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I Sunday Emoche Onu hereby declare that this essay titled:

Terrorism and International Politics. A case study of the

Middle East and the U.S.A. (2000 – 2005) is my authentic work,

which I was able to make through vigorous research. Though I

was unable to be at the scene of the event, but by virtue of

globalization of the media, I am able to gather the necessary

information for this research work. None the less other

written document are duly recognized and used in the work, for

they served as guides.



Signature Date


This is to certify that, this first degree thesis Titled:

Global Terrorism and International Politics was supervised,

read and approved by the Supervisors as having met the

requirement for the award of Bachelor of Art Degree (B.A.

Hons) in History and International Studies, Kogi State




Mr. O.T. Oshadare Date




Prof. O.N. Njokwu Date




External Examiner Date


I wish to dedicate this piece of work to God Almighty for His

infinite love, mercy and grace throughout my four years stay

in the University.

This piece of work is also dedicated to my late Father Mr.

Isaac Onuh. May his gentle soul rest in peace. Amen.


I want to sincerely acknowledge God for his loving kindness.

My late Dad, whose memory lives on, my Mum who also has been

the most wonderful Mum in the world, my elder sister who took

time to endure and assist me financially throughout these

period, my brothers and sisters who were sources of

encouragement to me and finally, my best friend who stood by


My appreciation also goes to my Project Supervisor Mr. O.T.

Oshadare for the way he diligently scrutinize this research

work and also for his fatherly advice during the course of

this my research work, he has been a blessing and may God

continue to favour him in all ramifications in life. And to my

H.O.D. Prof. Njoku, and to my lecturers, M.S. Audu, Mr.

Abdullahi , Mr. Ichaba, Dr. Njoku and a host of others who

have contributed in building me up intellectually, I say God

bless you and grant you your heart desires.

Finally, I will like to acknowledge my fellow course mates and

friends for all their friendly advice and love throughout

these four years especially Queen, it was a blessing having

you around. May God guard our footsteps as we step into

another phase of life. Acknowledgement is due to my new

friends that appeared at the end of my academic session,

Abdulrasheed and Mohammed Audu.


1.1 Background of Study

Terrorism is by nature political but unlike achieving its

aim, it is said to be violence game. Where violence is used to

represent peaceful negotiation, these terrorists, imbibe

terrific measures which foster fear and negotiation, these

terrorists, imbibe terrific measures which foster fear and

intimidation in the minds of innocent citizens where they are

operating so as to achieve their political ambition.

Pillar P.R. defines terrorism as the systematic use of terror

especially as means of coercion1 . The common definition of

terrorism refers only to those violent acts which are intended

to create fear (terror) and are perpetuated for a religious,

political or ideological goal, and deliberately disregard the

safety of non-combatant civilians.

Pillar also added that, “Terrorism typically attempts to

justify their use of violence by arguing that they were been

excluded from or frustrated by the normal procedure of

attaining any political change.”

Brauman R. comments that, terrorist groups sometimes

themselves as freedom fighters that though, their cause of

action is highly risky and sometime it is even regretable2.

These also may depend, if the individual sympathizes with the

terrorists cause or the victims of the terrorist attacks.

In other words, global terrorism, the phenomenon of terrorist

operating in and against several nations simultaneously was

facilitated by globalization. It has become the biggest

challenge of international politics. Global terrorism depends

on the success of globalization, in fact one may be very

convinced of global terrorism as a facet of the global culture

resulting from globalization.

1.2 Statement of Problem

There is a great sense of insecurity that terrorism, now

inspire in the international community and the world at large.

The two most important forces behind globalization has

resulted in a reassertion of sovereignty by the U.S.A. (United

State of America) in Middle East. The fear that liberal

standard are facilitating terrorism is causing the U.S, Israel

and other European nations to control trans boarder


Prof. Mugtedar Khan, states that the effort to prevent

terrorism from moving their resources, is leading to a greater

security of banks setting up a new measure that will slow down

the flow of capital3. There’s fear that free entry through

borders, allow terrorists to smuggle weapons into targeted

countries leading to new rules about border patrol, visa

regulations and monitoring of foreign travelers.

New security measure at air ports have already raised the

cost of travel and are affecting the profitability of these

airline industries. Governments are increasing international

cooperation to monitor the flow of information, people and

monies across borders and the world at large.

1.3 Aims and Objectives

Global terrorism has become a source of dispute to many

historians. Thus the research work has its primary aim at

bringing fore inherent danger of terrorism in international


Importantly also, another major objective of this work is

to bring to the knowledge of prospective, the consequences of

global terrorism. These would be done by highlighting as much

as possible the destruction of human lives that have become

the bane of terrorists attacks.

1.4 Scope of Study

The scope of this work is limited to the period between

(2000 – 2005). 2000 becomes the best choice of a starting

point giving the fact that, that was the year the greatest

global terrorist attack was recorded. This is evident in the

case of September 11th 2001 attack on the World Trade Centre

(WTC) and the Pentagon House in the United States of America.

Also the year is very important, given the fact that not much

have been done even till now to curb the menace of terrorism.

1.5 Limitations of Study

The researcher in the course of this work was faced with

some limitations or constraints such as financial constraints.

The cost of getting materials and transportation. Also,

because of time factor, the researcher didn’t have enough

materials to beat up time in his research, but however these

limitations did not hinder the researcher from producing a

balanced and good work.

1.6 Research Methodology

The method of research employed were secondary and intent

sources. The use of secondary source of gathering data,

involved the use of textbooks, internet service (gathering

data from the various websites) as regards terrorism and

international politics. Also data were gotten from Newspaper

and magazines.

1.7 Literature Review

The word terrorism is a political and emotionally, a

charged one according to some Scholars, Critics, Diplomats and

thus greatly compounds the difficulty of providing a precise

definition. Study have found out over hundreds definition for

terrorism. The concept of global terrorism as said itself may

be controversial as it is often used to delegitimize political

or other opponents. The simple fact is that global terrorism

means different things to different people.

On November 2004, the then United Nations Secretary

General Ruphus Braint defines terrorism as any act intended to

course death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-

combatants, with the purpose of intimidating or compelling the

government or international organizations to do or abstain

from doing an act4.

According to Bruce Haffman, The advent of global

terrorism began on 22nd July 1968 when three armed Palestinian

terrorists of the Popular Front for the Liberation

Organization (PFLP), one of the six groups that made up the

Palestinian’s Liberation Organization (PLO), hijacked an

Israel EI AI Commercial Flight from Rome to Tel Aviv5. This was

not actually the first air craft to have been hijacked in

history, but it was the first of great significance, because

it succeeded in the diversion of an already scheduled flight

from one country to another.

The 196 hijackers created a bold political statement in

the sense that the terrorist hijackers of the EI AI Flight

had the motive of trading the passengers for Palestinian

terrorists or religious extremist imprisoned in Israel.

Hoffman further notes that that the PLO was truly the first

global terrorist organization recorded because it embraced a

more globalized orientation than most terrorist groups at that

time. By 1980, other terrorist groups had drawn their courage

and inspiration from the (PLO).

Pro. Mugtedar Khan adds that after the September 11 2001

terrorist attacks against the United States, World Trade

Centre (WTC), international relation and global politics took

a different turn6. It was also state by G.K. George that today

economic melt down facing the United State of America and the

world today was as a result of the September 11th attack on

World Trade Centre in the U.S.A.7. Prior to

Are in any circumstance unjustifiable whatever the

consideration of a political, ideological, philosophical,

religion or any other nature that may be invoked to justify

the 8. In these cases, Johnston sharply distinguishes the two

on the ground that violence is a force that violate some moral

or legal norms so that we can differentiate from the freedom

fighters and “terrorist”9.

Sebastenki stated that the U.S.A Department of states

offices of counter terrorism which employed the broad

definition for global terrorism as any “premeditated,

politically motivate violence perpetrated against non-

combatant target by sub national groups or clan distance

agent usually intended to influence and audience involving the

citizen or territory of more than one country.”10 began an

inventory of the frequency of terrorist act after terrorism

first emerged as a significant global problem in the 1960’s

and grew to epidemic proportion in 1970’s and 1980’s. The

changing frequency of terrorism and its level of destruction

in today’s world as measured by the account stated above

review that global terrorist activities has increased nearly

threefold between 1968 – 1987 after which the number of

incidents gradually but erratically declined until 2004 when

the new National Counter – Terrorism Centre (NCTC) took over

responsibility of global terrorist incident.

In addition, terrorism is becoming increasingly lethal as

the death toll in 2005 approach the height in (1995 – 1999)

and 2001 when the number of people killed by terrorist also

rose exponentially, Byman S adds that the mounting wave of

terrorist or terrorist suicide bombing in Iraq and

Afghanistan, mid July average 71 attacks per day 2 years

earlier.11 This increase cast doubt on the wisdom of the U.S.

military occupation in these two hotspots. What U.S President

George W. Bush then called “The Central front in the war on

terror”. The war is helping, not hunting the terrorist,”. Paul

Kingman 2005 lamented “before the war, opponent warned that it

could strengthen, not weaken terrorism and so it has.”12

In a nut shell, global terrorism may remain a fixture of

world polities because, every spectacular terrorist act,

always generate a powerful shock effects and dramatic

publicity in the news media, making it attractive for

perpetrators to commit again. For instance the endemic and

chronic terrorism in two major flashing point in U.S.A. and

the Middle East.

END NOTES1. Pillar P.R Globalization and armed conflict,

Little Field Press,

Boston (2001) P.1532. Bruman R Violence and Terrorism Mc Graw Hill Press,

Mc Graw Hill (1997) P. 493. Muqtedar Klhan Islam Post Modernity and Freedom

Adrian College Press Michigan (2002)4. Ruphus Braint Cable Network News (CNN) Sharon

Praise Correspondent (2004)5. Bruce Hoffman Inside Terrorism Macmillan Press

London (2001)6. Muqtedar Khan Moslem Terrorism, Globalization and


Adrian College Press Michigan (2002)7. Johnston B. Survey of Religious Terrorism New

York University




The definition of terrorism has proved controversial;

various legal system and government agencies use different

definitions for “terrorism” moreover. The international

community has been slow in formulating a précised definition

accepted by the universe in the case of defining terrorism.

These difficulty arise from the fact that the term “terrorism”

is political in nature.

Angus Martyn in a brief paper work for the Australian

Parliament has stated that “the international community has

never succeeded in developing an accepted comprehensive

definition of terrorism”1. During the 1970s and 1980s the

United Nation attempts to define the term in a 2003 study by

Jeffrey record for the (U.S.A) United State of America. Army

quoted a source that (Schmid and Jongman 1988) counted over

109 definitions of terrorism that covered a total of 22

elements2. Terrorism Expert Water Loquar also counted over

hundred (100) definitions and came to a conclusion that the

only generally accepted (nearest) definition of terrorism is

that “terrorism involves violence and the threat of violence”3,

yet terrorism is hardly the only enterprise involving violence

and threat of violence so does revolution, coercive diplomacy,

freedom fighters and war.

As Bruce Hoffma has noted “terrorism is a pejorative

term. It is also a word with negative connotation that is

generally applied to one’s enemies and opponent, or to those

with whom one ceases to agree and would otherwise prefer to


Terrorism could be defined as the use of violence and

threat to intimidate or coerce, according to Collin’s English

Dictionary. According to the United State Department of

Defence, “terrorism could be seen as the calculated use of

unlawful violence to inculcated fear intended to coerce or

intimidate Government or society in pursuit of goals that are

generally political, ideological or religious5. The United

State for Drug Control and Crime Prevention has also proposed

a short and legal definition, “terrorism is an act of peace

time equivalent to war crime”6. United State Court of Justice:

to associate the malice act of terrorism to transcend even

that of premeditated crime7. Unlike political ideas, the term

“terrorism” evolved in response to violence circumstances, the

word “terrorism” and “terror” originally referred to method

employed by regimes to control their own population through

the cause of fear, tactics. Seen to be used in a totalitarian

regimes such as the Nozi Movement in Germany and the Soviet

Union in Russia.

Finally, the Oxford English Dictionary defines terrorism

as the use of violent action in order to achieve any political

aim or forcing the government to act8. In a nutshell, a common

definition of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which

are intended to create fear (terror) and are perpetrated for a

religious, political or ideological or disregard the safety of

the non-combatant civilians.


Terrorism dates back to the beginning of civilization.

Only that the propensity to its ferocity and its exaggerated

nature became apparent in the modern time. Prior to these

time, most people were ignorant of the term terrorism.

According to the Oxford Advanced Dictionary, terrorism is

defined as a means of coercion9. Terrorism in the modern sense

is said to have emerged in the mid-19th Century.

In the first century, Zealots conducted a fierce and

unrelenting terror campaign against the Roman Occupiers of the

Eastern Mediterranean. They enlisted Sicarri to strike down

rich Jewish collaborate and other, who were friendly to the

Roman. In the 11th Century, a radical Islamic sect known as the

Hash-Ishaim (this word derived from the word “Hashish” which

the Hashir-Ishim reputedly used to drug their victim,

translated directly to the word “assault” in the English

Language. They employed systematic murder for a cause they

believe to be righteous. And for two centuries, they resisted

efforts to suppress their religious beliefs and developed

ritualized murder into a fine art taught though generated

political aims were achieved through power of intimidation.

Similarly, Chnistain various of the crusade pursued political

aims by means of assault on man lion civilian population.

During the French Revolution (1789 – 1799), the most

severe period of the rule of the committee of Public Safety

(1793 – 1795) was labella. “The religion of terror” (1793 –

1795) to describe rule through the systematic use of terror

exemplified especially by extensive use of the guiletinic.

Apparently, historic references to the term “terrorism” first

appeared during the reign of terro and the first act of

“republican”. Terrorism first appeared in 1867 when the

Republican Brotherhood; a revolution nationalist group with

support from Irish-America carried out attack in England. This

however has become a recurrent feature of British history and

these remains were the precursor of the Irish Republican Army

whose ideology was Irish nationalism.

In Russia by the mid-19th century the intelligentsia grew

impatience with the slow pace of Isorist reform, who sought

instead to transform peasant discontent into open revolution.

In due cause anarchist lube was impossible without


Their objective was nothing less than complete

destruction of the state, anything that contributed to the

goal was regarded as moral with the development of sufficient

powerful, stable and affordable explosives, the gap closed

between the fire power of the state and the means available to

dissidents campaign of terror against the state that climaxed

in 1881 was as a result of organized secret societies e.g.

“people’s will” this was when Isar Alexander II of Russia was


In 1893, the internal Macedonian’s Revolution, an

organization that was founded in the Saloniki nero in Greece,

then part of the Uthman empire. The organization was driven by

Slavic nationalism and later acquired a reputation for

ferocious attacks, which include the 1934 assassination of

Alexander 1 of Yugoslavia during a state visit to France. The

femians/IRA and the IMRO may be considered the prototype of

all “nationalist terrorism” and equally illustrate the (itself

controversial) the expression that “one man terrorist is

another man’s freedom fighter”. The two however achieved their

goals: an Independent Ireland and an Independent Macedonia.

In contemporary modern weapon, technology has made it

possible for a “super empowered angry man” to cause a large

amount of destruction with only few conspirators. Thomas

Freedman, Yousset Ramzi and Osama Bin Laden are examples of

such people. In November 2001, Osama Bin Laden was allegedly

reported by the United State to have master-minded the World

Trade Centre (WTC) bombing in America. The Americans

buttressed this allegation by revealing on television some

interview made with Osama Bin Laden at the Al-Jazeera network

where he made a vow to kill American citizens as long as he

lives, according to Bin Laden it was due to the United State

interference and infiltration into mothers countries affairs.

The United State persuaded the said authorities in the 1990s

to allow her use her frontier to wage a gulf war against Iraq

in 1991 and Iraq was seen as a fellow Arab and Muslim nation,

he further stated that is it that a Western nation would wage

war against an Arab nation (Iraq) and Saudi Arabia which is

seen as the cradle of Muslim world would give their consent.

Other people considered at sometimes terrorist, or

supporters of terrorism have gone to becoming dedicated peace

activist, especially when their demand had been met. Perhaps

if the United State stop interfering in the matters of the

Arabs, terrorism will be suppressed, at least on the Arabs

side. Uri Avenery, a respected statesman and Noble Peace Prize

Laureate Nelson Mandela, and Yasser Arfat all used to be

supporters of terrorism.

2.3 Types of Terrorism

Most Philosophers and Scholars argued that there are

three main types of terrorism that is becoming more prevalent

in today’s world. These are:

i. International Terrorism

ii. Domestic Terrorism

iii. State terrorism

Brain Jerkins analyses that with Terrorist threat on the

rise the nation is well aware of the possibility of yet

another terrorist attack. Some forms of terrorism take place

in our own neighbourhood or place of work. He further said

that other acts of terrorism are committed by that same

citizens of the state10. Examples of these could be sighted in

the 1st October 20010 bombing at the Nigerian Eagle Square

while the most prominent attacks of terrorism are that of a

unit in one country attacking another country. Example of

these could be sighted at the September 11th and the Hezbollah

Missile attack from Lebanon to Israel as a nation

(international), although terrorist does not have to be from a

foreign country and as well they do not always get the

terrorist profile. From internet hacking and car bombing,

terrorism is an alarming threat hovering around the world


i. International Terrorism: this type of terrorism takes

place in a well-developed environment (country) with a

significance of higher risk that would draw attention

especially the media and also via propaganda. Example of such

International Terrorism could be seen in Independence Day in

Nigeria through bombing and also the crisis in Middle-East

especially suicide bombing in Afghanistan today could be seen

as International Terrorism, it must be noted that the U.S.A

foreign take part in the motivation of these attacks in the

United State of America and other parts of the world.

Another form of terrorism is the

ii. Domestic Terrorism; this type of terrorism can also be

called Individual Terrorism which occur within a state and

individual or citizens from that state or country are involve

in this kind of terrorism. Examples of these terrorists could

be gangsters, cultist, arm robbers, internet hackers, Mafia

lord, car bombing etc. are often referred to as Domestic


Hostic K.J. assessed that Domestic Terrorism often occur

in the United State of America11, gamy related carries, example

of these are the fight between the East Coast and the West

Coast, the bloodge and the crisp of the Kokusklan and the

Blacks sometime Mafia Drug lord and their rivals who are

mainly the authorities (FBI, CIA) of this state in all. He

further stated that the most dangerous form of Domestic

Terrorism is Internet Hacking where the perpetrators could be

500 miles away from their victim due to today’s


Brule Hoffman notes that there are six kinds of

Terrorism, namely Anarchist Terrorism, State-sponsored

Terrorism, Rightwing Terrorism, Leftwing Terrorism, Religious

Terrorism and Nationalist Terrorism12 (freedom fight).

a. Anarchist Terrorism is a major global phenomenon from the

1870’s to 1920. A young Hungarian refugee killed president

William McKinley who was persuaded to be anarchist statement

in 1901. Anarchist Terrorist groups were particularly enamored

of the example set by the Russia Populist. This terrorist act

have keenen to avoid casualties among bystanders.

b. State sponsored Terrorism. By the mid 1980’s, state-

sponsored terrorism re-emerged. The countries that practiced

it are Iran, Iraq, Bilsiya, and Syria. They were known for

both habouring terrorist and sponsoring them. Related

countries that practice this act were the North Korea, who

directly participated in coverts acts of what could be

described as terrorism. Such state-sponsored Lebanon remain a

concern of the International community today, especially its

western constituent although it has been somewhat overshadowed

in recent writings by the re-emergence of the religious

inspired terrorist.

The latest manifestation of this state terrorism war

between Hezbollah and Israel as a nation when Hezbollah camp

his terrorist group in Lebanon and were firing missile into

Israel in reaction to these state terrorist Israel attacked

Lebanon on a hole e.g. (Gaza Siege) 2007.

c. Rightwing Terrorism: according to Hoffman, these

terrorists are the least kind of terrorist since they attack

only immigrant and refugees.

d. Leftwing Terrorism: Here he further stated that, these

groups limit the use of violence but destroys the democracy

and take over with Socialist or Communist Regime. They also

stay away from harming citizens and non-combatant soldiers.

Example of left wing Terrorist can be seen in Baader-Mein hot

Group and the Japanese Red Army.

e. Religious Terrorism: they attack large number of their

enemies for religious purpose “or are motivated by religious

belief or idea”. They use violence as their strategy. Example

include the Al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah and Sirinkyo Group.

Among the Jewish Group active during the Roman occupation of

the first Century Middle East.

f. State Terrorism: State Terrorism is a term used to

describe the terrorism sponsored by nation. Unlike terrorist

state, it identify particular examples which are political

heated dispute. In general, state- sponsored terrorism is

always associated with the para-military and frequently used

in conjunction with accusation of terrorism committed by

governments. Example could be sighted in Iran and state

terrorism (Article). The government of the United States and

the United Kingdom, Israel and Yemen have accused the

Ahmadinejad administration of sponsoring terrorism either on

their or against their respective country. Britain and the

United States have also accused Iran of backing Shia militias

in Iraq which have at times attacked coalition troops. Iraq;

Sunni Militias and Civilians and Anglo America supported Iraq

government forces, ex-president of the United State of

America. President George Bush (2002) stated that Iraq is the

“world primary state sponsor of terrorism”. It has also been

noted according to George Bush that Iran is responsible for

the sponsoring of Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad,

and the Al-Mahdi army groups that Iran doesn’t view as


2.4 Reasons for Terrorism in International Communities

The reason for terrorism also can be seen as the cause in

international community. Therefore understanding the causes of

terrorism is much like trying to understand the causes of war.

It is noted that there are two main causes of terrorism namely

social cause and political causes, but it must be also noted

that these reasons for terrorism in international politics

today has gone a long way in influencing the lives of these


Social Causes; These social causes expose the fact that these

terrorists are motivated as a result of their personal

dissatisfaction with immediate and large environment because

of its effect in their lives that has become burden to them.

Terrorist tend to project their own anti-social motivation;

onto other’s by creating the popular impression, “we versus

they” outlook. Anyone outside their group is seen as enemy

thus they attribute evil motives to opponents. Another common

characteristic of the social reason is a need to belong to a

group. Furthermore, there are complexities in remaining, on

members since members are not allowed to resign and all forms

of compromises are not tolerated. According to Dr. Amiz Zalman

Ph.D (p.47) people choose terrorism as an option when they

have in fact socially striped out of civilization or what they

feel is wrong and their only option is to fight back13.

ii. Political Causes: Terrorism is by nature political

because it involves the acquisition of and use of power for

the purpose of forcing others to submit or agree to terrorist

demand. These terrorists typically attempt to justify their

use of violence by arguing that they have been excluded from,

or frustrated by the accepted process of bringing about a

political change, they maintain that terrorism is the only

option available to them although their choice is a reluctant

even a regrettable one. The aphorism “one man’s terrorist is

another man’s freedom fighter” underscores how use of the

label terrorism can be highly subjective depending upon one’s

sympathy and the same toxic terrorist act include murder,

kidnapping, bombing and arson have long been defined in both

national and international law as crime even in other time

violence deliberately directed to civilians is considered a

war crime. Similarly, violence that spreads beyond an

acknowledged geographical theatre of war to violate the

territory of neutral or non-combatant state, is also deemed as

war crime.

In broad terms, political oppression is one of the common

cause people engage in terrorism, perceived inequality in the

distribution of wealth and political power have led some

terrorist to attempt to overthrow democratically elected

governments. To achieve a fairer society, they would replace

this government with socialist or community origin.

In conclusion, political cause of terrorism has made it

possible for terrorist to best measure their ability by

pulling attention to themselves “terrorist” and their cause

and by these psychological impact create terrible fear in the

minds of the citizens in any given country they tag as


2.5 Terrorism and Freedom Fighters

It is difficult to know exactly where the line exist

between terrorist and the “brave” would-be-liberators of

oppressed people; Freedom Fighters. Besides, many nations in

the world have come into existence after lengthily struggle

for liberation. Many find it assertive that the difference

between a terrorist and a freedom fighters is purely a matter

of perceptions, when our guys kill in battle it is called

Freedom Fighter but when our enemies attack us it is called

terrorist attack, similar acts get different labels depending

on who is doing the labeling.

In making a judgement on freedom fighter and terrorism

there is more at work than a “perception” there is a

metaphysical difference not just a perceptual one between

these two descriptors.

Kelvin Schmesm differentiated between freedom fighters

and terrorist with an analogy, a consideration of the

important difference between two of the given deadly sins;

greed and envy.14 He further explains that though greed and

envy are often lumped together and seen simply as the desire

of one person or group to possess what another owns, but they

are not identical (greed and envy).

Greed has to do with acquisition, we desperately want

what another has (theft in the culmination sinful act of

greed) while envy on the other hand is not directed at the

same item we want that belongs to another, but at that other

person or group. It aims at destroying the happiness of

others. Envy indeed seek not to acquire but to destroy


In applying the above difference to terrorist and freedom

fighters, Brian Jerkin, comment that the issue at hand is not

weather fighters for a noble course often in reprehensible,

cruel and destructive manner. Such action however have as

their goal acquiring or re- acquiring something valuable,

something highly desired. 15 , this may be land sovereignty,

or political goals such as liberty or economic, equality, it

is in this light that Stephen Zunes, add that freedom fighters

usually come from oppressed, or marginalized group that has

been deprived of something important such as home land and

their struggle is to obtain it or gain it back. 16, in other

word Marthins P. concludes that if there is a sinful motive in

the dreams and actions of a freedom fighter it is likely the

sin of greed. This is not so with terrorism. Brian Yarkins

further comments that terrorists are less concerned with

acquisitions than they are with destruction, they are usually

clever enough to cloak their motive by hijacking the popular

will of an oppressed when they acquire what they say they

want. For example would the war against Isreal be over once

Palestinians gain their independence? Most likely it would not

rather it will only metamorphose to nation attacking nation.

The real goal of terrorist groups is not acquiring but rather


Terrorism is thus qualitatively different from armed

involvement for freedom and liberty Hostin K. concludes up by

saying that terrorism is not like greed, it is an estreme form

of destructive envy. 17. The September 11th attacks on the

world trade centre (WTC) and the pentagon were acts of

terrorism, though the act was obstensibly cruel and they were

cries for help, but the Palestinians, there was no strategic

military purpose involved, the attack was pure destruction.

In conclusion Ely Karman adds that recognizing the different

between freedom fighters and terrorist will help us refrain

from trying to “Understand” the terrorist or giving their act

any mobility or value. The willful destruction of the world

trade centre. (WTO) with the loss of 4,000 people, in

September 11th 2001 in USA and the recent bombing of the eagle

square October 1st 2010 in Nigeria with the loss of 8 people

and many were critically injured does not deserve such a noble

sentiment terrorist will never be satisfied until the object

of their hatred is destroyed but freedom fighter don’t care

about the destruction of the object of their hatred as long as

their freedom are given back to them, they are more than
