Lucina Laam Ho Kindergarten - 東華三院何藍瓊纓幼稚園

Post on 21-Jan-2023

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Transcript of Lucina Laam Ho Kindergarten - 東華三院何藍瓊纓幼稚園


Upper Ground F loor, On Tat Shopping Centre, On Tat Estate, Kwun Tong, KowloonTe l : 2 9 7 6 9 9 3 5 W e b s i t e : w w w . l u c i n a - k i n d e r g a r t e n . e d u . h k

Lucina Laam Ho KindergartenTung Wah Group of Hospitals


Optimizing school-based parent education, through the involvement of parents as our education partners and excellent volunteers, to establish home-school cooperation to nurture the growth of our students.

• 本校致力與家長攜手合作共育幼兒,故此,校方舉辦不同家長教育活動、講座、工作坊等,藉此讓家長互相支持和鼓勵,彼此交流和共建支持。此外,建立家長義工小組,除了讓家長協助及支援教學及非教學的工作外,更能讓家長了解學校的工作。

The school is committed to working with parents in raising our children. For this reason, the school has been organizing various a parental education activities, talks and workshops, which enables them to support and encourage each other, thus exchange ideas and build mutual support. In addition, the establishment of the parents volunteer group has allowed parents not only to support and assist our teaching and non-teaching activities, but also to better understand the works of the school.

2019-2020年度學校關注事項 2019-2020 School Focus


Strengthening the promotion of "reading culture", encouraging parents to read together with their children, so as to cultivate their interest in reading.

• 除了原有的繪本教學、親子共讀外,本年度更會增設相關的工作坊及講座予教師及家長,以加強朗讀繪本及進行故事活動的認識及掌握共讀技巧。

On top of the existing emphasis on picture books teaching and parent-child co-reading, relevant workshops and talks will be added this year for teachers and parents, to strengthen understanding on picture books reading and story activities, also to allow for a better grasp of co-reading skills.

借閱及點算圖書Lending and counting books

照顧植物Taking care of plants

協助課室事項 (如:入學習套) Assisting in classroom matters (e.g. filing the Learning Folder)

協助出外參觀Assisting in outdoor visits

故事爸媽Story-telling parents

結業禮協助Assisting in the graduation


清潔圖書Cleaning books

• 下學期家長義工小組的工作 (計劃) Duties of the Parents Volunteer Group in the Second term (Planning)

• 上學期家長義工小組的工作 Duties of the Parents Volunteer Group in the First term

借閱及點算圖書Lending and counting books

照顧植物Taking care of plants

協助課室事項 (如:入學習套) Assisting in classroom matters (e.g. filing the Learning Folder)

協助出外參觀Assisting in outdoor visits

話劇表演Drama Performance

協助聖誕攤位遊戲Assisting in game booths in the

Christmas Fair

扮演聖誕老人Roleplaying as Santa Claus

清潔圖書Cleaning books


韓國英才式數學邏輯專利磁石積木課程 Korean Magnet Block Curriculum





"Integrated Teaching" places emphasis on "Communiction and Discussion". Children learn complex mathmatical concepts through playing and operating gaming tools, including "creative thinking,

mathematical logic, strategic thinking and problem-solving skills." In the process of participating in related games and building blocks, young children can use multi-sensory to explore, observe, predict and compare, so as to cultivate their creativity, observation, collaboration and problem-solving skills, and to build perseverance, gregarious and exploratory spirit.

猜猜哪一個重一些?Let's guess which one is heavier?

我把兩個磁石毛毛球粘貼在一起。I put magnatic balls together.

轉啊轉,轉出甚麼形狀?Twist it, which shape will be seen?

轉啊轉,轉出甚麼顏色?Twist it, which colour will be seen?

餅乾上有不同花紋。There are different patterns on the biscuits.

我們專心上GABE課。We are having GABE lesson.

影子配對Finding the correct picture.

我找到正確的圖片!I can find the correct picture!

透過「顏色小丑」遊戲探索顏色變化。"See! The clown's face became purple". We explored the

color changes through the game "Colour Clown".

擲骰子,找圖片。Roll the dice and find the picture.

看看誰能找到正確的圖案!See who can find the correct pattern!

記著圓桶的位置,然後收藏寶石!Remember the location and hide the jewel!

韓國英才式數學邏輯策略性教具 Korean Gaming Education Tool

課程動向CurriculumNew Trend


日本積木 Japanese Building Block Curriculum本校積極引入世界各地的創新教具及課程,包括日本積木課程,以訓練幼兒的小肌肉發展,提升數理邏輯思維發展,並增加幼兒對機械運作


Our kindergarten has proactively introduced creative teaching aids and curriculum from all over the world, including a Japanese Building Block Curriculum, which will assist in the development of children's fine motor function, improve their logical-mathematical thinking, and enhance their knowledge in machine operations.

一個齒輪轉動會帶動其他相連的齒輪一起轉動。Rotating a gear makes all gears rotate together.

原來相連的齒輪轉動的方向是相反的。Two connected gears rotate in an opposite


順時針轉動一個齒輪,另一個齒輪便會逆時針轉動。If a gear rotates clockwise, another connected gear

rotates anti-clockwise.

我們嘗試把不同日本積木砌起來。We try to put different Artec blocks together.

我用小鉗子分開了日本積木。I use forceps to separate the Artec blocks. 我成功砌好沒有榫的日本積木。

I successfully put the Artec blocks together without tenons.


Children learn social skills and table manners through our courses, which cultivate student's temperament and expand their international outlook. This enables them to become polite, confident and self-assured little ladies and gentleman.

氣質教育課 Etiquette Lesson

我們在學習如何擺放餐巾。We are learning how to place the napkin.

餐桌禮儀很重要,齊來做個小淑女。Table manners are very important.

Let's be a little lady.

餐桌禮儀很重要,齊來做個小紳士。Table manners are very important. Let's be a little


我們在學習吃餐包的禮儀。We are learning the manners of eating a bun.

我們在學習如何折疊餐巾。We are learning how to fold a napkin.

我們在學習戴帽子的禮儀。We are learning the manners of putting on the hat.

東華三院賣旗日TWGHS Fund-Raising Programme


參觀「童是藝術家」展覽Visit "Every Child is an Artist"Art Exhibition



學校開放日School's Open Day

聖誕攤位遊戲Christmas Funfair

聖誕頌歌節Carol Singing Festival 2019

親子旅行School Picnic


學校活動School Activities

聖誕慶祝會 Christmas Celebration

中秋節慶祝會Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration

護脊校園啟動禮Straighten Up Campus Campaign Officiating Ceremony

新年年宵活動Chinese New Year Market


我們這一班My Class



I joined the kindergarten in mid-October. Born and raised in a small town in Germany, I have not seen such a big beautiful bustling city like Hong Kong until I grew older. While studying business in Germany, I decided to do an exchange semester in Hong Kong and spent one semester at Baptist Univeristy in Kowloon Tong back in 2012. This was when I fell in love with the place and decided that I will be back at some point in time. In autumn 2019, the time had finally come and I joined the amazing team at TWGH's LLHK.

學校新成員New Members 2019

喜悅分享School Achievements

本校於第十七屆綠色學校獎頒獎典禮中榮獲「環境管理-最傑出表現獎」,全靠家長及學校通力合作才能獲取佳績。Thanks to the close cooperation of parents with our school, we are pleased to share that the school has received the "Outstanding Award of Environmental Management" in the 17th Hong Kong Green School Award prize presentation ceremony.















變及校園愉快的片段。 假如把孩子的幼稚園旅途比作一艘



Miss Athena

Miss Monique


Tim Baumgartner