The Billboard 1912-04-06: Vol 24 Iss 14 - Wikimedia Commons

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Transcript of The Billboard 1912-04-06: Vol 24 Iss 14 - Wikimedia Commons


isement WeeKly

VOL.XXIV N2 14 APRIL 6, 1912



Avpaciiac la A UVOLK MAX.

2 X ti e Billboard APRIL 6, 1912.





Vou Save Money | (■ both tb# parrhatr prtrr mb


W* carr7 • lar~* «tock md CM ship ■ I

of See ADd-JIand CbalTH

•ale eapec- tally low prtcea. Alao aeallBK for ODt - of • door uae. ||B Addreaa I>ei>t R. Dll STEEL FCRMI-'

TUBE COXPAKY, Oraod Rapida,

Mieh. ^ aPB New Vork OIBoe. 160 fifth A»e.; ^ W''*t'B. 224 OoDfreoB Rt.; Phlla-

■delphia 010 Flandera BalldlDk: ^ Fltlaliiirifh. ,118 Rlaaell Rl< ek.



NcTcr break

T I ^’Vrl **'

Ha. M

Ask for Catalog .303.


Ihe Wisconsin

Seating Company,

B.B.&B. SPECIAL xhe:a.trica.l xrunk
















ROITES— Performers’ Dates . 30-47 Dramatic and Musical . 34 Slock and Repertoire . 4ii Rurlesque . 4*1 Minstrel . 47 Cartdval .•. 47 <’lrcus . 47 Miscellaneous . Too Isile for Classlflcatlon .








M-ia—tio.M I fVoaod wUh onr N«aa . a a 11.00

tS-iB ... It.00 I Colil'Rolled Steel Biad*

; •*:« :: iloS l mi. Thrae-ply B. B. A B

' i6-in ” i6 oo j^'’'^*‘ hRnd-riveted I !! ■” • {J'SJ I tipping tray SEND FOB SdS.;;; 19.00 free catalogue 46.00 depoall reaulred on C. O. D. ablpiBaata


B3t Smithfleld •«.. «4T Wood St. 416 Podoral St.. R. S

Feotoryl 32-36 Ioabolls St., N. S. j WIXTWBlIRfl

Chewing Gum Users i our new package "Da Luxe." 5 IndifiduallT wrapped ' dlcki. wlili IIIliograplied band In aiiracioc colon, will ' double )our ba.ineas and maka )uu btg pruOta. I Pa.-ke<l in flre-fwnl itat-ks to box, tl.isi tviall valuo. I imt boxes to ca-w OUR PRICE. $.<0 00 PER CASE I DELIVERED. Great for saiurenirs. Canil.ala, Sireat I Hen. Circus men. We al-m makt \ ei d.-r Gums. ' $3i> lUi |M-r case, ti.iino packs lo ca-a HELMET GUM I SHOP. C.neiflnali. 0


(iliS E.bTABLISHLO 186$



308-10-12 First Aya.. Sa SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE:

47$ Mlttloa Straet

For Show People

Southern Iron Equipment Co. ATLANTA, GA.

The Spiceland //^ Folding Chair /'/,



CAMBRIDGE CITY, IND. yj' /f Phlladelphle Offloe, "

1006-7 Rao« SL

It Pay» to DUcriminate in buying

Theatre Seating Criin TflniY Upholstered Chair Catalog S-l dCnU lUUAT Catalog S-2

Forn>ard sketch of floor for Free Seating Plan.

QRC7 furnished 85% of the theatres OC07 **** /C seated in the paat 10 years—ted m eaa (roft It. /C

Hmerican Seating Compai^ coston

21S S.\N abash Ave., Chicaeo. 15 E. 32(1 St., New York pittsbuRG^**

Reitz &. Carseo Build, Paint. Rant and Buy


THEATRE CHAI|I Saaitary, 8asee-Say|T.|. Llts-


To I'se this Chair Is u tiokr Your Business Grow.

Writ* Today for Circular C. HARDESTY MFG. CO.,

Caaal Dover. Ohio.

Op era Chairs PETER & VOLZ, Mfr...

Arlington Heights, Illinois. A <tMDplete line of both Upholstered ind Veneer Cbflrft Bt pricee thit will be found In.vreBtlnn, r0rre«TK»ndene«» boII Ited.

RO^viev From SO Inches up Spotted ntul solid color. A1m> rech^tensi oolites. Bargains. FRANK WITTE, 8B.g I*. O. lk»x 1B6, Clucinnatlg Ohio.


Ttie latest Invention. OCR GU)RK I*(18T CARD CAMKRA. make* photos direct on post cards witijoul Ihe use of a negative. In less iha i 3'i scnnids It Is very simple. pra<-tlcaL and to operate .XO KXl'KRIKXCK IV I'HD- TCGRAI’HI NKCKSS.\RY. The Glolte Is the latest ainl mo-t atlrm-tlre cam¬ era at Fairs. Canitvals. Amusement Parks and gatherings of all kinds. WhercK-r one nf these Camiras la seen, a emwd gathers tiistantly. The Glnlie welgl i Ktk pounds, l*rlce. |4(i.iMi No, 11 Post Card Cameia takes two slaes «f p'otur«s c!L--rt on Post Card. 8iie. 2x3 and 3x4Vi. This mschtne only wetghi 5 p<iuiids. 1 rlcc. Tlie latc^ Invention In direct tintype r*m ra««. o ir Au’oinat lfa4‘litne. Model B,, tAkes pictures on plates, 1 «z2Sk. ArToM.ATK'ALLY WeiglH only 4^ pounds. Price. $15.CM». Posl Parda. 2x3. per PMI 3x4%*

per IMI; ^ri Star Hate*. I\x2%. 75c per H-o. All other Hupplie* In-l t art! and Tintype Cameras. Keinl for our 1812 Catalogue, devrloiiig all of our mai'ldiies and supplies. We are the largest manufatsiin’rs and disirlb-

Ma<-hlnes In the World NEW VORK FERRO¬ TYPE CO. (INC.), 168', Criaaccy 81.. New YorL N. V., U. 8. A.. Drat S4 Praach: 113 South Halsted Street, Chicato. Hllnsit.

SCENERY kleclianlcal KfTect a Specialty.

Phoaa, North I8S2 1429 Sadiwlck St.. Chieat#


Summer Stock Co. I FOR AIROOMR HERE ! Klglil or nine |»efiple; 45.(M)o population: third nea.'ion; I two I»;IU a week, iien'riitag -: twenty week-'. t»|»en

alK)Ut May 2». Write W. C. ItAR.NKH. 110 Pratt I Block, Kalamaioo, Mlrh.__


For Carl Clark's Dog and Pony Show ' Musicians. Comet. Clarine . Tulia. Baritone and

Drums. Also man with IMcture Machine. CARL CI.ARK’8 WAOO.V SHiiW. Colonv. Kansas._

CONEY ISLAND CAKE WALK FOR SALE.—Built by Chas. R. Cook Jr., of llills. Pa.: complete (ex¬ cept motor); takes space 16x3.1; a bargain at $200.00. or will trade. KDKKL A LtIKHR. 707 Knglneert Bldg., Cleveland. O


Id the world. Thuu$ao't$ uo the ttage

EARN $26 TO $600 WKKKI.YI We teaib Dr»aatlc Art, Bleeeti—, Oraleef at jrourhome.

Qualify you fur a good-paytag po$itluo. Our method It aiientihc and (••miireheasive. llerUept pewtr aa4 eHglaatty I Ml jMrtaimWal toaekl^l llowetoe leBtreflf hj eapWl Write fiirparticuUrt. Bwh •• LMK HIKBI

H^Rtl wf Elteattea. draad Opera He—h'


America's Leading Amusement Meekly



Billboard Building. 25-27 Opera Place, CINCINNATI, OHIO, U, S. A,

I-one DUtance Telephone. Canal 80S8. Prlrate ExcbanKP. Connecting all Departmenti. Cable Adilreas (Keglatered) “Billyboy.”


179 Temple Chambera, E. C. Telephone. 212—61, 121 Rue Montmartre.

ADVERTISING RATES.—Twenty cento per line, agate measurement.

Whole page, $140; half page, $70; quarter page, $35. No advertisement

measuring les« than five lines anceoteJ. Subscription, $4 a year; 6 months, $?; 3 months, $1. Payable in advance-

No extra charge to Canadian or Foreign Subscribers.

THE BILLBOARD it on tale on all trains and newa-atands thronghout tha Unitad Stataa and Canada, which are supplied by the American News Co., and its branches. It is also on sale at Brentano's. S7 Avenue de I'Opera. Faria. France. When not on sale, please notify this oSea.

Remittances should be made by post-ofllce or express money order, or registetoJ latter addressed or made payable to The Billboard Publishing Company,

The editor can not undertake to return unsolicited manuscript; correspondents should keop copy.

Saturday April 6, 1912.

Association in Its field. There are numerous evils to be rooted out of tho carnival busines.s; there are barren tracts of possibilities to be nurtured and encouraged to growth.

It is never too late to effect good. While the Carnival Association might have stemmed the tide of carnival decline a few years ago, we will not wast-y effort In deprecating the fact that at that time its inception was impossible, though The Billboard advocated it strongly and indicated various reasons for its logical institution. Now that we have the Carnival Association, let us hope that it will make the best of its opportunities. Its membership numbeis many of the leading carnival men in the country and if their Interests are general, rather than self-centered, if their purposes are to the extreme for such an organization, altruistic rather than selfish, we may anticipate that It will accomplish a great deal In the way of improvement of conditions.


The number of members in attendance and the enthusiasm they mani¬ fested at the convention of the Motion Picture Exhibitors’ League of Ohio at Dayton last week indicates that fnis Infant among organizations is as.suming the proportions of a very healthy specimen. Of the League is still in an embryonic state; the results it purposes to accomplish are rather vague than defined, but their outlines will become sharpened with the progress of time and they will gradually assume the substantiality that will make them amenable to the efforts at their eradication by the League.

The most remarkable thing about this convention was its exhibit show¬ ing its own growth in member.ship and the increase of its members in the interest pertaining to its principles and the purposes of its organization. Al¬ together. it may be said that the meeting in Dayton was an extremely suc¬ cessful one.


A number of those who attended the Convention in Dayton assembled later in Chicago for the purpose of discussing the plans for the organization of an association of exchange men, this being the only part-of the motion picture business left unorganized since the manufacturers are represented in the Motion Picture Patents Company, The Motion Picture Sales and Dis¬ tributing Company and the new Mutual Association of manufacturers. This meeting was one of prognostication rather than performance. It holds out the prospect of an early organization of film exchange men for the conservatlo.n of their general interests and protection of their principles.


With the coming of April showers and April sunshine the sap of Interest in the showman awakens to sentient desire in his cranium. However se¬ curely he may have become ensconced in some other line of business the call of the amu.sement instinct Is irresistible and he begins to cast about for a connection. This season always seems to be more alluring than any season that has gone before.

That is why each season is an era in the amusement busines.s. Every man- jack gives his entire Interest to his profession. The laggard is not recognized.

There Is no profession or business under the sun at once so exacting and so full of its own reward.


James Petrie Chalmers, editor of The Moving Picture World and a man of high standards of ability and conscientiousness, was killed by falling eighteen feet down an elevator shaft while inspecting the plant of the National Cash Register Company at Dayton, O., March 26, with a party of delegates attending the convention of the Motion Picture Exhibitors’ League of Ohio.

Mr. Chalmers was a man of charming personality and his friends were legion. His death removes an energetic worker for the best Interests of tho motion picture industry.


While the Showmen’s Association is disbanding and its members, who constitute the representative circus proprietors of the country, are receiving each his percentage of the amount left in the treasury, the Carnival Associa¬ tion is taking on mature estate. In contrast to the initial purpose of the Showmen’s Association, the Carnival Association has no paramount Issue upon which to center its Intere-sts and test its strength. There Is no doubt, how¬ ever, that If the avowed principles of the Carnival Association are adhered to and maintained, it will be no less a power for the good of its members, for the amelioration of the carnival business in general, than was the Showmen's


e B APRIL 6, 1912.


Of Dorothy Donnelly and Eldmund Breese Principal Feature of “The Notes of Actors, Managers and Agents Up and Down the Gay

Right to be Happy," H. Kellett Chambers’ New Play, White Way, and a Budget of Items Pertaining

Which Has New York Premiere at Hudson Theatre to Current Attractions

THE CAST. Jinrt, bat abe rrfuaed. and tb«n eonfranInK thr v.,> R^.f '<> r«rre«ter. recelT«*d bli forglTene** tnd

Jr v.„ LVf.xwnLii ••-urines tb.t .h» b.d The Ulifht to be Happy.

f.'ne?* \Vn" hI’!’/.n.^fn-r .ineu' •» Murehouse, bad parla In which they could farker .... Ji:JJ.':::::.a“t. them.elee. juatl^. Mia. p..nnelly

.Se7 Whn; Vlr. ireew bandied hr. Ti^Waaly John rorreater.Le.lle Paber dlatlnc:lon. Lealle Taber, aa the

...Edmund Hreea. '5 *

New York. March 27 ISpeclal to The Mill- tL•^^.V"”Th"othe^^arti*wVre ^.ard),-«ome _eicellent a ting by Dorothy ""P** ^ ttounelly .„d Edmund Bre^.e were .be prlncl- <«•■■■• ^ut well handled. pal featurea of Tlie Right to be Happy, a new play In three act., by II. Kellett Cliaml>er.. which waa glren Ita nrat perf<irmance In New Tork at the Iludaon Tlieatre laat night.

A^in the Btory 1. told of a woman'a frailty, her «k rlflcea fur a brother, and finally her de¬ nouncement by the man whoee mlatre.a .he ha. tteen, and then her forglvenea. by the man .be lore..

Janet Van Roof I. the elde.t daughter of an arUtocratIc family which ha. been ru'ned by the bankruptcy and death of the father. To keep up family appearancea. and also to Rave a young brother who apeeiilaled w'th money be¬ longing to other., ahe hecomea the paid apy of Jamea MoreUouao. pre.ldent of the Ruhl>ert Truat. l.ater ahe become, hi. mlatre.a. a wife who 1. liking preventing their marriage. TTirough her ooclal poaltlon ahe ran obtain Tat- nable tecret. for the RuhVr Truat. A young inventor named John Forreater haa dl.covered a formula by which to mannfac ure rubber. Toreater movea Ic the aame oo lal circle, aa Janet, and ahe I. commlaaloned to get Informa- llon. and If poa.lble, the formula for Morehouae. Torre.ter fall. In love with Janet, and even goea BO far aa to take her In hi. conddence and leave, with her the formula of the procesa he baa diacovered. Morehouae diacover. that ahe baa the paper and demand* It. Janet refuse* to betray the man who ha* trnated her, and Morehouae la about to uae force when Torreater appeara on the acene. Morehouae then dla- cloae. hi* relation* with the girl, but her In¬ dignant denial* aatlafy Forreater. Mureliou.e. hi. wife having died, later olfered to marry

(Continued on page dO).

A I,. Erlanger. who wa* to have oallcd for Europe on March 20 but waa obliged to poatpone hi* trip, ha* arranged to .all on the Mauretania on April 3. He will go directly to London, where he will peroonally *up<Tlntend the pnalurtlon of i Tlie Pink Lady, which will open at the Globe Theatre In that city on April 11. and Beu-llur, which open* at the Drury lAne Theatre In the ] week of April LS. flul.hlng bla bu.lne** In I»ndnn Mr. Erlanger will make a tour of the j Continent.

Crete Wleaenthal. the well-knovm Oeiman dancer, who ha. been announced a* a coming fea¬ ture at the Winter Garden, cabled March 2(1. that

Shuberts and Brady

to Revive Patience'

New York. March 27 iSpeclal to The Blll- tkiard).—The Shubert. and William A. Brady will Bhor:ly begin rebearaal* for a apr'ng re rival of Patleni'e. one of the Gilbert and Sulll- vm eoml- opera*. It ha. not yet been decided at alilch of the Shubert Broadway theatre* the ravival will be made, but It will be offered for * apring and aummer aeaMW. The priidnctlon will be on a line wl;b the Shubert and Brady revival* of The Mikado and Pinafore—laat aea- aon and the aeaaon before laat—making the third In the aerie* of annual Gilbert and Sulll van preaentatlon*.

The ca.t of Patience will Include FYltil Scheff. DeWolf Hopper. Ev. Davenport, George Mac- Farlane. Eugene Cowle*. Arthur Aldridge, Vlo- lete Gllle te. George Anderaon and Joaephlne Onnfee. Mia* Scheff will of conroe play the title role. I

Patience wa. flrat produced at the Opera Comlque. London, oo April 23. 1KS1. It had It. drat New York preaentatlon at the S'and.rd Theatre and waa even a greater financial aucceaa than Pinafore.


New York. Mar h 27 (Special to The Bill¬ board).—Charle. Gontalea, an old actor, who had lived for the laat eight ye.r* In the Actor*’ Tnnd Home. Weat New Brighton, 8. I. died on Monday In Smith’* Infirmary, Tompk'navllle. Hia Btage career wa* a long one, and hi* chief prominence wa* attained In comedy role*. Mr. Gonialea waa bom In Dublin. Ireland, In ISS.'l. and bln fir«t part waa that of Roaencrana In a production of Hamlet, made In Albany during the civil war. H'a laat appearance wa. on the atoge of Wallack’a Theatre In IJMM. when he wa. playing In the aupport of Mr*. Jamea Brown Potter.

AcnroR comtiTS suicide.

New Tork, March 28 (Special to The Bill- hoard).—Mar Freeman, an actor, 50 year* old lovnmlt’ed anicide dnrlng the n'ght by hang¬ ing himaelf In the room of a Seventh-avenne hotel with the fire-eacape rope. FYeeman came to America from Germany and. ha* been known aa both actor and manager. He w** firat mtn- •ger of the Germania ‘nieatre In New York and later went to California.


OB account of the lllnesa of her faihet, Profe# tor Hugo Wifoentbal of the Friedrich Wilhelm Hnapllal of Berlin, ahe would Trego her $3.OOP hood and cancel her engagenient here. ^n b*'rt cabled ar-klug ber to poatpone her decision

A new play by George Bronaon Howard called The 1.AW aod the I.Awle*a, will be pp>ducrd by L. 8. Sire at Poughkeeiwie on April 8. It I* planned to bring the play to New York la about three we< kt. llaiard Short haa been aa gage<l ta play the leading ogrt.

Charle* Hawtrey aalled from Europe March 80, tn play a anecial |lmlt<-d engagement of four week* In Dear Old Charlie, and brought with him bla entire company aod production from tb* Prince of Wales Theatre. in addition to Mr Hawtrey the company Inclnde* Eric Lewla, E. Holman Clark, (^harlea It. Vaughan, Arthur Grenville. Mahe) Yonnge. Mona Harrloon, Enid Leslie and Master Diinatooe

Tlie Outsider*. Charle* Metn'a latest comedy, will be ready for prodiictloo In Iti revlied form In September. .Mr. Klein will have new aei-ond and third act* In hi* play.

The Gypay. a new opera which P'lley and Lnder* are writing, will be produced abont October I by John Corf.

Bnnty Pull* tbe String* continnea Its nnin ternipted .uccea* at William Collier’. Comedy Theatre under the management of Wro. A Brady and the .Meaar*. ShiitM-rt. It I* juat a> ■ rowded now a* dnrlng Ihe first weeks of the run, and plana are being made to keep th* company tn active operation all aummer.

Boliert Mantel] remark* that If Shakespeare spell* rn'n there 1* something the maf’er with the dictionary. Inasmuch a. hit own lour In tbe classic repertoire thi* aesaon already ahow* a profit of $(l2.ono. In the vlgoron* yoong cltle* of Weafem Canada Ihe top price of admiaalon wa* $1. and 82.(XK) hnii«ea were the rule.

Baron Trenck. the new Hungarian opera at the Casino Theatre, promise* to atari a new vogue for an old form of opera eoratque. Start- 'ng It* fourth week on M->nd*y. even the I.entea aeaaon baa not prevented ■ growth In attend ance that preaaget a long engagement her*

American Magicians

Give Entertainment

New Tork. March 27 (Sne lal to Th* BUI Isiardl.—At the Carnegie l.ycenm. laat even Ing. the Society of American Magician* gave Its fourth annual entertainment. The ahow wat given nnder the management of Cba*. Roltare and the member* of the Building Committee of the Society, and waa a anceea* from every point of view, Ihe audience being a capacity one. al most, and their entertainment nnlqne and ea grossing.

It Is not every day that one ha* the opper tnn'ty to aee maatera of magtc and legerdem*!* work nnder the crfical—we shall not aay Jeal on*—eye* of their profeaalnn.I confrere, and without any of the meretrl Ion* aid* nanall.v employed on the vandevllle atage. Sheer dei ferity, polae and thorough mastery of their art la necessary to the sneecaa of performer* nnder such conditions as prevailed at this show, and after seeing tt Ihe wonder grow* that they are not more In evidence In regular acta on the Mg time.

Snperlatlvea only deacrlhe th* egcellenc* •t the oeveral tnrn*. Diinworth opened the bill, performing hla allotted feat* with a d»ft aktil that left no room for cavilling. Mias Rodmai followed (one rarely aee* a lady magician, and aee'ng her make* one desire more) and la bar finale showed that more things may repoae la a allk hat than wonid he deemed pnisalble with out anch proof aa ahe gave.

Lanrant followed with T e Wliard’a Snpper; he made <offe. strong appetiting coffee, from htaa, and hlacnit* from nn'hing. apparently, and the andlenee partook of hi* repaat. H* myatifled two hoy. and a charming little mlas from the and'enee with hi* gift* of candy and other gotMiie*. which he reached np and took out of the file*, but when the laa* rema.nint yonngafer—one whn had )>on»e himaelf bravely throngh all Ihe marvels—diacovered a fnll slaed rahhl*. which likewise came from nowhere crawling around Inalde hi* tightly hnttoaed coat, hi* nerve deserted h'm and he Bed.

Ill* turn eonelnded. T.anrant waa made the recipient of a token of regard hy the committee, and responded In a happy, feeling little apae-h He had broken engagements in Ohio and lr*» eled to New York In order to be present at th* annnal feature.

Signor Deoda’o. the Italian magician was undoubtedly the hit of the bill. One rarely If

Mias Bohan appeara In The Man from Cook’s, a musical rmnedy vn two acts, adapted from tb* French uf Maurtoe Onloniieau hr Henry Bloawm. and which had It* flrat meiropnlUsn prmluctlon at the New Amiirplani Thastra, March 25. Critical oplnloua as to th* merits of tb* new pier* were dlvldad.

Madison Sq. Garden Florence Fisher

Saved for Three Years ^ Undergoes Operation

New Tork. March 28 (Special to The Bill¬ board).—Olga Netheraole filed suit yeiterdar to recoyer 981.BGO from Llebler A Oo. and Sara 8. aod Lea Bhnlveri nnder a eontrart hy which Mloa Netheraole vraa engaged fbr two theatrical ora- oona. beginning In the fall of ISIO. The actreaa naya that the waa emrdoyed in the aeaaon of 1911, hnt that 90.500 la dne ber aa unpaid aal- try. IBie saya ebe waa engaged for tbe aeaaon of 1912 at 91 Otm a week, hot althongh ahe of. fered her oervlcea for that period the defendant* vefnaed to keep the contract with her. She aaka 925.000 damage* in that eaae.

New York, March 27 (Special to Th* Bill¬ board).—The F, A D. Ompany, which bought Madison Square Garden, will leave the bnlldtng | Inla t for tbe next three year* for exhibition , purpooca. It wa* annonnerd yesterday. Several ' weeks ago the company, of which O. L. Bola- ' sevaln la bead, aald the Garden would be left B'anding a year a* an expertmant.

Sine* that time tbe director* of the corpora¬ tion have a’ndled the altoatlon and have de- 1 elded tbe hnlldlng can be rua at It I* profitably for three year*. The KInemacolor (Company haa taken a three year*’ lease of the Garden The¬ atre and will exhibit colored motion plctnres there.

Robert HtUlard will prodoce a new play In Pblladelphla on April 22. railed The Avalanche, i Mr. Hilliard wrote tbe play la collaboration

New York, March 27 (Special to ‘The Bill board).—Florence Fisher, who ha* been playing TIra with Walker Whiteside In Tbe Typlnmn at tbe Fulton Tlieatre, wa* atrickrn with ap pendlcltla Satnrday afternoon and removed Im mediately to St. Agnea Hoapital, Pblladelphla where she wa* opera .ed npun by bar ancle. Dr J. N. Flaher.

Miss Fisher was for several years with Mme. Naximova. I.ater ahe played the leading mIc In The Melting Pot with Mr. Whiteside for two aeawina. She also appeared In Henry Miller's production of Tbe Family. Until ber recovery her part In The Typhoon will be filled by Amy Summers.

(Contlnned on page (Mi.


Mr. Hilliard wrote tbe plav la collaboration witb W. A. Tremavn*. He will play the leading ' role, that of * Wall Street Broker, who become* eatranged from hla vrife ihrongh the latter’* leakmales and I* later rennited to her throngh a newspaper waif whom be befriends.

Contracts were signed March 27 by Klaw A Erlanger and Maclyn Artmckle whereby Mr. Arbnckle will resume the role of Slim Hoover the Sheriff In The Ronnd Up. next aeaaon. Mr. Arbuckle created the part, but hat not playeil It for tb* pnat two year*.

New York. March 27 (Special to The Bill hoard).—The Shntter’a annonneed l**t night that they will have three other W'nter Garden* aside from the one in thI* clly. Th* auecea* of the mnai'- hall hit prompted them to extend this new form of tn’ematlonal entertainment to three other rllles, namely, Chicago. Boalo* and Philadelphia.

In Chicago they will remodel the Amerlea* Miia'c Hall and rechriaten If the Winter OWden. In Boston and Philadelphia special atntttnra* will )te erected ranch after the fashion m the amnsement place here. This will enable them to give the foreign artists at least a season’* a ork Instead of a abort metropolitan appearaoe#


NAZIMOVA DELIGHTS THE NEVER HOMES Excellent Acting by Star and Her Company Makes The Marionettes A Musical Burlesque on the Suffragette ^Movement, Presented by

Interesting in Chicago Premiere at Illinois Theatre. George W. Monroe and a Good Company, Scores in Premier

Play Based on Ancientj Theme Chicago Performance at Garrick Theatre


Ma <iu.r K.'iser d»* MoncUr* .Kraiik <JUIinori- Moulrur dr Kernrj .Arthur RtjUKiMl Sli«*r«ll«*» .Edward Fleldlntt t’trrrr VarlrDur .Franklin i’angborn BiHinalrr .A. Uuiualnr Callendar Oiif dr (Sangra .. William IIa»»nu v,lQ,„ni .Frank Ooldaml li ir.aitiiian .Arthur Ilurlry I artrunr dr Juaay ....Gracr Carljlr liarnntir lUirlru .Katr Mrrk klidamr Brlry .Ellf«n Krarnry Haniular Frrnandr d« Monclara .Naiimora

t'liirago. .March 34 (H|ierlal to Tbr Blllhoardl. -I’latrd hr an artrrra of Iraa ability than

NttliD<>>a. Ttir Marbmrttra. a comrdy adapted Ihr French of I'lerre Wolf by Uladya L'n grr mould fall flat.

In Ita Ini lal Chlrago prraentatlon lait night at the llltnoia Theatre. It waa the eicellent work I'f Ihr atar and her coui|iany that matle the play trlrr<atlnf.

Tlir Marlone tea la talky and the theme an rirni A country cirl marrlea a Manjula for hU title, the Mari|ula marrlea her for her money. (Ihr la tb'wdy and countrlfled, and without apirlt. The result la < aally f..r»-aeen. the gay huaband acorni'r her for more enjoyable company. At thia the wife makea up her mind to go In for the g.iT life heraelf. and bl'Waoma out aa a radiant lady of faahion. with admlrera galore, tier hu-hand meeta her again, ami b.r her pre- trndlng to have a lover, la eaally iwraiiailed to hri-oiiir Inteoaely Jealoua and lavlah U|»oo h. r tlir affr.-flon denied before.

Naalinova aa a comedienne waa a anrprlae and a delight to even her miwt ardent admirer* Nett to the atar. the heat work da* done h.i Arthur l.ewla. In the characlerlaatlon of the wifr'a uncle Frank tjllmore. .1* the huaband. aaa rffr.tivr. Franklin I'angitorn. William Ilaa *00. Ka r .Meek and aeveral other* were aat lafaclory.

The critic* were i>*rtti-ul*rly unanlmoua In the •idnlon that Natimova aavid the piers-

Jame* tITtoon-II Itennett, In The Record Her aM earing: *'Mlaa Natliiiova had her momenta. Ahe ilwaya ha* them. In them ahe wa* at eitc^ plaintive and awcet—and Intelligible. Out

Holy Week Quiet |

At Chicago Theatres

ithlcago. March SO (Special to The Rllll»>ard>. — "Irrellglona’' la an adjectlre oc aalonally ap¬ plied to tSilcagr). but If obaervance of ettnren- tional rellgloua cnatom be a criterion, the epi¬ thet la lll-deaerved thIa year. For the aeven ■layt preceding Eaa'er. three of the moat proml- aent and active bouaea In the Loop will be -lark. I tltnatlon that ha* never been paralelled In btcal theatrical hlatory f<»r many year*. The ''ever llomea w'll ijnit the Oarrlck tomorrow alght, and the Shiihert management will rlevote Holy Week to bouae cleaning. Bunty I’ullt the Strtnga. Oer>r"c Oraham Moffatt’a delight¬ ful Scotch cwmerly. will leare ua Sunday night *lao. and the Princeaa will be untenant^ until •he following Satiinlar. The Ia«t perfnrmtnce of The Woman will be given at the Olvni- tonight, and for a week thia honae of hita wilt he aiihjected to a general refiirh'ahlng In prepa ration for the tranafer of T^homi* W. Rrx* In The itniy Son on Kaater Monday from P.arwer*', where be ha* been playing to evcellent a.tend- • ni-e.

At partial compenaatlon for thia leaaening of the amuaement menu, a new honae will throw open Ha portal* on Monday afternoon. ITila

the new Palace Theatre, which ha* been c^flrncted In the rear of the recently com¬ pleted City Hall Square Building on North *l*tiret. betwer-n Wiahlngton and Ran dolph, Mr. Martin Beck, the "managing dl- rector." a* he la ofllclally known, la the con trolling genhia of thia roterprl<e. If will be

(Oontlnoed on page 50.1


•■I'lcago. March 20 iS|>eclal to The Blllhoardl. — With the coming of Well* Hawke*, chief urea, D preaeniallre of the RInglIng Bp>a.' Clr

'•'■t great aggregation haa buraf Into print, with hig gioriea In all of the i>apera of the Weaiern Metr<>p<dla. |M>rtra.rlng In alluring term* the delight* of the gigantic arenir enter- laininent, which o|>ena at the Collaeum on Sat utday. April fl for a brief engagement A* ••-n a* the IK>g Show cloaea Ita a<***lon to mor- row evening, a amall army of workmen will vooimence preparallona for the reception of the ’•neuard of the eircua.

All oeit week the varlona acta will be In re Peaiwal at the Collaeum. and on Satunlay after- •'”'D week, the eagerly-anticipated entertain •lent will b,‘ revealed t« Cltlcago. The apec- '"‘J"’’"’ feature thia year la Joan of Arc. which *11 lie i.n-aented with a caat of 1.200 char

' a ballet of .SOO dancing glrla. a chorna orcheatra of 100 mualclant.

aii-l .Non bora««. Aiming the per^irmera In th* circiia will he

t'e ry Bell Hlaii-ra. kn-iwn aa the human butter- r'T ‘ ■'■•'Ni Caeaare, the man with the Iron

ei-i • HaLnea Klml«l| Family of aerlallata. John ""'-ney. eque* rian. and Captain Hnllng'a two

’ of performing ai-ala. There are 10 ale- c'-nti and .SO ramela, and among the featnrea

the menagerie are Rig Frlta. the talleat 5 ”e; a irnrilla. and a man like chlmpanie* ' " the Congo.

of them ahe parted rapidly over the worda. working the abrlll tremolo and the fluttering ges¬ ture like a bright little electric fan. She ' contlnuca to tremble on the verge of hysteria and ahe directs the wan and dleaway gage plentifully. In the dioihI of aubdut-d pathos ahe ^ Is effective. |

“The play la auperhly staged and there are many pretty gowns. But It doesn't amount to much/*

Frederick Hatton. In The Evening Poat. | thought Nazlmova would be batter appreciated

(Continued on page (hi.)


Patricia Fijuu .George W. MonrOe Harman Uinglebemler .Jess Handy Daly Bunn .Al. Laecb Dr. August Breeze .Denman klaley Webater Choate .Eugene MacGregor Jimmy I-ouder .Will Archie Hr. Louder .Edward Adama Pietro .Fred Sidney Mr*. Daly Bunn .Vera Finlay Mrs. Talklngton Ixmder .Lillian Herleiu Wistaria Bunn .Beagle Clifford Fannie Hicks .Helen Hayes Pauline Panbard .Nan Brennan


All SiNor whose ability has placed him In the foremost ranks of stardom. Ha will apiiear at the Blackatons Theaire. April S. In 'Hie Senator Keeps llnuite.


Shuberts Secure I Lakewood Paik

American Music Hall 1 Plans Opening

I F'anebon Finnegan .Marlon Whitney Annie Key .Maude Gray Daisy Copp .Kathleen Neavea Lotta Lapp .Norma Brows Iona Mann .Bessie Cottrell Lina I'ipe .Helen Todd

Chicago, March 27 (Special to The Blllhoardl. —The Never Humes opened at the Garrick The atre Sunday, aueceediug the wordless play, Sa- murun. Had it been Intentional, a more do- clded contrast could not have been offered. But SumnruD, with Ita tragic story, austere sett¬ ings and delightful pantomime, failed, at leaat from a box-otUce stamlpolot. while The Never Homes, with Its broad burlesque, elaborate Lew Fields aettiugs aud general nolslneas, btda fair to All tile theatre during Ha entire stay.

Glen MeU'-nougb bas supplied the words, A. Baldwin Sloane the music and E. Ray Uoeta the lyrics for what is called a musical play, or rather a musical burlesque on the aiiffragctt* movement, wbieb affords George W. Monroe ca- tensive opportunities us a dainty little aon brette.

There la no plot to the piece; a plot would b* ■uiierfluous in any play that contains a seen* showing the fire ladies powdering the boraet' noses and making candy in the engine. Jual Imagine that, and with Monroe as Patricia Flynn, a fireman, or rather flrewoman. There Ig also a court ro<>m scene, with the fair Patrl cla aa the judge and a feminine Jury.

Interspersed are some tuneful melodies and clever dancing.

The show Is mostly Monroe, but gome clever work Is done by Jest Dandy, whose German dialect I* done up In a policeman’* uniform.

! Denman Maley is a clever comedian, but unfor- 1 tiinalely had but little to do. Al. Leech's char- j acterlzatlon wag a trifle too broad, and not to ! the liking of many of the audience. Beonla I Cliffonl's dancing and the singing of Lillian I Herlein pleaseil extremely, and both were ra- peatedly encored. .Miss Vera Finlay. Mist Naa Brennan. Will Archie and particularly Mlaa Helen Hayes also found favor with the audience.

The show pleased, and pleased hugely.

(Continued on page OP.)

Westcott Shows

To Open Here

Chicago, March 29 (Special to The BtU- Ixiard).—The Westcott Tnlted Shows have an¬ nounced the opening of their season In Chicago on April 22, 1912. Manager M. R. Westcott. who baa been wintering In the Weatera metropolis, informs ua that bla enterprise wlU niainta'n the same high standard of morality and quality that hag characterized It In the past, and that this year It will be bigger and lie ter than ever before. The -ompany eon slsta of nine high grade shows, and aeveral more are under negotiation. Signor Albertlnl’k Royal Uniformed Italian Band of twelve flrst- clasa musician* will be a feature. The frea acts will be W’llllam I>otto, the high diver, and the Marvelous Melville. Several new riding device* have been Inatalled. Including a new Parker carry-na-ail. .A steam ca'dlope will h* used In advance of the show and In the parade.

The Herbert K. Kline Shows annonnee that they have secured the following show* for tbeM earntval aggregation for the coming season 1 Sorcho’a Deep ^a Divers, Carlos' Dog and Mon¬ key Motel. I’rlneeaa Victoria, midget; Varhiey’a World in Miniature. Delgarlan and Zlnney’s Beautiful Orient, Jolly Trixie, Walter K. Slh- ley’a Water Clrcu*. Wesley’a Educated Seal*, William*' Spectacular Peerless Mamie, Niagara Falla In Miniature, and aeveral riding devices.

Essie Fay and her flre-flgbting horse, Arabia will be seen for the season of 1912 with Par ker Show No. 2.

George Donovan leaves tomorrow (Saturday) for Kansas City to look after a few bualneas matters, prior to Joining Parker No. 2.

A. D. (Red) Murray will thia season be at- ‘ached to the Arabia horse Show with Parker No. 2.

Chleago, March 29 (Special to The Billboard'. —William H MollHer, who baa been managing the American .Music Hall for John Cort. tur rendered the mauagemeut to A. Toxen Worm of the Shubert In ereal* the early part of the week, and this playhouse henceforth will be operated as one of the Shubert theatres. The Chocolate Soldier la playing there now to popular prlres and deservedly doing a nice business. It Is rum--r*-d that the Shuberts will play the vau dev tile acts and features «tf the Winter Garden In New York on a circuit that compriaes four of their own houses, the .American Sluslc Hall being the Chicago outlet.'

Tom North bat been doing some Trojan work In the prov'ncea In adrance of Louisiana Loo. and he haa landed full page writeups of the famous Aakin show In nearly every city In which the .No. 2 company haa been scheiluled to appear. Ttila haa natnrtlly been pnaluctlve of big attendance, a sample of which la $1301.75 gross In Flint, Mich.

Chicago, March 29 (Special to The Billboard). —Plana are now under way to open I^akewoods I*ark. at Gary, Ind. A number of Improre- nients are being made and the park will have a change of policy for the coming season. Senator Frank N. Gayit of Whiting, who Is deeply In¬ terested In the place, has been busy Increasing the street r.xllway facllitiea to and from the l>ark.


Chicago. March .H iSpecial To The Billboard). —Sam Harris, the New York theatrl al mag¬ nate and partner In the Arm of Cohan A Harris will arrive in CNilrago tomorrow morning. Ills cvimlng will cause much Interest In local the- atr'cal managerial circles, as It apparently porteuda chan-cs In the personnel of the George M. Cohan Grand Opera House service.

W. S. Butterfield of the Michigan Circuit, baa decided to make his headquarters In Chicago as mnch aa possible with offices In the Majeatic Theatre Building.


C. Frank Cruickahank. who haa been In the city with Ralph Hera In Dr. Dc Lnze. baa gone ont In advance of that attraction. He will be out for the next two months and then retnr* to Chicago to look after the Interests of Kitty Gordon In TTie Enchantress, which will come to :he Stndebaker for a run.

B. C. Wh'tney of Detroit, lessee of the Whit ney 0|)era House In Chicago, and now Interested In the Stndebaker. was In the city this week looking after the Interest* of F. C. Whitney la The (^ocolate Soldier at the American Music Hall.

A brisk Are that destroyed the three top ator'es of the Mentone Hotel on the morning of March 29 routed out sixty sleeping giieata. many of them chorua girl* at a downtown bur- Icsque house. Two actresses, Mrs. I-ee Cooper and Mr*. W. E. Durand received Injuries.

A compl«t« list of attractions at Chicago Thoatras appears on page




Famous “Million Dollar” Resort at Atlantic City Suffers Lofs of Will Begin 1912 Season May 6, at Norristovn, Pa., as Special

$4(JO,000 as a Result of Devastating Conflagration—Fire Feature of Centennial Celebration Complete Rosier of

Starts in Theatre Dressing Room 1 Attractions and Executive Staff

AtUntlr City. N. J.. March 21* tStH-clal to The Billboard).—Crowu-d ch-ctrlr wirch in the dreax- Ibx room of ihe theatre on Younit’* old pier

•tarted a hre lonlKht which almoxt deatroycd the entire atnirtiire.

The flrenien were iinalde to reach the fire l>e- eaaae of the Inteniw* Iwat and r«|MHl off the


Manatleld. O.. .March 26 (Special to Tlie HIM board).—Jexae AlU-rt St. J dm. profeanlonally known aa I’rof. l.eon. 6s yeara old. the aecond naan to walk acroaa X'laKara Falla on a ro|>e.

repeatlnK the pr-rfermance 26 timea afterward, died h. ■re tiMla.t. lie waa kiHiw'u aa the chain- ploo ro|M-walk'r of the wmld. Tlw walk that made him fami na occurred at Tellulah Falla. Oa.. In ISWl. when he walked a rope I.fits feet lone auapended 1.01,1 fee: al>ore the ground.


Philadelphia Pa.. March 27 (Special to The Billboard).—William J. Winning, head eleotrl elan at the .\merlran Theatre, and who aleo playa amall parta. anffered the loaa of an e\.

laat night when a amall tmy playfully pointed a

reaolTcr at him and pulled the trigger The te*ol»er wax l<iad>al w'tli Idanka and the wad 1 atniik Winning In the riglit eye. totallT de¬ stroying the alglit. Tlie twy had found the rendrer on the atage of the theatre.

Winning waa married to Miaa Mamie Ueaketh geoterday.


James H. Delcher. manager of the DtiTal The- 1 atre, Jackaonrille. Fla., who haa been III for aome time. U again at hla office. Mr. Itelcher wlahea to tl ank hla frlenda for their atl<nih>n

and eipreaalon of aympathy abown him during hla Imllapi.aillnn.

Ad-lona and Earle are doing well on the Sun Clrcnit. Tliey will be been with a big four act tlie coming aeaaon.

Miles Plans

Vaudeville Circuit

Kanaaa City. Mo.. March 2S (Spe. tal to The

Blllboardl.—Kanaaa City may have the ffrat lb>-atre or a -'linff of ni-\ VNuderille lnHi-ea tn the S'III h nn<ler the management of the MIlea Vauderllle rirnilt. C. 1!. MIlea. prealdent :

of that comiiaiiy. whlcli ha« theatrea In Detroit. ' Grand Kapidr. Milwaukee. St. Paul. M'nnea|M>- i Ha. Pioria and am.-ill. ■ towii». was in Ivansaa City r...s ii>I, iiiv.-liu-it ng tlie tiol.l h re and waa imprcbsid wi farorahly that he went from here s<'nth to aee about extending the i Beld o cover tlie entire Soiithweat. |

Mlt.. .Mr. MIlea was Waiti'r Keefe, general ‘ manaser of the Theatrical Pev.klng Oirporathm ; of Cli e.'go. wl:o ia also Interested In the pro-

Their td n s to i.iiiM i n. « ih-.itre on Kaat Twelf h Street near Main Street nnleaa they hm tlie new Garden Theatre lielng con ,

atructed at Tlilrteenth and McGee Streeta. R. P Cliurchlll. manager of ttia' tlieatre. fortneriy had a theatre In Grand Rapida widch be aold to Mr. Miles. Mlli>a owna the MIlea Hlpp< drome In Mlnm'apol'b. the largest vaiiile- ! Tllle house In Detroit, and a atrlng of theatrea alt around hla circuit.


Chicago. March 29 (.S|«. iai to Tlie Blllboardl.

—Martin Heck haa freqiien ly t>een called a Ooloasiia. heatrldlng the world of entertainment, bot **IHk*'* O. la. Hall, critic of the Chicago Journal, finds |n the genlna of the Orpheum Cir¬ cuit. a Coloaana. who like hla prototype of Khoiles, h« a rldea both aidea of the ama«ement game He ea’Ia tlila to the attention of hit readera in a recent Isane of the Journal, thna:

Now that Martin Peck la prepar'ng to pr'duce Lamia K. .kn-pacher’a play. The Glaaa Houae. It will lie In cresting to aee whether he hooka It Into *‘ayn'1lcale” or “Independent’* theatrea. Aa a TatideTlIle omrator Be k la cloaely allied

with the Kohl-Caatle 0>.. which operatea the Chicago Opera Heuae ‘n aaaeclathin wl h the “ayndleate." The "ayndlcate** atao hooka the

Olympic Theatre, another Kohl-Caatle Co. prop- arty. Peek Is part owner of A Modem Ere. being aaaoclated aa a minor holder with Morf H. 8'nger. niat show la hooked for a mn at tbe Garrick, a house conrrolled and operated by the “Independenta.*' Sinter, part owner

and manager of the “Independent” Pr'iieeaa Tlieatre. la 'n turn. Intereated with Beck In the new Palace Tlieatre. of which Hairr Singer win be the manager. Meanwhile. Beelt on- ttnnea ’o anpplr 'ttractlona for the Majeatle.

which la operated by local aaaoclatra of the ••ayndlcate.''

Ring and Wl'l«ma op> n April 8 for ten weeka oa the Griffin Clrcnit In Canada. Their

eomedy act la b*’lng well received.

The Four Konera B-oa. Jiiat petiimed from a tour of Kurop.- and are bonked anild until Jnl.r. 1916. whew they will fs-tiim for another tour of

board walk to keep the Immenso c-owda back. TlHiiiaanila thmiigisl the Imard walk to view the wonderful aiieclacle. The playlainae la near the center of the idcr. which ia nnwe than 2.<a)0 feet in length, and aa tlie tlamea sleit akyward the ocean waa lighte.l fur mill a. The loaa la ebtimated at $4(ni,ii0<i.

Brown and Foater the Singer and the German,

are on tlielr way Kaa . They will be under the direction of Alf. T. Wilton.

New York. March 36 (Sias’lal to The Bill¬ board).—It waa anmiunced lialay tlia: the Col. Franela Ferarl I’nlted Sliowa will begin the aeaaon of 1!)12 on May 6. at S"rrlalown. Pa.,

as the apeelal feature of the great Centennial Celehrallon. Ulain which the realdenia of that enterprising Pennaylvania city have been In- diislrloiialy working for the paat aereral montha.

All of the ahowa will he loeaiol tiiaitr the

ttnvra. The cltixena' comm'ltec will apend tlionaanda of dollara In de orating. Illuminating

and adrertlalug. au the opening week of tbta


Mlaa Hiiaoell will aaaurae the Iradii recenlly cloaed a

organization ahonid meet with auccesa In keep¬ ing with .he exceptional mer't of the attractloiia wth which Col. Ferarl haa aurruundtsl tiU big Trained Vt'lld Aniiiial Arena.

'I'he prlnc.pal featiirea of Col. Ferarl'a aoow thia aeaaon will Im> Tom Colllna ainl hla boxing kangaroo Big Dick; Capt. Ilerhltinl and bla group of nine Ilona: Madame Florla and a four Hon group, and Capt. Iticcardo witb a mixed group of aeven leoparda and Jaguar'. A large

number of other an mala will of courae be car¬ ried for purely exhibition piirp >aes. and from

time to time new ac a will be aubatltuted for thoae mentioned. The roster of aildltbinal at- tractiona which will compriae tlie Col. Fran< la Ferarl'a I'n'tcd Shows thIa acaaim ia:

Cxpt. Joaepb O. Ftrari'a D< g. Pony and Mon¬ key Clrcua.

Cant. J<H>eph G. Ferarl'a Big Ten In One.

“Don Fulano", the world'a greateat educated borae. Dr. Fred F. Fill', manager.

Cp-'to Native Jungle Village.

Diving GIrla Show, Harry Six, manager. Ill I I’HoiaiP'n S ow. Harry S x. manager. Wild Weat and Congreaa of Rough Rldcra, R.

C. rarllale. managir.

Minnie Ha Ha. the Analrallan Ruib Girl. Ls'Ui' I Pop) Kem|venaar. manager.

I»ndon Ghoat Show. Ge. rge C. Burton, man¬

ager. In addl'lon to theae ahowa tt.ere wt'I he three

up to-date riding devleea— Ferris wi eel. merry- go-ronnd and ocean wave—aensatiunal free acta. Inelinllng Harrv Six’s marvel' ns nine y foot

bigh dive, and the Royal Italian Band of twenty pli eea. nniler the leaders'l|( of Pr f. Philip

Kiiphinl. Tlie allow will travel on 't« own priv- a e train of twelve ears, and after leaving

Norrlatown w'll head tastward. p'avlng the week of May 11 In E!lz-*l»elh. N. J.. under the aiiapicea of the Loyal Ordi-r of M<v-se. The Itinerary then will carrv the organization by eaay

atagea through the New Eng'and a alea and lnt<i Canada, wtiere fourteen week* have been contracted In the principal citlea of the mar'time

proviiio.-a of New Brunsw'ck, Nova Scotia and Cape Breton.

"The exem Ive ataff of the organization will he- Col Franela Ferarl. manager; Victor D. Levitt, general agent: William F. Nmman. aec- retary and treaaiirer; Carl Tiinninlat, traln-

maa er. and George L. Macfarlane, geaeral I preaa repreaentatlve.

Two New Loew Theatres

^ New York. March 30 (Special to The Bill- yf hoard).—Thia wet-k haa heen a very busy one

for Mareiia I-oew. Hr haa had tlie oia-nlng of iwo of the mo'f ppiminent of hla theatrea on hla handa. .Monday night liegan be re gn of ffral-

V. run photo at tlie Herald Sinnre Theatre. altnatid at Broadway and :Cith Str* eta. Tliia

\ liN’ation la Ideal for ahowa of this kind aa It la In the renter of he shopping district ami will laitch the patronage of many who aie d"WD

town on a ahopidng expedition. On Thursday evening he o|iened hla new De-

li ncey Stm t Theatre on tlie lower East Side, w u a dlatrlet not over ahnndantly snpidl>sl with

vauderllle theatrea. I oeated at the Corner of BDelancey and Stiff Ik St'ci ta It nesip« into one

of the moat dena dy poputa ed aeetlons <'f New York, and will donhilraa liecome Imnnsliately a ffnnnrlal siicceaa.

Mr I.i ew annoiinei'a that the aame policy will he In force at the latter house as Is In vogue In all of the other theat-ea eontpdhsl and oiwr-

IVY Tl CSSnOQQ R'V. V V V ) fMXinri lull a-rnt hv him. Thia means that the prlcea will

7V>7l IS ”,rs;rou'V"-s,r,r.’.’r;;’o;.''" ______ Th«* following bill wfi« by Mr. I.ortr

f<»r thr ofH»nlne: Tl’e Tbrrp fiprt*. I.lndnn SN-

if role til a iir^f prcMlucHioii to b« put out bjr fUiHiana at CltffurU. trra. Mnrrt* nnil K»*Rmrr. Pam^ba^lkr* Antfnali. succ'TMful Kteoii with lCvfr>'iuatrs J>«ugliter Cuid1'4I4>. Tbp Rrarntno*. SnmmiD mil and RnUiri


Cincinnati Stage

Carpenter Murdered

The body of Cbarlea W. Meyer. .12. a atage caritenler at the Lyceum Theatre, Cliieinnatl. waa found In fniut of a bouse at 630 Barr Street early Friday morning, March 2!l. .Meyer'a akiill waa fracturid aud there were nuineriaii brulaea on the laslv.

A negro cviiiple were arreated and are charged with murder.

The alaying, the ladlee aay. followed an at¬

tempt to work the “hadger" game on Meyer.

halt.—Charles Daly, menage and race rider, died March 21 at the borne of hla brother, 2171 DeKalh 8 reel. Chicago, of tuberculoala. Daly waa with Rhoda Royal for aeveial yeara and with the Rella Floto Show aeaaon 1910. He la survived by bit wife and one brother. Inter- nient at R>ae Hill Cemetery, Chicago, Marcn 24.

I COI.E.—Mrs. Parlsade Cola died In Columbus, I Oa., March 22, at the age of HI yeara. She Is amoved by a daughter, slater and a grandson,

I Prof. W. H. Noble, proprietor of tbo Great No- blo Shows.

Baltimore to Have

New Playhouse

Raltimore. Md.. March 2* (Special to the Bllllaiard).—Thia city will likely have another new theatre ll••fore the end of ni-xl aeaa*.n.

Samuel F. \lx<in of PhMadel|>hla will hiilld the bouae, which will lie called the Nixon The atre. the aame a> Ida iMipiilar-prlosI house In

Phlladel|diia. .\ alle haa been secured and work on the plans will he started at onre. Vaudeville will l»e the aiyte of entertainment

offered and three ahowa a day w'll !«• given. It la Mr. Nlx< ii’a Idea to have a chain of theatres, emhraelng Philadelphia. Baltimore, Waavdngton and Pittahurgh.


Billy and Gaynell Everett haa Juat flulah<'d their tweiilleh week In the Weal. They wlH

o|a-n with Bert Pittman at Trinhiad. <'<do.. Ajirli IS for alx WM-ka. Billy and Gaynell exfieet to

go to their borne at Trevor. Wla.. for the aiim- mer.

Adonia has In preparation a new version of

the “act beautiful,'' which will be a big tur- pnsc.

The Rramtnoa. Samson and I'ellla and Rolan-l

Carter and Company.


The Organ'at was given Its nrenilrre at the BIJon Tlieatre. Iowa Pity. Is.. March 17. aa the ati'hor, Joa. P. Farrell, formerly of Iowa City, la a memls-r of the Pairl k'a psrl-h In that ell.v. Mr. Farrell plavrd the slel'ar nde. aa- slattsl hr Miss M'rgarel \r ntgomery. also of that city. Tlie playb't desla wl li a Catholic

priest and his suecessfnl effort In preventing a wife from li'svlng her husliand anil children to seek a pla e 'n pnfesslonal life as a miial- elan. Hr revealing a na'nfni secret tn his own family’s Mst'rv (the flight an-t death «f hla own stage slrerk als rr). ftie priest saves the woman. Mr Farrell wl't seek Me city lime

with the sketch, which scored heavily at the B'Jon.


COMPTON r.M,I.IS.—.lohn W Compton and Mrs Joe \. Califs, known as Clen the Original

Girl In Bed. wire marrlisl hr Rev. J. W Carpenter In 'he F'rat M K. C'lireh. .Tackson vH'e. Fla., rerenlly. Margerete FIrIrk waa bridesmaid and Carl'her heat man. A ban- qnet was given In the evening, and m«ny gift*

were received hv Mr. and Mrs. Compton. Tbev ! have their own home *n Jirkaonvljle. Fla., I and exnert to remain ftiere for some time,

DIK-rRIdl MFYFR.—Thomas DletHeh. man ager of the Rrmlt Citv Shows, and Mlaa Ix*t1l* M>yer of Nashville. Oa . were recently marrlejl

I In that city. The couple Joined the show In A1 hany, Oa.


America is Considered by Army Officials to be at the Head of

Aviation Progress—Tests Made by Army Aeroplanes

Better Than Specifications Require

Kstablishes New Record at Madison Square Garden During Second

Week of Its Engagement - Personal Quips of Performers

and Attaches with “Greatest Show on Earth. ”

N.» \<>rk. Marc h 31 (Special to The Bill-i b-iarili. — lor any amuKenii-ut enterprlxe (hat de- |)i-iiila upon the box-ottli-e for Ita healthful main- iciiaui'e the public la the reliable critic and the ultimate Juiltce. The crltlciaiu of the individual ei|M‘rt la valuable only In aa far aa It la cou- etructlve. Tlie aimple "niaat," whether the re- eiilt of iteraonal anliiioai y or mere lack of akill, liaa no other ImiMirtant elTeet than to place the aulbor In contempt of all thoae cluaely or re- luulely concerned In Ilia abliae. lie may per- bfipa, If he baa a broad held of reader*, hurt the early buainexa of the aiiiuaem nt aelectiMl fur I.Ik tarKet practice, but In the main the ahoa t:->era lu.iat on Juilttlni; Brat hand and for them •elrea, and real merit, cri lc-pro"f will wlu ^^nlIlathy and dollara every time. (In the other band, wnrla of praiae and appreciation lioneatl.v *et down by a comiietent critic will excite the eacer iatercai of the raadera. gratify the man- acera and eucMiuruge the hard-working perform¬ er*.

Where It la neceaaary to And fault—and herein lie* the real value of the con«trnctlve critic— It la bla clear duty to tell WHY a thing 1* wrong, and to iMdiit out a remedy. By thia method the critic liecoinea an ag'-nt of go<al. and la. or ahould be. regarded with conUdence and reapi ct.

I.aat week Certain claaa publication* aaw lit to ••Slay” The Barniim A Bailey Clrciia. fol lowing the ope'diig of the (Ireateai Show on t'arth at the Madii-on S jiiare (lanlen. The Bill- tnard. In It* re> h w of the Barniim Show made a critical analr*!*. but did not fall Into the error of dw- lling harwlily U|Hin little detail* which any- ne |e'*'e«R,ng an In Imate knowledge <'f the allow- bnalnexa knew would aiitoiiiatlcally adluat themaelve* aa acam a* the rough edge* had worn off and the great army of performer* an-l workmen got n»eil to their aurroundlng*. Fiirtli- cmiore Tl-e BUTe-ard picki-d out many rmiark- able feature* u|*<n which It he«towi-d e*i>ecl*l praiae. an<i declar.-d -he «how In general to be the llneat and mo*t aatiafactory that had come Into the hl*ioric old Oanlcn In many a glad new year And It I* very gratifving to be aide to recoril that the opinion bandi-d down by The Bllllioard Judge ha* tieen aiiatalne<1 by the Court of I.aat Ftcaort. The Ticket-Buying Public.

I.aat week, the aecond full week of |ta New York engagenien'. the Barnum Show did a treniendoua bu'Ineaa.

The matinee bualneaa waa unuaually heavy, and waa larmfortahly packed every night until Friday and Saturday, when bundn-da of peofile were turned away from the doom both afternoon and night.

The (luhllclty department haa certainly done Ita work well, and the perfirrmera have lived up to every promlae made for them through the Iireae or ui>on the gaudy lithograph. Bud Gor¬ man, though be has not fully recovered big voice,

(Continued on page 58.)

Aiiguala. Ua., March 36 (Special to the Bill¬ board).—.V<-c<jrdiiig to tbe ex|iresHi d uidnion of army aviator*. .America baa resumed ber place at be bead of aviation progretis.

The United Statea Army's big War aeroplane ha* iM-en undergoing ita olficlal teat at the .Ariiiv Aviation S liool here during the past week. Thla machine, which |a a passeneger carryng 75 h. p. aeroplane, was built by The Curtla* Aeroplane Co., at iHammondaport, N. Y.

Thus far It lia:* splendidly met nine of tbe ten apecifleationa, Iwith every expectation that

the remaining one will also be met. In the matter o’ ti|M-»*<l it made oil.l milea per hour un excess of 8.1 miles, tbe specilk’ationa call¬ ing for only 45 miles per hour.

The endurance test, calling for two hours continuous flight was met without the least difficulty, the machine maintaining a Higbt of two hours and eleven minutes at a -SOiu foot altitude, "without a single skip of tbe motor,” according to the report of an army officer pres¬ ent. Flights were also made from andland Inga made npon a plowed fleld with perfect success.

in fact, every condition demanded under the Government speclQcatlons baa been met except tbe climbing test. TTiis will be attemptt-d as soon as tbe present unfaiorable weather condi¬ tions Improve.

Charles F. Walsh, an experienced aviator fly'ng for the Curtis* Company, has acted as demonstrator, and has handled tbe machine with perfect ease throughout.

E. w. McConnell


New Orlesns, La., Mar h 26 (Special to The BIIIlKiard).—A new aervicc which bydro-aero- plsiies wi I render to I he world In tlie future was reveale<l recently hy Fred I>obell. while Hying over Lake I’ontcliartrain In the Strobel liydro|ilaiie. lie found the liody of Hert>ert T. Johnson, the naval architect, who wa* drowned Fehruary 18, wtun he fell fnsii his yacht, the Sea Wolf. Ihdiell alglited :he hmly while Hying at an altitude of over 3i>0 feet. Ii was fli ating. face downward. In the water, about three-ipiarters of a mile from the east end of lie Jetties, very near the sp<it where the unfortunate man fell overlNiarn.

Bohell, at tlie suggestion of a local newa- p«I>er. consentisl to m-ile s * ro-a of flighta over the lake and aearch for the N'dy wl h the aid of marine glasses. The suirgeatlon bore fruit, and m.ty lead ultimately to the Inangiira- tlon of a hydrojilane In coast service In the Uniti-d Stall». w hich wl'l 'earch for IsHlIes which have been g'ven up for lost.

Stroliel has been conducting a nydropiane In¬ struction school here and giving exblbitlona under the auspices of the New Orleans Board of Trade.

To Bar Low

Hebrew Comedy

New Feature at

Cleveland Park

Ih-nver. Colo.. March 2!> (Spe lal to The Blll- boardi.—Dr. Will'am S. Friedman of Denver, president of the Central Conference of Amer¬ ican Kabhl*. wi leh will meet In Baltimore on April 12, haa recelveil letters fn>m practically every theatre manager of the country, declar 1* den«gatorv characterisation of the Jew will n<it Is- tolerated In their proiluctlona or In their theatre*.

y the meeting In Baltimore Dy. Friedman f - ^*‘I''’vt on the success of two year*' work

of "lie Central Conference In hsrinc eilmlnste.l from the .Ami-r'can stage caricatures of the Jew that tend to offend mrmb«'r* of tbe Jewish re- llglou* faith.

Dr. i-rledman. who Instituted the movement, na* written to aong publlahlng companie* asking that the low ceil i|> s..n»s sis.ul the J-w 'e olacitillnued and ha* requeated of pnblUhIng cnipanle* that the tr'te Jew Joke*, which pi - lure him only s* griao'nc and oretoii* with "J’ except to make money, alto be e*

With till- o|>ening of the 1012 season at l-sin* Dark. Drcsidcnt M. F. Bramley wil- cause tbe crowd to wonder what come* next. The bnlldlnga and decorations will lie mo-e tieaiitlful thaa ever. The management Intends to draw on the lovers of giMsl music sn<l ss an ojiener they have engagisl Slg Clric'lle's Famous Italtaa Band. The band arrles fifteen aidolsts. .A brass sextet anil quartet illreotial by Sig. Clrlcllh) fal’ly glistens with musical meliMly,

The management haa engaged every new fea¬ ture obtainalde and In order that park goera may not spend an Idle moment, there will 1»€ lots of free outdoor attractions.

Five street car lines carry the public direct to the park. .After the crowds scramble from the cars they step onto ■ mammoth moving stairway which carries them into tbe park that "Sits on the Hill."

What Is termed by expi-rts as one of the lat¬ est Imtirovisl and most wonderful clreular. four- lap motor crcle tracks In the world Is calli'd rhe Luna Stadium Motordrome. This Is Mr. Bramley's latest venture. Ou this apeciway It will be (sissible to attain a ai>eeil of tUO miles an hour. This track Is a quarter of a mile In clrcmnfert nee and what makes It re- aemble a Roman arena are five rows of seat* around the track with a seating capacity of lO.npO, wh'ch together with the arena space It wl'l be possible for 40.(8)0 people to see a motor cycle race. The riders are always lu direct view of the audience regardless of their posltlm on the Track on account of the manner In whli^ the tiers of si-at* are constmcfi-d. Kniratwa to the seats are from tbe top, which makes It a very easy and rapid wav for the sneetators tx» leave after the races. The Luna Stadium Motor¬ drome was bnl't at a cost of more *-2<>.ia8). Ev¬ ery day will be picnic day this year, as many fraternal eocietle*. commercial houses. sb<q» clubs, etc.. In Cleveland and vicinity will hav* "their day” at Luna Dark.

The roller rink Is reyno<1eIc<l snd refitted wlt^ s new orgsn The akstes wl'l tv- ail new, a* will be nearlv everyth'ng ahont the stnicture. Other attractions are the swimming pool, sand piles for the little ones to play in. shoot tiia chute*, the midway and man.v others.


"« York. March '26 (.Hnccl*! to The Blu¬ r'll -Alanager Jerome lliMs-nlicTg has long u aearchliig for a sensatloiiil advertising tore for the Sivoy Theatre, a motion picture ace on Tlilrty fourth Street and Broadway. ‘I k Jiial s* an experiment, he Installed l•ll•■|»msllc eallhqie In a third story window r his theatre. Tlie scheme turned out to

a auccea* far 'levond M- K«>s ittv-rc's dent hofies. The first day fh«* mellow but 'fuse notes the cHll'onc sere turneil hs>se

•■omis'fc with the unmiis'cal Imt ahuislant '"■* of that conlestml illa'rlrt, a great crosd

In expectation of a cin-ii* |>*r*de. 'll Ihlrly foil- Strict wa* black with iwsqde 1 tram,' was hocked to a stsnl*tlI1 1*f irse, the parade fslb-ct m heave In alght. and

crowd, 'll* deairc for ainnai iiient fhonMighly 'iinal seeepted the Savoy show- aa a corn- nil and the management bid hsril work to •b tile ticket piirchsairs In line. .And the same iig li'i)im'iie«| tlin'e time* a dav after that ’ll oflier lean natiitc cfiln corall-T* of the chlHirhiusI grew |en|,.us and finalD Mr II—

rg nan haled to lauirt to aiianer to the i ge of maintalnliig a nnlaan-av Magiatratc I-'’ rt. w ho hearit the cas' in the Yorkvllle '''■t. coiii'dliiv nt'd Mr. Unaetds'rc on the

' esa of hta adrertlalog feature, and pasai'd ■ eaie on in the court of anec’al ai-aaiona. tile cd lone xx-aa niaiiiifaetitrei) hr the Dlieu-

e Calliope of Vexyark

Mr. MrConnrII la one of the best known and most superlatively able park con.afructton engineers and park dtreeton In (he country HU auiaesstul upeiatioiut have evrn extruUxal lino Kuruiw. Funl.ermore, he Is widely expeririuaal In otbrr lliira of the open air amusement biLaliiess. He Is a candidate for the position of director of amusements of the Sail Fraurlaco-l'anama Canal Celebration In litli. Uhi past performances are a (uaraiilji of hU efflcleiK').

ars Crack

Theatre Safe

Amusement Park

Owner Drowned

Minneapolis. M'nn., March 26 (Special to The Billboiirdi. Burglars broKe into tbe Miles llip- poilrome early yestcnlay morning and cracked the outer walls of tbe safe, securing about (12.5 In currency and a valuable cullectloo of elk teeth ts-loiiglng to \V. F. Gailaglier. manager of The theatre. An envelope containing $b(i belonging to .Miss Helen Cohen, auditor of the theatre, waa overlooked. The burglars were unhie to penetra e the strong box of the safe, which cxyntalned about |2.(H)0.

Oislar luike. Ind.. March 31 (Sjieclal to Tbe IlllllHMirdl.—While b.a wife and son vainly trh-d to save him Eilwin Dlm-t*. .’SV a fo“mer Ohl- ragoan and wealthy summer resort owner, wa* drowni'xl lu Cedar l.akx- here tisla.v when lie wi nt to the n-seiie of Adam Maxar. an emido.vee. who fell Into an Ice rhaiinel when he started across the lake to the lais offlee.

Waller DUsli. the *>m. Ir-oke through the Ice In tr.vliig to r*’:u‘h Ida fatli* r. tint hi’ waa n acu xl ■'v hi* mother, xvho threw him a ro(>e. After ellngiiig to an Ice cake two hours Maxar waa ri’seuixl. but Dhada'a lusly was not found

New York. Mar h 28 (Special to Tiie Bill¬ board).—Because he carried matches and chlor- aie of isdish lor'ng s in tin- »one isi'-’.-ei, k'red erlck Belaaeo. brother of David Belasco. ana a prominent theatrical manager In I>>* Angela* and San Fraiiclaco. 1* under the rare of

witli a baiVv burned lejf and hand. Hn was leav'ng a railriiad office when a match and a lotenge came together in hla po ket. A aiaall explosion followed and In a second Mr. Belaaeo'* trxHisera were on tire.


Buffalo, N. Y., March 27 (Special to The Billboard).—On an order IssiuhI by Ma.vor Fuhr- nian all patrons are being barred from the Lyric Theatre, the leading popular price p’ayhouae of the city, because the management failed to make alterations suggea ed by the state fire marshal and ordered by the local department of public work*.


Dixon, III.. March '28 (S|terlal to Tlie Bill¬ board 1.-^. C. Matthew* and Samuel Bristow of Chicago have leased the new theatre bnlld'ng reci-nlly erected here by Charles Dl»ln, and will conduct It a* a flrat clast playbouae.



Brid Notices ol American Singers Appearing in VaudcYille and Personal Paragraphs Pertaining to the Vast Army of Artists Who

Notes of the Songs They Are Popularizing by Are Popularizing Vaudeville in America

Use on the Stage and Abroad


O«inaro and hit band are buajr thrar da.ra I Nhaara'ng for tbrlr aummpr park datca. Mr. i flennaru announrra thr rnKax^ment of llenrj J. Sayart at hit bualnaat manaKar and N>w York *»prea«*ntatlT«*, with offlcoa in the Gaiety Tlie- atre Bulldinic. Thla move la no attempt to •Ida-alep the uaiial booking ehanneU; he la no j aary bnay preparinR the many artla:|r novel- | tico that be Intenda to preaent In the near , fatare. that be felt compelled to hare a cap- i aMa man to look after the butineat detalla.


Maw York, March S(l (S|>eclal to The Bill- koard).—Harry Poppe, formerly connected with Tte Billboard and later Identified with Meaara. Baker A Cattle, at manaiter of their attraction, TVe O'loae Girl, la now connected with the How- ard Pew oflice aa preaa representative. Mr. Pofipe la at preaent located at the Buffalo of ■ca of the firm, where he will attend to the advance booklnga and |iiihliclt.v for the bly Arthur Nlklach concert which taken place there April 24.


An extremely novel method of Introduclnff aonics la now In use by that versatile comic ven- txlloqnlat, Marahall Montgomery, who la play- las the Percy Williams time. This newest aamber la accomplished on a darkened a:a(fe arkereon Montromery, thronrh hla life-like dnm- aiy. ainra Shapings Good bye Rose, to a faded take. The Innovation has made a sentatiiHial kit. and at the Fifth Avenue, where he ahowa ■alt week, the noveltv will be watched for with a areal deal of Interest.

Alto at the Fifth Avenne next week. Jimmy O'Brien and the Five Melody Maids will In¬ troduce Frid Flacher’t two new aonfs. Big Blonde Baby and If AH the Glrla In All the World Were Just aa Nice as You.

At the Colonial Tlieatre the coming week will sritneaa Blossom Seeley’s debnt In vandevllle. Blooaimi Seeley la well remembered aa the late ■tar at the Winter Garden, and this Incursion Into the realms of vandevllle. In which ahe will foaiore The Baboon Baby Dance will b« a gra¬ tifying event to the Colonial's patrons.

Another novelty that will receive keen atten- Hok from managers will be Grace Dixon's ren¬ dition of Good bye Rose, at the Greeley Sqnare liiMtre, with Illustrated slides In motion. The method of presenting these slides Is pstented. T\elr newness Is nndoiibted. Nothing like them has been seen heretofore, and they should sdd ••■derfnily to the Interest taken In lllnatiated

**7»ng that Is now being taken np ertensively ky acrobatic and dumb acta, pantomimic and anl-


mal turns throughout the country, la the Winter Garden success. The Gaby Glide, which seems to be especially approi>ria'.e and fitting for these acts.


The Charb-a K. Harris firm Is not prone to give expression to Its fi ellngs with regard to re¬ sults from any publleltv. Therefore, a great deal of Importance attarhes to their declaration that from their representation on the thematic

Howard B. Paden and Grace Revta, members of the tltto and Cortell Mualcal Comedy Co., while playing a' Chlllleothe, Ohio, derided to get married. They went to the Probate Judge for a license, but were refused on the grounds that they were non residents. No mstter how things turn out. love will always find a way. It happened In Mr. Padon’s case. He Immeill- ately made a firing trip to Clrclev'lle. and here was successful In securing a license. The wed¬ ding took place In the Orpheum Tbestr*-, riillll- cotbe. Mar b 18. before the erenlng perform-


A <-hannlng memher of (he Weber A Fields Jubilee Company.

Mlaa Hayes made her debut la Carmen at the Mankattan Opera House. She baa signed eoa- tracta for Iter third conseentive aeaaoa aa solk- tat witb tl>e eccentric Oennaro and hla band.

page of llie Blllbaard’s Issue of March 23, the.v I have taken in more orders and received more i Inquiries than fr<m any aimilar publicity In their ' remembrance. I

This thematic was of Take Me to Your Arms Again, the ballad which. It Is confidently ex¬ pected. will prove another After the Ball. It la being variously sung all over the country, and reports of its Increasing vogue are constant ' ly coming In.

Rboda Nicboels Is singing Take Me to Your Arms Again, on the big time, and la gathering new laurels witb every rendition.

Mias Frances Scott, with Bradley Martin anil Company, Is tinging All Alone on Broadway, to repeated encores.

Isabelle Drisdall It playing the Palace Thea tre. Memphis. Tenn. She la tinging All Along on Broadway to the Intense delight of the na- : tivet. of whom she taya, *"niey ran not get enough of It."

George Britt, at the Carlton Terrace, New York City, la tinging Take Me to Your Arms Again, and that funny duo, Billy Krippa and Arthur Miller, at the tame place, are singing Hello, New York Town.

Imogen Comer la tinging My Brown Eyed Baby Bor '>n the big time. Ma^e Rockwell la tinging Take Me to Yonr Arms Again, alao on the big time, and Lillian Gennette, In vande- vllle. It making a continuing tneceaa with Cod die t>> and Cling to He.

Charley Falke. with Behman'a Show, Is a big hit with Don’t Blame Me for fytvlng Ton.

William Frisch, with Dnmont’a Mlnatrela. now

(Continued on page fi4. •

tnce, and after the show an elegant wedding repast was served at the New .Nelson Hotel. Mr. Paden It a member of the W. R. A. U. ' The couple will rootlnne with the Otto and Cortell Co.

The Toppenish high school atndenta present¬ ed Halfback Sandy, a football drama, with Fred Robbins, an Indiana youth, playing the title role, at the annual play, March IS. at tba ' OlVinp'c Theatre. To|>penlsb. Wsah., to a crowd¬ ed house. Tlie acting of Robblna caused mueh local comment the play being the bea: ever produced by local talent. Catherine M. I..ean. »ho took the part of Sue. a colored girl, brought much praise, at did that of many of the other amateur actora.

Frank Whlthe k. who la thia teaaon manag¬ ing the tour of Gi-orge Sidney In Ruay Ixiy, la organlxing the D'xie Pickaninny Band for the summer parka. The J>aDd will be eomisised of thirty colored m-lrlTn* and will preaent, be- •Idea rte cnattfflary concert program, acenea Along the I,evee and Night-time on the Old Plantation. In fxinnectlon with this. Mr. Whlt- beck will be Interested In three atork eom- pan'es. which will be known aa The Whitbeck Players.

'Tlie Western Vandevllle Managers' Atao-latlon haa eatthllahed an oflice In Denver. Colo. C. E. Bray haa appointed Harry Ward, late of the Rocky Mountain Theatrical Exchange, manager of the new oflice. Harry Lustlg. late of the Leyey forces, will be aawiclated with Mr. Ward. Kerry Meagher, general repreaentatiee of the

asaoclation. la making a flying Western trii. la ■ be Interest of the Institution.

The VanDalle Sisters, English acrobatir danoera who are at preaent meeting with great success on Paul Goudron'a Time, will shortly Join furcea wl h Prank Sherlock, the well known English comedian, and prodnoe a new act entitled. Beside the Seaside, a mnslcal frivolity, which baa been written specially fov them. They will carry their own ape- lal acene

MUs Sibyl Rnnnan of Klein Bros, and Bren nan la going to do a single act In vaiMleviba The Klein Bros, have received several offers to go Into musical com<-dy. They have a new act on the same style as the one they have h«-en playing. Klein Rma. and Bnnnin have been together for four years In musical comedy and vauderille.

Tlie Great '‘I-a" She has retired from the stage as a wire performer, and will bereaftsr be kmiwn as J. H. I.ancbic, hla right name. Mr. Lauehle will stage lita musical comejv. College Days In Dixie Land, the coming season. He la at present resting at bis home In Mn wood. Mich.

George F. Hall, The Yankee Story Trilvr. will arrive in New York April 5 on the I.nsI tanla. after a aiircesaful year In Isuidoo and the Briilsh Provinres. Mr. Hall will remain in Amerlea until fall. He expects to open at the Royal Hippodrome. Liverpool. Octobn 7.

Fstdie Conner, the Southern representatle of Hoisls' filnis, sto|i|>ed over a wok at Ib-msoB 1ex.. to visit bis frb mis. the F. B. Spi>>uev Drsmatic Co. This company haa been doing hig biislne-a all season. The.v will speml ths summer In stock at Laurel, Miss.

Grace and Monte Wilks are now at the Lib erty Tliealre. Honolulu T. H. They will re main :liere fur four weeks, after which they will sail for Sydoey. Australia. They are IsHikol to play tbe Hrennen Time, which was arranged by Bert. Levey.

Freileric J. I-aPierre, tbe dramatic, author la visit'ng la Pensacola, Fla. Ills sketches aad parodies are meeting with great success. He has ;wo new ones entitled. Yon'll Want '!» Back and tiie Rube Monologue, which no donnt will be winners.

The Three Kobem Oiled tbe place of Holy aad Mosar. who bad some mlsundersiandlDg with tk>- maiiagement, at tbe Keith Forsyth Theatre. At laiita, Ga.. week of March '25. The Kobrrs are booked with Sun Bnia.’ Show for the coming season.

Daniel Alman and Company opened at ihs Natbmal Theatre. Cleveland. <>.. March 18 le l>iay iM-miaiient stock. They have special sees cry for each play and six feature apcclalilea Business thus far has ts-en g<sid.

Carter's Drama'Ic and Vandevllle (Jo will open their summer season under canvas at Big Rapids. Mich.. May IS. They have a canvas theatre lonslatlng of a a'xtyfoot roand tot with t«'o thirty feet middle piece*.

Taa Cbr'aty Is framing np a new act now aa4 expects to go on the road In about two or ibrva weeks. Mr, Chris y will hereafter be knows aa Ttie Original I,one Tar Bab.v. He haa heea sick for Bume time a: bis home in Onlfport, Mlaa

Oliver Moroaco will aend Max FIgman to the Pacific Coast next season In Hayden TalboCa nenspaper vomedy. The Troth Wagon. Mr FIgtnan'a season will begin at tbe Cort Theatre Chicago, In Augnat.

Kliio Bros, and Brennan finlataed the Or pheimi Circuit and are now playing P. G. WII

. llama Time. They have (»ly loat five w-eka out of tbe last year and a half.

Harry Marline, of the team Harry and Mshel Marline la again on the road playing In >lr ginla. after having l>een confined to the beg for two weeks at PIttaburgb. i’a.

Billy Walther, the black-face cartoonist. It now comple Ing Panlages CIrenIt. and haa de elded to play the East. Mr. Walther was form erly a newspaper cartoonlat.

J The Two Lucaaea, Gao. and Helen, are at their Ibime In Flagler, Colo., taking • mn-b Deeded rest. They are going to play fairs thl*

j anmmer. Newman and Berwing are meeting with grval

aoccesK In vaudeville with their ainglhg and j dan Ing act entitled the Ginger Kids, e Jeff Gaffney, the fighting actor, ta meeting a ! with much succeaa In the Houtheaat working 1. for Bam Maaaell of Atlanta.

^ Marndl and Melrose are now In their tvnih f week on the Gut Hun Time and meeting wHa '- aucccat


Oils Oliver, manager of the I.<ewla Oliver

Drama Players, closed a season of twenty weeia permanent stock at the Lyric Theatre. IJmt. O.. recently. The company It now playing ■ ‘“P plemcntary s|irlDg aeaaon of stock at the Fam ily Theatre, Moline. III., and meeting wl'h aurreas. Mr. tMIver will open a No. 2 company at Winona. Minn.. Easter. This will make the fourth company for the I.ewla 01lTer enlenirls**.

The Harvey Stock Company cl<s<ed a fifty weeks' engagement at Ihibuque. la., and oiven ed at I»ulsiana, Mo., March 2-1.


The Orphenm Theatre. Albnqnerque. N , now under tha management of O. S Taylor,

be having taken charge March IS.


Burlesque Newt of Managers, AgenU and Performers on Circuits, Gathered from Here and There and Everywhere,

Ejpecially for Publication in The Billboard.


Ttir r<ilk>wlDC pdltorlal on tli* of tlif ,4TiD<'>«urDt of burli^ijur and a rt-alrw of tbc

imaatlafactor) ataso maDaicraieDt la

Bud Williamson Goes With the Great Albini Show to the Sandwich

Islands—The Hyde & Behman Co. are Launching Several

Camille and Sans-Gene Picture Shows

Harry I>aint>ert. thr brawny aperlal ofllf^r to wb.ini all tha credit la due for the orderllneaa of Ibe audlencea at that bouse, wbicta Ih situ¬ ated In the DKMit den«'ly p<>puiste<l district of all Willlamsburgh. Harry la wonderlntt when be Is to aet the new hat that la coming from W. d. (Hollar Rill) Campbell,

♦ There are few more tmpular bouse attachea

than Henry Orlesmann, the affable little treas¬ urer at the (iayety, Harry was at one time asslatant treaaurer of the Oayety,

Rud Williamson, who with his partner has

been taking a flyer orer the Marcus Loew Time,

has a contract to go with the Great Albtnl

Show, which will start out in May for a trip

to Honolulu, via the Sbubert theatres to the Coast and then by the usual steamship route to the Sandwich Islands. Rud is an old timer In biirle-uiue and was last season with Hnrtif ft Seamon’s Girls from Happyland with Billy B. Wataon.

Archie Ellis, general manager for the Hyde and Behman enterprises, is putting out a nnm b«-r of bitrh grade picture shows, offering filnin of Mme. Sarah Bernhardt In Sana Gene and Camille. The shows will play Klaw ft Erlanger bouses only ami will remain out as long as buainesa warrants. The first company started out last week with Harry Thompson at the

repriBli-d from the Issue of The Billboard dated December 10. IttlO. st the request and siiggea- tlso of seTsral of our burlesque readers.— editor

The onward march of Improrement In the aasllty and general standard of wheel burlesque attricttoDs goes steadily forward and tbe guld Ing spirits of both of the big wheels seem to he trrr siriTtag to moilify ami Improre conditions la erery department of tbe buslneaa.

Oar of lUS most Important questions to which all toi> little iKtentlon Is glTen. la Ibe podilrm sf stage miDsfemenl, and a betterment of tbe artcent existing cooditlons will be warmly we|- fsmed by all who are watching deyelopments n this now popular form of entertalDiiient. Under tbe present system the general run of shows sa both srhecis are relying upon the efforts of soe of tbe performers, uauslly tbe principal eetnedlsa for tbeir stage management, ami Ibe results tre. In many cases, moet unsatisfactory.

Harry Williams of tbe Pittsburgh Academy is talking of organizing a series of small mil' sIca] comedy companies for aiimmer parka. He baa always been active In productions outside of bla Interests with Sim Williams and hi* various wheel artractlons and is sure to mahe a anccess of whatever be undertakes.


One of tbe most popular characters around tW pleasant little Westminster Theatre at Provi¬ dence Is S. P. Clement, the genial manager of the Dewing Fish Co. Mr. Clement has many friends among the many performers in burlesqae and there are few, among tbe real old timef* who do not know him. If there la anything ytm want to know abont llah. from pcdllwogs in awordflsh, he’ll tell it ^ you.

Charlie rinberg has got a new Maa. WI9 don’t you write a book of lastrnctlona aape- elally for agents, Cbarllel It would anr^y he a big seller.

.V- ♦ One of the most popular of all Waatara Wha^

■•aagara la Archie Miller, of the Dewey. Min¬ neapolis. Archie la not quite like the emryday ■tamp of hnrivsqne manager and earrlsa wtM him an Inviting air of affabla dignity, which makes him a favorlts with all who admim ehiv airy. Archie la not only a gantlaman; ht la n showman, and a diplomat

Rube Bernstein, tbe well known agent of the Regatta GIrla, left New York this week for Twonto, where be will take up hla ustml summer duitea as secretary and treasurer of the Toronto Ball Club (International League), Robe will be back witb tbe Western Wheel next aen •on.

'Mortimer M. Thiese and Ollie Stacey have secured the New York state rights for tbe KH- bane-Attell fight pictures which they will show at available theatres thioagtmat the country.

Managers should •< nd In any changes of routes at once aud those playing extra time ■bould keep Tbe Billboard post^-d as soon an they got the season end Itineraries. This will aid us to keep our route departments correct, and all information will be greatly appreciated by the route editor, to whom all sueb com mnnicatioos should addresaed.

A happier and better natnred little bundle of humanity than Grace W. Damon would bo bard to find. Grace la treasurer and auditor at tbe Gllimore Theatre. Springfield, Mass., and la known to all of tbe Eastern Wheel managera and agents who play the bouse. She is always smiling and ever ready to beam a welcome to her friends, wbo are legion. You’ll be glad to boast of her acquaintance.

“Uno." who Is the present writer of the burlesque department of tbe New York Morn¬ ing Telegraph Is one of the best known char¬ acters along tbe highways and byways of dear old Coney Island, and there are few Coney Islanders wbo do not know the smiling news¬ paper man. For several years he has been the editor and chief scribe of City Life, a popular tloney Island toamlal sheet in which everyone who Is some one gets a mention at some tlmo or other during the season. There are few real chorus girls among tbe regulars wbo have not, at some time or other, worked at one of tbe many stock burlesque bouses or music bslla • long tbe Bowery, aud its cul d^ sacs, and there are few of tbese that are not acquainted with “Dno.” and bis U Notes.

Bsnnle Plarce, who replaced John Fries with the Painting the Town 'Show, la doing great work and la receiving many flattering notices from the press. Benny was formerly with Weber ft Rnah’a Parisian Widows, with which •bow he created quite a sensation. Last aeasoa he was in vandevllle. He is certainly welcome back In bnrlesqne and onr only hope la that he may long be with ns.

Jimmie W«*don reports good progress with the Broadway Oayety Girls and though be does not

I claim to bava broken records everywhere bis •bow has been making money and the company has managed to get along without any Internal •trife.

♦ Jake Harris, the astute ticket taker at Mnr

ray Hill, la one of the few doormen who may be rightly termed a "regular.” Jake baa beeo connected with the burlesque end of show bnsl ness for many years and knows every manager and agent In the bnsiness—and they know him and like him. Not to know Jake Is almost a crima In the bnrleaqne business, and those whs don’t ire not likely to know anybody of any Importance Jake la a brother of Ben Harris, that paragon of honeaty, who ao carefully man

I aged some of the most snc.easfnl of the Websr ft Rush prodnctlons when they were with na.

Biruey Qarard. the “take It easy’’ owner and •sasger of lOv Follies of the Day. Is hack In New York after a long pleasure trip to the Antlfl.s. during which he visited Palm Resch. Uliail, Rt. Augusttne. Havana. C’uba. and aev- ertl T«>lnts In the West Indies. Rsmev has keoofht back with him a number of original Metnres of Spanish masterpieces which will he added to hla already complete collection of ar- tlitlc oddities.

Bbc racsQtly rinssd with T. W. Dtnklm' Tankte Doodle Girls, and will be aevii In ihs iirar fuiure In a big van- davUla act under the direction of Sol Myers. Stas Is known as "The Acrobatic SoubratU.’’

which show be has been working In an act with bis wife. MIsa Louise Darre. Hal GroTca was last season with tbe Parisian Widows, then a Weber ft Rush show. In wbirb he worked with Clare Berg, bis wife. Tbe boys don't seem to have got along with tbeir respective better halves and are onn- more bitting tbe trail in single bamess. They are book.Hi solid on tbe Pol! Time with something better to follow. Their act. I am told. It going In-tter than ever. It It a singing and talking act called On Father’s Train. I spok<* of It as I found It. In my re¬ view of tbe Parisian Widows a year ago, and If it Is as go>Ml DOW as it was when I saw It. 1 can only say that It It a corker.

Pittsburgh, bat was proaioted to hla prsaent positloo.

Bernard McCann la tbe isslatsnt treasurer at tbe old Uayety. Remev la a bright boy. A certala comedian wsa recently offered a

■VC yesf contract by Ramey Oersrd. tbe offer being so unsual la to completely stagger the snr. Wised Bctor. Mr. Oersrd will have a new show at the West for next sesson, which will he billed as High Life on Rrosdwsv. The Follies •f the Day will go out as nsnsl. hnt all new books and buslnesa will be used In both pro¬ duct Inns.

Adelina Roattnni. wim. with her ph *olce and clever style, created such •rvsainn with tlie Qncens of the Jsrdln list season. Is again making good on I Jtb Wheel this seaann with Peter 8.

If you don’t believe that • good agent can help conditions Inst ask Al Reeves, or better stilL Witch the clever w<irk of Walter le^lle, wbo has been biasing tbe trail for the popular ’’Give me credit’’ con purveyor. From all re¬ ports .Al Is breaking more records than ever amt Is playing to the biggest business In his entire stage career. To s.>e the flash that le^ lie It making and hear of the extraordinary receipts the big beauty show has been ols.ving Is to be convinced of tbe valoe of tbe tight man In tbs right placs.

Some weeks ago—It was In December—I ptlb- llsheil an Item regarding a big singing trio, which was to be put together by Charlie Falke, now with tbe Behman Show, and Louis Mntr and Ralph Riwksway. It was on the lerel and the act Is already arranging aommer time.

_ . . . Clark’s mints ay Girls. MIsa RoatInnI has an exrep- ™t>*lly fine voice and a clever knowledge of the •bcr tcchnIralltIcB of singing. With the (Nsrk ww she Is called upon to use her voice more "Xn Is good for It. but her audiences teem to •xter get enough.

Jestle fftantOQ, with the Big Banner 8)«ow. V* 'nstrnniental In making life happy for a *^'»ln theatrical tressttrer, when tbc show

Ralph C. C. Carlisle, the well known Wild West performer, who has been seen with a number of bnriesitae shows on botb whi-els, la framing up a Wild West sbow to play snm- mer parks. Ralpb w-lio Is also known as Wichita Jack, was at one time with the Great Ramiun Show, and accompanied tbit famous aggregation on Its trip to tbe Old World.

To my ninneroos friends who have so kindly kept me supplied with authentic Information concerning the movements of the different bnr- lewpie orgsnIxstloDS with wbich they are Iden- tlfled. I would suggest that they iddrt'as all correspondence Intended foe the writer to tbe New York offlee of this paper.

A few weeks sgo t stated that there was a possibility of a retraloa of tbe old oartnera. Will McIntyre and Hal Groees. and I am now In receipt of a dispatch which verlfles the pro|dieay. Will Mclnt.vre. since the dismpflon of the act some few sessona ago, has remained with Barney Gerard’s Pollies of tbe Day. with

Don’t hear mnch of E R. Bussey of late, Whare are yon Ed? Where la that big girl show you were to frame up for this coming sona- mer aeaaon?

I’ee ever played Hyde ft Brooklyn, you will surely

10 Xtie Billboard APRIL 6. 1912.

THE VAUDEVILLE AND BURLESQUE 5th Avenue Theatre Hammerstein* Colonial American Music Hall

Ni » \l)ir Sprciiil fn Tin* HilllMiiiril•. — Tin- ' .iw at I'm- Klflli Avi iMif I’liin wc«-k 's

Now York. March 2.'. (Sticclal to The JUUtamrdt -Wllllniii llaiiiiiicrHtcIn 1h cxhiciilly not In ayin

New York. .Marib 2S (Spex'lil to The Itlll- bcardi.— Hiirton ami Strjker, ••akat'irtaP’ ex-

New Yerk. .March IW (.S|ierlal to The Hill board).—Klanhea of blk tline Tauilertlle are

.ole lip 'if lot-i nil new to (III- iiietro]Hilla Thia p.-iii.x »illi llie new net alion plea aa iiaeil al the I |H'rta, o|h-ii the hill at the Colonial. They are I aicalo apparent In the allow at the American •'ilti ilie reason for tio* “how not nin- i'oai iiiiiiiiihI after ihe iiiatlin'e.


Fifth Vv.Mino Till Hire thla week. Mr. Hammer- Hieln jTiM's III ihe other extreme, ami If an ai t onee Kols liter al IiIh honxe. he will iilay them

.n mil staiie. nainrally. the i;< ■> lenian In eveniiiK thla week. The t.enteii aeaaon la Juat begtnolO|> lines ami ailk |o|i|ier. the lady In abort pink to take elfei-t hire aa up until thIa week tbe

‘ at lilx honxe. he will (ilay them xkirtx. Their act lx md work. At least it iPh'i r they hapiH-n to have an open not appear to he. Merely a series of ihe nios te. k he has K.ithered tosether a ttracefnl klhlinus and leslnrliiKs without effort lorlles ami lx itiviiiK a show that I'resninahly | is the iiuintes«ence of tlnir art

liHi-k wleiieter they h:ip|Min to have an open ds e. This v\e. k he has gathered tosether a nninl er of favorlles ami lx itiviiiK a show that in.ire than xatislies his |iatrons.

The I'iyiiiK Itnxsel s Hlnrtisl the xlinw off In trreai fashion They work with rai Pity and

At least it ipH-s attendance baa been K>hsI. Thuraday night rles of ihe most show.-il a deeiipal fsl lag off from Ihe gisxl bonaes s without effort, that bate gone before, but In a|die of tbe amall rnce of tlnir art. crowd Ihe iierfoi mam e was well atiplauded and

(Inly in linrion'a wniiderful balani .ng does any I appreciated throughout. liyliig Unxsel s Hlnrtisl the xhnw off In effort appear. to open Ihe show with an llluatrated Ving. fashion They work with rai P'lty and Jiuimy I.liras came on In one of his • reet (Seorge A. Sweeney was nsetl this week. Keel

Slid their feiiix In mPI air galinsl for them clothes, diiionair. smlhng. contldent and with rr and Ih'n are next with Juggling, which does pproxal of that part of the audleiii'e that his travesiies of l.auder, Iiave Warfield and not seem to make much of a bit until they gel alhiTiHl for the o|M-ning of the show. the Irrepressllde Tangusy. and bis protean turn to work with the small niblier balls ami then albiTinl for the o|M-ning of the show. to work with tbe small niblier balls ami then

liam-ing XYHIelli's followed wlih their I ixherein. aPleil with a girl's bat. be ibsm a fniiuy I the audience begins to take notice. L'slng ten singing, danelng and talking. Making txxo sinnt In ehangex of laixtnme they got over In gisii shape, catching

Marie Fenton tind no trouble in winning tbe curtains, andiem-e Her delivery of tmon songs, ilresseil ..i , In tbe last Word of xtyle. is Hoinetliing of a iiovtilx for vandexille. Miss Fenton Is of Ihe " if „ “

Hint in xxeaving |io|inIar song titles In o rubber balls Iwlween them they bounce them


It will be rememlMTed that Miss Barnard was antll xery recently prinia donna with Uaymoinl llitchemk In The lied Widow. She has Just Bade her Taiidevllle debut at the Fifth Avenue Thiwtre in a re|ierlolr«> of rlaaaical songs.

Not haxing a line on them, Manager Elmer Rog¬ ers had to wait until after he had siien them before he could plai'e them to bring forth the beat results.

The Four Elies, two men and a woman, with siMH-lal scenery and working in full stage, are four daueera with niiieb x-erxe and tinish to their work. Four daneee are offered. Including Bra¬ silian, aerobatic and pautoiidmic work. Thiwe people are aeeoiid to none of the acrobatic dam-- erw DOW Uoldiug forth in raiidexille. A change of ouHtiime la uaeil fur each dance, and when tbe waits between nuniliera are elimlnate<l, the art will lie worthy of an early iiositluu on any bill.

catching musical dlab gue, be got away to three from Hour to banil wl b a rapbllty that la won- curtains. derful. They were warmly applauded for tbeir

Miss .May Tnlly and Company presented th.-xt „ ' , . , , ^ nesr sad domestic drama that has Its scene In • Maude Kramer, In country girl make-np, has a Ilen'i hotel bedrismi. Her quiet and effecllTe ■ moat wloaliig pertonality and a remarkable comedy talk la little Im. quiet In tiwts; not presence for one of her apparent age. everybody Is within ten feet of hen and the Except for her tlorlea •'••t •'f* not especially Inherent opportunities In the sketch, mske It a •'"f well pnt over MIsa Kramer abould have go. .She was ably by Robert Ixiwe. no fault Jo find with the wa.v her act waa rr Mif** Frunce** ant! Mr. Jraa Kepplar. the cHred, Her hanjo nnintkar imltatlos to old latter of wiiom was a gmxd •'bell-hop" of the time Sonthem darky deservea S|iee|al mention. stage.

The hit of the bill was Eddie I.eonsrd. who.

tJeorge Besne and Company have a comedy sketch with two characters. Mr. Beahe aa ■ combination of country bean and stem father

atdy assiat.-d bT M«>''I K",-**'''- performance, getting all of hi*

inlmltrid’e *■ fsMdi n- hlJ "Jmwaranel" la ^ al? "lu •'‘‘"’‘Xly point* over well. Then the Roheralan

iTt^r. j:?s'‘hnsky!*‘V:'^'no.e:“h;vl'a‘'molt {^7d.7a'or;'he''old" TZh; cVtrQn.rte’u. ba"y"

?r!n'n ’ cl be"f^vi?s* tin n refelred the*^ wel^e^and applwse (?..f hu ‘Tfl .Tbu nwi ^.ni ?,5 -be »bla act Classy from the start t"

_ liiL* I?'.hi* hi. finlxb and good sincing of popular nomhera In lii j ..e^ .1 .4.' T.s.eviv ex# i7 pKsnb Kis. 1 Dll ffinffitiit Of popoiir Dom^rt in Tittr ^ l-.U crl.?f.*In*?nfm*l. ‘‘’"*e harmony mske* of thla.rmr a welcome

h^m* ’ h.o ?he. dm SLkb,? »rt*l''lon to sHT hill big or amall time.

or'h 's ohi s'iltg^^'mid^’he w7* Impr^Bir.^bi; ""h^'^oJn'.Tn ' Nothin® much"’?:

h'"Tr-he.;"i\aTe“'lV.";",l"e“L:g. 'be'SetMt' u'tJe'ln7r.:i?de waT 0'’'Br”rlo::

S^one.* Mis. Rnstlll given moj materl.l could „'lVllg"%!ln7, for'’hrm '.iTwen'l?

rnd-!J;vc7.rne7 g‘i',"." . 7ew®*oVe7on^.m.’ .17. ".',^Vt7'" " A dandy pictnre waa used for the lotermla-

minnt77 Ihi ^blch cswe T.eRoy and Romm, two Justice, m full stace, about 15 mlnutea, the .ki^b b .ibbIbb bb.i saBB.BiBB playlet being a bare, stern presentatbrn of an “* * *'“*'"* •“** unjust life sentence, alleged to be founded on ““mxter. actual fact. The scene Is the Warden's Offloe The big feature of the bill waa the oue-acl

bill. Miss Briscoe has Just begun her swing around The Venetlin bVmr, four men, have spared no Ibe circuit of the Percy fJ. Williams* bouses In

ex|>euse In puttin.' on their act, "A Night in Now York, opening at the Bronx with a new Venice." Tlir.^ dru|« and a set plexe are singing and talking act. nsexl. 0|ienltig In one, before a house street__ drop, three of the men, attiiiKi as street iiiln- etrela, render |s>pular selections on three ylollns. tall, willowy blonde type, and on her appear- Tue next wet U full stage with an Illuminated ance alone she gains the Interest of the and- I water dro|>, depictiiig a street In Venice. One of lence. Her Baby Grand song it the best thing tbe men Is seen at a harp, being Joined later by that she does, altlioagb it can not be said that Ihe other three. Then a idush drop is lowere<l, alie has a poor niiml>er In her repertidre. i giving time for the arranging of the a<eiiery Candine V. Nichols, with her Fadette Ladies’ showing the Interior of a church, where The Orebt'Stra, was, as usual, a rare rauxl«-al treat. | R(«ary la played by all four attired In caxsockt The twenty o<bl girls arranged around the stage ' and surpib-es. Tbe act la feature material for make a l^autiful api<earance in white, with tbe Mg small time, but tbe members are not of Miss Nicliola dressed In black and wiebling tbs bl- time calibre. baton. Tbe comeily gotten out of the muxKiana'a

Fannie Ward, with a company of three others, strike Is gissl, and gjves Just that tom-h of hu- presented a farcical comoly in one act, eniilled mor nee<leil to make tbe act a hit In every way. What the Ibs-tor Onlered. Tbe old story of Conroy and l.eMalre In tlielr Mack fax-e spe- maiital dlsconl Is usxsl, not bandied by tbe elalty, broiiglit forth laugh after laugh from author In any txxi effective a manner. Bll>8 the amllence. Tlielr talk lias liwn fresbenexi up Ward will have a pretty hard time going very a bit since their last ap|>earanx-e at tids bouse, far with her present vehicle and suiiport. Tbe and tlielr brand of humor pleases iiilgbllly. act doesn't give her much eliance, and aside Frexl Kamo's English Comeily Company In A from her own dell .htful [•ersouality the offering Xt'lit In an Engdsli Yluxic Hall, with Billy

actual fact. The scene Is the Warden's Offloe The big feature of the bill was tbe onr-ecl of a state’s prison; the prisoner victim Is beanl P'«y*'t. On a Hide Street. The Janitor In the

I act gleet ■ mxitl faithful Imperaonatlon of the - trpe. and Is a comeillan of o« mean ability.

Q. w r«rxv Having no programs It It Impossible to mention UUA names, but tbe little girl In the net bns the

best Son-bern dialect of any 1 have ever heard Nothing overdrawn abont It and Its didlars to donehnnts that she hails from aomewbers close to I..eesburg. Va. Tbe hov In the net la a nice clean ent chap ani llkshle. The only role to suffer at all was rbat of tbe detretivs, and

' tbe fanlt'here we* lb the Wikt rather than In Ithe In erpretaflon Of the part.

Joe Whitehead came out. danced a couple of steps and then d*nced some more end If the audience had been sMe to make him do It be

' would have been dancing yet. His Infection* smile got him Into the good graces of tbe en

I tire tndlenee and be got off only by pleading that he bed Jnst flnished a show down stair* and was fired. Even st that his set ran foe 12 mlnntea and. they were 12 minutes of soliil

I laughter.

I.eRoy and Psnl, on tbe horlsontal bar*, closexi tbe show.

hsxn't a redeeming feature. Beeves as the drniik. Cxirrelll ami Gillette, a two-man comedy ac- a plenty, and brought forth mar after roar of

rxibatlc turn, have .a novelty. Inasmuch aa they lungliter. Mr. Reeves' falls are every one a work are working in one the xanie kind of an act that of art. and to ace him tumble In and out thia all othera are nxlng full stage for. Diexacl In wav and that .von wonder that Ills entire Maly Is loose-tlttlng clollics they prexent a rontltie of j not eovcrinl with bniNe*. He Is the life of the ® presenting her la eat vandevHIr act. acrobatic work that la not excxdlxHl by any In i lece. as well as the featurixl nieniber, althougb The Aemfdane Girl, she made her flr*l appear their line Aa a rule, the atralght man la the hla support Is excellent. ance In this act at the Fifth Avenue Theatre. weak iiicmlier of an acrobatic team, but In this ; Barry and Wxadford In Snap Shots, a delight- _____ case be lx every Mt tbe laxer of the ronixHlIan. ■ ful Mt of singing and tiilking, followxKl. Their Tbe latter gets liix langlix in a legitimate man- talk is giaal and well handlexl, and tbeir closing singing In tbe chai>el sdjolnlnc. while the ner. no comx-dy make-up being used. The act nuiiiM-r brought forth merltisl applauxc. j warden and the govern- r'a secretary discuss hU will bold down an early iMcliion on any Mil at Rxx-k and Fulton. In the most pretimtlons thing ' case and llie arrival .if Ills imnlcn which has the present time, and with the coming of more they have ever offered, are the headlined fea- i fieen granted tliroiigli ilic dcalli hc.l ronfi-xxli'in Mg time exiierlem-e they will develo|i Into an turx-s ot iJn- h,.,. Blllixl as a nilni ituie mu-li al | of Ihe real criminal. Ills niolh.-r Is awaiting act that x-au l>e placexl tn almost any iHjsItloii comixly. one wonders why the '■miniature." The , him In an adjoining r<Kim ainl the .-vlihni


Mis* Fannie Ward, playing this week at tbe I Fifth Avenue Tbeaire. has l.e<-n made defendant

In a suit hronght In the Supreme Court jester day by Elixabetb Fmerson. formerly a maid In MIsa Ward's emplov. Ml** Emerson claim* that *he wa* slan.lered hv MIsa Ward after ber period of employment had ceased.

The Cabaret Girl. .Alexander A Foster's fsbiold musicsl com.dy, registered s hit *1 Us premiere St Keeney's 'Tliestre, New Britain, last week. The ideee Is one of the most elaborate ever offerexl for vin.levllle the ics-nery and electrlcsl effects being esi>eclally notable.

John C. Rice and Sally Colien commence a tour Having recovered from a serious serldent sns- over the I’erry Williams Circuit this week. Ined In presenting her Is eat VHii.levIllr act. Tl'eir latest «ketch In two scenes, called The le Aerofdine Girl, she made her flr*t appear I’alh of the Prlmr«aea, la the vehicle In use


on the Mil and M- deixendi-il on to acquit them- •elves crcxiltiiM.v. .. ..

W. U Ablngilon and Co. have a dramatic | a o>mi>any of ten iieoplc. There la plenty of . atraining forxvari'l w i'ih"iii"irix"d cVea'' ' aketeb with an Idea lot ex|>e<ially new. Man sco|>e for William lt<« k and Mam'e I n i. n t.. ,“)il iiathoa Is wli.-re the I'.rlaoner re-illr.-. returns from bnainesx trip to And hi* wife in show the work that has pla<-xx1 them on the fop .j, state's ilel.t t.> iiiin i.ia rut,... ■ i f i the rxxim of hix M-st fricinl. Mr. Abingdon la of the vaudeville Mila. The stage setting la that ap.a -.ifp .n,i fnr a i. ... i '' " ' an actor of aterlliig wxirtli, which la exidx-m-ed of a dining r.x.m, ami sh.ova the |.l .x , nrlaal ’ m-m. ni is t. iiii.t. d .. rc

IJolnIng r.K.m. ami the piece la certainly put on In the most elalKitalc ■ pgthoa of the playlet la coincldctit with tl c|r way, carrying a Hungarian ooheatra a a eixmimny of ten iieoplc. There la ]

meeting, which for a nioin.-nt lia== the audience

tIoD of the lines and busincas fall to his lot. make .le nff4.rlng one of the real be.axl-

an actor or sterling wxirtn, wnp-n is evnicni-exi or a inning rmnn, ami sn.iwa tne orem—ir.-i i>in , nrlaal by tbe fact that he griiia Ids audience from Ids Ing In the balcony. The nninbers are tuneful j * ' llrst speex'li off stage until the drop of the ami the .hini'x-a w.dl put on, and thia, eoupleil It Is simply and capaldy given hy the i-iist. I'urtain. I.uckll.v for the skercli the major por- with tlie known work of U.x-k and Fulton tlicm nnmtMTlng live pxxiple. tlon of the lines and business fall to his lot. aelves, make .le nffi.ring one of the real be.vd- The Great H'lward Is great In his line .\s a What little the woman haa to say Is said and liners of the season. v. ntril<N|iilst he Is st the top. sn.l Ids roincdy done well. Not is much can be aald of the man. Frank Morrell had his tenor vxd.e all Axel efforts arc far from ex.n emptihle. He Is well whose portrayal of tbe otlier male role was not up for "the corner." Mr. Morrell's toj. notes arc |.Uc. .1 on the hill. He Is not to be iias,.ei| nii any too g.vod. With a change In this part the not equalleil tiy ajiy singer now In vaudeville. i,c.-nn«e one b»s s.-cn ventrlhMiiilsts. If act will lit nicely on any bill and will doubtleax Tlie iteraonallly of the Mg fellow iiiakex Idni a haven't s>-en the Gr<at Howard, yon hav.'n'l be kept working. rattling favorite every idaee he g.M-s, ami this s.-cn him. that's all. And be ought to M- m-en -

Sophie Barnard, late of musical comedy, with was well attestwl l.y tin- rex-eptlon that he la re- ,n.l h.-ard. the aid of a press sgent, s musicsl dtrex-tor snd celvlng this week Jlls line of chatter la also ,,__ , . .... _

What little the woman haa to say Is said and liners of the season. done well. Not is much can be aald of the man. Frank Morrell had his tenor vxd.e all Axel whose portrayal of tbe otlier male role was not up for "the corner." Mr. Morrell's toj. notes are any too g.vod. With a change In this part the not equalle.1 tiy ajiy singer me.v In van.levllh-.

be kept working. rattling favorite . Sophia Barnard, late of musical comedy, with was well attestwl

the aid of a press agent, s musical dtrex-tor and celvlng this week everything that will tend to make her a' sue- gxxxl. eesa. Is eiwaying a vaudeville single. Mis* Bar- Kluting’s Dogs, nard makes a stunning aiqvearance, and this, were the rinsing

One of Jesse L. laisky's characteristic offer Irg* Is the l‘lsno|ih|i>ni| Mln*tre| riviiipsny, four cess. Is eiwaying a vaudeville single. Mis* Bar- Kluting’s Dogs, Cats. I'igeoiis, Babbits, etc., _ , i^ismqinp.n.i Mln*tre| < miipany, four

nard makes a stunning aiqvearance, and this, were the rinsing niinilier of the Mil. They do niokes and an Interlortitor. Ihi.t'l comblnwl with ber mnalcal ixvmedy reputation, wonderful stunts without mueli coaxing from tbe >>*r*haii. Also four pianos—on which they will doubtleet make her in demand for certain trainer, and held the biggest part of tbe and- ocnhle and another for .Mr Marshall. Iln hoosea. Hbe baa four songs which she renders lence In their seats until the curtain. Grannon has a sweet voice, and warbb-a an Irish in a mnsicxal comedy sort of way, ——* lilting, rwiehy ending marvelously in a mnalcal comedy sort of way.

Zelda Hears and Co. is tbe headlined feature well. Htone and Jackson snd one piano render an original form of The I.oat (bor.l, whieh I* of tbe bill. Mlaa Hears and a company of four John Oort has rc-engsgrd aeyeral of tbe prin- *n origins! form of The I.ost tbord. whirh

bare a comedy aketeb with blta of patboa and cipals of the Bose of Psnama company f<»r the palpably ■ clever I.«tkT travesty, story mnalng throoghont. MIsa Sears* portrayal Western toor of the Viennese operetta next Ben Idnn dances and sings Briat Rand F, of tbe character of tbe wardrobe woman of a aeasoo. Ohapine, the winsome little French- rabam Jones In a style all hla own which g wildcattlng dramatic company ranks well np womaa who became a New York favorite in a wonderfully well with bis audienc^. A g.

single night, will again alng tbe prims donna nnmber. (Oonttaned m page Bl.) role of Jaelnta. (Oontlnned on nave At.) (Oontlnned on page Si.)

At Flap Jark Hal. Mias Kramer scored well at the American Mnslc Hall.

APRIL 6, 1912. 11

WEEK IN NEW YORK CITY Miner’s Eighth Avenue Columbia

Ncn Vurk. \iar<li 3»l Ctixcial t<i Th«* Hill- l■l>a^<l|. klxiW at llix I'<ituiiil>.a tbia IH (inrilou Nortb'a tbx raHaliiK i'araile aiiil »ltk Jaiiiia UcmlaiKt tlu‘ fiaiiin-O uiuiil> r r.r ilii- <a->l lb'- Htt'acthxi ouiiitiar«-H ni'ial fa ,,,r.aiiyltiiiiK that (iorilou A North lijx- itT'-riil iu buii>a<|u«, nbit-U ia aaylUK

'ib. **l»“*i» the barrier * aod never leta nil Ir 11 tb" fast iiarx wt at tlin bxglnn'.iiK. 1h.' l••l'n)■ Ilf ibi’ tirat |iarl i» laiil In Ibi- •■mi- r-riatiii) <>r IIm* IioIxI run by l.llilnlg Mrjrr III \i « ^ork fliy. Till- rob- of M.'\xr U t.Ia.iiil by riiaa. Avelinx wbo runt Uoulan'l a . loM- > I uil for iiiuK ily bou'i a. Mr. Avi ling bar a itiibo'l that la a ilollxbl to tiati-n to ami 111' r inllt.on of tbx com ily aomt If It CiMiiia \oii- Way waa one of tba cblcf lilla of tbx I'lilirc alio*'. Jamoa IbiKlanJ aa Tiinoth trnahiily, a baialaouix cab ilrlTcr, geta plenty of riHii<-<rt from bia linca and bualiicaa. Mr. Ilowlauil lama awa a »olcc of wonderful aweet- uraa. a iuielbliig ran ly fouud In a cumedlan of bia tyiN*.

To Ilib'D Kiy aa Owemlolyn. tbc daughter of Mrjrr. faKa tbc chief feminine booori. Mlaa Hy niakea a dandy a|>|iearauce and >loea her aixk altb a rim and daab not often aeen in hurl ai|ue. Mlaa Idbby Itlooddl la a great faTorllr ahererer abe apiieara anil In the ■ole of Itaiitane Conwell made a capital feeder for the comedy of Rowland and Arellng. Mile. I'll! aa portrayed by Mlaa Anna Belle, while lait particnlarlv Frenchy waa nerertbeleaa one uf tbe tblnga that went to make the entire abow ao rnloyable. Al Canfleld and George Mayo were raat In atralght rolea and gave good areiiiml of tbemaeleea.

Tbe conieily tbroiigboul la gmid and abnundt with wlttlciama and good plecea of buaineaa. A wlablng atlck ebangea banda aeeeral times daring th-* action of botb acta and brings eary- Ing fortunes to Its different poaseasora.

A (lajama number ltd by Oeo. Mayo and Ansa Belle was well done amt aprpeclated. Tbe curtain lieaci mled first on tbe ni'Cks and then DO tbe liga of tbe cbonis making one of tbe prettiest staged niimb> ra Jack Mason baa ever put on. Tbe first act waa concluded with a pidow fight with Rowland against tbe other nembtra of tbe company and tnirnniasfun came with eTcrytiody satisfied.

Tbe KItamura Troupe of ten Japs was the at- iractlen offered In tbe olio and they furnished wMre entertainment with tbe one art than Is generally found In a half dosen. Their foot work with the barrels Is womlerfully clerer aiul they take adrantage of erery more for eomedT. Fest after feat rei]uirlDg dekterlty and a clear eye were pe'formed. The balancing and turning of one merotier on the feet of an- other la a piece of work offered In but few acta. Tbe youngest of tbe ten has an Infectious lanlle that lmm<-dlately makes him a faroelte with the auillence and raiisew them to roundly ippland ererythlng that be does.

Tbe action of the w-cond act takes place on the Boardwalk at Atlantic City. Tbe chief song feature of this end of tbe abow was the we 1 worked np number. Don’t You Bellere IlUn. by Al Canfield and Mias Anne Belle aMy asalatcd by Miss Ely and four members of the chorus from the bnxea and orchestra. James Rowland •tng Rose of Klliamey Instead of O Molly O at programmed and with hit sweet rolce be had so trouble In making the audience demand •ereral encores, tlrspe. Grape. Ora|ie was of- fep-d Id the form of a iiiiartet ai-lectlon by Rowland. Arellng. Mayo a^ Canfield aipl got ore? In good shape.

Comedy abounded In tbe rery mixed up poslttona In which tbe different character* were placed. Eash male member hired a detectire to watch the particular woman of hla choice and gare him lalM'Is to put u|>on tbe back of anyone with whom they might flirt. At a nlgnal from tbe sleuth they all. In turn, rush off only to come back with tbe labels of one of the other men pinned on their barks. Rowland eutera with hla bark literally covered with labels of all colors.

The rhiirua was both shapely and lively and added their quota to the enjoyment of tbe show.

New York. March 2S (Special to The Bill¬ board).—J rome Rosenlierg hag lH>oked a show Into the Savoy the latter i>ar of thia week that he may well be proud of. Ev.-ry act. witlioot exception, made the Savoy auilieura applaud



A clever character comedienne, and one sf the best single acts on tbe S. A C. Clrcslt.

more than they have ever been known tn berw tofore.

Opening the alww were the Petit Slaters, a reguiatiou small-time SiSter act but staged mncli better than some st-eu on the b gger time. Open Ing In white outing suits wl b canoe paddles In their bands, they make a pleasing picture Four songs are used, a clisnge of costume being made for each one.

Wilson Franklin and Company, seen often on the bigger time. In his sketch. My Wife Won’t Let Me. was easily the laughing bit of tbe bill, .Mr. Franklin's dridi melbials rumblued witli *he Dumer us Indicroug sitiiatlous abounding in bia act and a gixul sup|K>rtiDg iwat, made bis turn most enjoyable.

McCoy and I^ve, a boy, a girl and a piano, came next. Fortuna ely for the small time, Ml-a Ix)ve Is not p(«s.‘ssed of much voice. For tnnately because if she roiild sing she would Dot have to play the smaller time. A person¬ ality that simiily radiates magnetism over the footlights and flaming hair of auburn sba^ make tbe audience expect a lot from tuts little girl One change uf costume is made by Miss Love and none b.r McCo.v, who be:weeD songs do<s imitations and the like at the piano.

Marlon Shirley, with a comiiany of four girls and four lieautiful coll es, have a singing and dancing act. Miss Shirley Is possessed of neither magnetism nor ability and tbe girls are not any oo good. The act la not psrtlculsrlly well staged nor dressed, but the work of tbe dogs and tbe rhorua make up for other defects and as the prettiest number, tbe liogs skipping tbe rope with the elrls. was placed last, they rioelved enough applause to warrant them Is thinking that they were approciated tbrougboni the entire act.

Margaret Nelson and Company. In Lis, a ■“ "• •• — - miide such a success


Dispensers of a dainty song fest, now appear¬ ing over the Sullivan A Consldine Circuit.

any closer to Europe than Hoboken, are a man and a girl in a routine of singing, talking and dancing. Tbe singing it good as is the dancing. The talk could be freshened up and made better with the expenditure of but little effort. The man. w hile ra hi r a good looking chap, spoils bis looks by at all times.

Florence Coles and Company, in The Woman of the 2<>tb Century, alao more than made good.

Horton and Wright present a Juggling act thaj is away ataive the average on small time vaude¬ ville. Opening with a s;ige full of paraphernalia they Juggle evir.v thing on tbe stage from a pair of eyeglasses to the furniture aud do it well. The straight man is particularly clever, never missi ig one of his tricks The Comedian while not so clever as the straight man. is neverthe¬ less a w onder to small- ime audienci s. He takes advantage uf all chances for comialy. add Ing not a little to the merit of the act. If the act hasn't already played the big tiiue it will soon.

sketch by Charlie Doty. ... _ _ the first part of the week that tl e act was held over, something very unusual at the Savoy. The scene is laid In au all-night restaurant on 'be Bowery and the cliaracters are Lis. the night waitress, her sweetheart. who oceaslonally branches sway from letting her feed him long enough to help himself to other people's prop erty. and Wagner, a de eetive. Wagner la after I.lx's sweetheart for a safa-oraeklng Job. which It turns out he hssn’t committed, but being In bad at the headquar i rs. Wsgner feels that he must make a pinch to s<tuare btmaelf. I.ia's plea f-'r her sweetheart and a chsnce for tsith of them to live a bi-tter life, reaches the heart of the detective and he slips the manacles from Tom's wrists and l»ts them go. Miss Nel si'n’s work throughout was nios| cnn«t«tent and good as was that <'f her siioponlng company.

Pictures were shown befwe-n each act. which



Tlioinas Jefferson haa made a tabloid version . of Charles D.>kcns' The Cricket on the Hearth. i which his f.athcr. the late Joseph Jefferson. O'ns dend ss one of the best pieces In his rep ] eriolre. In the part of Caleb Plummer. Mr. i Jiffits. n will iircscnt the act over the Orpheum i t ireuit. I

G«-orge M. CVvhrn Is to l>e the Judge of the fancy step dancing conti st to be held by the attaches of the ll'p'KMlrome during the bail to b«' given by them SCaturday night for the benefit of their sick fund.

Pernanl .A. Ilein -ld. who Is featured In the title role of G orge V Hobart’s Dlnkelsplel's Chris mas. has alternated during his theatrical cnreiT as plaver and manager. He croated the part of Dinkelsplel but previously had managed the tours c.f one of the foremost of American actresses.

Tom Tcrrlss. who first played Scrooge In this eoentrT Is proluclng acts for vaudeville. Two fanes and a tabloid musical comedv. all from his pr'difle pen. arc o be given their New York preietere rtu-'ng the coming week.

vvqp,, Wexfou has t'cen engagt*d bv the Shu- bcris for a ten weeks’ engagement at the Win ter Garden. Mr. Wesbrn opens April 1. The engagement was made through George O’Brien of he Jive Suiltvsn office

Harry McCoy late pianist of tbe Star Trio, has past'd under the mansgcnw'nt of Harry Love, the rapldlvrlslng small-time randevllle Impresarlix McCoy and Olson. Irene Olson being the other member of the team, had their New York opening at the Savoy Theatre last week

(Continued on page SI.)

with the Hlgh School Glrlt, at •Avenue this week.

S|>eelal feature Mluer'a r.ighth VAUDEVILLE AT THE BALL.

Vaudaville Comedy r’o*> Give Second Annual Ball.

gain a laugh. Jiv Mills gave an Indifferent IH-rformanee if a Frem-h i-oiint. Joe Dixon, as S|ilke .McKee, a prlie fight i>romoter. went in more for the Iiniglis to l>e gained than for a faithful ilcllm-ation of a pi lie tight promo er of tislay really Is. He oalnisl Ills ixdnl, how ever, aa the audience was thoroughly in sym patliy with his eharacterutallon. Charles Stev emton. cast a« Ms.|or Kllroy. stalked around the stage In a stiff-legged luaiiner and oulatde of Ih-t had little to do

Maryland, sung hy the Dale Wilson ami the entire" female eontlngen- atlln'd In tights, was the song hit of the show. Tiie march through¬ out tbla numher Is particularly notahle for Ita iiianv winds ami turns and n-'t a single mistake or moment of Indecision can be observed during the four cborutea that tbla difficult work la done.

(Continued on page M.)

Actors and would he actors, managers and near managers, agents and almost agents, and everybody w lio is an.vh.sly or «ho want to be someh dy. gathered Monday night at Terrace Garden for the se ond annual grand ball of the Vaudeville Comedy Club. To be sure there were a few pimr onforftinates who found It neces-iary to work out of town hut any act' r who by cut¬ ting salary, caj.'llng. thr.-aten'ng. or In any way could be within hailing ills ance of the big city made It a point.

First thing of the evening came the grand march headed by Bert Leslie, the president of the club. .Arranged by Jack Mas<vn the partici¬ pants wound 'n and out this way and that Into and scored g big hit. McCoy It what might be

(Oontlnued on page Bl.) In Tbe Dasalng Pamds, wbicb

> OolMBbta Tbentrs.

Xfie Billtjoard APRIL 6, 1912.

THE VAUDEVILLE AND BUR Majestic Wilson Avenue Empress Haymarket

— ••lit III III.- iiiu'- m-l* Mill • ti-'W Hi tl *- Xlnlf-^Iir, ti\ • 'll III. iimliirl'v i.f ilii>i

Ib tl>i*ir llr*i n |•|*•'H rn Ill'll

-‘i iSii^i'liil o rii*- Kllltiiixiil I CliicaK"- March iSpi'clal to The Uillboanli tliix wi»i'k'> —Kor the foiirlli time aliioi' the first of the cur

CliicMKo. .March ;k» iSpectal to The Hlllhoanl', — With one or two e\ce|itl«ina. the hill at the

new III Chiisiro e I’ery su*'is*S'ifii lie lot <»niti*''i"

reni year. Gi'iie tirei'Ui*. |he I hlcaito character Kiupri'ea Theatre thla week* first half, la far aiiiiter, Ui'hiU the hill at the Wilwm for the eu _ . _ . _ _ __ tire wis'k. lu louhieUI.T Mr. Grei lie has ahat- aa a rule, the ahuwa arc the aauie hitth grail, William Krlti In a clerer II.tie playlet ant terisl all Chlcaitu recorUs for heailline acta play- variety aa those seen at ihe Majestic. This ,.jcle act called The Gallery Otid. The tltl* lug niiiiu eugagemeiiG, as following his W'll- bill la hcaileil h.v the Kite Musical Noaaia, who role <a pla.retl hy Count l>e Ilutt, who Is t son Unte. he g ea buck to the Wlllanl for ihe ' present a big si"enlc pr<aluction In one of the clever character aa the gum-chewing gallery fifth week This week's hill at Ihe Wilson 1* very highest class musical aovelties The coju- 'fhe act emhracea comeily, pathos, drams very •lin'crent from that of last week, when pauy ia c<'Ui|io*.isl of three laillca and two gentle jnd fancy cycle work. It hits popular fancy la McKee Itanklu had pinple fainting an<i going men. The costumeg are conservative aud rich In every detail and will unilouhtedly I* seen oa into hyslinia at ilie close of Ida gi'ueaomc ion I dealgn and leature, and are well suited to the gome of the big hills In the near futnra.

Chicago, .March 3U (Special to The Billboardi -f'oiint lie Ituti. the well known cyclist hat onie back." He appeara at the Haymarket

below the average showing of that house, where this week aupporletl by Kdward Caatano and W illlaiii Krill in a clever II.tie playlet an t cycle act called The Gallery Ood. The tltlt role <g plarevi by Count l>e Butt, who Is t


cepiion of Gllver IVIsf. However, nothwitli-I atmosphere createvl by the setting. They havi a nulling this uuu'iial liicldi nt. the Wilson broke a gO'sl rein rtoire of Inslrumenta and are up to all recoidg last wvs'k. when It playeil to capac- I y loaisi's. with the exception of four. Tins at I \:i Oi* • t at".'.L| h. gecp'l .1 il » gsoat siMs-ri. and 'a lelighting h's ••tieis..-« «i.x s .vs it..a:(otrf ic.ti

The sIhiw la oiieried liy .Mias JiiM-puiue .aa\-

dale 'n tiieir musical niiniliers I The circus billing which h I tfleel 1} Mahit'i .ka.Ut I work nobly, and la hringtog H I FKIU 1 .h* ft-kth diJi ahi I press the best house of its cla

Kobbie Gordone. the model who appeared with great su cess at the .Majestic a couple of weekg

are clever to a certain extent, but a irifie The bill ia oiM-ned by Utchard Wally, a Jug ton and her "picks." Tl.e little brown kiddie* the city. Ttie almw la o|ieiied by IKrnibue and MIewart are clever to a certain extent, but a irifie tool •vij,. pni u om-ned by Utchard Wallv a Jug tlieir original comedy. Him and Her. "nie.v mdsy and roii^h. Mias Saxton has a good voice j,,f excep loual cleverucsa and veraatlllty, ercenlrlc Oomi'dlau* and alugera of a very but Is absent fn>m the stage too much during comes very nearly hia act by al lfo«>' The gen leman of the a, t puts on the act. wlille she makes unnecessary costume I g voung man who assists him on the ■<> eccentrl- dance which won a good rouml change*. She carries a very nreity drop por L,,b.. to piill altempteil comedv. This fact an l «f applause. Their aooga are topical and go traying a cotton plantation which is very ap incident has been detrimental to many ac’a of over very well. The act la well suited for t

mdsy and ron^h. Mias Saxton has a good voice ),,f excep loual cleverucsa and veraatlllty, liut is absent fn>m the stsge too much during ,oines very nearly his act by al

pr"|irUie to tbe offering. The act pleased

of applause. Their songs are topical and go over very well. The act la well suited for a

this class, and in the case of Mr. Wally. If l">sltloB In the belter class of honaes. Joe I.sinlgan. a long, somber fellow with a ■ jj, would iet tbe ass stant "assist" him and le- (^nl Da Buts, as an actor. Is Just as pleaslu,

aoleniD expression and manner not uuDke Mr. .(Unr that hia offering would l>e greatly Im- appear aeconti, and score one of the big bits of Rb-liard Carle, in Tbe TersK--*r't. ^r>Ttalns yir ’ Wally la very accurate In some Ihe bill. They offer a vehicle of onusnil clever bis sndlence wl:h «*n;e (lever songs and a very jelicat’e feats of Juggling small objects, and la ness for the lntrv>duct|on of fancy and trick giHsl monologue. He sings Skinny and gets it , ^i,, aj„ne in this particular feature. His cycle work. The company la maar ap of peo

appear aeconti, and score one of the big bits

gootl monologue. He sings Skinny and gets it , ^i,, «j„n,. in this particular feature. <ner in fine siyle, and undoubtedly the song Is rdeised well suited to Ills special style and prore^ a feature of hit offering. The act took very fav- ---- oraWr

pie who know tbe show hnsineas and who p|iy


Mr. Hans Robert, supported by a tmpable j* company, offers an intenaely Interesting dramatic ■ playlet, tiased on pidtUrs and graft. Tbe Judge's Son. Mr. Robert la alp'ngly appealing In tbe character of the son 'vrbo has sown nla wild oats and Is reaping a 'bitter harvest. George Staley la delightful aa tn« sedate -nd dlgulfl^il Judge Ridgeway. Dell I-ewia ia very life-like In bis portrayal of a hardened grafter and con filmed politician, and Mabel Mortimer la refresh¬ ing and sweet in her part of tbe bcHueloving slater of the son. The act Is a new one, but

Headline attraction at the MsJ^-sflc the week from present indiratlons, will shortly bs seen ”f March 2S. on bigger and more pretentious bills. It la _reviewed under the heeding of New Acta.

Pierce and Maizee, lady and gentleman, ap kouxe. Tbe bill la headed by two big names pear next to closing In a refined and polite this week, namely, Arnold Daly, who ia aupport-' ainging and talking offering. Tbe lady of the ad by a go<al company In a clever skit, and art la glf ed with a very fine voice and sings ■ Carrie De -Mar, tlve International comedlenue, number of topical tonga which go over very who offiTs a reiiertoire of meillocre novelty big. She makes a half dozen eoatume changea In songs, tbe majority of which ah<iw much room f<» Improvenienl. The clever and versatile ven Irllogulat, Edward F. Reynard, alsu bolds an Im¬ portant misitlon and proves a big hit with his apectacultr proiluctlon, A Morning In Hlrksville Though not headlined nor very heavily fea¬ tured. and appearing in an early poaltion, the Nat Naaarro Trautie of acrohais were the blggesi and moat pronounced bit of the entire bill. II la an offering far above tlie average and Is fully Justified In its gigantic tuccest in Ihe current bill. A lady and three gentlemen coiu pose Ihe trouiie, and work togetlier In perfect harmony and with tbe smoutbnesa of tbe mosi Intricate piece of machinery. Tbe stunts are worked In lightning speed and are original ami cleverly executed. The act stopped the show at the afternoon performance on Monday, and was compelled t: do about five minutes over- tlBe.

The show Is ojiened hy Herbert's Leaping Itogs. a big animal act which exhibits about So well trained dogs. cats, chickens and pigeons. It is well stagi-d and a vlsnal delight In every detail. The offering ia reviewed under Ac:s New to Chicago.

Tim Cronin, who uses the billing. A I.Ittle Bit of Everything, apjiears In second position. Mr. Cronin has too much of "everything" In bla act. with "nothing” done well. There 1* ao point nor meaning to his offering, and It la a eertainvy that the gentleman Is fsr from clever In the many demonstrations which he wlshe.l on the Mon'1 ay afternoon siidienre. They kid¬ ded the artist tn the latter part of his act. where he does a silly stunt which he calls an Imitation of the old fashioned, aqnare dance or quadrille. His offering Is also reviewed nnder the heading of Acts New to Chicago.

Sammy Knrna and Alice Fulton, the dancera. apiiear In third s[>ot and at first appear to be a filvver. owing to the slowness snd carelessnesii af the offering. It will be one of the best acts at the close of tne act and do a whirl-wind


A mualc act. every member of which la an accumpllahed artist. Thla quliitetta headed tb« Mil at the EmpreM Theatre, the Ural half of last week.

The Three Dixie Girla offer a novelty atng- the parta with refrrahlng reality. Tbe a I la Ing act which goes over very well. They have well staged and a novelty from atari to finlah. good voicea which blend nicely, and offi-r a Count De Buta, aa an actor, la Juat aa pleasing rv|>ert<'lre of a fine svlecHon. They drvsa in tc couiltig ColuDlal cos umes with Ibe old fashioned

and aa clever aa be is In bis great cycle ex hlliitions. The plot Is Ingenious and It la

hoop skirts and neat lltlle teionets. Ihey have staged attractively In two seen*^a, the firat la a very gtssl close to the act with a apeclal "one" and the second In full stage portraying drop porlraylng a South, rn m'Onligbt avene, au.| , dre-sltig rt*>m scene. It has been well re Slug a medley of old Souibero songs. Tbey

Miss Malxee Is a memt>er of Pierct- and Matzee.

took several bows on tlie offering. Barmwa. Lancaster and Company submit a

big Comedy playlet, entitled Like Father, Like .Son. The plot emliraivw a ticklish altnatlon w'b>r« a father and son have aecrelly married rhonia girls, and are trying to keep tbe affair from each other. However, after fifteen minutes of the very cleanest and funniest of comvdy

(Continued on page SO.)


dance verv much like the ones that have made Ther apin-ared on the Wilson Avenue bill during lT,u,tTun’*^7ruth romc. Tmt and“sn l.ln the Marrelona M I ers recogn zed as the king the first part of last week aituatlonx. truth ~io. a out and all Join bands In pins of their olssa. The setting of the Burn. “'''J;'";. ^he playle U a trlfie overdon.; Tnlton act U eUhoraV ami rich, w!th Ita pr**ttT--*** certain apota, and a |M>rtloD of tbe linea could

frai';?.rs;j':4 S".:'.:;';,.."'/'."4 i'-: r:r; Ideas In the terplechovean art. When a little '“f •? iirnHemi’A more life and action Is added to the esrly part Eiiu 5 .*11. i"i./ of tbe offering, it will be one of the best 'acta k?"*.I1*.5’ of Its class on the American vandevllle stage to. rer''** '/.I’"' 'T " day. for wlihont a doubt, these two artists are V *^**.'11'! s » high on the ladder In the art thee have chosen * ***" ‘ ‘‘° ***' family theatres thl« I no Bradley, a black face _ . _ _ .... at their occupation. TTie whirl-wind finish of !'"•"“ «PI»'«ra m zt to closing tbe act sent It away big and brought the team ... s- m..,! .. a. .1 s. . I'’*''" . offering wlrh an

In certain apota, and a isirtlon of the lines could tie easily ellmlnati.d with tieneflclal results to tbe offering. Each of tbe four members Is clever and well aiilteft to hia respective part, and Contribute a full 2.1 per cent of the comedy of the act. With ab'iut five mlnutea’ time cui from the offering, a great Improvement will be

(tomedian of tob«T

back for several bows Greene, assisted hy (niarles 8'ralght af ezieaa of pr-fanlty which la Iwnlly arceidahle The Tnredo Four, «■ qnnrtet of vocalists and '? I.etter clas. vamlevllle houses. He has a

fomedlana who have not adhered too closely to Popular aonga. Tbe act la the hit of tbe bill, cley.^ m»n<.l..gue and .several r-od parmlle* originality In their comedy and bnalness, appear -——-— ' - ?l!'. *1 ***! ••f'' of delivery la fourth spot and get along very well. A por¬ tion of their aet la new and original, though another part la responsible for the sneeess of one of the oldcst-eatshllshed comedy fonra In


Gas Run. head of tbe Gns Sun Vaudeville Clr

and r>ersonalltv U unhiiie, and a good factor to hia class of offering. Tlie act went hig.

The rive Musical N’oaaea the headline attrae tlon. clone tbe show In their aiiectaculir ronsical novelty offering. In Old Seville. The act Is neat the country. This offering also reviewed nn- spending a three weeks' va novelty offering. In Old Seville. The act Is neat

der Acts New to Chicago. cation at Hot Spring*. Ark , returned to bis of refined throughout, and the qnlnietfe are nn Tbe Nat Nazarro Troupe, the eet which took Springfield. Wednesday. He will be In doubtrdly and veraatlle niuslrlans Tbey

the honor* In tbe enrrent hill, appears In flftl Chicago nezt wi-ek to attend the opening of the "a renditions with trumpet c<imeta, etrlng epot. It le renewed nnder Acts New to Oil ®vw Palace Theatre. and reed inetrnmenta. The offering la wortln oege Vera Berliner, known as "the violinist with a o* the be*t vsndevllle baa to offer, aad deserves

cinlln Steele end CeiT. a trio of yersatfle aonl.” who baa a'arted to play fhe Orpbeinn Clr- ®®re credit than wag actrorded It by the Bm- fnn-makera and entertalnera, appear In the W- «>'t for the thrld time, is reefing for a week Preee andlence.

epot. It le reriewed nnder Acts New to Chi ®vw Palace Theatre. oago Berliner, known as "the violinist with a

Chniln. Steele end Cerr. a trio of yersatfle aonl.” who has a'arted to play fhe Orpbeinn Clr- fnn-makera and entertalnera, appear In the W- «>'t thrld time, is reefing for a week lo^ng spot and clean up big with their eleeer at her tome In Chicago, piano, comedy and singing aet. MIsa Lflllan Sl.vlng Caros, a new act from tbe Bast. Steele, the feminine portion of the act, la a which do some atartllng ttnnta oa the fiylng charming and riyaeloos llttl# lady who Is eery •• arranging a route oyer tba W. V. U eccentric at time*, and aerlon* at other*. She A. Time

^eda Hall, the anthor and composer of Thi- Voyagera, a mnalcal comedy which bad Its pro¬ duction at the I-a Salle Theatre la Chicago,

hM a yolee of good qnalltj and a yery magnetic Several memhera of Merle Norton’a MlaannrI and who has prepared many seta for the vande- and pleaslDg personality. The revng man who Olrl Crapany spent the peat few daya In Chi- villa stage, bat Jnat completed end had accepted preside* at the piano It leaponalhle for the great- heeanae of a recent railroad wrack af for prodnctlon nnder Important management, a er part of th* comedy, and keep# hi# andlence In Pern. Ind.^ In which tome of the member* *f the four act p’ty on a aeml-rellgleoa theme, called

toon tinned on page SO.) company were slightly In Jared, tbos neeoasttat- The Renedirtlon. It will he prodneed 'with * Ing the eaneellatlop ^ aeveral data*. standard east la th* late somaMr.

Mlaa Gordons was ono of the hlggaat hits at tho kfajoatic Thoatia. wher* ah# appoarsd woeka ago. Ih* appesrod at tha Itar^eke during the wseh af kfa^ W.

APRIL 6, 1912. Tlie Billboard 13

LESQUE WEEK I^ [ CHICAGO Ashland I Columbia 1 Lincoln | Virginia i

^ /^rJ //J'/v'

CUtoagu. March 1!U. Ittl2 (Special tu The Kill board).—Two “old (linera" head the bill at the Akhlard Theatre the tlrat half of th«. week. Ur. and Mra. Mark Murphy, Ihoae celelurated drlllieatora of Irish uiiiedy, preaeut their '>creauiliii:ly funny lli:|e playlet, and the Clip¬ per Quartet furnUhea another quarter of an aeur of the Tory best quallly of fun and enter- uiouienl. Ho h acis were riots and stopped the show at the evening iH-rfurtiianre on Wed- oesday. TTie Murphys appear neat to closing and the cupper Uiya follow; and l>el'eve me. It la no i-liirh to followr Mr. and Mra. Mark .Murphy. The bill la well balanced, and an Ideal raude- flllf abow, ivmedy (iredoiplnstina •tirooiriMo<t a.II .ht It w. titaplI.Li

Ths MU la eper«d by Karl gen... a •ti clever Ma.iw« aud aaud ba.aucv-r, «i... eavfuciSfea a nuniber of new and daring stunts wherein he lakes opportunity tu exhlb't bla remarkable atrengtb and endurance. lie works fast and "never grun a once" and was justifled In bla fwcelpt of generous applause.

lirace l.ew Is. a stair singer of the Jerome 11. Keail k Co. appears second and does well In boosting several of that firm's fiubllcatluna. Mias l.ewls' act was reviewed In these eolumna last week when she appeared at the Franklin Theatre, on the sou b s'de of the city,

Rernard and Arnold, two young men with good personalities and clever stage manners, appear In third (sisltluo In a comedy talking act and

big Ibroiigb the Inlrodur.l-in of some

Chicago, March 20 (S|>ecial to The Killboard). —Kxce|itiunally heavy business Is lieing drawn Into The Columbia Theatre, the only loop bur¬ lesque house, this week by Al. Rich’s big bur- l«s<)ue aud musical pioiluc-iou. The Honeymoou Ulris, The Otto Hrothers, two versatile Ceriuan comedians, who keep the fun guiug at a mlle- a minute dip, are featured in coujiinctlon with Ulss Alice l.jtzar. a charming and sweet little lady, who sings like a ibrush on a spring morn¬ ing. Kurleeque naturally demands good sing¬ ing voices, but it la a regretted and well-known fact that at times this requisite la sadly miss¬ ing. Not So with 'Jlje lloneyiiKHin Girls Com¬ pany. Miss i.azur has a sympaibetic soprano tMct tod pit! kii xeviral inmVri yrei w'tb good •iTect. Her |•elS''twl|lt.v K retliied and wln- •-.i&i. xbd i LoLsiant axils playt ahjBt kai girlish face during all her songs and sayings. It seeiiis that vulgarity la an unknown thing to this little lady, and these who went to visit some- thing "spicy and peppery” were sadly diaam pointed. Not that the show larks life, for It Is leally one of the liveliest 1 have seen this sea¬ son, lint It Is pleasantly free from all sugges¬ tive or Indecent features. As a whole, this show, like one or two others which have playevl the boose this season, la dangerously close to the musical comedy line. It Is so clever though, that the clean fun and comedy situations which arise at frequent intervals, more than maile up ftir the lack of "aplce” which was evidently expected by some of the audience.

The piece is called The Bogus Admirals, the

Chicago, March 30 (Special to The Killboard). —Tbe biggest and finest of Chicago's family yaudeville houses, the Llucoln, presents the best show of the week for houses of this class in tbe city. Ku.-.iiicss at the big bouse is phenum enal iu Comparison tu that of the o her theatres. The bill for the last half is cum|sised of the biggest and best acts obtainable, iucludlug Mar tin Johnson’s 'i'l a\elogues. Jolly and Wild, Les lie .Moroscu and his company, Vernon, the ven trilotjuis., and the Farrell Brothers, comedy cy cllsts.

The sIkiw Is opened by Vernon, who replaced Fanny Rice. This clever ventrll<N|ulKt has an Ideal ofiering of Ita class and working In full stigt a 'K 'I't '’Tdj creates all sorts of gooi] lauaus. As a >entrl| - tolft ht a ilvivt tod It I i-.^medtai rtri oet the top of tbe ladder. HU act runs a tride long, and might he improved by cutting it several minutes. Tbe act was a big success at tto- Tbursday evening performance.

Leslie ■MorO'Co and Company appear second in the big comedy Wall Street playlet. A .Million Dollar Wife. TTie act U exciting tbn>ughoui and offers many good comedy altuatlons w hici are well carried out by Mr. Morosco and his supporting company of a lady and two gentle men. The offering Is a hit.

Kdward JoRy and Winifred Wild, yaudevllle s musical comeily stars, apiiewr In third s[iot anu offer their n-flued piano and singing art. Kotl are yersaille comedians and truly musical com edy stars. Mr. Jolly’s Incomparable eccentric

Ch'cagu. March 3U (Mpecial to Tbe RilllMiardi. —One of the best bills of tbe season Is pre sented at tlie Virginia Tbeatre tbe last half of the work. It is lieailed hy the famous Dalto Frees Co., who present their big acroba Ic D'>v


win out „ . _ Bvw and funny croas-llre material.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Murphy offer their side¬ splitting comedy playlet, wberein % certain irishman b." the name of Clancy ts lost, anw iup|»>-»il tw-jDt drowixU. .Mearwblle hit better halt wNwWhlnks herself a widow, la receiving attentlont 'rom another of her hushand’a (vnntrymen. Clancy turns up again and Informs hte spouse that be la not dead, but bas simply been iHit on a marathon ’’toot.” At first Mrs. Cliocy thinks that be Is bis own ghost, .ome hack to earth to haunt her. and tbe natural eomrdy altnattons which arise are made excellent ase of by the two principals of the plot. They • re finally recvmclled, however, and after Clancy kai mentally murdered In cold bUs>d ’’That other Irishman” be takes bla “little” wife In bis ■rms again and gives his audience alwnt four ■Inntes of delicious Irish wit and humor. The art went very big and demanded five hows of the old time fun makers, who retired with that cbsracterlstl shake of tbe head and. "B’gorrah, we got ’em that time, ahure."

Tlie Original Cllpiver Qusr et Me^srs. O. D. itelitey, Fred Kennedy. Frank .Millard tad John tBeg Pardon) Bergman, clove tbe show, and ts a result, the M. P. operator ’’cussed” the man who Invented quartets, for be was thrice obliged to cease bis monohmous grind tnd sllow these four fun mikcrs and singers to heg the indlenre to let them go. OeNirge C^rlstey Is gifted with one of th# sweetevt and elearrst tenor voices In vaudeville, and he Is •till hiint'ng for bit range. Fred Kennedy has keen tssorlated with tome of the hew’ qnirtets til over tbe world, and as a vocalist. Is tbe one bright partlculsr luminary of the act. Frank Millard’s rich line of Dutch uroedy Is known to nrtrly everyone In the vaudeville game, and • good portion of the theatre going public all over tbe country. Mr. Bergman Is the baaao who tings Rocked In the Cradle of the Deep ts the com|s.tcr of that old masterpiece In’end- ed It to be sang. Taking the quartet as t whole, considering verastillty. singing, comedy and personalities. It Is second to tbe old Em¬ pire Cl y Four. Tliey are strlctl.v np to-the- mlnnte In their repertoire, featuring Remli-k’s

Otto Brothers playing tbe leading characters. They are supported by a capable company and well trained cb. rus. The first gceoe shows the grounds surrounding President Amador's Resi¬ dence; exterior of the prison, showing the llfe- stving siation. Act II.. Scene 1—Exterior of tbe arena. Scene 2—Streets in Panama. Scene S—Tlie Arena. The stage settings are artla’Ic and claliorate, and the costumes worn by prin¬ cipals and cborns tbrougbout tbe proiluctlon, tbe bigbest standard of ihe dress maker's and tail¬ or's art. Tuey are rich and beautiful, and ap¬ propriate for the Betting of Ihe various scenes. Tbe story of the p^ece la rather Intereatlng. ami la cleverly se ed by the Otto Brothers. Miss lAtar and a snpportlng company. Including several ptoiple well known In the burles<iue world, (on-picuons In the cast of supporting irlncipsls are: I.e Roy Berry, John Welch. John J. Owens. Nit S. Fertier. Joseph Mack. Frstik .Martin, Edward Marlow, Ernest Meyer, Ralph Johnson. Stefi Anderson. Nellie Crawford, Virgin a Ware. Josephine Carter, Emily L^, Hattie Moore and Eveline Weber.


The Biggest man In American vsodevllle "Big Ed.” 18 billed as 4.'>0 Pounds of Hnmor. He lived np to this reputation at the Virginia Theatre the last half of the week of March »

elty. Happy Hooligan’s First Attempt to Reach tbe North Pole. Big Ed. Dunkhorst has forsaken bis old character of the “baby” and appears In a clever monologue. Marie Kl more, a talented and curured vocalist, appears anil offers a repertoire of late gong bits. Mile. Zella's Dogs win their Just share or tbe hon ors on the big bill, and the De Long Trio score In daring a robatic feata.

ITie show Is oi>ened by Mile Zella. who U assisted by two well trained fox terriers. The little canines are clever and perform a number of new and difflcult atunts, which were warmly applauded.

The newsboy singer appears In second spot and Inasmuch as he Is a permanent fixture to tbe bouse and a great fsTorlte, scored big on ■ Couple of the late popular song hits.

Tbe Delong Trio, a lady and two gentls- men, appear third and eihlMt some pleasing acrobatic stunts, which were well received.

Marie Elmore, a young lady with a well tra'ned voice of excellent quality and exhans tWe range, appears in fourth spot and easily made herself one of the nig favorites of the bin. She sings a repertoire of songs pnblished hv a Chi'ago firm and scores well on each nnra her.

Big Ed Dunkhorst appears next and renders a new momilogue wherein he kids himself for be tng so fat. He has some good material and gpt-i It over ver.v well. The stories and gaga would die an awful death were they put over by any other artist, but they are all fitted to Big Ed and he hits the bull’s eye at every shot. Hr closes his act wl’h a little satirical parody on Oh, You Beantlful Doll, and feta away big on the clever lyrlca. His new act Is a success and really worthy of a better apot In a better bill.

Tlie ahow Is closed by the Dalto-Frees Com pany In their big spc'-tamlar acrobatic offer Ing entitled. H.xppy Hooligan’s First Attempt to Reach the North Pole. The act Is not only a big comedy feature, bat a marvelous aero batic exhiblilon. There Is a great deal of noise In the act. but Is all well placed at ]nst the right time and helped to make th* act the great anccess It proved to be.


Billed as the First Aids to Melsncholy. They opened at the Lincoln Theatre, March H,

comedy won the hearts of bla andlence and Mlsa Winifred Wild’s personality and ■ iDging also bit the bull’s of success. The set stopped the show for two minutes and the artists were compelled to take an encore and several bows. The act proved the hit of the bill

Martin Johnson, traveling cttmpanlon to that fam. us writer. Jack liondon. In his trip to the S<'Uth Sea Islands, apiienrs fourth and offers his great lectures on the films which were made In that desolate part of creation. Mr. Johnson recently appeared! at the Wilson Theatre, where he made an enviable over night reputation. The act was revlewni In detail In these columns at that time. At the Lincoln, the act took as well If not better, than It did at the Wilson, and Mr. Johnson had tome ditlkenlty In getting sway

The sh w Is closed by the Ferrell Brothers. come<ly cyclists. Tlie boys exhibit some new. original tnd daring stunts. They work fast and nnerrlngly. and received generuis applanse and enconragement on their splendid efforts.

The Verdi Theatre, locattd at .VHh Street and Archer Avenue In Chicago, will pass Into tbe control of W S. Bntlerfield of the Michigan OIrcult on Easter Snoday. April 7. This change of p<dlcy will bring five firat rlaaa arts to thli theatre, each half, and also furnish the Michigan manager with a local tbeatre. This •Jeatre baa previously been booked by Fre<l nnchansn. but did not receive Its acta through tha W. V. M. A

With Al. Rich's Honeymoon Girls at the Col- umbla last week.


TUXEDO COMEDY FOUH. Majestic Theatre. Chicago. rV'urtb In nlae-act show; com ady singing and talking; tlma, IS tnln ntea. la ona.

The Tuxedo Comedy Four It composed of a t>aaa and three singers. The three aingers carr\ thrir respective parts of (be act. and furnish a good share of the comedy of the act. part of ehlrb la m't entirely original. The basso bat a videe of neat quality, and would have Improvetl the offering greatly, bad be been given an op portunlty to reoiler a solo. Tbe tenor of the act haa a vidce of fair quality, and plays a comedy Irish character. In which he la clever. The lead or a<-cond tenor, works straight and np holds his end <'f the act. The baritone playa a comedy German part and It tbe recipient of tome Kdts and kicks from otber members of the art. There It a great amoont of “slap atick” com¬ edy tntroiluceil which mlgbi advanttgeonalr be replaced by OH're tinging. ’Tha bnalneta of tbe act la apparently eoplevi from another comedy four of established repntatloo which la playing at one of tha outlying W. V. M. A.’t houses thia week. The repertoire of tonga will stand alteration ts good advantage. Popular nnmtters are very scarce In tbe act at It sow atanda, and tha tatiodncttoa of a few will greatly Improve the offering. The act pleaaed.

TIM OSONTN, Mooologlat. Majeatle 'neatre. Chicago; second ts slns-act show; time, 11 mlnntes. Is oas.

Tim Crosls ss s skonoloftst and estsTtalser, I# dull snd dreary. H# has chsssa dsll mstsilal

(Ooatlsosd aa page >0.)


Allca Yorke, who has been appearing In The Chocolate S<ddler for the past two seasons, will probably be seen In that opera next -vea- son as no new vehicle vu'ted to her require¬ ments has as yet been obtained.

.4rter the close of the engagement of the Drama Players at the Lyric, the New (Orleans French otxra will come to that house for one week. Later In tha aeason, aome time In May Sothern and Marlow will be seen 'n the same bouse for a three weeks’ engagement.

Charli-s K. I regler. Chicago’s assistant city electrician, bas Invented a new electrical de¬ vice along the lines of the dictagraph, whereby mnsic may be transmitted from the stage to the rear of a theatre auditorium, making pos¬ sible many mystifying and harmonious sura' effect!. Mande Lillian Bcrrl. who appears as s featnre of the bill at fiie Mslestlc next week has acquired the exelnslva rights to wo this devleo Is vandeTtlle theatres and win intro¬ duce It to Chicagoans aa a feature of her act.

Manager A. L, Jacoby of the President The atre. who b«a made this Oarfleld Bonlevard amnsement rlace one of the oiost popular of South Side family theatres, celebrated hta blrthda.T <in Mar h Vt with a stag party, par¬ ticipated In by many gentlemen prominent In the profession resident Is and sojourning In Chicago.

Paul Oondron. of the Sulllvss tt Oousldlne Oileago offlres. la entertalslng bla mother, who Is vlsTtlsg Chicago for a few days. Her home Is In Vancouver, B. C., and the tod Pant have not met for flva years.


Kerry Meagher, the general repreaentstra, la In Portland thla week. In conference with (jen- eral Manager Charles E. Bray, and will later resume hts trip down the coast to points abont Frisco aud I-os Angeles, where It Is expected of- fleet will be opene«l.

In the five stat*s already covered, Utab. Wy oming. Montana, Idaho and Colorado. Mr. Meag¬ her has signed contracts with all the theatres available at present and In several Inatancea local capital hat been Interested to the extent that new theatres will be erected for vaudeville purpnsca In titne for use next seaaos.

When the trip has been completed It la now expected that tlis Wettem Vaudeville Managers’ Association will be In complete control of the whole Wearern country and will bo abl# to rente acts for several yean’ work at tbo one time.

General Manager Charles *. Bray will rotnrn from hit trip early In the month, when It la axpected more definite plana of tha new booking arrangements and elrcnlta will be announesd. ▼le. Hugo of tha Hugo Brothers, la planning

to send s big earnlvsl company to Anstrnlln to follow bis Greater Amsrican MlnstreU which leave the States for an extended tour of the Orient next month. Tbe ntnatrel nggrogatrai la at preoeat under rebeannln at Cadar Bapds.

14 X e Billboard APRIL 6. 1912.

Ohio Moving Picture Exhibitors’ Convention Sixth Meeting of Ohio Lea4ue Attended by Large Delegations from Cincinnati, Cleveland and Colum¬

bus—Other States Send Representatives—Toledo Secures Next State Convention, to be Held July 16-17—Film Manufacturers and Exchange Men

Attend—Newspaper Publisher Meets Tragic Death


Th» iilxtb cnort-Dtlon of tb«* Motion ttibililtur^' I.oai[iie of Ohio held In Usyton, O., Uarcb I**; JT, wm ■ iu uiort* lb;iu •IM* (.'biiriK-lorlia'iic of its proKri ks as au or IcanUatiuB that bids fair to Itooonio a |h>wi r uol la bo llxbllf oonaidornl, murp than double Mip BUBib~r uf any foruier Katboriiix of its k'iud attpDded. Not OLly < xbibilum airp.idt allilUlptI with tbe urxanlration and those iutendiiix to >>lu the leaxue Mere there, but inanutaciurers. exebanffp uanaRpra and trsdiauien who aell to exhibitors turned out In fHally nuiuixrs. aud by their preaeuce xa»e utteraur<p to their ap- preclstlun uf tbe liaxue's healthy xrowth. Clu- rluuall, i'lexeiand aud Columbus were repre¬ sented by larse delesatlona. Other cities in tbe slate bad repri-Sentatlves and a few eatne froai more diataut points. New York, Tenn- sylTSDls, lllluola, ludUna, Kentucky, West \ Irxluia and other states sent delecstes. Every incoiuluc train on tbe first day brouxbt in uenibera of tbe leaxue. Itsyton, considered the fastest xriiwIiHC city In tbe state, was uu- asually active aud presented a metrojiolitan aptxarance <ao far as crowded streets are con¬ cerned I dorlnx the convention. The la'sest delegation was from Cincinnati, which arr'veil on a api-clal car at lU:.Vi a. m. on tbe first day, accompanied by Mayer's Military Hand •f twenty five members. Every member of tbe delegation sarried a pennant liearlng the words "dnelnuatl I^kwi No. 2.' Itie eutbuslamn uf tbe Queen City members was taken up by the large uumlier of meoib'rs already asxemlibd in ■ tattoo wh-n the t-ain polleil into tbe depot. ITesMent bf. A. Neff welcomed the Cincinnati ruii 1..,;. ut with a short address, after which iiMivIng picturi s of the crowd wire taken iiy Rsloh Kidnor Ksrle of the I’sthe Company sml A. Blebe. operator for tbe bales Company Anl- Biatetl Weekly. Exhibitors and tbeir frieudt tb n moved to the .Viidltonutn Theatre, wb re registration and tbe p'ellnilnaries. Incident to all euiiveuiions. were exi*cute<l. Mr. Neff addressed tbe exbibitora at the .\iKlitorimu and said: "We ere not boldlnx what you would cs'I an executive session. This meeting waa called to tell you alsiut the program and also to sp t«dnt a few committees. The Motion Picture’ Is-sgue Isn't understissi in a gen¬ eral way by tb- public—we have iwople who. It seems, do not understand, or do not care to understand our motives. We are organlsi-d for tbe purpose of uplifting the business snd elltiinatlng tbiaie unsstisfactory cooilltious which crept into tbe business in an earlier day. The people now engaged In the motion picture exhihitbin ItislDesa are businessmen, llionsands, .vea. nvil Ions of dollars have l>een Invi sied In this businesa. run by hiiainesa men. We are trying to uplift tbe Induat-y. We are trying to bring It prominently before tbe people that they may see what we now see. Of course, there are many people in America who claim to be educators—many educators will claim that they know bew this It done and that, and at the same time, they haven't evn dreamed of the poaalbilitlea of cinematography. It is way lieyond them and yet they will come to It after a while.

"When you repre8*-nt a business that la edu¬ cating the world—wb<*n you represent a business that makes It possible f«ir a man studying sur¬ gery to graduate in a year where heretofore It tisik him four or five years, you can n-adii.v understand what cinematography moans. We are bringing tbe public blsto-lcal piclurca—we are not cnly e<lncatlng th‘ m. hut we are amusing them. Cinematography cannot lie. It tells you the truth every time. If the picture Is a fake It tells you. If It Is r<nl .vou know it. The practical Iisiking at pictures will le I YOU quickly wlH'ther It is taken In a lavom like this or whether If is naluril scenery. 1 do not care to discuss this su'ijs'ct at length is>w. but 1 want to say this; The .Motion Plc-

tu-e Exhibitors’ League is organized for g«s>d and we want the aupimrt of every organiza l.ou Ihrougisiul the country. We want them to co-oiiorale with ua In order that we may uplift tile III sill ss and place II on so high a plane that

DO one can harm the bualuesa generally with uu> Jual rliiicule u. We are In lUia buam. ss as business men and as an evidence that we mean bualneaa. all you have to do it to look «!• I.. il y isi lislay."

Following tbia addreas other general business waa dlsi'usaid and committees on colors, legisla tion and a committee to secure new memlier- sU.p Wire aiHHduti d. after wbicb tbe meeting was adiourmd for the nio nlng. Many of the dell gates repaired to their hotels for lum-b. or tisik II nome of tbe moat iateresting sights of tbe city.

In the afternoon the ladtea were entertained hy trolley rides and tbe moat Interesting scenes in Dayton were vialted. About 1:3U p. m. ex- UilOiU.a iHgan to aaai mble at the Auditorium Thiatre and at tbe Uovemment Building, from which tbe parade was to start. Tbe city was drcBS<-d in festive colors; flags, bunting, pennants and signs of welcome adornid almost eve-y liui ding. After the usual difllculty in forming tbe parade bad been overcome, the exhihilura. alsiiit six hundred strung, marched from tbe |s>st office to the Auditorium, and as column after odumn paam-d. the likeness of alx bun- d'lsl men. each of whom carried a banner sym¬ bolical of tbe organization they represented, was regiatereil In tlie narrow atritis of celliibdd dim in tbe cameras of tbe Patbe and Sales t'oiiiliany o|H>ralors. Heading tbe pmceaalon. flfty or more gaily decorated automobiles In which the ladies were seated passed tbe crowded sidewalks to tbe accompanying of pMlmiged cheers. After tbe picture bad been taken, a abort waa taken Ix-fore tbe delegates re- palrisl to the National Cash Register |>lant. wlwre the flrsf real event of the convention began. At the N. C. R. Hall tbe exbibitora were again pbotogTa|>hed by newspaper rejire- aentativea and the two moving picture flrnis. Il ml.’ll! be well to state here that tbe moving pictures of thli convention will be shown in I’albe Weekly No. 15. which will be released Monday, April 8, and in tbe Animated Weekly to be released hy the Salia Company. Intide tbe Convention Hall. Mayor Phillips of Dayton read a tpeet'h of welcome to which Pr»*sldent Neff reaiMindi d in a few well cboii<>n wonls. Mr. D*-e<la. general manager of the N. O. R. Co., addresaeil the convention and spoke of the won¬ derful work being accomplished at a result of Ciiieiiiatography. He isilnted out the use of moving pictures as an educational factor, and stated that bis company employed moving pic¬ tures to Instruct workmen and salesmen. Klne- macolor pictures of the N. C. R. plant were shown, folbiwing which a tour of Inspection Ihrougb the factory was made. During the meeting at tbe Convention Hall Pn'sldent Neff read the following telegrams:

Cincinnati, 0.. March M. A. N«ff.

Dayton. O. 1 regret moee than I shall undertake to ex¬

press. my inahilit.v to be in Itayton today. 1 have lie* n unavoidably detainisl here. I aincerely wish you a successful and enjoyable convention

J. R. »X>R.VKKR.

Washington, D. C., March 26. M. M. A. Neff, Dayton. Ohio.

I find at the last moment that it Is ImiMvs- slble for me to leave here. The child lalsir huri'an bill, one of the most Important p'eces of legislation In recent years is aPt to ■ onie out >f the committee on the fl<sir of the bouse at any t'me, and it would be a plain neglect of duty If I were to leave here. It la a great lisapiMilntmcnt not to be In Dayton and add ny part In extending the welcome of our city.

Tlie high function of the moving picture men has Jual Ix-gun to be realized. I have observed lieir enterprise here within tbe last few luoutlia,

and the part you are play'ng In giving to every Community governmental and patriotic scenes at tbe capllal Is IsmmI to be recognized b.v tbe pulillc generally, because It cannot but Inspire a grea er love of ounlry and our Instliiillons. It la a wholesome evolutktn uf the day. snd you are entitled to every enconrazemeni and co¬ operation. The tendency toward tbo«e human act V lb s w' tch create bet er standards of life la commendable.

JAS. M. COX. M. r. The Motion Picture Exhibitors' League Con¬

vention waa the first to be held in the neW hall by any organization except the N. C. R- The new I'all will be used hr he company for giving lecture*, etc., to employeet.

After the trip tbrungb the N. C. R. plant, the delegates returned to their hotels. In tlie evening moving pictures were aliown at the hall, and a descr'ptlre lecture waa given by Mias Russell of the Eaaanay Company. Mlaa Russell's le tnre waa particularly Interes'lng as she la well known to exhibitors—or at least her picture it. She told of her experirncea In a must charming and entertaining manner.

NEWSPAPER MAN LOSES LIFE. While attending the af ernoon aess'on. March

26. J. P. Chalmers, editor and publisher of the Moving Picture World, auatilneil injnriea which resulted in bis death. In the rear of the Oin- Tcntion Hall stage are ;wo d<sira which open into the freight lift, and tbe general 'mpreaalon of the distressing accident la that Mr. Chalm¬ ers mistook the doors for another entrance to the lull. When he stepped forward, be did Dot look ahead, and fell to the bottom of the ■haft, a distance of eighteen feet. He waa taken to tbe Miami Valley Hospital and d'ed the following day at 6.30 a. m. As soon as bis Identity had been established, long distant rslla were made to relatives In New York. John Wylie, a relative, waa reached, and started to Dayton the following morning. He ar¬ rived Tliuraday morning, and Uxik the body to New York for Interment.

Mr. Chalmers waa very popular with the ex¬ hibitors. and bis tragic death aat a shadow over the Convention. Tiie question of adjourning the convention waa raised, and James 8. Mc- Qnade. an associate of Mr. Chalmera. Immediate¬ ly stated that, knowing the Injured man a* he did. be knew that It would be very much against Ills wishes to do do. Resolutions of regret and condolence were adopted at the Wednesday tes- slon. and many floral triliutea were sent tbe following day.


The Wednesday session began at 10.30 a. m. and adjourned at 4.L5 p. m. Tlie deIII>erattona and dtsciisslona brought up several questions which required threshing out and wh'le there «ere several heated arguments, the session waa wltlioiit any untoward occurrence. Toledo ee- ciin'd the nex' •onventlon, withnnt any oppo- sltb n. The dates of the next meeting of tbe Olilo State Exhibitors are July 16 and 17.

Reaolutlona on the death of Mr. Chalmers were adopted, and memliera where awom in. A Charter waa granted to Kentucky, and Mis¬ souri and Waah'ngton, D. C. made application f r nieiiiheralilp. .kbout sixty new members were taken In. Ways and means for placing an organizer in the field were adopted, and here¬ after a man will be put on the road whoae dutv it will be to Interea; exhibitors In the league.

H. Lux, vice-president of New York, was absi-iit. ami as tills was h's si-cond offence In tills res|Hrt, Ills office was declare*! vacant.

The constltutkin of the M. P. E. I-etgne reads In effect " bat any office lie mea vacant If the person filling such office falls to ailrnd twe uiceilnga wlth<iul giving sufficient excuse for alswiice. It alll lie neceaaar.v the New Toek State league to act In filling be poaitton aa vice-president.

Considerable regret waa expreaned at tbe realgnatlon of Max Steam aa slate Ireianrer of Oulu. .Mr, Sicarii alaleil otuer bnalneaa liiieroat preventi d blni giving the proper tl- tenMon to the manifold duties of treasurer, and begged of tbe coovention to accept h a resigns tion. O. li. Weaver of Dayton waa appointed to Buc eed btm. Kecommendationa were made is-gardlng :he necessity for Improving the stand ard of Qlma. and rrwilutious were pass, d urging niauufacturera to give exhibitors mere edura ItoDal Mibjecla. Otlier roittera were diamaaed. and wliea the meeting adjourned the nem(>en> ■wnn|)ed down upon the hotrla, rea anranta, loncb stands and other eating estahllahments. ■ome of them avowing they were nearly starved.


Adjoining tbe cooventbrn ball, exhibition rooms were literally packed and Jammed wt:k ezblb'ts of various film maniifactnrera. ex eliangea, and firms selling all lines of articles naed by moving picture exhibitors. The fol¬ lowing moving picture machine ompinlea were represented; NIcbolai Powi, New York; Than. A. tdison. Umuge. N. J.; Pn-rlahm Mach'ne Co.. New York; Enterprise Optical Mfg. Oo., Chicago, and the American Moving Picture Ma¬ chine Co.. New Y<'rk. Late models of projec¬ tion machines were shown, and considerable la- terezt on the part of exhibitor* was manlfeated In these exhibit*.

In •DOther room exhibit* were abown. and dem onatratlona made by tbe follomlng concerns: Tb* Rudolph Wurlltzer Co.; Cincinnati Buckeye Kllia Exchange Co.; Wm. Hall Ele<-tric Co.. Dayton; Ezbibitort' Advertising Co., Chicago; Floyd M Brockell, dealer In ■rceaaorlea, ClDclonatl; Eenitb Mfg. Co., Cincinnati; Tbe I'nited State* Oiemlcal Co., Creenvllle, Ohio: Vonnegiit Hardware Co., ludlanaiKilla; C. (iuyton KIe<-trlc Co., Dayton; Victor Film Service. Cleveland: Photoplay Adver tiaing A Siierlalty Co., Cleveland. Pittsburgh and Itetrolt; Sterling Economizer Co., Warren. Ohio; Leedy Manufacturing Co.. lndiana|M>lia; Electric Theatre Advertising Co.. Dayton; Ruckeye Lake- shore Film Co., Columbus. O.; Recber Slide Co., Dayton: Newman Electric I*au>p Co., ClDcinnatl; Champion. Eclair. Imp. Nestor, powers and Ea ■■nay Film Companies, and tbe A. H. Amlrewa Co.. Chicago, manufacturera of theatre chairs. This latter concern bad a larger exhibit of chair* ■ t the .Mgonqnln. Hotel, the principal headquar¬ ter* of the conveutton.

WEDNESDAY EVENING SESSION. All bualne** having been dla|s>s<il of. tbe dele- fate*. their wive* and friend* on Wednesday evea-

Dg dunned festive attire and visited tbe ban quet ball at The N. C. R. Company, were a aumptuoua dinner was served. While tbe ladle* bad on tbe previous day found enjoyment la trolley rides, attendance at the theatres, etc., tbe banquet was the real pleasurable feature of tbe convention, and after two days of strenuous work, the delegates thoroughly enjoyed the regal feast Oratory ran riot at the banquet, tbe principal speaker of tbe evening being John J. licnts. Coua- ael for the Ohio State l-eague. Among many otb’-r Interesting thing*. Mr. l-enta said: "A moving picture apiiaratua aboiild be Installed In every school In tbe land. If anch a iKtllry la adntited. the future children of ten year* will be wl*»’r

than the nreaent young man or woman of taenty." He declart-d that the doctor, the lawyer, the ar chlteet, the artist and tb« Journalist wmild a»>oB

(Continued on page 62.)


e B 15

“VISUALIZED NEWSPAPER"^ NEW TOWNSEND BILL Is Appropriate Term Given Film of Current Events, by Frank Winch, ^ Proposes Large Fines for Production and Exhibition of Undramatized

Who Has Been Appointed General Manager of the Works — Other Lines of Amusement Business Than

Sales Company s Animated Weekly Moving Pictures will be Affected if Bill Passes

11, Company'* ‘‘Animated Wa^kt/.” I

ttir wifkly r»“l<*aM* of that rompany abowink rurn nt fvi tita the world o\pr, la to b« In cbartfa ' af a aitfolal niaiiattor. Tli»* Him baa b«--n Iha S.ili « Coiii|iaiit ■* blKK'-at feature alnce Ita llrat relraae on .Marrh |;< and Ita aale baa been *o atup< ndoii* a* to warrant the eni{attein">it i f a Bian to lake fliarite of aei-iirinit the malerlil n- tlue Mt". Crank WInoh, who I* well kOown in the aniiiaenient Held tbronitb hla eonneotloa with the IlufTalo Kill and I'awnee Kill Wild W>«t Show ami the Miinofad Film Cuniitany, i haa been aeleeied to flll the place. Mr. Wlncb waa eniratted eaily In the past w<ek and Joined the rrnip of manufaclurera who attendeil the ^ liayton KLI Convention of the Ubio Exblbltora' Uaitue.

The We»-klF baa heretofore been nnder the manaireuienl of J. E. Brulatour but the aecurinit of aiillable event* to make up the film each week bet ante ao extensive a duly that the en- xaftenient of a ai>eclal manatter wa* luiiieratlve. All exrliaoire men, exiilbitora anil maoiifaetur- era have been put on ibe baikoiit for suitable event* to pbotoaraph and enibisly In the Ani- matetl Wei kiv and they will keep In touch with Mr. Wlm h at the Sale* Compan.v** uOce on l-ltb Street. New York City, at all time.

_ Mr. Winch baa cbaracterlzeil the weekly “A i yiauallietl Newspaper.'* That alone I* a coup. The teini la apro|Hi*; furtlieriiiore It la new. t Mr. Winch ha* a remarkable facility for coin 1- Init adtllth na to the termlnolofy of any bualnesa ! In which he la engaged. I

Washington, March 27 (.Special to The Bill

board).—S Ipulated penaltle* for moving pic¬

ture O[»erator*, singers, newspapers and others

who unconsciously or unknowingly violate copy¬ right laws are provided In a bill which Rejire- sentative Edward W. Townsend of .New jer¬ sey introiiuced in the IIiiu>e yesterday. The bill waa referred to the Committee on I’a'ent*.

Under the Town>end bill It will cost a news- pai>er not more than I'JiKl and not less than i.Vi to reprodu e a copyrighted photograph wlth-


Washington. March '.’7 (Special to The BIU- btwrdl.—.Moving plctiirea of the nillavllle (Va.) iragtsly. when a Judge. prosecuting attorney and aherlff were allot down In the court room hy the .Vilen gang, will not be abown In Washington. The district commissioners toilay p.^lve<l from 1 C Kosi.-r of tlie I'ensii* bi'r.-in • let er asking that the pi tures be prohibited In the district. lie waa mriirmed that the romtnla>ioners are In sympathy with bis re- qnrat and that a permit fur the display of the plr'ures here will not be iasned. Commissioner Rudolph said today that no oflirtal act'on has been taken, bnt tbit the commlsslonera are nganlmoiis In the opinion that the pictures should he prohibited.


.New York. March 2S (Special to The Bill boardl.—News ciuuca from the oOces of Tlic Raising the Maine Film Co., on Viih Street, that J. P. Read bsa a Id the territorial rights cn the two-reel featiirt- dim. The Mrstery of ihn Milne, for Englaml, Belgium, Frince and Ana- trla. Mr. Re«sl ha* been In Europe for »eT- eral week*, endeavoring to *ell the rights on the picture which he so successfully marketed In America, and white on the trip bat visited many Him center* In the leirch for other feature* <o hrlng hack to the Cnlled State*. lie It al*<’ securing tome scenic plctnres while abroad and | •everal dav* ago left Parla for the Northern part of Africa, accompanied by a camera man. | a etmer* and an antomoblle. |


Only a few days and Mace Oreenleaf parsed, i Hr had Just accepteil a valuable engagement i with the I.iibln Film Company. Ilaudeonie and well-proportioned he wa* looked upon a* a type fur nextern (Ireclan (5ot1« and the director* cl«m- ored f<ir bt* »ervlce. He worked In one picture, which will »o<in be *een all over the country. It . wa* a merry drama and (Ireenleaf wa* the hero. Then he took odd and In a few day* typhoijl potumonla develof>ed. Tlie goml Slater* of St Agne* tried to hare hi* life bnt the rail came and In a few hone* he wa* dead. A factory of nv. people are aorry.



Madame Roland, or An Incident of the French Revolution. Is the title of an extremely tnten*<- and Intereating historic drama enacted by the Clue* CofniMny and to be released April Id by George Klelne The acenet deplctol are pic¬ turesque. The Interior* and costnmlng are cor¬ rectly carrb d out according to the period In which the *cr|on take* place. Madame Roland, a woman of gr* at |ier*on*| charm, wa* one of the must pitiable vie Im* of that terrible np rising, the F’-ench Revolution. She la (lr»t aeon •comfnlly rejecting the attention* of Vlard. an nnsa-riipiilon* suitor. Vowing vengeance, he bring* cbargi-* of RoyalNt fendcncbi against hep and her hn«b«nd. The latter managiui b' make hi* escape, hut she I* arrested and taken before the Re< olntlenarT Tribunal. There, the undaunted woman defend* herself In inch a man ner that an *<*111111*1 la granl<>d. But Vlard •neeeed* in haitnc her arresti-d again upon a new rharge. Thi* time the fa'e* are again*! ber. and ahe 1* th'-onn Into prl**>n. From there •he I* taken <*n the •'fatal cart" to the guil¬ lotine. Siirroundcul by an angry moh of Revidn tionisfa. abe atepa np to the guillotine and m* ■ Jeatically bowing to the Statue of Liberty, cries

out the words that have since be<rome famous. "Ob, Liberty, what crimes are committed In thy name.”


New York, March 30 (Special to The Bill¬ board).—One of thf largest veniuret yet under¬ taken with the KInemacolor Coronation and Dur¬ bar picture* is DOW under consbieratlon by the KInemacolor Company In conjunctlun with W. J. Poib. lessee of Madiaun Square Garden. Mr.


New York. April 1 tSiiecla] to The BlIlboar<D. : —A aoiuewbat sweeping i-liange In the acting ' staff of the Reliauce Cuui|iaay. (xrcurred to-day when several of the old mi-uibera of tlie stuck company retired, including the director, and *1 verul new one* to k their place*. Janie* Kirk- ■ wood, the former director, has resigned to take an extended vacation and bis pla<te will be filled by Hal Reid, former director for the Vitagrapb Company and Dote<l author and play- , wrlght.

Henry Walthall will also leave the Reliance Company. He came frcim the ranks of the |

I Patbe player* when be Joined the Reliance staff | several months ago and will return to Patbe. i

Design of Certlficat* of Membership adopted for use by Exhibitors.

Potb 1* awaiting the outcome of the eihlbltinn of the Durbar pictures at the Garden Theatre j and if reaulls there are aufflciently aailsfac- j lory to warrant he will turn the Garden pro|»er into a sort of Indian open-air amusement resort. Installing devlc«-a an<l dec"ratlon« of an Oilenta, nature fur background and running the Durbar plcltirea a* the main attraction.

Several year* ago Mr. Poth put on a aluillar enterprise featuring I'tia* and bis band a* th*' central attraction. The new scheme include* mu*ic of some aort and po**ibly some side at¬ traction*. I'he unprecedented siicces* of the KInemacolor picture* at O'her bouse* almost a* sure* the necesearv aucci*sw at the Garden The¬ atre and If nothing In the way of cwnfllctlng <latei Intervene* the new venture In the Garib’n pn>per will prohsbly he maile.


.V. Warner, furmerlv of the Plttshnrg Photo play Co., an Indeix-ndent exchange, ha* given np the exchange buaiiiea* and ee’ablt»h<>d hlni*e!f Id the 4Sth Stn-et Exchange Building. New York City, nnder the firm title of Warner's Feature*. He I* marketing several featnn's at the present time and has contract* for o’her*. He 1* gid'ig In f T the moderafe-prlcetl feature, and making restricted sales, thereby guaranHH* Ing territorial right*.

Miss Jane Fiarnley, one of the Reliance leading wi'men. will also leave the <^>mpany. Miss Ger- trutle Robinson, James C'>oley and Tony O'Sul¬ livan, who are all familiar to moving picture audiences through the metliiim of Reliance films, will remain with the company.


The sccs'ml of the Dante flimt, or tn other words the film productions of the stories told by the great p-s-t In h.a works. I* wx-n to be a topic of everyday conversation among exhibitor* and the public mucb in tbe same manner that the Interest In Dante'* Inferno, the first of the sertee. seized the public from coast to coast. The feature Is call.-d Paradise. alth"Ugb It* «<vnp* i-mbrace Puigator.v and Paradise. The film la In four reel*. It la Ix-lng marketotl by the Superb r Feature E'lm Co. of 32 Union sijuare. New York City, a romparallyely new fs'ncern which formerly pnr< ha»ed the New York .‘ttate an.l citv right* on Dante s Inferno and 1* now exhibiting the films In many sections of the state.

The coniu'rfl I* composed of D. KelxerstPin. president; N. Drapklu. treasurer, and E. Rosen berg. It ha* prepared hamlsome and extensive paper for the feature, conslatlng of one, three, eight and twenty-four sheet Il hogrsph* of dlf ferent designs as well as booklets ind pboto-

ont permlssUm. moving picture exhibitor who unknowingly present* any part of mi un dramatized work may pay from $.">0 to yi.firto. A maker of motion pictures wIhi <listribntes such films may be compelled to pay from fJ-'iO to $.'■>.laa) fur hla error. Reproductions. <>( dni mat‘r or miisit-sl prixlnction* In violation of copyright are lienalinxi a: $100 for the first performance and S-'ai for esch succeeding per formance. Delivery of leetiires. sermon-., speeches, e'c.. vlolat'ng tbe law will <;o«t $.■><1 for each offence.

graphs. The b<x)k!et8 are for distribution In theatres dnring and in ailvance of the filuia' e\ blbitiOD and the photographs are for lobby dis¬ plays.

Due to the subject of the production the film, promises to be one of tbe real features In tbe film business. After baring been treateil to visions of bell the public will no doubt display uiucli Interest in scenes from heaven and even with no knowleilge of tbe Inferno the average theatre. goer as well as the casual one will Ixt sure t» find Interest in a siihjeet so absorbing and yer so fantastical aa Paradise.


The typically New York setting seen In the coming Imp release of April 22, will be one of the features for that week unless some firm does some strenuous bustling In this same or another line. The film. A Millionaire For .\ Day. porfraya the one-d*y millionaire life of s “newly-rlch.” which otN'ura In New York. John R. Cumpson plays the part tif the millionaire. Hia style of comedy Is familiar to every photo play en busisst ag well as tbe casual show goer and a real live prorluctlon Is expected.


Chicago, March .30 (Special to The Blllboar D. —Eric Morlson, secretary and treasurer < t the American Moving Picture Machine Co. of New York, was In attendance last week at the De.'- ton meeting of tbe Moving Picture Exnlbltvrs of Ohio, and came on to Chicago to oe pn-tt-nt at the ennferenre of the motion picture Interests at the Hotel Sherman. Hla automatic moving picture machine. The Standard, was gigntilly honored b.v being employed for the projection of all of the film exhibited at the meeting.


New York. March 2T Mtoix-tal to The Bill¬ board).—Moving picture machini^ that can be safely operateil by children In their homes are the iatest Illustration of the Inventive genlua of Thomaa A. Edison. The flrei)r<X)f films used In the new macbiiies are one of Its chief merits, repreaentaflves of Mr. Edison asid tcxlav after a demonstration of tbe apparatus In tbe Astor House.

llte new machine Is considerably smaller than those nsed In the moving picture show*. The parb r apparatus weight 20 pounds, is IS inches In length, lovt Inches In height and 6 Inches

. wide. Mr. Edison has been working two years on the Invention. The cost of perfecting It waa said to be S500.000.


The latest news from the offices of the Photo ' Drama Ci'mpany of New York I* that Joseph

Hopp. proprietor of the Stsndsrd Film Exchsnge I of Chicago, and a1«o a Feature Film Exchange. I has secured the Western sgency for the three- I reel pro<lnctlon of the George II. Adams rinmpty

Dninpty. Mr. Hopp purchased for himself aev era! sta es ami ia handling Imiuirles for all the sfares In the district. A telegram from Frank Dlnkf-haus of Waterhnry. Conn., speaks opt! mlsllcally about the film.


.\ rescue 'n the water, far beneath the stir face. Is one of the startling realistic effects In the Mysterle of^Souls. the three reel snh lect to he distrllwifed by the Great Northern Sp<»clal Feature Film Co. *<Hin. The heroine Is plnngesl Into the water from a sinking boat and. a* «lie cannot swim. sink*. She Is seen go'nc ib'wn In the green water to arise and then sink again, for the last time. Death seems certain

(Contlnutxl on page 58.)

^ ' 41 . ■ . .. .'.e ■' -‘Cx-

J*.E.LConventtoi\'D«yton 0. M&r 25-27.

and friends at the convention held in DAYTON, O., MARCH 26-27.

Trie Blllboara APRIL •. 1111.

Songs Publishers Are Boosting •'ord* hy

Mort HysMB Matcia

Au'Tlevoir MttAir

Terry Sbera4 “My Brown Eyed Baly EJpy.”

W«r4« ^ HmuW SlAfiley Ilwrpky Hcaryl Marctifti

^ ^ ^ I p ^ ^

•r«A« kic. Vrewa •««4 ^O Wv.AMfMdaa hlM teartviU


Ji’ at. ~t? :==z^=.E^gl

Copyright Copy.

The Gaby Glide.

lewy««. 4«*4 I 4a. Hy kraviryM Wf

^vMItlidr—Cliat. K. Narrit, C«lii«Ma Tli«atr« Blaf.. M. Y. C.

UfaMtH***** ■ ica*«i*( aMaMiaai i—i—»>t>>»♦««

iM*! Caarr^a* !•••*«#

PaMlihe—Chas. K. Harrii, Calunkia Tkiatrt Blki., N V C.

That Mello-Cello Melody.

Worda a IlMte «y


^ Knock V^xxl. ^.... ^ AiUn«&!i(erbiic Harry Vor Tiint

-r~ * -iS jgjgs^EF.a

Paklliktra—Jaa. W ttara 4 Ca.. IM-IM W. tSth at. a. V. 0.

Wkan orderinc pfoImmomI copaea,

sap po« MW it in Tbs B&ibosrd. PaMIAara—Alaxaake Maila Ca., Ilk Hawtaa Clairkaal aalMlaa.

laklaaaaalli. lak.

APRIL 6, 1912. X li e Billboard


Forecast of Amusement Resorts in the Worlds Metropolis, and a New Play by Maurice Donnay at Theatre Francaise—Femina Has

Discussion of the Individual Places of Amusement where Lon- Premier—Original Farces ^are Produced at Comcdie

doners Find Recreation During the Heated Term Royal - General Amusement Notes

It it, iiat i#f a puule to Rpetk of f r n wtiy of Hide Hhows aail aiiiiiH«'iiieiitN' hi thit c'ountry. lo tlip rn^nt dcviret, in anotht-r it la pi^ible t<> dia

place ran ly have any aumiiier; and In cover the UKiSt res ful retreats and beauty of the second place %^e practically never have any aurroondlnKs that could be desired. I outdiH^ sniiiaeiii»n a. 1 am not referrlnif, of ^njiiirjor attractions this year cer- I r-urse to the staple Kniclish games of cricket talnly are going be tip-top. One unhiue and lawn teniiU; for these there •re slwi>s atunt will be the FlylOf; Comets, produced any- ■ hundreds of thousan«ls of devotes. I •P**** where for the first time. Over $40,000 has been .•f amu»w inenti in the* way that the term would exi>eud<d In its erection. The Comet la 4<><' b»* u idersto*Nl in any town or city in the Lnlted feet in leng h, but owing to the peculiar naiur gtates which |K>fse«a<*d a park of ita own. In j of working |Miss«ngers will travel on a ihlK respect Kngland lags behind in the most i journey of over 1 tsK) feet. All the sensations hopeless fsshlon. Taking the ^untry as s of filght are experienced and etch passeng* r whole the number of places which could fairly travels in a separate luxuriously-fitted car which i he said to partake of the nature of a fun city hangs suspended fri»m one of a long aeries of or an amusement P*rk could be counted on the cantilever arms, these in their turn being fingers of one band. I worked by delicately moulded and Intricate me

Nor la U easy lo account for thla lack of en chanlsm. The passenger is lifted up In huge it-rprise. 1 dun*t think any couitry in the world, arms and In mid-air finds himself b.inde4l to pro|M>rtion to lni^>me, spends so much per head another serhw of giant arms and again circb a on amusements during the year as Great Hri- forward on his aerial Journey, tain. But, despite this, no ^ncerted effoH I Then again the amazing adventures of Jules ever yet has iwen made in the direction of cat Verne are portrayed In the a:traction known as fflng f(ir the iiia*»a4*a during the summ^ months Xhe Earth's Center. Thla ab<»w' gives some It may be that It Is thought t^t the climate <^f what m'{ftt be experienced were a it too unreliable, but even this argument la j<,unp*y to the center of the ♦•arth possible. The iDsufflclent In itself. Then It is said that the adventure star’s by entering a lift which de- Anglo Saxon baa nor enough of what the French tcenda into the bow’ela of the earth. Then fol- call “abandon** in bis dis|K>aition as to ^ able lows a tour through mysterious subterranean to figget himself and enter wh*dehearte<lly into rivers and paBsag»*s. the boats propelled bv In mope or less boisterous enjoj*uient In the pr»*s- risible power* through a yglan realms and enci* of bis fellows. But to those who have no thp>ugh regions of minerals where c<nl, salt, tired the rlwnge which has <N|me over the clmr and finally gold are revealed. Then on acter of the populatl* n during the last few |j, (^ken amid quaking earth and belch y«*ars and haw a!s«» seen the continued success Tolcanoea wherefrom the fiery lava spouts of White City in I»ndon during the last four m lum axis of the earth is reached years even this argument will not hold water, ^ * glimpse of Aladdin's Cave in the dls

In all pr hiiblllty the real fact la that the Eng tance. liahman. outside ls>ndon. has no concepthm of bow be could enjuy hi* leisure in the siimm*'i' Qiuothi*'-apart from the old h er«*ot> {»eil f(*rius

Then there is a new type of awing which ffnrds to riders the combined sensation of th

thut rxlKt, in Ih.. •v.T«ic.‘ -tiiall K iitlUn town of about 40.000 will roallv- readily the amount ne th. '.ht of money to be made by the Inatliutlon of new “thill. M - - 0 .k.a A MSAav>.Aa«aM im mIamaa Ssme to trsvci for^rsrd and race, thus thos* f.«na of outdoor amnaementa In theae placea. ... h.„h».t .bh in Sl^e t^d7rwb;n Throw faahionlli !»/home ‘ with Ita tlKira. Ita elephanta and ita clown, died i •rTiT\ng homf Drat. a natural death, nothluft In the ahai>e of an I The Glacier Slide alao looka like belnit an outdoor ahow baa come near theae people. In other money maker. This la a (treat anow and- the summer, aa In the winter, they hare their nhointaln. ami. by meant of apiclal aubatan local miialc hall, and, alnce the last few years. <•»». the effect of a real Ice track Is aeenred. their moTln* picture theatre. When they hare Visitors are given their tiny sleighs on enterinc ae. n these they have seen all. Thla la the gnd after reaching the summit of the moiintal i state of affairs that prevails pructlcallv al by means of a continuous moving stairway over England. their seats on these sleighs. T-pon !’■

Some years ago I wrote In these columns on signal from the star er. they are pushed auto the opporlunlth-a that lav before enterprising matlcallv with their sleighs from the summit American showmen In thla country and since ahff glide down at •■normmis speeds to the win then there have N-en several spasmo<llc at- ning poet ta’Iow. Tlie slide will he some r><» tempts made to Introduce the American park f'^l In length and will repro<lnoe quite faithfully here But only one of them—the Pleasure Beach fbo sensation of the winter sports of Swi *er It Blackpool—can he said to have been a sue land. ceaa. .Nor la I difficult to dlac-m the reason The House of Many Tpnnhlea la also a great for theae failures. In moat cases the attempt attraction here. The castle lts«‘lf Is reached has been made, is they say on this side, •‘to . ver a shakv d awh-litge and almoet Immediately run the ahow on the cheap." It la not much one comra to the Topsy Turvy Room. Here on’- use trying to foist shows that have been an ut walks on the celling wl h the’floo- and furniture ter failure In their own country on the natives overhead. Ttien the Hall of Baffling Boors here. And then again, these promoters have w-h|eti p. v.-r lead one to the apparently obvious mainly filled to grasp the fact that they are destination Is reached but from which one Anal not running a concern In the, I'nlted Stat**!. It Iv reaeh<a the Great Hall. Thenee one slips Is seldom reallre<l that the like, and dislikes into the Great Soup Bowl from which the only of the average Englishman make him aa much means of extraction la a seat In the Giant's of I foreigner lo the ordinary Amerlean as In Spoon. The one ran fake a ride In the Scream the case of a Frenchman or a German—more m er, hive a sh- t at the Bmmder. go ac-oss the In many respects. Conn-quently 1| la ne«'essary Enchant, d Balcony into the Great Chimney llrat of all to carefully get Into touch will Chute Into the Birnxee below. For children this local feelinc and llien to nwpeot It. Nor la H show Is going to he the attraction

Tc keep the memory of Jean Rap:late Po- • quellD (better km-wn aa Moliere) green, the theatre which be founded, the Comedle-Fran- alae, this week atagtxl a new play In wh'ch he

la the hero. It Is called L* Menage de Moliere (Mollere’s Household) and la by Maurice Don- nty.

Taken aa a play the piece carries with It many disappointmen-a. The life of any man la a large order when It comes to portray'ng It on the stage. Yet that. In a way. Is what M. Don¬ nay seta out to do, the resul: being a play rather broken, or episodic, though be conflnea himself, aa the title suggests, to the great ' autbor-ac;or manager’s married life. j

The theme of the play la the unhappiness of Mollere’s existence with his wife. Armande ; Bejart. hla having to work under the moat try¬ ing clrcumstarcea. As most of ua know, the j grea: writer of comedies, high and low, dlgnl- fled and farcical, led something of a dog’s life with the woman he bad < hoaen for wife, she being openly indifferent and equally as openly attached to other men about her, the coxcomb Baron, for example an actor in MoIIere’a com¬ pany. It la true Armande married Moliere, not because the loved him, but In order to play the principal rolea In hla comedies.

The character of Madeleine, Armande’s sister, la introduced In the play and she shows up In sharp contrast to the latter. From the first- even before the marriage of Moliere with .Vr- mande—she shows herself as very sym[iathetlc in the presence of the future husband of her ' slater, and she remained hla sympatbetl j friend to the last. And In thla respect one is reminded of the cbarac er of Charles Dickens, the great Englishman whose memory was so recently celetk-ated. He t«K>. was unhappy w'th the wife «f his choosing, she never fii ;> understanding him, while her sister cnnire- hended bis every mecMl. Madeleine—In il <• ikinnay play, at the Comedle—dies In the Iss

^ act and before drawing her last hreath. ealla her alster Armande to her and tells her to f.»r- get Baron and spend the remainder of her days encouraging, helping and being a tsmipaiiion to the great wr'ter who was her Moliere and hla wife had he>on separated five years at thla time, but a re onclliatlon la -f fected. Tills brings the play to a lose, hut the audience knows Its M<dlere well enough o be saddened by the the ught that he ltv<< hut one short year longer; that when the recon¬ ciliation comes 't Is <k) late to effect, t > any great extent, the man’s life.

These are the things which Ihmnay has put on tl’e stage. 11" has Moliere talking a great deal to himself, brooding; and ’hen too. there U a similarity In the scenes which teats the attention. The first act Is the heat. Jn the second ac. we find Madele'ne and other members of MoIIere’a company of players, at Versailles, and t.hcre. In the (rrounda of the Chateau, she and the others dance the gavotte In a very I charming manner. Am a diversion the dan e comes In nicely, add'ng sauce :o what might otherwise be a<imewhat dry fare, though for many and obvious reasons. Le Menage de Moliere Is. to the serloua-mlnded playgoer, a very In¬ teresting study.

-M. Grand plays Moliere, a role for which he seems particularly well adapted, artls Ically and physically. Mmes. Cerny and Ijeconfe. as Madeleine and Armande. the slaters, are de¬ lightful. Paul Mouney appears for a few- min¬ utes as Corneille. Mile. Roblnne. Mile. Faber. Mile, Dehelly and others. In minor parts, are. of course excellent.


The &>medle-Royale this week put on a new bill composed of three new farces. The ope»- Ing one la Le Jeu du Sacrifice (The Sacrlflc* Game) by J. J. Renaud, and la quite oiever. The second la a scream by Tristan Bernard, one of the funniest men In France. It la called. Lea VIsiteura Noc.ourne (The Night Vlaltora). Two burglars call on a young widow at aer country home, all the servants being absent. Seeing the widow, they pose aa wine aaleamen and force her to drink some of Ihe'r choice “wine.” Of conrae It la heavily doped and abe drops off to sleep. Searching the bouse the robbera And nothing at all worth taking away with them. Very much crestfallen—they bad splurged a little In advance, <canting on a big haul—they take their leave. The next morning, when the aervanta are reinmed and the widow la awake, she asks for the robbers. She says thla Is the first real nittht’s sleep she has bad alnce tier husband died, and If the night visitors cm be found she will pay them a big price for the secret of the dope of ‘be night before.

The third piece la by Sacha Guitry, ao« of Luclen Guitry. lie Is not only the author of the p'ece. hut Ita principal actor. He creates the principal role In all hla comedies and farces. Thla one la ailed Jean III, and is the story of a young bourgeois who has ambitions to go on the stage. There la little plot and there needs he none, for the dlalotrue la interesting enongb to carry the thing through. The first act shows the early aarroundings of the young man: tb« eecond the scenes he took part In behind the In the wings.

.Mme. Charhdte Lyses. (Guitry Jr.’a wife) Ceolle Caron, I.lnda Celll. Gnl’ry. Baron, Ar quilllere and Resse lnterpr?ted their roles well.

A new opera has been tried on the dog at .Nice. It will doubtlessly be mak'ng Its ap¬ pearance In Paris a<sin. The composer, M. I.,arinanjat. Is a young man and thla la hi- first iin)s-rtant work. The Ilhret o la by Michel Csrre. already well kn<>wn in the theatrical writers' world. Critics say the work will scarcely become popular, ne'ther Issik ueir mnale being st.iTtllngly lever.

Gina la the daughter of a poor bookbinder, a'nd lives In a humdrum village on the banka of the I/>lre. A travelling theatrical troupe at- ps at the town and one of the strolling play ers, Leonard, lakes a passing fancy to the (riri and makes love to her. She, already saddened by the prospects of her approaching marriage to Ludovic, an honest village rustic, and the sol¬ emn existence she la destined to lead In the same little burg, listens to Ixsinard’a stories of life on the road and they fascinate her. Purposely he fires her Imagina .Ion, and she decides to accept hla proposal. She will follow him away. Leonard deserts the g'rl. however, and she drowna herself In the river

The r. volvmr mp F^p h*. been installed, at of -od th‘e mountain railway ha

T?e Mesf u VhT; e «'lng In chute. la a spiral railway whl.h An ^ ^71'’"* " «f M>ottt added. Then there If a to this country can hank on making a big. h' I

mulll IV. n*r.r!'f".nA"*.nA"'l.Tn‘’the S pounders. All the old attractions have

r»1win of the Vel.nle f'i- whom he I. ahowtng «e7bTthD"gr-rtTho^^^

an,t .V ___i.n creating a record In the wav of success this sea- Atxi then Jnat one word to the man who brings over here a small aide show of hla own I • «. . Don't he -oo sure that vonra la the biggest Blackpool much the same state of affairs moneymaker that the world has ever seen. And prevails. This town, with the finest natural don’t rxpect to get all votir tranap-'rtatlon advantages and the Ilvest miinlclpalltv of any paid and then to take In 80 per cent of the place In Great B Ifaln. has tbe greatest Influx taking* as well Prohahlv the ahow la worth during the summer months of any resort In It but It la sometimes well worth while to re Great Britain It has a co’Iectlon of magnificent mi-mher 'hat the man who atanda all the racket theatres and music halls—capable In all of aometlmea wants to make a hit on hla own holding 200 n<V» people at a time—and la vlalte.1 account. It mav he had taste on hla part hn( " class of people with an Immense amount of the fact remains ready money to spend. Bnt during the last

ir-’r ."r’'cnr,Znt‘ n^Vra^', 'rr^re Rh^nheM’*' n'‘!lh'outfl* wIM , Ami^ilcan show his accllmrtls.d Itself In a man

^ " aalll^ f^Jemos^ F". u "-hlch Is truly wonderful. P.svpic congre aallv foremost. They are holding what I* I g*,, |, m* t^^a In a hive and In a sens

MblrioB‘"TnA tL»''’riJ7‘**. 'fnnnU^’.'hTnV thi 1 '« "« •'f ‘O'* " <'f Kngland. Here everv

m thla conn A apnaVeTtli von c.n\oV ™n an T'"?rahow Ai"

i~h%"^Jme oT'lir'i'xh’JMt’'^ 1 am th'i 1. a.mpfy o‘f “n^erpil.e ".At lindlTatnlid "thT res*snn" If blifcs moj.^ ' >**»"< ht’f * scaa^e n-sorts In G .Wl

Britain <v»nM An alnwHt fninallv w*ll bnt fhr\

lns<'4'^lhU K.t* .r*! I* crsrklnr onmvnona itskr forcottm for r»*ar< in

seem iHwIdMe to ahlikl. off 7he {^a.Vltllm In I*"- this caso the rxnos.tlon takes the form of a '*”* anraci. Istin Brlt'sh FxhIhMIon which la to demons rat Earl’s Court. London, this year la to b«' the the arts Indnatrlea and life of France. Italy, scene of a Shakespearian exhibition. Vlllag.a Aualn. Portugal, iat'n Am.-rlca a-xt ihe f >r ’he period of the great dramatist will be In Empire I hoop the B-.hlhlion will he aucccas. evl.lcnca everywhere; dramas of the period wlU fnl In thla endeavor and Pave It at that. But be acted In many EMaabethan theatres. Medlcv- ^•Te to alwa.vs one point shout the White (i*- tllsm will prevail everywhere. Mrs. George No ofher enterprise of the kind that I have ever Comwallla Weat la organising thla exhibition •een haa ever eonalled It In aplcndor of produh and she can be relied upon to make It a sue- •J"* •nd beauties of buildings and of gmnnda. i , while In one part one finds all that could he I (Continued on page 4al.l


Maurice Vaucaire and F. de Ctoldelya are I the collaborators xeap^>nslbIe for the Le Coup ] d’Etat, a three-act comedy which had its premiere at the Theatre Fcmlna this week. The story deals with an attempt to place on the throne of France a pretender of rather mysierl- oiis origin.

j In the opening scene, Servlgnac. Prea'dent of j the Cabinet: Brevannes. hla secretary, and Gen¬

eral V.xrlgny, Minister of War. are at Brian, and the (Mnsplrators. headed by the Dnc d’Orce-

' ment. a foolish young man, and the elderly ■ Marquise de Corbreuae. decide to kidnap Servig- I nac, Brevann.-a and the General. In order to

give Charles XI ‘he pretender, an opportunity of making his triumphal entry Into Paris on the following morning. The young Dncheaaa

I d’Orcement and her equally fascinating friend. 1 the Baponne de Salnt-I,eger, are requested to I assist the conspirators, and they Joyfully <on-

sent to do »o. The pretty Dncheaae asks Servlgnac to send

the evening at her v'lla and aa she la secretly In love with the handsome Prime Mlnla’er, the task given her to perform Is not a dlsagreeahle one. that of detaining the statesman until tbs pretender can make hla coup d’etat. The B.xr- onne 1« slniiarly pleased to have anch a task to perf-rm. with Brevannes as her prisoner, f.rr she baa had a Faison with him for some weeks already. T^e General remains, but he In turns falls before the cleverness of the Mar- qniae de Corbreuae, who. to Mm. Is quite the most fascina Ing woman he haa over seen. She plays her part well and Ihe royalists’ canac seems won.

At the last moment, however, the pretender proves a scuindTcl of an adventurer end 'uns off with all the funds which have been placed at his disposal. The RepnMle still s aids In aolte of the nicely U'd and leverly executed plot.

j Mmea. Lerlche. Alice Xory Gaby Marcy. ■ Harly. and Mm, Paul Ardot. R'us«. i. Rlsu.-^.- I and Koval In'erpret the roles. la> Matin

Mid of the piece: "The plot to amnslAg. The first act Is slow

and the thltxl short, bnt the secv>nd Is verv laughable. Fnrthermore the play Is well staged and excellently laterpreted.”


I have already described the Esther produced at the Odeon. by Director Antoine. Tliis week Sarah Bernhardt produced the ’’other’’ Esther, the Racine tragedy, or rather she revived it at her plaviiouse. As on the occasion of the first performance of the piece In IfiSii, before the young Indies of St. Cyr the characters were all Interpreted by glrla and women. Mme. Bernhardt played the role of Assneriis the King of Persia, .and Mme. Yorska was fS’her. Jane Mea appeared aa the ^ew, Mard.^hee. (Modecal) and Jeanne Dorys aa Aman The piece was given only at a matinee.

One of the features of the revival was the Incidental mnslc by Renaldo Hahn. He cou- dneted the orchestra of 60 pieces hlmaelf Th* ple> e will he repeated one more time.

The day after the announcement was made that the South Pole had been dlacovered, a boulevard motion picture house ran tbe follow Ing ad; “The management of the Blank The¬ atre. always tbe first lo present the puhll the pictures of the big events of the w-orld is they happen day by day. la happy to annonnee that the pictures, made by our special operat- r with thla expedition, will be on v'ew tomorrow, at thla theatre.” That’s going some! From the Sonth Pole to Paris In two days! Beats Amerl can enterprise all hollow.

The Cinema de Paris, an Amerlean owned and operated motion picture theat-e. this week offers Mme. Bernhardt In Camille. The film )« ex’raordlnary In every way. and one finds one’s self lonstantly straining one’s ears to hear the great ac res* speak. T^e pictures are realiatle In the extreme.

The Count of Luxembourg operetta will be glren this week at the .Apollo for the first lira*. Frans Lehar will conduct the orchestra aa he has already snperin ended the monnflng of the piece.

The Okahe E.smlly. Owen C’arke and othet* well known f* .American and Engllah andleneea, are on the Alhambra’s hill h'a wt-ek.

The new review at the File* Bergerr la a go> d one.

Kirk Brothers will have one of the strongest vaudeville shows * n -he road the coming teas4>n. Harry R*>blnaon will have charge of the hand. The ahow will op<‘n the latter part of April or the first part of Mav Thev have slgne-l eon tracts which will keep them bnay until S«“pteoi her. The ahow will go to the eoa«f awl stay out all winter, playing In California W. A. FI k will act In the capacity of general agent.

P If

18 Xtie Billt>oar<l APRIL 6, 1912.

Kaleidoscopic Review of Amusement BALTIMORE, MD.

'lUc uiu<*fa hervlilol atlrartion. Ki'lM<ta of Kunii, liaa ri-ai-bial tbia cit> at

liiat auU wab j>r»ooiit«al at tbe Aradwiiy of Miiok'. Tb»' jilay baa Imi-ii aniHtiini'otl Hfveral tbuia uiKl otbir attr.-icliona bad a|>|H-ar<al ib- aload, but it la tlnally ou tbf luoa] laianla. MaiiatctT Tuuia r. Ibau gave a H|H-^ial niatliH*** Krida} afti-naaai for jaaMr (‘blldrcu. liiTitationa »«Tc alM> B«*ut t«i all ortihau aayluuia uikI otbor cbarltaldo liiaMtulioua au that all tbe cbildreD ■uay In- |>r<iu-Dl.

uMaiia^tfr Tliula K. iK-an will bare a a|>rln{( Hoasiiu at the Aeadtany of Mualc. In tbe l>aat there waa (rratal oia-ra and muaieal com- •aly aial lataT vaiub'rllle in' Tofciie, but tlka M>aaoa there will b«- a atork eoiupany. Mr. Ib-an baa aeeureal tbe Metnapolitan I'layera of New Vork. wbo will Ki'e a aerlm of f«rm<T dra- matle aueo-fwea. Itraaiaun Howard’a biatoiic Kbi uaualoab will la* tbe ofa-ninK prudiX'tion. The aeaauu will ntart In tbe Utter part of April.

Arnold Italy waa auniaineed to (fire a special readlna at Ford's (>|a'ra 4Iouse I'rlday after- iMKin Man-b 2:!, but owintt to illness be did not aMwar. It a as aald that Mr. Daly belns in the care of his phytician would be unable to Oil bla enxaiteiiM-nta fur at least two weeks.

I'bilip M. Lydiic. chainnan of tbe eiecutlre •amtoiittee of tbe t'blraKo Orand Opera <'oai- pany, baa riven out a Onanoial statement of the nsult of tbe opera season in this city and be stated that there was a deficit of $^,000. Tbe previous season tl>e losses were Ib.ttOO. 'I'be <smt*any' will present op<Ta next s<‘ason if the ofiera it<sTs wdi sulmiit to the three prnpo- silluns as state<i in last week's letter. Tbe <s><u|Hiny Is satJslIid to |»resent tbe o|>eran If they can ni*-el their ex|s'uses and not for profit.

Saciiu< I F. Nixon, of Nixon and Zitumenuan. has HiiiMsiiK'ed that he will t>eKln to establisb a rbxlii of (siinilar |>rl<s- theatres in Haltlinore, Wasiiiuirion. I'Ittsliurtrb and I*biladeli»hia. One Isuise is ts'W in <«|M ratbiii In Philadelphia and it bis provisl so sufM'essful that he proposes to <^n similar hoiist s in the cities named Plans have Isx-n drawn for the iiroisised m-w theatre ttiat will be erectrd In this clt}‘. The seatlnjr caiiacltj will bi‘ about 2..’'><)0 and tbe l>rlc«H will 1m' tti. 2t> and 30 cents.

Miss Marpierlle iTark api>eared in the lead ln(t role of itaby Mine at the Aislitoriiun TTie atre March is. She was invited to go ti Pbilad< Iphia and aitiH-a' in tbe leading role of The Itluc Itlril fia- I'rlda.v night's p<-rform- ani'e. Miss Clark has is-en selected to play this |«nrt when Tlie Pine Bird was being i»re phTisI fi^r tie- stage, Init she was placed in an other play before she was assigned to Baby .Mln>v The Blue Bird was presented here tls> .aiHlItoriinii Theatre March 2.1.

A Ibanano- of the fndcrworld. which was WTlIteii l>y I'siil .\rmslrong. was inttxsiticed for the tlrst time last S«pt«niil>er at the Mar>'Iand Tlwaire as a «>ne-aet sketch. It has been stretched to a thrie-aet and was presented in this form at Tayh>r Opera House in Tren¬ ton, N. J.. Ma"eh 11*. Tlw pla.v came to Ford's Ot" ra IBsise March 'Jf« and was presented with s slr-'iig cast, llolbrisik Bllnn is being starred in this play and apiiears in the part of the newsteiiKT man who later lieeomes a lawyer tiatherine Calvert, a yonirg Baltimore society girl, pfays the liading feminine role. She for iiierly airpesr. d in The Deep Pu'ple ami then Mr. Ariiistrung wrote the above sketch in whlih she app-ard In vaudeville. Miss Calvert li-as ter n vi ry sm-cessful In her career behind the fis.t'lglits. Slie iM-gsn her professional ca- r«er with James Young In vaudeville sketches.

T^e bs'sl suffragettes will share in the pro- oeds of the rseformanee of Kebeeca of .Siinny- brook I'arm Tiies.lay nigbt. The members of tbe f>|iial Suffrage Ij>>ague had a benefit per formame and the rec»dpfs will be added to their "sinews of war." The boxes and Interior were baihlsom'Iv deeorsfed for the occasion.

.Manager K«Tnan of th“ Maryland Theatre has grantcl tis- Woman's .\iixlllary of the Mercy llos|>ital iH-rmlsston to share in the receipts of a Isneflt tsTfo"mauce to l>e held at the theatre on Raster Monday.

The Savoy Ttieatri-. which closed last De- cianb*-r. is orwii sgain ami high-class vaude¬ ville at |•>(SlIaT prices Is drawing cards. Con¬ tinuous vaudeville Is In Tf»guc and the attrac- llnus arc very much b*-tte- In character than the acts that SIC b«dnc pnswnltsl at other bouses of this kimi in this city. Tlie lioiise Is iiinler the mansgenent of Ceorge E. Brown of New York He w-as fomn-rlv m.siisger of the Grand Tlientrs' In <^d^Tn1t«1l«. <*.. and he has been on the Toad with »on>e of the attractions of Wil¬ liam .\ i'ra<lv. Til's bouse is conneetid with the Pnalentlsl Circuit and the acta work three days a week, but tls- headliners work a fuH w«s-k.

The .Snditorlum Tlieslre will have the kine- maeid'C flln's during H->1v Week showing the I'uiiisr In ln<lls aisi I.aiwrene.- Grant will de¬ liver a descrlprlre talk on the sn'iltct. Ford's <>|s—s Holla- will havi' th" filins of Sarah Bem- haivlt end Mme B-lsne. .Mbatigli's Theatre wlB have I*ante's Inftrno.

ACADEMY OF MCSIC (Tun's F. Dean, mgr.) Rebecca of Siinnv Bnsik Farm, week 2.''>; closed wetk April 1. FORD'S OPERA HOCSE (Chaa. E. Ford, mgr.i A Romance of the T’ndcrworld. week 21; Sarah Bernlianit Films, week April 1. APDITORII’M (Robert W. MacBrlde. mgr.) The Blue Bird, week 21; Ti'c Durbar Films, week April 1. MARYIAND (FToderlek C. SehanN-rver. mgr.i Irene Franklin. Callahan and St. (r(*orge. Rosa CToueli and George Welch. The .\mor|a Slaters .kllen Shaw. Edgar Berger. Norton and li(H», Cliff Gordon, wei-k 21. SAVOY (0(K>. R. Brown, mgr.i The Western Girl, Sup- erba. Bond Morse. Berf snd B-ss Drsper. Pow ers Trio. Guess. Try snd Gti<>ss, Dale and Pear¬ son. The Hvland. Tlie Harris Bros, snd Co., week 21. EMPIRE (Geo. W. Rife, mgr.) The Ducklings, week 21: Tlie B'g Review, week April 1. GAYETY (W. L. BaPsiif. mgr.i The Mlilnlght Maid* ns. week 21: Tlie Big Banner f«h-w, week April 1. HOLLIDAY ST. (W. F Iff-, mgr.) The Smart Set. week 21; Grlmiui i'ellar Door, week April 1.

and th<‘ Garrh k will put on S|>carmHii l.ewi« with his lecture on PHiiaiiia. This would have also Is-eii a ilark week li<-re until Mr Is-wis

k the house. .Mr. I.i'Wis has given Ills leetiiri-s before in lids lilv and Ids I'S'sl Oillowliig should give him a go<si wis-k. Little Women, whieli

lids vvei k pin) Ing at the Garriek Tlcatre. will ve up to the Sliiibert Tlmatre for next week,

lids attraction has eii.loyed a fair week ai the Garriek. and biiiig a ahow’ that delights, slsuild (hi more next w»-«-k than It has <in its tlrst vvi ek notwitliatsiidlng iliat It la a liad wis-k. On each |iei forinaiiee during this w*s-k. It has ii-l fallisl to bring two and tliri'e eiirtalns afli-r each a<'t, and no one lias aald that they did not tike It. Manager D. K. Bussell of the Amer lean, haa tbe liest for n*'Xt week, that Is-iiig Rose Melville In Sis Hofiklns; this altrac hui has at all its prevUms visitt packed them into tbe theatre, ami eoiiilng iu next week should at lenat do a goo<i week in receipts. The other Ihiiisi-s will play tbclr usual bills.

It is rumored that many changes will take | place in the near future in this city among the | motion picture peojde. A third exchange is now forming that will bring Into this olty pictures that have not as yet tieen shown here and the exhibitors are watching the movement with in¬ terest. It is expeced that d<'llnlte plans will be made known before April is half over and that many of St. I»uia' nnao'iers will aid tbe movement.

Forest Park Highlanda will announce their opening for the flrat week in May this year, and

IlHiiinila Family, the tlrst art aein here with full grown JiipHiosi- wioiieii. Their art Is iiiar- ve:oll^ ill 1 s eiilerlaliiliig fealuns ss well as lii- skill ■liKpIii.\e<l. 'Hie other fe.-iliiri- of note Is that of Little Nemo, an eilmateil baliy <ie phalli, tlial surprises sll with I s hiitnan Intel lig-nee. .Madame Bediiil and .Mi'Cr< a. Haven |Hirt and ('■uiipi.n.v are easily all headliners for any bill.

(Iiarlie Walters of the Gayely is Idossoming out next weik. with a chaiii|donxhip wrestling match as an extra feature at his thewtre. ThU Is w he e Mr. Wallers lives, ax he has manageil n;any live on»'s during his past care«*r. 'I'he lity Is billisl heavdv for It and a big w(^k Is sure.

Jsek Fl.vnn. who is said to tie the real white Is tills week aiiis-arlng as su adib ' a I trac¬

tion at the Standard Th<-alre. The alieiiilahis* has sh<iwn a big Increase amt the sports of this city can now take their pick, having seen Jack it-hniKin only a few weeks ago at thia same the¬ atre.

James Boyer's Dixie Fsshlon Plate Minstrels are gathering in East St. l^siis. III., getting ready for their start on .knrll 1.1. The new cars are ready and perfectly etjulppisi. New band unlfoniis of r*sl and green are also waiting tbeir (XTOpants and the biggest and most hind- somely e<|iilppid minstrel organixatlon ever put out is ready to start.

The little brown bear and two wild ducks, (simprising tbe xoo at Suburban Garden, were sold under the hammer .March 'J7. by order of


WPh the last we(‘k of l<nt npon us. the tiisnager of the theatres will feel much relleyed as t<i the bnalneaa end of bis attraction. Rt. Ixmis this year has the nniitnal incident of bay¬ ing two of her houses dark during Holy Week. Tbe Olympic and Century Theatres will not tilay any attraction during tbia coming week.


.lull.or of Passers-By, Suaaiiiie and (itlin plays

Ix-sides the attractions that have been popular Iu this isirk. they are liistalliDg a mamiiiuth swim mlng iMMil, and hiiihling an iinuieiis*- pavilion where the annual automobile sh<iw will lie held I in the future. 'I he iiiiestlon of miisle is going I to lie a serious ((iii'stlon this season, as the lis-al . unbiD of muKiciaiiH here have made demands that are not pleasing tbe vwrioiis managers, aiiil ' it would n<it lie sur|irlsing to see our gardens without thIa feature this season. The Oei-an . Wavtw •hat has oeeupiixl tlie western eml of | the highlands, is lieing taken iMit to make risuii for the swlinming p'sd. Walter Hafferkamp Btatea that anything that la new and goisl will

the Federal Court, which Is adjudicating the ■ ITaira of tbe bankrupt .*tuburbaD Garden Aiiiiiae- ment Co.

Everything i Ise in the garden, with the ex-I ceptlon of the liiilldings, was sold at aiiiilon t<i | James A. Smith, son of .Mrs. Marie Sinltb. owner of the alte of Suburban Ganlen. It was nisirted Smith also wmild liid on the buildings at a latiT sale, IndieatIng be mnteiuplatcd <i|.eratlng the garden thia aiiinmer.

8<d. and Jacob (Ippi-iihelmer. Iirothers, watched tbe little brown l«-ar go for $11 t<i Herman .Maek. proprietor ef Cambridge Court, a down¬ town rafe; and th<-y also saw Hie two wild

always UikI a |ilace in the Higlilands. and eaob . ducks go fo Smith for g-i-.VI, year be lias sniiietblng new for Ids palriois.

Harry Bll'x. wlwi Is wintering in Hits rity, goes out this summer with the Patters<in Carni¬ val Sbowa.

Joe Kell.y and wife leave fids elt,y April 1, to Join the Howe's Ur(«t London Shows for the summer st-aaon.

Harry Thomas, after spending 'he winter here, leaves to Ji In the Kit Carson Shows, and .Mr. Slivers liaves also to J<iin Young Buffalo for the side show.

Col. CoulM" leaves this we<-k for Chlraigo. where he will H|>eiid the balance of his time iin til he rep<ir s with Ids wife, to J<iln the Golliii.xr Shows.

Papi r Is here this we<-k for ti e snniial visit of Ringling Bros.' Slwiw. wlileh will appear here in St. Ismls tbe last of April.

Manager I'avne of the Coliseum here. Is en- tertslning Col. Theoilore Roosevelt Hds week at his household ahow, and the attendance lias exe*»eded last year’s in many niimliers.

Manager Frank Talbot of the lllptsidrome, is

Alex Selkirk, the auetloiii'er. made tbe tlrst sale In tlie dance hall, then moved to the stage in the tins re and Hienee fo the rafe Siiillli piirrhasi-d everything exee|itlng the Is-ar.

At Hie dance hall H.tkKI rlialrs sold at 2>l cents iwch. 'JdO tables at .'10 cents l•:lell Hri table eoviTS at l.T cents each; knives, forks and spoons St 2^ cents each; 12(» doien gl-isses at 21 <M>nts a doxen. Ihc lieer counter for $20, and the ceiling fans for $12.75 (Mich.

8rcn*-ry. electric hulh«. chairs snd mlrisirs on the stage In the Hiestre sidd for $120. Th" fiirnltiire in the iMsIroiiii som times is-riipled by the 0|>|ienhc|iiK-r Brothi- s tiroiiglit $1.71. Ii

I rsinsIsHd of a l> d, eoneh, two chairs, wardrobe and mirror.

I In the cafe 2,0(M* glasses. plat*>s and Unger I liowls sold f->r 1\ ceil s each. T1ie •sH.kliig I utensils which f nncr'y were used for the pr*‘

paratlon of $1 and $10 dinners, hr •light $(1 .'si. I “When the summer si-sson oiieiis we stiall Is- I In the siiininer garden biislni-ss soniewhi-re In

the country," declared the Dppi-nhelmer ItMthers paying a visit to Chicago this w*s*k. and the | after the sale, whlrh netted $1,704 31. The Hippodron^ Is In ilie of Mrs. Tallsit. who Is brothers declined to say where their tnislnt-ss a master band at her task. Tlie bill this week would lie, declaring Hiey might Injure their contains many feslures, Orst of which Is the chan<'ea by revealing tbeir plans.

S<d still has bla iiet chieken, mixikey and rat that live io uue cage and eat out uf tbe same saucer.

Tbe iHsikiuga for the week at our varluu* the¬ atres Is as follows;

Dlyiiipic Tlieslre—Week March 25, Blanche BateN lu Nob sly'a Widow; March 31 and week dark.

Shiitw-rt Theatre—IViM-k Marrh 24. The Choco late Soldier; March 31, Uttle Women.

Century Thealn—Week Marrh 24. The Ser¬ vant in the liiHise; Mari'b 31 and wei-k, dark.

Garrick Tliealre—Wc<‘k March 25. Little Women; March 31, S|H-arman I*ewla in travel¬ og ue.

Aineriran Theatre—Week March 24, The Girl In the Taxi; March 31, 81s Hopkins.

Gayely Tlnatre—W(M-k .March 24. The Qolden Cri'ok Burleatpiere; March 31, liave Marion.

Standard Theatre—Week Marrh 24. "ITie I'ace makers Uurlesijuers; Msreb 31, The Whirl of Mirth.

Columbis Thestre—Week Msreb 26. ysndevllle including Bud ITaber. Helen Grsntley, Pat Rooney and Marioo Rent, Cbarles F. Semoo, Gordon. KIdrId and C»in|iany, I.,ea Fraed Nad. Ergotil and Llllputlans, Kennedy and Melr<ae and daylight pirtures.

Hlppo*lr*ime—Wi-ek March 26, randryille In¬ cluding Madame BedinI, Little Nemo. Monkey Hippodrome. Tyrolean Sextette, Will Hart, Dix¬ on. Bowers ami Dixon; Kemmlng and Company. McCrea. DaTenisirt and CiMnpany, The Bram- a<'ns. the Haniada Japs and motion pirtures.



Tyrone Power, who created the role of the Drain-man In Charles Kann Kennedy'a play. The S«TTanf In the House, appeared at the Grand 0p*-ra House wi-ek of April I In a re- Tlval of that play. The S<‘rvant in the Ilou«e Is a powerful satirical ilrania. presi-ntlng s scathing arraignment of the hypsTlsles of con¬ ventional ivllglon. There Is not. however, any suggestion that the play is an assault nism religion Itself. Mr. Power has surrounded b'm s<‘If with a strong iom|>an.r, Ineliiding Preslim Kendall, David G'assford. .\niy Veue-a. Ellia lo th Bvoon. LI tiedale Power and Wilfred Roger. The play waa ex remely well received Monday night and a good week's hiisinesa presaged.

The Lyric als*> presented an excellent altrac tlon when The t'luxudate S>lilbT returned for a week's engagement Sumlay night. Tlie tuneful o|>eretta was presented by a callable c.-ropany, beaded by M ss Lillian Poll.

The Drpheum Players hhl far*'welt to Their many admirers week of March .11. TI'c fare¬ well attraction waa Rlla Joliiia-n Young's clever Cvimedy. Tlie Isvilerv Man. Charles Wyngale was seen ss Jack Wr'ghl, the n'is rivr. who puts himself up a prlie in a lottery and vximes very near falling Into 'be clut he*, of an oM maid. Eva Taylor, as Llxxle It-berls. the old maid, a character part, was y-ry g«»Ml. S uve nir photographs of the members of tbe ev>ni pany were given away at each performance.

Tlie offering at the Walnut waa a new ninslc ■I remedy. .Iroiind tbe Clock. explolHog the talents of tbe versatile Rltch'o Ixindon Musical Comedy Co. Tlie piece Is a IsughaNe st*>rT of eomplleatlons Interspersed with amne bright melod'es. and scored a hit.

B. F. Keith’s presented s hrllllsnt h'll. head ed by Nora Baves and Ja k N'orworth. In a new act entitled A Musical Siirpr's*. Party The surprise par'y consists of 40**s of musical fvimedy. light opera. TaiideTlIIe. fravesiT and darelng. and Is one of the m-’sl t>e*-teitlous vsiidevllle sets b*-fore the piihllr. MWs Betty Washington, a Cincinnati g'rl. billed as "Hie llt'le Tlolln fslry.” made her TsndeTlIle dehui and created an excellent Imp'i sslon. ('aevar RItoII, a Protean scl<ir. aptwsred In an s * called .1 Scandal In a K*-«tsuranl assuming sll the ehaisclers. Cvdonel Sam B. Holdsworth who Is SO years old. sings like a y<Minc«t*-r of ‘JO. He was oae of the Mg hi's of the hill. KaJIyama. a handwriting export, was well re ••elved. W. B I’siton and Company hare s iinsint eomedv entlH«"d .kpple Bloss- ms. I.vnch and Zeller, the Bang Bang Bovs, were s*-en In an amusing exhlb'lhm railed Cliibmanlscs.

The Emi>r*-«s also nrenented an excepHoosI Mil headed hr the Eight Saxones 'n a norel singing ami dancing act. Hxrlan E Knigli and Co. were seen In a dellghifiil rural sketch entitled lie Cba'k Line which scored hesvllr. Tlie Four Msv's, a -omedT roller skating set w*-nf well. Henry Cutler had a ro<sl line of songs and savings The Ollyottl Troiibsdonrs Instrumentalists, and the Kinpresscope cvimplefed the Mil.

The Queen of Bohemia, replete with gisid music and presenl*ul by a gtssl (uvmpsnv. pleas*-d at the Standard. .Imong the nrlnclnals are r«iunless Rossi. Sam .Sidmsn. ('harles Drew, the Clark Sisters. Gtsirge Hays and Ksllileen Ksv

People's offeri*d the Kentucky BcIIihi with s new show, railed Tlie Morning .\fler. The eotn pany Includes such well kmiwu ive<m1e ss Msrhm l>eii«.n. Tops k and Mann, snd I.s Belle Helene. Tlie piece made a fsTorahle Impression.

Tile (Irphenm Plsvers Company rlos-d the sea¬ son s' the Orpheiim liiesfre Sitiirdsy night. .\prll fl. Manager Martin found Ih's nreessary. as most of the memliers of the contpsnr sr-- leaving for their summer cngsgemeiils. II ws* his Intention to play slock until The last of .\prll. hiC the atsire rlrcutu«lsnc»»s necessHste the earlier rinsing. Manager Martin staled he was Very well pleased with the business at H"' Ml! ton house this season and that stock would tie eatsbi'shed ss s |iermsnenl fea'iire.

The CIneInnsH Summer Orchestra, under Hie dlrivtlon of Spargiir, the nresenl conductor of I''*' Sialtle Or-iiisira wl’l *iiien the concert season a* Hie f'lurinnsll Zoologl al Ganlen on the afteriMsin of May n Tlie orchestra will lie condiletcd uiKiii tl'e same plane as last season. Hie programs Iwlng selected from the helt'-r rtsss of popular niiis'c and the more familiar ami lighter of Hie classics Spargiir is>mes to C'n cinnv I with an excellent repiilatlnn rained In Hi" W**sf. where music Is awakening In a siir ■ lirlslng manner. Besides lieing a conductor of line sltslnmeiitx he Is a vloitnlst of splen'Hd (ina1l6 allons.

ClMCTMKkTI. CHWD (ClirlsHe ''rl* n’M w.-ck '25; Tvrone IViw.-r In Tile *4 n sn* In Ihe H.sisi- we.k AiirH I. LYRIC Vivense Me w*M-k Tff’ TIh- Clsicolale 8<ihller w-s-k Anr'1 I WAI.- NI’T Xl.ilher wieh v*.,^,*, .in* the cpick week Ap-ll I.'f V.siPn It-Hige

APRIL6.1912. TtieBIllboarcl Id

Events in Big American Cities an<l Ihfjr will It In .MlMfouirl. Kan»*» and tlklahiHiia. Till* [dan ha* Ix-en un<l<*r way Iwrf all )-<>ar* and it la Just nnw that it wars v<>inp]<-tiun.

WIUJAM W. ffllia.LEY.

KANSAS CITY.—WIM.IS WOdll (O. I), and j Frank Wnoilward, mkr*.) ll<>nrlftta CroHinan In ' 'ITie Ki-al Thing, w*-«-k 7: Mmi". Soiiumann- 1 ileink In concert r>lday aftprn<K>n. March 2!t; Maude Adam* In Chanteoler. Apr. IK. Ill and 20. four piTfornianre*. SHTBERT (Enil Steward, re*, mgr. I E. II. So hern and Julia .Marlowe In Sliakespe.irean rei>ertolre. week .March e-S; Tlie llcep I'urple. week .Kpr. 7. GR.kM) OPERA norSE (.\. Judah, mgr) The White .S<|naw, wi-ek March .71. ORPMEPM (Martin I>ehman. rea. mgr.) Margaret Haney In B. A. Rolfe’* mu*l al com*-dy. The I/eading Lad.v, with Ralph Eynn; Fire Original Plroscoffla. great Juggling act; Sealtiy and Dut'lo*, a raoderllle novelty; Idttle I>ir<l Rotiert. the t'ny cometllan; Harry Puck and Mabelle I.a-wl*. nimhie footed singer*; Hchenck and Van. In aong and piano; HuCford and Chain, the cullud peraon and the minatrel man; Tlie Eathor Trio, wonderful np aide down artlata; daylight motion view*; Special Sym- plMiny Orcheatra, etc., week March .71. GIBLIS (E. S. Brigham, mgr.) Dark, week 31. CEN- TCRY (Jo*. R. Donegan. mgr., Weatern Wheel) Coiy Corner Girl*, week .71. OAYETY (Burt McPhaM, mgr.. Baatem Wheel) Bobby Man- cheater’a Cracker Jack*, week 31.

Al Pabn. formerly with the Shubert Theatre box office and who ha* also ta-en In the employ of the Twin City Scenic Stmllo, 1* miw a*- aistant tpea*urer at the IK'Wey Theatre, where he atarteil in on .Sumlay. March 17. R. Langvay has gone t«ck to hi* old place In the .Shul>ert Tlicatre Ixrx office.

Mi** Heien Cohen 1* again at the .Mile* Il!p- p<«lrome till* a* a*on In the capacity of amlitor. a iWKition which she ha* caiwbiy fllieil »in<-e the opening of the Mile* TTiealre liere Home year* ago. In addition to the work of the theatre prep< r. .Mi** Cohin i» also hHiklng after the personal IntiTcst* of .Mr. C. 11. .Mil»“s a* regards the auditing eml of Hanie.

A. E. Johnson, the genial si-cretary of the big Twin ('ity Wonderland Park of this city, which 1* to be wreckisl itil* year. Is bu».v as auditor of the Hotel RadlsHon here. .Mr. John¬ son ha* some other intere*!* also to attend to. but say* be will mis* some of the excitement of park life this summer.

Governor Bberhart of this state received a let¬ ter. Saturday. March 23, from E. F. Seavolt, a cinematographer of St. Paul, who protests against the Govemor’s authorization of a con¬ tract with a Chicago moving picture company to take plcturea of industrial Minnesota for ex¬ hibition throughout the world. Mr. (^‘avolt aay* that there are 18.000 motion picture theatre# in the United State* and that if a film were aent out by this state to show such bouses. It would take twenty-two years to make the round*.


Author of A Sliigle Man. The Molluac. etc.

seek .March 2.7;; Kentucky Bellea week April 1, srr.V.Mt.VRU. Hebman HIhiw week .March 23; gueeii of Bohemia week A(iril 1. OKI'llBl'M. i.Stisk) B* fore and .\fter week Mais'h 2.7; Tie- I»tlery Man wiek April 1. OLYMPIC. .\l¥ lYleiid from Dixie week .VprII I. B. F. KKrPlPS. S«duey Drew and Co. in The .SHU Voice. Trovalo, Flonutlne Hiiiger*. Brown liar- ria and Bn>wue, ..Mile. Falllere. I’aulham Tram. Pat*}' D<>yle, Joi* s' and Grant, week of 21; Nora Bayes and Jack Norworlh In Belly Washington, CacMir Ritoli in Scandal in a K.-staurant, C<d. Sam S. Hoidawiwth. Ka Jima, Vi. B. Patton and t\>. In Apple Bio*, torn*. Lynch and Zcllar, etc., week of 24. B.M PKLSS. E.ght Saxone*. Harlan K. Knight and I'omiMny in The Chalk Line, The Four .Mayo*. »k*ter»; Henry Culier. Tlie Olivoltl Tlroiiba dour*, etc., week of 31; MuhIcmI tSra**iH, Cha*. .Sharp. Mary Dorr. Teil GilHtoii ai*! Company, Monarch Comedy Four. Eight Itullar Tissi]*.' ami pictuie*. week ManSi 25.


To avoid the bugaboo of Holy We«'k. three of the theatre* dccldnl to be clark that we< k rather than risk the luevltaliie poor week'* bUHin’-as that la the fate of tbe theatn-* Jii*t behce Baiter. So the Willi* Wt**!. Shul>ert and Gltlla Theatre* will not o|ien tbe week *f March 31.

(Mil* Maude Adam* will give f<Mir perform- toert here In Chanticler at tbe Wlllia Wood Theatre, .\prll ISth to 2i)th InoloaiTe.

TTw prswuiere of A Modern Bve. scheduled tbe .Shubert Theatre thia city for tbe week of March 31 will not be given here, owing to tbe reheartalt not being ready for thia dale, but will take plat'e In Blkhart. lod. In conse¬ quence tbe Shubert Theatre will be dark tbe wts-k of tbe 31*1, tbe first w<*-k of tbe present aeaSi'D It was bopeit tbat this Singer show would be ppNluced hi-re. hut The Deep I*UT- ple la at the Shubert tbe week of Easter. April T. and there is no rlow«> date available.

Mr. A. Jmlab, manager i>f tbe Grand Op>-ra ll<*we. rbiiugbt at first that tbe Grand woiiM ucessarily have to he dark Holy Week on ir- count of the nbow IsHvked for that week. The Three Twin*, cloalnc tbe season this week in Omaha, thus leaving tbe Grand without a hi*4lng for tbe seek of tbe 31st. But Mr. Judah said be could not allow tbe pn-cetb-nt '>f tbe Grao.1 having a dark week during the regular ai-aaoD. aiwl be bustlevi ar<mnd for an¬ other abow. He managed to secure The Mhlte rkluaw for this week. And with three the¬ atre* clu*ed for Ibl* week, the Grand will pmSahly do a remarkable week's baainess for a »ui>|**ie«By dull week.

Fi*kr O'llira. the Irish tenor, was at tbe Grand Opera lloiiae In Ie>ve's Young Dream the week of March 17. amt «o ttatiuvlay, .March 23. was served with the attachment papers on the property of tbe siMew, to appease a New York flem. to w-bom the ownpany owed money. However, tbe show wa* allowed to finlib up here, hut the ppop».rty could not leave town until the attachment was rvicaaed by being paid np-

Sealby ami I>u Clo# on the Wll at the Gr- ph<-um the week of March .71, French *rtl»t*. op.n their first American lotir here, for a trip which la to be exclusivelv f«ir the Dr ptH um <\rcult. They are beat known In their Dative borne for having IntMduce.! the popvil*r Frem-h novelty, the No-<Taap Walts, a style that ha* tiecn adotSe*! by »ocletv.

<'a account of the S.ilbcrn Marlowe engage¬ ment at tlie .Shubert Theatce the week of March X not op.-nlng until Momlav night. The Gam hler« the attractloD at the Shulicrt Theatre the w.c* of tbe 17lh. wa* held over for Sunday n ght an.1 SniMlay aftcrn.ain. March 24th. in order not m h*ve the theatre dark. The Gam b|er» wa* popular during Ha stay here.

The wason of the W.*Hlward stock at tbe Auditorium Ttieatre came to a close with the iw.i |M rfomiancea Sunday. March 24. of The Family .klfair. The omipany wa# a well- *electe,i one and won much i*ninlarlty here, a* w*» evldencid by the alway* gvxid attendance It all iierfumancc* of the at<e-k company. We •re w.rry to •.*• tbe Auditorliun aeann over.

The Gillls Theatre waa chwed the week of March 24 and also March .71 on account of not being able to aiwure show* theae two weeks K S B'Igbam, manager of the Glllt*. »i.ra. b<>wcver. that he rxisH'ts to open the Glllla right after Basti-r. for be h.*a umler way ne gotiatbina with attractbvns. The season at the Glllla 1* uniady the longest one of any of the theatre* In town and lasts well Into May.

The vaudeville theatres ami the biirleaque houaiw are atMMit the onlv one* that do not feel tbe hooil<H> of Holy Wi-ek. TTieae will be open with the regular attractions.

"Tile ('enlury Theatre,” aays Joa. R. Done- gau. manager, "aurely broke all recorvla for »ucc<-»# ami large attemlancv* the week of .March X. when TTie Whirl of Mirth waa tbe burlcaque ■ tlractl<in ami Frank Golch. the wrestler cham¬ pion. waa eilr* for both afternoons ami eve mng. We oiuM not suisdy the demand for tlckeia. The Ontiiry this si-awin haa been ni'«l aucceanfiil. lint I believe the Gotch week haa them all beaten" The cbamplon wre* tier met all com*-# with the toe hold bamNl Five ibdiar* a nilniilc waa paid to any man for the length of lime be stabi unibrown on th'- mat by (bitch. A limit of fifty dollars paid any one man wa* a comllllon of tbe malohi'a.

Kansas ('Jly'a new aiiiiuuMvient place. The I jt|>l»*lPaiic. iw M-hi*lulc<l to »iicn early In May. Just aa soon a* live weather get# warm

bi piTxiill of iHit diior attraction* The Hi|S“»lroviie Ja to lie a tilg <sicn air aiiiusimient Idacf at the Stadiiuii. Forty Scventll ami Tracy Iv.nue, right In the heart of Kan*aa City's m"-! fashionalile r<>sld< m <■ district, and will have vavivlevlllit ami ciren* *« Ihv feature*.

A inamanolh luiusltai siHs-IacIe. Jeadle I.. G»>nor* Smiw M'hlic amt S<'vcii I»warfa. tin- *CK''«t outofd'sira noi*i al |••*^^l^lclloll ever

•'.vgid in the Weal will Ic pn-Kcnlid lure nii dcr the dlrvicGon of Ml*a I.aiira V Lull *1 the aiadliwii Forty seventh and Traev .kvciiiie on 'he nights of May '23. 24 and 2i7, \ cn*t of ■e ven hiimlri d i* inde will 1«‘ iimsI. Ihn-e him •'bd of them adults. Tliere will In- an or clM-Klra of at least forty |ih<ce* and the al aging • lid light ) ffecta will tie tlw nvo*!

*"'Fe. Fivrly horsemen and a huge ballet wil he r»at*i-ra. Much more than mere local mi.reai wrill attach to thi* )ir<*luctlon. f(vr alx f«ilway* have aln'adr agri* d to make rate*

Kausa* City for the tbr<-e iierformaocca.


I H. A Doraey of Montreal, proprietor of the . Twin City Wonderland I’ark of this city, ar- ' rlveil In Mlnncaisnla .March ISIh ami announced

that he will offer tbe big park with the en¬ tire eiiulfiment at auction on April IStb. Mr. iKirae.v states that If be doe* not get a bid on the iHirk and Its groumts. be will later wreck all the bulhlings amt aell tbe equliiment. There I* space for the plotting of 111 building lota on the groiiml* amt i>-s!dcncea can be readily crectisl U|M>n same. Mr. IKirscy says that hi* Interest* arc m>w mostly In Canada, no be has dcclditl to dlmsmtlnne tbi* park.

Air*. Jennings. uH'ther In law of W. F. Gal- Isglier. resident manager of Miles Hippo>ir<ime. dUsI Sunday morning, .March 17. In this city.

I In a friendly wrestling match In the living at the lop of the Isuigfcllow Bivo of

which R. F. Joni-s I* proiirlelo-, \V lllam Hagen, a iH'sr WTi'slIcr. had hi* arm broken Tm-ailay

I evening. Maridi 1!*. Hagen was wrestling with William RsHiiiiissen. anothiT animal trainer, who provisl mor>' dangervai* than tiv* bear, and

I Hagen was taken to Itw* city hospital,

Bi<glnning Easter Sunday. .April 7, ami con- tinulikg every ollu-r week thrvuigliout the amn- mcr the Thurlow Bergen Tlayer*. who closvsl llu'lr engagi iiwnt at the St. Taul Sliuhert Theatre with the Isdlcry Man. March 30. will lie Siam seen at the local Mclpn'olltan t>iH>Ta Hotwe. the oiwnliig attraction being OKI lIcbM- berg. The wvs-ks when they are not leaving herv'. the cvvmpanv w-lll apiwar at the SI. Paul Metropolitan. TTie Shuherla will probably piay mane of their own attraction* at Ihclr St. Paul thetfiv. such •• Sothem and .Marlowe, Robert MaiXell ami like provluctlons.

Citizens in South Minneapidis. in view of the statement made by 11. A. IKvrsey of tbe Park Ovoairuclion Company, operating Womlerlamt Park, that the park will be wret-ki-d and sold and the grouml sidd aliio, have suggested the pupchaae of part of thi* plot a* a location for the Ixmgfellow School, now UK-ated some five block# from the park.

It la stalls] that the Minnesota State Fair will bar autonHvbile races thi* .vear. the rea¬ son being that tih style of racing on a mile circuit dirt track la dangerous and instead of giving two day# to antomohiliMi this year, the state fair hoard will devote one day only to thia sport without races, iviily a parade of ileoo- ratiHl machlm's being the featuriv It is also stated that due to a rispiest f“om S«>crctary J. C. Simpai'n of the State Fair Boait. a .kdnt mei'ting of all labor unions wT 1 I*' heM shortly to arrange with th*' un.<m representatives as ngards the giving ovit of the work at the fair groumls. .All unions of the hnllding's In Mlnniiapi'li* amt St. Paul, as well as the musicians' unions ami the t.vT>ograi>htcal unions are InterestiM In this matter.

The eommiswien irf the Associativl .Men's Cln'ia of .Minneaisdis Chnrehes. which Is stml.ving the icIalK'n of the lh“alrc to the imblic here, held their first mei'ting Sumlay aftem<*>n. March 2:t, al the Csimmerci.'.l CGib roonis. It is the In¬ tention of this i>«n>iuls*!ivii to Investigate the cuiTv'nt amusement ciimlitions. reaMninii'ml those worthy, hidd managers to a stricter accountabik llv for the character of the entertainment offcreil and pnvaiolc the Idea of cstabliahing municipal theatres.


bridge Jr., mgr.) The IHirbar in Kiniimaoilur

week of Alarcb .71; Sottn-rn ami Marlow in rep¬ ertoire week of April 8. .MRI'RGl'OLITA.V OPERA HOU.SE (1. X. iicott, mgr.) Ohanle- cler with .Maude .Adam* Apr. 4-8; Get-RUAi- Qulck Wallingford week of April 7. BIJ**!' Ol'ElLV liOl SE (TTeai. L. Ha.v*. mgr.) The Convict's Daughter week of March .71. DEWEY (.Archie Miller, mgr.) (Jiii'ena ■•''olllc* Bergere Week of .Mar(-h 31; Darlings of Pari* week of .Apri 7. G.VViyrY (AVni. Km-nig. mgr.) Vaxrity Fair week of Mareh 31: The -Merry Whirl week of .Apr. 7. I'NDJI E (Jaek Elliott, ingr.) G. -Molasso and Com|«iny in Pari* at Night, Harry T’hrlller. E<Idie Heron and .Matige DouglsHS,. Luce ai.d Luce. Nat Carr. White and Foster and the Motiograph week of March 31. MEUST HIPPODKO.MB (W. F. Gallagher, mgr.) Six hig vamleville act* wi-ek of Mareh 31. OR- PHEU.M (G. E. Raymiiml. mgr.) Graham Mof¬ fat's Com|iany of Scottish Player*. Ray J.. Royce. Sayton Trio. Blliy Weston and On*n- pany. ALma Youlln. Kaufman Slstera. TTile*- si'U'a Pet* and davlight pictures week of ManSv 31.


The College Glrla, brought to the Bmpiee this week by M8na7er McArdle, nroved to be one of the beat show* aeen here for many moena. Thera are nine principal# and a bunch of very pretty cborua glrla. Th re are aeveral featarea that attract aivecla! attention. Rogers and Preecott keep tbe andlence In a roar. Miaa Beatrice and her violin dance. Ragtime A'lolin, waa Indeed a clever atunt. The bouae received a large crowd at Monday night's iierformance.

Billie Burke, at the Opera llonae In The Rno- Away, is *upporte<l with an excellent cast, and waa welcomed here with a large bousv!.

Baby Mine's return engagement at tbe Celo- nlal thia week met with tbe naual aneceas which It has made In New Y'ork and Chicago. Marguerite Clark, in the leading role, la, a* ever, and 1* supportevl with an excellent company.

The Lyceum offers thi* week The Girl in th^ Tail, which we had here some time ago. The company is very good and 1* playing a reconl- breaklnr business at popular price*. Most of tbe player* are of the original company.

A'auglian Glaser and Company, at tbe Cleve¬ land, are seen this week In The Witching Hour. The play I* well set, and the company produce It with great success.

Funny Nat Wills tell* a few tramp stories at tbe Hipiioilrome and I* quite a Joker. Others on the bill are The Empire Comedy Four, I.jt- Lelle Tltcomb, Kalmar and Brown, Warren and' Keefe. Tbe entire bill was up to the standard and is well accepted.

The Grand this week is devoting the entire bill to Girls, wltn Grace Demar known aa the girl with tbe big brown eyes. Ward and Mack in a one-act comedy, entitled Mra. Skinner's Remedy, went well. Irene and Bobby Smith, the two from Cleveland, iiresent Two Glrla and a Plano, and certainly carried tbe bonae.

Manager Daniels of the llinpodrome says tbat he has arranged to have an "Old Timers’ Week,’* and will bring her April 15, Geo. Primroee, Lot¬ tie Gilson and others as well kiiowrn. Annie Yeamans was to have figureil on the bill.

Week’s bills: COLON'I.AL—Return of 'Tlie Bine Bird. OPERA HOUSE—Wm. H. Crane In The Senator Keeps House. CLEA'ELAND—Vaughan Glaser and Co. In Tbe Melting Pot LYCEUM— Mra. Wigza of tbe Cabbage I'atch. EMPIRE— Rose Sydell and her famous I»Ddon Bellea In AA'anted—A Girl.



.Manager Edward Drew of the Seattle Thea¬ tre, has secured the Jessie Shirley Stock Com¬ pany for a summer engagement, opv'nlng In Wildfire, April 14.

A vaudeville and stock company under the name of The Mar.v Weston Stock Company, was recently organiztHl in Lewiston. Idaho. Tlie compan.v opened at the Ho i Idaho) Opera House February '27, prcsin lng The Plot of a Cattle Rustler. The company has a roster of 14 peo pic.

The Mohler (AVash.) Oiicra House, burned March 7. The theatre was ownetl hy the Opera House Company. E. E. TTarwoiMl. president, and was valued at about $3.0»a). The building was insured.

Alex. Pantages. who has been wintering with hi# family at Santa Monica. Cal., notified hi* local offices tbat he w-ill make a flying trip to Seattle some lime before .April 1. Pantage-s has been In the South vacationing and super vising the construction of hi* new theatre In Oakland, since Christmas. He did not expect to return to Seattle until July 1. The particu¬ lar object of his visit is not known, although It la believed he cornea to make the final ar¬ rangements for the hnllding of the new Pantages Theatre In S(>attle, thia, of course, to be erected on the old church property at Third Avenue and University Street.

Ad Wolgast proved an nnnsnal good drawing card at Pantages’ Theatre week March IS as that theatre was packed every performance dar¬ ing the entire week.

TTie big task of rehearsing for producUon here of the new fmir-act oner*. Narcisss. the book of which la by Sarah Pratt Carr and music by Mary Carr Moore, both Seattle women, has been

[ commenced. The opera Is a most ambition.* work from every standpoint. Da hook carrying a serimts purpose of historical value, dealing as It doe# with the career of Marcus Whitman la the settlement of the Northwest, The opera will have its first production here, regardless of the pisns for later production on a big scale in New York. It has reoelvivl some un'isiislly fine pralsis fpim critics and has bi'cn pnbllshid by M. WItmark and Sons.



The AA'hceling paiiers have tv-cn extremely lavish In their praise of G(i< IIIH's musical coipislv. .Mutt an.1 J.-ff, and the praise s«s*ms well deservisl. ".A ol.-an. funny show,” was the r.’TO.srk I hear.1 msnv times. Each anil eve-y part I* plavisl in a manner that shows that the parllelpants are iut.-rcst<>d and b.'IIeve In their work.

.Another iday that has fonn.1 favi.r with West Virginian* I* AA'erh* A Lnesi'her's Spring Maid. Th's P'av ha*. I Ixlieve. tvs*n nxee highly s|Niken of by the pressi during it* toar

G'oottnuist on page 48. t

OD htD<l at that date, and mtuj of '^I>o read tbis article will haa* tlin» to r**! tlMTe bofor* the a«^'on la over. Tbla will be the 0DI7 wa; the Kink Manacera' Aaaorlatlon of America can be started. The Interest In the formlns of the aaeuolatlon haa been irrowlnx as each day passes, and If the onler Is effected during the conrentlon. all arramtements will be made to have the assiiclatlon in Bne work- tOK order for the next seasun ojM-nlnit. S?katers as well as manatP'rs who will not be able to attend this convention want to write ami state Just what attractions they can use, how often, whether split weeks or full wt-i'ka. alae of their rink, seating caiwcity and all other thinKs that wl.l assist th<‘ assiM-lation to make a start. The proftsslonal skaters can all s«-ml In their names, statinx what their act Is, smallest sal¬ ary they will book for, whether sinxie or d<m- ble or other infonnatloo that will aaslst them In xettinx booked on the circuit. It will take some time to xet everythlux in ninnlnx order, but we are In this tbinx now to sta.v, and the more asKlstanee we receive from the manaxera and skaters, the better It will be f-ir all con¬ cerned In the end. Now Is the time to «lo tlH-ei- thiiixs while the i>r»is'*ltlon la hot. for every litle delay is Just that much axainst startinx the assiM-latlon. and bavine It all ready

RINKS AND SK.ATERS Two Impoitant Skating Events Booked for Detroit—Wilkes-Barre,

Pa., to Have New Rink—Foreigner Invents Motor Skates

—General Skating News of the Week


Two big attractions are booked for Detroit, alleli., April 2d to 6tb. The one that is cauHinx xeeat Interest among speed skaters is the Inter- aatluoal amateur cbamiiloosblp tpee<l races, wtileh will start on April 2, and close on the alglit of April 4. The tollowlnx champion skat- | era of the country are entered at this writing, and luany more are yet to be beard from: Rans- ford I*. Van Duyne of Newark, N. J., who bolds the clmmidunship of the states of New York. OouiMM'ticut and New Jersey; *'8i>eedy" Bmll Kichstedt of Milwaukee, WIs., champion of WU- oousln, and one of the greatest skaters in the country; U. M. Ovlatt of Dea Moines, la., the Iowa Cyclone and champion of Iowa; W. II. Cols¬ ton of Washington, D. C., the Capitol Flyer; Carl C«rlson, llowarth Beaumont, Wm. Denning, 1-eun Kimm and Frank Neul, the five fastest skab-rs, in Illinois, If not In the West; F. Wllllke of Boston, Mass., champion of Massachusetts; Raymond Kelly of St. Paul, Minn., Northwest¬ ern champion, winning that title for the fifth time on March 11 this yea-- H. W. Colston of Klcbmond, • a.; Mike Kunda and Harry Walsh of Milwaukee, WIs.. two of Wisconsin's fastest skaters; Alex Nugent of Toledo, O., champion of Ohio; also Clarence Giladorf of Toledo, O., who la a skating partner of Nugent. In addition to the big rai-es, the Managers Convention will be held, starting with April 4, and continue throughout the week. Kick managers and own¬ ers of riiika from many parts of-the country will be on band to effect the organisation of Kink Managers' Association of America. It will be a great week fur the blstorv of roller skating.


Work on the alteration of the Reader Building, ua Northampton Htreet, recently purchased by Henry and Joseph Mct'loskey, the well-known buaiuess men of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., is well un-

ed. Baby Jack, the cub skating bear of ITed I Campbell of Albion. 'MIcta., was the first at- 1 traction that Manager Rarnea t>ut on at the j new rink. Mr. Cauapbell'a two little daughters, b-atured as the Wee Scotch Lassies, and with the bear act played to capacity business through out their engagement. Baby Jack Is only eight months old. and bids fair to become a fonuld a le rival of Alice TetWy. The Wee Scotch Lassies are only two and a half, ami three and a half years old and present a very credlt- ble performance for cUldren of such tender age and diminutive slae. Mr. W. E. Genno played the act over his entire circuit, with the exception of Kansas City, and rejiorts that it wia well received In each city. Manager Barnes next had the famous El Bey Bisters, playing to record breaking crowds, and these Kwo graceful skaters sure made a great Rn- presalun upon the spectators am] skaters who witnesseil their perfutmance. liie Moonlight Party on March 10 was a graml success, and Manager Barnes will keep the patrons busy the rest of the season with his many novel and interesting features.


I Monday evening, March 19. at Sans Souci Roller Rink. Chicago, III., s sort of reunion of old tlm4-ra was held during the first night’s appt'srance there at Harley Davidson ami his troupe at cbampion skaters. Norval Bsptie. the champion ice skater of the world; Gale E. Brooke, 'Minneapolis. (Mlno.. manager at the Hippodrome Ice Rink of Mlaneapolls. Minn.; 8. N. Waterman, of Kansas City. Mo., former manager of the OoHseum In Kanaas City; Julian T. Fltagerald, secretary Western Skating .Asso¬ ciation: Harley Davidson, champion roller skater of the world; Mrs. Flynn, slater of Harley

WuRIjJZEIt Military Bands

M// especially for

Skating Rinks


I am here at tbla writing making final ar- rangiments for the world’s amat<nn- champion¬ ship races to be held at the Rlvervlew Kink, MIlwaukiH-, WIs.. and have to state that the greatest bunch ^ skaters that ever gathered for s meet of this kind are here ready to start In the first race which starts on March 27. Managtr Jos. W. Munch has left nothing un¬ done In making this the greatest of all me«'ts In the country. TTie foHow-Ing skaters are en- ter«*d end here ready for the starting gun In the first heat. Ransforil P. Van Ihijne. New¬ ark, N. J.; W 11. Colston. 11 W Colston. Washington. D. C.: Baymoml Kelly. St. Paul, Minn., Northwestern champion; O. M. Ovlatt. Des Moines. Is., champion of lows; llowarth Beaumont, Carl Carlson, Wm. Itennlg. Frank Seul. Irfon Klmm. all of Chicago. lU.; Alex Taylor, Riohmond Vs.; Fred Wlliikle. Boston. Maas.; Emil (Speedy) Elchstert. champion of Wisconsin.and Mike Kunda, Harry Ws'sh, .Matt MeCoPinsek. Paul Genihe. all of Milwaukee; Stephen Mulroy, Cincinnati. O.; Geo Bleth- mlller. Detroit. Mich. As the entries are open

j until the day before the meet starts there will be many more entries received from many of

I the sksters In the nearby cities Everything Is I in readiness for the meet. The track Is the best In the country, being twelve laps to the

I mile, being all resurfaced and put In the grand- , est condition for the racers. The winner will j carry away a beautiful diamond medal, while i second and third will receive sliver ami bronie I mrdilA

are used by the leatHuf; rinks ‘every-, where. The> play in the oorrect swing time-~th(>uaand9 of pieces from paper music rons. Rasy payments.' Big new catalog ill colora now rmdy> Call or write our nearest brancK ,

The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. Wsrtd's Lni—t Naaalsenuwfa

CINCINNATI NRW YORK CHIC AGO iir-tsi s. «tb »-fr w. sM aa«is.Wahas)i ST L0CI8 clrvsland aurFALU «IS Piae aoo Hanm Mad TOt Matal

LOOISTILLR COLl'M»Ot.O,A: C .4MW. GrtM IT n. Main ' J



Manager Carl L. Curtis of the Bollerwsy Rink at Farmington, Me., boasts of a very neat lit¬ tle skating rink. Although not as large as many of the other rinks, having a fioor spsee of 4Sx80 only, he nevertheless has t very nice rink. This rink was opene<l up on July 10, 1910. and has lieen doing well since. Balconies extend upon three sides with s<'atlng eapaelty of over .'{(SI. Kmlolph Wtirlltier Baml Organ furnishes the music, and .700 pair of Wlnrfow skates are always In good shape for the skaters.

BEST ORGANS on the niark?t for


Catalog, prict’s and particulars. A Frem-li roller skstliig rink conducted on American principles by K. V. Tuttle.

der way. Tiu- skating rink that Is to be con- strui'ted In the rear has been nlauned by a local arcbliect, and work on the rluk will be started SIIOU

Davidson and an old time skate-r; .41. ITath. ex- nuiuager and promoter of races and skaters, and aeveral of the yuungiT generation of skating fans all met by ao<-i>lent on thia evening. .After the races were over the party went to a nearby cafe and enjoyis] talking over the olden da.VB of the real spirrt.


'Manager Peter O. James, of Detroit. Mich., wlv> manages the Wayne Garden Roller Rink, where on Ap-ll 2 to 6 the big International Amateur Champion ship rae«-a are to be held, haa a good Idea of what the |lat^>ns of his rink want In the way of amnsivnent Mr. James has done e«nsld*-rablp In arranging for the championship raws, ami has worked up th'- Interest In I>elToIt among his patrons to a bleb pitch, and the skaters are anxioosly waiting fo- the big stars to srrlve there for the op»-nlng race. Manager James has a nice rink, and also a very nice crowd of young ladles and gentlemen that patronise his rink. Me Is up to- dste In s'lpplylng the pstrons with new and Wiarlniai amumma-nf anid hv well lllost l>y th*-m all. He Is Interested In the UInk Man¬ agers’ Association of America and will be one of the delegates at the ronventlon that will be held on April 4th. during the races at the Wayne.


KRI;NCHM.AN invents motor 8K.ATES

The latest applieatlun of the power of gnao- llm- IB to lUe liuiuan Issly Itself, without auy T*b.< ie. A Pn nclrman named M. Mereler has iDvented the motor i>ro|s-lle,| mller skate, which la driven by a tw«j-eylluder engine of one- <|uar!>T borse isiwer. .Mercler’s Is-at perform ants- with bis nvotur skate so far has ts-< n a rasi.:iin«d •<is-,-d of nineteen miles an hour for a distance of thirty-one miles. A amall gaso- lias tank ami dry battery are carried on a btXMHl l«lt atrapiied to the inventor’s waist. The gasoline is carried to the carbureter of tJu (Lglne by means of flexible tubing. On the right band aide of tis' eugim- is a flywheel. Thks wheel revolves against another big wheel, wbh h la ruMs-r tired ami w hich projects In front of the skate. By iMlIlliig on a strap tbe engim- la tilted until the rubber tired wheel toorh<« the ground ami (Mills tbe skater a<ong. By releaaing the strap the revolving or p<twer wheel la liftod off the ground by a h^lug, leaving tbe akater to continue by momentum oal.T. The engine Is one of the amallest ever made for practical use and has attracted the attention of engineers all over lYance. ilercler exgierimented a long time before being able ta bring hla Invention to working (>erf«-ction.


Kneonrag-d by the entfauaianm for lee skat¬ ing diaiilayed in Washington this winter, a numts-r of (iromlnent men and w-omen have p<-r- feeted (ilans for launrbing a skating club They plan mit only to enoMirage skating on the natural (mhsIs. but to (trovlde a rink, 00 which lee can be kept even during the thaws. Ne¬ gotiations are under way for (irocuring the use of tbe National Capitol Horse 8bow Groumis at Seventeenth and C Streeti norihweat during the winter and ear'y s|>rlng montha, and for fliaidlng It to provide Ice f<» skating. This may lead to the erecting of a large artificial lee rink In the near future, as skating In Waidilngton. Itotb lee and toller, has taken a strong bold.


Tbe Great Monohan is bsok among the American t>e<»ple om-e more, and it booking the rinks with his wonderful skating art. He Is undiMibtedly at tlM> top of his profession, and hla various aebievementa are beyond de- acri(>tlon, Momdian halli from California. He first commenced skating when he wa# about 18 years old and he la miw past 40, and It cer¬ tainly In the senttb of hla abilities. He has appeared at all the prineipal cities In America and on the continent. Most of hla tricks have ts-en emulated hy others, but none at them have ever been aurpassed. He Is the originator of the tbreading-tbe-maae. He has never be<*n contested In hla tables and chairs feats, nor has he been copied yet In bit barrel feat.

Two of the most graceful akati-ra In the business at the p-esent time are the El Rev Waters, who have a(>epsred In almost every skating rink in the country tbla season. They have hardly loaf a week during the whole sea¬ son. Wherever they have appeared It haa been the same from the B[)eetators standpoint. The remarks and newspatwr reports all say they are great. Managers from all parts who have booked these beautiful and graceful young skaters have nothing but the best f>f p'alse for their work and their ladylike manner while at thi-lr rink. Many have written that they expected to get a good act from these ladles, but what they exp'-cted and w-hat they received was •nmethlng wonderful. Many have honked them for 1 return engagement, and many they haw had to tnm down on account of their hook logs so far ahead They are two of the h<-st and greatest drawing cards on tbe road todav. AM credit tboiild be given to these two voting ladles, who. at the present fhne are great, are Improving at every performanee and are mak¬ ing « name for themselves that has aeldtsn been equaled In the skating game


Tbe new Ice rink recently opened at Bdln- tMingh has an Ice surface of 17,600 square feet, as eompari-d with 14.000 square feet In the rink at Manchester ami 13,700 square feet In the one at Glasgow. It Is 220 feet long, L20 feet wide and 38 feet In Jteigbt from the floor to th* roof. The floor la entirely free from pll lars and it la capable uf handling a great manlier of skaters. There is sufficient siMoe to supiily ail rinkt for curler#

The greatest of all Vaudevllls Animal Aria. "Allcs Teddy,” the roller akalliig bear, the talk of two con- tlneiita. Ttila Is positively the tiMt trsln^ b#ar la the world, clean, refined In every reapset and man¬ ner I.enrh of Si-t. IS to IR minutes. liavlna fin¬ ished my roiitrscts In rauderllle, srlll now book In- drtieiideni ’’Alice Teddy” Act In vaudeville or rsller

Write for o|ien time Addraet MAIIAitS ALICt TEDDY, tare Tke Blllbaard, ClaalasaH, 0.


The Rink Managers Conventloo. which baa been called for April 4tb at the Wayne Hotel. Detroit, Mich., durtng the thne the Interna¬ tional Amateur Roller Champkinahlp races are being hetd. will, from all repo-ta, be a great Success aa far as attendance 1* coocemed. Sev¬ eral managers have written that they will he


Mr. W B. Genno, general manager of the Interstate Rink <>i>erating Circuit, has trans- Iferred Mr. B. B. Barnes from bis Tosingstown lO 1 Auditorium Kink to the Armory RoHer Muk at Warr a Pa., which was reevntly open-

Flash Like Genuine

APRIL 6, 1912.

l»rATIOTU« »X)K KOIilJOK SK.VTIN<i ■■ oOlclel. If It were so adopted bj the Inter national Skatlna I'nlon of America, which Is made up of the Western, Eastern, Canadian and New England Associations, that organization might Join the International Skating of Europe, and thereby bring back the competitluns of pus. years. America has not held a competition fur (our years.

To OI’EN .NEW KINK IN MALTA. Word was receired from Camille DeVaudrey,

who was at the time in Tunis, saying that he was leaving Tunis, to go to Malta. Italy, and open up the new roller rink that has been und< r construction fur some time. IteVaudrey has go: the natives over there crazy about roller akat Ing, and a ates that everything points to big business at the opening of the new rink.


The Hillside Rink at Newark, N. J., will hold on Easter Sunday a Marathon roller race over the full distance, 26 milts and iisb yards. The race will be managed by E. E. Wood, the well known promoter. The race will be for ptofes sionala and a large purse will be bung up for the winners. The track la 14 laps, with a wide turn. l*romotrr Wood pro|>u«ea to give a special prize to the wlnn r of the moat number of laps, which will Insure a good fast race. Tii« following skaters have already sent In their entry: John Klrkbrlde, William lilackburn. Lucky .Mastjn, Richard KoellbolTer. Cbarlis Iding bein, Frank Goldie. Harry McDonald, Frank Brower, Harry Burke, Billie Yale and Cheater Smith. Bkaters wlabing to enter this race can wTlte to E. E. Wood, 111 New Street, Newark.


Why not let us save you this money? Our instruments are noted for their musical qimiity. Our patrons have them forty years old and playing.

I: ta iwtimated that thruLghout the Cnlled giMtis and Canada tlkst tht'r are tbouHSiidN of ^,ll, ' ekatlng rluka. r«‘pri-H>'Utlng a total In- veeliuriit of mlllloiiH <»f doll.ira. For Instance, just note the follow lug statlatlcs and you will (till a fair Idea of how many p<-u|>:e are dl rctli and iutlirerliy liitiToated In roller skat¬ ing l> is estliiiatasl that there are more than n last roller rluke In America, emidoylng tier liii.iiOit IMsiide. aiel a dally average atteml- tie e of more than 2,iHN),iaNl akatera. la It Bid -aary to Impress further upon you that rei:,-r -katiug Is a le-altb giving smusemeutT Hull roller skatiiiig d<H-s not get the c-«sllt that la due It. and may uever. uulesa It Is workiil the way it ought to Is- hy the managera and •tiers Inlerestdl in the game. I flisl that In nearly every idace I visit that uuh-ss roller akatlng la worked u|> to the right pitch, that the piiiple, esjii Wally the u«*wspaper men. think that akatlng la dead. Tliat la true. It la dead In a place where there are a lot of dead imes to keep It that way. But take the cities and towns where akatlng la workisl up an It otight to. and you w-vll find that all other aisirts In rbit town are dead, rzeept akatlng. and ttwa applies to any other sistrt or amus4ment that It md well handleit. What waa basket hall when It waa 6rst djwstveredT A cbtM's game, fte- what It Is ttslay and why? BUuidy tiecauae It waa tMS>ate<l aisl why not NkmI the ndler gaoM' like tn.v othir game. Too many men In the roller skating game are too almighty anx- lout to make a fvrtune quick, aixl isjme don't care bow they m.tke it. or bow they ruin Uve other fellows' chanci-s. as long as they get It. Tbtse are the many things that bare hurt the skating game ani the a.s)tier those who have practiced along Ibew- lines get wise to them- •rhes. the Ix-tter the skating game will be, I am nut running a rink, neither am I Inter- •ated in any way with a rick, but I am on earth to help those who are ninnlng rinka make a me- •Yst of tlMHn fur the g<sMl of all others

added .ATTR.\.CTI<>.N.S a SCCC.ES.S

Two added attractions were tried out by .Man- »gfT Joa. W. Munch Rlvervlew R:nk. Mil¬ waukee, WIs., last week and both pmtved to Is- Mg wtnners ant wMIl tie run again on a lirger scsle. The erst was Wednesilay night. March Sd and was a N-lght In Canama. The rink was all decorated f-w the occasion, and the

InstmiiiNts Fh All

roller akatlng In Europe, and all the continent, espsclally In Bans, 1 wish to say that the skating business here la equal to the Orst year business. This la our third year In I'aria and hualnesa. Including the door money, the lessons and the price of skates, has nut varied a $10*1 par week in the above time.

Regarding other parts of France, Belgium, Swllserland, Russia. Ruumanla, Servla and a few other places, business has been very good with them. Eugland and l.ermany have seen their best days; the trouble was with Englaod, every one went into the rink business, they built 12 up to 30 rinks In one city, and the admission was 6 leu.s or 12 cents, snd shout the same price fur skates. No wonder they could not pay: as fur Germany, in the old days, there has never be<;.n any rink that ever ?ald. as I told Colun> 1 Winslow and C. 1*. Craw

ord when they went there, that they would well make a failure as Germans are no; sportsmen,

at therefuee there could n t he any rink that could the paj In that country, aud which are paying now.

la Vienna, llungaria and Servia, they are doing a fair business.

Now regarding I’aria: There are six rinks besides the American Skating Rink, Saint Dl dier, which la the rink I am managing, all thosp rinka must do fair business, otherwise they could nut run; but ti>e skating rink. St. Dldler, la the biggest paying rink, and 1 can assure you that It la the only one of Its kind; turtber- mure I will ghe you a few details regarding it.s coat and the way it Is run: In the drst place the building was built by Colonel Samuel K. M'inslow of the Samuel Winslow Skate .Manu facturing Co., and its total cost was $175.ouu, the building la made of Iren, stone and cement Throughout It la 326 feet long by 350 feet wide, and the highest part of the building is 75 feet; It has no balcony, but a rise, which la what we call the "cafe department" the door or skating surface la 3tH) f -et long by 150 feet wide, Iwlng 45.000 aqua e feet. Promenades 20 feet wide surruund the door. There are two skate rooms, one for ladles, one for gents, two nice lava torlea. ooi- for lailles. one for gents; there are two seta of skate boys, one at each akate-room. There la one large Instructors' n'om. large enough for 50 men, and one for ladles, for 15. A medical room, which is reijuired by law-. Is 15 feet by '25 feet. The Instructois' and the help's coffee room Is about 90 feet by 25 feet. ■There Is one garage, with an automobile for

. - _ — ,- banking, and In case of accidents. And also In The Hippodrome Rink eludes six tx'wllng alleys of regular standard

slae, the only six ones i f the kind In Eurojie. Regarding the staff: It contains 298 jieople,

and a medUwl staff, required by law. of 11*7 doctors, with a chief and an assistant; each


THE BEST RINK SKATE shatv of a big baml shell, and arranged like a regular stage. Manager Munch had live acts i»o the alght of Friday. March 22. and the way the siwctatora t»>k to the treat, made Manager Miiui-h sit up and take mitU-e. It waa great. Me had a Jew cianedsan. two lady alngera. vlo Ln s'lo. and twvi other singing acta and gave thru iclwa to the winnera. which was decldsil hr Ih greatest spi>lsu»e received fmm the vjd'-n.--. It tisik so well that Manager Munch wilt hold anothir In the near future, and make a Mg affair out of It. aisl advertise It very strong He esn get any nirm'-er of acts that want ii- get a try out. and ar»- only too glad to get the chance to get before such a large crowd as Munch his In his rink.

REAL GREEN ICE A NEW FF.ATIRK .Managers Gale E. Brooke snd Edward N.

liKkinsou of the Hippodrome Natural lc« rink, M-tseen 81. Paul and Mluneai«lla. the twin clllis sprung a new one on the patrons of the rink on 8t. Patrick's night. Igrge ahamrocka were isiinted on the Ice, and different Dlah de- sl(ua were blocked out all over the surface of the M-e and the balance of the Ice wag entirely green. It was a very novel affair, and when the sksters entered the ar*-na to skate that e>,-nlog. they were taken by surprise. I tell you these two popular ntanagers are up to the ilm-i- when It comes to giving ^tbe public thing low and original. TL. ll;, "'-I: w»i tnrneil over to the employes on the night • ■r Mareh 19. as a beiiellt night, which closed an her succesaful season for the Hippodrome ■nsnagers.


Mies Adelaide D'Vorak, the racing girl and •katir extraordinary, la enjoying big success akat< in her engagements since her return from Mex- a*^* Ico That she la some spi'evi skater la saying Atmu very little, for It matters not to her who they ■ oa ate or where they come from, she la always 6 cai ready to tackle whoever la prt pared to meet her. ?•*** tier lust victim was the champion speed skater of lllllalioro, HI., whom she raced a half mile 21"*’' and easily defeated—Lee Hughes, the best that liter the Hillsboro Rink could proiluce. Mias D'Vorak in addition to her racing presented the people of lo Hillsboro with some of her very clever exblbt- | lions which waa well received by them. March j ' Ih. 10 and 20 she showed at the Armory Rink, eted, which la conduct)d by a military company of ationt lot) boys. The skaters at tbU place, Sul livan. III., are roller skate crasy, and Miss It'Vorak waa sb-'wered wltn roses after each per- | fo'ntame. Mias D'Vorak played a return en¬ gagement at Elwooil. Ind., for Manager K. Brown, on March 21. 22 and 23. and the Mlow- , lug in what thev think of her performance: I

Miss Adelaide D'Vorak waa the p«-Tsool8catlon of grace and skill In an exhibition of fancy and trick skating. From her Initial bow to the close of her performanee she held her audience fas¬ cinated and the greatest exi>eclatlons of a packed house were fully realizeil. Miss D'Vorak la by far the M'st skater that baa been seen In El •••-'ll In some time." Week of March '26 31 she will play the Oollaeiim Klok, Grand Rapids, Mich., for Manager George B. Zlndel. i


The International Skating Club, organised this year by Irving lirukaw, champion amateur 6g' ure skater of the I'kilted Slatea, following the disaolutlon of the fashionable Barger Wallach Akatlng Club, will have quarters especially 6tted up for memhera In the New Ice Palace, which >» to be built near the Times Square. Club- rwima with s|ieclal litckera, dressing rooms, and •h--wcr, will be built In the basement and kept 'xclusively for the use of the club memhera. The object of the club la to promote the art of skating and to relntrnduca Into America tha gm ■neihoda of akatlng, which Jackm'n Haines, the writt .^erlcan skater. Introduced In Europe In 1867. RivIb Th'« method waa brought back to America by they Irvlug Brokaw three years ago, and ha la try- fact, ■■v ho make It popular here and have It adopts

belicTa it Thousands of ethars

know it- Order • Maple pair and be

aanvinaad. Write for free catalog. We

earry a complete line (d rink euppliee. We

eupply parte for other makes oi skatee

Over 1,000 In use. Made In three sixee. For Roller Rinks, Amusement Companies, Danes Halls. Contractors and Builders everywhere. Ifa- cblnes easily rented to Contractors snd Builders M a net pro6t of not less than $10 to $25 a day. It la say easily operated, as when tha handle la raised. It la te- cllned to move forward of Its own accord. Built no tha only correct principle. Guaranteed to be tbs BERT machine with which to produce an even, smooth aer- face on any kind of wo^ floor, old or new, hard ar oft. Will surface from 5,000 to 7,000 sq. ft. once oveg In 8 hours. Two to four times over will make tt smooth and level. Bend for our FREE TRIAL PROP- 08ITI0N. M. L. SCHLUETER, 103-105 N. Caeal Strsat. Chleafo. III.; Nsw York omets, 1001 Flattrae Bulldlat *

Tho’ your rinks be large or small, Tho’ your floors be good or bad Take advantcige of this Ad. Book before it lx* too late The (lenius of the Roller Skate. -A fortune truly you will have made By Ixioking the famous Adelaide.

We change Cylinder Organa Into paper playing -Alas eat Paper Music for all laaaea of Organs. Rcasonsble charpm for repairing.

green plants __. ...._n" look like Inter gsnlen. -And sll 'round on the walls have idaceil looking glasses -$5.iX)0 worth.

The restaurant contains 700 tables with 2.000 chairs, the lighting Is iVone by our own elec rlc plant, and omtalns 15.000 Incandescent lights and 92 arc lamps.

We have playml all the best attractions fp-m America that have crossed over, including: The Great Monohan. Jessie Darling. the racing girl: Ulsa Adelaide D'Vorak, Charlie Franks and Baby Lillian, and a great number of other

Or Acts suitable for large rink, or salary. Acts must be strong.

If right. F. E, BROWN. Ms

If the band stopped playing during bar azhl- bitlon, would


Addrem, 3347 Eaat 65th St., Cleraland, O.

FOR QUICK SALE—Two 42-rt Box Ball Alleys, pood as new. $150. all complete. Also one 8<-hleuter Elec¬ tric Floor Surfaier. In perfect condition, for $1T5; cost $375. Addresa POOL RlHiM REGISTER OO.. Evansrille. Indiana.

WE BUY AND SELL USED ROLLER SKATEB— (Nona Booti) Rollar Rink Floor Surfactr, wkloh kasga the floor elsan and akatos from slipping: ns dost; 4e per psuad. AMERICAN RINK BCPPLT CO.. Baa- daoky. Ohio.

HE KING COTTON FLAG Marry-to-Rounds. Plctura Ithows. ate.: all stass. Ou Ing fast. Coma and sec them, or writs for panlcalAis Send for list of cardboard music: latast popular hits 6 Feet long, double dyed csmbric nn.

fssi and lain piool. sewed sliipea, dyed union noo-strelchabie bradtng^ nickel eyelets. Prepaid by mail on

'cceiot o( factory price bOe. or by express for 75c. AUERICAN FUG MFC.. CO., EASTON. PA.

dance, tnrker trot. I,ancera and all kinds of dancing on roller skatca.

Speaking abotit skaters, our Instructors hare been chosen from American. English and all the races of the world, and they are considered the brat there are. They have the .American style of skating, the English and Prench; In fact, combination of different styles, snd from my experience of 38 years In the skating line I can assure yon that thev are the finest In the world.

G. MINA a vxras Dsrvas. new lora, Mfr Cyllndsr Plano Organa aliigit action, and with Man¬ dolin attachment, for Skating Rinka. Merry- Go-Rounds. Tent and M. P. Bbowa ate. New ■uale to ordsr. Bpe- clalty In aaoond-hand ptanoa with nsw muala at iwiuead nrlAM *

(CoatimMsI on page 48 )


22 X e Billboard APRIL 6, 1912.

CARNIVAL NEWS Sirohel International Aviation Company to be Featured by Great

Inter-State Shows this Season — Macy Show Changes

Hands—Miscellaneous Carnival News ol the Week

rift* wero cIoM'il Mari'b 25. between the ' Str^bel iDlernatlODal ATlatlnn Co. of Toledo, O.. and the Great Inter Htate Shows of Chi- i eaijo, 111. owned and operated hjr Messrs. C. B. ami M. W. Meek, whereby the Strobel aero¬ planes and dirlRlbles will be furnished at all fairs and oelebratlooa booked by the Great In- ' ter Htate Shows durinf 1»12. This Is the first I in.slance of a carnleal company In the United ] Ststea rarrylna the aeroplane or dirlKlble as Its principal free at.faction for an entire season nnd la ■ logical development of the Immense drawing power of aviation flights In conneetlen with ca'nlval amusement features.

The Strobel airships have been consistent prise winnera since 1904 at the Urgent exposi¬ tions In the i:nlted States, I’orto Rico, Cuba and Mexico and the achievements of Charles J. Strobel and his h.vdro-acroplsne at New Or¬ leans recently caused the most wide-spread and favorable comment

The contracts closed with the Great Inter- State Shows cover a period of 24 weeks and pro¬ vide for the presentation of the Strobel dirigi¬ ble airship both as a free and a paid attraction darlnc the carnival season with the added fea¬ tures of monoplane, biplane and hydreaeropliane extilbItloiM whenever desired by celebration of¬ ficials.

Mr. Strobel has not yet announced the names of the aviators who will be booked with the fJreat Inter-State Show-s, but promises one or ■ore of the best in the country to take charge sf his modern and dependable equipment.

I>o--seft, long-range gallery; Williams. high striker; Mme. l<sVerne, palmist; Ernest Young, hu p-ia; C. A. Hhclienbuig, kegs; Katl Yuuhida, cook-house.

Harry Small Is in advance. Ernest Young Is The Billboard repres<'ntatlve, also the mail man.

The show Is being routed so as to make the Kentucky fairs.

With five days of ideal show weather, with —-— “ ..v .t i. o.i._ vo«- shows located In the heart of the city, with the cessions, oiwnlng with the Tl^lte City Shw. . newspapers, county and city officials (with the Castle, Ind , 27. exception of one alderman) showing us all the eewlons will be under the personal dlrectim of ■_^ _ _SS.V _1.0 Wis^ai_* \flfia


Maey's Olympic Hhows tbsnged hands March ». J. A. Macy selling his interest to Mrs. Uly Macy. Mr. Macy will not be connected in anv capacity wi;h the show.


W. W. Cochrane of Chicago, announces that he purchased the Robinson Amusement Co. and the Aiktn Amusement Co. and has consolidated the two amusement companies and will open same at New Albany, Ind., under the name the Robinson Amusement Co., AprtI 27. Cot Cochrane has engaged William Aikin to handle ffie show.


: S’ewart and llarr.v Main, promoters; Sailor I Jack, transport III ion manager; Stanley Karp, ' general overM-er; I heater Gi-nter's Hraiiiatle I Company, 22 performers, and Armstrong's band

joined re<-*’nlly. Mr. fox had a narniw esciilM- at Fitigeralil, Ga.. March 2o. when the para

' chute refused to work. lie escaped, however, wllhout itijiiries.

U. V. Miairi-, Iwtter known as Crip, last Iw-o seasons wl h the Kraiis<‘ and Maxwell .Shows, and who left the show at Economy, I’a., last fall, on account of Him as. has uiideigone a see. ond otieratbn at the Mercy Hospital. 1‘lttsbiirg. I'a., and w-mild like to hear from all friends.

Frank Sweene.v, who has lo'en with the Cllf ton Kelley Show slniv it startivl. left for home from Cochran, Ga. Skichsi Wilson o|s'ned his Jolly Dixie, fat girl show, at Jackson. Ga., with a new isitflt. A. II. (Doe) Carmuiack left the show at Jackson on account of III health.

R, M. Hart and Al. Riilck will put out one of the cleani St ll'tle tricks that it Is jHisallih' to get together. Tliev will have their own three abreast. Jumping-horse carousel. Ell Kerris wheel and four of their own shows. Ibe show opens in Indiana and will go East.

The Mildred Sclor Attraction Company Is sending out two flve-ln one shows and four con

Two strik<« for five. You nearly got it that time. lYy again, old man.

^1 Slip that shill are aw ful tough.

Is Morris, 111., a goisl carnival town’ +

CTieck up. but (K'uT be short. 4*

W«‘Btchest<-r. N. Y., is a go<sl plaii* to play uiHb-r any auspices ami proper manageuienl.

+ H<>re's a g<ssl name for a wpectaeular pro¬

duction—‘TMeaaurc ami I’leiily.” ♦

Don't ask atsvut the electric girl .ksk G. W. Allen.

4* Frame your ballyhoo as awcll aa you can.

Appearance counts.

favors they possibly could, the Clifton Kelley j Miss Sclor. Shows report Jackson. Ga., to be the worst | Mrs. J. O bloomer they have ever played (with the ex¬ ception of weather) since the show has been on the r(«d. This la not Intended as a knock on the town as the wrHer believes It to be one of the best towns of Its sise In the state of Geor¬ gia. but like Red Onion's ‘'Petersburg.” It sim¬ ply la not a carnival town. Four different com¬ panies have stopped moving at Jackson, one leaving a merry-go-round there, which the sheriff sold for fiOO. We were bothered the first part of the week by chumps who wanted to know what Earle Jackson's new Jumping horse machine and our new Plantation tO|) were worth, who no doubt expected our show to stop there also.

Replying to Red Onion's query as to how the Clifton Kelley Shows are getting along, wish to^ carnival companies, will not be seen on the Mid

Teese. who has been seriously ill for the past three months. Is slowly Improving. She will leave Tlmmonsvllle. 8. C., where she has spmt the winter, for New Orleans, some time In April.

M’hile trying to extract an empty shell from a 22 gun at Teague. Texas. Tom Hayes of the team of Hay<s and nayt*s, with the Woods' Ala¬ mo Shows, was shot in the foot. Hayes la doing nicely.

Dave I.4ichman. with five shows and Ferris whe<-l. Joined Womls' Alamo Shows at EnnI Texas. Tlie company now carries 12 shows, two riding devices and about 20 conc»*sslons.

Charles Reed, for the past two seasons with



I*. C. Kelley of the Cllfton-Kelley Shows, writes to The Billboard to the effect that Pled ■oat, Ala., week of April <1. has been cancelled •• account of an attempted shake down. Mr. Kelley advises carnival companlts to give this sawn a wide berth.


New York. March 29 (Special to The Bill board).—Frederick A. Danner, well known in park and carnival amusement circles, arrived from Florida a few days ago. Mr. Danner states that the winter seas n has been ■ m<at active one among showmen In the Southland, and (hat the exodus towa-d this side of the Mason and Dixon line has alri ady begun.

Mr. Danner's trip to New Y’ork is for the purpose of engaging people for a diving girl Show and a ghost show, which he will locate in a big amusement po k In a prominent Eastern city for the coming summer. Danner will also build a ghost show for road purposes, placing it with one of the most prominent carnival organi- Mttons traveling the East this season. A feature of Herbert lk.llne's Shuss Is IVineess Victoria, tililrd as tl-e niiniaiure Melba, bhe Is utider the man

agemeiit of Charles M. Abrahams.


Mrs. Clara Peters paid the show a flying visit at Abbeville, Ga.

.4 baby gland piano was addetl to the Plan¬ tation Show at Hawklnsville. Gn., also another sketch team from the Mac.v Shows.

Manager Kelley made a flying trip to Atlanta frtsn Cochran to make arrangements for rail¬ roading the show north.

Charles A, Ho»d is now general agent and la landing aome good contracta. Mr. Hood was 1 formerly connected with the Jones Adams, Johnny J. Jones. Krause and Weavir Shows.

A new top for the Plantation Show was re- cerved at Co<-hran. Ileriuan Resing Joined here with his photo gallery and has ordered a new top for It. Perry and Cannon put a new ki kl top on their vase wheel here.

CTiaae and Saulsbury, who have the shiMtlng gallery, sold their baby rack to W. G. Wright, who has placed It with the company.

Earl Jackson has resigned as leader of the band in order to have more time to take care •f bis extensive concession Interests. Charles Swift Is now band leader, also official Bill¬ board agent.

Roily Moon and Slim Collins have added a new cotjcesalon to tbe Ilne-np.

Manager Kelley has completed arrangements for a swell Hoe of paper for the coming sea- • OB.


say that with the loyal hiiiich of concession, show, band and working people I have had with me this winter. It would be iinisisslble |o do any¬ thing hiit get over. tVe have aiirvlvcd the ■win¬ ter and have a better show, ts't er baml and b<-tter Ilne-up of concessions tlisn we atarte<l with. Haven't a cono-ssioiicr with me wIhi owea me anything. If we can play Jackson, Ga., we can get away wEh •'Pclershnrg.''

L. C. KELLEY. Manager Cllfton-Kelley gliows.

tbf dime. The iHckInga

Will H. W»'id4‘r er liflioaa.

-lict ua bear about the Wekl-

4» for the


Line np of Littlejohn'a United Shows: Old i Plintstion Show with Thos. P. IJ’tleJohn man¬ aging and operating the front; W. H. Miller and his moti< n picture show. Prof, licon and his essine paradox and dog circus, with Tommy De- vine St the box.

Wombs, the Thihetian wonder. Joined last wiek Doc Powers Is manager.

Tlie Hoeletv. a raiidevllle attraction, opens with the show at Tallsssee. Ala. Mrs. Clara Pete's will direct. She now baa tbe candy wheel.

K<-asaian and J-mea Joined at miaaaee with thi*1r merry go round.

Bott'ato's R-ivsI Italian Concert Band It fur¬ nishing the music.

Tlie following conceaalona aye with tbe show; Ernest I.eubnsi-her. piekanlnniea; I./>ulae O'Brien, esi rack: Robert Gto«b. spoMlm-apot and novelty shooting gallery; Sidney lAiOch. photo galle'y; Mr. and Mrs, Jack Holliday, vase vrleel; Mrs. Littlejohn, country store; I). F.

The Great Patterson Shows have been under¬ going a general overhauling at quarters. Paola. Kan. Two more cars have been added to the train, which makes 22 (10-foot cars. Tbe show opens at Paola, April 25. Roster: James Pat¬ terson, geuoral manager; O. N. Patterson, aecretary and treaaurer; Jamea Patterson Jr. mascot; H. S. Noyes, general agent; I»ula Caldwell and Raymond Elder, promoters; A. B. Eastman, newspaper correspondent and band inatrueior; Jamea Parry Suttle, lot man; Captain Cardona, suiaerintendent of trained 'wild animgl exhibition; Jim Barbre, boos bottler; George Kitchen, boat canvaaman; Charles Lip- pltt. ebetrlcian; W. H. Harris, trainmaster; J. J. Bejano and O. N. Patterson, managers of Mazaetw, the goodnight horse, Jungleland.

i Squoeser, Midget and Annex; J. H. Johnson. I manager of the Naamla Show and Pa-nny Arcade; I Cheater N. RIasler, manager Fa-rrla wheel; John : E. Manning, manager Steeplechase; Brown and ' Roberts, manager snake exhibit; B. Ixihmnller, i manager Illusion Show; D. S. Parshall. manager

MTilte Minstrel Show; J. J. Ba-Jann, manager I Girl of tbe M<Ktn; M’ill X. Smith, manager Glass j Show; M’tlltam Jay Coghlan. manager Trained 1 Wild Animal Show; Sam. H. Fraser, manager ' Lion and the Mouse; Brown and Roberts, man¬

agers of the dining ear.

The Red Men aaf Sha-Ihyvllle. Ind., and the F. O. K. of Conneravllle, have eloaa-d eoniracts with Hart's Mighty Mlalway to furnish the attraetiains for their spring Festivals, kir. Ruirk. manager of Hart's Mkiway, will arrive In I,niilpvllle. Ky., AprH 12, from Tampa. Fla., where he has been spending the winter. He reports that hi* Ferris wheel, which was wrecked at the W O. M'. OodventloB In Tampa. Fla., this winter, will 'be ready for the openint -date.

Staff of the Rock City Shows; Ttaoroaa Delt- rtrh, manager; Roy English, aecretary; Arthur

way this year, lint will be found under the Mg toil of Di'Motfa Combined Shows.

Walter Lyons and wife will lie with ('apt. W. H. Stewart'a Show with the H. M I»ng Carnival Company, which i>|H’Da at Ft. Wayne, Ind. April 18.

The .Serial I.eWanles have aigned as the free attraction with the Great Suttou Sbowa. with which they will do two acts.

Col. Shadel, the Dare Devil, lias signed with tbe H. .M. l»ng Carnival Company.

Will Kosonberger and wife have slgm-d tbe H. .M. Long Carnival Company.


Change tbe aoft 4>

This oeason will have on tour at leaat tea traveling <rganlsationa worthy of the name ‘Carnival Company.”

♦ Whit Is the beat street fair town In .kiner-

IcuT Answer; Kicbiuond. Va., If you can get It.

♦ H« was going to elevate tbe cumival bual- «s. He went to sleep In Decemter and la

not awake yet. ijulte a Bleeping potloa. Do you remomlmr him?

He waa on the "nut” before he got the idea. 4*

Cbria. M. Smith—The time la bow .vour monkey paradise.

Mr. Concessionaire - Pay for your apace. Then It won't be n»-cessary for you to misve at night.

Vim and vigor does not come from working all winter In Florida.

4* If you want lo have a good laugh get John

F. McGrall to give yon tbe deflnttloa of a pesainiiat.

The Jack Van Mnsleal Comedy «\«n%panv iMild make an excellent earnival ah«»w. I

saw It In Chicago at the Musema on Stale Ktpcet.

If It rains t<imori»w. It may not rain tbe next day nor the day after than; •> why get discouraged?

P. J. Munday—Where and bow are yo*i? AH the boys are at all lhn»w pleaBCd to bear of your movementa.

♦ let u* quit exchanging real ttnu- and ex¬

perience for cooveraatb*. 4*

A. Bernl—Your organs are ueedesl «■ the fnmls of a large numbiT of sbowa. H<wiw near showmen do n<it apiireciale Ihla. I know.

Discovered—A reeeipe for turning hot air into plain, straightforward hnaimoa stwtemi-utu.

Cbariea leBoy—Are you going to take out one of your ooe-ln-one shows this tetson? Be csroful. don't break the glass.

♦ ManagtTs—Get olaosy literature; pay more

attention to the wortllng of your berslda smi booklets.

When .von see the call —respond prompGy- Don't stall the manager. It's not busioewi.

T. A. Glblln. chief ..f police at M-ddle, Is n flat' follow. Call on him while there

4* Annette Graff saya: “I shall worry —I ah«n

can-.” .\nnette. how did you like Ising oee- retary for a carnival manager?

Who needs thia? Do .your manlenrlng In your room, not In the hotel l<4>hy or on the front of the show, esp<><-lally while the free act is going on.

4* , Johnny J. Jones —How Is the Hast ■•oaat of



By Red Onion.

There are lots of li mitteco.

>li agents sisl wise enm-


If yon put that wheel ou again I'll run .vou off the lot.

4* Wm. M. (Billy) .Maillson—Where are you?

Are you going to put out the Great Monarch Show again?

4* lyady, bow do you like the show? .4wful. sir.

Thank you. that's wiiat they all say. 4»

Am told thia one about the cool ami collected James Patterson of the Great Patterson Slaiws: One time a coloreil employ«-e was preosing a pair of trousers In one of the ears. The gaso line stove explmb-d ami, in eonsequence hums up the car aud lrous*-rs. Pattr-rson sent for tbe pantaloon ppesser ami very <-<Hilly said to him: "George, you should be imire careful. That car was a valuable piece of properly.” and then, turning to the secretary, says: “Wire Immediately to wlnteri|iiarlers Pt a duplicate of tbe burm-d car and have it meet us at our next stand.”

4* Gee, that's a swell flash.

4> * Arh, according lo W. I,. Wyatt, goes

with Great Rmplre Hliows in bis usual caparlty. 4»

Jamea Patterson—Are you going to get that Mexican Band for the Great Patterson Shows this season. It's a novelty—get It.

4» What waa “Beautiful Bagdad F* Why don't

they bare It now? Believe It oraa a carnival abow.

Tiocal carnival committees—The «icc>-ss of your event <li-penda u|»>n the merit of tbe at traetlona you Issik. the prestige that ^rntr an« plees has with .vour townsjM-ople. lBdnstr;aI rsm ditlons. location, llliwninatlon. entht»is«m (the latter Is not Inert) and a well dlreetwl puhllr- Ity campaign. All the foregoing require Inm- llgenee and hard work. If you Intend to hook a regularly organlaisl company (whlcji la the best procedure and guarantees Is’tter panlt«» tie Burs- to contract with an e«tahllahe<l or ganisatlon. which assiirea Ita flnaiichil ability to carry out Its contract and to keep faith with tbe eonunlttee and your ppiopeetlve patrons Iicnd the vlalting nrginlaatlon all tbe oupport within your power lo make your event a sue eeas. Aaalat th«-m In every way In removing all local pri-Jiidlcea and obstacleo. Investigate thorraighly Is-fore you hook. ReputaMe roan agera heartily appriclate your d^ire and ef forta to ae<-ure the best, believing as’ all broad minded ami exp<rlenc<d men In this line of buslmoa do. that ymir siicctaa la tbnlra

+ roneesslonalres -Tan'l .von keep on the line?

What ap- .vou psittlng that stand out ao far forF ♦

Managers—Do you know how to lay out a lot? If mit, try to learn. It la not as easy ao you think. Chris. M. Hmlth is one of the best m< n at this we know of.

+ I saw a carnival company last season with

nothing but a letter head and a reel of moving pictnrea. The picturea looked like the flrst nin of 1880.

4> Hive you sien the 1912 model of the Big WH

Wheil? Ibe It. 4*

Camels, keep up the "hump” continually; H wins.

Al. F. Gorman, general agent nf tbe K G. Bsrkoot World's Greatest Hliows. Is om- of onr best agents. Ilia w«ak in Naohvllle laoves It-


APRIL 6, 1912. Xtie Billboard

0«‘n<T»I a«;i-ntH—1><> not t>o(>k yonr ciumpan.v In any town whiTf the principal Iniluatry la the iiiakiuK of touiliKtoui a and uionumciita.

4> W. I'arkcr aial T. C. (Itadl Work, two of

th«- oldeat incrry-ifo-roniMl men in the IniHincm, met f<»r the tirst time in Moldle recently. Hoth of theae men have laan active in this line for a acore of yeara. Work waa adiiilriuK the ma¬ chine he had purchaaed from I’arker, and said: Parker, if we only oaiUl have ha<i inachlnea like thia when you and I tirst startisl. 1 sm-aa we Would have made ao much money that there w<mld have be<n no reason to worry now." I don’t think that ellli«»r of these Kcntlcraen ncisl w<wry in any way alsait money matters.

+ Why an- so many of them Roine to Canada?

+ Who Is RoliiR to have ttw- swelicst plants

lhai allow?


Special discount to the profession.


(loods sent to any part of the country to responsible acts.

M. E. Polhill—Are you RolnR to put out a tsanpauy this season?

4» Some of th<-m are Just dylnR to Ret out ami

•■at one more meal umler a cook top.

— + The effort well directed la worth while.

STRELITZ BROS Columbus Memorial Bld^.

31 N State Street, CHICAGO. Forty year, of continued luecou in Chieaio la t«idaaee that you will got a iguart dsal.

We refer by iiermlaalon to the National liank of the Republic. Chicago, and to the publlahera of thta paper.

C. M. ROSE. Profntlonal RegroMatativa. Ten years In the business. Kkiyd C. Thompson han invented what will

without a doubt pmve to be the real "novelty” csenivnl nhow of the present nenson. The at- tractloo !• called the Passing Throng. It IsMSciis'-s r-nl noeelty and merit. You may call It the Turkey Trot. If you like.

♦ rrogri-ssive Carnival Promot<us»—Have you

ewer tried (mttlng on Carnival Tag r>ay? I do not know how It Is done. If I dkl. I would try to tell .vou. It mm«t be great—sounds good.

>:veobo<tj etwrywhere la rraay about news,taper car- t.siiH of Ml’TT ANI» JEKK. Ttila new automatic ball tlirtising game ahusni them In real life, thousand lliues funnier tban the pictures. Ultle Jeff Is alive- - set I list. Klggest thing ever nITefvsl roncenaiunalres. Cet ilwTllitivc drcular. BUCKEYE MF6. CO., CIs- ciasstl, 0.


Merry - Go - Rounds .^ny change in iwMnc shown would he an Im- pTove.nent.—Rigntsl. John F. McfJrall.

Rome eventn are brilliantly conceived and atrociously managed.

A w<dl known sketch writfw. who maki>s his heaibpiartcTs In the s|mee oivuplcd by the elRir Ftaml. hsr ami Millard nwm of the •R.iratfsta Hotel. resnark«'<l the oth'T evenlnz that be w'sbtsi some one would tell him some new Irish Jokes so that he mleht write a NEW monologue. He la some sketch writer for carni¬ val comedians.



r>. \V. iDoTly^ Is Tory TmihIIt oiur'iBoil in rr*hojirHlnB now nnmhori* an<l to ho otapot with tho N^mla Sh<*w. AH n‘*w thia iioaaHi—^xtiH'n and! th-»o nion on atap*- I^a^y tl<‘W*t —1wontv-<*1i^ht iti all with tho show. Nomia show.

EVANS ^ CO Lockport. N. Y

LIGHTS CIRCUS AND ARENA I pay you sll alike, men.

+ Rteve Wmslw—How la It von can stay

away from Chicago, so long? Steve, what is your permanent address?

Ktlek for a winner, boys.

3000 Candle-Power

Spreads a Very

POWERFUL \ Light Over a

Ikin’t throw out your present systems, spend J cent, and learn somrlldng more Kcmoiable Tl|>s anil (laii- rraiors aiel tlmroagbly cleanist for lia.nv and $15.on. Urlghion licai-h 24 baiir Auto Kac*s. the Illumination our work, for all ressirds: also Hall Parks. Kars. I'arnIvaLs ai.d Kesiirts. U. F. IIAKVKY. 25u« Atlaidlc Are.. Krooklyn. N. T.

Will some one rv’esse frame up a s»tre •trough rtsM circus' There are one o- two good ones, hut no on“ has exhaustixl the pis«lbllltles fi>r fnptber Imirrovctmnt.

The past is gone We only have the fiitnre. j THE MOST EPFICIENT f LAMP FOR SUMMER


Charles L. Kiewert Co. NKW YORK. 1H5 (i.B.ivwicB St. MILWAL’KKK. 114-1 IB Hvruiv St. SAN FRANCISCO, lU SuTTBB St.


Street or kits—which !» the betti'T? Both cannot be.


in iill dfimrtinpiit.'i. Show o|M-ns Salisbury,

.Vpril 11. ('o, k all n*atly; eome on. Arhlress (’H.VS. .''I’.XKK.”*, .M^r.,

Salisbury, X. U.

"Pie following Is the Itne-np of ttie Moss and .Marr’s fonsoPdated Shows: Tompkins Wild West. Oias Tompkins, manager, with twen'v lead of slock and fifteen people; Armstrong’s Fat and T.can Peonle’a Convention. C. H. .\rm- strong, mansger: flail .Arabian Nights featur¬ ing Fatima Hansen. In the Idol Worship Dance. •A flail, manager; Harry Six’s Water Clrcns, Harrv I.ewls’ Old Plantation. RadclIIT’s from Vnder the Sea Srn-w. J. C. Boiler’s Nemo Show. Princess O'ga. Ed. .Arthur’s Joy Ride, PalPson’s Womlcr Cl y. Hopkins’ Jesse James. Mr«. Wil¬ liams’ Penny Vaudeville. Freil Keen’a Jumping Horse Merry go-round. I'ree acts Include, Harrv .Six. high diver: Karl Ni'Ison. on the flv Ing trapeie. anil Develo. In the Cage of Di'ath: MIcbael Paduano’s Boval Italian Band of sixteen s ilolstg. and fwentv-ftve concessi ns Inclinllng Dave ksnfman. Ross Nearv. I.eo Frleilman. Harrv Kerkls. Tsaih'r Fireside. Brener Briw.. Jack’ flr»|i»nhalgh. T. O. M-iss has sur rounded himself with the following execu¬ tive staff: tleo. S Marr. general agent; Paul Bloiim. sneelal agent; H. Fri-edman. promoter; E. .\. Kennedy, oontracting agent: Harry I.ewls, aiMTctary and treasurer.


Competent Man CIRCUS MEN: You •need Parade Haimers.

MINSTRELS: Vou also need nice baiiuers.

VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS: You need l-'aney Slajfe l-'inbroideries.

Are you equipped for the coming sea¬ son ? If not, write to

To takr rhargr of Ferris Wheel, who uiMlrrstands gM- olliie engines. Want man to work domtstlc itock. Also want laily to work lions and domestic atix-k. Ail- dress JAMK8 PATTKKSIIN. lUii 27. Paoll. Kaiisgs.

Knad Shows, at the Ijrceum. after May 1; seating 400 *>•<». *2i35 feel. Also gisnl Vaudeville at OIHI. Ad¬ dress I.YCKCM TIIK.ATRK. Baralmo. Wts. Karland’s F.xposit'on Shows are preparing to

open Ihi* sea*mn in York State. The show com¬ prises si'vcn shows, thri-e riding devi es. two fri-e acts, a real Indian hand of twelve pieces and fifteen concess'ons. There will he three men ahead of the show, which will be hilled Pke a circus. Every town Nwked has a ceie- Iiratlon or convention so far and there |s not mneb open time left. Six cars will i arry the outfit.

M;,nufacturprs of

Theatrical .\rt Kmbroitleries Tn.\T .\TTR.\CT.

222-224 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ills (('atalogue Free)

FOR SALE—Entire Contents of Penny Arcade

ItkHenfrUi St’alr Kleiirir NamF-IMAiF Ma- ^•hlne Mnurv IJght I'ianl. SiuMitliig Gallery, etc. WPKriALTY AM ni., rtth \\r . N. Y. intv.

AT LEISURE MUSIUANS wanted; About Juno 1st

•^-1 TntiiilHuie, (’tiruet ami Trap Druin- iiier, with roiiiplett* liiii* uf traps. .Vilil-ess 1>. J. .MeCWSblN, Stillwater, ()klalu,m:i.


Kducalnl SisHleil To Fair Secretarlea:—If you have a lake or alieet of water In or near your park, engage ua for hydroplane work We extend a rontlal invitation to all Interested in air flight to call at nur workshops and Inspect our planes. Fanuan. VoUlJi. Uoraiie, etc. l>emon.strated by U. P. Greasier. GRESSIER AVIATORS. 137 W. 37tli Street. New York.

. .hmy. does 21 tricks. Iirighl. 51 w-rlghl. 500 pounds: 7 years old Ihhe. Safe for lad} to handle WM J KKKG.AN.

ate HI., Chicagii. III.. Trlr|iluiiie Calumet

Inrties: $:e,ii iMi. I«I6 H 32*.



900,000 PEOPLE

TO DRAW FROM eanrs. I’-neants. eonfr'il. N’olie Makers. .Aran-hDt Homlei (Slink ItomlH). Everything lu Tov, IJi't Our i’rlces. 3D0 Hniadivay, New Y'ork. Ttiia Is the Address. HIgvesI In the huslness._

And two gnoiL llaifiier Mrn. must loin by wlee. Addreaa < B. (’I.AKK. far Mgr. Ldiichhurg. Va.. April 4th; l■exlllgUlll. Va.. April .Mh; Stauutuii, Va . April #th; llarrlaonhurg. Va.. April Hth.

Half-hour ride from St. Louis. The real live one. Get it? ('onoeaalona wantMt; real ones, no dlnkiL Good ones get the money. lUdlng Itevtcew on a peroentage basis: liberal terms. Chance for roller nna to clean ajp Bids for imaller conttailnna close April 1. Reason opens May 1. closes September SO. Alrdome seating 1.IMM for lease. State particulars fully. G. HUGH MORRISON Maaager.

Must be cheap for cash. Addre** O. H. B.kBTICK. SOT N Henry St.. Bay City. Mich. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT MENTION THE BILLBOARO WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS. it In The lUIlboard tell thswn -o.

24 e B APRIL 6. ir2.

FAIRS AND EXPOSITIONS Minnesota Stale Fair Association Announces Many New and Start¬

ling Innovations lor Its Next Meeting — Secretaries the

Country Over Plan Novel Features this Season

rallntad It under conttrucllon froui MIllertburK I to Oratt. and then up the rillex to Aalilanu. TiiU railroad will, no doubt, when In o\^ ri' I

Ion prove to be a Itreat benefit to the Grata Fair. In antlcipatl<*n of thla the aaaoclatun la enlarging the grounds, wh! h are making other Improvements. T. S. Klinger la secretary.

The Weat Texas Fair Association will bold Its fourteenth annual fair at Kerrvllle, Tex., Au¬ gust 21. 22 and 23. Tlie premium list la t.»e highest *<'f any county fair In Texas, and the race purses large en<Righ to a tra t the best i horaes In that section of the country. hundred dollar purMs will again l»e offered f^rr

IUu.llii.. Mluu . M.^h lSpw.lil to The of - au.l fh.. a<Uni»«l.>n* to th.- fiilr two-year olita; this *i?,/*nre{iTw Biilb. aioj.—hverythiUK U Id reaJliieB, for be- total, d 30.(t<H> |aat year. Thia I* tbe lar^.-at • Kfat attraction '“■‘J 1?^, tj.DDiiK tbe work of preparing the greateat „„inty fair and the third largeat fair In the •".! purse* , • ate fair ever aeen in the Lulted Statea. Thi* *t.te S K Kell, y la »eeretary trlbuted much of the »ucce*a of thl* fair. cna*. fair will be held under the au»plces of tbe Min . *. m loi- Real la aecrelary. Dviiota Slate Agricultural 8.Kiety on S.pleuiber " a>he Allen County Fair Association held it* 2 to 7. iai2. on the fair grounda at lUmllne. T” .l.^e annual n eetlnV on March I« and aelect.d Sep ■ildway hetwe. n MiuDeatwlla and .St. l-mul » '» f« r *‘"‘e “•'‘‘1',^ ", ,4 ,, the 1*.M2 date* for li*

At .ne anouMi of ft.. h-IH tn 'I*'* organ'ta lon of tbi* a«*oolafl<m. The flr*. teml«-r 13 amt It a* <ne i 1. u.i *

fAir will be b»dd uuder the au>^plces of tbe Min epa,^ a a, \# l-.i, mi** R**®1 secretary. oosota «tMle Agricultural iJiKieiy on St ptember .* xhe Allen CiUintv Fair A»tH>clatlon held its 2 to 7. iai2. on the fair grounds at lUmllne. T” .l.^e annual n eetlnV on March I« and aelect.d Sep ■ildway hetwe. n MiuDeatwlla and .St. l-mul. f‘ » '» ^?o 13 .nd It a* the 1*.M2 date* for li*

At the annual lueetiug of the society held In ^*'*'*“ >a Jon of this aitsooiatioo. Ihe fliy t u held at tvMIe, Ky. All the the atate eapitol Jaouiry «. 10. H and 12. T V T If.^oifier* were re e'ect^ r..; Ia»t fair wa last year's uiauageiu. nt was eutnuKiaailcally en fair ha* more than douhl.<d It* preceding. * , ano.-e**- the weatlier wa* fine, ti e doraed and the anil manaaera re.eierted attendance ind In usefuln>‘*a and iD at- « great *ucce*», me weauiir , rr^r‘-p‘e“.;la?V“^”t.‘u ZmTrh.Tl.o.hf;?K -IT*- old othoera of the fair ';o-J%lmmen.e: ^rfec.^o^^^^ , hut • repetition of last aeaaon * weather can , re except the w ret.iry-manager, and w" '.re In .plen.FJ - priTent a cuiuilnatlng auci-e*a In Seutembef "f*' aecre ary-manager for the fair thl* The ground* and huliding* are in i ,

In man, reaUt. the“ WU Ml^e^U State la W. Adamaon. Carronton. G... w'uo •"<> oV all T ! Re,7 la ' Fair waa gr.ater than any of it* predeceMor*. ha* aerred heretofore on the executlre wm- the coming the be*, of all. lU greatest falling waa the weather. Five day* mR‘»'e •«'<1 f«‘r. The proapecta are brl^^t secretary. , Of ram eatabllhhcd a new atate fair record for a Aplendid fair. At the laat fair over .Vi.

Tbis neccK*xarlly cauat-d a shortaga of funds. I people were In attendance, and it la expect- but Twin C'Uy bu^lueMs men catue to tbe rescue wl.b the growing interest lu this fatr, and rendered autbcluut bnaocial backlog to en- that the attendance will reach far beyond tlut

The Nolan County Fair Aaooc'atlon will hold | heir 1«12 fair at Roacoe. Text*. O toher .4 i

able the mauageiuent to not only pay all ohllga- tlona but to prepare for the coming expoal.lon. ground* will be arranged In a aery con Tbla altuatioD hat caused the manageuient to Tenlent manner. The race track will be Im

ed, wl.h the growing Interest in thl* fa.r. __ ...Kw-ntlon 1* not In a position to that the attendance will reach far beyond tlut ?"!* 26_ , . , affair lu»t timing' to make number. At the 1^2 fair the midway at the hold an J %"Ymntible to tlilr pi-ople. fair rronnA. will he arraneert «n a Terr «>„■ I » will 0On*l»t of firm exhlb't* of

all kinds and live stock exhibits. The ltdU* de<ida upon the niric cat economy. Secretary proved and buildings enlarged and the ^tand nrenare swcimen* of tbvir cullnarv Slmpaou during h.a firs, year In office materially stand enlarged. IJils Fa*r Association Includes . ■ L«ndlwork of all kinds. Races, ball leaa. oed the ciat of prejiaratlon without loalng i ten of the moat fertile coun.le* In Geo^li. all ,h„wa of differ, nt kind* will lie the efficiency or effect. Thl* year be will make still 1 tho»e counlle* comiioalng the Fourth Congres * *c ....acthm* B P llopkln* la aecro- greater saving. The cutting down of expenses, slonal District and it located within ea*y reach pr'nc pal attraction*, n iu|ai howeaer. will not be esaential. Secretary , of the railroad. The management intends to »e- l■■T. , „ , , .i,. Tna Simpaiin and the Hoard of Mtoager* appreciate cure the highest class of attractiona, and it la The For y-Serenth .knnnal r* r of tn - the necetally of eecurlng the highest class of ' exp* ted that many new feature* of attrac.lon* cola County -'grlcultural S*oclety win oe neia av attractiona and the offering of premiums such aa will be aeen. The railroads hare promised re- Vissar. Mich., August hi, ... .3 and -4, i -• will attract the largest number of exhibitor* duced rate ticket* for this fair. The officer* of thl* nnclety Mre again deciaco IB arer, department. The premium offerings will | ,nnual fair of the W.-at. rn N.n-lh »?. <'ptnblne their "rnr Iriece*. IB arer, department. The premium offerings will I ae.'..nil annual fair of the Weatern North combine their foriy-eignm lair wnu lo.- he larger than ever before thl. year and the I PaVu" Ml hlg.n half mile racing c'rcult The au^e*. oOBBtr, will he scoured to aecure the highest i xaheTllle N C (>ctob.-r S H It) and 11 IHFJ “f reason ha* prompted them to claaa .iuc. lonal and entertainment featur4 for • w, M ,* they a-e s' lltne early date*, a* the attendan .« ^.»on ex- the 1»12 fair. I™,rrth.n a mile fr^ the heart ceeded th*t of any prerlou. fair. Tbe^.,*"'

Tbe horse and horse racing will again be 1b ,nd on*^a tndley line reached every nfteen min N* a g'X’d racing card each day. William tbe aacendant at thl* fair. Last year two day* f, of the *lx Were deyotid to automobile racing. There baa b.‘en a change of heart In the mat- —— ter and It baa been decided to have five day* of beiae racing and set aside Saturday after- soon only for an automobile program. The fair managers are deti-rmlned to have the best horse* and tbe blgbeat class racing that liberal purses can attrac . and to this end will bang up pu ae* totaling $26,00(1. Tbe total amount of premiums offered aside from tbe $26,000 hung up for the borwe race*, amounta to practical'y $57,600.

The following are the officers of the Mloneao ta State Agricultural Society; Ptesident. C. W. Glotfeller. Walervllle; first vice-president, B. S. Warner. St. Paul; second vice-president, E. J. Btllwi'll, Minneapolis; aerretary, J. C. Simp son. Hamline; assistant ■.‘cretary, M. E. Harii- aon, Hamltne, in charge of advertising and pub- Mclty; treasurer, Edgar L. Mattson, Minneap¬ olis. Merntx-ra of tbe Board of Managers: George Atchison, Mankato, W. W. SIvrigbt, llntchlnnon; Ri-hert Crickmore. Owatonna; C. P. Craig, Duluth; F. W. Murphy, Wheaton; Tboa. H. Canfield, Lake Park.

tisilley oar* reixiers It a most Ideal | Grant 1* secretary.



The 1012 dat.-s of the (t.-in Saba County Fair Aawactation are July .3<i. .'11. .\iigu*t 1 ar.d 2. Thl* fair N held at .Ssn .SaSa. Tex., and coo- slsta of an .-xhlhit of the lire stock and agrl- ctHtnriil interest* of the county; this was the (■vtglnal ohje.-l of the ie--Kix>ter* of the assocla- tioas, but a* attraction*, racing. ha*<-hall and many other festur>-* have been sdded. .\n effort I* always made to have something In the way of free atfraclliM:*: liat1o<n ascension*. fire work*, high .live*, nlirhil.v m’-*lcal <*>ncerl*. etc., have so far <*in*tiliitt><l the ft** event*. Thia fair ha* hcr-tof,*-,- i*-en *erionsly han<ll- caivped by the lack of tran*i*>rtatlon facllllle*. but the Same Fe Railway now- (xme* to the town and will add to the Kii(-e»“^s of the fair In DO small degr'c. Th- rai road w-Ill grant low rate* from all i*ilnl* In the *tat«'. The fair aawN’latlon Ih>*«I» of one of the h-st equipped camiiing grounds In Ihe state and an eapeclal fea’iire i* the camtiing feature, w-he-e all the pe.q»le Of the •'ountry come and bring equipage for a four days »i*y and api> furnish**! free camp gnsiids aiul an abundance of the parewt of wat*-r. Due to this feature the fair is hecvuii ng more er<l m'>r- an annual home coming and •-ncaniimx-nt. ."^an Saba has a popu-


-W-.S^hao.- .. .

^ •


A gay crowd on the llldway.

Sse’y. Fanaac Coimxt Fair AaaodatloQ. Bavaana. O.

location for such an «vciii. .\shevllli- 1* tin- , trade centre of ftie in<i(in;aln sts-tlon of North . Carolina, with a i*>pu atlon of i-plO Hi, 411.0-u , of whom n-slde within a ra*llu* of five rail*-* of the fair grounds, aixl the manag* numl **1 Ihe Fair Ass*>cl*tlon confld<ntly exiH>ct an aver age attendance of l.'i.Oisi |Ms>ple imt *lay at the , 1!«12 fair. The management d*^* not contem- j plate the erix-tion of an.v a*ldltl<inal buildings, ; as the one* n*iw on Hi** gr>un*ls are (*ins *1 r* *I ample for all n*x‘d*. The WVstirn North Car*e lina Circuit will oi>en at .'Cylva. N. S*-p- | terober 27 at the time of the Jackson County Fair, and fairs w-ill be hcl*l In the f*)IIi*w-'ng j five csvunties one wix-k apa-t; Wayn*‘*vllle. .\*li**. vUle, Marlon. For*xit City and i-ossihl.v H*-n denvonvllle. Gwen Gudges is aetlng secretary of the Western North randlii* .kssoclatlon.

The Putnam County Fair 1* held at Ottawa. I Ohio, the 1912 da‘e* being October 1. 2, 3, 4 and 5. Thl* year the association will send the , hoy who ra'aes the best acre of corn In t’.ie : county to Washington, and pay all hi* expense*. Nearly one thousand dollars In prlaea will be given for school work exhibits, and ov(»r 5.000 1 boy* and girl* will compete f<ir the premiums. Old Soldiers' Day, Granger*’ Day, Old Fid- ; dlers’ Dav, Children’s Day. Oovemor’a Day and Old Set'ler*' Day all help to create conversa- . tlon about the fair and Increase gate receipts. The C/onnty Comm'aalooera pay to thl* fair from $1,500 to $2..500 annually for Improvement* f*ir msny years, and this, with the $600 at* e allowance ha* given the Putnam County Fair Grounds some of the finest buildings In Ohio. ; A. P. Sandle* It secretary. |

The annual event of the Steven* Point Fair 1 Association will he held at B'evima Point, Wla., September 10, 11. 12 and 13. The association I filannlng for this season one of the best and 1 argeat fair* ever held here. Thl* fair I* a

memher of the Wisconsin Valle, Short-Rlilp C'rcult. composed of Marshfield, Merrill, Wau¬ sau. Antlgo and Stevens Point, five the ties* cities In Central Wlaconsln, with a combined popniation of over 50,000, and drawing from at leaa; 100.000 people. TTie races and attrac¬ tion* will he good over the entire circuit. Bad weather last season proved a handliap ta sev¬ eral of the towns on tbe circuit. A. E. Bourn 1* secretary.

Grata Agrlmltoral and Horttcnltnral Aa*o- clatloB will hold Its 1912 fair at Oratt, Pa.. October 16. 16. 17 and 18. Thl* fa'r la loca'ed In the central part of th« beantlfnl Lykin* Valley, 16 miles east of Iflllersburc. A new

The Taylor County Fair Asso latlon will h-'ld | It* annual event at Medfor*!, Wls., S*p ember | 17. IS and 19. The assoc at'on hss recclv.-d j $1 .000 fpim the count, h*iar*l. snd plan* tn | build a new exhibition hall. .5 corn gr «wl;ig 1 contest for hoys and girl* 1* to l>e made j sp(H;laI ediicatlonsl f*‘*tnre. as Is the jiidgLig of live stock, the Jmlges bt>lng expected to give reason*. Race* are also a fe* ure. A. J. I.atton Is secretary.

The Exhibition Association of the City an*l (-ounty of SI. John. N. B.. have named Septem her 2 to 7 a* the 1912 da’e* for their exlilblthin. The management is preparing to make tbe 1912 show the best ever held In the Maritime Pmv- In’es, and will bend every effort to attain this end. H A. Por er Is aecretary.

The 1912 fair of the Adams Ounty Fair -As- ■oclation will be held at Coming, I*.. Sep em- ber 9, 10 11 and 12. Tlie oiithsik for Ihe com¬ ing season 1* very favorable and every effort will be made to make thl* year’s event the best In the history of the association. Geo. R. Bliss Is secretary.

The Mecklenburg Fair Asaoc'atloa of North Carolina hat gone out of business and Is now In the course of I'qiiidstlon. 'There It being orgtnixed a new association, under the name of the Charlotte Fair AssocI* Ion, which will bol<l Its events at Charlotte. N. C.

The Seventy-Second Annnal Fair of the Onei¬ da County Agricol nral Society will he held st Rome, N. Y.. September 2 ,3. 4 anil 6. 1912. The evening* of the fair date* will he devoted to tbe Romahawk Carnival.

The Linn County Fair Aasoclatton have *p proprlated $10,000 for purse* and premiums for their 1912 event, which will be held at Bixx-k- field. Mo., July 30. 31. Aug. 1 and 2.

The M'aslsslppl and Gulf Coast Exposition tv,, will hold lit annual event at Gnlport. Mias.. October 29 to November 2. J. B. Howie Is secretary.

V i >»« to b«u4 F Mi MBWKiMr n bis confectioner, bm.i.

ness in my borne town Thin mnehine makes Poy*.

com Crispettee, n new * delicloun—delightful conf#r^

tlon. I earned my money making and st-Uing Criapettes. If you will writ* me today I'll toll you how I did It and tell you howtontart. If you follow inatruetionsyou ahould make more money thia winter and next aummer than g^er dreamed of

Every Time You Take in a Nickla You Madce Almoat Four Centa Profit

Somewhere In your town la a small atora—whaif at^re —a store window—or a nook where yoa ***** set ot, your maohino and make _ > . moaey. Or yoa can start at home—eaiahliah iohbioa conneotionc—sell to retailers and make a fat profit. Makina^C^K ******** Bh^lS money Isn’t half aa hard as it aeema At least Inveatigate my proposition. Write today. If only a postal oanL

W. Z. LONG. Hi^ Street. Sprhxgfield.

The L^esl Sensational Act in

the Worii Beet 4ay grand stand

attrertloB. Beet and most hrill-

Innt night leninre Thrilling electrical

tlreworka tInUh

Contains many original and

■tartling feat* that imitators dara not attempt.

For paihcuUn of this (bbous, record bleak, mg. crowd-drawing,

igieclaulaf feature, sudrer*.

UONE LEGARE Bethlehem, Pa.

In the Heart of Atlantic City

Vacant Lot. (OxtO feet, opposite Penn. R. R WUI Iea*e Cheap Gooil all year liKOtlon. JAMM A.

BI MI’HRTS. Bumphryi Bulldliia Atlantic CHr. N. J.


PARKS ! The best line ol stock pictorial I posters in the country. Sam- ! pies and prices sent on request.

I The DoDaldton Litho Co. NEWPORT, KY.


CLEAR. 6c. COLOREB. 7i. Better grade at alight differ-

ence in price.


_160 If 6th Ave., f H1CA66

Prof. Walter W. Raub and Capt. Thomas Longo

Condurtnni of Hrlentlflc Balloon Aacenalon* ond Aero* plane Kllghta. now booking. New 4nd Moood’bond Balloons and *<*hutc« and Aeroplgne BuppUai for aAk. Write for ratalogueN THE RATH AND LDNOO BAL- L<K)N and BIPIaANK <X)., rolumbua, Ohio.

Anderson. S. C. Buenna Vista Park FURMAN BMITN, Maaater.

Heasnn opens week April 2* Adequata ear farffilUes All busliies* pmpnattlons considered.

Ohio Villoji ferie ol Ea|les No. 1158 roR SAIE, IN LIVE PARR MADISON, IND.

('ontemplatlng holding a street ramlral some tlma next June, are dmlrotu of I'omtng In touch an*] oommunl- catlon with tome good camlral companie*. Ad>Ircas all communtrwtlona to NICHULAR BoKDKR. Oialr- man, lladlaon. Indlauw

A rircllng Ware, ronalatlng of eight roeklas hoaU. complete, with a IS h. p. motor and motor baas* and ticket booth, erwting orar 01.60*; will ba aoM tw quick buyer for $300. Also for sale, a UofiM Bhoot- Ing GaHary Inquire H FEEKDILAM. $!• W. IMrd K.. Wilmington. Dalawars.

APRIL 6, 1912. Xtie Billboard 26

For Sale! We are about to wreck Wonderland Park AND OFFER FOR IMMEDIATE SALE

One $10,000 Dentzel Carrousel, 48 feet diameter, 2 rows jumping, one row stationary animals, 52 in all and two chariots; seating capacity 00, with organ and 10 horse power motor; in first-class condition. 48-passenger circle swing; 15 laughing gallery mirrors 36 x 70. .All machinery and equipment of L. A. Thompson Scenic Railway with five trains seating 20 passengers each. .Ml machinery and equipment for old mill and chutes. Also Sosman & Landis production of Johnstown Flood and San Francisco Earthquake, complete with 29 feet wide display. Com¬ plete equipment for infant incubators—six incubators, dressing table, scales, linen and clothing, etc. 20 ticket choppers, three turnstiles. All of the above must be sold within the next thirty days. Terms—Cash.

For further infermution, a<

Park Construction Company, P. O. Box 176, Minneapolis, Minn. RUBBER BALLOONS,


For Carnival Salea.


Wt C*n7 the UrcMt tiMrliMnt sf Kair* Hoa, KiiItm wMt of Ui« UlMlialppI ftlfcr. Our prlM* %r tbaolutalr rock bottum. W« alw ckirr • (uU Ho. o Pirrctmaa'i Goodi. Cariilfal No.aUtaa aok •a<>4i l» Pain. Wt arc tba oldaat Ftraclacn't atipyl, hou.v IB tha I'Dltcd Statea. and hata tbouaanda af .atlaflw auuomcn. Wa can aatlir, rau and waul >our burl aaaa Ordara ahlppad tana dar Tatalaau ritcE

COE. YONGE Sl CO.. •07 Luoas Av*nu«, • • ST. LOUIk


ifi FOUNTAIN PENS A F«w of Our Spoelals

At Aa4«<M4 FHom.

No. 404A--ll«dlDB alM Paua tala Paa. aerrw aaetloa. hard rah bar. racrarad barral, flttad with U-K. gold-platad Pan. Par doa.. II. II; par croa*. tlLTI,

Na. 40#B—"Tha Joaba.'* artra largo alia, laagth. 7A4 laehaa Prica par doaaa. ll.M; par grata. III. M.

Cap, goM lattarad. "Marka raaa." .Noa laakablt, Improaad Pah. Priaa. tach. ••■••■

Wrlta far aor Spaclil Pohataln Paa Ciraalar. aallad fraa. aad aaaa aaiiap. It abawg tba lataat "tplaa at tha lowaat pricaa.

GORDON &'M0RRIS0N Impopthrh hnd

IM • n u f aotikchr*


H. C. EVANS & CO. 75 W. VanBuren St.,



Club Room Furniture. DICE, CARDS AND GAMES.

Our new catalogue, just out, sent by express only. .-Ml charges pre¬ paid.

THE NEW, IMPROVED IVORY BALL SPINDLE. Dillerent from anything ever sold l)elore by anyone, (luaraiiteed to please. Price, $25.00.

The-EVANS $10 CANDY I ^ Manu/acturar cW^Amuaamant


•* ma^iira.

This Mheel lland>iomely Hand Painted (hot .4tei)rlle<l). .w Ls also the 12 l*addles that goeN with It. also made of Hard Wood. Ha.-} (-elluloUl Indicator fastened to Metal Base. Wlieel is 32 inches in Diameter, can be ased at Church Fairs. CarnivaLs. Picnics, County Fairs, or for Turkey Raffles. Saloons and all public (iatherlngs. I^C'e. $10.00.




SUPPLIES if e\er> description at lo\Aest prices V^e h.n

* 'pplies for r\er> kind of machine and are lb

onl> firm in the I S that can absolutely fill v< i

orders Lompkle Prompt shipmentt. All goi .

('uaranteed. Write for Catalog and Price l.»-t


CHINA PRIZES Nave the Pull meliu. Buttt 8«u. Lemon¬ ade Set*. Cake Sets. Fruit Plate*. Japaiie** Va.*ea. etc.

(tend for an anortment. Rtaie number of prlaaa wanted and average oo*t.

FALKER & STERN CO. 124 W. Lake Street

leiperter. ef Cklaa.

If you have decided to purchase

a Carrousell for your Park or

Amusement Resort for the com¬

ing season, get your order in

soon. It is getting very close to

opening time, and last year we

had to disappoint quite a few of

the late comers .

Of course you are considering a




3635*41 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.

MECHANICAL SHOOTING GALLERIES New Catalogue centains all tbs lataiU desims, ranging in price from S76.M to So,000; also a lot of information fn* gallery men We build the best gsi leries and fittings made

W. F. MANGELS CO. Csrsussll Works, Consy Island. N. V.

ORIGINATOR-NOT IMITATOR aOpiriU Hilii't Prnin* MaekiMS Tbr raalrat aad qalrkrat wa; to makr moery. Let them gatbrr panaUa for roo day la aad day eat. Tbr brat •rllrr ror cigarg aad raiidtra. Wrltr

1.1 ■AHI.10IISarmatasalN.riilgMglils.Pa

If y«a tra it la The Billboard tsU thasi as.



SiR|sr Bras ' Nnir Bosk of SpodiNiss Tba SnI Cataloaa* la th* Tradt.

ir you ar« a ConcMalonalra. Nofelty. Jtwaliy Notion or Fair Worker. Canvaasar. Streataun. Auctlonacr. Knlfcboard Man. Hoop-la Gaoia, or General Merchant, you can not afford to be without It.

It conulni full and oooiplete' Unea la sawed Noreltlee. Sourenln. Watebea. Jewelry. Feuatala Pen*. Optical Good*. Pocket and Tabla CuUety. Yankee Notlona. Camleal Goods, etc., de., d wholesale only.

By satisfying u* that you are a legUlaat* dealer (as we want to keep this book out of tha consumers' bands), and sending us your poma- nent address, we will be pleaced to send you thli book free. SINGER BROS., 12 Bewtry, New Vsrfc City

A Money Winner

Park & Fair Managers

wishing an act that is new, good and sensational.



racked 20 packages to the lx)X, 00 boxes

to the case, l,2tK1 packages in all. Price

•S12.00, F. O. B. Rochester, X. Y. Write,


Rout* 9, Clinton, Mo.

ExhibitionAFlights aiSpeclaltyl MONOPLANES AND BIPLANES


References—Com Exchange X’ational Bank. Chicago Assn, of Commerce. Aero Club of Illinois. Dun A Bradstreet.



O 'w'uw'w ^

ooooooeooo EMIL R. HOFFMANN & SON

Manufseturera cf

Shootioil Galleries aod Targets

3.117 South Irving Avenue. Chicago, II

STREETMEN Our Raaor Strop Dreaalnc costs $1.00 doien bom. prepaid, in neat UlaHtrated pocket display ly>x; $f 00 clear profit. Live ones, gel busy THK C. K. Hi)L- LKT CO.. Mfrs.. Ypellantl. MUKigan


CIRCUS AND WILD WEST ||i|^|j[p 3thj[3 j[|jj j j)|K|||)|G qq_ Showmen’s Association Disbands, and Funds in 1 reasury Divided

Among Members—Famous Robinson Show Will Go Out

with Dan R. Robinson as Manag<r Miscellany

]«nir n ^« nt out hj ti>

ortei '-* if thf tuoii'rt to li.«*

».i. •«!:*» no u ' :

X- n* • I 1 w of tl;o SiniwilH ii’ii A"-n*n:

> M- »• ti t‘ i 111- Mr. TMiuiin n,

•^1 1.4 : r to t Uoroiitiy.

•(>wr. «f t'< «' utb II 1 avi* ( X

p •! , t :il ■ : . \ I « :l * ill' o V T .i;£ t < 1'**

iifib »■* ttl.I \h‘ in \-w ^ rk. f Ira^o <ir t nail, but ui 'ft* tioiii tbo la'^t naiiiod. a** iii!« lt«* lo'iue if Ibin K. ICoiiiii'Miii.


By Floyd Kinff.

:it ill ■« I I.;:

.11 !«• ;.l ti. t..

• nil «.iai 4


n t.nii*

: V 'ji i- 4 f

w. ■ *a.l

i:4l\\ \\4M.4i 4*1

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I ;i|f Ill n:i rfii.l) fftlism ,i i w.trt M It-.. ;» oi lui.^ ill ‘U t •viUitll^ •'*1. 1 to* a*''* t .ati4n i i.>. uu , nbta’iiotl btr it

n . .. .11 - * .«• I t iJi i'* aiol a«l> \\Ul4- u i ! r :'tl.\b:;. il » IT ri* urn* Imp . S.ion! 4* bn* iir 'o* in t.«* fiitmt* ni .-tiaftTii t'l il: j. f , I I .•.n iiM anin'«‘4*)iH !ii. \sv fot l «' n

Il *4 III t Hi tarn ■u»uil.» r ''lU 4*^ n.ifi fi.ll> M!i.l . - a loya.lx ;!♦* lu in l!

p.-l. Ilf f u* pr4*^«*nt '..itiiatbin wo ti.i n't

«*•! a. r, nt'Ni in fnil. or InuUlny; i..«’ fiiml!*

I I «» nil nil*t*r'». anil x't* |■4T^^vllli. .tflor lU* iiii'i n,. .IS! ni' nit ylH, jiro rata ll »• ri-inaiuin;: iniols

i l. 1*;: I..** inionla*!'* n **p''**1 ivi*l\. lC4<]»'4tfnll\ •.nlnnittorr.

JOIJX \l. KKIJ.Y. Sfif ary. I y»r.^. i

i: M. IIAIIVKV. Tp**a«uir»*r, 4 lla;:eul»tv‘k Walla «*. 1

T .»* I’ai iftr }r inlai*** tt» la'»* It*' full aliiiro of *“.1 «Ii.l» >4*a.“. 1 In- Al. G. Itarnt*** j Willi Animal < InuK In*, nlroitly opt m tl ninl In fihiyiii^ flK>lt*e ttrrlt.-r>. 'Pa* ItM Uan<*li S‘.h*w , • piiKil at Santa M nioa. t'al., M.arcli ntul ' will Tnkf a I* 1 of itm'tl tliuf. If Is jin ns iirfil f.ift that tb«* l*animii ami Ita lov S'niv.... il,** Il i;;f*n!»a4 k Wfillaof Show** atnl t! f Vankt*^ 1C liin^. n S i. w* will all Ino tl for tin* c^'a^t In f «• ♦*ar y part i f tin* ?.umni«'r. ’Mn* S«*lN Kl‘ito S' ‘Ws v-'in play tin* Pat'lU t'o.a*.l until tbt* inUl li'i- i.f tif MminM*r.

WRIiam J. Rottm*. on#* 4>f tie ln*>tt kn»wn of a 1 pnv** jitfentii In lim time, wa^i a fro'pieiit vMtiir to lie Al. G. Tames Clreu^. durlti;; it« wt:k stanil *n Ia*«. Ans:»‘1t*5. Me Is mw s!M*rIal n. Mit f4 r tlie KipiltnMe l. ft- Insiiranre i'o.. wIMi lieatlnnartiTti in .Viurt le<. Mr, U4»n**e w i.i pri'M. aseiit for tin- Harnnin anil T«llt*y S’ ow for eloven year’* ami the Kin^rllni; liros.* S'Kiw*. f r ilffbt yoar«.

Tie W. G. Ilnrnes t'lr*-«s filayet! the w**i*k i.f Mareh 4 at I^*s Ani'nlo^ nnibr the nnsplii** i.f the Shrlmr*i. The six dally papTa cave the sImiw iiioro l.*an r;r»n eoluinns of «»pae:*. to-n. Mtls’ par»er. Tie Tilin'*, one of tin* tm st eon- servatlvi* of all papor*. laiiie out with a four pace siippleiui nt « f cirera now**.

Thi* ■ Ity oltli-l 'ls of Mvu.aril. roei ntly pas-Hl an onlliiani'e whioli ptohllilta tlriuist.s charslntt more than rent's fi r resiTVi .1 si'al*.. The Ire of the GnUfitmlan* wa* stlrrttl up hy a Wlltl We*t .'Show, wl.Irli s.»M n "i rvul ^eats



22>28 North Desplaines Street, - - CHICAGO, ILL.


Write for Catalogue.

30 TEin irrvTiTiM mci orfHii.r

GOSS’ SHOW ■M: canvAs


FLAGS 'Waterproof Covers


UNIFORMS For Bands, Military, Minstrel First Part,

Minstrel Parade, Ushers, Bell Boys,

Base Ball, Foot Ball, Basket Ball, etc., etc.

Sci4 Ur CATALOG. Be Sure and Meniion Kind of Uniform Wanted.

Western Uniform Go. 214 8. Clark 8T. Chicago

rti.*o. Cau.l Laiabllibr^ IMS.

Thomson & Vandiveer MinuftrtDrm of



Now il the time we need the work axul can give quick action and cloee prie«

quality the best




Maoufbrturen of

Circus and Show Canvases Alan Aerial Nets and Trampoline Boards.


WE HAVE FOR LEASE. CARS. SO ft. loaf, far (hlpplDg vrrnrrr, latomobllpa. ■dranca, bact>f*. prlrilaKa, a <Kk and marTr eu roobda. Daalrabla

for tbvw and clr ui companlfi. RatMOAbl*

THE ARVS PALACE HORSE OAR 00., Room 614, 193 Miahirao Aaonuo, CkioMb-


And aTerytbtng In canraa. Sand for eatabMI

CIRCUS TENTS Seats, Banners, Lights.

The Bockeye Tent & Awning Co., Coiinibis.O

109-11 South Main Streot,

Fow bmuttful .tralilaii liorsr* bare b»«i pon4uuM<d by 0>I. Seavrr for ii.(r In blji blf allow tlila -eawn. ■tocond-hand: JOiSn. !<biS*. Sni3». f'xl", 24i4t, Itz IN. SIxSo, lAxSn. 30x4.%. 31x50. 35x.%ft. SAxSO. 30x70. 10x00, 60x90. 60x120, 8i'xI2n. 8'Xl4o, and about 260 .rnalirr leiita. Sidrwall by foot or mllr. for Mie or root. Ijirfct stork of nrw Tents In Nhe state. l^Tery .lae and sliape. write and state your want...

D. M. Herr !Vlfj{. Co., Chicago 1007 Madison St.

diirlnK a rroent onsaertnent lonj after sU had been occupied. The .11. llarne. Show was the last to come In wltlioiit moI.Ktation.

The .\1. (J. names Cirrus will pas* up Krisro this year and will take Oakland for four da.vs beiclnnlnx -kprll 1. Tlie Itarnea Show €>|>ened tlielr litll season In E'rlsco with a week’s en- taifement.

Wants Crux. Cal., is now under the eonimlt- alon form of Rovernment. When M.ntrarllns asent, Wlll'am I’erk. of the .M. O. Barnes Show, visited that elty rerenlly he found that all tented exhibitions must now pay $1110 per day Instead of IX' licenses s« fomierly. ’TTie ordinance was recently fiassed with an Idea of keepinx out the alilcator and loisro shows. This ordinance places the larRost circus on the same basis as a snake exhibition.

Edward Burke has returned to San FVanolsco after an exten.led trip to tlie interior of the state promoflne Foley-Btirke Carnival attrac¬ tions. Mr. Burke was a contra tine asenf for the Rinellnx Bros.’ Shows for many years.


W. W. C<N-hraiie annoiinoe* that as tie Ko

btnson Kamoiw. .Slmw Is part of flic prop<-r y of

the K< hlne-m .\mn*emeiit C/O., he has drci.led

to put It otit till* t!eas.>n anil will open elllier

May 4 or May 11. lie says the etfulpment of

thla show will be mo.t modern and will siir

pasa any sliow of Us sire ever hull . I>an It Iloblnsi n has been ene*e<Hl for a term of years as manaeer for the ('..i hraiie etil< rprlst s. It 1* undecided a* yet. wtiettierer not tlie general

FOR LESS MONEY We make a apeclalty of tr>eclal eanvas foi apeclal piirpoaet. especially Small Tops. Bally boo. Curtains. Doll Back, Ilmsls, etc. Foi Pain and Carolvala. Write for prices.

CALLIOPES Beat advertiser fur Ctreuaea, Sbowa. Bxcnraloa. Steamera, Eloatlnx Theatres, etc. We make them all alrea. THOR J. mCHOL A 00., Paarl A Ludlow Sta., Clacinnati, Ohio.




IHE BOLTE&WEYER CO. 125-127 So. Cantar Avo.,



10S-10 BROADWAY. BROOKLYN, N.Y Trenton. N J . Mareh 20 (Special to The

Billh.—Kvi rvlilns Is moving along briskly at tie .piarlers of tie Tw.i Bills Show at the I'alr tJnninds here. .M] the paraphernalia has les-n tlioroiiirhly overhauled. When the show- leaves on Ai>ril IS for Harristiurg. I*a.. where the sea-^on o|«-ii* .Vi>riJ 20, the outfit will bo I Iiraetleallv new throughout. •

n e program will he the nvwt elaborate that this show has ever sttemiitod. One of the new ac.pilslthns this sea-on will l>e a truii>e of ten Mexh-aiia. dlreet from Old Mexleo. They will ho timh'r the Itadership of young Franeiseo who iias lately faller heir to the Great Franeiseo It.aneh, situattsi 2.'>0 miles southwest of the City of Old Mexleo. There 1* held annually on tills ranch a grand contest similar to the cowltoy contest* at the Frontier Day Cehhratlon, held at ('hi-yeiiiie, Wvo.

Another new feature this year will be a spec- taeular numlH-r. entitled tlie Comiuest of the Prairie. It will lie one of the largest s|>ootaeles ever attempicl by any traveling organir.sflon. In which over 1500 people and hundreds of horses, mules, hiirms and old time ox teams will Im‘ used. To correctly iiresent this exhibition, s set of scenery, especially painted by the Grau- fogel Studios, la being prepared.

To ihe equipment of the Two Bills Show hss been added nine new steel fiat cars and three new steel stock cars, all D.'! feet long.

HORSE AND PONY PLUMES For Show Parades. Borsa and Pony Acta. Adrortlslni purposes, etc. Send for price list. Mamifaetured by M. SCHAEMBS, 612-614 Mstrooalltaa A«a., Brook¬ lyn. N. Y.


2890 W, 8th Si., Coney Island, N.Y.

For Clmnea, all klada of Tent aad Outdoor Sbowa. Otneea-


5*’®“* *“** Novaitlea. Stamp for Catalog. EDWARD VAN WYCK. Clnclanatl. Ohio.

^ Doalora In Wild Animals. 42 Cortland Stroot, Now Yc For TravrllBg Pbotographrri.

Write for 191S Catalogiie, abowlag many new and Im- prored lighting darleea.

WirOHORST A 00.. M4 31 lltb IL, 8. LoaU, 3lo.

.\ feature with tbe Fnrepaugb-Sella Sbowa la»t leason.

Til*- (Vv«-nH tr<)iip«* of wlro wnlktTs will wion HiiIkU III) Ir • mk^KI'Ox lit ill Culiit and return to the iilate:< fur the tentinK reason.

I’nt Miiriihy and Staite Hrivir Mill (’oiislnu. are at the i|iiarler<4 i.f the Voiiin; lIutTulo Kred iriik (iiniiiiins S'ii»u>. I’eorla. III.

Ornnt K>-<iiiy. last seas n with Sanders Ml(t

Sbowa as chef, will be with the advance of the

Cole Show in a like cupaclty.

Jack liavhl and I,. 1.. I/uii).’. furnierly of the Uinklint' Show, have opened a cafe at 111! \V. Uth Street. Kuii'aa City. Mo.

Joseph and Jerome were Millboard callers on tbelr way Hast to J dn the Marnuiu Show, with

which they wili do cIoweIuk.

Janies It. Itainaey. who was on the advance of Ileber Mroa.’ Show last season, ha.s sii^ued con tracts for the lbl2 season.

Tlie X ttle Carroll Trio will md be with the whi e tops this season, but will be featured witii

the Jsrdin de Maris Sle>w in the olio.

<>. Schultz, veteran circus aKciit. has ac¬ cepted a position as travdinK salesman fur the

liooslcr Itiibher Company.

Mav.v .Muir of St. lauils, will have the ban¬

ner' <01 he se olid ear of the llaso'iitieck Wal¬ la e .S ows 'easoll.

Masll I.aM.srvo has slzn<‘d with the Kit Carson

MulTalo Maitch Show to do his tlyuit: trap, loop- walking; and rlni; acts.

.\L ii. llildt-hrand, a<lvance uian. was a Mlll- buard caller on his way to Join Sun Mroa,’ Show

' at .Macnn, Ca.

' Klm< re C. K.ilii. of I.exinBlon. Ky., will be ' Clyde Iiiirall's us'islant In the Marnum and I Ma.ley s de show.

I June ' Caskey, f rmerly twss lanvasman with John ito'dii-ou, will handle the cunvul with

I Sparks' Show.

Joe Kelly, assistant boss eanvasman, will

leave Cm diiiiati April 10 for the Yankee Robin . son iiiiarters.

The 11. W. Freed Ihig and I’ony SlS'W will

I op n .May -i. Insttad of April J7. as prevlouslv j announced.

T<Hid Sloan has signed as assistant N^sg can- ' Tasman with the Young MufTalu-Fredcrick Cum- I nilns Shows.

Mill Farnitr will work a pig In the Lucky Tull SIm w' this seas u In conne tion with bis rube w<-rk .

Harry DeCleo, aerial g'-mnast and no.velty

Juggler, bai sigued with E. U. Smith's Colossal I Show*. I tii-orge Tipton, cookhouse man. left Lima, O.

I to Join the 101 Ran h.

‘ William K. I’eck is the general agent for the . Al. U. Marnes Show.

The Mart ItrotUers are with the Bamum and

I Mnlley Show.

Circus Gossip


1 Kailroail roaoh. in pooU order. 70 ft. long: I Railroad CVavh. in k'nwI order. TiO ft. long; 1 lung, in guoti order, tlioruughly equ1|>ped for loading and unloading, with run.H. steel cables, Hiiubbin pO'it**. running jacks and ever.vthing coiiiitlete; a troii(>e of «• mod beautiful full-blix haiid'iome. educated Shetland Tonies, an tine as any show tan {iro<iiU‘e ami k-mhI enough for t l*fo|»s <niiiii»It'e for their l.igh-class aH>: 3 fird-clans Trick ltonk*y<. in Hue <onditJt»n. im h cflehraud Bucking l>oijkey, no lietter with at y "how; 1 first-cists’^ Band Ua.oii; 1 g kmI Tic ombination iron 5 Animal <'a;:e Wagoii.n. in gtHnl comlition: l TrotKrtv \VH.;on: 1 Stake N Seat Wagon; 1 Water Wanon: 1 ITai k Wagon: 1 .IaMiar> Wa.;oM: 1 r<M»k Houm* Wag hi. and .\lM>te uagonn are aii in tln4l-claH-^ order ai.d hhai.e. 7 ^ts hra-is triniitied. extra good, tiami-ii llarneNS. nearly : 1 'itt liglit dotiole Hari)<s.s; 1 set ligld <!oiiL)le .Mule Itarnesw; 4 Toii> ii uary llarne-i**; ♦» Kntrj’ Saddle.^, with hlanketM; t) while Bridles. The following Tents: ttne 8 with 4i' ft. .M (Idle Tieee. icp only UMd i>art of one .Hia'^on and in t.r>t-chtSK 4*ondition. all mi reserved ai.d blue H*ai4. eenter p<dew. liKhls, ail sUMlgt^s, dakes. .dake pullers, block ami oiiiidete and rea<l.v to •’^et up on the lot, including dre^’di g rtMim ami manitiee. One .'V •-it. Uou Tent, with two Middle Tietfs, in gM^l c«indit1oii. anti used <uiiy lait of one reason, 1 l»oles. platffirrns. hall.vljHi, aid «Vvrj'thlng reatly to set up; r» heaty. extra kihmI. neat Taititings; Lai.i.trs. poles, ropes, banner l>ox and lights, all exjinplete, leady to Mt up for I heavy, ntarly new. 7 push-i>ole llof’^e Tent. In A-l ttindition; 1 <\H)k‘hoiise Tent, with all cutlery, uteiislN. tables, etc.. everMhing <*(»mplHe to feeil 5c piHipie. The following w erty t'oais. 8 iT(*i>eriy ra|K. 4 Batiiiera. 4 Knlr>' Suit.s, 5 Troin-rty Slurt.s. 7 Tony Banners. 7 for 4'ages. 1 Flag for Main Top. etc., etc. Mattresses, hlankets. pillows, pillow sUik, sheets a curtains, and exerythlng (simplete for sletplng coach. Mai.y o.her articles, smh as tools, u e thing to go witli a tir t-class eqiiipi'ed x-car show articles tm) nunntous to mention, 'ihla I only otTered oiut in a lifetiiu'', and most l»o siild immediately. Address




Stornipnitf, Portable,

Valves, j t rSEI) P:.\CLI SIVELY BY

“TWO BILLS SHOWS Ask for prices.

Street, BALTIMORE, I Correct router of aiWancv car X’o. 2 of the

t amplM*ll Bn a.’ Showa; A M. Itlttlebach (Pen- | icr Iiail) oar manager; Robert Nolan. bo»a bill- , |Ni*it<>r. F. R Rowley Jr., progranira<T; C. M. iWlmly) Pagganl. llthoa; Arthur Stauilc. Paul I Alllan'Cook. L. F. Lack, bllliMWicra; Charlca Al j i< n. car porter. |

Raleigh Wllaon. circus clown, will not preach i this year, but will work with the alaiwtlcka an<l , tlD-erackera as usual. Floyd King, the circus pr'Ks agent, denies that he It responsible for , The St rlea that hare appearetl to the effect that i Wilson la to don the mantle of a clergyman. |

Miss Addia Kaln. formerly of Oollmar Bros. Shows, will be the wardrobe mistress of tlie Cole Brea. Showi Ibis a< amm and new la en- gagisl at the w'nter quarters at Lan aster. Mo., -uiierlatendlng the making of aoine very fine wardrobe for the coming season.

Mrs. Ada Costello, with the Itownle & Wheel¬ er Shews, ha<! the misfortune to bwe a very valuable rlna horse by lock Jaw at Lumpkin, tla.. March 18. She lias returned to her home at Henderson. N. C.. for the purjiose of breaking

In abother one.

Privileges with the Itownle ft Wheeler Shows Inelmle photos, J. K. Milford and two assistants William Sullivan's 3-In 1 show. Doc Hastings' pit shew with six legged row and baby rhino, and Harry Piikington. badge board.

The McCree Itavenport troupe of rider* played Talbot’s Hlpp<Klreme, St. Ixmls, Mo., weeks of March IS and 2.1. Pat Valdo Is clowning the set. They will be with the Wallace Show this season.

Honest Bill hts enlarged his show at winter- quarters. Quenemo, Kan., to the extent of sct- cral new animals, yli.; Zebras, camels, kauga- tvKta. elephants and monkeys.

George Sun, IH^rman Greggs and wife, Bernie Greggs and C. M. Newton of Sun Bros.' Showa. were ylsltors to the Hownle ft Wheeler Shows at Amerlrna, Ga., March 19.

Prof. Harris will again be the free attraction with the Brosn ft Poinmler Combined Shows. The Harold Duo hsa also signed with the shows for the coming season.

E. P. Wiley, for a number of yenra 24 hour- agent vrith Sells and Downs and Cole Bros.' Showa, has signed with Goilmar Bros, for the coming aeaaon.

Harold Buahea, general agent of the Al. G. Barnet Show, now playing the Pacifle Coast, s|>ent a few da>a with bia family at Cleyeland. O.. last week.

Annie Oakley, rifle ahot, arrlred in Peoria. ML, last weik and la awaiting the opening of the Young Buffalo Frederick Cutnmina Showa, with which the will be Identlfled.

Jake Posey, who has been wintering in Cln- tlnnatl, has left for Des Molnea, la., where he will take up big duties as boat bottler with •he Yankee Robinson Showa.

Caaad and IWerne write that they hare fln- I'hed 26 weeks through the middle statea and have algoed with the Wallace Show, opening at Prm. Ind., April 20.

Don Ollblo and Elmer Beard, contorttonlata. •t)* framing up a c<'ntortlon act which they *111 take over Crawford's Time In a short while.

Rene MeCree Jr., one of the yonngeat rWera IB the clrcna biialneas, la going big with hit Bomersaulta at Talbot's Hippodrome. St. Ix>ult.

Bert B. Rickman, privilege man, and wife. .!?*^*^* *"Bctta. Oriental dancer, have tlgne<i

lleluhe is Very mueb alive, living near Sarasota. Fla. on one of the most pic.uresque locations on the west coast of Florida.

A few weeks ago Mr. Wilson received an In vitatlon fn'm Mr. Heinse to visit his place, which he accepted. Mr. Wils<>n was surprised at the number of circus people he met In Florida, some now retlr»-d who have settled there or are In business In some of the resort cities. Jack Cox, formerly of the Uingllng and Two Bill* Slsiwf, Is now the manager of Sher- rer’t Kestaurant on Bay Street, Jackaonvllle. Mr. Sherrer Is Interested In a chain of moving picture theatres In the state of New Y'ork and Is now building a very elaborate moving picture house In Jacksonville, and Is contemplating erect¬ ing another at Blrmingbam, Ala.

MONSTER MAN MONKEY, stands between four and nvr feel. f'25o. Cage Lions and Lions for training, I'.lg .Snakes. Monke.vs. BlriU. I’l'T.NAM'S WILD AN- IM.XL Store. Buffalo. N Y l-ittle Wonder Gasoline L-.lglits


DANIELS LIGHT CO. Terre Haute, Ind.


And Circus Paraphernalia By the Estate of

MAX R. KUNKELY, At 152 Soalh St, New York City.


640-648 Meridian St., CHICAGO Established since 1870


Sh«w TENTS. Black TENTS. Alrdomaa

aad Caralval Oatfita. Taata aad Slda*

wall for Sala or East. Catalog Praa.

Superior Vudict, . aEVELAND, 0

Car bonders. All clatsea. Show cars a apeclaltj Sbopa: Harvey, Illloota.

HOTCHKUS. BLtrS ft COMPAITT, Ml Railway Exchange Balldlng. Ohioago

We are SPECIALISTS la every kind of canvas work foe show e<itilpttent. Alee Manlle end wire lepe, tael fittings, etc. We refer to our cuatomers, Ringling Brea., Bamura ft Bailer, ate. Writs for eur ptleta

GEO-B-eARPEKtER&eo Chicago

TENTS CARS rOR REfMT One new Tl-foot steel fremed Hotel Car. now at Maas-


Schiller BulUlai._Chleage. IN-

BITAXX SHOW PEOPLE, HOTICE—I am now saafty ta supply yan with Satfcea of all klnda cheaper than any other la the aeantry. My motto: If yos 4ea*t get yalna faceived, 1 DeX'T WANT TOUR MONRY. Bead now far prlae Hat. Aftdreaa all mall GRact. W. A. 8NAKB KIN«. BrewMTlUc. Tesaa.

Wa hart sobm large Tents. aU la bam ef order, la fact, quite new. They here been made with sMlI and ear*. SOxSO. 40x80. 80x110. 100x200. AU oomplata

THOMAS MARTIN S2« Canal Straat. NEW YORK CITY If you it in The Billboard tWl ttoan •©.

28 Xlie Billboard APRIL 6, 1912.



*'■ IM SI TO C.T

Moor' '


Biief Outlinet of Stories Told in the Latest Production* of the Patents and Sales Companies—Release Dates and

Lengths of Subjects Are Given

Saturday. April 6th

The Cab Reporter’s Big Scoop A Gom Among Comedies.

Monday. April 1st, 19112

The Heart of a Tramp \ I)nim;i of Today.

th«* briilKe, anil afltr a thrilling arene to evade the police, makea the leap. After reachInK the water lie ia aelzeil with a cramp, and KliiKston, who la one of the onlookora on a boat, forgcta the wron2 tbe drowning man haa done bim and Jumpa to hia reacue. When I aw reoovera Ida Heiiaea, he aiiologlzea to Kingston and thanks him for Ida bravery. Marguerite reallzen ber mlxtake, anil knuwa she carea for bim alone.



Book Now I

Her Indian Hero An Artistic Triumph.

Wednesday. April Drd

Two Men and the Law \ Rpd-Corpuscletl Western.

April 10—"THE REtlEGAOE."




April 8-



— — automobile

breaks a way trom borne. A young tramp, wbo bad been a chaufrenr bap- pened aloug

aoon tbe In running Fort- man to ac- quire a ihaulTeur and

peraiiadea tbe youthful knight of the ri>ad to lake the isMltlon. “Dick''

A arhurst Klem Club four- uille handicap race,

Y3v y\J March 9. with an actual \: «» y atarting Hat of over 330.

The winner waa Jack tileaaon of the Paatime

Athletic t luh, with a haiidicai> of one mlnu.e. Kramer, of tbe Ixmg lalaiid Athletic Club, champion, was among tbe runners anil did fast

of tbe Irish.Americana, did forty-six sec-

The race


time. MacNamara, the diatani-e In twenty minutes, onds, amateur r»H-ord of the course. - waa wltnesseil by hundreds of thousands of per¬ sons. On the same reel In The 8e<'tlon Foreman.

THE SEtniON FOREMAN (Urama; length, «n0 feetl—CopyrlghK-d 1912 by Imp Films Co. —Edward Eagan la foreman of a section gang on a railroad. Ilia nlfe Is very ill, hut he ia forced to leave ber Is-dslde and go to hla work. A mesK<>nger on a tricycle handcar brings a mes¬ sage that Ills wife Is worse, and after giving bis men Instructions, Eagan rides swiftly In tbe di¬ rection of Ills home. Ills machine la derailed, and be finds the rslls bsve spread. The fast ex¬ press is about due. Kagan's mind la filled with conllicting emotions ills wife Is dying, per- hatis, and everv minute uieaus much, tin tbe other baud he Is tbe kinqier of lives. Placing the car on tbe track, be races back and aummous kls men, and after suis-rhuman efforta the track la rt-palreil Just as the express ruahea past. Ba- ggh tinui hssti-Hs homo, and la rewarded by finding Ills wife out of danger. There la a hap¬ py scene as tbe hiimhle railway employee takes his loved wife In bis arms.

KAlitE TO BOTH iDraiiia: release April 11; length, I.Otkl fer-t I—Copy right «>d IhlJ t,y Imp Films Co.—A story set In the placer field of Csllforiils, and relating how two young men left the East for the West on the chance of returnitig with siitbclenl money to marry tbe girl they each loved. Each swain has his aweet- beart's pliotograidi. hut unknown to each other tbe iibotograpli was llial of the saine girl: alie bad twvi strings to ber Isiw. The men are for a time estratiged, Is- iiiise each simpts-fs the other of stealing Ids swi-etheart. In the end It devel¬ ops that the girl marries a third party. t>o In

For Heaven’s


- ..— the ex-tramp, looks handsome and distingue when cleaned up and ' In decent clothes. ?Irs. Fortman is In ignor- I anee of bis past motle of living and soon be- comes Infa tiated with the young man. But Dick's heart la In the right place and he re- ; pulses her attentions. The woman's unwelcome j attentions finally come to her husband's notice. I While he debates as to whether he should dls card her. Dick leaves a no e behind and re¬ turns to the country and the life of Trampdom. A violent s ene takes place between man anci wife wh<i is finally forgiven through a clause In the tramp's note, reading thus: "May God bless you and your wife and ke«*p you close to- i geiher." !

TWO MEN AND THE LAW (Wesleni drama. ’ released .\prll .'I: length. — feetl.—Tim. an out. > law, la ciitlrely unsuapected. even by bis best ' friend, the sheriff. Jo«ie, the girl he Is to msrry , when he turns over a new page. Is the only one who has ser-n the disguise. Tim robs s bank, and the sheriff, no.lfied. pursues, but lim eludes him and taking off Ills disguise re-

I turns to tbe gsnihlltig house and hotel kept by Joale'a I'nole Ben. Tlie sheriff returns and

. asks for a rismi. The hotel Is crowded and be is put 'ti the same room with Tim. Tlie sheriff ■ wakes first In the .morning and flmls Tim's disguise and he stolen money and becomes sat- j isfled Tim la the roblier. Tim ia forced to sur render, but the sheriff agrees net to liandctiff him. From the breakfast tabic the sheriff goes to the gambling room, and much against Tim's adv'ce s arts to play. He soon loses all hla money and also the hank money taken from

I Tim. Tim gets the therlff to their r<aun. and I making him drunk, that night blows the safe

and secures the money. He tells Josle tlis he is gidng to return the money to the sheriff, which he does, enclosing a note rc.sdlng: "Re turn tic money ti the hank and d-m' make i fisd of y ur»elf again." .^fter which he meets J.'slc n!id together they go to ommenoe I'fc anew.

Till; 1 Til RKIMIRTER'S UKJ SCOtIP (Com¬ edy: ri Ica^e .\prll <1: length. — fccti.—Jack Hunter, lie "I'lih" reisirler Is assigned to !ii tervlew the big sugar niercl aiit Henry F'ord.

at Ills isiiiiitry home. .Vt the dejiot he flmU It Is s |w > mile walk tlie Kor-l home. .\llce Ford, he magnate's daughter. Is on her wav to spi Dll the night with Mshi l S-iilth. a girl frlind who s alone. She Is he’d up by a fiMitpid. hill Jack comes to her rescue. She hanks l.iiii a»d continues to the Smith house.

The eiih reachi-s his destination, hut 1> bitterly I dlsapisiliiled. Old K< rd ilelests reporters and

i Jack Is kiiked out. M'ssing his train, he hunts a oh, ne to call lie city editor. The nearest one is at .Smith's. The girts hear him an,l

:tr< frIgMeiod. Jack Is iiliah’e to get III at the d<Mir and tries the window, to be held up hi tlie girls with he old faintly revolvi r. T'o- iclej'l iiiir is use<|, to summon a constalde. tint hv that tone Jack and .Mice have rcncweil tie a e.CHliiUnce and arc very friendly. Alti-e pli in s her father and "swipes” the In ervlew for »: e

'Hie big seoop earns Ja'-k a salary In-



*’AHta NielA<»n*» namf In Grrman-Apeakltig countrln mrariA &.<( much an th** name of Mr.^ ratrick t'ampln-ll mraim io LtigMvh thfatn gm-fs. it KtamU on a par wlih that I'f Mar owe li: ot*'.inir\. oi Aith Sarah IlcrnhapIt’A naioe in France.**— Mo\liig Hiiure World of Manli 23. 1912. The wanderful Imp reg ilar in which Miss Njel-tti v\Ul make lor lirnt apiiearatue on the ActreiiA of America la l.OOn feel long, anti ht et.iliUtl,

Chasms’o “Woman Always Pays yCopyright 19tt, Imp films Co.)

.Volhins like it has Ns-ii mtii in America. It la sensailunall) .irong In plot, act- Ins and staging, .a gripping, tlirtlling story from a-tual life. MThli-h pilnts an tm presslve moral Make the supreme effort i# your life to get an earl) IsKiktng.


FIVE IMPS ON THREE REELS 'Hradhtirsi Field Club Four Mile llun," Monday. April 8; toi) feet

•The Hci-tlon Foreman.” M,>'nlay .April 8; StHi feet.

■False to Both.” California Imp. Thursday. April 11; full reel.

•A Ix-ap for Ixive." llruoklyii Bridge Beiisatlon. Saturday, April IS; 5tui frm,

•Mr Smith. Barber." Spilt Comedy. Saturday. April 13; Sidl fes-t.



Watch for **Mr. Almost Butt in the Implet!


APRIL 6, 1912.

irfiiie, «ii*l III" wrlli‘U|) of 11.f Hiujr •!!•* iiiollill'i'H Mr. Kuril. wli<> nn«lly nurtu' tu mt.i

y II. niy rlillilmi.”

A CKKK KOK STAGE KKVKR (Comply; re- |. .i.*.- Aiirll !•; U-ngtli. — fret).—Miu Hastlngt. ■ ytiunc nucli ty lail). Ilillik* a..*- I* (lrauiie.1 tu tM- a tliratr'ral atar. Tom Ulakr, a yoiliiK Vow Vorkir. la In luvr witb hrr. but abe will hi'irr niarr) until abr liaa made brr oaine fam- oua aa a Krrat a treat. TV>m arrangea with a Mr SiiliiliiirK. a theatrical man, to put out a .oiii|>aii) of liarnatornirra, telllnK him to CQ- ^aK- "Mlaa lltirta Blair" aa leading lady. Be- liuarwila are held, and the allow opens on a Kriday nlKlil, the 13th. at Stony Ruth, S. Y. ri;.- audleine la not enthualaat'c, sa»e In throw- luK eigetablea over the footlights. The news- iiaiier reiiort ata ea that Mlaa Blair, the lead¬ ing lady, ought to be shooting blaculta In a i-ioaii iHitel. Tlie receipts are amall and the manager wires for money to move the company. TIiIh la refused, and the company are put out . r ue bo el and compelled to "hit the tracks" for New York. Tlie first old lady becomea 111. anil Benjamin Yanlley love each other, hu: TI.ey become separated from the balance of the ompany and take refuge at a farmhouse. They

are mansined here for several days, and .Miss Blair, much against her will, la forced to write to her fiance :o come to her aid. He arrives on the next train and Mlaa Blair, with tear-stained

Automatic Musical Instruments^ World’s largest manufacturers. The largest and

only complete line. Easy payments. Big new

catalog in colors’ now ready. Call or write to the

nearest Wurlitzer branch.


. 812 Pine hOOHuronRoad 7dl Main CM W. Green 57 E-. Main

I Wtiat WEI Stand for

POWER’S CAMERAGRAPH No. 6 I Wliat IX Stands for

;THE PERFECT MOTION PICTURE MACHINE .\n<l this is no idle .statoment. The world is our field ,'ind we an- doing over 60 percent of its in our line. Could this be pos¬ sible if ours were not the best machine?

.\sk any oi>eratnr. lie will fell you the <uf)eriority of ;i ••Power’s*' No. 6. He will tell you of its perfect projection, its noiseless and easy ojH-ration the jK-rfection and simpli¬ city of its adjustiiK-nts, the RK-k-like strength of its const met ion.

It is built to st.'ind hard service, and to please both you and your patmns.

The large majority of houses throughout the world an- using "Power’s.” \Vhy do you hesitate?

Let us send you proposition “O. "



a atory ‘ banded down iKW-yy for gcneratlonSj^ telling

j atrauger gp- IM-ared and won the glrl’a m-art. The atranger wa* arreated aa a tpy and delaine*! In the for- treaa. The girl planneil lo reacue him by means of ahooting an arrow with a rope attached over the rauiparta. The plan worke*! and the man «a» eio'aplng, but waa ai-en by Pe<Iro. lie «aa about to rut tlie roi-e, but an apis-al fr'>m the woiiiaii lie loved held hla hand. Not only thl-i, but he fought off the aoldlera who would have prevente*! the eai-aiie, and then fell, auppo»e<!ly dead. Into the a<-a. Years later a monk, lovel and venerate*!, dle<l. It was Pedro, who bad be**n tav<><l and nursed back to health by the monka, afterwards Jidnlng them. Once on a pil¬ grimage, he had seen the woman he had love*l, happy with her huahan*! an*l chihl, and learned that hla meiiuiry waa love*l an*l n*vereil. Me neter reveale*! hlmaelf to them, but waa happy and m-ver ri‘grette<l what he had done for them.

AN EASY MARK (Drama; releaae April 12; length, fe«*tl. -She waa rich and a go*>d bualneaa woman, hut lived In the country from choji-e, although owning a city manalon. On a trip to the city ahe la rendere<l a aervlce by a young man, an*l taking an Interest In him, de- pl*le*l to t**at him aii*l if worthy, to pul him In the way of making hla f*irtune. But the young man waa a rro*ik, an*l learning that ahe bail money, plaiineil to relieve the "enay mark." He

will *llsinbt-Tlta an ungrateful , m-phew an*l leave* the old

inan’K wealth I** the girl The nephe-w. learning of hla III f*>rtune. trli-a to marry Kittle and i wh.'n ah*- r.-fiiaa-a. earrlea her off to the r.-ndei v*iua of the SI k .Maak Baml. when- ahe la final- ' ly traeial hy KUl an<l hla pal Kit. wh*) have | reached New Y*>rk with the will. By a clever ! riia*- the hoy hero plaeea a decoy ami n acm-a ’ Kittle, tla* Kllk Ma-k Band eaoaping in an i :iiit*i. whi*-h. owing to a dl»engag*d brake. , pliingea Into the Ilinlaon River, after a wibi daah down the Pallaadea.

WHITE .ATROXS (comedy; niea*K‘d .April 4: length - f<**ll.—-A ilomesttc aclenee achooi -aiaala of Ita pretty teacher and prettier pupila. Ralph BT<iwn. the auperlnten<li-nt. falla vh-tim to the ehanna of M sa B*-th. the teacher. Ralph ; becomes a dyap.-ptic from eating dellcaclea maile at the achiad, and hla d<a-t**r preacrlbea a Chang*- of diet. Still tin- prmiucta of the I achiatl pour In and the diatracted aupi-rlnteml- ent deehle* to quletl.v bury them In the back yarvl. Mlaa Beth, nnfortiinalely. U9*-8 the same plot of ground to prom*>te the growth of cel. <-ry plants and when ahe and her class go lo Inatieet them, flmla on <llgglng up the celery, a stack of the achotd's N-at mince plea adher¬ ing t*> the naita. TTs-n the fun bt-glns and Ralph'a trouhlea with It. The doctor’s pr*-acTip. Il*>n la callml In to aave him from the Ir*- of the piiidia ami tearful Miss Beth, who finally accepts the Inevitable and Ralph.

LITTLE HANDS (Drama; release -April 9; length - fe*'t).—^The old. old atory of a con vict'a battle with the world la hi-re told with new situations and effects which add to Its ati traoflvem-ss as an enterlaimT. We d*mbt if the

convict was entitle*! to fr* e<lom after making his daring escap*-. as the story dot* not

why he was sentcnecil to pris<in. and hla de sire to ref*>pm. If sincere, should voluntarily

I prompt him to give hlmaelf up again, which he do*-s not.

A I.rtTxY HOLDI F IOomed,T; releaae April III; length - feet).—Two brokers, partn*rs. I hsv*> a ipiarrel over some trivial matter an*! : s parate; th* y meet at a dance. Their son and ' *l.aughli-r. wh*> are very fond of each oth<'r. are ' *laii*-lng t*ig* tlw-r wlun tls-lr parents see th*-m ■ ami forhlil lh*-m to talk I** one another. They ' plan to el*>|>*-. With very little money they j go l*> 111*- mountains; after two weeks they

are hTivke. Tlicy engage with a stage driver

i t*> take th**m t** his cabin until Iht-y are ' T'-aily t*' go h-ur.e. The driver Isdds th**m tip. 1 n*- finds only a dollar an-l turns away In dls- I gust. The .v*>ung eouph- conceive the Idea of I si-n*llng a lelt*r to their parents to send a

sum of niom-y lo th.- stag*- *lrher as a ran which Is ilon*-. The tww partners agree

I t*i unite In an eff*irt to save their ehlMren. The j atorv Is carrlial on to a laiighahle eonchision

Tor fourteen years tbs leading manufacturers of motion picture marhinea.

Another Enterprise Triumph

Completa with Rubber Tubing and Keyleit Jat.

SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP and HIGH-GRADE M-ATERIAL, combined with SAKKTY and SIMPLItiTA'. plate the TOGO far ahead of any other cheap outfit PORTABLE and ready for Instant use.

Anyone ran operate it.

Manufactured by

The Enterprise Optical Mfg. Co., 570 W. Randolph St., Chicago FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS.


Q POWERS PICTURE PLAYS Q U ^ Comedy anti a Drama this wt-t-k—one of them a (J

A Releago for Tuesday, April 9th. A L ••MEETING HIS MATCH*’ and l I ••Scenesof BANGKOK. INDIA” ,

Releaae for Saturday, April 13th.




- T 11 K a't» V U I D E *vTt*/* tUommly . ^eleas*Hl April

-• 't’bgtjj feet).— f J Mary wm is’**s<-»»e*l hy \|^^>*'-*>111- hb-aja sbe hmgi-d to \l5A-v u Af ■* 3 t'nfor- PfSKv.VgaC/ Kl£l/ tiinately^for Mary, she

ilWQK' si > WHS oiil.vvirs l'a*lbury'a nialil of^ll work. an*l

V e theref*ir« her amblllen V H<H-m«sI hl.'>eless. Klnal-

ly. boweri-r. the oppor- tunity l■lf*lldr*l Itnelf for the iilAiid to Imper-

•••nate her mlatreaa, and Mary wa# not one hit alow In grasping It. She t*s>k quits- a little a*' rial whirl, w>ent on ■ Joy ride with a wealthy rluhmnn, and aueet-olml In weaving a web of clr- rumstantlal evidence nrouml poor Mrs. Tadbury that came near canning a divorce suit In the Tad- biiry honsehold. The wealthy rluhntan, Uharlea Webb, also came In for hla share of trouble, re- reiving some ve^ rongh treatmeat at the hands •f the Irate Mr. 'Tadbury, Mary came to grief at |**L and realised the full meaning of tha teit:

COMINGI COMINGI (Continued on p.sge 40.)

A Trwmwndwusly SwnMtIwMl IMP-

30 X ti e Billboard APRIL 6, 1912.



MaitAffcnt aiul |K*rforii»erH *r«* rffiuente^l to oontriliuie tlulr <U*es r»r tlie d i>«rroe!it. Unite* •liU^t na<*t» Ttie Hillboant init later tl.aii Krtdaj- of each week to iie*ure puhlhattoii.

Tlie lUUlHianl forwanln all mail for imifenHionaU free of Wiarae. M m’>ers o* the i»rofe>»slon a*^ Inritt-d, w die oil tl»e roail, to liave their mall addresMed In eare of The ItilllMiard. ai.d It will l*e forward.d promptly.

Telegrams inquiring for routes not given in these columns will be ignored unless answers are prepaid.

PERFORMERS’ DATES (An additional list of Performers’

Dates, as well as a list of additional routes, received too late for classifica¬ tion, may be found in another column.)

When no date is given the week of April 1-6 is to be supplied.

• I.i'Im'ih. Six: 42 Jolinwin st.. Hrooklyn. .^«lJ:l<• \ l«r I.lon*: 210 K. 47tli M. N. Y. C. AIjitii. A C«.: .1210 i'o’.orailo a't*.. I'lil-

cauo. AM.rfcr, n.a*.: IitnTcr. Tnrt. .MOii A K<iina; Hox .V.tfi. .\iiniaton, Ala. Alllni'I'a. J n.. tlu' Urcat; 422 lllooiiifleld

.1., lIolMikfn, N. J. .Mvarado'*, S.. (loath; 12:ir, N. Main at., De a-

tur. 111. Alvtn. ^^•tor n.; I>reMl<‘n. O. AIvIih, a Klalto: 0<il Coluiiilma at., Montsnmpry,

Ala. Aniaii A Jonea; .Mr* Stfolo avp., Dayton. O. .\iii<riran fonudy F<nir; 770 2d are.. N. C. .tniiTiran C\.nil(|U«'a, TUn-c: Rpvere Houtx*, Chl-

rap>. .tiiKTlcan Danfcra, Six: 10 Plain at., Provl-

dfnrp, R. I. .4nitTloan Trnm|ipter»; llft.1 Klmxvood avp., ProT-

Idcnop, R. 1. .Xmlotla, Tlirpe: Fltrlilnirs. Masa. Andprmn A Kvans; SOr, A. Gates axe., Rrook-

lyn. Anilerie as, Anatrallan Twin: care Paul Tauslg

104 K 14 h at.. N. Y. C. Ansel A Dorian; 1.V.7 F.. tl2d at., Clexeland. A|M>lk>: Iti'x 224. Charlntte. MltSi. A|m>IIo Quartette: .IlKt N. State at., Clilcago. .Archer A Carr: Greenwich. N. Y'. Arlacrtia Trio; X'.l K. IMli at., X. Y. C. Arlliigton A Ilelaton: .VIO .S... 7th at., Camden

N. J. Armea. The: filO S. Panl'na at., CTiF ago. Arnaut Hroa.: i are P. Taiihlg, 104 E. 14th at.,

N. Y. C Arneaena. The: 1S17 X. K slrle axe., Chicago. .ArieOd A Rickey: Owego. X. Y. Atlantia A Flak: 2.'.11 Flr-t axe., 8. Billings,

Mon*. .Anatrallan Four: 244 W. tCtth at.. X. Y. C. Arnma Family; 1227 E 71at a* . Ch'cago. Altken lYhltman Trio (Keith'al Lynn, Mast.

(Kelfh’al I,owel: M-IS. Armanis Fixe (VIctoTlal Cliarleaton. S. C.

(Grphenml JackaonxlIIe. Fla.. S l.T. Amaden A Daxennort (Mn«lc Halil Pawtucket

R I.: (Ornheuml Haxerhlll. Maas.. R-13 Arlington Four (Kelth'al D.iyt<*n. O.; (Majestlcl

Cedar Rapids. la., R-l.t. .Arlington A Hela'on (Drexeli ColTeyx'llp, Kan.

4 d. (Jackaonl Pawhuaka. Okla., R IO; (Lyrlcl Tnlaa 11 1.1.

Arniera. Tl’e tGeml Jefferaon City Mo., 1-11 Austin A Smith (Grand! Seattle. 1-11. Arnolds. Chas. (Marine Exchange! Two Rlxers,

Wla., 1 IS. Ardell, Franklxn A Co. (Xatlonal! Boaton

(5th Axe ! X. Y C. 8-11. Am. Fred: 11 >4 W. !>th at.. Cln Innatl. American X'ewabova Quartette (Majestic! I.a-

rr.*he. Wla.; (Majestic) St. Paul. Minn., Ml.

Altkena. Ttree: 2«.1 W. IRth at.. X. Y. C. Adair. Bel'e (Temple! Hamilton. Can.; (Do-

mln'on) Ottawa, 8 13. Allen leon A Bertie: 118 Central axe., Osh¬

kosh, Wla. Adair A Dahn (Poll’s) Hartford. Conn. Alpine Tpiope (Orpheum) Kansas City, Mo..

8 13. Adams A Gnhl Co. (Maleaticl Du1>ui|ne. la.;

(Majestic) Cedar Rapids 8-13. Altna Bros. (Grand) Sacramento. Cal.; (Bell)

Oakland. 8-M. Anger, Geo,. A Co. (Empress) Portland. Ore. Alpha Troupe (Majestic) Bu'te. Mont., 8 13. Austins. Tossing (Xoxeltx! Topeka, Kan.;

(Folly) Oklahoma City. Okla.. 8.13. Adler A .Arllne (Empress) I»s .Angeles; (Em¬

press) San Diego, 8-13. Apollo Trio (Empress) Tacoma. Wash.; (Em¬

press) Portland. Ore.. 8-13. Anderson A McCoy: DeGraff O, Anderson A Blllaon; 3707 Walnut at.. Phlla. Ba^er-l.aVelle Trio: 82<! X. Christiana axe.,

Chicago. Bachen A Desmond* 1347 X. 11th st.. Phlla. Ilalle.y A Edward*; 81 E. Fair at.. Atlanta. Ga. Balle'xs, Three: 217 Seymour at., Cumberland.

Md! Balllles Four; 2(D4 W. Church st.. Xewa-k. O. Baker A Cornalla: 142 Schermerhorn at.. Brih.k

lyn. Ball. T.arrx- .infl Foster Bldg.. Milwaukee. Barlows. Breakway: White Rata, X. Y. C. Barpetts. .Tugellng: ino E 12th at.. X. Y. C. Barry A Hack: r>«1* Roger st. Mllwauk<>e. Bartell A- Osrfleld: 2(K*!* E. 531 s .. Clexeland. Parfos, Three: 810 X. 2d st.. Reading. P*. Baxter. Sidney; 1722 4«th axe.. Melrose Cal Beheea! Those; 1838 Winchester axe. Kan-a"

City, Mo.

: 14(11 Drayton st., Saxannah, Ga. The; 72S Slate at., Schenectady,

X. Y. C. ., Kansas Clly.

Beard. Billy lU-nedleti'B,

X. Y. Iteiiiiet Bros.: 2.‘>8 AV. (Kith at Bennett Slstcra: I.'IOS Forest a!

Mo. Bennett A Mareello; 206 W. (57fh at.. X. C. Bernards. Original; Tin* Bllllaiard. Chicago. Berry A Berry: Great Valley, .X. Itieknell A (jihiiey; 441 Marlon at.. Oak Park,

III. BIgehiwa. The: 2662 Monroe at.. Chicago. Rlmhtia, Tlie: 672 I»we at.. .Appleton, Wla. t’lr h A Birch; Prea:<n. Minn. Black A McCnne; 19 XeiKUiaet axe.. Boston. Blanchard A Marl'n: 11.19 Oclaxia at., San

Francisco. Ih.gert A Xelaon; Rexere IlouBe, Chicago. Booth Trio: 343 Lln(S>ln at., Johnstown, Pa.

Bedell Bros.; AVhIte Rats. X. Y. C. Harto*. Three (Hroadwa) i Superior, Wls. Brunettes. Cycling ( XtaToIk. Va.;

(Y'oiiug'a I’ler! .Allanlle City, N. J. .8 I'i. Barry A Wolford (Keith’s) Phlla.: (Poll's)

Scran on, 8 13. Big City Four (Templet Uoehe'ler, X. Y’.;

(Oriilicum) .Montreal, ( an., .8-1:1. Bonliair Triu;>«* (I' Vaueauixer, Con.;

(Emiires-) Victor's, 8 l.'t. Btidil A '.lore (Emiiress) Denver; (Eiiipress;

Cedoradn Springs. 8-1.1. Beers. I.S-0 (Empre-K) lam .Angeles; (Emiireaa)

San DI"go, 8.1.1. Bever. lien A Itro. (Iiirierlal) Waco, Tex.;

(.M.ijeslle) FI. Worth. 8 i.*!. Barnes A Barron lEiiipres.t) .S|H>kane; (Em-

pnssl Seattle. 8 13. Ball. Rae Eleanor (Empress) V.»n<MUxer, Can.;

(F.miirtssl Victoria. 8 i:i. Ilalleriiirs Ih'gs (Eiiipressi ,S|S>kJne; (Euipress)

Seattle, 813. B.*irTow<. Josle A Wlllle (Empressl Seattle;

(Empress! Van OHv<r Can.. 8-1.1. Ba left. Gny, lYlo (Empre-s) Vxncouxer. Can.;

(Enniress! V'ctorla. 8 i;t. Bartllng. .Anita (Empress! Portland. Ore. Box. Ted E. (Einprissi St. Paul; (Empress)

Diiinth, 8-13. Benn'ngtoii Ilros. (P.e'll Oakland, Cal.; (Em¬

press) Ixm .Angeles. 8 13. Bennett. Phil (It-'II) Oakland, Cal.; (Empress)

lam -Angeles, 8-13. Bradley, fn.x (Empress) Milwaukee; (Unique)

MlnneaiKlls. 8-13.

Barrows, Lancaster. A Co. (Empress) Mllwau- I k"e; (T'nlqee) .Minneapolis, 8-13.

I Brady A Mahoney i Empress) San Diego, Cal.; (Einuress) Salt laike City, U., 8-13.

This blank it available for route data in cate you have no route cards. Cards will be mailed noon application.

$40 TRUNKS FOR $6 What you iirol for atorlni valuable ps(«rs, mai.uscrtiKs. rlolhlng, fur*, etc. 34x22x25; 34x 23x25; 32xll»x23; STlISxSl; 37x14x33.

I AM THE LARGEST DEALER ItuyliiK up Sample Trunks from the big whole* amle i>r)' (jootU and Siioe lIutiHea. 1 pay spot ca>h f(»r the veo’ be^t trunks made, and secure them at prU-es that enable me to offer )uu

WONDERFUL BARGAINS! In strong, durable, rootav. fireproof trunk. Just the thing for trarellng theatiit-al people and stri'et fair men. In giKwi condition. Scad Mon* ey Order or N. Y. Ekchange for $6. You will tie |H‘rfei*tty Hatlnfletl u|miu dellrery.

HAAS, E15 N. 8th St.. St. Louis, Mo.

Army Auction Sale Bargain^ Sl.4«a» Army

K’la’a KilU. l.«a •• Sborguu.., S.X4 * H»<rmcki .10** 8m8t(m.... i.OO **

FpMoIa •mi-i.Ml** Laras catalogs, with 1419 .appIcBM.t SSa, tsfaim mllfiary MK-v«lop.41a 4000 ill«»trat(OB. (r,af(. ftbraarxl, aaiM 25, .'smp*. FRAMCIB BAttREkMAR

■.ary Ooodt from Oox’t Aactloa, K)1 Erotaway, ■. T.

ArmyTMm, “ Boor*.

* L’aifurai^o«*>41.t4 ** •• Laggias, fai. ,U** •• OloTca, ■ .M ** •* Ormoaua.... AM**



Week Theatre City State

Our "Raudow” Thaotfl- cal Trunk la a marxal of strength—Aollt Ilka ■ bank vault. It la rna*, of 3-p!t veneerlnA oo»- rred with rawhida Bbn Inside and out: hand- rlveled. Any apeeUl staa made to order Writs for eatalat W ILK I MB TRUNK MFa. CO., Dallas, Tsxat.

LEARN TO WRITE PHOTO PLAYS Permnal direction leading producer. Ravy terms. No literary knowledge required. 8uoce« guaranteed. Book* let. "About Photo Play Wf1tlng.**seni free. MtlTlON PICTVRK CDLLKGE. M. P. C. Bldg . Clereland. O.

WANTED AT ONCE—Novelty Arts. IMatko Player and Med. Petbple of all klndv. (Bank references.) Long season. Tickets? Yes. If we know you. Write nr wire Address PARKER. DALTON A PAJIKER. KltMllay. Shelhy Co.. Illinois.



If you sre unable to give route, and desire to have your perma' nent address listed, kindly provide the necessary information, using this blank.


Permanent AddresB-

Aad ib* rigdia h> prudac* ta«B, at osat af aaauaalpt. Oat aaw • atahig. X V. I’LAV Bl'KrAD

AXD ACTHOlUt’ EXCHAXGR. TrcBMwJ Tb* atr* N’aw T<*rk City

Bought, told, sictianaad and repalrsd.


—WANTED— Good Vaudeville Acts

For thm-nlght stand, that can etaanaa Flay an ^

Bottomley Troup**: 14 .Magill at., Waterbury. Conn.

Boyl*; Brf>8.: .5.14 Kldg<> avc.. .kllcntown. Pa. Boynton & Boiirke: .160.1 Broadway, X. Y. C. Brady-Hardy Co.: 80 Sixth a .. Ib-trolt. Mich. Brangan & Saville: Pleasant View Farm. Mos-

<H)W, O. BrlttuiiK. Three Musical: 7*29 I.iberty ave..

Bnaiklyn. Broatiway Comedy Quartette: 20 Wllllaiiia ave.,

Brooklyn. Biookes & Carlisle: 38 Glenwood ave., Buffalo. Itnsiks & Kingman: 303 Putnam Bldg.. X. Y. C.‘ Brown & Cooper: 2016 M’alnut st., Chicago. Brunettes, Cycling; 2.11 Cross st., I>i>weil, Ma«* Biirh Bros.; Edison at., Kldgetleld Park, X. J. Biidds. .\erlal; ‘26 X. Union aAurora. HI. Burbank & Danforth; Berlin. X. H. Burden & Zandra: 8(!4 Sandel st.. Canton. O. Burg*>sa, Harxey J.: 627 Trenton axe., IWilklna-

hurg) I’Ittshurg Pa. Riirke & Urllne: 6*J6 Biidd st.. W. Phlla., Pa. Burkh.xrt & Berry: 155 Eugenie st.. Chicago. Burns. .May & Lily: 116 W. .19th at.. X. Y. C. Burt & Mayo: 1213 14th at., Altoona. Pa. Byers & Herman: 3649 Pax’on Road. Cln innatl. Byrne-Golson Plaxera (Jeffers) Saginaw, Mich.;

(Rljou) Bay City, 8-13. Roiidlnl Bros. (Orphenm) T.lneoln, Xeb.; (Or-

h*“um) Sioux City, la., 8-13. Benton. Klwood (Star & Garter) Chicago. Barry. Eilwina Sc Co. (Empress) Et. Paul;

(Empress) Wtniiii>eg, Can.. 813. Brow-n Bros.. Six (Lyric) Dayton, O. Brewer, Dick; Revere House. Chicago. IhKirum. Mattie, Sc Co| (Magic) Ft. Dodge, la.;

(Majes Ic! Dubuque, 8-13. Bowers. YVallers Sc Cro*)ker (Maleatle) Dallas,

Tex.; (Majestlol Houston, 8-1.1. Brown Sc Foster (Priscilla) Clexeland; (.Yreaile,

T<pledo. 8 13.

Benkert. Ruth Calherlne: 2.12 W Davenport. la.

Brydon’a Eskimo Doga: 4304 Kenm<ire axe., Chi cago.

R«*nedK*ta. The: 228)4 South Centre st., Sche nectady. X. Y,

Hlalr A Klasset: 314 Luckle at.. Atlanta Ga. Byrne, Jack: Gen. Del., Howell. Ind. Be nnett Sc Kenyon: 12*)« East Crockett at. Coop¬

er, Tex. Ba.xea Sc Xorworth (Keith's) Cincinnati. B<*rnlxlcl Bros. (Orpheum) Denver. CaWeM, Great; 164 .Yverlll ave.. Rps'liester.

Camptiell. Frank * J«*nii e; .Marine Mills, Minn Carbrey Bros.: 1.147 E. Oxford st., BhIIa. Cardownie Sisters: 42.5 X. Liberty st.. Alliance

O. Carlin Sc Clark: 913 Prospect sve.. Biiffalu. Carol Slsl<*rs: 104 W. 16tb st.. X. Y* C. Caron Sc Farnom: 235 E. 24t(i at.. X. Y. C. Carr Trio: Canandaigua, X. Y*. Carroll-GIllette Trouipe: 210 <*lia:ham at., Xew

Haven. Conn. Carson Broa.; 1(858 56th st.. Brooklyn. Carson, Chaa. R. Sc Meta: White Rata, X. Y. C. Cars** Sc Willard: 2.5.*{S W. Cumberland at..

Phlla. Casads. Tliree: Darlington, Wla. Casad Sc DeVerne: .11*2 Valley at., Dayton. O. Caatellaiie, Tony, & Bro.: 248 Xaxy st.. Bro<)k-

lyn. Chsndirr, Xellle. I.adies’ Orchestra: 19 Dianl-

ler at., Worces:er. Mass. Cbantrell Sc .Schuyler; 219 Pros|>ert axe., Brook¬

lyn. Childers Sc Chlld<‘ra: 715 W. (L5th at., Chicago. Church Clly Four: 128*2 D<>catiir at., Brooklyn! Clark Bros.; 2215 So, .1*1 s(.. St. Ixmls. CIsysons, Four Musical: 04 Br<iad at., Oneida

N. y.

cent. Good houM; aeatlug capacity IM. Nothing food acta need apply. Addrea Q. W. CRKASET. Msnater. Farmer (Ity. IlltiioU

^WANTED- Shows and Othar Good Attractions

To Join Camtxal Co. at Kansas Fliy. diirlny K. o( P Ktirampmriit. Ylay 7 to 17 Address TOU.N'GER, 1003 MiGee 8t.. Kansas City. Mo.

MY GREAT “RUBE” MONOLOGUE. JuM *111. (type¬ written copy), $5.00 cash, by return mall. Sight par- o<ly-htU and my lalat red-hot wrlimer on Tnu'll Want Me Back, $1.00 (33c. single). Sample parody, $0e. I Sketches, etc., to order. Stamp for reply. F. J. LA PIKKRE. Gen. DeL. Penaacolt. Fla

ACTORS MONET-Our - inwivnw collection of new monologues and Jokea

gets you the <oln. Also Ivstk of latest songs and parodies. Both sent for 25 rents. Order XOW. F. WASKA. 4418 Fulton St.. Chicago.

sending out all beautiful, hand-colored Tattoo Design*, each 4it1t •I'clies. for 1.5c. Tattooing Machlnee from $2.34 up. Be ready for the spring bu*lne«s. Price lint frea I’ROF BARKER, img V(rw Street. (Tnrtnnall. Ohio.

SUCOLO C1GA.R Satofee witkoat tr«: th* laUgt NvraltF.

Sample lOr. LUOOLO CIOAm 00.. Sola Maatafarturar. 334 nnahlBg Avo.. BroeklyA V. V.

TR; Gill who I«MES EUCTIICin ^y watit your tlma with ahowi that gsl do maMPf The Electric Act It a feature fog Felia Cagwlyala Sldeehowa. Mtiaeuine. Store Showi and TaadgfUla. Can tw worked on platform *r In a pit My $1$* ^(k until May. $1$S.0«. Write for partlaalaH. O. w ALLRN. to K 4lh New Teck CHy.

ZARCIR’S MIND R E A S I H S AW. Frem hie eww First time puklUhed

la Ule. Frlee $1.44. U O FIXKN. Axe., ntleaae

XKN. Ull

wM I M W vC tional and Anaatmt fjBFS ■ 1_IA ■ O Vaodanila BkatahaAM^ " ® ww Moaolognei,MlastrwlMaMfia' -Jekes, llwe*—* B— Jekes, Mwsleal PWeae, Beelta ■eaa IMal*i«Bea, Mah>^wa bweds,e»a Cataleneftw* V. 8- nBMianai a aA n^ne. IM. OhleimM

APRIL 6, 1912. Xtie Billboard

TRAINED BIRDS a«strauan cockatoos lAMONT’S My 19tb year In America and still makln|{ ^ood.

WHY? Never behind times, always ahead. Manaiiers looking for A REAL NOVELTY ACT

Address J LAMONT 1440 B’way. New York, n. y. i^UUlCdd J* LttXLllVJLMy CARE hILLBOARl)

riav on. Curl Kiiilli ; tS .Molvilic iivi*., Tor- ..iilo. Can. I

Clt'vrlaiicl, CI.1U1I0 & Marlon; .">lt7 Itlli avi.. .V« orla. I.. I.. Y.

Clito At Sjivpster: 1(H»7 Mt. Vornoii at.. |•llllB. C..aitaa. Tlirep Mualcal: lU \V. S'-ncen '•t.,

N. Y’. Colonian At Krancea: lS2<t Jcllpraon at.. I'lilla. j Colninhlana. Klvp. Inc.: Klndla.v. (I. | I'oinoilorc. CJrcat: S<)4 X. National I'.lvtl.. Spring

liilij. Mo. I C..nki-.v, Clever: Wauaau, Wa. | Conlln. Steele At Carr: 5.V»r> I'l niocrt ni at., \V.

IMtlla., I'a. Coraon. Cora Youngblood, Soxte te: .Anndarko,

Dkla. C.iatcllu & I,aCroix: 313 Kwlng at., Kanv'.a City,

Mo. C.iiirtney & Jeanette: loll) W. lltb I'la o, Clit-

caso- I Ci.vt.oa Katnlly: .klt-tona, Wla. I Crawfonla. Dancing: 14:i!t Haxter at.. Tole.l .. O. • Crrtoa The: Webater City, la. . CriininIna At 0^>re: 332 W. 2rt h at.. N. Y'. | Croniera, Three: 305 Sunimett ave.. Sclieneciady.

N. Y. I CMniuell * Samae: Dixon. Ill. Crouch & Welch: (Jerard Hotel, X. C. I t'nllen Krog.: 201)1 Kllavrorth at., I’blla. Cunningham. l>oc At Kililie: 32:17 W. tlreiishae'

at.. Chicago. Cnrrle A Karle: 537 So. State at.. Spr'ngfleld.

111. Curry & Klley: Illngtiamton. N. Y’. Mualcal: 3034 K. Haltliiiore a*., Balti¬

more. I Canlor’a I.ew. Seven Merry Kbla (Hamlin)

t'hlcago. 4(1: (Kmprcaal Milwaukee, S-]0: i.MaJeatic) .Madiaon. 11-13.

Creighton Br< a. (Victoria) Matain. (la : (Or- . pheum) Birmingham, Ala., S 13.

College Tr'o iKelth’a) Columbna. ().: (Temple Detndt, Mich., 8-1.3.

Cunningham & Marion (MaJ* atlel Madiaon. Wla.; iKclIb'al tin Innatl. ().. S 13. |

Camllle'a Dog ('ireus (IlipiKalMmeI Lexington. Ky.; (Orand) Hamilton. ().. S 13.

Cunningham A Coveney (Bijoii) Kingston. X. Y’. Caraon Broa. (Orphenm) Denver Caine A Odom. (Kinpreaa) D«'nver. 8 13. Carllale’a ICIrcua (Enipregg) Denver: (Emprcaa)

Kanaaa Cl y, Mo., 8-1.3. Cresay. Will M.. A Blanche Dayne (Shea'al

ToP'nto; (Orphenm) Montreal. 8-13. ( ampliell A .Mcl8)nald (Kmpreaa) Portland. Ore. )’reo, Herr Ihdke’a (Majeatle) Cedar Baplds.

la.; (BijouI Iowa City, 8-10. . Carr Tr‘o (Hippodrome) Huntington. \Y'. Y’a..

4 <1: (Hipiaalnone) Charleaton. 8 13. C.iatle, U .Yndrew; 2831 Cheatnnt at.. Milwau¬

kee. I < imningham. Wm. E.t 00 Rond at.. Toronto. ' Cllpl>er (Jiiarte te (Caaino) Chicago, 4 0. Chriaty. Tax: Onlfport. Mlaa. <'arr, Xat (rnl<|ue) Minneapolis; (Empreaa)

St. Pan!. 8-13. Carroll. Nettle. Trio (Mahatlc') Jolmalown. Pa.;

(Orphenm) Montreal, (an., 8 13. Clarke Trio (Majeatle) Cedar Kapfda, la. Cutler, Harry (Empress) Cincinnati. Clemona A D«'an (Orphenm) Denver.

Davis-Gledhill Trio

In Ihetr venaatlontl Ode and Motor Rmctng Ex- hlWilon. the greatest sporting a<t of the I'th eentiin appearing on the W V. M. A. Tlmo. Permanent ad (Ireaa.


Hakotat. Two; .1110 Irving at.. Phlla. I Daley A Shewhrook: .'B).Vl .Michigan avc.. Chi¬

cago. Davla, Jack A (Irace; 40.'> S. Witdern avp..

Dayton. O. Davis, Laura; Hotel Brevonrt, Chicago. Davla A S.-ott: 1.37 YV. 14.Mh si.. N. Y. C. De.Vrnio A Dc.Vrmti: 178 Bru e at.. Xcwar»,

N J. DeCIeo, Harry: 41.8 Colllna ave.. Maryavlllc. O. Ik-Crace A (Jorden: KK) KIngsland ave.. Brook

I.' n. Del.Isle. Juggling; (llena Falla. N. Y". Dcllaven A YVhl nev: 1420 N. 22d at.. Phlla. Delmore A Ta>e: 1.5.'.3 Broadwav, X. Y. C. Dcimore A Oneida: 4.37 W. 4dth at.. .N. Y C. Dclno Troupe: care The Chalfant. Ind!ana|>ol|a. Delova, Tliree: 10 X. YY’chb at.. Oklahoma City,

okla. IhMar Broa.: Cadillac, Mich. DiMonde A DInatnorc: Zancavlllc. O. DcMora A (Irart'la: Findlay. O. Donickca. .Musical: 010 FIral st.. Macon. Oa. DePhll Broa.: 443 17lh at.. Dcrhya. .Yirial: 312 Kaatcrn avc.. Conniravlllc,

Ind. Devoaii. Hnliert; 3(t4 Proapoct Place Brooklvn. D*ycre A Both: ,’.40 B.Idcn avc.. Chicago. IhXooa, Marvrioua; 20ol LePage a‘.. New Or-

le.tna. DfYoy. Ooo. A Dat Ion S'atera: 2(143 Balca ave..

Kan«aa Cttv. Mo. *• Wolfes. Konr: 1713 Third ave., X Y. C

pltniond Four; 1802 N. Western ave., Chicago, p'ck. Bay: .'T22 Ohio avc., Kokomo, Ind. pick, ns A Floyd 0« ISth at,. Btiffalo. pivons. F'inr; .WJO ('arpen'er at.. Chicago I'oss. B'lly: 102 So. High at., ('.dnmhia. Tcnn. jtoiiglas A Diniglaa: White Bats. Chicago. Downey Willard A Swain: .123 Townaend avc..

D.trott. Mich. po'le A Fields: 2318 W. Thylor at.. Chicago, pnttln B.slcay Tronne: Bca.llng, Pa. putTy. Thoa. IL: 4tl3(l Virginia ave.. St. Isnils, Dwyer. I/Ittle. Trio: 130 Scott at.. WIlk.-a Barrc.

Pa. D’vie (llrla. Three (Empreaal .Milwaukee;

il’ninnel Mtnncapolla, 8 1,3.

D'likelaplel’a Chrlatmaa (Orphenml Winnipeg. ( an.

Dnrhara. Fonr Caating (Orphenml Jackaonrllle, (Empire) Montgomery, .\U., 8-13.

Dnpr.-g, Fred (Trent) Trenton. X. J.; (.Ylh Are.) ^ Y. C., 8 13.

Dunoan, A. O. (Orpheuin) Des Moim-a. la.; Klrpheuiii) Shnix City, 8-i:!.

D*Vlltds. (ireat O). 11.) Whitewater. Wis.; It). II. I Janesville. M3.

Dorr, Mary iKiiipressi Chleugo; (Kn pn.s'i .Mil waiikee. s 13

Dele itig, .MahlD- 11 IlpiMsIi'fiiiie 1 I.exing on. K.\. Deltoryl. Simone I ()r|dieiiiii) SI. Paul. .\Pnn.;

(lirphennii Winnipeg. Can., .*'13. DeBeiizoA LaDneillrphenm I Salt Lake, I'.. S-i::. Disde.t s, Thr'e i Kel h‘s( Is iiisvllle: iKelth'st

Cliieiiiliati. 813. Ih'lniore A Oindda. (P'di's) .S ranton. Pa. ' IhMdi'.v, .Miss Bay A Co. t Empress i Denver;

I Empress) Kansas City, Mo.. 8-i;i. Ihlvin, Mae, A Co. ((Jrandl .Saeramento. Cal.;

(Bell) Oakland, 8-13. DeTrlekey, Coy oirand) Saerainenlo, Cal.;

(I'ell) Oakland. .*(-13. Ihnvlliig, J. J.. A Co. (Empress) Di iivi r. 8 13. Ikmnolly .VllK-rt (Empn-ss) Stn Dh-go. Cal.;

(Empress) Salt Lake. 1'.. 8 i:!. D'rklns<)n. W. .8. (.Sii'ea's) Buffalo; (S.iea's)

Toronto, 8-13. I Devil, The. sV Tom Walker (Empress! Vletoria.

C.(n.: (Empress) Ta <>(i)u. Wash.. 8 i:i. | De.Mario (Scala) Haag. Holland. 81.">: (Bheich- .ahallen) Coin, iieniiany. D! ;io.

Delphino A Delniora (Ylajestle) P.ntle. Mont.: (Empr.'ssp S|Hiknne. Wash. 8 13. '

Diamond A Xidwin (Keith’s) lemlsvllle; ())r- phenni I M< inphis. Tenn.. 8 1.!. |

DiSham Trio; 1027 Center st.. Milwaukee. ; l8*rrill. Lack: 2104 No. 21)th ave,. Omal a. Xeh. ' DeVelde A Zelda iVletorla) XoiM!;. Va.; Ro¬

anoke! Bonnoke. 8-13. | Dollar Tpni|>e (Eiiiprossi Chieigo: (Enipressi

Milwaukee. 8 1.3. Di L( a A Orman (.Majtstle) Colar Bap'ds. la. i Earles. Tlir'e: 415 Fort st., .M.ariet a, O. I Edinan A Oavlor; Box :!!). Ulehmonil. lid. I Edwards A Baymond: 21(!2 S. East st., Ind'ana-

p<dla. Edvth Bose: Box i;*2i. East X*irthis.rl. L. I.. I

X. Y. j Elliott. Be Lair A Elliott. 2004 Memolils st.. .

Phlla. ; Elliot A West: •2*.I34 Ellsworth st.. Phlla. j Elli-es. The: Box 8. Coiistantliie. Mleh. | Elton Polo Tpaipe; ’22!) YY'. 38th sf.. N, Y'. C. • Ely A Floreii e: Stony Brsa k. L. I.. X. Y'. Emille. TjiPetlte. Tronis-: 0)i4 E Tavhir st.. 1

Ithsimlngton. III. I Emmerson .Slimmer Co.: .'>718 Liitlie: ave..

Cleveland. I Knipire SIng'ng TI.ree: 2(l8 24th Place (" leago. Engllstt R setniils; 2841 W. Isi st.. Brigh.ou '

Beach. X. T. I Es [ler A We'sh: 18.31 B insttad sf.. Phlla. I Evans A Burton: 113'.i N. .Toai'hln st.. Middle,

Ala. I Evais A Evans: 274 W. 4th st.. Mansfield, O. Ewen A Prince: l.''g!il N. Kedzie ave.. C' leago. EIIIsA McKenna iXat'onal) Boston: (Keith’s)

T.dedo. n.. 8 13. Evere t, Billy A (laynell (Cavalry) Fort Riley,

Kan.. 4 (). Eugene Trio (Orphenm) Nashville. I’enn. Evans. Bessie lOarriek) Sanlt Sle. Marie. Can..

4 )’>; Iflarrlck) Escanaha, Mleh.. 8-i;’.. Eekhoff A (5 .rdon (Empress) Kansas ('ity. Mo, Ety 'V Fh renee (Majestic) Butte. Moot.. 8-13, Eldon A (’liften (Emnress) Seattle; iKmpre'Sl

VaneonviT. Can.. 8-13. Emmet A Emmet Co. (Ftmilv) Indianapidls;

1 o’aslmO Chi ago. 8-10; (Palace) Chicago. 11- I 13.

Earl A Bartlett (Matcstic) Cedar Rapids la. Esther Trio (Orphenm) Kansas City. M". Elmore A Raymond (Crystal) Denver. F.alrman. Fiirnian A Falrman; Xelherland Hotel.

Chicago. Fanlas. Two; White Rats, X. C. Fenton. .Marie; 1231 Lexington ave.. X. Y". C. FernandeiMay Dno; 2(*7 E 87‘h st,. N. Y. C. IF'echtl’s. Otto Tyrolean Sextette: IPI4 Xew-

pi*rl ave.. Chicago. Field Briw : (72 W. 115th st.. X. Y’. C. Fields. Will H.. A I.aAdella; :’vii4t W. Ravens

wissl I’ark ave.. Chicago. Fink’s Comedy Mult's Dogs: 38 E. P.lcnkncr

st.. Colunihtis. O. Florence, .\merlcan. ’Tronpe: YY’i'slminster Hotel.

Chicago. Klovdt'lls. ’Tlie; Box 148. Highland, (’’al, Follefte A Wleks; 1824 (li es ave,. Bnxvklvn. Font.)lne. Ma>ir IVI; 713 State st.. Quincy III. Forht's A Bowmsn: 2fi1 W. 112th st.. N Y C. Fox Billy A Lilly: 1(v35 .S.>(ith Hope st.. Tjos

.\ngcles. Fox A Snmtners; 517 X. l()th st.. Sagii'a'v. Mi h. Fox A Ward: 1117 Wolf sf.. Phlla. Fralcv A Abbott- 1117 M.*orc s PhPa. hh-anx, SIg. A Edytlic: 12 Hotchkiss st.. Bing¬

hamton, X. Y. fTarcr ’Trio; Ifi Inman are.. Rabwav, N. J. Fricl. Mr A- Mrs. ■n:nrntoti: 1(11(1 Walnut st,.

.Ynderson. Ind. Frbtsd A Bngc: 314 W. 23d st.. X Y. C. F'shcr. Harry. A- Ollts-rt iMHesi Minne-tpolls;

(.Ymcrlcan) Davenport. la., 8 13. Force A YViniams (Bronx) X. Y. C. F'cbtlng A Carlos (Emnress) Dnlntb. YMnn. Fields A IjiAdelta (New Mnrrsy) Richmond.

Ind.; (.Ymcrlcan) C)nclnna:l (Y., 8 13. Fniton. nias. .YI.: tS14 Bienville st.. New Or¬

leans. Fi-x. Mort (Empress) Winnipeg. Can Fl'ks. YIns’eal (Panlages) TafS'ma. Wash.;

(Pantages) Portland. Ore.. 8 13. Fox A YY’ard (Keith’s) Toledo. O.; (Keith’s)

Cleveland. 8 13. Francis, Unih. .Y- Co. (Fniprcss) San Diego. Fausts, Mnslcal: 417 S. 4th sf.. Bca'In-g. Pa. Fiidds. YVm, T.: 1!>88 East 50 st.. Cleveland. Frmels 'Y Iicw is (BIjon) Ytooae Jaw. Sask., Can..

4 (). Fisher. 'Ir. A Mr*. Perkins (Colonial) tancas

ter. Pa.: (Keith’s) S.vracnse. X. Y".. 8-13 Fl’xOIbtton Marr (Orphenm) Peoria, III,: (.Ysh

land) Chicago,' 8 13. (lardcn City TYlo: 704 W. 17th st.. micago (•ardiners. Three: 1058 X. 8lh st.. Phlla. Oardner. Harrv A T.nclllc: 1.30 X. Pine s ..

Orand Rapbla. Mich. Oardner & I.awson; .322.3 X. Ashland avc., Chi

cago. Oarmdd .Tollv Bnth’ 5« E. 21sf st . Chicago. Oarlor, (Tias.r 7(Y8 17th st.. Detroit. Oaylor A Oraff; Id Ab'ngdon sq.. N. Y*. C. Ge.irer, Bert. A Co.: 319 Hughes sf.. Dayton. O.

(Ii-orgc A Ccnglo: letc N. Fcaiiklin >t.. (’lil- I (•ago. j

(lihmy A Faric: .".(ip .Yladisoii ave.. ’Fo’i-do, (). i; bsoii Hr S.: 2 YY'lIlow st.. Brooklyn. (Joldcn. Clando: 177 YValiiiit av(,. itosion. j i; Id-n A II ig os: .Milf, r l. Ylass. I^Holwln A Elliot : liCKi Hoc ate.. N. Y’, C (J'irdoii. Ion A Mac: 71.'. .\. 7ili si.. ()m:ili.i i

Xeh. Oordon A llciir.) ; 2ii7 Palmetto st.. Hr-x’al.t ii. Oorman A- YY’i st: Is.'..*. Lexington a'c.. N V. (’. (iracos. (iariier .Y Paikii: 4101 .\. 41-t (■■ni-. |

Chicago. i ( Oracty A Burnett: Fair Il.-mii. X. .1. i Orahams. F( iir .N vcity: I’.ainlirhigo. (la. j Oraham A B imlall: 327’ P'-ail si , I’naik ,i n. Oranliorrv A l.aiio”; 15.'.1 Bn-icD'at. \. Y. ('. Cray A (Iray: I!i2.’ Bird st.. .loplln. Mi. Ord na A (’o.: 1I(.7 K. (i’s st.. Ch volaril. Oregidre A Elmir:’: 229 YV. Isiii st.. N. ) C Oregory Family; 2(8 w, giif.i st.. ('. j (Jardner A Ybaire (BlJ' iii Plilla. Orimm A SatcUl iKctivoti) .Ylli gl cu’. Pa.. 1

(Harris) Pittsburgh, 8-13. O'adcnle-i ks. r e iiirpheiimi Spok no : (Or '

plionmt Si attic. 8 13. Olll. YY’m. .8., A (’o. (Enipressi YY'inn'pcg. (’an. Oiiy Bros. A Oiiy (Empress) .Seattle. Orady. James. A Co. lEiiipresai Denver: (Em¬

press) Kansas (’ity. Mo., 8 1:!. (Janions. niree lEinnressi Y'lc orla (’:in,; (Em- ji

press) Taeoina. YY'ash.. 8-1.3. Ooilgets. The (E'oprissi las .Yngides, (Empress)

■San Diego. 8-1.3. (!r:iiit. SvdiK'v ipe'li Oakland. (’a1.: (Einprissi

la s Angeles. 8-l.'i, Oeorge, .VI.: 2(13 N. Monroe ave.. Coln-'-biis. (I. Orojean A Maurer (P>:.|<'ni Jaeksoii. Mleh. (;ib.«on. Ted. A ('«. (Empressi chD ago: i Eni

press) Milwaukee, 8-13. Orassls Broa. (Enipressi I’hlcago; (Empress!

Milwaukee. 8 13. Orapewln. Chas.. A Co. (Orphenm) Denver. Hale. Jess. A Co.: 224 Superior s|.. Fond dn

Lac, Wis. Haley A Haley; ll'JT Pierce Bhl-g.. St. I.onls. liaison Bovs: 21 E, hstli st.. N. Y. (’.

I Halsted Willard: 1141 Prytania st.. New I Orleans.

Hanley A Jarvis; 230 H Isikim st.. Rutherford I X. J.

Hardaways. Tl'e: ::20 Baltimore P.Mg., Okla- I homa City. Okla.

Hard.v. Jas. E.: 48 Fuller s .. Tor nio. Can. I Harnish. Mamie: 7(5 Park st.. Braintree. Mass. I Harvel's Marionette Circus: 823 Warren st., St. I Igtn's. I n-ilhaway. MadN n A Maik: 328 YV. 9(5th st.. I X. Y. C.

Hefron Tom; 2:!'2(! E. *7th st. Si-uCi East, I Cleveland. ! Henry A Llzel: It'd W. 4('th st.. \. Y. C.

Henrv Bros.. Flvlng: ’211 Oein-sre s .. Trenton X. J. I

Henrv Sisters; Box 175. Ottawa. O. I Hertw-rt Bros.. Tlr.e; ’JT. E. 24Ih st.. \. Y C. . Herliert A Vance: 1345 John st.. (’In 'nnati. I IDrrman. .Ydelahic: Oilsey Ib use. X. Y. C. Denman ’Trio: Flgln. 111. Hickey Bros.: C’J*) YV. .38th st,. X. Y. C. . Hlllyers. The: 192 Ba.v 25th st.. Beiisonhnrst. |

Brooklyn. X. Y’. ■ Hines A Fenton: 113 YV r.’M s .. N Y. C. Hirschhorns Tt-e; 2.">n.5 S >. 8tti st.. Omaha. Xeh. I Hodge. Robt. Henry; Frreport. I,. 1.. N. Y. [ Ibxiges Bros.: 1404 Natalie ave., E. St. Ixnils.

III. i Holfcr A Rezloh: 2'r29 Locust sf.. St. T/'tl's. | Howard A Bo.vd: .5.551 Etzcl ave. St. laiiils. i Hiiegel A Tavlor: 118 K. 24th. sf.. Erie Pa. I Huff Bros.. Flying: Eldorado Siirlngs. Mo. Hvde A Talbot; Torring on. Coi'n. Hughes. Mrs. Ocne. A Co. (Poll’s) YV rcester.

Mass.; (Poll’s) Bridgets rt. Conn.. 8 1.3. Ib'dges Bros. (.Yl"mo) New Orleans. 1-13. Haney A Ia*ng I'tljou) .Vppliton Wis.: (BIJoii)

YIsrInette. 8-13. Hyatt A l.eXore (I.yrI ' Keystone. YV. Va.;

(Majestic) T.ynchbnrg. Va., 8-13. Hart. Marv A Bl'lv (Ornlieuin) Diiinth. Minn.;

(Orphenm) Wim'peg. Can.. 8 13 H’vlmen Bros. (BlJon) (Jnlncv. Ill.; (Plaza)

Chicago. ,8-13. HID .Y W' ltakcr (5th Avc.) X. YT. C.; (Shulter!)

rtica. 8-13. Hyland. Tom A I.ottlo (T.ydls) Wh-hlta Falls.

Tex.: (Ornhtitm) San .Yngelo. 8-13. Henman Trio (Oavety) Kansas City, Mo.:

(Oayety) S'. I,enls. 8.43. ITnglies Mns'c-'l Trio (Mile-tlc) IT nsfon, Tex. llolmi's A Illlev (Empress) Butte. Mont.; (Em¬

press) Spok.sne YY’ash.. 8-13. Ham'I’on Pros. (Empress) .Sisk-ine: (Emnri’ssi

St'attle. 8-1.3. Hondinl (Bronx) X. Y'. C.; (Orienpdnt) Brook¬

lyn. 8 1.3. Hi'ilges. Pour Musical (Empress) .San Francisco.

8-13. Heron A Donclas (I'niqne) Minneapdls; (Em¬

press) St. Paul, 8 13 Harvey A DeY’era (Orphenm) Spokane; (Orphe¬

nm) Seattle. 8 13. ^ Holman. Harrv A Co, (ForsvO') .Ytlanfa Oa. Hawthorne’s Minsfrcl MahU (Orphenm) Canton.

O.. 4 (5; (Pome) Middletown. .8-13. Hawthorne, Tlllda 'Keith’s) Providence. R. I.;

(Keith’s) Boston. Ytass., 8 13. TTavs. Clarence E (O. H.) Danville. Kv., 4 0. Henry A I'lel (Empress) Winnipeg, Can Ilnfforfl gc Cha'n (Orphenm) Kansas Clfv Yfo. Ilolitswortb, C'-I. Sam (Keith’s) Cincinnati. Hawkins. I ew- (Matestlc) Cedar Ratdd«. La. Ingram A T.Ind: 22 Manic ave.. Riverside. R. T, Ingram A S<>c'ev; 288 Crane ave.. Detroit. Instrumentst Trio; KV) Langley ave.. Toronto. Irwin A O’Neil- 8()r, N. State st.. Chicago. Trwins. Two; .3(38 4 E. 71«f sf. Clcvidand. t*-w|es T’rcc: Stcclvllle. Mo. In 19''9. No. 1 Co. (Keith’s) Rosfon; (Keith’s)

Phils . 8 13. Ishlkawa Bps (Montank) P.assale N. J.: (Em¬

pire) Pittsfield. Mass.. 8.13, .TacY-son. Hcrry A Kate: COfi Pnena Vista ave..

Y’onkcrs. N. Y’. Jacobs A Sardcl: Ooe A .\tklns ave., X. S.,

P'tshnrg. Pa. James, The; Box 274. Elgin. Tex.

Jennings Jewell A Barlow: 3302 .Yrlingfon ave., St. Tx)ul«.

Jennings A Renfrew: 714 Bp>adway. Everett. Mass.


TOST A COMPANY, 900 Filbert Street

(Fatahliahed 1870). Phila:teln’-.;a

CT'Ne'w, Enlarged, Illustrated Cital;;ue.

J$125 IVIAL>> I Is the record Id oue day with t>

U "ln»i$ib<e Fortune Write s." "Magic W’anils.” ’’.New Magi. (Haas Tiihe,’’ "Olixiy Qneen

nCt'- etc. Invlalble readinga lu fu<» fi-V- languagea. Illnatrated rircnisi •!V aud sample readings free.

; 8. BI^Y^ER 117 Ka-man St., Brooklyn. W *



E. G. SMITH, Atwater, Chio

LADY PIANISTE F.X|M“ricncf(l in Vtiiidovillp. Hcpcrtoiic, Orchcsira, M. I’, and Daitf’i* Work,d«*.sircs jK)sitioii. .\. r. of .M Nest rcfcrpiicc. Ad¬ dress I’lAXISTK,

(Icn, Del., Sprin<jH('ld, Ills.

Wanted—Position By Violinist and Pianist

Mail and wift*. wiih C5<M)I> traveling troupe. Both rcAil and fake. Salarj*. fl.’i a week. Ifoard and transpor¬ tation tiioluded. Or we will lo<’ate. Refereiires given. AYiiire^Ls \VlLLl.\>r FLKK<;KH. llrookpt.rt. 111.

MAKE $20 A DAY “Our Diamond’' Uachlna taker pictures withaat asgatiTaa Poatilt, Buttons, la ons oila ats. Aaybixly caa operate Price, 87.50 sad up. Write for Fres Illustrated Circular. INTIKMATIONAI METAL

A EEMSO. 00.. Dapt. W, Chicago, HI.

■atahilirtted 1891

WANTED—People for Oriental Show (teama pre¬ ferred), In all lines of the hlz. Also I*lano Plaver for .Ymerh-an Yaudevllle. State all In first letter: salary sure. Address .NICKOLAS M. GEORGE, 438 YVahasha St., St. Paul. Mlim.

Wanted, Band Actors and Musicians .411 lines. B. A O. or stage; Soubrette with spoeial- lles; Man with Ihcture Machine to take privileges: Rep. Show. Tetil Tliestre; week stands; pay own hotel. BehearsaLs April 29. Address THl’RSTUN E. DAL- LEY, Box 191. New Harmony, Ind.

WANTED—ETrst-cIass Character and Spot Light Singer, a real rxnnedlan, one who will also lesxure on pictures: (lermanent position; state salan' first let¬ ter. PRINCESS THE.YTRE CIRCUIT CO.. St. (’loud, Minn.

WANTED—PERFORMERS Doing two or more single acts. .Also YY'lld YY’cst .Yct.s and Musicians. RIPl'EL RROS. YY’AGON SHOYV, Brazil. Ind.

WANTED—Y’ersatlle Y’aude. People In all lines. Open May 1. under canvas. Addres.s F. A. ROE. ilan.igir Roe. Hunk A Roe Show. YY’oodruflf. YY’ls.

MY LITTLE GIRL was In pit much of the time, and handled Flint’s Itaby Porcupine like a kitten. .\ sight for many, writes a pleased customer .Yny boy or girl can work mv porcupines. LLNYYimiD FLINT. North YY'aterford. Maine.

IV11J&IC ARRANGED For Band, Orchestra and Plano. Prices moderate. HOYY'ARD MOON. 26 YVhlttng St.. Lynn, Mass.

World'* Gr*at*at Eaoap* Aota Rope Ties. Cabinet Acta. lateat Magh al C’r* aflons. Beat Mind Reading Acta ever ataged Complete Spirit Shows, new Seixind Sight Acts Most sensational effects In America. Specia! prices for this month. Don’t buy Msgir nntP yon get my bargain sheets. Bargain tbaeta ar* free. Address J. S. HARTO. 707 South Capltc Are., Indianapolis, Ind.

— WANTED — For an established act. a ’Trick Cyclist or Acrobat for comedian, one who can work In the middle. A. BEH, 135 West CTtcago Avenue, Chicago. 111._

SLOT MACHINES. PIN GUM. OPERATOR’S. BeUs Gum Venders. Nickel and Two BlLs, Roosevslt. Ixms Stars 86’s. Jack PoU 4.Y’s. Big fi’s. Calll. MIU • makM. (too) others. (Toods guaranteed. Write foe ILst. SLOAN NOV., »ni Ogden St.. Phlla.. Pa.

IIIBTEB*S Paint, 10c Baal and Gbeapaal


Jru«rij, Jolly: J44 lUith kI., MllwaukfP. JrTfe d llamiltuD: Ii92 Makkacliuaetts are.,

ilulTalo Jeronip & I^Boy: 814 Mary at., St. Joaepb,

iSo. Jraaeia, The: 948 N. Weatom are.. Chicago. Joera, Two: South Bend, Ind. Jorilana, IClTe Juggling: 47J6 Aahland aee.,

Ctilrago. Jarrell Cimiedy Co. (Oilumbus) Chicago. Jarknian, Jaa. Ac Killa: 4011 N. 37.h at., Omaha,


I»rkwo<>da, Miiaical; 133 Cannon at., Pougb- kcepale. N. Y.

Lola A lx>%’e: 2914 W. 2d at.. Coney laland, N. Y.

Lombarda, The: care Paul Taualg, 104 E. 14tb at., N. Y. C.

lionga. Three: 1250 W. Madlaon at., Chicago. Lowe. Musical: 37 Bldge Road, Rutberfo.d,

N. J. I/>w-e & Sterling: 16.32 Terpsichore at.. New Or¬

leans. Lublns. isi'ur Dancing: 1728 N. 2lBt at., Phlla.

Jordans, Fire Juggl'ng (Lyric) Dallsa, Tex.; Lucases, Two: Flagler. Colo. (Ijyric) Houston, 8-13.

Joaetty Bros., Three (Temple) Hamilton; (Do¬ minion) Ottawa, 8-13.

Jennings Ac Renfrew (Empress) San Franciaco, s 13.

Luce A Luce; 928 N. Broad at., Phlla. Lucler, Fred & Bees; Onset Bay, Mass. I ucler Ac Ellsworth: 472 41st at., Oakland. Cal. I>eVan. Harry (Hamlin) Chicago. 4 (1; (Empress)

Milwaukee. 8-10; (Majestic )Msdlsnn. 11-13. Jackson. Bert A Flo (O. H.) Suenandoab, Va.; Lamb. Dorothy. Ac Co. (Grand) Hamilton. O.;

(Ar ) Charlottesville, 813. Kalcbl Trio; 1227 E. 71st s‘.. Chicago.

(English) Ind'anapolls. Ind.. 8-13. Little Olga (National) Steubenville, O., 1-3.

Kallnowskl Bros. 2.'r7 E. 22nd st., N. Y. C. I Lyres. Tliree (Shea’s) BufTalo; (Shea's) Toron- KarteLo Bros.: Paterson, N. J. i to. 813. Kaiifmanna, Tlie\ 240 E. 3.'jth at.. Chicago. I Lahl. Cecil Ac Co. (Rowland) Wllklnsbtirg. Pa.. Kaufmann Troupe: 424 Ames St., Rochester,

N. Y. Kesne. J. Warren: West Hanover, Mass. Kteley A Parks: rare Mrs. Davidson, 847

.4mstorJaui ave., N. Y. C. Keif. , na: 719 8th ave.. N. V. C.

4 8: (F.vmll.y) Newcastle, 810; (American) East Llverp<X)l. 0.. 11-13.

LsFord Ac Diinavent (Star) Muncle, Ind.; (.\merican) Cincinnati, O.. 8-13.

l^amb's Manikins (Orpbeum) Franklin. Pa., 8- 13.

Kelcy Sisters, Three: 4S.12 Christiana ave., , Lawton (Empress) Butte, Mont.; (En Chicago.

Kelly A Davis: 320 W. 5.3rd st.. N. Y. C. Kelly A Henry: 273N Frankford ave., Phlla.

Spokane, 8-13. LaCrandall (Orpheum) Hamilton, O., 4-6; (Star)

Muncle. Ind., 8-13. Ke'.lj. Sam A Ida: 542 2))lh are. Mllwauk«-e. ; i.aMar. Wayne: 1619 Walnut s*., C'nclnnatl. Kel ners, Tiie: 1604 Odonlal Place. Dallas, Llvlugsl.m, Murry A Co. (B'J.iti) Bay City.

Kviit A Wilson: (Ki:i6 .Monr.>e ave., Chicago. King Bros.: 211 4tb ave.. Si-heuectady. N. Y. KlEg>t<«i A Misire: White Rats, N. Y. C.

Mich.; (Lincoln) Chicago, Ill., 8-10; llndlanv) Chicago. 11 13.

l.uingdons. The (Orpheum) Reading, Pa.; (Colon¬ ial) Erie. 8-13.

K-lngstc>n A Pli mas; 11021 Esmond at., Morgan - Lockette Ma tie (Emoresa) Victoria. Can.; 1 ark. Ill. , (Empress) Tacoma, Wash., 8-13.

Klein Irlo; 47.59 Oldenburg ave., St. Liouia. i , , « , , , ... ^ Kohler Frank A May: 240 S. Cheauut at.. <>>lu“hu8.

M irj'Mv’lU* O I HI Koppea. Tbe’: IlV W. 2.3d at.. N. Y. C. l lafHiii.irM H'haa• ArLalmiiink !*• 1 ortitnd. OfP., 8*lo. Kramer Bruno THo: care Paul Taualg. 104 E. '

laii. ..t N V r i (Grand) Sacramento, 8-13. ivin sc., n. 1. V/.. . T...111. a. 1 r.n - Krone a’NoVmiin:'’JOS Goatlln at.. Hammond. A-' Pearson (Empress) Vlctor'a, Csn.;

I (Emiiress) 3 acorns, MasU., 8-1.3.

Krmco Mansdcld Trio; New Milford, Conn Kyle A Denney: 918 W. 2d at., Wilmington,

Dal. Kcnntvly A L’dell ) Mystic) Webb City, Mo.,

4 6, (Orpbeum) P'ltsburg. Kan., 8-10.

I Lsw. Walter. A Co. (Empress) Winnipeg. Can. ; Landry Bros. (Empress) Winnipeg Can.

LIxa. Mona A Co. (Hippodrome) Marietta, O.. , 4-6; (Hippodrome) Fairmont, W. Va., 8-10;

Oldion) Clarksburg, 11-13. Klein Bros A Brennan (liuahwick) Brooklyn. I-arena lEmpress) St. Paul; (Empress) DulutU.

K-13 8-13. Krcmka Briw (l)rpbeiiiii) Des Moines, la.; (Or- I^ester A Moure (Empress) Ssn Francisco, 8-1 J.

pl.ctuJl St.' Paul, Minn., 8 13. * I-ucc (L’nlque) Mlnnoa|)olls; (EmpressI KriiM-’y A iKirscy (Modjeska) Augusta, Ga. St Paul 8-1^ „ , ,00 t. w . v KIc’n Ott A Nlcbolson (Pan ages) Spokane. LaDraks. Rob A Bernice: 136 Bank at.. Nor

8-13 Karuo’s Mgbf In An Engllah Musi Hall (Em- I/cVan. Harry I.: 185 Fourth at.. Jersey City, .Vattle; (Ihiipress) Vancouvei, Can.. N- J- g.jg LeBoy A Elo'se (Jewell) Abilene, Tex.

Ku'us’. Tliree WUlle (Poll’s) Scranton, Pa. | LaToy Bros (Shea’s) Toronto; (Lynn» Lynn, Klmliall Bros. A .S<gal (Pantages) Vancouver.

<'an.; (Pantages) Tacoma. Wash., 8-13. .Mass., 8 13.

l.aM>n Etta. Troupe (Empress) Denver. Tliree (Empress) .San Diego, Cal.; Longs. Thr^ (Gaiety) Springfield. 111., 11 13.

(Empress) Salt Lake. L’.. 8 13. ! Lynch A Zeller (Kellb’a) Cincinnati. KrlilUr, Great: 3o5 N. Crouse ave., Syracuse. 1 leading Lady, B. A. Rolfe's (Orpheum) Kan

Kaufman ’Troupe (Keith’s) Providence, R. I. asa City. Mo.

McConnell Sisters: 1247 W. Madison at., Chicago. Kamplaln A Bi‘ll (Nesbitt) Wilkes Barre, Pa.. ' McDonald. O. L.; 818 Superior at., Toledo. O.

1:.^ McIntyre A Groves; 403 E. 15th at.. Davenport, Kiumily. Joe (Bijou) Atlanta, Ga.; (Bijou)

Savaanab. 8-10; (Bijou) Augusta. 11-13. Kiispp A Cornalla (Hipitodrome) Huntington. W.

Va Kaufman Sisters (Orpheum) Minnenpolla. KaJIyama (Keith’s) Ctanunatl. Kyle, Tom. A Co. (Crystal) Denver. Knight Harlan. A Co (Btupnss) Cincinnati. I.arertra A LaRue; 2461 2d ave., N. Y. C.

McKinley. Nell: 288 Bank at.. Newark. N. J. McLains, Aerial: 133 W. 8th at. Peru, Ind. McNamee: 41 Smith st., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. McNutts. Nutty: 270 W. 39th at.. N. Y. C. MePhee A Hill: 311 3d ave., N. Y. C. MacEvoy A Pow.ra; 173 W. 45th at.. N. Y. C. Mack. Floyd: 59.34 Ohio at., Austin. Chicago. Mack A Orth; 908 Walnut at.. Phlla.

Pacer Will: 1616'N. Capl ol at.. Washington. ' Macks. Two: 245 N. 59th at.. Phlla. DC " ‘ • ; Malln A Malln: 173 North ave.. PlalnOeld. N. J.

lafVan’dall 402 Moulton st.. New Albany, Ind. Mangels. John W.; 503 N. Clark at.. Chicago. laOoIx The: 153 Richmond are., Richmond. Manning Trio: TO Clancy at., Grand Rapida,

Ind Mich. laDnre Warner Trio: 210 Broadwav. Niles. 1 Marcoua: 819 La81n at., Chicago.

Mleh ! Maieenaa, Three; 648 80. Pierce at.. Milwaukee. LaDellra. Pour: Decatur, Ind. I Marius Bohemian Quintette: 164 K. 89th at., I^Fl'-nr. Joe: 67 Hanover at. Providence, R. I ‘ N. Y, C. l,akola A Loralne. Palace Hotel, Chicago. »Markee Brot.: 608 E. Oak at.. Portland. Ore. Lamblottes The: Mt. Vernon, O. ' Martell Family: 276 Hudson Boulevard, UdIod lAmolnes. Musical: 332 5th at., Barabon, Wls 1 Hill, N. J- _ lAmont Harry A Flo: ’JO Clinton ave., Johns j Martha. Mile.: 210 W. 84th at., N. Y’. C.

)i un. N. Y. ' Martin. Davis A Mlaa Percle: 4801 (Calumet ave., l,aocasteT.'Mr! A Mrs Tom: New Castle. Dels I „^ „ .... . „ „ I-ancelot. Jo#.. A Bdl Sia ers; Box 222. New Mar Ine. Fred; 4^W. 67th at.. N. Y. C.

Kenalngtou, Pa. Ijnsinga. Tte: 210 N. Broadway. Baltimore.

Martin A Polk: 907 8. 12th at.. SprlngOeld. III. Martinnttle A Sylvester: 6726 Leeds at., Phlla;

Lanxetu A Maxwell: 814 Bluff at.. Pittsburg 1 Masquerla Slaters. Three: 6485 Ellis ave.. Chl- p* cago.

laKiie A Holmes: 21 Lillie st., Newark, N. J. Maxwell A Dudley: 106 W. 96th at.. N. Y. C. I^aSalle A Lind: 135 Foots axe.. Jamestown, N. ! Melnotte Lanole Trio: 48 Maryland ave., Cum-

y I berland, Md. In Veen Cross A Co.: 71 Sea st.. Rockland. Me. , Melrose A I>ewla: 6.343 Peoria at., Chicago. InVetl.^ The; 1708 W. 3Ut st.. Kansas Cl y. 1 Melville. Marvelous: Inter’aken. N. Y.

yn I Merriam. Billy A Eva; 1329 Second ave. East, Inwrence A FMwards;* 1140 Westminster st . i Cedar Rapids. la.

Providence R 1 ' i Merri t A Love; Fair HsTen. N. J. InClalr A Sampson: 112 5th are.. Chicago. Lefflngwell, Nat; 224 W. 149fh st.. N. Y. C.

M'chtv Daks- Oshkosh, Wla. Milch, The Mlases: 19 W. 10th at.. St. Panl.

Iceland A i>eland; 914 W Washington st.. Mon ' Mllltarv Four; 679 E. 24*h st.. Paterson. N J 'oe Wls I Mil'er A Tempest; 135 Booraem ave.. Jersey

UMa’lre. Frances. Duo: 902 W. 1st st. South. 1 CBy. N. J. Salt Lake. tl. Millers. Three Juggling; 927 Ridge sve.. Scran

Lennon. Bert: 6.">9 W. Washington sf.. Chlcsgo. j ton. Ps. lenr.s Th : 1914 Newport ave.. Chicago Mlllette Family: 1101 Chestnnt at.. 8 . Ixjuls. Ino A Chaprasn: 1226 Windsor st.. Indianapolis ! Ml’ls A Moulton: .58 Hose at.. Buffalo. Leon Etta Trk): ’2023 E. 19th at.. Kansas City. I Mllntsrs. The; 214 South Washington st., Koko-

Mo ' !.<■ n A Adeline; 37 E. Adams at.. Chicago. j Mimic Four: .T58 W 48th at.. N. Y. C. \A‘ n A Adeline; 37 E. Adams at.. Chicago. Mimic Four: .T58 W 48th at.. N. Y. C. IjiPearl A Bogert: 401 Solonic ave.. SprlngOeld, ; Mint* A Palmer: 1306 N. 7th at., Phlla.

j]L ' .MItchella. Two; 217 Seymour aL, Cumberland. I/eRcv A Diamond: Wlilte Rsts, N. Y. C. I Md. L*-«He A Knade: 924 W. Tith st.. Chicago. j Moffett A Clare; 111 E. 125th at., N Y. C. I.eVerne A Johnson: 4802 N. Seeley ave.. Chi ' Montambo A Wella; 43 Liberty at.. Waterbury.

ergo ! l.eyghtot» The Globe; care P Taualg 104 E. . Montellos, The; Frankfort. Ind.

14*h at.. N. Y. C. I Montgomery, Marshal: 60 Turner Place. Brook I/Ittledeld! r. W.; 32 Seventh ave.. N. Y. C. l.^'n. Llovd A Falls: 588 Lyell ave.. Gates, Eoch Montrell. Cbaa ; 104 E. 14th at.. N. Y. C.

■iter N T M'ssly A Gtmlwln: 309 E. 2d at., Kewanee. ■ 111.

Moores, Five Flvlng: 800 F B’.. Muncle, Ind. ^ ■ m Moore. Tom A Stasia; 3725 Irving Park Blvd.

I I B mm ■ I Morse A hark: 217 6th at.. BsTshoo. Wla. ■ ■ ■ Iv ■ Mortons. Fmir: 266 6th at.. Detroit ■ ■ ■ r ■ Most Twins; 3.34 Fayette at. Bridgeton. N. J ■ ■ ■ ■ MiBllnl Ttio; care P. Taualg, 104 E. 14th at.

H I mm B » B Mylie A Orth: Miiamda. Wla. H Morgan. Olive (Majestic) I.aCrosse. Wls.; HL IH (Hippodrome) Minneapolis. Minn.. 8-13.

PfllfD'lM ANn QTRIP Msrtlm-, Hsrry A Mable (Keith’s) Boston. ■ UUUlOll MHU O I nil Mahoney. Tom (Grand) Cleveland; (Mllea) De

Therw i* but One BEST-Tho** Made by Martlnettle A Sylvester (Bronx) N. Y. C.




(Bnshwlek) Brooklyn. 8-18. Montague’s Comedy Cnekatoos fOrphemn) Mon¬

treal; (Dominion) Ottawa, 8-18. McLaughlin A Stuart (Na’ionnii Steubenville,

O.; (Orpbeum) Oil City, Pa.. 8-18.

Marlo-Aldo TYlo (Keith's) Indianapolis; (Tem¬ ple) Ft. Wayne, 8-13.

-Morette Slaters (Hetrick) Chanute, Kan. Moore A St. Clair (Pantages) !»• Angeles. Maaxin A Keeler (5th Ave.) N. Y'. C. Merry Mary Co.: St. Paul; Superior, Wla.. 8-13. Milton A DeI>ong Sla era (Alhambra) N. Y’. C.: ;

(Wm. Penn) Phlla.. 8-13. Minstrel Four (Bijou) Bay City, M'ch.; (Bijou)

Flint. 8-10; (B'Jou) Lansing, 11-13. Merlin (Empressl Denver; (Empress) Kansas

City. Mo.. 8 13. Moxetto A Co. (Empress) San Francis o;

(Grand) Sacramento, 8-13. | Maxwell’s, Joe, Dancing Girls (Grand) Sacra

mento. Cal.; (Bell) Oakland, 8-13. McKcnxie A Shannon (Empress) San Francisco,

8 13. Mayor, The. and the .Manicure (Majestic!

Butte, Mont.; (Empress) Spokane, Wash., 8 13.

Marin A I»na (Empress) Kansas City, Mo. Mack, Floyd (Majea Ic) Butte, Mont.. 8 13. Maxwell’s Electric Patriots (Empress) Winni¬

peg. Can. Millard Bros., Bill A Bolt (Temple* Ft, Wayne,

Ind.. 8 1.3. Metrettl Troupe* (Empress) Salt Lake, 1’. .Maclarnes, Five Musical lEmpn-sa) Duluth,

Minn.; (Empress) Winnipeg, Can., 81.3. Merriam, Billy A Eva lO. H.) Clay on. HI.;

)0 H.) Carthage. 8-13. Models DeLiixp l.MaJrstI ) Butte, Mont.; (Em¬

press) SiMikane, Wash., 8-13, MK'oys, The: 68 Kendall a;.. Ibiston. j Melbum, Burt (Miles) Detroit; (Hippodrome) '

St. lyouis, 8-13. Mella A Dorys (Empress) Ixjs .Angeles; (Em .

press) San Diego. 8-13.* I MIehelsen A I>-e (Auditorium) Red Wing, Minn.. ;

13. Marvins. Three (IJncoln) Chicago. Monarch Comtsly Four (Empress) Chicago; (Em .

press) Milwaukee, 8 13. ' Mx-Grath A Y'eoman (Crystal) Denver. Mayos, Four (Empress) Cincinnati. Mulli-n A Co gan (Orpheum) Denver. Moore’s Rah Rah Boja (Majestic) Cedar Rapids

la. Nainba Troupe: 1227 E. 71s: at., Chicago. Nanary, May: 14 l*arkslde ave., San Franciaco. Nash A Rln-hart: Rocky Crest, Walnut Beach.

Mllf rd. Conn. National Comiguea, Three: 1530 Putnam are.,

Brooklyn. Navas. care P. Taualg 104 E. 14tb at.,

N. Y. r. Nelson. Oswald A Borger: 150 E 128th at.,

N. Y. C. Ne’aon Comlquea. Pour: 982 West Side ave.,

Jersey City. N. J. Nemo, Carl: 721 N. 2d at.. Quincy, Ill. Newhoff A Phelps; 32 W. 118th at . N. Y. C. NIbbe A Bordonex: 9003 Normal ave. Chicago. Nichols A Smith: 912 .Addison ave.. Chicago. Neel Familv Five: 229 Netherwood ave.. Plain

ffeld, N. J. Nolan. Sheau A Nolan; Box 137, narrisvllle,

N. Y. Nor'on. C. Porter: 6342 Klmba-k ave., (Thldago Norton A Nicholson (Orpheum) Lincoln.;

(Orpheum) S'enx City la.. 8-13. Normans. Jngg'ing (Orphenm) Fargo, N. D. Nnaaea. Five (Empreaa) Milwaukee; (Empress)

St. Paul. 8 13. Nawn. Tom (Keith’s) Lou'avllle; (Keith’s) Cin¬

cinnati. 8-13. .Kevins A Erwo-sl (Gav) Knoxville. Tcnn.. 8-13. Newhold A Orlhhln (Orpheum) Portland. Ore O’Dolea, Two; Havana. Ill. Ol'vers. Pour Senaational; 3243 Orensbaw at.,

Chicago. Olympic Trio: 4017 Ogden ave.. Chicago. Omega: 814 W. A3d at.. N. Y. C. Orlctta A Divlor: Ridgelleld Park N. J Otto Bros : 224 W. 46th at.. N. Y. C. Oiavn. The; 48 Kinsey ave,. Kenmore. N. Y. O’Neill Trio (ProctoT’s 126(h St.) N. Y. C.:

(Procter’s) Por Chester. 8-13. Onra. Belle (Proctor’s) Newark. N. J. Ortello. Major O.; Rlttman, O. Ollvotti Tronbadoura (Empress) Cincinnati. Parker A Keamo: 801 E. Washington at,,

Snrlnrneld. III. Parks A Mayfield: 1268 E. 2Sth at., Los An¬

geles. Patrick Pranclaco TMo: Box 335. Barron. Wla. Panll A Walton: 726 5th ave.. Pit abnrg. Pa. Pearsons Musical: Fan Claire. Wla. Peera. Tbe: Manhattan Hotel. Xenia. O. Pederson B-os.: 369 Mart'aon at., Mllwankee. Pe’hsm Comedy Four: 1208 Filbert st., Phlla. Pendletons. The; 136 Pittsburg at.. New Castle,

Pa. Person! A HsIlldsT: Van Buren Hotel. Chicago Petet Fsmily: 531 W. I..awrence are. Spring

fletd. III. Phl’llo, A Newell; 218 So. Howell at., Owoaao.

Mich. Plcco’o M'dgcts. F»nr: Bov 23 Phoenicia, N. Y Poiriers. The; WhDe Bats. Chicago. Post A Glhson: Mumhyshoro, HI. Potter A Harris: 17I6 I..eland ave., Chicago. Prosit Trio: 103 So. Fountain ave,, Springdeld

O. Perrr. pv»Tik L. (Dome) Middletown. O. P'ssuo. Prof.. A Co. (O. H.) Newport R I..

4 6. Price A DIsfon: 696 Canldwell are., Bronx. N

Y. C. Pn:’et. Geo. E (Pantages) Sacramento. Cal.;

(Pantages) San Franciseo. 8 13 Primrose Four (Proe*rr’s> Newark. N. J.:

(Grand) Plttshnrv. Pa.. 8-13. Poncho‘*s Flying Ballet (Orplienm) Salt l,ak?.

r.. 8 13. Pow'Il Howard Co. (Emoresa) Vancouver. Can.;

(Empress) VI torls. 8-13. Per»lno (Empress) WInnIneg. Can. Pentrer. T.ens (Empress) Van ouver. Can.;

(Empressl Victoria 8-13. P'-'Tson. .Tsek: North Muskegon, Mich. Phillips. Dare A Adel: 1.560 Colorado ave. Kan

sss Cltv. Mo. PsHs hv Night (Cnlque) M'nneapolls; (Empress)

Sf. Psnl. 8 13. P.ifts. Ernie A Mildred (Ornhenm) Omaha. Neh ;

(Ormheum) Slonx Dfr. la. 8 13. • Pi-odleton Sisters. Three (Poll's) Springfleld

Maas. PM’1 os. MsftI# L.. A Jungle Klda (Dixie) Hn-

lontnwn. Pa. P'r'scoffls FI"# (Ornhenm) Kansas CI'T, Mo.

• Pock A T.evrls fOmheum) Kansas fity. Mo Patton. W. B.. A C". (Keith’s) Cincinnati. Ouceo Mah A Wets- Box 663 Canton. Pa. Bamoos Two: 448 Tnea aV. Denver. Bandall. Ptilv: lOOO E. 6th at.. Davton. O. Bay A Williams: 23 Abbott at., Atlanta, Ga.

METER'S Blendinf Powdtr, 75c



A Marvelous S^thetic Gem

rae greatast triumph of the Uxy-Hydrogen Furnaea. Will rut gixaa. Stands Aling, Are and acid testa - guaran¬ teed to contain no glass — hava nop^^te, foil or artiA- cial backing brilliancy guar¬ anteed forever. 1-8Q tbe coet of ''amon^ Set only in 14- karat Solid Gold Mountings, Sent on approval — money cheerfully refunded If not satisfactory. Write for o>ir De-i.sixe Jewel Rook, in four coL.s It’s FREE.

Remoh Jewelry Co., 4St K AraaJway SL Leais, Me.

niuitrat^ Cataiegut

MAGIC Tricks aod SappliM


SEAO 4 COVEST, ai( E 4to st. ChlcMB. m

(\4oultrle GEORGIA

lbs New Hotel Norman, a ’’ceaptaU" bsUL ^ae- •nl Tbeatrtcal Raisa. Electric lights, sieaa haaa nunlng watrr In every room, private baths, maat wafarlsbla bsdi In Oaorgla. Goi^ meals and g age eba knows how to treat you. Coas and let ns grses IL Mtaksr Oeergla Hotel Men’s Aasoelailan.

ALBERT BABCOCK. Pregritter aad Msaagar.

THE RAMONA 140 Misor St., • Sir Friieiteo, CilH. A strictly flnt-cJass Coaaerclal and ToufM He- lel. ona block froa Market Street. In tbe eantat al the bustnesa and thaaiie district. IM rooaa; Tl hatha Modem and up-lo-dsu. Special attaoUaa riven to the pnfaaslou. Rata: ll.M god IIN per day. IS 00 to IIA.OO per weak.

Do Yoo Need Costumes? Let tu tend you our Illustrated Catalog

Mo. 7 of New and Second-hand CoatuiHM


TATTOOERS^:''^ Colon. Designs, aunetls. ate.. M lot far fraa price Hat

EDWIN E. BROWN. MS E Watklagtaa ttreW. BprlatBaid. IB.


Instruetlvs couraa abaolnuly PRICE. I fiWaaaUy assist you to get an act and angagamant. fiparlaaaa unneoaaaary Method sndoraad by Bantans. TbbW vean’ sxpertenca. Instructive beok PBER fer aUaM. F. VaOELLE._Bax A._Oaaatar, lai


We nas a neat stock deataa and send halftanaa wttk wdar. Cat., to daalgna, M stamp. Bead ikelek fat wtas an apadala TUB CLAT CKNTKB BNOBaV '•»») rw).. nay Oanler. Kss


BwBt and Chwapas^

If yaa aas It la Tka Blllbaard. Ml lka« as

•mmRAbA. Or«Ml MMr-Mfew. ▼•ttmUml WHiBwmM thmmmmi TMATUIB »it4Ml jmwfimMntW. ■wIilitWR-

_ BmA a I BiaM.

y^^^Motical Glasses V l|* anfast mtlal. lawd, pwta la tsaa, aasi

MdJ'to tans and play Phataa, rafataaaai. aatalagaa ^ with fall laroia.vtlaa wIR ha aaat oa laaatpt 1 T^wampa L. Rrauaslaa. Olaaaaphoaa Htr ^lOlt Oraat Avs.. RIobmowd HUI. B T


Marry-ao-Round. Rhervy's Working Warld. sad tama Fraa Attraetloos. Pair dates. Haptambag 11. IS. 14. ISIS- As asao as our eemmittaa maata. wlU saad yaa t chsek

C. C. RLANKEN8HIP, Bw’y.. Lsa Caaaty Fair Aaaaalatlaa. iaaaevfHa, Va

WANTED ATTRACTIONB-Por front of grand sund: bras days. Also span for Midway ansMaaMnta kapumber S. la. n. j*. ig. g. b. WINTER. Raw Windsor Pair. Windsor. Ont.

PATTNT^t AKcdred or feb returned iniEinio 1^ ,, ,, patMUbuitp

niRstratad Bnida BadiaM UM of UysRlIaM wavted goat PBHB.

1. KTABI * 00.. VMfelwtM. B. a


APRIL 6, 1912.

K<(als. Four: care I’. Taualg; 104 K. 14th at., S. ¥, C.

Ki'Ida, CyrllDK: Itabjlon. I.. 1., N. Y. KrmlDKlon. Mayme: Hotel Gtrard, W. 44tli at..

N Y. C. K<uau, Itf'rt & Helen: 430 Hucbanan at.. Ft.

Wayne. Ind. Kei fouK-dy Clrcua: lirookalde Farm, Weaton.

N. J. Itlieno it Axo'a: i;a2 Wahiiah ave.. Chlcaijo. lUioada’ Mailonettea; 33 W. Ktb at., theater, :

I’a. Klaia>a. Four: Fr*-e|>ort, L. I., N. Y. Illif ft t’ady: 7.'(H (Jleuwooil are., llutTalo, N. Y. Klee A 1‘revoKt: •-'8 Coburn ave.. Oillinavllle,

Kliliarda. Two Aerial: Jetiika at.. Fall Itiv er. Maaa.

Kbliants \ Clarke: Ilox 303, I.liua, O. KliHoer & Con-a KM) Koatioke at., S.iu Franelaon. Klo Itroa.. Four: 1220 2sili at.. .Milwaukee. Kttelile, Fhikeiie A Carrie: 4o7 Llpiiinrott ItldK .

Khlla. KoIot a. a 4 IK*b4‘rla: Cedar .Manor. Jain

a lea. N. Y. Uoldniion 4 llrown; K.30 Market at., Koom 821

San F'ranelai-o. Kola aoii. I'lalaMa' 4 Haxelle: 3I2S 42d ave. South.

Minna apaalla. Kavaiiiora. Suaanne: l.'a2 W. 40lh at.. N. Y. C. Kaain: noffi*. Tinea’: i:2{ 17tli at.. Wbeellnu. W.

Va. Kai.Nepo: 412 8. (laoarire at.. Rome. N. Y. , U’«at A While: )lss Fliiahini; ave.. Hiuoklyn. Koiaalra’a, 3 lie: MuakeKaio. Mleh. 1 KiMarda, The: 421 l.aiie. Quiney, 111. Ito'i- A K;1 h: 214 North .tahlanil ave., Chleafto. Kooenea, The DarliiB: 408 Stone ave., Hruoklyn. Kae.ala. Tie: 2IS \V 4stli at.. N. Y. C. Itoeaow MI'Rata: eaie I’. Taua-iB. 104 K. 14th'

.V. Y. C. KnaHell A thiireh: .Mt. Clair. Denver. Colo. ItuMHell 4 Dav a: 1310 W. HIbIi at.. S|irliiBtli‘ld.

O. Hn^a'll. Nbk A I.hla: 314 Meyran ave., I'ltta-

burg, I’a. Riak’aw, Rerkleaa, 4 Co. it'nlivnl I’rovlalenea'.

11 1. Revnolila. Karle. A Nellie Donegan (Orphenmi

Oiiial.a, Neh.; (Orplieum) Sioux City. la., s 13.

Rav Joe A Grace (Odeon) Beaver Dam. Wlv.. 1 13.

R e:irda. The (F^leetrle) Joplin, Mo.; iNew) rt Smith, Ark.. R-13.

RieliaTila ma. Three (Folly) Oklahoma City. Okla.; ll’rlneeaa) Wirhita, Kana., S-13.

Ka.v:n<«<l. Happy Jack: 1.3S C/ommerce at.. Grand Kapida. Mich.

Ripliel 4 Roae: 22.3 W. Maryland at., Indian.- |M>lla.

Rajan. John: 801 Chouteau ave.. St. Ixiula. Randalla. The: 1.^3 Bn<adway. N. Y. C. R \. G. Trh> (Orphi’um) Montreal; (Kelth’ai

I’rovldence. R. I. S-13. Ravmond, Ruby A Co. (Majeatl ) Chicago;

■ Kelth’a Toledo. O.. 8-13. K- de, (Taiide M. Orpbeum) Salt Lake City.

f.; (Orpheum) Denver. Colo., 8-13. R-mano Urea. (Orpleum) l>eavenwortb, Kan.:

iMaJeatIc) Cedar Rap'da, la., S-13. R'ndall. Carl iRmpyraa) San Franclaco; (Grand)

Sacramento. 8-13. Kamaey'e, Don. HarmonUta (Empreaa) Tacoma.

Waah.: (Kmprena) Portland, Ore., 8-13. Roach A McCunly (Majea Ic) Butte. Mont.;

■ Rnipre<a) Spokane. W’aah., 8-13. Richardinl Trenpe (Majeatlc) Butte. Mont.;

iBmpreM) Spokane, Waah., 8-13. Roy A Wllaon (Gayety) Indianapolia; (New

Murrayl Richmond, 8-13. Roaa. Kitty (Empreaa) Salt Lake. D. Raymond. Jack: SIS Liberty at., Alton, 111. BeyiMdria Dog Show; 373 Auburn at., Man

cheater, N. H. Rice. Elmer, A Tom (Empreaa) San Prancia o.

S 13. Roxell'a .Mlnatrela (Orpbeum) Rockford. Ill..

4 8: (Grand) Elgin. 8-10; (Oalety) Ottawm. 11-13.

Read, H. A., A Co.; 402 E. Mlaaourl ave., St. Joeeph, Mo.

Rutan'a Song Blrde (Roanoke) Roanoke, Va.; iPorayth) Atlanta. Ga., 8-13.

Rlcharda. Great (Hammera.eln’a) N. Y. C.; (Kelth’a) Phlla.. 8-13.

Rice, Belt A Baldwin IPantatea) Paaadena. Cal.; (Pantagea) Oakland. S.13.

RIekrode. Harrv E.: York Sprlnga, 1*8. Ragtime TrlO: Toledo, O. Romany Opera Co. lOrpbeitm) Denver. RIvoll. Caeaar (Kelth'a) Clnrlnnatl. Ro.vce. Ray L. (Orpheum! MInneapolla. R->h«-rt. Little Lonl (Orpheum) Kanaaa City.

Mo. St John A Br'dg.-a: 427 E. SSth at., N. Y. C Sanford A Darlington: .31*80 Pennagrore at.. W.

Phlla. Santa’iiilna Aerial: 9.30 Nava to at.. Denver. Savagea, The: 4317 Colfax are. Sooth, MInne

apolla. Setiaar Whe-'ler Trio: 81.30 Commercial ave..

South Chicago, III. Srhale A Cole; Apnieton City. Mo. Sc'antona. The: 28.38 OrchaiM at.. Chicago. Seabnry Dno: Port Waahlngton. L. I., N. Y. S«-arb’a 4 George: ssss Co tage Grove ave.. Chi

ca go. S«’dgwlcka, Five: .33(1!* Ave. I. Galveaton. Tex. Shidman'a D<ata: Dumont. N. J. Sherwooda. Aerial: 4.X3 Palmwood ave., Toledo.

O. S) lelda A R-xIgera: Box 2!». Brldgi-man. Mich. Sh«>rt A Sh->rtv: 906 Lamar at., Wichita Falla,

Tex. Siegel A Matthewa .324 D-’a'born at.. Chicago. S'lverlakea The- Crichton Ala, Skatel’a. Tlic: 971 W. King at.. Toronto. Can. SKkera. Firing: 1321* St. Clair ave . Cleveland. Smlletta Trio- 9919 Commercial ave.. So. Cbl

cago. Ill. SmI-h A Brown; 1324 St. John ave., Toledo. O. Smith A Sumner: 8234 Fllla ave.. Chicago. S-'an-a Family, Miiatcal: 115 Olenwood ave., Buf¬

falo. Si-eara. Bert A Emma; 87 Clinton at.. Everi’tt.

Maaa. Sprague A Dixon: 489 Racket! at., Br-oklyn. Spingford Twlna; 848 State at., Bridgeport.

Conn Stagpoolea Four: 244 W. .39lh at.. N. Y. C. S andlah Slatera’ Stamford. Conn. Stanley A Chamhera; (inlon ave. A Oak Lane,

Phlla. Sta-<ley A Rice; 286 N. Buchanan at., Marlon.

III. St-’wart A Earle; 125 Euclid ave. Woodbury.

N. J. Stewart A Stevenaon: 187 Diindaa at.. Toronto. Stirling A Chapman: SS Ferrln at., Charleatown,

Xlie Billboard

Stokea, George. A Ryan Slaters: 212 W. 7tb at., ' Wilmington, Dela. |

Story, Musical: 3723 S. Hope at., Ix>a Angelea. Strickland, Rube: 72 South Main at., Salamanca,

N. Y. Sliiartn Dancing: 2817 Nebraska ave., Chicago. Stutxman A May: 619 Waabington at., Wllllama-

porl. Pa. Sullivan Kpia.: Waverly, N. Y. SuinmerH, Allen: IP.'id W. Division at.. Chi

cago. Swain A Oatman: 2.310 .33d ave. South, MInne

apolla. Sylow, Henry: 1.3.'i3 Broadway, N. Y. C. S.iix 4 S.itz: 140 Morris at.. Phlla. .SIdilons 4 Karle (Grand) Klkln, W. Va.: iHIp

pialrome) Siateravllle, S-13. S low, H. I.MaJeatlc) lllnnlngliam, .\la. Suliya. Five l(lrplieuin) Sioux City, la.; (Or

pheum) Kanaaa City, Mo.. 9-13. Sale, Chick (Proctor’s) Newark. N J.; (Iluah-

wlck) Brooklyn, N. Y.. 9-13 Skipiier. Kennedy 4 Reevea (Orpheum) Read¬

ing, Pa.; (Bijou) Klngaton. N. Y,. 9-1.3. .Stafford. F'rank. 4 Co. (Dotiiinion) rittawu.

Can.; (Orpheum) Montreal. 9-13. Slater A F'Inch: 10 North 3d at.. VlnceneeR. Ini, Stewart Slatera A Kae irt* (Orpheum) P rtland.

Ore.; (Orpheum) Sacranc-iito. Cal., 9 13. Stantona. Tlie (Grand) Sacramento. Cal,; (Bell)

Oakland. 8-13. Sheridan 4 Sloane (Empress) San Francis o;

(Grand) Sacramento. 9-13. Slaytar, Joa. (Flmpreaa) Tacoma, Wash.; (Em-

priaa) Portland. Ore., 8-13. .Still h. Sue (Orpheum) Seattle. .Splaaell, Joe, A Co. (Eiiipresa) Tacoma, Wash.;

(Kniprea-i) Portland. Ore.. 9-13. Stayman 4 Haydn (New Mtu-ray) Richmond,

Itid. Sllvano Alfonso (Empress) St. Paul; (Empress)

W'nnlpeg. Can., 8-13. Stowell Twins; The Terrace. Ib-aver Dams. N.

Y. SiMHi. Capt. Frank 414 Grant st., Allentown,

Pa. s«. et. Staiib y B.: Box ,3!)3. Abilene, Kan. Steln-T Tr'o (Kelth’a) B-ist-tn; (Howard) Bos¬

ton 9 13. sampael 4 Relllv (Shea’s) Buffalo, 8 13. Sharp. Chas. (Empress) Chicag-i; (Empress)

'•llwaukee. 8-13. S> ally 4 DuClos (Orpheum) Kansas City, Mo. ' ■■( - nek A Van (Orpheum) Kansas City, Mo. Sa\t<-n Trio (Orpheum) MInneapolla. Sax<-n«-s. Eight (Empress) Cincinnati. Tanean A Claxton: 1397 St. Marks ave.. Brook

Dn. ’ Tangley, Pearl: 87 So. Clark at., Chicago. I'xrDen A Tarlton: Box 188. Greeley, Colo. Tasmanian VanDiemnn Troupe: 59 Chadwick

ave.. Newark. N. J. T -1 r Twins: 118 W. 82d at.. N. Y. C. T-mnle A O’Brien: 429 E. 2d at.. Duluth. Minn Te'ey 4 Saunders: 1816 Gerritt at., E, Uberty,

Pittsburg. Pa. ^ I->'iilis--n A Howard: Fimntaln ave., Dayton.

O. Ti urtiert Slat rs: 9914 Magne at.. Rochester, N.

, Y. Tiller Sisters: 42 Rank at.. N. Y. C. Tops. Topsy A Tops: 3442 W. School at.. Chi

cago. Treat’s. Cspt.. Seals: Tonawanda. N. Y Tremsines. Musical: 238 Caldwell a?.. Jackaon-

Tlllc. ni. I ’Troubadours. ’Three; 296 Park ave.. Newark,

N J ; ’Troys. Mnaleal; 391 11th at., Mllwank-e.

1 (--ners. Musical: 1986 Felix at., St. Joseph. Mo.

Ty-Bell Sisters; T819 South Park ave., Chicago. Temple A Huff (Bijou) Fitchburg. Mass.; (.4u-

-t'tor'um) MancXeater. N. H.. 9-13. , Tint, Al.; 1252 W. 12 h at.. Chicago.

Tofcat A F1->t D'.A'Ixa (Victoria) Baltimore; (Nixon) Phlla., 8-13.

j Ti»t.t Nan's "Two (Empr-'sa) Denver. Tl'.rlller, Harrv (Tn'one) Minneapolis; (Em-

I St Panl S-13. ' Thiesaen’a Pets (Orphenm) MInneapolla. ■ Cfts. Aerial: Convention Hall. Kansas City.

Mo. . r.veno, S.. Japanese ’Troupe (Crystal) M)Iwaa

kee. Vaggea. The: Anbnm. N. Y.

i Vslda-e. Bessie. Troupe: 386 W 97th at.. N I Y. C.

Valentine A Bell; 14.M W 18,3d at.. Chicago. Vslent'ne A Ray: 253*4 IBh at.. Jersey City.

N. J. Valletta A Lama.-n: 1329 St. Clair ave.. Cleve-

I'nd. Valolse Bros.; SIR South ave., Bridgeport.

. Conn. ] Vance. Gladys: Goshen, Ind. i Van J'mmie A Myrtle- 1921 Wainnt at . Chi , 1 cago. I i VanDalle Slatera: 614 W 135th at. N. T. C.

Van A Van- 2881 Lincoln ave.. Chicago. ' Vapdaman: 1301 H'gh at.. Alameda. Cal. ! Vardelles Tlie: Towell. Mich. ! Variety Comedy Trio; 1515 Barth aye.. Indian I aeoBa. I Vsr'n A Vsein: 201 Ml’ls a’.. Ch-esfon. la. ' Vlnix-nt A Slager: 928 Olive at.. Indianapolia. ■ '■'oiinl- 5'v* Rth st.. Brooklyn.

Viola A George; .3,5 Meer'tt at . San Franclaco Vlaorehl .kn'honr A Andrew: 147 Cottage at..

East Boston. Maaa. Vnpe) A Wandas: 2208 Shenand-vah ave.. St.

I.onla. 1 VatvCamp. .Tack (Princess) Wichita, Kan.; (Or ’ pbenm) I.eavenwortb. 9 13. I Vnf'eKo C (Xf-teaM-) Humboldt. la.: (Ma-

iesfl ) Des Molnea. 913. ; Va’darc. Resale. ’TVonoe (Empriss) St. Panl.

Va’leclta’s ly-opa'ds (Grand) Svraouac, N. T : i(CoIonlal) N. Y. C.. 9 13.

I Vo*>'ker Mr. A Mra Frederick (Empress) Sp-v- I f-v-vn-iress) 9ea'^le. 9.13.

Vivians. Two (Hippodrome) I.lverwoo) Eng land. 9.IS; (IIInpo-*remc) Ijcnda. 15-28; (Pal ace) Manchester, 22 27.

Vanghan TV'rothv (Majestic) Butte. Mont.. 9 IS

VanFossen Harrv (Fmnresa) Salt I.ake. T. Va*s*r Girls Ten (Po'I's) New Haven. Conn.;

fPoH’a) Worcester Mass.. 9-13. Wakahama TVoonp: lo?7 F. 71at at. Cbicago Wal'ace A Beach: .324 Carmen at., Jacksonville

Fla. Waltons. Slv: 23 N. Snnerlor at.. Toledo. O \Vs'«o., A Ward: 986 W. Jefferson at.. Ix>nls

vine. Walser B-oa.: 864 S. Main at.. Akron. O xvanxen A Pslmer- 21 F 38th at . (Tileago. Ward A Webster- Palace Hotel Chicago Warren A Blanchard; Grant Ho'el, Chleago xx’ar-en 4 F-ancIa- Oov 843, Cheyenne. Wyo. Warrlclta. The; 1132 Sedgwick at., Chicago.

WartenlH-rg Bros,: care Paul Tauaig, 104 E. 14tli at.. N. Y. C.

Washer Bros.: Oakland, Ky. Walai-n’a. Sammy, Farmyard Clrcua; .333 St.

Paula ave.. Jers(-y City. N. J. Weber Family: 1021 Orleans at., Chicago. Wells, Lew-; 213 Sbawmut ave.. Grand Rapids,

■Mich. Werntz Dun. Flying: 4027 Broadway, Cleveland. Werntz. Mayes 4 Beatrice; 653 Wooster ave.,

Akron, O. W-sley, Lynn 4 Una: Portamouth. O. West 4 Benton: 31 School at.. Buffalo. West 4 Denton; 133 W. Cedar at., Kalamazoo,

Mich. Whitehead 4 Grierson: 2488 9th ave., N. Y*. C. Whitman Bros.: 1336 Chestnut *t., Phlla. Whitman. Frank; 133 Greenw-ich st., Reading.

I’a. Whitworth 4 Pearson: 94)3 G-'Cman ave.. Cleve

land. Williams. Frank 4 Della: Palmyra. N. Y. Wills 4 Ilassan: 156 Manhattan ave., N. Y. C. Wills & Hutchinson: 26.’t W. 66th st.. N. Y. C. Wilson 4 Rich; 73 Graham ave.. Brooklyn. Wolf. Moore 4 Y'oung: Gloiioeater. N. J. Wormwood’s Monkeys: 664 W. 49th at., N.

Y. e. West. John A. (Palacel Chicago. Williams. Thompson 4 Coiwland (Orphenm)

Rockford. III.. 4-6; (Majestic) Sjirlngfield. Warner 4 Palmer (Victoria) Oiarb ston, it. 3.;

(Orpheum) Jacksonville. Fla., 9-13. Wyckoff, Fred (Pan ages) Denrer; (Pantagea)

I’ueblo. 9-13.

Warner’s Juvenile Minstrels: llSb. N. Joa him at.. Mobile. Ala.

Wlnsch. Ix>uia J., 4 Josei-hlne Pisire (Orpheum) Des .Moines, la., 8-13.

Wentworth. Vests 4 Ted-ly (Orpneum) Spokane; (Orphenm) Seattle. 913.

Wentworth. Nat (Olympic) I/>s .Vngeb-s Cal. Waterbury Bros. 4 Tenney (Knipress) Portland.

Ore. W'ndom. Blllv (Empress) Portland. Ore W1 f’s. Max, Klllarnev Girls: Saginaw. Mich.;

Bay CIt.v, 8-13. Witt’s Max. Melodv Lane GIr's (Hn-lson) Un-

l- n Hill. N. J.; (Ke'tli’s) Boston. Mass., 8-13. Witt’s, Max. Southern Singing Girls: Jackson¬

ville. Fla.: Columbus Ga.. S ia. Welters 4 Frank (Empress) Vancouver, Can.;

(Empress) Victoria, 8-13. W'lls, Wa'ter. 4 Co.’(Empress) Spokane; (Em¬

press) .Seattle. 8-13. Wlls n 4 Pearson (Empress) Vancouver, Can.;

(Empress) VIc'orla. 8-13. Whiteside. Ethel (Empress) Winnipeg, Can. Willard, the Man Who Grows (Ei.ifires-^) Dnliith.

Minn. Welch. Lew, 4 Co. (Emnressl I>os .\ngeles:

(Emprtuis) San Diego. 8-13. Weston 4 Bentley (Orpheum) Minneapolis. Winifred. Babe (Lyceum) Cincinnati.

8-10: (Bijou) Decatur, 11-13. Wood Bros. (Ma)e«tlc) Houston. Tex.; (Plaza)

Sin .Vntonlo, 8-18. Wsl’ace’s. Jack. Cockatoos (Liberty) Phlla. We'll n. Billy. 4 Co. (Orphium) MInneapolla. Yaoklav 4 Bunnell: I.ancas’er, Pa. Y'aiTMimota Br'S.: Winchester, 0. Yeakle 4 Burt; The Billboard, Chicago. York 4 King; 5818 Prescott ave.. St. Loois. Young 4 Nixon Sisters; 1622 N. Lawrence at..

Phlla. Youngs 4 Brooks: Martin. MIcb. Youngers, The (Empire) Fresno. Cal.; (Portie

la) San Franc'aco. 8-1.3. Y'ankee Comedy Four (Grand) Sacramento. Cal.;

(Bell) Oakland. 8-13. I-iC Colonial Septette (Hippodrome) Cleveland:

(Kelth’a) Toledo, 8-1.3. Young, Olle. 4 April (Empress) Denver, 8-13. Vonlln. Alma (Orpheirm) MInneapolla. Zanton Bros.: 901 E. 4th at.. Canton. 0. Zaretakv Troupe: care P Tanalg. 104 E. 14tb

at.. N. Y. C. Zeno 4 Mandell: 208 S. Slate at., Chicago. Zlg Zag Trio (Bijou) MorrWtown. N. J.,

(State St.) Trenton, 8-13. Zerado Bros.; Gen. Del., Chicago. Zlngarella. Mile.; 66 Beaver at., N. Y. C. Zanetto Troupe (Empress) VI torla. Can.; (E:n-

preas) Tacoma. Wash.. 8-13. Zarrow-Carmen Troupe (Majestic) Cedar Rapids.

- CROMER'S SPARKLE EMBROIDERY. - Uaad M NEW asstuBMS and nakea OLD onatumei look new. Also Table Banners. Curtalna. ate. For ■ample, send fer T-Ib. Butterfly, 50e: 14-lii.. II.M. ALBERT CRONES, >0« W 4Znd 8L, N. T. C. op- prxlir Hammerstrtn't.

■UIJMHBSw ■■FORM Paplwa Tbeeogemaaroehemkmlwklii aappbtraa —I.OOK like Otw mawds. Btand aeld and fli« diamond taata. Bo hnrd thoi

anally aeiateh n flia and aalll awt glaaa Biillmney aoarantaad M yean. AL

monntad la 14K aalM gaM wamoad mawwMwga. WU •and yon any stylo ring, pin or stud for azamloatlon- allcbargosprepaid—aa maaayla advaaaa. Wrttatoda] (or froo I lloatiated book>ot.speolal prlooaA ring ——nr WinEYALLCT (ZRC0,.D 113 laksH|,iateiafala,ladtaa

FreB -Magic Gatalogui-Free I'aialoguM non rMdy All ttao Litem laprored Bope I'batn and 8rnaallonal lecapea. Newast Creatlom In Advanerd Illusloni; SpliituaUatle Rffecta; CblU lenar Mind Rradlng Arts; Newly Perfected Card Tricks: Vrntrtloqulsl Flguras: Rooka, Ptisalaa aad ('•kmi. Secrets Plans, Apparatua, 'Tablea or Ae- vssortes W AI.RERT TRIPP. Bonto 10. New Bed- tord. Mau

Machine. Ink and fuU Dtrse- I HI lllll tiona, SOe. eoln. Waita rt- IDI lllll moved in Are mtnolm. No I n I I U U knife or add. Full aoant. Bvaa BWW Samorm. U.OO.

(’aislofue. >c PROF. H. W. REBEC. Mfr.. Codar Bapidt. la.

Rent 10 Months Then It’s Yours! This is the Offer That Has Astounded the

Typewriter World! A stupendoui^ and far-reach* ii*g liiditca-ment to ent'ourage the of type* writers.

The Famous Model No. 3 Oliver Visible Writer fully equipped just as perfect

as though you paid you g*t every p<T- fectlon. everv device, which ever went out with this mrxiel you get all the extras, metal base-board, tools. Instruction book, etc. - guar¬ anteed flawles.s.

The inaclilne with the type bars that strike downward that has made the 'write-in-sight" principle mechanically prai’tical. It Is so .sim¬ ple children learn to n)»erate It in ten mlnutea. It is fa-qer than the fastest expert possesses phenomenal strength and durability.

No Cash Until You It until you try It 1q your home or offli’e. then you make your decis¬ ion—no salesman to Intluetu'e or hurry you—if you keep It. you pay only one month’s rent down; It will earn Its own way thereafter.

Stop Paying in iO Months--no Interest—no chattel mortgage -no colle<’tor9—no publicity— no delay. Positively the best typewriter value ever given -the bed .selling plan ever devised.

If You Own a Typewriter Now trade It in as part payment we will be liberal with you. If you are renting an old typewriter, you will *.vant to send It back when you see this one.

Send your name and address on coupon and we will tell you more about this unusual offer —more about this splendid l.vpewriter—It won’t cost you attythlng and you will be under no ob¬ ligation we won't send a salesman. Tear out the coupon now.


Tygewritert Distributing Syndicate. 99 159 N. B. N. State St.. Chleago.

Without placing me under any obligation, send further Information of your typewriter oi^

My old machine is a.No.

RmI Hair, mily km. ChtnoM. Indian. 91 oadi. Negro tSe gArand It: f^a^e Wig. 91 99 ap laimori rharaHer It in n vda Crape Hair 91 Papier Ifache fleads Helmeta. eta. Aak est- aleg froe KTfPFIIItT. ICfr . I 4U At.. N. T

IIFTER'^ UtemfiRf Foivdffr. 75c and CHaapas*

ACTOR. HAVING ABILITY AS SALESMAN. wknUd to Intr- duce our 8p«xdzIttM to dralen In rAch dty or town flxltod No Intorfrronr* with profcmIonAl work SIMI’LEX DRl'O CO.. 114J Arch 8t., Phllk., Ft.

MAGIC LIST FREE l-atmt tn Magteal ApparAtuz. EacApm. Illtiitoaa. Mliid-roadln*. Trirk* and Cuzalm I deal In aU kind* of now and *(im?id-band Haglral Good*. J A. FOSTER. Mf(. Matletaa, Oakfawa, OaavHIa, III.

TENTS. FOLOINS CHAIRS, ORBANS—AU kla* of raava* Rend for FRRR Bargain BooklaL

R. I. AnSnsttr Mfi Ci.. Spriigfldi I

2x3 OVAL, $1.00 3x4, SI.25, cash with ordar

Knoxville Engraving Co. 515 Bate SL KNOIVIUE. TEWL

Th« Houm You H«v« Alw«y« DMit With

k^uruIze IH^ORCHESTRAL HARP^S^ lir The Accefted WorM's Standard

Write for benotifnl CkUlofoe. imiW Buy peymenta. We aapply the D.S. |9um OoTMxiintwltliMaslcklliietrxuDente

nSg The Rudolph Wvrlitaer Co. mE«k,ClBdMaM - S.WakMh.Cblca|e

t m RMabUehed 18M

34 Xtie BilIt>oarcl APRIL 6. 1912.

DRAMATIC & MUSICAL | Anglin. MHrtrari't, in StiK'kinK**, IxuIk

NftlicrtK'li’. iiiur.: Mxill'.ai, Win., 3 H'xiieUnr. Miuii., +; WiiHiiia j; Iti'J WIiik W; Fart'*. N- 1).. N; CroiikKt'Hi, Minn., !>; (irainl Forka. N. It., l<t; \V!nni|H'K, 4'an., 11-13.

Arliaa, iJiajrBe, in Itlsra*-!!. Liebier A Co., mgra.: N. Y. C., IK, Indt-f.

Around tlie World. The iMiuborta, mgra.: N. V. C., Sfpt. 2, indef.

AalaiiiH. .Maude, in Cbanteeler, Cliaa Krolmian, tugr.: St. I'aui. .Minn., 13; Mlnuea|«>llH 4 1!; ltu')in|U<-, la.. K; Itaveiiiairt it; Colar Ualtida lU; m-M MoiuoH 11; Sioux City 12; l.iticiiln. Neb.. 1.3.

Alias jiniiiiie Vali titiuc, I.ii-bler A 4'o., uiBrs.: IK-trolt. .Mieb.. lal.

Aroiin.l till- Cbs'k. <ius Hill. mgr.: Ciin-inuatl. «t.. ;il Ajir. *1.

Klai'k 1‘a.ti Mualral Comedy Co., U. Voelrkii. iiiKr.: llostou. .Masa., l-*i.

Hlair. Kuginlf. In Tin- 'I’est. Stair A Xitsilai. iiiKrs.; I'inrago, 111., 31 April 2«).

Baby .Mine t .\o. 21, Win. A. Brady, Md., niprs.: Williniantir, t oiin., h; Meriden St; New Brl lain lit; Winsted 11; Torriuglon 12; Water- bury 13.

Baron 'Irenok. K. C. Wbllney, mgr.; X. V. C.. .March 11, Indef.

Bird of I’aradlae, Oliver Moroaoo, nigr.: X. V. C., Jan. 8 Apr.-2<t.

Bought and Bald tor, Wra. A. Brady, mgr.: >. Y. C.. Sept. 28. Indef.

Brian, Donald, in Ttie Siren, Chaa. Frobman, mgr.: Boaton. Maas., March 2f>, indef.

Bunty I’lilla the Strings, nie Shula^rla A Brady, nigra.; X. Y'. C., Oct. 10, Indef. |

But.ertly on the Wheel. Latwia Waller, mgr.: X. Y. C., Jan. 9. Indef.

Biiater Brown. lUistiT Brown .Vin. <'o.. prints•: III nilersoii. X. C.. 3; llaieigh 4; Itiiriiani .‘i; Oris iistHii-o li: Winston .Sniem 7 S; Coin-ord !•; Ch.ailolle III; Cliesler. S. C.. II; .Yltbeville 12, lireiniiile lil.

Burke. Billie, in Tlie UiiUHWay. <'has. Froh- iiiaii. ingr.: Boston, Mass., S-2it.

lUiie Bird, l.lelder A Co., iiigrs.: Clevelainl, O., 1 II. Clneinnali s 13.

Brewsiif s .Slillions Al. Bleb Co., ingrs.; I’hila.

Bunty Bully tin* .s'lrings. .Shiilti rt A Brady, oigm.; llajiiillon, lint.. Can,. 4 ii.

Cllff ad. Billy Single, Bob la-Koy, mgr.: Xaah vllle Tenn., 1 l>; Atlanta, Oa., 7 13.

Country Boy. Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Boston. Mass., Man-h 2.'>, Indef.

Carle. Itlchard, In Jumping Jupiter, Fraiee A- LrfHWrer, luKrH.; Turoo o, 10; Montreal 8-13

Clarke, Itilla J. K. Sullivan, mgr.; Amarillo, Tex., 2 3; Klk City, Okla.. 4; K1 Reno 5: Oklahoma City 11; iluthrie 7; Knld 8: Berry 9; Tulsa HI; Vlnila 11; Independence, Kan.. 12; t'offeyville 13.

Casev Jones iF.astern, Merle H. Norton at: KlchwoiMl. W. Va., 3; Sutton 4; Gaasaway 5; tharleslon I!; lileii Jean 8; Beckley 9; Hln ton 10; llonceverte 11; Matllngton 12; Elkins 13.

Casey Joneg (Central. Merle H. Xorton'a); But¬ ler Ind.. 3; Bluffton 4; Hartford Olty 5; Swaviis- 6; BaFavette 8; Bern 9; Ixtgansport 10; ’lliinllngloii 11; Uoi healer 12; Decatur 13.

Casey Jones tCiaist. Xortou A Andrews*); \ ai ley City, X. D.. 12; Jamestown 13.

Casey Jones (Spi-eiali, Harry I.aMack. mgr.: Central Cltv. Kv.. .3: Biisaellvllle 4; I'rlnceton r>: Bartucah li; Mayfield S: Fulton 9; Hickman HI; ( larksvllle. Tenii., 11; .Springfield 12; liiitlir'.o. Ky.. 13.

Casey Jones I Mid West. I>alladle A Sherman’s): Virginia. 111. 4; Waverly «; Jacksonville 13.

Clarke, Harry Corson. A Margaret Dale Owen: Svdnev, .Mistralla. A|iril HI, indef.

Cat' and the Fiddle, A. Sidlon. mgr.: Ft. Waviie, Ind., 7; Bluffton 10; Kalamazoo, Mich., i3.

Cmintlss. Catlieiine. in the W'hite Sister, Stair A Havlin, mgrs.; St. lamis, .Mo., 7-13; Cin¬ cinnati. O., 14 20.

Crane, Win. H., In the .Senator Kee(is House. Jos Brooks, mgr.: Cleveland. O., 10; Chicago. 111.. 8 27.

ConvieCs Dniiglilir: Miuiie.iisdis. .Minn., 31 ■Apr. 0.

Cohan. Gisirge M., in Forly-FIv.- Minutes fi<an Broailwny, Colisn A llanis. mgrs.: X. Y'. C. .March 14. indi-f.

Crosnian. Henriett.a. in 3Sie Beal Thing. Mau- rli'e CamitlMlI mgr.: Kansas City. .Mo.. 7- 13.

ritocolate Soldier. F. C. Whitney, mgr.: Chi¬ cago. III.. 24-.\itr 0.

ClKss.lale Soldier. F. C. Whitney, mgr.: Cin¬ cinnati. O.. .31-.\pr. 0.

Drama Blaycrs, Donald Robertson, mgr.; Chica¬ go III., Fob. 5 Apr. 13.

Kverywoman (Eastern), Henry W. Savage, mgr.: N. Y. C.. 8-1.3.

F.'ervwoman I Western). Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Wheillng. W. Va.. 8 10; Akron, O.. 11- 13.

Excuse Me (Western), Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Vancouver, B. C. Can., 3 4: Bellingham, Wash., 6: Everett 6; Seattle 7 1,3.

Excuse Me (Southern), Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Sehenectady, X. Y’.. 6: Hudson 8: Great Bar¬ rington. Masa., 9: Blttsflold 10; North Adams 11; Bennington, Vt., 12; Northampton. Mass.. 13.

Excuse Me (Eastern). Henry W. Savage, mgr.; I>*xlngton, Ky.. 8; Huntington. W. Va., 9: Charleston 10; Fairmont 11; Wheeling 12; K. I. lverpool. O.. 13.

Easiest Wav. David Belaseo. mgr.: Chicago 111., 24 April 6.

Ell and Jane. Harry Green, mcr.: Eureka. Kan.. 3; Neodesha 4. Beru 5; Caney 6; Mound Valley 8: Erie 9: Alfamoiint 10.

Eltinge. Julian. In the Fascinating Widow, John J. Bierre. mgr.: Bhlla., April 1 27.

It..,-]. I’uride Uebler A Co., mgrs.: Kansas CH.y. Mo.. 7 1.3.

rtrew. John, in A Single .YJsn. Chas. Froh- man. mgr.: Ijnuisville, K.v.. 1-3; lioxlrigton 4; Indianapolis. Iml.. 5-6; Chicago, III., 8- 27.

Eileson. RoJiert. In Tlie Indescretlon of Truth. .8.imiMl H. Wallach. mgr,. Boston, Mass.. 2r>..4pr. 6.

Elliott. Gerlrmle. In Preacrrlng Mr. Banmure. Chas. Frohman. mgr.: Boston. Mass.. 2.'.- .Vpr. fi.

Ferguson, Elsie. In the First I.ady In the Land. Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Chicago, Ill.. 25- Aprll' «: St. IxHitB, Mo.. 8-13.

Flirting Princess, Mort H. Singer, mgr.: Toron¬ to, Can., 1-6; Detroit, Mich., 7-13.

Fayersham. Wm.. In The Finn. L. L. Oallaghef, mgr ; San Francisco, Cal., 1-13.

Fortune Hunter (Eastern), Cohan A Harris, mgrs.; Buffalo, N. T.. 1-8; Erie. Pa., 4; Jamestown. N. T., 5; Elmira 6; Scranton, Pa., 8 9: Wilkes Barre 10; Atlantic City, N. J.. 11 13.

Fen ssiiia, Edwin Warner, mgr,: Tironlo, Ian.. 1-6.

Foriune Hunter (Cenlrali. Cohan A Harris, mgrs.: Duhi Is, Ba.. 3; t'learfield 4; Suiihury ."i: .MahaiKiv lily (5; llarrislm g S; lliigeiisiown -Mil . 9; Iteadliig. Ba.. Hi; Bridgeton, N. J.. 11: Burling.on 12; Dover 13.

Fortune lliinler (Wesleriii. Ciilian A Harris. mgrs.: Detroit, Mich.. 1-6.

Fl«', ,.r Mns'eal «’otnfdy Co.; l.os Angeles, Cal.. I March 17, Indef.

Foy. Kihlie, In Dver the River, Dilliiigliam A I

Zhgfield. nigra.: .N. V. ('.. Jan. 8, indef. | Freiieh Grand Iffiera Co.: Ih-troit. .Mleh., 1-6. Girl In Bed. Mnx C. Klllott, mgr.; Nclaoii. N'4>.. ]

3: lleliron 4: Falrliury 5; Talile llwk 6: Baw nep Cl y 7 8; Wviiiore 9: Beatrice HI; Wills'r i 11; Crete 12; Lincoln 1.3.

Graham, iisear, .Vitractions: Burnett, Tex., .3: I-ampasas 4: Biehland Springs 5; I»meta 0: I G. ldlhwalte 8; Stephenville 9; Strawn 10: ! 3'luirhor 11.

GIsmt. Lulu. In Miss Dudelsack, Werba A I/ueseher. ingrs.: Bortland, (Ire.. .31 .\pril .MmtiIci-ii. Wash., 4; Tacoma 5 6; Seattle 7 13.

Granstark. Baker A Castle, mgrs.; Salt Ijikc. r.. 31 .\prll 6; Provo 8; Sprlngvillc 9: Grand Jnnetion. Colo., H); Leadville 11; Pueblo 12: Colorado Springs 13. |

Gainlders, I'he, with Orme Cshlara A Jane Cowl I Authors’ Brialucing Co., mgrs.; Bmoklvn N. I Y . 8 1.3. ■ j

Gaiiihlers, The. with Patti Everton A Gertrude ; Dallas. Authors’ Producing Co., Chicago, Ill.. 1 .31 April 18. I

Get Itich (julck Wallingford iFastcrn). Coban A | Harris, mgrs.: Brooklyn N. Y’.. 8 1.3. I

Get Rich Quick Wallingford K.entralt. Cohan A I Harris, mgrs.; I,ewl8 on. Me., 3; Nashua, N. H. , 5: Fltchhiirg, Mass., 6. I

Get Rich-Quick Wallingford (Western). Cohan A j Harris, mgrs.; Fargo. N. D.. 3: Superior. I WIs.. 4: Duluth. Minn., 5 6. St. Paul 8 1.3 I

Garden of Allah, Llebler A Co. mgrs.: N. Y’. C.. O t. 21, Indef. !

Greyhound. ’Ttie. Wagenhals A Kemiier, mgrs.: N. Y. C., Feb. 29, Indef.

Graustark iKiisteriii Baker A Castle, mgrs.; .Salt Lake. I'.. I ll; Provo 8: Grand Junction. Colo,. Hi; l.eadville 11; Salida 12; Colorado .Springs 13.

Graustark l.S>iiitlierni Baker A Castle, mgrs.; Waxuliaeliie, Tex.. 3: Wain 4: Taylor .Vitsiiii li: San .Viitonio 7 11;; Lis-khart 12; Y'o.ikum 1.3.

Gisvs,. Girl. Baker A Castle, nigra.: Bisiria, Ill., 7 HI; Siiringfield 11-13.

Gilmore, Paul. S. .V. Jaeks,in. mgr,: Saiiders- vllle, Gti.. 3: .Maiain 4; .ViiiiTlCiia .Mont- goiioTy. .kla.. 6.

Gordon. Killy, In Tlie Knehantri-ss. .!■«. M. Gai'es. mgr.: N. Y'. C.. 1-27. I

Girl friaii Iteelor'a iWeKi,.rii. Max Blohii's), Ed. Tester, mgr; Hr...kl>n. N. Y.. 16.

Glass Honsi-. .Marlin Ih-ek. mgr.: .N’vracilse. \. Y.. 4 6.

GIr! in the Taxi. .V. H. Wissls. mgr.: Cln einnaU. ().. 7-1.3.

Grl'iies’ I’elar ISsrr: BalliiiMire. Md.. 16, Halos. Mizzl. In the Spring Maid, Werba A

Liu-sclier. mgrs.: Waterloo, I«., .3; Cedar Kaiiids 4; Des Moires 5; Sioux City 6; Omaha Neh.. 7 10; St. Joseph. YIo.. 12. i

Heart Breakers. Mort H. Singer, mgr.; Chey eiine. Wyo.. 3; Grand Island, Neb.. 4; Y’ork | 5; Lincoln 6.

Hartman Ferris. Musical Comedy Co.: An ; geles, CaL. Oct. 15, indef.

Haiiki I'liiiki, Li'W Fields, mgr.: Bit Isliiirgh, I’a.. Ml.

II. f/. I( ll••l| In iNs- or Dcl.iixe. Jos. .M. Galles. mgr.: Clileago, III., 11 .\i>r. 6.

llil laid. Bolsri. in A F-sil •nnr.- Was, M.inriee Gr. el. legr : I’ns kl.Mi. N. Y" . 16; Balti¬ more. iol., 8 1.3.

Hiteliiss'k. Baymond. ill Tlie B'sl Widow, Ce'e'ii .k Harris, mg 's ; Bliila. is .\iir 6. I

In Old Kentuekv. A. W. Dingwall, mgr.: Buf- i falo. N. Y.. 8 1.3.

Juvenile Bosfonlacs. R, E. Iging. mgr.; James town. N. I).. 3 4; Steele .3: Bl«niari'k 6: Man dan 7: Dlekinson 8; Beach 9: Gletnllve. Mont.. , HI: Miles City 11; Forsythe 12: Big Timlier 13. ]

Jams KIs'e. in "I lie .Sihn I’r n ess Clias. Iiillingliaiii. mgr.: S in Fr.iiiels-,1 Cal.. 2-"

A O'. 6. , K< l'( A Dill: San Francisco, Cal.. Mareli 17, I

indef. i Lloyd. Alice. In Little Miss Fix It. Werba A !

I.neseher. mgrs.; l/os .Yngeles. Cal.. 7 26. i Lonislana Ixui (Harry Askln’s Itoad Co.). Al. ;

Goettler, mgr.: Ottumwa, la.. .3: Des Moines. ^ 4; Grlnnell 5: Oskaloosa 6; Marshalltown 7: ’ Bonne 8; Ft. Didge 9; Cedar Falls 10; Water ; loo 11: Iowa City 12: C.'idar Rapids 13.

Little Boy Bine. Henry W. Savage, mgr.: X. | Y'. C.. Nov. 27. Indef. j

Ixoiisiana Isat. Harry .\skin, mgr.: Clileago. ; III.. Sept. 4, indef.

I.ei Gisirge Do It. l.einer I!ratton Co., iiropv - CoInmiHis. It.. 1-6: Cl'Vel.and s 13.

Liglit Ele'-naL 'L E. Itiee, mgr.: .St. Catli i>rines. imr.. Can.. 4.

McIntyre. Frank. In Snohs. Henry B. Harris. mgr.; Baltimore. Md., 8-1.3

Madame Sherry (No. 2). Woods. Frazee A Iasi erer. mgrs.:' Phoenix. Ariz., 3 4; Blst«-e 5- Isoiglfls 6; El Paso, Tex.. 7: Amarillo 9; Aiva Okla.. 10; Anthony. Kan., 11; Arkansas City 12: Lawrenee 1.3,

Madame Sherry (No. 3), Wisnls. Fraree A erer, mgrs.Montreal. Can.. T6: St. Albans. Vt., 8; Newport, N. H.. 9; St. Johnshnr.i Vt.. 10; Brattlelioro 11; IPsisIc Falls. N Y 12; Hudson 13.

Madame Sherry (No. 4). Wo-sla, Fraree A T.ed i erer. mgrs.: Mf Carmel Pa.. 3; Shenandonli 4: Hazleton 6; Wilkes Barre 8: Carliondsle 9 Honesdale 10; I.ansford 11; Freeland. X. J.. 12: Scran’on, Pa.. 1.3.

Missouri Girl (Eastern. Merle H. Norton’s! • Jonesvllle. Mleh.. .3: I.ltehfieM 4: Homer o- Cnneord 6; Marshall 7: Spelngport 8; I.ak* Odessa 9: Grand I>-<’ge 10; Beidlng 11; Itiiaea 12: I.«peer 13.

Missouri Girl (Western. Norton A RIth’s); On ray. Colo.. .3: TelluTlde 4: Maneos 5; Durango 6: Sllverton 7; Durango 8; Pag'isa Springs 9 Chamw, N. M.. 10; Antonito, Colo., 11; Ala ’ mosa 12; Walaenhnrz 13.

Mutt A Jeff (A). Gns Hill, mgr ; Grand Rapids i Mleh.. .31 April 6: Chlesgo. HI.. 7 1.3.

Mnr* A Jeff (D). Ous Hill, mgr.: Baltimore. | Md.. 16.

Madame X. Henry W Savage, mgr.; rortland. ' Ore.. 4-6; Taeoma. Wash.. 7 «; Victoria. B. ! C., Can . 9; Y’aneonver 10 11; Bellingham, i Wash., 12: Eyerett 13, I

Million, The. Henry W. SaTtge. mgr.: lUltl : more. Md.. 813. j

Miat Nobody from Sizrlind. Yfort H Singer, mgr.; Nanaimo. B. C., Can.. 4: Wentmlntter 5: Ellenshnrg. Wash.. 6: North Takima 7: Spokane «-»; Mlaaonla. Mont. 10; Bntt* 11 Boaeman 12; Billings 18.

good notice in the morning paper

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• No. Clark St.. Stiaas Bldg., Chicago,


SulliToa A Considiao Bldg., SoattU. Wash.


•M Market Btroat, Empraaa Thaatra Bldg..

Ban FraneUca, CaL W. P. REESE.

LONDON OFFICE. No. 16 Groan Street. London. Eng,; B. OBESMATER. Rapraaontatiya

I.MILLER,SS4Biuilxa) A eomplete line of Pumpa and Slippeia in all 202 ahadea. for evening wear; Aerobatia Clog and W.23—ST Ballet Sboeo kept in atock.





(’an build and paint you anything for onr-half prlrr \Vv .-airx hi nloi-k fmm 9-1* ft. rorrr-il Wtiigi. SS.Ou; Jogs. $3.Wt; Doors, $5.tK); Arches, SS.oO. Also Parallels, Platforms and fttepa. any shape or slaa. AJao lag. cut and full Drops. We buy and tell second-hand and new Asbestos Curtalna. RICHARD CUTHMANN SCENERY STUDIOS. 1314-1328 Locialt Place. . . Ckleaea. III.

THE GRAND THEATRE (Late Cooper) Is open for bookings the coming season. One day or more. Rtock Companies, Illustrated la^uraa or any good Entertainment. Four liundred seals, ground flwr. eumpletely enulppeil Eillson Ihrlura Mtrblna Plano. 36x’J« stage, gas and electricity, suction and exhaust fan. lii.istii rapa<-lty. 12 IKUI population county seat. In¬ dustries: Manufactures. Commercial. Agricultural. Glass Failorles. thhooU. ('hiirdies. Court Bouse and JalL Hhows not permitted on Hunday. Dry by law: no llceuw Health, wraith and beauty beats ’em all All entor- talnmenu mast be up to highest standard. Mauagrrs or partners not wanted. Brad carefully; tars lettan. JOHN COOPER. Owner._• . . Mt Vsreaz. Okie




In the United Rtatee and Canada. alphsbeUaally awanged over 1.400 namti and addreaea


416 Elm St. . CINCINNATI. O



BmbpU p4aea T«tw 6«M SrMin mnS far 10a 10T W. 13th St., N. Y.




APRIL 6, 191Z Billboard Xbe

CbriMlit*, lu tli<' Spring Maid, Wrr- ba ic I.uiacbcr, mgra.: IndlauaixilU, lud., 1-3; <^'uluiDbua. «t., 4 0; I’itlaburK, I'a.. b

Mrlrillr, Ko«e, iu SU llopkiiia, J. K. Stirling, mgr.: 8t. La>uU, Mo., 1 tl; {.ouiavlllr, Ky., 7 13.

Man from C'<N>k'a. Klaw 4c Krlangt-r. mgra.: N. Y. t’., .MrrcU 23. Indef.

“'i SIX FLYING BANVARDS On "Itolng It Now/* **R4I2 Violin.** "Jungle Moon/* ‘'>Mien You’re In Town/* "We All Fell/* "Wlien I Was Twenty-one.'* “Tip from Father/* "Brass Hand Kph. Jones.** "Moonlight Hay/* "IMok On Me."

■ - ■ }' other material: list and testimonial') for stamp. Mrs. jggs of 111)* t rtlto.tgf 1 aii'b l.aebler 4c Speelal work done. Itest refereiuTs. Stamp for reply.

<■«>.. tiigra.: 4'levi laml. t).. 1«. Iroerrlews by apiMilntmeiit O.N'LY. M.ARY K. 1*. Malloe.y. t'liftou, 1». II. t'ookf. tiigr.: Napanee, THA3’KR. II-21PO Broad St., I*roTidenoe. R. I.

Out., Can., :i; tVilNiirg 4; rela-rwliiirg 3 0. Maim J,.ma. In Kletatlng a lluaband. Werba aIRDOME FOR RENT Shelly Park Alrdome. seating

K b«T, i . i . Jan. —, inih'i. people, at liidepen<leiK*e Avenue and dak Street, \l<*nlg«»nH*r>' ami *si«ine. In lin* <ll«l Town, Kansa.s dity. Mo., right in the heart of the baslneas

^Tias. IHlIinghaai. luttr.: N. (*. s 13. dUlrtct: a month: a big money maker. See Naxkiiova, A la. in 'The Mariont-ttoa, Oias. F. J. WEAVKR. 1<h 5 Mt*<;ee St., Kansas City. Mo.

FiMhinan. iiijcr.: Chlcaito, HI.. 3.'» Apr. 6. Never IKwieH. Iv^-w FieidH, nijcr.; I hlcago, III., wE WANT STRONGEST MEDICINE LECTURER IN

;b4 Apr. o. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ the BUSINESS; exiieheneed UenlLst. Tell all; give N**wljnA«Nli and ThWr Baby iBaalorn) r- reference This U strictly hlgh class organization.

Bratton Co., propa.: ConnclUvillo, Ta., 3; Work dhlcago only, opening in .May. (Talent write.) rploDtowD 4; Morgantuwp, W. Va.. 6; Fair- UR. LIGHTHALL S RKUKDIKS, Chicago. U. S. A. tiHiut t$; Uraftou H; I'arkerwbtirg 10; Galli- __ P<dia. <>.. 11; lluoUngtoD, TV. Va.. 12;

tTiarlewtoB 13. . t * Sidney, George, In Busy lazy, Frank Whltbeck. \.w.>w.ds and Baby. (M.aternl J-einer- aigr.: Memphis. Tenn., 31 April 6; New Or

B'atlou (•».. prupa.; \N eatmliiater. B. C., ]<»ans La 7*13 Can. ;t; Victoria 4; Vancouver 5 «; S.-altle, §,,^1, Rose,' In Maggie Pepper. Henry B. Ilar- Waah., 7 13. *■**• “'Kf-: Phlla.. March 11, Indef.

Naitgbty Marietta. Oscar llammerateln. mgr.. Sweetest tJlrl In Paris iHarry Asktn’al Chaa.

aJr.„w • To ^ Goettler, mgr.: PTilla., March 4. Indef. SServant In the li(Miix-, tlaskell and .MacVlttv.

ledo. O., 31'Aprll tt, Chicago. III.. 7-13. i_.. mirrs.: Tlnton Ind. S- FVsnkfort ft- Ko- unircr tWMS (Western), Cohan & Harris, mgra.:

Chicago. HI.. March 3, Indef. Offlcer Odd (KaaternI, Cohan A Harris, mgrs.:

N. y. C.. Jan. 2». Indef. Oliver Twiat. I.'ehier At Co., mgra.: N. Y. C.,

Feb. 2«. Indef. Only Son, Cohan A Harrla, mgra.: Chicago, HI.,

March lb, Indef. Ovi-r .M^rhl. Will. \ Bratly. mgr.; Washing¬

ton. U. I'd. Poynter, Beulah, In A Kentucky Bomance, 11.

j. Jackaun, mgr.; Brantford. Ont., Can.. 3; St. Thomas 4, l.s>ndou 5 II; Chicago, HI., 7 27.

Inc., mgrs.; Tipton. Ind.. S: Frankfort 9: Ko- k. >u).i It); Peru 11; Wabash 12; Huntington l. T.

Sh»T>herd of the IHIla, Gaakell A MacVltty, Inc., mgrs.: Wiiiclu-ster. Ind., 3; Uayton, 0?. 8-10; Columbus 11-13.

Stiraft. Va eska In Tile Bed Rose, I.s‘c Harrlwyn, mgr.: Phlla. 1 13.

Siitiiiirun. Winthnip Ames, mgr.: Phlla. 25- .\l>r. rt.

Stamiiede, The: Chicago, HI.. 1-6. Third Degree (Southern), Itnlted Play Co.,

mgra.: New Orleana, La., 31-Aprll 6; Nash¬ ville. Tenn., 8-13.

ITliire of Tonight, .Mort 11. Singer, mgr.; Win- Traveling S alesman. Heurr B. Harris, mgr.: niiwg Can., 4« | Norfolk. Va.. 1-6; Washing on. D. C., 8 Id.

Polly of th« Circus (Western). A. S. Stem A Thelma (Smith A Sherra«n’8). Sydney Morris, to., mgrs.: Fayette) llle. N C.. 3; W’llming , „,^r.: Chicago. HI.. 31 April 6. ton 4; CharU-aton. 8. C.. 5; Savannah. Ga.. Traveling Salesman (Western), A. S. Stern A 6; Jarkaonrille. Fla., 7-8; Albany, Ga.. B; Athena 10; Ahtievllle 11; Newberry, S. C., 12; Aiigiiata. G«., 13.

Co., mgra.; Americua, Ga.. 8; C'ordele 9: Baln- bridge 10; Valdosta 11; Waycrosg 12; Albany IS.

Pink I.Bdy. Klaw A Erlanger, mgra.: Chi ago. . Thurston. Magician. Dudley McAdow. mgr.: HI.. Feb. 18, Indef. Pitlabiirg. Pa., 1-6; Norfolk. Va.. 8-13.

Powers. James T., In Two I-lttle Brides. The Talker. The, Henry B. Harrla,'mgr.: N. Y. C., Shaberla. tugrs.: B-wton. Mass.. 25 Apr. 6. j,n_ g indef.

Pink l-ady, Klaw A F^laiiger, mgra.: L«a Truth w'sgon. Oliver Moroaco, mgr.: N. Y. C., Angeles. Cal., 25-Aprll. 6. f>b 26. indef.

IV'w.T. Tyrone. In The S,rTant In the Hotise. Trentlnl. l>nma. In Naughtv Marietta, Oscar Joa. M. Galtes, mgr.: Cincinnati, O.. 1-6. Hammerataln. mgr.: N. Y.' C.. 1-13.

Pinafore. The Shub.-rts. mgra.; San Antonio. Trail of the I...11. some Pine, with Charlotte Tea.. 3 4. , . xi v c Walker. Klaw A l>langer. mgrs.; Chicago.

Quaker Girl, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: N. Y. C.. ]i| Mar.-'i t tor 6 l»c:. 23. Indef. Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Kibble A Martin’s West

Right to be Happy. Henry B. Harris, mgr.: ernl, C. K. Ackerman, mgr.: Salt Ste. Marie, N. Y. C.. March 26. Indef. Ont.. Can., 3; Sotilt Ste Marie, Mich., 4; St.

Robann, May. Wm. K. Fontaine, mgr.: Oakland. Ignace 5; Chebovgan 6; Onsma 8; Alpena !»: Cal.. 31 April 6: Stockton 8; Santa Roaa 9; g, I^„lg ,o; Cadillac 11; Traverae City 12; Petaluma 10; Woodland 11; Sacramento 12; Maniatt'e 13. Marysville 13. t'nelc 1 om s C.iblii iKIldde A- Martin’s Eastern).

Ring. Blanche. In the W’all S reel Girl. Frederic w,,,. Ki dd . im:r.: Alllwatik. e. W:s. 3l Apr. McKay, mgr.: Montreal, Can., 8 13. (t

Rosary, ’The (Rowland A fllfford’a No. 21. van. Blllv B., Stair A Havlln, mgra.: Richmond.


AddreM, BERT BANVARD, Manager, care The Billboard, New York Oity


I Best Band for Park, Ex|>oRition, (Convention, etc. The famous Eccentric Leader. Special Venetian and American military coRttimes. Open after April 16th Adtlress, Car* Room 5, 1440 Broadway, NEW YORK. • for stage MAKE-UP or street uu

CHERRYOLA (Grease Roufe)

FOR LIPS OR CHEEKS, i perfetl Uooi eolir THE HESS CO., Mfrs. Stag* Maka-Up,


THE LONDON MUSIC HALL U fwigiillii oTfAn 9i Taud«?iH« AitlsU througtioBt worlds Aaoncona ttalttiif !■ Lwdoa wfll totf

a fiiendly welmnw at 14 Lelcaatar Btreat. W C •


Send photograph and full description, where located and lowest price delivered San Fnineisco, California, .\ddres.s J. C. MILLER, care 101 Ranch Show, as per route in Billboanl.


Mrrir B. Smith, mgr.: St. Joseph, Mo., 7 13. Hose Maid, Wertia k Lti>'s«4n-r. mgrs,: niila.

•jr. Apr. 6.

Va., 8 13. Virginian. The. J. H. Falser, mgr.: Birmingham,

Ala., 8 IS. ILdM-rlwin, Forbes, In The Fasning of the w'are, Helen. In ’The Frlce. Henry B. Harris.

'Thinl Floor Bark, Fercy Biirlon. mgr.: Mmiidila. Tenn.. 4 5.

mgr.: South Bend, Ind.. 7; Kalamazoo, Mich.. 8; Grand Rapids 0 10; Detroit, 11 1.1.

Red Bose John C. Fisher, mgr.: Oklalenna W’h'te Sduaw, J. F. Sullivan, mgr.: Kansas City. Okla., a.

Resdy Monev. II. H. Fraiee. mgr.: Chleago. 111., 1, Indef.

Bomanee of the t’nderworld. Myron R. Uli’e, mgr.: Waabington, D. C.. 16.

Ibwalind at Ke<l (late, Gaskell A MaeVItty, In*., mgra.; Cambria. Wla., 3: Watipun 4; Ff>od dti Lae S: .\i*pIeton 6; Oshk<»h 7; Stev- I waMer. I

City. Mo., 31-AprlI 6: Atchison. Kan.. 7: Chlllloothe, Mo., 8; O’tnmwa. la., 10: Cedar Rapids 11: Dubtioue 12: Freeport. Ill., 13.

Wilson. AI. H.. Sidney R. Ellis, mgr.; Duluth. Minn. 7 8; Superior, Wls.. 9: Ishpeming, MIeh..’ 10; Hancoek 11; Calumet 12; Mar¬ quette 13.

ena IVtInt 8; Wausau 9; .Antigo 10; TV>ma- hvwk 11; Herrin 12: MandiDeld 13.

Warfteld. David, in the Return of Feter Grimm. David Belaseo. mgr.: X. Y. C., Oot. 17. Indef.

Bij^ry. The. Gaskell A MaeVltl.v Ine.. mgiw : * Fields’ Jubilee. Weber * Fields, mgr.; Ti-etimm-h. Mich . 8; Moienf4 9; Adrian 10; NYC Feb 8 Indef Mo^ 11; Ypsllantl 12: .Ann Arbor 13_ Whiteside. "Walker,' 'n The Typhoon. Pan! H.

H Llrbler mgr.: X. Y. C.. March 11, Indef. I *• ’**‘2''* ^\ ^***'iv.-man. xiie (Eastern). David Belaseo, mgr.: 6: Middletown 6; Mechanlcaburg 8; Arcanum ^ Y Sept. 19 Indef.

?i ***^*** *'**^’** 12. Lima ^yithln the Win. -A. Brady, mgr.: Chleago.

Spring Maid (Smithern). Wrrba * Luescher, wl'lin.*' Fra'nefs. In The B.aehelor’s Baby. Chas mgra.: I^fayette, Ind., S; Danville, Ill.. 4, Frohman. mgr.: Ft. Wayne. Ind.. 3: Lima. Deeatnr 6.

Sothern A Marlowe. In ne|>er|olre. Clavton WII staeh, mgr.; I.lneoln, Neb., 3; Omaha 4 6 Minneapolis, Minn.. 8 13.

(>.. 4: Springdeld Uavton 6; Charleston. W Va.. S: Marietta. O.. 9; Newark 10; /anesvlKe 11: Johnstown. I’a.. 12; .Altoona 13.

School Days (Stair A Ilavlln’s), A. W. Herman, luitle. In The Girl from Montm.vrtPe. mgr.: Akron. 0.. I S; W’beellng, M. Aa.. 4 6. lYobnian. mgr.: Atlantic C1I.V. N. J.. FIttahurg, Fa., 8-lS. s n

Sunnv South (J. C. Roekwell’a): Galeton, Pa.. ' „ n_. 4; WeatBeld B; Addlaon. N. Y., 6; Balhhrldge 8; Coopeiatown 10; tVorceater 11; Schoharie 13.

When It Come* Home. Chas. Frohman. mirr.: Ibwhester. N. Y., 4; Toledo. O.. 5; Chl¬ eago, HI.. 8 20.

Frank A. Robbins Sbow will report for reliearsals atmbandnaBA.dlly CMFWYF BGKQJ XZ(iIbA —SHRDLU HRDLU LITLD 8HBPL Acknowledge this call by mall. WANTED—Young lady for an illasioii; mivst not weigh over 110 pounds, or ba over live feet four In height: one that can act In concert, sideshow or circus preferred. Also want ChandeUev Man. FOR SALE—Band Wagon and Stringer Wagon, at Indianapolis, Ind. Ticket Wagon and Baggage Wagon Gear at Jersey (Tty. FRANK A. ROBBINS, Jersey City, N. J._

AT LIBERTY Experienced, able, strictly sober, reliable Press or

ADVANCE AGENT Positively NEVER drink a drop. Can handle any contracting proposi¬ tion or manage. I do not post bills. Only reliable companies answer.

Nf. LeROY, OsliKosti, is.

AT LIBERTY, MUSICIANS (iood Strong Cornet, B. & 0.; good Alto, doubles 2nd Fiddle that you can bear. I’refer repertoire show or good carnival playing Eastern states.

Addreti, HOUSTON SPANGLER, - - - Siloam Springs, Ark.

PI ■ YQ For Stock, Repertoire, Amateur Companies I I ■■ ■ LABOm ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Books far ha»* amuajiig. No- I ■■■ 1 I no Plata. Paper Sconmr. Mn. Jarlet'i Wai Worka. Catalogna Fraal Frvol 1^1

SAMIllL FRENCH ZS-M Watt SSth 8tr#*t Naw Yart. FRENCH ZS-M Watt SSth StTMt

Skinner. Otla. In K'smet. Harrison Grey Flak*. I Woman. The tWestern) David Belaaeo. mgr.: mgr.: -H. T. C., Dec. 28. Indef. Cincinnati. O.. 8-13. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS.

ARXISXS IMOXICE! All Actss ExpectiriQ 1o Play EZrigagements at

TALBOTT’S ST. LOUIS HIPPODROME -Are cautioned not to lie misled into plaving small time outlying family theatres in St. Louis, prior to your engagement at tlie


XHE hirrodroivie: Von break a link in onr ebain of tlu’atres that will make it I.NTOW’ENIE.NT FOR US TO FL.W YOU l.\ OUR OTHER HOUSES.

-For OpeEi Time, Communicate witti-

FRAIMK Q. DOYLE, ''S'tir Fourtli Floor, Ctilcago Opera House Block, ----- CHICAGO, ILL..

t-ong DIatance Ptionea, Main StSO—Franklin 1016.

36 e B APRIL 6. 1912.

LIST OF FAIRS MtlTcrg—mill Co. A«rl. Soc. Aa(. 69. B. J.

Bwtin, Mc;. Iftucbektcr—Ucliwtr* Co. Afrl. 9oe. Ad(. 27-

SU. J. B. 111(01*0, WtQJ. Uaoaoii—Calb'ioQ Co. Fair. Au(. 19 ZZ. C. O.

Kaakry, oecr.



With the Names of the Associations by which the Events are Msiiuokeu—jTckioo Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 8-0 W. U. McCiffrej, lecy

Held, and the Dates upon which They are to Take Place— *“■ Information Procured by The Billboard Through the Dtili- ° * i zation.of Its Unequaled Facilities. .ilT .... ..... .... . .. ;

Oliaa. H. Harbor, aecy. I Oaa maahlaa asraaO 919.990 la 99 waaka, 1904


Albortrlll*—Marshall County Fair Aaan. Ocl. Z2 25. J. W. Walker, aecj.

AiasanOer Wtjr—Tallapoosa Co. Fair Ahs. Oct. —. A. P. mquay, oecy. ^ ^

Btalnfham—State Fair. Oct. t-11. rrnnk F. ^affec, oecy.

Oenter—Cherokee Co. Fair Aasn. Oct. 29-Not. 2. Dr. 8. C. Tatum, aery.

Jolombnii—Bartholomeir Oo. Fair Assn. Aug. U 16. W. N. Achenbaob, aecy.

Conncmrllla—Fayette Oo. Fair. Ao(. 2790. J. L. Kennedy, nocy.

Oaayeme—Miami County Fair. Sept. 17-20. Wm. O. Draper, aecy.

Oorydon—Harrlaon Co. Fair. Ang. 26S0. Frank It. Wrlgbt, eecy.

OoTlagton—Fountain Oo. Agrl. Boc. Sept. 10- Ig. Thao. H. Bodlne, secy.

Os# ••n9«e SIS.OIT In >7 ISO? lAobtleelJo—Jouea Co. Agrl. Soc Aag 28 30. | qm mmmMmm ••r—4 tltilgt tm 87 we«lis! fgOt

ITted W. Koupa seej OiM fiiselilfi* $18,848 In 88 wfcs, 1808 NktbOt—Big Kour Fair Aaao. Sept. 8 6. C* j Om machiM ••riMg 818,881 la 88 waaha, 1810

CDllman—Cullman OrowfOrdaTllle—Montgomerr Co. Fair. Aug. t S. HerMhU. Aaan. Sept. ^ J- week *• *'»• J- W*"* ifcClellan. eecy. Morthwood—W

Si * ^ Cforwn Point—Leike Oo. Fair. Ang. 20-28. Frwl. ' B- H. MllU. In Sept. E. R. Berry, secy. Wheeler aecr. Orange City—I

Ft. ^■‘‘"“•7 Fair Aeen. Nor. B- Northern Ind. Felr. Bept. 16 J E. Vandei

ti. Pletony, aecy. I National—Otayton Co. Agrl. Soc. Bapt. lU-lS

Henry Loebaen, aecy. ' New btiaroa—New Bharon Dlst. Agrl. Boc. Bept. I 16-19. U. D. Rhine, secy. I Bowton—Jaapar Oo. Agrl. Boc. Ang. lB-22. F.

Oaa macklse eerma 990,199 In 99 wanks, 1911 “Alxive tigiiren »ill be verified to cuatomera."

C. IM. PARKER, Lnnvonwortli. Kan.

; $350 las Nn Mall 8 i Inn OpiratMithiCIICUIIMAVl

_ „ -jeatnr—Great Northern Ind. Fair. Bept. 16 B. J. G. Bohleln. aecy. __ ^ Chaa P Harlr aecr.

ltc«tgomei7—Alabam StateExpoeltlon. Oct. B4|*bnrg_r,lr.' July {7-197 Bobt. O. Porter, 1R2B. Geo. T. Bamaa, aecy. __

**}“*.;Zlf*“w** ^'* wfElwo..d—Madlaon County FaD. Aug. 20-23. B la Oct. Morgan Rlcbarda, necy.

TtmraTc^a—WMf ^1*. Fair ^n. Bept. *®-I Ang. 18 IB. F. Oct B. A. B McEachln. aecy.

Twkegee—Mictm tt. Fair. Oct. »-Nov. fr^^ton—Clinton Co. Fair AMa. Aag. lg-16. 8. Oeo. T. Hill. ncey. q_ Hlmmclwrlgbt, aecy.

ARKAHBAB ftaskUa—Johnson Co. A. H. B P. Aaan. Ang.

8. Oeo. T. BUI. aecy.


Oonwty—The Faulkner Co. Fair Ataa Oct. 1-4. Warn Aaan. Bapt. 10-14. O. W. Wilson, aecy. p. gtrelder, aacy.

OATJtobBIA. draanabur*—Qrecnabnrg Pair Aaan. Jnly 88- ^ ^ g Ainsworth, aecy.

Bneramen'o—California State Pair. Bapt. 14- Hnntlngburg—DuBol* Oo Pair AMn. Bept. 9- 21. a Alllnon T^Nr. i^agar. 14 ^ Ptrkbordt, aecy.

Ban Dlago—Panama-OallforMa fapoaltl^ Jam. Hnattngtoo—Huntington Oonnty Fab. Sept. 1-Dac. SI, 1918. B. H. Traolaad, ooey. 2-7. F. E. Wlnchenhlaer, aecy.

Baa Joae—The Santa Clara County Fair. Sept, tndlanapoila—Indiana State Boaid of Agrl. 6 16 E. W. Allen, aecy. Bept. 2 6. Chaa. Downing, necy.

COLOBAOO Kend^IWUle—Noble Oonnty FaD. Bept. 1620. J. C. Bronse. aecy.

Daaver—Colorado Interstate Fair. Bapt. 28. I Lafayette—Tippecanoe Oo. Agrl. Aaan. Aug. Irrlng Eaton, aecy. 20-2S. Chat. W. Hickman, aecy.

P9el>k>—C'<dorado State Fair. Bept. 16-81. A. I LmPorte—LaPorte County Fair. Ang. 27 80. J.

Nortbwood—worth Co. Agrl. Boc. Bopt. lB-18 UNIIUIK III blllUli WNft K. H. MllU. aecy. ' *

Orange City—Bloux City Arrl. Boc. Bapt. 11-18. 1 J E. Vandenberg, secy.

Pella—l.ake Prairie District Agrl. Bac. Bapt. 84- 27. Chat. Porter, aecy.

Kboiles—Eden Diet. Agrl. Soc. Bapt. 24-27. H. M Week#, aecy.

Bock Bapidt—Lyon Oo. Agrl. Boc. Bept. S-6. Ches. W. L. Bradley, eecy.

Bookwell City—Rockwell City Fair Aaan. July 28 26. W. O. Stewart, wcy.

See City—Sac Oo. Agrl. Boc. Ang. 6-6. Ona Btrohmaler, aecy.

Sheldon—Sbeld«n Fair Aaan. Ang. 27-SO. Oeo. Gardner, aacy.

Sbentndoab—Shenandoah Fair Assn. Ang. 18 16. A. W. Goldberg, aecy.

Bloux City—Interstate I-lve Stock Fair. Sept 16 21. Joe Morton, aecy.

Bplrlt Lake—Dickinson Co. Agrl. hoc. Bept. 10- THE CIBCUNO WAVE la iha aatahUat of amui*- . '• aecy. ment deelota It comblnat the pleaaur, at the

Strawberry Pt.— Btrawlierry Point Dlat. Fair t,, Bept. 8 6. H. A Axfell. aecy merrT-fO-round with th* lor of boatlna on a anllr

Sutberland—O'Brien Agrl. Aaan Sept. 4 6. J. reUlnt lak* or bay. Thto machlD* has ban taklna B. Murahy. aecy, the bla aionay at our Btatc and County Fain, Car-

County Fair Attn. Bepi. 8-6. n|„i, old Berne Weeks. ARMITAOE A BDINN.

ToI^TiiSrCo.?n\V' r't'D A.en Bept. 16-19. Na. *0> mU Bt.

L. Price, aecy. E. Boawell, aecy. Trinidad—The Trinidad Laa-Anlmas Co. Fair I Lawrenoeborg—Lawrenceburr Fair Aann. July

Aano. Bept. 24 27. Ctaarico BaUey, aecy. COMBEOnOUT.

.5!*^ I.lbJr"ty-'”i«r7o Boc Oct 7-18. O West Pt.—West Point Dlat. Ayrl Soc. Bepi

■ Marengo—Crawford Oo. Fair Aaan. Ang. 19 24-26. John Walljaaper. aecy.

•SoSsi&rs,, A-., o,,.o~. c. KJ:... r.^ A-.. *■' “«

" '• ”• Ml?dUtowS^F*lr"rH«^’'a,.). Jnly SO to ” " Butterfield, aecy. An* a a* a wushart aara 2 .a _ .

Lajjo-Lym. Oranga. BapUmber 18-2L J. W. MonW.^r-MotfpWleV*’A«m sfr'^atTn ‘ ’

llw-ir<*-^7w lAOodon Oo. Agrl. Boc. Bapt. MMila-lVliwari ^®'raU *'Xg 6A Earl ^■‘!}‘»"'*J;‘'f-Winiamsbnr, Fair Sept. 10 12 9^ *rh*A W li^iTlnfftOB MCT. u« imwire vo. r»ir. Aug. o-u. B.«ri Chun. Fletchrr. tteev. 8-4. Thao. W JWrrlnnton. a^T. H. -cy Wlnteraet-M.dlaon County Fair Aaan. 9- p.

80 to Ang. 8. E. O. Blelly, aecy. Lebanon—Boone County Agrl. Boc. Ang. 6-9.

County Fair. Bept. 8-6. Ben.

Marengo—Crawford Oo. Fair Assn. Ang. 19 24. J. W. Bird, aecy.

Marlon—Grant Co. Agrl. and Fair Aaan. July

A. O. Bmitb. aecy. Victor—Victor Dial Agrl. Boc. Ang. 18 16 J

P. BowIln(, aecy. Warerly—The Live FaD (Bremen Oo. Fair

Assn.). Bept. 16-20. D. A. Ix>d(, aecy. Weat Liberty—Union District Agrl. Boc. Aug

19 22. W. n. Shipman, secy. Weat Pt.—Weat Point Dlat. Agrl Boc. Bepi.

24-26. John Walljaaper. aecy. Weal Union—Fayette Co. Agrl. Bor Bept 2-6

B. A. Mcllree, aecy. Wilton—Wilton Fair Aaan. Aug 18-16. H 11

Jobnaon, aecy. afield—Winfield Fair Aaan Ang 5-9. A. I.

Bergaten. aecy.

Bprlngetlla. Krl* County, N. T.

8-4. Thao. W. Arrington, aacy. U_ ^aln, ae^. _ , ia w Wlnteraet—Madlaon County Fair Aaan. 9* pt DELAWABE. ^',7 ^atla—New Caatle Fair. Ang. 18-16. E g ^

_ H. 9 44<'y, ^ WUmlngtoD—state Fair. Bapt. 10^18. L. Scott Harmony—Poaey County Agrl. Boc. Ang. KANSAS.

Tovnaand, aacy. Ig-l*. Mrs. Carrie Miller, aecy. Anthonv—Anthony Fair Aaan Ana A9 L O FLORIDA. N. Manrbeater—North Manchester Fair A Bac- JennlngaV aecy.^ * ^

Fenaacola—Pensacola Jnterstat* Fair Aaan. *®« Aaan. Bapt. 24-27. John laenbarger, Beloit—Mitchell Co. Fair Aaan. Bept 24 27 Oct. 28 Not. 2. N. J. UUard, aacy. i i a i P. H. Pagett. aacy.

BEOBOIX wmie ai!?J‘ Coffeyrllle—Montgouierr Oo. Fair Aaan. Oct. wx.unwa& Aaan. July 30 to Ang. 2. J. B. Miller, aecy. |.g Elliott Irvin aecy Oalhonn—Gordon Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 14-lB. Oagood—The Ripley County Fair. Ang. 6 0. O. Herlngton—Herintton Ra’ee .nri

17-19. 8. A. Hiya, aecy.

KANSAS. inthony—Anthony Fair Aaan JeunlDgs, secy. CAROUSELS

•EOROIX AMD. July 30* to Aa*. 2. J. B. M1114T, Mcy • RMHif BiReries, Mirry-fii'liHii, ^nn-Go«lon Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 14-lB. Oagood-^he Hl^y County Fair. Ang. 6 0. O. Herlngton-Herington rVcc and Fair Aaan ntkar RbsM Rb^M H. J. Boff. aecy. . . „ . - . . . Week Jnly 16. Dr. C. A Branch aecy UlBlf ROItf tlllln UtwCIS ilton. Whitfield do. Fair Aaan. Oet. 7-12. Portland—The Great Jay County Fair. Bept. Hntchlnaon—The Kanaat State Fal7’ Refit' ta i F. T. Beynolda. aecy. 2 6. Oeo. E. McLanghlln. aecy. n^miua^n in^anaaa^ate lair. Bept. 14 iUUSEIIENT OUTFITTEBl

**■•” ucnc^ucn emu um an . M. . FI Oct 7 12 HERSCHELL’SPILLMAII 8i, Inter Mountain Fair. Oct. 7-12. BoahTlIla—Ruth Oonnty Fair Attn. Ang. 20- McPheiion^^Pl^JS^m a Ren# • wati* atiwmma

r.„ ..... ... .... ..'.'ll. Juanj«, A.IimwiMiIIM. 11

“ “• l-^'ut'^nongla* c.mnty Fair A Agrl. B-k- w.t, a— a„- Brown^ aecy.. ^t. 23-27.

Carrollton—Uri-ene Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 15-18. S. E. SImpaon, aecy.

iLLnroia, Aledn—Mweer Oo. Agrl. Boc. Bapt. 17-20.

W. D. Emerson, aecy. Aarara—Aurora DrlTlng Park Aaan. Jnly 16-

10. Chat. P. VanSlckla, aacy. Balyldere—Boone Oo. Agrl. Soc. Bept. B-6.

M. D. Perklna, aecy. Dun.-anville—Crawford Co. Grange Fair. Bapt.

23 27. Henry Coulter, aecy. Falrbnry—Falrbury Fair. Bept. 2-6. O. B-

Gordon, secy.

A“" Ang 13 16

*t'^John-5t!iffort*c5: FaD Aaan Oct. 14

8nlllv,n-i»nnivar7r-l County Fair Aa... Bept E. W. McDaniel, aecy.

John W. LIU. poty. olllran—Bnlllvan Trl County F

18 21. J. T. William*, aecy.

IOWA. I KENTUCKT. Falrtleld—Wayne Co. Fair Aaan. Ang. 22-25. | Aljrona-Koaimth Oo. Agrt. Boc. Sept. 18-21 | Barbonryllle—Knox County FaU Ai I,-T , -i_i- -—- I L. P, Harrington, necy, ’ - — Harry L. leininger, aecy. 4 6 A. W. Hoppers, s^.

LISTEN-We hare a law more copies of our adttoM cattlogu* for Itll. Ton amam- ment men. wake up. and witt* for this adraiics catslora*. and a«k about the new model. ELI No. 5. for 191t.

um'plme'lvk ‘od CamlTtl Men. Fait Hecretartw. etc., we are mak-

»i A log • epectalty of brlnglna Jia9Aa9BlRM|IMIM nnnera of K1.1 WHEELS, and

thsae waiiUng to book tham together. Bend In yeur aame to go on tbU UaL Be

Greenup—tireenup-^umberiaiid Co. FmD. Bept. I Alllic^B^ler Co. Agrl. Aaan. Bapt. 10-12. W. Beret—Bwa' Fair Aaan. Ang. 1-8. E. T. for thU lemc* whaterer 8-7. H. E. Carl, aecy. I O. Shepard, aecy. Ftah, aecy

Hardin—Calhoun Co. Agrl. Fair Aaan. Oct. 2-4. I Alta—Buena Vlata Oo. Agrl. Aaan. Ang. 18-16. Bowling Green—Warren Co Fair Aaan Rent Jno. Day, aecy. W. J. Bterem, aecy. 4.7. l. G. Duncan, aacy '

Eewauee—Kowanea Dlat. Agrl. Board. Bapt. AUentle—Caaa County Fair Aaan. Bept. 9-lt. Brodbaad—Rockcastle Co Fa’lr Aaaii An* ia 10-14. Geo. A. Anthony, aecy. C. E. Hoirman. eecy. 16. a. y. Hiatt aecy *

Maiii'D—WiUiamaoD Co. Fair. Sept. 8-8. Geo. Andubon—Andobon Oo. Agrl. Boc. Bept. 17-20. Dover—Germantown ’ FaD Ang 2R.8I n>i> C. Campbell, at-cy. 8. C. Curtla, aecy. H. LIo^ necy. ■ u n.

Manon—Grundy Co. Agrl. Fair. August 27 90. A« ~» l•otIIlvr»ttamI* Co. Fair Aaan. Bept. Fulton-f^l'ton County Fair Aaan Ana 27 91 F. H. Clapp, aecy. 24 27 Caleb Smith, aecy. B H Wade aecy

You Ferria Whael Operttori. we bare aalla tel crawl of three er four wheels for th* oomlng eiaaQa.

auee—Kawanee Dlat. Agrl. Board. Sept, j Ailentlc—Caa* County Fair Aaan. Bept. 9-lt. BrodbeadT-Rockcaatle Co"Fa’lr Aaan *tie ia "** mortal 1»IJ ELI WHEELS. If yon are an 14. Gao. A Anthony, eecy. C. E Hoirman. eecy. 16. A. M Hiatt aecr r»P*r1*noad maa and can dellrar th* tamo*, and <'D—WiUiamaoD Co. Fair. Sept. 8-8. Geo. Andubon—Andotm Co. Agrl. Boc. Bept. 17-20. Dover_oWmantown ' FaD. Ang. 28-81 Dan ^“™***' •••'»f»ctory referene*. w.-lta na aulefe.

8 C Curtla, aecy. H. Ll<^ necy. Fulton-I^Iton County Fair Aaan. Ang. 87 81. ELI BRIDGE COMPANY, Bulldtrt.

Baa la B, _Rosdkauea. Illlaalt. U. 9. A


r. H. Olftpv. —<7, 24 57 CuVh Smith, •^ry. n H Wad* . 9*^9, ....-^1 la • a MoitIboo—wmtealde Co. Central AgrU Boc. Bloomfield-Davit Oo. Agrl. Boc. Bapt. 10 Georgetown—BcotTTonntr Fair July 80 to ^ Roedkeaea, Illlaalt. U. ■.

Bapt. 3^6. Ptol F. Boyd, aacy. 1.7. II. C. Irt.ach. aacy. Ang. 8. T^. Bell, ,ejy. ^ * j. . .-.4.^ y. . _, ^ mm m9 * mi Mt. CnTToll—Onrroll Co. Knlr Aann. Ang. 27- Boone—Boone Driving Park * Fkir Aaan. Bapt Rardlnsburg—BriK-kenrlrtge Co Fair Aaan Ana AU I OWIA I 1C MOVI NO

go Ca4. M. Feeiar, aacy. 10 13. J. 8. Crook*, aacy. 20 22. M. Bklllman ^aly. _ •'Wdwid^l Mt. Bterllng—The Brown LP. Fair. Angntt 69 Britt—Hanock County Fair. Bept. 4 7. B. L. Hirrodsbnrg—Mercer County Fair. July 80 ^MOOTIM/^ ik I I POV

Walter Manny, aecy. McMillan, aecy. Aug. 2. R. W Keenan iary ^ I I IW VSi#wL.LbF^ • Newton—JaaiK-r Co. Fair Aaan. Bept. 9-18. B Central City—W*o*|# Valley Fair Aaan. Bept. Henrteraon—The Great Ilopkina’co Fair Jiili

H. Vanderbnof, aecy. 2-6. 1. W. Penly, aecy. 16 20. J. A. Franceway aecy Mt. Vernon-Mt. Vernon Fair and Agrl. Aaan Clarlnda —t larlnrtt Fair Aaan. Bept. 9-18. J. Henderaon-The Two Big Fairs' July 90 Amp

Bept. 24 29. C. B. Keller, aecy. C. Beekner, aecy. S j. a. Franceway. *ecy Olnay-Richland Oo. Fair. Bept. 8-6. Jat. P. Colnmbua Jnnctlon—Colombn* Junction Dlat. Fair. Hodgerllle—I.oRiie Co. Fair Aaan. Ana 27 oo

Wilson, aecy. . ^ Cuvln, aacy. August Oreaen. aecy. Parle—Kdgar Co. Agrl. A Mech. Aaan. Ang. Decor*h—WInneahelk Co. Agrl. Boc. Bept. 10-18 Hfcae Care—Hart Co. Fair. Bept. 18-21

86-60. W. B. Redman, secy. B. Bltkeman, aecy W. B. KIrttey. aecy. Paotone—Eastern Will Co Dlst. Pair Assn. De* Molne*—Iowa State Pair. Ang. 22-80. A. Lawraaeebnrg—ITie ImwrcBcebnrg Fair Aue

Bept. 19 20. Fred Caratens, aecy I “ rv—- I ,w,...... . • •• B. CVwey, aecy. 20-28. J. L. Cole, aecy. Peterabarg—Menard Co. Fair Aaan. Bept. 8-6. DeWltt—Clinton Oo. Agrl. Boc. Bept. 11-18 I,eltchfleIrt-.Grty*oo’ Co F^It Aaam. Aim 18-16

D. W. Frackeltou, aecy. O. H. Chrlatenaen. aecy H H Wlllla aecy ^ BoWnson—Crawford Co Grange Fnir. Bept. 23 FIDora-Hardin Co Agrl Boc. Bept. 8 6. H Lexington-Bine Griiiw Fair Aaan Ang 12 17

27. Henry Oonlter, aecy D. Martin, aecy John W. Bain, eery. Bnndwicli—Sandwich Fair Aaan. Bept. 10-18. Clkader—Elkader Fair A TTack Aaan. Bept. 17-1 London—T/>well Co. Fmir. Ang. 27-80. J. W

C. L. Stinson, aecy 20. D. E. Llrlngood, aecy. Craft, aacy. Foortt-Blg mnr nut. Fair Aaan. Jnly 99 to Lonlarlile-Kintncky Btata IMD. Bapt 9-14 AND BASEBALL NOVELTIES

M'dO. Mtrmn WiBentrt, 99cj, Anr. 2. J. r. MdIibii. mct. J. L, IViit ■»_ _ „ BGrlngfield-INlnola Btata Pair. Oct. 4-12. Poreat City—Wlnnabaga Oo. Park A Pair Aaan MayOeld—Watt Kentucky Fair Aaan Oct 9 Wl’BFFLEIK. M», 916

J. K. Dlckeraon, aacy. Bept. 11-14. B. B. Hanson, aacr. l'2 R r Pr»or aec* " "muod "iraid. Pbllarttipbla. Pa.. O. A A. Uihann—Champion Oo. Fair Aasn. Angntt 17- Greenfield—Adair Oo. Agrl. Asta. Bept. 10-18 Melbounie—New^rt Drlrlng Fair Aaan. Bept.

81. H. D. Oldham, aacy. B. o. Cornell, aecy. 17-21. Oeo. F. Fnlner, ar^. AMI I HME#

IKDIAKA. "•o”«"W;!;i:r"aa^: .S?y •* •■WiTlli 8ALLEIIES. A^la—Bte^ Oa. Agrt. Aaan. Get. B-U. Hwlan-Bhalby Co. Agrt. Boc. Ang. 19 28. Fred Mt. Bterllng—Montgomery On. Ky. Fair Aasn _

Manrlca McCTaw, nocy. Fraalar, aacy. Jnly 83-87. W. 0- Hamilton, aacy. B$l I AAI$S$ ■^rtjJ^^Tbon Fair Aaan. Oct. 1-A B. W. Homb^dt—Hnmboj^Connty Agrt Baa Bapt. Mt. Tanas—Mt. Veimon Fait Attn. Ang. TA. MILL MIhKv »J»m^M*rthall Oa. Falx. Bopt. Bt-tl. I. B. Independent—Bachaaan **S^ty Pntr Aam. Mnmy—GmZral^imT Oonnty Fnlf. Oet. • _Dltty, necy. ^ ^ B^Pt- 16-lA A. O. Blghy, mty. B. M. D. Roltan. nan.

^ Oa. Agn. Baa. Ang. BT-gn. Bnndarn—OamU. Gallatin. Owe* TH-Oa. Fait.

_ maiirca_Mct.iaw._noey.. ^ „ _ _ ^Fraalar. aacy. Jnly 28 27. W. 0. HamBton. aacy. ■^rtwn—Bourbon Fair Aaan. Oct. 1-A B. W. Hombnldt—HnmboMt Connty Agrt. Baa Bapt. Mt. Tanas—Mt. Venon Fait Ann. Ang. TA.

Ftrkn, J*«y. „ _ _ . _ . ^ _ _ _ 10-18. W. B. Want, aan. B. B. Ontty, aacy, Mayahmll Oa. Falx. Bnpt. B4-1T. I. B. Independent—Bachaaan Oonty Pitx Ann. Mnmy—Greet rallonray Oonnty Fnlx. Oet. 8

_Dltty. aacy. ^ ^ _B^Pt 16-lA A. O. Blghy. aaey. B. M. D. Roltan. nan. ^ OltyW«Anaen Oa. Agrt. Bne. Ang. BTAn. Bnndan OaetnU. Gallatin. Owe* TH-Oa. Falx.

>nmaa Adamn. aaay. Oaa. A. Rltehanck. aaay. Bagt. AT. B. M. Tnrtan, sanp.



APRIL S, 1912.

Hamburf—Erie Co. A<rl. goc. S«pt. 8-6. O. J. Dudlejr, aecr.

Uarnall—Groat Bornall falx. Aog. 87-30. O. E. Sbalts. »tcy.

Hodaon Falla—Waiblnctoa Oa Asrl. goc. Au(. 27 80. Geo. A. Ferris, secy.

Itbaca—^Tompkins Co. Arrl. ft Hort. Fair. Sept. 17-20. W. E. Pearson, secy.

Little Talley—Cattaraacos Oo. Afrl. goc. gept. 0-13. D. J. Rasboelf, secy.

MarKaretTllle—Oatsklll Monnbaln Afrl. Soc. Aur. 20 28. 0. H. Race, secy.

Mlneola—^Tbe Asrl. Soc. of Qneens ft Nasaao Co., gept. 24-28. L. V. Water, secy.

Montlcello—SulllTan Co. Afrl. goc. Ang. 27' 80. A. A. Calkin, secy,

Naples—Naples Union Aifri. goc. * Sept. 10-12. J. C. Bolles, secy.

Nassau—Afrl. ft Liberal Arts Soc, Rens Oo. Sept. 10-18. D. Lynd, secy.

Ofrttnsbnrf—Oswefatcbis Afrl. goc. gept. 16- 20. JnlTna Frank, secy.

Olesn—Glean Afrl. ft Indnst. Assn. gept. 2-6. A. H. Meller, secy.

Oneonta—Oneonta Union Afrl. goc. Week Sept. 16. L. Bnntlnfton, secy.

Plattsburf—Cainton Co. Afrl. goc. gept. 10- 13. H. Clay Niles, secy.

Syrscnse—New Tork State Fair. Sept. 0-14. S. 0. Sbaver. secy.

Troy—Rensselaer Co. Fair. Sept. 3-6. B. H. Sims, secy.

Tminansbarg—Union Aftl. ft Hort. goc. gept. 4-6. Gay O. Hinman, secy.

Vernon—Vernon Afrl. Soc. Sept. 24-26. C. G. Simmons, secy.

Watkins—Scbnyler Co. Afrl. goc. Sept. 0-12. Frank W. Piers, secy.

Warsaw—Wyomlnf Co. Afrl. Soc. Anf. 20-23. Fred A. Rice, eecy.

Waterloo—genecs Oo. Afrl. Soc. Sept. 24-26. Ed. Nofent, secy.

Watertown^efferson Oo. Afrl. Soc. gept. 8-6. W. R. Skeels, secy.

Whitney’s Pt.—Broome Oo. Afrl. goc. Anf 13-16. Wm. Dennlnf. eecy.


Borllnston—The Almanac Fair. Oct. 1-4. R. A. Freeman, secy.

FayetierlUe—Cumberland Co. Afrl Soc. Oct. 23-2S. Z. P. Smith, secy.

Greensboro—Central Carolina Fair Assn. Oct. 10-18. Garland Daniel, secy.

Kinf—Stokes County Fair. Oct. —. Wm. R. Klrer. secy.

Ralelfb—N. C. Afrl. Soc. Oct. 14-10. Jos. B. Pofue, secy.

Ralelrh—N. C. IndnsL Assn. Oct. 21-26. J. E. Hamlin, secy.

Rsleltrh—Great Colored Fair. Oct. 22-23. J. E Hamllne. seer.

Winston Hsiem—Piedmont Fair Assn. Oct. 1-ft G. E. Webb. secy.


Fargo—N. D. State Fair Assn. July 22 27. Hon. Frank Tslcott. secy.

LaMonre—LsMonre Fair ft Racing Assn. First week in Jnly. T. S. Hnnt, secy.

Lsngd'^n—CsTaller Co. Fair Assn. Aag. 7-9. F. W. Bleekley, secy.

Leeds—Benson Oo. Fair Assn. Barly In Aug. T. E. Wood. secy.

Wsbpe'on—Richland Oo. Fair Assn. Sept. 24- 27. R. H. Hughes, secy,


Attica—Attica Union Fair Assn. gept. 24 27. Wm. F. Uhle, secy.

Cadis—Harrison Oo. Afrl. Soc. Oct. 2-4. C. H. Osbum, secy.

Canal Dorer—Tnscarawas Co. Fair. Oct. 16-18. J. g. Kama, secy.

Osrthage—Hamilton Oo. Afrl. goc. Aug. 14- 17. D L. Sampson, secy., Olnrlnnatl, 0.

LeSueiir- 'f>4lueur Co. Agrl. Soc. gept. 9-11 M, W. Goanes, secy.

long Pralrli—Todd Co. Afrl. goc. Sept. 16-19 Jos. I)<-uhs, secy.

Marshall—Lyon Oo. Agrl. goc. Sept. 24 27. H M. Clark, secy.

Mora—Kanabec Afrl. Assn. Sept. 11-13. WII lla Fairbanks, secy.

Nelson—'Nelson Fair. Sept. 16 20. Geo. Jack son. secy.

Northlleid—Rice Co. Agrl. Soc. Latter part of •Sept. A. A. Rowberg, eecy.

Owatonna—Steele Co. Agrl. Fair Aaan. Sept 12 14. F. A. Dnlsbam, aecy.

Park Uapida—Shell Pralrlea Agrl. Aaan. Sept 15 16. F. A. Vanderport.

Pine River—Caae Co. Afrl. Soc. Sept 2B-27. George J. Silk, aecy.

Plalnriew—Wabaaba Co. Ind. Fair Assn. Is Sept. Geo. F. gylveeter, secy.

Rochester—Olmsted Co. Afrl. Soc. gept. 24 27. F. E. Cutting, secy. ,

Rush Cl^—Chisago Co. Agrl. goc. Sept. 11-12 C. M. Johnson, secy.

ghnkopee—Scott Oo. Afrl. Soc. gept. 12-14 F. H. Helnsn. secy.

Two Harbors—Lake Oo. Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 26-26 W. B. Woodwnid, secy.

WorthlngtoD—'Nobles Oo. Fair Ansa. Sept. 19 21. W. B. Oliver, eecy.

Wheaton—Traverse Co. Agrl. Aaan. Sapt. 19-21 A. T. Rnstad, aecy.

MIBSI8SIFFL Corinth—Alcorn Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 8-12. R.

N. Toung. secy. Jacksoo—Miss. Stats Fair. Oct. 21-26. J. M

McDoBsld, secy. Herldlao-Miss. Ala. State Fair Oct. 14-19

B. If. Strlplin, secy. Natches—Mlas.-La. Fair. Oct. 2186. J. R

Manson. secy. Thtpelo—TrI-Connty Fair. Oct. 8-10. B. A

Rogers, secy. laSSOXTRL

Albany—Oentry Co. Fair ft Old Soldiers’ Re¬ union. Ang. 18-23. C. E. UtUewood, gen. mgr.

Bonreton—Bnnceton Fair Aaan. Aug. 27-30. F. O. Bntterldge, aecy.

California—Monlteaum Co. Fair Asan. Sept. 4-7. L. B. Meyer, aecy.

Carthage—Carthage Pair. Ang. 20-23. Emma R. Knell, secy.

Cape Gtrardcsn-^aps Glrsrdesn Fair ft Race Meet. gept. 24 28. J. T. Nunn, secy.

Farmington—S. B. Mo. Fair Assn. Sept. 10- 14. W. W Waters, secy.

Green City—Green City Fair Aaan. Ang. 20 23. A. E. Jonea. aecy.

Higglnsrllle—L4ifayette Oo. Fair Aaan. Aug. 20-23. Wm. Hackly, secy.

Newark—Mo. Pair. Sept. 3-6. C. H. Tucker. secy.

Paris—Monroe Co. Fair Assn. July SO-Ang. 2. W. L. Crsloford. secy.

Platte City—Platte Co. Agrl., Mech. ft Stock Aaan. Aug. 27-30. J. L. Carmack, aecy.

Seiialla—Mo. State Fair. Sept. 28-Oct. 4. John T. Stlnaott. aecy.

Snllivan—Sullivan TrI-Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 18-21. J. T. WlUlama. aecy.


Big Timber—Sweet Grass Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 3 5. II. Melmnble, aecy.

Beaeman—Intervtate Fair Assn. Aug. 26-30 W. B. Barkett. aecy.

Great Falla—N'irthern Mon’ana Fair Aaan. Sept. 16 20. Cal Hubbard, aecy.

Helena—Montana State Fair. Sept. 26-28. J. A. Sbsem^er. aecy.

■.ewlat'iwn—Forgu* Co. Agrl., Stock ft Mech. Aaan. Sept. 9-14. Geo. E. Matthews, aecy.


Alma—Alma Interatate Fair Assn. Sept. 17 20. H. T. Moore, secy.

Anrors—Hsmlltnn Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 27-30. 8. B. Otto. aecy.

Beatrice—Gage County Fair. Sept. 23 28. H. Y. Rleaen. aecy.

f'hamt>era—Smith Fork Fair Aaan. gept. 2S-27. J. W. Holden, aecy.

Chardon—IMwea Co. Agrl ft Fair Aaan. Sept. 10 13. Ge<>. C. Snow, aecy.

Clarka—Merrick Co. Agrl. ft Fair Assn. Sept. 11-18. Thns. Keefe, secy.

Clsy Center—Clay Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 26-27. C. 0. Sanderson, secy.

Fremont—Fremont Driving Park Assn. Jnly 23 24. N. J. Ronln, secy.

Geneva—TTie Fillmore Co. Agrl. goc. Sept. 9 15. H. F. Wllaon. secy.

Indlanola—Red Willow Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24 27. James E. Ryan, secy.

Lincoln—Nebraska State Fair. Sept. 2-6. W. R. Mellor, aecy.

Tecnmaeh—Johnson On. Agrl. ft Mech. Aaan. Sept. 17 20. J. B. Donglas. secy.


Lancaster—Coos ft Essex Agrl. goc. Sept. 8 6. Elwln Damon, aecy.


Glbhaboro—United Towns Fair Assn. Sept. —. L. Scott, aecy.

Mt. Holly—BnrIIngton Co. Fair Aaan. Oct. 8 11. n P. Wells, aecy.

Red Bank—Monmouth County Fair. Aug. 29- Sept. 2. Cha-a. D. Halsey, aecy.

Salem - Salem Driving Park Asan. Jnly 81- Ang. I—May 30 July 4. W. B. Dunn, eecy.

Trenton—Interstate Fair. Sept. 80-Oct. 4. W. R Msrgi'rnm, aecy.


RhIob—Northern N. M. Fair Asan. Oct. 1-4. C. O. Flaher. secy,


Aftoa—Afton Driving Park ft Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 10-18. 1. W. Slely, secy.

Albion—Orleans Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 11-14. W K. Frank, aecy.

Ballston Sna.-Saratoga Co. Agrl. Soc. Ang. 27 30. N. V. Wltbeck, sscy.

Batavia-Oeni see Co. Fair. Sept. 18-21. A. E. Bn’wn. secy.

Boonville—Boonvllle Fair Assn. Ang. 20-24. H. J. Vollmer, secy.

BrookOeld—Brookfield, Madison Co., Agrl. goc. Sept. 23-26. F. M. gkooner, sscy,

CXtrtfsnd—Cortland Oo. Agrl. Boe. Ang. 20 23.

There la such s thing aa making a inistaae In wait¬ ing. Every day you postpone. Is one day’s profit gona forever—70 cents on every dollar. The days count— and the hours count. Over 30 styles Peanut Hoasteni. Rotary and Self-C-Zenliig Coni Poppers. Roast era. and Poppers Combined. Steam. Electric. Spring and Hand Power. You want Klngery'a Rook of Poaalbll- Itlea and No. 34 Catalog.

Taneytown—Manland gtnte Orangsra’ ralr. Aug IS 16. Chaa. B. H. gbrloee, secy.

Tlmonlam—Maryland State ratA gspt. 8-7 James S. Nuasear. secy.

MftgRftCHUgETTR. Amesbory—Amesbury ft Sallsbory Agrl. Soc

Sept. '24 26. M. H. Banda, secy. Bsrnsisbie—Bsrnstsble Co. Agrl. goc. Aag

27 29. U. N. Harris, socy. Brockton—Brockton Agrl. goc. Oct. 1-4. Per

ley O. Flint, secy. Cbaricmont—Deerfield Valley Agrl. See. Sept

12-1.3. Stephen W. Hawkea, secy. Clinton—Clinton Fair. Sept. 11-12. Warren

0<»dale, secy. CnmmiDgtoo—Hillsldo Agrl. goc. Sept. 34-28

C. F. Burr. secy. Ot. Barrington—Honsatonle Agrl. Boc. Sept-

24 27. J. H. Milnoey, secy. Mirsbfleld—Marshfield Agrl. ft Hort. goc. Ang

21 23. I. H. Hatch, secy. Sooth Weymouth—Weymouth Agrl. ft Indna

Soe. Sept. 12-14. A. F. Barnes, seay. gturhrUlge—Worcester Co. Agrl. goc. Sept. IS

14. C. V. Corty. aecy. Topafleld—Essex Agrl. Soc. gept. 17 18. Fred

A. Smith, aecy., Ipswich, Maas. Worcester—Worcester Agrl. goc. Sept. 2 6. B

8 KO'>wles. secy.

MICHIGAN. Adrian—Agrl. Soc. Sept. 23-27. F. A. Brae-

Ilab. aecy. Benton Harbor—So. Mich. Stats Fair. Aag. 13

16. A. 8. MlR-a, secy. Cadillac—Northern DIst. Fair Aaan. Sept. 17

20 J. M. Tcrwilllger, aecy. Caro—Paro Fair Assn. Aug. 26 SO. F. B

Rsnsford, secy. Oharlottr—Eaton Cnnoty Agrl. Soc. Oct. 1-4

V. fl. Griflith. aecy. Clair—Clair Isabella Bl-Connty Fair. Sept. 24

27. Wm. H. Caple, aecy. Deckervllle—DeckiTvllle Agrl. Asan. Sept. 10

13. John Baird, secy. Detroit—Mich. State Fair. Sept. 16 21. J. E

Harmon, aecy. Ear'anaba—Delta Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17 20

T. K Strom, aecy. Bvart—Osceola County Agrl. Soc. Oct. 1-4

W. E. Davla, aecy. Grand Kapida—West Mich. Stata Fair. Sept.

9-16. E. D. Conger, aecy. Hastings—Barry Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 8-6

George E. Coleman, aecy. Hlllatlalr—Hillsdale Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 30

OcL 4. C. W. Terwllllger. aecy. Imlay City—Imlav City, Agrl. Soc. Oct. 1-8

Frank Rathaburg, secy. Kalamixoo—Kalimasoo’s Big Fair. gept. 23

27. Wm. P. Engelman, secy, Marquette—Marquette Co. Agrl. Boc. gept. 8-6.

W. A. Koaa, aecy. Msr'linll rile’ Great Calhoun Fair. Sept. 16-

’20 It. .*». Scott, secy. Menominee—Menominee Co. Agrl Soc. Sept. 10-

12 H. R. Moulton, aecy. Midland—Midland Co. Agrl. boc. Sapt. 10-18.

H. U Fairchild, aecy. Milford—Milford Fair Assn. Sept. 24 27. M

C. WIHIamt, aecy. Fetnakey—Emmett County Agrl. goc. Sept. 17

20 E. A. Botsford, aecy. Pt. Huron—Thumb. Dlst. Agrl. Soc. gept. 10

18. John 8. Wlttloff, aecy. Sandusky—Sanilac County Agrl. Soc, Sept. 8

6 Walter Harrison, aerv. tault Ste Marie—Chipiiewa Co. Agrl Soc Sept

20 27. E. L. Ho.Tce. aecy


Albert Lea —FTeetmm Agrl. 8i>c. Sept. 18-20 R. L, <>tt. aecy.

Alexandria—IVmglaa Co Agrl. Asan. Sept. 26 28. Geo. L. Treat, aery.

Anstln-^ower Oo. Agrl. Soc. Sept 11-18. W L. Van Camp, aecy.

Bagley—Clearwater Co. Agrl. Boc. Sept. 2628 E 11. RetT. secy.

Bamnm—Carlton Oo. Agrl. Ann. gept. 26 27 Tlioa. Sjieuoer. a^-cy.

Blue Earth—Faribault Co. Agrl. goc. 8«-pi 12 14. F. V. Cummings, aecy.

Browns Valley—’Traveroe Oo. Argl. Aaaa. Sept 12-14. Geo. B. Schelfley, aacy.

Cambridge—Isanti Oo. Agrl. Boc. Sept. 18-21 Wm. II. Dunbar, aecy.

Oanby—Yellow Me«l. Co. Fair .4aan Oct. 1-4 F. R. Willard, aecy.

Carver—Carver Co. Agrl. goc. gept. 26 28. C R. Funk. aecy.

Ollntoa—Big Btone Afrl. Boc. Sept. 1’1-14. H A. Hewitt, aecy.

Ot*kito—Western Wright Oo. Fair. Oct. 8-6 J. W. Beckman, aecy.

Oias<'l—Daaael Fair Asan. Oct. IS-19. Oscar B. LInqnItt, sscy.

Filmsint—Martin <V. Agrl. Hoc Sept. 96 28 R M. Tyler, Secy.

Fertile—Polk Oo. Agrl. Fair Aaan. Jnly 86 Ten. 0. Prop. aecy.

Hamlin*—Tlic Minn. Stats Agrl. Boc. Bept 2-7. J. O. SlmpaaB, aecy.

flertnan—Grant Agrl. Aaaa. Bept. 18-14 W. T. Ziebach, aacy.

■«w«ri lake—Wright Oa. Agrl. Rm. 1648. B. R. Rrewstar, aecy.

■•tchlaooa—JfcliS^ Os. Agvl. Baa. Aag. SB •6. ■. R. Battor, May.


Tbc Ride which ttkea the placa of on eaMi# Path. Combines the highest type ef coathrae- tloa, mixlmam earning capacity and mlnloram aost af aperatloB Illnatratad booklet.

EAITERN OFFIOE: 811 Madlsoa Avaaoa. New Terk.

Main Office, Pittsburgh, U.S. A.

The very beet Eaeter Novelty out. Price $21.00 per groBi.

Terms,half deposit, bal.c.o.d.

NEWMAN MFO.CO.. 641'>647 Woodland Ava., Clavaland, Ohia

Oat ready for the Country Fairs and Outlngi whlah begin In the eprlng. Send your orders now for Mar- ry-Oo-Bonndi. Do not wait nntU the eeaton Is bars. Flying Hone Machines from $300.00 up: Corrousellm and Merry-Oo-Bound,. $1,309 up to 310,040. Bend 4t for caulofue. UNITED STATES MERBT-OO- RoUND CO.. 1933 Mills Ava., Norwood. Cincinnati. Ohio._

Concessions Wanted

At ft food life Pftrk for ft Men7-Qo>Roun4 ftod Clf> cling Wftre.



We hold Old-Home Week July 1-6. Bic time. Communicate. SocretarA’,. S.V.M J. McCRE.XRY, Old-Home Week Committee, South Sharon, Pa.

LOOK! GarniTais, Ptrkt and Fair Circuiia Booking Circuits, or anyone desiring *’A Hlgb-CIaai Sensational Free Art Feature." get DR. E. W, BOLD- NER. the world’* grrateat high wire irtlat. featurlnp riding on the hind wheel, elao e hand stand with ■ blrvrle on a tight wire. 44 feet In m<d atr. usee ns weights on bicycle. A grand elertrlcol display as a night feature: a daytlne drawing cord. Also doas alack wire and flying trapeae. All acta rvplsls with startling new and laarveloua srlglnalltlea. Addiam DR. W 8 SOLDNEB. UneoU. KaaMa.

APRIL 6, 1912.


Broken Arrow—TuIm Oo. Farmers' Inst. Fall Oct. —. N. W. Williams, secy.

Muskocea—New State Fair. Oct. 712. Vfm C. Bom. secy.

Oklatiuma—Oklahoma 8.ate Fair A Expo. 8ep' 24 (>ct. 5. I. 8. Mahan. SC17.

Sterling Sterlini; Fair Aaan. S<-pt. 1114. C. E. Wiun. si-cy-

Thomas -lOtli Anniversary Fair. 3<1 week In Aug. II. W. Anderson, secy,

Tiilaa—lulaa Fair A»an Sept. 16 21. M. A Vuunkuian, secy.

Watonga—Bla.ue Co. Fair A Live Stock Aan July 30 Aug. 2. J. P. Boetsel. secy, eailierford—Ciiatir C-mnly Fair. Sept. 17 IH. A. S. llollenbaeb. s»‘ey.


Gresbain—Multnomah Co. Fair. Sept. 11-lA Bmll U. Kardell, aery.

I'ortlanil —rortlaiiil hair A I.lve Stork Assn. Aug. ‘26 31. (J. A. Westgale, aecy.

Salem—Oregon Slate Fair. Sept. 2-7. Frank Meredith, secy.


AiK'Ilo—KIskImlnetea Agrl. A Driving Aaaa Aug. 28 31. D. Clark, secy.

Bloouiahurg—Columbus Oo. A^I. Soc. Oct. 8 11. A. N. Yotit. secy.

Burgettstown—The Union Agrl. Assn. Oct. 1-8. D. 8. Taylor, secy.

Carmichael—Greene Co. Agrl. A Ufg. Soc. Sept. 17 20. W. A. Ruth, secy.

Ebensburg—Kbenaburg Agrl. Soc. Aug. 20-24. A. 8. Kelly, secy.

Forksvllle—Sull Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24-26. O. N. Molyneau, secy.

Hanover—Hanover Agrl. S«C. Sept. 17-20. J. B. Miller, secy.

Hartford—Hartford Agrl. Soc. Sept. 28-26. O. F. Maynard, secy.

lIugbeKvlIle—“llie Great Lycoming Fair. Oct. S-ll. Edw. E. Fronts, secy.

Kutztown—Kutstown Fair Aasn. Aug. 20-28. Dr. N. Z. Diinkeltx'rger, secy.

lAncaster—Inneaster Agrl. Fair Assn. Oct 1-4. J. F. Seldorarldge. secy.

I>ewlsburg—LMIon Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24 27 C. Dale Wolf, secy.

lyelUgbton—The Great I.ehlgbtaii Fair. Oct 1-4. J. A. Dnrllng, secy.

Mercer—Mercer Cent. Agrl. Aasn. Sspt. 4-6 J. P. Orr, secy.

Meyersdale—Meyersdale Fair A Race Meet Sept. 24 27. D. J. Flke, secy.

Milton—Milton Fair A North'd Agrl. Assn. Oct 1-4. Josejili H. Johnson, secy.

Nasaretb—Northampton Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept 17-20. J. R. Relnhelmer. secy.

Newport—Perry Co. Agrl. Soc. Oct. 8-11. J C. F. Stephens, aecy.

Newport—Perry Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16-19 George H. Fowler, aecy.

I'erkaai—Ilrleka County Agrl. 80c. Sept. 18-21. I. Y. Raringer, aecy.

Stroadsbiirg—Monroe County Agrl. Soc. Sept. 2 6. W. M. Burnett, aery.

Towanda—Bradford Co. Agrl. Aasn. Sept. 10-18. C. G. Jobnaon, aecy.

W Cheater—Cheater Oo. Agrl. Atan. Sept. 8 4. F. Duroae Reid. aecy.

York—“nie York County Agrl. Soc. Oct. 7-11 H. O. Eckert, aecy.

' SOUTH OAROLIHA. Camden—Kerahaw Co. Fair Aaan. Nov. 8 0.

H. O. Carrlaon Jr., aecy.


Clear Lake—The Fair Aaan. Sept. 25 28. W. 8. Noble, Becy.

Baron—South Dakota State Board of Agrl. ■spt. 0-18. C. N. Mcllvanle, secy.

Platte—Charles Mix Co. Fair Aaan. Sept. 4 6. Geo. H. Henry, aery.

SpearflKli—.SpeartlKb Race Meet. June 12 14. Nela Rrakke. aecy.

Bpearllah—iJiwrenee Co. Fair Aasn. Sept. 25- 27. Neli Rrakla. aecy.

Webster—Day County Fair. Sept. 18-20. C. T. Strandesa.


Alexandria—DeKalb Co. A. A M. A. Sept. 6-7. Boa Boy, aecy.

Csa! Creek—Anderson A Campbell Oo. Aug. 28 80. W L Wilson, aecy.

develand—Bradley Co. Fair Aasn. Oct. 15-18. B. D. Moore, secy.

Concord—Concord Fair Aaan. Sept. 10-18. F. H. Boring, aecy.

Dyeraburg—Dyer Co. Fair Aasn. Sept. 10 14. W. C. Paris, aecy.

Fayetteville—Llnroln Co. Fair Aaan. Aug. 14- 16. W. C. Moons, aecy.

Jackson—West Tenn. Colored A. A M. Fair. Oct. 11-14. J. W. Banka, aecy.

Kingston—Roane Oo. Fair. Sept. 8-8. T. R. Goodwin, aecy.

Memphis—Tri State Fair. Sept. 23 29. F. D. Fnller. aecy.

Morrlatnwn—Morristown Pair Aasn. Sept. 26 97. B. F. Taylor, aecy.

Maabwllle—'^nn. State Fair. Sept. 18 21. J. W. Rnsawnrm. aecy.

tMewport—Appalachian Fair Aaan. Sept. 18 26. J. J. Stanaberry, aecy.

BAaa Etprlnga—Rhea A Meigs Cot. Fair Aasn. Oct. 7-12. H. B. Payne, aecy.

Sweetwater—East Tenn. Fair Aaan. Oct 1-4. J. R. Love, aecy.

WtBcbeatrr—Franklin Oo. Fair Aaan. Aug. 20 IS. F. B. Anderton, aecy.


Seangiont—Soutbeaat Texaa Fair Atan- Nov. 28-80. T. W. Larkin, aecy.

Bertram—The Bertram Fair Aasn. In Oct. Oao. O. White, aecy.

DaUae—State Fair. Oct. 12-27. Sidney Smith, ••cy.

KerrvUIe—Weat Texaa Fair. Ang. 21-28. Chas. T. Beal. aecy.

Waeo—Texas Oottoa Palace Aaan. Nov. 2-17. 5. N. Mayfield, aecy.


Salt Lake City—Utah State Fair Assn. Sept. SIKOct. 6. H. 8. Eealgn, aecy.


■. Hardwick—Caledoala Orange. Sept. 21. E. B. Fay, aecy.

Falrtaven—Western Vermont Agrl. Soc. Sept. 10-18. J. F. Wilson, secy.

MMdiebar.T—Addison County Agrl. Soc. Aug. 27-10. F. G. Dyer. aecy.

Batland—Rntlind Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 2-8. W. K. Pamaworth. aecy.

St. Jobnsbnry—Caledonia Fairground Co. Sept. 10-18. J. M. Cady, secy.

Tkiatwldge—Winona Agrl. Soc. Sept. 25-27. Hugh Seymonr, secy.


Jornwrilie—i>ee Connty Fair Aasn. Oat. 6S. O. C. Blankenahlp, saey.

I.jncbburg—Interstate Fair Assn. Oct. 1-4. P. A. Lovelack, aecy.


bebalts—Southwest Wash. Fair Assn. Sept. 3u tict. 6. O, R. Walker, aecy.

.Nor b Vskima—Washington State Fair. 8<'PL 2.3 2K. II. It. Averin, aery.

Seettle-Western Wash. Kafr. Aug. 19 24. G. .M. Itleliarda, aeey.

‘pokane—SiNikane Interstate Fair. Sept. SO- 'let. 6. R. H. Cosgrove, secy.

Vnneouv'T—Clarke County Fair. Sept. 014 , Geo. P. Larsen, secy.

Walls Walla—Walla Walla Co. Fair. Sept. 16 : 21. W. A. Itits secy. j


Markiburg—West Va. Fair Assn. Tlilrd wk. j In Sept. J. N. Hess, ae y. 1

Fairmont—Kalriiiont Fair Assn. Sept. 10-13. John S. Siott. aery. |

#ueellng—West Va. Exposition. S»-pt. 2-6. 1 Geo. Hook, secy. ]


intlgo—Langlade Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17 20 L. O. Armstrong, secy.

kugusta—Eaii Claire Co. Agrl. Assn. Sept. 24- , 27. BIrt Prcderlrk, secy. |

Beaver Dam—Iio<lge County Fair. Sept. 80- Oct. 4. C. W. Harvey, secy.

Berlin—Green Lake Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17-20. K. Oreverna. aecy.

-Tilppewa Falls—Northern WIs. State Fair. 8«*pt. 16-20. W. F. Horn. secy.

.1# Pere—Rrovn Co. A. & F. Aasn. Ang. 27- SO. Herb J. Smith, secy.

Cllswortb—Pierce Co. Central Fair. Sept. 25 27. E. H. Powers, secy,

dvinsvllle—Evnnsville Rock Oo. Sept. 4-7. V. C. Holmes, secy.

Pond-Du Lac—Fond-Dii-Lae Co. Agrl. Soc. Aug. 27-30. E. R. Zamsow. secy,

lefferson—Jefferson County Fair. Sept. 8-6. Henry G. Fisher, aecy.

Sllbonrne—KllUnrne Intcr-Co. Fair. Oct. 1-4. C. D. Murray, secy.

La Crosse—Ls ^osse Inter-State Fair. Sept. 24‘27. C. S. Van Anxep. aecy.

Liancaater—Grant Co. Agr. Sept. 18-20. W. P. Rowdon. se y.

tfllwankee—Wisconsin State Fair. Sept. 10-14. J C. Msckensle. secy.

Ifineril Point—So. Western Wls. Fair. Ang. 2<i-23. H. T. Priestley, secy.

Ishkusb—Winnebago Co. Fair Aasn. Sept. 23-27. A. H. Maxwell, secy.

Portage—Columbia Connty Fair. Ang. 27-30. F. A. Rhyme, secy.

Sice Lake—Barron County Agrl. So-. Sept. 10-11. J. O. Rnds. secy.

Seymour—Seymonr Fair A Driving Pirk Aasn. Sept 6-7. H. J. VanVuren, aecy. j

Shawano—Shawano Oo. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 10-13. I Jno C. Schweers, secy. 1

Spring Green—Inter^oanty Fair. Sept. 8-8. J. E. Rsmard, secy.

Sturgeon Bay—Door County Fair. Sept. 17-20. A. C. Greayet. secy.

Watertown—Watertown Inter-Co. Fair. Sept. 24-27. C W. IlartP. secy.

West Bend—Enlarci*d Wash. County Fair. Sept. 16 18. Job. F. Huber, secy.


Bdmonton—Fdmenton Evhlblt'on Assn. Ltd, Aug. 12 17. W. McC. Moore, secy.

ALBERTA. Calgary—Calgary Indiist. Exhibition. June 28-

July 6. E L Richardson, secy. BRITISH C0LUM3IA.

Oentral Park—Cent. Park Agrl. A Farmers' Inst. Sept. 12-1.3. F. E. Harmer. secy.

Greenwood—Greenwood -Ygrl. Assn. Sept. 80- Oct 3. K. C. B. Frith, aecy.

Kelowna—The Agrl. A Trades Assn. Sept. 24-26 A. W. Hamilton, secy.

Nanaimo—Nanaimo Plat. Agrl. A Hort. Sor. Sept. 17-19. A. Sid Tyree, aecy.

Nakup—Arrow I.,akes Fruit Fair. Oct. 4-5. J. H. Vestrnp, aecy.

New Westminster—Royal Agrl. A Ind. Soc. Oct. 1-5. D. E. Mackenxie, aecy.

inmmerland—Snmmerland Agrl. Aasn. Oct. 80- 81. B. Pollack, aecy.

Trail—The Trail Frnit Fair and Poultry Aaan. Sept. 25-26. F. W. Brown, aecy.

Fanconver—Vancouver Exhibition Assn. Ang. 10-17. H. 8. Bolston, sacy.

ONTARIO. illUtoD—Alllston Agrl. Soc. Oct. 8-4. W. M.

Ixw khart. aecy. Beachbnrg—North Renfrew Agrl. Soc. Oct.

2-4. Wm. Headrlch, aecy. Brighton—Brighton Agrl. 8m. Sept. 13. Har¬

rison Corr. Brockvllle—RrockvlIIe Fair Aasn. Sept. 8-6.

C. C. MrClean. secy. Dnnham—Misslsquol. Hort. A Frnit Growers

S"C. Sept. 15-16. D. Weatover, secy. Exeter—Exeter Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16-17. Alex

G. Dyer. aecy. Florence—Florence Agrl. So--. Oct. 8-4.

Walter Drew. secy. Ft. Williams—West Algoma Agrl. Assn. Sept.

17 20. Frank Lee, aeey. Harrlrton—West Wellington. Sept. 26-27, J.

M. Tonng. secy. Lakedeld—LskeOeld Agrl. Soc. Sept. 17-18.

Wes Sherln, secy. London—Western Fair Aaan. Sept. 6-14. A.

M. Hunt, aecy. Newmarket—Newmarket Agrl. Soc. Sept. 25-

27. Wm. Keith, aecy. Ottawa—Central Canada Exhibition Atan.

Sept. 5 16. B McMahan, aecy. Peterborongh—Peterborough, Ont. Indnst. Fair.

Sept. 11-14. Renfrew—Renfrew Agrl. Soc. Sept. 18-20.

W. E. Smallfleld, aecy. Ripley—Hnron Township Agrl. Soc. Sept. 24-

25. Angus Martin, secy. Smltbvllle—PcntnsuUr Central. Oct. 8-4. W

F. H. Patterson, secy. Thamesvllle—East Kent Agrl. Soc. SepL 86-

Oct. 2. C. A. Maybew, secy. Toronto—Canadian Nat. Exhibition. Ang. 24

Kept. 9. J. P. Orr. seev. Dtteraon—Stephenson A Watt Fair. Oct. 1-2.

J. H. Osborne, secy. • VanRIeek Hill—VanKleek Hill Agrl. Soc. Sept.

19-21. H. O. Jones aecy. Winchester-WInchetter Fair. Sept. 8-4. Ool.

W. J. I.,a6ame, aecy. Windsor—Windsor A North Essex Agrl. Soc.

Sept. 9-18. E. B. Winter, aecy. Winnipeg—Canadian Indnat. Exhlbltlen Aasn.

July 10-20. A. W. Bell, mgr.

BUZBEO. Buford—Mistiaqnol. Co. Agri. Aan. Ang. 27-

29. O. 0. Jones, necy. Huntingdon—Hantlngdon Agrl. See. Bent. 18-

14. W, F. Btepben, ncey.

Dudiun 5 rnuuuii^i boast



The Premier Italian Hand

I>ashin^ leader, Si^tnor D’Avino

Tlio bumi that ,^anili Hcerihardt wpnt iiilo wstiipics over while it was playini; ill Atlantic t'ltv. Ih'st baii'l obtainahle

• for parks and eximsitions. Address,


9 Cambridge St. Boston, Maaa.



Best Band in America for Parka, Expositions, Con¬ ventions, etc.

Address New York Office, H()\V.\11D PEW, M»r., 121 W. 42nd St.; or Providence Office, W’ARREN R. KALES, Union Trust Building


American Tour in April, 1912. Arthur Nikisch, World’s P'oremoat Conductor and London Symphony Orchestra of 100


Posa^sBand 25-MUSICIANS—25


High—Soprano—Class Open fnr Parks. Fairs. Expositions, tie. First season In ArorrlcS. Pass, the famous prominent young LKADK.R. awanled with gold medal at tbe cuniiistlon of H. M. .N'ICII<il..A8 I.. King of Montenegro. AuguM. I»10. Season 1911. Tour of Kasteni Italy.

Under the Personal Management of

FRANCIS L. PETRO, Station F, New York City.

OCEAN PIER. REVERE BEACH. MASS. Concessions to Rent—Season 1912

For Candy. Ica Cream. Soda Water. Frankfurtert. Popcorn, Orangeade. Souvcnlra. Postal Cards. Umeb leem. PENNY ABCADE. KUrtune Teller, Cane Back, MOVl.NO PICTURES, or any othar good aitraetloo. addnm

OCHN PIER COMPART. 84 Stall Stieet 80SI0R. MAS!

PARK AND AIR DOA E MANA6ERS, ATTENTION! Open for Bummer Engagement.

CHAMPION RICHMOND STOCK CO. Tabloid productions. Beat Plays, Heal Productions, Beal Pla.vers. Two Kbows nlglitly. Large Bepertolre *f Kcal Tabloid .Scripts. Itpeii time. startlUK May 2* If you want tbe BEST, write. Guaisntre propodtlona only. William White write. Address JACK CHAMPION, cart Grand Opwa Houm, Sault 9tt. Marie, Oa- tarlo, Canada.

L*Avenir—Drnmond Co. AgrL Soc. Bept. 19. J. H. Amant, ae y.

LaObute—Agrl. Soc. Co. of Argentenll. Bept. 17-19. G. J. Walker, aecy,

Pont Chateau—Agrl. Soc. of Sonlaugea. Sept. 17. Geo. B. Vernier, aecy.

I Quebec—^Tbe Quebec ihov. Exhibition. Aug. 24-Sept. 3. J. H. Fortier, aecy.

Richmond—Richmond Oo. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 12- 13. A. E. Main, aecy.

Sherbrooke—Canada’s Great Eastern Exhibition. Aug. 31-Sept. 7. H. E. Ohannel, aecy.

St. Hyaclnthe—Agrl. Aaan. Sept. 10. Rene


Canora—Canora Agrl. Boc. July 28-81. H. M. Sutherland, aecy.

Oeelman—Crcelman Agrl. Boc. Ang. 9-12. 8. R. Carrotherc. aecy.

Elston—Eltton Agrl. Soc. July 28. Hina Loken, eecy.

Langham—Langbam Agrl. Soc. Jnly 26. W. J. Gold, treaa.

Lumsden—Lnmsden Agrl. Soc. Ang. 6-7. Thoa. Hltblngton, aecy.

N. Battleford—North Battleford Agrl Exhi¬ bition. July 24 26. M. J. Howell, aoey.

Prince Albert—I*rlDce Albert Agrl. Soc. Ang 12-14. B. W. WnUnce, necy. Morin, necy.

ate. Martine—Agrl. Boc. of Chat. Bept. 10. Nap Mallette, aeey.

TVoii Rivleree—Aetn. Agrlcole Den DIatrlet. Ang. 19 24. Cbnn. Dm Wetaart, necy.

Sadkatoon—^aakatooN Indnat. Bxbibitlon. Ang. 6-9. David Dooglnt, aeey.

STREETMEN We are headquarters for all the latest novelties. Send for our cataloKue oa Confetti, Cane.s, Knives, Carnival Goods, Rubber Balls, Rubber and Gaa Balloons.

ca,ne:s We are exclusive aK^nts for Cincinnati and vicinity for I. Kisenstein & Co. Prices In Cincinnati same as In New York.


122 K. I'\>urUi St.. CincinnaU. O.

WANTED FOR THE MIGHTY MIDWAY CO.—Ons more good Five Act. fan place a nvak or Midget Show. Hhow people, don't mlw Ihe big ones: Kokomo. Ind. under the t»dd Fellowi I/>dce. April IJ. 1911: I.ogati«port, lA Porte. Gary, Ind.: then Into Michigan. Write 1. H MURPHY, Kokomo. Indiana.__

WANTED For Riock Meeting. Rapid City. B D.. April 11-9-10, a good Magical Racape or Novelty Aft. to work on lOxlz atage under canvaa. Will wi't 6^ 50. No booserj apply. 30.000 to draw from. M. D. FEB.\ANZO. Rapid City, B. D,_

If you aee It In TTie Btllboard tell tkevn eo.






Akron—Sniiiniit Oo. Anri. Soo. Oct. 1 l.">. O. J. .S« Incliart, secy.

A liciia—.\llienH C'<>. Fair. S<“pl. 16 10. H. H. liaiinliiK. secy.

UfllcrontHlne—I^onati C». .VgrI. S<i<* .Xng. 2(t' 2.'i. Win. Kininan, ac y.

llcrca—West C'uyaliuga Co. AgrI. .\8»ii. Sept. 10 11. Ij. M. Coe, secy.

Itlaiicliester —<'llnton Co. Fair. Sept. 3 0. G. W. .McFaililen. accy.

Itowllng Green—Wixnl Co. AgrI. .Soc. Sept. 2.'( 27. It. S. Sweet, secy.

Itiirtun—G( anga County Agri. S'ic. Sciit. 10 13. W. S. Fonl, secy.

Canton- Stark Co. .\grl. .tssn. S«pt. 2127. Kil. S. Wilson.

Carrolllon- Carroll Co. Fa'r. t)c:. S-11. I*. I*. Koliiletiusli, secy.

Carthage—Ilaiiiilton Co. Fair. I>. I.. Sampson. Cincinnati, O.

Cellna--Mercer Co. -Agri. Soe. .\ng. I!t 23. S. .1. Vinliig, secy.

Chillieotiie Itciss Co. .\grl. .S « . .tin:. 2o 2!. A. I’. Winshall, a*‘ey.

Coshoctoa -CoslKicton Co. .\grl. So<-. Oct. 10- 13. W. It. Miller, si'cy.

Katon—1‘relile Co. Fair .\ssn. Sept. 2.3 27. II. H. surer, secy.

Klyria —I»raln Co. Fair. Sept, 17 20. A. Nled- liig. secy.

Fliiillay—Hancock Co. Fair. Sept. 11-12. K. V. Kennedy, secy.

Fremont -Sandusky Co. .VgrI. Soc. Sept. 17 20. c. A. lloclienedel, secy.

Galll|M>Ils—Gallia Co. Fair. Sept. -16. W. R. WhI e, se y.

Illeksvllle—Defiance Co. Fair. Sept. 17 21. J. E. Mercer, secy.

Jefferson—.Vshtabnia Co. .Vgrl. Soc. Aug. 2o- 22. C. R. Sargent, secy.

Kinsman—Kinsman CVi. .Vgrl. Soc. .Vug. 27 20. H. J. Folies. secy.

Is'hanon—Warren Co. .Vgrl. Soc. Sept. 10 13. I'hlllp Sjience. scc.r.

I.ucasr'lle—S Into Co. .Vgrl. .Soc. .Vug. 13-10. I. II. Rockwell, secy.

Mansfield--Richland Co. .Vgrl. Soc. Sept. 3 6. W. II. Sliryo<'k. secy.

Marietta—Wash. Co. .Vgrl. .Soc. Sept. lO-i:;. F. .M. .Mitchell, secy,

.Marion--Marlon Co. -Vgrl. Soc. Sept. 24-27. Ross'oe Oslmm, secy.

Marysville—I’nion Co. .Vgrl. Soc. Sept. 3 6. W. F. Rrislerlck. se y.

Mt. Gilead—Morrow Co. -Vgrl. Soc. Oct. 14 C. J. Miller, secy.

Mt. Vernon—Knox Co. .Vgrl. Sept. 24-27. How ard C. Gates, secy.

New I.s‘xington—Berry Co. .Vgrl. Soc. Sept. 2." 27. J. R, Montgomery, si'c.v.

Owensvllle—CleriiM.nt Co. Agri. Soc. .Vug. 20 2;l. J. E. Christy, secy.

Gitaws—I’litnam Co. Fair. Oct. I-."!. .V. I’. Sandies, secy.

rainesville—Lake Co. .Vgrl. Soc. Sept. 17 20. tlis*. .V. Bates, secy.

Piketon—Pike County Agri. S<ic. Aug. 7 0. S. .S. Da'It. secy.

Pro torrllle—Lawrence Co. .v. A II. Soc. Aug. 20-23. W. W. Reckard. secy.

Ralns!a>ro—HIgIdand Ooun'y Fair. Oct. 8-11. L. George, sec.r.

Saralisrille—Nohle Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 11-13. J. W. Matheny. si-cy.

Salem—Malmning Co. -Vgrl. Soc. Sept. 10-12. It. 1.. Manchester.

Smlthflc1il--Jefferson Co. Fair. .Sept. 2.'»-27. Chss, Galbraith, secy.

St. Cl'iirsrllle—Bilmont Co. Fair Assn. Sei>t. IP 21.. J. H. Tarlor. «ec.v.

Cpper Sapdusky—Wyand<it .Vgrl. Soc. Sept. 17- 20. J. T. I/uigabmigh. secy.

Washington C. H.—Fayet'e Co. Agri. Soe .Vug. 13 16. W. B. Rogers. SC'y.

Williamsburg—Clermont Co. Fair. Aug. 20-21. .1. K t’hr'sty. s«cy.

W.Hisler Wayne Co. .Vgrl S»>c. Set. 11-13. G. .1. Ebrlght. secy.

Xenia—Green CV>. Fair. .Vug. 61). R. R. Grieve, secy.

Zanesville—Musk. Co. .Vgrl. Soc. .Vug. 13-16 R. jY. White, secy.


C.rati-Gralx Agri. A H. Soc. Oct. 15 IS. T. S. Klinger, secy.

Indiana —Indiana Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 36 David Blair.

Johnstown—Infer sta'e Fair. .'lept. 17 20. Park Haws. mgr.

Mlddlel*>wii Middletown Fair Assn. Sept. 10- 13. 4. W. Me'rger. sec.r.

Port Koyal -Juniata Co. .Vgrl. Soc. Sept. 1<>- I. 3. .1. X. Groninger, secy.

Troy—Trey Agri. Soc. S«-pt. 3 6. W. S. MonI gnmcr.r. sec.v.

Wyaliis'ng—Wyalusing Fair .Vssn. Sept. 24-27. i;. M. I.von. se- y.

Yonngblivul—Westmoreland' .Vgrl, !Voc. Sept. 10-13. W. F. Iloltier. seey.


Easier—Piedmont Fair .Vssn. Oct. 31-Xov. 2. R. .M. W. Miller, secy.

Waltcrlioro—Colleton Co. Fair. Assn. Nov. 12 l.t. W. W. .Smooks. secy.-


Brookings Rro. kings Co. Fair .Vssn. Sept. 17- 19. R. F. Kerr, s*-cy.

Salem—McCook Co. Fair Assn. Sept. .3.3. .1. W. Glnson. secy.

Tripp—Hu chlnson Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 3 6. C. O. Schnefcl. seiy.


Gallatin—The Sumner Co. Fair .Vssn. Aug. 22- 2.3 W. Y. -Vilen, secy.

Hnmbeldt—HiiniNddt Trl-Co. Fair. Sept. IS 21. O. W. Rcsiks, secy.

Tullahomn—Tullahoma Fa'r Assn. Aug. 2S..30. J. W. Harlon. secy.


I R. sivte Nolan Co. Fair -Vssn. Oct. 23 2.5. B. P. Hopkins, secy.


Fairhaven Western Vermont Agri. Soc Sci)t. 10-1.3. J F. Wilson, secy.


Barah<M>- Sunk Co. .Vgrl. Soc. Oct. 14. 3. -V. Pelton, SC' y.

Biw<s>bcr llos^s^bel Agri. A Drlv. Pk. Assn. Aug. 1.3 16. H. E. Austin, secy.

Onndon—Fori'st County -Vgrl. -Vssn. Sept. 3-5. H. A. Kamm. secy

Elkhorn—Welworth Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 17-20. F. M. Porter, secy.

0«v .Mills—Gay Mllla Fair. Oct 14. E. G. Briggs, secy.

Medford—Taylor Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 17-10. -V. J. Latton. secy.

niinips—Price <V>. Agri. Soc. Sept. 24 27. Geo. R. Foster, secy.

Plat'eville—Itig Badger Fair, Sept. 3-6. Gribble, secy.

Plymouth—Shelmygan Co. -Vgrl. Assii. 4-7. Otto Giiffri.n, aC' y.

Stevens I'olnt—S evens Point Fair Assn. 10-13. .V. F. Bourn, seey.

Waubun.-i Wautr)nm Co. .Vgrl. See. S) 37. W. B. Stillwell, secy.


Douglas—Wyoming State Fair. Sept. Ixuls C<»ik, secy.


Auburn—DeKalb Co. Free Fall Exhibit. Oel. 7 12.

MASSACHUSETTS. Bottfon—Third Annual Exhibition Textile Mw-

efilnery. Textile Products, Cement and Co*- epte Products. April 22 27. C. 1. Campbell.

NEW YORK. Rochester (Rochester Park)—Rochester Bxpoal-

tion. Sept. 14 28. This list contains dsts procured by The Bill

hoard during the last week only.


NEW BRUNSWICK. St. Stephen Charlotte Co. .Sept. 10.13. Wal er

.S. Stevens, secy.


Aylmer—East Elyria Co. Fa'r. .Sept. 18 20. D. H. Price, seey.

Calborne—Callionie Fair. Oct. 1-2. John Mor row, sec.v.

Drayton—Peel vV Draytou .Vgrl. So.. Oct 1-2. Geo. .M. Fox, secy.

Dr< sileii—4'Himlen Township .Vgrl. Soe. Sept. 26 27. .1. T. ISrlilgewater, secy.

Dunnville—Diinnville -Vgrl. Soc. Sept. 16-17. S. S. Smith, pres.

Freelton—W<-st Flamboro Fair. Oct. 2-12. Jas. s. Gra.v. secy.

Glencoe—M. sa A- Ekfrid air. .Sept. 23 24. .M. CumptH.!!, sec.v.

Grand Valley—East Luther -Vgrl. Soc. Oct. 15-16. J. .V. Richardson, secy.

Harrlston—West Wellington Agri. Soc. Sept. 26 27. J. .M. Yonng, seey.

Lindsay—Limisay Central Exhi. Sept. 19-21 Jas. Kel.h, sec.v.

Norwo<.d—E. Peterhoroiigh .Vgrl. So . Get. SO J. E. Roxburgh, secy.

Picnics OEOROIA.


Laton—Laton Fire Department. Ma.v 1. Ad*- dress D. R. McAllister, Laton. C«l.


I'nion Hill (Kchutzen Park)—N. Y. Letter Car¬ riers’ Picnic. July 4. S. S. Weill, mgr. co*^ Cessions.

Union Hill (Schuizen Park) — Workmans’ Circl* of N. Y. Aug. 13 14. S. S. Weill, mgr. con¬ cessions.

Union Hill (Schutzen Park!—Plattdutcber Volkn Fest. Aug. 18 26. S. S. Weill, mgr. con¬ cessions.

Union Hill (Schutien Park)—Barrett Council Knights of Columbus. Sept. 2. S. S. WellU mgr. concessions.

Celebrations IOWA.

Gilmore City—Carnival & Jubilee Celebration. July 3-5. F. J. llshenbanner, seey.


Detroit—Cadillaqua Water CarDival. July 22- 26. Frank H. Conant, mgr., care Board of Commerce.


Galveston—Galveston Commercial Assn. Cotton Carnival and Exposliion. Aug. 8-18. J. K. Kauffman, secy.

San Antonio—Spring Carnival and Battle of Flowers. April 15 20. John B. Carrington, secy., 106 E. Crockett st.

ILLINOIS. Beardstown—Beardstown Celebration Committee.

Aug. 19-24. John S. Coleman, secy. Mt. Carmel—Wabash Co. Annual Reiinion. Aug.


New Castle—U. R. K. of P. Spring Festival. April 27-May 4.


Kittanning—Hose. Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1. July 1. Wm. H. Leeger, secy.

Tarentum—Summit Hose Co. Celebration. Jul.v 16. H. J. Oaley. Chairman Exposition Com mlttee.


Front Royal—Front Royal (Warren Co.) Horn* Coming. July 1-6. Chas. H. Kline secy. Box 157.

WEST VIRGINIA. Grafton—Big Home Coming Week and Mem

orlal Day Exercises. May 26 June 1. Hsitj Friedman. Secy. Board of Trade.

— AT—


Send Stamp for Money- Savliig Bargain List.

814 Broadway, Ntw Yarfc Expositions

WANTED—For Carnivalsy Home-ComingSy Circuses

Candy Wheels, etc. C«rkii:g proposition. IJvo wires write quick. J. C. CD., care The Billboard, Clnctn- natl, Ohio.


Montgomery—Alabama State Exposition. Oct 16-25. (Jeo. T. Barnes, secy.

GEORGIA. TIfton—South Georgia Land and Agricultura

Exposition. Oct. 31-Nov. 6. H. B. Taylor mgr.

Streetmen Vendors and Agents

These fobs are veri>

table self-sellers at

big profits. Just

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quick, now.

ster, with miniature revolver and a metal candidate. Fobs, as above illustrated, design of brace of cartridges attached, ready for delivery now. New ones lor

• J J correct nominees will be ready directly Now m big demand. after convention, both Republican and Gross.$8.50 Dozen.7Sc Democratic. Gross.. .$8.50 Dozen .75c

We have some new propositions—dependable, steady, all-round money-makers. Get our catalogue; it teems with the best sellers in great variety, especially de¬ signed for yo’.ir business.

WE PROTECT OUR CUSTOMERS By not sending catalogue to consumers; therefore when writing for catalc^e, state what kind of business you are engaged in, so we can distinguish 3rou from a consumet

W* V MsaafMtarwt. I■sert•rs aid WhalstaUrx af StrMtMsa’a Goods

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40 APRIL 6, 1912. e B


Under the strongest guarantee ever written by a reputable company it guarantees to

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For full details write or wire

Coin Machine Manufacturing Co.


I !

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Sales Office: Coin Machine Bldg., Dept B Portland, Oregon

Film Synopses (Oonttnued from pas**


KID CANFIELD. THE REFORMED GAMBLER (Edn.; tvleaw April 1; two reala; lenictb. 2.000 feet.)—L « a r n t D s the S’an>i>l't"a art aa a boy, he practiced It on bia younger brother and ala-^ ter. ThU arouaed bia^ father to a rlghteoua in-| dignation. the culmination;

«f which waa the drlrlng of the boy out Into the; world. He atarted hla career In a Weat.-rit town, ualng hla art with ancb adeptneaa aa t<j make hla reputat'on. aa a card ahark and montei man. notorloua tbrongbont that section. Ted .Tears later, be bloom^ forth aa the keeper o| one of the moat widely known gambling dena If the country. In this bell of Infamy, every dA Tice of the damnable profession waa /

A CARICATURE OF A FACE (Comidy^e lease April 8; length, 050 feet).—Mr. -Psttle marries h!s sei retary, but stipulates no mother- in-law In the house. After the honeymoon mother and daughter get together and concoct a plot. A doten highly amusing and ridicnlona caricatures of the lady are secured. In a weak moment Mr. Fattie consents to permit the por¬ trait of hla wife’s mother to be admitted. Then he beheld a face—and snch a face! He shied eggs at It, punched It and kicked It, but like Banqno’s ghoat. It would not be downed. Later on he met the original, but the original waa nothing like "that face" so he did not recognise her. Later on the original insisted upon com¬ ing to the house, but this be d'dn’t want, be¬ cause be bad met her aa a sweet thing and did no: want hla wife to get onto his flirtatious conduct. But she insisted, and he had to make the best of It—and Introduce the sweet thing as his slater. Then the w'fe slipped forward and said. “This Is my mother," and Mr. Tattle collapsed. On the same reel Is The Blue Mountain Bnlfaloes.

THE BLUE MOUNTAIN BUFFAIXIES (Top- Icali.—Showing the buffalo herd on the Blue Mountain Forest Beserratton, giving a most InteresMng pictnre of the remnant of what waa once the pride of this continent, the mighty ffionarchs of the plains. The herd has been pbotocraphed close np In their New Hampshire winter quarters.

SALVATION SUE (Drama: release April 10; length. »50 feet).—Jimmy Morgan, sou of a wealthy father, gets drunk and Is kicked out by bis father. In a barroom he prote. ta Sue Brown, a Salvation Army lassie, from Insult. Jimmy s'nks lower and becomes a besotted bom. One day he Is helped by Mr. Domer, a charitable old philanthropist. Later Sue as slats Mrs. Domer, who Is run down hy an auto¬ mobile, and becomes her nnrse and friend. Sue and Mr. Domer visit a tough dive on a cbar- ItaMs mission, and during her absence some toughs attack Mr. Domer. Jimmy Is asleep at a table, bnt awakens and attempts to protect Mr. Domer. but Is beaten Into Insenslbtllty.

Mr. Dorner and Sue take Jimmy to the Darner borne. Sue learns hls story and goes to hla fatber to plead for him. At Drat Mr. Morgan la obdurate, but Anally consents. Congratula¬ tions are In wder, when Mr. Dorner no. Ices the young people are oblivious of their presence. The old couple leave the room, but peek In and see the boy and girl In each other's arms, ^^e paraphernalia In evidence In this haunt /vvlce exerted Its fascination on the youth ragd the adult alike, drawing them to their own destruction 1 Into this mad vortex of the human passions came a youth. Be was clever, and lU‘k was with him; then t^ Kid marked him as a victim. We behold the hellish ap¬ paratus secretly prepared, and we see the flendish operations carried out to their horrible conclusion. Black despair overtakes the miser- able youth, and self-destruction la the penalty he pays for bis folly.

Clutched In the hand of the lifeless victim was a photograph. Canfield, bold and callous, loosened the fingers of the dead youth; but hls eyes falling on the picture bulged with horror, ihie face was that of hls mother! The toy. cold and stiff, whose young life waa hlast^ out so cmelly, was hls own brother! Recov- erlrut from the terrlltle realisation that he wsa. indeed, a fratricide, the notorious Can- field registered a solemn oath to forsake hla evil ways and devote hls entire life to the reclamation of the youth of the land he bad corrupted.

Thus The grand finale to this o’ertrue tale. Here we'behold. In the second reel the exposi¬ tion and correct manner of man'pniation of the various devices used hy the gambling profession. This Is a most fascinating part of the subject, morally, educational and instractive. in the sense of telling us and warning ns of the pit- falls and slimy traps of the g'ided dens of rtce which abound around na.

THE DIVORCE CUBE (Drama; release April 3; length. B60 feet).—A young couple who are childless, growing weary of one another, de¬ cide to separate through the medium of the Dlvor e Mill. Through the good offices of a lawyer and doctor, a plan Is set on foot to bring about a happy reconciliation. The un¬ happy wife la induced to adopt a fr'endleas orphan child. This Innocent child creeps Into the hearts of the woman and her husband and a great change comes over them. A new and greater love springs np between them, with the result that God blesses their union and sends them a little cherub of their own—a blessed lie. which binds these hwo Indissolubly to¬ gether. The scene In which the unhappy wife finds a new Joy In the so lety of the little orphan. Is one of the daintiest bits of work ever visualised, both as to scenic effectiveness and deep Interest. But the sweetest and purest of nature's pictur'nga la shown when that same woman receives the glorious crown of mother¬ hood.

(Continued on page 4.1.1

- WILL BUY - .f’sjturs Films, with or without

1”^ Feat urea or other Film with you. For Bale—Dxono. Ether. Umas Oas- aaaklnf outfits Wrlu for Hal FeaturwL

• IS w. a. ^'i-" •envict. Ill W. H rfckaa Btreet Uttle Bosk. Ark.


fof Seirrvpf«» Prict


OREAT NORTHERN. Ffbruarj— n—L'nfxpected Duty (comedy) (split

reel) . 718 n—Alonx the Itallau Riviera (acenlc)

(apllt reel) . 21—Tlioae Married Men (comedy) .

Mar b— 2—Kevenge la Sweet (comedy) (spilt reel) 2—Observe and Reverse (comedy; (split

reel) . 9—For Her Sake (drama) .

16—The Caprlcliiusness of Love (comedy). 969 23—A Narrow Escape (comedy) (split reel) 23—Unlucky M'ke (comedy) (spilt reel) 30—Society for Young Women's I*rotectlon

(comedy) . 979

niF. March— Feet

2—Beat at Ills Own Game (comedy) (split reel) . 400

2— ^The Right Clue (lomedy) (spilt reel) 8(X) 4—Far from the Bea'en Track (drama).1000 7— The Call of the Drum (drama).1000 0—Rhoda Royal's 'Trained Horses (circus)

(split reel) . 400 9— The Home Strike-Breakers (<K>medy)

(split reel) . 600 11—A Timely Repentandh (drama).1(K)0 14— Shamus O'Brien (drama).1000 16—Daring Feats on a Cavalry Horse

(spilt reel) . 400 16— Percy Learns to Walt* (comedy) (split

reel) . 600 18—The Man from the West (comedy). .1000 21— Refer Than Gold (drama).1000 23—Classical Dances by Countess Thamara

De Swlrsky (educational) (spilt reel) 400 23—The Tankville Constable (comedy)

(split reel) . 600 25—The Romance of an Old Maid (drama)lOOO 28— Tempted but True (drama).1000 SO—The Baby (educational) (split reel).. 400 30— Squnk City Fire Co. (comedy) (split

reel) .600 April— Feet

1—Where Paths Meet (drama) .1000 4— The Dove and the Serpent (drama).. KXX) 6—The Chef's Downfall (lomedy) (split

reel) . 6(X) 6—A Change of Stripes (comedy-drama)

(spilt reel) . 400 8— Broadhnrst Field Club Pour Mile Run

(sport) (split reel) . 400 8—The S«-etion Foreman (drama) (sjdlt

reel) floo 11—False to Both (drama) .1000 15— Mr. S*raith. Rar'x-r (eomedy) (spilt

r»‘el) •’>00 1.3—A Ix'ap For lx>ve (drama) split n>el) 500

^ XTALA. February—

3— .\narchlral Attempt (comedy) (split reel) .

10— Hunting Dncks (sporting) (snllt reel) 10—Toto. the Doorkeeper (comedy) (split

reel) . 17— The Italian Army In Tripoli (split

reel) . 17—Making a Clnems'ograph Scene (split

reel) .

Lxrx. MarclK— Feet

1—Bill and the Lions (comedy) (split reel) . 377

1— The Skivvy's Ghost (comedy) (spilt reel) . 557

8—\ Romance of the Stock Exchange (drama) (split reel) . 761

8—A Rough Sea (scenl ) (split reel)-223 15—Bill Has H's Own Back (comedy)

(split reel) . 49.3 15—.trstwlla Joins the S. P. C. .4. (com¬

edy) (split reel) . 449 22— .4r*t»ella Becomes an Heiress (comedy

(split reel) . 708 22—In the Bay of Biscay (scenic) (split

reel) . 252 29— Oh! IJsten to the Baml (trick cctn-

edv) («pllt reel) . 380 29—B'll Becomes a Favorite With the l4l-

dles (comedv) (split reel) . 504 .April—

5— BUI Become* Mentally Derangid (com¬ edv) (snllt rea-D . 479

5— iVn BnJovaMe Ride (comedy) (split reel) 426


.V—Does Yonr Wife liove Yon? (comedy) 6— The Best Man Wins (comedy).

IfV—The Closed Bible (drama). 12—The Unwilling Bigamist (drama). 17—The Better indnence (comedy-drama) If)—l,eap Year ( omedy-drama). 24—The Eternal Masenllne (comedy-drama) 2(7—(inportun'tr (drama). 31— The Lighted Candle (drama).

April— 2— Keep (Julef (comedy) .

NESTOR. Febraary—

12—Tnhad the Count (eomedy) . 14_Hls Side Pard (Weat. drama). 17—Brannlgan'a Promotion (comedy) (apllt

reel) . 17—Tightwad Oeta a Bargain (comedy)

(apllt reel) . ]P_Bllnd Man'a Bnff (comedy) . 21—Rolllck'ng Red'a Big lArk (Weatern

eomedy) . 24—Settled Out of Court (comedy) (apllt

peel) . Tightwad Almost Saves a Dollar (com¬

edy) (split reel) . Grsnd Canyon. Arlsona (scenl ).

26—The Smugglers (drams) (spilt reel).. 26—At Rolling Forks rwestern drams)

(split reel) . Msrrh—

2—Hts Good Intentions (eomedy) (split reel) .

S—The Bsttle ef Roees (toptcsl) (split reel) .

4—The Mills of the Oode (drsms). A—The Double Trail (Weatern drama)..

9—The Tillage Rivals (comedy). 11— The Revelation (drama;. 1.3— Tile Fighting Chance (W. drama).... 16—The Unknown Model (comedy). 18— The Feudal Debt (drama) . 20—A Pair of Jacks (Western comedy-dra¬

ms) . 23—Over s Cracker Bowl (comedy) (split

reel) . 23—Santa Fe (scenic) (split reel) . 25— Romance of a Gambler (drama). 27—Across the Slerraa (Western drama).. 30—The Baibelor and the Baby (comedy)..

April— 1— The Heart of a Tramp (drama) —. 3—^Two 'Men and the Law (W. drama) 6—The Cub ReiKHter'a Big Scoop (com¬

edy) .

POWERS. March—

2— The Path of Genius (drsms). 6—The Honor of a Pugilist (drama).... 9—The Mystery (drama) .

12— The Power Behind the Throne (dra¬ ma) (two reels) .

10—Sogarth Aroon (drama) . 19— Tender-Hearted Mike (comedy) (apllt

reel) . 19— Scenes of Richmond. Vs. (scenic) (split

reel) . 23—Hhe First Assignment (comedy). 26— ^H's Daughter's Ixiyslty (drama). 30—Who's Who? (comedy) .

April— 2—The Joy Ride (comedy) . 6—^T?>e New Village Doctor (military)

(split reel) . 6—Mexican Po'der Defenders (military)

(*f>'lt re<'l) . 9—Meeting his Match (comedy) .

13— TTie Ways of Hen (drama) .


2— The Duel (drama) . 6—The Yeggmsn (drama) . 9— The Better Man (drama) .

1.3— ^The Rnling Passion (drams). 16—Bedelis's "At Home” (comedy) (spit

reel) . 16— Na'ural History Subject (split reel) 20— Hide and Seek (drama) . 23—Jealonsy (drama) (spilt reel). 23—Up from the Primitive (natural his¬

tory subject) (split reel) . 27— The Tragic Experiment (drama). 30— The Fur Smuggler (drama).

April— 3— The Birthday Present (eomedy) (split

reel t . 3—^I.lzsrds (natural h'story) (split reel) 6—Mother (drama) .

10— When the Hesr' Calls (drama) . 13— -An Opoortune Bnrg'ar (drama). 17— A Question of Evidence (drama) . 20— Ivove Is Blind (drama) .


2—IDs Partner's Wife (drams). .3—The Dream (drama) . 9—A Brand from the Burning (drama)

12— Two Men (drama . 16— The S ar (drsms) . 19— .A New I-esse on T.lfe (drsmal. 23— ^Tlie Fac* at the Window (drama;.... 26— An Bx-Convl,'t's Ordeal (drama). .30—Life or Gold (drama).

April— 2— Two Women (drama) . 6— .A Dnal Penonallfv (drama). 9— A Cnre flor Stage Fever (comedy) ....

18— A Tragic Moment (comedy) .

REX. March—

3— Throngb Flaming Oates (drama) _ 7— Making Heroes (vocational) (spilt

reel) . 7—^Blow'ng Up the John Day Rapids (vo¬

cational) (snllt reel) . 10— Songs of Childhood Days (drama).... 14— Eves Thst See Not (drama). 17— In Pavment Full (drama). 21— ^T3ie Price of Money (drama). 24— T3>e Strength of the Weak (drama).. 29—tore's Four Stone Ws'ls (d'avna) — 31— 33ie T.lght on the Way (itrama) ....

.April— 4— 3«odern Slaves (drsms) . 7— Unending love (drama) . 4— Modern Slaves .

BOLAX. March—

1—His Weak Moment (drama) . 6—Sealed Lips (drsms) . 8— TTie Anlms'e-I Bathtnh (<omedy) .

13— A Bosrdlng-Honse Heiress (comiMlv).. 15— Falling Tx-sves (drsms) . 20— Count Henri, the Hunter (comedy)

(split reel) . 29—^The Bscheliw'* Club (comedy) (split

reel) . 22— The Child of fh* Tenement (drama).. 27— Those Shoes (drama) . 29—Handle with Care (comedy).

April - r .3—“Phe Wlteh's Neckisce (drsms) . .3—Billy's Troublesome Grip (comedy)

THANH0U8ER. Fehmsry— 27—The Gnilty Baby (drama) .

March— 1— T>is Arab's Bride (drama). 5— Extravagance (drama) . 8— H's Great Uncle’s Spirit (comedy)....

12—Flying to Fortune (drama) . 15—The Poacher (drama) . 19—Nicholas Nicklehy (drama) (two reels) 22—^The Taming of Mary (comtslT) (split

reel > . 22—^The Golf Caddie’s Dog (romedr) (spilt

reel! . 26—For Sale—A IJfe (drama). 29—My Baby’s Voice (drama) .

April— 2— The Star of the Side Show (drama)... 6— ^The Girl of the Grove (drama). 9— A Love of Txmg Ago (drama) .

IV-vAn Baay Mark (drama) .

M^milay—American, Champion, Imp, Nea- tor.

Tlle^day—Eclair, itala. Powers. Republic, Tbanliouaer.

Wednesday—A mhroslo, Champion, Nestor, Reliance, Solax, Salea Co. Animated Weekly.

Thuraday—Amerlean. Eclair, (American), Giumont. Imp, Rex.

Friday—Bison Lux. Solax, Thanhouser. .Satunlay—Great Northern. Imp, Nestor,

Powers. Reliance, Republic. Sunday—Eclair. Gaumont. Re*.

Monday—Blograph. Kalem, Lubln, Patbe. Sellg, Vltagraph.

Tuesday—Cln-ea, EXIIaein, Essauay, Pathe, Sellg, Vltagraph.

Wednesday—^Ison. Kal<<m, Lubln. ■ Pathe, Urbao-Ecllpee. Vltagraph.

Thuraday—Blograph, Esaanay Lubln, Me lies, Patbe, 9ellg.

Friday—Eklison. Easanay, Kalem. Patbe, Selig, Vltagraph.

Saturday—Cln-ea, EkUsou. Esaanay^ Lubln. Pathe, Vltagraph.


4—A Siren of Impulae (drama) . 7— A String of Pearla .drama) .

11—A Spanish Dilemma (comedy) (spilt reel) .

11—The Engagt-ment Ring (comedy) (split reel) .

14—lola’a Promise (drama) .. 18—^The Root of Evil (drama) . 21—A Voice from the Deep (comi>dy»

(split reel) . 21^—Hot Stuff (comedy) (s)>Mt reel) . 26—The Goddess of Sagebrush Guloh (W.

drama) . 28—The Girl and Her Trust (drama) .

April— 1—Oh. Those Eyes (comedy) (split reel; 1—Those Hlcksvllle Boys (comedy) (split

reel) . 4—The Punishment (drama) .. 8— Fate’s Intervention (drama) .

11—Their First Kidnapping Caae (comedy) (apllt reel) ..

11—Help! Help! (comedy) (split reel) ...

AMBROSIO. Fi-hmary—

14— Father’s Fault . • I—Accursed R«k (drama) . 28—Tweedledum's Evasion (comedy) (split

reel) . 28— Tweedledum's Gift (comedy) ’’(apllt

reel) .. Mar b— .

6—^The Dueheas' I.ady Companion (drama) 15— Thomas Cht'terton (drama) . 2(;—Convict No. 75 (drama) .[ 27— Photographs $.3,(Ha; each (comedy) ..

April— .3 -Iweedledirm Seised bv Dancing Fit

(comedy) .

AMERICAN. Febmary— 19—Society and Chapa (Western oomedy).]0()0 “-A I.eap Year Comedy (W, comedy). .1000 W—The Land Bamn of San Tee (drama). 1000 29— An Assisted Elopement (comedy.1000

March— 4—From the Fonr Hundred to the Herd

(Western drama) .KkH) ^—"^^e Broken Ties (Weatern drama).1000

11—After School (drama).1000 14—A Bad Investment (drama).1000 16— The Full Value (drama).lOOO 21—The Tramp’s Gratitude (drama). 25—Fidelity (drama) .1000 28— Winter Sports and Pastimes at Coriv

nado Beach (sports).lOOO April—

1—The Maid and 'he Man (cotDedy-drama)lOOO 4—TTw Agitator (drama) .


(George Klelne.) March— I

2—^A Slater’s Stratagem (evuuetly;. 6—The Chauffeur (comedy) (split reel).. 6—^Lucca. Italy (acenlc) (split reel) - 9—The Moorish Bride (drama) .1

12—From Tent to Manalon (drama) . 16—Dut of Time (comedy) (spilt re*'!).... 16—Zoolmrlcal Garden In Rome (topical)

(split reel) .' 19—Father’s Toothache (comedy) (split

reel) .. .*.. 19—Ttie City of Tripoli (topical) (spill

reel) .' 23—^Tbe Deserter (drama) . 26—R«’unlted (drama) (sp'.lt reel) . 26—Plaa. Italy (colored) (scenic) (apUt

reel) .' 30—.A Christian Slave (drama) .:

April— 1 2—Naming the Baby (ranMdy) (split reel) 2—Asslssl, Italy (colored) (travel) (spilt

reel) . 6—lA>re and Hypnotism (drarma) .; 9—The Brigand (itrama) .'

BISON. March—

1—The Indian Massacre (two reels) (Western drama) .

8— The Battle of the Red Men (Western drama; (two reels).

18— The Desetter (military drama) (two reels) .

22—No release. 29—No release.

April— 5—Biasing the Tra'l (Western drama)

(two reels) . 15— The Crisis (Western drama) (two reels)


4 -The ManI nrlst (drama) . 6 -Blind (drama) .

11— The Fatal Glass (drama) . 13—TTe Editor (drama) . 16— For Home and Honor (drama). 2('-Ireland and Israel (drama). 25-A Night’s Adventure (comedy). -I—Thon Shalt Not? (comedy).

Atwll-- 1— Kid CanOeld. the Reformed Gambler

(two reels) edu.J 3- The Divorce Cnre (drama). 9 -A Carlcaliwe of a Face (csneilv) (split

reel) .•. 9 -Blue .Mountain B»iffal«ies (tofi'cil)

(iw*Ut recli . 10 -Aalvatlon Sue (drama) .

COMET. January—

5 —Temneraments (drama) . .6~'*h. Wioops. ‘he Detective (comedy).. 12 -The Wld''w (comedv).. IS'-The Bra'd (drama). 19 Thlrtj Days (<v>medy) .

ECLAIR. March—

3 The Interrnpted Telegra.m (drama) (split reel) .

3--Prame. Caulta) of Bohemia (ednea- tlonaM (snllt reel) .

5—A Child's Pies (.American drama).... 7—No Wedding Bells for Me (American

comedy) . IJ—Alcohol (drama) (two reds). 12- Bridge (d;«ma> . 14 -The Kodal Content (lomedr) (spilt

reel) . 14 Shriners* Parade at Rochester, N. Y.

(toplrall (snllt reel). 1* -The World's Champion (comedv) (split

reel) .,’. 13— WIDIe'a First Cigar (comedv) (split

reel) . 19- If p«Ts to Be Kind (drama). .1 —A Srmnhony In Black and White

(cimedv) . 54 -At U-e Height of Her ’Triumph (drama)

(spll* reel) . 24 Ancient pr-llac Nnh'a. Egypt (scenic.

(snllt reel) . 26 A l.tving MemoTT (drama) . M -Bmoma and Dnafnana (comedv) . 31 -On the Eve of .Auaterllt* (drama

Atwll — 2— 39^0 Ix'ttcr Wlt.h rhe Black 8*‘ala 4 White Anmna (comedv) . 2—the Masher On*wl(fed (comedy) .... 9- -Little Hand* (drsms) .

11 -.A Txicky Holdup (comedy) .


11 -Jimmy Capitulate* (cometlr) (split reel) .

11 —A Victim of Circannstancea (co*n«><ly) (aplif reel) .

14- -Pralrla on Fire (W. drama) .


(George Klelne.) March— Feet

6—The Factory Glr) (drama) .KHO 13—The S«'n1ry on Guard (drama) .1016 20—The Song of the Gypsy (drama) .10<H> 27—True Love (drama) .1000

April— Feet 3—Taken by Surprise (comedy) (split reel) 3—Scenes In Amsterdam (scenic) (split

reel) . 3—Transformation of Scrap Iron (In¬

dustrial) (split reel) .1*>06 10—The Signal that Failed (drama) ...1000

EDISON. March— Feet

1— TViny’s Oath of Vengeance (drama) . .1000 2— A Cowboy’s Stratagem (comedy) .. 620 2—^The Jam Closet (comedy) . 390 6—Ixist—Three Hours (comedy) .1000 6—The Yarn of the "Nancy Bell” (com¬

edy) . 920 8— ^The Heir Apparent (drama) .KHifk 9— New Y’ork Poultry, Pigeon and Pet

Stock Association (educational) (split r^) 540

9— The Patent Houaekeeper (comedy) (split reel) .

12—The Baby (comedy) . 15— Her Polished Family (comedy) . 16— For the Coanmonwealth (dramatic) 16—Personally (V;nducted (scenic) . 19— Her Face (comedy-drama) . 20— Dress SAiilts In Pawn (comedy) . 23—The House with the Tall Porch (dra¬

ma) .lOOO 23—Incidents of the Durbar (e<locttlonal) 23—Tyunmy’* Geography Ix'ssons (comedy) 1000 20—'The lAgbthouae Keepir's Daughter

(drama) . 10*;# 27—Percival Chubb* and the Widow (cim

edy) . us» 20—How Washington Crossed the Del*

ware (historical drama) .1<HH> 30—lA Funeral that Flashed In the Pan

(comedy) .lOO® Atwll— Feet

2— The Mine on the Yukon (drama) 3— Two Knights In a Barroom (comedy) 6—Charlie’s Reform (drama) .KsH) 6—Rowdv and His New Pal (comedy-drs-

ma) . 6-Rowdy and HI* N<'W Pal (comedy

drama) (split re* I). 00# 6—Dr. Bmmpton Watts’ Age Adjuster

(comedy) (split red!) . 9—The Spanish Cavalier (drama) .lOW

10— I* He Eligible (comrifly) .10(W 12— Church aisl Country (dratna) . 13— Winnie’* Dance (ctiVff^^ily) .10(»


li_no Dream* Come TrWe (comedy) lOjW 2—The Ranchdrl’s Mistake (drama). .1000 6— .Tbe Turning Point (^ma) 1000 7— Getting a Hired GlfT^fcomedy) .1000 8— The Baby of the Boarding Honae (wa-

edy) (split reel) .HwA

460 1000

1000 KH» 1000

.1000 1000



42 X ti e Billboard APRIL 6. 1912.

Tr<iiiil»onp Tommy (o(>m<*<Iy) (HpKt iwl) »—A itomauc** of the W<nt (drama) ..1000

12—Thf Itanci Wido«'<*r'a JlaUKbtt'ra (oom- edy) .TOOO

14—A Kliirry In h'uriaitiirp (c'Nnt'dy) _1000 IB—^Tb<‘ .Madman (ilrauia) .lOOO IB—TIk’ Ilamlit'H CTliJUl (Wratcrn drama).1000 l»- (hil of Ibp Ih^iithK (drama) .1000 2l—4'uf>krH liP.iv Vpar I'ranka (comialjr).. 1<K)0

12—A lt»ai>rd li<niian('i‘ (<iiiii<-<ty) .1000 23—1)pihi(}-'h Ixvp Affair (W«*Kti>m

drama) .1000 2®-“Alkali” Hi'Kta ltron<'bo Hilly (com¬

edy) .1000

2B—At (he Bnd of the Trail (drama) ...1000 20—When a Man’* Marrlaal (lainpaly) ....1000 SO—An ArinoiM Bacapadc (dmma) .1000

April- Kept 2—glared (comcaly) .1000 4—A liOCky .Mix I’p (coniialy) .1000 B—T»‘a<4iii>K a l.lar a Ip-Himn (dimiily). .1000 •—A lioad Atrent'n li«»vp (drama) .1000 •—Broncho Billy and (he Oirl (W. dra¬

ma) .1000

A1—All In the Pamlly (comedy drama)..1000 32—^lAmpaomc Ilobcrt (drama) .1000 n—lltuli'T Mpxican mtUn (drama) .1000


(Gcorifp Klcinp.) January- Feet

2—A Buyal Bomanre (colored) (drama) DTB A—lOrilB of Iminire literature (drama). 1036 A—The Winced Meawncer (drama) (apUt

r«d) . 800 9 -<lorcea of the Terdon River (ooIotibI)

(Hcenicl (aidit reel) .200 13—Orhe <>od <if Wine iieta Atunc (com¬

edy) (apllt peel) . 806 IS—The Ardpnnea F«r«*at8, France (travel)

(apllt reel) . 104 IS Uncle iNnt’a I>i|>l<imacy (comedy) 066


Slan-h —

18—Rii^oiieiled by Bnrxlara (comealy) (apllt r»-el) .

IS—The KatcmJtea Visit Gibraltar (scenic) (split reel) .

20—The Defeat of the Brewery Oanc (dra¬ ma) .

22--A Buektown Romance (comedy) . SB -The Trail 'Ihrouch the Hllla (Western

drama) . ^ -The Kidnapped Conductor (comcily)

(split reel) . 27—Diitwittlntf Father (comedy) (split reel) 30—^The* Bankcr'a Dauiftiter (tirama) ....

April I .lean of the Jail (drams) . 3 'IIm- Huinlah Revolt of 1836 (drama) . f> 31(1 Selio 'ma’m of Stone Gulch (W<‘at-

e n ciMllill'') ..'. ' .^lo Till' of Hattie (drsroa) .

’ V 1 eip Year Klopement (comedy)..

tJ SiSTet of the MlM>r'a Cave (drama)


Mai. a- I'* IS—T)ie Xisa- CoiistaUe (.mmisly). 20— ^Tlie Kiirii'Ise Party SiirjH'lMd (can

; e<i.v) . 21— Oolleae Ctrl drama) . n—The Kevolntlonlat (drama) . y»--lleT Pnele J.din (comedy) ((*|>Ilt reel).. 3B -Ilood.ssd (oiiiedy) (spilt reel) . 27—•Rice and Old Slioisi (drama) . 28 -Niitly’s Game (comedv) (snllt red) 28 Tim and Jim (omcly) (aidit r<.cl) .■ Sn^nie H<M-lal Sicretavy (d-ama) .

Apnl — 1—Hello. Central (eomisly) . 8—Tlie Sacrlflcc (drama) . 4—Shall Sever lliinitev (drama) . A—Foollnc Path r (canedr) . I4-T)ie Reformation of Kid Hogan (dra¬

ma) . IS-A Pie Worth Wh'Ie (comedy drama) 11—That Chicken Dinner (come(iy) (apllt

re.>i) .

11—Ills little Sister (lomedy) (spilt reel)

IS—California Ostrich. Pigeon and Alliga¬ tor Farm (totdcal) (spilt reel).

IS—Becky Oeta a Husband (<!omedy) (apllt reel) .




THE SALES COMPANY’S PROGRAM SUNDAY—Eclair, Gaumont, Rax. MONDAY—Amariean, Champion, Imp, Nastor. TUESDAY—Eclair, Powars, Rapublic, Thanhousar. WEDNESDAY—Ambrosio, Champion, Nastor, Ralianca, Solax,

Animatad Waakly THURSDAY—Amariean, Eclair, Gaumont, Imp, Rax. FRIDAY—Bison, 2eraal subjacts, Lux, Solax, Thanhousar. SATURDAY—Graat Northarn, Imp, Powars, Nastor, Ropublie, Ralianeo.



MRIJES. March - Feet

14—The SherKf’a Daughter (drama) _l(a)0 21—Trouhlea of the X. L. Outfit (comedy-

drama) .mot) 28--The Remittance -Man (drama) .1060

April— Feet 4— .4 Man Wo-th While (drama) .lOOO

11—Want(sl—.4 Wife (canedy-drama) —lOOO


8—The 8lx Little Drummers (dramatic c< mealy ( .

5— Clielera on the Plains (ImVian) (.4mer- Iran drama) .

7—Bnater'a Nightmare (.4merican mmedy) (split r-eh .

7— Starfiah. Sea I’rclilna and Scalhipa •alucatlonal) (apllt nad) .

8— The Battle of Cr(a'y (hiat.o'ieal dra¬ ma) (split laad) ..

K—Small Trade in Havana (aeenic) (apllt reel) .

S—H<o»- the Play waa .4dvertlaod (Amer¬ ican (aaneily) .

11— Pathe’a W«a*kly No. 11 (cu-rent) ... 12— The P.daoi> Cup (.Irama) (spilt reel).. 12— The Kell Brotbi.n> (acrot>atlc) (apllt

rta*!) .'. 13— .4 Midget Wierl.a-k Holm.s (.4m(TicaD

onmealr) (split rtad) . 18—I>alx and Ilia D<.g (ajilit reel) . 14— Wh.-n Ihity Calla (Amertean drama). 16—^The Coin of Fate (d'ama) . 15— ^The Arrow of 18>fiance (West.Tn dra¬

ma) . 18— Pathe’a WiM-kly No. 12 (current) ... 19— Die Dog Deteetire (drama) (apllt reel) 19—The HlectTlc Spark (ed(K‘atlonal) (split

riel) . 30—The Price of Gratitude (W(etem dra¬

ma) . 21— The Wrong Bride (..4merican drama). 22— Ihivld and Siul (ooIouhI) (Bltillcal).. 33—The Rival Constables (Am.Tlcan com-

•■dy) (aidIt riad) . 2S—Karlhel (Swulent War Scdiool Bxer-

edaea (scenic) (apllt reel* . 3R_p,fbe’a Weekly NX 13 Uopical) ... 2S—Radgnine (col.) (drama) . 27— A Victim of Firewater (W. Amer.

drama) . 28— A Mexican Blopemimt (Amer. comedy

drama) . 29 —That Terrible African Hunter (oom-

ed.y) (split reel! . 29— Winter on the Baltic Sea (scenic)

(split reel) . 30— Jimmie’s Misfortune (Amer. comedy

drama) . lUiril —

1—Pathe’a Weekly So. 14 (ctnreat) ....


App'.egath, L J., & Sons. 145 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Caiia>llaii Film Rx.hange. Calgary, Alberta. Canadian Film Kxchange. Toronto. Ont. Gaumont Co., Llmiteil, 4 ainl (i Queen St.. Toronto. Ont- Gaumont Co., limited, 203 I.oo lil<tg , Vancouver, B. C.

CALIFORNIA. California Film Exchange, 54 7th Si.. San Franclaoo. Allies Bros., 1145 Mission St., ^n Francisco. Allies Bros., 4U West 8lh St.. Los Angeles. Callfortda Film F^xchange. 514 8. Ixis Angeles St., Los Angelas. F, B, Film Kxchange, 103 K. 4tli St.

COLORADO. W’. B. Swanson Film Exchange. Sul Railroad Bldg., Denver.

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington Film KxcJiange, 428 9ib St., N. W.

GEORGIA. Coneolldated Film A Supply 0>., Rbo<let Bldg-, Atlanta.

ILLINOIS. Anti-Trust Film Co.. 128 W. Lake St.. Chicago. Alaiestlc F'llm Service Co.. 21S N. 5lh Are., Cldcago. II. A H. Film Exchange, SK Jackson Bldg., Clitcagu. Laemmle Film Service. 204 W. Lake St.. Chicago. Standard Film FIxchange, 168 W. Washington St.. Chicago.

INDIANA. Central Film Serrlrr. lit North llllnola St., Indianapolis.

IOWA. Laemmle Film Service. 431 Walnut St., Des Moines.

Wichita Film A Supply Co .*^1*1 ^Market St.. Wichita LOUISIANA.

Consolidated Film A Supply Co.. 72u Ualson Blanche Bldg., New Urleaus.

MASSACHUSETTS. Boston F'llm Rental Co.. #05 Waslilngton St., Boston. W. E. Green F'llm F:xcliange. 128 Tremonl St.. Boston.

MARYLAND. Baltimore Film Exchange. 6lu F:. Baltimore St.. Baltimore.

MINNESOTA. l-aemmle Film Service, 356 Hennepin St., AUnneapells.

MICHIGAN. Michigan Film A Supply Co.. 111)6 Union Trust Bldg., Detroit. Cadillac Film Exchange, 9i Griswold St.. Detroit.

MISSOURI. J W Morgan, l.lin tValnut St.. Kansas City. Swansnn-Craafnrd Film Co.. Century Bldg.. St. Louts. Western F'llm Exchange, 15 West l(4h St., Kansas C'lty.

MONTANA. PaclDc F'llm FUrhangc, Buile.

NEBRASKA. 1.armmle Film Service. 1313 Farnam St., Omaha. I'rugressive F'llm Exctiange, 141T F'ariiam St., Umalia.

NEW YORK. FXpire Film F^xchange. 15u E. Fourteenth St.. New York. Greai F'.a>tem Film F^xctiangr. 31 F:. Fourteenth St., New York. F'llm F^xcliange. 5 E. I'ourtrcnih St.. New Y'ork. Meimpoliian F'llm Exchange. 133 University Pltk'e, New Torfc. Western F'llm F^xchaiige. 145 W. 45th St.. New York. Ktx F'llm FIxchange. 81 N. Pearl St., Albany. \ Iclor Film Service Co.. 3* Church 81., Buffalo.

OKLAHOMA. I'nited Motion Picture Co.. Ill Main St., Oklahoma CUf.

OREGON Independent W. F. F^xchange. 84 Seventh 8L. PavtlaiuL

OHIO. Btickeve Lake Shore Film Co., 433 N. High St.. Columbua Clnrlnnatt-Buckvye F'llm Co.. 3.36 W. tth .4Te.. Cincinnati, t'eniial. 11)9 W. 5lh St., Cincinnati. Ijtke Shore Film A Supply Co.. 1U6 Prospect Ave.. S., Clavwlaiid. Toledo FTIm Service. 13u Flrle M., Tnlevkt Victor F'llm ServUe, I'rospeet and Huron Sta.. Cleveland.

PENNSYLVANIA. FUgle Film F'.xchaiife. 33 .N. IKh St., Philadelphia F.xhibitors' F'llm Service t^., 49 8. Penn Ave., Wllkea-Bana. nillavlelphla F'llm FZxchaiigc. 131 W. 9th St., PhilailrlphUX liilladelphia i*nijectlon Co.. 44 N. 9th St.. PlilladidiMiia. Svvaab F'llm Service Co.. 139 N. 8th St., Philadelphia. Indetiendeiit F'llm F:x<'hange. 415 Ferry St., IMtisburg. Pittsburg l*hotupiay Co.. 413 Ferry St., lilUburg

TEXAS. Texas F'llm F^xrbange. 131514 Fim SI., Dallas.

WASHINGTON. Parlflc Film F:xchaiiie, Globe Bldg., Seattle.

WISCONSIN. Western F'llm F:xrhange, Si/7 Fhiterprlae Bldg., Mllwauksa.


2— The Clemency of luabeau (col.l (drama) .

3— Tlxer’a Claw a (.4m<‘r. drama) . 4— Brave Heart'a IlldilcD Love (44'. .4miT-

Icau drama) . 5— The Cardinal’a Gift (bia. drama) - 6— The Jflns of the F'ather (.4nier. drama)

SEXTO. March— F'eet

8—The .4ci- of Spad<-a (ilrama) .KKai 7— The BrotherlKMKl of Man (drama) ....lOiai 8— H.vpnotigod (coinvilyi .Itaai

11— .4 Crucial Test (drama) . 12— Boiiraler (drama) . 14—Slip (drama) . IB—Aeroaa the latiuuus of Panama In 1!)12

(toplca)) . 18— The Girl of the Lighthouse (drama). 1000 19— The •'F'pldemlc” in Paradiac Gulch

(comply) .1()(K) 21— -The Ones Who Suffer (drania) .10)lf) 22— The Junior tlffleer tdramai .loot) 'JCt—Sons of the North \4'ooda (drama) ..loOo ‘J6—The Hobo (drama) .Daai 28— .4 4Valf of the Sea (<lrama) .PHS) 29— .411 on Account of Checkera (comedy). 1*8)0

April— F'eet 1— Hla Chance to Make Good (drama) ..1*88) 2— Tenderfoot Bob's Iti-gi-neration (<lra

ma) .1(88) 4 -Me and Bill (ilrama) .1*88) i 6—Wolcott ('innlia—The Phemancnal I8-af I

and Blind Boy (evliica.) (split n*el) 500 ] 6—44'lth the Bo\8 of the F'igure Two i

(aiwrtlng) (spilt reel) . 50() i

VITAGRAPH. March— Feet '

4— J.ulii'a .4narchUt (ccgiHily) .1(88) 6—Cardinal Wolaey (historical drama).. 1*88) ■ 5— Irene's Infatuation (nanevly) .1)m8I j 8—<Iow- Ktatea are Made (drama) .l*8Mi !)—Nemesis (drama) .10*8)

11— F'lrat Women Jury In America .Ii8ay 12— .4 Story of (he Circus (drama) .1*88) l.i—Mrs. 'Bory Aw-klns (lyimtil.v) .1*88) Hi—Great Diamond Rottbery (comedy) ...1(88) 16—thinset or Her Only Romance (draana)l*88) IS—The Black Wall (drama) .l*88i 19— The Old Rllver V4’atch (drama) .1*88) 20— Die Two Penttenta (drama) .1000



. 1<8Vi

. Kssi F'eet

22—.Mr. Bolter’s Infatuation tiimiiilyi ..1*8a)| 21—Taft «iiil Ilia Cahiiiei (split rty'l) ..1*88) 25 -Tli«‘ Pi-i)i‘ of Big Boll's Silence )dra

mal .liMsi 26 -Ills Motlier’s Shroud (drama) .1*88) 27—niie Governor Who Had a Heart (dra¬

ma) .1)88) 29—The Haiindd Ihs'ker (vigmil.v) (split

reel) . 29— Dn- Suit of Annor (e<«nei1y) (split

reel I . 30— iNemesis (drama) .

April— 1—Die Star Refsirter (conmlyl

reel) . 1—His .Mutber-in l.,aw ivsanetly)

reel I . 2 -.She Never Knew lipamal .

The Sevt nth S.*n l<lrania) .... 5— Die Illimiiuatiou (nligloiis and histor¬

ical) . Xmni 6— The Unknown 4’lolln':«t (dramai .Kaai 8—Burnt Cork (miiiHtrel) is|tllt r*eli 8— Pushmoliile Race ls|sirti (s|illi r<y-ll1*88i 9— .41 >4erogginses' CorinT Id'ama) .Ut-ai

lO—Rich -Man’s Son (ilrama i .I'H8i 12 -JiM'ular Winds of F'ate (emnedy) _.lias) 13—Captain Jeiik's Diplomacy (eiumsly i.. Iimhi 15—The Pi|>e Idraniai .l(8ai

.1*8I> . I*8ai . II8NI

OATTMONT. March— Feet

7—Gaumont’s Weekly No. 3 (topical).... 9—The Dual (drama) (two reela) .

12—4'allno ami HU Boarder (comedy) (spilt reel) .

12—What’s In a Name? (cotnedy) (apllt reel) .

14—Gaumont’a Wiykly No. 4 (topical).... 16—.Maternity (drania) . 19—Jimmy. Temperance Reformer (comedy-

drams) (spli: reel) . 19—Game Hhisitlng from Aeroplane (s|H>rt-

Ing) (split reel) . 21—Oaumont’s Weekly No. 5 (topical) • 23—.4n Old Romanee (drama) . 26—Jimmy and His Donkey ('Omevly)

(split reel) . "JW 2S—He 4VIh> I.anghs Ijist. I.xuglis Best

(comedy) (s|d't reel) . 30—^Die Village Idlot’a Gratitude (drama) 879

April— 2—.4nnt .4(irora (comedy) (split reel).... 2—Callmi as Mason (umieily) (split revd) 332 6—The Msrgrsve’a Daiigh'er (<mlored)

(liisturleal drama) .1210


ATLAS. Nl k Carter, the Great Detective (de¬

tective) .27*8)



F. A E. FILM CO. November— 2*)—Ixive and Aviation (drama) ... 2*1—Zigomar (drama) .

December— 18—D.e I»ve Chase (comedy). 23—The Thunderbolt (drama) .


—Sarah Bernhardt In Camille (drama) (two reela) .2275

— ReJane In Mme. Sans Gene (comedy) (three reela) .SiXiO


February— 5—A 4'le'lm of the Mormona (drama)

(three reels) ..3200 ’27—The Nihilist's Conspiracy (drama) (two

reels) .2(81# Msreh—

18—The Call of a Woman (drama) (three reels) .

— .4 Ilead Man’s Child (drama, three reels) April

8--Cell Ddrteen (two r<8‘la) drama.

A|>rll— MATESTIO. 7 -A Dangerous Mvslel. 9 -v4 44'agrlor Hold .


—Homer’s Odyssey (two reels)..loOS 7—A Dangerous Model (drama) . 9 -A Warrior Bold (comedy) .

I n

APRIL 6, 1912. Xtie eiliboard 43

Film Synopses (OontlDiMMl from


oil! I.I.STKN TO IIIK HAM* (Trick comedy; rcIcaM'il Alarch a»; length, ;{h<* fc«-t».—.V very aiiiioiiiK trl<k flim. Involving miicli Immor. The Icaili'X uf tbr Hluc Iliinxarlan Hand U alMmt tu be niarrleil and 'nrltea all (lie menil>era of hla band to attend tlio ceremony, llie band tiirna lip to a man. but leave tlieir Inatninients at home. -Aa the Inatrumentx also dealre to be pres- en; at the ceremony tliey mar h off In alnitlc file. Their paaaaRe throiiKh the atri-eta la high¬ ly amilslnK- When the bandamen decide to have a tune, by way of celeliratliiK. they fliiil that their Inatrumen a hare wandered off. Sltl!ne doHii in deapalr, the bandsmen r«'alize how much they love their Inatriimeiita. but It all ends happily when the cornet, the trombone, the kettle drum, the bl|C drum, and the flute come trtMipinK back with a boat mure uf their com¬ rades.

HIM, RBt'OMKS A FAVOItITE WITH T1IE UAIlIi'CS (Comedy; length. 5<t4 fe«-t).—A Hill- ew|ur, showlnfl the amusiiiK efforts of "Merry Wliram" to win the affections of bis lady¬ love. She shnns him. He seeks the maklc apell, and thMUKh the misuse of same hrlnsa the affections of nearly every other lady tumh- IIdk around hla little heart. Tlie maitlc spell consisted of hiirnlnK a lock of the lady's hair. Well, ba.w was a p<Mir, Innocent little male thlnz. like Rill, to know that a lady's hair la not always "home-(rrown" ?

RIM, RI-X'OMES MEXTAM.Y PKUAXOEI* (C,Hnedy: release April .1; lenzlh, 47R feet).— Rill sudib-nly becomes childish and dellzhts In all the old pranks of hla boyhood days. Ills wife calls a doctor In, and It la found that poor Rill has water on the brain. K sensat'onal op¬ eration is performed, and comes off successfully mid much fun. The childlike Innocence of silly Hill la a mas erplece of splendid lomedy aclinit. and will cause shrieks of laiichter.

.AX EXJOY.AHLE HIDE (Comedy; length, 42(5 feet*.—.A young wife Is suddenly se'zcd with crave miscivincs as to her husband's fidelity. Rhe follows him only to have her suspicions <b>n flrmcl ."Abe exchanges clothes with a Isdv cah driver and waits outside the restaurant which she observed her husband en'er in com¬ pany with anotlier lady. When hubby comes out and calls a cab and takes his lady friend for a dr've. he Is made to feel the weight of bis wife's wrath, by being driven over the most nneven of roads It Is possible to find. The whole terminates In wifle finding tha: she has made a slight mis ake. Fortunately the good gentleman and his companion are feeling too queer to give vent to their feelings.


JIMMY CAPITCLATES (C.un- edy: release April 11; length, A.T.-, feet I.—Tln.v Jimm.v stsirns the weaker sez In general, but Sister In particular. To h'm. little girls seem absolutely good for nothing. In bravado (ashicm Jimm.v lions his siddier's uniform

strides hla bmom-boilled ha'tle steed, and spreads terror to his I'ttle sister and Julie the nnrse. Rnt alack! our mighty warrior trips aver a rng and bruls.»s his face most rudely on the floor. I,lttte sister forgives his cisitemn. for females and mln'sters to his every want. This brings Jimmy to his proper senses whereby h's viitws on woman kind are ent'relv alteresl Ob the same reel Is A Victim of Circumstances

A VICTIM OP CIUcrMSTAX(E.R (Comedy; lonfffh. -nft an<1 pArnprT' Ine iVri'lTil ar^ both terr'Mj* In love. Alirle’n fair Imogene has sent him an invitation dinner, while IVr Ival's Cleopatra has given him the cold shoulder r'cht. I'ercv di^cldes to commit suicide an-l writes CIcpatrs to That effect. .Algle hsp|H‘ns ahuig and Is given th letter to mall hut drops It from his pmket. It la found and read by the noted Fuddleall. de- tective Incognito, who mistaking Algle for the wr'tcr decides to follow and watch him lest harm occur. Many comi si situations follow, and tutor Aide Is msile to suffer for Fiid- dlesH's mistake, even unto !• sing his own fiancee.

THE FU.ATUIE f*\ FIIIE (Itrama: rtdease •April 14; length. 0(50 feet*.—Yelb»w Feather, ^e fierce Implacable Imllana chieftain of the OJIhwsy Indians has Jus' reiN-lnsI a wrist woiin.l after an encounter with the flovernment resi-rve scent, over the affa'rs <if his tribe. Altleu'gh the agent's wife besls the wound, the warrior mttirlshes a deep seattol grievance. In revenge he sots fire ‘o the urrlrle surrounding the camp of the cowboys, who hurriedl.v round up their horses and cattle, pack their prairie sclusmers with their possessions and resort to the marshes for safety. On their way. they en oun'er the red fiends and kill them all ex¬ cept Yellow Feather, who In h's endeavors to escape becomes enclrc’ed with the flames of hla own kindling and dies a merited death.

Ids character has lus-ii investigate!. She se¬ cures the servlce.s of the Hllnkerton Detective -Agency, and a female detective is detalle<l to present herself at young Keed'a office as a stenog¬ rapher and m-eiire a |Hu,iilon. Sue is sm cea.Hfui, and Isdiig charming and winsome, young Kee<l falls In love with her. At last Mrs. Jenkins re¬ ceives a reiHirt, which Is satisfactory, and Itt-eil Is urge<l to call. Hut It Is t<si late, fur |H-odiug her Investigation he has pro|iose<l to and ^-n ac- cepHsI by the other girl. Shortly after he is draggtsi by Jenkins Into the house, where, to hIs amazeuieiit, he m<s‘ts Ids Haticee, who is at¬ tempting tu cullts't $,'5(10 fur services rendereil. It now csmies to light that ItessI and the female detective are engaged to be marr'ed, to th# dli- niay of Mrs. Jenkins and her daughter.

t'liritt'II .ANT) CorXTKY tllraina; relea.«e April 12; length, Iga* fi-etl.—An eplsoile of the winter at Valley Forge. A .voutig preacher, whose love of lll)erty Is none the less strong be¬ cause he fyels tiuit his cloth precludes his actiie participation or even preaching violence tu his congregation, loves a girl, who turns her buck on him iMs-ause he refuses to fight for bis coun¬ try's frecsium. The girt discovers a plot to cap¬ ture Washington when be makes a trip to York. She hs>ks fur a burse to ride and warn him. The preacher hap|>ens along, undertakes the trip, and after a Ion; and dangenutn ride arrives at Val¬ ley Forge, to find that Washington has already started for York. He frantically remounts, and reaches Washington Just Iti time to itrevent hi* ■apture by a party of Itrltish lying in ambnsb. At Valley Forge that night be sees Washington, apparently warming bis hands over a campfire, but really offering up a prayer for the cause of the Colonies. The young minister's eyes are o|>ened, and seeing that it is a righteous cause, returns to his congregation and after arming them tu take up arms, duns the uniform of a sol¬ dier and calls for rcH-ruits. (If course the girl forgives him fur any delay now that be has be- csmie a hero.

WISXIE'S D.ANCE (Cometly; release April 13; length, l.tss) feeti.—Winnie, with her fiance, I'billp, a:tends an evening uf amateur theatrical during whl(di Winnie leaves him and appears on the stage In a dance between acts. He objects to her appearin'* in public and angrily leaves the hall. After the entertainment, I’hilip does not return, and Winnie acceids the esc<irt of four or five other young men. 1‘hilip returns later, finds her goiie and realizes his anger has made breach. The next day riiillp looks at her pho¬ tograph and falls before the all coni|uering curve of the lliai he lovt-s. He writes a note asking for¬ giveness. Winnie hastens to reply by messt-n ger and accidentally pulls the fire alarm. Th# firemen arrive atnl angrily demand an explana¬ tion. Once more her smile tsiines to her rescue, and the chief capitulates even to offering to de liver tlie note to I’hilip. Just at this moment rhillp ap|>ears at the wimlow, having seen the ladder, and Winnie must smile at both to pre serve i>eace. I’hilip eventually gets the note and the firemen go away happy at having aeen so winsome a smile.




(dtsirge Kleine.)


ED (Drama; release April 10 Icng.h. 1,(SM* feet).—I’retty Lti ille has two admirers. Mar lowe. the commissary of the anny, anil Horace, son of Gen eral Gerard. She favors the latter and the former vow- vengeance. In the midst of

ftir'ons battle. (J.-rard receives word that the left wing of his army Is being hard pressed .And the malicious Marlowe Immediately rides to hcadi)tiarters to report a total annihll.i Ion General Gerard is b«'Ileved to have disgraced his country and l« sentenced to death. The order is transm'ttrd to rhe army by aerla signal. Hearing of this Horace and his sweet heart bravely prevent the execution by destroy Ing the signal apparatus, but are arrested and thrown Into prison. Meanwhile the (ieneral turns the impending defeat Into victovy and triumphantly returns to liberate the courageous pair.

(Contlnuisl on page 52.)


THF, SPAXIRH CAVAI.IER ma; release April 0: length.

(Dra- 1.000

feet).—In the year 1400 the whole of rastllian Kpaln was suffering from the deep wounds Infilcteil by the Rpanlsh Inquisition. The story dea'a

with the love of a S|>anlsh Cavalier for a weal¬ thy senorlta of noble birth. Acnsia the pathway of the two falls the shadow of the Inquisition, with all the cruelty and Ignorant conception of niisgiildisl Christianity. 'The senorlta Is wooed bv. but refuses and spurns the all-powerful Master of the Inquisition. Ilevenge takes the place of love, and spies are set to watch the lady. Her maid Is arresle<l and through torture forced to accuse her mistress of the crime of heresy, which Is brought about while her brave cavalier is away to the war. The s<>norita la ar- restisl St the home of a g<ssl priest, and tried Is'fore the Inquisition and condemne<l. The priest brings the news of her plight to the cav¬ alier. and together they eff<s-t her escaim, but not before the priest has sacrlflcerl hla life for Ihe sake-of the two lovers.

IS HE F,I IGIHI.ET (('oimsly; re'ease April 10; length, l.fitlO fiH’t).—Charles Itf-ml lM‘ot>mes a partner In his father's business and Is advlse<l to marry ami settle down. .At a ball he b««comes •'•quainte*! with a fashionable voiing la<ly, who Inlrisinces him to her mother, Mrs. Jenkins. Sub- acpiently he calls on the young lady with a view to matrimony. Mrs Jenkins, a would tie sm-lety leader, olijei-ts to the young man's visits until



A unique story of mt.igulded Infatuation. Rlenty gripping thrllLs when Hie burglar prevents the elope ment and shows up the other man. Length, 997 feet



.4no(hpr one of the hlg oneR! IMentjr of artion an<l with huntem and trapi>m. nhowlng

how a man*N Aacrifle^ for hU wife AareR an Innocent man from dUhonor and death. Length, 9.32 fert


LABORATORIES. 540 W. 21 St Strset. N EW YO R K


Only tan Stataa left. 6#t bauy.

r. R E. Film Oo.. (31ey#Iaad. Ohi#.

If jou S.‘e It In The Hlllboard tell tlwun so















Abk for our complete list at once.

FEATURE FILM CO. 25 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III.

eature Films for Sale Twenty to fifty. One, two and three reel Films at all prices. Slums of New York, two reels, with paper, $75.00. New

and Second-hand Machines in stock.

Liberty Film Renting Go. 105 Fourth Avenue, > Pittsbursh, Pa


FIL.1V1S Writ# to the largest and most rellabU Dealan

and luHiurtera uf theaa guoda In


4 Kilowatt Directed-Co ft"

nected Outfit

There is no sense either in the

country or city in your putting up

with a bum electric current at high

prices, when you can get a

Brush Electric Lighting Set

and make first class current as low as

3 cents a kilowatt—less than 1 cent

if you are in natural gas territory.

These Lighting Sets are made in

sizes 2 to 10 k. w., and our cata¬

logue tells all about them.

The Ghas. A. Strelinger 8o. Box B-3,



PumichM comptetc squipment for mov- ng (Ncture thextre*. Au mxkM of moT-

picture dqx-

}bineo,oparR ehaire, ''rbi RB«f all neeee- m,Tj euppliee, epot- llghta, etc. 26e in 4tarapa briage rou mj new, complete MOTION PICTURE CATALOGUE AND REFERENCE BOOK.

J. H. HALLBERG M Caet tSrd Street. NEW VORS

WiH# for Free Oetele<(«e. B. M

Musical Bells i. C DEAGAN, uoe-ie H. Olwrk St..

CHICAOO. lDv«it«r iBd Sfr. 'to th# prvfraotoii. Writ# for our DOW lllnatratrd rztalug. Xrw hlta. Alwaya rrllabir.


SOUVENIRS And crowd your Theatre. Exolueive M. P. Theatre Cattilog just issued. Write today.



• Reel*, per week.$6-00 13 Reels, per week.0-00 14 Raels, per week.10.60 21 Reels, per week.16.00

Posters free, and a million feet of rtlm to pick from. Send for a list.

SLIDES Our Advertizing Slides advertise. New procaea. Clear az a bell. Let uz zliow you. NIAGARA SLIDE CO.. Lecksert, N. Y.



Send for a Supply Uat.

largaat Cat-Rate Rxchange in tbs Vlddtw Weat.

THEATRE SUPPLY CO.. Oxford Bnlldlng, Salta $.

lit N. La Sail* St., CHICAOO. ILL.

44 APRIL «, 1*12.

DIRECTORY 04 Agents, Hotels, Music Publishers

and Park Supplies, Alphabetically Arranged.

A<lTertls<'in<-eU not rim-dlns one line In kawb will be puhMahe<1 propi-rly claseifled in thta (llrertt>r;, at the rate of $10 for one Tear ^ Isnaesi, prorlded the; are of an acceptable astsrt. Price Inrliidie one jrear'a aubacriptloB «• The Blltboard. ■a<$i additional line or additional claaalflca-

Moa, witbiigt anbarrlp ion, $7.riO |>er annum. One line will be allowed to adrertiaera free Jr efeantr tor each $100'a worth of space uaed

vine one year. Tbis directory la rerlsed and corrected week¬

ly; chaasea In names and addresaea belns r corded as - .i. as recelred.

ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. Jaiuea <1 Hem'erann. ISO Nasisii st.. X. C. City Statter Broa., S* Bowery. New York City. B. iMtara Oo.. 2M Madiaon at.. Chicaso, Ill.

ADVERTISING STICKERS. •a. tiSsU sucker Oo.. 105 Pine at.. St. lionla.

AERONAUTS. Betmont Hlatera. Balloon Co.. Reed City, UIcb. Dorothy DeVonda. Monroe, Wla. Prof Charles Schwarla, Humboldt, Teon.

AEROPLANES. Adrertlsinr. 3S0S Meixtan are.. Cblcafto, III. Aeriiaaotte Hup. Oo., SOU Ollre at., St. Lrals.

AERIAL ADVERTISING. Silas i. Oonyne, $508 Mcl/ean sre., Chictfo.

AFRICAN DIPS AND SAPPHO TIPS. Afriesn Dip Co., Box 34. Zanesrilie, O.

AMERICAN TAILORS. 8. NIepase, 166 Bay at.. Toronto, Can.

AMUSEMENT DIRECTOR. Otaade U Hacen, 46 W. 129th at., N. Y. dty.

AMUSEMENT SUPPLIES. Hsrsebell Spillman Co., North Tooawanda, N. Y. C W. Parker, I^tareBaortb, Kan.

ANIMAL DEALERS. Wm. Battels Co., 42 Cortlandt at., N. Y. City. Uawood U. Flint, Nor h Waterford. Maine. Oulf Oiaat Wild Animal Farm, Brownsrllle, Tex. Home's Zoo Arena. Kanaaa City, Mo., and Den

Ter, Col. I.onlo Babe, 248 Grand at.. New York City. Wens d MarkeBaen, Yardley. Pa.

ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES. Norelty Slide Co., 20 K. 14th at., N. Y. City

ARC LIGHTS. 1 H Hallbors. 36 H. Zid at.. New York City

ARC LAMPS AND CARBONS. Obarles C. Klewert Co., 114 Huron at., Milwau¬

kee. Wts.

ASBESTOS CURTAINS. Sohman d I.iandls Co., 417 Clinton at., Chicaso.


C. W. Trainer Utg. Co.. 80 Pearl at., Boston

ASBESTOS PICTURE BOOTHS. Thomas A. Bdlaon, Inc., Oranire, N. J.


Yhomas A. Rdlson, Inc.. Oranse, N. J. J. H. Hallbent. 36 K. 23d at.. New York City. “■ Power Co., 145 Nateau at.. New York City.


Berry Wood Plano Player Co., Kannaa City, Mo l-yon d Healy. 205 Wahaah ave. Chlcayo, III

Welle d Bona. 273 5th are.. N. Y. City, adulph Wurlitzer Co.. Cincinnati and Cblcas*'

BADGES. BUTTONS, ETC. Dt-Monlln Broa. d Ct>., Greenrille Ill Newman Mfy. Oo.. 641 Woodland are.. Clere

land. O. The WtndeIl<lreenw«od Co., 123 8. Fourth at

MInneapolla, Minn.


N(^bwe«tem Ballo<in Co.. 2406 Clybom are. Chleayo. III.

BALL THROWING GAMES darlnaatl Norelty Co.. 2(VI 15th at.. Cincinnati

BAND INSTRUMENTS. Healy, 20r> Wabaah are.. Chicago, 111

M. Welte d Sona, 273 5th are., N. Y. City ■ndolph Wurlitzer Co.. Cincinnati and Cbicaco

J BANNERS. * Ayn'OR Oo., 22 28 N. Deaplalnea

at., Chicago, Ill.

BOOKING AGENTS. Ted Bparka’ Vanderllle Circuit Century Bldf.

Kansas City, Mo.

BURNT CORK. M Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. 31st at., N. Y. (

CALCIUM LIGHT. Ox-Hydrofen Oaa Kamufactarers.

$he Capital Merchandise Co.. 225 Drarbom at Chicago, III.

Clndnaatl Cblcium lAght Co., 108 4th at.. Cln clnnati, O.

Brker Bros.. 604 Ollre at.. St. Louis, Mo St. Umls Calcium Co.. 516 Elm at.. St LouU Western Calcium IJght Works. 186 Hastlngi

at., Detroit. Mich.

CALLIOPES. George Krats. Kranarille, Ind. T. J. NIchol d Co., Pearl d Ludlow ats., Cln

etaaati. O. CAMERA8COPES.

W. 8. Mountford, 100 Majden Lane. N. Y. City

CANES AND WHIPS. Clereland Cane Co.. Oereland, O. Ooe. Yonge A Cs.. 965 Lncaa are., St. Louis Goldsmith Toy Imp. Co., 122 E. 4th st., Cin'ti Nasselta Bros., $2 Atlantic are.. Boston, Maas Kewmaa Mtg. Co., 641 Woodland are., Clera-

land, O. S. Bchoen A Son, 60 Ann at.. New Yo-k City. Shryock-Todd Ob.. 824 N. 8th at.. St. Lenla. N. Share Oo., 220 Madlsbn ot.. Chicago, DI. •■nver Bros.. S2 Bswary New York City.

CARBONS AND EXHAUSTERS. J. H. Hallb-rg. .36 K. 23<1 at.. New York City. Charles L. Klewert Co., 114 Huron at., Milwau¬


' G. A. Deutiel, 3<M1 Germantown are., Pblla F. Dolle'a Caniuael Works, Box 119, Hudson

Heights. N. J. I Hcrsehell'SpllIman Co., No. Tonawanda. N. Y. i W. F. Mangels Oo., Coney Island, N. Y. . C. W Parker, liearenworth and Abilene. Kan-

CARS (R. R.) I Arms Palace Horse Car Co., Mooadnock Block.

Chicago, Hi.


I R. Colker Mfg. Co., Sixth and Brighton, sta., I Newport. Ky.

Helmet Co.. Inc., 13 W. 6th at., ClnclDoatl, O. Toledo Chewing Gum Co., 406 Jackson at., To¬

ledo, O. CIGARS.

L. Denebein A Son., 1222 84 Oak at.. Kanaaa City, Mo.

CIRCLE SWINGS & FROLICS. Norelty Machine Oo., 2 Rector at., N. Y. City.

CIRCUS SEATS. Hew and Second-hand.

lUker d Lockwood, 7th and Wyandotte, Kansas

.^S.’^Te’St d Awning Co.. 22 28 N. Deaplalnsa at.. Chicago, Ill.

CIRCUS WAGONS. Cages, Dena arid Band Ohnrieta.

Begga Wagon Co., Kansas City, Mo. Sulllran d Ragle, 15 Clnal at.. Pern, Ind

CLOWN WHITE, Stein Coemetic Co., 120 W. 31nt xt., N, Y. C-

COASTERS. Coaster C-matr. Co.. 540 W. 2lBt at., X. Y. O. Paul D. Bowse. Ocean Park, Cal.

COLD CREAM. M. Stein Cosmetic Oo.. 120 W. 31at at., N. Y. C.

COMPENSARC. Fort Wayne Electric Works, Fort Wayne, Ind.

CONES. T. Diets, 127 Michigan at., Toledo, O.

Omaha Sugar Cone Co.. Inc., 1208 Jackson at., Omaha, Neb.

CONE MACHINERY. I.anier d Drlesbacb, 248 Butler, Cincinnati, O.

CONFECTIONERY MACHINES. A. T. Diets, 127 Michigan at., Toledo, O. W. Z. Ixing. 172 High at., Springfield, O.

CONFECTIONS. Ruerkhelm Broa. d Eckatein, Harrison and Pe¬

oria. Chicago, HI.

CONFETTI. Wm R. Jomson, 80 Pike at., Seattle, Wash.

CORN POPPERS. W. Z. Long, 172 High at., Springfield, 0.

COSMETICS. Eye-Brow Pencils, Facs Powder, Etc.

tlias. Meyer, 28 Colon Stjuare, N. City.

COSTUMES. Carniral Costume Co., 267 N. Water at., Mll-

n’sukee, Wla. | C. S. Fireworks Co.. Memphis, Tenn.; John C. Frits Shoults A Co., 76 77 E. Lake st , Chicago. ' Craig, pyrotechnist.

FELT PENNANTS. Holiday Norelty Mfg. Co.. 27 E. 4lh at.. New


National Tissue Mfg Co.. 306 307 Bergen st.. Brooklyn, N. Y.

FIGHT PICTURES Chicago Fight I'icture Co.. 123 N. Clark at.,

CbUago, HI. FILMS.

Manufacturars. Dealers in and Rental Bureaus.

Acme Film Co., 12 E. 15th st.. New York City. American Film Brokers. 6 W 14th st.. New

York City. AntlTiust Film Co.. 77 8. Clark st.. Chicago. Atlas Mfg Co.. 412 century Bltlg.. St. Louis. Cbirago Film Exchange, 46 Jackson Bird., Chi¬

cago; Omaha. Cincinnati Buckeye Film Exchanga. N. E. cw.

Fourth and Plum, Cincinnati, O. Dixie FMlm Exchange. Owensboro. Ky. . II. Daria, Watertown, Wls. Thos. A. Edison. Inc., 10 Fifth are.. N. Y. C.,

and Orange, N. J. Featnre d Erlucattonal Film Co., Home offlee,

112 Prospect at.. Clereland. O. H. d H. Klim Serrice, 360 Monadoock Block,

Chicago, Ill. J. H. Hallberg. 36 E. 23d at.. New York City. International I'llm Traders, 5 W. 14th at.. Sew

York City. Klnemaeokir Co. of America. 146 W. 45th at.,

New York City.

Eransrllle, Ind.; Memphis. Tenn.: Omaha Neb.; Balt Lake City, Utah; Mlnneaiwlta, Minn.; Pnr land. Ore.; Montreal, Que,, Can.; Winnipeg Man., Can.

Mnrphy. C. J.. Elyria. 0. Nestor Film Co., Bayonne, N. J. Novelty Moving Picture Co.. 4^ Turk at., San

Francisco. Reliable Film Ex., Room 260 . 440 8. Dearborn !

I at.. Chicago. HI. St. Paul Film Rental Agency. 8. R. Thompaon,

; prop. 56 E. 7th at.. Suite 206. St. Ptnl, Minn.

Solax CV>.. 147 4th ave.. New York City. Thanhouser Co., New Rochelle, N. Y. U. 8. Klim Exchange, 538 8. Dtwrborn at.. Chl-


Chicago Film Brokers, eor. Bernard d Alnslee I ats., Cbicago. General Film Brokers. 23 E. Jackaon Bird.. Chi¬

cago. HI.

■FILM CEMENT MANUFACTURERS I Tboa. A Edison, Inc.. Orange, N. J. ' J. H. Hallberg. 36 E. 23d at.. New York City.

FILM CLEANING MACHINES Mortimer Film Cleaner CO., Fidelity Bldg., Port¬

land. Me.


Gnnby Bros.. 199 Third a»e.. New York City.


The Antl-Pyroa Co., 170 Green at.. N. Y. City.

I FIREWORKS. . Gregory Flrewirks Co., 25 N. DearNtrn at., Chi¬

cago. Ill. I Hitt Fireworks Co., Columbia Station. Seattle, I Wash. I International Fireworks Oo^ Jersey City, N. J.

Pain Fireworks Display Co., 1320 Wabash are., I Chicago. III.

United Fireworks Co.. Trenton, N. J

Whitney Scenic A Coatume Co., 99 Woodward are.. Detroit, Mich. j

COSTUMERS- I wild West—C. P. Shipley, Kansas City, Mo.

America’a Largest Ifanufacturer. Cat'l. Free.


Carl Hagenbeck, 8. A. S:epbau, American Agt., Zoo, Cincinnati, O.

DECORATORS. Wm. Beck A Son Co., 10 12 GarSeld Place, Cin¬

cinnati, 0.


D. C. Humpbrya Co.. 013 Arch at., Phlla., Pa.

ELECTRIC FANS. J. H. Hallberg, .36 K. 23d at.. New York City.

ELECTRIC LIGHTING OUTFITS Callle Bros.’ Co., Detroit, Mich. Charles A. Strelinger Co., Detroit, HIch.

ELECTRIC LIGHTING OUTFITS Fixtures and Reflectors for Direct or Indirect

IHumination. National X-Ray Reflector Co., 229 Jackson Bird.,

Chicago, Ill.

ELECTRIC MINIATURE RAILWAY. W. F. Mangels Ca, Coney Island, N. Y.

ELECTRIC STAGE EFFECTS. Joseph Menchen, .360 W. 50th at., N. Y. City. Universal Electric Stage Lighting Co., 1391

Broadway. New York City.

EMBROIDERY. A B. Crooer. 206 W. 42d at.. New York City.

ENGRAVED JEWELRY NOVELTIES Brett Bros., 1140 Columbus are., Boston, Mass.

EXHAUSTERS. Cbarlea L. Klewert Co., 114 Huron at., Mtlwan-

kee, WU.

EYEBROW PENCILS. M Stein Ooemetlc Co.. 120 W. 3Ut at., N. Y. C.

FACE POWDER. M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. 3Ut at.. N. Y. C.

FAIR GROUNDS GOODS. Slack Mfg. Co., 10 N. Franklin at., Chicago, III.

FEATHER FLOWERS. DeWItt SUtera, 147 W. 46th at., Chicago, lU.

. FEATURE FILMS. Great Northern Specialty Featnre Fllaa Co., TOO

Lincoln Bldg., New York City. Monopol Film Co., 145 W. 46tk at.. N. T. City. FTeoeb-AmerIcan Film Co., 401 niaea Bldg..

New York City. Feature A Educational FUaa Co., 118 Pmapect

at., Clareland, O.


Wlllaon'ii Flreworka Co., I/>8 Angelea and San Franclaco,

FLAGS. Rehm A Co.. 142 Fulton at.. New York City.

Phone Cortlandt 70. C. 8. Tent A Awning Co., 22 28 N. Deaplalnea

at., Chicago, Ill.

FLOOR SURFACING MACHINES. M. L. Srhlneter, 103 8. Canal at., Cbirago. HI.

GAMING DEVICES. Bpindlea, Clnb Houae Fumituro, ate.

H. C. Erana A Co., 102 Van Ruren at., Chicago.

GASOLINE BURNERS. W. Z. I»og, 172 High at., Springfield. 0.

GREASE-PAINTS. ETC. Hake-Up Boxei, Cold Cream. Etc.

The Hess Oo., Rorheater, N. Y. M. Stein Ooemetlc Co.. 120 W. 31st at.. N. Y. C.

GREASE ROUGE. The Heea Co. (Cherryoia and Rubyllp), Roch-

eater, N. Y. HARNESS.

Plumes and Trappings for Circus and Adrer- tiaing Uae.

Schaemba Plume Co.. 612 Metropolitan are., Brooklyn. N. Y.

HOTELS Hotel Frederick (atrletly profesaional), 1647

Payne are.. Cleveland, O. Grand Opera Houae Hotel; European; William

Sprlnka, proji.. Toronto. Can. Ramona Hotel, 140 Macon at., San Frenrlsco.

HYPNOTIC INSTRUCTION, M. D. Betts. Station G, Jackaon, Mich.

ICE CREAM DISHERS. Kingery Mfg. Oo.. 420 426 E. Pearl at., Ctn'tl.

INCANDESCENT LIGHTS. Safety Electric Co., 15 Michigan are., Cbicago.


INVISIBLE FORTUNE WRITERS, 8. Bower, 117 Harman at.. Brooklyn, N. Y.

JAPANESE SOUVENIR GOODS. Taktto, Ogawa A Co.. 166 B. lAke at.. Chicago

JEWELRY. For Stage Use.

Bennett Jewelry Oo.. 1645 N. 10th at.. Phlla. Coe, Yonge A Oo.. 905 Lncaa are., St. Loult. N. Sbnre Oo., 220 Madtaon at., Chicago, III. Sbr-ock-Todd Co.. 824 N. 6th at., 81 Lonla. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City.

JUGGLERS’ GOODS. Bdw. Tan Wyck, 1666 Pnllan are., dnclnnati.

KNIVES. Clereland Cane Cb.. Clereland, O. Goldberg Jewalry Co., ill W. Oth at.. Kansas

City. Mo, Mowman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland arc.. Clere-

land, 0.

Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. Weialtaum Cutlery Co., 19 So. 5tb arc., Chlcage. N. Sbure Co., Madison at.. Cbicago, 111. Shryock-Todd Co., K24 N. 8tb at., St. Lx>ais, Mo

LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS. J. M. Naughton Co., Hotel Mayer Bldg., Peoria,


Bsocons, Torchat for Circus and Tant Bhowt.

Bolte A Weyer, 125 8. Centre are., Cbicago, HI. Harding Fairchild Mantel Factory, 6320 Jark-

aoD Park ave., Chicago, HI. U. S. Tent A Awnin Co., 22 28 N. Deaplalnea

at.. Chicago. HI. Wludborat A Co., 104 106 N. 12th at., St. Loult

LIQUID MAKE-UP. Tha Heat Co. (Youthful Tint), Rochester, N. T.

MACHINES AND FEATURE FILMS. Bromberg A Peck, 410 Rhodes Bldg.. Atlanta,


Folsom A JonUn. Box 1469, Boston. Maas. Read A CV>vert. SIO E. 43d at.. Cbirago, lU. Yost A CO., 900 mbert at., Philadelphia, Pa.

MAGIC LANTERNS. Btereoptlcons. ate.

Stebbemt, Cbax. M., 1028 .Main at., Kansan City.


American Box Ball Co., 1260 Van Bureu at.. Indianapolis. Ind.

Armitage A Guinn, Sprlngrllle N. Y. Ell Bridge Co., Roodhouae, HI. Heracbell Spillman Co., No. Tonawanda. M. T. W, F. Mangels Co., Coney Island, N, Y. C.'w. Parker, I/envenworth, Kan.

I A. J. Smith. 3247 W. Vau Bureu at., (Xilcago. ■ Wm. Wnrflleln 208 N. 2d at., PblladelphU. Fa.


A. BemI, 220 W. 14th at.. New York City. Lyon A Healy. 205 Wabaah are.. Cbicago. HI. North Tonawauda Musical Instrument Works,

North Tonawanda, N. Y. H. Welte A Sona. 273 5tb are., N. Y. City. Rndolpb Wurlltxer Co,. Cincinnati and Chicago.


Francis Bannerman. 501 Broadway, N. Y. Citj.

MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. American Film Brokers, 5 W. 14tb at.. New

York City. American M. P. Machine Co.. 101 Beekman at..

New York City. Amutemeut Supply Co., Ill N. Dearbora at.,

Cbicago, HI. AntlTruat Film Co.. 77 S. Clark at.. Chicago Cinclnnatl-Burkeye Film Exchange. N. B. cor.

Fourth end Plum, Cincinnati, U. Chicago Pi;»n Exchange. 46 Jackaon Bird., Chi

cago; Omaha. Thos. A. Edison. Inc., 10 Fifth are.. N. T. C..

and Orunge, N. J. ^ J U. Hallberg, 36 E. 23d at.. New \ork City llarbacb A Co. 809 Filbert at., Phlladelrtla. U. A H. Film Service 360 Monadoock Block.

Chicago, HI. Geo. M. Hoke Supply Co., 81 8. Clark at., Obi

cago, HI. Laemmle Film Serrice, 196 Lake at., Chicago.

Eransrllle. ind.; Memphis. Tenn.; Omaha, Neb.: Salt Lake City, Utah; Minneapolis. Minn.; Foriland, Ore.; Montreal. Que., Can.; Winnipeg. Man.. Can. . w w c

Mcbolaa Power Co., 115 Nassau at.. N. T. C. Reliable Film Ex.. Boom 260. 440 S. Dearborn

at., Chicago. Ill. gtebblns. Charles M., 1028 Mtin at., Kausas

City, Mo.


Geo. M. Hoke Supply Co., 81 8. Clark at.. Cbi¬ cago. HI.

MUSICAL GLASSES. I. Brauoelss 1012 Grant are., Richmond Hill,

N. Y.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. The 0>lumbiiB Plano Co., Columbus, O. Lyon A Healy, 2u5 Wabash are,, Cbicago. HI. North Tonawanda Musical Inatrumeut Wo.'ks,

North Tooawanda. N. Y. M. Welte A 8-ns. 27.3 6th ave.. New York City Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., Cluclouati and Chicago.

NOSE PUTTY. M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 120 W. Slat at.. N Y. C.

NOVELTIES. Coe, Yonge A Co.. 906 Lucai are., St. Louis. U. Gerber, 729 South et., Philadelphia. Pa. Goldemltb Tup Imp. Co., 122 E. 4tn are., Cin¬

cinnati, 0. Gordon A Morrison. 199 201 E- Madiaon at.,

Chicago, HI. Goldberg Jewelry O).. Ill W. 6tb at., Kansas

City. Mo. Holiday Norelty Co., 27 E. 4th at.. N. Y. City. T. O. Mott. 711 8 Itearbo-'n at.. Chicago. lU. Rudolph Broa., 520 S. 5tb at., Phllsdelpbla. Fa. N. Shura Co., 220 Madiaon at., ChlcaM, HI. Singer Bros., 82 Bower.r. New York (Sty.

OPERA CHAIRS. American Seating Co., 215 Wabaah are., Ob'go. A. H. Andrewe. 174 Wiliasb are., Chicago, HI Camle-Goudle Mfg. (S>., 807 Delaware at., Kaa-

aas City, Mo. J. H. Hallberg. 36 E. 23d at.. New York City. Hardesty Mfg. (3o., Canal Dover. O, I^ars Seating Co.. 206 Houser Bldg., 8t. Lonla. Peter A Vols, Arlington Heigbis. HI. Royal Metal Mfg. Co., 1821 Dearborn at.. Chi¬

cago, III. Steel Furniture Co., Grand Rapids. Mich. R. H. Stafford Mfg. Co., Cbicago. HI. Wlaconsln Beating Co., New London. WU.

ORANGEADE. The Corner Co., 303 Maryland at., Buffalo, M. Y- Kwenrbatbirat Co., 24 26 Harrlann at., N. Y. C. Charles T. Morrissey Co., 3407 Ogden arc., Cbl

rago, HI.

ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS. C. F. Bath. Abilene Kan. A. Bernl. 220 W. 14rh at.. New York City. Johannes g. Gebhart Co., 7033 Edmund at., Ta-

cooy. Fbllidelphla, Pa. Lyon A Healy, 206 Wabaah are.. Chlcmg<^ IH. John Mutak) A Son. 178 Park Bow. N. x. C. North Tooawanda Musical Instrument Works,

North Tonawenda, N. T. M. Welte A gone. 273 6tb are.. New York City Rudolph Wurlttaer Co., Cincinnati and Obkeago.

e B 8 45 111 l>o r d

PALMS. (Matural, Ferpetnal.)

>'l«rld« Natural Produrta Co.. Fprnandloa. FU.

PAPIER MACHE. ajut-rioD I>«KroratinK Co.. 1406 E. Irvloc Park

Bird.. Chloago. Ill. Carnival Paplir Machp Works, 2<W1 2A8 W*at

Water at., Milwaukee. Wla.

PARK BUILDERS. Ouaaicr t'ona'r. Co.. 640 W. 21tt at., N. Y. C. Paul 1> Howae. Ocean Park, Cal.

PATENTS SECURED. VB'tur J. Evans & Co., WaablnKtoo. D. C.

PEANUTS, ALL VARIETIES. S Oatanaaro & Co.. Penn ave. and 22d at.,

Pltlabor*. Pa.

PEANUT ROASTING MACHINES. Kloxer; urg. Co., 420 426 K. Pearl at., Cin’tl.

PENNANTS, M Niaman. 134M Fillmore at.. San Franclaco. Kuiloliib Bros., 620 S. 6tb at., Pbiladeipbla, Pa.

PHOTOGRAPHS. Tuunx h Carl. N. W. cor. 7tb and Tine ata.,

CluclBoatl, O.

PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. Jamestown Ferrotjpe Co., 1113 8. Halstead st.,

Cblcago, Ill.

PHOTO BUTTON CAMERAS. Ainer. Minute Pboto. Oo., 720 W. 12tb, Cblcago. Obirago Fi irotjrpe Co.. Ferrotype Bldg.. Cblcago. Cut Rate Pboto Supply Co., 1247 8. llalsied at.,

Cblcago, Ill. InteroatlODal Metal Jk Ferrotype Co., 1262 Bine

Island ave.. Chicago. .National Photo Machine Co., 85 Beaver st. New

York Olty. New York Ferrotype Co., 168^ Oelancey at..

New York City. W ft Moontford. 100 Maiden Lane, N. Y. City.

PLAYS AND MSS. Dealsn in, Autbora, Agents and Broksrs.

a K Kelm, 403 Grand ave., Milwaukea, Wla.

POPCORN. Dimbirger Popcorn Co., 186 Seneca at. Buf¬

falo, N. Y. Bueckbelm Bros. A Elckateln, Hairrlaon and Pe-

urls ata., Chicago, III.

POODLE DOGS. »<tKien A Sarkady, 10 W. 18th at., N. Y. City.


Fair Amnsement Co.. 237 230 Lafayette at.. New York Olty.

POPCORN MACHINES. W. Z Long, 172 High at.. Springfield, O.

PORCUPINES. Linwood H. Flint, North Waterford, Maine.

POST CARD MACHINES. Chicago Ferrotype Oa, Congress and Lafiln ata.,

Cblcago, Ill.


*iar l*boto. .Machine A Supply Oo., 718 8. 7th •t.. Philadelphia. 1*0.

PRINTERS. Of Pictorial Poatera, Big-Typs Stands, Btrsam-

sra, Etc. American Show Print Co.. .Milwaukee, Wls. IkioaUlenn l.ltbu. Co.. Newiiort, Ky. Boiiert Wilmuna, 1706 Commerce st., Dallsa,


PRINTERS. Of Theatrical Letterheads. OontrKts and Pro¬

grams. Obureli Printing Oo.. 25 27 Opera Place, Cin¬

cinnati. O.

PRIZES. Vases. China, Steins, etc.

Falker A Stern Co.. 124 W. I.ake st.. Chicago.

RACING COASTER BUILDERS. CosMer t.matr. Co.. .540 W. 21st at.. N. Y. C. Lynn Welcher Construction Co., Bockefeller

Bldg. Clev, land, O.

ROLL TICKETS. .Vatloiial Ticket Co.. Shamokln. Pa. Kojal Ticket Co.. Sbamokln. Pa. Weldon. Williams A Lick. Ft. Smith, Ark.

ROUGE. The Co.. Rochester, N. Y. M Hteln (osmetic Co.. 120 W. 31st st., N. Y. C.

SCENIC PAINTERS. And Dealers in Scenery, Etc.

Knkel..,ll Art Co.. 5306 N. 27th st.. Omahs, Neb. Frank M. Green Scenic Co.. 408 6ib st., Lou¬

isville, Ky. John llerfurth, 2183 Boone st.. Cincinnati. O. The M-eraCarev Stmlloe. Steubenville. 0. The N.w York Studios. 1001 Times Bldg., New

York City. 81 l.<iila Meat A Scenic Co. 613 Elm st., St.

Loala, Mo. Bihell a Scenic .Studio, 581 8. High st.. Ckilum-

hua, O. Soeman A Lsndla Co.. 417 8. Clinton st., Chi

<ago. Ill. Tivimej A Vollond Scenic Co., 2312 Market at.,

st l.ouls. Mo.

SCENIC RAILWAYS. • r «ooatr. Co., 540 w. 2Ist at.. N. Y. C. I‘■ul It lloHse, Ocean Park, Csl. W’ F Mangels Co., Coney Island. N. Y.

SCENIC STUDIOS. M .(mill lister A Sens, Columbiia, O. Ulrliard Outhmsnn Scenery Studios. 1314 I/tomis

Plaie, Chicago.

SECOND-HAND SHOW GOODS. l>l\le F'llm Kxebtnge, Owensboro, Ky.

SELF-PLAYING PIANOS. BeiT.v Wood Plano Player Co., Kansas City, Mo. Lyen A Ilealy. 205 Waliaah ave., I'bicago, III. M. Welle A Sons. 273 5th ave.. New Y’ork City. Kmlulpb Wnrlltaer Co.. (^InrlnnaU and Chicago.

SHOOTING GALLERIES. Diamood Novelty Oo., Schenectady, N. Y. jt K. Illpnle. Htia Vine at.. Philadelphia. Pa. ■ R Hoffman A Son. A317 8. Irving ave;, Chi¬

cago. Ill. ly. K Mangels Co., Coney Island. N, Y. ' ■ W Parker. lAavenworth, Kan.

A. J. Smith, 3247 W. Van Buren at., Chicago. J. J. McCnllougb, Sherldan'a Walk, Coney Is

land. N. Y. Wffi. Wurffleln, 208 N, 2d st.. Pbiladeipbla, Pa.

SIDE SHOW CURIOSITIES. William Nelson, North Cambridge, Mass.

SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. 8. Bock, 728 Blue Island ave., Chicago. Ill. Enkeboll Art Co., 5.305 N. 27th st., Omahs, Neb. B. J. Hayden A Co., 106 Broadway, Brooklyn,

N. Y. G. Jenklnson, 1724 Fillmore st., Sun Francisco. A. W. Millard Jr., 2800 W. 8tb st.. Coney Is¬

land. N. Y. D. 8. Tent A Awning Co., 22 28 N. Desplalnss

st., Chicago, 111.


Behm A C^o., 142 Fulton at.. New York City. Phone Ckirtlandt 70.

SKATES. Chicago Roller Skate Co., 1128 Washington

Blvd., CTiieago, 111. M. C. Henley, Richmond, Ind.

SLOT MACHINE SUBSTITUTES. Olaba Co., 1022 Main it., Anderson, Ind.

SLOT MACHINES. Xsnufsctniers and Dealsn in.

The Callle Bros.' Co., Detroit, Mich. Diamond Novelty Co. Schenectady, N. Y. A. J. Fliher A Co.. 434 2d ave., Pittsburg. Pa. Lyon A Ilealy, 206 Wabash ave., Chicago. Mills Novelty Co., Chicago, Ill. M. Welte A Sons. 273 6th ave., N. Y. City. RudtSph Wnrlltaer Co., Cincinnati and Chicago.

SLOT MACHINE SUPPLIES. Exhibit Sup. Co., 542 S. Dearborn at.. Chicago.

SNAKE DEALERS. Armstrong Snake Co., San Antonio, Texas. Brownsville Snake Farm, Box 275, Brownsville,

Texas. W. O'Dell Leam, San Antonio, Tex. W'. A. Snake King. Brownsville, Texas,

SONG BOOKS. Wm. W. Delaney, 117 Park Bow. N. Y. City.

SONG SLIDES. For lUnatratsd Bongs.

Chicago Film Exchange, 46 Jackson Blvd., Chi¬ cago and Omaha.

H. A H. Film Service, 360 Monsdnock Block, Chicago, Ill.

Laemmle Film Service, 106 Lake st., Chicago; Evansville, Ind.; Memphis, Tenn.; Omaha. Neb.; Salt Lake City; Minneapolis. Minn.; Portland. Ore.; Montreal, Que., Can.; Winni¬ peg, Man.. Can.

SOUVENIR AND BUGGY WHIPS. Advance Whip Co., Westfield, Mass.

SPANGLES. Arthur B. Albertis Co., 7 Fulton at., Brooklyn,

N. Y.


Singer Bros., 82 Bowery. New York City.

SPIRIT GUM. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 31st st., N. Y. C.

STAGE HARDWARE. J. R. Clancej, 247 Sslina st., Syracuse, N. Y.

STAGE JEWELRY. Arthur B. Albertis Co., 7 Fulton at.. Brook¬

lyn. N. Y.

STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES. J. U. Hsllberg. 36 E. 23d st.. New York City. Joseph Menebeo Electric Co., 300 W. 50th st.,

New York City.

STREET MEN’S SUPPLIES. For Fair Followers.

Brackmsn Weller Co.. 337 W. Madison st., Chi¬ cago, HI.

Berk Bros.. 520 Broadway. New York City. Coe, Vonge A Co., 004 Lucas ave., St. Louis. • E. Bloch .Merc. Co., 5703 Battery st., San Fran¬

cisco, Csl. E. M. Davis Soap Co., 310 Union Park Place,

Cblcago. III. M. Gerber. 720 South st., Pbiladeipbla, Pa. Goldberg Jewelry Co.. Ill W. Otb st., Kansas

City, MO. Gordon A Morrison, 190-201 E. Madison, Chi¬

cago, III. Goldsmith Toy Importing Co., 122 E. 4tb ave.,

(Mnclnnatl, O. Holiday Novelty Mfg. C4)., 27 K. 4ih at.. New

York City. Levin Broi., Terre Haute. Ind. T. 0. Mott Co.. 711 S. Dearborn st.. Chicago. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve¬

land. O. Rudolph Bros.. 520 S 5tb st., Pblltdelpbla. Ps. Shryock Todd Co., 824 N. 8tb at.. St. Louis, Mo. N. Sbure Co.. 200 Madison st., Cblcago, 111. Singer Bros.,'82 Bowery, New York City. Welsbaum Cutlery Co.. 19 So. 6th ave., Chicago. Western Puzxle Works, 36 Jackson it., St. Paul.


Ed. E. Brown. 806 K. field. Ill.

Washington at.. Spring

TENTS. Baker A Lockwood, 7th A Wyandotte sta.. Kan-

aaa (Mty, Mo. George B. Carpenter A Co., 201 W. Illinois at.,

Cblcago, III. Columbus Tent A Awning Co., (Columbus, O. Carnle-Goudle Co., 307 Delaware at., Kansas

City. Mo. Dougherty Broe.' Tent Co., 109 8. Main at., St.

LmIs. Mo. J. C. Goss A (V)., Detroit, Mich. The Kunkely Tent A Awning Co., 163 Sonth at..

New York City. W. H. Lnshhaugb, C3>vlngton. Ky. M. Magee A Son. 147 Fulton at.. N. Y. City. Murray A Co.. Inc.. 640 .Meridian at.. Chicago. Rehn A Co.. 142 Fulton at.. New York City.

Phone Cortlandt 70. John Sebers Sons. 1006 1008 Freeman ave.. (nn-

clnnatt, O. Thomson A Vandiveer. 816 E. Pearl at., Cin’tl. Tucker Dnck A Rubber Co.. Ft. Smith, Ark. U. 8. Tent A Awning Co., 22-28 N. Des Plalnea

at., Chicago. HI.

TENTS TO RENT. Rebm A Co., 142 Fulton at., New York City.

Phone Cortlandt 70.

THEATRE FRONTS AND CEILINGS.' Kanneberg Roofing A Ceiling Co., Canton, 0.

THEATRICAL COSTUMES & WIGS. Wm. Beck A Bone Co., 10-12 Garfield Place,

Cincinnati, O. Chicago Costume Works. 143 N. Dearborn st.,

Chicago, HI. A. Fueger, 621 Walnut at., St. Louis, Mo.

THEATRICAL LUMBER. John Gillespie Lumber Co.. Lumber and Seward

ata., Chicago, HI.


Callle Brothers. Detroit, Mich.

TICKET CHOPPERS. H. V. Bright, Strswn Bldg., Cleveland, O.

TICKET PRINTERS. Arcus Ticket Co.. 412 S. Dearborn at., Cblcago. National Ticket Co., Sbamokln, Pa. Beea Printing Co., 10th A Harney sts., Omaha,

Neb. Royal Ticket C^., Sbamokln, Ps. Trlmonnt Press, 87 Albany at., Boaton, Mass. Weldon, Williams A Lick, Fort Smith. Ark.

TIGHTS. Arthur B. Albertis (To., 7 Fulton at., Brooklyn,

N. Y.

TOILET REQUISITES & PERFUME! Carl E. W. Welcome, Box 302, Westfield, Maas.

TOY BALLOONS. Faultless Rubber Co., Ashland, O. Nassella Bros.. 32 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass. Q. Nervione, 448 N. Franklyn at., Chicago, III. George A. Paturel, 41 Warren at.. N. Y. City. Shryock-Todd Co., 824 N. 8:b st.. St. Louis, Mo. .Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City.

TRANSFORMERS. Tboa. A. Edison, Inc.. Orange, N. J.

TRUNKS. B. B. A B. Trunk Co., 447 Wood st., Pittsburg.

TURNSTILES. Eagistered and Coin-Contnllad Tumstllss.

H. V. Bright. Strswn Bldg.. Cleveland, O. UNIFORMS.

DeMoulIn Bros. A Co., 1030 8. 4th at., Green¬ ville, Ill.

Jas. H. Hirsch A Co., 208 Jackson at., (Thicago. Weatem Uniform Co., 214 S. Clark at., Chicago.

VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES. Pacific Coaat Amiiaement Co., American Bank

Bldg.. Seattle. Waab. Ted Sparks’ TTieattfical Exchange. Ontury

Bldg., Kansas City. Mo.

VENTRILOQUIST FIGURES. C. F. Ames, 1590 Amsterdam ave., N. Y. City.

WATCHES. N. Shore (To.. 220 Madison st., Cblcago, Ill. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City.

WIGS, MAKEUP & TRICOT MASKS. Percy Ewing Supply House, Decatur, HI.

WILD ANIMAL DEALERS. Putnam's Pet A Wild Animal Store, 490 Wash¬

ington at., Buffalo. N. Y. Louis Ruhe. 248 Grand at.. New York City.

WIRE WORKERS’ SUPPLIES. Juergens Jewelry (To., 83 Chambers at.. New

York City. T. O. Mott, 711 S. Dearborn at., Chicago, HI.

WANTED . . .

A-No. ) TRAP DRUMMER with full line of cueing Traps, ana able to Bells. State ability and exi>erlence. Good place for right party. Address

J. O. CANFIELD, Washington, la.


Can double on comet. Wi.<ihes position in summer orchestra. Can furnish excellent references. Willing to do other work besides musical duties. All lettera an.swered. Address O. A. SMITH, liox 326. Moores Hill. Indiana.


Five yean' experience In the Italian army. Familiar

with orchestra. Desire engagement. Address

*'G. F.,'* Laadar Itallart Band,

Bavlar, Mo.

Wanted —A-1 Talker For Hippodrome, and second-hand "James Roys In Ml.«ouri” Film, for Parker No. 2 Show. Wire your lowest salary, as time is very short. N. 8. CHEF- Ald). care I’srker Show. I.eaTenworth. Ksnsa.s.

FOR SALE—The Richardson make latest Topsy Tur- vy and Pocket Ball Bowling Alleys; fastest legitimate game on the market, for use at Parks and Carnivals. For Information address U. 8. TENT A AWNING CO.. Chicago. lU.

65-FOOT PRIVATE CAR FOR SALE—13-wheel trucks: a swell Private Car; can be bought cheap for cash. Car at Columbus, Ind. Address FRANK L. Ul.N’O.

FOR SALE—Edison Moving I*tcture Machine, In fine condition, complete with tskeup and msgaslnes. Also lot wire and supplies. Best offer takes It. Will ship for examination st express offlee on receipt of $5.00. I. B. KIRLER. 197 Kings Ct.. Akron. O.

FOR SALE—One Standard Automatic Moving Itctura Machine, with all the latest Improvements, complete for electricity, practically new; coat $250. will sell for 1100.00. V. REAL. t'arrisoBo. N. M.

—RULES FOR— THE SAME OF “SIXTEEN MUNOIEO’ Mar bMt b« iaacrlksA aa a» ataboaatlam at rtas ■aadiad. which la tan U a eoaaMaatkaa at Barhre safi Bridge. It Uterally aboaads to aaarea and pitfalls far ths aawary, aad sahas qaeatly pro'-okaa oa end of mirth aad hUarttp

Frioa, 10 Oaata.

OKTiKOH PRurmo coKPAirr. 410 Baa Itraat, Oiaolanatt. 08*'


sble for parks, measuring six to eight feet In length. Boats can be used on rail or water. Must sell oa account of moving. 1912 la the year of anniversaries. Get In right with your park or show. Address WM L. HUMMEL, 2911 N. Humboldt 8t.. Chicago, ill

FOR SALE 1 Rig. 3 Smaller Snakes, Pelicans. Storks. Beet Rata. Guinea Pigs. Wafer Turkey, Wild Doga, Baimera. Cages; all first-class shape. Do not wire or writs, come, look for yourself; will stand B. B. ons way If you buy. All good feeders. Address No. T28 I^ Street. Alexandria. la. _

FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN tine 20th Century Merry-Oo-Bound, one Condermaa FerrU Wheel, two Tope. 20x30. with Snake and Vau¬ deville Banners. Above property In flrst-clata ooiidl- tlon, except painting. Address DAVE JONES. Chip¬ pewa Falht, Wisconsin.__

SHOW PROPERTV FOR SALE—12 lengths of 9 Uer Seats. Ball Kings. Pa.ste Brushes, also very small Shetland Ponies, some broke to work In ring; I Kabkl Tent. 20x40. with poles, complete; 1 Edison Uni¬ versal Machine: 1 Exhibition Machine: 300 Folding Chairs; 2 sets 90-jet Kid l.lghu; 1 large Beacon Liglit; lot of Pan Lights, ased a short time. In A-l condition, and lot of Show I’roperty too numerous te mention. T. F FANNING. 1002 .North Clark St.. Chicago. III.

EDISON M. P. MACHINE, lamp, rheostat. 3.000 feet films; first $20. No. 3 Optlgraph, cal. lamp. 4.000 ft. films, $29. New Model B, $24; used, $15. Steroe. |i up; 75 Slides of Mexico. $6; 80 of Washington. $t. Acetylene outfits; Edison and Lubln outfiti. Stamp for Hsu. FRED L SMITH. Am-sterdam. N. Y.

FOR SALE —Steam Carousell, 26 animals, 5 chartota: overhead arms; 4o-key organ. Handy to travel with. Will tell cheap with or without conceaslon In Picnla Park. (Sickness.) JOH.N HORN. 654 .North 11th St.. Philadelphia, I’a.

FOR SALE—Tent, twenty-five by forty-five, ten-fool wall, and one Black Bear. All In A-l conditloa. pric^ right. Must sell ('HAS. McClJuLLAND, Tl- tusvtlle. Pa.

VALUABLE BILLPOSTING AND OISTRlBUTINS PLANT FOR SALE—In city of 10.000. Have aboal 1,200 lineal feet of boards, about one-half metal aad tongue and grooved. Addreee JOHN 8. ELDER. Clarksville, Tenn.

FOR SALE—BEAUTIFUL SHETLAND P0NIE»- Blacks. browns, bays, sorrels and fantv apotted. Oas of the meet reliable and oldest pony farnia In Amerlaa. GEORGE ARNinTS. Pony Farm. Springfield. Ohia.

BAND ORGAN FOR SALE—Wurlltaer. Style lU Drums. (Tymbals. paper pleyed: suitable for Rink Hall, M. G. R or Carousel. A bargain. Caab only BOX 271. Elyria. Ohia. __

FOR SALE Somersault Hlgli-Dlvlng Trick Dogs and Doves: P. Machine Films cheap: Tempe-auce BoUUng Outfit, Soda Fountain. Will exchange dogs and dovea for good Films PROF HARRY SMITH. Grata. Pa

FOR SALE—Ten Reels of fine Film. Raising the Maine Slides, end 2(( sets of Song Slides. Will tell cheap or exchat]ge for tent or other show property. BOX 125, StUImore. Ga.

FOR SALE—High-grade Illaslons. the finest that mon¬ ey can buy Carl Wlllmantw. Wonderful Cage. Bridal (Thamber, Sans Gene. Where Am It. ADOLPH CARLL. 2(37 W Ijuivale St.. Baltimore. Md._

-( WANTED )- Aaeota. l«iiltimeu substitute pountad; asUi on eight for $1. COkLPANt AiiiJsirauu. liM

fur Slot Macbuias. Partleulait GISiLA

46 X ti e Billboard APRIL 6, 1912.


• •'.Millriuni fixnn 17.)

cew. Tbe proc«^lii will devolrd to the 8biikfsp«-are Meiwirial Tb*-«tre. I supptwe th« oatcWior side shuns will go un ss usual, hut ow- Inc to the strange retlceme of the uianaKemeut of Karl's Court. 1 have tx-en unable to aegulre any partirulars. The seme remark applies to the White City. Mancbester.

Altogether the season so far as the paucity of outdoor amusements la concerned, looks like belnk a succesa. Last season, owinit to the OTershadowlng influence of the Coronation, few parks really did nell. This time, with luck and Kood weather and with the Industrial troubles out of the way, everyone oujtht to do well.


(i'ontljiued from psKe IH.)

of West VirKlnla than any other during the entire soason. It has played at Charleston, l‘arket«burg. Huntington. Clarksburc snd Wheel- InC

Bint-ne Kveret. s vamlevllle artist, giving his hmue as l>ouisvllIe, Ky., and stating that he waa a hridegruom of but a few weeks, was arrested in i'arkt-rsburg last week on a dls- ord«Tly charge and given a stiff floe by the •nsyoc. Ills frieihls came to bis rvacue and he wss releaat-d and departeil to Join his wife, who he said was visiting at Zanesvltic, <).

The Odeon. Clarksburg, has been presenting •miie high-class acts during the past w<ek, ®ectraisise sas the beadiln*^ at this popular house the first three days of this week, and amlience at each iH-rf^irmance, were in a man¬ ner el**ctrifietl by the act. The managem4‘nt of this tesise is always on the lookout f<M’ acta that are Just a little betPr than the ordinary, and his pativins re<*lprocate by returning snd bringing their fricmls.

The Murrays, laicle and Kddie, must Is* men¬ tioned in cuunecthiu with the foregoing, as their act, (hxewing In Watermel4>n Land, made a de- gidisl hit. A large 4tr4ip, re|>r4*M4-ntliig |W4> big wat4Tmel4ins fTtm whl<-h tlw-y make their en¬ trance is used, and then the audien4'e is treated to a4)me catchy songs and novel danc44S.

Pennsboro cltlS4'na hav'e l4>aH4sl a large btilld- Ing in that city and will Install an amui4em4'(it parlor. Th4re will Is- a skating rink, p4s)| and billiard tables. ls>wling alleys, etc. Those in charge are nwm wb4> see things thnsigb ami Peonwlsrip can e*is-<-t to enjoy the best here¬ after.

The Casey Jones Com4sly f%>. played a 4ine wight engagetn4-nt at the .Auditorium at Sisters vlBe Tliunulay, .Mar4'h 21.

Cott4>n Fickls MlDHtrels pla.v4>d at St>encer one night, 1^1410}'. .March 22 aiMl pleased a fair- ■Iae4l audieD<'e.

^*h4• Wh4-el4-r 81dt4-rH St4M'k <'4>mi)any are playing to |>leas4sl h4ius4-s In W4-st Virginia this we4-k. This company ojs-m-d the seaB4>n at the Amlltortum. I'arkerstiiirg. and la one of tissie reliable stis-k CHanpaiiies that can play return eogag4-nients to c-4>wd4-4l h4tiis4'a.

Oohan A Harris’ The F4>rtune IIunt4‘r Is play- iog to g4Kid boUH4X4 in this state mvw.

The HI|>P4mIi>sim-. Sisti-rsvllle. is an up-to-date hous4-, vau4levllle iml nsiriiig i»ietur4‘s, tbe man¬ ager, J. Uutgley. Is-lieving in giving the pa¬ trons the very Ix-st for their mon4-y.

Carl My4-ra. who has Ixen a m4-mbi r of Col. Msrkle's Sh4»w lp4st Oimpany f<tr several years, left tbe b4«t at N4-w ('unib4-rlan4l this week and return4‘d to bis Imme at Parkersburg

A. J. n>OWF.R.S.


The famous S4’o;ch 4Mm4tly. whl<-h Is rap- MIy making a f<jrtiin4- r4ir its antlsir. dn-w $lii.4S»0 to the i40x <ittl<-4- last W4-4k at the IPwal Al4>xan4ira. Owing to tbe great d4-’man4l for seats, the msiuig4-cnent bad to give sn extra matinee Frhisy. Th4- Tonint*t tCynipIsinv O-- cta4-stra. which is the h-silitig cirgsnizntlon of the kind In Cansila. are ai^iiiyiiig to the Clvle C4nin4-II for a gram 4>f money. Tln-lr re4-itals this 84-as<>n at the big Masj44'y Hall have 4lrawn big ciMW4ls. but owing tfi the Isrg4- e\|s-nsi-a. the ba4’kers have to fa4-e a gosl sizeil ib-flrtt.

The Strand, tin- imiving i>letnr4- Is-nse de luxe, iimler the able niaiiag4Hi4-nt 4if E. W. W'ell, Is attrai'Cng a large aii4l S4*l«-ct ell4-nl4'le. which the s(ib miht high elass motion pleli-r-s an4l T4 fln4‘d musical sis-ctaeles offi nsl W4S-kIy fully 4l«‘Berve.

It la alal4-<l that the Mont-eal Ois-ra C<snpanv will have a thr4-e w4-4-ks' 4-ngag4-meiit at the R4>yal .Alexandria next season.


STOCK A REFERTOIKK Aesdemy of Miiair Stock Co., Wm. Fox. mgr.:

N. Y. C., Aug. 29, Indef. Alcazar Stock Co.. Belasco A Mayer, mgrs.:

San Francisco. Cal.. Indef. AVmsn. Thin'el. Co.: CleV4-lsnd. O.. Indef. Belasco A Stone Stock Co., Relas4>o A Stone,

tngrs.: I»s .Angeles. Cal., indef. Bergen. 'rhiirl4iw, Stex-k Co.: St. Paul, Minn.,

Feb. 5. Indef. Blj4>ii Stock Co.. Geo. A. Haley, mgr.: Woon¬

socket, B. I.. Indef. Rlsh4>p. Ohester. Slo k Co.. M. Hsr’man. mgr.:

Grand Rapids. Mich.. Sept. 3, Indef. RIahop’s Players. W. H. Bishop, mgr.: Oak

!an4i. Cal., Indef. BlanevBpooner Stock Co.: Phlla., Sept. IS.

Indef. ' Burbank Stock Co.. Oliver Morosco. mgr.: Ix**

.Angeles. Cal., indef. Rtirgeas St4>4-k C<4.. E. H. Nesfell. mgr.: Ris¬

ing Cltr Veh.. 13: P4.1k 4 «. CV>Il4-ge Stock Co.: Chicago. III.. Sept. 4. Indef. OnlonKal Stock Co.: Ottawa, Ont., Can., Feb.

12. Indef. C4)lumhla Players. Metreroft A Berger, mgrs.:

WaiOilng’on. n. C., March IS. Indef. Colombia Stock Co.: Oakland. Cal., indef. Craig, John, Stock Co.: Boston, Mass., Sept.

1, Indef. Crescent Stock Co.. Percy Williams, mgr.:

Brooklyn. N. Y., Sept. 2. Indef. OarletOD Ristera Co., A’amey A Montgomery,

mgrs.: Wilson, N. C.. 1-6; Staunton. Va., 8-13.

Chauncey-Kelffer Co.. Fr4*4l Channeev, mgr.: Walden. N. Y.. 16: Mhldletown S-1.3.

Colonial Stock Co., Oonrtland Hopkins, mgr.: Berwick. V. S.. Can.. 3-4: Kontvllle 5-6; Westvllle 8-10; Antigonish 1-13.

C4>mell-Prlce Players; Plymouth, Ind.. 1-1.3. Ouonliigbaffl's Associate Players. H. A. Todd,

tngr.: Rutland. Vt.. 1-6. Davis Stock Co.. Harry Davli, mgr.! Ptttabnrg.

Pa.. Ang. 28. Indef. Domer Playera: Hazleton, Pa., Jan. 22, Indef. DwAimond f?Iat4>ra Stock Co.. Wm. N. Smith,

mgr.- Trenton. Mo.. 1-6.

Ih-V'ws. Fl-ira. C41.. J. B. Iti>tn->iir, mgr.: S|4-r ling. in . 7; R.Kkf4>-4l s pt; Harvard II i:!.

Knipire Sttx-k Co., Spitz A Natbanson, mgrs.: H-dyoke, Miss., Sept. 4, Indef.

Empire Sok Co.. Split A Nathansun, mgrs.: ProTlden4e. R. I.. March 4. Indef.

Ea-le S|4>4-k 4‘4i.. L. -A. Karl*, mgr.: 04-neva. S. Y., H 1.3,

Oanklln St44ck Co.. Xlck Harvey, mgr.: L4~ Angeles, Cal., indef.

Furl4Nig. W. H.. Stock Co.: Barlx-rton. O.. in def.

Frank. J4>hn E., Players, C. Ausklngs. mgr.: Rsphl City. S. I».. 1-9

Gagnon P4>Il04-k Stock Co., Bert C. Oagnon, mgr.; Ihiuston. Tex., Mar h 10, Indef.

Garrick Ttieatre Stock Co., Jas. R. Rogeri, mgr.: Salt Lake. U.. Sept. 18. Indef.

Gayety Playera. Milton Ilerachfleld, mgr.: IIo- l«.k4-n. X. J.. Dec. 25. Indef.

Gillette Sl4>ck Co., J. W. Gillette, mgr.: Butte, Mont.. Xov. 26. Indef.

Glaser. Vaughan, Stuck Co.: Cleveland. O., Jan. 22, Indef.

Gotham Co.. Percy W’llllams, mgr.: Brook¬ lyn. X. Y.. Sept. 2. indef.

Gregory Playera. W. H. Gregory, mgr.: J4>hot town. Pa., Feb. 12. indef.

Garslde St4>ck C4>.. James S. Garside, mgr.: Ps4liirsh. Kv.. Jan. 15. imlef.

Harvard Stock Co.. Chas. L. QIII, mgr.; Cam¬ bridge, Mass., Deo. 23. Indef.

Hayward Grace, Stock Co., Geo. M. Gatta, mgr.: Chicago. III., Sept. 4, Indef.

Ilsyea. Lucy, and AsBt>ciate Players. I.uc.v M. Hayca. mgr.; Glen El4ler, Kan., 1-3: Burr Oak 4 6; R4-publican City, XVh., 8; X'apanee 9: Bl4>ivmliigt4in 10; Blue Hill 11 13.

Hillman's Ideal Stock Co.. Frank .Manning, mgr.: Scotfa Bluff, Xeh,, 16

H<»rne’a St4>ck Co.. No. 1, F. P. Horne, mgr.: Brie, Pa., Indef.

H4»rn4-*a Stock Co. No. 2. F, P, lUvme, mgr.; New Custle. Pa.. Indef.

norn4-’s A|4ick Co. No. 3, F. P. Horne, mgr.; Jamestown. X'. Y.. Indef.

H<siv4t Ktis-k Co.. Grover Hoover, mgr.: Fslr- iMirv 111 . 1-3: Moline 4 6.

Imperial Stock Co., D. E. Rus-iell, mgr.: St. I^nls. Mo., Dec. 24. indef.

Juneau Sto k Co.: Mllwsukee, Wls.. Indef. Kellsrd. Ralph Stock Co.: Syracuse, X. Y.,

Feb. 26, Indef. K44IV Si4>4-k Co., Sherman Kelly, mgr.: Man-

Irsro V'nn.. 16- ”t’>e Fsr'b « 13 Lando.' Albert. Stock Co.. H, P. Jackson, mgr.:

Fitchburg, Mass., Dec. 25. Indef. Lawrence Stock Co., Del. S. I>awTence. mgr.:

VsneouTer. B. C.. Can.. Dec. 12. Indef. Lewla-Ollver Stock Co.: Hamilton, O.. Dec. 24.

In4lef. Little Theatre Stock Oo.. 'Wlpthrop Ames, mgr.:

N. Y. C.. March 12. Indef. L4>e-rgsn. Ix»*t4‘r, Stock Co.: New Bedf4ird,

•'ass.. .Aug. 14. Indef. Lj eum Stoek Co , T/mls Phillips, mgr.: Brook-

Ivn. N. Y. Indef. Lyric Stock Co.. FYsnk Carpenter, mcr.: Briilge

iM«rt Coon., Jan. 1. Indef. Lytell-Vanehan S’oek Oo.: Albany, N. Y..

March 25, Indef. LaA’-viint M.ielsinesll Playrs, 11. L. Potte-.

mgr.: Coeiir 4I’ .Al4-ne. Ids.. March 20 indef. Lynn .Stock Oo., Jack Lynn, mgr.: Wlllimantlc,

Conn.. 1-6. IaRov St4vck Co,. H. IaR4>v mgr.: Gulf. M.

V- '. i n Mack Wlllsrd. Stock Oo.: Portland, Ore.,

March 31-Apr. 27. Marlowe Stock Co.. Albert Phillips, mgr.: Chl-

esgo. in.. Feh. 26. Indef. Mtjestic Stock Co.. N. Appell. mgr.; t’tlcs, N.

V . Feb. 26. Indef. M<*r'ri«on. Lindsay, Stock Co.: Lynn. Mass..

Indef. Mark*. Mav A. Bell. Stock Co.; Gilt. Out.. Can..

16 Ma»m A Street Stock Co.. O. J. Mason, mgr.;

r:,.,.pTirl’1e « . •*'..» er 4? National Sto k Co.: Montreal. Can.. Indef. North Bros.’ Stock Co.. Frank North, mgr.;

Mn«kogee, Okla., March 4 Indef. Nor’h Br4>a.’ Stock Co.; Top4-ka. Kin.. Sept. 4.

Indef. Ohriviht Stock Co.. C, D. Ohrecht, mgr.: I.a

Crosse. W's.. Intlef. Opera House Stock Co.: Pater*<n. N. J.. .Ang.

21. Indef. Orpheiim Plavers. T. M. Martin, mgr.: Clncln-

nifl. O.. Oct. 15-Apr. 6. Orplienm Playera, Grant Ltffer’y. mgr.: Plilla..

Indef. Orphenra Player*. Bart'sv Cn«blng. mgr.; San

.Antonio Tex.. Feh. 24, Indef, Pavton. fV»T*e, Stock Co.. Crose Payton, mgr.:

Brrvoklyn. N. Y.. .Ang. 28. Indef. Payton. Ctirse. S’oek Co.. Corse Payton, mgr.:

Newark. N. J.. Oct. 9. Indef. Permanent Playera: Winnipeg. Can.. Indef. Peruchl-Gvpiene Co.; Montgomery, Ala.. Nov.

9. Indef. PettT-Mollmaii Playera: Indlanapolts, Ind.,

March 18. Indef. Princess Sto k Co.. Elbert A Getchell, mgr*.:

Dea Molnea. la.. Ang. 27. Indef. Procter Sfeok Co.. Fred Thompaon, mgr.: Eli¬

sabeth, N. J.. Dec. 25. Indef. Prosect St4v-k Co., Frank Gemton, mgr.: N. Y.

C.. Indef. pvt-erts. Wvnr. Co.. 'Vnina Wokt-rt. mar.:

\Vtns4op V C,, 1-6. Redmond. Ed.. Stock Co.: San Jone, Cal., Indef. Richmond Stock Co. Wm. Malley, mgr.: Troy.

N. Y.. Feb, 5. Indef. St-trlev. Jessie, Players: Spokane, Waah., Dee.

4 Indef Southern Stork Co.. Hgrry Stubbs, mgr.; Colnm-

hits. O. Sent. 25. Indef. Spooner. Ceell. Stock Oo.. Blaney-Spooner Co..

mgrs.: N. Y. C.. Ang. 5. Indef. Spooner Edna. Stock Co.. 1. Floegelman, mgr.:

■Rrooklrn. N. Y.. Dec. 18. Indef. StAPford-Westem Sto k Co.. Manrlce Stanford,

mgr.: Elm'ra, N. Y.. Oct. 2. Indef. St. Claire, Wlnlfr*-4l. Stock Co.: Prankfrirt, Ind..

1-6. Jfhannon fJtock Co.. Harry Shannon, mgr.: laid-

Ington Mich.. 1-16. Slehts Theatre Co.. J. W. Sights, mgr.; Pisck

Duck. Minn.. 13: Tenstrike 4 6: Akelev s in Stockfo-d Plavers. L. T. Goold. mrr.: Mld4lle-

ton. Mto*. i.:t. \rsn1e Rapids 4 6. Thomp*on-Wo4vd* Stock Co.. Monte Thomp*on.

mgr.: Brocton. Maaa., Sept. 4. Indef. T4-mpest Sfo4'k Co.. J. L. T«-mpest. mgr.:

Toechbiirf-. Pa.. 1-6. Tornado Stork Co.. George A. Spring, mgr.:

Criinmhns O.. Indef.

Vale. Travers. Stock Oo.; Jeraey City, N. J.. Dee. 2S. indef.

MEYER’S Paint. 10c Eaat and Chanpaat

I Vanityke A- Eal4>n C41., F. Mark, mgr.; Elkhart,

In4l., Feh. .'1. In4l4-f. \\ ilmingt4iii St4ick Co.: Wilmington, Dels., Dec.

25. Imlef. AVlnnlnger Bto*.’ .St4ick Co.: .Milwaukee, Wla.,

Indef. Wolfe Sf4>ck Oo.. J. A. Wolfe, mgr.: Wlehlta.

Knns., .'>e|i . 11. Indef. W4s>4lKard Stock Co., it. D. Wi*>dward. mgr.:

Kansas City, Mo., D«-c. 31, Indef. W4K>dnard 8t4xk Ot)., O. 1). Wo4>dward, mgr.:

Omaha. Neb., Sept. 9, Indef. W4ite.4-r .S.st4-is .stis-k <'4>.. h-n Carrtdl. mgr.:

I‘le4lmirat W. A'a., .3.5; .Meyersilale, I’*.. 8- 13.

Wight Th4-atri- Co. IliUiard Wight, mgr.: Renville, S. D.. It.



K4hnian SIhiwm. Jaek Singt-r, mgr.: (Star A tiarler Chleago l-»t; iGayetyi iN-tmit 8 i;i.

Bel es of the Ibnilevard, Fred .Mc.Aleer, mgr.: (Iltirtlg A M-amon'si N. V. C’. 1-6; (Mur¬ ray Hill I X. Y. C. 8 1.3.

Big Banner Show. Gallagh4-r A Shean. mgr*.: (Gayetvl Baltimore 16; (tiayetyl Washlug- t4>o 8-1.3.

Big Gaiet.v .Sb<»w. Phil I’aulwraft. mgr.; (<lar- den) Buffalo 1-6; (Coriutblant KiM-hesU-r 8 1.3.

Bon Tons. Jesse Bums, mgr.: (.Nb-w Lyceum) Bt. Joseph 1-4; (Gayety) Kansas City 8-1.3.

Bowery Buriesguera, fc. M. Kosenthal. mgr.: IGayetyi Omaha 1-6; (New I..yceum) St. Joseph 8-11.

College Girls. Cbas. Foreman, mgr.; 1 Empire) Toledo 1-6: (Star ami tiarteri Chicago 81.3.

Columbia BurieH4]U4-ra. Frank Bums, mgr.: (Co¬ lumbia) Cbh-ago Apr. 16: «Gayety) Milwau¬ kee 8-1.3.

Cracker Jack*. Harrv Ia4>nl. mgr.: (tJavety) Kansas City 1-6; iGayt-ty) St. laxils 8 13.

Dreamland Bur!4-*4|iiers. Isay Gru4lz. mgr.: (Gayety) St. I>i4uiB 16; iGayetyi laiulsi llle 8-13.

Ginger Girls. G4-o. II. Harris. n\gr.: (Gsyety) Toronto 1-6; iGardenl Buffalo 8-13.

Olrl* from Happylaud. 151. W. Chipman. mgr.: (Star) Bpa-kly ii 1-6; iGayetyi N4 wark 8 13

G4> 4l4-n Ci4M>k. James Fulton, mgr.: iGayetyi Louisville 16; (Stan<lar<l) Clm-iunatl 8 i;(.

Hastings’, Harrv. SJiow: iGay4-ly| Newark 16; tlhiipire) n4>*s.k4n 8 1.3.

Hone.vm4aiD Girls. .AI. Kleh Co., mgrs.; (Gsyety) Detiailt 1-6; (Gay4-tyi Toronto 8 1,3

JeTS4-y IJlli-s. Wm. Jennings, mgr ; iGsyety) Brvxiklyn 1-6; lOIynipici N. Y. C. 8-13.

Knlck4Tls>ck4 rs. laxils Ro)4le. mgr : itJsyety) Boston 1 6; (Empire .Albanv 8 |ii; 1 Mohawk) .S<4i4*necta4ly 11-1.3.

laive Mak4rs. Dave Giiran. mgr. (W4-stmliiater) Provldenee 1-6; (Casltvi) Boston 8 13.

M4Tt,v Whirl. I/4>ul* Ei>st4*ln. mgr.: iGayety) Mllwauk4>e 16; IGayetyi Mlnn4>aiM4na 8 13.

MIdivight Mahli-ns. Wm S’. Clark, mgr : (Gav- etvl Wasbinghm 1-6; (Gavetv) l^ittatnirgh 8-1.3.

Painting tlie Town. Jack Singer, mgr : (Gayety) Pitlsl4urgh 1 6; -ilViipiro) t34-V4'lan4l 8 1.3.

Passing I’*rad4'. M48‘ M4-sshig. mgr.; (Casino) Phlla. 1-6; (Start Brook vn 8 13

Queen of Bohemia. Phil Isaac, mgr.; (Stand- anil (Nnclnnali 1-6: iColiiinh'al Chicago 8 13.

Qu4-ena of the Janlln 4le Pari*. J4>4' Il4rwar4l. mgr.: iCaalnol B4«st4in 16; |C4dunil>la) N. Y. C. 8 13.

Rix-ves’ -Al.. Beautv Sho-v illlympic) N. Y. C. 16: (Casinoi Phlla. 8.1.3.

Kohinson Criis-i4' clrls. 151. I>avl4ls4m. mgr.: (Gllm<>r4') Surliigtb'ld 1-3; (Franklin S4|uaP4'i W4>rc4‘st4'r 4-6; (Westminster) l’n4Vldence 8- 13.

Riinawav Girls. Peter S. Clark, mgr.: iGayety) Phlla. 16; (Gay4-t.v) Baltimore 8 13.

Social Mahla. A J. Phil It4s meg - lAy-off at B4i*lon 16; (Ga.vety) Bfiaton 8-18.

S3ar A Garter .Sliow. Frank Welsite-g. mgr.: (Murray IIlIIl N. Y. C. 16; (Glliieire) Snringfteld 8-10; (Franklin S4|uar4‘l Worc4'Ster 11-13.

Bydell’s, Rose. Ixmdon Ib'llcs. W. S Camp¬ bell. mg'.: (Empire) Clevelaiul 16; (Empire) Toledo 8 13.

Taxi Girls. Isui * Iliirtlg. mgr.; IMolia4vk) .S/-h4-n48'ta4ly 1-.3: (Empire) .Albany 4 6; Ia.v- off at IViMlon 8-1.3.

TnK-a4ler4i*, Frank .S, IN4-n-e. mgr.; (Empire! .Albany 1 .3; (Mohawk) Schenectady 4 6; (Gty- ety) Bn-.klyii 8-1;!.

Vanity Fair, Ihiwiiian Rr4m., mgra.: IGayety) Mluneaiadia 14); (Gayety) Omaha 8-13.

W4 h-li'H llurl4'Si(U4T*. Jack Singer, mgr.: (Co- liiiiihia) .N. Y. C. 16; (Gayety) Phlla. 6-13.

Wiiiiiiiig Whhiw, Dave p4MUer. mgr.; (Co- r.iilliianl lhM-lie<i|4-r 16; (.M4>liawki .S4-heuec- I 141) 8-111; (Empire) Albany ll-i:i.

Wbirhl 4if I’l4*asiire, G4-o. H. Fltcbett. mgr.: (Empire) li4ilMiken 16; (llurtlg A Seamou'st N. Y. C. h l3.


.Aim-ricana. El. E. Dah-y, mgr.: (Emid-ei New- ark 1-6; 1 Eighth Ave. N. Y. C. H-Ul.

Big Ih-view. Henry P. Dixon, mgr.; (Empire) BaltlUHire 1-6; tEiupirei Phlla. 8-13.

Ihilwmiant. -Al Ixihin, mgr.: (Royal) Montreal 16; (Star) Toronto S-1.3.

Broadway Gaiety Glrli, James Wee4jon. mgr.: (Columbia) tjeranton 1-6; (Empire) Newark 8-13.

Century Girl*. 'Morria Walnsteck. mgr.; (Km- prie) Br4aiklyu 16; (Ca*in4>| Bnwkl}n 8-13,

Clieiry Bl4a4>oniH. .Max .Armatroog. mgr.: (Lu- Z4n'n«‘) Wilkes-Barre 16; (Uulumbla) Scran¬ ton 8 1.3-

Coxy CorD4r Girls. Ix-w Wataon. mgr.: (Cen¬ tury) Kansas City 1-6; (Standard) St. Loulw 8-13.

Daffrdlla. Art H. Moeller, mgr.; (Buclcloirbami Ixxiisville 16; (Peoitle’a) Cincinnati 8-13.

Darlings of Paris. Chas. Taylor, mgr.: (Star) .Milwsuk4e 1-6; (DeW4'y) .VlinneBp4iiU 8 13.

I>U4-kllngs. Frank Cahler, mgr.: |Empire) Phils. 16; (Luxernei Wilk4-»-B*n'e 8-13.

F'olli4w 4>f tbe Day. Barney Gerard, mgr.; (Star) Toronto 16; «>4ok's O. H.) Rocbest4r 8-13.

Gay Widow*. lawiia J. Oberworth, mgr.: (Ly¬ ceum) Washington 1-6; (Empire) Baltlm4jre 8-13.

Girls fpun MlaMwirl. I»uts Talbot. mgr.: (Eighth Ave.) N. Y. C. 1-6; (Bronx) .X. Y. C. 8 13.

Girl* fp>m Reno, James Madison, mgr.: (Csmk's O. H.) Rochester 16; (Ixifayette) Buffalo 8- 16.

High Sidxad tRrls, .Alex Gorman, mgr.: (Bronx) X. Y. C. 1-6; (Entpire) Brooklyn 8-13.

Uh-ala. Sim Williams, mgr.; llxifayettr) Buf¬ falo 16; (Avenue) l8‘trolt 8-13.

Im|M-rlala. Harry Shapits). mgr.; (.Avenue) De- tr44lt 1-6; l^^llly) Cblcago 8-13.

Jar4lln 4le Paris Girls. Burt Keudrick. mgr.: iKmpirel Chicago 16; (Star) Mltwauk4->' H- 13.

Kentucky BelU-a. TXsMy SUnonds, mgr.; (Pe4>. pie’*) ClDcInnatl 16; (IXnpIre) Chicago 8-13.

Ixtdy Buc4-an4M-p«i. Harry M Stnaiae. mgr.: (.Star) S3. Paul 1-6; (Krug) Omaha 8-13.

ir4‘rTy Burl4-a4pi4T*. J44e leavitt, mgr.: (Star) tTiicago 16; (Start Cleveland 8-13.

M4Try Mahh-na. K4IW. Shafer, tngr • (Krug) Omaha 1-6; (Century) Kansas City 8-1-3.

-Miss X4’W Yi>rk Jr.. Wm, Fenoesay. mgr r t.Ac*d4Xn.v) Pittsburgh 16; (Cambria) Johns- t4«wn 8; )MlaW4Ti .Alt4>ona 9; (Maj4*sUc) Ilar- rtstairg 10; t.Ac*4lemy) Reading 11: (Lyric) .All4'nt44wn 12; (W**l)»4um) Ch4“#t»g 13.

M4>(illn Riaige. J44e Pine, mgr.; (Folly) Chi¬ cago 1-6; )Starl Chi4-*fo 813.

I’a<8niaki ra. R E. Pat4>n. mgr.; (noplre) In- diana|8>Iia 1-6; (Ruckinghainl Loolavllle 8 13

Qi)4—na 44f the FMlIe* Bergere. Connlban A Shannon, ntgra.; (Dew4y) MlDnsap4>lls 1-6 (Start St. Paul 8 1.3.

R4-gretta Girls. Walter Grave*, mgr.: (Boa T44ni JertM-y City 16; (Howanl) BostoD 8 13.

Sjim D4-vere .Slsiw. Roht. Gonlon. mgr.: (Star) CleT4-lan4l 1-6; (Ac*4l4-my) llttidMirgh 8-13.

)ftar >»h4.w Girl*. John T. Baker, mgr.: (fSialno) Br««.klyn 16; (B..W4ry) N. T. C. 8 13.

Tiger Lille*. D. U. Wllllamism. mgr.; (.M*j4*- tiet llarrlnlitirg .3; (.Ac*4|4"my) Be*<nng 4: (l.yrlc) .All4'nt4twn 5; iWaahhurn) Ch4>*ter 6: (I.yC4-uml Washington 8-13.

Wat*4>ii's Biirh S41U4TS, W. B. Wataon. mgr.: (Tr.sa4l4-p.4( Ptiila. 1 6; (Ibm T(«) J.raey City 8 1.3.

Whirl of Mirth. NxiU Stark, mgr.: (Ntamlard) St. I.'Hils 1-6; (I-Yiipliv) In4liinapi>lla 8 1.3.

Yanke4‘ D4sHn4> Girls. Jsck Faust, mgr.: (I'44w- 4T.V I N.Y. C. 1-6; (Tr4 44'S4lero) Phils. 8-1-3.

Zallah’a Own Sh4)W. W, C. Csm4‘r«o. mgr : (llowanll B4>at4>n 16; llhiyall K4>nlreal 813.

AT LIBERTY I Troupe of Five Ponies I Do swell drill and plenty of tricks; liest hind-leg walkers in the I business; do 60 feet or more, 3 abreast without (X)ming down; also I best drunk act. Terms reasonable to resixinsible managers. I Address W. C. MATHER, Columbiana,O. |


We design as well as execute signs on muslin, fibre or cardboard i To have a sign pull trade, it must be artistically made.

To be easily read, and catch all that is said. Our inks are sun-proof, and will not fade in a season.

We guarantee them, and that is the reason. i


COMPLETE MAKE-UP BOX, $1-00 WItk loMM la Ike ert ef meklas ap. Bex eeatalaa Owe leek, gevea aaaMtefi IteMfi. aaU OFeam, pewfiar, lea#**. paCa, axeae heir, eplrtt gam. aeae patty, teeth wax, ataMji w tmtaa, aante. eta- BWIAWCB OOMfltMT. TMRATRIOAL BlTrWJM. IM M. Mh BT.. FHILABamiA. VA



APRIL 6, 1912.

WESTCOTT’S UNITED SHOWS Will Open Season April 22, 1912—Chicado, Illinois.

Have room for two more .«how8 that are C'Al’ABUC OF (JKTTIXCI THK MONEY. Jack Shields, Dollita, Mille ('hristanoa, please write; or would like to hear from any new and novel show. C.VN l’L.\(’E (lOOI) “SEVE\-IN-0\E” SHOtV. I will carry no immoral .shows, pickouts or set sj)indles this season.

KEATL'RINO—SKINOR VINCENT AEBEUTI’S ROYAL UNIFORM ITALI.\N HAND, comjK>.sed ot twelve high-class musicians; WILLIAM LOTTO, the High Diver, anti MAR\ ELOUS MELVILLE; New Parker “Carry-L's-All,” new Ferris Wheel, new Circle Wave. The company will consist of nine high-class shows.

CAN USE A FEW MORE LEGITIMATE CONCESSIONS Knife Rack, ('ane Rack, Long Range Oallerj" and Ball Oanjes.

All Mail Car* THE Bl LLBOARD OFFICE. ........ 1203 Schiller Bldg.; CHICAGO. ILL. BUDI) MENZEL, Assistant.

AHNSTRBL Montifomcry Qui-en Show: Francis. Ukla., 3; Wetimika 4.

KltiKliiae Kroa.’: (rollaenm) ChlcaRo. III.. S-20. Sella-Kioto; iKmilnt;. N. -Mcx.. 3: Tucson. Arli.

4; ehunlx Yuma 6; K1 (Vntro, Cal.. 7 Rcllamla N; San Hcrnartlino it; Rl^'crsUle 10 I'VHiiona 11; Santa .\ua 12; San lUcxu 13.

.Sun Itnw.’: Mat'on <Ja.. B. TiMiiekina. Cliaa. 11.. Wild Wcat: riiion, S. C..

1 a.

Winifred—Kanaaa Abstractora’ Assn. June 19- 20. B. F. Sadll, secy. , KASSACHUSETTS.

Waltham—Order Sons of St. George. July 23- 24. Arthur E. Travis, secy., 5 Derby St.


Detroit—American Osteopathic Assn. July 29 Aug. 3. Dr. H. L. Childs, sccy.. New Y’ork City.

Uarquette—Mich. Christian Endeavor Union. Aug. —. llarold D. Spicer, secy., t’aw I'aw. HIcb.

Mackinac Island (Grand Hotel)—National Fra¬ ternal Congress. Aug. 27. C. A. Gower. Secy., Lansing, Mich.


St. Cloud—Minn. Retail Monument Dealers' Assn. July 24 25. J. 11. Auderson, secy., Aus tin, Minn.


St. Louis—Sons of Veterans, U. 8. A. 'Week Aug. 26. H. II. Hammer, secy., ReadinK. Pa.


llatuilton—Fraternal Order <if Eagles. Jul.' 11-13. Chas. Wagner, aecy.


Atlantic City—Nat’l. Assn. Piano Merchants of Am. May 20-23. C. R. Putnam, secy., 12o B»>yIston St., Boston. Mass.

Newark—.\iiierlcaa Wire Workers’ Protective Assn. July —. A. A. Brooks, Nafl secy- treas.. 229 Chestnut st., Holyoke, Mass.

Perth Amboy—Wa erway I>eague of N. J. July 2021. Fred. R. Moeller, secy., 800 Brooil St., Newark, N. J.


Binghamton—I’niled Spanish War Veterans' State Encampment. July 3-5. Thos. Scott,

secy. Eiidicott—Wisxlmen of the World Encampment

of the Uniform Rank. Aug. —. Edgar •>. Rose, secy., tVl Court st., Binghamton, N. Y.

New Y<rk (City Hall)—.Vmeiican Flag Assn. June 14. Theo. Fitch, secy., 456 North Broatl- way, Yonkers. N. Y.

Rochester—N. Y. State Pharmaceutical Assn. June 25 28. E. S. Dawson, secy.. 125 S. Salina st., Syracuse, N. Y.

Roi-hester—Asmi. of City Clerks of the State of N. Y. Prohiibly July —. Wm. Wortmau, S' cy., Hudson, N. Y.

Syracuse—Grand Council Royal and Select Mast¬ ers.

Syracusi- Aug. - .

Syracuse—Improved Oriler of Red Men. Aug.

Watertown—United Commercial Travelers of .\merlca. June 13-15. C. A. Hebbard, aecy., Rochester, N. Y.

Yonkers—State .\ssn. of Stationary Engineers of the N. A. S. E. June 14 l.’i. E. E. Pruyn. secy.. 130 First st.. Rochester, N. Y.


Cedar Point on laike Erie—Knights of Columbus. Aug. 18-25. Jos. F. Slngler, secy., Sandusky. O.

Cincinnati—Order Kokoal. June 11-13. Chas. E. I.estcr. scev., 1 ICoadwav. New York City.

Cleveland iEuclid Ilotell—Nat’l. fonfcctloiiery Salesmen's .\ssn. of America. Second week of July. Wm, R. Mollatt, secy., 12:!7 Erie Ave., Pblladelphla, Pa.

Cleveland—Gran«l Aerie I'^'aternal Order of Eag-. les. Aug. 5-10. Chas. P. Salen, secy.. Con ventlon Committee. .308 Cuyahoga Bldg.

Dayton—Jr. O. U. M. Aug. 13-14. OREGON.

Portland—B, P. O. Elks. July S 1.3. Theo. C. Robinson, secy.. Dubuque, la.


Chattanooga—Nat’l Assn, of Teachers In Col¬ ored Schools. Jul.T 24-28. J. R. E. Lee, secy., Tuskegee Institute. Ala.


Salt lj>ke City—Nat’l .\ssn of Master Plumbers of the U. 8. and Can. July 15. Frank J. Fee, secy., 415 W, 40th at.. New York City.


Old Point—VDglnla State Dental Assn. Jnl? 9-11. W. H. Pearson, Secy., Ilamptou. V4.


Seattle—<Na3’l Bldg. Managers and Owners .Yssn. July —. C. A. Patterson, secy., 542 S Dearborn st., Chicago. Ill.

Tacoma—Carnival of Nations—July 2-4.


Vancouver. B. C.*—Nat’l .\san. of Ry. Agents. July —. W. M. Drury, secy.. Coldwater, Mich. .

Big City (John W. Vogel's): Bii keye Lake Casino. .Mtllersport, O., Apr. 1, Indef.

l>o<'ksfader’B Lew, O. F. Hodge, mgr.; Montreal, Can.. 1 «.

Field’s, Al. G,; Pneblo, Co)o., 3; Colorado Springs 6; Denver 7-13.

F'.v’s R«iy K.: Alba, Tea., 1-3; Emory 4 6; Grand ttallM 8-10. ,

.MrCalie's (ieorgla Troubaidour: Bloomington. .Neb., 3; Nipanee 4; Franklin 5; Riverton 6; Guide Rock ,8; Superior 9; Hebron 11; Ftlr- liury 12: Table Rook 13.

.“iiinny Dixie. Dana Thompsoa, mgr.; Greenville, S C., 4; Gaffney 0.

ROUTES with your Initial and little Forget-Me- Nots worked by hand with solid beads. The price of them Is $2. Send money or Post (•ffiee Order to CRESEY H ROW¬ ELL. 2S27 W. 3»th Pla<*, Chicago, 111.

(Received too late for clasalflcatloo.t

■Vlley St<H-k Co.. Y. C. -Alley, mgr.: Nashville, Teiin.. 31 Apr. 6.

Bates. Blanche, In Xolaxly’s Widow, David Be- las<si. mgr.: Denver. Colo., S-1.3.

Concert, 'Pie, David Belasco, mgr.: Buffalo, N. Y.. .8-1(1; Toronto, Can.. 11 1.3.

Starr. I'Vances. in the Case of Becky. David Belasco. mgr.: Plainfleld, N. J.. S; Reading. Pa.. 9; Wllllams|u>rt Id; Scranton 11; Wilkes- Barre 12; On-on a, N. Y., 13.

-Adams’ 10 Big SlioWN, Otis L. Adams, mgr.: R ck Hill, S. C.. l-rt; Odumhla 8 1.3.

.Alee ^dd.v. R<dler Skating Bear: (.Arcade, I4th St. A Park Roadl Washington, I). C., 25- .Apr. 6.’s, Harry. Circus; Albany Ga 1-6. liarniiui. Prof J. H . Magician k Ventrilo<|ulst:

laiiilsville, Ky., 1-6. (ar.r's Dramatic Co., James E. Carter, mgr.:

I.yoim, Mich., 16. D:>nlel. B. -A.. .Alagiclan D. .A, Breen, mgr.:

. aroditm. Ga.. .3: Bremen 4; Buchanan 5; T. mji'e 6; Villa Rica 8.

IHdI’s llyimotlc Co.. Dell M. Oa>k, mgr.: Min- iiea|M>li*, M'nn., Indef.

Edwards’, J, S., Animal Show: Seattle, Wash. Indef.

F.aite, Coronrodore. A Sister (Jueenle. Llllputl- aiis: Angeles. Cal., .Apr. 1. Indef.

C.cnnell. Mina. .Must al Comedy Co.'. V. C. .Alin nelll mgr.; Bowling Green. (»,. 16.

vjllplns. 'Fhe, Hypnotic Comedv Co., J H GIL pn mgr.: Deadwood, S. D.. 16; Belle Fourchc s 13.

Hsl.'s, Harvey. Indoor Circus: Florence. Kan.. I tO; Welllnglon 11-17.

Jenkins A Barrett’s O'miHiT Co., Fred J. Jen¬ kins. *irr.; Albany. Ill.. 16.

Killies. The. Concert Bsnd. T I*. Power gen mgr : Corlrana. Tex.. 3; Tyler 4; Marshall 5: Texarkana 6 7; Clarksville 8; Paris 9.

l.aPlano. Frid S.: AA'ayla-tow n. Ind., 16. I.oreiii Bnai.. Mewiierists, J. W Williams

mgr.; (Julm'.v III.. 1 (i I.itehhf-ld's. .Neil, l.vct uiiiit4‘s; l.yktms. Pa. .3;

lliiiuUM-lst< w n 4; FLs tw<aH| 5; Toj.ten 6; ItellM.aat s, Bunihani 9: Neniairt in.

Ml'dr*sl and R<e'eli*-i . ('. G M'«vnard. mgr. * 8ml h Falls. Ont., Can., 1-3: Kingston 4 6 Belleville S Id; p.-lerlHiTO 1M.3,

'D«terbtiiH SmKh Co. .Albert P Sm th mgr Alslhersvlll.-. Ill . .3 4; W -t Praiicli. la . 5 6: Kabma 8 9; Ile.|rlck I((n. Birmingham 12

idditional Performers’ Datee .Aliev and 'Piorue lOrpIieumI Nashville, Tenn..

1 6. .Adonis (Tnuitl Trenlon. N. J., 10; (Keith’s)

Porllnisl. Me., .v-i;!. I Blt-'slng. Mr. and .Mrs. lO. II. t MiiIilleslH>ro,

Ky.. I (5. ('ro»s and Cri>wn (Lyrici Ft. Smith. .Ark. Indmore and Light (Orpheumi Duldih. .Minn..

S 13. DdHi-r.v lint le-lgh (.Amlck) .Menvphls, Tenn..

8-1.3. FcisIwhshI. Chas. II. (.AlhamtiriiI St. Pan! 16 Griltin. Gerald E. dloi.-l A'lc:or;ai ('h(eag<i 16. IDdge. John, and Ponies (Urpheum) Fargo. N.

D.. 1-15. Ijiiider and KIscadden (Oaycly) Lenor, X. C..

1 6. Malvern TVuipe iCinticyl Kansas City. Mo., 1-

(>: (.Nlcholsi Coum’ll Bluffs. la.. 8-1.3. Aloyart. Fred and Eva iGrpheumi Ilarrishurg.

Pa., 1 •’>: (Oridieirml Reading 8-1.3. S^aisas, Tile (I.ewls St'Vk Co. 1 H**nilers*m, Ky.,

115. Z-11 and Stevens: Kuhiman Iloti-l. Cinc'nnatl 16.


OUR POODLE DOGS Ait tl»e talk of the trade. TreraetHloiis Seller wher- erer ulmwii. Ueautlfiil In ever>' respect: -nothing Uka them to Ih* hail elsewhere. Samplen HUhm'tted on re- QUent. SClItlEX 6c SsVRKADY, 10 West ISlh St,. New York (Mty,


irand L-dge of X. Y. Good Templars. Th. aiily strop- par that strops any raaor diag¬ onally. Oaarantood

J Bvspdt's Patented Automatic Ra> P zor Stropper, autonaticallv pu's a

perfect edge on any razor, old style or oats- ty. Big seller. Every warns one. Wr(

N. J. Brandt Cutlery Co.. 42 Hudsoa, N.Y.

This list ointalns data procured by The BUI Isuird during the past week only. WANTED


l.lltle Rock—Knights of Pythias, July 22-27. Ih-aiik -A. Young, secy.. 1519 High st.


Oakland—Alameda District Day of the Biennial N'al’l Convention of AA'omcn’s Clutw. July 2.

San Franeiaoo—International Sti-reotypers an'l KloctrotyiH-ra’ I'nioii. June Id 15. George AA'. AA'IlIlains, seey., ’Jd Glo!^ Blilg. Boaton. Mass


Crliip’e Cre k—C'do. .state Fcileratlon of Labor. Aug. 12. AV. T. Hickey, secy., 411 412 Min ing Exch. Blitg.. Denver. Colo.

Ib nvi-r—Expo'ssiiicn's Mutual Benedt Assn. July —. W. E. Scs>tt, secy.. 51 Broadway. New York City.


Brldgc|Mirt —llllwrnlan Slate Convention. .Aug.

Dancing Pavillion At a Summer resort, lease or take on perrentags. V. H. JOHNSTON, N. Walnut St., Canton. O.

24 Horses, S ChartoU, Lovers' Tab, D Engine, good Organ. 40-ft. Machlna three years ago. In best of condition; price. BOX 171. Elyria. Ohio.



Slows; Nashville Trim., 16; Gsllatln 8 12.

Biasley Cam’val .Shows. R. C. Bessley. mgr.; Ilolhnv'k. Aril.. 1 6; G-iIliin. N M.. ,s-13.

lnf»TtiJith»tii! (VniTi'i*'l-rt. -liit-ntl’s, J. M.. .stadium Slwovs; Aiorton, Miss.,

1 (■>; N<'«l<in 8 1.3. I.lii:.-I..'in’s I Hired Show,. Tb-s P. I.ltili-Jolin.

mgr; A\e,| Point, Ga.. 16 Mset's Olyiiiple SIhiws. J. ,A. Alaev mgr.;

It I. ..|it..n. Ga.. 16 Nstloied I'nttivl Sltows; A’.vn Biin-n .Ark.. 1 6. Nlgr. A U..S S3niws; AVlnntb-ld I.a . 1 (V Park r Shows- Is'wlstoii Ida.. *> 1.3.

Nat, Sliows: (•aiuesvilic, l'e\.. 1 6; Sli.-iwine. OH|a.. 8 13.

It < 1- A l' SlH>ws; .All,tin. Te\., 8-1,3. It'M-k Cliv Shoos. Tho,. Iieltrick. mgr,: .Al

bii'ii. Ga.. 16. 81 lout, Amum-ment Co.. K, AA’ Weaver, mgr.;

I. ewlvtuirg. Tenn.. 1 6; Fa.\«-tlev:ile S 13. Snillh Greater Slsiws; .Sparlaiiliurg. .8, C., t 6. Sntiler', I'lilted Shows. II Su'dor. mgr.; .Ainar

'Mo. T. X . 1 6.

AA'eid.T .Aninsetnent Co.. AVIll II. AVebb r mgr : II. a-l W-. ,,i. Tenn.. 1 6.

'A'Slug I'ro,.' Shows; Elisley, .Ala.. 1 6.


Buchanan - Southern KIddlera Congress. June 8. R. Lee Sharpe, secy., Carrollton. Ga.

Carrollton-Southern Fiddlers’ Congress. June 3 5. R. Sharpe, aeey.

Ce'lartown—Southern Fiddlers’ Congress. June 6 7. R. Jyec Sharpe, secy., Carrollton, Ga.

ILLINOIS. Chicago-Young Ptviple’a Christian Onion of the

I'nlversslWt Church. July 1(VI7. Roger F. Eti.. seev.. .T-'d* Boylston st.. Boston. Mass.

Chlragii> Swi-dlsh Finnish Temperance .Assn, of .America. July 25-‘J7. John I'dell. secy., l.iidlngti n. Mich.

Chicago—Nat'l Edin-atlon .\««n. July 6 12 Ir¬ win Shepsnl, secy.. 118 AV. AA'abash st.. Wi¬ nona. Minn.

Pcoiia Inte nstlonal Alliance of Thestrleal S age Emnloves of the U. 8. and Canada- Jiilv 8 I/ee M. Hart, aeoy.. State Hotel, Chl- rago. III.


Indianapolis—National Assn. FIve and Ten Cent Merchants. .Aug. 12-17. Otto C. Llghtner, stc.v.. Gcrke Bldg.. Cincinnati, O.


Burlington—Grand le-dge of Iowa .A. F. and .A. M. June 11-13.’ 'N. R. Parvln. Cwlar Rapids. U.

Spirit Lake (Templar Park) Grand Commandery K. T. of Iowa. July 912. H. M. Brownlee, secy., Sioux City, la. ' ‘ •

KANSAS. Wichita—Sunflower Grand Lodge K. of P. July

J3 2fl. 11. I. Monroe, secy.. 1156 Clay at.. To peka. Kan.

will buy one or more good Diving Horses. Send pho¬ tographs, fuH description, all details of act. etc., to DIVING HORSES, care Billboard, Claeinaatl, Ohio.

- BOOK - How to Train Horses and Dogs for show work. I*r1ce, It, postpaid. .Address C(IL. K. HllLID.AA', Sterling, Kansas.

Pickout Monkeys Top money-gettfm for all ahow people. Good slaed. healthy. harneHMNl complete, ready to work. |20: IIO with order, balaiu'e o. H. Trained iKnlglns Monkeys, name an aUive. $16. Oixler quick. AT- L-\NT1C & UAUIFIC HIR1> STORK, 3u7 Mailbwn St., t'hlcago. ill.

Circuses, Wild Wests and Tent Shows Band Organ. 20« pair Roller Rkatrs. Moving Plcturo

MtO'hlnes, Gas Machines. Films, Ic per It., any lenglh; .Acces-sortes and ChemU-als. tkjng Slides; lota of bargains, big list. 1 want ma<-hlnes. Films, especialD Ben-Hur and features I buy and sell anything In the Show or .Amusement (KhkIs line. Strottg Fea¬ ture Film Servlt-e at Iti.od t>er week. Give this a week’s trial.

DIXIE FILM EXCHANGE. 812 Locust Street. Oweatboro. Ky.

Bsrti..' Al r... Animal Stwws : Oakland. Cal.. ’ ( .3; Ww'imn 6; K; .Anfocli 9; Martinet 10; Benicia 11; Dlx.m 12; Win •■vs 1.3

Barnum A Bailey: (.Madlaon Sq. GardenI X. Y. (’ A' ireh 21 Apr. 2(1.

King Pr.H.. AVIld AV«-al; XaahvHle. Ti nn., 16; (Jsllatln 813.

Mill, r Be.Ms.’ A Arlington’s 1«1 Ranch Wild Best; KHcttndhlo, Cal., 3; Xanta .Ana 4: Csinma 5; Redlands 6; Itakersfle'd 8; Taft 9; Ilan- T-rd H* Visalia II; Fresno 12; Y;.Tc.-d 13.

In nil>v, - ruby oiatt ansi fidsl. anil green anil gold glassware. SCITAULE for Fairs, Canihals ansi Ssreuiuieii. Gussk up-ly state sellers. AA'rlta for catalog.

ORIENTAL GLASS CO. , .S. Sv, Pittsburg, Pa.

WANTED—To oonlract with Independent Showa fiw Canhage (Mn.) Fair. Angiia 2<>tb to tSrd Alao want a tood attras-tlon Will par three to five him- dred dollars for week for aama. AddisM MISI EMMA B. KNELL. Secretary.

MIND READERS, and all othen who use Spirit Pho¬ tographs. make your own. It Is easy when you know how. Full illrectlous for 11.00. Aitdress O. OARD. Gcean Park, Cal.

48 Tl^e Billboard APRIL «, 1f12.

Roller Skating News I THE RELIABLE NOVELTY HOUSE rnim [laRe ^1.)

Nnw rt'Karillni; our .eieipts: The first strasun that ruu wc t<K>k in in fi>ur nioutbs, HUO.OtlU PraiKW iBIOD.iHSii; last year, the Kts.-und boibod, our receipts was l,!iOU.(SK> Francs, a-bicb Is (.ino.otsi: this jcar, up to date, we bare taken StOO.OUh Francs, wbirb Is SliMl.INNi, and we have three niontha more to run. Our runninK expeuB.- la about 15.(MM) E'ranra, wbirb is (ti.OOO, so we can see our net protlt is 75 per cent or tbere- abont; thert-fore the (treatest pajloK rink eser known In the "annals” of roller skstinir or Ice.

Ih4> skates uS4>d here are tbe famons Wlnilow skates and tbe price of tbe cheapest skates sold here which is the ordinary rink skates, is 4<> Francs, the next <ine is the nickel-plated, $11, with aluminum rollers; the next price 1* what we call the 75 Francs, $15, which is the 30th Cen ury skate, and the biftbest price of skates which we sell the most of, la the Wins low I'rofeaslonal, 1.50 Francs, $30.

Now rettardinit the price of admission and skates: It la 1 Franc admission. 20 cents, in tbe mornlnK and 1 Franc. 50. :{0 cents, for skates; in tbe afternixm admission Is 1 Franc 60, 30, and 2 Franca for skates. 40 cents; and tbe same at n-itht; checklnc of clothes, 0 cents; then, of course, there la the uanal tip, 6 centa here and 5 cents there. There are no free Instructions. Plain skatlnir is $1 per hour, or 6 Francs; fancy skatinit. 7 Fran<s 50. $1.50 per hour. Instructors are [laid TO per c« nt on all Instruction monies; they mske about an averaite of $75 per week with their tips. There la a few who sare their money, and others lead the life of millionaires, and bare antomobiles to take them to work and back. It costs more for salaries of clerks here than In America; an ordinary ticket taker Is 50 Francs per week. $10; the |tlrl cashiers yet $7 per week; clotblnR women, $6; skate me¬ chanics, $10; typist dolnc both French and FnRilsh. $20; and I miRht mention other hiRli salSVIed people; the head cashier Rets $25 per week, while the mansRer la snppost^ to be the biRhtat paid nianacer In tbe world, that Is In tbe rInkInR line; h||l salary is 50.000 Francs. $10,000 per yiar. wi'b a percentaRe on ail money taken In, which comes up to $16,000 per year or thereabout. Kindly ask Colonel Wins low; be will tell you all about it.

As reRards information, my dear brother mansRers, bow to run a rink, I can not tell yon how to run your own rink, as eyery city and etery country has different systems to entertain their cllentefe and therefore I ran not Rive yon any details rcRardlnR that, aa yon may do one thiuR In Kansas that would not amount to any thInR In Tietrolt, or Paris and I»ndon, and rice ▼ersa, aa the types of people are so Tsstly dif ferent. For Instance, in America yon can hare apple pie. roller Reese, thread needle, and all kinds of hurdle races, while In EnRiand yon can run a masonerade every week and other sncli thlnRS. while In France, you can not run more than one carnival In one year and such as these pie Rstnes. and needle threadlnR, would be rotten eRRS. This Is the way of roller skatlna.

My best reRsrds to my old friends. throuRhont the wo'ld who will read The Billboard. In my next letter I will Rive you more details of onr attractions and about the people who come to tbe American RiatlnR Rink 8t. Dldler.

Should any one of von come to Paris, be *nr* and call on me; I will show yon the Rreatest city In the world for a Ray old time.

The Teddy Pin Badge, $6.00 per gross. Souvenir Pennants and Whips. French Poodle Dogs, $15.00 to $96.00 per gross. Souvenir Glass for Premium Purposes. Bunting, Flags, Festooning and Decorations. Balloons, $2.25 to $4.75 per gross.


Adelaide D'Vorak played a return enRaRC ment at the Elwood Rink. Wwood. Ind., recent ly, to the best business of the season.

O. J. Perry and wife, of Clinton, la., have opened a roller rink at I>ootsiana, Mo., and are doltiR Rood hnslnesa.

Reckless Recklaw. wlih hla comedy cycle and skatInR novelty, played to blR business at the TMpper I.ske Roller Rink. New York, the week of March 10.



800 HOURS I 600 HOURS CIMP, Celerwd,

lOo I Claar, 11* Colorwd, Ta


c lAP CROOK oaNLS. $8.00 ftf 1,000. JAP SNAKE KODAC, $12.00 par Creu.

Write for our catalogue—It’s free.




Acton In all llnea. (lenteel. Heary. Character, tlld Man. Leadtr.i Lady. Soubrrtte. alv) Lady for emotional parts; people doubling brass or doing specialties given preference Also want Trap Itrummrr sllb a goo I line of traps, and two Melleuphone i’layen; all to double It. A tl. Tell all tint letter and pleaae don't muirrprs- ■ent. a pleasatit engagement to the right parties, so make your salary rigid. I pay all expenses after joining. No booaen. Tickets If 1 know you. Rehearsal called April 25. In Terre Haute, litd. Rube Dlcklnaon. t'has. Uanrllle. Jerry Mct'arty and Lottie Mosler write. Regain to all old friends.

DOC FOSTER, 432 North Ninth Stroot. .... TERRE HAUTE.IIND.


Six entirely different style plrturea. Inrlaillng IW rards. Instantly developed. .No experience needoii 11< New M'xlel t'amcra Is tlie sensation tf ths ('am*-ra

irld. Twenty years ahra<l of them With it you can take and In

stantly develop hofure the very face and eyes of enthaslasttc custom ers, six entirely differ¬ ent style plci’jiwi. In eluding l‘OHT CaRDK.

- 4 styles of Tintype lie Jtj turrs and llRxs'h Pic¬

tures. You can take either one person or as many as seven persitis

In one group. The demand fur the photographs la uni versal. Not the slightest experleiu-e Is required, and I send with the outnt everything ready to begin work with. Ttie Camera comes to you complete end you beglii making money the eery flrst day It arrives on any street comer, at fairs, hall parks, or wherevei people gather. All you have to do Is to set the me chine up and the money starts pouring Into your pmk- •* at once

CoBipIctt with Tripsd, 25 Butteai aag Fraaiet, 25 Tiatypes pad Mouats <2''t x3'/t). ZS TIatype, pad Mouats (iSx 2'3). 25 Pest Cards. I Battls Llpald

Developer. I want the chance to make you the best bualnees propoelUon ever offered, and will aeinl you proofs free.

L. E. LA8CELLE. Maaaper, 827 W. 43d St.. Dept. 293, New York. N. V.


$300,000 PAY DAY .And Bailey & Shoats’ Southern Shows on the

Streets of Vivian, La., April 8th Mr. CGnce.ssion Man and Mr. Showman, why hang to that old Company who Ks dragging along in the same “HUT?” .loin a live one who is putting out from one to si.xteen-sheet stands of paper, W.ANT Net Diver and other Free Acts. Musicians write. We use three automo¬ biles for band parade. BAILEY & SHOATS, Vivian, La.

the thln^ wbea you are oa the Road —have your Coffee **as you like It.**

No pots nor percolators. A little tin of MAOIC CUI'. hot water and a cup or glass are all that'e naedori Put one-half tea.pnonful. more or leea according to strength desired. In a cup. pour on hot water—that's all. IN A SECOND you have a most dellcloui cup of coffee. Our small tin hold, coffee for 30 to 40 eup>. according to strength desired. For 35c. tho rogular retail price, your dealer's name and addreas. and 3r for postage, we will send you thla tin prepaid. Put up by tbe Brm that producet the famous FAU$T COFFEES your giiaranve that It's good Write loda<

C. F. BLANKE TEA 4 COFFEE CO., Dept. V.. St. Lppla Me.


Elks’ State Convention Week Springfield, Mo., May 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.

WANTED—wild Animal Show. Dog and Pony. Plantation. Class Blower, fraay House. Big Hnakr Kleclrio. Deep Sea Divers. Platform or any show of merit that will not conlllcl; must have g-md fronts. Stadium Peo¬ ple, High Diver. Balloon Man (we have outtltsl; Dt or 12-plece uidformrd Band. .411 ('onces,«loi.s llu. Frisco payday the 14th. of tl5i).b0(i. In heart of hasiness district, on city lot. Times are go^ and money free. Fiank Irwin. Harry Clark write. No girl or graft nee<l apply. Play oidy tier cent. Terms on sppl ca'lon This Is the biggest event to be held here this year. If you are looking for big fast money write quick.

BENNERT ‘Gam Thaatr#,**


DRUMMERS Buy Drums, Bel'a. Traps and Novelties direct from tbe Baker. Bend for catalogue. Addreas

Acme Drammers Sopply Co. 2813*15 1M. 22nd St . CHICAGO. ILL.

NEW GRAND OPERAS IN ENGLISH-Maestro Bolts hsring completed the score of two grsi d operss In Kngllsh. titled the (Irst. ■NAI'DLEON. THE OREAT." and ''DOLORES.'" the second, wants to get In communication with s grand opera company or private party with means to be performed with Amer¬ ican artist.. In the leading theatres of the I'nlted States. Maestro Botta is working on another new one. titled. "THE AMERICAN INDIA.N OIRL" For further particulars address MAESTRO BOTTA, 211 West 1st Street. Los Angeles. Cal.

READ THIS Postal Cards for Slot Machines. 32 50 per 1,000. Also all kinds of Penny Arra<le Machines for sale. We also have set of .5 double patent Swings In Lemon Hill. Falrmnunt Park. I’htladelphla, rncloaed In good building. Will sell dirt cheap. Plenty of iilcnlci dally. Other business cause for selling. Don't an¬ swer If you don't mean buslnesi. Wanted to Buy— Mulosrope Reels. Stale subjects Apply BRADY NOVELTY CO.. 2SJ ,N'. Wh St.. PhUadelphla. Pa


Coneeaaioiw of all kinds, also Riding Deelcea, such os Cbrotaal. Ocean Waec. Mlnlotura Railway, FerrU Wheel. Theatre free to a good show troupe. Carnival and Clrcna Grounds to let. W. MePHERSON. Mari¬ nette. WU.

VAUDEVILLE ACTS - Six new Vaudovilla Acta now randy. Parts for Irish. Dutch. Blackface. Hebrew, Tough. Rube. Dude and Whiteface t'liaeactata. Tha aboee six acta. SOc In stamps. M. K. RKLU 131T W 4th Avenue. Knoxville, Ten

— —THE-

Herbert A. Kline Gilt Edged Attractions FOR 1912

Addrwss P. O. Box 68, Flint, Michigan CAPT. LOUIS SORGHO'S DEEP SEA DIVERS. DON CARLOS FAMOUS DOG AND MONKEY HOTEL' PRINCESS VICTORIA, World's Most Wonderful Midget; DELGARIAN AND ZINNEV'S BEAUTIFUL ORI¬ ENT, cleanest, best dresaed Oriental Show traveling; WALTER K. SIBLEY'S WATER SHOW, built Ilka 81b- ley frames shows; WM. H. WILLIAMS’ PEERLESS MAMIL best equtppe.! spectacular show «ver preaen'ed' JOLLIE TRIXIE, fatter than rver. Kline admits she ts the Jolliest. fattest. Iwst looking Idg woman In tha world; seeing her proves It; THE NIAGARA FALLS, an exhibition beautiful to behold: WILD BILL'S FRON¬ TIER DAYS, some Wild West Show; VAHRLEY'S WORLD IN MOTION, wonderful electrical meclintdcal ex¬ hibition. WESLEY'S EDUCATED SEALS, wire walking, yuggllug. ladder ritmidng. ai d that lauri ab'.o seal band Our RIDING DEVICES are new 1912 Models; BIG ELI FERRIS WHEEL, THREE-ABREAST JUMP. INC HORSE MERRY-GO-ROUND and CIRCLING WAVE.


The New “Knicketbocker" Theatie at Hollanit, Michitan

Holland, located about thlrtj milea aouthweat of Grand Raplda. on the main line of the I*ere Marquette Railroad, between Grand Raplda and Gblcato. U alw> wit hill a few milea of L<ake Mlrhlgan aummer reaorU. and on an liiterurban between iheae reacwia arwl Grand Rapida. Hollatid population about Il.tKHt; theatre on main atreet. on lot about 43Hil^5 feet, completeil last Norember. and rented to brat-claaa people for two years at $2.ISO a year. Including lieat. We under stand tenants are doing a splendid budrteaa. but would endeavor to take tp lea-ae if neceaaary to com plete sale. Ilulldlng ornamental, ground floor, over Ono capacity, one balcony, four exits, twelve dreaalng rooma. box-office, oniamental lobby, extra room can used fi>r coat or womeii'a rthorn. cement floor lo main body of houae. some of chairs upliolstere<l In leather Very fully wireil for electricity. Including border UgbU. bunch llghta and side Indicators for vaudeville. Mo' Ing phiure booth. Stage So feet deep. 4-4 feet wide 46 feet hlgli to gridiron. 2k feet to flv floor: ptMcen lum 22 feet high. 26 feet wide. <Above meaauremeot* practically amirate. 1 Theatre has playid n^ad attrac tlons. stork and vautlevllle. Prices now being cbargvd for present stock. H*c. 2l»c and S<'c. Gnly theatre In Holland; there ts only oite 5c moving picture place there. l*rhT. |2r».(K>('.00. Apply to THE MICHIGAN TRUST CO., Graad RaplHs. Mlti

Acts, Shows, Musicians, Free Attractions WANTED—Muxlrianv or amall organlxrd band. Art. for (Trcua and Vaudrvlllr. Op.ii air ¥nt Act. Want ■ome acta with lady prrform.n. Will fumlah top. and froiiu for VaudcrUlr. Plantation with baiwl Ctreu. or Col- Ijvum. We own our own riding device* and electric light plant. Can place few clean t'nin-cmlona and Bhow*. Show open. In Weatem Dklalioma. Bave time by mentioning Mlary In Orat letter. Failure to rorelra prompt reply Indiratca we can’t place you. Henley Family Hand write. If at Liberty.

S. W. BRUNDAGE CARNIVAL ATTRACTIONS. Lladcll Hotel. Leavenworth. Kaata*.

Karland’s Exposition Shows Want More Bhowe. Plantation Bhow, clean (Brl Show. Illueion Bhow. etc. Hmall Wild Weet will get tha money here Ponccetloni: Cane. Ball and Knife Rack. Jap Ball Rame. Four Ball, ate.; no gyp Can place anything that’e good. Conrentlone and celebralloni in every town booked. Addreas C. S. KARLA NO, Geaeral Manager, Suite 205. $2 State Street. Rochester, New York.


IS, 14. 18 aund 18. ObIf aoiml Uiows wMidwad 0mm 4mr m4 Mtakt. OrMaik Au wUl

BRANDO The Handcnff Kind -imt ea.m. t.iiw,h ci»i» » w*

tern iBiBpB I rrm “ W« em »l WtImMIm tmee* tSaSs. poAhS mS WMnvi*




Partnership Consideration Lady or Gentleman

To frame up Vaudeville Act. or will Join food aeL My line; Characteri and Comedy. Bend photo, whieh artll be returned. Btota alL JNO. MclNNlB. BtlUwArd.

Cincinnati, Ohio.

Tricks TRICKS Tricks laftrgcBt line of Tricks. Jokn and Noveltlsa Hi ik* world. Ic stamp for Illustrated catalogua

C. J. FELSMAN, 115 Stato St. 1M N. ClarM St.

(Palmer Houae Lobby) (Maia HinraJ


APRIL 6, 1912.

AT CMAUEUON, WEST VIRGINIA Oiilj p*fk In ilxty miles of Charleston; T5.000 to 100.000 people to draw from; food street car serrlce running Uito park; new oil territory, producing from II.000 to 15.000 barrels per day. and new wells coming In every dsr within eight miles of this park, and In the center of the largest coal field In the state of West Virginia, about twenty trains come Into the city every day. Splendid opportunlly for a tire man. Reasons for selling

this good proposition Is that the owner has other business that requires bis attention. Address -- _ — Charlsstos. W. Va.

WANTED—One more first-class show. Concessions, write or telegraph, This will be the biggest pull olT here in 20 years. Two big weeks, after¬

noon and evening, April 15th to 27th. Boys, don’t miss this one.


EOGEWOOD park amusement company. Bos 774.

of Midway, 27 Main St., E.

FAIR AMUSEMENT CO As I do not Intend to taka my “Big Circus" on the road this season. I hare to rent to Parks and Fairs the following Acts and Animals for S5oo purposes:

THE JOHN ROBINSON HERD OF FIVE PERFORMING ELEPHANTS, doing a twenty-minute act. the bmt Kleptisnt Act In the world

four BEAUTIFUl performing lions, doing a novel and sensational act. four handsome performing leopards, that do a wonderful and novel act. Both of these acts

are worked by I'lof Crawford and work In a steel arena. I)tx2*i feet. FIVE HIGH SCHOOL HORSES WITH LADY AND MEN RIDERS, also SULTAN ithe best broke menage

gone In the world), spotted Arabian stallion, rlden by Capt Ray U'Wesney. “TOUCHDOWN," the foot ball work^ In tlil« . .

^ A TROUPE OF SEVEN RUSSIAN COSSACKS, Including the only two lady Cossack riders ever In this muotry (with own stock), best dsre devil riders in the world.

ALL KINDS OF ANIMALS TO RENT-Can supply five or six Zoological Gardens for summer and sdnter. addrew

JOHN G. ROBINSON, 3010 Reading Road, Cincinnati, O.

237-239 Lafayette Street, NEW YORK CITY.



WE HAVE GOOD MONEY MAKERS For you, and invite your correspondence. We are once more ahead of the other fellow. The ordere we have already booked on our latest acquisition—the handsome KING CHARLES SPANIEL—are far beyond our expectaticHia So, get in line and follow the crowd.

A few more shows that do not conflict, with real showmen. Riding de¬ vices, poodle dog wheel and vase wheel are all sold. Show will open April 22 instead of April 18. Can use one show tliat is a real feature, as we have the spot. Write or wire at once


MovabI* Limbs and Head.


ESTABLISHCO IBTt—LONDON^ PHILADELPHIA, CHICAaO I OLD FRIENDS AND PATRONS remember us! NEW FRIENDS will do so in the future if they consult us NOW.

MECHANICAL PIANOS AND ORGANS Every known and many original devices and designs.



11 Catherine Slip, New York

AT LIBERTY For Minstrel or Other Good Road Attraction

lion set. wlUi spKisl srvncry Slid sll scccssorles. Featuring our Spirit Cabins* and Iflnd- A real feature and drawing card for any show. Act quick If you ran use this. Reiponslbls and kindly state all In first letter. Address EARL ARMSTRONG. Alvarado HotsI, 1837

. . . WANTED . . .

A Girl to Handle Snakes Steady work. Must have swell wardrobe. Wire at once.

JOHNNY J. JONES, Charleston. S. C.


Opena at Shelbyvllle. Indiana. May 4th, two Saturday!. FburtMn rumltur. Factortea. Two TcnMr Wos^ Une large Table Factory all working full time, under ausplcea of Red Herr. 500 strong, and all boostara.

Connersvllle. Indiana follows under F. O. E. first In three years, ssd everybody wsnU IL BkhMiA Indians follows, sll free, no gates.

Want to hear from two more shows that can get the money, ooncesslon people. If you are looking Im good treatment, and a company that does just as It agrees, and leU the Public know tbrse to four wmNs to advance that it Is coming, let us bear from you.

Will sell exclusives on iModle dogs, candy wheels or novelties, other concessions write.

Mr. Committee Men In Ohio and New York, we are coming your way and If you are contemplating a Mto- bratlon and want a hlgh-claaa, clean and up-to-date amusement company let us hear from you. We faat^m our own three jumping horse carousel and big EU Ferris Wheel. We own four of our own shown JH are In shape to supply you with As many as you desire. NOTE—Can use one more Promoter that can get (to towns and will do It. Also Band of eight pieces. We furnish new uniforms. Address all mall HARY H

NIGRO AND LOOS SHOWS Can plaet Kataanjammar Kaatls. Crao Houaa, firat-claaa Pit or Flva-ln-On*: also lUuaton Show. No show too big or too good for this company. Hava good opening for following

-CONCESSIONS- Photo Post Card, long range Gallery, Ball Back. Hoop-La and Knife Back. Addrtas NIGRO * LOOS, wlaafiald. La., weak ef April I. _ _

Must be in good condition. Suitable for a grand stand. Send full particulars, price, etc., to DAVID DOUGLAS* Manager Exhibition, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

FOM &iA.L.E: —

Dod and Pony Show Ooiwlstlng of I spotted ponies. 15 doo. 4 monkeys. 1 tent 60x110. 15 lengths at blue seats 8 tier high, fsasrve scat ehalrt. 10 uniforms. 1 tent t0x4i>. I striped marquee 15x10. Il seu of fancy pony trappings

of wardrobe for the animal show and all res<ty to open. A well-trained lot of animals. If soli aoee cash salt. $1,500. Addreu ANIMAL SHOW, ears Blllkeard. 1440 Broadway, New York City.


101 RANCH WILD WEST MB. MANAGERDid you ever atop to think about who pays tho railroad fares on each awo eww

vaudevllla act you playf Did It ever occur to you that the circuit with tha smallcat railroad move le the mm that can do the tame acU at a lest figuret Don’t you know the acts figure the cost of their railroad fanw when considering an agent s workf Don’t you tee you are tha fallow that "pays the freight." and thatelbae should book with ths agent that savea his acta the most money In connection with their “moves P’

Ws wLsh you would ascertain the average railroad moves on our Circuit, and you would then kmw why we can save our managers money and supply them the same acU that other drculu have to gel more mrw for. Look over this partial list of “SPARKS’ ACTS”: RIFXER A DOVE PHILLIPS TRIO VON SISTERS LEROY A ELOI8E HALL A O’BRIEN THE GREAT FOWLERS PAT A FANNIE KELLY BON.NER A BON-NEH ABBOTT A CLAYNE TOLER A TOLER CARL A DORA CARTER BIRD A KEMA COMITON A PLCMB GENE A NATH STONE W’AONEB DUO KENNEDY A UDELL

Write, wire, phone or call (note new addreea).

TED SPARKS’ VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT Guiakel Balldlai (8th and Walnut Streeu), Kansas City, Ma.

NOTE:—Want to hear from Dramatic people In all Unea. State full details In first latter.

Address, MILLER BROTHERS & Freaks, Curiosities and Novelties for Side Show,



Greater Hollywood Park, Baltimore We want sideshows of all kinds. Diving Girls and all ths latest ■ aCmad. Addieas WEST NELLIES. Grsatsr Hollywead Park.

-L.OOK !-

Moss & Marr’s Consolidated Shows -WANTED-

For Roy E. Fox* Lone Star Minstrels Tmmbona. Comet and Clarinet, band and orchastra; Music*! Act, doubts band; flrat- claM Baaa Drummer that doublat anything; no faking, must be real Want Tuba, band and orchestra, or double string baas. Can us any giKid Act that doublea band. Addieas ROY C. FOX, Camky, Yaxat, April 4-fi; Oalagarfield t-lfi; Jsftraaa ll-IS; Lladsa II* 17. Henry Decker write. Show goes to Colorado this summer.

Can place for UNION. SOUTH CAROUNA. ausplma riREME.N. on MAIN STREETS, week April let to 6th Inclusive, Ferris Whsal, one mors Show, Ulualon preferred. Conceaulona: Good opening far Csjm Rash. Ruby Glass. Doll Rack. PoalUvely no Jolnta. Addrsas THOS. 0. MOSS, Gsaaral Masagar, Ualaa B. 0. Q. a Marr and H. Fraadman, Geo’L Agents; Paul Bloom. Publicity; E. A. Kennady. Cootraetlng Agm*.

50 X e Billboard APRtL 6. 1912.


(Coutiuui-d frum pag« 12).

hrarK«<1 mifl iH n mlj: to a|iiK-ar on a far mure l01|N ■rtaiil iiiKl iireleiitluua bill.

lilltun Wi-ii, a yuUDK man wilb a (ileaKln;; barl one Voire, a|i|H’ar> In tliird poaitluu fra turiiiK lliirultl lloeaiter'a latra; aong publlra- tlOD.

Kulitilr (iordune. tbe perfect model, appeara In fourib poxitlon and olTera ber art atudiea. Tbe act ia very retlned and parta of it «ere waxted on tbe llayiiiarket audience. However, a portion of tbe Visitora at tbe Tliur8<lay mati Bee xtH'incd to und< rxtand and appre iate tbe real inerlix of tlie otTeriiiK. Tile act waa re¬ viewed ill tiiexe cidumiiH two wi-eka ago wben Miax tlorilone a|i|>earcd at tbe Majeatic,

Tbe Tlire,. IlMrniony K'uga replaced Ellra- betb Otto, tile (liano girl, and appeared witii gratiOiiig Micceas in fifth poaition.

Tlie allow ia rloaed by the Five .Mtialcal Las ales in a big novelty muaical offering wblcii pieaai d.

Tbe Haymarket Tliea re haa been di-algnatial aa tbe otticial •tryout” boiiae of tbe W. V. M. A., and during the past Week tbe following acts have been a<-eu tin re by all tlie agenta In ('111 oago: llerus and Wllliaiiia, Flo and Wynne, llugba anil Prior. Tliree Kliiga of Harmony. True S. Jaiiiea and Company, t.averne and Pbil llpa, wIhi a|>|iear<-d at tbe abowa on Tuesday; and Keekford and Cox. alugiiig and talking; l>er Vani-e, dancer; KInier Itiiffliain and Cum pany, sketch; Jack Sutherland, musical coninl- tan; Mabatina, illiiaionist; Osaleighty, tbe Hon- •Idln tom lH>y. and Pratt's dogs, made tbeir ap- p«-aran<e on Friday aftero'sin and nlgbt.

The location of tbe ilieatre, wbicb is areas atble to all agents; the fact that tlie arts have a chance to give a performance in tbe aftermsin to get working siinsytlily for the Inspection of tbe agents at night, and the largeness of the •tage and tlnatre, make this bouse tbe Ideal one •f the city' for this sort of work. Manager BaUey Is also Co-o|ierallng witli the agents and the (dan looks like a huge success from all points.


(Continued from page 121.

constant K<s>d humor and high spirits. His cum edy is clean and of a delightful variety, titougo this is not (be greatest of bis virtues. His ex¬ ecution at the piano la splendid. He rags one moment, then goes into the mure clasaic variety. Tlieir songs are fair with one exception; tliei actually have tbe nerve to pull that antedilu¬ vian 'Tag bag,” I'be Harlier's Itall.—and Ih lieve It or not. it la the one big hit of their act. They responded to an encore and took three or tour well earneil Imws. 'i bis is tbe second time tbe act baa appeared in tlie bouse this season.

Arnold Italy is sup|iorled by Alfred Hickman and (for about 17 secoiidsi by Miss Bertha Mann. Both Mr. Italy aud Mr. Hickman are deligUtfii: In their parts, and Mr, Italy baa been very atingy in bis allotment of time and lines to the feminine part of the act. At tbe very climax of the offering Miss Mann, who plays the part of Mr. Italy's wife, rushes In and sa.Vs alsiut six words. Just aa tbe curtain droiw. Tbe offering tistk Very well. It is reviewed under Che beading of Acts New to Chicago.

Orrie Ite Mar appears next to closing and Is very weak In the early part of her offering and dm-s not strengthen until she reaches her famous Three I'a.vs on tbe Ucean song, wherein she shows tbe Inevitable effect of the rolling bil¬ lows on ihe first ocean voyage. The song as rendered by Miss Ite Mar is a great comedy situation. She carries a drop for each of her anmbers, and also makes some Characteristic costume cliangcs for each. Tbe Matinee Girl is another of ber feature numliers. and brouglit a generous round of applause. Ixinesome Flos- ste, a sort of drinking t"ng. is clever snd comic In some simls. snd overdone and repulsive In others. Miss He Mar might have been a greater soccess.

The bill Is closed by F^lward F. Reynard, the ventrll<»|i(lst with a ppslnction. The act haa been seen here quite often In the last few years, and la voted by all. the very liest of its class In vsndeville. Mr. He.insrd was one of the most aiilistantial hits of tbe bill.

high, who looks to be in bis teens. The lad Is s giant in strength, and doiw some startling and original stunts. His arm and band balanc¬ ing is great and sceiniugly iniisixsible for a lad of hia slxe and stature. Another geiitleuiau and a lady coiii|sise the rest of tlie coiiipan.v, and both are Just as clever In their respi'ctlve lines as the foriiier-iiieniluinsl artists. This set Is worthy of the hesdiliie isisition on the very Ix'sl bills otilsinable. 'Iliey sto|iiie<l the show at the matinee on Monday aud took seven or eight b»ws Ix'fore being peruilt.ed to retire. j

ARNOLD DALY AND COMPANY. Com.'dy Play- j let; Majestie, Cliicago; seveotb In niuc- ! act show; time, 21 minutes, in full stage.

Aripdil Haly plays tbe part of Jack Ligbtiwsly. 1 who returns home and films that friend wife has ••vamped;'’ Alfred Hickman plays the part of Jack's pal, and tries to comfort him In his hour of trouble; Berllis Mann is friend wlf>, who rushes In Just at the last iiiomciit. wben Jack and Ills are preparing to leaie for South Americi. and says: "Jack, I've come back: for- give me.” It Is not very of en that I can re- ' member the exact words of any certain part In a playlet, but In this case, "give me crc^llt” (with aiiologies to -1. Evidenily It didn't take Mi«s Mann long to learn her part, not half ao long. I'll wager, as It did to make up and dress In a cluiriiiing snd becvuiilug gown and picture bat. Anyway—to get back io tbe story —Jack coiiDW Isiine snd finds the ‘Tare-welT’ note from bis lietter half. At first he la wild with anger and sorrow. Then bis pal conaoles him by reminding him that in tbe fu:ure. "What’s Ills, ia bis.” and that there will be no more milliner’s bills, no more dressmaker's hills, no more grocery and meat hills, no more rent bills, and .no more—oh. well—no more bills for anything excepting his own necessities. Tbe thought hlia Jack aa a pleasanv one, aad be rousenia to a trip to South America, wben—In rushes little runaway Mary, and with a half doxen words, chi ats the railroad and steamship lines out of a nice little piece of change, and sIinnltsneoiiKly brlnga tbe curtain down on an un¬ timely end to one of the most cleverly acted playlets seen here In many weeks.

HANS ROBERT AND COMPANY, Dramatic playlet, Wilson Avenue, Chicago. Third in live-act allow. Time, IS niinntea, in full stage. Number of people, four.

THE CAST. Judge James Ridgeway.George Staley James Ridgeway Jr.Hans R».bert Eliisheth Ridgeway.Mibel Mortimer Frank I.ark'n.Dell I.«wis

Scene—Living Room In Judge Ridgeway's Home. Time—Today.

ton as star, will leave the Cort Theitre to¬ night, and Siindav night. Janies Montgomery's new comedy. Ready Money, will take tbe Isisrils at the Deartsirn Street bouse. William (ourie- nsy will have the leading part, capably sup|s>rt- ed by siieh lliesplc talent as Joseph Kilgour. Hen Johnson. Scoit ('• oper, Jutiies Hradliiiry, Henry Miller Jr.. Ivy Tiouiniaii, Maude Gilbert, Ida Darling. Gwendolyn I'lers, Regina t'onnell. Norman lliarp. Leo D nnelly. Alfred Hesse and George Ivoaiie Tui ker. I'be tlienie of Ihe play 1» that of tbe old saw, "To him who (apparently hath, more sliall t>e given." and C'ourteniy's part la that of a man who baa been a finaiicail failure, until he taki-s tbe advice of a frieiid. and sirik.B a pros|ST"iis pose.

Tlie last of the Drama Flayers' offerings at the I.yric will i>e leildoni’s Tbe Coffee House, an eighleentli century 1 allan comedy. It ba» never Is fore licen acted in Engllsli, and w ill be presented for tlie firat time In America at the I.yric on Friday night, and for Ihe remainder of tbe week rutil that time. June .Madness will lie retalni-d.

Tlie fif h week of Charlotte Walker, In The Trail of the I.onisimie Fine, which Gene Walter made from Jolin F'X Jr.'s book of tbe same name, finds tbe Chicago Opera Hoiiae filled at prartlcall.y every performance. Miss Walker Is sweetly a|ipealing as June, and while tbe play does not follow the novel closely. It Is highly sstlsfiictory to Its auditors.

On Thursilay afternoon last, Louisians Lou celebrati-d its’ .Hsith consecutive performance, with the distribution by Manager Askln of the La Salle Opera House, of sterling sliver Jewele.1

I lavellleres to the ladles present. Fresent Indl- i cations are that tbe brilliant Rurkbsrdt Don- ! aghey-Jerome mnsicsl comedy will run through

the month of June. The Fink Ijidy begins Its seventh week at the

Colonial on Sunday. Its brilliant book and hesiilifni music are interpreted by a clever company of whom Alms Francis and Tom Walt era are conspicuous. The scenic Investiture and the costumie setting are of extraordinary beauty.

The s’oek companlet are this week offering some notable hills: Albert Phillips snd hls wife. Leila Shaw, actor-managers of the Mar

lowe Slock C' nips'iy In Englewood, will present The Liars, one of Cliarles Frohman's earlie successes, for the tsiiiiliig week. IMlIh Weave Julian, one of the most jHipular of atock act resses, apiiears. At Hie College Theatre, tin- T. C. Gleason FIs.vers. Iiesibd by Marie Nelson and Risln- y Ranous, will present The Grea Name, the gripping comedy In wlilcli Henn Kulker so siiceessfully apprarevl. 'lli<. Tbn-e

Twills is aniiouiiied aa tbe Faster week ufferiii.: Tlie other outlying legitimate theatri-s an

nounce the fellowing plays (Ins week; Natiutisl The Easiest Way; Crown. The Stamjiede; Dii perial. Ktigenle Blair, in Tlie Test; BlJon. Kills F. Glickiiian's Yiddish Flayers in repei toire.


George Hltiea of the*Lyda Theatre, announce, that be will Ceuimence playing vaudeville at tractions again at the opening of tbe seasen in Ihe fall, afti r running plcturea for aev>'r.i. luontjis.

Jimmy Wani, the avia or, has been b ok - l for tbe Cioadlan Industrial Et|voaltlon at Wiii Dppeg. (an., from July Iti to 20. by the fai deiMirtmeiit of tbe Western Vaudeville Manager' Assis lation.

The parents of Walter Seott Reed, formerl.i cornetlst In Ihe orcliestra of the Gaiety Theatre South Chicago, bate sent out an alarm for him as be has been missing fur some time. He wa- last heard of playing a aingle musical act in vauderille. Hls fatber, Frank L. Reed, ia ein ployed In the money order dlvlaion of the Cbi cago Post-office.

Kd. K. Hire, the veteran Impresario, has made a abloid version of Cinderella, wlilrb be la booking In the vaiidevllle houses. Negotl.i t'ons are now pending with a view of taking It out over the Fantages Circuit. The •onipant Includes Frances Turner Cliarles R. Monger. Ruth Bigehiw, Gladys Raguley. Irene Langford. Gypsey Wll'on and Ruth Johnson. Mr. Rice has In contemplation two more tabloids, a con denseij yerslon of Tbe Corsair, and a abort «dl tion of Adonla.


(Continued from page 13.)

and puts It over In a not too professional man ■< r. He opens on a tuneless and uieanlngless Song, tells s few stories, does an Imltatl ’U of the old fashioned square dance or quadrille, Diskes 1 bow, and leaves the stage.

HERBERT'S LEAPING DOGS. Novelty Act. MaJ. Stic. Clilcsgo; opening nine-act show, time. 11 minute!. In full stage.

With about 30 canluea of all sons and breeds, •everal cats, a cou|ile of pigeons, and a couple of chickens. Hcrliert's au>uisl act Is undoubtedly one of the most clever si-en at tbe Majestic this Benson. It ia weil staged snd elaborate In every particular, and really dcserveii a more prelen tlrnis spot io tbe bill. Tbe entrance and opening of the act is novel and unique io every partic¬ ular. llie Intrudiictiun of tbe various panici pants cuusuuies aliout five minutes and pleased everyone who witnessed it. Tbe msjiirity of th stunts are new, and the comedy situs i"08 Just frequent enough to relieve the usual inonotuoy of tbit class of offering. Several graceful and clever greyhounds do some excitlug stunts io high Jumps, and tbe smaller canines do all sorts of clever s'unta which were warmly received by tbe big Monday afternoon audience. A fea¬ ture of the act is a "loop-the-loop'' which is executed by a little fox terrier, who do«a the stunt by running. The trick was repeated three tlmea before the •iidience would permit tbe act to proceed. Considering position In the bill, the act proved one of tbe biggest bits of the cur¬ rent week's offering.

THE NAT NAZARRO TROUPE. SensationsI Acrobats; Majestic, Culcago; fifth In nine act show; time, 10 minutes. In fall stag one lady, three gentlemen.

This whirlwind acrobatic offering proved the Kiotit aensational bit on the current offering a the Majestic. No one with any sense of Judg ment will deny tbe right to tbe gigantic sneceas attained by tblg marvelona offering. One of the gentlemen does a rapid succesaion of oomer asnlts, and does them so rapidly that he looks more like a big pin wheel than a hnman being. The applause following bit contribution to tbe act was genera] and a small riot. Never la all my experience In tbe show and circus bntlneaa have I teen tneh an exhibition, nor anch clev •meet. Another feature of the act la tbe phe¬ nomenal work of • yonagater abont four feet

Intensely dramatic and gripping la this little gem of dramatic art as presented by that clever artist, Mr. Hana Robert and a notable company; but the audience at the Wilson aeemed dense and unable to grasp Its Importin- e and the s|ilendlil ib'Ilty of the little company. When Mr. Robert appeared In ■ leading part at tbe Cort Tliettre. supporting Edmund Breese he was the topic of conversation snd admiration of all wlio wi nes'ed the presentation of A Man of Honor. Tile plot embraces a (Killtical graft ipame. wherein a Judge who Is on the square refuses to turn a crooked deal for the money factions but Is handtcapiied and apparently cor¬ nered when he learns that h's son has stolen money from these men. However . by hls shrewdness and lirslny la 'Ics. he outwits the crooks and obtains the hoy’s freeiiom. Mr. Robert l« powerful and forceful in Ills part snd deserves more credit than was given him by the Wilson audience. Tlie siiiiportlng company are

II clever In their parts snd sre responsibie In large part for the success of the act.



THEATRES. j (Continned from page 5.1 |

devotisl to raiidevllle along Knglisli iiiii'ic liall I'ncs. and the opening tdll is made up of hesil- ; line Orplieiim acts. It l« .Mr. Bis-k's In ten ion ■

mske the Falsce the scene of the Amer¬ ican taiidevlllo debut of Mnie. Sarah Bernhardt next Se|iteml)er, and Clssle I.oftus will be a other European atar who is scliediiied f- r firs

iqe arance here. .klsiiit gliSi.OtHI has been de- votiHl to the construction anil decosatlon of th" Falaie. and It is c.iiifidently predicted hat Monday’s aiid'ences will agree that the iicwi-s’ Ciilcago playhouse Is appropriately named.

The Inaugural bill at (he Falace la aa follows; John Tiller’s Boys snd Girls, Tliomss A. Win In A Chip of the Old Block; Ccssre NesR a vo callst from Venice; Tlie Sunshine Girls. Bully British Ballet. I.ydla Harry, eomedlenne from New York's Winter Ganlen; Howard and North Comic sketch; Diamond and Nelson In Sometlilng New; I.eltael Sisters. The Wonders of the .\;r. Victor Hollaender'a (IrciieatTa will be a feature that niualc Inrers will want t<> hear for Its own worth. Ferformanocs will be given every after noon and night, and prices will range from 2.'i ci-nts to $1.00.

The Oamtilers. Charles Klein’s great Wal' Str.-i-f 111 IV, which wss first staged In Chicagoo. will return to the scene of Its first triumphs Siinda.y night, appearing at MeVtcker’s t'-ts time, at popular prl es. Paul Everton heads the cast ami Is siipiiorted hy Gertrude Dallas. Frank lyissee. Franklyn Sear'glit. Matt B Snyder and o'hers.

The Majestic, devoted to Tandevllle. and the Coltinihla to burlesque, will make their nsiisl changes of hill Monday. Jermon’s Colimihla Burli*squprs atipearing at the latter house

.(t the Blackstone, EKie Fergiisi n begins her third and las; week In the title role of DoHv Madison In The First I.adv In the Land, w-tii the brilliant Nlrdllnger play the talk of the town.

Ralph Hers begins hls seventh and last neck of hig hnslnesa In Chicago In Ills di-l c' i musical comedy success. Dr. De Luxe, at the Studebaker tomorrow night.

A1 the Illinois .Mme. Alls Nsxlmovs begins the last Week of her fortnight's stay in Pierre Wolff's comedy. The Marhinettea.

The Ctiocolate .Hold'er. wl'h the same cast that appeared during Its trinmphsnt tonr of the American high-priced houses. Is now being heantlfiilly sung at the American MnsI ■ Hall, which haa now psaaed wholly into the handa of the ShiibcT's. The entire lower floor of the house la now offered for 11 a neat, and the bonse la enjoying good patronage In conae- qnence.

Gfllcer flflfl. with Douglas Fairbanks and John Mlltem In the principal roles, will begin its flfth consecntlve week of capacltv hnslnesa St George M. Cohan’s Grand Opera ' House ou Sunday nlgbt.

After seven weeks of enthnslaatle and proflt able patrooage. Kindling, with Margaret Illing

Opens season 1912, Pontiac, Mich., Saturday, May 4. Owasso, Battle

Creek, Ypsilanti, South Bend,Mnd.,‘follow.

PRIVILEGE PEOPLE OF ALL KINDS WANTED E.xclusive sold ou Lunch, Vase, Candy andTPoodleJDog'iWheel. .All

other privile^tvs $15.00 each, two for $25.00, Write quick,

sS|R‘cial Note—niH HATCH W.ATEH CIRCUS and LA’.HOSE ELEC |TR1C FOUNTAIN will he consolidated this season, making this the I largest and he,st Carnival attraction ever with any organization. .Ad- jdress J. FRANK H.ATCH, (leneral Manager, Hatch Building, Pitts-

1 burgh. Pa.


Ohio Summer Park Circuit NOW BOOKING

The Best VAUDEVILLE Acts Only Feature Acts. Novelties, Musical Comedv. etc. Send Route Open Time at Once. .Managers srite me. Now ruining several A-1 Musical ( umeillrs. one and two

HARRY A. HAWN, General Booking Agent.

Reason opaiit May 11. Park aeek stanila.


HERE YOU ARE ! 1 We want to heir from rnncesalon Men who hire to offer lefltlmata ronreMlons, aeniMitlonal rldlnt devices, refined fames and padfmes. iic., for the banner aeasou In tJie hUiory of Uie Buutb.

EAST LAKE PARK The finest and most beautiful Summer Firk In Dixie. Right In the heart of Birmingham. Ala., with unexcelled street car senlce. Free gate, tree Atlractloiis, free Band t'oncerts, and open eeven days In every wi-ek. Drawing impulaOnn. ... WK oi'KN KABLY l.N MAY. Will oonalder anytldng llial la refined and csi-aldr of gitilng the money. Address

SPICLBERGER, General Maeager Eait Lake Aeiuuneat Co., lae., BIrailethasi, Ala.

I LAST CALL—GREAT SUTTON SHOWS I Madison, III., April 13-21, Auspices Firemen : We open Saiiirdav. April 13. All people et,gaged report at Madison not later than April 1! We can use

one more gowl Show, ('oncessloiia, come on (except t'ls.k Bouse. Isuig Range Shooting Gallery aitd Paddle Wtieel). We play four more towns In lllliiola after Xlsdl.on. then nonh. Addrtm quick. F. M. SUTTON.

I Box 141, Madison, Illinois.

I WANTED—BAND ACTORS j Work yenr round Tent In summer, houses In winter

“A TEXAS RANGER” Bavonth aaaaon. Alao expaiienced Uncle Tom People. All man must double braaa Ralary sure- ask aaybndr who haa bean hare. Good traatmant. TIcketa from anywbere if I know you. JACK HOSKINS Raaara Na¬ tal. Chlaago. III.


APRIL 6, 1912. Xtie Billboard 51


(Continued from page 10.)

Kith anj'tliliiK that alie liaa dune. There la not much atory to the piece. Jiiat enu <Kli tn eii- ahle Mlaa Seira to draw the laugha from a friendly audience. .Much comedy hi uhtiilue I hy her hand.lug of the proiia MU|>i>uee<lly off aitKe, and her blia of dialogue with tl% (irutieity man, with whom ahe la In love, are very cleverly ex- erute<l. The act more than maile itu il wlih

idet-ee are dlacarde<l and they ahlne forth aa abite-faretl contortlonlata wltu eeemiugly not o..e tame In their bodlea. AM manner of l'<eon<'elv- able aba|)es and knota they tie themaelvea Into. The method ami aetllng of the u> t na>e •■eu aero aroand here before with at leaat one mem- (•er of tne preaeiit trio. Tiie act can be conuied on to make good In any early poaltlon or for < n«liig luc Show.

Bank, and cleverly comblnea high finance and r< manre. The ac requlree the aervicea of alx plavem in addition to Mr. Shea.

Contracta hove been signed calling for the aervicea of Florence Holbrook and Cecil Lean over the Orphenm Circuit. Miss Holbrook and Hr. I./ean are musical comedy stars, their most recent success being in Joseph M. Galtea' Bright Eyes.

Aaron Hoffman's Iflfer, his first dramatic


RsUaaed hy the Supatlor rsatnrs ElUa Coavany.


Syraeus* Slat# Fair, Sapt. 7 to 15.



EVERY CONC ESSION OPEN. 1(),(X)0 aveniRi? daily attendance; big days, 40,000 to .50,000. WHITE CITY! No eoiniM'ting Park in a IH) mile radius, and half a million population, ranking amongst the ricliest on earth. White City cost (piarter of a million to’build. For .soundness of eonstruction has no counterpart in America. Covers 16 acrea; lagoon; Onondaga Lake boat andjrolley.

White City and Stats Fair on same station — same platform — 12 minutes from center of town.

TO CC NCf SSION A I R ESI Everj'thing now often, from Restaurant to Paddle 5Mie(‘l. Finest Park Ball Room in country; bird.seye maple floor, SOxl^i. Kveiything .same high class. Carous.scls, Roller Coasters, Chutes, Circle Swing, Camlv Wheel, etc., etc. State Fair, Sept. 7 to 15, adjoining; average daily attendance, 40,000. Whatever your line is, W iiite City can use you.

t W. 34111 Streef, «ulte 008. IMEW YORK.


whether It was used or not. During the latter part of the evening doxena of bottlea of cham¬ pagne . ould be seen lying around the tables sllll two thirds full and everybody ordering more.

No ban was put on any kind of dancing but the Inherent d«H’enc.v of the cn>wd could le- seen by the fact that none but legltlma e danc¬ ing was done. Occaatonally some one would break lnt» one of the varla Ions of the Turkey Trot or Itiinny Hug. but would almost Imme¬ diately lapse hack Into dancing that would be a cred't to any crowd.

.Marcus U>ew entertained a box party as did Meyer Epstein. SIme Silverman, Max Spelgel, Corse Day on. Bert Leslie, Sam McKee and a docen others.

Among the dancera and promenadera were Janies .Morten, .\nnette Kellermann. Harry Vim Tiller, Rita Oould. Blossom S^ley, Mose (Tumble. John Relaler. Lillian Shaw, BUI I.y- klna. Rhea Fisher, Rllly Qould, Jimmie Rrltt, Jack Gleason. Mike Simons, Frank Rohm. Willie Howard. Loula Wealey, Joe Scbenck, Harry Tlgbe. Charlie Doty. Joe IMncus, Dan Hennesy Frank Oombs, and Corse Payton.


Great 5ouvenir

For Moving Picture Tl'eatreo Hardwood Poi^t Card FramM. flnUhed In ML**!©!!. 8a- le<*t your own postcardio. per AampU bf mail. H»c. PA(;E & LYO.V MFO. CO., N«w Lon¬ don, Wls. _

WANTED—GIRL CONTORTIONIST Amateur coiwidered. Send photo and weight. Addns

Kl.TY TRIO, care \%’hlte Rai.A. Chicago. III.

OPERA HOUSE FOR RENT. LEASE, or will pUy pictures on per cent, with good picture mao. Only theatre In town of 18.000. AddroM ACE. care BIQ* board. Cincinnati. O.

''WHITE: CITV” Opens May 18 —

SYRACUSE;, N. Y. First Announcement!

SEASON 1912. Sideshow People In all lines. Dancing Girls. Turk Musicians. Freaks of aU kinds. Address CaL Towota. 71.1 W. Front Street. Mu-watlne. Iowa. FOR BIG SHOW—Performers In all lines. Those holding contraeU will report at Lancaster, Mo., not later than April 14th. Show otwns April S7th. A few more Mnslclsiw wanted. Addrew H. W, RING, MorrlMnville, III. Performers address W. H. COULTER. Lancaster, Ms.

Mihs Sears in me line ruie, dui me piece iineii Hoenn't Iwglii to e<|ual other tldiigs that Lelgar Allen Wolff, the author, has iloiie for vaudeville.

Miss Ray Cox Is Ino'k v lih a b au'* 'e m l, the beat that ahe has ever abown. Opening In two, with au accouipniilnl ul toe idauo, sue p.ila over a I'omeviy number. That's What 1 Said In (be Journal. The lyrics are gvssl and the music ratchy and rendereil In MIsa Cos's own style. It was a big bit. While her pianist la playing ragtime, Miss CoX muKca a c.iwuge to e. re.iirlc dress, and In aoiig tells of the trials and tribu- latliina of a Cook’a TouiUt wlm has lost her party. Making another change she retu ns In the least likable number of her repertoire. In re«|Niiise to au enevue sii aeroplane Is lowered from the ■tee, and Miss Cox jets laugh afe r laugh with her facial expreastone and talk (■ertalnlug to a drat inp lu a nay waguu. Her otferlug should be assured of as mm b work aa stie care* to acce|it.

The AltkenWhitman Trio, three men contor¬ tionists, ritsve the sIh>w. A S|>e<'lal set deidcllng tiie haunts of the bullfro; and the alligator U • arried. Two of the men dress aa frogs and tlio third as an alligator. At a pistol shot the head-

ent, and the audience weary of seeing the sad¬ dle thrown clear across the pony. Saddle her the third time, boys.


(Continued from page 11.)

termed a natural pianist as be has never learned to read a note. His teehnliiue, inder the clr- niuiatances. It wonderful, and a listener would Imagine that he had bis notes before him.

Jim Re.vmdda, the luonoluglst and singer, has eontraeta calling for bis aerviees on the Sullivan A Con-ldlne Circuit commencing the latter part of April.

Vardaman la another female Impersonator to be put on an all woman hill. He baa been engaged aa one of the features on a bill of that type to play the Hudson Theatre, Union HIU. N. J., the week of April 1.

The vehicle for Thomas E. Shea's Orphenm Cirenlt tonr has been decided upon. It la a

(Oautliiucd from page 11.)

Kitty Mltebell offered several aouga, the most Botevrorthy being Cindy, sung In the first part.

Dixon and Mllia In the olio, sang parody after parody on the p<<pular songs of the day and were railed liaek time after lime hy the audience.

The Kllbane Attell pictures were on view, I'J rounds tieing shown. They are extremely In¬ distinct but were followed with close attention hy the audience.


.\iiguat A. Wind, with nature dust . .Wm. F. Nugent

Teddy Miller, trimming who be can..Joe Dixon Mike llooley, get-tbe-money kid . .Charles Stevenson

Exra tVltberllp, sheriff .Joe Mills Zeke Mather^, deputy sheriff ..William Stewart HIral Diwler. a lawyer .Fred Re«’te Joe R'H'klej. a mllllunalrc kid ....Tom Blaaett Rose Bush .Kitty Mllehell Era Peach .Helen Lewton Ima Peach .Resale York Zalina .Helen Lawton Tllle Soli .Dale Wilson


K'oiitlnued from page 10.) |

Deiro, the aslcal Marre). la one, performs on a I piano accordloB creditably and well, bnt In the wiiter'a opinion, mars bis work hy bla man¬ nerisms and amliking. nhjcctlonable to most i people as were those of Rtgo.

Gua Hornbrnok's Wild West Cheyenne Days elnsea the hill. A gon.1 act of Its kind, and 1 like Its kind. But. after three “unavailing" | efforts have been made to saddle the untameil hronrho (lie Intondivl failure becomes too appar-

...ROLL TICKETS... Tour OwB Bpaeial Tlekct. say prlatiag. fiaat aaA back.


5,000—$1.25 20,000—$4.00 50,000—$6.00 10,000— 2.60 30,000— 5.00 100,000- 9.60

stock Tickets, Six Oats a Tbousand.

SPECIAL TICEZT8 FOB PABKS, BASE BALL, MEBBT-OO-BOUNDt, ETa Qnlck shipment, aeeurats numbering guaranteed. Cash with ordw; no O. O. D.



the week of April 1. The act depicts certain phases of prison life and when “tried on the dog" met with flattering anccesg.

William Morris while abroad, will keep an eye skinned for artists capahle of being fea¬ tured In road shows on the order of those planned and carried out by him with Harry Lander and Sirota.

It la reported that Lillian Lorraine was mar rled Monday In Jersey City to Frederick Gres- helmer. Miss Ixi-rslne has left the cast of Oyer the RIyer. the Eddie Foy show now playing at the Gh be Theatre.

Gertrude Hoffman accompanied by her hus¬ band. sailed Thursday on he Celtic for Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman are bent purely on pleas¬ ure. no professional engagements being con¬ templated.

Fioreni Zlegfebl has engaged Gertmde Van¬ derbilt for a prominent role In his forthcoming production. A Winsome Widow. Negotiations were conducted h.v cable as Miss Vanderbilt la at present fulfilling vaudeville engagements In London.

During Frank Keeney's absence In Porto Rico his vsuilevllle Interests are being taken care of by Freeman Rernsteln. Mr. Keeney's abaence

I vvll) be of several weeks' duration.



(Continmd f“om page 11.)

a maie of figures that could not have been done had they been rehearsed. All of the time Id the middle of the floor Tsudoyille acts of the dumb variety were going through stunts that would ell It much applause on a stage, but that passed almost unnoticed among this throng who seemed bent upvm only one thing and that was to sw who could buy the moat wine. Didn't seem to make much difference

^ Operators of Minute Pictore Machines k The latest novelty tn the button line Is the Heartsbapad PrMMi \ iMm These Heartahaped Frames are the bandaomeat framas svar piM 1 Emm on the market and are unequalled aa a moiiey-gettar mttmwrm .1 J^pIV shown. The slxe of button this frame will hold la ona Inch (fiS

line). WmL(S Heartshaped framea complete with pins only Bl.TB per gTH*;

by mall, ‘Ju cents extra. Get some of theaa frames and coMOMaaa rs'lLv making big money with your buttons. You srlU positively oate

_ yjV’ money, a.* these framea will attract attention and can aaaUy to cents extra.

Our cameras are world famous. In use all over tto waelA TWlBiA. Positively unequalled. Photo postcards and buttons all tha rotSk

You ran coin money anywhere. Write at ones for fros hoiihto, I Tam^r testimonials and liberal offer.

Nllr AMERICAN MINUTE PHOTO CO., 0«pt. C. I.. 2214 C. Ogden Ave., CHICAGO, ILL.

(Laroasl Maaufaeturera aad Dlitrlbutora of Miauta Pletura Maehlaaa aad Sutallas la the Warld.)


Johnny J. Jones Shows Week of April 8th

This will be one of the biggest weeks in the history of Colunabia, unveiling of Confederate monument with a cent mile rate all over the South, Musical Festival and shopping weeks. Merchants re¬ turning all car fares. Wanted one more show and can place all kinds of legitimate concessions. Shows, address Johnny J. Jones, Charleston, S. C.; Concessions, address Barney Smith, Chamber of Commerce, Columbia, S. C. Wanted to buy another flat car.

C PINT TIN, 75 CENTS ^ At all good drug 'dapartmont otoroa, or dIroot, poatago propald, on raoalpfi

of prioo, Ploaaant, quIcR and aoonomleal to uaa. No wax or paraffin#] won't

grow hair. Improvoa tha oonrvploxion. Uaad by haadlinara avarywhara. Try It.


TMM iMM masToa u&Mwr oma

52 e B APRIL 6, 1912.

Film Synopses (Oontlnaad froin page 43.)

enr-ES. (Q(K>rge Kl«tne.)

THE BBIGAND (Drama; rel^aa*- April »: length, l.OUO feet).— Jack, a daalilng young fellow, re- aen.a the attention of a aoldler

T to Martha, hla sweetheart. A quarrel ensues, and the officer Is killed. To escape punishment Jack seeks safety In the monntslna. line day he Is seriously wounded

la a skirmish, but Is fortunately found by Martha and her father and taken to their farm, n# aoldlers discover this fact and come to aaarch the farm. Ry lowering the fugitive Into tbe well, Martha and her father heroically manage to save him from rapture, Af'er many ea<'1tlng advetitur.*s, the lovera succeed In leav¬ ing tbe country, and are Anally married.


T-e-c-n na axA RHo.xtri • *.M> r^SANAY .Witura USAI

release April length. l.tsN) ' feet).—Hr<incoo Billy, a law

less Wes ern renegade. Is atsmt to shoot up the Raw- hide dan e ball when .Nan

Si •‘'u**'*!. a pretty ranch-girl, y takes hla gun away from

him, leads him outside and secures h's promise to quit

w. f drinking. A week later , t\t\ Broncho meets Nan accom-

R nQInDI Alv panics her home. Is Intro- duced to her mother and

made welcome. A few days later Old Fowler rides to town and secures a large sum of money for tbe sale of some cattle. Broncho, not knowing who he Is, bolds him op. Broncho j eisjuloes the contents of the wallet and dnds Man'a photo. Realising he has robbed her father, he reaolutely goes to tbe Fowler ranch sad retnma tbe loot. Fowler Is about to have him arrested, when Nan enters and pleads for Broncho, winning her father's consent to let him go. A moment later the sheriff enters bat Fowler gets rid of him without revealing Kronebo's guilt, and then offers him a place so tbe ranch. Filled with gratitude. Broncho warmly wrings bis hand and earnestly promises to mske good while Nan gives thanks for his reformation.

AL<t. IN THE FAMILY (CV)medy-drama; re¬ lease April 11; length. 1,000 feett.-^oe Blocnm, a young country hoy, tires of farm life and ■nally secures hin father's consent to go to the city. Beth Winters, a young country girl with ambitions to be a sculptor, pleads with her widowed mother to allow her to go to the city to educate herself. The mother Anally yields. The young people sc Identslly secure rooms st the same boarding house. Joe loses hla money, cannot pay bis rent and Is about to be ejected. He seeks safety In Alght up the Are-escape, and bolts Into Beth's room. Beth learns hla trouble and out of sympathy gives him money to pay his rent. Joe determines to make blm- aelf worthy of Beth. Back in the country old fHocum la Injured. Widow Winters Is called la as nurse, and the old people fall In love and determine on a city wedding. Meantime Joe makes good and marries Beth. Tlie old people arrive st the minister's, and are asked to act as witness for another marriage. As'onishment reigns when they discover their own children, and the minister declares a double wedding la In order, that "It la all In the family." and happiness reigns supreme.

L<»NE.SOME ROBERT (Drama; release April 12; length, 1.000 feet).—Little Robert Woods, a cripple, becomes a qua'n'ed with Tom .Morrla. wireless operator at the plant of Mr. Harding, nearby. Tom interests himself In tbe little fellow and. to please him, installs a miniature wireless oulAt In Robert's room and 'eaches him the code. Each night they Aash messages back and forth. One night Tom Is left to ^lard s large sum of money that Is In the safe. Thugs enter, overpower Tom and leave him on the wireless oti At table. While the crooks are securing the money; Tom manages to wiggle bis bound hands to the Instrument and tick

i out a cry tor help to little Robert's bedroom. I "Hie child calis his father, who la a policeman. ' The robbers secure the money, but are heade<I

off by Woods. Mr. Harding Is summoned, and little Robert made the happiest hoy In the world by the present of a handsome reward from Harding while Tom hugs the little fellow la his arms.

UNDER .MEXICAN SKIES (Drama; release April 13: length. l.(HiO feet).—Pasqnale, a half- Iweed Mexican, se ures work on the ranch of old Fowler. Fowler's pre'ty daughter. Vedah, Is tbe district schoolteacher. Pasqnale falls In love with the girl, who repulses him and tries to show him his error in loving her. Pasqnale persists, and Andlng Te<1ah alone In the achool. tri'w to for e hla attentions upon ber. but she holds aloft a cmclAx and terror- atidcken Pasqnale leaves. Vedah returns to the ranch, and her father learns of Pasquale's In¬ tended Insult. Fowler and hla cowboy's capture Pasqnale at his shack and are about to string him up. when Vedah Interferes and saves his life. A few weeks later Vedah attracts the attentloa of a young Easterner, who asks her to be hla wife. She refuses, and for revenge, he Inrea her to the aback of Pasquale's <om- panlon. who alda him. Paaqnale returns, forces hla companion to confess what Is going on. the* bursts In and drives the Easterner from the place, and returns Vedah to her father out or (ratitnde for ber saving bis life.


A Machine constructed to please the O P E It A T 0 It as wellasthe EXIIIBITOIt. No more hard grinds, no more daily trips to the repair shop. Think it over and insist on such a macliine. It’s your friend; stand by it.

piroprt^of Fl'ck#*rless, Mot^r t »»-tvon

Write or pay us a visit and ' we’ll tell you something that

mav l*e of interest.

AMERICAN MOVING PICTURE MACHINE CO. 101CB««kman Straat. Naw York City. N. Y.





I nr particiilitrs. ;tddrrs.s, 1). N., Tlio Uillb<i;ir»l, 1440 Uro.idwny, .Nt'.W YOUK.


Hr. M 8. BI.AZKK. Maiilto iipers Hou-.r.

Manitu. III.. aa>ii, ' ihe l.a< nimlv Film

Srrvitv U the i-ninpaiiy thai dues whai It

be loo good for hbi pairotiv. Ho be oimc*

to lIKAlXil'ARTKK.S for hla Alma

TH.\T'S WHAT YtHI Ol'tiHT Tu |M».


THE IXEMMLE FILM SERVICE Offieas ara na followa:

204 W. Lakb St., Chleaae, III.

1312 Farnam St., Omaha, Nab.

Sykaa Bik., Mlnnaapolla, Minn.

421 Walnut St.,

Oaa Moinaa, lawa.

The BIGORST and BKST Alai raoter In thk. world.

Ml n ] I II M I I I M I I I I I M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

cn.TtMMs Photo Drama Go. The FamouB Clown, in bis own creation,


The Greatest Money- Getter in the World.


Producers of American Star

FEATURE FILM , Catering to State Itiglit Men'the world over.

I Keep in touch for the good things to come.

I AddrcKK 145 W. 45th[St., New York. I ClableCode—Photodrama.


The Arcus Ticket Co 416 So Dearborn SI CHIC.AOO


Roll ^ Tickets

Single Or fouHON


Will BRING •




I c K E T


Rf'CPvto Scat


Sc9 Ai O'* Oi'EO

A. Bu>^ing EZ:x;cri3nge ANXI-XRUST XILM CO.

12H West Lake Street. CHICAGO. II.1.. Get on uur Mailing IJat for bpnirkel'e .Magaxlov.

I 1^ ■ The leading Journal of the Moviu

I mQ UlOQAOIlQ Picture business in Europe. Hat

llllJ DIUUUlJUlJ circulation and is th( ^ WWW best Advertising Medium, bar none

Subsoriptlon, $2.00 a Ysar. SampI* Copy Mallod Fraa.

85 Shaftesbury Avenue, - LONDON, W., ENGLAND

M.MS ROLL TICKETS. WjTl 5« % Corad Car-

3ri VJila t***. 11-It: Staraoptleaa WaHm ObjectlVM, 50c U> 13 Ot.

ffiaraoptlrona. tlS M; Rha- oatau. 13 110 to 15.00: Arv

larIf" i li Lampa. 11.75. ijoo aud ' 'Vans It tiK: Condanaar*. SOc;

Caleiaa Jau. It «0; Aoatjlvna JeU. It 50: Ua, Ova- araton. 51.10; Ifovlng llixura Ubjactlvaa. I1T5. Jackati. $1.00. Llat of Moving IMrluiv Bopair Farta at fair prlcaa. Sprorkat Whacla. 85c; Fllmi. le a fiml. CaialugiM. All makaa of Moving Flcituaa Marhinca repaired at rvawuable prlcaa. L. HETZ. E. 23d Straat. Naw Vark City

BARGAINS IN FILMS AND SONG SLIDES—lOt Raela Film, alagant oondtUon. IT per real and up. •0 aau SoDi Slldaa. perfect ooudlUon. SI.IS par aat with mualc. Rand poatal for Uata. Goad Aim aarvica fumUhad at loweat prlcaa la tba South. RuppUaa Bargalna In new and aeoand-hand It- P. Ma^loaa and Oaa-Maklng GutSU. P. O. BOX IIT*. New Urlaana. Ia.






ON hand:

SEISE OF CALAIS. 2.000 feat.

U. S. ARMY AND NAVY. 1,600 faaL





The most thrilling Circus Drama ever produced; 2,600 feet with each installment Tumbling one upon the other, are episodes that thrill one’s anxiety One and three-sheet lithographs.

COMING releases;




NEW YORK FILM CO.. 12 Union Sq.. N. Y. THE IHVENTOR. loo* faaL

APRIL 6, 1912.

b« can DOW propoao to the widow, lie tells Betty, who is Id love with him. all abont It. She helps him ti\ up Ihe siuiliu to welcome the widow, with Ihe reeun ihst Foster dlscorera he has more than a ilkiuc fur her. However, this la not to he considered with the opportunliy srlalni; from his iiismsire to the willow. lie Itlves Betl.v an aruifiil of fine clothes to put on and tells her that when they come back fnun Iwlnit married she must receive them. Fate cheats him. for when the widow arrives to Usik at the picture she has her llanre with her. Betty hears tlHv.i leave, thinks the coast Is clear and comes in arrayed like a yoiinK woman of fashion. She finils Foster In desiialr. S»lie timidly offers her sym lialhy. SeeiiiB the vision b*‘fore him. he fornets there ever was a widow and realizes that his heart was Betty's all the time. He heirs her love and fo-|rlveuess. and she hap|>il.v sDilKCles Into his arms.



CELL THIRTEEN (Drama; release April 8; two reels; length, - feet).—Dr. Russell, a noted specialist on diseases of the brain, has a yonng and attrtcilve wife. He cares nothing tor society and she pines for companionablp. They travel and stay a few days at a hostelry patronized by the Idle rich and those In pursuit of pleasure. "Tliere the wife meets Marius, a handsome man of the world, and they are muiually attracted. They meet clandestinely and the'flirtatlon assumes a serious aspect. The physician Is summoned home and the wife ar¬ ranges a meeting with Marius. They part after exchanging vows of constancy.

The wife writes .Marius a letter appointing ■ meeting a. her home. He comes and the prearranged signal Is given. He enters the house and gropes alsmt In the darkness. In the meantime Hie do tor has arrived home with an Insane patient and Marius seeks the seclusion of a cell In the violent ward of ihe sanitarium. The madman Is placed In the cell with him and the door secured. Marius Is horror stricken and endeavors to make his escape, only to at¬ tract the attention of the maniac, who attacks hlN sad I iLlsnt I'j'uggU tasuev Iht ic cries of Mvlus reach the ears of or. RusSell ia4 ala alf< an I tht aomaa IItIm« tfei *a«a( The doctor and his assistants ex'ricate t!>e vis¬ itor. who has h<‘en made Insane In the few Boments he has been struggling with the dr mrnted man. Marius. In his rased cond'tlon. produces the letter received from the wife anrl Dr Russell gains isissesslon of the missive. He Icams of his wife's duplicity and there Is a strong denouement, the wife unmasked, and her lever hopelessly Insane.

?T.OO worth of Stock FREE'with every CAMERA sold. Stock enough to make 700 finished pictures; so!d at the regular price of 10 cents each, will bring you back $70.00. .\nd vou have your CAMERA left for future bu.sines.s. Write for FfiEE OFFER. Booklet and I’rice List.

MOUNTFORD MFG. WORKS, too Malden Lane. ... NEW YO'^K, N. V.

Film Reel Cases ( Reels per week . 18 04 III Reels per week .. 18 Reels i>er week . 17.00 I 21 Reels per week ..

Song Slides and Llthoe free. Express one way. Sample 1911 Moilograph on hand. WE BUY AND SELL USED OUTFITS Allnwst«-e4 made no »i>i ontflt. .....ariO


. M.M

Ixiw price. Writs qwte* DAvmpni at rnw For carrying or shipping niai Reels. Much

stronger and lighter than wooden boi»« *: k M irgn’at'ai n«Vi a* Ttl’T-n

I B—1 |4Hv10«4v| P-r Vll — t flewl. lovvtlUV^aO.. . Cet dus. Iz iA> 4 Heel, Ini4xt0t4z8_Per dot., 1.T.50 B Reel, in<.^xt0V^x10..Per don., 19.00

Orders leas than one dosen, 25c a<Idltlonsl each, ■'onstructed of heavy vnleanlsi^ fibre, rlvcte<l edges, steel corner protactors. Leather handler and two straps.





And 65 other corking good FEATURES.

Oreaiest drawing card In the world. You can pack them In at every show. Rasy to hook as featuiw sktrac- 'ton with CarnlTSls, Sideshows. Picture Houses, etc. 415.00 FOR 30 GREAT SLIDES, taken from Ufa. aU beautifully colored, and strong Lecture, with special Pictorial Printing—one-sheets, one-fourth sheeU, window cards and four-page heralds—free with each set—115.00, all complete. Rash your order.

W lINDSAY GORDON, M(r. High-Class Feature Lecture Sets. 265 West 34th Street, New Yark City.


Or will only need the money for a day. tiray’a apcculatlons prosper, and when bis wife misses the gems he telL her the story. Unfortunately be loses the pawu ticket, which la found by Cheater Devoe. an artist, who la devoted to Mrs. Gray. Devon forces Mrs. Gray to accept his aAientlons through threatening ex|K>sure. Gray la iSirlotis. but they dare not resent. The next day the artist sum axons her to bis studio; she obeys, and during his absence aearcheia for the pawn ticket, but is nnable to find It. To further her search she hastily takes the place and assumes the costume of a model, which Devoe baa been sketching Devoe enters, the worse for II<|uor. and resume.* hla sketching of the supposed model. Gray eemea to the studio. Devoe denies Mr*. Gray la there and Gray attacks him. Gray la about to be shot by Devoe when Mrs. Gray, losing her character of a model, wrests the revolver from him. After a hasty explanation, Devoe U forced to r> turn the pawn ticket and bnahan*! and wife depart, leaving the befuddled artist l<> hla reflectliins.

A warrior bold (ComiKly; release April 0; length — feet).—Dick la fend of Helen, but that young lady Is partial to soldiers, so when Tom and Joe appear, Tom In hla mllltia lieu tenant's uniform monoimltzea her attention Dick bewalla hla fate to ‘Tom. who suggests that Dick take hla uniform and tell Helen be baa anllated, trusting that she will forgive the de cei'tlon afterwards. Dick makes a hit with Helen, but a husky janitor appears with a note from Tom, saying he muat bare the nniform at once. He liega Helen to leave the room a moment, and then the lanitor forces him to slw.l the nniform. There Is nothing for Dick to il" but to take refnge In an ornamental suit of arm •r. Helen returns, surprised at Dirk’s ahaeno Tom and Joe call to see h"w their ruse sue ceded. Thev discover Dick's hldina plifc. and borrow the suit of armor, which thoyTcsrry down stairs. Thi’re Dick captures a burglar who ap pears on the scene, making him change cloth* - telling him It will he all right If he does as told He goes to Tom's room, gets the nniform. r* ■ turn* the clothes, and gives the burglar inatriic- tlona. Dick apiiears In the drawing room In the uniform, to the surprise of Toni and Joe. ■olae la heard, and Dirk dashes out and In a furious fight Is victor over a h'lrglar, whom h» magnanlmouslv allows to depart afterwards. Helen turns adoringly to Pick, and Tom and Jo* depart, not knowing he has tricked them.


With full line traps, including bells; must lx* c.\|)crienced for Pictures and N’audevillc. Wire lowest; [lermaneut to right

man. Also can use a One-Picture and N’audcville I’ianist.

RS. NORA AMENT, Majestic Theatre, Meridian, Miss.

And Announcements in any length

IVinting and Developing For the Trade

Gunb>^ Bros. 199 Third Ave., New York WANTED-BARITONE

To double blaek-face; PLAKl.XET; SNAKl-: DKUM; OKClIESTKA LE.ADEH, to double brass, Car and canviLs show. Must join on

wire. .MRS. W. .McDO.X.MJ), Winchester, Kan.sius.


Mairio, $.')00; New ILimpshiro, Dol- awart'* $4(K); I(l;iho, $4o0; Montana. $450,

Vermont, $5(K); Wyominsr, $400.

America’s feature Film Co., eVdofcMotoo


LIVE MANAGERS WANTED Clever press gent ran make mimey vRh Nathoo. .4 novel manufacturiiiK Industry Hindoo attraction as advar- tlser Ha.s plenty of money Veeds fin.^iapers to operate. Write for partlculara. NATHOO ORIEN'TAL MAN¬ UFACTURING CoaiPANY, Dei MoMes hwa A Victim THE Mormons






(Drama; ivleaae .\prll 17; length-feet).—A atory of the hunting ram|« of the North W<K>da. Jackaon and Tbom|H*on

quarrel and i>art In hitter hatred. I^ater they meet at Tlionipwin'a cabin and. unknown to an.v- one, they become recsmclled. Thompson bor- rowB Jackaon'a gun and atarta for the woods. Later the gun la accidentally diaebtrged. kill¬ ing him. Jackaon flnda the body ami gun and carries them to camp. Hla atory la not lie lleved ami the sheriff la Just In time to save him fn>m being roughly bandh'd. Hla father believes be Is Innocent and offers a reward for the murilcrer. Cushman, who la In the woimIs with his consumptive wife. Is bnike. He hsd found the laxly before Jackson, but ran away a prey to hla cowardly fears. Seeing the notice, he resolves to pass as the munlerer and secure the nxmey for hla wife. He tells Jackaon'a father he la guilty. Just then word comes from the sheriff that .voting Jackaon has been taken from the jail to be lynched. A mad chase follows, and they are just In time to avert a real murder. Thv' men f<irce the real efory from Cushman and come to the belief that Tbompaon did die by accident. Going to Cushman's sick wife they tell her of her hua- band's herolam and five her more than the re¬ ward as a fitting recomvrnse

LOVB IS BLIND (Drama; release April 20; leafth - feet).—Foeter, an ambitious young artist, becomes the protege of Mrs. Hardrocka, a wealthy widow and believes himself In love with her. To complete a picture for the widow. Fimber geta little Betty Wilson, daughter of hla landlady, to poae for him. Faater geta wotd that he haa Inherited aome money, and hecumaa farther obeeeeed with the Idea that

No matter what style or make Machine you have, either for large. tmaU or round plates

If you want to make BIG MONEY QUICK with your Machines use ouD "NATIONAL" BEAVER PLATES, sold only by

National Photograpli Machine Company 85—Beaver Street—85 New York City.


I’rlces aa low as anybody. Quality always better than any otbsr maila EAST SIDE BRANCH, III NORFOLK STREET. *

Ask any old timer what plates he uses. HU an.swer always will be "NATIONAL.



AnA beeome a property owner. Plant a Uttla money In building lou at WhUpartn^Brsoia and watch II mow Property overlooka the beautiful town of Eaetport. L 1.. Morlchee Bay and AtlantV Ocean. 1,040 eqaara (sM of land for onD 335. cold on payments of 50 oenu a week. Send for loaflet. "OWN A SLIO OW Sm UNITED STATES." It's Intereotlng. AGF.NT8 WANTED. THE B. A S. AMOCIATES. 45 West S4tk Street ..... New Varh CW-

for U. 8. and Foreign in the New Tork Market WRITE FOR OUR PLAN,

47 Fourth Avonu*, Now York

To Owners of Theatres, Halfs, Parks, Theatrical Companies, Minstrel Shows, Etc.

Ws can fit yoa out with aooond-hand Beenary, little used, appropriate for any place or prodwilah. Otm IBB drops and saU. Must ba sold ImmedlsWly. M. ARMBRU8TER A SONS' SCENIC STUOIO. Oatamhw. S* p. A—Wa have all the A1 Q. Field Ulnetrel setUngi. diopa. ala., fat tala ehaap.

FOR SALE—20 REELS FINE FILM Good condition. ST to SIO per reel. Fine B. C. Pbon* ograph. large horn, S40.00; ooet SI 00. Will trade for 40x40 or TO tent. Addreoe H. 8. MORRIS. SIS K. Court Afo., Jeffersonville. Ind.

FOR.SALE, MOVING PICTURE MACHINE And IS ReeU of Feature FUm; cheap. W. H. H.. Soparton. Oaorgla.

54 "The Billboard APRIL 6, 1912.

XHREE SHAPIRO HITS . The Sensational Winter Garden Song Success

“THE GABY GLIDE” Suitable for Musical, Acrobatic and all dumb acts




IF ALL THE GIRLS IN ALL THE WORLD WERE lUST AS NICE AS YOU” Wat,ch out for this song. Published by

SHAPIRO MUSIC PUB. CO., ( ) Broadwiy and 39th Street, NEW YORK.


(Cuatlnii^ fr«M pare 8.)

pliylaa PLiUilWpliia. It EettlOK them all foinit KitA Takt* Mr tu Your Armi Acala.

tlrarr B<-ordirt. uB thr Unitid Time, ta bow hilruduriux Climb A Trie With Me. Tbla Ib (liarloa K. Harris' latrat, and the moai aratlfjr- lajc reaulti have attended Ita every rendltluB by tbla talented lady.

Ib Hie iiwue of The Billboard dated March ItO, Ib a paraaraiib tellinK of the preaent day vofue of After the Ball. Charlea K. Harria’ old-time aueeoaa. the title of the aooK waa ioadverteDtly omitted.

The Charlea K. Harria Company report that their ordira for After the Ball are ateadtly on the Ineri aae, a alnale order laat week baying railed fhr one hundred coplea.


Hoiwey A Co.. 9 K. 17th Street. New York City, hare pnhllahed four Noctiirnea by E. TeBchemaeher with mnalc by Wilfrid Sanderaon.

That RacgBdy Rag

I.M> B milMB

ri ^ ’ 'I ^ ’

JTJim ik< ^ i J J- i 4*4 '*■-1

• i


IWW»| BOiaii if a

PahUabart—taa. W. Start A Ca., IM-IM W. Mlb St.. Naw Yarb Uty.

Teachemarber't words are pure poesy, notably those of The Crescent Moon:

O night, with all thy millloa stars. In glorious beauty thou art bom.

Yet B mysterious longing mars Thy }oy, this yearning for the dawn.

Id the new iasui-a of this firm for March are found Love's Kantaay, and Stars In the Valley, wl.h words by Kri d Wealherlev and music by Eric CoatiW aud W. H. S"Uirr; The I.4ike Isle of Innlsfree, by W, B. Yeats and Liza {.elrmann; Beneath thy Window, an Italian Tranalation. by Will Ransom, music by A. LuzzattI; Spring of the Year, words and mui^lc by Ivor Novello; Jean U|H<D the I'plands, words by Leonora Lockhart and music by J, Pariah Roltertaon, and Sheila, by Weatherly and Haydn Wood.

Yeats' lyric. The Lake Isle of Innlsfree, la Ins inct with the longing of the Irish peasantry, and 1 iza Lehmann's theme Is as repli-te with fidelity They are not likely ever to prove "popular” In the accepted sense, I'hey cleave ti.o faitl.fiilly to claaairal lin>a. They will cer¬ tainly appeal to music lovera.

The firm also annouiicea an edition of six ' folios of vocal and ins rumental music, com- |

I prising sacred and lay aonga and ballads, and operatic selectiona. |


Divine Dodson, who has Just returned from a successful Wtslern tour, will appear at the American Music Hall on April I. Mr. Dodson is one of the cleverest female lmi>enonators. and no doiibt will k ep the audience In the bent of apirita with bis novelty songs He la using one of our latest song hits, entitled Have Yon ever Loved Any Other Girl, with great aucceat.

Mias Iloriice N<-wman. formerly wl h Tilly's Nightmare, baa Just gone Into vaudeville and la anccessfiilly Introducing our novelty song. On the R. A. R.

The Subway Glide la a real encire-getter for Thai Singing Tomedy Pour.

Pike and rnllame are singing and dancing I'm Crazy for Love, which baa Just come out for all performers. It certainly la going to be a winner.

In he Gloaming, that sensational ballad. Is being sung by The Four Scoti. with much suc¬ cess.

Two of the biggest hits of Ws’son's Beef Trust Couipsnv this sesson sre The Subway Glide and When the Harbor Llglits are Burning. Infpslnc-d hv “The Boston CV>me.1y Four.

Reports from Buffalo. Providence. Boston. Al¬ bany and o her towns. Indicate that the Two Little Brides, bonk by Arthur Anderson: miisie by OustSTe Kerker. may l>e clasaed as one of tile lesdl'ig siicceasea. If not the foremost musical aucci-ss of the aesaon.

Mr. IV’wers la a comedian of tb" old scho">l. He believes tl'st ■ prslnctlon which Is wrlt'en for a star Is not complete until the star hlm- s. If bss work'd oTer the hook and until his personality Invades almost every si nstton, Ihiia bring ng added fun and pleasure to almost every sc'ne.

It Is a well known fact that this Is exactly what happened In the case of Havana and every other play 'n which Mr. Pow-rs starr«*d and 'O

j him. Ih> refore. la due a great d'Wl of the credit, not only as a co-aiith<»r. but also as a pn diicor.

1 If Is conceded fhst In the Two Idfle Brides i Mr. I'owers hss the roU of his esreer. Ihsf of

p.lvcs'ti lysnoyltch a young Rnsalsn who Is trsppod Into s msrrlsge with a woman he hna ni.yer “•♦a liefore. As " conseciuence. the en¬ tire nlsy Is reple e with eomie sltnstl"ns snd

' comoUcstlena. wlileh provoke rosrs of Isnghter snd In whieh the stsr Is sei n at his te-sl.

Sopoorf|„g %lr I'oweps we find Franees Cam¬ eron of Merry Widow fame. Walter Lawrence. Arthur Clough and Mary Butler Mr. Kerker's mnslc la as sparkling snd bright as snythlng be bss ever wr't en snd cfinsider-d hcft**r than anything he eomn"«ed even In the old Casino dsva Tl'ere Is hardly s nnmher In the pleee whieh Is nof In demand and If there Is any pref-

; erenee w-t-steyef shown hy the sndleoce. If Is poss'hlv for the half doren following nnmtiers. every one of which Is tionnd to he ponnlsr ntid any one of which wnld he considered a "find" in the ordinary mnsleal comedv. The Hat In eludes I I Ike all Girls. Bnr* I.lfle Busy Bee. K<ss Me Again Behe Meet Me at Right In the Hall. Waltt Wlfhont a Klaa. Sweetheart; It Ri mlnda Me nf Someone I Paed to Know.

Stem A Co. are the exclnalve pnhllahere of the mnalc and aelectlon, wnlta and completa vocal score from tho opem nre nil In proan.


JAMES E. HARDY “The High Wire Expert’*

NOW BOOKING SEASON 1912 Managrrs securliia the IIARHV IIICH WIKK ATTR.ACTION ran depetMt upon It as br- tiig a Krally Higti Class ituidoor Special Feature Attra<'tloD that has alsays ^ven tha greatest possible satlsfactkiii. It has stood the teat for years. BKWARK of the "aabstl- tutnr." oltertiig ' aunwihliig just as guod" E.NtiAGF tha I1E8T—IT PAYR For full particulam ad.lress 4s Fuller Avenue, Toronto. Canada.

National United Shows Wants Jumping Horse Swing and Ferris tAlirel to Join on wtre. I have elglit shows now that art a rredlt to any company. Want Freaks. Fat Girl, strange and noTel Attrsettons for big Seven-ln-Gne Can place a few Cnii- oeaalona. only one of a kind, no graft. Write, you may have what I ran use. This com.uaiiy will play Nsbraaka. Wyoming and Idaho this coming season. Come on. get some of Uic wool money In the paystreak rountry! Van Buren. Ark., Free Bridge Celebration. April 1-6; Hptro. Ukla., April 8-IS. auapicws Woodman's bla Cele¬ bration. Address DOCK ALLMAN, at par rsstc.


Figtith season In Nebraska, where crops never fail, wants one or two good Blwivs; wlU fumlob tops Wont Plant. Bhow with baud; High Diver. Tiller nr Cain. Church write. Also Brnwntlne dancer that can sing songs. We have our own lidtiig devices. HENRY DORMAN, Maaaaor, Eaiartsa, Nak. Kbowa snd Conen- aloDS writs A. E. TENNEY, Promoter, Gas. Otl., Omaha, Nak.

Location Wanted By A-1 Tromlxine, double Violin. K.xperienced in Concert, Theatre and Dance work. .A. F. of M. .\ddress,

K. \VII.,S()N, Cien. Del., Shawnee, Okla.

Goodell Shows Want Ferris Wheel Good clean Shows and Conceialona. Man to put on and operate Riadtum or Country Clmm on per cent: 1

will funilah canvas. Will fumlib outflti for good Showi. Show opeiu at Fairfield. Ill., Saturday. April IS.

C. M. GOODELL. Fairfiald. Illiaalt.

The Greater Sheesley Shows Want for Huntsville. Ala., and summer season. Feature Bally lino and Grind Bhowm. Will book Ferrta Wheel and a few I,eg1timalc Conceaslpns. Also want ona nwre aeiisailonal Froj Art (High Dive iireferrrdl. Wrtle or wire as per route. J. M SHEESLEY. Maaaisr, Flaraaea, Ala., watk of April |; Hasltvillt, Alt , week of April 8. P H.—Kntire summer rouie given upon applhatlon


Your own Special Ticket, .my printine, any colorn, ncciiritely niiiiiliered, every nil guaranteed. Special Pricas for tha Big Roll Tickat.

5.000-11.25 20,000—$4.60 50,000—$ 7 50 » 10,000— 2.50 25,000— 5.50 100.000- 10 00

Prompt shipment Cash with the order. COUPON TICKETS 5 000—$2 50 1x2 SrtX^K TICKETS—SIX CENTS Get the nampies

NATIONAL TICKET CO.. - Shamokin, Penn.


Downie 8k W heeler’s World’s Best Shows KzpOTisucad Man to bandla Pony Drill and otbar Animal AcU; Elephant Tratnar to baudU otbar animal acta: Lady Rider with stork; sober, experianesd working man In all departmsoU. Addna DOWNIE 4

WHEELER. Fayattsvilla, N. C.. April 8; Dupp, N. C., April 4; Smitkfiald, N. C., April •; Sitfitiri. N. 0., April t: KlPtUa, M. C., April I; Baauftrt N. C,. April t.

DAY Moving Picture Business

APRIL 6, 1912.

FOR SALE STREETMEN Amusement Device TT All k'ndu of foodn for tho Btroot Oomoi

Pair Pollowrr. Csmlral Workrr. Boop-L*

In tile heart of one of the leading parks of New York Cliy. IteaUy to op»*rate. For partlcnlars, address

F. R., care The Billboard,

1440 Broadway, New York City.

CARNIVAL GOODS That bi uhat Uiptz IMego earnetl orer and alM>Te all hotel and traTellng espensea while tut a trip tlintugh Mexico. Hrowning. of MU- KiH.Hlppi. aa>M: “Made $16.70 in two houra.** Wni. fUker, nay^t: “Made In alx houra. It U the thiiig the people want." J. M. Weidow. wTites: "I made $10 In only one and one-lialf bourn' work." Hundreds of Rurli Icrtem tell the ntoiies of quick, big. e&sy prfifltn.

Rubber HalU. RuHwr Itallonna. Whip*, t'anen. Dunten. ronfetll. Noeeltiea of all klnda.

i 8izea, $4 SO doseti. and $6 SO doaen

Watches and Jewelry Oold ruled (’locks and Meui Jewel limes. Opt' <1

Ooods. Cuilery. Karon and Hlieart, Cblut Norallwa and Kpeeialiles.

Right Goods. Right Prices. No food. C <> It without ra.h dept>.U raiak>«u>

fraa. Write for your copy lixUv Im U now. ■ •12 CoUlofuc ready about May I5tk.

For advance owing for misundcr standing.


f48 Finest., ALBANY, GA

NO, EXPERIENCE NEEDED Til nuke phnins the new way. ImmedUto auooeaa U vnur>. ImtnedUle pnitlti are a-y-yured with thli rapid* lire immey maker. A wuiiilerful

SI ^po u N d;_po rta b l e

Tintypers 822-824 N. 8th Street,

ST. LOUIS, - - U.

Send for our reduced 1912 Prlco Lint of platen, ete. Tintype Machines!, 26 up; roet Card Ma¬ chines!. $16 up. THE STAR PHOTOGRAPHIC MACHINE A SUPPLY CO.. 718-720 8. Ttll Street, PMIadelakla, Pa.

That embodies eyeirthlng neceayary U flni.yh and deltyer I’hoto Coat Cards as fast as you Uke them.


Mandel” Photo Post Card Machine AT LIBERTY

Florence Jordan A titmendoiia money maklna machine, that turns out three original Photo Post Cards a minute KICHT (IN’ THK SPOT WHKRK YOU TAKK THE.M. A new bUMlneM of unlimited money-maUng poaslbilltles. ..\o waiting on dellrertes to collect proBts. Pleasant, healthful outdoor work—al> or spare time Ijavettng nr at home. WONDERFUL NEW PHOTOORAPHIC DISCOVERY. A new, ei-leniltle pihces. arrests aitentton. excites Interest, compels immediate orders from eeery onlooker. A our noyeltloa 'are ftie b#st kf tti»«ieYo«t; and the

nesrest of the beat. Send ua youc auate and per¬ manent addreea. and we will mall mou our clrculais of premium goods. wMcIi will (s>ntMm’..only Dee asif' up-to-dato aitlclea. Let yoM probirms be our pfob- loms Send name aud addres* and w« do the rosL

Late of Zeno, Jordan, Zeno. Flying and Sdnglo ' Trapeze Artist.



Oo Into basiness for yourself. 500% I’RDFJT AND NO EXPENSE. A chance to IraTel and see the world, make your expenses and a lot of money liesldes. A new high-class business, representing the oppertuBlty of a lifetime—a chance for any man. old or young, writhout experience and with limited capttkl, to own and control a splendid t>ennanent high-grade business, earning from $2,000 to $5,000 a year pmflt. Within one week fmm today you can own such a business and be making that much money orer and abnre all expenses. • . •


TO REPOST APRIL 15. State Salary. FRED HITTTENSTEIN. General Aifent Terry’* Uncle Tom's Cabin Co., Box 165, Little Sioux, Iowa. $26a00 IS THE TDTAL INVESTMENT REQUIRED JD

START THIS BIG PAYING BUSINESS DF YDUR DWN WHAT MANAGER WANTS A 8-Abreaat, JumpiDf-Horte CASRY-UB-ALL. STRICTLY FIRSTCLASS. to Join in JULY (preferred) possibly earlier. Want to make contract soon as poesible. Machine Is In North ern Illinois. Write TODAY outllnliiK proposed sharing terms. Address CARRY-US-ALX., care The Billboard, Cineinnatl. Ohio.

TIiLs pays for a complete outfit, consbtlng of the “Mandel” Post Card Machine and ererythlng neces.sary to .start rlglit In making money. Sale of supplies that come to you with outfit practically glTes you back your entire Inrestment. Immediate sales—immediate profits. WRITE RIGHT NUW. Coidplcte Informalloii FREE.

Address either oBlce


gad wf will LOWEST Mrtlmate and cataloc EWRE*B0LL AKT CO., OmAha. Heb.


Centrally located, and will seat LlWO; this hall has balcony, parlor, smoker, kitchen, layatories and storage rooms; also floor canvas, ebaira, piano, picture machine, screen, newt decorations and furniture; long lease tb reliable party. , Ad¬ dress W. R. TOY, Lima, Ohio.

DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERS forces me to dispose of $2,000.01) worth of pntpeny, consisting of the fol- lowtng: Rowling Alleys, two Hteyens Sectional Ten¬ pin Alleys, complete, used a short time (like new), 175.00 each. Two electrically drlren Portable Alleys, complete with motors. $75.66 each. Four Itox Kair Alleys, complete, $75.60 each. !>ne Brunssrtek Pool Tsble. oomplrte, numbered balls. $6*.(Kt. Park Malw sgrrs make me an olTer for the lot. Will al!o sell separated. M L STEUER. Attorney. 1115 Williamson Hldg . ('Irreland. Ilhlo. .

GI20 Ferretyse Bid,., Cblcaw>„ III., or

FOR SALE—12 do*. Transparent Views, (H doa. good Tiew’S, $25; one .Mills Punching Bag, one C'ablnet, Wall Puncher, one Electric, one grip and-muscle tester. 125; all In nnml>er 1 order. E. W. SELSOR. Fairfield, III.

FOR SALE-Uhallen,* HandrufT Act (Myslo Co.). Includli.g apparatus and des<-rlpl|ye Instructions for escapew from all regulation restraints. $25.nO If taken at once Se<-r»ts ouly $100. DUKE 8.LL1SBURY. Htatlon K . .New York City. ...c WAIMXEO-AC:'! ORS

Who play brass, for Riil»e Show. To open as soon as company can tie organlK-d. Long season. No fares a<)ranre<l. Ai>ply J. 0. RAr.I.AND. Suite 1111- 1112, 145 West 4.HI1 St.. .New Yorit City. Subjects, coiiditlm and prices are right.

THAYER. North Warren. Pa. m Height, 7 feet, 4 inches; age, 25 years; weight, 260 lbs. Was the feature of Adam Forepaugh & Sells Bros.’ Side Show the p:ist season. Address

J. G. TARVER, DALLAS, TEXAS No, 3006 Ross Avenue

Wanted. Quiet Medicine Performers PIANO PLAYERS; work In acts. DR. TOM CHRISTY. R<s;kford, Wright Uo.. Mlno.

FOR SALE I'liallenge lUTutcufT .Let. Mall Hag. Cross Ksespe, Cabinet Mrsterv. Mind Hdadlng Act, Comedy Magic Ac); also liKi other irtcks and Illusions. Cir¬ culars for STAMP. GEO. A. RICE. Dtgt. 4, Aukura,

AGENTS—10 cents bring* you by return niall a 2.’i cent package of Oeiger'a Herb Tea, bliHKl purifier, nerve tonic ami srstem builder, big seller and o'pealer. Send in cents for package ■ ml wholesale price*. Address JOSEI’II D. GEIGER, l.xts S. Tiny SI.. Cblcsgo. III. FOR SALE CHEAP.

9 Double Set* of Shetland Puny Harness In first class condition. This is a bargain; $10 per set WILKE BROS., 12.5 Lee St.. .Montgomery. Ala.

WANTED A WIFE! Lady who I* a Gootl Musician—Violinist. Pianist Of Harpist prcfcrretl -wImi Is or w-oiild become a ('athollc anil I* respectable. Am aingle young man, A No. 1 Musician, g<s'd apiH'arance. d"n'l use lltiiinr or tiihacco In any form; g<s>d disposi¬ tion: be*' refer>n(U'a: strictly conflilcnllal. Ad¬ dress "MUSICAL MATRIMONY." care The lllllboard. rinclnnatl. Ohio.

LOOK! LOOK!—FOR SALE—K Performing Doga, entire act. Alao would like to back a big Itog and Monkey Act with reara'nalhle show or Parks for coming season. F. WISEMAN, 100 Devo* St.. Bnwklvn. X. Y. A-1 PIANIST (COMPOSER and ARRANGER)

AT LIBERTY, MAY 4 W A N T E D—SKETCH TEAM! Ft Medicine Show; long season. People that can.and are willingsto make r<MHl. Team that can play I’lano or Orpran; make salary low a* you get It every week. Doctor*. I.ecliirers. Dentist*. Band and Orchestra IVojde that double stage. Cansasmen. etc; for auiiimer season. Want to buy no by 90 T-nt. Write CtlHS A DAVID SON, Cise'ksion. Minn.

I'rrfrr \ tuilrrllle or Park. A. F. of M Address W LEON AMES. Caiulton,


Montreal, Canada. SIDE SHOW MEN—Here they are: Jack A Is*' Pa, the Thr< e fare Man and Palming. $1.": thr alx leggtul I’ollymootnke anil Painting, $4.5; thr Two-headml Giant and Painting. $L5. Ix>ta o( other Curioaitiea. I.l«t free. WM. NELSON, North Cambridge. Mass.


FROM BROKEN ONES. Ld.. Commercial. Stock and llluatratrd Song Rlldea. Aak 'or catalogue. Choru.s«s of all latest aoiigs. 25* ea«h. Opaque Rinding Tape. White Ink. Ckiver Glasa. HaUa. large quantity of old Song Slides.

DE COMMERCE LANTERN SLIDE CO.. 46 E. 14th St., aad 47 E 13th St., New Y*rh City.

Uvlng FYeaks and Ciirbisltles Human and Animal Novelties of all klmia. aultable for 16-ln-l. Especially want good Midget. Glass Itlowers. or anyihliig lhai’a first-class. Ilaye opening for one convluclng Talker on aUtve allow WEEKS AND NELSON. 126-B Colonial A«e., Moatreal, Canada.

FOR SALE—MAGICIAN’S OUTFIT! (Nimplete. Alao Serp. Dance Dress, IS; Pose Dntfit. $12; Black Art Onlfit. $IS; Sickle plated Tables. $S: Hindoo Clock, $6. Illustrated Songs and Later Magic, cheap. Enclose stamp for list. WILSON’S SUPPLY HOUSE. 78 Lineoln Avo.. Rochester. N. Y.

.\genls and Musician* anil Iltll|s>strrs. Ross and ('ooks. Driven and working people In all departments. If

you ran stand prosperity and are ambltloas worfcen. this show will please you. Glvo full particulars, lowest

salary. Eyrnbmly paid weekly Address 0. M. GILLESPIE. Boatoa, Ga., April 10; Adel, Ga., 15. FOR SALE—A J. M. Naughton African Slide Trick Htairway Ball Game with 2 large packing case*, halla. gas pl|M‘. tank, netting. The above U a bargain: $.^5 Address JGIIN BKEARKY, 9920 Ornee fit., Kensington, Philadelphia. Pa. F reaks—Curiosities CASH for Film, M. P. Xachlnea. Trati. ate. Want 2 and 8 reel featarea. If yon want quirk caah gly* full detalla and loweat price. Will exchange tS reela good film for like number; ■end Hat. Will aell W reela cheap. LYRIC MIXO CO.. Canton. Oltlo.

WANTED- Fat Girl. Tall People, and any other hlgh-claae Freaks or Curloattles. Acta that can be fos- tured or worked In large platform plL Can use ttrong Bally-Hoo Act. Eighteen weeks In summer park and long eeaaon on the road to the right people. C. B. SMITH. Ualtsd States Taat aad Awalaa Ce., 2fi DaaaUlaea Street Chleafo, lltlkilt. If you see it in 'The Billboord UM tkein

Odrtl. r«y (SiStuT. «•!*«. PrtbCPM (Mldcrtl Steaoi. Mr«. C. H. ullvvr, Luttl*

Dondly Mar { I’aka. Ttxta

I'almrr. Mra. W. F. i I’arr, Lola B. I ParrrII Statrra

I'atrnoD. Afr*. Olirrttr BNtmnaB. Anita I'atrrmja. Slimr Straoaa. Mra, Lo

at>t>ltraik<Ba fur nail addrraard la this Hat Phttrn. Jraair Stoart. RIra

■ a«i hr tlgard tadlvldaallr hjr addrraarM. •ncX****W ^'*“*** Sa^ahn ^Sar^

— Porlrr, Mar)orlr Tnxtrboaa. Mar. I AniFft' 1 IftT I'uwrra, Klorrncr Trxaa. IKJIy

iSiStarr. Mar oBowm. C. 0. Btraoa. Mra. C. H. Bua Mm. Strrir. Moata Hoyd. Al Ktrpbraa, bruBa Koyd. Janra W. •••Slrrraa, dyirla Hradlry, Uwra Slrrllng. Eleannr Krabam, 814. •••S rrm*. Carrlr Rranaoo. Ed. L. Ktrrrna. Ibwr Ilory Rra.vdon. Ixrrn 8ti>rraaB. Anita Rrrgallu A Muaford Straoaa. Mra. Ixnla J. Bnanan. M’illUn R.

Rrlgga, Will BrIU. K. U.

('ox. Krrd Craddock. Ran Cramrr. Klrbard CraiHlall. K. C. Crawford, K. D. OrBn>na. Janra Crracrnt Anua# Oa. Crirbtua. (1. Harwood Crlglrr. Harry Ouaka. John Croa*. (Tiaa. ('ummln* it Tbomto a


Abbuu. Brrlyn "Utadya, Haniat Abbott. Mao Ulcumurr. Urirn Adana. Mra. Wtlllan *(itildie, Aanlr

Brltwood ArtbariDorkl ('umnlnga. E. L. ***KruckmaB. U. A. CoDBlBKhaio. Tbonaa

I’owora. Mra. Jraar M. Thoninna, (Jartradr

••A.laana. Mlaa Ray Adana. Mra. E. K. Adrlniaa, Mlaa M. Alnrr. MUr. Albright. Uaa Altaaaa. Mlaa Franeka Ardnurr. Blanche Aala. LaBrIlr. Atbeaa. Prlneoai

Uoudwln. Mlaa 8ua uufytuo. (Aaell •«raban. L#ao tlraudi bllliaa Leigh uraea. Bella jnnth. Laah xrimtb. Baba iuleo. aiiM. Ilaager. 0<r4ella

••Plrrce. Lulltla ITlrat. Mlaa Janrtt RahbUt. Mra. Bralab Kaddatl. Mlaa M. Kagano. Lllllr V. 8iK.-rar. Lllllaa

KIrharda. Orare RIrhry, Margaret Klrhmoad. Vera

Thornton. Oimealla

Trarera. Mra. Tulk, Mra. Ray Tiinla. Eay Tumrr, Mra. I»la Tomer. Bra mra I'pdlkr, Alma R.

Rrooka. L. J. Rrvwa, A. H. •Rrowa, H. R.

CuiiBiogbam A Doyle Oorry. Chaa. Oirtla, Frank B. rurxoB. Harrey

Rohhloa, Mra. Gao. S. Van Alkrn. Lllllna

Atterbcry, Ueorgr W. .lamiock. Mra. LealU Aaatta. Jraair Bacon. Bctay

Hall. .NrUlr 'Mali Mlaa Pate

Ballantyae. Mra. C. G. aaU. Mra. LarayoCta Barber, Mra. J. Barry. MIbb Bear. Mra. Aitrad S Bohr. Onrrla Bell Mra Battle BalBKiBd Mlaa ria. Baaaua. Oarla Benton. Beulah Barger. Ulllaa ••Rorhe. Cntle Barnard. Mlaa May Barnardl. Mary T. Bldarll. Allda Biller. Ma Chaa. ■■ Bill Inga. Mra. Ida (BIBIalr. Monte Blaodford. Ulllan Blaadford. Mlaa A**a mn^n. Violet

ttand. Anna M. K,«, mr,y Hanetn. Fatima r„„, r, flaugeroa. Mra. M. M Rnnarll. Mlllan llarcourt. Delay ••gt Oalr Hardwick. Ethel m Harlew, l^at^a* Aandrra. May ••Harold. Mmle ArhaBrr. Mra B Harper. MabW 8rhrldr||. Torre

Chaffer. Liniaa •• ^hiDiioi. Mu#

Hayward Trio Slmw. Jennie •••HauaeraoB. Mlaa OheMnn. Bettla

Ulllaa sheiiard. Kate Headeraon. UIHaa Shipp. Mra. Bd Heoderaon, May •••Sle.lna Mlaa Herr. Mra. K. E. Shmpahtre. Mn Highland. Jeaactta Smith. Reawle

Roberta. Ebther KoblnaoB. le'Olae •Robinwm. Minnie R<iderleo. Trixie Rogera. Mra. S. W, Kolllna. Manda Kiimayne, Dorothy K<hw. Kiny Royal. .Mra. Rhode Rn«aell. Mlllan ••St. Hair St. John. Nanry Sandera. May SehaBer. Mra. B. Seheldell, Torreaet, Sbaffer. Mlllaa Shannon. Mae Shaw. Jennie Sheldon. Bettla

Vendetta. Villa Vinton. Mra. Myrtle Vreitella, Flarence W atentt. Beaele •Walker. Lola Waabhom. Lowlae Wataon Slatera Wellman. Mra. Goo. Welle. Mai Weat. Edna Whalan. Nellie Wheeler. Mra. Mary B. White. Dorothy Whlteeleff. 1.acle Wllhnr. Oladya Wilcox. Blanehe Wllkenaon. Fay Wllaon. Igm Wllaon. Oraee WtlaoBs Mra. Oapt.

Browning. Arthnr ('uabing, E. H. Brunelle A Fraaer ••C. W. R Ruehnam. R. U. Dadel Coo'ert O. Rnekley. Lonia ••Dale. John Buford. Harry Dale, Arthur Rnll. Tom Holy Dalroy, Jack I Rnllnrk. J. S. Daly Candy Batch. , Rumpus, R. M. •Daly. Walter Bunnell, Orville Daniels. Frank B. Burden A Eandra Danforth. Ed. E. Burkett. 8. L. Dapbvn. W. J. 1 Barkley. Charlee E •Darby, Edwin 1 Harabam. John Darling. Al 1 Rams L. Q. Davla. Oeo. C. Rnmn. Harry Darla, Elmo I Bnri. Fraak Davto A P'llak 1 iSlBnrton. Matt Davla, Elmo Ramon. Arthur •Davla. Bam J. (B)Barton. Matt Davla A Uorley •Bunaa’n Dogs Day. Edgar Rnshell. Capt. Dearborn. George Byers. Obeotrr A DeRarr. Ijarry

Farm 11. Prof. Hap ••Haynes. FroU Faatry. Mr. Heatb. Henry •Fay. Tom Heatb A Mclnura Faye A Hough Heaton. Kred M Feldman A Sidney ilelmabD. Prof. J. F Fero, Leo lleucbey. Mm Fielding. Eugene Heiiuegaa. Jua. P Flelda, Ueary Heoneman A Maraball Flelda A l.a.tdella Heiiaitu. Amll Flelda. Harry Hergina, J. F. FIgg, L. C. H*‘ater, Leroy Filey, G. M. •Herla A Hamm Firat. Lew ••HrrU A Hamm Ftabcr. Robert •Hickey. Mr. Albert Flaber. Al lligglue, David FItigerald. Jamaa Higgina, Cbaa. W. ••Flun. Reanett ••Hlgglna. David Fleming. Jamea Hightower. Albert Fletcher, Max ••lligbtower. a lb vet Fletcher. Rob Hlldrrlh. Kuban FI.«nn. Joaeidi E. Hllltfruoner AdotaA Ford, Vic. Iliiton. John Ford. Harrlaon ••Hinton. Gao. W. Forayiba. Leon •Hinton. C. M Fotera. Aerial Hippie. Clyde Floater, Harry HIrei. Wm. Foater. C. 11 |1U. p. g. Foantaln. Waltar H<»-fler. Harry FiNinialn. Bobby Bhowa Hogan Howard H

Bollea. Lottie ••Hinton. Mra. Edith Boauomme. Ida M. Holland, Ella Banitn, Mlaa Hotshhlaa. Mra. Fraah •Botton. Mlnnla Hownc. Mlaa MaB Bowie, Mra. L. B. Huntli^toa. CMarhotte Braaae. S^l* Hyland. Agnas Brachln. Mra. WJUIam tijth Bratehaw. Mra. Owma ingie, Mlnnla

•••Slrltit. Mlaa Ulllaa Winters. Cleo Shmpahtre. Mrs. Jaa. ••Wlnton. Chlqnita Smith. ReaMe Witt. Marte SomaierrHIe Ada Wnoleott. Mra. Am ••Stahl. Boae F.nleha. Piineaaa StamFer. StatU •Enlaha. Prtaeeaa

Callabaa. L. W. OamEU Tria Canaarea. Victor Caatara. Blinm Cappa. J. r.

Japt. Cardona, Capt. J Cnriay Carlaa. Don

Caimaa The Its Carr. George

Carfier. J. T. kBM tSiCaraon. Andy

Oartar. WMtar m C.aftwTlght. (That. J.

Decker. Frank DeCort, Walter DeRspa. Manrlee IMlroote. Edward Dell, James Delmar. Leon •ni'lmoBt. Fred A. Delmore, lAonard •Deloats. Mr. IteMoreat. Geo. Del’hll. Charles B. Deitalla. MarweloBS Darrm. W.

Brawn. Bly Brown. B^l Brown. Mahal Browa, Elalna n. Browa. Cecil •Brown. Carrta Bm^-a. Bssala BranaUa Lonlta Banting. Bmlly Bnrdcll. Georgia Borketta. Mlaa Mm^ Burkett. Mra. C. L. Lurnett. Mae Butlar. Babe •Byma. Myrtle Cagle, (HSe Cain. Nellie Onrra. Blanche (Jarson, Bmlly Care. Btrtba Oana, Banal (BICastIa, Dolly Ohalnaers. Marla Chandler. Viola Ohaam. Mn. Lewis Ohleqnat. Mn. Allea Ohnreb. Mn. May Clark. Madeline Clark. Oladya •OUyWn. Otnna Cooley. Ida OanaeUy. Lnnara B. Ooarad. Btbel Ooa^. OUla Ooo^. Mabel •Oax Violet nrawtord, Leila Oelghton. Mary

Ingio. Flarg. Ireland. Mn. Cortta Jana, Mrs. B. i. Jardy. Mlaa Tony Jclteraon, Gladls Jenoler, Mn. Oan. Johnron. May Jones. Maggie Ktidel, Mn. Al •Kee She Go Prlaceaa Kellogg, Mildred Kelsey, Virginia Kern. Anna Ki jhal Mamie Klnjtaton, Winifred KWn. Mr». Ben H. Koenig. Helen Krauts. Elat# •Kreaky Mlaa Marlon LaBItncne. LHHaa LaBlancbe. Billy l^aDelle, Jean l.rmont. Olga lAiMon, Mn. J. H. Lancaater, Ina Landrith, Mra. Henry •Langdon. Mtod and

May Langweed Slaten tmnetto. Jeaate 1 aPlace. Marie I.4iBcelle. Eulalle •••(.Anrence. Effle •lAidhlller. E. lAandro. Mas lAe. Mlaa

Wyna Martyo lAonard. Violet


t THE B1LIB04RD MAIL FORWARDING SERVICE 6 0 Pataam imtftng Is ataS MHMiHaa af fhs mnbaarWs taaOlHaa (at farwaidteg man mattw la 0 A wimXin af tha amnaamant pnfawlan. an laanawad la naar In mind IkM tha handquartan far A V thte gratattaoB dlaiHbatlsa af mau la ai Iha CtMCUniATI aMam. whan aU aaoh mattw maald ha Y thte gratattaoB dlaiHbatlsa af mau la ai Iha CtMCUniATI aMam. whan aU moh mattw Maald ha

addrmssd. anlam tt to hnswa that It win ha mma amaaatant fbr Hdrmimi Is loealvs II thnogh tha Now Taffe. Chleaga ar SC Lsato haraaas.

In anHanau. a eorpt af axpaHeaesd etorfcs to mpinvid far tha tala puipoae of taeordlng tha whenabouta of tnnslanta, and handllni mall addraaaad la them In aarc af Iha Billboard

The postoMom adtunH af tbs New York. Chicago aod St. Lauto buraaut af The idllhoard are maintained only for tha accommodation of those who on arscure quicker eervla by haHni mall aent to the bnneh oIBcee. where they oan call far R In Mnon. or from wtilcb It can be remaltod to them with greater deepateb than from the publication oMcee at ClnelnDatl. No atiampt la made la handle mall addraaaad to tha bnoch oMeae vrithaot mmeiac Inatructlona. while thouunde af ptaem of mall matttr pam through tha Cincinnati oMnaa ovary weak, and ara raoiallad to addreaaeaa from Information at band without tha daisy of bolding and ndeactlalng thaaa names In thta Uat.

In addraaslng aMll ta IndIHduato In oan of Tha Billboard, kindly Indicate what oompaay (tf any) sach to Identlflad with, ar In what Una af haaliiam ha to engaged.

AU mall adventoed In this list to being bald at the (SnclnnaU oMce anleaa otbarwtoe Indleatad by the cfaaraeten • (New York). •• IChleagal. *** <St. Lauto). (S) Ban FianHsos.

Paresis at ClnHanaU. Chleaga and 81. Leoto oMoas. and amouou due;

Asiatic Art Oa.. Sc Roy E. FOx. Sa Hindoo Hart (%and, 4c •••Lea A Balky ISr

Mcgga, D. J., Ic

Mnrndcto. Prof. Boy 4e

Normnadla. Batty two SSc

Padgitt, U M.. Sc

Raymond, Fred Jr., Sc Schwab. Emil, 4c •••Trump A Ward, 10c •••Waller, Grace. Sc Williams. Earl R.. S4r


Fournisa. The Fuorrler. Artimr Fowler. Otto France, Cbnrlea H. Francln. Bd Fram-lo, Clint Franklin Sitirk Os. ••Franklin. P. C. rnnka. E. W. Frailrr, Robert Fre<-man, M. Fvwman. (1. D. French. Brtggs French. Oscar ••Pres, ott

' ••Prteadlandar, Wm.R. Frlaeb. J. Frits. Delna Galloway. J. E. •Garcineti, Jos. M. Gardner. F. R. GarSeM. B. M. ••UaraatuS. OAartan Garrett. Sam Gaston. Albert Gates, F. A. Ganl. J. E. Oaosa, Wm. Gearhart. Piwf. OaM Genter, Cheatar George, Turtle Bay Gertg. T. H. GIbboM, Charlie Gibbon. Bert GIbbn. O. B. Glbaon. Jamaa Gibson. A. W. Glddtnger. F. B. Oltrsdorf. W. L.

; Gilbert. Arthv { Olllewpte. Arttonr I nt'Isa, Harald ! Gill. G. G. ! Gtimora. Bd. I Gilpin. Bd. S. I •Glkia. Fred

Globe Amuse Oo. Goodwin A Goodwin ••Goodwin, Ben

I Oordoo. John Otlhwt ' Gordon A Jamm ‘ Gorman, Joaeph I Gorrell. AI

••Garth. Oarl I. Goes, diarlea Ooseette. Boy Oott, Iaw Graham. Ota*.

I Grandl. Robt L. I Grand Western Amuoi

Hojland, Montgomery Holliday, LeBoy

Hommowua, Prof p. W

Ilnolgshurg. BlBy ••Horn. Horry Hoskins. WUI B iifiHoakIns. A. J. Hoamer, J. B. iSiHoulllun. Flwd F Howard. Wiaw A Lae ••Howard Bros. ••Howard, OMty Huwiatt. C. ■. Hnbbnrd, Happy Rin

Rndsoa. Charlie ••Hoeoter. Tton •Hueston, Tex Hughes, Reb Hiigheo. Artimr W. Hnater, Prof, rranl Hnatlngum. Proak Bnthsa. BaOoy. HMM


Oommliigs. Mrs. Mary •••lAon. Deloroa Fan! Leroy. Mra. P,

Daalel. lania DsTewc, Mrs. ImcT Davlo, Jnaalta Davto. Mrs. Oaa. C. Davis. Mae l>. Day, Bra Delaeey. Maxte

t<eRoT. Bose lARoy. Josephine Lindsay, Mary Llpplncot. Clara

Abraham, (Tbas. M. Adams. Prof. Adams. Waltar Adams. Frank Adams A Gobi Adkins. Fred O. Alton, Thos. Ajax. Prof. Alday. B.

•Rants Bros. Rartwr. LaVema A. Rarnes. Chaa Haroelt, Capt Jark Barnett, TtrgU ISi Harnett. Roy •Barney, A. L.

Carver. Mr. A Mrs. Case. Dell Casey, Henry Caatle, L. V. C^strlllona, Blx Cavanaugb, J, Cbaffey, BUI ChagDon, W. R. Cbampita, C. J.

vennore. Mrs. A. M. I aI<Io. Max Ijogan Staters Ix>iig, Dot

.^Dellvaa. Alhee Stevens I.arena ^eMancowrt. May Lorter. Marjorie BMsahler, Adelle ••Ix>tto. Mrs Blanch ULVere. Dorothy t eona. Bessie ^xle Prlnrena McCowen. Hta F Doatgherty. Met McDonald Hqyell

MeKInler Mabel •Downing. Aleyene Mareb. Marlon

Aldrieb Amnae. Oa. Aldridge, Alfrad D. Aldridge, Tom Alaxander. LeBoy Allen. W. M. Allen A White

Barnum, Hypnotist, R. Chaney, Chapman A Rembc

Bemom A DeLnrah (Hiapman, Wm.

McCowen. Mra. Betta Allen, Arthur MeDonald. Hqyello AHen, Wenterman

Barr, Harry Barrett, Frank Rarroo. Artbar B Barsky. Oeo. Birtlno, J. W. Bartlett, D. T. Barton. John Ratebnior. W. Is,

(?bapmaa, Wm. (Whltey)

Chapman, Boy K. Chaam. L. Cheater, Teddy Chevalier, PVank Cbipmaa. Horry

DeHteffeno. Clement Devean. Chaa. DeVerc, Frog Man lleVue. Cbam. Dial, W. F. Dick. Bay Dillingham. W. W. Dlrka. Fred (Si DIt. Dan Dix. Dsn Don. Arthur Donahue. Jack ••Donovan. G. Red Doran and Oo. Dore. Philip Dorman. Geo. ••U irman. Clan. •Dorman, Oeo.

A SpHnaon Dorsey, Capt. Manate

Allen. Leon A Bnrtie Bates. Harry A

Dovrllngr Franc as a. Dmn. Snnie Duval, Jenale

Burly. Dora ■lisa. Princess •Blioaheth. Mary ••Bllswortb. May ■Isle. Ultle Bniiinin M1« HaUle Engel. LMta Barlght. Mae fticAnon. Mr*. Oarl ■. Bveretto. Both ■re. Helew Bogle Fartver OIrla •Pamll. Uanle Pay. Aama Bra Par. LOIlan Paoimetta, Madam ••Pearewa. Mra. UlMe Plaley. Be ante •Piahn, Madeline PIAer. Mine Omee Plnwvase. Ada neehter, Rnhy Portoee. Mary B. yiord Btotera •Porde. Pleltn •Potreef. DsPoBV Pot. Bthel •Franks. Jenale Prank. Ulllan Prenmnu. Chartotta Prsaavwt. J^lot •trAaer. Del OamM. Maxitoe ••eatap. eUfto OaraM. Mae •Ihnoa. Hne* OMey. Bttoal •Rleapla. Mra. D. ■. OSIts. BDa Qtlmaia. Ouliadt

Marguerite and Her

Marletn. Mary Marr. Mra. Oeo. Martin. Ella May ••Martin. Frankie Martino. MIsa M. V.

.Xtohellls, Thoa Hatrrtoa. Del ler AWIdo's. The Beard A Adama Lions •Alvin A Kenny Beckwitb.' Oeo. B.

Alward. Mnslcnl •Bebra Alaeda. Prof. Beleber. C. American Cam. Bennett. Richard

> American Amnee. Oa. Bennett, Fred V. Andersona. The Four Rcnael. (Tiaa. H.

Clirlstenaon. O. iSiDoiigberlv, I/evrla H. j Cbate. Arthur Douglas, Fred I Clair. Harry •Downes. William J. Glaacy. Jaa. O. Mas. •Doyles, John

Comedy Btoch Oo. •Drake, L. 8. Clare. C. Barnes ••DrawaSeld. ' nark. J. C. Drew. Mr. A •Clark. Harry Dnhlado. S. Clark, E. B. Dudley, Harry Clark, Duncan Duke A Bert. Dark. Brad. Dumont, Smol Clark. Tboa. Duncan. FranI Day. H. H. iHinlevy. Arthi Dayton. Cai>t. Dnpea, Chan.

Masters’ Mrs. Howard Anderson. Frank Maxine. Marie Maxwell. Bottle Maxwell. Mrs.

May. Ida Mav. Qneenle Meade. Ada Meltnvi. Barry •Medina. Mile. Meta. Mra, C. I. Merers. Jesele MIcbelson. Mrs Harry Miller, Mrs. Dart MiBette. Teddy MDlman. M’sa Bird Mohre. Tionlae Mona Lias Monte. May Moore. Mrs. B. H. Moore. Helen Jesnie Mwreley. May Morrtn. Mra. Xjnm M<wwe. Leah B. Moron. Mra. Panllna Mnirro. Rose MnrnliT. Hose B. Murphy. Mra. Riley Mvati. Mai Narder, Lews Narada, Zelda Nearing, Mrs. ■. F. Newell. Margaret Newtnn. kfm. TtrUa Norwatl, Agtoee (PBrlsn. Omtolgitoe

••.\ndrews. Earl tie •••Anthony, J. H.

•Anthony. Oeo. Lawrenee Applebanm. H.

.Xrdell. Frank Arlaona Trio ••Arliona Trio Arkansas. Slim

!. Armand. Peter B. Armand. Prof.

Armon A Araaoa ■ Harry Armstrong. Arthur mra Arnold. H. B. gy Arthnr. Preddle Pop I Bird Ashdown. W. H.

Ashdown. Shorty Atherton. Artia Atterbnry. B. L.

( H Austin. I<ee Jetaie Avery. Drew

Rahcvtck. Osear Tieeto Bailey A BaOey

B. Bailey and Aostin Panllne Bailey. Fted J.

Bally, Ralph R. Bally, R. N.

Bney Bailey. Oeo. P. Raise. B. O. Baird, Carl

I Baird. Billy a. p. Balallet. Prank ▼.

aret •Baldwin. W B. TIrUa Bame. Herhcrt D.

a Bane, Btllle Igitoe Baatn Bran.

•Bennington Broa.

Rene. Joe Benson. Harry Berger, Nicola. Rerlln. Samuel Bernard A Cantar Resaeat. Dande Reator. Vernon Bexar. R. Beyerte, C. ■. Bickford, F. R. Biddle. Preg Rlerarhenk. Waltar RIehl. Henry Riggs. D. U

••Drawsfleld. Thomas Drew, Mr. A Urn. Dnhlado. S. Dudley, Harry Duke A Bert. Dumont, Smoky Duncan. Frank iHinlevy. Arthur T. Dnpea. Cbaa.

•Dayton. Capt. Chaa. Duvall, Harry ••Dements, Joe Dewienta. E Dllford. Billy S Clnter. Joe Oohnm A Plerooe ColaTita. Joaeph Cole. Hary L. Cole Bros. Ctrena Cole_ King Colllnn. Bilm CollliH. King

Diimlll. Hank L. Ragan. John L.

East. Alan Ebersteln. Mose Eckels. William •Fck.leln, Wm. Edwards, Prtnee •Edwards, Salta

Grant. W. M. Grant, C. W. Grant. J. J. Gray. Bee Ho. Greavea. Walter •Green. Pmnkle (B) Greenwtpt By

1 Greet. Ben.. PUyam O-ynlock A Byrd Grier. Oatv

! Grieve. John I Grlmeo. L. W

••Grove, John L. j Ornhhs. Diae

Oucssnw. Frank ••Gniwnlng. Mr. Gns. Whale Oil Gnv Stork Oo.

i Gvpsles. The Four ; Harkett, Boy

Halneo. Doc I Hale. Harvey ! Haley A kicHale i Hall. Scott

Hall. Albert I Hall, Leo I Hall. Cbaa I.

Hall. Billy (Swede) I Hall. W. A. 1 Halllek. T. Y. : ••Halvvrson, Oecor

••Halworth. Jack B Ilamlltoo. George Hamilton. C. F. (SiHamlltoa. Jock Hamilton. Frank A

I OecUta Hampton, Rnwetl Hanley, Tom Hanley. Jamea Hanley, Chas. •Haraden. C. P. Harconrt. C. L. Harder. Myrkle

E«lwarda. Jamea Harry llardcen. Mr

«!!!i Oalllan’. H. D. Billings, Randy Billings. Pmak BIrokett. C. L. RIabee A Oontoelly

Blackmore. Ted RIanehard, Doe W. Rian hard A Webta Blank. J. K. RIednne. Jaek L. Plltf. Harry Blossom. Royal Bode. Henrr •Roden. Arthnr Boggs. Henry •Booel. H. Ronomor Arobo Booth TYio Besvrell. Peytaa Rontwieh. B. L. Bowen. Frank A.

Coirtna. Tlie Great ' Comstock. H. CVmdon. Prank Conklin. Edward C. Connelly. IJoyd L Conners. Family Conroy A Lemaire Cans. Joe Cook A Beni •Cook, wm ••Cooksfon, M. A. Coon. Harry Cftoper A Bartell Cooper. Dnrenee H. ••Onokaton. W. A. CorhlB. Will N. Cnmantna. Htrry Oomallo, Pete Ctotortney Onritto Onvnlt. prank ■.

Fxlwarda. Phil Edwards, B. W. Edwards. L. Egan. J. T. Dllot, Foy Ellsworth. Dara Oo. Elaworth. Phil •Emme. W’m. Enrclke. William Englnman, H. Engllab. Waltar P. ••Enalao. Slefa A Oo. Epatlne. AIts Enulllo. Jnles Evickaon. C. L. F.rnandes. Jnaa B. Evano. Al. S. ^Iward. J. J. Earn. DIek Fincher, Bdvrnri Farmer. Arthnr •Faront. H. B. PorreL TOtoMata

Harke. Henri Harper. Pred ••Harpntrtte. J. W. ••Harrington. Prank

Ingrams, Ortgtoal lahmael. Prttorr P. Jack. W. B. JaeuO. Harry Jameson, Billy Janicke, Hairy A. Jarvis. Art* Jaapersoa. O. A. Jrnkltoa. B. & Jennings. Johnv Jerome, Arthtot Jim. Eiaby Jahawito. P. If. Johaoun, Harvny (Sttm Johnson. J. Monrne Johnson. G. W. Joiiusun. Tow Johnson A Lowery •Johonon. Horry •Jnbason A May •Jones, B. O. Jones, E. G. Jobnaon, Martin

I John. H. D. Jonen, Bmce Jone^ Prank Jones t.«aey Oo. Junes. Morris Jones. J. 0. Jouen. Scott Joor. G. A. •Jodnon. Jims Jnngle Town Btorw

me. Jnrodo, Mlgo) Go. Kota, Win

Kaln. Ohortao Kaao. Jameto ••Kane. BoM. B. Eaae. BlUy (SlKarne.v. H. P. ••KatsttoltoBW. Urwta Keeler, Harry

■ Kellet. Ed M. Keely A Parka Kellogg. Waltai Kellr. Capt. Jock Kelly, Bert Kelly. J. O. Kempf. Irving A. Kendal. W. 0. •Kendell. Dock Kennedy, Georgo A. iSiKennwI.'r King Kennedy. T. B. Keno. Fred Keplar, T. O. Kerr. Arthur Kibble. Wm. Klethl. Som KIknohl. H. Ahe King. Pete King A Qnoeto Ring, Rraaetfe King, Chon. 0. King. K. E. King. L. T.

I King. H. O. ('».i>inesjey A Sakar Klagnley, J. B. •••King. Jamaa I Klrachlvittm. Horry

, KNahe. Tokn Kltrhle, 81. ••Klasn. Fred Kleper, Rod Klein. Ren Kline. Doc. Kloenhamer. Wm Rnlgbt. Harry C Knox A Alvin Konyota. The Kotch. BHly Krause, Otto B.

lA Rremer A SmItA Harrlngtoa. Edward B. ••Kroh. Walter Harris A Randall Harrta, Joaeph

LaRelle, (topi. Bony I>aRen. Bdvrito

Harrlaon. Weat, Trio Lehert'a. Robt. Harrlaon, Charloo Harrlty A Swiohar Hart. Blllln Hart. Fred Harvard A Oornoll Haanon. T. ••Haatlnga, Cheater

IjiBerta. Gda ijiCholaoer, Kanllwerth Leehey, Prof. Leo Ijiffayette. Bert I^ke. Geo. D. I^eko. Prod I.aman. Ooear

••Hathaway, Madlooo LaMar. J. A. A Mack lomherto. J. B.

Hathaway, J, M. Lamhertooto. W. Hathaway. A, O. lioMont, Dan nata. M LaMont. Lloyd U

•tjimont J. Hay. Prank Lampe. Id Hayden Troupe Lamnoto. W. ?.

celebration Goods

iJ PenNANT^^i^^

APRCL 6. 191Z

Pe^er. B. U. Bean. C. V. Pcitj, Wm. C. Set;, rraak B. **Prnee, Him. Selbell Bna. Shewa Heople’t Amiuemeot Oo. Seaelj, Jaa. Penlta, V. r. Bemrab, Wai. Percell. T. E. i^Tpeno Perrya. Moaical Sewett, W. B. Perry, Texta Slia4loaii. Henry Pbllllpa. W. R. Bltea. Barney I'lrkerlDK (Inncb man) Btaeetian, Jva. Pierce. B. U Bbelby, John Pierce. Aldred Sbellcroaa. J. P. Pierce Amoaenent On. 8bepard, B. C. Plerpuint, Jobn Bbermaoa. Tbe Two PIlyrIm. A. A. Bhexry. J. T. Pine. Wm. A. Sberwood. Bob Pitman. Keltb Sbrupablie, Jaa. Polltch. Datch Sbolta, Jeaa Pdu. Eddie Sbomate, Tom J. Poole. H. B. Sbur A Co.. N. Pool. Peairie BIbley, Walter K. Poeey. Will Bldneya, Stnylny Potta, C. B. SUea. Lance Potta. Ernie A Mildred Sllrerlake, Archie Potter Rheiby B. Slmmonr. Jack Potter. Slim Sima, Pete Powi'll, Bert 'Slnyley. Ralph Powell, Albert •Slrlechlewl. h, D. Powrra, E<lw. A. SIreon. Prauk E. Poneri. Capt. D. J. SIzimore. I.oyaa •Powera, Jaa. T. Skidmore. 8. 1>. Preeton. Jobn A. Sklurer, Boy Price, Bennie 'Slocum. A. M. •Price. Mark A Mabel Small. Marry Proctor. Bert Smith. R. Pruitt. Cheater Smitb. Harry Pucet, Geo. .Soiltb, S. D. Purpura. Mickal “Smith Broa •Pufehett A butter Smith. M. R. Quinlan. Joe Smith, R. W Quinn, Joe Smith, M. L. Quinn. F. iSiSmitb, EH Raeani, Ben (colored) rSmlth, E. W. Rajam. John Smith, Will Z. KamarT. Arthur Smitb. W. B. Randolph. Jimmie **Smlth Co.. Myatertoua Rapaport. N. T. Sneed. Wm. Rawlry, Jack ?n.vdcra. The Rawllna, Ed. R. ‘Snyder. Rud Ray. L. B. Snyder. Billy Raymond, Joe Snyder. Bnd Raymond. Happy Jack Surcbo. Capt. I»nla Raymond, Jack Sotto, Wm. Rarmond. Al Bonthern. A. RedOeld. Fred Spancler. J. Reed. Milton Spaim. Byron Reed. A. 11. Sparrowa. Cbaa. Rw-d, Clarence Sparrow. Alfred Reeae, Joe Sri-aaardy. Prof. Paul Reeae, Jim Q. Splnrlet. Harry (Si Reeae. Jim O Splash, Emmet Reerea. W. D. SiKair. Fayette Jerome

I Reilly. Harry Sprlnkfleld. Martin C. Reynard. A. D Stacy. Prof. Rernloa. John Sta’.lina. Rn(T •Rhodes. J H. ‘Standlah. C. Rice. J. O. Stanfield. Harry Rice. Wm. H. Stunley. Walter F. Rice. Fdcar D Starkey A Montiomary Rice Sam Stark, M. E. ••Rice. J. Rome Steoker. Cnrley Richirda. Geo. M Bteele. 0. B. Rlchardaona TTie Three Steiner. Col. H. B Rtitaewell. Geo T. Stelllny. Fred Rtrtce. Frank A. Sterchl. E. B. RIech. Artbnr Sterna. I>oc filed. Waller Sterenaon. Don C. •RIener. Cbartia 1. Stewart. Jaa. Riley R. Sterrart. Frank RIncItnn. The Stoat, lonnle RIordan. John M. Stout. Vic RItf Ixmla Strauss. Wm. H. Rlial A AlHma Street. Fred •••Roberts A PnMon Strickland. Hnge Roberts. W. H. Sinmk. (Tias. Roberta. L. W. Stmt. Pred Robertson, Nst C. '•Stuart. C C. Rehtaon. Walter Style. Leonard Roblsoa, Prof. F. P. Snemat. toola RO'bon. Pred Sullran A Co.. W. Rock City Amnaement Sully A Laiirsen

On. Button. Fred Roe. Mr. Bwlft. Boy ^ ^ Bocers-Kohnie BylrMtern. Aerial « ••Rnlllna. Bob*. _ RoHlna. J. W. Taney. Geo. R. Roll©. Jnd«n ••Tarlton A Tarlten ••Rooneys, "rte Rldlny Tarte. Corbett Rooney, Mike Taylor, John

Wall A Kom^eitwx WUllaoie. (.’.has Wall. W. r. (Shorty) ••Wallac* Bioa. Bhnwa WiUlama, Ooo. A. Waller, Himmuiid WUllauia, Jun. H. (B)Walah, Tlsi WtUlaoia. W. U. Waltera, Ned Wliliame. Bari R. Warner, Ren R. Wllllucbam. J. C. Warner. Barry Wllle, John B. Warrick. Ted Willa. A. E. Warwiek. Henry Wilson, Harry Waobbum, Bert Wilson. Jack Waaliburn, Leon W. Wlloon, Mr. Wataon A Watson Villeun, U. A. Wataun. Tboa. 8. Wlleun, Cbae. D. Watterman, Lanlcy Wllxun. E. H. ••Wea»er Co.. Tbr ‘Wlleon. W. H.

Ofoat Wliaon. Waller Blnye Webb. Norman C. Wlnchcatcr, B. L. Webb, Porkchopa Wlmlom. Billy Welieter, Fred Windsor, R. S. •••Wei*. Otto Wlnsrate. Roht Wetnateln. Mart Wlngert. H. W. •Weir, Tony Wliin, J. L. Weltzel, Jas. Wlnton, Bernard Welda A Serauo Wolf. A. N. Wells, Raymond Wolfa. Joe Wella, O. O. Wolfbelm, Enfeae WeUa. Sam Wood. Geo. W. ••Wella. Dick Wood. Bay Wells. Harry Winds. Earl Weltch. Ewse ••Woodson, H. O. Werner. Henry Woodward. N. A. Wesley, Capt. Ed Woodward. H. Ony. Weat. C. 8. Woidworth. G. F. Weal. Sam Woodyard. T. J. Weafern. Dick Wrav C. E. Weatera. J. W Wrlrtit. Fred Weaton. Bert Wrirtht. Wm. H.. Com- Weeioa'a Model Bbowe cdy Co. WetaeL Chrla. Wrlyht. John C. Wheeler. Alex F. Wrlcbt, Earl Whipple, Waldo Wriyht, Fred W. •••White. W. D. Wrlirbt A Stanley

/< ••Yeakle A Burt w^hufi’ Yonker Fred

W nitm8nt Ernst Vfinn^ FordHit Whitmore. Joa. K

/>* _ lonnsr. I>. K.

?• A Tonne. Walter W ftS-r - J Yunrman. Albert W^;* Jack Yontnrkey. Prince Wllen, H. Zearl. J. ••Wtlhelm A Co.. O. Zeliter. Doc Wllkea, Ben Zelaya. Alphonse Willard (The Man Who A DeAman

Grows! Zenlo A Co.. The Great Williams. A. iSiFnrm Chat. M iniams. Harry Ziegler. L. E. Williams Montana Zola. The White

Compoaad ot Parodies. Monologuea. Sklta and BketehM Enoucb material to fit out tereral amateur tbenlrlMla. Stock Sketches for sale, cheap. VauderUle Acts ol all klnda written to order.

N. B.—We hare aecured the exclualee eerrlom M Mr. Chat. A. Taylor for sketchea—Tragle. DraaMtMk or Farcical—and we are now prepared to fumlab any* thing from a monologue to a three-oet producUen, Mr. Taylor la especially atrong on Weetem drama, and hla productions are well known and well remeatlieraL Slock sketchea on hand. DO NOT FORGET that lA TAYLOR la a dean In the profeaalon. and a pool

SThe most aucceeaful Photo Ma¬ chine on the market la onr No. 10 Combination Automatic and Sleere Wonderful Ferrotype (Mm- era. It has two separata lenom and one dereloplna cup. The button platee are worked ACTO- HATICALLY. and tha plataa atm l%x2H and SMxSM art tad » hand. This Caoiera li alao |a- rerslble for taking pleturea oo ma length or width of tha plataa. and la constdared tha bast Ita professional use. It makm ob pictures In one mlnuts. It la

finished and perfected by the moat capable l■alilllllat^ S22.S0.

Our No. a Wonderful Ferrotype Machine — flctures. slxe liix2M. and weight only t lioun& Tice. SO. 00. Rend for our f.-ee dreular rteairlhtim

our machlnee and auppllea.

UNITED FERROTYPE CO.. 140 Rlvlngton 81.. Deat. 45. New York City. N, T.

Our Spring and Summar 1912 illuatratad Catalogua la now raaoy

Look for Your Name 11 E-—IN THIS—:


Lfrormore. A. M. Uwyds The Four UtiAwell. Ooo. (4ican. Jamca W. Loaan. R. R. Lacan. Frank Lacan. D J. London. B. R.

Loomla, 1. O. Larratnc. Paul Ltrona. Ocorft Larrtta. Julian towanda. Billy Laarande. Martlaho Lowell. FYank Lowery, I. J. *Tmcaa. PrlaM Lncta. Albert Lnigl. Geo. land. Dan J. Lopta. Frank R. Latter. Carl Lotee. Ralph J. Lattrlpeer. LDCoa. Oa. Idle*. Zeh Ljrona A Pearana Lyona. Walter t^n. (Handb MeAroy, Dan M'Oaha, J. C. McCabe. John J. ScOafferty, T. MeCarthy. Geo. T. MeCarty fin.. WMaw McClain. Clste SeCrea, Frank McOie. W H. MeDanlel. WtlRe MeDonald. 8. A O. KacDnnsId. D. A. MeDnaald. Bari ••MeDonaM Alhort S MeBwen, P. H. MeOeo. Mika tfcOnlre, Tom •*Ma«*. Wm. R •Mt'h. Capt. Rlngman Melntlre, l>an Meintoah. Allan MeRee. Rnek •^eKee, Hairy McKenile. B. B. Mackey. Andrew Maek. Horace Marks. Aerial Mark A Rurceoa ••^rtiord. Fred McQiileg. w. M. Mc^tllen. 1. B. Mcltee C. «. Maddox, ^wnk •Madlana, Jat. Mtdiann. n M. VaectM. Jno ▼. Maitland. Marrelons Matlady. Geo. F. Mtinne. Pat • Manreta A Gallon Manklcht. K Mansfield. W J. Manofleld. J. Mtnefleld A Clark Maneon. Wbeelee Marble. Roy P. kTarcantonl. Victor Marltnns Jo* Markle. W. R. Harkowwky, M. Marks H B. Mtrr. Gao. 8. ••Maiwh. Roy Marehsll. Jsa M. MarteKs. Fire Martla A Tneo Booth-

em Cam. Oa. Martin. Rdw. 0. Martin Rixm Marrelle f%tt. Marx, W F Marx Bros.. Three Mason. Harry

A sober, honest, reliable and trusty man, 30 years old, desires a position as Treaa- urer or Assistant Treasurer of a Theatrg or Vaudeville House or Circus. Beet ot references. Address, care of BOX 342, Newark, Ohio.

Always give forwarding address far enoogl in advance to reach you. Advertised let ten are held for 30 (Uys and if unclaimaf art forwarded to the dead letter rffice

Violinist and Pianist Will accept position with reliable people only. Musical show or vaudeville theatre preferred._Both experience and A-l.^||_

MUSICAL DIRECTOR, 7251 Vincennes'Road,® Chicago, Ill.

Swell Orchestration now ready. lOe. ALEXANDER MUSIC CO.,

2lt Newtoa Clayyool Bldg., ladlaaapa

SLOT MACHINES Mills Cabinet Gum Venders, $42.50. Operaton BaHn 5»o.nn. Mills Check Boys. Brownlee. SIAM. Pin Gum Machines. $3.00. CAMDEN NOVELTY (N>.. 620 N. »th 81.. Camden. N. I.

At Liberty A-l Flute, Piccolo and Violin

C. E. DRESCIIER,^ 241 N. Rampart'St., New’Orleans, I^a.

WANTED VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE Doing two or more acts for Indoor Fair. April 11. IS, 13. Address W. B. KEARNS, Maaafier Baas BaB

AT LIBERTY Eiperionced Orchestra Loader Best Aeroplane Engine made. Elbrldga. 4 cyL. eraun

cooled. F^herwelglit. 4u-t0 h. p.. NEW, Fully equipped Bosch Magneto and Atwater Kent Bpoiklna System. Cost $1,350: $500 takes It If sold at ofMW. Write or call anil see It. SAM L. BAYLISS, New Riekomad. ladlaaA

(TIoUn). double Oomet, for eummer teason. No toad engagement accepted. Address



VauderUle and Picture Show, In town of 1.000. dolag good business. Must sell quick. Address

CHAS. L. ROSS. Sallltaw, Ofclo. Bicycle Riders Wanted

One man, one woman rider to ride a four- day endurance race on Home Trainers in Oklahoma. G(X)d money and expenses. Address “BICYCLE,” care Billboard, Cin¬ cinnati, Ohio.

PENNY ARCADE MACHINES—(Tieap. 20 Caills and Mills Picture Machines, fine condition; 2 Callle Phea ofraphs (A. C. motor); also Athletic end Veodtag Machines: also 1 Cylinder Piano-Organ, mandolta attachment. 10 tunes, loud. AU at gire-sway prVjaa. A. W. HAYES. Donors. Pa.

CATALOa. 2as iRiP lulu

POCKET T B I (3^ 270 Wsst 59lh St.. New Vart.

A partner. Have show and concessions complete. A man that is able to grind. Small investment. H. HERSHFIELD, 3412 Calumet Ave., Chicago, Ill.

B| A VC -Aftl VauderUle Sketches. Cataiem s kPR I 9 FREE. Gamble's Vsuderllle Journal contalas best Acts. Monologues and 25 late Paradlaa. Price, 50c. Make-I’p Book, 15c: Wlm, 50u A. A REIM. 4o3 Grand. Milwaukee. WLs.


MINSTREL SHOW Seaaon. 40 weeks. Open May 1st. Stage Manager, Leader and Muslclane for B. A O., Comedians, Slng- ets. IHtnceis. Lady's and Gents’ Cake Walkers, OooL Stale lowest salary and all you do first letter. Prefer those that double In band. White Bose Caiiraa and Light Man. JONES SHOW CO.. Warren. Pa.

WANTED- For Sun Plantation Shows. PlantaIMm People: four Comedians, must double orrhaMra: atow two singing and dancing Soubrettes. We pay alL State all first letter. Will buy Plantation FioaO. Show opens April 22. SUN PLANTATION SH9WIE McMInnrlUe. Venn.

58 X e Billboard APRIL 6, 1912.


(Cuotinued from page 7.)

ta atlll able to make biiiiHelf umleratood and the t>l|c khuw la runaiua with perfect amouthoeaa. H'lme few ac.B »uch aa the electric bicycle aerial act and the whippett race, have l>etm cut out, aad the itreat aiiectacle, the uioai wouderful ever

the Duke and Ducheea were the Prlnceaa I’atriclw and Sir Frederick Bonlen and Sir Cbarlea Fiti Patrick.


I New Yora, March 27 (Special to The Blll- I IxMirdi.—Tiieaday eveninK. March 26. marked ihe

aeen In New York, la ttuiuft aloiiit like clock- *Jate of a unhiue affair at the exhitiitlon oi work. I-lltle Miaa May Wlrth la a marvel. I>'>rhar Kliiemacolor plctur.-a at the New She pr«“e»'nla the neateat liarehack rlditii; act ever '"■'It Theatre. It waa arranKed for hy Iht Ivine aeen in the tlanlen. where the toat ri.lera of the maeolor Comiiany and many of the m iit world have had their tUiiK. Mlaa Wlrth la not ent arllata In New York were Invlied to a-'e the yet 17 yeara of atce and haa conquered the performance aa It U being put on at the Broad- Amerlcan Melr<>|iulia. Tom Dean, her groom, baa *'•1 bouae. her two while horaea. one of ihcm a pure- Arabian, In perfect trim. Itmimle la aa proud ADDITIONAL CARNIVAL ROUTES. of Mlaa WIrth'a auciesa aa abe la heraelf. _

Harry J. Miamey baa acred the big hit of bla Adama Amuaeraent Co.: Wlnnatioro. S. C.. 16. life with the baaehall elephanta. Ilia act cn- Adama’ Ten Big Sliowa: Iha-klngham, N. C., 1-0. atitutea one of the clevereat plecea of elephant i’»,nphell’a fnllid Showa: Brinkley. Ark., 16. training and handling on r.-cord. There la never cnfion Kellev .Showa: I.Indale. Oa.. 1-6. a hitch In Ihe work of the three giant pachy- |ia,g sie.w: l-etiaiem. T. nn.. 4; Watertown 5. derma, and thi Ir bumoroua akit on the national MUicr Showa: Joneaville, g. C.. 16. game I, the higgeat laugh getter In the ahow. Nalhmal rulte<l .«howa: Ft. Smith. Ark.. 16

Although Charley SlegrUt haa tu-en In clrcua progreaalve American Showa; Dillon, S. C., 1-6; life for 25 yeara and la conaidered one of the Marlon H-I.'{. greateat all around performera In the hualneaa. Bi'ce & Dore Showa. Wazabachle. Tex., 16. he never aeema to lie aatlafled with bla own shecaley sfliowa: Florence, Ala.. 16. achlevementa. Charley U at work now on a Southern .Ymuacmint Co.: Feci*. Tex.. 16. double back Hip from Ihe hack of a horae. land S. Carnival Co., J. F. Calklna, mgr.: Con¬ ing on the hack of another horae following him. 'way. Ark. 1-6. Thla feat, which haa never yet lu-en acc«im- Y'oiing’ Broa.’’ Showa: Walnut Ridge. .Yrk.. 1-6. pllahed. be ex|M>cta to have ready to aprlng In __ the arena the latter part of thla week. FIdem “ Wlrth. coualn of the marveloua May. dellghta The management of the Alhambra Theatre,

You Make $33.00 — Profit on $2.23

Scad (or your FREE SAMPLE—and let ut SHOW YOU. We can fundah you with the fliinl Fruit Fiavnn-all guaranteed to comply with the Pure Food

I.a«a of every State at $2.25 a pomid, expreaa prepaid.

Highly Concentrated Flavors in Powdered Form





U. S. Carnival Co., J. F. Calklna, mgr.: Con¬ way. Ark.. 1-6.

Y'oiing Broa.’ Showa: Walnut Ridge. .Ark.. 1-6.

Wlrth. coualn of the marveloua May. dellghta The management of the Alhambra Theatre, the children with hla Auatrallan kangaroo ebaae. St. Paul, la bolding Charley Eaatwood. the FIdem liken ’’The S ntca’’ immenaely which la original a'nglng newaboy, over for an lnde6nlte fortnnate. aa the Wlrth family la likely to be period. Mr. Eaatwood la ainging Remick’t latent kept over here for many a long day. auci easea.

I.orry Cane la a leipular hero, with the elrena- goera. hig and little. Me and D«e Whitney. with tlieir alaaliing, exciting four-hnrae char- TUP AnPnJ|Tfin ■ lot race, do much to keep up the real old time I |l P tMI W ■ eiroua a|drlt. I.arrv In one of the grealent and . moat rellalde drivera In the world. Racing an ■■ eight horae chariot around aharp tuma la eaay j work for him. and he p'garda bla preaent four IVlWM horae driving aa mere chlld’a play. He In a MSI ■ W ■VBw great favorl'e with hla fellow performers, who __ - AAi" I know him aa Langhlng Tarry Cane Olaglgagn I

Marie Klaer la aie'tlier favorite. Mlaa Elaer la ^lllllBV grace Ilaelf end her Koiuan riding invariably iwWWWlSy WrIlWWB brlnga the apoctatora to thdr feet. • 1

Tom Lynch, the aupertiitendent of haggage. They are alwaya Sharp and Cilear: the Color* came down to look Ihtngn over last Thiir«day. are Bright and Clear and perfectly traneparent." Tom waa deligh ed with tlie way the ahow la ij,. Knows Horn Experience, running, and went liack to Brldgciu.rt In a PHTPrs WOW happv frame <f mind. Eddie Jenka and IHlly GET OUR LIST AND PRICES NOW. F1e6e|d. two of the flneat fe1lo«-a to tie met uawaawaa VAt Ah ■ BBh^ AA In circus life, are on the job day and night, and ■■■UKI | W Cl lllk l-ll are Important factor* In the t>erfeet organlxa- IhwWWkI I Wbllek Way tion behind the aceiie* In the Greatest Sliow on YORK • *0 East 14th St -

One pound makes 45 gallons—750 glasses—of Delic¬ ious, Refreshing Beverage. You make $35.00 clear profit on every pound.

Writ* today and we will sand you FREEa sample large enough to make on* gallon

Send for this FKF.K SAMPLE NOW, and ask u< to tell you all almut our wonderful, mnnev- making. KWK.M'II A-THIKST I’TKK CtINCKNTKATED SYKt'PS All Bavuri-t2.UV iwr galloii. Atlilreaa

24-26 Harrinon St., Kw*neh-A-Thirst Company,

Naw York City

THERE’S A REASON Why you should use oui Film Service. Write for list and further

particulars. Second-hand Machines and Films always on hand.


(Continued from page 15.1




. 80 East 14th St.-

1928 Milwaukea Ave.

• Rhodes Bldg,

440 South Dearborn Street, CHICAGO

“THE INDIAN TRiP’' $3,328.55

but a reecner cornea In the person of an expert A AlAJ aaxa^ai Bwlninwr. He reachea the girl at the critical 1 ^ .w moment and abe I* >>orne to the surface—a truly QOO CC ntrlking a ene—and one of Ihe prlnc'pal inci- AJaOMOavV dents of the melodrama. There 1* no deception v » employml and no dummies are uaed. every mo- .h* recelpu from the tloo being plainly aeen. The young woman ap^ratlon of thto devtea In take* a haxardoua chance and the elTeet la one , *mall iwrk for a alngir of the moat realistic ever shown on the screen, waaon small cost of

___ Ihe machine and operation of same enabled owner to

ROYALTY SEES DURBAR PICTTURES. dear over 1.<m>0 per eeni _ on hla Investment Uoenae

ttitawn. Ont.. March 26 (.Special to Tlie Bill S ^iu«l'u»"blu*o'rw hoard).—For the Hrat time in the history of divtdiial for any park or Canadian araiiaemen a an exhibition waa given locality. Write TODAY for to night In a Im al theatre hy royal command, the illustratton and prioa Uat. occasion lieing the Initial presentation In this No WATER liBED. city of the Kinemacolor pldurea of the Durbar. iMniaai toip rn The Governor General, the Duke of Connaught. mui " i Lu-. attended., wlih tlie Duchess, having entered tin- New York Lift Buildlag, exhibition A large gathering fliled the aiidl Rooai 1108, New York City, torium of the Pen ly House, and the scene* last December In India, when Kl'ig George and . NfYT lA/f Qiicxi Mary were crowned Emiieror and Empi-fW* IW I Wfv of the Far F.aatern poa*esslona. created great enthusiasm whi-n reproituced on the screen. The B „ c<4or« and raiment were shown perfectly by lb-j fflnnilT ft 1* KinemacohT pn>ces*. O her spectators Itealdps ■■ U IT 11 I III


WANTED—At Cumberland, Maryland Attraetioni lor Home Coming Week.

Commencing September 1st to 7lh iiuiusive. Address

ZACK LANEY, Chalraian Aaiuttaitate (htaiBimae, P. 0. Bax 564. CUMBERLAND, MD.

WANTED—PROMOTER Wirit B I'romoter that kiiowB Wefftt Vlrclnla. VtrfiiiU and Ky. territory. Write ful’y flK letter ftviDC teferafiOBa. (ieiirire. Tlie Strong Itoy. wme on Kngle SUiern. wire Mm. t iara Teteis. K. f GBrilner i»ow !.&<« tiiatie at

I my riantatioii Show, and wantn George Kiley to wire. Have good propcidtlon for M.iving iMrture (Operator that han few giKKl fllmH and ran haiulle the I'irture Show. Kveothb g fumljehed >ou. Have good top. fttag*. Uglitft, wat.$ and front. Will fiind^h to S<*hoot. \'aiMteyilie or auv rreditahle ahow. We nlay Kalr

i (MrcuU. commencing In Jub*. LITTLEJOHN'S UNITED SHOWS, Thoi. P. Llttlajoha. Managar. Grantrilla. i r,B.. week April lat.


The Light Thai Never Fails

AfTont nr Drnmnfor lo ui.a.nof of fl.\ns Agcill or ri OniDlcr I Long Experienced, Clever Router, Close Contractor First time In eight years; dl*app<>lntc»d by suit¬ case in-tnagers. No ticket If I know you. Best reference. Week or one.night tent or opera. Ad dre,.* HAIUIY MAIN. Albany, OeoTgia.

Will handle any legltimale enterprise end produce positive live wire results. Addr

A. T. LIBERTY. 611 Mutual Life BuMdiai. BUFFALO. N. V.

“PERFECTO" Tho Improved (IIITFIT Calcium Light UUIEII


Ozyaea aad Hydracen Gas fumUhed In tanks tor StereoptIcoB and Moving Picture Machines. AM order* to any gart of the Ontted Btatea aitod. 8giati for all makas of Having Pictnr* Machinal


^ Produces The Most

jpll POWERFUL LIGHT i 1 17 Kor Lewa Money

• 1 O THE “PERFECTO” (In account of a special generating proceiM. give* you a greater gas pressure. therel>y producing the most powerful light at a coat leas than that necessitated by other light outfits. Because of its sim¬ plicity In operating and weighltig only 15 pounds. It should appeal to every exiitbllor. ’The "I’erfec- to’’ stands 3<i Inches high, atid be- big non-exploalve. can at all times

be handled easily and with perfesx safely.

PRICE. COMPLETE WITH BURNER. 825 Bear In mind that with the ’’Perfecto’’ you pro¬

duce the most powerful llglit at the least possible cost.

Write for further partlrnlara. or we will ship C. O. t». upon receipt of deposit.

CAPITAL MERCHANDISE CO.. 44S 8 Drarbora St . Chicafo. Illiaole.



T.t.^'itr SPECIAL FEATURE FILM COMPANY t24 W. 84th Strset. betwaea 7tk Ava. aad BrMdway. NEW YORK

WHITE CITY SHOWS (The Show that Advertises like a Circus)



Tills irtll be a big otic. $,verybo«ly boostltig. lilllefl like a circus, ('an place one more money-getUng show I’rivllegea. Knife and Cane K*<-k. $'lsh I’ond, Dart Gallery. Kverythliig else sold. Wild Weal paopla lu all braiicliea. wire or write MRS. COUlKADO GRA.NT. Sparta. Ky.

COtolR41'r*T EEto ri • le s • Committees that have a good pru|N<*ltloii and mean nusiness. ELLIS A LaBOYTEAUX „ • ..NEW CASTLE, INO.

I’. 8.-4 an place a gotKl Agent 8iate all In (IrW letter.


Hugo Bros. Greater American Minstrels FOR A TOUR OF THE MORLD.

N()TICE:-4»n atxxiunt of enlarging Ihe company from thirty member* to forty, we can use one more Star Comedian, a few gotsl Singers, Danrer* and .Miuh'lans ThU will lie the lilg^est and best Colored klliistrel Show ever organized. Contrati* are for a year anil return tickets hack to the I’nlletl Stales guaran¬ teed. Bliow opeiia Ce<lar Rapids. Iowa. Suinlay. April 11th. Will ailvaiiiv ticketi to re-poiisll>le fieople t* ('etiar Rapida to Join alww. Mualclaii*. addre** Jas. 8. Lacy. All others to \V A Junker.



APRIL 6, 1912.





The i^Oth Century Amusement Combination, now booking 191t2 season

STROBEL’S AIRSHIPS are of NATIONAL REPUTATION Prize Winners since It04. Competent Aviators. Flights Guaranteed.

-DE-LUXE" CARNIVAL FEATURES. 12 Shows ot IMstliii-tinii. 2 KIiIIiik lierlcm, KoNal Italian Band, Mile. ZiiiKart-IIa. Six Flying Herberts, anti other Feature Free Ads. Keferences, terms an<l full partlrulars furnished on apiillcatinn.


THE GREAT INTER-STATE SHOWS, Ma'-crllus W. Meeh, Manager.

2242 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago.


Trap Drummer BxperleiKr In all line*: will locate; play belli:

no dietau'e loo far. State all. Will Join on

wire. Addreiw

DRUMMER, Hotel Beach, Gowaoda, N. Y.

Second-Hand Film Fiatures 1 Keels of It. 8. Military Tournament.


145 W. 45th Street. New York.


CHOICE LOT OF PYTHON SNAKES. Also MONKEYS and SMALL ANIMALS of all kinds. We hare What yon want.

J. HOPE. M North Ninth St., • Philadelphia. Pa.


RELIABLE MANAGERS, COMMITTEES AND SECRETARIES Of Fairs, Home-Comings aiul Celelirations, if you want a feature attraction that caters to the b<*st class of people anti is consiilert'il the biggest money-getter in this line—this show is not one of the oM-time idea of hanging the horse-thicf, or a fight over the water hole, but a skillful performance by experiencetl |x?ople—clean, moral and up-to-date, with all new ideas. I am mady to consiiler a propo-sition for 1912. bet me hear what you have to offer, as you all know this show is one you can rely on. C.W USE a few more musicians to complete the band; also one or two more male and female trick riders. .Must be able to do something; can’t just straight riders. If you want to get with a mil show, just like lx*ing at home, state lowest salary and all in first letter, as it is .sure. I have EUR S.VbE the following: 2 ciib bears, 1 2-year-old-b<*ar, 5 monkeys. 1 ant bear, 1 mountain Ixib, 1 black coon. 1 silver pheas¬ ant, 1 cockatoo, and cages for all; 1 .‘tOxtiO tent, side wall, poles, stakes, banners, flags, ticket box anil lights, all complete. Will sidl separate or all togi*ther.

.'\ddn‘ss all mail, BUCKSKIN BEN, Cambridge City, Ind., or Biliboard, Cincinnati, Ohio.

SEND FOR SHIPLEY'S FREE CAT¬ ALOGUE OF WILD WEST AND THEATRICAL UNIFORMS BEFORE BUYING—l-wrgmt .Makrm «t all kliidi) uf Iratlirr guod.H In Amerlia. Lft u. glvr you full liifurmalloii alMiiit tbr latrst In I'ldforms. hand-made Boon. elf., at ligl’i p-ifee


stock Yards, Kanrat City. Mo.

WANT PIANIST Preference if you double brass, year’s work, sure salary, must be sober and a jrentleman. Write or wire, WILLIAM TODD VAUDEVILLE SHOW, Greensboro, Ga.


Knapp & Greenfield Knapp swell female impersomitor. Feature wardrobe. Green¬

field clever pianist. Doth play responsible parts in musical

comedy. Gretit feature tict for repertoire. Write or wire (luick.

Address KNAPP <fc GKEEXFIELD, Vincennes, Ind.

FREAKS StranKC and riirioiis people of every eliaraeler.

Long, pleasant en|j[;ij'enient. Salar\ weekly and positive.

Those who wnite, write ti^jiin.

A. B. C., Billboard Office, New York City


A small troupe of well trained ponies, unridable mule. Prefer an act with Roulette finish. Describe act fully. Lowest salary. W. D. NEFF, Manager, Dayton, Ky.


FOLLOW & EDWARDS SHOWS High IMto or any other Retwallonal Free Act. Aim Fat Follu, Midgrta. Freaks of any Und. Alao one #rst- eUaa Advanit Agent. State loweat lalary In flrat letter, with referemwa. Can u*e three or four more good •howi. tipen early In May Have eight weeks In Canada. FOLLOW 4 EDWARDS. Preprlttera. IM Saaaca StreaL Saattla. Waak.

Howe’S Great London Shows All people enjjajjed Season 1912 with Howe’s Great London

Shows will report in Hutchinson, Kansas, for rehearsal April 17, 1912. Show opens April 20. Musicians report April 15. Acknowledge this call by mail or telegram as follows;

Mu8iei*n»— Addressi U. H. TIN.NKY, llutchiuHon. Kansa.4. Ticket Sellers and Com’ert People—Addreiw JAMES OKK. Hutchinson, Kaasaa.

Sidesihow—Addresa J. S, ROliERTSflN, Hutchinson, Kansas. ('uoks and Walters—Address HAKaiY KKIeLKY, Hutchinson, Kansa.s. I Par Porters—Address W. K. HANEY, Hutchinson, Kansas. T ('an«ly Hutcliers—Address L*. C. MILLER. Hutchiason. Kansas. Drivers and Groonts—Address JA(*K KENT. Hutchinson, Kansas. Paiiva.smeii, Seatmen—Address HAUKY SELLS. ‘Hutchinson, ' Train Men—Adilress JuH.N (IRISH) MARTIN, Hutchinson, Kansas. Side.dinw Canvasmen—Address WM. D’DAY, Hutchiason. Kansas. Animal Men—Address S. W. (RLAUKEY) KINO, Hutchinson, Kansas. ('handelier Men—Address SHANTY KNUt'KLES, Hutchinson, Kansas, Wardrolie Men—Address WILRKR HKKK, Hutchinson, Kansas. Elepliant Men—Address SAM KINO. Hutchinson. Kansas. Performers and all others—Address JERKY MUOIVAN. Hutchinson. Kansas.

Pan ase a few ezpeiiem^l Pircus Musicians to play low pitch. \VANTEI>—A few more Clowns who rAn play instruments In t'lown Rand. A Ro'«s l^or)ertT Man. two men to handla Seat Cushloas. experienced boys for leunch Par. and working men In all departments.



The Baby Bride TODAY /


Into the Desert MX Thanhfloser Co.

N.wYork. ,

4 c®

New Rochelle,

New York, •••

/ 4», V-V > ** ••

Silrt Company

Afrntg for

U, S. god Canada.


60 X e Billboard APRIL 6. 1912.


(Cootlnaed frum p>f« 4.)

(IrlTen to b«ttl» with ■rrunf (entlrmiD. It biflirat puHlble degref tb» triltt of tbe woman |7’ *_ «JL C’ U W'aa called Tbe Rlfbt to be ilappy at tne Hud- of the a'orld bj dreaalng daringly, employing the * IrST tft tfl€ m tClu ^ aun Tueatre laat nigbt, and It waa ‘aereed' by eweeplng, graceful geature and ma'ntalii r** . « /-v y. H. Kellett CUambera. It contained eery few lag, agalnet ordinary exri.ement. an air «f l>af t" ITSt I/I \JUOtltyp H. Kellett CUambera. It contained eery few lag, agalnat ordinary exri.ement. an air «f Uaf

e*«x witneaaea ancb conanmmate akill aa be dta- cbaractera. It go: to bualnetia almoat at tbe fling compuaure. Slie u«ei>, wlien occaaUin re¬ played. and bta atage preaence waa Impeccable, atart. It waa at leait direct and Cunciae. It gnlrea, tbe line deacrlptlre (Mwer of Uer fea One would bellere bim capable of anything In was alto wbat tbe young ‘reporter* baa been turea to project alatea of mind and aoul, and 4he Black Art. taugbt to tall ‘unpleaaant*—wbicb meana, of altbougb tbia play glrea her no opiiortuolty fur

flaming a ting, alie doea And In ber exploration of It freguent excuae for a flare.”


(Continued from page S.t

From Tbe Inter Oceau: “It waa aatlre In

First in the Hearts of Conces- I sion Men ! Black Art. taught to tall *UDpleaaaDt*—wbicb meant, of altbougb tbit plaj glrci her no opi/ortunity for BlOtt iff6/1 I

Tbe Mjatcrloua Dunnlnger waa anfortonate to courac that it eontaiot Itt element of aex.'* flaming a ting, alie doet flotl In ber exploration ^ . .. .. .e «a extent In that bla performance waa marred _ of It frequent excuae for a flare.” o' K"'»“ ‘'“i ' ana. by aeeeral alight accldenta and mlaplacementa txfoie you -we the ■ ('uilerr Kliig'a t'aialog ■’ •r kla propertlea. but bla akill waa clearly erl- HAZIMOTA DELIGHTS. Mrtiar dent, eeen tbrougb tbe al'ght ahade of nerroua THE HEVEB HOMES. lavjw neaa Induced by tlteae mlachan ea. (Omtlnued from page S.| „ . . iillllPldkM ■■■■■ awnnwn

Throogh the kindneaa of Percy Wllllama. Mr. (Continued from page a.) • l|l| F IP || ■ II U pilTI g Qy Jarrod waa preaent with bla fund of Infectloua In Europe, where abe would be undemtoodt “Tbe n r IA n Oil IWI l.ll I I P If ¥ hnaor and three eery excellent trlcka. klanuneitea llluhtmtea the decadence of the From The Inter (K’eau; “It waa aatlre In f ■ kB V IwfnW III VW I bWlll

The avowed object of the Society of American French drama In that It la aimply a return to Ita beginning.. But when that aatire on wouieu » Magtclaaa la the adrancement of matic aa an tbe diagram playa of Scrllie and Mrdou In pat- auflirage In practical operation bad paioed Into A A If Art; that thla la a laudable object la not to be tern, with a tag of modernity In ita dlacuailon the band, of muaical comedy iwrpeulera, and | 11 doubted. There are, or there hare been, too of femlniiilam. In apota It la thin and In then Into Soubrette Monroe'a capacloua comedy lall many of theae expoaea of magP-, It la a foollah othera the adapter haa loat what flavor there cranium. It dawni-d on the wond as alap stick policy, beyond a doubt, to kill the gooae that w-aa In the original French. But Nailmova rp*’rt with tuneful trimming. Whereat p«-ople fuecewer te HARRY L WEtSBAUM laya the golden egga. The harmleas magic of makes It interesting by showing us what we laugh and encore the »j,*''**'*- 1 hU continued .v..,.-,. , , the atage has given wrholeaome, genuine enter- have made of her. However, we ibink abe would last evening until 1I:IJ, so that The Never • •» vestern .Cient fur talnment to countless tbonaanda of our fathers, do better to go to Paris or Berlin, where they Homes must be voted a rich treat. There U _ ^idn»«gga«»g wg aa dban Why abotfld we encourage the tearing sway of understand a<>me things better than we do here, some tempistuous dancing In Its course with I kIwkHwTkIB V |wf| the veil to the laat'ng bnrt of our chlldrenT We are sure Max Reinhardt could do something Bessie Clifford taking tbe honors fur rytbinicu blWhllWl ftslll %3L VVa

And for nothing but the momentsry profit of wonderful with her. something which would take r^tl^ and others exercise theU p.nsircB cssir some few sbortalgbted Individnals In the husi- ®'er there to see ber. Naximova la really a chord* while tbe drums pound and the fiddles PIONEER CANE MANUFACTURERS, news whom a little thought should eonvlnee of misunderstood woman.” *®^!“***'*!. ,, . n. .. AA Ca \/. bi the aolHdal trend of this policy. Amy Leslie, In The News: “Just for the Mr. Percy Hammond, In Tbe Tribune. 44 Ann SX., N6W TOPK. N. Y. _ _ sake of one brilliantly-played scene at the “The inquiry may naturally be made. -N _ __ end of the play would Nasimova's devotion of i Tbe Never Humes a good show ?' Well, as EXCELLEKT ACTIHO. m<«t superior gifts to Pierre WolPa somewhat i Mr. klacHonough, Mr. Sloane, klr. Monro*-, and If mu want Canes that do not peel or fade wfasa

verlKWi- and familiar story In The Marionette# a.-me of the young ladies are Involved, It la that expiswd to all kinds of cllmailc conditlona. buy KIs- (Oontlnued from page A) be applauded, for nothing so exqiilaltely piquant, unique thing. Mr. .MacDonougb is the lira, eosietn * llani Baked Japan Canes_

iNi not buy mur opeidns stock at Knlvtw aiHl I'anss bifoie you see ilir ■ ('ullery King's Caialof "



RueccM^r t« HARRY L. WEISBAUM. Soole Western .\gent fur


(Oontlnued from page A) be applauded. Pt nothing so exqiiUltely piquant, unique thing. Mr. .MacDonougb la the lira. ^ . ... ... u tender and captivating has been done In year#.” among those who do not take things seriously; o'V '.i

Mr^ Chan^rt latest effort could hardly be Ashton Stevens. In The Examiner: “So It la ' and more people have kept time to Mr. Sloane s a?rirb!g daUy to sind your ordrn^n Ta^ ealled a real success, but It contains a number for ‘business’ at tbe Illinois that Naximova treacly baton than that of any other gsy com * ’* *° " in earb ef latn’eatlng and dramatic situations, which brings to a trite role and customary sltuatloos poser. Mr. Monroe la funnier than he ever ha* ■ give promise of something real good In tbe , peranuallty and a meth^ of expression which Imu-u, and the producer. Mr. Fiebls, aa usiuil Baa si A ll A

are altogether unatale to any actress but her- count# no cost In the matter of Investiture. The UUnKhAlim l*||flA|st| ■■iw The critic# were not fivorably Impressed, al- self.” Never Horn, s la bright in s|Mda and big all over. ¥¥ |TI> ||^|J III ljl|ll|fl ■ IjM

though the players were given credit for aome Erie Delamarier, In The Inter Ocean; “After so far as the (iarrick will let It be big. sn.l • ■ a* a w* wa we • i ■ wwewawi j Wws excellent acting. Excerpts follow: ,he deep |»sycbology and the aymbollam of Lit ; niany In the numerous audience laat oeiilnu , .... .. ^

Tbe Run: “Mr. Chambers* play baa Ita Inter- tie F-yulf, after tbe frantic heTolcs of The more than pleased with what happened In ^''5*.. “ •sting a enea and the audience at the Hudson er Mary, this Is rather Incouaciuentlal stuff the course of its (.erformauce.** MadlMui street Sol- Weaieni'Aart’it for I y-la' Theatre last night was ondenlahly moved by for an emotional actress. Itiii the charm of Ashton Stevens, in The Examiner: "Where he some of them. Unfortunately Its workmanship this Impersonation la in that fact. The player used to be a ihree-rlng ahow, Mr. M<mroc la now ,1,,, Is raSher uncertain. The proportion between extracts comedy throngbont. not forgetting to a flve-rliig. When his 1‘atrlria Flynn turn' m* narrative and drama la not adjus'ed In a way throw In ain-h stress as she ran from time to nciiind tliere Is a dis|>lay of skirting as con that reveals tbe professional hand. Then the ' time. 'Pie laat few moments are alm<«i far- tlnnous and aa various as the old paonrims in sprightly lines tre altogether the wit of the | cleal; with enough solemnity they might be I’arsifal. He baa tbe bust messurement of a tutbor. It Is to his credit, however, that turned Into agonies and wallings. The author giant se<|U<da; hla ankles would make waists more than once during the evening, he succeed- belanced the situation delicately, and Mme. Nai- for Julian Eltinge; anil hit face la fuller ihan ed In absoTb'ng the apectators In some of the imova plays It In that aplrlt. Here Is laughter any aoto-r moon ever dared to be. George W eplaodes of hla play.” and derision, but here also, la a mist of tears.” i olourut* is a coutluent of low comedy—aud let iii

TTie World: “From Its beginning almo«t to Percy Hammond. In The Pally Tribune: I all unite tu rejoicing that bis cmueily Is low. eplaodes of hla play.”

The World: “From Ita beginning almost to Its eltmax the drama, which glances st the

|>iuuru«* IB a cuuiitit'ui vi luw —auu it'i iii all unite tu rejoictufc that biH coiutnlj U low.


“As a play, rrltleally speaking. It la to be that tliere no airy hlautlishuieols lu hia female | .Ml kinds of t'nniets. Slide Trombones. CTartiiru. Al- rathleesnesa of Tiig hnslneas’ and the corroding I aald that The Marlonet es la writ tedious, eked Impersonation. What a w-orlhelr aud hajipler lu los. Monster Tuba. Trap Hruromer. for is-pleie con lufluenees of money mania without being atrle'ly I ont with remlniseen es from a Imst of other stltuiiou tlUat would be If all the Imiicrsouaturs I'en band: some iloiible on-he-4ra. Tliree-ear tent show s ‘hos'neaa play,' had been reasonably strong 1 plays and couched In the easy palaver of Jonr- stork to the Monroe doctrine!” ***y *.** 'Trn Mav 15 In Interest, stern In conflict, loncise In dia- • nallsm. At everv conversational moment one ' <». L. Hall. In The Journal, sited It up thusly: BILLY BKWKTT R BB. SHOW. Minneapolis. Minn logue and clear In character portrayal. But In feels that he Is upon the rim of a flash, hut "The Never Homes, another of tluvae huge abows Ha author's effort to heighten the Intensity of nothing cornea of It. Tlie observations through- throngh which lew Fields makes known his WANTED MUSICIANS Ifld PERFORMERS the moment that brought the cnr'aln down upon ont are the stereotyped Inevitable, not •tlncl faith in ac-enery and silk, and which would ap- .i,., luwwi Ita climax It deviated from Ita straight course with c'nnamon* or any other spice. Mme. Naxl- pear to be a sure lure to Manhattan's 'his'h' ,„.„mrnt Salao e'en- iilalit If you want it aft*t and phinged abruptly Into the false aen'lment mova twitters as ever snd e«o# fascinatingly, visitor#, was put forward at the Garrlrk Thea , three-days hold back. Eai and sleep on car Bhow of artiflrial melodrama, which greatly weaken- and la sophl'flea'edly Ingenuous and easy to tre la«t night for the entertainment of the (hi noite: never closes fan al-m u<e food

a three-days hold back. Eat and sleep on car. Hhoa now en none: never closes fan also u<e food

ed although It did not entirely destroy the ef behold. Regret that she haa abandoned her cagoe-e wUo are not averse to low comedy and XdvaiHe Man tliat <-an u,se i>asie Address H.kItRT feet of all that had gone before.” first simple method haa frequently been ex- the hggy parade. It la a most depressing af B.\KTE.\t». care The Kartriui Bhows. klortisiowa.

The Tribune; “Fpim time Immemorial It has prensed: and the numbers and the attitude of fair, filled with depress..,^ performers. It Is reon. been the hualnesa of playa to ni'n somebodv last evening's audience 'ndieate the fn llltv of devoid of wit and almost devoid of melody. among Its play people. lAst nlgh*'s drama stands relrerarlon. The Marionettes la onl.v Nail- The production represents a large Investment. A AlT'irr^ In a good way to be made fun of for many of mova doing something else. There la no wa.v of , but none of he money went for brains.” ¥” 1

play people. lAst nlgh*'s drama stands relrerarlon. The Marionette# la onl.r Nail- The production represents a large Investment. A way to be made fun of for many of mova doing mmethlng else. There Is no wa.v of , but none of he money went for hralna." ¥¥ 1

Ita point# and for Ita eitreme naivete, hut It telling whether she does It well or not." Frederick Hatton. In The Evening roat: ‘‘The wiiold be difficult to speak of It unsympathetic- O. L. Flail, In The Journal: Never Hoiiu-s. we ahonld-sa.v, would grade as an • 1|T1 • ally, for the reason that It makes for Its bnsi "Nailmova Is partlmlarly watchful of her ' •’’srage Lew Fields allow. But It doesn’t fill I |Ot/|k|* ISAkn in *k|| . I inAC neea the building up of somebody.” a-ting. Bhe Is at no time guilty of eieesa, the vld left b.T Sumiirnn. a light, aa far as w^lVaVl AwV|/s SU CASliAJlAlVal

Alan r>ale In the American: “Once again the heretofore her standard fanlt. For the sake rhlrtgo Is concerned, that failed. But laat nigh eternal^ acidulated refractory. Insolnhle proh- of contrast ahe submits a most unattractive *he house waa filled for the first time In a fort .A-1 Director «;ili scripu; pniple doing ipeclaltlsi

she fall or waa ahe pushed 1 Once plctnre In the first act and marks the charac- night. This doesn't add any to our Joy of llv (tren prrfrreuer Muslrtana to double B. A O. shoe aan'a frailty In tbe perennial conflict ter with many actions that do not violate rea- . lug” npens Mav i Yddress (’ H I'fLLFN .Nnknmis III

"Nailmova Is partlmlarly watchful of her ' average Lew Fields allow. But It doesn’t fill j a- ting. Bhe Is at no lime guilty of eieess, the v.-ld left by Sumiirnn. a light, as far as


-ul W/ uM m m Wi


CHICAGO.—AC.ADEMY—Popniar priced devllle.

A 1.11.AMUR.A—Vandevllle.

' Bv gtreii prerrmiev Muslrtana to double B. A O Shoe opens Mav | .Yddress (’ H I'fLLFN. .Nnknmis, III


Cond BlarkfaiT fomesliaii. etiaiige fur week; do eomedf In aiis. .Also giKid Single Novelty Arts. Thla la • Mi-d. Slinw Salary •ure. Booiers. save your siaraps

AMERIC.AN MfSIC II.ALI,—Tlie Chocolate Must lie able lo Join on wire. Those faking Piano oa Soldier. Trap liriiiu given prefereiier Albany, III.. April 1 ta

APOI.I.O—Vandevllle and moving plcturea. *. Inriusive After that as tier route. iMualral Robln- AfniTORIfM—Dark. ' BIJOf—Yiddish drama. BIJOr-DBEAM—Popular-priced vandevllle and BARFIELD’S GEORGIA

moving plcturea. BLACKSTONE—Elsie Ferguson in The First MINSTRELS WA

Lady In the Land, third week. IVl I IR O I n C. 1-9 ¥¥ « RfSII TEMPLE—MU'loal eomedy.


TEN-PIECE BAND tflsh to hear from reliable ahow managers that can pay the salary Will Join anything that will pay the prire Advlrem JOHN NICKKLBON. 15Ie Cornells Bt..

FOR RENT —Kmpire Tlieatre. rapacity IhiO; msrtilne In house, ntiera <4iairs. elevated aeats Nicest theatre In the state for Bpivlna pli-tures or vaudevtlle: per month mil FtiR BALE—Any make FTIms. I:* 5n to per reel; Mactilnes. tSS.OO up F<iR RENT— It.ono feet Film. tIZ.nn. all In one shipment; we pay eipresM one wav Posters and songs free. WILL BfY—Damon and IN-thlas, Johnson-Jeffries Fight, Paaslon ITay. or any two and three reel feature. U. DAVIB. WateTlown. WIs.


Thirty ton caparlty. sBglitly used only, a* riod as new; aub|r<4 Inspeetlon Write for full Information. MT VERMIN CAR MFC, CD.. Mt. Vernon. lU.

FOR SALE - fp to-date Shooting Arcade, permanently loratesi for Hirer years In gixid Western transient town. Runs the year around, elrartng monthly from tino.oo to tIMi 00. Bale price, totm.oo. for rash only. Will bear the closest Investigation. Don't wastt alamps unless you have Hie money and mean liusl- ness. for It Is a bargain. Asldreas B. GUNTHER. Rapid City, B. D.

FOR SALE-A. A. Q. OCEAN WAVE Engliir and llano eoauilrir Also three Bhow Tents, two Hlack Tents, etc. H J LINDBEV. Little Bock, Ark.

FOR SALE I'DP CtiRN WAODN—Duntiar MK-hlne. cost tiiio, uswl three months, perfect eondIHon, lateM model, can’t tell from new. vVtll take fSTS D. J. WORTH. 1550 Bn Ridgeway Are., Chicago III.

Tbe new hoiBe of the J. C. Deagan Musical Bells, located at 1770 Bertiau Avenue, North. Chicago ll la g BEARS AND DOGS FOR SALE—One Cinnamon Bear •vc-story. 160 feet long by 100 feel wide, mule of reinforced ooiicme. aiwl has a floor area of over gu.OtiO fasL ona Hlack Performing Bear. 8 Performing Dom: also nia building Is said to have cost $375,000. 5Ir. Deagan resently returiM-d from an riirndrd trip of ona year ona pair Boxing Dogs, trained and performed by Mile tbroogh Africa. Asia and Europe In search of fine materials for sounding boards and musical woods, etc. It la Mabel Buck. T’tite. with gloves $10 OO psr pair For expected that this enterprising manufacturer will aooii have some ttaiillng announoeaMiiU to make pcrtalulag U further paiHculars address SEIBEL ilROB., Water- hla line of endeavor town, WU.

MINSTRELS WANT One ffKMi iVilored romeilltn who doubles either ror net. tromiRine or bahiotie. ('ould une oixn xnd wtfo Want real iierformerR. aw thlK l<« a real nhnw salary *urt Wrifi* Of wliT r K HARFIRLH VIdatU. Oa

Wanted for.^tha Draamland Floating Thastra

A-l Ihaiio Player. Bketch Tram, man and wife. Boos Slid Dsnee Trsm. gixid Novelty Art. Bister Team. M P. Dperaior. with machine and fllm.s. Dpens AprU 15 CkkxI Bosrd and rooms CAIT A. W McKIN- NEY. IVix It. Henderson. W Va


For Military Rand, all Inslrumenta. Blato lowms

salan for long season. Address MAE KEBLER. tOH Warren Are.. Cldcago III

WANTED. ALL PARK ATTRACTIONS Muat be clean and up-tn dale No cheap attiff Juai outalde of f'fkrporatloii on Interurten line. A'enteiTllle la. J M H.AfrAV. l•^oprtetor

AGENT WANTED For Hefliel liroa * Fnlted inm land Kliowti; munt be reliable. Holier. th*i hta bad experience with wacnn ahow Mn caae of i»ereaatt)r caa iiae bniahl. State full partlculam. reference and all In flrat letter Two weeka* ntlence a pidlte nefatWe Addrean SKIHKI. HRos . Watertown. Wla

AGENTS WANTED-To handle Tlie Roadman*! Guide tlreateat Imok eter publl<«hed; worth lU welgM In fo'd For ahow. piifllefe an<l conceaalon peopla- Send I.V for mmplete outfit. Addreaa J. IV WYK. South DlrUton 8t.. Grand Raplda. Mleb

WANTED FOR CASH Morlnx ncture Ma4'hln«. Fl)m«, Tenia. (Tialm. etc. ilnrlni lecture Hiippllea ol all klnda bfiticht and aold. WM L. TAMMK. d Ra 16th Ht.. Ht IjouIr. Mo


Tells how they win si llonp-I,.#. Wheels. Racks. I*lct- Duts. etc. D<in’i let the other frilow gel the aKxiay. Dperaie our Irgttlmaie mclhods. Make $5 lo $5li dally at parks or iravrllna .Not for sale In Indiana, as we operate here 15.. puts you wise. HAVE.N8 (XL, 16*7 West X7Hi Bireet. lufltsnapidts, lud.

If you see It Id Tbe BHIboard tell tbem m>.

CASINO—Popolar-prlrrd TaodeTtllc and ariuT- of plrtaraa.

CENTURY—Popalarpricrd TaadrTtlla and inoTinc pletarra.

CIIIOAOO OPERA HOUSE—The Trail of the ?^in<-iiome Pine, with Charlotte Walker, fifth « erk,

i'I.aRK—MoTlng plctorea. COM.BOE—The Great Name. coMIXIAI^The Pink lAdy. aerenth week. COI.UMRIA—The Colambla Burleaqaera. CORT—Ready Money. CROWN—The Stampede. DEUTCHES (formerly Criterion) —German

et‘4*k. i:\IPIRE—Jardin De Parte. KM PRESS—Vauderllle. POM.Y—Bnrleeque. O.tRRICK—The Never Homee. eerond week. (JI-OBE-Dark. GRAND OPERA HOUSE—Offlrer AM alxth

«<*ek. H AMLIN AVE.—Movlnit pl< turea. MAA’MARKET-Vandevllle. IMPERIAL—The Teat. IIJ.INOIS—Natlmova In The .Martunettea.

•rixnd week. KKDZIE AVE.—Vaaderllle and m-irtng pic

tnrei*. I.A SALLE—Lnnta'ana I.on thirty first week LINDEN—VendeTlIle and moving pictures. LYRIC—Chlrag»> Drama Players. MAJESTIC—High-class vaudeville. MARI»WE—The Liar. McVICKER'S—The Gamblers. NATIONAI^The Easleat Way. oak—Moving pictures. PARKWAY—Vaudeville and moving pictures. PLAZA—Vaudeville and moving pictures. POWERS—Thomas W. Ross In The Only Son.

third week. PRESIDENT—Vaudeville and moving pictures. PRINCESS—Opening April fi. Within the SCHINIHyER'S—Moving pictures. SITTNER’S—PIc'nres. «TAR AND GARTER—The Rehman Show. STUDEBAKEB—Ralph Hen In Dr. Del.uxe.

fourth week. VIROINI.A—Vaudeville and moving picture.. WILLARD—Popular-priced vaudeville and

eiovlng pictures. WILSON .AVE.—Popiilsr-prl ed vaudeville and

m.’Vlng pictnres. ZirOFELD—Dark.


I r prlne'Dal attractions at Cascade Park. Oakland. Me,, w'll be Its ‘heatrlcal features. | During the coming season will be seen the Grace Carmen Stock Opera Cr.. which opens on June 21. for a period of ten weeks. Tlie Sunday Evening a tractions will constat of Sacred Con- c«rt and Moving Picture Exhibitions. Owing to the excellent ;ranaportat|on facilities and a potmlat'on of approximately So.Otio people to draw for Its patronage the management of tid' park anticipates a very successful season.

Garfield Park. Topeka. Kan., has re ently been taken over by the Garfield Opera Mng Amusement Co. who have leased this grove for s term of yesrs. This park ha« almost every known park amusement device. Including a mammoth theatre building. And boat livery to be o|iersled on wliat la known aa S.ddlcr Creek, whl h lies lust north of and a part of Garfield Park. It la the 'nfcntlon of the man agrincnt to open abont May IS. The transpor¬ tation facllltica to and from this park are ex- eellenf.

Capital Beach Park, located at l.incoln. Neb., la an Ideal picnic park owing to the many park • mhaement devices that have been fnrtilahed by the management, and the beautiful artificial lake, located In tbia grove, on which ISO atael

row boala and motor boata are operated. It also affords very fine salt water bathing and Roman plunge baths. Aside from this, the surrounding landscape baa been beautified by variegated flowers, rose-beda. walks, pergolas, etc. Tlie boulevard around the lake will prob¬ ably be converted by the management Into an Automobile Rare Oiurse, Baseball and other athletic sports are held In this park, owing to the superior grounds that are available for Mds purpose.

Some material changes w'll have taken place by the opening time of Lighthouse Point. New Haven, Conn. It Is the intention of the management to erect 1,500 addl'lonal bath hoiiseg; also a new hall for dancing, 150x60 feet, arranged so as to be extended an addi¬ tional fiO feet If required In the future, with¬ out eiita'llng struc ural changes. A new mov¬ ing picture theatre has been built, which has a setting capacity of 1.200 people with vaud¬ eville stage added.

Park Haws, who baa been Identified the laat few years with a number of sue essful amuse ment enterprises, has been chuaen to manage Luna Park, Johnstown. Pa., during the coming season. Tlie policy to he followed In the man¬ agement of the park will be definitely decided la'er, following a conference with Manager Haws. It la expected that there will be sev¬ eral new attractioos.

For Rent or Sale

EdgemontPark DU BOIS, PA.

Thre« r«Ur«»*«N and imlleys: 25,OOf> people within a tlve-cent fare; free gate Pall Ground. Poating. Swings, Merry*fio Iloui)d. Arcade. Pavilion. Shooting Galierr. All klnda of amu.4eroenr^ during entire sea- aon. Booking Attractlona and Conc'csslotu. Write APE SIIAl.AleA, Manager.


; First-class Vaudeville I — ACTS —

For traveling «how plaving the larger towna through Indiana and lllinoK iVmedy Quartette. MU'dcal and others write. Slate lowent ^lary in first letter. O M M.. rare Plllhnard. Cincinnati. (Milo.


Fint-class Carnival Co. W> wish to correspond with a first-class Oamlval Com* pany at once, relative to booking same for the Twen* tieth Annual Southwestern Iowa Firemen’s Tourna¬ ment. Atlantic, la.. July 3-4 State In derail your attratilofLs llrnt letter Address MAX R. ROSS. Chair¬ man t'oncesHlons. Atlantic, la. All communications answere<l.

I Sig. Sautelle’s Nine Big Shows W'antii sober and reliable Ross Hostler for Wag'm Show. Tlio^e who wrote before, write again. TO RE\T' -Candy Stands. Palloons, WTiips and Canes. Novelties, also Ice Cream Booth and Cone ITivUege. Address SIG. SACTELLE. Homer. N.

DOUBLE QUICK DELIVERY We can make an immediate deliven of a FROLIC, a CIRCLE S WING or NEW REED SEA TS and SIDES for Circle Swings.

The time is rapidly approaching when we can lake no more contracts for delivery before the Parks open. ^

Write Today for catalogue, earning record and prices.

N0VEL1Y MACHINE CO. 2 Rector St., New York


We exhibit Monoplanes and Biplanes of'our own manu¬ facture only.

Every flight a success, from 3 to 5 miles.

Now booking—write for time and rates, and specimen contract.

MOROK AEROPLANE GO. 303 Fifth Av«., Now York City.

The Only Complete Date Book

130 Pafiea-NOW READY—130 Pafies ■UNS UP TO DBCEMAEI 31. IBIX.

Oeaulaa aaawlata ealorad aaetiaoal aupt of lha worM. and OHiaua of Itlfi. ihowliia Pepalatlaa of tawna Alaa oDatalua IdantlBoalioa blank, eoapound Inlaraat tsbia. poatal dlatanoat fraa New Yark City, brlaf bualiMaa lawi balp la ea.a of aeeldaol. valat af fontia eolaa la 0. fi. memm.

and farataa poatagt rataa. waatbor ' lala. aia.. au. Planty af roaa tat addiaaaM and aweranda.

Real /gather eotf«r, 2Se each.

SieEimSfi. CIneInnall.O




Two years' experlenoe. In arttve LtaIH'.Ioii Flying means RellabUity. THIS MEANS DOLLARS TO YOU, AND NO 0ISAPPOlNTMENTfil l’a\antut mane on a Pro Rata Batit. You pay for what you GET. For terms and pank'Ul.u'-. write

New York Olfiea, 1402 Broadway, Bcoia 332 THOMAS BROS., BATH, N. V.

Buffalo Bill’s Wild West and Pawnee Bill’s Far East Co.

.All |MH>p|p t*nji:iptHl for thp alK>vo Shows, roftort as follows, unless otherwise onleretl: .An'tia l*tH)ple and I’erfoiiners, to MR. JOHN BAKER. Trenton, X. J., Monday,

A|>rd 1.5. .•'ide Show an<l I’rivilece People, to H. T,. WILSON. Harrishurp, Pa., .April IS. Orivers and Ilel|>ers, to HENRS’ \N El.SlI (.Apples). Trenttm, X. .1 . .April 15. ( aiivaMnen anti Sealinen. to JOHN DEVIXXEi (Irish), Trenton, X J.. .April 15. rrHininen, to P.AEL SPllUXG (Cinei), Tn*nton, X. J , .April 15.

• I.ivt nioni for Drivers aiul WorkinRinen in all departments. This sho'v dot's not paratle ('ODY A LILLIE. G. W. Lillie, Mgr., Trenton, X. J.


Freak Fat Folks Fire-eating Magician, etc.


MAURICE RUCKER. Care Parker .Shows, Lewiston, Idaho


50 CENTS PER 100 livery BUTION guaranteed. Frames, 40 CenU per 100. 100 Buttons mailed, postpaid, 00 cents, loo Frames mailed, postpaid, 50 cents. Write for our 1912 B(X)klet and Price List, and our Special Spring OlTer. -

MOUNTFORD MFC. WORKS. 100 Maiden Lane, - - - New York.

“'?N“o®ur SOAP AGENTS Vumpin Vtmlnyl My I Howr Thwy Fall for Our Luoky *Laven

Tollat Combination I ($X.30 Vila**). Too orU for $1.00. Other fellows maklnf $«.00. flS.Ofi. flfi.fiO, fM.fifi tod ISfi.OO dally. Will put YOU oo easy street. Your ability gauges ywar limit. Gesfit Crew Manager's PropMaltlwo—good fur tIMi pr<ifit weekly. This U oaly wac rigjfa la Wa “2T Yarlettea” we maaufactnre. You save mlddlemaa'a profit. Our atw Cwlaawd Cbwelw It Ilk* ■ering the real guuda. Free to workers. Get aboard. Art today. B. M. DATIfi SOAP COMPAITY. 40« Daria Bldg., HSI OtrroU Ara., CkiaM*.


$10 ta $20 PER DAY. Thlx marhine Is the most successful In the market, and makes Button Pkxmaa

AI ToM.iTU’ALLY. and l\x2,a and 2Hx3ik are fed by hand. It is also iw- rersthle fur taking plcturea on the length or aldth of the plate. It Is the Mggeet ntfMiey-maker. whether It be In a cU.v, town. vUlage or hamlet.

our .So. 8 Wonderful Ferrotype Uarhiiie makes tintype pictures. I\x2H, and weighs only 5 pnoinls. I'rlce. $7.5".

Our Black Diamond I’laies are the best on the l arket. Slae I4kx2ik, TOc per lot). Send for our 1012 caialngne. descrihlng our machlnea and suppitaa.

JAMESTOWN fERROTYPE CO., 1113 S Halstad Streat, Dept 4S Chieata. Illlaata.

M K. Brody. Mgr



Blagi‘-*i seller out. CROWN STYlA) INK I’ENCIL Entirely new. I’ut out June 15. Highly Impn-vwl. Guar¬ anteed positively non-leakable. Ink will not corrode or change. Very good and writer Customer seta kfa value tor money. Krer-lncreaslng sales. I’ut up In an attractive, gold-labeled hux. with filler and clip. Idiaa protlis Sample. 2.'h'.

Connfircial Novelties CoapaBy. Sole Mfrs., 401-403 N Desplaiees St. Clucaii, Is FCK MUTUAL BENEFIT MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS.

e B

The Strorgfst Feature io Name IN FOUR REEL j The Strongest Feature in Quality


State Rights are Being Lith^s^of* *Va^bus^At Don’t Lose Your

Rapidly Sold tractive Designs Fur¬ nished Free

Greatest Opportunity

Angels Welcome Angels Transporting

Beatrice & Dante Beatrice & Dante

to Paradise Through Paradise


W AX C H WA R IM E R ! ! He’s just plunged a fortune in Selected Features. Get in oiriiis first big issue. Ollier e.xclusive subjects wbicli WARNER lias lx*en

spending inontlis to pick with care troni the world’s iH'st makers.

Eclair’s "REDEIVIRTION” “ SOO People, SO Big Scenes, 3 Grand Reels. I’hotograpby, acting, tinting and toning the lM*st l>lair has ever done. Suitable to any audienee—no lecture necessarj’. Four-color, one, three and balf-slui'ts; Photos, lllustnit(‘d Booklets, Heralds, etc. Samples cents.

lerritory may be arranged for now by W arner’s “.No Bonus” plan on attractive terms.

WARNING ! Warner’s Features are Copyrightt^d. Don’t buy or rent from anyone who can not produce Warner’s license. Inf.\ngers are liable to imprisonment under the law. Write for 1 )<*seriptive Booklet and full particulars at once. Cable CCTATIIDCC 145 West 45th street, I’lumo “Warfeat.” W H rl ^ T d ^ I CL3 e NEWYORK, N. Y. C<*nn.‘<tion8


• Con'll. <1 fi-mn imse HI. !

be lew imiNirtnni lo tlie world than the man who ■anhi-u plrturi'x on lue Kcrecn. “We have gone lo Athena for ciiltiir.' and architecture, and we have •one to Home lor man}' of our lawa,’’ aaid Mr. L^nta. “but »liat Jo we care al>out architecture •Bd the founilat on of lawa In Ibeae daya when we baee the auto.nobile, the lele};ra|ih, the telephone end cliieniatocrapby? 'thirty yeara ago medicine, law and tli -ology were regarded aa the learned profeaaloii' l.tit they are not ao regarded now."

Prealdent .Neff aildreaM'd the banqnetera and complimential Uayton on the In-auty of ita women. He alao ndriaid against Taudeville attractions being ns, d iu idctiire theatres, remarking that ▼aude'-ille often di'tract<'d from the merit of the aotertainmeut.

J. .\. Maddox, president of Columbus (0.1 local, •h llveri'd a brief address, and E. 'C. Mont ■oiiiery stirreil the listeners to a high pitch of entlinsiasm by declaring that he waa mit In ih“ buaineas for the monetary consideration only. He declart-d that In the moving pictiiia exhibiting biisiin-aa he found entertainment, ius'plration, and all that la ennotiling and elevating.

Sir. 8we«.ney, a inemlier of the Chicago local, Inyited the delegates to visit the Wimly C ty In Au'iiat to attend the National Convention. F. J. Harrington. Tire-president of the National Aaa<»rlatlon, urged tlie ladiea engag'd in the ex- bibiting business to Join the organization.

Harry K. Keiff made a few remarks, anil toast- master Flataii said that the only excuse he had for leaving (leorgla was to be in Hayton. ■xpresslons of appreciation were extended the

local exhibitors for their efforts to make the con- Tention a baptiy one. and after a very entoyalde avenlng. the convention drew to a close, and the exhibitors prepared to return to their resitectlve homes


The slogan: "On to Toledo In July.” The National Convention will be held In Cbl-

.eago beginning August IS.

The lobby of the Algoniuiu Hotel iliiring the convention mii'bt have been misiakeu for the ottlc«' of the Sales Company. I'romiiient nianu faciurera were either there lu |>ersou or had rep¬ resentatives. J. E. Itrulatoiir. iiresident of the Sale! Co.; Herbert Miles, projirietor of the Ite- publlc Film Co.; Carl l.aeminele, owner >f the imp Film Co.; Mark .M. Dinteiifass, of the Champ¬ ion Co.; Harry Raver, general manager of the Eclair Film Co.; Tom Evans, reiiresentliig l*owers Motion Picture Co.; Adam Kessell. of the New York Motion Picture Co.; It. W. McKinney, repre¬ senting the Sales Co.; Charles Simone, represi-nt- Ing the Ni'stor Film Co.; BertVain Adler, nres* representative for the Tbanhouser Co.; and Frank Winch, general manager of the Sales Co., Ani¬ mated Weekiv. attended. |

Mrs. Kessell, Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Miles, ac- comiianied their husbands to the convention.

Ralph Radnor Earle. rei>resentlng tli,' Path- | Weekly, is an Interesting talker, and his accoii its of how he has taken pictures for the cid, lirate | I film of current events thrilled his auditors. He I could be seen around the lobby of tbe Algompiln Hotel most any old time, surrounded by a group of eager listeners.

The colors adopt<'d were White and Blue.

The attendance at the convention numttered three bundre,! and twenty, exclusive of tbe la li, s and nou-exliihitors.

Tbe entertaiiiinent provided at the Convention Hall on Tues<isy evening was thoroughly enjoy d. Tbe singing of little Eddie Alexander, son of It E. Alexander 6f Dayton, is deserving of sjieclul mention.

I»uisa Schmitz of Cleveland, was the onl.v lady exhibitor In attendance. She was given the S4« briquet. The Daughter of the Regiment.

Honorable Fred J. Tynes, Mayor of Portsmouth. Ohio, was slated for a atieecb at tbe banquet, but urgent busiui'sa compelb-d him to leave for Ciii- clnnati on an early train.

I J. II. Broomhall of Hamilton was one of the I interesting dgures at tbe convention. He was

accompanied by Mrs. Broomball. I A vote of thanks was extended Max Steam for I tbe efficient manner in which be conducted thi-

affairs of tbe I-eague during bis term as State treasurer.

Among the prominent flgiires from Cincinnati were: J, J. Hiiss, E. O I.einlekIng and Mr. Bis-k

C. M. Christenson, national si-cretary. was on tbe job all the time. He has just returned from a trip through tbe West in the iuterests of tlie National botly.

The Toledo bunch prove<l thems,'lves live wires and will uudoubteilly show tbe boys a big time In .’uly.

Pri'sldent Neff Is undoubtedly one of the most cnnuiianding fleiin's in the world of motion pic¬ tures. His untiring efforts and stamina serve as an inspiration tb tlnme lighting for the Imtter ment of conditions in tbe picture business.

I I'l 1.11'.11 III. . til' l.lttle lilant. hyd many fri. in's siiMing tin eyhPiito s ai:il was <ine of thi- iiei-t iM'pular tu rsons at the convention.

... IIS liiiiieli eame to Da\toii In a (irl- vate car and enjoyisl every minute of their stay in til.' liem City.

D'd V'U know that Pert .^dler was msrrleiiv C , m Kerr of the liwsl committee ppov, d hlm-

S 'f a '.'rei' linsll.-r an-I was a b.g lilt with Hie visiters Cbm san-r Hie Tori'silor s,ing lo a Pllltsi.ird repres' ntative in Presltb nt N' ff's bsau at Hie convention hesibiuarte-s.

Julius Kanffmsn of Calllpi lls. t).. and Charley .lobiisiin of Washinglen C H.. It., were active memtiers on Hie flisir Wislnesday.

I Kd He Welch of Citi''liinatl fill off the side¬ walks while Hie moving pictures w< c" being

' taken and had to b- riisi'd with a derrick. O. P. Weaver and his Idg Packard were In

. evidence at all times during the eonventlon. i Mr. Weaver and his clcirnilng wife were a i did'g*i*fiit h,,st and host«ss and deai'rve a

vote of thanks for their h'ispitallty. Ex-Senator Foraker waa unable to address the

eenventbui on acismiit if preaaiiig hiialnesa In Cincinnati.

O. r. 8t Clair. presMenI of the Merchants Theatre Ticket Co., Cincinnati, O.. attendeil the

I convention. I Herman Lewis of the Central Feature Film

Co.. IJma. O.. waa a busy man getting ac- , quainted with exhibitors.


Clilcago. March 31 l.Sjie lal to The BlllboanU. —With but little previous warning Hie inde¬ pendent moving picture excliangenien and man¬ ufacturers aw armed Into I'tileago on Saturday March ItO pi discuas amouga theniselvia wa.ia and means of tiettering Condtilona tn Hie Him business fn iu every angle. B Itli Hie great Btrldes lieing made In Hila line of endeavor and the ever-cliangiiig condltlona, and seeing tbe neceaslty of ket ping alireas of tlie t'mes. it was tbonglit tbal a meeting of this kind In wlilcb opinions rould lie offereil, suggeallotia made and inattera passtd iiinui. a still • loser working plan ould Im* arrived at Hial would liaie a -eiijeiicy to bring ab, ut the desired re- ault.

Tlie meeting was railed at the 'natigatlon of the cxcliaiigcuien, who are realising tlie ncces-

I slty of liandliig themselves into an orgtnlsttlon. since tliey are tlie «inly iinorgsiilzcd fsc or In

I Hie lUm Imstnesa today. Tlie maniffsctiirers are joined together by the Motion Picture Dlslr'but-

. lug A Ssli-s Co.. Willie tl.e exlillilt"rs are oiierat- I Ing under tlie imnner of Hie Motion I’lctiire

Exhildtors' League. AlHiongh the meeting did \ not resiill In Hiese men form'ng Hiemselvea

In o a isimpact Isidy. It is felt Hist It will not 1 he long Is'fore aneb an organization will be In I existence. It will differ from Hie oblHnie al- I Dance Inasniiirli as only Hie huy'ng ex hangea . will lie admitted. I The mei'tltig was raPed to he held In the ' Crystal Rismi of the Hlierman Hiutai' at l-'K^ I o'ebs'k, however. I was quite some time later I before the exchangeinen went into sesalon to

diaensa matters a<i aa to present to the mano- facliirera In a concrete form any sngxeatlona

I they may have lo offer, "nila meeting was o|)en , to excliangenien only, the press an<^ manufxc- I Inrera be'ng barred. Immediately after this I aesaloD tbe doors were thrown open to every- ' Isidy Interested, but nothing oF Interest waa I bpiugbt up outside of the dlsctiaalon of tb*

service of a certain bouse In the

63 APRIL 6, 1912. Xlie Blllbosrd

iMirliiK thl* op<‘n meeting a number of future n li-MM'ii were aliown by I>. W. M Kinney,

• i.hI repreaen ative of the Salea Co. anil ■ <• Morl'oiii. of the Amerlean Muring l•lcture larliliie Co., who fiirnialieil the machine.

■nu'»e pirturea pnived very Intereating and were f a eallbre that deaervea the higheat pralae.

rile .Vniiiiateii Weekly which waa announced on I lie back of the Menu Carda aa well aa a big iiiiner In the liddiy received much applanae. .\fter tliia erhibitlon of p'ctiirea the tneeling

rtaa aiiain cloaed to ereryone exi^ept the .aalea eoiiipeny uiannfacturera and the exehangea l.i'ing furnialied tllni by them. Although noth¬ ing uaa d'-tinitely deciiled u|k>d a tlila meeting, niallera were brought up for the conalderatloii ■ >f laith the manufacturera and exchangemeu Hid to be talked over by them at grea er length at a niert'ng to l>e held at Atlantac City In the iii'ar future :o lie decided U|Mm by the membera of the Sab-a Comiiany In their weekly meeting ..n nmra.Iay. At the Atlantic City inee Ing uill be preaent only the commit eea of both the factor*. The manufacturera’ ctinimlttee eon- »St* of J. Brulatour, preablent of the l^alea ■ o.: Chaa. Ilaiimati. of the Klaon; Carl I.aemnile. of he Imp Kllma Co.; David Horaley of tlie \eaior Klim Co.; Herliert M'lea, of the Ke- liiiullc: Kd. Tlrtinhoiiaer, of the Thanhouaer Klim Co., and S. S. Ilutchinaon. of the American rilm Mfg. Co. The exchangemen’a committee la coiniioaed of Joa. Hupp, of the Standard Klim r. xchaiige. f'hl ago; J. \V. Morgan, of the Mor¬ gan K Ini Kxchange, Kanaaa City; C. E. Olaon, of the Wichita Klim & Supply Co., Wichita. Kap«.: W. K. Oreen, of the Oreen Film Kx- I- ange H.iaton; A S. Darla, of the Independent rilni Exchange. IMttahnrg. and 11. Kitxgerald. of the Cxina-didated Klim Exchange. Kal'lmore.

It I* xalil hat no big laaiiea will be decldnl at the .AtlantI nieet'ng, but plana will be aiib- niltte,) and (lerfected to be pre«ented at an¬ other large mee Ing to be held In Chicago Juat >o> uaiti a* [Miaalble.

\« atatetl before, nxithing definitely waa de- chb d tiiam. but the commltteea were miiieated to 'iibiiilt plana whereby the exehangea could ■cierale on an exclualve territorial proinialtlon. It wa« aakeil that aome equitable plan ahoiild be arr'ved at whereby each exchange ahould oi.erale In a certain dealgnated territory which will prove exinally or more remunerative than ■i.c |ir« aen nietN d of ofterallon.

.Vnotler aiiggeatlnn made waa to have the ex- exchangi 'uen return every reel after It had at- •ilned the age of one year. Much illacua«lon fnijowi-d thla auggeatlon and many xrava 'o ac- •-•iinpIlMii It were talked alemt; the matter, how- .•X.?. was referred to the committee. The pur- .. of I avlng these idd reel* returned la to keep It from going on the open market, and be- !■ .• distributed by what I* commonly known as Co- "J'lnk Exchanges.”

S.IIIH. Iltib- time waa spent In talking over I • advisability of exchanges owning theatre*. t' matter, however, was nnal'v dropoed a« ti 'f txeln-g sorloii*. .Also the feature film end of the bnalnesa waa talked about and a* "o I ow nniny the exchanges could handle eacu w-ek.

\ii lnii>«rtant Item under consideration for “•no Iltt'e t'me waa the releas’ng of fewer film* but of be ter quality. In other word* re j ■liii lng the releases to twenty-eight anil In that i w iv making It jtos*lbIe for each and every ex- ••hange to buy the entire Independent program.

Ml ‘1 es.! matters, however, wl'l bx- talked ' XIV.-r more In iletall In the meantime and pre- | s. iiti-.l fxir acceptance at the meeting which will -I* n tie held here.

Dra.-llcal'y all the manufacturer* and a ' larger number aaaoclated with ‘hem were prea¬ ent aa well a* other manufacturer* not In the i Sale* Comiiany. .Amxing those present were; j \il. Kessei and C. O. Ranman. xif the Rlaon; ' D \V. M KInnev. of the Sale* Cxx.; FVank Winch, of the .AnImatexI Weekly: Ilarrv Raver xif the EcUIr; Herbert Mile*, of the Iletnibllc: I'arl I.aenimle. of the Imp; J K. Rrulatour. Herbert RIache. of the Raumont; Tom E. Evans, of I’ower*' Cha*. Simone, of Nestor: Ed. Than boii*x-r. of Tlianhopser: S. S. Ilutchlns.n. of the American; Eric Mor'son. of the .American Mov'eg I’ctiire .M-cblne Co.; J. Rex Engle, of the Rex; R. .A McRee. of the Sidax: <). E. • hible. of the St. I/mls Klim Mfg Co.; Tom t'oehrane. of the Ma|e«tlc; Tom QiilII. of the W. rid’* Real Kl'm Co ; W’. R Rothacker of the Inxln* rial Moving Picture Co.; R II. C'^’h- r in . DavM llo»-*i,.y of the Nestor; Mark Dln- l<•nf*•«. of the Ch*molon: C D. 'vhan of thxi In.|nsirl»l Moving Picture Co.; R. .A. Walker. • if the Nestor, and II C. Igel. of tbe So'ax. -til* n pp of the Standard Kl'm Exchange; C. It Plough, of the Anti-Trust: J. W. M "gan. of the Morgan Klim Exchange: .A. .A. Schmidt, of fix- Vic O'- Klim Exchange. Ruffalo; A. S Davis, x'f the Indcpxmdent Klim Exchange. P'tt*toirg; J. Vrenixir. i f the Western Kl'm Exchange. MR. V -iiikee; E M. Mandelhaiim. of the I.ake S'.ore Vllm A Snpplv Co. Cleveland: C. E. (tlson. MIclilta KHm A SnppiT Co., Wichita; S. We* tier. Swansnn-Crawford Film Co. St. Ixiiils; J. '^nllier, Toledo Film Exchange. Toledo; R. H Powell. I’n'ted Motion Picture Co., Ok'ahoma ' 'tv; |i>ank Ralley. Pr-igresalve Klim Exchange, of Riitte. Mont.; W. E, Rrecn. Rreen Film Ex¬ change, Roston; M. Eleckle*. Laemmie Film Service C Ic-go; Wm O'xtnow. Cons Ihlated Film Exchange. A’lanta; H. A. ElitacTslld t'onsxilMateil Film Exchange, Raltlmore: C. J. Hite H A H Film Service Co.. Ch'cago; Mr. Si>erey. Ma.Iestt Film Service Co.. Chicago. Among the ladles present were: Mr*. H. Miles, Mrs. David Horstev. Mrs. A. .A. Schmidt. Mr*. Tom Evans and Mra. Frank Ralley.




Captain Scott’s South Pole Expedition IN 2,000 FEET

A Cv'inplete two-wl reprodurtloii of the Antarctic Kxpedltlon of Taptaln fUiiiert 8<*ott. R. N.. from the hour of his departure from his beKinntns point at Wellington. New Zealand, up to hU winter encampment at Cape Eran^. across the great ice barrier of the South FrigM Zone, including nuch genuine and unuAual pictures as dodging through Icebergs, cruncliing the bearlly clog ging ice-llocs. making the landing on tbe great ice barrier itiielf. unloi^lng tbe Terra .Nora, building the Antarctic camp, sleighing, ■tki-liig. hunting, ceu ndtng-up and sporting with the penguins, the lonely |teaka of Mount firebua and tbe gloomy. meiia<‘lng Mount Terror; and lastly, the climaxing feature of unusul grandeur and rarity. **tHE MIDNIGHT SUN.*'


NOTE: We hare acquired the exclaslre United States rights to Captain Scott's South Pole Expedition in two reels from the Gaumont ('ompany.


THE SEDEG FEATURE FILM CO.. Inc. Con^'ess Ave.. Flushing. L. I.. NEW YORK.


..BAND.. Open toi Parks, Fairs, Ennositigas, Etc. I’ark Miinajfere and Promoters have predictetl that Gennaro will prove one of the most sensational drawinp ctinls among the oiittloor attractions the coming se;ison, on account of his big following among the music lovers the eountrj’ over. Ad- *ln*ss HKNRY .1 SAY PUS, Mgr., 1547 Broadway, Xcw York City. Tel. 7294 Brj’ant.


Th* Taaiacraaiaatal v.a.MyurtaM



laatoat and bvat dwli-. on th* ’’Dtp” ldx«. Th* (rraimt ball aame pni|>xialilnn on tb* mark*) to-lay An allraxXlvc anil .utMiarrllal IxHaktni atalruav, lallh aiep* Ibat collapac «bcn largel ta bit. L'avd eiiber wUb or without tank, and with llv* nrgro.

NEW style maul STRIKER.

A handsom* and durable machine, built on a new principle. Machine siaird-p ten feet hl»h. Dial four fit-i In dianirirr. Makx-* a bxxtter rdiuwing than a hlKh striker, and will Cet mx>re innirey.

We also make tbe Kaae ball I'oker Came. Moving Water Klab I’oiids. and other money-imiiers. C’aiaiog and full Informaikoii ecul free on requeal.

J. Ma Haughton Co. Hotel Mayer Bldg, Peoria, illioois.


THE EXHIBITORS .AppircUte the qunllty of Majestic pli*tures beeftus# they arc sure or gtHMl pa>iug days whenever Ma¬ jesties are sIio'aii.

Tltey know the pictures are clean and liked bv all their patrons.

Tbe plciures now are tietter than ever, and tba ex(*elleiit standard of quality will always be main* tained.

No exhibitor should be satlnfled with bla Independent seryU’e he gets two Majeailei eai b week.

Skjixlay. April 7—Uangerous Model,** a drama in whtcli the resoiin*efulnesH. ctmragc and devotion of a wife are exercised at a momeii* that saves her husbatul from ruin and herself frum emiiarrassinent.

Tuesday. .April 9 -*‘A Warrior Hold." a comedy stiowing tbe f -mlnlne weaknes-s for the unifona — full of lauglt.s rroiii start to finish.

Sunday. April 14—“The Ueturn of Life.** Comedy.

Tuesday. April 16—"Not on the Urnmmma ** Comedy.

TO EXCHANGES The pr1(‘e of Majestic pictures is 10 centa a fool

for one release each week, and 9 centa a foot If both Tuestlay ai.d Hunday releases are order^.

l*osters. 5c each. (trder two Majesties each week direct from the

Majestic rompany, and save lb per cent on th# prh'e you are paying tor pictures not half aa good.


irtlO-fMilllCIIN FEDERtllllN OE KUN! InMrporatMl Marah 12th, 19M.

Motion Pictores Taken to Older FILM TITLES MADE

IH us »1o vimr r**»»tlht an«1 devrlitplng.

MOTION PICTURE CAMERAS I'rlilirrs a^'d iHilig't. %ild ard ex- rhat't««1. Haw l^nu f»r sale In all lrnf*bs We trai’h men to o|ietate M I* I'ameras.


24H W«tl 3501 Street. New York City.

FILMS FOR Idg barL«in« In Indrpendri't Ktlm

ki'^***’ *1he.e Tllms are

SALE VI Urire Hwt F''ltns f'r re» t I'OIIT HI M V Xi’ll ANGi:

ilih iKiders. from snap. Write for

ft Ml |hr fell IfAVKN- I»a«etiliort. Iowa

FOR SALE, HORSE HAIR BRIDLE Ik-mil |>uxur Mf itwrk IJ C. DIKIII.. tireeMVilliv III


Can supply Bands for Theatres, Parks, Fairt Home Comings, Carnivals. Orchestras. Rathskel lers. Cafes, etc. Music for any and all occasion’ upon request. Apply to

JOHN JOVINE, Secy.. 19-21-23 St. Marks PI.. . Naw York City. N. Y

WANTED FOR French's Kew Sensation Floating Theatre

■ * <1 It i(


Th* Film of Quality and Originality

REPUBLIC FILM CO. 145 W. 4Sth Straat, N. Y. City

Wanted, for Hunt’s Famaus Minstrels

MiialoAl Comrxly «n<l DrAmAtlr Erorlr In All branch**. Mualx-lan*. dnublr K. & D. First-riAaa Rand I.«a(I*r wtlli foxHl llii* of mikxlc. Alao t'omvxlv Ax-rohAlIc Xovvlty Art Slat* all first letter. Join on wire. Make aalary low. I pay all. Axlxlreee 8. E. PRICE Madiioa, lad.


\ le»d Violin for ondiestrA. that r*ii double In brs«: I two gooti ct>meiil»ns for Atage; IhiKte doutilliig bwnA

preferred. All muni be ctiloreil. ThW U a lent : AcrommiHlat lot)'* on car. Ad<lre»i« quick. U. HUNT*

New Albany, MUa.




by an experienced M. 1’ ni:in

THE PAPER? The rifrbt kind for lobby display, poster stands,

billboa^l^ and fences, bearing

THE RIGHTEST, KIND of reading matter ever printed.


Then compare them with others.

and ready to close with others. To prevent possibility of losing out on states


WRITE US AT ONCE “Procrastination is the thief of^time ”


If writing will take too long—send a night


r X This is “THE GOODS”

Not a DRAMA manufactured by an,American Company made up like Chinese, but

'The REAL THING" N 2 REELS 2.000 Ft. 2,000 Ft.

CZ] As the subject is so fertile for ideas we have framed up


letter rux in your oia. ivii us wnax ' yeu’v* get.

--WE’LL PROMISE YOU THIS- We won’t let pnee stand in the way, but-be reasonable. Don’t put this off, write now—it nieans"doUart'to’’you.

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