Mahia Arts College,Motipura, Himmatnagar

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Transcript of Mahia Arts College,Motipura, Himmatnagar

Mahia Arts College,Motipura, Himmatnagar


B. A. Semester - I

B.A. Sem-I Course : Foundation Compulsory English-FC - 103

(Text : Fantasy)

The Paper is designed for students of Foundation Compulsory English. After completing the course the students are able …

To apply different language skills (Reading-Writing-Speaking-Listening) acquired during the course to their own practical life To read their text(s) with proper understanding To use vocabulary (words) and sentence patterns (text-based) in their own spoken and written English To solve grammatical exercises (e. g. Primary Auxiliaries, Tenses, Articles) themselves

To read unseen passages and answer the questions testing their comprehension of the same

B. A. Semester - II

Course: Foundation Compulsory English-FC - 203

(Text : Fantasy)

The Paper is designed for students of Foundation Compulsory English. After completing the course the students are able …

To apply different language skills (Reading-Writing-Speaking-Listening) acquired during the course to their own practical life To read their text(s) with proper understanding To use vocabulary (words) and sentence patterns (text-based) in their own spoken and written English To solve grammatical exercises (e. g. Prepositions, Concord, Pronouns) themselves

To apply their linguistic competence to the production of systematic composition, especially writing paragraphs of their own on familiar topics

B. A. Semester - III

Course: Foundation Compulsory English-FC - 303

(Text : Glimpses of Life)

The Paper is designed for students of Foundation Compulsory English. After completing the course the students are able …

To apply different language skills (Reading-Writing-Speaking-Listening) acquired during the course to their own practical life To read their text(s) with proper understanding To use vocabulary (Idioms and Phrases) and sentence patterns (text-based) in their own spoken and written English To solve grammatical exercises (e. g. Change the Voice, Modal Auxiliaries, Adjectives, Adverbs) themselves To apply their linguistic competence to the production of systematic composition, especially writing letters of personal nature : e. g. Personal, Complimentary, Request, Regret, Invitation

B. A. Semester - IV

Course: Foundation Compulsory English-FC - 403

(Text : Glimpses of Life)

The Paper is designed for students of Foundation Compulsory English. After completing the course the students are able …

To apply different language skills (Reading-Writing-Speaking-Listening) acquired during the course to their own practical life To read their text(s) with proper understanding To use vocabulary (Idioms and Phrases) and sentence patterns (text-based) in their own spoken and written English To solve grammatical exercises (e. g. Identification of Clauses, Non-Finite Verbs, Prefixes and Suffixes) themselves

To apply their linguistic competence to the production of systematic composition, especially writing Application for jobs

B. A. Semester - V

Course: Foundation Compulsory English-FC - 503

(Text : The Joy of Reading)

The Paper is designed for students of Foundation Compulsory English. After completing the course the students are able …

To apply different language skills (Reading-Writing-Speaking-Listening) acquired during the course to their own practical life To read their text(s) with proper understanding To translate unseen passages from English into Gujarati or Hindi To use Phrasal Prepositions and Verbs in meaningful sentences of their own To solve grammatical exercises (e. g. Indirect Narration, Conjunctions) themselves To apply their linguistic competence to the production of systematic composition, especially writing Dialogues on given topics.

B. A. Semester - VI

Course: Foundation Compulsory English-FC - 603

(Text : The Joy of Reading)

The Paper is designed for students of Foundation Compulsory English. After completing the course the students are able …

To apply different language skills (Reading-Writing-Speaking-Listening) acquired during the course to their own practical life

To read their text(s) with proper understanding To developing story from the points given for help To solve grammatical exercises, e. g. Transformation, Synthesis, Correction (Articles, Prepositions, Tenses, Concord) of sentences themselves To apply their linguistic competence to the production of systematic composition, especially Preparing Speeches on given topics, such as Introducing

Chief Guest, Farewell Speech, Speech on Annual Function, Mourning the Death of a V. I. P., Vote of Thanks, Speech on Republic Day.

Department of Hindi B.A. Sem. I

ourse – Core Compulsory and Core Elective CC

& CE 101 (आधिुनक िह दी का य)

इस अ यास से िव याथीर्यो  को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । आधुिनकका यधारा के  िवकास की जानकारी। भारत की सां कृितक िवरासत और उसकी भ य गौरवशालीअतीत का ज्ञान 

छात्र म रा ट्रभावना का उ दीपन

छात्रो म सामािजक तथा मानवताजैसे गुण  का आिवभार्व

छात्रो म  याग-बिलदान, पे्रम-सहयोग-मातृ वजैसे गुण  का आिवभार्व

Course Code - CC & CE 102 आधिुनक िह दी ग य िह दी कहानी )         इस अ यास से िव याथीर्यो को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई।

आधुिनक िह दी ग य की त कालीन िविभ न पिरि थितयां की जानकारी माक्सर्वादी िवचारधारा और प्रगितवाद की जानकारी सभानता की भावना का प्रसार तथा रा ट्रभावना का उदय

समाज के िविभ न सार  का तथा पिरि थितय  का आंकलन

Course - Elective Open

Code - E O 105 (सामा य िह दी ) इस अ यास से िव याथीर्यो को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई ।

िव याथीर्य  को िह दी की  े ठ रचनाओं का रसा वाद छात्र सम-सामियकघटनाओं तथा पिरि थितय  का अ ययन

मुहावरे और कहावत  के भाषाप्रयोग की समक्ष देकर छात्र  का भाषाकौश यव र्न

B.A. Sem. II

Course Code - CC & CE 201 आधुिनक िह दी प य (ख ड का य) इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । पौरािणक िमथको की जानकारी िह दी-का योम विणर्त महाभारत के िवषयव तु-आधािरत जानकारी अिधकार के  िवषय म जागिृत

सामािजकता तथा मानवता जैसे गुणो का आिवभार्व 

पौरािणक सािह य म विणर्त पात्र  का आधुिनक किव  वारा िन िपत अ यास

Course Code - CC & CE 202 आधुिनक िह दी ग य (उप यास) इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । आधुिनक ग य की िविभ न धाराओं तथा िवशेषतःउप यास की जानकारी पे्रमचंदजी के  यिक्त व और कृित व का पिरयय

त कालीन राजकीय,आिथर्क सामािजक इ यािद पिरि थितयाँ का ज्ञान

समाज म  या त दषूण एवं सम याओ ंकी जानकारी त कालीन समाज म नारी के  थान की जानकारी

Course Code - E O 205 (सामा य िह दी ) इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । उप यासधारा का  व प और िवकास का पिरचय

प्रिस ध लेखक धमर्वीर भारती के  यिकत व एवं कृित वका पिरचय सािह य के  वारा तकर् शिकत का िवकास

मुहावरे तथा कहावत  के अ यास से भाषाकीय स जता अनुवादकला तथा अिभ यिकत का आिवभार्व

B.A. Sem. III

Course Code - CC & CE 303 म यकालीन का य इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । म यकालीन का य के  व प एवं िवषय की जानकारी  कबीर, तुलसी इ यािद के सािहि यक िवचार  का पिरचय

उदा  जीवन-मू य एवं चिरत्र भावना का पिरचय एवं आिवभार्व

आ याि मक मू य  का आिवभार्व

Course Code - CC & CE 304 आधिुनक िह दी ग य (सात े ठ एकांकी) इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई ।

आधुिनक एकांकी के  व प  और त वो की जानकारी

िह दी रंगमंच और ना यकला की जानकारी िह दी नाटक  के प्रित रस एवं  िच की वृ िध अिभनय क्षमता का िवकास Course Code - CC 305 प्राचीन और म यकालीन िह दी  सािह य का  इितहास

इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । ऐितहािसक काल-गणना का पिरचय

िह दी भाषा के उ दगम और िवकास की जानकारी प्राचीन िह दी सािह य की परंपरा की जानकारी त कालीन पिरि थितय  की जानकारी

आिदकाल, भिक्तकाल और रीितकाल के लेखक और उनकी कृितय  का पिरचय  B.A. Sem. IV Course Code - CC & CE 403 म यकालीन िह दी किवता

इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य  को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई ।

म यकालीन का य के  व प एवं िवषयकी जानकारी भिक्तधाराओं एवं मीरां, सूरदास इ यािद के का यो का पिरचय

उदा  जीवन-मू य एवं चिरत्र भावना का पिरचय एवं आिवभार्व

Course Code - CC & CE 404 आधिुनक िह दी ग य (नाटक) इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य  को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । आधुिनक नाटक के  व प एवं लाक्षिणकता की जानकारी िह दी रंगमंच और नाटयिवषयक जानकारी िह दी नाटको के प्रितरस एवं  िच का िवकास

अिभनय कला का िवकास

Course Code - CC 405 प्राचीन और म यकालीन िह दी सगुणभिक्त का य का इितहास इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य  को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । म यकालीन िह दी भिक्तका यो के  व प का पिरचय म यकालीन िह दी भाषा का पिरचय

सगुणभिक्तिवषयक का य एवं किवय  की जानकारी भिक्त का य  म तुलसीदास एवं सूरदास के योगदान का पिरचय

रीितकाल की िविभ न धाराओं का पिरचय

B.A. Sem. V

Course Code - CC 506 िह दी सािह य का इितहास-आधिुनक काल

इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य  को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । आधुिनक काल की िविभ न पिरि थितय  का आकलन

आधुिनक ग य का पिरचय

भारते द ु– िववेदीयुग की प्रविृ य  की जानकारी आधुिनक ग य के िविवध व प  का पिरचय

Course Code-CC-507 भारतीय सािह य के िस धांत और समीक्षा

इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य  को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । िववेचनकला का िवकास िववेचन के प्रित अिभगम की वृ िद और बौ िधकता का िवकास भारतीय का यपरंपरा तथा िस धांतो का ज्ञान भारतीय के िविभ न संप्रदाय  की जानकारी का य का  व प, प्रयोजन,हेत ुइ यािद का अ यास का यशा त्र के अंतगर्त छंद, अलंकार इ यािद का पिरचय  Course Code-CC-508 िनबंध और  यंग्यरचनाएं

इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य  को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । िनबंध का अथर्, पिरभाषा एवं  व प की जानकारी िनबंध के िविवध त व  का एवं िविश ट िनबंधकारो का पिरचय यंग्यरचना का  व प एवं  यंग्य सािह य म िन िपत  यंग्य की समज यंग्यसािह य एवं िनब धसािह यस के प्रित रस,  िच म अिभवृ िध   Course Code-CC-509 िह दी  याकरण

इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य  को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । याकरण िवषयक अिभगम का िवकास भाषा और  याकरण के सब ध की जानकारी वणर्, संज्ञा इ यािद  याकरण के त व  का ज्ञान याकरण के प्रित रस और  िच का िवकास  भाषा स ता एवं भाषा शु िध का आिवभार्व Course Code-CC-510 प्रयोजनमूलक िह दी  इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य  को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । प्र तुत िवषय एवं िवषयसंबंधी पिरभाषा का िवकास भारतीय संिवधान अंतगर्त िह दी का पिरचय प्रयोजनमूलक िह दी का िवकास और उसका प्रयोग

B.A. Sem. VI

Course Code - CC 606 िह दी सािह य का आधिुनक काल

इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य  को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । आधुिनक िह दी ग य सािह य का सिव ततृ पिरचय

आधुिनक िह दी प य सािह य के िविभ न प्रकार  का पिरचय

आधुिनक िह दी सािह यकार एवं उनकी रचनाओं का पिरचय Course Code-CC-607 भारतीय सािह य िस धांत एवं समीक्षा इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य  को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । कलािवषयक िवचार  की  प टता पा चा य सािह यधाराओं की जानकारी लेटो इ यािद पा चा य िव वानो के सािह य िस धांतो का पिरचय प्रमुख आलोचक रामच द्र शुक्ल इ यािद की िववेचनकला का ज्ञान Course Code-CC-608 प्रयोगवादी िह दी का य

इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य  को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । आधिुनक िह दी का यप्रवाह हालावाद,प्रगितवाद,प्रयोगवाद समकालीन किवता का पिरचय पूव क्त सािह य के रचनाकार  का पिरचय सािह य और जीवन के संब ध का ज्ञान Course Code-CC-609 िह दी भाषा और िलिप

इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य  को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । भाषा और िलिपिवषयक जानकारी िह दी भाषा के उ भव और िवकास की जानकारी  िह दी भाषा-भाषी के्षत्र तथा िह दी की उपभाषाओ एवं बोलीय  का पिरचय देवनागरी िलिप के उ दगम और िवकास की जानकारी देवनागरी िलिप के िविवध आयाम  का पिरचय  Course Code-CC-610 िह दी (िमडीया) संचारमा यम एवं अनुवाद

इस अ यास से िव याथीर्य  को िन न उपलि धयां प्रा त हुई । जनसंचार मा यम के  व प का पिरचय जनसंचार मा यम के प्रकार  की जानकारी संपादन कला के िस धांतो की जानकारी अनुवाद का अथर्, पिरभाषा और मह व की जानकारी जनसंचार मा यम और उनकी चनुौितयां और दािय व का ज्ञान

Department of Gujarati

B. A. Sem. – I

Course Code- CC/CE 101 [The study of poetry: The poetry of Middle Age.]

On completion of this course the students are able to

To get knowledge about the forms and literature reference to Middle Age.

To get knowledge of the writers of the Middle Age.

Students become familiar with the poetry of Middle Age.

To get information and knowledge of the cultural of the Middle Age.

Course Code CC/CE 102 The study of prose. “Agiyar Dera”

completion of this course the students are able to

To get knowledge of various forms of Modern Literature.

To get knowledge of short-story as a form of literature.

To get knowledge about the social and cultural condition of the period.

To become familiar with the Author and his works.

Course Code E. O. 105 The study of literary work “Mansai Na Deeva”

On completion of this course the students are able to Students get knowledge about Javerchand Meghani as a writer.

To get knowledge about Ravishankar Maharaj.

Students become familiar with the heritage of culture.

Course Code CC/CE 201 [The study of poetry] (Aaj Andhar Khushboo

Bharyo Lagto)

On completion of this course the students are able to To get knowledge of Modern Literature.

To understand the contribution of a writer in poetry.

To get knowledge of various themes and mood of an author.

To understand the language, rhymes and rhythm of poetry.

Course Code CC/CE 202 The study of prose. “Avrut”

On completion of this course the students are able to Studies get knowledge about “Novel” as a form of Literature.

To understand the social and cultural and cultural position depicted by the


To feel the emotions and passions that they come across while reading this


To get knowledge about the life and works of a writer.

Course Code E. O. 205 The study of a work of literature. “Jobanvan”

On completion of this course the students are able to

To understand various forms of or types of Novel.

To get knowledge about „Keshubhai Desai‟ as a writer.

To get knowledge about the village life and its culture.

Become familiar with the qualities of a writer with reference to this work.

Course Code CC/CE 303 [The study of literary form: The Pada of Mira of

Middle Age.]

On completion of this course the students are able to To get knowledge about the literature of Middle Age.

To get knowledge of social, cultural heritage of Middle Age.

To get knowledge about life and works of writers of Middle Age.

To become familiar with the society and culture of that period.

Course Code CC/CE 304 The study of a writer – „Narmad‟ and the poetry of


On completion of this course the students are able to To get knowledge of „Narmad‟.

To get knowledge about Narmad‟s contribution in literature.

Understand the variety of themes in Narmad‟s poetry.

To understand the place of Narmad in literature.

Course Code CC/CE 305 The history of Middle Age Literature. [Part - I]

On completion of this course the students are able to

To understand the particular age.

To get knowledge about the literature of Middle Age.

To understand our social condition and situation.

To get knowledge about writers and their works of Middle Age.

Sem. – IV

Course Code CC/CE 403 [The study of Gujarati forms of literature.]

On completion of this course the students are able to

To get knowledge about „Essay‟ and its characteristics.

To get knowledge about major essayist and their contribution in


To understand the personality of a writer through Essay.

Course Code CC/CE 404 The study of a writer – „Pannalal Patel‟ –


On completion of this course the students are able to

Students get knowledge about writer and his works.

To understand the contribution of a writer.

To understand the writer as a Novelist.

To understand the dialect that is used in this novel.

Course Code CC/CE 405 The history of Middle Age Literature. [Part - I]

On completion of this course the students are able to

To get knowledge about “Premanand”.

To get knowledge about “Akho”.

To get knowledge about “Shamal”.

To get knowledge about “Dayaram”.

B. A. Sem. – V

Course Code C. C. 506 [The history of Modern Literature - 1]

On completion of this course the students are able to

To get knowledge about various ages of Gujarati Literature.

To get knowledge about various writers of different ages.

To understand various forms of literature.

To get knowledge about the possible factors that makes literature.

Course Code C. C. 507 The study of Language –[1].

On completion of this course the students are able to

To become familiar with Gujarati Language.

To get knowledge of various distribution of language and its


To understand how to write in literary context.

They get knowledge of pronunciation and the process of


Course Code C. C. 508 Literary Criticism (1)

On completion of this course the students are able to

To get knowledge of Art and its types.

To understand the concepts of poetry and forms of poetry.

To understand the objectives of poetry.

To understand the difference between creation and criticism.

Course Code C. C. 509 The study of Literary work - Poetry. [ “Valavi Ba Aavi” ]

On completion of this course the students are able to

To get knowledge of sonnet as a literary form.

To get knowledge about „Ushanas‟.

To get knowledge about the emotions and feelings of sonnet.

To understand the origin and development of sonnet as a literary form.

Course Code C. C. 510 “ Appreciation “. [Unseen]

On completion of this course the students are able to

Studies develop their understanding and logic in context in literature.

Understand the theory of Rasa and its development.

To understand the importance of language.

B. A. Sem. – VI

Course Code C. C. 606 The history of Modern Gujarati Literature. Part – [2]

On completion of this course the students are able to

To get knowledge of Modern Period.

To get knowledge of modern era.

To understand literary development and changes.

To understand the real concept of Modern era and literature.

Course Code C. C. 607 Introduction of the forms of Language : 2

On completion of this course the students are able to

To get knowledge of various languages and their origin of India.

To get knowledge of various dialects of Gujarati.

To get knowledge of Gujarati Grammar.

Enrich Vocabulary.

Course Code C. C. 608 The Idea of literary criticism : 2

On completion of this course the students are able to

To understand the weight and importance of the words.

To get knowledge about Indian critic.

To get knowledge of western critic.

To get knowledge of Indian Rasa Sutra.

Course Code C. C. 609 The study of Literary work - Prose.[ “Mati and Mobh” ]

On completion of this course the students are able to

To get knowledge of Essay.

To become familiar with Ramchandra Patel.

To understand various aspects of Nature.

To understand the locate of village.

Course Code C. C. 610 [ Functional Language]

On completion of this course the students are able to

To develop logic and understanding.

To get insight and depth in the topic.

To get knowledge of proverbs and idioms.

To get understanding and pride for language.


Course Outcomes

Course Code CC -101 ( Text : Sabha parva)

On completion of this course,

Students get introduction to Sanskrit ancient Traditonal poetry Students get introduction to Social system of the Mahabharata Period It is useful in understanding the complexities of ancient times It is useful in teaching of Ethical values

Course Code CC-102 (Text Dashkumar Charitam)

On completion of this course,

Students get introduction to Prose Literature It is useful in giving moral Lessons through the stories Introducing the contemporary Social life Students get general introduction to Sanskrit grammar

Course Code EO 105: Mruchhakatikam

On completion of this course,

Students becomes familiar with Sanskrit Drama Glorification of the lower characters of society Political change through public revolution Effort to give respectable place to people of lower reputation like dancers , prostitutions etc.

Course Code CC- 104 (Text : Swapna Vasavdattam)

On completion of this course,

Introduces the Sanskrit drama tradition Students become familiar with the contemporary political ethics Students become familiar with the contemporary social situation Students become familiar with the great ancient Poet, Bhasa and with his literary works.


Course Outcomes

Course Code CC -201 (Text : Sabha parva)

On completion of this course,

Students get introduction to Sanskrit ancient Traditonal poetry Students get introduction to Social system of the Mahabharata Period It is useful in understanding the complexities of ancient times It is useful in teaching of Ethical values

Course Code CC 202: History of Sanskrit Literature

On completion of this course,

Students come to know about the origin of Sanskrit Prose Literature Students become familiar with Sanskrit prose writers, poets and dramatists and their literary works Students become familiar with the culture of the Gupta Period of India. Students become familiar with the Five great epics of Sanskrit

Course Code EO 205 : Nitishatakam

On completion of this course,

Students become familiar to didactic ethical teaching literary works It develops common norms of social behaviour and social customs among students Students understand the importance of spiritual and ethical values in life

Students understand the importance of amicable attitude, knowledge and that of wealth in life

Course Code CC- 204 (Text: Swapna Vasavdattam)

On completion of this course,

Introduces the Sanskrit drama tradition Students become familiar with the contemporary political ethics Students become familiar with the contemporary social situation Students become familiar with the great ancient Poet, Bhasa and with his literary works.


Course Code CC – 303 (Text : Raghuvansham / Grammar)

On completion of this course,

Students become familiar with the great poet Kalidas and his epic Students get information about the Sanskrit poetry and its types Students come to know about the ideal state administration Students become familiar with ideal concept of family

Course Code CC- 304 (Text : Kavyaprakash)

On completion of this course,

Students become familiar with Sanskrit Alamkar tradition Students become familiar with different poetic schools in Sanskrit literary and their theories Students become familiar with the essential elements in poetry writing in Sanskrit Students get information about Shabdalamkar and arthalamkar, for words and for meanings

Course Code CC- 305 (Text: Abhinav Vedic Pathavali, History of the Vedic Literature and Kathopnishad)

On completion of this course,

Students get introduction to Vedic Gods Introduces the Vedic Culture and Civilization to students Makes students familiar with the Vedic philosophy the Suktas and the dialogues Introduces the philosophical teaching of the Upanishadas to students Introduces students to Indian Civilization and Culture through the Upanishadas


Course Code CC -403 (Text : Panchatantra / Fables)

On completion of this course,

Students become familiar with the origin and development of fables Helps teaching morals through fables Cultivates humanitarian approach among students Additional introduction to grammar through imperative and activity verbs can be given

Course Code CC- 404 (Text: Kavyaprakash)

On completion of this course,

Students become familiar with Sanskrit Alamkar tradition Students become familiar with different poetic schools in Sanskrit literary and their theories Students become familiar with the essential elements in poetry writing in Sanskrit Students get information about Shabdalamkar and arthalamkar, for words and for meanings

Course Code CC- 405 (Text: Abhinav Vedic Pathavali, History of the Vedic Literature and Kathopnishad)

On completion of this course,

Students get introduction to Vedic Gods Introduces the Vedic Culture and Civilization to students Makes students familiar with the Vedic philosophy the Suktas and the dialogues Introduces the philosophical teaching of the Upanishadas to students Introduces students to Indian Civilization and Culture through the Upanishadas


Course Code CC -506 Linguistics , Panini’s grammatical theories and study of eight cases in grammar

On completion of this course,

Introduces ancient Sanskrit grammar to students Introduction to the Origin and development of Sanskrit language Provides basic knowledge of Linguistics Students become familiar with classical Indo European languages.

Course Code CC -507 Vedantsar/ Grammar

On completion of this course,

Inspires students to take interest in Indian Philosophy and Indian thought tradition Introduces the principles of the Vedas of Indian philosophical thoughts Describing Indian ideological principles in students‟ mother tongue. Students come to understand different theories of philosophy and from the study of different debates among scholarly pioneers of different schools of thought Students develop a sense of Sanskrit sandhi and Samas –Compound words in Sanskrit

Course Code CC -508 Yagyvalkya Smruti

On completion of this course,

Provides knowledge of Indian spirituality, Indian values and Indian traditions Introduction of the origin , development and forms of scriptures in Indian tradition Understanding the philosophic principles and describing them in students‟ mother tongue Introduces participles

Course Code CC -509 Shrimad Bhagvad Geeta

On completion of this course,

Introduces Hindu religion and thought tradition Makes students think about ethical and spiritual values in life. Inspires students to lead an ideal life Gives an idea about the higher philosophical knowledge through the teaching of the Bhagvad Geeta

Course Code CC -510 Kumarsambhavam, prosody and essay

On completion of this course,

Students become familiar with the structure of Sanskrit prosody Students become familiar with Sanskrit epic poetry Students get introduction to Modern Poets of Gujarat Introduction to Sanskrit grammar and studies


Course Code CC -606 Linguistics , Panini’s grammatical theories and study of eight cases in grammar

On completion of this course,

Introduces ancient Sanskrit grammar to students

Introduction to the Origin and development of Sanskrit language Provides basic knowledge of Linguistics Students become familiar with classical Indo European languages.

Course Code CC -607 Sankhya karika / Grammar

On completion of this course,

Students get familiar to Shaddarshan Granthas Students get familiar to philosophers of Sankhy philosophy in Sanskrit Students understand the principles of Sankhya Introduction to Sanskrit compound words and sandhi in Sanskrit

Course Code CC -608 (Arguments /Logic)

On completion of this course,

Students get introduction to Shaddarshan Granthas Introduction to Nyaya, the philosophy of Justice Introduction to the Seven basic elements Students become familiar with the evidences and their value in Judgment

Course Code CC -609 Shrimad Bhagvad Geeta

On completion of this course,

Introduces Hindu religion and thought tradition Makes students think about ethical and spiritual values in life. Inspires students to lead an ideal life Gives an idea about the higher philosophical knowledge through the teaching of the Bhagvad Geeta

Course Code CC -610 Buddhacharitam / Prosody and Essay

Introduction to Buddhism and the Buddha religion Students come to know the ways to develop an ideal personality and a sense of sacrifice in life

Students get familiar with the Jain religion and Jainology Students get knowledge of Sanskrit prosody.



CC 101 (Basic Psychological Processes) After completing the course the students are able to

Demonstrate familiarity with the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, and empirical findings in psychology. Apply psychological principles to personal and social issues. Engage psychological principles of effective learning in your own study and learning. Critically evaluate common values and assumptions in psychology. Illustrate what psychology as a discipline has to offer. Articulate the compatibility and/or incompatibility of psychology with the restored gospel.

CC 102 (Social Psychology: An Introduction) After completing the course the students are able to

Know and comprehend the meaning of material relating to social psychology. Apply the material of social psychology to other situations. Integrate the material with other areas of psychology. Analyze and evaluate the worth of the material.

EO-105: Psychology and effective Behaviour After completing the course the students are able to

Come to an understanding of the personal role played in the determination of your life. Recognize that we do not live in a vacuum, and that our behavior has both a positive and negative effect on those around us. Develop skills to promote better self-understanding and control. Communication skills will be enhanced, as will a greater appreciation and empathy for others.


CC -201 (Basic Psychological Processes) After completing the course the students are able to

Demonstrate familiarity with the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, and empirical findings in psychology. Apply psychological principles to personal and social issues. Engage psychological principles of effective learning in your own study and learning. Critically evaluate common values and assumptions in psychology. Illustrate what psychology as a discipline has to offer. Articulate the compatibility and/or incompatibility of psychology with the restored gospel.

CC-202 (Social Psychology: An Introduction) After completing the course the students are able to

Know and comprehend the meaning of material relating to social psychology. Apply the material of social psychology to other situations. Integrate the material with other areas of psychology. Analyze and evaluate the worth of the material.

EO-205: Applied Psychology

After completing the course the students are able to Helping the students to acquaint with the key concept, method, subject matter and applications of psychology. To acquaint the students with the concept of adjustment and development. To help students to make more affective choice in coping with problems of everyday life.


CC 303 (Adjustment Psychology / Psychology for Living)

After completing the course the students are able to Explain factors that are related to happiness. Explain the nature and consequences of stress (positive and negative). Create an effective behavior modification program. Understand what self-concept, self-esteem, self-attributions, self-regulation, and self presentation are and how each affects adjustment. Describe factors influencing our perceptions of others. Discuss factors that affect the establishment and growth of personal relationships (of friendship, of love). Describe the process of mate selection and factors in marital adjustment. Discuss the incidence, causes, and effects of abuse in families. Identify changes that commonly occur in adolescence and in adulthood, noting factors that improve adjustment to these changes. Describe factors in making a career choice and strategies for obtaining that chosen job. Discuss factors that create job stress, identifying at least 3 productive ways to deal with it. Understand sexual identity, human sexual expression, and related issues.

Explain the impact of coping skills and lifestyle upon physical and mental health. Be aware of therapy options for adjustment problems and for psychological disorders.

CC 304 (Health Psychology) After completing the course the students are able to

Knowledge (e.g., recall facts, basic concepts) - An understanding of cognitive principles in daily life. Comprehension (e.g., translate, interpret) - An ability to account for differences in cognitive behavior of individuals using concepts and theories. Application (e.g., solve problems in new situations) - Become a learner- teacher who is able to critically evaluate and teach others about human cognition. Analyze (e.g., examine, make inferences), develop and cultivate written and oral communication skills in psychology, enabling collaboration with peers and critical evaluation of others' research work. Synthesize (e.g., produce unique outcomes) and Evaluate (e.g., present and defend opinions) - Improved meta-cognition skills, empowering a clear evaluation of personal thought processes and outcomes in a variety of life circumstances. Spiritual (e.g., connect secular with spiritual) - Become one who can draw connections between cognitive psychology concepts and gospel principles: to be able to answer this question for yourself: "How is cognitive psychology and the gospel related to one another.


CC -403 (Adjustment Psychology / Psychology for Living) After completing the course the students are able to

Explain factors that are related to happiness. Explain the nature and consequences of stress (positive and negative). Create an effective behavior modification program. Understand what self-concept, self-esteem, self-attributions, self-regulation, and self presentation are and how each affects adjustment. Describe factors influencing our perceptions of others. Discuss factors that affect the establishment and growth of personal relationships (of friendship, of love).

Describe the process of mate selection and factors in marital adjustment. Discuss the incidence, causes, and effects of abuse in families. Identify changes that commonly occur in adolescence and in adulthood, noting factors that improve adjustment to these changes. Describe factors in making a career choice and strategies for obtaining that chosen job. Discuss factors that create job stress, identifying at least 3 productive ways to deal with it. Understand sexual identity, human sexual expression, and related issues.

Explain the impact of coping skills and lifestyle upon physical and mental health. Be aware of therapy options for adjustment problems and for psychological disorders.

CC -404 (Health Psychology) After completing the course the students are able to

Knowledge (e.g., recall facts, basic concepts) - An understanding of cognitive principles in daily life. Comprehension (e.g., translate, interpret) - An ability to account for differences in cognitive behavior of individuals using concepts and theories. Application (e.g., solve problems in new situations) - Become a learner- teacher who is able to critically evaluate and teach others about human cognition. Analyze (e.g., examine, make inferences), develop and cultivate written and oral communication skills in psychology, enabling collaboration with peers and critical evaluation of others' research work. Synthesize (e.g., produce unique outcomes) and Evaluate (e.g., present and defend opinions) - Improved meta-cognition skills, empowering a clear evaluation of personal thought processes and outcomes in a variety of life circumstances. Spiritual (e.g., connect secular with spiritual) - Become one who can draw connections between cognitive psychology concepts and gospel principles: to be able to answer this question for yourself: "How is cognitive psychology and the gospel related to one another.