students' perceptions of their recount text writing - e-Campus

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Transcript of students' perceptions of their recount text writing - e-Campus





Submitted as a Partial Fulfilment of The Requirements to Obtain

Strata One (S1) Degree

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Advisor I Advisor II

Dr.Melyann Melani,SS, M.Pd Loli Safitri, M.Pd

NIP.198101312003122003 NIP.198805282015032003









Rahmi Putri, 2314.012, Students’ Perceptions of Their Recount Text Writing

Experience and Teacher’s Feedback at Second Grade Students of MTsN 6


This research was purposed to know what are the students’ perceptions on

their Recount text writing experience and teacher’s feedback at second grade

students of MTsN 6 Agam. This research was done because the researcher found

that the students’ had different perceptions toward their Recount text writing

experience those perceptions were some of the students said they had bad

experience when writing recount text because they felt confuse to develop their

ideas, difficult to use English in their text and used the approriate vocabularies

also could not write down their sentences correctly. Another students had different

perceptions, they said that they could write recount text easily and did not found

any problem when writing the recount text.

The students’ perceptions toward the teacher’s feedback were some

students said that they did not understand with the feedback that they got on their

task, they said the teacher gave written feedback by using some corrections

symbols without any comments or explanations which made the students difficult

to understand those symbols. Another students also said that they could not repair

their mistakes related to the symbols that they got on their task because they did

not know what their mistakes are and how to repair those mistakes. They need



more explanation from the teacher to help them in understanding their mistakes.

But some students said that they understood with the feedback that provided by

the teacher they also said the feedback that provided by the teacher could increase

their skill in learning recount text

The researcher used descriptive research for this research. The total

population was 247 students, the researcher took 20% from the total of population

so the sample was 49 students which consisted 7 students from 7 classes and the

researcher used simple random sampling in determining the sample. The data

were gotten from questionnaire. Based on the analysis of the data, found that the

students’ perceptions on their Recount text writing experience was on good

category with mean of total score was 73%. It means that almost all of the

students had good perceptions on their Recount text exeprience. And the students’

perceptions toward teacher’s feedback was also on good category with the meant

of total score was 82%. It means that almost all of the students had good

perceptions toward the teacher’s feedback.

Keyword: Students’ Perception, Recount Text, Teacher’s Feedback.




Rahmi Putri, 2314.012, Persepsi Siswa Terhadap Pengalaman Menulis Teks

Recount dan Feedback Guru pada Siswa Kelas 2 MTsN 6 Agam.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa kelas 2 MTsN 6

Agam terhadap pengalaman mereka dalam menulis teks Recount dan umpan balik

dari guru. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena peneliti menemukan siswa memiliki

persepsi yang berbeda saat menulis teks Recount dan mendapatkan umpan balik

dari guru. Persepsi beberapa orang siswa saat menulis teks Recount adalah hampir

seluruh siswa merasa kebingungan saat mengembangkan ide mereka, kesulitan

untuk menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang tepat, tidak bisa menulis kalimat mereka

dengan benar dan sulit menggunakan kosa kata yang tepat. Siswa yang lain

memepunyai persepsi yang berbeda mereka mengatakan bahwa mereka sangat

mudah menulis teks recount dan tidak menemukan kesulitan saat menulis teks


Persepsi siswa terhadap umpan balik dari guru adalah siswa tidak

memahami umpan balik yang diberikan guru, mereka mengatakan bahwa guru

memberikan umpan balik tertulis dengan memberikan koreksi berupa simbol-

simbol tanpa memberikan komentar atau penjelasan yang membuat siswa

kesulitan memahami simbol-simbol tersebut. Siswa lainnya juga mengatakan

bahwa mereka tidak bisa memperbaiki kesalahan-kesalahan berdasarkan simbol-

simbol yang ada di tugas mereka karena mereka tidak mengetahui apa kesalahan



mereka dan bagaimana cara memperbaikinya. Tetapi siswa lain mengatakan

bahwa mereka memahami umpan balik yang diberikan guru dan umpan balik

tersebut bisa membantu meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam mempelajari

recount text.

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Total populasi adalah 247

siswa, peneliti mengambil 20% dari kesuluruhan total populasi sebagai sample

jadi total sample untuk penelitian ini adalah 49 siswa yang merupakan 7 orang

siswa dari 7 kelas dan peneliti menggunakan simple random sampel untuk

menentukan sampel. Peneliti menggunakan angket untuk mendapatkan data.

Berdasarkan analisis data, peneliti menemukan bahwa persepsi siswa terhadap

pengalaman mereka dalam menulis teks Recount berada dalam kategori baik

dengan hasil rata-rata total skor 73%. Hal ini berarti bahwa hampir dari seluruh

siswa mempunyai persepsi yang baik terhadap pengalaman menulis teks Recount

mereka. Dan persepsi siswa mengenai umpan balik yang diberikan guru juga

berada dalam kategori baik dengan rata-rata total skor 82%. Hal ini berarti bahwa

hampir dari seluruh siswa mempunyai persepsi yang baik terhadap umpan balik

yang diberikan guru.

Kata kunci: Persepsi Siswa, Teks Recount, Umpan Balik Guru




Alhamdulillahhirrabil’alamin, in the name of Allah SWT, the most

Gracious and Merciful, who always gives helath and all of things to the writer in

accomplishing this thesis, Shalawat and Salam to the most honorable Prophet

Muhammad SAW, messengers, and his followers who has opened our mind to

study until now.

The researcher would like to express the deepest gratitude to the people

who give their contribution and helps to the researcher in conducting this thesis:

1. Dr. Ridha Ahida, M. Hum as the rector of IAIN Bukittinggi and also her first,

second, and third assistans.

2. Dr. H. Nunu Burhanuddin, Lc, M.Pd as the dean of Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN


3. Dr. Veni Roza, S.S, M.Pd, as the head of English Education Departement of

IAIN Bukittinggi.

4. Dr. Melyann Melani, S.S, M.Pd and Loli Safitri, M.Pd as advisor for their

care, time, attention, guidance, valuable advices, suggestions, critics, and

patience in complishing this thesis. Their suggestions and contributions are

highly appreciated.

5. The librariants of IAIN Bukittinggi who have sincerely helped and allowed the

writer in collecting the refernces.



6. All of the lectures in English Departement of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher

Training of valuable knowledge, guidance, and advices during the years of my


7. The writer also shows her thanks to her beloved mother and father, Erniwati

and Arlis who have given their endless love, pray, and supports to accomplish

this thesis soon.

8. The writer also shows her thanks to her beloved friends (Erin, Riana, Suci,

Dani, Dina, Fadli, Gion). Thanks for their love, supports, and motivations for

the researcher to finish this thesis.

9. All of her friends at English Education Departement 2014 generation,

especially PBI “A” for their sweet memories, wonderful friendship, helps,

supports, and inspirations in studying and accomplishing this thesis.

10. Her special thanks and love for someone special for his love, supports,

motivations to finish this thesis.

The writer hopes Allah SWT always blesses all of the people those helped

her, who have been mentioned or not. The writer honestly believe that this thesis

might still have some weaknesses. Therefore, she really hope that there will be

some criticism and suggestions from the reader to make this thesis better.

Bukitttinggi, 5 Agustus 2018

The Researcher

Rahmi Putri 2314.012




ABSTRACT.............................................................................................................. i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT....................................................................................... iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................... v

LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................... viii

LIST OF GRAPHIC................................................................................................ xii

LIST OF APPENDICES.......................................................................................... xiii


A. Background of The Problem............................................................................... 1

B. Identification of The Problem............................................................................. 5

C. Limitation of The Study...................................................................................... 5

D. Formulation of The Problem............................................................................... 6

E. Purposes of The Research................................................................................... 6

F. Significant of The Research................................................................................ 6

G. Definition of The Key Terms.............................................................................. 7


A. Review of the Related Theory

1. Nature of Perception

a. Definition of perception........................................................................ 9...............................................................................................................



b. Factors influencing perception.............................................................. 11

c. Process of Perception............................................................................ 14

d. Aspects of Perception........................................................................... 17

e. Principles of Perception........................................................................ 19

2. Nature of Writing

a. Definition of writing............................................................................. 21

b. Process of writing................................................................................. 21

3. Nature of Recount Text

a. Definition of recount text...................................................................... 25

b. Generic Structure of Recount Text....................................................... 26

c. The Grammatical Features of Recount Text......................................... 28

d. Example of Recount Text..................................................................... 28

4. Nature of Feedback

a. Definition of Feedback......................................................................... 29

b. The purposes of feedback..................................................................... 30

c. Source of feedback................................................................................ 32

d. Forms of feedback ................................................................................ 34

B. Review of The relevant Studies.......................................................................... 37

C. Conceptual Framework....................................................................................... 40


A. Design of The Research...................................................................................... 42

B. Populasi and Sample .......................................................................................... 42



1. Population..................................................................................................... 43

2. Sample........................................................................................................... 44

C. Research Instrument............................................................................................ 45

D. Technique of Data Collection............................................................................. 47

E. Technique of Data Analysis................................................................................ 47


A. Finding................................................................................................................ 50

1. Description of the data.................................................................................. 50

2. Analysis of The Data..................................................................................... 67

B. Discussion........................................................................................................... 102


A. Conclusions ........................................................................................................ 105

B. Suggestions......................................................................................................... 106

BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................................... 107

APPENDICES.......................................................................................................... 111

DOCUMENTATION............................................................................................... 137




Table 3.1: The Total Population of the second grade students of MTsN 6 Agam......... 43

Table 3.2: Interpratation Table....................................................................................... 49

Table 4.1:Students’ perceptions of their writing recount text experience the

description of data calculation of frequency and percentage of the students’

answer............................................................................................................................. 51

Table 4.2:The mean score of students’ perceptions on their writing recount text

experience toward choosing the topic............................................................ 54

Table 4.3:The mean score of students’ perceptions on their writing recount text

experience toward narrowing the topic.......................................................... 55

Table 4.4:The mean score of students’ perceptions on their writing recount text

experience toward generate the ideas............................................................. 55

Table 4.5:The mean score of students’ perceptions on their writing recount text

experience toward making sublist.................................................................. 56

Table 4.6:The mean score of students’ perceptions on their writing recount text

experience toward writing the topic sentence................................................ 57

Table 4.7:The mean score of students’ perceptions on their writing recount text

experience towar the outlining....................................................................... 57

Table 4.8:The mean score of students’ perceptions on their writing recount text

experience toward writing the first rough draft ............................................. 58



Table 4.9:The mean score of students’ perceptions on their writing recount text

experience toward revising content and organization ................................... 59

Table 4.10:The mean score of students’ perceptions on their writing recount text

experience toward writing the final copy ...................................................... 59

Table 4.11: Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback the description of

data calculation of frequency and percentage of the students’ answer........


Table 4.12:The mean score of students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in

grammar ...................................................................................................... 63

Table 4.13:The mean score of students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in

vocabulary choice ....................................................................................... 63

Table 4.14:The mean score of students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in

punctuation................................................................................................... 64

Table 4.15:The mean score of students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in

spelling ....................................................................................................... 65

Table 4.16:The mean score of students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in

quality of the content ................................................................................... 65

Table 4.17:The mean score of students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in

organization of the content .......................................................................... 66



Table 4.18:The mean score of students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in

combination of correction and content related feedback............................. 66

Table 4.1: Choosing the Topic Statement 1.................................................................... 67

Table 4.2: Choosing the Topic Statement 2.................................................................... 68

Table 4.3: Students’ perceptions toward narrowing the topic Statement 3.................... 69

Table 4.4: Students’ perceptions toward narrowing the topic Statement 4.................... 70

Table 4.5: Students’ perceptions toward generate the ideas Statement 5....................... 71

Table 4.6: Students’ perceptions toward generate the ideas Statement 6....................... 72

Table 4.7: Students’ perceptions toward making sublist Statement 7............................ 73

Table 4.8: Students’ perceptions toward making sublist Statement 8............................ 74

Table 4.9: Students’ perceptions toward making sublist Statement 9............................ 75

Table 4.10: Students’ perceptions toward making sublist Statement 10........................ 76

Table 4.11: Students’ perceptions toward making outlining Statement 11.................... 77

Table 4.12: Students’ perceptions toward making outlining Statement 12.................... 77

Table 4.13: Students’ perceptions toward writing the first rough draft Statement

13.................................................................................................................. 78

Table 4.14: Students’ perceptions toward writing the first rough draft Statement

14..................................................................................................................................... 79



Table4.15:Students’ perceptions toward revising content and organization

Statement 15................................................................................................... 80

Table4.16:Students’ perceptions toward revising content and organization

Statement 16................................................................................................... 81

Table 4.17: Students’ perceptions toward writing the final copy Statement 17............. 82

Table 4.18: Students’ perceptions toward writing the final copy Statement 18............. 83

Table 4.19:The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions on Their Recount text

Writing Experience..................................................................................... 84

Table 4.20: Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in grammar

Statement 19................................................................................................. 85

Table 4.21: Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in grammar

Statement 20................................................................................................. 86

Table 4.22: Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in vocabulary choice

Statement 21................................................................................................. 87

Table 4.23: Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in vocabulary choice

Statement 22................................................................................................. 88

Table 4.24:Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in punctuation

Statement 23................................................................................................. 89



Table 4.25: Tabel Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in punctuation

Statement 24................................................................................................. 90

Table 4.26: Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in spelling Statement

25.................................................................................................................. 91

Table 4.27: Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in spelling Statement

26.................................................................................................................. 92

Table 4.28: Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in spelling Statement

27.................................................................................................................. 93

Table 4.29: Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in spelling Statement

28.................................................................................................................. 94

Table4.30: Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in quality of

thecontent Statement 29............................................................................... 95

Table 4.31: Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in quality of the

content Statement 30.................................................................................... 96

Table 4.32: Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in organization of the

content Statement 31.................................................................................... 97

Table 4.33: Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in organization of the

content Statement 32.................................................................................... 98

Table 4.52: The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions Toward Teacher’s

Feedback...................................................................................................... 9915



Picture 1: The researcher gave explanation to the students about the questionnaire......


Picture 2: The students listened the researcher’s explanation........................................ 138

Picture 3: The students filled the questionnaire.............................................................. 139

Picture 4: The students filled the questionnaire.............................................................. 139

Picture 5: The researcher collected the questionnaire from the students........................ 140




Appendix 1: Research Instrument Guideline.................................................................. 111

Appendix 2: Questionnaire............................................................................................. 115

Appendix 3: Distribution of questionnaire from students’ answer................................. 119

Appendix 4: Score of questionnaire................................................................................ 121

Appendix 5: Percentage of questionnaire based on each item........................................ 123

Appendix 6: Total score of questionnaire based on each item....................................... 127





A. Background of The Problem

Writing is one of language skill that students acquire in learning English

besides listening, reading, and speaking. Writing is a skill that required in written

communication. A good writing is not always easy and be a challenge even for the

best students. Mastering vocabularies and tenses become the main key to get a

good writing. The students have to choose the appropriate vocabularies to arrange

words, making sentences and develop them into paragraphs using correct

grammar, and punctuation.

As a skill in English, writing has become an important skill for future life

because it is required in various aspects such as science, technology, and others.

Writing should become familiar in students’ daily life, because they do writing in

order to complete many tasks of their studies. Writing practice can help the

students to improve their vocabulary, grammar and of course increase their ability

in English. Because writing is important to learn, students in Junior High School

are expected to learn and master writing skill. Based on the English syllabus in

curriculum for second grade students of Junior High School, there are some text

types that should be learned by the students. One of those text is recount text.





Recount text is a text that tells the reader or the listener about a sequence

of even in the past time. There are three generic structures of recount text, first is

orientation which introducing the event consist of character , setting of time, and

setting of place. Second is events, consist of chronological sequence of the event.

The last is re-orientation, is the closing of the text consist of writer’s feeling,

opinion or planning. Tense that used in recount text is past tense.

Students have their own experience during writing recount text. Writing

experience is how the students feel, how they give meaning, how they figured out

the difficulties, and how their perceptions when writing recount text are. It is may

bad or good experience. After having interviewed with some students in MTsN 6

Agam on 21th february 2018, the researcher found that the students had different

perceptions toward their recount text writing experience. Some of the students

said they had bad experience when writing recount text because they felt confuse

to develop their ideas, difficult to use English in their text and used the approriate

vocabularies also could not write down their sentences correctly. Another students

had different perceptions, they said that they could write recount text easily and

did not found any problem when writing the recount text.

To help the students in producing recount text effectively, the teacher have

to provide feedback for the students. Feedback is one of some factors which

support success of students writing process. Feedback can be defined as a

response that is given by the teacher to students’ performance in oral or written

form. They are such corrections and suggestions for the students and contains

critics or encouragements for better performance. In general, there are two kinds



of feedback that are commonly used by the teacher in learning process such as

written feedback and oral feedback. The teacher have to use the appropriate

feedback because each feedback have different affect to the students.

Based on the researcher interviewed with some of the second grade

students in MTsN 6 Agam related to the teacher’s feedback, the researcher found

that the students had different perceptions toward the feedback that they got from

the teacher. Some students said that they did not understand with the feedback that

they got on their task, they said the teacher gave written feedback by using some

corrections symbols without any comments or explanations which made the

students difficult to understand those symbols. Another students also said that

they could not repair their mistakes related to the symbols that they got on their

task because they did not know what their mistakes are and how to repair those

mistakes. They need more explanation from the teacher to help them in

understanding their mistakes. But some students said that they understood with

the feedback that provided by the teacher they also said the feedback that provided

by the teacher could increase their skill in learning recount text.

The teacher have to develop the student’s skill and performance in

learning recount text and understanding the feedback. One of the ways which the

teacher can do is knowing how the students’ perceptions. Perception is a process

of accepting information to get message in the environment. It means that,

students’ perception is how the students’ opinions, senses, and beliefs toward the

learning material and feedback which provided by the teacher. The students may



have negative and positive perceptions. Those perceptions will affect the students

in learning process and understanding the feedback.

When the teacher gets the students’ perception, the teacher will find what

the students’ needs to improve their skill in writing recount text and understanding

the feedback. Collete said “ By making students aware of their perceptions and

discussing and critiqueing them, it is likey that they will be able to correct them

self based on contextual sensitivity, which will in turn, eliminated the barrier and

fear they have towards English.”1 It is mean that, when then teacher find out the

students’ perception, they can help the students in learning English especially in

writing recount text and understanding the feedback.

From the problems that the researcher found when had interview with the

teacher and the students, the researcher is interested to know what the students’

perceptions of their recount text writing experience and teacher’s feedback are and

make a research entitle Students’ Perceptions of Their Recount Text Writing

Experience and Teacher’s Feedback at Second Grade Students Of Mtsn 6 Agam.

1 Despagne Collete. The Difficulties of Learning English: Perception and attitude inMexico Canadian an International article. The University of Western Ontario.article 5. 2010. p.18 http.// on Sunday 25 January 2013



B. Identification of The Problem

Based on the background of the problem above, there are some problems

that faced by the students, which are :

1. Some of the students had some difficulties in writing recount text.

2. Some students could write recount text easily and did not found any problem

when writing the recount text.

3. Some students said that they did not understand with the feedback that they

got on their task, they said the teacher gave written feedback by using some

corrections symbols without any comments or explanations which made the

students difficult to understand those symbols.

4. Some students said that they could not repair their mistakes related to the

symbols that they got on their task because they did not know what their

mistakes are and how to repair those mistakes.

5. Some students said that they understood with the feedback that provided by

the teacher and the feedback that provided by the teacher could increas their

skill in learning recount text.

C. Limitation of The Study

Based on the problem above, the researcher focusses on students’

perceptions of their recount text writing experience and teacher’s feedback at

second grade students of Mtsn 6 Agam.



D. Formulation of The Problem

Based on the limitation of the problems, the researcher focusses on the

following questions.

1. What are the students’ perceptions of their recount text writing experience on

the second grade students at MTsN 6 Agam?

2. What are the students’ perceptions of the teacher’s feedback on the second

grade students at MTsN 6 Agam?

E. Purposes of The Research

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the purpose of this

research are:

1. To find what the students’ perceptions of their writing recount text experience

on the second grade students at MTsN 6 Agam are.

2. To find what the students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback on the

second grade students at MTsN 6 Agam are.

F. Significant of The Research

This research is expected to be useful for:

1. For teachers, this research can give informations related to the students’

perception about their writing recount text and teachers’ feedback, which can

influence the effective learning in the classroom.

2. For students, this research can be a preference to increase students’ interest

and motivation in learning English.



3. For researcher, this research can be information and explanation related to the

topic, which is concern of the research.

4. For college, this research as an addition of educational literature and reference.

G. Definition of The Key Terms

1. Perception

Perception is the consciousness of particular things presented to senses. The

sensea are described as the gateways of knowledge or windows of the mind or

soul.2 In this research perception is the students’ sense, opinion and belief after

writing recount text and getting teacher’s feedback on the second grade

students at MTsN 6 Agam .

2. Recount text

Recount text is a kind of genre that has social function to retell event for the

purpose of informing or entertaining.3 In this research recount text is a kind of

text which is t augh toward the second grade students at MTsN 6 Agam.

3. Writing experience

Experience ia a category of thinking, a minimal unit of analysis that includes

people (their intellectual, affective, and practical characteristics), their material

and social environment, their transactional relations, and affect.4 Writing

experience is the students’ intellectual, social environment, transactional

relations, and affect when writing process. In this research writing exprience is

2 Musabbihin, Students Difficulties and Their Perception in Writing Recount Text: AStudy at the Second Year Students of MA Muallimin NW Anjani in Academic Year 2016/1017. TheIndonesian Journal of Language Teaching Vol.2 No 2,Mei 2017 pp.82-88, English Post-GraduateStudents, University of Mataram. p 84

3 Ibid. P. 834 Wolf-Michael Roth & Alfredo Jornet, Toward A Theory of Experience. Science

Education .DOI 10.1002/sce. 21085. 2014. p. 2



how the students’ knowledge and skill when writing recount text on the

second grade students at MTsN 6 Agam.

4. Feedback

Feedback is information which a learner can confirm, add to, overwrite, tune,

or restructure information in memory, whether that information is domain

knowledge, meta-cognitive knowledge, beliefs about self and tasks, or

cognitive tactics and strategies.5 In this research feedback is informations

which give by the teacher toward the students’ performance in writing recount

text on the second grade students at MTsN 6 Agam.


5 John Hattie & Helen Timperley, The Power of Feedback. Review of EducationalResearch Vol. 77 No.1, March 2007 pp.81-112, University of Auckland. p 82




A. Review of the Related Theory

1. Nature of Perception

a. Definition of perception

Each person has different perception about something whether

object, people or even around them. The perception come out may be

negative or positive because the perception often affected by surrounding

environment. Perception is the organization and identification of

information in order to represent and understand the presented

information on the environment.

The researcher found some definitions of perception from the

recent theses arround perception. Bruce Goldstein in his book said,

” Perception is something you experience constantly, knowing about how

it works is interesting in its own right.”6 It means that perception is related

to things which appear around the people.

Furthermore, Slameto said, “ Perception is a process related to

acceptance of information by human brain that is said that during the

process a person continually interacts with his or her environment.”7 It

means that perception is started from the sense of organ. This process is

related to the acceptance of message or information by human brain. In

line with Slameto, Walgito also said “ Perception is a process of

6 E. Bruce Goldstein, Sensation and Perception, (Canada: Wadsworth, 2010), eighthedition. p 5

7 Slameto, Belajar dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya, (Jakarta: Bina Aksara,2000). p. 102



acceptance the stimulus by the human’s receptor.”8 It is clear that

perception is a process that involves the incusion of the message or

information into the human brain, through human perception in constant

contact with the environment.

Perception is an important thing in learning because it can

influence the learning process. Barbot and Camatarri in Despagne said, “

the notion of perception refers to a group of attitudes and ideas,

sometimes even stereotypes that the person conveys in an unconscious

way which affects the student’s learning process.”9 It is clear that the

students’ perception is influenced by the outside of environment and it is

also caused by his and other’s interpretation about something.

In conclusion, perception is a process which people receive,

organize, and interpret information from their environment through the

sense of organ. The perception cannot be separated from learning process

because through perception the students make relation with their

environment. They will interprate all stimulus of information around them

and give conclusion in each stimulus they have.

b. Factors influencing perception

8 Bimo Walgito, Pengantar Psikologi Umum, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2010), p. 99

9 Despagne Collete, The Difficulties of Learning English: Perception and attitude inMexico Canadian an International article, ............. p. 58



Perception does not happen without any reasons. It grows because

of many things which have particular cause. There are some factors that

influence perceptions.

According to Robbins, the three major characteristics that influence

the perceptions are: the perceiver, the situation, and the target being


Robbins concluded the factors of perception into the following


The explanation of the figure above is:

10 Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge, Organizational Behavior, .............. p. 167


Factors in the perceiver

1) Attitudes2) Motivates3) Interests4) Experiences5) Expectations

Factors in the situation

1) Time2) Work setting3) Social setting

Factors in the target

1) Novelty2) Motion3) Sounds4) Size5) Background6) Proximity7) Similarity



1) The perceiver: The perceiver is people who gives perception. People

can influence perception because each person has different person’s

attitudes, motivets, interest, experience, and expectations which affect

the perception.

2) The situation: The situation is elements in the surrounding

environments such as time, work setting, and social setting which can

influence individuals’ perception.

3) The target: The target is any things which make the individual’s

perception which can affect the individual’s perception. Where the

characteristics of target can influence the individual’s perception such

as the novelty, the motion, sounds, size, etc which have by each target

of perception.

From the explanations above, its can be seen that there are three

factors of perception they are the perceiver, the situation, and the target of

perception. Furthemore, Shaleh said there are some factors that influence

someone’s perception, those are:11

1) Selective intention

It is how the people can focus on certain stimulus. So, the the another

stimulus will not appear as the object of perception.

2) Stimulus characteristics

11 Abdul Rahman Shaleh, Psikologi Suatu Pengantar dalam Perspektive Islam, (Jakarta:Kencana, 2008). P.128-129



The interesting stimulus will catch person’s perception easily, for

example the people will be more interest to the big thing than the

small things.

3) Value and necessary

The value and necessary of each person is different which affected by

the age level, gender, background, and social status.

4) Last experience.

The person’s las experience will be more influence person’s

perception toward something.

In lines with Shaleh, Walgito also divided factors influence

perception into three factor .12

1) Object of perception

The object of perception can affect someone’e perception, because the

each object has different size, color, shape, etc.

2) The reseptor

The reseptor is a tool to accept the stimulus such eye, nose, and ear.

Each reseptor will give different stimulation to the brain.

3) Interest

Each person has different interest toward something which affected by

the feeling.

It is conclude that, there are some factors of perception that had

explained by some expert. In this research, the researcher is interested to

12 Bimo Walgito, Pengantar Psikologi Umum, ............. p. 101



the Robbins’s factors perceptions because his explanations are more

complext than the another expert and has include the another expert


c. Process of Perception

Perception is a process where the message or information enters to

human brain. Through perception, human being continually connects with

the environment. Goldstein stated the following steps show the process of


1) The stimulus

Perception arises because of the response to the stimulus which come

from the environment or individual’s body. In this process, the

receptor catchs the object and arouses the stimuli.

2) Electricity

Electricity refers to to the electrical signals that are created by the

receptors and transmitted to the brain. In this process, the receptor

sending the stimuli to the brain.

3) Experience and action

Experience is the process when human brain is changing the stimuli to

get meaningful interpretation of stimuli. Then, the individual take the

action to make sure the perceptions that come on the individual’s


4) Knowlegde

13 E. Bruce Goldstein, Sensation and Perception, ............. p. 5-9



Knowlegde refers to the knowlegde that the individual brings to the

perceptual situation.

Furthermore, Alizamar and Nasbahry also stated the following

steps of perception, they are:14

1) Selection of stimulus

Perception is started from the sense of organ. This process is related to

the acceptance of message or information from environments using

five sense. Those are vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Alizamar

and Nasbahry in their book said, “ the main receptor that used by the

human in learning are vision and hearing.”15 It means that, vision and

hearing is the important receptor that used by human in learning

process. When selections the stimuli, each individual will have

different experience toward the object because they are influenced by

dimension of the sense. Alizamar and Nasbahry said there are four

dimension sense of organ:16

a) Intensity means the weak and powerful the sense of organ

toward the stimulations. For example individual can distinguish

the powerful and the weak of light.

b) Ekstensity means the total comprehension toward the

stimulations related to the thick or thin, much or little, wide or

narrow, and big or small the object of sense.

14 Alizamar and Nasbahry Couto. Psikologi Persepsi &Desain Informasi . (Yogyakarta:Media Akademi, 2016). P. 128-129

15 Ibid. P. 3416 Ibid. P. 42



c) Time means the duration of the sense.

d) Quality means the quality of the stimulus such as clear or not

clear of the sounds of the stimulus.

2) Organization

The stimulus will be transeferred by nerve to brain. Then it will be

processed by brain. In this process, human being recognizes the

stimulus. This process is consist of the emotions such as happy, sad,

curious, grateful, atc and response in the human body like smiling,

crying, and raising the beat of the heart.

3) Interpretation

Stimulus entering into the brain will be interprated, construed, and

given meaning through a complicated process. In this process, brain

interprates the stimulus and makes the comprehension.This process is

influenced by experience, knowledge, motivation, and personality of

the individual.

4) Retention

This process means how the individual feeling, processing, saving,

and responding the information. After the individual gets the

comprehension, he or she will make the reaction and action toward the

object of perception.



From explanation above it can be conclude that the process of

perception is started from the selection of stimuli that the person get from

the environment and the body through sense of organ, then the nervous

system send the stimulus to the brain which called organization, after that

the individual understanding the information that he or she gets then

makes the actions.

d. Aspects of Perception

There are three aspects of perception they are: cognitive, affective,

and conative aspect. Walgito states that perception consist of three


1) Cognitive aspect or perceptual aspect

Cognitive aspect related to knowledge, opinion, belief, that is good

things that relate how someone’s perception toward attitude object.

2) Affective or emotional aspect

This aspect related to like or dislike toward attitude’s object. Like for

positive thing, while dislike for negative thing. This component

indicates attitude’s direction, positive and negative.

3) Conative or action aspect

17 Ibid. p. 98



This aspect related to action tendency toward attitude’s object. This

component indicates big or small action tendency of someone toward

attitude’s object.

Furthermore, Allport in Dena said there are three aspects of

perception, they are:18

1) Cognitive aspect

This aspect related to the knowledge or information that someone’s

has toward the object of perception.

2) Affective aspect

This aspect related to how someone’s feel toward the object. He may

like or dislike the object.

3) Conative aspect

This aspect related to the preparation that someone’s act toward the

object of perception.

In conclusion, there are some aspects related with perception. It

can be understood that perception also consist of cognitive which related

to knowledge, affective related to the feeling , and conative aspect related

to the action. Therefore, there is internal process between three aspect

above in having perception about an object or even.

18 Dena Yudiapasa Mulyono, Perception and Interest in English Teaching as Profession. 2017. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto. p.7



e. Principles of Perception

In understanding perception, it will be more advisable to find out

the principles of perception itself. By knowing them, people will know

how the perception looks like.

Slameto divided the principles of perception become five points:19

1) Perception is relative not absolut

This principle means that, humans’ nature not be able to

predict something correctly, they are just be aable to gues something


2) Perception is selective

The stimulations which are received will depend on to

something that he or she learned. Something that attract his or her

interest will directing the perception.

3) Perception has its arrangement

People received stimulation not by doing things. They will

receive it by forming of relations or groups. If the stimulations which

comes is not complete, they will complete the stimulus by analyzing


19 Slameto, Belajar dan Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya, ............ .p. 102-105



4) Perception is influenced by hope and readiness

This princilpe meas hope and readiness of the receiver will

determine which message will be chosen to be received., how the

message will be arranged and how that message will be interpreted.

5) Someone’s perception or group’s perceeption can be so different with

other’s perception even if the situations are same.

The perception of a person or group can be different with

another person even though the situation is similar. Everyone has a

different side to interpret the information which they get it is

influenced by differentiation of personality, motivation, and attitude.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that

perception is relative rather than absolut, selective, has its arrangement,

influenced by hope and readiness, and someone’s perception with

another one is different.

2. Nature of Writing

a. Definition of writing

Writing is one of the ways used by the people communicate or to

express the idea to other people when impossible to communicate orally.

Raimes states “Writing is a skill in which we express the ideas, feelings,

and thoughts arranged in words, sentences and paragraphs using eyes,



brain, and hand.”20 It means that, writing is a skill is an activity to express

ideas and informations to communicate.

Writing is actually a developmental process. Students try to

express their views or ideas in the best writing with teachers’ guidance.

Teachers have to provide students with the space to make their own

meanings within a positive and a cooperative environment.

b. Process of writing

Writing involves a number of activities; setting goal, generating

ideas, organizing information, selecting appropriate language, making a

draft, reading and revising it, then editing. Writing process as mention

above is a complicated activity not only needs language skill but also

creativity to arrange a set of words, sentences become a readable text.

When the writer wants to producing a text, he or she must to follow

some steps which help to write a text become easier. According to

Harmer states that proces of writing has four main elements. Those are

planning, drafting, editing, and final version.21

1) Planning

Before starting to write down on paper, a writer needs to decide what

to write. The writer have to choose a topic, gathering ideas, and

organizing the writing. That is why the plan must be set up first.

20 Imelda, HasanBasri., et. Al., (2014). “Improving the ability in writng descriptve teet through guided-questons technique”. e-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. 2 No. 1 2014 – ISSN 2331-1841,p. 2

21 Jeremy Harmer. How to Teach Writing. (England: Person Education Ltd. 2004). P. 4



During the moment of making plan, there are three main points

which must be keep on writer’s mind:

a) A writer must determine the purpose of writing, which can

influence on what types of text want to make, what language

want to use, and what information is going to deliver.

b) Consider who the audiences are. This will influence not only the

shape of the writing, but also the choice of language.

c) The content structure, that is how best of sequence the fact,

ideas, or arguments which the writer include.

2) Drafting

It is the first version of a piece of writing which usually called a draft

as it will be going through editing steps. The draft can be considered

as the raw writing which is needed to be fixed and revised before the

final product is completed.

3) Editing

After the first draft, a writer needs to reread his work to see which

one is working, which one is not and also to see some parts which

are not grammatically accurate or some words which have to be

changed to make clearer meaning because some of writers may

create ambiguity and confusion on the audience

4) Final report



After the writer edits the draft, making changes the reader being

necessary, the writer produced the final version. This may look

considerably different from both the original plan and the first draft,

because things have changed in the editing process. But the writer is

now ready to send the written text to its intended audience.

Furthermore, Oshima and Hogue divided the process of writing into

several steps, they are:22

1) Prewriting

There are two crucial activities which have to be done in prewriting

those are;

a) Choosing and narrowing a topic. In prewriting activity the writer

just thinkgs the topics, choose one of it and narrowing the topic

be a specific one.

b) Brainstorming. After the writer has chosen a topic and narrowing

it to a specific focus, the next prewriting step is to generate ideas.

2) Planning (outlining)

In this step, the writer makes specific topic that chosen on generalist

which support the topic being a paragraph. There two steps that

should the writer does in this step:

a) Making sublist, the writer divides the ideas in the list and make

the sublist and choose any ideas that aren’t use.

22 Alice Hoshima and Ann Hogue. Writing Academic English Third Edition. (New York:Longman. 1999) p. 3-12



b) Writing the topic sentence, after making the sublist then the

writer make the topic sentence. The topic sentence is the most

general sentence in a paragraph and it expresses the central focus

of the paragraph.

c) Outlining, then the writer write down the main points and


3) Writing and Revising Drafts

There are three activities in this step, they are:

a) Writing the first rough draft, in this activity the writer start to

write a rough draft from the outline, write down the topic

sentence and write the paragraph by following the outline.

b) Revising content and organization, in this activity the writer

needs to check the organization of the paragraph and look at the

ideas. The student also can get respond or comments by others

such as additional information to make the written form more

clearly and grammatical correction from others.

c) Writing the final copy, it means after revising the writer rewrites

the writing form more perfect.

From two kinds process of writing above, the researcher is agree

with the process by Oshima and Hogue because it is more clear where

there are three stages in writing process those are; the first stage is

prewriting consist of choosing and narrowing the topic and

brainstorming, the second stage is planning (outlining) consist of making



sublist, writing the topic sentence, and outlining, and the third is writing

and revising drafts consist of writing the first rough draft, revising

content and organization, and writing the final copy.

3. Nature of Recount Text

a. Definition of recount text

The term “recount” is quite familiar. This term is based on

everyday language in many aspects, such as education. Recount text is

one of the text types which are taught at Junior High School. Recount text

is a text which retells events or experience in the past. Grace in Dian said,

“ Recount text is a text that tells the reader or listener what happen in the

past through a sequence of events.”23 The social function of the recount

text is to inform the readers about past events in chronological order

Hyland in Etri said, ”Recount is a kind of genre that has social function to

retell event for the purpose of informing and entertaining.”24 And the

purpose of recount text is to inform or to entertain the audience Knapp in

Natanel said, “ Recount text, basically it is written out to make a report

about an experience of a series of related event.” 25 It means that recount

text is kind of text which has the purpose to tell past event.

23 Dian Sukma, A Study on Writing Recount Text, Journal of English Education Vol 1No. 1 June 2015, University of Pasir Pangaraian.. p. 66

24 Etri Hidayati, Improving Students’ Writing Skill in Recount Text by UsingPersonal Letter at Eight Grade of SMP Tiga Hati. Article. 10 February 2015. English StudyProgram, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Pasir Pengaraian.p. 2

25 Natanael Saragih., et. Al., The Effectiveness of Using Recount Text to Improve WritingSkill for Grade III Students of Kalam Kudus Elementary School 2 Pematangsiantar, InternationalJournal of Humanities and Social Science Vol 19 No. 1 Ver. XII Feb 2004, Faculty of CultureStudies University of Sumatera Utara.. P 57



From some definitions of recount text above, it is clear that recount

text is a kind of text that has social function to retell event for the purpose

of informing or entertaining. This text tells about something that happened

in the past. The details in a recount can include what happened and why

something occured. A writer or speaker uses a recount to tell about a story

or an event. .

b. Generic Structure of Recount Text

Generic structure or rethorical structure is a package of events in a

text. This generic structure will explain how the stages move through to

attain the purpose. Every genre has its generic structure, so do the recount

text. According to Pardiyono, there are three generic structures of recount


1) Orientation: provides the setting and produces participant. It is

provides information about who, where, and when.

2) Record of events: tell what happened, present even in temporal

sequence. It is usually recounted in chronological order.

3) Re-orientation: it is rounds off the sequence of events.

In line with Pardiyono, Boardman in Natanel stated that the steps

for constructing of written recount text are:27

26 Pardiyono, Pasti Bisa!! Teaching Genre-Based Writing, (Yogyakarta: Andi offset,2007).p. 63

27 Natanael Saragih., et. Al., The Effectiveness of Using Recount Text to Improve WritingSkill for Grade III Students of Kalam Kudus Elementary School 2 Pematangsiantar, ........... .p.58



1) The first paragraph that give background information about who,

what, where, and when. It is called on orientation.

2) A record of events usually recounted in chronological order, named;

event 1, event 2, event 3.

3) A personal comment and or evaluative remarks, which are interspered

throughout the record of events named evaluation.

4) A reorientation which “reounds off” the sequence of events or retell

about what happened in the end.

In conclude, the generic structures of the recount text are

organized from the orientation with the contents about the general

information of setting, character, place and time. Then, it is followed by

the events describing the series of events. In the last, it presents the close

of the events called re-orientation.

c. The Grammatical Features of Recount Text

Hyland in Etri explains the grammatical features of recount text are:28

1) Use of nouns and pronouns to identify people, animals, things


2) Use actions verbs to refers to events

3) Use of past tense to locate events in relation to speaker’s or writer’s


28 Etri Hidayati, Improving Students’ Writing Skill in Recount Text by UsingPersonal Letter at Eight Grade of SMP Tiga Hati, ............. p. 2



4) Use of conjunctions and time connectives to sequence of events.

5) Use of adverb and adverbial phrase to indicate place and time.

6) Use of adjective to describe nouns.

It can be seen that there are some grammatical features that used

in recount text, they are: nouns and pronouns, action verbs, past tense,

conjunctions, adverb and adverbial phrases, and adjective.

d. Example of Recount Text

There are so many examples of recount text types, one of them is

the example by Pardiyono.29

My Vacation

Some friends and I went to Yogyakarta for a vacation last month.It was fun and we had a wonderful time there.

We had our vacation soon after the school exam was over. Wechose to go to Yogyakarta because we thought that the place was niceand the people were friendly. In addition, some friends have told me thatit has a lot of places of interest.

We left for Yogya early in the morning, and we took Pramex trainthat departed from Solo at 08:00. We got off in Yogyakarta RailwayStation, and headed to one of the Food Stalls in Malioboro for some foodand drinks. We were surprised to see that everything in Malioboro hasbeen arranged well now.

After we had a walk around the place for a few minutes, we tooka taxi and headed to one the most fanous beaches, Parangteritis Beach.On the beach, we really enjoyed the beauty of the waves reaching theseashore. We stayed there for several hours, before finally we decided tobe back to Solo.

We were very happy to spend a day playing waters and enjoy thenatural beauty of the beach. We left Yogyakarta Railway Station at aquarter to four by pramex train and got home around 5:30. It was bothtiring and fun.

29 Pardiyono. Pasti Bisa!! Teaching Genre-Based Writing, ............. p. 69



From the text above it can be seen that, the first paragraph of the text

above is an orientation part. The second until fourth paragraph are record of

events part and the last paragraph is re-orientation part.

4. Nature of Feedback

a. Definition of Feedback

Feedback is given by teachers after students’ performance in

learning or doing task. According to Ur, feedback is information that is

given to the learner about his or her performance of a learning task,

usually with the objective of improving his performance.30 It means

feedback has function as improving students performance in learning


In second language learning, feedback is focussed on almost all

aspects of language elements and language skill such as grammar,

vocabulary, speaking, and writing. According to Lightbown and Spada, “

Feedback refers to any indications to the learners that their target

language used is incorrect, which includes various responses that the

learners receive.”31 Furthemore Hyland said, “ Feedback has a crucial role

in opening and mataining a dialogue between tutors and students and also

serves as an important function in motivating and encouraging students.”32

It is clear that, feedback is information or comments that is given by the

30 Ellis Rod, Corrective feeedback and Teacher Development, L2 Journal Vol 1. 2009,Shanghai International Studies and University of Auckland p. 4

31 Pramela Krish, The Power of Feedback in An Online Learning Environment, 3LJournal of Language Teaching, Linguistics and Literature, Vol 12. p. 96

32 Ibid., p. 96



teacher to students after they do performance or task in learning to

improve their performance.

b. The purposes of feedback

Before providing feedback, the teacher have to identifying the

purposes why he or she wants to give feedback to the students. It is

important, because by determined the purposes in giving feedback can

help the teacher to consider the kinds of feedback that will give to the


Carolin said there are some purposes for providing feedback to the


1) To support students’ writing development. Where the purpose of the

teacher gives feedback to the students may to improve the students’

skill in writing.

2) To teach or reinforce a particular aspect of disciplinary content. The

teacher purpose in giving feedback is to make the students understand

about specific material.

3) To teach specific academic writing conventions. The teacher may give

feedback to give specific material to the students.

4) To indicate strengths and weaknesses of piece of writing (perhaps in

relation to a set of criteria).

5) To explain or justify a grade.

6) To suggest how a student may improve in their next piece of writing.

33 Carolin Coffin., et. Al.,Teaching Academic Writing, ( London: Routlrdge.2003). p.104



When giving feedback to the students, the teacher may combined

different purposes for example, the teacher gives feedback with the

purposes to justify a grade and to teach students. So, the teacher can give

feedback with some purposes which appropriate with the students’ need.

Furthermore, Lewis in Wahyu said there are some purposes of

feedback which given in the language classes.34

1) Feedback provides information for teacher and students

For the teacher, feedback can give information about the students and

feedback can also be an evaluation for his own teaching. For the

students, feedback can give infprmation about their grade and

knowing their weakness and strengths.

2) Feedback can provides students with advice about learning

It means that teacher can provide students with more than simply

description of their language use.

3) Feedback provides students with language input

By giving feedback the students can learn about new language and

vocabulary which can improve their knowledge in second language.

4) Feedback is form of motivation

Feedback can be more motivating than marks or grades. Feedback can

give the students to improve their skill in learning and encourage them

to study.

34 Wahyu Dewi Pratiwi. Students’ Perception Towards Teacher’s Written FeedbackAmong 11th Grade Students at SMA N 1 Wedi Klaten. published. 2013. English Education StudyProgram, Faculty of language and Arts, State University of Yogyakarta.p. 17-18



5) Feedback can lead students toward autonomy

By providing feedback, the students can learn to find their own

mistakes which can make them become an independent students.

From explanation above the researcher is agree with the purposes

of providing feedback by Lewis because it is more complete.

c. Source of feedback

There are many sources of feedback. However, there are three

source of feedback that are commonly used in teaching and learning

process, they are teacher’s feedback, peer feedback, and self feedback.

1) Teacher’s feedback

Teacher feedback can be written or spoken. Lewis in Marta

stated, “ teacher has been the main source of feedback both on oral

and written language in many classes.”35 It means, giving feedback on

students’ writing assignment is one of teachers’ important roles in

learning process. Teacher gives comments or responses on students’

activity. Teacher also gives suggestion in order to improve students’

writing competency. Spoken feedback is usually given when students

are just completing their speaking sctivities. Meanwhile written

feedback is usually given on the students’ assigment after submitting

their work. Teacher gives immediate comments or suggestions to

students after the work done.

35 Marta Agustina Sri Wulandari, Students’ Responses to Teacher Written Feedback onTheir Compositions, 2007. Faculty of Teachers Training and Education. Sanata DharmaUniversity. Yogyakarta. p. 16



2) Peer feedback

Students also can give feedback each other after or during

students’ writing activity. Liu and Hansen in Marta said, “ Peer

feedback is the use of learners or peers as sources of information and

interacting for each others in such a way that learners themselve take

roles or responsibilities which are normally taken and done by

teachers or trained tutors in commenting or criticizing their own

writings or drafts in the process of writing.”36 it means that, the

students give comments on the other students’ performances in order

to give critics and suggestions. Students who receive feedback from

peer can improve their writing ability.

3) Self feedback

Teacher can also ask students to evaluate their own in writing

which calls self feedback. Penaflorida in Marta said, “ in self

feedback, the students can correct and evaluate their own work. It is a

step toward learner autonomy because by giving students chance to

analyze their own work and practise self feedback may encourage

them to be self sufficient and independent students.”37 It means that in

self feedback the students can eavaluate their self, they are also

expected to know the stregnth and the weaknesses of their own


36 Ibid. p.1637 Ibid. p. 16



In conclusion, there are there sources of feedback which common

used by the teacher in learning process they are teacher’ feedback, peer

feedback, and self feedback.

d. Forms of feedback

There are so many forms of feedback that can the teacher choose

in giving feedback to the students. Carolin said there are three forms of

giving feedback to the students:38

1) Commenting on students’ writing

This is a form of giving feedback where the teacher gives

some comments on students’ writing text such as the teacher gives

comments about grammar errors, speallings, content, etc. This is

important to help the students identify errors in their own writing and

also to consider why such errors may be being made.

2) Individual and group feedback

In this types, the teacher gives the individual or group

feedback to the students. Individual feedback focussing on issues that

are specific to a particular students’ work. Meanwhile, group feedback

is giving a set general comments to the students’ which have same

mistakes. Group feedback may save time by avoiding repetition of

similar points in individual feedback.

38 Carolin Coffin., et. Al.,Teaching Academic Writing, ............. p. 105-112



3) The use of spoken feedback

In this type of feedback, the teacher apply a face to face

discussion. The discussion can facilitates certain kinds of feedback

which can limit of time and helps the students to understand the

mistake on their written.

Furthermore, Cohen in Wahyu proposes two forms of feedback,

they are:39

1) Oral feedback

Oral feedback is a form of feedback where the teacher and students do

a personal consultation to discuss about the students’ performance.

2) Written feedback

Written feedback is a from of feedback where the teacher gives some

comments, corrections, or mark on the students’ written work. Further

more, Park in Razlina and Rohaiza said that there are three types of

teacher’s written feedback, they are:

a) Form-focus feedback which focus on grammar correction such as

grammar, spelling, vocabulary choice, and punctuation.

b) Content based feedback which focus on the quality and

organizational of the content.

39 Wahyu Dewi Pratiwi. Students’ Perception Towards Teacher’s Written Feedback Among 11th Grade Students at SMA N 1 Wedi Klaten ............. p. 18-19



c) Integrated feedback which is combination of form focus feedback

with content related feedback.40

In conclusion, there are three forms of feedback that can the

teachers choose in providing feedback to the studens they are: individual

and group feedback which the teacher make a discussion with the

students which have some mistakes and gives feedback to the individual

of students to focussing on specific particular students’ work and the last

is use of oral feedback where the teacher and student doing some

discussion about students’ performance and wrritten feedback where the

teacher gives some comments on students’ written text. written feedback

has three types; form-focus feedback, content based feedback, and

integrated feedback.

In this research the researcher will focuse on the teacher’s written

feedback in students’ writing Recount text experience, because it is

related with the purpose of this research.

B. Review of The relevant Studies

The researcher has found some previous studies about students’

perception. First thesis was written by Kasmiwati 2015 in IAIN Bukittinggi,

entitled “Students Perception toward Lectures’ Ways in Giving Feedback in

Speaking Performance at the Fourth Semester English Education Departement

40 Razlina Razali and Rohaiza Jupri. Exploring Teacher Written Feedback and StudentRevision on ESL Students’ Writing. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Vol 9. Issue 5. Ver. V (May 2014). p. 64



Students of IAIN Bukittinggi in Academic Year 2014/2015”. This research is a

quantitative research with descriptive technique. The population of this research

was students at the fourth semester in IAIN Bukittinggi. The technique of data

collection in this research is the questionnaire.

The result of the research showed some categories of students’ perceptions

toward lectures ways in giving feedback in speaking performance. Students’

perception toward lecture’s ways in giving feedback on form is moderate with

mean percentage 47,50%. Students’ perception toward lecture’s ways in giving

feedback during accuracy work is good with mean percentage 49,56%. Students’

perception toward lecture’s ways in giving feedback during fluency work is good

with mean percentage 62,45%. So, the highest perception given by the students

toward lecture’s ways in giving feedback in speaking during fluency work with

positive perception.41

The second study was conducted by Galih Kusumastuti 2013 in Sanata

Dharma University entitle “ Students’ Perception of The Use of English as A

Medium of Instruction in RSBI at SMP Negeri 2 Magelang.” The researcher has

two problems in this research: (1) how is English as a medium of instruction

implemented in RSBI? and (2) what are students’ perceptions on the use of

English as a medium of instruction in RSBI?. The researcher used survey research

to find those questions. The researcher used three instruments to collect the data.

The researcher conducted observations in Biology, Mathematics, and Physics

41 Kasmiwati, Students Perception toward Lectures’ Ways in Giving Feedback inSpeaking Performance at the Fourth Semester English Education Departement Students of IAINBukittinggi in Academic Year 2014/2015, 2015. Unpublish. Faculty of Tarbiyah and TeacherTraining, University State Islamic Institute of Bukittinggi. Bukittinggi



Class to observe the implementation of English as a medium of instruction in

RSBI. The researcher distributed questionnaire and conducted interview to the

eight-grade students of RSBI at SMP Negeri 2 Magelang to get the students’

perception on the use of English as a medium of instruction on RSBI.

The result of the research showed that the implementation on the use of

English as a medium of instruction in RSBI at SMP negeri 2 Magelang was good

but should be improved. The result of the observation showed that the teachers

and students used English in the learning process although still dominant used

Bahasa Indonesia. The texbook of Mathematics, Physics, Biology and ICT

subjects were in English. The students’ perception on the language used in class is

low with the mean percentage 18%. Students’ perception on the effect of using

English as a medium of instruction in RSBI is good with mean percentage

49,33%. Students’ interest an participation on the use of English as a medium of

instruction in RSBI is low with mean percentage 20,25%. Students’ competence

on the use of English as a medium of instruction in RSBI is good with mean

percentage 46,5%. In conclusion, the students had positive perception on the

effect of using English as a medium of instruction in RSBI.42

In this research, the researcher wants to discover the students’ perceptions

on their writing recount text experience in MTsN 6 Agam. The researcher also

wants to know about the students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback. the

similarities this research with the previous research is the researcher also wants to

42 Galih Kusumastuti, Students’ Perception on The Use of English as A Medium ofInstruction in RSBI at SMP Negeri 2 Magelang, 2013. Faculty of Teacher Training andEducation, Sanata Dharma University. Yogyakarta



know about the students’ perception in English language and the researcher also

use quantitative research. The difference in this research with the previous

research, this research wants to know about the students’ perceptions in recount

text writing experience and the students’ perceptions toward teachers’ feedback.

C. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of this research is :


Students’ Recount Text Writing


Is how the students’ knowledge and

skill when writing recount text.

Proses of writing recount text:

1. Prewriting

2. Planning

3. Writing and revising draft

Teacher’s Feedback

is informations which give by the

teacher toward the students’

performance in writing recount text.

types of teacher’s written feedback

1. Form focussed feedback

2. Content based feedback

3. Intgrative feedback

Recount Text

Is a text that tells the reader or the listener about a sequence of even

in the past time


The research is conducted to know what the students’ perception of their

recount text writing experience and teacher’s feedback are. Recount text is Is a

text that tells the reader or the listener about a sequence of even in the past time.

The students’ have their own writing experience during prewriting, planning, and

writing and revising draft process when writing recount text. The teacher have to

provide feedback to helps the students in produce the recount text by providing

form focussed feedback, content based feedback, and integrative feedback.

Furthermore, the students’ have their own perceptions toward their writing

recount text experience and understanding feedback and those will affect their

written, the teacher have to know how well the students accept the materials and

understanding the feedback. The teacher can get the answer by knowing students’

perception. So, the researcher conduct the research entitled students’ perceptions

of their recount text writing experience and teacher’s feedback at second grade

students of MTsN 6 Agam.


Students’ Perceptions of Their Recount Text Writing

Experience and Teacher’s Feedback at Second Grade

Students Of Mtsn 6 Agam.

Students’ Perceptions

How the students’ opinions, senses, and beliefs toward the recount

text writing experience and feedback which provided by the





A. Design of The Research

This research was a descriptive quantitatvie research. Gay stated,

“ Quantitative research is the collection and analysis of numeral data to describe,

explain, predict, or control phenomena of interest.”43 It means that, quantitative

research was a research which dealing with numbers in analysing the


Furthermore Gay also said, descriptive research involved collecting data in

order to test hypothesis or to answer questions concerning the current status of the

subject of the study.44 Descriptive research was a research which used to describe

43 L. R. Gay, Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application, 6thed, (New York: Prentice-Hall,2000), p. 7

44 Ibid. p. 276



characteristics of a population or phenomenon. In conclusion, descriptive

quantitative was a descriptive research which used numeral and statistic in

describing the data. This research was done to get information, find out, analyze

and describe about students’ perceptions of their recount text writing experience

and teacher’s feedback at second grade students of MTsN 6 Agam.

B. Populasi and Sample

The population and sample were two necessary elements to get the data

for the research. The population and sample of this research were:

1. Population

A population was all of object that is researched by the researcher.

Furthermore Gay stated, “ Population is the group interest to the research, the

group to which the researcher would like the result of the study to be

generalize.”45 The population of this research was all of the second grade

students in MTsN 6 Agam, which consist of 247 students. The amount of

these students showed by the table below.

Tabel 3.1

The Total Population of the Second Grade Students of

MTsN 6 Agam

Class Amount of StudentsVIII.1 35 StudentsVIII.2 35 StudentsVIII.3 35 StudentsVIII.4 36 StudentsVIII.5 35 Students

45 Ibid. p.130



VIII.6 36 StudentsVIII.7 35 StudentsTotal 247 StudentsSource: Administration Office of MTsN 6 Agam

2. Sample

The sample was any portion of the popluation, less than the total. As

Sugiyono in Lijan stated that a sample is part of the population.46 A sample

should had the same characteristics with population. In this research, the

researcher used simple random sampling to determine the sample. According

to Gay, “ simple random sampling is the process of selecting a sample in such

a way that all individuals in the defined population have an equal and

independent chance of selection for the sample.”47 It means that all of the

individuals have same chance to be the respondent for this research.

Furthermore, according to Arikunto in Lijan said, if the participants of

the research less than one hundred respondents, it would take all of the

respondents as the sample. On the other case, if the participants of the research

have more than one hundred respondents, 10% to 25% will take as the sample

by the researcher.48 The researcher took the sample about 20% from the total

46 Lijan Poltak Sinambela, Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif, (Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu,2014). P. 95

47 L. R. Gay, Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis andApplication, ............. p. 131

48 Lijan Poltak Sinambela, Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif........... P.98



of population and the total of the sample for this research was 49 students.

Because there were 7 classes the second grade students of MTsN 6 Agam, so

the researcher took 7 students from each classes. The researcher used lottery to

choose the respondent.

C. Research Instrument

Instrument was a tool which is used by the researcher to get the data.

In this research, the researcher used questionnaire as the instrument. Brown in

Mickey and Gass stated, “Questionnaires is any written instruments that

present respondents with a series of questions or statements to which they are

react either by writing out their answer or selecting them among existing

answer.”49 It means that questionnaire was an instrument by giving some

written questions with providing some alternative to respondent. In this

research, the researcher used questionnaire because it was an appropriate way

to collected the data related to the focus of the research and gave some

advantages for the researcher.

Moreover, there were some kinds of questionnaire; close, open,

combination close open, and open half questionnaire. Furthemore, Mickey and

Gass said that there are two types of questionnaire they are: closed and open

49 Mackey and Gass, Second Language Research: Methodology and Design, (NewJersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, 2005), p. 92



ended questionnaire.50 In this research the researcher used close questionnaire.

As stated Mickey and Gass, “ A closed-item questions is one for which the

researcher determines the possible answer.”51 It means that, close

questionnaire was a kind of questionnaire which provided some possible

answers that could choosen by the respondents.

This research used check list () to answer the questionnaire. By

providing five answer, the respond in questionnaire used 5 points of Likert

Scale to measure perception. According to Gay, “Likert Scale requires an

individual respond to a series of statements.”52 Likert Scale was a tool where

the respondents were asked to indicate their respond related to the statements

which given by the researcher. In this research, the researcher used of strongly

agree, agree, moderate, disagree, and strongly disagree answer.

The questionnaire consisted of thirty two statements with nine

indicators for students’ writing recount text experience: choosing the topic,

narrowing the topic, generate the ideas, making sublist, writing the topic,

outlining, writing the first rough draft, revising content and organization, and

writing the final copy. And seven indicators for teacher’s feedback: grammar,

vocabulary choice, punctuation, spelling, quality of the content, organization

of content, and combination of correction and content related feedback. The

scores for each statements were: strongly agree= 5, agree= 4, moderate= 3,

50 Mickey and Gass, Second Language Research: Methodology and Design, ............ p.93

51 Ibid. p. 93 52 L. R Gay, Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application, .............

p. 157



disagree= 2, and strongly disagree= 1. The questionnaire was translated to

indonesian in order to make the respondents easy to understand and answered

the questions and no time limits was set to answer the questionnaire.

Furthermore in term to make the questionnaire was valid, there were

some techniques that could be chosen by the researcher. They were content

validity, construct validity, concurrent validity, and predictive validity. In this

research, the researcher used content validity. As stated by Gay that content

validity is determined by expert judgement53. The questionnaire could be

valid if it measured accurately as what was intended to be measured. Gay also

said that a judgement of content validity is determined by expert.54 It means

that the researcher should did the validity to judge the questionnaire was valid

by consulting the content validity to the expert.

D. Technique of Data Collection

In collecting data, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to the

respondents of the research. It means that the researcher distributed the

questionnaire to the second grade students of MTsN 6 Agam with seven

classes as the sample which amount of sample was 49 students. Clearly, in

collecting the data the researcher follow the following steps:

a. Distributing the questionnaire to the sample (49 students).

b. Giving explanation to the students how to answer it and asking to read the

instruction first carefully.

53 Ibid. P. 16154 Ibid. p. 161



c. Giving the time to the students to answer the questionnaire honestly.

d. Collecting the students’ answers on the questionnaire.

e. Analyzing the data.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

After getting the data, the researcher analyzed the data. In analyzing the

data, the researcher followed these following steps:

1. Reading and checking the students’ answers on questionnaire.

2. Describing every items in the table and found the percentage of each items. In

order to find out the percentage of item, the researcher used the formula

proposed by Sudjono as below:

P = fN

x 100%

Where: P = The percentage of the result

F = The frequency of answer

N = The total amount of the sample55

3. Calculating the frequences to find the final score of each items by using the


N = Total Score

Totalof Maximum Score x 100%

Where: N = The final score

Total Score = Total score of students’ answer in questionnaire

55 Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta : PT Raja Grafindo Persada,2008), p.43

56 Lijan Poltak Sinambela, Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif........... P. 146



Total of maximum score = Ideal score of questionnaire from total of

respondents times the maximum point.

4. Determine the mean score the researcher used the formula as follow:57

X = ∑x


Where : X = Mean score

∑ x = The sum of the score

N = Total of subject

5. Made the conclusion about students’ perceptions of their recount text writing

experience and teacher’s feedback at second grade students of MTsN 6 Agam.

To draw the conclusion, the researcher used table criteria or interpretation

table by Arikunto in Etri Hidayati58. Classification of the score in the form of

percentage as follows:

Table 3.2 Interpretation Table

Category InterpretationExcellent 85-100

Good 70-84Fair 55-69Poor 50-54

Very Poor 0-49Table 3.2 shows the interpretation of students’ perception they are;

excellent, good, fair, poor, and very poor. For instance, if the statement gets the

highest mean score in range 0-49, it means that this statement had very poor

perception. If the statement gets the highest mean score in range 50-54, it means

that this statement had poor perception. If the statement gets the highest mean

57 Ibid. P. 191 58 Etri Hidayati, Improving Students’ Writing Skill in Recount Text by Using

Personal Letter at Eight Grade of SMP Tiga Hati.............. p. 4



score in range 55-69, it means that this statement had fair perception. If the

statement gets the highest mean score in range 70-84, it means that this statement

had good perception. And if the statement gets the highest mean score in range

85-100, it means that this statement had excellent perception.



A. Finding

This chapter explains the finding of data collected through questionnaire to

answer the research questions:

3. What are the students’ perceptions of their recount text writing experience on

the second grade students at MTsN 6 Agam?

4. What are the students’ perceptions of the teacher’s feedback on the second

grade students at MTsN 6 Agam?

The sample were the second grade students of MTsN 6 Agam. The total of

participant were 49 students. They answered the items of the questionnaire with

five categories; strongly agree (SA), agree (A), moderate (M), disagree (D), and

strongly disagree (SD). The answer of each category was 5 point for strongly

agree, 4 point for agree. 3 point for moderate, 2 point for disagree, and 1 point for

strongly disagree. In collecting the data for this research, the researcher used

questionnaire. The description of the data and analysis were described below.

1. Description of the data



In this research, the data was gotten from the research that had been

done at the second grade students of MTsN 6 Agam. The researcher used

quantitative data. The description of the data about students’ perceptions of

their writing recount text experience and teacher’s feedback at second grade

students of MTsN 6 Agam was described as the following:

a. The description of the data students’ perceptions of their writing recount

text experience based on appendices 3 and 4 page 119 to 126.

Table 4.34 The Description of Data Calculation of Frequency and Percentageof The Students’ Answer

No Statements Answer F P1 I can choose the topic which

provided by the teacher

fastly when writing Recount


Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%2 I enthusiastic to choose the

topic which provided by the

teacher when writing

Recount text.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%3 I am easy to adjust the topic

that I choose with the life

around me.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%4 I am very happy to adjust

the topic that I choose with

the life arround me.

Strong Agree












Strong Disagree




0%5 I am very creative when

develop my idea.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%6 I am develop my idea fastly. Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%7 I can sort my idea into a list. Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%8 I am not find the difficulties

when I sort my idea.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%9 I am not afraid when

determine the topic sentence

from my ideas list.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%10 I can determine the topic

sentence related with the

topic that I choose.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%11 I can determine the ideas Strong Agree 4 8.16%



related with the topic

sentence from my ideas list.




Strong Disagree








0%12 I feel comfortable when

determine the ideas related

with topic sentence from my

ideas list.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%13 I feel calm when writing the

main sentence of my

Recount text and develop it

into a paragraph.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%14 I an not difficult when

writing the main sentence of

my Recount text and

develop it into a paragraph.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%15 I can correct the mistakes

that I made on my Recount


Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%16 I am not feel worry when

correcting the mistakes that

I made on my Recount text.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%17 I am rewrite my Recount

text that I corrected fastly.

Strong Agree














Strong Disagree 0 0%18 I am not bored when rewrite

the Recount text after I

correct it.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree











The description the mean score of the data about students’

perceptions of their Recount text writing experience at second grade

students of MTsN 6 Agam related to each indicator based on appendix 6

page 127 could be seen on the table below:

Table 4.35

The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions on their Writing Recounttext Experience toward Choosing the Topic


Total Score

1 Statement 1 72%

2 Statement 2 76%

Total (∑x) 148%Mean (X) 74%

The table 4.2 shows the mean score of students’ perceptions on

their writing recount text experience toward choosing the topic. The mean

score of the students’ perceptions toward pre-writing was 74%. This score

was on 70-84 scale which mean the students’ perceptions toward their

experience on choosing the topic process when writing Recount text was




Table 4 .36

The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions on their Writing Recount textExperience toward Narrowing the Topic


Total Score

1 Statement 3 74%

2 Statement 4 78%

Total (∑x) 152%Mean (X) 76%

The table 4.3 shows the total mean score of students’ perceptions

on their writing recount text experience toward narrowing the topic. The

mean score of the students’ perceptions toward narrowing the topic was

76%. This score was on 70-84 scale which mean the students’ perceptions

toward their experience on narrowing the topic process when writing

Recount text was good.

Table 4 .37

The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions on their Writing Recount textExperience toward Generate the Ideas


Total Score

1 Statement 5 70%

2 Statement 6 72%

Total (∑x) 142%Mean (X) 71%

The table 4.4 shows the total mean score of students’ perceptions

on their writing recount text experience toward generate the ideas. The



mean score of the students’ perceptions toward generate the ideas was

71%. This score was on 70-84 scale which mean the students’ perceptions

toward their experience on generate the ideas process when writing

Recount text was good.

Table 4 .38

The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions on their Writing Recount textExperience toward Making Sublist


Total Score

1 Statement 7 68%

2 Statement 8 64%

Total (∑x) 132%Mean (X) 66%

The table 4.5 shows the total mean score of students’ perceptions

on their writing recount text experience toward making sublist. The mean

score of the students’ perceptions toward making sublist was 66%. This

score was on 55-69 scale which mean the students’ perceptions toward

their experience on making sublist process when writing Recount text was


Table 4.39

The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions on their Writing Recount textExperience toward Writing the Topic Sentence


Total Score

1 Statement 9 68%



2 Statement 10 76%

Total (∑x) 144%Mean (X) 72%

The table 4.6 shows the total mean score of students’ perceptions

on their writing recount text experience toward writing the topic sentence.

The mean score of the students’ perceptions toward writing the topic

sentence was 72%. This score was on 70-84 scale which mean the

students’ perceptions toward their experience on writing the topic sentence

process when writing Recount text was good.

Table 4.40

The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions on their Writing Recount textExperience towar the Outlining


Total Score

1 Statement 11 74%

2 Statement 12 78%

Total (∑x) 152%Mean (X) 76%

The table 4.7 shows the total mean score of students’ perceptions

on their writing recount text experience toward the outlining. The mean

score of the students’ perceptions toward the outlining was 76%. This

score was on 70-84 scale which mean the students’ perceptions toward

their experience on the outlining process when writing Recount text was




Table 4.41

The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions on their Writing Recount textExperience toward Writing the First Rough Draft


Total Score

1 Statement 13 76%

2 Statement 14 68%

Total (∑x) 144%Mean (X) 72%

The table 4.8 shows the total mean score of students’ perceptions

on their writing recount text experience toward writing the first rough

draft. The mean score of the students’ perceptions toward writing the first

rough draft was 72%. This score was on 70-84 scale which mean the

students’ perceptions toward their experience on writing the first rough

draft process when writing Recount text was good.

Table 4.42

The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions on their Writing Recount textExperience toward Revising Content and Organization


Total Score

1 Statement 15 70%

2 Statement 16 76%

Total (∑x) 146%Mean (X) 73%



The table 4.9 shows the total mean score of students’ perceptions

on their writing recount text experience toward revising content and

organization. The mean score of the students’ perceptions toward writing

the first rough draft was 73%. This score was on 70-84 scale which mean

the students’ perceptions toward their experience on revising content and

organization process when writing Recount text was good.

Table 4.43

The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions on their Writing Recount textExperience toward Writing the Final Copy


Total Score

1 Statement 17 78%

2 Statement 18 76%

Total (∑x) 154%Mean (X) 77%

The table 4.10 shows the total mean score of students’ perceptions

on their writing recount text experience toward writing the final copy. The

mean score of the students’ perceptions toward writing the final copy was

77%. This score was on 70-84 scale which mean the students’ perceptions

toward their experience on writing the final copy process when writing

Recount text was good.

b. The descriptions of the data students’ perceptions toward teacher’s

feedback based on appendices 3 and 4 page 119 to 126.



Table 4.44The Description of Data Calculation of Frequency and Percentageof The Students’ Answer

No Statements Answer F P1 I am understand the

corrections that given by the

teacher toward my error in

grammar on Recount text.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%2 The corrections that given

by teacher toward my error

can imrpove my skill in


Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%3 I am not afraid with the

corrections that given by the

teacher toward my error in

vocabulary choice

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%4 The corrections that given

by the teacher toward the

vocabulary choice on my

Recount text can increase

my vocabulary.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%5 I am understanding the

corrections that given by the

teacher toward my error in

punctuation on my Recount


Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










2.04%6 I am feel satisfied with the

corrections that given by the

teacher toward my error in

punctuation on my Recount


Strong Agree




Strong Disagree













7 I am not feel saturate with

the corrections that given by

the teacher toward my error

in spelling on my Recount


Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%8 The corrections that given

by the teacher toward my

error in spelling can

improve my ability in

English writing.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%9 I am feel satisfied with the

corrections that given by the

teacher toward the content

of my Recount text.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree











10 The corrections that given

by the teacher toward the

content of my Recount text

can improve my ability in

English writing.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%11 I am understanding the

corrections that given by the

teacher toward the unity of

my Recount text.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%12 I am understanding the

corrections that given by the

teacher toward the coheren

of Recount text.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree










0%13 The corrections that given

by the teacher toward the

Strong Agree








form and the content make

me more understanding the

mistakes that I made.



Strong Disagree






0%14 The corrections that given

by the teacher toward the

form and the content make

me more enthusiastic in

learning Recount text.

Strong Agree




Strong Disagree











The description the mean score of the data about students’

perceptions toward the teacher’s feedback at second grade students of

MTsN 6 Agam related to each indicator based on appendix 6 page 127

could be seen on the table below:

Table 4.45

The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions Toward Teacher’s Feedback inGrammar


Total Score

1 Statement 19 80%

2 Statement 20 86%

Total (∑P) 166%

Mean (Mx) 83%

Table 4.12 shows the total mean score of students’ perceptions the

mean score of students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in

grammar. The mean score of the students’ perceptions toward grammar

was 83%. This score was on 70-84 scale which mean the students’



perceptions toward the feedback that provided by the teacher in grammar

was good.

Table 4.46The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions Toward Teacher’s Feedback in

Vocabulary Choice


Total Score

1 Statement 21 78%

2 Statement 22 86%

Total (∑P) 164%

Mean (Mx) 82%Table 4.13 shows the total mean score of students’ perceptions

toward teacher’s feedback in vocabulary choice. The mean score of the

students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in vocabulary choice was

82%. This score was on 70-84 scale which mean the students’ perceptions

toward the feedback that provided by the teacher in vocabulary choice was


Table 4.47

The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions Toward Teacher’s Feedback inPunctuation


Total Score

1 Statement 23 81%

2 Statement 24 84%

Total (∑P) 165%

Mean (Mx) 83%



Table 4.14 shows the total mean score of students’ perceptions

toward teacher’s feedback in punctuation. The mean score of the students’

perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in punctuation was 83%. This score

was on 70-84 scale which mean the students’ perceptions toward the

feedback that provided by the teacher in punctuation was good.

Table 4.48

The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions Toward Teacher’s Feedback inSpelling


Total Score

1 Statement 25 82%

2 Statement 26 80%

Total (∑P) 162%

Mean (Mx) 81%

Table 4.15 shows the total mean score of students’ perceptions

toward teacher’s feedback in spelling. The mean score of the students’

perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in spelling.was 81%. This score

was on 70-84 scale which mean the students’ perceptions toward the

feedback that provided by the teacher on spelling was good.

Table 4.49



The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions Toward Teacher’s Feedback inQuality of the Content


Total Score

1 Statement 27 84%

2 Statement 28 86%

Total (∑P) 170%

Mean (Mx) 85%

Table 4.16 shows the total mean score of students’ perceptions

toward teacher’s feedback in quality of the content. The mean score of the

students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in quality of the content

was 85%. This score was on 85-100 scale which mean the students’

perceptions toward the feedback that provided by the teacher in quality of

the content was excellent.

Table 4.50

The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions Toward Teacher’s Feedback inOrganization of the Content


Total Score

1 Statement 29 78%

2 Statement 30 78%

Total (∑P) 156%

Mean (Mx) 78%

Table 4.17 shows the total mean score of students’ perceptions

toward teacher’s feedback in organization of the content. The mean score

of the students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in organization of



the content was 78%. This score was on 70-84 scale which mean the

students’ perceptions toward the feedback that provided by the teacher in

organization of the content was good.

Table 4.51

The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions Toward Teacher’s Feedback incombination of correction and content related feedback


Total Score

1 Statement 31 86%

2 Statement 32 84%

Total (∑P) 170%

Mean (Mx) 85%

Table 4.18 shows the total mean score of students’ perceptions

toward teacher’s feedback in combination of correction and content. The

mean score of the students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in

combination of correction and content t was 85%. This score was on 85-

100 scale which mean the students’ perceptions toward the feedback that

provided by the teacher in combination of correction and content was




2. Analysis of The Data

This part presented the result of the data analysis in detail. It was discussed

about “Students’ perceptions of their Recount text writing experience and

teacher’s feedback at second grade students of MTsN 6 Agam”. The explanation

of the data analysis were as the following descriptions:

a. Students’ perceptions of their Recount text writing experience

1. Students’ perceptions toward choosing the topic

Table 4.52 Choosing the Topic Statement 1

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 3 6.12% 72%

Agree 4 26 53.06%Moderate 3 19 38.78%Disagree 2 1 2.04%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.19 displays the items of number one, “I can choose the

topic which provided by the teacher fastly when writing Recount text”,

there were (3) students answered option “Strongly Agree (SA)6.12%”,

there were (26) students answered option “Agree (A)53.06%”, there were

(19) students answered option “Moderate (M)38.78%”, there were (1)

students answered option “Disagree (D)2.04%”, and there were (0)

students answered option “Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest

percentage for this item is Agree with the percentage 53.06% or about (26)

students. The total score of this item based on appendix 6 page 127 was

72%, and this score was on 70-84 scale which means, most of students had



good perception toward this item in their Recount text writing experience

which they can choose the topic sentence fastly when they wrote Recount


Table 4.53 Choosing the Topic Statement 2

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 5 10.2% 76%

Agree 4 30 61.23%Moderate 3 13 26.53%Disagree 2 1 2.04%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.20 displays the items of number two, “I enthusiastic to

choose the topic which provided by the teacher when writing Recount

text”, there were (5) students answered option “Strongly Agree

(SA)10.2%”, there were (30) students answered option “Agree

(A)61.23%”, there were (13) students answered option “Moderate

(M)26.53%”, there were (1) students answered option “Disagree

(D)2.04”, and there were (0) students answered option “Strongly Disagree

(SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item is Agree with the

percentage 61.23% or about (30) students. The total score of this item

based on appendix 6 page 127 was 76%, and this score was on 70-84 scale

which means, most of students had good perception toward this item in



their Recount text writing experience which the students enthusiastic to

choose the topic which provided by the teacher when writing Recount text.

2. Students’ perceptions toward narrowing the topic

Table 4.54 Students’ perceptions toward narrowing the topic

Statement 3

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 7 14.29% 74%

Agree 4 24 48.98%Moderate 3 17 34.69%Disagree 2 1 2.04%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.21 displays the items of number three, “I am easy to adjust

the topic that I choose with the life around me.”, there were (7) students

answered option “Strongly Agree (SA)14.29%”, there were (24) students

answered option “Agree (A)48.98%”, there were (17) students answered

option “Moderate (M)34.69%”, there were (1) students answered option

“Disagree (D)2.04”, and there were (0) students answered option

“Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item is

Agree with the percentage 48.98% or about (24) students. The total score

of this item based on appendix 6 page 127 was 74%, and this score was

on 70-84 scale which means, most of students had good perception toward

this item in their Recount text writing experience which the students were

easy to adjust the topic that they choosed with the life around them.



Table 4.55 Students’ perceptions toward narrowing the topic

Statement 4

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 9 18.37% 78%

Agree 4 30 61.23%Moderate 3 9 18.37%Disagree 2 1 2.04%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.22 displays the items of number four, “I am very happy to

adjust the topic that I choose with the life arround me”, there were (9)

students answered option “Strongly Agree (SA)18.37%”, there were (30)

students answered option “Agree (A)61.23%”, there were (9) students

answered option “Moderate (M)18.37%”, there were (1) students

answered option “Disagree (D)2.04”, and there were (0) students

answered option “Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage

for this item is Agree with the percentage 61.23% or about (30) students.

The total score of this item based on appendix 6 page 128 was 78%, and

this score was on 70-84 scale which means, most of students had good

perception toward this item in their Recount text writing experience which

most of the students very happy to adjust the topic that they choose with

the life arround them.



3. Students’ perceptions toward generate the ideas

Table 4.56 Students’ perceptions toward generate the ideas

Statement 5

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 2 4.08% 70%

Agree 4 23 46.94%Moderate 3 24 48.98%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.23 displays the items of number five, “I am very creative

when develop my idea”, there were (2) students answered option

“Strongly Agree (SA)4.08%”, there were (23) students answered option

“Agree (A) 46.94%”, there were (24) students answered option

“Moderate (M)48.98%”, there were (0) students answered option

“Disagree (D)0%”, and there were (0) students answered option

“Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item is

Moderate with the highest percentage 48.98% or about (24) students. The

total score of this item based on appendix 6 page 128 was 70%, and this

score was on 70-84 scale which means, most of students good perception

toward this item in their Recount text writing experience which they were

very creative when develop their idea.

Table 4.57 Students’ perceptions toward generate the ideas



Statement 6

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 3 6.12% 72%

Agree 4 24 48.98%Moderate 3 22 44.9%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.24 displays the items of number six, “ I am develop my

idea fastly”, there were (3) students answered option “Strongly Agree

(SA)6.12%”, there were (24) students answered option “Agree (A)

48.98%”, there were (22) students answered option “Moderate

(M)44.9%”, there were (0) students answered option “Disagree (D)0%”,

and there were (0) students answered option “Strongly Disagree

(SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item is Agree with the

highest percentage 48.98% or about (24) students. The total score of this

item was based on appendix 6 page 128 was 72%, and this score was on

70-84 scale which means, most of students had good perception toward

this item in their Recount text writing experience which they developed

their idea fastly.

4. Students’ perceptions toward making sublist

Table 4.58 Students’ perceptions toward making sublist

Statement 7



Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 3 6.12% 68%

Agree 4 21 42.86%Moderate 3 21 42.86%Disagree 2 4 8.16%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.25 displays the items of number seven, “ I can sort my

idea into a list”, there were (3) students answered option “Strongly Agree

(SA)6.12%”, there were (21) students answered option “Agree (A)

42.86%”, there were (21) students answered option “Moderate

(M)42.86%”, there were (4) students answered option “Disagree

(D)8.16%”, and there were (0) students answered option “Strongly

Disagree (SD)0%”. The option of agree and moderate had same

percentage were 42.86% about (26) students. So, the highest percentage

for this item is Agree and Moderate . The total score of this item based on

appendix 6 page 129 was 68%, and this score was on 55-69 scale which

means, most of students had fair perception toward this item in their

Recount text writing experience which could sort their idea into a list.

Table 4.59 Students’ perceptions toward making sublist

Statement 8

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 1 2.04% 64%



Agree 4 13 26.53%Moderate 3 31 63.27%Disagree 2 4 8.16%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.26 displays the items of number eight, “ I am not find the

difficulties when I sort my idea”, there were (1) students answered option

“Strongly Agree (SA)2.04%”, there were (13) students answered option

“Agree (A) 26.53%”, there were (31) students answered option

“Moderate (M)63.27%”, there were (4) students answered option

“Disagree (D)8.16%”, and there were (0) students answered option

“Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item is

Moderate with the highest percentage 63.27% or about (31) students. The

total score of this item based on appendix 6 page 129 was 64%, and this

score was on 55-69 scale which means, most of students had fair

perception toward this item in their Recount text writing experience which

they did not found the difficulties when they sort their idea.

5. Students’ perceptions toward making sublist

Table 4.60 Students’ perceptions toward making sublist

Statement 9

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 1 2.04% 68%

Agree 4 23 46.93%Moderate 3 22 44.9%Disagree 2 3 6.12%



Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.27 displays the items of number nine, “ I am not afraid

when determine the topic sentence from my ideas list”, there were (1)

students answered option “Strongly Agree (SA)2.04%”, there were (23)

students answered option “Agree (A) 46.93%”, there were (22) students

answered option “Moderate (M)44.9%”, there were (3) students answered

option “Disagree (D)6.12%”, and there were (0) students answered option

“Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item is

Agree with the highest percentage 46.93% or about (23) students. The

total score of this item based on appendix 6 page 129 was 68%, and this

score was on 55-69 scale which means, most of students had fair

perception toward this item in their Recount text writing experience.

Table 4.61 Students’ perceptions toward making sublist

Statement 10

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 8 16.32% 76%

Agree 4 24 48.98%Moderate 3 17 34.69%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%



Table 4.28 displays the items of number ten, “ I can determine the

topic sentence related with the topic that I choose.”, there were (8)

students answered option “Strongly Agree (SA)16.32%”, there were (24)

students answered option “Agree (A)48.98%”, there were (17) students

answered option “Moderate (M)34.69%”, there were (0) students

answered option “Disagree (D)0%”, and there were (0) students answered

option “Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this

item is Agree with the highest percentage 48.98% or about (24) students.

The total score of this item based on appendix 6 page 130 was 76%, and

this score was on 60-79 scale which means, most of students had good

perception toward this item in their Recount text writing experience.

6. Students’ perceptions toward making outlining

Table 4.62 Students’ perceptions toward making outlining

Statement 11

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 4 8.16% 74%

Agree 4 28 57.14%Moderate 3 16 32.65%Disagree 2 1 2.04%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%



Table 4.29 displays the items of number eleven, “ I can determine

the ideas related with the topic sentence from my ideas list”, there were

(4) students answered option “Strongly Agree (SA)8.16%”, there were

(28) students answered option “Agree (A)57.14%”, there were (16)

students answered option “Moderate (M)32.65%”, there were (1) students

answered option “Disagree (D)2.04%”, and there were (0) students

answered option “Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage

for this item is Agree with the highest percentage 57.14% or about (28)

students. The total score of this item based on appendix 6 page 130 was

74%, and this score was on 70-84 scale which means, most of students had

good perception toward this item in their Recount text writing experience.

Table 4.63 Students’ perceptions toward making outlining

Statement 12

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 9 18.37% 78%

Agree 4 28 57.14%Moderate 3 12 24.49%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.30 displays the items of number twelve, “ I feel

comfortable when determine the ideas related with topic sentence from my



ideas list”, there were (9) students answered option “Strongly Agree

(SA)18.37%”, there were (28) students answered option “Agree

(A)57.14%”, there were (12) students answered option “Moderate

(M)24.49%”, there were (0) students answered option “Disagree (D)0%”,

and there were (0) students answered option “Strongly Disagree

(SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item is Agree with the

highest percentage 57.14% or about (28) students. The total score of this

item based on appendix 6 page 130 was 78%, and this score was on 70-84

scale which means, most of students had good perception toward this item

in their Recount text writing experience.

7. Students’ perceptions toward writing the first rough draft

Table 4.64 Students’ perceptions toward writing the first rough draftStatement 13

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 6 12.24% 76%

Agree 4 29 59.18%Moderate 3 14 28.57%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.31displays the items of number thirteen, “I feel calm when

writing the main sentence of my Recount text and develop it into a



paragraph”, there were (6) students answered option “Strongly Agree

(SA)12.24%”, there were (29) students answered option “Agree

(A)59.18%”, there were (14) students answered option “Moderate

(M)28.57%”, there were (0) students answered option “Disagree (D)0%”,

and there were (0) students answered option “Strongly Disagree

(SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item is Agree with the

highest percentage 59.18% or about (29) students. The total score of this

item based on appendix 6 page 131 was 76%, and this score was on 70-84

scale which means, most of students had good perception toward this item

in their Recount text writing experience.

Table 4.65 Students’ perceptions toward writing the first rough draftStatement 14

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 0 0% 68%

Agree 4 20 40.82%Moderate 3 28 57.14%Disagree 2 1 2.04%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.32 displays the items of number fourteen, “I am not

difficult when writing the main sentence of my Recount text and develop it

into a paragraph”, there were (0) students answered option “Strongly

Agree (SA)0%”, there were (20) students answered option “Agree

(A)40.82%”, there were (28) students answered option “Moderate

(M)57.14%”, there were (1) students answered option “Disagree



(D)2.04%”, and there were (0) students answered option “Strongly

Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item is Moderate

with the highest percentage 57.14% or about (28) students. The total score

of this item based on appendix 6 page 131 was 68%, and this score was on

55-69 scale which means, most of students had fair perception toward this

item in their Recount text writing experience.

8. Students’ perceptions toward revising content and organization

Table 4.66 Students’ perceptions toward revising content and organizationStatement 15

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 6 12.24% 70%

Agree 4 19 38.78%Moderate 3 20 40.82%Disagree 2 4 8.16%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.33 displays the items of number fifteen, “ I can correct the

mistakes that I made on my Recount text”, there were (6) students

answered option “Strongly Agree (SA)12.24%”, there were (19) students

answered option “Agree (A)38.78%”, there were (20) students answered

option “Moderate (M)40.82%”, there were (4) students answered option

“Disagree (D)8.16%”, and there were (0) students answered option

“Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item is



Moderate with the highest percentage 40.82% or about (20) students. The

total score of this item based on appendix 6 page 131 was 70%, and this

score was on 70-84 scale which means, most of students had good

perception toward this item in their Recount text writing experience.

Table 4 67 Students’ perceptions toward revising content and organizationStatement 16

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 3 6.12% 76%

Agree 4 38 77.55%Moderate 3 4 8.16%Disagree 2 4 8.16%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.34 displays the items of number sixteen, “ I am not feel

worry when correcting the mistakes that I made on my Recount text”,

there were (3) students answered option “Strongly Agree (SA)6.12%”,

there were (38) students answered option “Agree (A)77.55%”, there were

(4) students answered option “Moderate (M)8.16%”, there were (4)

students answered option “Disagree (D)8.16%”, and there were (0)

students answered option “Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest

percentage for this item is Agree with the highest percentage 77.55% or



about (38) students. The total score of this item based on appendix 6 page

132 was 76%, and this score was on 70-84 scale which means, most of

students had good perception toward this item in their Recount text writing


9. Students’ perceptions toward writing the final copy

Table 4.68 Students’ perceptions toward writing the final copy

Statement 17

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 10 20.4% 78%

Agree 4 28 57.14%Moderate 3 9 18.37%Disagree 2 2 4.08%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.35 displays the items of number seventeen, “I am rewrite

my Recount text that I corrected fastly”, there were (10) students answered

option “Strongly Agree (SA)20.4%”, there were (28) students answered

option “Agree (A)57.14%”, there were (9) students answered option

“Moderate (M)18.37%”, there were (2) students answered option

“Disagree (D)4.08%”, and there were (0) students answered option

“Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item is

Agree with the highest percentage 57.14% or about (28) students. The

total score of this item based on appendix 6 page 132 was 78%, and this



score was on 70-84 scale which means, most of students had good

perception toward this item in their Recount text writing experience.

Table 4.69 Students’ perceptions toward writing the final copy

Statement 18

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 9 18.37% 76%

Agree 4 25 51.02%Moderate 3 12 24.49%Disagree 2 3 6.12%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.36 displays the items of number eightteen, “I am not bored

when rewrite the Recount text after I correct it”, there were (9) students

answered option “Strongly Agree (SA)18.37%”, there were (25) students

answered option “Agree (A)51.02%”, there were (12) students answered

option “Moderate (M)24.49%”, there were (3) students answered option

“Disagree (D)6.12%”, and there were (0) students answered option

“Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item is

Agree with the highest percentage 51.02% or about (25) students. The

total score of this item based on appendix 6 page 132 was 76%, and this

score was on 70-84 scale which means, most of students had good

perception toward this item in their Recount text writing experience.



Based on the analysis of the data above, the mean score of the data

about students’ perceptions of their Recount text writing experience at

second grade students of MTsN 6 Agam based on appendix 6 page 127

could be seen on the table below:

Table 4.70 The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions on Their Recount textWriting Experience

No Statement Total Score1 Statement 1 72%2 Statement 2 76%3 Statement 3 74%4 Statement 4 78%5 Statement 5 70%6 Statement 6 72%7 Statement 7 68%8 Statement 8 64%9 Statement 9 68%10 Statement 10 76%11 Statement 11 74%12 Statement 12 78%13 Statement 13 76%14 Statement 14 68%15 Statement 15 70%16 Statement 16 76%17 Statement 17 78%18 Statement 18 76%

∑ X 1314 %

x 73%

Table 4.37 displays the mean score of students’ perceptions on

their Recount text writing experience based on appendix 5 page 122. The

mean score was 73%, and this score was on 70-84 scale which means, the

students’ had good perceptions on their Recount text writing experience.



b. Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback

1. Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in grammar

Table 4.71 Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in

grammar Statement 19

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 12 24.49% 80%

Agree 4 26 53.06%Moderate 3 10 20.4%Disagree 2 1 2.04%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.37 displays the items of number nineteen, “I am

understand the corrections that given by the teacher toward my error in

grammar on Recount text”, there were (12) students answered option

“Strongly Agree (SA)24.49%”, there were (26) students answered option

“Agree (A) 53.06%”, there were (10) students answered option

“Moderate (M)20.4%”, there were (0) students answered option

“Disagree (D)6.12%”, and there were (0) students answered option

“Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item was

Agree with the percentage 53.06% or about (26) students. The total score

of this item based on appendix 6 page 133 was 80%, and this score was on

70-84 scale which means, most of students had good perception about

their understanding on the corrections that given by the teacher toward

their error in grammar on Recount text.

Table 4.72 Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in



grammar Statement 20

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 20 40.82% 86%

Agree 4 26 53.06%Moderate 3 3 6.12%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.38 displays the items of number twenty, “The corrections

that given by teacher toward my error can imrpove my skill in grammar”,

there were (20) students answered option “Strongly Agree (SA)40.82%”,

there were (26) students answered option “Agree (A)53.06%”, there were

(3) students answered option “Moderate (M)6.12%”, there were (0)

students answered option “Disagree (D)0%”, and there were (0) students

answered option “Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage

for this item was Agree with the percentage 53.06% or about (26) students.

The total score of this item based on appendix 6 page 133 was 86%, and

this score was on 85-100 scale which means, most of students had

excellent perception which the corrections that given by teacher toward

their error can imrpove their skill in grammar.

2. Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in vocabulary choice

Table 4.73 Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in vocabularychoice Statement 21

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 12 24.49% 78%



Agree 4 23 46.94%Moderate 3 14 28.57%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.39 displays the items of number twenty one, “I am not

afraid with the corrections that given by the teacher toward my error in

vocabulary choice”, there were (12) students answered option “Strongly

Agree (SA)24.49%”, there were (23) students answered option “Agree

(A)46.93%”, there were (14) students answered option “Moderate

(M)28.57%”, there were (0) students answered option “Disagree (D)0%”,

and there were (0) students answered option “Strongly Disagree

(SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item was Agree with the

percentage 46.93% or about (23) students. The total score of this item

based on appendix 6 page 133 was 78%, and this score was on 70-84 scale

which means, most of students had good perception which the students did

not afraid with the corrections that given by teacher toward their error in

vocabulary choice.

Table 4.74 Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in vocabularychoice Statement 22

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 22 44.9% 86%

Agree 4 23 46.93%Moderate 3 4 8.16%%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%



Table 4.40 displays the items of number twenty two, “The

corrections that given by the teacher toward the vocabulary choice on my

Recount text can increase my vocabulary”, there were (22) students

answered option “Strongly Agree (SA)44.9%”, there were (23) students

answered option “Agree (A)46.93%”, there were (4) students answered

option “Moderate (M)8.16%”, there were (0) students answered option

“Disagree (D)0%”, and there were (0) students answered option

“Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item was

Agree with the percentage 46.93% or about (23) students. The total score

of this item based on appendix 6 page 134 was 86%, and this score was on

85-100 scale which means, most of students had excellent perception

which the corrections that given by the teacher toward the vocabulary

choice on their Recount text can increase their vocabulary.

3. Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in punctuation

Table 4.75 Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in punctuationStatement 23

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 12 24.49% 81%

Agree 4 30 61.22%Moderate 3 6 12.24%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 1 2.04%Total 49 100%



Table 4.41 displays the items of number twenty three, “ I am

understanding the corrections that given by the teacher toward my error

in punctuation on my Recount text”, there were (12) students answered

option “Strongly Agree (SA)24.49%”, there were (30) students answered

option “Agree (A)61.22%”, there were (6) students answered option

“Moderate (M)12.24%”, there were (0) students answered option

“Disagree (D)0%”, and there were (1) students answered option

“Strongly Disagree (SD)2.04%”. So, the highest percentage for this item

was Agree with the percentage 61.22% or about (30) students. The total

score of this item based on appendix 6 page 134 was 81%, and this score

was on 70-84 scale which means, most of students had good perception

which the students understanding the corrections that given by the teacher

toward their error in punctuation on their Recount text.

Table 4.76 Tabel Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback inpunctuation Statement 24

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 16 32.65% 84%

Agree 4 26 53.06%Moderate 3 7 14.29%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.42 displays the items of number twenty four, “I am feel

satisfied with the corrections that given by the teacher toward my error in

punctuation on my Recount text”, there were (16) students answered



option “Strongly Agree (SA)32.65%”, there were (26) students answered

option “Agree (A)53.06%”, there were (7) students answered option

“Moderate (M)14.29%”, there were (0) students answered option

“Disagree (D)0%”, and there were (0) students answered option

“Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item was

Agree with the percentage 53.06% or about (26) students. The total score

of this item based on appendix 6 page 134 was 84%, and this score was on

70-84 scale which mean, most of students had good perception which the

students feel satisfied with the corrections that given by the teacher toward

their error in punctuation on their Recount text.

3. Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in spelling

Table 4.77 Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in spellingStatement 25

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 13 26.53% 82%

Agree 4 29 59.18%Moderate 3 7 14.29%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.43 displays the items of number twenty five, “I am not feel

saturate with the corrections that given by the teacher toward my error in

spelling on my Recount text”, there were (13) students answered option

“Strongly Agree (SA)26.53%”, there were (29) students answered option



“Agree (A)59.18%”, there were (7) students answered option “Moderate

(M)14.29%”, there were (0) students answered option “Disagree (D)0%”,

and there were (0) students answered option “Strongly Disagree

(SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item was Agree with the

percentage 59.18% or about (29) students. The total score of this item

based on appendix 6 page 135 was 82%, and this score was on 70-84

scale which mean, most of students had good perception which the

students did not feel saturate with the corrections that given by the teacher

toward their error in spelling on their Recount text.

Table 4.78 Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in

spelling Statement 26

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 15 30.61% 80%

Agree 4 19 38.78%Moderate 3 15 30.61%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.44 displays the items of number twenty six, “ The

corrections that given by the teacher toward my error in spelling can

improve my ability in English writing”, there were (15) students answered

option “Strongly Agree (SA) 30.61%”, there were (19) students answered

option “Agree (A)38.78%”, there were (15) students answered option

“Moderate (M) 30.61%” there were (0) students answered option

“Disagree (D)0%”, and there were (0) students answered option

“Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item was



Agree with the percentage 38.78% or about (19) students. The total score

of this item based on appendix 6 page 135 was 80%, and this score was on

70-84 scale which mean, most of students had good perception which the

corrections that given by the teacher toward their error in spelling can

improve their ability in English writing.

4. Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in spelling

Table 4.79 Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in spellingStatement 27

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 15 30.61% 84%

Agree 4 31 63.26%Moderate 3 3 6.12%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.45 displays the items of number twenty seven, “I am feel

satisfied with the corrections that given by the teacher toward the content

of my Recount text”, there were (15) students answered option “Strongly

Agree (SA)30.61%”, there were (31) students answered option “Agree

(A)63.26%”, there were (3) students answered option “Moderate

(M)6.12%”, there were (0) students answered option “Disagree (D)0%”,

and there were (0) students answered option “Strongly Disagree

(SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item was Agree with the

percentage 63.26% or about (31) students. The total score of this item



based on appendix 6 page 135 was 84%, and this score was on 70-84 scale

which mean, most of students had good perception which the students feel

satisfied with the corrections that given by the teacher toward the content

of their Recount text.

Table 4.80 Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in spelling

Statement 28

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 18 36.73% 86%

Agree 4 28 57.14%Moderate 3 3 6.12%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.46 displays the items of number twenty eight, “The

corrections that given by the teacher toward the content of my Recount

text can improve my ability in English writing”, there were (18) students

answered option “Strongly Agree (SA)36.73%”, there were (28) students

answered option “Agree (A)57.14%”, there were (3) students answered

option “Moderate (M)6.12%”, there were (0) students answered option

“Disagree (D)0%”, and there were (0) students answered option

“Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item was

Agree with the percentage 57.14% or about (28) students. The total score

of this item based on appendix 6 page 136 was 86%, and this score was on

85-100 scale which mean, most of students had excellent perception which



the corrections that given by the teacher toward the content of their

Recount text can improve their ability in English writing.

5. Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in quality of the


Table 4.81 Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in quality of thecontent Statement 29

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 6 12.24% 78%

Agree 4 32 65.31%Moderate 3 11 22.45%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.47 displays the items of number twenty nine, “ I am

understanding the corrections that given by the teacher toward the unity

of my Recount text”, there were (6) students answered option “Strongly

Agree (SA)12.24%”, there were (32) students answered option “Agree

(A)65.31%”, there were (11) students answered option “Moderate

(M)22.45%”, there were (0) students answered option “Disagree (D)0%”,

and there were (0) students answered option “Strongly Disagree

(SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item was Agree with the

percentage 65.31% or about (32) students. The total score of this item

based on appendix 6 page 136 was 78%, and this score was on 70-84 scale

which mean, most of students had good perception which the students



understanding the corrections that given by the teacher toward the unity of

their Recount text.

Table 4.82 Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in quality of thecontent Statement 30

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 7 14.29% 78%

Agree 4 30 61.22%Moderate 3 12 24.49%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.48 displays the items of number thirty, “ I am

understanding the corrections that given by the teacher toward the

coheren of Recount text”, there were (7) students answered option

“Strongly Agree (SA)14.29%”, there were (30) students answered option

“Agree (A)61.22%”, there were (12) students answered option “Moderate

(M)24.49%”, there were (0) students answered option “Disagree (D)0%”,

and there were (0) students answered option “Strongly Disagree

(SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item was Agree with the

percentage 61.22% or about (30) students. The total score of this item

based on appendix 6 page 136 was 78%, and this score was on 70-84 scale

which mean, most of students had good perception which the students

understanding the corrections that given by the teacher toward the coheren

of their Recount text.



6. Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in organization of the


Table 4.83 Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in organizationof the content Statement 31

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 15 30.61% 86%

Agree 4 33 67.35%Moderate 3 1 2.04%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.49 displays the items of number thirty one,

“ The corrections that given by the teacher toward the form and the

content make me more understanding the mistakes that I made ”, there

were (15) students answered option “Strongly Agree (SA)30.61%”, there

were (33) students answered option “Agree (A)67.35%”, there were (1)

students answered option “Moderate (M)2.04%”, there were (0) students

answered option “Disagree (D)0%”, and there were (0) students answered

option “Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this

item was Agree with the percentage 67.35% or about (33) students. The

total score of this item based on appendix 6 page 137 was 86%, and this

score was on 85-100 scale which mean, most of students had excellent

perception which the corrections that given by the teacher toward the form

and the content make them more understanding the mistakes that they




Table 4.84 Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in organizationof the content Statement 32

Options Point F % Total ScoreStrong Agree 5 14 28.57% 84%

Agree 4 31 63.26%Moderate 3 4 8.16%Disagree 2 0 0%

Strong disagree 1 0 0%Total 49 100%

Table 4.50 displays the items of number thirty two,

“ The corrections that given by the teacher toward the form and the

content make me more enthusiastic in learning Recount text”, there were

(14) students answered option “Strongly Agree (SA)28.57%”, there were

(31) students answered option “Agree (A)63.25%”, there were (4) students

answered option “Moderate (M)8.16%”, there were (0) students answered

option “Disagree (D)0%”, and there were (0) students answered option

“Strongly Disagree (SD)0%”. So, the highest percentage for this item was

Agree with the percentage 63.25% or about (31) students. The total score

of this item based on appendix 6 page 137 was 84%, and this score was on

85-100 scale which mean, most of students had excellent perception which

the corrections that given by the teacher toward the form and the content

make them more enthusiastic in learning Recount text.

Based on the analysis of the data above, the mean score of the data

about students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback at second grade



students of MTsN 6 Agam based on appendix 6 page 127 could be seen on

the table below:

Table 4.52 The Mean Score of Students’ Perceptions Toward Teacher’sFeedback

No Statement Total Score1 Statement 19 80%2 Statement 20 86%3 Statement 21 78%4 Statement 22 86%5 Statement 23 81%6 Statement 24 84%7 Statement 25 82%8 Statement 26 80%9 Statement 27 84%10 Statement 28 86%11 Statement 29 78%12 Statement 30 78%13 Statement 31 86%14 Statement 32 84%

∑ X 1153%

x 82%

Table 4.52 displays the mean score of students’ perceptions toward

teacher’s feedback based on appendix 5 page 128. The mean score was

82%, and this score was on 70-84 scale which means, the students’ had

good perceptions toward teacher’s feedback.

B. Discussion

In this research, the researcher used questionnaire as the instrumentation.

The queationnaire had been given to the second grade students of MTsN 6 Agam,

there were 49 students from seven classes (VIII.1, VIII.2 VIII.3, VIII.4, VIII.5,



VIII.6, VIII.7) as the respondents. The questionnaire given was included two

variable, the students’ perceptions of their Recount text writing experience and the

students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback.

There were three sub variable for students’ perceptions of their Recount

text writing experience which consisted nine indicators. The indicators were about

students’ exeperience when writing Recount text they were choosing the topic,

narrowing the topic, generate the ideas, making sublist, writing the topic,

outlining, writing the first rought draft, revising content and organization, and

writing the final copy tthe total of statement for students’ perceptions of their

Recount text writing experience was 18 statements.

Furthermore, there were also three sub variables for the students’

perceptions toward teacher’s feedback which consisted seven indicators they were

grammar, vocabulary choice, punctuation, spelling, quality of the content,

organization of the content, and combination of correction and content related

feedback the total statement for the students’ perceptions toward teacher’s

feedback was 14 statements. After the respondents filled and answered the

questionnaire, the researcher collected and scored it then analyzed the data from

students’ answer.

Students’ perception is how the students’ opinions, senses, and beliefs

toward the object arround them. By knowing how the students’ perceptions, the

teacher can improve her/his skill in teaching English and can help the students in

learning English. Collete said “ By making students aware of their perceptions



and discussing and critiqueing them, it is likely that they will be able to correct

them self based on contextual sensitivity, which will in turn, eliminated the barrier

and fear they have towards English.”59 Which mean after the teacher knowing

what the students’ perceptions and their problems on their Recount text writing

experience, the teacher can discussion the students’ perceptions and help the

students to solve their problems.

The result of this research for students’ perceptions of their Recount text

writing experience was the students had good perceptions toward their Recount

text writing experience which could be seen from the mean score items of the

questionnaire where the mean of score was 73%. From the result of the research,

the researcher found that the students had low perceptions in making sublist

indicator statement 7 and 8 with the score was 68% and 64%. It was showed that

the students had some problems in this process when writing Recount text, where

most of the students answered moderate for the statement I can sort their idea

into a list and I do not find the difficulties when sort my idea. It mean that most of

the students could not sort their idea into a list and most of the students found

some difficulties when sort their idea. The teacher have to discussion these

students’ perceptions toward their experience when writing Recount text.

Students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback

The result for the students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback was the

students had good perceptions toward the teacher’s feedback on their Recount text

59Despagne Collete. The Difficulties of Learning English: Perception and attitude inMexico Canadian an International article. The University of Western Ontario.article 5. 2010. p.18 http.// on Sunday 25 January 2013



which could be seen from the mean score items of the questionnaire where the

mean of score was 82%. From the result of the research, the researcher found that

the students had low perceptions toward teacher’s feedback in indicator

organization of the content statement 29 and 30 with the score was 78%. It was

showed that the students did not understood with the feedback that provided by

the teacher in organization of the content from the students’ Recount text., where

most of the students answered moderate for statement I am understanding the

corrections that given by the teacher toward the unity of my Recount text and I am

understanding the corrections that given by the teacher toward the coheren of

Recount text. It mean half of the students was agree that they understood with the

corrections that given by the teacher toward the unity of their Recount text and the

corrections that given by the teacher toward the coheren of their Recount text.

And half of the students’ did not agree with theses statement, which mean they

did not understood with those corrections. From this result, the teacher have to

repair to provide the feedback toward the students’ organization of the content on

the students’ Recount text because it will affect to the learning process.



A. Conclusions

The purpose of this research is to know how the students’ perceptions on

their Recount text writing experience and how the students’ perceptions toward



teacher’s feedback on second grade students of MTsN 6 Agam. Based on finding

and discussion that have presented in the previous chapter, the researcher

concludes the result of the research about the students’ perceptions on their

Recount text writing experience and teacher’s feedback as follows:

Based on the result of the research above, the researcher concludes that the

students’ perceptions of their Recount text writing experience is enough and the

students perceptions’ toward the teacher’s feedback is good.

1. The mean score of students’ perceptions of their Recount text writing

experience at second grade students on MTsN 6 Agam is 73% which mean the

students’ perception of their Recount text experience is good.

2. The mean score of students’ perceptions toward teacher’s feedback at second

grade students of MTsN 6 Agama is 82% which mean the students’

perceptions toward teacher’s feedback is good.

B. Suggestions

Based on the finding above, the following may be useful dealing with

teaching and learning process in teaching English especially in writing Recount

text, the researcher suggests as follows:

1. The teacher should help the students to solve their problems in writing

Recount text especilly in making the sublist process.



2. It’s better for the teacher to use integrative feedback in providing the feeback

for the students’, because based on the result of the research most of the

students were more understand with the feedback that provided by the teacher

in combination of corrections of form and content based feedback.


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