Modeling and analysis of empirical data in collaborative environments

Post on 03-Apr-2023

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Modeling and AnalysCs oi

EmpCvkaI Data Cn CoIIaboratCve Environments

lngrid Carlbom any tasks in such dlverse fields as medicine, oil

ematlon. and mechanlcal cleslgn UeDenu on the collec-

William M HSU Gudrun Klinker Richard SsellskC

Keith Waters Michael Doyle

Jim Cettys Krlsten M. Harris

Thomas M. Levergood Ricky Palmed Larry Palmer Marc Picart

DemetrC Terzopoulos David Tonnesen Michael vannier

Greg Wallace

tlon and interpretation of emplrlial data. Our long-term vision Is a collaborative sclentlflc vlsuallzatlon envlron- ment, where sclentlsts, engineers, and physicians work together on modeling and analvzlng emplrlcal data uslng an Integrated set of tools and techniques from computer graph& computer vlslon, and Image processing. This environment would also take advantage of lnteractlon techniques that Include sound, spoken commands, anti gestures.

To Illustrate how such an environment could be used, let us look at some hypothetlcal scenarios. In the flrst scenario, a racilologlst gives an “InteractIve report” on flnulngs In a CT scan to a surgeon at a remote Iocatlon. This report contains three_Ulmenslonal data that Is ma- nluulateu by the radiologist to Illustrate features of Interest. The surgeon can see the racllologlst as the report is Uellvered. The surgeon can also InterJect ques- tlons and manipulate the data to clarlfv the questlons. Alternatlvelv, this report can be left In the surgeon’s elec- tronic mail, to be accessed at a later tlme. Slmllarly, the surgeon may want to consult the radlologlst from the operating room and cllscuss a preoperative or Intra- Operative scan. The surgeon and the radlologlst can carry on a conversation between the operating room and the radiologist’s offlce, while the radlologlst monltors the operation on a workstatlon. In auultlon, both doctors can slmultaneouslv manipulate, Point at, and analyze the three-cllmenslonal data.