Post on 24-Jan-2023

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What J. W. Fordney Stands forAnd What He Has Done

(Prom thr nsllr 0»urler-Her»i4. October

|0 Affslrs of tlH* BsUoM s noRgrrs culturml RCtlYltio* sRd C**»ff** iORAl dtotnu is oRly s ten tdnes n»^ proapeiltjr. aad Us ro*

hBown True, all dl*iioU »i*r« cor- quire tR« •orrfeos of s men at Isrip Sreoonim. but all ooRgre—msR do not •xperiencr, keen menulity and inti- Rnve preatlga. InflueRoe sad the poal- mate knowledge ofdon of strength, wdlcta <xmnBnnd at­tention to tholr words and demands. lluMe dtstrlou that are thus repre- aeated are greatir In the minority, but the congressmen repreaenting those districu are greatly In the ma<

aftaira at Wash­ington. It can never have a ('ongress* man who will please all the farilons. agree wHh every suggestion nnnde to biro or accept every new cause and support every new “lam." It can. however, have a representative In



Happenings in St.

The Mason ball boys gave a dancing patty at Harmoaie hall last evening,

jahout twenty couples partlclpatlag.


Members of the f'brlaliaa Kndeavor society of the Coagregational church ami their friends wlH be esoTtalned In the church imrlorM Friday evening. An intern-sting program of sasnrs and musk' is being prepamd for the event.

Jorltg when one ronsWers the actual whose honesty it has confidence, |n program of leglsiation that longreas whoae ability It has reliance, and

with whose good. eoHd judgment It * The eighth • ongresaional district can find no fault It needs a mad of comprising the counties of daglnaw. this measure—a man of Mr Fordney's Tuscola, Shiawassee and riinton today nature, and it needs him more and Kfp u its representative on*- of the more every day To make a change party leaders in the nation. It has in at this time would be to wipe the Mr. Fordney a member of the com- Kightb district <df the congrensional mlttee on ways and means, the great- •md legislative map of the nation; It ast constructive body of law uutkers would be setting the wheels bsck two of any in the world, for It is in this decadescommittee that the most <*er1nus prob- Mr Fordney’s career at WaMiington lems n# the national goterniuent are la well known to every voter and reai- decided. It has on this committee a dent of this district. His Interest In member whose strength with bis col- the nitairs of each of hit constituents.

his fearlessness, miright'-ouaness and ■ “ ' courage arc never denied, hit work

for hia dlst^t has alwayif been faith­ful and prodiictive. He bsK responded every time a call has been made up­on him. hut more often he bad antici­pated and secured whst was roost needed At the last session of con­gress he sras able to break down the barriers of governmental “red tape." which la of the moat binding and ad­hesive kind and se<'ure afthr an un­favorable engineering report an ap­propriation of Idkti.ooh for the deep­ening of the Haglnaw river to a six­teen foot channel depth, thus rinsing an agitation that was begun as long ago as 1)tri2 .\o other congreasman In Michigan could have secured tbla aptiropriatton under like dreurn- stan<'es But Mr. Fordney did. and It la on his record of accompllahments that we are urging his re-election. He wss enabled to do It because of his position In the house, because of his strength with his coileagues, and If more mohey is needed he will he able to get that, too

In Mr. Fordney the district baa a congressnuin who can and does ac- compflah srhat he sets out for, who

' -- jjm, voice and influence in affairsleagues has time and again been that Is commanding, and wh<v baa proved, a member whose position la been a great honor to Michigan and of one of such commanding influence great value to his district. Bschand power that the representation of term his prestige increases and sees hia district in all things Is as nenr him nearer the top rank of influence complete as it can be. By industry, to the house, in a position that should courage, energy and ability, Oongreaa-' •alt* for him the undivided support of mnn Fordney hna advanced himself-^l* district To the district more to a position at Washington that all than to Mr. Fordney, does the coming th» country admires; he ranks among election moan something To the one the first of the greatest congr^-sarnsn. It Insures continued service of a nota-

' ■■ AtHMit forty members «if the OrderBK. A.ND MRS. KBMET ^ICHOLM i ^

meeting held Tuesday evening at thelirKMTS IT B TKBPLK. I home of Mrs fl. H. rhapman. Mrs. I.|

l<\ I>avis of .New York was present and :gave an invtruc-tive address u|Kia top-

Two Hundred Witness heesnd Bnr* »ca of interest to the order

lingr f'ereawn* III the Prills of PashUnahle Wedding hnpplled








Naturally the voters of this dis­trict mar take pride in the elevation ur thetr cungreaoman to the know­ledge thnt he is accorded the rank of leader, that he is the first <«ngreas-

of- his state. And It should be their pleasure to re-engage hli aer-

Me nature, representation by a house leader, a congreasman who enn do things, snd that Is what we all want. remirdless of partisan affliatlon. In the coming election Mr. Fordney de­serves the biggest vote be has ever received and the failure of hia con-

rices as long as Mr. Fordney conaents stltuents U> turn out and give It to to make the personal sacrifices which him would mean Indifference In na- he dnee In meeting all the exacting tlonal affairs, atul lack of apfirecia- demands of congressional life Uon of faithful. Intelligent md pro-

The Klghth district stands s><vmd diirtlve representation, .md a setha»ic to non* in Michigan in varl«*ty of In- for the FJghth congressional district, dtiilry, manufacturing growth, agri- that It would tak* vears to overcome.


As th* .-iiiniiiier di*-- ami th« leaves rvimmenca- to turn sfMirtsne n of the woods begin to plan (or th* ir annual tw,. weeks shooting Th*' Highlands of ftntarlo.” the fln*-*»t Toiirist <'am(>- log and fishing district n .North America i.- also the m*-cca for the hunter, where moose deer, bear .md other large game abound Writ* to th* undersigned for enpy of Haunts of Pish and flame," which contains a full descrliulon If th*- terrltor> maps, rates, game laww. egc

H. (; KlJ^liriT.017 Merchants^ laoan A Truat Building

I2wl rhiosgo. Ill

EX.HOV. VATKN HERE.Next Tuesday evening. November 1,

Ex-f’Kiv Yates of Illinois will addreas 'the citixens of Ht. Johns and vicinity from a Itepublicsn standpoint Mr. Yatee* rsitutation as a chiaay cam­paign orator prececds him; and aa wveryhndy likes to hear a good talker, especially a stranger like Mr Yates, be dotiMleas will have a big audience —and there should be a lot of I>em- oenua amongst them for U will hurt no one to hear hath sides of a pnlltitml question.

KIBfPN DArUHTERN.A apeelnl meeung of the King's

Uaughtera will be held at the home of Dr. Wellsr. Monday, evening. Octo­ber Slat. Impoftaot huslneas will be trannactsd and the report of the dele­gate to the Slate convention will be given.


In his speech at the opera bouse last ^laturday night I^awton T He- mans, among other tblnsrs wrblcb Be said intimated that this city will be honored with the .^te banking com- mlsslnnershlp should "my opponent” (Phase S Osborn* he elected governor

Whether Mr. Hemans has inside In­formation and speaks by the card The .News ia not in position to state or whether be gets his aulhorUy from the newspapers, which have contained IteuM to the sam*- <*ffect ever since Mr Osborn was nominated Th< gen­tleman referred to Is J. W. FlUger- ald. cashier of the ^ate Bank of fit Johns However. The Newa speaks with authority from Mr. FltageraM when we state that Mr Osborn has never said as much as one word to Mr. FltiRerald on the subject, nor Mr. FItxgerald to Mr. Osborn. Mr. Flti- geraM loyally supportsd Mr. Osborn In the primary and la doing so now, but that loyalty has no string to It, muoh Iona any office on the end of the string

Mr and'Mrs Kinmet Nichols of Sortb (’Union avenue have been mar­ried fifty years, the golden anniver­sary of their marriage being joyously celebrated Tuesday evening by near­ly two hundred of their friends at Masonic Teinide. when in s (lantondne service the bride and groom renewed their nuptial vows.

The bride of fifty years ago. wear­ing a pretty gosm of white, was at­tended by .Mrs Fred Hwatn and Mrs. Nettie Murdock as bridesmaids. Mrs. Rlls Lyon, acted a ring bearer, car­rying the golden circlet upon a large sunflower. The ribbon Bkars were Mrs O. B. Pardee. Mrs Walter Bur­lingame, Mrs. ft. H. Beboenhsls and Mn(. A. B. Bullard, while the flower girls were Mrs. Floyd OalklDs. Mrs. H. M. Cohn. Mrs Krnest Bouford and Mrs (1. fl Bteel. all of whom were at­tractively dressed.

The bride was led to the altar by A. B. Bullard where she sras met by the groom who was attended by Fred itwaln and C. O. IhiBois A. (•. Jones performed the duties of rector, and J. r. Flynn sras master of ceremonies.

The beautiful ring used In the ser­vice sras given to the bride by the Or­der of hloatern iltar, the gift to the groom being a five-dollar gold piece.

At the rvincluslon of the Interesting ceremony r-ongratu1atlons were tend­ered Mr and Mrs Nichols, after which refreshments were nerved.

The happy couple were residents of New Yrrrk in their early years, Mr. .Nichols having been born in that state nearly seventy-oeven years ago and Mrs Nichols about seventy yearssince On October 25. ISdO, they were united in marriage at rhittenango, .New York, and soon thereafter they began housekeeping In the village of Perrrvllle After living there for two years they came to Michigan, locating Id Ingham *sntttty sNisTe they resided eight years, immlag to Bt Johns in lkT2.

Mr Nirhol* was a carpenter andcontractor, and shortly after coming to this place be built the house at the corner of Btate and Pros(»ect streets now occupied ’>>• Fred Tatro and fam­ily Thirty-four years ago theymoved to their present home, and through the many years, some of which went by <)n wings. xn*i "uvme *iragging with the weight of grief,they have together met the joys and i-orrows and thgether have rnnqu**r*’d the trials and disapt)ointm*'nt« and igain havf- together been defeated in some of their greatest anticiitations

After thev had le-en married about thirt*'en years a (lai.rhter was born to Mr and Mr* Nichols .Mhe grew to girlhfKMi and '-harming young woman- hoow. and was married to Oharlea Reed, a young man 'vf this mly. but when she was ’wenty-foiir yeara of sgf vhe was calletl from earth. leaving her aging parents ind*‘ed bereft.

Time and sorrow have left none hut their beautifying marks upon the couple who have gone thus far on life's pathway They have taken their share of Ntter with the sweet, hut with a strong determination not to be overcome by grief and failure have come up out of the deep waters ••nriched and ennohled In character.

They are deserrlngtr popular with hundreds of .Bt Johns citixens. having won and kept their friends by a warm hospiullty. and s wilitngneaa to be of service to others

Both arc eajoytng s full measure of health, and are still able to partici­pate in all the actlrtties of their com­munity Mr Nichols has been a mem­ber n< the Masonic order for nearly forty-five yeara. and they are both charter membera of the Order of Roat- ern Star and the White Bhrtne of Je- nwalem

Mr. NfPhols has been employed in the shops of the Bt Johns Maniifaot- urlng Ca. the Bt John* Table Co., and the Parr Lumber Co., for many yeara, and is very proficient la hia workman­ship.



rnusanl Interest Hkwwn hy Santhern People la Trial Inr Hrnnger's

Murder—Cost of the Case.

The News dropped Into the machine shot) of Kugene I-imi on the north side lasrt Saturday and found him busy in­stalling a new electric motor to take the place of a gasoline, engine to drive the nwebinery

Mr. I.ind has recently inatalb-d a big tapping and milling maebin*- of large capacity. He Is making and selling the I.ind flash-boiler heater for water or steam fPr house beating. Thre»* sixes arc made up to 1,000 feet of radiating i*pace. Mr Lind claims this is the mow economical beater for xesklenceH on the market. He has al­ready set fifteen of these beaters this sesson, and already has orders for as many more Mr Lind fs also doing <'0|isiderable work -in the general ma­chine repair line



Ionia High has before this season been a hard proposition for St. Johns

,Hlgb to handle. But last Saturday they had 'em right and defeated them by a score of 2X to 0. It was one of the best games the locals ever played They have yet to lost a game

Saturday they go to Mason to play the high school team of that city. .Ma­son has a huskx bunch of ”e|«vens” and if our boj-s win that game it will be pretty good evidence that they are good.


Dean M’ Kelley of this city is the Democratic randldal*- for the L**gis- lature to succeed iraight S Morrison, nos representing (Minton county in the lower house Th*- Detroit Jour­nal. on*' of the K'-pubilenn organs <vf the .State last .Saturday »*ontain*-«l the rut of our fellowr|tlz*n togf'thcr with the followMng conipllmeutarv mention, which is an unusual thing for the lournal to dn<regarding a imunber of

th*- opi)osite (Mirty

IRIs the phone numbwr to call when

you want a cord of wood or anything la the flour sad feed line.

WM. (IILIJSON.M Clinton Avenue

APPLEH.Commencing October 1st will pay

M cents per lOO |be for cider apples, ttf K F. RMMONS.

One caHood of choice stock calves for Mle at the stockyards Friday


1.000 Finger Rings to choose from at Allison's Jewelry Btore. We want you to know that we oarry a Mg line.


For s good sknee or etytlsk hair oat go to the CoRgrsas Bnrhsr Shop, bond of CttnthR Atsrrs. ChMns llnsof eiBhn-

Une oar “K■Ri A PRL


HABRntD.Mr Roy (lilbert Hnrvsy and Miss

Clara Merrlbew. two respected youag people of Olive township, were united In marrlmte la lit. Johns on Wednes­day nsorniag. the Mth. Rev J. H. Wilonx orriclating The ceretnoay took place at the parwonage at 9:S0 and happy couple left on the 10;S& train for Grand Rapids and other western potats

MARRIED.Hari Hunt and Hsisn Onnea ware

quietly married hy Rev J H Wilcox at the Meihndtoi passonage, Wedaes- <lay afternoon, at 2 SO They were atli nded hy Bert Reed and Bdan Wat­son of loaslag Mr and Mrs. Hunt will hs at hotne fa Ringhnai after Nov. 1st

HARRIAUE LirEBBBB.Roy Gilbert l^l^ny. Olive______ 17

Clara Merrlhew, Olive ItHnrl H. Hart, Blogham ______ 18

Hsls.1 S. Onaee. ntaBknm If

lOBIA rorBTT PIRBT TO BfriLD.Ionia Countv is the first In the sMte

to Inaugttrate »he county tiiherculosls hospttal plan The superrlenrs at the recent senston appropriated tlJMWt for the ereolion of a Aack on the county house gmunde just east of the rania hsilldlng and the work will be pnt un­der way this fhll, as there are already appileanis sratttng sdmiaaioa The hnopltnl will he in charge nf the coun­ty superintendents of the poor.


"There Is a pretty fair chance of a Democrat breaking into the legtsla- ture from Clinton county this fall. Rap. Morrison having the fight of n lifetime on hIs hands to defeat l>ean W Kelley, former prosecuting attor­ney and a prominent young lawyer. Mr. Kelley Is making a viRorous cam­paign and bos the supportera of bis opponent very much worried."

"Hns aavtmdy hare seen Kelley T* Is answered in the affirmative.

THE MOLER RIRBER POLLENE of (Bllcago 111 wants men to learn barber trade They offer splendid In* diicespewts and a short term com­pletes They mall free a henutihil catalogue and ash all our readers to send for It llwSp

m^tuddirt rpirtopal nnTRTB.All servRwa tm Rendny an usuni.

.V-ofging suhieet; 'Man's nrentness." WreniRg snitjsr ' osIf-Cultnre.'" Tbs pnotor |.irMthss at Dsnanl Grange HRI1 weary Awndny sflwrnnon at i:W.

cordloMy wstoBRisd to nil

PHHEX UR ABBE.November .'>th home-coming will be

heM. Hssex Grange has planned to have a home-coming at their next regular meeting and also have games of different kinds Dinner will he served at noon All members ar*- re­quested to be present and bring wsll- niled boskets Following is the pro­gram: Roll rail, current events; se-

, lect reading. Floyd Warren; reclta- ' Uon. Hnimn Wakeflsld; "What Is the best way to take care of fall pigs?" RIt Rmith; music; paper. Mary Avery; question. *'Whlch Is the most useful tool on the farm?": penav march; closing song This meeting sMIl call

• at tsn o'Moeh a. m.

Frank Dteri. the man arrested at 'jMaqueminc. Ixiulsana, September 16. charged with the murder of Jerry F. S(e|ihens of this city, has been eon- victf-d of the crime and will pay the death penalty in the near future.

The trial v>f the man. who is but twenty-seven years of age, Issted eight days and was one of the longest and most expensive criminal trials ever held in Iberville Parish, and neither the murdered man nor the ac­cused were residents of the parish. Had both men been well-known citi­zens of Isiuisana the Interest displsy- ed could not have been greater.

WhSD the jury brought in the ver-' .diet last week Wednesday night at tit.lh o'clock, the murderer sat as mo- tlonieas as a. statue of marble while bis guilt was being proclaimed, and if! bis soul was racked with torture it; was not made manifest by any out-1 ward sign. He was stoical through­out the trying ordesl. hut was un­doubtedly physically weary and worn at its fateful roarlusion.

When the verdict wss read he sat alone, a number of feet from his. neighbor. .No one stepped forward to press his hand or offer him a word of sympathy, and be seemsH eager to; leave the courtroom as be stretched, out his hands to receive the handcuffs.

The case went to the jury Wednes-; i day night at S*20. and at that hour' icourt adjourned for the day. hundreds of people leaving the courthouse, j Within fifteen minutes after paaaing to their room the jury had reached a derision, but it took fully tkree quart­ers of an hour to again asnemble the interested persons In court.

A number of witnesses were sworn in the esse, and the testimony brought

i out wove the weh of guilt closer and closer around Oteri, although he still stoutly maintains bis innocense.

A brief review of the terrible mur­der that excited the citizens of this city something over s month since, is as follows- Mr. Stephens, for many

^ years s resident of fit. Johns, hut who W)>nt .South about two years ago, met Frank Oteri. an Italian. 27 years old. some time during the summer, and with him made frequent visits to New Orleans Mr Stephens had a great passion for hosting This was (lartial- ly due to th*- fact that he loved to be out in the u)>en and partly owing to his extreme deafness. latte In August Mr Steph* ns and Oteri went to IMa- <iuemine, I.a.. and for thirteen days thf xasoiine IxMit Arvills was tied up at th«' harbor On the fourtei-nth day of the month they left, and the very- next night Frank Oteri appeared in IMaquemln* and began telling that Mr. .Stephens had sold bis imat and had gone to .New Orleans or t'bieago. His stories varied afXH>rdlng to the re­ports.

In the meantime the body of Mr. Stephens had been found in Grand river and the authorities notified When it was learned that Oteri was back in IMaqueniine be was promptly' arrested. A search of his bMongings revealed cards, letters, a watch. 2Ahriner s emblem, field glasses and various other srticles In his posses­sion thsi belonged to the Bt. Johns roan

It wse the verdict of the coroner who held the Inquest, that 8('*phens was killed hy being hit upon the head

. with a blunt instrument A chain of cirrumatances seemingly unanswer­able was the foundation for the jury's verdict of guilty, as there was not a line of direct evidence.

Oteri is an Italian and was born in New Orleans At the opening of the rase In court be was surrounded by, members of his family, but he nnt alone vHien the verdict of "guilty" was brought In by the jury.

Mi’hile the amount was not definite­ly kaosrn. It was sutsd last week at Plnquemlne by an authoritative source that the trial hns probably cost Iberville Parish as much ns R.OdO.

RArriBT rBYTRCR BOTBB.Bundny Morning the Rrator will

preach on the subject. "Four Ways at igtvlng God.” In the evening, the Paaror will deliver aa tth LsoAure la the Book of Revelatloaa. coRtAtnlag the Riudy of the Mensngea to the Sev­en ('hurehes All oordlolly wetoome.

HiiRday Sehool at Noon. Prayer Meeting on Thursday evening at 7:80. Sunday Afternoon Servtees at BenROl- Rlley at the usunl bourn.

A quiet home wedding took plnce Wednesday morning at the ^ome of Mr. and Mrs. rharles Sage, vaacon- SOM street, when the latter's sinter. Miss Jeanette B. Wyckoff, become the bride at George H. McNutt of .'Ronton.

The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. H. Wilcox of the Methodist ohurcb In the presence of the im­mediate relatives of the bride

Mins M'yekoff was atttr«d in her going away suit of brown and was un­attended After congratulations, a luncheon was served sad the young couple left *in the noon train, west bougd. for a short wedding trip. Up­on returning to MIeJiigan they will be­gin housekeeping in Traverse City.

The bride is one of St Johns's moat widely known young women, having for eight years been connected with the offtce of the Union Telephone Co. bosh In this city and Alma In the latter place she was bookkeeper In the luMn office of the comi>any. the poei- lion coming as s promotion after years of most efficient service in the local office.

.Mr. Mc.Nutt is traveling salesman for the Voigt .Milling Co., of Grand Rapids and Is (lopulsr alike with his bouse and the lasge trade that be visKs regularly He is a young man of pleasing address and is a most suc­cessful business man.

Amtmg the relatives who witnessed the marriage service Wednesday was the bride’s slater. Mrs. J B Darts, of Honor.





Henuins Made Seme Good Psfaits na HI- Opponent Same sf the Things

Eneh Hnld.

^ WILLI\M ?1CHAVET.Hepubilcon Candidas*' for Sheriff.Who believes In good government

und the enforcement of the law; who believes in going after and landing his mao when warrant Is given him; and who’s imet record proves that he Is usually siicoessful, and believes this should he done in a way that w|U be tiinst •'ffective at least poMible -ex- l>ens«- to the county A vote for him will mean good government. th»* en­forcement of the law and the saving of dollars for the county



FV»rmer Governor Yates of Illinois, one of the eloquent orators of the country, and Congrexsrodn J W Ford­ney of .'lagtnaw will speak to the Al­lison Theatre. St Johns. Tuesday ev­ening. .November 1st. at 7: SO o'clock. Mr. Yatee Is an eloquent orator, and a man who has had a prominent part In public affairs. Mr Fordney is one of the moat influential memhert of eongreaa. This will probably be the only republican meeting In tit. Johns during the campaign A large atten­dance la desired. Other meetings-

HOB. lAMTIH C. CRAMPTOB. Maple HnpM* .. Thorsdny, GH. i7lh

HOB. E. B. DIBGLEY, ______Elsie______ ... Friday, iHririier Mth


ML Johns ..... ......... Tnesdny, Bev. 1stHON. GRABT FBLLDWb and

HtlB. J. W. FORDBEY.OvM_________________Friday, Bev. Itk

HOB. HEBRY C. HMITH.Eagle_________ Wedaeednj, Bev. And


And Ike RopabHsna CandlinlBo en Cenaty and LegtsIniiTe TMmIs.

Riley Town Hall .. MnlariRy, Oat M Pries Weheel Hense .. Menday, Oct t1

HOB. TAB DBR nULBB, Fewler Wednesday, Bev. fad

HOB. WM. C. BBOWB.Rsrekn .. Thnrndcy, Bev. MWneeasRi Friday, Bev. Mh

ABOTHEB BI^ICK BOLD. Although the seggon Is late Byron

Donley is still doing hustneas In the auto line. Old this week soM a model "F" to David Hheohottom.

RIRTHR.Born In Rtaghaai Wedaeodny. Geto-

I ^ It, to Mr. aad Jirs (Tfrde Wauwoas n eon. Renath G.

DIED IB BEW YORK.Mrs Rllsabetti Loontts died In New,

Tork early Ih the weeirThe body was! 1 bronght to this city today on the ld:|A I train, oad funeral ssrvisss held la IR.| I Joes ah's oknreh.

8. C. DerBee theHas at teod—fried Mtes B.

il Has of 11 aad ti C. Derkee*e Ms weal

■PIBOBPAL Uaaal aarvlee asat Bai Ail BitaW Dap aarria

let id t:M a.

HELIEYE8 IB BPRAT1BG.George Nourae of Watertown Is on-

osher man who believes In apraytng his fruit trees. In the Clnriie Hard­ware Co window is n plate of 9plM from his orchard that are extra fine. HHs is hie first year «n apray aad the frntt has turned out so well that he soM the entire oatpot of the orchsrd to IsMMilag pnriiea at 81 per huahel. saktag the apples as they ran.— Grand I^sdge ladepeadsat

EimU ABABM.Rarahn Graags will

td. The prograa OMetlag will bs i

U M n

Lawron T. Hemans. Democrat can­didate for governor, and James P. Devereaux. candidat*- tor congress against “Joe" Fordney, opened the esmtiaign in 8t. Johns last Raturdny night St Alltaon’s. They were greeted by a full house, composed mostly of voters, with a sprinkling of ladies. It was the ftrst meeting of the campaign here by either party and was a suc­cess from every point. Dean W, Kel­ley acted as chairman.

Mr Devereoux’s firat appearance in Mt. Johns as s candidate for office must have been gratifying to him—he

I certainly made a good impresakia up­on his audience, both as speaker aad by what be said. He confined himself almost wholly to the tariff,

j In introducing himself Mr. Dever- laux .uiid be did not wish to appear as I a "bide-bnuad” partisan, but that he ' was a Democrat and his heart aad oons#-|ence were In his poliUca. There­after Mr Deveraux devoted most of bis time to an endorsement of the -work in congress of instore LoFol- lette. Bererl^e, Cummins and the !ate .'Senator Dolllver. He argued that the pledge in the Republican national platform tor a revision of the tariff hod not been kept, that In framing the Payne-Aldricb tariff bill more pro­jection had been written Into the law than was justified by the actual labor coat and fair aaz| reasonable profM uitiUed the manufacturer on bis In­vestment

The tariff is the great Issue be­tween the two parties." said Mr. Deveraux. "and the queotion today la, have the Republicans kept their party pr'vmlsea "

The speaker asserted that the schedules in the bill maintained higher duties than were right, that cotton, woolens and linens were pro­tected far above the actual labor cost, which did not exceed twenty per cent, yet In some instances the duties ran as high oa 140 per cent

"I brand the tariff commission oa the most monumental farce ever plas­tered on the people of the United !4tat*'8.'’ said Mr I^veraux. In dls- cuosiog this proiioaed metb^ of cak­ing the tariff out of the hands of coa- gr^BS .ind politics. "It Is the worst kind of political buncombe. The rall- 'vm*l bill raraed by the last congress I also Tenn tM)litica| buncombe of the worst tor’

Mr Heniao)* followed. "Lawt" He- tnans D as gooil a campaign orator as •'vor come flown th** pike. He made som.' telling cracks at hli opponent from bis vif'wimint and the thrusts were appreciated hy the audience, many of whom were Republicans.

Mr Hemans devoted most of his speech to his opponent. Thase 8 f)e- born. ami the latter's reconl. and among other things he aald; "My op- {>onent was talking loud and long be­fore the primaries on the corruption in the republicnn party. Since the primaries not s word bos escaped him. Why floeon’t he keep on with his talk of reform? It is because he hasn't the courage to point hts finger at the nasty mess which bis predecesoora of the republican party have brought shout

"I am not blaming the indiridunl republican voter for the condition of affairs that exlots today. Warner la a result of conditions; so were Gla­zier and Gsborn and Armstrong. We have loot a minority party In Michi­gan. and the consequences of a gov- ■rnnicnt by one party have been dis­

astrous'In the rax department of the audi­

tor general's office, the work has de­creased by tolly oae-half. aad yet the expense bns more then doubled.

'’My 'n>poaent seems to be worried by ray commenta on bis expensive reign os railroad conunlaaiaaer. and In trying all ways to explain It. The republicna party platfnnn of the saue deocrlhea him as a great traveler, oad he Is He began traveling at the en- peaee of the srate of Mfchlgon 89.00# worth the year he was commlsoloasT. while clerk hire was Hl.OtO oad post­age t2.1#6 naore.

'Mr opponent onyts T on trying so raise the tecttoaal Issue when I de­mand the raluotloa of northern Mleh- Igna mines hy on expert non-parthan conantaoloner. I deny tbit; hot I do object to the mine owners ooaoaafng their own property. He says he otnada tor the same thing that I do in this respect Do you believe n. In the light of whnt he has sold?

"Now se to my nppoaeat'i pronalsea to ‘Clean honee.' Aa far book os 19## the republicna party ban been proa»- tolng to Cleon up Michigan. In 18

, yearn. 89 high offfcMIs have been ' bronght before the bar of Jantloe tor ' eriniee oad mlsdsemsnaora agnlnnt I the fair sMte of Mlnhlgnn. Bttns worn pnt In to clean np the nMoa; Warmer

, was eleetad oa the plen thnt he wonM ' <Hena the neons left over from the ntlas odnelalstratlea; and acw Oehorn wants en be einctad to clean up the Whranr mane. Dn yon heMeee. la the light at pant eapertemoe. that he wiu dn nr

J. 0.



pi St. Jpwws Mewssm iNDaPBNDHrr NawsPAPm

wvvry Tkairaifty


ai lU WaJkM* MTMC. ■t i

f. riTTCI M.


V at 8t Jotma. Mlek uWlar tk* act of

lareh t. ItTl^

IM at Battle Croak imaraoaoB Umar ■ Irak m kaiac faroraMa to tka a«i4r la aK Aay oM aartmaUa' kata wkaa tke aoaaoa ta oa will ba aa aa> eallaat plaee for tk* laklaa to ao to aat aekMara for prodoatlaaa tkat are rtakt of tka aala oax If tkar tataad latlaa laio tka aeolpturtac baataaaa. Tlla otkar aar caa ka oktataaO kjr

~ I aitaraatiaa batwaaa a fasktoaoMa ball ^ ^ I aak a boack of ekerua glrla oa any

blab-up tbaatra staaa

kaliaraa wall ripamaia tka aaaaaBi.Or. Tkayar flaAa tkat tka aMKaItty aata followlaa oparatloaa la lok—aat Makar tkaa t par oaat. Tka faar of tka koapttal oa tkto aaora la tkarofora aot ktatlflaO. aai It akoohl ba raaiiin karak tkat If all tka boopital opara tiaoo kok kaao parfnriaad at tka pa* 11001*8 oora koaaa*. wttkout koapltal fadlltleo and koapltal oooiforta. tka BMitaHtT wooM uaOoubtadly kara baaa far araatar. '


WTL WIIITHPmnt aoimifi


- I PI--------------——, unan laarr! put |N>opir even thr *



Aoeordlaa to raports rroai tka aud- Itor-paaarara office laoaalty baa trebled la It yaara la Mlchipan No woadar wtaaa la taken laco coaaldara- tloo the lorrfaard mot of Hrtac «‘«oa Id mueb laaa tban that time. Thaa tbara arr too nnaasr ioma. too nateb liolltles and many other tblnaa raor** tban tbrrr ware riabta«>n yaara apo to

on thr “batty” Mat. Why. Ntylas of wotnrn'a bata are

alone enouah to make a hiiaband

By tka wpp. why ta oor Saoator Burrowa aot oat atumplaa for tka

! llckatT—anctaaw .SVwa.

It la reaaoaably aare tkat Tam- many Hall bopaa tkat tka Colnaal'a aore throat will do Ha duty.—PooUar Prana (laxatte.

flan flmlth'a protacUon tariff anru- mant la the aana aa iiaad by Burrows. And you know wbat bappanad to Bur­rows.—Ixaslna Joumsi.

Two robbers stole It.uoit fron a Iletrolt man. Detroit Is certainly the rity where life is worth llvinic -for robbers.—l.ansiDK fltste Republlcsn.

Tf) ora FBIBlfM.

Our rraders sad frtsada of The SL Johns Nows who bare probate aotlcas to publish, or who ooatrol tbsm. will eoa- far a favor upoa Uia publtsb- «r by requasUas Jud^ Mer­rill to bare the piiatlas done la The Nawa. If such rwfusst IS tnada Judea Marrill will kindly eraat It


i Conaressnian "Hd." Danby of the I first I Detroit I district has been obllR-

' ad to biinn Curtli tJiilld. Jr., former povemor of Mssaachusetu, to his district to help him out In the up-talll flRfat for hla re>e|ectlon aaainsl Prsak

I k. Doremiia. All the |is|iers In tbeir I roairreMlonal t-stlmste. put tbe first district of Michigan in the “doubtful” column.

The progratn for the esate acbool teachers’ convent Ion makes no pro- vtidon for s akoppina tour, but the vis­itors will msaage to Had time for it somehow—Bsy City Times.

W’lth two former Holly boys build­ing great ckurcbes In Detroit and an­other In the pulpit of the largest church In flaginsw. we have some rea­son In look chesty a little t**.—Holly Herald.

Tbe Census Department Is making s great "holler” becsus< some cities have returned "padded” figurea Wo­men have (Midded their figures for years, and now more tban ever, butHtl.i^. J. B. F«RI».^ET*N KE('OIU).

On the first twge of this issue Is snathe Coveminent n«‘ver kicked on It; article from the Saginaw Courier-'and some men were so Innocent that Herald, relating to tbe services in they didn’t even sut|»ect It—until Congress of the Hon. Joseph M’. Ford-; after they had married tbe impos- pey, representative of this district. | tors.Tbe article Is pubtlaked that the vot- ■ ' . — ... =;era of all parties may see what Mr.- |n thi>- senatorial district two news- Fnrdney's record has been aa regards |ta|>er publishers are pitted agalnat tke whole dIstiicC is It such as the | other—Coleman C Vaughan ofpeople will approve?. This will be s4t. Jfthns. and ('bsries F Field of decided at the <vwnlag election. The Hastings Inasnuirh as editors al- 8t. Johns News has not and does nut ways dwell together In unity, then BOW agree with Mr. Fordney on aome w-ill h«- no “sassing back' during the qumtlons and has so stated repeatedly caniiuilgn. but It has and does give him credit --for being fearless, honest and alwayw Th** attending phyalclan s«iaked working for tbe whole people of the .Mayor C.aynor »34.«hh» for services district be represents as he sees It during his recent indis|>osltlon from And heretofore they have vot*-d their an assassin s bullet This settles for confidence In him. Itfhlng on out iwrt to

A few weeks ago The News gave- h* a mayor Mr Itevereaux’s (Mr. Fordney's op-ponenll life history, while .Mr Ford- Th. new> comes from l.anstDg thatney'sIs known loour readers—andltls th* Stat. treasury is low again. Well;his politiral history (reiordl in which In that cas- Miss Michigan is no wors*-the voters of the Hth district are now off than the rest of usinterested. If the voters of the 8th -----------------------—-------district imnctlon Mr. Fordney's course I'opalar Fear ni llosplUi.they win return him; If they do not (From the Uterary iHgesuibelieve bla course haa been consistent .*»“

generally recognised, atupon public questions rhey will turn among educated i>ersons. a* ato Janws P. Devereaux for relief. Tbe public Institution, the naturalNews bellews Mr. Fordnev's course place ot resort in severe Illness or Inhas been consistent at all tlmmi; as. an operation l^s to b. ,»erforn,^.

. . w 1 H Is understood that care and sklll-wbether It has always been right Is (lossible (here, faranother proposition. tietter than wbat could be given to

- the patient at bis own home YetThe Detroit Journal. In speaking ’*”!!?***“• Influence of on.

_ .. __ of these ttMMlern houses of rest andP. Knott Owens, the Republican c - unreasonable fear of thedIdate for mayor In that city says his hospital still remains- a relic of th*-•p,^hea reveal shallow logic of the days when limbs were amputateddemagogue •’ That’a about as rom-,^‘t*»om anesthetics atmd unsanitary

^ , , i, surroundings .Moreover, it is oftenpllroentary as the Journal spoke of ^^„ ^ hospital is inHon. rhas K Townsend In the recent Mome degree a disgrace The esuaea. prtmarv campaign If a Democrat pa-i of this feeling and the remedies for it per should s|»eak In such terms of a recently discussed by Dr. A H„ ... . .K I....... Thayer. In a paper read befor*- theRepublican candidate-and the Jour- ^ ao-aal has supported many worse ones. We quote from a reprint Inthan Proctor Knott Owens—the > the Intemxtional Hostdtal Rtw-ord ofJournal would call It mud-slInglng. or Detroit, flays Dr Thayer; —

.. 11 *...n. “The question naturally ansea isblackmail, or some such term. And ,. 'bis fear a reasonable one or doestbe Journal la one of the two alleged j, ^^le from the fact that when aRepublican organs of Detroit and tbe }tatlent from any of the small villagesBute There la no telling The Jour- goes to a hospital It la the ‘ulk of theB.1’. attacks on Owen* may result as I**, ’while

.... '*» the hospital every one In th* vll-tbey did on Townsend—Just the re- knows about It and talks aboutverse of wha» wat anticipated. It |t much mor** tban they would had happens, though, that the Detroit be died in hi* own home ’He diedJournal Is not the only paper publish-' »be hospital.’ -The queatl^ doe*

not oeeur to them, did he undergo an ed In the State operation, or did he die of aoro« con-

ditlon that had already progr*-saed Dr. Hawley H. ('lippen. an Amerl- so far that no operation could be per-

ean. "got hla” in the Kngllsh courts > T*be fact to them is. ‘H.-was taken to the hospital and dl*-«ifor the murder of bla actreaa-wlfe.,

Belle Blmore, the Jury having been aann* thought la manyout bat a balf-bour. If murderers In times oxpressefl as follows- ‘Theyour own country would have Justice took him to the hosplul and operat-m-i..d 0.1 to ib-R. .iih.. t.. mil. ™ "‘."r* ""y

»our*e. It la considered that the op-ns Bngilab Judges and Juries hand ^r,tloo wns th. direct cause of death.killers In that country, there would be | even In the ms*- of an Inoperablefewer oMirdera and laaa time and mon- carcinoma In which an exploratoryay devoted to them tban there now la. ^»» J*"*"* .^“J**-* perceptible effect

<*«i the patient s strength and It was la this^ respect. at least, our KngJIab j|,^ original dlaeaa>- that eventually

t'ockroaches In tbe capitol at Lab?«- slng epat the atate S1.54itt anoually. The amount the other kind, that f'baae Osborn promises to drive out, costa. Is even greater.—Jackaon Cltl- sen-Prea*.

Tbe laani ta Nnar York nna have bsBoii an kanvy that It he toted arttbont Praeldast kelp.—WnsbiMtaa Foal.

If Mr. Btlaanan governor of Mew capital of the aii at Oynier Boy?—

aheuM be elsntad York, wonM the

te be at Alhnay or lent on Qlokr.

Next on tbe prosiaai. they’ll be waotlas tin to oalabmte ”BooaeveH Day.” wblcb would be Inipouutble. aa he desnnada Stk of them.—AltaaU Caaatltutlon.

’The epeeckaa and aewapnpera give tbe ld*« that a Coloaol Roosevelt la running acninst oae Cbnriea Murphy for governor of .New York.—Baltimore Bun.

Although Preaidant Thft la to spend only fiNir days la Pnaama. bis oonclu- aiems are likely to be more useful than were tboae of Poultney Bigelow.—Boston Herald.

When Vice Pr«aldeat flbernmn burl­ed bla bolt at “arrogant dictators” be probably did not Intend to bit I'ncle Joe ('anacm or .Nelson W. Aid- rich.— Pittsburg Dlapatcta.

♦♦♦ ♦

Aoeoedlag to aa old rhyme: ’•Mnrriad la January's boar and time, Borry you’ll bo before jmur prime. Mnrriad In Fbhruary’a alouty wanther. Ufa youll trend In tuna toBsthar. Mnrriad whan Mnrcb winds shrill and

ronr.Your bouse will He on a foreign ahora.Married ’neatb April’s ohnnBsfbl akiau A oheekarad pnth baierr you Has. Married when base o’er Mny bleeaoms

HR.atraoBers around your buniM will aft. Married la moatb of ronaa June.Ufe will be one long hunsjanuun. Mnrriad la July, with flcmera ablnse. Bitter-sweet naem’iiee In after dairs. Married In August’s beat and drowne. Lover and friend ta your cboeeo

spouse.Married In September’s glow, flmootb and serene your life will go. Married with leaves In Detober thin. Toll and hardship for yem begin. Married In veils of .November mlat^ Fortune your wedding ring has kisaed. Married In days of Dectmiber cheer. Love’s star shines brighter from year

to year.”

Kx-flenator “Fire-Alarm Joe” For- aker. of Ohio, la supporting Harding for governor. Oh. f^rerythlng Is com­ing Ooveraor Harmon’s way tblT year. —Iletrcflt Journal.

fleoator Beveridge of Indiana la oppoee«l for reelectloo by John M’. Kem. Mr. Kem. you will remember, la tb*‘ gentlcenan with tbe whiskers who wasn’t elected vice pr^aldent.— Oalvfwton News.

It la reported that a case of pella­gra has been discovered in Hattie Creek. Mich., and they are making almost aa much fitaa over It aa though U were a caae of beer.—Orand Rapids Pres*.


Arthur L. Frnthtngham. soinetline Professor of Ancient History and ArebaeoUtg)’. Prlnc«*ton Cnlveralty. has re«-ently dl*cover*Ml in the Vatican the tomb of .Marcus Aurelius, esiab- llshlng its id«ntlty as the tomb of one of Rome's four greatest emperors, and a* a magnificent work of art and an unusual attempt to represent a great man's |»ersnnality Profeaacir Pm- thlngbam'a narrative of this notable find will In- the leading article of the .November (Vntur>

CermlD obtuse contem pom ties fall to undersiaad that the i>eraooal tri­umph of Colonel RooaeveR at flam- toga sras much more Important than the tariff or any other principle or policy.—Kansas City Journal.

Jiidg*' Parker’s announcement that be is going ”nn tbe tmfl of Rnooe- relt” will find that tbe tmil la broad aa weM aa marked, but that it has been gymtory since the Colonel tack-) Ifvl the tariff.— Ijotilavllle Courier Journal.

Marry when the year is new.Always loving, kind and true.When February birds do mate.You may wed. nor dread your fate. If you wed when March winds blow, Joy and sorrow both you’ll know. Marry In April when you can.Joy for maiden and for man.Marry la the month of May.You will surely rue tbe day.Marry when June rosea blow.Over land and sea you’ll go.*nioae who in July do wed.Muat labor always for their br««d. Whoever wed In August be.Many a <‘baoge are sure to see. Marry In fleptember’s okine.Your living will be rich and fine.If In Detober you do marry.I^ve will (-otne, but Hcbea tarry.If you wed in bleak .November.Only Joy will come, remember.When Dacemtter snows fall fast, .Marry and true love will last.


Da Dnq^s Cwe Disease? . Can Natare ke Assisted?

IT paapla wuvu baan r«sht amd aWar- j If a pavnoD wonM eortuua kf kakit^ xsaida Head rtgkt. Umsw would ba nolpavalat In right aallhB tonapnmtn nna for BMdlalna. Bvorjr dootor kaoura wajs, nndmiktartly tha aiomanh would this. Bodoothor wail-lnfaruisd puopla. right itaoU, tho bleed wauid rid Haalf af

OMtktaBNM>m. Wb—apsraaullvoai Use polsoa, OMl avorytklUB would bn wvoBgljtornaBnlrau bodily wunkanan hjr ^ right. Bnt ao sold boCoto there nre n horodlty, nsodlatno ena do only vury nmJtlhido of people who wUi notorenh- little. Medlelne eeanet aurehim. Only j notadopt right methods of llvtag. To aharintane elalm that msdlainan will j each people Femaa is a boon. A dneo eure dlaMoe. Medielneo may peillato ' before meals will aaalat the atontaeb in symptoms. Medlcln^ map wga Che do He work. This prevoBle faroseuta- powera of Nature to raaiat dtaoase. Hod- ^ Uon of the foed, brlugs about normal telnaes<«metlmeear»meetheeBorteof tha dlgeetloa, and all the train of llie that human body to right Iteelf against de- j follow indlgeetlftu diaappeur. rangenaenu. Tbto la the moat that mod-‘ In other w..rda, iVrona ta belpfni to Iclneeando. - tboae who live bodlVy or those who

A man aoeldeutaUy puts hie fhigor in have acquired aome ehronle wsekneea. the fire. IneUnetlvely he weta bta Pemnadees not cure, but H aaalsta the linger In hta mouth, then hlowe on H powers of Nature to bring about aeura, for the cooling effect. This ta no cure, j The whip does not Increase the power

of tbe horse to pull a load, but Judl* ckmely used It ellinulates the horse to use hta povrere at the right time, with­out whl^ be oouid not have pulled thp load.

This lllnstrates the effoet of Pemnn*

litHe knows It very well. But It n feel better for tbe time being.

People set unwisely. Tlile prodneee dyspepsia or Indigestion. Th# only rational core ta to eat eorreetly. Yet if , a pailtatlve ta at hand th# peine of indl- jgeetlon bo mitigated, the throee of! <» »*»y o»ber good remedy upon the sye- dyrpepela aaeuaged. The medicine eon- •••■• Taken at the right time, it call# not be said to have cured. It simply forth the powers of the human system palliates dleagreeaUle symptoms. 'The meyt the on rostahroenta of dieeeeot sure must oome throuBh right living. and ihuacumsliortilf notonUrely oodn.

Take Pemna, for instance. No one ‘ ^*^*********7*^V**^V tn .Mt h^ No oae ehouid emr attempt to sutMtl-claims Peruna ta a cure for dyspepela.

But Peruna will stimulate the stomach to perform its fnnetion properly. Fera- na will tneroaee the flow of digestive fluifto, without which digestion cimnot be carried on at all. It will Increase the relish of food, the appetite.

It la admitted that all this can be

tote medicine in tbu plaee of right liv­ing. In the end such ao attempt will prove a dtaasicr. Hut an occasional use of the right medicine at the right tlnw ta a godsend, and no reaeonable pereoa will undertake to deny It.

Thooe who know bow to noo Peranp find It of untold value. By end by the

aecompllabed by right living, bnt there ^orld will get wise sBough so the* are so many people who either will not through correct living no medicine at or do not know bowloeetoorrecUy that ^ nooded. But that Umo bana trenMndou amount of good oan be not arrived. In the meantime, while done by tbe wise use of Pemna. the world la approaching that perfa^

BrKE .4 .YD TIIK RANBKR. ^ atoeaach that haa been frequently Uon In which all medicine will be ellm-The duke of Kaeex came to Frank’s Rbusad performs tbe fnnetion of dlgee- tnated, Pemna la a bandy ranaedy tn


.Making money isn’t as bard as get­ting along with women.

When w* want a thing to happen we are to«i aiH to think it will happen.

There Is almost about (latrfotisni aItOlitICB.

as much» there la


Th) o|>enlng of an lni|ioriant series, "The .Masters of ('apital In America.’' by John .Moody and thorgt Kibb* Turner, heads thi- list of arilcle)i In th) .November .M<H’lure's Messrs. .Moody's and Turner's first article shows the growth of the llous* of Morgan, -ind begins the history of th)- modern mov)*iiieni of th) develop­ment of cor|H»railons and the omcen- tration of great wealth K1I»-n Terry contributes "fl*mie Kef1)ctlon» on flliakes|>eare's Heroin*-*." sloriea of great actresse* »h«- has known. Thi second Instalment of "Worklng-tJIrls’ Budgets^" by Kdith Wyatt and flue Alnslle f'lark, deals with the wagea and living exi>eiM*-s of shin-waist «»p- erators in New York.

IIOXTS KflK I’HI’Hi HilK>. Iktn’t forget that a man’s faith ta

his real fortunel>on't forget that love gives away iv

order not to lose.Imn’t try to Irrigate this deserv

by preaching for tearsDon t ex|»e**t to humtah a crown

b> Blmpl> itoilshlng a i>ewiKin't forg*t that charity ta not

made to go far by spreading It thin Don't forget that a little sunshiny

practic*' ta worth a lot of moonshiny |)oetry

l>on't fall t») obs*-rvt that the mor* a man hugs himself the smaller he Itecomes

iHm’t fall In leXrn that fewer des­pairing (’hristlans makes fewer doubt­ing people.

Don’t ex|*ect success when trying to listen to (:*»d by turning a deaf ear to men.

Ihm’t fall to observe that th* piety that ta only skin deep is likely to af­fect the lungs

Ikin’t overlook th*- fart that love lifts up only when It Is not aware that It la bending down

Don’t fall to note that any’kind of thoughtless charity generally turns into the heartless kind.

BHK:4 MtlMFY KI’N I’K F'lend—flo y*»ur detect!** force ta

a fallj.r* ’ •t'hlef Kmma Yea; we enn't find

•nv on* who |* •eHI|n« to l*. a pla n ■^lothes woman—Puck.

I'eople who my. "I don't care what pv«>ple say about me." ar*- alwairs verv sensitiv*-

\V«- notic) that when a ritan l»eglns t*i savi hta money h*- also begins to talk a lot about it

X K K 'A hors*- that a woman can drive iat worth atmut !.'• i-ents aa a driving h«»rse for a iitan

The man who says working ao hard h<- haa dinner usually lt*>*

h)- has been I’t tim* to eat

brothers have "got” It oa ua by a large majority. Mloa Rtbel Levere, wbo waa Ciippen’s typist, aad uoder wboee bypootlc or other Influence obe waa. waa found aot guilty (as she

caused the death.'This la an argument agalnat doing

ever ao alight an operation on a bope- leos case If tbe patient dies. oUttfl* people bear of It and f**ar a nereaanry operation, no matter how simple it

MnmiM have been. In tbe opinion of'may be or how free from <langer InTbe .News, of being acceaaorr after “»*• oheTatloAa

... are aarious aad meat patients are tbe fact in tbe murder of Mra < rip- undergo themP*h ’’Aaung city people. «»t people who

"■ ‘ are frequently about tbe hospital.At the fliate convention

la DHrott laat week that bodyof itanttasa there la much leas fear of an opem-

i tlon They oee the 9P onsee that re- ^ i gain tbeir heaHh as well as hear of

on record to atop Me making of el- (he one that died.Bkrottea. laaamuch aa most cigar- “Is tbe time ever coming when tbeette smokers roil their own ’ cofHa! P«W»r »* »•

tbe «>peratlon of Itaelf eaunes death? Tbe cause of moat caeaa ai death la the fact that the diaenoe hna been al­lowed to progress too far before they will consent to aa operatloa. Had

■alls. ’ The News falls to oae how any­body can stop tbeir being modi. Our BapUai friends may paaalbly atop cigarettas being BOLD, bnt they sure­ly have no right to atop their bring MAM—Mbit la gniBg too Car. If aap- hody wMliia tn amke and bum thair own **«nalMn” bow can it he preveBl- ud amy More than a fhrmer con be grevented fmm uMfetag elder tor Ma nwg one?

the operattoa nut been delayed he- eauae of needleus fear uaill the pa- tlent or hla friswda uouldwre that the patient wunid sorely die ualena op- arntad upon, then operatloBa conld be parformed wHb mueb better p roup ants of the patteBt regaining perfeet bonlth”

From an eunmlnnilon of the reu-

Ftn- Aged PeopleOld Fodm Shtmid bm CarmM

m Thmir SmimeHon of Rgy-ttiCiCnW ifBBOICfflg

We have a onfe. dependable and ai- tiigrtber Ideal remedy that Is par­ticularly adapted to tbe requirements of aged p*mple and persona of weak conotHuttoaa who suffer from conotl- (Mitlan or other bowel disorders. We are ao certain that It will relieve tbeee ceraplatnts and give aheolote aatlafOc- tloo In every particular that we offer It with *mr peraonal giwraatee that It shall coat the uaer nothing If It falls to substantiate our eialma This rem­edy la called Rexall Drderlleu.

Rexall DrdrrlHta have a ssothing, healing, strengthening, tonic and reg­ulative action upon tbe bowein They resnow all Irrltailon. dryneoa. sore- ueea aad wen knees They restore the bowels and aasoctate organs to more vtgormsa and beoltby activity. They are «au«n like twady. mny be tnksh at any time wttboiff laeonwnianee. do not canoe any griping, nauaea. diar­rhoea. anoaaaivr lonaonaua. flatulence or other dlangrsaahD effect. Prise tia. and Idc. Bald only at our atora Tbe Boxall BMaq. Travis A Alloy, comer of CllnUNi Ave. and Wnibor BL

Our Idea of inodestv Is a man who will whip a man mtich larger than himrelf and then not tell anvone about It.

♦—Tell a woman Juat once that she is

good looking, and If .vou warn to r«*- taln her friendahip. you’ll have to keep It up

It always makes us mad when an automobile driver loots bis horn as a warning for us to get out of bis way. As though we haven’t iw-ns*- enough to get out of the way of an automo- bil*

-KHT! KHT! KNTrAn American who traveled through

Italy a few months ago came to one of the hill towns near Rome, and found there a most excellent local win*. Surprised that he had never heard of the brand In his native ooua- try. he made inquiries of bla landlord, who Informed him that tbe wine could not be exported because R Invariably became spoiled as soon a* taken from Its native hills Then, noticing the visitor’s very flattering Interest In the matter, the boniface sat down and told this story about the wtbe;

In the middle ages a Iflabop belong­ing tn the rich aad celebrated family of Pugger. the merchant princes of Augsburg. In Ravarla. set out from Dermany to Halt the pope at Rome. Reing very much of an epicure and boo vtvant. be sent a stewart one day’s march ahead of him. with In­structions to taste tbe wine at the Inns along the road to Rome, aad to mark on th** door of *«ch inn 'Rat.” or “Non Bat." signifying, respectively

bootblack stand In front of the Bases Market court y*>aterday. asking:

”Vy It Is a avell barber la ao fr*wh?'’The stand inquired to know, the

.New York Sun says."T*Klay I have been by one to get

me a shave and haircut. Which was all 1 wanted - -DO more. No sooner do I get In the chair comfortable and feeling slick than he grabs my cheek by two fingers and looks awful at it. ’Waa* isat?* said I. ’For ry do you look like that at my face? Vat’s de matter vlt it? Ain’t It a good facer Ob. tneestalr.’ says he ‘you need a * mass-arg*-.’ ’.Nix on that.’ aajrs I, *1 ^ den’d ne4>d nothin' mor** expensive than a shave and haircut.’ I nearly \ was MhampotM-d and had to fight off a ’ 4 boy that would shine my shoes, a rat- J haired svell manicures and a whisk • broom kid. And bealdea It coat me 4U * cents and "* cent)* for the liarber. Vy ! ta Itr •

’"It’s business.’ %'entured Able Sol- J peek. ♦

’’Hustness not!” snurt*Hi the duke. * ”VeD a man comes to my office an’ says ‘I vant my will drawn.’ do I say to him. ’Bure, but you alao want to get a divorce from your old woman and a warrant for de little boy of your neighbor’? Ven I go to buy a hat does tbe man say to me. ’Ve have hats dat’ll fit you, but If you let ua hammer down your head a little It would help some.’ Or I go to buy a rocking boroe and a barrel of her­rings and den any. ”If you take our swell choking treatment your neck­ties will look bedder’? I guess not!

"Ilarbera.” said tbe duke, depart­ing. "Is anudder word for rascals. I visb I had not given de svell barber dat nickle."

Uon very lasily. Boch aatomeeb allowrs ti^Te in th* house, the food to remain nadlgealed for some Blight derangements of tboslomaeht tinsa after It ta owallowed. This leads slight eaurrhal attacks of tlie liver, the to fermentatlea of the food. Sour atom- threat, bronchial tubes, lungs or b»sr- eeh la the result. This goes oa week ' slat these attaeka are sure to lead In aflar weak, nntll the blood ta potaonad grew# dtaeesea, and can Im averted bjwith theproduetoof fermentation. This eondittoo la very apt to prodnoe rbenm-1

the Jndlctouk taaa of Peruna.Wouldn’t you like to reed a fow oa-

sollelted testlmonlsla from people who It Is not claimed that Penwa will cure haveoaed Peruna, and who stand reedy

rheumatism. Nothing will cure rheum- to confirm tbe above statements oon- bat oorrect llvtag. But H ta . eeming It. If eo, a<ldre«e the Pernnn

etalmed that Pemna will aasist a badly 1 Drug Mannfsefuring Co., Columhoa^ nhaeed storaaoh to jwrtorm Its work. I Ohio, and we will svud s«<iae prepetd.



r :

U.iYilKRfirH.Observing Patron (when phono­

graph showman has announced the performance la ended I—"flay, mister, tber«-’s one record we haven^ beard- that one in the comer of your box.”

"The flhowman— “Well. i ain’t goln’ to let you bear It. That’s a record of , a dynamite explosion an’ It would bust my iiuirhlne.”—Sunday News.

Otfflstt ttaS. *v C. B. Xia toM St

No path can be worthy for roe that Is not straight for other feet.

So church ever died ma long aa had a work to do and did It.

MimTiW k R«

It is a popular mistake that only wealthy people who eat rich and highiy-apiced foods suffer from dys­pepsia, or, as it is also known, indi­gestion. The laborer in the street, the worker in the held also hnds him-

• I.., * J • victim of this disorder. Among••rved within was good the very greatest sufferers from it are

or otherwise womenIn the course of bis Journey Bishop

Fiigger arrived at the Rome, of which ra< made. As be drewprtndpul Inn he found written beside the doorway not a mere "Bat.” hut dosena and dosens of ”Bau.” acoree of “Bats” aenttered all over the outer wall.

Tlta Mshop hastily dismounted fromhla horse, entered the Inn. and re- , , ______^ - ----- -queat*^ that the loraPwIne be put be-fore him Bo decidedly did be agree Ttiea* are only a few of th* ssa'iy. But with bta steward's emphatic and en- expeiwtv* to k« rated with thistbualastic opinion that be stayed in

Tbers ta eo oarer aad opeodtar cars far tkto trouMe than Dr. CoMwatrs flyrup Fspotn. which dyapepttes have bom uetag aaweaaatully for tweety yoera. Tbta graet herb taaetlve rroopoanil curad Oapt- Cbtk. of BuBaia. la., of Jysaiaata aad seer stomach tbet ha had be«l for forty yaate, or uata tha leaky day that ha board et Dr. CaMaralt’a gyiop IVpata. It

tbe toarn for days and daya Than, when It araa aboolutely neceooary for him to proceed to Rome and aee tbe pope. Blabop Fugger. bavtng learaad that tbe wine could not be carried aoray. had a large number of caaba of It set aside for him. and ratumed to them again aad again during bla aoloum In Italy.

exponatva ta bo ciI graad rooD^y. am it aan ba bounht at anr emg atora la e id east or tl battla.

Toor vary wrtghbora ara probaMjr NSa- wng eaaro at Dr, Oaldwatl’s iWop Ftpste. bet If yea waat te knew aflihoot aapaeaa wtast It will eo tor roa iisrsimagy. aoad year aeaw ta Dr. cgidwall and hs w«l ba Mad te oaod.yeu a fraa trial battla. Ha la sMoany anxtaoa la have yea aaibi e tael of hta rsoiady.

‘nieaBandB oftt la tka h«maa agaloat auch an

sr •tooaeoh. ta- haert-

And when he died be actually qy- * kara. torpM Itver, ate., whiah eeaaa ^red that a caak of tbe wine be poor- : Z JLSSSS^ Tha*'7J!r!lMrmif.J2 ad oyeyy yaor orer bta grave.—New dooa net grtma. tt la tha groat chUdraew York Tlmaa. kmatlva tasuc.

Af'f'iN’YTtYta FilB TW MLINCB. ' D*gbea—Tie atbrenge ore never bear !

Miy amre abent that Ibmuno Plllypino. i AggynaMo;—I wonder wbat bacamr Iv i blrn? ,

Muicnby—Ill bet ye they lllleiad btm vice pranidggt Iv th’ FiltyplRanl

If there ta eaytfilag sheet year allWMSt that you don’t nndorataed. er If yea went any madleal edvlaa, wrtte te the dattar. aad ha wtR aeaeai ywe foRy. Thar* ta ao chain* tav this ai rylaa Tba adiraos to Dr.

Dlacoiiragemenl comes often to many people when fairy tales are told df wealth easily found or acquired; of fortuntw made in a dsT; of the man w<hu struck It rich; of the man or men whose Investments Just turned Into gold in a few abort months, returning to them pro­fits far beyond their own saagnln*' expectation. We lltsen almost breethleoa as the lucky ones spin their narations of Juat bow tbe thing can be done; of tbeir fore-sighi*-dneae la doing the things nar­rated to bring about the results thewhave accomplished. Ac they view it there is nothing to It but a brand of wisdom not employed by tb** average mortal; a brand manufactured and kept on tap for Just a few who. from the beginning an- marked by tbeir tVeator for prefer- nfent.

You will be told that it’s not here where money can be made and fortunes acqulr*d; tbe opportunities that once existed have Jorever ttaaaed; they are to be found only In dttes. states and oountrles be­yond our own; all that we posaess ta (Mior aad cheap compared with that which can be had In the land beyond. Iksten. You are told <»nly of the chance fortunes; oftbe lucky bits that come to people ev­erywhere; It’s not interesting to learn of the losses and failures of thoae who have sought out thecitie* and states beyond our own; of the untold thousands that hare been invested and lost, that were created and accumulated in good old Michigan. In these new Bldo- radoa. It’s only interesting to hear of tbe successes that have conu- to tboa«* who win. The individual battle of life Is dsm unlike any oth­er battle; it's a conatant struggle tn nwictain your equilibrium; to keep your feet on aolld footing and avoid being carried away by tbe flctioa of those who profess to have a patent on "knowing bw to do It”

When they tell you that the land of promise Is Juat beyond; that the opportunities of making good are in other Htlea and other states; that investmems made in tbit section or that. In this promotion scheme or that. Inst*-ad of her*- at homg. Just cite to tbotn tbe fact that out of good old Clinton County, out of tbe healthy business dty of flt. Johns, hav* gone Into investments, never to return, a million of m«mey, made right here wber* they will tell you all oppnnunitlea for financial gain, have gone. Yea. some "strike R rich”; aa some are bom rich aad die ptmr; aa toon are bora iioor and die rich, but Just remember young man. young woman, there is no golden road to fortiiaf As everr tree in tbe orchard does nor alamjrs beer the gold­en fruit, so It Is that failure srill come to some of ua. do the bent we may to succeed. The old. old way however, tbe srny where you will find the path well beaten beonuse of the struggle aad hard knocks that have been made upon tt. la the only one for the ambitious and 111* •HHerpiialag to follow. it may be slow; u may have Ra briani aad lu boras to subdue but tf followed srith tbe purpeoe and intent of winning, ancceoa la Juat oa certain aa the nlgbt follows tbe day.

It’a not aecesaury to seek other atatea or other counties to make good: tbe opportunities are to be found in Michigan aad In (nintoa

Not a thousand miles from IR. Johns, olx years ago a farm was add for IM.OO aa acre; it was considered a fair price; the man wbo wild aaw opportuaitlaa elsewhere; be vlaltwl another atate; he fn- veoted and he Inst; the place be has doubled la value; proaperl- ty came to the purchaser and he lo Independent Juat get your start young naan, young srnmna. fliart a Bavlags Arcenum In THR BTATIC RANK OF AT JOHNR. and add to It every week. Renmin where you are and make good

The State Ranh of St. JohneJ. W. FmCERALD. Cathimr

s iTry News Lirrs; Cud a Wwi

Official Proceeding ol-the

Bcmrd of Supervisorsof CSiiitDn County.—October Session 1910.

m. Dyte.

thumdat ION. OCT. irra. m*. pOTMMt to mttmam- IM to orAor hr tlM

lutoo of tiM loot

OOBtl -Tamr C« ttoo to WiMM poo rotorroe tlto oMator of ■Htiloe orttli Cotiotjr Trooooror, Wm. H. PortMr. feos 'looro to fooort oo Mloow:

Wo hovo -nooitnim tiM boolM oad rouciMro oo tko Trooouror'o ood Clork*o offlcoo ood ftod oo foUowo:Boporo no Pond Joooorr Pt. NWRoootvo dufloe Joooory. MM......... MJMJtKoroWo dartos Babrvory. MM........tlJMJfRoootvo dnilos Mowh. MM ......... a4M.MRoootvo dortos April. MM ............ 2JMJ1



rIO b

* Boo



Mr. lioll. ChotroMUi of tbo CooMotttoooo Clotpo. prooontod ood rood to U»o ____ ^ ^Raard o porttol roport of tbo CooMOlttoo *t*«**vo durioc May, MM oo ood P oo foUowo; ' Roootvo dorinp Joo* *“

Bt Mmo MPhtpon Oot. IMb. MM «»«•«■« -»“»». »• .........TO tbo HooorobP. tbo Booid of Bopowt- Au«u« MM

oro of Cttoton Coonty. Mtcbtfpn; ! Koootvo durtop Soptrmbor. MMTour CooHotuoo oo Clotaoo. would ro-' _ , ____

opoctfully ouMolt tbo foUowtop oo tbotri Total roeotpta .............................partPl roporc ood do boroby rooooiwowdtbot tbo oovorol oooM»oto oohoduPd boro- .p bo ollowod. tbot tbo Clorb of tbp j Fund ................................ lU.TM.W

rd bo outbortaod (o dmw ordoro oo ”■



T. RICHdUnBOM. Muwurr RnuDioim. TmOTHT H. CI.AMf

top Mr. HIU. bp Mr.

........................ nn.mMfind vooeboro In Trooouror'o hondt

oo follovm:

Tbo CPrfc oriMoloi and road M tbo Boprd tbo ftilliwpp rmniniiadoMoo frooi tbo Couaty Troooorir:

■t. loboo. MPh . Oot. It. MM. To tbo HooorobP Board of PupirvPoio

of cntatoo Oooaty:I weuM rornoioioni ttaoro bo MMMM

roPod for Coottapoot Puad for tbo oo-out op yoor.

Tooro roopootfully.W. H. PABKBR. Oo. 'Oroao.

*rbo ClwliOMO roforrod tbo roeooMM**- dotPn of tbo Oooaty Trooooror to tbo CooMolttoo oo ApproprPttooo.

PRBPBNTA'nUN OP OI.JtlMB.<'Ptflw No. IM to IM liictoolvo. woro

prooontod. and woro roforrod to tbo Coouolttoo on OlolOM by tbo Chotroooa.

Movod by Mr. Wobotor. ■rcondod by WllUoai PnUtb. that tbo Board adjourn untn Mcndoy. ootobor ITtb, no«C at ooo o'cloHi p m Motion rorriod.


wPanter * Ball.■ardwaao teaaBoo ........ HJB

1... HJB-^.'m. Craamr.lador flhoritro Mapsaoi .. 3A1B-Coa Moahaa.Doanty RhorifTa Bxp. ..... 3BJi

MeCUMBatey.DtdafiilMn .................... .... 134B

tfltj of CBnfaa Cooacy:

HJtj nrbooi woo roforrod tbo OMttor of ' lap tbo ooooootty of boMMbf o aoor

M.1t! ty Hooot. roopootfuMy ooMptto Ml Ptpop oo tbotr roport: Wo flat

H. ▼.


•t of tbo

owrotow of oloo oTrloob.

bp Mr.


llJii aotlao^ho I pvoonit 00

BIOBNOUB. iproporty I

by tbP


Movod by Mr.

Uoll, Choir-

by .Mr. Hill, ooooi WtOotir. tbot tbo roport bo adoptod. Mottoo oorriod. Mr. own of tbo OopooMtoo oo CPMoo oMdo a fortbor roport to tbo Boord oo followo;

Bt. Jobao. MIrb.. Oot. 1Mb. MM. To tbo HooocoMo. Tbo Beard of Bopor-

viooro of CHoion ('ooaty, Mlcb.:Tour .OoMOlttoo oo cpboo wauM ra-


CaoHOlttav.Mavad by Mr CoPod. ovcondod by Mr.

<^rh. that tba roport of tbo CooMOlttoo bo orcoptod. and IPit Iba ('onopMlaa raottOMod. end tbot at tbo Joooory B oton of tbP Board. tbP CoMoMtoo oB Kooba o full aad'Batotlod raport of tb

CLABB A. PtrPT. CPrh of Board t




tbo County Trooooror for tba ooioa.No. CPlmont and Nature Bub Ail'd

of CPlm.SA-Fml Btowoll.

Jurors' Luach ................. .3 MM t M.Ma-----W. M. Welch Mfx Co..

Books sad Csrtinootm . . TIM 74 MIh-Win H. Urunoon. P. M..

Fastaxr for Co. Officers US If U3.U1 M-Callaxhsn A Co.,

Crmlaal Law Book ...... . 13.M U.M

1 S3-J. A. SleIxhADMlnfsctlna ...................... . SAM HaM

1 O SB—R. D. Beraen.. 36 2 Held

k »IB-J. H. Sbults.

BlocUon Ruppllrs ............ . 2S 223Lr ♦

M—Alvoh a. Ruff.Ropaliina Typewriters .. . 1.2 1.2

\, SB—U. 8. Exprem Co .Express Charaes .............. 367 C.S7

r, 3B-H. W. Morris.Mouldlnx ............................. M M

1 3B-Elllott-Ptobor Co..Power Band and Lamp . M .Cl

Poor PundJury ood Wltoaoo Ordoro ................Drain Puad ...........................................HoMlaro' RoUof Pund ......................Btata Troooorar'o Racatpts ............Toamobtp *rraaauroro' Roratpto ..Detroit Hoooo of Correction .........County Oonvaanoro and Bupar-

vpaco' Pay-rolP .............................Taacboro' Inotttutc ......................... .BIrtha and daatho ...............................Behooi Kuuolnaro' ordoro ..............

Ur tn.

Total illaburaamanto

Caoh on hand Octobar 1st,All of which P raopactfully aubmlttod.


CoauolttoaMoved by tVllllan 8ailth. oocondod by

Mr Hall, that tb« raport bo accepted. Motion carried.

Mr, CPrk offarad tba followtnp raoolu-

I s M.a



1 M

IS. Of


M M 1*.M

n—Mutual Ooo Co..Ooa for Court Houaa artd

Jail .......................................M-A. H. Bollinpar.

Lwbor ..................................... £«O-Mrs. a. H. 8taphanaon.

Inooroncr Prctolum ......... MM44—Btata Bonk of Bt. Johna.

Bondlnp Co. Traaourar.... 1»M •-Bt. Johna National Bank.

Bondlnp Co. Traaaurcr .... IMP)4f-Oao. A. WolP. Apant.

Kxprroo Charpea ................ MS47—Herman Ika,

LAbor Palntlnp ..................... M **4f-City of 8t. Johna.

Watar and Upht. CourtHouaa and Jail .............. 2ti

4P-Mlrh. Plata Talaphona Co.,Tolla and Rants ................... 56 M

(O—Prank Bhapard Co..Cltationa ................................ 1^ M

U—Eupana LakaPralpht and Cartape .... ?SI

B—C. H. Btonay.Paper and Suppllaa .

S»-« I. TIca. •Papoy and Suppiloa ..

M-J. M Moaaaaan.Inspactlnp Tima Lock

Sb—Van. the Tool Man.Hoao ..............................

M-R M Budd.Phetoprapba (flakor Ras

tdanco) .....................17—Mllwaukaa Dustlaoo.

Brush Co..Brushos ........................

M- Ooo. H. Cbapmon.Buppiloo .........................

M-J. H. Holcomb Co .Bruahao ........................

M-MIdPrwl ChamWal CoiMainfactant ...............

Cl—D W. Kallay.Prnsorutlnp Attorney

M—cfairanco Wilcox.I.Abar. Rapalni .........

•—W. H. Parker.Kraipht and Cartaae

M-Frank Btabal.Buppilas ........................

•- Mrr Fred Hasal.Buppliaa ........................

•- Ric hmond * Holmaa.Hatwiro ..........................

c;—J C Flynn.Inauranco Premium .

•—K L Doollnp,Insurance Premium .

fh—J Bhatto.Labor .............................

W- National Hupply Co..Buppllas ............................... It M

71—Wilson Brothers.f'lothlnp ............ ................... IS®

73— Oliver Typewriter Co..Repairs .................................. 7 IS

7S—Pimon P Fedowa,Maals ..................................... S

74- W. B mils.

7b—John Wharrett,Talaprams ....... 1310

7P-H R. PatlenihllBuppllas .. 11 M

77 - Hiram Tatro.('taaaiap Clstam at Jail 4 W

7b-W’ R Uopood.1 Uallon Vaweer 3M

Tb-n H, WMta........................................... IM

m-B H. WMta.Janitor Barvlris ............... 1M

T. M. CLARK^ _


"Raaolvad. that the committaa on ist wi Traaaary bo and aro haraby instructod. to

compare tba Contlnpant. Poor. Jury and 5(p'WMnaaa. Dmin. Board of School Eaam-

I Inora. Doatha and Births. Sparrow orders.

C1.AHK A. Pl’TT.Clerk of Board of Bupam lsara.

MONDAY BEBBloX, OCT. ITTH. MM The Board mol purouani to ad|o«m-

roant and was rwllad to order by the Chairman

M7.7I Roll oallad. quorum praomt and ao ra- fl.W ported

SMAfI Mlnulao of lha last staalon raad and ap- MAW j proved.4MmI MO’nONB AND RBSOLUTIONB - ■ I Moved by Mr. Lotand. asrowdod by Mr.

Jai^-ls. that lha I'halrman appotat a oom* mittaa on prinilnp of thrso. McHlon onr- rlad.

The Chairman appotnied Maaara. La- land. Hill and Hall as Committee on Prlntlnp.

Movod by Mr. lenders, aacondad Mr. Jams, that the Board ad)oum tomorrow momlnp at nine o'clock, tion c-arrlad.

A. E I'OBB.(Chairman

ci^KK a. Pl’TT.Clark of Board of Buparviaora.

•ctfully sufcmtt tba fetlewtap as tba4r i tavaatipatlon as to tbo prnbnkli coot of roport on MHo borotofora roportad to tbio the orsetton of o now Couaty Houoo. and. Honorabte Board as bo4ap boM. and do if iwwd ha. In the J i Ipmi iH of tbo Com-

roby raooonmond. tbot tbo aovotmJ nMitaa. to aorartdfii more definitely tbo amounts arbidulad haratn bo allowod. at- coat of the cowatruettan of.tba Hiuai. to ae that tbo (TIovb of tbto Board bo autb- j aocurr tba osr« It so of a compotoot arebt- orlasd to draw ordaro on the County I uct to draw plans aad apactfIcwUooa for Trsaourot- for tbo A«ma. | tba aoma. Motion rarrtod. Moaod by Mr*No. Claimant and Noiura Bab. Al'M I BtoMloa. aacondod by Mr. Rldonaur. that


o^ Claim IS-M- L. Taylor.

Burial of Indtpatii Bal-dtar .......................................t SAM

13-<1. L. Taylor,Burial IndIpant Widow of

Holdlor ................................ M W3^. A. Blotpbl.

Distnfactinp ........................... MM»-K. D. Borpan.

Fuel ........................................... M.»7>—Ptmon Pedawa,

Tramp Hoard MU .............. 3JkH3—4*haa. B. .Porter,

Dtatnfectlap ........................... M.M•—Townabtp of l^abanon.

Dtainfectlap ........................ i

I tba Robrd adjourn until tooaarrotf mom­lnp at ntaa o'cloak. 3>otlen oarrtad.

Njrt; A. B. ^OBB.Ail’d; Ctmlrwwn.

ci.jtRK A. Pl’TT.Clerk of Hoard of Bupawtaam.


3AMI Tha Board mot pursuant to adjourn­ment. aad was colled to order by the

M7I. Cbnirman.Roil cnllod. quonrm preaeni and ao re-

MB ported.Tha mlnuiM of Iba loot ssoelon ware

•if raad and approved.KBPORTB PROM BTANOINO

RaTd COMMITTBBBto TVrwnoblp Hoard of Lebanon Mr. Hall, t'hatrman of lha Ccnamlttao

—O. H. Praoa. > on clalma. mad# a verbal raport on thaIMamractiap. PUcaiPinp | ctolm of Campbell A Chappell. No. !•

Twp. of Westphalia .... 3M M IPT.Mi referred hack to tha Committaa on Clalnw

chalrnmn.Rdll eaMod. qusrum proosnt. and ae ro-

ported.flM mlairiao of IBs InaP ^hoSop ware

rood and oppm rod.rbportb pbom BrAMoma

coMMrrnnM.Mr. Jarvis. ChalvwMP of tlw

oa Appraprlatlopo, ppotiH® Aad r tba Board tbo faBoortap rtpiri:

•t. fabne. Mioblpua. Oaf.' Mlb.Tb tbo Hoanrablo Board of

Tour CoaMPlUao on A| speatfnily oukIM tllo And rrrnmmsnd Iho adopMan of tbo aoma; j adopt That tbora ba mioad for StAto Tax tbot ■■onat roeapMPoadad by tbo AudRor j Oonoral. vts: Fifty oavon tbopoaad. five I Mr. hawdred forty-ope daUars aad «lx coals. I Coma

of M. Jib


........... tlMMiTB mMLM tUMktA. WBBBTBR.

*p. ■. BKABBarr.william MBm.*WILLIAM M. LBLAND. WILLIAM C.

I by Mr. dark, aoraadsf by «p. that tbo roport hp arroptod aad


Mf-O. H. Fraca.Dlalnfectlnp. Ptacardlnp

Vlllape of W’aatpballa... >7.40 K. B HALL.MCRRBTT RIDENOUR. T. RICHARDdUN. TIMOTHY H. CLARK. JOHN P. inJtlCH.

TUKdDAT REddiON. dCT. ItTII. IBM. *rhe Board met pursuant to adjourn­

ment. and was called to order by tba50jyiwith thoir order books and to chock tba I'hoirman

same by stampinp acrom the stub of | Roll called, quorum present, and aosaid order booha, ’'A I lowed County 'Trsaa- reported.

< urar. Uctobor 14th. IBM." and aftsr bolnp Tha Mlnutm of tha last saaslon wore IM.OB I'ompared and chackod. that tha mM | read and approved.

urdars ba nied with tha County Clark RKPOHmi FROM BTANDINOAlso, that all tha miocallanaous vouchers, j COMMI’TTEKBand the receipts from the House of Cor-| Mr Hall. Chairman of tha I'nmmltlaa rertlon and tha Insane Asylum, and all | un Claims, praoanted and read to tha officaro’ racalpta and cartlflcataa be ‘ Hoard tha followinx report:stamped acrom tha face. "Allowed Coun-( st Johna. Mlrhlpan. Oct 13th. IBMly Treasurer. Octobar llth. IBIO.” and that ' To tha Honorable, tha Board of Super- the aaase be then filed with the County I visors of CUnton County. Mich ;

K 38 Clerk, and tha mid Clark Is hereby auth- Yc«ur Committaa on claims would ra-

hy tha Board, that tha Committaa had made Inquiry as to lha llaMllty or JoM- nesa of tba Couaty to pay tha clabn aad tha Committaa recommrnd that lha claim he net allowed Moved and secondad that lha report be accepted and adopted. Mo­tion carried.

Mr. Ilannlnp. Chairman of the (’oPHnlt- <'omasltlea. I tee on Pnor, preotntsd and read to the

On motion the report woo accepted and Board the followtnp raport.St. Johns. Mich.. Oct. IBlh, MM.

"to the Honorable Boord of Suparvisera of (''Union County:

I adopted BBoved by Mr. Hunter, aoeonded by Mr. Wabotar. thnt ckUm No. IB. ('ampball A ('happall for'anV-toxlna. ba rofarrerl hock to (ho Committee on Clabno Idotlon cnrrted. Mr. Hall, (’hairman of tha ('ommittee on c'lalma. prsasntad and roail to the Baartl the followHip rooolu- Jlon:

Bt. Johna. Mich.. Oct. llth. IBM. To (lie Honorable Hoard of Bupervlsora:

Wa your Commit lea on ('lalrns. would raopactfully rtHMimmeod the followtnp amantlmant to the present schedule of Plicae iwld for dlalnfectlnp rontaptoua disaasae I'raaent schedula la as followa:

OLD BCHRDI’LK.Hmall Pox and luphtheria .....................|6MMraealo and Wh4Mptnp Couph .............. AM

............................................ 3.M

(IBTMlABi. That thara ba ralpad ter alAtad purpases the foUawtap amaupte;For Coanty Conrinpaat ^lad....... OBJFor^Oownty Poor Pund ..............X.. ll.BMiWPor BalBsrs RaBaf Puad ............ 4BAMPor Couaty Tralnlap Beboal Puad 3MBB

Wa aJoo roport hook the aovoral cwrtl- fled otatsmsnta of tbo City and Town- aPRi Clorbs of voted oad lovlod drain and other taxes, and rtpsnwnsnd that they W raportad to the aavaral auparvtoaro of tbo Triwnobtpo and Wards, 'aad ordered

•eod upon the reopoettve paseonment rella


ComnBtloo.Moved by Mr. HaU. ssrnndxd by Ur'

ITIrIch. that tbs raport bo aoeoptod aad adoptad and. that It ba rafarrod to tbo Committee on BquaUaatlon. Motion car­ried. Movod by Mr. I.ondara. oocoadod by mr. Ulrich, tbat tbo report of tbo Committee on Bqualtaatlon be tobon from Um table. MiKlon earried. Moved by Mr. Landers, sscondod by Mr. Jarvia. that tbo roport bo occoptod oad adspttd. Motton carried. Tbo roport of tbo OooMPtttoo oa Bqualtaatlon to so foUowe:

at Jobao. Mtcblpan. OoL IBCb. IBM. To tbo Honorabte Board of Bopiniloiio:

Tour CoHunIttoo on EgiixHnoMan outaalt (ho followtnp as tbotr report:


holAPd. (Thninaaa of tbo B mtoo appotptod OP Pripttnp.

aoatod aad road to tbo Board tbo fellow- lap raport:To tbo Honoopbto Board of •Bporvtooro:

Tour ComaoHtoo to wksm wno reforvud the queotlon of prtntlap. would ''•■BArtfully ropurt.' that your eqaa- mittoo imvtqp hod tbo outsetunder couMdoratton would roeoda-mead tbot tbo County Ctovfc procure tbo printlap of tbo pmruiWnpi of the Octo­ber Boom an of tbo Boord In tbo tbrao Bt. Jebno Nowapapore pt twqpty eoato aw lacb. aad tbo Clork'li further tnotriwtod to oouao tbo onpM pfonoodlnpa .to ba printed la pompblH form olao BkB ppp^ on pood paper pad that bo procure 3W coptoo HI ramphiH term. Movod by WU- ttom BoMth. mroudid by Mr. Hoaatiw, that tbo roport bo oceoatod aad adoplod- Metloa carrtod. Movsdl by Mr. Jarvta, aacondod by Mr. Ulricb. tbat tbo ChaMw awn appotat a rnmaiUtoo of two. to oow- far with CiMaiar E. Jachaon, Coaaty Apoat with rofdraaco to tbo oars of Javoalto of- fmdoro uatll the Jaanory oaoMon of thte Board, aad If aot able to maho aattodac- tory ^airanpimiato wttb Mr. Jachaon. to maho dbch ether orraapaaMato as ta

JudBMPt to for tbo hoot latoroat of the Couaty. Mottoa oarrtad. The Chatr-

appotatod MBoors. Jarvto aad La- Movod by Mr. Ulrieh. ooooadod by

Mr. Hill tlwt the Boord take a rocooa of hour. Mottoa oarrtod.

Toamship Acrm Real Batata ,Ta«al

.>rtoad to credit tha County Treasurer | epectfully submit tha followinx ao tbatr Tubcrculootswith tha several amounts" j report, and do hereby rocommond 'that Brnriat Fever ............................................ 2.0B

Moved by Mr. Clark, seconded by .Mr ' the aavaral amounts scheduled herein be Typhidd Fever .......................................... 3.WIwndera thy tha Board adjourn until to-| i^nowed. also that the clerk of this Board NEW BCHKDULK.

w ttmr\rnlnx at nine o clock. Mo- ImoiTO' lion corr1a«l

A E COBB.Chairman

CLARK A PUTT.Clerk of Honrd of Supervisors



.... 4M 4M

im-.... 630 S»

.... 7» TM

116 1.3S

.... 8M 3€B'

.... MOO M 00

.. *4 7’:)


.... ( 4M

c. 16

.... 133

.... 200 300

.... 12 43 2 (b'

.... 3186 31.2

BATITRDAT RKBBION, OCT IS’TH. IBM The Board mat purouant to adjourn­

ment and was called to order by tha

be authorised to draw or County Treasurer for lha same No '’utntant aiAl Nature Hub

of Claim. ^111-Dr W H Gala.

Phyoirtan SarAicae atJail ..................................... 3 8b M 3 3S.M

113—Bt. Johna News,Prlntlnx ................................ !• It UAH

lU—I-ewls F. Green.Chairman • | County Drain Com'rar

Roll called, quorum present and so re- j Expense Account .......... MM SdBJ«ported. I Ur- John P I'lrlch.

Minutes of the lost ssoelon read and ap-1 insinfertinx ......................... 23.00proved 'lit- J C Flynn.

REPORTS FROM BTANDINO I Ji.wica Fees ....................


COMMITTEBPMr Hall. Chairman of tha Committaa

on Claims presented and read to the

on Claims and whleb Is as follows * Bt Johna. Mich . Oct Uth. 1310

114-R J Woodruff.Justice Fees ..............

117—Arthur K Htowe,"rnuint Officer Fees

11^—Adder Machine Co..Rapnirs .................................. 3.C

To the Honorahia. Tha Board of Super- ■ jii-Dalrolt Lapal .News.visors of Clinton County. Michtpan: j ButiacHpilon ............................ I.W

Your Commllfsa on Claims would re-j j,,. Hart.spectfully submit tha followinx as thairl inemfectlnx ........................ S2 7ipartial raport. and do haraby recommend | iji—Chas F Howe.that tha several am«>u«ts scheduled | Annotations ............................ It.SBherein ba allowed, also that tha Clark of|l23—(> E Wilson, this Board ba authoiisad to draw orders Expanse Bohller's Relief on the Coanty Treasurer for the same j Commltte*. ............................ IBM


to Claimant and Nature of Claim.

O-l' C. Callahan.('leaninx chimnlee ..........

I»-F. J. Hoaley.1-lvary ................................

Ki- «*has 11 Porter.Dteinfectinx ........................ • IS

34-E. 1. Hull.Furniture .......................... 33 Bf

•- Township of Lebanon.Diatnfactinx ............ ......... 'JM

3B-R G Alltoon.Repairs .................................. IS

37—W’. E. Hamilton.Inauranca Premium ... .. toM

■(—Bturxts Drux Company.Paper ..................................... 1»

M-Gao A. Walls.Inauronao Pi i aaum ......... ••

30-W. M. Inland.Insuraaca Premium .........1MB

n—D. L. Hunt.Inaumnoa Premium ......... M3I

IB—I'nlon Triaphowe Ca..Rant oad *11011 ............... 323JB

C. Hleko.Fuel ......................................... MBM

34—Cttaton Ropubilean.



AI M ;i33-John Unk.i Kxpanaa BoMlars Relief

Committee ......................... .I S f# ! 134—Chas T Andrus.

Expensa BoMleCs RailafCommittaa ........................

133-Wm Exalby.Constable Expanse ............

133—Travis A Bhtlay,Material and Supplies ....

137—John W Mentor.r>aputy Bheriff Expswae..

133— Chapin A DuHols.Dry Goods for Jail .......... 7M

13B—John P. Ranram.Forma Mahyda .................... «.MMrs J H Dutton.

I SB i Iwundry ................................. AM! 131-Dr F C Dunn.

• <*: Phyatewn oarvicao at Jail lASTi, m-A O. Hunt.

MAM' BuppHee ................................. M13,tS3-F P Hunday.

3B 3t; BuppHee ................................. 3.M134— Dr. R. D Boeo.

MIM; Dtomfactlnx ....................... 3AMIte—Murratt RIdsneur.

3M.IB DtoInfaattnB ........................... H.MIJB-Dmka Lww Book Co..

Iww Rooks for CourtRoom .................................. HJB

Iff- WinfleM Ca..Rocordo .................................. BS-B

133—Donblsday Rrtio A Ca..end Bl set ton

Buppbis ...............................3MW13beOa«re4t Typawritor Oo..

Repairs .................................. AMlia-Rlebmrail A Itetkua Co..

HappMao ................................ in.U141—Rymn V

JusUcaIM—Cbaa B Porter,

DtaMfoattns .........

Dlamtertlax ..........

tba I Small l*»x and IMpbthaiia .................... IS OBRcarlat Fever. Typhoid Fever. Pneu­

monia .vnd *ruberculoala ........................ AMMeasles and Whoopinc Couch ................ABB

Rate for •Itolafecttnx public butldlnps left to dlarretlon of (TnmmiHee on Clalom.Mileaxe allowed at ten ctpla per mile actual mllae traveled by nmreot direct route


('ommittee.Mo«ed tiv Mr Jarvto. seconded by Mr.

I-anders. that tbs resolution he adopted.Motion carried.

Mr Welieter. Chairman of the t'ommlt- BS.M!te*. on Equalisation, preiwnled to the

Hoard the report of the ('ommittee on 37<|uallxailon Moved by Mr. lend­ers. seconded by Mr. Bhultera. that the report he laid on the table. Mo- tP»o <-artieil

Mr Kish. ('ha|rman of the Committee on Drama preeented aad read to the lloani the report of the ('ommittee on

: Drains, artd Is as fullows:Bt.'Johns. Get. Uth. 13IB

lB.3BITf> the Honorable Raanl of Buper%isara of Clinton County:

Tour C.Mnmlttee on iJralnaxe reopact- ^7 SB' rull> rr|Mirt (hat they have odrofulty

I exsmineil the annual report of the Coun- ^ ty Drain t'omrotsatoasr and the annexed ■taiement of all (be draias acted upan wnce hU Last report: and that they find »"*• adopted the rinancial statetnent of each and all the drams are covrort in every detail.The; further repftrt that In their Judx- ment he liaa (he clerical work In the of- rioe In excellent shape. We ito net find any Irreqularttlm eitbar In tbe-annual or rtnanrtal report We have compared the ('ommiseloiter's r^mii with that of the

^ ('ouni) Trmaurer o books aad find tbat I they spree as fsr as the orders bov^ bssn

AM' prsssnteil to the Couaty Trsnoursr. Wo wouM make the followtnx reromaieada-

lASB, Hons 1st That our County l>raln Com- ' mtsoinnrr Im mpsrislly ooreful la moklnp

M.IB' hlo socimoteo on now drains and esteoavnr I to have the first aossoosoont upon

B.M I drain a«lequate toI amount when the drain is

Bath .............................................. 33.111Hentpil ......................................... 2AaiHtnxham ..................................... SBJIIDallas .......................................... 2A443DeWitt ......................................... r.3MDuptaln ....................................... 2.387Eaxls ............................................ 3.«»Essex ........................................ n,mUreenbush .................................. 2.371Imbonon ....................................... 2.12Olive .............................................. 2.346OtM .............................................. 2JB4Riley ....................................*..... 2.3MVictor .......................................... 2.744Watertown ................................ 2.f7BWealphalto ................................ 2S.73S('Ity of Bt Johns

ist W'ard .................. ...............2nd Ward Ward ................................

I S33JW t 1.316270 t MB.SM t CTI.IM I m.M I l.OM.IM

Raal Batata aoRquailaod I 3 MB.iM t 3S1JW I l .(eB.S16 t M3.440 I 3l3.aM t IK.270 I* I6:.7M t OASM t 7M3M ,3 7MJM I 1JM.0B0 t •I7.SW I MUM I IBABW t MAUB



MABM 113267.416 t A3 I I.3B7.) BAaMAM

saeni upon uie rer fiw ontlre rsmiBHed mm It

(lentlemen'—Your ('ommlllee on Poor rrspertfully submit that we have exam­ined the hooks In the t.'ounty (Tlerfc's of­fice, and rind them Mi xood shape wttb vouchers to show for all money expended.We wouM advise In the auditinx accounts ('eoo by the ('boirwmn. qudrum pn to be more corefdl In the future In dmw- t and so orders for mlary until the work has RKPGRTB FROM BTANDINOactually been «lone We find that the t'OMMITTKBB.

AfterMoved by Mr. Ulrioh. soeoadod by Mr. atrkleo. that the ^haard take a rsesao un- | ordei til two o’clock thia aftomoaa. Motion i and carried i seem

*nie Board ssaa oallod to order after re- i Mr


oallod tothe Boord by tbo Chairman, quorum present

> rsportod. Tbo mlnutm of today's 1 were imd and approved.Webotor made a few rMharks with

maty Clark.reference to tbo rotlrms ( oad movod tbot tbo Beard, ta appsucte* tIon for the courtoouo oad Impartial XHA*

I nor In which bo has dlochorpod tbo duttomMr. Hunter. (Ttaalrmon of the t'onunlt- i of hlo office, extend to Mm a rtotes vote

tee <ia Towoury. preoeated aad mad to | of thanks Motlaa prevalM.Move^by Mr. Ulrich, mesadad by WII-

IkUB Mtb. ttaA the Board adjourn until the second Mon^y of January next Mo* Hon carried

A. B. COBB.Cbairmaa.

('LARK A. PUTT. Clerk of Board of


('uunty Farm is well taken care of, the buHdInxs and fences ere In xood repair.and the crops xood ‘h* Hoard tba fottowlnx report:

Under the core of Mr and Mrs I-eater.; Ti» the Honsrabts Board of Buparviaora: srul with the co-operallotx of the Poor Your CoiamMtee on Treasury would r^ rommimlonars. everythinx la In fine spectfully report, that as instructed by slMpe rsrept the house Is loo small aad yoar horromblo body, they have compar- Inadsquste to property take care of tba td the (’ontinAsnl. Poor. Witness. Juror, innmiea; and we recommend that the BIrtha and Dsatho. Bparvww aad Drain Buperrtanrs of ninlon ('ounty take some, Orders with tbair rsopectlve order books, steps to hiinx » Iwfore the tax-payers to i »•»«> Mi»* cancsllad the same, by siamp- Ihelr respective Krsraoblps •»« across ths stake of mid oodpr boobs.

A HENNING. "Allowed Comity Traaourar, October 1Mb,JAM37S H. FISH. I3|p." aad have cauiceUad mid ordsvo by IJOHN W. HUNTRR. stamplax tbo oaose acrom tba teas. “Al-1 '

('nosmlttse. 1 lowwl'County Trsnoursc. October llt^. A lltilr Odit x44od to thd wktOT Movrd hy Mr UIrtch. seconded by Mr. i IBM” Wo have oaaceltod tbo MIchIpaa|.wboo bolllhS OBBB will hoop tbom iB*

fMchardoon. that the report be accepted Asviom for tbo laoana,^ aad Houas of thCt.Motion a-orrisd. | Correction rssa|p>». tbo Buporvlooro' pay' WIeka faollad Ih vlBocar Xhd tbor*

Bbulters. ('halrtpan of the ( ommlt-! roll and all ^ Mlaoaltoneous rocolpta by (WChly dliod will stop tbotr solohlBg.

lULPPyL HllfTipA* vailt rsK.

tec on PuMIc Bnlldlnx* and Grounds, pre­sented and read to (be Board the folkew- Inif report:

Bt. Johna. MIchixan. Get. IMh. IBM To the Honorable, the Board of Buper-

vlaora of CTtnton County: ,(lentlemon:—Tour Committee on Public

HulhHnao rsopsctfulty submits (he follow-

stiunplnx Strom tbo tece "Allowod Oeun- i Try It. ty Traaourar. Getobor Uth. IBM" Stuffed potatoeo are made by mix-

All of which to robpoctfnlly oubsnlttod Inc choeae aad bread (Tumba In witb JOHN W. HUNTRR. the contentABUOBNE BHULTBRS ^ tall, aarrow vaae makaa a Rood M. M HILL. batplB boMer. If It Is partially flllad

comsoittee ^rouMi cork, obtalhed at any33ov«d by Mr. Ulricb. ssroadod by Mr. j druc store.

riark. that ilm rsport bo occoptod aad i . .. * . ___teak all eooklaR utonalls la wanswater before you alt down to dlttMTWe have vtolted (he C(mnty Farm and | adopted. Motton carried. 3torad by Mr. i

Hnd huildtnas In anod repair coaald-1 I-elaad. eecnfidad by Mr. Huator. that ^ _______ertax Ihrir mm BhmHd the County Farm Treasurar. bo and bo to lamructsd buldtnas noMi any iiitirsar: repairs for oad In hebnif of tbs Buperrissia of!durlaa the y«nr, sre rrmsamend tbot It | Clinton ctounty. to tnSor Into contract | To avoM acrapiBC tew potatooa boU be left with the Bupeiintstidinta of iboJ with the City at Detroit for tbs onro oad | thotn iB tbotr obbH uBtll tenter, tbaM Poor to ose thnt sueb repairs ore made, j the keepiaa of certain prtoonora Motton aXlB and pnt back Ik the ott W»» hove examined Iho difforont reomo | carrtod.

xtve hotter mUofoctlon lo have M ond offlcoo In the ('onrt House aad Had 1 Motrsd by Mr. Hill. —.m# ik.. av m them well hoot aad la eacellsiM rsaair I ('tark. that the Baaitof tho oast of

tba I>raln Fimd thaa to bo obllnad bore I per coat mode for n now am ment. Also when TownoMp lloordo

thma well kopt and In eacelloiM repair j Clark, except tbo Coanty Trsaoarar’o offtoe. oad I marrow we wouM maanarntl o now Itnilium for (serried the floor aad tbo side walls ro-papered

at n3

by Mr. until ta-


A. B. rxum.1LJB| slot upon hoTtas a spaolal tnapartlon Wo have vtoMod tho Couaty Jell and find CteUranui.

I awde of tbo contraoter’a srork la ranstd t it ♦« Bood repair, aad we srouM ruoom-! ^ abutsseats aad other wavk. that tko nMSM tbat lbs laotde of the J^ ko ra*,! —___- - - - — -caat of mM laopertlen oball ba paM by i pabitod, aad we farther recommend that jtbotr reopecHro Tnwaoktpo aad net (»ul; the Bheriff have ouch work done, and i ——

I of the Drain Fuad Aad they fast her, ouch ether work or soipar repairs to tbo FRIDAY BMMION. GCT. 3IBT. IBMtbot tbo aanual report of tbo I Jail ar court bouor durtnc tho ensulan yae Board nwt parteaat to okjaurti-

Commit DrainI caospanylnp flnsasMI slalom sat

n.U I drains mod. may ho filed, oppra^ j adopted hy iMs BsarB.

s.mI jambb h. ptm,HAYDEN. W. BMmi. | GMO. JARVtB. = k

OomnMttos. MrMoved by Mr. Hall, ssrnadid by Mr

of ,whlch to Ifwily




’. that tbo roport bo occopMo6on oorriod.

nmnt. aad v Chairman.

; Roll oallod.

oallad to

Ths mlnutsa of tbs toot ssooian wove oad oad apprnssd


Mr! Wobatar. Cbaltmoii af tbs ConnnN-Wy Mir* rWHI. mUW* \ mmm 'ZS ilTT—^ xHantm. tbat lbs report be asesplsd aad. APPOINT3BBNT GF TOWNnHfP tm on BqnaMaatton.

Motion oorriod. IBavotf and! AOBIBTB. > t(»'*tbo Board tbo Mltbat Mr. Q.- L ‘Ihytor. Town- • lir. Ilinnant roportad fa tbo Board that as lo tho oppit of lha TownoMp of WaSor- Mr. Xackariao. TowaoMp ApMt «f the Comity Tnaao:

town, bo ismsvM from tho offleo of* Ximrnoidp of Blanham. bad romawod from m. joBam. IBkiMi of ooM TowaoMp. Ms-1 Ibo tawnsMp. and tbat ta Mo •■od. bo f •ni tn. IlmomMs B

I wonM roooanmnf tbo name of Myroa A. qf CMaSoa Comity BBPrmTi mnm mrmrtAt, jRalfrin: wbinopsn tbo Board, on GontHmoa>-Tonr r

\ storied Myron A “ 'Anmt of tbo rvmmUkB BMBBow. 3Br.

part Umi they haoo

pnt hX tew mteutM to dry ont.

If you have a black iiuwa tbat fniksBlBB up. cloaaao It orltk (tear Mack foffso dllatad water aBd oaBtalatac • IttUe

After Um nnakiy waBbtBB rub a IM*' ovor^ttT^baate. I&a will baap tba

wtator.OarMBBte tbat are to ba bnai ont

to air oaa ba pot on banpara fMbte than planat Ba tbo llBa. Thla pranMte

' oasBiv or marklBt wttb tbe eioMte piBA

Do aot lauBdir atanklapi wttb otter elotbaa baaaaaa tte Uat fraBi otter ■arBMBMa ^11 ateara to ttem. Uat

Marar rlaaa Mea ta Mna taater wtOi tba Itea of laiMfOYtag Mb eolar. Raal

: laar abenM ba flaally rlaaad ta Hanr aaft water, or batter atUl. tai tete BRilb. wMab wffl ctre It a aaft eruatep

m. cm. tub. UMlid of

If li RB OM

Of M. Y.

Apte ao




HER ii DimlEI

Could Hardly Sleep at Night About 11 Months. Used Cuti*

cura Soap and Ointment and was Complete^ Cur^i.

**Mr mother had • ml ipo« M bar Hght liand wlwdi i»waa t« fru« warn*

rapMlljr. ikm nwgli tHm Mid it •trtUr. tfUr aot MM* mrdK-ifW from • d<H»> tor. but It clld noi d» •njr awid. In about a wrok thr tatter

rto bfuak out ou arm «too. 9ba uaad (hra or ais dlnr-

rat kioda at liiUtaMUU and tbrea dUTaraut kind* of aalvaa. Nod onr of lhaat* dkl bar u

,______ _ . Hrr hand and armwould bum and itch ao rouHf that aba could liardljr alaoi} at niaht. Hrr band way that way for about «-tarra UMUtha. Finally a frtrad of oura rrtooiBBradad Coticura Hoa|> and Ointmrat to ua. 8br bouaht aomr immrdiatHy and banan to uar it. Hhr waabad bar hand and arm with t’litirura Uoap and warm water. Thra ahr afiplwd tba Cutirura Oinimrat and baniianrd bar hand up. The iteal rooming wo all noUcod a itrrat imt>rovra>rat. Bafoto aha had uard a half of a box at Ointmant »««d a Terr little .Suap hrr hand waa compirtrly (tirrd. Now brr band ia aa well aa rrrr. I think Cutirura Hoap and Ointinrat ia thr erratrat akin retnrdy •vrr dia«orrrrd. C. E. Canady, Uan luandro, Cal., Mar. 7. 19IU.*’

caurw* Rill I am anodllw awai Iiaainual aawmMii Ur .Wriiaai mt llw iXMi aaO laala «( •aaMii muawn mmt aOant A (•fe* a( cmitaaa nwa (Uc * aaa a ho« of I iwwwa • namwi (Mt ) aaa oRm luan-nt mbU taaioaa at ta* «wta. Mnrr bruB A •Uwa iwU rrafa. Uanaa^VWaiNU tr**. aim sooaar feoaa. AMhintr «a la* Traamaai t aaw aaa aaala AaMUwa.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦<♦ IIL.^KT. ♦♦ ♦


particir of

John Sandrre baa brrn on thr airk Hat. *

L. (taker la hulldina an iiprlirht on hit houar.

Win. Kvana la ttettinc rrady to icn to Arizona.

A son was bom to Nrlaon (Mwail and wife Ortdbrr 19

C. M. Kandall and wife were In Lanaini; »od Owosao Thursday.

Mrs. <1. A. Maynard .nntertained rel­atives from At. Johns Friday.

Mtaa Hemicr OIney has been suffer* liut with rheumatism a few weeks

Mlaa Matir Randall s|tent Monday with (>eo. Hoard and wife at Aahley.

8ani .Mort ia treating his house and other farm buildinaa to a ooat of paint.

•Mrs. K. Z. Kniniert has been aiok Her mother. Mrs Moody, has been with her a few days

Solomon Iliithaiii and Mias Matie Randall attend*^ mertinit at New Ha%-en Saturday and Sunday

The Churrh of the Brethren here will have tbHr lovr day and Sunday. C be here to commence revival meetings at that time. All are cordially invited to atttmd these aerrlcea.

OHITl’tNV.Mrs. ICIla K .Uuilllan^ waa bom In

OJivf towuablp. Clinton county. .Mich., tiept. 2lat. IkM

.Shv waa united in tiiarriait*- to Mil* ard K Flke January ISth. 1K77. They p iMed In Olive dnlll three yeara av> last April when they moved to OeWItt where they have alnce reaidad. Mrs.

i f*1ke paaaed away Thuraday, October loth. Ikltt. Sh< waa a granddaughter uf Mr and Mrw Atwell Slmmona. wtui were the flrit settler* In Riley town- ahtp. Clinton county. She taught arhnal several yeara prior to her inar*

, rlaga tv Mr. Pike. She waa a kind wife, •mother and friend. She wna re- aimctcd and loved by all who knew her. She wna a member of OeWlit nrange; aiao a member of tba Clin* ton Founty Pioneer aociety. She waa a patient sufferer far many months from a • omplicatlno of disraaea but ahe never tomplalned but waa cheer­ful and had a amlle and kindly greet*Ing for all.

She la aurvived by her huabaod. who has tenderly cared for her dur*Ing her atekness; one aon. Oeo. Pike, of Olive: one daughter. Mra Roy Mil*Ian. of lotnalng. and two grandcMTI* dren. She waa a member of no church but Mr. and Mra. I*1ke have taken great comfort In the last few yeara by their great faith In <Jod. They believed Hlin to be every where preaent In evl ery and all thfnga. They fully rrallaed that her stay here waa not for long but they were resigned and felt that all was well. Their Uvea have been beautiful on aocotint of tbeir great j is very 111. faith. Many time* during her last ' Mrs. Nellie alckneaa ahe has been heard repeat* mg iiaasagea of arriptiire, Anamg her last words were. not afraid, fear not ** She la the last of her father's family. Her father and mnthe>. Mr. and Mra. G. R. Simmons, one brother < and three sisters, preceded her to the' other world. M’e hope and trust the Itereaved friends will find comfort in thinking of the great reunion there must have been In the Glory world when she met those gone on before' and think of the reunion there is yet to be when they too are called to that better land where tears and partings are unknowA.

Tnily We can say of Sister Pike a gcMMi woman has been ealled h<inie and the world Is better for her having lived in It.

Her funeral was held at her late ■ boine Saturday The attendance was very large The floral offerings were many and beautiful. Five of her Bchool girl friend* about her age fur* niabed a beautiful floral ladder with the top round broken.

Rev. Alldinger of lainaing officiated \V. R. Osgood of St. Johns was the un*' dertaker. Four brotber*-ln*law and ■ a couatn were pall bearers O. S.Pike, Jerome 1)111* of DeWItt. Frank Pike and M*ro Pike of Newaygo. Mias l.A'Iah V’anKleet was 'organim Mra Carl VanFleet and Mrs M'lll M<'Luiith i sang. Sbe was laid at rest In DeWitt eenietery »

tShluG. W KIlRiiwuod has gone to visit relatives and (rieod*.

Mra Olive Cnrd of Ashlinr Is visa­ing her parents here tbli week.

h Wright visited at the hiMne of hi* •on. John tVrutbt. ID Alma last Tues-

4 dayI Mr. and Mr*. Elmer Waterhouse uf I Ibiplain were n Eureka IStmday even*

In Central Michigan


Cbesanlng spentbis niece. Mrs. i

home from till Saturday

from a, at Mt.

log.KImwc’Smith of

the post week with Carl Kaegie

Marvin Ingersoll was Lansing from Thursday of last week.

Adkui Rusaell returned week's visit with relatives Pleasant last weel^ fChas Sherman and family of' Elsie

Were guests of their parents. J. K. I Kirby, and wife Sunday.

Floyd Stowell and Mlaa Ruth Voor* bees of Ovid were Sunday guests uf Mr and Mra. KrneM Wright.• Mr and Mrs. Walter Burk and dau­

ghter Helen of 8t. Johns were guests at 8. Stormfeltz'a over Sunday.

Several frr^m tbt* place attended tbe auction sale at H. C’aaes In Washing­ton (ownahip last Wednesday.

Mtss Alice Hawkins went to-Owooso last week where ihe will take a course at the busfheaa college.

FMrl Kirby of Detroit came Satur­day for a few days' visit wliji bis par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kirby

Wayne Smothers and «laughter. Mra. Thos. Halstead, went to Ohio. Mon­day to visit the former's brother, who

The Waek’i Newsii In* tief4hihiw—ejighen


Program for Grange October 29• Song by Grange: recitation. Mrs S.

feast here Samr-,Norris: itong. Mr and Mrs. Mose*: II. Deardorff will •elratiub, Mrs Ida Drink: recJiatlon.

Hazel I.iankton: talk on small fruit for tbe small farm, Omar H DHIs: "Short and informal talks on some-

Huguelot and son Frankie of Olive spent the latter part of last week with her mother and sla­ter. .Mrs. Martha and Miss Maggie Washington.

Thelma Turner, the child entertain­er of Owoaso. will visit F^ureka Satur­day evening, Nov. L. Idttle Mias Turner give* a pleasing entertain­ment for iMith old and yo<ing. I^iok for the program next week.

.Mrs Jessie Kelsey of Itanntster is visiting her mother. .Mr* Della Price.

Fllxle and Arthur Hr«*wtiaker went to Rosebush Tuesday to purchase four full blo<id I^lcester ewes of Mr. Walton.

.Mrs. FTniiua I.lnman and George DuriingaiiM- of Elsie were guests at her parents . .Mr and Mrs John ('out­er Sunday.

Dr If. Han is quite |M>orly again. His daughter .Miss Pearl Hart, who has been In California ami other western states, for three year*, is ex- pect«*d the last of this month.

Mn> A. Babcock and daughter. Mrs. Minnie Malone, afler B|»endlng several days as giieais at the home of the former's cousin. Mr*. J J Reiser, re­turned to their home at loiGrange. Indiana, last Frida>

Mr and .Mrs. I) A. Rosekrana of Gre<‘nbiisb. Mr. and Mr* V. S. Brew- liaker and «on Heiirmann of South Greenbush were the |guest* of Mr. and Mrs. W F* Brewbaker Sunday, the occasion being their daughter F2dith's eighteenth birthday She was presented with a gold watch and fob by her iiarenis.

^ Rev ('harles Wesley Lyman'* ser­vice* for the week Iveglnnlng Sunday, October 3<» F^vangelical circuit, F^ureka, II a. m.. siibjert, "Buds, Blos­soms .lod Almonds" Sunday school.

thing I have learned about fruit amk^ FIdgar Burk. supt.. at lu a. m Atcultivation. In pickling, marketing or preparing It for household use: song. Frances Hurd: recltatlan. Geo. Lerg: music. I^elah VanFleet: recitation. I>*lah Henning: selection. Mrs F- A. Fiirgason: music, lavura Wlilisni*

Fulton, 7;SO p, m.. subject, "The Ark Sunday school at the usual hour Services at other points. Washington Center and County Idne. as usual.

Six little girls sprang a aurprla*- U(>on Mario .Somerville, last Monday

------------- .afternoon and helped her to celebrateMr* Clyde Tnieodell is quite sick.' her Klith birthday The time was Miss Marguerite Woodniff I* ai-j merrily spent in games after which a

tending srhtMvl at the M. A C dainty luncheon was served, the ta-Allen Walker of Olive vlsitiil at Idea being prettily decorated with

John Blanchard's iiart of last week candles After leaving some little ■Mrs. FlarJ Tucker was railed to III- gift of renienibrance. each departed

le) last week on acf o«nt of her moth- for their homes echoing a delightful ••r'* illness time

Mr and .Mrs FI. Phelps and son* The (laator ami inembera of the from loinstng visited at FI D WII- Flureka FIvangelical circuit desire to

Flir <Nv*a llalar Car ('Ob. af Datrall*of which K. A. Turnbull of Grand loMlge was president, baa been ab­sorbed by tbe Reo company at loia- slnc and the Owen cars will be man­ufactured In the l.«nslng factory, at least for tbe present. ,

♦ ♦ ♦■hrtln VanSerMtlll, merbanlc far

the .National Woudenware company, llltnktng that his wife could overcome •'Blue Monday" with greater eaae. took a washing machine from the bnok of a baxaar store, and tbe first washing oost him SIT.So He returned tbe washer and la content with the old method of labor.

♦ ♦ ♦Chnrie* Vanng, a rnpaln lender In

Reed's foundry. In Kalamazoo, lost lioth feet when the InStom of the cup­ola suddenly dropited out. letting the rnolton metal run all about the man's feet, burning them off.

Young fell backward and in doing so burned the bark of both of his legs. It may be necessary, physicians state, to remove hi* legs above the knee*. He ia married and has five <'hlldren.

The Brtaker bill af Hberiff Harris of Oakland county, was allowed by the sui»ervisnrs at I6..'t22.69. This cov­ers the fees of the office for the (last nine month* This Is the largest bill ever allowed a .sheriff of Oakland ♦•ounty. The bill for the remaining three months of the year will be pre­sented at the January s«*iiaion of th< siipervluors

♦ ♦ ♦J. I). Lelaad of f'*ninna, a former

itanker of Durand, has started Hult against FIdward Johnson, et al.. of Vernon for IIu.imSi damage* He re- cetitly bought a lot of lambs from the liefendsnt for II.'hio an<l several of them died In jiasture Being advised the animals were unhealthy, I>*land sold the lot for $4(N) Iceland sets forth that be bought the lambs under the representation that they were firat-cIsM stock

♦ ♦ ♦\n invetiUgmtion bv Um state dain

and f<Nwl de|Mirtinent ha« disclosed that 20 typhoid fever cases in loinsing are due to milk alleged to have lieen sold from a tlalry of which th* owner, Mrs Mina Downer, was III with ty­phoid. An investigation hy the com­mission also shows that the physi­cian* of the city have been delinquent In not placing card* informing the public of the presence of tbe fever. But one card was found in s tour of the city

♦ ♦ ♦-Mr. and Mrs. Frank .NeckwIIL Slav*

who live seven miles from Owosao. drove to th*- local undertaking rooms Thursday, the mother carrying the dead tsidy of her child in her arms. Th*- ImmI) was carrie«| ivn a pillow ac­cording to the custom at their native 4-ouniry .Neither ivareni s|ieaks Flng- liah and a lo<'al Slav acti-d as


Is wHat it is. BI'-C.Al this store stead-, fastly maintains its policy of pre.sentin^ Men’s Clothes of absolutely the Hijjhest Ouality and Character—and seilinjv them at the ver)' lowest prices (juoted in this or any other city tor apparel of ecpial merit.

Nor did thi.s business jvn>w in a day— it is the result of 20 years of wiiininjv, meritinjv and retaiiiinjv public contidence.

\\ e present today assortments nearly double rhosi- of a year aj^cv—<an advan- lajve^of Nome importance to youi—

fn thm Faii and Winimr Showing of oar MatcMmot

Stein^Bloch, Michael Stern and SystemSuits and Overcoats

to $25W’e are chandise

exclusive ai'erits in .St. Johns for the followinj^ j^uaranteed mer-

"I>l”rCHKS.S 'rk()l’SKRS. loc a button. 51.00 a rip.”

•Sr.ALKV HK.XND” CNDKRWK.AK."KN()X” 55.00 and 55.00 H.A'rS.•CvORDON I'l’R OVKRCO.ATS” 520.00 "INTKRWOVKN” and 'KK )LKPRf H )r’



We Refund R. R. Fare on edl $10 or More.

purchases of

Ask for Our Rabute Chocks, Given with Every Cash Purchase.



♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ .SOI TH BLIYII. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Mrs 1). Dcvcrcaux visited her son Lynn in I.«nsing part of last week

Mr. and .Mrs .N ,N TIdd of Riley visited their daughter. Mrs Robert Yanz. .Sunday

Wm I’ik*- and FVank Bike of Ne- Inter-( wago were callers at the bom*- of .Mr.

The Snug Fitting Coat Collar—It’s Clothcraft!

HE coat collar is one of the thinf^ that make a hit with you when

you wear Clothcra It sits up to your co as if molded to it.

But it is only one of the Clothcraft points of superi- v ority. There’s the style — ; the shape—the non-breakable coat front—the non-sagging pockets.

And there’s the guaranty of the maker—and ourselves

Hanis’ SundayJanira Wilson repres**ntatlv»‘ of the

California Perfum*- ('o.. was In town one day last we*d(.

Frank <MNi Wm. Pike of .Newaygo were here last week to attend the funeral of Mrs M F Pike

Mr* (I, (' W«Midriiff eatertaine*!^th*e< voting ftrends o her son laiwrence, at dinner Sunday

Mr. and .Mrs .U. A .Morris, Mr and .Mr*. S|>eneer .Norris visited Mr, and Mrs John Wetherell Sunday

Mra. Charles Haniinond o^ lainsing I* quite sick at the home of her par­ents Mr anti Mr* Monroe ('ole

Warren .NorrI* of Denver, (’olorado. nnd nephew, M'm .Norris, vistied Mr. .ind Mr* Spencer .Norris, last Friday.

J c’ Stafford of louislag put light­ning rods on Fred Tucker's farm buildings at Prairie Greek last week

A n Took of Riley. Frank and Wm, Pike of .Newaygo home of Mr and Monday morning

A very enjoyable evening was the one at the "box sortaT' Saturday ev­ening at the Grange hall and netted over tl6.0U.

Mrs. Bloaa C. Raven of Flnst Isui-

exprea* tbeir heartfelt thanks to the ladies of Flureks and vicinity for the gift of tSS.ftU, being the total proceeds of tbe dainty feast furnish**! by them in Woodman's hall. Saturday night. Oct IMh. The thank* of the churches are also due tbe large and apprecia­tive throng that sat down to tbe gfxidly banquet, and made the |3S .TO IMvoatble Tbe mtiney goes toward helping meet tJte ex|>ense of the re­cent extensive addition* to tbe parson­age Tbe new colonial |»orch and substantial kitchen cost in the neigh­borhood of $200. most of which haa tilready* t>een reallxe*!.

Mrs. Albert Smothers and (laughter Georgle. returned home last Thuraday from a two month's visit with her liarenta in Ohio and while on their way home realized an extverlenc*- they will not forget soon. The train on which they were coming was wrecked

were callers at the 1 and five people were killed outright Mr* Varney Pearce-while about twenty-five were serious­

ly injured. Mra. Smothers and little (laughter and a brncher who waa ac- (-omivanylng her home were thrown violently from their seats when the coach tlp|»<>d over and were obliged to make their escape through a car

sing and .Mrs Mary C <Instead visited Mrs K Wednesday

Mann of Furgaana

window, but aside from alight brulsea and being hadly frightened they are thankful that they escaped as srell as they did.

*1- /-I Lthat Clnthcratt 11 pure All- 4 ^♦ nrPL.ilN A.ND UMKIflllTHH. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

■nothing cite.Yet you get your Cloth­

craft suit at $10 to $25. Wouldn’t it be foolish to take a chance with ordinary' clothes—when you can


Mr and Mr* David Wa«ncr ^ in Grand Rapids last week

FTd Baker itptmt from Saturday til Monday In Grand Rapids.

. Vera Salisbury baa come to lire InClothcraft with the guaranty the home of Mr and Mrs M. C. Gould.

Mr and Mr* Samuel Peterson of Fairfield spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra Frank Perry.

Halbert ('offswell la luoetng hto family to bla new home south of tt. Johns. Mr. AeJeer Is raorlng on tbe place vacated tty Mr. rogaweil.

Archie Carroll returned Innt week from York state where he has baea helping rare for hts brother, Stewart t'arroll. who has been seiioualy alek. hot I* nutch Improved.

October 24, I91C, we srant tbe many reiadera of the St. John* News In oth­er parts df the U. 8. to enjoy la thought what It has been ours to en­joy ibis beautiful fall, having had nohard froats tbe morning gibry vlnea , ... ..and all Rowers are yet In their beauty ntean for anytmng Home of the days have been like June w w w

preter Th»- iMKly s-as plac*vl In a casket and hiirl*-d In the ('atholic <***meierv th*- parents not accompany­ing th«- remains to the burying ground

♦ ♦ ♦HecauM* hr get drunk Jnst at thr

time wh*m Justice Frti*gel of th* Owossi* municiral court, believed he should have stav^-d sober. Walter FII- dredge. 2.T yean* old and married, was Thuraday sentenced to six days in the (-ounty jail without the alternative of a fine

Eldredge's brother, Clyde, aged 21, is very ill with typhoid fever, and the doctor prescribed alcohol baths He wrote a presrrlptlon for a qiian of al­cohol and Walter was sent down town

t to get it Instead of hurrying home he drank half the "bath" and was found ho|»elessly drunk on thr prin­cipal corner He was locked In the city jail to sober up. aa«l remained in a stiip(»r liAtil nigiS Clyde FIldr*-dgeWi chances for recovery are slight.

♦ ♦ ♦FesHiltle* which a daaen yosng la*

dies of the Hastings high school were enjoying while attending a party In a houa*- on Green street, were rudely Interrupted when the doorbell rang and a man waa discovered peering In at a front window.

A call was tent to Deputy Sheriff .Manni, wh«t was Informed that some bad boys were disturbing tbe party.

I Aa tbe officer carefully approached the bouse in the dark be discovered

' the man looking steadily In tbe wtn- ^dow. After warcblng the fellow cloae- ' ly for five minutes the officer crept up and discovered that the "mno" who had canoed the panic was a stuff­ed dummy The officer removed the intnider. but failed to find the per- lietrntors. whs were styled aa "just

and .Mr*. Geo Pike SundayWarren .Norris of Denver. Colo, and

nephes', Wn> .N*irris. of Kalamazoo visited .Mr and .Mrs S W Norris, last Frida >.

♦ ♦4 I.KRA.NON 44 444444444444444444

Mrs Mary Baxter la convalescant. Bert Caa*' of Ijinsing spent the past

week at .“t Morrison's.Mr^ Rose Ric* returned home Sun­

day after a -(hort visit with friends in Fowler.

Otis Smith and wife. Mrs. J H. Smith Mon Bert. S. .Morrison and family. J. Willlstnn ami family, Misa Minnie Sillman and Mr. Miller were entertaine<l at the home of Archie .Smith. Sunday

Don t forget that no opinion can help you to heaven If It makes you hate- your brother man.

3.50 leceipt Cvras W8ik Mbr-FREE

Waratigs! Hilts! Regioders!ON A BURNINi SUBJECT

Fill Up Your Bins! Fill Up Your Bins!

THese l^ines Al>ove We Call Otir Twins!

They’re On Our Mind FrtMn

Mom Till Night!

We’re Coaching Them With

All Our Might!

Fill Up Your Bins! Fill Up Your Bins!

Procrastination Never Wins!

JOHN F. PARRPhone 145

Qaii Have It FVea < mtS Vim

1 bars In my for nervous dsMIlti

a prsscrti lask of vigor, w

■ory I■aa. I



—for the same or less.

Steel fSk Field

I Ho much ao that Mr. and Mrs.Keiaer and children. Aletha and Ralph, enlartalned In their beautiful wo«la oa the farm known as tbe Hiilae farm, by Eureka cemetery, tba afternoon of Get. 19. Mr. Keiaer'a mo­ther and sister Rida and their rela- In wtileh Mr Burns waa ridtng. thra. Mr*. Babcock and daughter, the track and followed by the Mra. Makme. of ImGraage, Ind. We four eoane<ct«vl cars fall down the em-

1 wore our amumer dreaae* and no bankment a depth of about fifty feet, [wraps and wandered through thej.Mr*. Will Carter, who lives near this gr*-»n grnaa and benutlful auiumn "pet saw the accident and quickly tel­

ls (learge Rurns wns rnnning *a«a empty cars from the American Hewer l*lpe factory to the clay pit In Grand Ledge Tuesday, a lump of coni on tbe track where the tramway croaaaa the road at tbe gully threw the first rar.


ipUsay. la

fsllMgbask, brought ou by saesaaaa. 1 drains, or Uw folllsa of yosth. cured so many worn and asn light In thsir osm hsmaa wttbout aay a4llUonsl hsip or msdiclao—that 1 •very esan who wlahsa to maaly pawsr and vtrlUty quMily quietly, should hava a copy. So I hnvs dmsrmlnod to aond a ropy of tbs pew •erlptlon frus of charg*. in a plain. o«dl- nary ssalad snrelop to any man who will wrMe ma.


rsnaln Mslutmly aad

Thia prsnrtiptlon romsa rrsoa a dan who haa mnda a apodal study msn and I am convtncud It Is ths auraat

other * actins romblnallon for tho curs of d*fl- riant mnnhood and vigor fSItors svor p«t

"Makes Good”Ves: it makes ffttoti bn-atl. cakes anti pa.sln',—“always."


togotrT th

leavos enjoying the many things of nature about ua and Jnat aa the tun waa aettlng we woro enjoying our re- fresbmeata, anaong which were cu-

Mr and Mra. Donald Furganon and j cumbers, little son of Detroit returned honMlplehed aa

'Tuesday after apfdtng a few day* As with tkeir pnrenia. Mr. and Mrs Al- IlgM see Ian gfamona. They anndo tbn trip bnve In tiMir onto. Mr. llanMno rocarw

tomatoes. \nd berrioa. frdnh si other fruit of the asasan. nve to the bouse In the twi- thought we would like to • who Chink of our fall g eoM and avorythtng fronan r dm«r«nt It la now.

ephnned th*- superintendent of the fac­tory. William H Hnam. who with Tony Dettling and Amo* Barker ruth-: ed to the scene where they soon re- • l«n*ed Mr Burn* front the dobrt*. Ill* clothe* were almoot completely torn. front hi* body and hi* brad brulned 1 which wn* lucky ladood a* the fall j wa* a bad one Mr. Burns waUcod toj bis home that afternoon but hna not reanmed bis dntio* nt th* fhetory.*


think 1 <*w« It to my fsUew s*an to a copy In caafMsoco so that

any man anywbars wtw Is weak and dla- couraood with repoatod miiuros may step druimlna htaseelf with harmful paloat msdlcUMO. aocurs what 1 bsWovs la the qulehost-ectlag laeteiatlva. upkelldlug. iPOT-TOIKnuNO I smsity ever tsvfai. and so euro htmsolf at boom qoMOy and qiilehly. Juet drop aw a Ihw Itha tMs: Dr. A. ■. RoMoosu. 401 1-uafc BaUdtng. Dotrult Mich., and I will sand yen a copy of thla apisndid restno In a pHIn srilnary snvatapa frea a# rhatnt grant mnny doctors wonM shargs H99 to HJ9 for msrsty wrttlag out o pro- iiilatltr Mm this hnt I asnd It stirMy

Its name, same."

anil “it’s always




SqR’s [Hbiiis a wonderful food-medi­cine for all ages of man­kind. It will make the

^ delicatc,sickly baby strong and well—will give the pale, anemic girl rosy cheeks and rich, red blood. It will put flesh on the bones of the tired, over­worked, thin man, and will keep the aged man or woman in condition to resist colds or pneumonia in the winter.

roK SAUi mt ALL bstwavn

•mA Ma.. mmm» *4 »»»r mmI tlita *4. tav mv AimllAl ■••tiwi BmA mmd OAlM's ■Ailili ■mA AmiA • U»»A LmA fmmmt.■corr A BOWNE. AM IWI at. Hmm Ymk

me rtAM or Hmva.▲itlmr BarmArB. who ho* bMO workloc IB IhMOtrti offlo* with

' hto brotWr. W. 8. Baroord. iwturaad PoMoatA Bmi Paapir Pimb TitIob > to his hooM to Datrolt IInoisy. ^ Mood Saiisioa.

Mr. sod Mrs. Joha Johaaoo bar*laovAd frooi this farai lo .S’orth Mhadr Mtoaasch t^blas art* so ooouimio to tbHr a«>« hnair ta Ithaca whsrr sod ia laost oaaas so obattaste to rur« Mr. JohosoB will fasacc la thv pie- that pMpk are apt to look with siw tur*- husiossA

1 J. M. Roberts has oauasd aoow awwIron hitchiaa pciau to br set In froot ol his store sod has had a ('•oMOt gutter oooatnietsd la froot of* the iralk.

Mr. sad Mrs. 8. P. Horr and dausb- ter l*hyills. Mrs. Ueo. Archer. Miss Mollte Webstar sad Miss Pem Allen were caeala of Mr. sod Mrs Ji Archer Ik' Kast llsses Bunday.

pleioo am say remedy ciaiml^ to be tax two weeks here, s radical, permaoeot cure for dyapep- Judd Cox has moved his haraeassia sod Indigestion. Many such pride shop acroas the atreet Into bia newtbaaMwlvea on Mmir acutsoaaa In oev-• buiidina this week, er being 'humbugged, eapecinlly in Mr. sod Mrs. Will Van.Never at mndtetoea. | Owoaao wen^guaou of Will Kvnoa

Thla fear of being humbugged can f and wife oo^unday. be carried too far. ao far. In fact, that. Pearl Meade and Praak Newsom inaoy people suffer tor years with have been apeoding the week at I.ake weak digeMioa rather thaa riah s 111- (leorge flshfog sod buntiag. tie time and money In fnlthfuliy tent- Archie (Campbell aod «rtfe of Ne-

Mrs. Aurelia Wrigbt of (Irand Ing the claims made of s preparatloo brssks. are visiting tbe former's psr- Lrdgt> and Mm. Alice Halloek of 81. ao ralinble sad unlveranlly used as mis. Mr sad Mrs Donnld Csmpbell. Johns were gueuU of friends In town Htunrt's Upspepsis Tablets. Mm. Klls Hurgess returned to herInst week. They slso sttsoded the Now Bluart’s l>yapi psis Tablets borne In Harbor Hprlngs on Tuesday.<'oBveBtloa of the ilegree of Honor. sre vastly different In one important, after a ten days* visit with friends

Mm. Teann Hart and Mrs. Mins respect from ordinary proprietary here Cordsnier attended the meeting of the inedicloeA for the reason that they are 'tirs. Ikmald Cates returned to her Btste Pedemtioh of Womea's clubs at not a secret imteoi medicine, no sec- home In Toledo. Monday, after Sfv Bd- Hattie Cre«di last Tuesday as dele- ret Is iiuule of their lagredienta. but ina the week with her sister. Mm. gales from the Maide lUpIds W«*dnes- saalysls shows them to contain the Wesley sad Boroeis clubs natural digestive acids, tioMen .Seal. The Hanniaier U A 8. will give a

O t:. Webster has caused a new bismuth, hydraatls and nux. They are Hallowe'en aoclal at the home of Ma bard wood rio(»r to be laid In the not cathartic, neither do they act mmI Mrs ('has tiunn Priday evenina. building occupied by .S. H. Allen with i*owerfiilly on soy organ, but, they Oei. 2Mtb. Kverybody come and enjoy the iMiatofflce. Considerable change cure Indigestion on the «*ominon sense the fun. has been made In the arrangement of jdao of digesting the food eaten tb«ir- the Interior greatly Improving the oughly before it has time to ferment, gem'ral apitearanc.- and adding lo the sour and cause the mischief. Thla ia ('onvenlence and warmth for Mr. Al- the only se»ret of their success, len. Cathartic pills never have and nev-

Mlas Ubble IKilkila. .Mr. and Mrs. cr can cure Indigestion and stomach Herbert Parr. Mr. and .Mm Conley. Mr. and Mrs. JohnMr. and Mm Clyde Jagulah. Mr. and la really In the stomach Mrs Prank Willlaiiis. Mr. and Mm. Stuart's I>ys|>e|iala Tablets tsken C H. Mosher. Mrs. W. Him and several after meals digest the food. That is others from this vicinity attended the all therv- la to It. Pood not digested or (irand laulge liaughtem of Rebekah half digested Is |K>lson aa It creates

17. mo.P. C. Bassnsr has his nww ataraj Mm. Ona wmmmrnr at Intffaaa isj

about complatad and will move inlo; apondlag some time with bar parents, it this woek ! Mr. and Mm. P. O. Pinch.

Mm P. C. Beemer wna onlled to| Rons (barter of Mt Plansaat wna a Pllat on Tburaday by the death of a guaat of his parcau. Mr. and Mm.! little niece. Lpvi Carter, avtw 8tt|iday

drover (Under returned to hia! Mr. and Mm rimflm Kmmert re. home in Ohki on Priday after spend- turned from Hay View Priday where

they had spent the summer. !Mm P. (3. Thtem of Mt. Pleaannt I

was a guest of her stater. Mm. L. d.; Hntsa. a few day* last week. |

Mr. and Mm. Hurl Miner and son, have moved to Owoaao where he haS' a position In the sugar beet factory. |

Mr. and Mm. Will Sheldon movAl I to tbeir rooms over McComber'a i store.

Roy daitfham and family have mov- ed from Penmore to their home north | of town.

K. A. Reader baa resigned bis poai-j tlon witb (ieorge liuncaa beennse of ill beultb and expects to soon go to' Colorado.

Mr. and Mm. Charles Hnelllag of Klsie and Mm. Maud Downte and gentleiiuin friend of PItnt visited J. H. Ilevereaux and family Hunday.

Mr. Baker. Klsie'a nBIkman. Ilea: very low SI bts home of a compiles. > tlon of diaeaam The attending physl* clan holds out little hope for his re- oovery.

Mrs. Jessie White left here Monday to s|>end a few days In Owoaeo with i

We Have n Carhmd of

STOVESTo Select Frona

Come in and look them over; compare the stoves with others’ stoves; compare the prices with others’ prices.—then decide; "be your own judve.”

In order lo dispost* of (iur carhjad of stoves going lo. and have made

Special Prices,Atmmm dtt -t. < . I «-ll----■ow ov woMU rassuwt

we are «

CnpC Hagnrdns Agnln Hits tbe BnlPs Bye.

This world famous rifle shot who her son. Jay. and family The flmt of holds tbe championship record of 100 the week she starte for her home in

... . .... pigeons la 100 coaaecuUve shots Is Wnmnion. Can., after a two months'

J.qul.1.. h. »n: -I .an.r«l » l<m, m«.d. to lb. bun>b.r oftime with kidney and bladder trouble gathered at the home of Mrs. Joaepklne and used seveml well-known kidney iiralnarri .Monday evening and gave medicines, all of which gave me no re- Mr. and Mrs. Pred Moon- a mlacel- lief until I suited taking Polay't Kid- Unenua shower. They received many

... w J L. I t. .1 « ney Pills. Before I used Poley'a Kid-1 fine gifts and a pleasant aoclal timeat (Irand Rapids the first four days of w acidity, “-•^^“es. palplutlon of p,„, , ^ hnckaehea and w.. !Lnt by all» ___ s. aKsa Kmmwt Igsmm r^f flaemK ta«be4 mtsiAestltds * . Wfc^sas se/ mss.

No, 18 Bam Bunmt No. IS Bttm Bttmmr Hooting Stoom from Rangm


$8 to $17.S0 $2S, $33, $3S, $39

last week.Claud Crook of Maple Rapids and and iiumy other troubles which an'

the heart. Uws of flesh and •PIH'tlte kidneys with auppreaalon

le*ro) Hugner was In Bt. Johns Tuesds)

Wolford Astley of (irand l.^dge was in town last week.

la>.v<l Howell of .Mlddletim >lslted friends In town Sunday

Fred Fraker has a (-ement founda­tion built under his residence.

Mrs J K F(»ote of (irand le-dge Is visiting friends in this tlclnity

Mr .ind -Mrs W H Castrritne were In (irand Rapids the past wet-k

Miss Lulu Itarnard reiurne4t from a visit In iiuraiul Monda> eve

Mrs. (ieo Sowit (if St Johns viBlt»*d friends in .Maple Rapids last week

Peter Payne, w ho haa t»e« n working In lainaing reiurne,] home last w«>ek.

.Mrs Jani lientley has gone to Bt. Johns where she has secured employ-, ment.

The local tv R C was lns|>ected Baturday Dinner was servi-d In the hall

.Miss Ib-rnlce Payne has gone to Lansing where she has secured em­ployment

•Mrs Win Owen of Riverdale visit­ed her (tarents. Mr and .Mrs I. H Al­drich. last week.

Mrs Kffie Tucker of (irand Is-dge vlsli4-d her itarents, Mr and Mrs 1. F. Donllson, last week. '

.Mrs Chappell of Hart Is viniting her sister. .Mrs Marlin Allen, and oth­er relatives In this vicinity

.Mrs ('has Randolph and Mrs C B. Bkliuier returned Inat week from a i visit with friends In Detroit

(ieo H. ('hapnian of Bt. Johns f-on- ducted a cloak sale at Chandler Creasinger's last Thursday.

Mias Kate Pierce of Middleton at­tended the •niertainment at Christ­ian church .Monday evening

l.a>ck up .vour chickt-nx or the chic­ken thieves will get them Several loasea have already been reported.

The Democratlr sjieech announced for Baturday did noi tak* plac< on account of th< speakers late arrival.

.Mr and Mrs Adam Kiister of l*aln visited relativex |n town last week aod attended the Crnok-Cole wedding

Kdward Fehling has completed a large sheep shed on the H M Hoyle farm In Fulton .Mr Fehling has also painted the abeil

•Mr and Mra A. K Clark left last week for their new home near Carle- ton. .Mnnrwe county, after a visit with relatives in town

MIse .Maud Cole of South Ksaex were tiuirrled Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's iMirenu. They deftarted the next day for a visit with reisllves In vsrious (tarts of Ohio The yctung (trople are well and favorable t known in this village and vicinity, the] grouiii being in th< mercantile busl-! ness with his brother. Arthur, under' firm name of Crook Hros. for several i yiars. Their many friends wish them unlimited ha|i|ilness '

Kllzabeth IH> Harrie (ill! gave the first number on our lecture <*ours«' •Monday evening to a fair sized au­dience The entertainment was one of the Itest given in .Maiile Rapida In years .Many were heard to remark that they bad received their money's worth If ih«-> didn t attend another entertainment In the course who has the chano should

often called bV some other name. and a cloudy voiding. On arising In the morning I would get dull bsnd-They ape sold by druggists every-

where at '>0 cents (>er (lackage lies of Foley Kidney Pills and feel 100 per cent better. 1 am never bothered with roy kidneys or bladder and again feel like my own self."

H. H (isilop la working al Ashley. Mr* R <1. le-tls wps in KIsi* Thurs-

dn.'kI'baon Rennet t spent Sunday in

Durand.Mrs Karl Stewart was In Ithaca on

TiieitdayMiss Nora Davidson s|H-nt Wednes-

Anyone <iay in Alma.not fall .Miss llessie (irifftth Is on the sick

' K. CHI'RI'H .NHTKS. Marrle«l at the M. K (isrsonsge.

Thursday. October 2(». lliio, by Rev. O. J. (iolden. Israel K. Hire of Fair-

Class .No. 2 of tbe M. K. Sunday school surprised their teacher. 1. A. Warner, and bis wife Tuesday evening by gathering at their home for a so­cial time to celebrate the twenty-nioth anniversary of their marriage About forty were (ireaent. I-lght re-, freabments were served after which In behalf of the claaa. Rev O. J. Otildpn made a few remarks and pre-i gented .Mr. Warner with a handsome, watch fob and Mm. Warner a set of silver soup spoon*. Mr. Warner very feelingly res(»onded sfteaking of the, pleasant association* with the class of which he hsK tieen teacher seven yeara .All Joined In wishing them many yearn more of life together '

(load results always follow the use |Mis* Maud A. Bleesman of Kidney Pills. They conuinThey were s^tmiwnied by jygj Ingredients necessary to tom*

Im Mailer Hire of Klaie, atrensthen anii reeiilata tha klHnava

(iwossoto bear her Should she came again list thl* week next year she will get a full house. Frank Rennett was In Her playing on the harp was certainly busmeas Friday, fine and that was only a part of the Kugene .Smith and wife were entertainment Bh« hail hep audience Ashley Sundaylo gotxl humor from start to finish* Mis* Ada Biiiith was home from HI and all were *orr>- when It was over, sie over Sunday

field and Fairfield..Mr. aod .Mrs waiter tiire oi c-***^- strengthen and regulate the kidneys

MarriwI at the M. h. parsonage Frl- bladder, and to cure backache, in day. October 21st by Rev O. J. (kilden VanBIckle A (llaspie.

Ray .Maurer of Detroit. Mich., and _________________In Mias Lulu Swarth«iut of Klaie They

will be at home to their many friends In I>etrolt after .November 1.

I-Jpworth Iqcague meeting next Bun- (leo. Alt and wife arc moving back day evening, will be led by T. P.

**11 Brats AlP from Hreckenndg*-.This Is quoted from a Istter of M. '*"• “ MVston

Btnekwell. Hannibal, Mo.. "1 recenUy «“ M*mda).used Foley's Hone> and Tar for theflrat time. To say I am pleaaed doaa busineas Saturday. . jnot half express my feelings It beau F New«,m visited friend* in ter^t Come out and enJo>all the remedies I ever used. I coo- (>w«»aeo this week. w|^ us ^ , ,traded a bad cold and was threatened '*«■€. Perry Oruhaugh of Ownsao Mr*. O a*»d Mm laivl

pneumonia. The Hrat doaes •Pf.m Sunday Carter are attending the district M. T.

Bleadmsn. Subject. “Two Aspects of visited at the the (iovernm««t of (iod." Nah 1;2-K;

Romans 11:12. every member be in Aahley on present.

Pmyer meetings sre growing in In-

♦ ♦♦ HKNdlL. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

withgave great relief and one bottle com­pletely cured me.” Contains no opi­ates. VanBIckle A Qlaaple.

Miss Rusta Mtmre returned home M. 8. at Ionia this weak, from Toledo S4iDda> H***. O. J. (Iolden waa one of the

(teo. Haskell of Owosso wss In town speakers at the (Imtiot county 8. 8.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ HII.KY. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

New Goods in the

Grocery Lkie at

AFPLE BUTTE*The okl fashioned kind.—deKcious! Pint Mason esaa


Cheaper than (iairy butter. For frosting for cake, nuce for puddings, ice cream flavor sod to eat on hot biscoits. pancakes and waffles. Fla­vored wil^ maple. li Ib. pails

2ScPraparad Mas laid, half piat adlh bat. Sc

FISH FLAKESCorned Codfish and Haddock ready for immadiatc use without soaking, packed m seeled tin cans.


pfwa saaMary.ia

JELLY ta GiANi TIHHW IRW Pispi.aadC ikippls Havas*............. ’.....lOc


KkSr* smI^. .TT.


There will be a S|>eclal meeting of the Forest Hill camp .M W of A Sst- iirdsy evening All neighiMir* will (ilesse be present

In spite of the west her a ver> large crowd greete<t L T Meman* at the corners Baturday afternoon All were very pleaseil with his talk

C. N. Cowles and wife of Maple Ra|>- Id* were In Riley on business Thum- day last

Frank Hurnum and sister .tnd Michael Fohl and wife silent Sunday In Wt-stiihalia

Robert linden was In l^snsing on business M'edD«**day.

.Mrs J T Manin afvenl (vart of last week In Ijsnsing

SS Day* far $1.

on busloea* .Monday.John Morrison and wife of Bherldsn

were In town BaturdayMrs. Mary Harvey went lo Ow«s**»

.Monday to visit friendsMrs Alice .Meachem of Klaie wna a

visitor In town TuesdayMrs. D (*4unpbe|| and son Archie

visit<’<l in Bt lavuis .M«HidHyMm Lyman Cobb of Klsie stw-nt

.Sunday here with relativesMm. B. Fsckingbsm of (iwosso vis­

ited friend* In town Bundsy.J(M- Dunlap of (iwosso visited

friends In town over Bundsy.Prank .Moulton and wife were In

Klsie on bustness Thursday.NVm. Cartwright was a business

visitor at Alms on Monday.Miwv (V>m Wagner and Miss Ixiiia

Murray were In Owoaao Sunday.H. F Fenm of Ihixton, III., trana-

acted bualneaa here on Baturday.Olenn Haasinger of Ihiraad was a

gueat of friends In town Sunday.H. J. IhngniaA of Mt. IMf'Wsant was

s businesB vlsMor In town Wednesday. Wm. Morrison returned fratu visit-

convention In Itbscs last Wednesday. Subject, "Omce and Orit.''

Merle Riohmoad was In Maple Rap­ids Monday on buaineas

Mias Ie>na Crowley spent Baturday mem Sunday with her (varent*

Horn to .Mr. and Mrs James Jury last week Wednesday, a 1(*-|toiind daughter.

I C K. Btnwell and wife and Floyd ' Jones and wife viBltc|d at Reo. R. ; Plowman's Hunday.

.Miss Frances Henning ia spending a ;/ew weeks at the home of her (tarents.

MIchenI Henning.

It N'ou ;irt* in iit*t*(l of a stove we can surely save you money.

We also sell on the installment plan, a small pay­ment down, and one dollar jwrr week.

Rememl)er our IM.ANO CONTH.ST* is interestinjj. We j^ive a certificate with ever)' cash purchase and .someone is surely j^oinj; to ^jet an

Elegant $400 Piano Absolutely Free

We sincerely hope th;tt if y(»u are in need of any- thinj,j in our hij» line of merchandise that you will come in and let us ipiote you prices, as we lyelieve we can save; you mimey.

Thankinj^ you for all past favors and a.ssurin^ you that any favor you may show will be appreciated, we j;uarantee all thinj^s in our entire line to be as represented—jv»mh1. honest merchandise.

FRED C BURKD^>art]iient Store

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ WAHHINflTDN. ♦ ♦ DCPLAIN CENTER . ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Harsh physics react, weaken tbe bowels, cause chronic <'onstl|>ation. Doan's ReguMs opemie easily, tone th*- sKunach. cure conadpallon. 2Sc Ask your druggist for them.

oHirr.tKY.Ruble Pearl Starkweather was

bom August lith, IHdT. In Mcmtcalm county. .Mich. At the age of four yeara ahe. with her larents. moved to ('Un- ton county .Bhs was united In mar­riage to Archie R 1.^-vey. February tMF **41IFVm( HliVdUARI F' nnh. IHW. There was born to this 'MKVRfi HO^IOKAHliL.union three children. Rlen W.. Dale Rlovannl Rraaao. a Sicilian actor of A. and Irma K.. who with the husband I unusual dramatic energy, la the hero mother. Mm 8 W Burkweatber. of of a peculiar story, aaya the Florence KUle. two alster. Mm ('arrie White of correspondent of the lamdon Kxpreas Dwoaav and Mrs Nora Itennett of He waa playing one of bis fiercest

C. Weller raised bis bnra Tuesday. |Neal Payne returned home from

Klaie Monday.Mr. and Mm. Fred Cooley were in

Ithaca last Friday on bualneaa.Mm Hort Bmitb died at her old

home in Went Waahingtoo Bnturday. afternoon.

<Mr. and Mm. F Hetnien were In Ithaca last Tuesday afternoon on huaineas.

Mrs. Honnie Dell, who spent part of last week with her (varents. Mr. and, Mm. Frank Helnlen. returned to her home in lainsing Wednesday,

Carl ('hamberlain and Mis* Kittle i Feeler were married October l>th.

Clarenc** Hen*«»n'a little daughter.: Clarissa, was hurt quite badly one day last week. Borne sharp tool fell striking her In the fsce.

Jsa. Kirk spent Bundsy in Flint.Bora to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor

October 2}rd a son.J. Hishop and wife spent Bunday

with C. Waldron and family.Frank Clark and family are moving

Into Frank Bherman'a bouae.Mm. S. Waldron raturned home

from Milan iaat week Thursday.Pearl Mead la spending tbe week in

Clare witb hit sister. Mrs. Lylla Leach.

Earl Buell and family slso Cllf. Btinebower sttended s reunion at Frank Batchelor’s in ('hapln Batur- day.

Klsie. besides many other relatives . and friend* remain to mourn their i Iftas Slater Levey was converipd m

th« winter of INM. and tmmedlately Joined the M. K. nhurcb on probation In Klsie under tb«* (wstorate of Rev. A. K Steward, and on August Mh. of the

(larta. where be bad to stab hla enemy with a dagger. Suddenly. In tbe beat of bis (Mission. Rrasao let the weapon allp out of hla bands. It alighted In the pit on s man's h«nd. cutting it slightly.*

An indignant member of tbesame year Joined In full cono««rtlon audience Hung the knife back to the

Bexine Pills are Mid at SI a box. j jjj Rermfaak on Bnturday.boxes IK. with full guarantee for

all forms of nerve weakness In men or women. There Is 2d days' treatment In each box. When ail other tonloa fall Bexine Pills do the work. Ad­dress or call V(uiMickie A RIaspie

('haa. Runn attended a Hunday school convention at Ithaca on Tues­day.

Mra. A. F. Ryder and cousin from Detroit went to l^ke Reorge on Tues-

where they sell all the principal rem­edies and do BOt aubatHute.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ .V4IKTN BENRAL A.ND EMHEX. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

remaining a faithful worker until called to the (Thureh Tiiumiibaat.

The funeral service was held at her late borne near Klaie. conducted by her (MMtor. Rev. O. J. Roiden. and all that remained with ua we laid al rest in the beautiful Riverside cemetery.

Mr, and Mra. A. F. Ryder are en-i tertalntog relatives from Detroit this week.

Mrs. Roberts and Mia* Blanche Ad-' dlaon were In Klsie on busineas Wed- no jiJ^may.

Oliver Hicks is very ill.Dr Rule spent Monday In Owosso. Mm. A. J. Hsnks Is visiting In De


stage where it was dexterously caught by Rrasso. Raising It aloft In bis hnnd. and aa If It were ac­cursed. Orasso smashed It in two, and then stamped upon It.

Then, with a swift bound. Rraaao waa In the pit beside the Injured man. The next minute he had ciUnbed back to the boards, with the victim in hla arms.

After settling him in a chair. Orasso threw blmaelf on bis knees and began

A Renerans a»d ChnHNiP Wteh”I wish ail might know of tbe bene­

fit I received from your Foley s Kid­ney Remedy." says I. N, Regan. Farm­er. Mo. His kidneys and bladder gave him so much pain, misery and annoy­ance, be could not work, nor sleep. He says P'oley's Kidney Remedy com­pletely (sured him. VanBIckle A Olns- pls.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ FOr* TOWNS. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ BKNRAL I’ENTER. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

James Middleton filled a car with sugar beets Monday.

Mr. and Mr*. Rottlleb Maler si>eat Bunday with friend* In Watertown.

Mr and Mrs. Calkins of Roxaad were vlsltom at tbe home of Wm. Rower and wife a portion of the week.

Henry Newman, wife and little daughter of Portland spent Baturday and Bunday with her parents, Mr. and .Mm James Middleton.

Mr. and Mrs A. D Lsuice and dau­ghters. Merle and Doris, were enter- uined at the home of Frank Kaaton and wife In Watertown Bunday.

neaday.Tbos Hornor of Parma waa a

gueat of M J. Horton and family over Bunday.

Mr. and Mm. Wm. Wooiay returned: Mrs. Drile Austin waa home fromMr and Mrs Fred 1-ight spent Bun-

Wednesday with her sister. Mrs. Ral- vin Rice, near Bt. John*.

Miss Martha TIedt spent Iaat week mTuesday night with her nouain. Mrs. g wtMS M Bmt(Tutrle* Krumtn. In Riley.

Mr, and Mrs. riwrlas Bmat and ix V____ -Williasn Light. 8r„ spant Hunday with ttOW tO t OU tt TONT rtOtr Mr, and Mra Fred TIedt.

Mlaa Kftle Burdlek waa In Toledo • lo«« entreaty for forgiveneaa. This Bunday ' I'^pldly granted by the much

I.SI1U and Don Bmley were In Owoa- embarraaaed playgoer, who on bisside begged to be allowed to return to his seat.

But this was not to be until Qraaso, weeping copiously, bad bestowed no fewer than 50 resounding klaaea on the man's blushing cheeks.

The action was greeted with Itmd cheers, and after Rraaao had grace­fully bowed bis thanks, the play waa resumed and aucoeasfnily concluded.

H. Kngllah has moved hia family to ('heoaning.

Dr. C, H Porter baa resigned aa I health officer.


Mrs. -loha Bmith and baby spent Bnturday with her parents. Mr. sad Mm. F. M inggott. In Lebanon.

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Krnst and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. August trar In South Bengal.

Hven If you have a luxuriant head of hair you may want to know wheth­er It is In a healthy condition <»r not. M (lercent of the (veople need a hair tonic.

Pull a hair ont of your band; If the

Dr. Mc4)lllicuddy of wn* in ttiwn Monday.

A. J. Hankins went to Toledo 8nt- urday retarning Sunday.

Mrs. Arthur Woolley of Owoaao Is vlattlag Mrs. Lulu Rule.

Jay White and family returned to (heir home in Rwonao Monday.

Mra. Wlllfci of Pttuhnrg lo vis­iting her daughter. Mm. Don Pearce.

E K. HnelUnf of Mdtnonton. ('nn.. is vloiu4t his father. T. W. Snelling

Mrs. H. 8. Terry and Mrs Mnme Snelling were in Rwonao on businaas Monday

Mrs M

Rev. Wlloox win preach la tbe hall next Sunday st 2:30.

Rev. R. R. Risiey Is vlsttlng hia (varenta. Mr. apd Mrs R. R. RIsley

Mr. and Mrs Tyler Hill and daugh­ter. Floaale. spent Sunday at the home of Arthur Vales In Victor.

All are invited to attend the Cabinet meeting of the Hnworth League which will he held at the home of Mr. and Mrs C. C. Turk. Friday eventog, November 4.

Mr. and Mm. Reo. Rlllet were very ' pleasantly surprised last Tuesday ev- eoing by about seventy-five of their friend* Refreohnsenu were served and a very pleasant evening waa

! spent. They soon move to their now home in Duplnln

5ore Thrait orWhsn tho month or thront is iniMbsd

or dioaaosd yon have the common ailmMk ol Scare Hoimh or Sore ThroaL If nol qaidtly coed, yon are in i.liugrr of ocac tmellag more serions or even fatal aalap dies each as Croup. Quinsy, TunsilitlB or Diphthma. No other mnedy will enre Bote Tfacroat or Sort Month so oaiokly, SB sorely as TDNSILINC oaenM TONMUNfe U tbe one retnedy espni-

The Importomt Trobiem

few daysOOOOOeOOeOOOOOOOO ^ white I Mabel are spending a^ 4unf vv X shrunken. R proven that the hair f |.4taaiBg.♦ *MII TH tiSHLKi. W||, diseased, and requires prompt Mf*. 8. H, Porterfield sad daugh-

treauneat If iu loas would be avoid- j tore Belle and Mary were in town ^ If the bulb is pink and full, the i Sunday.

^ I hair is healthy. j Mm fCmeat Kalght of St Johns IsMrs Manning Bourn of St Johns We want everyone whose hair re- the guest of her pnresKa. Mr. and Mra.

apeat Baturday with Mr* Ben Storm- quires treatment to try Roxall “tl”ic. Woodard.felu. * Hair Tonic We promise that It shall | Rev. Young of the F. B. ehurrh haa

On areouat of the daath at Maggie not (wst anything If If doaa net give! rmlgnod ao paotor of the church be-Hrown. grandnsother of Mra. Boslth. aatiafartory resnita. It ia A—Ignni to i cause of III health,there was no sehool Monday and overcome dandruff, relieve scalp Irra-1 A. L. Slohlea la In Chioago thlaTnoaday. tailen. to stimulate the hair roabs, weoh attendlhg the Rbs and Bntter

Mr. and Mrs M. Peek spent Son-' tlghlen Mm knir airsady la tbe hand.' Danlsrs' i Bnvintlan. day afternoon at the house of kis ala- grow hair and care baldneaa. Mr. and Mrs Leon Bataa of Shop-

controntlag anyone la need of n Insn- tlre Is not a gnaatlon of a atagle ac­tion* only, hnt of ponnaaonUy bene

G TlIkHson and daughter' flclal eflacu. which will follow proper

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ RIWfTT. ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

ter and buahand. Mrflruhaugh.

Born to Mr and Mra FYad Oru- hangh Thursday. Recohsr SMh. a ba­by girl. Burial made in Union Hems mmmaerr. Thor hnoe the aympathy of pU thair moaia in Ihsir mi harsnvs

and Mra Frodi It la ho can Hair Tonic I faith in Its I ynu to try itMe aiM tl.R


at onr rNk Tmo Maas, 8. BaM only at onr giore

hanall Blora. Tmrfa h ShltaT. of Clltan Avunne mS Nhibor

herd vMItod at the home of Chnrioo Closnont gntnvday.

■art T. Kirhy of DotroM wao tho of Mo omn, Mrs C. D. SSmr-

s.B. M. WooHoy and

roru Ih DotmKthe flml of the umah.

*■' egiorta to lire la n banlthful way. with the aaaiatanre of Syntp of Figs and Elixir of Senna, wbanovor tt la r»- qnlrad. as It elaaaaas the tyttam gantty rat promptly, withont lirttatloa and will thorofore always hare the pralarance of all who wiah the hast at fnallr hunUlrao

The comMaatloa has Uw appiwral of phynteiana bocanas It ia haown to ha trnly huMrial. and haeanaa It haa glraa mtlaCaatlon to the milUoaa of woil iaformad famRIaa who haro naad

Yh gat Hahg tha

Dr. ('uolahan ia haviag a furnace I put In hla houae

Albert Whitaker of Riley attended the I. O. O F. caarention ta Rrand Rapids last week

Ansel Stoneherger sras a risltor at [the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel : Tucker last week.

Mm. Marr J. VaaFleet riaited at the ! home of Mr. and Mrs. A Whitaker la Riley part of iaat week.

Mrs. Henry Tnbhs of Rlloy called at the homes of Mr. and Mrs T. W. BoM-

, win and Mr. and Mrs Vamav Pearce ITueaday

Mr. and Mrs Panton Brink and daughter Rertrode riaited at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Penree in Otlrelast wash Wadaenday.

Mr. and Mra Victor Clavoy, Mr. and Jgfn. AMotph Brya and aae YlaCor. Mr. and Mra atward IhMror. Mr. and Mrs MMla fhtrwr and aana rtaNsd Mr. gat Mra RInriaa at Grand Uaips



Ball tsr-c



Special frices OD Lace Curtains

I have tie*on account of lack of nnim for dihplayinu my line of Lace Curtainh,OHle<l to c\o*^ them all out a> -K»n a^ |M»sHible and will pma^e rice^ as follows:

75c Curtains, white A ecru, saleprice.................................................

S5*' Curtain^, w hite t!t ecru, ^aleprice.................................................

51.(Ml Curtains, white anil ecrn,sal‘* price........................................

1.25 Curtains, white and price.........................................

1.5d Curtains, white and price........................................

2.(Mi Curtains, white and price........................................

2.50 Curtains.^ white and et'ru. sale price.........................................

These are all new fresh

.l.(Ml Curtains, white and ecru,.3^ ^le price........................................

3 50 Curtains, while and ecru,sale price.........................................

4.(Ml t'urtains, white anci ecru,.89 sale price.........................................

4.5(1 Curtains, white and ecru,.98 -ale price.........................................

5.00 Curtains, white and ecru,S1.25 sale jirice........................................

0.(Hl Curtains, white and ecru.1.30 -ale paice.................................. *.. .

0.75 Curtains, white anil ecru, 1.98 s;ile price.........................................

siiK'k and uikk*. value at rej^ular price.








^ckAe BurnettST. JOHNS, MICH.

Jmm M. JoNt to Pmk B. 1 cpmioMMrtpg IM fMt ■ oora«r out*' lot 1. • n foot, w 1S4 r««t. ■ SS foot. » 114 foot to boclBBlBC. OvM. Cob* ■MorBtioB IIM.M.

ABdrow 8. Jolly to JBn«t M. Jolly «anM* M Bbovo dsarrlpttoB.

K Mary B FHrr to TruatoM HbUi l^udicr lot 4. bJoeli 7, Bath. CoBBidam* * tloa t2.0tw.

T. If. WalU to NVIlia P. Merrill lot IK, blorJc 22. Ovid. t’oBaldaratloB

t .Anoa WelBtiiann toy Pradarirka 8a|.

' Bar uBdlvMHl 1 2 nw 1/4 aw 1/4, aae* j tiua 27. DeWitL (’oBatderatlon SI.

Wlllhun J. Havana to Hantb A. iMell lot* K aod aBd o I 2 lot-K.

• • • Mowly, Mtatly ba emmtaloac tlia nowor-bonlarad pBth, )Bat aa tlM> dyak wya rrnpiBK up Uw aaaBt*«d vBlIay. It waa JaBa- JuBa, tba Klorlowa iBOBtk of lova and roBaa. of bli-d'iBatiass aad humaB happlBaas. of wiabaa fulftllad.

ABd at twillsbt aba had promlaad to maat ktm In tbe da«r. old garday. ibara to glra him tha aBawar ha had aouffht for all Iobk muntha.

~What will It bar ha aakad. Mttlaic OB tha old silia, aad alaaplBft his hand* about his kaaa. "Yaa—or will aba aak me to prnmiae to lat bar vote? Oh. I CBO Dot fanthum the future***

Suddenly two .oft hands ware slip-iblook II. Kmn,u..,lll.. <.H, of H,!;'i:!?'"."f“t '■V'lp... I John*, ('onatdaration H.M. ______ »*_ bum uvi a* n

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦# Tha Nawa waBt ootaaMi hi ## raad aaeh waah by tt.BM paBpla ^# of tbla Qouaty aad vtdalty. You ^ ^ nay roach this aumbar of paopia ^ 4 la BO oibar way aa cheaply and ^ ^ ooBvaalently aa by aa ad laaanad ^♦ IB tbaa. aolumaa. PHra 1 aaaf ♦♦ par ward par waab. laaat abarpa #♦ 14 «wat«. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦


POK HALK- Two cowa, oae diia Dac. lb., oae March IKth. and oaa sow.


f. A. ■COTT, PbyalaiaM aad Barpaoa. Offlca aad naldwoi weat tlda of Oaart Haaaa apaara. Offlao boara 1 ta 6 aaary anaraoaa.

WILUAJI HAVENS. M. U.—Hoaiao- lathtc phyalcian aad aarcaoa Of. flea over Doty A Raad's atora. Of. flea boor* 9 ta 12 a. ai aad I to 4 p. ID Par t'hroelc aad Acuta dla* aaaaa If lac 9. ‘09#


1 DR. R. r LeVANSPLKH. D o. i Offlca over Itata Raak. Ht. Johns.

TH(*MAS MAK.V, D D. H Cbapasan'a atora.

Ofnaa over

Mary D. Odlap to W*illUm C. Witt i w .'i S ne I. 4, arctiun 29, RIlay. Con*! aideratlon M7,mm«.

William II. Odlna at al.. to William C. Witt w 5/K na I 'i. aartlon 29. HI*

I icy. t’ottsldaration 91 <m».I W’illlara H. Smith to Henry t*. (*aaa j ronimcnclna 18 rods 10 feat n of 1 4 ; iioat. B aide aaction 2. Craanbuab. a 12 j rods 11 1/2 faat, n 9 mda, (I ft and '8 Inchaa, w 12 rods. II 1 '2 feat, 8 9 j rods. 6 feat and 8 ; nlng.

Kmily 8. Hinchllffa to Charlaa H. Hallinaar n 4b faat In width, w 1& fact

I in width lot 8. block 19. St. Johns, (’onsidaralion 91.Ob.

Wllllani R Davaraaux to Pranklin J N. I..awlB nw I 4. sa 14. section 24. Duplatn. Considaratlon f2.U00.

‘ \ Kelinbla KadMai^ Mat a Mnraatfr.Oat tb« penulae Polav's Hoaay and

! Tar In the yHlow lackaire It Is aafa and affactiva. ('oataina no oplataa. Refuse ■vubatitiites. VsnSIckle A niaapie

And than be made the fatal mlastap.“Aanesr be Bald, ihouithtlaaaly.She ahivarad, uaswerad coldly, as

she ramovad bar bands, **No!** and a moinant latar was Rone.

Aynas waa the yirl he had loved 'Hewsoa before last; this one waa Halle! • • •

A healthy man Is a kiny In bla owM^ right; an uabaalthy man la aa ua-

Incbas to beglD.' happy slavy. Burdock Blood Bitters builds up sound health—keeps you well.

FUR MILE -llradlairv uprlyht piano, j birdaeya maple ftniah. tierfectly good. .'»<♦« Ka^ State street. 12tf

FtlH MAI.R ttae 8crMch 4>urhpni bull 1.* months old. ailylMe to redstry; champion raarllog at rilaton Toua. ty fair: ^ Shropahlre ram lamka; also Barred Rock roosters. Murdo ilaarroft. R. P. D. 32. Powlar. Mich., phone. .Maple RatSds 5d -2L-I8.


H. K Warbridra r> W t'ellayWALHRIDGE A KKU.KY. Attomaya

at Lay. over corner drug store, 9t.Johns

TNK MALI.BIIY YARIBTT.Tha alert press syaat buttoa.boled

the dramatic critic wbt» waa hurrying from the theatre after the first par- formaaca of the flimsy musical com­edy. I

"Wasn't that a racular feast of good tbinysr' enthusiastically Inquired the publicity purveyor, all smiles.

"Pit for the y^s!" snapped the cruel critic, breeklay away.

FOR HALB .'! ynod work borsaa. Earl Hroltb. DaWitt. R P. D. 2«. 12wlp

FOR MALE Hair of work homes, will sell very cheap If taken soon. Les- lie n. Brown. 8t. Johns, phone 100- 6 Hags iitf

WAI9TBR~<Marrled man on farm by the yaar. P. W. Bane, Ovid. Mich.. Bell pboae. iiw2

W’ILL H BRP.N'hAn, Attorney at Law Mt. Johns. Mich.

J. EARLE RROWN. Attorney at Law Offices over State Baak. 9t. Johns

JOE M. HOXIE. Attorney Real Estate and Loaaa. hi oak.

at law,Morrison

Jan. ‘97


MONET TO LOAN—On naortSlQfe a»> euiity at raasoaabla rauw and oai aatloCactory terms, at Tbe Steta Raak of St Johns. Large or small amouats. Call and aae us. J. W. PRagerfid, Caabler. . tf

FOR HALB—H^^iredown Ram | MONET TO LOAN—At low rata of ta-Lambs 4R

W. 8 Britton, phone 3C— llw2p


. Union Telephone (Alma) 8%.'>tc»ck boiijjhl and sold. \\ rilt* (t»r |irict:s.

JOHN C, YOUNG.Sittcks anti bt»nds. 1023 Ford bUlj.;.. I )ftr<»it. .Mich.

BLECTIOIIi A.MD RBHIHTRATIOM .MtmCBH. ELEf’TIOM—.Notice Is hereby given thnt a yanaral elaetioa wRI be bald in tha savaml wanM of tha CHy of 9t. Johns. 8lAt' of Mlchl* gan. on Taasday, Mavember Nib. Itlb, at tba piacqs In each of said wards as ladlcaiad below, rlc;

First ward—At the Engine House. Heonad ward—At WashbumY shop Third ward—At basement Hotel flit.

John*At which election th* following edfl*

cere are to ba rhoaen. v|t:STATE—One (Rvvemor. om Lieu-

tenant Oovemor. one Hacretary of State, one State Treasurer, one Aud­itor Oenerai. one Attomay OeneraJ. oae Commisslonar of th« State laind Office .ind one Justice of tbe Supreme Court to fill meanev' for the •-Bdlny December 31at. 1911

CONC.KBSAIO.NAL--One Repraaent- stive In Conyreu* for the '‘ongras-

slonal district forms a part

of which said

AN T» WUCKH."You show folks must do s lot of

travelin'." said the green brakeman on the Kalaktwh Junction line, "an* na* tiimlly I s'pose you've been in all kinds of mlirnad wracksT*

"I have, my friend." aaid Actyn__ llamas, tha tragedian, gating around

eatltlad to vote: but no oaa ahaH ba *Me dilapidated day coach; an elector or eatltJed to vote at any ‘Me worst lungs ‘

' election unleaa b^ shnil ba above the * ^”*^‘**City I gf tweaty-oae years, and has ra- ————

drad nlaaty-fbur: and having daolar- ad Ms tataatlon to become a cttlaen of the Caited Htatea two i^rs aad six moaths prior to said named day; and every civllliad male la* bahkant of Indian descant, a native of tha 1*Bltad Rtates aad not a mem* bar of say tribe, shall be aa elector

C.IM TOr AMHfIKK IT!What is that wbifh occurs iwira la

a moment, and not once in a thou* sand yewrs? Tha letter “ra."

INIR HALE CBBAP—A Pearlaaa 12* horse power gasoliae eaglna In good! order. Baquire of J P. Oroate. j Pnwier. Mich. ]0w4

taraat. Farms and city property for ■ale Inquire at office of H. E. Wa I bridge.

♦ ♦♦ MO.SB3' TO LOAN oa chattel ♦♦ mortgages. Call at our offlca or- ♦

Far Rare Tbaa Three Deaades.Foley's Honey and Tar has'bean a

household favorite for coughs. coMa. but the tbd ailments of tha throat, cheat and

no opiates. Van*

P4IR HALB—Imported Mack 'Ipanlah ' ^ Ptata Rank aad wa wifi cheer* A

liiXJIftLA'nVE^-One Senator In tha "h^* o “ ‘ VALUES CONSTANTLY INCRCASC-OTHER VALUES DECREASE.'State Legislature for the Henatoiial

Jack. 9 ym. old. wt. 9S0 lbs. 1( 1/2 bands high, and la a sure foal gM* ter; tmo brood mares In foal to Jack; two mule oolta 6 moatha old: one mule two yearn old; will sell cheap tf taken at once. 8. W. Down­er. I.aBBlng. Mich., frd .No. 5; Bell phoaa •49-2R iow3

A fully eypiaiQ to jrou our laathod A ^ of loaning money la anaw of tIO ^♦ aad up for say length of time. ♦♦ w. H. HICHMOND. Bt Johns. ♦♦ Mich. ^♦ ♦

^ ^ ,,, fars to vote twenty days next pra-dlatrtct of which said Hty forma a wading auch electioninrt; one Repreeeniatlve lo tha State Boards of Reglatration will beLegfslaaire for the In saaalon on the day aad at tha place

~ aforaaatd from 8 o'clock in tha fore-district of which said (Tty forma a ^ pan

C(irNT>’-One Sheriff, one CouBly Clerk, one C««uBiy Treasurer. <ioe Reg­ister of Deeds, one Prosecuting Attor­ney two Circuit Conn Com­missioner two Coroners, one Sur­veyor. one I train Commiaaloner.

PROPDHITIOMN — The following pro|tOBit|nns will aIm* be voted upon at said ei»^t|on. vir;

TV amend Section 12 or Article 8 of the Constitution of tha State of Michigan, relative to lionded indeht- •■dness of ('ountlew. as provided by

noon until 8 o'clfvck In tbe afternoon for the purposes aforeaald.

Dated this 25th day of October. A. D. 1910.

WiM. rtK'HRANE.12w2 CHy Clerk.

Harry Bradley’s Farm ListSl Johns, Mich.

A -80 arras. 3 miles from Ovid. Mich.. J—160 acres 4 1 2

FOR HALE — 160 acre farm 2 miles Dortbaast of DaWlU. 960 per acre. 8. .M. Holt. DaWftt. Mich. R.96. »w4

ary < u«lin riie ('nliedJ4Uii*>« providInK <>1<1 .Vs«

l^estli. IUsj|l>lllly, M»lrriill> and Free llwvtdl*. rit-netli-to It* meni'ier.


"The ^hrigintil fPrdrr"titjaebMOb paid out in raeneflU adto-e


•TSO.onn IB tMiak* BUb)eet u> cbers



IT to prwvidt Kre* Htwpital Hed*

.MOTII’K OF NPBCiAI. AHHKHHMKMT.To Reuben D. Philipa. Byron <1.

Tiipp. Harsh E Dlkeman. Kittle K. Moore, and others Interested In th«‘ following impmveniant. viz; the con-

_ sirnrtlon of cement i^ldewalks adja-term t'o'M'urrent Resolution .No 4. I^glsla- cent to the following described lots

?lve s,.*,ion of l9ov nod premises- Lot 5 Mock 5- Per-Thi* amendment if adopted, will rln's second addition. I.aHa 19. 20. ami

affect only «uch enumies aa have an 21. block 120. I.ot 4. block 67. Kast aaaessed valuation of „r 1/2 lots .’> and 6. block 67,less, but of roars* r-an be voted ui«on .Notice is hereby glren that the as- »»>• h11 eirotnrs throughout the Htate aiMwnient roll No. 33. for the above

I of Michigan, except that women are mentioned improvement has been NttT entitled to vnt» upon this prop- made by the btaird of assessors of the f'«ltlon ((Try of St. Johns, and has been filed

in accordance with th» /’onatitu- in the office of the city clerk for pub- •ion -rf ’b* .State of Michigan and Act Re • xamlnation: and that the mun- 2'»h p ihllr Acts of should there oil and hoani of asaeiaors of aaid c|tvIM any pmiioalrlon or proposition* to will meet at the council ebamiter In vote upon r.t said Election Involving :<aid cltv on Monday the 7th day of th> direct exfM-niHtur*- of puMic mon- .Novemlrer. 1910. at 7-.'U» o'clock p m. ey. nr 'hr issue r»f bonds every w«>- to review correct and confirm said

J man ’vh*! posaeaa th* qua 1!fleatIonr of aaseasnient and to hear anv objections inaJr electors and owns property as- thereto —ssed for taxes or own* property Datetl October 18. 1910.

^stitrHw to taxation jolnUy with her Ry order of tbe council of the cityhuaband or with any other (lerson. of 8t. John*

Heaeflelarx Woiuao'* la ta* UaiMdMtatm


to proviSi Msabtlity Hear-fitft-

to psoviSr • •IS Vpr Hear-flu.

to pro vie* Maurtiitjr Haar-

or who own* prop* rtv on ‘-ontract and pays taxes thereon, all such property Iteing located somewhere wlthir. the 1dlatrlci or territory to be affecied by the reauh of said election, will be en­titled to vote ufion such profioaitlons. proTUled such person has had her name duly registered in accordance with rbe provisloas ‘of ssdd Act

The polls of said Election will be open at 7 o'clock a m and wlU re-4 main open uacll 5 o'clock p. m. of said day of election

Dated thta 25rh dav of (Ictober. A. D 191(t

WM fXK'HRANE.12^2 rierk of Said rity.,


rity (Terk.


2 1 '2 acres of orchard, 4 acres of timber. 10 acres of huckleberry Hwamp. soil gravel loam mixed, easy 10 work. Ilulldlngs fair. I*rlce 14.700 Terms 12.000 down, balance at 6 per cent.

D 80 acres 3 1.2 miles from 8(. Johns 9 acres of good timber, good or­chard. well fenced, some Ule. good house, liam that Is worth SI .600. granary, tool shed, hen mop. eta Price |7.0<Ht. Terms I3..500 down. Italance can run for 8 years at per cent

r—82 acres .3 mlirs from DeWItt. .Mich 76 acre* work land. 6 acres of w<»nds, soli black loam wtth clay sub soil. 1 '2 acre waat*- land 310 rods of wire fence, 120 mds of rail fence, good well 200 feet deep, 90 fe»t In th«- rock, 5 mom house, one ham goo<l sire. abMil use part of it for granirv 3 chicken mops, hog house corn crib, large orchard. 1 1 2 mile to school T*-|enbon«' Price |.". 200 Terms $2,700 down, balanc* can run 3 years at .5 tier cent.

D -80 acres 12 miles from lainsing. .MIcb 50 acre* work land. 30 acres of oastiire land low. soli Mack loam good house, fair barn, granary, stone cellar, chicken hoiiae with stone cellar, good fences, good or­chard .5 miles to Rath. 6 1 >'2 miles to I*alngshurg. 12 miles to Ht. Johns. Price 94.000.

wanao, Mich, and 5 miles from Pow Jer. MIoh. 80 acres work land, bnl-1 aare pasture now, two good houses, 2 large bams, granary, tool shed, hen bouse, ice house. blacksmUh shop. 4 com cribs, good orchard, wire fences all around tbe outside and rail fem-es for cross fences. Price per acre $9(». Terms, half down.

eRAlTR TWTRK RAILWAYHchw^Dle in^^eet 84^. 26. 1910.

Express, daily sx. Sunday _..t;12a.iB. Detroit Bxprsas daily sk*

- ---------------------------' ospt Sunday ............................ 10:66 a.m.IFOR HALE- Medium sixed fire proof j ^#4^1 BxpreM, dally ex-I safe, alnoost new, at about one-half I Sunday ...................4:18 p. m.j price Harry E. Mack iiw3 Bxpreaa. dally____ 8:24 p.m.

HALE—Horae. Inquire of Byron lo*d RapST teprtaatol5**_^*S5 a. m. Danley^ St. Johns. stf I Mail aad Exp., dally except

Sunday......................... 10:54 a. m. 3: .*>0 p. m.

K 160 aerm 1 12 miles front St.Johns, 135 acres work land, 15 acres' of timber. 10 acres to pasture, large orcliard. bam 50x80 and a dandy, good house, granary and nth- |•4||I| ••r outbuildings. This is a dandy farm. Price 195 per acre.

FOR HALB- 80-acre farm la Olive, .Mall dally except Sunday thre«M]uarter mile from Merle 10*d Rapids Mall and H_Beach post office. Good locaUon, press, dally ex. Sunday .. 7:22 p m.firet-claas bulldlaga. rich soil. For JOHN WHERRE'TT. AgenLparticulars address C. E. Oerberleli.----------------------------------------------- ---------------Merle Beach., MIoh., R. F. D. 12. RirHIWAX IGNITED RAILWAY CO.

— — - Leave a. m.—7. 9. 11.HTKATBDTwo Jersey red hog*, j *'

weight about 200. Notify Fred Swain, phone 132 blue. 12wTp


P. m.—1, 3, 5, 7 a. m. caacelled Sundays. Jaeksea OtviskHi.

IJmIted. *a. m—6:30, 8:30, 10:30.P m—12:30, 2 30, 4:30, 6:30, 8:30.

LoeaU. a. m —T. SO. 7-.t0, 9'SO. 11:30. P. m.—1:30. 3 .30. 5:.30. 7:30. 9 30. 11:16.


at. Johns. Oct. 27, 1910.ORAfnH

MTieat. red *2Wheat, white ......... ......Oats ____ ______________ soRye .................. ..Hholce band pl(*ked bmas

F~60 acres 6 1/4 miles from St Johns 35 acres that has been pUvwed. hal- ance seeded down. 2 good wells, bam 24x85 fair, fairly good house, hen house, wire fences, soli gmvelloam except 5 acres of muck Price q__gp acres 2 mil

D- 170 acres 1 1 2 miles from St.Johns. 10 acres to timber and pas­ture and 160 acres work land. 2 good barns, granary, ebeep' Titled, fool shed, fine larg» house, orcbard.i well fenc*d I*rlce fier acr*- $100

M 125 acres 4 1 2 miles from St Jobn*.> Itki acre* work land, bal­ance pastiir*- and wood lot Two barns 18x28 and 32 x 46, grxnary 14x24. tool Mied and com crib 20x20. sheep sbed 24x28. hen house. A fine little tMiaines* in St. Johns, silo, good six room hnus*-. young or- or exebang* for bouae and lot. cahni of 20 trees, wire and rail Fbur other gcMid business propusl-fences. soil black Imm and clay, tiona.I I/'2 to two schools. 1 mile to A good Income pro|»erty paying bet-church. Price per acre 175. ter than 6 i»er cent or exchange for

----------------------------------------------------.... - eighty acre farm.N—320 acres 4 miles from St. Johns. farms moMly around 8t.

RF TH.ANKN—We wish to thaak all who mo kindly assisted us F.W. BROWN, Oea. Paaa. Agt.. Jacksoo :n any sray during our recent be- " ~reavement. alao to the singers and WAPLP K.IPIDN HTUIB LINE, for the beautiful floral tributes Leare Maple Rapids at 8:00 a. m. ar- How much such kindnesa romni^ John.s at 10:30; leave St.only tho»< wb«» hav>- (lasaed through 3:80 p. m.. arrive at Maplasorrow know Rapids at 6. Orders left st DeWftfa

M. K ITke and family. wholesale house promptly attended to.WII.MI'R HART. l»Topiietnr

Boyd’s Reed Estate THE STATE BANK OFST. JOHNS.Agency

25 acres of heavy timber, good soil. froa» 30 to 260 acreslota of bulldiBgs of all kinds. Gome you »*>out them,in and let me tell jrou about this •*•0*^ them to jrou. farm, it Is a good one.


capital paid in full. 150.000.

P. A TRAA’IB PresideakM WKLLER Vice Presidsat

! T. w FITZDERALD ('ashlerI ’ 8 JURY Assistant ('ashlerI •% A TALLMADHE Teller

Three per cent interest paid on cer- 'iflcatcM of deposit and oa aavtaga irnok ac^coonta Drafts Issued good la nv rart of the I’nited states or C!aB*

150 per acre. es from 8t.

Other beans Sc per bu. picked.

gl OMPW.tOl Msnaev-

• twr aew rsi*ii. 'wssrt oa N K • taaiss •ad prafwrsd by .\M> >.aBdl«L. tbs tsrv- NMwt srtMrt*! autborlty In ibv reonuy. mMiBS (bat aB mkttmmbtmm* ■■isssS bils wtll b* taisMaav ••frtmimm* Noolbsr fratern­al ordeTln tbr I’alted Htass* flvlag fwsr rales rwa tratbfally rtalw to do

Tb*L.«> T. M. M. Is noassUy sad oar*- rally tnsaaaaS I'nder date of (tetaber Mtb. Itta, fTaa JaaMs V. Barry, lawtr aaee I'oasMlsWaser of MIebtgaa. wrtsss

*^he saanai eBSMlaailow* of tbe iT^. T.M.m-ntade by repreeeatatives ef tats dbpavtaMOt warraat tbe statement tbai tbe saairs e( tbts aeetety have been la- lelttnaatly aad hsasstly admiaMtered '

Ttaeav »iO oalv a tew res seat why mem­bers are prand of iMs great order aad way taey eaa do ao better rlsewbert. It Is alee lb* best raaesa why otaer ladle* seaSlas lasarsace, waetiwr lisaia, IMe •btntv, Old Age. Maieraltir or Heeattai bewMl* saoeld jsta ta» L O. T. M. M.

out poua:8€^€i}f Kconomy Honeety

Far fwrtaer laSsrmaitaa eeaeali wtib csmmsndsrs, Bererd Keeper* er msm- bees o4any Hive, er write to| .


KERINTRATIOA JHITICE - .Notice Is hereby given Umt the Board of Regis- com. shHIed. per busheltratlon of the deverat wards of the New com. In ear (?lty of 81 lohns. county of (Nlnton. LITE HTOTK.Hfat* of Michigan, will be In seaalon on *4atarday, Navemker Alh, 1818, at —the places tn the sevem] wards of *'*(*’^said city aa designated below viz-

nrwt ward- At the Rag1a« House Hheep. per cwt rtecond srard—At Washburn's shop. •■****»••Third ward—At Farmers* Mutual

Insumnre nfficeFV>r the purpose of regtstering the

name* of all such persons who shall be pose eased of the aecesaary quail-

for aach lb.

.... SSAO n S5.00... 18.60 ft $8.00

$7.00 e $8 00 .... $2.60 9 $2.25..... 16 00 n $6 00

DRRHHRD YFA'TH.Beef, dreaoedCalves, dressed __Pork, dressed____

flcaUaan of electors. wh«» may a4»plT **’^**^ter that purpone. laiiow ............

Waaien Rledai

$6.00 <r $7.00 $8 00 49 $10.00 $900 0 $11.00 -------------- $7.89

F—00 acres 1 ‘2 mile of toam all work land. Boll loam, good fence*, well tiled, bay ham. home bam, granary, com crib, large house la fine ahnpe, fine orchard, good well. Price $100 per acre.

(5 -80 acres 4 miles from Ht, Johns, all-arork land except 3 acres on back part of the farm, fairly well fenced, good orchard, good well of water, large house, large ham. granary, wood shed. Price $80 per acre Terms $2.(»60 doam. balance at 6 per cent.

all work land, large house, large bam. sheep shed, tool shed, hen bouse, com crib, fairly well fenced. Price $960 per acre

Residence property anywhere la the ^^e principal cittes of„ iwvwTv a. V 1. Rurone Accounts of farmers, mer-

Johas rvM. ” ^ Jotoi. I rhsats or mrebaalc* received on Pav*'' Qfflo* 8ta^ Bank. Pboae 149. ! orabie terras and every accommodation


----------- I WAMTKD ZP- 40 acres 7 miles from .81, Johaa. * ^

6 room house, ao ham, com crib, i ♦ Buyers for tanas, city property ♦ hen bouae. good orchard, stone A or buslaeas opportualUea. Have ♦, enough to build a basement bsm. ♦ some very attrsetive proposltloaa ♦, Roll gmvelly loam. Pan take a ♦ L. D. Parr, Iisaler ta Realty. ♦house aad lot aa part laayynent on It, What have you? Price for the 40 acres 91.700.

A 8t. Johns. MIcb. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

i,-»-t»T,4 ,t '•oe*<'-t'et with safe banklag.! Superior facilities for making collse- ' Rons of all kinds. '

Mrpry loaned on approved seourltlsa

DIREfTflRS.L. Shiiev, (Hta Fallsr.W Fitzgerald H. P Kaeelaad. W Munger, F. A. Travla.T y, WelUr.

*» r*>*r..ia

In at^tedaace ! wHh 9e<t4on 4 at Article 3 of the ' (VmatltutJoa of Uh* Hute of Michi­gan. and Act 26«. of the Pohltc Acts of 1909. tbe Boards of Regtatmtlon of said (THy will regiater the nataes

I of all women posersolag the quallfl- I cations of male electors who make

PEWIONAL API»l..irA*nON for auch refMMmtion; PROVIDRI). that all saoh appHnaat* meet own property

• aaaeaaed for taxes sotai where within j the Gonaty shove aanied. except that }aay wonuui othsrwloe qualified who , owaa property wMhta aaM Gouaty . jolaUy wRb her hnahnad or other i psceoa. or who owns property with- j ta aaM (Vmaty on coatmet and paya i the taxes thereon. sDnll mtItJed to I registmtioaI Rkiilowing are the qoallflcatioBa of• male electors la the Mate of Mtehl-

LITE POrLTRT.Hens ________ 10Broilers .. ___ IflDocks . in iOeeae. fat ............. ____ sTurkevs. fSt ________ 11

iHIDRS.Beef hides ______ _____ i 1*1Horse hides ____ txoeGialf sJUas. greea 1ADeacon sktas soSheep pelts ______ r™—.. 26 to $1.60PROHrrt, TRflRTAHLKS. FHITfTS.Batter nEggs ____ ttlHoaev, per pound ___ IJPotatoes - $8 g 40

Rrery amie lahabhaat of thta alate. betag a ctMaen of th* Halted ■tatea; every male lahahMaat reeM* lag ta tMe etete on the twemiy-tesiTtb ntx^day of Juaa. olghtesa haadred thir- Woed! soft ty-ftve; every amIe lahehthuN resld- iag tn thlB eiaie un the fimt day of —Jaanary, eigRteea haadred fifty; ev* ery mnle iahnNanat at flaretga birth

" ' ta tMe mm* mm Why le a

HAT. HTRAW. W4N9R.Timothy No. 1 _ ______________Ttmetby Na 2_______________No. 1 caover mixed___________Mo. 1 (Hover___ ______________Wend, herd

H—126 acres 11^ miles from PH. Johns, 110 scree work lead. 10 acres of deady ttmher. soil loam, about $700 worth of tile on the farm. atlo. 2 bnrae tiuit are large, new granary, bog pea. hsn bouae, windmill with milk bouae with gaeollae engine to run the milk sep- amtor. large 11 room bouse wHh eellar under ail. furaace. orchard. Price $160 per sere.

I—120 eerse 4 1 '2 mtlae of Rt Johaa. 90 acres work Indkd. 20 acfhe of tim­ber. aoll gmvel sad blacfc loam. 9 room bouse, bam. shed to keep 10 heed of rattle la. granary, ben bouae, new com erfb. bog bouse. Hxtag water. ,well at bouse, gonrii aad poor fences. 9706 worth of tile, I big ditch mas through the farm., 90 acrea oa oae aide oGthe dHch and 40 acrea oa tlM> other aide, mall < twice a day, always good roads Price 980 per acre. Tsuma 88.886 down, balance mortgsge at 6 per cent.

Q--40 acres 2 1/2 miles from Maple Rapids and 12 miles from 8t. Jobas. 28 scree work land. 12 acres broken new. fair house, large shed barn, tool Mied. granarr. com crib, hen bouse, wagon sh^ between' com crib, good drive well, good orchard, ■oil, sandy clay. Price $1,600.

R—3 acres here in tbe city llmlte. good bouae, fair bam. other out­buildings. some fruit. Dandy place ter truck garden. Price $1,060.

8—5 acres here Hi the city Ilmtta. fair houee aad bam. This place would also mabe a good truck term Price $1,400

T—50 acres 6 miles from Hi. Jobas. { bulldiBge la good shape, soil blaek loam. Parties want a larger farm., Would trade. Wbat have you toi offer for H? Prtce $2,660.


UJIBRT J. BALDWIN. FresMeat. a. PENNELL. TlecPrusMoo'.

r—20 acrea 2 laRes from 8t Jobas. hulldlnge fair, good aoll Tbla srouM make a doady fruit farm Look H up Price $1JM0

$146 • $1.75

f’AR T4ir 6WNWRR ITtlike 86lBr-

HARRY BRAULEY06 CKmIom Amm. Norfli 9t Man.

ef Oarprtar ta HMr^WT? Reeaaoe she brtagi la the done sMlMeen MRmTI (WMrt) of the woafe. ■ NO TNM^ FMOOMCTHfE

LITIN4i IN THE PAHT.('ould a tnaa. were be given tbe

opiKirtualty, reolly llv* In say agr widely remote from bis own? Mod- '•m pblloeopby tells us that life la tb»n at Its .highest and best when *he oraaalsm Is perfectly adapted to Its enviman.i-nt If tbts be eo. then It Is deer that any lame, weddea aad abrupt chaag*' in tbe environment must Imiiair tbe vitality of the or- ranlsm and might '•ven destroy It al- togrther. Tbert* are many worthy •»eop|«- who delight to mil tbemaelvee ald-faahloaed. aad are always longing. *« they pretend to llv» ta aome other *ad better age thaa their own. It la a vain aspiration and those who •mter- tain It only aucceed. ao far as they •iicceed at ail. In gMting bopeieeely >nt of toorb with their own age. We have no other age than our own to llv^ in. aad tbe true wladom of life !■ frankly to live In our own age. aad to make the beet of It, aHtber he- wailiag tbe pnst. of which, beviaa no pereonal experlsncs. we amke to ourselvee aa Ideal aeoeeaaiily aaore or leaa false. ^ nor dtsparagtag tbe nrsasnt laorely bseaaas It la no enay thing to live well aad aaMte the beat of Ilfs la any aaa.->Lsadan Ttaiii

TT rv t mNATfONH.Fur Itta aad ttlR

rijtll further notice Teachers' Bx- an'nsttons will be held as follows*

f*t Johns, la the Gourt house, be- rlrnlng second Thursday of August.

ot. .lohns, in Gourt house, heginntaE third Tbursdav of October.

Pt. Johns. In Coort boos*-, begmnlag third Tburaday of June.

prcniramFirst day—Morning. Orthography,

Bpeiitag. Arithmetic, oral and writ­ten; Theory and Art. Afternoon. Oeo- sTsnhy. Oovemment and IT. 8. His­tory.

Hreoad day—Morning. Ommmar. **hvetolagv, Reading. Afteraooa. Hchool Law, Hlate Maaael aad Owraa of Study, Algebra. Botaay aad Phyalea (ascoad grade.) OeasmI RIaiory, (#ao- oad grads. I

Third day—(for first grade appU- eaats only) Oeaeral Htetorr. Pbysfea aad Oeoaietry.

Certtftoates of all grades will be granted at the examlaatlon at 8t lohaa la August sad March. Cartlfl- natea of tbe ■senad aad third gradsa will be granted at all other rxnmiaa ttoae.

VII exemtaatloaa witi begin at • aBL

THRO H ‘TY1WNSEND.Gommlseloaer of gghaols.

•f OfM

W. H. MokaJokM ytiiay.

far wm t» tL

»ll l«ft M<Mi4ay

la OvM

f- t

tor PKtaburs, Ra. iM. TiMMat- of Oaraaao was la 9C.!

Jolna Waiasadajr.Mlw Vsra Curtis simM SuMay at

bar baaii ta Btaia.Lyaa Basisy sosat Sua4a> with

frieads la Laasiaa-Mrs. ^ A. Ihirkse saoat Moadsy

with frlaads la Lyoas.B. E. Clark was tlit- ausat of rsla-

tiros la Owosso Baturday.Mrs. 8. Matiooa of Owosso Tlslted

In 8( Jutma, fiart of last w*<«k.C. C. Vaui^ao sail Atty. W. M.

Htnlth were In Baaiasw Mnoday.Mias Beatrfcr (liiswdld stH*ot 8uo>

day with har ^rf>BtK In l4iBslnK<Atty. CJ. (*. Hvnt«fr was In 8t. Johns

on business tht- last of the wesk.Mrs. A. B. Pray vlalt«<d rrlativos in

Adrian front Friday until Tiitwday.Mrs. Horaco Tueker visited Mrs.

r r Vauahsa has be#a la lAoear for a few days.

W R dhaw of Orld was In Bt. lot*ai> Ttfesday

T>r O R rsambell of Ortd was la this rhy Tueeday.

MIm Flo^eer-^ Rlissard was In

■ MBIT MBIs back la the foot*

^f5*-n*d Rji’ilda TtiesdayR n "TVnn so«-at Siiadsy

friends In V»»fth Plainst M r*Mew and f T Baebork

i were In Aftna tV»^B« s'fav.I <JkUv R V uowl#. tif field was in Rt. ' Johns <»n hiisiBe** T’lesday.

Mr« r M Wodfem Ov|d eisft'd Mr« W (i. Wldentan Tuesday.

Ve» ft. f! Ot»-^! n^-sdav visltfna M”- Walter RIrh.

r K. Cnrtls of Ihirand was In PH •lohns one day the first of the week.

WIU I.^aaw of Flint visited Rt. Johns friends the flrat of the week.

Mrs R. A Rturais of firand Raftlds ' was In this rltr the firm of the week

Karl Holmsa ball' lineup

A new aet of ahel< -a have been placed in the ohemlcal atore room srhkrb will accommodate many more aappilea than before.

One of the members of the Zool* ' ucT class In speakiaa of the cray fish

with t«M that It could l)ld< by stirrinc uj> the duHt from the bottom of the poaa.

.Next Monday th« Zook-ay claaa be* Kins laboratory study of the cray* fish.

Ford Antes la back In school after several weeks' Illness.

Katie Htewart entered normal traln- Inx room on fictober 24tb. She was

In Ionia M'ed* transferred from North Ward.Florence Hodakinson also entered

the normal trainlna room. 8be bax recently moved from Ainia to 9t. Johns.

Louise Hicks was abeent from the elahtb arade Friday on accouat of III* neaa.

Ready-The Coats That WcMnen Want Now

a^^^HKNKVKk y yi art- r»*;nly l<> c<uisi<leT a l^lll coal, iht* l»« si ihinj; ytui can do is

lo cfMMf h« rf ;in(l liM»k ai thr isinartiy stylish fiHMh-ls wf havo h;ul iaili»rftl fi>r y<‘U in thf* \V«»rksho|) of Worth. W »• know thrv art- just tht* kind f»f coats vfui want and <»u)^'hi to have*.

I.jist Thursday's orsi expression Mr* |q HKhib wa* Mc^p-

Jamas Katas In Owosso over Hunday. jter of Pewsmo came Tuesday to r1*tt | tionally itood. The reports .given by Mrs. O (!. Clark spent 54uadsy la friends. Mark lieWlit oe "Haata Fe" and by

Uwuaao wKh her sister, Mrs. 9. Sad- Mrs Cyrus Smith has returned from ' Fern Crandall on “Quebec” and byler. • three weeks* visit with Riiffslo. N.; Ruby Fisher on ‘The Virginia Colony”

Mias Mary Finch visited MUs Helen, V. relatives | were well prepared and proved veryHunter In Ovid from Saturday until Mrs. Pearl Karl «*f Saranac came Intereallng

ROVkLMonday. j Tuemtav to visit her

Mlaa Cora Knickerbocker of Bdge- Blltabeth Martinmother. Mra. The seventh grade at Central has

begun the study of industrial deve-

the food.The foodk

dierdiy moiN

tasty and

wood is vIsMlng her sister. Mrs. J. T. Miss C.rsce Clark has cone to Ohio,FlMdtum. where she will visit relative, for s afternoon the seventh grs

M.nley Percey has returned from' number of weeks.Oregon where be has been spending Mrs L Jones returned Tueeday several months

Miss Mabel Magley left today for Ijansing when she will visit several days with relatives.

Atty. R. A< Lattlng of Grand I^ge was In at. Johns on probate business the last of the week.

K. H. liavls sod Mias Ubble Davis **“1 "<*hooI officers of l.<oBg Bewch visited St Jnbas friends Mr and Mrs Rugene I^ke visited the first a4 the week. -Mr. and Mrs Padgett at .North Plains

Jay Oagood of Toledtj spent Sntur- first of the we«4c. day and Sunday In St Johns with Mr.; Harry Ryan went to Port Huron ____and Mrs. W. H. Oagood. Monday after spending Sunday in St., vIsRpd In Mias Bowler's

Mias PMns Harlow of Ionia visited J'^hns srith bis sisters. room Monday morning,her slater, Mias Beatrice Barlow, from Miss May L^unsteln of Owosso war Anna Belle Russell has returned Saturday until Monday. the guest of Miss Mab**! Diirkee from after a two weighs' absence.

Saturday until Tueeday Mrs. Daboll visited in Miss Bowler'sMrs Theron Shaver sttendMl a mla- room .Monday,

slonary meeting of the I.anslng DIs-! ^rs. George Chapman vlsHed the trict In Ionia Wk-dnesdav. ! first grade Wednesday.

Mr. R. C. Burk ud duukklrr ^1.0.11,. .r. Id Flint vMItlnk r.l.llv«i J"' **

theme for work.Gordon Shaver has returned to

Friday afternoon the seventh grade bad the first of lU weekly reports on current events.

o no. . r. ^i** Boss and Mias Latser. a blind**■'*•♦• f^reek. Jackson from Idsnslng visited the 4tb and

and Grand Tdcdge i uncles at Kast Ward We<dnes-Mrs W H Snelling of Fowler spent day.

W*<in» sdsy in this Hty with her sister, A game of Newcombe was played i Mrs A. B Bullard between tbe 4Ui and Mh grades of

W H Rninsoo is In Saginaw at- fh** school and the 4th andtending the state meeting of tenrhem ‘ grades at Central Monday after-;

' ■ noon. The score was 1& to 9 in favor,of Central.

The first and second grades are studying tbe oow for ’ language and nature atudy work.

Miss Mabel Durkee and friend from

Mrs. Mary Clark of Cleveland, Ohio,Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Tranchell, for a few weeks.

A. J. Griswold relumed Sunday from Chicago where he took lo the Phlladelphla-Cblcago games

Dr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Mummery of Big '*>»•Rapids spent part of last week and Miss Opal .Montague of Bellairs. a gdiool after several days' Illness. .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Murrett •tiident at Ypsilantl. is visiting Miss Miss Trainer of Toledo and MissFrink. Zelma Putt for a few days. Olive ISeter visited the kindergarten

Rev. and Mrs. D. S. Arnold returned fMrs R. 8 McGregor left Wednesday room Thursday afternoon.Monday from Grand Rapids where to retticn to Traverse city after a ”Hallowe‘en” and "Brownie” are they biul been attending the C. B., ^borf visit with .St Johns friends. subjects of Interest In tbe kindergart- ronference Mr and Mrs Archie Calkins of «bls week.

Mrs M. F. Phts and Miss lOdlth Owosso wer* guests of the former's This year "Thinking and I.«earning I*1ttt returned Friday froth a two i»arents. .Mr and Mrs J. L. Calkins, to Think" by X C Schaeffer will beweeks' visit with friends In Pontiac Sunday. the book to be read and discussed atand Detroit MJse .Ne!ll» IkMilIng and Miss Mil-1 *^*<‘****’^’ This work Is one

Mr and Mrs R Pierce fd Pontiac dred lisffney of Saginaw came Tues- I*****" contributions to edu*were In .St. Johns over .Sunday visit- day to visit *be|r sunt. Mrs Mary cattonal llterattM* and Is oo«- of the


w I- tlo not ht'silalc to prt-tiict that rvcr\' woman who st'leci.s a c(»al from otir larjre and comprehensive

collectifin. will he vtitetl not only well, but charminj^ly attired,

"’'IJ hiid here a ^alherinjr of exceedinjrly fine afiparel. 'Fhe best the market affords in fabrics,

in colorings, in patterns ami chic, fashionable models awaits your ins|>ection.

W- make a s|>ecial feature of a complete line of j^ar- menis laihired in the \Vorksho|/of W'orth; selec­

ted by us and made e.xclusively for us. 'I'ailor strap|>ed or jwrfectly plain covert coats in full leiijijth at

$12iM)to$20gTRICTI-\’ tailor made navy blue and black storm

serjre coats. slij(htjy trimmed with rich satin or j^ros jrrain silk at

$18 to $25IgKM I-FI"PrKn brctadclolh and Kersey coats variously

trimmed with braid tir silk at

$tO to $27 JO

returned from Kurop*-. sttendlng th» meeting of the King's ..k.Hh-r. Mr. Wlllt.n, Bird. I«arh..r T,..«l.v ?h T'.f ™kT lL‘Ii. .signed in the text must masi special

»• Mr* Alexander Mc.Nabb returned to of topics In the nunier«»us ref-


♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ IN TOWN AND OPT. ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

log In the home of Mr .md Mrs. W. DnoUngG. Henderson * Mrs J B Daviv and little son will ,

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ballinger left leave Friday for their home In Honor _ **.Mond«v to return to their home In after a fen dav> visit In this city with Nehmskn after vialtlng St Johns rel- relatlveii ^nd friend* stives for ten days Mrs I c HavL of New A'ork City

Dr Silas Beeb«- of New A’ork City, was In .‘*t Johns tb« first of the week but recneflv vlalt'tl hlfi mother the first of th

Mr and Mrs O D Chapman of her ho-t» ;n KIkton Tuesday after a t'lieiuininK v|slt**d Mr ami Mrs G 'II hor* visit In this city with her bro­

ther. \Vi! \i. .Aiislan. and famllv Mr‘ H n Kn< eland and Mrs ,Mur-

ritf Frink hav. returned from a w»ek vialJ with their niece. Mrs C,..-i Miller, at ."tfe«jb> nvill*, Ohio A’our watch will !«« promptly and proi- pcrly r«>palred If

left with

tlfree Itooks recommended by the State Board for the Teachers* Reading

The Senior American History class conii»leted the work on the Cauaee of the Revolution and was given a test Monday. This history claas numbera sixteen Kach member of the claas In

Chapman part of lae* w**ek. return- lae to their home on »4afurda>

Mr*, c A Hoover and Miss Kva Hf>over went to CoontTsvill#- FViday to vi"lf ’h«'lr son and brother Thev retum*tl the first of the w-«*ek

laaore with D L. Hunt. tfMra. C. R. Bailey is vlalttag Mrs.

Bd Niles ('limb Childs and Miss .Maude Wilkinson of Grand I^edge were guests In the home of Rev and Mrs. J. J. Wilcox, over Sunday.

Mr and .Mrs J R Averlll returned Monday from Ionia where for a num­ber of weeks ihej have been In charge of the work of tii< Salvation Army.

ud> of ttipic' erenie htuvks of th« library and mak< a retfort before th« class

Thre«- n»-w and valuable chans on*- for each building, have l»een adde«l to aid the work in blnl ami nature etud>. one feature of the charts U the color phiuography by m*Hn^ of which the exact colors of birds, flow­ers and anliiuvls as they appear in na­ture are reproduced Twenty-eight of

I^ILLINHKV department .stticked with’newest .styles shown. Fhe hat which you 'atlmiretl on the lady siltin^fV feu seats ahead of you last Sunday in church was

purchased at Cha|>man’s, We’ve dt>/ens of more just as stylish. May we shoM-you?

(^PHCIAl- ,‘\NN( U’NCK.MKN I':—November loth and iith we will have a repre­sentative from one of the laiyest fur here fnr a two days' openinj|. This

j^fnilernan will have a Ja.coo.cxD stock of furs with him carr\inj.j a lar^e line of fur ct>ats and fur sets from the Itiw priceil to the best: If you have any furs needinjr re­pairs. brinj4 them in. This ^eniU*man will tell you the cost lo put them in first class contlition.

George H. Chapman

the forty-four page> of th* «'han arcMl«» Ida ITIegharr. Mis* Helen ^ **‘'‘‘* •*»<•>•

Beckett and Mise Ruth Smith are; Commlaaloncr Townaend wax a call- home from V|>silanti for a* few daya’cr one day laat week, during th* atat* teacher*' m^-etlng at

D. 8. French returned

Ray CityK P Waldron of Boalon who re-

__ . » .. Saturday turned aome time alnce from a tripJo^Me^in^ev^ Ltw *rm M5cinl7v PiSua. Ohio, where he bad been tiirough the Britlata tales was In St.

^ ^ McKinley relatives and friend, and at- „rm at the week greetingtending the annual reunion of M. : frlendecompany.

this weakI Mrt. V. R. Lane was oalled to Me Bain Wedneaday by the d<F. Steffoy.

ith of J.

nl!NGAI. CRMETKKY AHM*N. W*-dnf‘oday. November 2. ha* been

aet for purpose of completing tbe cleaning of the Bray cemetery. Ev­eryone come that can. We would like J{> or 20 good men Bring your fork.

also your dinnerJohn, relative* , IIl*cr day will be (laid.



The ladle, of tbe CCA will be entertained at th*- home of Mr. J. J. Gillett. comer Slate and Swegle SU.. .Vov. 1st. 1910 A larg* anendance I* desired as offlceip for tbe ensuing Tear will be elected at Thl* time.

Mr and Mr. Claren** Turk will en­tertain the Bengal Epwortb L^agu* at thedr home Friday evening. November 4. All are cordially invited to attend.

: In Boughtcxi’s Street Case

Mr. Hwtph Ward and little mio of and other tool*. Mra. Haines and Miss Maud Halne* < J.ckaon visited 8t

AM*. oA. 1 1.4*1 Amherslburg. Ontario, came Sat- Monday while en mute to Sbeparda-Mlaa Althea Shepard la urday to vlalt Mr and Mr*. W’alter rtlle where she is spending a few

Burlingame and other friends in and days with her parents. Mr and Mrt. near thl* city. F D Cleveland.

Mr and Mr* Charles Walter were Mr and Mr* G 8 CorWt returned ^ ^ o'rJj^ Farmlnghnm Wednewlay by Saturday from Waverly. NebraMta.and Mr*, ftnmet Nlobol. part of the brother. H. where they went two weeka since

Wilcox, who passed away Monday with the remain* of their nephew.

kUss Mildred Gleason in Ovid for a few dayn.

Mrs. 8 A. Sturgis of Grand Rapid* the guent of Mra H. M. (John


When a woman ask’s a man’s advice she Is trying to get him In had

Mr. and Mr*. Dee Lyon are moving , abort lllneat from par- Charles Plerc* arho died In Detroitthia week from Floral Avenue to one of the Willey residence* on North Qjlnmii avenue. The Misses lone Oitler, KIsle ( ot­

ic.iiv tM-M tingham and Merrle Steere of IoniaKelly nne oeeo Misses Mae Babcock and

To tK« SiclU

Mlaa Margaret apendlng the pnet week at her home near St Johna. the schools at Bast Jordan tanving closed because of an epideinlc of scarlet fever.

Do you own a bard rubber Hyonael inhaler? Then Travis A Shiley will asll you a • tor only &4i

Helen Marshall Saturday and attend­ed the St Johns-lonis football game in the afternoon.

Kay Cleiand. traveling saleaman for the F C, Maaon Co., returned

^rat* bottle of Hyomel Thuraday from a anccessful trip oenu Breathe Hyomel throunh Indiana He remained with

aper a brief IllnessMra. E J. Aiken left Tuesday to ________

rstum to her home la Hay City after iwu.i, ummmm Mwer* NwMdeMsi.a two week*’ nsH In St. John* and VST..-rTV.. **«. “. ' tT^ «™ Greenbiish with Mr and Mrs Clar-

W C T C Mhry Smith November S

will meet with Mis* Thursday apemoon,!

The L. A. S of the Church of Christ, Duplaln. have postponed their annual chicken pie supper and apron sale at Gleanef ball until Nov. 2. 1910 Ladles please bring refreshment, a. prev- requested* Everyone invited.

*’Dce Wilcox, Mr and Mrt Geo. Man ntng and Mr and .Mrs James Mann lag

.Mr and Mrs J 1) Janes have re htumed from a plensure trip to Iowa,

FRANKLIN VfLRH. X. D. LL. B. Hives His Rssk and iEM Worth

ml NenropnlMc Trentaient Preo.

The Rengal-RIley Ladles' Aid So­ciety srill hold a masquerade social at tbe home of Mr. and Mra John Jacob Mnoday night. Drtober 21 Everybody invited.

niotos In Brown}>Dsst-ss a rich.ntrss not fount! in other shades.

is a lint* of brown photos and neM' mounts that ve you a ^t^hm! idea of their beauty. Small folders also in hmwn that are handsome. .Ask to set' them.

: Every Photo GuaranteedPHONES I


ST. JOHNS. mk:h.

rid of cntnrrh. It !• guar-: relatives and friend* In St. Jedms and Grssabusb until the first of the week. Grant homesteod fthe old and new» in

that dty.

O ladies outfit is

quite com- plete without

a silver purse. There is that distinc-:-*^vtion in the kind that comci from our store at there it in

pOgSES................ .... —------ , . I • 1 L. i mee—naer noy - weverv article we tell. ThinitS of this kind mutt be of the -why yer ptnbead” said the office . Nr. c. MeU every ariiA. 1C wc sx. . is nn lattina hov. diaiainfully “Mar* I* a plhnct upriRht kind or they beco-ne vulRar. and there it no lattingtatiifaction in pottetting them.

Watch our ihow window.

St. Johni

sick people whoae nerves are weak or deranged, who have a weak bean,

ihe"Dik«M «be; w';;;reni »to7e"; blue*.he.d.On their way home they stopp^ at Km.Galena. III., and vIsHsd the Gen. nervous «*yap^^ IrrlUblllty.

cold bands and feet, backache or rbeu- matlum: shortneas of breath, palpita­tion. Irregular heart beat or dropsy.

TMMMM inervouanao* or Meeplessneaa. trem-AniHUinWP LBITVME. Fbling or hysteria, would do well to ac-

Bnoder. <Mr. G.: Brown. Hdwnrd: jeept Dr. Mile*’ liberal (fffer. Too may nibble. Jnaeph; Emmons. Margusrtte; | never have another such opponunlty. Harding Miss K.: Hava Mr* Dnhiel; His .Neuropathic Treatments for Lane. James: Morey. Wtm Maud: this class of dlseass* are the reault of

idCpers. lAsma; Myera. H. D.; Randolph, j 28 years' study and immense egperl- Mr* Ethel: Ttchacop. Mlaa Mlanie; | eaae and are thoroughly sefentlflc and

Williams. R. R. j remarkably successful. They are ao-------- I suecessful that w* do ncH beoltnte to

offer a trial free to any sick one Ryery treatment Is specially pre­

scribed for each pstleat sad roasists of a curatlre elixir, toalc tablets, eltat-

Year* oftrial have proved that bis treatment Is tea tlams as oucceaaful a* that of other pbysiclaas. We often cure after 8 to 20 fall

Nssis. loxra, rsrsd sfier-.__ . ■■▼■■u tOTwri trosSle It ysoes. Mrs. I. iiiiMs0***^ np ; gteiser, VssiaSwrs. Mlea. psrert of Itaart

troaSI* sl*er 7 shrsietaoii tslteS. Mr U M.lea. Ill-, ssrsd of SMaev trew-

MTsral pavstesaa** Isiles Mrs Jse

The Ladies* Literary Olut will meet Yl* ilnrsds] ■ .November 7. with Mr* F. C Mason At thl* meeting a report of the State Federation of Womsn’s Club*, recently held In Baule Creek will be given by Mrs Mason who at­tended as a delstmte from the local club. Thl* meeting will be one of grrat IntersoL and each member I* re­quested to be present.

Tbe Beagal-RIley Raptlsl Bsrlrty will amet wtth Mrs. Blnacy Lyon Tlwiisisf■ flOTrmhrr t. Mr* Roma GeorgtoM committee will served din­ner.

♦ ♦♦ HOirni HIlfUBAM . ♦;♦ ♦' ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

NO AERIAL WORK FOR IffHI. orfir* boy wss reading as tbs

messenger boy entered*' «•-^*»V •• »r*-eted the office boy,

vs-e vf«* read abmit d* wise ..gtiy |**f^**®* pHls and ^a plast^er eoln ter Aepd a message to

The W R C Thlmhle party will be beM St toe boaae of Mrs E M Smith

Ion Oshlnad St. Wednesday, Novemher t2ad. Mrs DeGrost and Mrs SbusMin will ssalat In satertslnlng

Mars' Where** datr mee«-nger Iwy


linfullyr Mtr

"Hully gee!” ejaculated the •eager boy if d» boss ever bands'•t iri »• deliver. I'll quit deob first*

South Bfagham Y P C D Sunday evealag. Get 20. l4*ader, Glenaa Peck: reader*. John Doyle. Hattie Georgia. Would like a gaod attead- anee. Rlecitoa of offtoar* for the en­suing year.

Mias Rvn Thbar entortained nine yaaag Mdlsa at a ohlaa toower m' honor pt Mlos Halsa Ormao SatuT- day. Qctohar 22. Tba afternoon was > spsat la vtottlng, music and eharmdas and at toe twIlIBbt hoar a mock wed­ding took plnce la which Mias Ao-I tunui (Nina YaOuilI was umrrtod toi Mr. Winter (Luella Rnhl). The brM* xsas attended by Mlaa Agaratum i litory Lewis) and Mr. Soaflower (M«a: Taber 1 was bast nma. The Rsv. 8. Ooatsaasl parfomasd toe eareamay. • Mrs. Lartmpur (Glenaa PsakI played th* weddtag nmroh sad Mlm Pansy (Katie Dayia) waa flower, girl sad ling baaror. A dainty soppar spaa served aad the gasats dapartad well* •ntlaflad that Miaa IMhar knows how to l■torta^n.

tocn-• , aisafter sevsI wtalsv.


PROPULT RfPlilRR.Vntorman—I ootlee Joyride hoa bis

touring car equipped with two boms: ••xtra cautious, lap t be?


leyoar trsatrsewt' ■ 1 e«

latf , writes: -I Mve i«|rI glveetss

Write tbe Dactor at oace. Describe yoar diseaas. stattag age. weight, bow laag tftk, esc H* will aead yaa toaat a Naaropathic Traatment pre- parsd eagaalnlly tar ywa. valaats* ad- via* aad hAs aow Bask an "Wearo- path7''->‘NhirtoB toraaiM the asruaa.”^Mdvoa^^.JPnaMM jJitoir^'hhi ^

dll. eaob msiuheTtag a oarraat <

To Urbim of Electric L'.rtittHaving an Kltfctric Vacuum

Cltfancr I am rcatiy lotitcwork

RR.NtJAL HRdNMK Program for Ortober 22

Graage: roll onll.epoad by naming aroadlas. “A wall_____ _ ------- -------------- ------------------ ^ --Mtos Fiancee torus will report i f„,. ^|| nij,y ,|,yan the lateraaUoaal Prtaaa Coagreasi , ^ i iant opaa the dtosaaaiaa as m the im-1 vicfs attemiNlns after 3 o clock,provenaeat aad smploymaai at arba i a MaMw

awry. Tylar Hill: dIaaoaMoa, R. Miy,CGfiMir of State and Oakland

raosivo at this tr lad bp Streets. St. Johna. Mich.

'Iliit 1 Kail, kb,

I )rivf* down to (tillison's Herd .Store. 56 Clinton Ave., and get some Hour.

"He is Helling Tube Rose, Morning (ilon* and Golden Rule for 65c |»cr sack. Lily While .ia Hoc, and that famou.s .Alma* Bread Flour atgoc. every­thing else at a corre- Hponaiingly Uiw figure.

"W e must take our chickens down there, too, V ’len we get them ready i • sell them."

Fxclusive agency for International .Stock FimkI and Stock Remedies.


27, 1910.



fpr Infanf and Children.



In Use For Over 30 Years.

CHoose Whom Ye Will _ From'Xollowing List

L Belle Winfield spent Bnturday in l^nalDs.

Dr J. McCilllcuddr lo KinieMonday on bualneas

, Mrs K Button was a gueat of Mm 14£nunm Bmabet'k In Durand over Bun* day.

Mrs. C. A Winfield is rlsltlna her I dauKhter, .Mrs. J. H. Aldrich, in sins.

The Miaaes Minnie and Amia Olson ; were In Bt. Johns Baturday on busi*ness

I .Mrs. Ralph M’ard and son of Jack- son are spendtns the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. D Cleveland.

Despite the stormy ninhi a icotxlly number of friends met at rtie parson- agr Friday eveninx. Oct. 21. and by so tloinx expressed an evidence of their appreciation and also ipi%-e us enrouraxement to press on in the work. Refreshments were served and

jjust before leavlnx a beautiful xtft I was presented to us. A reception I has also been xlven by the |>eop|e at ' Price. It is xlorlous to serve an ap­preciative |>eople and we appreciate thelF love

iBixnedIRev. J. II. Bancroft and wife.

Th* r» probably is not one voter in an hundr»-<l In ••ither the R»*|iubllcan or iMnnicrat party in this ixiunty who is abb to tell who are tb«- nominees on their cxninty ticket from lop to bottom, off-hand: hos much less they would be able to naim* the other nom­inees on their ticket may be ImaxlDed.

One week from next Tuesday (No- vemlH-r Mhi occurs the rexular fall election; and in order that our read­ers may vote Intellixently and Intelll-

xlbly when they go to imlls on that day. In order that they may bwk the tickets over In a«lvance and chos** whom they may. we iMibllsh beios the full Republican and Democrat tickets These are the only tickets that will be voted In any larx*- ntimbers. althouxh there will be three or four other Btaae ^ckt'ts on the liallot. The .News predicts many more than the usual number of .StH-lallsi tickets will In* vol**d. while tlH* Prohibition vote will 1m- al»out as in other yenrs


Forred ta Leave HaaM*.Kvery year a larxe number of poor

sufferers whose lunxs are sore and racked with couxhs are urxed to xo to another climate. Rut this is costly and not always sure. There's a better way. Ijet Dr Klnx's .New Discovery cure you at home. "It curb'd me of lunx trouble." writes W R. Nelson, of Calamine. Ark., "when ail else failed, and I xalned 47 pounds in weixht. Its surely the Kinx of all couxh and luax cures." Thousands owe their lives health to it. Its iMvsitively xuaranteed for Couxhs. Colds, I-aCrippe, Asthma, ('roup—all Throat and lainx troubles. IRdc and II rtO. Trial bottle free at J, T Mlllman's and VanBickle A Glaa- pie's.

BT \TK.(tovernor—('has*- S. Osliorn. Bault

Mari*Laeut* iwDt-<b>v*-rnor—John Q Ross

Musk*-xonBuprem*- Court Justice- John K.

Bird. Adrian.Be* r* tary of State - Frederick C.

Martindab-. DetroitBtat* Tr*asur*‘r Alben K BbeiH-r,

Lexinxton.Auditor-General—ttramel H. Fuller,

Ford Rlv* r.Btat* lavml C«»mmissloner—Huntley

Russell. Grand RapidsAttorney-General—F'ranr C Kuhn,

.Mt ClemensCD>44||FBBI<).>AL.

Representative, nth district—.loseph W FVtrdney. Baxlnaw i


Btate Benator l**th District—Cole­man C Vauxhan. Bi. Johns

Representatlv*». Clinton ('o DIst.— Dwixhf .B .Morrison, Greenbush


William Scha vey.C^bunty Clerk—

John Wniker (!ounty Tr*-asurer—

William H Parker R«‘Xlst*-r of Iwde

Roben S Armour Prosecuttnx Attorney—

F^lward J .Moinet.Circuit Court Commissioners—

Byron V S«iule J Charles Flynn

County Surv«-yorJam*-> F Clemons ,

Drain Conimlssbmer l>iui F <ir*-en.

Coroners-David 1. F^exb Peter Cramer

HTITK. iaiwton T Hetuani*. Ma-


Governor son

Lieut*-nant-<5ov*-rn*»r .Stephen Williams. Detroit

Bee retary of State- Adeilf W !•*■ ter-1 son IronwofMi i

Att<»rn*-y (b-neral Thomas J. Bres- nahan. DowhxIhc.

Auditor General Rial V McArthur,’ Grand Rapids.

• 'ommissione-r of the Btat*- I-and Office- Orlando F Barnes, Ros<-om- mon

State- Treasurer Thonuis Gordon,! .Ir., Howell.

Representative, nth district Jam*-s I’ ^ Deveraiix, ('hesaninx j

LFHISLATIVK.Btate Senator, l.'eth District—Charles

F Field HastlnxsRepresentative. Clinton (.'o District—

Ibean W Kelley. St JohnsCBINTY.

Sheriff—Georxe H Bchetenhals

County ClerkJohn O'f'onnell. .Ir

TreasurerMathew M Hill

Re-xister of De*-ds- Wllllam G Whit.

Prose-cutlnx Attorney e'harles Snellinx

Drain Commissioner Roben I.andere

('irriiit Court Commla#ie»neneFalward H Lyon ami .lo*- .M Hoxle

•'’oronorsAlfre*! L .Mr-CIlntock Herbert .1 I*o»e||

SurveyorHenry H J*-nnison

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ .HtH TH GRFKMir.HII. ♦♦ ♦

.MIs^ .Nino St«-adman and .Maiid*- Gree-nwcHHl were- viators at District .No s •'i-heeol. last Frida.' afte-rneMin

Mr and .Mr>- Florian Matthe ws and bahy *if .Norrti Star calb-d on Mr and .Mrs Im-sU*- Matlh*-ws on*- day last week.

.Mr and Mrs Arthur .Morn*- \|site-<i .Mr and .Mr: Will He-fty last Sunday afternoon

Mr and .Mr>- Kuxe-n*- Bliss- of .S|H*n- cer Ohio, and .Mr and Mrs Thos At­kinson of St Johns 'Visited .Mr and .Mrs R H ForlM*s, last Sunday

•Mrs Walter .Motire and two children «>f Colorado visite<| a few days last week at th«* iMHiie of Mrs Mary .Stead­man

Plttsburv A- Ulxaik City Trsis.Teats made under the •uiMTvtsion of

the italnters association. iirnveHl that luiini made with metal Zinc Oxide combined with White l..ead was su­perior In lastlnx quaiitV. to hand made pure White l^-ad Palm This won a xreat victory for sclentlflc-machtnery- niade L st .M i’alnt. Kvery color is brixht ami lastinx and won't n**e<i re­newal for 12 to l.'i years It wears and covers Ilk*- x«ld Sold by A (). Hunt

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ HATH. ♦♦ ♦

lOTDi-ir sBTBtmmmI knsw wnwsn's wXsr I kavs toaad tbs ssrs.I wUl laau. trss of aar

XMt wtib rsU tnstrasti woMsn'asllawota. 1 esaai Ibis sata—yaa. mr rm dsaxbssf. yasr mstbsr. or yoar Ml you bow-so aors roarsolvaibabslpolbdosiar. Mao saaaa____ __________aas aaflarlasa Wbas wa wo^ae kbaa tvaasaa*

a bawar than aay haasot. I baaw tba> mv biwaa traauasat is a aala aaX sara cars lar

lor WbMIab bMbarBaaAbswaMsaJNa.tbe WaMbTmiBsa. Aaaaty

rill meet with Mrs. Thursday after-

oes la aay htotaU aH *

all•rian. l twaksaa

amatrai laaorWI

or 4

Mr and .Mrs Goodrich visited at the home of Isaac Hall near Park l.ak*' .Sunday

h>l Smith of Pontiac visiteil his : itare-nts, .Mr and .Mrs Th*>s Smith, iover Sunday i The W C T C .Mary Richardson noon. .November 2d

Remember th* Halloween social held in the iiarlors of the- iiaptitt

, church Friday eveniax. October 2Xth, j l^Mler for the Kpworth l^eaxue Sunday eveninx. Oct 30. will be Mar- Xle lai.N'able Bublect. "The Bln of the I>rlnk Traffic "

.Mrs Harriet Cadwvll returned to her home In this place Bunday after

K»b< DeWIttCrdStaaTcry •M--^*'^”***®* several days Inaad MaMsr iraoMn*^ ^IH> slater

IvMt soaabd yoa bosmaMoaaBdaya'tvaaaBMa mUrttw traa to paoaa to yoa that yoa aaa oara yoaraaif at horns, aastir. qalsMy aad saraly. iMaaaihaT.tbatHwWaaatyaaasibiBatoatratba

aaa a soBpaaaa trial: aad If yoa Maali wish to aaotiaaa. it 'rlliaoaaroaaaiyabaat it >wrab. orlaaatbantwooaatabday. It will poa tatarfaaa with roar wark or oeaaaailaa ■dmayaaraamaoadaddrooa.MlaMbawToa saSarit yea wt^ aad 1 will aaad yoa tba oat tor yoar aaoa. owtiraly fraa. ta pUla wtapiar. by raaara aMi. 1 wuialaaaaad yaa Iras . mf boob-"WOMUfrs &WM Mffflir.aL v lUt axiSiaatory iUaaatattoasiy womaa saSar. sod bow tbay

1 to ■ " ‘ ■aaa aaatda (or yootaoU.

hoxpii aato^ iUaajaasUyoaratbaasalvaa at boaM. Baary ' Tbaa wboe tba dootor aaya—"Toa

It Toot'

otI With ay I

libra. 11I la To : Ladiaa Floavaoao aad baaltb always rasalt froas iMi_

e yea to ladtas of yoar ewa leaallty wbo kaaw aad will lYaataHai raaUy aaaaaall woaoa'o diaaasaa. aad aabaa c

Wrtta IItid^U. ft. As

Mrs Whalay and little dauxhter • aine Thursday frcmi Bt Johns where -ebe had Ireen visttinx her parents be­fore cxrmlnx to this place fo live.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ KIVFKNIDF. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦



q^'linttin Avenue, St. Johns. Mich. Hhtine 148.

HaUowe*en SpecialtiesI’uinpkin l-.Tntems I'umfikin Balls Jack t»’lanterns =^.iuz(‘ Masks Kancy Masks Plain Masks 5c to tOe

Saturday SpecialsMarshmallnwH, Ih.

ArnoplaneB, each

Miaa Anna BUtmpfly vlaited at Com­fort Ranney'a Bunday.

Otto Lietxke and family of Water- towm spent Bunday at Floyd Clark’a

Mr and Mrs J. K I>ean and son of Bt Johns are vlaltlnx at J. K Jaynea.

Mra. O. n. LNIIa wan In Lansinx Bunday alxht and Mondapr vtaltlnc her uncia, ndxar Hurd, who la quite ill.

(3tarlr« Terwllllxcr la quite III. Hia dauxhter. Kmma. ia bore carinx for Mm.

Fred Tucksr and Floyd Clark have all their bulldinxs rodded with llxht- ninx roda.

Mrs O. H. Dills attended Katon. County Pomona Granxe at I>elU Mllla' Wedneadny.

Jantoa Ranney. Miaa Helen Dllla. Harry Rouae and Delroer Roae attend-; >-d the openinx of the Oladmer theatre PYIday nixht

Uttle Rlla Dills of Lnnalttx return­ed home Monday after apendinx two weeka with her xrandparenu, W. 8. Dllla. and arffe

Mr and Mrs c c Wnodriiff. Mr and ]yrs (^baa Webb and Mra A K Wood-| imff attended the theatre in I*analnx Tueaday eveninx.

Frank and Wm Pike of Newayxo' were in town from Friday until Mon-| day to attend the funeral of their ata- ter-ln-law. Mra. MBdred PSie.

Don't tomat the nMaquerade at thef M. W A. Hall Friday eveninx. Oei. tt., Mnnlr hr O. B. 8 arrhsatra. Frank Tadd. flonr anaavar aad eaUar. Bv- aamaa la laaaaatad to mmak. Otnaa ami have a aaad'time.

Max Moore of Fowler siieat Bunday, at F M. Pixsott'a.

K. A. Bmlth waa In Bt. Jobna Mon- = day to have deaul work done. I

Kd.^Riae aad family apent Bunday at hia fatber'a. John Hire, in Fulton.

Frank Howard vlaited hia dauxhter. 1 Mra. Jerry Fiaher, In 81. Jobna laat - week.

Hansom Catlla aad aoa purchased the Hauxhman farm at auction laat! week. I

Charlea Howard had hia barna re- liaioted lately. Frank Leonard did, the work.

Mr. and .Mra Terry Wattara of' Boutb Lebanon spent Bunday at F. M.; Plxxott'a. i

James Fiaher haa recently bad the! miafortune to lose two heroes with { dlsiem|>er.

Rev. S Btevena of .Malhenon who Is suffeiinx with heart disease, ia re- l»oned worse.

Wm. Tail and wife and Fr**d B«n- jamln and wife were in Bt. Johns laat 1 Baturday

Mr and Mrs Frank KIniey and fam­ily of Be-nxal were Bunday xueats at Wm Tail's.

Winane la preitarlnx to build an addition to his barn to b«- used for a cattle tiarn

laist w#-ek F L Burch ((x>k a «-an- vaas of this township to ascertain It;* |M)llt|cal standinx

•Mra J J. la>nx accompanied Mrs JumeK lavnx of .North Plains to .Ann Arbor last Thursday

Frank Bton*- Itouxht at th*- Bauxh- man auctiitn last week a ynunx thfir-i *»UKh-bre*-d shorthorn bull.

I.ebanon Farmers’ Club will meet Thursday. .Nov. .2, with -Mr ami Mrs. Krnest Wakefield, in klsse-x.

This week Huxb BInkey is doinx aonie belated xraln threshinx for par­ties northw**st of Hubbardston

.Mr and .Mn* De«i Halo entertalne-vl Mesilames Fred and .Marshall Cran- son In .North .Bhad*- last .Sunday

Andrew Lyon e»f near Pewamo for manv y*-ars a Ijebanon reaideot. has Kon* to Callftfrnia. to s|»<-nd the win­ter

.Mondav th*- xrocery wax<>n of K. Grill* r Af Co of Fowler mad*- its last trip for the- se-ason thrnuxh this se*-- tlon

Bunday .Mlrhsi-l Waiie-n* tiKik hi.' sist*-r. .Miss Kll*-n Watters, to th* home- of their sister. .Mr' .Mont Sintuldinx. Ilvinx semth of IVwamo

C .'t Silvi-rail e>f I.4insillK e-Xpe-CtS to move Into the- Rice- tenant house- this week A J Winans, an unci*- of .Mrs. Bilvernail. will assist them In mov- inx

This y*-ar unique ubse-rvation of liallnw*-*-n will l,e held at a number of homer in this lo<-alit>, when th*- X«*od little- e-lve-s will have their in-ninxs

Mrs Lucelia Frank returned last week from an extended visit in the home of her dauxhter. Mrs l>el Hale, n*-ar .Sumner .Mr Hale hrouxht her home

.Mias .MaxKle .Mease-r and Mra. Mary Waters attended the Ionia county B B f-onvc-ntlon at Baranai Tuesday and Wi-dne-sday as de|exates from th*- lo­cal Bundav school

Cards are out .innouncinx the weddinx .Nov 1 of Mias Mattie Ben­jamin. younxe-st sister of Fr*Ml Benja­min. and Krnest Kemp, son of .Mr and •Mrs Wm Kemp, of l>*banon

•Michael Moritz .md Wm. Kisler and familii-s of IVallas and Miss Hazel .Maurer i>f Huhitardston. t*-acher In th* .Nowland achiMil In Dallas, vlatt-d It C J .Mundell ' last Sunday

l^st Thursday. Herman Gaddy <n-) tertain*Ml our mail carrier. H B. Thornton, at a fish dinne-r .Mr Gad- i|v Is a su<-(*essful fisherman and xen- erous with the- re-aults of his skill

Clark Brooks was laid up last w<-ek with .1 carbuncle on h|s knee. His brother Klfiier workinx for Calvin Benjamin, was oblixe<l to leave- there to assist at home

Mrs TIchenor of .Maple Rapids. .Mr. and Mrr- Frank Roberts of Ksaex and .Mias Flora Roberts, who teaches Benxal Center scho<il. wer*- entertaln-

- **d at K A .Smith's last Sunday.Mrs (Ylfton Bennett and three chil­

dren. lately of Grand Rapids, and now on their way to their new home In Detroit, came Bunday to spend a few days at her brother's. Deo Hale's

in Hams laat week from oxe I..eb- anon corresi>oiident the- stat*Miient waa made that Herman Gaddy'a Cqion phone bad been removed by raven sent out by the comitany Mr. Gaddy ordered the phone- removed some time axo on account of Inadequate service

laiiber Kenney of Delmar. Iowa, a brother of .Mrs .Milo Grove, visited her last week About 2<> .rears axo Mr Kenney lauxht the Round and the Brick schools In le*ltajion. also the Maiherton vlllaxe school. Batur­day he was a Kuent at Frank Phillip's and Bunday left for Portland on his way home

Last Baturday eveninx when John Pierce and son. Michael, were com- Inx from Carson City their team ran away and both men were thrown from the buKXy, the former sustnln- Inx a broken arm. About a mile aoutb l of Maiherton the team was captured! havinx tom top aad lsent from the buxxy.

M .M Meassr returned Inst Friday from a trip to Omad Rapids and Tra­verse City In the former city he* visited the Boldiers' home and had a j ohat with Charles Vrsdsnburx and wife, inmates of the Institution wJm>, upwards of K yenrs axo. lived In Ush- 1 anon. At Traverse City he went to see his brother-in-law. Ruasel Alex-' ander. who Is a patient at the asylum for insase aad found little naatertai. chaaxe In hit condition.


Julius Motx has treated hia bam to a new coat of palat.

KIva Hafner of Fnarler spent Bun­day with Robert Pasm.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lixhi apsnt Ban- day with Mrs. Kli .Biefert. in St. Johns.

Fred L. Paacb and Lewis Kpkey were In Bt. Johns on business Batur­day.

Mr. and Mrs. Julius Motz entsrtata- ed a larpe number of rslativsa at their home Bunday.

A number of younx people were very plsnaanily enteitaiaed at the home of Joe i’lrich Bunday.

Mrs. Fred L Pasch and Mr. and Mrs. C. Halm s|>ent Thursday with Mr. aad .Mrs. Wm. Miller, in Dnliaa.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Halm and chil­dren of I>etrolt s|>ent pan of laat week at the home of bis brexher, Fred L l*asch.

Mr. and Mrs. Kraest Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Cbaa. L Bchuitz and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Widuuiyer ai>ent Bunday with .Mr. and Mrs. John Mankey in Dallas.

.Michael Graff and family of Leba­non, Fred C. i*aach and family and •Mrs. Fred Budzier, Br.. and family spent Bunday at the home of JohnRosso w

Mr. and Mrs Auxusi Miller sod dauKhters. AiiM-iia and Bertha, of Blnxham and K Btyer of Detroit S|>eni Bunday with .Mr. and Mrs Fred L. I Pasch. >

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ i'AHLA.Ml. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Two bottlet

Cored liyRlsswimnfixm*

" I hnvn bnen a ani- icrar from rimnwatiam for abont nao yaaaa, and hnvn uaad many Uni- manta and pataat mndi- dnea which gave ma no . reliel. A lady fhaod ad mine tokl me aha Rad uaad your Linimant aad iouod relief at once. I

Park Bcott is still very iioorly.Mrs. B. Horn spent Baturday with I

her mother |Tun*' Crlppi has rented the John

Green house for th*- winterAunt Mary Bcott is In Bannister j

with her niee'e. .Sarah Williams. 'Revival meetinxs have been started

In the .M P church at Carland..Miss KunnI*' Colby and our schoeil-

t*-acber Ml.-' Carson, visited .Mrs. Bam .Mitchell .Monday

.Mr^ G*-orxe Townsend of Ionia has e'oiiie In mak* an exiendevl visit with .Mrs R Mitchell and *ilher relatives.

.Mrs .Nat French of Umia has r*— turn*‘*l bom*- att«-r vlaittnx .Mrs R. Mltche'll and other relatives in this vl- i-lnltv

Frank Aldi-n ami family of Byron ar*- h*-ri- at th' home of K .Newman, helplnx his mother. .Mrs Myra Aiden. celebrate her eixhty-sixib birthday.

got two bottles and they cured mn. I tW** . ^Sia have in the house. 1 ahaU ahraym keep a bottle m my hotme aa long ae 1 can gat It”—Mas. E. R. Wallace, Mocrisona, Va.

AiiodMr Lottar.Mrs. James McGraw, of 1216 MandeviUe St, Oleana, ^ writes >—

“ I take pleaaure in writing to you that I had a pain in my arm for nve yean, and I ua^


for one week and waa completely cured. I recommend your Liniment very highly.”

Sloan’s Liniment Instantly relieves stiffness of the Joints,Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Sprains, Neuralgia,Sciatica and Lumbago. Better and cheaper than porous plasters.

At All DruEXists. I»Hc« 2ISc., «Oc. and 81.00 aiMMi’a Ti asHaa ow tfc* Hors* MWt Frss. ArtdrsM


Kcnrhlax the Tepin any callinx of life, demand* a vlx- orous body and a keen brain. Without health there |g no aucceaa. But Elec­tric BIttera ia the xreateet Health Builder the world haa ever known. It compela iierfect action of stomach,, liver, kidneys, bowels, purifies and enriches the blood, tones and Invix-* orates the whole system and enables ' you to stand the wear and tear of your dally work. "After months of sufferinx from Kidney Trouble,"! writes W. M. Bhermsn. of (.'ushlnx.! Me., "three bottles of Electric Bitters; made me feel like a new man." 5Pe. at J. T. Mlllman's and VanBickle A Glasple's.

RrsmdA new novel bread book baa just

been issued by the Passenxvr depart­ment of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. The cover la an imitation of a bread baaket. Inside the "bank­et' are a number of illustrations plc-

'turinx the bread winners at work, plouxhinx. reapinx and threshinx

.scenes, and runninx Lbrouxh the pic­tures are the wonderful stories of proxress and development of that wonderful W«.st now wakinx Rt the touch of the steel finxers of the Grand Trunk IMcitlc. 5Cf

300 Pigs For SaleONE CARLOAD

()f fiiu* N'orkshirt's, Polanil China. I )iin»c Jerseyaiul Tamworth I*i)rs from six Ig twelve weeks gUI. will lx* on sale at S3 to $5 each at

St Johns, near the G. T. Freight House

Friday, November 4FROM 8 A. M. TO 7 P. M.


Alva Brown’s Pig Farm, firand Rapids

Subscribe for Tbe News




Cauifrh (MniwM He Cwred.with APPI.irATIONX. as they

*-annol reeeh the seat *>r tbe elleeaaa. I'atarrh la a MomI *w ceastUatiewal ells- -ase. and 'n order lo rure It ymi must take Internal rewvediM Hall'a Oatarrti eure la taken Intemallr and arts direct­ly on the bbwvd and mucniM aurficss. Hall'a Catarrh Purs Is iwH a qvMMSi med­icine It wsa prsscrihsd by one ot tbe bsot pbysirlana in this <'oustry for years and la a rexvilar sveaserlntlon. It ta esm- pasad of the host tnnisa known nsm- h n«d eetth the beet bleed pnrtfloni aot- Inx directly on the mttotms surfaeos Ttm porfect rnwvklnattow sf the two Inirrad- lenta ta what pmdoooo sneh wonderful ronulu In rvirinn Oainrrh Bond fisr losd-

r J. rifmorr a co.. pps» Tsisin, o.■SM by DrimjdiU.Taiw Hsirs^Mini

Frsps. iss Ss.

MN'ATIIIN—The farm mnstols of I4« acres and la located Jhat ouiatde tbe oorporatlon. I 2 mile north of tbs vlllnxv of Muir on main traveled road.

Mlllr—Very productive: clay loam and dark annd loam. The lay of tbe land ia such that It drains nstiirally. and la supplied with several sprlaxs which afford Itvlax water for atook.

FK.^I’KH—Are In first-clans shape, consiattnx mostly of wire fences 40 acres of wheat on xround which xocs with place.

HHUMK—The house la a larxc two-story frame on xnnd vton* wall aad la splendMIy built tbmuxhout of the best msterinl. All the rooms, both up stairs aad down, arc larxe. (-omroitable and well arraaxwl. Two asparate cellars under bmise, one for vexctablea, etc., the other for furnace The entire house is heated with the fur­nace Idvrxv wood Aed connected with tbe bouse Both hard and soft water In bouse

THi: HYKNft- Tbe main hay and xraln bam is .3dxM. with IdxM) lennto which Is used for stable .Main part has IT ft (mat and whole bom aet on xnod wall Has larxe driveway and xranary snd ia conveniently arranxed

H4IK.HK A.TO rATTLK BAR^ ?IO. S- This barn Is 24xdo havinx a xood cement floor, snd nicely arranxed Ihr feedinx Mock

VKHM'liK RAKM—ikKlf. In very xnod shape: also xond hox house and poultry houae4IK4'HARS t'onslou of nice ynunx treea. both apples and peachea of xood varieties.Taken as a whole thia farm will he found a very desirable property from many auuMpotnis and ia certainly

worthy of tbe moat careful Inveetlxatloa of any person who wlnhea lo seqnire a home of hia own It’s nenr- neas to one of the bant of morkHs. yst outsMe the oorporatlon la oam of the deaimhle fentums of this farm In fact this splendid property should he seen to be appreciated. Prospective haiyers can have every opportunity he. tween now and day of sale to InvesMxnte the property enrefuiiy.

TRRSR When the farm la struek off a dspoalt of tSM la caah or lu equivalent, win he requtrsd aa evi­dence of Rood fRIth Bnaae to bo applied on purchnas price on or hafore M dnya st which full sHtlemoat will he mads. F»r furthor pnMIcalars am to lenna. etc,, anil or write


>. RLJ<

27. mo.


Palntnets. Dlszy SpeUi. Wosk Stnmach. Swollen Feet

and Anldci.

4LW4MI LAMB. ..................................................................................

Thcr Describe a CondHkm ior Which the Toosc Treatment

with Dr. Wifliams' Pink Pills b Particularly

AdapteH.Ttirrp i* no luorr |«>rf4M[iii|r troabl*

lor m pliviiK ton to trmt ttuui «l. Nlitj eaar«, in wntitni, in ntiirhHim* lit no at nto tiiixtM* Imt in wliirli tlir pOU**nt owr) (lay aink* lowt>r aint lowrr itaaTtit** fiiaiiuon ol iim«1|4-iim< aiui Kiiialai a|M*niiM-nUi.

Tliat I»r Williaintt’ I*ink F*41lii will ra- Aon- ImwIiIi iiiiilrr iImw (-nnilitiiHi* lit no ■|MH'ulatn>ii I'Ul ill** lat't Itaa li><iii |inivr«l tn huii*ln~l« of ««<■*•• ttiiuilar lo that <if Mr*. JoM-]i|i \ aiKif^ntl, ol K T 1' No. 12, Wi—t <'|i«<.t«T, |*a Slio •ai>^

“Kiv*- \^pt atfii I uii<ierw**iil an o|wr* atioii, a Inch Irft im* in a itn*atly run* down tvMiilition mm I wai> oicia<trk«*il at thi* Uin*’ 1 waa lM*l|tl**Mt (or mx inontlic and Pick (nr a vf«r ainl a lialf U*h(Tr flndJtMt rpli«*l in I»r U'illiatn*' l*ink I*ilU.I wan au avak tliat I wouhl faint aaaj aud I liatl tiusy ftt**!!* I «^tui<l Itanllv matti any food nn niy ^oinaiii anti "ttf- femi c*>niaantly with li**a>lach*a For a lotiit tain** iny t**)*t aini ankl**i* a«*rv ao *w<41**n tliai I c«Htl«l iHti (•III tin my ttlnwa.

*M waa treat**! Iiy (ioit*tr« (or Mrv<*ral OHMitha Imt aitiHUit any n*li*4. It waa tliroutfii rvailiiiK * n**aa|iai«*r that I dr- cidr*! to try hr Willuu.ia nnk Ihlla and it waaii't luiiir Iwfor** my tM*a<lacliai Irft tnr ainl I aa» in*ttinK itctti'r I kofit paininK in »tn*ncth until curt*<l. I am oow aith* to work hani and aiaaya liaw a box of hr WillianiM' |*ink hilla in Uie bouw- ar> tlM*y arv oiir lamilj inniirtiM* ”

hr Wilhan »’ 1‘ink l*ilU afn* ori|nn* aUy a (tn*** n|<lmn ii!*i*l in tin* liurtor'a pnvat*- ftra* !.•** an<l tlieir li**n**Ht to iiuui* kind liar U**n in<'n*am*il many thouaand* fold by tlN*ir 11*^111; |tla*'**>1 on Krn«>ral ■ak* with til** t|oct*ir t* own liin-ctiona for oar. TImt i*n* t*iiiirrly wf**. contain no o|iiau*^ or otli«*r lialut'foriiiiriK liru^

hr Wiiliaiita* I'lnk l*ill<* an* w>|ii hy all druion**tit, or will |i** tiHnt, ito^tiiaid, on iTm|»t of pnc*-. .VO n*iii» Imi\. mx (mix***. 9’J .Vi. hy llir l>i U illiami* Wrdi- CUH* Coiupauy, ScLencctanly, N. Y.

♦ ♦♦ IIFW. ♦♦ ♦

lira. Haooal) RorhwrII left FrMay («i visit a frw daya la flt. Johna

LliUe MyrI LatpMaas. wMo Maa bras; quit* III. Is soorn asttar at tMis wiitlas i

Urs. Blmrr lauditoa of hrWttt t1s-| Had Mrs Ruth Huffmaa laai Wrdara*' day.

KImrr Waarr vlsitad bis brMhrrj nt-sr Mapir RapMa from Ratnrday til f Moaday.

Mr. aad Mrs IxmiIs Myrrs of Mrrl<J lt««cb vlslUid Mr. aad Mrs. Ororer^ Myrrs Huadsy.

Kyir Br«»wo sad Willi** M’sarr taava br«*n absrot from selKiol oa srrouat of srvrrr colds

Mr. aad Mrs. Koalrsoae of Mason took dinner with Mr. and Mrs Orrl Hildreth. Hiinday.

Mr and Mrs Albert Martxke and min vlalt**d Mr and Mrs. Harry Moon In S<iutb heWitt Sunday

Mr .tad Mri. 1.4n* VanVIeiM and family *»f .North Ollvc wrr»* Rueats of: 3tr and Mr* Hctire* Stlrnpimn Sunday

Wllliaiii HuRK**tt. .Mrs Aitnea Hrott.i Mrs J NV Krunmm of h**\V|tt visited Mr and Mrs T. Rockwell lastTiiemlay i

Orrin latnkfon. who Is wnrktne In lainatne a|N*nt Saturday and Sunday with hta parenia, Mr and Mrs Marvin lainktuD

Mrx K. .M Trowhrldite of Merle (leach and Mrs llacon and dauehter Hells. vlaitt*d Mrs Hannah Rockwell last Thursday

Mr and .Mrs M. J Tout of lainainR and Mrs k'red Huoi and son latw- rence, w«*re Riieals of Mr and Mr*. Frank Yanz Sunday.

Mr Wheat of St Johns vlaite*! Mr and Mrs Cllliert latphaiii and family Saturday and Sunday William T*r- hiiah of I>rWltt waa lh«-lr Riieiy Sun* day

Mr and Mrs Or*l Hlldr**th visited Mr and .Mrs Ht-nry Itosa in Water* t«iwn Monday aftern«>on and A. <*. H1I* ilreih and family in latnaing W«Hln<-s* day afternoon

Mr and Mr> John .Norris entertain* »*«l Warren X«irrls of ('olora«lo an*! William .Norris of t'oldwuier and Mr and .Mrs Silas .Norris and ^on Frank • It West heWitt Siimlav

Warren .Norria of (’olorado and W||* ij; m .Norn.. t»f t^oldwater were Ruests •if Mr and Mrs Harry .Norris Monday foreniMin and Ruesta of Mr and Mrs hihn IsK-her Monday afternoon

We wi^ to make Imiely Announcement that we have placeda very large order for

Royal” and “Elwood”For delivery after January 1st, 1911And that we Mfill be in the market right to care for your urante, either by the ROD OR MILE. The **ROYAL** b one of the MOST FAVORABLY KNOWN brand of square mesh fence, urhile the **ELWC)Oiy* in a dbdnct class as a diamond mash fence with no equal.

We hare bought so large that you will do well to see our MR. JOHN TRANCHELL and get hb prices before purchasing elsewhere.


It’s the Wori4*s HesLNo one has ever made a salve, otnt*

mt-nl or balm to comiiare with Buck- Jen’s Arnica Salve. It’s the one per-*

. * , feet healer of Cuts. Corns. Rums,Ih.nd IS ,.r.,.ar***l t., mak* Sorea. Scalds. Bolls. Tlcers

. ,d. r I , . dt.i ..f . ach w. .-k Kczeina. Salt Kheum For Sore Eyes.•* • Kniichts ..r. urR. ntl> r*** cold .Sores. Chapped Hands, or

«i,ti. 1"! nr.-*-01 .It th. TM.-.-tinR, Snrain« It’s su(irem»- Infallibb for‘ Fib s Only 2.Vr at .1 T .Millmsn's and

M’ in*t Mr- H. nrv Mi- r ►nt* rtain- V.mSickb a.- Olaspje'g.*•*! rompan' from I..anstnr Saturday

Wwwill flklso be in poeitioa to fiinhisH Bnrb Wire either by tbe pound oryou ^oo<l Coder Fence Poets. in 80-rod spool.


niiiiiniitiiiiiiFfiiirm -M- ♦ i4l I i Mi>n iitl i i»4I* ♦ ♦


an* visltinK III Chas Eas*loon laik ton’s.

Mira Hatti. Corldn a|ient a f»*w days with h*-r sister. Mn- .1 W Hunt* er. laai Wf**k *

Mias Minnie Clark t*nt**rtaln**d her aunt. Mn* Nelson Hexter. tn Oraml la**lK>' Mondav

Mr* Rena Blxh> and little dauRhter • ’had* of WtilltMin laike an- ilsitinR at th*-

hoiii*' of her aunt Mrs (J*m l^iwe||

and SundayM llu»-^ iti*! ilauRht*-r Blanch*

Blent **iinda> at th* horn* *if his mo­th* n Victor

M' and .Mrs S W Sb-lKht :iD«l dau* Khi- -i*«nT Siindav with their sl*Mer. Mrs .\**ttt* Sb-iifht

.M Hii.’hbr and l> H Rh.-utKitto'ii att*rd*-d th* Orand laslK* I o (> F at •*■ -.n*l Kaiitda jiart *>f last w*-ek

M*- EffI* Austin of lainiinK wa-- a Rii.s? at th* h*»m*- «•( Mr- Maryli, n* s from Tu*-sda> till Sunday

Wm Ariii'tronK and *on «»f Hath an*l Mr and Mr* C<ii*-ll ladt of Oiin n.sonvill* were callers at K M wi k Sunday

H|i*- meettOR win <’all next Saliir* *la> < t*-! 21* .It *»n*' *»*-l*M*k sharp. l.ei every meiidier tr> and be present .ind help on th* proRram

Mr* Ijbtn* Frost. wh*» has b*-en vlaIttDK h* r nje*-. Miae KthelFlynn, th* past tw*» months. r*iurneil i*» her h**in* near .**’aK;n.'i» Thurada>

Mrs J*ihn Chadwick of Marion, Mich Mrs Hari* ' <*ut!ar and '*»n *»f Sfuith (tlley an*! Mr .ind Mr-*- A C f'hadwlck w*-r*- ent.-rtaln**1 at th* home of Mr and Mr> c M chadw|*-k Sunday


By Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compooiid

Black Duck, Mlmu—"About a year thi* w.ek as de|«iRaie from the r. n. ago 1 wrote you tliat I was sick and r-hurcti Sumtay school

. . i Frank R*il»erts. wife and dauRhter,Flora, of Essex vlstt*^ at the home of E A Smith last Sunday

M Moritz and wife and William Kia- |er and family of near Fowler visited at James .Mundell’s laat Sunday

Miss Ellen Waiter* retuni«> her home near I'ewamo last Sunday after sfiendlnR s*-veral week* with her bro-

snd^Terry Wstter*now 1 am perfectly



it* .*<1 Jetin*. **«i.ii..-r ITtii

•*iiii« II. l->«nk

kill* a Murderer.A inerrlle** murderer I* Appeodlcl-:*sirf*-ii*.

Its with many victima Hut Or.' Th* mitmt. KIiik ->• NVw l.lf*- 1*111* kill It by pr*- v**ntton They Rently stimulate stom­ach. liver and (jpwelt preventiDR that cloRRlnr that Invite* appendirttia.cur- lOR Constl'iatlon H**adarhe, Bllloiis- nesi Chill* 2f>< at J T Milliiian's andVanSU-kl*- Sr Claaple**

* ♦♦ .’MM TII I.KH.IAHN. ♦

.1 ti

were In St

at F.

W J Tatt and w|f* lohn- last Saturday

Max Moor*- of Ftiwler vlslt*-*l M liRfott's last .Sunday

Mr* John lainK Is spendinR a few day* with frl*-nd* In Ann Arlair

F .M iMRR'St went t*» Chlcaa*! last w*.,*k Frl«lay on a business trip

Frank Kinley and family of llenRsI v|sti*-d at W J Tail’s laat Sunday.

Erneat Wakefield :in*l family of Es- \islted at .lohn Hlner’* laat Sun-

dayMil- l>unnebB*'k of Fowler visited

her sister. Mr* Fran*.^- I’lRRott, last We»*k

Mr:- Emma M*'l>onald and Mrs. Marv Townsend were tn Ittna laat Sunday

Mr* Mary Watt*T* la to .Saranac

<'*.1111* I

It.-autur ni*-*'iliiK **t th* heki <*n th*- i«l*<*v* *1*1* IIII. .<ldt* '■ I'r* aktina

rti* <<*iiii*ll «tM» c-Mii*-l to ••r<K-r .1,*-. i.M k |>.ni. (*r»-** nl .\iil*Tm* n

l**n* uiel Ninltti • ■t t'l*' la»l tii**’llnK

r*i«il .111*1 .i|*|*r**v e.1TI. . . . . . . . . . . . <*ti kitiri- pr* '*'ll*

■••it'.wItiK r* |*<i7lT*. til*- tn»*\«*r *iT**l . .rnrn**u *- iifn-il

II. * -Ill III Ml Jehus«.. ntl* nil II \\ * . %-**iir . oinnillt*-*- <*t

* iMitna t*' slioni WM% r*-feri*-*l <'<*nitf«a* nt fin.'l . .dim- .\**» Sir n*. <j*-n»-raMtr**-t fiJiMl *i**i»n» N*"* iXl' l<* S-t**' \Val*-i riiii*l . .dims N<*** 13* i<t til Kle. trtiI4vhl tiiiMl . idlm> N**» 4*r. t«i IS*. I*.ii*-r*h' reiK.rl Hull w* iu***- i.irefiilli *■ drnliieil ih*. ewm* diet rtt»«l Ilirm < **rr*-, l at Ih'tr foctinirs *x**-|it *;*-ri»-rll Mt .Inlm .N*. ;.'s’*, whh-li Is r».|s*rt*.*l^«Mll•*llt r*-*-**mm--n»lall••ll VV* r*-sp»-. t f'lll:. r*-<**nim*-iul Itutt th*- l-jiUoi**- "f th*< Idinis hr Jtlh'wssl I.* Ill* t-Ollll' II. im*l th.

!. rk I**- Instill* issl to <lrn* i*r*|ers on tio l>r-ifwr 'iirel- for th* ••■••■rMl Mlie.iinls

• ’HAItl>:.•< B •BKKKiJt.• •oHirnwn *’*>minln*"e on I'Uilins

M..»*-«l hi \l*t*-rmsn Mmllli. sn|Hs.rte,| It* Al't.rmuti .Mion* that *|i.n»-nil Mlr*-*-tiiifi*l I'laim X*. ‘.'v*-. te- Iskl »*n th*- lahl*-

• It* of III*- <o(nmtit*-«- -n<-l*lnis I** H* sn«l .olopl'sl

\>*=. four Nais n**?**M**v*-«t t*i .^Merman *5iffeis s«i|>f*,.ri*-tl

h\ Ahlerman Klshhurn. Ilial th*- * lerk ••e Inatrii* I*-*) •*• *lr«w un «d*l*-r <*11 He- r**n


.\l*l*-rinMn Ston* ..ff*-«-.| tlu lol'...*sina \Vli.-r* sje- Ikl itsa* >sni*-nt roll Sn r.r.

f»»r III* *-**n»triii fi*.ri -f tIo f*.; ••*» Iok . *- mint s|*l**watks. to-wii

lt*'iil**-n I*. I’htIUps, ,ot ill**, k ' l*< rrtn' Ss-rnn*! .Vildllloti

Mvron «t Tripp, lots 1>. ?*' ap*t 21, hke k 15**

.'•■mil K Iillo-man. tot 4. t>k>* k OT.Kllll* K Mfior*- eV* of tot* '. and *:

lipM-k C7 has t»een duty rna*!* h^ Ih* l•*Mlli of .iss**au<irs Jtixl fll**l with Hi* *11^<-l*-rk

j |<piHd\).«|. that th*- * irrk i-aiis*- n**ll< •'> ■ if uiK-ii flllna to hr- riven J*> pul.lh-atlon * jitm .V- for tn** ***--ks In one mor* newsfutiiers I'laim M,,

jof til* *-lt of Ml Johi - aPtl tliat tli* i '- |<-*>iiii.-i Ifni luiartl of .,(>iies»*ip» will m* et I T*>tal *M1rn<*i

|itt tl • >1111*11 • fiair.le-r in tli* sa. • - 11' joil .\|i.n<4a\ the Tth <\a' of No\emle-r. .V ! Tola <5* 11 .">1 arid *»* r |i 1*1** it 7 3*1 o'* ke-li pin, to miew Ktindl Hshi*

f ...irre. t i.n*! < <»nftrm sahl ,i»*«-s»m*-ni, an*! Wat»r Fu»»d Oi*bur**m«ntt.t to lowr inv oil)*-* tion th-rei*i. .m*! 4'laliii N** •.3**

K.^. U...I. that the loiiniit an«l l..a«r*l of Th* l•.lr.•lt tea*! IMi- ap.1 •c*. isafsBor* 'to m*-ef at tlie Hm* nn*l pla«* ld-i«*i Work*

;irvil for 111*- piirp****- af*>reaal*l ii'lalm X*- '!<* K**Wief at lUTil* foreroinr was *oipport*-*l hv .VWIer- ,i*iatm X«- til I' .- I***si < •fft..

man Mndih. .-in*1 .-»*l«*p|e.!(oiir Xai*-s non* Tolai \* r Fun*! I Ushrs t

M**i*-«i h\ Al*t*-rman t.lffeU, supporte*! j Slactric LioMt Fuoa Oisets.Pi*' flol' at f.i t*‘ant

.•‘Uim X«> I7e

lla Tw«*mi*- Krunk i:il*iw>ii It .\ •’.iri*rnt*r .-«**. Warn*'Xormati U man

I K* *•* * Sm^lth*;-«*r«* tirrlwav

! Joiin <*as*ial\Frank llurle\ lt.rt Mllh-r Mark Irlekls .**• tiuvl*.r Hoa*

• 'lalm X*> .'s7 •*'*liari|^’lalm X*. ;vy-

ll*nr' l•a^mer. eatat* ..f.'*S John F t*arr

Wm .Mi.'hr

tUR bean* for th*- farmer* in the east tian of town

Mrr^ Adalin* Bate and son Ivan of HeWlit spent a portion of laat week vIslttOR her brother, here.

Herbert L. Allen and wife of Balo, Ionia county, visited a (uirt of last

; week at ('has. S. Initall*'.Herbert InRalls and (leorRc Shafer

: attended the new "(iladmer" theatre at lamslnR lant Saturday evenlnR.

William Workman Is now- engaRed ' in buildlDR a large and commodious hen boiiae In the east part of town.

John li Howe is bulidlDR a machine

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ BALL.IM. ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Mis* Ada Balteraoii spent I^ldhy- wlth her slater, Mrs. Cora Benjamin.

Ml# Annie 3daci*herson a|>eiu Mfm> day night with Misa Myrtle Patteraon.

Mr. and .Mra. Chaa. Cole risited Mr. and Mrs PVed Brown in Fowler Sun­day.

_____ Mia* Mynie l*atterson ai>ent W«d-•hop on hla farm in the north part of ^ ®‘**^*y night with her couain, Mlaa town HI* gasoline engine will be the I I-*l**l*‘ Tall.

.\\* .-*•***-r I»l*tu»motive iKiwer .Mr .-^nd Mrs FVank Kinley and

Th*- "Jolly Thirty" club met with i children and .Mr. and Mr* J W Pat- Mrs Elam W Cutler last Thursday, j lerson. visited .Mr and Mra William A pleaaant time waa enjoyed with | Tail Sunday.Mr* Culler a* hostess Klnorti l*aach. Mr* Edna Stur-

Frlend* her* wer* shocked to h*ar ki» and baby Hernlc-, and Mr* ('linn, of th*- death of Mr* Ella PIk* at He- cole, visited .Mrs Paul Z.11 Wednes- W(tt last Wf-ek .Mr* l»lke Uught the, day afternoonClark achool here In Watertown over Mr* Emeu returned to her homn Sc year* ago and leaie* a host of nesr Hubbardston laat Tu* sday afterfriend* her* death.

to mourn her untimely

l.% .Vklerman Fl*hl*urr. tliat all .>ffl<-era fiin<l .aixl *-mpi<*i*-ea HUlli»rU*'*l In any wav ti> tmi k piir*-tii«'*• api aiHala **r merf-liaPUlix f<*r

ap .l-i.-irlir.-nl *if th*- If' tfial aakl **f til . ra t*r r-mpj«*'»-ea pr*M-ur*' pr**|eT H* m- »«..l 1*4"' -if Ih*- aam* ilial the' prcperlv . .-'Ilf' ii* •*4*l Wlla a* r*-*iulr*-.i h' lli*. 41' . liurier ap*l fll*- th-m w4lti iti*- • 41'. Irr4' l»ef**c* th*- flral M- » *tav inmopllt

f..iir Na'a, P«ne.Contlnssat Fund D**teur—m*wt*.

*•11' Pay K*-I1.• •(aim X** ••43-'

J ^k*rl Un.w-p IK.V*«ie.-r** I. Tlnktiam 3(>*J*-*r*e II Mi-lioenhal* IS <7Wm *’<M-hrane 3« ♦**•.Vila J *'*»rhrap»-

*1 B Pr*-'it*>',lr*-t !• Illc^rf.

• • liatl Minium KInn.--. Will *'*'rkln Wn. r*mUh J **«*cnr*ri*

I Catra Pay UsU.I'laim .X*. 47*

I Id* tianl FN'Iey *I **harie* M'eraI *'iar*fit* Hall

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ r.MHN HO!NL. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦



Spending a week here canog for her daughter. Mra. Bearl Zell, and baby.

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Plank aib children. Hazel and Kenneth, return­ed to their home Id .New Haven Sat­urday after attending a week visiting relative's here and at Crand laHlgc

Min* iJaxle Tait and iittb- Helsti AItvater spent Tuesday night at tb«*

.Mr. and .Mrs (Thas Kiddle am visit- honi*- of .Mr and .Mrs J. W Patteraoa. ing their daughter .ind husband. Mr Mias i.Jule accomiuinled her coualo. and Mr* A K«ze||«.. to Portland for Misa .Myrtle Patterson, to Fowlsr two weeks. Wednesday siiendlng the forenooii

■Mr and Mr*. I) 8 Morrison enter- with Mrs. Carrie IHetcher. and vislt- laiD the r. H. Cemetery Ansoclailon ed the Fowler school lo the afternoon. Thursday. November 3rd. A cordial ----- ------------------

cuukl not do any ot my housework. My sichnsas wma cnilad Hetrodexion When 1 Wiiuhl Mt ikivm i felt as if 1 could not et U|x 1 took


pound and did just

Felice.1,'111.*II W .Mwsr*'

Fire Oeeact***eet ar*e 44all.lolin **rl*-hton

T**l*l P4V Roll

I* *4 , t-iniin >jo 177; I'laim X*‘> 47!

*•: Ii'lalm X.* 47*-

IIS <«; j{,, IK..K**<l**r4a ln*-*P«ler'

I'laim X*

get Utx 1 took Lydia E. ITnkluiin'f V'^ege table Coin-

red. and have n baby boy.” —

Mr*. Astta AWiFifFiK. Box !•. Blaak l>tirk. Miim.

f'4inaldrr ThU Adwlea.No wonan ahonid anbmlt to a surfrt-

II ileath.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Ik ♦♦ HKKKIVRr.HN. ♦♦ ♦

PowbT via- f,ip.i for IzS.S* In **f ihr«*U\ Treauiir-r. for r* lisl*- **11 ' ll' Isxm ‘.•m»n»-o4i*lv auu* u—nl. f* 4«. i«i I’fiarlen '('urtwrlslii i»f**l 11* i** Mr* M S 'Hurt

.V>»* f**ut. Xu>*.

.Mov*-*! hv \l*l»Tni*n *Ilff*-!= •*ipp*«r«*-*l ih*. Ahlr-rnisi' n^hhurn. lhaj the *»-v*-r*l T**lal P4V Roll Hh*Mir«t* *»f rrai*irslloo *41*11 lie In •eusion c’lalm X*> 311— on Saiunhiv, th* Mh *k»v of X**v«-mber. ■ I'nPm T*-lenlio»*e I'ompany l»ie. *ii III*-* pla<e* Ii'lalm X*» 34S-

FlnU Wanl. at th* Rnsine lion**- ' Hmllh ITamler Typewriter Poi4..*in«l Ward. Ml WaantMim* ehop ji'lalm No. 3«t- Fowler A HallTtilr*! War*!, at the Farmrra Mutual j

IhauraiH * c'«»mp*n> offhe, W Walker T*»lal Oenlliutent Fund Diahta. I34S *7 !c*]Ktm Mo 4Z7Hir*-*-! Oeneral Street Fued Olaavireewvest*.

R<>* 1 B Premtoli Iti* i.aril *•*'

inv Hat loo 10 everyoneMlaa .Mary Schmidt and Alton Kirby

of I’nion Home were married tn laui- •ing Tuesday After a few- days' visit St bis brother’s nesr Portland they

) liegan housekeeping at 214 South '(•rand street, lauiaiog

Mr and Mra Frank l*lk* and Mr*. Fred IMk* anti daughter Thelma of Ithaca and Mr and .Mrs. P C

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ WKHT HRKKMHrHH. ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

■nl lavmr •’Ftwnk «' Tr*wi « H J P.-ler* <•*

onl opFTatlan. which mny menu--------- -until ahe Ikasglveii LydU E. I*llikharo’s to”J5l»(eVsfMnWe Compoimd, made TTum roou and harba. a fair trial.

This famous medlriiie iof women hns for thirty yearw pfovsd to be the moat vniiiable tonic and inrigorativrof

(Hoyd f^ls(er made a business trip

Mr* John Mshar Is visiting friends In KIsI* this week

The 8 8 Club will meet with F E Swanart Friday eveniag

(leo Foster of (Tic*- visited hi* mo- •k. W.inhM''mfaL ther, Mrs Merls Hush, Frldsytba female orvnnism w«»inefi rwm- mtut Menev »h* rtr«i wmm f*vlur In almost every city and town In “"d Huber and family aad ^nry .........................SI UniUd HUUw baJ TviUluif *Mrti- Huber of Bannister visited Frank motyr to the wondarful virtue of Ly^ Swa^rt Sunday ^iipm m tt%. (rnkham’a V<metab)e rompound. Th* Rpwortb lewMnte will meet •»”*’ ""Itcims frmdle ills, and triaHaa mdl- Sunday morning at 11 :M at the M. E. nut. htsoynat famnle hanttti- It i church

anile an aahU M Jame* Hesiey and wife of 8t. Johnsare Ui. fOT fklBr mm fisant y«M Inre. ftm tt n trinL

■bn. V*tmkhnm« ut Viytm* fnwHtm nil aAek wimmtm tn iMk'fornatrtnai. Umrmdwtm

were guesu of Brie Ingerooll aad ' family Sunday.

The yosngeat daughter 4>f Lewla ^t'ox Is very III with whooping cough ‘and congsdtlon of the luans

A*-- •. <T Xavev. POWeM*i --! t'v .\l.4emi*n •llffeN Mtpported

bv Akb-rman Ftebburn. tbal the genrral -b-. ibm No'ember 'th. I*1«. • *- HeM *1 II, f*.;:..wlns pte.e^

Klr»t Warrt, at ll»- Knalne houweWiir*l. at WMBhburp • •bop

Third W*r*l. at fh« heeefneni, H»*tel Ft John*

A'e*. f***ir Na'e*. p«*r»«- M**'e«l b' AWIerOMP liirfeW •Upporte.l

bv Axtarmari 41«bt>«irTi. tbal II W M*ir rim hr Mpen4np'*| Inspe* tor of eteellop in

the srneral ele* linti l*» b« he',.! Xov-einber vih. ISI* Thai M F Wn»M**irn !•» «|»|ve4nf#*| Iwpeeior of ele*'

—rnwU ward iv»~> <T*repe-e A Wit* •>< In ih« third wsrvt.

Ave* finw, Ns yew none Moved bv AMemain •llfreio, •tisnnrlMl

by AMertnan Flfthbum, that Hofwce P. nage Jwel F WoImhi swal U r> Parr, be aspotwied elecilaw reiwmfatawara far the geiMSsI eleesisti to be poM Ta> adav WovibiT ith lete

1*1-!*'M4lm Sii 4*3-ll'l-lfp >{f. 4»i-.

Western Kle* irl* •'*•-I'laim Xo 1*4- ) 4' J I4t»>-ber Kl^-'frl* *'**..

14***.i*i jH„ p Ranlvllle *'o“ •♦inslm N*. 4IS-

I Heantalee •Ttaneller Mfa «'«'f F P<»*| llffl*-*

Horris. the little daughter of ImowIs Cox. Is very III with pneumonia.

Mrs Nellie Marabsll attended the Mason Woman’s Fnreign Mlsalmury conren-

oT .St John* and .Mrs. .Mason’s mother tion at Ionia this week Tuesday amt api) brother from Hetrolt s|>ent Sun-1 W**dne#d*y.

»i V* day with .Mrs. (’has Pike In Essex Manning Silvers, who baa been v|a-'• J C. Heslin of Crand Itaplda. who iting Michigan relatives and friends

has been rlalllng bl* old bom*- la for a month a«arted for bis borne InIT *1 York state 1* now visiting hla son and Lung Beach. Cal.. Tuesday. Mr. 811-

: wife. Mr aad .Mra Clayton Healln. on i vera was a reaident of Creenbash14 'the couBiy lin*- for a f4>w weeha be-1 many years previona to bis removal to

'• fore returning to bis home In Crand ('Allfomla six years ago. He Isavan Hapid* : maay friemls In thia conununMy.

<'oimwl*et*»i*er'« l*ay Roll rtnitn .No its

Knalebert Ffnith R*ei« Fwilth John Fhulter*

i llenr' 4Mell fharlei* roang Bert Miller Tboma* Hefty Fchtivler Roaa .Murdn Aniea Mark FleMa

Total Kleririf Fund I'labl* I4*'4 N*' further bu*4we*p «pv»***rli**, «o 01*7

irS no ,1,..^ ,1^ . **un«-ll adptiirnr-*!WM .'fM'll rank.

m .'I*., I4.410 __ __________________

"*■ ♦ n A'TF.RTBW.N. ♦


Total I'ofn'r* Pay Roll t'lalm N*. las -rwwiiv * 14*.

Osnvsnt Walk*, nalwi N*. >«4

Fre«l nrhw>4derwltid Total flew n* Fund IHabia Nsrth CHwSSn Ava. na*oaf 0*sa«*.

osim No ma-Chsrtas T«wmg I T.asJ4ain FHidteea ................. a.saJslui Kuhwa ........ ........................... ajaHewer Oden .................................- i*.ia

— Ceorge f*ierre of Lanaing visited at IIS* 4- III, farm her* last Tuesday

Holly Otney of lamslag visited las* Sunday at Adolph Remard'a here

I Herbert Hevereaux i* working In ** 1 Call Brothers mill and crate factory,

tisski Fayette Smith nt HeWItt tnsmahip visHed at his farm here th* other day

Mrs hUbel Intialla aad Mlaa Baiher Ingalls ggent last doaday at Bart B.Cutler's

Wmiam ‘White of HnWttt la thresh-

Housework Drudgery»«fiuivewwrk t* drwddsre for the wsak wwmo. She hrwsh ss. dwat* sod •endw. or U nw bar lost all dsy aftsndmi to th* OMoy detstls of th* hnwiehsld. bar haek sebiod. bar Timytt- thrahhiwg. nsrv** «|wivrsriwd sadsr tbs urss* at fMM, pwsatMy d^asy (sslinga* Sswitmis* rsM im bad is Mot rstrvbiwd. bscwtis* the poor tirsd iwrvw* 4I0 iMt pgr- 4041 of rsfrswbmd slcsp. Tbs rssi ossd of wash, 4wnrows -rniorr i* Mllsgsd try IH. Piseee'* Havwrlt* Prsungtiso

it Makett Weak Woaten Siroak and Sick Womea Well,

TTMa ••mg's wewAnfgsss. A*

gsge#M A4*d mtrarmnmm, nwo tmamiumaamaa ao noosMMSF So ffwnnwJKaoo fb* its

Eh. Pfsvos is psHberty uilliag to 1st svsry sn* b " FavoHt* PvssarlptiBw " sa

ion tha boNis-wragpar St psfsoads yaaitbatl Is "/saSoigBad" la

nr psohl. Jnst amM* and a Dr. Piarsa*s PIssiiat FsMsas a

Do oat Isr any < > •ohstitna* af a idsr that h* mi hs ranr haad I H Imar flb.


list af

10 niuMwrr 27, 1910.


!■ M.

M'MTV NAIL.M. (). L»«to liM Miffrrad nucli paiB

durlBc tlir i«M( w<>«k M tliv r«a<ilt of bta tuniplBK <10 two iAmix 00Ho liM- urdox kftvrwuuw. H«> IumI just fO0*Into tbf parkins room to piwpnrv •omr toads for shipment whm hs•tepiH^ on s roM) nnll wWcb wiu l*«t of 1***protrudinji from s board, .^fo sooaar

Ma. It Hm (Mnod IkaTmuL

Th* hardMt coot Is tha taat of'Uma.and noaa's KIdnex PIH* atood

_ _____ _ __ _ It veil In m Johns Ktdnax snffarora— - — - ---------------------r^ can hardly ask for stroncer proofInward VanDrar has mirrteard th# than the foilowlnc'Knwara vaniiyne aaa purrnaaen ina ^ Lathrop. Maple Raplda. Mich..

*Two yearn aso I wan tronhlad


tkaplston property.\Mn rertuaon Mm rwiumed from ai*»J^ ui.,—i*

weok's lialt in Mr- f •“ krently by «X kidnayn that It waaMhn H. Rotioon waa In Owoono on ‘ •»n»o** Imp^ble for me to to

buslneoa the flrol of the week.E. B Voorhsee was In Owoaoo

Mm. rmnk Bouthwofth. who hashe pulled thU out when he atsp- npendlnn se^l days wttb rel-

imd down runnlnt snoAer In his •*»/- ‘I*other foot. It Is hoped that prompt medical aaalntanre has done away with any sertoos trouble.

Mias leina Bchwark of Owoaao wns

my work. I had serere attacks of horhache and whenever I stooped, sharp palhs darted through nse. The kidney secreftnns were irrecular and painful In pasaane and I felt poorly in eyery sray. When I heard of Doan's Kidney Pills. I decided to itire

a rlskor In <>yld the nmt of the waaki them a trial and I am clad that I did Miss Marie Pinch of Bt. Johns npent; •<» brou«ht me

..unday as the pueot of MMs Helen | treat relief and by the time, [

«MN>h KKIIIT POK W4»Bh.It won't be Iona before the whistle

will annouppe the openlmc of the Boo* '^eld ('arrlate 'astabllsbmrat. Por


IMIllls Batchell of Detroit waa the Kueat of Mtae (leorda Walker over Bunday.

.Miss Prances IstPorta went to

uaed one boa. 1 ronsldered rayaelf eured. I alsrays Intend to keep Doan's Kidney Pills on band." ISUtement nlven Nov. IS. Ihhi* I

K Lastlac Effort.On ;day S, IMk. Mr. Lathrop said;

"I can still recommead Doan's Kid­ney Pills In view of the fact that^the

the iiast few weeks all kinds of stock i^owell Bundsy to spend the day with hna been srrlrln* The new mschln- ner cousin.ery which m the latost Improved of kh* Walker who teaches In, .Kb kind, has been Installed sad meets, the Pllnt schools, was home Baturday | cure they gave “s t^n per^- the needs of the idaat iB every smy. j risltlBg her (teople It is eaperied that finished buggies Hd. thoody <ff Barnis came borne sad ;will be ready for market next mnntb <{tent Bunday with his parents. Mr.

------------- . and Mrs Jas BtofidyIHIKH Tfl DKTMOIT.

Rev. NV. B P Brown, a former 0»ld pastor. Kolng from here to Charlotte about three years sgn. has accepted a call as pastor of the Btan- ton Park church of Detroit



nent. You may continue the publics- tinn of my testimonial

For sale by all dealers Price .lO Cents. Foster-Mllbum Co.. Buffalo.

W. B. L. Lloyd of Marian. HI., wrltaa In The Orange Jndd Phrroer, concerning them as follows:

I flmt ralaad cowpans because the land of the farm X-^'ork sraa deficlaat in Bitrogan. I roatlnuod to mine thorn booauae 1 found that everything: that would eat corn would eat cow- pens. A second reason for continuing ralstng them is that they may be put' In later than com and mature sufft-! ctently for hay before front. I have sown them as late as July 4 sad bad a good crop. y

The ground for sowing ia prepared as 1 would for planting <uim If friable, it is simply harrowed after i plowing; If in lumps, the disk as well' as the barrow is used until good tilth is secured. If this condKion cannot, be reached by the use of the harrow,: It Is also rolled.

We use an ordinary force-feed them In. al­

though they may be broadcasted by hand. The amount of seed used is from three to five pecks to the acre, ■

Miss Nina Beebe of Highland l*ark New York, sole agents for the I nited *,.eordlng to the rlchnesH of the landMr. andhaa been visHlag her pnrenu.

Mrs. K. n. Beebe..Mr and Mrs Kd M’ilson arc the hnp-

___py i»srenu of a daughter who cameAbout their home Monday.

. y^r ago Mr Brown reigned his Hume *polVlon to take a needed re1 but for ^ ‘Je ^me nf Mr. and Mrs

FJd. Beeb*- the last of the week.Mr and .Mrs. W. H, Bnclllng and

Mra Hage of Fowler visited Bunday with Mr. and .Mrs Bcott Redfem

Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Clark and Mr. sod Mrs R (• Chark of Bt. Johns vis­ited Mrs Robert Clark and I^el Sun-

BtatesRemember the

take no othername- Doan's—and

some time has been supplying in this pulpit He expects to move his fanr- ily to Detroit soon. ^

IVrry Bturgls was in Bt Johns onbusiness last Tuesday afternoon ______ __

Misses Berths were from H to 12 feet in length' * and covered with dense foliag

The poorer the land, the more seed used. I have sown them u|M»n land so iHiot that the pea vines were not taller than ordinary bush beans, but with bu( little foliage, but an abun­dant crop of (teas. I have sown them on land so rich that the \lnes were

BIKTHDAT PIRTY.T*welve little folks srere invited to

the home of Miss .Marion Hyslop Bat- day. urday afternoon to help her cslebrate Theron her Ixtb birthday. Various gamm were played and a very enjoyable time was spent. A dainty luncheon waa served and Mias Marlon received many pnty gifts.

In Bt. Johns one day lal week Arthur Btow was in Bt Johns on

business last Friday afternoon.Mrs Krnest Thornton returned to

her home in Detroit last Friday IVrry Bturgls was in .Bt Johns on

business last Wednesday evening

In barveiing. an ordinary mower is used, and a common sulky rake to put them in light windrows after the vines an- willed. The most (larticular pan of the harvesting is the curing, md that is srcompllshed by putting

ATTENDED FEDERATION.The Woman's Progreostve Club ap­

pointed Mrs. K. B. president, sa delegate to Federation of Woman's Clubs which was held In Battle Creek lal week. Mrs. H. N. Keys Inrlted her to be their guest.

DeWUt. who Is naall clerk for the Grand Trunk Tailway. haa been spending several days at home for the |>aat week.

Mrs. DeVere Hall, who was called here from her hoim- in Bay City on account of the lllneea of her sister,Mrs. Daniel, relumed home the last of l<M>- the week Miss

Miss Regina Butt<io •l**^®* Btinday. iq very small shocks as soon assrlth Mr. and Mra. Charles Kruger they are raked. M'hen the vines are

C. r. Warner of Bt. Johns was In j^my. 1 have had the shocks as close town on bustness last Monday even- m even closer than that. They lag. , „ , are left in the shock, if intended for

Mias Blanche Havens of r-agie fQ|- lo days or longer, accordingspent .Monday with Miss Regina But- jq weather. If the weather is

•lamp or cloudy, the time required Hamer of Bt. Johns sufficiently curing them for the

Miss Nina A’oung apent PTlday in Bancroft.

George Heardslee was in St. Johns on busineos Baturdsy.

Henry Hall has gone to Midland county on a bunting trip.

Miss Kathryn Bcofleid went to aing and spent Tuesday.

George Bennett has moved into the Abbott house on Hast Oak ireet

Mrs a. a Wallace Is In Grass laike visiting her later for two weeks.

Dr and Mrs C, 1) Bnover were visitors at Ijike Orion* over aiinday.

T H. and Ijor^n .May have purchas­ed Mrs Kmma Gifford's HO-acre farm.

Mrs D. Clalloway has returned from an extended visit with relatives in Flint.

Miss Velmlrs Mosher was In Owoa- so one day last week visltiiig with friends.

Mrs Mary Olds of Detroit Is rlsH- tng at the home of her daughter M Barah Nix

Mr and Mrs IK-rt Hanes of livid Ing have l>een spending a few days with livid relatives

.Mrs Rfxlgers of Port Huron has been ri guett St the home Of Mts Ab- b|e Briggs a few days

.Miss .N‘«U« J»nk- of Owosso came home Fridsv night .ind staved over aiinday with her peopl*

B A lVoo«lworth h.i.' moved ;nto every Fridav

M. E. H. ». .NDTEH,There will be .Bunday school next

'he hnuK< on W. lit Osa :<treet. former­ly occiijii«tl by G. G Hunter

Miss Grac«‘ .lohn«>on wi-nt to iv. trolt last week and .vas .i guest at the home of Flor< n* Al»le«*

Mr an<l Mrs. .\>-d (»svis of i^ennon have been making a \is|t with their cousin, George McGlinchev

Misses I.<enne ind Grs<-e Abbott were guests Baturdsy at the home of Mias P-arl .lillson In Itancroft

Hrs Henrv Bmithermon returned to her home in Isetrolt last week after making a vilt with relatives here.

Mr. anil Mrs J K Gerow are lit Cbarlotti- w ;i« r. th» v *111 spend s few weeks with her SI ». r Mrs W W Merritt

Mrs. Ia»ren l-ittiefield went to Howsni City the last of the week to apeiui a few days with her daugh­ter .News

Mr and .Mrs Vinton Walworth spent r»«rt of Iasi week in Detroit attending th« Michigan Baptist Btaie convention

Mrs A a .lolly has gon* to Parm- tngton. iVashington, where she^eg. pens to make a two months' visit with her daughter

Mr and Mrs. Glenn Mclavren of Grand RapiBe have beep visiting at the home of her slier. Mrs Geo Mc- Glinchey, for a short time

Bunday morning at the usual hour, j w pierce and family. return<‘d Ui hours before l>eing put sway . Kveryone is invited to attend. ^ts home in I-aingshurg last MVdnes- "’here threshed for seed. th. straw

The attendance at Bunday school Is tnoralng ***** **** *'Bh <-oajiderable relishrapidly increasing Geller of To|e.lo .ind her -^“d without much waste If run diren

I>on t forget the social they are go- mother. Mrs Buck, of Bt Johns, were from the machine to the mow. In this ing to have at the opera house next j,,.,.,. visiting frleml^ and relative.^ th< ' *»** fa'x h handling can Iw save«l if Monday evening. Kverybody come |»tter part of the week ***** **'''’•* dirertly from the»nd ht Ip us have « gno<l time. ;^na NVhIttaker and daugh- ’*»** 'n*chln.

------------- ter. Miss Olga, ar* visiting fh»- for-I>r Thomas Mann, dentist, in Fow- mer'- sister. .Mrs .M K Kverett. and

tf family in l-ak* •'Wessa.Ilemocatic candi-Jobn ITrich was In Bt Johns on I.^wton Hemans

business last week '•■I*' governor, and Honorablel-vwton Bnelllng has gone to board I**'*® " Kelley. <*andldate f«»r Ui' state

with Mrs NVm Bage.1 IV Pierce and family entertained

.A<cidinf' will ha;:, n but the hest- regiilatefl faitilile, k»*ep Dr Thomas Kc|«-<*trlc till for su- h emergenri' ^ It .<iulHlue the iNiin an<l h-aD the hurts

' ompany last we<d( lullus Fox was in Bt

tness lal TuesdayJohns on bus-

l>*gislstiire. gave .m interesting talk at \V|eber'« hall last Batnrdav after­noon

"A’e Witch" will b« at i»|»ers hous- next Monday evening. October Slst

Mrs K Bturgls was in Grand Rapids ^'o*®** *®'* I***™ your fate. A pr«vgram

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ MIDDl.KHrKT. ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

on business last Friday.M'llllam Richards was in at. Johns

on business lai Friday.Mrs Kugene Parka was in Bt. Johns

on business last Baturday.Alvin Bturgls* horse waa taken sick

on the street last Baturday.Mrs Katherine T^eucht Is In Litn-

sing visiting her daughter.Bom to Mr and Mra. Albert Van-

Amburg last Friday a son Kay .Bturgls visited Miss Ivah Hav­

ens in l-lngle last Bunday,.lease Baldwin returned from De­

troit last Tueadsy afternoon

will Im* git''ll lAght .refreshments will he served and various forms of entertainment are planned AJ1 come ■vnd help ua have a gon«l time IVvn't forget the time snd pisce, October .11 St Bturgis opera house.

York Is visiting


Mr Parish of New Miss Klls Richards

Fred flute has sold hl» farm will git< iKMseMsioo in March

A reseiitlon was held for .Mr snd .Mrs. Clsiide Biielce iaai Monday night

D« Yon Feel Like Thlst ^ Spelc was Miss Anns Alehin.Does you head sch. or simply feel receh.d many nice presenu

heavv and uncomfortable’ Does your Mr- John Marshall, a former real- hack ache’ Does yoiir slde ach. ? Do “'‘®* this neighborhood her you.feel faggetl out* The tonic lax­ative herb tea known aa I.ane‘a Fam­ily Medicine will clear vmir head, re­move the (vatn in side or back and re-

Harrlson Miller wns lo at. Johns on , «rtore your strength .Nothing else isbusiness last Monday morning.

Rav-mond .Meyer entertained com­pany one evening laat week.

Mrs William Miller wns In Bt. Johns on bustneaa lal Monday.

Miss Florence Handfnrd and Erford Patterson were In town Huiulay.

Frank Blater was In at. Johns on bulnens lai Monday evening.

so good for the stomach .vnd bowels. At druggiis' and dealers'. 2Sc

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ *1♦ KAHT DEWITT. ♦♦ ♦’ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

... .. I

home in fivid Tiiewlay at II o'clock after an illness of many months, being • onflned to her bed for about eight months

Mist. Margaret Bhepard. w-ho was li^en violentir III at .Mrs WHIisin M’srren’s where she was lioardlng last Thursday night, was able to be tAen lo her home at Dwnsso on Baturday and la much better.

"Suffered day and night the torment of itching piles Nothing helped me until I used Doan's Ointment It cur­ed me permanentiy." -Hon John R.

.Mr. and Mrs Louis Volslnet spent, Garrett. Mayor, tiirard. Ala.


L'lJ.■\rf* mort- |M>|>ular

than rvfT bffttrt* and the pricfs on ihf*m an* lower than last

year. \\ e shtiM many attractive patterns .ind the prire- on them .ire verx* low.

Don’t Forget We Sefl Sellers Kitchen Cabinet



Saturday at lumaing Frank Volslnet wns In lainsing on

! hualnens Ini SaturdayMr. and Mrs. Julius Huot and fam*

' My have moved to l.nnsing to molds Dnalsl Lsrg and bride of Itlica. N.

; Y.. are vlltiag Mr. I/srg's parents and ! friends here.

Mr. and Mrs lawla Voisiaet visited I tkelr parents, Mr. and Mrs Aipldmne Fairer. In Olive,

Mrs. Roy BUmphly sad daughter I snd Miss Anns Bramphly visited In ' lainsing Baturday.

VERTHANDIHE."You sre proud. Sir Reginald."

biased the disappointed suitor, "and y1 you sold your daughter for mon­ey!"

"No. no not that!" sobbed the arts- tocrat brokenly. "Hay not so! The disgrace would be too mneh. .No member of my family haa evar bean la trade!"—Cleveland Lander. I

TYLISH women who demand fine tailoring and beauty of design will like this Paris-Wooltex coat. /riit* WfMiltcx (ItMiignrrrs wen*

HO charmed with this model fri»m Pafis that they cpfiied it exactly in every detail—but they put in far better w'ork- maimhip than the French tailrtrs did.We oHer you this coat as an impnivement on an im|jorted mtMiel—and at a fraction of the cost of the orijriiial.Fhis is one of the features of this <h‘partment—the securinjj

for cusHtmers of exclusive desij;ns and ;jivinj( them the Ixmefit of our con- nectipn with Paris throujrh the \V<m)Ii«*x .Style fbir»:au.

( )ur .sn>ck of tailored vjarmenis contains mrulels designed to suit var^'ing lasl»*s. The prices are as low as we can m.ike them and still give the gotnl ({iiality our customers demaiul.

of coals at :h7.5«- to isis.oo contains models that you

Tk- H eiMt C«

Our assortment should .see.

JOHN HICKS33 CLINTON A VE. the store that sells wooltex ST. JOHNS

Be— Margaret Rohaon. who la. at-: 'iaK***! relatlvea in town lal Monday ,tack or mow is longer than If the

!«'®‘*l®g collage at OberllB. Ohio, onme arentag. weather ia bright and a gentle windsiAvc Friday evening agd auyod un- Mra Laier Rice and hva Martin blowing for a eonaiderable part of the

til Monday with her parenta. Mr. and »cre In Bt Johne <m biitinew. lal umeMra. M'. H. Rohaon aaturday. ^ If the crop ia intended for aeed. It

Mr. and .Mra. Barber Brown, who >!••• I^»uiae Goerge waa In Bt. will requm- more thorough curing in have been apendlng the pal weak lohna on bulneaa laat Wedneaday order that It may in* threshed cleanerwith her aiater. Mra I>anlel I.«wiB, roor^ng. , .n ****** »on»ewbat damp For thlareturned the last of the week to their P- -Bturgla l»aby la aerloualy ill puriioe. they ahould be rft»er than if home in Byron. ^ nurae from Mercy boaplUl ia car- intended primarily for feeding un-

Mra Wm Bavllle and daughter *«« fof *t- ... »|»«''‘**‘cd They ahould not be rut un-Loulae who were called here aever- -Ml” May Bmith and \MlIlam Pig- til they are nearly. If noi quite, all al weeks ago owing to the lllneao of apent Sunday with Mlaa Ivah Ha-.j-tiie enough to tiwke seed that alll her mother, Mra. Margaret Hollaml. *® **^>«'- . . . l®t**nde<l primarily for feed-have returned to their home In liar- *• J- Kitchen waa in town vlaiting ing unthreahed they may be cut when bor Beach friends and relatives last wedneaday moat of the |»ods have reached a yellow

Mr and' Mra. George Arnold have a®*! Thuraday. color, aa th. growing ones will curegon. to Flvanion. III., where they ex- Mlaaea I.4icy and Eatella Wood out enough to not be damaged forpect to aivend the winter raontha with «tere out of town rllting laat Bun- ^'**]**-their daughter. Erma, who trachea 'I*) afternoon If the ahneka are rain.d upon be.;Id the achoola there Mra Frederick Klee and Floreoc- fore thoroughly, cured, there ta no

_________ ' Kaaper were In Bt. John? on btisiness need of fear that the crop la ruined.lam Monday morning. ^ir my experience ia tluit cowpeaa

The auction held by the Mlaaos Flor- will stand a large amount of rain and enre and l.^um Kai>er and Joa.‘pb ®ot be damaged to any perceptible de- Knsper at their horn.- waa well at-^K*^**«‘ If prni»erly shocked. If they have tende*! I**"**® nearly cured before they were

Miae Ruby Hoerner of MapW- Rap- '*^*‘1. anil ar»- dried out excepting a Hi­lda vialted her mother. Mra. Lena He dampness next to the ground, thla Hoerner. and family last Baturday and dampneaa may be removed and the Bunday ^”'1* I***' I®**’ I****® «*■ •••ck without

Lyle Marab. who haa been vlaiting Injury b)' upsetting the ahocka for a




IT’S THE easiest thing in the world to make a firepot

WRONG—so easy that you'll find most all of them wrong— wrong construction —wrong principle.

For 7 0 years there has been no improve­ment on the actual "Business End" of a .«tove until this two- piece revolving fire­pot was placed in



Tht Two-Piece “Garbad' RnrolYuig Firepot.


That’o to ailonr the air to poet into the fire inEteed of all cofning in at the bottom.

HOT FIRE WHERE .YOU WANT IT—At the outaide edpe imlmMl of the mnhHe, where you get little radiation from itv

THE LOWER PIECE REVOLVES—Just put tha crank on, ghra it a taro, and tha firapot ia aa claan aa a whiade.


“ART-GARLAND”ITS STOVE WITH TIS REVOLVING HREPOT ---------------------- Sold by ----------------------


A PRLLOW woaass.Mr Mod lira Oharlaa HlUr don't look M If yewMr. and Mra. Charlea HH*r apent done any bard work ** antd tke

! Batai^y with tkelr (taughter. Mr. and ^id fannerwork wUh my head imend of

. iTn'JS "1 . - *““•*•* cityto tall off a load at baled hay lai tionrder haughtilyweek dislocating hia shoulder. -Huh!" eJaeulatM the o. f. "I dent

Mlaa Catherine Heller, who hna ^o butters-la 'foundbeen OB the atnk Del. la muck Im- cktenao Newa.proved and able to attend eebool _________________

Rdward Mnlmr-attended the lock «ale at Bt Jokas of hie brother, Jan.■Mnhar. nf Bagtnaw lal Baturday

Mr and Mrs James Makar of Bagl- j nnw are apendinn a few itaya with hla >>rotker. Rdward Mahar. and family.

cnnaMertag the buey ifasen and hrentenlag weather the L A. A. held

I at the plenanat home of Mra Doty of. Tta Uta Ym RhB Mmmm RmiAl thla phiee. wne well attended. A fine'.dlaaer wan served and the tnhD onl

Reyaolda and Chadwick of Iiastaa

Fowl^ & Ball, SL JohnsDeeJert in Shelf and. Bailder9 Hardtuare.

It la easy to iMiry aaplratloot ambition


ALAAt POOS WlliriOtaThe gealnl farmer, at the aMeahc

na trying to Josh the Wild Man of



"Where are you golag. John?**"I think ni go to my club, aad

perhaps I ought to take my pRlRaiaaalong."

"Why In the world should you thiak ____ of dolag that?"•Tpr aM "Too Jui anM yo«*dtdo*t fael inm

yourself toalght, ao It would be tm- for me to star here, wouldn't

________ _ J anp^! Record-Hemid.For years the pntleat Bomeoaanaa

have hem trytm to gal n law paMi Igaoraace glvea Mrth to a lot at

but the Ttelouo oiroaa tokhr hao balked He who ahafcss at puhNc opialmta that dtruollm!** never mnbee it

deem? to roe," remarked the roatic, "that the lalaad uv Boraco moat ha about depeppylatad by now, for ITl be dlaged If every wild mm 1 lidu't roam from theret"

"Sueh Is the and fact."

I 'D0IR« AWAT wm IT.

Mra. DePoghe (egdtedly)—What do you thlnh. Jack? For declaring that be doeeal helHve ta eternal puiMta- meat. onr new pastor la to bp tried for herenyt

Mr. DePoghe—By Oeorgel I beard be wne somewhat aeaanuoaal. but I

^ never thought he'd try to maa bell!

JtaT POBKAimiL "la It tnm. Mrs. Thryonand, that

yoa got your ftnal daaraa of dtvofnathla oMratagr aohod tha womm m-pnrtor, brMUy. "Flanir aairdy la

, gnM tha gmota lady; -mam, t mld aMmy thm-yoa kmm. m dmr. 1 may marry omlar