The Role of Brand in the Nonprofit Sector

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The Role of Brand in the Nonprofit Sector

Nathalie Kylander & Christopher Stone

The Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations Harvard University

December 2011

NOTE: This is a working draft of an article accepted for publication by the Stanford Social

Innovation Review, February 2012.


The Role of Brand in the Nonprofit Sector

Nonprofit brands are visible everywhere. Amnesty International, Habitat for Humanity, and

World Wildlife Fund are some of the most widely recognized brands in the world, more

trusted by the public than the best-known for-profit brands.1 Large nonprofits, such as the

American Cancer Society and the American Red Cross, have detailed policies to manage the

use of their names and logos, and even small nonprofits frequently experiment with putting

their names on coffee cups, pens, and t-shirts.

Branding in the nonprofit sector appears to be at an inflection point in its development. While

many nonprofits continue to take a narrow approach to brand management, using it as a tool

for fundraising, many others are moving beyond a revenue focus, exploring the wider, strategic

roles that brands can play: driving broad, long-term social goals, while strengthening internal

identity, cohesion, and capacity.

For example, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation recently appointed Tom Scott as director of

Global Brand and Innovation, Oxfam International embarked on a confederation-wide “global

identity project,” and GBCHealth was one of several organizations completing a rebranding

process. Brand managers in these pioneering organizations were focusing less on revenue

generation and more on social impact and organizational coherence. Indeed, some of the most

interesting brand strategies are being developed in endowed, private foundations with no

fundraising targets at all.

“We’re catalysts,” says the Gates Foundation’s Tom Scott. “Could we have greater impact if we leveraged our brand in different ways? What difference could it make to attach our logo to

things to move conversations forward or elevate certain issues? Can we use our brand to

elevate other brands?”

The questions that Scott is asking aren’t about raising money. Instead, they are about how to

leverage the Gates Foundation brand in the cause of greater public discourse and social impact.

While the ambitions of nonprofit brand managers are growing, the strategic frameworks and

management tools available to them have not kept up. The models and terminology used in the

nonprofit sector to understand brand remain those imported from the for-profit sector to

boost name recognition and raise revenue.

Nonprofit leaders need models that allow their brands to contribute to sustaining their social

impact, serving their mission, and staying true to their organization’s values and culture. In this

article, we describe a conceptual framework designed to help nonprofit organizations do just

that. We call this framework the Nonprofit Brand IDEA (in which “IDEA” stands for brand

integrity, brand democracy, brand ethics, and brand affinity).

The framework is one product of an 18-month research project we led with colleagues at

Harvard University’s Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations and collaborators at the

Rockefeller Foundation. Building on previous work in the field, we conducted structured

interviews with 73 nonprofit executives, communication directors, consultants, and donors in a


total of 41 organizations. We analyzed these interviews to learn how leaders in the field are

thinking about nonprofit brands today and how they see the role of brands evolving.2

The Nonprofit Brand IDEA emerged in part from the sources of pride we heard nonprofit

leaders express—pride in the social mission, participatory processes, shared values, and key

partnerships—and in part from the distinctive roles that brand plays inside their organizations.

And while we developed this framework to capture the most striking things we heard in our

interviews, we’ve found that it also gives nonprofit leaders a vocabulary with which to manage

in the new brand paradigm. Before explaining the framework in more detail, it is important first

to be clear about what we mean by brand and how the use of brand is evolving.

Role of Brands

The dominant brand paradigm in the nonprofit sector a decade ago focused on

communications. Nonprofit executives believed that increased visibility, favorable positioning in

relation to competitors, and recognition among target audiences would translate into fundraising success. Branding was a tool for managing the external perceptions of an

organization, a subject for the communications, fundraising, and marketing departments. In

contrast, the emerging paradigm imagines brand to have a broader, strategic contribution to

make to an organization’s core performance, as well as an internal role in expressing an

organization’s purposes, methods, and values. Increasingly, branding is a matter for the entire

executive team of a nonprofit. At every step in an organization’s strategy and at each juncture

in its theory of change, a strong brand is increasingly seen as critical in helping to build

operational capacity, galvanize support, and maintain focus on the social mission.

By now it should be clear that we are defining brand quite broadly. Across all sectors, a brand is

more than a visual identity: the name, logo, and graphic design used by an organization. A brand

is a psychological construct held in the minds of all those aware of the branded product,

person, organization, or movement. Brand management in any sector is the work of managing

these psychological associations. In the for-profit world, marketing professionals talk of creating

“a total brand experience.”3 In the nonprofit world, executives talk more about their “global

identity” and the “what and why” of their organizations. But the point in both cases is to take

branding far beyond the logo.

Indeed, there seems to be little difference in the definition of brand across sectors. When we

asked leading nonprofit practitioners, management scholars, and nonprofit brand consultants

what a brand is, the responses were not different from what those looking at other sectors

might say. Some described brand as an intangible asset, and a promise that conveys who you

are, what you do and why that matters. Others felt that a brand captures the “persona” of an

organization and represents its very “soul” or “essence.” Yet others identified brand not only in

terms of what is projected but also what is perceived. Finally, brand was perceived as a source

of efficiency because it acts as a “time-saving device” providing a “short-cut” in the decision

making of potential investors, customers, clients and partners. And when we asked what a

strong brand can bring to an organization, the similarity across sectors was again apparent.

Peter Walker, director of the Feinstein International Center at Tufts University, speaks for

many of his peers when he says, “A strong brand allows you to acquire more resources, and


gives you the authority to have more freedom over how you use them.” Strong brands in all

sectors help organizations acquire resources (financial, human, and social) and build key

partnerships. The trust that strong brands elicit also provides organizations with the authority

and credibility to deploy those resources more efficiently and flexibly than organizations with

weaker brands.

It should be no surprise that nonprofit executives define brand in for-profit language. Business

language is spreading in part because it is proving useful to nonprofit executives in

communicating with board members and donors whose own roots are in the for-profit world,

and also because many of the people managing brands in the nonprofit sector have themselves

come from for-profit businesses. Indeed, we were struck to find that the majority of the

nonprofit brand managers we interviewed during our research had worked first in the

commercial world.

Yet, for the forward thinking, nonprofit brand managers we interviewed, even those who had

crossed over from for-profits, brands in the nonprofit sector play distinctive roles. These differences relate to the role of brand in driving broad, long-term social goals, the role of brand

inside nonprofit organizations, and the multiplicity of audiences that nonprofits must address.

These differences may come down to questions of emphasis and focus, since brands in the for-

profit world also contribute to long-term business purposes, play internal roles, and speak to

multiple audiences. Still, we believe the greater weight given to these roles in the nonprofit

sector is fundamental, rooted in the fact that each nonprofit advances a multiplicity of value

propositions, irreducible to a single monetary metric, most of which can only be advanced if the

other organizations in its field also succeed.4

“Brand becomes critical when you’re seeking to create partnerships, when you’re seeking other

funders, and when you’re looking to associate yourself with people in the field,” explains Diane

Fusilli, a global brand consultant and former communications director at the Rockefeller

Foundation. “A strong brand helps bring greater credibility and trust to a project quicker, and

acts as a catalyst for people to want to come to the table.”

While these contrasts concerning the role of brands with the for-profit world are important,

the more significant contrasts we found were with ideas about branding in the nonprofit sector

from only a few years ago.

Brand Skeptics

The Nonprofit Brand IDEA was constructed by examining two distinct themes we heard in our

interviews: the distinctive sources of pride that nonprofit leaders have in their organizations,

and the roles that brand plays inside these organizations. We turn first to the sources of pride,

sources we identified by listening to the skepticism about branding that many nonprofit leaders


The old brand paradigm has produced a deep current of skepticism about branding in nonprofit

organizations, making many nonprofit managers ambivalent about both the concept of brand

and the terminology of branding. While some branding professionals urge nonprofit leaders to


push past this skepticism, we believe the skepticism suggests how nonprofit brands might be

managed differently from their for-profit counterparts.5 Our interviews surfaced at least four

legitimate sources of skepticism.

First, branding is still widely associated with the commercial pursuit of monetary gain. Brand

skeptics think of the premiums that for-profit firms charge for brand-name products, and worry

that this elevation of brand over substance will debase their work. They worry that the names

of their organizations will be inflated beyond what the quality of their work alone would

support, as the pursuit of revenue becomes a goal in its own right. They also worry their

organizations will be “selling ideas the way you sell cereal,” as Mahnaz Afkhami of Women’s

Learning Partnership put it. Scholars studying nonprofit branding similarly worry about the

“over-commercialization of the [nonprofit] sector and misappropriation of techniques

developed specifically for the commercial environment.” 6

A second source of skepticism is that brand management is sometimes seen as a top-down

shortcut avoiding a participatory strategic planning process, an effort by top management to impose greater conformity in goals and priorities. Indeed, many people we interviewed drew

contrasts between rebranding efforts and strategic planning. Because rebranding is usually

staffed differently and organized with less participation than strategic planning, the new brand

can feel peremptorily imposed from above. These concerns can be especially great when a new

leader initiates a rebranding as part of an aggressive effort to change the way an organization

works. Marcus Beeko, who led the first round of Amnesty International’s global identity project

in 2006 and 2007, said that his organization avoided this pitfall by implementing its rebranding

gradually under two different general secretaries (with an interim leader between them). “You

don’t want to get stuck in the change process, because if you get connected to the change

process, and people criticize the change, then it stops the brand work,” says Beeko.

In addition, brand skeptics sometimes worry that a focus on branding is grounded in the vanity

of an organization’s leadership rather than the needs of the organization. “I’ve seen situations in

foundations where the brand, the reputation, has become an end in itself, or just too personal

to the leadership, rather than a tool for fulfilling the mission.” says Katherine Fulton, president

of the Monitor Institute. We also found a broader concern that branding was sometimes driven

by values that are antithetical to the organization. “Campaigns like “save a slave” seem to

exploit suffering or marginalization to grab people’s attention,” says Afkhami. Beneath both

these examples lies distrust of the value that is motivating what might be an otherwise well

intended branding effort.

The fourth concern skeptics have, particularly in organizations that work regularly in coalitions

and collaborations, is that one organization’s powerful brand will overshadow weaker brands,

reinforcing, rather than correcting imbalances of power among partners. When large nonprofits

insist that joint activities conform to their idea of quality, brand management by the larger

organization can feel to the weaker organization like bullying, and these bully brands give brand

management a bad reputation. As Ramesh Singh, former chief executive of ActionAid now with

the Open Society Foundations, noted: “there’s a tension between bigger brands and smaller

brands. The bigger international NGOs and philanthropies can (sometimes) push their own


brand more, at the detriment of other organizations which can become invisible and it’s always


Viewed more positively, each of these four strands of skepticism reveals a corresponding

source of pride in the nonprofit sector: pride in the mission of an organization, pride in

participatory planning, pride in the values that define organizational culture, and pride in

supportive partnerships. The Nonprofit Brand IDEA builds on these sources of pride, but also

on the distinctive role that brand plays in the nonprofit sector, which we will discuss next.

Brand Cycle

As the brand skeptics led us to these sources of pride, the brand enthusiasts we interviewed

focused us on the cyclical role that brand plays in nonprofits. Nonprofit brands do not operate

alone, but play a dynamic role within an organization and evolve alongside the organization as it

grows in what we describe as the role-of-brand cycle.

According to the vast majority of interviews we conducted and the literature we reviewed, the

role of brand is to advance the organization’s strategy and mission.7 Brand serves and reflects

organizational strategy, not the reverse. The management of brand is therefore nested within

an organization’s strategy, which in turn is nested within an organization’s mission and values.

As Innocent Chukwuma, founder of Nigeria’s CLEEN Foundation explains, “Building brand is

managing mission and remaining full force committed and faithful to it.”

Many of our interviewees felt that a brand plays different roles with different audiences.

Internally, the brand embodies the identity of the organization, encapsulating its mission, values,

and distinctive activities. Pip Emery, who co-led the most recent global identity project at

Amnesty International, put it this way: “if you don't know where you’re going and why you're

relevant, you don't have a brand.” Externally, the brand reflects the image held in the minds of

the organization’s multiple stakeholders, not just its donors and supporters but also those it

seeks to influence, assist, or reach. A nonprofit brand is most powerful when the organization’s

internal identity and external image are aligned with each other and with its values and mission.

As brand consultant Will Novy-Hildesley described it, “brand is an exquisite bridge between

program strategy and external communications.” Indeed, it is often a misalignment between

internal identity and external image that is the impetus for rebranding efforts in nonprofit


The result of alignment in mission, values, identity, and image is a clear brand positioning and

increased cohesion among diverse internal constituencies. When an organization’s employees

and volunteers all embrace a common brand identity, it creates organizational cohesion, builds

focus, and reinforces shared values. As Marcia Marsh, COO of the World Wildlife Fund

(WWF) in the United States puts it: “Our brand is the single greatest asset that our network

has, and it’s what keeps everyone together.” Externally, the result of this alignment and clarity

in positioning, is greater trust among multiple audiences, including partners, beneficiaries,

participants, and donors. Because nonprofit organizations rely on establishing trust with many

external audiences, doing what you say you do and being who you say you are (alignment

between identity and image) is crucial.


Both strong cohesion and high levels of trust, contribute to greater organizational capacity and

social impact. A cohesive organization is able to make more efficient and focused use of existing

resources and high external trust attracts additional talent, financing, and authority. This

increase in organizational capacity enhances an organization’s social impact. By leveraging the

trust of partners, beneficiaries, and policymakers among others, an organization can make

greater strides toward achieving its mission. On the flip side, those organizations that face

challenges in terms of internal organizational coherence, or the erosion of trust held by

external constituencies (either because of scandals or misperceptions) struggle to build

organizational capacity and impact.

Over time, an organization’s impact and capacity provide the basis for experience in which both

the brand identity and brand image are rooted. The role of brand within nonprofit

organizations is therefore cyclical and can be captured in a conceptual framework we call the

role-of-brand-cycle (see Exhibit 1). The role of brand is nested within organizational strategy,

which in turn is nested within the mission and values of the organization. Brand plays a variety of roles that, when performed well, link together in a virtuous cycle. Well-aligned identity and

image position the organization to build internal cohesion and trust with external constituents.

Organizations leverage these to strengthen internal capacity and achieve impact in the world.

The resulting reputation then enhances the identity and image of the brand with which the cycle


Nonprofit Brand IDEA

The four principles of Nonprofit Brand IDEA (integrity, democracy, ethics, and affinity)

encapsulate the sources of pride that nonprofit leaders have in their organizations and in the

nonprofit sector, as well as the role that brand plays in nonprofit organizations (see Exhibit 2).

Brand integrity means that the organization’s internal identity is aligned with its external image

and that both are aligned with the mission. We use the word integrity to mean structural

integrity, not moral integrity (alignment with organizational values is part of brand ethics).

Internally, a brand with high structural integrity connects the mission to the identity of the

organization, giving members, staff, volunteers, and trustees a common sense of why the

organization does what it does and why it matters in the world. Externally, a brand with high

structural integrity captures the mission in its public image and deploys that image in service of

its mission at every step of a clearly articulated strategy. Ramesh Singh talks about brand

identity and image as “two sides of the coin,” and explains that in his experience, their

alignment “allows us to focus, to be brave, … to speak out.” At ActionAid, he says, brand

integrity allowed the organization to create relationships with people in the peasant movement

“without which we wouldn’t have been able to work.”

Brand democracy means that the organization trusts its members, staff, participants, and

volunteers to communicate their own understanding of the organization’s core identity. Brand

democracy largely eliminates the need to tightly control how the brand is presented and

portrayed. The appetite for brand democracy among nonprofit leaders is largely a response to

the growth of social media, which has made policing the brand nearly impossible. Alexis


Ettinger, head of strategy and marketing at the University of Oxford’s Skoll Centre for Social

Entrepreneurship, puts it bluntly, “Given the rise of social media it would be insane to try to

single-handedly control the brand.” But brand democracy may be a blessing for nonprofits.

“Nonprofit organizations don’t own their brands,” says John Quelch, marketing professor and

dean of the China Europe International Business School. “The brands are owned by the

marketplace, and whatever the marketplace decides the brand is going to be is what it’s going

to be. So I think there will probably be a few NGOs that embrace this effectively and throw a

lot of resources behind nurturing their social communities, and end up doing extremely well.”

Brand ethics means that the brand itself and the way it is deployed reflect the core values of the

organization. Just as brand integrity aligns the brand with mission, brand ethics aligns both the

organization’s internal identity and its external image with its values and culture. This is about

more than being known as an ethical organization, but extends to the organization’s use of its

brand in ways that convey its values. We heard many stories of lapses in brand ethics, such as

covering latrines in disaster areas with the colorful logos of the organization providing them, or

using pitiful photographs of an organization’s beneficiaries to motivate donors. Yasmina Zaidman, communication director at the Acumen Fund contrasts these exploitive images with

Acumen’s tag-line “Seeing a world beyond poverty.” Acumen avoids “images of poverty

that…dehumanize the people that we want to actually help,” instead promoting images of

“pride and dignity.”

Brand affinity means that the brand is a good team player, working well alongside other brands,

sharing space and credit generously, and promoting collective over individual interests. An

organization with strong brand affinity attracts partners and collaborators, because it lends

value to the partnerships without exploiting them. “We came to view ourselves not as being

the leader, but as a partner of choice,” explains Peter Bell, former CEO of CARE.

Organizations with the highest brand affinity actually promote the brands of their partners as

much or more than they promote their own brands, redressing rather than exploiting the

power imbalances that inevitably exist in any partnership or collaboration.

Putting IDEA to Work

As a conceptual framework, the Nonprofit Brand IDEA can help nonprofit leaders think

differently about the role of their brands and help the field develop approaches to manage

nonprofit brands more productively. In the section that follows, we explore ways that nonprofit

leaders can use the four principles (integrity, democracy, ethics, and affinity) not only to

enhance their brand, but to improve the effectiveness of their entire organization.

Nowhere is the practical value of brand to mission more evident than in the relationship of

brand to an organization’s theory of change. Rather than beginning a rebranding effort with

focus groups among donors, a nonprofit committed to brand integrity might instead map the

role of brand at each step in its theory of change. The exercise prompts an organization to see,

step-by-step, how its brand might enhance both its own actions (for example, increasing the

clarity of vision among its own staff in moments of uncertainty) and the actions of others (for

example, increasing the receptivity among legislators, journalists, or critics to the organization’s

work). In practical terms, this might lead to separate focus groups with a number of brand


audiences asking about the organization’s image, each audience chosen because of its

contribution at particular steps in the theory of change.

At WWF, for example, part of the theory of change depends on the organization’s ability to

persuade some of the biggest multinational corporations to enter into partnerships that lead

the companies to change their business practices. For WWF, the partnerships are about

achieving mission objectives. WWF’s global brand is crucial to its ability to establish these

partnerships. “You’re big, we’re big, so we understand each other,” as Emily Kelton, Director

of Corporate Relations at WWF US, puts it. The brand establishes a kind of parity between

WWF and the companies they want to influence. By starting with a theory of change, and

looking for the contribution that brand can make at each step, the brand stays tightly aligned

with mission and strategy.

Brand democracy requires a fundamental shift in the traditional approach to brand management.

As one commentator has put it: “If you’ve always suspected that the brand police were up to

no good, you just might be right.”8 Organizations aspiring to brand democracy do not police their brands, trying to suppress unauthorized graphics or other representations of the

organization, but strive instead to implement a participatory form of brand management. They

provide resources, such as sample text and on-line templates, which all staff can access and

adapt to communicate the mission, strategy, work, and values of the organization. As former

international coordinator at Publish What You Pay Radhika Sarin explains, “The more

structures and guidelines you set up, the less democratic it becomes.” As part of an effort to

strengthen the brand at WWF US, for example, what began as an internal competition among

staff to craft a single “elevator speech” revealed the greater power of personal statements over

uniform corporate slogans. Instead of picking one winner, they selected three entries as

samples to encourage everyone to personalize the brand. As Kerry Zobor, vice president of

institutional communications at WWF US distills the lesson: “one single company line doesn’t

work. It just doesn’t ring true.”

For brand democracy to produce a consistent image, however, requires strong organizational

cohesion supported by a strong internal brand identity. Brand democracy is not brand anarchy.

Organizations need to establish guidelines or parameters for a brand, even if the space within

these limits is large. Once the parameters are set, individuals, teams, and even regional offices

can be encouraged to use that space creatively, learning from each other with the head office

celebrating especially effective brand images, slogans, or other representations.

Rachel Hayes, senior director of communications and community engagement at Oxfam

America describes this as “creating bookends.” “These are the boundaries of our brand. And

within those boundaries, each affiliate will have the ability to dial up and dial down certain

messages to meet their local market, but they will be unified in overall look, in overall voice, in

graphic standards so that we do convey one brand.”

While some organizations carefully delineate these “bookends,” others are experimenting with

an open source platform, literally democratizing the logo and tag line process. A striking

example of this approach is the Tck Tck Tck campaign for action on climate change, which

allowed participating organizations and groups to adapt the collective campaign brand according


to their own local contexts. The ability to modulate brand according to different languages and

cultures and the multiplicity of voices was seen as central to building a broader movement for

“climate justice.” The campaign brand manager noted, “Usually, I guess this is a no-go in

branding, but all this was tolerated because the idea was to unite as much of civil society, all

sorts of activists and movements that were out there and cared about climate change…under

one banner.” To some brand managers, this may seem heretical, but among nonprofit leaders it

has obvious attraction.9

Embracing brand democracy leads to the need for tools to manage brand ethics. The risk here is

not brand anarchy, but rather any individual expression of the brand that offends or contradicts

organizational values or culture. Traditional values statements seem inadequate to this task for

the values made explicit in such statements tend to be at a high level of abstraction. The brand

images that cause concern for brand ethics often are themselves the catalyst for making tacitly

held values explicit. For example, when one chapter of Amnesty International developed a

video game designed to engage young people in the movement to abolish the death penalty,

others in the organization became uncomfortable. There was nothing about the game that deviated from the mission, but some people thought making a game out of something deadly

serious violated organizational values. The organization’s value statements, formalized in its

charter, provided a starting point for serious debate about how the game would shape the

image of Amnesty International. The result was a robust discussion in which the chapter leaders

convinced enough of the rest of the organization of the value of the game, so that it was


The practical implications of a commitment to brand affinity are especially clear in coalitions,

where multiple organizations join in a common cause that has its own image and identity.

Nonprofit leaders in such coalitions often worry that the collective identity will overshadow

their own brand, and we heard stories of coalitions—such as the “Make Poverty History”

campaign—that collapsed because of this concern. The Tck Tck Tck campaign, in contrast,

deliberately allowed the brands of individual members to remain prominent. In this coalition,

each organization retained its own identity and logo, which Christian Teriete, Communications

Director for the Global Campaign for Climate Action described as a flotilla of ships with

distinct brand flags: “Everybody [has] this little additional flag on the top mast that [has] the

[coalition identity]. So, in a way, we are all different groups, but we are all united. We are

coordinated. And we are showing the same flag in addition to our own colors.”

A focus on brand affinity encourages nonprofit leaders and their brand consultants to recognize

an operating environment that is at once competitive and collaborative. While organizations

may compete at times for the short-term support of a particular donor, the achievement of

their core missions—such as the elimination of persistent poverty, infectious disease, or

widespread illiteracy—often requires collaboration both in the short and long term. Sometimes

a brand can be born in these collaborations. Emily Brew, brand creative director at the Nike

Foundation, describes how their collaboration with the Novo Foundation, BRAC, CARE, and

others produced the Girl Effect brand, which went on to move international donors to focus

more attention on adolescent girls. These partners were “key intellectual contributors to our

work. Their experience played a critical role in the development of the Girl Effect brand,”

Explains Brew.


Further Implications

The Nonprofit Brand IDEA provides a framework for managers and organizational strategists,

and may also prove useful for addressing issues of board governance, global operations, and

risk management.

The emerging brand paradigm suggests a new role for directors and trustees in the governance

of brand. Rather than asking how brand management is contributing to revenue, boards (like

managers) are beginning to ask how the brand is aligned with the mission, values, and strategy

of the organization. They are asking about the alignment of image and identity, and they are

asking about the contribution of brand to internal cohesion as much as to external trust.

Perhaps most importantly, boards are asking about the role of the brand in enhancing

operational capacity well beyond financial resources, and driving social impact. Boards looking

for metrics of effectiveness of brand management might measure increases in commitment and

pride among staff and directors, while those conducting qualitative evaluations might probe for signs that mission-drift has been reduced, and choices about which projects, resources, and

partnerships to pursue have been easier. A strong brand should increase both the speed and

the breadth of consensus decisions in governing bodies.

Brand management is especially challenging for organizations working globally. Because language

and symbols vary from place to place, equating brand with specific words or images can be

perilous for global organizations. These organizations will find it particularly important to build

their brands around missions, values, and strategy, leaving it to work-groups operating in each

cultural context, to represent these ideas in their own ways. Global nonprofits also speak to

diverse audiences, making the alignment of image and identity particularly challenging. If images

are too closely tied to specific projects or designed to appeal to particular donors or

supporters, they may quickly become detached from the internal identity of the organization.

An organization with a low profile and very little reputation may be willing to take great risks;

but, once the organization has established a trusted brand, it may decline to pursue projects

that could put the brand at risk. We explored this issue throughout our interviews and were

impressed at how frequently the inevitability of this dynamic was rejected. Yes, practitioners

acknowledged there can be tension between brand protection and the risks inherent in

innovation or advocacy, but these are tensions that governance and management should be

strong enough to manage. Indeed, it appears that high brand integrity may, by strengthening

internal cohesion and trust among partners, enable an organization to do more, which may

translate into a greater willingness to experiment, take risks, and drive innovation.

Looking ahead, we expect nonprofit executives, boards, and staff to become increasingly

confident about managing their brands in these distinctive ways. Just as the specification of

theories of change has given nonprofit strategy a distinctive feel, brand integrity, democracy,

ethics, and affinity can help distinguish brand management in the nonprofits sector.

Nathalie Kylander is an adjunct lecturer in public policy at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School

of Government and a research fellow at Harvard’s Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations. She is


also an adjunct assistant professor of international business at The Fletcher School at Tufts University.

Nathalie has been researching nonprofit brands for over a decade.

Christopher Stone is the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Professor of the Practice of Criminal Justice

at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and the faculty director of Harvard’s

Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations. Before joining Harvard he served 10 years as CEO of the

Vera Institute of Justice, a nonprofit that designs, implements, and evaluates innovations in the

administration of justice in the United States and other countries.

Exhibit 1: The Role of Brand Cycle







Exhibit 2: The Nonprofit Brand IDEA

1 2011, Edelman Trust Barometer (

2 In the first phase of the research, we assembled a snowball sample of 31 nonprofit executives, brand consultants,

and academics, coding those interviews and analyzing them using software designed for qualitative analysis. In the second phase, we conducted deeper examinations of selected organizations, interviewing several staff and constituents at each. 3 See, for example, “More than Virtual: Marketing the Total Brand ‘Experience,’” June 7, 2011, at 4 As long ago as 1998 a seminal work on nonprofit brands emphasized both the internal role of nonprofit brand

and the “multiple publics” that nonprofit brands address. Richie, Swami and Weinberg. “A Brand New World for Nonprofits.” International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 1998. Pages 29 to 32 5 The one-time head of communications at a large international NGO described the challenge of building internal

support for attention to the brand as the need to “overcome prejudice” that brand management was meant only for the “crass commercial world.” The head of communications at Habitat for Humanity described what he thought was “a squeamishness in the minds of nonprofit leadership” when it comes to putting a monetary value on “a charitable cause or humanitarian effort.” See Rusch, “Do Nonprofits Have Value?” pages 2-3. 6 Stride, “An investigation into the values dimensions of branding: implications for the charity sector.” International

Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 2006. page 115 7 For a recent example, see Carol Cone and Jocelyn Daw, Breakthrough Nonprofit Branding, John Wiley, 2011.

8 Jeff Brooks, contribution on the Stanford Social Innovation Review blog, October 22, 2007.

9 There are elements of brand democracy coming to organizations in all sectors, but at least two scholars have

argued that, while in for-profit companies “brands need to be tightly controlled and enforced,” in nonprofit organizations, “a consultative and participative approach to brand management is crucial to the development of a coherent and powerful brand.” See: Stride and Lee, “No Logo? No Way. Branding in the Nonprofit Sector,” 2007pages 114 and 118

Four Principles of the Nonprofit Brand IDEA



Source of Pride in the

Nonprofit Sector

Role of Brand

Integrity Commitment to Mission Brands align identity and image with

an organization’s mission


Commitment to

Participatory Processes

Brands create internal coherence

and build trust through transparency

and access

Ethics Commitment to values as

well as results

Brands align identity and image with

an organization’s core

values and culture


Commitment to

Collaboration over


brands support partnerships when

they are managed to strengthen or

showcase each other