True History of Hadiths and Sunna – A must reading for all Muslims and Non-Muslims who are...

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True History of Hadiths and Sunna – A must reading for

all Muslims and Non-Muslims who are interested in


AUGUST 6, 2014










(Source page:


planet-must-read ) – Dr. Hafiz Abdu Samad Ph.D

(Comparative Religions & History)

All 2.09 Billion Muslims; and Non-Muslims (who are

interested in Theology) must read this message fully.

Please forward this page to your relatives and friends.

Allah Jalla Aala will reward you insha Allah for advancing

this truth to others.

Abu Bakar 1st Caliph gathered disciples of prophet after

death of prophet and said to them:

“You squabble among yourselves over hadith, this habit

will increase as time goes by. Do not, therefore, narrate

any saying of Messenger. If anyone wants to know, you

can tell him the Quran is there between you and him.

Whatever is allowed ought to be done, and refrain from

what has been prohibited in the Quran.”

“If anyone inquires, you can always say tht we have the

Holy Quran between us. Whatsoever it has been granted

must be made permissible & whatsoever has been

prohibited must be relinquished.” (Quoted in Tazkara tul

Hifaaz e Zuhby)

“Abu Bakar RA brought collection of Hadiths and then he

made a bonfire of them all.” (Quoted in Tudween e

Hadith, page 285-88) -

“During Hazrat Omar’s caliphate the ahadith were in

abundance. He made sure by putting the people under

oath that whatever hadith the people had in their

possession ought to be brought before him. As ordered,

the public submitted whatever they possessed. He then

ordered to make a public bonfire of those hadiths.”

(Tubqaat ibn Sa’ad, vol.5, page 141)

Muhammad Husayn Haykal was an Egyptian writer, a

great Islamic thinker, journalist, politician and Minister of

Education in Egypt. He wrote in his Book “The Life of

Muhammad, Cairo. 1935″:

“Umar ibn al-Khattab once tried to deal with the problem

of committing the Hadith to writing. The companions of

the Prophet whom he consulted, encouraged him, but he

was not quite sure whether he should proceed. One day,

moved by God’s inspiration, he made up his mind and

announced: “I wanted to have the traditions of the

Prophet written down, but I fear that the Book of God

might be encroached upon. Hence I shall not permit this

to happen.” He, therefore, changed his mind and

instructed the Muslims throughout the provinces:

“Whoever has a document bearing a prophetic tradition,

shall destroy it.”

Dr. Mohammad Hamidullah with two doctorates, D. Phil.,

D. Litt., HI, academic author with over 450 books wrote

in his Book “Introduction to Islam. Kuwait. 1977. pp. 34 &


“Abu-Dhahabi reports: The Caliph Abu-Bakr compiled a

work, in which there were 500 traditions of the Prophet,

and handed it over to his daughter ‘Aishah. The next

morning, he took it back from her and destroyed it,

saying: “I wrote what I understood; it is possible however

that there should be certain things in it which did not

correspond textually with what the Prophet had


“As to Umar bin Khattab 2nd Caliph, we learn on the

authority of Ma’mar ibn Rashid, that during his caliphate,

Umar once consulted the companions of the Prophet on

the subject of codifying the Hadith. Yet Umar continued

to hesitate and pray to God for a whole month for

guidance and enlightenment. Ultimately, he decided not

to undertake the task, and said: “Former peoples

neglected the Divine Books and concentrated only on the

conduct of the prophets; I do not want to set up the

possibility of confusion between the Divine Qur’an and

the Prophet’s Hadith.”

Qarza bin Ka’ab said it that once they commenced their

journey for Iraq. Omar 2nd Caliph accompanied them till

a place called Sira’ar, upon reaching there he inquired

from them, “Do you know why I have come with you this

far?” We replied, “For our welfare and in our honor!” He

said, “Yes! And also that you are going, where the voice

of Quran echoes like honeybees. Do not involve those

people in Ahadith, and stop them from the Quran or

narrate any traditions to them.” Qarza says, after that

day, they did not remember narrating any hadith again.

(Jamia al Biyaan il Ilm)

When Abi bin Ka’ab tried to tell some hadiths to Umar

Khatab, Umar RA became so angry that he was near to

order to beat him with stripes. Umar used to say

“HasboNa Kitaab Allah”. For us BOOK of Allah Quran is


Once Abu Salma asked Abu Huraira; were you also

reporting so many hadiths in the time of Umar Khatab, as

you are reporting now a days? He replied, If I had done

so at that time; for Sure Umar Khataab had ordered to

beat me with stripes.

Khateeb Al-Baghdadi writes, and [so does] Al-Dhahabi in

Tadhkira al-Huffaz, that ‘Umar b. al-Khattab imprisoned

three companions in Medina. These were Abu Darda, Ibn

Mas’ud and Abu Mas’ud al-Ansari due to their excessive

narration of traditions. Umar kept them under house

arrest in Medina and did not let them out for as long as

he lived.

Furthermore, ‘Umar commanded the companions to

bring the books of traditions at their disposal to him.

They thought he wanted to organize them in a way so

that there would be no differences between them. They

brought their books, he burnt them all in the fire.

The third Caliph, Othman did not pay any heed to hadith

or traditions. Once Ali’s son came to Othman with a

script of command by Muhammad, about zakat. Othman,

asked to be excused! (quoted by Al Sheikh Azhir bin


Third Caliph Uthman RA used to reject hadiths that any

one used to bring to him. Once Mohammad bin Ali RA

took a paper to Caliph Uthman. In that Paper a hadith

was written about Zakat. Uthman RA told Mohammad

bin Ali “will you please keep me away from these

hadiths” [Professor Allama Hafiz Aslam Jairajpuri]

Third Caliph uthman was heard on the Minbar(a stepped

Chair in mosque from where Sermon of Firday is

delivered) saying that no one has the right to narrate

Hadith as were not narrated during the reigns of Abu

bakr and Umar (Al-Tabaqat al-Kubra by ibn Sa’ad)

Fourth Caliph Ali bin Abu Talib gathered all the noble

companions and said, “Disperse all of you and erase all

Ahadith. Previous nations were destroyed for forsaking

Allah’s Revealed Books and following the collections of

their scholars.” (Mukhtasar Jaame’ Bayan-il-‘Ilm pg 33) –

[Please read verse of Quran 25:30 too]

Fifth Caliph Ameer Mua’awiya used to tell the people in

public and openly, not to narrate from the prophet, as

reported by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi in al-Faqeeh wal

Mutafaqqih, and in Tadween al-Sunnah:

In “Tabaqat ibn Sa’ad”, it is reported that Fifth Caliph

Ameer Mu’awiya, when was the governor of al-

Sham(Syria) prohibited anyone to sit with Abu Dhar al-

Ghifari (because he used to narrate too much like Abu

Huraira who was rebuked by Ummar Khattab 2nd Caliph)

“Thirty years after the death of Prophet Muhammad

[Peace be upon him], Chief Scribe for Quranic Wahi, Zayd

visited the palace of Caliph Amir Moaavia. One day Zayd

told a very good story about Prophet. Caliph liked the

story very much and called a person to write down that

story But Zayd said, NO; Prophet strictly forbade us to

write any of his hadith EXCEPT Book of Allah – Quran.

Reference: Recorded in RAW HISTORY BOOK “The Sunan

of Abu-Dawood” under report No. 1635 (3640)

Professor Allama Hafiz Aslam Jairajpuri was a great

Islamic thinker. He was Distinguished Professor of Arabic

and Persian at Aligarh Muslim University and Jamia Millia

Islamia. Some excerpts from his Book Ilme-Hadith are as


A group of students of hadiths reached to the house of

Hazrat Fazeel bin Ayaaz Abid-Hur-mein [died 187 Hijri]

but Fazeel did not allow them to enter in his house &

Fazeel took his head out from the window of his house.

Students of Hadiths saluted him and asked “How are YOU

Ya Sheikh?”. Fazeel replied, From the side of Allah, I am

very good but from your side, I am in serious trouble

from the job in which you are. You have created a NEW

Bid’at[Sinful invention] in Islam. Inna Lilla-hay Wa Inna

Elaihay Raje-uoon”. You have left BOOK of Allah. If you

have held fast BOOK of Allah, then your hearts get

rescued from evils. Students said, “But we have read

Quran already”. Fazeel replied, Quran is such BOOK

which is enough for you and for your coming generations

& then recited verse 10:57-58 of Quran.

10:57: O MANKIND! There has now come unto you an

admonition from your Sustainer, and a cure for all [the

ill] that may be in men’s hearts, and guidance and grace

unto all who believe [in Him]

10:58 Say: “In [this] bounty of God and in His grace-in

this, then, let them rejoice: it is better than all that they

may amass!”

Imam Sufyan bin Aainiya [died 198 Hijri] said, I wished

the ilme-hadith was in a big basket of glass upon my

head & that basket had fallen down breaking into small

pieces, so that no any buyer of hadiths would had come

to me. Whenever Imam Sufyan became very angry from

any evil person/enemy in his life, He used to pray to

Allah, O Allah, make him Mohaddith [Imam of

Hadith=Hadith collector/compiler]

Well known Companions of Prophet Abdulah bin Abbas

& Abdullah bin Umar also used to forbid hadiths and

used to say that past nations were destroyed because

they started to follow hadith collections of their scholars

and left BOOKS of Allah.

“It is written in famous Book Mukhtasir Jaamia Bayan Il-

Ilm of Hafiz Ibne Abdul Barr [died 463 Hijri] that Dhaak

Ibne Mazaham [died 105 Hijri] said that time will come

when Quran will be placed in house corners covered with

spidar net & will not be utilized by Muslims & people will

run only after hadiths.

Suleman bin Hayaan Azwi[died 196AD] whom nick name

was Abu Khalid Al-Aahmar said: Time will come when

people will put Quran aside & will be bussy only in

hadiths & fiqa.

Imam Daud Taa’i stopped to narrate Hadiths. When

people asked, why did you stop? He replied that finaly he

realized that to narrate hadiths is against Haq.(mean it is

a sin or a action of Satan)”. ——- Quran 25:30 “And the

Messenger will say, “O my Lord! These are my people,

the ones who had disabled and made this Qur’an of no

account.” (MAHJUR = They had immobilized it like

villagers who bind a cow by tying her front foot to her


It was crime to possess any hadith in the time of Umar

Khattaab RA. Umar RA threatened Liar Abu Huraira to

stop forged hadiths or be banished.[ Read more detail in

this page. What Aisha RA & 2nd caliph Umar Khattab told

to Abu Huraira].

“I have seen Ahadith in the Six Right Ones Books of

Persian Imams that completely cancel out the Qur’an.”

(Nizaam-ul-Qur’an by Sheikh Hamiduddin Farahi)

One great scholar of his time “Abaid-Allah” sindhi writes:

“I feel shame to teach Book of Bukhari to neo-Muslim”

“Whatever utterances we heard from Muhammad PBUH

we noted them down in writing. One day it so happened

the Messenger appeared and asked us about the subject

of our writings. We replied that whatsoever we hear

from his Majesty’s lips we transform it into writing. To

which he said, “What! Are you compiling another book

along with the book of Allah?” Meaning in other words

that this cannot be made possible. He then insisted and

commanded us that we ought to keep Allah’s words pure

and that we must not amalgamate them with any kind of

ambiguities. So we made a bonfire of our notes and

parables in an open field.” (Quoted from Tudween e

Hadith, page 249)

In HISTORY BOOK “Sunnan AL-Daramy” it is written that

Ali Ibn Abu Talib, the fourth Khalifa in one of his speeches

said, “I urge all those who have writings taken from the

Messenger of God to go home and erase it. The people

before you were annihilated because they followed the

hadiths of their scholars and left the book of their Lord.”

It is written in HISTORY BOOK named “Musnad of Ibn

Hanbal“ that Abdullah Ibn Omar said, “the Messenger of

God one day came out to us as if he was going to depart

us soon and said, “When I depart you (die), hold to the

book of God, prohibit what it prohibits and accept as

halal what it makes halal.”

It is written in famous book “Taq-yed Al-Ilm “that Abu

Saeed Al-Khudry said, “I asked the Messenger of God a

permission to write his hadiths, but he refused to give

me a permission.”

In the book of Al-Bidaya wal Nihaya (ibn Katheer), it is

written that 2nd Caliph Umar Khattaab RA threatened

Abu Hurayra to stop narrating hadiths or he will be

chased after till the land of Daws (which is where Abu

Hurayra is from)

Umar Khattaab RA wrote letters to the Prophet’s

companions, who lived in other cities, asking them to

destroy all the copies of hadiths in their hands” [Ibn Abdil

Berr, Jamia ul Baya il Ilm wal Fazail.].

Umar said: Burn all the collections of hadith as these are

like the Mishnah of the Jewish people.” Umar drew a

parallel between the Mishnah that had contributed to

the corruption of Judaism and the hadiths. [Tabqaat Ibn


“Ibn Abbas used to say, regarding the prohibition of

copying the hadiths: “The communities before you

deviated from the right path because of books they

wrote like yours.” [Ibn Abdul Berr, Jamia ul Bayaan il ilm]

Some Companions came to report to 4th Caliph Ali Ibne

Taalib and said: “The public is engrossed in hadiths.” “Is

that so?” asked Ali. The answer was in the affirmative. “I

had heard the Prophet say that a mischievous dissension

seemed to lurk ahead.” I asked him what could that be

and he replied: “The salvation is in the Quran. Those that

went before you and those that will come after you are

within reach of the Quran, the Book that settles all

disputes; it is no joke, mind you. Anyone who abandons

It will be subject to the wrath of God. Anyone seeking a

truer path will go astray. It is the infallible rope of God. It

is full of wisdom. It leads man along the right path. It is

the Book that will surely lead you in the right direction, a

Book with inexhaustible riches.” [Quoted from HISTORY

BOOKS of Sunnan-i Tirmizi, and Sunnan Darimi]

“During the first century of Islam & also thereafter the

various political parties, the heretics, THE PROFESSIONAL

PREACHERS (Mullahs/scholars), and even a number of

sincere Muslims, all made their contributions to the

growing rubbish-heap of false traditions (Hadiths)”.

“They made deliberate changes to the text or the Isnad

of certain Hadiths & fabricated others from scratch for

the sake of sectarian gain” Ref: (Hadith Literature by: Dr.

Professor Muhammad Zubayr Siddiqi)

The Zanadika (Heretics) Hammad ibne Zayed, Abdul

Karim ibn Abil-Awaja, Bauyyan ibn Saman & Muhammad

ibne Said have invented over 19000 hadiths in the name

of Prophet. Some even pious Muslims, Shia & Khawaraj

produced fake hadith many times more than even

Heretics. Abbasids & Ummayads concocted countless

hadiths to support their politics & sects. Ghiyath Ibne

Ibrahim made intentional changes in hadith to please

Caliph Al-Mahdi. Ref: (Hadith Literature by: Dr. Professor

Muhammad Zubayr Siddiqi)

“Kulthum ibne Amral Attabi once collected a crowd

round himself in a mosque & related to them – with full

Isnad (chain of narrations) a hadith saying that he who

touched the tip of his nose with his tongue might rest

assured that he would never go to Hell. The audience

showed their readiness to accept this forgery as a

genuine (shaih) hadith – by trying to ascertain their fate

in this way” Ref: (Hadith Literature by: Dr. Professor

Muhammad Zubayr Siddiqi)

“Sometimes in order to do mischief to people & gain

their own ends, two storytellers would work together to

forge hadiths. In this ways one of them once stood up at

the end of a street narrating hadiths in praise of Ali RA,

while the other stood up at the other end extolling the

virtues of Abu Bakar RA. Thus did they make money from

both the Shia and Nasibis & at the end of the day divided

the proceeds equally among themselves” Ref: (Hadith

Literature by: Dr. Professor Muhammad Zubayr Siddiqi)

“The most dangerous type of hadith forgers came from

the ranks of devout hadith compilers themselves. Their

sincerity & love for hadiths could not be doubted but

many of them attempted unwittingly to kill the Ilm of

hadiths by forging hadiths scribing them to the Prophet &

spreading them across the Muslim community.

Nuh ibn Abi Maryam who had studied theology with

scholars of great repute was known as Al-Jami on

account of his vast & varied learning. He acted as judge

at Merv during the reign of Abbasid Caliph Mansur. He

related hadiths describing the virtues of various chapters

of the Quran, But when he was pressed by authorities

from whom he had recieved these hadiths, he confessed

that he had FORGED them for the sake of GOD and to

attract people to His book.

Aban ibn Abi Ayyash who was one of the most godly

people of his time, was severely censured by Shu’ba ibn

Al-Hajjaj and more than 1500 hadiths narrated by him on

the authority of Anas were found to have no foundation.

Ahmed Ibn Muhammad Al-Bahili (D.275/888) was

generally venerated for his piety but when investigated,

his 400 hadiths which were related by him, were found

all forged. He himself confessed to having forged hadiths

in order to make the hearts of people tender & soft.

Sulayman ibn Amr was a contemporary of Ibn Hanbal and

would fast by day & offer prayers by night, outdoing in

his many of his contemporaries but he was found none

the less as a liar and forger of hadiths

Wahab ibne Hafs was generally regarded as a virtuous

Muslim. His asceticism was so acute that it is said that for

20 yrs he did not speak to anyone. Yet none the less, he

did not hesitate to forge hadiths. Many other well-

intentioned and outwardly pious Muslims such as

Maysara ibn Abd Rabbih the PERSIAN, Ahmed ibn Harab

the man of piety, Ubad ibn Kuthayr, Abd-Allah ibn Ayyub,

Hushaym ibn Bashir, Ziyad ibn Abd-Allah & the followers

of Muhammad ibn Karram Al-Sigistani (Persian) held that

it was permissible to FORGE hadiths in order to attract

people to good deed and warn them gainst evil. These

type of FORGERS then wrought havoc with Ilm Hadith.

Their activities were often very extensive indeed. Most of

Hadiths concerning the advent of the Dajjal and the

Mahdi toward end of time, are forged.

We are told that Muhammad ibn Ukkasha and

Muhammad ibn Tamin forged more than 10000 hadiths.

Abu Said ibn Jafar forged more than 300 hadiths in the

name of Abu-Hanifa alone. Ahmed Al-Qaysi concocted

more than 3000 hadiths. Ahmed Al-Marwazi forged more

than 10000 hadiths. Furthermore, a large number of

other forgers like Ziyad ibn Maymun, Shurayk ibn Abd-

Allah, and Talha ibn Amr invented thousands of false

hadiths, some of which are quoted in sermons and

declaimed from the Pulpits (Member of Masjad= A

stepped wooden chair on which a Mullah delivers his

sermon) even today”. Ref: (Hadith Literature by: Dr.

Professor Muhammad Zubayr Siddiqi)

O Educated Reader: Here again we ask you. Should you

build your faith on Book of Allah which is complete and

fully detailed; or should you build your faith on these

fabricated 2.3 millions [hearsay+gossip]=hadiths? Our

dear! in this scenario, u are the decision maker. So you

decide yourself. We are true Muslims and so want to tell

you the truth.

One of the most truthful Islamic Thinkers of history,

German Muslim Scholar Dr. Murad Wilfried Hofmann


“Given the fact that tens of thousands of fabricated

hadiths circulated within two centuries of the Prophet’s

death, we simply have to admit that the hadith and

Sunnah is not as reliable as we would all wish it to be. Let

us be cruelly sober: Someone clever and ruthless enough

to fabricate the matn of a hadith – be it for political or

“pious” reasons – would he not be clever and ruthless

enough to also fabricate its isnad?”

Though we have already provided above more than

enough referenced solid proofs which confirm again and

again that It was illegal to write & record any even true

hadith of beloved Prophet, by Prophet and four guided

Caliphs; but let we also listen what top most Researcher

Orientalists of Islam has said about this subject. Their

opinion is also important because they do not belong to

any evil non-Quranic sects such as Sunni Shia Wahabi,

Salfi, Deobandi, Brailvi etc ++++++ NO END. So their

research has no any sectarian bias.

One of the top most Researchers and orientalists of

Europe, Goldziher (22 June 1850 – 13 November 1921),

was a Hungarian scholar of Islam, He writes: “In those

weeks, I truly entered into the spirit of Islam to such an

extent that ultimately I became inwardly convinced that I

myself was a Muslim, and judiciously discovered that this

was the only religion which, even in its doctrinal and

official formulation, can satisfy philosophic minds”. In

Cairo Egypt, Goldziher even prayed as a Muslim. He

further writes: “In the midst of the thousands of the

pious, I rubbed my forehead against the floor of the

mosque. Never in my life was I more devout, more truly

devout, than on that exalted Friday.” But despite his love

for Islam, Goldziher remained a devout Jew all his life. His

affection for both religions led him to seek the cross

pollination of ideas between the faiths.

In 1890 he published “Muhammedanische Studien” in

which Goldziher draws a picture of a Muslim society

where the fabrication of hadiths was a widespread

phenomenon, with people frequently producing fictitious

hadiths for political or other purposes. He argues that

different groups would either make up many hadiths that

supported their respective positions, or modify existing

traditions to justify their views, or else censor the hadiths

that had been adopted by others. He also accuses

Muslim scholars of relying solely on the isnad (chain of

transmitters) without paying attention to ‘obvious

anachronisms’ in hadith texts.

The Dutch orientalist C. Snouck Hurgronje (1857-1936), a

contemporary of Goldziher, writes: “The hadith literature

was a product of dominant groups in the first three

centuries of Islam, and thus it reflected their views. The

idea that the roots of these hadiths can be traced all the

way back to the Prophet is completely false and that the

life and teachings of the Prophet cannot be re-

constructed based on these traditions”.

Goldziher’s view that Muslim scholars could not notice

the ‘obvious anachronisms’ in hadith texts was also taken

up by the Belgian orientalist Henri Lammens (1862-

1937). According to him: “Since the Muslim ulema

(scholarly class) largely confined their efforts to the

critique of narrative chains (isnad) and paid insufficient

attention to the internal/textual critique of the hadiths,

they failed to notice logical and historical impossibilities

and anachronisms in the narrations.”

An other top Orientalist of Europe, David Samuel

Margoliouth (1858-1940), Professor of Arabic at the

University of Oxford, writes: “The concepts of infallibility

(ismah) and non-recited revelation (wahy ghayr matluw)

as theories were constructed to justify the position of

fabricated Sunna as a legitimate source of the Islamic


Note: Please note, that he was the biggest Criminal of

Islam, Paul of Islam, Imam Shafi who was founding father

of this forgery that produced Bida’a of Sunna and Hadith

in Islam & opened door for Persian Zoroastrian Imams to

forge Millions of lies against Islam in the name of Prophet

250-400 years after the death of Prophet. He was

inventer of fabrications such as One Wahi is in Quran and

other is out side the Quran in forged Sunna and forged

Hadiths. He just fabricated this lie and preached this lie

to blindly following Muslims with the full support of Pro-

Persian and Pro-Zoroastrian GOV of Abbasid

Caliphs.Quran38_82_83Joseph Schacht was a British-

German professor of Arabic and Islam at Columbia

University in New York. He was the leading Western

scholar on Islamic law. He writes:

“There is no any evidence of legal traditions(hadith &

suna) before Year 722AD in Islam & we can conclude that

the Sunna or hadiths of the Prophet is not the words and

deeds of the Prophet, but apocryphal material dating

from later”

Fazlur Rahman, who was the Harold H. Swift

Distinguished Service Professor of Islamic Thought at the

University of Chicago wrote in his book Islam (1966) on

the historic study of the Hadith. Summarising I.

Goldziher’s scientific study of the Hadith, he writes:

But his argument runs, since the corpus of the Hadith

continued to swell in each succeeding generation, and

since in each generation the material runs parallel to and

reflects various and often contradictory doctrines of

Muslim theological and legal schools, the final recorded

product of the Hadith, which date from the 3rd/ 9th

century [over 250 years after the death of the prophet],

must be regarded as being on the whole unreliable as a

source for the prophets own teaching and conduct


Professor Schacht, who according to Fazlur Rahman is

the first scholar to have undertaken a, “extensive and

systematic comparison of legal traditions in their

historical sequence, is unassailable scientific and sound

in method&127;(1979:47-48), did not believe that the

Hadith or the concept of “Sunna of the Prophet” were

part of first century Islam. Shafi [150-204/767-819]

introduced them, at the earliest, nearly two hundred

years after the death of the prophet. The Koran states

exactly the same. The Koran was the only “Hadith” that

was conveyed by the prophet and formed the guidance

for the early Muslim community.

The lie of Science of Hadiths and Lie of Chains of


Hadith believing Muslims make big claims on the so-

called scientific compilation of Hadith. Let it be clear

however, that no matter how scientific you are in your

compilation of what is “false” to start with, the

compilation cannot make it true. Even the criteria that is

presented are un-objective, i.e. the truthfulness of a

particular narrator with a story of how truthful he was.

To repeat, falsehood is not converted to truth by its

scientific compilation.

The scientific method demands that “subjective” proof

i.e. how truthful a person was be ignored and the item

tested on objective criteria. What does the content say?

To sum up: (Below are given many pictures. If text of

picture is to be magnified, please press two keys at your

keyboard: Ctrl and +

Whole Islamic law is contained ONLY IN QURAN.

All what is not given in complete and fully detailed Quran


Any ritual [like 5 daily rituals Namaz of Persian

Zoroastrians], rite or sharia laws that has no roots in

Quran, is foreign material that was blended in Islam

during 508 years during Pro-Persian Pro-Zoroastrian

Abbasid Caliphs from 750-1258 AD,

Do you believe in what Allah says? Quranic Verse 5:44

declares those persons “KAAFIRS” who make sharia Laws

from other Books than Noble Quran. [So no any Sharia

law is valid but from Quran].

Obeying the messenger is in upholding Quran, the whole

Quran, and nothing but Quran.

Read much more at:

A List of some innovations that were added in Islam

during Abbasid Period from 750-1258 A.D

Must Read at:




Persian Conspiracy against Quran (Important)


A sample of some Crap from Hadith Book of Bukhari and


Hope, it will refresh your dried up Imaan.

1- When Prophet Moses was once taking a bath in a

river. he placed his clothes on a stone but stone caught

his clothes and stone escaped away leaving Moses

NAKED so that other people should see his nakedness

[Bukhari]. So Stone was walking like a man. Fiction-

Monger Bukhari must had been captured against the

crime of spreading pornography!

2- When “angel of death” came to Prophet Moses to take

his life, Moses slapped angel so strongly that angel lost

his one eye. [Bukhari]. So here Jaahil Bukhari is telling

you that Angels have physical eyes like we have. Satanic

Mullahs of present day seem much less ignorant than

that stupid Bukhari.

3- Prophet Abrahim did his own circumcision when he

was of 80 year age [ Zoroastrian Surgeon Bukhari]. See

dictionary to know what is circumcision. How Bokhari has

served Islam by this manufactured crap?

4- Prophet Abraham was a liar [Bukhari]. [AstaghfirAllah].

Was Bukhari a Muslim? Allah witness in Quran that

Ibrahim was extremely truthful Person. Siddiqan Nabiya

5- Abu Huraira said that Prophet said that when Adam

was created by Allah, he was 60 yards (more than 180

feet) tall. [Bukhari]. Do you believe in this bull of Abu

Huraira & Bukhari?

6- Said Abu Huraira that Prophet Said that When one

person was sleeping on a OX, ox started to talk to that

person that I am not for sleeping but for

cultivation/agricultural work. Once a wolf snatched a

sheep and shepard ran forward to rescue the sheep.

Wolf talked to shepard and said OK I release her today

but what about Saturday (sabit) when you will not be

there and I will snatch it again. According to this funny

Abu Huraira; Abu Bakar and Umar were also there and

they agreed on this truth. [Bukhari]. Do you believe in

this fabricated childish story?

7- God loves those who commit sins. Who does not

commit sin, God does not like him [Sahee Muslim] –

{Publisher Zam Zam Company Lahore Pak.}–> (See these

Bloody Zoroastrian imams). These Criminal Imams were

laying dynamite in the foundation of Islam but still our

Jaahil Mullahs and their brainless pets kiss ass of these

criminal hadith imams. Quran says, refrain from Evil &

evildoers will be put in Hell. On the contrary, this Satanic

Hadith Imam is encouraging Muslims to do evils so that

hell is get assured for them. Clearly taking revenge from

Muslims bcaz It were Muslims who crushed their

millennia Zoroastrian empire in 7th century.

8- Rats are one tribe of Jews [Bukhari] We want a

debate between Bukhari and Darwin. Also to test DNA of

Jews & Rats. LOL

9- Said Abu Huraira that Prophet said that If there were

no Jews, meat was never going to decay/expire; if there

was no EVE (mother of all humans), woman would had

never betrayed his husband [Bukhari]. If there was no

eve; then from where Jahil Bukhari would had brought

woman that will betray him & how then Bukhari would

had been born if there was no eve? Only a Mad idiot

could fabricate such kind of nonsense.

10- Said Abu Huraira that Cock and Donkey see Devil

Satan [Bukhari] . What this useless comic report has

relation with Islam? That also mean that Bukhari was

able to see Satan.

11- Sun every day arises from between two horns of

Devil-Satan [Bukhari]. Idiot Bukhari deserve Noble prize

of Physics for his this great finding! Note, The Biggest

Scholar of Saudi Arabia Sahykh Baaz gave Fatwa in 1970.

That Earth is flat & No one has gone to Moon & who

believes that earth is not flat & American are landed on

moon is Kafir & his Nikah has been broken with her wife

automatically & people are not allowed to pray his

funeral & forbidden is to eat or drink in home of that


12- From where people catch FEVER? They catch it when

HELL boils [Bukhari] – Our Bloody Brain-blind Mullahs

have been telling us from centuries that Persian Imams,

authors of Hadith books were great scholars and saints!!!

This Bukhari must had been admitted in mental hospital

13- Said Abu Huraira that Once One JIN came to disturb

Prophet during prayers. Prophet over took him and

bound with a piller so that people should had seen him

but later Prophet changed his mind and freed him

[Bukhari]. JIN is unseen creature like Ghost but not

Ghost. We can say, JIN mean UNSEEN Creature. Do U

believe in this fake story made up for small children?

14- If you do not pray, Satan urinates in your ears

[Bukhari]. As we know, majority of Muslims do not pray

that what called 5 [Non-Quranic] prayers daily. So we

suggest them all to wash their both ears with disinfectant

soap when they awake up to get rid of smelly urine of

Satan. Do you think that Prophet has said this?

15- Yawning is from Satan, so one must try one’s best to

stop it, if one says ‘Ha’ when yawning, satan will laugh at

him. [His excellency Abu Huraira] – What is importance

of this crap in Islam?

A few more examples of crap from the books of that evil

shia/parsi/Jew imams is as under: From book of Bukhari

Muslim, Ibne Maja, Nisae, Kaafi, Abu Daud, Ibne Ishaq

and other criminals.

1-Prophet Married a girl at 6 or 9 yr when he was of 53

yr. (All 11 ravi of shia Bokhari are shia from Koofa &

Basra Iraq. For proof, Open this following page and go to

page 26: All Raavies were Shia

2-Prophet Ordered to take eyes of alive people out.

(Quran says he is mercy for world)

3-Prophet advised to drink urine of camel. (What a

fabricated shame)

4-Prophet used to suck the tongue of his wife when was

fasting. (Were these criminals Imams even Muslims)

5-Prophet used to have intercouse with his wife during

menstruation. (Were these criminals Imams even

Muslims) – Quran forbids sex during menstruation. Do

you things Prophet has acted 180 degree opposite to

Book of Allah? NO WAY.

6-Imad Mahdi will drop (read truth at: Mehdi and Return

of Jesus Reality

7-Eisa son of Mary went heaven alive and will drop again

(see proof of truth at: Did Son of Mary die on Cross? This

is the best scholarly Non-Qadiani page on world wide

web on this subject. Do not miss to read it & understand


8-Prophet went to Heaven riding on a donkey (Boraq) to

meet Allah and talked with Allah like a union leader to

reduce from 50 prayers to 5 prayers. (read the truth at

page 144 and 151 at: True History and False Beliefs.

9-Woman is evil (thu all are born from this evil?) Bukhari

was also born from that evil. Does Quran say so? NO

10-A part of Quran is eaten by hungry goat. so Quran is

not complete. (Were these criminals Imams even

Muslims? – these bloody bstrd were shia – it is very clear

from this slander – bcaz this slander comes from Shia) –

Some teachers of Bukhari were also Shia.

11-For a married Zani, punishment is stoning to death

(Noble Quran orders 100 lashes only) – They

fabricated/copied this story from corrupt Bible & Torah.

Rajam (stoning) is not punishment of Quran/Islam but of

Jews.#Great #Reading at:



12-Prophet used to catch beautiful women in order to

fornicate them (We find this in the book of criminal

Bukhari. Was Bokhari a Muslim?) Read full text of this

forged hadith at:

13-Prophet Murdered 600 men of Banu-Qareza (From

the book of Jew Ibne Ishaq – Imam Malik declared Ibne

Ishaq a liar Kafir) But all our evil mullahs and imams love

this Jewish biographer Ibne Is’haaq.

14-Prophet ordered to pull two legs apart of a alive

person to kill him. – Basrd Ibne Ishaq

15-Prophet had 11 (and some time 9) wives and he was

doing sex with them with in one hour. and prophet had

sexual power equal to 30 men. (Shia Parsi Bukhari) –

What is relation of this forged shameful lie with La ilaha


16-Prophet snatched/married wife zainab of his said-son

(This a fabrication, It never happened. Prophet himself

arranged marriage of Zainab & his spoken-son)/ Then

after divorce, he could nary. Quran makes clear, your

adopted son is not ur real son

17-Dajjal will come – A lie forged by Christians and

infused in hadith books

18-Bad luck is in dog monkey horse and woman. [Quran

gives high respect to woman. woman is mother of

prophets and saints. Prophet Eisa said, after GOD the

most respected person near you is your mother.)

19-Allah laughs and wonders and Allah show his thigh to

believer to recognize him. [Only a mad can say like this]

20-Allah has 5 fingers, on one is earth on other this

planet on other is sea on other is tree (all bullshits of

Parsi hadith Imams – names mentioned above).

21-Prophet said if you do not have wife, take a female

pigeon (a bird) as your wife. Mean, do sex with female

pigeon (Biggest Imam Muhaddith of his time Hafiz Ibne

Qayyam) – What a shame – What a Shame – What a

Shame – O my GOD! still our majority of Muslims follow

these crap books and do not follow the AHSON HADITH

(The Best Hadith) of Allah – Noble Quran which is

complete and fully detailed Book of Allah.

Dear readers!

We can post here other hundreds of forged carp of

Persian Zoroastrian-shia Imams who were authors of

Sihae Sitta six Hadith books but we do not want to make

this page much longer. Dear reader if you also read

Hadiths book of Shia called “Kaafi”; we are afraid you will

go in coma or get heart attack. Just one sample from

shia’s evil book of hadiths “Kaafi”: “Abdullah bin Sabah

approached to Ali ibne Talib and said him “O Ali, You are

real Allah”. [Sihae Sitta = six authentic books of hadith]

– Sihae is plural of Sahee and Sitta mean six in Arabic.

Please click on following link in order to view following

very important Green picture in full screen to magnify

the text, or press on Keyboard Crtl and + .






Allah Jalla Aala says repeatedly, He is protector of His

Book but Persian criminals Bukhari, Ibne Maja, & Imam

Muslim say, verses of RAJAM (stoning) and of suckling of

chest of woman by any Adult-man for 10 times are

missing from Quran!!


We can below prove logically with sensible argument

that Persian Imams such as Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Ibne

Maja, & Abu Daud etc all were big liars and their books

are full of despicable slanders and attacks on Quran,

Prophet and Allah. These Imams were hidden Pro-Shiite

Zoroastrians. Proof: Page 151 at:

Allah Jalla Aala Says in Quran repeatedly that Hu himself

is guarding his Book Quran and no any evil even can

touch his Book from any side. We know it is safe in the

brains of millions Hafiz of Quran. But Bukhari says Quran

is incomplete.

Now can a real dedicated Muslim Imam attack Quran as

Bukhari has attacked? Never. This is one million Percent

proof that Bukhari was not just Non-Muslim but was an

enemy of Islam [a disguised Zoroastrian under status of a

Muslim Imam]. And all other Persian Mullahs were even

worse than Bukhari. But will you not wonder that still

majority of blindly-following so called Muslims will be

ready to cut your neck if you tell them this truth that we

have told you just now.

Allah says that he is protector, preserver and explainer of

Quran. Does Allah say that like Quran; Books made by

Persians imams are also protected by Allah? NO

Our dear: Truth is that, that when we read their so labled

as hadiths [un-sensitized] books fully; it becomes clear

that not only they were not Muslims but were in fact THE

BIGGEST ENEMY of Islam. They have insulted Allah and

Prophet + Prophets countless time in their books. Their

hundreds of thousands reports so called hadiths CLEARLY

contradict Quran.

We can prove in countless ways that these Imams of

Persia who fabricated so called hadith books 250~400

years after prophet were ENEMIES of Islam. However just

one following point will be more than enough to prove

that so called Imam Bokhari was chief of Persian Parsi

Criminal Imams and was an enemy of Islam:

If we read Noble Quran, Allah says in Quran at many

places that his BOOK Quran is the best hadith, is

protected by him from corruption, is preserved in Louhe-

Mahfooz & Allah has taken himself responsibility to

Protect Quran. Moreover, Allah says, that no any evil can

even touch Quran from any side. Due to lack of space, we

quote below just one but very strong verse of Quran:

Allah says:

“Behold, it is We Ourselves who have bestowed from on

high, step by step, this Quran and, behold, it is We who

shall truly guard it [from all corruption]” [Quran 15:9]

And also, not just Muslims but even top Non-Muslim

scholars through out history has accepted that Quran is

not changed, & what Quran we have today in our hands

is same Quran that was in the hands of Our Prophet.

Note that in all ages, Quran was memorized from cover

to cover by many Huffaz. Today there are about 50

million Huffaz in World. Do u not see, how Allah has

protected his book? Let assume, we throw all books of

this world in Sea. Quran is only the book, that will be

right back after a hour. Just bring any one Hafiz and print

whole Quran again. So Muslims and non-Muslim Scholars

agree that Quran is the purest un-changed scripture in


But Mr. Imam Bokhari tells us opposite and says that

Quran is incomplete so is un-reliable because according

to Mr Bukhari “Stoning verse” for Rajam is missing from

Quran [AstaghfirAllah]. So in this way he has attacked

Quran and Islam in the worst possible way. This proves,

he was the biggest enemy of Islam. Now it is up to

reader, if he wants to believe what Allah says about the

protection of his Book, or Bokhari who says, Quran is

incomplete & so un-reliable. Pls. Note in same way shia

talk. Also note that some teachers of Bokhari like Shaykh

Fadal bin Wakin were Shia. Bokhari fabricated this hadith

so that Muslim should not trust in Book of Allah – clear

conspiracy. Shia speak in same tone of Bukhari and say,

their 12th fictitious imam Mehdi will bring complete

Quran. From here no any doubt is left over that Bukhari

was a Pro-shia Zoroastrian.

Now if a brainwashed fanatic is reading this page; he will

first of all say, [as this is their normal way]; that this

hadith of missing stoning verse is not in Bukhari and we

are telling lie. This kind of attitude of Mushrik Hadithers

has become a fashion now-a-days But we can find that

hadith in book called Sahih Bukhari every where. One of

the authentic source is at:

[Volume 8, Book 82, Number 816 : Narrated by Ibn


Note: In Quran Punishment for married or unmarried

Adulterer is 100 stripes. Stoning that Bukhari talked

about in fact exists in Jews Books. When in Quran it is

clear that Punishment for married or unmarried

adulterer is 100 stripes; then how Allah can say , it is

stoning to death [Rajam] because it will contradict with

the verse that says it is 100 stripes.

Quran 24:2: Male and female [Human] guilty of adultery

or fornication,- flog each of them with a hundred stripes:

Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter

prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last

Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their


Notice here in verse 24:2, Allah did not make distinction

between married or un-married fornicator. So

punishment for married or un-married is same.

Now one cannot keep AT THE SAME TIME, a light switch

ON and OFF. either it is ON or it is OFF. When Quran

clearly says, that punishment for [married or unmarried

female or male] an Adulterer is 100 stripes; then stoning

to death [Rajam] punishment for an adulterer [married

or unmarried female or male] is out of question. This is

why, this Jewish punishment of Rajam [Stoning to death]

does not exist in Noble Quran.

Quran supersedes past scriptures & is ultimate


Quran [5:48] (O Muhammad) Then we revealed to you

this scripture (Quran), truthfully, confirming previous

scriptures (not forged ones), and superseding them. You

shall rule among them in accordance with GOD’s

revelations (Quran), and do not follow their wishes (of

Jews & Christians) if they differ from the truth that came

to you (which is Quran) ……

Quran is final testament of Allah Jalla Aala to mankind

and Quran has clearly superseded the punishment of

Rajam [Stoning to death] of Torah [Jewish Book of Moses

- Deuteronomy] by 100 stripes.

But Mr Bukhari & so our majority of brainless Mullahs tell

us, we should forget Quranic punishment, and should

follow the punishment that were given in the corrupted

books of Jews. Mr Bukhari copied punishment of Rajam

from Book of Jews but declared it as an Hadith & added it

in his book labeled by fanatics as Sahih Bukhari. Now

please tell us honestly:

Could prophet say an hadith of Rajam that CLEARLY

Contradicts Quran? NO NO NO.

It was duty of all prophets to establish laws as per BOOKS

of Allah, the BOOKS that were sent to Prophets by Allah

[Ref: Quran verse 2:213] & it was not duty of Prophets to

invent their own hadith-laws, nor any prophet told his

followers to follow other books than BOOKS of Allah.

“Quran 2:213 (Asad) ALL MANKIND were once one single

community; [then they began to differ] whereupon God

raised up the prophets as heralds of glad tidings and as

warners, and through them bestowed revelation from on

high, setting forth the truth, so that it might decide

between people with regard to all on which they had

come to hold divergent views. Yet none other than the

selfsame people who had been granted this [revelation]

began, out of mutual jealousy, to disagree about its

meaning after all evidence of the truth had come unto

them. But God guided the believers unto the truth about

which, by His leave, they had disagreed: for God guides

onto a straight way him that wills [to be guided].”

In fact, Quranic verse 5:44 clearly says that who makes

sharia laws from other books than Quran are “Kaafay-

roon” Kaafirs. So who makes Sharia laws not from Quran

but makes from Hadiths [That were in fact never said by

Prophet] books; he/she is a Kaafir. Pls read last part of

Quranic Verse 5:44. Honestly tell us now: Was Mr

Bukhari a Muslim or an enemy of Islam?

……..for they who do not judge in accordance with what

God has bestowed from on high [Quran] are, indeed,



Read commentary on verse 41:42 at:


Also read below how another Criminal Persian Hadith

Imam [disguised Pro-shia Zoroastrian] has attacked

Noble Quran

How another Crminal Persian Parsi uncle of Mushrik

hadithers, a Persian Hadith Imam is attacking Quran &

Islam by fabricating an other report in the name of

Hadith: This Imam is saying that verse of Rajam [stoning]

was eaten by goat of Aisha RA so Quran is incomplete as

this verse of Rajam & Woman’s chest suckling by any

wondering adult thug are Missing from Quran: Also this

Criminal Imam is telling u that all hadither’s wives, sisters

& daughters are allowed to call any street wondering

adult thug & can invite him to suckle on their chest 10


Reported ‘Aisha (RA): ‘the verse of stoning and of

suckling an adult ten times was revealed, and they were

(written) on a paper and kept under my pillow. When the

Messenger of Allah (PBUH) expired and we were

occupied by his death, a goat entered and ate away the

paper.’ Reference:(Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith 1944)

But still brainless Hadithers claim that these Books called

Sihae-sitta [6 books od Hadiths] are the most correct

books aftwe Quran. Have these Mushrik hadithers Any

honor? Any Sharf, or any shame? NOT AT ALL.

Very Important Note: adult breast feeding

Please note that this Persian hadith Imam of Sihae-Sitta

“Ibn Majah” [disguised Irani Kafir Zoroastrian] is trying to

destroy the foundations of Islam by announcing that 1-

Quran is incomplete book as verse of Rajam is missing

from it and 2- Any Muslim woman can invite any Adult

man to suckle his chest 10 times. Now you know & we

know that when a street walking adult-man will be

invited by a woman to suckle her chest; then what will be

the next step? After suckling her chest, he will unwear

her pents and will do Zina with her. Pls note in this

fabriacted hadith, Persian hadith Imams has emphasized

to suckle Woman’s chest 10 times in order to make sure

that woman will get hot enough; so that she will be ready

for next step Zina. That what was planning of these

Persian Criminal Imams – the enemies of Allah and

Rasool and Quarn and Islam; but majority of we foolish

Muslims consider them Saints even with out reading

their evil work so labeled as hadiths books, fully. Prophet

in fact never said these hadiths that their evil books

contain; because in the time of Prophet and four guided

Caliphs, it was FORBIDDEN to write any true-genuine

hadith of Prophet. An educated and honest Reader

knows well, that Quran forbids these evils like adult chest

suckling. So when Quran forbids evils; how Prophet can

order for doing an evil of adult breast feeding? Never.

Let now we see another Persian Pro-Shia Criminal Imam

of Hadith called Imam Muslim

It is written in his evil book labled as sahih Muslim:

“A’isha (Allah be pleased with, her) reported that it had

been revealed in the Holy Qur’an that ten clear sucklings

make the marriage unlawful, then it was abrogated (and

substituted) by five sucklings … (Sahih Muslim, Hadith


There is no any abrogation in Quran & Quran is

preserved & protected by Allah but These all Persian

criminal Imams were enemy of Islam [disguised Irani Fire-

shipper Zoroastrians] who insulted Islam in order to take

revenge from Islam beacuse Arabs crushed their Persian

Sassanid empire in 636AD to ground Zero. Another Bitter

Sabaite Pro-Shia Monafik Imam “Ahmed Bin Hanbal” has

spread same evil story too

Besides, In order to make whole Muslim Umma, a Nation

of Zani-Fornicators, these Persian Criminal Hadiths

Imams have also fabricated many so called Hadiths of

Muta or Mu’tah which is practiced by Shiite cult from

1200 yrs. What is Muta?

If a Shia thug wish to commit Zina with a shia woman

including her daughter, mother, Aunt, niece, sister; he

can make one hour or one day or one month [as it

happens in Iran every year with millions of shia Adult

girls] sex contract with her [Shia say it Muta Nikah], pay

her dowry i.e 5 dollar and then he does Zina with her.

After one hour, he will tear the agreement & that’s it.

Now read exact same words that we listened from a shia

scholar about muta.

we has once asked a Shia Scholar about detail of Muta;

who said that any Shia man can have sex [Zina] under

Muta with shia woman and also CONDITIONALLY even

with his real sister, mother, Aunt, daughter, Niece etc.

When we asked; Sir! what u mean “Conditionally'; he

said, before staring Muta he must use condom or silk

cloth to cover his male organ so that pregnancy can be

avoided and He said, there is no any punishment for this

abominal animal act. you also can watch this Fatwa of

that shia scholar at Youtube. Also note, that these

fabricated Muta hadiths can also be found in various

versions in Sunis six hadiths books too because all 6

Hadith Imams of Sunis were also born and lived in Shia

land of Persia and in fact they were disguised Pro-shia

Zoroastrians, enemy of Islam hidden under Taqiya. But

fortunately, except shiites no any other sect practice

Muta-zina. You know that there is hard punishment for

this kind of Zina in Quran. Shia Cult also try to twist the

meanings of some verses of Quran to validate that Muta-

Zina. Noble Quran has clearly explained just one standard

method of Marriage, and Quran does not have double


This is great pity that majority of our Ummma has been

brainwashed from past 1150 years from one generation

to next generation, and now majority of our Umma

[Muslim Nation] considers these Irani hadith Imams as

truthful big saints but in fact they were not just Kafirs but

were in fact enemy of Arabs, Rasool, Allah, Quran and

Islam. And it is very easy to judge them from their evil

books PROVIDE THAT, if one reads them fully.

But one may ask why they turned to enemy?

We have already given answer in middle part of this page

but we are repeating it again below for you as it is

important to know:

Answer is; that in 636AD there were two super Powers,

one Romans and other Persian Sassanid [Fire-shippers]

Parsi Irani Empire. In same one year of 636 AD, Muslims

crushed that both superpowers with just gap of 3 months

for each, in the time of Ummar The Great. In the field of

Qadsia, about 30000 strong Muslim Army crushed 60000

fully & heavily armed army of Persians. Read detail of this

battle at:

After this crushing defeat, Persian empire crumbled and

Persians felt deep insult and humiliation for their defeat

and started to plan to harm Islam by conspiracies. Detail

is given at: and

They claimed they have collected millions of hadiths and

after scrutiny they have selected only sahih hadiths, But

Persian historian Kasam Zada & others write; that in fact

they never collected a single hadith but fabricated them

with fabricated chains of narrations during 750-1258 AD

when Persians were full incharge of Abbasids

Government. So they got more than enough time around

508 years to deface Islam completely and during that 508

years, they fabricated books of hadith and Suuna [that

we see today], In fact before 672 AD, Muslims used to

have all laws from Quran and they were not aware about

the terms of hadith and Sunna until Persian Imams under

patronage of Persian-Abbasid Government fabricated

them. Their target to make these fabricated books of

hadith and sunna were:

1- To break the unity of One Umma [Muslim nation] that

was one umma under the roof of one Quran

2- To create sects through conflicting fabricated hadiths

in one Umma so that they should be fighting each other

always [and that we see from 1150 years].

3- To disable Quran, so that Muslims should forget Quran

and read their fabricated hadith books only. As it is

happening today. In jahil Muslim societies such as in

Pakistan, in fact sects give first position to their evil

books of so called Persian hadith and 2nd status to

Quran. For example if you tell Muslims of today that

Quran forbids sects in Islam in more than 5 verses and

declares sect maker as Mushriks and out of Islam; we will

get an immediate ready-made answer from that Jahil

Muslim that no no, there is sahih hadith that tells there

will be 73 sects in islam. Now here explicitly he is telling

you to forget what Quran says and follow the fabricated

Persian hadiths that they designed in order to validate

split of Muslim Umma.

4- So far these Criminal Persian Imams are succeeded in

their all evil strategy. We are ~57 countries and our all

GDP is less than the GDP of singapore that is a country of

mosquito size. We are ~57 countries but crusaders and

enemy of Islam are killing us beating us, raping us every

where on this planet. Because through hadith

fabrications, Muslim umma is split into over 500 sects

and in this way we have violated the law of Quran that

say ‘be united and you all catch the rope of Allah with

strong grip–> be one umma – be united. Allah has made

it clear in Sura Ra’ad of Quran that a nation that does not

tries to change his condition, Allah also does not change

its prevailing condition.

Real Islam is so simple so simple; that what Quran orders

to do, do it; What Quran forbids to do, do not do it, and

about what Quran is silent is optional to you and what is

optional to you, decide it with ur best sincere judgment

under the light of Quranic explicit and implicit laws[Fiq

Quran}. Quran explains itsself so you do not need any

Persian hadith or millions of man-made Tafsirs to

understand Quran. Read How Quran explain itself at:

It is simple to understand that what Quran has not made

Fard/mandatory on you is not FARD upon you.

Also, you will know, how another Criminal Persian Imam

“Abu Bakr Abd-Allah Abu Dawud Suleiman” [Son of Abu

Daud] have repeatedly attacked Quran in his very

popular Book [among Jahil Mullahs and Enemies of Islam]

“Kitab Al-Masahif” that he invented ~ 300 year after the

complete landing of Noble Quran. He has fabricated

many stories against Quran in order to discredit and

insult Quran. But the Most truthful witness is the witness

of Allah & not Shaitan son of Abu Daud; and Allah says in

Quran that Quran was fully downloaded to Prophet’s

heart in Ramadam and was FULLY present in Book form

in the life of Prophet with same arrangement that was

downloaded by Almighty upon the heart of Prophet thru

Wahi. Just see first verse of Sura Bakra “Zali-kal Kitaab”.

Allah is telling “THIS BOOK”. How you can be Quran then

a Book if it was written on bones,leather skins & on

pieces of stones etc as Persian Criminal Ibne Daud has

advertised in his evil book? All letters that Prophet wrote

to Romans and Persian Emperors were on paper, then

why Quran the most important final scripture not on

paper?. Also note that Paper was invented 800 yrs before

the landing of Quran But Persian criminal Imams have

fabricated many stories to discredit Quran by saying that

Quran was assembled by Abu Bakkar or by Uthman or by

Hafza etc all lies. O Muslims! for GOD sake, awake up






Now let we read what Allah says in Quran:

Whole Islamic law is contained in Quran. Quran is THE

BEST HADITH of Allah[39:23] & also is only the

AUTHENTIC HADITH OF Prophet[69:40-46].

The messenger’s duty is only to convey the Book [5:102;

16:35; 16:82; 24:54; 36:16-17; 14:52 etc.] + [2:213, 5:44]


The Koran is in detail & is made Easy to understand &

memorize [6:114; 2:159-160; 10:37; 11:11; 41:1-3; 22:16;

6:38; 12:111; 14:52; 17:89; 75:16-19; 18:54; 20:113;

39:27-28; 54:17; 25:33; 16:89; 54:17; 54:32; 54:40 etc.]


Extra-Quranic Hadiths are an innovation [6:112; 22:52;

17:73-77; 10:15; 16:116; 42:21; 10:69-70; 5:47-49; 7:28;

33:64-68; 6:123; 6:144; 49:16; 39:23; 45:6; 31:6; 52:33-

34; 31:20; 6:116; 2:170; 69:38-49;81:15-19; 51:7-11]

Allah in Quran 69:43-47 makes crystal clear that all

preserved Wahi sent to Prophet Muhammad PBUH is

contained only in Quran. So there is no any preserved

Wahi out side the Quran. Therefore, it is clearly proved

from verse 69:44, that preserved Wahi is only one type

that is contained in Quran [Not of two types matloo or

Jali, and ghair matloo or Khafi]. Verse # 69:44 makes it

clear as sun on sky that Personal sayings of Prophet are

NOT WAHI. Allah in these verses clearly says, that If

Prophet Muhammad had mixed his own sayings in

Quran, we could have seized him from his right hand &

could have cut his life-vein. This also proves that Imam

Shafi was among the biggest Mushriks and enemies of

Allah who first time in history misguided people by

saying that Wahi is of two types, one in Quran [matloo or

Jali] and one out side the Quran [ghair matloo or Khafi].

Besides Hadith books fabricated by Persian Imams 250

years after Prophet in the name of Prophet have

hundreds of thousands ridiculous errors and

contradictions, and we all know that any error or

contradiction in Kalam-Allah [Wahi] is IMPOSSIBLE.



also ONLY THE authentic hadith of Prophet [69:40-46]. So

when you follow Quran, its mean you are following both,

Allah and Prophet

Maulana Aslam Jairajpuri (1882-1955) – A distinguished

scholar of his time and professor of Arabic and Persian at

Aligarh University and Jamia Millia Islamia University


“When Allah showed me the facts of Qur’an at that point

I came to know the position of hadith in Qur’an, which is

history of Islam. To consider the hadith as Islam is not

correct. If they were in Islam, then prophet Muhammad

PBUH would also have left a written manuscript of these,

like he did in case of Qur’an. For Islam, Qur’an is enough

which is a complete book and in which Islam has been



Imam Shafi’i; Among the Top most criminals of Islam

Imam Naafe’ said, “Imam Shafi’i committed the most

grievous crime, calling Hadith as another form of

revelation. He equated Hadith with Wahi” (Reference:


When we see list of Criminals of Islam who harmed Islam

in 1400 years under the labels of Imam or Fiqih or

hadiths compiler [Mohaddith] or Scholar; we find name

of Imam Shafi at the top of list. No one has done more

harm to Islam than this disciple of Iblees. He was the first

who with the support of Pro-Persian Government of

Abbasids, equated gossip & hearsay of general public and

monaafiks [labeled as hadith and sunna] with Wahi of

Noble Quran & diverted majority of Jaahil Mullahs &

their brainless blindly-following fanatic pets from the

path of Rehman toward path of Shatan Iblees, the path

of Kufar and shirk. Evil work of this Shatan later lead to

the biggest attack on Noble Quran called “Doctrine of

Abrogation” that opened big door to declare any verse of

Quran ABROGATED to which fabricated hadiths

contradict. Please read in detail our note in this page

about the Lie of Abrogation.

Despite Quran makes clear in 69:40-47 that Personal

sayings of Prophet were not wahi. Besides, Prophet & 4

guided Caliphs strictly forbad writing of even the real

sayings of Prophet. Abu Bakar, Umar Khattab, Ali ibne

Abu Talib burned even al the real written sayings of

prophet where ever they found so that Umma should

follow only the BOOK that was given to Prophet by Allah.

References are given at the beginning of this page.

When we see limitless height of his crime; then for sure

this disciple of Iblees will be burning in Hell if Ghafoor-ur-

Raheem had not pardoned this Shatan. Quran explains

itself & Quran is absolutely not in need of the CRAP that

Imams, Scholars, Mullahs, Muftis, and retarded Faqihs

like Shatan Shafi has written. For the sake of argument,

even if we say that Shafi has also done some good works;

but even if he has done some works, his Crime discussed

above is so lofty that it offsets his all other good works if

he did any. He defaced the foundations of Islam

“Imam Shafi’i and Imam Malik were sodomites and

catamites” [Said by "Maulana" Yousuf Islahi of


According to Allama Khatib Baghdadi, ‘Imam’ Malik and

‘Imam’ Shafi’i used to have unnatural (rectal intercourse)

relationship with their wives quoting, “Your wives are

your tilths.” (Gharaib Fil Tahqiqil Mazahib).

Abu Hanifa said, “Be the curse of Allah on those who call

themselves Imams; Imam Malik, Shafii and Jafar Saadiq

were deceitful liars and sodomites. (Ref: Tahqiq-il-


When Quran says “Your wives are your tilths”

[Agriculture: the act or process of tilling land]; that never

mean to do rectal intercourse with wives because Nation

of Prophet Lut (Loot) was destroyed as they used to do

rectal intercourse. Then how Quran can allow rectal

intercourse with wives and forbids with boys? If Evildoers

of Nation of Lut had to do rectal intercourse with women

too then Prophet Lut was not in need of to advise

evildoers that you marry daughters of nation instead of

committing that evil act. “Your wives are your tilths”

mean simply that husband can do intercourse with wife

in any shape/style, up down, left, right etc. but

intercourse will be in that part of woman from where

child takes birth. When land is cultivated, it gives you

crops and when wife is cultivated properly by husband, it

too gives you crops=Children. How will one get that crop

if he does rectal intercourse? In Quran matters are

crystal clear and a person with basic common sense can

know the truth of Quran but why then so simple truth

was not understood by sodomites Shafi and Malik?

Answer is, that either both of them were big Jaahils or

were hypocrites/Monaafiks. At least one charge is true.

Big truth is, that vast majority of these Imams and

Mullahs of past were much more ignorant and jaahil than

even the evil Mullahs of today but Jaahil fanatics has

habit to idolize majority of oldies even if that majority of

oldies were disciples of Iblees and this disease is well

rooted in the blood of followers of one sect called Salfi.

Moreover, just note also name of Imam Malik above too.

How one can trust his book “Mowatta” when his author

was a filthy sodomite? Like Hadith books of Persian

Zoroastrian Imams, Small Book of Malik is also full of

fabricated lies. In this page, we have also told that Umar

Khattab and Aisha RA declared Abu Huraira a beggar,

fraud and a thief. But this thief is THE BIGGEST

CONTIBUTER of Hadith Books that were forged by

Persian imams. So how one sensible person will believe

on the narrations of a thief? Just use common sense. It is

very simple to understand the truth.

“Imam Shafi’I, being a great forger, is totally unreliable”.

(Reference: Imam Yahya Bin Moin in Jama’ Bayanul ‘Ilm)


Now please read below what Allah says in Quran about

Quran and Prophet Muhammad [Peace be upon him]

In verse 10:15, Allah says “When Our Messages are

conveyed to them in all clarity, those who hope not that

they are destined to meet with Us, (want to strike a deal

with the Messenger). They say, “Bring us a Qur’an other

than this or make some changes in it.” Say (O Prophet),

“It is not conceivable that I would alter it myself. I only

follow what is revealed to me. I cannot disobey my Lord,

for I fear the retribution of a Mighty Day.”

(Note: It is crystal Clear from this verse 10:15 again that

when Allah/Quran talks about Wahi/Revelations, it is

wahi of Quran only. Also read 69:40-47 & 72:1 & also

read Sura Abasa to reconform this point. So It is very

clear that Imam Shafi was the biggest Criminal of Islam

who first time equated Quranic Wahi with so called

Hadiths–> Hearsay & Gossip of hypocrites and general

public & Persian Zoroastrian Imams)

-Allah has taken the responsibility to explain it {the

Quran} (75:19).

-Allah says He has revealed the Quran and He will protect

it (15:9).

-Allah’s revelation to the Prophet (PBUH) is written in the

Quran (6:19). There is no verse in the Quran which says

that Allah’s revelation to the Prophet (PBUH) is outside

the Quran.

- Say, “I am not different from other messengers. I have

no idea what will happen to me or to you. I only follow

what is revealed [Wahi of Quran] to me. I am no more

than a plain warner.” (46:9)

- [O Prophet] Whether we show you what we promise

them, or terminate your life before that, your sole

mission is to deliver (the Message of Quran). It is us who

will call them to account. (13:40)

-O Prophet, Say:……..I but follow what Wahi is revealed

to me (Wahi of Quran)…………Please refer to verses: 6:50

& 7:203, 46:9. 10:15, 10:109, 13:130, 18:110, 20:114,

75:16, 21:108, 29:45, 38:29, 38:70, 39:27, 39:55, 39:65,

41:6, 42:7, 42:52, 72:1

-The Prophet (PBUH) was asked to obey the revelation

sent down on him (10:109).

-He was asked to follow the Quran (75:18).

-(O Prophet) Verily, you cannot guide aright everyone

you love, but it is Allah Who guides him who wishes to be

guided. And He is best Aware of those who will be rightly

guided. [28:56] Also read (2:272), (4:88), (10:99-100)

-Know, then, that Sublimely Exalted is Allah, the Ultimate

Sovereign, the Ultimate Truth. (O Prophet) Hasten not in

the learning and implementation of the Message of the

Qur’an before a particular revelation to you is

completed. These Messages given to you shall be

established in stages, but always say, “My Lord! Increase

me in knowledge.” (75:16).

-Allah required the Prophet (PBUH) to follow the blessed

Book sent down on him (6:155).

-The Prophet (PBUH) used to judge matters according to

the revelation sent down on him (5:48).

-Those who do not judge matters according to what Allah

has revealed (Quran) are Kaafirs (Quran 5:44).

-The Quran encompasses the message of earlier

revelations (5:48). So, the truth of earlier revelations is

now contained in the Quran.


-Allah has called the Quran “Tibyaanan li Kulli Shaiyin”

(16:89)”. This means it explains everything.

-The Prophet (PBUH) was required to solve all human

differences through the Quran (16:64).

-The Prophet (PBUH) was required to admonish & remind

people through the Quran (50:45).


“For, one Day, We shall raise from every community a

leading witness against them from among themselves.

And We shall call you (O Prophet) to testify regarding

those whom your Message has reached. The Book We

have revealed to you explains everything; a Guide and

Grace and the glad tiding for Muslims. Quran 16:89

To sum up:

So our dears, know that, what Quran makes Fard

/mandatory is Mandatory. If you find any practice or any

man-made ritual that Allah has not given in Noble Quran,

but still we see fanatics doing it, then it has to do nothing

with Islam. It was duty of all prophets to follow Books of

Allah and Prophet Muhammad for sure has followed that

duty too. Allah says his Book Quran is complete, fully

detailed & Protected. So our dears, If you follow the

Quran, then you are following ,both, Allah & Prophet and

you are REAL MUSLIM. But if you are following hadith

books that Persian Zoroastrain Imams fabricated 300

years after the death of Prophet; then You are neither

following Allah nor his last Prophet but then you are

doing Kufer [read verse 5:44] & following counterfeited

Persian brand of Islam that was forged during Abassids

rule from year 750 to year 1258 A.D. (508 years).

Abbasids were Pro-Persian and Pro-Zoroastrian Caliphs.

Even their mothers and wives and Tutors were Persian

Zoroastrians. Their all Ministers were from Bramka

Zoroastrian family. During that long Period pf 508 years,

they fabricated millions of Hadiths in the name of our

beloved Prophet and totally defaced Islam. Today

majority is following that Persian-Zoroastrian brand of

number-2 Islam. Persian’s Millennia Zoroastrian empire

were decomposed by Muslim Generals. So in order to

take revenge for their defeat, Persians started all-out

ideological war against Islam & fabricated millions of

Matans of Hadiths with millions of fake chains of

narrations to distort Islam & to by-pass Quranic laws & to

split ONE UMMA into countless sects. You are suggested

to read SOURCE Page of this page at:


planet-must-read. Please also read following great pages:


Some more great readings for all who are sincere truth

seekers; are as under:

All Hadith Imams hailed from Persia were Zoroastrian

hypocrites and worst adversaries of Quran, Messenger &




allah/A Great Page for Muslim Reverts .

Many unique topics discussed by Dr. Hafiz Abdu Samad


and at >>>>

A Great page about History of Hadiths – In fact an

encyclopedia on this subject at:

The best scholarly page at world wide web about the life

of Prophet Esia/Jesus PBUH at:

Actual age of Aisha at marriage was 48 years.



Pedophilia is Crime in Islam


What is meaning of word RAFA in Quranic verse 4:158

Abrogation is the greatest lie against Quran.


Rajam (stoning) is not punishment of Quran/Islam but of

Jews. #Great #Reading



A list of some Satanic innovations blended in Islam during




Video must be watched by all Muslims “Hadith Books,

the biggest Persian Conspiracy against Quran”.

What Quran says about Hijab? A great reading.



What happens in Grave after death? A must for all 7

billion people of



Jesus had a human father. Read exposition of Sura

Maryam at



#Jesus #Isa is dead as per Quran & history & dead never

return. Qadiani R Liars & Mullahs R Pigs.


Core Message of Quran.



What 2nd-Last Prophet of Islam said about Woman?




Following are the most truthful pages of Present time. Be

ready to face bitter and shocking TRUTH.

1- Why no any detail of 5 #Namaz Prayers in Complete &

Fully detailed Quran? #GREAT #READING #Hadith




2- What was actual age of Aisha RA at the time of




3- Pedophillia is Crime in Islam.


4- True history of #Hadith. A MUST reading for all

Muslims; & Non-Muslims who R interested in Theology.



5- Persian #Hadith Imams were Zoroastrian hypocrites &

worst adversaries of Quran, Messenger & Allah. #Proof:



6- A list of some innovations that were blended in Islam

during Abbasid Period from year 750-1258 A.D.



7- Rajam (stoning) is not punishment of Quran/Islam but

of Jews. #Great #Reading



8- Hadith Books forged by Defeated Persian Zoroastrian

250-400 years after the death of Prophet is the biggest

conspiracy against Quran. Watch this great video fully.

9- True History of Hadiths: A Great Reading for honest

and unbiased Truth Seekers.

10- What is mening of word “Rafa” used in verse 4:158 of

Quran. Great explanation; as Quran explains itself.

11- What Quran says about Hijab? A great reading.



12- True History of Hadiths – A Must Reading for all.



13- Abrogation, the greatest lie against Quran.




14- Core Message of Noble Quran is not rituals but



15- #Jesus #Isa is dead as per Quran & history & dead

never return. Qadiani R Liars & Mullahs R Pigs.


16- Jesus had a human father. Read exposition of Sura

Maryam at



17- A Fantastic Biography of Abu Hurairah R.A – A Must

for all educated Muslims. Will refresh ur Imaan.



18- What happens in #Grave #after #death? MUST BE



19- Whole Truth of True-Real-Islam just in one picture:

20- Best site on the life of Jesus that tells U ultimate

Truth about his life with tons of evidence>>

21- Quotes of TOP Muslim scholars in past 1400 years

about Ascension and Return of Eisa PBUH. Very

informative page – Must be read by all

22- Why there is no any detail of 5 daily Namaz Prayers in

Quran despite Allah says, his Book is complete and fully

detailed. Full truth just in one picture at:


23- How & who fabricated hadiths against Woman,

despite Quran gives Lady more respect than man?



24- There is ONLY AND ONLY one way to understand

Quran correctly, and that is to understand Quran only by

quran. If you will try to understand Quran through

Persian’s forged hadith Books, Mullahs made Shan-e-

Nazools, contexts, fake Fiqa & Tafseers; you will never

understand Quran properly even if you try it for 100

years. Quran explains itself, as it has its own built-in

dictionary. Read or download one of the greatest works

of all times in pdf format: How Quran explains itself?