the study on the administration of - IIUM Student Repository

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A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for

the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Law

Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws

International Islamic University


MARCH 2013



The objective of this thesis is to analyse the administration of ancillary matters after

divorce in the Kadhis‟ Courts in Zanzibar. This study examines the current law and

practice in administering ancillary matters among the parties after divorce. In this

respect, this study details many cases which prove that there is no proper provisions

and procedure which guide the Kadhis‟ Courts towards the proper administration of

ancillary matters after divorce. The study analyses the current administration of

ancillary matters after divorce in the Kadhis‟ Courts with the aim of identifying the

strengths and weaknesses of the present law. This study showed the shortcomings in

the administration of these matters before the Kadhis‟ Courts. Thus, the decided cases

collected from these courts prove to be significant in demonstrating the current

practices on the administration of these matters. A qualitative method which involves

unstructured interview, observation and collection of cases techniques was also

adopted. Again, a comparative study with other jurisdictions particularly Malaysia has

immensely contributed to this study. This study revealed that, though under Islamic

law the administration of ancillary matters after divorce is very crucial and need

special considerations, in Zanzibar, the Kadhis‟ Courts have no proper procedure and

mechanism to administer these matters. Thus, failure of having the comprehensive

provisions has caused many weaknesses and loopholes in the present administration of

Kadhis‟ Courts in dealing with ancillary matters in Zanzibar. Though there is a clear

involvement of the court on the issue of deferred mahr but the procedures and

enforcement measures in acquiring this right is still questionable. The study has also

shown that there is need to incorporate particular provisions within the Kadhis‟ Courts

Act which will not only extend the jurisdiction of these courts but also guide Kadhis

on administering ancillary matters that accrue after divorce. Due to the notable

outcomes of the major reforms which have taken place in Malaysia towards the

administration of Islamic family law including the administration of ancillary matters

after divorce under Sharī’ah Courts, its model has been adopted as a springboard for

the intended reform in the Kadhis‟ Courts in Zanzibar. It is evidenced from the

decided cases that, the proper administration of ancillary matters in Malaysia is not

only the result of proper provisions dealing with the matters but also the effective case

management under the Sharī’ah Courts. However, careful considerations have been

taken to ensure that the proposed reform suits the local circumstances, while at the

same time, emphasis is given on the need to re-orientate the society as well as the

Kadhis on how to deal with the cases involving the administration of ancillary matters

among the parties after divorce. Therefore, taking into consideration the Malaysian

model, the study has proposed particular provisions to be incorporated in the Kadhis‟

Courts Act in order to ensure the proper administration of ancillary matters after

divorce in Zanzibar.


ملخص البحث

ىدف ىذه األطروحة ىو حتليل معاجلة األمور التبعية للطالق يف حماكم القضاة احمللية يف زجنبار. فيدرس طراف عقب الطالق. يف ىذا الصدد، ىذا البحث القانون احلايل وتطبيقو يف معاجلة األمور التبعية لأل

تسرد ىذه الدراسة العديد من احلاالت اليت تثبت عدم وجود أحكام وإجراءات حمددة ومناسبة ترشد حماكم القضاة يف إدارة األمور التبعية عقب الطالق. وحَتّلل الدراسة املعاجلة احلالية لألمور التبعية للطالق

احلاالتف وىكذا، مواطن القوة والضعف يف القانون احلايل.يف حماكم القضاة هبدف التعّرف على . وقد ىذه املسائل معاجلة يف املمارسات احلالية ُتظهر بوضوح ىذه احملاكم اليت مت مجعها من رة املقر

واملالحظةغري املهيكلة، ت ىذه الدراسة طريقة البحث النوعي الذي يشمل املقابلة اعتمداملاليزية ال سيما القضائية األخرى اهليئات مع قارنةاملدراسة وأيضاً، ال. احلاالتأساليب ومجع من كون أنو على الرغم ىذه الدراسة وكشفت. ىذه الدراسة بشكل كبري يف تسامه

اعتبارات وحتتاج إىل بالغ األمهية اً أمر لشريعة اإلسالميةحسب ا بعد الطالق التبعية األمور معاجلة. ىذه املسائل ة ملعاجلةاملناسبات واآلليات اإلجراء ا لديه تليس يف زجنبارإال أن حماكم القضاة خاصة

من مواطن العديدعن ةشامل قانونية حمددة و أحكام وجود عدم أسفرقد وبالتايل،على الرغم .يف زجنبار التبعية املسائل يف التعامل مع القضاة حملاكم احلالية دارةيف اإل والثغرات الضعف

يف اإلجراءات وتدابري اإلنفاذ إال أن املؤجل املهر شأن قضيةيف احملكمة من واضح تدخل وجود منإدراج إىل أن ىناك حاجة أيضا الدراسة وقد أظهرت . موضع تساؤل ال يزال ىذا احلق احلصول على

سُُتشد أيضاو ىذه احملاكم بل اختصاص تُوسع فقط اليت لنم القضاة حماك قانون يف خاصة أحكام انطالق كنقطة النموذج املاليزي اعتماد . متبعد الطالق حتصلاليت التبعية األمور معاجلة القضاة يف

لإلصالحات امللموسة النتائج بسبب زجنبار وذلك يف القضاة حماكم يف املقصود اإلصالح لعملية الطالق بعد التبعية األمور إدارة ذلك يف مبا اإلسالمي األسرة قانون إدارة يف ماليزيا حققتها اليت الرئيسية

ماليزيا يف التبعية للمسائل السليمة املعاجلة بأن فيها ُبت اليت احلاالت من ويتجلى .الشرعية حماكمها يف للحاالت الفعالة اإلدارة يف أيضا ولكن األمور مع التعامل يف حمددة ومناسبة ألحكام نتيجة فقط ليست

املنشود اإلصالح أن من للتأكد بعناية االعتبارات اختاذ مت فقد ذلك، ومع .الشرعية احملاكم ظل يف اجملتمع توجيو إعادة إىل احلاجة على الُتكيز يتم نفسو، الوقت يف بينما احمللية، األوضاع مع يتناسب

بعد األطراف بني التبعية األمور مبعاجلة املتعلقة القضايا مع التعامل كيفية حول القضاة عن فضال قانون يف إلدراجها وحمددة معينة أحكام الدراسة اقُتحت املاليزي، النموذج وبناًء على اعتبار .الطالق .زجنبار يف الطالق بعد التبعية لألمور املعاجلة َسري حسن ضمان أجل من القضاة حماكم



The thesis of Mwinyi Talib Haji has been examined and is approved by the following:


Mahamad Arifin



Norliah Ibrahim



Roslina Che Soh

Internal Examiner


Mohd Na‟im Mokhtar

External Examiner


Mohamad Fauzan Noordin




I hereby declare that this thesis is the result of my own investigations, except where

otherwise stated. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently

submitted as a whole for any other degrees at IIUM or other institutions.

Mwinyi Talib Haji

Signature ………………….. Date ……………………............





Copyright © 2013 by Mwinyi Talib Haji. All rights reserved.




No part of this unpublished research may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,

or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,

recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder

except as provided below.

1. Any material contained in or derived from this unpublished research

may only be used by others in their writing with due acknowledgement.

2. IIUM or its library will have the right to make and transmit copies

(print or electronic) for institutional and academic purposes.

3. The IIUM library will have the right to make, store in a retrieval

system and supply copies of this unpublished research if requested by

other universities and research libraries.

Affirmed by Mwinyi Talib Haji.

………………………… ..……………….

Signature Date


In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

This dissertation is dedicated to my dear parents, Mr. Talib Haji Jecha and Mrs.

Maua Mwinyi Haji.



All praise be to Allah S.W.T. by whose infinite Mercy and Guidance for being able to

complete this thesis attributing all to His blessings. First of all, I owe my supervisor,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahamad Arifin, gratitude for his guidance and advice throughout

my studies. His diligence, analytical competence and constructive critical observations

served as an inspiration to me and play a pivotal role in producing the thesis in its

present form. I also express my most sincere appreciation to my co-supervisor Dr.

Norliah Ibrahim for her encouragements, supports, and professional insights in

directing me along this journey. My limitless gratitude also goes to the Administration

of the International Islamic University Malaysia for given the opportunity to complete

my program. My acknowledgements would be incomplete without extend my thanks

to all lecturers and staff of Kulliyyah of Laws for their helps and supports throughout

my studies.

I express my deep sense of gratitude to the Dārul Imān Charitable Organisation

and Zanzibar University for their financial assistance of this study from November

2009 to June 2012. To this effect, I take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks

and gratitude to Prof. Dr. Mustafa A. A. Roshash, Vice-Chancellor of Zanzibar

University for his scholarly patronage, appreciation and concern for intellectual

attainment and development of human resources that inspired us to aspire for the

optimum height of academic excellence.

I would like to acknowledge many people who were helpful to me during the

research, study and the fieldwork. First and foremost I wish to express my deep

gratitude to the Registrar of Zanzibar High Court, Office of Registrar General,

Archives‟ Department, Office of Chief Kadhi and all selected Kadhis‟ Courts in

Zanzibar for the cooperation in giving me all the necessary information I needed in

completing my doctoral thesis.

For their suggestions and encouragement, I wish to record my appreciation to

my friends and colleagues, especially Mr. Mahmoud Abdulwahab Alawi, Advocate

Omar Mmad Mwarab, Mr. Yahya Khamis Hamad, Mr. Masoud Rashid Mohamed,

Hon. Issa Haji Ussi (Gavu), Mr. Abdulrahman Mohammed Dedes, and Mr. Rashid

Aziz Mukky. I take this opportunity to express my profound thanks to Dr. Ben O.

Emikpe for his assistance in editing work.

My utmost gratitude is to my father Talib Haji Jecha and my mother Maua

Mwinyi Haji for their encouragements, enormous support and constant love. They

have jointly been the source of inspiration that propels me to work harder. Their

guidance made me reach my goal of higher education. I also want to express my

heartfelt gratitude to my brother Haji Talib Haji for his supports all the while.

Last but not least to my dearest wife Fatma Omar Ali. I would like to express

my deepest and most profound emotional appreciation to her during the period of my

doctoral research, along with her endless support for my academic pursuits. I am most

grateful for her unstinting belief, understanding, tolerance and emotional

encouragement throughout the writing process. Without her support, none of this

would have been possible. May Allah reward you abundantly and grant you success in

your academic career too. To you all, I conclude by beseeching Allah to reward you:

Jazākumullahu khairan fī al-dunyā wa al-ākhirah!



Abstract .................................................................................................................... ii

Abstract in Arabic .................................................................................................... iii

Approval Page .......................................................................................................... iv

Declaration Page ...................................................................................................... v

Copyright Page ......................................................................................................... vi

Dedication ................................................................................................................ vii

Acknowledgements .................................................................................................. viii

List of Tables ........................................................................................................... xiii

List of Figures .......................................................................................................... xiv

List of Cases ............................................................................................................. xv

List of Statutes ......................................................................................................... xx

List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................... xxii

Translitaration .......................................................................................................... xxiii


1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................ 1

1.1 Objectives of the Study ......................................................................... 7

1.2 Statement of the Problem ...................................................................... 7

1.3 Research Questions ............................................................................... 8

1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study ........................................................ 8

1.5 Research Methodology.......................................................................... 10

1.6 Literature Review .................................................................................. 15


2.0 Introduction ............................................................................................ 28

2.1 Zanzibar in General Perspective ............................................................ 28

2.2 General Overview on Zanzibar Legal System ....................................... 31

2.3 Historical Background of Kadhis‟ Courts in Zanzibar .......................... 35

2.4 The Establishment of Kadhis‟ Courts and Its Position .......................... 43

2.4.1 Zanzibar Constitution of 1984 ..................................................... 43

2.4.2 High Court Act No. 2 of 1985 ...................................................... 50

2.4.3 Kadhis‟ Courts Act No. 3 of 1985 ............................................... 52

2.5 Power and Jurisdiction of Kadhis‟ Courts ............................................. 53

2.6 Rule of Evidence and Procedure Applied in the Kadhis‟ Courts ........... 56

2.7 Appointment and Qualifications of Kadhis ............................................ 65

2.7.1 Appointment of Kadhi, Chief Kadhi and Deputy Chief Kadhi .... 67

2.7.2 Qualifications of Kadhis .............................................................. 68

2.8 Hierarchy of Appeals under Kadhis‟ Courts .......................................... 72

2.8.1 Appeals from District Kadhis‟ Court to the High Court .............. 72

2.8.2 The Preclusion of Tanzania Court of Appeal ............................... 77

2.9 Conclusion .............................................................................................. 82



3.0 Introduction ............................................................................................ 84

3.1 The Trend of Divorce Rate in Zanzibar ................................................. 84

3.2 Reasons for the Increasing Rate of Divorce in Zanzibar ....................... 89

3.2.1 Life Difficulties ............................................................................ 90

3.2.2 Drunkenness ................................................................................. 91

3.2.3 Lack of Pre-Marriage Education .................................................. 93

3.2.4 Failure of the Parents to Play Their Role ..................................... 95

3.3 Divorce for Muslims as practiced in Zanzibar ....................................... 97

3.3.1 Talāq i.e. Repudiation by the Husband ........................................ 112

3.3.2 Divorce by Judicial Decree .......................................................... 128 Khulu’ i.e. Divorce by Redemption ................................... 128 Fasakh (Judicial Annulment) and its Grounds .................. 145 Misinterpretation made by Kadhis on Fasakh and

Khulu’ ............................................................................................ 159

3.4 Conclusion .............................................................................................. 162


UNDER KADHIS’ COURTS IN ZANZIBAR .................................................... 164

4.0 Introduction ........................................................................................... 164

4.1 Mahr or Dower ....................................................................................... 164

4.1.1 The Concept of Mahr in Islam ..................................................... 164

4.1.2 Position of Deferred Mahr ........................................................... 172

4.2 Recovery of Deferred Mahr as Practiced in Zanzibar .................... 174

4.2.1 Awareness of the Parties .............................................................. 176

4.2.2 Mechanism used in Kadhis‟ Courts ............................................. 178

4.3 Maintenance and Residence during „Iddah ............................................ 183

4.3.1 Position of Maintenance of Wife in Islam ................................... 183

4.3.2 Islamic Perception on Maintenance and Residence during

„Iddah .................................................................................................... 185

4.3.3 The issues of Maintenance and Residence as Perceived in

Zanzibar................................................................................................. 192 Awareness of the Parties .................................................... 192 Involvement of Kadhis‟ Courts .......................................... 195

4.4 Mut’ah or Consolatory Gift .................................................................... 197

4.4.1 The Concept of Mut’ah in Islam .................................................. 198

4.5 Mut’ah as Practiced in Zanzibar ............................................................ 200

4.5.1 Awareness of the Parties .............................................................. 200

4.5.2 Involvement of Kadhis‟ Courts .................................................... 201

4.6 Distribution of Matrimonial Property .................................................... 202

4.6.1 The Concept of Property and Its Ownership in Islam .................. 203

4.6.2 The Purpose of Dividing the Matrimonial Property .................... 207

4.7 Distribution of Matrimonial Property as Practiced in Zanzibar ............. 210

4.7.1 Awareness of the Spouses ............................................................ 212

4.7.2 Involvement of Kadhis‟ Court on Administering Matrimonial

Cases ..................................................................................................... 215

4.8 The Law and Procedures applied by Kadhis‟ Courts in administering

Ancillay Matters ........................................................................................... 220

4.9 Conclusion .............................................................................................. 223




ZANZIBAR ............................................................................................................ 225

5.0 Introduction ........................................................................................... 225

5.1 Background to the Introduction of Family Law in Malaysia ................. 226

5.2 Power of the Sharī’ah Courts to Administer Ancillary Matters ............ 230

5.3 Administration of Deferred Mahr in Malaysia ...................................... 231

5.4 The Rights to Residence and Maintenance during „Iddah ..................... 234

5.5 Mut’ah as a Statutory Right in Malaysia ................................................ 243

5.5.1 The Issue of Wife‟s Right to Mut’ah ........................................... 244

5.5.2 Quantum to be given for Mut’ah .................................................. 247

5.6 Harta Sepencarian or Distribution of Joint Owned Property ................ 253

5.6.1 Definition of Harta Sepencarian ................................................. 253

5.6.2 Historical Background of Harta Sepencarian.............................. 257

5.6.3 Provision Relating to Harta Sepencarian .................................... 263

5.6.4 Joint Efforts and the Sole Effort Property .................................... 271

5.6.5 The Position of EPF money ......................................................... 273

5.6.6 Proportion Based on Division ...................................................... 276

5.7 Steps Taken by Department of Sharī’ah Judiciary and Sharī’ah

Court….. ....................................................................................................... 279

5.7.1 Court-annexed Sulh ...................................................................... 279

5.7.2 The Establishment of Family Support Division .......................... 282

5.7.3 Issuance of Practice Directions by the Chief Justice of

Sharī’ah Court ....................................................................................... 284

5.7.4 E-Syariah ...................................................................................... 286

5.8 Provisions Dealing with Ancillary Matters in Other Jurisdictions ........ 288

5.8.1 Singapore ..................................................................................... 288

5.8.2 Brunei ........................................................................................... 294

5.8.3 Morocco ....................................................................................... 300

5.9 Relevancy of This Model to Kadhis‟ Courts in Zanzibar ...................... 304

5.10 Conclusion ............................................................................................ 306

CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................ 308

6.1 Summary ............................................................................................... 308

6.2 Recommendations .................................................................................. 311

6.3 Conclusion .............................................................................................. 314

Proposed Provisions on the Administration of Ancillary Matters after Divorce

in the Kadhis’ Courts Act in Zanzibar ................................................................ 316

BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................. 330

APPENDIX I Zanzibar Map ................................................................................... 352

APPENDIX II Claims Filed to the Kadhis Courts within the Regions in

Unguja Island ........................................................................................................... 353

APPENDIX III Claims Filed to the Kadhis Courts in Unguja Island .................... 354


APPENDIX IV Divorce Certificate ........................................................................ 355

APPENDIX V Marriage Certificate........................................................................ 356

APPENDIX VI List of Interviewees ...................................................................... 357



Table No. Page No.

3.1 Percentage of claims brought before the Kadhis‟s courts in

Unguja Island




Figure No. Page No.

3.1 Number of marriage and divorce per year in Unguja Island 92




Chief Kadhis’ Court/Appellate Kadhis’ Court

Amina Iddi Uledi v Rashid Abdalla Makame, Civil Appeal No. 8 of 2008

Ali Juma Ali v Mpaji Pandu Machano, Civil Appeal No. 24 of 2005

Asia Bakar Mussa v Ali Abrahman Ali, Civil Appeal No. 13 of 2010

Fadhil Haji Shaame v Mtumwa Suleiman Omar, Civil Appeal No. 49 of 2005

Juma Abdi Yakuti v Salama Abdi Salum, Civil Appeal No. 11 of 2008

Nasra Nassor Moh’d v Suleiman Marhun Hemed, Civil Appeal No. 187 of 2008

Suleiman Khatib Haufi v Mtumwa Bakari Seif, Civil Appeal No. 54 of 2009

Tabia Yusuf Hassan v Othman Abdulla Msuya, Civil Appeal No. 30 of 2005

District Kadhis’ Court of Kariakoo

Hawa Miraji Sadik v Abdul-Rahman Seif Juma, Civil Case No. 112 of 2004

Rehema Ali Mati v Matao Juma Matao, Civil Case No. 162 of 2003

Salama Shekhani Moh’d v Khalfan Said Seif, Civil Case No. 148 of 2005

Saumu Jamanda Tuwa v Ali Moh’d Hamdu, Civil Case No. 153 of 2005

Shahira Shaban Khamis v Makame Khamis Shaali, Civil Case No. 178 of 2005

District Kadhis’ Court of Makunduchi

Hazina Issa Ameir v Iddi Hababu Khamis, Civil Case No. 3 of 2010

Namboto Hassan Kesi v Hassan Abdalla Hussein, Civil Case of 2009

Salma Khamis Haji v Mohd Haji Kisube, Civil Case No. 5 of 2010

Tatu Ameir Ramadhan v Maulid Abdallah Ali, Civil Case No. 6 of 2010

Tatu Ameir v Haji Suleiman Makame, Civil Case No. 5 of 2009

District Kadhis’ Court of Mfenesini

Asma Shauri Kombo v Haji Muhamadi Hamdu, Civil Case No. 35 of 2009

District Kadhis’ Court of Mkokotoni

Abdulmalik v Mariam, Civil Case No. 44 of 1999

Fatma Juma Zubeir v Khamis Omar Mussa, Civil Case No. 46 of 2009

Fatma Kheir Issa v. Omar Zahor, Civil Case No. 7 of 2010

Hamad Haji v Msimu Buheti Kheir, Civil Case No. 1 of 2009

Hamdu v Rukia, Civil Case No. 38 of 1999

Makame v Mwajuma, Civil Case No. 36 of 1999

Miza Faki Ali v Hija Khamis Hija, Civil Case No. 18 of 2007

Mtumwa Makame Moh’d v Ali Kibata Mussa, Civil Case No. 135 2009

Patima Kheri Shaha v Sheha Pandu Mdungi, Civil Case No. 6 of 2010

Patima Shame Juma v Mshihiri Vuai Haji, Civil Case No. 9 of 2009

Sheha Zubeir Haji v Haji Ame Majuto & Pili Haji Ame, Civil Case No. 52 of 2009

Wachewaseme Mati Wadi v Ame Haji Ame, Civil Case No. 22 of 2010


District Kadhis’ Court of Mwanakwerekwe

Abdulla Ussu Alaiya v Salha Matias Ndude, Civil Case No. 459 of 2009

Amina Khamis Yussuf v Khamis Rashid Ali, Civil Case No. 22 of 2010

Arafa Mussa Soud v Mgeni Ibrahim Mussa, Civil Case No. 378 of 2008

Asha Mussa Iddi v Yussuf Mwadini Silima, Civil Case No. 257 of 2010

Asia Juma Chumu v Abdalla Juma Abdalla, Civil Case No. 225 of 2008

Asra Rashid Mselem v Habesh Yusuf Moh’d, Civil Case No. 347 of 2008

Biubwa Said Ali v Moh’d Yahya, Civil Case No. 389 of 2007

Chida Khamis Makame v Ali Mcha Khamis, Civil Case No. 683 of 2005

Chiku Abdalla Shaaban v Said Emanuel Juma, Civil Case No. 55 of 2008

Fatma Ali Hassan v Suleiman Mohamed Ali, Civil Case No. 315 of 2010

Fatma Juma Mzee v Salum Ali Chaku, Civil Case No 297 of 2007

Gheitha Rashid Nassor v Shabir Abdulrahman Moh’d, Civil Case No. 349 of 2010

Fatma Sinani Sarahani v Masoud Sultan Abdalla, Civil Case No. 359 of 2008

Hawa Kombo Khamis v Moh’d Kombo Khamis, Civil Case No. 313 of 2008

Idda Khamis Moh’d v Ally Ramadhan Vuai, Civil Case No. 151 of 2008

Jamila Benald Juwakim v Masoud Moh’d Masoud, Civil Case No. 412 of 2010

Khadija Iddi Omar v Ali Kalima Shija, Civil Case No 1 of 2008

Khadija Juma Rashid v Ali Makame Mtwana, Civil Case No 292 of 2010

Leila Omar Moh’d v Fakih Mwalim Fakih, Civil Case No. 21 of 2008

Maryam Abdalla Kheir v Juma Ali Kai, Civil Case No. 411 of 2010

Maryam Said Washoto v Salum Abdalla Nassor, Civil Case No. 496 of 2009

Mauwa Othman Khamis v Omar Zubeir Ali, Civil Case No. 52 of 52 of 2008

Maryam Rashid Khamis v Yahya Bakar Khamis, Civil Case No. 495 of 2007

Miza Mjombo Machano v Mtumwa Said Haji, Civil Case No. 260 of 2010

Mtumwa Ame Jecha v Stahabu Simai Mvuma, Civil Case No. 145 of 2007

Mtumwa Ramadhani Ali v Ramadhan Hussein, Civil Case No. 347 of 2008

Mwanaidi Haji Ali v Ramadhan Mselem Rajab, Civil Case No. 408 of 2010

Mwanaid Khamis Juma v Othman Hamad, Civil Case No. 391 of 2010

Nadra Ali Salum v Moh’d Salum Abdalla, Civil Case No. 10 of 2008

Naima Foum Bakari v Ramadhani Haji, Civil Case No 227 of 2008

Rahma Hamad v Suleiman Ameir Hamad, Civil Case No. 76 of 2008

Rahma Suleiman Seif v Abubakar Ahmed Abubakar, Civil Case No. 14 of 2008

Riziki Khamis Haji v Khamis Othman Haji, Civil Case No. 95 of 2008

Salama Assaa Juma v Ali Abeid Haji, Civil Case No. 71 of 2007

Salma Omar Moh’d v Salum Said Khamis, Civil Case No. 456 of 2006

Salum Ali Awadh v Rehema Abdalla, Civil Case No. 440 of 2007

Samina Ngowa Hamad v Ramadhan Omar Manyale, Civil Case No. 333 of 2007

Siti Ali Maalim v Moh’d Omar Moh’d, Civil Case No. 107 of 2008

Tatu Omar Ame v Said Habibu Khalfan, Civil Case No. 453 of 2010

Tatu Andrea v Mpemba Moh’d Mpemba, Civil Case No. 8 of 2008

Tatu Moh’d Omar v Jaala Bakari Jecha, Civil Case No. 604 of 2005

Ummy Saleh Juma v Mwinyi Mrisho Mahamoud, Civil Case No. 14 of 2007

Wahida Abdalla Balozi v Mtumwa Said Haji, Civil Case No. 284 of 2010

Zainab Abdul-Ghulam Hassan v Hassan Abdalla Hassan, Civil Case No. 16 of 2008

Zanini Mkuko Vuai v Rajab Abubakari, Civil Case No. 30 of 2008


District Kadhis’ Court of Mwera

Riziki Mohamedi Muhina v Rashid Bakar, Civil Case No. 14 of 2009

High Court

Ali Othman Bawazir v Maryam John Chande, Civil Appeal No. 12 0f 2002

Asha Abdalla Othman v Ali Muhsin Mohamed, Civil Case No. 9 of 2009

Biubwa Moh’d Said v Feisal Ali Sultan, Civil Appeal No. 13 of 2009

Haji Mcha Haji v Mkasi Ali Sheha, Civil Appeal No. 89 of 2001

Idrissa Hussein Mrisho v Sihaba Soud Waziri, Civil Appeal No. 30 of 2009

Jamal Moh’d Njati v Zainab Bakar Imba, Civil Appeal No. 12 of 2008

Juma Mrisho Matogo v Zakia Juma Shamte, Civil Appeal No. 24 of 2006

Khadija Mussa Hassan v Ali Moh’d Ali, Civil Appeal No. 37 of 2009

Makame Simai Haji v Tatu Kombo Suleiman, Civil Appeal No. 47 of 2005

Masoud Ali Kombo et al v Khalid Ali Kombo, Civil Appeal No. 16 of 1987

Mohamed Issa Abdalla and Husna Rashid Ali v Daudi Bakar Nyange and Maryam

Mohamed Issa, Civil Appeal No. 15 of 2005

Nassor Moh’d Ali v Mafunda Bakar Khamis, Civil Appeal No. 29 of 2008

Nassor Moh’d Ali v Mafunda Bakar Khamis, Civil Appeal No. 29 of 2008

Pili Pongwa Khamis v Ishau Abdalla Khami‟s Civil Appeal No. 19 of 2005

Shaaban Sabour Khamis v Maryam Msabah Muumin, Civil Appeal No. 38 of 2006

Regional Court at Vuga

Abdi Yakuti Nassor v Siti Abdalla Suleiman, Civil Appeal No. 18 of 2000

Hindiye Ali Abdalla v Hashim Ali Juma, Civil Case No. 73 of 2002

Husna Issa Seif v Idrisa Mussa Rashid, Civil Case No. 88 of 2001

Mkasi Ali Sheha v Haji Mcha Haji, Civil Case No. 89 of 1999

Shegele Khatib Hassan v Nachiya Hassan, Civil Appeal No. 10 of 2002

Shumbana Azizi Moh’d v Hamad Abdalla Bakar, Civil Appeal No. 12 of 2004

Zainab Abdalla Mussa v Mustafa Maulid Thabit, Civil Case No. 21 of 2007

Zulfa Lawrence Frank v Yussuf Uwesu Sultan, Civil Appeal No. 8 of 2010

Tanzania Court of Appeal

Mohamed Rafik Ishaq & Another v Anwar Hussein Jaffer & 2 Others, Civil Appeal

Case No. 35 of 1994

Zanzibar Archives

Amina bt Haji v Ali b. Omar ZNA, HC10/3302 (Unreported)

Hamida bt Machano v Yusuf Amani ZNA, HC10/3447

Khamisa bt Fundi v Ali bin Thawab ZNA, HC10/1122 (Unreported)

Mtumwa bt Athmani v Hamad bin Khamis ZNZ, HC10/1198



Abdul Mohammad v Dayang Juliana MRHS/MAL/BM/106/2006

Dayangku Hajah Johanar v Pengiran Darussalam TSP/BM29/2002

Gani v Hayati MRHS/MAL/BM/234/2006

Haji Zainuddin v. Norainah MRHS/MAL/BM 548/2005


Hajah Norbiah v Haji Awang Danilt MRHS/MAL/BM/447/2004

Hajah Siti Rugayah v Haji Roslan MRHS/MAL/BM/366/2005

Norshalina v Pengiran Mahari MRHS/MAL/BM/529/2006

Pengiran Mohd Yussof v Dayang Erni Hayati@Nurul Hidayah



Mohammad Ahmed Khan v Shah Bano Begum AIR 1985 SC 925


Abdul Rahman bin Ayob v Timah bt. Sulaiman (2000) Sharī’ah Appeal Court of

Negeri Sembilan, 8/2000 (Unreported)

Ahmad Shah bin Ahmad Tabrani v Norhayati bt Yusoff (2004) 17 JH 33

Ainon bte Abdul Aziz v Roslan bin Abdul Rashid [2006] 4 ShLR 88

Aminah bt Ahmad v Zaharah bt Sharif & Ors [2008] 3 ShLR 56

Boto v Jaafar [1985] 2 MLJ 98

Commissioner for Religious Affairs, Trengganu & Ors v Tengku Mariam [1969] 1

MLJ 110

Daud Anderson Macdonald v Norabi’ bt Muda [2011] 1 ShLR 62

Dzulfaezah bt Abdul Hamid v Izuddin bin Murshid [2009] 3 ShLR 125

Fakriah bt Yusoff v Zulkifli bin Ismail [2009] 1 ShLR 86

Haji Abdullah v Cik Bon (1977) 3 JH 110

Haji Abdul Rahman v Isngaton [1979] 1 JH (2) 71

Haminah Bee v Shamsudin (1979) 1 JH 71

Hazlina bte Hamidin v Muhamad Zaidi bin Majid

Hjh Nikmah bt Hj Abu Bakar v Hj Mohammad Satri bin Hj Omar [2010] 1 Sh LR 60

Hujah Lijah binti Jamal v Fatimah binti Mad Diah [1930] 16 MLJ 63

Ida Hidayati bt Taufiq v Ahmad Shukri bin Kassim [2009] 2 ShLR 132

Jaliah v Abubakar (1987) 7 JH 72

Jaliah bte Hassan v Abu Bakar bin Wan Abdullah (1990) 7 JH 73

Janat v Sheikh Khuda Bukhs (1911) 2 FMSLR 61

Khairul Faezah bte Haji Abdul Majid v Muhamad Salleh bin Bidin [2005] 1 ShLR


Maimunah v Abdullah (1987) 7 JH 88

Mariam bt Yaacob v Wahi bin Samah [2010] 1 ShLR 96

Mat Sharie bin Yaakub v Che Mas binti Abdullah [2006] 1 ShLR 105.

Mohamed Zakir bin Mohamed Zahir v Zainatun bt Mohd Zain [2010] ShLR 41

Mohd Akhir bin Man v Noriah by Hussin [2008] 3 ShLR 79.

Myriam v Ariff [1971] 1 MLJ 265

Murshida bte Mustakim v Hassim bin Abdullah [2006] 4 ShLR 43.

Nafsiah v Abdul Majid [1969] 2 MLJ 174 and 175

Ningal@Yang Chik bte Hashim v Jamal bin Abdul Rahman [1989] 2 MLJ xxxix

Noh bin Atan @Khamis v Shakila bte Mohamed [2004] ShLR 61

Noor Azma bt Sohari v Raduan bin Che Ros [2009] 4 ShLR 145.

Noor Bee v Ahmad Sanusi (1978) 1 JH 63

Norani bt Abd Rahman v Md Taib bin Hanapi [2008] 4 ShLR 79

Noraini bte Abdul Rashid v Dato’ Hamzah bin Zainuddin [2005] 4 ShLR 144.

Noridah bt Ab Talib v Hishamuddin bin Jamaluddin [2009] 4 ShLR 115

Norlia Bte Abd. Aziz v Md. Yusof Bin A. Rahman [2004] ShLR 113


Normaidiah v Azhar (1979) 1 JH (2) 91

Norsiah bt Arshad v Marsum bin Paing [2009] 3 ShLR 64

Nurul Huda bt Ismail v Nurrizal bbin Ahmad Imran [2009] 1 ShLR 108

Overseas Investment Ptc v. Anthony William O’Brien (1980) 3 MLJ 332

Piah v Che Lah (1983) 3 JH 220

Rahaniah v Haji Ujang (1983) 4 JH 270

Ramah v Laton (1927) 6 FMSLR 116

Rasadah bt Hj Majid v Hj Zaini bin Hj Mohd Zain [2010] 3 ShLR 166

Rohaini bt Hassan v Julrizal bin Ahmad Bashah [2009] 2 ShLR 166

Rokiah bte Haji Abdul Jalil v Mohamed Idris bin Shasuddin [1989] 3 MLJ ix

Salma v Mat Akhir (1983) 5 JH 161

Shaik Abdul Latif & Ors. v Shaik Elias Bux [1975] 1 MLJ 30

Sharifah Mariam bt Syed Ibrahim v Abdul Malik Robinson [2009] 3 ShLR 56

Shariffa Zainab bt Syed Wadzid Ali v Ismail Fekri bin Ishak [2009] 2 ShLR 101

Siti Zamrah v Majid (1986) 6 JH 130

Suriah bte Hassan v Hamzah bin Mohd Nor [2007] 2 ShLR 81

Tengku Anun Zahrah binte Tengku Abdul Hamid v Dato Dr Hussein bin Mohamed

Yusof (1983) 3 JH 125.

Yang Chik v Abdul Jamal [1985] 6 JH. 146

Zainuddin v Anita [1982] 4 JH 73

Zainoon v Mohamed Zain (1980) II JH 160

Zarah v Zaidon (1983) 3 JH 225


Khurshid Bibi v Mohd Amin PLD 1967 SC 97




Children‟s Act (6/2011).

Civil Procedure Decree (Cap. 8/1917).

Constitution of the State of Zanzibar 1963.

Courts Decree (No. 8/1908).

Court Decree (No. 20/1923).

Court Decree (No. 22/1963).

Existing Decree (No. 1/1964).

Foreign Jurisdiction Act 1890.

High Court Decree (No. 2/1964).

High Court Act (No. 2/1985).

Imperial Enactment (Application) Decree, 1939.

Kadhis‟ Court Regulations 1899.

Kadhis‟ Court Act (No. 3/1985).

Labour Relations Act (No. 1/2005).

Legal Practitioners Rules (Cap. 28/1946).

Magistrates Court Act (No. 6/1985).

Marriage and Divorce (Muslim) Registration Act 1936.

Miscellaneous Amendments Act (No.4/2002).

Native Courts Decree 1899.

Peoples‟ Courts Decree (No. 11/1969).

Establishment of the Office of Mufti Act (No. 9/2001).

Regional Administration Authority Act (No. 1/1992).

United Republic of Tanzania Constitution, 1977.

Zanzibar Constitution, 1984.

Foreign Statutes


Emergency (Islamic Family Law) Order, 1999 (Amendment of 2010).


Family Law Act 1979 (Amendment No. 1/2000).


Marriage and Divorce Law (No. 1/1974).


Jordanian Law of Personal Status Act (No. 61/1976).


Independence Constitution of Kenya, 1963.

Kenya Constitution, 2010.



Administration of Islamic Law Enactment of Terengganu (No. 4/1955).

Administration of Muslim Law Enactment of Kedah 1962 (No. 9/1962).

Administration of Muslim Law Enactment of Malacca (No. 1/1959).

Administration of Muslim Law Enactment of Negeri Sembilan (No. 15/1960).

Administration of Muslim Law Enactment of Penang (No. 3/1959).

Administration of Muslim Law Enactment of Perak (No. 11/1965).

Administration of Muslim Law Enactment of Perlis (No. 3/1963).

Administration of Muslim Law Enactment of Selangor (No. 3/1952).

Administration of the Law of the Religion of Islam Enactment of Pahang (No.


Administration of the Syariah Court Enactment of Kelantan (No. 3/1982) Amendment

Act No. 3, 2006.

Federal Constitution, 1988.

Islamic Family Law (Negeri Sembilan) Enactment (No. 11/2003).

Islamic Family Law (State of Kelentan) Enactment (No. 6/2002).

Islamic Family Law (State of Malacca) Enactment (No.12/ 2002).

Islamic Family Law (State of Pahang) Enactment (No. 3/2005).

Islamic Family Law (State of Perlis) Enactment (No. 7/2006).

Islamic Family Law (State of Selangor) Enactment (No. 2/2003).

Islamic Family Law (Federal Territories) Act 1984 (No. 303).

Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 (No. 164).


Morocco Family Code (Mudawwana) (No. 7/2004).


The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999.


Administration of Muslim Law Act No. 3/1966. (Revised Edition 1999).


Syrian Law of Personal Status Act (No. 34/1975).


The Tunisian Law of Personal Status, 1958 (Amendment) (Act No. 74/1993).



A. D Anno Domini (Year of Our Lord)

AMLA Administration of Muslim Law Act

All ER All England Law Report

Cap. Chapter

ed Edition

e. g (Exempligratia): For example

EPF Employment Provident Fund

et al (et alia): and others

etc (et cetera): and so forth

HC High Court

ibid (ibidem): in the same place

i.e. (id est): that is

JH Journal Hukum

IFLA Islamic Family Law Federal Territories Act

LRA Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act

MLJ Malaysian Law Journal

n Footnote

n.d. No date

NGO Non Government Organisation

No/ nos Number/numbers

n.p. No place: no publisher

P.LD. All Pakistan Legal Decision

RM Ringgit Malaysia

SALAN Southern Africa Legal Assistance Network

s.a.w Salallahu ‘alaihi wa salam, may peace and blessings of Allah

be upon him

ShLR Shariah Law Report

S.W.T Subhānanau wa ta‘ālā, glory be to Allah, the Most Exalted.

Tsh Tanzania Shilling

trans. Translator/translated by

v Versus, against

Vol. Volume

ZAFELA Zanzibar Female Lawyers Association

ZLSC Zanzibar Legal Services Centre

ZEDO Zanzibar Enterprise Development Organisation



Table of the system of transliteration of Arabic words and names used by International

Islamic University Malaysia

b = ب z = ز f = ف

t = ت s = س q = ق

th = ث sh = ش k = ك

j = ج ṣ = ص l = ل

ḥ = ح dh = ض m = م

kh = خ ṭ = ط n = ن

d = د ẓ = ظ w = ھ

dh = ع = ٬ ذ h = و

r = ر gh = غ y = ي

Short: a = ʹ ; i = ˏ ; u = ʼ

Long: ā = ا ; ī = ي ; ū = و

Dipthong: ay = ا ي ; aw = ا و





One of the purposes of marriage is to establish a shared life which is full of love and

compassion. It is an undeniable fact that most married couples wish for an everlasting

marriage. Despite this wish, some of them have to end the marriage due to

unavoidable circumstances especially when the marriage has irretrievable broken

down and reconciliation is almost impossible.1 Despite the fact that divorce is allowed

in Islam, it is disliked by Allah. This is buttressed by the saying of the Messenger of

Allah s.a.w that:

Among the lawful matters the most disliked in the sight of Allah is the


Under Islamic perspective, once divorce has been granted, issues relating to

ancillary matters including maintenance and accommodation of the divorced wife, the

payment of mut’ah, division of matrimonial property acquired by the parties during

the time of their marriage, and even deferred mahr are very important. This is due to

the fact that, the decree of divorce has not only changed the status of the parties, but

carries with it certain rights and obligations especially with regards to financial


It is noted that, many Arab countries such as Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Morocco,

Iraq and Algeria have their own codified laws relating to family matters including

1 Sharī’ah has prescribed a very reasonable way for the separation between the parties to the marriage

when disunity and dissent between them emerged where they can find new ways on the changed

circumstances. 2 Ideally, divorce is permitted in Islam but stands as liking or commending act. The point to note is that,

Islamic law puts more emphasize on reconciliation as against divorce for the married couple. See Abu

Daud Sulayman bin Asha‟th, Al Sunan, Vol. 2, Lahore: Islamic Academy, 1983, at 169.