THE NEWS REPORTE~! - UNCW Digital Collections

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Transcript of THE NEWS REPORTE~! - UNCW Digital Collections

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·The Columbus County Paper-Everybody Reads It" "The Columbus County Paper-Everybody Needs It'

THE NEWS REPORTE~! f\\•,,1ty-Fourth Year FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBUS AND HER PEOPLE Two Dollars Per Year ~-\ l)L. ,\l X. WHITEVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY JULY 17, 1924 N I,; M B E R THlRT\'. THREE

Explorling Oil Lamp \ Don't Favor Extra Small Cyclone Visits Our Boys at Morehead Causes Excitement I Legislative Session I Town of Clarkton Enjoying Themselves

S. S. Convention Thursday-Friday

Continue Work of Conserving Timber

Cl,1.rrrulo n Buaincu Houae Narrowly f.•c apc• Deatruc:tion when a Lamp E piodC::Si A.geJ Woman Dead;

uuday B lue Laws

Former Repreaenta.tivo Appeara _to Favor Port Project But Thinka It Should Bo Left to Tho Vote of Tho People

Folka in Neiahboring Town viaited by A Minature Storm of the Order That Did So Much Damas• in Whiteville Recently

Received the Complimenta of Re- Columbua County Sunday School Interesting Information About For .. ell Firea, Conservation of Timber and the Work of the Geolosical Survey From Mr. Kimball

viewina Officer; They Overlook Convention to Aaaemble Here Bennie Expect to Be Home pn With Baptiat Church Thursday

55 Sunday Afternoon and Friday of Next Week

L' ,,ulun .. July 16.- Whnt ca me When seen rece nt ly nnd asked for Fo r II fu ll half hour Wed nesday Whiteville fo lks a nd Columbus Programs are out and plans are District Forester E. W. Kimba ll ~ulti nJ,: in,~ ~e rio us confl ngra- hi s views re,l;'u rdin •.{ the very probuhlc ahout t ho m"cld le part of the alter-• Ii 'ti Iv las t Monday night wa:.-1 e xtra :-tc~sion uf t he lcgislttturc u nd 110011 Clnl'kt,;r1 p1.•np lc we r e re minded

county peo ple in gcncrul will be being rapidly completed for hold 0 of the North Ca1·olin u Geolo-'' ,;nl\' throu;d1 the he ro ic of- th e nwrrit~ of :melt 11 ~csijion, fo rm-] of Liu• lcrl'i l;!o l'y..:lu ne t hat wrecked 1

' r ~ 1 :--l; me o r t h e towns peo ple l'r Rupru:,;c ntnt ivc J. R. \Villiumso n · t'lll' Lown of \Vh itl.'v illc n cou ple of

"oi ..,,• t•nc. Short ly before 9 o f Ce rro Gordo, had the fo ll owiu g n1011ths ngo , wh en the town was \Ir. \\' . ~I. Stephens CX• to say; I visited by llw he:,v iost · down pour ,I lh l· li).!hts , us he thou~ht, • " \Vhat I nm ~oi n~ tu sny will be o[ rui n durin~ th,, ~uuso n. 'rhc rain

•l\ll'1.' . c J03,,:, d up an WL'nt merely an c xprcs:1ion o( niy own i,e:,r. 1

wn~ accompanied with liKhtn inK anU

much interested in the following let• ing the Co lumbus County Sunday I ;:icnl and E c r, n o m i c Sur• tcr, roceivcd yestordny by thu News Schou! convention on 'rhur8day nnd v~y w.a~ here l\•Iunday to ask the Repo rte r mun, from Sergeant H. V. Friday. Jul y 2~•25. The convention bourd of county co1mnsisioners for l:lutten of the 117th Moto r Transport will he held with the Bt1ptist church, 11 n appropriution with which to aid Co mpnn y, now in c11mp nt Morehead WhiLevillc, fhc open ing session .. being in continuing the fo rest fire pre• Ci ty: held at 8 o'clock Thursrlay night. vcntion work which the Survey ha:1 .1:

"Columbus co unty's only militury It is ,,xpectcd that there ,vi ii be n under way in thi~ co un ty. ~fr. ii,· UM ' :O: bt. th kerosene and :iO llnl opinion." 1 t:xcccdin~ly hig-h winds with dcstru c• '.a nip:; in the s tore, but wns "The Council of ~tut~ is co mpo:;ud I t ive force . .!',I

bur ,11 1'\' the kel'Osenc lumps of excellent gent lemen nnd they arc The storm was traveling in 1, ti me.' P.11·ties pnssing the fine officia l•. However, I think II nor lhcastwnrd direction nnd struck , . it,' r he h(ld left discovered they hnve made u rn istnkc in permit• \ the town nt Mr. John Singlctary's in ··' .1111 1' , t ill hu rnin g, but thinking, ting nn extra soss:on of tho lcgisla• the southern part of the town. At 11



•• • he wn:i coming back to ture as the regular sus1:1ion will con- \ that pince several lurKo trees wore i,roD•• ,,. ht.)forc closing fo t· the vcnc within n f ew months nftor the hlown ur, a nd uprooted.

oi·gnnizution the lf7 tli Motor Trans- good t1ttendt1nce from various parts Kimball substnntinted the need for port Compnny arrived in Camp of the co unty at tho first meeting. the continuance of the work with n Glenn, July 6th, at 7 :45 p. 111• the Other sessions will be held Fridny lot of data and figures of a local pcrsoncl of the company 00111• morning and Fr id<1y aftern oon, the na ture and aft~r hearing him the prh.1inlt !:,6 enli sted men und two of- co nvention closing Friday night. · commissioners readily grnnteU the ficcrs, hHd n very pleasant trip en Officers in chnrgc of plans and appropriation of five hundred do l­f.outc; arriving ' in Wlilmingbon at pro~'l'nm for the convention have an- lurs which he asked for. 12 :ao where the company was served nounced thut the program. has been 'fhe facts which Mr. Kimba ll pre•• lunch by the . Center Cafe and the prepared with the idea' of hllving "a sentcd to the board so interest­mun with the excep tion of the train convention for the discussion of ing that the paper asked for them guard were given leave until a :00 p, practical problems." The plan is fo r publication and is presenting m., at which time we left via special to make it possible •for workers t hem in full below:

•h•· 1111 ~pccinl hltention wn R- pni,t A"encral election. It , is my under-\ The n ext plac1.! where dnmngc of 111

..: uni ! a short. time nftcrWl\l'd~ , standing that prorlOscd extra Mc~sion I note wa:,; don o wa~ In the yurd of _.,t I ,.,,1011 wns heard in the build• will provide for the mutter of

I Hon. 0 . L. Clark wl:erc n nrgc ouk

::/ '" ''" by a f:ood of light. The Stnte Ports a nd Termin als being true was uprooted nnd seve ral la rge "" ! .nn and lil,!ht nttrncted the nt- \'Otcd on nt the g('ficrul _ election in I limb!i rung n~f of o the r i1_1 t he · P r ·ill the nea rby citizens , the fall. I do not think such a yurd . One ltmb from n big hickory

:,nt '" .- •:, h~ m had retired and others momentcous mutter should be hnn-, l rec in Mr. Clark's ynrd la nded · rn., · fo,· th 'is 1,urpose. and a died with such short notice. A vote on gontly on II Chevrolet coupe stnnd­Ji. r11h1111! roirn ,f r,, lks, so me bnrcfoot and the port questi on in the fa ll and with ing in in the yard. The ca r was not

,,If•,.,.,!. were 011 the job wi th nn in three or four months nftcr the hu1·t . Tho roof on his residence sus• ,v ,,nd wn tc r. The front door was cxtrn session will hnrdly be suffi- taincd very slight damage. Across ,riil\l'll otH.- n :rnd the fl nmc:-1 ext.i n- cient time for th e mnttcr to come thl• highwny from Mr. Clork's, about

fully before the p1:oplc before they two hund rod yurds in the l11rgc ork iui:-hl•d. vote on it." grove fronting the residence now Trll ,lamage :-1 u::staincO wns very

I. I I t " Why put nil tlm expense of a n under construction of Mr. C. S. 1.1,.n· l. bu t it occu rred a ttt c . ". er d l·n•

1111_ ni"ht. no doubt Lho buildmg extra session on Lhe taxpayers. Clork, two big oaks were uprootc

0 id understand thot this expense will and a third was twisted off. and th,· larl{c stock of good• wo~I amount to over sixty thousand dol- A large onk tree in the yard of Mr. han• hcen destroyed, nnd po•si Y • ,ind Mrs. S. G. Wooten W" " blown up. Th Ian! Are the powers atro,d of the , ~• ,th,,r build in"• nearby. c ave, I . d . h . h " ~ h members ot the r c;;ulnr session which Severn wm ows in t cir omc were n~• ke rosene lamr is treac orous, ,11 - f l business blown out and shattered to pieces. a~tl i, liab le 11 t a ny time to cnusc w, convene or genera Their 6rchard was also badly dnm• ,fii.a, t·,•r. Clnrcndo~ me rchants and I ca~!Y next ycur." , aged.

.,-1,,.,,; hn"c bee n tatl_k ing n~c~t\: A. ~~ !a::01r~t:~acke: 0 !:~r~~o~; 'fhc brick tobacco warehouse, Ii •h t, now !or so me ime a . d d t I known . nlso n:i Sharp'I warohousc, • · h' ~ fl gration commis"1on propose or a vocn ·o, 11 ho1wd ihn t t ,s neHr con H. scheme on this order about fifteen •u•tuincd tho ,grcatcet nmount of " II prompt them lo tbf ~~•at neces-· years ago and 1 ha"<l sure soon In dnmnge. The southern end of th'is .,. ,.r better a nd snfor ·methods of . 0 h d th ' huge huilding wn, apparently in .,, . . b ' Id ' and homes prmt that our overnor n ts i~h11n~ their Ul mgs_ S

11 • project stored away for future ac- the center of tho · Tornado's 11ath

f ru,uds of Mr. Burris e ers _nro tion before he was nominated in the and is though~ to have been struck congrntuiatinl{ him upon the a rrival I h b hy n stroke '6.f lightning and th•· .

3 h t 10 .20 year 1920, four years. t ns een

Suntla;- ni~h t, Jul)' 1 t • 11 • • • keeping well in ~torage for these heaviest force of tho wind nt the

of , fin<· I G-pound boy ut hts home h h h uld it b same timo. The end was completely ' · • h h yeors t en w y now s o e near l.cha11on Methodist c urc . . h d when a regular session ot demolished. The roof wns ripped \I \ I Fl ·-' ot Tabor IS rus e ~ d t th b '!di d . I" . ary . o, u'. d• D •I the Legislature will meet in January, up on that en o c .u• ng an ,h_,. ~ucst ,,r ~Ii« Ehzubeth an e • 1925_.. blown several yards and landed on la Peal th1• week. Asked it he deemed it more :ul- the ground ncur to A. G. McDoug.

\I r. Shcdron Hurrebon spent a visable that the reg•lar session nld's store buildinJ!. In this ware• re1, d.11, the lnttcr part of last week should hnndlc the port question, Mr. house wn• stored II large number ,nth h;, l, rothcr. Mr. G. L. Harrel• Williamson replied: of nutomobilc• nnd tractors-most• -,in, in l\' ilmin,:ton. "Ye•, it the regulur session deems ly Ford•-tortunntely only one c11r

\ !,,, F. liza Smith. a n aged maiden it advisable to huve 1tn election on ,~ns damaged. It was struck by a hdl', "h,, has resided with Mro. M. the port and terminal question, they huge be11m supporting a block and ll. · Todd , at home near Mollie, for can nnd doubtlessly will order an cubic, used in hoisting a door at the " numher or yea rs, died Tuesday election and will give the voting pub- end oC building which wns torno!f. of la•t week at noon. Miss Smith lie six to eight months time in which Tho beam was blown several yards 1•.,,. ,aid' to be about 100 yeors old, to become fully informed on the and crushed through the top and , nd ,c,c l'lll years ago she was nn question." burstcd wind shield of cur. c•xpert tr,ilor. She has made suits "I do not believe thut either thci Mr. Columbus Melvin, nn auto for a lnrge number of the older regular or tho exlr1t session would mechanic, was in the building when inen of the surrounding country and put it over on the tax puycr• with- the hour of destruction came. He her wo rk was very sntisfnctory. out submitting the question to the escaped unharmed. The damage to );rar ly all of her immediate !amity voters. It means millions of dol• the warehouse alone is estimated at Pr<-<cedcd her to the grave, but she lars expenditures on the part of the ,2,G00.00, and that amount is said i su rvin-d by' a host of more distant state and the people, 1 am convinced, to be very conservntive. n•l• tl\'Cs. want to fully understand the ques• A stove flue wos blown otf the

.llr. S. ll . Ward, who hus been tak• tion before an election on it and house of Charlie Brown, n colored in~ a course in II barber college in they do not care to have it mixed tenant farmer, in the eostcm pnrt of Jhfk ,<> nl' il le, F'la., will return Sun• in during u political campaign es• town , and · n few hundred yards dsy, 1 i• understood that he will pcclnlly such as u campaign 88 we farther on some four or five trees 1,,catt al Tabor for awhile, at least. are now about to enter (Presidential were uprooted in the yard~ of Mr, R.

Thr• incc•S>ant ruins during the post and Stute officials ). The state by L Yandle. Telephone Imes . were ,i~h wc,• ks have wrought much dam• uct ot 1023, lcgislnture appropriated I wrecked and put out of opc~at1on. ''~•· '" ~rn wiug crops throughout twenty.five thousand dollars for the . Crossing the Senbonrd ra1lrond_ the this .•1•c1.ion. It is estimated that commission on th\! port scheme and tornado was less severe. ~ wnmgs <ro1, wi ll bo cut off fully fifty per· 1 um informed have spent ncor that· nt the G. L. & l!l. S. Clnrk • drug ei•nt, ii not. more. Corn, cotton and amount. Now let we tnx puyurs and store wel'c blown down nnd came i .. h.r.,,, <· 1'111 to huve suffet·ed n\o!ft voters digest their findings for ncnr crnshing the plote glass win• c, f •"'-'· f1 ,•l tl cro ps, while garden• nwhil e nt least with whntevcr other dows in this building, ·The frnme :tt ♦- ithr.,, t dul-l troycd. in formution we clln procure before work of the uwninrcs having struck a

H11 l11• •rn cou nty·~ Sun<luy obi-ten• .. ca~ting our v,otcs un the quc:1 tion, screen door is bclicvccl to hnvc pro• ,in, l .. w, i, j ust whut every coun · nnd without the expense of an e~tru t?ctcd the windows from SC• t,· ,,111,I hnv~ . \V e arc command .. i:tcsHion of the lcgilduture and w1t1l• 1j r1ous damage. . •· I '• 1:,.1J1c111bcr the Sabb11tt1 dny, out the mix-up with II politicul cam• Several s_qunsh ID the g~ rd cn of 1'• k,,,;, it h .. ly. ,,;, dnys shalt thou aign . Are nn y ,,f the powers thnt Dr. G. C •. Singleta ry were picked up hh ,., "'"I ,1 ,, all thy work ; buL the r

1 t . s to what the New Gov- by the wmd and blown n f ew hun-

" ' • II SUI II, d . J h • . At ·•lf·r,•:1 day is the Sabbath of the crnor would reco mmend 011 t he que?• d,·?d ~nr s to J .. W. o nson s. l.·,r,1 11,•· C,,d; in it thou shalt not tion. Wh y not lc,.t him show his this time the wmd h~d nppurently d' ""l' w, ,rk. " If people must hand a• Governor 0 11 the subject chnnge,I 11nd wns commg fro m the ,· .. w1, 'hi• r <·:11·),I '"' Sun<lny, let them ~hould he want to do )40," nol't.hcnRt. • . '•·1•, ,;,,., l(as,,li nc a nil oil Suturduy, . "While the gcnl!rn l indi cntions A pretty chmn tree m ~he_ yard of ,·noJ •b,, IICl'f•ssity of selling dope and ' that we will hnvc an extrn ses• M,·. and Mrs. L. F. R1ch1e w~~ '«· <ll'in~., ,..1 Sunduy is Y. ct to be u_re I t 'll. r rhc belie! thnt I blown up and II number ot f'ru1t s1on nm • 1 0

d d 'ti ti,h li h, •l. Ir refreshment stands . . I •h to sec the actual proclamu. t1·cc• near by were amage . grea . y ··•·rr• "II closed oro Sunday , there w,l ave · rn< r before I am This building and orchard 1s the tion of our· ,cove ' l A d Cl k Woul,I n,,t h1, ncu1· the nttruction, . d th t we will have nn extra property of M 88 mun n ar • n 1 .. convince 8 A f th home of Mr "' n,, ,).,uht 11111re people, both old . f th legislature during the ew trees ncor e ·

•••I l' '"•~ ·nuld ••c found ut church sc,saon o " e G. H. Currie and S. Singletary were ••• r yea r, 1924· twisted off. His home however re• Ir it bl' rn .,.,~" n,.ces.ff r ~' r,,r ti , ,i, u~(; ist to t'ill " proscription S d y mornin"' Mr. Fl'Red Jllllg, m:1incd uninjured. r,,r ,, 01 ,, ·1ck 11cr•. on, lot th1's be an II o h' w Y again" A few small trees in the Clarkton I , "I may not pas< t 13 ·, . • d d. . • h ' ' •1••· l,u 1 ·L him '""Ve off "dop- t h co ngreira cometary were uproote an at t ,s -~ to the great deligh!

0 t

O • pluco the storm was less damaging.

tlon.-Western Exchunre. lf',,r.t.n ucd on page eight)

train for Cump Glenn. fo r ul! department~ of th e Sunday At the bcginnini: of this hearing, School to recc\·ve pract,·cal sugges- there are t,vo ot: three things ( The first week of training taken

up while here was policing the urea tions conceminv. their •pccific wish to state clearly :· and military dicipline; we, of course, work. 1st. The only 01·gonization in the were able to secure the aren we held During the ·convention there will state which is doing any foreSt ry Inst summer und consequently the be question und dlscussion periods work is . the N. C. Geological 8nd police duty ot this co mpany was a when those present will bo given an ~con~mtc ~urvey. The only manner very small item, and the duty alloted opportunity to present thei; Sunday m which thts department of th" statc fo r this time wns tnkcn up in athletic school problems for discussion and can d_o fore•t ry work amonl{ the training and close .ord er drill, in ask questions on Sunday school I 0? untaes is by the v?luntur~ coopera-

1 I d k t10n of the countrns. Since the the ntter we arc very g u to say wor . . . county is dependent on a property tho company hns become very pro• The convention is mter-denom,na. tnx for revenue and the depletion o.f ficient. tional, and workers fo_r all forest property tends to increase the

The first regimental . review was s?hools of. all_ evu:igehcat ~e~omm~- difficulty n county has in raising the held Frid11y the 11th and the Motor bons are mv1tcd to purttc1patc m necessary revenue, it is the county Transport Co mpuny ot Whitevi lle, the work. The Columbus Gounty which should be most interested in received the compliments of the re• Sunday . sch?ol . aosociation, . und~r incr~asing the value of its forest viewing officers and visitors. 1 whose d1re~t1on the convcnt10n _is land through fire prevention and

Somo of the Camp Co .. ip being held as one of !_he scvent~-s1x supression. It is nbsolut~ly up to Private 1 Cl. Frances B. Rich11rd- county Sunday . school nsso~iat,ons the county whether it will .avail itself

•on, better known us Greasy, iror• now organized m the; st..,tc an- cdn; ' o! the ·provisions of the forest luw. mcrly mall orderly for the company nocti~n with the work ot the North It n county foils in this re•pect, resumed his duties upon urrivoJ in Caroltna Sunday Sc'ltool association. it is its people who will suffer. The cnmp a nd hns been very busy ce n• Full Program of the co"vcntion revenue of the state is not affected . suring the incoming and out !,lo• follows: 2nd. None of the joint fund made ing mail for the members of the Thunday Nisht, Jul,- 24th. up by an approprintion by the coun-company. 8 :00- Dcvotionol-Rev, I. T. New- ty and n like surn contributed by

Musician Covington C. Owon hns ton, pastor Whitev11lo Baptist church. the state, is spent for any other contributed quite ~ bit to the Int~•· s :16-'fho Challenge of the purpose but to protect the timber­~oinment of the compan~ by practtc• Young People-Miss Daisy Magee, land, within thot county. It is mg the bugle calls_ while the ~ther I Rulcigh, Children's division sup. paid to the county and township members were dblng bunk fatigue. 1 erintendcnt Noi•th Carolina Sunday wardens and deputies and to hired Some one asked him why he. tr ied t_o I school iiRsociatiull, . ,• ' , •- • fighters. None of the officials con. disturb their rest by blowing his . - nicted with the forester's office bugle to which he replied, "Well, 8


-t1ong. receive any of this money for salary_ its like 'this: while taking lunch at 8 :GO-The Bait That Catches a nd or expenses. Non~ of it goes for the officers mess they f ed me on Holds Meri a nd Women in the Sun- printing or supplies. Not even the so me kind of coarse meat which I day school-Mr. D. W. Sims, Rat- postage used by i:he wardens is t:ik• Inter learned was that of a horse, eigh, general superintendent North en out of county funds. On the when some darned K. P. (Kifclien Carolina Sunday school association. other hand the county receive!\ a sum Police) said W-h-o-o. and I was 9 :20-Record of attendance, equal to its own :ippropriation none ncnrly choked to death when a piece Announcements. of which is raised by taxation of the meat stopped in my throat." 9 ,SO-Adiof?n, within the county and is therefore

It is getting to be a fad for the Friday Mornins, Jul,- 24 clear gain to the county. -soldiers to cutch marsh ponies, · 'liut 10:30-Devotiona!.-Rev. A. J. 3rd. There are no politics in this up to now the M, T. C. has not been Howell, pastor Westminster Presby- forestry work . It isn't a · matter of able to catch one. After recall this terian cliurch. party policy. 'It is an economic morninr, however, llfey started ~ on 10 :46-The Masterpiece of problem and can only be solved by u cruse looking for one and when Creation-Miss Daisy Magee. the cooperation of all pnrties an d all about holf way across Bogue Sound 11 :15-Song. people. . I~ , they sow something bobing up and 11 :20-Record ~f attendance. 4th. I want to make clear the down and they immediately rowed 11 :30-Our purpose and our task present tinancinl situation. For the the skiffs in that direction nnd Mr. D. W. Sims. year ending 1923, Columbus when they nrrived on the scene of 12 :IO-Offering for Support of county appropriated $200.00 fo r the moving object. they found that North Carolina S~ndny school asso- forest protection, The state it was Corporal Benjamin D. Hick• elation·. ·, ·· , , .. Ii ~· 7 ngreed to add $200.00. This made a man. They pioked him up and took 12 ,20-Announcemeni:s.- r joint fund of f<10 0.oo. puring that. hiril back to shore and he wos n•k· 12 ,30-Adjourn. year ther~ was pnid, out ;793.26 cd why he wns so fnr out he soid , Dinner on the ground. Every. or nearly double th,• juirlt fund. Th'~· "I foiled to get a lotter from my body come nnd bring a basket. state, therefore gove Columbus• sweetheart und l have decided to Frida,- Afternoon, July 25th county nearly $400.00 more thnn it skip cnmp nnd go hnck to soc wh)· 2 :00-Devotional- Rev. L. B. Pat- agreed to and ncn rly $1JOO.OO in ni l. she doesn't write." I tishnll. pastor Whiteville Methodist In the face of these figures it is im-

Scveral of the fe llows were n little church. possible to double the good will of love sick f or the first week of our 2 :15-Some Little Things that the forestry division of the survey stny here, but sii:ce they huve met moke a big difference-Mr. D. W. toward this county. tho l\forcheod City girls it seems Sims. 6th. Some rnthcr un complimen-to change the mood, and I fear if 2 :4n-Song. tary and unjust statements hnve wr should have to st11y over for the 2 :50- Worship in the Sunday been mud c re~nrding tho character rifle practice which lnsts nin e dnys school-Miss Daisy Mngec. and purposes of tr.e men acting as after the encampment is over, we 3 :20.-Question and Di•cussion wardens an\! deputies in this coun­would hnvc npplicat ions for dis• period. Everybo<ly requested ta ty. These men are farmers, and charges on tho grou nd s of depend- take part. among the b1Jst cibizons of their nnts. 3 :50-Presentation of attendance re•pcctivc communities. They are

The detail with the trucks in pen_nant. not holding these · positions because charge of the second in command will 4 :00-Adjourn. o{ the money returns. It is one of leave Camp Frida·; a. m. en route Friday Nirht, Jul,- 25th the most difficult things we huve to for Whiteville, with the two five- 8 :00-Dcvotional-Rev. D. M. Mc• do to keep the organization full . The ton ( 5) Liberty trucks which have Gcuchy, pastor Whiteville Presby- requirements are precise and the been given to this orgonizat ion for terinn church. men are tinder oath. They cannot instructions. The iternary for tbill 8 :15-The call for trained leader- easily escape the preformancc of trip has not yet been announced. shlp.-Mls~ Dal,iy M'agee. duty. They have done good work

We will probably leave here Sun- 8 :50-Song. in this ~ounty and should be com-day a." m. about 5 :80 and expect to 8 :55-The' Teacher l>efore the mended and suported. arrive in Whiteville Sunday train class-Mr. D. W. Sims. This forestry proposition iij not a No 66. 9 :30-Adjoum. local proposition. If the other state~ H.·VANCE BATTEN, I

Flr5t Sergeant. (Continued on P•ll'• eiglit) (Continued on page four)

I VIRCINIA ROADS I COW LEC BLOWN THROUCH I hn\'c fail ed to b1•11; f it by t hem :, s c·a u, e it ca11n olfr,et_ throui;h the c~r'•'o· BUCKLED BY HEAT . MULE IN CYCLONE FREAK





n :c S:'EC!AL SESS IO N ,·:, , , h,.u ld . \\' hy'' \ gestcd ports o .111~ co untry. I _ t . ,·t• uwdy tl 11 ~ co11d1t1on and prevent. 1 -'rhe _Ral eigh, ,1111~· l 4.-:- 0nt.• o f

lt : t u l,:d t h:H U:t• ,·x i -ti n l,:' lut,:"i.-. - Thi:i h:t s Un·n d ue to~ 10 tcun;t11 c I thi ~ .L('oing- throug-n Ca unda and the The fo ll owing !,tO l'Y from Ricli- Culum biu. $. C .. tlu\~r 1 ~ ·r th111J;s tu co11 Hnler 111 pl a11 1

L l:, . i· ,.·: ill <.·i,n :d ,, ;11

l· ,ara o rdi1111 1· ~· ~ lt.·111 o ( t\h • 1•ntlt'(• · out 1. .: ll.'t St. Lnw i·clll' \'. ~l'\\' Yrn·k 8Lull' ha~ mo11tl, Va., rcg-ar<lin1t t h e rffcl't I torun<lo is une of the mus l ·e ni IC I ~ruw hl'l ' ( cattl e i i t c1 lrnv,, I 1 •

I· t h1 · pa n i L· 0 1' i i,_1 1 tl•e f.iOt1 tb.c• rn SLHll':i ,.,

1,,,,,t 1,,1,,,l,·c•<ls 0 1· 111 ·,11 ·,,, ,1e ,,r clullitr~ of heat. un t.h • co r1 cr ct~ roads built ful'C('S known to naiure, us can be so thaL t he ;111ima li,; ma~.· bl' k,· .1

• 1 ,ti ll lilt' 11•1111rt 11 1 t h.- S ttd 1• , · 11 1' , ,.., 1 'ti tl .. ncl \\'at , •r w tt,\' (' inun i!t: iun . T hi ,-, i

1 u\ r(•llll~· <·t,mrn it. ·· 1. to c o t.Lon , co~~- ill ru1t VPl'lill .lr th <· l~l'it• in to a 1,nl'g"t• lhl•l'l', i:4 of i11 t.l'l.·c s t in Ufr; sec Liu n

1 i;huwn by rccor<l s on fi c WI · 1 _

10 ! paKlurc .1'1·0 111 1' ix t u c• iJ,!'\i t ,i,

t inued t o l ' XIHtrHl 1h1 t< ~r<::1t cro p uu 1: \ r:au1i l (':qmbli.: of rat·t·yin ~ ._elf pl'o- whel'<• the ~tntc !lii.:hwuy co mmissio n stntc rclit.•f hC'n<lqm\ rtcrg of th e .f\ ~n• C':l('h yc.•a r. "H thLi i:; not •.vi. e ;~nd g tmd t·11 11) 11tu 11 s u 1 <· f ,, r IH.r- li zi n~ th1..·it· su r 11lt1 "4 !-:t\'lf\~l( to l,u ~ I · ha ~ bui lt many 111ilc-!- o[ t he (.'U lll~ rctc crica11 Red Cro::-.:, at Col urnbin. ~mys n. S. Cu1· tb, chi<q'

f c .l,,· o li,·i o u 11•, i.,;1111 .... , a nwnv. w hich 1> 111 n • , Jan· . 1 • r· .i s t · II JOl'l' c:otl(, IL pi.•llcil l,nt'1-!< '~ l b n ,ll~h 11~ au

d ~o

th~ ,.,·i1c includ iiw f if teen mill'~ in Dav- which has on file man y inSta n cc~ Anima l lntlu str.Y Divb inn ,

' - . . ( I hcml o[ l. :1k (' SUJh .' l' IOJ' 0 1' j.!l":1111 :lllt i-- }'

·.-. ;· uwi .tion tha t llw y a u t hu riiw d T i·m • Lou,,;i:.,na r:tl '.'\t' t JilU<: 1 ~~~a~· othl·r tu ,•wtch and na :--s throuf,! h lwr iLlson co unty and wh ich , so l'Hr a ~ rif 1"11 c fi•etdd shness or whir Ill~ No rth Cnro lina E.:-:peri mc11 t

j;t :d :-- d t'cll.• tl t lll' l'.'CJmmi ,:-. ion to mi,kt• :111d t,t lu-r ~o ullwrn I

s tai_c -; ra~ M '1

1 port. :\IJ pul't :-: ar~ funnl'l s which n .. •po rt et.l hen.! , renu.tiuctl in pe r fect winds of Apri l 30. These l 'l'l:Ol'cl :- "lhc.•n• is no r en~o n for Lry,

n. • .. th :i and l'L' !IOl"l l"'' dt•i·uh~t• 1'.t'.a ~cu llll I t _rcq~ in•t :uhl lnt·t!'cl y to the· (•tut of tl':ttl . po rt · co11 11itio11 duri ni,: t he recent heat show ii ca\'y objects blown abou~. µr ofit hy rai sin g- !)('cf catt ll•.'' JI' a d l•\·a stauni,: t•l\'I I wa_r tu :-.ho\\ LIie iug- vm,ds :ft1t.l C-i ') t- ,·inll \' whcu tu n- wa\'c. the worst in t e n yoani, when dwellings demolis hetl and li ttle t ruce I\l r. Curti s g"ivc . ..; the foll owii..

ti • th l·lll. 111;- i.d i•n t u lt · 1 ti~"' 1\\111


t , 1111 t h thnt lww1:,·t•r, 1n11H.1i·~an ~ cul- I ~1:~l<:: I a s uu r u o.rth AL!untic port s 011 t.wu 01· t hree cfoys in s uccc~:,;ion of ihem fo und, great trees Mhnt- quirCments ne~<l ed tv fe ed h1· 1•1 h1:i~<· .. n rr J> atu :,La 1:t r c1J1u 1.· ~ ton mav )rnv<: bceu a nti s t il l i:,. )"Ct I Tl It · the kmpcrntu 1·e h vv~ rcd urounci ur I t c red u:-. by lnrge cha r ges o'f dy na- tl c for one year: tl a t iun :-= con·ri n~ a ino~L inq ic,J' lallL . . . K' n r 'fhi s \\'11~ a}MO I \"C l'Y frN 1UPllt y :t l' l ' , l C l'NiU J,.t I r~ ti a nd fa r h •:ith in;.: inlvrua l inipr,,\'t•• 1t is not. 1 g:. · ·

1 1 thut in coml,in:ttiou with Now ,lcnu: )', exceed ed a hun (l:'1•d in t he :,ehudc: I mite und n Htreet car blown ° .1. H' Stock cattle wint(lretl [or t l.1_

, .. nt. ~ u , :cui.- ,·:d i\ s:-;c mbl~• ha~ iu lll•1t1t,n:-.u ·ntnl th '-' unl•\'l'n. < c•v~ o r - :...J' Y. , j :,e 1111w s pcn clini: $U;O,OOO,- " ln tc11 Hc heal ~oll ow in i: the col1l truc k. ng-e period of · four ancl , 11 ,

nH•11t ,)f th l' ,w uth rc :-' u lt ing- trom oo·o t I ti port f il 'ti s :-s J1c ll hn!-1 l'XJ)a nd od the co ncrete on 1 A n ew t hr.cshitH!' ma chine, th f' month!-.l, wi ll rcc,uirc :mo 1wu 11"1 hL· pa 11t, o1· will l,c cn lh:d ou i11 tl11· . • , '" 1' \ ' , ,,111 to th l' 11c,.:lc,ct o c-x pun_t '.''Mt! . nc I e . .

h it -1 1

, lU i.•on . idi..•r a prt)poMit ion th ' s " 11 ~ (I 11 · . ".. • . . ·i Th c !-H II\ O tl1111~ 1:; tnkm g- pl ace nt t he PctershUl'f.! tu!'npikc ancl cu uscd f 1Jrnpc1·ty of J, ' ,N. Ja ck.Mon, nea, enr corn nnd 1,500 poun<l :-: o f,

· h,•,t ,·, ,,f 111

,,1 .. , ,, ni\'"rsal n ,,,,,licat ion 11 1' ul ll c•,· l!<1ual\~· 11 not mo1t·_

1" .0110

11~· all of the other North Atlantic it Lo buckl e i11 many place~. In so me 111 orntio , Sumter co unty ,' wn s de: 1 ston• 1· or ha y, or 700 pou nd

... ... •mt indust1•i1, ... Un for run aLu )' t II R , f ti . 1 d · 11 t --. of -an,! lh.•ll(•rit Lil all th e peop le uf all '

1 f t h Ports. 111 s pite' '> 11s, 10wever, plucc~ purts of Lhc concrete s tnn up · s truyc<l a nd pract1t'H ~r n o racu cor 11 s il ag·c and :2.000 pound .. 11 ,

th e• ~tale. ThiH !'tad is nol NO l' idl war le- ft the pco pt c o . ·1 c I i\lontrcal an cl tlir: St. Lawrence ri- :-IC \' 1..• ral inclws nhovc parts n cur Ly. it, hm; been f ound. Mr. Juckson's 1 ~tover or hay. op- sPUthcr11 statt s11 1'11"" l Hit unl i re• r II · tu one very had Hec.t ion sum L1o nc has ..,_, ,,b s.· t,,ntinl two -stor y dwelling wn s r,,o,· 111a,·nt.ainin!! b1·ee,l in "" ,·111

11:,r ·rn to p(!O l>lc in the l' icd1110 11 t . . 1 11 l I w·r l'Oute i!-' s uccf':is u y co 111 pet111 g- 1 ·~ ! ,. , t-,

:m<l mvuntuin scc'.iv ns u, i, the high- ccntly th '')' ha\'C >ce n um, )'' 0 un - in t his •rcat wcste. rn traffic. <•rel'tcd II si~n wi tich reads: "Pi·c- demolished, uncl m, has been un. nblc in J.!O Od ~tv<:rn(l'e condition th t . th v J o not vi ~u ul dc•rtnkc a we- II bn la nn ·d <le :clop- In th: South ,\ t la n t ic nn d Gulf JI Cll'C tu llH!CL Thy Uo<l.'' to fi nd wh e re tht• upper story went tion sh ould be in Cl'('HSCd from !,.-.

: ~:\:~·~,\~;1~~;:1.:~~,\ ~~ be dovd~ pc(i nll"lll. . '- Ports sim ilar conditions exist.. New "The !hig h\\~ay dcpnrtmcnt hn!i to, · and only about 200 brickH of two 50 pe r ce nt per animal <lcpc11t1 :11.~

. . d l \Ve cn n urukt·~t.and t his bcLtC'l' vY Ol'lcnn~ hnf- so expanded h ere port se n t. a force of men to t h e .sc('nc lo I ma 8sive chimnc~rs 1.·e rnuin. th e breed a n d s izC' of th!! nni n1.1. a ... tht?· do t he i_~npro~'Nl roa s t mt a u·l im !oil· into the past , in the curly t I 1,,_.,

111 front

01 thc

11· homes buL ~ P

I f t facilities that her export trade is remedy the ~ituntion . Near Dixinna, Lexington coun Y, ing fed .

the hene f its exis t if we Jevelop pa rt of ln•t c~ ntu,·y 1111 ' or en second to New York's and more t hun " Henry G. Shirley, chairman of 11 1,200-pouncl safo was picked up , Fo1· fattening cattl e for th,• . 1

~I I years after railroad ~ w,,rc known to three ti me• as great us Philndelphin's, tlio ,stuff hi .. hwuy co mmission , has , with the f looring and de- ket, i~ will r equire 1200 11,. and Uf't• thl'Si(' w;nc-rw,~y~. . ore - . . . bl I h l t l . ,.. .n, .~ over th<: d e \' c• loJlmcnt nncJ use 0! be p ru cuca (> t ~~ w O c r e nt wuK In nddi t io n s he has improved he r in- directed :-.tatc enginee r s to investi- / poKitcd severnl hu~drcd yards away o f cottonseed m eal nnd 2 1-!! 1 r,,

h b h I t nd in l nrl w·, towurds co n1'trucnng cann l~. Three land watcrwnys and has maintained gate the condition of t he recently ip u fi eld, of corn s ilng-c a s o n r r ation H I l


0; r: ,:

011 us " by Di: lar~c • Y• t 0m• wcr~ developed (I) nnvigntion on the Ohio, Mississippi completed concrete road !ronl At Horrill Hill, Richland county , 200 poun<ls of cpt tonseed meul , · •. ~

vi ru• Pro,·idenc·e is ,. snc l'ecl trust and to tran spurt Pennsylvnnin un thr"• and Wurri or Ri vurs in spite of the Hughes Hill in the direction of the feathers were blown off chic~- tons of corn silage and 1,GOO JJ<> nd,

obli~a ti on we owe to our posterity. ci t e coal t o the ,eabourd• <2 > to tl'llfflc opposition of the rnilrouds Bachelor's Hull on the Henry county en• and they w:inderecl around in of good hay. If corn is rai sed on

A> Prcsidr•n t Roosevelt , aid to the connect the scubo,ml wi th the Ohio and other opposing interests. Hous- pike, known ns Rt. No. 12. The a state of nudity. the farm in sufficient quan ti tie, ,

Governors flt the Conservation Con- valley and Great Lukes r el{ion " nd ton, Galveston, Mobile, Tampa on road is near Danville. Attention of In t he Walnut Grove section . the grain part of botli rat ions m,,)' ( 3) to connect these Great Lakes h G lf d s h J k I 11 d t t the body of a h If f forenc,, in Wa•hington, D. C. "Any t c u an · avunna , nc son- Mr. Shirley was cu e o a wuvy Spartanburg coun Y, ' be made one• :'.I o c0tt 1> nS<•e,I

ril(ht thinking fa t her earnestly de- with the Mississippi River 11nd its , ille and Charlestcn on the South condi t ion of this road which, accord- dead mule was found with th" leg meal and one-ha lf of corn .

tiires and st r ives to leave to hi• 8011 tributaries. Of course th0re were Atlantic are spending millions of ing to t he people complaining, gives of a cow driven into its side. Mr. Curtis states that sheep hKc

both a n unta rn ished name a nd II many other canals con•t ructcd us dollars in port cxpansion and busi- to a car going over it a "rocking A four-ton electric motor, used in beef cattle should spend from ,;,

r easonable equipment for the st rug- tributaric• to th••e or to se rve local ncss in eve r , ens~ is rcspondinir in chair" motion. Attention was also driving spindles at the Highland to eight mont hs on pasture. Du rim·

gle of life. So this na t ion as u whole intcrc•t. Ot thesc •Ystems the mo•t •utisfactory measure to the increas- called to several cracks. mill, Anderson, was blown from the the four months' winteri ng- perwd

• houlcl earnestly desire and strive far reaching in its ef fect• was the cd facilities ut the ports. "Mr. Shirley said today t hat nil building and laid into n field 5o the requirements per sheep pc,r rl :.y

t o leave to t he next generation t he Erie Canal connecting New York In tl,e past u; to 20 years Nort h concrete roads cr.-ick where expan- feet away. are two pounds of legume ha y ,:nol

national hono r unstain ed and th r, City via th0 Hud,on river wi th Buf• Carolina has estanl,shoo 8 spelendid sion joints arc not provided and that On River street, Anderson, " four one-half to one pound of con , national rcso urcc:i i.nexhaustcd. Of falo, N. Y. Bei:un in 1817· " nd com• school system. She has establisher! it is now to put in joints but to a l- street cur was blown from the t rack ccntrntes, one-fou rth of which 1r.1y

these natural r esources the soil, the plc ted in 182" · it wus but !our mnnufncturing on a firm foundu- low the concrete to crack, smoothing and wns laid on its side in an ad- be cottonseed meal. Thus the tntal

forc•t• and the waterways can not feet deep. 28 feet wide at the bot- tion cnpnblc of future expansion . down the high crneks after a reason• joining- field 30 yol'cls nwny. req uirements will be one-cig-hth of

only be used in such manner as to tom , 4o feet nt the top " nd as5 She hus improved in agriculture able period of ~cttlement. After A massive smokc-st'!ck at the n ton of hny and fr om 60 t o I ~(I

leave them undiminished but cnn be mile• long- in reality but II long until •he is ncnr t he top a nd still year s of <' xpcrienise the hig-hway de- Highland mills, A nderson, wns di s- pounds of grain for ench sheep. Th,

actually improve<l by wise use." bi~ ditch- it was by fnr th e moSt advancin g, she hns done remarkably pnrtmcnt fou n<l that bulging of t he plnce<l from its base us smoothly as larger breeds will r cquir" th e hen,,. ,,

North Carolina hn!I 300 mil es of imporhillt :lll'Li~icinl , br:rn sportativ n well in insurances, she ha• luirl concrete, where expansion joints if clcnvcd by n disk snw, was li'ftucl feeding of grain .

ocean front with 11n enormous ex- route 111 th~ United Statcs. It. forced the foundation for developing- our were used, often caused a danger• nnd deposited agnin on its base two pan•c of navigable sounds, hays nncl Penn syl~ur~la un_cl ll!urylund to coll• sea food industry, and has develop- ous condition . Und ,• r t he present and one-hal-f inches out of plumb. he has a ll t he n,., ntal J) O\\' (' I' un,I

d . h' h ff cl t

I struct s111ulur highways to cnubl e d f w ·1 d l t dd I an rivers w ,e n or grcu er . e<l II splendid highwny system. But plan, he suys, the trouble is not so It was necessnry to pull it own. force o 1 so n a n 1as t 1c " e,

opportunities for successful cl el'e l- Philn~c lphia and Balt'. mor,• to com- she has done little for her t rade and great nnd lends itself to II pcrmnncnt In ever y storm aren trees, some I grucc of a sual' it~• th"t 111:r. \\'iL 011

opment of a sy, tcm of waterways pcte 111 w~stcrn_ t raffi c. It opened commerce which is suf fe ring from remedy. of them three feet in diamete r , were did not p<>ssess. He was born "'

ihan an\' oth er s tate on the Atlantic up the -,nt, rc middle west and th" nn unfair and unjust f reight rate " But no way hw1 yet been fo und twisted nnd shattered into splinters I West Virginia, ,:cl ucated at Wash

S cabm1~d. The co mmiMs ion fo un<l I Urcat Luke~ regio n . I t d eve lop ed <li~cr iminntion . This she hn~ borne to prevent con cr ~t c from cracki ng, and in every section dwelli n g~ nn<i ! int?ton and Lee Unhtrs ity in hi:-:tnrh

th:it th (.l u:se of these God-~iven j cfficicnl tra ns portation on these for mnn)' yen rs nt u cost of ten ,to no mut ter whut precnutions nn' out-ho uses were ~;plintcred a s if I Lexington , Va., un<l has for tlw 1w~1 I I' . ibl Great Lakes. It uni fied N. Y. state t ·ct 1 · N y l

wnt<:rway!i ha :1 hce e1 n most n eg ,g c I d b ' l t h t of N fifteen mi llions <lo llurs annually. Th e used.' ~a id Mr . Shirley toduy. chopped with an axe. t ucc ycm·~ t'(!s1 - l'( in ·cw or . and t hnt us to their use!ulncs• · in

I an Ul up t e por • ew way nnd t he only wny to estnbli~h _____ Cit)•, He has serl'ed the na tion h,,111

buildi nl{ a great,•,· nnd richer n11d Y01·k u'.1til/L ha• /;e,co;e ~ho lurg- a nd 1s11fc~uard our trnde nnd co m- Phillipa • for Commander NAMED THE BEST MAN I at Wa shin gton nn d al>rond wi t

morf\ powtr!u l fl t ~lf(' iK eonccrn <' d it er-Jt 1,ort. Ill L H: wort in Ol \'olum c mcrcc ngnim~t t h is cli~cri mination is grent distinction.

'"oul,I h,'l"" be•-11 ,·,11110 .• t ', t• ,,·•II fu,· , an d ""luc of tl'llclc. I t st.nbilizccl ( I . t 0· t l ) B th t· I 'I l .. .... "'" .. •'l ~ .. - t o huild uJ') n co-unli natcd sy~tem (The Lex ington Dis patch) .. cxm g on 1~pn cl o pnr l <'!- are now ( er u:.

N'orth (',·1 1·olc' r1,·1 to 1,,,,.,, 1)" '•11 11 11 ·,11 - ' freig ht ra tes f_rom its co rn_ JJlet_ion lo o f l11n,I • 11,I Lr,,1,s1>0 1·tnt '10.·1 Th . l l ' t t l 1· " f f h '"h ch t • nd inl .,, ;,,. "' "" "' . " wnt ~1· l t is n ut only cx-se r vicc, rncn but ere 1s p er mp:; 1 ' e < 1v1s1on o I m en o 1,; nra c <it· .. _ c ,.., · .

l., ncl "t,"1te. \Vt, • •,. t l1e ". t,1t" inl"l,t ' date. Be for,, _,ts co111plet1on ,1; cost . D t l Re d ti . n •a 11 b f U"l11 ,, ... ,.. "' "' ., c·on nectin g with ~hippin \!' o n tlu· t h e pun pie of Lcx tngton u nd Dnvi<l- op ini on n mong- cmocrn s nn c ·~ an · 1e ca mpa1 1,t '-( ~ u ,-. 11

ha \"• ,1 ,,nr. .,,n,I •a n ". 1·,11 ,·1cco 111pl '1• l1 $ 100 u n<l 1·c,1u1 rcd ~O duys lo Lrun~- h l D t' t . . ht t l e ,. . u ~ " .. ,. "' .., high i-wns .from our own po1·t.~. 8011 co unty gcner~ liy who nre inter- publi Cnn s t nt t 1.J: emocrn ·1c n n- n s raig ou · st c11 1~s c :;.

for itself and for posterity by the P_nn n ton or fr~i~ht frolll N_c w equipped_ with modern terminn l h- u:it ed in the news that Mnj. Wade H . tio na l conventi on in New Yol'k yes- \

'l .. , .. ,lopn1c•nt an<! u•. " ,,f 1,,.,. u n \ Ol'k to Buffalo, af t cl' eom plet_ 1011 cl th t t ·1 bl S b 'b t th . ' ' "''" Ro•1u1·t , . ... " ~.. " - cJl!d o11 Phillips will rnakc the.~ rncc for t he te11duy name - e s ronges avai a C' u SC1'1 e o <! .-.,- s • •·

urpa~sc<l wnter\'.tiys en n lw hci4l it col:i t t en dollars r. to n u11d eight Th <.• ~hip a nd wa tet'\\'n)i com mi ~sion Stat .. Co mmander o f t h e American m nn ns i ts stnnd:ird bearer in this Two Dollnrs in ad\'n n cc . · otJ, ,,

1• days for the :-i.ami.: f: crvicc. .... dtu·rminc•<I by wnut ~lalC!i t·cpol•t; tha t t his is fcn~ib lc and Lcgio_n . T_ h e hon•, ~· :,hould it come I cnmpa ig_n, in t!t_c P_e ,_·.•.·.o n_ of J ohn

tnV<· ',,n,, an< ;'Ire ~ t t OIIH!', will be e ffcctivt!; t hnt the state to him will come well <lescrvc<l, und W. Davis of \Ves t ngmrn. I I I t ·11 I · The third s .vstcm u( cn nal ~ enabled _ v MAI.ARIA Th f I I r II the t'Hl' llll' l"S or t h,, \\'C SL lo fl oat their I I t k

· ,\·:- l'~ r: ~~~ llnwn ta 1>~;}111~; ,~


1. suqJIU!i

1,..,,duc t :< t q the NCJ Ulh whcrr• :4hould u nd ertake it a l once; that it will be a dis tinction a lso to hnvc 1 :Mr . Dnvis is whn.~ wou (. 1c l~~w n

inlan ,I this co nforms lo mode rn pl'l{ctice nt in Loxing-ton the Etatc hendqunrtcrs ·1 in Engl_nn<l ns " 1_,bcrnl_ 111 poht ic~; 1 LEA A whHh<·r b1.• tu r npi~r . ra ilw:1t· , na\'i • they found a r<:a<l y mark et. for t h ·i r b l h b l I h ti b VI:'{'

;.r ., home and a ron, i t ut. a perman- of this vigorous orj!nniznt ion o f u t tc 1s a. man 1r w uc 1e u s 1- , i:..:,

~uLh.• l'i\'CI'~ or inl und wntcrwuyli is I f lr, u1·, lh·•· s tock nncl pro,,is i(,rt::I, l•'o r C'nt commi ~sion be nppoin tcd to act world war fighter~. n ess interes ts of t h e countr.y }Ii.I ve H M CJ ;d for ,J lhl' chc. pc-;t anti most c f. + lhuir ma nufact ured rand impo rted fol' the stutc• in maki ng thc!4c im- --------- u_tmost_ confide nce nnd his n omi~a- EAVY ARK

i'ic ic-n u1can s of connr•c t inr, with good i-; the• Sout h went to th e mer- I . h l II b l,l bl "" provc m c nts, nn( 111 t osc rccom- T om Turhcel SHYH that the renl I ion WI pro a Y '!rove a ' C:i'.'llllg'

t ,. H'aboard in tl1c tranRpor l o f chunt i; of th e no1·Lh and cnist. llav- mcnd ntio ns t h ese experie n ced bu~i- louder in his eo mmun ity does n 't np- , whe ther or not h e ts clect e<l m No-

var'-'c-ngcrs a nd frciJ,ChL Since wntcr- i111:: foil ed to d e v<:-11,p mnnufncturing, J b ncsH expe rts wc r t' un a nimous. pcur to be lcadin A,t nL a ll. vcm er. Mn.lnrin.. unfortunately, dom1 not onil wit.h w;i y,-, trnns.f1C11·l 1s nlwnyl'l chenpcl' banking-, co nimc rc r: an,I shippi ng t h r Do we wiMh t o d evelo p No r th _ ___ _ _ ______ 1 E mcr1.nnJt nfter the most notnblr the breaking of Chi lls and rcducin1i of

, 1nd ge nerally much mo,·c rnpirl I so ut h paiJ tribute to lile fa,·mct·• of Curollnu'/ Th en let us adopt this progrum will help our ne i~hbo,·s nt I cl cadlock in t he political histo l'y of ~it:"u'i·n~~=~-~~t:i;;~:k~•~~chfsi~i~~~mr~;~

thnn n ny form <>f lnnd tran~port 1 th0 \\'CKt., to th0 mcrc lrnnt~. mu nu- re port a nd J}l'ovido a cor r<l innte flys- th e i;;nme time. W e cn n help o u r ! t h e co untry, l\·Ir. Dnvis stoo~ out plainto scc. VitaUtyiswenk,appoLiiopoor,

H'Ch \\'hte-rwnyQ ~hnulcl hr d c \'clopcd I factur<:rs , IJHnkc i·s, hrokers aucl o f land nnd wate r trunsportn- f..t'ni n a nd oth et· producers o f thl' before t h e convention as on e who di~!,~~.t iv:~0..1!~~~t•~i~hl?1T0~i~.~~;!t~'b\; .. u .. t.ion co nn ectinf.,t' with th e world 's l\'li< < c w cs y prov1 mg n 1t1onn ref u~c at a s ng•..:s o u c gnme t.o anti-malaria prt?scription is invaluuble .. nn d IISNI when"\'c r avail111.1,, nr, ,I shipr>crs of the ca~t. 'l'his tril>ut,, . 111 t b ·a· cld' . 11 d 11 t f 'h

; ract ic1, I. :>:eccqsa ril y those s tntes I wi ll contin ue• uuL:I we have 11 ren t shippinK at ou r own seubonrd with trnnsportutio n facilitie s fo r t hei r ex res rt to ·rny of the urts of the po Wintcn,mith'• Chill Tonic builds up :11101

1',, on t.hc, ~r-n r•nJ·o.v vcr" mnrk<•d nncl cnm1>ldc v is ion of our wonderful · ~ · 1 - · 0 ~ , • 1 • - reKtorcs what thcmn1arial fever hns t·

1~wn , t he spir it thnt built the El'ie Ca nul. port g rnin and other pro, ucts and liticinn in ordet· to ra in t ,e nonnna- away. It enriches and purifies the bluutl,

111lvu nta~<·~ ov<.•r i11lantl s tates. Thrnw •1~Mt:ts nnd act ually Uc,·clop noel \V e have cqunll y COA'Cn t reasons with we can hl.'lp our New York a nd othcl' tion, nnd h e woulil n ot permit oth- alWJ tho appetite, tones up tho Ryswm,

tidva n n~•·" ' rtl'f! wu rHJc•r fully enhonc- 1 u se lll<•m. equa l or grcntt:r 1n·omi~c u( su cces~ northern ne ighbo1·s with co ngested er~ tu do so in his behalf . The1 hWJtenS lborct;~of ~l~ulll~;H

1ti trcn~.


td i f thc·y a l"!o have in ln ncl wn- Tlw si tuati on tc,,lay ts that our ns New Yo r k hns e njoyed bceaw~c ports by relieving this cong-cstion only organization buck of h im wa ~ 0 i~tf:t':J!ith~:ci~NT;;ic~i~•~:~~! ;;1p~

uwnys nnd rive:i•p P. uscoptiblt! or ~min of the west farnu•rs a l' !! <liK- we lrnve n mu ch mol'c vnluublc hint- nnd there by r educing th e cost to tht:


n group of home t nwn frie nds from II nnd cer tninrclicf:and. :1tungsiegcof )l_al:1•

· I • · · · h · f ' I 'l'h . . . . rin can often be avoided. Its hcmctu.:w.1 f.rncucn USC' in conn r-c llon with t c snt lk ·1c,, Cy cnnnot produce c rh,nd to s upport o ur tl cvelop- p1·otlucer nn<l retnmmg t he business Clark8burg, \V . Va. , whose cl forts cfTccts have been pr1>ved in thous::mds of

t-J t-: t. Such h~ mnnifet-1tl)1 nntl fire- \ ~ra in a :i l'hcapl)• ,,., in thl' Cunndiun m cn t. North Carolina lies in t he in our own coun try. \V e h nvc t h e were largely directed toward ac• c:uies, over 56 yoars of conti!'ucJ use. At

l'mi n(•nt ly North Caroli nn 't.i s ituatio n norLhwo~t 11 01· cn n they trun Mport best port o f that vast costn l nnd v is io n let u s execute it. quaintin~£ t h e country of the type of ~oout.~ ~~!. $\~:-eMo:~Po~~ b~cih~~~Fn~;..: ' " to tran sport:,ti on possibilities. We it for export n t heap ly. This ho- Piedmont urea stretchin g from Mnry- E. F. GLEN N, U. S. Army. man Davis is. His friends declare wmilh Cbemicnl Co., Inc. Louiavil~~:A~~:

❖❖❖•=•❖❖❖❖❖•: .. :-:•❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖•:••:-:-:•❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖•:-:-:-:.:-:••:-:-:-:•❖ ❖ y

❖ INSURANCE ·i· I OF ALL KINDS I :;: Can You B·e =:= ~ ~

I Without I I Tobacco Barn i ~ I

Drop Me a Card

and I Will Call To

See You·

Insurance? l


lnnd - to Plorida a nd thence to

'l'exas. Th c 1·e is not in the ent ire i••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Blll li~ wo1·ld an arun tha t hn !-l bNm so I

wonderfully blessed in f ertility of s h F 11 s. soi l, variety nnd healthfuln ess of ·• I.

climate, in variety, \'Hlue nnd vol- uns 1ne O ows : umc of products and in potcntiuli tios If

of nKricultural and industrial growth. !I

Kn sec tion that is so self conta in ed the· St'orms w an d independent of t he outside for : suppor t, hea lth .,ncl h11ppin css. And I

yc-t t hi ~ scc.ti o n is not mnrc• thnn ten I!'

per e,•nt devclope<l. North Curo- :

lin n hns but tw., and n hulf mil- The rainbow never fails us with its promi se from God to man • lion an d should hnve a minim u m of t hat sunshine shall fo llow the storm and harvest will come • tun million of p1·ospcr ous and con- after seed time . ~ tontud citizens. To do th is we mu st m provid e trnnsportation facilitie• Columbus county still has plenty of time to prod uce a good Ill

che11 p enough for them to compete crop. There is no reason why we should be discouraged. ; with others in the markets of the ~ world. The commission points the We have an abiding faith in Columbus and her people and 11

wny to accomplish this in full meas" while many of you are discouraged on account of the rains If

urc. We are now bringing people damaging the crops, we are showing our faith and belief that ~ into the state attracted by our own things are not as bad as they seem by buying one of the l;>ig- I

advertising of oui· advantages. Other • · gest stocks of goods that we have brought to Whiteville dur• " agencies believe in our great nd• • ing our several years of business here . · : vantages and are also advertising us. • ,r We owe it to these incoming people • Let's smile and look for better things. • 'l'ho wish to become North Oaroli- : I'

nlans aa well' as to posterity to • Th O p • s : provide suitable and the best trans• • t · 1

~rtatlon fac)li,tics that our physl- : e ne rice ore II! cal advantages will permit. We ■ : muat d.o it ounelvea . it '\\le expec\ ■ • the Lord to help ua. Aa we aee it = J. S. Mann, Manager Vinelan~, North Carolina ~ the carrylnc of th!■ ,Improvement ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

= j i • II

• • • • lt

• II

• II • • • • • • • • • • • • • -••

$15,000.00 STOCK ==========· OF MERCHANDISE==========



EGINNING JULY 18TH-F0R THIRTY DAYS This is going to be the Greatest Price-Cutting and Slashing Sale in the history of our business. We are advertising bargains an«\ that's

not half---we are going to give them to you. With each purchase of $10.00 we are going to give 10 Yards Sea Island Druid LL for 75c.

Our Bargains are so numerous it is impossible to mention only a few. We sell the best Shoes in America: Red Goose Solid Leather Shoes

Men's $35.00 Suits

Cut to $22.50 ,Ji

I ' Men's $25.00 Suits

Only $19.95 Men's $22.50 Suits

51) Prs. Men's Solid Leather $4.50 Ox­

fo rds at the ridiculous low price of


One lot Lad ies' $4.00 Sandals going at


Tht:: Big Selle r. Dotted Swiss, while

1t last3 , per yard


(Jne lot yard wide Bleach, per yard

12 1-2c Yard wide Perca le , fast color and

~oo,J quality, per yard only

17 1-2c

Men's $20.00 Suits at the price of

$14.98 Boys' $6.00

Suits Only

.. ., . _ , .... ,,.. .. ., $4.49

--Boy's $10.00 Suits

Going at $7.49 32-Inch Utility fast color Ginghams,

cut from 35c to, per yard


Lot Dress Ginghams, per :,:ard only

12 1--2c Few bolts Canton Crepe, $3.00 grade,

per yard only


One lot of ~!en's Union Suits, $1.00

grade, Special, each


Men's :91 25 grade Dress Shirts, good

quality , cut to, each


i2 00 Grade Anville 1Overalls going at I


Men 's extra good $1.00 Work Shirts

for, each 79c

Men 's Sox and Women's Stockings

ver pair-j ust 9c

200 Handbags and Suitcases, while

they last- now


~Owing to the exist• ing conditions in

this section we decided to make these special prices.

Men's $3.00 Felt Hats at the Slashing

price of


Ladies' 35c Lisle Hose, per pair only

19c 50c Quality Rubber Belts cut to, each


50c Quality Tissue Ginghams, per yd.

33 1-3c Crepe Paper, all colors, 10c quality,

now per roll

Sc Men 's and Women ·s 50 and 75c Straw

Hats, each only



Harrelson, Graham & Co. L. G. GRAHAM, Mgr. ~ ,, TABOR, NORTH CAROLINA


. ' , ..•


T HE NE WS REFORTER T HCR. DAY. J C y 17, 1'• J". r. -:- . ·r:

h I "E \\'ORK O F t c- 1· ::1 hn1Jc to cn~ .\'~ n i~!- work t.han~ um we ca n ~pend ct'ficic-n tly. T he I prutl'Ction of the g-rc,n :tl' l'H:- nf l· uh ll (' h'I' .. 11' 1' '1 \\'l'l le, d 1·(H:ll d UjlCII? t l' l.C ~4T!r~ ...

, . . CONSERV ING TIMB ER U\'(•r bL•Corc. t inw wi ll com(I ~O~lll wh en Co lumbus I c~t lan d_ in Colum b~~ d ul'in:. autonio lJil •· j u :--t ,,.., nlllt"h n~ th e_•:: ({'on linued fl' olll pugc 1 ) B(•fol'c t he Sm·,·cy c:a 111e into Co- l'o u nty will :,; pcm! d irec tly o t· ind i •I r~u i· l' nd rn g )Iny t,hntr n tH•,

THE NEWS REPORTER o~ 1 ·0 1, t , 111\.:,i t 'Ut,;S 'f 'I:.

do 0 11 tlw r:.iln i:td -i a ~ :1 l• \~,rn ~ 01 - --- lumbu:-- countJ' t lll'l'C was no or~nn- redly $ 1000.00. may be $2,000.00 I( W (' are c O 111 P .l' 1 l '

OU R PO L IC Y: \\" c b (• l it\' ~, lwn rt tn1 11 :-. p <1t' l. l l io 11 . T IH· m1 tvinobik: hf,nll• ri11 J: u f No r lh ·a1·o lin:1 hml ii l·d for e~! p l'olccti0 n. l n th o~c o 1· mo r e in fot· c~t protcctio 11 a nd lwl ka,· o the cou n ty, you .w~ll h:i\', e. n<l ;,c,u l. in uur pn1wr, our c.ounto· . fi llin~ ~tat h.,11 Pl-e ll ;ii t •)-1. mu eh lht: pll· nt y ti[ ti mUcr, \\'<' \\'(luid not II Cl•d ~•l·n1•:,; c nou~h t imber wcn lth was ll e; 1,!'l:id i..o do it. Any dela y in pushin g- d.o nl•d all prC' t<• n8c_ of ~() J't •~t !1

., .. tl untl n:.t;o n . \ ' t · ~t and f lJr pr0- . . . . I , , l t I l b C I ,_ t ·, ti·, ·,, ,1·u1·l,· 11u· ,,. ,,,,·11 l"'"',' IJl t 1' 11 ,·11c1•u11 ""<l t1o t1 and th e county w ill Jou if l'!'S - f<ir ht• u• r roud ~. b~t.Lcr :,:1111(• 110:,,ll tun ,, hl!\l' tu t ~t.: .lll ~~ tlJ wo r l'y ::Lout ou1· supply v f fv t'l':.; t ~ rorrc o uy o umuu :-: a : Ii.,::! pre- ~ .... , -.; . ., ... , tiool:- l'!1 u rch•q nnd a better living• muhi ll• 11 $. tlH' , :.:-.~:• nJ~l l' ::: tntw11 cl Ol':-. prnd uds . But t hi :,; is not RO. Five sc nl a sses:-1cd value. \Vht'n our war- c·xpl' ncla t urcs late r. T he co unt~, cn n l ~.-~a r in Jurcs~ .''.'\ luc:,; n.ny -. i .! 1• lttPi1 ctl in:opl c, ! 1,, 111,. 1 .. ,1•11,.·11 m1-... ~o c•ou uty wo uld dc>n s wcrc f irs t ap p:iin tcd tlwii· u c:ii~h- now 8a ," whether it. wi ll 01· will not-1 l io m hal f n n_ullt on to a mill int' "' \ sout..J-u.•r11 ~tal cs Jl1'tHluc:c more h11n- ·' ! I 1'1 t

P UBLISHr. D E ·y T H U RSDA ~ l think ur doi uj!' :,i, uch n ~ia~g c rln ~ he r i han Lhl•~' co nsunw. In a f ew bo 1·:,; made fun of the m. T oday s1w nd t hi s mon ey. The tim e i:,; co m- nrs. . le . minu <.' • ~·ou rf'fu

E V K I 11, ·,,, ., ''" tu o r<for th c ra ilr oa d~ to • I . t they nre comi ng- with inquil·i1'. n s to in !!, wlwn t he c:01.mtv wil1 lrnvc no npprn1_·,riat.1<rn for tht~ wor k, --at-- ,.. Yea 1·:-: th l•\' will l, ~ c ,a!-l~C< a ~ 1111por - ·· ., I c I b t \V.:!7i':V fLLE, N. C. d o~t• up station:; ar:d <, li~t·r , ·<· · un- i11 ~ i- tnt<·~. The ):1·t•alc1· pun of i hc how they shou ld hand le the fir es th e~' chuic(• in t he s pc•ndi n ~ of mo n (."y for <on e 111 o um u~ coun r. i; _ '<• red "' t he postoifke t;t White- ,I n,·. timber i11 th e cu1111t1')' is i11 t he ox• ~~c•l the{ mt\t"t. Int a~;;·! y~~~t thi s purpose but will be cumpell c1 h_~ CARD OF THA NKS

,:ii ic. ~. C .. :\pril 3, 189 0 , ns sec• Su ppo:il' all ~tu t cu and C('! Unt.ic ::; tn:me WC'!-il. F or thi~ i·cuson lu m- c poop c o 1e coun y \ I gl'im economic f ,Jr<:es t o Rpen 1 eind c·ln~s ma il nu.tter. hncl a r is:: id blue· law w it h rr~pect to hc• r Jll'ices n1·c ~ll~n d il y l'i s ing. F'or on t he :.-11.~ men ns bcnefnctorR. whether it will or not. Th i:5 has hap- To th (l Citi zen :=. of Colun1Uu :-; < ·01:

th<· :--111 (• of cra :-:u lin1: a nd a urnn wu -. n1111·l' lh :in half t hl' peop le of lhe Whl·n we co m mcn('ccl work in thi~ pc:in ed to othe1· stntcs, and there i!- 1 ~inccn•ly tha n k yo u. f111

, 2 .0 0 P e r Year, Ca,h In AdYaDCG (•H l l(.' d pe rlrnp :-t n hundl'ctl 01' ntOl'C c:ountrv n timber famine is no co unt~, th~. H\'('l':t '.!'C acre~~~ hur~cu I no r oason to Uclic\'C thnt economi< I ~o nfidcn~e and s_upport.: ti ~ t '\I',

- - - --------- - ·1 b,· 111·•,.: ~.· ,·,,,r l,u~inl•~s or s ick - . •1.· 1·t ,. t, t I ovc !' Ill'!' 111·0 wns •110 . . l. l11 :: Rfll' Jng la w will make an <•xcc ption of N. C. rn till' pr 111rn1·y lJf Ju ly nth, l !l:.!I llll (•~ " "' ,.. lon~cr 11 1w ss1v1 1 ~.r . u U 1s nn nc ·un Re .11 c: t fu lly W. B- KEZIAH, 'EDITOR. ncss o11 tlw Subbath da,·. H e rculity. T ho Jll'icc uf lu mbc ,· h11s ill• it is 3 1i . In 1021 the uvcr111-:c <lnn1- a nd Columbus co unty. Therefore ,, e . JO HN E Ill e I

___ _ _ :__ J_U~L~Y::,--::---:J:O:i:-;., coul d hard ly ho pe to (•arr~r rnouJ,!' h crenscd 8 1·2 t im,1s a s fast ns t he 1\1,?'C per f'i 1't! was ~~• I 0 , in 1U24 it is grnt lemcn a ~ thr r cpr cscnt:·1t ive of . , ' rl-J l' R DAY, 17, i:ns wit h h i111 to take h im the fu ll pri ce of other commod it ies. Tim ber $432. In 1022 t he uverai;c cost l thc only organization uf the state A ,~n,' ern writer sa,·s lh:,·

l h I~ b fo rc, d to bl of cxti n,:uishi11 i; a fire was $l 8 .4 5, wol'kin" for fo re,t 11rotect ion an<l as t cll i"ence is thnt so m!!th in .,-GOOD FEELING FOR AL. journey nnc c _wo u u c · . shortui:e is n nutionnl pro cm and , ~ ~ ··

1 l I cl This ,•oa ,· it. is $ I O.r I. hi 102:J fo r the officer rcspo n;;iblc for t his work bl t t I l t ·,, .. ~ .. f c to sn',' that Go" crn or Al- le1w<: h_ is cu r· brh111< a n< < (•pC'n upon of ncutc importnnC'C to_ u~ bccnus_ c ena cs n man Q ge n ong-

· " ·' I I b II ll\'f!ry wn n h•n cng.l(~cd, t here were I in t hi s sect ion, I nsk you to appro- out an e<l ucution; whi ch ed u fr( ,,I Smith of ~ 1, , . York . now hn:t th <' rai roa< s. if we do not A'l'OW our t 1m er w_c w1 0 1 1 .1•1 . f

t I f I I i ncres mrn c< · 118 ycnr · or priatc the "'"Y small su m of $500,00 is that something

jn , ' orth Cal'Olinn in the places whe re obscr \'e blu e laws nn<l for nm,:hbu_l'· wood prod ucts. E ,·er y year t hut bu rned . This hns been u bnd ycnr to continue and pu; h forwa rd the I gence, he had nothing bu, ,,ncmics t en dnys ing count ies to rema in wide ~pen will fi re is allowed to bu rn_ forest la nd fo r for est fi res, r.very where in t he

,0 only result in poor ad \'crtlscng fol' t he vnluc of t hnt land 1s decreased. cotton growing section . P eople have

" that ena b;, without JIJ

th ouen nd:-: o1· fr iends nnd ndmirer:: I \Ve hclic.-vc~ t hat for ono cot~n y to pny dcaiily for ou r utu re su pp ws of cnch wardc.-n there wus only 23 ncl'cs of t he county's money to enable us man to get a long

a~; . h 1

stirring D,•mo• the blue law coun'.v. We be li eve that Taxpayers h nve demand ed nnd r e- c--.-...._..._~ i.,:~ • ••••••••• • •

c1at~/';:n,'.e~ti::c: t " wa,,ward" .del• t he onl y way wher~l:y _bluo ln" s may ccivcd •.uch a_ clion in t he ns- ~tho{~:~,i1~clrte'ya"!e: i:nbduinrtgno}dha:h~a:s::vbdcste.hne ;k~e~p\t· 11 ST,..OR•..:--il--i--Ni.-:•❖"-'lG•-:-:-:•❖•.-..:--:-:-:-:-:-:-.--.-.--. ...... --.-.-•"•~•-•":":-:-:,.:-:•❖ ·:.::,::_ cgnt.c from North Carnlinn st rnyc<l reach II satisfactory st ~gc of wor k- 1 scssed valuation of t he land , t hnt ~ ~ 0 from th<· )l cA duo colu11lll and gavo out is for every co un ty m a s~ate to !,hey will continue. to demand nnd so low is n r emnrkuble t estimony to -;, t he New York Go\'c rn or half a vote, observe it. At the snm~ t ime we Teceivc such r educt:ons, I( t he as- , t he a ler t ness and effi ciency of t he •i· :;: Th is act so inccn e~d the folks back believe that the auto mobile has b?· sesse~ va lu e of su~h lancls a r e ma_do wardens in Columbus coun ty, PROSPERITY :j: horne t hat the err!ng d elegate wns come too much o[ a useful publi c t oo high t hey will become d ehn• When people complain about t he • ,:. wired to change his vote or to tako ut ili ty for a who~e •tate to get to: quent and pay no t ax at a ll , number of f ires the 1• should r emem. J t up his residence in some other ~tnte, gcthcr nnd den y ,t a nd t he man} , The demands on the count y for ber that there are many more burn- I ~:

North Carolina did not under- t housands of ca r own ers _fu el thnt revenue a re constantly increasing. ings tha t are legal and cnnnot be .,. »t and Governor Smith then. We may keep the whe,•1s moving . . Sun- E it her new ta xable wealt h_ must be interfered with, than ther e arc ii- • :!: did not understand the remarkable I dny Blue Laws may be crea t ing a cr ent cd or the tax rate will go up, Jeged burnings. When II f a rmer s 1• :\: <1ualities tha t he possessed, quali- furore in one quarter toda~., but t o• Already the improved land and town burns his own Jnnd and does it as .-rr The squirrel is smart enough to :1: t ies tha t drew to hi m and the demo- morrow th• Y will be abol~shed and property in Columbus county is car- pr escribed by law, those fires should .. 'JI gather his winter's supply of food ,:, cratic pnr ty mor e t han n million Re· the thousands of Will pcr ~ue r ying 8 1 per cent o! the tax burden. not be counted aga inst t he r ecord of during the months of plenty. :;: publican vot es in New York sta t e the evhen tcnortohf thme,arywnaeyesd g~:llng Ther e is n ~t


1.t any agrihcultur~


the forest wardens. It is the incin• i ;i,: when he f ir st ran !or Governor two gas w enever cy · or i?dustria eve opmcnt t at w1 diary f ire, a,nd the fire tha t r esults • ,,, years ago. provide the needed new taxable trom 11ccidents, cnr eleseness, 'or t] Wh t th b t d b · t' t ❖

It is t he a ttitude of the Governor Every day in ever y way the !act weathe r in suf ficient amount to keep indiffer ence that we have t o deal a e eaS OeS y lilS inc , :l: eince t.he con vent iun is over that becomes more and more apparen t your tax rate down, Your timber wi t h. They are the only f ir es we X man has learned to do through •'•

that the democrats in vonvention as- I d · bl t p ovidc this new • h O d h f ' [ • ,:. br ings him high into t he est eem of sembl cd in New York City made a un ts II e o r have n rig t to r ce<>r an t e ires '• expenence. ::':.•:. eo ~ any North Carolinians. Al. has wealth at the rate of a million dol- whose originators we prosecute. {• come out whole hear tedly for the happy choice in their selection of Ja rs a year if you will keep fi re out W e do not claim t ha t we have t , man who triumped ove r h im nnd wns Davis 11nd Bryan as st0ndar c1 bear- of your for e•ts. done all tha t is ;,tssible in fo rest 'i; t] Are you storing your dollars in :::

ero for the party. At one t ime · m h II d 1· ~ ❖ selected to r epresent the cause o! Let me present a few fi guTes pr otection. n e ave reu Y mu e 1t - "j' f 1 f f t d ? :i,: Democracy. The.r e has been no dis• it 10,oked ns if the New York con- t ken fro m our county und t he 'I t ie more thun u beginning F orest X a sa e p ace or u ure nee s.

vant1on would only be productive of 11

y - · .j; :,,·: i;uised resentment or pa lver in the ~ . . . state recor~ . Th~ ureu of _Colum- pr otection is a fu nction of t h. e peo· :1; ,,. attit ude of the New York Governor. I bitte rness 0nd a con?'110~ of nffnirs bus coun ty is 507 .120 ncres, The pie. No organization , however, t 'i' He entered t he convention swor n, n, that would resul t en t~e utter _de- areu of improved lnnd is 47,048 perfect cun pr even t f orest f ires. lt 7 :j: a ca ndidate, tu suppor t the nom i• 1 font of the party. T~c fi gh t ni:ai? st acres. Ther e arc 550,000 acres of can lead and org~ n ize t he local rCM• 1· BANK OF WHITEVILLE ❖ nee and as tne ido l of New York bot h lll.cAdo_o aod Smti h was cnrr wd fo r est Jund . At t he present t im e t his dents so that t heir efforts at su pres- :1. :(: State. li e came out of the conven• to ~uch bitter extrems th"t t hc 5fi0,000 ncres, wh ich is 92 percent sion may be more eff ectua l but un- f :!: tion " defeated cand idate but n nomm ntio n of ~•tlier _wo~l<l _ have of t he a rea ·or t he ,•oun ty , payable 19 less our peo1>le came to t hin k forest f WHITEVILLE, N. c. VINELAND, N. c. TABOR, N. C. ':' r-reate r idol t han ever of t hose whu I been htt lc more t h8n an cnv, t nt, on to percent of t he taxes, while t he im- protect ion as t h~y t hin k build ing o X knew him nnd with t ho usa nds nnd defca L for the pa r ty. B_o th wer e proved land, 8 per cent of coun t y pr~tection , no or ,::&nizntion can I ~..,.:➔.<~ Cw••••••••••••••• ........ : ·~•••.: ;.~ .... • t• • • • • "• • • • • • •• : • •·•• thousa nds of newly mad e fr iends who i:ood mc_n a nd h'.i,l loyal fr ,eo<ls b ut ,non, and t he village an <l coo per ntc the forests. It is therefore plnin to

:~i2 :,::.1~: ·~; :1hc~11:~~-~:)' ·~:~~~!~ ti~; i ~~;~:m:::::~: b:,'.~~11:: :Ot/h~ 1;Ad::. ::,';:~~;?ta~:::- 8~o ~~rcf:~.:s~f ,~:: /hi~ ~~:t~~~• t lltl~is :~: ::t:;~n:r\~"m~'.~ii~~~ MILL POND New York Gow•rnor has shown !hem 11 nd Sm•th t.hat co uld not be b roken shil'k in g its job. Those acres are The wor <l educnt ion of itself implic• how tj take person 11I ckf<-nv and put 1 <low n to P~'.·mit 0_f •th ~ir n_01,11inal ion . ln1·gely slacker ncrcs an d it is t he n contin ua nce of actio n along cer­partv cnus,, fnl' nn <l ahead of nil In the fnc e of th •s ' ·0nd1 tion Joh n tr eatmen t whi ch you r people havo lain l ines over a considerable of ti me. per,i nal fe elings. _____ , W. Davis, ,::ovc rnor of W eSt Vir1-:in- g iven th em that makes them so. Jt cannot in rcnson be expected t hat

PRO. I ::~mi~·=:e,} ,~~mi~:~i!~o~:cn~:::. Now let me sh:nv you whnt cnn be 0.ur people, who have bu me<l the F I s H I N G ' wR FOR ESTS MUST BE done. Your total assessed valuution woods indiscriminnt~ly for 200 years

TECTED I the rnpidl ,• risin,: breech •rnd , re- . ( nnd lrnv c• beli eved in it, ~hould un-i I I J th J I is 22,4-10,889. T he 550,000 ac res o Th(, .,· ,-,•:, " " 110 ,•t ,. ,· ic·t·ls assu!'cJ ·' ore< "".·moll )' w ici·e ,e. re m_, t · bl mcdiutcly drop th e pract ice nnd be-·" "'"' " S wild land in ~·ou r coun ~' 1~ ca pn c

th ;l' .ill dc•ep thi nking ci lizens who 1 been. n o_th111 i:: ... but thaos._. mer _his o f producing c• ve , y year at least co me f O l'<.!S t prot-?ctor s . bPcnu i,:e lan ar1nr('ciatc· the'. valut: Ct ( u r {or • no111 1tult1on becn m ,:- an ac.lua l 1n~t 275 ,000,000 bd. it. of tiir1b<.'r if some one says so. They m u~t be I (·st - will J' <, i11 in n word of com.- bol..h th e 0th<: r t wo lcml ing cn nd1• h I shown . T hey muut be taul'Pht the fo l-l d s ' th h protec.t ed. This is wort mo re t 11111 ~ .1" <l ·.1t '1u11 f,. ,. the count,.· co1nmis- dntcR, ~l<:Ai 00 a n m i · ' n,·ci 1 l l I k t ly of bur nincr thl! woods and t his I ' v ., J a 1,1i llion do lars. f ) 'O U 111( er ~

l ' ,, n , r• on nr·cn unt <• f thei r ac:tion !-1 in come• forwn rd wi th fra n c a s:;ura nces tnkcs t ime . lt is therefore nt:ccssar).', I v ' , 1 fi1·es out of your wild lnnd f or t ho

l•,r1.1nt in•., an n11pro1lrintion fo r furo ~t of support nll d t'll crc 15 a ppurent Y. b l Id 0 ·cn tlcmen t hat you should make 1·10s• h f , f h last 2r, ycnrs the hm er t mt \\'O U h

f ire prt:,·cn tion. littJo in th o w1? o a n ctOl'j' or t e hn\'C g rown du ri n 1~ that t ime: lcsa !-lible the conti nun~cc o f' . thi s .work ii

<l democrats in t nc ;r,11. If then• is the in Co lum bus county, so that this cf-Car~lessn(lss. and o'. t.(l n ':·nnto n c-


fnult ce i·tuin ly cnnnot ti c w ith either whnt yo u have Lodny, would hu nructi on ,, r um li ,·1· in thJs coun t y of the two men who head the tick et. wo,-th n milli on ,norc t hun you!' Ill'C• fort nnd its infhw nee sha ll not be <l urm;: rece nt year, has resul ted m _ ____ _ ___ sent assessed valvn ti on. If t hnt br oken. I t is necessa ry fo r you to t h(' !o:a~ of milli ons nnd t!1e rc l~nR I Si nce th e rain s hove C' c-a2e<l , or v1duc were on your tnx books, ns iL do more t han t hi~. The cou nty j

c hi I I I b • f -~ · Id Hhould provide incr~a8ing f u nd s us proua Y nc ,·cr 1ccn a ~in~ c i ~- ' nt lrast slowed un, one cnn srn se n wou d c in Mome ·orm, you cou h I I . t t the organizat ion is pctfectcd ond I HRrn~c w trc- a penn~· wns sa \'Cl in fccli n o• of a muc h bette r ~piri t cx- rnisc you.♦ pr cscn coun y reven ue

b I t l t ~ f rn $100 00 more fu nds can be advnntngeously ta.nybmn ,1 ne<lr ,· nrr ,·, ng a ore , o istin1-: a mon 1-: both formers and busi- with u tax rate o ;,,c per . spen t. No one ,,,•er believed or

11n er an • in; tearl o f $ 1. 20. You can 't br ing The cou nt;· •ho uld rejoi ce in the ncss men. While crops were np- back what is lost. Th e question you promi sed forcSt J)rotectio n fo r Co-

pare ntly being rui ned nnd t he con- Ju mbus coun ty at an uut l:,y of $200, I Tr1p'dly cha nging se ntiment whi ch is r 1 •i • racl' now i$ whether you urc goi ng to n1,w brinJ,Cing- ;,bou t the imprcs~io n cit ion~ wcrc ca , y grow ing worse do whnt cnn he done. t o mnkO your by t hc county. l t wa s U'lcrely thc ti,, : it is " c.r imc to start fires in tlhere was 'c'• ten<l c nl ci•h to ovherr<lnte t he idl e la nd pay its share of the county bcgipn ing. I , do n ot pro mise you

c nmai:e, ,rnn tec t at t e amage , complete pro tection with a n out lay our wood land s, one of the most val- b 1 , ' II b d revenue nnd pro<luce t he $23,000,000 uaLle reso urces that nat u1·e eve r en• oe n i:rc<lat , • t ici·~ ,s st 1 a un ant wor th of ti mber it sho uld grow in tho of $600.00. I ask,Jor th11 t amount

i·oum a n t ime for t he mr.kini: of merely bccuuse we nre in thll t period dl,·'.'_,w,,l:.•.d ·, ,',\ eob~cnot.,•,,·1 ,',v,~th. Our timber n good Cl'0P and t h~ fa rmers cnn now next 2G years. the of development whcrc that is tht!

EVERYBODY COME ! The fine old F. D. Page Mill Pond, located three miles Southwest of Chadbourn, will he drained and fished Wednesday and Thurs­day, July 23rd and 24th. This is one of the best fish ponds in Columbus county and heavily stocked with fish. A big day


o{ sport is promised all who attend.

Don't Forget the Dates or the. Place A Big Crowd is Expected " ',; ~ ~o· impo rta nt ; sec pretty wel l j ust where they urc .!\l or e t hun iwcn l~· years ago,

1 ".t one frccqucntl y he~ r•. the · at, T his pnper believes t ha t things N. C. Geological nr:d Econom ic Su r- --== _= _= _= _= _=_=_= _=_= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _=_= _= _= _= _= _=_= _=_= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _=_= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _= _=_= _= _=_= _= _=_=_= _=_=_;_ c Imm mad e that . t he apphc1111on of I nrc fn r from beinR so bad as ma ny vey started forestry work in N. C. ■ IJ t he _corch •~ n~thcng _short of arson , of us fea red t ha t t hey were n week Grad ually, and in cooperation with '.' cm~c which 1s 1>u111shable by <l enth or so ago nnd the spirit of our t he U. S. Forest Serv ice sin ce 1912, Ill th is · tatc. far mer fo lks is such as to refuse to it hns nl'r ived nt t he present stutus

Our laws wili never make th e per mit the gloo my f eeling to r emain. o f the, fo restr y work whe re 26 coun• J:i ;,nc of burn ing timber land s equal ---- ----- ti es a r e nctunll y engaged in co· t o that or arson and with the snme T!iE PUBLIC LIBRAR~ operative fo rest protect ion . T here p,,nalty, but some day pu blic senti - a1·e mol'c t han 500 war dens and over ment will call for lnw, wit h a heavy The publi c librar y should meet 2,000 depu ties uet' •·ely in the fie ld. p,•n :ilty nttnche<l agninst thos,, who with a large patronuge durin g t he All t his force is nmi ntai ncd, besides nppl)' the torch. Tn j oi nin g with t he sum mer, when mn ny of the young t he Po rcste ,·'s fl taf ( nnd office for ce North Carolina Geologicn l a nd Econ- folka nn<l others have much t ime to wi th a ll the ovc1· hcud fo r prin ting omic Survey in takin g steps t hat will l'ea<l . The nrnna,:cment of the Ii- und suppli es, with a li ttle mol'c t hnn pr otect the t imber lands of Colum- brnry has t ried to keep t he shelves $4 0,000.00. Probnhly t he re Is not b us county t he board of commission• suppli ed with new and helpful another depar t ment in t he stata c·rs are planting a t iny acorn t hat read ing, and one mny often find whi ch accomplishes so much wi t h so will some day spread out in to a migh. some new book to interest him. This litt le money. · t y oak. week t he followini; books have been A li ttle mor e thnn two yenrs ago,

added : the survey came into Columbus F anny Crosby's Stor y of Nin ety- county with its pr.oposit ion for for-SUNDAY BLUE LAWS

Four Year s. est protect ion, The county lent ib 1t is a ma tter of conj ecture just Tn His Image, W . ;;, Bryan. cooperation. One warden was t hen

w hat effect t he drastic Sunday Blue T wice Bor n Men. Herold Begbie. in tho f ield nnd in March 1922 ther e Laws of our neighboring county of Book of Woodcraft, Seton. wer e' three more men found who RobeKon will have upon the morals A Dog of Flander s, Ouida, A would serve 11s wsrdens, In April, of the general public but it can J a,ckie' Co~gRn Book. of the same year, one more warden

The N. C. Home Insurance Company of Raleigh, N. C. ,

The Oldest and Largest Fire Insurance Company NORTH CAROLINA

We Represent Only the Best in All Classes of



Call on us for ·any informatio!'} you may . wish in this line which we gladly give free of charge. ·

MacDaniel-Boice Insurance Agency 11afely be said that the lnabDLw of Dorothy Vernon o! Haddon Hall. was appointed. In 192:1, three of touri• t• and travelers f rom a · dis- Churlca Major. these men resigned but enough more tance to obtain gasoline in Robeson Last' week a splendid biography of men have been found willing to county on Sunday, will result in Woodrow Wilson, by Dr, Lamar, serve to make the present number more or. less hard feelin1s bein1 Siat.e Historian of Geor«!a, was ad- ol wardelis nine and there are about evoked towarda Robeaon. The auto- ded. The "Cbriltlan Herald" may 80 deputlea. ·Jlecently a new c:ciunt.y mobile hat reaelHld that point where now be found of tlM library , table warden ~ .. bem an@lted and the • . , .. . it it an euentlal publi utility, The


Mah wtek. , ~u.· iii ~- ari. bl- be&- ......; • \ · •~ f '\ .. , , · :, 'n1,. • ., ;.

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!Y Ii, l fl ~-1 THE NEWS REPORTER .p\ ·_:--- - . ---- -

-> ~ vikd Lu hl'at·, Th (• pn, J.{ l'l\ln Lc~in s fu ll tank s on t la: it· cn 1·R. I t ~ce m;,,; m:i n like :\Ir, Edwn,•d;-; who ca n mi x ul a ti<,n ::; it th row!o,: t,·,·,f f'i c- - -


Ll £" A T _ :t t 1,·n u'.·loc k. ti . I - h;- locnl _ G.,...~ · in t · mot.01·ist s ~·1·om a d istnncc \',' l l I pc•oplc 0 11 thL· 8ll'l'C t o r home nutlwrity .

'P.'r."'NfM i\ l n-1 , Anw 11tl1-1 T li111 11 pH11n who Jivrs Wt'I' '' n io"- I ,,1·1·,.,.1,.,1 ,,., 'Ii ,_•;· ,l,·o ,,.,, :rn d r:rn · prL•nc h ha :--; eomc: ou r w::.,·. I I • b' I r.1 f "' ... t <!Xl) l' l: iS y 1ur IL ti anr to w n or

Jr.. _,,,1 ;_d,11u 1 thl'(' L' 111i lt1S r, •, 1111 ln \ \ ' 11 u nd whu ·, 11lo t f, .. , is I hL• rnullwr ut' ;\l 1 1-'s1·~. lJ . M. i1nd ~ . ... " SI nt c• nf Ho ht::,;01111 rH: \·e r GOOD PIG FEED lN SOYBEAN mu nicipa lity emn! hyi n :,;: n nff le uffi .

1 ,·i:--1 1111 ,1: .:.\ l i:•u 1:r ii·<-· 'l ' lhimp:-1 un 11 r \Vh ilt· vill<•, I d n111Jt 11t~ thaL lh cy woul d be.• a iJ IC' t o MEAL <.·c· rs or an y one c l·v· who~c :--n lnri es I llcjH.'lld ill nn~r wa~r upon fin es co l-

t 'i,r; qh': 11 ;. l' , N. ( '. kill l• tl II h l' II J:i .., t Sa l t11·da ~· fut· t he 1• J1tll'C rn se ~us th<:rr ll :,( nt oth c.: r pc,i nt r- lectcd fl'Olll viola to r s of the tt'af.

Su11d:i y clin rwr and 1lw a ulop~y I'<'· a lo ng- the ir J'out c;; , Ha leigh, Jul y 1,1.- E x pc1·i mentg fi e lnw, and this r cction will tnkr

l'I. lit' \V ilmin .(!'- \' l•a lNI tlw 1'11tl that thl• fuwl wa ~ : l'<'Cc-ntl ~• conclud ed Ii~• Earl Ho~t t lct awn y from scores o f t owns a nd vil -

\\l't· k h~•n~ :11.. it r. n wa lk ing- (_•m-~· lrn ~kl'l , thil't l'l'll f ull ' l\11·. R . H. Lewi~. bus incs~ llHlllfl-'!C l' charl,!'e of swin o invcs tignlio n:; for lug-cs a police '\ Ct! v ity which they i

ile,·t•lupc•d l' l-n.:~ hl'ini.: l\ ,l11HI wh en l'ur th e Nl:W~ Rcporlc l', s pent l\ l on - the Stnlc Collcgf...! Experiment Stn !'.::w e us<! <l a s n most c- ffccth·c source I thl• c l,·nnin ~ 1n·ot·~•s,, W:t 'i ci,mp lcll' <l . ' day 011 tho fnl'rn o l' the Lewi s Lroth. Li o n Mhow lhut soybcnn meal i:; of income.

fr ul t ' l1:1 dho 111·n is . - - -- I N S in the lower pnt' t uf the ,·ounty ubout ns good a protein feed . !01' Undct' the now lr.w traffic violat-11 11 at th (I Oc uani c Th e- 'l'l10mJ)f-lOn llardwnrc com .. vuccinnting- hog-!i ngninst cholern, ~'otmg pigs m-1 i~ th e more expensive tions will be punished becn usc

111111y of Whit ·11 · J ti I · I · whi 11 I J ' t · fish men!. The snvin" from feed . cv1 (' l'l'Cl•IVct lC t Hl't c ms mru c I fl a ppc•nrunce m ing i' is off ... ,.• hO\\'" \'et·h. bcc11t1sc the thc~r arc v iolation~ of lnw, and a~

J)t' iee of ten dulln rs at the 1·eccnt tlmt s~ction. Mr. Lewis snys the)• ' "' ' ' J ' h d II I C l pigs ent more of t he soybeun meal su e 1 t cy en unger human lifo, not

r,1· is s1wnding- sev- n1·1 w1u1·u utl\'c11tio11 nt Wl'ights- ll!Vc lost ci,:ht or ten ho!(" from thci t' tl11111 of tho f'1sl1 tn••n l ,·tn<l nl•o nn.e·,J only inte rferin,: with the rights of ville beach fut· h,,v in,: the uhird fin,, herd uf Po land-chin ns nnd thaL • • ' h b · · "

da l!gh1,• r, Mrs. J. J. b more mincrnl mutt,, ,.. ot ers ut chsturbing the peace and ig~c•s t ortl c 1· with the Lo th Stuve h C! fct11':( thoy mny ltu-1c t wenty-five dignity of the Commonwcnlth. 'rh,~

<.:11mp11ny. This is II spleu<lid test i• per cent of th e herd ns the di scnso ' Mr. Hostetcr J>lncc<l on lest t wo takin,: of the grnft incentive out of ho ,.J at Chadbo urn mo nin l of the volume• of bus in~HS cnr- wns prevulent umong the nnimnls be- Ibt8 of 27 pigs ench feeling with Jaw tnforccmC'nt is a mighty good

t 11 nw r1·o w nftt•I' hnv- 1·iNI on in ~t uVuH und rnnges by fore they hnd nny ideu of it nncl self-feeders ut the Black Lnnd poi nt gain ed.


ll'l'l'l"l'l fu l :wMsion. thi s ru mpany. i co uld take steps for prevention. Branch stati on farm nea r Wenona

· Ninety-seven ho:ts were vncclnatc<l The f irst' lot was given shell ed Asks a correspondent of Doc


I -- --


I. RESULT , Cents Per

GETT~RS II Line I Ten cents per li ne, six words

ma ke one li ne. Count words in your copy and send ca~h or

·stamps to cover n umber of in­sertions des ired .

LOT AT LA KE Waccanrnw for Snlc . Twu b,•autiful lots opposite F. B. Gaults new homl' . 50xll0, fur sal e by Oscar Hi,:h , Whiteville, N. C. tf.

FOR SALE-nt n ancrificc, sevem l new Lully Li,:hts plants with full equipment. See W. H. Powell, Whiteville. N. C.-out aug 7.

)I: ,111 J \' H· n O!i vf.•I', o f Birm•

.r:cf .. illl \ ,11 1 ,u d . .\l ondny t o irtnJ ,1 i \, ,, 1•t:- _with l\lr. Oliver's fau.i-r, )l1 • l. 011 ,·l· r.

Fur the second time in six weeks on the farm Mon<lr.y. Older animals corn, fi sh men!, und mineral. Tho Brady : the town pump at the court h,iuse in the drove had already been trout- second lot was shelled corn, soy­w11, 11ss11ulted by some one driving ed and t he <liscuKc is not expected to bean meal and mineral.

" How long before my boy can go I ONE SET of Tobacco bnrn flues to

nn automob ile Inst Sundny night und do any harm among them. Cholera At the end of the 67 <lny test ex the heavy brick nnd concrete frame- is prevulent in quite a number of lo- tending from Jununry 16 until March work was demolished by the force of cnlities just now un<l it is stntcd that 22, the following results were found:

out after measles ?" fit a 20 foot barn, at half price. "The boy doesn't have to go out Been used only one year. J . W.

after measles. Just get him a sent Yates, Chadbourn, N. C.-(out in school and they will come to _J_u_l_Y_1_8_"_> _________ _

)Ir A ,1 !ll,11·k has returned the impnct. Som,, wag remarked it spreads and does much grouter . Lot one weighing an average of ""' r, .. :i: , \ 1 !antic Const Linc that thi" wus th~ recond time that damnge during wet weather such 94 pounds each at the beginnini of ti-p1tn! in 1:,,,•ky Muunt where he the pump h11d ncte<l us u buffer as we have been having, the test gained 1.81 pounds daily tid hi• 1 .. 1 , , mo ved, and prevented sotr.e careless driver ---- The pigs in this lot consumed 344

him."-Detroit News.

"But darliJ\g, don't you want to marry a man who is economical? ' '

FOR RENT-Cottage with modern conveniences nt Lake Waccamaw. Write · Mrs. Ett11 Koonce, Chad­bourn, N. C.-out July 24,

ll r· \\' I'. nixo n and children, of Tl~!'• fl,,. .11 e spending a fey, ,ct'k! h t'11 with ) lr:i. Dixon's par­tDI', )I r .,1111 ~I•·•. L. J. Spivey,

from knocking down the court house ' Mr. Calvin Watkins who lives at pounds of corn, 82 pounds of fish · Pinc Log siding one mile west of meal and 2-4 pounds of mineral

"I suppose so: hut. H.'• pwful be- FRESH BREAD and Rolls every day ing engaged to onc."-Flamingo, High's,-t,f.

Thtrr will b,• !l l;rviees ni Grace !fi 10pnl rhur,•h next ·sundny night ~ndurt•d 1,, ., Reet,or from Wil­oington. 1 h1 public is cordially in­rittd 10 3tll•tid

)! arDnni, lloice, Insurance Agen• t1 ha~ an nrln •rtil'\cment in this issue ,hkh is th, , firs t of II long series. It ,ill be to 1h, interest of the public ir 'to~k ,h,·m o,·er rnrefullf.

)Ir• l.u,·,· (; rn cl y hns ' as her guest 1h'• .-,.,k .\1 1» Mary l\lcLellnncl, Dtan of l\•1n' t Jn 11.!.itut e in Rnleiggh. Yt· 1;r,d,' dnu<:hter, ~l iss Rachel, ;1 , umbl·I 1•d a mon,: th(I nccomp• J:;:tr. l!rn1h1111t·, of Pt-ace.

~h'• Dorothy a nc1 Dou~las Carnes, tu ht• r :t11d .:fin, of 1\lr. a nd Mrs. l L.' Car11r, a r~~ !- pc• ndi ng t ~n day!I. ?I (h!ir!nn1·, wi th t.hei r imcle~, lf, .. ,. J I . T . J.. nncl J. W . Wig.

llr. J. , s,•hulkrn is und erstood :.11 h,,. L•,lad1t n lot adj o ining- hi s Tii~ •. .:,· f141m .\11, I. B. Tuekc-1· a nd it .· ""• r-• ,I that he will shol'tly ·'. •~ n h old ~nl'nge building l!. ~~t .t I I: n!' t · nnd m od(•rn bri ck -'L '.~!',· in t plaC'f:.

R1 • ' fl ,m roc ,p<•ra t i\' C Ofisocin• · ·~ h•· .1lqu:,1 · •·1 :. l't· to th e (•ffect ·.u ,111 c1 .. 1,1,1-rat' \'f• wnrcho uscs in · I •·It w 11 11p(•~1 fo r the rccc•ivi n g !· -Li~t11 1111 \u,i:u:,.t 1i t h. It is sup•

!'"•+-iJ th.. t t· inclc.• pMHlc nt ware­L•t• ·rill 111,1-n 1,n a bou t tlic snmo Ci:• .

Millurd Dawkins a Columbus coun- town was right seriously bruised and or a total of 378.4 pounds of feed ty white mnn ia serving n fifteen injured In several places Monday for every hundred pounds gain made days Mentence in jail at Elizabeth• night when the Ford car that he was The cost of this gein per hundred

A mo,·r,ment is C'l foot to prevent th• !)1trking of automobiles in

town for contempt of court. He was driving ran into enother car parked pounds was $6.28. sent up by Mayor Johnston of Clark- on the Wilml~gton:Charlotte high- Lot two weighing an average of ton. 1t appears that Dawkins was way near Chadbourn. From ac• 89 pounds each at the beginning of arrested on •ome small charge and count that the paper has been able the te•t g;aincd 1,85 pounds daily

front of banks. Visiting band•ts can help by leaving their carriage calls with the starter at the door.­Life.

actions of his when he was brought to get It seems that Mr, Watkins was These pigs ate 27J pounds of com, ~-------before the mayor resulted in his be- driving along at a fairly fast gait ani 101 pounds of soybean meal ana The value of good cotton seed as ing committed on p contempt charge. seeing a car parked by the roadside 8.8 pounds of mineral or 378.8 compared to scrub, gin run seed has A case of transporting Is pending in with another car on the opposite pounds of feed for each hundred been especially noticeable this season Mayor Johnston• court agnlnst Daw- side he - drove ~etween them and pounds gain. The cost of this reports , county agent of the exten• kins and will be heard Saturday. heading back into tho right side of gain per hundred pounds was $6,69 sion service. • In nearly every case

the road he drove his car full tilt into Mr. Hostetler states that the pigs where replanting was necessary, the

Reports that it will be several weeks· before entrunce cnn be gained into Brunswick county are fulse. By Monday travel can be made by the New Brittain road to Shallotte, and within a short time nil the roads will be open. About $100 is nil that will be required to buil<l the bri<lgc which ha• wnshe<l 11w11y. This is ac­cording lo the Mlatcment of Mr. 81'uce Pi<.•rce, who is working on the juu.

a third parked car just in front of in lot two ate more than three scrub seed were UPed. the one he detoured around. The times the amount of protein feed as car thut l\lr. Watkins was driving those In Jot one. They also con- FOR SALE- One new Royal No. 10 was completely wrecked and had to d • 1 b t th , . typewriter, chea;,. Sec L. l>aul sume more mtnen u e p111S tn Cook-out july 24 , be hauled in. The car he collided lot one ate enough corn to offset the ---------------with w11s also badly ilumuged. 1t is difference In amount. The lot fed ·u misdemeanor to park II car on II soybean meal cost. more than the state highway without lights. lot fed fish mcul but both feeds

i:nve sntisfnctory results and the price of the 'feed should determin e which one is to be used. Mr. Hos

A smull boy livini: neur the stu• lion is u grout 11<lmirer of dogs nnd other nnimnls nnd having heard of the nredale breed of cl ogs it has been hi s nmbition .... to own one for n Ion~ time. Rccc n~ly he cnme into position to nttuin the dusired encl nncl with grunt glee he sent off to

tetler hns nnothcr teKt now runn ing MO NDAY, JULY 21. on thi s subject and hopes to have JOH~? ;~BERT udclition lntc in the fall. CAMEO KIRBY


a doi: breeder for one o[ the desired (Chnrlotte Observer.) an imals. Of course the news of the After nt time the fnct is going to cxpoctccl lll'!'ivnl W.IM hernlde<l nround dnwn upon t he people of North

Twu Reel Comedy



Two i\c~I Comedy '

to his fri ends 11nd the ,::cneral public Cnrolina, pre-emin~ntly. the State of WED~ESDAY. JULY 2:1 und after the ord er 1111d been gone i:ood ronds, thnt, is protec tion of THE ETERNAL STRUGGLE 11 couple of cl 11yu Ralph Harrelson life, limb nnd propc-rty on th e high TREMENDOUS SPECIAL

anyonP pruying th (it the rains muy nnd so me oth er boys dc,cided it wns ways, we must hnve trnflic regulu With nil Stni Cast cease. , time fur n joke. They accordin,:I)• I li ons revised upo11 the busis of in One Reel Comedy

Rev. J-( J. Atl :i rns, of Southport wns hcrl! l\lonUuy und tnlking over th e exc essive ruins t ha t we "have been hav ing he took Ume to rcmurk thnt it was not un tu:usuul thing for the 1>co1>le to nssem blc nnd pray fo r rni"n during <lry pe l'iods that were pro<luctivu of s uch less Uunrngc t hun t he w et wenthcr is now cuusing. De­s::i icc this fncl one nev~r hears or

· secllt'erl II p11ssnbly looking fice, I tclligl!ncc 11nd cffidency, with n law TH URSDAY. ,JU LY 24

Mrs . Bake,· Kin :~ and ('hildren of cl'llt<·d him up nn d tn,::gt,d t ho crnte b11ck of them of II chnrnctcr to en THE ETERNA i. STRUGGLE South Boston, Va., arc spending n nnd left it in tho express office for fore,, respect. Not on ly does this One of the Big Specials uf the Season month '"'"" with M,·s. Kin g's parents the would be owner of an Arednlc. proposition apply to th e highways, One Reel Comedy Mr. and Mrs. ,J. v. Cook. Mr. Kin,: Notified by the ex p1·ess co mpany but pnrticulnrly \o the streets of FRIDAY, J ULY 25. a,·eompunied them here Sunclny nn<l tho sm11 II boy cn ll od in ,::rent glee nnd Chnrlottc, where conditions are be HOUSE PETERS rcu,rncd to Soullt Boston Mon<lny, ent·r·icd away tho tice. For dn)'S coming more reckless and conse - in-he is cnµ,;,gcd in 0 ,,ntrncting work in thercnfl<•r he wns besiei,:ed by other quentl y mo re ungnfc every duy. No DON'T ~IARRY FOR MO NEY

" l b t' k I th , t · · 1 d I Two !{eel Comedy . ,, • l..lL1• I· ,·lllL· ~f r who has .. h-:cn South BoKlon nnd hhi wnfi his fir:it oys wan lM A' to ·now 10w e .'\.rC'• l'CS rictaons ure JJ nee u pon t lC! - -·---~-------·--

~fri 'i• , 111 t hr• mal rtr in cam- 1 visit hack h'e n! in m.: vcn years. H e dulu wns ~ct.ting- uloni.: an d it was man, womnn, boy or girl who may SA T U RDA Y, JULY ·20 ·•ir. f .. r ,, "'"t three months, said he coulcl htmll y rcco,:niec the not un t il the righ t dog :1rrived thnt opern te tho wheel in Charlotte, and CHARLES JONES JI·""' ,,. " " •·k for Pitt county town so ,:rout hnd been the chunges. he bncnme nware thul n f1ce hnd been the incapable driver is responsible THIR::;n~ASON, "" '" •,q'J !al.<· up the work of _ _ __ , been palmed of! on to him. (or the almost daily ttccident t h11t oc THE ELEVENTH HOUR •'.l!!!•· hNt 1 1. nur•C' . . fi ss F•ci nes ter I A big St ut.l ebnk ~r car is reylortml curs- if the smashing of truck or Ruth of the Ranre, No. 12

;., rr.,,d, ru:..ny wan n fric.\nd s dur- ns having- ron iutu u ":nsho~t on a Noted Evanacl_i at ancl Bible Scholar a11to into unothc r veh icle or into any

" "'' -t,,,tt 1 .. y in Col umbus coun - CII UScWIIY between Fmr Bfttff anti Com1n1 Next Fall person who might hap"'1' to be un-, 1 . 'ic-ho ls, s. c.. h,st week und was ---- able to get out of the wuy, mny

compl otc-ly subme1·gud. Anticipnt• 1 R~,·· George E. Guill c, of the _e x• be classed as nn "accident." At " the \\\ in1111 1,. 1 }' 1 ,.~ h~•H·t·inn church, in ~ tJhnt ho might ,, 11 cotmter some tN1~.10n staff o~ . t h<' Moody Bible Squore." where t ruffic crosses in

1:, • • \11,in•\\ .1 !I ow(.- 11 , pa Kfi",a•_ Ser- trouhl c in ~ct.ti ng- ur ros~ thu cause- Inst itute, of Chicngo, hns been en• f ou r c.lirectionsl\· every minute, ~ome , '"· wil J., ,, ft! r,n Sund ny nt the way, which wus frmn one to two guge<l , to h,old II speciul m_ceting in dl'ivers whirl through nt full sp,•ed ,u,f hi,ur . , "·· JI a . m. and g p. m. f eet un cl<, r w11tcr, the driver h11d \he Westminster Pres)>yterrnn church :md some cut corners, t o the peril 'tt· Su1u1:, ,h,,ul mcNs at 10 a. lowered the tup of the en r 11nd ft'om Nov. 20th to Dec. 5th next. of pcclestrnins. 'l'h~ stop and go sign

.\!i,hv ••. ,_ 1-n:cc !-I \V cd ncs<lay at

I wh c, n th e front wh C'<• l~ we11 t over in-

1 He is in._grcnt d1:mund , and conse- l!-! di~rc-gurdt!d in mnny cnscs and

f '"· I-"'' i«I :• nd visitors wi ll to the• washout ho jumped 11nd cs· quently 1t was necessary to close the in other~ the truffle man'e whi$tk <t • ""'"'"' , .. ,,J,-., 111 , . a t a ll ser- eapc<l withou t injury. I en,:agement with him several weeks is but II mockery. No life hns b,•en ,,, . - · ! _ in advance. Recently Mr. Guille con- lost 11t " the Squ:iro" nevertheless it

- _ _ , The Whiteville Telei>hone Ex• ducted n meeting _In . Ch~rlo_tte, is the most dnn,:crous locality in the J. 11 u, ,1 ,t o1 t• r a n ~ca rc cl v be cha nge hnR n lwut completed the where he made ~ fme 1mpress1on: ci ty. The thunderous trucks, with

1-d ri:~•,,rd.i:~ ih, ,,·, ,rk ~,f the ~tnte ,•r oc·t itw of pul'J~ for its new Jines ; H e has nlso wor~?d in Augusta nn<l cut out w ide op:m, hove the run

rr:,"'' f,,r, ·" hi, coun ty dur• to Chu<lbourn und the work of I other so uthern cities, and there nre of tho town.

'' _th,. '"' , ,.,, rnJ trying weeks.. stringing the wire~ will commence a!woy• _large cr~wds who attend But getting back to the subject of '": r,n l.\· 1, thc• ir c-onti nu ed and shortly. Four wires will be ·run htS meetings. Co~mg us _he do~s traffic luws und the growing neccs­hl!rtn~ wr,l'k hHr the rnrious high- from here to Bcrrytown and when \ from tho Moody n,_b~e Institute, his sity for ,ome sort for the State , we ' Y• 1of th, , ,,un ty hnn been kept t he work is co mpleted both White- I work shows the sptrtt of t he great might reproduce the New York ideas ~n :,1 ul! ti,.. . ville nnd Chnclbou rn telephone users D .. L. Moody, who founded the In- ns embodied in n set of laws just

will have much botter, service 11vnil• , st1tuto. put into operation, a summary of d · h --------- which we find in The Columbiu

able than they huvc eve r hu - m t e I MEETING CLOSED AT FAIR Record. The New York law estab-puMt. Outside of the Bell lines_ th~re I BLUFF lishes first of all a license system hu• nevor been more thnn one wire . connecting Chuilbourn and White• which obliges every driver to stan<l ville and at its belt the service wos Reported for News Reporter : a rigid examination before such

d h · Our rpvival at the Methodist driver is pcrmitt<>d to operate an

Tut- d<lv,, -- · 1 h · · i.. t 11 wet·k was the f.irst •. t t ''·l':1li1.•d Uc g Dayg, As it

Dependable Operation

For the dependable elec­tric light and power ser­vice that you should have in your h o me, there is nothing so good as Delco• Light Low prices and easy terms now , place electricity w ~ h in yt>ur easy reach. See us for details of price and terms




------------POST CARDS, Local and

Views at Oscar Hh:h's--tf. Lake

RED J crsey Pigs, Seven dotlars each. J. L. Memory-5-19-tf,

RULES passed on April 8th, 1924. by State of North Carolina, De­partment of Fisheries. Rule '4: It shall be unlawful to set in Lumber River or its tributaries, from April 1st to August 1st, each year, sct-hoo]<s or trot-lines, W. J. Alexander, State Inspector for Lumber River.-out July 17,

IF YOU LOSE Your car and want the thieves cou!:ht ond the cars re­stored, call on Corporated Detect­ive Co., Box 41, Vineland, N. c,­out Aug, 21.•

LADIES Work at home, pleasant, easy sewing on your_ machine. Whole or part time. Highest l)OS· sible prices paid. For Cull infor­mation aduress L. , J ones. Box 2, Olney, 111.- out JUiy 17.



Attorney1-at-Law (llfice in MaJtwell Dru1 Co.

Boildi..a: Wbit ... ille, N. C.

DON'ALD MacRACKAN Attorney-at-Law

White-oille, N. C.

JACKSON CREER Attorney .. at-Law

Whiteville, N. C,

I. B. Tucker. E, K, Proctor. TUCKER & PROCTOR,

Attof'nt1y1-at-Law White.ill•, N. C.

POWELL & LEWIS Attorney-at.Law

Whitnille, N. C .

M. H. SCHULKEN Attorney at Law

. Schulken B•,ilding Vineland, N, C.


Attof'ne ys-At•Law WHITEVILLE, N. C.

E, Carland Brown Wm. Porter S. J, Bennett


A.ttorneys and Counselora at Law Whitnille, N. C.

Officea: Above Whiteville P. O.


Office Up Stairs Ove . Bank of Whiteville.

(Court House Square.) Whiteville, N. C.

DR. W. ROSS DAVIS Dentist.

WbJt..,llle, N. C.


Vineland, N. C. Office Onr Bank of Columbu1

DR. N. A. CULBRETH, Denti■ t,

501-502 Murchison Bldg Wilmington, N, C.

'.n••d "" lb:, dav tradition has it ;111 ~ill min fo~ :forty days there­t· f 1·lu111~1u·• h: ~ plenty of \ Wh<i •1n• r•:11 ncHlv hopin~ thnt

t J~ ,,r rn, I . • t tb.- fi r ,,,. ( a_v~ of ra m prcceed. Ph· ,. _ 1 <,f th e· dog days will be

id ·1

•t1ll f.o1 11 1• 111 ,J upiter Pluviul'j

anything but goo<l un er sue a church which hns been in process for automobile. It al:;o has regulations condition. 11 week or more hns just come to II covering lightd, parking and a ~0~~~~-...~~~~~

Lr:: t hl will t 1wrcfo ru refra in tirn rivinv u ft,t ty dnyK more.

T\, " ~ul· -;;---hi tt- t i!J,'. •~1

• un~;,y service at the ""••· ·,!Hho, church next th • h'~orn1111· will be given over

t C lld11 f <

·n•r•, 11 11 the Methodist Or• ... ' at_ l(ah•il(h who will render 1,,'<rt, '" Place of the sermon

th •re t~n children in the c~ ey """ . Proer render a very attrac-

arn that the public 11 ID•

Our neighboring county of Robe. Mon ha• inaugurated a real Blue Law for Sunday. Commencing last Sun• day it became a misdemeanor t_here to sell gasoline or soft drinks, either in town or at nny of. the nu• merous rural filling stations, Many motorists were cau11ht unawares and found t.liemaelves stranded 1 . and unable to continue their journey without reaortlnc to the. acceptance ot a friendly loan cf caaollne -~_'! more fortunate ttavelen who .,...

close last Sunday night. Rev. R. E. multitude of minor ordinnnces, us• L Edwards our beloved pastor did ually left to the municipal authority the preaching himscR. An idea that of the several localities. greatly pleased us und was sugr:csted One reason 'tor the State-wide reg• >

Pianos-Organs-T allring Machines

A Car Load-and I am going to sell them at prices prevalent with the times. . . . .. .

by some of us because we felt that ulation in its entirety, it is explain­he could do it well. We were not ed, is to adjust automobile traffic disappointed in the least, he did it everywhere to the same basis, and well ancl the meeting has been a since a great deal of the traffic · ii great l\elp to all of us. His sermons now on Statewide circles it is pro-will long be remembered by us among bable that the law !s 9uite a j~et and ~ Chatl~urn, .c. F. Shelton


the heat ever delivered in our town. equitable one on· that acm., The blc , > NGl'lh Carolina ~1:1 d•~~ti,ons came .to heai .hin,I feature of thl!· New ,Yorli}/,.w, h-~ cladly and we feel thankful that a ever, In om opinion, la In the rec- 0 U 00 00 0 II 00 10 n 00 00 111111 U I U 11111111 00 111 HI II II.Ml




0L.C\ , .I l\ A YS FO i( Nl::XT WAR

t thl' ,, 1111· lllhllll' ll l hC ic 11 . COOPER'S DISCHARGE


JS A CRIME NOT TO I Hulf the charm . o f an ele phan t

VOT £ is th a t he d oc.,; n ut nppen r lo hL

---- cons<:i1>US of his size.

FROM BANKRUPTCY (Ch arl utt,• Obse 1· 1·c,1· 1 ---------.---- ---

.-\i rn il· Le wi s wi ll ht.·rC'hy ta ke n o• S hth• uf Knl't h C1:·t,1.1;

tk-1.·, t hat on or hcf111•t.• the 1,~~t :\lun - Col u mlrn ~ c·u un ty.

da v in SC' pt l•m he1·, t ~2 •l , l wil l apply .J)('an :-: Stt.!\'L'll~ . a111! ;,

to 'thl' Sheriff of L'ol u111bu :; Cou n t,\' , will hcl'l' h.'· t:ik ~· nn it, fu r :i d c~d Lo a l' r t'tai11 t.rn c t u f land_ unU(l l'siµ·neU will , n t1.

bought at tax snl c, f rH _t he Yl~ar Ol day in Scpte mh t..•t· . 1 :1· 1

ti 1. r !lll'l' (, q•:1t l ldt:li n UIH.I

c; ,, 11 1 • 111111 till' thl:' dbc1,n•l'Y uf - --- I ·1 · . I · , t I I· NO 1 ICE . . , \\ wt a1·c w e g·v1n~· t o ... o_ a )till t 14,.• Owen C r o1nartic :rnd uth L' l'!'I will

., ··dl ·,t 1 ,:, w!iil'h i:, in\' bihlc um!

:,l :, ,11 ;11, l' uf t'll'.h t mill• ,"\ will

i,1 ,111: u,,,\ ?1 ui 111l,.n1• . .( , p al ,d .\ Zl' any

fl l..' 1.-' t , halt t 1111I~,; vn t he ha tllc fi, , l~b ,

t uin ,uutu r l' ill":-i , 11nd :,;pn .. ·nd u 11 111 -

v ii-,i b lc l:U rtain d cnt.h-<lcflling cli.,ctrlc

1 ay:-. :iini il a r t.o Lh•! Kn :,; c loud :i of

the recent war.

\ \' 1111111\_gtuu- .\ llt ·~ fug t1::it Lieut. JH!u pl1 \'.'ho du not vut l!? · Thi :; is n her eby tak e no licr , that on or Ucforc

\\'. IL C' 110 1w1·, i'i,nnl•l' clwit·mnn 11 f \ nu1.:stion tlin t is m~uniin).! na tiona l l t he t ~t Munday in September. liJ2 ;1,

th 1.: hrn1nl of dii·1 •cl1 •1'~ u f t he tfof unct I i;H J)iJl'LHncc :ind co n\'ic t ion i:s he- J will npply to the Sheriff o[ Co lu1~1-

Cv niuH_.n: ia l Nu1 i, ,11al bank of th h, 1

·o minl! more fil'nil v fo stcnu<l in the bus count.y for u tleed t~ u ccrtam.

1922. Known and dcs1,c.·11n.ted a ~ 11nautl o n Llw Slw ,·i ff

' ·Ho me P lace" , 10 a cres ly lll ;! and i t~ounty ful' u deed tn a l'

· "· I · . I t I , . , . , ·, •d 5r, , _ c · , . tract uf la nd bOUA'ht at 'lax sale, fo1

ci ty , ,it nul ::; tu~ 10 z1: cei\~ ' 0 · ; mind s of the poo r,lc thut tho mdrl~ t he your of 1922. Known and des ig.

being- in Tatu ms 'l'owns hiD, I of land lying' an<l being·

This the 1st da.' of Jul)~ 1024. I Prong- to;vn ship, Co lum l,

000 in t·ash uJ.' in notes t hu t wen· fcrcnce of lhe voting cluss t o the nated ns "Home Pl11ee.'' 5 acres ly•

later paill from th,, sulc of stock" in rc•ponsibilitics of the ba llot is large- ing und being in Tatums Town•hip,

W. K. F I ELDS. descrjbed a s Roy La nd.

(out July 3 1) _ ____ J 10 acrns according- t o b 11 1

tho Com mercial l>ank seven months ly uccountuble for whatever uf bad This tho 1st duy of July, 1924 .

prior to the clus ing uf thut in•titu- .. o,•ernment may exist, in either W. K, F IELDS.

•11_. ,· . ·----·-· I ed under section 8 028 01

N O T I C E soliduted Statu t es of Xur, I, 1919. ..,,,,

The ri r~L annou ncement came from

l'nrh, the d i:;co vc r,l r buing (irinncll

Matth ews , n British subject. Then

1,0 ,- ,t ,,"'\ u" n ,n m ,·ocl the discovery· of

a s imilai- "death ray" by Dr. I•', J. Wall, of Sh,, ffiol,I Univers ity, The

( :crman invent.ion wn:-4 nn11uunccd

in the Re ichstug by the leader of

. . ~ (ou t July 31)

tion by fed crnl bu nk examrncrs "' Stntc of Nation. In Richmond u ----- --- --------- l' lctchcr Atkinson, . will he re by This the 1st dnr of Jui•· ,.,

take notice,. that on or before t he 1st F. D .. \I A Rnt Deccrnbc1· • I 922, and chargi ng that co missio n nnmetl by the co urt, churg- NOTICE

''he ca 11 not nccount foe what he cd with the duty of weedin g out SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Monday in Se ptember, 1924, I will (out ,July 31)

apply to the Sheriff of C_olumbus

did with any pno-t of snid money, the r ogi•trntion t, .,oks of that city , State of North C:irolinu ls•

attorneys here Saturday fil ed notice Columbus County, fo un d thnt the purged registrution In the Superior Co ur t.

county for a deed to a certai n tract NOTICE OF SALE OF LA\O~

of lnnd bought at Tax Sale, fo r the DER MORTG AGE ·•·

yeur of 1922. Known nnd designat­ed n~ " Home Place" - - aero:,; lyin g and being in Tat ums T o wns hip.

of objection to Cooper's d ischarge book• con tnined the names of 47,383 Idu Duvis

from bankruptcy now pending in t hc qualified voters. Lnst fall t hey had Vs.

t he 111ilitu 1·y pn!'l.y. U. S. district court. an election for rnnd bonds in t hat David Davi•• The dcfen<tunt nbovc named will

city und · on ly 7,:i 40 people voted . tnke notice thnt "" nction a s ubove

A hout lh o ~nmc time n road bond hn~ been commenced in the Superior

Thi~ t he 1st da y of Jul y , 1024.

Mntth ow•, who has been ,·ec:t lled Governor Cooper, uccordlng to the

to Englund; suys hi s tliscove ry cun obj ection filetl by Wl'ight nnt! Ste•

a ls u be used tu sta1·t fires nnd brrng phe ns uud Ruurk nn<l Cnmpb oll ,

dca Lh to i1t \lmling a r11lie8 many mil es coun se l for objeci ing c1·cditors, "ud•

d ist un l. The pr('!-'.<! fl t limit of th u ulit s that he gnv(.• i'innn cinl stnto•

dhy •~ (•ff ·cLiVl· II CHS is lw twt.•l' ll Sl'\'L• II mL•nts duri n~ the y,nr 1022 in which

nu ll l'iith t m il(ls. 'fh l' nt..•\\' d cst l'oycr he l· l:ti1 1u d that he wn s worth over

, aiu !··d a-. a :-. l•:u·d,li,1.!'h l i-1 clii·1.1dcd . $200, 00 0 a nd llrnl he ha :; hc t~n un •

Sp••a),dii;.. nf h i:,, d1•ath ht• am, ur ahh • t o il l'l'U llllt i'o l' ti!(.• di !;app ec1rnnct•

,.,y. 'h'tbv1•.-. -.;,y;, it will 11 uL de•• 1d' l h,•.~ ~· :1 ~:-1.-•ls :intl o hj c ct.inA" c1·0tl­

., t ru\ 4hil•"· Ut.•t· .lu·w tlu:y han• n it, ,J .. 1·c•~ pt•d full y a:-.k I he• court ln

W,\t:,r , 1:IIH·.: tion \':ith thl· (': ll't h. 1• n la r ~1.• thc ii· ti111 c ror fili ng" s pcci •

Hu t •,it,• pur t:-. of tltt · -.i hip' :-. nial'h i11 • fit-a1i 1111 ~ 11 p fll1:•d 11 g' th e ba11k r upt'H di s­

f't '!t' ,•:1 :1 bt.· put out 11 1 :1cti11n and dw \.·harl!'t• unti l they c a n in\' l'S tig-atc the

t' I';!\'.' madl• iu\}H>ll'IH th1·,, u ,.d1 :1 hul'lc \,a n l,n1 1H ' :-. Uoo lrn and hi s l' inan cia l

ll o\\l'\'l'l' , if :\lat.thews ' ray l'a n s tn r l lran :-- udiu ns so u~ to l'nahltJ them

f ires il .-1 ho u1tl b e abi t' Lo i~nit~ and 11\0l't• c.l c•fi n ifrly to s pecify t hcit· ob·

hl ow U(J t Jw ~hi p's po wd1:1· m:11,:"a :.d nc. jurtions" .

Airplancis , the in ventor ll flY:i , cnn he .:\11·. r.on ocr fi led II pu t ition in

<l l·~ t n•ft·d ~;nd ,· .. ly. ba 11 k1·u pt cy ,Janua!'y I!), lfl i -1. hi :-t

iu hi ... t·x iw1·in1L•llt-. :\l uttiw w,.; Ul'ic ll sl'lll•d ul c• ~howin~ a s~ct s uf $223,­

a cllnent uf mc l'C' lv hn lf a kilowatt, s2 r, . r. .1 with linhilitics li sted $ 10a ••

,w t during to U:h.~· anything moro I R75,87. . Th ~ li \! ut~11nnt J.(ovcr~ior

1,nwe r f ul. He feal'ocl a ri U!t ca • to 11 k 1h1 ~ action i1r tc r the clo~ang

las trophc might occur if II te rrible of lhe Co1111nercinl bnnk which is

powerfu l ,·ay J.{ut out of ro ntrol dur- n ow in process of litigution by C. L.

in~ his C' xperimen t::;, \Villiums. r ccciVt! l'. The Conuncrciu l

D ut·ing- the Wol'IJ War ~l u tlhew., hnnk h11s not yet paid n cent in di-

invented a machi rw to l'Ontrol motor

vu Miu:- ls hy n ~Pun:hlii::ht ben m. Th l! Brit ish ~o,· t•rnm<mt awarck•d him

$ 125 ,000.

vid 1J mls to d epoidtor~ si nce it:. clos•

inJ( 18 months ago.

jun c• 2nd Governor Coo per tih:d o

petition for disc h11 1·gc claiming that

The prt-<li ctiou thut ano ther wnr he ha<l hl'l'II "adjudg-ed hunlu·upt"

~•o tJld be far 111or,· lcrl'ihl~ l hnn the that h ,· hu < duly , un·e ncl e rcd nil hi,

.,:1 t-ia.cst wtu· of a ll time alrc•ady hn ~ 1>t·o pcrty an<l rights uJ' property nnd

co n,c 1ru e. had fully co mplietl with 11 11 the r(•·

c1u ircmcnt:-1 o f the acL!-1 and of l he

A campaigner was co ns tnntly in• ' Ol'derl'i of th1: co urt touching- hh•

ccrrupt e<l by a man in l'h e crowd, bankruptcy.''

who k~pt Mho utin ~ out , ''Linr!" Af• ---------

ter abou l the twelfth repetitio n, 1

the spenker pnu,cd a nd t'ix,•d his

Griat '1 VindicAtion

eyes on his tornwnle1·. " It tlie 1:en- /T h,, State ,·illc Daily)

t lcmu n who pe rs i~ts in inttrrupting.'' , \Vh<!lhl'r '.\·Jr. Gri.;,1 t would have won

lw Ma id, " will be j!ood t!nouuh to tell over Mr. Shqunan in Saturday's pri-

us iii• nnme instead o f merely shout- mary if there hnd been u full vot~

mg out his calling, 1 am sure we will o f course he " matter fo r de-

shall all be pleas~d to make his nc- h1ttc. But if it be ,nid t hnt the Gri•t

quajntance,"-Christian R egister. ' victory wa :1 Jue to the !nilure of

/ 'Happy As Can Be"

the Shipman followin,r to g-o to the

poll•, t he answer i., fh11t supporters

I w.ho don't t h ink enc ug-h of the ir can­

d tdnte l o go tu the polls and vote

for him ar<! not vr~ry strong !4 Up•

"I can work us well as ever, and porter:; , to sny the lcn!4t. Nnturally

am ns happy ns ca n be, for my li fe the ,•otc wns li J.:"ht hecnusc of luck

has been give.n back lo me," writes of general intcruet, but l\fr. GriMt

J. R. Bryant who says he went to has been vi nd icntcJ in hi s deman<l

s pecialis t• who told him he hud for •econd prinuu y. He would

Brights Di•en•o und they could do huve hen vindicated if he had los t,

nothing for hi m. for he hnd the l'ig hl to demand that

He took eight bottles of Hobo Kid- the contest be ,ettl ed accordi ng

ney and Bladder Remedy and is e n- to law. He is doubly vind icnted in

t irely satisfied. hi , success over hi :i c<mlpetitor, nnd

"Hobo" is u powerful vivifying he has set 11 precedent for future

balm-made from nn herb th11t con - primaries.

W. K. l" l ELDS. (ou t July :n)

elect ion w11s held in Danvill e. Just Court of Colu mbu, coun ty, North N O T 1 ·c E

heforc it Lhere hml been II mayor's Cnrolin u. to obtni ll 1111 nh.;oln t" di- SALE OF. LAND UNDER MORT-vorcc from the hot~ds of ma trimony;

electio n at which i ,072 votes were a n <l th e suid dcf'e:1d1111l wi ll fu1·thc•1· GAGE

cm;t. In the bond clcct inn only 970 tnkc notice that h\l is required to ap• Dy virtue of t he po we r u [ sa le

votl'S were dc•vc-lo11cd. "Mo re thnn pca1· on the :]0th ,i a ~• of Ju ut•, JUi ,t. con ta in l'd in ;1 <.:crtai 11 mortg-ag-t•

hal l' the vc,tci·s 8tayucl nt homu," suys a t t he co ur t. hou ::u o.f ~aid co11,n ty in d c l·d Untetl t hl• 15 t h dny n f Udohcr.

,. . , , . , . "· 1

... 1 1 , . . 1 th e towt) of Wh,tc \lll c , N. .,. "'!" mi I. c·x <· culed hv A. 'I' . Jnclcso n

ltu NC \\ !i, ,rnr 11 •. mno, th: s :mswc• ,· o r dc1mur : " t11e eornpln111t in nntl wifo, . Osc•ti .i.icksun, and M1·~.

hut d id 11ol ha ve cnoug-h inlcrl'~t l:-;n itl ac ti on, 0 1, th L• plai11 t! ff will :ip- H. V. Fal'l ey , to J , A. P owell, n .'~ is­

to w,t c r111' lh l 1lll. 1' T111.~ Virg- i11i:1 t' tllH I plr tu the l'UUl 'L 1'0 1· th e 1·cli l ·f de- t(' l' (•d ill Book S -:! , !)H}.f l! 8 ::. l' l '<'O l'<l :-

hf1 lltl L• ll•(·tio n wn~ lust. h t.•<::tlUL• t ht· mn nch•d in ~aid cu,:1pla int. of Columbus coun t ~' - 1'01· $:W0.00 . t' o Thi s lhc ,-)0th ch v >f Juu c 1 !)•J t scc u t· r the p1.1r111 N 1t o f a hu nd nf

peopl e wlio wnulcd ronds did nut lakt.• · ... ,'J. 't. 11\l !!;MORY,-· · even date with said lllol' L,l!';i,.r,·. fH'al'-

l hr trouble to vol~ Cor the m. Clerk SupCl'io r Co u rt. ing- intcn~st from dale, whit:h ti:dd

l 'ul'lrnps our ,.:on n ti ·y may ycl ,_out ;july 17th) mortgnj!C wn ::; paid to the :m itl J. A.

come ui·o uiicl to 'l'hc ObKCt'Vl•r' i< MUJ.{'· - - - , Powe ll and ta kl'n up by the !'-l aid i\f!'s.

gcstion and rcvi!ic its elcctiiln lnws Hnving- qunliflcd as admini strator to her; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE I 1-1 . V. Fa rley , nnd duly transfe rred

on the bas is of the law• obtui11ing in of the estate uf s,11·ah Georg-c, de- And also by vit-tue of t h,, power

our t1·opicn l wnrd of P orto Rico. cemicJ, this is to r•ot.ify all pal'ties of sn lc contained 111 a cct·tain murL­

Thel'l' c ,·l'I'~, mun c• f vo ting- a~c j~ or perso ns havi n:t elaim!-1 u.:ain.:,;t I ).!Oge <leccl executed by A. T. Ja c k•

roquircd lu l'OJ.dxll: l', His photo- t.ho !m id cstntc to present the111 dul y~ son und wife, Os\1e Jackson to Mrs. a u thenticated tu the undcrsig-ncd I H. V. Farley, dated the trith day of

i:raph is de posited with the judges adminis trato r , at Whi t evi ll e, N.'· C. , October, 1921, in the s um of $i55.00

nt hia voting plnc1J nnd he is other- un or b(•l'nro t he i5th tlu y of ,furw, re~istcrcd in llook s.2, pnitc !J8 ,

whw put on record . The la w says l!J~5 , or t.his notic e will be• p !~~td cd 1 / L't'TH'<l:,; of Columbus co un ty, wi th

that he must vote. fl .. fter cuch elec. in bur of their rit.:h t to recovcl'. 1 inle l'l.' '-'i from date , Hec urini: the Thi• the 20th duy of June , UJ2 ,I. p:iyment of a C<' t'tn in bond of even

lion a rnc,,rd 0 1' t~e voters is mad e ,JAMES A. LENNON, date with sai,l 11101·tp:ag-c for said

und the absentee., nrc checkucl off. Adm ini i-Jtrutol' of t he estutc of amount.. ('nnv t:y inl! to lhc s:dd Mr~.

Th en till' con~t.nblc 1ouncls the1n ui, S11rnh Gcorgu, deccnscd. II. V. Farlt:~' an u11diviJ('d one-hall'

Unl ess tlwy cun prod uce a good r cu- (out ju ly J7 ) int.i, 1·,• ,,t in the follow ing fou1· trncJ:,;

son l'or fnilur e to vr, te, they 11re sen t o[ la:id:

to prison for short. te rms nnd de- EXEECUTOR'S NOTICE Default hnvi n i,: been made in the

Having quuli.ficd a ~ the Executor payment of ~aid lllOl'tg-agl•s, the

privo<l of the privil,•v.e o-f voting fot· of the estate of Annie June Hilburn, und ,• r • iitncd mnrtg,igcc will on

11 pc t·iod of four yenrs. The Porto deceased, In~ of Columbus county, Monday the 4th Dny of Aug. 1924

Ricans arc 11h~ad of us not ~nly in North Curolfna, Lh is is to notify a ll sell at publir auction to t he hiV.hl'sl

lho matter of voting-, but in law ob· person~ hnving c laims agai nst the bidd e r for cn~h at· the t·o urt bou:H'

estate of suid deceased to exhibit ' doo r in Col um bu., county at 12

scri•nncc. The two propositions go them to the underuigned executor, o n o 'clock nou n . the fo llowing descnbc< I

toi,:ether, anyway. It stunds to ren - or before the 24th duy of June, I r ea l estate to satisty snid mmtgag-es:

so n t h11t 11 country which makes ex- 102& , or this notice will be pleaded I. First Tract: Containing- ,1 1-2

crcise of the bnllot compulsory is n in bur of their recovery. All per- acres a nd known and des ignated a s

country that stands in respect to the sons indebted to said c•tatc will lot No. 6, a s will fu lly appear o n plo t please mukc immed iate payment , of division,

luws, and takes off its hut to luw on - This 24th day of June, 1024. · 1 Second Tract: Beginning- a t 1.1

DR. W. F. YATES, Executor of the s take 6& feet from the cente r of the

estutc of Annie Jnnc Hillburn . tic- . main tract of said railroad a nd sir, rorccmcnt.

Polygamy is hci nJ.t !-ltoppc,I "Darkest A fricu, '' the womun

fu~ing to l-4 hnre tiHd r hu:-1hancb

oth er women; but divorce ~t ill

' s ts for men on ly.

in l'e•

with ex-


Florida; Savannah THURSDAY

JULY 24 Tickets good on all trains and

in Pullman cars upon payment o.f Pullman charges.


ceased. -Out July 17 I ft. cast of W. W. Hawnes und W. H. Chancey corner in t he old Turne,

NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECU- lin e a nd runs para llel with sa id r ail-

TION I roae. about c,ast 8 0 feet; t hen ce n ort!1 100 f eet, the west I 00 f c c t,

I t hen south nin ety feet; the n North Caro lina, Columbus Coun ty, cast 20 feet; then so uth 100 fee~ to

Marion National Bank, I t he beginning, being- the sa me 1and

Vs. described in a d eed mude the 24th

J M Youn,. 1 day of ,July, 1899, by B. F' . Hall nnd

· · . .,. . . Oscnr Pcnrsnll to .J ohn R. J ac kson.'' By virtue of un ex ecution directed Third Tract: Con tnining 3 6-10

to the Sheriff of Columbus coun ty acres.

from t he Superior cout·t of Columbus I Fo urth Tract : Beg-i nn ing a t u

co unty in un action cntitleif as abovo. stakl! one chni n north '!f the rnilroud . and runs north 25 chum s to t he run

I will on .the of Creek Branc h a nd down the run

4th day of Auguat, 1924, ' t hereof seven (7 J chuins t hence

at 12 o'clock noon, at the co urt I parn_llcl with it tu t he beginni ng, ex-. 11 1

ceptmg from the above described house door of said county, sc to t I C fo urth trnct the la nd h eretofore

hig hest bidder, f:> 1• cn•h , to sntisfy conveyed by J. R. Jackson. This

said execu tion nil the rii:ht, t itle und tract is located nt or nen,· Wnn-

intcrcst, which t he s:tid J. M. Young nnish S tation and known a s the ,Jo hn

the defendant has in t he fo llowing R. Jnckson's lots.

dcsct•ibcd real cstnte : All of which t\Jur tructs o f lnnd

tnins no alcohol , 'IO opintes, no habi t - -------- Round Return

Lying and being in the Stnte a nd arc fully described in the two mort­

county aforesaid nnd in the town of gages hcrcinabove r eferred to a nd

Tabor and being lots No. 2, 3, nnd duly registered in the offfoc of the

4 of the C. H. Inman property in t he R egister of Deeds of Columbus cou n­

town of Tabor, N. C., ns per plot ty a t nngc 83, and page 98 in

made und surveyed by John B. Gore, book S-2, reference to which is

Surveyor, January 10. 1920, which hereby mudo for II full and complete

plot or mnp i• rcco ~dcd in the office description of said fo u r trncats of

of the register of deeds of Columbus land. 'I;

form ;n ,: drugs. A fertile soil , drainage, lime a nd To- Trip Fare Limit

For Sale by ull druggists. Price inoculation arc n eeded f o r s uccess Savannah $ 7.00 July 28

$1.20 per bottle, or a full trentment with ulfalfn. It iJ 0ot-a p9or lund Jacksonville 10 00 July 28

county. This t he 4th day of July, 1924.

This 3rd day of August. 1924. MRS. H . V. FARLEY, J , 0. AMMONS, J . A . POWELL. Mortgecs,

o f six bottles for $0.00. This full crop, therefo'r c th ~ soil should be Pablo Beac.p . 10 50 July 28

treatment is recommended and i:uar- well prepared and the seed ulanted St. Augustine. 11.50 July 28

nnteed to give tilltire sntisfactlon or in early September advise agronomy Tampa • • , 17.00 Aug. 1

money refunded. workers for the State College of St. Petersburg 17. 00 Aug 1

Hobo Medicine Co., Beaumont, Texaa Agriculture. Bradentown • 1,700 Aug. 1 (Out July 31st) Sheriff. Donald McRackan, Attorney .

(out July 31)

By vil·tu e o( the p 11~,

con tnined in n C(l l'tnin 111ortgagc maJe o n the I ,1 J an ua ry, 1920, by A. , · and wife Alice Co lc•m:i n Martin to scc u1• p th e Jin~ n ote of even dnle th <'l' t•,, t

payabl e o n t he 1st d:t)' 1 !)20, h1 the Sl llll u f :$ J:.; said note and 111 111·tg-a:..:·i trnnsfcrred to D. 11·. H.' Default hnvin g- bec,n 111. 1 payment of said 11 11te ~ll 1'

the 1111<lc1·s ig·1h id will ,i1· · nncl ~ell f ol' t•a :~ h. at hou8e cl oo1·, a t pulil it•

Monday, the 4th d{'y of \ at 12 o'cloc k 11 01111. th1· p st·ribt.\d in said lllnr tg•:i ~•

Bc1.d nnin l,!' at a stak1• 11 c liJ!,'l! ' uf Nmv Rri LLun r 1

the late C. C. G,,,.,,·s ,I , ,,11, ,, Ma1·y C. Gore 's second ,., 1 ,t,i

r uns th ence S. !52 d C'g-rt.11•. ,,.

9 chains to a stake wit h 1wri 11i;~ and one oak pointe r d1r•nt ,• :. r 1: degrees, west 1 :J.4 cha it, , nd ~1

links to u ~tnkc and tlire1• , u11. 1 ,r,t,

ers in Jnbel Go r(' '~ li:1~· i:'~~ with t hat line north 7-1 d1 ·:.:T1•t 1.~,:

9 chttins, ~nd 75. link:-: , ·., .i u'.ailr~ 1-{U m and p111e pornte l's at \ \ Bri·. ton road, then wi th said 1uad ! 1,a;. ing- ubo n t S. 28 <legr(l t• :-: . ..a~t 11 chains to the bc;.dnnin )!. l'to!ll:min; 11 9-10 acres. · Dated this the 1st day ' uf .J uly. i.•21

F. D. MART IN, ~Io rt ~:ig,•,•. D. W . Baldwin & Cu .. 1rau~i(,~,.

P owell & Lewis , A:: torney:.;, ·, (ou t j ul y 3 1 ) ·


By vit·tuc of the p OWIJ I' nf sale r,in,

tai nc <l in a certain M or l.g-n:,:-1• l)l•i: . made on the 10th day of lu~u•· I 918, by E. D. Gore and wiio .\d, die M. Gor e to R. H Co leman ' " ,,. cure the pnynum t of a nott• uf •'-"(.l

date with said mortgnl,!e in th•· ·J!':

of $1200.00 due nnd pa)'a ble "" tr,

16th day of October, 1920 . lldau:: having b~en made in t h e pay 111t•11! :

said n ote, t he und ersigned will 1dft: for sale, and sell f or cnsh1 :11 pu11!;

auction, at the court hou:-lc dn ur :n the town of Whiteville , a L 12 o'd,.,) noon, on the

2ht Day of July , 1924,

the :toUowinK rihc<l 111·op .. r1y. A certain trnct or 1>m'cl' I 11f la~l

and be in g in Co lum bus co unty, Stt1t!

nforesaid in Williams T uwn ... bip, :1ni described nn<l de fin ed a:-. foll n·.1 -: to-wit :

Beginning on u gum a t the run _,: Big Brunch und run s n01·l lt 20. ,.,,, 24 chains to a stake to F. :-,;. War~\ be,::inning corner, thenc<• nort h " east 15 chains Lo a ~takl' . tht·net

south 20, cast 5 chains to :i ,wl., a: a ditch, thence down snicl ditd1 ,wut~ 69, cnst 5 chai ns and G7 lin ks t 1 1

stake, then ce north 4 7 l'a st 'i charn: and U3 links to n bla ck G11111 in :h r un of Benver Swa rnp. tl1 ·:It·

down the run of said ~\\'Q.l!ll~ 11~~·) meandc.rrs to a stake nt thl' mout h 1

Big Brunch where said brand, i111t1· sects with said swamp, thcnl!t1 up:~! run of said branch n~ it meandl•r~ :·

the beginning, con tai ning 1li7ht y• :·ir1

acres: D nted this the 19 th da y f .Jun\

1924. R. H. CO LE>l l:S.

M ot't /,11!'1t.

BAN K OF CO!. lJ~JH t·,. T r..rn:..:f"r

Powell & Lewis . Attomcys. (ou t july 17th.)

Fort Myers. 17 00 Aug. 1 Moore Hav~n . 17.00 Aug. 1

.~»-.+:,~~co ooo o o oo~ oo o:o-! Daytona. . 17. 75 Aug. 1 .!l•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ••••••a••••••••••••••••••••"'

I Gaso1·1ne and 0·11 Stat·1on I :;;!~::::::e r!!/t!~tt i 1. ½ stations. Return trip must be •

3: -----:================----- t. complE;ted prior to midnight of • 3• ~: date given , Tickets and sched- '1

i 1~~~~ J

± Now Op-e' n 1' J. F. BARKLEY, Agent. x I ATLANTIC Co As T LINE i ::: The Standard Railroad of

•f ~: the South.

I Northeast Comer Court Yard Square :f. ½ ~ •• _: ·,·

:~ Free Air and Water li 3,: I ::: :l\ Automobile Equipments and Supplies :!:

:t: ----- ~~ ~.i f

·'· :i: Yours to Senre, ·1• ½ f



State of North C:irolinn lss Co lu mbus County. Lillie ,Justice,

Vs. Cha!'lie Just ice.

The dcfondnnt nhovc named wi ll take noti ce that "" nction a• above has been commen ced in the Superior Coul't of Columhu~ count)', No 1'th Curolina , to obtuin an nbsolu te di­vorce from the hnn,J~ nr mnttimony: nnd t he •aid defcndnnt wil l further take notice that ho is r e qu ired to a p. flOnr on the 18th dny or July, 102,1, at the court hou~e of said county in • the town of Whito,·il ln , North Cur o- • lina nnd answer or 11rmur to the ■ complni nt in said nrti un or the plain- • tiff will apply to tit• court for the ' • relief demanded in sc :4. complaint. •

This the 20th day \ r Juno. 1924. • J. L. MEMORY, •


Our MR. KR}\MER is in_ New York buying a large stock ~f new Summe_r ~nd Fall goods which will be coming m on every tram m a few days.

MeaI).time our store i~ still the center of interest for all who want 1;he best m Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats at moderate pnces.

Our line of Ladies' Clothing cannot be excelled.

Margolis ®. Kramer 1 Vineland, North Carolina t: WHITEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA *

..... ~:+x+x~...x~ ~ ~ c+;. :c;Jerk Superior Co u rt. ■ ·

,out july 17th) ••••••••••••••••••-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 ••JJ

ht •ll~ttil Jtl l

11 d,n11t1

' pUl'l' i 1,h:1th ,I \" 1if 11


xibh ;,,n:-l'k:

~- niii: rol in:1 w 1h:1t

,Item ,. for , .\ :~ ~tor:: \'d OIi

t fltl<'l' ,

ct'rta in ,. Jt ~c .. on h

fore Ion troublt'l

i~ conc1i ord ina food at mmoditi I (),e

uld be cv ~old 1ion of cmnn ached

d hun~' r night

"Th is urcci o 1bi:rts, ninst tl ,, villa l' \ ' ('l'?ll.

ould h .. ,·1•r1bi




Oll'lll ,

mcthin nll)' h rbidtli1 The c nptin \ll'l ~t-= . ill t'.i\'

y ...

II ('Ill

L•as1n t tlic,i• tht•l'

(J fr I

11 wh (l10f f

111<' 1rth <·

llu111 :k, 01:d:1 J•I·: i


l r,


tnk1• at h

-::::: •••• t


,,·: y 17, 102 l


1 ;;\t.l'lll· 1 On Su nda y rno1·n i11 ~ fal11cr J.{ l'HL :-; h i!°'

,· 11 I ,a..,lo 11iu i:-,1 cuf f Pt.\ toa~t :, 11 U cg-J~:'\ .

\lll ;i tl11· day i:- :\ nd "-l lips in Lo hi l'i uhh• - t dulli cr aml

I hal ·.., not :-. 111.1ops a1·c,u11d anti bl•~~:,,

l L"' it uui:;ht lo I S o11H· l': IR'~ f'rt1111 111otlH• 1 ' :- ~L•wi11 ,;

:1 .... l'it I :1hil'a l box , and 1·a b t•s lot ~ 1,f fu . ~,

fourth t·P1t l " 1 '111 ~oi ng- tn h u r1-y 1,ut," !'-: •~· .... he, ·'

\H• lfu l J:,l'I~ uf and ).\ l 'l'Jh-i e up ti iul uld lius!--. "

h_ lla~·: : "1'11 wo111t lh c tat' fvt' Su nday ~rhuul,' '

,,l ( •l'l 'Pll " livni, !•s.1~·s nwtlH'r ,'' J, ,li11 , p lc11r c hu1'l' v

1· 1 thL· l'nl'olinn ;, I' ll huvc hl•r cl o no in half nn hour;,

"l.'\U l' la\\ !- ~11:~· a_ll I says f:tllwr, "Dvn't you worry'.,'

'lHIL•tll ~· lih1t·. h l:i I And thc•n he draw!\ a quarl of uil

1 i11ll"' shade .. _<,f in• 1 l'1· c, m t.hat u ld grimy c:wdc ,

h 11• a r l11t~t•ssion l ll And whis tles us he i:ct.s UJ) hi s tovl:i

\\ hu helie \' t! tlu• 1 ancl ~ta tt s UJJ hiM Lask, t ir:-:.l •l' t.lll~iu to n

But Ill' <locs n'L In ha lf an hour W t! ki<l !-i i.:i> down t u

t•lll thn t thu in - :-\CC how he iii progrcss i111-{ ;

Li wtot ore working- lll·cuU K(! it is hi~h tim e thut h(: j~

, 1 ,p u n nwt u r to ur- cleaning up and dressin g,

,t 11 pll· wh o m North llc•':i uu his back beneath thl• car,

, •111 -ul to w1•lcomc•, the crank ca~c plug is out

,iro, ·i<l(ld h h:hwnv~ And ull the o il is down his cur~ und

t, ,·,•I upon and he.Ip I nec k and thc•rcubout,

},-,bt•l'l~ illust rnlcs with _ l • -~, r\ ., w uir~t , forcc<l to H is ~•)It: ~ nrc bl:1ck with greas<1, hnir

._ , , ii~· niJ!h t for u lo ng 1s full o f 011

::-'r. t r l f ,u nd. upon r('nc·hing He looks ju:it like som~ chimn ey-

,1 th .it h<1 was without swecpc•r returning from his toil

-~"r.;t ~um." ,nu t ht· . in n hurry to Hi i-1 face is hluck, hi s hands n sight,

• ,,t, 1,, , . , had foiled to eat a nd from his clothes a smell

:;.rt: 1, :, , ,n \In t ht• trip. _ He wns A l'ist:s very like t.he cnt we once

. :roahl, t •nt. )Ir. "Roberts points fi shed from the well.

" "Ht hau ht: mi ... fortune to get in

' .! ~onil:t ;l• ll n n tow n which fixc<l,

1.1rdim1nl'1 1111• time f or the sale

; 'oeJ ~nd ,:a" , He tried to get the ·~vditi, nHJ ,,ci . but was told

1 tht c.,, u r or th e establish m ent

' , id h . , et to si zeable fines if r \· ~old him ., <.: \Ip o! c:offe,.. or n ·ion o! i,::,1~olin1:. 'fhc night po­

·rin:irl H•r•fi t·d 1 hl· s t.ory when ap•

;iachtd ;ind the motoris t, angry

.d hun::r:, \\ fl :I' forcl•d to remnin

' ni~ht ,,.r,,:i~h.

Tr, ~ nd1ric,n i~ not only a :.ire uf IIH'l•ll\' t•r1i 1 n c(• ,'' snyK Mr. ttrt·. "Lat rt:l ·ou nd~ greatly

;;i.r,.:t !~ tu\\Jl ! l· f)OJ'tt'<l, It gi \'CS

t ,.,'.l.t::1 or iown in quc~tion , in

. hrn<.1 :il,1r. ·Ulnrk eye. ' \V c

"Oh Dad , come hurry up and wash ' nnd let us be uwuy,''

"For soon we sh111l be late to church," we kid s hear mother say,

And then he lnys his oil can down and looks at her and splutters­but mother would not let us tell

, the words that fnther utters. -From Fischers Auto Bulletin ,

Report of Lhe condition of THE FARMERS AND MERCHANTS

BANK at Tabor, N, C.

In the State of Not th Curolinn, ut the close of business, June 30th , 192,1.

· Reaourcea Lonns and discounts .• $ 1 12,2G9.80 Demand lonns • _ _ _ _ _ _ 200.00

THE NEWS REPORTER PAGE SEVEN =====~~·---~-=--~~----,...:,;.;, CARY TELLS ~BOUT I _NOTICE OF SALE s..~~~~~s.~I

BRAZIL .5 SNAKE FARM I , 8 )' .,·11·Ute of an order front the '~ 'fh c Wny oi Nat ure.

• llJJ Cl'IOt' CUUl't. dii·l•(•tt-d tu th t: un• 12

I · I · J ~ I The To led,, Bl,uJ, ,,' 'l'hcl'l' h; a snnk~ fu 1·111 ui Sao < <•t s~A't_H.' l in l l c ta:• •-· l•( 1'. E. \\' 1.ll :-- 0 11 ~ . I ad 11 11 11 1~tr·u tv r uf f•' C ~\\' · t · 11 i ~ " Jl '.., f u11 11v ·1 0 u 11 ·1t·11 1

lf'l1)t'l,1l11 , Uraz1! , a'.1cl ~.IH· :.: 11 a k,·s tln•rc di.•r t·aM·d. ,·s. F. a. :. \\, :it.-;o~i .. l' t .., ~:1.: ,i►, * • •


" ~ •


•, .... 1 o ni~

a cc·c11·d1111: to 1·. llicrL II. Gal'y, LIH' und c· rsi i:ncc l «•ntmis,i onc•1· will ~ • p1·u nes mor e henlth fu l 1'1:in -t , ,11\-

cha irnmn uf t he lint'ird ,,r thu Uuit- ' o ffe r for sak• and sell fut· ca sh lo ~ Kryptok Glasses ; bel't'iCS.

l• d St'au•:-: St~t• I corf)t11· 11 , who thl' hh.:-he~t l1itl ck•r ut. pub lic au ti. io11 r , ~ ---- --------- - -

Loi,! o f vi , itini: it when he spo k,· on t 2~VISIBLE BIFOCALS ~l~ CHIROPRACTIC l't..'l'c11ll~.' lo Lhc llH:111 Ut: 1·s. u[ the A111 ~ 11 Jll ~l-londay the 11th dny o f Aur,ust, ~

.i itL 1 i u' l'l ock , 11ucJ11. al lhc / . \ ~

c• rh·a n I ro n mul Steel Institute aL l'uun' lwu s~ do or o f Co lu mbu s c: o u 11 • i : ffo rds a COl)'lfort ~\'h ich hi ~ fQR HEADACHES th ci ,· :i1t 11u 11 l 111ecting, ~I r, G111·y clc- ty , in \V hitc•vi ll e, ~ . C. , t he fullowin~ ~ HPP reriatcd by thoso wh.o ~ .

:,;tribct.l the fn1'm in a mo111l·1·1t uf dt.: scl' ilinl lantl. ~ want \ICqr or far vision 1n ~ QU S di 'ression from his tn lk on busi- BeKi nnini,: on th ,, c•ust side of ~ ~ . E TIO.N-"l am troubled

Wulf Bay, it bdnt: in Hntti,· Hui- i one Pair of i:Iasses, They ~ with µe1•1od1cal h eadac hes, have rwss co ndition s.

"Suo Paulo is p(irhnps the mo!-lt

pro~r cssi\'c un<l the most rapid!~·

g-1·owi11g- rity uf nny I :-:;aw in all of

Suuth Anit•ri<•n," i\lr. Gary said

' ' It is in the very heart of 1hc c-uf­

fC'l) industry, 1-' rom tll(•re i;:ocs I s up­

pose th~ec-quarters of ni l Lhe coffo,,

thttt is used, shipped nnd di strib­uted. Thnt country is on :i pla­

ten u 2,GOO feet nbove the sea, You sec new ~ruwi11K u11 nil

about you when you get on Lop of 11 high building, You would be sur•

prised at what they are doing-­wi<lcming t heir streets and ·boule­

v11rds, the number of new buildings

the fine buildings in t he civic parts and in the r esidence parts, We found about 650,000 people now,

or did when I wa" there. By this time it is about 670,000 for its growth is very rapid,

" But if you go there do not for­

get to visit what is culled t he snake farm. Do you know uII nbout that 7 Well, about five or six miles out is 11

snake farm. I believe that institu­tion has been c11tablished or sup­

ported in whole or in part by the Rockefellers. I may be mistaken.

But it is a wonderful spectacle, There have beep r.athered hundreds of rattlesnakes ~nd large numbers o! other poison~us snakes for the

single purpose of extracting poison that is found in th :, mouth or throat•

of those snakes, and utilizing that as an antidote to snake bites all over the Republi c of Brazil, and

it will be fo und in the houses oJ' practically nll the people,

lard' ,, line thelH'c ea st w:tl'cllv Ha tt i,• ~ keen your eves youni: in .I. , kidne_y. tr~ubl~ and, an. 1 extreme­

Bul111nl's line• tu lwr cornci·.' th ence ~ lool,s as well a• in useful- ~ ly net\ Olis, l OU Ctll ed my son. no11hwnnlly wilh th e WC!-t t c<lg-i.: o l' ~ b t I ' ] I

I ness. No line, seam or hump can ,.,et 1iern1anent rest1lts 1' 11 rny Huggi ns B1\.I', lo Willi am Strickland's ~ LI \\' iat proot iave that you

(•orncr; then cc: wcstwardlv with \Vil • ,-. liam Stt'il'klund'; line to· Asa Tul'bc- to bl ur the vision, case?"

ville C(Jl'tH:l't thcn c-<• said A~u Turbe- Eyes e•amined free. ANSWER- I t. rni: tter::- not wh etlwr

ville lin e tu a curr1t'r at the hc·ad I' ~·ou h.1ve hrarlachc>•,. f(l\' Ct·, con!--t tpa-

of Clny Hol e B1·an ch . thence a di - 1 t10n, k1dne)· ot· l!ver trouble, bron-

ruct line nmJ nn a g r cc<l li11t• south- DR, VINEBERG chi t 1:;. neuralgia m· t-Ctm(I other

w~r~Jy to the beginnin g cornt:r, eon- nanwd UiscnSl', ~-ou mu ,;.t ha,·(' tho

tatnin)( lfi0 acres mere or less ex- EYE SPECIALIST I CAUSE of ~·our tt"1ublc• corrected uc-cept thut hcre t t.1fol' c sold to A. \V ut, I fore ~-ou ca n hnvn permanent relict.

:sun. ' Masonic Temple. And thi s 1s exad lv what we do when

Dated thi ~ th e 11th day of Jul y. Wilminaton, N. C. we i:ive you Chriopraclic Adjust-

1921. .1

ments, Some p:irt of your bocly '"

P. E. WATSON, Commissioner. ~ sufferin K fr om a l: ,ek of Functional

Powell & Lewics, Attorneys, Energy , else that pnrt would not

(out uug 7th) I be diseased. Th o nerves carry this Energy from the brain, and every DOB OVER organ in yo ur body is depenilcnt

1"' u11011 it. Bv adj usting the movable

Mon.,, back without quHtion If HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt'• Sah,e and Soap), Call la lhe treatment of Itch, BcHma. Rlnaworm, Tettor o, otlaer I tab• ins ■kin dlHHH, Tr,- tllll IINUD■a.t at our ,.._

WHITEVILLE DRUG CO., (INC. ) Whitnille, N. C,

Ball's Catarrh .. ed' l""IDe la a Combined ff& .,, Treatment,botb !olal and Internal, and bu been ,ucccu­:ul In the treatment of Catarrh for ovn 'orty yeara. Sold by all drug11Iau. P. J. CHENEY &. CO., Toledo, Ohio

WRIGLEYS -Af!er. ErJery Meal.

bones of the spine to - normal posi­•oo YEARS tion, we release -t~•e pressure on the - nerves and this essentia l energy

again flows uninterruptedly to the organs involved. Ro.suits will be per­man,•n t when the pressure has been removed. You should have n Spinal Analysis which will Ill~te the CAUSE of your sickness.

haarlem oil has been a world­wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions.

o0!1!~ l◄·i4i9MK--W

COftffllntemal troubleo, stimulate vital orsana. Three aizca. All dru1111iata. lnaiat OD the orismaI rcuwne GoLD M£D4L.


DR. H. D. McDOWELL Office Columbus Hotel

I Whiteville, N. C.

Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays

I 10to3P.M.

Hogs Grow Faster

~.! :1:1· .. t;u· t uily di st n~ .ef ul

~-t•~.-,11~ :1;:,1l fl '" ' rou t touri:;ts h;1 ,·i ng" th e f. t' ordin­

kj· •ti,· fa l'l ri nnot he co n-

nn n 1.• (' l•:l!iHll'~·. in,·un-

:1:1,l u u~·:-. ti!- fne tory . If n.,:i:ir,;: :. 111,t (lo n(I, we will lit-

1,1Jy h h•11ld1nr.- i:ood roa d s auJ

Overdrnfts, un sec ured__ G00.3~ "'l'hc snnke i• tukcn In hund by one of the doctors , who holds it by

1 •280


the buck of its neck, a nd Lhc tail

r.,!)00.00 is held by an attendant so it cannot curl - nnd they ennnot strike unless

9, 74 .0J t.hey are curried; they never c111t

strike more than about one-half

All oLher stocks. bonds, an<l mortgug<.:s _ _. __

Banking houses, furn -itun: anti fixture~ __ _

1\11 othc•r rctil estate owni:d __ _ _

f'a s!, in vn ult an <l ani oun t.s Liu<.:

llt.:t !'rum :,n d

It's tbe longest-luting conleeUon you can boy -and It's a help to di· gesUon and a cleanser

· ,. for tbe mouth and teeth. ·

Get your hol?S to market as quickly as you can ! Time is

money when you raise piirs. Tuxedo Hott Ration will put wei2ht on those porkers quiclttr, ,nd at less cost per pound, than anythinir else

THE TUXEDO you can feed them. UNEOFFEEDS

Ce-re•a-Ua Sweets Dairy Tuxedo Tuxedo Chop

Tuxedo H og Ration Tuxedo Plg~n Feed Tu xedo Eal M:uh

Corn is a fine fattening feed, but it doesn' t contain enough protein. Tuxedo Hoir Ration balances the corn, furnish­ipg the food clements the hoe: needs, Kc'? it before them, in a self-feeder.

use them. cl ub i, ut-

:1t1. ract lhc ou t s id e

li ,n d itio n ~ ~uch a s

hanks, bnnkt-J'i-1 Trus t. eo rn pan ic ·

Ca:,;h ite ms hckl OV<:J' ~ 1 ho urs _ _ ____ ___ __ _

Chcckij for clt,arin~ - - - ­Exp()n~e necount


299.G2 :Jr,a.a7 021.82

theil' longth- nnd then us another

uLtendnnt holds n cup, the poison is pushed out of Lhe throat hy squec•z­

ing the fingers to~cther, nnd you sec

it co me out into the littl e di sh. ''Thusc snnkcs have ~to ne housc!-! the hi)(h•

t OU1'i st~ Tot11l • - - --· - --- -- $ 1u0,800 .21 Lo live in ; scvcrn l ' occupy each

. , PT 1,,:-.,·c without th e

, ,, r~· which we s ho uld

I.d's pull to­the mun

Liabiliti es Cupital , ic,ck paid in •• $ .'urplus fund __ ____ _

Bill s p11y nbl c - ---- --· D(• pusits due bnnks, lmnk-

2;,,000 .00 1,000.00


hou se, And to show how venomous

they m·c , one of the nttendnnts

wearing J1t'otcetcd boots of lcnLhcr wi ll go in nmonJ.{ lh('lll in side of

the l.'ncil'cling- wall -4 01· fcnc cs- und f •·1nin 11 b ui ld our roacl i-4.

till!! 11rnr h mon<'~' in . 'urlh C'n l'l:,li nn resor ts

1- :,nil. if he comes to

t:J' li , nntJ Trust Cu m-pon ies _ - __ __ ·· - -- - 2,cc;;.os as he takes the snake ouL of his habi­

tation with u hook nnd places it down

n1• might like it nnd

in· t:,nc:es h ave TC ·

.,. , ·urri~ · ,,I' f rec­. .rH!l'1 t h <: h iJ.!' thum h


... n . ·.\·ill hcrc· b~, tuk<· 1 1 l.c-fr, rc Lhc !;1 st

:-:,,·,1d11·r, 1!,2-l. 1 w ill :--h1•11f1 c,f Colu mbu:: 111•1•11 tr, a <:Crtn in ii·act

,,, t,,~: ~nij'I', '"'ioTtlw h'. now n and dcs iK ..

111 !'lu:l:" 40 ncrc•s ly­n Rhn:-,c,m T <i\Ynshlp,

·r., I •I<, of .Jufv, 1021. l, , . .\PPLE \VlllTE.

J~ 7 I

De posits subj ect to d1 ec k in di vidual ·- ______ _ _

Cnsh ier's chcl'kS uut-standin)( ___ _____ _ _\

Timu certifitntes of U1:­pw~it, due un ur a f ter a o days _. -- - - - - - ­

savings deposit s

,14 ,498,32


I 9,200.00 :n,nG.'18

Tota l _ ___ __ --- -- - ~tr,o.soo.i 1 Sui tt· ,, r Norlh Chrolirlh- 'uunty or

Culumlius, July I0ll1, 192,1. I, D. H. B,• 11, (.;ashi e r of the above

nnnH·d ba nk, d1, ~w le mn)~, swear thnt th,, :tl)ov,, s l u tcmen t. i!-1 trlll· tu th,· Lc,st uf my )rn uw ledKe and lic­lie f.

D. 11. BELL, Cashier. SuUsc!'ih<:<l und s wol'n tu bc fon.·

m~. th is 12th da)' o f Jul y , 1024. J. ;\I. DORMAN, Notary Public .

Correct- A ttesL: R. i\l. C:ARREI.L, D, F. ~lcGOUC A.'1. OSCAR HARREi.SO:,,;,


..... ................................. '£




Columbus Motor Co .

• • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • II

• • • • • • • • • • I! • • • ■ • ■ Vineland, North Carolina :

I " : "T o o t - A n - K u m - . n = ••••••••••••••• ........................ 1

in front of him, Pt•rhnps moi·c tha 11

one• one at n tim e, he will 1mss his foot 1·apidly over Lhe head o f the s nake und the sn !tkc s t.rike !S at him ,

MOmctimcs hittin~ hi s boot , but not

usu11lly, But it cannot bito Lhrough t hu lunthc r ; it simply cx hil>i ts how

venomous nnd dttngerous it ii,, if it i t

is uLtuckcd. HQthcr snakcr,; thc·r c can fl y ttJ

Hvmc extent: Did you cvL1r hen r uf

such n thin)('/ If not , r eud Jose•• Only the i:old cn r ule of Ch1·i st

cnn bring- th e ~ul<lc,n ai.rc of l\'len.­

:i\ non . phuM. Ht: a<l of th,_. rontest. between

tht F:;.:~1 ptinns and Ethiopio n !-l at the

time Mo~l's wu 8 dl'11ftcd by the King

to IL·Hd the Egypt! on Army ngn inst

t h<.: Ephiopinn Arm!, when it wns

s uccc~l-i ful in fi~htin~ and conquer~

inK th e Egyptians and hud p1·ocecdcd

towur<l the 1-,cu a s fur H~ Memphis.

"Those of you who hnvc been to Memphis wi ll understand how thnt g'l'(.'Ut city was do8Lruyocl and how

Moses finull y d1·n•1u buck th,, Ethi­

opians IJy ~oing on the land to ~<.:t

in tho rc-s11· o f the F.thiopian l-i , ri~h t

through n coun try which was in•

fost ud with t hese snakes >1nd t.hut

therefore hud prevented the nrmy

from i:oi ng by Janel . "Rencl ,Josephu s. I um only

tryinJ! to excite y our in t e r est. Rca<l

thut book in conn eeLion with t.hc Bible. beenusu that is contempo­raneous history practically, Jose­

phus lived lllmost in Lhe time of Christ. It corroborutus Lhe Bible in one wuy or thP. other, particulnr­ly by great numbers of contempo• raneous histories, und you will be interested and surprised,

"But just one thought about those snnkoR. I · could wish-I do wish that the posion could be ex­tracted from ,American politics,"

NOTICE My grandson, Rosevelt MeLollan, a

minor, has left home without my con­sent and this is to forbid anyone from hiring, harboring or giving him aid in any way. Any- pen,on ignoJ­,lng this, notice will be prose~uted,,

JAMES McLEALLAN;' (to!) (out aug 7.•)

SOLD BY . Tuxedo Scratch Tuxedo Chick

Tuxedo Duttermilk Starter nnd Orowin&r

"'!!l•h R. B. McRoy & Co.


Tuudo l)cveloper etc: •

V!l\£LAND, N, I.:.

for the liver TUXEDO Beware of imitationa. Demand the genuine in 1 Oc and 3Sc pack• aaea bearina above trade mark.


i.· 'I - ! ~ Our Bank is safe and sound. We are ij ~ in positio:n to extend credit to our ~ ~ customers. Now is the time to be-

~ come one ot our customers by deposit­

We appreciate your

ing with us, if you are not already

with us .

business large or small. Give us a

Yours for Service, call .

Truckers Bank & Trust Company CERRO GoRDO, NORTH CAROLINA



PAGE E!Gll'l' - ----- -- Chadl>uu rn , dru w ninety day.; on the EXIPLODING OIL LA~;---- r===· ......... ~❖❖-: .. : .. : .. : .. : ...... • .... , ... • .. ·, • .. ·,.•,: .. _. ··· · ·• ·· .. • · .• .. · ...... • ................... • • ...... • • • •. • •. • •. :,,z..:.,: .. v .. •;, ,. ,:HI< l'<, r ha,-;

11 1~ whishy. Ile IIJJ · CAUSES EXC ITEMENT ' •;• , ~.Q.;---,._.:J,


•' • •', (C'u nt inu crl from page one) :_:::, G©· '. (j· r-:.·1""y'"lt'\~-- r..":i:,-_; ,:;.,;,-" 'w,;:·.•!~ It: ... :, B o B t J1(':dcd a nd hi ~ li c,11tl was fixl:d u l ,,. . L.l \\ ... 1 ~~ • ··· uy · ur es· ::. · 1 ••• ~ .. f • • . •<t - · ... , ., l -"1:3.r-J ,· ) ·'· . •: lWfl hun<l1·t•tl doll:11·:-1. \\' atk ln~ 11\~ i11~" \ \."ell folk ~. The fnt 'lll l: I' i~ a "- } :•: ~ r - ... t;:__ _.., «.J. '-

•i• -: li t•(• II bt·[url· thi :s C\IUl't t.w icc hcfure mu ch justified in J-it('hi11i; his tcair. :_;_:. a· A' L .. ~-::.·.-. •!: :: c.1.u rin ,." th e p:1 :~ t t w" lvc 111 0 11 t h ~. ln..., t I t. o Lht.· plow or wngo n and wol'ld ng ... , t Red •: ~lllllll1 Cr he wa :-; Hl'l"HllC'Cd f u r rcc kl e;•1s un his fnt'lll Sundnr n s any other ::: ' ' ' ..... ,1• :! dl'i vi nA' of nn uulomoUilc und without f olks urc in doing- ru1y wurk, ex- :!: · ::: :! lig hts. Six wuuks 't.~o lw wu!:l brought cupt f or suffering humunity, and :i:

·.l•. :j up al,!'ai n nnd convicted bof slcr•alinJ,( Jet it be said to the credit u( the I:}. .;. :; 1 motormotOrM from a num 0 1· o cnrs honest farmer that he .woulii not con-- :;:

:!: Fru1 ·t Jar R'1 ·ngs :j I in i~;:,~: u~':·nn er, was nt·rn nged on :~~crG!~'.~ ~ .. :'.umcn t Ill thus l,reak• 1:i: c*: :: four different cha rges of assault on -------- :( _l1; ;i a renrnle. Ho wuds convicted hon threde SUNDAY SCVHEONOTLIOCNO,NT- HUR-FRI. j; :S

1: ., of the coun tH an ~l'nt to t o roa s

,1• ~ for fou 1· months in ench instance. (Continued from page one) :i;

·,• •i Hnnner, ,,.,ho i~ appurontly ubout 35 Three Thins• to Remember :!: ::; at :1 you r·• of ngc, drifted into Whiteville I. To bring a notebook a nd pencil ••• l S •*• :,: :z: ; Komc duyM ago accompanied by his to the con,vention. ,i. :_:i•.• { I wife nnd two smull children. They "A notebook hus a good memory." ;

Sc. Dozen :( 1

were appuron~ly hobo's, In sc:•cru l 2. To ue on time at each session. ••• :l: ,:. insluncos dunng recent ntghts The sessions will begin promptly at :i; ::: 5

:i: white women huv.J been wuylaid und the tim'! given on the program. .i. :l: or Two Dozen for 1 c. ·::: seized by a white man and when SUS· 3. Th•.~ a pennan , \\' ill be present- * i .:1. picion wns dircctc~ towards Hunner • • .. :_::. :( was nr1'cstc~ and identified by ed to the Sunclny ~chool havill g m 1 •!•

-.,, he the convention the larg-cst number of 1 •;• * ;i: those he wus ullcgcd to h11vo us- )·opl'csontat\ivcs, sixtee n yen rs and l~i :;: '{♦ ~uultcd. ·· ... · .; · over, according- to the numb{:1' of ❖

ili s C h u I k e n Br O th e rs lil IIU::,~10~~1:e,w~~~ovi:::~l:,r :::,:in;v:~ ::Iii~: !'.:~~"!~~;iu::,cr°~~: :~~v~~t~~: I i,!.I •,• i sixty dnys on the ronds Th e punn nnt will be prese nted at the •1• ii: 1

1 · · ' • I c lose of tlw session on Friduy afte r- :i; :,: •!• I !~: •. : .. :•❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖•: .. : .. :•❖❖❖❖❖•: .. : .. :••:":":•❖❖❖❖•: .. ; .. ; .. ; .. :•❖•:"; .. ; .. :•❖❖•: .. ; .. ; .. ; .. ; .. :•❖❖❖❖❖ I FLA,IPPER FRIEND ' noon. :::

"More People Ride on Goodyear I Tires Than Any Other Kind"

Committee on Arranrementt •,• 1 THE OTHER day , • J. T . Best, Su:,t, Whiteville Bap- 3: L k f th s· "Toot An K 1 ,, i AL SMITH TELLS tion, th e•·~ was nothillg I 'co uld do WHEN DOWN the street I tlst Sunday Scnool. ,1, 00 or e 1gn - - U ll1- n i HOW HE FEELS I abo ut it. I chose the co urse of glv- 1 ,I. 1·

I Ing 100 per cent sc r·vice to the A FLAPPER friend, I R. E. Hill, Superintendent White- ·t Co· Iumbus MO t Or Company ·:·:. I CHANCED to meet. ville Methodist Sunday school. '1 Madison Square Gard on, Ne w j people c1f this state instead of loo k- I 'i' Robt. J. Powell, Superintendent r, York, July 11.- Amid n ~rout <le1u- inK towur<l the big dome of the cup- 1 1, 11 , 1 . .£...,❖❖❖•: .. : .. :•❖❖❖❖•: .. : .. : .. :•❖•: .. h ... : .. :-,.:-:•❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖•X .. :.,. .. :•❖•:-:•❖❖❖❖•:•❖•: .. ·.•·.~.< onstration un1I whil(' thou Mu nds imng itol nt Washing-ton, nnd Lhnt•~ the ' cy I

say:; 8

u•, · \Vhitcvtlle Pro isbytcriun Sund

ny -============================·'i "F.ast Side•, West Sicl c," Alfred F. . n •uson why the r,,,rnblicun pnrty in 1 "CO RNCOBS" sr,ys I. school. Smith appea red te night bdore the this stole is l,roken 1111d lcudc l'lo8S. ~g~ ~i~ ";e~~:u~~ fly, ! ml:s';~,.B;;:;by~;::: ~~

1~ui~:~'yt . • ~~:~: "La:ugh, Hnd the world I' will Don't insiS

t upon h,,i 11 1: p:1111 • democratic uationul convention i11 Davi, Notnination °Cenuinc," , ________ laugh with you," but if you laugh be good; just be good fo r ii.1th1 n1: i

Ma<li:;on Square Garden. The thOu.. " \Vhil o the convention run for WITH THAT new style bob -.... ,. RECOVERING STOLEN CARS I to_o long and too loud the world --- -----snnds who idoli ze t,he New Yor·k guv- more than a wcuk th ere wus' " J,(rent THAT THE b11rbe1· just guve, I BY THE WHOLESALE I will laugh nt you, "Love suffers all t h11•~-." at· c rnor ull b_u_l burst their t_hronts I dua l of t11lk nbout Llrn d11n111gc to THE NEXT thin ... y. ou'll want Th d l 1· . f M -------------- sometimes makes a ll lhrn~• ,uff"

I I t I th f of tho ' e appen e, c ipp,ng rom on- R ' h · d 't' f I and "mo,i t , toe c ruo I the party because or t he length of WILL BE " shu\'C, I day's issue of the Monroe Enquirer THEeBpoArNt K"'otFc WcuHnlTI E10VnlLoLE NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND--Us·. grout ganJun when hu appcnrcd on titul' it took to f,C lcct a cundidato. I ' will be of pnrticuiar interest in Co- at Whiteville-Tabor, DER MORTGAG E the , penkcr's plulforn>. Dun't pny any uttnntion to th11t , Any- WE'D BEEN .•onver•'tni; 8 f 1 b I I h S f N h C 1· _ • cw I

um us county >y 1·c11son of th,• n t e tate o o_rt aro ma! at Thu grcllt crowd chce1·ed the i;o_v- thinit that comes up from tho masses moments, ' fltct that three of the mun nrrcstccl t1h9';,,close of busrness, June 30th, By virtue of the pow,•r nf ·a!t eruor so lu nd unJ so lung. thdut Chntr• of the people always ta kes time; if I WHEN I bel(an to Cocl faint I ure from this county. One of them, 1· - ·•· Re,ource, contained in u certain mor t~a~,· <le,; 1111111 Wal sh ulmost des1ll11re of get• it comes 11ny ot'her w11Y, its not . OF A SICKLY ••clor C F d d • made on the 3rd day of ;,/ov,m'·, I I ' 1 • • Gore, serve as II eputy m Loans and discounts _ __ $474,027.35 ~ ting the audiunce quiet unoug \ to .genuine. THAT I knew was paint, th ff ' f Sh 'ff ;r. 0 A D d 1 400 00 1923, by J. H. Yates and ,J. ~ h h' b h th vc nor e o ice o er1 • . mmons eman oans - ------- . Yates and wife Bessie Yotc, t1 ~m- 1111 ' ut w .''11 c i:u_ r · "Ynu hnve mudc II wonderful I for a period of about two years, Ov~rdrafUI; unsecured -- 2,243.11 Bank of Chndl>ourn to s.• ,•ure 1~ him.elf held up 111 ' hn'."1 for silence, nominution . If the United Stutes I SAYS I, "My dear, , L.nter he ran in 8 democratic Uni~ed statos Bond• and payment of II note of l' \'1'11 d,11 the crowd quickly quieted down to

I wns n Kreul busin ~ss institution and I YOU ARE looking so well primur·y for the office of Clerk of Liberty bond" - - -- -- 1

'763 '48 with • said mortJ,(age in the ,um o! hear h11n I • b I l d I d I . j . All other stocks, bonds und, $2000.00, due and pay,ii,1 ,, o11 tl1 R · 8

, R 1

1t c 011,tm to me nn nee< e a I'M AFRAID thnt m a few more , Court and wus ovcrwhehmngly de- mortgnJ.(es _ - ·-·· - -- 3,100.Q0 ard day of May, 1924 , ,! ,fault ha,, epeah ryan • eque, · mnn of grcnt ,brains and capacity, I I moments I fe1tted. . Banking house•, $~6,760; 1 ing been made in the puy nwnt of ,al! " Not being fumilinr with the rules ' would be willing to give it into the l'LL BE IN-- Hoboken Ark. "Last Wednesday Sheriff Clifford I furmture 11nd fixtures

47 875 00 note, the undersigned wil l off.r r~

of the convention," he bci;un , "l am .


hunds of John W. Davis. I wouldn't I J , Fowler rounded up two more stolen I All $0\~•J,~5• r~ui - ~;t~;t~ • · I sale, and sell for cash. :it publi1

afraid that t~" up(>leuse will be taken n~k for II better cxl•cutor ~f my last SAYS SHE, "Oh, Jim, I automobiles, nnd Pridny's Charlotte owocd ·• - -- - ---· -· 16 '-01 24 auction, at the court house •loor i, <>Ut of my time and I request thnt will nnd tcstumenL. HOW MUCH l>ettel' you would Obaerver stales th_ nt Detective Dan


€ash in vault and net ,., · I th" town ofh Whiteville , at It o'rl"' yw .refrain until I finish , I feel th"t "So far as the , >ate of New York look. 1

Brndloy and W. T , Asbury. detective umounts due fron~ '- noon, on t e f

d I • • . banks, bankers and 18th. O..,- of Ausu••• 1924, it w<,uld be u•oloss or me to exten I is concerned tnko this pledge from IF YOU would only of . t~e automobile anderwr1ters as-1

T,1mt Com,pamies _ _ _ _ 62041 16 j the follO'WU>g described property; any 1Word o! welcome t(! the delegntcs me, I am leader of the democracy GET YOUR hllir cut. ,001at1on of Atlanta, retlll'ned to I Cash Items held over 24 • · First Tract: Beginnin1< at a ,1,k, and their friend• Lccausc the great in this Rl11le und the vory minute Charlotte yesterday nmminir fro-m T,oun - - --- ------· S,323.97 1 the northwCl!t corner of lot No. 2il city or New York made ns complete that thi s convention is finished I'll YOU POOR old 111:7i11 Union cou·nty with a Chevrolet tour- Chee_ ks- for· ele-a:ring - - - Z.IO!l.Z3 and· runs nor

th 89 degree,, "'' "

11 0th t 6 822 08 chains to a sta.kc, the norlh,a,t ,.,. u job ail could be made of It. take off my cont and ve•t und so will WE'RE taking yo place, I inl( car and a F~rd touring car, er nssc 5

• - -- -- -- ' • nor of lot No. Z76; thenc,• nont " : : )'OU huvc hccn annoyccl by the evcri/body e ll!tJ who follows me in SO RUN nlonic heme now This makes a· total of 45 •tolen au- 'l'otaL __ • • ___ $6~6,.106.62 one degree ar_td thirty mmol• :-,cul oC those who have tried to ex• this state, nnd do what we can to 'CAUSE WE'RE J,(oing to give you · tomobiles that have been recovered east 18.22 chnms to n stllke m tbt ,plain that I nm the greutcst mnn in I i'mprovc condition• in the United n chnsc. · , by these_ offic1!1's in tlie last month. ,


. Lia~ilit_ie1 I ditch or canal; th"nee eaSt with '811 I I k ' Caprl I t k d $ 26 0-00 00 ditch or cnna,J to 11 Slake; th, l!l!~~orld, P case O'/Cr QQ it. StnteM by the election of tho ticket ' I The cars nre said to hnve been re• " 8 oc pat '" --- 10•000_·00 southwest come,, of lo t No. 261; "I t ' ! d v SHL' 1'RO'r1'ED . ht ff d - f ' · J Surplus full<l. - ---- -- ' I 11 our co11ccp ,on o mo ern go • t hat i• J,(oing to come from this con- I c. rig o , covere on m ormat1on receive, I Undivided profits, le•• thence east eight chajns to a •ta t ornmcnt and ideals or the te!Jltion- vention." AT A FRISKY 1•acc, from "Bo" Lon·K, Lawrence Long, cul'rent <1xpenses anrl in the west ma,rgi,:, of th e new road; ahi1> that they should bear to the ________ I AND I h11d hal( a mind ' Roy Alexander and Will McCorklc, taxes paid • _ _____ _ 2,975.24 thence northwardlY with said road Ii

d Bi11 l:,[c_ r.:o' 000 00 chains to the beginning-, c·ontaminr people, the slate ~r New York lea • FO\JR WHITE OFFENDERS TO GIVE HER 11 chase. 1

~lleited nutomob_ile thieves, who aro I D~p~J:.;~ubilct-t.;-;,'i,~~k ~ ' · 45 1.2 acres more or less ,111d hrini the country." DRAW ROAD SENTENCES I m the county Jnfl under a heavy , individual · _ • _ ... __ 2G2,6G'0.05 I lots No, 278,27_9 and 280 of th.!'"" Not Di,appointed. Nearly Two Yearo and a Half of FOR WHEN I or,ened the door I bond awaiting trial for tl\e aHeged , Cashier's cllccks out- survey of the Sun_ny Son th c,,lnn<

At length tho governor detailed Road Work MHted Out to or. WHAT I suw th,•re, thieft of automobiles. Four more stand'ing •• _____ ___ 7:50'.!H I t~act as surveyed DY H. ( · Good• f h f d forward fendero al Tue,day'• Senion of ALMOST made me cars were recover·ed in Conway, S.


Savings deposits - ---- - 276,320.42 · rich. . some o t e re orms an 1 • _____ 1 Second Truct: Begm11 111 :.:- at a movements which hud been under-, County ·court. FALL ON the floor. C., ?Y Mr. As?_irry. ~ Hupmobile Tota-t __ __ • •• _IJ626i7:06',$Z stake in the run of Bacon Brnn<h tnkcn in the state under the lender• Tuesday'• •e•sion 0£ the county I I tourmg, a Buick touring and two State of North Curolina- County of I canal, the southeast cornc•r ,_, r Jr,, hi ! h' t court was rather lonK drawn out · A VERY pretty girl I Fords. These cars were stolen by Columbus, J.uly J 2th, 1924. No 276 und runs north one d,•e rir

" '~I :nn:\~a:~ke a pa•sing refer- and it resulted in four white men be- WITH NICE long hair, I a different band of aut<>mobile h I, .{- A. Mnullsby, Jr., Cushier ~f and thirty minutes 20.50 ,·h:111n,


h d f · d AND THE tiarbc~ was slin .... in" thieves officers say. Throe broth- t •· <wove named bank. do solemru_y a stake. the1_1ce sou:th S!l , r, re,, enco to my own situation so fnr as ing sent to t e roa s or perro • ~ " ' ' swear that the above statement rs enst 16 chams to a slak,•; 1lwn~ the nomination for the presidency I• runninK from sixty days to twelve IT EVERYWHERE. ers, C. F., W. J ., nnd C. M. Gore, true to the best of my knowlcd,te and south olle degree· n.nd tliirl)' niinuie concerned. If I were to tell any- months. were arrested in South Carolina, beli'ef. . west 29.90 ch&irui to n stak1• in body here that I nm disappointed It George Ray, arranged on a triple THE BARBERS nre dnn,terous, charged with the theft of these cars. J. A. MlA'.liliLTSBY, Jr., Cllsllfor. above mentioned Bacon Branrh Cl• would not be true Locau,e I am not. charge of manufacturing, having im• girl• Two of the cnl'l! were stolen in Ra- Su~~cribed and sworn to before nal; thenceuown, Sftid canal ' " tb'. THEY MAY t th t 1 • h , Fl S C d me, tuts L2llh, ,lay of July, 1024,. beginning containinir 40-:J. 111 am 1 have gotten !urLher'in the public plement• for manufacturing and cu your ~oa • , Clg 0 ~ 0 ,n ore~ce'. · " an one L. Paul Cook. Notary Public; f lltfy more or less apd bein1< lot Sn. 2.l life of the country and the state retailing, was convicted on each of I AND THEN you wont Ket to m Marton, S. C., it 18 charged. Tire Commission Ex1iires Au,tust 16, of the Sunny South Colon y tract. than I ever expected to get, I have the three counts and drew n total wour CBl'l! were brought here and stored 1026. Dates this the 17th ,la )' ,,f Julr, no rancor or ill wlll in my heart; no- of twelve months on the roads for I THAT NEW fu,· coat. (Next win- I with the other stolen machines and l CorreJct--D AttcO

str'TSBY 1924. 'R\' It )

I ff t ·11 b d t fl d th · · · MIA • , I BANK OF CHAD BOl · thing but gratitude. the offense•. er · . e or 8 wi e ma e O n eir J . T. McKENZIE, Mtlr ~"~"· "I did nothing nbout thi• nomina- Sam Watkin•, a white youth of j F.F.W. owners." ~ ! Directors. (out Aug 14th):

~·!C!C!IM~~ss1 ,

You Are Not Earning 'Money l to Put IT in a Museum! I

You are out hustling so that you may ,expand your busi• ness, or take on more people, or broaden the field you cover. And you're right---your prosperity perity for our community.

means more pros-

This strong, fully equipped Institution, in experience, in organization and in resources, is at the disposal of busi­ness people who realize a connection with a financi,1! ally is invaluable.

We want' to work with and for you. Will you atep . in-or shall we come to aee you?



: : , I , I I I I I I I I I I I I : : I I I I , I

1 ~ . ~ .....



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