028 .



. 24- 1

Awne lyehObo b dirdra

O dfi l athre is a thraha

Yr dufikyfi‘

essa ynda.






‘ IRY mynyd gfiynn po b tn

Kynneuin bran a charm

Nydafida O drachysc n .

Eiry mynyd gfiynn k ennant

Rae rnthnr gfiynt gfiyd gfiyrant

Llawe r den aymgarant

Aphyth ny chyfnar uydan t.

Eiry mynyd gfiyn t ac tafil.

Llydan Iloe rgan glas tanafil.

Odit dyn dirie it dihafil.

Eiry mynydhjd e scnt

Gnafit ympryde in gynre i n dr nt .

R eit o ed deal] y alltnt.

Eiry mynyd hyd arde s.

Hfiye it ynllynn gfiynn ache s

Hfiyr he n liafid y o rdiwe s.

Eirv Inynvd hyd wh o



Chwe rd yt b ryt (vrthagaro

Kyt dywette r Grthyfchwedyl.Mi a atwan vgnyl ll c y b e .

Eil? mynyd gme iniwyn gm

Pysc ynryt chit y ogo :

Kas vyd a ore ilytto .

Eiry mynyd hyd ar daryf

GnaOt gan gynran e ryan araf

Ac ysgynnu odu oo rof

A disgy'

nnu b ar ar araf.7

Eiry mynyd hyd kyngrOmLlawe r adywede is 08 gfinn

An he 6ic y hafdyd hOnn.

Eiry mynyd hyd he llaOtGo chwiban gfiyn t y Ochbargaflt

TOr trom afvr y6 pe chafit.

Eiry mynyd hyd ar ue it

Gochwiban gfiynt y Ochgficnb le it

Uche l gnafit taOe l ynde le it.

Eiry mynyd hyd ymb ro .

Go chwiban gfiynt yOchblaen to .

Nyt ymge l drOc ynll e ybo .

Eiry mynyd hyd ar drae th.

Co llyt hen y wab o lae th.

Deyc o rem awua dyn yngae th.

Eiry mynyd hyd ynllfiyn

5? m i n ! ml

E r : mu m!h e] an h t

mn lréhém gla m-


E r; mynyd hvd myin glynn

Eirvmvnvd b rith bmnn g‘ryd

Eiry myny d 110mm b lae nc afin

t rm b lae n gflrysc py sc yn e igyafin .

Lle m'b o dvsr:nvbvd dafln.

Err mynyd py sc ynryt

Kyrchyt caro c ulgrvm com c lvt

Hit-ac th am uarfiny we ryt.

Eiry mynyd hyd ygko e t.

Ny chc r da de twyd ar tme t

Mc c kyt llOuyr llawc r adoe t .

Eiry mynyd hyd ymbronn

Go chwiban gfiyn t yfichb lae n o nn

Trydyd t ro e t y hc n v fl'

o nn

Eiry my nyd hyd amao.

Hwyc it yn llynn goyun alaO

Diryc it ny myna gfiammlafi.

Vo l. 1080.


Eiry mynyd c och trac t ie ir

Bac dOfyr mynyt leue ir

Chwenn c ckyt me nyl mab re ir.

Eiry mynyd hyd e sgut

Odit amdidaOr o rbyt

Rybud y drOch ny we ryt.

Eiry mynyd gOynn y g nu.

Y s odidaOc Obru .

Ogar gyt amynych athre idu

Eiry mynyd gOynn to te i.

Be itrae the i dauaOt awype i

Ge udaOt ny byde i gymydaOc ne b rc i.

Eiry mynyd dyd aed doe th

Bitglafpo b trom llOin llc tnoe th

GnaOt po b anafar ano e th


I n go ch c rib k e ilyawc . b it annyanaOl

Y Iefowc ly hudugaOl

Llewe nyd dyn duOac maOl.

Bit laOen me ichye it Orth u che ne it

GOynt. b it taOe l yn de le it

Bit gnaOt aflOyd ar dirye it.

Bit guhudyat kc isyat. b it gnifiat

GOytL a b it gyunwys dillat

A garo hard hit hard rodvat .

Bit avwv unhc un ahit 106 .



GnaOt gOyn t o r go c lcd. gnaOt rianed

Chwc c . gnaOt gOr tc c yg gOyncd

GnaOt y dcyrn arlOy gOlcd.

GnaOt gOcdy llynn llc tnrydcd.

GnaOt gOynt o r mo r. g naOt dygynor

LlanO gnaOt y nanOnagn ho r

GnaOt y no ch tnryaOkylor.

GnaOt gOynt o r mynyd. gnaOt mc ryd

Ymro . gnaOt kac l to yggwcnnyd

GynaOt arlac thmac thdyn c rc nyd.

GnaOt de il a g c il a gOyd.


Gt nyth e ryr ymb lac n dar.

Ac ygkyfyrdy gOyr llanar

i o lOc vynnt ar agar .

GnaOt dyd ac a nllOythygkynn llc ith

Gayaf. kynrc inyon kynrOytye ith

GnaOt ae lwvt difi'

yd yn difl'

c ith.

Orin c alafallifyn nant .

Kyfnewit sc is ac aryan t.

Dign c nc it mam gcnb lant .

Y de ilen adrc nyt gOyn t.

GOac hi 0c thynghc t .

He n hi c lc in v gane t .

Ncrr lt . A s t anza has he n : b e e n «ma ul in the Re dBo o k o f hn t

thc rc in a c o py ofthe same po em in the MS . "fLlywc lvu Otl'

c iriml (J e sus

fmmwhich the stanza is thus give n

Guam 1» lm tan iar thg l'

ylmhry tu - th

Awyr a guru gcd dru'

nmlnac th

Athvm at wyr a go t-wyti wae thwan -th.


Kyt bo e t bychan ysk c lnyd.

Yd adc il adar yggo rOyd

(To c t kyno c t vyd da a de twyd.

Dc rwlyb mynyd o c rlas ia.

Ymdiryc t y a myth dOylla

Nyt eden hirbwyll hir b la..

VI I .


o l. 1031 . K ALANGAEAF kalc t gl'


Dc il ar gychOy n llyn nwyim llaOn

Y b o re gyun noc vyne t

Gwac a ymdirc t y c straOn .

Kalangayafke in gyfrin .

Kyfrc t awe l a dryckin

GOc ithke luyd yOk c lnrin .

Kalangayafc nl hydo t .

M c lyn blaen b c gOc hano t

(4a a hae d menyl yr bvchc t .

Kalangayafc rOm blae n gOrysc .

GnaOt o b cmi dirie it te rnysc

Lle mv bodaOn ny hyd ayse .

Kalangac afgarOhin .

Anhc b it y gyntc ninNamwvn (a nyt o c s dewin.

Kalangacafke in gyfrcn

Adar : hyrr dyd b an c oge n

Trngar (lafl'

ar a go re n .

c pl.

731 KI D El it -K f-l m u m.


rOir lit n o pin-TL

{ ratin vn t vch y chyg wc ith.

U r hant cdit k edvmde ith


B AGLAOC bvdin bagoy onn.

Hwyc it vn llvnn graenwynn to nn

Tre ch no chan t kvssul callo n.

I l ir nos gm'dvar mo rna.

GnaOt te rnysc yg kymanna :

Xv chvt nvd diryc it ada.

Hir no s go rdyar mynyd.

(j o chwiban gOynt yOch blae n gOyd

Ny thOyll drye anvan de twyd.

Marchwyc il hc b ric las.

A dynn nyn tro c t owanas

Nat:ade fdy ril l y was.

Marchwyc il dc rOmyOn llOyn .

A dy lnt vynntro c t 0 gadwvn


l'il l v no rwvn .


Yn llynn. go chwiban gOyn t yOch b lae n gOr)Man tre ch anyan noc adysc .

Gorwyn blae n c ithin a chyfrin

A do e th ac anoe th disgc thrin.

Namyu a nyt oe s dewin.

Go rwyn blae n me illyon digallonLln r llndcdic c idigy

GnaOt ar e idil oualon

Go rwyn blae n kaOn gOythlaOnBidio ysodit ac digaOn

GOc ithrc t c all yOc am yn icOn .

Go rwyn blaen mynydcd rac anhnncd

Gayafc rin kaOn trOm

Rac n cOyn nyt o es wyled.

Go rwyn blae n mynydcd hydyr c c rne l

Gayaf. c rin kawn c rOybyr arnc d

t iris gOall yn alltnded.

Go rwyn blaen dc rOchwc rObrie 01m.

Rac hc it gOe sgc rc it to nn

Pybyr pOyll pe ll o nal ymkallon .

Go rwyn blae n dc rOchwc rObric onn

Chc c c nOr chOc rthinat to nn

Ny che l grud kystud kallo n .

Go rwyn b la en egmc s. nyt moc s

Calcdi. katwot baOp y c irvo c s

(ia thni anafyO

THE RED BOOK o r nauc c sr . 253

Go rwyn blae n banadyl. kynnadyl y sc rchaOc .

Go rnc lyn kangen bacOyaOc

Bas ryd gnaOt hyfryt yn hnnaOc .

Go rOyn blaen anall amgall

Pob dcdwyd. whenc ryd y arall

A gOcdy karn gadu gOall.

Go rOyn blaen anall amgall

Pob dcdwyd. hirdyd mc ryd mall

CrOybyr ar waOr carcharaOr dal] .

GorOyn blaen c o ll. ge ir digo ll

Bre. diac le nyd pob fi‘

o ll :

GOe ithrc t cadarn c adOarno li

Go rOyn blaen c orsyd. gnaOt mc ryd

Yn drOm. a ic nanc dysgcdyd

Ny thyrr namyn fi'

o l yfi‘


Go rwyn blae n c lc styr. b it vc nc styr prob dr nt.Ge ir t enln yn yn n

GnaOt gan aghi r c ir tOnn .

io r wyn blae n grne . gnaOt sc ithnc ar

LOfyr. hydyr vyd dOfyr ar dal glan

GnaOt gan gywir c ir kyvan.

Go rOyn blaen b rOyn kymOyn b iO.Rc dcgaOc vyndc igyr b ediO

Amgc lcd a dyn nyt ydiO.

(j o rOyn blae n redyu mc lyn

KadaOarth. mo r vyd diwarthdo illo n

Rc dvgaOc nianaOc me iho u .


Go rOyn blaen kyraOal. gnaOt gonal

Ar hen. agOcnyn yn ynyal

Namyu a nyt o e s dial.

Gorwyn b lac n dar. didar drychin.

GOcnyn yn nchc l ge nvc l c rin

GnaOt gan rcwyd rychOc rthin .

Go rOyn blaen kc lh'


YgOyd a de il dc ri dn ydyt

Awyl agar gfiynn y nyt

Gorwyn blaen dc rO. o c r nc rO

DOfyr. kyrchit b iOblaen be tnc rw

GOnelit ac th sae thy syb c rO.

Gorwyn blaen ke lyn kale t ac e re ill c nr ago rc t .

Pan gysc o paOb ar gylche t

Ni chOsc a pan ryd gOarc t.

Go rwyn blaen he lic hydyr e lwie .

Go rwyd hirdyd dc ilyedic

A garo y gilyd nys din nic .

Go rwyn blaen brOyn b rigaOc vyd.

Pan dannc r dan ob e n nyd

M edOl sc rchaOc syb c rOvyd

Go rwyn blaen yspydat. hydyr wylyat

Go rwyd. gnaOt sc rchaOc e rlyxmyat

GOnc lit da diwyt gennat .

Go rwyn blaen b c rOr. bydinaOr

Gorwyd k c ingyfrcn koe t y laOr.ChOe rdyt b ryt Orth agaraOr.


Ar ganghcn b lodc naOc

Co o lanar cane t yraOc .

Yn ab c r c naOc yt ganant goge n .

Ar ganghc n b lodc naOc

Ga glafac c lyOyn vo daOc .

Yn abe r c naOc c ogen a ganant

Y satnan t gan vy mb ryt

Ac kiglcn nas c lyOhenyt .

Ne ns cdcwc is i goo ar c ido rOc brenn .

Ncnr lac ssOys vygkylchOy.

Etlit a ge re is a gc rc is nent mOy.

Yny vann odyOch llonn dar.

c dcwc is i le is adar

Coc nann c ofgan baOp a gar.

Kc thlyd kathyl nodaOc hirac thaOc

Y llcfte ith odcf. tuthhc baOc

Coc vrc nc r yn ab c r c naOc .

Go rdyar adar gOlyl nc int

Llewychyt llo e r o e r dewe int

Cre i vymb ryt rac gofit he int.

GOynn gOarthafno in t dewe int

Hir kc inmygir po b kywr cin t .

DvlyOn pOythhnn y he ne int.

Go rdyar adar gOlyb gm.

Dvil cOydit divryt tlihro .

Ny wadafOyi e lai hc nc .


Gordyar adar gOlyb trae th.

Eglnr nOyb rc ehalae th

Tonn gOiOcallon rac hirac th.

Gordyar adar gOlyb trae th

Eglnr to nn tuth ehalae th

A gre t ymab o lae th

CarOn b e i kafi'

On c lwac th.

Go rdyar adar ar cdryOyard.

Bann IlcfcOn yndifl'

c ith.

Kynntenin kein pob amat

Pan vryssyant ke twyr y gatMi nyt afanafnym gat.

Kyntc uin kein ar ystrc .

Pan vrys k e twyr y gatlcMi nyt afanafamde .

Llwy't gOarthafmynyd bren blaen onn.

Pcnyr pe ll chOc rthinom kallon.

Assymy b ediOpcnn y mis.

Yny we stna yd cc is

Cre i vymb ryt c ryt am dewis.

AmlOc go lOc gOylyadnr

GOnc lit syb crOyt segur


re i vymb ryt c lc nyt am c nr.

Alafyn c il mc il am b ed.


258 rm:mm BOOK o r nmc nsr .

Amac rOy atnabo t amyn cd.

Alafyn eil me i] am lat

A dOfyn tyt be rOyt brit brat.

Bc rOyt brat annat obe r.

Bydant dolnr pan bure r

GOcrthn bychot yr llawc r.

Pre ato r prc ennwir

Pc rygyl yn dirthinat kyrchynyat

Orin calafalafyn dc ilyat.

Kiglen don drom y tho lo

Vann y rOng gran a gro

Kre i vymbryt rac llc tvryt hcno .

OsglaOc blaen dc rO. chOc rOchwe ith onn.

ChOcc cvwr chwc rthinat to nnNy chc l grud kystnd callon.

YmOng nchcnc it adync t

Amaf. yn o l vyggo rdyfn c it

Ny at a da y diryc it.

Da y dirieit ny att e r

Namyn tristit a phryde rNyt atwna a ar awne l.

260 m s RED BOOK o r m awr.

Ncnt rnd rychnent c rych egin

Baglan brc nn ganghcn nodaOc .

Llywarch leneryd nodaOc .

Baglan b rc nn ganghc n gale t.

Am kynnOyssy a difi'

re t

Baglan brc nn hyd ystywc ll.Am kynhc lycha no gOc ll :

Ncnt wy'flywarch lawer pe ll

Y mac hene in t yn kymwcdAmi. om gOallt ymde int

Ar c loyn a gcrynt yr icncinc

Y mac hene in t yn kymwcdAmi. om gOallt ym damicd

Dyr 86mm gflynt gornn gne godre

GOyd deOr hyd diwlyd breEidyl hen hOyr y dyre.

Y dcilen honn nens kcnnire t

GOynt. ga hi oe thynghc t

Hi hen e leni y gane t

A gc rc is .i. yr yn was yesy gas

Ge nnyf me rch e straOn a marchglas

Ncnt nat mi en kynadas.

THE RED BOOK o r nnne ns'

r. 26 1

Ym pedwar prifgas c irinoe t

Yngyne rnydyn t yn vnoc t

Pas a hene int b e int a hoe t.

Wyfhen wyfnnie wyfann e lwie

Oer gwedy gOcly k cinmic

Oyi truan Oyftridyb lie .

Wyftridyb lic hen wyfannOadalDrnt Oyi chu t wyfannwar

Y saOl am karaOd. nyn kar.

Nym kar rianed nym k ennire tNeb : ny allafdarynirc t :

Wi a agb en nam dygrc t.

Nym dygrc t na hnn na hoen.

GOedy Ileas llaOr a gwen

Wyfannwar abar Oyfhen.

Trnan adynghe t a dynghOyt

Y Iwyarch. yr y no s y gan e t.

Hir gnifheb cac o r llnde t .

Nawise wedy kOyn na vit e yn

Dy vryt 11cm awe l a chwc rOgOenOyn

Nam gyhnd vy mam mab yt Oy£

Nent atwe n ar vy awe n

Yn hamie t cnn aehcn

Tri gOyd o rie c lwic awen.

Llym vympar llachar ygryt~


Kynnyt anghyfa ge nnyt.

262 THE RED BOOK o r ame ssr .

O dicgyd athwc lwyf.

0th ryledir ath gOynnOyf

Na cho ll wyn cb gOyr ar gnit'


Ny cho llafdy wync b trin woscpPan wise gleOyr ystre

Porthafgnifkynn mudiflle .

RcdcgaOe tonn ar byt trae th.

Eehadafto rrit arnae th

Kat ac ado gnaOt fl'

o ar fl'

rae th.

Yssit ym alanarOyf.

BriaOpc lydyr parthy bOyfNy lanarafna fi



M edal migncd kale t riO

Rae e arn c ann tal glaun a vriO

Edcwit ui. wnc lhe r nydiO.

GOasgaraOt nc int am glaOd cae r.

A minnen armaaf

Yn yt b ryt b riOkynn tc chaf.

Y c o rn athrodc s di vryen

Ac arwe st c nr am y en(JhOythyudaO0th daOagb en

Yr e rgryt ag b en rae aghywyr Iloegyr.

Ni lygrafvym maOred

Ny dnchnnafrian ed.

Tra vn mi. yn o e r y gOas drao.

A wise o c nr y o ttew

Byde i re y r nthrOn y wa

264 THE RED BOOK o r m e nu .

Oed gOr vy mab o cdin c n

HaOl. ac oed n ei y vryen.

Ar ryt vorlas y llas gOen.

P rcnnyal dywal gal yn n

Go rnc ar loegyr lln kyndrOyn

Bed gOen nab Ilywarehhen yOhOnn.

P edwar me ib arhngc int ambu.

Enrdo rehaOe tywyssaOe lln

Oed gOcn go ren onadn .

Pedwar me ib arhngc int ambwyat.EnrdorehaOe tywyssaOe eat

Oed gOc n go ren mab o cdat.

P edwar me ib arhngc int am bOyn

EnrdorehaOe tywyssaOe vnbynn

Y Orthwen gOc issyonc in o cdyn .

P edwar me ib arhngc int ygkenne in

Lywarch. o wyr glcOgalOythe int

TOll e n dyno t c lo t trame in t .

P edwar me ib arhngc in t ane ithyc int

VygknaOt llcdc sc int

Da dv no t vygc o t c o ll cde in t .

Pan Ias pyll o ed te nyll

BriO. a g a t ar wall t hyll

Ac am (lOylann fl'



Dichonat ystanc ll o c sgyll

Yn ydaOr tra vydat yn se nyll

A vriwat ar aghat hyll.


Dyn dewis.

ar vy me ibon.

Mat (loc c i nordwyt dros ob e ll

Y o rwyd o wng ae ob c ll :

Pyll pOyll tan trOy sawc l.

Oed llafy llaOae rgrc

Oed ae laOe ilnyd oed dinas ar yst rc

Pyll vyn doc t pe rehyll cnde .

Pan sanci yndrOs pcbyll

Y ar o rwyd e rewyll.Arde lwc i o wr wrc ic pylL

Briwyt rae pyl] pc nngloc fi'

e r

Y s edit llywyr yt lle chc r

Yn daOe idil heb dim digonc r.

Pyll wynn pe ll ennic y glot.HandwyfnOyfyro t o thdyno t

Yn vab atharaOatnab o t.

Go ren tridyn y dan nef.

A we rchc twis y hadcfiPyll a se lyfa sandef.

Yt a mde is y byll.

Kynno e gyscn ne n b n do ll

DimiaOy b adaOar wall.

Kyt de lc i gymry ac c lyfln

lo egc r. a llawc r 0 b ell tn.

Dango sse i byll bOyll ndn.

26 5

26 6 THE RED BOOK o r nnne nsr .

Na phwyll na madaOc ny bydynt

Hiro cdlaOc . o r dewaOt y ge twynt

Re dyu na rodyn kygrc ir vyt nyse rehyn t.

Llyma yma b ed di n ei

Tringar . i veird ys c i yglo t llc nyt e le i

Eyll pc i pe llachparc i.

Mac ir a madaOc a mede l

Dewrwyr di yssie vrode r

Sc lyfhc ih'

n llaOr lliwc r.

Bed gOc ll yny riOve lc n.

Bed sawyl yn Ilan go llen

GOc rehe idO11amyr bOch lloryc n .

Bed rnd nenscnd tywareh

Nys e iryd gOc ryt ammareh

Bed llygedwy nab llywareh.

P e ll odyman abe r llyw

P e llachan dOy gyfcdliO

Talan te lc isty de igyr b ediO.

Eryne is iwin 0gaOe .

Efaraewan rae rc inyaOe

Fs gyll gOaOr oed wacwaOr dOc .

O dinar ge nnyfpan yme rchc is.

Nat gantu y dicwisKynnydyn e i hae l hocde l mis

Atwen leneryd kya i.

Pan disgynne i ygkyfyrdy

Pe rm gOr pan gOin a dyly.

rm; RED BOOK o r nnae nsr . 269

Ny thyrvis vymb re ich rygardwys vy e is.

Vygcallon neur dorrcs

P enn a b e rthafam porthes.

Y ge lcin vc inwcn a c loir hediO

A dan b rid a me in

GOac vy llaOIlad tat ewc in.

Y ge lc in neinwcn a o loir b ediO.

Ym plithprid a dc rO.

GOac vy llaOllyd vygkenynderO.

Y ge lc iu neinwcn a o loir heno

A dan ve in ac c it

GOac vy llaOllam rym tynghit.

Y ge lc iu ve inwcn a oloir heno

Ym plithprid a thywe irch

GOac vy llaOIlad mab kynnareh.

Y ge lc iu n cinwenn a c loir hediO.

Dan we ryt ac arwyd

GOac vy llawIlad vy arglOyd.

Y ge lcin ne inwcn a o loir b ediO.

A dan brid athywaOt.Owac vy llaO11am rym dac raOt.

Y ge lc iu vc inwcnn a o loir hediO.

A dan brid a dynat

GOac vy llaOllam rym gallat.

Y ge lc in ve inwcnn a o loir hediO.

A dan brid a me in glas

GOac vy llaO11am rym gallas.

270 THE RED BOOK o r nsao ssr .

Anoe thhyd b raOt bOyn kynnnl l

Am gyrn bne ly n am drnll

Rebyd uilc t rege t du ll.

Ano e th byd braOt . bOyn kynnwys

Am gym bne lyn amwys

Re byd ulle t regc thwys.

Handit cnyrdyl aflawen

Heno e th. a llno ssyd amgen

Yn abe r llcn llad vryen .

Ys trist enrdyl o r drallo t

Heno . ac o r 11am am dae raOt

Yn aber llen Ilad en braOt.

DnOgOenc r gOc lc is i dinyd

MaOr. ar nydinaOr bedit

He it heb nodrydafhnbyd

Ncum rodc s i run ryncdliaOr

Can t he it a chant yn ydaOr

Ac vn he it o ed we ll pe ll maOr.

Ne nm rode s i run rOyfyo lyd

Cantref a chan t e idyonyd

Ac vn o ed we ll nogyd.

Ym myOrnn rc aOdyr dyhed.

Dyre in enwir en byded

Heyrn ar ve ireh e nwirc d.

Mo r vi gogOn vy anaf.

ArglyOpo b nu yin hop haf

Ny wyr n eb n e baOt ar naf.


TaOe l awe l tn hirglyO.

Odit a no mo lcdiO.

Kynn bn erlleon llawcdraOr.

MOy go rdyfnassci ar y llaOr.

M ed a mcdnon c iriaOl.

Yr aclwyt honn nens kud dynat.

Tra vn bywy gOc rchcitwat

Ynn myOewc in ac e lphin

Bc rwassc i y phe ir b rc iddin.

Yr ae lwyt honn.

nens end kallaOdyr llOyt

Yr ae lwyt honn nens end ke in vic ri.

Coe t kynncnaOe oed idi

Go rdyfnassei rege t rodi.

Yr ae lwyt honn n eus end dre in

MOy go rdyfnassc i y chyngre in

KymOynas kywc ithas owe in.


o l . 1041 .


Y r ac lwyt honn ne ns end myr

MOy go rdyfnasse i babir

Glo ewa chyn ede n kywir.

Yr ac lwyt honn ne us end tanaOL

MOy y go rdyfnassc i ar y llaOr

M ed a mc on c iryaOl.

Yr ac lwyt honn nens c lad hOch.

MOy go rdyfnasse i c lweh

GOyr ac am gym kync eh.

Yr ac lwyt honn n eus c lad kywcn.

Nys e idiganc i anghe n

Yn myOewc in ac vryen .

Yr ystOfl'

Ol hOnn ar bOim draO

MOy go rdyfnasse i amdanaO

ElOeh lln allOyhyr anaO.

XI I I .

M AENWYNN tra vnm ytho e t

Ny se thrit vy lic un .i. athrac t

Nyt e r dit vyn tir .i. he b wae t.

Mac nwynn tra vnm yth e rbyn

Am ie ncne tit ym dilyn .

Ny tho rc i ge ssc il vyn te rnyn .

Mac nwyn tra vnm yth e rb t

Y n dylyn vy ie nc ne tit

Ny eharc i ge sse il vyggOythlit.

Mac nwynn tra nnm .i. efras


27 6 m m wo t o r nm .

Yn Bu rg/ha th y the ge re in t .

c or damr.g fl ir dwn-Lin t

a ry yn Ilad gyt as ledeim.

Yn llongb onh lln y m hnr.

Ocd re rede int dan nordr yt

Bnthnr godc itb ar diffe ithm yd.

{ndyon rnthnr e ryro n glcO.

Ge re int . garhiryon graOn wabin

Rndyon rnthnr e ryro n gOynn.

Oed re redc int dan nordwyt.

Ge re in t. garhiryon graOn wcnith

Rndyon rnthnr c ryro n brith.

Oed rc redc int dan no rdwyt

Ge re int. garhiryon graOn adas

ltndyon rnthnr c ryro n glas.

Oed rc rede int dan no rdwyt

Ge re int garhiryon graOn no lo ch

Rndyon rnthnr c ryron c o ch.

Oed re redc int dan no rdwyt


Ge re int. garhiry on graOn en bOyt

Rndyon rnthnr e ryron llOyt.

Ocd re rcde int dan no rdwyt.

Ge re int. garhiryon graOn nagn

Rndyon rnthnr eryron dn.

Oed re rcde int dan no rdwyt.

Ge re in t garhiryon graOn anchwant

BlaOr blaen enraOn yn aryant.

K twm en kynno cdynot.

Ac gorne an digone t.

P ede ir prifgat ar de c

Am b rifdce b ryde in .

A thrngc in kynarno t .

E LUEST catwallaOn ar geint .

Llocgyr ardre s armes c tnc int

LlaOdillOng c llOng o ed vreint.

Llnc st gatwallaOn ar ydon.

Anar a nwar yOalon

LleOllnyddaOc ar saesson.

Llnest gatwallaOn glo tryd

YggOarthafdigo ll nynyd

Se ithmis a se ithgat he nnyd.

Llnc st gatwallaOn ar hafrcn .

Ac o r tn draOy dygc n.

Ahre ie it yn llo sgi me ige n.

733 m E E I n f- Er“



Hw t -emf: 7 5—55 :

Kar a l at-din a channr r tat - r :

Kan k a t a tho rri c an kae r.

“ nest gatwallaOn ar gcmj n

LlaOllndedic ar awyr:

tOvr Iloegy r lluo saOe e n kOvn.

Llne-st gatwallaOn he no

Trathir yn tymvr pe nnvm.

Am naOd naOr anhaOd yil’

Lluest gatwallaOn ar dc in i.

Kymysgc iwae t a he liAnge r dgOync dgOy ny gc i.

Llnc st gatwallaOn ar dnfyn l ano n .

( lOnac-thvryro n vn llaOn.

( tOodv trin dvninon daOn.


KadOy naOe kildynnyaOe eat.

Amnsc e i tr en trefy dat.

Kyndylan b e nyr bOyll o vri.

KadOynaOc kynndynnyaOe lln

A mne sc i tren byt tra vn.

Kyndylan c allo n milgi

Pan disgynn c i ygkymc lri.

Cat ealancd a lade i.

Kynndylan c allon hcbaOc

Bntc ir e nnwir gynnde iryaOe .

Ke ne n kyndrOyn kyndy nnyaOc .

Ky ndylan callo n gOythhwch.

Pan disgynne i ympriflOeh

Oat. kalanc dyn dcndrOch.

Kyndylan gnlhOchgynnifiatLleO. ble i diliu disgynnyatNyt atne r tOrch trefy dat.

Kyndylan hyt tra attat

Yd adc i. y gallo n mo r wylnt

GuntaOmal y gOrOfy gat .

Kyndylan powys bo rfl'

o r.


ychyt :k c ll e shyt hywyt io r

Kene n kvndrOvn kOynito r.

Kyndylan wynn nah kvndrOvn

Ny mat wise bar afam y drOY n

iOr ny ho gOc ll nu me rwyn .

rm; 11m) BOOK o r nnne ss'

r. 281

Kyndylan kymOyat Oyt

Ar me ithyd nabydy lOyt

Am drcbOll tOll dy yn yt .

Kynndylan kac di y riO.

Yn y daOlloegyrwys hediwAmgc led am v n nydiO.

Kyndylan kac di y ne nn.

Yn y daOlloegyrwys drOy dr en

Ny c lwir c o et o vn pre nn.

Gan vygcallon .i. mo r dru.

Kyssylltn ystyllo t dn

GOynngnaOt kyndylan kyngran can lln.

Stanc ll gyndylan ys tywyll

Heno he b dan heb we lyWylafwe ra. tawafwedy.

Stanc ll gyndylan ystywHe no . heb dan he b gannwNamyu a pOy am dyry pOyll .

Stanc ll gyndylan ystywyll

He no . heb dan he b o le nat

Elit amdaOam danat.

Stan c ll gyndyla nystywyll

Y ne nn . gOc dy gOc n gywc ithyd

Ga ny wna (la ac dynyd.

Stanc ll gyndylan nen t athwyt

l l chwed. mac yn b od dy yscOyt

l lvt tra nu ny b n do ll glOyt .

282 THE RED BOOK o r nnnc ns'


Stanc ll gyndylan ys digaryat

Heno . gOedy yr n eb pic nat

Owi a anghen byrr ym gat.

Stanc ll gyndylan nyt esmOyth

Heno . ar b cnn c arre e hytwyth

He b ne r. heb nine r. heb amOyth.

Stan c ll gyndylan ystywyllHeno . heb dan he b ge rde n

Dygystnd dcnrnd dagrcn.

Stanc ll gyndylan ystywyll

Heno . heb denln

Hidyl men yt gynnn.

Stanc ll gyndylan amgOan

Y gOc le t. heb do e t heb danMarOvy glyO. b nOmu hnnan.

Stan c ll gyndylan yspeithwae .

Heno . gOcdy k e twyr nodaOc

Elnan kyndylan kacaOc .

Stanc ll gyndylan yso c rgrc i

Heno . gOcdy y parcham b nc i

He b wyr heb wragcd ac katwe i.

Stan c ll gyndylan ys araf

He no . gOcdy eo lli y hynaf

Y maOr drngaOe a pawnaf.

Stanc ll gyndylan ystywyll

Y nc nn gOcdy dyna o lo cgyrwys :

Kyndylan ac c lnan powys.

284 THE RED BOOK e r l IEltGEST.

Eryr pe nngOc r n pc nngarn

LlOyt . arnehc l y cnan .

Eidic amgic kyndylan.

Eryr pcnngOe rn pe ngam

LlOyt. arnehc l y adaf

Eidic amgic a garafi

Eryr penngwcm pe ll galwaOt

He no . ar wae t gOyr gOylat

Rygc lwir trc nn t refdifaOt.

Eryr pc nngOem pe ll ge lwit

Heno . ar wae t gOyr gOe lit

Rygc lwir trenn trefle thrit.

EglOyssen bas sa y e rfi'


Heno . y diwed ymgynnOys.

Clcdyr kat callon arge e twys

EglOyssen bassa yu t fi’

ac th

I l e n e . vyntanaOt ac gOnac th

Rnd yu t Oy rwy vy hirac th.

EglOysseu bassa yn t yngHe no . y c tincd kyndrOyn

Tir mab lan kyndylan wynn .

EglOysscn bassa yu t tirio nHe no . y gOnae th c n me illye n

Rnd yu t Oy. rOy vyngc alle n .

EglOyssen bassa c e llassan t

En b re int. gOc dy dina e lo cgy rwys

Kvndylan ac c lnan powys.

rns am) BOOK o r ncae nsr . 283

Stanc ll gyndylan ystywyll

Heno . o hlant kyndrwyn

Kyne n a gOiaOn a gOyn.

Stanc ll kyndylan am e rwan.

Pob awr gOedy maOr ymgynyr dan

A we le is ar dy b c nntan.

Eryr c li ban y Ief.

Llewssei gOyr llynn

Crc n callon kyndylan wynn.

c e y ga t gOyr gwynn nevi

Efy ge e t trOm hoe t ymi.

Eryr e li a glywafHe no . erc nlyt yOnys b eidyaf

Efy ge e t tOrOm hoe t arnaf.

He no . difi'

rynt mc issir mygcdaOc

Dir b re ehnae l hir rygede t.

Eryr cli c ehc idOmyr.

Ny thre id pyscaOt yn e byr.

Ge lOit gOe lit ewae t gwyr .

Eryr c li go rymda

Co et. kyn e rc kinyaOa

Ac llaOch llOydit y drab a.

Eryr pc nngOcm pc nngarn

LlOyt . ar nehc l y at lc is.

Hidie amgic .


Eryr pe nngOc rn pc nngarn

LlOyt . arnehc l y c nan.

Eidic amgic kyndylan.

LlOyt. arnehc l y adaf

Eidic amgic a garaf.

Eryr pe nngwc rn pe ll galwaOt

He no . ar wae t gOyr gOylat

Rygc lwir tre nn t refdifaOt.

Eryr pc nngOe rn pe ll ge lwit

Heno . ar wae t gOyr gOc lit

Rygc lwir trenn trcfle thrit.

E glOyssc n bassa y e rfi‘


Heno . y diwed ymgynnOys.

Clcdyr kat callon arge e twys.

E glOyssc n bassa yu t fi'

ac th

He no . vyntanaOt ac gOnac th

Rnd yut Oy rwy vy hirac th.

EglOyssc n bassa yu t yngHe no . y c tincd kyndrOyn

Tir mab lan kyndylan wyim.

EglOyssc n bassa ynt tirio n

He no . y gOnae th c n me illye n

Rnd yu t Oy. rOy vyngc allon.

EglOyssen bassa c o llassan t

En b re int. gOcdy y dina 0 lo cgy rwys

Kyndylan ac c lnan powys.

THE RED BOOK Ol’ 11m m .

Nyt anghe n fic ne r. am dc

Nyt anghen flrc nr am gOm hc int

Nyt anghen fl'

rc ncr ae rniwaf

Ffrener wenn b rodyr athnac th.

Wyr ny negynt vygylyac th.

Ffrene r wenn b rodyr e thun.

Pann glywyn t gyOrenin lln

Ny c chynyde i ifyd ganthn.

Mi afi'

rc ncr a median.

Kyt yt no c at ympe b

Nyu taOr ny ladaOr an rann.

Y mynyd kyt at no vch

Nyt c idigafafydOyn vymbnch

Ys ysgaOn gan rci vy rnch.

Amhanal ar anac rOy.

Yda atre n yny tryde nOy

Ac yd a atOrchym marchnOy.


AmhaOl ar c lnyden

Ydaa tryde nOy yn trc n

Ac ydaa ge irOyn alwc n.

Kyun bn vygkylchc t c re e n

Ganyr gale t. chOannaOc y ge lc iu

Rym ge rn c yn ncdwned bryum.

Kynn bn vygkylche t

Cre e n n en ganyr gale t.

Kc lyngar y llille n

Rymge rnc y nedOned trenn.

GOedy vymb redyr e dymyr hafrc n .

Y am dOylan dOyryO

GOac vi a vy me t yn vyO.

GOedy me irchhywcd a che ehwcdDillat. a pt aOr me lyn

M e in nygc e es nyme cs dn dedyn .

Gwarthe c cde imyaOn ny bnant

Gc rdennin. a che rd n eb nyt ac thant

Ym b uO. ge rwynnye nn gOyr e nchnant.

Gwarthcc cde irnyaOn ny bnant

Ge rdnnin. a chan t ne b ny chc rdyn t

Ym byOge lOynnye n gOr

Ednyn warth gOarthcg d

GOe rthgOyla ncgyd

Ar a dyn e dragOarthac deubyd.

M i awydOn ae ed da

Ga t am y gilyd gwrda.

Be i gOrc ie g'

rthmO]. byde i gO


288 THE RED BOOK o r nnae ssr .

HediO byde i bann y dysgyr

Hi gyna dina y gOyr.

Tywarehe n e real ar c rdywal

Wyr. e c tincd mo rynl

A gOcdy rys mac rysinal

He led bc dic y mge lwir.

Oa padiOyth re dir

M e irehvym b re ac cn tir.

He led bc dic am kyne irch.

Oa padiOyth re dir gn rnmse irch.

Kyndylan ac b edwar degmc ireh.

Neur sylle is c lyge n ar dixio n

Dir. e e rsed e rwynnye n

Hir hOyl henl hOy vyghe nye n.

Nenr llyssc is e dinl le

Ure c o nn ffrc ne r we rydrc .

Hirae th amdame rthvredyrde .

MarehaOc e gac r a danaO.

Llas vymb redyr ar vnwe ith.

Kynan kynndylan kynnwre ithYn amOyn tre n trefdifl


c ith.

Ny sange iwehe lyth ar nyth

Kyndylan. nythc ehc i dro e tned vyth

Ny nagas y nam nah llyth.


KymOed egnaOllaOhae l

Mab kynndylan c lo t anac l

Dywc r kynndrOynin c aranmac l

Oed dihc id ac oed.

Oed diho ledic . treftat

A geissywys. caranmac l yn ynat.

Karanmac l kymwcd ognaO.

Mab kyndylan c lo t arllaO

Nyt ynat kyt mynnat e honaO.

Pan wisgc i garanmac l. gatpe is kynndylan

A phyrydyaOy onnen.

Ny chafl'

e i fi'

ranc trane e e benn.

Amee r y bnm bras vOytNydyrchafOn vy mordOyt

Yr gOr a gOyn ei c lafge rnOyt.

Bredyr ambOyat innen

NyseOyn c i glenyt c e rnnOydcn

Vn e lnan kyndylan de n .

Ny mat wise b rige r. nywdirpe r

0Or yn dir naOr gywryssed

Nyt o ed lenaOr vymb rede r.

Onyt rae agb e n ac ac lc n

MaOr. a gloe s glas nc r cn

Ny bydaflenaOr inne n .

rm: RED BOOK o r nrne nsr . 291

Mac s maedyn neus end rcO.

O dina da y e c

Ar ned c irinn cd e iry tew.

Tom e lwithan ne us gOlychglaO.

Macs mae dyn y danaO

P edwar pOnn brode r am bn .

Ac y bob nu pcnntc nln

Ny wyr tre n pe rehen ydn.

P edwar pOnn brode r am bnant.Ao y bop nn ge rOyfnOyvant

Ny wyr tren pe rehen kngant.

P edwar pOn te rwyn e adwyn

Vredyr am bnan t e gyndrOyn

Nyt e c s y drenn bc rchen mOyn.

Ge sge yghe t ade t arnat .

Nyt Oyt bylgc in t gyn e t

Ne nm gOant yn r 0gOrr dy go t.

Ge sge di yghe t a thc ch.

Nyt Oyt ymadraOd dib c eh

Nyt gOiOc lc in yth grc in y grc ch.


Co i 1049 ®OGY gogyfc rche is. gegyfarchafgog fnc rchyd

Vrien rege t dywalle nye t y lcOcnyd.

Enr ac aryant mo r c ndinant endihenyd.

Kyn ne e y daOrOng y dOylaOy gOcsge ryd.

292 THE BED BOOK 0? 11m m .

J enai awnae th co ll ac alae th am ve it ch pe nnyd.

Ke nen y b raOt : kynnindae raOt. ny buge lnyd.

Y ricn awnaeth. dialvnac th. y gewilyd.

Kynin vynn u. kynarehwe ln. endihe nyd.

Dc nmacmcn . diflOys dile n dydaOlnvd.

Sc lc n dc lyit. e nnynnyessit. o r a dybyd.

Dyb i y nae th. arvd achac th. e c en he rwyd.

Ce chliOlafnen. trOy nalche il -yen. am fl’

l-Oythen gOyd.

Wy kynnhalyant. lle pedwar c ant. y pedwar gOyr.

DOfyr diynnas. b endigOyfc lafc las. 00 e n herwyd.

Y r ac kafl'

e kynninaOl vo . yn drag wyd.

DydaOc o llet. o r ymdirye t. yr arde lyd.

AllaOhe b acOt. allanyn ar gunOt . athlaOt Inyd

Oes nc ib ie nc in. nyt ymgyghe in ymmc rwe ryd.

Nyt ymganrc t nyt ymdirc t ne b e c gilyd.

Dre ic e wyn cd. difi'

wys dircd dirie n drc nyd.

Lle cgyrwys yd aa. lle taOt yua. y hatche tlyd.

Te rrit me inwc ith yn ane le ith o r g fhe rgyr .

MOy a ge llir. ne e a gefiir. e wyndedyd.

O gyt gygho r. kyfrOng c sc e r. me r a mynyd.

Kynyt egud. gOr anyd bnd. ywyndedyd.

Ge rtfit brythye n yn atpe rion ar antyrron gyOe thyd

EfadaObyt. ny hyd k c rdglyt . ny hyd k e luyd.

Alafgar mae r. arthaOc nyd chwae r. Orthy gilyd.

Llad a be di. e c le ri. byt chOilnynyd.

Vn ge rnndiaOe . antrngaraOe . cfa e rnyd.

Bychan y la. yn ymchwc ln. e r me rche rdyd.

Arth e r dehen. kynyt yn te n dyehyn c rnyd.

Lle cgyrwys lledi. afrinedi. e b ewyssyd.

GOc ith c e rs ne chn e . e diangho . bydaOt de twyd

Dendeng wragcd. ac


nyt ryn ed. am vn gOr vyd

Oe s ic ne ngtit aghyfyrdc lit . y nac thdybyd.

Bc rOymdifant. barnaOe e r c ant. nys rywc lyd

Vrye n e rege t. hae l cfyssyd ac anyd.


LlanOmOani ge nOy amgyni.

LlithraOt gOyr eryr eryri.

Di rynie kymry rac kammOri.

Dre ic daregan nab henri.

BlOydyn y crnyn kynn te rvi.

Ble id. k edyrn kadarn y westi.

GOe sti byt ke e l ennyt k e li.

GOastat gOlat gOlcdie normandi.

GOst pryde in pryde r o e cni.

Gvastatne t nal rot yntre i.

Penn he ird pob e luyd e thhen e vynn e n .

M i ath egynarchafar arOyden.

Py vynychgyt ylly vab on.

Mabe n karcdic y gywe ithyas.Ge rnche l awcn ar wcilgi Ias.

Mab e n oed b rythye n pande lon yOhnrdas.

Ac ewc in anyd ryd rOyfteyrnas.

GOr c e chygc e ehwed go rawcn. gOyncd

GOre id hyn hil mernyn mur teym ed

CarannaOc nabe n ymb re nn gOare t.Kynarwyd yOa ymdamnn et.

Allmyn argythwyn ge chwed dyghc tBrc e lcd dachwcd gyrdcd ge rthe t.

Rygas pob rywir bydaOt dir dyno t.

GOyr me rweryd am drcnyd yn ymdrane t.

Rndyon galaned Iain dyhed hc idcd a dib e n c nb e t

Pob k efpob kyfne t pob gOr pob go rno t .

Crist amredes yml lc s ym llOyr wyb e t .

Llo cgyrwys anghymmOys yn aghymine t


e rthin wc rin aindrin drane t.

296 rm:am o r time rs-



"01. 105 1. icc snllwvr nedn llenne r

Crist k e li yr pe r-i prudde r

Vy me irdvon brn se nhye n synhyer.

Vy marte n curgadc ir c atwer.


ygk c rde n ne b llyfrc n lle e r.

LlOrOganon e gano y pade r.

Orc t ya e dnn ny emnied.

Crc t e e b ias nyth gyifm masswed.

Crc t ydiedefa gOc ne r.

Ac gyno t y em e t ar nine r.

gytnon tcyrne n tOrOfglywhe r.

O gytne t rin animo t re sse r.

Sae sso n dyvryssyon kynngOande r.

Ardale cd lln kyhe cd kOyn c r.

Didcfnyd mac lenyd malnchc r.

Digyfr c ithheb gyfre ithheb gae r.

Am nac l dir y e lywir hir ac r.

Am Iann gOyrann evOy mdn c r

Am bnc ll t te rnyn tOrOfnehe r.

Taryfar naryfe narwaOl lyfyrde r.

Am ab er kammarehy kyfnarehe r.

Llyw Ilewenyd y nine r

Yna yt vyd prydyd hc b pryde r.

(Dhrydyat ge b e nnyat gle eOdc r.

prific ith pe nyt we ithpade r.

bris parehpan ythgynarchc r.

)rchOchy do nyd o dynyndc r.

Ardnnyant llOydyant neh llc nnc r.

Dnr ar le cgyr a lwgyr y pa de r.

Ac gar ac vanyar ac vane r.

m - wo x e r nm m .

Km nc rth o li‘ alun te rnyagi.

Kyt lanan dywan ban y hatre di.

AdraOd y che lle t gall galle t ny e lli

A diaspat van agOan a gOc idi.

Ac o chympe b te ri‘ac atef‘ tyne ni.


Agar taguened un cured M ydi‘

Gle e sscdic cOyndic amchwe ith.

Gle c sson enr k efye n kyfarwcith.

Kywe rlyn ho edyl dyn adifl'

c ith.

Kedyrn le cgyr yn llygrn kyfre ith.

KyfrychOn gOc lOn en go leith.

Dnnnde b sae sson ysscOn e sswc ith.

Di boned arwled en medwe ith.

Arno llye in heb getwein gy'

twe ith.

A de rrirnOrthde rwyn dyle ith.

BarOnc it byrr heyd e nkywe ith.

A llywpa dyr gOyned gOannare it lL

AdraOd llnde t kaOd kanhymdc itlt

Edrych awc lyehwae l anre ith.

Amgynyrdan kyflanan c ilwe ith.

l)ywygir o r mynnir milre ith.

Bratdyhed o ge nimcd gob e ith.

DydOyn dyn at t a y nvnwe ith

Ge lndant llne ed llaOn ymde ith.

( lOr dhaOlOr yn ho li afl’

e ith.

These wo rds are indistinc t .

THE RED BOOK o r m awr. 299

GOr alas o le ste ir dichwc ith.

GOirye n gOir dil e ir dyle ith.

GOaratwyd gan a dOyn y le ith.

GOaredaOr yn yr dcwrwyr dcgwc ith

Be dlaOn a pan dc rnyn pob ie ith.

I e chyt rann penyt poen ge ith.

Poe t cfan rode rann gob e ith.

Diwed trngarcd trOy gyfrcith. amen.


vo l. 1053. M OB yOgvac l gOc lc t.

Brathcn a b rythne t.

Brithwyr ar ge rde t

Ar andOy dynghc t.

Ac yr a dywe t.Y dywan ge llc t .Mab ny mat an e t.

Mab in c id dynghc t.

An ghcnaOd age rc t.

Anghc nOri gywc t.

Lle cgrwys ac dywe t.Och rac anghyfl


rc t

Hyt ympenn y sc ithnc t.

Or kalan kalc t.

GOir y daOgOarc t.

DrOyrdyn damnn c t.

GOynvryn gOarthac t .

GOyned y dryde t.

Kymry vn gyfl'

rc t.

En lln allnehc t.

Ce c lnc in e n gOaret .

GOiraOt k e ndaOt ke t.


GOaramOy rege t.

Rann gan ogonc t.

Ge ge nc t an rann

Am redc s rOyfnan.

Am bu bard datcami.At giglen gamlan.

Atwc lir gridnan.

A chynhcn drnan.

A chynnyd maban.

Katwe r yn vyehan.

Kade cd awe lan.

Cur llannr Human .

Llnmango chgOnn ve t.

Llc ith cn e rne t .

Arwyd en dyno t.

Aerwyr c ryro t.

c ryr c u c lo t.

En c lcd e leu rago t .

Rann gan gyu n anghen.

Dyd gOe inyd gOac t e ren.

Dyd ke ryd kae ren.

Efa daOnal dib e n.

Aches lyghcsse u.

Ar trc th na thre thcn.

Ny llnyd na sOyden

GOann diblan dadl cn.

Gan rOfan rOyfnc n

Yc ir b it grc ircn.

O ve n byt vynnc n.

Or et y a b nOb ndyc n.

Am hyd ryd rade n.

302 ran man BOOK or nene nsr .

POy tawe t y ll cm'


POy lle t y gcnc n.

POy me in t ennc inhe n.

Neu nlacn gOyd fl'


Py cst-Ong me r grOm.

Neu pe t anat non .

Y ssyd yn eube n.

Neu len a gOydye n.

A nuant ge lnydye n.

Pan wnantPan daO1108 a lliant.

Pan vyd y dinan t.

COd ane s rae dyd.

Pan daOnaswc lyd

Pate r n e stc r ambulo .

Ge ntis te nan e in adiunando .

Sibilem signnm

Rogante s fe rtinm.

Am gOiOgOiOam gOmyd.

Am geissan t dcn ge lnyd.

Am kae r k c rindan k c rindyd.

Ry tynnc irchpe c te r danyd.

Y mwynant ys cwant .Ym kan

Oynt yn dirdan .

Kymry yggridnan .

Pronato r cnc it .

Rae lOyth c issyfllc it .

Kymry prifdiryc it .Rann ryge ll bc it.

Ga d hir nehen e it.

An yar he nne it.

Dyde cnt gOarthne r.

GOydnc irch dy ar ne r.

r an RED BOOK o r 1111110381 . 303

Eingyl yghyge r .

Gwc latte r arbyde n

GOynyc ith ar sacase n .

Clandns in sye n .

O rOynannnsse n .

BydhaOt pe nn sc ire n .

Rae fiichit lcwe n .

Marini brython.

Rydarogane n .

A medi b e e n .

Am haft e n anon .

Lladyr fl'

adyr k c nn amassOy.

Ffis amala. fl'

ur. ihr. sc l.

Dyruedi trin c t trame ed

CrcaOdyr e rehai.

Hnai ge ntil dichmai

Go spe l]. c odigni

Ce ta go sgo rd murComu ameni dur.

Ncu bum gan wyr k c lnydo n .

Gan uathhcn gan ge nanne n .

Gan cnnyd gan c lc stron.

Ry ganhymdc ith achwysse n.

BlOydyn ygkac r gefanne n.

Wyfhen wyfnewyd OyfgOi

OyfllOyr. OyfsynnOyr k c inyon.

Dy ge ni dyhcn vrython.

GOydyl kyl diac regye n.

M edu t medwe n .

Oyi bard. Oyfny rinafy e illye n.

Oyi 11y0. 0yfsyOamrysse n.

Sib e i. arahc i nys medy.

Si fl'

radyr yny fl'


P e sbe rdc in b re nre in a dyni.


Adcuhe nt vOchmcdlc stri.

A ganhe nt gam nardo ni.

A geisse nt gyfu arOs nys de nbi.Heb gyfrc ithhe b re ithheb rodi.

AgOcdy hynny dygevi.

Brithuyt a byt dynysgi.

Nac e rnyn dy hc ch nythvi.

Rc cn n efrymaOyr dywedi.

Rae y gre srym gOarc s dy ne li.

Ri Rex gle amge gyuarchyn ge lnyd.

A nc lc isty diis fe rtis.

Daregan dOfyn dni.

Bndyant nfi'


Hie nemo in pe r progenie .

Efdillynghwys y tOryf

Diis nirtn tnm.

Kac thnaOt kynnhnllOys estis iste est

A chynn bnasswn a snnsc i.

AmafbOyfde rwin y a dihen.

A obyun mynnOyfdc rnyn e ren .

A obyu n de l cwyn riOar vynggenen.

A obyun vyngkynallc ar llathcn pre n.

P oe t ymhcn c it yda kyfeden.

Abre id em dyweit llythyr llyfrcn.

Kystnd dygyn gOcdy gOc ly aghe n

Ar saOl a gigle n vy mardlyfrc n .

Ry bryn hOynt wlat nefadefgo re n .


Ge ssm nrrn LLEFOETm m; OLAOK. YO1m m

Co l. 1055. fi ewr byt eyt dydaO.

Ke t ymgemmyc ke r e homaw

Dychystnd agb e n dyehyfyaO.

308 rm:111 1) BOOK o r m om .

M edOmntdrut pob anghyfye ith.

Biryanl an r haOdwc ith.

Efmolir paOb Orthy weith.

Ny char devyd diob e ith.

Go ren kyflwyt yn gyweith

GwaeannOyn goaflOm tir.

Ot yu t tonnaOr gaOr ennwir.

Gwall amy mynyehwc lir.

Y dras. kyfa rann rybuchc r.

Bit wastat gwre ic ny e rehis.

M cvyl ys gnaOt o weddaOt hir.

Ny rydc che rydygir.

O hir dinaOdyehwynir.

Ane marOny me chwc lir.

Ave da gan a ys dir.

Ave gleOgo ehlywir.

Y glo t . e vy che t gode lir.Guynn y vyt pydiwy redir.

Ke rcnnyd dufa hoedyl hir.



Tex t, Vol. 11. p . 1 .

Tan tex t ofthese two poems has be en printed after having repeatedly examin ed the Cambridge J uvcnc uawith ve ry great care , and

having also had the benefit ofa very minute and careful examina

tion ofthis inte re sting MS ,made by a most c ompe tent judge—viz.

Henry Bradshaw, Esq. ofKing’s Co llege , Cambridge . Our objsetwas no t only to obtain a pe rfec tly c o rre c t te x t of these we ll - knownstanzas

, but also to de c ipher, ifpossible , ano the r and longer poemwritten on the first page , in the same charac te r and autograph.

The MS. of J uvencus came to the library in 1 648, from Dr .

Richard Honldsworth, maste r ofEmanue l Co llege ,who died in thatyear, and bequeathed his library to the Unive rsity. I t was first

catalogued and put on the she lves in 1 6 63, with the re st ofDr.

Honldsworth’s bo oks. On the first leafthe re is, in the hand-writing

ofRichard Amadas,who was a c le rgyman in Essex , and died in

1 637, the wo rds Paraphrasis in Evange lia,

” with the figure s


and at the end,in the same handwriting, J uvenens

P resbyte r in 4 Evange lia, Anne 1233. On the first page is thename Mr. P ric e ,

”and in the same hand a referenc e to J uvc nc ua

from J ames Usher, Bp. ofM eathes book, fo l . NewUshe rwas only Bishop ofM eathfo r a fewyears, from 16 24 to 16 27


in a bo ok published by him in 1 624, called the Answer to a J esuit ,the re is a c itation ofJ uvenc us at p. 349

,so that the MS. must have

be longed to Mr. P ric e abo ut that time . The re was a J ohn Price ,no ticed in Williams’s B iography ofEminent We lshman, born in

312 s o r e s ax e 11 1 13 1 2 1 1105 5 .

Lo ndon, ofWe lsh pare n ts,in 1 600

,who was e le c te d from We st

mins te r to Christ Church, Oxfo rd, in 1 6 17,afterwards turned

papist andwen t to Paris. He se ems to have made Ushe r’s acquain tanc e in I re land, and it is b e lieved the re are some ofhis le tte rs in

Ushe r’

s printe d co rre sponden c e . From him Dr. Houldsworth probab ly go t the MS , with o ther bo o ks , when the troubles b egan,while J ohn P rice

,be ing a 11


e lshman,probably pro cured it in

1Yales .

I t is a large quarto MS. of 52 leaves of parchment, and isunqu es tionably ofthe n inth c e n tury. The te x t is writte n in a bo ldand fre e charac te r

,and is in the same handwriting throughou t. The

c o lopho n at the e nd,in the same handwriting, is

e xpliqnn t quat tne r Evange liaa J ave nc e pre sbyt e re

pc n e ad ve rb um translata

Arant dinuadn .

i.a.,a praye r fo r Nnadn. The lines of the tex t have glosses in

We lsh,writte n ove r them in a smalle r hand in the Sax on or Irish

charac te r. On the first page , in the same charac te r,is a poem c on

sisting ofnine line s, each line fo rming a triple t, c ommen c ingwith thewords Omnipo te ns auc to r ,


and ofwhich the Vic omte de la Ville

marquécou ld o n ly read the las t thre e wo rds, Mo limmapM e ir.”At

the top ofpage s 48, 49, and 50are , in the same hand-writing andcharac te r, the c e lebrate d stanzas beginn ing Nigno rc osam,

”and o n

the last page are , in the same handwriting and charac te r, fifty lines

of Latin he xame te rs,ofwhich the wo rds dignissime Fe thgna

can alone b e distinguished. We have thus the te x t ofthe MS. c on

n e c tedwith the name Nuadn,

"and the two W


e lshpo ems c onnec tedwith the name Fe thgna,

”t o which the epithe t of digniss ime is

attached. Bo th of the se name s are I rish in the ir form,and it is

somewhat remarkable that the re was an impo rtant pe rson in the

nin th c e ntury in I r eland, who se name was Fc thgna. This was‘

c thgna, who was Bisho p ofArmag h fo r twe nty- two years, anddied in 874. His death is thus re c o rded, unde r that year, in the

Annals of Ulste r Fc thgna Rpisc e pus hae res Patricn , capnt

re ligionis te tina Hibe rnian in P rid . No n . Oc to b ris in pac e qniovitI am inde b tfl l to Mr . Bradshawfo r mu ch ofthis info rmatio n .

314 s ome u p m m m os a

ddyllan. I t iswrit ten in the n me mstrc , thsre are the m em es

siong it is pc rvaded by thc - ms n nfimeng and in hoth is the

c xpred on of“ Frm c’uscd, and I am no t sm ofits o c curren c s

in sny othe r poem. I t wou ld almost sesm as if thsss posms ofths

ninth ccntury had b c en prcse rved for the purposs of rfi ufing l l r.

T. Wright. He obje cts to the

having be en introduc sd by the Nomm snd to ths uss of the

word “Franc , as be ing post-Norman. Yeg hm m bofl l in a

poem transc ribe d in the ninth c entury.

The re sre only two words in the te x t of this poem that sre

doubtful. N ic anu in the fourth line may b e read N icanil ; and if

so , it is probably transposed, and should b e plac ed at the end ofthe

line , so as to co rrespond in rhyme with the words none!and pate l.The le tter re presen ted by y in dic cyrr is a pe c uliar let tcr, whichmay represent one of the Sax on forms for y, o r the Irish c ontrae

tion fo r at, in which case the wo rd will read discuirr . I read the

third line as“ Mi a

’m Franc dam an calaur ,

"I and my Franc

around (dam,so in c omposition), our (an, o ld form for sin), ket tle .

I think the previous line my househo ld is no t large ,”refers to

there be ing only two persons. The n , in the last line , I c onsider

the re nde ring of Don”by God,

”as inadmissible . I am no t

aware of any stage in We lsh o rthography where Duw could b e

writte n Don. I t is the o ld form of Dan,

”two , and se ems to refe r

to the same two pe rsons.

The preceding line I am inc lined to read My song is a lament .


a wail,a lament Cowyddaid,

”a song. Cyweithydd

would ce rtainly neve r b e written in o ld We lshwith d fo r th. My

translation is as fo llows

I will no t sle ep, no t one hour ,To - night my household is no t ve ry great ,

I and my Franc around o ur k e ttle .

I sing no t , nor laugh, nor sle ep,

To - night thoughdrink ing the newmead,I and my Franc around o ur pe t.

No joyousness impre sses me ,Te - night my song is a lament .

Two do no t talk to me [with] one speaker .

The first poem I do no t attempt to translate — (S )



P rior to the year 1 148, says Tanner, a priory was foundedat Caermarthen for six black canons. I t was dedicated to St. J ohn

the Evange list, and re c e ived a charter fromKingHenry the Se c ond,who granted De e st ec c lesim Sanc ti J oh. Evange lism dc Kayrme rdyn e t canonicis ibidem De e servicntibns ve te ram Civitatem dc


I t was granted, 4th J uly, 33d Henry VI I I .,to

Richard Andrews and Nicho las Temple . Upon the disso lution of

the religious houses in the reign ofKing Henry VI I I ,Sir J ohn

Pric e , a native ofBre conshire , was among o thers appointed a c om

missioner for their suppression,and ex erc ised this duty main ly in

the county of Bre c ou,when he rece ived grants ofmany of the

re ligious houses. In the co urse of the pe rformance of this duty,

he re c e ived from the Treasure r ofthe Church ofSt . David’s a MS.

whichhad belonged to the Priory ofCae rmhrthen , and was kn own

by the name of the B lack B ook of Caen narthen. In his Histo riw

B ritannica Defe nsio , he quotes the c onc luding verse of the first

poem in the MS.

The B lack B ook ofCaermarthen is a MS. consisting offifty-four

folie s of parchment, in small quarto , and writte n in the Go thic

charac te r with illuminated capitals, but the handwriting varies at

inte rvals. On page ninth the re is inse rted in the current hand of

the sixte enth c entury the fo llowing sente nce . I t has be en read

with some difficulty owing to the faintn ess of the ink , and may no t

have be enquite c orre c tly transc ribed.

Kym henae th deyth ach ny dwy yr by byt heb wy bod beith

we thyn e r kym c im ddar he nwy dy a llyr Ilyfyr dy ny dwgllyfr dn

dy alln’r llyfr da nid wise.

On fo lio 24 b two lines are added in a Go thic hand at the

bo ttom ofthe page , and the fo llowing note is inserted o n a se parateslip ofpape r in the handwriting ofDr H Humphre ys, Bishop of

Bangor, who died in the year 1712. I have an e xac t c opy of

this book c writ withy've ry same hand with that on the bo ttom of

31 6 s ome u p ni t srn rro s s.

this leafs. Y‘2d side of the 24th fo l. my c opy calls this books y

llyfr da 0 Gae rvyrdde n.


The re is nowno trac e of this c opy.

The re is a c omple te and ac curate c opy in the Hengwrt c o lle c tion,

in the handwrifing of Mr. Robe rt Vaughan the c e le brate d an ti

quary, from which it might b e infe rred that Mr. Ro be rt Vaughanwas no t the n in posse ssion of the original MS., but it must have

pos ed into the Hengwrt c o lle c tion prio r to the year 1658, as it

appea rs in the catalogue of the MS. books ofRob e rt Vaughan of

Hengwrt, made by M r. William Mauric e in that year. I t wase xamin ed by Edward Lhuyd, whe n he was allowed a hurried in

spec tion ofthe Hengwrt MS. in 1696 ; and it has newpan ed, withthe rest ofthis valuable c o lle c tion

,into the posse ssion ofW’

. W. E.

1Vyans , Fem, ofP e niarth, M.P . I t is a subje c t ofc ongratulationthat the se invaluable MSS. sho uld have b e c ome the pro pe rty ofa

ge n tleman so we ll able to appre ciate their value as Mr. Wynne ,and whose libe rality pe rmits them to b e used for lite rary purposea

The MS. appears thus to have be en written in four difl’e rent

handwritings , b ut they are all ofthe same pe riod, and the re sult

I have come to , afte r an atte ntive study of the MS., is, that the

who le of it,with the e x ce ption of a few parts , writ ten in a late r

hand, and evide ntly inse rted at a late r pe riod in some blank spacesin the MS.,

is of the age of Henry I I. and this is c onfirmed

by the two last pie c es but two be ing laments on the death of

Madanc , son ofMaredut, P rince of P owys, who died in 1 159, in

the re ign ofHen ry I I .

Are the re any indications , the n, in the MS. as to the pe rsons bywhom it was compiled ? I think the re are

,though fain t and

obsc ure .

The MS.,it will b e obse rved, c o ntains c opie s of the two poems

asc ribed to Myrdin, called the Afallenan and the Hoianau.

Mr. Ste phens has,in my opinion

, ve ry c learly demonstrate d that

bo th of these poems contain passages which c ould no t have be enwritte n prio r to the time ofHenry I I . ; and he c onsiders bothpoems to b e c ompositions of the twe lfth and thirte enth c e nturies.

The suspic ions passages run thro ugh the poem of the Hoianan in

such a manne r as to indicate that the entire po em is the c ompo sition ofa late r age , and one passage suffic ie n tly indicate s its date

whe re it mentions

318 so res m ) m m m o s s.

Is the re anything, then, to show by m the Hoiam u waswritt en ! I t appw s to me to c ontain on e refa e nc e which cannot

b e mistaken in stanza e lev.

“ Oian a parehe llan ai byt cyvm

Ban glywyn llavar o Gaerfyrddin

Hear , 01itt le pig ; b e no t open -mouthed

When thou he are st my vo ic e from Can -marth »

Train ing two you ths skilfullv.

I think it c lear from this passage that the write r must

be en one ofthe canons ofthe P rio ry ofCaermarthan.

Ifthe passage“ A mi a ddisgoganafcvn fyniwedd

I will prophesy b efo re my end

The Brython over Saxons, the Pic ts say it,

refe rs to the write r and no t to the supposed autho r, Myrddin, as a

P ic t, then, in that age the name was c onfined to the inhabitants of

Galloway, and the autho r must have c ome from the south of

Sc o tland.

The re is ano the r poem in the B lo ck B ook which deserves attention with refe re nce to this question.

The fo llowing is the tex t, with a literal translation

Dv dy uarchda dy capan Blac k thy ho rse , b lac k thy c ope,‘

Du dy pen du duhunan Blac k thy head, black thou thyself

la du as ti ysco lan . Y es, b lac k art thou, Ysc o lan.

Mi isc o lan ysc o lheic 1 am Ysco lan the scho lar.

Pickle his Sc o ttishknowledge .

Guae . ny baut age nt gnledic. Alas !that the re was no t to me what the

Gwledig had [ofa scho o l, 1'

Olosc ie c lnis. allat buchisc o l. For b urning a church and killing the kine

Camus is usually translated cap, bu t this is a mode rn use of the

wo rd. At that time i be lieve it represen ted the Latin cam whichwas theec c lesias tical c loak calle d the c ops. In the B rut y Tywysogrb n, Henry 11is said to have given to the cho ir ofSt . David


s deu gappan c or, trans

lated two cho ral c aps ; a strange ly small gift fo r a king. What are chora

caps ! in a Catho lic cho ir the two canto rs wear c ope s, and no do ub t the gift

was that oftwo copes fo r the cho ir.1" Mr. Stephens translate s this hinde red schoo l inst ruc tion . This is a

s ort s AND rerusrmrros s. 319

Allyvir rod y vo ti.

Vy penhid. ystrum kyab i.

Creaudir y c readurev. perthidev

Muyhaw. kym wde imi vygev.

Athvradaste . am tuyllas ynnev.

Bluytin llaun im rydoded.

Edrich de poen imy gan mor

IfI knewwhat I do know,

Mor amluc guint. y vlaen b ric Howclearly the wind b lows on the sprigs of

guit fullum [aun . the falling wood,Arav vn enthnme b ithnys gun What I did I neve rwould have done .

This po em is usually c onsidered to b e adialogue be twe en Myrddinand Yscolan, but there is nothing in the copy in this MS. to con

nec t it withMyrddin . Davies reads the name as two words, Ya

Go lan,” which he translate s the Golan,

”and suppose s that the

person meant was Co lumba, the ce lebrate d Missionary from Ire landto the northern Pic ts ofSco tland in 565, and Mr. Ste phens adoptsthe same viewand supposes the name Ys Co lan to b e equivalen t toSt. Co lan or St. Co lumba. I do no t conside r this theo ry to b e

tenable . Fordun rec ords a c onve rsation be twee n Myrddin and the

Apostle ofStrathc lyde , Kentigern,whichbears a remo te resemblanceto that be tween Ysc o lan and his unnamed inte rlocutor ; but the re

is no tradition, nor any probability, that Myrddin came in c ontac t

with Co lumba, ne ithe r do es the c onstruc tion ofthe Welsh language

justify the separation ofthe first syllable Ya”from the re st ofthe

name,and ex trac ting a name Golan

”ou t ofit. There is a class of

words inWe lsh inwhich Ys may b e viewed as a separable prefix ,but in most ofthe words beginningwith Ys

the le tter 3] alone has

b e en prefix ed,and the le tte r a is an essential part ofthe word, as in


(spirit), gecal, schoo l,e tc , and this is the case in all

proper names—thus Ystyfi'

an, Stephen, etc ., when the syllable ys

canno t b e thr own off.

go od illustration of loo se translating. How that meaning can b e extrac te d

out ofthe wo rds allat buchysc o l,”

I canno t conc eive . Boddi is to drown

o r be drowned.


The Irish equivalent is bath, drown but it has also the

se c ondary se nse of b lo t out, suppress, cancel ; and I suspec t that this is the

meaning ofthe We lshword he re .

And causing a book to be drown ed.

My penance, very heavy it is to me ,

Creator ofc reatures, greatest of

Supporte rs. Forgive me my falsehood.

He that b e trayed thee, dece ived me also .

A full year I was plac ed

At Bangor, on the pole ofawe ir.Consider thou my sufi


erings from sea-worms.

320 s or es AND m c sm '

n os s.

The same name oc c urs in the lives ofSt. David, whe n he is saidto have me t an I rish e c c lesiast ic called Scuthyn, at a plac e called

Bed Ysco lan. I ts equivale nt in I rish is no t Co lan o r Co lumba, b utSc o lan. In ano ther life , in me ntio ning this Sc uthyn o r Scu tinus, it

is added, who had ano the r name Sc o lanus . The name also o c curs

in the o ld Sco ttishAc ts ofParliament,in the re ign ofAl e xander

I I .,when

,in the year 1228, J udicatum e st de Gillesc op maksco la ne

pe r dive rsos judices tam Galwidie quam Sco c ie ,” which give s us

an instance of the name about the date ofour MS., and, strange ly

enough, c onne cts it withGalloway . I t is plain, the refore , that it is

impo ssible to read the name Co lam o r Co lumba o u t ofit and what

rende rs the supposition still more unlik e ly, is that while the Ys

c o lan”

of the po em is desc ribed as blac k in dress and appearance ,the dress of St. Co lumba and his monks happens to have be enwhite , as appears from his life by Adomuan.

I t has always appeared to me plain that the drem and appearanc ehe re desc ribe dwas simply that ofthe Black Cano ns ofSt .Augustine ,who wore a black casso ck , and ove r it a black c loak or c ope and

hood, with a blac k cap and ifI am c orre c t in this view,it will

bring the c omposition of this po em likewise , and Ysc o lan himse lf,to the pe riod when the B lack B ook ofCae rmar the n was c ompiled.

The name ofYsgodic , or Sc o ttish, thoughapplicable to I re land at ane arly period, was, in the twe lfth c entury, appropriated to Sc o tland,and we have thus again he re the appearanc e of a Canon of the

P riory of Caermarthen ofSc o ttish origin, and apparently from his

name c onne c ted withGalloway, who is addre ssed in this po em,and

his be ing c ontemporane ous with the c ompilation of the MS. throwsadditional interest on the allusions c ontained in it .

POEM 1 .

Trans lation,Vo l. i. p . 368 . Tex t, Vo l. 11. 3.

This po em purpo rts to b e a dialogue be twe e n Myrdin and

Taliessin , and the subje c t of the poem is obviously the battle of

Ardde ryd,whichre sulte d in the defe at ofthe Pagan party and the irflight into the wood ofCe lyddo n . I t has usually be e n attribu tedto Talie ssin

, but it is no t c ontain ed in the B o ok of Taliessin,

and in the po em itse lfMyrdin c laims the autho rship.


the host landed. Ar we lugan Gwe lwgan,”from Gwe lu ,

pale ,

and can,” white . I t is evident that a pale white horse is meant,

though here , as in many instanc es , the wo rd mare or its

equivalent is omitted,the co lour alone be ing e xpreu ed. Com

pare the use of me inwinev”

(main wineu)in the next line , and of


seve ral times in P oem x xvii,whe re the meaning admits Of

no doubt . The two fo rms o n the pale white ho rse appearto refe r to Death and Hades on the pale horse ”

in the Apo calypse , vi. 8.

STANza Iv.

Line l . Rhys is bo th a prope r name and an appe llatio n .

In the latte r case it signifie s a rush, a trial, diffic ulty, or st rait a

Dywed Myrddin y dawaiY rhys ar afiwydd ar rai

I e uan Tew.

B ydwant’

rhychwant , the o rdinary import ofwhich is a

span , may possibly he re signify as much as can be compassedwiththe arms for the e xpression se ems to convey the idea ofa very large

shie ld, which, ifo nly a span in diame te r,would no t b e the case .

Duwme rchyr medant

Rhyodre s rychwan t.Gwan'd Lludd y Llaw, p. 207.


Line 3. Dine l Dine l,Dywal or Dywal ab Erbin—(E )


Line 3. Arytcde ril Arvde rydd Ardde ryd.—(E )


Line 2. Vida” vyddan vyddant, from“ bod

”to lie —(E )

STANZ A vm .

Line l .—Elifi'

e r Eliver, and is probably the same as the pe rsongene rally called Eliver go sgo rddvaedr, o r large

- re tinued—(E ) His


name appears in the Gwyr yGogledd withthe fo llowing sons Gurgi

and P erednr.


Line 2.—Ce lyddon, o r wood OfCe lyddon, se ems to have be en

in the Gogledd”o r Sco tland, and inc luded the Ettrick Fo re st and

Tweeddale —(S )


Translatio n, Vo l. i. p . 497. Tex t, Vo l. I I . p . 5.

This po em is some times attribute d to M e igant, a bard and saint

supposed to have lived in the six th c entury, b ut on what au thoritydoes no t appear. With the e x c eption of three lines (the 1st , 2d,and 4th), it is composed e ntire ly of unc onne c ted rhyming adage s,

most of which will b e found in the c o ll e c tion Of Dz’

are bz’


Cymraeg, or We lsh prove rbs, prin ted in the Myvyn'

an Archaeo logy,

v. 3. The dre am se ems to refe r to the fourth line,which probably

ought to stand before the third, fo r the latte r, in its pre sentposition, appears to b e out Ofplac e .

Line 3. M e iure t’ me uedd. Nid hofi


ed me uedd b ro .

Myn. Arch.

Line 4. N e ar,’written also ne ud

,n ens

,and ne n— is a kind of

inte rrogative to which an affirmative answe r is invariably e xpe c ted,and is Often very prope rly translated Simply as an affirmative

partic le —(E)

Line 5.—For ‘ dc

nda’ we Shou ld read dim da (se e the

prove rb in Myv. Arch. iii. p .

Line l l .— If, in re lating anything, o ne does no t ente r minute ly

into particulars, it is no t so easy to c ontradic t him, though his

statements may b e e rroneous —(E )

Line l 2 . Re uue t re uue t rhe uvcdd. Ni lwydd

rhe uvedd i ddiriaid.

”—M yv. Arch. iii. p. 1 68.

B uye id bwyaid), prope rly signifie s the c onse c rated wafe rs


ofthe Church OfRome (se e P oem x xu . p. The wo rd is also

written mwyaid, and in this fo rm we find it in a po em called

GosymdaithLlevo edwyn ebglawr (Red B ook, p . whe re ,withthe ex ception ofthe o rthographical variation Ofthis word

,the same

prove rb o c curs.

Ny chenir Mwye t t ar tfo .

L ine l 4.- The c onc lusion is wanting —(E )


Trans lation, Vo l. i. p . 498. Tex t , Vo l. I I. p . 5.

This po em,with the four which fo llow, is fo r the most part

ve ry Obsc u re . Each line is gene rally made to c onsist of thre e

things, with a rhyme in each c lause in addition to the princ ipalo ne at the e nd

,which latte r is some times a so rt Of asso nan c e

rathe r than a full rhyme— a pe culiarity by no means confined to

these c ompositions — (E ) The po em is usually attributed to Cuhe lyn , a bard ofthe ninth c e ntury, and line 5 appears to imply this.

a s.)

Line 3. U:ridwen,

’Ce ridwe n, Caridwen , o r Cariadwe n— is

ge ne rally co nside red to b e the godde ss o r pe rso nification ofNature

in the ao - called mytho logy Ofthe We lsh. She is some times repre

sented as the inspire r of po e try, henc e pair Ce ridwen”

o r the

c auldron ofCe ridwe n—is Ofte n used by the bards for the fountain of

po e tic inspiration , and in this charac te r She se ems to b e mentionedin this passage . Gogyrvcn,

”the wo rd used he re in the o riginal ,

signifies, ac c o rding to P ughe (ll'

e lshDie t. 8. v.) a spiritual b e ingo r fo rm a pe rso nified idea, a pro sopo pfc ia.

”In the fo llowing

e xtrac t from a do c ume nt on Bardism, pro bab ly writte n abo ut thee nd ofthe fifte enth c e ntury, the wo r d is unmistakably employed fo ra symb o l, charac te r. o r le tte r Tair e lwyddc n llythyr, se v O

gymmodo lde b y naill n e ur lall o r t ri y gwne ir llythyr sev ydynt ,

tair pe lydre n go le uni ; aco r rhai hyn y gwnc ir yr im gogyrve u ar

bymtb eg, sev yr nu llythyrc n ar bymtheg no 0ge lvyddyd amgen

y mas saithgag/gr e en a saith [ugain] , nid amgen nag arwydd te ilyng


Line 8 . C'em

d co r ce nydd co r, a singe r in a

choriste r.

Line 9.—With “

j lamde kywe ire c ad compare thelines attribu ted to Taliessin :

Rims wdwn 37W ,

Cychwedl am doddyw

The same bard also says

Ae len fiam lydan ,Cyficyra in mawr -dart.

Line lO.—That is, it would se em, the confiagration caused by

the nation Ofthe bo rde r.

Line l l . Waur gwawr, a he ro .

Line l 3.—The allusion he re probably is to the soc ial qualities Of

the subje c t of the poem. The graid, o r heat, was to warm o r

chee r the bards and o the rs whom the he ro e nte rtains—(E )

Line l 4. Grahl.’—The poe t se ems to play here on the diffe re nt

meanings Of the word graia, using it in its physical se nse (hea t)inthe first instanc e , and in its me taphorical sense (arde nt,flows)in these c ond. A similar remark may b e applied to the wordfranc , whichoc curs twic e in the same line a little furthe r ou .

—(E )

Line 18. Mama me idro lae th,’a plac e which has limits o r

boundaries,an enc losure—that is the mitlan,

”o r list fo r combats.

—(E )Line 22. is assumed to b e the name ofa pe rson.

Line 23. Anhe tauc “anheddawg, unpcaceful, restless, tur

bulent. A peac eful disposition fo rmed no part ofvirtu e acc o rdingto the mo ral c ode ofthose early times


Line 27. Ve l c cl meddud from mcdd,mead. Se e Book of

Taliessin, p. 169. E.)


Line 30.—This line appears to come in paren the tically. The

poe t, forge tting his theme for a moment, breaks out into a so rt

of ejacu lation suggeste d by the allusion to rennet reon at the

e nd ofthe prec eding line , and then resumes his subjec t in the thre elines fo llowing—(E)

Line 34.—The co nnec tion ofthe thre e co nc luding lin eswith the

pre c eding po rtion is not apparent—(E )

Linc 36 .—The word dac

,here translated good, I have no t

me t with e lsewhere . Ifa c orre c t fo rm,it is probably the same as

the I rish de agh, dagh, or dag, Ofwhichthe usualWe lshfo rm is do .

The two languages afford many o the r instan c es ofa final guttural

be ing thrown offby the one and re tained by the Omen—(E )


Trans latio n, Vol. i. p . 500. Tex t, Vo l. ii. p . 6 .

The autho rship Ofthis short c omposition is by some asc ribed toCuhe lyn and by o the rs to Aeddan , a name no t found in the lists

of\Ve lsh bards ; b ut it appears from line 3 to b e by the same

author as the pre c eding poem,and it is probable that it was ad

dre ssed to a chieftain of the name ofAeddan. The compositionhas the appearanc e Ofbe ing ve ry Old.

Line 2.—These Opening lines are also c o ntained in the pre c ed

ins poem—(E )

Line 9 .—The bards c onte nded with o ne ano ther to sing his

praises—(E )


Trans la tio n,Vo l. i. p . 504. Tex t

,Vol. I I. p . 7.

The greate r part Of this po em appears to b e a dialogue be twee nthe soul and the body and the two po ems which ne x t fo llowmayb e c onside re d as c o ntinuations ofthe same subje c t.

Line 4.—Ta1iessin

,in the poem called Anghar Cyvindawd,

has a Similar allusion to these pivo ts o r ax e s


Ge m : p." re cur

Y -syd y dan vo r.

B oo l o r‘

Ta l iessin , pt l 35 .

Linc 9.—The reading Of the B lo ck B ook

, Tridawd,

"se ems

e rrone ous,and sho uld be e ithe r Trindawd


Trinity, o r tral


tribulation —(E ) I n the o rthography of the B lack B oo k, a

befo re a co nso nant is freque n tly omit ted, always before g.

Line 29.—The pre c e ding se ven lines, as we ll as some o the r po r

tions Of the poem, appear to b e no t in a ve ry co rre c t state , and

diffe r c onside rably in the B la c k B o nk and the Mycyn'

u n Arch e o logy ;

such a diffe re nc e b e ing gene rally a pre tty sure indication that the

te x t has suffe red, and that the early transc ribe rs did no t fu lly unde r

stand the meaning ofwhat they at tempted to c opy—(E )

L ine 30.—A day offasting

— (E )

L ine 37. Gucrth,’

the word used he re in the o riginal, shou ld,

it is c onje c tured, b e read gu e ith”

gwe ith—(E )


Translatio n , Vo l. 1. p . 506 . Ta t, Vo l. 11. p . 8.

‘Vith this Sho rt poem and its strange c ompare

Cad godden, and Canu y Byt Mawr ”

in the B ook of Tuli

rss t'

n,pp. 137, 214.


Tn uwlalio n, l'

u l . i. p . 506 . Tex t, Vol. II. p . 9.

Line 7. Tariun’

fo r taran, thunde r. The same fo rm is

measionally me t with in o the r po e ts as,fo r instanc e

Trachywyd lle c lIwed l luch a Mar ian

Casnodyn .

Fo r Ilyrms we sho uld probably re ad Ilym: lleas), death.

But sho uld ”yum!”

lluaws, a multitude )b e the c o rre c t read

ing, the pos t may have in te nded to conne c t it with poploc t

3; I n 11 3 3 7m

n fl x r fi m fiim nem i m h i h h

" w. E x t » . 35

i s i fa: T? Yn n - i -wi : J : at in: p 39; em it -d tb e hll c-i Prin ce

Ii i / I:B'

o ark—ff.

Line 5,

—Tnit. Zine se ems b e -u: ofplac e he re—(E )

Gr omma lic a Li ll i/r t , l "SL—a E . )

Lin t: l 5 . J l e r c la fi re-m m in the Black Bwl ’

,but me irc h


he r - e“

I in the l ryr n'

fm e z-py . The lat t e r appe ars to he the mo remn e ct reading, S inc e we have

grage t (t e-me n )again in the n e x t

line —IE. )

Lint: 24.— I l e wal l no t atte nd mat ins

,no r say his prayer; no r

f it in a rmsclitut ive mo o d, be ing to o much oc c upied with the things

a t this wo rld. If.

Linc im.—The se wo u ld b e his to rmento us in the re gions b e low,

wru rding to the do c t rine of the he rds. Se e Similar e xpre ssionsum-cl by Gmfl


ydd ahyr Ynncl Co ch(M y/r . Ar c /4. i.)and Dvydd al lirmldng .

- (li )

him: 36 . Im'

lmyr l ,’

e vide n tly a c le ric al o r a tymgraphicalvu


u r fu r M ilmyc l Miliange l, the We lsh fo r m of the name o f


the Archangel), which in the Myvyrian te x t appears in its modemised o rthography. With this line , to all appearanc e , this po emends, and what immediately fo llows has no appare nt conne c tionwithit

,and is ofa to tally differe nt charac te r.

—(E )

Line 41 . Llauuride t llawfrydedd, fromRaw(as in Haw- en)and bryd, the mind q. (1. llawc nfi'

ydedd .—(E )

Line 4"—The in te rpo lation se ems to end with this line . The

remaining po rtion may have originally be longed to the po em, b ut

mo re like ly it is part ofsome o the r c ompo sition, o r pe rhaps differe n tfragments c onfusedly strung toge ther.

—(E )


Translation, Vo l . i. p . 5 10. Tac t, Vo l. I I. p . 12.

Line 9—Here the tense changes from the future subjunc tive tothe past indicative . In the original, afte r the ve rb and its Obje c thave once be e n e xpressed, “ A

”alone is use d fo r them in bo th

te nses, e x c epting that fo ur lines furthe r on the past is again given

in full. I t is the refo re possible that,in the instanc e s in which the

words are no t fully supplied,they sho uld

,as in the first portio n,

b e taken in a c oniunc tive sense,indicating a wish rather than a

fac t .


Translation, Vo l. i. p . 5 11 . Tex t, Vo l. 11. p . 13.


Linc l .—The re can b e b ut little doubt that Cali, as an epithe tof the De ity, o riginated in the Latin wo rd cwli, the genitive of

cwlum,heave n

,and that Duw Ce li is De us c i

, the God ofhear en b ut in pro c e ss Of time , the re lation in which it stood to

ano the r wo rd having be en fo rgo tte n o r overlooked,it was used

inde pe nde nt ly, and gradually came to b e lo oked on as be ing de rivedfrom c e l

,hidde n

,c onc ealed

,se c re t, the ro o t ofc e lu, to hide o r c o n

c e al. lVe may the refore , withou t any improprie ty, when Cali do esno t stand as a genitive gove rned by Duw



o r some wo rd

332 wa s Arm ILLt sr nAr Io s s.

ofthe kind, t ranslate it by the Myste rio us One , o r some equivalente xpre ssio n Dr. J ohn Ke nt, a po e t ofthe early part ofthe fifte e nthc en tury, in his poem on the “ Names ofGod,

" printed in the 1010

.II SS. p. 285 , me n tions Ce l i no t as an inde pe nde nt name o r title ,

but,acc o rding to its primary meaning, as an att ributive to Duw.

DuwTri, DuwCe li, co e liwn Daf, Eli,

Dwyv. e ilwaith da r u lvrn

Gwiwn c r. c i glad a ganwu .

Arglwycld Dad mawr ganad. gwn .

The bards, it may b e Obse rved, we re allowed to in trodu c e Latin

wo rds into the ir c ompositio ns, bu t the ir lice nse in this respe c t did

no t e x te nd to o the r fore ign languages.-(E )

Line 6 .4 e c Mark xv. 34. The same wo rd oc c urs also at p.

36 in a c ompo sition at tribute d to Elae th.


Line 6 .—Anhun

,o r Arman

,was a female sain t of the filth

c e ntury, and the repu te d fo undress ofthe churchOfTrawsvnydd in\Ie rione thshire .

—(R i

St aN Z A I I I.

Line 4.—P robably an allusio n to the passage of the Re d Sea

(Ex od. x iv.)

Line 6 .— The wo rd in the o riginal is

p abair”

which signifies bo thmakes and the wick of a candle—the pith of

the rushwith a small po rtio n of the fibre be ing forme rly used fo r

wic ks,and to some degre e at the pre se n t day in some remo te parts

ofthe princ ipality.

Line 8 . P imp Irawr ,’

l’e ntapo lis , o r the five c ities ofthe plain

(Ge n . xix .) lVir gwyr), Oblique , slan ting Swe rving, turn

i ng aside , Lo t’

s wife . E.)


Transla tio n, Vo l. i. p . 5 12. Te x t, l


u l. ii. p . 13.

This po em c alls fo r no remark .

P OEM x v I.

Trammio n . m . i. p . 49 1 . Tex t , m . it p . 17.

T his po em may he calle d the Birch- t re e ,

" just as the o ne that

fo llow. i: named the Apple - t re e s .

”—4 E.) The allusion , however,in b t e ns


I 2,line 3, t o the Frank s in armo u r, and in stanz a3, lin e 4,

to the b ridge s o ve r the Tar and Tawy, which likewise o c curs in the

Inteqn lat Io IIs in the Cyvm i Myrddin ,m m to indicate that it is

o ne of the spu rio us poems at tribu te d to Myrddin whichwe re com

po sed in the twe lfth ce ntun '



Line 2. Sin k} a c le rical e rro r for s ir”:z ayrth, ayrthia, from

ry rllu'


, to MIL— (PL)

[ .im l . A rhimre ran’

cvmmre uan o r cymmre van , from

rym o r eyd, to ge the r, and b r eu o r b rc vu , to Iowa—(Ii)

”hyd Vm‘hM”, as we ll as Dinwythwy, lidrywy (o r Edrv y),Mne lmm

,Machwy, with some o the r name s I IIc I ItiOned in this and

the fo llowing po e m,ar e to me unknown — (E)



Line 4.—The re are two rive rs in the princ ipality bearing the

name ofTav—one in Glamorganshire , which e nte rs the sea near

Cardiff, and the o the r in Carmarthcnshirc , which disembogues intoCarmarthe n Bay at Langharne .

Line 8. G'int’

Gynt Gao ind, an o ld name synonymo us

withGaedhe l or Gwydhyl. The name oc curs also in the GOdOdin

se e p. 92.


Translatio n, Vo l. i. p . 370. Text, Vo l. I I . p . 18.

This se ems to b e the Oldest existing form ofthe po em attribqto Me rlin, te rmed the Avallenau, befo re it was inte rpohted


Line 8. Cymminawd’appears to b e he re

,as e lsewhere , used

for an imaginary p lace ofbattle , the word signifying a contac t Of

edges or blades, or, as e xplained by Pughe , a striking edges

toge the r a cu tting at each o the r.”Any plac e , then ,where hostile

armies me t might b e de nominated Cymminawd.”

Line 10.— In a poem attributed to Taliessin a similar expressionoc c urs

A gware pe lre aphen Se ison .

And the playing ofball - bufie ting with Saxous’heads.


Line 4.—These two line s are

,in the original, added at the

bo ttom ofthe page —(E )STANzA I I I.

Line P rcn me lyn,’a ye llow tre e , is one of the We lsh

names ofthe barbe rry.—(E )

Line 3. Ka d im P rydin.

’P rydyn was a name applied to

North Britain . The tradition of an invasion of Scotland from


I re land in seve n ships is also to b e found in an I rishpoemquo ted inan anc ient trac t, called the Dinseanchas , in the B ook ofLc ca n

With a fle e t ofseven ships the king’s son sailed

From Eire to the land ofAlba

He fought fo r the Easte rn c ountry

In battle s, in c onflic ts,

From Eadain to the wide Lo chlann .

Line 7 Ke nhin.

’ Some c onside r this wo rd to b e equivale ntto ge nddynt,

”and translate the lin e thus

Ofthose who come , they shall tak e with them.

Stephens , Lit. ofthe Kymry, p. 227.


Line 2.—This fair maid appears to b e Gwendydd, who issaid to have supplied he r bro the r withfood and drink in his so litarywande rings in the wo ods —(E )


Line l .— I t has be en supposed that Llane rch, the word used

in the o riginal, which signifies a glade , is intended fo r Lanark, in

Strath Clyde , the te rrito ry of Rhydde rch Has ], the patro n of

Myrddin .

Line 1 1 .—The battle of Ardde ryd, in whichGwenddo leu fe ll,

oc curred, acc o rding to the Annalee Cambr ico , in 573. I t was in

c onseque nc e ofthe disaste rs ofthis memorable battle that Myrddinbe came insane —(E )


Line 3. I Iwimlm’

an o r huimlc ian chwimlc ian) is theword in the o riginal. I t is also written chwimp le ian, chwible ian


and chwivle ian.

“ I t is ve ry probab le that it is to the prese ntbard

,M e rlinus Sylve stris , and no t to M erlinus Ambrosius , that we

o ught to lo ok fo r the origin ofmuchOfwhat is c on tained in the Brut,as the pro phe c ie s of the last mention ed . I t also se ems evident

that it is to his Chwiflc ian that we are to at tribute the o rigin of

the Vivianc ofthe romanc es ofchivalry, andwho ac ts so c onspic uo usa part in those c ompositions although it is tru e the re is no t mu ch



Translatio n, Vo l. i. p . 482. Tex t

,Vol. 21.

This composition is ge nerally called the Ho ianan,

from hoian

o r Oian,”

to listen is also called P o rche llanau,”

or P iglings.

Hoianan might b e translated Auscultations.”


Line 4. E rwis er chwys, a pack Of hunting-dogs. Dr.

Owen Pughe (We lshD ie t. S. v. Erwas changes this word into

em e tic,whichhe translates home s


"and quo tes this passage as an

authority fo r that word 3 but whe the r su ch a word as w as (pl.em e isio n o r em e is)exists in the language o r no t, it is quite c o nclusive that e rchwys,

awo rd offrequ en t oc c urrence in one of the

M abinogion (se e vo l. iii. pp. 4, is in tended in this place and

this , it will b e se en,is no t the only passage in the He ishan in

which refe rence is made to the dogs ofRhydde rchHe e l . The fo rm

e rchwys itse lf,it may b e added, o c c urs in ano the r po emwhich

usually go es unde r the name OfMyrddin

Byt a vyd byt wrth ere/my:

Y ade ilau r yn dyrys

He b we rthmau r u i chafl’

au r c rys.

Gemsgargc rdd Vyrddin, st. 1 7.

The wo rld shall b e when me n shall de light in ho unds ,

And b uild in the wilde rness

And a Shirt withou t great c o st canno t b e Ob tained .—(E)


Line 5 .— Ac c ording to the fo lk - lore ofIvalee , the ninthwave

is large r and stronge r than the o the rs, and c omes furthe r ashore .

The numbe r nine , be ing a triad of triads, has always be e n he ld ine ste em by the We lsh. Se e Stephens

,Lite rature of the Kymry.P

25 1 .


Line l l .—That is, the sod on which I tre ad—(E )



Line 5.— If ene irchiawg

(from arch), the reading in the Myv.

Arch, and adopted by P ughe (Diet. s. b e the c orre c t one , the

meaning will b e as expre ssed in the translation b ut the B lack

B ook, from whichwe translate,has ene ichauc , from e ichiawg,


- sounding. Ifwe adopt the latte r,the passage might b e

re nde red me n ofgreat noise the allusion in that case would b e

to the c lang of the ir arms. Pughe (a. v. Diheddawg translates

gwyr eneirchiawg by hype rborean men.

Line 10.—The meaning of this line is not Obvio us. Mr.

Ste phens (Lit . ofthe Kymry, p. 254)translate s it thus When

the horns call men to the squares of co nflic t b ut unfortunate ly

fo r this version the word in the o riginal is gurage t (women),no t gwyr

(men).—(E )STANzA vI .

Line 7. Abe r Dov.

’For abe r de v of the B lack B ook ,

the Myvyrian reads Aber de u gleddeu, which is the We lsh name

ofMilfo rd Have n in P embrokeshire .

STANZA XI .Line 3. Cpnm ,

’or whe lp

,for a son o r Offspring, is Often to

b e take n in a favourable sense . In awe ll - known passage , M eredydd

ab Rhys, by way of c omplime nt, calls Prin c e Medog Iawn genc u

Owain Gwyn edd.

STANZA x u .

Line 1 . Gwys'

In t. gens), pe ople ; a c ountry.

Line 2.—The reading of the B lack B ook is p rtsc , and that

of the c opy printe d in the M yv. Arch. prysg ; b ut as ne ithe r Of

these wo rds can prope rly rhyme with the te rminations of the

o ther lin es,it may b e c onje c tured that the o riginal reading was

b rwys.” Sho u ld we adopt “ b risg as the co rre c t re ading, the

meaning of the passage would be to this efl'

e c t Burrowno t in

the trodden plac e .


Line 3,—Ou the margin

Tho u sho u ldst no t re so rt to the dese rt from the de ep lake ."


STANzA v .

Line 10. Deheuba r lh,’the word he re employed in the o ri

ginal, means any so uthern region , bu t in o ur earlie r writings it isalmost e x c lusive ly used for South lVales .


Line 1 . E ilo n canno t b e re asonably supposed to ma n

music in this plac e , and roebucks near the end of the

stanm,as t ranslate d in Lite rature of the Kymry, pp. 26 9, 270,

though the word has bo th the se significationa

Line 3. Mynydd .ll ao n .

’The Mo unt ofthe P e ople —(E )

L ine 7.—Co rs Vochno is an e x te nsive turbary lying in the angle

fo rmed by the rive r Dovey and the sea, in the north-we ste rnc o rner of Cardiganshire . The We lsh Coast Railway b e twe e nMachynlle th and Abe rystwyth skirts its no rthe rn and west e rn

b o rde rs fo r seve ral miles, and the rive r Ele ri pm thro ugh a

po rtio n of it. At a little distanc e from Trev Taliessin,a village

lying on its easte rn margin, is the Grave OfTaliessin,whichtraditio npo in ts o ut as the final res ting

- plac e of the Chief Bard Of the


M inro n .

’Othe r MSS. re ad ym me n ,

in Mona o r Anglesey.

STANZ A xx I I I .

Line 6 . I tas Iddas J udas . Dr. Owen Pughe (a. o .

Iddas e xplains the word as a c ommon adje c tive , adduc ing thispassage as his authority but the re can b e but little do ubt that itis a modification of the name Ofhim who se surname was I scario tand the fo llowing passages, in which the same pe rson is evidentlyalluded to in a fo rm which is almost pre c ise ly ide n tical, te nd to

co nfirm the same view

Llyna mab gowri go b e ith.

A dylivas idan y le ith.


B lack B o ok, p. 46 .

Gogyfarch ve ir dhe is

Bath vadawl idan

Dofy n e igyawn adas .

Book ofTaliess in , p.


ofan infant, and might b e c onstruc ted by one o r two pe rsons inhalf- e u -hour, to large mounds that would require the labo ur of a

numbe r of pe ople several days. They gene rally c ontain one o r

more square stone ce lls, which vary in siz e from two fee t square tosuch as would afford ro om for seve ral pe rsons to enter them at

once . The smaller c e lls se em to have be en c onstruc ted for urns ;

whilst in the large r it appears that who le - length bodies we re deposited—Se e Literary Remains ofthe Rev. T. P r ice , i. l 48.

Su x za 1 .

Line l .— Some ofthese ve rse s se em to imply aquestion , tho ughthe inte rrogative , as in the pre sent instan ce , may b e wanting—(E)

STANZA x xxv.

Line 3. Gwir .

’Pughe (a. v. Gwir translates “


this passage , justic e bu t the allusion is evidently to this n o ted

charac te r’

s habit of disguis ing himse lf in his adventures withGwydion ab Don

,as re late d in the Mabinogi ofMathab Matho nwy.

Se e M abino gion, iii. 336 .

STANZA x xxvm .

Line‘7 —'


his plac e is probably the same as Machawy, mentioned in the Hoianan —(E )


L ine 3.—Vortige rn .

Sr axz a XLL

L ine l . Gian waz’


’ A play upon wo rds may have be e nintended he re in the o riginal. Oian

signifies a little dog ;“udo ,

is, prope rly, to howl ; and c nud deno te s a pack , as of

wo lves o r fo xes. The little dog howls in the waste ofthe pack.


Srax za m .

Linc l . M arrh’and Gwythu r

are by some c onside red to

b e simply appe llatives the ste ed”

and the man of c onflic tb ut it is pre tty evide nt that they are the names ofve ritable he ro e s.The re was a chieftain ofthe name ofMarch ab M e irchion (Marc us,

the son ofMarc ianus) living in the fifth c e ntury and Gwythur ab


Gre idio l is re c o rded as one ofthe warrio rswho se rved unde r Arthur,

and was the fathe r ofone ofhis wive s -(E )

STANZA xu x .

Line 2. Llane lvy.

’The We lsh name ofSt. Asaph, in Flint


L ine 4. Ke in .

’The re is a rive r of this name in Me rione th

shire,which joins the Mawddach near Do lge lley and ano the r in

M ontgomeryshire , which flows into the Vyrnwy about ten milesabove the junc tion ofthe latter with the Seve rn —(E )

STANZA Ll l l .

Line 2.—‘Abe r dawir dyar .

’There is a plac e called Abe r

Dyar, near Llanybydder, in Caermarthenshire , where the Dyar

e n te rs the Teivi.—(E )

Line 3.—Fo r Tavne a MS. in the translato r

’s posse ssion reads

Tawe ,” which is the popular name of the Tawy, which disam

bogues into the sea at Abe r Tawy, o r Swansea.—(E )


Line 2. Rhwyv’signifies a rule r, chieftain, o r governor ; but

he re it may be the prope r name ofthe son ofRhigenau—(E )


This stanza is scarc e ly inte lligible , and has the appearance of

be ing c orrupt—(E )STANZA LXVI .

L ine 3. - Fo r ‘ braue’ofthe B lack B ook, one MS. has “ bradawg,

which seems to b e the c om e t reading—(E )

STANza v 11.

Line 3. Am mae lur’= Amhae lwr = Ab Maelwr. Com]

Amhadog, Amhe irig, Amheredyd, fo r Ab Medog, Ab Mu'

Ab Meredyd.

STANZ A Lx lx .

Line 3.—The B lack B ook tex t has ‘m y


the .llyvyricm,achwy but in a MS. ofthen 1


be longed to the Re v. D. Ellis, of Cric ie th in Carnarvonshire , of

which the translator has a transc ript, the word is em ,

” whichappears to b e the mo re ac curate reading, and has be e n adopted inthe translation —(E )

STANZA Lx x n .

Line 3.— Se e P ric e , Ho nes Cymru , p. 35 Cambr ian J ournal ,

i. 21 6 .


Translatio n, Vo l. i. p . 501 . Tex t, Vo l. 11. p . 35 .

Cynghogion,’from cynghog, e ntangled, in tricate , or c ompli

os ted. But why should a c omposition so simple and inartificial inits c onstruc tion b e so te rmed, do es no t appear. For an ac c ount of

the We lsh me tre s called Cynghogion ,se e Cyfrinach y B e irdd, p.


Elae th, to whom the authorship ofthis and the following po emis attributed, was a hard and sain t

,who lived in the sixth

,o r

, ac

c ording to o the rs, in the seventh ce ntury. He is some times called

Elae thVrenin , or King Elae th, from his having be en, in the earlie rpart of his life , king o r prin c e of a distric t in the north of

England. He was driven from his te rritory by the ove rpoweringattacks ofhis e nemies , in consequ ence ofwhichhe re tired to Wales,

and spent the remainde r ofhis days in the Bangor o r Co llege of

Se irio l at P enmon , in Anglesey and during his residence in that

plac e,he is stated to have founded the church ofAmlwch in that

island. These poe tical piec es which hear his name,we ll ac co rd

with the charac te r he assumed towards the c lo se ofhis life —(E )


Trans latio n, Vo l. i. p . 502 . Tar t,Vo l. 11. p . 36 .

Tho ugh this poem is stated to b e the produc tion ofthe same

au thor as the prec eding, it is c onside rably more intricate and le ss

in te lligible than that c omposition .



Line 1 .—For re rent,

’or rere in t,

”he re and in the stann e that

fo llow, we sho uld undoubtedly read rcdeint,”o r rcde int,

” withthe Red B oole, M yvyr ian, and o the r c opies—(E )

STANZA x iv.

Line 2. Go te ith’

goddaith), the word used he re in the

o riginal, is a term applied to the burning offurze or heath o n

the mountains, which is done at seas onable time s of the year.

Owen (P ughe), Llywar chHen,p . 9.

STANZ A xvm .

This is the first stanza in the Red B ook .


Tex t, Vo l. 11. p . 39.

This po em is addressed to Hywe l, the son of Go ronwy and

grandson ofEdwin, who died in 1 103, and do es no t fall within thesc ope ofthis wo rk.


Tex t, Vo l. 11. p . 40.

This poem is a composition ofCyndde lw, a poe t who lived at

the time the B lack B ook was c ompiled, and inde ed appears to

have transc rib ed the latte r part ofit. I t does no t fall within the

sc o pe ofthis work .


Translatio n,Vo l. i. p . 5 15. Tex t

,Vo l. 11. p . 41 .

This sho rt po em c ontains no thing to call fo r remark .



Trans lation, Vo l. i. p . 5 18. Tex t, Vo l. II. p . 42.


Line 3.— J a is, yes. The Myvyrian has iad, a scull,which

would b e a tauto logy.—(E )STANZA I I .

Line 38.—Mr. Stephens omits the n egative ny in this plac e ,

b ut on what authority is not stated—(E )


Line 3.—The fourth stanza is he re re peated in a smalle r hand,

with some fewunimportant variations—(E )


Translatio n, Vo l. i. p . 519. Tex t, Vo l. n . p . 43.

This poem re sembles, in some ofits ex pressions, the pre c edingpo em,

and leads to the supposition that they are by the same hand.


Line 1 . B e rth and ke rch should be “ be rth and “earth


as the fact of the ir rhyming with nert in the fo llowing lin eplainly shows—(E )


Line 3.—The following occ urs at the bo ttom of the page in a

different hand from that ofthe body ofthe po em

Me rcy is


STANZA xx x.

Line 1 . Deue int’B eweint, de no te s prope rly the time from

midnight to c o ck - crowing, and is often used in a general se nse for

the dead ofnight 3but here , in c onnec tion withmatins, it appearsto mean the noc turns, or se rvic es he ld during the night



Tex t, Vo l. 11. p . 45.

This po em is by Cyndde lw, and do es no t fall within the sc o peof this work . I t is printe d among his compositions in the

M yvyr ian Arc lzce ology (vo l. i. p. where it forms the c on

e luding part ofthe poem called Marwysgafn Cyndde lw.


Trans lation, Vol. i. p . 516 . Tes t, Vo l. II . p . 46 .


Line 9. Ce da. cvd ymda.

’B a 18 the third pe rso n singu lar,

present te nse , of the obso le te ve rb de u,just as it forms the same

pe rso n and tense of the obso le te an and the past, dae th, standspre cise ly in the same re lation to data as ae th does to (in. In the

same line we have an instanc e ofthe same word compounded witha prefix , “


and this form is of less rare oe

c urre nce .

Or ymdda gwraig c i hunan.

WelshLo u'


Pennpingyon a ymda ar y b e n yr arb c t y dre s t.”

Mabinogion, ii 201 .

The word is still further c ompounded, as Gworymdda

Llawe r mawrc ir a vc thla.Kc udawt eyd roo rymdaa.

O ovrys nywys kwta.

Red Book ofI l erycst, p. 307.


the same as cave ll,a c e ll o r apartmen t , the chanc e l ofa church

and c ites the passage thus (8. v. Gefe ll)

Cyfarfan ain cafill,

which he translates opposite to my reposing c e ll ; but, 8. n.

Cyfarfan , as we ll as in his edition of Llywarch Hen, his


Cyfarfan ain oafiz ll

whichhe translates in the same way b ut the rhyme plainly showsthat cave ll cann ot b e he re intended, and it is doubtful whe the r weshould read cyvarvuan,

as in the passage befo re , o r cyvarvan”

as in the c onc luding po em. Cyvarvuan , which appears to methe be tte r reading, it is pre tty evident is the mode rn cyvarvuant ,

from cyvarvod, to me e t and Cavall”

I take to b e the name of

a stream o r rive r on the banks ofwhich the re nc ontre to ok plac e .

(E )STANZA xxx Iv.

Line l . Fo nogio n’

(from fan, a staff), pe rsons armed with

stave s, o r similar weapons . M ugr n -Mawr -Drevydd—(E )

Line 2.—The po e t appare ntly me ans to say that the fate of

Drudwas,who was inadve rte ntly k illed by his own birds

,was no t

so hard as his own .

STANZA xx xvr.

Line l .—Llywarch ab Llywe lyn use s a similar e xpre ssion withrefe re nce to this son ofLlywarchHen

Mab Llywarchddihavarchddyndid.


Trans latio n, Vo l. i. p . 26 1 . Tex t, Vo l. I I. p . 50.

This is a ve ry ob sc ure pie c e . Many of the names which o ccur

in it are the same as those mentioned in the Mab inogi ofKu lhwchand Olwen.

Line l l .—The meaning ofthis c o uple t , and inde ed ofmany o the rpassages, is quite problematical. Davie s

’translatio n (313/tn. ofthe

Druids, p. 287)is as fo llows Tho ugh the birds ofwrath sho uld


go forth, and the thre e attendant ministe rs should fall asle ep.But we are no t info rmed by what proc e ss su ch a meaning has be e ne lic ited from these five words—(E )

Line 21. Tmywraid.

’This place is afte rwards mentioned as

Trae thev Trywruid, and was the sc ene ofArthur’s battle —(S )

e same as Mynyd

Agued, the sc ene ofArthur’

s battle —(S )

Line 80.—The nin e maidens or virgins oc cur frequently in

Sc ottish legends . They appear he re as nine witches .

Line 84.—Tud people , men. Compare the Co rn. tus

, Arm.

tud,”and I r. and Gae l. tuath. This is the primary meaning of

the word, but in more modern We lsh it deno te s land as

Chwi drafae lwyr mor a thud,Y bydi gyd a

’i gymn.

E lie . liyuh , 1 703.

Y e trave lle rs ofsea and land,

The world and all its co rne rs.”


Translation, Vo l. i. p . 336 . Tex t, Vo l . 53.

This po em is attributed to LlywarchHen . I t re lates to Gwallawg ap Lle enawg, a he ro ofthe north.


Translation, Vo l. i. p . 293. Tart, Vo l. I I. p . 54.

This po em appears to he intended fo r a dialogue be twee nGwynn ap Nudd and Gwyddne u Garanhir . The latte r appearsamong the M en of the No rth, and as su chhas a histo ric charac te r .

As a mythic pe rson, he was king of Cantref y Gwae lod, a region

submerged by the sea in Cardigan Bay. This poem evide ntly be

longs to him in his histo ric charac te r, as it refe rs to events in 1



The one Tawy was the river Tay in the north,

Tawy in SouthWale s .



Cae r Vandwy is also mentioned in the poem called the P reidde u



Trans lation, Vo l. i. p . 325. Tex t

, Vo l. I I. p . 55.

This is the mo st c onfused, and,to me , uninte lligible , of all

the c ompositions in the B lack B oo le—(E ) The me ntion ofMe chyd

in line 17 se ems to c onn e c t it with o the r poems in whichMe chyd,

the son ofLlywarchHen, is referred to .


Translation, Vo l. i. p . 288. Tex t, Vo l. I I. p . 56 .

A dialogue be tween Taliessin and Uguach—(E )


Line 1 . Caer See n,’the c ity of Sion o r J e rusalem. In a

passage added to Ne nnius, Arthur is said to have go ne to J e ru

salem,and re turned with a sac red cro ss.

Line 3. Cae r Lleu a Gwydyon,’

the c ity ofLlew and Gwydyou . What plac e is meant it is difi c ult to say. I t was at a


s mou th, and must have be en in o r near Manau Guo todin .

- (S

POEM x x x vr.

Tex t, Vo l. ii. p . 57.


Tex t, Vo l. ii. p . 58.

These two po ems are by Cyndde lw, and do no t fall within thesc ope ofthis wo rk .


Transla tion, Vo l. ii. p . 302. Tex t

, Vo l. 11 . p . 59.

Line 1 .—This po em is attributed to Gwyddneu o r GwyddnoGaranhir, a princ e and poe t, and is said to have be en c omposed byhimwhen the sea burst ove r the te rrito ry called Ce ntrev y Gwas lod,


its equivalent. Dr. P ughe , whose translation ofthis po em appearedin the Cambr i an Q uarterly M agaz ine , ii. 17, evades the wo rd alto

ge the r. M e rvin,”sea- brink o r beach, which has some time s

be e n adopted, is no t so probable a reading, and would no t prope rlyrhyme with evin

”and te rruin

(z te rwyn”

) in

the lines whichn e x t fo llow.

Line 3. Finann Wene stzr n nnon Wenestr,the Fountain

ofVe nus. In the Triads ofEmbe llishme nts,” published in the

1010 MSS.,pp. 88 480, we are to ld that this is one of the names

given to the sea

Tri e nw addu rn v Mar ; Mae s Gwenhidwy, Llye Ne ifion ,a

iffynon Wen estr.”

The thre e emb e llishing names of the sea : Fie ld ofGwc nhidwv

Court ofN e ivio n,and Fountain ofVe nus.

The o rigin ofthe name may probably b e refe rred to the fabulo us sto ry which represents Venus (Aphrodite) as having be e nbo rn from the fro th ofthe oc ean , and de riving he r name from that

c ircumstanc e —Se e Hesiod, Theog . 196 .—(E )


Line 1 . Y vachte ith y vachdaith. Machdaith is e x

plained by Pughe to signify a c ou rse of se curity, a dam o r

embankment but as he gives no o the r authority for the use ofit

than this ve ry passage , his e xplanation is no t altoge the r satisfac to ry.

My impression is that the word is the same as the Co rnishma chte th(writte n mahthe i a in the Co rn ish Vocabulary, ap. Z e uss,

a maid o r virgin ,which in Irish is mo idhide an

, in Gae l. ma igh

dean,and in Manx , mo idyn. Compare also the Anglo - Sax on

maydh, the Ge rman magd, mddche n , and the English maid.

An o the r instanc e of the use of this wo rd o c c urs in one ofour old

prove rbs, and is as follows Go rug c iwaitha vachy vachdaith

which se ems to mean, He that bails the maid has acc omplishedhis wo rk but which Dr. P ughe rende rs, He has c omple ted hiswo rk that bails the j o urney ofa sure ty.

" We lshDic tio nary, s . v.

Ifmy c onje c ture as to the meaning of maehdaith is c o rre ct,

the reading of“ morwyn in the pre c eding stanza can hardly b e

wro ng ; fo r it is quite evident that the two ve rse s are addre ssed to


the same or similar Objec ts. Howeve r unpo e tical the hard mayse em in utte ring his maledic tions o n a fair maid

,his c ondu c t is

c ertainly more reasonable than ifhe c ursed a dead embankment,as

he is generally represented to have do ne . Howthe maid in qu estion was instrumental in bringing abo ut the catastrophe so fe e linglydeplore d in the poem,

must ne c e ssarily remain among the myste rie s.


Line 1 . -The impo rt of merer id’

is no t we ll asc e rtained. Dr.

Owen P ughe (Comb. Q ua rt. Mag. ii. 17)translate s it“the weste rn


”from a supposition

,it is pre sumed

,that it is re lated to

M6r y VVe rydd”

(Oce anus Verginius), a name fo rme rly applied tothe I rishSea, inc luding St. Ge o rge

s Channe l, b ut nowmore gene

rally to the Atlan tic . Mo re probably the wo rd is b ut ano the r fo rmof merwe rydd,

”or myrwe rydd, which is stated in Dr. Thomas

Williams’s manusc ript Latin and Welsh Dic tiona ry (c ircato deno te fremitus maria ; and it is evident that this c ome s

pre tty near the meaning in this po em.

Prudd vvdd ym merwerydd mdr ,Y lle ng a go llo c i hunge r.

Dismal will b e , in the tumul t ofthe sea , the ship

That shou ld lo se its an cho r

Me rwe rydd”

o c c urs seve ral times in the B lack B o ok , but me r

e rid”in this po em o n ly. E.)

STANZA V l l l .

Line 3. This las t ve rse is no t by Gwyddno , b ut it is attached

to the o the rs in the o ld MS.,and take n from the ve rse s o n the grave s

of the warrio rs, as inse rted in the We lshArchx o loyy, vo l . i. p.Owon P ughe — (E )


Translatio n, Vo l. i. p . 319. Tex t,Vo l . ii. p . 60.


Line 3,

— By some e rro r, the name Llywarch 18 he re omitte d in

the te x t ofthe B lack B o o le bu t it must at o ne time have be e n partofit . The emission is supplied from the .ll yr


yriu n .



A I I I .

Line 3. Llewand Aro um and Ur ien .

These have be en inc luded among the sons ofLlywarch, b ut sure ly they c an b e no o the r

than Llaw, Arawn , and Urien, the so ns ofCynvarch. The rhyme

shows that this line,usually c onside red the first lin e of this stanza,

really be longs to the prec eding stanza—(S )


This stanza,as we ll as stanzas viii. x . and x i. also oc c urs in

poem x xx .


MS. is c e rtainly ofthe early part ofthe thirte enth century . Stanms

92 to 97 inc lusive , are written in a diffe re nt hand,and the capitals

are plain . The part of the MS. c ontaining the Go rchanau has

the first page rubbed and turned,as ifthe MS. had be en some times

fo lded so as to plac e them first,and at o the r times with the Go

dodin first and the first four Go rchanau are written in the

same hand with the main part .of the GOdOdin,” with the capitals

c o loured alte rnate ly red and gre en. The Gorchan Mae lde rw is

written in the same hand with the two last stanzas ofthe Godo


”and the capitals are plain. I t is fo llowed by a numbe r of

lines in the same hand, which appear no t to be parts of the Go r

chan Mae lde rw,”b ut additional stanzas ofthe GOdOdin .

The GOdOdin is de c lared to b e the wo rk ofAne urin, and the

Go rchan Mae lde rw the work ofTaliessin .

The opinion I have formed is,that this MS. is the same MS.

which once be longed to the He ngwrt Co llec tion, and disappearedafte r Lhuyd e xamined them in 1 6 96 .

In a le tte rwhichappeared in the Cambr ian Q uarte rly M agaz ine

(vo l. v. p. Mr. P ric e maintains that it c ould no t have be enthe Hengwrt MS. on two grounds— l e t

, that the Hengwrt MS. issaid, in the catalogue of 1658, to have be e n 8vo , while this MS. is

small 4to 2dly, that this MS. c on tains the Go rchan Tudwulch,”

which is omitted in the list of c onte nts in the Hengwrt MS. The

first obje c tion is ofno we ight for the same catalogue te rms the

Book ofTalie ssin”likewise an 8ve a nd this MS., which is st ill

e x tant,is in reality a small 4to

,and of exac tly the same size and

shape as the Book ofAneurin and Lhuyd, who sawit amongthe Hengwrt MSS.,

e xpre ssly calls it a 4to . I t is plain, there fo re ,that William Mauric e applied the te rm 8vo to MSS. of this size

and shape . And the se cond obj ec tion is alone insuffic ient to lead

to the conc lusion that the MSS. are different ; for it is unlike ly

that the Book ofAne urin in the Hengwrt Co lle c tion should

have omitted one of the Gorchanau attributed to that hard,

while it co ntained the Go rchan Mae lde rw,

” which,as we have

se e n,was attributed to Talie ssin ,

and written in a diffe re nt hand ;

and as the page on which the Go rchan Tudwulch”

appears ismuch rubbed and bruised, and so le ss distinc t , the title might have

es caped the catalogne r. The appearanc e and binding of the MS.


so much re semble that of the Book of Taliessin still in the

Hengwrt Co lle c tio n, that the probability se ems greate r that this wasthe MS. which o nc e e xisted in that c o llec tio n , and bo re the title of

the Book ofAneurin .



Translatio n, Vo l. i. p . 374. Tes t, Vo l. ii. p . 62.

The great po em ofthe GOdOdin has attrac ted muchattention,

from its striking charac ter, its appare nt histo ric value , and the

ge neral impression that, ofall the po ems, it has the greatest claimsto b e conside red the ge nuine wo rk of the bard in whose name it

appears. I t was at first supposed to c o n tain the re co rd of awarbe twe e n the tribe te rmed by P to lemy the Ottadeni and the Sax ons,in the six th centu ry, whe n Ane urin lived, till Edward Davies an

nounce d the the o ry that the event re ally c e lebrated in this po emwas the traditional slaughte r ofthe British chiefs at Stonehenge byHengist, usually te rmed the plo t of the long knive s and this

theo ry was adopted by that ingenio us the o rist, Alge rno n He rbe rt.In the who le histo ry ofWe lsh lite rature the re is

, pe rhaps, no t a

more c urious spe c imen ofpe rve rted inge nuity than the e labo rationofthis the o ry by Davie s and He rbe rt b u t it has failed to c omme nd

itse lfto the judgme nt and c onvic tion of o the rs and the oppositeview

,that it re c orded a battle o r se ries ofbattle s in the north in the

six th century, in which the Ot tadeni b o re a part,has be en ge ne rally

ac c epted . By bo th the poem was c onside red as one e ntire poem,

an authentic produ c tion ofthe six th cen tury.

The first to cas t do ubt upon this was the write r ofa le tter in

the Cambr ian Q uar te r ly ill agaz ine (vo l. i. p. who is ge nerallysupposed to have b e e n M r. P rice himse lf, the the n posse sso r of theMS. This write r was the first to po int ou t the line

A phe n dyvynwal vrych b re in ae c noyn ,

whichhe thus translate s , And the head ofDonald Bre e,the rave ns

gnawed it and to sugge st that the pe rso n he re meant was DonaldBre e , king ofDalriada, who was slain in 6 42 which leads to the

n e c essary infe re nc e that the autho r who witnessed his slaught e r in


that year c ould no t have be e n Ane urin. He also obje c ts to the


Er pan se tt daear ar Aneu rin,”

Sinc e the time that earthwent on Ane urin as referring to the

death and sepulture ofAn eurin,whichhad already take n plac e , and

that the poem c ould not have be en c omposed by him.

With regard to the first objec tion, he po in ts ou t that the re are

obvious inac curac ies in the I r ishAnnals with regard to this eve n t,

the death ofDonald be ing lik ewise en te re d unde r 678 and 6 86,

and there fo re it may have really be longed to a still earlie r date

b ut this e xplanation is no t tenab le , fo r the re is no event in that

early period the real date ofwhich can b e more c ertainly asc e r

tained and there is no doubt that it really to ok place in the year642.

The se c ond obje c tion he does no t attempt to obviate bu t the

usual e xplanation is that it refers to his impriso nment in a chambe runde r ground, supposed to b e described in stanza 45, whe re he

I am no t headstrong and pe t ulant.

I will no t avenge myse lfo n him who drivesI will not laugh in derision .

Unde r foo t fo r a whileMy knee is stre tched,

My hands are b ound,

In the earthen house,

Withan iron chain

Around my two kne e s.Ye t ofthe mead from the ho r n


And ofthe men ofGatrae th,

I, Aneurin , will c ompo se ,As Taliessin knows


An e labo rate song

Or a strain to GOdOdin ,

Before the dawn ofthe b right day.

But this e xplanation is no t satisfac to ry fo r the language of the

GOdOdin c learly implies that the chambe r unde r ground was thetomb in whichhe was confined by death. Thus in the n e x t stanza

it is called “ the chambe r ofdeath and in the same way it is said of


is no allusio n to him whate ve r ; and, mo re ove r, the passages in these c ond part , which allude to the b attle ofGatrae th, c o rre spond, to a

large e x te nt , with similar passages in the Gorchan Mae lde rw.

I c onside r,the refo re

,that the first part is the o riginal po em of the

GOdOdin and that the se c ond part is a late r con tinuatio n , madeup partly ofpassages from the Go t ehan Mae lde rw


” which was

attributed to Taliessin,and to which allusio n se ems to b e made in

the line in whichAneurin says ofthe res t ofthe po em

Taliessin communicate s to me his thoughts

and part ly of late r eve nts,i nc luding the death ofDyfynwal Vrych,

whichmay have be e n so far c onn ec te d with the battle ofCatrae th

that the distric t called GOdOdin may have be en the sc ene ofbo th.

For this late r c ontinuation,the machine rywas devised ofAn e u rin

be ing called up from his chambe r of death unde r ground and

we find the same machine ry in a poem to which a co ntinuation

has be e n manifestly added by a late r hand— I mean the Cyvo e si

Myrdin ,

” which se ems to c onsist of three parts— e u o riginal po emte rminating withCadwallade r, a c ontinuation to the time ofHowe l

Dda,and a still late r inte rpo lation Ofthe re ign ofHenry I I . , and in

whichwe find the same machine ry ofMyrdin be ing c alled from the


ST. 1 17. Alas, deare st the c o ld separation

When comes the day oftumult ,

Thy impriso nme nt be neath the earth

By a monarch valian t and fearle ss.”

ST. 1 2 1 . Arise from thy priso n , and unfo ld the boo ks

Ofthe awe n withou t fear,And the spe e ch OfBun and the visions ofsle ep.

I c o nside r, the refo re , that in the co ntinuation, o r se c ond part, the re

is a c lear allusion to the de ath ofDyfynwal Brychin 642, as havinghappe ne d befo re that part of the po emwas written ; b ut the first

part may, no twithstanding, re late to diffe re nt and earlie r eve n ts ;

and in e ndeavouring to asc e rtain the histo rical eve nts which re ally

fo rm the subje c t ofthis po em,it is ne c e ssary to distinguish be twe e n

the statements made in the first and in the se c o nd division ofit

Looking, then , to the first division ofthe po em,we can se e that

the partie s to the struggle we re , on the one side—first, the Be din


GOdOdin, o r host ofGododin. Thus in stanza 3, He re treated no t

befo re the Bedin GOdOdin and in stanza 12,Ex c e edingly great

we re the bloodshed and death, ofwhich theywe re the cause , befo rethe Bedin Gododin.

Se condly, the men ofDe ifr and Brynaich, as

in stanza 5, Before his blade s fe ll five battalions of the men of

Deifr and Brynach, u tte ring groans and stanza 9, IfI had judgedme to b e on the side of the tribe ofBrynaich, no t a phantom ofa

manwould I have left alive .” These we re the en emie s, and a part ofthem we re Saxons, as in stanza 13, Tud lch Hir, near his lands

and towns, slaughte red the Sax ons fo r seven days.On the o the r side there we re—first, the Go sgo rd, o r re tinue of

Mynyddawg, as in stanza 1 1 ,“ The ir blades we re white as lime ,

the ir he lme ts split into four parts befo re the Gosgord ofMynyddawgMwynvawr. The Gosgo rd usually consisted ofthre e hundred men

with their thre e leade rs. Thus in stanza 18, Thre e chiefs and

thre e hundred.

”The se were c ut off to a man, as appears from

stanza 31

The Go rgon ] ofMy nyddawg, renowned in a trial,

The ir life was the pric e ofthe ir banque t ofmead.When they we re slain they also slaughte red

No t one to his native honre re turned

And Go rchan Mae lde rw

Thre e chiefs and thre e hundred

Alas !none re turned.

Se co ndly, the Brython, as in stanza 18,Thre e sove re igns of the

pe ople came from the Brython—Cywri and Cynon and Cynrain ,

from Ae ron .

”Of this body it is said in stanza 21 , Thre e he ro e s

and thre e sc o re and thre e hundred, wearing the go lde n to rques of

those who hu rried fo rth afte r the reve lry. But thre e escaped bythe prowess of the gushing swo rd—the two war- dogs ofAc ro n and

Cynon the dauntle ss.

Be side s the se bodies e spe c ially mentioned, we re the fo llowe rsof nume rous o the r le ade rs me ntio ned in the po em. The se we re

first, Cac awg. l ie is the he ro Ofstanzas 2, 3, 4, and 5. This name ,

like that ofMynyddawg, is obviously an e pithe t , car /mg be ing an

adjec tive fo r med from me, an e nc losure just as Mynyddawg is

from mynydd,“a mo un t ain and the o ne sign ifie s the man of


the e nc losure as the o the r does the mountainee r. Who Caeawgwas we knowfrom stanza 5, where his name is given as Hyvaidd

Hir. The first stanza ofthe po em is usually supposed to b e addm ed

to a pe rso n called Owen , from one ofthe lines gene rally translated,

Alas, Owain, my be loved friend But this translation is inco r

re c t. The words are,Ku kyu eillt ewc in and the natural c on

struc tion is, Thou be loved frie nd ofOwen. The pe rson mean tis evidently the same who is ce lebrated in the fo ur fo llowing stanzas

under the epithe t Caeawg”—viz . Hyfeidd Hir, who is mentioned

in a po em in the B oo le of Taliessin in c lose co nne c tion with an

Owain ofMona Hae rndur and Hyfe idd and Gwallawg andOwainofM ona ; se cond, TudwulchHir and Cv lch, said to b e ofthe

c lan ofGodebawg ; third, Cydywall from Gwyn edd, in stanza 19

fourth, Buddvan , son ofBluddvan ; fifth, Gwenabwy, so n ofGwe nsix th, Ge re deg ; seventh, Caradawg ; e ighth, Rhiwawn Hir.

The sc e ne of the struggle was Catrae th and Gododin. These

we re no t two names for the same place b u t two distric ts evide ntlyadjo ining each o the r. Stanzas 6 and 7 begin with the expre ssion ,

warriors went to Gododin ;”and stanzas 8


,l l


,13, 14,

which fo llow, with that of warriors went to Catrae th and as a

part of the enemy we re called the host ofGOdOdin ,”it is plain

that stanzas 6 and 7 desc ribe the march ofthe enemy to GOdOdin

and the stanzas whichfo llow,that ofthe B ritish army to Catrae th

and this latte r army proc e eded from Eidyn Yegor, o r the fort of

Eidyn , as in stanza 13

The re haste ned no t to Catrae th

A chiefso magn ific en t

Neve r was the re su ch a host

From the fo rt ofEidyn

The c o un try about this fo rt seems to be called the Mo rde i, as in

stanza 20,I drank ofthe wine and the mead ofthe Mo rde i and

in c onnec tio n with Catrae th the re is repe ated allusion to a rampartwith a ditc h

,as in stanzas 2 1 , 27, 39, as separating the armiea

Mr. Williams supposes that the Catrae th was the Catrail inRo xburghshire , and that this was the rampart me an t ; and that

the battle was fo ught be twe e n the Cymry and the Saxo ns in the

ye ar 570.


ever, in the poem no allusion to e ithe r Oswy or P enda and the battlewhe re Donald Bre e was slain was fought in 642, while the battleof Winwedfie ld was fought in 654. More ove r

,the battle in

which Donald Bre e was kill ed is in no chronicle called Fraith

Cairvin and it is much to b e regre tted that histo rians will stillc ontinue to c onfuse matte rs byquo ting at se c ond hand, while go odeditions of the original chronic les are ac c essible to them. This

quotation is taken from Ritson’s Annals, whichwe re c ompiled from

the Annals ofTighe rnae and the Annals of Ulster , and are full of

typographical blunders. The ac c ount is more correc tly given in

the edition ofthese I rishAnnals by O’

Conno r ; and in the original

MSS. the name is given in Tighe rnae as Strathcauin, and in the

Annals ofUlster StrathCairinn.

For the name ofKae ltrae z , give n to it by Villemarqué, andadopted by Mr. Ve re Irving, the re is no authoritywhateve r . Some

editions of the M a th: read Galtrae t inste ad of Catrae th

but this doe s not warrant such a transformation of the word, andthe re is a ce rtain afi


ec tation in using Cymric words in their Bre tonfo rm. The same Observations apply to Mr. I rving

s dates as to

Mr. Nash’s.

I t is plain from the poem that two distric ts, called respe ctive lyGOdOdin and Catrae th, me t at o r n ear a great rampart ; that b o thwe re washed by the sea, and that in c onne c tion with the latte r wasa fort called Eyddin.

”Ne nnius mentions Manau Guo todin as a

re gio in Sinistrali parts insulae,”an e xpression equivale nt in W e lsh

to “

y gogled,”or the no rth that is

,that part ofthe island no rthof

the Humbe r. The name Guo todin is plainly the same as the GOdOdinofAne urin . On the o the r hand

,Manau is the same name as that

ofthe I sland ofMan . T he re was,the refo re , an island called Ynys

Manau,and the rewas a distric t yn y Goglcd,

called Manau Gno


”o r Manau ofGOdOdin , to distinguish it. The Cymric word


has its equivalent in Old Gae lic in the wo rd Manand.

And here , too ,we find bo than island and a distric t for the Isle of

Man is called Innis”o r Eilcan Mana nd and Tighe rnae has in

581 Cath Mansud inquo vic tor e rat Aedan mac Gabran and

again, in 71 1,“ Strages P ic to rum in Campo Manand a Sax o nis.


Now the Saxo n Chronic le , in desc ribing the same event , has

Be o rhtfritb eo ldorman fought with the P e ohtas be twe e n I l aefs


and Caere and Henry ofHuntingdon has Chine e tiam Be rfrid

c onsu l restitit supe rb ise Pic to rum,dimicans inter Heue e t Cere

ubi multit udine magna Pic to rum strata, u lto r ex titit regis n ridi

e t c onsulis Be rti and by Gaimar they are called dous ewe s,

”o r

two rive rs .

The re was,the refore , a Campus Manand

,which lay be twe en

Haefe or Heve and Ge ars or Ce re , and which se ems to have be enoc c upied by Pic ts .

The name ofEyddin take s us at onc e to Lo thian, whe re we haveDunedin o r Edinburgh, and Ge rsdin on the shore , called by Gildas

an tiquissima c ivitas Brito num.

"That the Edin in these two

names is the Eyddin ofthe poem is c lear from a po em in the B lac kB ook ofCae rmarthe n,whe re Edinburghis called Mynyd Biddin ;

and in a poem in the B ook of Taliessin the re is the e xpression ,Khuing Dine iddyn ac Dineiddwg,

” whe re Din eiddyn can hardlybe anything bu t Dunedin. At Caredin the Roman wall te rminate d ;and he re the re was a headland and a promonto ry jutting ou t in to

the Firth,on whichwas a royal castle called Blackness

,whe re pro

bablywas the“ Ynys Biddin yn y Goglcd

” mentio ned in the B onedd

31 Sa int. Caredin is not far from the rive r Avon,and paralle l to it

flows the rive r Carron the two rive rs enc losing a distric t at the

we st e nd ofwhich is a great mo o r still called Slamannan in o ld

Gae lic, SliabhManand



o r the mo o r o r plain ofManand. This

is Campus Manand,”

and the Avon and Carro n are meant byHaefe and Cae re . GOdOdin, which c ontained it

,was the refore equi

vale nt to the no rth part ofLo thian , andwas washed by the FirthofFo rth. The I rishAnnals frequently mention a distric t called Calathros

,as in Tz

ghe r nae , Cath i Calathro s inquo vic tus est Domnal

Bmc and in 736,Be llumGunic e Cairpre iCalathros uc star linn

du which latte r plac e can b e ide ntified as Carribe r on the Avon ,

near Lin lithgow. Calathro s, the refore , adjoined this distric t. I ts

Latin fo rm was Calatria. In a charte r in the chartulary ofGlas

gow, Duffedir de Calatria is a witne ss andWalte r L’

Espe c , in his

addre ss at the Battle ofthe Standard in 1 130, as repo rted by Ailred,in alluding to lVilliam the Co nque ro r’s e xpedition to Abe rne thy,says, Cum Anglise vic to r Vt


illic lmus Laodo niamCala tr iam Sc o tiam

usqu e ad Ab e rnae th pene travit whe re Calatria is plac ed b e twe enLothian and Sc o tland prope r north ofthe Firths. Calatria is su re ly


the Cymric Galtrae th, whichwe knowwas the same place as Cat

rae th. The requirements ofthe site se em, the refore , satisfied in that

part ofSc o tland whe re Lo thian me e ts Stirlingshire , in the two distric ts ofGOdOdin and Catrae th, bo thwashed by the sea ofthe Firth

ofForth and whe re the great Roman wall te rminates at Care din,or the fo rt ofEidinn .

As to the date ofthe battle,we are no twithout indications. The

poem opens with seve ral stanzas devo ted to two he roes disguisedunder the epithe ts ofCaeawg and Mynydawg. Caeawg is de rived

from eae, meaning in its primary se nse an enc losure in its sec ond

ary,“a ne cklace .

Mr. Williams has unde rstood it in its latte rse nse , when he translates it adornedwithhis wreath but as the

t rue signification ofCatrae th se ems to b e the strand ofthe sa c , or

e nclosure ,”I am inc lined to think that it is he re used in its pfimary

se nse,and that Caeawg signifies the man ofthe enclosure


in con

tradistin c tion to Mynydawg, the man of the mo un tains, o r the

mountaine e r. Caeawg, the po em te lls us, was Hyfe idd Hir, of

whom it is said in one of the Tr iads,

“ Thre e kings, who we re of

the sons ofstrange rs—Gwryat , son ofGwryan yn y Goglcd ; and

Cadafe l, son ofCynfedw in Gwyn edd and Hyfe idd Hir, son of

B le idic in Deheubarth.

Cadafae l,howeve r, is mentioned in ano ther

Triad as having killed J ago vab B e li,king ofGwynedd, who was

suc c ee ded by his so n Cadvan in 603, who ruled ove r Gwynedd and

all Wales. The pe riod when these thre e inte rlope rs reigned wasapparently prior to 603; and this is the e xac t pe riod whe n, in theline ofmonarchs, the dire c t line Is in te rrupted, and Caredig Is interposed be twe en Mae lgwn and Cadfan—a pe riod ex tending, acc ording

to MatthewofWestminste r,from 586 to 603.

Now,the re se ems to b e an allusion to Hyfae dd having be en

c ontemporarywith two plebe ian kings in Gwynedd, and the Goglcdin stanza 4, whe re it is said ofCaeawg

Hc re pe lled the vio le nce of1177101118 mm , and b lood trickled down,Fo r Gwynedd and the Gogledd wo uld have c ome to his share

By the advic e ofthe son ofY sgyran ,

Who we re the b rok e n shie ld.

Again, in stanza 19 Cydywal is men tioned in c onne c t ion withGwynedd. In stanza 30Gwrien is me ntio ned among the e nemie s ;


Annals of Ulster , Strathcairinn . The uppe r part ofthe vale ofthe

Carron, throughwhich the river,afte r rising in the Fintry Hills,

flows,is called Strathcarron but it also he re the name ofStrath

cawin. Thus in the Mo rton chartulary the re is a charte r by Alex

ande r I I . which mentions Dundafe t Strathkawan quaa fueruntfore sts nostra and Dundafi


adjoins Strathcarron. In the Statistical Ac c oun t ofthe parish ofFintry the re is the fo llowing no tic e :At the foo t of the rock which enc irc les the weste rn browof the

Fintry Hills the re is a c onside rable ex tent of table - land,and on

the desc ent be lowthis starts out a kno ll,commo nly known by the

name of the Dan or Down, of a singular appearance . I ts front is

a pe rpendicular rock fifty fe e t high. The western extremity ofthis

ro ck is one so lid mass.”This is sure ly the height ofAdoyn.

—(S )


Line l .—That Gredyf,

’the first word in the GOdOdin, is a

common, not a prope r name, admits of but little doubt, though

Sharo n Turne r and P robert tak e it in the latte r sense . The same

viewis adopte d also by Z euss, who remarks (Grammatie a Ce lt ic a,951) P rimum inte r he llato re s Camhromm contra Anglos po litac e lebrat juvanem,

cujus nomen est Gr adyf(Gre timus = ibus 1 c i

adj . hod. graid, ardens, verb. griediaw, flagrare), sad in luctummoxvartitur de inte ritu ajua in proe lio .

The mode rn form ofthe wordis greddv,

disp osition , habit, or ins tinc t, which is in c ommon use

at the present day -(E )Line 17. Kn kyue illt Eme in

’is generally translated as ifthe

hard addre ssed Owain as his friend o r c ompanion. This viewmayb e co rre c t, b ut the mo re natural c onstruc tion is to conside r the

friend ofOwain , and no t Owain himse lf, as the pe rson whose death

is he re deplored—(E )STANZA I I .

Line l .—I t is no tquite obvious whe the r Cae awg

’in this and

the thre e fo llowing stanzas Should be regarded as the name ofa

pe rson , o r simply as an appe llative . The wo rd,which is properly

an adje c tive , means one having o r wear ing a wreath o r to rque . I t

will b e no tic ed that the fifth stanza begins with Caeawg,”and

e nds with Hyvaidd Hir”as its he ro . Caeawg is an ad

je c tive , fo rmed from eae,

”an enc losure , a ne cklac e , awreath. I t


may therefore mean the man ofthe enc losure,in co ntrast to Mynyd

dawg, the man ofthe mountains—(S )

Line 2. Difun various e xplanations ofthis word have be ensuggested, but few of them are satisfac to ry. I translate it quiteliterally, taking it to b e compounded of the privative prefix di

and fi‘

un,” breath. The hero be ing re presented as standing

bre athless in the presenc e ofa lady may he intended to showthat

,ho ld and c ou rageous as he was in the fac e ofthe enemy, he was

gentle even to dimdenc e in the so cial circ le and this c on trast

be twe en the warrio r in the field and in the hall is in seve ral

instanc es brought unde r o ur no tice in this po em.

As fi'

un” bears also the signification of a bundle , as in the

fo llowing line ofBedo Brwyn llys

A phan oedd ym ffunoedd yd,”

M r. Williams ab I thal translates difi'

un”by tro ops unattended.

But I am not aware that fi‘


(allied to the Latinfunis)is eve r

used fo r a band or tro op. Z e uss,fancying that difl


un”is de rived

from pun ,”awo rd used by LlywarchHen in the sense ofequal or

equ ivale nt, rende rs the passage as fo llows

Caeauc ante c esso r ub icunque ve niebatP ar tem a femina princ ipe mu lsi te nebat.

(Ce lt. Gram.

The Rev. Evan Evans, who translate s po rtions of the GOdOdin in

his De B ardis Disser tatio , leave s this part ofthe stanza blank , be ingevidently unable to satisfy himse lfas to the meaning. The Rev.

T. Pric e’

s rende ring, though no t qu ite lite ral, se ems to come pre ttynear the sense in te nded

Honourab ly in the pre se n ce ofthe maiden he distribu ted

the mead.



Line l . Kynnivyat’

(from cynniv, c onfl ic t), one ac c ustomedto the c onflic t Z euss, who , c ontrary to the MSS writes the

wo rd cynnyviat, and translates it c ondomito r, as ifde rived

from “ dov o r“ dovi ; bu t the roo t is obviously


to il,

c o nfl ic t, a word ofc omparative ly c ommon occ urrence in our ancient


write rs. Cynde lw applies eynniviad as we ll as cynnivwrto the Lo rd Rhys

Cynn ivm'eynniv nid diove r ,

Oyunivyad cynneddv Ale csande r.”

Llywarchab Llewe lyn calls Me redydd ab Cynan

Mur graid ey nnim’

aid Cynan

And Grufi'

yd ab Cynan

Mab mad eynniviad Cynan.

Line 2. E byr,’

the places where rive rs ente r the sea—(E )

[ zine 6 . Manawyt,’according to Dr. W. O. Pughe , means ,

the staffofa banne r o r standard.

Acc o rdingly, he translate s this

passage thus

The re was a confident impe lling forward Ofthe shaft ofthe varie

gated standard.

Z e uss re gards it as a ve rb formed from ban, high ; and Ab

I thal adopts it as the name of a pe rson . The probability, howeve r, is, that it is the name of the p lace where the bre ithe ll


o r battle oc curred—(E ) I t is another form ofManau , and is , no

doubt, the Cath Manead of Tighe rnac , and the Be llum c on tra

Eub oniam of the o ld We lshChronic le , fought by Aedan in 583.


Line 2 .—For godiwawr ,

’we should, with seve ral ofthe copies,

probably re ad godrwyawr,”from godrwy, a wreath o r cha in.

(E )

Line 10. Ilufaidd hir .

’NO o the r name is mentioned in c on

n ec tion with the epithe t Caeawg, and I be lieve it applies to Hyfaidd hir


throughout—(S )


Line 1 .—‘ M en went to Go dodin.

’This and the next stanza

desc ribe the Bedin GOdOdin marching to battle —(S)

Line 4. B odgad.

’The same as Badcat , o r Batheat, nowBath



Line 4. Gwy nnodi,’from gwynnod, a white mark, a bu tt.

Line 6 . Mwynvawr,’ofgreat co urtesy o r kindness

, co urteous .

The thre e hundred mentioned in this and the 8th stanza

were the re tinue ofMynyddawg— (S )


9Line 5. P hurawr. The Bo ok ofAneurin has phurawr ;

but as pluawr,”

p lumes, which is the reading of some copies,

appears to mak e be tter sense , I adopt it. P luawr,”in conne c tion

with military matters, occ urs also in ano the r write r contempo rarywithAn eurin

Gwedy meirchhywedd, a chochwedd ddillad

A phluawr me lvnMain vy nghoe s, ried oes ym dremyn .

LlywarchIl en.

Coch, in the same line,should apparently he ee ched fo r

na phurawr”

(or phluawr) implies that a comparison is intended.

STANzA x I I .

Line 4. B edydd.

’B ap tism is c onstan tly used by the early

bards synonymously with Christianity.

STANZA ru n .

This stanm desc ribes a Single he ro go ing to Catrae th, and names

him Tud lchHir.

Line Ne’

neu,naud, o r ne us) is probably he re to be

take n in an affirmative se nse , as we are repeatedly to ld in o the r

parts of the poem that all the warrio rs who we nt to Catrae thhadpartak en to o fre e ly ofmead and wine b efo re e nte ring the fie ld.

(E )

Line 3.—The meaning apparen tly is, that he was unluc ky o n

this oc casion,though his pre vious care e r had be en remarkably


Line 9. Eidyn ysgar .

’The fo rt ofEiddyn o r Caradin o n the

Firth ofFo rth,whe re the Roman wall te rminated — (S )


Line l l .—Some suppose that the wo rd ech,’bare translated

near , is equivalent to the Gree k m o r Latin as,and acc o rd ivm lv

translate the passage

Tud lchHir deprived ofhis lands and towns.”

But it is more probable that it is simply a mutation of acb,

ne ar ,

close by, as ach e ilaw,”by his han d. Similar mutations are by no

means un c ommon in the produc tions of the early bards. Dr.

Bughe’a translation ofthe passage is curious

Tad leh the Tall, a spo t ofearth reduc e s him to co rruptio n.

Line 13. En wrvyd.

’I t is no t ve ry easy to asc e rtain the

right reading he re . Some of the copies read yn wr rhydd”and

o the rs yn wrryd. I regard wrvyd”as equivale nt to o rvvdd.

from gorvod,”to c o nque r, s ubdue , o r o ve rp o rvcn—(E )


Line 4. M e ibyon Godeb awc we re the desc endan ts of Coal

Godebawc or Coal Hen, who fo rmed the main po rtion of the Men

of the North—(S ) E nwir .

’Though the prefix on has ge ne r

ally an in tensive fo rc e ,we find suwir ve ry c ommonly use d by ou r

o lde r write rs,and eve n in the We lsh translation of the Bible , in a

negative sense , c onve rtibly with suwir ,”

of which in this case

it must be c o nside red a mutation. But as the so ns of Gedebe gappear to be repre se nted he re as fighting on the side ofthe Britons ,

we may assume that the epithe t is inte nded to be take n in its pro

pe r and honourable ac ceptation. Enwir o c c urs again in the

62d stanza,whe re its re lation to cywir,

”true , r ight, flu

thful, is

c learly indicate d—(E)

STANzA xvr.

Line 2. B lud ue appears to b e a pre pe r name,probably of

a rive r. A Similar word oc c urs in an early poem attributed to

Me igant

l de y danav hyd ym mhen vy nghlun.

Ab I thal afiirms that “ it is c ertain that M e igant uses the word i

the sense ofblo od,and c onfo rmably to this viewhe thus tu n

the passage

Unde r me was blood to the top ofmy knee.”


But to me this does not seem so c lear, as a pe rson may b e kne e

de ep in water as we ll as in blood—(E )

Line 9.—That is, in the numbe r ofthe enemy.


Line 14. Ar ued.

’The rhyme , supposing the stanza to b e

c omplete , would, instead of arnad,

”require arue l (at ve l), the

form found in several c opies - (E )

Line 20. No shie ld was unexpanded is Ab I the l’s ve rsion.

Dr. Pughe’

s is as fo llows

There was not the want offo rwardne ss ofshield.

One c opy, instead of diryf has e iryf eiriv)number

The re we re shie lds without numb e r.”

Line 28.—For vreisc

'we should in all probability read vraa,

to suit the rhyme . Bo thwords as used here are nearly synonymous.

—(E )STANZA xvm .

Line 3. P ymwnt pummwnt , pum mwnt. Mwnt, used

in a stric tly numerical sense,stands for one hundred thousand ; b ut

he re,as e lsewhere in this po em

,it se ems to be employed in a gene ral

sense to signify a large numbe r—(E )

Line 5.—Ah I thal translate s this lin e thre e hund red knights

ofbattle ; but the re is no hundred in the original. Tri si chat

varehawc .” Si sy, sydd, is, the re is .

Line 3. Tr i our (teyrn do rchawc three go lden kingswearinga wreath; a sort of tmesis for tri theyrn aurdorchawg,


golden -wreathed kings.

Line 14. Llew,’a lie n

,is possibly a c le rical e rro r fo r llawod,

lio ns . The line as it now stands is a syllable too short fo r the

me tre,and the verb ledynt be ing in the plural, re quires a plural

noun for its subje c t. But supposing llew to b e the right re ad

ing, the line might b e rende red

Lik e a lion they wo uld kill dea das lead.


indicate different events in the war, and the fate ofdifferent por

tions ofthe combatants. This stanza commemorates a body c onsist

ing of363heroe s, who we re different from the 300who formed the

re tinue ofMynyddawg—(S )

Line 6 . 0wrhydr ifossawt,’Ab I thal c onve rts into , by valo ur

from the funeral fossa but the import se ems to b e that given byEvans (De B ard. Dies. p. 73)

Non evase ra nisi tres,qui sib i gladiis viam munie bant.”

Line 8 . Om gwaetfie u ,’must mean e ithe r from the spilling

ofmy blood, or from my spilling of blood and the passagecanno t b e rendered, as Ab I thal doe s, from the spilling ofblood,

in a gene ral sense . Davies is here more c orre c t thro ugh mystreams ofblood.

STANzA xx I I .

Line 2. Gwyn Dragon must have be en a Sax on commande r.

Line 5. Aelawd is a limb or member but it is he re trans

late d he arth, on the supposition that the wo rd is used in this plac ein the sense of aalwyd,

”the term nowin c ommon use for hearth

or fireside . Davie s translate s the line thus

Base is he in the fie ld, who is base to his own re latives.”

And Ab I thal

He c rept into the martial fie ld, he c rept into our familie s.”

I t is hardly ne c es sary to add that ae lawd signifies neithe r rela

tivas nor familias .

Line 7 Llivyeu.

’The form ofthis name in Go rchan Mae l

de rwis Llif.

STANZ A xxm.

Line 7 Hoewgir’in the Book ofAne urin ; but the Myvyrian

copy has Hoewgi and the rhyme shows that this must b e the

c orre c t reading—(E )

STANzA xx Iv.

Line l .— Unless ad an,’whichmean t a wing , b e a prope r name

in this plac e , it is diffic ult to make se nse ofthe passage . W e find


further on in the po em (st. 86 and 92)men tion made ofa person

Line 2. Orwydan’

gorwyddan)appears to b e a diminutive

of gorwyd, a war -ho rse.

Ab I thal finds in thisword the name ofP rydwen, KingArthur’s

shie ld ; but the copy fromwhichwe translate has no t the slightestallusion to anything ofthe kind, nor doe s the name oc cur in any of

the various readings in Ab I the l‘

s edition, the nearest approach toit being prwydan,

or prydan .

”The name p rydwen, as applied

to Arthur’s Shie ld

,it is almost supe rfluous to add, is a creation of

mediseval romanc e .

The opening lines ofthis stanza, ac co rding to the Myvyrian tex t ,are thus ve rsified by Dr. Owen Pughe (s. v. Talfrith


His painted front on ample shoulders soars,Whichmarks the hero , swifte r in his courseThan Prwydan , when the sound ofwar he hears,And se e s the thick incessant gleam ofspears.

(E )

Line 4.—Mora literally, there was sun,

” which Davies am

plifies into the rays ofthe blazing sun .

”- (E )

Line 12. E le irch,’ probably an e rro r of some sc ribe fo r

afairch e i ve ireh, his ho rses but it should b e no tic ed that all

the c opies read ale irch,”and that it is no t unlike ly that a so rt

ofallite ration may he intended be tween thisword and o le”in the

same line —(E )STANZA xxv.

Line 1.— ‘ Camb’

camm = cam,crooked, bent ; wrong, false .

The fo rm cam will b e re cognised in M orecambe, Cambodunum,

and o the r ancient names . Se e Z e uss , Gram. Cel t. 75, 96 , 825.

(E )

STANZ A xxv1.

Line 5.—That is

,probably, to bring slaughte r on the enemy, and

support to his co untrymen .

Line 8. M e innye ll,’a word which I have no t me t with e lse

whe re , may b e from main,

”the plural of mae n ,

”a sto ne ; o r

from “ main , slende r,small, narrow—(E )


STANZA x xvu .

Line 7—The achieveme nts of his sword were talked ofand

admired by mothe rs .- (E )

STANZA xxx .

Line l . Gwrisn.

’I t is doubtful what name is he re in

tended. Our tex t has vran and o ther cepias exhibit the

fo llowing readings Fron,”

unun ,”


”and vrun

”e e l


”I t is pre tty eviden t that a pe rson is intended

,no t

bryn,”a hill, as some are disposed to tranalate it . A monosyllable ;

it may be added, will no t suit the me tre —(E )

STANEA x xx I .

This stanza begins Men marched with spe ed, and desc ribe sthe fate ofthe re tin ue ofMynyddawg, which c onsisted of300men


ofwhom no t one re turned.

STANZA xxx Iv.

Line 8. Wit uap P c ithan.’—Gwit or Gwid is obviously a

P ic tish name , and the Pic ts are called P e ithwyr in one ofthe most

authentic po ems in the Bo ok OfTaliessin. Thre e sons ofWidwe re kings ofthe Pic ts from A.D. 631 to 653.

STANZA xxxv.

Line l . Anvonawc ’

(from anvon , to send), so full ofpe rso ns sent thither from diffe rent plac es to take part in the c onflic t

—(E )STANZA xx xvn .

Line 5.—I c onsider E ithinyn

(the masculine fo rm of aith


afurze)to b e the prope r name ofthe he ro ce lebrated in this

stanza,and ve laid an epithe t qualifying it . M o laid he re

appears to b e from mo li,”to p ra is e but mo laid (from mo l


)signifies also

,sp o tted, d app led and in this latte r se nse the wo rd

appe ars to b e used by Llywarch ab Llewe lyn in the fo llowing passage

Me ireh

Ymmho le lliwc e inwiw can ryvygaid dvu

Yn ve lyn , y n mla id.

In suppo rt ofthe suppositio n that Eithinyn is a proper name



partic le, signifie s also a while o r short sp ac e . Should we take theword in its primary acc eptation , the lin e might b e rendered

Unde r foo t there is grain (o r grave l).

Ab I thal gives us a somewhat strange translation of this passage

This partic le shall go unde r foo t

and illustrates it by this quo tation

Nid agwaewyn ronyn

ofwhichhe gives a still strange r translation

Pain will no t b e c ome a particle .”

This adage will b e found in the co llec tion ofWe lsh prove rbsprinted in the third volume of the Myvyn

an Archwology, and themean is inte lligible enough : A lanes will no t go into a

partic le ,”

implying that the smalle r of two obje cts c onnot contain

the large r .

Dine 6 .—This line is evidently imperfe c t. Of bundat


knowno t the meaning, having neve r me t with the word ax

capt in this passage . Ab I thal says, as if the matte r admitted

of no doubt , that it is from pwn ,”a load . I am inc lined to

think that the first syllable b un,

may b e allied to mun,”a

hand and it is no t at all improbable that the bard’s hands,aswell as

his legs o r kn e es,we re confined, and that that is the particular part ofhis pe rson that is here intended. Of course the translation ofsuch

a line can only be c onje c tural.


Line 7 Vythnudrch myth veireh, meirch mwth or

mythion , flee t ho rses—(E )

STANZA v m .

Line 10. Wyt yn dywovn’is no t very inte lligible . The who le

stanza is c onfessedly dimcult, and in many plac es probably c or

rupt—(E )STANzA LI .

Line 2. He li bratwen.

’Fo r he li

,br ine , I read heb ,


witho ut the similarity of the wo rds be ing sumciant to accoun t for

the supposed an on—(E )STAN zA LI I .

[ zine 2.—Tha ridges ofDrum Basyd may refe r to the Kilsyth

hills ; the Old form ofthe word was Kilvesyth—(S)


Ab I thal vary appropriate ly remarks that the first lines of this

stanza may b e translated in dive rs ways. A similar remark might

apply to the whole ofthe stanza, and indeed to seve ral o the r stanzas

in the poem—(E )

Line 6 . B uddugre’is state d byDr. P ughe (WelshDiet . S .v.)

to mean the impell e r, o r hastener to vic to ry the demo n of

war and he adduc es the fo llowing c o uple t from Marwnad Corro ivab Dairy, a poem asc ribed to Taliessin , in support ofhis explana

Tra vu vuddugre vora ddygrswr,Chwedlan am gwyddir owir hyd lawr .

While the demon ofwar was in the morning heaping carnage ,Rumours fe ll to me down from the air.

p. 45) se es in Buddugre”the name of a goddess, and give s

Schlachtgeschre e (war - c ry)as its Ge rman equivalent—(E )

Line 10. Heit'

haid,swarm. If haidd, bar ley, we re

inte nded, as some suppose , the fo rm probablywould b e he id.”—(E )

[ zine 17 —Thay had be e n awake,drinking mead and wine


night before the battle , whe n they ought to have be en asle epand new the be reaved mo the r ofRhe iddun is, in consequenc e


sle epless from so rrowfo r the fall ofhe r son—(E )


Line 4 . M al,’which probably is the right reading, anything

ground, meal.


E hu,

’ most lik e ly, stands fo r e chu e chw,a ho rse .



Line 1 . Ango r’means an anchor. I t is he re taken as a pro

pe r name and Augar ,”a name found in o the r write rs, may b e

b ut a slight variation ofthe same word—(E )

Line 13.—Se e stanza xv.

—(E )

STANzA Lx il l.

Linc 4 .—That is

,the c ourage inspired by intox icating drink .

(E )

Line 6 . Cibno’is said to signify a c up ,

bu t he re it has the

appearanc e ofa prope r name —(E )

STANzA v .

Line 2. Aaron.

’Other MSS. read Auo n .

’The Avo n


whichfalls into the Firth OfForth, n ear Caradan, is the rive r pro

bab ly meant, and the name Aaron”se ems pre se rved in the I ron

gathhills, past which it flows.

STANz A LxvI .

Line 4.—That is, as it would appear, b e spared none of the se

things, ifby means ofthem he could proc ure s minst re l—(E )

STANzA v n .

[zinc 3. Gwahanhon ’oc c urs in the 73d stanza. Davie s and

Ab I thal translate it as an appe llative .

STANz A v m .

Dine l .— I t is no t quite c lear whe the r Nyved in this passage

is a c ommon o r a pro pe r noun. Dr. P ughe re nde rs it sanc tityDavies

,ho ly o ne s and Ab I the l, ho ly one . I prefe r leaving

it in its o riginal form—(E )


Line 7 . Dynin’dynyn , a little ma n.

STANZA Lx x l .

Line 2. Ky tryt'

cywydd (from cy and gtrydd)may pe rhapssignify a c o lle c tio n of tree s, o r grove , as we ll as a Song ; and


lyn , I fo llowmy prede c essors in translating it craz ie r. The pro

hability is, however, that preiglyn is a co rruption of pe riglyn

pe ryglyn t , from pe ryglin,”to endanger); and, if this viewb e

c o rre c t,the lin e might b e translate d thus

His heavy shafts e ndange red the priest’s head.

STANzA LxxvrI I .

Line 6 —Tb is line

A phenn dyvynwal a b reych b rain as cuoyu ,

is ge ne rally translated in the same way as the last line ofstanza

lxxx ix .

A phenn dynynwal vrych b rain as knoyn

And the head ofDyvynwal Vrych, ravens devoured it.”

But the two lin es are no t identical, and this differe nc e exists no t

only in the Book ofAneurin , bu t in all the o the r copies ex c ept thetransc ript Ofthe Rev. Evan Evans

,made abou t a c entury age —(E )

STANz A Lxx Ix .

Line 8. Kenhan is probably a mistake ofsome early tran

sc ribe r for k enhau caneu , canaw, a whe lp . Some c epias

read Cyn on .—(E )

STANZA Lxx x I I .

Line 8 .—The readings of this lin e vary c onside rably, but none

of them gives us much assistanc e to arrive at the meaning.

For “ llew”I read “ llsin

” with the Myvyrian and thre e o ther

ce pias and by gwalir”

I unde rstand gwylir”


gwylio ,”

to wat ch). But should we adopt llew,the reading fo und in the

Book ofAneurin , the passage might b e rendered in this wayThe u tt e ranc e ofthe lion was carefully watched.



Line 2. Fun bun,a woman, a maid, afair one . Some take

this word to stand fo r fi'


” which does no t appear pr obable.Se e no te on

“ ffun”in stanza ii. The multitude ofcare s (

“ lliaws

pryde r ofwhich the post he re complains, se ems to have be encaused by his anx ie ty on ac c o un t ofa c ertain maid, as we ll as onac c ount ofthe army.

Line 8.— ‘Ke llc ir

( = c e llaig o r cyllaig), the dwe lle r in the


eelli or grove , is one of the old We lsh names fo r the stag and

k e lleic fl'

aw might he re b e translated illustrious stag .


name appears to b e applied to the leade r ofthe Argoedwya— (E )

STANzA Lxx xvI .

Line 4.—See stanza x c ii.

Line 6 .— ‘Gelwide int Is evide ntly the same with gwe lyde int

ofthe 92d stanza b ut which is the more co rre c t reading it is no t

easy to de c ide—(E )

Line l 5.—The wo rds employed in this line are inte lligible enough

but what the hard intended to predicate ofthe damse l, and maid,

and he re , it is difficult to c onj ec ture . Ab I the l thus rende rs the

Even he,who was like a dame , a virgin , and a he re .

That is, ac c o rding to him, in domestic life he was as refined as a

lady, modest as a virgin , whilst in war he was brave and high


This may b e all true , but the poe t does no t say so . The

meaning may b e that the lady, the se rvant -maid (fo r me rwynhas that impo rt), and the here , all shared the same fate—(E )

STANzA Lxxxvu .

The hard,in this stanza, which afl

o rds an apt illustration ofthe

b athos, appears to b e deplo ring the degen e racy of the days of the

so n compared with those ofthe fathom—(E )

Line 3. Chwit is one ofthe We lshwo rds fo r awhistle ; andchwit chwit is commonly used to imitate a pe rson whistling o r

calling on dogs—(E )

Line 1 6 . Lle wyn a llwyvc in.

I t is difi cult to asc ertain the

partic u lar animals which these wo rds re spe c tive ly repre se n t. The

forme r might de no te a young lion , awhite lie n, o r any beast in

ge ne ral to whose eating fac ulties the wo rd lle va would b e applicable .The latte r might signify any animal whose haunts were the e lm

fo rests,o r whose prope rty was to llyvu , o r to lick, as does a dog.

The fo x be ing named llwynog, from llwyn, a forest (a grove o r bush),and the fo re sts in the north be ing chiefly of e lm

,it is no t un like ly

b ut that the said animal was freque ntly called llwyvain in that part


ofthe c ountry whe n the hard wro te , though it is not known n ow

by that name . I t is remarkable that bo th te rms also signify c e rtainkinds ofwood the forme r the he rb orach, the latte r the elm— J .

W. ab I the l.

In addition , it may he remark ed that Hews is applicable toany animal, the word signifying simply to eat , devour , o r cons ume

and we find it employed even in reference to drink ing

Llewais wirawd,Gwin

,a b ragawd.


As regards the llwyvain, it is evident that it cannot by any legiti

mate proce ss b e deduced from llyvu. We re it not the gwytawco ccurs in a pre c eding line in conne c tion with ywrch and hyd,

we might infer that that wo rd, as we ll as llawyn and llwyain,”

represe nted the name ofsome c e lebrated hun ting-

grounds—(E )

STANzA Lxxxvn I .

L ine 7. Gwair Hir he re may b e a prope r name . Taking it

as such, we might rende r the line thus

Befo re Gwair Hir was c ove red unde r the sod.

Line 8. Ffervarch.

’Ab I thal

,unsuppo rted by a Single MS.,

reads Morarch,”

apparen tly fo r no o the r re ason than that the

name Morarch o c c urs in some ofthe late r bards—(E )

STANz A Lxxx rx .

Dine 1 .—Tb is line may b e rende red also

I saw the me n who with the dawn dug the de ep pit

I sawat dawn a great b reachmade in the wall at Adoyn

1 sawthe me n who had made a great b reach, approaching withthe dawn .

STANzA x c .

L ine 2. E n emwyd is pe rhaps a c orruption of e r enwydyr enwyd). If an emwyd b e the c o rre c t reading, the passage

appears ine xplicable , unless we take emwyd as the name of a

plac e—tm


Line 9.—This line appears to have no c onne c tion with the pre

c eding po rtion ofthe stanza,and it is evident that it does no t b e lo ng

to this plac e — (E )



Translation, Vo l. i. p . 410. Tex t

,Vo l. ii. p . 93.

Go rchan (from the intensive prefix go r, and can, a piec e of

po e try, a song, or po em) has ge ne rally b e en translated incanta

tio n b ut apparen tly without suffic ient reason ; fo r the wo rddo es no t nec essarily no r primarily convey that meaning. The

term is offrequen t o c c urrenc e in We lsh prosody, in which it sig

nifies, as co rre c tly e xplain ed by Pughe , the canon, or fundame ntal

part of song that is,one of the primary or principal me tre s, as

distinguished from the se co ndaries or de rivatives, which are called

adlawiaid. The fo llowing passage from Cyvrinachy B eirdd, p. 72,e x emplifies this usage of the word

Y r adlawiaid a ddawsnt 011 o go lofnaur NowGorchan ag am

hynny y ge lwir y go rchana u ynddyledogion gegyfurdd ; am fed yr

mllawiaid fal gwc isie n dyled iddvn t .

The de rivative s all c ome from the ve rses ofthe nine canons and

the refo re the canons are called supe rio rs co equal in rank , on ac c o un t of

the de rivatives b e ing lik e se rvan ts depe nde nt upon them.

The reason why these compositions we re te rmed garchanau wasno t be cause they we re supposed to c ontain any incantation o r an

chantme nt , b ut be cause they were c onside red to b e a spe c ie s of

po e try ofthe highest orde r, as may b e infe rred from the argument

prefix ed to Gorchan Mae lde rw.

Gwarchan is me re ly a difl'

e rent orthography of gorehun , and

bo th forms are used indisc riminate ly.

As far as I am able to unde rstand these anc ie n t and ve ry dimc ult do c uments

, the re is no thing in them that wo u ld justify the irbe ing called I nc antatio ns

,in the usual meaning ofthat term. With

the e xc eption ofGo rchan Ade bon , they appear to b e much on the


same subje c t as the M arlin, and are probably no more than fragments Of that work ; for there are no t wanting indications thatthat poem,

as it has come down to us, is far from c omple te ; andthe fragmentary charac te r of these go rchanau must, it is presumed,strik e eve ry reader. I t is possible , also , that fragments ofsome

o the r early poems may have be c ome mix ed up with them.

Tud lch, the hero who fo rms the subje c t ofthis go rchan, is

in the W in called Tud lch Hir,”or the Tall . He is also

c e lebrated in Go rchan Mae lde rw. He is mentioned nowhe re ex c eptin these early poems—(E )


Go na N Ans BON.

Trwwlation , Vol . i. p . 522. Ted,Vo l. 11. p . 94.

This gonche n consists of a fewproverbs,ofwhich some may

b e se e n in the c o llec tion in the Myvyrian. The Opening ones are

plain enough, b ut the meaning ofthe remaining portion is no t so

Obvious. The me tre,whichco nsists ofthre e lines rhyming toge the r,

would lead to the inferenc e that some ofthe lines have be en lost.Adobou, whose name is prefix ed to it, b ut who cannot b e re

garded in any way as its subje c t,appears to have be en awarrior of

the six th c entury. He is also me ntioned by Taliessin—(E )

Lino 8.—The reading of the M yv. Arch. is difl


erent Ny

che ri y gyn euin gyvie ith Thou wilt no t love the c ommon

mo the r - tongue .—(E )

Line 9.—That is , an efl


eminate pe rson (mwythwas, anwychwas ,o r was "rwg/than)de lights in dainties and vo luptuous pleasure s


rathe r than in horse s (emys)and manly achieveme nts—(E )

Lino l l .— Fo r co IIz’


’we should possib ly read co lit

to cultivate o r che rish Cultivate peac e at home .

”—(E )

Line l 4.—The significatio n of this lin e is no t ve ry inte lligible ,

e spe c ially as we are no t c e rtain whe the r we should take “ mede l

in its usual me aning of a reaping, a c ompany ofreape rs,

” which


has be en assumed in the trans lation or read me the ,”

a fo il, o r

defeat ; an embarrassment o r perplex ity.

I n the latte r case,the

passage might b e re ndered,“ High stones are barrie rs to the foe .


LlywarchHen had a so n whose name was M edal, andwho is men

tioned by the ve ne rable hard in the Elegy on his Old Age

(p.Maen a madawc a mcde l

Dewrwyr di yasic viode rSe lyfhe ilin llawr lliwe r.

Sho uld the allusion b e to that he ro , the meaning would b e , Like

a high ro ck (a Stonewall was M ede l to his foes.”

Dr. P ughe (WelshDie t. a v. taking Macn (“Mein

as a pe rsonal name , give s the fo llowing ve rsion of the conc luding

c ouple t

Mae n his slain heap offoes is high he smiles on the incantation

OfAde b o n .

Line 15 . Dyb en end,or con c lusion), is here c onjec turally

substituted for dy ven of the B ook ofAne ur in , and dyuen

ofthe Myv. Arch, unde r the impression that suchwas the o riginalreading. The substitu tion ofv o r u for b having Oc c urred throughthe inadve rten ce of some early sc ribe

,the meaning of the last lin e

was ove rlo o ked, and ano the r lin e of similar was added to showthec onc lusion ofthe pie c e . The significatio n , ac cording to the re ce ived

reading, is give n in the e x trac t from P nghe’s Dic tionary in the pre

c eding no te —(E )



Trans latio n, Vo l. i. p . 412. iar},Vol . 11 . p . 94.

That the allusion he re is to the romantic sto ry ofTwrchTrwyth,which c o nstitute s the princ ipal po rtion Ofthe Mab inogi ofKilhwch

and Olwe n, the re can scarc e ly b e a doubt. This sto ry in the

o riginal We lsh,with an English translation and highly inte re sting

no te s,will b e found in the se c ond vo lume ofLady Charlotte Gu est’s

M abinogio n. This c urious tale,Lady Gue st remarks, appe ars to

b e pure ly British. The charac te rs a nd eve nts which it c e le brates


Linc 6 .-The allusion appears to b e to the river Severn, inwhich

the enc ounter took place be twe en TwrchTrwyth and Arthur and

his warriors, at which he lost two of the tlysau—the c ainion


or pre cious things, mentioned in the next line,which were the

comb, scissors, and razo r, which fi n chhad be twe en his ears, and

for the purpose of obtaining which the hunt was undertaken .

The c omb withwhichhe escaped from the Severn was taken fromhim in Co rnwall—M ab inogion, ii. 314, 316 .—(E)

Line 48.—The allusion to the Fort ofEiddyn in this line c o n

n ec ts this poem with the events of the GOdOdin,to which the

subsequent lines more o r less refe r.



Translat ion, Vol. i. p . 414. Text,Vol. 11. p . 97.

Line 21 .—Dinas Ffaraon is the same as Dinas Emmrys in Snow

down . I t is a rocky de tached eminence , or a small insulated hill

situated in a most roman tic valley in the parish of Beddge lert,

Cae rnarvonshire .

Line 25. Gosgordd mavr mur ,’the great re tinue of the wall.

P robably the body of900Often alluded to .

Line 30.—The mention ofEiddyn conn e c ts this poemwith the

sc e ne ofthe Gododin.— (S )

Lino 47.—The expression of Dremrudd,

’in line 53, shows that

this was Rhun Dremrudd,’son OfBrychan .

Linc 50.—The three line s beginning

“ Am rwyd am ry ystofllit”

I do no t pre tend to unde rstand. The fo llowing is Davies’re nde r

ing ofthe passage

In the ne two rk which surrounds the sove re ign , dispose thou the

threads ofwrath, dispose wrath in the flowing streame r. Irksome in

front be the glanc e ofthe radiant prese nce .


Line 67.—Here , acc o rding to Davies , Go rchan Mae lderw c on

cludes. What fo llows consists ofvarious fragments ofthe GOdOdinand o ther pie c es ofthe six th c entury. In the anc ient MS. from

which I c opy, these de tached sc raps are prope rly se parated from theprec eding po em and from each o ther by large capital initials.

Myth. p. 588.


Compare with the GOdOdin, stanza li.

S’I'AN Z A v1.

Compare with the last six lines ofstanza xxiii. Ofthe Gododin .


Line 4.—This line o c c urs in the GOdOdin

,stanza xx .

Line s 9 an d 10.—These lines oc c u r in the same stanza Of the

Gododin .

STANzA vm .

Lines 7 an d 8 oc cur in stanza xxn. ofthe Gododin.


The first two line s ofthis stanza o c c ur in stanza lx u . Of the

Gododin .


Compare the last four line s Of this stanza with part of stanza

lx ii. ofthe Gododin.


Compare this stanza with stanza x xvi. ofthe Gododin.

STANzA x rx .

Compare this stanzawith stanza x lviii. ofthe Gododin.


Compare this stanza with stanza x lii. Ofthe Gododin .

STANZA xx rv.

Compare this stanza with stanza lx viii. Ofthe Gododin .



Line 1 .—Compare this line with the first line ofstanm

ofthe Gododin .

STANZA xxvrr.

Compare this stanza with stanza lxx . ofthe Gododin.

STANzA xxvm.

Compare this stanzawith stanza lx ix . ofthe Gododin .

STANZA xxx rv.

Compare the first five lines Ofthis stanzawith the first six lin e sOfstanza lxv. ofthe GOdOdin and the last two line s Ofthis stanzawith lines 8 and 9 Ofthe o the r.

STANZA x xxv.

Compare this stanzawith stanza lx iii. Ofthe Gododin.

STANZA xxxvu .

Compare the fragment Ofthis stanza he re c ontained with stanza

lxvi. ofthe Gododin.

The lines no t he re no tic ed have no c o rre sponding lines in the

Gododin.—(S )

The c onc lusion is wanting in the o riginal, and a few Of the

c lo sing lines are scarc e ly inte lligible —(E )




Translation,Vo l. i. p . 523. Tex t, Vo l. I I. p . 1 15.

This is one ofa class ofpoems in whichTaliessin, or the pse udoTaliessin, applies a number ofepithe ts to himse lf. I t is ofno his

to rical value,and is c lassed with o the rs ofthe same charac te r .



Translation,Vo l . i. p . 550. Tex t, Vo l .

This po em likewise c ontains no historical

c lassed with the re ligio us poems.


Translatio n,Vo l . i. p . 552. Tex t

,Vo l. II. p . 1 18 .

This poem is also Ofa re ligious charac te r .



Trans latio n,Vo l . i. p . 436 . Tex t, Vo l . 123.

This poem is in the Myvyr ian Archaeo logy attributed to

Go lyddan, a hard said by the Triads to be the hard ofCadwaladyr,but the re is no thing in the po em itse lf to Showthat it was writtenby him, and it se ems to b e me re ly a c onje c ture arising from the

frequent mention OfCadwaladyr in the po em,which plac e s it at a

pe riod subsequent to that in which Taliessin flourished. I t is

c ontained, howeve r, in the Book ofTaliessin,and be longs to a c lass

ofpoems in the same book in which Cadwaladyr is likewise me ntioned. The Opening lines are the same as those Ofano the r po em,

NO. x lv n.


Cae r We ir,

’ probably Durham on the Wear.


’The Gae lic equivalent is Dubhl innc , o r

Linc 10.—The who le Gae lic rac e is he re comprehe nded unde r

the Gae l OfIre land, Anglesea, and P rydyn or Sc otland.

Line 1 1. Chludwys.

’The men Of the Clyde , o r Strathc lyde


Linc l 5.— ‘Gwyr Gogled.

’The Men ofthe No rth, a te rm used

fo r the Cumbrian and Strathc lyde Britons.



Trans latio n, Vo l. i. p . 525. Tex t, Vo l. I I . p . 129.

This po em c o n tains no historical allusions. I t is Ofthe same

c lass as po em No . iii.



Translation, Vol. i. p . 276 . Tart,Vo l. II. p . 137.

This poem has be en c onside red in Chapte r xi. I t is classed

with the po ems re lating to the Gwyddyl ofGwydyon ap Don. They

are de sc ribed in lines 28 to 38 unde r various figures. The refer

e nce in lines 32 and 34 to a combat at the ro o t ofthe tongue , and

to ano the r in the occ ip u t, I canno t he lp suspe c ting refe rs to the

most striking diffe renc e be twe e n the Cymric and Gae lic—viz.

the inte rchange ofgutturals and labials, whichmight b e called a

combat at the ro o t of the tongue and it is remarkable that in thec rania found within the limits Of ancient Manau the re is an

artificial c ompre ssion in the occ ip ut. Goden was ce rtainly the

name Ofa dis tric t,bu t the wo rd also means tre es, and the subje c t

ofthe po em soo n passe s ove r in to a symbo lical battle Oftre es. I t


se ems also to have a philo logical meaning, as in line s 51,54

The Lo rd answe red them

Through language and e leme nts

Tak e the fo rms ofthe princ ipal tree s ,

Arranging yourse lve s in batt le- arrav.

And line s 199 and 200

He will c ompose , he will de c ompo se ,He will fo rm lang uage s.



Trans latio n, Vo l. i. p . 542. Tac t, Vo l . I I . p . 144.

This po em c ontains no histo rical allusions. I t may b e c lassed

withNOS. iii. and vii.

Trans lation, Vo l. i. p . 269. Tex t, Vo l . I I . p . 147.

This is a ve ry curious po em. Daronwy be longs to the traditio nOfthe Gwyddyl in Gwynedd. Ac c o rding to the pedigre es conne c tedwith them

,he was the son ofBrynach, o r Umach VVydde l, by

Garth, daughte r ofBrychan, and the grandfathe r OfGwydyon. I t

is classed with po ems c on taining allusions to the same traditions,

and plac ed first as re lating probably to the earliest eve nts. The

sc ene ofthe poem is, howeve r, in the north.

Line s 3 and 4.—The powe r ofDaronwy se ems he re c ompared

to the billows ro lling ove r the beach.

Line 19.—The same figure is he re use d. Four sovere igns, and

a fifth mentioned in the two fo llowing lines, are he re repre se nte das c oming ove r the strand. They are probably the five chiefs of

the Gwydde l Ffichti mentioned in anothe r po em as pre c ed.

ing the Norddmyn in Be rnic ia.


Line 19 . The Region of B r e trwn is that part of Ayrshire

whe re the promontory ofh o on is situated .

Line 22 . Aeron is the Avon .

Line 23. Arddnnion is Ardinning, near Mugdock, in the

parishOfStrathblan e .

Line 25 . The Wood ofB e id’is the moo r at Be ith in Ayr

shire , whe re the re was forme rly awood.

Line 27 . Mabon’appears to have be en a name applied to the

distric t abo ut Lo chmaben in Dumfriesshire .

Line 29. Gwens tcn . The re is a rive r which se paratesCumbe rland and Westmo rland, and ano the r in De rbyshire , calledthe “rinste r . As this bat tle was against the spearmen OfLlo egr,

it was probably in the sou th.

Line 31 . The M arsh of Te rra .

The Statistical Ac co un t ofInch

,in the c o unty ofWigton , c on tains the fo llowing What

are called the stepping- stones ofGlente rra’are no t a little cu rio us.

About thre e fee t de ep, in a pe at -moss,the re is a regu lar file ofste p

ping- stones e x te nding abou t aquarte r ofa mile . These must have

be en plac ed to fo rm a passage thro ugh a swamp previous to the

growthOfthe peat -moss.

There se ems to b e a re c o rd of the battle in “ fo ur large un

po lished stones plac ed e re c t,and fo rming a c irc le . At a distanc e Of

some yards stands a single ston e . They are called by the c oun try

pe ople The Standing Sto ne s ofGle ntemm

Line 39. P enc o e t Oledyfe in.

’This se ems to be the same eve nt

mentioned in poem x xxvi., line 25, as Kat glu tvein gue ith p en

ro e t”— the battle of Clutve in o r Cledyfe in, at the head of the

wood. As Clut is the Clyde , Clutve in is probably the Cluden, andin the parish ofHo lywo od, on the no rth bank Ofthe Cluden,whe re

it falls into the Nith, the autho r of the Statis tical Acco unt says ,

The lowe r part ofthis parishwas unqu e stionab ly at an early pe rioda quer ce tum o r oak -fo re st

,e x tending most probab ly to Susid, a dis

tanc e ofe ight mile s.

I t was te rme d the Ho lywood, and a mo nas

te ry was afte rwards founded he re , called Abbatia Sac ri nemo ris."


The writer adds No t more than a quarter ofa mile south-we st

ofthe church e leven large stone s are plac ed in an oval form. They

are situated near the lowe r te rmination Of the Sac red Grove , a re

c o rd Ofthe battle at P e nc oed,the e nd ofthe wood. As the enemies

are te rmed the P eithwyr, this name must have be en applied to thePic ts OfGalloway.

Line 43. Gafran’is e ithe r in tended fo r Girvan in Ayrshire , o r

fo r the c o un try of Gavran,fathe r ofAedan

,o r Dalriada. B rec

cheinawg”is here probably applied to the distric t abo ut Eiddyn

me ntioned in the pre c eding line , whichwas inhabited by the Catb region. The sc e ne ofthe po em is thus entire ly in the no rth.

In the Ve rses of the Grave s, stanza vn .,the grave OfGwallawg

is thus me ntioned In Carawg the grave of Gwallawg Hir.

Carawg is Carrick in Ayrshire .



Translatio n,Vo l. 1. p . 300. Tact

,Vo l. ii. p . 150.

The refe re nc e in line 26 to the line OfA narawd shows that this

po em refe rs to eve nts subsequent to Anarawd, the so n of Bodri

Mawr. who died in 913.

POEM X1 1 I .


Translatio n,Vo l . i. p . 533. Tex t , Vo l. I I . p . 15 1.

This po em is of the same c lass with Nos . iii. and vn .,and is

rangedwith them acc o rdingly.


Translatio n, Vo l. i. p . 274. Tad, Vol.

This po em is co nne c ted by its title with the'

Of Llyr, and is full of allusions to the he!"


The re is only one refe renc e to a late r histo rical event—viz . in line s

7 and 8, to the war be twe en Brochwe l ofP owis and Ethe lfrith,

which indicate s the year 6 13as a date befo re which it canno t havebe en c omposed.

Line 12. Ogyrwen.

Se e no te , p. 324.

[ fine 33. Ge rdo lyon,’fo r Corddor ion , singe rs o r bards.

Line 34. Difc rogyo n,’distille rs. The se are the same Gwyddyl

termed in the GOdOdin Deifr dife rogyon ,”and in poemNO. i. Kyl

dife rogyon.

”The union be twe e n the bardic or pagan party Of the

Brython and the Gwyddyl is he re alluded to .

[ fine 35. P enryn W7eth’is Glasgow, for J oc e line describe s

Kentigern as pro c e eding from the Clyde , and sitting super lapidem in supe rcilio mon tis vocabulo Gwle t (c . xiv.) Gwlcth, form

ing in c ombination Wle th, signifies dew, and this hillwas aft e rwardsknown as the Dewo r Dowhill in Glasgow. Lwch Reon is Lo chRyan, and this passage shows a

‘Cymric population e x tending from

LochRyan to Glasgow.

Line 45. Cae r Sidr. This plac e is also mentioned in po em

N0. xxx ,and is there said to b e the prison OfGwe ir,whe re he was

c onfined through the spite Of Pwyll and P ryde ri. He re it is men

tioned in c onn ec tion with Manawyd and P ryde ri, and is desc ribedin line 49 as surrounded by the sea. I t is probable that this islandCae r is the Urbs Gindi” of Beds

,which was in the Firth of

Forth,and the Urbs Iude u ofNe nnius

, which is menfioned byhim in c onne c tion withManau .



Translatio n,Vo l . i. p . 259. Tex t, Vo l. I I. p . 155.

This poem is plac ed by Stephe ns in his third class, but appar

e ntly for no o the r reason than be cause Arthur is mentioned in it.

I ts true plac e is indicated in chapte r x iii. I t is a very curious




Translation, Vo l. i. p. 535. Tex t,Vo l. I I . p .

This be longs to a c lass of poems attributed to

which he deals with the natural phenomena Of the

subjec t is the wind.


Translation,Vo l. i. p . 363. Tex t

,Vo l . I I . p . 162 .

This po em refe rs to the battles in whichOwe n, the so n OfUrien,

fought . Stephe ns, in his Literature of the Kymry, plac es it in hisfifth c lass, and supposes that it refe rs to Owen Gwynedd, b u t here trac ts that opinion in the Archwo logia Cambrensis .

The sc e ne Ofthe poem is in the no rth.

Line 1 Calchvynyd is Ke lso in Roxburghshire . Se e vo l.

i. p . 172 .

L ine 13. Tir Gwyddno ,’the land of Gwyddno . Gwyddn o

appears in the B o nhed Gwyr y Goglcd as o ne Of the thirteen kings

ofthe North. There se ems to have be en a histo ric Gwyddno and

a mythic king ofthat name,who se land, called Cantrefy Gwac lod,

is suppo sed to have be en in the Bay ofCardigan and to have be ensubme rged by the se a. I canno t he lp suspe c ting that Gwae lod

was the real name ofhis c oun try, and that the wo rd, also signifying

sunk,o r go ne to the bo tto m,

gave rise to the fable . I t may b e

a me re transpo sition ofle tte rs from Gwaedo l,”

o rWedala,the vale

ofwoe .

Linc 15.—The land ofthe Cludwys was Strathc lyde.

Lino 19 .—We have he re a bat tle at the ford of Alc lu t o r

Dumbarto n , and Gwe n may b e Gwe nystrad .

L inc 23.—As the se battle s are c o nn e c te d with Mabo n


Llachar is probab ly Lo char Mo ss on the sho re ofthe So lway Firtb .

Line 30.—TlIe c ountry ofMabe n is the vale of the Nith

, in

which lie s Lo chmabe n .




Translatio n, Vo l. i. p . 538 . Tex t

,Vo l . ii. p . 1 64 .

This poem is c lassed with tho se containing allusions to the

pe rsonal histo ry ofTaliessin .


KANU r w r .

Trans latio n, Vo l . i. p . 427 . Tex t,Vol. ii. p . 165.

Mr . Stephens c onside rs that this poem co nsists Of two po emsartific ially pu t toge the r, which have no natural c onne c tion. The

latte r part, c ommencing with the lin e Te ithi e tmygant,” he calls


ryn Gwarand,”and place s in his first c lass as a genuine poem,

and the first part he plac es in his third c lass . The me trical c onstrue

tion Of bo th parts is, howeve r, the same, and the first part begins

with a ve ry similar lin e , Te ithi Etmynt.”

Bo th resemble the

beginning Ofa stanza in the GOdOdin ,Te ithi Etmygant,

and this

poem is,from the allusions in the se c ond part, c lassed alo ng with

the GOdOdin poems.STANZA I I .

Line 2 Tryfi n Garant,’the bo undary of Carant. The

Myvyrian reads Dyfryn valley. The re are two rive rs called

Cart on— the one in Stirlingshire , which flows in to the Firth of‘

o rth ; the o the r, in Dumfriesshire , flows into the Nith. The

latte r is pro bably the rive r he re meant .

Linc 17. Carawg, take n in c ombination with Co e l and

Canauon in line 28, shows that the thre e provin ce s OfAyrshireCarrick , Cyle , a nd Cuningham— are mean t.

L ine 19. Carawg ofthe Cymry abo unding in c itie s, is he re

called the fathe r ofCaradawg, as, ac c o rding to Bo e c e , he was bo rnin Carrick .

Linn 23.—The me ntio n ofthe Gwe ntians with that ofa r in


subsequent lines shows that Ynyr Gwent is meant. As he was a

desc endant of Dyfynwal Hen , and c lose ly allied to the prin c es of

the north of that race , his inte rvention in this war, the scene of

which is in the north,was natural

Line 30.—The seas ofGOdOdin show that this district wasbounded by the sea.


Translatio n, Vo l. i. p . 303. Tex t, Vol. I I. p . 168.

Mr. Stephens places this poem in his fifth c lass, and c onside rs

that it refers entire ly to Tenby. He founds mainly upon the titleusually assigned to this poem, ofM ic Dinbych, whichhe translate sthe Prospe c t ofTenby,

”b ut these titles are generally modern

additions, and the poem has no title in the Book ofTaliessin. I t

desc ribe s eight cities, and they se em to b e different, and to range

from north to south.


This c ity is de sc ribed as on the surfac e ofthe o c ean , and the

billows ro ll to it from the region of the Pic ts. I t must the refore

have be en on an island in the Firth of Forth, and is probablyBede

’s Urbs Gindi.


This c ity is desc ribed as On an island in a lake .


The allusion in the six thline to the tenants OfDeudrae th, or the

two strands,in c ontrast to the se rfs ofDyfed, se ems to po int to the

Trae thMawr and Trae thBychan in NorthWales, and the city mayb e Caemarvon .


The mention ofDinbych in the third line Shows that the c ity

c e lebrated in this stanzawas Tenby and this be ing the only knownname appearing in the po em,

has led to the title ofM ir Dinbych

having be e n given to it .




Translation, Vol . i. p . 56 6 . Text , Vo l . I I . p . 177 .

This poem bears the title of Y Gofeisswys B yt, the ContrivedWo rld

,but it re late s entire ly to the legends c onne c ted withAlex

ande r the Great , and is c lassed with poem No . xxviii.

That these legends had early ente red in to Ce ltic tradition we

se e from their likewise forming the subje c t ofGae lic poe try (De anofLismo re

’s book



Translation, Vo l . i.p . 557. Tex t, Vo l . I I . p . 178 .

This po em,though te rmed in the Myvyrian Archaeology Luryg

Ale xande r,

”se ems to have no refe re nce to Ale xande r

,but is o n e of

those re ligious po ems which Show the Christian charac te r Ofmos t

Ofthe se po ems . I t is c lassed with po ems ii. iii. and v.


Translation,Vo l . i. p . 567. Text, Vo l . II. 11. 179.

This po em refe rs also to Alexande r.


Translatio n, Vo l . i. p . 563. Text , Vo l . I I . p . 179 .

This po em be lo ngs to the same c lass withNOS. rum. and


Translatio n, Vo l. i. p . 264. Tex t

,Vo l. I I . p . 181 .

This po em is usually te rmed P re iddeu Annwfn , o r the Spo ilsofAnnwn .

I t appears to re late to an e xpe dition ofArthur’s to

the unknown region ofAnnwfn , b ut whe the r the c itie s me ntio ned


we re different plac es, o r differen t names for the same place , it isdiffic ult to say.


Cae r Sidi is also mentioned in the poem No . xiv. ofthis book ,usually te rmed Cerdd am Ve ib Llyr. I t appears from that poemto have be en upon an island, and is probably Bede

s island city of

Giudi in the Firth OfForth.


Cae r P edryvan , or the quadrangular Caer, must have be en a

Roman camp. The lege nd of the Tuaths de Danann desc ribesthem as bringing to Alban four pre cious things from four cities.

The se c ond was the sword of Lughaidh from the c ity ofGo rias .

The fourthwas the Cauldron OfDagda from the c ity ofMurias.

The Nin e Maidens also be long to an Old Sc ottish legend. The

name Murias se ems conne c te d with mnr,the wall ; and the

village whe re the Roman camp called Came lon is situated is still

called Carmuirs . Ac c ording to tradition, Came lon had twelve gates

ofbrass,and in the ne x t stanza this Cae r is called the Isle or Inch

Ofthe stro ng doo r. Came lon is immediate ly north ofthe wall,and

seems to be the place meant.


Line 2 Cae r wydyr} o r the fo rt Ofglass, se ems to point to a

vitrified fo rt.

Line 13.—This line shows the c onn e c tion Ofthe po emwith thec oun try beyond the Roman wall. Canhwr

, as appears from the

B o nhcd Gwyr y Goglcd,was a body Of100men , o r a c e ntur ia and

thric e twenty o r six ty ce nturie s c omposed the Roman legion, he re

plac ed at the mar or wall.

STANz A v.

Car r Vand cry’

is also mentio ned in the dialogue be twee nGwyddno Garanhir and Gwynn ap Nudd in the B lack Book Of

Cae rmarthe n , No . x x xn . I t may have bee n Cramond, a c o rruptionofCae ramond.


This stanza se ems to be a late r addition to the poem,with the

subj e c t Ofwhich it has no c onne c tion .



Trans latio n, Vo l. i. p . 343. Tact,Vo l. I I. p . 183.

This is the we ll - known poem on the battle OfGwenystrad, andits antiquity has hardly be en called in question. The men tion in

line 20ofGaranwynyon, and Ofthe cross, po ints to the same sc e neas Arthur

’8 battle in Caste llo Guinion,

”that is, atWedale , whe re

the sac red c ross was prese rved. Gwenystrad, o r the White Strath,se ems there fo re the val ley Ofthe GalaWate r ; and the white stone

ofGalystem, in whichword the name Gala se ems contained, is

probab ly the stone mentioned in the Statistica l Acco unt . A little

above it (St. Mary’s ChurchOfStow)is a very fin e pe re nnial spring,

known by the name of the Lady’s We ll, and a huge stone , re

c en tly removed in forming the newroad, but nowbrok en to pie c es,used to b e po inted out as impressed with the print of the VirginMary

's foo In the Ve rse s Of the Graves, stanza xx ., the

grave of thre e pe rso ns is said to be on an e levated hill in the

Pant Gwynn Gwynionawg.

”Pant is a valley, and be ing mascu

line , tak es Gwynn in its masculine form,as Ystrad, be ing feminine ,

tak e s Gwen ; bo th mean the white valley, and the epithe t Gwynionawg c onnec ts it he re also with Gwynion .

Some Of the passages in this po em are ve ry Obsc ure , and are

left blank in Evans’

translation in the Myvyrian Arche ology.

Lines 21 and 22 se em to imply that the enemy took refuge on the



Trans lation, Vo l . i. p . 344 Tac t,Vo l . II . p . 184 .

This po em Stephens plac es in his first c lass . I t does no t

for remark,as no loc alities are mentio ned in it .


Translatio n, Vo l . i. p . 346 . Tex t,Vo l . I I . p . 185 .

This poem is also admitted to b e genuine .

Line 41 mentio ns Llwyfenydd as having be en given to the


at the battle , and Ste phens founds upon this a charge ofanachro nism.

b ut this is a mistak en meaning . The idea inte nded to b e expressedis that Owen would no t give hostages, and that his ance stor Cen e u,

son ofCoe l, would in similar c ircumstanc es have be en an irritated

lion befo re he wo uld have given a hostage to any one .


Trans lation , Vo l. i. p . 350. Tex t,Vo l. ii. p . 190.

This po em Stephens admits to b e ge nuin e . I t desc ribe s a

war be twe en Urie n and Ulphwith the Angles . Ulphis probablyFriodulph, the king Of Be rnic ia, who re igned be twe e n Uses and

Theodric , against bo th ofwhom Urien is re co rded by Nennius to

have fought .

Line l 2.—Urien go es to Ae ron or the Avon .

Line 14 probably refe rs to Urie n’s e xpedition to Wale s


luded to in the po em called Anrhe c Urien .

Hyfaid .

’This is one of the leading he ro es of the

Line 19 . Llwyfenyd is he re mentioned evidently in c onn e c tio nwith the battle which fo llows .

L ine 2 1 . Alc lnt’

is Dumbarto n, and the bat tle at the fo rd

and at the ynver must have be en at the junc tion ofthe Leven withthe Clyde . P lac e s beginning withAbe r are usually at a ford ove r

a rive r near its mouth, and those with Inve r at the ac tual jun c tion .

Lines 22 and 23.—These lo calitie s c anno t b e identified .

Linc 25 Cat Glutvein gweith p e n c o ed .

This is obvio uslythe same locality which appears in poem x i. Se e No tes, p . 402.

Line 43. Gode n a Rege t .’These two distric ts are fre

quentlymentioned toge the r, and must have be en adjace nt . B e ged

is Dumbartonshire , and Gode u probably the middle ward of

Lanarkshire , and the same as Cadyow.




Trans lat io n, Vo l. i. p . 353. Tex t,Vo l. II . p . 192.

This po em Ste phens also admits to be ge nuine .

Linc 9,

—Urie n is he re c alled the rule r OfCatrae th and in line

2 1,a pro te c to r in Ae ron .

Linc 26 .—This line shows that Llwyfenyddwas on the sea- sho re .

L ine 44.—Ceneuwas the so n ofCoe l,and the anc esto r Ofmany Of

these northe rn k ings. Nudd Hae l, a desc endant OfDyfynwal He n .

L ine 47. Gwyden 13 he re put probably fo r Gwydyon, whoseGwyddyl the hard wishes ex te rminated .


Translat io n,Vol. i. p . 338. Text , Vo l. ii. p . 193.

This poem is place d by Stephe ns in his se c ond c lass ofdoubtfulpoems b u t in the Archwo logia Cambrens is he se ems to admit it

as genuine .

L inc 45 . Car r C lnt is the c ity on the Clyde , or Glasgow.

Cae r Caradawe ,” pro bably the traditio nary c ity in Carrick, men

tioned by Bo e c e as Carac to nium.

”The region be tween these

two c itie s c omprised the Shires OfRenfrewand Ayr, and is much

the same as that indicated in ano the r poem as possessed by theCymry from Lo chRyan to P enrhyn Wle th.



Trans lat io n, l'

o l . i. p . 352. Tex t, Vo l. I I . p . 195.

Stephens admits this poem to b e ge nuine .


Line l 2. Goglcd co nn e c ts this po em with the north.

L ine 18. Llwyfenydd,’

the distric t given to the hard, is the

same wo rd as Lenn ox .

Line 28,—The kings ofeve ry language are said to b e subje c t to

Urie n , which shows the mixed population of these northe rn

distric ts.



Translatio n, Vo l. i. p . 255. Text, Vo l. II. p . 196 .

The title of Marwnat Erof,

”o r the Death- song ofErof, is pre

fix ed to this poem,which, howeve r, re lates ex clusive ly to Ercwlf,

while Erofis mentioned in the nex t poem. The two poems, howeve r, are c lose ly c onne c ted. The po e tic struc ture is the same in

bo th,and they are Obviously by the same hard. They are plac ed

by Mr. Stephens among the poems forming portions ofthe Mabinogi

OfTaliessin but no reason is given, and they neithe r have any

analogy to that tale , nor do they appear in any copy ofit. Who isinte nded he re by Ercwlf it is diffic ult to say. The name is the

same as He rcules,as appe ars from the all usions to the c olumns in the

lin e b ut he is called ChiefofBaptism and the Pie rc er ofthe M nr

o r Roman wall,which c onn e c ts it with the post -Roman pe riod. As

the Pic ts we re said to b e de sc ended from Gileoin Mac Email,o r

so n ofHe rcules , it is probable that a P ic t was inte nded unde r the

name Ofhis mythic ance sto r.


Translation,Vo l. i. p . 256 . Tex t

, Vo l. I I. p . 1 97.

This poem bears no title in the Bo ok ofTaliessin . The title in

the M yvyrian Archaeo logy is Marwnad Mad. ddrnd ac Ere f,

"o r

the Death- song OfMadawg the valiant and Erof. Madawg is called

the so n ofUthyr,which c o nne c ts himwithArthur, and the e pithe tM nr Memeyd, o r joy of the mu r o r wall

,with the post - Roman

pe riod. Ero i is c onside red by Nash to he inte nded fo r He rod, but


Line 6 .—This line has be en read as if it narrated the death of

Flamddwyn byOwain, b ut the o the r is the natural construc tion, andthe poem be ing the Death- song OfOwain leaves no doubt that thetrue meaning is that Flamddwyn slewOwain. He was Theodric ,king OfBe rnic ia,who re igned from 580to 587, against whomOwe nis said by Nennius to have fought .


Translation, Vo l. i. p . 299. Text,Vo l. II . p . 199.

This poem c onsists Oftwo parts, eachbeginning with the wordsE chrys Ynys, disturbed is the I sle .” I t appears to me to b e alate c omposition, and to emanate from SouthWale s. NorthWale s

is he re called the Land ofGwydyon , and the mention OfE u showsthat it be longs to the scho ol alluded to by Sion Kent , who livedfrom abo ut 1380to 1420, when he says

Two kinds OfAwen trul yThe re are in the wo rld, and manifest the ir c ourse .

The Awen from Christ Ofjoyful disc ourseOfthe right tendency, a sprightly muse .

The re is ano the r Awen no t wise ly sung,

And they mak e false and filthy predic tions.

This one has b e en taken by the men ofHu .


Translation,Vo l. i. p . 257. Text , Vo l. I I . p . 200.

This po em obviously re late s to Cunedda, whose sons c onqueredNorthWales from the Gwyddyl, as in line 43he is called son of

Edeyrn. Mr. Ste phens, in his Lit. ofthe Kymry, plac es it as doub tful b ut in a pape r in the Arch. Comb. vo l. iii. p. 47, he argue s

that Cunedda and Taliessin must have bee n c ontempo rary from the

e xpre ssions in seve ral ofthe lines. He e ndeavours to show that

Cunedda must b e placed a c entury late r, b ut his argumen ts are

ve ry inc onc lusive and to alte r chrono logy on ac co unt Ofsuch e x

pre ssions,is to exac t too definite ameaning from more po e tic lic enc e ,


whichpe rmitmd the hard to use language as ifhe had pe rsonallyknown the he ro whom he c e lebrates.

Line 6 . Cae r We ir ’and Cae r Lliwe lychl seem intended fo r

Durham on the Wear and Carlisle .

Line 21. Farrow—i. e . the grave .

Line 24.—The Men ofBryne ich he re we re probably the P ic ts

who pre c eded the Angles in Be rn ic ia.



o l. i. p . 443. Tex t, Vo l. I I. p . 202.

The first four lines ofthis poem are the same as those in po emvi. The thre e fo llowing lines me ntion seve n sons of Be li, b ut

it doe s no t appear to he meant that they we re all so ns of the

same Be li. Caswallawn and Llud we re sons ofBe li mawr. Iago ,

son ofBe li,was father ofCadvan and grandfathe r ofCadwallawn ,

He is said to b e from the land ofP rydyn, o r the north, fromwhenc eCun edda and his sons, fromwhom he was desc ended, came . The

o the r names are unknown .



Trans lation , Vol. i. p . 297. Text,Vo l. II. p . 203.

This po em has the title attached to it ofthe Marwnat,o r Death

song ofUthyr P e ndragon, the fathe r, ac c ording to the Arthurian

romanc e,of King Arthur ; but the me ntion ofHu, in line 35 ,

co nnec ts it with poem x lv.,with which it has be en c lassed.

These two poems, with the one called Kadeir Kerritwen, I believeto b e poems writte n in imitation of thal swhinl '

that c lass ofancient poe try to which the Uattached, and to have emanatedM



Translatio n, Vol. i. p . 431. Tex t, Vo l. 11. p . 204.

This ve ry curious po em has be en notic ed in vo l. i. chapte r xiii.The two lo chs o r lak e s mentioned in line 2 probably refe r to the

Firths OfFo rth and Clyde .

In lines 18 and 19 Be li, son OfManogan, is mentioned, bu t he

is lik ewise refe rred to in the Histor ia B ritonum,awo rk ofthe same

c entury in which I plac e this poem Ipse (J ulius Cwsar) pugnabat apud DOlab e llum,qui e rat proc onsul regi Britannic o ,qui e tipse B ellinus vocabatur e tfilius e rat M ino canni.

The last part Ofthe poem has be e n c ommented o n in chapte r


Translation,Vo l. i. p . 432. Tart

,Vo l. 11. p . 205.

This poem is classed with the prec eding po em,as refe rring to

Cadwallawn ,from lines 17 and 18 men tioning his re turn from I re


Line 22. Aranwynyo n,’also mentioned in the Avalle nau,

is probably the same plac e as Garanwynyon in Gwenystrad.

Line 24. Cat Vraith are the same people mentioned in theHisto ria B r itonum as Catbregion,

” who dwe lt near Mynyd Agned,or Edinburgh.

Line 25. Ryt ar taradyr 18 the Ford OfTo rrato r, on the Car

ron, near Falkirk . The Carron was the northe rn bo undary Of the

Pic ts .

POEM L l .

Trans lation,Vo l. i. p . 564. Tex t

,Vo l. 11. p . 206 .

This poem be longs to the same c lass with poems xxn . x xiv. and

x xix .




Trans lation, Vo l. i. p . 253. Text,Vol. I I. p . 213.

This poem is plac ed by Mr . Stephens in the c lass OfPredic tive

P oems Of the twe lfth cen tury, probably from the allusion to the

Mab inogl, called Kyfran c Lludd and Llefe lys in lin e 1 1,b ut there

is no thing predictive about it, and the name given has been shown

to b e inc onclusive .

I t is a curious po em, giving an ac c oun t Ofan early co lonisatio n

o r invasion OfBritain. I t has be en supposed that the Coraniaid arealluded to , as they are said to have c ome in the reign OfLudd, b u t

lines 13and 17 Showthat the Romans are meant. Caswallawn, inwhose re ign, acc ording to the Bruts, J ulius Caesar landed in Britain,was bro ther an

gsuc cesso r to Ludd.



Trans lat io n, Vo l. i. p . 539. Tart,Vo l. I I. p . 2 1 4.

This po em re late s likewise to natural phenomena, and mus t bec lassed with the poems, NOS. iii. vii. x iii. xvii. and xxix .

The last four line s c ontain a fo rmu lawhich occurs twic e in the

poem N0. vii.



Trans latio n,Vo l. i. p . 541 . Tex t

,Vo l. 11. p . 21 6 .

This poem be longs to the same c lass with the pre c eding—(S )



This very valuable MS.,in which so muchofthe anc ient lite ra

ture OfWales has be en prese rved, is now the prope rty Of J esus

Co llege , Oxford, and is we ll known from the Mabinogion publishedby Lady Charlo tte Guest having be en take n from it.This MS.was give n to J esus Co llege in 1701 byThomasWilk ins

OfLlanb le thian,to whom it had be en left by Dr. J ohn Davies . Dr.

J ohn Davies Obtained it in Glamo rgan in 1634 from Lo uis Manse l

OfMargam,and it appe ars then to have be longed to the Margam

family. The MS.,howeve r

,take s its name from Hergest Court, a

seat Ofthe Vaughans, near Knighton, Radnor, and was probablyc ompiled for them. A c omple te table Ofits co ntents will b e foundin the CambrO- B riton

,vo l. ii. p. 75.

I t is a thick fo lio MS. consisting Of360leaves Ofve llum,andhas

be e n written at diffe ren t times, ex tending from the e arly part Ofthefourte e nth to the middle ofthe fifte en th c e ntury.

I t is written in double co lumns, and apparently in three diffe renthandwritings.The first handwriting ex tends to c o lumn 999, and in this part Of

the MS. the re is a chrono logy te rminatingwiththe year 1318. The

se c ond handwriting c ommence s at c o lumn 999 with the Brut y

Saeso n ,”te rminating with the year 1376 ; and the same handwriting

c ontinues to c o lumn 1 143,whe re a mo re mode rn hand begins.

In the first handwriting are the two po ems KyvoessiMyrdin

and Gwasgardge rd Vyrdin.

”In the se c ond

,all the o the r po ems

he re prin ted and the MS. c ontains , in the more modern hand,poems by bards who flourished from the e leventh to the middle Of

the fifte e nth c enturies. Among them is a po em beginning (c o lumn1 154) Go ru che l duw gylo ,

”attrib uted to Taliessin , b ut which

is the wo rk ofJ onas Athraw.



Trans la tio n,Vo l. 1. p . 46 2. Tl’J 'f

,Vo l . 11. p . 2 18

This dialog ue appe ars to have be e n called (‘

yro cx i (from m s,an


age), o r synchronism,from the chrono logical charac te r of the c om

positions.STANZA I I .

Line 3.—That is, supposing ene ichia d

,the wo rd used he re in

the o riginal, to b e from anach, one that is dull or Slow.


L ine 1 . I t is wo rthy ofno tic e that Gwenddydd in this dialogu e addresses Myrddin by the appe llation Of Llallogan, twinbro ther . Nowthis will explain a passage in the Life OfSt .Kentige rn, in which it is said that the re was at the c ourt of

Rydde rch Had a ce rtain idio t,named Lalo icen, who utte red pre

dic tions In curia ojus quidam homo fatuus vacabulo Lalo ic enand in the Sco tochronico n it is state d that this Laloicen wasMyrdd in Wyllt. By c onne c ting these seve ral particulars, we find

an air Of tru th cast ove r the histo ry Of this hard, as regards the

principal in c ide nts Ofhis life , and the re can b e no reason to doubtthat some of the po e try attributed to him was ac tually his c om

positio n.

”—Re v. T. P rice , Literary Remains , i. 143.


L ine 3.—In the ope ning ve rse s it is pre tty c lear that a c e rtain

amo unt of c onfusion has cre pt into the tex t,and this will appear

the more evident ifwe c ompare the readings Ofthe Red Bo ok withtho se Ofthe dig/vyrian Archae o logy

— (E )


Line 3.—Tawy is he re the name Of the rive r Tay. The Old

name Ofthe Tay was Tava,which c ome s fromGae lic Tamh, smoo th,Ofwhich Tarr is the Cymric equivalent—(S )

S '


AN Z A vn .

L ine 2.— C lyd is probably the Clyde . Ac c o rding to some of

the re adings ofthe Myvyrian , this line may b e re nde red

The fo ste re r ofso ng abo u t the wate rs ofClvde .


Line 1 . Garledyc lzmt t Gwledychawd. The ve rbal te r


does no t occur in existing We lsh dic tionaries, b ut this is no t the

only plac e in which it is found in We lshwritings . In awo rk o n

bardism,writte n abou t the beginning Of the sixteenth c entury,

B argodiain is explained to mean a c ivil c onve ntion for the pur

pose Ofrenewing and revising Old statu te s and forming newones,

for reviewing Old institutions and establishing new ones.”


word has the appearanc e ofa plural, but in the text before us theve rb is in the singular numbe r. B isswys,

’a wo rd no t found e lse

where . The translator supposes it to b e re lated to or possibly a

transc ript fo r buwys, a form Of the perfec t tense of bad oc casionally

me t with—(E )STANZA LI .

I/ine 3.—Ac c ording to the Panton MS. as give n in the vario us

readings Ofthe Myvyrian

Se ek no peac e—it will no t b e to the e .”


Line 3.—The white or blessed cavalie r.


Line l .—The meaning Of Adrasdil,’he re re nde red prognos


”is no t ve ry Obvious. Dr. Owen Pughe (We lsh Die t .)

e xplains it by the thought Ofthe fo e , and in this passage , whichhe subjo ins the infe rnal thought,


8 . v. Gogan ,"his

rende ring is promised ills.”

In bo thplac es he reads “Andrasdyl,”

o r“ Andrasdl


”as if de rived from “ Andras but bo th in the

te x t before us and that prin ted in the Myvyrian , the wo rd is spe ltAdrasdil withou t any n.

—(E )


Line 1 . Enc loak,’

e x tensive , spacio us,large , abundant—ah

e pithe t no t c ommonly applied to pe rsons—(E )

Linc 2.—Lite rally, mead- no u rished—(E )


Line 3.

—Two - halved youth— (E)


STANEA Lxx x i.

Line 3. Gwynedd will b e me n to him.—Panton H IS—(E )

STANzA Lxxxm.

Line 3.—The re is evidently a gap in this line as it stands in

the Re d Book,b ut the defic iency is supplied by the Myvyrian,

which re ads

Penae th da c i fae thada tydd.

STANzA Lxxxv.

Line 2.—If gorwynt he re is go rnynt , the n the translation

would b eBe li Hir and his men ofAmb ition.

Line 3. Gynt ; se e no te,p. 335 .

STANzA Lx xx Ix .

I can hardly pre tend to unde rstand this stanza,and it is eviden t

from the c onfused state of the tex t , that some Of the earlier tran

sc ribe rs must have fe lt its difi cultiea— (E )


Line 4.— '


he c ity Of iniquity. Ac c o rding to ano the r re ading,

Cae r Ganwedd,”

the city Ofbright aspe c t—(E )

STANzA c 11.

Line 3.—Or, He will dispe rse the tumult Of the Brithwyr

Myvyrian readings—(E )

STANzA x c I .

Line 4.—Or

,B roke all the orde r Of men

,ac c o rding to the

Myvyrian c opy. P robably torrynt he re should b e read to rren t,”

will break—(E )STANzA x c rx .

Line 2.—The Myvyrian marginal reading has

And the hand Ofan unbaptiz ed person.


STANzA C111.

Line 3.— In the Panto n MS. Cyneddaf.


STANZA cvu .

This stanza has the appearan c e Of having suffe red greatly at

the hands Of transc ribe rs, and the pre c eding one does no t se em

to be in a mu chbe tte r state — (E )

STANzA c xv I I .

The fir st line appears to have no c onn e c tion with the remainde r

Ofthe stanza, and is altoge the r ou t Ofcharac te r with the rest Ofthe

Cyvo esi. In the Myvyrian it fo rms the beginning Ofa stanza no t

found in the Red Book .



Trans lation,Vo l. i. p . 478. Tex t, Vo l. 11. p . 234.

Gwasgargerdd,’from gwasgar, to scatte r


,or dispe rse


meaning e ithe r a song ofscat te ring o r dispe rsing, o r, which is mo reprobable

,a song c omposed Of scatte red o r unc onn ec ted subjec ts.

The te rm has ge ne rally be en rende red a song ofpre dic tion,


predic tive po em.

”The c omposition unde r c onside ration is c e rtain ly

Of a predic tive o r prognosticating charac te r ; but the re do e s n o t

appear to be anything in the name , apart from o the r c onsiderations,

that c o uld suggest that translation .

This po em,as printed in the first vo lume Of the Myvyrian

Ar chae o logy, c ontains seve ral stanzas no t found in the Red Bo o k

c opy and thes e we re probably added to it afte r the c ompilation of

that vo lume —(E )STANZA I .

Line 3. B urde in.

This name,in the marginal copy Of the

M yvyrian Archae o logy, appears as Eurdeyrn,”

the go lden sove re ign.

4 1a)STANzA Iv.

Line 1 ,—Con1pare the fo llowing co uple t OfLlywarchHen

Pe nn a b o rthaftu mo r dwyt ,Oed ysgywt ar y wlat , o ed Olwyn ygkat.


A head I b ear by the side ofmy thigh, that was a shie ld ove r

his c ountry , and a whe e l in batt le .




Line 1 .— Instead of Kyue lin,’we should pe rhaps read Kyn

ve lyn ,”the pe rsonal name Cynve lyn . The who le ve rse is Obsc u re .

- (E )

Line l l . —The re is a prove rb to the same effe c t

Owo ll im c rywyn no dan fudde lw.

One co ulte r is b e tte r than two c owhouse posts .


Line 1 . Abe r Avo n, or Abe r Avan , in Glamorganshire .

Line 2. Hinwedon.

’ Whe re o rwhat this is I knowno t.

te x t has hinwedon,”but the Myvyrian copy has the

hinuedon and hynfyddon beside s .

STANzA xxv.

Line 1 . Aber Dwfr’the c onfluenc e ofwate r. He re it stands

fo r the name ofsome particular place — (E )


Line 1 . —Fo r byrri we should he re undoubtedly read byrri,which is the reading in the Rev. E. Davies

s MS.,as it is evident

the Burry, which c ontribute s to fo rm the e stuary of the Burry,

some times called Abe r Llychwyr, be twe en the c oun ties ofGlamo r

gan and Cae rmarthen, is the rive r in tended . I t rises in Gower , andis bu t a small stream c omparedwith the Llychwyr . On this estuarythe town ofLe uc ar um onc e sto od — (E )

STANZA x xvn .

Line l .—Fo r Abe r y do n the Rev. E . Davies

’s copy has

Abe r P e rydt lon,” which is one ofthe o ld names ofthe rive r De e .

Mae b renddwyd am B erydclon .

Y r ai gae r hir ar gwr b o II .”— I n¢lur. Alert—(E )

Line 6 .—I t is obse rvable that Garav o r Garaw does no t

rhyme with wylyon in the pre c eding line and this pec u liarityleads to the supposition that we should read Caron inst ead,


whichis possibly the same rive r as the Carawn mentioned by Ne unius, whichhas by some be en identified with the Carron in Se c tland—(E )


Translation; Vol. i. p . 590. Tart,Vo l . I I . p . 237.

This po em c onc ludes with the fo llowing se ntenc e

Tyssilio , the son of Brochwae l Ysgythrog, c omposed these

ve rse s c onc e rning Gwrne rth’s c oming to pe rfo rm his devo tions with

Llewe lyn the saint, his c ompanion and they are called the c olloquyOfLlewe lyn and Gwrne rth.

Tyssilio , o r Tysilio , was an emin e nt saint and write r whoflourished abo ut the middle of the seve nth c entury, be ing the sonof Brochwae l Ysgythrog ab Cyngen ab Cade ll Deyrnllwg, P rinceofP owys. He is said to have been Bishop ofLlane llwy o r St.

Asaph, and is supposed to have be e n the immediate succ esso r of

St. Asaph, to whom he was c ousin in the first degre e . He was ahard, and is re po rted to have written an e c c lesiastical histo ry of

Britain , which, if it eve r existed, appears to b e now lost. St.

Tysilio is the founde r and patron saint ofthe fo llowing churchesM eivod and Llandysilio in Montgomeryshire , Llandysilio and Bryn

Eglwys in Denbighshire , Llandysilio in Anglesey, Llandysilio ynNyved in Cae rmarthenshire , Llandysilio Gogor in Cardiganshire ,Se llsck and Llausilio in He refo rdshire . He was c ommemo rate d

Novembe r 8. — Williams’Emine nt Welshman, s. v. Tysilso .

The only remnant ofpoe try attributed to Tyssilio is the pre ceding dialogue , which, in its present form at least

,canno t b e much

o lde r than the MS. in which it is prese rved.Llewe lyn, the son ofTegonwy ab Teo n ab Gwine u da i Fre nd

dwyd, was one of the many lVe lsh saints that lived in the six th

c entury. He founded a re ligious house at Trallwng or lVe lshpoo l,

in Montgome ryshire , and ended his days at the monas te ry ofBard

sey. Gurne rth is stated by some authorities to b e his son,and by

o the rs his bro the r, which is more probable . Bo th sain ts we re

c ommemorated April 7. Se e Achau y Saint”in 1010” SS— (E )



Trans latio n,Vo l. i. p . 586 . Text

,Vo l. I I . p . 241 .

This poem resembles the previous po em,and is ranged with it .


Trans latio n,Vo l. i. p . 56 9. Tex t, Vo l. 245 .

The prove rbial triple ts Ofwhich this c ompo sition consists

some times called B idian (from bid, the impe rative form of the

substantive ve rb bod), and may b e translated flats.”

They are

called from bid be ing the first wo rd in almost every line— (E )


Line 1 . Because the n the swine woul d have ac orns witho u this being at any trouble .

” —P ughe .

Swine are known to b e ve ry sle epy in windyweathe r and this

might b e viewed as ano the r c ause ofj oy to swinehe rds. —(E )


Line 2. B le id of the o riginal is ge ne rally read b laidd,’

which signifies awo lf; bu t I take it to b e plaid ”

(dim. ple ide n),that which separates

,a partition

,awall, a hurdle o r wattle . The

softening of the initial p into b is in unison with the re st of the

c ompo sition , and the only thing that militate s against taking it inthis se nse is, that the final le tte r is d no t t ; b ut this may be an

e rro r of a transc ribe r taking it to b e the same wo rd as‘ ble id '


the Six th and e ighth ve rses—(E )


Line 3.—Alluding, I suppo se

,to the lightness of the ste ed


tread. Compare also stanza ii. line 3. P ughe ve ry appro priate lyremarks that these two line s se em ve ry o bsc ure . His translation

ofthem is as fo llows

Le t the te nde r grain b e pressed at the roo ts ,

The te nde r grain b e pre ssed whe n deposite d in the gro und.



Translatio n, Vo l. i. p . 574. Tex t,Vo l. I I . p . 250.


Line 3. To a youth,’or to a se rvan t —(E )


Trans lat ion , Vo l. i. p . 576 . Tex t,Vo l. I I. p . 251 .


Line 2. Crwybr’is used in many parts ofWales fo r rime

o r b oar -fro sting, no t re corded in the Dic tionaries—(E)

STANzA xxv.

Line 2. Gear e l gveve l (B lac k B ook, p. ywywelfrom gwyw, withe red—(E )


Trans lation, Vo l. i. p . 580. Tex t,Vo l. IL p . 255.


Line 2. Tuawc he re must b e a missc ript for Cuawc .

STANz A xxm .

This and the pre c eding stanza are ve ry Obsc ure , and possib lyco rrupted by transc rib e rs.


Line 1. Cewiy,’from Cow, a band— a badge o r distinc tio n .

Bardd Cow a graduated bard, o r one that wo n the band ofhis

o rde r. Cyrchyniad Cewig, cyrchynvardc l Caw, a graduate d

itin e rant bard o r minstre l . The tex t of this ve rse is no t in a

satisfac to ry state

STANz A xx rx .

Line l .— The so n o fs ickness .


The re is a do ubt Whe ther this


is an epithe t fo r the bards, o r a pro pe r name it has be en take n fo rthe latte r. The o riginal (mackwy mab klaf), ifwritten a compoundwo rd

,as mabglav, o r sickfor a so n ifunc ompounded, aswe b c laf,

it implies the sick son, Sick man , o r the man of sickness . Ao

c o rding to some MSS.,Llywarchhad a son called Mabc lav but

pe rhaps it is making the epithe t a prope r name by mistak e .

Dr. P aulie — (E )


Trans latio n, l'

o l. i. p . 326 . Tac t, Vo l. I I. p . 259.


Line l .—Owen P ughe translates the opening lin e as fo llows

Befo re I appeared with c ru tche s I was e loqu ent in my c omplaint

and Carnhuanavc , thus

Befo re I b e came hoary -headed and c rutch- suppo rted 1 was expe rt

I t is diffic ult to c onc e ive how cain faglawg of the o riginal can

po ssibly be ar the meaning he re given to it. Cain signifies fair

o r beau tiful, and “cain faglawg

(ifwe de rive“ baglawg


bagl”in the se nse Of a c rutch) would mean beautifully o r

e legan tly c ru tched, wo rds implying a c ompliment which the bardis by no means disposed to pay to his appearance in his he lpless o ldage . Though no t so state d in o ur dic tionaries, the wo rd bagl

(pl. baglau) is freque ntly used fo r one ofthe human limbs as,fo r

instan c e,in the phrase c e rdded ar e i b edair bagl to go on all

fours ; and the adje c tive baglawg o r baglog, in the sen se of

limb ed o r membe red, is equally c ommon. Assuming, then , that

eyn”is cynn cynt, and that “ baglawg

”is used in the

ac c eptation just indicated, the rathe r pe rplexing e xpression cain

faglawg will bear the translatio n which is above given it, andwhich has the appe aranc e of be ing quite in ac c o rdance with the

spirit ofthe poem. The often - repe ated e xpre ssion baglan bren—woode n c rook o r c ru tch, withwhich seve ral of the ve rse s begin ,do e s no t se em inc onsistent with this view, it be ing no t unnatural

fo r the hard to c ontrast his agile limbs in his youthful days withhis wooden c ru tch

,by whichhe is nowsupport ed—(E )



Line 3.—A portion of the o ld principality ofP owys was called

P owys Wynva, o r P owys the Paradise— (E )

STANzA x x Iv.


ne 3.—This lin e has many diffe rent re adings , b ut none Of

them can b e c onsidered satisfac to ry.

STANZA x x rx .

L ine 2.—The word he re translate d hart is cann in the o riginal ,

b ut carw,hart

,a stag, is inte nded, as is evide nt from the fo llowing

passage in the Black Book , p. 49

Briuhid taglan gan

Garn ea rv culgrum cam.


lLine l . —For Dywaes

’ we Sho uld evidently read Dywas

(gwas), to rhyme with Rylas”

and Nas.”

STANzA xxxv.

Linc 2.—Fo r Athuc ,

’the re ading in the Red Book , some MSS.

have Arthur,”

and the line has generally be en re nde red

Arthur did no t re treat.”


STANz A xx x Ix .

Linc l . Tyllwras tyllbras. P ossibly longshanks may

give the meaning which the bard in te nded—(E )


Line 2.—A similar c omparison is used by Aneurin, p. 263

Ru thyr e ryr e n ebyr pan llythywit.”

- (E)


Line 2.—Tb e Red Bo ok has llu kyndrwyn , bu t in the

ve rses of the Warrio rs’

Graves,p. 30, whe re the grave ofGwen ap

Llywarch is re co rded, the c orre sponding e xpression is lv kegrun

llu cyngryn”

of the Myvyrian c opy in this plac e . The rhyme is

c onc lusive against kyndrwyn be ing the right reading—(E )


be ing nowhe re found as an appe llative . UnhwchUnarchen is re

co rded (1010M 88. p. 73) as one of thre e chief bards ofMae lgwn

Gwynedd in the six th c e ntury, the o the r two being Mynach ab

Nywmon (or Mydnaw)and Mae ldav ab Unhwcb . And the memo ry

ofa pe rson bearing the same name,whe the r ide ntical o r no t with

the c ontempo rary ofLlywarchHen , or with the son ofUnarche n ,

is pre se rved in Cae r Unkwok, o r Cae r Unwch, near Do lge lley in

M e rione thshire .

This e legy has suffe red by transc ribing, as may b e see n by thevarious readings b ut whe the r the reading adopted is the bestmustb e left to the We lsh c ritics .

”—0umn P ughe .

P ughe translated no t from the Red Bo ok, but from a mo re

mode rn transc ript,which is prin ted in the Myvyrian Archwo loyy.


Line l . E ryr Gdl’in the o riginal. 041 signifies a G aul

, and

also an enemy (he nc e galon , ge lyn, ye lyn ion) thus it se ems that the

B elyic G oalswe re the earliest and gre ate st mo leste rs ofthe Cymryhe nc e a Go al and an enemy we re c o nside red as synonymous.

Owen P ughe .

as:is lik ewise the We lsh form of G allia, the c o untry of the

Gauls o r Galli. I t also signifies an ope n o r champaign c oun try, a

plain and in this sense it appe ars to b e re lated to,as we ll as syn ony

mous with,ial . Se e Owen P ughe

s Dic tionary, 8. v. Gal.”


This stanza is Se emingly inc omple t e in the middle line,and is

altoge the r ve ry Obscure — (E )


Line 1 ,

—The o riginal c ledd signifie s the left hand o r side

as we ll as a Swo rd.

Argledd y c anghe llawr , on the left ofthe chance llor— Ii’ehh

Lama—(E )STANZA x I I I .

A c ommon e xc lamation amongst the Brito ns.


STANzA xxm.

Line 2. a Sign or toke n any memorial to mark

the spo t—(E )STANEA x xvI I I.

Line 1 . Or, pe rhaps, mo re lite rally the hidden or mysterio us

thing ofthe wo rld any great e xploit a warrio r was to ac complishto establish his charac ter. I n the age of chivalry the Ano e tha n

came to signify the impo ssib ilitie s that we re e njo ined to b e pe rfo rmed by knights of romanc e .

”—P uyhe . A long train of these

Ano e thau will b e found de tailed in the Mab in ogi ofKilhwch and

Olwen.— Gues t

’s M a l). vo l. ii. pp. 197-318. This is an obscure

stanza, as might be suspe c ted from the numbe r ofthe vario us read

ings. P ughe says that the bro the r alluded to is Urien , as he wasthe bro the r ofEurddyl, whom the hard addre sse s he re — (E )

STANEA xx Ix .

Line 2. Alluding to the two use s made of the ho rn— to

so und the alarm ofwar, and to drink the mead at feasts.—P uyhe .


Line 1 . This pro bably is the Mo rgan t by whose instigation

Urien was murde red.

’- P nylu



Lint 3. Llovan Llawdivro,

’o the rwise called Llovan Llaw

dino o r Llawdivo , is re c o rded in the Triads as the au thor ofo ne

of the thre e suvad gyflavar ,”o r de te c ted assassinations of the

island Of Britain , in killing Urie n , the de ed alluded to in this

plac e —(E )STANzA x LIx .

Linc 3.—This line is omitted in the led Book . I t is supplied

from the M yvyr ian Archaeo logy— (E )


Line 3. The original ofthis passage is rathe r equivoc al, as itmight be re nde red, the gifts bestowe d by Urie n howeve r, it is


in tended to signify the c ontrary or the gifts and c o ntributio ns ofthe country ofBeged to the ir princ e .

— P uyhe .

Some thing equivale nt to fireb o te given to the princ e is

probably inte nded— (E )


Trans latio n, Vo l. i. p . 584. Tact, Vo l. I I . p . 273.

An exho rtation to Macnwyn , a young warrio r, who , it seems ,had be en c ommanded to capitulate and de live r up his arms .

Llywarch endeavo urs to enc o urage him to resist the offe r, and Show

his fide lity to Mae lgwn .

”— P uyhe .


Line 1 . Fth erbyn,’the e xpre ssion in the original, may signify

to re c e ive or ente rtain the e , as we ll as to mee o r opposethe e b ut the use of yth e rlit


”to pursue the e

,in the n e x t

ve rse , se ems to de te rmine the se nse in which yth e rbyn Should

b e tak en he re — (E )

L ine 2. J euenc tid,’lik e its English equivale nt

, youth, deno te s

bo ththe early part oflife and young pe rsons c onside re d c o ll e c tive ly.

Line 3—The o riginal he re , and in the fo llowing stanza, is

gesse il the impo rt ofwhich is no t c lear in this conne c tion .

Ce sail, in its usual ac c eptation , signifie s the armpit ; and, me ta

pho rically, the region unde r the arm,the bosom

,and also a no o k

or c o rn e r he nc e c ese ilio,

to tak e u nde r the arm, to take to the

bo som to She lte r o r harbo ur. The vario us readings in the Myvyrian , which give gasse il

”in one plac e

,and gossail

in the

o the r,affo rd us no assistan ce to arrive at the right mean ing. The

word is re nde red foe ,”on the suppo sition that it is a mistak e fo r

gassawl (casawl), hateful, odious from caS,

”hatred hatefu l,

odious a hateful one,an e nemy.

Casawl yw’r gwr a I c e isiai,

A dannod e i b od mewn b ai.

D. at I la rydd Ll crytl .

Odio us is the man that wo uld se ek he r,and in sinuate that she

is in e rro r .



Ixias 1 .—Befo re he came to his e nd or de ath appears to b e

mean t. The stanza is se emingly inc omple te , a who le line be ingwan ting— (E )


Line 1 .—The o riginal has no ve rb e xpressed in this and similar

instances , and a more stric tly lite ral translatio n would b e The

camp (o r e ncampme n t) ofCadwallawn on Cain t,

”e tc —(E )

Line 4. Caint’is the We lsh fo rm

,o r rathe r o rigin, ofK e nt

(cantium) bu t as the preposition o r,on

,no t ya, in , is used, it is

highly probable that a r iver is in te nded, and by some it has be e nsuppo sed that the Kent in the no rth ofEngland is the one refe rred

to . I t may, however, b e stated that there is a Caint in Angle sey,which

,afte r jo ing the Cevni n early opposite Llangristio lis, falls in to

Malldrae th Bay o n the so uthe rn Side Of the island. The name has

also be en compared with Cain, an appe llation bo rn e by two rive rs

in the P rinc ipality— the one in M e rione thand the o the r in M o nt

gome ryshire .— (E )


L ine 1 . Ar ydo n .

’ Some transc ripts have ar y do n—that

is,on the wave , o r near the se a. What rive r

,if any, is inte nded,

it is diffic ult to asc e rtain . As far as the mere name is c once rn ed, it

may b e ide ntified with the I than, Eithon, or I eithon, which falls

into the \Vys abou t seven miles above the town of Builth,

Bre co nshire .


L ine 2. B igo ll Vynyd d,’o r Mynydd Digo ll, Long Mo un

tain in Montgome ryshire . This batt le was fought be twe e n Cad

wallawn and Edwin ofNo rthumbria,and is re c o rded in the Triads

one Ofthe “ thre e disc o lo urings ofthe Seve rn ,” whichwas oc casio n ed

by the flowofthe blo od ofthe slain into it.

On this mountain may b e said to have expired the libe rties ofWales

,for he re was the last c ontest against the power of our

c onque ro r. Afte r the death ofLlewe lyn the northe rn We lshman

se t up Madoc , c ousin to our Slain princ e ; who assembled a grad

army, and afte r several eminent vic to ries at Carnarvon, near Dnbigh, Kno ckin, and again on the marches, was here overthrown, i'


1294, by the c o lle c ted powe r of the Lo rd Marche rs, afte r a we ll

fought and long- c ontested engageme nt.

”—P ennant, To urs , iii. 208.

The mention of B igo ll Vynydd in this e arly po em, provesthe e rrone ousn e ss ofP e nnant ,who states that the mountain de rived

its appe llation from the fo llowing c irc umstanc e On this moun

tain He nry VI I . muste red the friends who promised to join him

from No rthWale s and Shropshire,and did no t find o ne who had

failed ofhis appo intme nt. On which ac c ount the Vi’e lsh call it

B igo ll, or Without Lo ss ; the English name it the Long Moun

tain .

The numbe r ofdaily skirmishes,as give n he re , is an instanc e of

po e tic embe llishme nt — (E )


Line 1 ,—The Seve rn . The battle of the Seve rn and on the

furthe r side ofDygen , and the burning of M e igen , Sho uld b e

re ckoned as fo rming but on e ac tion,be ing the fo urth in the

catalogu e

Line 8. Dygen’is,in all pro bability, Dygen Fre iddin, a

c o nical and pic turesqu e mo untain in the valley ofthe Seve rn, be low\Ve lshpoo l in Montgome ryshire . Some are of opinion that this

mountain was the Site of the last battle which Carac tacus foughtagainst the Romans unde r Ostorius.

Line 3.—The battle of Me ige n, in which Edwin fe ll

,is men

tioned by Nonains, and in the Annalee Cambriaz b ut Be de (Hist.

E cc les. ii. 20) give s Hae thfe lth (supposed to b e Hatfie ld in Yo rkshire) as the plac e Ofhis death henc e it has be e n assumed that

M e ige n and Hae thfe lth are o ne and the same plac e,b u t it is sufli

c ie ntly evide nt that the M e ige n of Llywarch Hen must b e some

whe re in P owys, and at no great distance from the Seve rn —(E )


Line 1. Gwy,’thewys.—(E )

Dine 1. b e. Monmouth



Line 1 .— The re are two rive rs of this name— the one fo r a c o n

side rab le part ofits c ourse divides the c ounty ofCae rmarthen fromthat ofP embrok e , and falls into Cae rmarthen Bay at Langb arn

and the othe r, afte r draining a po rtion of Glamo rganshire ,

disembogues into the Bristo l Channe l at Cardiff Dr. Owe n P ughe

remarks on this passage , that nearly Oppo site Llandaff, on the

o ther side of the Tav, the re are the ruins of a British camp in a

plac e called Owsen y Trodau . The tradition Of the ne ighbo urhoodis that the Saxons suffe red a great defeat there .


L ine 1 .— A rive r in Glamo rganshire , on which the town of

Swansea,o r Abe r Tawy, is Situated— (E )

STANzA x .

Line l . Cae o ,’o r Caio ,

’a hundred in the uppe r part

ofCae rmarthenshire and also a parish in that hundred some time s

c alled Cynwyl Gae o ,”from the church be ing dedicated to St.

Cynwyl. The church is seven mile s west - no rth-west from Llan

dove ry. Cae r Gae o is nowa me re village , b ut it appears tohave be en forme rly a plac e of impo rtanc e , and many Roman

remains have be en found in the n e ighbo urhood. The name oc c urs

as Cair Caiau and Kaircaiau in the Libe r Landavensis.


Line 1 . Comyn ,’

o r Cywyn ,’

a rive r that falls in to the Tav at

Abe r Cowyn , near St . Clare’

s, Cae rmarthenshire .— (E )

STANzA x I I .

Line 2. P e nvro,

’the c ounty of P embroke ; that is



End o r headland. The e nc ampme nts on the Cowyn and in P e n

vro are to b e regarded as one battle,be ing the te nth in the bard’


e nume ration — (E )STANZA x I I I .

L ine 1 .- The Te ivi

,fo r the greate r part ofits c o urse

,fo rms the

bo undary be twe e n Cardiganshire and Cae rmarthenshire , and e n te rs

the sea a little be low the town of Cardigan , which, from this

c irc umstanc e,is called in We lsh

,Aber Te ivi.


Latin with great fre edom. The hard n o lo nge r wore his go rge o u sdre ss and go lden to rque s bu t now

,in the days ofhis misfo rtun e ,

he has only a rude goatskin to shie ld himfrom c o ld. I t was hardlywo rth his while to se ek refuge in the mountains, as he had no thing

valuable Ofwhichhe might b e deprived— (E )

STANZA v 11.

Line l . Amhafal,’ which may he re imply, Similar

,in lik e

manne r, afte r the same mann e r o r fashion, just as . Avae rwy.

’— This

rive r has no t,as far as I am aware

,be en ide ntified with any known

stream. (E )

Line 2.—Ac c o rding to Lhuyd, the Trydo nwy may b e ide n tical

with the Rode n in Shropshire — (E )

Line 3. Twrch.

’The re are many rive rs in Wales called by

this name . M ar chnwy the Marchnwy and the Elwydde n are

unknown — (E )STANZA v u I .

Line 3. The Alwen , o r ve ry fo amy wate r, falls in to the De c

a little above Co rwe n .

”— Owen P ughe .

STANzA Lx rx .

Line 13.—This can scarc e ly b e a c o rre c t fo rm. The re are

vario us readings, b ut none satisfac to ry.


This appears to b e only a diffe re n t reading of the pre c edingstanza— (E )


Line 2. B urg/rym} the De e , acc ording to Owen P ughe , b ut

this is ve ryquestionable . The re is Dwyr c'

win Mon tgome ryshire ,

whichfalls into the Seve rn at Be rriw,abo ut five miles from NVe lsh

poo l— (E )

STANz A Lxx I II .

Lim' l . E rleyrm'


’a distric t in M e rio ne thshire wate re d by

the De e .

Line» 3. Uchcmf,’

a distric t in the uppe r part Of Mo ntgo

me ryshire . This stanza and po rtion ofwhat fo llows appear to b e


inte rpo lations,having, as far as I can se e , no refe ren c e to Cynddylan .


This stanza,which c onsists Ofeight instead ofthre e line s, se ems

to have be e n made up by the huddling toge the r of thre e or more

impe rfec t stanzas. Any c onse cutive sense is, the refore , hardly to

b e expe c ted from su ch a jumble —(E )


Lim' l . E re d l,

’now called High Ercal, near Shrewsbury.

Line 13.— Unl e ss M ac rysinal is in tended fo r Mac rhyso nial,

o r Mawr y sonial,

I knowno t what it means — (E )

STANZA Lxxvn .

Line l .— ‘He le:1d implies a brine o r salt pit and it is also

the name Ofseve ral plac e s ; and the re were wome n Of this name .

One ofthe daughte rs ofCyndrwyn was so called.

”—Ozc en P ughe .

Yn He let l dWe nand Yn He ledd Ddu are re spe c tive ly the \Ve leh

names ofNantwich and Northwich in Cheshire . The meaning of

He led hwyedic ym ge lwir,”

the e xpression in the original, which

I have re nde red as above , is no t obvious. Lhwyd (Arch. B rit.

p. 258, c o l. 3)suppose s that the po e t he re Spe aks in the name Of

He ledd, one Of the siste rs Of Cynddylan , which, if gran ted, doe sno t remove the difficu lty. Owen l ’ugho translate s the passage

(Llywarch He n, p. 95) He ledd henc eforth shall I b e ca lled

bu t in the IVe Ish Do’

rt c’

mmn/ (s. v. Hwyede c it is c onstrued

thus I am called a filling brine -

pit .”

Assuming that

hwvede c (hwyedig)is the past partic iple ofhwyhau , to le ngthe n ,it canno t

,witho ut ve ry c onside rable vio lenc e , b e re nde red henc e

fo rth.


In the We lshLaws, the te rm hzryc

'diy oc c urs se ve ral times

fo r the male hawk,as in the se instanc es

Ef ade le hug/edyc hebawc y kan epenheb ogyt pop guyl Uhy

baghe l” He is to have a male hawk from the chieffalcone r eve ry

feast OfSt. Michae l.”—(Vol. i. p.

P ede ir ar uge in t ywgwerthhithe wo rthOfa male hawk.”

I have therefwo cu l t


He ledd,an e xpre ssion which may b e c omparedwith Eryr Eli

in o the r parts Ofthe po em— (E )

STANZA Lx xxvn .

Line 3. M evyl baryw,’o r disgrac e Ofthe beard, was a he in o us

c rime b ut ofwhat nature has no t be en expressly defined— Owe n

This and the thre e fo llowing stanzas are ve ry Obsc ure ; a remark

applicab le to many o the r stanzas in this portion Of this an c ie nt

po em— (E )STANZA x c .

Line 2. P yrydyaw’or pyryrdyau (which appe ars to b e

the mo re c orre c t reading) p yrhyrddiaw, from p yr, fo rward, and

hyrddiaw, to push, thrust , o r drive — (E )

Line 3.— Inste ad of tranc


’disso lu tion

,death, some MSS.

have tanc,peac e

, t ranquillity. A Frank wo uld have no peac efrom his mou th.

”— (E )STANZA Cl .

Line 2 . The po rtion,most like ly, OfMaoddyn , the bro the r

ofCynddylan , as it se ems the share Of eachwas called afte r its

own e r . So Dyfryn Mmlsyr and Dg/fl'

ryn Ffreue r we re the share s

ofthe two daughte rs OfCyndrwyn .

”—Owen P ughe .

Lhwyd thinks that M aoddyn may po ssibly be iden tical with

Mwythig o r Amwyihig, the mode rn We lsh appe llation Of Shrewsbury. Mac s Maoddyn is probably the same as Mac s Me uedda ,

mentioned in Englynio n Beddau Milwyr,”in the vic inity Ofwhich

Elchwith is said to b e inte rred.


Trans latio n, VOI. i. p . 341 . Tmi,Vo l. I I . p . 29 1 .

[ zinc l . Goyyfue rchyd gogyverchydd, from cyvarch, to

gre e t o r salute fre e ly) appears to b e put in opposition to the

pe rso n implied in the ve rbs pre c eding it,and no t as the Obje c ts

gove rned by them— (E )

Line 3.—Howpe rishable go ld and silve r are

,even when they


Line 1 1 .—That is, o n ac count of the army (lluydd)me ntio nedin a pre c eding line .

I/ ine 22.—For to rrit


’I read torrir, the future instead of

the past .

Line 24. Mar a mynyd mer a mynydd), lite rally sea

and mo untain but the e xpre ssion is ofte n used simply for sea

and land.

”- (E )

Dine 29. a river in the uppe r part ofCardiganshire ,which, after passing through the village OfTal y Be n t , winds its

c ourse thro ugh COTS Vochno , and falls into the estuary Of the

Dovey oppo site the town OfAbe rdovey. Whe re Chrm'

lfynydd’is I

have not be en ab le to asce rtain—(E )

Line 37.—For B arnawc I read Baruawc barvawg,

bearded), assuming that the middle le tte r was originally a and no t

11 and the passage se ems to imply that in c onsequenc e of the

devas tations ofwar, grown - up men would be so sc arc e , that the

lin es would have to be filled up almost entire ly with beardless

you th— (E )

Dine 39.—The meaning apparently is, that Urien was the most

gene ro us man sinc e Adam— (E )

Line 42. E u (the ir), the word used he re in the o riginal

appears to b e e rroneo usly employed for e i (his). Some early

transc ribe r,we may c onje c ture , finding the word c ommonly writt e n

emu,beginning with an h

,assumed that the prosthe tic le tte r owed

its introdu c tion to the influence Of the pre c eding word; whichheknewwould b e e n rathe r than ci

,alte re d the pronoun ac c o rdingly,

fo rge tting that hemp is abou t as Old and independent a form as emu.

—(E )


Trans la tion, Vol. i. p . 595. Tart , Vo l. 11. p . 293.

NO remarks oc c ur upon this po em.



Trarwlatio n,Vo l. i. p . 492. Tart

,Vo l

, II . p . 294.

Line 28. —The meaning ofthis lin e is no t c lean—(E )


Trans latio n,Vo l. i. p . 490. Tart, Vo l. I I. p . 294.

Dr. Owen Pughe (We lsh Die t. 8 . v. Mabon attribu tes thispo em to Go lyddan, the bard ofPrinc e Cadwal lon ab Cadvan in the

se venth c entury, b ut o n what grounds does no t appear.


Translatio n, Vo l. i. p . 493. Tex t, Vo l. II . p . 296 .

Dr. Owen Pughe (We lshDie t. 8 . v. Cywe ithi attributes thispo em to Adda Vraa

,a bard of the early part of the thirte en th

ce ntury ; b ut, a. v. Cynferth,”to Gwylym Ddu o Arvon, who

flourished in the time of King Edward I I ., b ut it is no t found

among his compositions printed in the first vo lume ofthe MyvyrianArche o logy. N0 po rtion of the ge nuine works of Adda Vraa is

known to b e e x tant. Some ofthe wo rds in this po em be ing ille

giblo , it is impossible to give a full translation Ofeve ry line—(E )


Translation, Vo l. i. p . 290. Tex t,Vol. I I. p . 299.

Linn 4. Brithwyr,’the spe ckled men or the Pica—ks.)


Translatio n, Vol. i. p. 284. Tm, Vol. II.p

This poem is inte rspe rsedwithW lin.

fragme nts ofIatin hymns—(fl )


Line 10. Gallwyde l.’Galloway was called in Gae lic Gall

go ide l, ofwhich this is the Cymric equivalent . From Gallwydde l

c omes the Latin form Galwe ithia. This po em must have be e nwritten befo re Galloway be came a part Of the Anc kingdom of

No rthumb ria

Line 36 .—The allusion to Lleu and Gwydyon c onne c ts this

poemwith the allianc e be twe en the Brython and Gwyddyl alluded

to in lines 89 and 90.

[ zine 82.—The Myvyrian te x t reads Gwyr Ke lydon , men of

Ce lyddon .

The last part of this po em,from line 84

,is c ontained in the

Bo ok OfTaliessin. The variations be twe en the two te xts Of this

part ofthe po em are ve ry trifling. (S.)

Line 86 . Cae r Govannon.

’In an old list of the churches of

Linlithgow, prin te d by The ine r, appears Vicaria de Gumanyn .

The plac e meant is probably Dalmeny, on the Firth ofFo rth,for

me rly called Dumanyn .

Line 90. Diaerogyon,’unwarlike , from ae r

,battle. The Bo o k

ofTaliessin reads Diverogyon,”distille rs

,which is prefe rable. The

Gwyddyl are called in the Ce rdd y Veib Llyr Diefyl dive rogyon ,

in the GOdOdin De ifr dive rogyon ,”and here Kyl diverogyon .

Kyl may be translated furnace or kiln — (S )



Trans latio n,Vo l. i. p . 596 . Tex t, Vo l. I I. p . 304.


s c omposition, which is a ve rsified c o lle c tion ofaphorisms o rprove rbs, is asc ribed to Llevoed, surnamed Wyn ebglawr ,


flat o r broad-fac ed, who is said to have flourished about the

beginning of the ten th century. I t is called Gosymda ith, o r

Viaticum, be ing the bard’s sto ck Of provisions for the jou rney

thro ugh life . I t is the only poem ex tant which bears the name of

this poe t—(E )


ms. HENGWRT 536 .


Vryen uab Kynuarch mab M e irchafin mab Go ru st

Le l m mab Ke ne u mab Co e lLlywarchHen mab Elidyr Lydanwyn mab M eirchafin mab

Gorust Ledlfim mab Keneu mab Co e l.Clydno Eidin a Chynan Genhir a Chynue lyn Dr6sgyl a

ChatraOt Calchuynyd me ib on KynnOyt Kynnfiydyo n mab

Kynue lyn mab Arthwys mab Mar mab Keneu mab Co e l

Dunafit a Che rwyd a Sawyl P e nuche l me ibyon Pabo

Po st Pryde in mab Arthwys mab Mar mab Kene u mab Co e l.

Gfirgi a Phe redurme ib on Elifl'

e r Gosgo rduafir mab Arthwys

mab Ke neu mab Co e l.Gwendo len a Nud a Ohofme ibyo n Keidyafimab Arthwys

mab Mar mab Ke ne u mab Co e l.Trychan c ledyfkynu e rchyn a ttrychan ysgfiyt kynn6dyo n

a tt rychan way6 c o oling pa n eges bynhac yd e lyn t iddi yn

duun . Nyt ame the i hon honno .

Ryderch Hae l mab Tu twal Tutc lyt mab Kedic mab

Dyuynwal Hen.

M o rdafmab Se ruan mab Kedic mab Dyfynwal He n .

Elffin mab GOydno mab CaOrdafmab GarmonyaOn mal»

Dyfynwal Hen .

Gauran mab Aedan Uradafic mab Dyuynwal Hen mabIdnyue t mab Maxe n Wl edic amhe raOdyr Ruu e in.

Elidyr MOynuaOT mab Go rust Priodafir mab DyfynwalHen.

Huallu mab Tu tuOlch Co rne u tywyssafic O Ke rnv6 a

Dywana me rchAmlaet Wledic v uam.



I . Urye n son of Kynvarch son of Me ir chawn son of Gornet

Le dlum son ofKeneu son ofCoe l.I I . LlywarchHen so n ofElidyr Lydanwyn son ofMe irchawn

son ofGo rust Ledlum son ofKe neu son ofCoe l.

I I I. Clydno ofEidyn and Chynan Ge nhir and Cynve lyn Drwsgland Catrawt Calchvynyd, sons of Kynwyt Kynwydyon so n of

Kynve lyn so n ofArthwys son ofMar so n ofKeneu son ofCo e l.

IV. Dunawt and Cerwyd and Sawyl P enuche l, sons of Pabo ,the pillar ofP ryde in, son ofArthwys so n ofMRT son ofKe neu son


V. Gwrgi and P e rednr, sons ofElifl'

er of the great re tinue , son

ofArthwys so n OfKeneu son ofCoe l.VI . Gwe ndo len and Nud and Cof, sons of Ke idyaw son of

Arthwys so n ofMar son ofKene u son ofCo e l.

Thre e hundred swo rds (of the tribe) of Kynvarch, and thre e

hundre d shie lds ofKynwydyon , and thre e hundred spears Ofthe

tribe of Coo l. ‘ Vhateve r obje c t they ente red into de eply— that

neve r failed.

VI I . Rydde rchHae l son ofTutwal Tutc lyt son ofKodie son of

Dyfnwal He n .

VI I I . Mordafson ofSe rfan so n ofKedic son ofDyfnwal Hen.

IX. Elflin so n ofGwydno son ofCaurdaf son ofGarmonyawnson ofDyfnwal Hen.

X. Gavran son ofAedan the treache rous, son OfDyfnwal Hen

so n ofIdnyve t so n ofMax en Guledic , Empe ro r ofRome .

XI . Elidyr Mwynfawr son of Go rnet Priodawr son ofDyfnwal

He n .

XI I . Huallu son ofTutvwlch of Cornwall, princ e ofCo rnwall,and Dywana daughte r OfAmlawt Guledic was his mo the r.


I I .



Te ir Lle ithic lfiythYnys P ryde in . Arthu r yn pe n teyr n ed

ym MynyOa Dewi yn pen ysgyb a Mae lgfin GOyned yn pe n

hyne if. Arthur yn pen teymed yg Ke lliwic yg Ke rne 6 a

Be twini e sgob yn pen esgyb a Charadafic u reichuras yn pe n

hyne if. Arthur yn pen t eym ed ym P e n Rionyd yny gogled

a ChyndeyTn Garthwys yn pen e sgyb a GOrthmfil Wledic yn

pen hyne if.

TriHae l Ynys Pryde in. Nudd Hae l mab Se nyllt ; M o rdaf

Hae l mab Se ruan Ryde rchHae l mab Tu twal Tu tc lyt.

TriGwyndeyrn Ynys Pryde in . Run mab Mae lg6n ; Ywe inmap Urye n a Enafin P euyr Inab De o rathWledic .

h i De ifniafic Ynys P rydein . Gwalc bme i mab G6yar a

Lle che u mab Arthur a Rhiwallafin wallt Banadlen.

Tri Pho st Cad Ynys Pryde in . Dunafit mab Pabo PostP ryde in a GwallaOc mab Le enaOc a Chynfe lyn Dr63gyl.

Tri Thar6 Caduc Ynys P ryde in. Kynuarch Cat Caduc

mab KynnOyt KynOytyo n a Gwe ndo len mab Ke idya6 aVrye n

mab Kynuarch.

Tri Tharfi Unb e n Ynys P ryde in . ElmOr mab Cade ir a

Chynhaual mab Argat ac Auaon mab Taliessin . Tri me ib

he ird o edynt e u t ri.

Tri Lledyf Unb en Ynys P ryde in. Llywarch He n mal»

Elidyr Lydanwyn a M anawydan mab Llyr Lledye ith a

(lOgaOn G6ra0n Inab Pe rednr mab Eliffe r Go sgo rduafir.Tri Unb en Llys Arthur. Go ro nGy mab Eche ll Uo r dfiytfin

a Chadre ithmab Po rthuaOTgadu a Phle idur tllam.

Tri Unb en De iuyr a Brynych. Gall mab Disgyuedafit ac

Ysgafne ll mahDisgyu edafit a Diffvde ll mal) DisgyfedaOt. Tri

me ib Be ird o edynt e ll tri.


Tri Gwayfirud Be ird Ynys Pryde in . Tristuard Bard

Vryen a Dygyne lo Bard Ywe in a Mianu e rdic Bard Cad

wallaGn mab Catuan a ryhafit e il M o rgant.

Tri Chynwe issat Ynys Pryde in. CaradaOc mab B ran a

Chafirdafmab CaradaGc ac Owe in mab Maxe n Wledic .

Te ir Llyghessaflc Ynys P ryde in . Ge re int mab Erb in

GwenOynwyn mab Nafa Marchmab M e irchiafin .

Tri GOrduag laéc Ynys P ryde in . Rine ri mab Tana a

Dinwaed Uag lafic a Phryde r mab Do lo r Deiuyr a B rynych.

Tri HualaOc Ynys P ryde in. Catwaladyr Uendige it a Run

mab Mae la a RiwallaOn wallt Banadlen .

Tri Chaduarchaéc Ynys Pryde in . CaradaOc Ure ichu ras ;

M enwaed O Arlle chwed a Llyr LluyddaGc .

Tri Gallouyd Ynys Pryde in. Gre idiaOl Galouyd mab

Enuae l Adran a Gwe ir Gerhyt Ua6r a Drystan TallOch.

Tri Ruduoafie Ynys Pryde in. Arthur a Run mab Be li a

M o rgant MOynnuaOr.

Tri Thale ichaOc Cad Ynys P ryde in. Trystan mab Talloch

a Huil mab Ca6 a Che i mab Kynyr Kynuaruafic ac un oed

tale ithafic arnadun t wynteu e ll tri, BedOyr mab Pedrafit oed


h i GleGYnys Pryde in . Tri me ib Hayarnwed UradaficGrudne i a He npen ac EdenaGO.

Tri ThrahaOc Ynys Pryde in . Sawyl b en u che l a Phask e n

mab Uryen a Run mab Binafin.

Tri Ysgymyd Ac ren Ynys Pryde in. Gilbe rt mab Catgyffro M o ruran e il Tegit a Gfigafin Cledyfrud.

Tri GOrdue ichat Ynys P ryde in. Trystan mab Tal léch a

ge twis mo ch March mab M e irchaOn tra ae th y me ichat y

e rchi y Essyllt dyfo t y gynadyl ac ef ac Arthur yn keissafl

unh0ch as y tfiyll, ae y tre is, ac nys cauas a Phryde ri mab

POyll amfiyn a ge twis mo ch P endaran Dyu ed yn Glyn GuGch

yn Emlyn a Choll mab Co llurewy a ge twis he nwen bOch

Dallwe ir Dallbe n a ae th yg go rdodo byt ym pe nryn AGStin


XI . Thre e ruddy- speared he rds ofthe Island ofPrydain. Trist

vard hard ofUrien and Dygyne lwbard ofOwen ; and Mainferdic,

bard ofCadwallawn, son ofCatfan and theywere sons ofMo rgant.

XI I . Thre e supreme se rvants ofthe Island ofPrydain . Caradawe

so n ofBran ; and Caurdafson OfCaradawe ; and Owen so n ofMax en

Gu ledic .

XI I I . Thre e fle e t owne rs ofthe Island ofP rydain. Ge re int son

ofErbin and Gwe nwywnwyn son ofNaf and March so n OfMer

chiaun .

XIV. Thre e strong- c rutched ones of the I sland of P rydain .

Rine ri so n ofTangwu ; and Tinwaed faglawc ; and Pryde r son of

Do lo r ofDe ira and Be rnicia.

XV. Thre e fe tte red ones ofthe Island ofP rydain. Cadwaladyr

the ble ssed ; andRun son ofMae lgwyn andRiwallanwallt Banadlen.

XVI . Thre e cavalie rs ofbattle ofthe I sland OfPrydain . Caradawe fre ichfras Menwaed ofArlle chwed and Llyr Lluydauc .

XVI I . Thre e hostile Ovates Ofthe I sland ofP rydain. Gre idiawlGalovyd, so n ofEnfae l Adran ; and Gweyr ofgreat manliness and

h ystan so n OfTallwch.

XVII I . Thre e red- spo tted one s ofthe I sland ofP rydain. Arthu r ;

and Run son ofBe li and Morgant Mwynfawr.XIX. Thre e front leade rs ofbattle of the Island of P rydain .

Trystan son ofTallwch and Huil so n of Caw and Ce i son of

Cynyr Cynfarfawc and one pe rson was supreme ove r the se thre e

Bedwyr so n ofP edrawt was that one .

XX. Thre e he roes Ofthe Island ofPrydain . The three so ns Of

Hayarnwed the treacherous : Grudne i and Henpen and Ede nawc .

XXI . Thre e arrogan t o nes Of the Island of Prydain . Sawyl

pe nucb e l and Pasgen so n ofUrye n ; and Run son ofBinsun.

XXI I . Thre e obstruc to rs ofslaughte r of the I sland ofPrydain.

Gilbe rt so n OfCatgyfl'

ro Morfran so n OfTegid ; and n un ofthe

ruddy swo rd.

XXI I I . Thre e powe rful swinehe rds of the Island of P rydain .

Trystan so n ofTallwch, who k ept the swine OfMarch,so n ofM e ir

chawn ,while the swinehe rdwen t on a message to Essylt to desire a

me e ting withhe r, and Arthur desired one pig by de c e it o r by theft,

and c o uld no t ge t it ; and Pryde ri, so n OfPwyll,who kept the swine ofP endaran Dyfed in Glencuwchin Emlyn ; and Ce ll son ofCo llfrewy,who kept the anc ient sowOfDallwc ir Dalbe n

,who we nt burrowing

460 APPENDIx .

yg Ke rnyfi ac yna ydae th°

yny mo r, ac yn Abe r To rogi ygGwent isc o e t y do eth yr tir, a Cho ll mab Co llurewy ac la6

yny gwrych pa fi'

o rd bynhac y k erdhe i nac ar uo r nac ar tir,

ac yn Mac s Gwenith yg Gwent y dodwes gwenithe n a

gwe nen en,ac e r hynny y mas go reu lle y we nithy lle hOnnO,

ac Odyna yd ac th byt y Llonwen ym P enuro ac yuo y do twesar heiden a gwene ne n , ac e r hynny y mae go reu llc y he id

Llonwen, ac Odyna y ke rdOys byt yn Rio Gyu erthfich yn

Eryri, ac y do twes ar kene u ble id ac ar kyt c ryr, ar c ryr a

rode s Co ll mab Co llurewy i UrynachVyde l or Goglcd, ar b le ida rode s i Uenwae d o Arll e chwed, ar re i hynny nu u le id M en

waed, ac Eryr Brynach. Ac Odyna yd ac th byt y Mae ndu

yn Llanue ir yn Arnon ; ac yu o y dodwe s ar keneu eath, ar

k eneu hOnnOa uyTyOys Co ll mab Co llurewy ym M eu e i ; a

honno wedyhynny nu Cath Paluc .

Tri PhrifLle turithafic Ynys P ryde in . Co ll mab Co llurewya M enyémab Te irgwaed a Drych e il KiOdar.

Te ir P rifHu t Ynys Pryde in . Hu t Mathmab Mato nGy a

Hut Uthyr P e ndragon a Hu t GOyde lyn Ge r.

Tri Diwe ir Teulu Ynys Pryde in . Te ulu CatwallaOn mab

Catuan auuant se ithmlyned yn Iwerdo n y gyt ac ef ac yn

hynny O yspe it ny o uynassant dim idaOrac gorno t amadun t

y ada6 ; aThe ulu Gau ran mab Aedan a ae thant yr me r dro e e u

harglOyd ; ar tryded Te nlu Ge ndo le u mab KeidyaOyn Arde ryd

a gynnalassant y u rfiydyr pytheOno s a mis wedy lled e u

harglOyd sefo ed Tiuedi te uluo ed pob nu o r gwyr hynny un

Canhfir ar uge int .

Tri Aniwe ir Te ulu Ynys P ryde in . Te u lu Goro nfiP efyr O

P e nllyn a omedassant eu harglfiyd O e rbynne it y gwe n0ynway6 y gan Le u LlaOGyfl


e s yn Lle choronfiy yn b lae n

Kynuae l ; a The u lu GOrgi a Phe redur a adaOssant e u harglfiyd

yg Cae r Gre u , ac a oed ymllad tranno e th udunt ac Eda Glin

wa6r ac yna y llas e ll de u . AT trydyd Te u lu Alan Fyrgan

a vmcho e lasant y0ith on harglfiyd ar y fo r dbyt no s ae c llOngvnte u ae we isso n Kamlan ac yno y l las .


Te ir Gosgord Adfiy Ynys Pryde in. Gosgo rd Mynydafic

Eidyn a Gosgord M e lyn mab Kyn ue lyn a Go sgord Dryan

mab Nud.

Trywyr a wnae th y te ir Mat Gyflauan . Gall mab Dis

gyfedaGt a lade id de u ede ryn Gwendo len,a ien O eur o ed

amadunt a dwy k e le in o r Kymry a yssynt ar e u kinyafi, a

doy ar e u cOyno s, ac Y sgafne ll mab Disgyfedafit a lade id

Ede lfile t nrenhin Llo egyr aDifi‘

ede ll mab Disgyfedafit a ladaOd

Gflrgi Garfllfiyt, ar Gergi honnv lade i k e le in beunyd o r Kymrya dOy pob sadOTn rac llad y sul yr nu .

Te ir Anuat Gyu lauan Ynys Pryde in Eidyn mab Einygan

a ladaGd Ane iryn Gwafidrud me thdeyrn he ird a LlaOgat trfim

bargaGt a ladaOd Auaon mab Talie ssin a Llouan LlaOdino a

ladaGd Vryen mab Kynuarc lL

Te ir Anuat UOye llaOt Ynys Pryde in B6ye lla0t Eidyn ym

pen Ane iryn ; ar uOye llaOt ym pen Godlan bard ar uOye llaGt

ym pen Iago mab Be li.

Tri Chyuo r a ac th or Ynys hon, ac ny doe th yr un

dracheuyn o nadunt . Un a ae thgan He len Luydafic a Chynan

y b raOt . Eil a ae th gan e LuydaOc yn o es Cadyal mab

Erynt a do e th yma y e rchi kymorth ac nyt arche i O b o b

prifgae r namyu de u kyme int ac a de lhe i gantaOidi ; ac ny

do e th gantao yr gyn taf namyn ef se was, so ardustru nu

rodi hynny ida6. A h0nn essoes llOyraflluyd a se th o r ynys

honn, ac ny do e th drache uyn n eb o nadunt. Sef lle y

trigyOys y gwyr hynny yn dOy ynys yn ymyl mor Groe c . Sef

ynt y d ynys Gals ac Avena Trydyd kyudu a s e th

gan Caswallafin mab Be li a Gwenwynwyn a Gwanar me ihou

LliaOs mab NGyure ac Aranro t u e rch Be li eu mam ; so 0

Arlle chwed yd hano e t y gwyr hynny ac yd ae thant y gyt a

Chaswallafln eu hewythyr yn 01 y Ce sarye it trOy uor. Sefll e

y mas y gwyr hynny yg Gwasgwin . Sefe iryfa ae thyrn po b

un o r lluo ed hynny un mil ar uge int ar re i hynny oed y tri

aryant llu Sef y ge lwit y u e lly ; Orth uyn e t eur ac aryant

yr ynys gantunt se he tho l wynteu o o re u y oreu .


XXVI I I . Thre e pass re tinue s of the Island of P rydain . The

re tinue of Mynydawg OfEidyn the re tinue of Me lyn son of

Cynve lyn and the re tinue ofDryan son ofNud.

XXIX. Thre e warrio rs who made the thre e good assassinations

of the I sland OfP rydain. Gall son ofDisgyfedawt, who slewthetwo birds ofGwe ndo len, who had a yoke Ofgo ld abo ut them, and

devoured two bodies ofCymry at the ir dinne r and two at the ir

suppe r ; and Ysgafne ll son of Disgyfedawt , who slewEde lfle t,king ofLloegyr and Difl

ede l son ofDisgyfedawt, who slewGwrgiGarwlwyt , and this Gwrgi killed a male and female ofthe Cymry,d two on Saturday that he might no t k ill one on Sunday.

XXX. Thre e atrocious assassinato rs Of the I sland ofP rydain .

Eidyn , son ofEinygan, who slewAn e iryn Gwawdrud, the supremeOf bards and Llawgat Trumbargawt , who slewAfao n so n Of

Taliessin and Llovan Llawdino , who slewUrien son ofKynvarch.

XXXI . Thre e atro c ious ax e - strokes of the island of Prydain .

The ax e - stroke of Eidyn on the head ofAne iryn and the ax e

stro ke on the head of Godlan the bard and the ax e - strok e on

the head ofIago son OfBe li.

XXXII . Thre e c ombined e xpeditions that went from this

island and neve r re turned. One we nt with He len Luydawg and

Cynan he r bro the r. Ano the r went with e Luydawc , in the

time ofCadyal so n of Eryn t, he came to ask assistanc e,and he

ask ed no t from eachcity, b ut the same numbe r he should bringwithhim,

and the re came withhim to the first only one youth, and he

Obtained one give n him. He was the gre atest levie r ofan e xpeditionthatwent from this island, and none ofthe warrio rs re turned. They

we nt on an invasive e xpedition , these warriors, to two islands inthe sea Of Gre e c e . The se are the two islands, Gals and Avena.

The third host went withCaswallaun so n ofBe li, and Gwenwynwyn,and Gwanar so ns ofLliaws son OfNwyure , and Aramo t daughte r of

Be li, was the ir mo ther, and from Arlle chwed we re these warriors,and they went with Caswallawn , the ir unc le

,against the Cesario t

ove r the sea, and thes e warrio rs are now in Gwasgwyn . The re

we nt with each Of the se hosts one tho usand and twe nty. These

are the thre e silve r hosts. They we re thus called, for they

to o k the go ld and silve r of the island with them, as much as they

c o u ld.


Te ir Go rme s a do e th yr Ynys hon ac nyt ac th yr nu

drache uyn. Kd aGt y Korannye it a doe thant yma yn o e s

Llud mab Be li ac nyt ae th yr un dracheuyn . A go rmes y

GOydyl Fichti ac nyt ac thyr nu drachefyn Trydyd go rme s

y Sae sson ac nyt ae thant drache uyn .

Tri Chud a Thri°

Datgud Ynys P ryde in . P e n b e ndige it

Uran uab Llyr a c ladfiyt yny Gwynfryn yu Llunde in a hyt tra

ve i y pe nn ynyr ansaOdyd o ed yuo ; ny doy o rme s byth yr

ynys hon . Eil,Esgyrn GOe rcheuyr Vendige it a a gladwyt ym

pryfbyrthyr ynys hon. Trydyd, y dre igie u a gladwys Llud

mab Be li yn dinas Emre is yn Eryri


AARON, i. 510

Aballec , so n ofAmolsch, i. 84

Ab I the l sec Williams, Rev. J .

Abe r and I nvc r , i. 150seq.Ab e r Avon , i. 481 ii. 480Abe r Cammarch, i. 494

Ab e r Garav, i. 481

Ab e rc o rn, i. 127

Ab e r Cowyn , ii. 444Ab e r Cuawg, i. 580sq.

Ab e rdar, ii. 857

Abe r Dau (De v), i. 484 ; n. 889

Ab e r Don , i. 481

Abe rdovey, ii. 450

Abe r Dulas, i. 485

Ab e r Dwvyr, i. 481 n . 480

Abe r Dyar , ii. 848

Ab e re rch, i. 31 1

Ab e rfraw,i. 95

Ab e rgwaith, i. 489

Ab e r Gwe no li, i. 810

Ab e r B odui (Bre c on), i. 478 ; n. 429

Ab e rioed, i 850

Abe rlady, i. 85

Abe r Llychwyr , n . 480

Abe r Llyw, i. 820, 884, 858

Ab e r MewyduS, i. 174Ab e rnae th, ii. 86 7

Ab e r So r, i. 481

Ab e r Tawy (Swansea), II. 348, 444Abe r Te ivi (Car digan), ii. 444

Abe r y Do n (Ab e r Pe ryddon), n. 480

Ab e rystwyth, ii. 367Ab raham, i. 510, 558

Achwyso n , i. 287Ac lud, i. 389

Ada m, i. 278, 284, 343, 474, 558 sq.

ii. 450

Ada n, i. 888, 405, 408

Adda Vras, a hard of. 18th c e ntury,

ii. 451

Adebon , Gwarchan of, i. 522 I I . 891

Adomnan , i. 187, 176 ; ii. 86 9

Adonai, i. 271

Ado nwy, i. 898, 417Adoyn, i. 402, 407 ; n . 869

Aduvyneu Talie ssin, ii. 398

E bnssa soc Ebisaa

Aedan , grandson ofBrychan , and the

first independent king ofDalriada,

i. 6 6 , 6 7, 82, 86 , 1 67, 886 , 500 ii.

865, 869, 872, 408

Aeddan ap Blegwred, usurpe r of the

sove re ignty ofWales, i. 95, 299

Aeddan, ii. 827

l inens, ii. 425

Ae rgwl , i. 818Ae ro n (the Avon), i. 837, 854, 881 seq.426 ; ii. 86 8, 884, 401 seq. 415

Ae rve n (rive r Dee ), i. 841 n. 449

Ae tius, a Roman c onsu l— the Brito ns

appeal to him fo r assistanc e , i. 35,

45, 46

Afallenau sec Avalle nau

Africa, i. 541 , 546

Agas c ia, i. 56 6

Agathes (IrongathHill, near Linlith

gow), i. 887 ii. 401

Agric o la, i. 171

Aidan ,k ing ofthe Sc o ts , i. 1 77, 178.

Sec Aedan

Alan , king ofArmorica, i. 68, 423

Alba, ii. 886

Alban, Albania, i. 100seq. ii. 41 1

Alhanac tus, so n ofBru tus, i. 99

Albanie Dunn , the , i. 99, 109

46 8 INDEX.

Albanus and Brit t us , i. 99, 109

Alc lu t , Alc luith see Alc lyde

Alc lyde (Dumbarto n), i. 56 , 59, 6 6 ,91 , 175, 363, 441 ; ii. 321 ,

406 , 41 4

Ale xande r l I . , king of Sc o t land, 11.


Ale xande r the Great , i. 563 seq. 11.


Ale xande r, b ishop ofLinc o ln ,i. 22

Ale xandria, i. 546

Allmyn , the , i. 486 seq. 491 , 595Allo it ; sec Llud

Alun Dywed, i. 312Alwe n , rive r, i. 456 I I. 446

Amadaa Richard, ii. 8 1 1

Amae tho n, i. 299

Amathaon , i. 207

Amb rosius (Emmrys) Aure lianus ,50

Ame lach, so n ofBe li Mawr , i. 84Amb ad, n . 825

Amhae lur = Ab Mae lwr, n . 843

Amhlach, 11. 813

Amlwch, ii. 344Ammareh, i. 384

Ammianu s Marc e llinus , i. 107

Ame nd, rive r, i. 158

Anarau t, so n ofRe dri Mawr, king of

Gwynedd, i. 95, 244, 301 , 46 6

ii. 397, 403

Anarawd, son ofAnsraut , i.

An chise s, ii. 425

Andrews, Richard, 11. 315Aneurin , the Bo o k of, i. 2 arq. 6 ,184 seq. 280so ] . 343, 374 scq. ; ii.357 seq.

Anghar Cyvindawd, n . 827

Angle s, the , i. 6 , 273, 284, 286 , 345,

350, 412, 444, 481 ; ii. 41 4, 419,421

Anglesea (Mona), i. 48, 6 8, 95, 101 ,106 , 201 ii. 344, 442

Ange r, i. 405, 419 ; ii. 384

Angus, king ofthe Pic ts, i. 90, 180

Ang us Mac Fe rgus , i. 104

Ang us the CII ltle e , i. 92

Anhun , Auuuu , i. 51 1 n . 382

Anl le ch, Au lle ch, fathe r of Bryc han ,

i. 82

Anna lee Cambr iw, i. 89 ; I I . 86 5 , 448

Annandale , i. 173

Annwfn, Annwvn , i. 201 , 228, 2 6 4 ;

ii. 1 40Anoe th, i. 313

Anrhe c Urien , 11 . 414

Anwas Ade in iog, i. 26 2Aphrodite , ii. 354

Apple- trees (the Avalle nau ), i. 370; n .

884, 385

Arafan is, i. 253

Arafin, i. 253

Aranwynion ace Garanwynio nArawn , so n of Cynvarch, re c e ive d

from Arthur the distric t of “we tlo n t o r Prydyn , i. 59, 201 , 819 ii.


Arclueo loqia B ritannia , i. 4

Ar cltwo logia Cambrcnsis, the , i. 1 8

11. 401 , 415, 418, 445

Arddeg, i. 404

Ardde ryd, impo rtant batt le of, i. 5 4,6 6 , 1 72, 1 75, 222, 288, 868 - 878,

46 2 seq. 490 ii. 320, 886

Ar ddunion (Ardinning), i. 837 ; 11 . 402Ardmacha (Armagh), ii. 312

Ardudwy, i. 31 2, 478, 481 11 . 429

Are c luta, i. 1 73

Aregaithe l, i. 173

Arfynydd, ii. 418

Argad, i. 319

Argoed Llwyfain , batt le of, i. 4, 6 , 21 2,

232, 865 seq. 404, 454 ; ii. 4 1 8Argo edwys, the, ii. 387Argyll , i. 1 10

Arianrod, mothe r OfLlew, i. 201 , 205 ,297

Arlego , rive r, i. 439

Am e rica, i. 241 , 546

Arman, i. 530

Aro n , i. 31 7

Arran, island Of. i. 78

Arthan, l. 313

Arthe n, so n o fBrvehan , i. 82

470 INDEX.

B erriw, n . 446

Bersabe , i. 547

Be nde r, i. 365

Bic e o t, so n ofHouait , i. 90

Birch- tre e , -a po em, i. 481 11. 334

B legwred, i. 95Ble iddiad. i. 410

Ble iddvan the Bo ld, i. 383

Bleiddgi, i. 418

Ble iddig, B le idic , i. 417 ; n . 36 8

B luddvan , ii. 86 4

B ludwe , Bludne , i. 379 ; 11 . 875Bo dgad ; sec Bathgate

Bodw, i. 423Bo e c e

,Hec to r, i. 1 42 ; 11. 415

B onk ed 31 Saint , the , i. 29 , 82 11. 36 7

Bo nny, rive r, i. 54, 58

Bo rde re rs, the , i. 467

B ouden Hill, in Linlithgowshire (theMons Bado nic us of Gildas the

sc e ne ofArthu r’

s twe lfth battle , i.57 58 ; ii. 349

Brae nan, i. 83, 448

Bradshaw, He nry, ii. 31 1B radwe n, i. 317, 393, 417Brain t, i. 316

Bran He n , i. 1 68

Bran , son ofAidan , 11. 369

Bran , so n ofGwe ryd, i. 295Bran , son ofLlyr , i. 201 , 205, 275

B ran , so n ofMe llyrn , i. 360

B ranwe n , daughte r ofLlyr, i. 27, 201 ,205

Brcac we BritBre c on see Bre cknoc k

Bre cht raig, so n ofBe r nith, i. 89

Bre c knoc k , i. 43, 82 ; ii. 315, 857,


Bre iehe inawg, i. 338 ; 11. 408Dre in t, i. 418

Bre nne ich, i. 376 seq.Bre nnych, i. 391

Bre tanaigh sec Brit

Bre to n diale c t, i. 136 seq.Bre t rwyn , regio n of(Tro o n , in Ayr

shire ), i. 337 ii. 402

Breych, i. 402

90 gg

Bribon, i. 422

Bridlaw, i. 263

Brio tan Mao l, grandson ofHeme id, i.


B ritain , i. 85, 86 , 44- 46 , 6 1

Brit, Brith, Bre ith, Brych, Bre tanaigh,

meaning of, i. 84, 93 ; ii. 421

Brithgne in , i. 84

Brithi, i. 271

Brithwyr speck led men Pic ts ), i.

43, 88, 93, 106 , 109, 228, 290, 473

ii. 427, 451

British Museum,We lsh MSS. in , i.

2, 25

Brito nia, i. 300

Brito ns, the se c Brython

Brito num, His to ria,"

i. 87- 40, 99

Brit tany, i. 1 96

Brittns and Alhe nna, the b ro the rs , i.

99, 109

Bro chmail, i. 13, 234

Brochwae l Y scythrog, i. 19, 594 ; 11.


Bro chwe l Powys, i. 13, 6 4, 6 8, 6 9 ,

275, 4433¢q. ; n . 404, 409

Bro n Are n , region of,i. 810

Brudes , the thirty, i. 1 28, 133

B r ut Ge offrey ap Arthur, Bru t yBre nhinoedd,


and the Brut Tys

silio ,"

no tic e of, i. 23- 26 , 6 9

Bru t y Sseso n and the B ru t yTywysogion , i. 23, 27,39, 6 9, 96 , 104,209 aeq. ; ii. 313, 818, 423

Brnts, o rigin ofthe , i. 245 307.

Bru tus, king ofBritain , i. 22, 99

Brwyn , i. 808, 812

Brwyno the Tall, i. 315Brych, i. 892 seq.Brych rive r, i. 93. See Brit

Brychan andhis family, i. 43, 82,Bryche inawg, i. 312Bryn Eglwys, ii. 431Bryn Hydwn , i. 885

Brynach Wyddc l, son - in - law of B rychan, i. 83 ; ii. 400

Bryne ich, i. 257, 357, 487 ; n . 36 3,419


Brytho n , the , i. 13, 99, 102,228, 354, 373, 21

seq. 473arq. ; ii. 363, 404Brythyo n, i. 491 seq.Bryum, i. 456

Buallt, i. 494

Buarch Be in l, 11. 398

Bu chanan, Geo rge , i. 142

Buddugrc , i/ 395 ii. 383

Buddvau i, i. 383 ; ii. 36 4

Buden se c Bo ude n

Bu il th, n . 442

Byrri, rive r, i. 481 n . 430

i. 205 seq. 275, 351 ;ii. 328


nclnfe l slays Iago , i. 68 ;

ii. 36 8

Cade ll,vales of, i. 447

Cade ll, Ca dwal, king ofSo u thWale3,

i. 95

Cade ll Deyrnllug, princ e ofPowys, i.94 ; ii. 431

i. 307(‘

adnan t , i. 41 4


adle u, i. 350, 414

Un do,Bo o k of, i. 470

04141701111, i. 41 4Cudrod Calchvynydd, so n - in - law of

Brychan , i. 82, 1 6 7 seq. 172(

advan ,king ofGwynedd, i. 68, 71 ,

72, 368, 413, 46 4 ; ii. 36 8, 419, 451

Cadvao n, i. 873

Cadwal m Ca de ll


mlws ladyn Catgualart, the last kingofBritain , i. 22, 68, 6 9, 73, 74, 235,

301 , 373, 436 - 446 , 465 seq) ; ii. 337,36 2, 398, 421

Cadwallawn, Cadwallon , Gadwalls,Catgabail, Catguo llawn , (


laun, Cho n, succ e eded Cere tic in

the sove re ignty ofBritain, i. 68 “q.gains the bat tle at Me ic e n , 70, 88,1 77 sq. 234, 27

" 46 4 ii.

419 , 441 seq. 451(

adyow(sec Goden), i. 173(

aeaw, i. 313

4 1


aeawg (sec Iiyfe id I lir ), i. 374 seq.ii. 363 seq. 868, 370, 372


acmmo nd (Cramo nd), ii. 401


ae r Caew(Gaeo , Gae o ), i. 434 ; 11. 444(‘

ne r (‘

aradawg, i. 340


a er Ce nedir, i. 302, 310


ae r (‘

e ri, i. 438

Cne r Ce rindydd, i. 285


n er (‘

lud (Glasgow), i. 340(‘

ae re we ( ‘

arro n


ae r Eiddyn are

Ganiwedd, i. 473; ii. 427(‘

m-rge in, Cnrge in , Cae rguint (Can te r

hu ry ii, i. 479 ; ii. 429

Cae r Gofanno n (Dalme ny0, i. 237 11.


Cae r Go lnd; i. 265


ae rlegiombat t le of, i. 13, 55, 489(

ae rle o n , Kae r Le

gio n , diffe re nt towns

c alled, i. 55


ae r Lo riydd, i. 495

Cae r Lle u a Gwydyon , i. 289 ; 11. 352

Cae r Llion ; sec Ca erle o n

Cae r Lliwe lydd (Carlis le ), i. 226 , 257 ;ii. 419

Cae rmarthen , i. 486 ; n. 315 seq. 335,409, 444

Cae r marthe n Bay, 11. 335, 444

Cae rmarthe n , Blac k Book of, i. 2 seq.21 , 185 seq. 21 6 uy . ; ii. 815

seq.Caemarvon, u. 394, 408, 442

Cae r Ochren, i. 266

Cae r Pedryvan (aRoman camp), i. ” 4;ii. 41 1

Ge ar Rawick, ii. 401Caer Benn, Ou r man . 0(Boom)a mn Byl l . l .


ii. 887, 401

472 INDEX .

Cae r Vedwyd, i. 265Cae r Vevenir, i. 278

Cae r Weir (Durham), i. 226 , 257, 436

ii. 399, 41 9

Cae r Wendo lew(Carwine low), i. 6 6Cae rwys, i. 892Cae r Wydyr, i. 265

Cae r W'

yn t , i. 439

Cae r Wyrango n, i. 429

Caesarians , the , i. 445

Caew, Cae o , Caio ; see Cae r Ocaw

Cai, i. 26 1 sq.

Cain , i. 515

Cain , the , i. 31 7

Cair Caiau ; see Cae r OcawCairill, k ing ofUls te r, i. 86Caithness, i. 132

Calathros, Calithros ; sec Calatria

Calatria (Calathro s), dis tric t of, i. 92,177 ; ii. 36 7

Calchow, Calchvynyd (Ke lso ), i. 1 72,1 73, 863 ; ii. 406

Calde r (Caldovar), i. 92

Calde r, rive r, ii. 36 5

Caldovar Moo r, i. 92, 93

Caledo n ; see Ce lyddon

Callande r, i. 1 77

Camb e r, so n ofBr utu s , i. 99

Camb ria, kingdom of(Strathc lyde ), i.

38, 6 6

Camb ridge , ii. 31 1

Camb uslang, i. 174

Camlan, Came lo n , batt le of, i. 59, 60,291 , 31 1 ; ii. 41 1

Came lon see Camlan

Camwr, i. 325Canau on , Canawo n (Cuningham), i.430; ii. 407

Candida Casa (Whiteho rn), i. 180011a i. 56 6

Can trev Dun odig, n . 445

Can trev y Gwae lod, a subme rged re

gion, i. 302 ; ii. 351 , 352, 406

Capharuaum,i. 546

Carac tac us, i. 170; n . 443

Carac to nium, ii. 415

Caradawe , Caradawg ; sec Carado c

Caradoc ofLlane arvo n, i. 22, 26 , 88,

1 68, 1 72, 808, 385 seq. 429 ; ii. 318,86 4, 405 seq.

Caranmae l, i. 459

Curant, ii. 407

Caransius, i. 109

Caredig, Ce re tic , suc cessor ofMae lgwnin the sovere ignty ofBritain , i. 6 7,

6 9 ; ii. 36 4, 36 8

Cardigan (Ab e r Teivi), n . 340, 444 seq.Card igan Bay, i. 6 5 ; n. 351 , 858, 406

Caridwen , Cariadwen, Ce ridwen ; sec

CyridwenCarlisle , i. 179, 1 83, 226 . Sec Cae r

Lliwe lyddCarmanuock , i. 174

Carmuirs, village , ii. 41 1

Cam Gafl'

o u , i. 412

Carnhuanawc , ii. 841, 435Cam o

, battle of, i. 20

Carrawg (Garrick), i. 810, 429 ; n. 408

Garrick , dis tric t of, 170seq. 1 80 ii.

407. Sec CarrawgCarride n, Caredin, i. 92, 1 72, 1 78,

413 ; ii. 367, 374, 384

Carro n, rive r in Dumfriesshire , i. 429 ;

ii. 407

Can on, rive r in Stirlingshire , i. 43,

53, 58, 60, 90, 91 , 92, 178 n . 36 7,

870, 420, 431

Cartasine , i. 547

Carthage , i. 548

Carwin e low, i. 6 6 , 172 ]Carwyd, i. 16 7 seq.Caswallawn , b ro ther ofLlud, i. 443 ;

ii. 419, 422

Caswallawn LawIl ir, great -

grandso n

ofCunedda, i. 47, 6 1 , 63

Catamc ton, ii. 365

Catgabail , Catgub lanu , Catguo llanu ,

Cathlon sec CadwallawnCathb regiou, Cat Vre ith, the, i. 57.

84, 91 , 98, 106 , 280, 438 ; ii. 408 ,420


Co ch o No rmandi, i. 208, 223

Co ch o’

r Iwe rddo n (Gwyddyl), i. 102,103 see Gwyddyl

Coeho lyn (Cuchullin), i. 210seq. 254ii. 417

Co ed Llwyve in , i. 488Coegawg, i. 336Coe l Hen , and kings of the race of, i.

1 6 6 seq. 31 6 , 430; ii. 375, 407, 418seq.

Co e l (Kyle), i. 430; n . 407

Cogui, wood of, i. 271

Co lan, St. , ii. 319 seq.Co lbe rtine MS .,

i. 101

Co ll, so n ofBe li, i. 448

Co llwyn , i. 486

Co lumba (St . i. 6 2, 67, 137, 1 76 u .

319, 36 9

Co lwedd, i. 381 11. 377

Co nan (Oyas u) Tindae thwy, great

grandson ofCadwaladyr, i. 76 , 93,236 seq.

Co nanus (Cynan) Aure lius, i. 50, 6 8,6 4

Co nstantin e , e le c ted Impe rato r by the

Roman troops, i. 46 , 48 re igned in

Devo n and Co rnwall , 6 8, 94Constantine , king ofthe Sc o ts, i. 1 81 ,


Co nway in Wal es, i. 48, 801

Co nwy, rive r, i. 46 6 , 490

Co raniaid, the , i. 102

Co rb re , e nc losure of, i. 310

Co rb redus Galdus, i. 171

Co rc nud, i. 314

Co nleylla, Cre idylad, son ofLlyr, i. 81

Co rmac Ulfs ta, a king of I re land, i.

81 , 84, 86

Co r nwall, i. 94, seq. 436 ii.


Co rro i, i. 210seq. 253 ; 11. 383, 417Co rsfochn o , the affair of

,i. 65, 212

seq. 342, 489 ; ii. 840, 450Co rth, Cymo rth, wife of Brynach

Wydde l, i. 83Po rth, daught e r ofBrychan, 11. 400

Co rwe n, ii. 446


Co tto n MS. ofthe Brut Tyssilio ,"


25, 26

Cc v, son ofCe idiaw, i. 1 67 seq.Cowyn , Cywyn , rive r, i. 434 ; n . 444

Cramond (Cae ramond), ii. 401 , 41 1Crawick , ii. 401Cre nrdilad, daughte r ofLlud, i. 293

Cromwe ll, Olive r, i. 2Cruithne and his seven sons , i. 128,


Cruthe ntnaith, the te rrito ry o f the

Pic tish kingdom, i. 81 , 84, 1 10

Cruthnechan mac Inge , i. 109

Cnchnllin see Coeho lyn

Cue lli, i. 26 2

Cuhe lyn , a bard ofthe nin th c e n tury ,

i. 19, 498 seq. ii. 824, 327Cu iche lm, king ofWessex , i. 210

Cu lross (Cu ile unros), i. 92

Cnmb ria, Britons of, i. 75, 1 65 sq.

179, 182, 242 seq.Cun edda and his so ns e xpe l the Sc o ts

from Wales, i. 45, 47 seq. 63, 77 :te rmed Guledig by the We lsh, 48,

49 ; came from Manau Guo to din ,

77, 82, 83, 84, 93, 226 , 257, 31 8 ;

ii. 418 seq.Cnneglase , ruled in the easte rn part of

Wales, i. 63

Cunin , i. 808

C uningham, distric t of, i. 1 70, 1 80;ii. 407

Cun llaith, i. 46 4

Cun obe linus, ii. 393

Curo i see Co rro i

Cu thb ric tiskchirch (Kirk cudb right ),i. 129

(hvy, i. 265

Cychmyn, the , i. 487, 442

Cydivo r, ii. 313

Cydywal, i. 381 u . 36 4, 868

Cyhaig, i. 326“ Cyfrinach Be irdd ynys Prydain. a

pos thumouswo rk ofIo lo Mo rganwg,i. 80

Cyhuran , i. 420

Cylchwydrai, i. 815

Cyle ; see Kyle Cynwyl, St. ,Cylle llawr, i. 273 11. 421 Cyn dwen ,Cymir, i. 470 wen , i. 275, ii. 824 sq.

Cymme rau , i. 486 Cysgaint, i. 26 2

Cymminawd, i. 370, 489 ; 11. 835 Cyvarllug, i. 481

Cymry, the , i. 42 seq. 93, 101 , 235, Cyvedlyw, i. 320, 334286 , 854, 363, 371 , 429 , 437 seq. (‘yvnyssemi. 317462 seq. ii. 421 , 438 Cyvoe si Myrdin, the , 76 , 94, 228, 235


ymrwy, i. 486 seq. 46 2 - 478 ii. 834, 36 2, 423


ynan , a We lsh princ e who fled to Cyvre nnin , i. 476

Ire land, i. 20, 93, 95, 269 seq. 301 , Cyvrinachy Be irdd, u . 890

439, 46 5 seq. See Co nan Cv lchHir, i. 379, 41 1

Cynan Garwyn, i. 6 4, 806 , 441 , 447 Cm lch, so n ofTndwal, i. 1 6 7 seq.seq. 409, 449 379 ; ii. 36 4


ynan Genhir , i. 1 67 seq. 41 1 Cyvyndawd, ii. 327Cynan Gyho red, i. 318 Cywri 1) ii. 363

Cynda, i. 474 Cywryd, i. 309

Cyndaf, i. 286 , 474 u . 472 Cywyn, rive r ; on CowynCyndde lw(Prydydd Mawr— the greatbard), i. 21 , 208 ii. 346 , 348, 352,



ynddilig, i. 31 4, 320, 323, 398 seq.Cynddylan, i. 31 1 , 448 seq. ii. 318,

447 sq.


yndrwymi. 449 seq.Cyndur , i. 368

Cynfedw, ii. 368

Cyngen , i. 448 11. 431

Cynhaval, i. 390, 422 seq.

Cynin , i. 341 ii. 449

Cyn llng, i. 320

Cyn o n , i. 310, 31 1 , 315, 317, 381 sq.

414 seq. 442 ; ii. 363Cynr ain , i. 381 ii. 36 8

Cynri, i. 381

Cynvae l, i. 317

Cynvan ,i. 386

Cynvarch. fathe r ofUrie n , i. 8" 1 6 6

sq. 356 ii. 356

Cynve li, i. 317

Cynve lyn , i. 1 68, 31 6 , 86 9 ; 11. 357,

430; l o rehan of, i. 412 ; ii. 94,

857, 392

Cynve lyn Drusgl, i. 1 6 8

Cynvyn , i. 263

Cynwraith, i. 458f

ynwyd Cynwydio n , i. 16 8, 712, 41 1

Dao na, cauldro n of, n. 41 1

Daire ; see Dayry

Dalaraidhe , in Ulste r, i. 86

Dalmeny, ii. 452. See Cae rGofanno n

Dalriada, kingdom of, i. 67, 105 ; ii.


Damnonia,° i. 63, 203

Danes, the , ii. 313

Dare rca, o r St. Monn ena, ofKil lslsi

be c u lean , i. 85, 86

Darius, i. 56 6

Daro nwy, grandson ofBrychan, and

one of the Gwydde l ofGwynedd,i. 83, 269 ; ii. 400

Dan Harme r, i. 469

David I . , k ing ofSc o tland, i. 183

David, L 438 seq.David [pe c to r], i. 286Davie s, Dr . John, ii. 423Davies , Rev. Edward, i. 7, 8, 1 6 , 190seq. ; ii. 319, 350, 357, 384 sq. 393,


Davydd Ddu 0Himddng, u . 330

Dawsto n , i. 1 77

Dayry, fathe r ofCo rro i, i. 210, 253,25 4 ; ii. 417

Dean ofLismo re’

s Bo ok , 11. 410, 417

De c , rive r, i. 43, 69 ; ii. 446 , 449

476 INDEX.

De e r, Bo ok of, i. 154, 157


robau i, i. 547

Deganwy, i. 275Degsas tan (Dawston in Liddesdale ), i.177 ; ii. 365

Dehe nbarth (Sou th Wales), i. 445,

437 ; ii. 340, 368

Deifr, Deivyr (Deira), i. 376 , 881 ii.

368, 377, 452

De ino e l, i. 485

De le ro ith, i. 90

Deme tia (SouthWales), i. 45, 68

Denb igh, ii. 442

Denim - burn, bat t le at, i. 71 . See


De odric ; see Theodric

Dermo t M ‘Morrogh, ii. 317

De rwen t (De rwe nydd), rive r, i. 6 6 ,

172, 406 ; ii. 449

De udrae th (the two strands), i. 304 ;ii. 408

Dev , i. 265

Dewi, i. 484, 495Dewinvin , i. 317Dialgu r ofArvo n, i. 421

Dia rebion Cymraeg, ii. 323

Dical edon es, the , i. 107

DiefylDive rogion (theGwyddyl)n. 452

Digo ll Vynydd, i. 434 ii. 442

Dinas Mao ri , i. 303, 483 ; ii. 334

Dinbych (Tenby), i. 305 ii. 883, 408

Din Drc i, i. 390

Dindywydd, i. 392, 408, 421Dine iddwg, i. 270Din e iddyn see Dunedin

Dinifdra, i. 56 6

Dinitra, i. 56 6

Diall e , i. 458

Dinogad, i. 406

Dino rb en , i. 318

Dinsean chas, an anc ient trac t, n. 386

Dinus, i. 401 ii. 385

Dinwythwy, i. 482 ; ii. 334Disse thach, i. 262

Distar, i. 392

Diste ir, i. 392

Diwed, so n ofBe li, i. 443

Diwe l see Dywe lDo labe llus, ii. 420

Do lge lly, ii. 848, 488

Domanque t, ii. 369Domasl Bre ck see Do naldb re c

Domunll Mac Anin, king ofAl c lyde ,

i. 179

Do n, i. 350

Do nald, king ofthe Britons, i. 1 82

Donaldb re c , Dyfnwal Bree , k ing o f

Dalriada, i. 177, 233, 402, 407 ; n .

359 seq. 386Do rmach, i. 294

Do uglas (Dubglas), rive r in the dis t ric tof the Lennox, the locality offo ur

ofKing Arthur’

s battles, i. 58

Dovar, in Alban , whe re Brio tan Mao l

dwe lt, i. 80, 91 see Iardovar

Dovey (Dyvi), rive r, i. 6 5, 234 ; n .

840, 445, 450

Dovyr, batt le of, i. 595

Downing MS. of the Bru t y B re n

hinoed i. 24, 26

Dremrudd ; see Rhun Dremrudd

Droste n, i. 90

Drudwas, i. 325 ; n. 850

Druids, the , i. 7, 8, 1 6 , 29, 80, 288.442, 535, 562 ; ii. 350

Drumelzier (Dunme ller), i. 54

Drum Basyd (Kilsyth hills f), i. 393 ;ii. 383

Duawg, son ofLlywarchHe n, i. 385ii. 487

Dub lin, i. 371 , 436

Dubriac tus, i. 547


odir dc Calatria, u . 36 7


yrdd, river (Dovey 435 ; n .


Bumanya see DalmenyDumbarton (Dunb re tan, Cathn ig

Leamhan), i. 56 , 66 , 35, 175, 222 ;ii. 321. See Alc lyde

Dunawd, a distric t in Wales, i. 435

ii. 445

Dunawd De inwyu , i. 485Dunawd Vawr, i. 168, 176 , 355 seq.Dundafl


, ii. 370

478 mnnx.

Eiddew, i. 815

Eiddiwlch the Tall , i. 313Eiddyn Cymminog, i. 262

Eiddyn , i. 887 seq. 379 seq. 401 seq.412 seq. 532 ii. 86 4, 86 7 seq. 401

Eiddyn (sec Carriden), i. 378 ii. 374,


Eidio l , i. 395

Eidoe l, i. 499

Eido l, i. 398 seq.Eile e n Manand, u . 36 6

Eilinwy, i. 31 6Einyawn , so n ofCunedda, i. 318

Eirinwed, i. 460Eithinyn , i. 388, 393, 418, 428 seq.ii. 880

Eithir, i. 319

Eithon, river see l tho n

Eivionydd, i. 31 7

Elae th, i. 19, 501 u . 332, 344

Elchwith, i. 315 ii. 448

Eledyr Lydanwyn , fathe r ofLlywarchHe n , i. 82, 1 68

Ele ri, i. 342 ; ii. 450

Elestro n, i. 286

Elflin , son ofEuge in , i. 16 9, 81 4

Elfin , son ofUrien , i. 1 68

Elfric, fathe r ofOsric , and unc le of

Edwin, i. 70Elgan , i. 368

Elgno , i. 360

Eli, i. 417, 452 seq. 530Elidyr Mwynvawr, i. 169, 1 74Elisne r, i. 316

Eliver (Elifl'

e r) Gosgordvawr, i. 167seq. 369 ii. 322

Ella, fathe r ofE dwin, i. 68, 284Ellis, Rev. D., ii. 344

Elo i, i. 432, 503

Elphin , i. 26 1 , 275, 360sq. 888, 527,

533 seq. 541Elve n, i. 452 seq.Elved , i. 435 ii. 445

Elwydda n, mound of, i. 46 1

Elwydde n , the , i. 456

Emain, Muine are MynawEnlrais, i. 263

Emyr Llydaw, i. 314Eneas , i. 530

Englynion Beddau Milwyr , n . 448

Bulli, i. 416

Enn li the Dyvi, i. 275

E noch, i. 557

Enor, i. 548

Enovan t, i. 398

Enysb rachan , island of, i. 83

Eochs, son ofRun, i. 181

Eo chodius Find, ii. 369

Ec ass see Eb issa

Eppa, i. 273

Epynt, i. 312

Erb in, i. 304, 813, 369

Ercal, i. 457 ; ii. 447

Ercwlf, i. 226 , 255 ; n . 41 6

Ere chalde , i. 447

Elg ryd, i. 310

Erlleo n, i. 86 1

Erof, i. 255 ; ii. 416

Errith, i. 368 ii. 321

Erthgi, i. 378

Erthir, i. 319

Ervai, i. 405, 408

Brydon, i. 462

Eryri, i. 272, 301 , 370, 432, 479 , 490Esk , rive r, i. 43, 6 6

E31:(No rth), river, i. 92Essyllt, wife ofMe rvyn Frych, i. 76


Etain , Eiddyn see Carride n

Etguin see EdwinEthe lfirth, king ofBernic ia., i. 68 , 69

Ethe lfred, i. 70, 334

Ethe lfrid, king ofNo rthumb rim u .


Ethe lric, i. 234

Ethiopia, i. 56 2

Ettrick Fo rest, i. 43, 54 n . 322 . St!


e lyddon

EudavHir, i. 398

Eubonia, Eaman, Earnania, Bamania,Eufania, Umania, i. 77, 86 , 87 : ii.


Euge in , fathe r ofElflin , i. 1 6 9

Eulml, i. 385


Eunydd, i. 286 , 299

Eur de in , i. 478 ; ii. 428

Eu rdyl, i. 358

Enro n, i. 281 , 297

Euro pa, i. 297, 541 , 546 , 566

Eu ro pin, i. 253

Euro nwy, i. 297Eurwyu , i. 344Eu rwys, i. 281Evans, Rev. D. Silvan ,

ofLlany mawddwy, i. 17, 18 ii. 445

Evans, Rev. Evan, i. 4 u . 371 , 386 ,


Eva ns, Rev. G. , n . 378

Ew, i. 315

Ewio nydd, i. 410Exac to re s, Saxo n offic e rs Ge r efa, i. 90

Fauna ofthe floating chair, i. 6 4, 6 5,

6 7

Falkirk, i. 93, 214 n . 420

Fe rgus, fathe r ofTalo rgan , i. 104

Fe rg us Leithdearg, so n of Nenie id,

i. 80

Pe ro t , so n ofPinguine , i. 90

Fe thgna, b ishop ofArmagh, n . 312

Ffe rvareh, i. 404 ii. 388

Flieht i, Gwyddyl, the , i. 102 scq., 286 ,804

,431 . Sec Gwyddyl

Fflumddur, i. 401

Ffraw, rive r, i. 382Ffr eue r

, i. 455 seq.n nno n Wenestr, i. 302 ; ii. 354

n r nvae l l ine l, i. 813

Fie eh'

s Life ofSt . P at n a; ii. 321

Fife , i. 100, 132

Findg nine , so n ofDe lemith, i. 90

Pingu ine , so n ofB rostau , i. 90

Fin try, parish of, ii. 370

Firbo lg, the , i. 80, 83, 84

Fitzharuo n , Ro b e rt , a No rman knight ,

i. 96 , 239

Flamddwy n(The odrie De odrie , kingof Be r nic ia). i. 176 , 232, 36 5 sqii. 413, 418

Flo re nc e o fWo rc e ste r, r. 88


Fomo ire , the , pirate s who drove the

Nemedians o u t ofl re land, i. 80

Fo rt , Roman , near Stow, the sc ene of


s e ighth batt le , i. 55

Fo rth, firth of, i. 48, 52, 56 , 57, 62,

92, 138, 284, 431 ii. 384, 404,407 sq. 420

Fo rth, rive r, at all times the so uthe rn

boundary of the k ingdom of the

Pic ts, i. 52

Fo rtre n , kingdom of, i. 104, 1 10, 132

Fo thudain (Ottadeni), the , i. 100

Fo untain of Venus see n nno u

\Ve ne 8t r

FraithCairvin , u . 36 6

Franc as, so n ofHessitio , i. 99, 100

Franks, the , i. 482 seq. 595 ; u . 31 4,


Fre nch, the , i. 96

Fre nessie um Mars, the (Firth of

Fo rth), i. 40, 51

Fre sicum, Mare, i. 40

Freuddwyd, ii. 431

Friodu lph m Ulph

Frisian (early) se tt lemen ts in Se c t

land, i. 51

Fu rnus Arthuri,

Gar-mum ; m GwyddylGae l, the ; ace GwyddylGafis , land of, i. 253

Gafran, i. 338 ; ii. 408

Gafran , fathe r ofAedan, i. 6 6 , 82, 86 ,

1 6 9 ; ii. 403

Guide ] Ficht, so n ofMuc e rtach mac

Eros , i. 94

ial, i. 355 ; u . 438

Gala, the rive r, i. 55 u . 412

Galdus sec GwallawgGaledin , the men of, i. 102

Call (‘

yu nin , i. 598

Galldar us, i. 56 6

Galloway i. 43, 85, 86 ,

89, 1 40, 180; ii. 320, 401 , 4533

Calls, the , i. 86 ii. 438

Gallt Tryvan , i. 31 1

Galtrae th, ii. 36 6

480 INDEX.

Galwyde l, the (Gallwegians), i. 43,

1 40, 180, 284 ii. 452

Galystem, i. 344 ii. 41 2

Garant, i. 429

Garanwynyo n ,i. 844, 373 ; n . 337,

412, 420

Garanwys, i. 546Garboniaun (Garwynwyn), i. 1 6 7 seq.Garbo niaun ,

son ofCo e l He n , i. 1 6 8

Garmawn , i. 441Garnat , son ofDe le ro ith, i. 90

Garthmadrin , kingdom of, i. 82

GarthMe rin , i. 419

Garthwy s, Arthwys , so n of Mo r , i.

1 6 7 seq. 406Garwlwyd, i . 263Garwy, i. 482Gaus Campus, i. 88, 89 u . 36 5 .

Catrae th

Gawrnur , i. 259 ii. 405

Ge irio nydd, i. 272, 843

Geirw,the , i. 456

Ge lh'

Cae r, i. 442

Ge nealogy ofthe Saints, i. 29

Ge ne thawg, i. 308Ge offrey ofMonmou th, i. 21 - 26

Ge rain t, i. 6 , 26 6 seq. ii. 449

Ge refa, Saxon offic e of, i. 90

Gere int , i. 404 seq. 530Ge rman Oc ean, i. 108

Germanus, i. 38

Gewe l, i. 312Gilb e rt, i. 807

Gildas , and the wo rks attrib ute d

him,i. 33-37, 44

,48, 49 , 1 73,


Gileo in mac Ereail, n . 41 6

Gint sec Gyn t

Gio llacaomhan , lrish translatio n of

the Histo ria Brito num asc rib ed

to , i. 40

Giraldus, i. 13

Girvan , n . 403

Ginde n, sea of, i. 92

Gindi ; se c Iudeu

Glamorgan, ii. 835, 857, 421

Glannau c , island of, i. 70

Glasgow(Cae r Clud, Penryn W ie th),i. 6 1 , 6 2, 276 ; ii. 404, 415

Glasto nbury Ab bey, i. 34

Gle in , rive r, No rthumb e rland, whe rePaulinus baptiz ed Angle s, i. 52

Gle in , river, Ayrshire , whe re Ar thu r'


first batt le was fo ught , i. 52Glen Douglas, i. 53

Gle nmairiso n , i. 1 77

Glente rra, ii. 402

Glewlwyd Gavae lvawr, i. 26 1Glutve in see Clude n, Glu tve in

Glyd Gwaredawg, i. 406Glywyssyg, i. 439Gode bawg, Godebawc , Gode b og,

379 ; ii. 375

Goden (Cadyow), battle of, 205 seq.

275 seq. 851 u . 328, 399 , 418, 41 4

Gododin, the , by Ane urin, i. 4 seq.

12 ; the Gododin po ems, 874 seq.ii. 357 sq.

Gom en , i. 260, 275 ; n . 824

Goho le th, i. 295

Go lyddan , i. 1 1 n . 398, 451

Go lystan, i. 423

Gonorylla, so n ofLlyr, i. 81

Go rchan see GwarchanGo rchan Adeb on sec Ade b o n

Go rchan Cynve lyn , the, i. 5, 199 ; n .


Go rchan Mae lde rw s” Mae lde rwGo rchan ofTud lch, i. 410seq. : n358, 391

Go rddo dau , the, i. 12

Go rlassar, i. 297

Go ronwy, i. 269, 283 n . 846

Go rthin Hir, i. 409

Go rt ige rn , i. 46

Go rwst Briodawr, i. 16 7 arq.Go rwst Ledlwm, i. 168

Go rwyn io n , i. 457Gosgo rdd, re t inue in c onnec t ion with

the Guledig, i. 49 ; ii. 363, 405

Govanno n,Gumanyn , i. 286 ; ii. 452 .

See Cae r Gofannon

Gowe r, dis tric t of, in Wales, i. 47

Gowndde lw, i. 41 6

482 mnnx.

Gwirion, i. 350Gwle th, ii. 404Gwlyged, i. 386 , 403

Gwo lowy, i. 419Gwosprid, i. 520Gwrgi, i. 168, 176 , 313Gwrgon Godde n, wife ofCadrod Calchvynyd. i 82

Gwrgun, i. 36 4

Gwrhir, i. 263Gwriad, fathe r ofMervyn Prych, i.

94, 310, 335

Gwrien, i. 385 u . 368, 380

Gwrne rth, i. 590; ii. 431Gwrtheyrn , i. 437, 440

Gwrtheyrn Gwrthenau, i. 314Gwrthlev, i. 879Gwrve lling the Great, i. 380

Gwrwawd, i. 310Gwrweddw, i. 430Gwryan yn y Goglcd, ii. 868Gwryat, ii. 368Gwryd Engwawd, i. 313Gwryd, Gwruid, Gwe rid, i. 56 , 57,174. See We rid

Gwryen , 1. 335

Gwrys, i. 400Gwy, Wy (the Wye), i. 484, 438, 481ii. 443

Gwyddno Garanhir, i. 167 seq. 293seq.303, 363, 384 ; ii. 351 seq. 403, 41 1

Gwyddwg, i. 389Gwyddyl, the , i. 13, 43, 44, 6 8, 83, 101sq. 230, 283, 409 , 431 , 436 seq. ; ii.399, 400, 404, 415 seq. 452

Gwyden, i. 355 ; ii. 415. Sec Gwydyon ,land of

Gwydion, i. 389Gwydyon ap Don , i. 201 , 204, 245,239 sq. 531 ; ii. 342. 352, 399, 405,41 5, 421 , 452

Gwydyon , land of(N. Wales), i. 299 ;ii. 418

Gwyllyonwy, i. 269Gwyn , i. 385 seq. 452Gwyn Dragon , 1. 882 ; u . 378

Gwyn Go dybrio n, i. 26 2

Gwyn Gwarther, i. 468Gwyn ofGwynlliwg, i. 31 2Gwynassed, i. 412Gwyndodiana, the, i. 842Gwyndyd, i. 406 seq.Gwynhe idyd, i. 410Gwynion, Guinon , ii. 41 2Gwynn ap Nudd, i. 293seq. ; 11. 351 , 41 1Gwynuedd(NorthWales), 1. 43, 47, 1 74,241 , 290, 342, 875, 400, 46 2 seq. ; ii.364 seq. 400, 409, 427, 449

Gwynn Gwynionawg, valley of, i. 31 2 ;

ii. 412

Gwynwyd, i. 390Gwyr, i. 409 ; ii. 389Gwyn n , rive r, i. 494

Gwyr y Gogledd, the Me n of the

North, i. 83, 242 ; ii. 36 6 seq.406 , 41 1. See Y Gogledd

Gyrthmwl, i. 314, 457Gwythur, i. 308, 315 ; ii. 342Gwythwch, i. 315Gylvach, i. 412

Gylvin Geve l, i. 469

Gynt, i. 409, 482 ; ii. 335, 389

Haas see Ohan

Haearddur, i. 388

Haefe (the Avon), rive r, i. 90, 91 ;ii. 86 6

Hae thfelth (Hatfield, in Y orkshire ).batt le of, i. 68, 70 ii. 443

Hafnen (rive r Severn), i. 13, 434, 446 ;ii. 443

Ham Taliessin, an importan t prose

tale , no tices of, i. 30, 32

Harddnenwys, i. 430Hayarndo r, i. 298

Hearnddur, i. 230

He iddyn, i. 401

He idiliawn, i. 421He ilyn , i. 326 , 334

He ledd, i. 458 ; ii. 447

Hengist , a leade r ofthe Saxons, i. 51 ,437

Hengwrt Co lle ction ofWe lsh “SS.

i. l , 2, 105 ii. 816 , 857, 397


Hen Eglwys, i. 310Hennin He nb e n, i. 318

He npe n, i. 298

He nry I. , i. 96 , 208, 223, 246 , 470

seq. ii. 317, 429

He nry I I ., i. 209 , 246 ; 11. 315 seq.429

Henry VII. , 11 . 443

Henry ofHun tingdon, i. 22, 1 1 4 seqii. 367

He nwyn, i. 809He rb e rt , Ho n. Alge rnon, i. 8, 16 , 190

seq. ; ii. 359He rb ert, William ; see Pembrok e , Earlof

He rc ule s (Ercwlf), 11. 416He rges t, Red Bo o k of, i. 2 seq. 21 , 27,28, 105, 191 seq. 208 seq. 285 ; ii.897 sq. 428 seq.

He rio t, rive r , i. 55

He rod, i. 56 2 ; ii. 416

Hes sitio and his so ns, i. 99, 100

Hig de n'

s i. 109

Hinwedo n, i. 481 ii. 430

Hiraddug, i. 309

Hirae thawg, i. 520

Hire rw, i. 818Hire nr ur, i. 350

Ho dde lm, Hoddom,i. 173

Ho ewgi, Ho ewgir, i. 383 ; 11. 378

Ho ianan, the , i. 12, 209 seq. 240,482 ; ii. 21 , 316 , 338

Ho ly families in Britain, i. 82

Ho lywoo d, the , ii. 402

Honddu , rive r, ii. 429

Hono ring i. 46 , 49

Ho rsa, Ho ra, i. 437

Ho rs e s, Triads ofthe , i. 28, 29, 306 - 7

ii. 329, 409

Ho uldswo rth, Re v. Richard, 11. 31 1

Howe l ap Go ro nwy, i. 208I Iowe l dds, so n ofCadwal, i. 39, 41 ,95

,233, 244, 435

l ln, i. 299 arq. ii. 418

Humb e r, rive r, i. 43, 51

Humphre ys, Dr. I I. , b ishop ofBangor ,ii. 315


11 113311, so n ofIda, i. 1 75, 231

e re ith, i. 395

Hyfe idd (Hyvaidd) Hir, i. 280, 338,851 , 876 ii. 36 4, 86 8, 370seq. 41 4

Hyvaidd sec Hyfe idd

Hyvlydd, i. 313

Hywe l, so n ofGo ronwy, 11. 346

so n of Be ll, suc c e eds Mae lgwnin the so ve re ign ty ofGwynedd, i.67, 443, 46 4 seq. ii. 36 8

Ial, i. 354

lardo var,in Alban , i. 80, 91

Ida, fo unde r ofthe k ing dom ofNo rth

umb ria, i. 6 , 37, 6 2, 175, 231 , 234

Idas, i. 51 6

ldaaca, the two , i. 469, 490; 11. 340,341 . See J udas

Iddawc Co rdd I’rydain , 11. 341Idu o , i. 175, 363

ldwal lwrch, so n ofCadwaladyr, i.6 9

,239, 433, 46 5

Ie ithio n, bat t le of,i. 489

Ie uan , i. 386

Ie uav, i. 341

lli ; see lsla

Ilia, i. 546

Ian, k ing of Wessex ; his ac tio ns

wro ngly at t ribu ted to Ivo r, i. 78.

See Ivo r

Indra, i. 546

Innis Manand, n . 366

Inve r, the (at the junc tio n of the

Leven with the Clyde), bat tle at, i.350

lnve rs and Abe l's, i. 150seq.Inve r uglas, i. 53

Inve r ary, Bass of, i. 58

l o lo Manusc ripts, the , i. 30 11. 449

Io r, i. 345

Ire land (sec Iwe r do n), 11. 317 seq.I rish An nals

,the , i. 34, 69 ; ii. 360,

36 5

Iro ngath Hill, near Linlithgow,

401 se e Agathe s

Irvine , rive r, i. 52

Irving , Ve re , ii. 365


Isido rus o fSe ville , i. 37, 102

l s la (Ili), island of, o c c upied bv the

Firb o lg, i. 80

Israe l, so ns of, i. 559, 56 5

Issue , i. 384

I tas, Iddas ; see J udasI tho n ,

Ie itho n , Eithon , a rive r , n .


lude u , Giudi, c ity of, i. 88, 91 , 92,

304 ; ii. 404, 408, 41 1

Ivo r, s on ofAlan , k ing ofArrno rie a,

i. 6 8, 73, 75, 239

Iwe rdo n (Ire land), i. 101 , 103, 274

seq. 288, 433, 436 484, 548

11 . 41 7

JAGO, so n ofEdwal Vo e l, i. 237

Jamie s on , Dr., i. 172

J arbhaine l, so n of Ne rne id, an c e sto r

ofthe Tuaths De Danann , i. 80

J e r usalem,Sio n , Se o n , i. 289, 546 ;

ii. 352

J e sse , fathe r ofDavid, i. 5 6 1J e stin , Lo r dofGlamo rgan , i. 96

J e su s Co llege , Oxfo rd, MSS .

in,i. 2, 24

J e uaf, so n ofLlywarchHe n ,i. 21 2

J evan , son ofE dwal Vo el, i. 237

J oachim, i. 547

J o b, i. 51 4

J o ba ath, grandso n ofNemc id, i. 80

Jo c e line , i. 6 1 , 1 73, 176 ; ii. 404Johanne s see John the Evang elis t

John , King, i. 13John the Evange lis t , i. 542 n . 315

J o nah, i. 56 4J onas AthrawofSt. David

s, i. 194

J o ne s, E dward, i. 4, 5J o ne s, Hugh, k e e pe r o f the Ash

mo lean Muse um, i. 24

Jo ne s, Mr . ,ofGe lly Lyvdy, i. 1

J ones , Owe n , a Londo n furn e r , r. 6

Jo ne s, T he ophilus, ii. 357

Jo ne s, Re v. \V. Basil, Archde ac o n of

Y o rk, i. 43

J o rue rth, so n ofMa dog, i. 175

.Io sse line'

s edit io n ofGildas , i. 34, 6 1


J udas Isc ario t, 11. 340, 341

Ju lius Caesar, ii. 420, 422Ju tes , the , i. 93, 108J amm ie , the Camb ridge , i. 2 1 6 ; ii.

31 1

Laws, Malc o lm, i. 6

KAERLI I’M , Kae rlio n, Kairlinm , i.

55, 58. Sec Cae rle o n , Le o g is , Dun e

harto n

Kaldrtme z , Kalt r ae z aw Cat rae th

Kayrme n lyn , ii. 315

Re d, i. 274

Ke in,Cain , rive r, u . 343

Ke lso, i. 1 72 ii. 406 . S ec t

a lehuw

Ke lydo u ,ii. 452. See Ce lvddo u

Kemhle , J . LL , i. 1 49

Ke n , i. 286

Kenne thmac Alpin , i. 1 81

Kent , Dr. J ohn , ii. 332

Ke n t , rive r (Cain t), ii. 442Ke n tige ra ,

St.. i. 54, 59 , 6 1 , 6 2 ,6 03


6 7, 85, 86 , 1 73, 176 ; ii. 424

Kep dnfl'

i. 85

Ke rdd (Ce rdd) y Ve ih l r, a po e m

att rib ute d to Talie ssin , l . 13 ; ii .

41 1

Kian , i. 525

Kilhweh and Olwe n , Mab inogi o f, u .

350, 392 seq. 439Kilve syth (Kilsyth), n . 383

Kinc aid, i. 1 46

Kin c ardine o r Mear ns, i. 132

K irk c udb right , i. 1 15, 129Kirk in tullo eh, i. 1 46

Killsle ib ec nlean, in Ulste r, i. 85Kinne ll, Kine il, parish of, i. 92, 1 78

Kno c k in , ii. 442Kyflin, Edward, i. 24Kyle, Co e l, Cyle , distric t o f, i. I ?“

1 80, 182 ; ii. 407

Kymry ; we CymryKynan Garwyn at: (


Kynin se e Cynin

Kynve lyn see Cynve lyn

Kyvo essi Myrd in are (‘

yvo essi

486 INDEX.

Llwy, i. 390, 422Llwyddawg, i. 313Llwyfain sac Leve n

Llwyvenydd (Lennox), i. 347 u y. ; n.

412, 415 sq.

Llyehlyn , sea of, i. 102

Llychwr, i. 314Llychwyr, n . 430

Llydaw, i. 441

LIyn, the , i. 288, 428

Llyn Ae ron, i. 432

Llyngedwy, i. 334Llyr, Lir (the Lear ofShak espeare ), a

British k ing, i. 81 , 274, 307 ; ii.


Llyr Me rini, fathe r ofCaradoc , i. 82,


Llys Llonio n , i. 432

Llys Pe ngwe rn , i. 448Llywarchab Llywe lyn , u . 350, 372

Llywarch He n, repute d au tho r of

po ems in the Red Bo ok ofHe rges t,i. 2, 8, 94, 1 68, 184, 212, 235, 311 ,

319 sq. 391 , 569 sap ; ii. 345, 350,355 seq. 371 , 435, 437 sq.

Llyward Prydydd y Mo ch, i. 12, 222

Llywe lyn, i. 488 sq. 590

Llywe lyn, the last princ e of North

Wales, i. 96 , 222

Llywe lyn Sion , bardic pres ident ofthechair ofGlamo rgan, i. 29

Llywri, i. 973LIywy, i. 300, 318Lo char Moss, ii. 406

Lo chc o tc Hills, i. 58

Lo chlann , ii. 336

Lo chmab en , ii. 402, 406

Lo c rinus, so n ofBrutus, i. 99

Lode n e is see Lo thian

Lo idis, i. 88, 89

Lomo nd, i. 158, 159

Lomond (Lo ch), i. 53 55, 59, 158

Lo ng Mo untain, the , l . 313

Lo ng (Lo ch), i. 53

Lo ngpo rth(Po rtsmou th),hatt le at , i. 6

Lo thian, distric t of, i. 59 , 85, 91 ii.

36 7m.

Lo thus m Llev

Lucas (the Evange list Luk e ), i. 542

Ludd ; sec Llud

Lugar, so n ofSt. Monenna, i. 85

Luirig, i. 94

Lumonoy, Stagnum (Loch Lomond),i. 55

Luna, i. 51 1 , 540

Charlo tte Guest , i. 27, 28, 191 sag ;

ii. 338, 392 say. 428 seq.Mab e n (vale ofthe Nith), i. 26 2, 33

368 seq. 562 ; ii. 402, 406Mabc lav, ii. 435

Machawy, Machawe, i. 314, 370, 487ii. 334, 342

Machre u, i. 370; u . 334

Machynlle th, ii. 340

Mackwy Dan B anne r, i. 469M ‘Morrogh, De rmot , ii. 317


u e rso n’

s“ Ossian,

i. 4

Mac sen Guledig, i. 1 60; ii. 405Madauc ; m Medog

Madawg, son ofUthyr, i. 226 , 256 ,

312, 817, 334, 375, 886 , 398 ; ii.


Madawg Elved, i. 421Maddeu, i. 384

Mndog ap Me redyth, princ e ofPowys,i. 21 ; ii. 31 6, 442

Madye ith, i. 419

Madye n, i. 396

Hae l, i. 494

Mae ldav, aWelsh e cc lesiast ic , i. 6 4,6 7 ; ii. 488

Mae lde rw, Gwarchan of, i. 281 , 414

sq. ii. 97, 357 say. 36 2, 377, 390,394

Mae lenydd, i. 493

Mae lgun, sec Mailcnn

Mae lur, i. 318

blaen , i. 334

Maen Gwyngwn, i. 377Mse nan, Maenen, abbey of, ii. 445

Macnwynn, i. 584 ; ii. 440Mae sa lauc , Hagedauc , “g n ian :


(Mugdo ck in Stirlingshire), i. 104,180. Sec Mugdoc k

MaghFo rtren see Fo rtren

MaghGirgin sac Mearns

Mailc un (Magloc unus), king ofGwynedd, i. 47, 48, 6 1 seq. 98, 218,234, 294, 803, 868, 430, 468 sq.

540, 584 ii. 821 , 868, 488, 440Majo r, John , i. 142Malc o lm, k ing ofthe Sc o ts, i. 88, 182

Malc o lm Canmo re, i. 1 83

Malldrae th Bay, ii. 442

Man,Isle of sec Eubo uis, Manau

Man - Llachar, ii. 406Manau , Manann, Mansud, the name

given by theWe lshto the Isle ofMan,i. 77 ; ii. 417 ; also the name ofa

regio n in Sc o t land (Manau Gododin)Manau Gododin, distric t of, i. 84, 47,49, 77-96, 1 40, 200, 288, 46 6 seq.ii. 852, 86 6 , 899

Manannan mac Lir = Manawydan apLlyr, i. 79, 81 , 201 , 262, 276

Manawyd, i. 78, 875 ii. 404

Manogan, i. 431 ii. 420

Manse l, Lo uis, ii. 428

Manse l, Sir Edward, a co lle c to r of

We lshMSS. , i. 1 . Sec Margam

Maodyn, i. 460; n . 448

Mare the Ancho rite , i. 38

Mam , i. 540

Marcaru c ia, i. 540

March, i. 81 5 ; ii. 842

Marche ll, daughte r of Anlle ch, and

mo the r ofBrychan , i. 82

Marche rs, Lo rd, ii. 443

Manchle u, i. 884

Marchnwy, rive r, i. 456 ; u 446

Marc us (Mark), i. 542

Mar c

us e lec t ed Impe rato r by the

Roman troops, i. 46

Marc us, Marc ianus, ii. 842

Mare Fre sic um, the , i. 40, 51

Maredut, Me redyth, princ e ofPowys,ii. 316

Margam Prio ry, i. 1 ; co lle c tion of

We lshM88. at, 8 ; ii. 423


Maris, cast le of, i. 547

Marituen, i. 546

Marro , i. 874

Mars, i. 51 1

Marwnad Cyndyllan, n. 818 sq.

Mary, St , i. 54, 62, 487, 503, 515,547 sq. 597

Masguic CIop, o r Llyr Merini, i, 1 68

Masswy, i. 286Math, i. 201 , 205, 281 , 299 ; n. 842,


Mathavarn , i. 817

Matheu , i. 286

Matho lwch, k ing of Ire land, i. 201 ,205

Matho nwy, k ing ofArvo n and Mona,

i. 201 , 205, 269 ; ii. 842, 417Mathraval, i. 95

Mat the us (the Evange list Mat thew),i. 542

Mat thewofWestminste r, ii. 868

Mauric e , William, ii. 81 6 , 357 seq.Maw

, hush of, i. 387 ; ii. 401Mawddach, rive r, ii. 848Maximus, a Roman , i. 45, 48

Mead (the )So ng, by Taliessin , i. 4

Mearns (MaghGirgin), i. 1 10, 132

Medlan, i. 456

Medrau t (Modred), son ofLlew, i. 60,6 2, 98, 204

Me idIyawn, i. 421Me igant ; ace Me ugaut

Me ige n , Me ic e n, batt le of, i. 68, 70,484, 448. Sec Hu thfe lth

Me ige n, so n ofRun, i. 31 1 , 312, 815

Me ilyr, i. 312

Me llt, i. 26 2

Me llyrn, i. 360

Me ne i, the , i. 801 , 447

Me ne ivians, the , 429

Me nin , rive r (I), i. 435 ; n. 445

Me n-b in , i. 303

Me ifl 'hio n, ii. 342

488 INDEX .

Me issir,i. 453

Me ivo d, ii. 431

Me rchio n Gu l, fathe r of(‘

vnvarch, i.

1 6 6 M ] .

Me redith, princ e ofSo uth Wale s, i.


Me redydd ab Rhys, n . 839

Me rin , M e ryl ), i. 396 , 419

M e rlin (Mc ldre dus), i. 54, 241 , 534

Me rlinus Amb ro sius, n. 836

Me rlinu s Sylve stris, ii. 336 scq. , 429Me rvin, i. 303

Me rvyn Frych, king ofWales, i. 38,

76 , 94, 236 , 244, 46 6 seq. 491 seq.Me rvyn , k ing of Powys , grandson of

Me rvyn Prych, i. 95

Me rsin, i. 56 6

Me rwe rydd, ii. 355

Me ugau t , Me igant, i. 1 1 , 1 9 ; u . 323,

Me urig, i. 295, 336

Me vania (Ma n), island of, i. M

Mcweddawg, i. 315Mewyrniawn, i. 585Me y e r, Dr. Carl, ii. 383Michae l the Archange l, i. 509 u . 330Michae l, St , i. 85 ; ii. 447

Migvie , church of, i. 1 57

M ihage l, Mihaugc l ; se c Michae l

Mile rians, the , i. 139

Milfo rd HaVe n , u . 839

Miuawg ap Lle u , i. 296

Minro n ,battle of, i. 489

Min ein, i. 390, 422

Mo c c tauc are Mae su lau c

Mo c hnwy, Vo chuy, i. 482 : u . 334

Mo dred arr Medraut

Modro n , i. 281

Mod Maehmr i. 351

Mo na (Angle sea), i. 43, 63, 241 , 26 4.

275, 292, 297, 338, 429 sq. 436 ,

443, 473, 482 ; ii. 340

Munc it and his so n, i. 90

Muhenna, St ., i. 85, 86

Mo ni, i. 272

Mo r, grandso n o ft'

o e l l ie u . i. 16 6 mv. ,

$ 12, 354

Mo r Gre idiawl, i. 351Mo ray Firth, i. 158


ir y We rydd (Ocea nus

ii. 355

Mo rawg, i. 280Mo rcant Bulc , i. 1 68, 175, 231

Me rdai, i. 375 sq. n . 377

Mo rdav Hae l, i. 1 69, 174, 476

Mo r de i Uflin, i. 420, 430

Mo rdei, the , i. 255, 854 u . 36 4 seq.Mo rdwydtyllo n, i. 205, 275Mo rgant , i. 360; ii. 439

Mo rgnat Mawr. i. 463Mo rganwg , Io lo (hardic t it le of Ed

ward Williams), i. 29 -32 , 1 92 seq.221 seq.

Mo rganwg, the Cymrv in, i. 48Morge u eu, i. 476

Mo ria] , i. 309, 340, 394

Mo rialis, i. 548

Mo rien , i. 309, 386

Mo rini Brython, i. 286

Mo rke n , i. 6 1

Mo rlas, fo rd of, i. 331 arq.Mo r


yrn, i. 472, 475

Mo ryal, i. 457, 476

Mo i-

ydd, i. 280

Mo ryed, i. 401

Mo ryen,i. 393, 476

Mo ryon , i. 481

Mo se s, i. 510, 560

Mug dock , in Stirlingshirg i. 104, 181

ii. 401 scq. Sce Maesa lauc

Maine scc MynawMuir - n -Giudan , the sea ofOiledl n, i.92

Mur Cas te ll (MossHai ti ), 4. 479 ii.


Mnre if (sec Beged), i. 50, 172. ” I ,350sq. 470 ii. 413, “0

Murias, city of, ii. 411

n Mawr Drab“ , l. 31.q.3t

349, 350

Mydno, i. 289

Myare a, i. 26 2

490 mnnx.

Odgnr, i. 417

Odin, fathe r ofVe c ta, i. 108

Oe thand Anoe th, family of, i. 313


e r, i. 384

Ogyrven, i. 500, 527Ohan, Haan, king of the Britons

(Cadwallawn i), i. 177, 1 78Olive t, Mo un t, i. 507 ii. 329, 333

Olwe n, ii. 350Omni, i. 314

Orkney Islands ravaged by a body of

Saxons unde r Oc ta, i. 51 , 108

Osguid sec OswyOsred, king ofNorthumbe rland, i. 90

Osric , so n of Elfric, k ing of De ira,

slain by Gadwalls (Cadvan i), i. 700388. Cylle llaur, an antagonist ofAr

thur, i. 57 ; ii. 349, 421


s po ems, i. 6 , 142

Ostorins , ii. 443

Osm n, i. 31 1

Oswald, so n of Ethelfrid, king of

Bernic ia, i. 6 8, 71 , 72. 1 14

Oswy, Osg uid, suc cessor of Oswald,war with Pe nda, i. 6 8, 72, 87- 89,

177 sq. ii. 365

Ot tadeni, the , i. 100 n. 359, 365

Owain , so n ofEu lad, i. 385

Owain , Gu t tyn, i. 25Owain ace Owe n

Owen (Owain, Owe in), son ofUrie n,

i. 168, 232, 306 , 31 1 , 324, 338 seq.357- 36 7, 374, 399, 471 , 488

ii. 339 !370, 406 , 413, 417, 445

Owen , Dr. W. ; ace Pughe

Owe n, son ofHowe l dds, i. 39

Film Post Prydain ,i. 16 8, 176 , 36 5

Palach, i. 26 2

Pantha sec P e nda

Panton, M in, ofP las Gwyn, his We lsh

MSS. , i. 2 ; ii. 425 seq.Pasgen ap Urien , i. 16 8, 306 , 359 u .


Paul, i. 51 1

Paulinus baptiz e d Angle s in the rive r

Gle in , i. 52

Pebyr, i. 308

Pe ithwyr, the (Pic ts), i. 229, 338 n .

380, 403

Pelis, i. 324

Pelloid Mir-sin , i. 422

Pemb roke ; ace Penvro

Pemb rok e , Earl of(WilliamHe rb er t),his c o lle c tion ofWe lsh M88 . at

Raglan Cast le, i. l des troyed by

fire , 2 ; c ompilation , profess edly

from these , by Llywe lyn Sion, 29 ,


Penardd, i. 175

Penawg, i. 356Penc lwyd, i. 407Penda (Pantha), king ofMe rc i; i. 68,

70- 72, 74, 87, 88, 179 ; ii. 36 5

Pen Ge thin , i. 336

Pengwern, i. 370, 448 seq.Peniarth, the Hengwrt 1 88. n owat,

i 2

Pe nicuik, i. 146 n. 401Penmon, in Anglesea, ii. 344

Pennant Twrch, i. 313

Pennan t, ii. 443

Penprys, i. 340

Pe nryn Wie th (Glasgow), i. 276 ; n.

404, 415

Pe ntland Hills , i. 43, 92, 150Pentapo lis (the (i ties of the Plain),i. 51 1 n . 332

Penvro (Pemb roke), i. 435 ; u . 444

Pe rednr, i. 168, 176, 312, 386

Pe rsia, i. 56 6

Peryddon, i. 310, 436 cog.

Pe te r, i. 503, 520, 549

Pe tric, Ge o rge , i. 34

Pewbr, i. 326Pharaoh, i. 531 , 559 sq.

Pharaon , i. 415

Philip, Hopkin Thomas, comli ler of

Hana Taliessin, i. 304 2, 193q.

Phillipps, Sir Thomas, ofWi. 3 ; ii. 357

Phrygias, Dares, i. 26

Pic ts andSoo ts, i.

Pic ts ofGalloway, i. Cl .so, u


Manann, 86 , 89, 90, 179 ; ofLo thian,93 (ace Brithwyr, Cathb regio n); ofUlste r, 81 , 84, 86 ; ofHanan Gododin, ii. 36 9

Pio eardach, the , i. 104

Piglingl are Hoianan, Po rche llanan

Pimp Kaer ; m Pe ntapo lis

Pinke rto n , John , i. 6, 1 43P lague , the , in Britain, i. 68, 73

Ple th, i. 56 6

Ple theppg i. 56 6

P10, so n ofBe li, i. 443

Plo t ofthe Long Knives , i. 7Po li, i. 546

Po r ehe llanau , Piglings (the Ho ianan),ii. 338

Po rtpatric k, i. 1 71

Powe ll, David, ofAbe rystwyth, i. 24Powe ll, Mrs , ofAb e rgavenny, ii. 357

Powys i. 43, 6 4, 350, 432, 486 u y. ;

ii. 436 , 443

l‘re idde u Annwfn, u. 352, 36 1, 410

Presse nt, i. 418

Pric e ,q on the Ce ltic diale c ty i. 136

Pric e, Sir J ohn, rec eived the KB. of

Blac k Bo ok of Caermarthen from

M um ofChurchofSt . David'


i. 3 ; ii. 31 5

Pric e , John, ii. 31 1Prie e , Rev.T. , ii. 424

Pro bert. ii. 370

Proc o pius, i. 202

Pryde in the Great , Omen of, i. 436 ;

ii. 398

Prydain (So uth Britain), i. 253, 260,26 8, 270, 272, 288, 295, 314, 337

M ). 351 , 383, 409 , 433 ; n . 417

Pryde ri , so n of Pwyll, i. 201 , 26 4,276 , 310; ii. 404

Prydwe n, i. 26 4 ; ii. 379Prydydd y Moot), acc o rding to Ste

phens, the autho r ofthe Ave llanau

and Ho ianan, i. 12, 222

Prydyn (No rth Britain), i. 59, 101 ,273, 371, 436 , 46 4 say. 548 ; ii. 335,

369, 399, 417, 421

t h o lemy, i. 155.203 ; ii. 359

49 1

Re tunde , i. 547

Rhawin, son ofBrychan, i. 82

Rhe iddun, ii. 383

Rhe on (Ryan), ford and lo ch, i. 241 ,276 ; ii. 337, 401

Rhige nan, ii. 343

Rhipha-an Mountains, i. 139

RhiwVela ] , i. 334Rhiwawn Hir, ii. 36 4Rhudd, i. 334 ; ii. 437

Rhun, i. 320sq.

Rhun Dremrudd, so n ofBrychan, i.

82, 41 6 ; ii. 394

Rhydde rch Rhyddig, i. 308

Rhys ap Tewdwr , a We lsh prin c e , i.

20, 21 , 95, 96 , 246

Rhys Nanmor , ii. 357

Bidde rch l ien ; m Bydde rchHae l

Pughe , Dr. Owen, i. 5, 6 , 31 , 144,186 u y. ; ii. 324, sq. 335, 338 sq.

345, 354 sq. 372 sq. 426, 435, 451

Pumlumon , i. 482

Pwmpai, i. 271Pwyll, princ e ofDyfed, i. 27, 201 ,205, 26 4, 392 ; ii. 404

Pyd, i. 310

Pyli, i. 320, 332 say. 360, 386

Q vu x sn aav, i. 92

Rac nsn. i. 546

Regan , son ofLlyr, i. 81

Ragno , i. 391

Raglan Cas tle , Welsh “88. at, i. 1

destroyed by fire , 2 ; c ompilation.

profemedly from this c o lle c tio n, by

Llywe lyn Sion, 29, 30Rave nna, the ge ographe r, i. 155

Re c ra, is land of, i. 80

Red Sea, i. 511 ii. 332

Re eve s, Dr. William, L 151, 153

Reged, distric t of(Mure if), i. 59, 172,291 , 3

50sq. 470; ii. 413, 440

Reginald ofDurham, i. 1 15, 129

Re iddnn, i. 395

Re ido l, i. 364

Renfrewshire , i. 1 73

492 mvax.

Rieddo n ,i. 433

Riogan , i. 31 7

Ritso n’

a An na ls , n 36 6

Riw,i. 357

RiwLlyvnaw,i. 31 4

RiwDydmwy, i. 487Riwdre ch, i. 392

Riwrhon , i. 412

Rob e rt , Earl of Glouc e s te r, so n of

He nry l ., i. 22, 96 , 209, 223, 239 ,246 , 470sq. 491 seq.

Ro b erts, Re v. P e te r, t ranslato r o f the

B rut Tyssil io , i. 24

Rodarc us se e Rydde reh

Rodawys, i. 36 4

Ro ddig, i. 392

Roddwyd Ardde ryd, the great we s te rn

pass leading from the Roman wallin to Sc o tland, i. 6 6

Rodri Mawr , so n ofMe rvyn Frych, i.

ii. 403

Rodri Mo lwynog, k ing of Wale s

(grandson ofCadwaladyr), i. 6 9, 75,46 5

Rome , i. 253, 270, 519, 535, 546 , 595

Romani, the , i. 13, 101 , 276 , 489

Roma ns, the , i. 35, 36 , 42 - 46 , 242 ;

ii. 401

Romanus, so n ofHe ssit io , i. 99, 100

Rosse d, i. 535

Rosse r, i. 493

Ruddyn ,i. 430

Run , i. 318, 338, 359

Run , fathe r ofLlachar, i. 316

Run , so n ofA’

rthga l, i. 1 81

Run, so n of Mae lgwn , i. 1 74, 26 8,

46 4

Run , so n ofl’

yd, i. 310

v awa, Ruvawn , i. 315, 386 , 403Ryan (Rhe o n), Lo ch, i. 241 ii. 337,

401 , 404, 415

Rychwardd, i. 392Ryd Be ngara, the , i. 479 : u . 429.

Sec Pe ngarn

Ryd Bridw, i. 31 4

Ryd Re o n , i. 310, 373 ; ii. 337

Rt Vae n ('

e d, 1. 31 2 Se ithiu, i. 273

Rydde rchHae l, first mo narch of the

kingdom of Camb ria, i. 6 6 , 1 6 7,

1 6 9, 175, 212 seq. 231 seq. 31 1 ,

371 , 46 2 seq. 482 ; ii. 336 , 338 ,


Ryddnant, i. 31 7

Rygenau , i. 316

Rys, i. 368, 392, 457, 486

Rywo niawg, i. 405 seq.

Sr . Asar n'

s (Llane lwy), i. 6 2 n . 343

St . Cadmus, i. 1 73

St . Ciaran, i. 124

St . David, ii. 320

St . David’

s, i. 3, 13 ; n . 31 8

St . Ffraid, i. 520

St . Ge rmanias, i. 36 , 108

St. Patrick , i. 38, 40; ii. 321

Sadyrnin, i. 308, 463

Sac ao n , the , i. 102

Salomon , k ing ofArmo riea, i. 6 8

Saninair, i. 458

Sanawg, i. 318Sandc v, i. 320, 333

San twic (Abe r), i. 442

Saraphin ,i. 26 1

Sarran , a sovere ign ofBrita in , i. 94

Satur nus, i. 540

Sawe l B enu che l, i. 1 6 8

Sawyl, i. 334

Sax o ns, the , i n Britain , i. 35, 36 ,

44- 46 , 51 , 107, 286, 301 , 370, 378,393, 434 seq. 481, 496 ; u . 35 9

Seal balb h, k ing ofPic tland in Alban

and ofManann, i. 81

Sc o ts, the , Ire land t he ir headquarte rs .

i. 44 the ir se t tlements o n the we stof\Vales and in Sc o t land, 45 , 107

Sc uit = Sc o t, i. 107Sc u thyn , Sc u tinus, Sc o lanns, an Irish

e c c lesias tic , ii. 320

Sc ythia, i. 105

Sego t , i. 548

Segyrtfyg, i. 534

Se ithe nhin Sae di, i. 302, 310


Tenby, n . 408. See Dinbych

Teo n , ii. 431

Te rra, marsh of, i. 338

Te th, i. 415

Teudnb r, Teudwr , son ofBe li, kingofStrathc lyde , i. 75, 1 81

Tevio tdale , i. 1 73 ; ii. 337

Tevio t, rive r, ii. 337

Tewdwr, king ofGarthmadrin, i. 82

Teyrnllwg, ii. 449Thane t, i. 437, 442

Thenew, mo the r of Kentige ra, i. 6 1 ,85, 86

Theodosius, i. 45

Theodric (De odric ), son ofIda, i. 176 ,232, 36 5 ii. 413, 414, 418. See

FlamdwynnThomas ab Eiuion , i. 206

Tighe rnac , i. 69, 70, 73, 85, 89, 104,1 77 ii. 36 6 seq.

Tome n y Mnr see Mnr Cast e ll

To rhouso, Standing Sto nes of, i. 171

To ro nia, i. 546

To rphiche n , i. 92

To rrato r, fo rd of see Taradyr

To ttarth, i. 41 9

Towy, rive r in S. Wales, i. 214

Trae th Bychan, n . 408

Trae thMae lgwn, i. 65Trae thMawr , ii. 408Trahacam , king ofWales, i. 20, 21

Trae thev Trywruid see Trywru idTrallwng, i. 590 ii. 431

Trawsvnydd, ii. 332Trave l, i. 455

Tren , the , i. 445, 448 sq.

Tre v Taliessin, ii. 340

Tr evo r, John , ofTrevalin , i. 24Trewrudd, i. 317Triads,We lsh, i. 28, 49, 101 , 102, 104ii. 354, 409

Tribanau , the , u . 349

Trindawd (Trin ity), ii. 328Tro dwyd, i. 455Troo n (regio n ofB re twn), n . 402

Troy, Histo ry of, in We lsh, by Dare s

Phrygias, i. 23

ruit , We rid, Gwruid, Gwe rid (Link softhe Fo rth, Stir ling the sc e n e of


s te n thbat tle , i. 56 , 57 , 200,222, 262, 368 ii. 321 , 351

Trydo nwy, the , i. 456 ii. 446

Tuatha De Dan uan , the , i. 78, 79 , 83,139 ii. 41 1

Tud Lleuvre , i. 421

Tad lch Hir, i. 378 seq. 410 seq.419 seq. ii. 357, 363, 374, 390seq.

Tudwal l, so n - ia - lawofBrychan , i. 82

Tudwal h dc lud, fathe r of Rydde rch

Hae l, i. 1 6 7 seq. 173seq.Tame r

, Sharo n , i. 6 , 7, 1 2 ii. 370Twe eddale , i. 43, 54, 58, 173 ii. 323,

337. See Ce lyddon

Twrch, the , 456 ii. 446

TwrchTrwyth, sto ry of, ii. 392 seq.Tydain , i. 310

Tydwl, i. 324Tyne , rive r, i. 43, 155

Typipann , so n ofCunedda, i. 82

Tyssilio , i 19, 24- 26 , 594 ; ii. 431

Tywi (the rive r Twe ed), 378, 432, 470seq. 489 seq; ii. 337

Tywi, vale of(Tweeddale), i. 240 ii.


Uc nx s s’

r , i. 457 ; n. 446

Utfem, i. 203, 256, 274, 285, 517,546 , 557, 563

Utlin, i. 402, 430

Ugnaeh, so n ofMyduo , i. 289 n . 352

Ulad, the (Pic ts ofUlste r), drive n toManann , i. 84, 86

Ulph (Friodulph, king ofBe rnic ia l),i. 350seq. ii. 414

Ulster, Annals of, ii. 312, 36 6Ulste r (Uladh), Pic ts of, i. 81 , 84, 93

Ulto nians, the , i. 86Ungust , i. 129


nhweh, i. 355 ;Urge st, i. 129

Urie n , i. 1 4, 59, 1 68 sq. 175, 201 ,212 sq. 231 , 275, 319 sq. 341 -367.

n . 437


463 seq. n. 356 , 413, 417, 439,


Ur nach see BrynachWydde l

Urvai, Brysi, father ofAdan, i. 405,408

Ushe r, James, b ishop ofMeath, n .

31 1

Usk, rive r, ii. 429

Uthyr, fathe r ofMa dawg, i. 226 , 256ii. 41 6

Uthyr l’e ndrago n , i. 22, 262, 297 u .


Var anasi, Mr. Ro b e rt, ofHe ngwrt,a c o lle c to r ofWe lsh MSS. , i. 1 ;

ii. 316 , 397

Vaughan , Sir Ro bert, of Hengwrt ,

his c o lle c tion ofWe lsh MSS. b e

qucathed to Mr. Wynne of Peni

arth, i. 2

Vaugha ns, the , ofHe rges t Court , 11.


Ve c ta , ance sto r ofthe Jate s, i. 108Vec tuarii, the , i. 108Ve c turio ues , the , i. 107

Ve nedo tians, i. 595

Ve ne ras, i. 540

Ve nni, i. 432

Ve nus, i. 540; u . 354

Ve nus, Fo untain of, i. 302


s Puemes des Bartlet B re

to ns , i. 9 , 10; ii. 312, 36 5

Viviane , ii. 336

Ve chny ; see Mo chnwyVo rtige rn (Gwrtheyrn), i. 314 n . 342

Vo rtipo re , king ofDyfed, i. 63

Vyrnwy, rive r, n. 343

Wann e r, Wru su r, i. 214

Walte r, archdeac on ofOxfo rd ; i. 22


Wedale , Gwaedo l (valley ofthe Gala),i. 55, 58

We lsh Laws, i. 6 4, 6 5, 218 sq.

We lsh lite rature subsequent to the

twe lfth c e ntury, i. 19-32

We lshManuscripts, anc ient, i. l , 2


We rid, Gwe ryd (the Fo rth), i. 56 , 175.See TrywruidWesse x, kingdom of, i. 6 , 182

Whitburn, parish of, i. 92

White Mount, the , i. 291 , 478

White Town , the , i. 454 sq.

Whiteho rn (Candida Cass), i. 180

Wigto n, i. 171 ii. 337

Wilkins, T homas ii. 423

William ofMalme sb ury, i. 22

William ofWo rc est e r, i. 57

William Rufus, i. 209, 223 u . 317

)Villiam the Co nque r or, ii. 31 7, 36 7Willia ms, Edward, of Flimstone , in

Glamo rgan, i. 5, 6 , 29, 30, 190

seq.Williams ab Ithe l, Rev. J his edition

of the Go do din, i. 1 1 ; ii. 357, 36 4

sq. 425

Williams, Archdeac o n, his intende d

editio n ofthe We lshpo ems, i. 8- 10;

11. 421

Williams, Dr. Thomas, 11. 355Williams, Rev. Ro b e rt , ofRhydyc ro e

sau , i. 17, 18

Winst er, rive r, ii. 402. See Gwenste ri

Winwaed, rive r, i. 88Winwedfie ld, battle of, n . 365

Wright, T. , n . 31 4

Wye , rive r, ii. 442. Sec GwyWygyr, Po rt, in Angle-sea, i. 106Wynne , Mr. W. W. 11 ,

of Peniarth,

He ngwrt MSS. beque athed to , i. 2ii. 316

Wynne , Sir W. “h, his co lle c tion o f

We lshMSS. de stroyed by fire, i. 2

Wythuain t, i. 262

Yas sow, i. 173

Y Brenhyn Co ch (William Rufus), i.

209, 223

Y Goglcd (the North), i. 67, 82, 102,165 sq. ; name tn usfarrsd horn

Cumbria to Gwynedd, 244, 400; ii.366 m. 417

Yddou (river ltha ,

thon f), i. 434 ; ll. 4

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