Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов ...

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для курсантов, обучающихся

на многоуровневой основе

В 2 частях

Часть 2

Ульяновск 2010

ББК Ш143.21-9я7

П 69

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-

уровневой основе. В 2 ч. Ч. 2 / сост. М. М. Федечко, Н. Н. Цветкова. – Улья-

новск : УВАУ ГА(И), 2010. – 112 с.

Содержит аутентичные тексты и упражнения для формирования, развития и

закрепления лексических навыков, навыков чтения, а также навыков диалоги-

ческой и монологической речи в сфере бытовой коммуникации.

Предназначено для использования на практических занятиях по дисципли-

нам «Иностранный (английский) язык» и «Разговорный английский язык» кур-

сантами первого и второго курсов всех специальностей.

Печатается по решению Редсовета училища.


Предисловие ................................................................................................................ 3

Money. Banks ................................................................................................................ 4

Post. Telephone ........................................................................................................... 13

Travelling .................................................................................................................... 33

English-Speaking Countries ........................................................................................ 51

Sports ........................................................................................................................... 60

Hotels ........................................................................................................................... 71

At the Doctor’s ............................................................................................................ 81

Air Travel and Customs ............................................................................................ 100

© Ульяновское высшее авиационное училище

гражданской авиации (институт), 2010


Настоящий практикум подготовлен на кафедре иностранных языков Улья-

новского высшего авиационного училища гражданской авиации. Практикум со-

стоит из двух частей и рассчитан на курсантов первого и второго курсов всех


Цель пособия – научить курсантов практическому использованию лексико-

грамматического материала в устных и письменных высказываниях на темы

общего характера.

Издание организовано по тематическому принципу: практикум состоит из

восьми разделов: 1) деньги, банки; 2) почта, телефон; 3) путешествия;

4) англоговорящие страны; 5) спорт; 6) отели; 7) у врача; 8) путешествие воз-

душным транспортом и таможня.

Каждый раздел пособия включает в себя глоссарий, предтекстовые упраж-

нения, тексты, вопросы, контролирующие понимание текстов, диалоги и ситуа-

ции для их составления, серию послетекстовых лексических упражнений, про-

блемные ситуации для обсуждения в устной и письменной форме. Для более

полного усвоения материала целесообразно последовательно прорабатывать все

предлагаемые в разделе задания.

Представленный в пособии материал имеет разный уровень сложности и

может быть использован на практических занятиях в группах с разным уровнем

подготовки курсантов. Надеемся, что данное пособие будет способствовать

развитие коммуникативной компетенции у курсантов и поддержанию их инте-

реса к изучению иностранного языка.

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 3


I. Topical vocabulary


to go to the bank обращаться в банк

to open a current/savings account открыть текущий / сберегательный счет

to withdraw money = to take money out изымать деньги

to deposit money класть деньги на депозит to have an overdraft = to have one’s account overdrawn

превысить расходы по счету

to be in the red ≠ to be in the black иметь задолженность, быть должником ≠ приносить доход

to make a profit ≠ to make a loss получать прибыль ≠ терпеть убытки

to lend money одалживать деньги

to borrow money (from) занимать деньги

to be made bankrupt обанкротиться

to invest money вкладывать деньги (в)

to pay regular dividend платить дивиденды (часть прибыли, рас-пределяемая ежегодно между акционерами)

to pay the rent / everyday bills / the interests / tax

платить арендную плату/ оплачивать счета / выплачивать проценты / платить налоги

II. Texts

Text A

Personal Finance

Sometimes in a shop they ask you: “How do you want to pay?”

You can answer: “Cash / By Cheque / By credit card.”

In a bank you usually have a current account, which is one where you pay in your

salary and then withdraw money to pay your everyday bills. The bank sends you a

regular bank statement telling you how much money is in your account. You may also

have a savings account where you deposit any extra money that you have and only take

money out when you want to spend it on something special. You usually try to avoid

having an overdraft or you end up paying a lot of interest. If your account is overdrawn,

you can be said to be in the red (as opposed to be in the black or in credit).

Sometimes the bank may lend you money – this is called a bank loan. If the bank (or

building society) lends you money to buy a house, that money is called a mortgage.

When you buy (or, more formally, purchase) something in a shop, you usually

pay for it outright. But sometimes you buy on credit. Sometimes you may be offered

a discount or a reduction on something you but at a shop. This means that you get,

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 4

say, £10 off perhaps you are a student. You are often offered a discount if you buy in

bulk. It is not usual to haggle about prices in a British shop, as it is in, say, a Turkish

market. If you want to return something which you have bought to a shop, you may

be given a refund, i.e. your money will be returned, provided you have a receipt.

The money that you pay for services, e.g. to a school or a lawyer, is usually called

a fee or fees; the money paid for a journey is a fare.

If you buy something that you feel was very good value, it’s a bargain. If you feel that

it is definitely not worth what you paid for it, then you call it a rip-off (very colloquial).

Public Finance

The government collects money from citizens through taxes. Income tax is the tax

collected on wages and salaries. Inheritance tax is collected on what people inherit

from others. Customs or excise duties have to be paid on goods imported from other

countries. VAT or value added tax is a tax paid on most goods and services when

they are bought or purchased. Companies pay corporation tax on their profits. If you

pay too much tax, you should be given some money back, a tax rebate.

The government also sometimes pays out money to people in need, e.g. unemploy-

ment benefit (also known informally as the dole), disability allowances and student grants

(to help pay for studying).

Every country has its own special currency. Every day the rates of exchange are published

and you can discover, for example, how many dollars there are currently to the pound sterling.

A company may sell shares to members of the public who are then said to have invest-

ed in that company. They should be paid a regular dividend on their investment, depend-

ing on the profit or loss made by the company.

Match the following words with their definitions.

1) bank statement a) налог на добавленную стоимость


2) shares b) налог на наследство

3) bank loan c) акцизный сбор

4) mortgage d) подоходный налог

5) income tax e) налоговая скидка

6) inheritance tax f) банковская ссуда

7) customs or excise duty g) налог на прибыль

8) value added tax (VAT) h) баланс банка (на определенную дату)

9) profits tax i) ипотечный кредит

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 5

10) tax rebate j) акции, ценные бумаги

Text B

Complete the text using the following phrases.

but they weren’t used in Europe a thing in the past How much money

began to appear a £10 bank note about 2,700 years ago as people be

pieces of paper come rich

_____1______ have you got with you today? How many coins? How many

notes? Why is money so important anyway? If you think about it, coins are just discs

of metal, and bank notes are just _____ 2______. Money is only money if we agree

that it’s worth something! Nowadays, governments print bank notes and guarantee

their value. As well as the Queen’s head, all British bank notes carry the words: “I

promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of …” That means that – in theory –

it’s possible for you to take _____3______ to the bank of England and ask for a £10

of gold in return. We don’t suggest you try it, though! The United States government,

for example, stopped exchanging bills for gold in 1971.

Over the years, money has taken many forms: in China people used precious shells;

hundreds of years later the Vikings in Northern Europe used jewellery, and the people

of ancient Tibet once used blocks of dried tea! People from ancient Lydia (Turkey)

were the first to make coins, ___4_____. The coins were made from electrum, a mix-

ture of gold and silver. It wasn’t until the 11th century that paper bank notes

_____5_____ in China. ______6______ until the Middle Ages when traders and bank-

ers used ‘bills of exchange’ instead of cash. The modern industries of banking and in-

surance soon followed _______7_______ through trade between East and West.

With the growth of the ‘virtual economy’, some people predict that, by the end of this

century, coins and notes will be _____8______ : we will use ‘smart cards’ to buy things.

No more worries about losing your wallet or purse …. But what if you lose the card?

Answer the questions below about the text.

1. Can you really change a £10 note for a £10 of gold at the bank of England?

2. Can you exchange dollar bills for gold in the USA?

3. What did people use for money in

a) Ancient China;

b) Viking Europe;

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 6

c) Ancient Tibet?

4. Who made the first coins? When?

5. When did the first bank notes appear? Where?

6. Where did bank notes first appear in Europe?

7. What do some people predict will replace money?

III. Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 1. Use the following words in the text below.

notes coins credit card currency cash cheque money belt

The less money you carry around with you, the better. I usually have about £40 in

___1____ in my wallet and a couple of pounds in ____2____ in my pocket. I pay

___3__ for things which cost under £10, but for anything over that I use my

____4___. I only use my ___5___ book to pay bills. When I go on holiday, I carry all

my foreign ___6____ in a ____7___ round my waist under my trousers!

Ex. 2. Complete the following dialogues with the words below.

credit card cash change cheque

1. Um, I think £25 is a bit expensive. – Well, there’s 10 % off if you pay ______.

2. We still haven’t paid the telephone bill. – Don’t worry, I put a ______ in the post last

night. 3. Can I pay by _______? – Yes, we take Visa and MasterCard. 4. Have you got

any ______? I’ve only got a twenty-pound note. – Yes, I think I’ve got some pound coins.

Ex. 3. Most of us earn money from our regular jobs, but there are other ways of

getting money too. Complete the definitions with these words.

a) pension

b) grant

c) fee

d) salaryinterest

e) interest

f) income

g) pocket money

h) wage

i) bonus

1. A ________ is what you earn weekly. 2. A _________ is what you earn month-

ly or annually. 3. Your annual salary plus any other money you earn in a year is your

_______. 4. A ________ is paid to a professional for some work – a lawyer, for ex-

ample. 5. ________ is given by parents to children. 6. People who have retired re-

ceive a ______. 7. _________ is extra money you receive monthly or annually if you

keep money in the bank. 8. Some people receive a ________ once a year if they have

done a good job or if the company has had a good year. 9. A _________ is money

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 7

given to you to help you with your studies or to travel.

Ex. 4. Complete the following dialogues with the correct form of the verb phrases below.

get £400 a week earn pretty good money make a lot more

get a pay rise

1. I’ve only just got enough to get by at the moment but fortunately I _____

next month. 2. She wears some lovely clothes, doesn’t she? – Yes, she bought a Por-

sche recently, so I guess she ________. 3. How’s your new job? Does it pay well? –

Not too bad. I ______ after tax. 4. My basic wage is only £200 a week, but I ______ be-

cause I do so much overtime.

Ex. 5. Complete the sentences below with these verbs in the correct tense.

make save borrow earn win spend lend

1. He _________ the lottery and now he __________ a lot of money on clothes.

2. I’ll __________ you an offer for that car. 3. She ________ a good salary and

__________ money every month to buy a house. 4. Can you _________ me $10?

Remember, you ________ some money from me last month.

Ex. 6. A. Make sure that you understand the meaning of the words in bold.

1. I’m fed up with being broke all the time. 2. At 2-0 down with ten minutes left

you have to go for broke. 3. She wouldn’t do her homework until I bribed her with

ice cream. 4. The only way we could get into the country was by bribing the border

officials. 5. I gave the guy a generous tip. 6. Not everyone wants to be pensioned off

at 65. 7. His house was full of worthless junk. 8. She is too stingy to give money to

charity. 9. Cable TV subscribers pay monthly fees. 10. They were all ransomed and

returned unharmed. 11. His daughter was kidnapped and held for ransom. 12. He has

accused the nurses of holding the government to ransom by threatening to strike.

B. Choose a word or a phrase below to complete the sentences.

broke priceless tip pension subsidy bribes worthless

stingy fee automatic cash machine bankrupt ransom

1. The waitress was so rude and the service so slow that we decided not to leave a

_______ at the end of the meal. 2. I just couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw

the_______ that my lawyer had charged me…$750! 3. The Star of Africa – belonging to

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 8

the Queen of England – is the largest cut diamond in the world and is regarded as utterly

_______. 4. Unfortunately, many of the ‘authentic’ autographs bought and sold on the

Internet are not genuine, and such are completely ________. 5. Despite being one of the

richest men in the USA, Texas oil billionaire H. L. Hunt was so _______ he refused to

buy lunch: he always brought his own sandwiches to meetings! 6. Some politicians are

arguing that the _____given to support the unprofitable transport system is too high.

7. Now they’ve retired, my grandparents only have their _______ to live on. 8. The

young man was released by the kidnappers when his family agreed to pay a ________of

$100.000. 9. The company which has been making huge losses over the last three years,

finally went_______ last month. 10. At the time of his arrest, the former company direc-

tor was homeless and completely ________. 11. The city mayor is at the centre of a

scandal in which he is accused of accepting ________from local businessmen. 12. Oh

no! The _______ has taken my card and the bank’s closed. What can I do?

C. Give one-word definition to the following:

1. To illegally give someone, especially a public official, money or a gift in order to

persuade them to do something for you. 2. A quality or skill that is extremely important

or useful. 3. a small amount of additional money that 3. You give to someone such as

waiter or taxi driver. 4. Money that is paid by a government or organization to make

prices lower, reduce the cost of producing goods… 5. Something that has no value,

importance or use. 6 Not generous, especially with money (mean). 7. An amount of

money that is paid to free someone who is held as a prisoner. 8. Having no money.

Ex. 7. Put one word into each gap to complete the sentences.

1. I receive a bank ________ every month, which tells me how much money has

gone into and out my account. 2. I’m ________ debt and I don’t know what to do.

3. You should talk to your father. He’ll lend you money. He’s ___, isn’t he? 4. He

changed his job because he wanted to ________ more money. 5. He borrowed money

from 3 friends. In total he ______ about $600. 6. They _______ all their money in a

new Internet company, but it failed and she lost everything.

Ex. 8. Match each word or phrase (1–5) with a definition / example (a–e).

1. current account

a) You can use this card to buy something and pay at the end

of the month

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 9

2. deposit account

3. store card

4. credit card

5. debit card

b) You use this account for saving

c) You can use this card to buy things at a particular shop,

e.g. a department store

d) You can take money from this account whenever you like

e) You can use this card in the same way as a cheque. The

money is taken directly from your bank account.

Ex. 9. Put each of the following words or phrases in the correct place in the sen-

tences below:

quid broke hire-purchase make ends meet I.O.U. mortgage

installments chickenfeed

1. I’m afraid I have no money at all. I’m completely _______. 2. She finds Lon-

don very expensive. She says she can’t ________ on less than $10 a week. 3. To a

multi-millionaire $100 is ____________. 4. Can you lend me a couple of ________?

5. I managed to get a _________ to buy a house. I’ll be paying it back for the next ten

years. 6. He lent me the money but he didn’t trust me completely and asked me to

give him an ________. 7. I couldn’t really afford to buy a car so I got it on _______

and paid monthly ________ until it was finally mine.

IV. Dialogues

1. Read the dialogue in pairs.

Fiona and Janet are talking about their friends.

Fiona: … and Tom has a good job. He earns a lot of money.

Janet: That’s true but he spends a lot, too. I read his bank statement and it said he

was overdrawn by £500?

Fiona: £500?

Janet: That’s not all. He owes another £1000 on his credit card. He even owes me £45.

Fiona: He’s really in debt then. And the interest rate on credit cards is very high.

Much higher than inflation. I pay 18 % on my credit card. But Tom always has a lot

of cash on him.

Janet: But his brother – Don – you know him, don’t you?

Fiona: Yes, I went out with him when we were very young.

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 10

Janet: Well, Don invests most of his money. He makes quite a lot, I think, and he

saves a lot, too.

Fiona: Well, when I knew him he was salesman and he kept 10 % of the value of

everything he sold.

Janet: He got commission, did he? He must be very well-off now.

Fiona: And the only way I’ll be rich is if I win money on the lottery.

2. Working in pairs make up a dialogue for the following imaginary situations.

1. There seems to be a problem with your bank account. You are over your over-

draft limit. You need to come to the bank to discuss it.

2. A friend tries to borrow money from you. You are not short of money. Howev-

er, you lent this friend a large sum last year. Your friend has not repaid the debt and

seems to have forgotten about it. You have never mentioned this to your friend be-

cause you don’t want to hurt your friend’s feelings.

V. Speaking Tasks

1. Describe the way $10 million should be spent if you are a mayor of a small town.

You should say:

– how you would divide the money between different organizations;

– what amount of money each organization can get;

– what amount of money should be spent on charity.

Explain the reasons for your decision.

2. Describe one of the richest people in your country. You should say:

– where his/her money come from;

– how he/she spends their money;

– how happy they are.

Explain if the money can buy happiness.

3. Your teacher has asked you to share your ideas on the following saying: “Money

makes the world go round.”

VI. Supplementary Reading


1. Dollars

The US dollar is made up of 100 cents. The Department of the Treasury prints

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 11

bills in various denominations: $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100. All are green and

so are sometimes called greenbacks. On the front, each has the picture of a famous

American. The dollar bill, for instance, shows George Washington, the first US Pres-

ident. An informal name for dollar is bucks, because in the early period of US history

people traded the skins of bucks (deer) and prices would sometimes be given as a

number of buckskins. Buck refers to the dollar itself, and not to the bill. So although

you can say: “He earns 500 bucks a week”, you have to say “If I give you four quar-

ters could you give me a dollar bill?”

The Treasury also makes US coins: pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. There

are also half-dollars and silver dollars but these are not often seen. Pennies have a

dark brown colour; all the other coins have a silver appearance.

When you write an amount in figures the dollar sign ($) goes to the left of the

amount and a decimal point is placed between the dollars and the cents (hundredths

of a dollar). If the amount is less than one dollar, the cent sign is (¢) put after the

numbers. So you write $5, $5.62, and 62¢.

2. Pounds

Britain’s currency is the pound sterling, written as ‘£’ before a figure. A pound

consists of 100 pence, written as ‘p’ with figures. Pound coins are round and gold-

coloured. They have the Queen’s head on one side and the one of four designs, Eng-

lish, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish, on the other. The £2 coin is silver-coloured

with a gold edge. Coins of lower value are the silver coloured 50p, 20p, 10p and 5p

pieces. All are round, except for the 50p and 20p pieces which have seven curved

sides. Coins are made at the Royal Mint. Paper notes (not bills), which have the

Queen’s head on one side and a famous person, e.g. Charles Dickens, on the other,

are worth $5, $10, $20 or $50.

A pound is informally called a quid, a £5 note is a fiver, and a £10 note is a ten-

ner. Scottish banknotes have their own designs. They can be used anywhere in Brit-

ain, though shops can legally refuse to accept them. To prevent people forging paper

money, designs are complicated and difficult to copy. The decimal system now in use

in Britain replaced the old pounds, shillings and pence in 1971.

On 1 January 1999 the euro was introduced in the 11 countries of the European

Union which supported monetary union. Britain chose not to be part of this group.

However, many British businesses which trade with countries in ‘Euroland’ have

opened euro bank accounts so as to be able to pay for goods and be paid in Euros.

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 12



I. Topical Vocabulary

Hardware central processing unit центральный процессор

the hard disk жесткий диск

mouse мышь

keyboard клавиатура

monitor монитор

screen экран

(laser) printer (лазерный) принтер

modem модем

scanner сканер

Software programme программа

floppy disk гибкий магнитный диск, дискета

Operating a Computer

to be computer literate обладать компьютерной грамотностью

to install programmes into one’s computer hard disk

устанавливать программу на жесткий диск

to run a programme запускать программу

to store a vast amount of information хранить большой объем информации

to have enough memory иметь достаточный объем памяти

to use a computer as a word processor (=typing machine)

использовать компьютер как текстовой про-цессор

to insert a floppy disk вставлять дискету

to make a back up copy делать резервную копию

to save the data сохранять информацию

to open(≠ to close) a document открыть (≠ закрыть) документ

to click on the icon щелкнуть значок

to highlight part of the text выделить часть текста

to print напечатать

to copy копировать

to delete удалять

to cut вырезать

to use the Internet пользоваться Интернетом

to create a web page / a site создать страницу / сайт

to read on-line newspapers and magazines читать газеты и журналы в режиме «oн-лайн»

to download sth загрузить информацию

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 13

to go into a chat room общаться в чате

to send an E-mail отправлять электронное письмо

Problems with Computer hacker хакер

virus вирус

bug жучок

Problems on the Phone to be engaged быть занятым

to get cut off быть разъединенным

to get the wrong number набрать неверный номер

to get through to sb дозвониться до кого-либо


mobile phone мобильный телефон

cordless phone беспроводной телефон

answering machine = answer phone автоответчик

fax machine факс

phone box телефон

public phone общественный телефон

phone card телефонная карта

telephone directory телефонный справочник

international / country / area code международный код / код страны / код ме-ста

switchboard коммутатор

extension расширение

Making phone calls

to phone = to call = to ring (up) звонить

to make a phone call делать звонок

to call sb on the mobile звонить кому-либо по мобильному

to make a reverse charge (=collect) call звонить за счет вызываемого абонента

to make a long distance (≠local) call сделать междугородний (≠ местный) звонок

to put sb through соединить кого-либо

to look the number up in the phone book искать номер в справочнике

to ring the Directory Enquiries звонить в справочную службу

to dial the number набрать номер

to pick up the receiver снять трубку

to answer the phone ответить на телефонный звонок

to leave a message (on the answer phone) оставить сообщение (на автоответчике)

to call back перезвонить

to hang up повесить трубку

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 14

to hold the line не вешать трубку

to be on another line быть на другой линии

Computer (PC)


central processing unit центральный процессор

the hard disk жесткий диск

mouse мышь

keyboard клавиатура

monitor монитор

screen экран

(laser) printer (лазерный) принтер

modem модем

scanner сканер


programme программа

CD(-ROM) компакт-диск

floppy disk дискета

Operating a Computer

to be computer literate обладать компьютерной грамотностью

to install programmes into one’s computer hard disk

установить программу на жесткий диск

to run a programme запускать программу

to store a vast amount of information хранить большой объем информации

to have enough memory иметь достаточно памяти

to use a computer as a word processor (=typing machine)

использовать компьютер в качестве печат-ной машинки

to insert a floppy disk вставить дискету

to make a back up copy сделать резервную копию

to save the data сохранять данные

to open(≠to close) a document oткрыть (≠ закрыть) документ

to highlight part of the text выделить часть текста

to print печатать

to copy копировать

to delete удалять

to cut вырезать

to use the Internet пользоваться интернетом

to create a web page / a site создать Web-страницу / сайт

to read on-line newspaper and magazines читать газеты и журналы в реальном вре-мени

to download sth загрузить что-либо

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 15

to go into a chat room выйти в чат

to send an E-mail отправить электронное письмо

Machines and Equipment video / DVD player видео / DVD проигрыватель

CD player проигрыватель компакт-дисков

speakers колонки

headphones наушники

video camera видеокамера

satellite / cable TV спутниковое / кабельное телевидение

satellite dish спутниковая антенна

remote control unit пульт дистанционного управления

plug разъем; вилка; штепсель; штекер

switch переключатель; выключатель

socket гнездо; розетка

battery батарейка

extension lead удлинитель

II. Texts

Text A

We have forgotten how to write letters as a means of keeping in touch over long

distances with people we care about. This is sad but not at all surprising. The princi-

ple cause for our shift away from letter writing can be summed up in two words: the

telephone. The telephone has caused us to put away our pens and paper because it is

generally more convenient and immediate for both the sender and the receiver. The

end result has been that we are now reaching each other more quickly but not neces-

sarily more effectively.

Most people prefer calling to writing because it takes less time. The American

culture places a great deal of emphasis on accomplishing things as quickly and effi-

ciently as possible. So, it is not surprising that we would place a ten-minute phone

call to let a loved one know what is going on in our lives rather than spend an hour

explaining details in a three-page letter.

In addition, telephoning is more convenient because there is less work involved.

When using the telephone, we merely dial and begin to talk. At the end of the conversa-

tion, we hang up the receiver and the task is completed. When writing a letter, however,

we must first find a pen, writing paper, an envelope, then write the letter, address it, get a

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 16

stamp for it, mail it, and after that wait who knows how long for a reply. Left to choose

between the more expensive one-step telephone call and the cheaper multistep letter, the

majority of us are willing to pay for the convenience of talking on the phone.

A less obvious but equally important reason why people prefer using the tele-

phone is that it is more immediately satisfying than a letter. A phone call gives a

more complete picture of how each person is doing. During a telephone call one can,

for example, tell whether the other person is angry, nervous, or reserved. This kind of

information might be totally lost in a letter.

Communicating over the telephone also feels more complete because it is sponta-

neous. A two-way conversation is occurring. The speakers can discuss until they feel

that they have understood each other. When I was college, my parents would call me

every Sunday afternoon so that my mother could hear for herself that I was “really

OK”. For her, my letters were informative, but she didn’t feel we had truly made con-

tact with each other until she could talk to me and hear my voice in the receiver.

Because a telephone call is quicker and gives immediate pleasure, I’m afraid that

we are beginning to forget the benefits of letter writing as a means of communica-

tion. A letter offers some advantages that a call does not. The writer can, for exam-

ple, think carefully about what he wants to say. It gives him the chance to remember

things he might forget in a spontaneous conversation. It also provides him with the

time to organize his thoughts into a logical and comprehensible order. In other words,

he has the luxury of saying exactly what he wants, the way he wants. In addition, a

letter can be kept and enjoyed several times. Once a phone call is finished, however,

you are left only with its memories. On lonely nights far away from home, reading a

few letters from family and friends can be very comforting.

Answer the questions below about the text.

1. In what meaning is the world calling used: “Many people prefer calling to writ-

ing letters”?

a) giving a name to;

b) speaking loudly in order to make someone hear;

c) going to another man’s house;

d) telephoning.

2. In what meaning is the verb to reach used: “We are now reaching each other

more quickly”?

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 17

a) to arrive at or get to a person, place, etc.;

b) to extend as far as (e.g. mould has reached the ceiling);

c) to come to a certain condition (e.g. to come to a point of starvation);

d) to extend in influence (e.g. the Romans conquest reached throughout Eng-


3. In what meaning is the noun means used: “As means of keeping in touch over

long distances”?

a) method or instrument used to obtain a result or achieve an end;

b) measure;

c) considerable wealth;

d) income.

Match the following words with their definitions.

1) to dial;

2) receiver;

3) an envelope;

4) a stamp;

5) sender;

6) to keep in touch;

7) means of communications;

8) to provide smb with smth;

9) a reply;

10) benefits (of).

a) преимущества;

b) конверт;

c) ответ;

d) средства связи ;

e) 1. получатель (чего угодно, в самом

широком смысле).

2. телефонная трубка;

f) набирать номер;

g) обеспечивать кого-л. чем-л.;

h) поддерживать связь;

i) отправитель;

j) марка.

Text B

Writing letters

For formal business communication, people usually write letters – not emails.

This means that there is a written record which can be kept for reference.

We usually write letters in these situations:

– to apply for a job;

– to offer a service;

– to confirm or conclude an agreement;

– to tell people about important changes in your business or procedures;

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 18

– to complain about poor service / products.

It is important that a formal letter is written with correct language and spelling and

has an appropriate style. You shouldn’t write contractions (e.g. I’ll or we’d). If you

need to write a formal letter it is a good idea to get help from another English speaker.

When writing a business letter, you should follow the standard format. Business letters

tend to follow similar patterns even though their formality may vary. This can be very

formal: when you don’t know the person you are writing to; formal: when you know the

name but you don’t know the person; and semi-formal: when you know the person.

There are certain conventions regarding the way to address people and to close

your letter which are as follows:

Very formal:



Opening letters

Dear Sir or Madam / Dear Sir

Dear Mr / Mrs / Ms Potts

Dear George Potts

Closing letters

Yourth faithfully (BrE) / Yours truly


Yours sincerely (BrE) / Sincerely


Best regards / Best wishes

Informal letters

Informal letters are to a friend or a person you know.

1. Look at the organization of the following informal letter.

We begin letters with “Dear …” Your address and the date, but not your name

38 Clifton Gardens

London NW6

27 September 1991

Dear Maria

I’m very pleased that we’re going to be pen friends. I’ll tell

you a little about myself, and you can do the same when you

write to me.


I live in an area of London called Maida Vale. It’s quite near

the centre, but there are parks nearly where I take my dog, Mick-

ey, for a walk. I live with my parents and mu younger brother,

Paul. My father works for the post office and my mother has a

part-time job as a nurse.

Where you live

Who you live with

What your family


Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 19

I go to the local comprehensive school, where I have a lot of

friends. I like most subjects, but not all of them! In the evenings I

sometimes visit friends or stay at home and listen to music, and at

the weekends I like going swimming or horse-riding.

What you do

What you like

Your hobbies and


At the moment I’m working very hard because I have exams

soon, so I‘m spending a lot of time in the library!

What you’re doing at

the moment

I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Write soon! Ending

Best wishes.

Francis Jones

You can end a letter

to a friend with Best

wishes, or Regards,

or Love, if you know

them well.

Your signature

2. Below is an outline of a formal letter. Look at it carefully. Is it the same as in

your country?

Your signature

The name and address of who youare writing to

Your address (not your name)

The date

The greeting


Main parts

Concluding comment

The ending

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 20

3. The following are the contents of a letter. Divide it correctly and fill the boxes in

the letter above.

Rua Luis de Deus 18, 3000 Coimbra, Portugal. 29th March 1991. The Principal,

The Oxford English College, 234 Hilton Rd., Eastbourne BN4 3UA.Dear Sir or Mad-

am, I saw your advertisement for English classes in this month’s English Today mag-

azine and I am interested in coming to your school this summer. I have studied Eng-

lish for three years but I have never been to England and I feel that this is now

necessary, especially to improve my pronunciation. Please could you send me more

information about your courses, and an application form. I would also like some in-

formation about accommodation. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as pos-

sible. Yours faithfully, Anna Maria Fernandes.

4. Write a similar letter about yourself to the following address.

The Principal

The World English School

47, Harrogate Rd

York YK3 8BT

5. Match a greeting with a suitable ending. Which are formal? Which are informal?

1) Dear Sir or Madam

2) Darling Rosie

3) Dear Ms McDonald

4) Dear Helen

5) Dear Philip

a) Yours


b) Yours faithfully

Robert J. Fleming

c) Lots of love

Bobby xxx

d) Yours sincerely

Robert Fleming

e) Love


6. Write a similar letter to a pen friend in England.

Your pen friend can be male or female.

Write information about you, where you live, what you do, your family…

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 21

7. Work in pairs. Read the following statements, and decide whether they are true

(T) or false (F).

1. The recipient’s address should be aligned to the right. 2. The sender’s address

should be aligned to the right. 3. When the letter starts Dear Sir / Madam you should

end it with Yours sincerely. 4. You can end a letter to someone you know with Best

wishes. 5. The first paragraph of the letter should explain your reason for writing.

6. You should start a new paragraph for each sentence. 7. You should leave a clear

line between each paragraph. 8. Ms is the title used for a married woman. 9. Master is

the title used for a man. 10. If you are writing a formal letter, it is not a good idea to

use contractions (I’m, can’t). 11. Enc. means there are items enclosed with the letter.

III. Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 1. Read what each person says, and match the phrasal verbs (in bold) with

their explanations.

1. The phone is ringing. I’ll pick it up. 2. Sorry, I’ve got to go. I’ll call back later.

3. Do you happen to know the phone number of the central station? – I’ll look it up

for you in the phone book. 4. Hold on. I’ll put you through. 5. Oh, no! We got cut

off. 6. Sorry for being late. I called you several times yesterday but couldn’t get

through. The line was busy. 7. Wait a minute, Mum, I’ll put Jill on. 8. Hang up

immediately! You’ve been on the phone for an hour already!

a) disconnected;

b) find;

c) lift (the receiver);

d) return the call;

e) ask someone to come to the phone;

f) put the receiver back;

g) wait;

h) reach;

i) connect with.

Ex.2. Supply the best word or words.

1. You can’t get through on the phone because the number you want is _____.

a) busy b) occupied c) in use d) engaged

2. You can make a telephone call from a public ______.

a) phone box b) cabin c) cubicle

3. Someone calls your number by mistake, so you say, “Sorry! _______!”

a) Wrong number b) Mistake c) You’ve made a mistake d) Error

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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4. You want to use the phone. You ask, “Can I make a _____ please?”

a) ring b) phone c) telephone d) call

5. Someone answers the phone and you say, “Can I ______ Elsa please?”

a) speak to b) talk to c) say to d) tell

6. How do you pronounce the first figure in this number: 0714993725?

a) oh b) nil c) love d) nought

Ex. 3. Use these words in the conversations below.

call back ring take a message no-one that there

wrong (2) this it’s

1. “Hello.”

“Hi. Is______ Liz?”

“Yes, who’s that? I can hardly hear you.”

“_______ Debbie. I’m on my mobile.”

2. “Hello.”

“Hello. Is Martin______, please?”

“I’m afraid he’s out. Can I _____?”

“No, don’t worry. I’ll _____later.”

3. “Hello.”

“Hi. _____ is David Peaty. Could I speak to Chris, please?”

“Oh, hello David. He’s not in yet. Shall I ask him to ______ you when he gets in?”

4. “Could I speak to Donald, please?”

“I think you must have the ______ number. There’s______ of that name here.”

5. “Hello, Peter Willis.”

“Sorry, ______ number.”

Ex. 4. Complete the following dialogues with the correct form of the verbs below.

Use each verb once only.

make look it up give answer dial call leave get

1. “What time do you want me to pick you up this evening?”

“I’m not sure. I’ll _____you on my mobile just before the train gets in.”

2. “Do you mind if I ______a phone call?”

“No, of course not. The phone’s in the hall.”

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 23

3. “What time shall we meet?”

“I’m not sure yet. I’ll _____you a call later this evening.”

4. “I’ll phone later and give you Sally’s new address.”

“I probably won’t be in, but you can _____a message.”

5. “Do you know what Jim’s number is?”

“Yes, _____ 01273 for Brighton and then his number’s 736344.”

6. “Do you know Sarah’s number?”

“No, I’m afraid I don’t. Why don’t you______ in the phone book?”

7. “Shall I ring you later?”

“Yes, but I may be out. Have you______ my mobile number?”

8. “I’m in the bath. Can you _____ that, please?”

Ex. 5. Complete the text with the correct form of these expressions.

be engaged hang up call straight back get cut off

get through get the wrong number

I’ve had a terrible morning! I’ve been trying to ___1___ to Mr Francis for the last

hour and a half. First I __2__ – an old lady answered the phone and started telling me

about her cats!

Then when I did dial the right number it ___3___ – he seems to spend most of his

day on the phone. Finally, after about twenty attempts, his secretary answered the

phone. She was just about to put me through, when we ___4__ – I don’t know what

happened. Anyway, I ___5___ and finally I got to speak to him. I was just about to

tell him about the meeting when he suddenly told me that he had to speak to some-

body urgently on another line. I couldn’t believe it – he just ___6__ on me!

Ex. 6. Put the following answerphone message into the correct order.

1. but if you’d like

2. we’ll get back

3. as we can. Thank you.

4. to the phone right now,

5. I’m sorry

6. I’m sorry

7. to leave a message

8. to you as soon

9. after the tone,

10. we can’t come

Ex. 7. Complete the following dialogues with the words and phrases below.

put you through line hold left a message hold the line

speaking bear with me available extension

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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1. “Hello. Could I speak to Paul Morgan, please?”


“Sorry, Paul. I didn’t realize it was you.”

2. “Good morning. Glaxo and Son Ltd.”

“Judith Smart, please.”

“_____, please. I’ll ______.”

3. “Good morning. I’d like to speak to the manager, please.”

“I’m afraid he isn’t _____at the moment. Can anyone else help?”

4. “Good morning, Briggs and Powers.”

“______397, please.”

“Sorry, there’s no answer. Who did you want to speak to?”

“Andrew Brown. He______ for me earlier.”

“Just______ for a moment. I’ll see if I can find him for you.”

5. “Good morning. Import Export Trading.”

“Sylvia Parsons, please.”

“I’m sorry, she’s on another ______at the moment. Do you want to


“No, thanks. It’s OK, I’ll call back later.”

Ex. 8. Write the telephone conversations.

1. “The line’s free now. I’m just putting you through.”

“Sorry the line is engaged. Do you want to hold?”

“Thank you.”

“Good morning. JC Finance.”

“Yes, all right.”

“Could I have extension 29, please?”

2. “Could I speak to Mr Schwartz, please?”

“Just one moment, please.”

“Good afternoon, Sims Limited. How can I help you?”


“Oh, well, can I leave a message with his secretary, please?”

“I’m afraid there’s no reply.”

3. “Hello, could I speak to Pat Kay, please?”

“Hello, Scottish Bank.”

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 25

“I’m afraid the line’s busy.”

“Oh, I’ll call back later then.”

“It’s OK. I’ll hold on.”

“I’m sorry to keep you. The line is still engaged.”

Ex. 9. Complete the expressions with these words.

moment hold wrong engaged reply may extension keep

try message through hang speak

1. How ______ I help you? 2. Could I ______ to …? 3. Could I have _____ 233,

please? 4. Could I leave a ______ for …? 5. I’m sorry, the line’s_____. 6. There’s no

_______. 7. I think you’ve got the ______ extension. 8. Would you like to ____?

9. I’ll _____on. 10. I’ll _______ again later. 11. I’m sorry to ____ you. 12. Just one

______, please. 13. I’m just putting you _______ now.

Ex. 10. Complete these sentences with the correct word.

1. When I got home last night there were four messages on my _______.

2. “Have you phoned her?”

“No, I don’t know her phone ______.”

“Neither do I, but it’ll be in the telephone _______.”

3. I tried to _______ through to you from public phone ________ but the first one

was out of order, and the second one I tried only took phone ________, and I didn’t

have one.

4. If I’m not in the office, you can always reach me on my _______.

5. I tried to phone this morning but the line was ________.

6. Hold the line, Mr Charlton, and I’ll try to ______ you through to the account-

ants department.

Ex. 11. Now complete the phrases in the telephone conversations.

1. “Hello?”

“Oh, could I speak to Alex?”

“Sorry, there’s no Alex living here. I think you’ve got _______.”

2. “Hello?”

“Hello. Could I speak to Mrs Peterson, please?”

“I’m afraid ________ at the moment, and she won’t _______ until much later

this afternoon. Would you like to ________?”

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 26

“Yes, could you tell her that Sandra rang, and that I’ll ______ ring this evening

at home.”

3. “Could I speak to Simone Pearson?”

“Yes, of course. Who’s ________, please?”

“Paul Smith.”

Ex. 12. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrases in the box.

to open a new document to open an existing document to save a document

to close a document to print a document to cut to copy to paste

1. Don’t _______ that document please – I’d like to read it first. 2. Can you

______ two copies of that document before you close it, please? 3. You don’t need to

type that paragraph again. Just ______ it and then _______ it in the place you want.

4. Don’t forget to _______ your document before you close it. 5. Annabelle ______ a

new document, but she didn’t give it a name. 6. Application form’ is already the

name of one of your _______ documents. 7. I think your essay is too long. Why don’t

you _______ the last two paragraphs?

Ex.13. Look at the sentences below. Divide the phrases in italics into two groups.

Things you can use your computer for Problems you can have with your computer

1. I check my email every day. 2. I visited a fantastic website last week. It showed

you everything about the latest computer games. 3. I use my computer mostly for word-

processing. 4. I didn’t make a back-up copy. So when I got a virus, I lost everything. 5. I

usually send about five emails a day and receive about seven or eight. 6. I spend quite a

lot of time surfing the Net, but I don’t usually buy things online. 7. I spent three hours

writing an essay. Then my computer crashed and I lost the whole document.

Ex. 14. Read this conversation and choose the correct word for each space.

Alberto: So how often do you ____1___ your email?

Bettina: At least once a day and sometimes more. If I’ve ____2____ any messag-

es I usually answer them straightaway and I always ___3____ my friends messages

on their birthdays.

Alberto: I use my computer mostly for ____4____.

Bettina: Don’t you ever ____5___ the Net?

Alberto: Sure, in fact I ____6___ a fantastic website just the other day. It was the

official site of the film A.I. You can actually chat to a robot on the site!

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Bettina: And do you ever buy things ____7____?

Alberto: Well, I bought some CDs and a new ring tone for my mobile phone this


Bettina: You really like your mobile, don’t you? What’s the worst experience

you’ve ever had with a computer?

Alberto: Once, when I had to hand in a really important essay the next day, my

computer ____8____ and I ____9____ the whole document.

Bettina: Hadn’t you ____10____ a backup copy?

Alberto: No. Anyway it turns out the computer ____11____ a virus so the copy

probably would have been infected too.












a) look

a) received

a) give

a) word producing

a) navigate

a) arrived at

a) online

a) dropped

a) missed

a) done

a) was with

b) see

b) arrived

b) send

b) word processing

b) sail

b) reached

b) on hold

b) crashed

b) lost

b) made

b) took

c) check

c) retrieved

c) emit

c) word writing

c) travel

c) traveled

c) connected

c) hung up

c) disappeared

c) produced

c) had

d) watch

d) accessed

d) put

d) word working

d) surf

d) visited

d) plugged in

d) closed

d) rubbed

d) prepared

d) suffered

Ex. 15. Which types of communication are used in business, and where are they

used? Do the quiz, and compare your results in pairs. There might be more than one

correct answer to some questions.

1. Which of these types of communication are used for external communica-

tions only?

a) phone call b) letter c) e-mail d) fax

2. Which of the following would you use to quickly find out the date of a meeting

from a colleague?

a) fax b) letter c) e-mail d) phone call

3. Which of these types of communication is for informal purposes only?

a) fax b) e-mail c) gossip d) letter

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4. You need to get a signed contract to another company urgently. Which method

of communication do you use?

a) letter b) fax c) phone call d) pigeon post

5. This is the person who receives the message.

a) sender b) fax c) recipient d) gossip

6. The person receiving the message should give this to the sender so he)she

knows the message has arrived at its destination.

a) acknowledgement b) message c) sender d) e-mail

7. Which would you use to send some sales figures quickly to a colleague in a

remote branch of your company?

a) fax b) letter c) e-mail d) pigeon post

8. This person writes the message, and sends it to the recipient.

a) sender b) gossip c) fax d) e-mail

IV. Dialogues

1. Read the dialogue in pairs.

Angie: Colin? It’s Angie.

Colin: Oh, hi, Angie! How are things?

Angie: OK, thanks. Listen, are you going to do anything on Saturday?

Colin: Saturday? I’m not sure. Why?

Angie: Well, it’s the international athletics meeting at Crystal Palace. I’ve got two

tickets. I think it will be good. Do you want to come?

Colin: It sounds fun. I will check my diary. Hang on.

Angie: OK.

Colin: Let’s see. Oh, that’s pity!

Angie: What’s wrong?

Colin: I’m taking part in a college football match that afternoon, I’m afraid.

Angie: That’s a shame. Who else can I ask?

Colin: You could ask Mike. He’s quite keen on athletics.

Angie: Yes, that’s OK. What’s his number?

Colin: I can’t remember. But I know he’s going to be at college this afternoon.

I’ll tell him to phone you.

Angie: Fine. I’ll be at home about nine.

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Colin: OK.

Angie: Thanks. Look, I’d better go. I’ll be late for work if I’m not careful. Bye for


Colin: Bye, Angie.

2. Working in pairs make up a dialogue for the following imaginary situations.

A. You telephone Arthur Border (extension 5674) to change your meeting next week

from Monday to Tuesday. His line is engaged. You leave a message with his secretary.

B. You telephone Pieter Jensen (extension 1276). His line is engaged. You hold on.

You finally get through. Tell him that your plane is late, but you should be there by 3.30.

V. Speaking Tasks

1. Describe a variety of pragmatic functions of the telephone. You should say:

– how young people use telephone;

– what old people use telephones for;

– what benefits mobile phones have.

Explain why people use phones instead of writing letters nowadays.

2. Describe the role of Internet in your life. You should say:

– when you started using it;

– how often you use it;

– what you use it for.

Explain how the Internet helps to make your life easier.

3. Share your ideas on the following question: “What effect (if any) does the tele-

phone have on your life?”

VI. Supplementary Reading


Email is the fastest and cheapest way to communicate and is one of the most

common forms of communication, especially in business.

The purpose of an email may be:

to ask for or send information;

to ask people to do things;

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to give instructions or directions;

to confirm arrangements that you have discussed by phone;

to send longer documents, e.g. reports.

Key point to remember

Language and style:

keep your email short;

use short sentences and simple language;

make sure that all instructions and requests are polite;

emails to senior people or people outside your company should be formal;

emails to colleagues and people in the same company can be semi-formal;

emails to team members, as well as customers or suppliers that you know

well, can be friendly and informal.

Structuring the message:

start with the most important information;

put less important information in the second paragraph;

if people don’t know about the situation, explain the background carefully.

Replying to messages:

avoid replying with simply ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to questions without referring back to

the questions;

avoid using pronouns out of context. Make sure it is clear to the reader what

you are talking about;

use the sender’s email as a reference to by using ‘reply’ when writing your

message. It can be easier to refer to the original information and / or questions

than rewriting the message.


When writing a business email you should follow the standard format. The sample

email shows where the following different components should appear on the page.

a – name of the person / people sending the email;

b – name of the person / people the email is addressed to;

c – other person or people who will receive a copy of the email though it is not

addressed directly to them;

d – the date and time when the email is sent;

e – information about the content of the email;

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f – opening;

g – body of the message;

h –closing phrase;

i – name.

Sample email

a From: Antonia Garcia

b To: Tina Forstrup

c Cc: Carl Helming

d Sent: 11 April 2000 14.55

e Subject: Marketing report

f Hi Tina

g Thanks for the report. I’m out of the office for the next 2 days so I’ll send

you my comments next week. I hope that’s OK.

h Best regards

i Antonia

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I. Topical Vocabulary

Travel to go on holiday поехать в отпуск

to take a vacation взять отпуск

to be on business быть в командировке

to take a coach / boat / day / business trip отправиться на автобусе /лодке / в одно-дневную / деловую поездку

to take a guided tour отправиться на экскурсию

to take a journey / voyage to отправиться в рейс / морское путешествие

to go abroad / to the seaside / to the resort поехать за границу / на морское побережье / на курорт

Means of Transport / Vehicles

On Land


to drive a car вести автомобиль to go by car ехать на машине to go in one’s car ехать на чьей-то машине to get in / out of a car садиться в автомобиль / выходить из авто-



school / shuttle / airport bus школьный / пригородный автобус / автобус из аэропорта

double decker двухэтажный автобус coach междугородний автобус to catch a bus успеть на автобус to miss a bus опоздать на автобус to get on / off the bus садиться в автобус / выходить из автобуса to run every ten minutes ходить через каждые десять минут to wait at the bus stop with a long queue ждать автобус на остановке в длинной оче-



road / mountain / racing bicycle горный / гоночный велосипед to ride a bicycle ехать на велосипеде to get on / off the bicycle садиться на велосипед / слезать с велоси-

педа to cycle to work добираться на работу на велосипеде handlebars руль (велосипеда) pedal педаль chain цепь

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to drive a train вести поезд engine-driver машинист long-distance / local / express / through train поезд дальнего следования / поезд местно-

го сообщения / экспресс / прямой (транзит-ный) поезд

railway station waiting room зал ожидания на железнодорожном вокзале ticket-office касса to catch the 10 o’clock train успеть на десятичасовой поезд to miss a train опоздать на поезд to get on / off the train садиться в поезд / выходить из поезда to leave Platform 4 уезжать с платформы 4 due to arrive должен отправляться to change trains сделать пересадку smoking / non-smoking compartment купе для курящих / некурящих ticket-collector контроллер dining (= buffet) car вагон-ресторан

On Water


cruise ship круизное судно liner лайнер ferry паром fishing / rowing boat рыболовное судно / гребная шлюпка submarine подводная лодка yacht яхта life boat спасательная шлюпка to sail a boat плыть под парусом to dock in New Work at 6 p.m. пришвартоваться в Нью-Йорке в 6 вечера to embark ≠ to disembark from the liner садиться на корабль / высаживаться с ко-


Associated facilities

port порт harbour гавань quay пристань, причал dock док, верфь, судоремонтный завод

Air Transport

airplane самолет light aircraft воздушное судно небольшой массы supersonic aircraft сверхзвуковой самолет jet реактивный самолет helicopter вертолет airship дирижабль hot air balloon воздушный шар / аэростат

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crew экипаж captain капитан co-pilot = first officer второй пилот cabin crew обслуживающий экипаж, бортпроводники cabin attendant = flight attendant = air hostess = steward(ess)

стюард, стюардесса, бортпроводник (и)

ground staf f наземный персонал air traffic controller диспетчер

The Flight

non-stop / connecting / transit / charter flight беспосадочный / стыковочный / транзитный / чартерный рейс

to fasten one’s seat belts пристегнуть ремни безопасности a window seat место у окна an aisle seat место у прохода in the upright position вертикальное положение to cruise at an altitude of 10,000 metres лететь на крейсерском режиме на высоте

10 000 метров life-jackets спасательные жилеты turbulence турбулентность emergency exit аварийный выход

Problems with Machines

not to work properly не работать должным образом there is sth wrong with что-то не в порядке с to make a funny noise издавать странный шум to break down сломаться to be in (≠ out of) order быть в порядке (≠ беспорядке) inoperative бездействующий; неработающий The batteries have run out (= are flat) батарея села

A Road Accident to exceed the speed limit превысить скорость to crash into sth врезаться во что-либо to ignore a red light проигнорировать красный сигнал collision столкновение; удар to collide with sb / sth столкнуться с чем-либо / кем-либо in the opposite direction в противоположном направлении to overtake sb /sth догонять, обгонять кого-либо / что-либо to knock sb down сбить кого-либо to lose control of the car потерять управление автомобилем to brake hard резко затормозить to put on the brakes нажать на тормоз to be badly damaged иметь сильные повреждения

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II. Texts

Text A

It is very interesting to travel. You can see other countries, continents; you get ac-

quainted with other people, their traditions and customs. You can travel by car, by

train, by air, by sea. If you like to see the nature, enjoy the process of travelling and

have a route it will be easier if you travel by car. Travelling by train is usually chosen

by people who have enough time to get from one place to another. Travelling by air

usually preferred by people who haven’t got much time and want to get to another city,

country or continent as quickly as possible. Nowadays there are a lot of businessmen

who have to communicate with people from other countries. Every day they must

sign a lot of contracts. Sometimes they have to sign several contracts within one day,

for example in France and in Spain. And if there are no planes it will be impossible.

Each of us has a lot of relatives and friends. Some of them live in other countries. For

example you live in Russia, Moscow and you have some relatives in France or in Brit-

ain. You certainly can get to GB by train or by sea but it will take you a lot of time. It

would be easier if you choose a plane. Imagine that something has happened to your

friends and you are needed immediately. The plane will help you in such a case.

Nowadays we try to use fast means of travelling such as a modern high-speed

railways and planes. As for trains there are railways stations, for planes there are air-

ports. In every airport there are some formalities without which you cannot come or

leave the country. First it is Customs. Every country has its regulations. Then you

are given luggage tags and boarding passes. The last is the Passport control. When

you decide to travel by air you can buy first and economy class tickets. First class is

more comfortable than economy and it is always more expensive. In spite of first

class tickets being very expensive they have some advantages over economy. At first

it’s more comfortable seats. The dinner is much better than in economy class, and if

you have bought a first class ticket you can have 30 kg luggage free of charge. Also

you have a private emergency exit for the first class passengers only. You have one

more advantage: you can take any drinks free. Although flying by plane is very fast it

has some inconveniences. It is difference between the time you are accustomed to

and the new time, so called jet lag. At first you won’t be very well because of it, but

don’t worry – it won’t take you long to get used to it. On the whole to travel by

planes is pleasant and convenient

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Match the following words with their definitions.

1. to get acquainted with a) неудобства

2. travel by air, by train etc b) общаться с

3. to get to c) бесплатно

4. means of travelling d) отдельный запасной выход

5. high – speed railways e) посадочный талон

6. formalities f) билеты первого и эконом класса

7. Customs g) багажная бирка

8. regulations h) паспортный контроль

9. luggage tag i) таможня

10. boarding pass j) путешествовать на самолете, поезде и т.д.

11. passport control k) виды транспорта

12. first and economy class tickets l) багажная бирка

13. free of charge m) добираться куда-либо

14. private emergency exit n) скоростные железные дороги

15. inconveniences p) формальности

16. to communicate with q) нормативные документы

Text B

Read the text and solve the test under it.

The Duffys had been flying their two-seater plane over the Amazon when they

started having engine trouble. They soon realized the plane was going to crash and

had no choice but to try to parachute to safety. They prepared themselves and

jumped. The wind was gusting and Fay Duffy’s parachute quickly drifted away

from her husband’s. Clive hoped they would both land safely and find each other

on the ground, but even that was uncertain as they were heading for the thick trees

of the jungle.

Clive’s parachute got caught in a tree. He managed to free himself and jump to

the ground, but he couldn’t see where Fay had landed. He began calling her name as

he walked towards where he thought she might be, but the jungle became so thick

that he couldn’t go on.

He heard tree branches snapping close by and he realized someone was walking

towards him. He called Fay’s name again, but there was no answer. He stood perfect-

ly still, aware that someone was watching him, but he couldn’t see who it was. Then

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he saw them coming out from behind the trees, a group of tribesmen wearing hardly

any clothes and carrying long wooden spears came towards him. They spoke in a lan-

guage Clive couldn’t understand, but he assumed they were talking about him.

The tribesmen surrounded Clive and pushed him forward. He started to run. As

they were obviously used to moving through the jungle, they quickly caught up with

him and steered him towards an area where it was easier to walk.

Clive couldn’t understand where they were leading him. He wasn’t frightened, but

he did feel lost, hot, and tired. Just when he thought there was no way out, he saw

Fay’s parachute hanging from some nearby trees.

“Fay!” he shouted, and he ran towards the parachute.

Fay was sitting on a fallen tree with a tribesman standing next to her. When she

stood up to run, the tribesman tried to stop her. She broke free and ran to Clive, but as

they got close to each other, they felt the ground below them give way. They had fall-

en into quicksand, and they were both sinking.

The tribesmen tried held out their spears to them and pulled them out. They led

the Duffys through the jungle until they were close to a clearing where they could

signal for help. They Duffys realized that from the beginning the natives had only

been trying to help them, but when they turned around to thank them, they were gone.

1. The Duffys’ safety was uncertain because:

a) they weren’t sure they could land the plane;

b) they were flying over the jungle;

c) their parachutes had blown away;

d) they were flying over the Amazon river.

2. When Clive landed, he

a) was not able to move;

b) heard Fay calling him;

c) saw Fay’s parachute;

d) tried to locate Fay.

3. Why did Clive stand still?

a) He saw something strange;

b) He thought Fay was coming;

c) He knew someone was near him;

d) He heard people talking.

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4. When Clive tried to run away, the tribesmen

a) surrounded him;

b) arrested him;

c) forced him to walk;

d) guided him to a place with fewer trees.

5. When Fay saw Clive she

a) broke down;

b) ran towards him;

c) was unable to move;

d) fell into a pool.

6. In the end, the Duffys felt

a) frightened;

b) helpless;

c) grateful;

d) angry.

III. Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 1. Match the verbs on the left with a form of transport on the right.

1. ride

2. drive

3. fly

4. sail

a) boat

b) plane

c) bike

d) car

Ex. 2. Put the words in bold into the correct column.

1. I always get nervous just before take-off and landing. 2. Our cabin was fantas-

tic and we could walk straight out onto the deck beside the pool. 3. Passengers from

Hastings must use the first three carriages only. 4. I got a puncture on the way home

and I didn’t have a pump with me so I had to walk. 5. All the seats were taken and I

didn’t want to stand so I went and sat in a first-class compartment. 6. I had a seat

right over one of the wings so I couldn’t see much out of the window. 7. It isn’t easy

pedalling up that hill on the way into work, I can tell you. 8. Can you tell me which

platform it leaves from, please.

ship bike plane train

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Ex 3. Cross out the incorrect word in these sentences.

1. You mustn’t ride / drive a motorbike without a crash helmet. 2. She told him to

get in / get on the car and fasten his seat belt. 3. Bus fares / tickets are getting more

expensive. 4. Trains to the airport travel / run every half hour. 5. The pilot couldn’t

drive / fly the plane in such bad weather. 6. Have a look at the train schedule / timeta-

ble to find out when the next one arrives. 7. We were late, so we had to take / catch a

taxi. 8. I left my house a bit late and I lost / missed the bus.

Ex 4. Write down two different words that can combine with each of the words below.




_________ fare



get on ________


get in_________



________ journey

Ex. 5. Fill in the gaps with the correct word.

1. Our train leaves from _____ 7. 2. I waited at the ______ for ten minutes, and

then two buses arrived. 3. I couldn’t get on the first bus because it was ______. 4. The

train was half an hour late. I think the reason for the late _____ was bad weather. 5.

Buses are not very _____. Sometimes they come every five minutes, then other times

you have to wait for forty minutes. 6. When I got to the bus stop there was a long

_______ of people. 7. The flight was fine but we had a terrible ______ from the airport

to our hotel. 8. I think the next train is _____ to arrive in about ten minutes.

Ex. 6. Use the correct form of these verbs to complete the sentences.

miss catch cancel delay leave run

1. Can you tell me where I can ______ the number 8 bus, please? – Yes, the

stop’s round the corner in front of the Town Hall. 2. Which platform does the train go

from? – 18. Hurry up or we’ll ______ it. We’ve got two minutes. 3. Come on, let’s

go. Our train _______ in five minutes. 4. Sorry. I’ll be a bit late for the meeting. My

train’s been _______ by half an hour. 5. The buses are _______ late again. I’ve been

waiting for nearly twenty minutes now. 6. We regret to announce that the 18.04 train

to Bristol has been _______.

Ex. 7. Use these words to complete the directions.

stops exit line tube change

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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The quickest way from the airport to our office is by __1___. Take the Piccadilly

__2__ to Holborn and then __3__ to the Central Line. From there it’s three ___4__ to

Bank and our office is immediately opposite the __5__ to Bank station.

Ex. 8. Use these words to complete the sentences.

passengers hold-up fares commuters timetable queue

rush-hour unreliable

1. I see they’ve put train _____ up again. That’s the second increase this year. 2. I

hate travelling during the ______. I had to stand all the way home again last night.

3. The service is even worse since they changed the ______. Now there are only two

trains an hour instead of three. 4. Up and down to London every day – I don’t know

how these ______ do it. It would drive me crazy. 5. I’d come by car if I were you.

The trains are so ______ these days. 6. Sorry I’m late again. There was another

______ just outside the station – a problem with signals or something. 7. There was

such a long _____ at the ticket office that I nearly missed my train. 8. I sometimes

think the only people the trains companies don’t listen to are their _____.

Ex. 9. Rewrite these sentences using the words on the right and without changing

the meaning.

Example: There are too many cars, buses and taxis on the road.

There are too many vehicles on the road.

1. There were a lot of people waiting for the bus.

There was ____________________________.

2. The buses always arrive on time.

The buses ____________________________.

3. Take this bus, then get on another one at Golden Square.

Take this bus, then _____________________.

4. How much did you pay for the train ticket?

How much _________________________?

5. There were no places on the bus.

The ______________________.







Ex. 10. Correct the mistake in each sentence.

1. Go along of this road and take the first turning on your right. 2. He was stopped

for breaking the limit of speed. 3. Keep go down here, until you get to the bank.

4. The lorry broke in the centre of town. 5. Cars can reach high speeds in the fast lane

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 41

of the autoway. 6. He overtakes the bicycle on the bridge, which caused a serious ac-

cident. 7. The post office is down there – turn on the left at the traffic lights.

Ex. 11. Use these words to complete the texts.

calling delay change running arrival standing

1. We apologise for the late _____ of the 8.10 from Cambridge. This train will

now arrive at platform 2 in approximately 15 minutes’ time.

2. The 4.45 to Portsmouth is ______ approximately 20 minutes late. We apolo-

gize to passengers for the ______ and any inconvenience this may cause.

3. The train now ______ at platform 4 is the 7.45 for London Victoria, _____ at

Gatwick Airport and East Croydon. Passengers for London Bridge should ______ at

East Croydon.

Ex. 12. Complete the sentences.

1. “How often do buses _______ on Saturdays?”

“I don’t know. Have a look at the timetable.”

2. We wanted to go by plane but we couldn’t afford the air ______.

3. Customer: Bristol, please.

Ticket officer: Is that single or ________?

4. It was quite a long way, that’s why I came ______ car.

5. This train doesn’t ________ to Birmingham; it stops at Watford.

6. Unfortunately they ______ the bus, so they had to walk.

7. They have just announced that our train will now be leaving from _____ eleven.

8. I saw your brother while I was waiting at the bus ______ near the cinema.

9. The taxi driver was very helpful, so I gave him a good ______.

10. Ladies and gentlemen, we apologize for the earlier delay. This train is now

______ to arrive at London King’s Cross in 15 minutes.

Ex. 13. Read the story. Refer to the list below and fill in the blanks with the best

word or words.

Cars and driving

I’m what is known as a __1_ driver. I’m learning to __2__a car. So far, I’ve learnt

how to ___3__ the __4__ of my car and I know how to___5___. I can even ___6__

quite long distances.

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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Twice a week, my instructor sits in the ___7___ beside me and ___8___ me a les-

son. First, we look at the ___9___ and decide on the best ___10___. Then we go for a

___11___ round the town.

My instructor gives me advice like “Don’t ___12___”, or “Stop before you get to

the next ___13___”, or “We can’t go down there. The road is ___14__”, or “You

can’t turn right. It says ___15___”, or “Always stop to allow pedestrians to

____16___ at the zebra.”

Sometimes we stop at a ___17__ and my instructor says, “You must never fill up

when your engine is ___18___. Your engine must be ___19__ before you put any

___20__ in the car.”

There are two things I hate about driving. One is looking for a ___21___ and the

other is being held up in a ___22___ of traffic. Yesterday, I sat in a traffic jam for a

whole hour and all I could see was the ___23___ of the big truck in front of me!

1 a) teacher b) learner

2 a) conduct b) lead c) drive d) guide

3 a) start b) begin

4 a) engine b) machine c) machinery

5 a) turn it off b) close it c) shut it

6 a) steer b) pilot c) guide d) drive

7 a) seat b) chair

8 a) makes b) does c) gives

9 a) chart b) map c) cart

10 a) road b) route c) way

11 a) drive b) walk c) ride

12 a) run b) go too fast

13 a) corner b) angle c) curve

14 a) shut b) barred c) closed

15 a) No entry b) No entrance

16 a) pass b) cross

17 a) filling station b) service station

18 a) on b) open c) alight

19 a) off b) out c) closed d) shut

20 a) essence b) petrol c) benzene

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21 a) parking space b) parking

22 a) tail b) row c) queue

23 a) plaque b) plate c) record d) number plate

Ex. 14. Read the story. Refer to the list below and fill in the blanks with the best

word or words.

Travelling by train

There are so many things you have to do when you ___1__. Always make sure

your ___2__ has ____3___ on it!

If you’re going __4__ train, the __5__ you have to do is buy yourself __6__. You

usually have to stand in a __7_ and it’s easy to ___8_ your train and then waste hours

_9__ the next one!

You buy ___10__ or return ticket, and then look for a ___11___ where you hope

you will find a free ___12___.

At last, you can ___13___ the train and settle down to enjoy the ___14___. If

you’re lucky, the train ____15___ the station ___16___.

Sometimes ___17___ comes round to ___18___ your ticket, but usually you trav-

el without interruption and can enjoy the ___19___. You can relax till ___20___ time

for you to ___21___ when you arrive at your ____22___.

1. a) journey b) travel

2. a) luggage b) valise c) coffer

3. a) a cartel b) a card c) a label d) an etiquette

4. a) with b) by c) via

5. a) first b) first thing

6. a) a billet b) a ticket c) a card d) an etiquette

7. a) queue b) line c) row d) tail

8. a) miss b) lose c) loose

9. a) waiting b) expecting c) waiting for

10. a) a single b) an ordinary

11. a) wagon b) carriage c) car

12. a) seat b) place c) chair d) space

13. a) get into b) enter into c) enter d) go in

14. a) travel b) voyage c) journey d) travels

15. a) leaves for b) leaves from c) leaves d) lives

16. a) on time b) in time c) to time

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17. a) a conductor b) a driver c) an inspector d) a guide

18. a) examine b) interrogate c) question d) look

19. a) ride b) drive c) flight d) walk

20. a) it’s b) its c) it has

21. a) get off b) go down c) get down d) descend

22. a) term b) terminal c) station d) terminus

Ex. 15. Supply the best words.

1. You can’t drive without a ______.

2. I drove into a wall and _____ the car.

3. Fasten your _____ belts.

4. _______ costs a lot of money.

5. What ______ is your car?

6. Where do you keep your ______?

7. How many litres does your _____ hold?

8. Take good care of your _______.

9. ______ you’ve got enough fuel.

10. The ______ today is very heavy.

11. You need real ____ to drive a vehicle.

12. Be careful when you’re _____!

13. I’ve lost my way. Can you give me __?

14. Turn left, then follow the ______.

15. What’s the speed ______?

16. What’s the quickest ____ to the town centre?

17. The cost of ______ is frightening.

18. Does your car ______ on diesel?

19. My tank’s nearly ______.

20. My car has a big _____.

a) licence

a) ruined

a) security

a) Assurance

a) mark

a) spare tyre

a) tank

a) tyres

a) Assure

a) circulation

a) art

a) taking over

a) instructions

a) placards

a) limitation

a) road

a) reparations

a) run

a) empty

a) machine

b) diploma

b) wrecked

b) safety

b) Insurance

b) make

b) reserve

b) reservoir

b) rubbers

b) Make sure

b) traffic

b) skill

b) overtaking

b) directions

b) signs

b) limit

b) route

b) repairs

b) function

b) vacant

b) engine

Ex. 16. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Use each word once only.

after down for off in out up

1. The car broke _______ in the mountains, and we couldn’t find a garage.

2. James had to set _____ at dawn to catch the early train. 3. Sue’s bike passed me,

and I had to ride fast to catch ______ with her. 4. I arrived at the airport, checked

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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______, and then had some coffee. 5. We were heading ______ Paris, but we were

not in a hurry to get there. 6. Jill ran _____ of money after a week, and had to go

home. 7. Our next-door neighbours looked ______ our dog while we were away.

Ex. 17. Read the text quickly, ignoring the missing words (1–8).

I have learned, often the hard (0) way, that there are a few simple rules about how

to make life easier both before and after the journey. First of all, you must always

check and double-check departure times. This is absolutely essential. It is amazing

how few people do this really carefully. Once I arrived at the airport a few minutes

before ten. My secretary had got the ticket for me and I thought she had said that the

plane left at 10.50. I walked calmly to the departure gate, thinking I (1) _____ had a

little time to spare. I hadn’t bothered to take a good look at the ticket. The clerk at the

desk told me politely but firmly that the departure time was 10.15 and that, (2) ____

to international regulations, the flight was “now closed”.

Secondly, you should remember that even in this (3) _____ of credit cards, it is still

important to have at least a little of the local currency with you when you arrive in a

country. This can be absolutely essential if you are flying to a place few tourists normal-

ly visit. A few years ago I was sent to Tulsa, Oklahoma. I flew there from London via

Dallas with very little time to (4) _____ planes in between. I arrived there at midnight

and the bank at the airport was closed. The only (5) ______ to get to the hotel was by

taxi and, since I had no American dollars, I offered to pay in British pounds instead.

“Listen, buddy. I only take real money!” the driver said angrily. Luckily, I was able

to (6) ______ a few dollars from a clerk at the hotel, but it was very embarrassing.

The third and last rule is to find out as much as you can about the weather at your

(7) ___ before you leave. It may be very different from the weather at home. I feel

sorry for some of my colleagues who travel in heavy suits and raincoats in March or

April, when it is still fairly cool in places like London, Berlin or New York, to places

like Athens, Rome or Madrid, where it is already beginning to get quite warm during

the day. Few people understand just how important it is to have the right sort of

clothes with you in these days of rapid air (8) _____.

Decide which word, a, b, c or d, is the best to complete gaps 1–8. An example is given (0).




a) path

a) still

a) regarding

b) road

b) yet

b) relating

c) way

c) then

c) according

d) street

d) already

d) referring

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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a) period

a) exchange

a) way

a) borrow

a) goal

a) travel

b) time

b) change

b) manner

b) lend

b) aim

b) trips

c) term

c) transfer

c) path

c) gain

c) objective

c) journeys

d) age

d) alter

d) route

d) beg

d) destination

d) voyages

Ex. 18. Read the story. Refer to the list below and fill in the blanks with the best

word or words.

A hundred years ago, most people travelled ____1___ foot, by train, or on horse-

back. ____2____ had made it possible to travel rapidly over long distances. Bicycles

were also becoming ___3____, after the invention of the air-filled ____4_____,

which made cycling a lot more comfortable. Buses, trams and ____5___ railways had

already been invented, and cities all over the world already had traffic ___6____.

There were very few private cars, and city ____7__ were still full of horses. What a

difference a hundred years ago have ___8___!

___9_____ we have got ___10____ to the problem of private cars, and some cit-

ies are so noisy and _____11___ that in many places ___12_____ have been banned

from the city centre. How will we be travelling in a hundred years’ time? Perhaps

____13___ then there will be only personal helicopters. There may be no need to

____14____ to work or school in the future, since everyone will have a computer at

home. There might even be more people walking and horse-riding, for pleasure and












a) by

a) Tracks

a) popular

a) boot

a) metro

a) blocks

a) streets

a) taken

a) Presently

a) more

b) on

b) Lines

b) invented

b) brake

b) buried

b) sticks

b) pavements

b) done

b) Nowadays

b) them

c) with

c) Ways

c) then

c) tyre

c) underground

c) knots

c) lawns

c) made

c) Then

c) motorists

d) to

d) Railways

d) handlebars

d) engine

d) submerged

d) jams

d) carts

d) got

d) Later

d) used

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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a) even

a) vehicles

a) cars

a) have

a) exercise

b) polluted

b) traffic

b) by

b) transport

b) keep fit

c) so

c) transport

c) even

c) decide

c) energy

d) poisoned

d) trips

d) transport

d) commute

d) healthy

IV. Dialogues

1. Read the dialogue in pairs.

Mr. and Mrs. Brown are planning their holiday.

Travel agent: Can I help you?

Mr. Brown: We’d like to arrange our holidays.

Travel agent: Have you got anything special in mind?

Mr. Brown: We are thinking of visiting Italy or Spain.

Travel agent: I think I’ve got a very attractive offer for you. It’s in Spain, in Cos-

ta Brava, in a hotel near the sea. You get seven nights full board for £170.

Mrs. Brown: That sounds very reasonable, but isn’t it a crowded place in summer?

Travel agent: This hotel is in a small village and there aren’t many tourists.

Mrs. Brown: That’s wonderful. How long does it take to get there?

Travel agent: It depends on the way you travel. You can go there by plane and

then the flight only takes two hours. But it’s cheaper to travel by coach, and then it

takes eight hours. It is also possible to go by train: it’s not as expensive as the plane

and the journey is shorter than by coach.

Mrs. Brown: I like going by train, it’s the safest way of travelling. But do we

have to change?

Travel agent: No, it’s a through train, nonstop all the way.

Mr. Brown: What about the insurance?

Travel agent: It’s included in the price.

Mrs. Brown: Darling, this trip is wonderful. Let’s book the tickets in advance.

2. Working in pairs make up a dialogue for the following imaginary situations.

A. Imagine you have lost something on a flight. Make notes about the following

things (your flight number and where you have flown from, what you have lost and

the colour and size, contents of your luggage). In pairs act out the situation at the lost

luggage counter at the airport.

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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B. Imagine that you are two passengers sitting next to each other on a long flight.

Student A is flying home to his/her own country. Student B is a tourist visiting the

country for the first time. Chat about places of interest, cheap places to stay, the

best/cheapest way to travel about, etc.

V. Speaking Tasks

1. Describe your last trip. You should say:

– when you had this trip and where you went;

– what means of transport you travelled by;

– what the purpose of the trip was.

Explain what good and bad sides of the trip were.

2. Describe different means of public transportation: You should say:

– what their advantages and disadvantages are;

– what your favourite means of transport is and why;

– how you usually travel to your native city / university.

Explain how you would make your journey more pleasant if you could.

3. Share your ideas on the following question: “What are the advantages and dis-

advantages of air travel?”

VI. Supplementary Reading

Long-haul travelling

Today, despite all the modern conveniences, we can still experience the disastrous

effects a small ailment can wreak on an air. Dropping suddenly into a different time zone

throws many internal functions out of rhythm. As a result, one third of all long-haul

travellers suffer jet-lag. To shrug off jet-lag, physicians recommend protein-rich break-

fasts and lunches. When it comes to travel fatigue, not to be confused with jet-lag, there

is much flyers can do. En route they should avoid pre-dinner drinks, heavy meals and

cigarettes. Alcohol is twice as dangerous in flight. Instead, they are advised to eat light,

balanced food low in salt and dairy products with top-quality organic ingredients.

In flight inactivity leads to fluid retention, which makes feet swell. Loosen

clothes, remove shoes and, if possible, disembark at stopovers to walk around the

terminal. Even in flight, exercise often to stimulate circulation. To avoid dehydration

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in the dry air of the cabin, drink water or juice. Use a moisturizer on exposed skin and

a balm on your lips. Remove contact lenses to reduce dry-eye irritation.

Stomach upsets are one of inevitable rigours of the road. In a strange country, be-

cause of a sudden change in climate and diet, they can pose a significant threat and

sometimes even prove debilitating. Then you may be offered medicine. Avoid buying

medicine overseas. The standards and brands differ from country to country. The best

advice for travellers is to let the organism rest for a few days and drink alternatively

non-carbonated water and weak tea. A prolonged illness or fever, however, means

you need medical treatment and, if the worst comes to the worst, hospitalization.

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I. Topical vocabulary

Physical Features land земля

continent континент

island остров

a group of islands группа островов

ocean океан

sea море

river река

stream поток, течение

lake озеро

canal канал, русло, проток

channel канал, русло, фарватер

bay залив

(water)fall водопад

mountain гора

mountain ranges горные цепи

hill холм

jungle джунгли

desert пустыня

valley долина, пойма

plain равнина

cliff утес, крутой откос, обрыв

rocks скала, скалистый грунт, камень

cave пещера

forest лес

rainforest тропический лес

wood дерево, древесина, лесоматериал

landscape ландшафт

Describing the Natural World thick forest густой лес

fertile land / soil плодородная земля / почва

winding / mountain path извилистая / горная тропа

a path leading to / going to / through путь, тропа, дорожка, ведущая к / через

steep (≠ gentle) hill крутой / пологий холм

the top (= peak) of the mountain вершина горы

flat (≠ hilly) countryside ровная (холмистая) сельская местность

beautiful scenery красивый пейзаж

deep (≠ shallow) river глубокая (мелкая) река

a river running / floating to / through река, текущая по направлению к / через

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sandy / rocky shore песчаный / каменистый берег

by the sea у моря

on the coast на побережье

on the riverbank на берегу реки

II. Texts

Text A

Britain Today

1. Don’t expect to see red phone boxes everywhere – there aren't many left nowa-

days! Some pones take cash (£1, 50p, 20p and 10p coins) and some take phone-

cards – we suggest having both. Phone after 6 p.m. – it’s cheaper! Useful numbers:

Emergencies 999, International Operator 155.

2. There are £50, £20, £10 and £5 notes, and coins worth £2, £1, 50p, 20p, 10p,

5p, 2p and 1p. Avoid cheat getting £50 notes if you can – some places might refuse to

change them. If you don’t want to risk carrying a lot of cash, get some traveller’s

cheques before your holiday. Banks are usually open from 9.30 to 4.30, but most of

them are closed on Saturdays. If the bank is closed, use your own cash or credit card

from home in a cash machine or ‘hole-in-the-wall’, as the British call them – the ma-

chine will give you British currency.

3. Most pubs offer a good variety of food at reasonable prices. If you can afford to

pay for something more special, there are many international restaurants. If you see

“Service included” on a restaurant bill, you don’t need to tip, if it says “Service not

included” a 10 % tip is expected.

4. Hotels are expensive in Britain but there are some cheaper alternatives. ‘Bed

and Breakfasts’ are private houses which offer accommodation and breakfast.

Many of them give excellent value for money. Youth hostels are even cheaper, if

you don’t mind sharing with other people. Hostels vary greatly, but all those be-

longing to the Youth Hostel Association (YHA) guarantee certain standards of

comfort and cleanliness.

5. Wherever you decide to stay in Britain, we advise you to take a plug adaptor if

you plan to use any electrical appliance like a hairdryer. Plugs in Britain (like a lot of

other things!) are different from the rest of Europe.

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6. Buses are probably the cheapest way to travel. It you can't stand going on long

bus journeys, you can always go by train. Trains in Britain are expensive but ‘return’

tickets (especially ‘day returns’) are a lot cheaper than singles. If you are staying in

London, you can save a lot of money by getting a travel card for one day or for a

week to go on the Tube and buses.

7. We can’t promise to provide good weather for your trip – British weather is

very changeable. If you enjoy sitting in the hot sun all day, you should consider going

somewhere else for your holidays! During the main tourist season, June-August, the

weather is mild usually between 20 °C and 25 °C.

Say whether these statements are true or false.

1. In Britain, phone calls are more expensive in the evening.

2. £50 is the largest note.

3. You don’t always need to leave a tip after a meal in a restaurant

4. Youth hostels are cheap but very uncomfortable.

5. You can’t take electrical appliances to use them without an adaptor.

6. UK buses are cheaper than trains.

7. You can use travel cards when you travel around Britain by bus or train.

8. Britain is usually hot and sunny in the summer.

Text B

Down Under

1. Australia is the world’s sixth largest country and its largest island. It is the on-

ly island that is also a continent, and the only continent that is also a country. It is

also the only country that began as a prison.

2. As well as all that, Australia is the home of the largest living thing on Earth,

the Great Barrier Reef, and of the famous Ayers Rock (or Uluru, to use its Aborigi-

nal name). It has more things that will kill you than anywhere else. All of the

world’s ten most poisonous snakes are Australian. You may also be eaten by sharks

or crocodiles, carried out to sea by strong currents, or left to die in the baking out-

back. It’s a hard place.

3. And it is old. Perhaps 45,000 years ago, perhaps 60,000, it was quietly invaded

by the Aborigines. Amazingly, it also seems that they could only get there by invent-

ing ocean-going transport – at least 30,000 years before anyone else.

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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4. This is so extraordinary that most history books only give it one or two para-

graphs. They then move on to the second invasion – the one that begins with the arri-

val of Captain James Cook and HMS Endeavour in Botany Bay in 1770. Apparently,

it’s not important that Captain Cook didn't discover Australia and that he wasn’t even

a captain when he arrived. For most people, including most Australians, this is where

the story begins.

5. The world those first Englishmen found was different to anything they had seen

before. Its seasons were back to front and its constellations were upside down. Add to

that, the strange animals they found there. The most typical of them didn’t run but

bounced across the landscape, like balls. The continent was full of unusual life. There

was a fish that could climb trees; a fox that flew (it was actually a very large bat);

crustaceans so big that a grown man could climb inside their shells.

6. In short, there was no place in the world like it. There still isn’t.

Read the text again. For each question, decide if a, b, c or d is the best answer.

1. Australia is

a) an island and a country but not a continent;

b) an island, a country and a continent;

c) a country and a continent but not an island;

d) a continent and an island but not a country.

2. How many different ways does the writer say you can die in Australia?

a) one;

b) two;

c) three;

d) four and more.

3. Why is it surprising that the Aborigines came to Australia?

a) Because it is such a dangerous place.

b) Because it means they were technologically far ahead of other races.

c) Because they had nothing in common with the people living there.

d) Because they had no maps.

4. Which of these points does the writer make?

a) Most people think the story of Australia begins in 1770.

b) James Cook discovered Australia.

c) Cook was made a captain when he arrived in Australia.

d) Most history books don’t mention the arrival of the Aborigines.

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5. What did the first Englishmen notice about Australia?

a) How different to their home it was.

b) How many animals there were.

c) How terrible the weather was.

d) How strangely the people behaved.

6. Where does this text come from?

a) an encyclopaedia;

b) a letter to a friend from someone on holiday in Australia;

c) a book by a visitor to Australia;

d) a history book.

Discuss these questions with other students.

III. Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 1. The following places in London are associated with certain important insti-

tutions and are often used in media in general conversations to refer to those institu-

tions. Put each one in its correct place in the sentences below.

Whitehall Fleet Street Scotland Yard the City Buckingham Palace

10 Downing Street the West End the Old Bailey Westminster

1. His criminal career started with theft and pick-pocketing and ended up at

________ on a murder charge. 2. Although he’s only just entered Parliament, he’s al-

ready aiming at ______. 3. There are likely to be late nights and angry arguments at

_______ when the new tax proposals are debated next week. 4. _________ has denied

reports that the Queen is shortly going to abdicate. 5. After the prison escape,

________ alerted all police forces to be on the look-out for the man. 6. He is an im-

portant man in ________. He’s director of a big bank or insurance firm or something.

7. She’s a good actress but she won’t really feel she’s succeeded until she has a leading

part in _________. 8. There are rumours in __________ about the possible launching

of a new newspaper next year. 9. There has been growing complaints that bureaucracy

in ________ is slowing down the enforcement of government legislation.

Ex. 2. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage below.

Cabinet benches Foreign Secretary

backbenchers Budget Shadow Cabinet

Prime Minister Speaker Home Secretary

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ministers front bench Leader of the Opposition

debates Opposition Chancellor of the Exchequer

This is the House of Commons, where Members of Parliament take their seats on

the green leather ____1_____ according to their party and position. One of them is

chosen to be the ____2_____, who acts as a kind of chairperson of the ___3____

which take place in the House. In front of and on the right of this person sit the MPs

of the biggest party, which forms the government and facing them sit the Mp’s of the

Parties who oppose them, the ___4____. The leaders of these two groups sit at the

front on each side. MPs without special positions in their parties sit behind their lead-

ers at the back. They are called ____5_____. The leader of the government,

the____6____, sits on the government ___7___, of course, next to his or her

____8____. The most important of these form the ____9___. The minister responsi-

ble for relations with other countries is called the___10____. The one responsible for

law and security is called the ___11_____. The one who deals with financial matters

and prepares the annual ___12____ speech on the economic state of the country is

called the ____13____. Opposite this group sits the ____14_____ (the main person in

the largest party opposing the government) and the___15_____, each member of

which specializes in a particular area of government.

Ex. 3. Match the names (1–12) with their definitions (a–l).

1. the Union Jack

2. Big Ben

3. The Sun

4. Eton

5. West Point

6. Yellowstone

7. Broadway

8. 10 Downing Street

9. the West End

10. the Stars and Stripes

11. the White House

12. the Big Apple

a) the place where the British prime Minister lives

b) a military academy in the USA

c) the place where the US president lives

d) the British flag

e) the clock in the tower of the Houses of Parliament in London

f) a district in London famous for theatres, cinemas and restaurants

g) a street in New York famous for its theatres

h) New York

i) the most widely sold daily newspaper in Britain

j) one of the most famous public schools in Britain

k) a national park in the USA

l) the United States flag

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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Ex. 4. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in brackets.


Pule’anga Fakatu’i’o Tonga – also known as the Kingdom of Tonga – is an archipel-

ago of 170 islands in the South Pacific northeast of New Zealand. Uniquely, it has never

been colonized by a foreign power and still retains a (tradition) _________ monarchy.

The economy is based on agriculture, but with industry virtually non-existent, (import)

________ goods are crucial to the nation’s economy. Of Tonga’s 97,000 inhabitants, 98 %

are of Tongan origin; there is relatively little ethnic (diverse) _______ , although in recent

years there has been some (immigrate) ________ from neighbouring Fiji. Thanks to for-

eign (invest) ________ – mainly from Japan – there is now an (nation) ________airport,

at Tongatapu, which has direct flights from Australia, New Zealand and the USA.

Modern health care is now available (local) ________, although patients have to

be flown to Australia or New Zealand for more sophisticated surgery.

Tongans are keen to retain their (culture) _________ identity, so there has been some

resistance to encouraging mass (tourist) ________ as there are fears this may lead to the

(America) _________ of Tongan life and a consequent loss of national identity.

Ex. 5. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in brackets.


London is the capital city and main (industry) industrial centre of the United

Kingdom. Its (develop) ______ began with the Roman invasion in 45 AD. It is now

popular with (foreign) ______, who visit the city in order to see many of its (fame)

_____buildings and tourist (attract) _____. It is also popular for its shops in the (cen-

tre) ______ part of the city. Apart from (tour) ______ and business, London is known

for being the United Kingdom’s (politics) _____ heart. It is also home to one of the

country’s most important (reside) _______, the Queen. Although London is a big

city, it would be (correct) ________ to say that it’s an unhealthy place to live, since

attempts to reduce (pollute) ______ levels have been quite successful.

IV. Dialogues

1. Read the dialogue in pairs.

Welcome to Ireland

Ted: Excuse me, are you Melanie Thompson?

Melanie: Yes, I am.

Ted: Good afternoon. I’m Ted Brown.

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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Sam: Ted! Ted! Hello!

Ted: Hello, Sam! How are you?

Sam: Fine, thanks.

Ted: Sam, this is Melanie Thompson. She is from the United States.

Sam: Hello, Miss Thompson. How do you do?

Melanie: How do you do? Where are you from?

Sam: I’m from England. I’m English.

Melanie: Are you in Dublin for a holiday?

Sam: No, no. I’m here to visit an Irish computer company.

Melanie: I see… Can you speak Irish?

Sam: Not really, no.

Ted: All my friends here are English or American, but my best friend is Japanese.

His name is Koji and he’s the director of the computer company Sam is here to visit.

Melanie: Oh, how interesting. Looks like Ireland is the country that brings all na-

tionalities together.

Ted: Yes, you are right.

2. Working in pairs make up a dialogue.

A. Make up a conversation about your visit to some city.

Student A. You may begin like this: “I know you spent a week in New York

(London, Washington, DC) last month. What are your impressions?”

Student B. You give your impression of your sightseeing trip.

B. Speak with your group mate about some of the most popular holidays people

celebrate in English-Speaking countries. Ask him/her when people celebrate them

and what they are famous for. What are the most exciting things to see and to do on

these days?

V. Speaking Tasks

1. Describe any English-speaking country you like most. You should say:

– what the official name of the country is;

– where it is situated;

– what the country is famous for.

Explain what you mostly like and dislike about the country.

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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2. Describe a typical British school. You should say:

– in what ways it differs from a typical Russian school;

– what ‘public schools’ in Britain are;

– whether you would like to learn in a British public school.

Explain what you mostly like and dislike about the educational system in Britain.

3. Share your ideas on the following question: “The British have the best sense of

humour. Do you agree?”

VI. Supplementary Reading


Gibraltar is a British dependency, situated on the southwestern tip of Europe,

where the Atlantic and Mediterranean meet. It has been populated since Neolithic

times and it is a real mixture of cultures and races. Gibraltar is 6.5 km2 and is con-

nected to the mainland by a sandy isthmus.

The name of Gibraltar comes from the leader of the Arabic Army, which invaded

Spain in the 8th century. Over the centuries the name changed from Jabal Tariq into

Gibraltar. After the Arabs left, it reverted back to Spain but since 1704 it has been a

British possession. There is still a big argument between the two countries about

whom Gibraltar belongs to, but no settlement has been reached so far.

Gibraltar is home to many unique plants and animal species. In fact, a big part of

the Rock is a nature reserve. In Gibraltar you can see barbary apes – the only wild

primates in all Europe. They have been there for centuries and the legend says that

when the apes leave, Gibraltar will cease to be British.

Holidays in Gibraltar can be really great. With ocean and sea waters on both sides

and smell of jasmine and lavender in the air, you can spend the most fascinating time

of your life there.

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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I. Topical Vocabulary

Indoor Activities to have a party организовать вечеринку

to meet up with sb встречаться с кем-либо

to have a quiet night in провести тихий вечер в

to be stuck indoors сидеть дома

to go to a gym / yoga class ходить в спортзал / на занятия йогой

Outdoor Activities

to go to the cinema / theatre / a night club / a concert / the Zoo / park

пойти в кино / театр / ночной клуб / концерт/ зоопарк / парк

to go fishing / hunting отправиться на рыбалку / охоту

to take up parachute jumping / water skiing / snowboarding

прыгать с парашютом / кататься на водных лыжах / сноуборде

Sport Activities to do a lot of / a bit of sport заниматься спортом много / мало

to go skiing / skating / swimming / jogging / cy-cling

кататься на лыжах / коньках / плавать/ бе-гать трусцой / ездить на велосипеде

to go to the stadium пойти на стадион

to play in tournaments участвовать в турнире

to win a match / a race / a competition / the final / the semi-final

выиграть матч / гонку / соревнование / фи-нал / полуфинал

to win a medal / the Cup завоевать медаль / кубок

to lose to sb 3 : 1 проиграть со счетом 3 : 1

to defeat sb нанести поражение кому-либо

to be defeated быть побежденным

to draw a game завершить игру вничью

to beat one’s rival / opponent / the other team победить соперника / оппонента / другую команду

to beat the world record побить мировой рекорд

to lead 4 : 3 in the third set вести со счетом 4 : 3 в третьем сете

to score a goal забить гол

to level the score сравнять счет

to attack sb атаковать кого-либо

to support the national team поддерживать национальную сборную

to be a big fan of быть большим фанатом

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II. Texts

Text A

Sport in Great Britain

The British are the great lovers of competitive sports; and when they are neither

playing nor watching games they like to talk about them, or when they cannot do that,

to think about them.

The game particularly associated with England is cricket. Organized amateur

cricket is played between club teams, mainly on Saturday afternoons.

But of all sports at least two have won the greatest popularity among Britons: the-

se are football or ‘soccer’, which is played in winter and rugby football or ‘rugby’,

which is played with an egg-shaped ball by teams of fifteen men. There is some pro-

fessional Rugby League in the North, but elsewhere Rugby Union is played by ama-

teurs and favoured by middle – class. It is also the game played at most ‘public

schools’, including Rugby itself, where it was invented.

Most secondary schools have playing fields, and boys normally play rugger or

soccer in winter and cricket in summer; girls play tennis and rounders (similar to

baseball) in summer, and netball and hockey in winter. Hockey is also becoming

more and more popular at boys’ schools, and there are many men’s amateur hock-

ey clubs.

Golf courses (together with the bars in their club houses) are popular meeting

places of the business community; it is, for example, very desirable for bank manag-

ers to play golf.

What is golf? There are nine or eighteen holes made in the ground about a hun-

dred yards from each other. In short, the game consists of hitting a hand little ball and

walking after it.

Many years ago they used to play the ancient game of bowls. Bowling was also

great fun (always indoors). The player sent a heavy wooden ball rolling along a spe-

cial track to beat the nine pins at the end of it.

Young people go in for traditional athletics – running, jumping, rowing, swim-

ming, boxing and jogging. Jogging, for healthy outdoor exercise, needing no skill or

equipment, became popular in the 1970s, and soon more and more people took it se-

riously. Now the annual London Marathon is like a carnival.

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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Cycling is fairly popular pastime, but few people take it up as a serious sport and

it is not a very popular spectator sport. Sailing and horse riding are popular among

those who can afford them. Horse racing is a big business, along with betting which

sustains it. It is estimated that a tenth of all British men bet regularly on horse races

(sometimes by post or at a local betting shops).

Greyhound racing has had a remarkable revival in the 1980s. Dog racing accounts

for quarter of all gambling. The elite of Britain’s’ dogs and their trainers mostly come

from Ireland.

The most popular of all outdoor sports is fishing, from the banks of lakes or riv-

ers. Some of them are famous for their trout or salmon and attract enthusiasts from all

over the world. The British do not shoot small animals or birds for sport, though

some farmers who shoot rabbits or pigeons may enjoy doing it.

Another sport also associated throughout the centuries with ownership of land, is

the hunting of foxes. The hounds chase the fox, followed by people riding horses,

wearing red or black coats and confirming with various rules and customs. There

have been attempts to persuade Parliament to pass laws to forbid hunting, but none

has been successful.

Say whether these statements are true or false.

1. The most popular of all outdoor sports is fishing.

2. The British are the great lovers of competitive sports.

3. The game particularly associated with England is cricket.

4. Soccer is played in summer.

5. The annual London Marathon is like a carnival.

6. The elite of Britain’s’ dogs and their trainers mostly come from Wales.

7. Hockey is not popular at boys’ schools.

8. Sailing and horse riding are popular among those who can afford them.

9. Rugby is played with an egg-shaped ball by teams of fourteen men

Text B

Parachutist, 81, wins place of honour at jump

Even experts were a little surprised when a man of 62 turned up at a parachute

training school and said he was interested in learning to become a parachutist.

They agreed to put him through the course, but only after giving him a series of

tests to prove that he was fit enough.

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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Mr. Archie Macfarlane completed the course successfully, surprising everyone

with his agility and toughness.

A few weeks later, when he was ready for his first jump, he confessed to the chief

instructor: “I told you a bit of a lie. I’m really 75”.

That was six years ago and yesterday Archie Macfarlane made his 18th jump. He

was given the place of honour – first out of the plane – at a weekend meeting for par-

achutists over 40 years old.

Archie’s interest in parachuting is just one of hobbies that his wife has to worry

about. He also enjoys motorcycling and mountaineering.

Last year he fell while climbing on Snowdon, and had to be rescued by helicopter.

His daughter said: “Sometimes I think he ought to give it all up. But as my mother

says, so long as he’s happy. It’s better than being miserable. He tried hang-gliding

once and said he thought it was a bit too easy.”

Now Archie is thinking of taking up water-skiing.

Match the following words with their definitions.

1. parachute training school a) подниматься, влезать

2. to be fit enough b) езда на мотоцикле

3. to make a jump c) начать что-либо новое

4. motorcycling d) альпинизм

5. mountaineering e) водные лыжи

6. hang-gliding f) аэроклуб

7. to climb g) совершить прыжок

8. to be rescued by h) быть в достаточно хорошей форме

9. to take up i) дельтапланеризм

10. water-skiing j) быть спасенным кем-либо

III. Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 1. These letters are in the wrong order. Put them in the right order to make

words connected with sport.

1. SELLABBA_____________

2. YCCILGN_______________

3. INKSIG_________________

4. GWIMSMIN_____________

9. GOBNIX____________

10. MISTCANGYS_______

11. LOBVALELYL_______

12. ACTMH_____________

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5. CIE-ITANKSG____________

6. ESHOP-IDNGIR__________

7. BLEAT NINSET__________

8. LEBLAKTABS____________

13. OTBFAOLL__________

14. TBAE_______________

15. LOGA_______________

Ex. 2. Write down four games ending in ball.





Ex. 3. Give the names of:

1) one sport that needs gloves;

2) four sports which use a ball;

3) three sports which need water, ice or snow;

4) two sports in which you ride something;

5) two sports you do in a gym.

Ex. 4. Match one or more of the nine sports to the following headings.

cricket tennis sailing rugby surfing volleyball football skiing riding

1. Sports involving a ball.

2. Team sports.

3. Sports involving a partner.

4. Water sports.

5. Sports involving an animal.

6. Indoor sports.

7. Outdoor sports.

8. Sports where points or goals can be


9. Olympic disciplines.

Ex. 5. Write down six things you can do with a ball.

1. _____________it

2. ____________ it

3. __________ it

4. __________ it

5. __________it

6. _________ it

Ex. 6. Write down:

1) four games where you can hit the ball ( with various kinds of equipment);

2) four games where you can pass the ball;

3) three games where you can catch the ball;

4) two games where you can kick the ball;

5) one game where you can head the ball.

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Ex. 7. A. Learn the phrases with go and play.


go to the


play the

+ activity (verb+ -ing)

+ place

+ sport / game

+ musical instrument

go skiing

go to the gym

play football / cards

play the guitar

B. Put the words below in the correct column.

Chess, gym, football, guitar, cinema, table tennis, violin, park, computer games,

shopping, beach, skiing, ice-skating, trumpet, piano, dancing, jogging, windsurfing,

squash, basketball, baseball.

go go to the play play the

Ex. 8. Organise these words and put them in the correct column below. You can

put a word in more than one column if you wish.

Swimming, gloves, crash helmet, course, football, racket, track, ring, boots, pool,

motor racing, clubs, tennis, net, court, golf, pitch, track, trunks, boxing, goals, cos-

tume, shorts, whistle, vest.

Sport Place Equipment

Ex. 9. Use one of the words in the box to complete the sentences.

boxing catch kick scored match went basketball golf

1. Are you going to watch the tennis ________ on TV? 2. Italy ________ three

goals in fifteen minutes. 3. Gillian _______ jogging for the first time yesterday. 4. Do

you know how to play _______? 5. Do you always _____ the ball with your left foot?

6. Quick! _______ the ball! 7. Alan’s at the ________ club. 8. I bought my wife

some _____ gloves for her birthday.

Ex. 10. Complete the sentences with a suitable verb in the correct form.

1. She doesn’t ________ much sport now that she has two young children. 2. Do

you often _______ skiing in the winter? 3. I used to _______ football every week.

4. My brother ______ a bit of windsurfing last summer. He really enjoyed it. 5. I

would like to ______ a sports club. Is it expensive? 6. I think she would ________

more exercise. 7. They went to the gym every week, but he had to _____ ____ be-

cause he got a bad back. 8. I love running – it __________ me fit. 9. I love Juventus

Football Club. I go to all their matches and I have ________ it all my life.

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 65

Ex. 11. Rewrite the sentences using the words on the right (in the correct form)

and without changing the meaning.

1. Brazil beat Spain 2 : 0.

Spain ___________.

2. Holland beat Denmark 3 : 2

Holland ___________.

3. The game between Peru and Italy finished 2 : 2.

Peru ______________.

4. England are leading 1 : 0.

The ______________.





Ex. 12. Complete each sentence with a word from the box.

handlebars rope glasses net costume whistle gloves club ice

1. When Brenda entered the swimming competition she bought a new

__________. 2. Gemma tried to hit the golf-ball with her _____, but missed it.

3. After the tennis match, one of the players jumped over the _______. 4. Diana’s

bike crashed into a tree, and she was thrown over the ______. 5. A mountain climb-

er’s life may depend on their ______. 6. Open-air skating can be dangerous if the

_______ is too thin. 7. Peter put his ______ in front of his face to protect himself

from his opponent’s punches. 8. Suddenly the referee blew his _______ and pointed

to the penalty spot. 9. Skiing can be dangerous if you don’t wear dark _______.

Ex. 13. Underline the most suitable word.

1. She came first in the 5000 metre competition / game / race.

2. Jack and Eddie arranged to meet outside the football ground / field / pitch.

3. Brenda goes jogging every day to keep exercised / fit / trained.

4. Our team beat/defeated/won the match by two goals to nil.

5. The local stadium isn’t large enough for so many audience / viewers / spectators.

6. I’m afraid I don’t find basketball very interested / interesting.

7. The final result was a/an draw / equal / score.

8. Norman won first medal / prize / reward in the cookery competition.

9. All competitors / rivals / supporters for the race should make their way to the track.

10. Collecting matchboxes is Rebecca’s favourite leisure /occupation / pastime.

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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Ex. 14. Replace the word or words in bold in each sentence with a word from the box.

outdoors record second captain referee side champion

professionally score spare

1. Mary plays tennis as a way of earning her living. 2. In motor racing last year

William Green was the best driver of all. 3. The player with the lowest number of

points wins the game. 4. I like going swimming in my free time. 5. Jane Briggs was

the runner-up in the 100 metres hurdles. 6. Who is the player in charge of your foot-

ball team? 7. She won all her matches this season, which is a best ever performance.

8. Charles was sent off for punching the person who controls the match. 9. We de-

cided to hold this year’s dancing competition in the open air. 10. Everyone agreed that

United were the best team.

Ex. 15. Decide which answer (a, b, c or d) best fits each space.


Someone once said that there are three kinds of people who are ____1_____ in

sport: people who ____2_____ part, people who watch, and people who watch

_____3_____ television. It’s very easy to make fun of stay-at-home sports

_____4_____, but on the other hand, television does enable us to enjoy all kinds

_____5_____ events. We can watch a racing car ____6_____ another, see a cyclist

____7_____ the finishing line, or enjoy the goals of our favourite football

_____8_____. The first time I watched a tennis match _____9____ was on television,

and I found it ____10______ interesting. It’s not always easy to ____11______ long

distances to football ____12______, and television is a good solution. Of course, you

can ____13_____ used to sitting indoors all the time, and this is dangerous. We

should all try to _____14_____ fit, and have other interests and ____15______.









a) playing

a) take

a) on

a) people

a) the

a) across

a) overtake

a) group

b) really

b) have

b) with

b) centres

b) future

b) overtake

b) and

b) class

c) interested

c) make

c) by

c) programmes

c) sports

c) or

c) cross

c) band

d) succeed

d) get

d) from

d) fans

d) athlete

d) from

d) professional

d) team

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 67








a) match

a) valuable

a) trip

a) areas

a) or

a) keep

a) customs

b) it

b) imaginatively

b) tour

b) grounds

b) which

b) make

b) habits

c) which

c) unexpectedly

c) pass

c) teams

c) get

c) do

c) pastimes

d) that

d) real

d) travel

d) fans

d) is

d) have

d) leisure

IV. Dialogues

1. Read the dialogue in pairs.

J: Yesterday I saw a soccer match.

R: A soccer match? I didn’t know you were a soccer fun.

J: I am not. But my husband had procured two tickets and insisted I join him. I

had no choice. I had to go.

R: And how was it?

J: At first, I saw thousands of people flocking to the stadium. I had to push my

way through the crowd.

R: And what about the game?

J: Well, the first half ended in a draw. But in the first minutes of the second half

the referee awarded a penalty kick to the opposing team. Their best forward easily

scored a goal.

R: How did the spectators react?

J: Many of them surged forward, and barriers collapsed, many people were

trampled and…

R: And the match was stopped.

J: Yeah.

R: Incredible. What happened then?

J: Several ambulances and police vehicles arrived. Some troublemakers were


R: Weren’t you injured?

J: Luckily not.

R: It must have been an unusual experience.

J: Yes, it was. And it will never happen again. Yesterday I promised myself I’d

never go to another soccer match again.

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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2. Working in pairs make up a dialogue for the following imaginary situations.

A. Act out a conversation with your group mate. Try to convince each other that

exercise is important for good health. You might suggest some specific exercises,

games and sports that would improve a person’s physical fitness.

B. Act out a conversation with your group mate about an international match,

contest, race, game, tournament she / he watched.

V. Speaking Tasks

1. Describe an interesting match or competition you have taken part in. You should say:

– what the event was and where it was held;

– what the results were;

– who the best players (athletes) were.

Speak about any exciting (amusing, thrilling) moments.

2. Describe any well-known athletes who have set world-known records. You

should say:

– what sport they do;

– how they achieved such good results;

– what traits of character they had to show while training and competing in contests.

Explain what athletes’ results depend on.

3. Share your ideas on the following question: What major problems is interna-

tional sport facing nowadays?

VI. Supplementary Reading


Judging by the numbers of people who play it and watch it, cricket is definitely

not the traditional sport of Britain. In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, interest

in it is largely confirmed to the middle classes. Only in England and a small part of

Wales it is played at top level. And even in England, where its enthusiasts come from

all classes, the majority of the population do not understand its rules. Moreover, it is

rare for the English national team to be the best in the world.

When people refer to cricket as the English national game, they are not thinking

so much of its level of popularity or of standard of English players but more of the

very English associations that it carries with it. Cricket is associated with long sunny

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 69

summer afternoons, the smell of new-mown grass and the sound of leather (the ball)

connecting with willow (the wood out of which cricket bats are made). Cricket is

special because it combines competition with the British dream of rural connection,

‘first class’ cricket teams in England, unlike teams is other sports do not bear the

names of towns but of counties (Essex and Yorkshire, for example).

Cricket is, therefore, the national English game is a symbolic sense. However, to

some people cricket is more than just a symbol. The comparatively low attendance at

top class matches does not give true picture of the level of interest in the country. One

game of cricket takes a terribly long time, which a lot of people simply don’t have to

spare. In fact there are millions of people in the country who don’t just enjoy cricket

but are passionate about it! These people spend up to thirty days each summer tuned

to the live radio commentary of ‘Test (= international) Matches’. When they get the

chance, they watch a bit of the live television coverage. Some people even do both at

the same time (they turn the sound down on the television and listen to the radio). To

these people, the commentators become well-loved figures. When, in 1994, one fa-

mous commentator died, the Prime Minister lamented that “summers will never be

the same again”. And if cricket fans are too busy to listen to the radio commentary,

they can always phone a special number to be given the latest score!

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 70


I. Topical Vocabulary

Places to Stay a five-star hotel пятизвездочный отель

Bed and Breakfast (B&B) отель, который предоставляет ночлег и зав-трак

guest house частная гостиница

a tent at a campsite палатка в палаточном лагере

youth hostel молодежное общежитие

holiday camp летний лагерь

time-share apartment квартира, купленная совместно, с распре-делением времени пользования

to lease / to rent a flat / house снять / арендовать квартиру / дом

Types of Hotel Accommodation

single / double / twin room одноместный / двухместный / номер с дву-спальной кроватью

suite номер-люкс

full / half board полный / полупансион

Staying at a Hotel

to book (= to reserve) a room / a table (in a restaurant) in advance (= beforehand)

забронировать комнату / столик в ре-


to check in / out at a reception зарегистрироваться / выписаться из отеля

to serve breakfast подавать завтрак

service is included обслуживание включено в счет

porter носильщик

maid горничная

receptionist администратор

to leave a tip оставить чаевые

to pay the bill оплатить счет

put it on my bill, please включите это в мой счет, пожалуйста

to order sth заказать что-нибудь

to look at the menu посмотреть меню

to have sth as a starter / for the main course / for dessert

съесть что-либо в качестве закуски / основ-ного блюда / на десерт

to call a waiter / waitress позвать официанта / официантку

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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II. Texts

Text A

Many people like to use their vacation time to take a trip. When you are ready to

take a vacation trip, the first thing you should think about, is a place to stay.

Depending upon where you go, you may choose from a hotel, motel, or bed and

breakfast inn. A hotel offers lodgings, meals, entertainment, personal services, such

as: room service, laundry and transportation to and from airports. Because they offer

these additional services, hotels cost more than motels. If you want these types of

services, you should make sure they are available when you reserve a room.

In a hotel you may be offered a single room (for one person) or a double room

(with a bed for two people). If the room is en-suite it means that there is a private

bathroom and toilet that other guests cannot use.

If your hotel reservation is full board it means that all your meals will be included.

If it is half board it includes your evening meal, but not lunch. When you arrive at the

hotel you must check in and when you leave you check out.

Motels are places that offer lodging and parking. Certain companies run motels

with the same name across the whole country. These are called ‘chains’. Most motels

and hotels charge for rooms according to how many people stay in the room. One

person is ‘single occupancy’, two persons is ‘double occupancy’. Sometimes children

under a certain age are allowed to stay for free.

A bed and breakfast inn is located in what is or was once someone’s home. You

receive a room to sleep in and breakfast in the morning. Since you may get the

chance to meet and spend time with people who live there staying at a bed and break-

fast inn can be very nice.

Wherever you wish to stay you should make reservations ahead of time. Then you

can be sure there will be a room for you when you arrive. Without a reservation

you’ll have to watch for a vacancy sign. If the sign says “No vacancy”, then there are

no rooms available.

How do you go about finding a place to stay? Well, plenty of hotels advertise at

the airports. If you arrive by train or car, probably the best thing to do is to look in the

Yellow Pages under Hotel, Motel and Lodging. You can start by comparing the ser-

vices offered in their ads. In any case you’ll have to call them and see if they have the

kind of room you are looking for.

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 72

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the first thing you think about when you are going to take a trip?

2. Depending upon what do you choose a place to stay?

3. What is the difference between motels and hotels? What kind of lodging can

they offer?

4. What does B&B mean? What kind of service can you get there?

5. What is the best way to find a place to stay?

Text B


In big cities there are a lot of good hotels. Still, if you do not want to get disap-

pointed, it is advisable to book accommodation beforehand, by fax or telephone, par-

ticularly if you are visiting the town during the summer months. If you do not book ac-

commodation befeorehand, you may have to leave the hotel because it is fully booked

up. That would be an unpleasant experience, especially if you arrived late at night.

Rooms in most hotels have all modern conveniences: central heating, air condition-

ing, private bath, telephone, television and others. Service is usually quite satisfactory.

You can take a single room, a double room or a suite, charges varying accordingly. If

you cannot stand the noise of the street, do not take an outside room, ask for an inside one.

What is the routine of checking in? Supposing you have booked accommodation at

a large hotel. Your taxi stops at the entrance to the hotel. The doorman (also called por-

ter) and a bell-boy help you with the luggage. You enter the hotel and go straight to the

reception desk to get registered. You speak to the receptionist (he is in charge of

rooms) and tell him that you booked accommodation by phone three days ago and give

him your name. The clerk consults the register, makes sure that you did phone and en-

ters your name, nationality and permanent address in the register. Then he askes you to

sign your name. If you have to fill in any form and your handwriting is not too good,

you should print. And do not forget to put your signature at the bottom of the form.

When you are through with the formalities, the bellboy takes you and your lug-

gage up in the lift and shows you to your room.

At the hotel you can get various services. If you want to have your suit pressed or

dry-cleaned, your shirt ironed, or your laundry done, you should ring for the maid

and she will see to it that everything is done. You can also have your meals served in

your room (it is room service that sees to it).

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 73

In the lobby there are a lot of offices: a booking-office, post and telegraph offices,

an information desk. Besides, there are a news-stand, a book-stall, a kiosk selling pic-

ture post cards and souvenirs. Cosmetics, and liquor are sold too, but with a sales tax.

At the airport you can buy them tax-free.

At the information desk you can enquire about the departures and arrivals of trains

and flights, about telephone numbers and addresses of offices and private individuals

and about a lot of other things.

At the booking-office they can book for you seats at the theatre or on the plane, or

hotel accommodation in another town.

In the same building there are also restaurants, bars, cafeterias, beauty parlours,

gyms and swimming-pools. There is also a laboratory where guests can have a film

developed without going out.

Bills are usually paid at weekly intervals, as it is more convenient for the manage-

ment. The guests intending to leave the hotel should notify the management before

noon on the day of their departure, but it is advisable to do so earlier, in fact the earlier

the better. When you are ready to check out, you tell desk clerk to get your bill ready.

When leaving the hotel, it is customary to tip the attendants. The safe rule to

follow is from ten to fifteen percent of the bill. The tip is always given with a word of

thanks. And one other thing. Do not take along the key, which is often the case with

absent-minded guests, but leave it at the desk.

If you are travelling by car, you can get accommodation in a highway motel. Stay-

ing at a motel has a lot of advantages. You do not have to fight the city traffic to get a

comfortable bed for the night, you just drive up to the door of your room. You also

avoid the garage fee, tips and other charges of a hotel stay, which is a great advantage

for low-income travellers.

Motels are well constructed and comfortably furnished. Most of them have air

conditioners, TV and room service. There are such additional attractions as children’s

playgrounds, open-air picnic facilities and tennis courts, to say nothing of swimming-

pools. Besides, as a rule, not far from motels there is a garage (that is a roadside pet-

rol station and service station combined).

Match the following words with their definitions.

1. advisable a) обслуживающий персонал

2. tax-free b) косметический кабинет

3. low-income c) рекомендуемый

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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4. to iron d) оставить чаевые

5. beauty parlour e) освобожденный от уплаты налогов

6. sales tax f) прачечная

7. laundry g) с низким доходом, низкодоходный

8. customary h) гладить

9. to tip i) налог с продаж

10. attendants j) привычный, обычный

III. Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 1. Match the following words and phrases with their definitions.

1. double room

2. o fill in the form

3. to check in/out

4. lobby

5. to settle/pay the bill

6. chambermaid

7. to stay at the hotel

8. service charge

9. doorman

10. reception desk

11. room service

12. beforehand/in advance

13. to put signature at the bottom of the page

14. to enquire about something

15. to notify somebody about something

a) швейцар

b) остановиться в гостинице

c) вестибюль

d) плата за услуги

e) горничная

f) прописаться/выписаться (из гостиницы)

g) заполнить бланк

h) номер на двоих

i) уплатить по счету

j) обслуживание в номерах

k) стойка регистрации

l) извещать кого-либо о чем-либо

m) заранее

n) наводить справки

о) поставить подпись внизу

Ex. 2. Replace the words in italics in each sentence with a word from the box.

camp site book hostel accommodation double room guest

house vacancy porter

1. It’s difficult to find anywhere to stay here in summer. 2. I’d like a room for the night

please. A room for two people. 3. The place where we stayed wasn’t a hotel but a private

house where you pay to stay and have meals. 4. I’d like to reserve three single rooms for

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 75

the next week, please. 5. It was raining, and we couldn’t find a place to put our tent. 6. I’d

like a room for the night. Do you have a free one? 7. The school has its own place for stu-

dents to stay. 8. We gave a tip to the person who carried our bags in the hotel.

Ex. 3. Translate the words in brackets.

On our (последнее посещение) to London my wife and I (остановились) at the

Magna Hotel. The Magna used to be (любимая гостиница) of ours, but we hadn’t

stayed there for over sixteen years. The hotel is famous for its service and we weren’t

disappointed. “The (портье) will show you to your room,” the (регистратор) said

with a smile and (нас проводили в номер) on the first floor. “This is our favourite

room,” I exclaimed. “I know sir,” the porter said. “Yours is the room with a view,

isn’t it?” “That’s right,” I said. “You like milk in your tea in the morning and madam

(предпочитает) lemon in hers.” “That’s right,” my wife said. She pulled me by my

sleeve with pleasure when the porter had gone. “Aren’t they amazing! They remem-

ber our preferences after all these years. This is real personal service!” The next

morning (во время завтрака), we were given raspberry jam with our toast instead of

marmalade. “Isn’t there any marmalade?” I asked (официанта). “We never eat rasp-

berry jam in the morning.” “Sorry sir,” the waiter said. “You (заказали) some for

breakfast on your last visit and it’s been in the computer memory ever since!”

Ex. 4. Complete these descriptions of hotel accommodation.

1. A room for one person with one bed is called a ________. 2. A room for two peo-

ple with one large bed is called a ________. 3. A room for two people with two beds is

called a ________. 4. If you have breakfast, lunch and dinner, it is called _______.

Ex. 5. Answer these questions about hotel accommodation in the United Kingdom.

1. If you have half board at a hotel, what meals are included?

2. If you book a hotel room in advance, when do you book?

3. If rooms are available, what does that mean?

4. What does B&B stand for?

Ex. 6. Complete these sentences with the correct word.

1. Guest: I’m leaving in ten minutes, so could I pay my _______, please?

2. Guest: Is breakfast ________ in the price of the room?

3. Guest: Excuse me. How do I _______ to the town centre from here?

4. Guest: Are you fully _______ next week?

Receptionist: Yes, I’m afraid we are, sir.

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5. Guest: Do you have a _______?

Receptionist: No, I’m sorry sir, we only have the stairs, but I’ll take your lug-

gage up for you.

6. Guest: There’s something ________ with the shower – it isn’t working.

7. Customer: What do I have to do when I arrive?

Travel agent: Just check in at _______ when you get to the hotel.

8. Guest: We had an excellent waiter, so I gave him a £10 ______

Ex. 7. What words are being defined?

1. The person who works behind the desk as you enter the hotel is a ________.

2. The person who carries luggage to your room is a __________. 3. The card giving

information about the food you can order in a restaurant is the ________. 4. The card

giving information about the drinks (especially wine) you can order is the ______.

5. The female servant employed to clean and tidy bedrooms in the hotel is a

_________. 6. The private house where visitors can stay and have meals for payment;

a small hotel is a _______. 7. The building in which certain types of people can live

and eat, such as students, young people working away from home, etc. is a

_________. 8. The building that provides rooms for people to stay in (usu. for a short

time) and usu. also meals, in return for payment is a ________.

IV. Dialogues

1. Read the dialogues in pairs.

Ann and John are in a four-star hotel in Niece

A: There we are, at last. The suite is really nice. It is air-conditioned. We have a

TV-set and satellite TV. There’s also a double bed in here. The hotel is within walk-

ing distance of the beach. Do you mind if we go to the beach this afternoon?

J: That’s a marvelous idea!

A: After sunbathing and swimming in the sea, we can go for a stroll towards the


J: Are we going to be on the beach all day? That’s boring! We must move a little

bit outside the beach. Why don’t we visit the Old Town or go shopping?

A: Oh, John. Old Towns are the same everywhere. I do it all the year round. I’ll

never get a nice tan in England.

J: All right, all right.

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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2. Working in pairs make up a dialogue for the following imaginary situations.

A. You are at the reception desk. A few days ago you sent a letter and asked to re-

serve a single room for you. But there’s an international conference in the city and the

hotel is full up. The clerk offers you a bed in a double room. You don’t like it but

there is no way out. You ask the clerk some questions about the room and the ser-

vices at the hotel.

B. Not long ago you reserved a double room at the Park Hotel. You asked for an

inside room with a fridge and a shower, but you’ve got an outside room facing a

noisy street. The room has got neither a refrigerator nor a shower. You phone the re-

ceptionist to settle the problem.

V. Speaking Tasks

1. Describe the best hotel you once stayed in. You should say:

– where the hotel was located;

– what room you had;

– what services the hotel offered.

Say whether you would recommend the hotel or not and why.

2. Describe the worst hotel you once stayed in. You should say:

– where the hotel was located;

– what room you had;

– what services the hotel offered.

Explain why you were disappointed and what you disliked most of all.

3. Share your ideas on the following question: “What are advantages and disad-

vantages of staying in a hotel?”

VI. Supplementary Reading

The Hilton name is synonymous with hotels. Conrad Hilton (1887–1979) bought

his first hotel at the age of 31 and acquired or built dozens more in his life time.

Through shrewd financing and bargaining, Hilton created one of the largest hotel

chains in the world.

The son of a hard-working Norwegian immigrant Conrad Nicholson Hilton grew

up in the small mining town of San Antonio. Hilton, known as Connie, was born De-

cember 25, 1887. He was the second oldest of eight children and the oldest son. Au-

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gust Hilton was a trader and a prominent citizen of San Antonio. He owned a general

store and, at various times, he also owned or operated the town’s post office, bank,

telegraph office and a small hotel. Hilton grew up among these businesses. Later in

life, he said he learned about hard work from his father and about prayer from his

mother-two lessons that remained with him throughout his life.

The Hiltons lived in a large house across from the railroad station. As the family

grew, August Hilton added rooms onto the house. When the children began leaving

home, August got the idea of renting rooms to boarders for $2.50 a day. Conrad Hil-

ton and his brothers walked to the railroad station where they would greet visitors and

carry their luggage back to the boardinghouse. This was Hilton’s introduction to the

hotel business. Before long, the family was back on its feet and the boardinghouse

was abandoned.

The Great Depression proved debilitating to rich and poor alike, and Conrad Hil-

ton was one of many future titans of business the devastatingly stagnant economy left

grappling with a drastic loss of profits. He couldn’t afford to finish hotels he had

committed himself to building, and he began losing ones already open.

By 1949, when he fulfilled a dream and made national headlines by purchasing

the famed Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York City, his financial problems were

far in his wake. He was famously quoted as saying “Success seems to be connect-

ed with action. Successful men keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t


Faced with challenges that might have seemed insurmountable, he did what he

had done since he was a boy – resolved to work hard and have faith in God. Others, it

seemed, made up their minds to put their faith in Hilton. He was able to buy goods on

credit from locally owned stores because they trusted his ability and determination to

one day pay them back. As the kindness of others and his own ingenuity helped him

rebuild his hotel empire to proportions previously unheard of, he solidified his com-

mitment to charity and hospitality – two characteristics that became hallmarks both of

Hilton Hotels and of the man who began them.

Conrad Hilton gave up active management of the company in 1966 when his son

Barron was named president. The founder remained chairman of the board. Hilton

Hotels continued to build and buy hotels around the world through the 1970s, 1980s

and 1990s. Hilton continued to work six days a week. Hilton died of pneumonia in

Bel Air, California on January 3, 1979, at the age of 91.

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At the time of his death, the Hilton chain had 185 hotels in the United States and

75 in foreign countries. Hilton’s business success was largely the result of his vision.

He had the ability to recognize a profitable investment. When he first began building

his empire, he bought hotels that had individual reputations. “I buy tradition and

make the most of it,” The New York Times quoted him as saying. Although he strived

to give his hotels individual personalities, he also recognized the value of standardi-

zation, which he thought made travellers comfortable.

Since Hilton’s death, his hotel chain has continued to expand. It has owned some

of the largest hotels in the world. By the end of the twentieth century, the company

that Conrad Hilton had founded with $5,000 pinned to the lining of his coat was

worth $6.2 billion.

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I. Topical Vocabulary

Human Body

Parts of the Body

head голова

neck шея

arm рука

shoulder плечо

elbow локоть

wrist запястье

hand рука

palm ладонь

finger палец (на руке)

thumb большой палец

nail ноготь

back спина

waist талия

bottom основание

leg нога

knee колено

foot ступня

ankle голеностопный сустав , лодыжка

heel пятка

toe палец ноги

chest грудная клетка

breast грудь

stomach желудок

Head and Face

forehead лоб

eye глаз

eyebrow бровь

eyelash ресница

eyelid веко

nose нос

ear ухо

cheek щека

cheekbone скула

mouth рот

lip губа

tooth зуб

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tongue язык

chin подбородок

Inside the Body skeleton скелет, костная система

bone кость

backbone позвоночник

rib ребро

organ орган

heart сердце

liver печень

lung легкие

kidney почки

blood vessel кровеносный сосуд

Common Problems and Symptoms to be / to feel ill быть / чувствовать себя больным

to fall / to get ill заболеть

not to feel well чувствовать себя плохо

to have / to catch a (bad) cold простудиться (сильно)

to have (the) flu болеть гриппом

to have a hangover испытывать похмелье

to have diarrhoea испытывать расстройство желудка

to be sick / breathless / shivery / faint испытывать тошноту / затруднения дыхания / дрожь / слабость

to have a (bad) cough (сильно) кашлять

to have a sore throat / eye / finger иметь воспаленное горло / глаз / палец

to have a headache / stomachache / toothache / backache / earache

иметь головную боль / боль в желудке / зуб-ную боль / боль в спине / боль в ушах

to have a terrible pain in one’s side иметь сильную боль в боку

to have an upset stomach иметь расстройство желудка

to have spots покрываться пятнами

to have painful joints иметь воспаленные суставы

to have blisters иметь волдыри

to have a runny nose иметь насморк

to have one’s nose blocked up иметь заложенный нос

to sneeze чихать

to be depressed / tired all the time быть в состоянии депрессии / усталым все время

to feel exhausted чувствовать себя истощенным

to lose one’s appetite / voice потерять аппетит / голос

it hurts to move / to swallow больно двигаться / глотать

one’s eyes itch глаза чешутся

to have aching muscles иметь боль в мускулах

virus вирус

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infection инфекция

to have hiccups икать

to be seasick страдать морской болезнью

to have jetlag страдать от смены часовых поясов

Serious Illnesses

to suffer from страдать от

incurable disease неизлечимая болезнь

lung cancer рак легких

a heart attack сердечный приступ

hepatitis гепатит

appendicitis аппендицит

asthma астма

tonsillitis ангина, тонзиллит

bronchitis бронхит

pneumonia пневмония, воспаление легких

malaria малярия

ulcer язва


to have a nervous breakdown срыв нервной деятельности

food poisoning пищевое отравление

an epidemic of эпидемия

A Visit to a Doctor to make an appointment with a doctor for назначить встречу с доктором по поводу

to call a doctor позвонить врачу

to consult a doctor проконсультироваться у врача

to ask questions задавать вопросы

Do you have Health Insurance? У Вас есть медицинская страховка?

Are you taking any medication? Вы принимаете какие-либо препараты?

Are you allergic to anything? У Вас есть аллергия на какие-либо препа-раты?

to complain of sth жаловаться на что-либо

to examine the patient осмотреть пациента

to give sb a thorough medical check up провести тщательное медицинское обследование

to take one’s blood pressure / temperature / pulse / a blood sample

измерить давление / температуру / пульс / взять анализ крови

to listen to one’s chest прослушивать сердце и легкие

to weigh взвешивать, весить

to measure измерять

to diagnose ставить диагноз, диагностировать, распо-знавать, выявлять;

to prescribe sth прописывать, предписывать

to give sb a prescription for выписать рецепт на

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to follow the doctor’s instructions / recommen-dations

следовать инструкциям / рекомендациям врача

to recommend sth рекомендовать, советовать

Specialists physician врач, доктор

optician офтальмолог

surgeon хирург

dentist стоматолог

Medicines antibiotics антибиотики

painkillers болеутоляющие

eye drops глазные капли

cough mixture микстура от кашля

sleeping pills / tablets снотворные пилюли / таблетки

aspirin аспирин

special oil особое масло

herbal remedy лечебное средство из трав

to go to the chemist’s (= pharmacy = drug-store)

пойти в аптеку

to take medicines three times a day after (≠ before) meals

принимать лекарство три раза в день после (≠ до) еды

to take a teaspoonful принимать по чайной ложке

to rub into the skin втирать в кожу

alternative medicine альтернативная медицина

In Hospital to be taken to hospital лечь в больницу

to feel worse почувствовать ухудшение

to be in a stable / critical condition быть в стабильном / критическом состоянии

to be in danger (≠ out of danger) быть в опасности (≠ вне опасности)

hospital treatment лечение в больнице

to treat sb лечить кого-либо

to cure sb of sth вылечить кого-либо от чего-либо

a cure for sth курс или метод лечения чего-либо

to give an injection сделать укол

to do an X-ray сделать рентген

to have an operation on быть прооперированным по поводу

to operate on оперировать

Recovery to feel better чувствовать себя лучше

to recover поправляться

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to make a full / speedy recovery выздороветь полностью / быстро

to get over sth справиться с чем-либо

to relieve / ease the pain облегчить боль

A Healthy Lifestyle

to be good for sb’s health быть полезным для здоровья

to do sb good (≠ harm) приносить пользу (≠ вред)

to be / keep fit быть / держаться в форме

to do exercises делать упражнения

on a regular basis заниматься регулярно

not to eat between meals не есть между приемами пищи

to put on (≠ to lose) weight набрать (≠ сбросить) вес

to cut down on sth сокращать

to be / to go on a diet быть / сесть на диету

to avoid (doing) sth избегать делать что-либо

to stay healthy оставаться здоровым

to have healthy / good (≠ bad) habits иметь здоровые / полезные привычки

Accidents to sprain one’s wrist растянуть запястье

to break one’s arm сломать руку

to cut one’s finger порезать палец

to burn one’s hand обжечь руку

to hit one’s head удариться головой

to get an electric shock получить электрический удар

to get stung by a bee быть ужаленным пчелой

to be bitten by a dog быть укушенным собакой

to twist one’s ankle вывихнуть лодыжку

to hurt oneself пораниться

to trip over споткнуться о

to slip (on the icy road) поскользнуться (на скользкой дороге)

to get into a fight попасть в драку

to be beaten up быть побитым

to be badly bruised иметь сильные синяки / кровоподтеки

to be knocked unconscious потерять сознание от удара

to be unconscious быть без сознания

to be swollen быть распухшим / отекшим

to have a bad scar иметь страшный шрам

to have a black eye иметь синяк

to fall off упасть откуда-либо

to bleed кровоточить, истекать кровью

to be injured быть раненым / поврежденным

to be wounded быть раненым (огнестрельное ранение)

to get a slight / back / sports / internal inju- иметь легкую / травму спины / спортивную /

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ry внутреннюю травму

to get a knife / deep wound получить ножевую / глубокую рану


to call an ambulance вызвать скорую помощь

to give first aid оказать первую помощь

to put sth in plaster загипсовать что-либо

to put a plaster on sth наложить гипс на

to put a bandage on наложить бинт / повязку на

ice pack лед

to have stitches иметь швы

to have total rest for a week иметь полный покой в течение недели

to walk on crutches ходить на костылях

to provide stretcher предоставить носилки

II. Texts

Text A

Health Care

Americans spend a lot of money on health care. It has been suggested that they

might spend less money and get better health care if they developed a national health

programme, such as the ones that exist in Britain or Sweden. Such a national health

programme though, could also have disadvantages, including high taxes and a less

personal doctor-patient relationship.

Why does health care cost so much? One reason is the high cost of new drugs and

medical equipment, including computers. Much of the cost, however, may be due to

the way of paying the bills. “The doctor who orders hospitalization or drugs has no

reason to be economical, since he doesn’t pay for them,” Science Digest reports. “The

patient doesn’t have any control over what is being ordered. The bill, or at least a

large part of it, in the case of someone who is ensured, goes to the insurance compa-

ny. The company simply pays without having any say in what is being ordered. The

system tends to produce overspending.” Of course, not everyone just sits back and

has the bills paid by an insurance company. A serious illness, or a lot of little ones,

can use up the family savings.

But even with all the money being spent, the United States does not have the

world’s best health care. Eighteen countries have lower rates of infant deaths and a

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longer life expectancy. Most Americans say the United States should follow their ex-

ample and set up required government health insurance. Britain and Sweden have

been studied by Americans who want a better system of health care.

Britain: Compulsory insurance covers all citizens. Patients can have their own

doctor. The programme is 90 percent financed from general tax income, the rest by

small contributions from workers and employers.

Sweden: Compulsory. Each county is required to provide health care for resi-

dents. There is a full-time doctor at all companies with 1,000 or more employees.

Workers receive 90 percent of their salary during sickness.

‘Free’ anything sounds good. But, of course, nothing is really free. The people do

pay through taxes. And even in countries where ‘socialized medicine’ has been prac-

ticed for a long time, not everyone is entirely pleased. “Oh, it’s a great system if you

are sick,” a Swedish business executive said. “But otherwise you just end up paying

too much in taxes, up to 80 percent of your salary if you are highly paid.” A British

government study earlier this year showed National Health Service lacked money,

equipment and medical stuff. That means non-emergency cases often have to wait.

“The treatment is good once you get into the hospital,” one Englishmen said. “It’s

getting in that’s the problem”.

Say whether these statements are true or false.

1. Health care is expensive because new drugs are expensive.

2. Health care is expensive because the doctor has no reason to be economical.

3. Health care is expensive because the patient controls what is ordered.

4. The health care programme in Britain is completely financed from tax income.

5. In Sweden patients can have their own doctor.

6. A Swedish business executive says the system keeps you from getting sick.

7. A Swedish business executive says the system is good for people with a lot

of money.

8. A Swedish business executive says the system costs too much money.

Text B

I hate the first twenty-four hours of a bad cold. Anyone who said “Oh, you just

have a little cold” must never have suffered from it. To sum it up, when I have a bad

cold, I feel pain. Even though I am buried under four or five heavy blankets, my feet

feel like ice. Moving in small waves up and down my legs, stomach, and arms are

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hundreds of little goose bumps. They cause me to shake and feel cold even though

inside I feel as if I am burning up. Every muscle in my body, from my feet to my

head, aches. It is that terrible dull pain that is constantly there even if I don’t move a

finger. If I try to ignore my body aches, I am then reminded of my cold by a very

sharp pain I feel in my throat when I swallow.

The most unpleasant part of the cold, however, occurs from my neck up. My head

hurts. I am always sneezing, coughing, blowing my nose, and wiping my watery

eyes. It seems as if the pain is to keep a person so busy blowing and wiping that he or

she will forget being sick. It doesn’t work. So there I lie feeling too sick to move. My

doctor doesn’t want to see me because what I have “isn’t serious”. My co-workers

and friends don’t want to see me because I “might be catching”. Who can blame

them? I’d give anything not to be around myself during those first twenty-four hours!

Match the following words with their definitions.

1. a catching disease a) быть больным

2. a cold b) глотать, заглатывать

3. goose bumps c) чихать, чихнуть

4. to swallow d) кашлять

5. to sneeze e) простуда

6. to cough f) вытирать, протирать

7. to wipe g) страдать от чего-либо, терпеть

8. to suffer h) инфекционная болезнь, заразная болезнь

9. to be sick i) выдувать, продувать

10. to blow j) мурашки

III. Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 1. Match the sentence halves, using each half once only.

1. If someone feels sick

2. If someone got flu

3. If someone has a heart attack

4. If someone’s got diarrhoea

5. If someone’s got asthma

6. If someone’s got hangover

7. If someone is blowing their nose a lot

8. If someone’s got a temperature

a) they may have a cold.

b) they want to go to the toilet.

c) they find it hard to breathe.

d) they want to vomit.

e) they feel very hot.

f) they have a high temperature.

g) they need a doctor immediately.

h) they drank too much beer last night.

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Ex. 2. Complete the dialogues with a word from the box in the correct form. Use

each word once only.

hurt suffer sneeze prescription ache fillings injection

painful temperature

1. “My little boy isn’t very well. He keeps ___1___.”

“Oh, dear. Does he ___2___ from hay fever?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Has he got a ___3___?”

“Yes, it’s quite high. Maybe I should take him to the doctor’s.”

“I would. Then he can give you a ____4____ for the chemist’s.”

2.”I fell over and hit my knee.”

“Did it ___5___ very much?”

“Yes, it was terrible. And this morning when I got up, it was still ___6___.”

3. “Have you been to the dentist yet?”

“Yes, I went yesterday. I had to have two ___7___ in my back teeth.”

“Did he give you an ___8___?”

“Yes, I don’t like needles very much, but at least it wasn’t too ___9___, so I

was very relieved.”

Ex. 3. Correct the mistakes.

1. She’s in bed because she’s got a flu and she feels sick. 2. It’s horrible when you

have a cold and keep blow the nose. 3. My back is very pain because I was carrying a

heavy suitcase yesterday. 4. Many children suffer for asthma these days. 5. He’s got a

sore cough and a throat. 6. I don’t feel myself well.

Ex. 4. Find the best ending on the right for the sentence beginning on the left.

1. He got into

2. He had to

3. He broke

4. He hit

5. He called

6. Fell out

7. He put

a) his arm in two places.

b) an ambulance.

c) fight.

d) of a window.

e) a plaster on his finger.

f) his head.

g) go to hospital.

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Ex. 5. There is one word missing in each line of the text. What could the word be

and where should it go?

There were a couple accidents on the motorway coming

into town today. One man was rushed hospital after his

car ran into the back of a lorry. Doctors say his are serious

but his life is not in danger. The lorry driver his head

but he wasn’t seriously hurt and didn’t require to hospital.






Ex. 6. Complete the sentences.

1. I really _____ myself when I bumped into that table.

2. “I _____ myself on that cigarette.”

“Oh, dear. Is it very _____?”

“Yes, it is, but I’ve put some cream on it.”

3. One of the thieves had a gun and ___ the bank clerk in the leg.

4. I dropped a box on my foot. My toes are so _____ that I can’t get my shoes on.

5. She twisted her _____ running for the bus.

6. I cut my finger and it won’t stop ______.

7. When I got here the man was unconscious. I called an ______ and it should be

here very soon.

8. The trouble started outside the disco, and one boy was quite badly ____ up.

Ex. 7. Choose one of the verbs in the box to complete the sentences below.

fall slip cut touch drop bump hurt burn break bleed

1. As I was walking home one night, my foot ____ on some ice and I ____ over.

2. Be careful! There’s some broken glass on the floor and I don’t want you to ______

yourself. 3. Don’t ______ that electric wire. You’ll get a shock! 4. After he _______

his leg in a game, he never played football again. 5. Sam had an accident while he

was riding his bicycle: fortunately he didn’t _____ himself too badly. 6. As the waiter

was walking towards our table, he ______ the plate he was carrying. 7. Have you got

a plaster? My finger’s _______. 8. It was so dark when I walked into the room, I

______ into a chair. 9. Be careful when you use the iron: you might _____yourself.

Ex. 8. Read the clues and complete the words.

1. A mark on your skin when you hurt yourself. B_ _ _ _ _. 2. If you have this in

your chest, it means that your chest hurts. P_ _ _. 3. Doing this regularly helps you to

stay healthy. E_ _ _ _ _ _ _. 4. A piece of paper which means you can buy certain

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 90

drugs. P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 5. You may need to drink this when you feel ill. M_ _ _ _

_ _ _. 6. You may need one of these if you cut yourself. P_ _ _ _ _ _. 7. The person you

go to see when you’re ill. D_ _ _ _ _. 8. You need this if you’re working hard. R_ _ _.

Ex. 9. Match each word with its correct definition on the right.

1. ache a) to discover the nature of (a disease ) by making a

careful examination

2. ailment b) painful or aching from a wound, infection or hard use

3. to diagnose c) an illness that is not serious

4. sore d) to try to cure by medical means

5. disease e) (an) illness or unhealthy condition caused by infec-

tion, a disorder, etc., but not by an accident

6. to treat f) a continuous, but not violent pain

7. to hurt g) to experience something unpleasant such as an ill-

ness, esp. over a long period of time or habitually

8. to suffer from i) to produce a feeling of pain; to cause physical pain

and/or damage to

9. prescription k) a piece of paper with an order for some medicine

Ex. 10. Choose the correct alternative in each sentence.

1. I’ve got a terrible pain / sore / hurt in my left leg. 2. The doctor gave me this

receipt / prescription / recipe for some medicine. 3. You are very hot. Let me take

your heat /fever / temperature. 4. She’s got a very sore / raw / rough throat and won’t

be able to sing. 5. I fell over and twisted / turned / slipped my ankle. 6. It took him a

long time to get over / by / off his illness. 7. I am being treated / tend / hurt for my

bad back by a physiotherapist. 8. After walking for miles over the mountains, my feet

were ache /sore / pain. 9. There were lots of people waiting to see the doctor in her

theatre/ ward / surgery. 10. This cut should heal / cure / recover soon. 11. Before you

go on holiday, you are going to need some punctures / stabs / injections. 12. The am-

bulancemen carried him away on a bed / stretcher / hammock. 13. She was covered in

spots / freckles / bruises after she fell down the stairs.

Ex. 11. Read and translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the new verbs.

1. ache (ached, ached) My head aches.

2. damage (damaged, damaged) The building was damaged in the storm.

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3. harm 1. The dog won’t harm you. (The dog won’t do

you any harm is more common and less formal.)

2. This won’t do you any harm.

4. hurt (hurt, hurt) 1. Ow! That hurts!

2. Let go off my arm! You’re hurting me!

3. Their unkindness hurt her terribly.

4. Don’t climb up there! You’ll hurt yourself!

5. injure (injured, injured) They were seriously injured in a car accident.

6. wound (wounded, wounded) 1. The police shot and wounded him when he

tried to escape.

2. He was wounded in the battle.

Ex. 12. Complete the sentences, using the most suitable verb in the appropriate

form. Consider the meaning in the context as well as the structure.

1. The bomb fell near the hospital, ________ several buildings nearby. A number

of civilians were________ and taken to hospital, and some soldiers who were

_________in the battle outside the town last week were cut by flying glass.

2. This shouldn’t ________ , because I’m going to give you an injection, but you

may find that the tooth starts _______ when you get home, so I’ll give you some as-

pirins. Two aspirins won’t ________ you (or ______ you any ________).

3. Don’t try to lift that heavy case. You’ll ________ (or _______) yourself.

4. When the fans ran onto the pitch, the main stand was ________ and several po-

licemen were _________ (or _______).

5. She was ________ when the boss spoke to her so unkindly.

Ex. 13. Read and translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the new verbs.

1. cure (cured, cured) (means to

cause to return to health)

1. This medicine will cure your cough.

2. This should cure you.

3. The new drug cured him of his disease.

2. heal (healed, healed) (of a wo-

unded part of the body) (means to

become healthy again)

1. The wound will heal in time.

2. Her patience helped to heal the disagreement

between them.

3. This cut will heal naturally.

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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Ex. 14. Complete the sentences, using the correct verb in the appropriate form.

Consider the meaning and the structure.

1. I’m glad to see that your wound has ________. 2. So far doctors have not dis-

covered any drug that will ______ the common cold. 3. The cut will soon

________(up / over). 4. When I left hospital I was completely __________. 5. The

only way to _______ backache is to rest.

Ex. 15. Fill the gaps with a suitable word.

1. I hit my hand on the desk and it really __________. 2. They say she died of a

heart _____. 3. She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat and now she’s got

stomach- ____. 4. I’ve got this terrible ____ in my neck from sleeping in the wrong

position. 5. He died of______ cancer even though he never smoked a cigarette in his

life. 6. I went to the doctor, and she gave me a ______ for some tablets. 7. Pollution

makes her ______ worse and it’s difficult for her to breathe. 8. There are different

forms of hepatitis; one is a more serious ___ than the other. 9. I hurt _______ when I

fell off that chair. 10. My back _____ from sitting at that computer all day.

Ex. 16. Choose the correct word or phrase underlined in each sentence.

1. The doctor gave Sue a prescription / recipe for some medicine. 2. Tim’s mother

used a thermometer to take his fever / temperature. 3. It took Julia a long time to get

over / get off her illness. 4. The cut on Karen’s leg took a long time to cure / heal. 5. I

couldn’t run because I had a hurt / pain in my leg. 6. I bought these sea-sickness pills

from the chemist’s / physician’s. 7. David was ill with a flu / flu for two weeks.

8. Dick couldn’t speak because he had a throat ache / sore throat.

Ex. 17. Complete each sentence with a word from the list.

ambulance bandage blood hospital

operation patient surgeon ward

1. A long white_______ was wound around my arm. 2. This _______ was built only

two years ago, but is already too small. 3. The_______ in the bed next to mine was a

man with a broken leg. 4. The doctor told Jim that he would have to have a / an_______.

5. David’s bed is in a small _______ with two others. 6. Paula was operated on by the

best _________ in the city. 7. Some people feel faint when they see__________.

8. Helen was hurt in an accident and a passer-by called a/an _________.

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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Ex. 18. Choose the correct word from the choices given. Only one word is correct.

1. You shouldn’t worry so much; you’ll make yourself ill/sick. 2. We do not nor-

mally allow employees time off to look after ill/sick relatives except in cases of great

hardship. 3. He has completely recovered but still looks weak after his long ill-

ness/sickness. 4. The principal cause of death in this country is heart illness/disease.

5. He was injured/wounded in the match against Arsenal last week and will not be

able to play against Liverpool on Saturday. 6. You must give your diseases/wounds

time to heal. 7. If you have a headache/pain in the head, take some aspirin. 8. It’s a

good dog. It won’t do you any harm/hurt.

Ex. 19. The symptoms of an illness are the signs that indicate to doctors what a pa-

tient is suffering from. Match the symptoms in the left-hand column with the illness on

the right. In some cases, more than one symptom may be evident, or a symptom may

suggest more than one kind of illness. Write the appropriate number or numbers to

match the appropriate letter.

1. a cough, nose running, sneezing a) anaemia

2. dizziness, shivering, a headache b) the common cold

3. fainting, double vision c) food poisoning

4. high fever, high temperature d) ’flu (influenza)

5. headache, sickness e) high blood pressure

6. rapid heart beat, out of breath f) measles

7. sickness, stomachache, vomiting g) migraine

8. sore throat, swelling in throat h) mumps

9. spots i) pneumonia

10. swelling under the ears j) rheumatism

11. stiff joints k) shock (mental); a blow (physical)

12. weak pulse rate, fainting l) tonsilitis

13. sneezing, runny nose, sore eyes m) diarrhoea

14. keep going to the toilet n) hay fever

15. headache, feeling sick o) hangover

Ex. 20. Correct the mistakes, which have been underlined for you. Suggest a suita-

ble alternative for each one. The first one has been done for you.

Yesterday, I decided to visit my (0) medicine. I've been having (1)

aches in the chest I (2) heat all the time, and then I suddenly (3) cold.

I (4) don’t have hunger at all and I think I’m (5) thinning. I (6) tire

0. doctor

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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myself easily, as well. Last week I developed a (7) sore neck and

could hardly speak. I hoped it would (8) better. but in fact it got (9)

worst. The doctor (10) interrogated me and gave me a (11) recipe.

“You can get this medicine at the (12) pharmacist’s,” he said. “Don’t

worry. You’ll soon be (13) alright.” 1(14) pleased the doctor to give

me some (15) advices. “When you feel better, (16) make plenty of

exercise, and you need plenty of (17) open air. You’ll be (18) good in

no time.” I thanked the doctor as the (19) nanny showed me out be-

fore leading in the next (20) customer.

Ex. 21. Complete the passage with the best option, a, b, c or d.

A surgeon flying from Hong Kong to London on a jumbo jet ___1___ a fellow

passenger’s life by operating on her with a pair of scissors, a coat hanger, and a bot-

tle of brandy.

Pauline Dixon was involved in a motorcycle ____2__ on the way to Hong Kong

airport. But she didn’t want to see a doctor ___3___ she missed her flight. Soon after

boarding the plane, she complained about a pain in her arm. The pilot asked ___4__

or not there were any doctors on board, and Professor Wallace and Dr Tom Wong

came forward.

At first they thought her arm was broken, but within minutes they saw that her

condition was ___5___ worse. They realized that one of her lungs ___6___ have col-

lapsed and was filling up with liquid. Professor Wallace said, “I felt we had ____7__

operate as soon as we could, but of course we didn’t have ___8___ right equipment,

so we had to use what was there. I cut a hole in her chest with a pair of scissors and

then we had to find something to push a tube into the lung. One of the cabin crew

___9___ using a coat hanger, which worked well, and we ___10___ to get the tube in

quite easily.

Normally it is not a complicated operation ___11___ you have the right equip-

ment, but we had to be very ___12___. We sterilized everything with five star bran-

dy. When the operation was over, I had a few ___13___ myself. I can tell you, I

needed it.”

After the plane landed safely in London, Miss Dixon went to hospital to recover.

Although the operation had been very ___14__, she was very grateful to the doctors

for saving her life, and was full of ____15___for what they had done.

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 95
















a) rescued

a) accident

a) in case

a) for

a) changing

a) must

a) sooner

a) a

a) advised

a) succeeded

a) if

a) carefree1

a) bites

a) painful

a) friendship

b) recovered

b) disaster

b) unless

b) about

b) getting

b) should

b) greater

b) some

b) persuaded

b) managed

b) unless

b) careless

b) sips

b) harmful

b) dedication

c) saved

c) emergency

c) except

c) if

c) turning

c) may

c) rather

c) the

c) suggested

c) arrived

c) in case

c) caring

c) swallows

c) hurtful

c) admiration

d) freed

d) breakdown

d) without

d) whether

d) growing

d) would

d) better

d) any

d) convinced

d) could

d) except

d) careful

d) licks

d) aching

d) liking

IV. Dialogues

1. Read the dialogue in pairs.

Visit to a Doctor

Mrs. D.: I haven’t been filling well, doctor.

Dr.Y.: What’s wrong, Mrs. D.?

Mrs. D.: I’ve had pains here – just below where my heart is.

Dr.Y.: Do you have these pains all the time?

Mrs. D.: No, not all the time. They usually come after meals.

Dr.Y.: After meals, eh? Do you eat very big meals?

Mrs. D.: Well, I am very fond of my food.

Dr.Y.: That’s probably the reason why you have these pains near the heart. You’d

better not eat quite so much. Lighter meals, that will probably put you right.

What’s your weight?

Mrs. D.: About two hundred pounds, I think.

Dr.Y.: Try to get your weight down to a hundred and sixty pounds. Not so much

bread. No sugar in your tea, No cake.

Mrs. D.: Well, I’ll try, but it’s not going to be easy. I’ve always been fond of

good things to eat.

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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2. Working in pairs make up a dialogue for the following imaginary situations.

A. Act out a conversation with your group mate.

Student A. Imagine you are not feeling quite well and you complain to your group

mate about it. Explain the reasons for complaining (they may be your headache, or

toothache or a sharp pain in a knee, or a high temperature, or something else). Thank

your group mate for his/her advice.

Student B. Listen to you group mate’s complaint about his/her health, express

your concern and sympathy. Then give your advice on what you think it is good to do

in this situation.

B. Being a doctor is the best profession one can have. Discuss it with you group mate.

V. Speaking Tasks

1. Describe the last time you were ill. You should say:

– what the symptoms were;

– what the doctor did and prescribed;

– how you followed the doctor’s advice.

Explain why it takes sometimes long to recover.

2. Describe your last medical check-up. You should say:

– how often you have your medical check-ups;

– what specialists you visited;

– what their recommendations were.

Explain why it is necessary for a future aviation specialist to take care of his or

her health.

3. Share your ideas on the following question: “Are Russians generally healthy?”

Justify your opinion.

VI. Supplementary Reading

First AID

First aid is the care given to a sick or injured person before the services of a doc-

tor can be obtained. One who knows how to give this care properly is able to assist

others when they need help most. The purposes of first aid training are to prevent ac-

cidents, to train people to do the right thing at the right time, to prevent additional in-

jury, and to provide proper transportation.

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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General procedure at an accident

Here is a simple plan that can usually be followed when accidents occur:

Step 1: Determine whether the victim requires speedy care. Emergency cases are

those with severe bleeding, those who have stopped breathing and require artificial

respiration, and those in which the victim has received poison by mouth or by injec-

tion – for example, the bite of a poisonous snake. In these cases seconds count.

Step 2: Have the victim lie down.

Step 3: Examine the victim carefully.

Step 4: Plan and carry out the necessary procedure.


Shock, a deep disturbance of general body functions, with evidence particularly of

disturbed circulation of the blood, may result from any serious injury or deep emo-

tional upset. It may follow immediately or be delayed for some time. Shock opens the

way to pneumonia and other serious complications and may lead to death itself. The

victim of shock is weak and pale; his skin feels clammy; beads of perspiration may be

evident about the upper lip and forehead. Even though these signs may not show up

immediately, measures should be taken to combat shock.

The victim should lie flat, preferably in bed. The foot of the bed may be raised

from 12 to 18 inches. Provide adequate but not excessive covering, both over and un-

der him, to maintain normal body heat. Avoid overheating or chilling; consider the

surrounding temperature. Small amounts of water may be given in most cases. Do not

give fluids to an unconscious person or to one who has an abdominal injury, or if it

appears that an early operation will be necessary. Handle gently. Pain, bleeding, and

rough handling will increase shock.

Wounds and bleeding

If the bleeding from a wound is not severe, the first aid worker should apply a

dressing to the wound and obtain medical attention. The dressing should be sterile,

that is, entirely free from germs. Sterile dressings may be purchased in drugstores and

should be at hand in all home or automobile first aid kits. Do not touch the wound,

cough over it, or breathe on it. Do not apply ointments, greases, alcoholic liquids, or

other so-called home remedies. Never put adhesive or cotton directly on a wound.

Home treatment, even of minor wounds, carries some hazard. The family doctor

can advise the method to use. Perhaps he will suggest that the small wound be treated

with an antiseptic or carefully washed with clean, preferably boiled, soapy water be-

fore a sterile dressing is applied.

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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In case of a bruise, apply large, cold, wet cloths for a half hour or longer; later ap-

ply warm, wet cloths. If several hours have elapsed before any first aid is given, apply

the warm, wet cloths at once.

Bleeding in quantity from any body cavity requires the immediate services of a

doctor. Summon a doctor as soon as possible.

Put the patient to bed, keeping him warm and reassured.

If bleeding seems to be from the lungs or stomach, the patient may have one flat

pillow under his head, and head should be turned to one side; an ice bag may be

placed on the chest or stomach. Blood from the lungs is usually frothy and bright red,

while blood from the stomach is usually dark red. Crushed ice may be given for

thirst. Avoid moving the patient who is bleeding. Keep him quiet and warm and if

possible do not let him see the blood.

Burns and scalds

If a burn or scald has merely reddened the skin, sterile petrolatum or any good

burn ointment will give relief. If the skin is blistered or more severely burned, apply a

sterile dressing, moistened in a baking soda or salt solution

( 3 tablespoonfuls to 1 quart of warm water), bandage snugly, and obtain medical

care. Burns caused by hot liquids are common in the home. Do not attempt to remove

the clothing but cut the fabric away from the burn and cover with a moist dressing.

Treat severe burn cases for shock, because it is likely to develop.

In case of a chemical burn, wash off the chemical quickly with large amounts of

cool water. Then give the same first aid as for other burns. In case the eyes are affect-

ed, put a drop or two of castor oil or mineral oil into the eye after washing thoroughly

with water. Send for the doctor.

Loss of consciousness

If a person feels faint, he should lie down or put his head down between his knees.

He may be extremely pale and may or may not lose consciousness. Victims of simple

fainting revive quickly if they lie flat. When consciousness returns, give hot coffee or

tea but do not permit the victim to arise at once. If the victim does not quickly revive,

call a doctor

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Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

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I. Topical Vocabulary


to get to the airport добраться до аэропорта

air fare тариф пассажирских авиаперевозок

first / economy / business class тариф первого / эконом / бизнес класса

a single / return ticket билет в один конец / билет «туда и обратно»

to check in an hour before the flight пройти регистрацию за час до рейса

at the check-in desk у стойки регистрации

to have one’s luggage weighed взвешивать багаж

trolley тележка

to pay excess luggage оплатить перевес багажа

airline representative представитель авиакомпании

to have one’s ticket checked проверить билеты

boarding card посадочный талон

to go through passport control пройти паспортный контроль

departure lounge зал ожидания

duty free shop магазин беспошлинной торговли

to hear an announcement услышать объявление

to announce the flight объявить рейс

gate выход на посадку

to board the plane = to get on the plane = to embark the plane

садиться в самолет

to be delayed by быть задержанным (о рейсе)

to be cancelled because of быть отмененным по причине

hand luggage ручная кладь

to taxi towards the runway рулить по направлению к ВПП

to get permission to take off получить разрешение на взлет


to reach final destination добраться до пункта назначения

to land приземлиться

to arrive at/in прибыть в

to disembark выгружаться, высаживаться

to pass (= to go through) customs пройти через таможню

to have something / nothing to declare иметь что-либо / не иметь ничего для де-кларирования

to fill in the customs / declaration form заполнить таможенный бланк / декларацию

a customs officer таможенник

green / red lane зеленый / красный коридор

baggage reclaim (area) зона выдачи багажа

conveyor belt лента транспортера

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to collect one’s luggage забирать багаж

terminal аэровокзал

Cargo to carry (= to transport) freight перевозить ( транспортировать) груз

to ship / send goods отправлять товар

to freight sth фрахтовать что-либо

air / rail freight перевозка грузов по воздуху / железной дороге

the transportation of goods транспортировка груза

freight train товарный, грузовой поезд

cargo plane грузовой самолет

manufactured / consumer goods потребительские товары

fragile хрупкий, ломкий

heavy тяжелый

bulky крупногабаритный, громоздкий, массивный

to store хранить

II. Texts

Text A

You are going to read part of a leaflet about London’s Heathrow Airport. After

you have read it quickly, look at the questions.

A. Passport Control

If you are not transferring to another flight outside Britain or Northern Ireland,

you must pass through Passport Control and Customs immediately after leaving your

plane. If you are not British or a citizen of a country in the European Community, you

must fill out a special form called a landing card before your passport is examined.

This card should be given to you during the flight. However, you can also obtain one

inside the terminal building.

When you enter the terminal building from your aircraft, follow the Arrivals

signs. Make sure that you are in the right channel when you reach Passport Control.

There is one channel for holders of European Community passports and a second

channel marked “Other Passports”.

B. Getting Your Luggage

If you have luggage which was carried in the aircraft hold, follow the Baggage

Reclame sign after your passport has been examined. If you have only hand luggage,

pass through the baggage reclaim area and follow the Customs sign.

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C. Customs

All passengers arriving from a country outside Britain and Northern Ireland are

allowed to bring with them a certain quantity of duty free items. You can get infor-

mation about how much you can bring by reading the signs marked Duty Free Al-

lowances in the baggage reclaim area.

There are three Customs Channels: the Red Channel, the Green Channel and the

Blue Channel. If you have something to declare, or if you are not sure about your Du-

ty Free Allowance, you must go through the Red Channel. Passengers arriving from

outside the European Community with nothing to declare must go through the Green

Channel. Passengers arriving from countries in the European Community with noth-

ing to declare must go through the Blue Channel.

Please note that Customs Officers may stop you at any time and examine your

luggage as you go through the Green or Blue Channels.

D. Transit Passengers

If you are immediately transferring to another flight at Heathrow that is not bound

for a destination in Britain or Northern Ireland you are a transit passenger and do not

have to go through the procedures above.

All transit passengers should follow the black and yellow Transfers signs. Airport

staff at the Transfer Desk and at other places in the terminal will direct you to your

departure gate.

Which section refers to:

– people who may ask you questions about what is in your luggage? 0 – C

– your suitcases and what is in them? 1 –

– people who are waiting for their suitcases to come from your plane? 2 –

3 –

– something you must do if, for example, you have a US or Japanese passport? 4 –

– people who are going to change planes at Heathrow and go to another

foreign country?

5 –

– tobacco, alcohol and other things with a special tax on them? 6 –

– people of all nationalities who have just come from countries like Japan,

the USA?

7 –

8 –

– people of all nationalities who have just come from countries like

France, Italy, Germany?

9 –

10 –

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 102

– the first thing you do after you get out of the plane at Heathrow? 11 –

– special signs for people who have not yet completed their journey? 12 –

Text B

Tips for Travellers

1. For carrying over and above the free baggage allowance the following articles

may be taken on board when they are retained in your custody:

a briefcase, a plastic bag, a bouquet of flowers;

a PC notebook, a video camera;

one lady’s handbag or paper case, a reasonable amount of reading matter for

the flight;

infant’s food and carrying basket;

an umbrella, one overcoat;

a fully collapsible invalid’s wheel chair or a pair of crutches provided that the

passenger is depended on them.

2. If you have baggage overweight you must pay extra, according to the rate ap-

plicable on the day of issue of the excess baggage ticket.

3. The Carrier assume no liability for fragile, valuable or perishable articles.

Passengers must carry money and documents with them at all times.

If you carry valuable things, you’d better declare them. Otherwise, in case of

loss, lack or damage of baggage, accepted for transportation without value declara-

tion, Carrier’s liability is equal to its value, but no more than doubled minimum

wage, defined by Federal Law, for each kilogram.

It is also advisable to take out travel insurance before the trip. In case your bag-

gage was lost and never turned up after your arrival at the destination airport, you can

ask for an insurance claim form to fill it in and send it to your insurance company.

The company will pay for the articles you lost.

4. The most important thing is to be aware of your rights and obligations. This can

be found at all customs terminals and before the flight, one must learn the local cus-

toms regulations. Most passengers are tourists and many of them, especially those

travelling for the first time, are not aware of the rules and regulations. It is the travel

agency’s duty to inform its clients on the various customs requirements.

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 103

Many passengers don’t know that certain antique art objects cannot be taken out

of the country. You should remember that if you want to carry an object like this you

must take a photo of the item and send it to the cultural ministry for permission and


Many are also not aware of the laws concerning the import and export of hard

currency. Any amount of hard currency can be taken out of the country but it must

first be declared at the customs. For this, a special bank declaration document must be

produced. The document must state the amount of hard currency acquired as well as

the period during which the paper is valid. Any amount of hard currency can be

brought into the country. However, no company is allowed to carry cash out of the

country. Only banks, holding a license of the Central Bank can do so.

Match the following words with their definitions.

1. customs regulations a) не нести ответственности за хрупкие,

ценные и легко портящиеся товары

2. valid b) если они находятся на руках у пас-

сажиров и не вложены в багаж

3. to be allowed c) заявлять, декларировать

4. hard currency d) разрешения и сертификаты

5. permission and certification e) получить разрешение

6. antique art objects f) быть действительным

7. declare g) твердая валюта

8. in case of loss, lack or damage of


h) по установленному тарифу, дей-

ствующему на день выдачи квитан-

ции для оплаты сверхнормативного ба-


9. to assume no liability for fragile, valu-

able or perishable articles

i) антикварные предметы искусства

10. according to the rate applicable on

the day of issue of the excess baggage


j) в случае утраты, потери или порчи


11. when they are retained in your custody k) таможенные правила

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 104

III. Vocabulary Exercises

Ex. 1. Match the words on the left with the words on the right to make common


1. departure

2. boarding

3. hand

4. passport

5. check-in

6. baggage

7. transit

8. landing

9. information

10. excess

a) control

b) desk

c) card

d) luggage

e) lounge

f) desk

g) card

h) hall

i) baggage

j) reclaim

Ex. 2. Use these words to complete the sentences:

window aisle pack left

1. Did you _____ your bag yourself? 2. Has it been ____ unattended at any time?

3. Would you like a _____ seat? – No, I’d prefer a seat on the ______, please.

Ex. 3. A. Match these words:

1. overhead

2. life

3. upright

4. emergency

5. duty-free

a) exits

b) position

c) jackets

d) items

e) lockers

B. Now use the expressions to complete these announcements:

1. Please store all hand luggage in the _______. 2. The cabin crew will now point

out the location of the ______ and demonstrate the use of the ______. 3. Please en-

sure that your seats are in the ______ and your tray table stowed. 4. The cabin crew

will shortly be coming round with our selection of _____.

Ex. 4. What do we call:

1. The place where you go when you arrive at the airport?

2. The card they give you with the seat number on it?

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 105

3. The money you pay if your luggage is very heavy

4. The place where you sit and have a drink when you are waiting for your flight

to be announced?

5. The bags you carry onto the plane with you?

6. The part of the airport where the plane accelerates and takes off?

7. The people who look after you on the plane?

8. The place where you collect your luggage after you land

9. Part of the flight when the plane touches the ground? 10. Items which are not

liable to duty?

Ex. 5. Match the words and phrases on the left with those on the right.

1. fasten the seat belts

2. air crash

3. altitude

4. landing

5. hit an air pocket

6. visibility

7. nonstop flight

8. air currents

9. receive as a gift

10. open the handbag

11. inspect the luggage

12. have the right

13. smuggler

14. fall under restrictions

15. see off

a) попадать под ограничение

b) провожать

c) контрабандист

d) открыть сумочку

e) досматривать багаж

f) получить в подарок

g) иметь право

h) видимость

i) высота

j) пристегнуть ремни

k) беспосадочный полет

l) авиакатастрофа

m) попасть в воздушную яму

n) воздушные потоки

o) посадка (приземление)

Ex. 6. Translate the words in brackets.

All of us who (путешествовать на самолете) probably find reasons to com-

plain about (воздушные линии), but it is less common for airlines to complain

about us! At 2.35 p.m. (рейс 767) was ready to leave for Ibiza and nearly all the

passengers were (на борту). At 6.10 p.m. the plane was still on (ВПП). Two pas-

sengers hadn’t boarded. If people (зарегистрироваться) but don’t board all the

luggage must be unloaded. All the passengers had (сойти с самолета) and all of

them identified their (багаж). At the end there were two pieces of luggage left.

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 106

Just then, both missing passengers appeared. “We went to the bar and we had

something to drink and a sandwich,” they explained. They had been sitting in the

bar for hours! The captain scolded the men severely and the other passengers were

very angry with them.

Ex. 7. Complete this part of the letter about an unpleasant flight.

Dear Tom,

I’ve just arrived in Rome but I’m still recovering from a really terrible flight. We

____1____ two hours late because of bad weather, and then over the channel we hit

more bad weather. The ___2____ announced that we had to __3____ our seat belts,

which was a bit worrying and for half an hour we ____4____ through a terrible

storm. It was still raining and very windy when we ____5___ in Rome and I was real-

ly glad to ___6____ the plane and get into the airport building.

Fortunately things have improved since then but I really hope the return ____7__

will be a lot better.

Ex. 8. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English word or phrase.

1. Don’t you want a (носильщик) for your luggage, miss? 2. The plane (взлетел)

and soon was high in the sky. 3. There was no (очереди) and we (прошли таможен-

ный досмотр) for 5 minutes. 4. Are we going to (приземлиться) anywhere or will it

be (беспосадочный) flight? 5. The pilot was forced to make a (вынужденную) land-

ing. 6. We managed to get only (билеты в один конец). 7. It is more convenient to

book tickets (заранее).

Ex. 9. Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in bold.

1. They told me to ask at the ________ desk.

2. The plane gathered speed as it roared along the _______.

3. The _______ of our plane has been delayed.

4. The plane made a bumpy ______ and I felt ill.

5. The clerk asked me if I had made a _______.

6. I got a seat because of another passenger’s ________.

7. We arrived late at the __________, and missed the plane.

8. We fastened our seat belts and prepared for ________.









Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 107

Ex. 10. Put the verb in the correct form, Present Simple passive or Present

Simple active.

Catching a Plane

When you ____1__(arrive) at an airport, you should go straight to the check-in

desk where your ticket and luggage __2____(verify). You ___3____(keep) you hand

luggage with you but your suitcases ____4___(take) to the plane. You can go to the

departure lounge.

If you are on international flight, your passport __5_____(check), and then you

and your bags ____6___(X-ray) by security officer. You ___7___(wait) in the de-

parture lounge until your flight ____8____(call) and you ____9___(tell) which

gate to go to.

Finally you ____10____(board) the plane and you ___11_____(show) to your

seat by a flight attendant.

Ex. 11. Match each word on the left with a meaning from the left on the right:

1. prohibited a) a way through

2. restricted b) permitted goods

3. EEC c) not allowed

4. allowances d) our own things

5. personal effects e) limited

6. channel f) the Common Market

IV. Dialogues

1. Read the dialogue in pairs.

Going Through Customs at the Airport

Daniela: Hello!

John: Hi!

Daniela: Do you know which channel to go through?

John: No. Let’s ask a customs officer.

Daniela: Excuse me. Could you tell me which channel to go through?

Officer: If you’ve got anything to declare you go through the red channel. If you

haven’t got anything to declare you go through the green channel

Daniela: How do I know if I have anything to declare?

Officer: Are you staying in Britain for more than six months?

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 108

Daniela: No.

Officer: Well, the amount of goods you can bring in without paying duty depends

on where you bought them. You can have two hundred cigarettes, one litre of spirits,

two litres of wine and presents worth twenty-eight pounds if you bought them in a

country not in the EEC. If you bought them in an EEC country you can have three

hundred cigarettes, one and a half litre of spirits, four litres of wine and presents

worth a hundred and twenty pounds.

John: Right. I have one and a half litre of brandy and three litres of wine that I

bought in Italy. I don’t have any presents. That means I don’t have anything to declare.

Officer: That’s right. You can go through the green channel.

Daniela: I’ve only got two hundred cigarettes and a litre of whisky that I bought

on the plane, but I’ve got a camera that I bought in Italy that cost two hundred

pounds. It’s a present for a friend of my father’s.

Officer: Then you must go through the red channel.

Daniela: Thank you. (to John) Shall we meet at the airport stop?

John: Sure. Daniela goes to the red channel.

Officer: Have you got any spirits, wine or tobacco in excess of the duty-free al-


Daniela: No, I’ve got this bottle of whisky and these cigarettes.

Officer: That’s all right. Have you got any presents that you intend to leave in


Daniela: Yes, I’ve got this camera – it cost two hundred pounds. I bought it in Italy.

Officer: Have you got a receipt for the camera?

Daniela: Yes. Here it is.

Officer: Thank you. If you wait a minute, I’ll tell you how much duty you have to

pay on it.

Daniela: Thank you.

2. Working in pairs make up a dialogue for the following imaginary situations.

A. You are at a Customs desk. You’ve got some clothes which you bought in Italy

and you have no receipt for them. Act out a conversation with a customs officer.

B. You are at a Security check. You want to carry a toy pistol on board the plane.

Act out a conversation with a security officer.

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 109

V. Speaking Tasks

1. Describe the procedure of going through the customs. You should say:

– what channel you went through;

– if you had anything to declare;

– if you had to pay any duty.

Explain why customs officers usually ask so many questions.

2. Describe the procedure of going through the security check. You should say:

– if you had to put your carry-on luggage on the conveyor belt;

– If you had to remove any metal;

– If you had to go through the security check again;

Explain why the security check is important for flight safety.

3. Write an essay about your (un)pleasant experience of going through the customs.

VI. Supplementary Reading

NB! Smuggling is an act of taking goods illegally from one country to another,

especially to avoid paying the necessary tax.

The number of smuggled goods hasn’t gone down. But Airport Customs Services

don’t stop working in this area and do their best – inform the public, use special

equipment, etc.

Smuggling is a whole art. Smugglers resort to different tricks to take things of value

in or out of the city or the country. And sometimes it is really hard to track down.

Among smuggled goods taken out most frequently are drugs and radioactive iso-

topes of certain precious rare-earth metals (изотопы дорогостоящих редкоземель-

ных металлов).

The Smuggler

Sam Lewis was a customs officer. He used to work in a small border town. It

wasn’t a busy town and there wasn’t much work. The road was usually very quiet and

there weren’t many travellers. It wasn’t a very interesting job, but Sam liked an easy

life. About once a week, he used to meet an old man. His name was Draper. He al-

ways used to arrive at the border early in the morning in a big truck. The truck was

always empty. After a while Sam became suspicious. He often used to search the

truck, but he never found anything. One day he asked Draper about his job. Draper

laughed and said, “I’m a smuggler.”

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 110

Last year Sam retired. He spent his savings on an expensive holiday. He flew to

Bermuda, and stayed in a luxury hotel. One day, he was sitting by the pool and oppo-

site him he saw Draper drinking champagne. Sam walked over to him.

Sam: Hello, there!

Draper: Hi!

Sam: Do you remember me?

Draper: Yes…of course I do. You are a customs officer.

Sam: I used to be, but I’m not any more. I retired last month. I often used to

search your truck...

Draper: … but you never found anything!

Sam: No, I didn’t. Can I ask you something?

Draper: Of course you can.

Sam: Were you a smuggler?

Draper: Of course I was.

Sam: But…the truck was always empty. What were you smuggling?

Draper: Trucks!

Федечко М. М. , Цветкова Н. Н.

Практикум по английскому языку для курсантов, обучающихся на много-уровневой основе. В 2 частях. Часть 2 .

© НИЛ НОТ НИО УВАУ ГА(и), 2012 г 111


для курсантов, обучающихся на многоуровневой основе

Составители: ФЕДЕЧКО




Редактор Т. Е. Мещерякова

Компьютерная верстка Д. А. Мусина

РИО и типография УВАУ ГА(И). 432071, г. Ульяновск, ул. Можайского, 8/8

Подписано в печать 2010. Формат 6090/16. Бумага офсетная.

Печать трафаретная. Усл. печ. л. 7. Уч.-изд. л. 4,8.

Тираж Заказ