INTE 1014 Emerging Trends in ICT and business Assignment 1 Emerging Blockchain Technology to...

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INTE 1014 Emerging Trends in ICT and businessAssignment 1Emerging Blockchain Technology to healthcare business

Nadin Almadani S3218982

Table of contentsExecutive SummaryIntroductionMethodology Results/Findings Discussion Conclusion Recommendations Apendexs References


Executive SummaryThe technology has unprecedented advancement over the last few years,substantially with the Internet commoditization .This has evolved immensely to the healthcare industry.This growth lead to create the electronic healthcare that provides flexible and accessible platform of communication between doctors and patients(Vyas& Pal 2012).This report written to management team in healthcare business to explain the blockchain technology with exploring the opportunity ,propositions value and the risk and challenges that assisted emerging blockchain technology . Also, this report will discuss the implementation tools and rules.research method is by review ,analysed and reflect the related find that, blockchain technology is public ledger for transaction records can be used in healthcare as transmit data to store and retrieve the medical records globally. it have value in regarding to savings and efficiencies as well as the can be a market defence.The maine risks pointed as the risks of failure and the usability of the system from user perspective.the research recommend to consider the business capacity and capability and follow well-defined decision process when adopt this new technology and to evaluate this emerging after the implementation.



Healthcare is one the major concerns for all human being this impacton governments and businesses same as individuals(Shen 2012). health care services still does not achieve high level of satisfaction. One of considerable setbacks in this industry is the practitioners scarcity as well as utilizing resource ineffectively (Shen 2012).However,this impediment has been eroded by the E-healthcare.currently , it is commonly integrated with sensor technologies and wireless networks. E-healthcare has removed the geographical limitation and it is achieve the centricity of patient and became highly efficient and reliable platform that provides real time and pervasive information access (Dedding et al. 2011).Thakur, Hsu and Fontenot (2012) argued that health care services is moving to evidence-based practice through technology ,it is aims to increase the effectiveness practitioners and patients interaction as well as keeping an extensive collection of patients’ data. Therefore ,emerging the Blockchain Technology to healthcare business massive business opportunity. This research will exploring the use of this Technology and opportunity ,propositions value and the risk with adoption as well as strategy and implementation , the research is limited to discuss emerging the Blockchain Technology to healthcare industry and by using BitHealth application.

Methodology Data CollectionSecondary sources will be used to accomplished this study. in order get this data source an extensive research in RMIT Library has been obtained.The research included literatures and journals article as well as related blogs and industry newspaper. this done in order to in understand the Healthcare industry to investigate emerging the blockchain technology with it Data analysisThe secondary data will be analysed to reflect upon emerging blockchain technology within Healthcare aiming to understand whethersuch emerging will make propositions value.



Block chain Technology

A block chain has been defined as public ledger for all independently-verified transaction records that allows inspection for records and any time.All transactions growing constantly as completed blocks. the blocks has been added in a linear with single hash as shown in figure one .The node is a computer connected to network using a user that evaluating and relaying the transactions. Each node have a blockchain copy that automatically downloaded when joining network. The blockchain has all information all blocks like their addresses and which block has been completed recently(Swan, 2015 a)Block chain is information technology form that can be used widely with variety usage. It has been used as underlying infrastructure for digital currencies such as Bitcoin (Swan, 2015 a).Also it has been used for non-currency applications like Proof of Existence , and BitHealth(Swan, 2015 b).


Blockchain technology can be used to transmit data securely and globally. Data storing and securing is a primary concerns in Healthcare. It is critical for the healthcare data to be reliable and not breached.Block chain technology can store the data and retrieve itwhen needed from any node .(James et al.,2015)The following diagram explain how the information can be exchanged when using block chain technology to transmit data .

BitHealth is example for using blockchain technology to store data.BitHealth is health care identity that can be used globally and it records with bitcoin using block chain technology focuses on the personal healthcare( BitHealth,2015)the data is distributed globally by using the technology of peer-to-peer file sharing and can be retrieve from any local node.The health information will exchange effectively. Patients are able to use this technology to store their data securely and doctors will be able to access and retrieve this medical records. Also insurance companies able to use it to retrievingmedical history(James et al.,2015).Users is able to generate private and public key to encrypt the data.The private key hold personal health data and the public key is used to partially share certain data.BitHealth use the Bitcoin address to encrypting data and retrieving records( BitHealth,2015).



The digital healthcare created new wave for business opportunities this day most of consumers which are patients are educated and fastertechnology adopters(Gorbsky 2013). Wilson (2015) argued that the blockchain is a substantial investment cycle following the mobile technology. Block chain technology has driving innovation in healthcare trends that extremely vital in helping healthcare industry to improve their effectively and efficient (Chan,2015). blockchain able to secure more than millions records in the blockchain using single hash which make this technology massively scalable in regard to


the cost efficient and in the same time it is provided high level of auditability and security(Chan,2015).

BitHealth is a trusted and secure healthcare application, that recognized this opportunity and use it to equip innovative services, focusing on storing data securely and make it accessible globally , through protected information exchange system.

potential value

BitHealth has potential value to business since it improve the services efficiencies in regarding to the managing date . firstly .Such benefit will help avoid the data duplication which lead to abide westing space for the data than saved multy time . Also, it will provide decentralization of medical records. this decentralization records will enables patients to sharing their medical records and authorize doctors . this will help doctors to provide better service especially in emergencies cases. The current electronic health records is used to maintain the patients and in caseof emergencies this will provides doctors with all needed history (James,2015).Also has potential value to business in regarding to saving. BitHealth will reduce the insurance and expenditures cost.

Also it can be market defence since it will satisfy customers core needs. Ball and Lillis (2001) have identified the healthcare core customer needs. one of this core needs where bithealth is able to satisfy is convenience. Patients able to access bithealth anytime anywhere from any node.also other core needs that bithealth satisfy iscontrol. Patients can store their data and their health records and can set up the privacy and they can authorize doctors from their choice to retrieve this data.




There is vary risks associated with emerging new technology. one of

this risks is failure which can lead to disastrous consequences. the

failure includes but not limited to poor security .on example of

poor security failure is theft . McMillan (2014) point theft as risk

in bitcoin exchange since there was $350 million has been robbed. the

bitcoin and bit health use the same technology so this is main a

failure in protection from hackers or insufficient protection for

confidentiality of patient can be accrued. Also emerging new

technology need time until it is get knowledge and understable.

Halsted (2015) argued that the the blockchain technology it hard to

understand and hard to use however this simler to the internet has

been introduced. Figure 3 has shown some other risks as well . also

there are other issues that must be considered when emerging new

technology this has been highlighted by Cegielski El (2013) in the

table 1 in the Appendices.




Firstly it is critical to bulie strategy that determine the technological requirements and describes the business aims to achieveas well as determine the focus area that needs improvements as well asdefine the requirement resources in order to devote implementation plan.Implementation is the second step , which about outlines the exact steps that plan to take in order to achieve the strategy. however it is important to consider that evaluation and control must flowe the implementation to achieve scss full implementation(Cegielski


El ,2013) table 1 shown strategy and implementation for emerging Blockchain technology to healthcare business.

IT strategy Implementation

Provide a responsive system andminimized IT Reduce operational costs by achieving improved response by reducing infrastructure.

Minimise infrastructure cost by

implementing Blockchain technology

circulate software application delivery

controller to improve transaction


Provide capability to enhance

the customer experience by Use

new technology to enhance end

user experience.

design findlay user facepage that provide

good customer usability experience.

Develop a smartphone App.

Provide support for choice of

language by support major


Develop & support major languages like

Indian,arabic and chinese .

provide translation as optien.

Inspire, motivate and train IT

staff in core competence of the

Blockchain technology .Ensure

that the staff understand and

develop in the core competence

Identify and train IT staff who are

motivated to learn and share knowledge.

Identify and train IT staff in leadership

and project management capabilities


of Blockchain technology


In conclusion , the blockchain technology is public ledger for independently-verified transaction records can be used in healthcare as transmit data to store and retrieve the medical records globally. it have propositions value in regarding to savings and efficiencies aswell as the can be a market defence.The maine risks pointed as the risks of failure and the usability of the system from user perspective.


With emerging new information technology it is recommend to consider the business capacity and capability. Rogers (2013) argued that it is critical to follow well-defined decision process with the emerging. Cegielski El (2013) has been defined emerging new information technology as early stages of development innovations . they provides innovation-decision process model that shown in in figure 5 the model has five steps as the flowing :1.Knowledge ,Persuasion ,Decision ,Implementation,Confirmation explanation for this steps has shown in in Appendix 2.

In order to achieve successful implantation it is recommend to evaluate this new technology.Cegielski El (2013) also build a model that able to evaluate emerging information technology Appendix 3 shows this model.They identified two factors that concentrate vary issues related to the subsequent adoption of EITs into corporate IT strategy. This factors are business alignment issues and technical


alignment issues. Using the model enables IT executives to work more timely on creation of IT strategy through assessing the EITs

potential fit within specific firm context. Subsequently, IT strategies will be capitalize on early innovation are developed leading to IT strategy longer useful life.





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