MACARONI JOURNAL Volume XXVIII Number 2 June, 1946

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Transcript of MACARONI JOURNAL Volume XXVIII Number 2 June, 1946

tit 7'" W h ., C •. '1 .',

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Volume XXVIII Number 2

June, 1946

, ....... ~. - .. -.. - -~

Disclaimer: A number of the following pages may Indicate a volume and/or Issue number different from that which Is written above. However, as authorized by Sandy Slater of UND Chester Fritz Library, the above data has been determined to reflect the correct volume and/or Issue number.


When emergencies arise, the National Macaroni Manulacturers Association usually serves as the nucleus around which the Macaroni-Noodle Indus­try rallies lor united action.

II advance requests for rooms at the convention and other hotels in Minneapolis are any criterion, the attendance at the industry conlerence there on July 17-19, should be a record-breaker.

Indication' ore the leaders in the trade, both Asso­ciation members and non-members. will ans~ :,r the

call to conlerence because 01 the current semolina scarcity, the nation's heavy demand lor wheat to leed the hungry in many lands and the need lor some united a~tion to insure heavier macaroni wheat cr'JpS in the luture. These are problems that lew in tho business can alford to ignore.




, ' , I i I I


Ves sir, she's pn:lly as a piclure-a •• d a prospccth'e customer tool Show her what a prell)' picture ),nur products alT. With Rossn 111 SINGL. VU and DUIIL.VU CARTONS cw'omers ciln sec your proJuc. ,\- -and no package durnbility u lost 1 Your package will han the ad\'antagc of u:uu­parenl;)' without sacrificing the c:sscnlial sturdineu necessary for shipmt=nt and handling by grocer or cuslomu. SINGL.VU and DUBt·VU CAR. TONS arc rigidly strong and show )'our product to its best ad\·antagc.

ROSSOTIJ.designcd packages arc mastcrpitCCl of merchandising. Ex. perts, who IInow stlling, design Ihcm~pcdalisls in ad\'crlising art, mer_ chandising and market ttKarch. The)' slart FROM THE BEGINNING. Before they change the appearance of ),our package, they study your com­pcliton' packaging, your markets, point-of.salc problcnu.. th.:: automen' bU)'ing habits and all the coundtss market problenu ),our product mwt overcome.

The ROSSOrn plant is the most modeml),.equippcd packaging and lalx:ling plant in the world, We e\'en grim: our own colon and weather. condition th.:: interior of our plant (or supr, lor printing mults.

Special tests of )'our products arc conductet in our modem testing kitchen to re\'cal nutritional, sen'ing and ~lIing fentu. es for ),our products,

TilE ROSSOTTI CONSULTANTS arc at your Kn'ice to IoOh'c ),our pauaging or lalx:ling prob!ellu (or )'ou, Contact our nearest branch. I.c=t us .how ),ou how )'our package can Ix: made "P/tll), as a J'icture,"


I 10STON 9, N ..... tOO Mia. St,.,. •. ROCHESTER 4, M. Y.I ,,, N.ln Str ... , I, ..

JAc'KSOMVILLEI, Fr..1 ttN I_m," M.Ii.n,ll.n. luUllin, • CHICAGO tt, 18.1110 N.rth Michit.n A .... nu.

• ossom WIST COAST LITHOGRAPHING coa,., 1100 Thlr .. 51., Sin Frlnd,co 14, CaL

7elfttlti17e Outlilfe ~, P/'~9/,1l'"

Macaroni-Noodlll Industry Confllrencll Hotel Nicollet. Minneapolis

July 17-19, 1946 .. - ...

Wednesday, July 17

Morr.lng Session 8:UO a .m, RegiltrutioD

10:00 a .m. Opening Ceremonies

10:15 a .m. Formal Openina 01 CClnlerence-Presldent C. W. Wolle, Pre:;ldlng

Welcome-Hon. Hubert H. Humphrey, Mayor of Minneapolis

Response-James T. Williams, Past Prcsi­.!~nl , National Macaroni Manufacturer!> A~:xiation

App:Jintmenl 01 Committees R'.Iports of Credential and Program Com-

mittees President's Message-C. W. Wolfe Sccretory·Treosu rcr's Report-M. I. Donna Research Director's Report- B. R. Jacobs

12:00 Noon Reee .. Group Luncheon-In Minnesota Terrace Gucsts-Conventioners and their ladies Hosi-Rossotii Uthographing Co., North Ber-

gen, N. J.

Afternoon Sos8100-2 10 5 P. M. 2:00 p.m. Conference Reconvenes-President C. W.

Wolfe, Presiding Report 01 Committees

mE DURUM PANEL Presiding, C. L. Norris, Olairman Associa­

lion Activities Subject: More QuaHt·( Durum for Better

Semolina Spealcers Representinf.- ­

Durum Wheat Gro ..... ers Semolina Millers North i).Jkola Agdcul·.ur.ll College

lJ . S. Bureac. 01 Plar,tlndusuy No~ihw""I t Crop Im provement Association Wacaroni-Noodle Manufacturcrs

Pre;1cntalion 01 Introd uctory Statement!! Inlor·Panel Discu5Sion AudIence Participation

5:00 p.m. Adjournment

Evenlng-7:30 P. M. 10 1:00 A. M . 7:30 p.m. Banquet. Entertainment and Danco- Lafay­

ello Club. Lake Minnotonka

Hosts-The Durum Millers


Thursday, July 18

~. :orniJlg SC88ion-lO to 12:15 IO:OOa.m. Call to Order- President C. W. Wolfe, Pre ­

siding Reports 01 Committees A ssocialion -Industry -Gove mmen t Ae lat ions

-8. R. Jacobs, Washington, D. C. PROMOTIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL

PANEL PreSiding- Albert S. RavClrino Subject: Products Promollon ond Con­

sumer Education Durum Millers- Wm. Steinke Durum Wheat Division- Mary Alhright

Jaeison National M'Jcoroni Institute- M. J. Donna

11:40 a .m. Election of A1:aociation Directors

12: 15 p.m. Noon Recess (Directors' Meeting- Election of Associa­

tion Ollicers)

Afternoon Se8810n-2 10 5 P. M. 2:00 p.m. Conference Reconvenes- President C. VI

Wolle, Presiding Reports 01 Committees General Discussion of Currenl Industry

Alfairo Leaders 01 Discussion to be announced latcr

4:30 p.m. Announcement 01 Association Olficers Elected

Announcement o! 1947 Convuntion 5:00 p.m. F'mal AdJounun·Jftt

Evenlng-6:30 P. M. to 12:30 A. M. 6:30 p.m. Reception CI"'.!d Cocktail Party

Host-Cler.nonl Machine Co., Brooklyn. N. Y

7:30 p.m. Annual Dinnor Party Host- National Macaroni Manufacturers


9:30 p.m. Floor Show and Dance :lost- Consolida ted Macaroni Machine

Corp., Brooklyn, N. Y.

F~day, July 19 Visiting Semolir.ll Mills- Ad Lib.

Hosls- Tho Durum Mills

Entertairunont- The Minneapolis Aquaten ­nial Spectarlc- Floats, Dbplays, Fire . works



i 1 •• ! •

I ,






100 LBS. NET


MINNEAPOLIS MILLING CO. "" th, .6tt,/t . I"" th, ,,,,,,,,'"'Y OENERAL OFFICES ,


Reg;udless of conditions or circumstances

Minneapolis Milling Company's Durum Prod­

ucts are unexcelled. Until we are again per­

mitted to "1i11 and deliver the old reliable

TWO STAR SEMOLINA and our other

brands that our many customers know so

well and depend upon, we will mill 80-X


FLOUR. These prrJducts will be of the

highest quality possible to mill under

presen~' government restrictions.


I'I\J.\ CJ.\R 0 '" I JOUR"'J.\l Volume xxvm June. 1946 Number 2

For the first lime in OVer two )'mu, Ihe t'xc(uti\'l's of the 300 and morc plants that constitute the macaroni­noodle industry of America will be prh'ilcRt'd 10 meet in friend!) confu('nce to study IOgclhcr the conditions l'ur­rt'nlly confronting their business and to plan united ac­tion to soh'c their common prohicms.

In official calls to conference it has been n'pt'OIll'd "01:'" unci Ovt'r Again," that all such affairs, though sponsored by the National Manufacturers Association, an' verily industry mt:etings, open alike to all llIanUfactufl'rS allli allied! Striousl), concernt:d in the presl'nt anti future WI'I· fare of the m:u:aroni·nOCKlie industry,

Also in connection with such calls to confcrcnct', it hOI !>

hl'cn the pleasure of the National ,\ ssociatioll to invite "Ovt'r and Otlcr Agaill" all non·lllcll1bers to altt:nd and to lend their full support to all the industry activities agreed upon, not as an obligation but as :1 l11eans of presenting a morl' solid front in st'cking to altain the ob· )eclives set b)' tht' con£t'rcllcrs of which they Shollitl be a part,

The phrase "Ovrr arid Ovt'r ,' /gaill" is nol a 111' \\' com­bination of words, nor is it a new thought. It is Illereh' n new way of sa)'inJ,! "You play ball with lilt' ami I'll play ball with you," ur "You tickle me anti I'll tickle you,'" In business, the languagt: is "You ..:o.operate with us and wt'li co-apr rate with you,"

To some individuals the phrase means, liull', hut 10 the leaders, to the successful operalors in the Iralle, as In the leaders in all other business, it is sClIsible rca :mnin~, It lIle:uls organized action. Every Jlro~ressivt· alld suc­cessful industry Ims its m!.lional orgamz;llion, composed of frirndly allll considerate mcmhcrs who know that work­ing togclhtr as a ~roup t1!l' re i10 ,"ore Iikelih ::ot\ of Sil l' ­

Cess than with individuals working ;llone,

That thinking is Iht' basic re:ISOIi for Ihe ofHl'l'eatcd invila.tion to ;III macaroni-noodle manufacturers to ai-


It'Ild Iheir annual or oc..-a s;unal ..-onft'rl'nCl'li , That thought prompted Ihe call ilislled ttl the ('III in' illdu5tr)' by the )'!ational Associalion for Ihl' 1946 lmluslry COllfcreu..-e in Minneapolis, July 17·19, wlll're it is cxp«tt,(l 10 mould the thinking of till' group into unitell action 10 111('('1 th(' conditions, f;I\"orabll' or un£:\\'nrahk, that ..:on­front bolh the imlivitlual and Iht' group,

111 busi1\('~s , "'llIlditiol1 ~ an' c\·l'r· ... hal1~ill~ . NIlI manv lIlonths ago, ('vt:ry prnn'ssur ill till' 1I1acaro1li iwluslry had lIlon' busilll'SS than he wallt l' ll, It was thl'l\ a ques­lion of when' In get the lalKlr :tl1lllhe lil11e 10 fill piled-up orders, At tht, .nonWI1I, IllI'rl' is tilth, changl' ill d('malltl, hul a seriolls 'tllt'stiol1 IIf where til gl'l Ihe lIefcssan' raw matt'rials wilh which In OIM,' rah' a plallt al ;111 , Thl'1I il was a. CJ\I{'stion of supplyillJ: a Iklllaml; !U I\\' ;t is tllle uf gl'llillJ: supplies,

Thl' fighting: war bt'lw('('1I naliulls is lIn-r, for mall\' years, it is 11fJI}l'd, hllt Ihe war !wIWt' t'll ft KKls and fur fOOtI is al it s hl'ight. wilh JlrHSl't''':IS Ihal il will L:et C\'ell wurse hdurt: it 11l'flllildy imprn\'t's, This Jlrohll'llI 011111 utht' r t"fillall), st'dOlls mil'S will lie st1Ulit'd 011 the Juh­l'On(erclIce where it is hOpt't!lfI han' Ihl' (uill'si CIHIJll'ra· liun of many who han' nlll l\l'rt'llI(urt' attelltlt'cl, withoul ubligation, thus lIIi1nifcslim: Ihl'ir intl'ul 10 SUPllOrl ~ udl aClivities il S mOl)' lw agrt"t'11 111'011 for IIIl' J:1'llI'ml wdf;crc of both tilt, inclidtlual ;lIul Ihl' r.:r ll IlJl,

Finally, let us n 'Ill';t1 ''OJ't'r mill 0 1'a .-If/IIi,," fur Ihe sake of any who may Iwsiwh', Ihat IIcn~ r hl'fun' has tlll're bl't'lI a r.:rt'ater III'l·1\ (IIr d fls t'r ":1I·upt:ralioll 111'­tween all cll'lIIenls that l'OlIslilllle Ihe 1II;Il'awui -uoOlllt, induslry than at prt'~ l' lIl; that m'nr hdofl' ha !i il \11'1"11

so t'sselliial for lIIort' manufa\'tUTl'rs \(J work ill ul1i ~I JII along ;Ign'l'd lilli'S to !iul\'!' 1'IIIill' or all tl f Ihe vexing- prob­Icms thai \'I)nfront :111 operators aud suppliers; thai the timc ami plan' for doing all flf this is Ihl' lirst II(Jslwar cunference in )'Iinm'afloli s, July 17-19,


It has been truthfully said thai man was nol mado to live alone nor business to function opart, because things that concern tho group equally affect the individual.

Every producer 01 macaroni ·spagholli·ogg noodles is equally and seriously affected by condilions that prevail in business today. In IIno with the above thought. it would soem bel· tOf to meet those conditions In phalanxes. rather than singly. . To plan tho proper defenso against all threats everyone Interested in improving condi­

lions thai currently confront tho Macaroni·Noodle Industry is invited to alland tho In--!uslry Conference in Minneapolis. July 17·19, 1946.

This thought is beautifully oxpressed in the poom below which is recommended for re­reading with the above invitation in mind.

, . "THE HOUSE BY THE SIDE OF THE ROAD" 8y Sam Walter rosa

There are hermit souls Ihallive withdrawn In Ihe peace 01 their soli-content;

There are souls. like stars, that dwell apart, In a fellow less firmament;

There are pioneer souls thai blaze Iheir paths Where highways never ran;

BUllet me live by the sido of the rood And be a friend 10 man.

Let mo livo In a house by Ihe side 01 tho road, Where the race of men go by-

The men who oro good and Ihe mon who are bad, As good and as bad as I.

I would not silln the scorner's seal, Or hurl the cynic's ban;

Lot me live in a houso by the side ollho road And be a friend to man.

I seo from my house by the side ollhe road, By the side of the highway of life,

The men who press with the ardor of hope, Tho men who aro faint wilh tho slrlle.

Bul I tum nol away from their smiles nor Iheir tears­Both paris a! an inf;nile plan;

lei me live in my houso by the side of Ihe road And be a friend to man.

I know Ihere are broole-gladdened meadows ahead And mountains 01 wearisome heighl;

That the road passes on through the long afternoon Anti stretchos away to tho night .

But still I r%ico when Iho travolers r%ice, And weep with tho strangers thai moan,

Nor live in my house by the sldo ollho rood Lilee a man who dwells alono.

Lol me Iivo In my houso by tho sldo ,)1 tho rood Whero the raco 01 mon go by-

They oro good, they oro bad, they oro weale, they are strong, Wiso, foolish-so am I.

Then why should I sit in tho scorner's scot Or hurllho cynic's ban1-

Let me live in my houso by the side 01 Ihe rood And be a friond 10 man.

Macaroni-Noodle Pr.'oducts .Enrichment Approved

FDA Permits Manufacturers to Enrich

Products, If Desired

On May I", 1~6. the Food alltl lJrugs Administralion, Washillg:loll, D. C, announccd proposed orders 011

the ellrichm::nt of macaroni ami noodle product!, approving almost fulty the propo5.11 submitted by the National Macaroni Manufacturers AssociatiOlI several years ago, Under Ihe onlt:r, cn ­richment or macaroni, spa~hcll i , egg ooodles ami kindred types of Ihis grain Ifood is not mandatory, but permission is granted those who wi sh to t'nrich In do so, and sels UI' re~ul3tions go\'ern· ing terms 10 he used in labcliul; such enrieht'd product s,

The order, as prolllul~at ed, alll\ as published in the Fn/aal i<"!/isti'r of May 14, 19-16, is publishl'fl ill (illi for the information and recortl of " t1ll1all­ufacturers, There follows herewith , some clarifications b)' Washing:ton RC'presentali\"t~, It R. Jacobs , who ha~ bct'n much intert'Slcd III the proposa l.

"The proposal for enriclunenl," .s.'l)'s Jacobs, "includes all macaroni prOlluclS of ..... hatever sha lJC or size, including all noodle products, eg~ noodle producls and l'gg macaroni products,

"It dot's NOT include whole wheat macaroni prOlluets, wlll'at alltl soya products, milk macaroni products or \'t'J;etahle macaroni prtxlUCls of au)' shalJC or si ze."

TO t;XKu.: il OK ~OT TO £NKICII IS Tilt: QUI::.STJOS. Since the enrichment of macaroni-noodles is not (ontpulso,)', only those who choose to do so Will be mt('rested in tlte kind and quantity of the enrichment ingredients ap­pro\'ed by FDA or in the correct lemlS SCI up b)' it for la beling' such enriched (ood, as fulll' set Ull in the ortler, reproduced, in ull belaw:

FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY Food and DtulJ Admlnl.tlallan

IDodol No, FIlC·JJ (III

Macaranl·Hoodl. Praduc~ U,. of VUamlnl, .tc.

III the matl~r of fixillg allli ~51ah1ish!ng a definition alltl 51antlanl of identity (or each of Ihe following foods; cnriched macaroni, enriched spaGhetti, enridletl \'ermicelli, en­riched noodlcs; and or the amendmOit o r Ihe dcfinilions and slandard s o f hlcnlit)' for macaroni, Ip;lRhclli, vermit'dli, macaroni products, noodln, eKIl" noodln, nO(Xllclltod. ucts. egg maGI rom, ami re lated oOlh, named in Alimentary Pastes Order (9 14881), to penni! Ul e of vitamins, mmer:ds, wheal germ

l and dehydrated )THI, as op·

liOO3I ingrn ientJ,

I'rutos,'d u"lr,. It is proposed Ih:lI, br virlue o( Ihe aUlllOrily \'(5lcd in Ihe F c, lcral SecurilY Allmini stralor IlY 1'ro\' ision5 uf Illc F cde ral 1;001, \}rnJ.:, anti Cosmelic Acl: Ihe Hwrganiu tillfl Act of 193'.1; and Heoq::ani· L"l lion l'lans So. I; ,111<1 tiltOn the hasl ~ of c\'itlcnce o f rccnrol uf Ihe h caring Ilul), hchl Il\I f5l1anl IU Ihe nntire issuci l 011 Dt­cember Z7, I!).J.I, IIIC fulluwing o rdcr lit' madt:

,..i,idil'OJ 0/ frJrI. 1. Tht a\·cr.!\:e Il('r callila COI\SIUIIJlIIOI' o f macaroni anJ 1I0(lIlIe prOlluc" in Ihe Unllt·,1 S lal cs i~ small, al· Ihou\:h Ihese forMls arc ..... iddY Ilislrilml e<1. lfowc\·cr, fJtr san~ of haliall antet:'cdenls consume mcl! (ooll~ in muth gre:tler IIU:,"li­tin Ihan thc "aliunal 3,·cra\:c. llal"3rolli ami noodle prOllucls conuitule a sta"l t (0011 foe thue '>Cf5on~.

2. Sut\·eys showinl: IIIC amounlS all,l kinds of fOl1l1 flUrcha scII Lr familiu of ,Ii!· fc rcnt income !c,·ch in,lkalc Ihal Ihe d ie t" of mall)' IlC rsons in Ihe Unitl ... 1 Stales :If'· ,Iefieien! in one or murt: of IIICSt' \,il ;n"ill . ami 1II111el'31s retlllirc,1 ail a,('(c,1 in).:redicllU in cnrichcd flour alllll.rca,1. h ;a,lcllu:I IC ,Ikn U(cur mus t h ellumtl)" anHlnl: fantilies in the low income Irack,' l j. The cunsumptiun ue enricJlCtI flollr aUtI cnriche,1 Iln,: .. 1 h a~ nol cnlircly O\'creullle Ihcse ,Idiciencies.

J. Persons of Italian aniecelleli ls frc · 'jucntJ)' livc in uri,an ClllluIlImilic5 and mall)' arc in the lowcr iucome I,rackels. Thcse lletsons constitute a ~il:lIirll·a nt 1I011111alilln J.:rolll' ;n Ihc Uniled Slall's.

.1. FoOtI Sun·cys ill ccrlain urhall com· Ullmitiej cUIII:liniug 1:u~1." IlIlmlll."tI uf per· sons uf Iialian antccct !l'nl~ ,Iisclosc thaI 1111· llieu of consu meu ill till." luwcr iucume "rackct s arc Ilclirimi ill moSI of Ille \' ila­millS au,1 mincrals :ul,k,1 til cnricllc,! nUllr, thai Ihcsc COIISmntri usc much IarJ::rr all10llnts o f macarulli atu l nHotllc \ITmlll l"U th iln lhc 1Ii1lional iI\·CTa.:e, an,1 Ihei r tlitl wuuhl hr malcriall)'\·l .. 1 liy Ihe 1·1\· ridmlrlll of lIlilc:n oni all.1 11011,\11' IlrOt IIl ~IJ.

5. l' cuulI~ uf l1ali:1II :lI1ll"cctlcIil S COlI , ume lar.:r tillanlilies uf Ilrea,l. The Iype nf brcad I'refcrrcd loy Ilu: s~ l'l·r "'>11~ is irc· tlUflilly 1IIII'\lricll('ll-

6 . Thcre it a tl'nokll~y fur \II."U"IU wll" eal m:,caroll i alll i 11UII,!II· \lrO, IUeB III COli' slnue corrc5 r'OIHlill~lr k Si Hf IIlher ("t'n,;,1 fOOth, which arc iuexl.eIlSi\·c .'.ouret·s uf ell' e rG)', iliChulill': IJTl·:ul.

7. SUllie macaruni :,,101 1I"",lIe prOtlm·l§ I·olllaillin.: lIli sc cl1anc\lll~ a,lditiolis of \,il:l· mins au,1 iroll, ur ill.:rcditlll '; II! hiJo:h vita· min and millt ral WlllclII, hal·C I>ccil 1I1anll· faclllrcd alil l sold. Such ,Ilhlitions Ita\·c Il·'! III rClm:scnt;uionJ desiglll', l 10 IlnmllllC Ihc u le o f · Ihcse 11fOlluC15 wllich h:\\-t rcsullt·,! in the coo(usiun of mallY COluum,'u a i III the hellelil.' 'which thc}" couM exl,,·cl tn n'· cch·c from Ihcsc jltutiIiCIS.

it •.. I'rcllarin.: macaroni an,1 llou, lIe l,rn,l . I1C\5 for OOIlSIIIIII IIioll Ihc)" :Ife ~rllcrally boik!1 in exccssh·e tluantitieJ of watcr all,1 the rl'lIl :. illiug WOller Ilisc:1fIICtI. Tllis C3U5I'S


a I"SI III 1111' l·muumcr IIf a I;u gc !'fopo r · liun nf thc waler· i'llluMc comliluellls, par· licularly II Ie l'oalcr· ... 'IIIMc \<itamiu:! an,1 min· uah,

I'. In Ilrt l'arinl{ t·uriehed macarulli l'ru,l . IICU for (UnSUmlllioll the 10nt'S uf waler · soluhlc ,· itill11in ~ a ll,1 minerals \·ary, ,Ie· (OCUllin!: Oil tinlc IIf cnuking, :mlllum oi waler u .etl, Wllc1 11U loIanthetl , tIC., bul n-a !ol.JI1aiJIe c Sl imalc~ II f ~nch lo~ws :UI' a. {ulluwi:

Th;~n,l n • . . ". Kiwn.~,n ". Si ~d" Iron (n .. ulh~ )

\' il~," l n II ("~ ld u!U ...

so':O . JO~ • . I O~. ,

.ur .''''AII tI, """. ''' r ,"ull OJr none.

..... ...• uy "'1> 11 '" "o"e.

10. Thc recur,1 conlailn 110 ' I'~'\,:ifi..: c,·i· ,ll1lU' uf I"""l's uf \·i':lInill'; ;Uld minuali in II Ie l"ullki llll .. f enrit"h~,1 nllmlle l,ru,hH:ts 11,,\\'c\'cr, §im·c noo, llc IlrUtIIlI:15 :tre similar in l·umllOsitiun III macaroni l,ro,II1(I', :\11,1 :tn : cooke,\ in Ihl' S:Ulle nlalllll'r, Ihcre i. :ul l"fJ ll aIC I lasi~ for l"lInrll1Olillg Ihal Ihc I"oo"illg IOH"S arc al'l'roxitnal~ly Ihc same,

I J. In urokr I .. l,n.n'llI CUIISllllll'f COIl1fll· ~i,," an,1 I,whal.le , el:clliion, 11l:l<"awni l'rUl I. IIcl s IIr l1nuolll' I'r", tm-u known a< "cl1rid,,·, I" "'ltll1l,1 hale Ihe _amc r("lll1ire,1 :111,1 "lll i,m. :11 cnrichilll: inll rc,lil·l1Is :" l·nrichl·,1 1101l1r. Tht· miuillmm :11111111111 ' o{ JudI ill l{ n ·,lil·ut-; ill t"luirll\~ \ m:tr:lroni 1"0)' \111:11 all,1 in .11· richc,1 nuudle l,rOl!tl.·t. sliolll ,! he a,ll~llIah· 10 C"111 j ... ·n ~ale for eu"kiull I U~~J all,1 re:,· $Ullaltll· maxi"l11111 limil" shOlIlI,1 he lin'· ~fillr , 1 I" m:linlain II II' ill.·III;I )" of thc.e (utMI;.. ~la ."iml"l1 limil!! !.l \lcr 1·I'nl h;~her 111:111 minimnm n ·' luin·m("III' are n ·a _"n:II,ll' fur Ihe 100ltjlU,e IIf III :Iilllainill ): i, lmli l)".

11. Tlw unifnrm ,Ii- Iril,"l i"" ill mac:"""i :111<1 \H M"lIc \1rll,IIICI ~ of Ihe in\:re,lit·nH u ~,', 1 to curiel, tl uu r Iln"cIIl s no maml{aelurmll ,liOkllltic!!, .... lll·n Ilarllll,· ~" l"att il·U :tn' "" .,! III al"llil" c slIdl ,li"lrihuliuu. Little lo s ~ III Ihe cnrirhinJoC inJoCrcllienls "cnlr ~ in tllc mall· nfaC\urill){ uf .'nrichrtl mal·;trtmi :Ul'\ nuoo lle l,rn, IIIl"l t.

1.1. '1111' :1\,I,rnxim:llc l·u.1 .. f .,·il'l111i". a1101 milleral !! wilidl nlll ·1 10(" :ltltle,1 III Ihe pn·!''' · ral i"n II f l'nriclll',1 nmcat"l1; :",,1 "l1rit-hc,1 nt ltll lll· 1 1t,"llIrl~ 10 \·ml1 \11'II ~ at.' fur Tl·a ~nll· al,lc "tltlkillg lo~'e~ is 5. ~ n·11I ~ I~r Ifil'! 1"lIIlhl. I,a-c'\ '''I Illc \lhuk.:II.· "rll·l'S ti l Ihe'c ' U!. ~t:1I1" '·~ a l Ih,· li ll1l· of Iwa rin.: :\1111'11· ~ 1I1 '1,l in tof Ih(' ncCt,·.;tr)" \" i'a ll1in. :m,1 miner:ll. aTt' :\I·ail:tl ,k

I.t Parli!!lI)" , ld:UI ,"" I\·!II·~' ~ I·flil i. :~ ~u ilal>ll' i" I:ft',li,·,,1 foor I·llm·hm~ 1I1:,,·arOlm

IIT, ,, I"I"I" an,1 ," ",, 11., },,, ,, I.I1 ( t. Wilh il1 . ~hl' i111 i l ~ l're.criloc,1 Ihl· fI· ur III Ihl· ,1.-11 1.11' "1

;1I1,t .1:m,lar.t "f i,I,·"I ;I)" fur l'nridll": onr.

I .; . Till' n~·" r, 1 rOllllain. II" .,\"j,klln· " i I,mh·ill ,1 t"!;";'·I1'·)· ill Ihl· ,lil·1 .. i 1 'l"r""I1~ ;11 II II' Ullih·,1 S I;III·'. :111< \ nu l"\·i,lcllrl· . I" ,win.: a ny 11 .... :,1 foor a ~ 1 'I'ri:1 1 111!1c;u".ni. l,roo,lm:1 ur _,,,·rlal II, ~" II., l,r,,,luCl roula'lI1l1g a ,!tI,· liollal [,T"I"in ,krin,1 rrOim wlll·a l ~ " nll ur )' •• :t ~ t. I ~ ri'·I ! . )· I·:t~t, t!uc tu il~ . llil'h ~Ol1 l .. f Ihe \·It :lIIl1l1 Ihmml11c alhl IIla l." l11, IS >1 111 · .. I,lc fllr lI>1." a s an ingfl·,li,·nt fur ml 'pl)·. illg all "r I'a t! .,f lhe re1llli,.·,1 :11luOlmh ni !Ud l \ ' ilamin~ in "nrirh r ,1 m:lrar"ni IITO,I. 1I'· to; :111,1 I"l1 rit"iII',1 """,Ill' I'roo,II1C" .

(."uuduJi, JIIs . \lasl',1 "II Ihe furq;uing 1"11111 · in~~ n! (act it i~ nmchule,1 Ihal :

(a) T u am~II , 1 Ihe oldinili,,"_ :111<1 'Iano l · artls u f identit), fnr mar:n uni 1, ("{" lm· I' , I"ilk maeanmi Ilmt!uc\-, wllull' whl'a l ma,·arllni l ' fI"llI r t ~ , whcal all, I iII 'y ma.-ar"l1 i l,noo'I1L"' <. \('gelallh: mac:nuni I'floolucb , II'''~ Ie l,r",l· m·U, whral ami slIY IItI",II<- I'To"lu,· ls. :.,101 \·I·gcl:l!JIc lIontlle Ilru,lnel <, _II a_ I" pe rm;1 Illc U ;iC tlf \'ilamill'. 1I1;IlI·r:lb. wlll·!!1 J,:erm aml .lchYl lralcl\ )"1·:lSI :1' "llliuu:tI il1~ rc,l i'·ll l' ill I."3ch uf Iht'~ f"'-J\ I ~, \Ii ll 11001 l,rull1ull·

(,-",,,,till/h·d ,0)) /"I!/'· / /1)

---- .------ --"




• The advenisement shown on the opposite page was run by General Mills, Inc. in the April 6 issue of the DAKOTA' FARMER, a publication which rcaches a large proponion of the wheat farmers io Nonh Dakota. Its aim is to call attention of durum wheat farmers to the need for planting more durum wheat this spring.

We recognize, as we know our macaroni manufacturer customers do, the serious implicatinos of a continued durum wheat shonage for the macaroni industry. As one of the principal suppliers for this industry, we take this occasion to demonstrat<' -vhat General Mills is doing to encourage farmers in the nalUral durum wheat growing areas to increase their plantinJl ' of durum. We hope this appeal will help make avail· able in .. ,,.,, • .! wnnage of raw material for Semolina milling so 'hac the macaroni industry can be adequately supplied, and sn that can sum ~r use of the vital basic foods, macaroni and spaghcni, can be sustained.

June, 19¥ , THE MA CA RO);I JOUI<);AI.

April 6, 1946 DAKOTA FARMER


'kA~? A larm"wonhfo pla,,' a crop Ihol will plod"". . to b.-I odwonlog. 011 hi. DU.L H .... onll to "II

• rhol crop CIt a fa ir pritt, H. wonh OIWfCln(.thol

hil ClOp w~1 0110 11,'d ,'obility 'or Ih, fvM., A form., '010. .. a rilk on wn and ra in and Ih,

dIolc. of hil crop!.

Wily Plant Durum? COII'''''IOII M (ll11ll41U CIWILI ..

• ... "LtIUIIC_IOIn .... • a'UIUI. I. hal prolllund _. Lu.', per ocr. 0 ... ., a ptrlod 01

yH" III 'h, adop'abl, counll .. 01

North Daleo .. , ond produ, .. b,H,r thano,h.r Iprln, III dryYHr ••

e Ie"u •• II hi, ... uIClpllbl. 10 lawfly domo,. 'han hard 'prln, wh",.


- H-H-H-l- -r - J_ eaocoll .. 1011 olllll WH,h., condl. 1I0ni In nltol" oru. 0' th. Nolth. w.1I oro JJooIIy 1111,.111 for dll,um p,olllwdion.

e leulI" ..... " .. , .. Ilk, Mlnlll"m, C.rI .. O" and SI.wort h ..... b,," ". .... " 'n 00110'0 .. II . (Th .... p ..

... 1--

c!ollyotl ..... lop ...... OII.U" ho .... VI.l .. 04 .llIllll1eonlly w.1I dll,lnll ,h. pall fI .... voo,..) ... -1-- '+t4--H+I-+++-H+H-+++I-+-I-H

/,r', ; e.ocou .. for Ih. pal' V'" ""rllm hOI .. Id olmoll co",hl.nlly o"ho nlllllil prico, wh., ••• co.uldllobl. omolln" of olhtr whH' ha ...... Id b.low nll'nll prl"l.

e loc.u"th. dvtvm Illdullry do .. nol ollllclpa1' a pOI'.Wor .... in d,mond'or I,. prodvCh.

. ,

'1110 mncnroni industry, built on good durum wheat, hu 8ucrosarully eliminntcd tho usc or other whent flour substitutions which in the past rcsultod in nn inr .. rior product.

Tho runner, by plnnting n 8ubstnntial acreage in durum, contributes to this stable industry-an industry which hu in :oved its product, broad· ened ita market, nnd Ii. 'lrged its output.

The mn earoni indushY, which hos put ita prod­uctson thv dining tnblcsor America in remnrknbly increnscd volume the pnst eight yenrs, is depend· cnt upon good durum wheat. The industry hM kept poco with new developments in plnnt ma· chinery, hna improved Its products, while horvcsted nCl'Coge In durum has dwi/l~;h{f Only record nerc yields or the crop the past IITV years hnvc thus rar delnycd the crisis which tho industry now races.

* ........ ~ ............ _ '.,.· ·r ,,- ~ ... ............ ' ....... ..

.... ~· .. · ...... · .. I""-... .. · ... · .. ,~ .... · ..

...~_ ... '" 1.' .......... ...... • .. _,'-.· . ..

But, though the mflcaron! industry rflces shut­dowll5 ror lack or durum wheat, figures show th;l.t during tho pnst 25 years consumption of durum produCls hAS increased proportionately nt a rar greoter rate than COIUUml)tion or bread Rourl

The story or increased durum products con· sumption is told on the groph aoo\·e. What isn' t told is the vitnl fnct that dllrllm u 'h('(Jt pnxiuclion has not bn:n krrpillB pace Id tll the rising Cllrt'C 0/

civilian consumption! Tho macaroni industry needs nt 1c.'\9t 3,000.000

acres planted ill durum wheat thLs IIpring. Past nvcroge yields would not provide nearly cnough durum ifbu8cd upon last yenr's horvested ncrcngc. Farmers aro urged to increase their dUnLln nere· ugo to mcct Ihls \'ilnl need.

Genet-al Mills, lite. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.


Macaroni-Noodle Products Enrichment Approved

(CcUitiliurd 'rolll 1'001' i)

hDnUly ami (air \ltalin" in tin: imutu of flilUllrnru.

(I,) To cslaLlilh tkrmiliollS ami SI:mdauh of id~1' l i l)' for (nriehed mac:noni proJnelS ami enriched noodlr l,roducl5 will 11fOnloir hom~sly ,1111" fair de;. ing in tl,.: interest of (oommen.

Therefort', II il ardara, Th:u the .Iefiui · liom autl siamlarcls of itlnllit)' for maClHOI" ,.rodu( ls. milk macaruni JI"muets, "tu.le whe:1I macaroni 11rtldu(u. whtal an.l soy mararoni IluJtlucu. vq:ctahlc ma\,lroni "r()l.illen. 1I00.l1c prOllnels, ""hra l an.1 !\Oy 1100llic l'foUU(IS, ami \'cltc table noodle prod­IICU, he 1101 amctuled ttl " ro\'i,lr fo r , -ita­mil\5, minerals, wheat lIerm ami dd,)', tlratctl )caSI ;is np tion:.1 inltft'tliml s in 511Ch foolts.

" U 111"11,,. urdrrtfJ, 11,at Ihe follo llo'ing fCKubolions fixing ami . ull;J.lishing d~fi ni . lions :ami \ t:allll~"h of IIlentll)' for tnmhcll macaroni IIT!.)(lnc t' and cnrichw lIoodle Il rtlIhlcU be ami :uc hcrd,)' lUomlllgatcll:

I 16.9 ElirichrJ I/t/.(B, o"j f Md llcll; idrn­lily; lobtt Italnntt. ' 0/ oNi/mal iug rtl/ittlfl , (a) Enriched macaroni r,rolluc ts arc thc clan o f food Cloch o f 'A' Iich confornls to Ihe definition ;md 'Iamlart! o f ilknti t)', ami is slIb ju t to tht wluirtmnlu for lalH:I stattmnll o f OIllional ingffditnlS, IlrtscrilH:d for nlacaroni Ilrodllcts 10)' I ltd (a) and (f) , uCtpt that:

(I) F ...... ch Ii uch (oull contains in udl IlOund not l e~s Ihan " mRI ami not more than 5 milS of thiamint, not len than 1.7 mRI alit! IIOt 1IL0re than 22 mRS of riho­OOlvin. not Ius th;m l7 mJ!.s and nIY. more than J.t m~' of niacin or madn amide, and 110 1 len th III IJ mil l 011111 nOI mort than 16.5 mg' ul iron (Fe):

(2) Each such food mal.' aha conlain as :UL option;!1 h : .. reditnt :ult ed vitamin D in , uch qu:mlily t hat uch IIGund o f the fin­ishttl food contains nOI leu than 250 U.S.l', L1nih :'Lnll not more thall 1,000 U.S.P. uniU o f "itamin D:

(3) Each such food may a lso conlain as :111 uplioClal ingredient alltlcd calcium in luch 'I LiaIl lity Ihat t:lch 110\11\11 of the finished ood contain! not len than SOO mS! a nd

not mure than (125 mMS o( calciulII (Cll) j

(") Each slIch (0011 rn:l)' also contain as an optional in.:redimt Il:I rll ), defatted wht:ll ~crm IJUt Ihe amollnt Ihcteof docs nol ex· c«,.1 5% of the weigllt o f Ihe finished food j

(5) Each slIch food LIla)' be supplied 11'1101\)' or in pat! with the prescriQ '1IIanll l), of an), sllh~ l aTlC e referred 10 in s l1l,p;If:I~r:Ll'h5 (I), (2), alll i (3) o f Ihil I,a r:tgtallh IhroliRh the tlSC of dried ye:lsl, I'arll)' Iidallel l wheat Rcrlll, ('mich(''' fa rina II r l'mid,I,,1 nUUf{ Uf th roll~h Ihe ,Iircct ;111· .Iitillns of any u the sull<tances l,reSf rillCll in ~ nl 'lmra/o:a r llh s (I), (2) , an,l 0).

Iwn ;llhl calrimn m:l)' Ioc alM,,1 only in form s which are harmltn allli assimilaLle. TILt· ~ 11I'5 tarH'1." rtfurrtl In ill subpara J.; fOL\lh ll ( I ) ;11111 (2) ()f thi ~ 1(It:lKral,l, ma), Ioe :,,1,1.'11 ill a l,arll1less c:uril'r which duu 1101 impai r 11t(' t'lLrid,c,1 1l1:lcarolli l'ro, ln(t, sudl rattie r Il(' illlo: u~I', 1 \lilly in II Ie I)uamit)' fea· ' " lIal,l)' t".rt'S~ar)' I" \· tfer t :IIL 11Ilim;lte allil IIlli(urm .list rilllLliVtI o f sLich suh~lancts in ti ll' fiui sh",1 clifichclllI1:1carOlli (lro.luel.

(It) Eur;che,1 mac:lfoni is the tnrichcll mar:lroni prOl lnr t th~ units of which cun· form \II tile s l 'rc ir,ration ~ oj slla(le a",1 silt \lft'H' rilll',1 fur 1l1:lcarul1i II)' § \6.1 (h) .

Ce) Enrichcll 511a"IIClli i~ thc cmichell mac .. wlli 1''''IIUri the IIni t! of which Call· {lInn !II the ~ 1 O('Cifi ca lions u f Sh:IJIC ami site Ilft'5cribtll fur ~ 1 13J.; hetti IJy § 16.1 (e).

(, I) l;:nrichttl \'emlictiii :: Ihe enrichrd mararoLLi N OIlucl thr tlnits of ,;iich can· (Ulm 10 thc 51ICcificatiol15 of shape anti .ite l'rcscri llt.1 for \'ermicelli by I 16.1 (d),

(.: ) The name of each food fOf ..... hich 11 d('fillilion anll Slantlart! of idmlily is pre­M: rilll:\l Ly Ihis KCtion is "enriched m:1ea· J(1IL i l"OOucl"; o r ailetn:ltel)" Ihe J\.'\me i ~ "enriehttl macaroni," "mrichcd 51'ORI'elli," or "enrichcd "ermicelli," :u Ihe casr rna.' be, whcn Ihe unil s of the food com/Ii)' with ti1c rtljllirelllcnts of par:lJ{lOIphs (I), (c), o r (d) rupccti\'dy, o f tiLL S .«tion,

I 16.10 Enritilrd noodle ,.rod"e',; Wett· lily; tgbr'sl..,I,.,,,nl/ 0/ o~ liOfWI ingrrdittdl. (a) Enriched noodle \1rOdUCI5 arc Ihe dau of fOOtI t:lch of which conforms to the definilion and standard of identity, ::wd is lubject to the r!'f\lIiremtnu for lithe l stale· ment of ol,tional mgreditnlS, ltt'cMrihrd for noodle producls hy t 16.6 a) amI (Il), exccllt tll3l:

(1) Each such food conlains in each (lOund not leu than 4 mgs and lint more than 5 mgs of thi:unine. not I~s than 1,7 mgs and not more than 2.! mR' of rillO­navin, 1101 leu Ihan 27 ... cs and nol more Ihltn J.I mRS of niacin o r niacin amide, and not leIS than IJ mgs amlnol more than 16.5 mgs of iron (Fe);

( 2) Each such food rna)' "Iso clmtain as a n optional ingredient addcd "itamill 0 in such quantity that cach pollnd of the Ilnishrd food (onlailll nol Ius Ihan 230 U. S. P. IInill and nol more Ihan 1000 U. S. P. IInitl of vilamin OJ

(3) Each Illch food may olI.O contain a. an optional ingreditnt addttl calcium in such

j uantilY that tach polll1tl of Ihe finishtd cod contain. not lell than SOO mgs and nol

more Ihan 625 mgs o f calcium (Ca) : . (4) Each ,lIch food mOlY also conlain

a . a n oplional il13reditnt partly dclatted whUI J:trm bill the amollnt tht reof dou nol uCftd 5 pt'f «nt of the wtight of ti le fin ished food;

(5) Each such food mOlY ~ sUliplied whollr or in part, wilh the prtKrilKli quanlLt)' of any sUNlance referred 10 in luh(lmgraph!l (I), (2), and (J)I of Ihis puagr2(1h, Ihrough the tlse of dmd ),t:lsl, parlly defa tted 'A·hnl Renn, enrichtd farina o r enrichtd nour, or thro uKh the di~('1 ad· ditions of any of the luhSlanru (lrucribed in suhparagnl,11I (1), (2), and (J).

tron and calcium may be "tided only in forms which arc hannlen an,1 assimilahle. The subSlanct. referrttl to in lubp;lragraphs (1) and (2) of this paraKraph rna)' he .,dded in a harlllltil carrite whIch docs not impaie the cnrirlled noodlt product, slIch carritr beinR' used o nly in Ihe qu;mlil), rca· ~onabl)' nrcusa. ry to tITrel an inlimale and ILnilonn distribution of such suhslallcu in the finished enriched noodle product.

(II) Enriched lloodlc ~ , rnrichtll Clill' lIo00.lIu, arc Ihe tnriched noodle products the unit . nf which con form 10 Ihe JllCcifica· tinn' o f sha l"C and size (lftscribc,\ for noodles in I 16.6 (h) ,

(c) Enriched eR'K mararoni i!l Ihe en· richrd noodle pmduct Ihe units (If which cnnfoTm to the lpecificalions of shape and Jilt prescribell fo r tKIt nlacaroni in I 16.6 (e),

(II) Ennchctl tllR' spaghetti 11 the tn· riche,l noo.lIe (ltv luet the units o f which cunform to Ihe arecifications o f shape and ~ ile (l rcscribed f·) r ef:! spaghetti in I 16.6 (d) .

(e) Enriched tJlR' vermicelli is the tn· riched noodle p roduct the units of which con form tu thc specification. of sha(le and size prtscribed in I 16.6 (e),

(0 The ntlme o f each food fo r which a .lefini tion and 5lallllar.1 o f ident ily is pre· ~crillCd b)' th is section is "Enriched NoOdle Producl" or "Enriched ~g Noodle I'rod-

JUIIC, 1946

lIel" ; or alternalcl)" 'he name is "Enriched NODdin," Of "Enricl,efl Ear Noodle .... "Enriched Elg Mac:aroru," "l:Itriched En: Spa!l:hrlli," Of "Enriched Egg Vermicelli,' as Ihe CUt may be, whtll tile unill o f the food coml,ly With the requi rements o f ran· gral,h. (b), (e) , (d), or (e) fUpttltvrly, of Ihis section,

Any inltfuted pt'non whose :ppcarance was filed al Ihe hearin,s may, whhi;, t ..... tnl)' days from the dale of publication of till' proposed order in the Fedmtl RtgiS1 t r, filt with the Hrarins.tlerk of the Fcder.II ; .) curily Agmey. Office of Ihe General ':c\:'I1' ilC:I, Room 3257

1 Social S«urity Hu i l~ ,'I\L

·lIh Stml and ndepe:ndtnce Annut, ~HV" Washingl~ 0 , c.. """ritttn exceplions ther l"­to. Exceptions shall point OUI witl par· liculOirilY Ihe all tged errors in the proposed O1dtr, and Ihall rnnlain specific rdtrtnccs 10 the pagel of Ihe transcript of the tesli· man)' or 10 the exhibit. on which each u · ctfl tlon Is based, Such exceptions may I.e accunpanied with a memorandum or br:d in .uppan Ihereof. Exceptions and acc"m· p;an),ing memoranda or bnef 5 should be tub· millcd in quintuplicate.

Washington, D, c.. May )0, IIJ.t6.

(stALl WATSOH D, M II.LU, Admi,.i,lralat.

IF. R. Uoc. 46-10211 J:Utd, ~hr Il, 19461 11 :15 • • m. J

Higher Liquid, Frozen and Dried Egg Production

AprIL 1916

Tht produclion or li(luil1 ec).: tlur· inK April IOlalcd 155,54 1,000 pounds, o r Ihis amount 93,523,<XXl pounds wert.' (mUll, 60,294,000 were dried and 1,724,000 pounds were ust.'t1 (or imlllcdiah~ consumption. Tolal JIm· duclion was about 9 per celli largrr than Ihe quantilY o( l'gg produced in April last p:ilr.

The production o( dried \'Kg in April 10lalell 20,924,000 poulllis C(lm· pared wilh 15,846,000 I)()unds in April II )'l'ar aJ.:{J, Production ('onsiSI\'d o( 18,805,000 pounds or whole l'gl-:, 3,17,· 000 IKlUnds of drit.'tl albulllen and I,· 782,<XX> puunds of dried yolk. Dried l'g!:: produl·lion ror the first four months of this year tOlaled 46,972,000 pounds COtllll.1reti wilh 6-1,3.10,000 !Jountls during IIlI.' s'-Ime period last )'\'ar ami 111,639,(0) pounds during Iht, Ill'rilKI in 19-14.

TIc frcl'zing- of liquid q_:~ tluring April cUlllinul'd 011 :1 very hlJ.:h level. Thl' prUilu clion of 93,52J,D<X> poumb of frou'll l' ~J.: IlurinJ.: April was Ihl I:lfgl'SI of rl'conl for that 1II0nlh, ex· t:l'l'd.i ll/-:, the (lrl'vious high OUI(lut of April, 19-14, Ly 4,52J,<XX) pounds. The qU;:lIIlity nf frozl'n \'J!t.: pnxiucl'll duro in/-:' Ihe li rsl fuur months of Ihi s ),l'ar-22.1 .. W2,OOO IKIUllds-was also tin' largl'sl of rl'cord for Ihal pcriod I'X·

cl'ctlillJ.: 194;1, Ihe prc\'ious hiJ!h hy 9.333.000 IKlumls. Siurage holdings II f frozen \'~J.: un M:w 1 tolall·d 200,· 009,<XX> puunds compared wilh 169,· 526,000 JKltlllds on May I, 1945, anti 163,790,000 pounds fur Ihe (194 1·45) aVl'rage,

AIIl'ruximatcl)' 20,(0) 5J1c:ciu of lun in tile world ha\'e C:COflOmic value,

June. 1946 T Ii E ~I A C AR 0 ~ t J Ot: I ~ A I. It

THE ELEC_TRt_PAKI u....., .... " IIK .... IIKY pili' ,."". '-"" .. Ih,' . th .. t,," ......... . 1-... ,. .1 th .... ,,~ , .... lit. MI"' .... I. MIlI .. "t CI. ,.,. I .. ", Ih," '.11"111, 1I.,·"t·' •• W", .. , .. IIIl1lh.I .... 'h ... "' .... 1 • ." .. ",I .. \I""'.UC ." ... , • ,.ct Ilf Ih. ,,11"".

denart •• o,.t. show COil ·

, few ara raaUzlno lowest poaslble

cosll_ Excellive overwoiohtl, brf:lkaoe, spillaoe. excessive band labor all tako tholr toll . Many packa90'. lall to rec-

oontze this because they are not famillllr with the advances

which have taken place in packaoino equipment in recent

years, For example, new Trianole Elec·Tri·Pak Weiobers

are handlino productl never before successfully packaQed

O,h., ,,"'t •• \lt .... II' ." .. "III,t.,.t., 'III"".U. ",.tI.h "'". ,n.kl. t .. h'''''''''11 IS ,. 10 If "' II . 10,(1 ..... '"' ",1"111.­u"', '."'''", ."._2 II , t, ,Ik., W,lt. I .. 10 PAG( 'IOCHun, by machino and ma\c.lno savinos that just were not p088ible

~~UMtur'l#'J ~'9i Spu<t P,uU'- a low yea,o 890. It dooon't coot anytbln9 to lind out -write for literature and outline your roquirements. '1<Ie¥"9 "",( 7t1ffi<9 &9"'"","(


W.lgh ... , 'II:ttr. (arton hal ... , Au,.r Pack.,.



..-.. ... . -----~""..... ..

No Gluten Regulations for Macaroni Products

The Food and Drugs Administration Refuses to

Prescribe a Definition of Standards of Idenlity for Gluten Ma,aroni Produ :s

ccnl of thc gluten,lo carboh)·,d ral~l. P~rsons 5ufferinR from Ihabetcs det1\'e httle If any henefit from the usc of thCK foods: rcp· rrsclliations concerning the reducetl carbo· hydrale content may lead such person. to the mistakcn hclief llial luch foods may lit freely eatcn without cxceedillg Iheir toler­nneC5 for carbohydrates, PerlOlll on w· C3l1cd rcducin, diets who cO\IJume theH: lower starch rrooucts in the' bc:lid thai Ihc), are Icu latlming than. ordi~ary mua· roni product. arc _bo tlecCll'ed smce gluten has the AllIe merU' and fal-producing value as starch.

\Vhilc the Food ami Drugs Admin· ll M:tI ill the United Statu for increa\ing the I ' "I" 1 I" 1 dlltell content of macaroni·noodle rroducu

istratioll in its Ofi .er pUu tS ICI III IIC f! 1lI;1I1l' 10)' washing the 81:1rch from flour /o"tdrral I?rgislrr: May 14, 1946, ha~ ;ulll tln'iug the remaining ~ ticky ma!! 2t a rdusctl to sci up a ecial Deflllition low trntjlcrat.ure. Thc resulting prodll~1 con· of Stal1danls of ttlu ltil)' for ~luteH laiul ;lllrroximatcl), JO I1(r Ctnt rrotcm :U1d

. is coolmonl), kllown as "gum glutcn." macaroni products, he1ic\"il1g thai It wnuld lIot be hCl1cfici:II to thc consu- 2. Macaroni·noodlc producu to which IlIcr. it tlOI.'S Ilcnttit the :utdition of ~llm glutcn is added, with rnulting incruse

III the rrutein .:ontcnt for whith rcpresmta· ~luten in slH..'ci fic case!>. Howcvcr, lionl arc m:ule, fall into two general scroups, manuracturers that d o so will not he one in which the p:lulm contmt of Ihe rill'

1)t'rmittetl 10 1h:c1an: its USc on the i!hffi l1roduct is incrrOllscd to IR or 20 I1(r ahel. ccnt, the 'Ither in which the gluten contcnt

is incru!lCd 10 3rproximately 40 per ccol. Commcnling Oil the lIeW ordcr, the

. " • I)" r I' 3 MalOlroni·noodle (lroducu containing K,, : .onal Assoctallon s Irt'ctor u "e- .uffici~nl ;uldcd gum gluten to uise their Sl'arch, B, It; lacobs or \Vashing!on" "'altllen CQntent to approximately 40 I1(r rent D. S" says: "the FDA will not per- .are known as "glulm macaroni," ""Iulen mit the use uf .:lutcll in our producls spaghctti," etc., and arc sold :lImon entirely

". 1 in storci of the type ulually referred to as whcre the percenta ge IS Increase! to "health food slores." 11,elle rastcs arc con· l8 or 20 per cent, or to any other l)Cr- sumcd rrincil~l1y by flCrsonl suffering h!X1' l'l'nt:lgc aoovc 13, Neither will it per· diabetcs or (ltrlon' on 5O-allcll reducing mit the designation o r macaroni proo- diets. Wi,en thorouahly cooked such maca· tlels a. s 'Ghtlell foohlcaroni Products,' roni·noodle rroducu arc nOl unllalatable ~UI

their tlutt, al1l1(:arancc, allli olher rh)'llcal wilh or without the percentage or J.:lu- rropcrties lIilTer conliderabl), from those of ten contl'nts 1Il'dared 0\1 the label." unhnar), maca,roni .produc,u, 8n.1 morc linle

Fnr the information of the manti· is reqlllted for Ihclr cook",g, Recmtly, 50)' Ilour lin hcen used in 50me of thue foods

f"cLtlrers intcn'stctl in adding I,:luten ill lieu of a pari of the scum schnm onli· fu r an\' purpose whatsocwr, the FDA lIaril), addc.1. unll'r is n'IITCKlut't'd herewith in full :


111111;"1 So, ,,' ()e H (b) I Maccuolll.Noodl. Product.

U .. 01 Glul.n

In Ihe OI ll llCI" Ilf :ll11cl1IlinK Ihe .lcfiniliulls ami ~Ia1ll111Tll , of i.ll-l1th)' fur m;l(aruni I'loduca, milk 11I;lc;lfoui Ilro.luct s, w',ole \Ihc:al m:le;lrlllli I lrodue t ~ whe;!1 :mll soy macarulli IlUlI lnclS, ,'c.:elab!e nlacaroni ,nOli­II I'H. !I"uIl!e ,lrOi lucl5

1 whrat ;llltl SO)' noodle

l,rOllucts, all.1 I'l'.:cla lie noodle. (irodncis W ;Ii III Il('flllil the 11K' Ilf ~llIl cn 11\ sud. (IrOtI. ucu as an oilliullal in"rc.licul, alllt fi xinlot al1ll 1';;I;lhlishin\: a .Idinitillll an,1 Slallllani Itl i,kl11il), fllr gilltrn macaroni I )rullu e t~ ,

I'rO/,usrd "ril,'r, I.' i~ l ,rollO~c, 1 Ihat,. hy \ irtllc uf ,hr ;ll1ll1otll), I' c ~ Ied 11\ the ' ·c, l· .'ral Scenril), At\tninistfatllf II}' Ihe frlll'i' ~itmi III II,l' Fl,.kr;ll \0'11011, UTII):, anI CO~· Il1l'Iir~ Art el§ 4111, 701, SZ Slat. I().W'), 1055: 21 U.s,c. JH, 371, I'HO cd.)' IIIe Ucor­~allilalion :\cl of 1939 ( 53 Stal. 561, S U.S.c. 133) allil UWflo(anil:aliun 1'1:a111 r\o, t (53 Slat. J42J •. , F.H. 2727) anti Ko. IV (54 Sial. 12.'4, 5 F.U. Z.J!t) ; allll u\JoOn Ihe 1 ... , si5 Ilf CI'i,knce of rfcu ffl al Ihe le:ninM: • Iul), held IJIIUliant III the notice iUlled VII SClltctniocr 15, 1915 (1\1 F.U. IIIU8, the fol· lowill): onln he madc;

nuJi"'ls 0/ /JJrI. 1. WI1Cllt I(lutcn is com· I'flfoCd Il( 111'1) Ilrutdlls, Iotlia.lill alll\ I(llItellill. rhl' cll1nmcrciall), Ilrc,'arcil "Iulen product

.. , ~Iacaroni.noodle ~roducu conlaining ;lIldeti gum gluten in arnollnl5 suffici~t to briniC the total gllltclI \"Cn\tnt of the flOlShell Inoduct 10 around 18 0:' 2U l)Cr ccnl arc Rencrall)' known as "Rlulen macaroni," "p:lu­tcn s,.oghelli," etc. Recently such dcsi!:na. tiolls as "IR l)Cr cent sclu1en macaroni" 011\11 ~ZO lltf cellt "llItcn mararoni" have been uscd, Thue foods, when m;mufactured Ilrimaril), for persons of Italian anleCCIlent~, arc Mll1lctimes sold Ullder the Italian name of "}l:ulilla glutinala." This Iype of mac· arom.lloodle pr()llucu doC! not dillcr to a markc.1 deKrcc ill taUe or apllCar:ance from IITiIiIl:lf)' macaroni IlrOilucts mllllufactmcd r rOIl\ ~molina althousch it rClluircs 11ir.hll)· nlorc cooking lime.. TI,c utc of .ueh ooch has I~n largtl)' rromoud 11)' rtpresenla· lioll. Ihat Ihe)' ;ue low in itardl, arc non· fatt ening, thai they cOIn replace other foath :as sourcrs u f proteill in thc dict, or thal Ihcy ~rn' e somc olhcr .(ltrial IJurJlOse in the diet,

S, The addilion of Rum "hiltn to .maca· runi,"oodlc products in amounlS luffielelll to raise Ihe 101011 Klutttl cotltellt to 1M or 20 pcr ccnt, or to approximatfiy 40 Iltr cenl, rc· suits in a lubuanlial increa~ in tIle COli o f the~ foods. Such increaiW cosl is paued lin to lhe consumcr. The u lc of such foods is quilc 5111all in comparison with ordillary macaruni products cont3ining 110 added Rlu­tnl .

(I, Notwithstanding the lower Itarch con· tenl of mac;uoni·noodlc rroduct. contaillinsc 1ft 10 aJ per cent or en" 40 per cenl of "tulen, their dielary efrett is but little dif· fcrrnt from thal uf ordinary macaroniprOlI· UCII, since the body COII\,erl. 50 to 60 per


7. The prolein conlent or flour i5 mainl)' glulen. Gluten ' alone will not adequalely meet the protein need. of the bod)'. To meet such needs gluten must be supple­menltd by protcins of animal origin or .Ic­rivcd (rom oll·beating Iced •. The average diet of Ilt:r5On' in tbe Uniltd Stalu Is Ilut deficienl in rrotcin, and duc to the wide con· sumption 0 protlucts made from flour, a large pari of IUch protein is gluten. 111U5, no need cxilts lor a lpecially prrparet\ pro· tein food whcre the ,"Ctcalle of prolein i5 accomplished hy the addition of IfUm Rlulcn. anti from a dictary standpoint, little bnlcfit will «solt h om it. consumpllon. Tile 11K' of ma.caroni·noodle rroducil conlaining added gum Klutcn fot lupplemmtin,l; Ihe protein cOlltent of Ihe diet u irralional allli uneconomical.

8.. The rrcparalioll of macarOlli·noodle I'rodllcts 0 various shapCJ is made IlOuiblc by the peculiar Slick)" ,ummy physical prop­ctties of glutm III flour, durum 1I0ur, farina, and semolina. In order to nl;&nUraC­lure certain .hallt:. without CJlccuive bruk, age in dT)ing, I~c"ing, and .hipping, il is nccessary Ihat lhe glutcn conlenl of the finished product bc appro.imately IJ per cent. In the IUl fcw )'ran thc protein con· tent of many whealS "rown in the Uniltd Stalts has been so lllal much raw material ustd in maC\roni·noot!lc prod­uct! ha. ('Ontained Ins than IJ pcr ttIIl glutm, thcreby cauling :In increase III manu­factUring difficultie~, Some manufaclurers of Ihesc foods hal'e fouml Ihat by "ddillg small amounU of Jlhllrn to thc dough somc of these difficulties arc ol'ercome and Ion by hrn.kage in m3nu(aclUtinll alld shippillg i. so rcduced as to ollsct Ihc con of the added gum gluten. '

Co"r/JUionl. On Ihe h:asis of thc fore· Roinff findings of faci it is concluded Ihal :

(a) It will 1I0t Ilromote honelty and fair dealing in the intere.t of consumers 10 adopi a .Icfinition al\ll . t"mlnd of identity for Rlulm macaroni l>I'odllCt5,

(h) It wi\lllol promote IImlc!t)' :ami fair dealing in Ihe interest nf consumers to ammd the definitions ami ~tandards of identity for macaroni producu, milk m3ca· rooi prodllcts, wholc wl,r:al mlU'!lrooi prod· ucts wheat ami soy macarall J lrOtlucts, \'eg~lablc macaroni products, noo Ie prod , UCl5 whn.1 and 10)' noodle prOiIUclJ, anll vc~taLle noodle products to rrol'ide for Ihe usc of ((Iulm as an optiona ingrediml so al to "USC Ihc sclulm content of Ihese protl. ucu to 18 (ltr cmt U,' morc.

(c) AmeodinR Ihe .lefillitiolls ami slan.l· artls of identit)' for mac3rnni rroducts, milk macnroni rrodncts, wheat ami soy macaroni Ilrotlucu, \'Cscctable macaroni products, nOOllle products, wheal :UIII 10)' noodle prod. ucts, and vegctable noodle IlTOOUeU (or the ortional use uf r.lllttn in amounls sufficient to supplemenl • efieinleel of ((Iuten ill the raw matcrials 10 as 10 permit thcir more efficient manufacture into macaroni·nOOllle Ilrodl1CIJ will promotc honesty md (air tical-1111 in the inttrest of the consumer.

Thereforc, II i, ord,.",d, Thai no dcfini­tion and standanl of identity for sclutell m3carooi products be promulgaled.

(CmllillUtd Oil I'oy, H)




Patenl NoB. 1.627.297 2.223.079

Other Patent. Pendlnt;


,- ,

., . ; " .... . I .. ' .. _,_




, --" J


Write for detailed information to

I ' I I

(~,-' < .' , ., j'l.: '1

L-____ _




The Clermont ContinuoWl Automatic Macaroni Press with Automatic Spreader is the largest producing machine of its kind on the market. producing from 1.800 to 2.000 pounds of 6nlshed goods per hour.

It is built on the same principal of the Clermont Con­tinUOWl Automatic Short Cut Macaroni Press-No Cylinder. No Piston. No Screw. No Worm. Produces the same high quality product because the dough is worked out in thin sheets between the rollers before pressed and extruded at slow speed through the die. producing a uniform and smooth finish with brilliant amber color. The prOC988 is fully automatic. A large number of sticks is fed at one time in the magazine. ren­dering a supply for about 25 minutes. The trimmings

are automatically carried back to the Mixer.

This Press is a masterpiece of engineering and in­genuity. Designed with simple but efficient slow run­ning mechanism. all electrically controlled. noiseless in operation. sturdily and accurately built. Skill and work­manship typical of Clermont's well-known products.

Can be furnished with a ContimloWl Automatic Pre­liminary Dryer to work in harmor.y with this Press. Can also be furnished with a Short Cut Attachment for Short

Cut Macaroni.



, i'


Presents the Greatest Contribution to the Macaroni Industry


mgenioUliy D-tslqnod

Accuratoly lJulU

Simple and EUident in


ProducUon-1200 pounds

per hour

Suitable for long and .horl

cui good.

For Far Superior Macaroni Products

Pal. No. 2. 223. 079 Other Pat. Pending

Brand now rovolutionary


Has no cylindor. no pia-

ton. no scrow. no worm.

Equipped with rollers. tho

dough is worked oul in

thin sheet to a maximum

density producing a prod­

uct 01 slrong. smooth. brito

~ liant. yellow color. uni·

lorm in ohapo. Irco from , ~ spocks and whilo streaks.






Jum', 1946 THE ~I A C .-1 1< C) ~ 1 .1 0 L 1< ~ .-I 1.



Baker: Th;u clean (Tuck of )'OUr5

,"tans more loaves of bread for me.

Driver: That's ri~h[. there's nu

si fta,!!t: loss with Muhiwnlls.

Baker; \Vlc gCT ;1111he flou r we pal'

for, and it's clean Aour.

Driver: Till' boss says Muhiwall s

hep wt'Cvils out.

Baker: That's right. amI fatS cnn',

ruin the Ilour l'irhcf.

Driver: Thes/.' ha!!s arl' it cinch In


Baker: Thc)" Tl' (:as), 10 open IOU

.. and flour docsn '[ Slick to thl'

dtan Kraft papcr when )'ou empty


Driver! Muhiwa ll s floaH), J,/1'c

Iluur. dnn', the)' ?


MIW YOII 11, no ,.'" A ...

(Sol" s..b.ldlorJ 01 SI, a.\llI 'aI"' Compo"')

CHIUIO 1, Uo .... 1IldI1 •• 1I A .. , UN flumeo 4.1 MtIIIl,.",,,, 11. lalli_Oil I, 16M O'blh ... ,,,,.

IN CANADA Dirmlnihlllll UIlIIOII Clclldam) Oal11" Dt"ullt"1

6 iee44<UU

W4~tdow 'P+~atld

I .\ ,mitol',.. Mulll,,' ~I1 ~ 1"""'.Ic IIInl' mu m J'!Uln'I ;UII .~~ 1II11 mln l A'

lIun ~ n.l (Ilnumorul iun.

2,·,,/1 11" ';8111. lin· ... · 1"'\>\" h.p l' Il'\'''OI l if'~l't· ,,' n ''''''' ''''' I, ,,,,,.

)-" U ,,"1:1 ", llllu' l1"lI' P "-' \"'~' f",

3 ,,,/1011'" 1',,/ ... ·• 1:1111 '1)' "'1" h, .. ~l l I'~ I>\" lI.p r. " I ... ~ .. IoII,ull! .

4',011, Iu lI.mdlo-. Muh, "~l\' ~".

I-~'" III h.noll t'. 1" ... 1. an.! IIJ rL,

S /.011, 1o 0Prll. MuhIWJII IIJt:, ~r,·

' IU ,,~I I' "l'cII("01 . 'lU"LI,' .,,,1 (·. \; 1,· CI11I'I;t'>.l I!~ '.

6 ,llu;u/lr, Hr,;U./II" Thn l' . llIh l)

l",p 1', ,,,,·.1 ""111 II"ul Ir UIIl .1.1111"

''''' ' ill "~II " I JI"I II, " '''~~t· .


D CI",;I Flltllkl in. VII. I.". Anl:rkl

N".,cth. PII. Nt"w OrJran. N .... Kiln",. City. M.... Onlll, Fill. 0 ..... 1'\:". N. Y. Srllutt" T"t .. ,\"


No Glulen Regulations lor Macaroni Products

(C,mti.lllrtllfUIII '/'jJ!1f 1!j

It i, /11""" Drd,ml. That the dtrini!!o" and I tandard of idnltily for whole ",hnt macaroni produrll be not amtndcd 10 lIto­vide for Rlutm as an 0:r,lional ingredient of Ihi', and that the efinitions and nand· ards uf idmlilY for macaroni producu, milk mac:lroni product .. ""hrat ami !tOy 0'1:1 ("0110111 Jlwdoets. vqttable macaroni producl\ noodle product .. wheat and soy noodle prod . ucl~ and v~laMc nooc-lIr products. be amcndm II follows:

Seelion 16.1 (al, lau line of fint p,lra­Ilral'h •• trike "(4)" and inKrt "(S)" thcn~ . for, Add the followi"" IItW luhp;UaRf2ph after lubparaRr:I,ph (ot):

(5) Gum glulrn. in .lIch qu;r,ntity that the prolein content of Ille finished fOod iJ 1\01 more: than IJ IltT ('ml II)' weiRht.

Section 16.Z la) (2). add the follow­ing Kntence at t Ie end Ihcrtof : "When the OPtional inIU'tdi~nl gum ,Iuttn (I 1b.1 (a) (5» i5 added, the qll:mllly is such that the J1rolcin dcri\·ed Ihcrc(rom, togellier wilh Ihe Ilrotnn derived frOIl1 semolina, durum nour, farin .. ! flour, or any combination of these nled, (loes nOI UCfl'd Il pcr celli of thc \o\"ti~ht 01 Iht finishtd food."

S«tion 16.3 (a) (l) is amtnded to rt:l,I: (2)None of Ihe optional in~C1 limts per­

millCiI by f 16.1 (a) (I), (2), and (5) is used.

S«tion 16.4 (a) (2), add the full owin, new ~ntmce at the end thcrtol : " When the optional inllredient Rum Rlutm (~ 16.1 (a) (5» is added, the quantity is Inch that tile protein derived thtrdrom, toJtther with the pro tein derived from KTI1ohna, durum nnllr, farina, flour or an), com/lination of

tli tse uSC1I, don lIul tlceed IJ pcr ('tnt of thc ..... eisht of the finished food.'

Section 16.5 (a) (2), add the followiug lIew sentence at the end thet'tOf: " When the o(ltional inswiiCllt fI'\Im ,Iuten (I 16.1 (a) · (5) i . addtd, the quantity I'Rlch that the protein duive,1 therefrom, together with the protl'in derived (rom the semolina, du­rum flo, r, farina, flour or any combination of these 1.Isrd, docs not uceed IJ pcr cent of the wtlall 01 the fini shed food."

Section 111.6 (a) , lUI line of first rara­f(raph strike " (2)" and lubstitute " to (l), IOclusivc." Add the followin.! new luhl\ilra. sraJlb after .ubparagrapn (l) :

(l) Gum gluten, In .uth quantity Ihat the prolein derl\'cd Iherdrom, toJtlhcr with tbe protein derived from Imlollna, durum flour, farina, nour or any combination of thelt used, does not rxc«d 13 per cent of Ihe weiallt of the finished food.

Any intercJtrd J'lCnDn whost a~~arance was tiltd ;l.t the hearing rna),. within twml}· d;t}". from the date of pu!JIitalion of thi' proJlO~1 order in the Ftdtrol Rtgi.JI", filed with the Htaring Clerk of the Frdcral Se­curit)' Agenc)' Office of the General Counsel. Uoom JZ57 Social SKUr;ty Building, 41h Strttl and lindcpntttence Avenue, SW, WuhinatOf\ D. C., wrilltn exceptions theJ't­to. EX~lionl shall point out with par­t icularity the alltBtd errors in Ihe propolCd order, and .hall contain .peelfic references 1'1 the fl3lfCS of the transcript of the lesti­mon, or In the exhibits on whitl! euh ex­ception i, based. Such ucqltioRl rna)' be accompanied wilh • memorandum or brief in lIupport thereof. EllC'tPtioru and accom­pan),in,," memoranda or brier. .hould be Jubmitted in quinturlicalt.

WuhinglOrt, D, c.. lIar 11), 1946. l !luLI WAnoH D.,

Ad",inulrolo", fF'. It. Doc . • '·rtN,1 iii:} WI,. 11, 19.61

r.D.A. Is 40 Years Old Meeling to:) Commemorate Fortieth AnnIversary of Original Federal Food and DruC]l Act of 19D6.

to Be HeJd in New York

City on June 25, 1946

'fht' Fl·dl'ral Food nnt! Urug~ '\t·t uf jUllt' .10, 1906. a~ ilTllt' lltied, Wil~ a funila llll'ntal law of gl'l'at hi sluril: il11-portanCl'. Fill' it wa~ our first national fU11f1 and drug Ja\\". in a basic St'nSl'; it had :I prufounll soc ial and el"OlIolllic sil-:nific:llll'e, fill' protectioll of the put). lit- Iwalth anti impru\'t·lIlt'nl in tht' fnOll :tlle! dru~ urdl'r; and it was strol1gly n'\'i~ed tn the modern Ft'd,'ral Food, J)rul-:, ;\IId Cosmeti c Act I)f june 25, 19.\8, as allll' lIdt·d. That AI'I hroadly

/Irohibils the adutll'ratioll ami mis­lI'Oultling of tht'se products: and il i~ ~uliJllemelll ed by a prohibition of their fal ~l' ach'ertisetllcllt in the Fedeml Trade COlllllliss ioll ACI. Tht'refort' :tlltl in short: tht: 1906 Act institut ed ullr existing natiollal food, dOle ami

cosmetic Jaw, which ordains that its products shall be safe and fit for USt',

true :uHI \'aluable in composition, and sold 0 11 the basis of an inConning la­ltd and frecdom (rom an)' misrel}­rl'sentalion what SO<.'\'er. A statement haviug the (orce that such product~ inelude the primary arlieles essential to the life and hC,l1th of man.

This IIlt'ding to commelllorate Ihe fortil,th alln i,·(' rs.lI')' o( the original 1906 Act ls . lll,ln ift'stly iudic,lted, Ix'­t',tUSl' that e\ l'll! is an historic land­lIIark in tht' socia l and l'Conomi.:- prog­ress of our country, It is also de­signed to discuss till' basic signifidmce o( tht' national food, drug and cosmetic Jaw, which the aforesaid Act institu­tt'll; ami to make an :'pprol>riate IlUblic

tribute to this law. And it will un­doubtl'tlly be the 1I10St important tIlcet­ing )'et held on such law. Conse­qUt.'ntlX the proceedings of this meet­ing Will he publi sht'tt in a special com­memoration hook, as well as in the Food, Druy ami Cosnutit Lmv Quo,.­Uri)" for genernl dissemination and pcmlanent rt.'Coro, Moreover, the/­will he bro.ldcast hy radio, to the avai -able extent,

Charles Wesley Dunll, outstanding authority 011 Jaws govnning food pro­duction and distribution and author o( the program, will be (hainnan o( the meeting to he held in the Meeting Hall of the Associil.lion o( the liar of the City of New York at 42 Wt'st 44th St reet in New York Cit),.

Grain Exports In May

Exports of U. S. grain alld }~rain products totaled an cstitn.lted 363,000 long tons during the last 11 cla)·s of May. This rai sed the total (or the

. (ull month to 595 .. 000 tons (22,222,-000 hushels). The total (or May in­cluded (in terms of whole grain equh'alents): wheat 311,000 tOilS, Iiour 209,<XX> tOilS, corn 63,000 10115, COni products 12,000 tOilS,

Exports in May we re rt.'t luced sharply below scheduled shipments by rail strikes and Roods, Dt'partment of Agriculture officials said. A Ill·a"y concentralion oC shipping scht'tlules during the last 11 da)'s o( the 1II01lih brought the projected total to 840,000 long tons (or the monlh, but slrikes and Roods interfert.'tI and apJlroxiln.lle­Iy 2S0,1XX> ton s o( "May" shipments had to be carrk'tl o\·er IIIto junt·,

Exports of more Ihan l,SOO,OOO tons han beell scheduled (or )UIII:. Ship­ment of this volunw would rai st' the tolal export" for the pt.· riot! January I throunh June 30, 19-16, to more Ihan 5,400,000 tons (about 200 million bushels ), Added to the shifnlelll!i dur­ing the last six months 0 1945, Ihis would bring total exports (or the marketing Veal' 10 close to 400 million bushels. While the h~a\'y \'olume o( june exports has been definitely sched­uled, slllJlment or the (ull amount will require continuous flow of grain and grain products up to tht' limi t o( cal)')­city,

Exports of Unill'tl Stales grnin and grain products during Ihe first five lIIonths of 1946 totaled .1,885,000 long tOilS (145,235.000 bushels) . In addi­lion abotll 188,000 long Ions or Can­adian wheal milled in bond in the U. S. wa$ shipped, makil1J; tolal ship­ments from the U.S, dunng the Ih·e 11I0nths of 4,073,000 tOilS, The lotal in­cJudt'd: wheat 2,692,000 tons : flou r 1,303,000 lon5; corn b5,OOO tons: com producls 13,000 tOilS.

June, 1946 THE ~I" CAR 0 ~ I J 0 L- I( ~ " I.




1860 1946








Report of the Director of Research for the Month of May

The followin(: is ;1 diCl'sl of lilt' pro­posal on enrichment of macaroni ilml noodle products matlc hy the Food and IJrugs Administration ;UH! appcariflg ill the May 14, 19-16, issue of the F, . eraJ R"pistrr. This has bt.'Cn copied in the JOUMNAL and readers who a rc not iuterested in all thc details may get full illlonnalioll from this ahstract.

Rt'cclltly thc Food ami Drugs Ad­ministration announced proposed or­tlt'rs on the enrichment of macaroni and noodle products and on Ihe usc of ..::Iulen in macaroni products.

Tht'sc proposals arc NOT man· ,Iillor), but arc merely permissive and, IIll'rdon', no rnacnroni or noodle man­ufacturer will be rL'quired to l'nrich his products.

The prOI)()5.11 lor cnrichmt'nt in­c1uclcs the allowing:

( I) All plain macaroni products of whatever shalk: or siu,

(2) All noodle products, l'gg noodle pro,lucts and eg~ macaroni products of whatever shape or size.

It .Iocs NOT include wholc wheat mal'aroni products, wheat and soy macaroni products, milk macaroni products or \'('gt!lable macaroni protl­lIcl S in any shape or size,

If 1113caroni and "J.a: noodle prod­Ul'ts art' cnriclll'd the fnllnwing arc till' IlroPOSl'd rt'1luirclllenl s:

Minimum lluimum f .O 5.0 m.", •. 1.7 m,ml. 2.2 mrml.

U.O m,nll, H .O mllmL 1l.0 m,ml. 1(;.5 mimi.

The followilll: arc optional ingretli­t'nls : '·;r.min" U.S. I'. Unlit 250.01,000.0

I;~r~r ,!~~~:"" Wheal Gn",-.~~ ::;g:: Ir~:~ l:g~ t:ou, . h,1 flo" , anMo, rnri<hr,1 t·.,ina

Partly t1cf:'Ul't1 \,·ll t':.t J,!l'ntl. dried \'l'ast, l'nrichl'tI HOll r, au,! (·nrichl'd fa­rilla arc pl'tI\tittet! :IS "lItioll": !'lgrl'1 li ­t'nt s bet·;lUsc the\' cUll stilllll' SOUTCl'S of additional vitamins ;uul miner'lls.

The names of each of Iht' l' l· food s, fll r which a Dl'finilion and S ta llliarti IIf lell'ntity is prescrihed, an' as fIJI­It \\'5:

"Enricir(d ~Iacaruni I'ordun s" "Enriched ~Iatatflni" "F..nrichrd Sllal(h(lIi" "Emichttl VenniCtlti"

"Emiche,1 E.:1t ~lacafl)l'li" "Enriched I~ gg Spaghetti" "Enricht'il El:I( Vermicelli"

"Enrich(rl Noodle I'mduca" "Enriched NOOIllr." "Enriched El(g Noodle Producls" "Enriched EGI: Nomll(s"

By Benjamin R. Jacobs

Full dl'lails of Ihe enrichment Ilro­pusal will follow as soon as the com­plete O rder can be prinll'tl.

Propo.ed Order Concerning the U.e oj Gluten in Macaroni and

Noodle Produc:ta

The Food and Drugs Administration has rdused to prt'scribc a Dt'finition and S tandard of Identity for Glutcn Macaroni Products, It is, however, permitting the use of J;lutl'n in all uf ollr products, except whole wheat mac,Honi prodllcts, in 'Iuantitics to provide uJI to 13 per (l'nl of glulen hy

. weight o( the finished product whell this gluten is derived (rom semolinr" durum flour, Carina, flour, or any l'on:­bination of these with added glut ell.

The added gluten may NOT be de­clared on the lahd.

The Food and Drugs Admini stra­tion will tlol Jll'rmit the usc of gluten in ollr products where the percentage is increast'1l to 18 per cent or 20 per cent or to any other perccntage aoove 13 per cent. N',·ither will it pcmlit the deSignation of macaroni products as "Glutl'n Macarolli Products," with or without the \)(.' rccntage o f .t::hJlen con­telll, dl'clan', 011 the label.

Governor Edward J. Thye of Minnesota to Address Macaroni Coovention

Macaron i-nOOdle manufacturers and repn'sentatives of the allied trades who will atknd the first postwar confer­l'lIce of the Industrl' aud the allnual conVl'ntion 01 the National Macaroni Manufacturers Association in ~Iinne­apolis, Minnesota, July 17-19, 1946, will ha\'e the pleasure of Iistt·ning to a sllt'cch by Honorable Edward 1-TII),e, Governor 01 Minrlt'sola, He will :Hhlress the gatht.'ring in till' ~Iin­Ilt'sola Terrace of Hotd :\,icolh'l at 2:.10 p, m,. Thursday, July 18.

In II letler to the Sl'Ut·ta ry of the National Macaroni Manufactun'rs Associa tion, who i!: in charge o f the progr:nn arrangements for Ihe O1l'Ct­mg, Carl L. Veicht, Sl'trttary to th e GO\·crnor, a<h·ists that Gove rnor Thy(' is Illt'aSl'tl to re-arrange pre­\' jous ,·ngagtlllcnts'to enable him 10 ac­Ct' llt the invitation of th e macaroni 01l'1I I'lacl'1) through Wait er F. Vii-1:lUlI1e of Minnt'sota ~Iac:trolli Co., Sa int Paul, Minn.

The subj("l,t of tht.' Guvt'tI1or's talk is 110t reall), (or anI10UnCl'!1ll'nt, but it will dl'al With conditions prest'ntly con­fronting industry, and the Jlublic gl'n­('rally. Associat ion officials are nal­\lr:llI)' pll'ascd with the dt'dsion of Gon'mor Thyc to address th e Indus­try con(crencl', particularly at a time when thl' durum·growing Nor'thwl'st looms so promim'lltly in the affairs of thc mllcaroni. nt:lOl1le indust ry that mllst


ao"'mor Edward J, Tb,. look to Minnesota and North Dakota for increased production of the wlll'at (rom which the indispensable sl'lllolilla is milled (or quality macaroni prod­ucts.

Lmg slatks of us/'(jruglll mil he: cooked Itndtr Ihdr tll lirt lell l(lh if - :001 loostly in boil ing wattr in Iht L'<I I'Om 5lelion of a double hoiler, wi th the Uflptr Hction in­"trl(t! 10 (O\'er Ihe lip'i Iht altam (ook s tht lips.

June. 1946

* * * * * *


Adlulabl. wlaaU, lor dUl".nl .lIe. and .p •• da withoul tool ..

HC!lull.. QDT tr .. ·nowiag. noa·,I1I· 1ng product.

S.ab both .nda Qulo=allcoU" ,lmullaneoull,.

Produce, .quate. lcunper.proo! cculolUl.

Portable ••• II·conlaIned,

Automatic carloQ I .. d ayaUable.


MODEL "'·390t·12

Here is good news lor every concern

with a packaging botlleneck. Delivery

dates for CECO Adjuslable Carlon

Sealers now on order are being ad·

vanced cOlUliderably.

Ifhe recent acquisition 01 long

awaited labor-saving machine tools

has enabled us to increase our pro·

duction materially_ We are beginning

to reduce our tremendous backlog 01

orders to a point where we can offer

much betler deliveries than heretolore.

And tho latest model CECO Sealers

are buill to new high slandards 01


Send lor our new bullelin describing

important time- and labor-saving lea­

lures jusl incorporaled in the CECO

Adjustable Carlon Sealer.

CONTAINER EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 210 Riversido Avonuo • • Nowark 4, N. J.

Chleago. Toronlo. Ballimore. SI, Loula,

San Fronelaeo, Hoeh .. t"

Price Refief or Price Release Inatlion by Government Officials to Industry's Request lor Reliel

Ir~s Associ. lion OIlIcI,ls

AI the Winter "'et,ti ng' of the !\a­liollal ~Ial'arulli )'lanufaclUrcrs i\ SSO­dation, IhfCl' officials rcprt'scnting Govcrnllll'llt hod it·:;; conet'rnl'll in the (UnITOI of food pricing and fl'gula­lion of food dist ribution, Wl'rc invited 10 addrcss the conft'rl'llcc in the light III lin ap\J:lfcnl shortage of durum wheal alll the Jlrospl'cts of this in­l'Teasing llIl'n:tn' 10 the n·gular and profltahle opnalions of macaroni­noodle plants.

AI the l'OnfCfCnc l', c\'er)' phasl' oi :hc sl' lIIolina situation and its dIce! H:1 semolina production and manurac­tu 'ing costs was disclIssed with till' gt · ,~ rnll1l'nt officials. Among the gO\'·! officials who nddrcsscd till: Wililn Meeting and heard the nmca­roni men's side of tht· case were Mr. }. F. Gilmour of the Grocery SIM.'Cial­It)' st'Clioll , OPA Price Ceiling OInd S ubsidies Head, Mr. 1\1. C. Gille, l'lead of the Eme rgency Specialty S('C­tion, .and H. r. Shapiro, Chief Counsd o f the OPA.

A cotlunittee was appointed by Pres­ident Wolfe 10 confer with the officials during the meeting, and later in Wnsh­il1J::ton when the commillee of Asso­ciation manufacturers presented the case of the entire industry. Thi s slwcial committee sought relief, not only in a larger assignment of raw mat erials in a markl'1 situation made nil less tenst· b\' gO\'erllmcnt buyinJ.: for l'Sport, bUI also in higher IHiel' ceilings to covcr incrt·.\sed production costs.

The Association represenlatives had n 'ason to h·d that their case would he giw ll proller consideration. After ,h'c 1110nths lad 1l:ISSl'tl and nothing had bt·(·n done, the commillee made I'uhlic il s plans for relief so as to avoid blame for dll' inaction . The side of the macaroni manufacturers in the rase is fully explained in a letle r to Mr. J. F. Gilmour, Office of Price Aclulluistration, \Vashington, D. C, 011 JUlie 6, 1946, h)' President C W. Wolfe uf the NatIOnal Macaroni Man­ufacturers Association. Aluntl)' thi s official demands that the OPA either J,:ranl commellsuratt· relief in pric('s or the aoolishmt'nl of nil price con­trols. Presidl'nt Wolfe's letter of June ~ to). F. Gilmour, Grocery Sptcialty !'il·(tlon, O PA, follows:

,"\\'hcn Horacc Gioia and mysdf, logelher wllh our acrounlants, mel )'011, Mr, Gille, and ~Ir. Walker, on Allril I, we teprestnletl Ihal tlll~ illlhutr), was (lperating at 75 IlCt cent of 19-15 operalion.

"Ten weeks 1I;.\·e "asse t! since Ihal time. Today. Ihllle fi rm ' that arc operal ing arc Olltratl llK at 4tJ IlCr (tnt o( capacit)' with some firms nuir( I)' do~d dO""11 fo r IIi(

la;1 two w(ckJ and with nu mnlls of ,loll r tn them in siKht.

" Prior to ~lay R. IluTIlrn wh(at as it was ,((ei.(,1 w:u a llocalril to the \'ariolls dllrnm millil. Since Ibte, all durum wheat has bc:cn purchased I,y tne Commodity Cr:'tlil Corporation and has b«n put into tcrminal clC\"~IOU. Hue lite the fiaurn on dllrum r(,(ClptL

CumuJ:ali\'C ~tinnca llOli ' receillt s as o( ('/ /46 ........ 7,935,500bll.

CurnIJlath'c Minneapolis rcnipts 3/H/411 ....•••• •••••• 7,553.900"11.

~linllea l o()li ~ rccdl'" ---"etwcen 3/8.(,/ /~6 . ..... ... . 399,60(} 1111.

CIIIIl III:II1\'C Duh.,h ra-ci plS ;as or 5/Jt/J6 . ..... . b,820.OOO 11ll.

Cllmlll;aI1\'e DU\lIlh rrcr i ll l ~ 5/8/-46 . ••.•• . •.•.• •• 5.610,OOO bll.

Dttlll1h netil'll ---ktwem 5/ &-5/J I/-46 . . ..•..•. 1.210.(0) bu.

Gr:;Ind Forks ,«(illt5 estimatell . . ...• .. .... -400000 bll

Total durum r«ri'lll --'- . since 5/S/ -411 • •• • •• ••• •••••••• t.~IO.00J bu.

"Twmty·fh·c Il(' r emt or Ihe 1,6tO.000 bushels or 4OO,OCO bushels hu Iltm allottril to the mills and Kround inlo flour and shirpc:d 10 macaroni firms. Twmly per

tmt of Ihe 1,61O,00J llUSI,c\s or JOO.tM):1 bushel. has toetfl allotteel to Ihe mills al1l l is in transit to thelll.

"This Ica\'u a balance o r 900,(0) bushels of durum wlleat )"CI In he allolted 10 th t' durum mills. Thi s Im:aU amount if al· lOlled eouM be: mille,1 and shinllC'tl 0111 I" macaroni m;umCactureu by )une 30.

" It wat ,aid at our meellllif which )"UU attended in February a t -Seaview Coulltry C1uh. repeated II)' ~Ir. Gioia ;anti m)"self when we saw YOII in Washinglon "'n AI 'ril I. repealed to Mr. Gille ami ?>.h , Watker at our 1II«:llnl( in New York 011 ~I ay t and now said agaill. Ihal the maca rOIl: m;anufactureu Iitants will loe closed dow n for Ihe months nf Jut)", August, alill SCI" lember with no JlrOOuctiun al al1.

"You arc alrGdy bmiliar \\;Ih all Ih t' argmnmts we han IlI"e5Clltell tu you a~ 10 the financial slaMlily o ( by fa r the la rg­esl W'gmenl or uur inlln>try: thaI tIl.' m~c:aroni indust ry i , gmuinrly sm;all Im~ i· ncss. .with no one firm considered big l'lu i· 1l':U III the ICrtSC thai firms arc eonsidere!1 big b .. slnen ..

':11 il not fair II~ I.IC: considerin" Ilf1ce reil(.f from tht " U IS. or past G roin!!s 111

111f'VlOUI y(,~.ri as a .... amll 1946. Tile t ;axc~ .Ia\·e !lftn ~ill on the Jlfni?us )"(;IU carll ' In)($. Governmcnt hat lIot III share. Tllis is t946 and condilions havt changed for our induJtr)" and )"ou should b ee lodaY'1 bcu.

"Either grant immediate price relid 10 th~ products of our induslry or rcmo\'c 111I:m from price conlrol altogether."

Stange Company PlaIIII New Plant

Plans for the construclion of iI new plant and general office building for the William J. Stange Comp.lny o f Chicago on :I new site in Maywood, a W('slerll suburb of the cit)'. have beell announced by W . n. Durling, presi­dent of the company.

The Austin COInp.lll),. I.' nr.::il1ee rs and huillkrs a re designing the planl, which will represt:nt an inyt·stmcnt of morc than half a million dollars. Construe· tion will he sta rted as soon as condi· tions in the construclion indust.y per· mil. Ultimately it will house the finn's seasoning and anti-oxicl:mt de­partlllents.

Approximately 100,000 sCIuarc (t'cl of floor space will he proyidt't1 in all, with controllcd conditions in principal processing' departments. TIll' mixing and grinding rooms, where lIlany new type~ of proccssing equipmenl dcyel· oped by Strtnge engineers, will be in.' stalled, will ha\'e comrletc temperature and humidity conlro to climmate all the ,,:triable factors in the production of Stange st'ason ings and N.D.G.A. anti·oxidant. This will insure tilC de­li\'ery of frce- Ilowi nr.:: product s, reganl· less of weather conditions. Gla~cd tile ~\' i1I ~ u ~t'd cxt~nsivcly throughout the mterlor 111 the mlerest oC cleanliness,


Plemt 01 Wm. J, Stem;_ Co.

with special germicidal lamps to in­sure purity of product.

In addition to serving as executive headquarters of the Stange orgnni~a· lion and .the Nordigard Corp., it

Stange affiliate, the office building will house experimental kitchens and rc· sea rch laboratories. These facilit ies will be: made available to Stnl1~e cus­tomers for use in coonection With the development of new products and the improvement of old ones,

June, 1946 TilE ~t A CAR 0 )I 1 J 0 l: R ); .. \ I. 19

Consolidated Macaroni Machine Corp.


We illuslrale horewiih our lat •• t mod.1 drying unit. which has b •• n esp.cially designed lor the continuous. automatic drying 01 No~dl.s. We also make .imilar apparatus lor the con­tinuous. automatic drying 01 Short Cut Macaroni. FuUspecilications and prices upon request.

In addition to the equipment shown on th... pages. w. still build standard mixers. kneaders. hydrauUc pre ..... etc.

IMPORTANT. Wo have a very choice selection 01 second hand. rebuilt mixers. knead­ers. hydraulic pre .. es and oth.r equipment to sel.ct Irom. Wo invito your inquiry;

156-166 Sixth Street BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A. 159-171 Seventh Street

AdM ... All CoauoulUcollou 10 ISS St..lh Str .. 1

<I .,


Consolidated Macaroni Machine Corp.



From /Jill to Sticks f(~t"o .. t handling.

Tho Pro .. shown above ia our lateal innovation. It la tho only continuous proBS consisting 01 a lingle unlt that will produce both long or abort good&.

II can bo changed from a whorl to a long goods pr ... , or vice vorsa, in lOll than 15 minUIea.

Built also without culling apparatus for producing long goods only.

nu. type 01 pr ... b espedaUy adapted for .mall plant. which havo apace for only one continuoul pro .. that can produce both long and short cut product..

Produces a superior product of uniform quality. lex­luro and appearance.

Fully automatic in overy respect.

156·166 Sixth Street BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A. 159·171 Seventh Street Addr ••• All Commuah;aUou to 151 Sixth Str .. t

June, 1946 THE MACARONI J OU RNAl. 21

Consolidated Macaroni Machine Corp.


PrOIll BillS to Sticb WiI/lOut 1I0Ildli,l!J

Tho Continuoua Long Cui Pro.1 with Automatic Spreading worth while waiting for.

The Pr ... that automaUcaHy spread. all types 01 round good». with or without holos. luch as Spttghetti. Maco:ronL ZitI. etc.

Also aU types of tlat goodJ. Laaagno. Linguino. Mar­gberit ••• tc. Trimmin~ reducod to la .. than 7 "/ ••

The Prass that producos a suporior product of unj· form quality. textufe and appearance. No whito streaks; cooks uniformly.

Production-gOO to 1.000 pounds not of dried prod· ucts per hour.

The Pr088 that is built for 24·hour continuous opora· tion. and meetJ all roquiromonts.

FuUy automatic in all rospocta.

156·166 Sixth Street BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A. 159·171 Seventh Street "ddt ... aU commuo.lco.Uon. 10 1S8 Slxth Strlll

• I

THE ~I A C AR 0 ~ I J 0 URN A L June, 1946

Consolidated Macaroni Machine Corp.


Tho machine llluatrated above is ow latolt modol Continuou. Automatic Pro .. for tho production of Short Cut Goods of alllypes and sil."

By making lomo improvement. in Ihla Pr.... we have eUminated tho d.focb which oxialod in our oarU.r models.

Tho Short Cut Goocla produced by now mod.l aro luperior in every r •• peeL

Thla product is a revelaUon.

It ia outstanding in quality. appearance and textur ••

Th. mixture .. uniform. producing tbat .ranalueoat appearance throughouL which is 10 dellrabl. in maca­roni producb.

ProducUon-Over 1.000 pound. Dol of dri.d producta per hour.

Dodgnod for 24.bour continuoUi operation.

156·166 Sixth Street BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. S. A. 159·171 Seventh Street Mdt ... all CODUDuDlI;QUou 10 158 SlJIlh Str .. t

Jum', 19-16 THE ~IACARO~I J OUR~ AL .2.\

Consolidated Macaroni Machine Corp.


Model PLC

The DIver illustrated above is our innovation·-an Automatic. Continuous Dryer (or the Preliminary Drying o( Long Cut Macaroni. Spaghetti. etc.

All types and sizes o( long cut goods can be preliminaried in this dryer. A return or sweat chamber is incorporated in and (orms a part 01 the dryer.

Although it haa been specifically designed to be used in co.niunction with our Continuous. Automatic Long Goods Macaroni Press. it can also be used in connection with the standard hydraulic press where the product is spread by hand.

When used in combination with our Automatic Press. the only handling required is (or placing the sticks on the trucks preparatory to their being wheeled into the finishing dryer rooms. alter the product haa passed through the preliminary dryer. No labor is necessary lor transferring the loaded sticks from the press to the dryer aa this is done automatically.

Practical and expedient. Fully automatic in all re.pects.

156.166 Sixth Street BROOKL Y~, N. Y., U. S. A. 159·171 Seventh Street

2·1 TilE ~I A C A II 0:-1 1 J 0 U R 1\ A I. June, 1946

Consolidated Macaroni Machine Corp.


Doub/,. Co/jbra lin: Drake

THE machine .hown above 1a our very modol Doodle cutler and has beoD spedallY

designed for plant. requiring a very large produc· tion. It bas been deligned to facilitate cm.d expo· dito tho changing of the eufa with the loaat lou 01 time. AU the cUlling rolla are mounted in a .mgle framo and tho change of cuts can be mado In· Itantaneously. AU that is neceaaory to oUoct a chango is to doproaa tho locking attachment and rolat. tho hand wheel. which will briug the proper cutting roU into cutting position.

Any numbor 01 rou.. up to five. can bo fur·

niahod with this machine. Tbl. CUlIortment will take care of aU requirements. but apodal aU" can bo furnished. U desired.

It has a length culting knife and a conveyor bolt to carry tho cut noodle. to the colleclor for can· veyaneo to tho noodle dryer or to tho trays.

AU cutting rolla and pa:rta which come in coa· tact wilh the dough are of alainJeaa 11001 to pre­veat ruat or conoalon.

Machlno fa direct motor drivea and motor and drive aro Jumiahed with the aame.

156·166 Sixth Street BROOKLYN, N. Y., U. s. A. 159·171 Seventh Street

Write 'or Particulars and Prices

JUlie, 1946 T il E ),IA(AI{O~I JUCR~:\I . ,. _.,

Durum News In its first rt'h'ase 10 the ),Iacarnni

Industry, thl' Aml>er Milling Division of FaTIIll'rs Union Grain Tt'rminal As· sociation has Ihe following In say about the 19-16 dunull wllt'al eml):

Grouol" : As of May 28, the durulll is fuur tn six iudit'S hil.!'h, Fidds look good.

MoiSlllrt': Only Sl'nlh'rccl IrKal showers-las I 11'l'l'k's ~"lI oC ral rain s Ilill not roCal'll ti ll' durlllll ll'Trilnr\', Sui I' ~ oil mnisture will l'~ r ry the crop 0111-ollll.'r tt'll days 10 twu wel'ks,

F"'· .. ·:,·; I{l'l'ent frt'l·zinJ.: I\','alher in the lJakotas causl'il lin apparl'lIl damage 10 dllrul1I lieltk

Vurum ,\',,1'/'1.\'; Farl1wrs eUlpt1l'i l Il1l'ir bins for the )'INc}, Wlll'!lt pro· gram. Whl'lI Ihl' la st uf C011lmodil)" em:lit Curpuraliuu's durulU is Ilislrih­IIled to Ihe mills, tlll.'TI' will II,' IiUle ur 110 Ilurul11 wh,'al available IIl1lil lIew (wI',

Again Wl' n'mil1ll I'on : I )ur;lIllhcr I-'auc\' Nil, I Semolill;I, l'i Sol :\1), I Sl'molina, AIM) Fanc\' lJurtllll Pnll'lIl Will Ilt- /JII(k !-wht'li a hUl1l-:rl' wl)rltl is fcd, .

:\Mn~: N :o.11I . 1. 1 ~ 1;,

Doughboy Industries' Ollice Destroyed

Fire which it is presumed was sian· ed by lightning CUll1 lJlctely tI" J' tTOyed Ihe gel\l'ral offices or JOlll-:hho)' Imlus · lries, Inc., manllfaclun' rs flf Ihe fa­IIlOUS Doughbo>' Seah'rs and nthrr packagiul-: machlllcs used in packaginl-: macaroni and other fUCH ls, A n-rml planl , till' printi ug plant ami sl'n-ral warehouscs ncar by, al so were con· slIlIlcd in the flnmes tluring the stonn that 51 ruck New Hichlllntul, \vi s" durinl::' the night of Sunday, June 9.

The fire was discovered hy Ihe wah:hmell al .. Im ul 12 :.\0 a.lll .. willi il1l1l1elliatci)' turned ill ;111 alarlll, hut the frame buildings burned 'Itlidd)' tle­spite rain. The loss is cstimated at ahuut $200,000, The office foret, ili tell1llOrarily IUl'all'il in lite grade schoo! iludiloriulII II1'ntlil1).: the t'rt'l'lioll ur a lI eW uffice builtling, 1'1;1115 fllr which hatl heell d",wl1 but conslrm·· liun delayed hl'cnUSt: of materia! scar· cities. ThcJ,rOtluelioll planl was till '

damaged nil IIt:1chines me being huill aUtI shi ppcd wilh 110 sl'riolls dl'lays ,

H. H. Dutz Acquires Experimontal Kitchen

J-h'nri H, Dulz has reCl'lItly a('Juln'd ~Iela Given's EXIIl'rinll'nlal Kllchell and Home Economics Busincss lucalt'" al 154 E.lsl E ric Sireet. Chica/.:o II. Mr. Dutz took ovt' r the lI1al1 ;l~e l1lt' lIl

nf Ihis Inll "stahli:>11l'I1 hWl li and l'tluipl1ll'nt s"T\' ire J unt' I. I'h' ha ~ r t'· lail1l'd ~ti ~s Given's l'min' :>Iaff Ilf Iralnetl assislanls ami ),ti s~ Gin'lI will (1IIIIlmll' In n't11aill wi lh Iltl' ur~allila · tiull fur a limiled lillIl' St'r\'ing in an ;lth' i ~uI"Y ("I"ldl\'.

),Ir. DiltZ is wdl prel,,"nl III "!'I'r· ale this bU ~lm'ss , From Ih,' siantl· IWlinl uf J')ll'cialt rai lling , skill s ;lIu l t'x· Ill' rienel', Ill' is well fittell 10 dire,'1 l'xpI.'rinll'lIlal as wd! as arlislic ff llll l work lJurinl::' World War II 111' wa~ l'ClI1sultalil alladH~tI to the Ollict' of lilt' Quarh'nlla~lt'r Gl'lll'rat in Wa~hillJ.:: IOn as wtll a ~ consul Ian I to Ihe 1,..J. :o.U,. !:i uhsi:>lencl' I{esean'h alUl Ill'"","\,· 111"111 I.ahuralury ill Chk;Il-:tI, IleTt' lit' Workl'd 011 the den!up1l1l'l1l uf "a' riuus fowl I'nll luCls ,IIU! the \I ~l' uf dehpl rall't\ ft )4l1is for ArlllY ;lIu l ~a \'y


ral illl l ~. \'ril,r II I Ih" ~ I' \'tlll lwnilJ)Js :o.l r, IJUl l l>1"'111 sl'no ral warl> with ~wift and (umpall), wurkin~ "" nwal I'Tt 'llul' l~ 011111 !'hfJfl"nings,

Ignore Export Inquiries

\ 'I'n' lilth' ii ;LTI\' allt'ulill" i:> "t' il1~ \~liti Ii, ilHjuiril'li f~,r I''' purl ma,'awni awi l>1',,~ I 1t' lIi 101' lIIallllfal'lun'rli who 1It1f1na lly arc ill\t'rl'slet! ill supplyi ng fllrt·i/.:Il dl'uLa lltk ;-;t:arl'i ly uf r;III' ma· Il'ria ls alii I a dl'l>i rt, III f"\'or dIlLlLI' l> Iit.­lm.I·I'r:o-- art' ~ in'n al> rt'a~tllI~ fur Ihi ~ al· litlldl'. Thi ~ IlIlsiliulI il> lak"1\ cI,'~ pilt , ~ III1W illl'Talin' IIITI' riL1~ ~ 10\, l' Xp"rle rl> who an' \tlal\"d down wilh IIrc!t'rs fnull l1t'ar!I' all IIi 1111' llI"I'arlllli-loL1yin~ l'I'lIlllrll':>,

In Process I'A.CKOMA.TIC'S n:u:scol'INC FILL, ~: R for bottom ... Ird "rlonl, ntlln~ lIlu Ind ""Ul f~ un •. li n I nd flnLIt'fI. w~ fn~;l~ your In~ulrlu .. nd UI umpln for


with PACKOMATIC FILLER 11 is just a~ .im,'!" in ""u,uurliun

allli 01'C'raliun ;a ~ il luuks '" !1\':- jl~ ~1 a. j'uall, '" a llat'ka/(l' fi nn ;:tS 11 IS ~1111 1 , 1t­- I':\C"O~I :'TI C'S l't'I I.'~rll, ·in/o: "1 ,1· IIlIll'I,ir Fit"', .

!'arkers of fn'r ;111.1 n"" ,i,,,,, 1I,,\\'o in/o: I , rt ll lttr l ~-stteh a~ cll·a ll ; I'". 1 .. ,,, 1 c1t'alhu ~, 11:11;1.' lyo'. .Ir" in'" " I"' ''''' '. " ltt'mi,'al cl l'3 l1 l'T~, S''' II '1.'111'1\ 1.' , -, \'I'" rl'(' (1IIK'·III,:.h' !Jakin)l l,tII",lt" CI" , tOi ls. sual' l ~m.ll'I, "Ic.- will \1;1111 ,III' rarl s anti Ilata till Ihis IIl' ll I11t'ml"'r II i Ihr I'ACI\:O ~'.-\TI C fall1 ily.

U('~i gll(11 'ur lillilll-( 1·)·li11lhi l' .. 1 ... ,.. , !:tinus, ],a],," ;111,1 111tl :11 ram- it l,.. , , rr!anJ-Cular 1':lrtun ~- 1' A C I\: 0 ~ I .\ . TIC'S Tell" !'''l'in;: \ ',.hmlt'lril' Fill," 111'11" ,l\'lIi,1 II:l Slr :11),1 :muuyinl-( ,III -I , , , bl'ca ll ~ " 1';lr kal(n ;lIr r.riud uUlu Lhe fillill;: IUt~;, ,hl'l1 lU1ICH"! in "lit· ,I11I""h, I·" nl illll<'".' ;m,1 I'IT.'t'lill' "] " l'ml il"!.

I'.'\ l'h: t 1~I'-\T I l"S 'I" ''''_r""i1l1-: \',,1, Itnll"rrir Filkr lilh "I' III un I'ark,,!! ,' · I~' r mimlh' , .. ,':It) I ~' blt;l , " II sf .... i,'/ ",.1" fll' 10;,,1,,·, _1'1.,,,,1_ l 'ui, n" IIIilt· ~ millilJltllll .. ill •• " .\,;tr. ' minimum "I :& tt.'mi" ...

S ul 'mil rUIlI ,':111" .. , (,1 11111( ;11 ,,1 I·" ·.·· •• ·"Iill): _ 1 ~',·i li'·;' l i , 'r,. I" I' :\l ' I\:t 1~1 :\ T ,

:!:., f,';,~, J'! ~\~~lo:t~~: ,\ ~11"ft;,:{1:,r,l: 11I'~::~~; ~' . 'tt-"r " ' 11 . 1 ."'Iail_ :tutl l'r" llil'" -;1111 ' I '!t·~ h' ,lulil'l, S .... loIi;::I1\(111 I" I,,,~


PACItOMATIC N.w York. Cblt:Qgo • Botton. CI .... lond • D.n ... , • Lo. Anv.l" • 511n Francltto

S,IIIII •• Bllltlmoll • PbUlld.lpb!a • POlllond • Tampa. Dal\ld

Keeping Warehouse Employee~ Fit in Hot Weather

"I f it isn't the llt'al, its the cold-or the fain," cOtllplail1l'd a velcr.m em­ployer about the tendency of sOllie em­ployes 10 report sick at (Tt'qul'nl in­ten"nls, or wanting to quit in mid· morning or mid-afternoon. "One lIIan Ins whell I need him most upsets the work schedule. I don't know how much of this condition is faked and ho\\' much of it is renl."

A (aclual to the problem may di sclose poor \'t'lIli1alion, windows, skylights or opt'n doors with 100 much sunlight glare-and heat I These arc c:mscs (or which the employer is to blame in mallY cases.

O n the ollll'r h:md. the t'mployc lIIay himsel f be a cOlllributing cause 10 his poor Itt'alth, I1ll'nlal or physical. This lIIay be personal carelessness in the IISC of Idsurc and sleeping hours. The eltlploye should, when there's a lot of twat and humidity gener.ltcd b}' JliI~ ture, get a minimum o( eight hours" in bed, take £rC!lUcllt bathS' and showcrs, Wl'ar cll'an, hghH\'eight clothing, in­dulgt· in mild (not too energetic) (arms of sport to keep SWl'at down to a mini-11111111 , amI insist nn open (but screeu­l'd) windows in his home.

Thl' t'mplore who dresses riglllly, l'all endure high tcmperatures better than the employe who dresses wrong/)', The rigilt way is to do physical labor in iI shirt or undershirt. What the con­sitlerilte employer has to guard agaillst is the tendency of employes to run 10 Iht, otlll'r cxtn·lIl1.'-slripped 10 Ihe waist. nle averagl' l'mployt·, in his iJ:norance, is nOI aware that the body is ccolro by Illoistun: of SWl'at-Sollural­l'1l clothing,

Some workers suffer from skin ir­ritation when they expose too much of their bodies to direct sunlight. It at­I;,,;ks the amls when the sleen's arc rulll'1l up all the way, or when the garment is sleeveless, Wool is prefer­ablt' to COIIOII, since it readily ahsorbs llIoisture, and prevents colds, Head cU\'l'ragl' for outdoor work is best wilh a hruad-hrimmed hat of some type.

Anotlll'r ca USl"-Olle not so often ~usPl'cll'd-of summer slal'kllt'ss on the jub, is the loot\\'eilr worn, Instead of \\'l'arillg Ihe same pair uf shOl's each workill/.:' day, till' wan·housl' workt'r lihuultl hal'L' two pairs tn put on alter­nali\'L' days, I'l'rspiraliou then has mort' uf a chance to dry out in the iUIL'rim, Therl"s nothing so soothing, 011 a hOI morning, than to lace up a pair of clean, dry shoes. It ili also l:ood shOl·IL'ather insuranct', since each pair will last 10ngL'r without cracking. Eo/;,,!! Gmi Dr;IIk;IIU: Much of the a\'ailable advice ou what to cat and

By Ernesl A. Dcnd,

drink in hot wt'ather is to "go light," In work requiring considerable pl1\'s­ical activity, this ad\'ice is hannful. Such workers still ,,,,,I thl'ir three Iwa\'y Illl'als daily. The only climatic concession is that the meals should tH.." hea\')' not onlv in bulk, but in Vitamin C contellt. The latter is deri\'ed (rom salads, fruits and fruit juices, r-.Iilk is also a good pick-uJl, Noticl'ablc among workL'rs I!I the hot weather tWld to cat and drink o/tf'ncr in small· er :lmounts rather than Cnll!lUl1le rl'g­ular nwall; of normal bulk. There.' l'lliluld bl', to offl'et this, pick-up or sn:lck s('ssions to l'nSUrl' the full intakt· the bod)' IIL'l-rlS,

fI,'ol Foligut' is also caused b\' fail­ure to take Solh except that ccnliliiwd ill food eluring meals,

Dr, John P. Rusliell, California State.' Dl'partmcnt o( Healt h, has tlt'­fim'd sweat as a dilute liquid COIl­taininn frnm 0,1 to 0.5 per cent sodium chloride. Unless this sodium chloride in thc lxkh' is replact'<l, heat sirkneli!'\ in some (omlor another is bound tn occur, Either S,llt or MIt tablets will furnish this sC)(liuni chloride, Furthl'r assistance call be rendered by l'atin/: and drinking the right (oods, For ex­ample. there is 0,3 per CL'nt of sodi um chloride in milk. Meat also contains it,

Workl'rs prom' 10 perspire (reely an' inclilll'(l to drink more waler than is

, good for thei r s}'stems, causing cramps, e1 cetera, Remedy is a salt tablet dis­solved in each glass of water, Equally s.ltisfacto ry is COlllnion salt, a dosage of (rom one-quarter per Cl'nt to om' prr cent in l'ach glass of waler, From three 10 (our dosages durin]: an eight­hour working day arc suffiCient in nor­Illal cases,

Causes of heat fatigue amI exhaus­tion arc more common amollJ.:" Ill'\\', in­eXI)erienced worKcrs, It is hecause tht, hody ha~ .... l. :wc mort' tinlt' to allow for the a",,"3_ .I, to a dirTl'n'nt work­ing environment. That's \\'11\', at first a man on hot, hea,,\' work' will 110t S\\'L'at like a veteran, A fl'\\' days la1l'r the hl·at-rl·I.'1Jlating mechanism of hi s body will he churning up the SWl'at the way it should,

Two typcs o( salt tabll'ts arc a\'ail· able, One is the size of an aspirin lablet, containinG' ten grains of salt, Dosage should odry with the elllplo)'t"s t)'pe o( work, I( light physicalacli\'il)" four to five tablets daily. I ( IHl-dium manual labor, eight to twelve tablets. If a hea\'y, hot job, tweh'e to fifteen tablds, A day here is meant of eight hours,


The other type of salt tablet has sc\'enty pt'r cent salt and thirty per cent glucose, It is daimt'd that this increased caloric contl'nt pr()(luccs a pick-Up real,tioll,

(ioing back to the first t),l)( uf salt tabid, its advantage O\'l'r ordinary table salt is that it docs lIot affect thL' taste of the wa1l'r, Ou the other hantl, SOllll' tnl'lI en",ragl'd on stn'nuous phys­ical work rl'port that ordinary salt­ilavored water is palatablt' amI rl'fn'sh­ing,

The trick in using onlinary tahll' lialt in drinking watl'r is to pre-salt the cool­er corrtrill', This is one teaspoonful to a gallon of water, ,Hisk in allowi ng emplo)'es to salt l'ach tumbler full as Iwrot'tl is they will forget din'ctions and douse water too he3vil\' with 5.111, Naturally, it will not be palatable,

Soml' l'mployt'S of 0 11 1.' large shipping organization complaint'ti that sa lt lablt'lS from tile disl>L'nsinp llIachilll' ncar the drinking foulltallls t'ausL'tI nausea, When the math.'r was invl'sti­gall'd, it was discovered etnlllo)'t'li were swallowing the salt tablets Just like candy-and without bt.·nefit of watl'r I

lViI/dow Protcc/io,,: Um'o\'cred windows in tlie wan,house light antI heat to the extent of eighty-fin! per cent.

Outside covcring to rcduce the heat is considerably more effective than an inside covering, Cam'as awning painted in aluminum leads all othe.'r!!, since it ensures the li~ht alld Ju.'al transmitted b('ing reduced (rollll'ighty­Jh'e per cent to twenty-two per cl'nl, Trailing bt-hind, b)' six J)(t Cl'nt (or twenty-eight per cc:-nt of ltghl and hl'at transmitted) is the ,)13iu c.l1l\'aS awn­ing,

No\\' for the inside co\'erings, The ordinar}' roller shade, if fully drawn, accomplishl's a reduction fmm cighty~ five per cent to forty-five per Cl'lIt of light ami heat transmitted, The )'Cne~ tian blind is second. in rcducinj: the light and heat transmitted, fromL'lghty­five per cellt to fifty-eight per cent.

Vnltilaliolf: Foul air in the ware­housL' or elsewhere can be cOllvertL'd into fresh air by fans worked in COII~ junction with radiators or other cool­lIIg devices, All such methods arc im­provemcnts over ordinar\' port:tble fans of the prcwar t)'J~, which produce draughts-and colds,

(All Rights Reserved)

Drahs, fuddm temperalUfe drups, leX,

age. and working posture all determine the numher and sc\'eril), of (0,,11 a IlCrfon mOlY have, .

JUlie, '1946 THE ~I A C " I< 0 :\ I J 0 lJ I< :\ A I.

A NEW t~E\GHER ~\ /

fO~ ~


For production. elJiciency and economy in your macaroni pack· aging set-up. investigale the Sar­ioni Automatic Weigher.

This machine is engineered and produced exclusively for the mac' aroni induslry and will handle all types of Long Cut macaroni and spagheUi. It fits into any Iype of packaging fine and will pace the production at its most critical point.

You'll find it eliminales the human olement: gets consistent production wilh Ie.. worker fatigue: eliminates the need for operational training. A Sarioni Weighing Machine in your planl will soon pay its initial cosl Ihru savings on labor alone.

We invite your inquiries.


Durum Crops Need Rain

North Dakota is looking forward 10 a good crop of durum wheat nt'XI Au­gust if lilt' growing ;\n'a ~l·t5 IIct'dcd rain. Thai is Ihe H'part madc hy Chairman II. E. Groom of till' Bo,"lrd u! Dircctuts of the Gn'ah.'r t'\o rlh Da­kala A~:;oci alion at Fargo.

As of JUlie 13 he reports frolll Far­~o: " I h;l\'c bt'Cll 111 Ill)' farm s OIl LaugiluII, North Dakota si nce April I , and ha\'l' a fine ernp of durum sl'l'tlciJ and ";rIIwil1g, It looked most promis­ing til' (0 last Wt'l'k. We nced rain \'cry hadly IIllhis moment in the cnlirt' durum arc;') of North Dakota. Murh uf the stale has a fair mnounl of l1Ioi»­Itlrc, but the lIorl lll'ast fluarlcr of the slate, which is the durulll an'a, is nry dry right 1101\', allli lIIusl han' rain In Illake illl OI\'l'ragc crup.

It is 2m mill'S {rom hl'rc 10 Illy farms. and in driving kll:1.: In my office Irom Ihl! farms last TUl!sday (julie 11 ), I nuted that all thrnugh the du­rUII1 arm the ('roll St.'ellls to bt., at a standstill, hut duruIII dCk's lake .. lot uf weather 11lIlIislullent. O ur oots, b.u­Icy, alltl flax arc bdll/.!' damaged much more than Ihe durum,"

Durum Grower Groom will be n member of the Pand that will disltlss

the general subjt'Ct of "More Quality Dllrum for Deiter Scmolina" at the convention of the nlolcnroni industry in Minneapolis Ihe a fternoon of July 17,

Crowded Elevators Prompt Delivery Defemtenls

The U, S, Departlllent o f Agricul­tun.' has alllioullced that fanners will he permilled tn sign contracls throll~h Mny 2~ fnr sail' of \\'h('al to Com­modity Crt'tlit CClrporation under the .10 cents a hushel plan wlwrc country l'Icvators arc blocked with deli\'l'ry ddl'rrcti only until dcvators art' open.

Officials o{ the USDA stall'd that this is flOl all extension of the honus l),l)'lIll' lI t piau which expires on May 2'), and that there will be no extension of the plan, The honus has beefl o{­fert'" to st imulate l'arly delivery of wheal, needed now Inr immediate ship­ment to hunger :m'as abro.ld, T he special ddin'ry dcfennent will ('m'cr those limitt,tJ caSt'S where famlcrs havc bt'cn f'Cady to dl'livrr wheat hut wcre pre\'t'nted from doing so by 1t'1II­porarily blocked local receiving poi nl s, A n'ry heavy tlow of wheat from {;trillS in rt'cent c1a),s has overtaxed {acilities at many points, Fanners must delh'er whe"t imrtlcdiatcly when

the rt'ceiving , facilities . arc open, in order to cjualify {or the 30 cent bonus,

Doughboy Sealers

Macaroni-Noodle manuf:!.cturers :Ire finding both the Hotary Sealer-Mo!'lcI 46 and the Magndic Scaler-MocJel52, manufactured ;mll cli strihutetl hy DOlIghbo~' Industrics, Inc, Nt'w Hicl!­mond, \\ is" most helpful in Ihe COIll­p!l'x package scaling problems,

They will sl'at all materials that ca n lx, sl'alel! with heat anti Ilfl'SSlIrl" oue atliustablc In right- and cft-h,md up­eration, and ha\'e interchangeahle seat­ill/.!' rolls. The\' handle with t'qua l s.-. Ii sfaclion, cellophane and pliofillll materials, douhle wall laminah'cI cello­phane, heat-scaling papers, triple lam­Ulalt'd {oi lll.lper, waxed J)'lpe rs, paper labels and ot her heat-sealmg materials,

Doughboy Scalers arc built simply ami sturdily, with the hest materials available and by expcrt workmen, with all modern improvcments ;lIltl refine­ments, malo ill I,! them \'crs.ltill' ;lI1clt'asy to operatc.

Truck tires m.ltle from sclCCltl1 \'arietics uf cotton .:a\·c ~ more n\ilta}:t in re­cenl lCSU Ih3n Iho~ matle from rtgular commtrcial cotton,

Make 1946 A N.EW PDOFIT YEAR () J", ',.:~l. vpJII. t:an .40 .IlO 1II.un • • •

MODERN CHAMPION EQUIPMENT In the event you are planning to inotaU one 01 the latest types 01 Au­

tomatic Continuous Presses or Automatic Sheet Forming Machines. CP. AMPION ENGINEERS havo developed new Combinations 01 Flour H'Jndling Equipment to take caro 01 the continuous flow 01 flour re­quired by these new machines.

CHAMPION has already mado many instaUations 01 this new type Flour Handling Unit.

Lei \II .. plaia th ... nl" cOIZIblnaUotlll. a pollal ccud will brin9 you Data a.t\d la=pl. II". Prillt.-no obllgaUoD.


JUlie, 19-16 THE ~I" C A H 0 X I J 0 L· I( X A L

LEADS IN QUALITY NOW, AS ALWAYS Through the years the name King Midas has always been associated with "highest quality," And regardless 01 the circumstances or conditions. King Midas is deler­mined to maintain this reputation.

That's why, now as always. King Midas leads in quality,





Name Changed


Gets Certificate 01 Achievement

1u:'(', 19~6

Tht· namc of CoaltUh'r COllwyor Comp:lII)' (Not Inc. ), 310 S. Michi­gan Ave., Chic:lJ,:o, has been changed 10 Material Movcllwnt Industries ef­fective ~fay 15. According 10 I-Iorton Conrad, l\1 an:lJ.:ing Partnt't, Ihl' nallie was changL't1 to morc accuraldy pot­WI)' the breadth of the compa.ny's l'f1uillllll'lIt allli activities in the Illale· rial· lallillilig field.

~Ialerial ~IOVl'I11C11t Imluslries l11an· ufactures electric and gasoline l'l1gine· driVt.'l1 portable c011veyors for handling hulk ami packnged materials. They nrc sold under tht· tradt.' llal11t.'s Talc· All and Coaltotl'r Portable Conv('yors.

Mr. Crane amI ~fr, Eliason will cOlltil1l1c as 1I1embers DC the Board or Directors. Mr. Eliason will also re­tain his Il1cmbt'rship On 1111.' Finance COlllmittee.

Dr. Grcellcwalt. who was already a director o f the (Ollll'an)" was dt'flcd a \'icc president J.y the ).tr. ncadlt' was cIrCled a "in' presi­dent of the comp.llly :lI1cl 11 memher flf the Board. It was vult'd at thl' I11t'('I­ing to incrcase Ihe Ilulllli~'r of dirn~lors from thirty-five 10 thirty-six,

Tht· United States Xavy Cl'rlifi,ale u( Achic\'t'lIIelit has been awarded to POIek·Rill· ~laehilll's, division of Tl'chtmann Industrics. Milwauk,:c, 'Vis., m.mufaclun·rs IIf 11t'at·sralillg and p.1l'ka~in!; machines. M.-:.n.v of Ihesc machlllt's arc giving satisfaclory scrvin' in the Il'ading- macaroni·nooc.1lc plants in this l·otllllry, :mt! in fort·igll lands. too.

Changes in Du Pont Officers

The retirenlt'nt o f Ja sper E. Crane :IS a vice prl'sidl'lIt anti ml'mbcr or the Exrculive Comminee of E. I. du Ponl de Nl'mours & Company, rfT«­tive Mav 31, and Ihe scl('(tion of Or. CrawroTtI H. G rCl'l1Cwalt, assistant gelleralmnnagt'r of Ihe company's Pig­ments I)ep.ulmcnt, to s ucceed him were announced hv the Doord of Oi· H'Ctors. The rClircmt.'nt of James n. Eliasoll as :1 yit-t.' prt.'sidcnt and treas· urer or the company. effective illlllle­diah·ly. alltl till' sdecliol1 nf Walter J. Beadle. firsl assistallt Ircasun'r, as IllS succcssor, were :11 50 allllot1l1Cl'{I,

A Continuing Table 01 Semolina Milling Facts , QUill~tilY of ?clllolin:t 1I1!lIcd. bast·t! on u'porls 10 Nort/m'('.r/rrll Mill('r by

IIIIIC 1tlmlll'apolts and Interior ~lill s . , Production in lOO·puund Sacks

Month ' 19-*6 194$ January ..... ' .. , ...... . ....... ,984.608 878487 I~cbrllary " ...•.. ,., ••.•....... 7"3,018 7.1io26 March ..... . ..... .. .. . ....... .. 741,624 79~.998 April,,, ,,,,, ,, ,,,,,, , ,,.,,,,, ,672,899 82,1,981 Mal' "" "" " . ,,, .,,"",," ,3;9,861 992,67; J .!IlC .... . .• . , .... ..••• ,...... . 8~9,867 July . . . . ,',. .. .... . . .. .... .... 7$1,280 1\\1£'11'1 • ••• • •• • ' •• , . • • , ••. • • , . . 694,782 Sf!plcn.ber . ".. . . • • . • • •• ••• •• • 88J,662 Oclober "" "''''',,'''' '''''' 1,101,092 NO"rmber .. •. . " . . . . .. ...... . . 1,116,434 IJl'(tnlocl' , .•... . ..• . , . • .. ..... .

19H 721,451 655,472 692,246 6Q8,!Il7 704,071 6,\6,214 716,957 889,51$ 895,478 919,226 965,$27 921,851

19U 855,975 885,655 %3,387 79,1,866 750,96.1 72.1,7,13 648,356 758,903 713,349 791,054 8.19,778 801,8-17

Inchulcs SClllolil1:t millcd lor and solll to Unill't! Stales Go\'t'rlUlll' l1l.

Crop Year Production jul), I, 194.1-ju", I, 1!Il6""""" " ",:",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,9,021,486 jul), I, 1944-ju", 2, 1!Il5"."",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,.9,7.11,326

We Will Cele6"4t'e 41f4 ~c Will 1.(cu!

Plenly 01 Ihlng. 10 gripe and grouse ahoul? Sure-we mUll e.lracl 80 per coni 01 Ihe durum wheal, Inllead 01 Iho former 72, We are 'mUed 01 10 the amount we vrlnd and. at that. we hovo • ' llicully In gelling the Vrain 10 grind.


You monufoclutfHI have your dillicuflles and "vrln and bear 11"--01 wo dol

None 01 thai alopl us all Irom reCOQnhlnv one thing. Thai Is Ihot wo oro living In the boal ond fineal nallon In tho world today. We oro proud 10 bo Amerlcons and to ocknowlodgo It by a IiUlng reC"Ognllion of this Nation's Birthday-July 4.

This Land of Oura II . 01 tho moment. Iroveling through Iho wlldorness fro m on oro of plonly 10 anothor 01 even gl oater plonty--a ft Ott of Ptomlsod Land. We will win though mainly boC>Juso we bollove Ihal II our Doallny.

Sirong In thai lolth. lei Uft bow OUt hoodft 03 tho nog gool by. fot It III the plllor 01 cloud by day and tho pliler 01 Ure by nlghl thai loads us oul ot our dllUculliol.

Wo who moko tho Somollna and Flour you like and you who procoss II Into spaghottl. macaroni and noodles. wlil 1100 Ihat good day came.


Amber Milling Division IIll UnlonrlUy Aon. 5t. Paul 4, Mha.

Because the Following Results Are Assured


THE STAR MACARONI DIES MFG. CO. 57 Grand Street New York. N, Y.


~~. . "':Fr.. ..

June, 1946 THE ~I A C A H 0 ); I J 0 U H ); A I.

Chef Baltera's Spaghetti Sauce

The macaroni manufacturers of Ilw ,0ul1tr), will Ix: I)articularl), inll'reSIC(1 in thl' snu,l' recipc givl'n herl'with, he· caUSl' man)' ha,' \! had Ihe plt'astlr\! of lasting il on sl)'1ghclli dishcs scrwd Ihem during the pastlllecting-s and con· vClltions of IIIl' 1I1i1ustry at Iht, Eclgt· wallT IIl'ach HOlcl, Chicago, III.

"Cht'f Haltt'ra" of Iht' (:l11lOU:i hos· IcilY was especially pll'a5t'd with 11ll' favorablc comml'nts by Ih\! manufal·· Itlrers who are consicll'H'tl thc can· noiscurs of good S.1\leeS, ami, ill 5t'ml, inlllh\! recipe, said: "I was gl;ul tlwy cnJoYl',1 my Spaghctti Saun·. and "Ieast'!\ to st'lId )"ou Ihe rccipl·."

The Sauce

Vral, beef, onion, fresh ami cannt.'d tomatOt's, J.:arlie. rosemary Icar, salt, )It'p,)Cr, sUJ.:ar, ca)"l·11I1C·pcprK'r, fn'sh mushrooms.

Z m«Jium onions-<hull lint'. I lilt' o( g;nlic--chop lim!. S7 lb. stiral mushrooms I No. 2 can IUmalocs 2 f r~h loma\()t'S-cJ10I1 fine 1 "inl 11£ 11ft£ Of chicknl btolh

Saute !h pound ground "'l'al alit! }1 pound ground bn' ( until light brown. Add Illushrooms anti cook (or 5 min·

tltt·s. ;\dd garlil·. rosemarr It·a f. frc~h tomatoes ;uu\ Ollt· sprinkll' of sugar. Add chickt'n (Ir bed hrolh. calU\l'd to· mahM.·s . lOalt amllM.'lll'er ;lIId hoil slow· Iy ror ! ~ hour.

Couk ~pagllt'lli. macaroni or q.::f.: Iloutlll':; al'wrding to dirn' lion:;, llUl dun't u\'I'rn MIk. Drain anti plan· 1111 largt' 1,l atler. !'our ~;I\II'l' fI\,er it an~1 SlT,·t· hilt.

Wheat Exports lor First 10 Days in May

Exports IIf U. S, wlll'al allli tlour l'qui\"all'nt dllrinf.: thl' first ten davs of ~lay wlall'l! all l·lOtimalt·tI .'.920,000 hu :;lll'ls (IO~,OOO long lOllS). aCl'nrdinf.: 10 tht· U. S. Ill'partml'nl o( A~Til'ul· ture.

TIIt'Sl' liJ.:Ufl·S wnr actual shi!lIl1l'nl s lrum purls. Thc\' do not rt'fil'Ct as ~'CI till' accdl'raktl 1I100'1' l11t'nl of grain III n 'ccnt wcd,s from rarm 10 Illcal d(',·aturs as a u ':;ul! of Ihe bonus Jlay· IIIt'Ill S aud "rin' ct'ililll.{ incn·OIsl's. 'n.i s Illm'('l11t'lIl will hi' rdll'ch'tl in inl'rl'asl'~1 export s during Ihe ncxt h ·w wt·cks. Exports during the pcrioti aht'ad will ali'fI inchuh· lOumc CHrn and olhrr l'OarSl' grains.

EXIMJrlS IIf wllt'al and fl(Jur cfluiva' Il'nl so far during thc lIIarkdit!j! )'l'ar ( 1M.·gining la sl luly I) ha\'e Inlalcd .121,OOO,iXXI hnshds. Ihl' largl'sl ex·


jlurl IIIm·cmcnl 'f rn'onl for .. likt·

1M.·riod . or Ihi s \flla l. 19.;,000.000 JUshd s I\Wl' l'xpurlnl during the lirsl six months "r tilt' )'l'ar, and Ihl' rl" maining 126,OOO.(XXJ hushds (.'.37 .... IXXllllnJ,: Ions, eluring Ihe l'l' rill~: hUIH January Ihrullgh ~I;IY 10.

All,Purpose Addressing Brush

Thl' 111'1\' IU ,t·kl·! CII I" Flo·;\la s t~·r F!l l! nlnhru~ h . :\" larJ,:I'r Ihall urlli· liar), roulllain I'l'lI, wilh \·:lln· l'Unlrul Ihal climinah's It'aldng, Ilooding :11111 sWl·aling. ~Iadl' of ~alill·linishcd alu· milllllll l'nll s i~ting of nnh' Ilm'e unit pa rIS. I )t·~iglU·d lu 1ft' II s~·d 0111>' wilh C ulo Flof·Uri l'olms Iha\ an' III sl ant ,lrying, waterprlJ(I(, fn·t·ll'prun f a 1111 sllll'arprun f. U!il' UI1 allY surfan', wax Jlap~' r, l'cllupham' , glass, metal , all kind:; of wall'd papers, aluminum fuil :11111 plinlill' l'IlOIll·t! lO urfaccs. Comhilll'S tl\(' It'allln's nf crayon ink pt.·Ill·il s. l(aJlilll), Iwing ;uluptcd as " Ill'W mark· ing allil idl'nlilil'aliull Itwf\itIJu In' 111\' iuud i,ltillstn·. .

,\lIr>lctino(,' p .. ck,,~\!d in a witlt· st'· It''linll nf l,olllplr\t· unil:, to li t Ihe man)' ,· .. rying rCtluin'l1ll'nIS fflr i~ll· n· lilil'alifJll markinI-!. It i~ l1lallllfarlurl'~1 ;lIId distrihull·t1 It,· CtI!'hman & Deni· Sllll ~l fg. Cn .. U'J WI'SI 2Jnl Sln'ct, '1It1ll sirial Ikparlllll'III, :\l'\\' York 11, :\t'I'· York.

80-X Durum Granular and 80-X Durum Flour

Milled according to government restrictions

but still.

"You command the best when you demand Commander Durum Products,"


.12 THE MACARONI JOURNAl. jUlle, l~6

Airline Foods Corporanon Acquires Atlantic Macaroni Company, Inc.

Airline Foods Corpomtion, New Yurk, N. y" has :mnoullccd thl.' acqui­sition of the Allalltic Macaroni COlli-

tiel'S arc located in its own modern six­stOT)' buihling. a f1oor-sp.1c~ area of up­prl')ximatcly 240,000 square fret, which with drn.:k facilities occupies the 1.' lIliTe hlock at 43-82 Vl'rnoll lII\'d., lollI! Islan\1 elly.

Plans arc now in Ilracess (or thl further development and expansion of

Allcustlc MoctU'Gnl Compcmr

{lall)" Inc., olle of Ihl' largt·st and best­known manufacturers of macaroni products. and makers of the famous Caruso brand product s, This brand was the favonle of Enrico c.'1ruso himsdf, who gave the comllany writ­tell permission to usc his name alld picture as long ilS the fine I101\'or ami nutst,lOdinK quality of the products were maintained ,

The half-cl'ntury-old Atlantic ~laca­ron; Co" IIIC" manufactures o\'er eighty difTerent \'a riclies of macaroni, spaghetti anti tgg noodles, in addition tn Ilchydratt't.l soup mixes, spal:htU; sauce, anti similar products. Fine mac­aroni products bearing this l'omoan(s famous lallel. which h 'aturcs EnriCO Caru so's l1all\e ami Iliclure as a fl'g­isten'll tradt'mark. arc sold throuJ:hout Ihe U nitetl Slates, and art' l'xported in (IWlIllit\' III Central AlI1erica, the \VI'sl Indil's, Africa, Portugal, anti Ireland . Tlh' 1'1.1111110111), '5 plant amll'rincipal of-

Ihis enti re line and its markets a!l SOOIl

"s conditions pcnnit. Olher well­known compamcs of Airline Foods Corporalion are Max Am" Inc,. man­ufactun'rs of famous Airline Prune juice, Airline Hone),. and other prod­ucts; Wallace, Burian & Da\'i!l Co., wholesale grocers i the Goodwin Pre­se rving Co, of Louis\'ilIl', Ky" makers of jams, jdlies and prcservrs; :md Lippincntt Fine Foods, packers of Lip­pincott Olin's,

Spaghetti: Only On Special Order ~ The President's Famine Eml'r~ency Cununiul'e has ;Ictcd 10 inll'nsify thl' whcat cOllsen'alion progmm in pulllic l'aliug Illaces by asking that n 'stau­rant managers agree among them­sd\'es in mct. communilY to "serve no

bread nr olher wheat products unless spt't'ifll:ally requested" by their cus­tOr,ICrS,

In a memorandum to all local Fa ­millc Emergl.'ncy Committees, Walter F. Siraub, direclor of the Office of Emergenc), Food Program, pointed out Ihat Ihe wheat conservation dri\'e in public eating placcs has 1I0t been as successful as might be expected and he asked the committees 10 mec1 with restauranl managers in Iheir commull­ity with the pUrJ)()SC of reaching an agreement 10 serve no b:-cad or wheat products excl.'pt upon request.

Adjustable C'll'ton Sealem

An attractive bullctin describing im­Jlorl:lI1t Ilew features incorporatetl in Ihe latest models of Ceco Adjustable Carton Scalers has lust been puL­lishl.'d by Container EquiplIlent Cor poration, Newark 4, N, j. The com-1'.111), also announcl's that, with the H o e!.'nt acquisition of new laoor-53\'ill;( machine tools. it h,13 increased produc, tion and bt-gun 10 reduce ils large backlog of orders, Dclivcr~' schedules ha\'e been impro\'t~d mah,'rially,

New Customem Plentiful

There is no lack of cuslomt'rS for any kind of macaroni producls accord­ing to reports from macaroni products manufacturers in e\'ery section of the counlry. Distributors of Ihis focxl arc "shollping around," hOlling to find a manu acturer wilh unsold slocks. Shuttlowns among the durum mills, many of which arc producing but a day or Iwo a week dUl' 10 shortage of durum, are rdlectctl in similar shut­downs of macaroni-noodle plants in all p.:tr!s of the country. Those Ihal arc still operating arc heing flooded wilh orders, e\'en by llIanv would"he customers Ihat have Ile\'er befon' dOlle any husinl'ss with Ihe firms ap­pro.lched, Pricl's arc being maint<lined at ceilings despite the pressure.



178.180 Grand Sjreej New York 13. N. Y.

TRADE MAIIX "Maker. oJ Macoroni Die. SInce 190J-"' ltI& Management Conrinuo".Iy Relalned In Some family"

jum', 1946 T 1-1 E ~I A CAR 0 ~ I J 0 U (( ~ ,\ I. .1.\

Capital Quality • • • Unvarying As Always

Under Restrictions of WFO 144 Be Assured of the Best




INl:. Genual OfficBs: Minneapolis

Seek Increased Macaroni Ceilings

OPA Ollidala Being Aoked lor Needed R.n.l

A special commitll'e of the National ~Iacarolli Manufacturer!> ,\ ssociatioll, hcadl'd by I'n~idl'nt C. W , WoHl', will go 10 Washington, 0, c., Wednesday, June 19, to wnsult wilh officials o f OPA in the mailer of incn':m'd ccil­ings 011 macaroni , spaghetti alltl l'~J!' noodle products 10 {)fT~cl increased (051 due 10 production s\oW-tIOWIIS, higher wages, cosllil'r malt'rials and uthl'r in­t:reased exp('II SCS of doill~ husiness IIIlIler existing conditilltl s,

The conuniltct·, consisting of I'rl'!l i­dent Wolfe, Horace Giuia of Gioia Macaroni Co" Rochester, N, Y., C. Frt'd Mueller of Ihe C. F, Muellcr Co., jersey Cit)'. N. j " and AlLert I{ava­rino of Ra\'arillo & Freschi. Inc" St. Louis, Mo" hopes to have the entin' Industry as a solhl "pressure group" 10 fully impress OPA with Ihe need for the relid sought.

In mltlitiol1 10 tht, st rong leth'r 10 Mr, j, F, Gilmour, of Ihe Grocery Srcciah)' Sec tion of OPA, appt.'aring l'i sewhl,rt, in this issuI'. Pn'sitknt Wolfl' is sl't,king Ihe co"operation of Association Members in a strong ap­peal which rcads in part as fol1o\\'s:

"The bakers wert allowed to rt'd uce the siz:e of their Io;\\'es 10 pcr cent (to save wheal), and this wet.'k were J::rant-

t,1 a Ic i\ loaf iucrease in price. O rA Ilitl not cht't."k 1945 carnillj;!s ,\1u\ ~I II thai 'stu IT' for the umltitUtlintJ\I :i Iltllnber IIf hakt'rs ill this l'uunln' oi all :oi1.t's, .

"OP/\ was prt'ssuretl. I f you, ~Ir , Macaroni-:-'=IK.lllk malll1fal"tl1rt'r, feel that ),ou an' I'nlitkd to a price incrt'ast' of 2c a l)f)~1111, ~h: , ba~c~s !.:CJt-: WIIU': \ 01 M Cm'(,Mf_"~Mf_!'-WIMt. YOllW U, S. SE!'ATOM!', (The U. ~'" Sena le is lli sn lssing OPA t'StCIIS:,1I1I now over the Wl"Ck end of jUll!' l:i-17,) ' Ll'lus ~ t'e if Ihe macaroni mt1us­try has a \'oin', The ccrt'al people I-:"t tlll'ir illl'rt'ases liIst WI!I'k,

"Usc your own language 10 lell .'our slor\' aTld dun't try 10 t,:et il in IU wurils. Sp'-'ml snll1 l' 1II0ney on the tl·ll'­grams you semI. You arc fight ing' fm dollars, As lIur Committec mel'lS with 01"" on fune 19, ha\'l' ,'our tdl'/.:rmlls ofT nOlla(l,( than the 15til. 161h or 17th of jU!1l" if )'on I'SIwct us 10 aWJIIII~li sh anyllung OI~y{lllr pressure.

Higher Bread Prices

EiTectin' JWIl' 12, 1946, l'onsUUll'rs an' paying' IlIlt' C!'nt murt' \ll'r IJOulid for hread ami Olle cent a dOlell mOrt' for IIft'ad-type rolls lx'l'ause o f an in­crease in ceilings ..:ranled hy 01':\ , The incn'asl' dOl'S not apply to rye hread bccau~e of a recent nlcn 'aSl' of two l' ents a pound allowl,t! 011 that type,

ndorl' tlll'1'1I1 in Iht' \'OIUIIII' of thei r

St. Paul

output tim' 10 1luur sl'arcilil's, haKl'rs were abll' In sell 10<l\' t.'s of bread at a small protil pt'r loaf under OPA unll'r of April 26 n,t1uciug wheat qUClta~ fur t1ulIleslk use to 7S per cenl uf their USl' during l'orn':opomling months IIf 1945, hy sprt'atlilll: thei r co~ t !> o\'er ~all'!> of " klf!.:l' number uf loa\'l' ~ of "h·~ H1. ,\ s m Cl~ t costs remain conslant, Iht, l'iTt'l t ~ {,f suhstanli:t ll\' (h'l'n'a ~ l'11 \'uhtmt' is III il1 cr l'a ~c l'OSI; oi pnHIUl'­ing l'adl lnaf. Thus, bakt'rs pre\,iuus­Iv allll' 10 ah:ourh i ll cn'ast'~ 1 material ;intilalHlr Cflsl!> ht'caust' Ihe)' Wl're :o'dl­illg mml' hrl':lli. an' 1111 10llgl'r ill ;1 1'0-

sitiull to cllnti nue ~dlill~ III l"lmSUIlWfS al prices fWl '. 1I at :\Iah'h, 1f)·12, lt'\'c!s, -I Et litnr'!, lIoh': This rdll'ct ~ ,'sal'l­l )' Ihe I KI~i lilln IIf Ill\' III;Karoni " lII ot~,lI c " I : IIHlfa~'lun'rs who~ I' "PI','" I fo r ra iseS .11 l·l'l lillJ.: pril'l'~ 11"\'1' as )T I /.:um' \111 "

hel'lit,d. )

Death 01 Frank LaRosa

Frauk l.aHusa, Chairman oi thl ' Hoard (If Diret'\u' .f V,':osa & :-;UIlS, !tit'" IIwokl\'n, :\1'\\' Yorl.., tliell lUI ~\JIHlay l'\'t'niui, .huII' 10, 11) ,16,

J-It· wa ~ :i6 ycars IIf a~t'. :tlltl fur ulan\, ,'cars wa ~ CUIII1l'\'ll,,1 wilh Ihe Illal";iroili manufal'luriu/.: linn whit' h he hdpl'lltu f01l1l11 allli fush'r,

The funeral sl'rvit-t's Weft' Iwld 11)1

Thursdar, J utl e 1.\, with a l~ellll i l ' l1I :\lass al '10:,10 a.I11, ill St. Thomas IIf :\ (Iuina:; in Brouklyn; hurial was ill St. john's Ll'nll'h'ry,

Aid the Hungry for HUIDanity's Sake

H. J. Heinz II, president of H . J. Hl'iIl1. Company. Pili shur~h. who Idt Tt'Cl'ully 011 hi s !ll'cond Irip 10 EI1~lallll s ince the eno flf Iltl' war, aSst'nl'd thaI his reCenl cross-coulltry InUTS and tht, willt·sIJrl'ad response 10 Il eilll': III'WS-

Ilapl'T acl\'crlisClIll'llts tlrl-:inl-: aid to ~ lI rolk' have collvinn'd him that the ~n'al majority of Amcril":tm arl' ('a).:t'r 10 tlo thd r full share in hd,.iuJ: I II iced hUIlg'r), millioll s :throad.

He added . hm\'l'nr, that mall)' AIllI'ril'a ns 51 ill arc unaware of Ihe 1I1'rt'ssary (O(wl COIISt' T\'alillll stcllS the)'. :'1:'; indi\'iduals. shnllitl take. Till's(' slt'ps, he explainl·tl, ha\'e nul ),et hCCII made SUflil'icll lly cll'aT fir n'pt'alcd uflel! I'lIouJ:h.

" I furtlll' r hdit,\,l'," sai.1 ~lr. HcillZ, "that 1II0si pt'nl'll' in this nlllntry arl' 1101 Ihurnul-:h ly familiar with 11ll' rca­lions why \\'l' nlUli l help tn ft' t,tI Eurllpe."

Calling fur ;\ IIt'ller t'xpl;lII:ttion of thest' n ';"sllns by tht, nation's h'atlerli. ?Ir, H('ill7. dl'dan,t! that Allll'rit'a sholi id Iwlll lIul Illl'rdy for humani­!ari;1II reasuns. " \Vl' IIIl1st hclp if Wl' nrc to InliUre thc world's future Ik';ll'C nml stahility. IIl'l';\Use hUlIgt' r is a poor fuundation (ur the !lean'iul and prm­Pl'roliS world Wt' arc tn'inR to huilt! .

• J e ....


John 1. Cavagnaro Engineers

and Machinists

Harrison, N. J. U. S. A.

Specialty of

Macaroni Machinery Since 1881

Pre.o;ses Kneaders

Mixers Cutters

Brnkes Mould Cleoners


All 51:0$ Vp To Lar,e" In Vse

N. Y. Office arid Shop 155·57 Center St.

New York City

It iii time 10 display the st n 'lIJ.:th uf IlellIocrac), in peacc."

Comnll'lIting 011 S ecretan' \Vallacc'li plan to ... ollt'{t (';HlIled J.:oods for lO hip­IIll'nt 'Iflroad. Mr. Hl"inz sa id : "Whill' such food ulltluubtedly would help, call1lt''' t:'uod s Call110t he n'ganlecl as lIutritiunally ('~ sl' ntial as thl' whl'at. meat. (ats and nils ... allt'll for in Prl'lOi­dellt T ru man's nrh::inal fuod pfOt:'ram. In the IUlig nlll the foods IlIt'ntiUlH.'d in tl1l' I'rl·!iitll·nt's plan :'Ire Ih l • 1l10!it rcnnnmil'al . 1ll1"1 IInu ri !ihing and I'a ~ ies l to :ohill."

Trade·Mark Registration Granted


The Ir.Hle-mark "ltaliall· l)cliJ.:hl." uSt·d for dchyclratl'll sauce (or sJla­J.:hl'lti. mararoni and bl':I I1S by Fn'neh­Kilchen Fouds Corporation. doing husilil'ss itS Chatsworth Dehydrating' Co .• Chat sworth . Califl1rn ia. was reR­istcred May 7, 19-16, under regi st ra­tion Il\lInbcr 420.795, The tr:l(Il"-lIIark ha s IIl'en lIsed hy the owner sinCl' January I, 19 .. 4. was fi led Fl'bruary 21. 19 .. 4. and IJuhlishcd for opposition Fl.'bruary 12. 1946. The mark con­sists o f the wurds "Italian -Delight" in hl'avy type. Thc wurd " Italia n" is di sclail111'd apart from its association with the word "Delight."

Emmet J. Martin EJected President of Central Lions Club

Emlll('1 I. Mart in. sl'(rt.' tar), mana· ger of the National Food Distributors' Associalion and l·ditor o ( the Natiorrol FGod /)jstrih"lors' Journal, has hecn l'it'(lrd prl"sident of the Cenlral Lions Clull. Chicago, Mother Club ()f tlw Lions.

Li ons Intl'nlati ollal. with 270,00'" members in ... cOllntri('s, is he;ltItIUar. Il'ml at Chicago. Central 'Lions, the original of the present 5.000 dlll.o ~ . has 300 business IlIcmbers. UI)()n being decteli, Martin statel). "1' U', ; · malin ill 'Ubcrl\', Inldlij.!'l·ncl" and the Safel\' of O ur Nation.' Thl'rl! ili l'Vl'r.\· OPI)()rtuuit}, for ci\'ic orJ..·.Uli zations to furthcr Ihese principles in the present I'm." Martin, along with thl, ollwr Ill'wl), elected officers. will be instalh'd on June 27.

Martin, who was olle of till' fount!­ers of the National rood Distributors' Association, ha s ht'CIl wilh it si nel' it was organized in Clevl'iall tl, Ohio. 011 July 18. 1927, In the past ninctccn thl' Association ha,; becollle a promincnt factor in the dcvclopment o f storetloor ddi\'ery di stribution , Mcmbership ill thc A~sociation is 1.'011\· poscd of ilion.' than 50.(X)() truck opera.· tors calling rcgularl), a ll 250.000 gro· Ct'ry out lets.

JUIIC, 1916 1'1-11': MACARO N I J OURXA !.

MotU A' .... U1W IN SVULI. N. T.


0",.'0" 0' IHl .. N ... "ON ..... MlWNO COM,"NT, 1eW ...... riII. , N. '1'. , __ .. a. ...... -.-._. _ ._".....

' ___ Ur. Iooo.(.,..., ......... _UI DfroQ" _A-''' _I4IA


Peters Packaging Equipment When packaging macaroni, spaghetti and noodlos.

you can

PETRRS J U N lOR CARTON FORMING AND LINING lolA. ClUNE (.bon) nl, lOp JS-40 elrlon. pu min .. an. OPfrllo,.

I'ETERS JUNIOM CARTON FOLDING AND CLOSING MA. CIIiH E (,llh!) clo .. , "·40 urton, per min., no Optrllo,.

I-Reduce you, carton packag-ing COllt

2-lncreaao your production 3-Save noor apace 4-lncreaso prolits by ualng PETERS Oco!lomical machinery.

Send UI lampt .. of lh. carlon. you or. u.ln9 today. W. will 91ad . 1y recommend proper equlpm.nt lor your Ip,cUic r.qulrementl,

PETE R SMA CHI N E RY CO. 4100 RavcnswoOlI Ave. Clne,go' lliI



Stainless Steel Dies Without Bronze Plugs

* Guaranteed Smoothness

No More Repairing

* Write lor I nlormation


DIES 1153 Glendale Blvd. los Angelos 26, Cal.


The MACARONI JOURNAL SU""O"::Ic:: ~I' g~.Lo:~t.r.:ar.411,n Fr.'

Ttad, W.rk R •• blutd U. S. f,I',' Ollin F ... l4ed In t901

A "ullllcall_ to Ad ..... " ,I .. AlMric'''I "'earoll huhlliff

Pllbn ..... ""lhI, br lb. "'1,1_1 .. n ...... ..... A-u.ilH u II, Ollidal Or ...

£dlt,d bl 'h~~,~'~~iI:=:~~\. P. O. Draw"

PUBLICATION COu.llnK& c. W. Woll •••••••••••••••••• ~ • •••• ••• Pnal4l.1 A. I. Gn .. , ....... . ...... .. ..... Viet Pruid,pl V. , . 00 ••••••••• £4llOr .. 4 c-,al ... ...,.,

IUDIC.IPTION RATI.I MlnJ!~d ~~~II~' l::'~r~ .. $I.50!,cr rur In .dunn

F ?,!~~ITI&un',;i;"'::::: :U:gg::~ ~:!:!~ :j::~: Srn,lt C.pln . ........ .. ............... Ii unll lll(lI topl" .............. , ..... , ....... n unll

,PECIAL NOTlca CO .... UNICATIONS-Th. Editor Mllldil

IItW, .. d .,tld ... of 1,'11'''' 10 tIM ."Clr.! 11IOI1I1'ff. All •• nert Illuded fot paWleaU­",UI nltb Iht P.dilorial Olla. Dnld.-d, JU .• no 1.lff 1111.11 FIRST dII, of ~. _tlI.

TilE MACARONI JOURHAL .. Rllln ... n.pouIWIII, 'Of .1 •• , or opi.l_ ... pn • ..,t '" _lribeIlO,.. ••• .111 aol kllo.I •• I, .dunl" Irn,po,uIW, or uUUI.onh, c:otICIlTII"

Ttl. ""Wlallan of TilE MACARONI JOUR·

1!~'ru~M!7lt.:'7orrl~! ~n~I:;:~, ':: n~ ClDhllll ...

IP.WITTANCES-lh!lt .11 thtdtl 01' d,.lu ,.,.bI, 10 IN OfHr 01 .'" Hllloul .hcar.1 .... \lllClur.,. AMOC:lalloa.

VoL xxvm

'" t:ltdgt all,gitutet 10 Iht Flag 0/ Iht Ulliltd Slatts 0/ AII,,,icQ, Qnd 10 'ht rt­t:JAblit lor u-hid. it slands. OUt Mlion in­divitiblt, wilh libtrtj and jusliet lor all:


Closed Thursday Afternoons

TI1l' he:ltlquarters Offi':l' of the Na­tional ~Iacaroni Manufal."turers Asso­datioll. llraidwood, Illinois. will be do~rd Thllrsda\' ahernHons for thl' sumnwr 1II0nths.

Summer Closing

'nle COllsolidah-d ~Iar:aroni Ma­l'hinc Coqxlraliol1. 1.;6-166 Sixth Sirret. Hnxlkl)'nIS. N, y,. has notilit'd Ihr trade that its plant ami office will he dosed un Sa tunla),s during Jun,'. July nnd AUJ:ust.

---Out 01 Macaroni Business

Acconlin~ to all annOUIIl."t'l11l·nl b)' F. Mercurio o( Mercurio Brothers Sp.1ght,tti Manufacturing Co .• 1012 No Broadway. St. Louis. Mo .• Ihl' fiml is 110 IOI1~er in the macaroni husiness.

It will concrntrate its efforts as Specialtics Wholesale Distributors un­der the finn nmm' of Mercurio nros. Merchandise Co,

Some Yl'ars aJ:o this firnl nptratro its own plant at the prescllt location and later mer'::l.'Cl its production de­partment in forming the Mound City Macaroni Co. of 51. Louis. ~erving as a sales orgnuization in thl!' distribu· tion of macaroni· noodle products made in the Mound City pl'lIlt, It has now decidl'd to [t'asc selling macaroni prOOucls entin·I\,.

Wages and Labor Policies Survey

Never beCore in the history of the country have all industries e"periencl·tl so mall)' and varied labor problems as has been thC' case during the first six 1110111hs of 19-16. Strikes ha\'e bern rampant, demands o( workC'rs insis­tent and a genC'ral dC'sirc app.1fCllt to break all restraints and control.

Ne\'cr has thtre bC'en a more op­portune moment for SUI'\'c)'inJ! the macaroni,noodle trade to find out trtnds, l)Otities and wages that pre­vail. Acting on this assumption. the National Macaroni Institull', aided by a commiltel' o( the leading maca rom­noodle manufacturers interested in the idea. madl' a survey through the usr of qUl'stionnaires sent to evrry known manUf:1CIUrer,

While cve ry plant has its own wage scnlc ami p.1flicular walle policy, their is much that all ha\'c III common a:s cvidcnrt'(1 from thl' rl.'plies rrccivcd, Nearly one hundred of the leading fIrms nre co·opcratina;: in the SUf\·ey. which is to bt· summarized for rell'ase late in June (or the many good USI'S

the manufacturers can make of the deductions, ~nturally the results of the surve\' will be rrported only to those linns th'lt were sufficil'ntl), in­terested tn return their answered qUl'S­

tionnams for inclusion in the compila­tion,

l! is un(ortunate thnt evtry manu· facturer in the busil1l'ss dit! not in­tN!!:;t himself in the study, The !lons that did co-operate, just a frw less than 100. rll1ploy Ill'arl)' -'.(XX) work­l.'rs. allIl haw a combil1l·d output of nearh' 80 per cent of the produl."lion of lI1acaroni and sp:1,::hrlli of the coun­try. The result of the sun'ey is a SU1l1mary of will!e Iwlicirs that cur· rently prt'\,ail and (I f the wages being paid W:l1 krrs in v:lrinus pariS o( the country, The SU1111l1n r)' will be very helpful for purposes o( eomp.uison and ao; n basis for delennining what is fair :nlll n ·asonablc in the mailer of wages"

The cliSt,ur knllwn as 101111' trlCJsoir in IlOlalo I"anu u~uall)' has little effrct on Ihe a(lJlr.lranCt of Ihe tllanl IJUt may cut Ihe yidd ZQ% or leu.

June, 1946

Jacohs Cereal Products Laimralories

INC. 156 Chamben S" •• t New Yorlc 7. N. Y.

Benjamin R. Tacobs Olrector

COIISJAltiftll ofld if" a I y' I t III thtmUll, sl'triolm..g ift 011 ",al· Ilrs inllolWtll Ih, trdMirtOliM, I'rDdutlion and lobtlillll"" 0/ Ma(twDlli, Noodlt oM Egll ProJljds,

VltCURlu ad Mh,.,CllI Enrlep.ot Auays.

So, noW' Anal,... G"d lcl.otllCClUo. Badia' _d lnHct b-~ .. tau_ lon,dgo. ..... MoecllClIIl.I CUlCI Hoodl, Plat wpedLou.

"~ ,



WAHTEth 12W' V,rUc:ol Puu lot 8,­moyabl. dl, with hycbowlc: Poc:hr. lox 33. c:/ o Mac:aroDi lounutl. Buudwooc!. m.

FOB SALEI Compl.l, lO" NoocU, ,quip. ""al with wid,. m.dlum cmd b. cuI· I ..... pric:iJd law lor qulc:1r: dlipoaG!. Box No. 3 •• c:/ o Mac:oro~ loumaL ltoldwoad. Jllblall.

FOR BALEI 1 bbL Minr ud oa, 45" paD h.adu. bolh wilh molor aDd G,a clrin. aad Ia Good coadlUoD. Bn: No. 32. c:/ o Mac:oroal Jou.raal. Brcddwood. nt.

WIU PUBCHASE t .. or 10" H.,dlaulic: Pt'" wllh or wllhoul dl ... Alao Mm.· .... aad MIx,r" lox 31. c:/ o Moeoroa) laumal. Brold.ood. DUoala.

WANTED. McmWac:turllr ollt.ld, U. S. will bu, hydraulic: pr ... 10f abort Gooda: aho m1nr. Box No. 35, c:/o MOCClfoDi ,oumal. Braidwood. 111.

Fire Retardant Property Of Paint Improved

Aluminum JIOwllrr added 10 flriming Co;ls impro\"u the fire r.lardant propcrtie~ of paint uud in Ihe inlerior of naval ship' l Navy upcriern:e shoWI. The mixlur~ luel i ~ lItllained by adding sorA. aluminum llaste 10 Ihe rrimer In the proportion uf une (lOund 0 the P!'sle 10 IWO of Ihe primer,­Scit'JIct Nro's ulltr. }""t I, 1916.


?J til J 1]!J P il il il D Men or Merchandise?

TIlI'n"s alwa\'s "1'1'11 a I'll uf eli s,'us­si"l1 ahoul wheilwr a 11l:m s:loll ld kllow inllllanilY Clr m"n:halldi ~,' Ic . It,· a J.:'Hld sal'·~11lall. I'vl' Iwanl arJ:umenlS CltH· wa\' alltl anot l1l' r. ~ume sa l,·s l'xwulin's hultliuJ,:" Ihal :1 lUall who kllll\\'s (1"111'1,· ,'an tlukU), kartl all hi' 1l'·I·,ls 111 klltlw

ahnul tIl\' gUilds 11l' s"lIs, SU11It' saying Ihat IIII' mun' a 111,\11 kUIII\" l'i aholll hi s goods till' lIIun' :-lIn"'~:-Ifli l Ill' will III'.

\\'..11. elurillJ: the 1I,'x l f,'w p'ar:-l \n,'n ,l'iel' Ihat lI'sleel uut. Ill'caus,· tIWH' will In' su lIIall), III'W prudll':l s Ihal a salt'small can't IMlssibl~' kllUW ,,1\ IIf tlh'm IhuruuJ:hl\'. 1 h·11 ha\'l' to sdl Ihese 1Il'\" Ilrctlhll."ls "fh'n wilh illl:III1I' pll'le klluwlecl).:,' IIf Ihelll.

Ca n sall'sll1l'1I mlTl Ihis l'Il:tIlI'IIJ:t'? \'Ult klllt\\' 1111')' can. I f a sal,'small 'lIIl'" lIIash'rs Ih,' arl

of IUlIlIanit\' ; if III' kllllWS ""W III iu­tluelll'e III'ujlle, 111' can turn his takllt s 10 111"'" I'rmluc:I:-I til' tiM with "1111011 :-I lil" (t·ss .

I r I wI'n' a salt':-I 11I,II1agl'f hi rillJ.: :-Iall'sllU'lI \Il\' !irsl Ihing I wlluM waUl III knuw is huw wi'll gruul1lh·,1 a 111:111 i:-l ill hUllIan lIatlin',

IIlIw many y"ars has h,· had inUl'·l'l­iug peul'l,' "f all kil1!b? I wollid ask. IIIIW I1IlIch "ulhusia'iS-ll fur \I"uplc' has Iit'? IInw inh'n·~ tillg c\'I1':- h,' lind hit · l11all prultl"l1Is?

J f " salt'small kuows 111'111''''. he ,'all karn I'rlMlul."l s,

Number One Virtue

Ewry lil111' SUII1I'Iuly spl'aks lIT wrih':-I alMllI1 sal,·small :-lhil'. IIII' Ihing h" tril's 10 du is 1I000rtlW Sd1illJ: \'irlUl's duwn In 1111,·. That 'lilt' he 1·,,11:-1 the "SIII'I'l'I1IC \·irtul· ... IIr tl1I' ".:rl'ah'SI :11 '



Iriltu\c·." or Ih,' "M'rrd IIf ~a l" s ll1all ' ship"" ~al\lralh", in all arl as "lIlIIP"'S a:­

s"llillg, :- lIl'n'~ ~ l"lIll,':-I frulll a \"ari"IY of \·irlm·s 011111 loki ll :- 011111 allrihuh·~ . and narrowiu),! il dllWl1 1011111', il ~" l' lII~ I" n1l' , is ralllt'r dlil,lish h'a sllniulo:­'1\· '·r·~i llll"lili,· ali'lII"

11111 of all III\' \"irHh':-I s;I I" ~nll'lI ,'all ha w, th,'fl' is 'lilt· Ihal is ,'a:- il~' lirst.

Yllll ha\'t· il 1111 1111 It·:-s all aUlhllril\" Ihan II,"" ~,·wlll .. rry. j)"lIas. Ilrl':-lill"lil IIi \111' :\alillllal I'lirdia sill~ AJ:""III":­Assut:ialillll- :mol lit' IIl1alill":- a:-l all ,·x-11t'r1, sinn' 111' :-,'l'S s"lIillg frum IIII' tltlwr ~ icl,· IIf Ih,' ,t.'sk-

",\11 I walll ill it ~ale~ 1II ,111 is Ihal 111' is hCIIIC:-I," sa,'s ~Ir" :\,'wlll'rn" . "\i hc':-I ft·a lly hllll;· :-I I. hlllh'SI wilh 111,', hOI1 -,'SI willt hb I'lIl1Ipauy, IlI"s a l1Ian I ,'all Ii,' 10.

"I h· i:-l ahIlCl"~1 ~ Llr, ' III haw al1 lIlt' "Ih"r clua\ili,'s "OL! wall I ill a g'"1I1 :-I ah'~l1Iall " y,. ~ , ~ ir , y"Ul'all 1'111 dllwn hollt':-I ly as lily ~"" i'llIalitit-alillll illr a J:"IIocl sa!c:-l I11:I1I ."

Stralegy Got Him Business

J Ie was sdliug '·SIH.·U~;\'l' I'C\UiPl11l'UI jlurl'lms,·" hy 1'IIIIIrtlll"r)O IIf larg" I'~I\I\-1"1ni":-I, anti h:1I1 rlln illiu harc! Io:llll1g . I'Ilt'rl.' wa :-l mudl I'II"IIH.·lilillll, alUl hi~ linll was IWW, \\"h,'11 hI' wllu!t1,'all III S'T a mall IIr fllr an :tl'jluillll1l,·ul . 111" lI ~ uall\" ~"I IIlIwlwr,·.

Su ih' ,h'!'i,I"cll,,' 1I1'I'1 1,'cllll Ibl' ~tral·

"gy. lit, wmlt- lhl' flll1lrllll"f:- II f ; 11 " 'ad­

iug 111'111 :-1 alld a:-kt'l l Ilwlll whal 1),1'" "lllIil'lIh'lIl IIII',\' inl"IIlI",1 Itl huy, III hi s It'lh'r 11t' ~ai" 111" wa:- wrilit!J:" III ·N olhcr linns.

Wh"1\ ht.' gol Ih,' \t'llt'rs all ill , IIII"~" fllrtllt'cl all iUlI'r"slillg "~IIr\"t·y. IIU,' allY l'lIlIlrulh'r \\"lIuld hI' ~Ia" III ~"". !'II h,' 1I·1'·pIIl1111"1\ Ih,' ~"IT"larit's ,d hi~ Ilfl)' 1I1,·U. ami sugg"Sh'c! Ihal if ~Ir. I!lank wUllltllik l· III rl,\'i,·w tilt" 11 'l lt-r:-, he wlluld III' glad III bring Iltl'l!I m·,·r.

Iluw ",mltl ~Ir. Il1allk ILln! ,1"WI1 all im'ilaticlII .. f Iltal kiud? ~""~ I Id Ih,' ~ I r, 1!1allk:-l \Il lt! him 10 f'lI llI' alll':ul. ami IIUI IIi 1111" .iU hi' gill It '\l lIil'l' ,',"lIr;lI'ts. ami Ihl' Pfllllli ~,' IIf all "llual 111I11I11I'r 111'"rt·.

Thl' sal" ~ lI1all, Ihi" ~II"~ III ~hllW,


whll wililltilll, ; I~ h" wllrks. will alwa\"~ IIII\ ~,· l1 111t' ~alt'~llla'" wit" wllr"~ aild d'II' .~II'1 Ihill" .

Forget Present Habits \':1111111'11 :-ia li ~ lllIr\' . IIIllall,," ~Iilllll' ­

; Ipl l li ~ "a "' ~ " X" I'llIi';"", Ilt'li"\"I" ~ Ihal Ii ~ah':-I II\I'II arlO going III :-I1I,,"i\\· 1h,' li r:-I I HI~lw:lr y,"ar~ lilt' 1111,' Ihill!! Ilwy han 10 ,I,. is 10 ~d U\ ,'r Illt'ir l"ft"~ I' 1I1 hall' its illlllll"tlialdy.

Ct.-ar rl'a~III1;IIJ:" i,,"111 Ihi ~ d,·a .. · Ihillkilll' "x,",'uli\<" i lldllll,"~ lh,·:-," i,""a~: " .. \ ~ ,I.- :-Illall ",m'l 1..- alt'" III Itl ~" a ~., IlIt· \.r 1111 th,· ,'\lIIII\I'r awl "a~" , 'Th,·r,· i, 1:- - ' \ ." il I,,"i,'f, ' ~'II"' ""II,· , · I"l' ~rall" il : \\ " 11 h,l\" I .. It"a nl a lu, "i 111'\\ s:th'~lUan~hijl , Il"u'l ~dl ~"l1i"g :-h"n _ :t Iraill ... 1 ~al"~III : 111 \\"iI111\· wllrth hi, w,·i/.:hl in !!"I,I aill'" IIII' \\;,r."

As I ha\"," ~ai d 1111 Ihi~ \ ~ Ig,· Iod"j",". Ihc"",· will 10," I r "II" "lI dllu~ "a~lIah," li~,~ :mll'lIJ:" .al' " ~1U' · 1I ""\.,, 111l' !! "ill~ 1:""1 .. 101l1:h. To kn"1' \'''111" 1I;1I11l" IllY Ih,"Ii ~ l. g,'1 u", 'r "'"Our \'a:-y. lu~h, \\"arlilll1' ~,"I1 -iug habils IIII\\'.

"\Illt'rio";, I,;t ~ " .. " ;u "';1.1 .IlMt '""'''I,alln'' 1';u"kulJ.: ;",.:,'11 ,,"',/. " 1I1.1.~1 , Io ,ro "· ,dhllJ.: lin'''' . :111,1 .!.IUI.IUI f:m"I,,", " ' ''II~ ,1,,",," fu·.11 ir ll il'. " "..: ,"1:11,,,·, :",,1 ",I,,", arlld,", ,,f ,li"I"

"\ 1I1Ih- .. I '''','" ,,,I·i,,.! I' 1I1t·lwl ... 1 111 :,\ ,""

' ""rk', !;trJ.:,".1 '"' ... ·tr .. · .II'I,la}





-- National Macaroni Manufacturers --ORGANIZE Association Til."··

HARMONIZE Local and Sectional Macaroni Clubs MANUFACTUREIf

OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS 1911./915 c. W. WOLFE. FruldIAI ........................... ,. UaurDII! Co.Cc!hrrilbur. PL A. IRVING GRASS, VI~ Ilrnlduu ........... .. I.l. Gun Noodle ~ Cbla.": III.

~.I): H:~:: ~~::rr~~::~~.::::::::::::::r. ~.IB~~ Vio.Wc r,:fd~~'II~.oT. Ih,loli No.1 lo.,pb r.u.lrillD. Prillee ""«I'0Il1 1.1". Co., Low.II, Uan.

'halon No. :2 lI.tlll' Mu.ller, C. F. Uuell., Co., ~'M[ Cllr,.. N. J. fun LaRau., V. I.dlnu. ,\ SIIIII, roo Irll, , Y. C. W. WOlll, 11111 1I,e.ronl Co" Ihrrltbur • • r • .

::r!tnl..:,} C,uabe,l.nd Ulunnli 101' • • Co .• Cumbulilld, ~d. Rtrlall No. 4 ~;,,!rl?',~::::I, 1:r!~,C:::~' ~:=~. d.~c .. ~lcrlr' ilL

~:rc:n,~~I:i,IlO, Xcarack, }'huroal Co., LoIII .. n ... Jt,.

a Pai'r.

It takes moro than a pair to make a convention, says

a writer In discussing the convention-attending habit

so prevalent among American businessmen. This Is

vory true II relerence is made to a pair 01 manufac·

turers, lor instance, but hardly so if one Is thinking

about another kind 01 0 pair-a poir 01 groups. In our

own industry, lor example, iI the group of regular con­

vention-goers \s paired by on equol group 01 macaroni­

noodle manufacturers who rarely attend. and bolh at­

tend this yoar, the 1946 convention in Minneapolis.

July 17-19, will be a WOrlh·while affair, numerically


It all depends on what is moont by the word "polr."

In discussing this a house magazino rightfully slales

Ihat there Is considerable misuse of the word . "The

word 'pair' rofers to two things used toge ther, equal,

or suited to each other. It is not a synonym 01 tho

word ·two.' We may say a pair of tongs, or a pair 01

lovern. A cow and a postage stamp are two objects.


r.t~r.1I Jt~:lId. Gooch Foo4 Product. Co., lJa(ol., N,br.

~~~~II f.~IIr. Sunland DII(IIII Co., r..o., e,lIf,

2:rJ:·P~~:'lhlo. )(1111011 )hal'Olll Co., Snldr, Wllb. Rt,lall !la. 9 C. L. North. TlIt Crtlmrtlc Co .• ~lnlluClOlI .. ~IM.


~ct'.:J',~~~::.."ii.!, ... I~'O~a(.Co.Br;o~I~~ "woo Loul, S. VI.,. llIoYiflUll ~.c.rani Co.. SL 'l..iuili MOo Alben S. Wclil. 'ci ll Naodlt Co.. Cltul .... 0111 II

but they are nol a }Xlir of anything. A }Xllr 01 twins

would mean lour. A }Xlir 01 trousers might be a mis'

nomer, too. were it not lor the fact that in that sense

It Is 0 holdover Irom early times when trousers con­

sisted 01 two sep:nate hoselike garment~, ono for each


Trade conventions are coming in for moro atlention

theso days because 01 really sorious conditions thot

coni rant convention·goers and their more backward

competitors alike. With plants deprived 01 needed

raw materials, many macaronl-noodlo factorios oro

closed down or running only on port time. Both groups

ore anxious to know the truth about scarcitios, com­

ing harvests and expected luture dollverles 01 Gomo·

lina. Both know that this subject will lead all othero

In convontion discussion. This bespeaks a well·at­

lended conference.


L.· ... Secretary-Treasurer




It II Ilmple mathematici that a good

product, PLUS a package dOllgnod by

e.perll to marchandlao"" valu. and

III brand, totheconlumor-alwaYI

EQUALS conium or prelerenco and

Increal.d 101... Conlult Mllprlnt

today lor packagol Ihat will build

conlum.r Intere.t In your product, both

lor today aod lor tho luluro.

,!Wac .... , ........ ...... hll, C,lIllm 'utll .. I>J\ III.- ..... III 1_" ,.,., .. II ,..., IiIcII6& ,.d .......... , ....... ,,.wtr 1'11. Imlill .. 1111' '"'-. s,ul.llr "WI, u' lid •• en ... C'" IIJfIQ1. .... ...... CIU .....

San Itllen II I •• 'n' DIu,.',...,.. ,....11 .... IraMbf'U· t ......... ·an .... 11IU· .... ,IIII·Cllclllllti-IIIW

'1IaM'~ • It t .. 11 • I .....

....Clr· ....... • .....



, ----- -

.... ~--, .. -.- . . -.. --' .-.-- ---'

,,- -_.


THE whem emergency started the industry (lU

on <t" unexpected trip-of uncertain duration and to an uncharted destination.

Happily. )'ou're riding on a round-trip ticket. You're comin~ back. And when milling restric­tions afC lifted , Pillsbury's regular lop-grade sem­olina and durum Hour will be there to meet )'ou, Count on that .

Meanwhile, sit tight. Hang on. You can make

gootl emergency-type spaghetti, macaroni and noodles with Pillsbury's BOra extraction durum products.



Mhuaeapou.. Mbm.