General Raids On Giles Begin Would Bar Roo^ Out of

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Transcript of General Raids On Giles Begin Would Bar Roo^ Out of


i ^ e r s i -

to be two- sale



▼wtlwr: A in tonlfbti dnv^ ligtnaorrov.

m HIM) H «MU » I I •••»» iM m m * . im « to « * v h « i w * t » fmm, W-w im Ii i i — ) t i n t t u n t i nw n t oBw« 1 1

MO. 11.48C NEWARK. N. J., TUESDAY. NOVEMB® ». 1920.-38 PAGBa IIM IT MmM K.M r . t e MU nw fc ifi .



General Raids On Giles Begin

HoiWrtw i^icrEi^jAuto LicenseIn Legislative Jam

P o l ic e S e r v i n g

T b r o u g b o u t E s s e x C o u n t y

M u n i d p a l i t i e s .— ^

P r o s e c u t o r D i r e c t s A c t io n

Newaik Saloons to Be Among ThoK Visited—Men in Orange,

Belleville, Millburn Arrested.

FoOowing Chief Justice's Charge

f U n l t i e f ChU f J u n e * 0»m in*r«’i eb4rt* to 0 STmnd Ju ry oovonit w ooki kfo, In irh lch ho urkod prooooatlon of Ulocol liquor M lltro DoSor o to to tow, bogon to bo m onlfo it to4oT. W o rriD ti woro Mrtrod on M vornl u loen -kooporo 1* l lo u x County m untelpolllloo. Chorg- Ing tkom, undor Soctlon <S of Iho erlmoo •«(, v l tb u l l ln g w ith o u t o lIcoBOo nod It wot tnnouncod by P rooocutor U nrrl- 000 tho t olmllor octton w ill bo tokoB In prootlootly ov try munlolpBlIty In tbo ropnty. Including N ow ark.

Thoro w u o rum or l««t B ight th a t Iho w orranla S ttlln o d for N ow ork oo- looik.oporo w ero to bo lorood ihoB, •nd tho pollco woro roady lo dooeoBd on |b o lalooBo. But ae fo r thoro hoa booB no Oich ocllen. At boob todoy pollco Chtot liong roochod tho pro ioeo to i'a ottloo to r o eonffranco o.Dd It woo oo- poclod th a t ac tion a g a ln a l aaloon men of thio oily would follow ahortly.

W a rra n u h a ra booa oorred to fa r on n Jo o a koopara In O ranpa. BallavUla and H lllbura. Tbo p rocedure to be fatlowad In each caaa I t to b a 'a lha aaloon man g rra lg n cd baford*tha local m aglatrata and held In hall ta r the grand Jury.

KIght O ranga aaloon haapara ware arraatad th la m orn inc and a l l w are i r - ralgnad hafora Ju d q i B ianchl In the Oranga I*ollca Court. They w are all raltapad In >1.0*0 ball m eh . T hey are; Thoinaa I’a r l . of »& l.lncoln ayanue, Thomaa H art of 141 Ideln atrae t, Uln* gala Uonica of liT K aaai a ran u f. Samuel Total of lU Kaacx avenue, lleraftno Monica of C4 L incoln avenue and Loula Monica o f tho aw ne addraaa. Of the laet tw o the fo rm er la the pro­prietor and the la tte r , bla to n , h b a r­tender.

Two aw alllny e rra lg n m e n t a re W ill- .Ia n 1. L'tidcrwood. p ro p rie to r of a r«>U urant a t :>ll Main a trae t. and Henry Uoneel of 44 I’a rk atraet, a K alter In I ’m li-m ood'e p la ''e . More w ar- f a n u n tr ''H I to be ae rre d In Orange.

Thr.'-' n lh rrv were c rrc a te il In Or­ange lu lt 'b la a f te rn o o n . They are Michael Seym our o f JS9 Main atraet ead Prvdo.'icU L inder of 4 4 tVallara ijj-e .l, ■r.leoii haepere. and I t llllani H aitlu lcl', a w e’. l r r la o ealoon at 44ro rlt I lf . at. y

rvIdeB ce obaatB cd.. la dU' lac in r Oia altuatlow . Praaaoa-

lijr Ife’ rl.On rejallX il-If'tV l follOWlag t hief jdM U S' flb iffS fiW S r eb arg a In o :i)tt li<; had ,,eht roudax o f tha fchxrga to i-hlefs of ito li.o au 'l f te y o ra through* wu Htu oovniy, u rg in g tham to te* :Ji.t tly la la fS be ik eck ad up. Ua hpd pu‘. OB e x tra d e ta '-tlv a . to got ael- 'leitfc, ulill tvlwv tiilp wae obtained w arraB ii Wert la t jc g fo r x iru m b tr 'o f aaloon taen, bow tiru -i d num ber he would not My.. Some of Ilia N ew ark axlooiikaapara tlia proaacdtor ea,i<f. had heard racenlly th a t w arranto , hStl faaan laeued and they came to hig bfflca, reed y to aurrend tr. Hut he tofd them ha « o a n o t raady a t th a t Uai'e to aarv a ib e w arra n ia .

Two BtUaTlIla Mioona and tka

So g r t i l w tf th a fo rea o f »■ #*»lo- lion of a hot w a io r h a a to r la tka roar of a ctv«Biy-fl*a foo t e tllB r konM th tka T bonaa R M taurak l la B ro ad atroot,

1 Boar Cantral avanoa, a a r ly fk la m om - 1 1ng, that tha p la ta g laoa w indow la tha

V v X n rB n tS . ff**l *■ tb* H rot f lo o r wwo okattarad . l o i i u I , t h , c i t , , M d tk a ad jo in ing

tauam titi kitokoB fa ll f ro m tk o ealling. plataa waro amaakad a n d tw o ow lnglag doora tw anty faa t f ro m tk o k o tla r ware k low i tram tk a ir ktngoo. H ick xwraa. night portar, w ho llooo n t SI Imek atraat, waa out k u l n o t k a d ly h u r t

Tha eanaa o f tho ao o id an t bao not baen aioartatnad. Tko fcollot k o ld t SI* gallona o f w atar, t l iwaa aatd. Ona aa- pIxaatloB advanood w aa tk a t tka n ia baneath tha ho llar w aa n o t bankad. caaaing ilaam to form la th a hollar in too groat a quaB tlty fo r IM aCrangth. T il. hollar wa» bokiBd a ,p a r t t t lo B of ptaaler aad wood. *rao p a rlltto B w ai blowa apart. ^ .

Worrit Bard, a board#* In Ik o honia of lu d o ra rrtadm aB a t Std U U lo to n ava- n u a waa hurnod o a tk o te o o an d banda thla moralBg hy a f lao h f i ^ a gaa chandeltar whioh w no lo r* loooa from lha qaHIng oa a aoo o f F r l o d ^ a - o w m llghtlag U. B ard w aa u k a * U tha Ctiy Haapllak A a alaawi w aa oont In and tha flramoB pu t o a t tk o klwao. a lota of tIM rtfuU lag.

Twenty Per Cent. Fee Increkie Bill Psiies House, but Senkte AcL

journs EkHter.

Sute Revenue Loss Mty Result

Scramble Now On For Federal Jobs

Numerous Berths in Jersey to Chkoge Hinds When Republi-

cins Astiane Chirge.

Senators Control the Patronage

yveat Ike WatWeflao Biwvoe of (*a *T»-K liO StW B.

WAiHINQTOK, Not. I .— Among Iba varloua a tw ao liv ltlax w h ich w ill fall to United e ia taa B anatora Frallnghuy- u n and Edga of Now J tra a y . ae well aa Id othar R apubllcan m am b ari of lha Banate. whan th ay g e t to th a e a p lu l , la th a t atttand tng tha d la tr lh u lo n of fad- ira l patronage— a p la a iu r a th a t h*. bean denied to them u n ti l th la tlina It may ha Incorrect to c a ll It a p le a t i r t Numerpui m am hara o f tb a United Btatei Bcnxta, R a p u b ile a n t and Demo­crat!, wbo b a re had axpayienca In exar- clalng tha can a tltu tlo n a l d u ty of a d ilt- log tha Praaldaol | a to fe d e ra l appofni- Biantt, r tg a rd p a tro n a g e aa a plagu* and U may th a t Mr. F ra llnghoyaea and n r . Ndga w ill a h ir a th a t opinion anoDtr or laiar. It th ey do no t a i iv td / eotartil-i It.

The oaual acram bla fo r p iacea of high and low degree In th a new admlnla- iraSlon, a acram bla th a t la Incident to every change of p a r ly ru le In Waah- Ington. la now g e ttin g In to motion. In New Jeraay and o ra ry ollvar a ta le of the aouBlry and o v * t/ fro m the Inaului potaeatlona/lba Ind tv ld u a la who aapirc to tha local and g ta a r a l appqiatm apta wUhln tha g if t of th e new Praaldaa. .ira preparing th e ir t la lm e and alining tlieir (upport. . And, a t th U awd. tkara arc being made t;tbitlj,tloflP o f Job* now nald by Jeaervliyf Oomaero**. but wbioh ruim will l>e la tb * |>oda*ialon o f mora dv .trv ing R e p u b lic a n .

When It enmaa lo tb a r a a tta r of New Jerxey Jobi—th e poalm aB tera in New­ark. jeraay Cliy, T ren to n aa d tbe other laiga cUloa; th e in te rn a l ravenaa col- leetora and h it dapu ttaa . tbo feileral nixrabal. lha d la tr lc t a t tu m e y and to 0)1 down the Hat, Mr. Prrilngbuyaen and Mr. Edge, guided by th a racom- RiaiidatloBf of C oagreaam an In the dia- irleta aftactad, wdll Wxarelae a coalroll-

' ttig tntlueaoa. if the u su a l procadura la follAwad. C ohaaquantly . th a oua Of

llU tK ..., llo to l MlIKm-o w ee . halOad I •'*® •'*•* ’* MUntfyBHlbHin lUrtal, M U bnra, w ere haldad ' , ,— ? d'kmma. d,MeL MAeodlAnoAi

Cortrtptmdentt.TRENTON, Nov. t .—New Jeraay la

thraalined w ith lha loaa o f botwaca trat.O ta and |t* a ,a s a m Ineraaaad ilcanaa chargee for au tam ob llaa of all ly p rt through a lag ta la ttv a m ixup th a t r lv ila any th a t ban accu rrad la tka praaant unuaual aaw lon.

la Saptatabar th a B aaala paaaad tka W hile bill. Balling fo r a h eav y lacrapM In motor rah lc la lloanoa t a a a b u t the H aute yaalarday ra tuaad t* oOBCur In th a t raaaaura. laataatd, t t p u t through a tubatllu ta bill p rov id ing fo r a tw aa ty per cant. Incraaoa, w hich w aa daclarad to be aa tla fae to rr lo th e opponaata of tba W hile bill. Before th la aubatltu ta waa paaaad by tba Houaa th e Sonata adjourned. leaving tha w hole lagtxU- tlon up In Iba a ir.

It w u thought th a t O ovarnor Ud- warda ralghta atop In to th a branch and call a apaclal aeailon of tb a Lagtala- tura to rehiady lha s itu a tio n , but h« said Ibis afiarnooB ha would not do ■0. Tha Oovarnor cla im ed th a t the Sonata » a a co g n isan t b a to ra tt ad ­journed yastarday a fte rn o o n th a t the Ijouea waa abou t to p u t th ro u g h thabin incraaelng thatwenty i>*r c«nl. Initffcdm aaiure th a t called to r m uch haavlarincraaaaa. Ha doubted h i t r ig h t to » l la apaclal aaaslon to ta k a up the

* WaVa he waa rem inded th a t ha called a apaclal aesalon of th* •**‘'*** * * ' ” "■ elder hie appointm ent# to *b» Highway Board and alao lo the Public u tim iea Board. •" a O oTernor replied that ha ballaved ha had a r ig h t to do that, but th a t th la a ltu a tlo n » * • '»*: ferent and th a t ha h a s no r ig h t to c iu a special « - l o n fo r th la purpose

There la one av enue le ll for *••• •** ' to obtain for next y ea r

Man Hunt on Roofs Thrills Onlookers

P t^ e in Night Chue Over BtaW- ings in He«t of City Capture

One of Trio.

Two Others Make IHeir Escape

n ieh aH n g flaabaa * t l ig h t aa*a . . . . through w ladow t of dark en ed rooMg

Jola* E ally^o f 'f tk g lM CBaipnay • " d flgnraa on tha ra o fi of bu ild ings

Many Cooamutert Witncaes Of $21X000 Futaiturc Store Fira

apsNsI laMca of the jrglPXJERBBT CITT. Mar. I .—B w «drs«a • (

New York oommaiara, o a tk a ir w ay -to tba tuba a ta tloa ah arU y k afa ra • a'claok th is a io rn tag w a ra g ltra o ta d ky tba flanaa and a n o k a tk a t w aa laaulag f re n tha O raaa a O a4*p*ar. f tin il- tura atara a t Orov* a n d W n y aa Mraala. Tha tlrw whiok a la r ta e I* th a kaaa- mant la a m ystarlotM M naaaw s ta through lha firs t f ls a f o f tk a bu lld lsg . daitraylag qunatlU as * f s sn tirs ssa * eurtaln i sad w lndaw aha das. T ka dam* tg a Is asUmstad a t |St,SSS, A tWo la tba atoea houaa skaw t tw o w aak s ago causad X dsm sga a t a b a s t ITS.IH .

All tha tira aom pa* las s f th a e lty raspondad to tka oalls an d b y tbIIxbI work pravaatad tk a f l r a frawi tp ran a Ing.No. 4, whIU w arh lag IB tk a baaam ah t w ii ovarcama by sm oka a a d w as tak ea te tha a t y H ospital l a an aBbuIanoe. While an reuta K elly taa ta tad on ra- tum lag to tba flra. an d raa trx ln lng h ta d i had d ifficulty In k a ld in g him la lha smbulaaoa. .

la s t n ig h t by ' th e poHca thoaa m unlatpalltlaa. In both In- atanaaa avldaaca upon w hich th a ar- rusts w urs buaM b ad huan o b u in ad by tha prosaentoT'a s ta f f d u rin g rha la tte r p a rt Of O ctober. In both mu- a ld p a lltla s lh a o f f le la li w are Informed th a t lb s p rosaeu to r b ad au fric lan t a rt- dtnea to w k rra a t Mellon, rugardluus of w kstkar a d d ltlsaa l v io latlona wurs fotiad by th s r a id in g piu’tius, '

I s tb s ra id on th s M illburn B otal, tba police confiacatad fiv e q u a r ts o f hard alM r, one fu ll q u a r t b o ttlo and ona M if filled q u iu t k o ttia o f cordial, eo i- tafailBC, It la sa id , m o rs th a a o a t-h a lt of aws par cant, s f aloohuL w hile la the tor* BallavlUa M loaas. th a t o f P. B. M a aa a t 'W aaklsgton av.anns a a d Hilt s trss t, and th a t o f U r . a a d M ra W alter

: V. Baker, M l i n i l 'a t r a a t , no liquor was f s m d b y d k q r a l d i u p a r ty .

A adpk O. CeUlet, p ro p rie to r s f tha M iU ^ru H otel, w a s a r ra a ta d ok a sh trg a o f v taU U ng lh a erlm as act. sad arslgaod b sfo rs Itao o rd sr ]*allx Ho­lloa la UM H tU kurn F alloa C ourt aad w as h iM la ll.d M k a li ( o r th s g rand Jury. .CoJIlpt p laad sd n o t g u ilty to th s • h s rg a w hich wg# n s d d b y Pollea Csk- t a i l O sarga B ro ira su r , w ho w ith Fo* llosman A lbert N agol a a d R ob trl ITrlgM • s s ^ e t a d tb s raM .

A natgkSd la s t n ig h t b o fo ra Raeordar Vriasa la th a BallwrIUa Poltca Court, Mr. Btlsua aad U r. a a d Kru. B aker w a n Saob p laced i i a d t r I J .d H ball to r Did J*rwd kav iB g w a lv ^ ^ x -

r a td In th a t ' ta w s was byg C hief n y n a . B argaaat

. ----------- AndorgsaVrirta.

MsdnsM* byg Chief n y n i WarL PatrahsHM dorham ai MMi

bom Hudson bn Liquor Charge

‘tii *4 apssla l t ra l la y o ar, th irty -tw a <bl|gg bsoim ra an d b a r ta a d a rs from Js r- ssy a t r , B ayoaaa, a* d o th e r Jludaua OM my (owaa. th o f i r s t g ro u p In the kbM I M a i f b iy tw o r to o p lly tkdlutad

I by tbo (adsra l g ra n d Ju ry on lllagai said of IU|»ar e b a rg a a w ord b fa ttgb t to tb s OBtlsd B ta tss tH s lr lo t G o sn this

_ ) s m a g n i* * “ ' -itb a rs can • a rra lg fit »t g u ilty , la 1

aftasBoen. T b sr w ars arraignad bsfsrsIdrnok. u t s r o tk o n e a n a , n s k

Ikg ibo to ta l B um bsr a i r s l f f io # n tty thtso. A ll p laadsd * ‘ "p rM rtsto ra w ars tMtd MUdThdrUM

ihHo, A ll p laadsd n o t _p rts to ra w ars tMtd la |l ,d d « bait aaeh

_ J lK r t* n d s rs In f t H .Baaok w xrrnali wSrs l o r tp d W k "

thsia two gaptlcm an.FrasM aat t s a l s la S ra a isra .

In tb* appo in tm en t of men a n i women to federal pool I tons of local or sla te Importance, th e ap p o in tin g powuc, which Is the P rasig o n t. looks to ihs recommendation m ade by th e Intareiteil Beustora. T his p rac ttcu g ro w s out of th s provision o f tb s C enatU uilon whlrh provide! for ap p o ln tm an ta by the Presl- dani with lha a d r lc a and consuni of the Banata, T ha pow-ar o f the Individ­ual de ia lo re h a t re a lly baenme a power to sclacti If th e P re a ld en t should Ir- aorr, euy.'M r P 'raltnghuyaen . In a Natv Ja rtsy appointm ent— w hich, of courte, ha will not—U r. F ra lin g h u y a en has th.> weapon of "ftenatorlu l cou rtesy ." Th.s would bring ev ery o th e r Senxior lo hl.v aide and the n p p o ln tm an t would he re­jected. Bti, th la v e to pow er sc tu illy amounts to Iba pow er to talecl.

Mr. H arding In a s tic k le r fpr ihe righ ts o f tha B anata hi Its ralnllotie with the B ie e n tlv a a n d It la tlierefere to ba axpaeted th a t . In appolnlm enle, ha win give fu ll e a r a n d th a controlling voice to tha B anatora tram the a tx u i which bappang to b a affec ted by the appointment.

Beth Mr. r ra l ln g b u y u e n xud Mr. B dta a re pursonal aa w all ns otflclnl friends of lha P raa ld sftt-s lec l. Prob­ably Mr, F ra lin g h u y a en la cloxsr then la Mr. Bdgf. Tha a an lo r B anstor It oee of fo u r.o rifiv a maenbora o f Ihe Bensla who haVa accom panied Mr. H ard lcg to Texas. They a re c ro n laa on lha golf course. Bo. It la to b a axpaolad. that both of New Ja rsay 'p B anatora will have eonalderohla In fluanco In m xttara of local apd ganara l p a tro n a g e .

h la y s t to ba s s t t la d bow U r. Edge knd Mr. P re lln g k u y sa * w ill a rraaga the Naw J tra a y . p a iro im g a bat ween Ibam. Tharu artlt h a v e to be a w erk- Ing ag taem aat o r a r ra n g d tn e n t for dlvt- alon of th a upollo I f c laohca e ra to ba avoided, in th o n a tu ro o f 'th in g s each of tkodl w ill ba b e s o t by coaflteting f to ln a ond m o rs tk sw one# thoy will I^Ts d ifferen t n o tio n s na to tbo te ln -

u 'r sn m tn s to bo aooB. too, w hather tha kassrda o f p a tro n a g o w ill have an r offset In b f ta g tn g fa rw a rd w hatever euppresaed riv a l|1 a a I k s r s m ay ba l» - twaen Ihk taro • s n a to r s aa le tha laadafsbip o f ih o Itopn k tlco n party In Mew larway. W M Ia n s i tk a r ona o f them kaa .b aaa hoard to a d m it h ou t laud,

~ kpvo Iho leado rab lp ambition' oktto * llkoiy spacolatlon-

fuedi'provi^dad under tea Motor Vehicle C om m licloner I*U1. m itead of liau lng hla l» 2 l *'‘:*''***, ^*‘ gii.nlng Decambar 1. »a la h la cu tto . could poatpona tha a ia r t ln g d a y until December II . th e day a f ta r t*>» nest acwlon of lha L a g lila tu re . 'lelaywould undoubtedly raan lt In unlold can- fusion, b u t i t w ould bo th a m y n a of th . S la t, f a t t in g t h .If tha Houaa bill la posaad by the Ben s;e. Then n g sln In th la connactlon Mr Din has no a s su m n e a s th a t tn s Saiiata w ill pass tho WU • • ‘J and If Ih ti happens tl w t 1 pu t h la da- psrim anl away bahind In Un 'v y k .

Th® IlouM Ju^lH ^ry eam tm U M h*WC ion* hearing ola hill of Banxlor C h a r l.a C. '* h lU ot.VtlSDtlo County. Increaalng the licensechsritea on tha b a e l.with cipoclxl X trantlon t i molo.trucks, on Ihe g round th a t theme cxueamaat of t h . dam ageThib. a f te r a w ntt oflength, a quorum w aa secured aad tbaHouse want In to aaaslon.

One A l lha f irs t a cU of th e body was b> recRVa ad d adkpt I re p o rt e f 1 ^ Judklary cow m ltU e on lh a automoolla fee laglalatten , T h la tha farni of a corom tttaa aubatltu tp (or tha W hite bill. T he oom w H tae tub- elllute killed the p ro p o ia l fo r Incrtaaod tees on a horaapow ar b as is and prO- vldsd a borlaon tal ra le s o f tw enty par cant., which would ta k a In all types of

Following tho adoption of ihe repoi.. ■ha Houaa paaaad Ih raa apeelxl appro­priation b ills th a t h ad gone througn tha Bonate. pu l th ro u g h a b ill by Aesamblyman W allw o rth of Camde.i. olarlfytng an Inauranea ac t paaaad two yadrs ago. nod lla lenad w hile U ajorlly lAsder H arahflald andaavorad to obtain unsnlmous consent fo r xn xmendBient to th is yexr'e ch lropm cO e ac t, only to have It tn rneil dow n by Aaeembly- msn Fooder Of Qloucontor. n physician,

gakstitw ie B ill Moved.Then tkera cam s from the Senate .t

cnscuiraBt roaolullno . a lread y adopted there, providing fo r an ndjnurnm enl of ths tw<a bodies u n til 11 A. M. on De­cember 14. I t w ss a f te r th is had been accepted th a t the com m lttaa substllu ie tor tha m nier vehicle b ill w as moved for pxsisga.

Mr. H ershnald , x l chairm an of the Judiciary cnm oiittao and aponeor of the suhsiltute. explained tk n t It hart been .Iscldad upon by th a com nilttea follow ­ing the hoarltig . and ntfrtert th a t It meant an Inoreaee In th e revenue from

Extra Police Sent To WaM Street

TlireBti by RB<lica!i Declared Caute of Actioii by Police to

Protect Fiaincier*.

Apartment House U Watched

NEW TORK. Nov. I —T w an ty -flra additional pa tro lm an . partanA lly Mlaciad by Chief lu ap ac to r Lnkay a fte r a conference w ith Pollco Com m laalonar KnrIghI, today w ere d latrlbu tad throughout lha flnnncla l d is tr ic t to guard flnenclara and n u x n c ln l InelUn- lloni.

While official anoo u n cam an t w ss Iscking St potics h e a d q u a rte rs . It was understood Ihle action w as tak en ba- cauir of th raala a lleged to have bean made at recant secre t m ee tin g s of radl- exls. At the sam e tim e, th e d rtec tlv s force 111 ihs W all B traet d la trlc t w as Increseed.

T h , additional fo rce haa been made a permanent detail. Not only w ill Its membrri stand guard over tha Sub- Trcsiury, Block B ic h a n g e and banks and brokerage houaaa, b u t It will keep a protecting eye on p rom inen t Wall Bireet flgurci and alao W atch meaaan- grre s ! they c a rry aecu rltlaa through the etreeta.

Special In ttru c llo n a Issued lo the police detalla te p e rm it no p ark in g of viihicl-t served to raca ll lh a "death waqoti" w llch f igu red ao prom inently In the w all Btraet rx p la iin ti la s t flep- trmber. In which nenely i ‘vn ecor- pr'"- •ene were killed and I t* Injured. It was In thle w agon th a t n buinu was believed lo have been placed.

At local head tiuarlar# o f lha D epart­ment of Ju itice , o ff lc la li profaased Ig- noraitca of any th ra a tu w hich would caue* the sdd ltlanal police p racautlons.

At the Santa lim a tlust th e polloa ao- tl«n bacanta know n. CommlsalonaT of

.In m lg n iio n WxlUu a t S1U» l* ta n 4 .M - nouncad th a t ha h ad raootvwd Infotm k- tlqk from agan tu o f lh a N athartand* OOTsrnmant th a t "B o lshav lk ag ita to rs arm bahlltiff fo * ' A m ciiea ,- a ttb a ip tln g to trib e mam bars o f th a evuvru to gain iheir adm ittance e i th e r a s aaaraan or etswaways.

"It was upon such advices th a t I leaued a new ru le fo r tospactlob of I t- conlna ahipi. re q u ir in g tha crawa to

d hi

iContliiUod oil Id p a c e , t d co lum n.)

be Insprclaii before th a paoBangOrU." de­clared Mr. W tllta , w ho aald ha had learned radleala w era m a k in g R o tte r­dam their port Of sm b a rk a tto n .

No sla tam ent w a i fo rth co m in g from pnllca officulu n t to w h o th a r Ibera was any connection b e tw een today 's uo- Hnn und th a t of la s t n ig h t, when a heavy detail w as se n t to g u ard s F ifth svenoe apartm ent house In w hich lived Mrs. Edith V anderbilt. E llh u Root. Mur­ray OutsuniMlm nnd o th e r w ell-know n fanlUa* This d s ta ll w a s diapstehad on receipt nt a bomb w a rn in g tolaphonad Is lha hossa by an u n ld an tlflsd woman.

Tha telaphona c a ll w a i raealved by the apartm ent kauaa la lapkona opam tor who told polloa tha w om an Inquired If Ur. and Mrs. V an d erb ilt w era home aad when told th ey w are not. said It was a "good thing*' baennse they would have no homo When th ey re lum ed t t "ws are going to blow up th a building tonight."

Th! caller than r a n g o ff Tha lela- phont girl tr iad to t r a c e the num ber but got no raaolta.

sllhauattad against th s blaok sky In lha block bounded by M alberry , Ucavar and Market atraata and Baaax Court, kept a throng of apoctalo ra In tnuoh with tha movamanta o f a aquad *f pollcaman and dalactlvan engaged I* n man hunt for an hour nnd a h a lf laa t n ight In th a t group of build ings.

Tbe onlookara mlaaad tk a th rllld* s f the n ig h t Thay did no t know tb s t tka m an sg tr e f s atora In ona o f tb a kn lld- Inga, lying In wait fo r th iavsa w ho had bean praying on hla p roperty , had baen mat In a dark hallw ay by a polloam an who th rust a ravolvar a g a in s t hla chest and commandfd him lo th ro w up hla b a n it as hs w ractad from h it g rsap an aulom atle ravolvor. N olthar d id thay wltnaai a tpao lao u lsr o ap tu ra on a low root, hidden from vlow on tbo at rest by a ta lle r build ing In fron t.

For soma tim e back th e N ew ark EU ctrlcsl Supply Company. I l l M arket at real, haa bean hav ing ro h b a rlea a Fred Rost, general m anager, look It upon himself lo try lo b r in g to an end lha loai hla com pany « * • suatalning. W ith tw o m em bars of hla lores, ha planned to cap tu re th e Ihle'vai. He rigged “ P » pow erful electric light Itt th e re a r of the building, lo th a t It would th row a flood of light on th ! fire sacap ia and la the ■pace between adjo in ing build ings. Then With s revolver In h ts hand ho lay In watt on the eecond floor.

He had not long lo walL Bhortly befors 10 J* o'clock he heard ateps on the (Ire escape. Three dorm s could be discerned passing lo an upper story. Quietly h« reached fo r a lelaphone and summoned Ih i police. Then he lit lha powerful light and w aited f o r . the thlevea lo attem pt lo puss th rough the light, covering the fire escapes w ith his revolver.

Deteetlvea Aiassh Dost.A moment or eo la te r a polloa patrol

shot down M arket a traa t from Broad Btraet and at tha eamc tim e, racing lo the spot, the h eadquarters car, w ith Delecilvei O'Gara. C orb lll and (FUon- nor, arrived by way of M ulberry s trse l. a a rg tsn t H cL sulh lln and Patro lm an Dannsbaum. M offett. Bebuman, MoOes, Lackey and Bohl lu i rounded tfce bu ild ­ing. The detectives sm ashed dow n the front door and rushed In w ith ravolvar* drawn. Dennebaum uccom panlsd them. On the s t i lr s he law a form moving toward him. Ho flaahed hla lig h t and commanded the maa to th row up hla ban d s

As the irm i w ent up, th e patro lm an grabbed e l the revolver In the man'e hand. Patrolm an Bchuman w ss In an alley slonuside Ihe building and cov­ered the men on the e ta irs from ou t- ' side. Depnebaum took h im down to the detectives, whs racoimlxad him s s Rost. The man hunt then began.

Every avenue of escape waa guarded hy s patrolm an with d raw n gun. B lart- Ing from the bottom . Ihs dataetivas. with Bergeant McLaughlin and Danna- hainm Igsrehed each room and h iding place. As they passed th ro sg h Ihs building, l lg h iln f saoh room nioinsn- tg r llr with th*lr flashlight* , the crowd outside grew larger. T ra ff ic w ss d l,- ruptsA ths siroet w as a cen te r of spec- ta to ra

Js inps *a Captnee r* g tU v a .The hunt iBXlda the build ing w as un­

successful. so the b lusco a ts and de- teellvei dlm bed to the roof. Thoy stepped from ona lo n no ther of th e closely Joined b u ild in g s exam ining chimneys and skylight*. B u n d in g on th s root of ths electrical company building, McLaughlin saw a eruuchad form behind a •m oke s ta ck oa tha lower root next door lo n build ing oo- cuplad by tbe Evening Newt. He sum ­moned Dennebaum. who droppsd to th a roof and captured the fn g U lv s a nliia- tean-yaar-old boy. Thay b ro u g h t him to tho alreBt and to the F irs t P recinct tkstlon Houia, when the hun t ended a few moments later.

111! name, he said, w as W alter J.

Two Killed! end Many Hurt In Florence Election Riot

PDORENCK M«y. V ^ -iu rto H rf*Hn« with two doatht rog«niBg from a bomb axpIoslOD ooogrroB boro wbon Ubarols patagad lo oalobrollon of Ibolr victory la tho munlolpol olaotlooA Tbo pnroBO elMhog with BoolollgU k>d k bomb woo th rg m . k illing tsro porooM and wounding slxltoa, Inoloding tbrao ««r> kbtxiar*.

TURIN, Nov. t ( •> .—» davologod yootorday thot tho m tnlolpal olootloM U Turin had roiultod to a BoolnUat vl*. lory by a m ajority of ft* votoo.

HUJUf, Nov. • (M).—Tho BooUllota nnd Cammuntata wara vletorlons in lha municipal alaotlona by a m ajority of about 4,*M votaa

PALERMO, Nov. t (Ml.—Tba Boalal- lilg wara eomplatsly daf*atad In Iba municipal alaotlona

OBNOA, Nov. I <P>.—Tha ConaUtU- tloaalUta wars vlctorisns Is th s ma- nlclpal otaotlona having rasalvad t t ,- tM votsa u against I.TM for tbo Be* eUUsts aad AN* for tha Calhollea

NAPUBR Nov. » (ML—Tbo CanoUta- tlonaltolg won by n m ajority of aboat l*,M t la tho municipal aloetloaa of Sunday. Only forty par ooat of tbo alacioro vutad.

Would Bar R oo^ Out of

L e a g u e F o e i B d i e v e d B t c

P r o p n g a n c h A i m e d a t F o r - v

I r o e r S e c r e t a r y .

H o l d i n g V s r i i n e e C h i o i l

Effort Made to Show dwt Protf dent-Elect sad Root Do Not *:

Agree oo the Treotjr.' *Ct ■

Caod) ToDi Questioo IbvoItb4

Raymond Requests Showdown on Gas

Suggests to Puhlic Service thit Sonething It Wroog io Its

Manufacturing Procew.

Besides Reduction of Heat Units

Acting on a suggealion th a t poaalbly tha m athodi u iad by th a Public Barvtea Oaa Company In m an n fae tu rin g Ita product a r t fau lty , and th u s are the cauaa of Iba troub le com plained of by houiaholdarn. D lrtc to r Raymond of lha D aparim ant of S tra a tt and Public Im - provam anta today cn lltd upon lha com ­pany to m ake aa Invasllgatlon of Ita own m anufacturing procaaa.

Chief Bnginaar B herrtrd atalad to tha director, a t tha w eekly conferaaea of b u rsas heads, th a t ha did so t ba- llrva tha raduollon o f th a h ea lin g value of lha g o i from t t* to * ) l B rldsb therm al un its w ss tb a aola cauaa of the poor service th a t baa bean tha su b ­ject of num erous eom plaints. Mr. Bherrerd sta ted th a t am lnant an g ln ta rs oxparloncad In g a i m aaufactu ra are on rvcord sa s ta lin g th a t tha m ere reduc­tion In the heating quallly ahoutd not give trouble, providing household ap- pllancaa are adjuatad to lha new s ta n d ­ard of gxx He declared th a t re p o ru from Boaton, w hsra l i t B. T. U. gaa la aarrod tha people, ahow fa irly oatli- faolory raaults. They do no t hava an y ­th ing Ilka lha Iroub la th a t haa baen occaalonad In th is c ity , ha said.

It was tba chief qmglB***'* (koBifei th a t possibly aom athlng la w rong w ith tba process used b y P ublic B srvlss In m aking Its f a a Th* dty*«t*r Umn dictated lb* I s t t t r . B*v*rtl w**k* •g o tha City Commlaalon daclarad ttca lf dIa- aatlaflad w ith th a r a iq lla of tba radue- ilon In tha h ealing valua o f tha gaa, and ordered the LAW D opartm ont to file w ith tho Public UUlltlea Com m ti- alon a com plaint, accom panied by a request th a t moaauraa bs taken t* give houtaholdsrs rs lltf.

lUymawd’a Latte*.Ur. Raymond'* U tU r to th* PuMlo

Service follow*:" It It perfectly evident th a t tb * gk*

now furnlabed tha c ity under tha low er therm al un it iliindard allow ed by tha Public U tility Commlaalon, a a d w hich It wa* underaiood your o ip a rU had atalad would give aa tlefac to ry aarvloc lo tha elllian* a t ta r prupar ad jaa tm en t of tha burner*. I* not g iv ing eattstne- lion nar I* the ad ju itm an t of burner*

Pna, Hu Wm*4ni««s Esrm* «f Ik* § fm :JTI-Vg KKWa. „

WABHINOTON, Nov. Tr*gl Mife d**c* that ha* baan aaeum alatlag *1*# Ia*t Thurmlay It I* b*ll*v«4 la capital ts4ay that a Baflulla gaada ha* baaa laaa«b*d by tb* Mgb publican opponaol* of tha Loagg* Nation* ta h**p lEliha Root fiwm hM (|i Ing th* Cabin*! of P r*a ld«at.* l*^ Harding g« g te r tu ry «r gtat*. Tiig driv* 1* ^ll*v*d lo hnv* tba Mig of tha blltar-andara Ilk* Jo h aaw f; Borah, aad aoma of th a ir a*xt the b ltta r raaervatlonlata.

Bom* of tha publicity WhMi b i f coma out of Marion aad W a c h ln g t^ •Inca tba aleetloa «f H r. H arding M lb porta ta show tk a t Hr. H ardlag aRX Hr. R*ot have aot bean la aMOtg abHM tha acrapplag of lha tr a a t j ; th a t MX’ Root ha* urgad ag a ln it *crapglnc l4 and Mr. Harding la raprooaatad kg bsi*^ Ing baan Irritated and au t of pattosqH with tha BUpport which Hr. Root b4tr given lo tha Wllaen eovanant

All of which l i cltq^ to dom nnattslg. that Mr. Harding wit) not N laat (gg gaoralary of gtgto a man srltk wbOBi hg I* out agraamant on Iba mont v tM quaatlon of tha new adm lnl*traM |*' Tha blit*r-*ndar* argue th a t now w i |I ■on ba* baan lucceiarully dlapogsS ^ thair next job I* to dlxpob* of l ib Rooi. * ft;

W hether Mr. Harding will lga*r«Root ramain* t* ba dlaoloosg. BiS what li the tact t* th a t tha bltt*r-< at*, under tha abl* direction of i Oaerga Harvay, hav* not afoot Holly propaganda to dtaqualMg HE Root for tba Harding CnblaaL g g ^ ■pokaaman of tha btilar-andar* ax till- N*w Torn Sun and tha Boaton Trab! ■crlpt h a r t larved 'nolle* on tb* publican chieftain* th a t If Root polatad S*or*tary Sf g tats,Tsssrv* Ihs right lo objoct, aad I llsv*d that o tbsr peworful nawapapsr* la tba W sits ra { ooontty wmiU l«Uow *m i

Thtr* I* no *g*uran*s in any IbaLM L llnodlgg wBgtg My. '

• f i r - * -


S**r*tyry •gran t* thgi iMomtgry of bjai*.

tat* gMd tb*r* I* a* Hr. Root want* tg-

U. bggth a t Mr. R o o t ' bsralBml a ^ t C T 1 most Rspqblloan s ta tssm an of tb a i try , h as u * oall-fo r th* p la e a I tx lb f r than 1st w h a t l i today on ly a prgin> b illty bs tra n ila ta d in to a fa« l tifb b lttsr-an d sr* hava In tllaU d th* caik^ paign to show th a t Mr. H ard in g Mpf' Mr. Root ar* In such dl**gr**nMg|: MH only on ths tsa g u s lu u * b u t at*o on th* qu«stlon of P an am a C anal 4 * ia th a t a Cablnat ap p o ln tm sn t l i o n t a t . qu*iilon.

Sanator H xrd tng r*p*atad ly b * » - | d a re d In Ma cam paign apaaUha#,-' favor o f free lojta to r Am arloan In tha canal, aitd ha I* now th is a s one a f lha v u ts la a d ln g of M* ad m liils tra tlan by m ak tag a trlR of Inspaetlon In c a a a l w n ttr* p ro v in g to hi* Inaugura tion . The RspublMiip p la tfo rm also d s d a r s s to r tr* s tolH> Tb*

IgHMad g » « tbM iB*rgltig by HkmkgJd Q u lg a .O lb b o g j* g # » s * l& g •■« D*t*iq4iv* IM*g g ( W atam iu r «b r v*n’* offiM 'la Hgdg*g,0«<mtr, ^

Aaiegg thot* aa rv td -wqtg VtMor n iw ri. T rank Rgtnqfw. ’CEnuUn* T«h*« *ad J*bn ^ s n i . *t »*'**SW« Frtdm iok vr*hH knb ^ , '^ • ‘2* “ U- J*hg Lola W llllagi ’ r ta lL Rgntmtl* Prlpowteo. ro rd lnand Ealhsr, <p>*rl*»R*lhir.,Tb**4*fo »»« W * 0*f>f«rt. all of W sat p tw T**k. .

.oib«r* w are IN#* 0*»rtrii *Tut btk hnrtondar, RMhaiM Hwwlitbbl. Tboituw <mri*a. Tbmti** to ;gslt aH4 W bgrt t*n««r, O a o r^ *

rtgl Rdrthaa U u r hi tb* - .

wW* imMo. t w t« « l lutinn* tgM rgoni wkrvant* w*yg lgra*d m ttwMio Ooggtr ♦flN*l*k U Imia i»*«iANewark tor a r ra lg n m rj* » th*l» *wa

------------ WltM

{Sg gdiltgfo # t > i « r a * g# Jg

thane rlvn lria t pgrbap* mora

¥ b a t ta ' an ­il fg r tb itr w ttb tn fh i

___ i*nt a* thlaIMWkllM tk tba

Rmh*.will b* .

_____ e t g a ir* g k * t.b tb gy 'km taU B «b » * CW ngH il . ' ''

# fU f lg |*gg<£SdlM »d In tbg kV atnO M g1«bw> iMrty bMWHnir t T S T t o g Wigg i g u tbny wtii llr* t g f gH k b rb to f * i .B Rmrktng nr-NktolgMmt With te a tg Cbnlwfinft Btok—


Why Are Sodas Still Twenty Cents?W l l h S u g a r a n d C h o c o l a t e M u c h O i e a p e r T h a n T h e y W e r e ,

H e r e I s t h e R e a s o n a s G i v e n b y M e n W h o S e l l T h e m .

«r, 0*or«g O w t.'g n ;A f Jfetigy ^(wa*t Bneiy'i Soo’: Aiipobled U.S.Conis»»ooer

by IbC A gib!A t hav ha wie.

tygiigiji Ml«gN b * * g g j A s tb o r ltta w a * ^


AA* MiMikt*L‘*U»4 Bhrt** Commfi*l*n*r tgdgy byVnllaB *U ia* W «»f - ------- * " ‘—

M d ia w n M 1. intndiMBty'bsi ( trm o f Ptrfc*V. W iavy

> 1^ riot Roil

lamnif M tgsl ( ( r m 'K r* WTrutt n ig fr. and a

«*S|* J>l4Mr|nt*d

_____ ______. . . . Court .JnilftHl.^ . :» < U a w .* R « R H M a b ^ a M f 't r a lSmT tB UgnMOrtnty- H* <■ ajaiwn*

Cocon powder, th a 'p r in c ip a l In- gredlant uaad In th e m ak in g of choco- laia i j ru p * n t *oda foun talna. I* now olmoet a d ru g on th e m nrkal, having fallen from tw e n ty - tw o cen ts a pound lo eigh t can ts In a y sa r.

B u iir la now a lm o st w ith in rsaeh of every on t. h av in g fa llen to th irteen csnla a pound wUoleaat* from tw anty-(ive oenta In tw o m onlha.

W ith theao f a d * now an open t rU a isc ra t, the *v*raga so d a hound **d III* fa ir lady aceotnpllca a re wondorlng tha w hyi xnd w harafo raa o f th# tw enty-

'* F o r* th 'a tw an ty -c* n t nod* la Mill w ith ua and bldn fnl* to rem ain, for * while a t lanot. T h e dlapanaar** Mda I* In ta rtitln g . K nu t conooHng.

In w lta u f lh a f a l l In th e prle* o f , sugar and co co a a *m*H raduotlon In la K r COM* nnd lnor«n**d pntroim g* d«a *om« »»y. to prohlbU lon, tb* avsr- ag e 'daalar J* N ew ark , aeeordlgR to kt* .toryTl* Ju»t h«r*ly ab l* to lim p g l * ulu d kMP tb * w o lf fro m th * door. Ik fact It It wgin*t th k t m o re paopi* ar*d rink ing •***• * I* L a* * i2 !pa would n u t b* ab l* to thnk* MM*

”*.7ho w aungor ®f *"* Pl*«* • •■troot « b * i* tkoM pnS * B* Bgtig to attOioh tho lr tb t r* t gnd to i i^ k te . gS a v in g fo r d g lb ty er**MV*- S J i S r m id today tb * i i t H ourprlolog' w i ^ g iip g ll p ro f i t gecroau to hipi from • • • BlAiM ** HlB* !*• • f * ? " '

TPlo ninp niaim * B* naan a blgb*r e n d * ortMO. ornghad fritH . otb*r tngrqdto^u tb** th* tigB* bgg

M B * . « V

" “i b i M-lh b« w m in m nklgg l £ j n ^

iT. Iho m aoufM tgf# of_bld ft* M ^ * « » « • ‘Mtbmdn

tbo w*t*r w ith

gf. flH; l*g*b*«rica /

marble counter o f a aoda More can hgvo failed to notice tho nonchalant manner In which tji* w hite coated In­dividual behind iho counter tpsieo Slide Ihe fragm en t* o f g lssie* ha brtaka, and thay a r e m any, according to thi* m anager. Thi* one store, ha •aid, naea tw elve b arre l* of glastd* a year, du* to b roakage. Many of thaee g liil** , h* ta ld , cost a* h igh a* th irty e*nU *ach, and on a n averag* of l i . t t a d*MB.

-In f lg n r ta t bl* p ro f t iy tb t* m anager **y* ha m ust ask tw ice a* much for • ■od* or iundna *■ t t coal* him In In. gradient*, l i t* auda h* aalle fur Iw tn ly cant* oo«t* him t*n ra n t* to make. Olharwipa, ha t* u n ab le to meet h li ovsrhoad and malo* a vary amall profit, t Tbt* man omphaMsco th* fac t th a t •h ly lb* m ilk w hlob raglalor* th* hlgh-

In b i t t e r t a t an d tho low att la bnetll t* n**d la bl* otor*. Thi* eaa b* dona b* t a y a an d s t i l l m o k t tb* nominal p rofit ho asok*.

Thor* lo only on* a n tw er, h* aald. to tho otovon-cont soda* oold by eompatl- to ra TJwy oanpot poooibtr b* mad* of tbo hIghaM grndo In g re d la n ta Evan th* ttfU M n-otat oa**. ho •a ld ,.* r* In- (origr. H ia d o ftaao o f th* tw o n ty .e tn l •odn. thoa. i* tk g t a aoda o aaa* t poosl- U r W iHwihMeB f a r to**, t t th * b**t l » tn d h ip u ohU M abl* a r* u itd .

Anpthgr i f i j i l « tr* * t d**l«r, w h* p g S lM f Uim **da fo n a ta t* With hi* in g M U rg , b u t w h * doo* ««4 awnr* le t gfglgL Mil* hM In* «r*aml*** * ^ (*r *)***• aw taivrfM g lag e ta Im p lg b* Jn*t WltbUi th* (PbiVtai u f p raftL

.Tg d*U m tB * ib n 4»st o f h i* anda. iwMbar d n t m an H guro* th a t hi* Iggaig ta Hggt no t Aost him tu ^ v f in * p*r ••*» , * f w *

^ q rh ap I t *xo**d* tbU .th* prinp o f b is 4M «te Mpw tb s t

____ ' an d ggigw h iig hav* qamo .Bp p b ,h* m jrt.’ h f g( h ^ a e a ig w u h lr H tv n f g # w*g«k«> « r m i b*. . . EL...

th* M sil *r-

y b * tw « |l |Hr B r i u S

A gM H ltoto believe would ba had from *uoh ad- I tho U nited gtal** an d Juitm ent. Thla tre a ty prov id ing fqg

"The reaulla a re to fa r from boing | conM ruotlon of lha c a n a l r*plpg*4 Ihg those predicted th a t I would call upon f previous C laytan-H *ilw *r trpBtg, your company a t once to m ake a tbo r- 1 whlob provided fo r Joint o o n s tn e ttg g uUKh Inveetigatlon of th is m a tte r and and control of th * c c u l by lb* t « g

Isane ovor Panam a toll* grow * giltReilly, and he gavs his address s s 11} ' ^Tving th ir r e s u l t the c itlse n i w are led . o f th e H iy -P a u n e e to le traggll b*tw<Howard ilre s l. At f i r i l he said he ...................... ‘ . -------- ' ------ *went to the roof to ileep^ bu t la te r he mads A sta tem ent to the police te lling of the attajnpt lo rob.

Early In tha evening, ItelMy eald, two men euggeeted Ihxl hs foliow them.He said he did not know the men. He followed throUKh Essex ITourl. and ii)) the fire escape. He w as to be Ihe iDOk-out, lie said, bu t becam e scared when hs beard the pollcs. and ran through the building to th e roof, where hs hid.

Hyalery la Eoenpe a t Two.IfivesllgallDn by the delec ilve i

showed that Ihs th ie rea en is rsd the elaefrlcal company build ing th ro u g h a third floor window. W hat becam e of them then lo s till a m ystery . Rost is certain they could not have gone down the fire escape again, while he w atched, without being seen, Tha detectives are of the opinion th a t the pair hurried acrojo roofs a t tha t i n t sound of the police and aacapaii by m eana of t ire as- capes somewhere In tha block. A rap which m ight hava been w orn by oaa of tha thieves w as found In the re a r of the Lyrlo Theater.

Ballly was held In ball forgrand Jury notion today by Jud g e Q uig­ley In the F irs t C rim inal C ourt on a c h a r ts of break ing and en tering .

A r r e s t 1 5 7 M e n i n R a i d o n

A l l e g e d B a y o n n e P o o l R o o m

gpMsI geiTto* o f u T N i i r g .DkTONNR, Nov. I.—A cting Chlof of

Police Daniel F, Cady, a c tin g C kptalp of DstectlTO* W ltllkai B. C lark* and Oo- tacllv* Palrleb Donovan yootordar raided an allagad pool room a t tb* Baj'Don* pnrh . a oabnrat and raa- tanrant, a t tb* R oulovard and F ifty - firs t *ir**l. and arroo lsd t t f men th*r*. Racing charts war* about th a plao*. lb* roonlt* o f th* race* being raoaiv td uxor a tvam i Itlophona wire*. Chief Cady. Clark* and DonoOan h ad litti* tionbi* fo ttln g In and non* of th a m tn tried to oacap* w hen to ld thoy war* ukd*r a rro it. They war* tak « n to poll"* boadquxrlor* la tk* au to patro l* .

NorvkI BU iivalt o f 1» W m r o r ty - tb lrd ftrao t and C barlM B. Roeb* of t i l e agglovard. Joragy City, altngod to b*

o f (Big plao*. w gt* hold In

3 $ r ea i r .

Iho owner*lU M ball *Mb. --------------- -----------ta ln lag a d iM rfw If b a i^ L H er* J b a n

argqd w jth n a ln - la g a dIaarSatIf b * i ^

IH « r th* pMb w ar* from H«w Tartr.

i J S i l l i » W f W , - t Sr t Ui ------------ a* bfgK-M

*r* u .* w rr;rMrtU*.

‘a i

to i t« ; ^.toe

•ag r oonOWag____.-tba m m m m r wag j iH I p

^ Tito *balp gtoig llMMdrfdg M H m b . t a (top m m

— -----------------* » .j» toitw n g k .t*"''**

to ^ to t f i i


T b ip would tfgyo t to tb# a tm iig lt a t *; nil* B U tlm . J a rp ty C Itp, by tu b * gnd thou bar* bp JttPar* . m o tb * » tf|w* f m n Hobakag. Jatwop CRp. N aw ark aud WoaA Naw Turk,

Tbaa* who MUR tb a r war* from Maw- ark gav* tb*(y

paukto thilliiaauB OgBBtradll. kaWM*4rf took M r g M i i ^ p ^ b to d q M rte rtMM. paitag ■aapftSjgit'. awwlt o r a ^ .

to advise me If there Is not som ething radically wrong In Ihe method of m anu- fsetur* of gas now being oupplled or w hst can b* reasonably enpectsd la the near fu tu re In th* w*y of Im prov­ing lha eltuatlpn now • l i s t in g "

Tumulty Seems Likely To a Customs Judge

Probably Will Be Nameil lo Court of Appekls Before Thii Ad-

nuniatritton Ends.

Negotiating for CapitiJ Houie

Fr«« (»• Neehinffoa Buna* sf Me g yp-K ina h'flirg.

WAdHlNOTON. Nov. » .^ o s * p h P. Tum ulty, aaoretnry to Pr**ld*nt 'Wil­son, probably w ill b* appointed a Judge of th* Unltod 8 ta t* i Court of Cuotdmi Appeal* bafor* the e tp lre llo o of the present •d m ln litrs tlo n . Thle repo rt hae been In c ircu la tion fo r n couple of d ay i and aa yet no official oonttrm a- Uoa can b* obtained e ith er a l the W hite Houae or In o th e r •d m in e tm llo n el n i t* .

Confirmation o f th* boltot th a t Hr. T um ulty p lans te o u y In W nablngtun ■ft*r H«r«b 4, how oror, 1* found In th* fac t th a t h* I* a* g o tl* tln g fo r lh a pu r- oh*** of a baia* a t K atoraaaa road and Tw onllotb a traa t. Tb* bona* In quaatlon w aa buOt and oaouplod by lb* lat* AloxsndoF •hophord , w ho w aa Mayor of tb* DlM riat a t C aliunU a th ir ty yaar* ago. H a aoqulrad aa tto n n l (am* ao "No*a" H iapbard. lit gonnaRUan w ttb bl* p lans fo r tb* im p ru raa tan t of th* eap ital otty.

U r. T am ullp b M M t o ta tM p a t w b a l bl* plug* (o r tb* fu tu r* a n . la g n tw a r to qiMrt** b* tp T a rtab lr bad aa ld th a t h* waa But la a poglllon to pobH aly d ia-

' ^ • t o " h a * lM*a a Ta«aB«y to tk a Cpkri a f C na tm w AMHMla *ta*g ta* t i tn * . a r to i f to to i t M. Jdogtggimonr. tbg

uidMI g« a. l igitokt* boat, tt to dltoa t 4M bD b dgrtito kk a t

*l74awftoai*g to


liM I

m .

I Ota aatraaa g f tka piM(H tM M tbd'toto a j m i p g b**r 43aln | I t r to a

b -T hwi.: a t th a n * to t

'a a iad ' '« •( to Ato* '•

nation*. .-i ,One of th* provision* of th* (tito

treaty waa for equality o f rightq to ue* nf the canal, and It la nontontod I p Britlah slatetm en knd hy Mr. Itoot fkttt this proviso li carried over In to -tlm Hay-Paunerfote treaty. Phllandor 4), Knox, as Seoretary of State. *ae deavored to seeure B ritish acqateooaato In a prepoMt for (rt« u*o o f tb* npaiil by Amorlotn coeotwlse ihlpa, but kU of forts were blocked largely by tS* offorts of Mr. Root, thon U a lM Btatds Benalor Item New Torfc, ^

Bubscquonlly, when llem ocralte boro of (he llouee succeodod In i Ing the froe tolls provision tb reagh lowsr chamber the Henat* eoncqi with the House, but two yoar* tol President Wlleon forced thruagk repealtir of free tolls.

b e e rs PeaHlaa CItod.Frlenda ef Mr. Root bow doohlT* t t o t

the a ititu d * of Hr. R oot roapocilag Mto c tn a l Issue ta no b a r to ■ s* B ecrelsry of S ta te , th a t all Hr. Root hog tnalOIOd m , th a t Ihe tulle con troveray bo to arb itra tio n . They Oita MT. s ta tem en t before th e fotatgm com m ittee o f the S eaat* Wban he

'T h e re a re tw o tb lag * w bleh It I t potelble lo r us to do, W * hav* a tre a ty w ith Q reat B rita in und ar wbWii we agreed to a rb ltfa to a qooottoa ailB> Ing from la te rp fe ta t lo a o f a troady, O reat B rita in baa *balleaB*d a a r f l m i to m ak* tht* d uw rim ina tloa a k d % j ba* gone on to g lr* o a r tk to to a ia t f l ’ w hy *ha ehattongad It. M to M * t o » i*ng*d o u r r ig h t a a d o r tb a td to ty to charg* toll* ag a ln o t vaaaato aw nad i P o u iio n i of O raa t • r i t a l a urhU* ar* raaiH : toll* upoa vatnwla ow aod by attlaagg ' o f th* Dnitod Btataa. t eaii **d ito s poioibl* w aan* to oaoapo w ith baato , ■

fConlliiq* ' on to naiir*. t»t oota»a.l!| !":

roapoctiag aCo

Rain TooiiJit. CoW Tomorrato^tta la toaigfkt. tomorrow a lsariag iM .

m««* ooMor. a troag toutherly booanlag weatariy I* th* offtetal f*M>. cast (o r Kawark aad violalty.

Tamparatoraa today; I A. M- 44 da- graaa: 1 A. K . 4# dogr***; nooa. If EPtaa. H aiaidityf I A-M . d t par * a i | i t , noott, 11 Par cant. W ind a t 'aantbwaat, a t 4 m il#* .________

Vgiaparatur** yaatorday) RIgb. M ( ■toag; law, 44 dogreso; avarag*. 4‘ m * g i HuntlAUf: Htob. » f t o < ioW, a t par eaat ; x w * g » » BarF ta to to B f iw rto w a g tt------T tM nlw ril »n** P r r ^ r -

day, partly atototoa a * ' yaar a|W'

__________ t law . t o '> • « » « Ito to«N *A CItoradtor ttf t“ -

gaiatotolew wtU bar* to ba m a- fh . I m M CoM W toto W ifM by t to faiw to, Om aT lb * ( l if t

t tbgJtoM blteaM Bstwtortal m b - W A « O l im H l to r ,_ J _ tH V«E? wlsto OWHi|»iP taokto aagt- awath,' wiU b* to toa to* w b d f ' ' “Uto aayitoattaiw a f tk*

i.Utototaflato boll ala 'to*..


w sa tk o r P sH a n l:

rn v .\; K EVE-\ixo xtai’s. tuesdAt . xovembbb r 192b.IT I ,'’,'i’f


PmV H tH ln f

Is OD Derailed Tiain« • T i n t r v l w i f T f ip T o*

: F o lk N e a r ly

A il k Ic iicB M *

I upon. It ta r*v»M«ui«a. H r.I iiepiwM iu.{ Mr. H aot'i # ik l«e vl««* **r* la I r*«t th a t Tha H asn* Court m u M not Uo

lurtU to eoTor o a r t l i ih i hut |n«Ucl«bl* UUooUuM and ik a l n o ito ro of o u t* M tk ir m m t b* a a a M tkroM ii * N roM o f t tbc iM Tort Tho Im « m h ■at a« U , ■ooorelac ! • Iho Root >«•■- oaf*, a a a baa aoaroalir b*cun la (uar- llaa boraiiaa ibo to ra u af poaca bava ■ at r a t boM w faraae bp tba v«aiaH>

e iw it le a a a f iba aat. Tbia p ia H tla tb a (Ulap a t tba fa r l i r tn a ta w lth ia Iba U a a 1,111 aroald batra a x la a ja t tb a .Id Ja a u a rp 1 n a it . Dr. f M M r b a t fauffbt tba cb iropraeta ta tb ra u c b a u t tba aataiaa. aa4 b it abH atlaa ta tba la tra e u a tla a a f t ^ blU waa taCOaiabt ta b a i t H up.

H ap ar a iO a a 't a i l l« tn t i ( b ill b a t bla- ‘ ------ - t a f dK

I c N M in G d f y s i m

,~ 990tt MbtMCU Ta*., »*v. P a l- a tba r a a tn ia ta a f »«biia U tb

j f ru a l la a t - a la t t M*r4lajf pa l fa ta a ta f t >bMn a o l b * n r t r a a ta r i to a tp aa4 n r * « t * b t t a n*b fbr u rp a a . *V. T b it a f la m aaa Hr. Ila ra tn p t ib te l* | i a a w ia r t a Iba • r a m a r u i a O tw irp IctU b fb r g a i t Tba M a rtla f a a rip l a a r M «■ baai it o*aU i»*t a i tb i . a* ^ h a aaa t*aiti ra a a ta v from Orawat* ^ R la lUMpaa tba Iraab v U b alt tba ba«> ijiM b b b a tra . Tbara waa muab alam ar, iSiiit *U w*» la **!■ a* naVa<r iratMia^ a a a U 4a anp tb tap a a ttl < tp ltpbl.' Tbaaa la a buatia aa4 a tlr la tbIa ‘am m allp alaapp f la b la p ' atliaga. Ha «g« l« tar tp a t aairid bava baa« abotaa

)l^- Mr. n a r4 h ia ■■ a r a t r ta l from tba jb tr4 « * a f a ffk a aaofcara th an ih ia ^ rr tc i t l ta g b a m la i with tta l a v v a a th a r- ■ca!a*4 ahacka aa Ih t bar* aaa4p palnl i4 r* « t tba a tb lb ar* ag traa iitp a f

,Tbut*. Jtwt ti« a illa t from tb a H a a le ta :i«ir>i#r.i O aaalar aa4 Mr*. H a ra itp a r a a a a r- ■ tarH la Uw raaiap awiamar aa tU g a a f ilL a . O pattar. • H ravaav ina Ib trp v j4«4 fftoiib a f Hr. H«r4lBc. A bubArab jtftrAa fraw tba O raagar a a tu g * la tb a ;a a ip batal a t Pa|a< la a b a t P l«a pad iHUah*** tnw 4ar tb«M tba a a u n p w e

( tffa ra a t t* tba iw H tiw aat a tta M la #

itaahR laa far an lavaatlga tlaa baaalBg aad ball4 la« a ltu a tlaa la Iba

I t v a a H r. B aat'a Ua*, u 4laala**t bp Iba L av ran t* artlala, th a t a a a # 4m I bp abaadoa lag tb a V a n a l l ta T raatp waa tmpaaalbla b a a ta ta af tha haaaa It wa«l4 bnag , Tba aolp p a t ' Hbla aapraa waa ta kaap tba iraa ip aa4 rarla* It la ataat tba rauhJraauata a f tba bawata raaarvatlraa aa4 i:i* Cbtaapa p laifarm an4 n a p U la o thar raapaata.

t ia ta ara ( l t » l a f la tha 4aah f t Hr,H artbftrlA . Tbap w art tuaaab a r t r la

Aiserti Reds Entertain No Wodd Re\'olt Hopei

E i 4 4 M j f r o f " C « k r P b i ty D e-

d a i e a O b i e r v e n i n t h O ik e r

V i e t n ' ‘$ e l f - H y p a o t ix « i ."

)lr. H aM bflrH bp tba H a p a r ,____m a ^ rltp laaAtr rataaab ta la trtA uaa•ba

w p'ra ta a Im partaat." w aa l i t , NarabllalA 'a arpp itc aap taaa tia a fo r bla uotlaa hi w U bbaU lap tb a H aaav rca

U t,

w a n i r a t a f tba p w i P iaaH tM a l tb a b h a i lib iaa- Tba a a rra w -n w a n i l - ia4 c ta a a o tla f Iba pa ta t v l ib I r a t r p a

H airaa. faa ia .b « it baaM rallp wl

i ^ a a f t ^ t f t H b i l l M a f tba t i t ta fa .itp ttia m ini

ab lok taa abd wHb tba

ara«a4 la tha daatp.all tw a n a h m H r ta l .I^ H ta a tp par aa«t, a l iba papuiattaa to ^ to f ltiia aa d iba tH inbara a t um M at*-

fw n p tbaiaaolraf e a d a m a a * d lM aalip wbab la i w i t e l

Tba batal waa avaw pad bp tb a ^HTlPbl a l tkd »artp .

O b i e f o n I h i i U t l o G i v e

: T i m e N o w t o S e e H e r d i n g

■ lO a a O D CITT. Nad. I ( » ) . ^ U v aaM lajibla ta r O aaptal A lra ra

RPMldibi>atoM a f Maaiaa. laIMI

C h b o f S p o i l t C o m im io i t t t ' D re b in t

U )N P0K . .Sot. I._B olabaTih bapaa afa w artd ravela tlan Jsara dlmlalabad ■!•

I in ia .■aoat ta tba vaalablag palat. P aat batr. fo raiar laadar af tba X a d a t parlp ta itaaata, aald In a« la ia rrla w tadap. O baarrara ra ta ra la * from !!«■• ■la w ith a sp a lb a r flaw h a ra baaa "M lf'hpno tlM i,'' H lllu ltaff doolarad.

'T b a world altaatlon la la fla ita lp bot> ta r than It wao la I t l l , ” H lllukoff lalA "Mankind waa In daapair ihan and raadp ta adap t a in u in a a r asparlm aat, a raa •abtoavlkiatn. Maalibp faraM a l aplrlittal raaonatructlon a ra p r a v to f ta Burapa naw to d Rod aap ira tlaaa a ra daaiaat **

H ItIukatf rafttaad ta pradtal whan tha L m ln o 'T re tik p roptm a would oo1> lapao.

"Wa bava b tp rd m aap p rad lttiaaa fram manp q a a r ta ra btrt It la Iprpaa alU a for anp m ap ta praphaap w hatbar tha daw afall f t tba B bM tta r t d n ia will eaoM tram aaathinp raballlon wltb> In a r fram m lU tarp praamwa w itb a a t , ' ha aald.

"RuaaU'a toaaaaa undonbtadlp hata tb a Rad rata . tU balllan la aaw rmw>

Ca l . Aa a p u ia a d la p f i a t la Ib a t iba Ha paw a ra h ItU af av tn baatallatp.

A f r a a t raat la Iba t tba ■ alaharlh l, ' m ithtM dIlaa a f tba raoala tlaa .

it Ruaala t a abaaa. tba iahp Cainmaatota' draaaM af

varM 'W bla ab»ap«a fram ktaaant farm a a f g a v a ra n a a t. Mat e a t aa tang Iba ta d lta l laadara ta R agland a r alaavbaaa aow daraa l a daelara Ratobaviam would

ib ta u fb arithi b a a a b r o a g b t apalliag Uta

ba a gaad th ing fa r a t.’ U nkarr ra i|iu iU n ^ tM

^ 2 ^ * iR b l^ to a l^ l ln ^ j a 'w i r l u 'a a d T v b l l t b ^ ^

MJUnkarf waa aakad fa ra ra b la roparia braagfcl

altp , ___•rfam pruM utf far au tb a eap«

I ba aarap lrlra . d a a i t r a i a ■toapa i iM t a ig b i fraa t O aaaral

'l u a r ta r a f t a a b a r t •tqrvqpN bafara Om la

Imnraaalona.“WaUa.* r tp llad H lltakaff. "w aa aa t

baadw inkad bp tb a Baiabatrlbl. I ta w a a aa lt bppnatlM d. Ra. tbarafara . raaabaa lb# d iapar a ta aaaa lu ttan th a t Rad n ila

~ i . i . - - an ip to paaaibla la R uaala W baa Rua-" * * ' I latoltoatuala andaa»arad to on-

fy } llgb lon Wolla, ba rafuaod ta llaton la

p U U ^ jS S nitiaa a f tb a

ta b a a u b ia l i

bt rtT****■t>ajpat.

^AAeaattow 'toba raaltoad

. apt auah a llp datirad It.

a l t• Ibu Aifdvtaaa

. " tb a t t e a to w e l I- i M i H f l i b f p l a e f

b iH U bg, a«d pa«>A biai

f:- WouM Keep RootFrom the Cibiiiet

fCMilMivM f r t n r i t« t f t f i b )

W dPMtobttob.'*T '■Mmi to * ----..-a-a- »a-----a« .ilptp u tbar* to g daft t a w . > a a t n a r t to

ifd to b to b a ta tf . fappw r r rutodd a t

Mtpal auKfaat lb* aaa g ra a t bapa a t tb a

paaiig a g tr i ta fa laiM ppaii d i p n f a r m M i ^ l M t b M d t toMMdt a fR a a i a i I> aiw dto to i i in

_ a to a mapla

laral aaptototp. j r a

p a rtp , t f H r,

d aa to rp d tb i

H ard lag

at* Ita itoa t blai •a a ra ta rp

v d fM m ta n Htot a a a tbtog.

Bf.-tb a a tw l>rHid«at waa aam taittad

rp W r a t^ ^ jm lltp t f adaiM laa a f tb a

M H litoatt aald th a t tw a a i im a r r a<, bo raadp to ruab tow ardpadlttoM TIR

H aaaav w |m•T lia V m

M toblp : VI ba m it ; 1 iaa* Ralal

Iba Radi ooltobH.f i t



aadar Ito ilra ipMtoblpi vU t a p p a a l.ta tho

"ba*aaao of Ua p it- latokarltcb to aa

and Wa aaaaatota, •ariaboff, la a I tf f ld a g 'tir ro r to t.

•Ulaaoral Wnuigat’a graalaal ta p In a itato tog graat aapulariip la th a t ba to aarrouadad bp lam orout poraoaallttoa with fbuBoai namoa. Tbia aaatrtbataa ta baltof that W raagal la- taada a raataraltoa of Caardom. All

a tiag blatbia to barUag natwitbatand.f raa n aa t a ta ia m a a u tram tha

- th a t tb ap batra pr*<war rlaw *.

i< tg r aa ftrm a aa. atam an td."

Auto lioeiue HeldIn Legislative Jam

(C aatlaaod t r m r tm i Paga.)

, m iau f AKlalo R and3 'dibak tM I f to a t ia a t . aa tb a f b u a l , H r. R iw i to*aa It wlU bp a

d tp tw tp to Iq d lw ila a th a t tb a a«il> I h tT o aaatotblqg b a tta r th a n aE 'W -

l l H ab d iM a f a tia ia lB g tb a ir apda- a i u ariM to now « ' ~

I » tb a H ual a f Rm f dla la fo rm ar M aai

I tA itf lp fa r tb« topM

■tar O o o rta ta a d a f V u b . Mr. gu ibaH aod

baaa tb a oblat prapaaaa* a f tb a f la g p i u a f kaan tag la tb a mldoio la food aad dapaa d lag on a aaarar>

OM* a l RapuM laaa to a d a n t a f laa ilp f ta d a aaw baato fa r b a m a a la a a agraa- bapat. f a r tb ia rw a a a d a i b o r i m ta b a t v ia laa itp tpp«a*d bp a itb a r group.

• • . A. 7. g.

Hsrdiog ReGalb Root CeUe But won't Mike Comment"t'-

FDINT lA A M Io To>» H*r.Ib r Hardlag daalarad today ho raaallad b a r la g aaan a oabla frqm pi durtag Iba anmmar in a hlah

f .—Rapa-

fCItbu Root k H r. Hoot

a rg a d th a t tha taagna a a ra n a a t ba atodlfiad In araardnneo w ith tha Lodg* ra a r rv a lla n t ra th ar ih a a Ib raw n a « a r aattro iy . Ta acrap tli> Itacua. Mr. Root arguad , w aul* bring ohaot and loaa of tbo r tfu U of war. Mr. tta rd ln g would a a t tam inonl |o any w ay on Ih i Root

m otor roblaloa a f M««.aw a n vr-

M inoritp U a d a a

from tT H td * la

P a r ro tt a ftp p o H a / th a m abtura. aapraaalagillat Ib a tIb a t tbo a b a w a * ' „ .

provad bp a m ajarttir of tb a paopl in tanm tiA aa wall aa Ib a a ia ta a a m ^ a - alimar a f laa to r vabtotot. who baa boon aat'.ra In tb a aam paiga for laaraaood

wauW ba aa-» to

Aaaambtpmaa A pglabi a t H U d lm s w aatad ta kaaw w bolnar tba_ aubaH'

Pruaaod for d a la tia tba uiaJorHp laadar addad; "Did you aoar haar tba Ptarp a f tbo follow wbn w oat boar b u a tla g aad .la tt a f u r ibroo dap* w hoa ba to u ad l l u Iraako w<ra g a tth ig toe fraa b :" Tboa tka laafoTttp lead** ta rn ad aw ap w ith a laugk.

A annib lpm an Bm aiar R abarta a t H urlingtoa did nat taak ponataalon to p raa tn t h l i Mil ropaallag fho boor ao t and bla m oaiuraa for ra t lf l ta t lo a o f tba U g h ta a o tb Atnoadmont ap g tb a OP- fareantMit o f prohlM tlon bp tha f t a l a Ha aaaaultod w ith a aam b ar o f mam- bora o f tbo B o a aa and than aapaumoad th a t ha had dacldad ta allow tb a qaan- tian to root a a tl l tha l» f l aaaalaa af •ha L a g la la ta ra Ho daclarnd ha waa

loafciBf fo r aatioa aad a a t n a ta r ta tp 'and th a t ha fait c ir ia la bo w o iM miinabla to obtain uaanitnona to r tbo la trudoatlon of tho


Tba d a a a tt i ta t ta a waa faa tn rad b>ibo p a o a o f t of tba ibrao eupeiam aata lappropria tian b tlla tho tn tro a ae tlo a o fa m taaaro a lto trlag w am aa ta a a rra a a furlaa la anp nourt M tha atato a a d tb aadoptlaa a f a roaoUUoa plodglaf tap -

Daltod Statoa donator M g t toE T w . M oad tiM f t ^ ^ ^ ^ t a a . ' ' Tba

tb ra a g b tboapproprlattona Wtla •o a a ta a a d la la r w ant M aam ara ;

ia n a to tU , a p m a r la t to M ta ia flo iaeo la t fo r tba ttaaal paar In n a M. U m abai e laatoapa p p r tp f ia t iM a ta ia lto g I _________Tbap a ra aa to llaw i: Now la rao p paboal fo r tb a Doaf. tl .d M .ti: D M W tm oat of

i; C U w ltK unlalpal A aeaanM l i t * : ' : O iPHiudgoA ra liaad aa b rta r-• t i t o “ ' “P a rk Oamialaalaih I f . l t f . t * . iR a u A tblatlo CommltatoP, t l . | T r a a b tn ' R a tlr tm a a i . fro p to n P a ttla Hoaumaa*

« , t l . t t l . t 4 : and.

Aaaaatoilaa.I tM : H a ta Roaao Comoatottoa. d ap a rt-

t i 4 . m f l i Ifa n a a lnw at a f aaatadla , .T ra la lap and Induairta l ia b a a l fnt Colorad Tautk , N .4 U .tl.

laatlta tlO B i aad a ia a a lna.H o tar Vahtola te p a r tia a a t. banatartn in fo r Tuaoranlaato Otoa a a ta t i . l t t . i i : H a ta ina tituU aa fa r toaabla- m indtd, |t*.4IT.»T: Naw Jarpap M ata


Prlaaa, t l4 , tH .U : l l a u Homo f a r Rapa. . t t l . l4 : K aarnp Rom a for dNaabladI H . , , . . . . , n ,

bo ld lara tt.M r.M ; B oard a t Oom m traa l^nd N a r l^ c lo a , t t f f : M ato P rlpH na Raard, M,Ma. and a a a a ltp for wtdawa uf O aoorao rp t4 lt . lA

M nato I t r , D apartm ont o f A grlaal- taro . fa r corabattag gipap m etb, l i l t , - 4*4; b a g la la ta ra tadaatog t a a n a l and m lnatoa aad o thar a ipanaaa , ||,4#d.

•a a p ta M l. addltioM and Im pra ra - n u n ia a t B ordaatow a todn a trla l iaboo l to r Colorad T eu th nad oam plotla* ■ dm lntotratlaa balld tog aad prinelpo l'i iiom a M .lta ; addition to tradoo build- lag , IM M .

Tha OOToraor algaad danata ItT and M l tb ia n ftaraooa .

g an a to r gim patn a t Sudaan la tro - daoad tba o th a r Mil, w blab waa ra- fa trad to tb a cammlaaloa aa ruM alaa a t la w a It am anda Iba fu rp aa t ta road 'M toh eittoanp* in plaao of tb a w ard "ha" wbaa ra ta rr to g to tarpm aa. Aa tba U w naw Ptapda enip man map M rra on torlqa to 'th a i p p t r oouru . Tba rarla ldn w aatd parm it w am aa to aarra.

d a a a t t r MmptfW alao pu raduoad tba

G m f e i e a a t O d d s

O n F n i m e C o n t r o l

b a .p rm to fb id .a tb ar ablpaad aa tba W m f CMppo bad t b a ____alaaa an board. Ib a ttobt a w a w aa aa»* aaotfallp tra p ta d a p t roaavarad a law dapa a fta r. aoaorlli

k a t b e i W a e t k > F n e d o n R e c a r

n iz e d . b a t J a e o ^ S k m D c d u r t

C i ty le d i ip e a e d M e t o B m r i .

S f o R b f o r A c tio B in “ F e w D a y * '

R A P A U dh Italp^ Ho*. 4 (JP).—Tb*auaattaa ot'H U npd 'w aa b ro ag b t up fbr dtaoaaotop lo d a r p t tb a aoan raao a oflu l to a aad Jago-M ar dotogatoa bolag bald bora f f r a aattlawoat of tba Adri- atle probldm. altbougP no ngraim ant bn* pot baaa taafbad aa iba prapaaal i f tba Italian daldgataa ibM tba latotoa frontiar ba tbbt aatoMiihad bp tba tran tp of t/m daa.

Tho tia ttan doUgnlao prapatad that tba ladapaadtnoa of tbo naw atato af Muma bo raoMnlaad hp both ooaa- tr la a but tb a jA rn a n dttogatoa, a m - aUlIp Anton IVumbRab. tha Jugo-Ha* Haralgn HInlotor, atronglp appaaid to- dapaadTnca fa r HlaPto. Tbap main - tatoad tbnt tbo port waa indlaponaabla to SorrU far aaaaanito and rommorclalranponf. fa d a rtn g It ta bo thoir aalp

fit o ittln lo tbo aaa.

raaolutlon pla/ghTg aapport to ganator lUga la b i t coal tlg b l Tha raaatallonatataa that tba boaata of Now daratp

approroo af tba aoUoa of our raprotaa to llra la tbo Daltod Matoa danata, Hoaarabla W attar R. Riga, in U t aauragMUt attam pi to and tba coal Camlna. Itia b ra r t ttaad, to wMah ba tb raa toa t to a r t* aotloo to bava tha natlaaa l OovaranMnl taka a ra r tha aaal m taat aalaaa tba praflto tte rado«a '"a. prtaa of aaal to a atop la tbto

•ladga ti


g rU M tm aTgaatg. IPa ; ta him- - . fa aluf’ aupport to Ua roa) aiiom pt to

tha Irallora tha paopio of tba wboU aann tpr, to daagar of oatrtm a autterlag af tba profitaar-auda ooal tom laa"

Allen, Senate PreudentM e c lc e y « M e j o i i t y L e a d e r

ktoft ClTBRNTOH. Nor. I — R p uaaaltooua

aoaooni tbo RapabHaaa m alo rttp o f th a t t t t o la ta gaaato paotardap aftornoon In

f a ta andI t la aaaartad th a t Orniat Sforaa, tha

I ta lia n ForaigB M lalatar. mada tha •o rU tn dalagatloB n d a to ta a d th a t If ■a accord I t not r aaah id w ithin a taw dapa Ita lp Intaad* ta a r a l l h traa lf af tha righ to eo a ftrra d tp a a b a r t o too tra a tp of l.ond*a. ra ta g m ad b p m a a a ■ad Eagtohd, apd i« iH r Iba clauaaa oontalnad In th a UPft In thM r antlrotp, wMhoaL howauar. g iv in g IP tlUa aalU' Itop ap p obW M H r :of baatRUp agalnal th a Jn g o -S la ra

■talpto WRtolmmm COagM4aao:>ito iy p aatotoMu a aaad tiiapp ra la tira

ta tha aa ttla toaat a f tka qaaoUana aria- lag from tho o ttob llaho iaa t f t a aaw franU ar botWaaa tb to ab u a trp a a d JagO ' itoT la com prlaa poaaaaataa a f tba fq lla a Alpa aad th a abap tata tro ad o n t f Iriaina. whtob m aat b a ra pbp tlca l oon- ■oelloc w ith Ita lian ta rrlto rp , waP tha wap Count R fotaa f ta ta d tbo toaua ot ta* opoalng aatoloa a t iba eap fb r ia co jr*tt*rdar.

U alaat tbaaa fundam aato l polpta w a n aooaptod. It would bo uaotaaa to d it- oaaa tbo fa to of D altaatto, and th a t Ibo d ign itp o t- 'b o tb eoaairtoa would ao t parm it a coatlauaaao of aagat la- t la a a Count k fa ra a daetorad.

H ln la tar of W ar Bonoml. who epoba a f te r tho F o ra lg a Ktototor bad ooa- oladod, lllua tra tod tbo atrmtoglaal p t ia i - altp o f Ita lp h a rin g tbo ^ a l l a r da- m aadad. bu t did nat im ply th a t aap offoBatm oporatlaaa m ight ba aapaaiod from Ibo iag o -M ara .

P rom lar Voaaltob o f Jago-P lavia ompbaalaad tbo vlawpMBi d t b i t aana- Irp th a t It w aaM bo Impoaolbla to etdo to H elp to rrlto rloa la w U H t tboro la a arodom laaaea a f H a r popalatlan . Dr- T rum biteh a to a apoha a t longtb la I ta l­ia a. a tia m p lla g ta opoa tha d toaattloa by q u a r t to n lu I ta ly 't r ig h t to tha whola ta ir ta a ra a ln ta la . C ^ n t W a ru , haw tvqr, la to r ra p ltd him by aaylng th a t aaah a dtooumloo waa ‘R o tto ftly u aa la ia"

*TI If ItnpaaalMo to contlB aa* C aaat gforaa doclarod, “aniaaa tho rlow la a«- oaptad tb o l Ita ly m u tt b a ra a tran tta r w blab oan go lagloalty aad m ilita rily dafandad."

da»o-M o«a P oor D aM b taa W ap .D angar a t a ravlval of a O oaaU aa

C onfadaratlaa b tadad by a atom bar t f tba H apobarg fam ily appaara ta ba r t - gardod aariaaaly to Juvo-Blav airclaa H am bara a f tha dalagatfan w hich eama from R algrada aaaart thay a ra looking lo I ta ly fo r aoonoario aad poUtloal n p port,

T lU a g p tao la w hora tb a oaataraaoa to galBg aa . la altuatad ea a p a ta t o t land Jtwt omith o f th a Itttla flabliw n c ruai t a a u o t ta a ii tu a flablag r t l la g a a t Baa Mlobato dl r a g a a a , a M la ab o a t h U f w«y batw aoa gaaUi H arg h o rlta and tho tow n of Rapalto.

B y W i r d e i i , J e n t y M . D . . i t S i r .

T r m t i P b t ie i i t 4 0 0 M fle t O f f

oapeaa agr**4 to m aka Colllna R. Allan o f totlam IT aald fa t and WllUam R. Hik e y f r . a f Bargan m aiarlly laadar. o thor namoa v a ra m a ra d to r m thar

tu la i!antam >laud a r a ia t to tbo ra tea t a r ira rh a from o u li l io tha H a lt , andHr. H arthftold but ib a l lU a t

. rapliag th a t It did aot, n u tH la a waa balng tan -

Ih t ipacla l lavaatlga tlng ll aaa-

lld a r td byoam m lttaa aamod a l Iba praioni

l a th a m ta a tta u G em ialtalap tr Dill had an tarad tha aham bar and eonfarrad With Iba laa ja rtty laadar. atui a r tn tu -

tb a b ill w t* pattad . Than i t waarnad th a t Ibo la n a l t , up*a raooivlng

w ard th a t th a B obm bad aanenrrad in :1iia ad journm ani ta Daaambar I t . had

itjoaraM Ua ataalan aad gana homo. TD* Saaata, untaaa callad by tba Qov- amOr In apaolal ta tf la n , baa no r i f k t lo moat aga in until tb* dat* lo wblah 't haa agr**d to adjourm and th* bill cannot h* cea*ld*r«d la Ik* upper houao unit! th a t tim*.

Th* M otor T rhial* D*p»rUn*iit begin* on D*e*nib*r 1 to Im ii* tleen*** fo r 1431, In ord»r lo h*** It* w orkeom - ;i)»l*il by (ha flr* l of th* y«ar. and H w ill b* (minpallad 10 cantlnu* tb a

totaaag*, **o»pt ta *ay th a t Mr. Root ! la an* of the** ha ( kp**I« lo call l» 11;?,™M arian for eoat*r*nc« during ik* < ??!;• •«•!*? o tw antyw tatar.

Th* R te t eablagram rofarrad to waa aant from London loat Augn*l. and appaaad ib* Idag of g lra p p ln g iH* lA agu* of Nation*, it w a t mad* puhll* paaia rd ty , <u ■ rapyrtohl*4 artla l* by D avid Law rtac*. in ih« rab irg ran i ih* fa*m*r a*er«(*ry uf diatfl u l i l th*< 'Hi would b* vary uaw it* tod arlar* th* Itogu* daad." a* "It would n o t b* tru * " H* added ib*i to a tu m p t a n#w deal by " th an d o n in r ih* Var- aalUaa T re a ty ' ooulil "b rlna uhaaa and aa tlr* loH of tit* r«auUa of, th* w ar and g*n*r*1 rlltflator* invulvlng th* U«li*d kiai»»."

Tha cablegram w ai ***t foH ow lnt araqu ta t ol w m U. Hay*, th a irm a n of

per cent, tilil by lb* Saatte . but h* d* . ,'U rcd Ihia would b* Impoealbl*. H* w*T tinibi* to dU covtr any way out o f the tenalf.

Tb* Inturane* se t am tndm uit, p u . through th* Houa* by Hr. W allw artb ,

i I* Intended to make It clear th a t ageq ta of cpniponlai Incorporated wutald* tb* e la te may do buelnee* her* Th* Ae**m. blymnn raid the qutatton had b**a ralaad In tb* caa* of a C am dta : gancy uf long tian d ln g . >nd bla only dealt* wa* to elarify tha tntaml *f th* Laglalatur* In tha paiaag* of lb* brlgliial aot.

No IhMird fo r Cbtoograetor*.Tb* chlropractia bill or Mr. H erth -

fleld wa* th* r*eult of an nnuauol a ltu • tlo n th a t haa arlf«n In p u ttin g th*

th a R»»tihUc*n National CommlUa*. the i kravlaiofit of thia yaar"* ac t Into offaci.liaw r« n c t atory mated, who a ik ad - ----- -— ---------w h o lh fr Th* H lgu* O u t ' ro 'jld uot h* a# d*flnad aa I* Include tli t w ork tu pgaaod lo b* th* »b|<rt »f the i.*agu* ■f Salton*. Tba Root t*ply. according t a th* Lawroaee a r t >■<*, w ii t«tM to a a w a a tapp 'ng in Mg ion, who iliew od Um m aataga lo Mr H ardina. wh«r*-

Th* act provide* th a t ch lrop raH ora ' non' practicing In th* tU l* mual apply I to th* nawty craatad board fo r lloanaa* I w ith in m aty day* a r ta r th* approval

o t th* aot. Tb* approval w ai glvaa l a t l *pr(ng. but It waa not until four m an lh t U ta r th a t tba tlovarnor tp -

I p o ln itd th* board lo admin talar tb*





offto*. donator A rth 'ir W hltaoy of U orrI* waa a aaadidai* to r loader ta r ty In tb* day bu t r*faa«d to allow hi* nam * to b* pr*a*al*d In Ik* cauvu*.

M u t o r R unyoa *f Union nom laatod Mr. Allan and waa prom ptly aoconded by tv * o r thro* loiiator*. donator Bturgoaa af Olouaaatar nam lnatad Mr. M tckay and tti* aaaondtr waa d an a ia r K agam an of Ooaan-

R tv D aW itt C tlntan Cobb a f a iam - bora, a ia u a a tta r County, wa* t t i ta la d ae ehaplain of th* 1 1 1 ) gonal*. Ho will tuoaood Rtv. Bdward 0 . R tad of P laln- flald, who haa bean chaplain for fiv* yaara. H r. R tad waa a eandldal* for raappolntm anl tbt* year b<it h* and Rav. Dr. J. Uadtaon Mar* of geoteh P la in t oacb roMlvod three ro toa aad Mr. Cobb aavan.

W illiam H. A lbright o f W oodbury w aa aalooted a* aoertlary of th* d*n- ■t* to r Ih* fourth nonatoutiv* ilm*. H r. Allan uamod tw o eommitt***, th* • to arln g and ■tottenary. Hr. H agam an to aha lrm aa of tb* ataariag c*mmllt««. Th* o th er ip«mh*ra o f It a r* ganator* gm llb * f Fawwto, R**v*o a f Cumbar- land. W hlin«y of H arrii and Senator- •lao t W allw orth o f Ctm doa. Mr. t tu r - g t t* I* e h tirm a a *f lb* au tlo a o ry oore- m ltlaa- Th* o thar member* of It ar* H r. am ith ' and Benatar B arber a t W arr*B.

Tb* a ta tr la g oo ian ltte* w ill have lob* to d iatrlbut* which pay aalart«a a g g re g a tin g Tb*** Inalud**t*nograpb*ri. rlark*. deer kotpara, ate. R obert H . Johneon o fs ttla n llo C ity w ill bq reappointed eupervltof of blit* for Ih* f l t lb aonaaeutlv* ttmo

L e g i l k t u r e V o t e s M o n e y

T o F i g h t t h e G i p s y M o t h

R A D D O N riR tD . Nov. t .—D r. W ill- tom B, Jaao lnga . who a rr tra d boro i a e - day from a Bhirep*aa tr ip , had a a op- p o rtaa lty to t r s a t a p a tien t uador a n - oanal condition*. H* had waaeag* oa th a •u a m o r Arlapm from M tu rd a m . W hoa **r*ral day* o a t a wlr*l*aa m*s- ■ago wap rocolvod by tb* oporato r th a t a a w a wag dy ing oa board tb* atoam er W aat Compo, 444 mil** d to taat, and bound fo r Norfolk, V g, an d «Tb*ag It thor* wa* a phyglalan oa th* Ariapa. Dr. Ja an iag a waa gum m oatd. H a r* fpondad wUb a OMaaaga to r a daoertp. tlo a of tha lllnoat of tba m aa on tb*

' o f flototy ''

lya aR ar. aaoord lng (* ropdn*.Dr. Jo a a tag a . w b A g an iag a a a na- M t IMN. M a tto M d Ihto Dwt to Him

' «U . t a utotob ah* lapOod wd eg a rtla la aarr iapaad- r ta tp . wtitoaki a a m ig. to a

d aadtoiR H, Dr. Jaa toaga tb a pRytoatoa aad tha atory

Dr. w . W . F H teraft, ^tbto PtoPA whA w aa w ith Dr. la a a to s a w U * v a rag A aaaftfiM tha adtry. WhUa avwruana to a r rlH U d th a w a r ■raa la P ra acA Rolglum and o thor polata of la u r a a l .

Soviets T iy to G u sh W r a ^ at Peiekop

F e a r in g W in te r W ill D e m o ra liz e

F o rc e s . T h e y S t r iv e f o r Im*

B ked to te S u cced s .

Free DiviiidM m Att^k

COIfdTAHTXHOPLH, Nov. 4 (By to * Aaaaototod P r iaa ) R apMaa B alaharlhtore** a ra m ahhng d a la rm iaa l o ffarto toeraah to ra n g h Q to a ra l B aron W raagaVa

~ — ik w tothm aa la a lliOriaMa to th*

lin* oa too Parol ■ortbward ti land ad RaaaSA aad ara mapalBg toroaa to rtoar ta to* aaatward with a rtaw to toklag to* tong MagM of toad known aa to* lathaiM af Tobaagar.

PIT* l a t a a ^ dlitolaaB ar* aWaaklag a ag tooth H arm traapA aap-

par t ad by artlUaav, a r t batog ra toad ■aauw ard touai l l ^ a r a a a l Oatot-■ohha* ,to fo ra* Iho ir w ny te la Crlm aa tMm t o t a a r t o a a i t l i 1* aald tb* R * ^ ■barlkl fo ar th a ir arm laa w in b* o a o M

itu ltoby w to ta r b a fa ra b toy a n oruabiag W r a a g a l t a d w ia

d o a tra l W raaaoT a abtof paaittoa ba- hlad Porakpp ean tora ah an t to* r llla g a of loaboaa. Rhaald too i t r a a k o r Putrid ■■* froaoA a* i t ta ro ly do*A th a dafaaa* f t C riaw a would b« moro d ltfl- culL Th* B oltharU il ao f a r ha«a a a t Unded troopa oa th* loag eand h aah en th* w * o U n aid* a f th* B«a of Aaev, wMob ta kaaw B a* th a 'T oagua- of A rahat." dueb a a operation would a a t b* feaalblA nor eonld p o a ltlo u b* bald ao Ihia narro w aoch of land, aa OoBaral W rangor* laa rln * u a lu ooatrol tba goa o t Aaor.

M toaoh g a m paw arto i to a a farm arly .bp raaaoa a t tb* g row th o t th e tad era i

fJit u t a g aiNaam. (inUk* th a poo u aaa t- f t * , poatA th* to toaaat ravona* U f to n ia * With I t aabald tary p a lfa ia R t . Thoid aaa p rabably 144 a r w to iW laG ■■dor th* aaftoetara w U ah pr* aaam pt frpm M m atrvlo* p ra tae llaa .

A nathor f*d*tni ja b w blab baata h a ra a highto ito p a rta a t ptoaa t a ton

tn u n i tllaa Ilk* R a w arb to to a ilife of commi __of atato f t d M l p raU b ltto a dfrdbwr^ T b ia o tne* o ta lM a lb* •■■■■*** a f parm ito fo r w ithdraw ato a t ta s a g h ia a n

I t I

OtSar pluma wliloh wfU b* arallabto ta th* RtpuhIleaaA a t lb* ogpiratloa of proaani appatatomalA ar* fodoral dlatriet altotaop aad DaRad bUtoa laaiwbal benw f t to* patragag* that go** witb tha Part o t N ov l a r k i* appertloaed to tha Maw Jaraay algA K o tto W ittpaaa a t /araay C ltr.\to ^ naval elOoar f t Uto P*H a a d ' M to * Comaton* laat n ig h t mak* tb* n«a.------. — ---------------- ----------- --------------------Ptahahl* that Row i tn a y RipaWldtoto will aook to kaap tola ptoai awdy Iraai to a Haah* tta a awt B r a a k ^ pall* iM aaa wb* ragardtd t t aa tiia ir aw a aa tll PraaMaai Wiiaaa took U aw ag I l 'M «■

I t la awtiraly aaf* to th a t a w a nndw tha boat of caadtttoaA tk* R*>E bllaan power*, o f . R aw i f t w t r wlU

r* th o ir btote* M il to * a a ir* ll« « th* p a tra a a g * i l la a t i tb ,

A. Z. R

Fifth Tenoessee Seat WonbfaRiepublican

T *ba, 4toT. 4 (JP).c^Aa *tH *lal saaraa* to .to* M d k to O a i^ r r* . M aaal D totri«t g ira* Im* A. doatA RM- pabSto**, a a to lo rtty a t 444 r a ia a an d to * r ia to ty a ra r bto D aatoaia tto *p- p aaoal, O ordea R rtw a to g . Tbip f la w th* polit ic *1 *Mgp*aMa4 , a t to * Ton- ****** dalagaltoa la ton n a a t % a i a a l R«p r to ia to tl ra*i *■ th * (ao* o t Uw, ra tw n A aa f ir* R w aM lnaap a n d l l r* DomoaraU, a a a t Rapal to ro a m etobora

■Ml« g a la a t

G e n . N e v tD e C i l U o n B a k e t r

D a n i e l s , P e r s h i n g a n d M a r c h

T w a A norloaoA It I* loaraad. w*r* l**t du ring tbo r r tro a t o t O oaaral W raagel. Tb*y war* O apU la Ibnaw t K ilpatrick o f tb* R*d Cr*** a a d a m a* wbaa* n a « * l* glv*n a* Catchay ■t kU4l*oa avaaiM . Naw Tork.

H a l i d e E d i b , T u r k Im A s i , C a s t s L o t w i t h S o v i e t s

AKOORA. AM* H laor. N*r. t . - T b * T u rk lfh N atlaaalta t* rafa** lo tra a t w ith to* C o u ta a tln e p l* CablaoL Th«y dootar* th a t thay ar* adhering to th* Heae*w gorlM Oo**rnm*nt, which ba* promt**d thm a m ilita ry aW ta oaa* *f a ttack * by to* O raak* a r a to * ra H r* Italld* W Ib . to* w am aa N atlo aa llit leader, d*otar«* •rtlo ta lly th a t *h* ha* earn h*T to t w ith th* Ra**lan Batoh*- vlkl aad th a t *ho haa le*l bop* In to* Ualtod f t a ta a

“11 wa* W itoaa a r lan to* ." any* b ar ■tatM M at, “an d t am geltig w ith Lanla*. who 1* ftghU ag o ar oommon

Lgllah onomy. 1 ahall Hr* aad 41* to Lanla*. I am an atornal r*b*l

again*! tb t M vllltod M tch*ra"

WAdHDfQTON, Nov. I <«>.—OoAoral N am iA ofneto l ro p ro eo a ta tira a f lb* Pr*oc)i Oor*raiB*nt a t lb* toroontonar* o f th* laad iag a f th* P ilg rim * and a m*rab*r of too d a p r w * W ar C aanell, mad* official call* today on Soerotarla* B ak*r aa<l Dantoto. OeBaral Porabing and M ajor 0«B*ral H arob, abtof of a ia f t. L a te r h* wa* •n t« rin la*d a t lunclmon by BaerMary Baber.

Oen*ral Ncrltl* wa* ao eanpa iitod on hi* call* by Prino* d* R «ara a t d* Ch*- lato, ih* Proeeb obarg*. aad B rigad tor 0«h«ra l Collard*t aad m am bera of th* Pfopoh aritlta ry ml**loa to tb to coan- try .

n i to a f ttrn o o n Oonoral N orllto mo'- to rod to H t. V arnoa to vlMt WaMUng- law 'i l*m b and tom orrow b* wUl go to tb* N aval Academy a* tb* ga**t o f goo- iw tary DaatoU.

R q w r t P a M ^ e n k o D e c l a r e s

S e l f D i c t a t o r o f U k r a i n e

Irish Measure Is Near Final Stage in Commons

G o v w m i ' t A iB ito d a w a U , U k *

vtiH d a d I r is h L e a d e n S a y .

M d . B a ( W « t b F D s i < l .

RuW fay CooBailtee Alttnatfars

IXINOON. Nov, 4 CP).—TW* clauM* added by to* goveram ont to to* Irtob honw ru U b in . w bleh pawod tbrough Boarly th* flaa l *tago In th* Hoorn

fp r* praotically doad, la th* epintoa a f I r l lb and U baral poUI'eal l*nd**a ' Tboa* *laa**A whlnb prorU* Wr *at-

oad cham ban and th* dluolu tlen of th* Irlah Parllaaonta aboald lb*y not b* properly copititutod, w*r* oarrUd atl*/' bqlag **vvr*ty orltlcliod by former PrMM*r Atquitb aad olbar* aa Uadtov lb, rodueo Irtland to to* oondllton of u baokward erown colony, by ampl* ma jorHJ** to a oawll Houac, ebowtag the Might lnt*M*t now ihown la tb* MU . On* of tta* aow otauao* provldai that

if to* number of member* vallSly etootod to *hh*r l>arltom«nt a t lh> flrat election to loa* than half tb* lotol m*|abor*blp, or if Ih* numb*r who have taken to* oath of altogtoam WJthIn fonrtAgn doy* from th* date Paritam eat 1* iumnton*d I* lot* than k b i t toS JClng may by oa *rd*r In oMwcU diaselv* aueb PorUamoat andy d o ^ to * lu n c tlo a t of to* g e v tm m tn ila too hands « t a eommitt** pomlaatod f r 'th* Lord U outoaan t poadlag to* •aaom aali^ M a a*w<PmrltoaMaL

R o b i n s a n d M o o r e A d d e d

T o I r i s h I n q u i r y B o a r d

U . S . T i k e s P r e c a u t i o a t o

K e e p O u t S o v i e t A g i t a t o r s

WAgaiNQTOIA Nov. 4 ( # > — P ro eaa- tio n a ry maaanr** b a r* b**n ta k r a by th* B u t* D epartm ent t« U *«k w h atAmerteaB diplom atia ag ab ta In Borop* have oharaei*rla*d a* d*t*rm to*d *f-

LONDOK, Nov. 4 (# ) . . diapatoh toIh* R aohaag* T a t o g ^ h from Amotor dam aaya O ohoral Pawtonko, oom naa4*r o f tb* U k ra ta to s aa ttooal taro**. ' ka* m ada a p ria*a*r o( 0*a*ral Pot- In ra and d*oIar*d ktm**n d ictato r of to* U h ra ln a Tb* iwport o rig laaU d ta Lomberg an d w a* telegraphed t* R*r- UA

fort* of RuM taa dovlet A goaU lo oond “m lu l* b a ri* (“ and a g lta to ra l* tb* V altad d ta ta a Caa**l* a t R aropoan portA It wa* aald a t tb* d*p*rtm *ot today, have baaa laa trae lad to via* to* p a n p o rt* of o a tf poraoa* ab o a t who** Intention* tb*r* *il*l* a* ah a d o v o t doubt,

B taU D opartm oat orttolato aald th a t w bll* report* bad r*aeh «d W aablag ton th a t ea rta te R aariaa* w ore m a ito g p o ^ f to n t tftB fl* to *■!•* to* toiMod dtat** oonalaaNA proof w a* lad k lag th a t a eonoartad m o w m o at bait b n a und*rtah*B by lb* Bovl*t rogipw to flood Amorioa w ith propfgaad to to .

WAdHINaTON, Nov. I CD).—Th* ComiBtorion on Ireland announatd today tv k t *ln view of tb* *t*ad- Ur InctumilnB g rav tty of tta* aftn- a tlo n to Iratand" It had dacldad to to - or**** th* memborMitp o f th* b«d}'. wUoh w ill b*gln hearinp* bar* Nov*tn- b«r 17. from flv* to *evea and to on- larpo the icop* of It* Inquiry. The n*w m *m b«n **l*ot*d »r* Raynwad R eblaa of Chloago and A l*iand«r P. M oon, pubitohar of tb* P lttib u rp li Lender.

Tb* commlMlen anneuneed lb* ful- low ing Amertoan* bad been added to th* l l t t o t wiin*****; R*v. Jam** ■. C ellar, Irontom O.; L ake E. Mari, t t . Lonl*. num ber o f tb* •uptam * board of d iraetor* of tb* K night* o f Oolam.baa; K raacto 'H aehott, on* of tho odttor*of Tb* If« « Ropubllc; Thoma* C. T o .g a r ty of Now Tork. who r*o*alIy f*- tum od f to m a vi«it to Iro laad . aad C a p u in R. U H acN ogbU A a a Utotor P ro tw lan L

DUBLIN. Nov. • UP).—D*nt* Ho chairm an of tb* T bario* Town a a d John D trhara , fa tta tr of to* < m an o t tb* B albriggan (tonjwll, hav* r*o*iv*d paaopert* from tb* F e r t ig a Offlo* In London w hich w ill porgrit thorn to FTOo**d lo tb* U altod MM*a to g iv t toatlm oar on to* aaok lag o t th r ir roopoctiv* town* bafor* tb a Aawitodn OommUilen on IratanA H r. Dwbarn rap ra taa to bl* ton , who ta ta JaU.

T ba paaaporta o f Hr. B o rg aa aad Mr. O arbam bava b«an v ltad a t tb a Amarl- oaa C ontulala. T barafara thay oaa i to r t t a r th* Ualtod g ta taa Im m o ^ to ly .

ra ta R ty R ada B s tto r OamoARUTUSR. Nov. 4— Bnporvlolag P ria -

olaal R. J . E tlonborgar o f tb* BuUmr ■eiiaa)* y*ot*rdoy *rd*r*4 oil th* goat** fo r th* root o t tb* footboll •*o**n oop- •*l«d oa ooeount of th* (o tal ta ju ry f t Laotar Broalauar of R lr trd a U In th* gam * Trtday w ith tb* S an t R a th w ta rd H igh dehooL ,

W r i t o f E r r o r I s S o u t ^ t

T o S t a y B r a n d o n E x e c u t i o n

T d g te s n d re M n o m en t, to ­g e th e r w ith s s t i s f y i a g t im e ­k e e p in g B c c u rtc y , t r e iw u r e d in y o u r s e le c tio n o f g w s te b • t t s e k 'A

E s e h o n e h a s p g isd d th e c a r e f u l s c ru t in y o f a w a tch e x p e r t t n d h a s p ro v e n Its r i g h t to T a c k ’s g u a ra n te e .

E v e ry g o o d m a k e , $ 1 0 tg $ « K k

C h r is tm a s se le c tio n s e rv e d .

f '- ’in e in * n d see .


d b e i a l

timit CerrMWedwaTRKNTON. N»v, I - T h * U g liU lu r*

y<*t«rd*y *ft*rneon ruehtd tbr*ugh both bou*** an opproprU llon of 411>,- 0*4 to conhot* th* glp*y moth th a t ho* mad* II* apufOronr* in vorlou* poria of Naw J«r**y ond I* doing g r e t i domog*. p o rilcu lo riy In Bom*r,«t I'ounty.

Th* opproprlo ilan mod* I* • •U p p u in tn to l bill Inlrodui-ed by Nona, lo r tVhllo*y. oholrman of ih* oppro-

firloUun* cominUtM. Defer* It po«*d h* vippor bouH. Mlnorlly L**d*r

Brow n w oo ttd to know mar* obeiit It b*fi>r* h* would opprov* It. H* th o u g h t It wo* i)4iu*u»l to wall fa r iht* 1*1* day a f lb* aaillun to d ticovar that th* menoy wo* n**ded o t one* t* eight th* 0*11.

io n a to r W h ltn iy told him iho i ih* g lp ty m oth had oiicady ihow n lt**ir In variou* part* of n»w J*r»*y and th a t It w u eauoinii gr*ot damag* t* tr*ao III B»m*r**i r:ounty. He <!•- c ta r id tb n t It WM on* of th* w i l i i Uw* p**t* th* Unlt*d BtatM F arto try P*narlm *B l Had to con tind w ith. H* d*otar*d th a t th* * u t* or uoao*- ebuM no w aa a » n d ln g |l,t*4,4*q g * . nuallT to k in e it th* p«*t. H* *dd«d th a t tb* N*w Jo ta ty g u t* D oparttaont • f A grienitur* had *«tim*t*d th a t | l t s , - *44 w ould b* eBough t* oombat th*giM y moUl lu r* thi* y*br.

b la ja r tty M a d tr Allmt *t*t*d th a t th* glpoy Wtolb wao ono of tbo w orst

r tty Wot

•v ll* to b i f i l l a foratt. U* d**lar*4 ' th a t I t wlpoB out v*H oofoo o f la r r i- f lo ry o tm ori ovorhigb*. l*aving t b t > troaa ta r* and htito thorn o u tr i* ii . Ha

■aid tp* Upllod BtaU* Clovommont

SMndo tollUan* o f aoilar* *v*ry yoar g b t ia i r too itort. ',i

R H io n s( • R A N t l U n )

Es INDIGESTIONm h w i h r - A e t w i e e C S d d s l fawR l e « « l b


M A K I M t Pscorn DmiioN

«o ffTRKNTON, Nor. I.—In on M tori to

i tv o tbo Ufa of Ooorg* Brondon, o*a- tonood to dl* hi th* *l*ctrls obalr ao a t wook, F ra n k H. McDwmlU of N ew ark samo bora thI* a tu ra a o n lo apply lo Cbanoollor W alkor for a w rit o t e rro r to rovlow to * eonvlotlon o f Brandon to r k llltag . R dith Jannoy ond A rthur U K upfor a t lU bw ay , Auguot I t , 1414.

Mr. H oD arnU wa* proparod to arg ••v ara ) g M n n d a 1a whl«h h* all*g«a lh*r* w aa e rro r la th* tr ia l o t Brandon bofort dupram * C ourt Jitollo* d trg * A H* claim* th a t B raadao told th* Union County an to o rltin a ho had Intorm aiion r * n ^ t i ^ th* orlm* wgl«h h* wa* w tlltog to giv* If p ro n lto d Imroualty. I t lo etalm og th a t luotlo* Bargan •> - Ciudad from th* tr ia l a lottor from Profooutor V a l to r B«ltl*ld t* Rraadon In whloh It to nltogod practical aaonr- anoo* o t Im m unity w*r* g lvoa

A a o th tr o rro r allogod by Mr. H*D*r- mlU 11 th a t Juatlo* Borgon npraoood u opinion aw oortaln tb* cBH, in itru o tla g to* Juror* t b i t th ey w«r* no t hound by bln conolualon, Ob- tootlon to a l io m ad* to tb* adm lialon of a mnp aU tg*d t« hav* boon mad* two y*ar* p rov iou i t* tb* orim a Tbln, Nr. U oD orm ttt elolm*. wa* p n ju d le lo l to Brondoa alnc* It foltod t« Indleato th* * u rro u n d ln g i *• th*y *it*t*d a t lh* l ttm*.

Saamble Now on For Federal Positions

(C*ntlnu*d from F lrr i F a g a )


l o a t i e n m s i u $ u w r g e

Were Deoiei] Votes').»><b*r|Jtiig'anaktoamoal

NBW r o i _"*M P aito f to c rap t dtow______________a t aa to ffd vator* (a a n q m tar o f stat** to ton RrfM danttoi o l a o m u f l * ta " ditaM ora « f ifen KaUqnnl AsnM lalloqt f r th * AjtoAnqomdM ot Oalprod Brnml*tt r ia y ' itatogritBIind ' '

HfR*b :.tlto Rapro*

ond N nitonal Commltt**n)M K o a a At th* Chicago convoniton iM t Jun* U r. K*on aorvod nolle* th a t h* « ip** |*4 to ta* OB Influ tnco In tta* tU ld *f pa t- run *g«, and It would b« con trary to

‘ th* rule* a f tb* gam* if ih* atot* clioirmon w*r* lgn*r*d.

II I* Ih* *a*l*it th ing In th* world j to pr*dl«t th a t dttriouUto* will ariM j ov*r Naw J*r**y potronngt. If onch

t pr*dloUon be v*rlfl*d by tb* *v*nta It would no t b* itrong* or unuiual. I t would b* mor* Itrong* and mor* un-

I uiqnl If th* prln** w*r« ownrdad w ith ­out *nnbam tom *nt to th* party Id itbro . Tta* quc«tlon 1* not *o much wh*th*r Ur. Edg* gnd Mr. Fr*llngtiuy*«n and Ml. Kean and Ur. Btok** will bav* trouble; bu t. ra tbn r, how much o r bow iittJ* ot IL In th a ir pouftilentlal m*- in«nt*. tta*y would probably ton you

' that pn tronag* to oftontinii* inor* of a llnblllty th an an a i u t , but It rapro- •ant* a ea rta in pow«r ond p m llg * ; Umt In tb* lu r* o f R.

Th* f*d*r*l patronng* for Now Jo r- **y, und*r U r Hording, probably will not b* a* hoovy no i t wao under tha

j.W iin*n adm tntotratloo , th a t to. oo fo r *• g*a*raltobpolntm *nto or* **BO*m*d. Wliot woo to* portion of Now J*ro*y undor H r. W lloon will baoom* th* por­tion o t CM* a t to r Haroh 4.

TB* Civil Bento* Bwno.A* lo tho oppoln tn ita t of pool-

moftor*. no t only. In N*w torooy, but gonaralljr, tb* RapUbHoon* w ill hav* to d*rtd* w hatho r to cart aald* th* *o- callM] civil ****1*0 oyitem for f l m etaW otna*A o r to p u t th* qyrtom «* a ta i to o f goauto* rtv tl M nin* . w ithin th* cJaotlflod o a r r ic a Th* pr*o*nt civil oarviM Toy t l r r t «to*» ofRe**, tu rh ao ho* p raIttM d Ik* tangl* In tb a N«w- ork appaln tm iB t, lo n e t o tato tory *tvll

I HrirloA bu t 0 hyoutn of lutlog* d« .t*rmin«d, w ith o u t oniupctitlv* •m m ln-

loiioA . by pootoftie* ond oivu oorvloo

i tntpdetar*.N *ltb*r th* Oofiioorota nor RtpuM l-'

CMO hov« k a tii Sottoflad w ith It ju id to* RopuU teon* w tii lrov* Ik* t a p ^

, tn a ity to pag VtoBtoor th ta c m * of .ap- polntm cnio ohaU t a w o o l , n a f jnwa op prtlti«B«f*Tm *at, ,« r w batoor tooy ofeoil g* undof too p fm f M f t rivlf

ouam iq*- •tor bthav


Whyhas.White Owl become thehugest setihig

at its price? Tty a few and you’ll


WHITEOWLlOc stMgkt1 4 7 5

for a box of50.Backed by the


resources ' of the



W lik iH o m G d W i A Gd^ 8 7 P u t t e i m S t

■ H rijH P to R B flk i^ ^

# .

B lA l

I f i t t f R q N O W t u : f t i n k '

o f C h r i w t G i f t b w t e t ' • o / s

t a d j m f i m

r . . \ \

U p

Is Near inG)mmoiisi »*d » eaU. Ub*

Leaden Sa)r» ikaOy Dead.

ttee A h e m t in'I

T *« cUm mim M t to tka trtab ck paaaad tbraugk •ca In tha Hwia^ th t maka tka DMk- L la iha oitlnlaa a f iUI‘eal laadaal ah praaUa aM- la elaaalkllaD a t tha haald U ur not ba wara earrlad a tta r

Icliad b r taraiar I e lk a ri aa ta a ila r tka oandltlan of a

our, h r aiapla ma laiiac, fhow tai th^ ahown la tha M)l

aaaaa pravldat that nambara falld lr

l^ lla m a tit a t tha than half tha total tha numhar who

ktk of aUatlaam ra from tha la ta aonad la laaa than r h r aa ar4ar In >b P u llam aat and of tha ffovaramant mmittaa aoialaaUa aaant paadlac t t a w.ParUaBMat

tore Added nquiry Boardio r. ( (# ) .—ThaFaland annaanaad rar of tka ataal- n t r of tha allti- had dactdad to In* th lp of tha bol}'' iHnpa hara Havan- > aavon an l to an-

Ita Inqolrr. Tko stal ara Rartoaad and A laian lar P.

>t tha Plttihurpli

innoiiBoal tha ftl- bad baan atMal to w: Rar. Jamaa iL Laka E. B art, et.

tka atipfOina b w d Kntphta of Oolam. t, ana of tha alltera lie; Thonaa C. r a . , who raoaallr fa ­it ta Irtlaad . and Kavhtan. aa Ulatar

» ) .—Danla 1 irlaa Taara 'atbar of tha < l(an CoajMlI, iMta# from tha ra ra tca

which wHl paririt ba Ueltad t w a p te ha laok lac of thoir iforo tho AaMriOhn load. Kr. DortWB rho to to JaU.Kr. B o rfaa and Mr. riaad at tha k iaon- atora th a r aaa otort 1 Inmadlatalr-

—anparalalat M a- rpar of tha EuUar darad all tha tajnaa 'ootball aaaaon oap- tho fatal ta ia rr of

t R lrardala la tha ba Boot Kalhariord

t’ ■ *'

jdf, 1



K I^ A B K ' E v m t s a NBWU Ttm SD A Y, IffOVBMBER 9, 1920.


nf :PJ'Vv

The Season’s Greatest Sale of

200 Superior DressesFor Women

45.00, 55.00, 69.00 and 79.50 Values^ y su a lly 27.50 would buy a very ordinary frock—but the P laut policy of thorough mcr^ chandising provides EXTRAORDINARY DRESSES AT TH IS LOW PRICE—

TricoHnet Pairet Twill, Chiffon Velvet, Velveteen, Satin Meteor^ Tricoleite, Georgette and Crepe de Chine

Dresses that are smart! Appealing! Beautiful! Dresses in styles of the hour, modes of the moment. Swagger tailleur dfesses, for street wear, graceful silk dresses for afternoon needs and airy dance frocks fpr formal occasions. Sizes 36 to 46.

\Truly the greatest event of the seasonftj Pbnla—Third Fhior IM

8 a 7 6 Ivory Grain TOItKSETS i

7 ,2 9f a/

Inelndhm IftTM pieo«a—comb, hair broth aad i s lm r —oeatly boxetl.. Thaaa make attractive and ac­ceptable (i{ta. ’ 1 I

I PIm*

'S.5o' (3 ^ ^ '

m V E T


IS HERE, EACH BEARING AN INTERESTING PRICE MARK2.25 lin in g Satin,.Yard 1 .5 ^ 3 0 Inches

vide, heavy quality; suitable tor lining coats. All 'v an ted shades, including black and vhite.

5fc Hack Sattne, Yard 38c—36 inches; timi, heavy quality; rich, lustrous finish, tor cost linings, aprons, etc. Limited quantity.

LOO Black VcfMtian, Yard 66e—32 inches vide; heavy quality, rich and lustrous, vith the beauty of all allk satin and tvice the durability. j ,

2 J0 SiOi and Cottoli Lining, IJM—In at­tractive colors, for v r ip t, coats, bags, etc.

Satlnca in a full line of colon, including black and vhite, priced toNc; 66c, 6Se and 96c yard.conform vith present market prices.

^ Plaats—Mila near

Y a rd r * '

The fabrie pt.Yiad oL Cham.

f,.'or beauty the debu-

I f e -l taate, her mptbar oy; IMr grand- ;*olbiir. A ^«N i:< fdaU ty black

] VV'>>Vbhet, aHr^Ik Mp aUk chain. • ' Soft add lofty. A fto«d ,im veav«,

'-^•Hlghiradd la every vpy.' 42 inches

T ho ServU ieabtt! F a b r ie <

3io"#dOL‘# S :J.n/.

m. vs.*;.J '

ic r ' '" HigjMf: ,pi*»04’ '♦XT'. ' l l

a ih

Wedneodag on the Annex Sguare

8,000 Hanks of KnittiBg YarnsAfter repeated requests we have been able to procure a quantity of

thisTamous yam for you in the following wanted colon:

W h U ePeacock Navy Brown Pwrpie Pink Wi Corid Gfcyi Turiiuaiee Kkakl Slack

The yam ideal in wdght and q u a l i f y , f p f n n a te n , tams, stockings and children’s garments now ao mudhjn vogue.

V\ w tNo G.-0. D ., 'phone

K e p u la r F a f a i l iV . -

Hirtiy F

■■-■ifpt' XL'I'f.t

' ' S ’'

!»'"MditS:fannj!.............. t'WJxp

_ tn*taiici ___ jp f colors In I .tnadihm



NOW is the most opportune time to consider the linen needs of the Thanksgiving table—while greatly reduced pricey prevail on some of our choicest imported a n d w 9 domestic linens—prices not equaled in many seasons past!


TOWELS1.50 P lan liBMi Hade

T W eS .'E K h 89cTbt best iol of towela wo

bar* offered In three yeere; •elected ill linen flax; hem­med end*.

09c All-I.imn Crarii Toveling, Yard S5c

Heavy welfht', 17 Inchoavide; from beei tll-lioea Rax; leave* no lint.

50a P urr U no i Crash Toweling, Y’aid 39c

Scotch make, Arm veave; 17 Inchea wide; white with flit color red border.

30c ClatM Tovelliig, Yard 23c

Suiiible for Rne china wire; good Rrade even ytrna (hit will wear well.

59c Brcnd Tmy Ilollie^ Each 50c

Pretty de*i|na; ftne M»- deirt eyelet and aolld em­broidery with hind-bulton- hole scallop cd(e; slie 3x12 inebee.

2.50 Madeira Center Plecea, Each 2,19 Fine quality pure

Irish linen, with Fist ed|c; hind em|>roi- dered; 18 inches In dl- imeter,

Port 14mh Psttam ThWe CIoUhStrong, sturdy and beautiful; botvy

volgbt, snow white; made from Soaat Sax; tvo detirabla atiea; no napkiua to mateb.70x70 Inchea, value lO.OS, ipecie] TJS 70x00 Inchee, velue 12.08, epeciel 8JS

3.50 Mcrcctlzind Pattern Clotlia,2.39

Mercer!tod cotton; floral and scroll; round effecta with borders; slit 63x71 Inches.

1.50 McKtvized ThUe Damask—Spedak Yard U 9

An assortment of pretty deslgnt; width, 70 inebo*.

3.50 A lR lnen Table Damarit —Yard 2.96

Pure linen Scotch damtsk; two yard* wide.5.00 Bleadied Satin Table Danaak

3.95 •AU-tinen satin damtsk; heavy

weight; full 70 Inches wide.

I^Dttem Table Cloths and Nsjiklna to Match

Our own direct Importation. Choice all-lincn damask of hetvy weight, from best pure linen flex yarns. Rich satin luster, aliractive designs: 2x2 yards, reg. iZ.RS, special 10.50; 2x2vj yards, reg. 15.D8, special 12.88; 22x22 Inches, napkins to match, reg. 15.03, specisl, dozen, 12.50.

PUuta—Main Floor Annex


17.60 AO-Uimm TableNapUim, D o n s U 95

All pure linen Scotch dam- aak; t<x>d, heavy weight; made from beat flax; beauti­ful aiiln luater; many lovely daaigna; alia 24a24 inchoa.

15.00 Pore Linda Dinner Napklm, Dozen

9.95Limited qiuntliy, ao cone

early. Large alia. 22x22 Inchea; beautiful quality, Scotch danaak in choice da- atgns.

7.9S Irish DamaskNapkim, Dozen L60

Heavy weight, Imported damask; woven from Bneat cotton yarns; permanent lua- ter; 22 Inchea aqutra.

dJiO Blewihed Table N a^ in s , Dozen 3.95

Good quality mercer- lied cotton yarns; 22x22 inches square; and a real "Rnd” at this price.



Featuring 12.50 to 19.50 Samples at the Cost of th e Labor Alone

Special 3o85k

Superior models created by the forern''st hat maker; hand blocked and developed in exquisite panne velvet, Lyons velvet and beaver combinations, in wide brims and hats of various proportions. Choice of ull colors and black.

3.98 and 4.98 Ostrich Bands, Special, 2.95Several styles in shaded, plain coltys and black. Particularly charming as trim­

ming for tny of the hats on sale.riau ta—SrFond Floor

Choose Fur Garments NowDuring the Great Fur Sale, which

offers 40,000.00 worth of new W inter garm ents a t Just 28,000.00.

oraiNioFor Wednesday Only

While C uM tltlee Last

Wonderful Savings in

T h is G roup o f W am ends


3 8 .0 0Regularly 45M to S9M

The values contained in this exceptional offering of warm, winter coats arc without ex­ception the best yeti Included are many dif­ferent models, making satisfactory choosing very easy.

Some are atralghtllne tailored coats, others the extremely modish coat wraps with ra^an ihoutders and draped sides. Also smart

, vrappy atylea that spell youth In every fold.Here In the up^to-the-minute coat fabrics,

Uicludtng. I

^ . Vdoor » NoreNy Mxterei;'A

— - m ’■ ’V,- vv''; ■' .V-

'(S- :A ''iaM ib « e h av * fo r



1,39Wtinieii'■ Mmnri4’'vI f'' drv"a‘ni|

•Mrrj- !■* 'H pr^ity ftivruil I'Plfna, in lav'fftiilwr. gray fi'nk. Iilira inadfl wifri ruilAr Ap-I riihg

Trli;i.Ti»-s1 uL'Pi aahn anniiicj tnliMr. •'uft* and puchvi H»M of nvir inaicfUI t1<’j at'>urdV alat hi7‘ ■ 3h Uv ib Main Mitur Aiinex

MEN’S ft.,50 BATH . . ROBES, G.45

tllve hOn n. Hal'i rnli* whffi mnr« u«*fv.l g[fr eoul'l ' ii* think o f >!■>]•• tip In' Mi" genuine

f'lnlL'' f-«. m l ii*n«wap( Kail rattxfiia Oaty ^ limited gu3r>‘ ■'prlrij you may La «ur« th'-y Millfiol Ira herp lunji A;alu l iusr


SPECIAL LOOEicvllant quallly rotten lAffet*.

In a range ef preily flourarvii pettema on blech ftoijnde and made In good inotlet. Deep knife* pleKM fleunce end rinletied «Kb •iMtIc fitted tope Uwln rioer

MEN’S 2.00 SHIRTS. 1.39A limited q jan titr men'e

flne, fMt color percpie ehlrtg, Jnet 411 of them, In fget, end an op* partvnUy worth while leohlDf Into. Made In *on cuff afylex llaeg ItH to If. Ke mell o9

then* arder*. AH nklee flwl. ial« n»or.


Only H of lbe*« men’i woeiT* niaf# eweaiariL mad* In V neeh dtyle. Theke war* ertflJially made lo *pH for *mt e r only. iJtly for qnirk 411■*>• e•l|, In ekfoPd nm f oaly. fflae* | t t* at. All eniaa nn*l. Main neer.


T* Maytei* *iw* m.I,«sh s veil Is Us .W.1UM sMssHUr. A W.nd«Tful vsrlsty ol sly

sll tbs « s s M shMtos^

m wji

•atea of P r a a A S i l l , w M ti

fiUKK «0

b. sw ------------- lirga Menrdbla coBart. AH .thek^#^;'-aad'‘* a i | fiatad'tedia,: AkjhMedfallyijrflh'




h Pot &>sl $100I Impotet Mioimum

F iiw ^o r VbUtion of Pro-

tA ll AlOT T ar*« <14 A acutl IT * M *0

W * • M M lu l af ra ltla a la a eotfaa pol • B i B m r aama w alar o*ar Uam, Taa- t a i t e r a ll ka 4K waa u pay a ifaa »( MM la i t t4 fa LfBah la lha ra4ara l O p art fa r a vloU tlaa a t tha Volwaa4

M r Ika fa la ra l traaP jury, a t lla iM t B ltuaa , r tla rn a p a naa-oount In- M p la iaa t aca laa t him, (our «( w kkh arara aa lla p t aaaaP yaaiartay. whila ha plaaAa4 a a llty ta tha fldh . Tha la- MM aaaal cbaraad b in * lth havlnr a a ttn . «1 lh aarry lB f aa lha baalnaaa of . l a t in a r w ithout flv ln* bond, with \r a rk ta a a atlll not baarto i a t i tn ,

'" • a tr ta ia r a d Dlatlllary,’’ with unlaw < I ta t ty oarrylB« «a tha buaintaa ot dia-

• n a ^ , v i th la tau t to dtfraud tha ( ot- , 11- - — of tha U l oa (ha aplrlia dla-

t i l M by him. and with oarryinc on VealM a t a ratall liquor daalar.

> a f « e llTOa a t IP Harvay atraat. l im a w lc k . Ob lha abora-inaa-

O a ^ ia la . ha canaalaad a llaparlac' I p w th f for aama whiaky, rta l or moon

'iT' f H - - , fe ■'

snv.'.r.K-BVEsniG jtewb, tpesdat. novbmbeh a. m -

Nona o( lha rofutarly m aau(ac- tw a < waa In alpht, ao ha took lha al- tarm atlya. and atarlod ta maka hla own.

B a t J4ra Varpo, whaa h» laid har BBbI ha waa p o in t t* do, baton to eon- Iw a up Tiald picturaa In hrr mind o( A losandar nndar tha lanuanca. and aha pB erte* . Kar alow a hawivar, had no v a ip b t w ith har huaband. and aha lA arafora roporiad him to tha polloa. ■a o m o a ra »oyea, O'Bara. Curran and S ^ l a a a af tha Naw Brunawlck polloa MMO. and took A laiandar away lo tha Ipakap. w bara ha atayad two daya, antll IM tu ra labad 111* u a h ball to awall «ha ad tioa of tha Jury.

Taalorday, ihroaph a Pollah lo tai- a ra to r ka told hla atary. Jud ta Lynoh S h a d him how (hr ha had pratroaaad Ml th a B ianaraatara o t hla naclar and In Ptatod ha had Juat pul lha m atarlalaIk th a pat. la raply ta furthar quaa- B n iY p bo ptatad th a t ha did not know « k a t to da aoal. h a t that ho had haordVM K *• • « MW Mm m aavwr. <wk lo t a t ta lk about tha oolar a( ra la la i

2 fk a I lfh t o( tha aiaaa and waafad Btaka aama a ip a rla ian u la lllumlaa-

IM b hlmaalf.

t h a patty aa taro a t hla attanaa wooa k arpuaaaa'. la fa ro r a t lanlanty w ith

'.Jakpra Lyaoh, ba t A talllant p i^ trlo t2 ip M ^ P AoM daolarad^ thaj a mint

a f l ia a lo mandhlary In eaaaaa thara tha aharpa la lha m anuthctura ihB A U P *t Inlaploatlap liquor, ao lhaMm w aa impoaad

Mlrtldy,w—^ r . uahoaipi and unthora. Wlli- l a a W raahlapa. forty yaart alA aama kW a f a oatl la thd Barpon (hiunty la tl M M nrdny Into Judpa Lyock'a court to M iM a a llty to an Ihdtoitnoat charptap Mkl w n h tp lllnp to radiator acoordinp Ik th a d ra ft law koptambar It. l » l . ■ h had booa In Jail alaoa Juno II. h a r la p haaa arraatod a t k it ham t In

W raah lapa oUtad la a la tta r lo tha ' r ie t a lto raay th a t ho did not rop

booaaPo ho tboaphl tha d ra ft Uw___ j t i . a a fa ir aad h a n m tha oharao-IppM iau a f olaot taplalatloa. Ha l lra t WHh hla laothar, and waa aatd by aftl- dIhiB who had anamtaod him to ba a ppkak. J a d p t Lpnoh conildarad that. Pkklap a ll alroamntaneaa Into eonuld- PPktloii. ho hod hoao puntahod aoouph, apM aanlanood him to lha lonptb of time

'-W ' tm had alroady Phrvad.f MMMT kroa e th a r aam ai of man eharpid

krlth m alniatn inp llllolt atilla, w « a P ittod to r ploadtpp. Of thaoo ono didkwp pewMMOkoe- *w* r —a g l appM ry m i tw 0 pth#r*. B liiw «nn T a n B ra n t and Qua Tallar o( lOt Myrtla a a a n u r , Baptuna Tawnuhlp, olaadad BkUty. W han th iy wara callad tor aan- liao A howevar. It waa taund thay had

B a ta a U. Bhrrlaoh, poaimMtar of O ak Troo. ploadod pu llty to tha thaft of t t d d t from lha fuada antru ttad to hla ppya. k ta ta a e * w at dafaitad.

Dgotaa Pataol IWot Thafta.^ Jam ah IhlUlda a t t« Hudaan plooo.

net pullty la an In- A ltU ara t oharplkp him with thafl of aarhol p o r t poehapoi. Ha la aald lo C irP boon tho d riro r of a mall iruoh kkd to h a ra hatn laaolvad In tha dlaap- BPkrasoo of n paehhpa valued at I II T S a u T H ulat of Point Plaaannt. ak arp ad w ith hav tap h toa tha movtnp M otor In on allofodly (m uduU ni com- Boay know n on the Popular Booh Cora- aao y . plaadad not pulUy to tho eharpoa^ .. ^ _ . o _nk- oMwIlm Pm uMaoh.• M tM t him of o i ln t ih* m»tl» lo pro-

frond- According lo tho Itidlot*


mmrnt. ha Inaartad adrartlaatnanta Ih ok rtoua m apailnaa and nawtpapera da- pM rtnp Ihot fa r |1 ba would aand to a n y o n t n oomplota Hat, baartnp thaM p ro v a l o f tha povtm m ant, of tha WM* and form ula! amployid In tha m aB ufactura af aleohal- After racclv- la p th a dollar. It la claimed, ha for- w arded to thoaa who anawar d hla ad-waraau 4 0 - --- --OartlaaiaaBt a copy allphtly altarad ofth a T arm o rt' Bullalln. Ho 4I». laauad by tho Dopartm ahl of Apricultura, lo Which aro traalad tha methoda am- ployad In the dlatlllatlon af Induatrtal alaahal. Tha bulletin, It waa aald. can bn ooeurad by hundrada, althauph uaa- loaa fo r Ha Intlmatad purpoaa, from W aahinp lon a t throe cania a ropy.

hVhat la believed lo bo an outcome of iBVaillpnllona alarted laat summer, w han reaori* a lo o f the Jeraey Ooaal wore trdublert with U lna of ta r and .all on lha wal.T itrovoisilnr balhlny. oame when (ho W arnif-Q uln’nn f’hoin- leal Company (hrouqh Ha repreeeoia- tlvo. Corporation Gounael John MiHon a t Je raey City, plcednd not pullty to an lad lein ien i charalnu It will' dipoeHtnp tn r or oU refuee In New Torn Hafiror aad Ita trlbularlea. The Ind lnm in t alloBed that leakape from lie farlorlea a lonp lha A rthur Kill- oppoalte Chat- ■oa. Btnten laland. wea ellow 'd lo run In to the Kill The company bee offtcee a t T» W all iiroe t

nrm Knt^r PU mm.Toyrt^fin rntn. iom# from N*w York

h u t rtioii from Hu<1*oo County. to tn d lc im m ti charging Ihrfi or th* rocolpt of Miulen luoiit from ih tp m e n ti Harold A- ofggVMnth MvanUf. Now *TorK, pl«Md»d gu ilty to tho th«fl of dr«ia*« vaiund at M . n from M freight c»r \n J*rMy City.

David MorgHn of 441 Kut: U lth■ tro i . Naw York, plendfil guiky &nd T hom bi Engl* of l i t Weet }-'iftv-third ttr* « t. N«w York. ple»drd nc't guiltytQ gp lndlctiT)t*fit cnarginir wlU:) tha theft of two aephrMt*:' BhluTmeni* cvnglMting of fourteen ceB«« uf cigara from lha American nallw jy KilaitTMaa Company. Vftiuod In all nl 31 ai'}

Lioula WiltUmA of H I C inunjnlpaw avanua, JerM^jr CMy, mjuI WnphariM of 1 Grand Mtroct. Wcclin,<ivk«n. . ptaadad not guilty to a charg* of ataat- ' Ing ■ighi iTien'M auiia |

Bonjam lh gehlaltar of If Adam atraat. H obokan, and two othara wpc,- chargad frUh ataailng draaaaa and hoilery from

•(pg (Tratght car in Jataay City. Tha two o th ara did ttoi appear, but Schlalfar plaadad noi guilty-

O thar C^hargaa Mada. g ta a lla g flah from a Jerary City ptar

af th a Am aricaa lUlLway ICipraaa waa tha eharga ro id t ag ilna t Joaapb Dae ra n ta of IH Haatar a tra a t NaW Yorhe K a plaadad not guilty . '

Joaaph Traagi whoaa r*al nama li b ggld to ha Olowannl Qaoovaaf, of Rgll* ^ M d MTahtiOe Cloaiar, waa cfatrgadw uh

r r ^ m k N aadhun of t l CUnton atraat. ■ • h o k o i: WllUgm Hoyar of 111 Jock- goft M raat, Hobokao. ahd W gltar Bhag

TH Orftikd itrM la Hobokaria w ith t i g tk a f t o f hgmpara af owaot

-Se ta tego from g Hobokao railroad ro rd . I n t w p M d a d g i l l t / ggd tha otkara pot

f t t m araa* raturpad ta )«ii, oa wt to ggM to bpva tkrnad a u ta 'a awl- g |M . Troag. ggaofdlpg to tha piithort-

k h i g raoofd, kovlpg larvad pro- tgriRA gga i i l i« lUDirg

'& af Tl MrM l ^ l .e*-, ------ ------u T^AB*, i.'ikABBBkr; rraa k flB ir ^ ^**1^ -

A ftfarI tldhidd


Open Evenings

'p ---

Open Evening!

l a n d a v ;7 7 5 B r o a d S t ., (m2S.) N e w a r k

AUo New York Stt»e»i—23 Wept 42nd St.—427 RWi Ave.

When It Comes From LandaysYou Know) It’s a Genuine ’’VictrolcL kndayi, A m e ric a ’s la rg est V ic tro l i d ea le rs , h a v e r e a c h e d th a t p innac le o f success by se lling o n ly th e g e n u in e V ic t ro la , th e In-s tru m e n t c h o se n b y th e v as t m ajo rity o f p l c . T h e r e a rc p le n ty o f su b s titu te s a r o u n d — b u t w h o w o u ld o e c o nc o n te n t w ith a l i th o 'g raph o f a R e m b ra n d t i f h e co u ld h av e th e OQginal ?

M atte emre youn is a fttmhie V iO n U h getting it dtreef from t, mtdnye

Oenulae V lctrolai at Iduidayf on Eapy Termt $25,$35,$50,175,$125 $ 150, $225 to $1500

Broad Streett corner West Park

Sensational Half-Price SaleOver $SOftOO Worth of FaU and Winter

\ \ I

E A M l& C a7 7 - 7 9 M a rk e t S t , N e w a rk


SaliirdaTB• P.

rdBTB. M.

Real Fomitore Yalses at Kirch’sKirrti Offers Good furniture, Uw Kind ttik t Will Give P cpibb- aent SkUafkdkm kt Prlock thkt Heka a UtUe Saving to You

Yoitr Purchases May Be Giaiied

Silk FlossMattress



T onorroT viD be a v en d a rta l epportnnity to select ■ Btuonini dinner, aftsm ooti or tailored frock and oty half the origin >1 ticketed price. Every frock i deairablo, lovely model of finest fabrics, color «nd ombellishment.

$05 Dresses—Reduced tol De luxe evening gowns.!

$a0 Dresses—Reduced toJ Rich afternoon modes. I

$100 Dresses—Reduced to i New dinner creations. \

$75 Dresses—^Reduced to/ Rich afternoon modes. \

$50 Dresses—Reduced to) Smart street types. (

$40 Dresses—Reduced tol Chic tailored modes. (

$32.50$30$50$37.50$25$ 2 0


A t Price$J Waists—Reduced to

Rich georgettes.$C Waists—Reduced to

Rich georgettes.$10 Wpists—Reduced to

Costume models.$15 Waists— Reduced to

Costume models.


Hundreds of excellent quality blouses, in ex­quisite costume, ttilored and »uit modes. The biggest vilues ever offered on blouSes of thistype. '

"VT- S C

W hite Enamel Bed1 2 . 9 8

V«fT bpadally fMead bI

1 6 . 9 8SpMlBtly PriMd It

l-lnoh cantinuous sorti: pBoal effect.

Roll .Ape, r»ncT Bi'i llch- Inp'. pure illh floee. 811 phtImperfection In tloklnp. l»' e ii new nwterlel


Fum ed Oak LOsnury Table

SpBcislIy PtkBd M

1 9 . 9 8Mede of ftotid oAh, faned i rich nut

brow n.

Royal Easy ChairVery

SfiMUIty Priced Bt

$35 up.- In Bll etylerT hree-P iece Came U pholetercd Suite

Spcclally 1 9 8 . 5 0Priced Bt

('overwd hi f mKatltvl lea th er, aenulne

An -- ■ Mk welou

aenuineelegant large. com fortabU •u ll» . u p h o liU rt^ In beet quellty lea th e r anoour rum ple le w ith cuffhlone and holkter rolt m match. iHp.»iHrr.

The Ben Hur RangeG ood Fam ily S ize

StMcially Priced bI

42.50<T«g HslrwlA guarthii-I.MI baker FouT-Plece Walnut Dining Room Suiteand eco- Tvymlnal •tova.

SpBcUIly O * 7 R o n "Quee* Abb^Priced ht ^ • i J . y j y jte of VI

Ivory ChlffonnierAmeiican walnut richly fliHehed. a la rg e eulte of very attrac itve


SpedaflyPrkw l at

2 7 . 5 0

Four-Piece Mahogany Dining Room SuiteV«ySpBdal e 4 9 8 . 0 0

An pitractivc, well-made C hlfto iiiii« ri nicely

Mode of ebUd (tiehopnnr In ChlppendBle drilKn. AH l.rde. mecqjve nliwte. eleK.ntlT llnlehed. end co rrec t In deuJl. P u ll, mny elea be hed In w ilnu t.

H n lth ld .

Nasty ColdsEase at Once

First dote of *'Pape’s Cold Compound” relieves dis- trM —Three doses break up colds—No quinioet

Bartl e*er eierted-efI Ortt biewlnp. .Bd, ■MiIlHepI A d.M ef "Peptfe Oeld 0« b-

tahiB tvprr.tve keen aatu ihiMBMB A S iM ih

Biapi feUevee keedeobe, delnetai ' IB MBil i lllp. eorentei, MIKbiM,

" i fm o CelB CeBiBcilBd" I* IB* 7,NIM- bBewB'i'BBd eeilB-ciNItr.:;#« ( iSeu -

^ m m i m^ o S B S e S f o t iZ ^

^ Laxithie ^^ C o U fh T a iile b

-m . 1RIM

A S n s n :




BOt lUUDli D m w a n i E n m iy s

*Tou may waeh them and wem them Ae much at i/ou gvUl-t"Their delicate^nkfiett Clings to thetn ttill/* ^

yESTS$ ■ .

Spec. 3.75. Reg.4JiO.Embroidered, bsnd and bodice top.

•TEStS; - Spec. 2M . Reg. 3.75.

B i n d t i f d b o d i c e t o p . '

BLOOMERS-J-e.■ i . ■■ ’I.-

-House r Dob

’ I




Essex Met

SelnilVn o (td lil meket eembljr hki ■liera are lo ’• becomlnp It v ru Inn rle ttlo il, w BiwAkerihIp etete ,

Uuch of t: • te r t of the E ie ix and : to de. Toi four of Ike end It !■ oor letlve leede not eclutJl}' retn.lBder i epBlnst Ihei poeltlon the

There w !i te a M iterd tw elve Eaee l l . r eeeitied Oeorpe B. I candidate fo e n te r the co E e te t Aeeei him, w hile I peeled to i t

And whll ■tale houie Eeiex deleip ivnp t l ! Ulto Mr. Hob* It naiBod hit E lliot we! lb ! de lep tll

HTho Hud!

tekon t ! l!If It h .! . It ■Mret. It •Utto heuH bor!-ei*ct tl ru lo r P l!rre roun try '! Ri m an, for th<! ■ W!ll ■ ! Imen. w u n<

WllllBDI f llcen lu d e i howeror, et men would kBOW bow Bpeekeretalp, p a rtlra la r ly a t ttale Urn Inveettpetio tlon In Jerni and he eere

"aivf U! !• te le tu i t h- eon." u id 1 w ouldn't ev th e po ll, en •to le the el ■Charlie' 0*1 Cnnpreee I Toere'e a fl and . the nei dipt Into It.

But to pe flpht. Out houee eorri, ainn ot ! l i ( w liboul pe the part of Jorlty lead , name of Mi for the 8pei Herahfleid, th u r ti. Pie Irv inp Olovi rn i SpMkr Camden ntl ra re elnre 1 n .w ! u r (1 nereoii of K ton

Ml-, n-ih-r of the fl-e 'h- -T*n 1 ,0LTurl: nqion Hn, iho ren K lcht~ ,nth roen:ution li hU fr.rn d i lurrlitiptoii f»p,ok,T fr e rrred In H bin! preelde

One ef Ih wae the o ip w ent lo the printed to i Je r tlr lead , learned tom frien d , w h Speaker, eo floor dead, I kep t them tl continued- had refuted (be tw o po! ta rem ain t h e p la i to cli

There wei tordap h r i B o n n and o t all of the houee to b« ■lata 1ha\ d I d a R ouie ronape and p e t a whel- the io m ar (Inal Bolutio

That Amt oat Leapue roeom tlob! lUIph B. t Hethodlit 1 which he 4 dap nlpht D H e a a r

'I f Id In ooateada which more pa rt aad to Tha laapue but far pee ■eitalor Lo about formt abMurd'"'

Meahlnp trcmaadotti ahowed the tnadh of vot bac af vHi brekklap ot a llq M But p a r t/ . Dr. t wap and ali •attla tha | aa thb aafo AmakdinaBt aniMraplhd tha MMia a

Jhat aa ifut^U oa, bt


Vhdar thi Farpat Con artlolaa ma,

- . .ip lo r’i wailti.baasiii tlelah, inltJ hhva ban i moktha aaf p a jB the M

VBat ptMi llalPB hpvt t t Ika BBldti ■Cftsliatlai OsiUklHaa,

... th a -ra ta ra i „ ik- Falpal

J '■





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IVoblem Unsolved

CandjcUte* Continue Active Vote ^mpnignj, but Nothing Def­

inite Accomplished.

Essex Membcrs-Elcct for Hobart

SMatiVn <if ihp praM*in f t« r 1h« ef- ni«k«up of ih« [8?i Ifou9D of Aa*

aambly h&i not ym b « n r«ACh*(l. «rwl i\;«r« »ro Ijidk-ariom itiat tha pltuiillon ’• btcom lnc woro lavolv«<l tbanIt w u Immediately afio r Tuewlay'a elottlon, wtien ^ftndlJaclOi' for tbo MpeakOfihtp bobbed up oil over lh« f l i t* ,

Uueb of ih* In trro it of the m om bori- olact of th« heat lloua? eontora on wKat

kfid Huilton rounllea a r t KolDf to do. Tofothor thoy havo twoniy* four of tb« tifty-n!no m ajority volef. and It l i oonrodod by mopl of tho lofia* lallvd U ad«n ib a t ^ h lla Iboy could not actually control tlie alluaUon If th« ram alndar of tbo iHato ahould unit* adalitpt thorn, (hoy do hold a o lra teslc poolUon th a t muM be raekonod with.

Tbaro w ai much apoculatlon at T ren ­ton yaalarday on tho a td tudo of tho tw tlv a Xaaax memberB-oUci- Tho bo> llof atomad to bo fenora l that, whila O aorfa fi. Hobart ttilnUl bo arr actlva candidata for tho Hpeakonblp, bo would on tor tho conteat w ith only e lfh t of iho Kaaok Aaaamblymon—tho • ryfe—bohlnd him, wkUo th* othor four n ilfb t bo oi* pootod to awln^ to a wot.

And whllo tho apaculailon In iho a ta to homo w at fo ln g full tlU. tho E a ia t delogailon waa m cotinf and g iv tif l i t unaoltnoua atam p of approval to Mr. H obart for tho Spoakorthlp. Alao It namod him aa Ita chairman. Philip D. E lliot waa choaoti aa tho aocrotary of tho delagailon.

HudMB Non Mnm<Tho Hudaon dolofallon haa not yot

takon a aland on tho Speakorahip. or. If U haa, It la keeping Ita poaltlon a ■ocrot. I t waa tho boUof about tho • U U tieuao yoalorday th a t tho mem* bora-oloct thora would look to Proao> cu tor Plorre P. Oarvon* who la alao tho country '! ntpublican itate. cotnmlttoe- mati, for thoir ordara, and Mr. UarYon, aa wall aa the l l t l Ifudaon Aaaombly- meti. waa net In Tronton yoalorday.

William P. VordoB. Kobokon Ropub' llcan loador. waa a t tho ata ta houao. howorar. and ho declared the Hudaon man would bo Indepondont. Ho didn’t know bow thoy would atand on tho Bpoakorehlp. and furtherm oro, ha w ia n 't p a rtlca larly Inleroatod In tho quoatlon a t thia timo. w h a t ho w anta la an Invaatlgailon of tho Ilaguo adminlatra* tion In Jereey City and Hudaon County, and ho aiya he'e going to It.

"Olva ua a chanco and wc M ahow thia a ta te )uat how raw thlnga r>rs in.Httd* ■on." aald Mr. Verdon. "Why, Oarvon w ouldn't ovon glvo ua chaCengara at tho |K>Ua and we know tho Domocrata dtoU tho oloctlon for ahorlff and for 't^ a r lU ' O'Brien, thoir candidate for CongroM In tho Twolfth Dtatrict. Tiiora'a a fine m«aa In Hudaon County and . tho next l^ g le la tu ra la going to dig Into It. or 1 ml«a my gueaa.*'

But to got back to the Bpeakorahlp fight. Out of The m illing In lha a ta ta houeo oorrldora name doflnlta dlacui* aloa of i l l candldorlea for the poflt10fi< w ithout perceptible tncltnatlon upon tho part of any one to aeek the ma- fo rlty leaderahlp. In addition to t?ti name of Mr. llobert. thoao m abtloued for the Ppoaker'a rha ir wore Henry G. Harahfleid. ItfO m ajority leader; Ar* th u r Ploriofi of In lo n rou iity , TV. Irv ing Glover of Bergen County, p r i i- eni Speaker. T. Harry Rowland of rem den all of whom have been In tha ra re einro Klof'tlon Day, and a brand*- n«'*v etar for llie ronetellatloa fa tho twraou of iCrumor Itoberti of BgrllDg- ton

Hr. Fl'iherta looma aa a proHlbltlonlat of the n .or water, end e<nno aay th a t h* *-T*n |!0<'R a Rtep further, for the LTutI ngicn AinembtyTnan hai behind Hn' the rerord of having prevented an Kirhf'*rnib Amendment ra tifica tion rovn ution In the proaont Kooae. Alao. hU fr<cndi claim that It la about timo Purlirigton had the poaltlon. the laat Bps^okvr from that ruunty having aerved In l l t |» when Bamttol K. Koh- blna provided.

One of the oddlUea of tho a llua ttoa waa the oaporlanco uf Mr. Rowland. Ha wont to the alate houeo yeatetday all primed to make a drive for tho m a­jo rity leaderahtp, Then, ho aaya, he loarnod aomethlng. Ho found a lot of fflenda who want Mm to become gp eak o r eo ho awung hla «poa from tbo floor ioadcrahlp to the Poatrum and kap t them there aa tho day'a dlaoutolon continued. Ho aald laat night th a t ho had rofuaod to conaidor any doala on tha tw o poaltloaa and th a t ho expootod to rem ain foot fraa until tho iltu a tlo b hoglna lo c lu r .

Ttiar* w«r» t*w pUScM CiWO t«rdk7 b r ni*nvb*n-*l««t of lb* l l t lB o«io ond It Mtmod to b* tho doflr* • f oil of thoni who w p o o n d oi tb* tto to houM to b* proporod to Jump to th* plot* fh*.\ d*y*lop* th* m e lt i tr iB g th . In B Rotu* *0 h*BVlI|r DtpublloBii p * t- roBBC* BB.I coitimltt** Bppalntm*ntB C*t B wbol* lot of eon*ld*rBtlon BBd thoto m ar ficur* iB r^ d r wh*B tho tlBBl oolutloB of th* probUm eom«p.

Mur<£f SiupMt la HeU, But No Ques Develop

Corti. Caught io Di Mtggio Slaying, Was Arrest^ iq 1917 Black

Hand Raid. '

Search for Cun Proves Fruitleu

N'o aubatant^al d u o haa beon- ob- talRffd by dotoctlvea to lin k up Joaaph C oni, on too men. 2 |l Academy alraot* w ith the m urder Bunday n ight o f Glu* aeppl Di Magglo. a cobbler, US Naw)oit atreet, but they gro coattn u tag thOlr o ffarta for cvidviice a g a l i^ t him- Dt Magglo died In tba City H&apJial. re- fualng to aid the polloa In aolvlfig tha m yaiary of hla m u rd e r Ho had boeii tricked Into approaching th a haJlw ay of a l)UlId!ng a t fp Dodford a tfo a t by a m an whom tha poUca do hot know. A ahot e&mo from tha darkaaod hallw ay and t>t Magglo fall m orta tty woundad-

A block iway» a patro lm aa hoard tha ■hot. I}# atartod tow ard tha apot only to tu rn and run In onothar d lrae tlan when he aaw Corti running. Tho dhaaa laatad aovaral hlocha. To Incraada hla ipead, Corti throw off hla o v a rd o a t A nothar poltcaman hlookad hla path and aided In hla capture. Only once ■Inca hag Corti tpokan. H a la id ho ran becauae he hoard tha ahot and faarod othera.

Ha waa brought face to faea w ith DI M aggto In the hoapUal befora tha la tta r died, bu t neither man ahawed any algn

am otlog a t a l i^ t of th e other. Corti g e t In poJlca hoadquartera all day yea lerday, re fu tin g to talk . He waa ox* trom aly nerveu i during tha m orning, bu t tow ard night ho atoadlod hlmaetf and appoarod cool.

C ortl'a pioiuro ta in the roguaa' glL* lory, On Docotnber 10. 1517, Daiectivo Adubato, ainca ,m urd«r«d. headed a p a rty of detoetlvoi. Including Bergoantv Boll. Bonnet end Rummot, In a raid on a Black Ilpnd mooting In tho roar of A galoon a t 6 Bedford atroot. There waa no lig h t In tho room, but they found half a doaen men gethered around a table, Quna wore feuad on toitie of (horn. There were a num ber o f over* coata hanging on tho w all and guna w ere found In eaoh. Not one of the men ever claimed h it ooaL Cartl waa one of the men arreau d .

Daforo a aubatantlal eaaa could ba prepared by Adubain to b ring th e men to tr ia l ho wee m urdered. Since (h a t tim e aomo mambara of tho gan g have been b rought Io Juatlca on o thar chargee.

Tbo neighborhood about 15 Bedford e treo t waa ooerchod yeeterday to r the gun u ied In killing DI liagg io , bu t none waa found. Corll'a home aleo wea iearched , b\it nothing of Im portepco (urnod up. No Bleek Hand le tto ra wore found among Dt M aggloa poaaeaalooa In hla home.

C ortl'e wife la In tbo hoapltal to u n ­dergo a aerlou t operation.


M O R E L E 6 A L C O M P L I C A T I O N S

A r 6

B e l i e v e s A m e r i c a W il l V e t

I J o i n L e a g u e o f N a t io n s

T hat AmtrlcB w ill pat an U r Ih* pr**- • n t L*BffO* * f KBtlOMk M h B P f w ith r«**m tloB *, II th* h«U*f « f R«t . Df. lU to h B. Urmy, p**tar «S C*Bl*»»rr K tl to S l i t R p U o ^ l cfcurcih u i« *b * whloh b* d*nl*f*d Ib p riM h ln h ■>*-d * r h lfh t OB “WhBt t>OH th* Ki*«tlaBH * * R r

I t It Impoiilhlh'' th* nl*rtriB>B «*nt*BdB. n o aonip th* oM l**f«* !• whl«h mar* tluM forty bbUobo m t * b pa rt BBd t* Bator or form • aaw aa*. Th* l*Bt<t* It ••matking ao t to r w ar b*l ta r p**o«, BBd (BOh ebJ*ott*at aa B«Mlar Lodg% for laataao*, rmSaoa about formtag a aap«r goToranoat *ro abaurd."'

l ^ a h la g *f l**t woak't oUettoa * • a trowaadouf tb iag Inaamuob aa It •how«d th* iad»p*Pd*no« of th* graat madB *r Tot*r* thraugh th* larg* aaw - bii! *t tm ** f*i^iw*ll*r partUa, tb* bragkiag « t party Ua*a and th* aapar* * il«M m*S*rttl«* for th* w iaajng party. Dr. V ray laid that whll* lotUU* way gad ala* la th* Way It Maiaad td aattl* tb* prohibition gnottlon aa th r aa tha «aforooia*at of tho BIghtoatith Am*Bdm*at II waa **ry onaaarsglpg, yot It waa a Mtbadk t* th* «*«■• *f peao* In th*' wertd.-

M Ih* l•Bgu* M bagiBnUig to fui^tloa. ho aftlrmoC AMtrloa'* toU- urd; to tiitar lt.,oann*t but proT* a haaSioap to ih* tu * a « l poaa*. n rh* l«aiu« wai not t* r war bus ta r paao*. aiM 1 b«ll*T* w* *haU j n «nt*r It," dtaiar*d Or. Urmy.

T o 'C o n d u c t S a le f o r S o M ie r i

. A t N e w Y o rk k o r e N e x t W e e k

mm vsiw gweeeeI Baapttat gwl s la A f* TpA

Cad*r th* dIraottoB »t th* li**l-W*. r* rc« t Commlila* a *al* of Cbrlatasa* artibt** nuulo by woundod and gaaoad

, w lO f » a t th* BatyeUalo U m m l ta r R*.*daratl«i w ie M hold *n th* n rth A n y l o r s (to re that ally, durlag th*

' luft^W giaiU tie a « ti U oaSpy.. Th* ar- ' m jajit aafiabt* ' for chrittaUM ^'t^fta

> iw d b Dm law ,ftw' v m ln s ta d fh* *htir* p r* e* « d a '« te

, CtJW 'th* saWlar* ihwaddlTda.. .*•. . . ' - . m . gihW tldi*' t r o « . W h I & jt ta h r - n*ep--baT> h*«a *MMk..wgib.eiMfM u iOb pridWn by th* I M tv is h n n U ttf ^ f a p t i f i k with i S h t a r t ”

' . t o c J q r t

IJW tha Third

Chemist Tells Wonders Of Humble Yeast Cake

T liree C ents Buys 2 2 T im es as

M any P lan ts a s T h e re A re P e o ­

p le on E a rth , Says D r. L ee .

E a c h O ne a C om ple te O rgan ism

r t 'a r . i l g t n c l o q a ln d th* prtc* of th* huinhla ygaai rak* from two cant* to thraa, to th* poaalble dUgrUntla- inanl of * good m an r hooiamlTaa. Lot lham ba dlaturbad jto longar, for Dr. K alfh E. La*, rh ia t chamtat to r th* Flalachm ann company, *ayi th a t for th a tr th raa paonlaa they ar* g a ttln g tw anty-tw o ttmaa aa many aaparat* In. dlvldnal yeaat plant* *• thar* ar* pao- pla on tha aurtaca of th* aarth .

It waa In lb* eooria ot • lalh. with lantarn allda llluatmtloni, bafor* Ih* monthly maatlng of tha Naw Jaraay Chamloal Sooiaty at Achtal-Statlar'a laat night that Dr. La* told thi* and many ether wondrou* IhlBga. For In- otanca, ha said that to gat a ctaarar concaplton of a cak* of yaaat, "|o*t Imagln* a plla of aggi IDO faat iquar* Bod 300 faat high, and you hara art al- moat parfact mental picture of an yaaat cake anlarged to th* ala* of a city block." Four thounnd of th* Indi­vid uai plant* or calla which nr* Htal- tranapareRt and egg-ahapad, laid aid* by aide, would alratoh out to th* ttng lb of an Inch,

gmall *• th* ycnit ^ n t la Dr. La* ■aid. It t* fllll larg* •Bough to oon- tain, Itko *11 plant!, a doaen or mor* *l*m*nta aueh a* carbon, pheatpbonu^ hydrogan and nltrogan. and not only proaanti a moit eompllcatad or­ganic otritclur* oapnbi* o t exhibiting tho vital pbonomana ot food aaalmlla- tloit, growth and reproduction, but aloo poi*Ma*i tho** ranarkabje propartlai th a t mah* It oo valuabl* to th* honia- wlfa, IhaTtakar and tha doctor.

Anothar thing Dr. Lao *atd that *oand*d Ilk* a fairy tal* was that a oak* ot yoaat la alowly hraatblng all th* t ia * Ilk* all living p lan ta or tik* humna being*, taking In egyg*n and giving ea t oarboa dloatda t t allpwod to got wnna It will biwath* loo faat, aad baeaua* no food li avaUabt* la tb* cak* It will u*a up ail Ita *a«iwy and g*l woah. h*no«, I t «h*uM b* kap t oeld tin uaod.

-Th* Bt*ry of Fotrelaum Oil," largoly t*ld through th* nadlum o t a Ihra*. Tool film, Torbal oaplanatlono aad amplltloatton* bolag ^ v o a by Jam** A. Donan of Mow Terfc, ooBMctad wttb tho Standard Oil Onmpaay ef N«w j* r- aoy. prevad *aaaJly latM*«tlag. On tk* acraan waa d*piot*d all th* pro««*aM —pr«*P*«tiag aad aurvtying • t *11 tarritary , tha drllllag of wolha pumplag and ■t*rag* of all, carrying of th* fluid through piM llnoa pump­ing Blatloni in operation ISO or lOS mfla* npaH for th* aandtag of tb* oil through th* plp*a end finally th* tr*atm«nl ot th* *11 a t tb* grant la tla- lag plant* In Bayonn* and th* ulUautt* ■hlpawnt * t th* dlftaranl pradueta ta tk* d lataat oovnar* *f th* *nt1ti.

TIm Hanufaclur* *d IjUm aad ■ y d rau d Urn*” waa th* mtktaet *f an

Ik by Rtakaid K. Hlllam ratad talk by RM uud K. Hand*, n e*aM lttng cbtmlonl •aglM *r *f Ik l- U«*r*,

In th* cMr** af tb* «v«ktag Pi«rt> d iM Onrltaa Kill* * t K*ktalk|y had • dlagrkm thrown *n th* WNW by why' • f abowtag th* grawtb *1 tb* ••elaty tram an Initial m*nb«raMp *f aln* a t It* foandlng in Fabraary, IMS. t* It* wr***nt m*mb*r*hlp *f did, ibirty-thr** having b««n addad to 'U w ra*t*r laat n ig h t Mr. eiti* pradletad a mambar- ■hip * t i,**o 1* lb* amira* *f tb* a tx t tw* yaara, j.

G e n e r a l ( ^ r g e H . H a r r i e t

% i e a k t H e r e T o m o r r o w N i ^ t

0*a«rat 0«org* R. teirr1«lL ««*• mand*r-ta-cbi*( of tbp mNiaty Ordtr ot tha Ot«*t War. Wlu nddtaaa th* Ktwdrfc .Chgptar *f th* atOar at tu rnfftmt l i It* city bsl) tungrraw night TUP .prgaalutloh It mmpoMd •f mag whs inta eomwlaalaiitd pDIcari <»Hu thu wgr.. Vagldii pmlag la Iba >*o*g| Wgr.

P tm taagdtr K igili* «Wi te Ih* IbkhlSh


‘S ' .

L S h s U g s A i i ^ Sr diMdnW Ow -V(. ih * « M il|a i

I tv (ht, wI miS m r w T t u v i

a_iN dM w]r.srjii*4 •C ■

«■■ iont Io Berlin a t an A lllei com ' n)1aj1onar In c h a r f r o( the exchange of priaonera.

Foremen Receive Advice on Relations to Workingmen

Advk« to fftreman rn fhwlr re la tio n ! with worklXCTTivn nniter th - lr vliloii waa laat n la lu by Gaorqa

H*onda of the liathlnhfm fit**#! C orpora­tion In \Valla## ttnll hefor# fnrrriiDn r#pr###nUhK about aixty Iniluatrlaa of thin city Tim mcetlnx waa undwr th# ■ U!plc#9 ol Ni'Wiirk ikivtalou of Um M«trDpolliBn K«r#(y Council

Mr. Foiidik aald that pucoe<i*afu1 fo re ­man poavcia not only in«<'harlt;a] end ax#Cul1v# ability, but alao (he ptfwcr tu Inaplr# rnnfidwnca and c0-op#rntli>n amonx thulr w*orkm#n. H# un;#i1 the m#n 10 werk fnr contJnuoua agrerm ent ra th er Ihvii tem porary obcdlenco. Thr

ep#ak#r pointed out that workmen areInf! i.teiu All by the Mev# and a(tMud« L»f th e ir forrm en ami (bat 'fo ram en therefore vht’uld ti# evampl**'! In thoa« fh a ra o te rtii U-p which they expect lO ■## In their workmen

Mr Komla declared h* would not a e j r a i a l ^ mei hut would

Many Attend Funenl « Of Market Cleik Boyle

I —— — —

Mso PrtiBiiiKnt u BufiiifH sad in PoGticd Make U|> Cortsfe of

Sixth Ward Leader.Mra ■ I IP 11 1

Mourners M a ^ from Home

A m ong th * 1*4 p*r**B* who formad tb * fu n a ra l eortag* tht* m arntng of Tbaaaa* A. B oylt, olork of C*Bt*r H ay- h a t, w ho diod lUddanly SaturcUy, war* m aay m *a g ro m ip an t In polltlea and builB*** e f today a* wall a* a g*n*T*- U*a ago . .M eiiillnyl* had b**n a pollt- laa l l* ad * r In th* B lath W ard th irty y«aTi^ a a d b la m ouraar* tactudad laad- ara w h o had fought htm la polltlea, and a tll l * tho r* who atood by him th ro u g h ­o u t a l l U a b a tt la a

T b a h o n o ra ry pallbaarara wera Jama*R, N u g a a t. fo rm ar Unltad State* Bens- lo r Jam aa Sm ith J r„ President Edw ard H. W ald ro n of th* Board of Education. M ayor O tilan, City Commlsalonars B rao n an , A rchibald and Monahan, City C lark B gan. Jam aa Wlaeman, cuitodlan o f th a e lty halL aad J. llandolph Wood, ra ff .

T ha ao tiv a pallbearar* war* Thoms* J. H ola lnger, H arry Woodruff, o t to P llllg e r . O tto Schaney and t'ornellu* Mundy. And In th* lung p ro o itlo n of m o u rn ers w ho m arched from ihe Boyle home a t *( B eraan aireat to at. An- to a ln u i 'e Hom an Cathoilo ('hurch wera re p ra a e n ta tlv e i of the political world

A t U f t - T t o w A r a M l I n ito ovm ■

FRANKLINTouriBgCarun bo rsallitd for eiity $2,000—0 big drop froni Iho former prico, $3,100—ind a tsvlng of $300. Thi* won- dcrfttl opportuhlty 1* oitking big demand* on uA Your order placed now for tbit Sn« car will intura you •gainst dlsoppoiniment.

Fruklii Motor Car Co.M* BROAD «Te HAttKBTSTt

OR«a t e l l r t i l l • p, H*


Tfi! Best CoispA SvmpIf Hom #«iasfc.

■ **.^1 a a eaar way ta laT* I t , and re* b a te the kew eaaeli rmwdr

ran svet tftad.


Von’vo probablv heard ef th)t weH- hnown plan of m tkuui eougb •ym p ■* home. But have yon rver uerd l i t W'b*n you do. Ton will underitam l why thOHsand* nf familie*. the world over, fra l th a t Ihrv could hardlv keep keiiio

I t ’s *11001* a id cheap, bu* hold ol a

w ithou t I t l l ’i *11001* a id cheap, .... th* way It ta k * r hold ol a cough wiU

o f le ren ly and th irty yeare ago, aa welt 1 naiclt|y cern it 0 parm anegt placa iO, , jo u r home.

In to a pint boUte, pour onnot* o f.ulai

a* m any young men who ar* now sell In politics.

A Bolamn high m a il nf raqulam war ca leb ra tsd a t tha rhurch a t ID o'clock by Hav. J. llinch. ty. p . pastor of »t. A n to n ln u i i, w ith H«v. U, A. Murray. O F '. A! dvftCiYn. and Rat J A Hi1>


Ltvon, ■ub-d#»con. I jrivei tom

A u to s S o u g h t fo r Soldiers

P ia a i t then add plain grBaulatcd sugar gyrup to lUl up the pint. Or, if dctirn l, uae clatslled meloaece, bonay, or apra •v ru p inetaad o t augar ayrup. LiUier ' , way. It laata* good, nevar apoila ta d *

a fu n pint of bottar cough a a p M could buy rcady-mada *

. tim ea Ita coat. ot t ii really wonderful bow quickly o

th is hom a.m td* rantedy coauttcr* a ,|I eotigli—usually tg S t hour* or laat. I t (

•rem i to paaatra ta thrmigh avery a ir t paaiege, looeane a dry, koarM or ligbt cough, lift* the nbleggi. hcila the m an - ,,

I branat, and 'g ivas afittoat inm ediale ra> ,I lief. Bplcndtd for throat tiakle, boaree- ,I acea, croup, brunchitle and broochlal e

aalhoii. )I 'in c i ii a highly eontaatrated com­

pound o( gaaujne Norway pin* extraeS, - end haa bran used for gcncratioaa fop th roat and chect ailmcnta.

To avoid diiappolntm cet a tb TOUT druggist for "3% ouncaa of P Inc i" with dirccliont. and don't norapt anythigg elec. (lUarentccd to give ibeotiile eatT^ faction or oioney refunded. The Plagg Co., i 'L Wayne, lad . —Adveriiaeineai. *

k '

w ere renUerad by a q u a r t., compo.ed 1of Mrs. Jo aep h ln , Miller, .o p r .n o M r. ' -Kfxnli K lrch*r. ! l lo , D*fi!i«] Fltv|i«tH rk. t«nur, ftml MxrlJu J. boon.w ith Mins SaJ Iq KssfRib *t th# o rq tn FoUo'wlnif th# tTbSiS, Mr bfHly ’w as In terred xt Holy 8#i>ulchr# Ceme>t^ry. I

ll#BtiluUoni of rfur#! r | Mr. Rox)«'v | vt«u(h w#r« x(1opl#d >#!(vrdx)' by ihc ' mJsrkFr itxitfl i>wn#r«. Knch ron- 'trlbut#s1 tow‘#ril a fund for x flortil pl#f-#. but Uis* lolxt lum r«tn#fl was I lnrK« th a t only x portion wxx #x- |}1erid1#d for f1ow>#rx. Thu r#irixlnd#r wrgtv rUvIftoil xm oiif Ht. Jxm#i'n. Hi Mli'hx^l'i,HI H&rtiabAX'n xnd tii# Itelh I trx rl hu« p itxl!,

An xpp#al hXM b##r mxd# by tb# \x -tlnnal lg#xqii# Motor t'orpx for th# iiv# of tw flv n nulomobilex Thurvdxy night to (rxnvport vlxty oonViiUxi'vnt ■n|di|i>i-R from th# t ’nllcfl RlxlM Army Ocn#rxI llovp ltx l. Kox HHIx to ih# Sxvrnlli

<1lff#r«rt nxtlonxlltl#!. I H#iilni#nt Arm ors, N#w York. A ipi*- xrati#r ih#m through th« I ■ ixl f'ni#r(xtnni«'iit lx Id ba glv#n xt th#

hhop find muh# thr g roers l xplrll of tho ' urm ory for th#x« m m Ml"v Agnrv Wfirklnp fnrfp Am#r|rnri A motion I Jon#* «f Houih Orxng#. pxptxir of th# plclur# i ntltleil *'Th« Hnnd of Fxt«" | rorpx, la In rhxrge of (ho xuinjiiobil# wu! iliown. urrxng#m #ntR.


Without Mug

gru n in r i l r i i r a r i i^ ^ Open Saturday Until 10 P. M. - l i U i U i U i U i U i i # ^ ^

$12 and $15 Velour Hats

$ 9 .8 5\

/A 5J ^^^^iVaAri<rSGra«#M#tStortiEirMmairf8byf

jyic ix r e g o r sAH Men’s $12 to $16


$ 9 .8 5

Akovith B road a t Lafayette StreetaNew&rk



Specially Priced at

Newell Styles and F elii^

All Sizes and Colors

■■ *r,MW. i, i -iijieffc-

-tii-r- '/X.: ■U

Actual $50 Values» _ •

Because the McGregor Store sells only clothing which is made in the McGregor Factory you will be able to buy from thtf maker at wholesale price—

-y f-- ■ : %

Boeaxise the Mc(^#gor Shmdard since 1853 has'called ast-ColOT ly r ics, you are sure of satbtoc-

cim see, fmr-yourself,‘'and are not sa

'W S ^ le,.an aijiave



S'-,- • t ‘


LL- . Y,* '.: * V ’

11 K E W A E K E V E K m N E W a T U E S D A Y ; N O V E M B K B % . . .K 9 9 M B s s c M H M M n a H H M M H B « a B M a a M M i 3 p e a i ...............................~

Iflhg Sentence k .[. f Oven CynKudcy


FVliNn to TwcBtjr^iM Venn for Tototf CrkaMl Who Eacaped

*" Tea T n rt.

Olkm Convicted Get Tenni



I VI?'

' ' l i e i ■*•«( • T»»r %M9 w iiii»iB Cr- •MUWkjr a l M M th* w»ll of tb« a u t* toM ofUl In Im b o rrtW Boro a t Traa- Mo a a i e r o ^ o a U trootoiio 00 tko •afliea - Bo n t a r i t t a ta Kowork oka

' <• tfe* Ufo of cTlno to oaa o tortlina tf lW iM to Iko MToar tkot b*a ■ •ao

OM o f tbo Moot BotorlaiM ftcuroo OftailBBl o u o lo In N*« XtrM r. Ha

« M om tPloa omoo B ootba lolor, oolf t l too# f r o a 0 oo»a* ou tM obllo ooa OoAi^ anOoT Iko protoctlOB of o otrooi tn w a o a w ith oeliool eoliaron.

B o ohlopoa okoor’a ■ (romp •laam or •■1 woM obrooa. Ho rolnm oa In A u' M ot o a t o WMk lotor « u ropturod oO Ao plABBoa to rooamo k ti old irtckt.

n i l s olua Ia ro a tr‘te a r -7 oor-e1d yootn Otooa boftro Juotico ailokal raO' lores* sftorsooB OBd IbBBkod blm for tb s olMBe* ho boa flv o a biBi to provo ko tiBO InsM ont of pottlolpollun Ih ft boM 'bo for whish two of hla pola or* ••o r B o rn s t to rn o f tro ro a lo f iw anir n o r o iB otoU prlBoa. Not b mooolo ib bIo boa* Biorod Oft Ja d fo ■ttehol mo- tlOBid bim BWftr w ith tbo oOBtftac*.

*nriooB to twoBi*-nlno poara Is •iBto prtBOB.'*

A s ofTltor loa him oat of th* coart rooai bbO C noB askr who ones Bgala or bla WB* t« B loB( Btor bobind tbo boro A BloB* w alsh wftB kBpt ovor him. H« bod BBBBpBd u a tlnsB ib iwoItb rto ro o f bts erloilBBl cartB r from poaol Ib- •tltatlBBB bad oolloB offtraro.

CfOIBBBhP bod piBBdod BOB *Blt tO door BhartoB. c o r r r la f b argU r too Is, BObOiBlBd WBBpaaB, antcriB C /w Ith la- tM t. OBd oBBault and b o tttr* w ith Is-lObt to rob

Cbkaoo t s r r o r o I• •■ «»»••■; j |a d bo bOBB Bblo to BBtabllBh hiB

IbbottacB of tw o of tbo ebor(<B. arls- t a t frost tbo Bttook OB Ls b Ib Barna

»h li Jaw tlr* otoro Bt II* M«lb«rry root, h t woald b t r a hod from bIbb to BiBotOBB pBoro cm frooi hla bbb- tMoo. Ho BdBiltud to JudkB Itlck a l

tkb t tbo osoortB altp b Ivob 1ilai to • fw n bo bad Bot porUolootod in th is •OMOlloBOl robbonr « * • a fair oaa. Cr laBBOhr bsB a bbbIobc* Ib th* Fftatrolr iB H iB tlir r w hich hft Boror Barood, ba^glati oVfr hlO hsod, OB B COorlollOB of sootoinoB robborr. n a s i WBTBlBC to BftOlO* thiBVftBglbOB rBOtarda* b* Jadg* ailek*l waa edkeeoBBiod h r ortooB bobubcob for fOkr eoBTlatod offBBdBra.

’’toteapt t s blgblT nooptlOBBl eaaoa. It Is the eonrt'a p«rpooa to do mor#

k'UMi pot tbo offoodorB OB probeiloB ,' . tO det K U kol BBld. ■'TbOrO bSTft bOBB

alMItotr toe Btoap thBtto of automo- hOao I b obbob of th a t kind sovartplbtOOOBO tptll bp BBBdod OBt. /odko

,HW IIa sa d jBdpb O sbwoo bava ct**B jlM o isp o of this. Tbarft la, tlMOOf oro^ BO BOOd for IB* to laoBB BBT t a o ^ r w orolB i. tm d o ln t to try to to r b s la Ib Biy pow ar to stop tb it a tw H ap of ovtoniobllaB and toklna

wtIhuBi tb a ir ow nrra' conoftbl "

Wilson b Sworn m as Essex Gninty SKeriff

Ceremony Ttkea Place in Judge Martin*! Court, with Other

• Offtcinlf Preaent,

Speaker G hver of Englewood GHf$i HU State Room on Liner to Mr, and Mrs, Harding

Sam uel (■'. Wilaon.

TTharlti Pappiaa. fo rty -rtra yooro old. fBKtooPpd 'tP frp ia tw o to tbroo yoarola a u i f a ptPBi aata W i,brotpaiM ai

erfli. of Ibooa fo rm orlr tn aag ad Ib ftgrleulturol p«rsu lla a r r now tn tao- torlaa. whil* IR B natand th< pBroontofo la aldbly-ao»»B. and Ib Anvorlca bo- iwoan forty and fifty p»r cant-, Pro- fftoaer D uraal w «at on to toy '

'T h a i woa on# of th* ihlogB th a t ltd th t Oarman pooplo la in tbo war. E nflaad had contro l o f th* roulfto by which food oomoo,'' contiBUad th* ■poftkor, "and a a m ta a r , to fo*d kor IT,- eaa.BM p*opla B*t haroalf to BBBtob coBttol of th a t •*B rout* Am#rtoa will ao In lha aan * direction ao It ba- eomat Bior* and mor* a factory n a ­tion. Today a backw ard country may b< defined an o n , i h t l h a t muoh » b » a t and BO arnty and navy to d tfand llaoir. Th# ability to dafand ouraalrea la ntoaa- aary; 1*1 da bar# •nouab lor dafoma*. but If w t hayoB't tnouKh for offanaa ao B vu cta tb a batlar "

A b n t ISO Poroona »a*lat*rad. AbonI l i t poraona bad raplatarod tor

tba fllaat and eonU ranca tnaatlnBi pro- Tlova to tba aTOBln*. Th*Cr wer* ad- Orataad by Rot K arl K Qulmby of RoaorlllB Ualhodlat Bplacopal and R*» ja h a 8. Carlll* of poraat Hill p raab y ttrian Chureh, ohatrnvan of Hu BtatTal and facn lty com m litota, ra- tpoctl»»ty. and by tba damn of lb* In- atllBta. Profoaaor Cbarlaa P o ttrr Kont, Woolaoy profapaor of Biblical llt*ra- ta ra at Tala U nlr»r*lty,

Tba tpoclal ap aak a ri of lha aflarnooo wara Be*. Or. A rthur Broca M ou of

board of fo ra lsn mlaaiona of tha

tha Uathodlal Eplaeopal Church, and rrof««»or Kent

6p«4lt1nir In ht* form*? eiipftcUlf *a * fo r t l tn ftilMlonarr* Dr. Mote said thAt th* church's v r* * t* tt tfPffU t»*k l« U* C h h itlan lia tto h of th* U ntiad itfttM of A m srka and th a t th* fira t ih ln t th* peopl* of (hla o lir bav* j o t to do I* to mak* Hswark el*Aa. ^lo atem tba tld* of aoclaJ •vll. and to lako * stand a a a tn it s lir 'tb o d E njllah.'^

"You sand us to male* CbrtatlSba# of psopU In India and C blna and Japan," h* said- "That Is hot a h u f* task pro- TldlAf roll do 7our job oT*r h*?« In co n v tr tin f and oduoatlnd Am srteaaa."

Dr Roblnacn apok* on th* 'C hurch O rran iia tip n for CoD m unlty Aarrlo*" and Profoaaor K *at b*van hla flv* t r r u a nf ta lk s on '*Jeai4S and tb« Com’ munUr." d*alln f w ith tb s toplo 'Tko D*mocr*oy of J*a\ia/ '

H* daclaxfid th a t w hlla aom* f**l **that through th* r»c*nt tU etio a our Idoal was turned down. I'm aur* w«i h*T*D't loat s igh t of It,'* and deflnsd th* Ideal dem ocracr a* th a t through which the rule of Ood ti eatabllahed and followod. Through serTlo* and cntnradsship the problem of the T»e*gu« of Nation* can be altnpllfled, h* averred, and add*d, "We can conceive of a league formed on th is princip le Can't we call It a dem ocracf o f nations and m ake It a real dam ocracy founded on

Joho C. Fell Mede Under Sheriff

•amUBl f - W Itsoa bagan hla oaraar as ■bartft of E b h b C ounty th is iDoralag, wbftB bo w as sw o rn in to offloa by JaOga Martin la tba t a t t a r a court. JudgB atlokol ant w ith Ju d g a M artin. With tba BOW ah artff stood County Clark •e o tt

Th# oath w as alao ndmlBlstarad to John C. Pali of IDS Hasblna ayanaa. tba BBW flra t uB d* r-ab o rtft Mr. P til baa baaa a ehU f ol»rk la tbo PrudOBtlBl la- turaaeo Com pany, lo a ( rlan d of Ibw lU Wllaen and w as aetlTo tn bla babstf d u r la t tba cam palga- H* la a manibarof tha B*pubUoan BBocutlTa comialttaa of tha 81*t*onlh W ard. Mr. Pall auo- oa*da Conrad D auehlar. who waa a aaa- dldat* for tha R apubltcan nowlaatlon for ahorlff

T bt two o th er u n d o r-g b o rlffa H array W. Kaouah and A lfred C. tVRlkof. ar» Totatnad U ttlon B. Crawtoy, a*orotary to foraiar 8h*rlff J o b s B- Plavall. atao was retained by th o new locumboal. Tha rem aindar of th a o tflc a tore# la ga , ^ a n g td

Tha court room wwa ftlLod. mao protBo laant tn po lltlaal Ufa sad aararal woman baing am ong tbOBO praaaal. Sbaritt WIlaoB roeal*ad aararal floral g lf ii from frloadO and poUttcal organi- aatloBB. ^

Aftar tho o o ro a e n y tha ratlrtng Bhaiiff waa t tv o a a aot of H ire r by tba coart altoadBBtg w ho a lso gar* * <®‘‘’ watch to Mr. Donohlor and a bouqual lo tha naw abartff.

New Sheriff* Take Office Oath Id HttdioD tod Unioii Countiet

H yea bad a Btato rooin bb b itaan ior and tb f Bokt ProaMOBt o f tho Unltod Hialaa waa w U hoat dbo ao d w aatod It, what w oild yo« d o t T haC a r ig h t; cor- talaly you w ould, M d Ulot'a aBaetly what W. t rv la g O tBvsr o f KBglowood. gpaahar o f tho Huuoo of Aooonbly, dtd.

Tha gpaakor a a d M n . Oloaror bra aall- iBg BBturdiy o a th a D n itsd F ru it U na atatm ar PaatOfBB fo* R B ra n b Thay will go from C oho tg>tho PaaBBaa Canal and will than ggood T h an k sC lrlag Day with m aada a t I m d o s t. Coata Rica. R atum lng thay w ill toko tho ooiaa ataamar.

Now a t ChytatobaU bb I ts ro tu rn trip, tha Paatorto w ill p ick a g tho raaatlao parly of eoBBlor H a rd in g on Hoyaipbar II. Thofo MB naaro t h u a aoura of frlaada an d . Bowepapoomee la tbo party and tha B oantar tr a a to d t e g a t tiM aa-

tlro appar alaoplag daob fo r th a a . AU wars p rortdad fa r b o t tho ta a s to r i a d Mrs. H arding, an d thoy w ars aa rileu . larly aaaloua to g o t oa aopoolBlIy aica room th a t Mr. an d l ira . O loror had aa- gag*d aom t tla ia ago.

Polite re p ra a e a ta tlra a a t tho atoBmor IlBB made o vartu ros to H r. O loror, who, by tha way, la a R apubllean and waa ra- alaetad tn Borgda C oaaty la s t Taaadky by a rogu lar O. O. P. laadallda. Thp orarturoB had on ly roaohod a point whara tho nam e o f H r. H ard ing oatorod whan tha Bpaahor iBStotod It Brould bo a graot plosouro to do hto alBopIbg oa tba daob boaoath t h t p a r ty a t tha Prssl- daal-alact.

Paatorao. on I ts w a r to Maw T arh, wMI run la to N o rte lh . Va., t s porailt Boaator H ard ing aad hla p a rty to dla- tm bark . The P ra o ld o a '-a lw i will make a apoaoh la V irg in ia la Donombor.

fBItjDdar-dboaWt J o h K a a a a a w lll ba re- ■ppolBtad, aa d t h a t dam ao T, •rady . ROW a mombor o f U o C ounty B turd of ElactloBh w ill bo Abo o tbor aadar- ab a rltt .

K U IA b S S H , Hot. t ( • p o o la l l^ Rbarltf-aloot Ooorgo H . Johaaton waa awora In as a b a rltf o f th o tfa lo a Oooaty thla aaOriUBg w bon dudga Carlton B Htaraa adm lalk lorod tb a oatb. Hla ta rn la fo r tbroo y o a ra Jobiw toa lua- c*eda. Jamoa B. W a ra o r of Craaford, who baM tbo offteo a f to r o arrlng Ihrea yoara ao dopBty ab o rtff aad o r a to r g i C- Otto, d obaatoa w as g raatad hy a larga crowd an d ba .ro M iro d maay floral to k a a a '

TtUagoBtruok. woBiaa paalok. ool

to do la m t dbogptag wboaN ottolo aaM ko aotleod tho

In hla p a th w ith a * lr l tarn- Tbo g irt, wbooo -aam a ooutd

looraod. a tto w p tsd to pull tba

C i r A h e r H i t t i n g W o m a n

O v e r t u t n a A n o t h e r A u to

gywWI **r»4at af * * kPW PJ r HKBT C ITT, Hoy. ».*-abarirf-alact

Tboinaa M adlgan w as aw ora In ihli morning bafora dudga Jo h n A. Blair, anil legally baoomaa ah arlff a t midnight tonight. H* w lll tak e form al poaaea- ■ lon of hla office tom orrow rooming.HI* bond of n o ,000 w aa fll«d today,

Th* tak ing of tba o a th of oftlea fol- lowad lha laauanca o f th* cartificat* of auction yea ta rd ay afternoon by County Clerk Jo h n J. H oO orern after the county board of canYnaoara, eon- .litln g of the C ounty B a u d of EUc- lion* *nd D eputy C ounty Clark Oeorge Londwehr. a* c lerk , had form ally can- vaaaed the r e tu rn i of the role* from th* I t l d latrlcl* of the county. In the final check ing .up before tb a caaTati waa road#, a num ber of m inor errora wera dlacoverrd, w ith the reault that a differenca of f if ty -fo u r votao w ai mad*In Hadigan'a ta ro r . H la to ta l majority \ accident over Mart o fflc ta lty ia now 1,141. At


Ran dowa by a to u r in g ear In Mala (traet. Just sou th o f B rookalda drira. MUlbani. about T O’clock loot night. Mra. Amelia Baow doa. ootored, about ■Uty yearn eld. w idow o f lonae inow - den of M lllbura, auffe rod a fraotured right arm. outa a s d bruloaa about tba (aca and body, and ppsolble latarpal InJurlea O eorge N Itto lo of H lllburp and Morria a renuea , B prlagflald, owned and driver of th e oor. wao loehad UP 0Y*r night in tha MlTtburu Jail to await th* reault of the w o m an 's ladurUe.

After i t r lk ta g Mra. 8ncwd*n. Ntt- tolo’i car waa In colllalon w ith anothar touring car d r lre n by Cbarlaa MeOor- mlck of M lllhurn a ren u e . M lllbum Tha latter machin* tu rn e d tu r tle and tbo driver wa* pinnad b enaath . McCormlok, who li employed a s a chauffeur for Mr* Martin J. W alte ra of M lllbun av«- nue. MHlburn, freed b lm aelf from u ^ e r th* raachln* He w aa unhurt car* were tyadly dam anad

woBiBB cu t Of d n ag er, b a t MtltBlo anld Hra. Bnowdan moTod dlruotly In froBt of tba car.

Before N Ittolo ooutd olop tats car it collided w ith ibc W altera bu m , whtob WBC going In th e apposite dlreetloB- After e i tr le a tln g blm oolt from uador the ear UcCorailgk sa d NtttolC w eal to Ure. inow den 'a Booletaoeo sa d the womaa w as ta k a a ta tho hoopllal In the police autom obile.

Gmtract Awarded to Build Sewer ^ tio n in Pstenoo


th* rule of ClodD epartm ental oonferencee preceded ’ ware leeued for W llllem F. Rote ae

the evening addreaa. T onight th* i ooronar, and Meaara .!£oerleln. Hogan *p*ak*r* will ba Rev. Dr. J. Nelaon and Armltag*. th* euccaaRful Republl-

iletbodTet Eplaeopal Chureh: R«v. Dr. J Mill* a t W aahlngtoa and h it •ubject J can condidaiet fo r free h o ld a ra They Hillard L, Boblnaon, aeoratary of the , 'T h* Individual CIHaen In In tarnatlonal | take offloa In Ja n n a ry .th*

New Torh City Mleelonary Bnclety of i HerYlc*' I Whll* BO offic ia l annouacaroent haa

Each driver b lam ed tha e th e r for the elalm ing he waa d rtrtn g on

th* wrong aid* of th a road NIttolo tald MoCormlck wa* d r lr la g too taat *1 th* tima, b u t th l i tb a la tte r daalad Police Captain O eorge Brpdeeaer of Mlllbum. a f te r h e a r in g tba ito rlea of both D>OB. let M cCorm ick go. but de­cided to loch up NIttolo.

Mra. Baowden w a s on ber^w ay to the | chaae of property . tli.OTI.aa

The Paaealc V alley Powerage Oem- mlatlen aw arded a n n l r a e t today te the L. B. B a rrlso a Oempany of New T arb ta build a b raaab sew er a t Proa- pact etroel. P ataraoa . fo r n t .o m . The work Ib p a rt o f Seotlo*- t l of tba aewer n a m a I t etoo voted to pay *M0 te eooh of th e tbroo oommleotoaera who eoBdueted ooadem ngUoa proceedingt by w U eh It acqu ired m ore tkba 1,000 feet of lead aad o r New Tork Bay go a aewer r ig h t of way. The property w ai owned by the H orrte A C um nibgi Dredging Co. e f Jaeuey City, whlab woe awarded K » * t to r the lebd. The co i- dem aotlea ooromloMeaera were Vtoe Chancellor n e ld e r . O eaeral WllUom C. Heppeabolm er and W elter P. Qardber of Jeraey City.

Tha an nual financia l report of the ooRimlaelon, eubm ilted by Joeeph H Quigg. eeeretory - traaourer, ehowad tha total receip t! for the year aoding Oc­tober la. wera tt.ate.Taa.lT. Tbe dla- buriem ente w ere |PTt.ail.Ta, leavlag a bolenee of M t t . l l l l i .

The p rincipal itam a of tha raee lp u ware: Bolaoca In bank October II . i t ia , t I 4 l . l t l . l f ; paym ent! by m unlelpatttlaa under th e accond aapplem anial coa- iro e t I4 a i i l ; in tereat aarninga, | l t . t l l . i l . Included In the diaburte- manta were: A dm lnletm tlen aalarleaand office axpeneee, I t l . t a t . t l ; en- g lneetiag aalariee and eapenaeA IIT.- h t l l l ; pay m en ii to contruetlon con- tra c te n , M IA lIt-td ; apaclal oonatrue- tlon, t t . l t b t t : m aterial. at; pur-


h peleoB far receiv ing a atolen w as eoored f a r ' having

bcovbI M apoB a e lite a n -re a r-e ld boy ta Btokl tBBChlBee.

' ' M h s t ■BBt eneeB taapooed.N athM Rblaaoaewlls, BeveBteea. of l i t

O H iy BveaBo; Roborl Monroe Bhaw. algbteea, e f M H laaa atreat, ead John DePBoU, aevBBtoaB. o t l i t O atty ara - •M . all of PbUraoB, w ho drove a “bor- rowad" oar frtMi EUgabetb ea a joy ride to th e ir homae, w ere eeot to the re fa rm alo ry a t Rahw ay, ae wera alao AMred Oeodall, e lgblaao. of l i t Caairal

.-•veB «A E»ait O n a g a . and Jam es Aua- tla , twBBty, ef I t H arahall eireet.

OhBrteo ^ a a a k a e a t H Buaaex ave- • • • urns flaed It** fo r earry lng a ireapoB. A agalo C en taaat of l l Oarslde girpet wag iaa teao ed to ala raentbe bad a flae e f IB* aad Bamael Culavlta a t IW Beuth C anal atroet waa fined tM te r InsMoral eonduet; Alexander Minor o t l a y avenue received aue- paadod aaataaaoo te r b reak ing and ea-

t to r ia g and raaaivtng. but waa com- I Mhtad te tho B tale Reform atory tor

hav tag b ro k ta b i t p a ro la John Webb . a t 111 O lenrtdge aveauo. Montclair,

traa given ela aM Stha to r aaoault and h a tto ry i M lchaal B eraalla of Devon. Oaaa-, waa re tu raa d to th e B u t* Re- faew aiory ea a guepasded aentence te r laraany and rtoa lv lag .

M arrey Caa a t l td L afaye tte atreat loaa eoHM ltted to the k ta te H etarroa- te ry to r tereoay from pereon ead re- celvlag. H a w as lucky. Judge atlekel gald. becavae ha should hava been charged w ith h ighw ay robbery H er­b e r t lOBBOx a t I I W eal i tre e i . E to t

' Oiaag*. *!>* pleaded g u ilty to break- lag . ea try . la roeay and reeelvlng. was Beat to the k ta te R eform atory : Jam es L a ra tla ef I t g tona a trea t. convicted ef a t to n f te d taeoat, waa aeul to prlaea fo r a tw o to th ree year term, and Ja h a N ard ltlla e f I t l P ra n k lie elreoL •a llav tile . wag tlaed | l l o for ae ieu lt gad battery .

1921 Models and PriceslY i-2 T o i l A u to c a r

Sees U. S. in Position Hdd by Enemy Country


T y p e X X I-F, 97 -in ch W heelbase,

l i o n B r in k o f P ra c ip ic e f ro m

W hich G e n n k n y F ell, A ia c r ti

P r o f e t i o r D u ra n t .

T y p e X X I-G , 120-inch W heelbase,^ (F.OeB.Fact«y,AidiiM **)

Speak* a l R e lig io u i In ititu teH e a v y D u ty A u to c a r

V|«u4lli(nff Am»rlc4 a« upon th« ferlrU of th* pr^rlp lc* from which n*r- m *ry f*!l •r»A w trnlA g of Ih* d4nf*r which (hr«« l*n i ■ country who** out- ■tftndlnf un-ChrlltlflU el*lD*lit li Uf Induilrl*! Ilf*. fro f* M o r Wllllftia Du?*nt. tu th o r and Ic rtu r tr , of N*w Tork. d*oUr*d n ig h t I* th* T. W. C. A h']li<ltnv "tbftt If w* don 't lookout w* ihn il b* the O c rm tiy of frith. *f on* *f our »oon-to-b*'*uD*r- **d*4 C*bln«t rri«n\ber* h** i*ld. Inti'oiB' p4r*bly th* g re a te tt navjr In tb* world "

PrufeM or DufUTil W4* form erly Ifi- ftru c lo r of pMloRojihjr Ojliimhl* V n trtr* itv *nil l p*n *n nnnuni itc- tu r»r t^iirlny tfiv Ia*i *Ix ot *«v«n ypnrf *1 Tj*bor Tempi*- Nvw Vurk. nlici M (h* Wndl*lBh High HcliDol In that city H* U tb* au thor nf ' Phltonophy and Ih* toolai rrobU in ' II* | i beat kndwn la thla city (or h1i annual i«rl«* of l*c* tur** a t Bnthnny Community C*nt*r HI* th«m« laa t r ig h t. *i th* inliial »v*> b ln f ***alon of (h« flv*-day InaUtut* « • r i l l f lo u i oducadon nrhieh op*n*d In tK* afternoon uad*r tb* auap ic ti of tta* Nowgrh l^edrratlon of Chureh*a, WM *‘CbflttlaiiU>' » Cuniributlofi to th* C ltlM n 'i In d u lir la l L ift ' allbough h* gnnounr*d n t th* tt-art that d>« lubloot

/«*oM n*t h* 4*al( w lib in an ImU- vldnal f*n**, but only in Iti world giOgfUng.

‘T o r w* nr* leagued ■■ nation* «rb*th*r V* voted fo r th# Leagu* of Kgtion* or not. and It I* a fa^l thnl our poor politJcg) InlMllgonc* grope* ar^ bimvig to cAtob up u» th* ld*al," »atd t t o epoak*?. "B ut if fh*r« t« anything tP IB* vro?l4 th»( la not ChrloiU h H tho Induotrlal IK* of th* world t*dny. TIm bolMkvIor o f iB*n *liowo UttI* oen- M W loi w ith th* lr pT0f*i**d b*U*(i, t l io gap botw oca C hrlo tlaa pHn«ipl*t M d iPdttMHol b«havlor I* « ld « r ihan MIpUihit I Baow. Many W th*r«" 1i

:tlMi o f doeap thrdpgh

^ v « n tM


T y p e X X V I-Y , 1 2 0 -in ch W heelbase,T y p e XX V I-B, 156 -inch W heelbase, $ 4 5 0 0

(F. Oo B e Factofft'Aidmoc*)


b l a U a e n e l B e p o ty AM ,

Maauty aa« atlraellvaaeaa wbleb aomeeia aed pleaeee th* aye la aeaabt ky all weiasaat teday, bat hew many ua* vloa Jadaiaeat te the aaleetiM >r tbolr aaaatMImr

Tb* BV*ras* wenua go** late drag *rent aiar* aad buy* ih* m*et' ot-

Iroaiiv* poekag*. taetaad of ea* uhaae tree worth ha* bees proewi by tbecaaad* ef •atlaflad uaera

l l la alM a wall-kaewa tact that beaety •onnM b* W tb* eemplealao I* la any way marrad by ptmplae. dv k . aallew 41*- eeletsDcaa thorerw*. II yeo •after ear ct tb**a akta Memlahe*. b*e>a at aw* lb* w* ef Slack aad WkUt Olalneai.

Seallelog tb* a n d far ewh a p ngan- ttan. the maaufaelureta ef Slaeb a>.* Wbit* Olelmesi hava mad* oar* tbvi ibelr prep- •rentea wool* nl' tbe neeaaeary reenlremaote a t e reel aWn beaetltler.

Blaah and White Olataeal. gaotty maaiagei eu tb* teat Jam b e tm ntirtag. Iban w a a h ^ off tb* peat moraiog with Slaeb cog While Beap, wtH isab* the ektu

delintaly luted and rmnev* *11 thin Netoilna*.A tfiaJ wfu eonviM* ywi u d r«« win

^ * « U n d Ih* pooniarlty Whit* Otnt»**( nnd ^ * k *nd WUt*

•**p.Th*** tw* h«*ntr ntd* f«r«*J* m *ii

d*p*nm*ni ftorm. Wlaek nnd Whit* **** (He. «|M m -u iM thre* tini«* M tniMhf. Bl««k nw Whii*! S 6 b * .^ i A ^ ; n 3 £ ; ; , . j r '‘

For IndigestionMl-O-Na b Giuniitoed to Rtlkvs

StoMuch Distiwi.F»eple g* on ■u(r*f1*g llttl* *(*■•

*ch rreuW** for y«*rt nnd tm*gl** iMy b*ve n Mtrlen* dl*****.

Th*r ovtv-eni «nd t*?** o* U t f t i n t h * Let of eni?* worh.

But th*y n*w*r think thni th* itwanah n*#d* «atr« k*lp to de *stm wnfh.

If UkWM p*«pl* wenld t*k* * hB-dP-Ii* T*kl*1 with or nftef m**l* h would k* * front Wf h*1* (« th* ou«*«h In n* Mftig ef oTofWorh.

ULO-I?* helM your Urod-Mt stOfMch I* Ita work «nd tp**t*h*« th* «*•••. a*0 Ita work «na tp**t*a*« ta* «*•••. *

N* »*Uor whn! you *«t or dHnk will f«**t*n roor teur •(•niMk **d ■(** tM b«lcklnf Tha htovtna** dhnyponte nndIh* ftomneh t* grantiy *4d*d ii 11* work *fdlfOOtkM.

And Ki-O-K* not *«lr pvwnptiy mil**** 111 di«(r**a bni if Uk«a roguLwly wltl knklah Lndlga«lloa

Mid otkd fuar*nto*d by Folly** Fh*r« mnef. *i»d dntffl*t* •▼•rywkar* **4 ]f(*0* No on tb* money k*A plnn.—AdvOfttmwiMfor Booih'HyonMl Cm.

P f 1Sai s t h t H t s . O H tf i t is e h ik iI s t a bo ttlM d t sQ d to ig to R

No Platen Required

WOODBCBT MID11CSwitbout doubt nr* ib« m*«i hnnutiful

•ad «*dortng wi^k known In ihowbuia n»J4 of d*ntl*try.

Our bridg* work will b« htfkiy prtttd by p*r**n» wbo aaok to emanrv* lb* f*r- fnet ■pnonmocn of thoir loatk.

Fa PAULTUBMI nr* tk«*« bndfM And no clootly do Ihny renembU the NAT­URAL tooth that th*y enanot b* d*- tnrtad

In (hi* ifork. whi*|i d*mnndi thomot* dntiente *iltl nnd ^ k n i t *roj«M^nl *Mmy. (h* NEW WOODBUrtT WAT hn* n* r1v«1.

Ounrknt*od t* w*nr M yoniw.Th* whole opomclon 1* mnd* FAlN-


A m b U s s Mw i m m i E tO m m im A w tFnU Bel* id Teeai^.......Bridae W eA. b w V M .<Mg Crewai* ...................Cald ytUteg* ..................•Uvae PtUtage .................

AO Wm*ammrmOm4M Tt

Woodbury DMtal Offices775 BROAD ST.

, a t . v . v j f , vt^ a ^ IW rie


imyiiynnBEPboi ^No R priw TboD


to n ( t o ^ A t o n l w sM to " *doM M i tho U o o d L to s iS c D d I

iceieiiWiutoHRin ofafci lonMl',thi«!* Dnr

L tto -.ttonein d to o e a r p tla idUr ttUiM ttooL Dr. B t o i w d r O i i B l t i i i i a i ) th«t

vMn Dm idm icoon ■ iif iM to n f of

Noon Bte Id«ih

daiM M d ^ te n h c -


rlora«jr1^jDU fool and took. I8e O n to ,

a t dat OttSB tSH a! diBt

F R K T O ^ , : .


T H E A U T O C A R C O M P A N Y , A rd m o re , P a .i Eatabiiahed iswf t o o M bI o f B H a t M f to tt A M ftm Cm Um WMwto - -

U w o T l

i '

* aligti uaUor-h aOl th* Ik a t ran atones iR her neck ayee -thi Ink Olrt I the worli aenm uni pal Chun street, it

Altheni ebomplen os many she le to ef Itave flalent fi food. H< eltyor be Hag tb ll bat. e o rr BturUy ei Mew Verl teat !• B

At twe the Bbtha %ad tw e 1 ter. She tbar. Th bdOB ta ll

eMMroB. A b ll

to tb e ett e f OopiBh le t aw re

Toep wul

dM gtrlB.A dddbeg


U flighio

I la ha

B* Ti• to to bool

eutoboB k

I and I

T breugb iM B to ef Ib Oepeahi

Aokod I AgBerlcB u MlBi O tt y e u w e r g th e leader

ha*d fa r g DeBmark IhoadquBri*

••Tkero I help direct



a ■ olt*|\ f j

<* '


B««uty AM.

r w ia wtUek « n c h t kr *U MMMI If OH Vtkkr ku m tlMt

(SM (nte « n u tr kujrt ikk iiMkt « •

k4 «C m t D k w tn * •B k7 tk«EHa«i efiw« Ckci thki kkkktr mpXkln li Ik U f H. dv k . Mllkw 4ik. 1C rok nc tw u r *t Ikflk *1 kH« lk> M* ittDim.tkr m b • p r m n - I sC B lub k>.i wblt* n n tb it ibktr B**** M M urr rkkulrkuatk ».

O lk ta n t. M t r IWR b k tm nUrtiif. Bkat tnorklBf with

. BIN tu b * iktB iir mtk4 bb4 n a s n

B m BBti m Bin !*»«>*«« •* BlUk

>Bd BUkk auk WhltBla fw bala u all «nw i BlMk a ia WMta ikBfb (Ike. atH am . ah). Blaah aa4 Whit* ■a«lB jraar tnkUaaat

i g e s d o nintMd to SaUrr* Diftraw.

iBff fr*m littl* tt»a* r» ftftd iM r

t«»«* «• Utt

■k ikAi tM tU m U k • «str» ir«fh,•Id t«k* • k D ^ 'lit mMl* It wvtMi ¥• •

ta n* Mf«i«

UfM'Mt pUfMCk l» IM tlM <««M. ^•At or 4ri»k

ttr ■lOQiAoii m 4 Mok »rtBo«i dhtypoAf Md f Atdod iB ito vo rt «C

«l7 pronpUr f lHiWP UkM rofvUrtj wltl

■d br r u r -•TOfT«kot« Md H(*0* : piAft —AdTBrtiof m 4

R eq u ired

T MIDOCS 0 lb« mofi booutltul kaoWB 1& Utevktwio

Brill b« Mfhlr prt»«d: to erooorvo lb* per- [holr leotlikte th«e* brtdfo* 4ad

reoeiablo the NAT- tM r OABAOt b* d#*■k dompAdB tM moM ^ M t t prof«B0^4l WOODBURY WAT

« r M fMT*.clOB IB nM o TAIN-


4 SMmmim frm


ental OfficesT. t u n

i U N I B EIt DrireThantr.EdninVTaUeti

l e r aO w j tm f e mlArsMe.ry^.-wim^SefcroiiiBil-.tkm’t a iMr tiHiM tbi& E w ltiilido that

I 3 ? ®

VS SS/mSLi look. I8e AlOc.OttnlMieOit


MImI That Abtmm

^ 1Bl y«tt •• WT N M «ttfitid

rr*dvM t

I e M M jN k t B F kL M » W a « r til 1 — Wi» *BM n u t *M

ito w« ifWhM with BMbM BtAnMttwm. e *1 MM H 'ta OwM M*M «Mr* kS IMMBiS a .y g ttg ?

••■k*t#i*r, iiM;. NEWARK. . . . . .



Panish Girl Sc(mt on Tour of World r J b Tell Experience in Church Here

A k llftit n lrl. draoMd la a Olrt fleout'k t.»a to ha dona by ibe Klrla." tiBUafA ' ----- - r_ _ ..

j i t cOorocji H


of dark bln*, a teoratk il w ith •U (hk vartou i inadklk and elcaIlona

**n ba worn by a OIrl Scout, aar- ***eee la ail^ a orlmaoB 'harebtaf about

back fair hair and aarnaac blud •y b i—th a t la Ulaa Batrld Ott. ^ha Dan- lak Qtrl Beaut, who la travallnn around IBa world alana and will aprak a t Iho aontm unlty raonii of Bt. M ark'a Epiaee- pal Cktireh. H aller parkw ay and R ldfa atraa t. tonlahl.

A lthonch Mlaa O tt la p a n in a r r i okaaiplon ( ir l walker, h a r ln c covirad aa many aa fo rty -a iab t irtllea a day? aha la fo llsw lna the eu itam ary mode* of travel oa ihl* trip, having auf- flolont fund* to provide lo d u n a and food. H at ball la dacoratad with four ^ b o r badgaa, Indlcatlv* of har walk- tlhB tb lll!y . She travala w ithout a bBt. d k rry tn f a knapaack and ualng a eB »W enaa tk a t tha Olrl Scouta of l*abt York vava bar ta raplaca ona aha load l> BnBlaad.

At tw anty yaara of a«a. H lai O n la tha au th o r of thraa publlahtd voiumai, a n tw o th a t a re to coma out thia w |n- tdf. Bha la D anm ark'a youngaat att-

Tha aohjaeta of bat bouki havy fairy ta la a m am orlei of a Olrl

• a M t and playtlm a au raea tio n i for ahlM raa.

Bha la also a Journaliat. balongln* Ip th a s ta f f of tha Barllnaake Tidando o f CapahhaBsa. Bha haa baan a foum at. lot m ors than a yaar. a ia r tin c on a am all eo tia trr paper

"A * arleen plrla da thair apaclal Job v o i f v « a * Mlaa Ott aaM yaalarday • h * aakad her Impraaalon of Amarl- • M ( t r l a "If. lo r a tam pia, a plrl la

_dMhaBvaphar, .aba doaa th a t work but aha doaa not hnva the

of knowladBa th a t la aommon Oanlah Blrl.“ Ulaa Oil u a n -

MMaB th a t Daalsh glrlo bAte two or e * a p laaB ua«aa a t lhair command, but d k a B H a p t riad Ihta tha oaea In

* l S ? ^ i » e r l e a o plrlB are more practl- Uil t t a a Samtah.- aha alidad.

Am M v h a t aha would do whoa aha PfhwaaB ta Donmork. Mlaa Ott aald MBt M e latoadod ta found a nawapapar Mp dfelMroa. (ha Drut dally naarapapar lap M U droa tn tha world

* • Phali bo for ohildron from iwalva U alBdilooa y o a ri of apa," aba aald. ^ ■ B M a n hava tha lataat now a tailing • h a t la kappoatag in acbooLasd having M ^M BB nawa of I n la m t to ehlldran * g p p WIU bo an apportunlty for boya m B ftP la ta tiaeuaa In Ha papaa u**a- M tW th a t In lam at them moot.

VhP pap*r will not balong to any PtBMaal party although It will bava pBHUpal aowo th a t would bo of Intaraot

• I va laa to ohIldroB. I t ahall tall about p laya and about all

au ltab la fa r ebildron,"Ott ra tu rna tb# Drat will

• e t a a hoph about bar world tour.*TBJP.“ aha aald. '‘w ill taka two or

•■ ■ a m anth a " Bha alno plana to ao ta r j>> t t a lo p n i t r of Copenhagaa Bha kMB aam platad har collaga eouraa and ■MWBy paaaad bar u am tn a tio n * for

Bha tip a o ta to ba In by Ju ly 1.

I Daamark*! leading Olrl Boout, aha___ding arouad tha world alone to

MBPaghrla In all oountrlaa to become BIBMA sa d ta show th a t aa a Olrl ■Met aha oaa eara Ipr harMlf. Bha It ^ M l a g m any of tha oltiaa of tba Beat, aad aeon w in s ta r t W » t by way of OhlM ee to r Baa P tanclam Bha w ill M aad Ohrtatmaa la Honolulu, gotng on aa Ja g aa . c a ia a , b d l a Italy . Swlt*ar- Mhd nod F ranea aad than b a c M ^ £ ng-

* * f tre « g h o u t (ba trip aha w ill aaad aa- SM ata a f b a r azpaptanoaa to bar paper la O apaabagaa

Adhad to eompaca Olrl Scouta In A m arlea w ith Olrl Boouta tn Denmark. Mlaa O tt aald th a t la Danm ark tha y a m g a r g trla had to aaauma mora ef th a laad trah ip than wwi naoauary In AMartaa. Bha aald (hat a patro l leader had fa r g ra a ta r raoponalblllty. for In O aam ark tbara was laaa direction from haadduarto rp

'T k a ra are net tha older p a t o t to help direct, and aa a r a n l t m u d k in o ra

. .. Mlaa OttId."Campa are more p rtm itiv a rTba

g lrla hava to carry knapaaeka Tbsy a re not allowed to take trunk* w ith them 10 camp. They lv*v* to earn th*

CoTBrnor Corntnends GiH Scoub |j !■ Wc«k't C«itva» For Mcmbert

E«fT«r« Bf rA« aV riTf. ITJUtNTON. Nov I .^ F f ty ln f trlbA ll to j

tliB Olrl buDut oiovBmAnt oovetAOr Ed* . WArdi k t l ISBUAd % proClAlftAttOA dAB* iEDAttnf the p r«i*nl • e e b u Qlri B ctn i w«ek Ha AxprA*e«i ronfldenA# thAt thA CAmptlfn now unii*r way for raw mtrnbArA will prove Aucc«Aiful, TbA proclftmAtlon *&>•.

'*Of thA mAny orfAnlSAtlpnA whtAh CA* jm tly elAlm Uie Aupport of All tlEht-m inded AmericAn dtlAAni. aoab Ia mof# dtiervlnj^ of lu p p e rt aM AA fouTAfemenl thun th* a ir] 8*oult. The Aim of thlT O'^Aanitaiion ii lO wArthf. thA IdAAll w iilrh U }k0ldl Uii to ItA fu#m- bvrthtp an noble, thi* m cllAAl N-Ault* of ItB CfAintn« *0 b*n*f)clAl. thAt

vhoiili^ ail leml nur *ii]rport ta th* mOTAtntni which hn* for Iti ob)#At A*lArr*a>i« In m*mb*rjihlp

'ThA w lrtenlnf of th* acApA of womAA'A •(‘tlv lilt* And !h* rtAPADtl‘ blllCl*! Incident upon th* pieralAA of th# rl*h l of BuffrAftb n P for a brAAdar And more VAfled (rilu:ri|f th*it V*e

\ nec*»i«ry tn iho praBi The irA tntkf la I r t t l i rn ih lp which this i>rsiini«AtlOA of*

forA. th« 1«A*nna In home maklDf iQ>l 4 hsAlth bJiM lnij which It InAtlllA* Ab4

the tp tr lt of uniolfleh Mrvlc# ApJ I ; thouAhtfMlnoAA for ottiAr* which It In*

4-\ilcAl*e And which It B iiinpl'flod by thp tlibAAn of the Girt gcouii. 'Do A Good Turn pAlly'--All thetn Afenolas ro n trlhu te powarfvjliy towerd the da* v*|o^m*nt of A type of wnmAnhotm of

, which AraertcA BtAnda in ne*d And which wlil b* A vltAl A*a«t to tho w aP , Fat* of the country, '

I “It I* moat deilrAbl* (hat tha Attap*I tlo* of the pyhiia b* directed towArd I thie work. And th a t pAranta. lAAObara I And Alt A m cricnni who hav* tha b«at In tereite of the girlhood of tble couiitry

At heart ahould beoonte intereeled In th |* QioYemeni and ahould eDCOUtAEA (he- glrla of AinerlCA to enroll Ib thia orffAnlAAtloh.'*

Oppenheim: € ijjnsBroad and William Stsa, Newark


i4nnoii/ice for Wednesday, Nov. 10th (Only)

The Greatest Fur Sale of the Season

Oti.Wmbaa am PetfatT Okays*.

TKRUKT n T T . Nov t —Before JudgA Dohariy ra a te rd a r . HArvaret LeonArd bl CUy pleaded non vult to p e r­ju ry in A dWorc* caaa, and wAi a*n- fenced to pay a Pine nf |LfiO **<] OOatA. IfIPA I,*eonArd and nalvy Rothwalt ware AbrcHted fuliow iny their leittm ony In the Court of ChAnoery, where they hAd Appeared aa w itneeiee asalnat H ra

At M n i- i ■- a a- rimra Grav** of Jereey City Ulaa, A Olrl Bcout d lin e r a t tba C a r- , Boihweil li m in the county )al] andar*t lub, Jeraey CUjr» taat n ight Mil* h*r caae could not be tried yeaterday

o n wae the gueat of honor I,«ter tn 1 The euli Mrt G ra \e i waa die-the e>'*nlng ah* epoke at the Monti- I mlaeede largely berauee of the allegettCAllo Theater. | perjured tta titnony

iSBiiey th a t tbay apand. Tbay aMo w alk mueb fa rth e r ,” eb* eoaoludad.

MIm Ott became a Olrl Boout a t toe Age of lw*iTe, And ebe advancedthrough the varloui rmnka until ahe beeaM»e a captain 8he \n alao Inter* eated in the Boy StMUt movement, hav- ing a company of Boy Bcoute of from eight to tw elve yeebra old.

WWB wetfm tA bsoka. I M a s aqlUbl

•baa Mils

■w* ^1 leiIIOlfMtb agMAs tiawiMM lM fTulUg



of obf atore all last week 1* ample proof of the genulneneai of thii •ale .

Gnleful parent* were (>lad to get real solid leather shoes forth a ir children at pre-*-ar prices.

Be fair lo your child. Buy a good shoe once. The difference In service will surprise you.

SALE PRICEfiVi to 11...........................................R.46

11'/2 to 2...........................................6.13Tan, Mahogkiiy or Black Calf Leathera Made to SeU at t8 aad $8.(0 a Pair


Open Saturday E m lnga



m s rS U I T


Oirmp to the £ ’noniioifa Saoinee A ll Sales M u s i Be F in a l

Marmot Coetg, 36-frrh; Shawl Collar and C u ff .................................. . I^e eh l

Marmot Coata, 36-inch; Natural Raccoon Collar and Cuff....................... Loreto/

Bay Seal (Dyed Coney) Coata. Australian Opossum Collar and C uff.. ^e e ta t

Bay Seal (Dyed Coney) Coats, 36-inch; Squirrel or Skunk trimmed. . . Speeial

Bay Setf (Dyed Coney) Wraps, 46-indi; Pouch back. Cape Collar........fjpretsf

Mole Cape, Australian Opoarom Collar, betted R ectal

Hudion Seal (Dyed Muskrat) Coata, 36-lnch; Self Collar add Cuffs.. ^periaf

Hudson Seal (Dyed Muskrat) Coats, 36-in.; Skunk or Sqnlrrd trimmed Spedal

Hudson Seal (Dyed Muskrat) Croats, 40-inch; Turnover Cuff . . . . . . . . SpeeM

Squirrel Coats, 40-inch; Cape Collar and Bell C uffs................. .............Sptsiel

Hudson Seal (Dyed Muskrat) Wraps, 48-inch; Deep Cape Collar. SpeeUtl

Hudson Seal (Dyed Muskrat) Coato, 36-ln.; Beaver Collar and C u ff.. Speetat

Mole Coat, 44-inch; Deep Pointed C ap e ...................................................^ fte is t

Hudson Seal Coats (Dyed Muskrat) 40-inch; Skunk trimmed............. Spetial



1,995.00 Genuine IVDnk Coat, 36-inch; Tall trimmed ...... ............ .............^ te d a l 1,550.00>j>:iaayyeEEtgi3 B t » V g : B B R B l


m a i l


• n b r o a d s t r e e t , N e w a r k

1 Piece to P ut On Instead of 3Towig P(Oke Slop ffappUy,

SmytpUy into '

Shirt3 -in -l

-Drawers—W aist

t w a m m a m k :

fW Sem aiM. GbAp-Afw I t o I I


Fton ii^< P .,* .N iH lo«a tM |UC Wtlit Uatoa Salt leadi ItmlfM amaieiAM A tin ' ■■ngingg' ..........


Rf^lKO''!* a Binsb, mat. arderiy for tha boy ar fM■» Srippad by tbouahthit panatf with Z-Z Wain Uaka

■Orta- T h w t^m e^j^ia^oBe Rtoani tnblad aoavcBtaaeB, la,

ip ratielN and froUe^'t •uady .M fy yaR aad n ra ia ,,

to avwy movatna

tba b a ^ ^ iS n c T l i ^ t b T f f r j jM t t jp'm^, I iMka Mwaiity double Mda.

e r n tt efatm M m


Announce for Tomorrow, Wednesday

SPECIAL PURCHASE500 High-Grade Coats and Suits

These five hundred garments comprise the smartest and newest modes of the eeaeon, in all the newest materials. They are the most remarkcMe values ever

offered to the people of Newark, Large variety of styles to select from.

Velour de Laine and Silvertone Suits-Hifh class cu tom made models of Vcldync, Duvet de Laine, Velour and SOvertone, luxuriously

trimmed with Moleskin, Seal, Australian Opossum and Nutria

Special Tomorrow Only 48.00 Values to $75.00

New Fall Sport SuitsFor WOMEN and MISSES ^

Tailored and dressy models <rf Velour de L tlm and Silvertone, plain tailored and braid

Special 3950Women’s and Misees’ Spmt Suits of Wool

Jevsey in Plain Colors and Heather Mixtures. Patch Pockets, Notch or Convertible Collars.

sp tcM 2 0 . 0 0

Tricotine, Velvet and Satin DressesVbriikmM of f ^ quaWy No t Triootine, Velvet and Satin in charming draped, one-piece and tunk

m trimmed or lavishly embroidered. All sizes for Women and Misses.efleeb; Braided and button

Regular Vihies to $45.00 29.50 Special Tomorrow Only, I

Street and Afternoon DressesFor WOMEN and MfSSBS

C n M y s M M raedili ef V t e and Tilcotln^ anitable for S M and A f t ^ ^ I bmM dednble shades of Tan, Brown^Navy and Black

■ (.

ty> 'I ■ ' ' I y ' '• ('i< . iM 25.00 Rafular Values to |8ih60

CoatsI ' ■)- ■; <W' ■t ^ v K m m O S n g m M i w N i t m ‘%^

V w yi*el « « * 4 • n t e r . kf

1 b Ev«h« N m NhUfav Cwpu7

tqjWAmi BTWiniO KBW* iWlTwwl h !•••■>* Iw I* m u •I l f t i a n Mr m*II •*>■*• au r ba ek«a(*<l »•

M ttU »•W k lllH a , Ck* krawk »W<m *r baMwM rffU* t t IW !*•»* A»r «*«i*Ulbl abmil* ba » » * t Vt M a N m irti BaaaiM Baa a.

luttaaa wabM;tia4 far rakllaailaa abauM ba ■(UlUn Jiair a* aaa alAa at lha abaat. Barb ataai %• alBMB vtih lha viHar'a aaaia aa4 aMraaa •riB rna at |aa« Milk Ka mal«araiua •traa (• liMn aaai aaaaraaaaair<


W TX*>.


W a Mwakapaa li a " a a i* « A*f*f.**!^

*?a*'ta|Ebr(aa?l«.*'' ***

Ming Up Sur'Taxes Reported Treasury Plan

Wkll* a «*a not to h»va bran axpaPtad, la VWv at obllsalloiu comlns dua In tha l l ^ l I lK ^ yaan> thbl tbara could b» niiolii I f BBT. cut In tlia ballon a «ax HU. » li»t ^BCpottB tg ba Uia Trananry D apsrfnanlBIBb lo r p ro d u d aB n ravaang of muKhty •4,BM.bM.tO« annually ovar Ih li iirriml la BiadBctly ataappolpttns.

I t waa atlBoat a foracona conelualon that t b t axccaa protKa taa, baatlly conoalvod an.l peiBV UP tk a berdoa many fold on tha con- tBBMT, would ooma off. To thia tha Traaaury II^B lIliiilll’ aecadaa, la no dnobt Oonfroiw M l H o| •▼an * tU ' Ihla lud taa In foroa bad Um v ad u aled Inootna lax untouchad, It tm baCB plalBly avidgnt to ftaoroury llooa- ItB and Um b an k la t warld that tha raiantie IB ! • aattelretad tor this flaral vaar. which —y a m Jn M M, Will ba nowhara naar up to IkB BMitb ralllaB prixaa of rour

i|ki« profiU and Broatly'a, maan raducad

At tkH jBBCtura, tharafora, aoma amt of iM iB lirta iillB f waa cartaln. Tha Baeratary e l e e Tfaaawy. la h it fortheomlnd raport IB OM i^aiM^wnl raeominond. It la undar- •IBB^ B BChama to r lapp lnr o ft tha axcaoa iP iO ta tM and for m ahtnf up lha Io n In HBWBBO by ptllnp on mora ao rtax ta That la IB BBT. daapar euta Into Incomaa wilt ba B q a i, B ^ only to ooBipanmta for w lplnf a m Ow ta s ' on aaeaaa proftta, bu t a lto to m aka bP'*UM loaa oooaatohaA under tha ^ipHra11iB at tha praaaat rataa, by tha iM B k lttf of tba vary laconici It la propoaed to IBT a id e d tax aaalnal

T a U r . ' Honaton b a lo n n no partlcuUr n fa r kla oppeaitlOB to tha a ic t f i protUi

n i l ' tmmadlala pradacaaaorai Maatra I aad MeAdock ooeupy tba mma poat- W%' to fact, doaa vtrtually our whole

lyortA. But a lta r m aatha of itudy • U te r f tw U a a tha 100 10017 of tba Traaaury taB W ah rad aa Bubatttuta raTanua.produelns B toa to tto U ka *«U rM of oaa tax la t aVU Utoply W totaM ltytoc aaotbar. U a p ta r- l■BT tototoad fiitamalB of hla raport to •MBi aBB ha rallad opaa.

U l i Bat aa tf auhalltuta plaha bad not bad dtoBBStoOB and ebvtona marlt. Tha

M M a aoMH to lla la B T raaaurr B apart- BMBt tram a dd m ind th a t tb a tax burdaB A dBid Ua Bot a t avatTbodr'a door, ta t , aapa- U a llr BBd particularly, a t tb a door of waaitb. n t o BTBdnatad taooma tax, right cnouyh In fltoolplM bacaniA IB. Ha appllcatloa, a M a d ta ra with whieb ta club poaaeaaora of IBIVB iBeemaA to tb a auppoaad adtflcatlon of Ikasa aadowad with faw ar of tb li worid'a • M d s ; a ad a t racarda th a blgbar lu rtaxaa R iBlata today aa a apadaa of claai layta-

.whaaa affact la ihroltllnB to pro-


'a lm oat a m outh befora CouBToat I t may ba th a t tbla "unorridal"

TM ajniT ataU m ant la pu t out aa a faalar, BMd th a t U r. Houatou m ay react to tha to-

to a t dToaU It tkrouBboul tba couatry. ■ a OOdht t a Thark la do doubt what th a t im uoaaa wtll bar To data tha Baeratary of th a noBBury, alive aa ba undoubtedly ta to t o f ftoaal naada of tba Bovammeot. baa not akaa'u m uch broadtb of mind in hla a tuuida tow ard taxloB problam a Alwayi It baa BMmaS'to bo with him th a t tha Idea uppor- m aat la bla mind waa th a t tbara waa DothlnB toBiultahla about aurtaxaa, tbat tha amaaa- IBB of wealth and tha opporlunlly to iBTuat la btCroaalnB produciloo of (ooda t r a tbiuBB to bo -paoaltaod, not tn - UOUraBad, and th a t the conaumar could ba prktaolad while tha uiuIcUdb procom want on.

Fortunately, while Ur. Kouaton may reo- ornmand. tba davlalnB of a plan lo meat the'a revenue naedi la a duty of the Bouaa wayi and maana conim lltea That

''oom m ltlae, It !• to be hopud, will not look With favor on any project th a t will drlva m om money thao now Into h ld lu f tu tax . proof BBC url Ilea Instead of lettloB It amorfo lato tha tnveatment Held. The laat th ln f any patrloUo Amarlcau could want would ba to a a | bla Bovernmeot couductad prtm arlly In tb a lotereat of a prlvlIoBed claaa hut ha CUBbt to bo atiunlly concerned lest It ba directed. In the name of a bopus public policy, aBalnst that flnanclnf of new and stdarplng enlrrprtso upon which tha proa- parlty of a nation primarily Industrial la so u tterly dapandant. Better the experiment of a Bcoaa m le i tax. fairly applied, than a fynunldluB of preaant fax evlla


Duka aettta aa«r Bomsrvllla. thraslana lha ruination gf all tha woodlaada tba ofcharda and sbada traes of tha anllre aatxta.

There la nolhlny ipocubitlvo about the dratruetlva power of this Iniecl. Kxparla In forestry and antrm olofy are fu lly 'fa in iiU r with Ha nature and hkbUa They know that tba apawo are cuirlrd by the ctiantloB windx of aatly riwlnp for many miles In every dlrartloh. th a t whan la tha cxterpfllar staca Ihey feed ravenously itp«n the leavaa of many k l * ^ of trees and pmcllrally defoliate nil woodland, ahada and fruit trees. And unlasa ibam aaivtt derttoyad they eventually wilt w rash ruination over an ave( InerN stny axpanau <f territory. The menace coniea rlpht home lo thia county. The Essex Coupty r a rh CoRimlsaluii waa an active nb*nt lo the appeal for a atata appropriation. I t fears for the very life of the county'B wood, land i r o a tu n , . beautiful South Mountain Itcaarvallon.

It waa tha united Judgment of all com petent nuthorlllra that lha stale must act a t ones, snd th a t If there were delay, avaa until tha next LcBlsIatura should m*ct and taha up tha sublact nf an appropriation, eradication of the past would ba than ImpractlcxMch On tha other hand, now that funds are lo ba made quickly available, Ihera la lha aaaur- anog that astarinlnutlun can ba aceonipUahrd In lim a lo « v a the iraai nnd ward off Im- pandlnp illaaatar.

Tha Ic fis ta tu r* baa aeltd wisely In not haaltatInB to do what la now naceisary ta aradloats th is enaniy before Its power to r harm grow , bayend bounda Tb« cxparlaoca

Its riBht ta U k t pa rt la any aeiHBibto for auppllas a»d m arkato I t Biay ha th a t th e R uropaaa powtaa have made proTMea aaa ln rt Irrltatlna Amartca’a aenattlva pocket- book ncrvoi

Hudson's‘* R i^ Men' I In the Wrong Pew i

of oth*r «>or.fronted with ■imliar «iTief-mfticvf thi* Th« irlp«r m oth tft*

f r tU A .OdO nilioa of Now E n flA n d 'i for^stst T h t ilA tM of th a t oocUow hava apenl m or# th a n |14,4ft9,0ft0 o m b a t t ^ f th* p«ft v H h no ^ ifn a l •uccf’oa, Tht# li thi'^-cttOft^uanca of iiul knoH tfif how to fo abput tu rn Jn f b«t k ih« In^AoJoii w hfn tt firs t w i i made. Mom A' c h u fe tt i lavl^i a ipaoial in j nf 11.000,000 ann iAllf fo r auptirvoalvf moaiur^A

U la offlrt-vily that u wilt v<*aith if atata tlST.OOO In th« neat twi; years, auil a .rod^cod addltlu&al sum for thro* yoara theroibftar, fully to ondlcat* th* iglpa>' moth. Th« a lttm a tlv * la IncalculnbU Iom in Irailo dofnreatatl^n and In fruit produc^tloB. si- poclally In atrpl«4 and p«arh<^, to which Ihoro may hav« to t>« addsd a permanent heavy taa.

Decision Puts Loophole In Volstead Act

T hrto wacka b a fa ra alactiga Baeratary of fitata T honaa F. Martin, In annaunolBB tba pm aram under w hich tha Btata Uiabway Commlaaton was to taka gver tb a Baokan- sack P lank road la North Hudaon, gave aa t he reaaon for h la confidence th a t “th a r la h t man (Oovamoy R dw arda Mayoa Frank Hague and CerpBfaUaa Counaal John MU< Ion) have pladgad tham aalvaa to tb la work, an d tb a r a la not BolhB to ba any allp-ap thia tim e," ^

One week a d w ataatlon. Ur, M krtln toya In hla Ifudsaa Dfapatob th a t “pgltttoat events of th a paal weak may raault la a chanaa of tha pragram from th a t arriead a t In th s comprgmlaa by w hich th e Stata tllgh - way Commlaalgii waa to Itova bean aaVsd to tak a It oyer,“ fo r “O ovaraar Bdwards and Mayor Uagua may ao t ba able to carry out tha plan so fhr aa th a S ta te Highway Com- mlsalon la ooncamad."

Mr. M artin's h ln d stth t In a good daal better tlian hla foraataht. Bo far a s the plnnk road Is eonoaraad, th a t U now a County problem to ba aattlad by tha authort- ila t of Hudson. I f th sy daelds to taka over the lilghuay and Improve It a t thair own expanse, th a t Is tb c lr prlvIlsBa. and th s people of th a rest o f th a stata will not ba particularly Intaraatad. Tha objaetton to tha proposed comproralsa favored by Ur. M artin and Indorsed by “th a right man" waa th a t It called for a heavy d raft upon tha Kale tre a su ry to sattla a Damocmtlo political dispute In Hudson County.

orPraM 4a««r a aS SM aot b« to Uw palto lh a TBtota w ha did cast thatr Esaw , Bkora th a n l , t t * fallad toth s lr vhatos batw aan HardlBB and Ona. b a t confined tham aairta ta marhiitg thatr batlMa fo r local oaiklldatoa Faibaps this m ay ba accouatod fo r b r th e tac t th a t a goad a m tv at thasa votara bad rooted prajuilaaa a ^ ln a t both o f th o nomlBcas a t th a bead a f tha iiatleM i ticket,

A aothar istaraatfnB ooraptrisoa btowaan fha Eaasx vo te laat week and that agat four ra a ra ago la th a t fo r I>sba Tha Bad a llnt nom lnaa In l i l t racaivtd I.IM Totaa, wrhtla hla to ta l th is year was 1,111, o r a gala of i,Tgg vo taa Tha th ird pilTty FrohlbHloa votM howwvar, failed to bold Its awiw hav­ing east only l i t votaa laM weak to l i t cast In n il. I t would ba IntartaUng to know )uat tba proportion of woman SoctalMs nnd Froblbltionlato bu t that Intoraiatlen will soatlnno to t a hidden b th ltid tha ballot box's rafl a f aaoraey.

Newark’i Infant MorUlitjr R«t« ' Ainonsi Loweit of the Laifc Citiei

R Is a largo loophnta In the Volstead act th a t has turned up In ttupreme Court decision which finds nothing illegal in the pomeiwlDn of warehoused liquor so lung e.a tt oan t a presumed not lu b . held fur pur- poaaa of but aa the property uf th-, w an tu a l ooauumer. tt Is wholly unnecei m ry to point out to those Ingenious gentle­man who ara engagadlji various forma ef bootlegging; bow agBlIy this ileclilon ran be used toward furthering aurreptltloua traffic. They need no suggeitloiu.

On th o o ther hand, the already overtaxed inapactors probably stand In need of advice. I t would asam th a t action In Congnaa waa necessary If they are to be wholly eucceanful In stopping ruoh s leak. Apparently the d«- claloB sagganta th a t If Coograai so chooses. It ra n m ake th is storage unlawful. Not having specifically done so In th s existing act. tlic property right, limited of course aa to Itn purpoees; follows the liquor to th s .ra re house as It would apply were It In tiie owner's cellar.

Of courae there la somewhat of a quealton const It utlonally aa to how far a property right can be limited anyhow. It ran not a ila t toward the poaaeaalon of aomethlng lh a t It In itaelr unlawful, but it will be ra th e r a nice species ^ definition which would make liquor lawful In toe owner's oellsr and not lawful In his safe deposit box, for laslanoa. It Is unlikely tluil our poopte would lock tolerantly os yet ( n s law •vhich would permit raiding cf the private cellar Strongholda Itut so long s i these srb hrid In rio la ta thore la a distinct element of un- falrneaa In giving one treatm ent to the man who owns his own house and another to th s man whoee clrcumatances do not perm it him such a private store. The fact la th a t pro­hibition end tolerance don't mix.

Plan to Exploit Turkey Setback for Liberalism

New Jersey Will Meet Menace of the Gipsy Moth

Q uick ly rew o n d ln g to an u rgen t call fo r

aa tloo In tb a la c a o f a very preaaing em er-

•N K T, tb a le g is la tu re yesterday passed and

.'B tow arded to OoverUor E dw ards a bill ap- B tw pttetlag th a sum of 1112.000 to be m ade to u n ad ta te ly ava ilab le fo r th e prosecution a t A w a r o f sa ta rm ln n tlo n against th e gipsy

T h a D ep artm en t of Conaarvatlon . a a l DsvsIotHlMBt, th e s ta te entom olaglat,

agMaty a a d ittan ic ipal p a rk an d sh a d s t r t s Scaria a a i r s l l a s m an y p ro p srty sw n sr t,

a r a to to rssU d l a t k l i a r tv sm sa t, w h ish I Q m n ao ffls la l ap p r« v a l o f th a O or-

R rab eh sd tk a L s tM a ta ra . t o > M |t l a a , to I k a l w hibti haa

I OtropBh * gpss la l ap p ro -r I f , O iy e r ' a * * « a R ta iy bbpiii»« .

r O W M r ^ r w ' psa i,;N w ii* h N iw al l A a g i ^ t issaU tlss wC

:am #iiBNr«yWi{B-.lto(«lr tto M n ito to A ' i t .tonO iiM . «gt' N h t

Am erica's hopes for a now and b e tts r political order get another Bstback from tha

trlpertlta agreanisni between Britain, Frauoe ,rnd Italy In divide what Is left of th e old Turkish Emidre Into splierri of commercial Influence.

The American peece commlsalonere p ro­posed a belter way el Paris and. fo r the moment, won the struggle th a t raged th e re between the forces of Imperialism and lib- arallsm . This would have been oarrisd out If th e United States had been wilting to tak e a hand In the reorgsnliatlO B o f th s Middle East. But, having refused to concern our­selves with ths s f f a l r t of Europe sn d other

*Europesn countries, the great E um pesn powers have taken up the work of re- (g-ganlxatlnn themselvea and rushed back to tha old policy of exploitation which haa tram pled upon the rights of natives and bred w a n ever since tt waa devised.

Flxplotltallon la the essence of tm perlallssi which knows no o ther way to gain Ita oWa enda. R eturning to H, tha great European powers demonatrata th a t their ImpsHalM a have again become dominant and have no fear of lha liberalism which cam s to th s to|) when th s w ar waa on. Ulbgratlifn defaatsd them a t l^ rla , wrtnntng In tha strUggIs to form ulata paaca, but In tha poat-wrar ro­a d Ion the Imparlxllata have coma back aa bold a s over.

W h e th s r th is agraam ant h a a t a s n so ah ap sd M to d a b a ra rn s r le a n In torasto f ro m th is field o f Investm ent sn d a x p lo h s tla n to n o t c la a r from auch aum m arlaB a s a r s a t. band . T h a t Is th a oaly g round u p t a w h ich th ia d ta i i t iT hB# >*ft t t ia l f n rlikt t o p rp - tsBL t g a t w a A th a e o a n tiy Tsp u RlBtoi A m artoaa WbirBltoiB a t t lw p o lln I t Binp n o t b s s itp se tM to tv tr to B ftt ts BBTIglBgBt BOA TtoltRiB B tptW flB it BlagBRIP

n rR R ay g f iW B a to n ) r sso u ruag a t

German Bigwigs Admit A Common Experience

(jerm sny*a In tellactuala, recan ting th e In- fx m o u i “kultuT m an ifesto" of 'Jetobar, l i l t . In w hich th ey denied th e ir oounlry 'a respon- alblllty for th e w ar a n d Justified th a courao of G erm any 's w ar lo rd s e lpoaa th e moat c iim ln s l h o s i aver p e rp e trs ted . Sooner or la te r every hoax ta bound to com a to S ilm - llar end. T he tru th cornea out. Tho people who have been hoaxed a re disillusioned sn d th e ir dloltlualonm ent leaves them b itte r of soul

(If th e n in e ty -th ree leading profeisora,Iheoiiiglens. artlats, aclen ll.ta sn d o th er rep- re io n ts tlv cs of Q ernm ny'a Inlollectual life who signed th e m anifesto , only ieven ty-ftve are now llvln* Hevonteen of those have fallud to uiiswer a c ircu la r le tter uddreeaed to them . lJut of lh a rem ain ing fifty-eight, forty hnVH recanted th s m anifesto and only olxteeii have refused to do so, som e of these Klvlng no va lM reaaon for th e ir refu ie l. Such l9 the repo rt of Dr Mene W ehborg. ac­cord ing to s New York Times d ispatch . In a [» m p h le t giving th e result of his e ffo rt lo ascerta in the p resen t opinion uf the orlgltkal s ig n e rs

T>r W ehberg eubm lla th s l th e docum ent wae draw n up by "a amall g roup of men w ith big n a m e s ," sn d a b rief sum m ary of It sen t lo tho real of th e n inety-th ree. T ha "big nam,.-a" bad th# expected effect, per­suad ing m o ,t of the o lhera to a ttach th e ir o lgnatures. Htlll o th e r s who w ere not sa easily Inipreisad by the "big namee, " had to be persuaded lh a t G erm any had been "Irene hero usly a ttack ed ." IhaJlluslonm ent cam e quickly. T he full text w as enough 10 open th e eyes of s good m any and they w ith ­drew th e ir s ig n a tu res a t once. O lhera w aited only long enough to find th a t they had been (loped w ith fa lu h o o d w hen they, too, rs - pentad th e ir a lg n s lu ra s

T h is la borne ou t by th e testim ony of th s dlalllualoned; th e sta tem en t, fo r tnalsnce, of P rofeesor Eesnr o f Boon U nlverilty ; "I would not have algtied the docum ent h ad t know n the full c o n te n ts " O r th a t of th s poet E ulenberg: "W hen we signed we be­lieved G erm any had recourse m erely to th a holy right of solf-dafeniie: (o r fo u r w eeks wo w ere forced to b a lle re th a t." Or th a t o t th e m ualclsn, Felix von W elngsrtner: ’T h o se who had followed G erm an sn d P ru ssian pol­itics to r generstlona m ight havp boon batte r Inform ed bad they kep t th e ir eyes open an d n o t believed ev ery th lag w hich w as u tte rsd from u nder th s p ic k le h su ta a n d u p tu rn ed m o u s ts c h s"

Being hoaxed la a com m on sxpsrtencs. In every country th e re a re thoao w ho a re easily Influenced by "big nam es" an d who believe every th ing to ld th em by th e ir po lit­ical leadera F o r th a t reasoa th a G erm an In­tel le d uals m ay expect a good deal of sym ­pathy, m uch o f w hich they m ay look to r from th is country— soon. If n o t now. Mr, H ard ing cannot sa tisfy all th e g ro u p s w hich voted for him fo r opposite purpoasa; to kill tha league and to en te r It. to h e lp lab o r and to "p u t It In Ita ploesv" to get i td Of “au to c ­racy" and to re-eatabllSh a polltloal oMgnrDby, to b ring prices d o w a a n d to k ssp th e m up . Home ara bound tef t a d loappsla ted . dJs- llluslanedi than t h v will a sk thasnsahras how it cam s th a t th ey w ars to k en In 1 ^ certa in "big nam eW a n d by t h s p lea th a t la vo ting fo r a ch an g e th e y wore ao tlng In sa lt- deftnae.

W han th a t t im s Comae 1st th e m conso ls tham aelvaa w ith th e th o u g h t th a t O orm any 's blgw lgi, too, w s fs hoaxed w h a s they o u g h tto have know n b s tta r .

Com parUon e f tka reports Issued raspsa- Gvaly b r th a Caaaus Bureau aad the toaalD u p u tm a a t a t K aulth ahowi th a t la csapaac to bo-ths so d la fa n t luortallty far lha yaarm g th a raeorS (o r Newark la eonxldarably t a t t e r tk an tb a t e f tha ragtatraUaB a rea ofth a U altad i l a t a s w hich the aaasui au thorltlaa raoha th a busts e f I ti raparta oa aa tlonai v ita l B tatlatloa Tbla a rea ambraeaa tw en ty - tw o s ta ta a and tha Dlatrlot o t Columbia, and ra p ra sa a ti about tifty -a lg h t par cant, of tha to ta l population o f the country.

New Jnm ay. nnd oonaaquantly Newark, nrn not rapraaan tad In tha bureau's eempIlsUoa fa r l i l t , t a t It w tll ba In tha fu tu re re p o rts since tb la s ta te has now anaclad a law th a t conform s w ith tha stnndnrda In rag ta tra tlan o f v ita l itn tla tlc a which tha burana raqu lrna T h a t law. know n aa tba Whitney sot. w ant Into eU aet J u ly 1. th is year. I l i poanage. how ­ever, wan an tic ipated by thia city, w hi-h for aoma tim e haa bean following tha praotleaa which have now boon made m andatory th ro u g h o u t tha atato.

A dacllna o t seven per cent. In b irth ! w as show n laat yaar In tha ragiatratlon B ras every one o f the aiatea ehowlng a lose In th a t re ipao t. N aw ark 'n birth ra ta In lha aama period w as II.T par l.OOO of populatlan, a da- c raass from tw enty-lovan par l.OCCI to r tha year batora, o r a loss o t five per cant. H ia to ta l b ir th s announced for tha ragiatratlon area, axclualva of Rhode lalaad, which fallad to m ake ra lu rna . wane 1.111,111, aad tba to tal num ber of daatha waa i l M t l , tho b irth s aa- caadlng th e deaths by 72,( par cant. In N ew ark 11,111 children were born alive and S .llt persona died. Including all a g e s thv birtha th u s exceeding the deaths by more than Igg p ar cent. In a year th a t produced (be low eit m o rta lity ra le In lha city 's history.

u f apaelal In tsraa l Is tha showing Newark m akes when I ti record of Infenl m ortality la placed alongside th a t of ihe reglalratlon a r e s In fan t m o rta lity ta figured On the num ber of deaths for every 1 ,00(1 llrs-born In fa n ts The average In fan t death ra ta reported by tba Ceneua B ureau w as elghty-aevan par 1,000. This la tha low eit Infant m ortality ra te on record. But the ra te for Newark w as much heller th an th is average, being 711, and a reference to tha Hat of cities publlibad In connection w ith th a Ceneui Bureau's report shows lh a t the local Infant death ra te la lower then In all but three of the large cities, ban Francisco. Loa Angelea and Minneapolis are the only clllea embraced In the reg la tra- llon a rea which had lower records for 1110. Outelde of lh a reg istra tion a r e s Bt, Loula le also Ibw In ih ia reapeot. Its rata being ona point lower th e n N ew erk’s This d ty gained the dieilBcUon of having a lower child m or­tal lly ra ta I b a a so y other large city la the East.

The co u n try w as eom paratlvely free las t >*ar from eontagloue dlaeaaee lo which 1n- funt child ren ara Ouaceptlble, and N ew ark's beblea ahared In tb a t Immunity. Tha cU ya organised w ork In child hygiene, which has been developing over a period of years Intp e tio d lly in creasin g efficiency w ith Its f ile d policy of preventive hygiene, has been in offectJve agency in the eslvoglng of Infant life, The Influence of th is work in reducing child m o rta lity la shown In atslletica com­piled by Dr. Ju llua Levy, chief of the local division of child hygiene and Incorporated In hie rep o rt fo r l i l t to- the D epartm ent of H ealth.

These Show th a t while of every l.ddS ehll- dren born In the c ity 7a.t died In their firet year. Of every l.DOO children aupervleed by the dlvtelon only th irty-seven died within a year o f b irth . The city rate for dealha oc­cu rring w ith in ona month of birth wae 11 1 per I.aoo, w hile fo r Infante of m otberi who received p ra -n a la l care lha ra ts waa only 19.1 per l.OhO. These comperlsoni are su ff i­cient, It aeeme, to Indicate what l i being ac- compllahed th rough child hygiene. They also d em o n itra ta th a t th# baby m ortality ra ts of lha city w in eontlnue to fall If means to r ex tend ing o rgan ised work In the adncatlon of m others to properly care for thair babtas before and a f la r b ir th a rs provided.

Tba new a ta ta law, which brlagu Now Jersey Into coneonaoce w ith tba C an tu t B ureau 's m ethods of obtaining vlU I sU lle tlc s promisee to bs aapaelally effactlvs In saonrtng a com plete and accurate ragiatratlon of b lr th i This haa bean tha weak point w ith reepact lo thaoa rseorda. Tha Ileansa raqulra- menu binding upon tha contraotlng partlas. tha re g is tra r and tba offlelatlng elargym an or m a g le tra ts solved tha problem a f m arrlaga a ta t l i t lc s D eath raoorda a ra guarantaad th rough th a taauanca of burial pormlla; but In tha past lh a filin g of birth ra tbm a w as alt beat a daflclcnl prooess and w as mads as by reaaon of the careleeeneia o f many phyal- Ciani and m ldw ives who held their du ty In th a t respect too tightly. It la now provided lh a t oerllflcatee of b irth shall be Issued In all such occurrcnoei. and parents SS wall ea p ro ­fessional a tte n d a n ts are charged w ith re- aponalblllty In th e ftUng of birth r e tu ra a

Ths prstias a B tan a t lU t t f k h t ’ B M t 'b d s a dstam tosd, kM froaa

siMstauBB tM fd la aBsavallsaa H BtoBl kBvs baa« BMok Ilka tha sld-fasMssMA ayrtags «BS< ky gardsasrs.

VSBlIsa la atsAs af tBs maiMstfal.usa s t r s ts la g pxrnpa aa f i ts eagtaes a t ABatotnw In U l l . Xagland aad the maQtttoa a t ih s c sa tla s a t were using hand SfBlrts aad syringea a t tbla t lh a Amsriaa took hsr Haas from tba Engllah. adaptlag tkam to her pggiillar nasda At first tha gslsala|a xrara e sn lsa t w ith prsawntlva m aaturaa t a t thasa aea rasir had anBadlfaet. upoa tb a ahliaasye, ballt n t arooA gaasrally tisad by tha aarly Inbablt.xata

Befora tha Xngllih flag flaw ovar Maa- h a ttaa^aa old Datsh ordlaoaeo diractad tho bargondatara |g demand from ovOrif' bouss m oaar foa the purposa of oidorlhg frorx Ihs motbor eountry Isatbar firs budheUt firs ladders and firs hsoha “and oaos a roar, tis dsm aad for ovary ohlmney oas gulldar fbr tb s support aad aialoteaanos of tha ss tos.** Thip sidloanos sta tas la Its praam Us th a t T a a ll wall rsgulatsd oltlss and esrporatlsas H Is SMtomary that flro taekelA laddsrs aad hsoha a rs In rtadlasas a t th s oorasrs a t ths s trs s ts aad In pnbits hsnasa far th s ttsM of nood." Im sglns tha modara H anhatU a to aqulppodt^ lloatoB had tha first regular firs eomptay a a d s r aiaBiolpaJ oontrol in this couatry la l i f t . O ssrgs Bratthwalto, an Engllabmaa, first osaeatvad tha ataam tira angina, wklsb a s daflaltaly marhad tba next atags a t prsgrsda la firs flgbtlng' Bcoffera Jaarltigly called hta lavaatlon a "ataam squirt" aad “kttohaa Blows." bot tt cams ta stay, uslaaa aqcb atapa aa ths Innovation In Inotalllag a high prssauro water aystam drives tt Into a rom antla p a s t

See* People Reedy for League Rafit.ra lha Mllor af lha »Bwr.

■Ir—^ r i t tk t for lh« L*«ru« StHi te 19* IfAdt** yoti titAdtd WedbMdAT titllerlaLC«a It ft* &*c*i**ry t* lu f v t i t to th* editvr of ft ft*w*p«p*r publl«h*d In Am«rieft th*t th* AmiHcftfi p**pU bftvt juft 4«ni*fiitrftt*d thftt th ey ftr« *OMM«rftbly r*ftdy for that flfhtT

Th* h lato rr of thU country provide* but OB* other*'Itifttftnc* In which th* •l•ptteB ef it* Pr**ld*ftt ho* b**n to eleorly bo**4 opon ft elngl* l4*u*. Four yeej'O ftfo th* Amerlcon peopl* elected o condldot* upon h it promt** to keep us ouc of wftr Either In mektnp th* promlM or In ftlllnv to keep H, b* d*fcd to ft*h th is **v*r*lftn people for * mftodftt* mnd then to dlertfftrd I t

However wftverlinr you irem to rejtiird Seoeior end Preeldentoolert Herding In hit pre>el*ettoB utternncee on “the^' AnjrlO' W llsoalen Lengue of Nellons tk» Amertcen people her* the feoling thet the “Fight for the League*' wtU reeult eomewhet as they hftv* juet bidden- If hie couriure ie ftot ■ufflctentlv fortified by the niiijorlty he h*e r*c*4vpdy Mr. H irdlng will be deterred from dleobeylng th* people"* coTorpand. through feftro fty the eorrv example of that other who demanded that Uet Tueeday’* event ft* a soiema referendum upon th* euprem* effort pf hi* MdmlnletraUon—and got what he aeked*


Miking It Over.

B U edL IK G UP-TO-DATB.Tbs iBedsni haralqr. fiad t It fun Ta m i* B •* !• th a t wsigba a toa And hsar It to a walUaB ear. ,Ths srhil* ha stsskea a mlM aasBar.Th* way* o f s th s r ttaua war# ertida, tohSK tMswssv with maaBars rough and ruds; WquMamaha tba palghhora nervous qaita WHfc aotsy h t ^ o of dynaat|la Wbleh o ls^ ln g folk not onlw wShs,B st nilod tho aalghborbood w ith siaake.ABi, t a t a t f Ihsy mot taocoas,L sit Fhoro th o f worked a a awful mesa^ t a r g |a r to a b ta k y otaB What wWto wowo havo oa r hoasly aap. D rs f l^ n and tokaa our aafaa awapt Wo find thorn oomtwhsr* s ite noxt i Obo would ao t ho surprised If told doiBo ta r f la r . mtweular a s^ bold,Ob thlaWlBg ta a t had mode a esil Aad tahoB htHldlaai lot aad all.

WtCTto a a d W ahW a 'th a t m neh-dtsaassad pair, have, o aa m ight raassaab ty praouma. hoaa doaa aw ay w ith , a s th a p b raso bad It t a t w h a t baa boon d o ss w ith thorn—with th a ir ram alas, lh a t 1*7 Thar* haa bean nu psHo* Ib p s r t o f th e f ind ing a f tb a lr badlar. s ta rk Ui d sa th and tubssquan tly tdanllflsd li> ‘ th* m ohsr*' ta g s la (hair costa and th* li • Itlal* oa th a tr cu ff l in k s Nor has It become h u w a th a t s l th t r M rs W IggI* o r Hi* \tm bbl* h as called a t lb* p recinct s t a t u :< w ith a raquast th a t a g a p a r tl a larm t a t in t o u t to r b ar ha th an A who left tba houa* tu a tte n d a m asting o t tba build ing and loon and navor ra lim a d .

Id fact, thay* I* a growlng> Impraaslan th a t Ha* 'Y lggl* and Chris Watihl* w in sooner or la ts r tu rn up Ip th s lr ram lllar h a u n ia Ths.v got conaldarabt* n a te rls ty d u rlag th s racee' a ie llam ciit, howavar, and probably fa?l som aw hst m ortlflad and aanaltlv* about It.


m ark lo 's on th ' f u th a r a irf th a t brew a 'o fussy worm,

Tb’ ea ta rp lllsr, Indicst* a mild 'n ' plaosant term

Ot w aatbsr. w hile th ' squirrels, thay alti i s tra in in ' vary much

T lay up fo r tb ' w in itr sloraa of b u lta rn u ti tueb.

Tb' blckory bark I* thin tbt* fall, th ' thinnaat tb a t'a bean known

F a r yanr*. 'n ' keen ob tarvara of tb ' goaae’x fro n ta l bon*

Say a mild, salubrloua w la ta r spall, w ithout ranch fro s t or show.

I t prom ltad by th ’ a ig n a 'n ' thay 'r* th ’ ltd* th a t ought t' know


Th* w ise men and th* d r a a m o a Tha prophet* aad th* achsm ert.

H ave found a way lo moke the world retu rn To aom ew bere pear the norm al:But, apeak ing quit* Informal,

They'v* s o t a lot, an aw ful lol. to laornl

Bom* th in k th a t reconat ruction B asina w ith price reduction.

And raeommand tha death of p ro fiteers; Thee L abor tu rn ! Ihe pasea To w ber* It read i "More w asei:

Leae w ork, raor* pay will bring lha goldea y e a r s "

"To l ig h t tho attuatlon,W* need more agitation ,"

Bay ra d ic a ls and aplll th s TNT.And then eome moonbeam tra ile r Says, "Leave It to a ta ilo r;

Tb* m an for m aking ovar tb ln g a Is b a"

In every proposition,Thay g lr* no raoognlllon

To on* big fac t th a t maka* th a rest look am all:

Th* w orld w ill b* no bat tar T han yon, or I. It* debtor.

I t ’a w b at w* gtvo (b a t maka* It go a t all.


O og aav* n s from lb s aoham ara Th* w ild U toptW draaraara.

And giv* u s man, fanr-aqaar* aad mant

No m ot ta r how aho'a ablftod,Tb* w orld w ill tb aa b* lifted.

And, put In "high." go apoadlng on ognla.FREDERICK A. EARLE.

Proud tu rh ay gohhlars, accompantad by haughty gobbltaaaa. s tru t nbout. all uneoe- acioua e f ih* doom banging over tb e ir heads In the field bordering the highw ay. The a lan tlng ray* of the tu n a re deflactad by the m atalllo lue le r of the ir plum age, and s llc g a th e r (bay a re plaaaant, w ith T haoki g iv ing toon doming, to look at. Th* patateg m otorist th ln k a a t lha lam * tim e apuraing the tam ptatloB, bow daslm bls It would b* to a l l tb t and cap tnr* a fa t bird fo r th* cooilag featlval. B ut m otorlata a re nn bonant lol. nnd under clretm itlnncea each na tb la era f t - •tra ined by tbeff aeruplei and th* know ltdpe th a t In the house acre** th* rood from the (laid alt* a farm ar holdlag a doabla-barralad gun loaded w ith shot of aasertad slaaa

At th* cost of much money and taker Our porch has bean ctoaad In u i th glaaa.

Bo now w* tea p lain ly aaoh neighbor.And the nalghbcra aao ua as thay psaa

The w om enfolk o ft have alladad To d in ing ou t there , bu t we balk,

Snggaatlng we’d b* sa aaojadad If a a tlag oor m aala on th* wallt.

An advartJoOT In tba Raws daalrss a cook who undarataada sho rt a rdor cooking. T hsrs a rs d o u b ta tboagh . o f bla g a tt te g ooB a s sll th* cook* of lh a t kind atom to ho w srk isg .

K R L m ro THR T o o ira .Bald a Woodald* n la s on* avisatog, "Ta, Will you balp me w ith my a lg s h is P ' "D ring on your booki PH do It alL* { Bald fa ther, rid ing to a fan,

(Contlnned to a « r n a n t )

K EEP IT DItT.i l r —Would you oaasliar JTohn D ilnhsa lar

for Baeratary e f tb* NavyTAN A PPM D C U Tm i RRASKR.

trvtngtoB la gotag to h«y tw m ttr Bsrtokle oehool ta ltd lag a t r a haoamlag a too atfl elant aga- yanag Atnarlsa. If pati dsn*t g* i* aebool th* sebool wilt eon* t* yoiL


Modem Fire Engine g Reibcoyefy Of Principle Died by Egyptiawa

B M MB Wftk nghnigi BBT'Id giltnil r Bg'soBfPBiypP taP ps g wRg UW ww HK ataBBBtomVBwto tiw prlBM^ tae whlelk va gaM wa waat to war.

i t o , A m a 'f f t -. j t R cfBtoiito 'a s w Iib b .

latoNM M fe.1 ■ f :

Voting This Year and Four Years Ago i

W hll* th* effloisi figurns on th* toIss cast In Essex County ahsw th a t I f . l l f fsgls- te n d voters fallad 10 go to the polUt Ots perconuge of those who did vote was, undar th* clrcumaUnesa, g ||lto large. F our fsarg &g«, whtn Ih* contest to r Prealdent wsB-tor m o n Inlarastlng and elos* than was th * oast last weak, l l . U twf iwiL a t (ho v s t s n cast thatr baHsts. Thia y ta r tk s por- eontag* wtis aboni l l . l , o f a falUaF off ef somathlDg Issa thaB l R par o sn t l a Uaton County th s porosBtog* waa I I , t a g IB e tlisr Js rtay eountias th* otlleUU rs tu m i will F n R - a h lr ih ew Mssllar rtsu lts; theagh H ir lll ,ha ooBMAsnahlf k ighsr la BudBsB-^ wh sia M otrielal ceM t ha* ao t b ssa saasplstsia

WIMB th * g lftsrsB e* h o tw o w th * t ^ ' i

fo r Fm t o iM IWb j m r a ad th a t gaal fh g r y a a n to iM M -^ la seat a i s r sfLOto •«(«■' ttih i i r smtoag at R la isd 'ta to tllh siB d a n a a if iR M t;' A g t a i BMBy ragtotond v a tw i to*t,||R«f*to la Uto B M lm tl inaW it iM R m r I

Th* p a a t ln t * f th* flr* her*** from M as- h a tta n as a raault of th* eomplat* m otortsa- tion o f th* F ir* D epartm ent of Old New Torh, and th* Inatallntlon of high prasaur* w a te r aystam * to allm lnst* oven th a fir* sa g la s— Boston bstng c ittd for Illustration, a lth su g h N aw arh and o th er eltla* nonld havo h*«a addod—a n fu rth e r stepa la th* stog* o f p re g n a s from th* rom antle gaya a t th* p ieturaaquo eld hand tubs, says a ta lto tla o f th* N ational Oaographto Bostoly. „

Soros n ro sro b sr whan o l l l ih a tftphsd tham aalra* ou t In rad sh irts and gtoaad sap s and earrtod to rches In th* fro n t a t a p n - essslon o r fo m a d part o f tb* h o t r g w d of th* g a lta a t old tub ea it paraitsg | t a a ln s tg — * B ala occaalon. Than | — Tyg fo r R rs

=Lauter C o .:

C learance Sale✓

Pianot HayerfPianot Phonographs

' Oar eotira itock of gambtatidf u d ibopwrafilinott t iT W i^ a t iw l t id k ^ RMoMnw a mw « mI*. Ewry BstnuRHit It in I m MndidM Md adtjr gniomtoid. A nodwiM

I n t piymtnt vflt ancorg tR iRUD«ttii|tn diHiwy. ', . 4 , ' ■' "*'* '

fightlhB ran to a high pitch sag ergBiiwBis war* w^B*d about th* roarltg *f jpgttlstilBr anginas. Today th* throb* *f a BHil*r-dfl**R •ngin* a n taking th* plan* a t 'thsga h sa tt th ro b s la thoaa days eomiiBBHtoa'Wsrs ll*- p sn tsn t upon voiuatsara an t im b tosBl' BH soelal ranks bbvs valnablq Urn* W 'fB altfy ttan ss lT sa tor lb* ssrvlea I <

F i n flghttoB la aoma gort s f lttito llH il form to aao laa t Kaahinss fhp Ihisw lBR wacsr from a distaifc* war* *-nTHh " i f t i i i log I* sup t i n t claar s t la * i» o i^ ^ * ” ^ ^ o«*tMty b a to n Ohriat, H s im Ml y s s ts bstot* tb* Chrlstiwg BtoBBsrrlpt whish hg* *so4»| d*s*Mh*> a a hydfauii*Rgy»l iBptBF t t a ttoso a t m w a s ssBii s s s i o f t« * I ta sa OBi B WOadOU baas N tth O riB B -da'lU prtMtolM .p!I»>S«BI iBElBa. Utig'.'iita th is w as tost la th*

Upriglit PtaMfFtiditr . . . . . |1SSP bbbb . • • • - • - ■ .UNiUaoi . . . . . . SU 'outwit,........UfWiltni W.e CORROr ( . . . . a n o V i M f l t r . . . . . w W . C L i i t o r a

Plioftofaglie:, ^ f l s M a H HssMatil


n i i c r P i g M. - '" t i nt i e * r j m

........ * 5 ^

UR«M4lRW. i H t 'iRRCii ltuftlOi -' n t '% ' ,'>}'• *. 1X1

“ Ilf ; ' i l i i t UO

VMI|lion . .a , .

^ i k f t R O i d -

^ ■ I i s e ;



ic'flti omi4 m . LAUIBR.' P I A N Q m

Th* ,'ItoBt’A flFtM R'^ ***** WWQjPlillW




To pr rending ftfier ftm ental w ill ohi vatnber

D urin tnxde Ifchildren Impdrta tftct wii IftF ther uniutied

M[m ] the efin taken fti rftleing for chIU iDta effi cbM e ol brftrv hi

The p good eni u long ftnd enjf the exti thefore ft k ti either her XMlreported eeled Ir the beet

"Toftb1e.“ ft fthi) velopR thlngd the cl compr It npi w en h

Wh which flea 0 th \y t Imagl *luoe« never which ■ r» er heni], are vt

Thf believ hut d minde whioh life w m x y \

RheniAttc: the pi ea nsa rherjii

A c nnd nhould ?h!i Ir herdderdfii a c l! VB

hooi Ilev • 0r> th!n




h 'fI haho I

h Tu tt r,' hrtj'WM nr 1 hrr Aif*^

nilP 'l frrt no lonirri le n t- Th branded ’ ixye.

During pxrehta j eee what dren'R de dlaplar, I wh«t the urg^<f advantag

Sever al have nxli! will ebow Ing. Th< all th* VI price* , w all eiallo a ttandan i vie* paVd th* eeleo

Lets Di1 S.

tlM ktlsn boy** adiySfpBt* I

A t th* S to fta tb■all ot pH to t* tlBsar of t


Tl** fl •P ls r y*i MsCarthy B torsBist PstrelSua sltyv to s tb* ssppe whsm b* h u so t I I t t l . It Wih s r I I B '

Mrs. Ma BSttSB agi to Rsw 1 BBsat of • jw lddisui M R BBdt fW M IMI

M B. *t« Ch



bopvorti I. Bt*ry

iw ,^ (I*.'I t ' : . 'i : i' ,' i

’ A.

'U tv

O-OATB.It (HB k tokir,« M «tk r.•n emk«,■ r«uirti «a4 riiAi, twr*«)u koit* ttfcIT »*M.with WBok*.

t « t r u > .• kWi^tiM n«at Sbt- IT told

I bold,• e«ll

I all.

t mneh'ilooaMotl M B obtr troaum o. fea y lirtM bad liwith tb«B—vltb ^tra haa ba*a r of tbair baditr, intly tdaallflad li> ‘ Foatt a id tlta li ■ f a r haa It bacana W In Ia or Hra araclnct ata(la:i

ral a la m ba aant laft tba bouaa tu lulldlna aad lann

r Inpraaalan that bla will aaanar or lar haunla Thav d u rla a tba rac ta tI probably tarl aaltlra aboat It,

ECJldT.I a t that broWB n

mild 'd‘ pitaaatit

ilrrala, thay aln i

»raa of bultarnuti

a fall, th ' tblnnaat

• ra a t tb ' taaaa’i

ta r apalt, w llheui

n' th ay 'ra tb* lada


acoompaDlad by about, a ll UBCoa- oTar tb a ir haada

a hiahw ay. Thr a daflactad by I ha r p lum afa. and nt, w ith Thaalia t at. Tha patalBC ma tlm a aponiln? bla t t would ba to rd t a r tha eamtag ra an bonaat lot. leh aa th la ara f t - md tha hnowladpa ha road trora Iho a donbla-barrolod

aortod alaaa.

and tabor 4 In n1th liaai.

Balshbor.I aa thay paaa.Had ad w t balk, ladad ba walli.

WB daalraa a cook ir caeklnc. Thara (o ttlB f o M aa all a to ba frarkloc.

T o c i r abo aaiaalat. T o , ay alcabiaT*I do It all.* I Ml.IT a a a U

«T.Jahn D ilahaalor

.T tv a wwaraww

t tw a a tr vaitablo aailB« a tea atti I f ra n d a n t l a la

» to ran.JIA H m e .


Too poor to ro tah i aoanaal, U rt. L illian B. 9ornoll of t l A r o r l t t a n ­n u a Paaaalo. w ho diTorood W ilbur E. Cem all of I t l P a rk aronua, Nutlcy, aavaral y e a n aco , appeared before Vico rh aao e llo r Footer yeaterday aad ean- taatad her f t m t r h u ab aa^a applloa- tion for permlaalon to aao Ma all-year- eld sen, who la In the custody of Ura, Coraall. The olaa ol^aiU!o)lar Aranl*^ thd huaband'B a ^ tH c itla ib "'.aUdWint hiai to aoo hla soil a ra rT -W tp rile ^ be­tw een t A. U. an d ’f P;.< II, f la »U6 la to ba allowed to ta k e ttw M illf -twhla paronta’ home la Muttay. iV ltf a m pith .

Oomall, a e a r p lp W 4 4 l t t l^ ^ ba aat itvad up to i«r a^m ppr trd a t ra.- aa lrln a him to Vab Adrt, OtmaU ^ Ib a Weak, b a t h a^ fa U .bar only.^jtf a waak. To Mri. C Ian^~ that ha ba n a 4 |, . tp ,J alltnaay order thia Ttba al piled that If the braugbi proof that ha aaald pa r m ars tba court would bald h l« to th i latter of tha ardar, Cetnall h a i prataattd th a t | l a weak v ia all ha aeuld afford t»-M K -iMa waa re**< aaatad by BardaA b , m b ttin f . ,

b t a iw tn s tk a 'a jb M n o t to O tra a ira appllaatm ^W M i O aa«an;j|a^ alarad th e b a r > : tK rfadparaaia ;1iad a aaa r fkaara aay^ U la rb a t la h la . ' ^ a trta t ahaoosllar'a •dvtaladar was a a v U ' tItM tIan th a t I f tm tir lf w ork ta e th a btT*a adT aataaa 'to iH iTd 'tha ttbad*- p atpata kaap In tobah w ith him.

M th a dlToraa hdA rlaf It waa dia- alaaad th a t C om atl bad diaaatad Mm* a w a f p roperty ha aw nad by puttlnp H la ta th e C oroall B aa l BiBbta Otm- p a a r a f N utlay, - '' - r r ■ aJ . '

EElibeth h t^ Ordered to{$10 Weekly for WdtV Support

y ia a O hanatM afT foafa f r tpaad a% a rd a r y aa ta rd w '. d l r a o t t u , f c « a b t X W tC artby e f ^ ^ l h a rd ib i

aamakl^ OompiMr

Jaaalaa ^ a d lattlli'ai

Bllaahath,a faramaa la.-tha amplay.tB fJw tlnlMBttralaam itaamalr' “-------- *—s r . ta aai^lboifI Hra, Jaaala V,

am¥t ankdd aa t aaypartad ainaa » m f tU aa;||; i n i . It waa.iMafad, aaatilt th h t M l i l i lidp l i a frwip fa r a ItniW '

Mra. HaCItflhr atld)na)1f <!•

trtvfisp a i t af aiimany la bar by la a r ta t tad pM NHaUaa and ca ia tap ta Naw Jap« ■ l i t j e e wad adjuftpad ta aauMMpt a a l

Vhkdi amauBi ha M i k Id

^ ^ l u i a a d a w tH a f „iH . .

• ‘H i

Special Effort to Be Made to A o 'I

oiuiint ParenU with Sort of Stories Best for Yoanf.

Reading Effect* Mental Hel

To prom ote the theory th a t a ChlWa reftdiTtf hIiouM ti« a« carefully lOiikedv

B-jh hiB twhdliy h f f t i Y k , I #* Ifreiu m easure, his r««dtnv ht$m«ntAl health, ihe* Frt>fl Pubtlc L ibrary ' w ill ol>B«rT« C hlldrrn ii Book Wei^k No. rotnber U lo to.

Durlivir tki« fort v tU b«tvttae tn r«Ht‘b iho >)* schoolth lid r«n anti i > a*qualm iht ri with <he tmportanc.'a of brlngljuf fhllJrort fn con

wUh whoiftsoms raibdlnK sn<l aW$r- I n j thorn a*?ay f m n llteraSurS dosiBod unsuti»d for their vrow lnji mlnija,

HtdIL y,ho l» Jjj ch^rfO 9f th# trltfldrfn'ji room at th* library, hin tak«n Kn acllv* In t tr e t i In the work of TWlflng the i i in d a rd of books Intsnded for child Ycadint P u ttin g her thoorlss ■ dU» effect, she h u supervised the pur- obMe of these books by the public M* b rs ry h$re.

The parent who, th in k s anythlnv Is wood enough for bovi end r Ij-i* id reed, s s lo iif SB the chtM fen can understand srid enjoy it, wy>uid be surpriusd to note the ejtreTTio care with whli*h books In th* N ew ark lib rary »r« *i»lected. Be- fors a books yoes on ths ih e lf here, U 1* «Uher read carefully by Mis* Hsll or h*r assistant*, or has been fkvorably fsp o risd on by some one squaUy thier- ested In th e work of proruM bf onYy th* beet retdln*: m atter for children.

X n»ff,M lade l« p reae t« u b l* ,w e to Impreselon*

Able, m Ibs Hell says, ‘’ih s i the reading a dhlld I'ndulfies in usuttlly either de­velop* a desire tn r the better and higher th ings In tb* u.-ny of lite ra tu re , or dulls the child s powr-r of appreciatloq aad Oompprhi'neton lo gqrh tm e ite n t that It never Is able to irrasp ihs really Worth while w orks of ciur w riters."

W hile md ojipnsitijr «-erUJn book* which appeul lu r^rly to the Iroarlna- Man of the 'hllil, Mi*a l u n Is unalter- ahly oppnrcd lo s ifirk s which i ilr the Im agination t i a degree rbat It pro­duce* undue rgclte inenl A child chosld never tip allnwed read a book La which gruesom e or bloodchllling scenes are enacteij. eh* says. but. on the oth#r hand, stories of w-ho|«some adventure are very good for boys.

The belter d a ta of fairy tales abs believe* to be not only enterlalBlng. hut develop unconsciously sn open, mindedneas to Ihlngs BUp#Pitatur*l which >nnv pmv* invaluable la lsl*r llffl when serioue study of such things may h* lak rn up.

Sb* also believes th a t the reading m atter of a chlM should be picked by the paren ts w ith a view to iu lt 'n g It. as nearly ns pn^slhle m th* Individual rh a ra rte r :* [lrs of Iho child

A child W'\ih A nefvdui disposition and an overdeN eloped Irrfaglnntfun should not rrs^d books which will stir ihls imaglivatlon unduly, on ihs other hand a child whose [miigtnatlon U un­derdeveloped and whose mind Is not So active, may henefll bv these tale*.

Miss Hall Is pnrtlr-ularly partial to hooks, of a h istorical nai-urc IKhe be­lieves lh«^ b 's ry O n ijrn t needed In good reading ran he foMpi! In hook* of th is Character Adventure And romancs abr'tmd in them a* w*w]l as vgltiabl* object arnl m ainsctlon In worldand rgLt|'<rval hlstor)

Tb<* I hiliir'‘n's room af the N'swafk ]1bf;ipV Is sCTiirged rnsjoh"’ Kk* th* llhr.iry *r s r rU u ls h'*me The hooks uro arpiAOKk''d in luw mhrlvee whoui ih* room sn>i 1 !*■*■ clilidyvii a re turned loop*to ]il< k nml h . I k I heV pp ysc Thsy Can read at the library ur taks ih* book^ hr»mk hy f*-gieterlpig them In th* usual nrsTiner siudy af the choU'CSrti^dc b IS prgv*il vcr> Inia-reBtlof. Ml**H I Rd 1|_H

line thing, ih* says, ilthe tefiii.-n-y 'if the-voungslers to dla- r«'g..ri| i:ic class of books one* ip pop­u lar r > tilts TDuars iha^ ierlssl-i'old “f InuMJSsIhle adventure In which the- Nf -i' 'j ‘itdlv 's l ir f a bia‘T fr^m Ms honj* I- v n tcf New- York and. afl*r a e« r1<e of thrlllini: adA'AiUunea arnl hard- hhl(>« rinuwv* Ihu child of a "rtoh tif^k er,' who luvurlably live* ”ln a hrtj’W'i stop- TpariSlon uptown.** sqd Is lhrr*if*>-r '•nmfurlfiSjy fissd fop ilf*.

Th»*Sc bo<ikfl long hsfm elim i­nated from cklM raal« rpoiti and a r t no longer caiic.i for to any larg* e i- ten t ■ Thg ckHdrrn th»WsSlv*s hav* branded Ihem "tmpossibl*v" Mlsa Hall says.

During th* we«k of N^VSIgber 1$. paren ts a re Snviteil to tha llb tary to **« what Is bking dens In th* chil­dren 's departm ent- Books will b* on display, so thnt pAiWnts may see Juai w hat th* lib ra ry offvrs. Tb*y will b* urged ‘soe ih a t th«*ir children lake advan tage of these oppt»ftuiiltlsa

SereriU <knakvil<ilt«rs a t th« .cUy will have exhlbliB a t the lib ra ry where they will show the la te s t In cblldrsn 's read­ing, These h'odWs wfll h« yor sal* In all tk* vartotta kinds of htndlngi smd a t prU*a which w ill' s&aM* p arsn is la all a ia tlons of Ilf* t* purchase. Library a tU n d an is *lso will h* on hand to ad­vise paV*nta' of Individual chlldrsn In the select Ion of bocka,^ i .... ■ _______

Lets Divorced Husband See 1 Son, Despite Wife’s Plea

Fidelity Trust CompanyPrudential. Building

Idle'MoneyAny attempt to eron estimste the imount of monoy th«t It bdng carrlsd sronnd In pockots snd In punts, and that la conoaslsd for anppossd aafe keeping In varioua hiding places would bs a man guess.It is certain, however, that tba total would reach stag­gering figures and It U equafiy aura that. If this money, or even a substantial portion of it, were placed In the banks, there would be a oorreapondtng increase In the supply of credit, with a resultant impetus to buslnett.In that fact employera, aalarled men, wage earners and housewives may readily find food for Immtdlate and serious thought. Employers may well urge their em­ployees to put in the t>ank the money that they are now carrying or hiding; employees and housewives might well follow that advice.That oourae would meen addlttonal credit for bueioess purposes, and In conaaquence steady employment and staple wages; it would also mean financial safety and profit, by **7 of intereat for tha money-carriers and money-hldert.It ought to be easy for them, In the Interaet of the geo- eral good and for their own profit, te atorifloe the empty pleaaure of "fliahing a roll" and put their neney where It won't be Idle, where it will be safe, where It won't be foolishly spent, where they can always get alt or any part of it, where it won't be stolen or destroyed by fire and where ir will work for them day and night. The place for money Is in the bank and not in tho pocket or the purse, the sugar bowl or the mattress.



You CAQ drive tho BlO-Sni fromtwo te rirhrietiee an boarin kigli, aiiA hteidtar

Ml tta pMfomuuMM m and um ilngljlegdtt. Adamoo-

•tratioa will beat give vou t b o 'W 'o f th i e w o ^ ful spaed langa, and dto ease with wbnu tha Bio. S o ta tta lae it

iD s.’iac^ fR rtoaiewio oee eietlrM

* n a a r e a e -

Greene-Apptefay Corp.D U TaiB O Toa

SU Beead St, Newark TKL. M rL B W aav a r te

1 3 .7 5

1 .1 5

Overstock Sale o fPaints, Oils and Varnishes

Strictly pure V liita Lead, reg.pounds . 1..... .....................

Striotiy phre.LInqtod Oil, reg. 1.60 per gtU on .......... ...........................................................

So'Btdi fledr Vvniah, rag. 8.00 per ^ p»A

, H i* rH e** A re ftn* C u b O nly

IS. SIEGEL .8 CHARLTON ST., at Springfield Ave.

; BLOCK BAST o r BELMONT AVmUB m v i t o N i n i* BimBVBBr

I W id a y Ev*. a t 8:15

eONSTANTINOPLEl ^ n a . U h 'ik i

LYOIC3 3 ‘‘■ f t ’*

M n a a n m

B R O A D S . T . r V

■WOK U TTLi KIT2 OMW? IrirM TirtNi■ •u ffw in e

O T tt aKiNNOI M a anowa Aais W a niw ffew••AT TNC VlUA MSI**!,

io n SQiEEa luei-l E M t - O I t t O l K T U a

a«an(lB« u>4 ptoiAlM H i M ukbw li■ah* lA* a m . la«a« w t h u h imtaUH —tk«^ ta ., attar ta w S a t. H m u SarS

j m w a .H a«i . i l .1 tiMta n t W.UEanSa' a n w m S b , u n a iB la t tn . ml 4mO aaS

U n aaa a m .ti .B . tn m t a . Wia aa4 ia« a I la m , n . n l . . n n r . n r aaS . . a taal ' a m r rallt to . . t rta U tb m —a

«ar. to .—that V to a im iT . t a .* a . t t m . a a r Sruf # tm a b ..i t « . of ta lo ilt. r< n d .r t if ta a i. . lutta n a hot. « . t aaaao.—ru» . n r ta* hliitaSaaS* ^rwair n r a ( .* w onSa » a th alt aa i r . i rn h* aw erinS i* m that a n r r Maik- h n S aaa S ia w m /H . aW lAa akta wUI h . M t aatl aaS tb . .orM la taUr latw al n a q iU n —a a r >h tro .h M wlia l a m aa- W faur h i .B u a n •h ..ia trr ta l. eaiata niata a a —* a n rtla « n * .t l*r Ca n a* Fa.*- ■aaal Oa.



of AO Ob .


A pnlatai Maoranile tor- trayal of algm lift la tba worltfe ireatMt ettr—a IMag paaa fren Hfb. la all the aa* aaia of tho tpoktu atagt or tlM lUeal acreeo tbit la tha ireatesl Hclorial production y«t nada A apectacalar aeaichniht Into Iho doptba of dtvea, tha haltbu of high Ufa and Ufe’a dark oemera and byvaya, tlnillag with ourprlaea, aenaitlon and Ihrilla. Made aa the great dry atlra and alumbera In nlght'a long witchaa. Not )uat painted pteturoa, but paootratlni pboto- grapba of realitlet.

DONT MISS ITEntlpe Week, Conuneno-

Idn Next FrkUy




CONCERTSNovember 16

NEIA ARK ARMORYYou can sign up for 4 or for 10 ooncerta

4 CONCERTS INCLUDE— G ain-C urd, KubelOt, Sehtnaana- Helnk and Hetner and Danghter. Pricea 14, »$. 18. tlO, tl2 for entire aartea.

le CONCERTS LNCLUDE— Ttia 4 above named and Camao, Olaek and Zlmballat, Bachmanl- aotf, Krelaler nad two other great attrartlona. Prieaa 110, l i t , 110, tZ9, IM. for entire

raw Wwaa r n r m . . ata e rn e ea. ran* NuhM aoaa


A k iA d k liil


' 5 i , T ® R 2 A " ^ N ' I Iv-JWgili


! A I . T O

J h T a T J i r f A lLPAl^CC ^

HIADLINERSi os ih eWEEK''K DAV—dIt’M SO Bniji ittt. rvm

^ V c o .isS^1rtv AAIRDU CONBAOi

O TH Si ACTS.rrD*t*m C huf«4 W**kly

Amrakln* Entr**»l *n* S*l**nl** B1*v*ior S*rYlM to T*er kMia

S ob Offto* 0**B fpem I A M--16 P V

ALL T l f l i W U K AL S V W S S *S " g O T B E I .IA

BrifliHAIlIkT (»«M*)

ifTfov, -■ceom t __ _

laTM—'TdaRT ertNSnCF*

Ga y e ivJux THib wrea

STONE A ^ PILLARD The Dancing Demons

Waah aentahw la—JOY MlDEsa

C O U R T\UKi r 1 Yii tiif,H ,s r ..r on AMD orr rr*


fvj*. ■Hi CRr, N. J.

t «"3< I

or'0ie‘ s d l

Hie RoU-CaD of Famous PianosKrMdeh A Barii


Mallet A DarkBrii b ach Lyon A Mealy Griath

Ka EaterW ^ M i mCtMmy

Each of these names is significant of fine traditions In piano making, each like the title of a famous composition the Indication of the highest art attained, supreme in perfeetton of tone, beautiful in appearance, the favorites of great musicians throughout the years.

Your piano chosen from among this galaxy of brilliant names indicates the finest artistic appreciation. You will b* justly proud of such a choice all your life.

ntadTM b m p a m



Offering Enonnoiu Saving*—Everything in the Dc|MrtiiiHit Reduced—Buy Now and Save

Reg. 11.69 Rag RugaFine hit-and-miu derignt; 1 'TC

extra heavy .................... l.w O$6.96 27x64 Axitrinater Ruga Assorted Oriental pat-

tamt. Special ......$66 9x12 An Perfect Axminster

Ruga▼•n known Smith's fln* w|v

maker; high wool texture; n Z .d U brttttiful pttterne ..........Same, 8‘4xl0<4 49.50

$1.29 27x54 Graft RugaA»5orted detignt and col­

orings .............................. 97c

4.89Fine Felt Base Floor Covering

Extra heevy waterproof ir td e e ; llei flat without tacking; cal m na . full ro lli; eelrctlon of pattome. Q S p o d tl, rquere yard .....................

$ao 9x12 BmsMla RugaFine, durable wearing; all one

piece; assorted Oriental PA pattemi ......................


$86 Beat Grades 9x12 Axminster RugaFinest quality; heavy wool nap; beat 7li0

T H KDavlil Straus Cii663-667 BROAD 6T.


C 'I n ,■> f11 n r.Nt'"'Cl rill Ipt;'tLi)tU|S

Canadiai Rational-Grand Trunk iN e w D a i l y S e r v i c e A C R O S S C A N A D A

p y i n n o

S ’*'’ ’ *





s z z c z a as s s iia ai i l ia a s s ts i3 3 1 3 3 0


ml i i


■TMrtjnkRiizGiilStaged «t the Bto*d

IW/-. f.v 'I ^ r o d ie e d b jr

L*<9* Aedwwt

5 v V % ( t l J,/> '■‘• n U t l T TBBATBB—'

uni* Olrl' ta m«gt«tat MMdi'M to ifau w tn a M«M«.

M M k M ta * M U t* » ••••»! . .Ir BMM c. -iS i’V i K tSwMfitM irrtgg kr ti*Maa * - » "

ASn g*rb*r. Ft*—*«•< * r V** f i i t M l l r t a i Uw SolWwliW * « * * ^ „ .

. . . AlwTCV TWJWW

M«rr■ , KllM Borfwit

.............. Ortaat Mm****U ltl« »»* O*''" >• *•* **>'<“>• l*n«M

IlfUlMTr- It <M.CMlO»»Ur »»•• '*’•Me Me P a t »>•'«>' “*rlM («ia *■'' r***rt» t*^ M r . . . I t k .c « » «• tb w i . .M « > f.b .t' “ •

f t l i . r r . w r » l i . .4 .ta ‘t t* .M» •nu.twl aUtl '■

M tM *■». It “ ® " “ “kUgv.ttl. wBdar t it . btata.-.rr

U U » fc .t tt *■> It

O t c f f t B ru il 'I K ta . «n<

K am i. lUtulonIfi.Ifl B h A M ^ ---- *AM OM riM Franklin- Ht M .* • “‘I

•■4 F rtX M t th . MIL

tTR IO -M M t M .M .■M. • aUtidr MTr* MU) n l ia .l . iMt M afiiM th . < « n .r . f P » » d mi* Mm -k .t itrM ti H ta lr. At AMlii*, * M .- Im M l M r.k«(, .ik tM t.* batk co tir ..* S T T f i iU r « k « . wMM.* itr U M i. W«I»M. IM w rt* rp « * • t i t t ; *“ttaa VM* *>4 rilV Ml tb . LjrrlO «tM[* e C le iB r ,, AiiMtMr tk tfrM lIii. .t lrM - tlw to iMb-MtmM •k .teh . *XrBrl.n.

•■*)!, Omm Ibirto. dim TThtt*. ^ [ « k l ^ M ufiu a u i B*nMtr« Jr. m 4 r r a n k U .

"The Whke Sister" Comes Into View at the Orpheum

State Veriioo ot Crawford’* Novel Creditably Enacted by

the Blaaey Player*.

Km I m a CartMiw M a * n sroM ln.nt— .idir Ila BMIenM p.Ullc* WM* raaid ir m .* ;

b r^ O d o rn H *r*kli« . J u k P l . r mi* ■da. Hmn w .r tto ^ r« i.k a M t OC M ltf M 0 4m m . OfM * And Alif#m*nr a*^k Jin d ^ l a .aaiw ry M « .i aa* da*..*- Th*■taai a la . la.ladad *m w aad talk b rJ m W«rtb aad Laalaa toMir; pM-Iarm

■ tb . p lan .

ta« ibMf.


j y S r r - ' . ' . S S ’tb . ilaala& mom o t Mbl.ib waa ■* b.*a* ta a a a a a . i i . ib i . awaatur.**la S a ir i ^ I i U .M n. Ja.kaon aa*iru lla abatr Miiy ■* *P*.*^*aka Macb .llfa a .. . la talk- bat a22wl d*W a la M itla . f* n b a• • • I . r ..karua airl*.I dM iaa la a t i i i * . i« > " • ■ k .ia a taaa tt* .* "* ^ '* . • ! ekarii. .Irla .lb . .U « .^ h T i C r v a l l O ^ .* ! * ' aa d tb . b a S -ot WllllaM F.Mbroka, * g a a .a ta a * .* tr ip t .

« a l V * trfcliy1 ^ 3 . n»« toarbara “

■vk .M ' la l b . , a r t r t r plajfbMUt. r5nik k i i r i - . a f bM ■ aatb .ra . .n -

BMWMbM t . BatlM Ta'. e b . r « I a t lb . r M M la a ta . a r w ia a . b r

_ a m a e bia w .a i ib r a w t 'a an .* r Iba la a r llttU lu ta . i rL

W J e a w i h I r b w bad a a t w ru ta a “ - a a * Boa* •lA kl bMl

fa r p . « i . t . abffto „ M*I*M *M*4 .M ta-

•a l* a a * U M r «baf-. ____4. i _ . __ aV A M bliMW

aaMa m tb . a a e a r i tn an* b r Marl. M.ItIII. aa* Prank Slaiaon; haamMM oouk aa* talk b r J«bn Borl* aa* Mar Vlralala; eenainoaalaoa aMi.» aan . b r MIMra* Har»»i>*. »n* ‘n* "Olptr RevlMtr," a medley o t to o t aad daac. .m plorlB . Philip H lrah.ff. .a r. Hart. Worth I .» , Jack Mall- noH aa* th . W and.l tU i.r i.

Newark Theater Observe* the

O ltPH EI'M TH *lA TK R e-"Tb. W h tt. fll.t.r,-* a p lar la four a r t . tv a a d .* b r W altar D aeb .U o . r , M artoa Craw- (ard-a a«y .l af th a t Itil*. p raaan ttd b r tb* B la a .r P la r .r* *>lb I h . tallow in .

L Otorannl Bororl.^.jatonaiil )).y«rl........letM r.lior ia r a r ln .H a .

J a r ta r P l . r l ...................U .atuaat BaMII------

B arrr TawnalarBalmanj_ Oarat

W altar Darla H arrr. k u . . n a t jM nta Cenaollr

Q loraaal.......................... U arjarta Fo .larCanntaoa C hlaram ont.

F to r .n ra P .n d U to nMadam. Barnard...........r . a n l . K ..]* rF .n r » M ...^ ...........................Loilt* P n r .

Tb* aUBoopli.r* af c o n r .n t . a r d r a .and e l . I t t t r .d n u n . I* ta> l o r . l . a t . th* .T .ra a ;. th.*t*rM>*r. th a t w b ll. "T h . W h ll. . l a l . r w u e rM Itab Ir prM aatw l b r tb# B la n .r p l a r . r i a t ih* Orphaum T h .a tM laat n l . h t It w a. not antbnal

T h ir d A n n i te rw lry o f O p e n in g o.,>ooiir roooiroo. w n n . t n . a h . j ^ .created the trrpr*#ilofi of ib*

w ith tba lafcbr aa dM sratad a* «a rapTM.nt . a a i ih .m .o ra* aad tb raa Ind ian . Matlonad tbara ln lo ad* taeal oolor lb . N .w .rk T bM l*r I* c U b r a l la * th i. waak tb . (bird a a n l r . r u r r of I t . .p a f itn . a* a photo p U r hoUM.

T h . fanlurad p ln r I* "tXit a t tb* Baowa" tb . loeal. a t w b l.h I . N a r th .rn Caaada, T b . iP d I .n . a n Rod D**r,and hi* wif*, la id r W bIt* Faun, both af tb . AI.MiavIn I r lb ., and M ill* B .a r, cbl*( ot tb* lro q n .1 . Irtba. T b .p tldvr* In th* .IlH il d r im . and ar* Htaaon.d m orlng pictar* p « .p t.. M arin , . a t . r . d th . protoalloa In the n r l r d i r * when th . WMt. t b . In d ian , and tb . a a v b o y . fu rn l.b .d madb m aterial to r th e film ..

■ paabln. a f th . b lanket danoe. which Z*aa IC n fa In lb . roU a t a balf-braad. p .r fa rm . I* th l . p h o t. p lar. Lady W h it. P ta a aaaarted th a t t h . “.h lnuny" d a n c . baa t l . orlcln am ong Ih* In d ian a Ih . r*qtilr«n».nl of th e ir w-ar dano* being

" l l J h m . FVrbM b •4k* CMrtw U * r" Mb JT v » w M i* « bM t« r

r u S K t r j :

dta A «ba*l bMt ta apaakin.t b i r t r * n ^ mmh*

............... ......... » |M k oT*r

l Sm aama ta ba oaUM .“.a t* *>*-

i j s r^ : L s r a . " . x - ;Obartoa Pproall 1* a a l a a .a r •

>ar«( uia taM aa* Mr. Banttor. bla MM la Iba ral* of P e M b r r ta baa I - iniM M ig-* him aa . l a . a r a r MUd MtCdiwdll ^Mr. Vpwtbaa aa

tba aaatral of th . m aadM . In t h . pic t a r . Bed D *.r appaaro aa L o a t * iar. d r tv .r of tb* *o .a . O ne. e r . r y four yM tp tbMo Indiana ra tu rn lo t h . r . . - a rra ilon la ordw lu hold tb . l r c la lm a T b m Ibor .P lay th . b .a n Miup f .a - tlraU th* g k M ln . and drlvim through th . fo a a lr r draw n b r the wolf doga

Tb* ae ttlag IB Ih . ch ief a tlrac llo n o ' lb . p lc ta r . The w h it, land, locked tigk l a* a drum In .now , and th . fo rea t. w h en th . w .trd ahadow . .la n t. a ll caal a ap.ll e r u aad a ro u a . th* w .n d .r lu . i la th* W M ttat.r.

Al Reeve*’* Burle*qtten inMerry Prodoclion at Empire

• r ^ u a ta l* w»lM A* a fawaatotakf. Iftoa

tba ao w arlg h t, up a*4 WM» —

L-’i'fca r . r r i ! r U ! r u ™ . » pMMrrplai apt bar oomit Intaatloa*.aSin^aaas bar paa*rptaaltae* a . a m ir. S to k k k i l l . t . tb a .M l a^^lA P^W '; «Mb •

T'feapptatwa*. that 1a«a. llaalf

to .*blHb P*aOT .ta r . or par circaw-Mr. Tm S w U a attwPB prpp

^B ta* l!to'*lir. P to iaa a a a a r fa r o n g f P4oo b* battora Ib a l topataal H gMaat a a l r » < * w a t ta • “ ' [ ’* • ^ 1

^Ma ba* la rtobaa toa—P on •*»**oag BaatanMA A ttftla a f It apaat In S r t n . o n « ’ a» tw o f n l r 'rM llS in « 4 M ,b a tte r bla p r o d w t l ^

^ ‘S m af Mr. nambarpaM IM Tar." la •» pl*a*ln* ‘b n l It Pta*i* a g l la h t la n aud laaca w ara I t baltar

* * ja an •e rab n ile danear,K r r t to not l b . la a .t of tb a ahaW . ggaMa, and ba oMma to ba ao n id o p a af tb k t fact.

Aa m oaagar af bla own eom panr Ih lt Maaon, Inataad of p lay ing t h . r o l . ol eblaf IfPiigt.r. aa on bla prorloua r l.U a to thta elty. Al Ba*rao of "g laa m* o n d ll. baya." lanta la praaao tlng u n d .r Iba tltla , " J a r Ballaa." a pn touellan th a t abaunda la Uraly eom adr aad lu n .fu l mala*!.*. I t c a a c h l Iba f a a t r of audl- aaeaa a t tba E m plra T b M ta r r . a t . r d » r

H arry Coapar. g o n u ln tlr funny in bla eharae ta r aa aa In .b rta ie . la th* p rin d p a l cam adlan. P ra n k P lebatt. In grolaappa maka>up aad h a r in g a a a ln n l ^ t t for droDary, alda him la fgrtbarlB g raarrtn iaal. M att K aan .dy . o ia r ta a Craft* and C barlw Larin* by l i b ^ work add to tb* an to rm an t af t b . parfarmaao*.

T b . f .m ln ln . part* ar* w all la k .n car* of b r K lal. R pbar, whoa* alnglng ta d dancing wan b ar num arou* an- C rM ; M in i. V atM ka a M, w ha • ta d A P raach d ialaet, and waa ap- p to d la l and P au llaa H arrl*. t h . m b - b ra l la wlia ta n g and dancMl h . r way la ta fa ra r. V

Tb* K a ra tan colorad m an aad woman, w .r* n faa tn r* of Iho parform - aaea, and m ik k I applauM by tb . l r ) a u a v d e , rn p ld -f lr . dancing and mclodlauc dng tng .

aigge acttlngn. coupled w ith b rillian t .tactfioal cffactc; ooclom o. wkleh added la l b . * ttr* o tlr .n M * of tb* pro- dPCNga and n eb arna of c o m .lr young women a o l i r . In aang and dano* alao rK om nandad (h* abaw.

of a fatalU tlo pow er ih a t o flaa trap* one, Ih cr fallwl t* go fu rth e r Bad p ra r* th a t a i tro n g w ill and bop . la a tu t i r* Ilf* caa co aq u .r It,

Tho atory In b rlaf la th a t of A agala Chlaromont* upon whom tro u b l. eom a. a* a cu tting ball atorm. H .r fa th .r- l d .a th l .a r * . h . r p r c v .r t r . t r lc k .n , M h i. m arriage bad been r*oogalM d oaly by th* church and not l b . a ts t* aad B* he l . f t no win tb* dB ughter waa w ith ­out lagal ita tua . W hll* batag m ath .rod by her old geT *rn*.a M adam . Bernard, n rw . com*, th a t h . r ta rn -, C aptain O lorannl B er.rl, h a . b«.B blllad w b ll. leading an .xpedlilon Into AbyM lnla I T h . public funeral, th* bronM tablet *11 pror* to Angela th a t t h . B.w* w a. n . t a m lalak .

In Ih . hop. Ibal th rough a I l f . of •a c r lf lc . .h e m ar p l .a .e h . r daad fo r .r , e h . bK om *. a aun, and a . ouch I. found fir* yeara l a t . r a t tho ap .n in g

tho play a io ran n t, how .T«r, who had bM n h .ld Ih w q f t r . yeara for r .n - H m , midd.nly r .tu im a but "too lato for earth and loo w on lor h « T .a ," T h . r»- m atn d .r of Ih* ploy li conc.rnad with i Ih . queatlon w h .th .r Angela .h a ll k e .p h rr prom l.e lo (lluv .tin l or h . r vow lo th* church, flh. finally d .c id * . to go to Rangoon to nu re . tho l .p . r t . Then (Jloraanl .h o o t. h im .elf But a kind prieet o f f . r . to . . k the Holy F a th er to r .ro k * A n g .la 'i row W ith Ih* hopr Ihal G lov.nnl may recover and th . l with A ag .Ia be may find happlneH . th* play eloe...

Th* charact*r of flitte r G lov.nnl itr Angela I . com pl.a. Behind the g .n t l . - n*M t h . r . 1. a rig id will. HIM F o a t.r portrayed the flrat. but Cail.d lo de­note t h . la tl .r . Ur. Tow nal.y a . the .n .rg M Ic and ardent O lornunl g a r r a pleactng In l.rp r .ta llo h of t h . part. M l.. Pendleton a . C o u n t. . . Chlaro- m o n l. .u g g « .t .d t h . worldly, hard- heart*d woman, and by overdoing h .r part a little g a r . the .u d l .n c . a few c h a n c e to laugh, which they w gerly d . M . Ur. G .rold u U onilgnor Ba- r a c l n . c a the kind, hum .ne prieet, con­tribu ted o n . of tho m o .t .a tlify ln g p o r t r a t tu r . . In t h . p e fo rm a n c .

Pictured on the Screen

Join B. Hymer, a* Author kod * Actor, Appeir* »t d»e Palace

Stone and PiUard in Mutical Farce Pleaae Gnyety Patrooi

J tH m a rla . a . a u th o r and ac to r *i th . P a lac i T b o a t.r y to tofday. John B. t o j f ay comm.ndod blm aalf to aud l.n co . by k l . work In fo a h le a ln . tb*gdMtolotta. ‘Tom W a lk .r In D til .." * * d Ik pM traylng tho T .nnoooo. darky, wboay hmh* f lgu r.o In tho caption of tti**U rlo t. T h l. plwm la a new rerilon • t bl* earllor r a u d .r l lU skMoh, ‘T t i . D*r1l aad Tom W elker." a a d again •b .w * Tom . 1 en lw ln g Into a m .r c .n a ry bargain with Hatan. who g u o r .n t . . . t . aafeguard him from p un eat ho B ia lt.r wbal l l i . c r lm . h* commit* Tom '. eaperlancM . all of whloh a r . (he D gm ral. of a dream , tnclud* h i. hilling of a man In d*bt to him. conviction and M a t.n c . to death. I^h* Inlroducim n of t b . *l«-lrlc chair In the p rl.on .c e n . a .d th . p r.|> * ra tlon . f«r thn • i .c u lln n of Ik* crim inal a r . a blot on the pro- gudtl.n and .huuld ba elim inated Ur

\ H ym .r-. gerlo-comc depiction of th . darky provakee laugh ter with Mm In Ih . v .e t a r . I’nler .Swift, David W alton. R ichard W .I.o n and Olive W rlghl

Bpeaklnft (or lilm aclf end hie a tw - clalre a . anon . . t h . Dnal cu rta in fell oa hie new ‘‘f tev lea .'' G u . EdwarUe •a k « t the Indulgence of th* matine* CTCWd tor the flew* and a ta r i . In th .'e and th . a b .e n c . of th . Manic, hacharonnd |,rM i.r*d for It. T h . ■uc« M ttlnn* ftfA «ip«c*l«d todftr

th« fr*qu«nl proofs of liiMuf- fh^l«n1 (h«ro wix mueb InIII* offtrliMi th a t onlooker* «nduffSfl ApplftUM- i t 4*rnployi & «oor« ot p trfo m io n Including a doson you&g wofnon romgrkfeblo fo r tho lr «N>iyioUno#o •oil lit« gorg«ouii ro itu m o t tkojr woor. TlM porform tst-o U • m rltig o f roptd* ftr« kongt and donrr# in •om« of which Mr. EdwhiNlfl f!gut««. <'hoot«r Fr»d* •rlok, • hoy out of thA W «ii. di«- tInguMihtd him »rtf • d o n r^ ., W h«t M ■ ncwcom ar h . r . Philip to ak .r gppH rad with h i. accordion • • th lg g m o r. w * . .x p ac ted of him tbga o U r tr p M fo rm a n o on th a t in- a fn m m t tfU ng It m a . an aid t . fu rth e r h i . w ork .* a jH ta r . h*

• 't.a piwrad to b* a comodi an w hoH original ' T rfm arh*. Including r . r b . l paM ag*.

w ith g fMlow coanplraio r in on* of tho b o c to won tb . p laud tU o t moat at h i. htorar*.

Tb* h 'W b ill a lw b rough t forw ard KarW lL am oApart perform er on th* Mach wtr*; B dw ard and D lrdl. Conrad,

ac t w a . u v . d from bedng

Qonrfo atone and B tU P lltard . oup- p o rtto by Ib .lr own oem paay, and pro- iM itlag a tw o-aot mualcaJ thro*, w m . oardlally woloomad a t l b . Oayoly I b a a t t r yM U rday. A t dBBOora. Ur. aton* and MMa P lllard h a ra no .u< p.rloro an o tig t b . b.urleoquora v la ttlag th l i city aad a . thay r . r . a l . d th U r talMil Oh Ih l. o o ca .I .a lh .y w .r*htorttly applauded.

Hr. *(on. In th* r» l. of a h o b . Id ab.itad In fun-mablng by flammy Wrlgbl In a 0.rmam dlaUct part. T h . good alnglng and dancing, overahadow. th . humorou. material. T h . w>ng. ar* go .nappy and clever and tha d a n c . eo plH .Ing that Ih . allp-ilap comedyIn iro d u cd In m olt p roducilon . of th l . iiritm I. not rnlaMd Oth*r p rin c ip a l, who Md in m aking Ih . .how a * u c c .. . are Jack I 'l l l .rd , HO*. DufDn, In to Whit*, Minnie Hoag, fU rty K ilby and W H, W h ll.

During th . alnglng of "I 'Want to Oo W h .r . th* Sweet Daddir* Grow," In which each of th . ehorlat ra w a . g lro n eppcrlnnlty to dlaplay her vocal ability, th . perform ance l.iai n ig h t waa Utaraliy aiopimd. Th* ligh ting and BCinlo affac lt help to comn^.nd ^


COURT—"Oo and O .t It." Teddy fl.m p- ron In comedy, o aum ont n .w i p lctur* . and An oducallonal film today; Kalh- .r ta * MacDonald In "Paaalon’i Play- ground." M arl. W aleam p In "Out ot the D ragon '. N .t," MolU. Halon* In ■llarry Had a L Itlla Lamb" and P a th , new . p ic iu r . . tom orrow ; "E ric voti S ironhelm In 'T h . D . r i r . Paaak .y ,- E dd l. Polo In ‘T h * Vanlahing D agg.r," t h . comedy "U nm a-. Boy" and Path* ploturea Thuraday; "Fam ily H onor.' Ih . comedy "My L ady '. A nkl." and oaum ont pleturM F rld n y . Anna Q. Klllaon In T k a H aarl of a Fool." RuU Roland in "R uth of tha H ocbla." and U .lboum * M orantl In tba comedy "Al- moat" flaturday.

OOODWIN—M a. H u rray and David Powall In 'T ha Right to Love." ‘T h* F a k .r ," a pteturlgallon of aoma ol Chief riy n n 'a ex p ir ltn c * . aa a lecrai ta r rle * d .l.c tlv a , the comedy "Mam­ma'* Baby" and path* n*w t p tclu r.e ibrougbout th* weak.

HILL—Lionel lla rry m o ri In "The M aal.r HInA" Conetance Blnnay In "Jr Kaat" and Elmo Lincoln In 'T ha F lam ­ing Dlah" today, Norma Tatmadgo In Tha Branded Woman," Anila Biaw aii

In "H arriet, the Piper" *hd Marl* W ai- camp la "Out of (h« D ragon '. N .t" to ­m orrow and Thuraday; "W hile New l o r k fllMpa," the eom .dy "KIM He Quick" and Ruth Roland In "R uth of Ih* Rockl.*" F riday and Saturday.

NEWARK—Ralph Inca, Z .na K.*f* and a lady . Cobum In "Out of th . Bnowa" M adg. K .naw ly In T h . T ru th ," a film veralon of Clyde F llch 'a j dram a of th a t t i t l . , the comady, ' ’T ro u b l." and a lin g er billed aa ‘T h* U yalarlou . Girl w ith a Voice," th rough­out t h . week

p a r a m o u n t —F annie W .rd In "Sh. P layed and I'aH ," Emily H t.veni In ‘T h e P tac . ol Honeymoon*, " * p lcturl- aa tloo of o n . of H arold M cGrath'. n o T .la and In ternational N .w . p lc tu r.a th roughout th* w .ek.

RIALTO—Alice I .ak . In ‘T h e Mleflt W lfa" Rupert H u g h e .', faro*, "flcrntch My Bach." n .w . p ic tu re ., n L lt.ra ry D tgm l film and a Bray cartoon throughout th* wceli.

STRAND— R oero. ArbuckI* In "Xh* flound-up.'‘ a piclurleatlon of EdlfTnnil D iy 'i m .lodram e nf th a t Ittle, and The Phantom B utler," depicting exporiencee of f.'lilef F ljn n of the United K utee aerret aarvlre. throughi>ut the week

TEKUINAI, — Notin* Talmadge In •T’ftn lh .a ,’* a film vepglnn of theapoknn dram a of that title, end Tom M il In 'T h e Taxan" throughout Iho week

M A R K E T S T , C o r . H A L S E Y

Just When Coats Are Most Needed— An Event that Will Cause a Sensation!


An Astounding Offering of

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2 9.75

Cottx for tlim, medium *nd stout figures, sw igger loose btek w rtp s—prtctictlly every type in de- m ind! And those th s t do not besr fur trim ­mings Are given huge, wrsppy self collai-s th i t muffle high shove the chm or are elaboritely stitched snd embroidered with silk. The m stcrisls ire soft, w trm , lupfirious. Wool Velour, Suedine, Silvertone. Polo Cloth—in every instance silk lin­ings ire used end warm interlinings added, And the colors i r e the most fsihiooible!


Special Assortment ^ Fur Collar Coats at 49.75

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The beiu tifu l furs we mention arc made i l l the more beautiful by the superb styl-inso

ig of these coats and wraps, and the ri.h . lit luKUry of their mstcrisls. Linings of

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Over 350 of the Smartest Daytilne FrocksIn One of Our Great Dress Sales

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For Dresses Selling toOnly the best modes of the hour are represented— the kind of d reasn the smart­est dressed women will wear a t fash ion tb le iftem oon Decisions this fall snd winter

T d lo r e d s n d Be^WTricotliwt.TJkwfed Wool VokKOi. SDk bibroidend Trfcodmi; Bended Chsnu«»e, RUk Embrokknd Cnepd Meteor; CnpolMck Setin In coeri>ia»- Uon with Georgette. StnlghUbie modeh, tunle BMiddir R o « iu Bkweed Effecte, etc.

D u e t o t h e W o n d e r f i i l V a l u e n , W e C » n i u » t P « n i i « E x c h t a g « » , C . O J > / i o r R e f i i i i d B 1 9 .5 0

w L I >■ . >

i or

ORETHROATt<FMiiii*it oe gsiflo with warm sett water. Rub Vicks over throat and cover with ■ hot flannel cloth. Swal­low slowly emaU pleoea.

V I C K SW V a p o R u bO m f^fM hm Jm U saVmib

T his fwnt, ooiiDltd w ith nur w ell-know n usilltiiiM p o l i c y And unQMftlin«d iniRfant*# m » k s i thU wRtrh •» •u rikcttr* put- c h ts s Mt

Bi t of tli8 Snow-Kissed Pines i of )ti9 Nortfi

$35The hcoultful stMUknS’lln* iKa

(lm»-lc»uplnir Qunllti«c, j^nd , spUndid ffcid-rm^

Your now will harbor cold cerms- i Do not allow them ts waste your vitalltY. Uw at ones MayPa H n s I Neodit Ualtn and check them at tb s , beKinnlng. D larotard of common I

r«coraoi«W<l II to th* mo*t ril*crlmtn*t!nir p u rc h o * r

by lh * ‘rt*n"* mm"qU4r*d# for m l CdWs U OflC of Ih# C*lW*i fof th# Ip -tHM M ft Chinamaft; J&itph aftnUty pftUIni 4cftth rif« irom flu tna pneu* ftftfl^Mk KftrtoR. who »in# *nd j«ti In | nionfi in iHft last few ytirt. Colde a eStotoOBPlao* way. and Wayn* to.- , infeclioua and danferout. Keep ■M*:*!'*.**’? *'*•» 11 tube of Ma;- . Pine Needle Balm (ii

it.rn.aiA. ' the house and at lt|e Aral •nussilwof a esid applv it to the nose. Catarrh,

miiafe.1 la |tf.m«.tA^

■ !0b OOmt ‘ Variety Suges1CBBNBT- .Jrh* traabl.a of a haa-

"G saahad auabsnd wb«i. bl# wif# fliul* biai to paaaaaSlo. of a raiap’a gbMfi. gSsaa ATS bSMorstaaly MStMl'a^la Ih*

"illaMRirS wiailoat aMiaily '"Miantna SMsaeUd by «|ai Hgbs, Klai*

' H iM i tiaasrar. vnitiam euUiM J. jteosw tIaraaaB Ora!AS»*JJ»^JJ5|jW,.arsttr ftrw.

Jtortitiaa and - wub: asod

•»-IV gadtorda^..Maaiad i

(hat etnharrasaint and iroublesoiiw condition, dean up duicklv whan Mayr'g Pina Nsadts Balm (a usad. Sold in two ilaea~Xl and Me tObos. Ffte iflal by writiag Cao. H. MayE 2IU W. AutUh Avt., CbleidD. Msyr’a PIm Neodls Bsla > is for ssls hy Patty’s Phsrauey ssd druggists tvtry- whtfs.—Adv«rttse»saL

Other Models 12] to tISfl

C: l BROTHERLYKbowb for R allsuuty

411 Springfield Avc.

SUPERFLUOUS HAIRKanwred tgliliswt Sens Bp Pfattown Naadlag . netaanM* FtanlotoA "

SANITAS4 BAUTE OTUNOTg Court BtrtoW, Ndanwk -

"W aWL..laar s g d . MNdnid

U M K .t '■ s tw p r r n t weiM

BEUlQNt toco SEALrVom liaMnaSaoHeWtoMto* c ita u '

A H ealttk 'B u ild ir F o r W id k e iw d

WiMro a « m th i« .d s t u s • itS M l b . I s n i

QuaUty ta tho foandatlon ito n e aumi w hU h Iho LO FT in tho candy w orld la built. T V e i tn u id y m odarsto p ries* w U eh wo 01* oMoMmI to oak fo r oot ConfoetlogM ia ataapty S r ia iT sT •h re w ^ e lr ro r aw rehandlgliig—<aah boylsg and M ssu fo c ta rin g a n g ir ia m i'* — scale . W# alw ays ufgo rig id eotopaitoow e i otw goods nnd o u r p rices, alw ays rtody and wilUng to sb ld o h f jw « r

^ iliitlito n i O ur repotollofi of aw to th an s h a lf e e u tw y <f ■ o i a h a u d l i l u g is tha MMMMh roeouim cndatton wo e s a pfoaaut—d w nw at• lo a M n t tooUatonlal ot the' Q pJiity o f o u r lo crchand ia .O ld Prteoa.

Our Bi|p Daily Spedal■for Toaoerow, Wadncediy, NisriHiwr

ATB AND VANOi^ UOfai. N1"T top

I t o n a l 1L M gSsnMmg ■nftliy *< ib-fum ■tiutft skmm.

‘- W . (

AttfMlim fog W e te e iW m


J Now W'o iro iiiM '

AMBWCAN P I L f . |l» coitlnKitdftMs-Jnito i*

SELLING OUTSOks, Woolens Cotton Goods


Srpst M n r s l i board « Oudor H.mtloB I too New iSSarwt *1* 1 alb,SI.too tadar of p raaataelaoea, t

Th* I af olndi R todiaaAjnaHea ot Mr*, aroaua, Caaimlli In* aa c

Tb* n aiM itad lalllng (*l#arT*‘i T. S tall

Hallar.I ha planwaa *b*

H r . 1rlub N . P grhar i

Un. Fi M cr.larx will be h< th* union a t h . r hoi «p*ak*ra aad Mla* vp*ellv*|j oalona.

A rum n day lor U the E a .i ang* * tnwilt hi- o Faria and figalat.l1 h Illary.

The *ul of the Th ta b . p Irl.churvh pj\ be nerved

Doan- II if'.fM tom, In a iliu t.

Plann ar nival neat l.ulfllnR I D a u g h t.r i ■ lltu c .

A group Bantved tl 1 'l.m lngto T'.lmer I t h . CouncI the J .w l.h IkOuae rvtr, vonv.ntlon Coanell. ni

Mr* We ta* N awar will addr* N tw ork W row a lia rn Ington S tr Importanof


o lv arw ry GiUtd of Obaeeb, h tho hoin* S. R lnw L to o t riv* a horn bad b f to f in t I to s t a ll SI

H n . C. lafy . In h H * t by t t Chtaa. Ba Mary l* a l Mawlt, Ky

Aoeordli U Baldw ii yaor totoh a a s t a Ml ttW .14.

A T*ltll l ifo a lF -ftr losrtoB. aoopraald*!•b* wa*Nta* to r y t* to* o n prto idoat, w ltob H n *■. lu d tsa*■, BMQihk,Baoi Othoitba momlS tfjS

eirla>"wr.dhoottf. Qassr*

hi it .

Below Wholesale Prices• I , tollZSto n

y Our lease expires and we arf forced tdj vacate* Our $75,000 stock of Dress Goods' must be sold ftt ridiculously low,prices.

Now TOlle You Have the*Off the -Comply^Yi^ety, ,

w . m ' m e . .o w in i ' M-i

AB esn twrifiRr to

.« • r

g of



itggcr in de-

trim- s that )ratc!y terials ledine. lilt lin-


Fur I

19.75'N u tr ia ,)088Um8 8 U m

\'a!ues to $73


c k s I


. k ' / 1.-. I ’ . kv. 1

'r i ic ^ •

t . forced ltd;« s s G o o d s \ t ices. ■- , ..

' '' •» .•■ .

\. th f riety


Social and Personal Activities¥***M *«»••. JaNakta* aM ®y*^**"' «afc. thair hama

M R a W t T raai Ilatai, will ir r l* * la tu ra a y , *ft«r a «la

— Ilia* a ta r Ml Varopa.

lO aa H arlan O rliw old a t Boiion la a * t l a g har a lita r , M n. U w a rd Faa- •aaa *t l l l Balm ont avanut.

IkevtRftiRff OB Bt. A adr«w > Hovbib* b«r 3Q. Th« rBCior o f tlM ekur«ha R«t. CKafliB H tpry W tllt, «KI eoiiduet B ftinnBr mtialeii Nov»iitB<f I4p U Bftd t l kn ClMiit Cbu*<*|i. p ^ n v io ii Lb Ubb.• • • f

A procrtm ha# boon ■rrBfiu'Bdfor eBch of tho fivo v lB bti Of Ih* iMMor %Blcb ot»«nod yooiordBf In 8t. ColMml>B'B R»moii CaHkolto parU h hall9 b1IM UotltOOBbl Unit u*m Atlamm* A .'>'"''"11^*0 nnmBi| \« in o i ,o UBVlOn noilthe 'unitod ■«•

tBd U iflr tw #at>-iocond * ” “ “ "I v i ja a r r By b rocopitep >B cUBday BYonlBB

WttdiilflV i t tholr

c ii l tc i of Iho chvTOli. Bdwin C. (lro«vo« will ipM k on '*OutraBe> In Iriiand" to n lfh t. Th« praeoodo of tho fa ir will to uB«a lo pro«yr« « loblot to bo oroctod

I fr . Bj 4 I f r t . Calvin U, KoaJlo^ of vooilbulo of the chureli In » « » •M B road itra o t rat«rno4 yootordar ! roomhora of tho porloh who

8 dU y of i l l nionthi at th ilr o m t i o r hoflia la Donvillo.

0 • «W a i Battir R a th a f t g ldn.y plae*

J lU a t boalaai le tb a Uu Oamma ■ V n a ao ro rlt) ', N aram b .r I I , a i har haoM. Car4a will b« p liy .d a f i . r a •B a n b t t i la a u a a n la a .• • •

Klaa K ottla M. C a n f tr a t 11 Rowland M M t ta th a gn aa t o f l i r a C om .llu i ▼MB B ara a t Paakaklll. N. r.0 0 •

ItlM *Aiina L. P a itam ack af 111 V n ta r d a a a tra a t w ill .n t .r la la lha — ifcir a o f th a T au E ta a irm a ioroT- t t r T k a ra d a r avan lag a t b i r hosia.

diad In a .rv isa .


Mia. A ltk n r M. P ra a l a t RntlaT. praal* Baal * t tb a Blala radara lton of VklBaB'a Cluba. kaa boon notlflad b r Ab b Dr. W , U. DamarMt. praaldaat I f th « C allaga ta r Woman of tha gtnt* D airw a lty , a t bar appaintnaaat to Ibo h aa ra a f m aaafo ro af that eallaga O adar Mra. P rea l'a In d a r ih lp tha fad* aiB tlae kaa dactdad to m aka work far tka Haw Brtiaow irh celU ga a laading ISU raet again , having romplatad a.v-

a th a r apaclal activltlaa. At lha aM taal m aatlng In May mrinbfra a t tk a fadara tlan will ra ta an tba quratloa a f p raaan ttag a building, iirobably far aeltbea, to tha ro ltagr.• « « V"

Tha lacaa w ar* th* ip .c la l aubjaat a t atndy yaatarday by iha Feraai Mill Raading Cluh In I ti couffta on South A naH ea. Tho m ooting w a t a t (ho home of Mrf. J . S tu a r t H im llton of Do Craw aroouo. w ith tho program in ohargo of CogtmIktM I, I fra H anford Ayore M rr ino aa chairm an

T^o m om bori of (h« commit («a who Aiilftod lo prooAntlng tho program tolling of tho oarly cIv lltuU on and P laarro 'f ronguoat Mra. SamuelT. Btalnoa, Mra. E ra r la Loomla Mrs. Soyroour Haulevibork Mr*, tlonry 0. Kdllor, mombor of <'ommtttoo 1. (ook fhO plao»> of Wro F r»nk O Oilman, who waa abiont.

Mri, H atilonherk wHI rn terta lo tho rlub NoTombrr Z2 al h»r hom#. A&l P arkor oiroci.

Mr*. W, P. Ekgletoa lo Attend Women Voters' Regtoaal Meeting

Mr., w . l l a P. K agla ten .^prM ldra t *f th* y .w a rk I.iFagua a t W nnan VoUra, a# a m ambar of tba a ta ta board a f tha N'aw J . r .o y L aagua of Wonaan Votara, will ha ana of tha apaolal da ltg a iaa a t tha rrg lonal c en fe rtao a o f tha N allM al Laagua of W oman Votara a t lha H e t.l Pannaylvanla Raw F ork , naal Monday aad Tuaadty.

T h li will ba tha fira t regional m arl­ing of ih* aacend raglon, which In- etudea Now J a n e y . N .w F ork , Dala- * a ra , M aryland and P rnnayivanla. Tba mamhara of tho a ta ta board, which la mada up af d ira c to ri a t largo and de- partm anlal ebalrm an. w ill ba apaclal Salagataa. Offleara o f tho a ta ta laagua aad local taaguea alao w ill a ttaad . Each laagua haa th a prtT ilag* of aoading dat- agataa.

Tba eonfaranca w ill hmaa tw o mom - l u taaalona, tw o a tta rn o o a aoaatoaa * M a paoalon H an day avanlng, wkloh will ka pracadad by a d lnnar a t which

I Mr*. Carrl* C k a p n a n C a tt w ill apoak Tka p a rt th a t wom en ara to play In poUtloa. now th a t tha alaetlon la ovar.

I and th* bill* th a t tko taagu* la hoping I ta hava paatad w haa Cangraea convanae I In Daeaceber w ill ba diteuaaad.

Haviland>5inythMlof Agnea Sm yib of 271 Booth Bur-

natt atraat. Eaat O ranga, danghtar of th* lata C h u la* S n y tk , plonaar laathar m anufaetarar of thto olty. and John Hhvlland of P heanixyllla, P*„ war*

i m orrlad tb ia m orn ing In th* Church of th* Moat BIcaaad gaem m ant. E at! Or-

, an t* . Th* ceram ony waa porfortnad I by Rav. John B. Cam pbell of rh lladal- I ph la couain of th* brid*. The attend- . ant* wore Hr*. A. Oowald C rotty of ! Clavcland and Thom aa Havllanrl of i Philadelphia, b ro th e r of the brlda- I groom. The n thara war* Charlea I,aw-

Ira* of Brooklyn and Jam a* McUncrln

■ .•7 J -iSt Fu-'.v '■ .it'-sJ, aV. J .•

a(i- '. ......J-l

Salaam Temple to Build Auditorium on New Site

HaU Seating 6^000 Will Be Pe(t of Motque to Be Constructed


Preitnt Houses to Remain a Year


9 to 5:30G im b e l Br o t h e r sS Z » STREET-BROADWAY-33m STREET NEWVOMCCtTY

I h h o T a t e

Direct to G ta to d i

Ura. F ran k n tac ra ta ry of the

I of Maw Fork.,t ’ ji i bride, who waa glvevn In mar-

ann. rcrraapondlngt har b ro thar. F ranl. flmyth,will hr I ^ ^ ' 1 'Vore a gowa of aa iln brocade trlm incdwill be h o ite e . tom orrow .fiornoon at I * „ h U m .rlek lu * . Bb. wore a pic- tk t un ion* f i r t i m cellna of th . ..aeon . h*l of w hite tu lle and .liv e r lacr

K ‘'V ' " - ! ' ' ' ' • ‘I ' l . irlm m .d with o .tr lo h fe a th e r , and car'®V***’ * *'* e. Parine | r).* , ehower bouquet of bride rote*■ ad M in Anna I-uU. pre.1d.nia, r . | H .r travallng au lt w u of b in . w ith vpaetlTaly. o f t h . county and H o i.v lll. , h*t m match. Me* C ro tty wore crehid onlona. | ehtffon w ith p lo lure h a t trlm m ad with

' a llrer la ra and orchid lu ll., flh . c ir -

T h .t an audltorjum w lih a taa ling capacity of c ln „ Fo *,0*0 will b* the fIrtI unit erected h, N*|*am Tempt* of th* U iellc ,>ihr'ne on Iho Broad atraat

It pracurad f*r a lt.0«ii.ft«o m otauc bfcamo known (aSajr. annovuct-meni w ai nude by Mile* W. Baaratr, potantat* of th* tampl* and praaldant o f lha h ala .m RaaJty f.'orporall**, It* holding company. Th* auditorium will

tiart**! tn ih« ip ring , accQrdIng to graaaat p lm i

T b l. decialoa mean* th a t th* old K o to r ratldancea a t I ISO

and l* . l Broad atfae t. th* front of tba propany, will ba parm lttad to a ttad for a con.ldetabl# period, t i win four bultdinge In tb* yaar. It i* a tld ib a t a y»*r »r two m ay * Itp t« before tka hooaaa ar* to rn down to m ake way for tn* Moorlah typ* neaqu* . w ith wMchrated*"" *'**" '®'®''F0-

Mr. Baemar aald tb* norm al tea lin g capacity of th* aud ito rium will be l , |* f with a apac* f „ t |„ , „ n l *ftha ataga ra n rv a d for a drill floor That

‘•'•f® lo n**for tha addition of about II* atata.That tha audttorlam f i r t t would be

completed waa learnad a f ta r an aa- nouneemant by the hold ing corparatton that It had appeln tad Falat d Falat agant* for th* ran tin g of tb* praaant bulldlaga. Whan Mr. Boamar waa aakad If thi* m eant dafarraen l o f th* building plan, h* tnow arad th a t th* audltorlnm would go ahead on te h td u ltd tlma, though ra tin g of th* a tru c tu raa would b* put off.

It la undan tood th a t tk a fo n a a r Kuaor realdanc* will b* laoaod for a boarding houa* and raa tauran l. o r pooalbly for prnrettlenal o fflee t A p a rt of th* Dry- dan home now It being natd by Ih* tempi* for If* headquarter* and more la bring decorated and arran g ed for club ueri Wbai la not required by th* lemple will be rented.

Th* auditorium will coaor tha caatar of tha property and will b* raachad from the atraa t th ro u g h covarad paa- amgewaya from Ih* Drydan and K utar houtoa until aneb time aa they u * rq- moTad for com pletion o f the atruclura.

Tentative plap* for th* moaqu* arc for a four-atory building. An architect baa not been aelected yat-

A rum m aae e .lc o ill he h*M Aatur- day for the h en .f ii of ihe aualllary to the East SItle Da- NtirHcry. a t I l f O r­ange .tre e ! t ’In ih 'na and furnllur* wilt br offered fo r vale Mlaae* Ella Carl* and R uth l-cwia will ba In charga, ngalateil by o ther m em ber, of the a u a ­lllary.

» • «The Auluntn i*ale of (he Ljidlej' Oull4

i f thff ThIrA Y*rejhj,'li*tlan Church will ( ik e T hureday and F rid iy In th ichqrb'h iw\rjt»ri- A lurkey dinner will be nerved ThurPflay night

rlfld 3’«itow rhrT iw nthem um a

D o in ^ ' R r a n r h Nn 160. 1*. C B A., w ill ineiM (Q iTiurrow e v e n in g a t ( 'a lum buB iTtilklute.

Ctvanagb—Di MatteoTh* w adding of Ura. M arla Dt Matteo,

widow of Francla R. Dl H altea. of 1(1 Ml rroapact avenue, and Jama* U C avanigh nf tS* H unterdon atraat took place a t ( o'clock yaaterday afiarnoDn al th* Church of th* Sacred H eart.

Bar. W illiam J. Lander* performed th* c tr tn o tiy , w hich waa w l tn t i t e ' by ra la i lv u and frlanda. H r |. F ra iil A. C truae waa m atron of honor ai.u Dr. Caruao, har huaband, waa bee man.

I Following tho cerem ony a d lnnar waa gtvan for the m tm b e rt of tho bridal

I party a t th* H otel A itor. New Fork.I A fter th e ir re tu rn from a trip to

A tUntlc City and W aahluglon. U r and I Hr* C tv tn a g h w ill llv* a t l»o North j Klnateenth a irae t, E ae t Orange.

Plane are being torm ulateil for a ca r­nival neat m onth fo r ihe benefit of the l.uH.llnR fund of C ourt heton No 72,D nuahtere of Itabella , al Columbua Ih- illtu te .

A group fif J^ w lih Women wi« o r - , BewBiietls—KHe*.BUtilted thU M-eel( for farm work In f 8UU* K r!ia of EOS Niw YorkFletnitigionc u^ider (ho dlrecUon of Mr*. « k'^enue hud FYank E e a a r la tti of 71 T'.lmer I* Bckhou»o. i ta ie chairman of | Klnnoy i t r e e t w ere m arrlid liotthe Council of Jew ish ^Vomen for work night in Ih'* pargonage of the Halaey the Jowtoh wnm«n on farm i. Mre ftek- < Methodlot Episcopal Church b>house wired (Ulfc f ic f yopterday to the i Dr. Jam ee C layton Howard, (onventlon of the N ational Jewish | _______________Cottncll. now tn aoaalon a t Denver. ' ' ' ' ■ =

IMra. W olti F- E a g lo to a praaldent of | tha N ew ark L aagua for Women Votera. wilt a^<)raat th« rag u ia r m eatiag of th« N avgrk W oman T aachare ' OuMd tomor- row afiarnoon a l 4 ovlock in lha Wa>h- ln#l on S traat Sckool 8ha will urge the toaportanoa of taao h tra entering ihe

Activities o( ChuidietAnnuAl report* au bm ltlad a t th* an-

•loaraary m aatlog a t tb* Heldalbarg (FUlld of CIlBtoh Aveou* Rafotmed Ckpyoh. bald yaaterday aftaraooh at th a hom* of tho praaldent. Mra. Jullua a. RtppaL ST Johnaon avauu*. abowod th a t fiv* aotiT* and * li hokorary nom - bora had b**n addad during Ih* yaar, h ftgg lng th* an ro lq ten t up to l i t . and th a t a ll pladga* hav* haqn m a t

Mr*. C. F. Noalar, recording pooro- ta r r , lo h o t rep o rt a l io told of g lf tt oast hy tho g u i ld 'to Oblony, Ohla.i to Chtaai, SandofoBA, Minn., and to the Mary laabolto Alton .Heopltnl n t Orny H aw k, E y.

JU enrdlng to th e troafpror. H n . M. L. Baldw in, th e gulld 'o roeolpt* for th* yaar lo taiod S i.its .io . n*d it* dlabuno* • • a t e Ifll.S * . leav ing n batnneo of SttT.lS.

A Toaumo waa alao given of tho to faa ty -f lro yoaro' w ork of Iho orgaa- laattaa. M ra E dw ard M. Potara aarrod aa f ra a ld a s t u n til n laa yaar* ago, whaa aha w aa auooaadad b r Mrt. Rlppil. Nlaa ah ry an a lh am aB a war* praaontad ta th* p ra a sa t Incum boat hy th* Flea praaikaati M lta B llaabath BUght, a ftar w klah Mra. M ary W. Roo g tv * a ta lk OB iB dtaa m laaloo w ork a t Ooloay, ew h i,' h M tha p a a le r a t tho o h u rsh / Bb e A lkartaa T. Brook, co n g ra tn la ta i tb a w a v k a ra on ih* progr*** mad* dsH set lh a yaar, Th* frea-w lll o tfe rlag a t i I m t t t tF m am hora p r a ta n t g lraa tor a glrlaf p tkoal a t C hlttoer, ladlA S M e iS a t t a t t k | .

•V ata l h«m hara war* raadarad by Mh|g M u K tppai, aaam ppaalad hy Mra c iaM aa . O. BaUMhaMh. At th a a a s t g a a t l y i M avaab ar U . o tf la a n in i t ba

. ■ ■ ' . p a * . 1- . ,M ahft M. Hadloy of Erra*

tt. T . ftF t u yaar* rae tar of It, la a s u l A arM h this olty,

I aaBBaat b (M r> d a r p ra a th lag ml*- I -to I t Aadraar** B plaeapal Chureh,

Declareg Freticli Yetfs Behind Atneriesm in Busineu Methods

That th* F rench ar* year* behind Amarleaua In buolnea* m athodi. wae the aiatam enta m ade laot night by Loigh Itaw ley , rooontly ro tu m o d from Prane*. la b ta lk to th* Hon'a Club of g |, Mark'o Kplacopal Church Ur. Hawloy, who w as In tb* field arttllory dbrlng th* w ar and w ith Uorbott Koovat'o food dloIrlbatloB aorvie* a f te r the arm latlce. ta lk ed on aoonomlo con­dition* la Franc*.

Membera of th* elnb protontad a bouquat of c h ry san tb a rau n * to tholr. praaldent. I le rb a rt W. T aylor, In honor of hi* alrcMon to Congtea* from th* E ighth Dlatrlct.

Commissioner Kearney Found Not Guilty; Women Put OutCity C*mml«lwn*r WUIIam F. ICegr-

TifT of Orgpg^ wg« foiifKl n il g j l l iy Ihia mornlBg by Jq4g« Ovlillo r Bliinchi of i r lig rg i of d lio rderly condtjrf p r t - ferrirt Oftob^r 79 by fb n ire m a n F rin k Conniito of Orange* Th# rhRrge foUowtd ttouUlfi Ih an Orang# ilam-e htU. lf t# r which Conn;aai placffl thi> MTAfnittlonar tin<l#r uraBt, but wan | tMPiugdad on ih r way to ih ' i ta tle n to l i t him go. Th# ch irg # waa | p r ifo m d n a i t day t

Form er City rn u n te ) A rthur M H»\ 'moor r*pr«iSnt#d Mr K earney Th# i potlei officor wftB m t rap>'^*ri!rc) h\ ' OOtinitl! In court, hut rronH-ekanilnrrl ' a iv ira l of tha d rfendan t'p wltiiFpR##

f tivoril WQirtin war# pr#»#nt amonjq: ! a crowd of mor« th»n 200 !n th# t-m n [ room gnd Judge B litich l directed Re- ! eervrm in Roberta to a*k the women | to lenvp the court room during the tria l j Al he believed the language would bo , “too strong" for (hem.

Tn h li com plnlot O fficer C oniiluo ' ■tAted that the com m iM lonrr had Oard In iu ltlng and indeerni language \

Commladloner K earney adinltted ois ■ the wltnere eland that he did rail the otfleer a “Tlar,” but denied th a i he had j used the latiguage th a t wan utatesl In I (be complaint. ,

Among the wUtieaeee cnlt#d w#r« i Congretaman D aniel T. M lnahan and i Max Ftegm in, the la tte r executive arc* rrte ry to M eyer Ollleo of th l i city ' Both had been a t (he dance. Thoeu w itnrarra te itlf lrd (hat ram m i«alon#r Kearney did not u i l r r an;, prof^ti# | language to the police officer, but xaid j (hat they heard the o ffloe t ia v to the j rommlaiionf-r: "I'll m ake you Mwaltnw i every worsi you aald. you b ig b lu ff.“ |

Traffic Policeman Reinstated

Auto Reported Abkodooed Has License of Machine Stolen I

Director B rrnagn of th e 1-iepartmcot of Public- Bafety y n U rd a y teeued an order through Chief Long rrlneiatitiK Traffic Policem an John Lynn. who. wae recently suipended for accep ting a gift of I& and not rep o rtin g It to hla exp­lain. The re inetatem ciit 1« pending trial. Lynn loaea bln m otorcycle and goce to regu lar pntrol duty In ihe Fourth l*reclnct G u itav e Slofferii of that precinct takea Lynn'e plai.'e In tho traffic aquad.

The order alao I ra a a fe n Patrolm en Jamea Oiutiano from the Hevrnth tr> tb# BeoohsI Hreclacl, and P airohnan V alrndne BneJl from th e Seonnd to thit H«venth.

Mltohall Lyman, yardmaefer at __Lahlgh Valley Ralltoad fraigbt atatlon In TrrtngtoB, reporlad to tha Irvington golioe today of f tn d la r an antonobUe npparenily abantfonad atandlag a t Ny#

Hetorleta Fined !■ Enel Orangr,FInee of | | each w ere paid thfe

. morning by ihreo autom oblllete, wheu the ' plsailed g u ilty before Recorder

' Bllle of En«t Orange. to chArgefl of parking their m achtnee In the atreete without proper lig h tg The defendants were J F Chapman of IfUlalde, J. J

avanue and tha ra ilro ad tracked The 1 McGuire Jr . of 31S P a rk e r etree*. ihie llcanoa n«n>bar* 114141 N. J,, tallied ^ Bmlih of 94 SouthWith th a t of a oar reporlad aio lea bv Ih* N awark Folic* to tb* lFTlBBt*ii polls* thI* moralOE. Th* Nowark po­lls* war* notlflad and th* car turnad oT tr to those. L> msii aald th* « r had b a ts thar* alao* aa rly narniBB.

Tha racerd* of th* M olar Vohtsla d »- partm ant ahow th a t th ia licana* waa lu u ad to U a ttb rw C. H am lltou o f IJS lo q tb Tw olflb oUeot.

May Proiride Comfort StotiontFMvoolon fo r th* o au b llih m o n i of

aoooB o ta ifu rt aboltor atBtlaao nuir ho Mad* In th * n ea t b u d fo t, It waa b b - B r a i ^ in la y by D opaty D lroatar F r » h A. Foloy o f th a D apartm iB t of F i r h t Bad Ftibll* P roportv .

■•-V K«**F k aM rla l tV«t Dlraela^ M btaha* hM t h t i r oatahltilUBont In

•• n*(lil«« deflhll* to th* k m jac t th u a far. FFBahlnploa aad o th ar p arka hava baan ayapaatad ha loaotloBa. I t w as aald thay would adt ba «a th a a lab ara t* tea l* aoma hava atipfaatad, howavar.

MimB Rvenue. Raet Orange

O F R A l ,

Pep! F A U h l

Work! And—

a f w U w i

( f H E C > F R A i .

LUDLUM MOfOK C d j Nairult M l rHiiBiE, N. J.

jferw HUched to lee Cream Wagon Show i ' lUal B o ls k ^ FeeUng Toward Automobilef;.', ,,T>-. w -- . .'— .— ,v. !


, LAND. M*v. A—BaUhayMlM to a sww to n * la Nawarh,

tkto M iB lH . Th* aaiitar *f w w MAT fahvas aad K arkti Tba Attooli w to RutStiatad by

Maa. laaA an m tba tBaaraaat aMahUlaa ba*

-/'■ :■“ *® ^aSL*b*liEa

m tgW^WI^MlIMP .IRwl


itaAt. ktfiMM tof MSMkMMtof kiHk* B to itovftdttoiAad Hbta .(l»4eWrwdsie ■ w i i M y. .JMF .OBSMHI.'.'Wm'

IM M M Ihto'd'MhF

MhaItttF (iptthto'Vto'd,<ra«««4hB8lig ewwimd fg]*hehi|s wiMi tha

mfS w d to'"shaaMalM

I h ^ M khWhUdd Utalr

*» traffl* aad t r u n t ta f (or whataver that ilidalafu.1 nola* la that a hor** Makaa) eaatamptuoaa raniarha to othiT2^2? Baavor« M t , thay auddaniy ch*a£*a - their tojn* BMbtad o**r .th* aldtwatk,

tort* Ftot* ttoa* wiadaw. g.'B.;ttdh» Mat* hy a harM hatr'r J jM to jA k d _ th # a th*y aiiaHad thair 2 a H*to*d,tjto rad «*«. •M jM '.to a lM .'v a a »a. • c,.- ,

(Mh-'toW-tMtoi •* lha totnt-ni. w y y p e w T i E l Utot a t th* « « S ! i i^ ♦ p tr • |d d to f* ii* atrtOfaakU* etoSJr 4tt

ttn'Mity to ym a Mali

' « .a«M.^.BBS th*'W# *,*»

: ^ n i

dff lb* ktMnd *y*ry (, toiM r a«irbr-w moiad.


at th*ani«3

Mh tb*'' M lM *

ovary Urn* id* h a ^ ,


S m 50% N Dpbbtmsf llbe*an.l|*t'MrkfARMi


CM*bb* at Dan- aih. ibmah 6*4- tn*. lam* varlali,

17*50Biikttt iWgrttoiiBdfclpt

WjMe1 ,.-thu

N e v e r M o r e S u c h a n A m o u n c a n e n t -

N e v e r M w e S u c h a

( . * *' '

a n d

Cdn’t yon Jn*t tell hov Bfliart dnd bMotn- ing tnd aoft they t n ?

The Set of Scarf and Tamo’Shanter

$ 3 .7 5


In All Wool Is P r i c e d Very Low i t Set

Smart for fill—Warm and becoming for the snowy weather—it is an at­tractive set for every young girl to have. The tarn has a pericy little pom-pom on the top; the scarf is a graceful w idth; 12 inches wide and

yard long. They are soft and woolly and warm and in many colors:

PeacockBuffRookieropenhagen Blue


Dark Green Navy Blue (Jray Brown

the E ntire Half M il­lion D ollar Stock of

)JIG G IN §& §E IT E I^



1500 Union Crash Dish Towels

$ 2 .9 5U nion—linen and cotton — dish towels, very soft and absorbent. Hemmed, ready for use. 17x3^’ inches. The value is too obvious to require comment.


That s how we said it in Sunday’s papers. Just a simple stite*' ment of a Big Fact. But the response—Electrlcall Crowdi that overwhelmed us—Crowds that surged and Jammed tnd jostled. Dealers from Fifth Avenue, owners of tiny shops In the suburbs—Connoisseurs of world fame cheek by jowl with the lady in search of bridge prizes. Madam the Mother of Ten and Madam the controller of Millions.

B a a iM * llftok ib«.|

(*at . Ik* M toat k* l Ih* t*iMW* »** i la iM R 'to K* to to o v a l T ii

' ~ ' h « t th« eatoPeWI

Overflow j^iieiAed J »MUtItt



A!i cam e-all saw -all BOUGHT-for that’s the kind of sale it is. Pieces for the aristocracy—oh yes—but prices for democracy. And so we rejoice —to think of the service this sale has been —of the homes that are richer for it—To speculate on the service it still can be—it still shall be. For if you have not heard it before—here is the GREAT news again—There is still Higgins & Seiter merchandise for you—and it is still at Half Higgins & Seiter Prices.

Suits, Mackinaws, Sweaters AH at Substantial Savings

J u n i o r S u i t s R educed to |8 .95

All wool tweeds, cassimeres, serges and mixtures in middy, junior norfolk, in pleited and plain models of the better sort. Tailored well. In brown, ttn, green, gray and blue. Sixes 3 to 10.

All Wool Mackinaws S p e c i a l at $11.00

All ready for the cold spell I Verm huckinewk, iporty in style end mighty comfortable,. Fetch pockets end all< around b elt Sixes 12 to IS.

Rhaki Sweaters Splendid at $3.00

Slip-over eweatere, button-to-neck •voetofk—not • bit bulky, but v u m at to u t. Thoyll take Ibo piece of tit over- OMI Bf ptaytiine or Khooltime. S iue 7

‘ '4ft. j' f>W n V SBOfl*flewth fleft

At Half PriceEnglish Cliiiia Tea Cups, Bouillon Cups, Ramekins. Plates, Covered Terra­pin Dishes.

At Half PriceEnglish Chins Te* Sets, Black Coffee Sets, Inlividutl Bretkfsst Sets, Quest Sets, S tlid Sets.

French Chins Saucers.

At Half PricePlates and Cups end

At Half PriceH lifiiM A M te r 0p m Stock Dtoiur-

w ire PattenH: at Bhtodty Half HiagiiM A Sdter PrioML

P lou e note that stocks eoslly accessible win later be continued by Olmbel Brothers. Others will immediately be cloaad out.

Quantitiaa era now de­ls.,,, (plated, but parhapa tba very

sM piocea yo i' want era hero.-Hi

At Half PricePiiiest Imported Crystals from BoJ- giuRi and Sweden: Barcarat, Val. St. Lambert, Cristilleries dc St. Louis, Royal Swedish. And from America’s best—Hewkes, Dorflinger. Libbey, Sin­clair, Fiirpoint, Steuben and others.

A m ue of glassware forevery conceivable purpose and in every beautiful de­sign—at ex*:i'; one-half Higgins & Seiter prices.

At Half Price’ Inexpensive Brown end Pressed Qtass-

ware from Heiscy, Duncan A Millar, Bryce Brothers.

At Half PriceHiggins & Seiter’a Famotia Collection of Sterling Mounted Cryatal,

At Half PriceHiggins A Seitar's Entiro Stock of Lamps, Lsmp-bsses, Chitwio Vasaa, Italian Art Pottery, Wedgwood Decor- ativo Pottery, Ri^roductions o f Old Plorotitlno Wood Cervioga! ,


F lii 'thito thi

:«IWiPttfi, at. yti JwK Mil

th i itohltiMMid

'A dam*

da.'WiBwht t. btldiiiM fehato. ft i oMook m, y lci for ^ iV'4t0O.. ,.f ‘

■ ■a :

I I-# .-. 'X< .$,ir


fintir«#G tm bet ''s:5f‘.'>A

ot'Oliinl,r t iS h | t | l

Entire 1500,000 S ta e l;



f h..AN

jS o c . 0* J

‘ .

x-4p .- f.

The only way to know the real value of a washing machine to you is to try a Gainaday Electric in your own home under your own conditions. No matter how good a demonstration you may receive in a store, there is always the question in your own mind as to whether or not the conditions in your home are different. .

^Vour Neighbor Has One t t

We don’t want you to have a Gainaday Washing Machine unless you need it. We don’t want a single Gainaday idling away its time in anybody’s laun­dry or kitchen. We want the Gainaday working and "earning its keep.” This is why we are offering you a free trial in your own home under your own conditions, and long enough to show you the actual need of having a Gain­aday.

- ii

i.'* *:r


Then, again, it is so easy to pay forthe Gainaday after you arc convinced that you need it—$5.00 down after the free trial and the balance of payments spread over a period of twelve months in such relatively small amounts that the savings the Gainaday makes in your home actually covers the monthly payment. _

Mr. Man— Give a Ikotghl to Cfaristmas:- You could not poosibly her ■ better (in then « GAINADAY. It Is your cbince to help mtke her wMh days EASIER.WatAdaif, pliuaGainadaif,

means a happg day every day.

Te no* have our Chrislmi) tup* ply on hand. Five dollars will re­serve one for you and have It In your home on the big day. %'rita or call now. i . .

The Gainaday tin 16 ad­vanced features, fashioned to wash clean anything washable.

The electric swinging wringer is a wonder. It carries the clothes out of the washer, through rinse and blue water into the basket—all without moving the machine. It swings to any..position.

Electric parts are fully In­sulated; the strong 14 H. P. Motor rests on wooden strips, the cylinder can be stopped In­stantly if necessary: the re­markable automatic | friction clutch prevents fuses from‘blowing” and all working parts

jsed. Get aare completely Inclosed. Gainaday now on free trial, and see for yourself that it is the machine that you want |

After Free Triad

G o o d H o u s e R e Q )in g'^Appliances Corp. Sweeper Yae

*U vtrte CT 11

WItk ■«t«r Drtvar I

587 Broad Street 2nd Floor Newark, N. J.Between Hahne*s and Central Ave. Authorized Gainaday Dealers

Every Gtlntday deiler hM be«n eboera fer hte ind bluinni cbiliiy,^ -Tt» ( u t tb it h t mUi Ibi Giludinr B lim * Wither-Wrinier ii yiiit iiiu m ib f of pfnipt, depoodoUt orntM•I ill timei.

A8BURY PARK. N. J. itUntk CoMt Ebclrii'Co

Fkono AllMihant 2000CUFTON. N, J. John G. Hndott

PhoM Puoiac SOOT

n j u N f m j D . H . JL

PhowlOMKR iD G m B J ) p A n ,i r . i .

C rvod BramlwOa

DOVia N. J. Oooff* D. Gardner PlMM Dover B2I

■n>0>WOODbN.JL TIm WoMiIo Co.

KU2ABETH, N. 1. Joroir StKo Kltdrio Co.

Umoo ESttboth 4IS

immA M. 1.A .a iM ii*

r t 0 d t M .





Simple, smart, are brim hats crowns of f velvet or lu

Identtcil V VO hive soldi iut 150 in t

4.75.They come

brown, navy comblnitions

—henna ; —henna i— beaver— beaver—black a —brown

Twelve I One i

tl \IINK

111 the I r.dvertisem row will a I nouncemei chandising mendous Don’t mi; nouncemer

Commuol name can Each piec

Baby Spoon Baby Fork, Sugar $po« Butter Knit Pickle Fori Lemon Pori Olivo Spool Jolly Serve: Sugar Tong Cold Meat i

B Butler Sp 0 Bouillon \ 6 Individual



ft . • '■

" JuH 1


v.A.^'i- ■V,,-.-* if-.-. , .*,.; .


m 1

KB^AS^v^VEirfr \*5r >

• t-Thankfgiriiiflr Plei I . / M-m-in I

You may place your order tomorrow for a honw- madc pJe or our delicious pastry and It wilt be ready for you to take home the next day. Only the t o t and purest Ingredients uyed. Leave orders at (lesk In Restaurant. Sasemenr.

Hahne&GoMerchandising Atneasi at the Timet


• r

surer Plfttfd Ware Reduced 20%Evwy of lilTor-pUtod hollow ware in o«r itock fooa

Into m il mighty u lo t Tike 20?^ dtocount off pm ent low priOci. Now good!, hiadiomo doilgni, prodacli of the host mikere— ev en pIoM goiriBtood. Rep'oiiiih your silver chest! Drem up for ThsnkOgivlig—hoy for gifts, ind liv e . First Floor.



Important News Published on This PageVulture Brim Trimmed Hat

In a Sale$4.75

Actual Value $10

Simple, bu t unfailingly smart, arc these vulture brim hats combined with crowns of fine silk Lyons velvet or lustrous Panne.

Identictl with models thst we have sold this season at $10.

iuit 150 in this special aale at 1.75.They come in solid black,

brown, navy and beaver, also combinations of

— h en n a and b lack — h en n a and navy — beav er and black — beav er and navy —black and sand — brow n and sarjd

Twelve sm srt styles One illustrated

tiAiiNKN—N i;(n> i»

i r—

1920 Blouses at 1914 PricesA Wonder Sale! 500 Lovely New Blouses

$ 4 . 9 8a m anufacturer’s close-out. End of the season surplus stock and beau tiful show room samples. Secured at a price

concession th a t makes possible great savings to you. « « - p..wu

Juvenile Tub Dresses

Very Special$1.89

I I l ’O K T A N T


In the Hahnc & Co. f.dverti5emcnts tomor­row will appear an an­nouncement of a mer­chandising event of tre­mendous importance. Don’t miss that an­nouncement!

Costume over blouses, hip blouses and tuck in types in all their variations. Long, short and three-quarter sleeves; kimono and set-in. Novelty cuffs. Round, square and V neck lines.

FABRlcaGeortette d ip i Sttin Trlcolctte ' Crvpe de Chins

Primed Georiette

Fashioned of exquisite fabrics, elab­orately embellished with silk or wool em­broidery, beading, b/aiding, fringe trim­ming; touches of filet or other laces; pin tucks; eyelet embroidery.

Twelve models sketched.

Brown Ntvy Blue Orient

COLORSCo pen Shell Pink While

Squirrel Criy Burnt Ortnie F1-—


(id t i jV V


Sensible, practical tub dresses for growing girlL Admirable foj play til*-*-

Designed in a wide va­riety or simple, becoming models, developed in plain cham bray or serviceable gingham.

Solid colors, gay plaids, stripes and checks. Col­lars, cuffs and pipings of white pique. Long and short sleeves, gathered and plaited skirts, tie-back sashes and self belts.

Sizes 7 to 14.tlCf 0 ^ 0 rLOOlL

Bo PeepShe Loot Her Sheept*

And all the other old- time Mother Goose story books are here ^ r the lit­tle ones.

Bed-time T ete i, Sleepy-time Stories and Wee Books for Wee Children; any number of child­ish storiea, with beautiful col- bred illustrations, and large print, so the children may easily learn to read.

Now it the time to select Christmas books for the kid­dies; priced all the way from 6e to 12.50.

HAHVE-a—r m a r wloor.


Suggestions for Admirable Gifts

Community Plate—nolvenally known end admired. Its name carries with It an aaaurance of service and beauty. Each piece attractively packed In velvet-lined gray case.

Gifta Priced |1 to $5

Bsby Spoon, | I It.M Berry Spoon, ta .nBaby Fork, $!.«« Prsaerve Spoon, is.aeSufar Spoon, 1 ' tlJO Gravy Ladle, txoeBvttar Knife, I M to M atPickle Fork, i i .n Ptanad Servar, IXMLemon Fork, n.Ts Fla Server, la toOlive Spoon, 1 IIW s-piMa c u ira 8m, lU iJelly Server, IXM a Coffee Speone, •iXSSutir Tones, t2 to S Sherbet Speena, a u aCold Mesi Fork, tt-M CttMl * lU S

Gtfto Priced S6 t o $1$

e Bailer Spreaders, l7.oa a Orania Spoont. m s

e Bouillon Spoons, W.M 2-tdaee Carving Set, flM #e Individual Salad a Oyattr Poika, m i

Forks, ISM a leto Tea Spoont, ia .liHAmwam—n u sT n o o a .

4 a

100 Misses’ Dresses in a SaleRemarkable Value Offering

See These Dresses by All Means

Colored Silk UmbrellasA Sale


All WooL Macldmtws

w .-

For BoyB,.;|in Y(Ntt(iB$ 1 1 A S / '

^ Jttit 150 o f these roony, warn, all wool Maocl* IHetr abort teiaglb aH o#t|ii active boy ftentjr

IMS hiia tovTt dsrsM* tots^ wBit o la ^ |« t

asx pWts4 sat toAM fH Wftfc.arat foOM tm§Sr - . .

a t m t n t t . -tfr



$ 2 5 .0 0Vigilant, aggressive merchandising

made Oils momentons eve&r ponibie.^ An unusual aggregation of tdtra-laalvr lonaUe dresses conceived In fabrics of htgbest quality and Introducing style Imumttona of an advaneed ebaracter, ’

DrMsy afternoon V'jbitd' X •

r Innumerable' , day-tune end . ^ a e m i p f o ^ e t o a ) ^ « ' %

, y o u A f u I l y ^

bouffant draperies. Side panels -corded sod shirred; (hifflrigs, novelty bnidlng, beading tnd emfuplde^, : * i; ;

Ribbon .liGing^ i le e aiid 5 georgetti v ^ ees , lobg tn d

short sleeves, becoaodns neek> lines. y : ^Faabtooiid oTlnafiotfR latlii, georr

e lte crep^? erafte de .chtge and 'cha^meuse.

■ ; * r 9 .


M W |(U_^

$8 to $10 Values

Heavy taffeta s i l k umbrellas, white tips and s t u b bottoms.Blue, green, gar­net, purple; beautiful han^^ |_o f bakelite, bracelet tops or leather strap effect. (Plus 20c tax.)

$10 to $15 Umbrellas, $8.50Colored sfik umbrellas of superior quality taffeta, in

nsvy, garnet, green, purple, etc. A gift of two-fold use­fulness; may be used In the winter as a rain umbrella, and in the summer as a sunshade. Handles of bakellte In bracelet style, and other equally smart effects. $8.60, plus 45c tax. ,

■ A H i t w o ~ n m r r v l o o il

A Most Convenient Yictrola Piircliase Plan

■'f. »Ow te rm oa Vtotrolsi wBl terprlM you, they are to euy

satfeseaoniciLTear Sbelot ■ ty ba ■ tS v frooi the most complete stock

in tiM «hy." V M r a l a X f V . |2 2 S

liiordi (year choice) lU' ■ ...., ' t t o iAt'

i l l


|1 aMAadjmi • a w k r 0‘s^ r t f i l l S w i < m lk a a d . lw a a u .d i i l t a w y



Severance of Brotken For OU Feud Refuted

., ' Court ContioiK* Hia»m w Eatacu-

k . ' v "| Siace Boyhood.I I

Mit Ucipite AnauoMty

Other! of Family Petiliooer#m.

'Si . 'I ' ■ «

ijSf. : «?.- .

I '


■7>’- I L

mP : f e



• <

* -PN p >■'

t -v*'. ■

WhM two broihoro »ol ®" apoeklFS tormo oioet ttwr woro 0o»» 1l )■ nUior difficult for ih«n tovHhor uaoutoro «f tlirli

Bui llilo foot 10 not pufflrtou'Ko u n J lo r tko roniovol o l .IliiO r of

•m ■■ ouocutor. In iho op in ion of JudfO Uorlln

Tfco ludpo tip* lUBi hondrd down o iltdalon la Oriihinof l?ouri d«i llnlo* to rpitiOOo Ollhor ■dw»r«l Hauoor of CkMtnui KMt Oro»»o. or » lU-tam Hftinor of 1H Kronkllii nronu*. Bloom fit Id. forinor Mnror of U al lowri. •0 e ircutori of th* rototo of ihoir fn ih 'r. dlmon Houoor, In which r«- pncitx Ihr) w rrr iinmod to acl Jo in tly wllli llirir mothor. lire Kalhnr Houacr of IfB gultinoii otrtot.

1*0(111.10 for romoTOl o f Edw»rl lld tioor wa* mode lo ibo c o m i b f ho to o f Mb co 'cp tou to ra , blO m o th e r and b ro ih tr . and aloo by hlo oUwr b ro th«r< a i d llB U ri L*on H o 'joar, M ri l>rovpB. H i t llBlln Kopr. loaao Hbub bi. M errli JIaiiBrr and M in R ob« llauSBr. ICdWBiol HauBBr (Hod o cron-poHtion. a a k in i rtm ovBl o f Mo k ro th e r

The Inucr pBtIUon. for r«inoval oC Wiuiaai iU u n r. Judds Martin held to bo without jiisrll and apparently liitiO' ducBd by Howard Hapaar for iba p u t' llnaa of dlvartlnd attoallon. With ra- ■part (o K<tward Kauaer'i rohduct. koweror. tha Jodpa daclared that iiie avldenei ahowad It had baati "moai aa- aopcralliid. In oene caaaa nulla intolar- abia, apparaallft oalnctad aa liiiaDulty Ih all hli affoita to anaoy and haraaa Uo brothar ^

ra t oa tka aoldaoca bafora him. tha tudfa aald. ha did nal fa«l Juiilfled In paBodnd tha oaaauior "Whathar that arldBnra In conJunsUon with any addad facta which may deaalop In futura twill oauoa him la ba ramorad li for Iho court latar (o doclda.~ aald tha opinion, In which Iho application for removal of Bdward Habaar waa denied without projudlet lo Ita future reopanlnt for anuia.

■iBltattnd Aatlaao atlawed.Tho action aaolntt Edward Hauaor

wao pfocipitatoi by k'a all«dtd talluro nad nodlaci locanaldor with hlo mothor fm n KA^^U.*f*>**•* **1* ptnofuto*land batw nn'''‘lk****‘* ** * blouk of otroat. and " a l^ h u ^ lc n ” - tranla aaanuaa Panwayl-

Hla mothor and brotlicr aJleea^unai throuChool hlo axacuiorahla ha t»»a da- llbarataly puraued a c o u m or "JT lu ^ IntOadrd to Irrtiaia them, that ho hbl habitually rafuacd to confer with W il­liam Hauaer or to coinmualpata with him aan p t in tha moat Irrltatlnp U t- taro (hrouo'h rounaal and that ha had ahown an aboolula lack of eo-epam- llon.

They had an affar of tld .tM far tha Fratlncbuyun avenua block, of which M.MO waa lo be paid down and tha

o» tlma with bond and mort- BMO dacnrttT. Rdwkrd Hauear ab- JaoMd to tho . tonne, and In ihio the opinion otatod that tha ooufi was an- ab lt lo dourmlne that hi* pMUlon waa without foundalloa,

Thii hloek of land waa ana af aatraraj ■areola Ineludod la tha oatata of Btmon Kauoor, who wai In tha wholcaaU hatchor builneia at >11-11 rrelinphuy- •OB avanue. He died May It, 1M7, lear- htd M aatate valacd a t eomothina tika •yw.fW. Qthar propartlao woro two loll a t l ! - t ] Maltyon atrael, • l>rao-olory tontment a t IJh Ereiln*- hlipaoB avenue, two brlh* tone m int hdaoee t lll-d Watpeer • •'*"fhmily frame bulldlh« f* '**■traet and n oplr(jk>o''r houna a t Ift-M i a « u a M t a a i a iiroat.


f 1.

(Mtlp on two or thrao oconalpna alnca th a t Wor* few* yriUiam nM Jff^ ' ♦WfcMhWof dpnlion to a ^ aihim « - U tH tiir td tha 'UoUiBah* ■» .w huh ia d m Uartin'o doclolon wao baaod. Oni •tTuioM timed wa* whan thoy had a dUWuto ovar lome papirn In thoir Catb- •r'p bnuao wbllo bis body ailtl lay awalUbd burial Anolbar waa a yaar ■ad a half later. In tho otfloa a f Cfcnriaa team, whom in a dloputo ovar oattla- mani of tho aotato Edward throalanod panoaal vtoUnea w W llltaa. It waa deetarod.

Vadar tha will of Blmon Haueer. h li widow It to rooaloo tho Inoooi" from tho oitato durlnp her llfettme I up- aa hor death tha oatata la to b« ..vlded aaaaUp among the dona and daughtam

HuibuMi Not in Court. Wife If Gruted Tentative Doaee

Hot own taotlmonp and th a t of Chief a t Police Oeorgo E. Burtihaui and Pa­trolman Rowell Quackenbooi, the latter two of Rutherford, all gl»on in aboilt lurtnty mtnutoo batoro Vloa Chancallor ran te r yeoterday won tor Ilia, rio ro n ct W. Whitman of Elrol avenuo. Hlgh- iM da a dacree nlal tentatively dtvorc- lag hor from Percy C. Wliltnian of •ylvan atroot, Ruthorford. Tho decree provldea for Iho payment' of permanent alimony at tho ralo of 110 a weak tor tha oupport of H n . w hitm an and bar two ehclldron.

Ifro. Whitman won her doone on a aharge of marital mloconduct. with which, oho eeuntarid when her huibaad tiled a petition praying for a divorce on the grousd of dooartlon. Teeterday ha did not appear In oourt either In paroon or by counaal, although Me father and mother were onlooktre Tho taetlmony of Chief Burnham and Pa trolman Quaehenboas rotated to the arre ti of the hueband and a woman in a raid. On that occasion Whitman waa fined |!tt and c»ota.

New Incorporationilf«w Ineerpork tloD i r« fU t« r« 4 w ith

til* oounty c1»rk t r e .MArtUn M anurac turln f Company.

ilO Bro«<l tIfUl prateitlcirj.C^pItAl ttQ ck au lhorlic -d , 4150, lid* oofporAlora. H iirfy W. H chtilm an of Rt O ^vrlooh Eiv«nue, W o ti Or&n^4». C h « r lf i L. U»rtl of 10 W hlttlor tlreft'. biiil OfftBCAi AH-d AAfon 1. HoliCAB.n of■An Avonufi And Klnoiy otroiit,Haw York.

Jjn«rlfiAn TaJO Jttlntrir Carpor^tlon. TM Brotd itrtftt; OAplt»l itock Au'.hor*

IIOO.GOO. IneorporAtvrie Albori lioAA, Thomot ▲ Caruio A&d JAcob intAwtU of NtwAfk. ADd Robort A. ICookof of PlAlt>n«1d.

Th* Qnlnby B uJIdInf tno.. S I-21 D l' ▼Iflon i iro o t, CApItAl |tf>ck authorim od,

IncorpofA tori. WIiMorn J. ■AriA of 114 ^V en f il i ty -Q ln th »tro«t. Row T o rk ; AlAn R OrohAm o f 19 Coro* Uba roAd, M ontclair: H oraoo H Bar*# o f liT t e f t d l i l« # n lh •tr#**, Urook* ly&, and Chari## &. G rah am o f SI South lljbpl# At#fi\i#. Ea#t o ra n r# -

T N. H. RoaJty Company. I l l Main Eait Oranf#: eaplial ptoch au*

thorlatd. |fO,OOd'. Inrorporatora, Harry FrankAl, Hyman Neltoti and Lool# K#lte man

Frof# i* ional R ea lty r 'o m p an y Ino., 110 Broad i t r a o t, raplU il n to rk n u th u r- llAd. IID, 900. Incorporo to re , William .U y*lah, W en tw orth H olm es and Q enrge C. B reher. e ll of t l F u lto n e tre e l.

Quitman Healiy Company. TOO Broad utroel; capital atock aulhortaad, |L16 OOP; Incorporatort Adolph PeCbt and Stephen Armetrong of Newark end Uonel le Meyare of Bloomfield

Tribune Publlahlng Company, Inc . t l CUnton etreet; capital ntock author- tiad. 190.900; Inrorporatora Mario Cnruoo and L/>uli tlarueo of Irvinulon and Olindo MaraulU, Salveldre Chlara- vallo and Dan Kaiuira of Newark

International Malt Corporation. Bl«ad itreet; napllal ntock authorliod, |l!d,000; Ineorpuratora. Harry C. Falr- ■atld of Loch Arbor. Xeaaady 11. Ware «c eh Barwyn iireel. Baet Orange. »nd Ldhtla A. Ware of B ridgeport Conn.

ttmptra Motor Sales Oorp.vra* ion, I <;W on etraat; capital stouk atjfhor- iggA im .to o ; Ineorper'a^tr*, Louis W. J lttw a and Hkk >t. Vaa of Ballevitta

IS THE MAGIC W TO >10ME COMFORTU uMIbb S d iaU t PuraAun C «, N d w ii f t Beat Hobm ntnW M r, U 74S9 SpringfleU A n a n t

There bai nevdr bean t bettBr iavtted p Isa to togble the modest •lUrted oitii or th« sarnest wd^e-etmor to fitraiah hia bome with gofd tabdtantial furniture than this helpful convenient charge account which wg have. This method of paying for tha furniture yon aelect here it idaal. You do not Band a big Bmount of ready cash, but merely the amount! which ire readily agreed upon witti an, and thaaa amounts are payable aa you wish each week or month. Ramembar, too, that j9% may buy tha boat furaltura mada, which is sold at thia store, and pay for it this way. Vahwalcome cash purchaaea, but the opening of a ch tr^ account hat to many tdviintagea at our atore that it ia immoniaty popular and you will like it.

Solid Oaky Jacobean Finishy 7-Piece Dining SetFlBisk—r«W% CMm ! ! • • • « mmA F w 9mmrnlmm L ^tkm r iM i Tk|#

Mt U WAll Ill bAciiUful oAk aed flaithAd In jA<cob#An bro»'n color. E tch plrc#t (Mrf«Atly proportlon#fl ftnd p#rf«ctly ■UAtoeAd. With a ■ulta of th li quality eo ^ood took-

•0 ne#ly do*ifTt#d, with four chAlre, ^T 1 tipholjl«r#4 Jn l#eth«r And modorAt«ly4, your dining roon vlll. lod##d. b« A pleM ur* lo you wb#n ABtortAleUir FUAitA. 227 .50

Queen Anne 4-Piece Genuine Walnut Bed SetThese ls r |e roomy pieces, nicely proportioned, well made, perfectly mstched, sr# p«r-

Mcularly_gdspted for the well furnished home. Note the big mirrors In dresser and toilettable. The ehllTorobe has two large compart ments wllh trays over the drawers. Of this set Is very moderate conaidtring the g ood conttruetion of this suite.

The price 23441--------

Cane Paneled Velour and Damask Parlor SuiteModest priced set, eomprialni settee, a rm chair to d rocker; tome with sitrtctlTe

eunbursi pillows. Each piece matches and Is nicely flnlahed. Workmanship is high-grade throughout and ths general aprcirance Is very plessiog. Cane back and sides are popular and vety well liked by every one. The mahogany finlihed framea are all well polished. 139.45

Schmidt’s High Grade Vacuum Sweeper

.955 ^No good housekeeper will be

without one when she tees Its value. A sweeper like this one will be sppreclited because It doss IS good work as those coiling much mors; and it lasts almoai as long. Try one.

6x9 SizeThese Con|oleum Art Rugs. BxP site, wear won­

derfully. They look, good anywhere, kitchen, balh room or even In the living room. The patterns we have i r e very aitracdso and hive bright, cheerful co lon which wear a tong time. Note the apecial price for Wednesday buyers.

This Work Saving Kitchen Cabbet Should Bein Every Home . ,. This fas oaMnst has tws desp bins, iwa aunt 4rm >^ b r^ tmard and finely appotntsd eabliist

^ dMft at lha top. ThIi cAblnst la a real fanalB. It leoka asat and attractive In a Uiebeo.

T* *’*** • "“"’her of otbat good ttjrlia with added features. Come and sea them t il

White Enameled Bassinet,Helps Mother Care for Bahy t »=

Tilt style Is light, stnng, watt maga aotf aloaly auaiMled, It hat the squan posta and aauara flllar toda. It la fery easy to mirvs. Moanted M itmuij tubfaf-itwd wbaela. Mothers Bnd It *tiy eontnlaot and hatp^l when taking mts of bafa* A fatalBat Wfca Ibli one is worth miny ttiaiS Ita <

ask A. Dutsn of Rrooktyn.‘‘jL ^ w 'iis a s fk e U ir jB a com pany , Ino.. r a r e OA. - - -^ t ^ j A s ^ f l o M avon’ia, Bloomflald, ' ^ ^ “ ^ 'IlSA SSSt Iseorp-sralors. Rlotl-

1i# Of IJSfShpieM. M. T,.t LiuS* 'isboppsr af ytruoktru. andIg m fm vt Ttfm Tam citr- ^ ^ I f a y l a K Jo T tio * . *

4BnA|, jyaaHAl stsehI. Tm...... trm





WOMEN’S COATS\Flnter It here*~get retdjr for odder

weather. Remember, Mentor want! to trust you—w«nt8 to hdl stylleh, w*rm Overcot t l for men tad tbe smartest of comfortable Coats for women.Never mind about ,readv cash.Read Mentor’s term's ana come,In conBdeoce, to this friendly store. I

Welcome■BAD MW M f B

TERMSc u n dtjwn sad C2.00

a Weak on a pnrahssaof $30. Oa parehaasa of S40, $7$, SlOO or $160 Ubartl terms win bo cheerfully tm n g e d . PcopU Uving In sabur- ben towni are Invited.

M en’s Suits O vercoats

$30 to $65Bojs’ Suite, $8 to $20 Boys’0vercMU,(10lo$20W o m en ’s C o a ts$24 to $65Plenty ef Dreiees, Suits, Pur Vrrk

pieces, Stoles, BlouBee, Trimmed llaK Bwestere, Skirts, I’ettIcosU, Girls’ CoatrWeleotea.



Entrance, 149 Mai^et Street'• i

9 . .k .* L T h .n . .^ ____________ _____________Nutter, JsrsBT o ltr . OvsapSA TaUBfewfL T b m b l A o a s la MerrMawa, UbsMbo, Ohetkam, r ia ta f lA Parlk AiSar. a ^ h Amhar oaS Dwnr.

Linoleums^IFortune farared oa (Aid yea)

by pladng tel BUT way m appoftfa ntty to buy Uw a w ie amfe of Unoleuim, Ruga, Carped, cle., of

prominent Brooklyn dealer.T il* 1prlcea at srhldi wo bought

tha g o ^ tfublo UB to offer thttn to you at

Values Never Before Heard Of

Hwaa ara peetUvely tha hlglieat qaaUty ■ad shoteeat pattaiw, and an abaeliiMy psrfast aseapt srhere eflteralae apeeWad.

flaar Caswdl llaato a t tn m feu relta;

a l lWhl lF Imeasteat, bal wlU n e t atfeat the wear) T*- 'J A - Hidei row. A (7v ISa apsMet, ...

fa n TSa Fates ifagwalt n


WtteMa, s a a tr r s r

AM B a a t l a l w t t i t a i a r a thraagfc la Oaset baa«r^ S 9c

Rh . ll&OO «Ell Con* goleim R a |ii anocted pctteriH. Spedri

11.95( le u


a ^ ilM U l Tabat Oaipat ■T *— sstte: hsavy. ta ra b la

* M g i M i l J i n f a M t f a ate— '

B * f. |» .7 ( t i $ God. foleiim R m «

Cnolo*poiteiM .

5.49flUU BsseaM

U* ITiM Ida Bsssrr Alt aig ■Oil 4s>■sssrr us-aaiHMa a^ A B ..

S S M S IM JM S .r; ^iM O .B iB g y d W e e l

nsa"Sw Bb'WB •*•9*

lamiyilB Wifi Mi fldr «faaBag. Jtl. Oaa bb aasd a w AO

I sU Id a A R M ~ jngh grsAA atUwesl

» "a rjaa 47i 0iiapaM' llW Ragii


I 7,3 SPRINCFIFLDvAVE. 2 6 4 - I 5 ' ” AVE.j Mfr. A W M l . * - t - E T - CO E l 0 AV E.


CoUMfB iD h r


Would !

When tl Nor#mb«] th« r#p«i

th# citjr If]«rk lUy prov#»n*fl pr«Mnl#d y o titH a /ber ftl a auPv m m1wloit*r Dvptrtm#^rov#m#n g#r4 to #^.vtloplu

COlADking I for ■ <JI* ■trrufn a Ih# wtdU ■anetlon#! cky land th« M rtt con ttruet p roportf pal dock* city iho«1 m ta c pr l••tl#.#r#f aid r wa« siTOi lb# comv ■hould bt I t potni#* pr#v#m#n Ih# b«F V

Th* dlf C Rrdfl# Jn#rc«. wi \# m h rr 1 fo rtlgn I dte-J bartv tu a tu n d rilnrtikl i eiiv;ln«#rt V I h#h#!1

for 'h i -Mirt f f if heft**lr to .newr*a o ' I pn ■ r;-o#A Ihi liur lenlo';

W J rr#n ( liiin-h *l

al do* rliwmbf r 'i eltlj i up !l # w . tdofl fu. count 1 bf po^lt' I pa\ Ini. 1! i f i r y f!. W ii dirootb # ‘r btipl n'ul lhatliiv fr*wh' lur 0:0##d h (13 »ol<l; Intf.

Tteirty-iinem ginc

M m HuiGive







Suits3ats^ 6 5» to $20 4l0t«$20i Coats$ 6 5

vita, Fur \rrlt- , Trlrnmnl JlaK mU, Girl*’ ToiitM




I » * « t MfeMkk itl«fei to t o * i

Tz^m5 lift Goo*

mk% 95ciSSSSa t i tiMtotM WmI

V 3 S 18.98> 13.98^ ! w S T

irtii fito r R an

Mt f lt • • I »t i.

Men I Approve Bay Deepening by Gty

-------r—r* ' f

( iu a m t» O u a iim C < )n m a e t,m

BiDOrt to'Be Offered Nov. IB,’ Urtet Prompt Start.

Would Seek U. S. AidMenwfaae

When tha Chaisfrvr e t C stan arca maataN eram lxr t l a t lha Kotiart T raa t HoUk. I tha raport of Ua rivara and h a rb o rt i canm fttaa. a p p rev la f tho p lan to have th a d tjr apoDd iLlZB.'^pe to doapan Naw- a rk Bay ckajin tl and anaka o ther Im- provatnanti oa lh a w a ta r lre a l will ba praaantad. Tha repo rt waa rocatvad yaatarday Vy thp dfraotora of tpa ckan»' bar a t a m aallog of lha Uewo Town Oub< Tha oamaifUoa a«raad w ith Com* m latlonar Baymaod. dtroctor of tha Dapartm anl of S traata and fhjbllfl 1m- prorafnanta, tiuit tha a l t f could not a f ­ford to w ait loAfar for fadaral aid la ^ .valoplH f lha w alarw ay.

commUtaa faaorad lha plan of anakitif tha chanPfl th irty feat daap for a d lfianca of 2M feat acroaa tha •tream at l i t bottom and Incraaalnf tha width f a i t M tho aurfaca* It aanetlanad tha« propoaal to fill in tha city land f ro n tin f on tha bay w ith tba aarth racovarad In d radcln f, lo conatruct bulkhaada for tha flUad-ln property and tha huUdlnc of m unici­pal docka. Tha com m ittaa hold th a t tha city ihould fo ahead with tha tmprova- m ta c provtdlnc tuofta w ith a bond laaue. and to praaa t u cUlm for fed* araf aid meanwhile. W hether that aid wa« sla aa In wh«l«> p a rt or not a t hll. tha committaa conl«Qda|. tha work ohould b« tta r ta d aa aoon an poaolbla I t pointed out tha t, w ithout th a Im* pravoment. tha rU y 'i devalopment at the bay waa blocked

The dlractora annauncod th a t W illiam C n rdfield , form er Sacretary of Cotn- tnarca. would ba a apaakar at the \ernber I t m aatinf. lie will talk on foreign irada candltlona. Tha rivara an-J barbora covnmittaa waa dalaca^tad la attend a haarlcg T hurtday before f i l i nel J. <’ Hanford of the eorpa of eii^lnaera !:i lha Army bulld lnf. 19 Vi ! Ueha’l street. New York. In form i- tlci'i for the Condtaailunal r iv tra and h i Miri r.?tti?v>!noa will ba obtained at t if Hcfi'*lna. Th^ i*omir»ltla< 1« laek lo^ tn .ncfr'alrx tb«« tioed aud aal'.matod co«* o ' I ^e prcpoaMl Intraco.irial w 'itarw ay arroa i the Riata Trcni HhrUan Hay lo Bor lenlown.

\ i j r r a n llro th a ra ( 'o m p an y of ja t h i in h a t ‘ e *!. S a w Y o rk . p .iv in g nia t * r :ii dcntcrc . ^oinpIaJoad ap a ln a t c lia m b e r 'i action In b r'r .k ln K ault to a u J I up ’ he |l,iao ,a t)0 p a v ln c c o n tfa rtJ a w .rd rv l by the B o ard Of F ra e h o ld rra ft». county roadw TTia ram p^ ny took tha po^lt on that aa n d e a le r In |>atacted p.t^l^g. !t alao w aa u n d e r a tta c k . He<* » i ' i r y W W o llm u th o f the c ham bar W it d Ire c 'A l ir> In 'o rm the c o n tra c lo n fi<e*r b'lalncaa w aa not being c r lt lc lio d and that tha ch a m h cr w na oppoB'd lo III* fra^hnldere' methofl t»f jd re n lp ln t f tur c^oaa<l a p c c lf lca t lo n i. w h ich U.'u,ted l'.<h ao lely lo o w n er* of patented p a v ­ing.

'I'lilrty-ilx new inembe*'* w are elaclad, Incm aln g Ihe m embership to

Man Hurt in Jitney Acadtr.t Given $4,500 Verdict by Jury

F o r lpb »r> e e u a la ln ad w han a J i t ­ney In w h^rh b" w as r id in g a tru c k a n ­other JKney **1 1 ) o ra rtu rp a d At B ra n ­ford n l j ie and I'la n e a ira a t fteoloiribaT IT. It^l!'. Jo h n Z a ’e u - ik l of 12 Jooisi ftre*'( vr'itftrdey w aa aw ard ed n \ a rd | 't of S 4 .5 '' Jm' » J’lry In fh» Huprenie T’o c rt I ’ if'-tiil Th e v e rd ltt w an n'-1 r r n ' i w ra ln tt S arr^ e l A dC km an of &|9 IT ' in t i 'r 'n ' " 'r re ' . d r iv e r of the Jitn ey I ’l w bli h r.dinw dkt w A p ta ie n g e rA ilf U Tiftn n 4il • no defence

7 M •w il.i who iH fo M )- ro u r y e a n ct I. n'le h i4 to wnlV with h ra n e aa a r 'f« :ll o ' ri* Injprlea. The heel of h|* r1’’hi f'' 1 a mo*t aavered, lit?I ‘ ijnerl J t M\ W l-'alnier. told the h iry , j t !h f 'o of the au pportln g t *ne* In } lefi fi'Ot TV4 re ruji^ed »o ib t t they ) !• b r m »’-.I. Z jlew skl eihllm nil1 r fool ' •’ I he 1’ir>

_yS«‘Bfc«n«5q»' ^H^uquiij'a (gtqgee


le* •

The Thirst Twins knirv

w hit’s vh st. They u% tU

Tor this cheerful drink—

His Eiceltency, Mouquln’s

Ginger Ale.

■toee Ol. MW Twmvms « hs «W* rsam

Tires« ) 1000 Cord and Fabric Hres

t i t r iU L o r r 4M> m « com tant 111 ertjiee StiMt, New Tetfc TekyheM: Bprtog

BENJAMIN W. KELLEB, N. J. State A fta t IM Wsehtoftew Stm t, Newuk. N. J.

by Asran Tsrd ft Sons. Chss. M. Oscktr ft Bros.. P s it ft Titferd, Aoktr, nil ft Cendit Co., Schwsra ft Son, 3t WlUlsn St.; HaUlnss Bret.,

SoldMtrnll ft Cendit Co., Schwsra ft Son. 31 WlUlsn St.; HaUlnsn Bros., Bloomlild; H. C. Chnr*hl|l, Glen Rtdftc; B. A. Msitbews, CsMweU; Bsrr Bree., Nutlsy; M. Yemu, SnmsUt, and all leedluft grocers, reetonnats. bottli sod clubs tbreugbeat t b Uolied Sutes.


ALOO«QI.-S IWI o w t

, T h e tr ty h ° -^ P * b * ^(beriUw»tod|ka5d<W


cmIS i^gband OhlMfaa.

iMotiiers Know lliaf Gofluim CastoriaAlways

Bears the Signatiire,

M ta a ^ B U lH in ^

Lo b s o fSl m preag|lto ta H S ftto i« !^

lW3toto«d n ^ **

n e w y o b i L


In Use

For Over Thirty Years


M T n c n uAMO ‘


^ 9 . 0 0

AN UNHEARD OF VALUEin Cord and Fabric, being discmitin. ued by the manufacturer in sizes

3 2 x 3 ' ^ 3 4 x 4 > ^

31x432x433x43 2 x 4 ^ ^


35x4^3 6 x 4 '^


This is the first time in years that s proposition euch u listed above his ever been offered to the Tire User—a High Grade Cord or Fabric tire, popular sites—at so low ■ price. All these tires are branded. originil wrappings, and will give the usual good mileage. The Sterling Tire Corporation have adopted • new Head design and are calling in all the vacuum bar tires, which sccounts for our obtaining this wonderful proposition. These tirei ARE NOT SECONDS Sterling Tires have been libertlly advertised the country over as a "quality" tire. None sold to dealers—onlv two to a customer.

Your Choice 4 '^ ^REID'S

Army-Navy .Salva 'eOoodsiVfio/esd/ef/!etj//D/s't/-iiiutors

! i l 9 7 liK A N K O K IJ P L ..( ur Arlin,,mn.SV


Cl* D AV E

Four Storesla

Four CitiesNewtrk, Pitenon,

New Bnnuwkk, PhinlMd

^ ^ M d a / ^ e o . Chn5tmd5’jewe]r7ai

Positive GuaranteeYou must be satis­

fied at Holt’s, Inc., or your money will be re­funded without ques­tion.

We believe that pre-Christmas buying shoulf* be encouraged.

We believe that people need only the proper inducements to make early buying profitable—to them.

And so this week’s sale Is projected to prove these facts.

Every item of J e w e ls —suitable for Christmas Gifts—and that means every item of Jew elry in the HOLT stock— has been bought in great quantities to supply the needs of our Four L a r ^ Stores in Four Large Cities a t Special Price Concessions and Special Discounts.

And the Price Concessions and Special Discounts So Obtained We Pass Along to You.The Result Is Worth-While Savings This Week.

Waldemar Chains ' ^Extra haary grata gold, engine turned flat link,

and bar Waldemar Cbiin, Regular price la

1 ^ ‘Sil thii week................ $34.00Heavy green gold, 'round bar end link, engine

terned Waldemar; 14'bt. geld. Regular price it s23.oa * <(91 9 CSpeelel tbit week.................

Alt-Platinum bur end link Waldemar; i n ex­ceedingly handeome ebaia. Regular price la

Serial tWi week................. ^ 0 . 5 0A bfiuiifbl 10 kt., flat eu it Waldemar .chain;

handtome dcalgn. Pta- Price ,

Serial tbit week................... $8*50Brooches

Engine turned, opan Bar B re ^ , havlag ihrea Hna Aouamatieea and twe wbele penria. Ragular P % la I1A7& € l R Q CSpecial thia w eek,o . . . . . . . .

Cerate Sreeteh; madium aiicd Brawn’Cainea with flzgulrita cutUng. •. Regular .priet. la *ld/Wi * . ■Spatial tMt waah

Sopphln at>d Pearl Craacaal, natabla tap tba " l(S « f of the *!*J®J* ^

- t u U r p r i c e l a m J22.30

...............MBe ■•5a.#*'S.g,fTl*

BraceletsBracelet; 14 kt loose link Breoclet with five

Tourmallnea; new taethod of construction mnket thin unbrtiknhle. We ctu guirantee It. Regulnr price it tSO.Sa <f>PA n o Spednl tUn week................ I p D U .O o

14 kt. gold, cngjnp turned, lo<«e link bracelet with i fliw, equnre Al|iiamerines. Regular price tn $7a ( t C Q C ASpeda] thin w eta................... * p D t7 ,U U

Extra heavy, leeee Uak, uon-hrenkable Bracelet, with tve line, eqnre Sapphiree. Regularprice la SMJO. special thia week. $80.35

Extra Special ISOLID PLATINUM, loose link Diamond

and Sapphire BRACELET, having 72 full cut Diamonds in a double row, with six large Diamonds in square centers, sur­rounded with Oriental ^ H b re Sapphires. A beautiful, rich and handsome Bracelet.

Regular Value $2400 , Special This Week

Scarf PinsctiMB-thaped Aquamarine ttickpin In treen gold tetllog; engine turned edge. Regulnr

... $17.85Octi

priM U $21.00. S peelel ih le week

Magnidcent taeee-llak Bracelet; one Rne Dia­mond and twe Sapphires. Regular price It $100.00, tt:Q C A ASpecial tbia wack................. ^ 0 0 . U U

14 kt. gold, leaee-llnk Bracelet with three tqusra Sappmraa. Reg. price $32.30. - - -Sp^at this wMk..................

Extra heavy loese-Unk Bracelet, engine turned; the eectiooe are nnuiually heavy. Regular


price b SW.TS. Special this week.

$44.60ngine turned; ivy. Regular$2425

Diamond Sapphire Bracelet, having 24 Dlamofida t<fd 21 aquare Sapphires in solid Platinum.

Regular Price Is $1200 Special This Week

Bar Pins$1020

l■wra wiC M


14 kt. epaawerk greaa aoM Bar Pin with eqnire ^ ipMra center, ilia regular

Spaelal thia week.DlauMad end Saephlra Bar Pin; tve Dtanonde

and eaa Sapplura set In green geU epenwork bar. Rttnhr price la S4&Sa <PQQ A C Spactoltitaweek................... Ip O O .O O

AguameHne PaaH Bar Pin; 14 kt. greta gold bar wHh Aquamatlna tuntaf taUf w b ^ Paarli. Regti-a:.ttrai"’r.$io.85

" l i f t ’ll*

‘ ...... ' i - -; ■'-ij’i.

,F<M hQW fl

PLATINUM faced, engine turned Braco- tat, having II line Diamonds artisticany l i t

Regular Price $025 S p ed il TMa Week

Round Aquamarine, tn 14 kt. green gold fancy mounting with dainty openwork. Reguhr price la SS.TS. 7 A CSpecial this week....................... \P | , 4 0

Pear-afaeMd Aquamarine with full-cut Diamond, In 14-kt. gold mounting. Regular price i* $23.00. ( t O l O CSpecial tbia week................... ^ C V . U O

Beautiful Scarf Pin of t< kt. green gold open­work mounting, witb Diamond center and two half Pearls. Ref. price $20 (C1 ry A A Special this week.................... ^ X l . U U

Scarf Pin; pear-ehaped Amelhyat with whole Pearl at bate; exquitite deiign. Regular price le S 10.30. (pA A aSpecial tfcl* week........................ apO .eJU

Scarf Pin; Reconstructed Ruby In 14 kt. gold, wreath edge; handsome oval stone. Regulir price $7.30, <PA Q CSpecial this week.................. 4 l O . o 0

$531.75Scarf Pin; all-plstinum, set with nine diamonda

In beautiful gallery edge meunilng. Regular priet la $115.00.Special this week............. .

Ini. Regular$97.75A



■Iff. ■

Scarf Pin; plitlitom faea; 'l4 kt. green gold tack; epeuwotk deeiga; pear-shaped stone

with two fnll-eut, good-sized DIa- ’ menda. Regular priea le f t Q A O A

$47. Spadal tMa w eek^U t/.tT U

Shigl* Stone Diamond Scarf Pina,

: $15 to $250

Cuff UnksExtra heavy, 14 k t, oiol-sl aped Cult Links;

pliin (■enter, engine turned edge. Rcgulit price S2.V00. C 0 1 O RSpecial this week...................

New acfsgon-shiped, green gold, 14 kt. Cuff Lints; sun riv center. Regulsr price le $ lf OO, <P1 O Of?Speclsl this week...................

Rousd 14 kt. green gold loose-links, engraved edge *nd plsin center*. Tho regular pri«

s S i i i f t , , . ™ ,...... $10.4010 kt. octi^n-sbsped, engine turned edge, plain

center. Regular price is $8.23. A n O A Special this week........................ Jp O .O l)

Beautiful breetded, 14 kt. green gold loose links with four full-cut DIsmonds. Begulsr price

t d K a w e e k ........... : . $ 1 0 3 . 7 0

PUiiitum faced, high domed center, engine turned, with four diamonds. The effect is ef an all ptadniim Rnk. Reg­ular price $125. (M AZ? OC!Special this week.................... ^ l U O . u O

Plallnain-faoed Sapphire Buttons, 14 kt. gold back; twe Bee Sapphliet. Regultr price lassaoa - -spadal lUa weak.............. $22.30

tl! r-C'®!**' iMSri

ummial op^ruinitp to hoD pAriitoMu" hafmhand. Ang article

U potki^m antA mni matmnt lia t a e n a n d ::

4 ^

€ •

■ ■ . J ,. 'i' -i" •'■■■'Tfc'/'J


r v y c i . ip - ' I 'S K t . ■

t a i l * I i I ' J J T .1 { t a f f M * • h lf %wHiMa i««ll «h»W wwW Ijngnefl Inicfc **>' ti* «««ih h* »*• lutr-ivo* .......... ... »(ir»l»«d h r kl* wl(«.

.Stolen, but Roodveredr>*r>

MkfX C«* iuu*(*l will bt h*M tomorrow

iln( from H. P tlrtck 'o C*lh«4roU

Two Man Hidden in It Pul Off by XUevea. but Directioa Given I Lendl to r»dii)c.

iw iu r t * to lfinn h l(h rr.»m of r*«t'l*in I orlll k* rolokroloe^ Uurlol wUl t/* mo4*

Orange Boy Dleu; Told | KlRt'US-O ^ iBf for Iko M B ull, o«»roM »d Iho low*

tiM oMwoll ho ttkStory d Being Kicked

nTIuree Are Held ei Suipecti

A Irwok loftAd with tM c«*** of w klokr le ft tlr* **PO hotio* of WllllMO >. etolk, a t I I T roat alaao. »i T e 'oiotk ta e a r . lo t AUaatla H ivhlandi. wh*r* It 9 a * ta b* e*ll*«r*a to CootUkaiu* W ro t'ion V|«r*M Ifo n o lac or I I War

I o t r a a t , / t r a t r CU r*iii* irkofe irW ff____ . __nm l owM f, eroT* dawk t*a*Mlp oofnu*.A t Ckaaol 1aa4«l

oalomokIloO With a i 'i i dfo** acroo* fci* poth.

Tk* m ta loapod out, floohod badfa* an<t 4lapl*)*d t u n a b* a*ra Th«r look him Ik an t i l t o in b l^ b» tHIawaiiii*. wh*r<< Ik*- lot him M t.

Ho Klophaktil to e t t la , who. Ik turn, potlfloa l>ota«tl«ta K orria and n * a ih* VhlakT Ihoft il»i*ll *t polir* hrodqoar. J a n Bril aivl Harrl* atartod lV>»n V ark In an autem abll* and itoppod o< Adanm atr*at whoq thop w*r* ballad k j t« a man. M annlns had bid two of bl* a ttk ln 'aoo In tb* tra c k for tu i t auah Bn *m*ra*kcr Th*jr had b**n dioco* apod b> Ik* th ir tr* a t doath and Adamo S roo ia and war* throw n o a t Thar ■Oinlod tho dlrocilon tko th iar*! look and H ir r l t and lUlJ atartod a atarch

At Kmm#t atraat and Kaw J tra a r Railroad aoanua th a r found tba track •ta n d ln i aloha, tha w hlakr Intact Th«r OPitrad a aaloon a t th» eom ar and fputid tkraa mon. wall knowa to Ikant ■a acllr* aloaa tha w hlakr e»rb In ■alaoT a tra a t Tba man daniad ihor bad atolcn tbo w hlakr Thar bau fh t It from a n o ih « man. th * r aa'd- Takan b K k to pollco hoadq iiaru ra lh * r war*

In )■bllaJrlphls.

To Ask Investigation of Nudey “Mob Violence*

Weft O ruff Board of Education Would Have Proaecutor Act

Upon Foc4ball Rtimpoi.

Coach*! Conduct !• Under Attack

Autopty to Teat Aflcgatioo that Amult Wai Retpomdde fw

Frank Zrppi** Death.

Fellow-Worker Arretted. Paroled

and rovaroaap wblofc h r tha kr iaat aad wtahaA bim (o d -

Mk now k ■apaod on (Milan

Blaaipon TriB l)r. a ril La« | Oicbaatm.

lod on M l now aa« l*k*aaL a.Ian a n t Mr. O'lfolU ktao apoka. BntartaM M kl waa tnm lah ad bj

U a ra r

by iba lad tba

Total of $62,176 Pledged In St. Elizabeth Campaign

D o u b le B u i a l fo r S od

And Father, Car VictiimFuneral of Fomer Mewukm,

Killed in RavcQBa, 0 ., to Be Held Here Thunday.

jaredurei whoa M a n rin f roturnad Mollevartt, but bs eovld not Identifythem a i m«o wbo look part Id tb*

T ht m«* w«f« alDUd u ^artk ip ftn lt Id ihe boltf-up DDd fuve the follow- iDtf natpta Jdjrm Eelly* I 7I ffuw* borDo DTaDU*. Jh m ti MorDD. I l lUorDo DTiDU* J k m f MorDA. I l l t nearer our pia

wDehlDetoB |(r*# t. «o<l H arry Roth, Itog.*' he ntHded

Th« iTeii t'ran g a Bo*r<l of Bdueuti#* iMt Dlphi voie4 unantm ovalf to iDh PrOMMtDf llarrlDDD lo InatltAU an 1d- qu trr Into iDoh vIvUBca.*' tb« oain* DDPtia^ by CemiDtDaloner Henbart Barry to a d laturbanra after a fam a Saturday afternoon at nVulley between the blah arti<iol footbDjl taama of th a t ptae# and Weal O raora. and to aah (ha Nutley Hoard o f Bdueatlan to Ineeattfa te cberfea Theaa lallaf. made by Coach Earl D- U ardnar of W«ai O ranie. In* rtuda '*foul laaDoaDa, foul ta4rtlo» and brutal play,“ a ttrib u ted to Nutley play- ara. and ‘'im prapar eondurt on tba part of (ha raaoh of tha NutUy taam." Com* mJaaloner Harry Introduced the motion

T h t Nuilay ooach* Gearva J B(anfor4* waa arcuaed yeatarEay by O ardnar of havinc earned tha crowd. (iardDor ro* Iterated tha a io tiia tloo In an ta^mlry •oadurted laat o lchf by tho Waal Oratiya ttchool Hoard, In whioh a asm* bar of wllneaaee ware quaatlonad.

G ardner daclarad that while ho waa itand lnd on tha aldallnaa d u r tn f tha (*«ma ha neard rem arha from tba crowd to ■■».i ibla fallow*' aad "*fat

I (hat fellow “ It waa apparaal th a t tha j la a ra r our loam waa to a victory, tisa

Boarer our playara wara lo a tro u n c '

An eutopay wilt he porformaE th li afternoon an the body of f o u r ta a i-y ra r ' old F ran k Zeppl of M MawEenle Mroet Q ranfa, wbo died ai l : l t o ’clock |hi^ taom in f In St H ary a H oapltal. of a . bona affrrtion of tho hip, to d e tan a ln r If poaalble whotkar a kick ho aitPta1no<l aema time ape <*auaed h ti altowoDt. A '

I report of 'ha autopay. which will he I made on th* atretip th o f an anta^m or- 1

(•jn atatem ^nt made by the hoy, wHt be flv^n to rrM teeutor H arrlaop, wbo has

{ already caused th a traa t pf Patky Par-* j ralla. aevantaen years old, wf I1T Idn* | to la aveaiti. n ranpa. u«i aharcaa of | h a t ln f kicked Zrppt two n o i tk p Dfo* I

P erralla waa paroled yeatarday In th e ' ruatody of b it roune*]. Mayor W illiam A I-«rd of c^ranro. h av in f baan

The to tal amount ta d a ta in p lodfsa aad aubaerlptloaa from N aw ark in the H(. K iiw hatk 's O onaip oamiMiiirn la ralaa Mld*d94 for a naw dorm itory at OM vant ha j been b ra v th t sp to flT .III . aoDDrdinc to announoamonta at a meet* In f las t n lib t of tka cwpialna of the taam a canvaaaln t Easox County, hold at tha oomraunity rooms of tha Catholic W omea'a BofTire Aaaociation. t»4 Hroad a tre a t Tha eam palan to date totalo Ifl.tY I. f in ra tha raaetln f tw o w eeks a fo Eow ark has f lv a a tl.iTD

Spoakara amphaalsad iho way ta which tka Mooamoni waa beina hachad by tha c la rry , tha slalara. the alum naa and tha public. Bo ta r, tha alum na# haa Buta>'rlbod $17,411. m eaning aa

arreatad Sunday u lpht. paroled then and | averaco of mora than |I6 0 trotn sack

11$ UUIaton BvsDOe Tha pollra sap ftally U DO o thar parsoa than the wall Eddwq W illiam i* ^ v a v k 'M naiily* H oran It Jimmla I ^ p a a . and Roth m

R utkln. warned tn conoaelloB With an alrohel (haft comBnlttod on Ortober t l


Russian Wcman Addresses Y.W.C.A. Industrial Club

"I charpe Htanford with a dallborata aitam pt lo Inc^lia a r io t. ' w as tha rtatem ani before tha board la s t nlBht af WlUiam J Hmllh of W*at O ratiti- a wUnaaa of the name and of Iha ovaDte that followed.

"It waa a m lrarla tha t our hoys got aw ay.' Mr. Bmlih (old the hoard "Oiherwipa pome would Kara hoan killed They m aani to k ill them or

acaln a rrae tn l A k irk In the opinion of Dr Herman C Caaelnl of D ran«a who h t i b^en a tten d in g Zeppl. m lkh t haep been ihe rauae of ihe fa ta l all* manl

pfOOaniTrr lla rrlaon aald th is mofn- 1n« tha t Ib^ InvratlfB tlon of the d r - cumstaneea li under way. but th a t on ika ftfOAfth of a atatem atit obtained from P errelta he did not see tha ad- vtaablllly of a com plaint b e tn t m ada at this lime He elated* how asar. Uuit tha rind lnsi of the autopay wovlB bs roDildared lb connection w ith tiM othar Inform ation obtained.

Mayor Lord aald today th a t ho kRD beam InveptltatlnD a rapo rt (h a t tRo bey’s Injuriaa war# duo not to D M ill but to hurta ha auktalned whilo IR tko C ranfa Hlsh Rchool cym naalvm . wkoVo ha was a atudant

Aftar Zeppl'a death tho body VM tth a n to the homa of hla pi^aD tE Mr and Mft. P ater Zeppl. and T>r. y/llllafn M Rrlan of Oranya. deputy county phyilclan. waa notified. Tha body waa ordered aeni lo K unaa m oreva la Or- an fa for tha autopay. w hich Will be performed by r)r. Rrten.

X atory Kappl told to Dr. Caootal waa tha basil for an invaattvatlop thikt led to the tak ing of the aa ts^ n o rte n i ■tatament by a rep reaan ta tiva of the proaecuiof

Both ZeppI and PerroU a woro am- ployed abr'ui two m onths a|ro ky the

A raalaw of kar agperltncee la Ryaeta a fllm pva af the unstsb la condl-

of a«varniDeftt thara were ffirsi) |r ; '

lynch them, because I haard them oay | Kss< Oran«»* ^ \•0 " Mr Bmlth la a format chairman Inf plant In W aahinfton piooa, that of the W«ai Oranfe Rapubllean orfan- . fitT- Zrppl was an errand J*T laalloa and aettya In elylc anierprlsea I afternooria after srhooi and Farralla

I worked about th a praaaoa.

matiiber. F rank Walsh, a m em ber of (he eiA ruilra committee, railed attaa< Hem te tha fine racord that waa beln# ■Ude by (ha alumnae.

Other pledfea and aubacrlptlona aa- aounced were I M I I from Fll«ai>#>ih and from PaitraoD |M I$ - Tba capiaina will m eat at f l 4 Broad otfeet Monday sts-* Binf.

Uted Erie Bridge Footpeth Forty-eight Yetrt, Seyi WitocM

Thai h* hod b*o4 tk* foeipatb oa tk* t r t* R allnaA k r id fa batwaoo tb it o itr asd K o a ra , (o r r o t ir - o l fb t f to r* Iho to o ttn o n r o f a w l t a m toda* botoro Vtoo Oboncollor L ovl* la lb* rinoJ btarlBA of th« oult of th* town lo K eo n tr to ooiBkOl tbo rall- roul ooBipanj to bullO a foocpoth oa (he n r* b r i lf * which la to raptaoa th* |.r - irn i Itraotur*. O ther with***** •ubpa*n**d by Jud (* Clpd* O. to iita r.■ own b tio ra o r of K **raf, n ro r* th t r

u**d the bfi^k* e>r a* m a a , ** 1

Trolley Deawlnbed Pony Cert

A doqbt* funtral for Atfr*4 J. Hood and hi* *l|ht-T*or.oM ooB. Alfrod, (or- ni»rlr *f thi* etty, wbo w ort hia«A Vriiiar *t R***nn«, O,, *h*a aa doo- Irk' '* r ran Into a yonr earl la wbleh tb«r **r* w1ll*b* h*l4 Tbar*-d»r *rt«mpoB at D*aaln«*eo andar- Iiliinv p a rlo n , U , ap n av n o M avoBoo. it#T Chari** B. Tlllaa. poator of Rolr* mouni fi*pti«t cburob. will orfieioto llurld will bo la RmlriBOaBi OoMtorr*

Mr* R*«4. wifa a a l so th o r of tko Tlollma. arrhtod haro tkta n o ta ta e from RoToana aa4 la otaylae with kor mothtr, Mra Jaaoo a TfUor a f fM hiirlaafloU araaao.

Th* aooituat In wklok H r. Roa4 aaS Ml aoa loot th o ir llroo oooa i t o* a t a1 roller orooelna. They w « * a _____nied by Ralph Do Ixiete of Koat, who oonienpiMod poixhoolna tbo rt« triea Mr. Rood. Do Loalo, who woo ohlj iilfh lly Injurod, laid be noltbor hoard nor eaw th* cor *t«riioehlBg.

Th* hoy wao UlUd tn itaatty . Tho father dtod o tow boaro latM la a hoapltal. toUowlBc tho a a p a ta tla a af OB* of hla t o n Tbo poay wao hlllod ■bd tha eart oomoUobad.

WboB Hr. Raod naood with hla family to RaroBao aboat two y iars age bo waa Maaa«or of tha Rrowa- lluoholo Oorparatlaa. U Kaabaala oiroot. tkla ally. AI th a Ua*o af hla iiroth ho wao Boaoral maaaeoe a t tho Plaloa Rlag CoBhaay of R aroaah Bo waa thlfty-throo yoalw old aad hoaldoo


th* ladM urlal (‘tub of ib* T W C

t ia ti nU h t by HIM O lf* NlkO' T thnra. r-ho haa Juat aatum ad har Satie* here a* aaalalnnt aerretary «f tb - I n tu - tm l a i ia n 'to n .lepartraant

M ar moat elvld aaperlanee, ahe told, yraj boinf rom pallad to remain la

' Ayahonyil almoal a year by aa over- . bight Bolaherjvi aprlalitg which tu t her

* " ' re tu rn lo har horn* city. . a* trogr*d.

..ig tha upriatng, th* gorarn- : laant ehaafod d a rin g th* atghi from : tb* Im hailal rttlo to the bovtat form . Vid back t* Iho Im perial tb* net*

Cornlnii. gh* to ll . , D urK g her m.iy of •a than a yaar, ‘ih* a*w oocretAry gtaieil. the fovernm eal ehanbod back bhd fo rth mora than forty lime*.Four T. W. C. A. a -e ra ltr laa lnt*r-

g tted Mil* N lko laerikaya In aoclal **r- ■Vica work while eh* waa In Archangel. ’ b ad It w aa. th rough thara. eh* *■-

alalBod, th a t th* cam* to thle M uatry In U l l ortlhoai B tlrm p tlag to ra tu ra ta ra trag rad . (Then gho waa out off by Ul* ggrU lag: eh* bad only a au ltn a* o f bar bO|oBgtng* w ltb her which, ah* bddod. ladd* hor May la th a t city io l- fn a a l t I t waa all of her w orldly ho-

lla^d abo bad when aba oatn* boro.

PureacB A fle w E M eat lB a*Akout tw enty of Iha h lfh K heel

keya and ntna paren ta w ars p r s s tn tia t Iha hamftna the t>oard lev e ra l m ek- b e r t of (h« team. Inoludlnf CbaxlSa Rhowmakar. wltoa# aluailoR of a Rut- toy piayar la adm lttad to Uavr preclpl- tatad the iroulbie, also told of the fra-

Mlaa NlkalatTakaTB la a frad u a ta of aFatfWvrad UaleerBlty aad taucht aatora

• Iv d f 1b a city b lah aekool thara (er als M r s . Bha ertan lsaA a «KlldreB'a 1(* v ra ry la (»onfiaotl«a -with tkw oily II- %TBry duH nf her stay a t A rchanaal X fler eem ^la tln f a auuraa at tha a t- Baciatlon trs ln ln g sehool in Naw Tork. ■ha waa aant tn Naw Bedford. Maaa. w k art ake subaiUt^ted in aasaral post* ttoos bafora com ing here.

Mrs. E. A. Reuss Retires as I Holy Anpels Nursery HeadR atlrem cni of Urn. Kmll A Reuaa

from tha ppep'df'iiry of the Nuraerv of Iha Holy Angela at the e le r tlo r of (he hoard of manAgere yeetarday .waa (ha Moat m arked change tn th a t body. Mra lUiMa has hald the ptfice from the fin d in g an^ waa th t v rg an iia r of tha l^ktllutlon a ll yaare ago.

Speaking of th e chanEc. Mra Rauaa ia td thia piiorntng (h i t aha had dacldcd to re tire beertuae of having many other gctlvltlea, hut that ahe wou'd rernaln •n the board arid cnptlQua her Iniareat Ib the work. "I did not stand for ra

Bhaamaker. who daniad a report ha aald h** had heard that ha ran off the Raid a fta r the row atarted. s ta te d (hat he waa angered by the rough tarilea of Iha Kutley p layrra

• 'I w asn't III the tarnn vary long kefara 1 reoalved a kUk," Bhoamaker dcoUred. ” 1 also waa taeklad before I caught the ball I9 e forw ard paea play. Ona N atlay man peralaiently ktokad me and eae aa t on roy head wlilIc I w as down s f ta r the w hittle blew *'

Thla p layer alao ehsrged that im proper language ''*'## uacd by m em beri ef th a Ngtiey team.

C aptain Joaapb Baldw in of the AVi-et O rah fa team claimed th a t he protratad to th e refsrea about the taok lihg of ghoam aher when hr w as not In pneeaf- itOB of (ha baity but th a t the offl<;iBl denlrd having seen iha seta.

E taaford daelarad today th a t, far from having Incited tha crowd to vto- lanjse. ha -had aauBht in evary martnar to provaai a dlaturbanca. Htaaford ran Dp and down the fl#H yelling, ' W here la O a rd n a rf ' he adm lttad- but hla ru r- pooa waa i« obtain an caplanatlon trorn th e .B fa a t O range n u n for th r ictlo ti of cha m ountain tram In leaving Iha field

Stanford told th a t while ha waa m aking a se a rc h fo r the W est Orange man he w aa In co m p an y of Dr f lo ra ce Tantum of the Nullay Board of Edu­cation T h e ro ach added th at aiatr- menta of both the re fe ree and um p ire

I Bhow thet he acted x* n gA ntlem an"So fa r aa T and the hoard of (he

N'utley H ig h Bchoni A th le t ic Aaancla- Mt>n a re m n re rn e d ." added R lanforrt. ■'athletic rr ju U o n a w ith ( lie W e»t O r ­ange H lg n Hrhoo) are ca lle d off I have rohfcrrt-i! w ith scho o l o f f lc la la at M orrtatow n and h o v e r and th e y have In tu rm ril me Ih .il a lh Je t lr relatli'ina he-twF.T yi’eat Orange and Ihelr high ichonla have alao been tarmlry^ted Ue- cauae of acta of W att O ranga High Uchool a ih > t lc teams."'

Albert ’Wranaeh. d a rk of the W ait Orange board anid th is m orning that ho probably would w rite to the proae- cutor Nome Mma th la waak

Tha Injurad boy's story w as th a t aa ha w ai helping ParraU a to put a form on a prMi It fall and h u rt FarraUfe'a foot and P erre lia bacam a angry and kicked him

Nn bad reaulta bayond a bralaa wara noticeable for about two w aaki. Zappi sought treatm ent firat at O fanga lle - morlal Tlnapltal. About th raa waaka Istar ha went to Bi Mary'a and two weeks ago Dr Caaslnt look (ha case.

T)r. rta iitv l aald today th a t he re- silted at once th a t tha boy’s chanca for recovery was alight aod be rapsrled what he had laarnad to tha proaecutor'* offlca.

th irty yaar*. Judga Boucar aald ha him* » aelf had travarasd tha b rldga oa foot for twanty*f!ve yaara

Tha ufs of tha bridga a s a w irsaa of font travel for tFaikty yaara b«tw aaa fhla city asd Kaarny gnva the moalcl* i paillleR conearnad tha r ig h t to ootnpal ' the Line Hallroad to iDcluda a foo tpath ' in the pisna of tha naw a tm o tu ra , 11 | was arguad by Judgo Boutar. Tha \ Erie Hsilroad'a lagal rapreew atatlva | waa H ow art Payna of Ja rsay City.

Tha Nowark and of tka b rld g a La a t tha foot of Oouvernaur a traa t. The K earny emd la a t P staaio and Johnaton avenusa

The visa ohascellor dl root ad tha a t- torhaye ta R ls briefs by Dootwiber 1.

<SiMd*SC w «Bld H dl ■*«!» matfe dtiBH amA

2 f * * * 3 * " - ? * * * * B tT w e .ffcld ortF, H n . WllUBM Ta«B« • ( I I ■llto b*«b m IrviBdtoii. Bad WIUIaaB H. g e n ,** •» »M!A aifM adBlh n rao t. ■aat Oraama.

EiprcM Company Lifts Ban On Shipments of 200 PomxliWoUa* a f tRa rBBMfal a t t to a a ta n r a

OB aapraa* oUpiaaMa a f Md faaada ar

ttk ttat naw toUaleaklag — ANCRB C haiii wiUi Ha gm - ulaa Boqaifoit flavor.

troBi thd * tia CamiBBr. D a r t a t t a * tk a t th* h a a w aa ta

bar ut R a llw a r **T*ral ■affoot thap la iB U f r a H ' ohlRpara' th a ! Mia r«l* w arhad n M h ddafaalaa a a d oBpaaa* la ih lp p la i food# h r asw ao i. Th* tra ftio h a ro au df th* ahadahar haa hMB aa- dotahllav the** aoM Rlabt* a a d Braaaat- H v tb*m to Ih* eom paar w ith ar«*>m«Bt* to r tha U ftlaa of thd baa

W hu* aaaaaU av thad F a rtlo a la r *m-hM «*. Ih* * « t a * oaaiM Br ratala*d

J?** a a rm liB io aCar t t * i htp i i B t a f ^ l* e * t of oatM oai walefcf.’ tlaad at t.H « F*aad* or a e ra .

D O N M R ^ HOF, lac.H WAonmmr n .


IkMeniimdlkWoniu’sIM ofl)^ere kwklBg torvsra to • trw t tonorrow Afternoon, for the Aft DevATlinent It to hold Jti Drat mooting of the yenr.Through th# conrtnmr of reptwAotative tnanufactnrera there

ihfhit TextOen, OntooneA, Silks And Woolen*.b to be AB Mhfhit IThAne AIM MlAoted *lth tpedAl refArenoe to color And doiign. to Ahov vhAt AmcrlcA it AccompliAhing Along those lines!Th«« will be moFlag ptetnret, showing the vAriou* stAges of Mlk productlen from the cocoon to the Bnlshed product Mrs. G. R, Lewie will inlk about wearing.Tan win be eerved Afrenrard In the Assembly Room.There will be a chargo of 50c for non-members.

1828 4%—Savings Department—4% 19211

Orange National BankDepealiA draw Interest from the flf*t of rich month if made on oi

before the Rfth day of the month•*eer y r cent compound Iniersdt on hilincet of Bve dollirt or

w r t . iBtaraat eradited tnd ptysbie four tim rs * year: January i April I, Ju ly 1 and October 1.

**■ S d tu rd ty r : *(>0 A M. tniI mO Noon, end Mondey evenlni* from 7«) to 8:30.

V* Invite you to b^me one of our depositor).1828

depositor).Ninety-two Years of Service 1920

County Asks If It SharesIn But License Control

Whrth.*r R hsvk Cminty rrmy sh s rs In thB foritrol of Uesnseii Ibbub<1 by munlol- pnlltlfs w ithin the county su th o f ttln g Jitney ownsrv lo opBritA on county roBils. Ib s question f>n wbleh tb s rosd nommlttM of th* nosrd of FrssholdB rt (till morning rsVbiI sn opinion fm m Tpunly Counsvi n ig r lm

That (h* frBBbnldsrB ought to psrtio i- p sts In Romo way In thv liBuIng of l1r*niivB WBB PuggvBtBd by Fr*«holdvr leAComb# The roinmSttfR thought well fnough of thB Idva to liiouiro Into Its )pg*l Bip^ntB Mr Pilgrim pfobfiMy will report At th* n e i t m eeting of the commutes

RBfsroneB mIbo wbb mnds to theeounty coiinRel of m le tte r from County Rnglnipr Belm er s t i t ln g th s t AlBi- sn<lsr Uliuiue. oon tm etor who Is paving Kagls Rock fkvsnu* WeBt Orange, de- i t l r^ Bttps rompettBntlon covering the difference to corI of moterlBlB required to pave the e i t r e w idth of the m reei which hftfl been widened hy th* town "Inr* the con irarl wne begun

The Bnglneer ita ted that between 2 r>00 nnd l.ooft equrtfr yardn of eddl- tW>n*l p*3ement nof crmtemplAted In III* ron ir/irt would b* rrn iilred A*

I llir c o r tra i to f h*d not cofitrsrtsd j rnnierlnl nerrled for ihse fjiTra work. h«-

WMB unw illing to do It at Ih* prlcee fluolBrt In hla ro n tr* rf. but w anted (n bs compenaated for th* Inrrsased com* of (he fnsterlAl* alnc* th* vofitrect woe 1*1.

BAM BERGER & COT/i^ /fom^ of the Good Piano

Pianos to Meet the Music Needs of A ll Homes

Tomerrow'f Court Call)

R o llo n :" th e aald. '1 will real a y e a r 'added the ftnxn<'Lpi coudltionB sr*

go good that she fsl'' It wse a HQllahle lim e to m «ks a change In offiosrs

MIbr Agn*B O arrlgsri. who waa elected gresideiu, I# abroad and Mr* Rbubr explalnaO: " t am still tp rb a rg s and irill be so un til SJIsi G an ig an re tu rn i "

MIbb UAfrlgan aerved ItRt year aa oorresponding ssc re ta ry and Itfra Iiaa>' A. Hopper w as to th a t o fflrr.the only chnng* srccdi that of preal- dent. Th* o lb e i u fr 'e rre are: '\'lc*krealdetiiR. Mrs. E ¥" H anter, Vrm. Adam Derg and kffa. Jitbn How*, re- qording secre tary . Mrs rharlsH ro s- gruvs. (re<iNU'>r, MIhb M argaret llHIly.

Bscsiia* of Ih* pr*valenc* )if whooi>' iDg cough and meaBtsa In tin nvlgh- borbooil of Ih* nursery . Hie numher i f ohiidren* fa re d fo r w' ar not s(» g rrid last motilh. It w as reporiAd. lhyupi!i thar* wbr a dally svpii)^-* of abnui forty-five.

Th* board planned rrv aperUii yiiean* for financing he w ork th ii luit.will ofi-operat*' 'n underinkJniris p lt'i Bed by the auRrilary, lnrluiin>g * bbIa to be held In nsccm l'er.

C^Rea on call for tom orrow tn th*Circuit cou rti ar* '

Bupreme i'ou rt call. Judge M ountain , , , . ^ ^—iPI. r r r l Harwood vp city r f t’fth- | O range Counctl, K nlgh ti

South Orange KnightsDine Father Corcoran

A hanquBt was tendered last n ight to Rev CornelluB A- Corcoran, arm y chap-

George Van Horn Huff Diet;Retired Policeman of Newark

C,t‘org* Vfln 'l^ rn H uff a. rallr*d Newark pf'li^'tmhn died 'c f lrrc lay ui hiB h'»rn*. i;.t Ni^rlh Nln*r<’«nrh Rtroet, E ast n range . I lf liarl bvan -n bad h e a lth for H loiiK lum and wan reTIrvit tn IflO fur illnibilliv rr-Ruhlna frrjm duty

Huff WHN Hinrilnted to lti.' force Jun* la, 1 ‘<N2 ao<l i!i Ih'.i’j hi- ivAR inatlf in- ip e rln r «f ri'\ nl%ir i-Tfii Mre Tht' fr.i-lowing yijtr hi- \v:ie iruiile ,t rmi ii lpim*nJn 15'’T ill* I....... ... .i* I a(‘hr!l to ih-*

' trUuiicy 0 i-p-i‘-t.. c i' iifk I a ;.: ir l.-il-r to hcUflqoarl r-rn. if - w^r run irm-**! (,o S p e c ia l 'Im y fi» I h t K rai IT - .in .-1 | nl i e j an«J fi-rve 1 in th a t < iij u n rn

way, "dO, Ilyran A. Rcarc* vs. W illiamK *nri‘fl' L'il. Fcrdlnanil Klurnp Jr vp OuatBVA A B urkhsrd t; 174. BridgetHoe VP J i’fin K L Ivbhaiijer. < 19.C hrlalU n Ilrruhl \ a. John -Sohl; 1S7 HsaMUk raRRunovd \% Andrro. Monde.47. V J Hoqu*mbourg vs. Molntlng Machinery f’nirii'sny. ISS, Nicola llru- nM lf VH r n | l f «1 SimI'R ftrrw tiig <'om- pany, 17?. .S' Newark & KRRex KanXIng <'o. Hmll Zuckor, 223Ailam Muller v& N'urlonal <'-'!>;>*rage A iTodiii'I. 2?4. WkHai r II Uriidlfy vs.New I’olnt r^ m fo tt lt*ach I'ornpany, ?L'L. Anti'-ilo .Scam n. va I'qtillr Kar-vir itjinvkkiy I'rinipnuy; 2k6, Michael J iiwen* Ssri i Kir* A lalf* Insur- iir-.i Co . 32*. VV'lihaiTi honnally vaM imi Fire Murin*- InauratiPf f'om psny; ill" John H hil* VP rirjbarl C.' > I ■* I, 231, j-'riiTi-riui'i, S.uuum ttRSlno Va.F (>u' -Iit11 >n ‘ 'rinni.i ny

Liit..! I 'lrriitl Lirl. Judge [*ungan— 651 r J IU fln:> VH PuUlle t»*rvlce llji i'r>nip:^ris . r.61, A A lluaRC vbI’utill. .H(*rvlre ftuilway ' ’ompany. 666,\ .‘vir'nh*rg VP i ' .Mindltn. 6&n. N- My>TP SI JteataurRni 643, KU '1> ki'ItuniM VM T Z*rrMiv't, 543. C. W eller vm Hublli;’ S-rvIc* Kailway Com •

, 6 4 D. J lujnrty v m M. J n f'icraon 644, Hen H fl'Hhea vp Hifrn- ! rile Coiil n r lq u rli! ' ,|,-s rat. K.Ftarria ' » A ‘Jcrslusw lti; 4*7. M Appla- [ baum VB J K <'rnaf^ipy. 43Z. W Kaidler | VN I*ub1ir Survlrj. Hallwijy Company, i 433. It FT IK li VM (Jenerni Hu king ' ’om ‘ puny: H ttURsniari VB. I^ublle Bervl''* •Uaitva.v Company, 47 1, c |.' Htilne vm ’ J 9j>c1)*r. 47H, roapischitl va Gpii |i HtrujFbl*.

of CnIumhua at th* K nlghla' horns In Falrvlew av*nu*, About 116 persons were pr*nent, pniong (hem being Mayor Olllein r>f ihlp ‘1ty, State Deputy John F, O'Neill of Jrrpey City. H*v Dr J J. Daueiihau*r. H*v W illiam A. G rif­fin and Ilev J ''h n J Shcerln of (he Hn'l I’olle-icc fnrulfy. Rev T^mo- eihv M ^^r>nol'nn. nf tU. Church of the Hacpnl llrH ri, I ‘. -orr.f li-id, and former rector of tl,- « hurrh of <'iir lAdy of SorrnMTM, N.,tjih (►range. hihI lh« present r<»c(rir Hnd rural* of that church. Rev. WlllliUTi f ‘ Oesily and Ilev John J i^-lnney

AlPr4*d flchro*tt*r iirmenlP'd a traval- Ing bag to F&ther ’ urcoran In behalf of Ih* council The jiricsl who served s> H urAt* at th* .Soui}| cirunir,. churrh Re\ t h I yeflTR ago, hue r(*) Hnily ro tii''rifn1 from nverpea*. He win t«ave IhiP week for r>avton, r* wh*-re he will be Btatluned al the aviatlori flfld.

KrUharti Urudy ufkI p.moviin spokn nf th*1r asRaclgtlnnn wjU, KHtner Cor

Be it a humble cottage or a stately mansion which needs a good piano to transform It from a house of four walls into a little com er of heaven on earth, the Bam­berger P iano Division is the logical fountain head of supply For here we have assembled, after careful and critical selection, those instruments which enjoy the most enviable International reputations In the piano world.

O ur extensive collection Is not confined to one or two makes, or to a limited number of styles. O ur idea of service is to provide a wide selection, so th a t an In­strum ent which suits the individual taste and idea of price may be readily chosen.

Grands Uprights Players


Uprights and player-pianosof various case aesigns, eachone artistic to a degree, each one built to produce good music. G rands in many sizes, including the small apartment grand. And reproducing at­tachments which re-create the playing of the masters arc shown in both uprights andgrands.

Pleads "Lost My Temper," Court Says 'Til Lose Mine—Fine $25 "

hla rktiriinv-ntHlfl wife and iwu fhlldr.*n aurvlvf

him- Tha ohUdn-n ar* b r W.llijim IJ. Muff ami Mra. Mnrjf.rlf* Mnuer Fg- ■srsl a*»rvic*M win be heifl ti>niorrnw Dftsrnoon at I 80 n'clork. Inlerm «nl a t tba conv*nl*nc* of tho family.

Mrs. Celma BenoitMr*. Calm* rtonoll diod at tho hpm-

or hor >on. John Bpoolt. IIS r , r r y Otrcoi. »-**tr:<l*y. Bhr wa« nlnoly- )!•*<* r*ar* nW, Mro liriioa « * , born I r Caneda and cam* lo iHis coi4|ttpy about th ir ty roar* a*o, lak in d un hor laaldonca In N orth Adam*. U b a . She aaaio to Kowark about four y e a n aa*.

. Baalda* har aon hor* ahe I* aurvlvnl IF ano thar aon, Philip Bonolt of North ^daoM. and d a u a h t t r , ilr* . Collna

i r * o f I fo n rk h . N*Onn‘. ' T ho funeral . M b « )^ Thttroday nvorninij; a t S

"1 l»‘Mi iiiy lp ii.|uT .'' wsi» th# *R'*UB* eiffi-rt'J tii:n m o rn in g In thr- B as t O ranir* I 'o l lr f ‘ 't iu rl by R alph Bonwall, colur*d. tif ]u N orth Mtr**4, Ih ia rU y , w han a rra lR n e tl h ffo rv H<m o rd ar liSllia on a eh ttrs* of uaihg utignlv* ta n g u u g s to ra4riJ>linHn MaUrl<'u F . FstiftVRay.

"W hat would! hupp*n If I lost min*?'' nNkt'd th« recorder.

"The aatn*," relH Ivd th * p flao tie r "A ll r lR b l. n i li>R* m ine. 126 fine,"

replied! the m aglRti uF^atrnlman F *n ii( Mny ortjertxl H o a w sll

arid R s v a r il o th er* tsu th * n ig h t of No- v *m b |S 1 to "m ov* on" In M ain s t r s s t . nsfer R a rk w b y lioawsll, (h e ufGcer Raid, IW 04S Kt him and than ran aw ay . H e WRM recoKhlRetl, h o w e v e r, and Ih la m orn.|]ig w aa su m m oned to a p p e a r in cou rt.

Attention, Investors!

Ei(C*ptlonsl Investm ent; four-)tn ry brick building. S to re ) and A partm ents— i m p r o v e m e r t s c e n t r n l l v located. Moat be sold.

Feist & Feist“ Kddl b U to .Super-Service’*

738 Broad SL Tcl. ttSOO Mkt.

y < li |M '« t Our t a d r of M t pannM , O b v r ^ w har* a raaulom mao* wilt im i « rM «d. s WtH-WI -Rtu b« mad* In Holy

dpUleh;^ Ca«oi«rF.

Hixry Cox^

‘ &■ kjuflkdr s)( F*ar» T.tbd bored-

h*iL H*

Almost Blinded from Eczema

T h i eWId ■ hiad and f**» »*r* a*v arad th* •>*» w,ra <do**d. “ n.)ul OompUia nTlaf faUa««£*n rd 111* w ant raa* h* had ira r **«n. On* lamp!* - - - - - -H fJ.

DoMor r **«n. did «*ud*r>

. a f j l< ____ ____• J tfc * i D«nal**r. M la * % Ala. T n wnia, to*, to lb* b. bl H A m p o n e ! ChlaiJM fnr a eam*]* amfi »■# iiwr-

ai* ralWaf C b la w tor a aamsls asfl gat ininkstff.

fUal. O ask — -

Furs Repaired and Remodeled;iM rienced furrier. Work guar-;d, **

by experienced furrier, anteco. ftererences

83 E|>plrt S t. Eaft OrangeP h an f O range 8885K


Speak SpanishSfatlTO taadrnrtrir

C lu e S tart* N eren ib er t fA edoroo deatgned to add mMl'

to prapare Ihom ialvei for ' cr*aaln“ . . . .W att Amtrlea.

ip a « Ihom ialvei for ^ * r tn> n f oppurtunitleo in t r ! ^ w ith

indlBA Central a a l eetcli OB.

; A .Edneatlooil Dept. T, U. C. X

.mlRaiMF' ■i.

These Famous Makes to Choose From


Behning Shoninger Davenport A


Welte-Mignon Reproducing Rlanoa—and otbara


Terms of Payment to Suit the Individual Purse

Ownership of any of these splendid instruments is within the easy reach of all, thanks to the Bambergfr convenient plan of monthly payments. Your old piano will be taken as part payment, if desired. We will be glad to quote you a value upon your old instrument


L. BanbergMT S Oo^Ncw«rk, N. J.

PIms; MdviM m« bow nraeh yoit vUl ■Dow (or my old piano, toward tbo pnrehaae of a new duo.

Namo . . Addraaa

I - •

•f' -. AMf!


' . • •< I-1• ■r - Oj *. ■'I






I 'l . .hAva doa I roganth a t I eharv a! loA

Tba tU n li appall far I) Iru tta roardi I) ■*,

Tba hriatl; R ule) Undar F**r prara, m anti mtdali etaa mlaali am ox t h t a*


am aiith* tllodtloim aatbothnaotlofarm**IB«*tru tt* tuch lb* ck a pro Ib* chaacowithIb accbo Bbi

Ho) to **v roligh c a M r rad ii

■Th( opinio th a t , aeeorf •foraa It th a III* pi inamb AiBtrl uulraj taar* or pro tton 1 a n t lo th a t I * aoei eollasi latad I t to t thay aand 0 eollagi ■a c i te

Th* I ea lit a ray or when 1 tu ral C la tti tu t alono ol Joroaj' t e te l i r raltlon p »o ri w tittu tl.i from rr l lu a h r i

In tlx Uorroy <oiT of a t the e and It) to the th a t dr Ita i-all, vataly ( I t f r a n lo ttrr 0

Two H urray tha ehi at*d by partad Praaldri an ard i Cburoh Waldan CaUklll from I) praaid)! ehareb UtTF " eampo)

U r. 1 fir* to r RutFOn tu tlon I nndar l tlM- pro made i Thmaat tlam eoi


Hra. ]n«n «a«Waa ii*head. Ji la r«por a n t l i t pt«f *A o)upl* f I M a t abDdUFwift Iftdl-plngt a d haa Fatiwlm ttF d ra l bbtbdnd

t a ta 0 *]>«aM a t d r d a Jam *) I *<Ur***, «IbMd 1 rtdd lnp ffepbodl hid dapi KtUF a

F1(a atHit* n<h im Zalhad pi*




I'A igM all

' and iwa w ith thipHnllai

.MOfT IDIraMOl f f .F r tl l a t tarotUBlty t alUaa.

, ^ ^cim iarn td hat

' 5 S p ^

’■'ttS4*’,' «d


* O H e o / i t iD s r to a 'I

See Other P ag^,

-VW -1

- ANCRE t t i to m - r f o c t f l a f o r .


! o t K. JL

ftlrangBoon, for the of the yetr. itnrert there ifld Woolen*. ' end deeign, these line*,

tioue eta gee led product.


Ifo 192tl

ia n kIf made on oi

live dollar* or r: January I.

: « !<>0 A M. to


Fro m Sectarianil U .M i

Aaended CKirter, on File, Abnn- A m Requiremeat H ut pTMi- deal be of Reformed Qnnch.

Theological Teacbing Stricken

For OtkOOO BcfBi bgr (ienm or<»aff I

TRBirl«at. Vw, e^TM ciHlataMu feaapelee et tke Ifav Jeteet I^Uarie kela M iew te rales IM lM ht tUa Mats WM r**Mlir UwMtMltMe allee-

TMBMTON, Hev. I.—B r aaeaeetee ih* akartsr of R o le trs CoU*c* as ae t*allmlasU tha ra^a lran aa t tket tha fraaldaat s ( (ha laatUntloB shall ha a mamhar of tha D uuh Bafonese Church (haw tha R atonnae Church la AaMtIea), tha trustasa of tha aollas* hava farm allr aeueuBead a ia ta ra laa*

that R atoara Shall a* laaear bs reeardae a* a rallelaas laatllutloa an* that It Shall horaaftar ha fra* from the ^ a r e a a r b a la t a sscU rlaa laatltutlaa a t laaralBf.

Tha aoiaadmaBt to tha ebartar alas albnlaataa a provltlon raqaliine th* apaalatinant of a erofaasor ot d lr ta ltr for laatructloB In thaolaer, trhleh tha iruatsaa aaBoanea ha* aot for laaBr haar^ If avar, baan eonellad with and I* BOW aattra lr obaolai*.

Tha eharlar raaliloa, annouaead hriatir la a atateinant (Iraa out at Ruleara rasta rd a r. w»* aceanpIM ad tiodtr a a th e r ltr of a law pastad thl* r*ar (Chaptar l>*> aad rcaatrlBe aa a prarwtalsU* th a t th* auerM lad amaad- laaata should bo approvad bp tba oom* mtaalonar of Inotitutiona and aeaa* «t*a Such approval was c<T*a bp CSM- mlaalsaar Bordatt* o Lwwia and tb* bmtadad ehartor la now oa ftl* witb th* sarratarp o t atata.

®ha**h 'r is f iaaa Brahaa.n * praaaibl* to tb* rtaoiaUana

am tadlae th* d)art*r. aat* forth that th* two provision* r*tatlv* to th* *•- lection of a prasidant and th* appalal* m*at of a profaaaor la dirinllp havo both bacom* obsolata, tine* sap eaa* naotloa batwaan Rutsar* aad tb* Ra- '* r**d Church In Amarica hat lone BiBo* tarn laa tad . It add* that tha truataaa conaldtrad It daalrabl* that no tucb IlmltsUon should b* plaead upon lb* cholc* of a prasidant and that such a prevtalon or aup olhar provlaton In tb* chartar elvln* Rutfar* th* appaar* ane* ot b«lne aaciarlia or aflillatad with asp aact or drnomlnallon la aot In acoordanca with th* fact and ihould h* abrodatad.

How aftactlvatr th* truataai aoufht to aavar R utv tra from anp remnant of rallfloua control or aiaoclatloa la Indi­cated In tha bodp of th* raaalutloa reading a* follow*:

'Tharafor*. b* It rtaolvrd. that la tb* opInloB of thia board It. la dcalrtblt that said charter be. and th* tarn* I* ■ ccordlnetp bp lore* of ib* atatut* aforaaald, amanded and chonftd ao that It ahall hot haraaftar b* raqulrrd that lb* piwaldcnl of ihia collcfa ih tll ba a inambar of th* neformed Church In Amarica: and ao that It aha'I not b* ra- qulrad that tbera ahall be. nor ahall taar* ba, In tald co!l*(C, anp profaaaor or profaaaorahlp of divinitp or Inalrae- tlon la divinity or thaolopp. or prap- a n tlo a for th* nilnUtrp: and csnarallp that alt pruvlalon* of **ld chartar of a aaclarlan charactar, or wharebp aald collaea mlpht be daamad to ha affll- latad In anp mannar with tnp rgllelou* *aot or denomination, ahall b* pad tbay ar* harahp annullad and mida void and of no effect, to tb* aad that thIa Collas* *haU be hi law and In tact aon- Bactartan in all reepacla."

Mnrrap Pvoleat B««alled.Tha action taken bp tha Iruiteea re­

call* a proieal m id* by John P. Uur- r ty or the State Board of Bducatlon when Rutper* nr lha Stale Arrlcul- tural Colics* wa* dealfnated aa Iht lealltutloti for carrylnp oiit th* provl­aton* of the Kni I III-tin s he* law In New dfraay for the trnlnlns of vocational teacher*. Hr Murray baaed hi* appo- altlen partly jt>on the srnuod that flut- *eri waa a retlslou* or' ecciarian In- •tllulliin and. therefore, waa prohibited from recalv nc funds under the Smlth- llttphea net.

In the lupport of ihl* contention Mr. Murray iubm itted c.n axhautllv* lila- tory of The votlcpe a'.nco tha srantlnp

the charter to ijueent CollfS* In IT** nnd Its aubsaquent amendnicnt In ITTo, to the tlm* of tha report. Ha nrsued that der'*natlon ot Rulscr*. In vlaw of It* rallslous affiliation*, ind a* a pri- vataly controlled Inatttutlon. waa a fU sran t violation of both th* spirit and totter of the fedarnl law.

Two of tha ouaatlon* ralaad by Mr. M arny Involved the e lect pointa In th* chnftor which hav* been ellmln- at*d bp th* truate**. Jlr. Murrap anp- p*rt*d h it a rsnm eat bp i ip ln s that Prealdent William H. S. Deaiareft waa ^ ardtlB*d ratnl*t*r ot th* Raformad Churdh In Aniarlcs, aervlnt a* auch In Waldan, N. T., from III* to 1»»7. In C a tk in from 111? (o 1101. and that from IS tl to n o t wbaa h* was sleeted prasidant U* wa* lha..psaf*a*sr a! ehareh hlstorp In Ui* Theolesical liam- laarp “which u part of th* Ruttar* esaipa*."

Kh Hurra p's protaad, after han flh f nr* for some time, waa voted down aad Butjsar* tra* deatenated a* tho ln*tl- tattOB for tra ln in t vocational taaehbr* uadar th* Stnfih-Huthe* law. A aim- lis t pretaat to th a t by Hr. H arrap was mads to tho fe d era l, authorltlaa. bp Thaiaaa J. B ro tsn , a*s'.*tant esrpara- ttOR counsel of Joraap Clip.

F u rth e r I m ^ o v e m e t i t R q x x te d In C o n d itio n of Woman S la ih ed

Hra. K prtl* OTonnell of 11 Ut. Ver- naa svanu*. Irv liistan . whoa* Ibroat waa alsahad with a rasor bp V*r hua- hsad, John (yilaaBall, Baturdap nlshi, la rsparted today a t th* Irv ln tton Otn- *rat Haapital aa bains sraatip lai- prawad- Tb* a ttack occurrad a* th* eauiBta sa t on a b*noh In a hasaball fists St tdrons sad CUr«iuaat avanwas ahestlp a fta r O’Donnall had mat hi* wif* In th* *tr*ot BB ah* w** ro- tsrp in s from a dance. 0'Donn*Il Had sad ha* aot boon fouad bp tho ^ Ile s , Bstiwlman William Flnnlsan le trac las aavaral cluaa to th* whareaboult af th* husband.

l i ta l l ls f today of th* aetlaaa of OfDssaaU. prior to hla loaving bOB* •stUrdap a lsh t to m**t hla wlta, lira, J tM tt Ksllp of tb* M i Toman avaua* addiwaSi sio thar a t Mrs. O’Oonnall, da- olsrsd th a t bar *oa,ln-law had bean rasdlhs s m ard«r Story, Bho notlead ib f bask ip in i op«a oq tb s tnhl* aft*r bis dspsitu rs. H* had. hs»***r, M rs K alb ststad , aakad hor If aom* n - (NSRpMsts esuld b« praparad far hi* * n s and bar oampanisaa, har alaiar. MM n o raae* Xallp, and a s lr l trtanC MIM daaat Daurtp. M rs Kallp said aha had pis randy ta d bar aoa-ln-lsw put- tlisssd som* o ak s

t iu m t a*M a f Um Baanh i S f f X £ will b* aaad as a M aaas a f as*rp tss tb* eampalsa. TBs Oouurnar w as pba* tasroobad la lb* a s t af buy tas Iba bond nwau W. t* Klabaad ad lUdsaWBed Parh. pfsstdaat of tba UasB*. Hlaa EHaabath A. Mlat* ad MaWStk. puMtettp airsetou far tba Isasw.. ^ alas la lb s party wbleb ewIM apa* (ba Uoraraar.

Sty Phyiidan Had Threttened Suicide

fpeeM Swrter *f SSIfd,PRSKMOLO. Mar. T bst Wbaa tb*

lata Dr, Kosb C. KlnaM aib ad Aaburr 1*0/11 axacutad hla w lli April I t . Ill* , ho had aarltar la tba dap baas aaataaead up Jadsa Lawraaa* to a faw daps la th* eoaatp )aJl ta r lllasal sal* af llauar aad had ihrastaaad aatatda wa* breushi oat at tb* f t n t boartas bafaiw Judt* Lawraao* paalardap Hi procaad- las* laatltatad bp ralatluaa to b r * ^ Dr. Xlnmaath'a wIIL Aaathar (aatar* a t th* haarlas wa* (b* t*at|maBp of Joaaph C. Pattarsoa, as* a f |h* aub- ■ortblas wltaoaaaa to tha wlU, that whaa h* alsaad tb* wilt b* SIS not kaow that It was Dr. K lam aiiib 's Hav, Ins baaa aakad bp Albart Baata. a dark In Dr. Klaaiaalb'* d ro f * tor^ la “wll- a o n thlt,“ h* said ha maralp raad th* alsnatar** a t Thaader* H. • a r ia s a r aad Dr. KlBwoBlh an th* papar aad. kasw- has both olsoataiwa ho bad oubterfbodhla BSBIA

Dr, Kin month andad bta Ilf* Palp I] last, laavlas an aotal* aatlmatrd at

of artaioh praattoallp Naa.SM wa* baquastha* to M rs TIala Romsoa Humphrap of t a t T u n is aranoa, Bprius

Tha oarastoiu ta tba will aro Dr. William 1* K lM o n th a f Bolmar, Hlaa Aaaa M Ktamantb a f Dalpbl, N. T , aad Jeba T. X iaatoaib and Hr*. Kllaaboth Hamilton a f M i P laaaaai la., brotuara and alatars a t tb* da- coaa*d. Thap ar* rspraaantad by Wll- SOB b Saiock of Rad Bask. M rs Hum- pkrap* la ropraaaatad bp Robart Hn> Cartor, Jama* o . CUrtoa aad Rklstaad W alnwrlsbt.

M***r*. B artesar and Pattoraoa war* tb* only wlla«aaa* hoard pasurdap. Mr. B erlipar saM h* was aakad bpChari** *. Cook, a lawpor, to wltnoo* Dr KInmonth's will, and Iho U ttar and Joaaph c. Pattaraaa want to a dask In tb* d m s a to rs abd a lta r >Dr. KJa- month had alfpad th* papsr, with Mr. PatUraon aU ndlas bp bis aids bad da- clarad that to h* hla Uat will tad aakad him to ilpii It. Bath Ur. Bar- lns*r and Ur. Pnttaraoa adjaittad that Dr. Klnmonth waa almoat la a atata of eoUaps* and had thrtataaad. 'TU navor to lo ]all: r i l oad It aU f ir t i"

Mr. Pattaraon *ajd that whan Dr. XtameDth first ratum ad from Proa* hold, whore ho roootvod tho aentanos he Una threatened lo lake hla lIfU and went hohlad tha praacrlptloa counter, followed bp Mr. Buslo. wbe wlab*d to provont him from dolnp him- **lf harm while In hi* nplltted i ta t s

Mayor U rg^ Observance of Armistice Day in Irvington

U»por Edward R. Foloom of Irvtnfton today lainad a proclamation ursm a ob- aervaiDC* of Armlatle Dap In that town throuah dflapjay of th* Araarlcaa nap and atttndsno* at Iho mamorlal aar- vlce of Irvinston Post No I«, Amtrlcan I,*alOB. In connection with tho laslon'a dance Thuradap night In Olympic Park.

Th* Mayer rouueat* that cIMaana join In henorlns tbose who aaeiiflccd tholr Uvea during tho World W ar at ih* me­morial aervlce which will be held at I o'clock, preceding tb* danc*. Tweaty- ■Ix men from Irvington mad* the «u- nrtme aa^ flc* . DIapItp of flag* on public buildlnga, place* of bualneta and private home* Is requeatad by tha Mayor.

Ff ieemu Resigiu fron Force V To Go Into Printing Buineu

D aalw ins k* aun mak* a tfaa la r laaaWB from prtrata.buW aaaa than la ^ palloa dspaatiaan i Patratm as; Md> arapa A. Radar o t th* Fourth Pratlnct Igft night handtO In hi* badg*. hops

: and pavolvor, sa ra rin s hla eaanaatlou with tha forev. It* will en tas* la lha u rla llas buninoa* with a ar*tl(ar-l)i- law Ip N«v Torlt.

TWa weeks as* PadrolMan Rader nUlifd Ratio* CommiMlonaT Ford oad Olradtor n rean an *f th* Dopartmedt a t .PpUIo Bafetp for ar »«aro of ahofna* ^ two wook* 1* glTO hUn an appar, tttiR p to try s a t .the Raw Tark props* ■ttlop. -Th* l ^ v * v*a rofw **. hpar- auafi tba oatamltolopart a ta tip s tbat tblp prsaoduro was forbMdaa bp tka Ctvn Awrlos CamptiMlo*. Tbo patrM* mad ha* Heoa a mtm bar af th* dopaPtv


Dr. King Receives Call From Washington Church

Rev. Dr, George Walton King, pastor of Central Presbyterian Church, ha* received a c»'.l to th* pxstorat* of the Sixth Preabnertxn Church of W»*h- ington, D. C, Dr. King refused today to diacuas th* m adar. fu rthar than lo *»y '•Th* preaaur* from lb* church In W D hln^ou lx ttrong ; ih* praaxur* from th* church h*r* t* equally •trong. and both church** ar* under oonaldarntlon. but no dtclston can b* raached a t prtaeuL"

Dr. King began b it present charge lu January, l» u . coming h*r« from Day- ton, O.. and euccaadtng Rav, Chari** B. Granger, w ho . raalgaed to secepi a WaahlBgton ea li

W eiag d rten F o rc e t A re H o ld ing C oov en tio n S ew ios* in N ew Y ork

The axacutir* and aala* forcM of WatngBrtea R res, luc.. ar* c*l*brutlng good fallow wu«k with a eonrantlaa In H»w Torfc thl* we*k. Rapraatato-

from all part* of thia country and from abroad ar* In atteadance. Th* oo*v«Bllon opiued reat*rdap wtih a memorial t* Darld WtIngartoU, lat* pr**ld*nt of th* concern. An addreas of w*leom* wa* mad* bp Oscar U Welngtrlan.

^ obiarrad tomor- 'n;pof<lop a t tb* ICawark

S Walfar* Club, l i l * willb f s luiichaaa s t tb* Bob-

art T ra a tH a ta i a t whicb Lapi Whin, o r to n will dellvar s a addrasa, Dnrins

“ !S*y b»di*eu*#i**i of tb* corset and braaaler* styles uBter to* dlraotloB af Davis Q rotta asS O*oar Walngurten,

, f*"('»n»l<>u WIB ba saattantS

m pSparttflus will b* gtvaa b f J. K.3r e s £ S r j.? :^ ..'1IEg;;K ir nSV-lSSr

Thera trtll b* * ravlaw aad dtauuS* alSB of th* w atk 's work a t th* Frldsp m sto lu f saaston, fidlswad bp p lunch.

b dlBBor aad th aa tar part? ** S * eoaeludlag tuu*h«*n will

” 'Fb i a fta r p iaas foi dapartur* hav* b**n mad*,

O T Y N E 1 3 NOflES

Court Jaisap Ra. ISt, tadspsndant Or- . * *” *1*?*. will hstd a am aktr

*<®*.»“ * Mbar affleara a t tb* atata a rsp a lia tls s will attand,

C oim unlip d u e iA s ha* baati ra-iJ*. .‘'If *»*«**•ehoal Soclxl c*at«p and will b* m s -

t l o u ^ alicrr Frtasjr nfght torsughout th* ^ n ie r . Brheat if. BalbM-t win b* In shargst .A miinbsr a t apauipi pr*. r r i M w ill b* arrS ntsd . ^

A maatlng of Rspr tark*'' Chaptar, nag b iasra a t

I t Wtoit ThJfirHilftili i in t t* ttffitoJit. will Im PSdtoaaad. bp^BtoSTllstarP# a t

.Mlf»k oa Mgrbart t t^ v iwsak '« Bucapa, T. vTvaa M grb irt’B w viV ;

Th* FubH^ W ansr* Asaaslatisa will 2 * « isa lsW in H * « tb a s £ sV aT ii ■ahaol* sad among ih* subjdcts t* bs d ^ t o r a ^ I t be faetaPp sdfrtii. a ^

la» *f th* .RewArk Bap channH aad ..................-a-rtl:r**d ssitut SMtoru I* swas-at tbs KWrtH *f otom M«

Bofijr of Bank Runner W ii Be Difintemd

Andhofitiet Hope to Ckir ConfeMions of Pgir Held in

PruI Murder.

Speetfjr Tnsl for Both Predicted

CAMDEN, Nov. I (F ) ._ T h * bodp of David R FauL aiurderad Camdsa bank m aaaaagsr, w ilt b* axhamad to alaar d tserapaaelas 1* th* canfaartoua asid bp tb* pallo* 10 have boaa mad* by B apm oad W. Schuck and F ra n k f.

wb* ar* chargad w ith U * ortma. I t Will ba d lila ta rrad from tb a Ml B ollp OaoMtarp, whar* It wa* barlad Ihto* daps a f ta r it waa fouad In a A a lla w ST«*S In tha Naw Jarsop ptuaa •* n a rlln g to n County.

A astho r Itak In tho abala o f avl- dOBoo agsiaM th* aoou**d man, d*- fauflv** aald, w** cem pletsd today With tha find ing of bloodatolnod clothe*, w hiah Schuck, In fat* all*g*d osafeosloa, saM belonged to Jam es and war* th ro w s la to roop«r Cruok. a* sr b*r«. JasM * aad Schuok a tm a r* In th* B u rllag to a Conntp Ja il a t HI. Hally, b a t w ill b* brought (c th* Cam- dan C oantp Prtaoa.

l a th* eanfaaslon gchueh la s a i l bp tb* pollc* to bar* mad* hw told of Jam es firin g two •h s ta ' Into F au r* body whil* It was bsing ta k a a to lh a pla* b a i t T his la on* of lha raaaoaa fa r axbum tng th* body for fu rth a r ax- o a ta a llo n . I t al*o will b* dsu rm ln o d w hatbar Fuut waa druggad before h* w as b Iliad.

A spaadp trta ] fo r Jam** aad Sohuok Is Pradletad bp Couatp Prosacutor W ai- v«rten, who today aald th* tw * aioB m u ld cam* bofat* th* sa x t co u rt *1 Opar a a d T a rn in e g whl*h wlU bo m r a a a d a s soon aa tb* prsaaoutloa has uom platad tb* cas* for to* atata-

Dstaotloa* have reoevarad an aM I- tlsnM II.SS* which thap found la a books*** Is Jam as's kom* oa IntarviA- tlon g i m bp Schuck.

Bchuak la s t a ls h t tald ta tae ttva* th a d ata lls o f a w ild o r f r la w hich h* aad Jsm ea Indulgad In Philadelphia lm m *dlal«lp fo llow ins to* e lap tag of F aa l a a d to* buria l o f bla body lu a ■haUaw s r a r * a aa r Tabaraaela, la th* Ja rasy p ta* region.

Tha p a ir apant sb a u t tl.SC* o f to* I1S.SSS they took from th* m urdarad bank siaaaaagar. Schuok aald. In a

o f i tb o o c h — omomf womon of qBaaUaaabl* dharactnr In P h llad tip h ia a ta sd a rla la d is tric t. Pallo* ar* aow aaak lag to lodat* aom* of thao* woman aa w itnaasat, bu t as t* r hnv* beaa un- abl* t* do aa. ,

B oth m ta w«r* under th* In flu tae* of liquor moat a f th* time a fte r they re- to rn td from bury ing P*ul. Schuck said. They span i monap Ilk* d ruakaa sa il- ora. p aa llag o ff bill* from th* larg* roll* they carrtod w ithout *t*d ti**p- Ing count o f w hat Ihep apant. S xpaa- alv* w laaa, food, p raso n it fo r wanaaB and hotel chargaa mad* up the g re a te r p a rt o f th* (x p au d ltu ro a th* prisoner said.

A t Graadmother** Orov*.II wa* dla*ov*r*d peiterdap th a t a

patty th ie f gigp vl*lt*d th* cem eltrp In w hich Same* «nd Schupk burled th* lr •tol«n tr*axure. Thl* th iaf siol* a potted flow er from the grave of Schuck'* grandm other. I t w as under Ih li flow er pot, purchased by Schuck aa a m arker, th a t ih* money wa* hidden. .Vccording to Schuck* confeealon. he n itd th* n e w e r pot al*o to ward o ff aueplclon whIl* digging In Ihv ea rth ib o r* th* grave, p a i ie r i by being led to believe he wa* planilng a new er on th* mound.

One of the ex trao rd lnerp feature* of l b \ caie. end one In which the detec­tive* w ere «nllr*Iy mlaled, w** th a t the Indictment ratv rned p*etvrdap agn in tt Jam aa waa not bnxtd upon tv ld tn c* gath*red to abow h* waa a merabar of a p a r ty w hich held an orgy in a d*- ie rted cabin u**r the acene of Ih* m u r­der. I t waa believed a t f l r i t to be »n eatabllahed tae l th a t th* m urder took place a f te r thl* orgy, which laated aev- • r i l day*. I t la now deemed certain th n t ne ither Jam e* nor Schuck took p a rt la th a t drunken orgy.

Th* cnee for th* proiecutlon now I* about ready for p rtM nlatton to th* court. Th* g reatea t problem bafor* Ih* proeecuilon. It wa* aald. la to delerm la* exactly w hat Schuck'a atatua I* and hew deeply he I* Involved In th* m urder.

Schuck m aintain* h* wa* forcad Into the a f fa ir agalnat bl* will and under th rea t of death bp Jamea, who alw apa carried a revolver and kept Schuck In f**r of hi* life. Schuck ito iitlp m ain- tain* th a t b* did not plnn tbo orlui* w ith Jnm *a nnd know noth ing of It u n til It waa committed, and th a t affort* on hla p a r t to claar b lm iclf and te ll th* tru th war* fru a trsU d bp h l ^ f e a r of Jam**.

C MC dki^ dM Pr^idnt

W A IM IR O tW Mot. t (# > .— Hlaa iNivs Ohasa, a fifmaa-raaf* bM WaahiBgtsB ssRsal strt, aaltoS at tbs Vhita Mspas today to gtsssat petoonallp ts PrssMait WUssa a baaah of ftsw sis sad gg slbaa* esstalalBg pMar«s sf lbs Frsal. daat wbM aba bad •llppsA from u*wspas*n sag ■sgxalsgg.

Hlas Chaaa sms ssaimpaatad bpbar Btothar aad t h t f n m aiasd with ^ Fr**14*at aad T l ^ Wllaaa torf lfto aa MlattUm

Dying Woman's Story Leads To Giarge Against Doctor

A m oth* / o f four children, dying In th* C ity B oepital. g a r* Det«otlv*i Con- Ion and D onnallp lo form itlon thl* * t- laraoon th a t lad' th*m to irr** ! Dr. Oaorg* Mualler, flftp-tw o, of P a rk ave- Bu* and N orth Grov* *tr**t, E ast O r­ange. on a eharg* of hav ing perform ed Illegal operattoB*. Mr*. I,uop M cIntyre la th* w om an and har rh lldran ara b e ­ing cared to r bp neighbor* In Camp Glll*n, w har* Oh* llvod, a widow.

Th* datoatlva* aap tba operation* wer* p*rferm *4 asvara l day* U *t w*«k a t th* horn* o f a friand of Ur*. H e- Intyr* a t Id t B a rg tn atr**t. A fter leaving lha phyalelan a t headquarter* they w ant th e re to aecuro fu rib o r ev l- dence.

Leaves Card Game, but Soon Returns to Tell ot Hold-Up

Alb*rt K raut of 111 Arena* A, Naw Tsrbr, I* In tha City Bospliat la a dated condition, to* rts ttll of a braiing h* re- calved U at sig h t on Beacon atraet fram klghwgymsn who robhad him. H* could aot tell how much atoasy h* l**t. K rau t bad been pUping usriH In a club room a t 4t B*acoa a ira tt wtlh frleada, aad a t 11:10 d’olock left, to go home. Five minutes later h* s ta g ­gered back lato th* club room, hi* frlandi aald, bl*sdlng from a wouod on bla hand. H s told them be was held up a abort dlstanoo frost'tho club room. Ha could nut toll bow many war* la th* attaeklug party ,

K raat waa tskoa to th*. haapital, whar* ho 'wss U tor som by U ontossats 0»rhltt aad c o a r m T hor wots sp a b lt to got aa intolligsat a t ^ ftom him. Tboy intsrvlewsd asTorAI potssas a t th a B tacos strso t aidSross and all told tb s •am s story.


F iv e P a ito r* A rra n g e to H oM U n io n 'n ia n b g iv in g D ay S e rv ice

At a m eoting o f elernrm on iM s gf- to rn ssa a t th* bsm o o f R op. O assao H. D osevaa. p a s to r o f tb* Raw T a rh Aws* AW R sfsrm ed O hsreh, s m i t a s i f t i i t s w sro mad* fa r a anloa T b aak ag m iig D tp ts rv lc* t s ha bsM Bl .ltiM :sW ssk , R «v*aibsr » . In tb s m i« t J T o i w i ^ a Obufob T a W n a s la Mr. D sibb im WlU fsa s td i tb s asrtiM n sa d I r v t e C. JKa it . p a s to r s f th a tls lM ' Mllbst H s tb sd U t S p lsssp a l C huftb, wfit p rs-

CHbe»u_ to h ln g !«rA w ill ho J^ o .

ParenU Renew F i|^ t (or Custoe^ of Foster Child

dfoff r*f*n**<MdnieaTRENTON, Nut. E ~ T b o flgb l fa r

pooaataloB of o tg -ysar-sid JntspblB o L anahora , who*s n a tu ra l p a raa ta am •cak ing to r*cnv*f b ar from hor footor paronta, will b* roaumad la Ohaaaanr C ourt a t R aw ark M oaday. C ador aa ord*r allaw ad by Vlas C bsacollor Bu- chaaaa tsd sy la babsgs o a r p u proessd- laga laa tlta tad by th* B stara) p a rsa tg Ur. aad Mr*. W allso* Immphor* of l td Columbas aveas*. Naw T ark , tho foo­le r paiw ata M r and Hra. Ramaal R. ('am pb«tl of f Atpin* eiraol, Nawark. are directed to produc* lb* child In court Ihor* on th a t day.

Sine* Oelober U. when Ju d g e Oa- born* In to* O rphani' C ourt Of B*a*x I 'ounly donled a p*iltl*n by th* Camp­bell* fo r perroUelon tO legally aOopt lha child, *h* haa re n a ln a d In their cuatodp In preaen tlag Ih* apsllcatlan of Iho Lampheroa today, g tia a p W. E ldrldg* of E lliah o th to ld tho Tic* chanoollor th a t r*qu*au had boos mad* of tho Campboll* to ro lu ra tho child to tho Lamphoro*. but th a t they bad ro- fuaad.

Mr, Campbell aad U ra Lam phoro a nbro thor and alatar. l a tb* adaptloa prucoedlng*. (ho ChmpSalla aUagSd th a t Mra. Lampharo had ^ e a a Joaofh ia * to them In July, IMT, to b rin g up aa tootr ew a chllA Thap al1*g*d o sa itruo tiv* ab*ndonm *at, b a t Judg* o m o ra * held th a t th i i had no t bsan provad.

Th* baltt* to r po***a*loa o f tho ohlld wa* pr*elpltat*d wb«n Mr*. Immph*r* s th t JooephiB* s postcard la s t Obrtal- m an addroatlag h«r aa "Mlaa JaaaghlBo Lamphoro." M ra Cantphall, who w anted tho ohlld known bp hor own nemo. oblostoA Hra. Lam phoro w m to bach th a t If ah* r*u ld not aaJI hor child bp h tr ow a nan * . H ra Campb«ll m ight r* tnm Jos*phln*. A tow month* la te r th* adoption pruoeoding* w ar* ba- g u a __________ ____________

loconting Crewi to Be Inspected In Hunt for Bolshevik Agents

NKW TOHK. Nor, f ( F ) .—DiapmMlo* or th* cr*w* In advane* of tho paaaon- gara on Incoming ahlpo waa ordered har* upon idTlcoa from Th* H ague th a t SolihaTik ag ita to r* "e ra headed tor Amarica-' th rough H olland n* n c lea r­ing houae. P redarick A. W alll*. Immi­g ra tion commlaalonar, announced to - dnp.

Com m enting on R ettardnm new t th a t BoUhevIk agent* ar* p lann ing for tb* T in a l batti* o t Communlain In th* United stal*i,~ to* eo m m lu lo n tr said:

“W ord from R oltardam th a t L sutna'i and T ro tik p 'a o u tf it In R uaila prnpoie* lo aend an arm y of Bolahevlkm laslonartea to th* United B taU i dqve- ta l l t w ith th* p ropaganda of Commu- nlate already hare, th a t the final battle I* to b* fought In America.

'T h ey are s tr iv in g to gain adm litlon to the United B u te* ee eeamen. From leveral different eourcee 1 have re. celved Inform ation of a ttem pla to bribe m enbera ot th* crew* of ahipa. Th* R adical! com* e ither a* atowawapa or aeamen ''

Annifdce Tiibulie Suggested by Geyvernor

S u q M w io a o t Bh h m m , V I m i P«»*

sM b. UrgiJ i» PradiMtioM b f Edtmidi,

Liud. Deeds of A E. F. u W«r

HoU Em r

Labor Men Warn of Fight To Hold Living Standard

WASHINGTON. Nov. * — lA bor'i flgh l ag a lo it any a lte m p li lo reduce wage* fa tte r than th e coet of living goea down wlli be p lanned when the executive council cf th e American F ed­eration of Labor meet* here Thuredey. F ra n k Morrlaon, aecretarp of tha feder •tlon . eald today.

"Labor will figh t any attem pt* to re ­duce living itandarda," Movrlion anid.

La.bor leader* her* bellev* b ig era- plopere ar* cem btnlng lo cut wage* and eetabllah the open ihop. Th* con­ten tion of laboring mao la th a t price* h a re not been cu t to r «nough to w ar­ra n t wage redncltone.

“We have heard a lo t abou t rtduo- tlon* In living coali recently ." eaid U orrleon. '‘The reduotlona, however, have been for w hoU ial* prleaa only. R etail prlcea have been litti* reduced .'

J e t t l.auck, eednomtat *xpert, today daacribed living coat roduetlon* aa "too a ligh t to lua tlfp any reduotloa In w agea "

n e w TORK. Nov. I.—R eport* that tex tll* m anu taetu rera contem plate a genera l wage redaction aa a etep tow ard Inw erlng prlcea to tho public w ere received hei* today by John Golden, In ternational prealdent of the United T f it l lo W orlier* of America, w lih the declaration: “W e'll fight. "

ttoffTRBMTOM, Rav. S—D rito F IhAt

Thnrtday bo ool a p * n f s r e e a te e m w slin g Armlsltso Dap and •uggosIltNI that, when posslUia bails*** thottlA bs ■aspaaded aa* tba day •dvsa ovsr t* tba holdlag a f ealsbratlstu svidoaslac tb* feetlBg s f tb* AjBsrtoan psspls, Osvemor BSwards today Issuod tb* following pruclamaUoa;

-Oa Novombor II, 1 |IA an sapoa- ts a t wsrtA oadortp w atsb iB t to s sl> fo r tt of tbo AJn«a t* stM h tb s a m is s S t lb* 0«rBtoa B rn trse w as s lauHHlsd by Dew* of tb* aiauotloo. A* lbs his­tory of tho IhrlUlM avoata partormad by th* hoys of tho A nuricaa oxpodl- ttonary fore* waa ravealad ta anr people an abiding faith and prid* la tho valor aud oourag* of to* Amarloaa army tilled their oasU.

"To afford an oppsrtanlty of glvlag •apreaeloa to the** aaBtlmeata aad to •vldenoo ta* deap approolatloa la whiok the boya of Iho A. B. F, aro hold by the peopio. It le urgad that Thnroday, November II, ISto, bo ooA apart tor commomorattng tbo groat day wlUsh brought victory t* Amorloa aad bar gJ- Ilea Whoa poialblt, bualaasa sboald be euaposdod a id th* dap givua ovsr to th* holdlBg of ceUhrstloa *vld*aolag the foellag* of the AmsrkaB p tep la "

Mayor Urges Display ofFlag on Armistice Dlay

In *n official Armletleo Dap prosla motion leoued yestorday Mayor Ollloa catted upon nil hualncao houooo sad houeebolderi to display the Amorloaa flag Thursday and to employ*IS to par- mit their employeto who hrs votorSB* of the wer to «ttend Ih* otflalaJ col*- bratlon exerolaOo la MlllUrp Park.

The e ia rc lie i will i t a r t d a rin g th* no*n hour, and or* echodulod to bo coh- cluded betw eta 1 and I ; l t o'clock. The veteran*' commltte* that haa srrangad th* program also baa *ppoalod to sU veteran*’ orgaaltotlon* Is a i t ta d to* •x*rcl*«* In group* Major Bug*a* F. KInkead will b« the prtivotpal apoaktr. Ihe five city commiMlonars will Uk* part and ther* will be patrlotle mualo by th* 111th Infantry Band,

While th* ufnclat eXfralS** will bd confined to th* noonday prsgram , th* aarvlc* men will hold t k ^ own coU- bratloD* of tb* ceMOlloB *f kostllltl** In tb* form of aoclal tunutton* lo tb* tvanlng. Th* moat •lahutato o f the** will b* th* «nt«rt*lnm*nt aad d*nc* In the F irst Reglmenl Armory by Naw­ark Poet, Am* r Iren Legloa Arrango- m*nt* are being made to acoommodat* 1.0*0 partic ip an t*

On a im aller actle. th* BIu* and Gray Club, composed of Twenty-ninth Dlvl- • lon vateran* will hold a danca ta K ru eg tr Auditorium.

New Morris Sheriff Picks Predecessor for Deputy

(pedal gemfd of Ibr VEWF.MOBRIBTOWN, Nov I. — Form er

Sheriff Edw in W. C rr, who** Hrin ended today, wa* nemed by Sheriff R th e lb tr t Byrem o t Dover •* deputy •h e rlff when Mr. B yrim took th* oath of offica thl* m orning. V ictor F. Brown w** reappointed by the new eharlff *• JntI w arden.

B herlft Byrnm w»e eworn In by Judge E dw ard K. Mill* In the g rand Jury roam, which waa filled w ith epectiio .e .

SSpIaospfil ■ fUbditoV w how U l read tb*

Girl SoMtsGo to Trenton For Governor's Proclamation

New Jaraey G irl Beauts Journeying to T renton today lo reoelva a proclam a­tio n of OIrl llcaut W eak from Governor E dw ards had hop«a of m ak ing the en- g laaar. If ho would PS7 the noees*ery |I » , a U lrl Scoot Daddy betor* they iwached th e ir daottustloo.

Th* tra in oarty ln g th* rapraaenta- tlv o i of tho Now Jorsoy Girl Scout* to Tfronten w es t th ro u g h th* H orkot S tro tt S tation o t tho Fonnaylvania Hall- road * t 1 :0 . Th*r* w*r* Girt Scout r*pr**«ststiT *t o s hoard from Bagla- wood, Hud*on, B*bok*n and o ther New Joraey coRomualtlot, about ten girl* In aU.

Hl>* Cora N*la«n. who l* field cap­ta in o f Now Jeraay. DaUwore, Mory- land- V irg in ia and W eal V irginia, had o h srg * s f tbo dotcgatlon. Mrs. Llonal H synsnt-B iw w ii of J« r* ty City slao sc - eoihpoBlod tho group.

Many roprooonlotivo* woro Mpootod to Ja la tb a dsloBatlon o long Iho w ar. F to to ras wlU bo lokon o f tho Girl Boopu OB routs. O ao roproosnlstlvo Mv*n oBok soaiBniBltr w ill boro bar p istftrs to k sa w ith tbo O aroniM . Tb*r* a la s w ilt 1m a group p le tu ro w ith tho Qoflronisrt fifio sn s r IwontyO tn Eoaiits woro aspoctod W m tk o up (b s d s to n t i s n by ik* tlm* th a t it

mA 'fw i 'roaokad saten.

'^V tBCm BEckW hA tW uTtkeQ'<'«4lipdmbur| to Geimant

Too Jo tU m fcuiv.iaa a n d Lna* a™ B srln tu to rt R sv . Cti*rie* P. a n so tb * | (b» O sfm sn p a d fA ' Wton W tt orV *l,tar? ^ w « k P r* .b r t* r ( .n Ghuroh, jy b * _ w m , tnlijM l» « a «#.siattoa NSS o r j ts h in t best alEkt a t *

In A B d n w Is^ Tb*afflours « # i , rvosldan t Horria

fs trs is ry . {snob Osaolor; trbsiMMir. M s r i^ i ts ls . KM H. F ru s h tM T l* ssanscU • ,

I* K p ig st i - cs.t* c b s ta t t tu in i **** *Mdial tsw snw w aU M

In gntehtbtluR'Of AtSHaiW'-Day, Th*PrtbtoaM w invtadlM g MipIlsN'lr >S#.i

ottop p rsy ar, an d B*v. A- OsM o* Mm . n*ry « I th* T ahsrsso t* . wtas..wUl pno- asuB ss tho boiasdletion, -Tbo ssilo stlo a w ill bo g l r tb to iho Mtot «Mo Day KhMiirsh .'1-'^

■ .*■ ewiwto' ■■ I.... . ' , n .S ■

. £ ||i ^ Clodiinc Stolpftf t n m ndd rtHihtii<r.warv>*:ui«« d s n p t

^ m U to V m , O s n s a a r . OoL H c -« U ld p w d b s l VSR H totH burg . o p ask ta t a i l u d sm o a sn a H w s f a tudaat* aa Ibo to M R a a .s f MA Mrttritoy,S fld : . '■ .

-Th* (Mhos BIW'bard. Wo osaRbt f o t * # a y fl«m ib * i: S a l It Is a » * « * imsja*** I* looii.taiMS*r In om OF* bad d l s ^ p t I t ( M MM sa t yot tocashaa

Sluoh b aa M M b s s WlU B l n I t

bask to u iMrain. dins t b l a g t o V t a a - a u r Fotbdrlbad. V* tka* VbdlMre load w* shoil sHag wHiM*t SsMsst ta p b sn y divWsBA I maba th is *», b**l ta tbs Osnaak yoatoa."

^ I>ii Civil Swim Wl.

-“ tiR, RsTk'l,—F a a r sgJiitdtdatiis ■ -Ujp;tivii sMTia* pgawb#

'aS*|:|aii s f iSRfitJSer Ta huHiail a f (tm RewiqM'

Believe Gasolene Thieves Were Slayers of Reporter

DANBURT, Conn., Kov. I (JFV—Fow new detail* In connection w ith the •hooting of A rthu r V. Donahue, a Naw Tork rew epaper report* /, on the oul- ■klrte of the vlllxg* of Newton S a tu r­day n igh i were brought out d u rin g tho tnqueet ih l i afternoon by Corona/ John J. Phelan of Bridgeport.

A highw ay Inapector. howaver, aald th a t th a t n ig h t th irty -n ine galloRt of gasolene w ere etolen from a ta n k cJoa* by Ihe acene of the ihoo tlng . The * ta te police theory haa been th a t the two men who wer* th a n iea llan le had been ite a lln g gato lene. The unllgh tad ear, which Donahue and hi* b ro ther-in -law , Edw ard F. P ltaachler, had found In Iho road, held a num ber of m ilk can* from which thar* waa a gaaolen* odor.

E arly today a t Bridgeport o u te of- ftee ri arreotad Max K ran* of th a t c ity and Joeeph Roach of D anbury on aua- plcloti.

Refusal to Pardon Debs Indrosed by Legion Men

INDTANAPOUarNor » (JPl.—Prw l- Wllpon'f rflfuiml lo fiardon Eiir^n*

V. n«br. Sof tiiUprt rftndldatt for firnt, who li now ■•rvluf n t*rm In the federal prieoa At Atlanta. aO.* for violation of tha etplonag^e art, waa In- dorael bjr department adjutanta of the American Legion who are meeting heretodar.

The legton '*v1ewa with heartfelt eat- lefactlon thia vttm act in enpport of the fundamental doctrtnea of the Conalltuw lion.'' a ira A telegram lo the Prealdent.

$mkr tf m n mEUBABV rM . M«r. t,~ U B io f o w rtt

at babas* cssguA Issm A bv j« * u RargsB. Mr*. Rsa* F bssbs at EkliHlalA. was brought hors yootorAsy^DM too WsSMB's RofortBSAtory s tC lIs lo B SBArs losMA trs ts fa r tk o r m u b Uos a s bb iBMst* s f tb s t iBStHBiiss. Ob bsar- iBg to* ooa* JusU ss Bsegsa slolasA tobl JaAg* DsH m b at PIslBfMA, bad BB rigbt to cimmll bar t* tk* rs* tonaoisry.

M n. FtaaiM was aoBtsMssA ta tw* yssra 1* th* rsfa n as ta ry by J«Ag* Da- Msas. a fta r aba bsA MssdsA i«U iy t s a g u ts to ry oftoas*. J bm sb gtrBso. whs, It I* alleged, w as bagHoalsA la lb* af* fair, was arraigwsd ob b cksrg* a t Als- oiAsrty ssadant and flaoA l>**-

A fltr Mrs. F bobbs plssdsd gglltr- esnosol far b sr butoBgA, Joaisa FsaaB*. IstorsMd too OBuri th a t tbo iottor MA •IrnifioA Mo wttllagBooo to Uko kto wife book obA AoolroA hor Aloohargo. to r tho Mrpuao'Bf bav isg bor oara far tholr chlldroB.

H m w rit • ( haboos oorgao waa sb - talssA by b s r b a sb sa A

Six Men m PlamfiddHeld m Auto Theft Caee

Aswtoi ScrtOm of lb* v in r t , PLAIMFtELD. H at. S.—Jam ** Or«a**.

W illiam 0 ^ to aao r. WUIUrn ClArla, Ms* FoM bra* bbA Ja ssg h OoMBtaa, a lt a t Now T orh, obsrgsA w ith drhrlB g a r a f w llh sa t a Jlaan** a n d v ta ja tla g ira ftio ndaa , t y n a r s d la tb a oHy o a s r t yoa- tatAsy f to a boarlag , tog a th o r w ith Jao h WUHam*, a to a a f Naw T ark . wh* claiaiod to ba t o t ow aor of tbo to u rtag oar In wblok Iho m an w ora rlA lag w baa orraataA. IV o a b a iaa tla t* ib ts h* pro- Assad B bill a f to la data* Oatabor U . laat, tbaw iB g ba b au g b t Ibo oar trom oao Jo b s Dovtto * t l U Moat F a rly - flftb a trso t, Naw T*rh,

WUHbib* *splsiB *d th a t Im had is a t fb* ear to U a frlaad a to Isb* a rIA*. bu t w haa ooBfraataA I f FeHes U ta to a - a a t Ckorg* A adraw a, a f th* Haw T a rk Aatam sM l* gqBsA. b s haA A lfttoany 1a oaplBlBlBg th a obargo to o l tb a «ar balaB gag.t* Mr*. R lebord C aaiaiiB gs at ML Vara**, N. T.. bbA wa* •M h a from B lgh ty-a ta tb a troo t •v e n u a Ootobor 11.

Altbongh W llllu n a loatotod th a t ho bought too oar to r «t*a. O ty J o ig o W. O. DoMoss bold him BBd hi* trtoad* *u * c h a r t* * f bolag fagltlvo* from Juatia* *Bd k * r la g a sto laa o a r l a tha ir F*a**tal0B. Th* fiv* had **o* a »d ftom ■ motoreyel* polleam aa w baa *rr**t*d Friday and w ar* n*t o v a rtak aa UBIII they had b**n par«u*d to E lU abeth.

Wlllloma wa* h*1d In I t* * * ball and the fir* e th e rs w h a w ar* aU * I* fur- n lih tl.*M ball ascb w ar* r*l*a**d loat nlgbL Today It w as toornod boro th a t tbo frood m oa bad givoa tboaiaolreo ug to tba N*w T o rh yaUoa

U ouionan t Andrew* ta ld th a t tb* bill of oal* w*a a o t o a til* w ith lb* Saoretary of g t* t* o f Naw T a rk aa r*- qulrad by tba law la th a t *tat*, and hi* InTH lIgall** r*JI*d t* dtoelo** th* w beraabout* o t Davlto. A ftor lha eoart aeaslon f lagerp rln to w ar* taken of all ■li men.

Quintette Taken in Raid At Qiester Freed on Bail

gpccfal gwrtce « f ' ^ xltw a.JERSET CITT, Nov. I,—Fivo men

who wera a rrea ted w hoa oltlasna raided a moving p lelu ra ahow a t Cheotar g a t- urday n ight a f ta r thay hod srouoad Iho •uaptcloni of th a red d an t* ot th a t town by ahowlng ro ro tvara. war* arra lgnod before Judge Dolan In F irs t Crimloal G*urt thl* m orning on chargaa o t h a r ­ing •tolen an aulom obll*. Bach o t toe men w as releaaad on tl,*** ball to r np- poaranc* In court n o l i Tnetdny, 'Tbo man ore Charlaa 'WhIto of 4U Cantral P ark W ett. New T o rk : John CVEHcti ot l i t Seymour avonuc. B rooklyn: Jo h a UcDcnald of t i l Summit avaau*, Jor- aay City, Jam** Dolan of I I I Putnam avenue, Brooklyn, and Joaeph Mack, 44t Central Park , W est N«w Tork.

Tba men appeared In LTiaator o* Saturday m orning and lo ltarad abeu t th* town. W hen lh«y enteiwd th* mov­ing picture th e a te r rc i ld e n ti notified the M artlitaw ii police, organ liod *n arm ed party *nd arr*at*d tham. Th* M orrlitcw n pollc* lem nud th a t th* aa - tomohll* to w hich tb«y w ent to Ch**ler w** owned by .John F erm le r o f I I L in­den avenue, eJrosy City, and had been ita len Friday n ight. Ja rm y City da- tactlvee w ent lo M urrlsiow n and brought the men hern la s t n ight.

Election Sleuth in Hudson To Accuse Gang of Assault

(pectet Service af the HEWt,JERSEY CITT, Nov l . - J la o rg e ghaw,

cenoected with Iho election tnvealtga- tlon bureau of Proaacutor O arvan’* o t- flc*. waa * t Ih* court boui* y e ite rd a f conferring w ith A e iltta n t P rosecutor VIcker* lo regard to laying n charge o f a**ault ag a in s t ce rta in men who, It le alleged, s tru ck Shaw and broke his Jasr while near a polling place In the Lofayait* section o f Jersey City on election night. Shaw 's fee* was sw athed In bandages.

I t If reported the case w ill b* laid before Ihe Federal G rand Ju ry in I re ii- ton or Newark, ae th* trouble devel­oped a t an elactlon In which oandldalei for Congress end P residen tia l eUotore were being voted for. Bhnw eaye he

For Hard or Soft Corns

Osncoma HO* aaybedy^lhot to*m mm

It ^

Mol ealy hart earaa aad aot oalpaaemi but ovary blad of aatr -------I* "Oeia-lL" the aelleaal aaea Wbe* Juat a lew iii to ie t* wllb tw* Of three dreoa Gaitolr It Iseaaai ea y«a *•*« with**! to* leaal twlog**■ Seael

‘Tlers-It,'* the aew aaoy-baeh e*oa real1 aoy drag e l a t a ___

A Ca- CNdeegg—AdvirHaiaw at

a t t M a d ?:r'irSt.*‘.ara

by B. LbwsSm*


T ik * S rHh t o F 1 « A K M M 9 » II B gck H o n o r B M A r

B oUm h .

a l^ a it sarayla** the klAaera la UmP S I fe ru I* exael It freoi th* bleoB. Thoy hO- ••« * A a g ^ h aad weaken, Ibea ywa aoMg with a dell misery In Ihe kMaay tegWfc ^ r p galas la to* back ar Beh bsida tba Alulae**, yeur aiensach aow a t s a g t o d M te d oad whe* the weatoef I* bad «*a har* rhsematle iwlagea Th* urtao ftM dewlr. M l *t leStmaaL Ih* ehantol* aitsa 1*1 eere aad irrHaled, ehUglBS I** ta m S n lie i Iwe *. three iisaea dsrtog lh a i

Te aextrallee tbeae IrrltatlaTe aextrallee tlieee Irrltatlaf aoMa M eleaeae Us hldneys ead flweh eff Iho bedFO ■riaeiu waste *.l rear eaaaaa af Jad gaNSfrom aay phartaacr here; lake a table. •Oeeoful la a flam ef water hetore htoak> flat for a few d u . aad yeer hldoaya irM 'hra act fine. Tale rawoUa salt* la aiads frees (he scM el yrapo* aad Itman Jaloa cr.aMatd with llthla, *ad ha* beea u**d far **B.rellaa* le llueh and stlmaltM •l*«xl*li kMeerx alee l* eeulralts* Ih* eclde le urtae, eo It no laager Irrttotoh thee tadlhi bladder weakeesa.

Jed Salle la Ineapaaetr*: caanel 11)01% and Riske* * d*JI*btful •rr.rv*Ba**l llthla weier driah.— for Jed SMH Ce.

w—g w ev . • e - v ^ e ^ - H - w-w veam m • w w I e r a > a . , W W I W W VI Sa ^ B v a v t o A V i i U l J S hW m m f m I I *

Btknvtl by F- W, GAlbriltb Jr.« nitlonAl knowB two of Ibw iu* d wbo FltackAdAommAodor.

Fire C h ie f t N gm e C o n u n itte tT o P re v e n t F irc i in Schools

HAMMONTON, Nor. • ( :P )—fir*Chief Henry U. Phillip* ha* b**n ap­pointed chairman of a apeelal achool commute* of the New J*r**y Fir* Chtnfs’ Association to urge apaclal pro- caution* egalriet fir* In schools.

Th* other memberi *r* Harry J. Recksr of Bouth Orange, Harry Francis of Nsw Brunatrlok, Jamea Bannatt of Trenton and William Ingold of Edge- waler.

Suit Invo lv iiig C o o m iv io o in S a le o f S te an u h ip e N e a r E n d

(pedal (trrtm ef tt* NFirg,JERSET CITT, Nov, t — Th* iu lt »f

th* Jofdy Company, Inc., of Baltimor*, lo rooevor about from thoMeoro ghlpbuUdlng Company of Oak- l*nd. C«I., bolsg haard betor* Judgo Bpeer ta tbo gupromo Court, probably wilt reach th* jury today. Th* plain- tiff coiupaay Bllag** th a t In Ootobtr, 1*1*. II «nt«t*d Into a contrast with tho detofidont ooBipany to ootl for tho tattor a num bsr of oil tank atoaotoklp* of is.ts* toB* doBdwoi^t onck, th* ooromioslBB to b* a t tko ra t* o f sa* por c en t at tho |U ( por ton rooalToA.

Ao • roBBlt of Iho eoBtfoot, tha plala- l in atlag*a, tha yoao*l* w tra **M to tho Btandard Oil C oapaay o f Motr Jar* ■or. tko aslo BmsBatlag to oarMBl m il. ■Ion dollsito A tlw lag tho osoimlooloa wo* not M m . ■ «( wao brough t Th* dofwHoa t oompBBy d*al«* th* eharg*.

U . S . A g e u b Seize M uch W U ik y F ro m A tla n tic C ity aaijj C a a a d a

prrrsBD iioM ;, mot. i tm —rwa largo shipmoato at w hM ir woro eoa- fiostfoA yoatto tep t o fodaral agonto ib Bo U tn o n a Ohia Itollroad Ito tgh t ear* h*r*..- Qb* oar asm* tn a i OUbwb, caaBig, and thg * a * r froai AUbbUs O iF. 4.

In (h i «Br M sg AtianU* CUf tii* Bgotti^FBnd L t f t ssso* of qrhWto, bbM to b* Ngrtb IlHidS*. U to r i i i tb * Bay th* *ffBAih sptBBA B OBr la tb* m r t y -

|N *i yarAB BoA fOBad Uwt It ' about MAtBBS* at wRMky.


NWttb ( tb B(M*I itatiMCBl

CeipA Plant Qoied as I** V o t e R A ne Wage Cal

j W S S W S S S i . 'S S . f J S s

B mu Bf M hSB fdP .dBBt; bl mw*Bi whlfB tb* >iiMgBB4aiiB| .BtotBB, IB tb* 'SalF '.WBV '(^ -B tiu r t atm t o to p t In■toOMWsrf.' - - ■ ■' MwwrtnwBAiAt W,' Fy-'<M*Ago* *aiA th* tsetovy BBBto iBBtotk ale**A m lH "irdaHi (T p m iM 'W ilA t ( to bia m

Always say “ Bayer**A*plriA if irsdt niArk Viytr MioNfi^ lure MoflotctltcAcidMltrol

Congress Committee Begins Shilling Inquiry Session

NEW TORK. Nov. I (F ).—Th* ron- greMloual committee, headed by R*P- reerntatlv* Joseph Walsh of Massachu­setts, whioh haa been conducllRg *n Inquiry Int? Shipping Hoard affairs, met here todsy, beginning what Is es- pectad to b* a lasalon of a.verol wt*ki.

The trend of the Inquiry ha* not been made public, hut a number ot steam- ■hlp man—operntora *f Shipping Board veesels. a* well a* local represonlatlves of tha board,—hav* been ashed to a t ­tend the aaaalon. A, M. Fitoer, secre­tary tad statistician of the oommittee. ha t been bar* for aoina time, gathsrlng data with reftrano* to oparatlng con­tracts, ekpahiao, oto,

In addition to Mr. Walah, tho com- mlttaa compri*** RepressntatiTes Pat­rick H. Kellay of Michigan. Lladtoy il. Hadloy of W athlngton. lansot H. Poster of Ohio, Honry J. Steele of Penntyl- vanlo, and Tom Connally of Tex**.

Know of No Food Taken by Hunger Strikers in Corkj

DUELIN, Not. t (igy Lb* Aoioclxled I Froo*)v—go to r *• th* authorltle* htr* kaow, tb* Bin* hu n g sr strtksr* In Cork ‘ Jail, whs today bogoa tho lr ntaoly-flrot , day of tostlag. or* tob lag no food, oc- , o sH lsg to tbo ohalrupan at th s Prioon* ' BotrA Tho ebalrraoB oald that Mltsblo > toad ooBstoatly wna bolng oftorod lo |tho BIOB.

Th* latoot roport* from tho prtoon • doctor* tsstify to tho woakn*** at all tho prlfOBfri, and say th a t th«lr Ooadt- lion r* pustUo# tho authorttlos, Tho prtoonoro roeoatly eroro tUHsA by 1 Fathor Flolding a ( ChtoagB. AosorA- 1 lag to tbo DubEh aowopapBrs, F a tto r Flotdlhg roportoA thorn s s bolsg Ao- tormlsoA and rostgssd to tb*lr tots. B ight o t tbo nloo bmb s r s ssM to b*T0 rolstlTus Is Cblosgs.

Armenian Boundary Data Heady Ready (or Wilson

W-tBlIRnWiN. Not. » tJFW T b* nsBI oopnrt os tlw AtpishUji bpQadsry . q s ts ils s bAs oboBt bsOB oewiglolsd p# - t b s ip sfts l ssmmliBlsB bbibsA by th s Slat* D s w a i i s e t M'*i«A'«t«t*A (sAbfi sbA ■ sdgH tU to gposswtoA.H I*h s MbbI WUSSB. ’

Tb* ffsiM M rt baa b a t* asiisA Sf to* AJU4A pBBMto t* SlK tb » lArasBlSB bsBoAstlN bb4 to* sbibisHsJsb’b rsB srt IS t o l s t S lU AsiS ta t bis IsfsttoBliyn.

Coiby Coulfert Omictpi cn (WaapbAsdftMlh Aniu^Trip(FAimNQMOiritoiv'b f»1.~g*crv-

tarts* flsfiM i saA.CMby opstor/Bd ts- * * ■“ My. n ib i to


ST IFFN ^ AWAYR u b P h in fro m U ie k w ith S n s U

T r i l l B o ttle o f O ld “S t . J ic o b ’s O i l ”

your back la oara *nd UA# «ff I'jmbafa, aclatlea or rkeiiniaiiam b«a you atIffoMa up, ijon't suffar! k ■na,||trial buiUa of cid, hou»>t "At. Jacob'! OH’* at any drug atora. pour a llula la ytivf hind and ruh II right on your anhlnf baclU ~ nil Ly lb* iltaa you count (tftjr Ibg aAtag*ntaa and iam«n«M ia ffoma.

l>oB'l *tay crlppUdl MlAlnft |riAb-Iratlng oil n*«da to ba road ctbly ghtikh Hla k e ! tho pain r ltM out a n d ' ahda $h4 mioery. It l« fnagiraU yot abaolutaly kSHWa lo u and doegn't burn lha ahlg.

U»l{)o atop lumhtoga. aelatlea. kaobgckg or rhRumgtLini proigpcty. | | navoP a9poiaia:""”*Ailvortit«moai for 0t. Ja c a V i Oil Co.




WHO niAND c m . N. Y

r T 'T r ' ' ' ' ‘ 4 i1,' ’I'

SSOtoMr'a , ' . Tho • iM 'ib s

ijf 1. -A SU,au'(

(B rbs

N ttn ik

jSwa ■ tori' ...opisr' h* tor b*» to

m fi-


■*yrt V Q b d m g


b u M ^'|Siv ^ Cm . O fM i tn

mmI Him Aitidu Umm

ODCtfO, Cottnf Hornet Up 167 Per Cent in OeveliiK]M I U Mlf t»f

_ __ ______ «MHwyi KMM tM U th4itr*UrM

* - n # »« « • llWW M KMM to •■W*M

M i mm‘« Mrto mito ^w*M riMw« i t « m t l f r*i«B ^

r « to* ihirt**«aiprtoM *1 to* *»**to> ------ ^M i-* * * « * i fe«ri*s **»*■*«»■ • ( to*.Okitoi ir*ti«Mi Ctotoi*** THeM***

SeM te fiW M B u , H ow m r. Gtto

llo I n i m m « l O m b m m

Fivt'Ywr RliM*t i i totki MUttM Iv r*Ult etototoC

■ m ItMiltoM KMil* W**tor*•tat**, >*i h u u k * a IM

• I • kM * atoptor •*la q u im i Noir to CUcifo

^ f h * B»hU* to M l k w to iita»*ri H i i**lM* *r* av*nM«k*i,''taH W. 1» V o tr , tr**H riT **i •*••*•* ltaM C*r * t to* *«»»*<■ tto*. ‘*tk« »rlM H h I *MM iMT*. W* h*v* >*«*«J tHK , ta h lik »»tota •€ w **r|j« * H i ^

• ctototH w*!* * • MMMerikto Hmht fr*ta MW H i tiM Ntailir m

to «tol *t toH tor U* ***U u**r* f*ta* ta**** iklrta,* k*

ST T S, Sn^H* *ftor*« *S m S ir* m M « *toU totiCM. *rtto tk*t *rilMill» " M t o ^

cunrauum . mm. t (» » -o * « *»k*»** Hi g t r i tH l to<#*M*i l i t mt e**i- ta to* kMi H«* r«*r* **rf i*ruf to* U ri tiuM n * r* tow*r k**— w*r* • tM to i t o u hi to* l**r prtor to to* w*r. i«i»rtoia ta tositawey r*to*ri*r

* t*tatUM M *»»*i i t ta*ti*i

iteMM *(to* --------------- rtIMM**I m M tlwf* •*M tai to Cto**-

MSooi G ibed Uncler Ship Bond Conbict

SwplM Ih to iii l m Padfir CaMt

to 6« SqU wilk ■ Ptocartnet

AJUftd O u t F ifM d .is Dday

Vito D. i M.^WUtPriMMriil

S T r lWar ww t■ r t i i to k ta if ilta r , •aJ*r« tk* HtoM iliitaim a •( kirf— aIk ifa lto ii- >*r»ta» an toJ a w aria ikiH tar MHic** »i ftMta*l wktl* a>*■* ■** r

M ito n* «•■■H tai, a * i r*to«r. to** 1*1 to* StM to* itatota. to* *H*tat *r* ■•Otoe w t i t tk ta to* «

i*fa«Mt*T* *t

lOLiMMr t — , »tor, * r*i**-•to* •TtolrtTitof** aai gw|ta t ta to* wk*l**»t* •**•« •* tta to ^_____ * to tk to^ taaaafttatarta* __ _t a n * * t a n ia * a H I* *l*N*to* t r m ito*wM*r I • * • *kH*ta . .. ■ •*■**»*<*. I t to **M to* r tiw rtto c *M*k I* to a i i i t i H ta to* H M i *Hk •ttatouit *f *«*•» »*t *Mit, r*K****tt• Wit fta** |«i, to* •■**iM ikU '

I •p taH M ieu fy IM.

toltta*.I* i* tato a i « v **taHa*i>li* H kak itog at* ' tartal taa to ta *r *f takM- *Mfc H w m M M**r * i to M*w T**k r****tlr. *« i wktok k*M H Ik* «»**tta*llM «( kallilaga, kiM M l * wtta*** k**« *< **r ■wk MiiWI** k*t*.

WkO* *MM * « • * • * • ta*ta««i task *< Ik a i* WM t a t i i l r ta k taM ta r to* i t ta ta ta to •***tni*U*«, r to 0*«r. • k*akar * « i ik ilr ta H *f Ik* Mk**w^ IM taat k * M ta t **tawWta*. tMUftol to i l H M IM M WM araltoM* ta to*** i**lrtog ta k*IM k**M* ■ » « « •* , k* i ta la ta i . ataM to* Mm **'* ■*wiltt»* WM t a m * | l*at itakTHry, a*t a w**k> t o n * * k * i ap ta to i ta r M*l*taa*«.

0. • Iwtota trait *M]r kaM lair «•*' tot**lM»f. »r«t14*i t a l totl** *k*wtog WM** k*ta*a w*f* kalH k*r* to I t l l tk H i artog to* taltowtog tor** r*ar*

I prtoa to (

B n ic e n P lan P o o l to A id U v o t o c k I n d u it ^ F n a n o e

tlr>^»i*k*w *f H ar* ■ »i«tag I a m a g w a a a tt iMiaitakMk.

_ a n e * o a itar.* •• tlto tOMT

ta t a r ta I ta*ii*M*a •I t a a**)*

nr**i*«R laiaatrr- Nr ■■ikB aai a t Ual* kaafc* win k* ta< S f ta tak* yait to Ik* *rtaag*to«wt.

rtrtaaU p

W J f

X u«**<«>*■** Jtotk* M tarrw to «f

IM ta r a U a u r t o l t* M a*i***l *• B ta r i *1 w takkigt** r***wtirta ta e tir

Urtatack gtaiw taf*. t a »k *r* a a itoata. W iM laglM WM aM kl* tawtok aMi*rtol m *. to* kaak*r* **l4

Mim m M f kar* i* * ti*i ta ******* to*

n to »r*p*i«i I* tara i a **rg*ragM Wllk a M*ito>l M gliaL wktok wW k« •ak*«*lk*i M a a ra-ra ta kaita k r tk* aarttataattog kaah a Tk*** kaak* wUl in r** I* taratok a ta tla lt* u a ta n ia i i i a i ta to* w trM tattta ta r toailBg »«r* ■M**. Tk*** gaata* alM will k* *a a it*> rala k**la kaawl ago* to* garlMI* ia ito g kaak’*I aapHal a a i *ar*l*a

H alil lia a to E it Ib a l CtMtinf Lim Thaa T w m t f ^ c Ccali

m w . TOHK. N*r. f (JP).—to*tal frawtotara alt*ailag tfc«1Ulk Nattoaal ■atal |t*a'* K»M*fttoa k*t* wUl gar* tak* *f a iwaatar'IlM-taat **wn *a •Uto totoat toto warit m tlw lavita* tiM *f VrMtartok A . Wallto, taua1gta<

•toto* total Dg w*«a. i . / . ■***•«, gr*tai*al «f to* Mtokta

H a l* NallfM * u M kaw a a ir» * k a i k*M Bg l»**g*rialtog *t to* kaUitag ■totattala k a i i* taa t* i to* **r «ltaa* ttoa WH gHMk l ^ r <ar* ta IfB aaaan • to « r * * * 1^1* w*«toi ta taU, k* *aii.

k«aal*r GaM*r iatarr*gai* i Hr. •* * a*t garttog iarlr rag ariia* gr«gr*M k*' lag ■ «•* ta la « r i* ta n u * wUm *Mk •a r lawrM g*r la p Mta w m I ta t toal Mg ^ * i k a i k*M aw ia.

g tto * M I m a away aarTwiailag cllto* a a i atataa a lu a t a i to* kaartag.

gaaa tar Oata*r aa li k* to ■*! to to ra r ar to* garcraw M l gtaag lato tk* k*M. tog fcataa*** m kM toag ita i aai T raaaa k a t tk a i k* ia**ri awa* !•« ' gacary rtatof i* takataat* to* M tuilag • I kM***,

Tk* M iiaillt** t**v«* to tay f*r Ckl* •ag* a a i *lk*r O ta tia l W*ta tatto* I* •M tlBM kairiag*.

Om I *g*rator* iag*t *llk*r taratok *g*«lk «*al a* taaaaaakl* grloM t* •M*t Ik* gakHW* ragalrwaM ta *r n r a tk* (an** ***r I* to* g*r>raai*gt •* • a t* r C atta r i m a w i I h i algkt to

towtol tatotor *r to* N lH I.WaatoDtOTOM. K ir . *•'

■all *r a •oatraat *taa*i AiaMal to*a*M *f tk* toi wllk to* Bari* »r*lk«M •I Haw Tark. Ik* gklggtog toatai. to •toai a* *air |t***a*a. wW gM at total iraaa*** *ai ga**ikly atar* NrgiM ••>• ktaMiaa watartta m to* Malfto C**«l. rwTMily aggralMi at •i|.**a*«a.

la aiiitiag to tai* Nvla» wktok to ggaraat**! ky a koai *f H .M M *( al* naiy i*g*tat*i. tk* k«*ri M iar tk* t*r«* f t to* •*atr*«t will k* aaakli i at *M* ta * ltoaau* •atlrtlp M •atot- lag Maaal •**rk«*i **n an *t k*> lw*«a tl.*«*.*M aai !*.*••■«*• *a to* Patafla caaat

V ai«r ta* t*nM * r Ik* eoalrata to* gr*g*t ly I* ta k* ta n i* i •*«* ta to* «*rg*fau*a ta r i l agm l . Tk* Mrg*ra> Itoa gwarMl*** to* k**ri a ta ta ra *r a t toata (Ifly gM * M t *C Ik* ag gritaa i ra lM a a i M ra a ty l)* * g*r m a t * t all w*a*y r***tr*i *v*r a a i akar* atoiy gar M a t

g r r r toM allam gta to ilagoM afwgirty ta *aMU tou iMaltai

Mt ***t I* to* k a a ri a f lU ty -to rM «wtu ta* *T*rr I I *al* *r * a«t ta ta rg •r Mdy iklity<a*aM aaata f*r MwfcI I —>»

Tk* •it*at *r to* MlllBg for** aaiIII **ta ta to* k*ati to •aawgUftoi kr toa a*U«w at m tav**tigator «»r taa k*ari wk* tMMtly ito*karg*i HI

• a ira w ta g *ggrwMta aalart** • ( *«*r II**,*** aBaataly, wa*M fc« M* olarai to b* aatlrtay aaataaa

Wktl* A im irai g*a*aa a a i *to*r *t- fklato *1 to* k a a r i k*v* iM illa*i g**l- Uvtay to il**aM Ik* •••* . Mar i lag U lafWHMlM **11 I* k« ta to* h*ai» *1 to* kaari, ta m « r a tfto lala w arktag la o*aJBMtl*B wllk a gr ia ila a a t M alar,

a w arklag i«al. It to a1

>r tiM laT a

la 0 **taaap,aargH M Halytom«yw tau ttaa ,

Mag* gag«* t a l a r ky to* W ar tto-g arta ta a l, aa r* to a t to* **rg*aat wktl* a grtooM * im tk * kaaM a t to* OtraMa OaawaaMM fr*ai N***w b*r, l i l t , ta Werwwkar, 1*1*, **ia«- la r ity M M a ta ia ia a i a t to* i l f t a r . • a t *a*Ma ta wktok k* w m iM * t* i H i U M T itR to a l t • • a i l t lo i is **• tab llak* ! adw lato trallT* a * i v*t- •a a a l k a a ig a a r ta ra ■ a a tu ry raga- laltoa*. w aM aggltaM * ito trlb u - tto * t t •aggUaa a a i Mt «» » a in- taU lgaaM ****10* t* g ra ra a t aa r toM erw a g ta ta g la ta tg ia tla* t« tli*

F e d e ^

P i ^ b w

GinNr Qevelsnd Runs Aground at Gurtagena

Gm m tnder Reports Ship U n d u i'

•ged. bat Attenipti to Free

Her Fniideti,

Requeit for T o fi Ii Seat

wkaraky m H a tto a *1 to* |M,>*H J*I w arta * t *arglM M atartal w m la k* kto i a tta r *aly twMty>C*ar kMrW aatlM . Tat* M alar w m t a N to a lt * kM «t K **A IH *r IMIMW ta r to* aatir* ML la ta rw atla* *Ma*ra hig to* aUagM a ita a g t ta a ek«i A iaa ln l Nm * **a a a i k* g**tgM *i tk* aat*. Attar • r ia r la g to* g**tg*ewBMl *f to* M*- lt*a, to* ekalraw a a t Ik* k aari t**a|v*lr * i««rtl**i tk* gr**a*>i **M kat to* !ilgk**t k li a a taa itw i w m

w alM W H T*ta«t*i.

WAiHINaTMt.. N*r. I <»)■—Tk* giwtaelai eral**r C tortU ad attockai ta to* *«w)r •rg aa taa i aqaairo* a* ia ly ta lj*lln-Aa*nii*B w atan . la *■*••*•> la to* karkor a t Oart*g*aa, Cotoakta, to* Mary Oagartaiaal w H •drlaad ta- lay.

Tk* •an w aaM r* mn aag* aali th* ■hip waa aa ia i* * f* i, kat that a tta ap U to fcaal har mtt to* bar k a i ba*n an- *a*Baaatal a a i toai part *1 toa aqalp- ■ant WM kalag ranoT ai 1* o ria r ta Ughtaa bar, HaMtlma, to* eominan- M al • ( to* Kara t i la * i (•*■ Pran- gacal K a rr T ari, baa b*«B *ak*4 to

■ ■ ■ ' • k

A a d m n D in h ig i A d i o l A ^

tonggr G ea m l *tlggg l» C o »

r n i t f c i i f »

M k ‘Tfggr C gn d w ii o f

tNOtAMAPOUa H*v, • tWI. Attar ■ *7 O oganl Tai— to a ria r* Itoalllag to* g a raraaiaa rg gftg*a »* ta k a g f g latoa aati «*al **Mglr**p *agM agataat II* agaratar* aai M a*M la Mtag«L ItUaota, Okla aai W«|*ra T*M*g1» raala. war* *tttto|g*i tg gkitaal gaOM A aM tan la to* Oatoai i ta lM Dtototal Oaart kata lata yagtariag M balaa’ktraagato af a tataatoaf* a a i a < f aaar a»at*aigt •€ •aart.'*

Tk* mmi* a*i a*gt taaMiy II m to* Mu tar taBlag to* aaaaotoaag triato ■gala, **i«M*lag tkat Ik* tatarlat "will gta* M UiM ta g*t aar kaartBga **i at takM lU i atrt wk*lk*t wa ar*

U*gi<ta Hto

<W> iaM tatttata-

*< 0**i>

T », gU j itotail^ . a w»taw*f to

I t wgg M l w t u a t t a r ^ ^ S S ^ a t qa*H Ttalirfi, wtoaeggeggi n Mttaaly, to a t It baaagta a taw.

Duchefi of Midboeougli Wins Decieo o( D b m

Q ig ife i of P tagfl iMi gad N beoi

doct S m tiiigd A flir Tw— ly

to Mtara kg tow ar ky g*ra*A' lit* Attaratg 0«a*iml wm aat m m -

k«t C H

■•n* tag* t* toa aooa*.

Allies* Turkish Accord Is Deemed **Seaet” Here

Attaraag OM**al wm aat aat at tk* laragllaal'Anaa taraur aMw aattotaat ta Palaur, *agtota*g toat Mr. VataMtto ardara kai baaa a>touaiarg***i kg ggr- anauat aaaMalt wba taaiKTla i at to* lavaallyatM*, aali Ik* *ri*r* g iiitkly Dttiimai th* go MMltoa.

J a in AaiaiWM'a gtatataMt ragari* log lu . Paiatork tMiagl ataw attar baartal iM ta at to* taattoi w . to* cMH iMilag M ta ala •••artlM wMi a **rt** •< ftN*U*M H ta wbatoar Ilk* Attataay (taaatal kai aatoarftg to agr** aat I* a** awtala arliM**.

Jaig* AaiaiMa il**Bg**i to* *l*. m«Bta •MatltBtlgg *Mt«Bft 0 t m v t ,ala parpaa* bolag, k* aati, ta 'M* k*w laagaroudy aiar toto gMHt***n kM gat hlataalf ta g Matnagt *t totooaart,"

-Th* a n a a t to* «M(* I* toag," **m lUnaai t u t f laiartaa to toto «**■**• ttan, "a a i ha* b«*B kagwa ta w ack fartkar thaa W aiklagtaa. I «H a* t apggavtlBg w k g *r gtag a* t k* toa*. Mr. Paha*r to tk* A ttaraag Uwi- oral aad tk«r* to a **11*1* aataga t a t oaartdarktlaa tkat t •** k*g*4 i« gag to h u otflatal g**atoa It I M bM gag It to him, hlawaU."

Wuhin^toa Hai Not Received an

Official Copy of Tiipartite

SevK i Coocnedat.

Tenai of Pact Are Being Studied


Sees Private Railroad Control Gone Forever

kMtogg ••ailttoa* h*tar*i M i t o n t taNhaag*.to* Ctavatogi

DwitaWg vmmmw evBHBtnen that g**rtraaag erta ttaa w m b m * t to* «htot *h-

g k ^ k t o t a ^ ^ ^gart al Jih* haul toat to* m it. a .' T, itaaOarw**. aoaM •Mc*n ■ r*ga*( tar that ■■•*, H i totU alatai a gram, to la li ta kar* g|«*agtai to* la- Wuttoa agi ato* to* >Migtaatai.

M w a*i It-T tarw ay, «k j iia *a *t to* •ggaalitaa •w aaim aA ta ia g raaaw- ■Mai«i ttw I JiaataM** ag t to* grtoa* af k rito l *aliaa 'M k la arMr ta a a a a a f aga gMtrtwaag * a i h a g i r t a t tk* gaaarat grtaa-M iUag gragr***."

Bdliib Oil Coto p id i i U y Price C v lto Ovg^radoetiaB b U. S.

wtaak kM n t a r i a i •uwalto*. Tk* taa ia qa»ta traaagarta- ttoa taaOltlaA ia r ta g a targa g a it af to*t gaar, k* a itr lk a ta i ta part to to* Irragatofilg *f m *I g ra ia r tla a Ha ato* ab arg a i tk a t at naaalra grtaaa tor taa l g lagvi a a M aa rta a t part la toa h lfk aaat* a t b a n iia g aMMrlala

DtaaaMtag tha a l M balMlag eaail- tiag i, wklah h* * a |i war* kalag aag*. r iaaaa i th raagkaat to* aaaatrg, i tM - la r CaMar iaa la ra i la tavar a t aaw* M ai a t aO M M t ItgtolatlM to f ir* tw agatarg rall*t a a i itta ik to u th* «*a> ■traatlaa »t iw alltag* aad ag artau a t h*a*a* a a in aaailll*M rataiM d ta aaar aanaal. M* a a ltla a i glaa* wklah, b* aaiA ha w m a i r aaata fa r g aa tiga la

T a n fie u . m R ephr. A motU

Q e m e n c e n i D efen d ed F o ck

WAitolMCITON. N rr. » ( W l . - 'O w B taiaattaar la Om i w t a i i ta iM to to* r ta ia a * * * t i M l ^ ir t t la h o ireeatga- ato* t a r .H w a M g f ^ ra inattoa a f ala cM U a m A h t o to* gile* of gaa*i*M la O raatllrfta lg afrar * ghiM a la*r»M*I ghiM aat taartaoB eaiit* a nU aiita Aaigaat, niT itlT ig u airt*** tiM i ih* Am attoH dmihar M OatoHaro* la Iwado* taiag to Ik* D*Mrtaia*l of Oaauaare*.

■rttlah *oaaaia*ra, hawarar, tk* «tauak«y r*g*rtad, attrlkata to* ahuw ta to* larMtlgattoa *t th* aaatral prof- Itaattog •OBUalttM lata th* laaraa** I*

taarta A«*rta* la t i l l wm* ab ra t U * * j* M N gallaa*. tha ahambar M aiatai. wMM'lk 111* k tar AW,***.*ta g t ^ « )

Mill aa-

1. C. C. C b iitn iB Sgyi There Will

A lw tyi Be Federal and State

Refidatkm in U. 5.

Opeai W adtimton Coaveatioa

PABia. Har, I <W ).-4t*rahal Fa ha* k*«*iaa tk* *Mt*r a t aa aata ia ta i dlirtiH taa w hith I* aaenpylag to* a t taa llaa a t Ika Fraaeh graaa a a i gam laal elrelM aiaara llg ta Ika aaotaMaa a t alma*l BIT ath*r ••k jac ta Tka awla galat la n u M tha ralatlaaa a t Harahal Faoh M i Fraailar Otawaaaaaa I* Ika araatal a tag ta a t tha war a a i to t d r - rttam U atM la a ila g ta to* amraa*!'* •l•T■llBB ta th* raak a f ceiam aadtr- iB'OUat a t *11 toa A ltlai faroaa.

HanhAl raak kM glr*a k li awa ra rd a a , iaalarlBg that ha had anlg baaa aggalat« i 1* tka aagraia* aan- o w a i a tta r Fraaitar Clamaae*** h a i g lalM i ta tha iMlstaao* af atbar*. la- a lM lag r i a l i Harahal Haig, th* I r l t - kto aaaimaaM r, a a i aaaartlag that hi* ratotlaiM with Clamanvaau war* ■tralM l.

Oa bahatt of U, Clomaacaatt. Anira

WAgH lHOTOH, Har. I (* ) .— Awartaa w ill a a ra r agala har* prlrat* aaatral a a i agaratU a af rallraaM aa- aaeaw gaatai kg atat* aad taM ral r*g«- tatlaa, C kaltaw a Ctark a t tka la ta r- atat* CoaBwera* Camailaalon. daalarad ta ia g la a a a iiro M a t tha agaalag aaa- •taa a f toa tblrty-aaM ad aanaal aaa- ra a tla a a t th* MaUaaal AaaaatoUan af RatlwBy a a i Pablta pUlltloa Oimmto- tta a a ra Tha eaa raa tlaa will b* la aaa- d a a ta a r ia g a

■Wraa I t wa ahall ram* ta garora- m aal awM raklg a a i aparatloa," a i i a i Hr. Clark, "toa aaaaaaltg far a aaparat* trtkaaal w ith fa rta iM iaa ta M tanalaa n a a tta M a f raaN H hlaaaa* a t charga* a a i a llagai ilaerlaUaMloM will b* graaaaf*

H atairtag M f t ia ra l aaatral af th* raltroaM . th* ahalnH B aali:

■-WhOB ta* flaal balaaea ikaat ahall har* baaa aemglatad It will k* round that tha Amartaaa paopi* paid a hand- •om* aam ta r th* aa* aad epatattaa of tha ra llraa i* during to* war. but a* •aak UM a a i . ugaratlaa wa* taaantlal M a w ar M«aiar* w* muM, I ta iak , la tatrnaa* aaad M r It h a part of th* awM oarg * **•••• of toa war.”

C kainaaa Olark d*al*r*i th a t th* rtgk t *f lb* atalaa ta ragalat* tbatr In- taraal aftatr* w m roeagaltai through- a a t to* traaagertaltaB Mt aad h* orgad aa-ogarattoa katwMa th* atata aad fad- oral aoBiatlailaBa m autaoTliad bg th* law.

WAgHlNOTON. No*. *.—Tb* Arnarl- *H Oararamant. It waa aald today at toa g tata DagartmaaL la g lrln g oara- tnl M aig t* tb* tripartita agraamant batwaau Oroat Britain, rraao* and lu lg ta whlah' thaa* eouatrlaa nndar- tak* ta aupport aach other la maintain­ing thair "aphara* of luflttaac*'' 1a Tnrkay.

H hathar thara la froaad for a for- atal prataat by th* ITnItod Blatoa haa aa t gat baaa datarmliuA official* aald. Th* traaty batwaan tb* thra* eauntrlaa, which waa algnad at Sarra* laat Au- guat lA waa otflclalty ra fa rra i to aa a ‘W irot" on*, and It wa* otatad that copy af It had act "ottlelally" boon tranamlttad to th* Amtrloan Oovorn- maaL

S eco n d D iv ision Is O rd ered

T o R ecru it F ull S tren g th

WAiHINOTOH, Har. I («> .—A ttar- nay Oaaaral P a la a r MaHaa i taa l i lg li t to ooBtaaat M ■tataa*aa ta *( HaMi Jud(* AaMrMa *1 ta ito aa g a lli w ith raapoot la th* *M ir* tag a ltg ta t* tka Attoraay OaMraT* aM aaatlaa w ttb th* •oft eaal aa**g|**ay *Ma*.

BapartmMt af faatlaa aftlalato aati, howarar. It bag baaa aagaatai that G B. Amaa wb* waat ta IMIaaagall* h th* dapartataafa lagreMetatlr*, waoM road -Int* tb* aaBrCi raaart ata at tb* Inrtructloa* la quagtlaa." Whatbar tb* ooort had baan adrlaad at tola glaa wm unhnowa at to* iapartMaat, but gaad- ing Mrarlagawat* ta to* a*Btrar*ray offlalato war* aUaat

Delgctive T d b o f T n f l i i i IXikg

A l a n n l U i e f B o d y

CondWow So Ssriooi R ik V m 'i

V g cU n to T w fcq r .

NsiioM lies Hold

LOMPOK Har. A--Tfca Oa*lM** *t Meriberaegk, tar aaartg 0 *a***l* Vaa- iarM lli iaag k to r a* too la ta W. K. T H - ia ta ilL WM a w a r ia i a i««r *t a f dl- r«*ut today tram toa O aka «C Hart-' I ta iag k .

AUagattaH •< M aarttoa a a i totoOM- ia a t war* « a M by to* ia o k ta a hot

t aggaar la aaart. Ik n a a l M alal a f to* *hargM w m am i* ky to*

ikak i*M **l. b a t M >rl i «a*i w m Aaa. Tb* i M k*a* w ai atoa a w a r ia i I* Mata a t Ika ■atto*.Tk* •barf* ut i»*»r t l ia waa baaai

to* M ta to t lMk*ilM»* a t Ik* f*r tka raaU tatlM a t oaajagal

right* whith to* j a ahta i ak ta lM i laal


Dry Officen Studying Liquor Storage Rufing

Chiiiecg IB EafofccBieat R egdo-

t io u Oeclired N eoenity Be-

citn e of Coort'i DedtioB.

Some D ifficuhiei A atidpoted

Tb* e*M toata* M ig tw aatg-tfra M tautaa i i r B iw a ii CkiM * aggaartag t»r to* i a nhaa* a a i Hakar t g a g tMfbr to* iaiM .

Oaly iwa witoaaaaa war* aaltoi—aa lag1l»k M laoltra wka wat akai H aa- halM Patoaa. to* iito a ’t raatiagaa. a a i M aM w ai toa ia k * M g a eeepM ie* ■a a trig ta ParlA H i a ■altaltar'i • ta lk wka w llaaaaai tka M rrtaa a t th* *M rt Mgar* aa tha M to a iH t

■Ir fe iw ari CaroM aag to taai I* to* aourt th a t th* iuahaaa w m lailapaaad a a i a a t la t il ghyaloal oaaiU laa to *g- paar. Joatla* H orrliga, graatdla* aoMmattaai H r B iw ari-a atataaiani th a t "wa war* ra ry aaatoM to a t Ui* iaahaaa akeald b* grat iaL," a ii la g : -Tk* ptoJntltr* aanaaal to ttg b l la ahtw lag to* iaehaa* I* w tlllag t* ag- paar th* mua* ta a a r aau *1**.'

Tb* lu k a aeauplai a tru a t aaat ta lb* a o tr i roam. S tIMb m w h g lrM that th* dkk* had aaaagtai a ramn In a praaibunt hatal la Parto oa rabygary I t tool with a womaa w hm i th* iatao- thra iaaertbad a* "tw aata-foar ar tw aaty-flr* yaar* of aga." Th* woman waa aat nomad.

Uala** olhar proeaadtag* a r t Inatl- tntad By th* g*k* th* da*r** awardad taM y antaatatleally ha Bern** nhaolut* at t a t aad of a li m oatba

A rm y U n it W ar S tr en g th

Is R ed u ced A b o u t O n ^ d iir d

JuMUMie b oM iti gad Exports . ____gfarinintmrnia TardUu laMy rapllai ta MaraMI rorti.U g e m Uesplte Kegqjusmenu | daotorln* that it w*a la Inat Claman-

WABHINQTOH, Nor. I (Jg).—Tala- traghla ardara war* aant today to tb* army raarultlag atatlona to racrutt tb* ■aaoni i lr tilo n to t u full atrangtb im* madlataly. Tt WH aiptalaod a t th* War Dapartmaut that nndar th* provtalon* a t tb* naltonal Mfaa** aat, on* dlrtotoa a t th* Army moat b* kapt a t full atrangth and that tha Sacand Dlrlaloa bad baau lataotad by th* ganaral ataff H th* unit to b* malntalnad a t full atrangtb.

Tb* dlTlalon, which to autlonad a t Camp T ra rla T****, la 1,00* abort of it* full atrangth H d tha War Oapartmant H id that th* racrultlng H rrle* navar bafora In tim* of gtaco had baan glran a almltor UaA Baratofora, raarulta tor tb* Mcond Dlrlalcn hnr* baan drawn from tb* atatai of T ax u and Oklahama, bat undar th* naw ordar thay will b* takan from any ptoc* in th* ueantry.

tta)or Oanaral Jam ai O. Harbord. who WH Oanaral parahlng't flrat eblat af ataff In rraoca, command* th* d trl- alaa.


a t th* Naw JarM y aommla- to Bttaading tha an raR ttaa .

C am p A rea to B e P resen ted

T o G irl S c o u ts in N ew Y o rk

W A gB raO TpSTserr* (Jgv.—Jagan'a MBtouralal bayamatar I* at)U low l**glt* tb* iw iM ttoa whlah b n i«h*n gtfif* la arrar-pradiwitoa. and ovar- ataOklag. faatar* aaatrlbutlBg to p rn - •Bt •oadltlauat aoaorilgg ta Yokohama MOM rartaw* of tba aoauomle aliuatloa ig d a ta* U M am llta i today t* th* Da- gartgiaat of Cammarur.

UaalUi* la th* Japaniw* Import trad*) h t* b a n rapid and axlenatva, to* ravirwu daotorw. Import* In Au- g«*t am O uatlH ta ag|>roilm*tly f t l .- •lliOt* aoMparad with lTi,t:t,o*o in July. Thla ratranchm ant In Impart* WH aooantgnol*d In Auguat aau Bap- ttm bar by a daatln* Id atporta, notably la tb* C4M «f allk. t'h« malnatny of Jap aa 'tu x p o rt trad*.

Organliatlan *f m *ni|f*eturan' and gi*rch*ttta u ttab* with a trtow to eraal. lag an artlHeto! aheritg* by buying ap tba floating cargo In th* markata k H baan r*anrl*d to. th* rarlawa Otatad, I* ■ddltion to fovarnmontul •MiManc*. the cnrtanDi*|il of produo- ttan and the oancalatlon a f furthev con- trActa. So far, however, them rvadjuat- m int nieaaurca have boon of eompurn- llv tly Im is practlcAl vtlu*. the r»> «l«w* addad.

B . fit D . Lkjr* O ff N inety M ine

Nov J (d>y-. About tu b« laid off at pi*

BAUttUOH*.Biaaty ipa« ar*Haunt Clara abop- of the BnUlmora’ A Ohio ttallroAd by Noyumber 1*. NHrty iH man ware dltohargad * v*tk ago. Tk* layoff. It ta **ld by offletata. da iaa I* a antural dullaaia. which aiay

. iMt hut w aharl ttaa*-

wb* **«ur*i lb* •«!*»»• cam mini for Haeh and that riamanetau WH Ihraugbout th* ahamptao *nd da- fandar of Fpoh laataad af bt* aaamy.

Daallag with th* alaUmant at- tributad ta Foeb that H . Ctamaaaaau only bowaC aid with bad grow, to my appalnlmant aa aupran* eommaniar," M. Tardiai otfara Ih* tail of Faeh'a appointment written la tha Framlar’a hand.

-I wa*.- any* M- Tnrdieu, "French High C*mmlialon*r to the Cnlted State* at that tlma. and I oaa Hy thla: S'.nec th* praoading JintiAry Ihad had laairuetlup* from Pramtar Ctamancanu to work with th* An trlcan Oovarnment for Ih* Ihitllutlon at • lupram* cammanil. end If one pat th* quHtlun. 'Whor the raply wh •Poch.’"

H. Tardlou ntac ravUwed at length Premier Clnmanetau'a cocri* In th* Prenrh Chnmkar. (juotlnt ipeecha* I* which tb* Pramlar dafendad Marthnl Pooh ngelnat ttUcki and atrongty aup- portad hi* military pallet**.

R ep o rt P rem ier’s S ecretary

S e le c te d A nglican B ishop s

NHW YORK Noe. t._ F o rm er ian - ator and Mr*. WlUtam A. Ctark will p riaent a targ* WHd*d e*mp arM ta tb* OIrl Scout* tontarrow aftaraoon, Ih* oararaoay taking pta«* a t Qlrl Scout h aaiquarta r* l i t Leiington ava- ■«*. Tb* camp will k* given In thn name of thair M ughlar Andraa who w u an antbu- ■ lutle a i r l S » u t.

Mr. Ctark will prasant Ih* d**d to

A cq u it All F if tee n T rie d o nCiM upirgey C h arg e g t A th en s

ATKBNB. Nov. I (P ) —Th* trial ot flftaan pariona aceuHd of having baan Impllcatad In tha attampt to a**H- alnat* Pram itr Vtnlielo* In Pari* and In n aoniptrecy to ovartbrow th* gov- •rnment, ended Saturday evaning la th* acquittal of ell the accunA

WAgUlHOTON, Ha*. • ( # ) .—F r* . hlbltloa antoroamant offleata today ar* itudytng Ika iad a to a a f to* napram* Court, givan yaataria r b f A aaM ata Juatloa dlarka, that atarag* * t towtally aequlrai llq*arn I* H m m*r *l*l war* houaa* aad troaapM tattaa af avak •taaka ta tb* bam* *( tba aw aar to aat problbltad by toa Tatotaoi aat.

Tb* oglaia* w m troakly aagraaaai to a t many obangM woaM bay* ta k* mad* la aa/arcamaat ragulaUaaa, bat pandtng datallad otttdy *( th* eaaaa. a a i tha elreumetaaew n ire u a illa g th* IIU. gatlan, M afttala) iU iam aat w m lartk - oonlag.

On* affaot faiuM H w m t t* ia a g a r a t inoraatad oppottoaKp to r t r a a i among parMM aMhtag moan* a t ula- totlng tha tow. HItfcaat tk* abaak aa traniportatloB provIMd ky tba gar- mtt ayaiata. otttatota la ito a la i tb* l tkag aapactad g r u ta r dinioulty la MMtrsl- ling unlawful *a lH

A ooboIm Iou h a i wot baa* r oadA ii u to wbotbar too oottrt'a tatargaw utlaa opoH Ah* way to r unraatrM M taaa*- parta tilii in to u ra u t* ooanMiM. That tranafar can b* atod* wttMa a gtata appqrantly WH •paatfld, bu t tb*

I tanguaga of tb# oourt, who* gaalypai, may yat thaw, ofiflelato toaagM , moan* wharaby Intaratat* Iranagartatlaa oM b* atogpai. In tb* parttaalar aPM la- volvai, tt w u p e la la i a a t tba owaar** lagal rtalM aM and th* glaM a t atarag* war* wlthla th* **m* atat* a a i , 1a ta * t In th* Hm* ally.

BafaM*ataal IMfllHlItlM FMaOMa*In connaetton with tb* traatgorta ttoa

of llqpora otfletoto h M. H. woM i ^

lEpaettl Snutee ef Me IttWA,WASKIHOTOH, Ha*. t.-^Tba war

ntraagth of th* TIaltad Btataa army itutataa b u bMB ru iao a i abotrt oaa- tblrd, to 11,111 a a a . Bcooritag to ta* naMuacaaMBi yoatarday of Paaratary of W ar Bakar, who h U roooluwi a a i »p- arwaai tba roooam aaiatloM af to* baitai OTHlai a aM r tk* arm y raor- gaalantton kUl to raviM thair aora- pHltlon of toa taetleal nalta,

Tb* aaw glaa b r lag a ' Ik* A m artau army down la a aoala wklah h a i b u n adag tai abroad aad whlah bad b a n toUai mar* praatloablo t b u tba larg* anlta Iota which <tb* G nlud ita ta* army ka i booa i iv t ia i . I t Mu h that a r w ^ a a t of lafoatry w ith It* mMaUa ■akUtary **11* will b* aoiap***d af m - | graalmataty iM * *>m a a i th a t Ik* l aMapaay M rM gth wID ba raiooad tram no ta **081 It*. I

Tb* W w Dapartmaat grograaa wWib I of courao, I* Aoorattoal to t a m o*ty In ; th* c u * af M amargawtr m m Mm ato* to r a toll arm y wt IIT .IIt, a TklH , a eaaalry ilvtoloa e f A*1 latoatry brtgai* of AIM aad a oavalrr brtgaM of t,» A

It la not to* latontlon of to* Mgait- m u t to pat to* BOW ptoa lata offoet In tIm* ot gmo* HMpt In maktag up tb* ■maUar aalta *a*b h a dtalalaa tor

HHW TORK. Hm , » <H >.-0**itttaB * ta AMa H taar * a i T«rfcqy-tB-a«r*p* am H aartiM to a t to* K aar H iaf R t- Uat w ill M t twB tka rlah a f t**rlfM *g >m*rtii*i tIVM ky aaMilag to r tb H ra- Itof waefetm ta tb* w a r-ta ra araa*

Tbki M a *a*nimaa t w m am i* bar* ta ia y kg a aalto*al afftatal a t to a Itoar Raot Rattot toltowlag fM algl * f aakUo tiM l OaoMaa ttaaglA tqgmrttag that Oatoaal i . F. CMmka ta kotag k a li k / Tarktok HattoaallM* a t gamatrur ttoamh* to ilra a ta r a t to* orgaatoalto*'* r * M aaarot iM* la th* Saaw aaa arm .

H w far tka oatoty a t a to a r aMtakarH of Otamhg* iaU ahm aat w m atoa a t- m umM by atnoer* a f toa Naar Rh ( lU lto t RaaMaa H atain* Cboiar, n wrUar. wk* aaeamaaolM Coamba oa all hi* IM K a t laagHUaa toiw agh tka wnr araa*, tka party oatmlita a f nv* Amort- aasA thra* af wba«* a ra wobub. At Utat a irloa* thaa* war* qaartarad at gaeM M a a i rag arta i M t* to r th* ka- WMSkt* pftMat*

<ta toa a tiaag to a f h a ta ro iiag u k i* M M f ^ U to* oaMmtoatoa fcaaiqaat- i f ta ka»* taiay , to* gawmgu a t a i i ra- M f warkai* wk* war* ta bar* tallaJ toy CaaoUallBapI* *n to a PanaM to to- ■arrow kM kMo canoatod. Tk# caklr, a taao i by tk* ganaral dlroctor of th • Hi m R ati Ratlaf a t Ctaaataatlnoplc, ra a i; "S ltaalloa aatram air M rtoua g a a i M mor* H rM nnat."

^ emamlialoB** offle* bar* baa re- t a l t a i a* dlract n ir lo H r a g g i n g Ih* pllgkl a t Coomba whaa* homo la a t Apatoohtooto, Fla. Ho Mrvad with tha A m artau toroM durlag ih* war u l la u ta a u t m toaal ot to* lOttk lUac:- BMra, H i a tta r tka armlatlc* u lltlnm ottlaar la Rarlla balw aH tk* Oermnir Oouarnmant u d tb* Amartean mili­tary nulkorttlea

Othnr marabar* o t th* Coomb* party a t SamHua ar* Oartrud* E. Knox af F ra r l iw o a Dr. Oaorg* T. Pomeroy of Rurbaak, CaL; Marjarle O, P fa inar and Or. aad Hr*. Boberl R. HcDowall of Naw Tark.

tovgottai Raid mm H a o t u uCONST ANTI NOPX-B. Nov. C (F ) .—Th*

Natlonaltata ar* holding Colon*] J. p. Coomba, director of tha Amorloan Cam- mtMlon for H*ltat In th* Near Sat., at Samioun and will ool pam ilt him t* proaaad Into tb* latartor on a tour of iHpaotlan or ralurn to ConatanllaopU. I t la raportad that he and o ther Amar'.- caaa ar* hold aa hoatag** *t tha In- a tu c * of th* Balahevikl a t Angora.

Kuotapka Ktmal P u h a 'a a ttitude may raanll la tk* A m arleu Commlatloa far Raltaf In tb* Naar C u t abaadonlag It* work. R* h u a u ttd , daapll* th* fact toat work h u baan carrlad on among to* Tark* u wall u A rm aatana ik*t awat of tb* relief maaeuraa war* for

[ tb* Armaathni u d that th* commiMlaa I war* acting u political and military t v ftv ts.

It ta ballavad that th* Bolthavik a i- vaao* h u much to M with H n(lip*a Kama)'! a tH d

R ailroad N ow A ffe c te d b y

V era C ruz G en era l S tr ik eHSXICO CITY, Nov. * (Jg).—Tralna

balwHB H tileo City and Vara Crui did M t oparata yaaterday owing to th* gaaaral atrlk* la the ta tte r city, whore an In itM hiu are tied up. Worker* In Hvaral clUa* throughoot tb* rapuh- lla will maat u o n to dtacuM a aym- patbatto a trlk a Tb* tedaratad warkar* of Haalao City will mMt for th a t pttr- gOM taa lg b t

F raqam t armad eonfllota. raauiUag la aamaroua M itoa, ar* ooeurring ba- twaaa goatollou aad U barato la Ta-

' H taa . aad dlOMicha* from H ariM M- f ^ Otar* tk* H ilo H altuatloa whtah M-

F inn ing Interetts o f StateJoin NdticHial Federation

TBSNTON, Nov. *.~Th* fsrmlng In- of Ntw J«rt«iy «tcpDf4 la

w ’'HtHn-_y*M-ota I larger u r lc u ltu ra l t ta la tIr. Jatnlng th* National P*rm Bureau Fodaratlon orgnnlud a year *go to give

tk* lahd I* H ra Arthur Oagood Choate, I th* ftrm or a vetet In national affair*. pr**ld*nt of tb# OIrl Soaut*. T b * . utoldant to bacomlng allied with th* greuada, which are a t Brlarclltf. w ill! national body, thay hav* formed tb* b* tu r u d over to th* OIrl Soouta. for ’ gtqt* Council af County Board* of Ag- hlk*a, camping, gam H and out-of-door rlanlture. The State Counrll h u openad actlvItlH . Th* HHip oaver* II* tc ra a | <t* offtc* a t Tranlon and haa angagad

Tb* Aadra* Clark Camp I* tk* b t- ' Mr. F r u k App af th* Stal* Agrlcul- ginning *f a parm taent fund which th* ' tural Cottag* a t New Bruniwlck to OIrl Se*utf have optnai. BaUtor ' u r r * • • full-tim a •acretary.Clark * g ift mark* th* beginning mt a I Dr. App 1* uniartaklng a *tat*-wjd* new Idqa la mamortal*. aeoofdlBt t a ' m am btrtklp nenvu* In which h* hopaa Mr* Jan* D attar BIppla, natlaual d l - . to rMoh every farmer In New J*rMy.

dlfftM lt, If not Irapaaolbl*, fa r th*** ta detariuin* tb* to ta lity *f pur«b**M aM whatlMr lha atorad atMk* M i b * « * •- talnad prior M th* aftooUv* i* t* ml tba Volataad art. ^ ^

Thla WH Mpaolad ta ratOH la H *ri atrlugant ragutotion* with r**M*( to withdrawal* of btvoragM frog* war* houM*. but tba m u m t u g M ; ^ * cH no t b* m ai* ta apply ta *r ili ta ry •torag* war*Ihtrtfar* . again ar* wftkwR _fk* j iw to a great M g ru . ofttalal* g M a w ls g that thay aatlalpatai * aH M iH r epaady removal from otortg*.

The boltof waa aagiM aai t t e •** ta* ■ult might b* to* rotaaa* o t Pm m IR -

,* » galloH of lBi«ai*ailag Sor*«*«.( I **r*

S u r i im i C h k i g o F a re IncreXM

OHiCAtKi. I (JP).—Th* PubUa 'mBKIOd CoWmlkUoa yaatirday lu t- ' tw aM tb* olgkt-M nI carfare In CAI- ; Mg* *M ta l i* n Foratahfht. Th* val-

| : ^ .g ^ M of kk* HXtoM J||aM w u .fU o i a t RllRI**.1i* Mty fought to* *11111-cant rg u l.tkothtai Iknt to* frtnahfH r*I rat* M

f r A t

R i R j

Immttmt OaMe t* fta Ynetrt Jhenlar Vntt «*d rfcltsdelpMo P*Hlc f-edprr. Copy rtphA t*t*. d« SlfDta gaewvMl.

LONDON. Nov. *.—-The Indtafi'rat rav­el nt bin by onr of Prenilar Lloyd Onorg*'* frlOPd* In Carnarvon, hi* ham* town, that th* Prim* Uintater and Ma prtvat* ■acretary. Brn**t Cvana, hav* baa* chooilng n*Mt p t th* btahog* ot tb* cburph of R ng taa i for tb* toat faw veara. baa arouaoi Hm atblng of a aon- MtloB In Dawplng *lr**l. Th* ataty laniiad out a t «a* of tb* Prim* Hia- lator'o fapaMto b r u k la t t parti** la Dewnlag i t r u t L layi O urg* I* gitogod to have u td :

"1 hav* aliwadr ah*«*a half to* biihnpi of to* Htablltbod ebur*k: ratbay. B rn « t Bvaa* ebooMt fkam a a i I appoint tham. Hr. Bt h * now and tb*a goH to llataq |e thaw graaeUng, H i b* mmtm oemalImM *n hi* r t tu ra toai ■b* ha* th* g |n —ttall 4 * ’ "

’lYbat hM 6*M *i RfRIeb eharehiem ta Mt up It th a t Hr. Rvan* to a aon- ceaforiRlnt. Th* Churth Tima* aagraota* toa rhjralPa MtaalMtowat follow*:

‘Ai uwt w* kaaw wh* to to* MM** wafear. W* bad aup ao ta i th a t to* K.'gg M M ia tta to* klakog* M to* tivto* mt tii* m w * Htatalor. I t M P tita « • « th a t tb* Rrtam AOwtotw aggalat* towa

.«* to* aivMa.gC RraiS t •* * * * ” :

racior of th* OIrl Soouta Such gift*, ■h* ta l i , would mMn graatar oppartu- nlita* ta r living chlldrea..

Today I* Daddy’* Day, wh*n by pa rt­ing i l i h 11* any man may call ktm**lf a OIrl Soaut Daddy.

H aror Bylaa will racatv* an lalar- nallonal datagatlan of OIrl Seoul* on Thuraday. Thar* will b* ttalU n, Scotch, Maitaan, Franeh, Hungarian. (^In***, Bobamton. Buialan, Syrian, Spaatah. Oreak end Aniariean OIrl Soouta Raeh aat tan wni b* rapra-

I aeated by two dalagataa on* la iiailv* eoatuma aad o m ta th* ragvtat acout uniform.

H atbar * a i Daughtara’ day will b* gaturday. Cooking d a m o u tro tlo u will bo bald In * «tor* window la F ifth avtnuo and ta variou* otbar ptocaa Domaatle aeloac* u p a rt* from tha T uaharaf CMlag* of CalumbU tlnl- vorolty will bo aaoa laatraaliag OIrl gaoata I* caoklag.

P riiM ifan a GaMHl V ka Efepaj V WiBk WoMNi Coavkt Ctpuaad

Mat*_ . , - - Juanita'

ir*av«f. ** loaMto ■C..-ilw: ln*muU*n, KH M toar *. b a * ^|gM.Ht*L « * i WW

' 'Mnt«.j R M IR a in ’ «Ktatoto

L on d on H o ld s P arad e b r N e w ly E lec te d Lord M ayoi

l/JKDOX, No*. I (# ) .—Th* biftarta prooaHlon off tb* uawly alectod L ori Mayor of lABion. partlMpitad la by th* ilgn ltafl** * t th* Moalcipai c*rso- rattoa, uMWiai Iti wa^ Ihraugh to* ■ troau Of tb* BHtropoU* loMy fritaw- lag th* larm al InducUta of Ald*rgi*nAamo* Roll la ta th* attlo* m tatR aF . ■

■ ' I ortk*T*l«y’* «*rumony lu k o i much euatomary gagaan try, which h* i baan o q ru tlo i la tb* piMW far tba a*r*> NWatol «Wlag la to* gsoartalatl** o**r ■M ilttag* brought abogi by til* roeaat **ai oirllM. Havartboltao tom uakig *r M*gl« OMWiai tb* Ottuat* ta watek offlHIatiagi «a i '

I t o jH taew w * i ta r ta i ffroai to* with to* M f i H a tty oacogyi

l i p tk* aatiqoaM A ^gllM i «*Mk.-*f •tot*, a a i .WMrt g a it tb* aH ilB t T*w*r mt LooiM* tiw ’Mttomi m*|gm w H a g i to. F H tta CatbMkMI ta tii*X*w c tu r u , whar* t h i m ttaM gnf *ff|«l*t taoepm a

ju ig a i ia w a v lA T o s tih t will

AlrHdy tb* county beirdit of agrlcul tur* bav* a total sM iuharihtp of l.lfl*. but t t la baltayad thla nunii>*r will ba InereOHd ta U.OM. The mnmbarahip campaign will b* led by twenty prom- Inant New Je itiy farmer*, and will b* oondtiatad Lr ccuntlea, with th* aeatat- anc* of Ihc ccunty agant* and local cofnmlttaa*. Th* campaign will bo ba- gua Navambtr t t In Monmouth County, and afte r a w u k 'e work will b t ear­ned ovar Into Mercer.

Single due* aolltta th* aubtcrlber to triangular m*mbar*hlp in the County Beard, the State Council and the Na- Uoaal F*d*ratton; th a t I*, by Jolnlag th* county organlpatloa on* auioma- tlcally bfooma* a mambor ot th* otkor two bodlM. At a raoant maotlng of th* council It w u Valid to admit woman an the Hm* mtartwrablp baal* u man.

Tka faiarntlon la th* moat n itn a iv * orsanliatton o t farmer* ovar nndar- takan, and Dr. Abp I* confidant It will bacMue a f* t*nt fore* In advancing Amartean ngrlcuttur*. It prom law not only ta bMtaflt tk* farmer, but ahould alio rciv* tka town and a it i dwaller, Mao* ub* gff tk* flr*( ekioeta of tb* feM ruiloa )* to bring about a mor* af- fletaat dlgiltMrtlBn Of t tr ta prodnat* •ad th artg a tb * itoU nea Satwaan pr*- iuoar a n i cMMumar.

H. R, T artar *r H iukold l* praaidrat • f th* gtata. Ooupail aad tiao a roam- bar mt to* ikaantiv* oommltit* of tb* National FgM ratlan. Otbar officer* of to* S ta tt Oouheil ar* A rthur Lotlor, RaekaaiMR, via* prratdant, a a i Ckarlw RgW to Marltea. t ru o p rur.

erage* wblab bAva ba*n.*tarM ta houeat ainc* Jaattary Iff. IM*;

Raeorda on flta h«r* abow that, la ad­dition to Immanoo quanitUaa of llq*gn purchaoai M i Morai by la il« 1 i|M *on- lumar*. tbar* war* In ■tarag* HImb to* Volatai aat baeam* affoMIV*. lafft* atoak* h * « by total* and rMtaWWgW aa rtHrv**. WbMhar tb**a tstool' atocha aew* wlthla to* rullag hM gat baan datarwinad. I t wa* a*tMg«**< that taat ta iaa w«ald b* ttl*d •* •« •* thla aad Mmllar qoa*U*M arlMkg t t m tha undatactataad oaop* off tb* **W ta- c*Tpr*taU«i of t to Totataad oal.

Jw tia* Heftaynold* •M taurriac ta to* Judgmaat off to* **art. il**a* tai m to Ih* rM tontag by whi«k It WM raaahad.

‘1 tb lak t to T*tata*i a*l w m grog- ariy latargfMad by to* ***11 tamWi* ju*uc* MoR*m*ld* **li. " b a t ' t o m -tarc* It H tou* *mMru*d W M li r o u l t In virtaol oMtiMAtloa *f taw foU r oc-

Th* aatborlsad •traagtb ef tto sUnd- lag army fftaii at UAffW moa wItL H I* oMlmsIod. form to* baala for h amargaaoy anny off mor* toaa l,**i,***

V ien n a S o c ia lisU O p p o i ^T o R u ssian In tern at jonale

TIRHMA. Hov. • . (» ) ,—Roeejattao* dofflaltriy braaklag w ith to* Hoaoow latorM itloaaU aad aggo tllaf ffoaogk Fray aad Fraa* R *tk*(rom to* party war* *ioptad a t a w**(tag *f t to ■*- otal Domoorolg boro today. T to *■■«*ttv* eovaoli ot to* party roffnato to to OBOM tg**ql*t*d with oHkor to*Of T b tii koto w*r*

IdlatarM tUoalOA doMorlag d**lga*i to dlorugt (rod*

Tb* mmbMI dootaro i th a t notttor to* Mo*e*w nor to* Rro***!* tataroo- ttaaal* pruoUati M ie a * N t a raU ytat to* w*fM frototarlaL Hog* w m mc- g tm o d that tkl* m **ttag wooM twBlv* a fMMkl* g lH ta baU i gg a world or- gaalgatloa. ________

T w o o f J u i o n T iy in g F u n y K n ew C o ia u e l fo r D efen se

vologod ta*t wwk eoatlnuod. FeUow-lag m report <M dlurdor* . H Inlottr off ^ ■ CMta*War CAllH ordorad *%« n*c*a*ary maHurag' taku to give aooarlty to th* lababHuU ot tba dlsturbad ; ea. lla dIrHtad that all mombtra of p*Utl- cal partiM to dloarmoi.

S u p rem e C ourt ^ ^ p e a le d to

In S e a iie s W ill C on test

aOfTON. Haw- • (M>-~Court b H b*ML*gg**l#i to la t t o e u

A***,*lta*t t to t to |iff,ffi«,**« aetata af Rd- w o ri F. Saort**. to* ro o lu u o t HtChton aad H*w Talk. CoaoMl to r to* wtu. ky -wblab ArUmr T. W afkar to Haw f«tfc wg* tail t to bulk of tb* *i«gl*. botw aggaalid ta tk* b tghar oimrt ftamto* ia e m off th* Raooz Cobaty IT*- bato OoarL wbtab allowod aa Rmim for trial by Tury obargM of A l ^ T, gaarloA a R a ^t to taotator, to a t th* will w m ebtataad by traad and oaig* lanaww* **4 0^1 to* r**MM WM «f gggdttai wind wboh

” jS l? V .V * |i r l* a WM gt*

a r o t a i i « k.I |H*,**« dpMMtaa

tool•ttaoptai ta gtottot tka lagtngwat

A r m y o f O o e u p a t i a i t N o w

Tiyk^ to Get BergdoU

NBir Tone, Hto. S (H>,-*ko Ipyy k*f«ro wkhk tba taktag of MaRwaay wo* tooftai y«rt*gigr ta tba mo* of HiwartI H. (Rig R«l) f ^ . aiMi i d to kotag a taowkat *t tka oltagM W»H t o ^ t build « * ft -rjf»" w ta ^ S o n M taior w han/oiga Otto A. RMOIaky oa- oonr*d that tw* to tta mawkw* wmu

Iig*gauy M ^ ta ta i * « k RaBi»!t> to* ataMB*g* for tl»Mfgogouy

HOWtaMb fbqjLttafgig*

^ tolrtT I* dhorgii with ogtarttaq, WttoJa lta W. (Rloky) Arngtata and

m aitotaa ” to * to ? * iS iM S S to to

quirad itquar* t o tr**«nilag *r t o i i ^tntartaring with t to lr eonMWgdiM tha otbar*, Th* W ghtatgth Amani.mant gav* m ouch pew*r ta (taagr*S*i roHUfUtUT*, NR* Alii ' tMMMgwtotlMt

kr tafjk* k*M tb*wtota » * .r•ktaf j iM *% ^Sliyiuw igs*

Elevitw s Rwpood to Tetti for

ar* th* Iblag* g rto lb itiiii M t g*r**a*l

Minister, Dry WhoICffied Hommo, Ahtplvod

WINDSOR. OML, R«r. I ffJV).-jr. o, 1 * ggto*ggfa oMl A gr«klki*lMi «kf*r**:m*nt •(•at, wk* *k*t i o t kltlfi B*v*rty Tmaikta. *g urn wOgitatar. la

dAF* og*. Iwo*a r* ii a«or to r* tovorol A b ia tv o i t o b lM M t o a . .l u t a ir tL TIM ta ry fa a g l th* otargy- man M t« i ta ■*u«i*f*ata H* w m r*- t a u f i u **88 s* tk* b n y r*a i* rd i Its varil«t.I

Tb* arow i Uuit o ttasiaS to* UgaM t dtagto**i wftkogi qiwigrkaa** a lta r u *T * r« « t’ Mtaa won *a

SkCbty m tbe Esm x B u ilc b i g g i •« .ottalgaitaa to a gqgitata « • *

TdijM taIlv* M* tuitatag J a U k i

th* *kf«ty *( to*v*t«rj la to* Itam id u c ta i-ta iay .toi th*

R tti l iu ^ jCbmgaay, owaar *r in*

fflv* bulk UaUitrtkbottad a* **«a os toay an*la*d a •gaad

dopla ia i ___toaaM ro lng

M tam attaaliy

t*«« wurtumai* umtar to* <tlr*nu' Of ChMtar IRra** * t -tba Aetna

Ltfk ihiutM c* dlwinway. Ha tad* la : t t m tk* tw a lftt Itauf until • ttita H i Ha WHimaJK aaturat

jnim' t)» qiRga tad ktff d k to u n t*

TW*b*«gt*ldt o t o *• t to* Uaw It la t t* trnm .WOi Ittor d*al«i to a wtttoaa.

gkm taliw ie t akyawn _ _ ^ . ^

, E R rihftto li F ik « O n fM

# ' k*tl«aad ,Ui4fk%Sita§ B Mkffkt oorthIff.

u . S. T r o o p s i n G e r m a n y

D e f o m f e d A g n i n s t C h t r « e t

WABHlHOWWr. HOT. k —W ar O * ^■ mM offtlMal* o o i Ofgiy aHl**r* taiai

okarg** w *« iMMitty t*i**4 ta tt*

IS A afisJSSof *g*agqy«a ff*M b* ffg^-OTOiKtaM

* SSm S $ HokOT ioM Mffs S t J s y t s S e ^

m M iwfffwto Rw a s h ih o t w . . _____

•Pthaifftl** Witt tb* anwy i f Msipa'r . x . ’T X ’s t a s wbav* g*a* tatword, it Hm l* * r ^ ^t*rd*y, ta H i ^ 0*a*r*l « * a ry t . Alia* ta«m «tas Mta ta M*k omo* ta*ffk»d mt MYitota# t to vfffftar ta

BOMototo off W ar dtaSuTai WW taimrffi * *SSght tow* ^ S S r t g g k b i >»*gwd^*i t o

A v o n D o cto rs F ^ r e K j ^nr ns MeiidneL m s W h iik y


E a e t r a r F i R s e w J M d J * S l o ^T t t u i j f d i i .R o f J P k l ir a nVB

RUroAROW. WOT. » W i- J * * * W S * igyal ttota** RoW riaF ^

S “i3 u**zr5a ~ :r!» a :ttaiA . ■ ■

WkIttaB (tar H*w T o t* . om *ggtaS ta*

' - k* so li.

llq w iM t Ptfiod for C w d i K is |a t k r n r Hot. t ( j» ) .- jn i^ a t* * 4 i

t u S S S t a t k H toW M i a to f ta i *t O r tb* tat*

Ammlim pogsmgrn SiafoiUMWW. diattak totaR ftal ta

Ataggi**g i

tkto*tRMtaS I

ta a CWjto|aSM*ekfto moiOvtort r .jw w ta w N ^ ^.ka«*

■ ita'..* ^i n r i i i x t i q i

Phi* Brain*A f g y to h O T ta i s f to i ta f M i r ,

to • cstabiaglMg of ]uimiuw w iy jlilB ltftg glHl

iS s t a to r Ota fsHM,Mgftaffk (SftadUk.-uito dt«to« sito ygg dig Mst i M t Id Ik t o M t f t m m mm H ^ 1« u m M l

glMUttL -Ogr'gfefgH m - i Q rfB j.M ,

itai. jwd ■;fkiRsSsf

C m d

U**, 1ff,***.*!gr«dMa«xt m

Omw tto Da•aty-fl tot. rkaikat ta H y

ta F **ra I

IT4 orIMffl.


NdAfflt 3 JHh 1• id to


to wa


Tb*oHalui I* *Md ard, h U* t i pwrmli to t ti tk* CO bla tm tag li

NOIAciruJ **f r*ril horn : n: old Hi C<>aKh Ftrn rvil illctm' inry


. c mBO lOi bumli gat la* BdyUi entlv* baroal dM l< vantla Mania to at« ta to

•n*eq jan thtakl wtikw •or* atag «a t k*

tla ga




n .


K m .IwiMMM*cISSn



Reports lief BodymH R iA Woa't

eadbf More TuAcgr.

Id Amnicut

»(»»—T w k w l a tiM H*ar BM t K t- r tA «f tM H IM if mtimg rm tk t r w* w « r> u m

t WM aw e* k«r« iffMal a t tb« Mwr r n a a lp t « r wkUa k, raan rtb ic Um (I U W IM k « lt k / la a t aiMBimii.I Um orcM taatlaa'* Iha laaM aaa *rt».' a t a tk a r ataatkarH aaat waa alaa a«- a f tka Naar Saat alaUla Ckaiar, a aiaa Caatnba aa all « tk raack Mm war ta ta a t riva A narl- a a ra womaa. At aaaa aaa rta rad at lA aata fa r tka lai-

t a a a la rm la« askia a la a la a h a ^ a a r - paaaaca a t ala r»-

'ara ta b a ra aallai >a tk a P aaaaata tu> AoalatL H i t caklt, ral d iractor a t ih t a t CaaataatlnapU', a i t r a n a i r sarloua.nBil."attic# h a r t baa re- rtaaa racard lng (ha wbaaa homv la a t Ha aarvad with tha ■rinc tha war aa it tha IH th Uari- arialatica aa Ualiufi itwaaa tha Oarman M Amcrtean nlll*

f tha Caomba p artr rtn td a B. Knex a t r«a T. Poniarojr of >rla O. Pfalftar and r t H. HcDawall ot

B. Not. C ( # ) .—Th* Idinf ColoBal J. r. tha AmaMoan Com- In tha Naar Eati, I not partnU him ta larior on a tour ot

to ConatantlBopU. i« and o thar Amar'.- oatafaB at tha In- lavlkl a t Anaora. ’aaha'a a ttltuda mar ran Commladoa far Caat abaadonlBf lla •d, daapita tka tact I ra rrlad on amonc aa A rm aatana that maaatiraa war# tor that tha cotnralaaloh lltlcal and military

t tha BolahoTlk af- do with Hnatapka

Affected by General Stnke

loT. * ( # ) .—Tralhi i tr and Vara Cm i larday o w tn f ta tha i« la tta r city, whara lad up. W orkara In uchoot tha rapub- to dlacuaa a aym-

a tedatatad workara maat Cor tb a t ptlr-

eonfllcta. raanlUai a a ra o o eu rrla t ba* hd U harata In Ta- laa from Marlda da- ■Ituatloa whiah da- eoktlnuad. follow- Mrdora, HInlatar ot 'ad "all nacaaaary M S ira aoourlty ta tha dlaturbad i ca.

I mamhara of poUU- road.

y ^ e a l e d to % W i l l Contett( * ) .—Tha •w aaiha

laalad to la ttMOOfi- d.dM aotato H M - » rooluso of Kothdon louMal to r tho will. T. W aPtar Of Haw bulk of tho aotkta.

M h lfh a r aourt from B w as CohBlf I fo -

I allowod M I tn a a ibargao o f Alkart T. irtiot aad noghow ot ho w tn WM oMhiMd0 Intlhonoa o«4 ttd| WMd«hd »lhf whatt

raa Ilf*,*** •UfhMIoo

othUh U ha • t tho iM tnSM B t

nth Oto fait d

p a ^ o o N o w

to Get BorgdoUi1nSf»Mhv. t IM lw abo «nbf tijumm-

tniri:srSSi, I t tr«d l o a n ^ jr*d- wordl H aary f . Atlin 1 naak aawM Mttkod rM to r to Ol f iw i '-ir a h k a r f e fh M ijo» a g w M i» th IL ■* ahUnSo bo­rn tho gm lMiiit •hlM iil«

iky M

o t U N tr.M rM tU «i• js a iy S c•f^Mroolor iTgrer Totft. M UOkM ft «d*

t s i ' s s a i

d ior Cradt KillTht Oftah

foor o a i « p a rM «tim d e g fo r th» tala

m p m y . \ :[:'m V ■

1920 Gopi FW All f^oduclion Reoonb

i t o M% .1 0 ^

H o n C o ra . R ice , S w ee t P o U to e s ,

9mn mkI Tcbioco Growi Thu C m B efo ra in 1). S . i

Cneik Also Hear Hishert Mark

WAaHUCOTOM, Nar. t (Jp).—AhMH- aaa farm ani breka producUoh raoorda. w ith t ira aropa thia ro a r Prallmlhary aotimataa aaaoonaad by tha ttapartmaol of Aartoultura ahow tha aara, taboooa. rloa, owaat potatoaa and pamr ero>a to khra awgnooad la alaa tboaa a t aay prarlatin yaar In tha eountry** htalory. Othar an p ao lao a lr appraaehlaf raaorda, wara o t oath, barlay, rya, potatoaa, npplao had hay, Tha bwAwbaat pro- dhoMon raoard, bowarar, haa ataad tinea UM, w ith thta yau'B orop mora than t.M*.PH hnahala nadar It. f in a l erop paodMUoa flp u rat will ka anaonsoad noat month.

Com, b in s of all eropa and of whieb tho tJnltod •totod growa nwra than aar- aaty-tlTO par eanb a t tha world*a out- Pat, tannhad tha aaormoua total ot l.lM ,ll«,d«o hM kain Tbat la ff,M d,M ktHkata a » ro than orar batora growh In aay yaar.

la golat of rahMi howarar, tkla yaar'a oara nrop w ill a a t aoual that a t laaiE ir. n o pod oa tea Datambtr I ptHa

IS a kaahat, that wa« warth 11.111,- I,NIL Tha vataa ot tbia yaar'a crop,

kaoad aa Iko Norwabar l tu a i pHoa, ITd eaata a haahal, la aatimatad at lljM ,U T ,H f.

lo w a t ereg ta tha largait a t aay M ate d t t41.MS,Ptt buabatai nuaota ta a k a aaoaad w lu i f t , ( l i , i t e •>* Na- baatea th u ^ with

Tha toboeca orop. pUoad a t,- • • • pojmdo by tha prallmlnary aotl- m a te ta S1,tH,Pt4 pound! mara than SMWa teat year, wbaa a ll gm rlaaa rooorda w a n brakaa._ Predaetlon of rloa aiaaada by ll.HSr-

tea pravioat la rsw t orop, la U lT. Tko output thta yaar ta plaoad a 4 U J M ,H 4 buthali, a tao a t half ot

> waa frow n la LaulPlaaa. aw ant poti------- potato harraat will ikow

1SS,ITI,PM buahate whtah l i 1,044,4M ■ M a ta mora than grnwp iM t yaar.

Tha orop of paaro la plaoad a t It, •MA44 h M a l a prarloni largaat «N g w ot th a t of HIT, whan 11.111.444 PMhalp wnra prodnoad. Calltornta pro- duoad m a n t h u a,004,044 buh a la wUU n w Topkta pnduotlon ta atanaat l ,H 4 f

Report Oiristy Matthewum Recovering from Illness

r a w TORK, JTov. I <»),—A dtapatak Irom taran aa l a k a daelaraa that Chrtaty Hhteawaon, te r a a r pitehar of tea Now T ark O taate in raeararlnp tram h it llt- aaaa Aftar more than a yoai'i tight agdihpt tabareutoata, whioh aat In wbllt ka waa w ith tha army la franea, ka ta m ahlaa p rogratt toward haatth anil ■hyalriaha daa lara thara la a goad okaaaa for bta raaorary.

Tbangh ha atlll apanda hli daya ra oltalng la a darfcanad room, klathawaan to aald by hta radical adrlaar. Pr. Pack­ard, ta bara tha balanea ot ehanaa In hta fa ra r, Hla atrangth will oat yat aarm lt of tak ing tha traak air aura, ba t traatm anta of ni.« hara Improrad tha enndtUon of tha aftactad right long, bta fa ra r haa Tonlahad and ha la gala- lag la walghi and •traagth.

Paiquale Is Indicted asBlakeley G)ugh!in Slayer

N O R R IB T O tV H . T a , N av. 4 ( » ) . — AcauBt r*Bqu«!r. hnown aa tha "crank.” n-a* Indlctixl Iv tho tran d Jury hare I 'e tt 'rd av on iho chftrae of klll- PlBkolry reuphlln, Ihtrtaon-month­ole] ron of Mr. and Mra. Oaorga R. CouKhltn of this ctiy. on June 10. Tha ffr«™i Jury alBo found true bllla ot In- illctmont charging kidnapping, burg­lary and BitArtlon. thara being Iwa eouota on the a ita rtian b|lL

U rg e t B ko A g a in it Im m ig ra tio n O f T u b e rc u la r to C slifo rn ia

. e m o o . Cat., Not. t (« ) .—California BO loagar can handle tha Incrtatlng hamlgTatlon of Indlgant tuborcular pM laata from Eaatarn ataiaa, l ir a ild rtb a Tata Thompaon of Praano, asa- entlra aaoratary of tha California Tu- bannioata Aaaoclattan, daalarad yaatar- day la an addraaa a t the annual eon- rantloB o t tea Laagua a t California ItantalpallUaa. Tha laimlgrattan muat ba Btappad It wtdaapraad au tta rlag ta to ba prarantad, aha daalarad.

"Buadrada of mtainformad tubar- aulaia am ka tkalr wgy Waat aach yahr thinking tha e l l m ^ wlU aura tbanb wUhoat thought o f haw tkay will aa- aura a Urallhaod.” aaU Wra Thompaoa. ■Wha tim a and maaay apant In roam- lag tha aanntry. It naad for traatm aht a t k aa te rrould bring haalth to bun- ijpaSt who loan an t la tho unaran hat- tin paw."_________ __________

Lfis A n g d e i A s b fo r U t n o f 5 ,0 0 0 A m y T en ts fo r H om es

UM AJtomJm, i tn ^ 4 ( » ) ^ T h a taaa a f 4,444 arm y tan te ta ba aaad by tka 4 ty * t baa Ahgalaa a# temporary SwaUtaga. w m aakad of gaaratary Balter ky tk a City Council In a raaalu- ttaa adagtad yaatarday.

Tha raaalutlan daalarad that "a ila ta a t am trgtaay" aatatad ta tha haaalng attaatloB._________ __________

' T w o F o o d M il F k y e n Dio

OMAXA, IfOT. 4 (Jf >,—dtantard Orlll, a playar on tha Daeatnr (K«b.) High ■akMl football team, died yaatarday fr tm Injurtoa raoalTcd In a gama Hap- taatear f t . Ha played In two gamaa Hilar fcd raoatrad a blaw on tea Mda arklob n o a ltad In hta daath. Ha w m naatataaa yaara old,

n . l io c r a H*r. i ( j» > / - ^ w a r t BAB, laft haltbaek oa tba Hlm autiH I a f H laa i alaren, diad la a haa-

iM t B igh t Hla aplna waa tran- Ul a gama with W a m ^ r g

Nm w M ■eboai team at h a lte •aiarday,S J B m S S S n f c n a W M m S m M M te i

UGAL NOnCBSo r A. m u a r u

At an ardor af Ite Otatnet UatUd ftaiaai la nad far the rw JMaap. made aa tte day

I a aawA wbaiula Kayntn_____________plahuinr. and i , tttawar Btik ~ dafnndaat. aatina ta harMr

nd:i'<n at mid aamMar ta_I A. rnwaa, <4* Ilnad atraat,I., tbnlr awaral nlalma aad dn-

—> ;■ .• .siding A.-y ^

The Part It Hays in Fomi LifeI n t o dw te x u n of I woota'i thoufhti ot ^ tretsurgd t h b A Is mon n tn ImpcdshBbk■ttmtoof bwfortartlMnMK. Tohdr.ltstgadias g refleetkm o f bU d u e It b«m fat hocM n d Iwgr pteshty—lOBtdfggmgii, udlfay, lefaemeac. W hat a b le is ever so Invldog as wnra Isid with tH u tr l W h u butfgt so tdiBlnblg ss when dm lu socu t glisten o f sikgiitaHf sdils the 6nsl touch to t o sturdy besutvl Sdutr todgy, m In gHierMloiiB pest. Is e tymbol o f fm lly pride, honor, tn d k lin -~an iooompatible etientra ia tho dlningraora o f soy weURppolatGd homti


Addft&MaribeCa81 MARKET STREET


On Sale Tomorrow

Handsome All Wool

Plaid Skirts

$11.48A finer sasortment o f high quality plaid skirts for street sod

(Ifggg vggr would be impoesible to find. These skirts ere shown in handsome plaid patterns in plaited and plain styles. The color­ful charm of those uklrts m«k’o them idesl for sport and droM wear. To appreciate their real worth, you must seo them; words cannot do them justice.

Yon Can Charge Your PurefaaMOur charge account plan is open to you. Just pick one, two,

or ss mtny skirts u you desire and pay for your purchtse In email convenient weekly or monthly imountt.

Addn&Marine C a8 1 M A R K E T STR E ET


6+ lilI ^

y J i . .r*

M U U J N S r o U i n t A i s s r i x i w g G d c m w i i S i T i J i i '

T U A N K S G I V I N 6F U R N n U D C

'1» A-a ■*

**, I ”,




LEGAL N a n as

'fe-MoIWiow.T# «U W wham n « a prmmia may «a

Ian for “■ by Ite

r Ik# vAluataty d te a la lta a * ® * ^_____ aaaMnui# M anat of ^ Un Ittek-hoHm d«p«dtAd In my •M u , t te t B uh- team aylwMulH^ctrta Cm. a wrawatlM ef thta itato, wkeu prUudpal •Wfu ta ■Itnted al Nrn IM ftaanul OTteW. ta tte city of KomrU. uunly of Umox, •W#.** Mow Joriiy (rrodMlck Uoohteum btaag tbo •n o t thoroin ote tn *h»rg« th««of, ojjaj wtern aiuom may ba u r t ^ l . ^ wits tte meirwkoata ef "An aab aapeontag


etont lo Mr 4>

k INilirfil DittliY if Miiif looi Takw

A mMdmfkl 4pp«rtaBtty ta p tw emitad tp ydu dartag thii ml*. Dm* teg Ubtos both af tea Snast u k , w ltk ' « hapd-f t iH d s a l paUthad tarfaetk ■f* aU r i ta n i f aad start tramCASH oacasp iT

$ 3 7 - 5 0



Come EarlyJ taaa ta Pratara—A adpualilaalyaam aB atttaipbnaaiid iW ,

%% W«»

Likniy Ti Um sf j M isd n CMriiwIiN

Tfali B q * m tte g u w Ufa*WT M M■tew naH h r hte IfaM |9UIl Jg « Mg wmM far tbit sale tl Ig ludwM l»



IhUr IptabbrtS Cvenliiflta SiilM*324*IWp Mitp wfll mttalalj maka jnaf hama baaulifnt. Tha rich npbolateriag It at

MagMatWtaUtr- tha daap mated kpriag laatt aad bach tllardi tba gnataal comtort. Oar wlaMMU wU bt ytanitd to tb«* you thl« particular (itata u wall as atbaim

lifpi®* w* 4eP«4aaa«aaaa-aaaaaa4ae*ae*a*8««8ga4laai*a4S*epaa4aa»e««8a8«*t«e

CiiilmM litRMi


w r Miilvo m roiMtr RrRWo toyy i «MR ItrttCASH OR

aupanttate <;t« tea ' '

£ Fy'af ih batate t aa tea

taaatag at,! jtM>."*pn^taary

Uttaatm af mmaia-

I lYilrtlotR <tUo in «y ottlri tMtRR. omttat 1 wURoiMrt 1


to- 'ffoi

m mjf mM niRjiif i too *


"Mw i.

It (« (MroHjioa OrtoMr, nlMioM hi Oer llkRt allfOMf. tOMinSRUU <0 of tn* iN*r Mol tko «nr 'uvsrr,‘***aiilJai att b i___^ rati aM ta af- iacaaiai , ■MaM w flHut ta pay bar


= f '•


liBMlIIIIBlllMVA M ifeet eipreMion o f

qaanty and an excellent esanq ile o f n lu e la seen in tbig m lsdon style b u ffe t I t lfM IT n aciou s sod w ill braomtHoasle even m ore tb u i the usual service. BoOt e f Oik in R bratttifni

E' I mi. For quality, for nty and for value w e

rraom m en d C |lth e n o r ch tiep f t w h i t f e t V M

TbisSfitiCaiBePinliaiein CnveRM Tmt



Then’s a Quiet Kguity About This Bed Reoui Suite•49PTMa aalta li af tka Lauta XVI. parted tad la Irutr a m uilukla mlaa.

n If g Mite that wni fiv* Ilft-tliM imvfoa. Tha diUHar ti very coraaadlaag aad (t fawSiamalr toppad with a ptait-f last mlrmr. Tka aklRarabn, dainty; tellat ubta aad bad nniHMte tba talte. A maarbabta vahm. Cpsb W atudlL

mner, Our eeHei;.yau dgsfai eid'j

St yen ngm ' etrd,

ip 5

a*d4•«o*»*eo«*i«•***«a M sa sia sa E s


3iE#xint B tr o n o

tConie 9,000 oHJ. S. Soldien

ol RwpBwa {Um w of I k o H F a D a W l B o C o d p l e t o d

ftgr N ot Sanaer.

Bolshevik Agents Busjr | As Dutch Guard Border

Iklefroad IWwiy’' Sjr*»«nEm Um Soviet Enwariet to Eater Hdltad fron Getmuty.

Staffi Alt' lacToeled Report Redi to Return to U. S.VAua. iiM> • (j».-ito*rtr •■•••

tMlM •( Aewrt— ••MMn wh* 4M « w w kUM la m aM Mriae tka «ar hurt k M ikiMae la UA HUM •latM aa« taraU a u f ta iWr •M lUaiHw imU Laai aMf* awaH Ula* Ikaat at Frat^ kaUi. tt la amaMnaU ^ th a Oaliaiilataa Otaaaa *a«i«w- 8 b kBUia Tfca »aak al waaart^ a r kSha at lallaa ABaHeaaa^l kaCnalatat kr aaat B u w if. aaf l ^ *

*a ktaa iam alaM far M t a ^ r iw a a h n tfca warklac ataffa aat fa-

af AwaHeaa rMaara aa«_aa_______ 1 aaHaiad » a ak a rta t la V taiM aaU tU a raUta tfca H attat Mataa, aeaetU i* ta aaat aathaataa. At fr* » « « taaiaata a a t t r i m »f _____6 * a aaaia ta Fraaaa ta rawara tfca ta- BMlaa a t tfcair ralailvaa bat opaa a a^ laa tfca aaaMtarlaa fcara aad laaralair af «ha aatraaM a a t ^ f c a a a t Ja i« fiaM ae jaaaa rraa a a aa tfca Itoal

pUaa far tfca ta iua .

Vfca whaaM tIaa a( fcadlaa wUUa tfca W aaaa ka«aa a s Oafta»bar » asA alaaa Ifcaa ararfc fcaa baaa aanftatad l ia a ta a ta a a saBatariaa OparatlaM at I w r , U a nr»t af tfca fcl« A w a r ^ S ^ H a t k «tU kaUa aaa t katarAar S fU tr-n ta aa t a aa t af tfca aita C m tfcm t r i n ^ aaat ta tfc^U atM iu ta a . Msarlr M H ataa wtU v a iti aU

a t ^ r ta saaaplata tfca ra-• t a u r t a ------ ------------- ^ i . ^Bsaala fcr a a u laanaar . Vha t ^ . a f aafcaailai tba fcaeiaa a f asMIara k a rM U d taa t D rtu ls v a a flaM M tkraa waafca an ^ a t tU r ear aaa t af tbaai ka- iH a k lv a a e la tfca O altai M ata* ' ^ iN a iaa U a f ' fcaUaa fra« aSaairiae araaa la O anaaar a a f Laaatabaara baa Mat fcaaa eMiUttaA, aaA all af tfcaB irars aaat ta Aaarloa. Warhlna faraaa trin fcafta a fara tlaai la B a lllan aaat ffcaaUt anf froai eaaatarla t la that fM atrjr l.U I baflaa will ba raataata. Mm wark. af aabatalac badUa la tfca » m u Bardaaaa aad BL Laaara araaa la a baaa oampIaiaA, aad aaw tfca af- farta a t tfca Aaiarlcaas will ba ooitata- tta tad aa tfca w ar aaaa. i t it a a t arofc- afcia that iha first of Iha an lfa ra itaA - ataMa racantlr Aaeliaf apoa b f tfca War Haaiarialt Caaactl will ba sat la tfca f a ir panaaaaat aaaiatarlat aatti

' aaat aataaui-

Many German War Prisoaers Return Insane from Russia

N', Oat It^-A ivarr rontlS foat r fcalSB war priseaari arrlviac bars

Rastla sSatalai a oumbar af anBaoan, bagaarf man wfca

baaa mada Iniafca bp ■affartaa maiip aMBtfca la Rutalaa prlaoa

i la tfcraa waaha tfcf Oanaaa O ortm - I Mipt aant Mil of tfcMa mrn to Intaaa t batlaiBi sad aaaatorlania tor traatm*nt. ' A taw fcaao spalls of Tialtnca and dar- i lag tbaaa parlada ataat ba kapt aadar , award, but tfca malorlljr prassnt a Hat- * liaik waa-bogoaa aapsrt. Tfcair isa'i

afcaait with dolt, anaaalag agai, or altJlblatlg waaping. unranaeloua of Iha art Ihar ara kama agata.Tfca famtUaa aad frlaada of tfca In,

' Sana aaldlara ara atlewad to graat iham '! aad la t l r a tfcam food and clothai bo-

fora tbap ara arat swag tar trsatmant. Kaarig pit tfca prlaaarra asfclblt tfca

nOTTUUIAlf. Ifaa. t ( » ) - - 4 lalland < few aaubllafcad a graat cordon along tfca OatBMa fioatlor to praraat tfca ta- j fMs af larga aombara of Iloailaa B o l-, ibaTlfc a g a a u fro * Oarawar- HaaTg gaarda'Hra MSlntalaad as Ibal poraona I wlablag la araaa tfca boaadarg In alihardtrscllaa m ast paaa 1goats aad a w raeogalaad blgfcwal* Thasa wfca a tta a p t aarraptlltoualy to araaa ran tfca liafc of baing afcirt

Tfcoaa proaaaUona fcava fallad, how- Otar, to chaak tba moramaat of BorUt ogaats. Has whom iba polio#Ilka I# latarolow hSfa boas saop In ihia . o ltr sad Amatorda*. bat whan Iba po­lio# aat thair dragaat for thair s ja r r r Iha OMS waatad fcara raalahaA U ta r < tbara aasa llr oamaa Infoiwiniloa p a t tfca aaapaota fcav* boon found In Oar- nang and a r t on tholr wag to tfca Rus- alaa fraotlar. Tka agata* followad ro- aorablaa tba “aadargroaBd tm llro^" bg wfclcfc foglilva a la ra i morad tfcraugh Northara atataa to Canada la tba daga bofora tka Aworloaa C1*U War.

•■oooaiaBaa VaaralUag,Polios aaroolllanoa ta aUamptad la

Hamburg and ssn o othar Oarman dtlaa. bat It araallg eomaa to noulfct. aa tbara ara alawtnia In Oarmang wfcloh a r t frlandlg to tba gorlat Aua- ataa Ooraram aat. I t la daelartd baro that Oarmaag la lalm aat a t good a hnraa aa Ruaala fa r Balaharlk agaati. Hadloal agUatora ar* frogBaallg found la tba » a h r m talag ragloa af Oonaang, aaar tba AlUad araaa of oeeupatloa. whtra tbag aaa* U * o ra about with­out rootrulal. ,

Tho 'fcmdorgrouud ratlreud^ la utllltad bg gorlat aganta to bring Into Uoltaad Bolabarlk “■Inilobarlor' who aro ta n ak a allampta to raaoh Amar- laa. Tbara appaara to ba a constant aarrsnt of thoao maa croMtng and ra- droaalag lb# fraotlar. Srorg Maana of galting Ih o * Into Holland Is oaad. Oariag rooont OMatba maag Potaa bora goaa to A*orioa and sama of thain bara baoa daaortars from aaaaral PH- fudskra arm lat. It la said n g aU rlg orgaatiad buraaaa wara aitnbllahod to balp tbaao mon arndo mlittarg dutg aad to forward thorn Into Holinnd, aad that amaag thorn waro maag Bol- sborik aganta. Thog had baan an- gagad In propagaada work bah lad tba Pollah llnaa dnrlag tba rteant Sorlat drira on Waraaw, and whan tfca drira was eruibad tbag ftad westward and jolnad thair cem rtdaa In this country.

Raporta bara baoa raealvad hara that Bang Bolabarlk •gm potbliart who w ort last goar daportad aa undaslrablas from tba Unitsd Klaloa ara to ba ra- turnad ta th a t countrg. rollca of- flrlala a t ia r t a apaclal buraau baa baan araalad bora to labs car# of this Olaaa of '‘•m igrant.’' and rarrg out earafullg Inid plana for g a ttin i Iha agllalora back Into tba Unllad Rtataa.

aaat Inlapaa blUtrpsaa not onlg towardmalt liglaaala but toward tha Carman Oararn

Americans Again Called on To Feed Children In Poland

i t i thVt t™ "Vlla"adm raUl7al(on offlcUli

iiwdarad Paraa Oorrii#i«d*ir.LONDON, Oct. l».—One of tha aftar-

matba of tha PoUah-Sovlat war la that AlnaHcanl will ba callad upon to faail and cloth# mora than l.fSt.ODS Pollah chlldrsn thia wlnlar tfcrouph tha Amari- ra n .n c tla f Admlatatratlon. I'p to tha llaM of tba lalaat outbr*ak of hoitlll- tlai, daatitutlon had baan ao raducad

foal a l«g and an arm and who. It waa . " " "fe.u n . . . - . b . . I ballavad th a t Poland wiin tna or-'.laarutA had baaa takaa prlaonar aarlg I in tfca war aud hnd baan confined In

Bang nanalsn priaun camps ahaok hIs . flat a t a O sm an flag wfcan ha arrirad .aad caytad fcta eaaatrg. bla-paopla. and .all atbar M uairtaa aad paaplaa.

•Ta -m— with Oormaigl" bo sbootad. ^tWbat la not my flag and Oarmany la

not my tnthatland,*], l i t than turnod ta tha a tbar pOaon- 'ara and, pointing ta kla trouada, said:*. •!%•# la w hat Oarmany baa daaa to

•'"^B O . T%la M wbat a kladig fatharlaad b is pWaatttad, Why didn't tbag aa • Mmsga m at Uaaauaa I bava only ana tag aad oaa arm. I last ih ta i fighttag

' fnr Oaraaaag, aad a n tba tbaaka P ra had for It. w art tfcf r a tu a gaara la a

. fjg>—imb iirlinfta**Tfca priaodara gaasrallg agtaad tbag

vlbad baan tinabtt to procara proper < Bodlcal troataaaat la tba Roaslaa cnaipa

gdd that tfcair food had baan rary bad.At tha rtasa aP tba war tbara wara

tM.aSf trd r aad rtvil artaonera la , tluaaU « a i l» .0M RuaalaBa lb Oar-

!«f anaay,, Tha Oatnnaa Oovaramast aail- maioa that not moro than hPi* tior-

. muM will taualB In Ruasinn camps thIa . trlatar.

Rafora U>o Raato-Pollah boatllltln ( hagan Iks Busalana wara balag rolumad

raMdiy, bat H I* aow aallmatod at laaat 4 tM ,H t Raasiana ara still In Oarman

...;--'-campa. of whom ar* tha troops'^Cfcataniad whan tbag oroaaad Iha B u t

' fTaaolaD tiwBtlar during tba rollah of-

Tfca Oarman Coyarnraaat has as- " gaagad M.MAPM m arks for transporta-

ilaa ot Ratalaaa home, and »«.a«e,Mt marks to brlag Ootman prlaonar# out

.1 g f R ntthb I- ' 4 '

ganlanllon tha AMerl-.ana had perfaclad would ba abla to carry on tha work aflar this autam n. That la conaldarad Unpotilbla DOW and prrparatlooa ara undar way for caring for aa many chlldrsn na during tha dark days of last wlntsr.

This daclalen eama aftar racalpt In Imndao of raporta of a complata suraag of tha eountrg bagun Immadlataly a tta r tba Bolahorlhl wara drlvan back. T ra tn ^ obiarvara report that tba Polas thamaalvaa hav# not painted tha plc- lura black .anough. After two arm lat had fought over tha ground there waa tittla latl for tha chtldran, thay raport, and aaeh reuuaatrd Immadlaia ahip. n a n t of food and clothing. Aa f»r as poaalbta, d ittrlbating agent t of tha ad- mtolatratloB aro complying with ifcaia rosBOota.

Tha organlaatlon by which about |ia .- eoa.aeo worth of food and clothing w m dlatrlbatod In Poland In t li l ta n monilit at a coat of approatmately la •Irtuatly Intact. U tncludaa betwaan i U.M« and ll.oaa Polaa whoa# tarvicaaj ara paid for by Poland, but who workad | undar tha dlractloii of a faw American - admlnlatratlva ofticara. Tti# I'olai also pay for tranaporlatloB from the ahlpa. and for warahoualng and dletrlbutlon. In addition thay aupply all 1 ';“ calrad by lham through a IJOO.OOa cradit granlad them by iha Qralu Cor­poration.

Although the distributing organlm- tlon waa contldarably disarranged dur­ing tha recant fighting, offlrlala h y a cay thay caa gal Into working order again very gulrfcly after railroad ra- palta hura bean coaiplatad.

• 0

: Four Million .Gift Follows i Modest Appeal of Society

NHW TCRK. ifaY. a.—A |t,W».a»d gift for tha rallaf of ehlldren, com prlilnt e plot with a DOW building andaBdowmenl

' sufltalent tor lualntanaano, was an- , i aamnead gaatardag bg Ur. and Mra. Au-

gnai Raekachar and ibc Boclaly for tfca

Competition in Armaments Predicted by Tokio Paper

U praraatlon of Cruelty to Children. As . ' g raault tba rblldrau'a Boeloiv wllMn

i.iw o 'g iiara w tll' ba*a a complata new ■plau — ..............llaut a t Fifth auanu# and Idtih iiraet

•1 fcaltcTa this la ima of tha larcast r'C M rltabte or pkllauthroplc gifts on

'Pawrd,** ihld eolonel'Ernaal K. Couller. gaaatal m taagar of tha aoclaty. In an- UMUcIng tha gift.

Aa a s ta rt the Hackacbere gsve ont- algbt to lb# aoelety tha plot on Fifth oaapaa, botwaea lOIlh and IMtn atfoata. aatandlng bach !0# f»at. On thia plot tbag will construct a m o ^ l

, ,i. building af s ig h t or tan atorlaa. with u Js f ■ about lio.oaa feat of floor apaea. Than

thay will turn tba antlre proparlg ovar« ta tha saclatg with andowmant auffl '*■ f!«nl provide maWtoniinco w poow i

of about *aa.Mo a yaar.U " : T f c a gift suit aaabi* the aoclaty to

1 double Its acepo. with facilities to ear# for at lasat t»* walfa and mlatroated

" thlhlroa. . . .■~'i' The Haobrefcar gift followed an ap-

[ peat to Mr. Hackscltcr laat eummar tor a ■ttbaortntlon for a motor bus to aid

i-i |g iranapoTtlng tha children to tha In- ; arood Houaa of Harcg afte r tha aocl-

.j-r sty’s proporty a t Twenty-third atraet F«prth pventta b««>i •old-

Hackaoher. after haarlog a full report H" a f tha poetaty’a work among children, hi an d ho would live to do much mote > fa r tha aoelaly than aubtcrlba toward

:g motor vafcicla.

Auerti Le|ioa Muit Aid Men Virtre Govermner.l Has Faded

m WWAKAPOUgi Hot, »'it Atuf ^ cpn l^vlon PiPit ItN if Pf*

ihM dlPPMpA mvlM m tn nnd j;!^m arB iaaat laeoaaiioiancy. O. w, ^ l -

fcMUi J r . of Ctnclnnait, national eom- '' i u d a r of tba laglon. told .dapUTlmanl

dtataula a t th irty atataa la Conterenoa J 2 * S a Ia M a y 7 M r. Oalbrallh also dU-

'■■'■'aaagrrtfr* tha pOHeg of placing World 'H S T iE d te t iT le al4 Boldtars' hsmaa

mgaw MUauou at olhtr.wara. asTih.w% e ^ m was trying to

; *1mi aganeg whoa# 1 '^ tfcb prablam. urartfi tf tM'

iligfifiTM Tirr* aa that tba

ttnM D A T ,


TOKIO. Nov. t < F |.~<Juollng a ra- portad ata tem ent of Preeldaiit-elact H arding th a t the m ita d Rtataa would sal an eaam pla for Iba world In dle- arm am ant. the JIJI aaka J;h«*b*f- view of th e a ttitu d e of the Uepubileane In the paat, h . will he able 10 carry out h it pladga. Tfca ttawspapiT pradlcU th a t t t a f ra ih naval program !• U unehad It will have the effact pf • tlm u la tlng eompatltlop. In arBiamenia In a ll countrlaa on' tha Pacific and thaAtlanllF, ' ' . . II. I

The Yomlurl nuotea a member o f Ilia Cublnel ah eon.'irm ing previous yepori.s th a t Japan w ill not Iniroduce a racial aguallty propoaul In the Lhagtie of Na- tloaa ronfaraoca, though euch a pro- poaal la onlg poeiponad. The HIntatar said tha policy of Japstt was not Po ask for the an llro abolition of the aa- cluaion program , but to demand tha raatrle llon of asclurton lo n a liv s t a t .aaa civ llliad coutitltM then Japan.

Government A»ks Supreme Court To Advance Vidor Berger CaieWASIllNOTON. Nov. t (.P),—The

covarn iaen l gaalarday raquaated the Roprama C ourt to advance for early h earin g the caa# of Vtolor nergar. con- [ vIctoA on ch arg es of having violated tha aaptoaaga act.

Tw ice alactad to Cangreaa, Berger w as dc-nlad a aaat, once before and once alnoa h ti ctowleilon. Solicitor Oenarel F ria rto n . w ho f.lad tha motion to ad- vanea. sa id It waa of g rea t Importnncs th a t th a governm ent b a ra an early ru lin g fo r Iha guidatica of d ialrle l iodgaa In alm llaf cases.

■ %‘■ ■ - — .. I— ■ ■"'■J

Mewl for GsVfto of "WW Boii JspuMM

ts aarry

i T. tt. 'H o * . g . A t ‘ v l Haarg InrlR aaiHUHMtd

j i t go tawatt iwatHaiM I h M vAtaaidgahai oamalntad «’W»MdMka'-ba»n Jawi''lUo-dhtf

Modd■ w h o ltav is s s a li «i»

rttirf pf tka tantM ag law 'aarhla^^ aavdrtag

A W O M A N S H EAD is level ■nd her judg­m e n t g o o d irhen she puts her filth in Dr* P ie r e e ’s F»* T orite P m * e v r i p l i o n s T h e r e i i no

lutywitbont -4 ffood AdgitAs

Vohody ggpictt to become rectiT beautifttt. from the niM of p ta io a beeatilerm

eyes, dear eU n ' end .ioey eSmefce .osggQy (eltoir t^e t m * t Dr. Pierce's Favoplte .pytecriptien. ■&- -i-* '

%h«g eufTering froin neryoue- Sfeae.' dlfegineul, Matitnie, this temperenee mejidMArTil benefit. --bAdvertiscffient for Wortd'e Dhb peoeaif'. Xedlcet Aie'Ut '

man Qm f A. K la t K -Mi DaOt JkeMbg

For the Cold Weather Hairdressing

AccessoriesHeir Nat»-Ci« etepe to« •J

The Open Fireplace Spreads Cheer On Chill Winter Evenings

Igmortetloai >*>l hUBU lee m m y. U rte else, lOe eecht 0


H ere In the Bam berger basem ent we have gathered tU the accessories that make the fireplace attractive and the bnplem ents th a t help to make the fire a success. . » —

In crass and iron In various finishes, andirons priced 2.75 to 66.50; fire sets at6.00 to 33.00; fenders at 15.75 to 49.50; fire screeni and spark guards a t 6.00 to 33.00; portable grates at 11.50 to 16.25.

Fire L^hters Instead of Kindling Woodara coovcaient and dnw-wvtnc- Tha Capa Cod Ughtcr cooaitta of a tank, and • tardi which It placed under tba lo t Seta la poUabed brau, wroutht iron, haoimcrad braot tad copper art priced lAd, SAC, S.0# and IS-Od respectively.

The Gas Log Brings Swift ComfortA touch of the p i tc h and your rucra becoaica w arn and comfortable is a flffy.*'

The Driftwood odorm a gai log ran tea In i l i a from IS to 24 Itichea. Priced I I M

for aSe; U e per doien.esp Hair Heta Ueol humoa hair ta all

•hadea bwi fray, ncdeiea.Hair Nda—Of wwOl fiber, Me ssdk, HUr Betla-Veol crepe. AU ehafiM

ggeopilafi fiiay. wefi.Heir RoUa—Taihgblay gf *ogl gnpo#

Tic oecb.Veet Heprie Curttra—B ga cuA H a Maglo Gamro—S SB eerd, SSa,Alberta hair wavere Me ov4 Vorrea’e CurWfw—ISg bsa.Etectrie Curiliif Irooa—Pa&y gam a-

toed, SjN to SM.Electrio CurUng Iiwa

pitied, 4jSS.Marcel Varlag ▼erlng Irooa—a-proag Hytay Me A Mo,

B A M B inunii’e - m i B T ix to o a , i

B A K B S R O n t'a—B A ira tB tT

Cold Mornings Are Warm MorningsWith a Good Stectric Heater Tarn on the twitch end yonr

room will be comfortably warm in a very few minutes.

At Bamberger’a ire all of the popular makes, including:

The M tjettk, lOAO and 15.00. The Hotpoint, at 11.00.The RtttenVIr, at 12.30. - Will fit any electric socket.



Your window may be kept wide open at night, to that an abund­ance of pure, fresh air may circu­late through the Bleeping room. Continental window ventilatort make thit possible. And at the oime time they keep out drafts, rain and snow. Strongly con- ttructed with hardwood frames— may be adjusted to Rt any tUs window. ^ to 1.05.


The Glow of “Radiantfire»»


For the ThanksgivtugSpreads Good O iasr Tlrv^fAgwi

the Fam ily C irdaThe "Radiantflre'* la mora than

a good gas heater; It It also to attractive ornament for any fire­place. It provldet an Interne heat with perfect combustion, making it absolutely odorless.

The prices range from 2LS0 to 75.00.


Dinner TableTorkey gobblers, priced at S e tt*

box.Turkey Qobblera, also pricad at

25c; 60c; 75e and up to 2.25 each.Turkey Roasts, are priced at 4 H

to 2.25.Nut Bisketa are priced at 10s

each.Mottoea are pricad at iJtO; 129

and L70 the doien.ajufBXRasR'e-^TiiFr f t o s a . <

F re n c h L ace P a n e ls P r ic e d a t 25P e r C e n t L ess T h a n R e g u la rA limited quantity of artistically beautiful French lace panels

go on sale tomorrow at this very substantial percentage of saving— at a tim e when windows are being redressed for fall and winter.Heal F ik t,^nd Cluny laces m ounted on heavy batiste—in inexpress­ibly lo>^ry patterns of insertion and hand-embroidery.

15.00 PANELS, 1 U 518.00 PANELS. 13.50

16.00 PANELS, 12.0020.00 PANELS, 15.00


L e t a V ic tro la A d d Jo y to Y o u r T h a n k sg iv in g

Thankful, indeed, will be the owner of a Victrola XI— the most popular of all V ictor models, when he is able to sit in his favorite chair by the firelight and listen to the world’s greatest music, as rendered by Caruso, Farrar, Elman, Heifetz, Galll-Curci and other famous artists.

t h e T hank^iv ing celebration will take on added home pleasure. The day’s joys will not be confined to the feast. COME AND H E A R IT PLAY YOUR FAVORITERECORDS.

Convenient terms of paym ent. N o interest charged

J a p a n e s e B ask e ts o f )w n B a m b o o a t S av in g s

Tl«se baskets are our own importations—and we have marked them a t price reductions which show a decidedly worth-while m argin of savings. The lot consists of fruit and sandwich baskets, in three different sizes. Round and oval shapes; with top handles. The color is mahogany.

At 75c—Baskets regularly 1.00 and 1.25.. At 1.00—Baskets regularly 1.25 and 1.50.

At 1.50—Baskets regularly 2.00.

JAPANESE WASTE PAPER BASKETS, 1.50 AND 2 .00-M e­dium and large sixes, regularly 2.00 and 2.75.


O n e o f th e B iggest R ib b o n S a le s o f th e S easo n


Brocade, Metal and Velour Ribbons, 7.75Embroidered ribbons with black and colored grounds. Oriental,

floral and conventional designs in the rarest of color combinations. Regularly 12.00 to 17.50 the yard, on sale a t 7.76.

Plaid, Moire and Dresden Ribbons, 69cDouble-faced plaid, moire and Dresden ribbons, with satin

edges, and in unusual color combinations. Ribbons of this quality are in demand for girdles, wide sashes and trimmings.

Striped Flowered Tapestry Ribbons, 98cThe colorings, w hether bright or subdued, are all suMCStive

of the w onderfulquality of these ribbons. Excellent for the mak­ing of bags and vestees. Made to sell for 1.25 the yard.


28.00 Lemaire Field Glass, 23.00Wo have only a small number of

these well known glastes at thia re­duced price. They have a range of a good many miles—clear and dis*^ tinct.

In lenses and mounting the Work­manship is of the beat. Black leather aun shade and a strong leather case.


Hemstitching and Picot Edging

Materiel to be hemmed should have hems hasted with raw edges turned under; and boating thread of contrasting color should be run to indicate where hematitching is desired. All orders executed;’’ promptly. 7c yard.

B A lIBFB O IiB '»-~FIRaT FtX)OR. :Jf

Thousands of Handkerchiefs Are Here Now—Ready to be Christmas GiftsThere is a decided advantage for the person who buys now, ^ u s e a s s o ^ n t s are

more complete right now than they will be at any time to come. . Handkerchiefs for men,women and children.

Men *s HandkerchiefsMen's plain white and cord

border handkerchiefs, 16c to &50each.

Men’s initialed handkerchiefs, I t 2Sc to 1.75 each.

Men's colored novelty print or woven border hsndkerchiefs, 25c to 150. <

Men’s plain white silk handker­chiefs, 50c to 250 each.

Men’s colored novelty silk hand- kercUefa, 50c to 2Jt3.

Women *s HandkerchiefsWomon'a cut hem, spoke stitch,

cord border or plain hem handkerv chiefs, at 10c to 3JI0 each.

WomcR'a colored novelty prints, woven of embroidered comer hendkerehiefs, ISc to i.7S each.

Womon'a embroidered comer handkerchiefs, of Madeim, Appett- xelt or Porto Rican, ISc to AM etch.


Women’s laceedge handker­chiefs, inj Vtl, Veniae, Armenian, Dochesi' and rose point, at 25c to 60.00;

Women’s colored crepe de chine itiitided handkerchiefs, at 35e e«.

Boys' and Children'sBoys’ hemititched bandker-

cbiefa, priced at iSc to 65c each.Children's colored novelty hend-

kerchiefs, lOe to 25c each. ■.rC

See Tomotrdu>!s :‘Aftem oonm MM. M

K '. l

• -lih'

' 'I'" ' t r . . t

■'V 'm .'1.:#

aata. V

urOaFaaaa-lmllMllMUlfc«f al#o mli#d. 1tw o polt Ohta. A Fw iricnlnln, wFactflc. firm to h lllo n i 1 don rat#

Noon-rail# #■BHlltb#taWlll7fcalor* Ihad h#«ia««#«.9#n#r#lVumdlu••voroiShlpplniIl#d I Ir#rtlUa#HhorM 'n o c ^ l rlonti# Oeram torveatord#

wo# MTh#


r in #• Ha • «(«:

**.M: IT.4#;aai«

Tfco rRior# kom arkotrlo# ln ir lo # ln (Nowi bj

Cm. Cm

t a u ll i

,:>y. , • ; 1

■ 'fc_ A iy>' j

i 8«e U it Psjpi liMt Sodtioiir for Regular AdmtiKaiOnt, .-'iW*. f..■YsiflT

1 ■''■CeM.M M

i r v .

S T AU; 3

■ Irta i n

oom. I

D h i t

2 8 e t e

i l o i d I t M ch .I I t 4 N

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5O r i e n t a l ,[ n a t i o n s .

t h s a t i n I q u a l i t y

i g e e s t l v e

^ m a k -

r e

d k e r- in iin , 9 c t o

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* 5 t e '

■IV'V i4

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W an Street Stock MaiketL e a g u e A c t i v i t y L im i t S e e n

h W i t h t h e U . S . N o t M e m b e r

TImt* w m UttU oiMft** ftl tiM • M t e f f H M 4 r* i vtMkr M r k t t t n m r«M«| HBMIUU <w«4Uioa*. Pr««Mr* W M m I e lk . m e te n w»d i te e k w u re« MHm4. iUatoAR P*tr«U uai. B w H lto« - nete. VeaAdluM ttM l * td A

f l^ e tb e r preftiTad m e a iU M In s ree< i» r4 m f* m 4 m 11i i m bjr w tde e e -h e lf potnU. A tU etlc 0«1f. le te r-

V »(w «n<l United itA tae R ub­ber «1m> baoonilntf haavy. R»IU wara n lx ad . loaaaa r u ^ t a f from fractiona to (wo polnU In Nlckla Mata, BaOlmora A Ohlio, A tk a tlo I 'o a ^ Llsa^ Mlaaourl PaolDc and R lttaburvh A Wt-al Vlr- KtnlR. whtU Southarn Pacific. Northern l*»ctflc, Sr. P m l and R aedtrif wara firm to a tro tif ro re lg n axchanga con> dltloaa w are mora raaaaurln& tba Lon­don ra to r tco v a rln f two canTa

Nooft ■PaylHg of (ha batrar alaaa fa lls and oila and fu r th tr raoovary of BHtlab aaobanga infuaad a m aaaara of ■tabIKIy to tha m arket later, but not bafora new low roeorda for I ha fea r had boon made by varloua ipoculadvo Ikaaaa Prom lhant aiaoiig tbeaa ware CHtiaral M otora Pierce Arrow. Vaiuhdiuai, la ta raaU eaa l Paper aad M veral of tha tobaccoa aad tugara. ; Shlpplnga. t ta a l i and aqulpm anti r a l ­lied 1 to I polnta and c hamlaa^ and fartIU iar laauea raaieted praaaure. Hharaa of th« oottou carrying roada. n o t ^ l f L e a la n n o A Naihvllla and At- laa tlo Ckaat U n a w art reactionary, hot S fa ag a ra taada m odarale raapooae to ya**ardaf*a axcellani crop report. Cali aeowoy wan ftrm at V per cen t

1 :14— The m arket becama more 1r- rasttlh i’ a t n ldday , invtatm eai ralld re- ao tlag a fte r a iian d lag their gaina of tAa m orning. Steel, copper and food ■baroa a k o bocame beaviar. eapacially th e aagara. on raperta affecting thalr dtvldand atatua.

Haawtaaaa o f 1'nltad H ta itt Steal, which raglatered t ti lowaal prica In aeaoral yaara, waa the dlaquietlng fea- t v o o f tb« la ia r deallaga whan ralla and oHa alao declined. Tbe cloatng w aa weak.

The m arhat waa eab k c tad to fu rther aateaa lva liquidation during ihe^ day. m any lo d u itrla le and epeclaltlae aup- p lam an ttag recent loaoaa by 3 to & po lh ti Salee appruklrnated 1,100,000 aharea

f in a l L lbarty band pricae w«ra ■ H a tA lit; flrat 4a, I I l l ; aecond 4a.

H id ; fira t 4^1. H.iO, aecond like. •AM; th ird *%%, I tM fourth 4*i^17.40: Victory l% e. 14 11. Vlcivry 4 \a .M.I0

Tba rang# of today'a price* for fhe m ore active aeourltlM tn ihe New York m arket In coniraat 'w ith the pravlouo cioaing qyotatlona. a* furnlehed for th« Nwwa by Poet A F l a n , ta given below

-----Todajra------ Prev'aHlgb. Low Ooaa. Cloee.

k u .C llT S o .,p r- U H « x « x WMKtLSpBBg T be. 47X w x 47K w aiiiU ______S M a U X « MEtyMMaT-SK.. O U U X U M U HU O . SIh L........ 40 MX » M 40ML««Tk*............. I tX » N l»M MM

V irtof.... S3X SIX U H W HL H t Ik ........... .. U X U H >1 H PLm m -WOm ..... .. 35X 3SX 23N . . . . .lA it0 w d ,P ........ 133X U3 132 LUML. a N ----------- 105X »o«x 107 M

Dx>l S ia n . 74 74 74 74M nw rit.............. 3 3 3 ......Ml*. P w ............ r n x M4X 144K ITIMHiaoii Copptr.... 19 19 19 19U N dhStotoaU . i j UM 13l4ii.T>k5tt*l.... 36X I3X 35X 3TMW lB.ast.LiMW. 17X >7H 17 X 17MH .,K .a T . , |w . . t TH 7M aW a.pK ............ .. 35X 25 25 X XSMK * .,P K .,ra ....... 99X «7« ♦TM « MUoel|CiB.Wir6.. 20V 10 20Nat. Ao m . . . . . . . . 33X 38 32 31XMU BiK*iu....... 103)^ 100N iu O « k I S « l t ] I } 1 NiUCiiBlC«bk. K r i . £ n . i a . . . „N.U .......

2d .N tra d c C a a .... .M. y . 4b Bnhb.K. y . C€Dbrt....

N . T ..O . I W .„a* ,.M .S .S l I C U .Okh. r . I K ...... JK 3HOtb SM........ \9jt I9Hr n .4 a i . Fa . . .

3M 553X U K72 UM• H *K

UM 11* * « •9•IM 79M31H » M12 X *IM« H « M37M 37 K

• I h » H T» 43 43X14V UM UM 1441M J IV 4014M U H u >4)2iH 2JJ* MX 14)

A H w S q ra w . 33 31 31K M XA4t— R itorir. 25 K 25 15 26Adr. Ranaly pr. 57 5SX 55 M 57 XA<« la lto M - . 37 36 S> 31aiM ta J W H .. . IM 1 « IMA O k .C M ^ ....... 30 X UM U XaHJkg.ChaB.,.. 75X 73 M 73M 74 MAb .A ( i . CL, pr 83 13 13Aw. B tatSaow .. 67 65 65 67Aw.EtaeS H > (. **K 64K 4*K 6IMA w .C tw ......... .. 2SK 27 37X UMAw. cw a r . . . . J31H 127 X 127 X 130Aw. Cot. 0 0 . . . . 23X T2H l lX 23Aw. D n a Sym.. •M *U IK IMAar. IxpiW i ,..■ 132M 131 131Aw. B . a L .. . . 9M *M 9M »MAw. H . a L i p r . 57 SSH JSK 56Aw. le a ............ 41 40 40 « MAw. la tC w p ,. . 45 K 4IM 61 64Aw. U eandO il. 46K MM 66 4*MAw. L t r o . . ...... 92M 89X « M » MA v. Loco., pr.. , 101 101 101 103M/ ■ . EL'j ftCum, H H 13M 14 » M/ r . S w rlt........ 57 K 54 54 57 M/lie. S se lt, pr. - 91 91 91/ B . Llari 35 33M 33M 34X# m. Sti4xi.......... 10 1M 97M U M 10 1M/ * ^cBiSba^... t i K T4K 77 X U M/ a . T . i T ...... 100 X 99H lOOX 9 9 */ B>. T^tCCO..... . 120M 114 114H 119MA a. WraWa____ 42 6 0 * « M 60X/ D .IhtHrJ #F-,PI 44 « M « X 44/.irccB d a .......... 50 U M « M »Au'dDlTtiaeaL. 27M U M 17MA ........... U M •4 U X U MAtok. p r . ..........- 78 77H TS 71

A th H k C a M tL . 95 95 95 « MA .C .W .L .......- U4M U3M U3M U4B tia L aw ........... uMk lOlM 103M W4Me . a o ________ 44K MM 43H 4SMB .a o .p r . .— . . S2X S2X 31M « MS t* .lla 4 w ____ 3K 3M 3K 3Me a t b . t t K >___ 4«H « M 43K 44M■Ok a i w i , i , a . KBH 103M lOlK 104e H * fk * w iw ... 5M 3M IM 3Mfta To ooaeo—4oee UM I t U 14R .S .T . (H i....... IM IM IM 9SH H C m -aziM . 4H 6 4 4MB eO ta S x n rk t . U H 15 IS 14BiUiiIil Cw...... U K UM UM .......CrddoCoetOaO. U K l»M U H 14MCaL recU m — *TK UM 46 47CaL N l .............. 23K U H U Xta a P H ............. U 4K UOM UOM 122Iw L L o i* w _ . 40 3«M UM 3»M

C m L L w th ., f t . « M 91 91 91tw H a o T a w w „ M » M 34M Mttm a in H a a w . J»M 75 n u 75MC S O _________ U M 44 U M 47HU L O .W ........ - lOK *M »M 10IM . 0 . W „ p c . M B H » M 34M{ . M . a s t p __ 42 40 40 41c j k a S i p .,fw 61 » M S9M « Mm a n n ih i-.. •IM 79X 79M U MU L 1 . L a r . . . 34K 3SH « M »c . i .L a r . 4 e . . . 49K 49M 49X 70c . s . i . a .p . 7 * . 10 79 79 10UfloCoppw....... UM 13M UM 14U X oC oM w ..... 24X 24H « M 24MCoL r . a i» . . . 31 30K 31 JOMCaL a Bo........ . 30M 30H 30M U MC w . Gm ........... ■7M l»M MM » MCdw. 1. C M . . 7H »H »M 7XCka r m iy .w .. . . »»M *M •MC w . C w .— 7 i k » M « M 71MGwa l k a a » , . . . . »7M T4M 77M MMCow I M L H -. MOM UOM u o x M»MC tM fH t B to to . U4M 109M VO f( lU HC n . SWal, p i . . . . 90 90 90 90t S k O S e lm a i . «1 M M JO aOikhCiM^k^ ft** T» T«M tom nC aM ^w . M i * . ITM M X MM j tlM l* S i* w .M W4M MBM U«M W4HD w * X liO ....... IM 3M IN »MS w .S S M C k ,|a . 1 »H >M mffrtt._____ ,— UM I t U 17

M M L , I*-I l W t r t i w

V H n * » a » H IS u « u n a , » N * i l i f i»Ml l u ' u u

OftMW.ew. 4H I «M 4Mo«b.fiM04.« wa uia we

, m u m ,,, - U M M W M & 14N o ijiN i^ s ia . « a w a « a u a

iR. •» o a « a — <iifcia wt«. a 4«a a * euiii*.,iib.. n a » a a a a a

»a n m it oaNwcabCa- aa >*a Ma tia awaawM.^a' a « «a a.aiBicwci. aa ^a a aa

wa M « daI I «■ n —



a a ^ a »a »a

a a

^ ^ a W a* a a r «

saa ■*ai' aa aa wa a »aoa ma n,iL.~. aa jiia a a ua

m c ‘mW*-' a a

r» n .-S tab . MmIPtap lt'i G a .......P m U n^aM i...F b i t tA iw a . . . .P l t t t tO i l ........... 14 13M u a U HPfctW i)|4iaC a.. 39V M H M94 3*HP4W .V .R .R . ... 33 JOM JOX J3XP iib -C a a l......... * IV S4 14 t l XPaid CnchCdaL. I IX 1 ) 11 I IXFt. S t« lC « ...... 94 V ’ IH W W XPublic S o rk t ..... t2 b2 t>2 ........r°ib iH B „.......... 109X io « x lo iK i(»MFBBtiAltKSacn. 19 57 17 60F inO U C e........ H V H M 31Rj. Siwl Spnnf. 92 X *9V I9X 9JF it C o b .-------- 13X 13 U U XF tad in g ............ 100 H 94 V 9* 97 VF ta d .,la ( |a ----- 17X » X S4X 17 VR tad .,2 d p »___ 19 57 1 1 1Fcm hiftwTTM . *3 39X 39X 44F » p .I .4 S ta a l.. . 72X « 69 7IX■tajL H o n tT m b 3 0 4 19V 29V 30F. D .,M .T ____ 70 69 69 V 69Xt . l - I & F ____ IdV 37 27 2IXE t a b c t i d - ..... 8X 0 8 IVSntKwd, la ....... 16V 1&V l*V 14S<am ,Il«faach.. 101V 101 lO lV 104XE W n T i.IT i__ 41X 44 4} 44XEbclaiiOU------- l l x 16V 34H 3*XS » .S h « ( . ......... S ix WX 14V 17ta .P K —.......... IIS H nO X IlOX 114Vfa . Rt ------------ 2«X 27 27 ISV

....... M 61X 43M 44S tn m l W u n o a . U V 17H 27X 2 tVSo. PU R., S i« . 109X 109X 109H .......SboD bai C « . J9X 16 14 19)tS tad c tak a ...— » V D M M X 13|6SapoX , StMC... 44V 94X 46X .........T 4aa .C op |» i.... 9X 9H 9XT o a iC a ----------41V 46X 4*X «•T t m I P t d f l * . . 1 1 M V U M Vr4 W * » » ~ a — l i f t 17 17 I fTbbaccaPw d.... 62 X 51 59 X 41VTiaaacoitbkaitOU l l x lOV U V U HUakBOn........ 17 M X 34X 17XCalaa P id S a _ 1 » X U9 U4 U ! UaiokPadi*, j t . 66 61X M 61HUb . Alloy S M . 31X 31 31 33VUailtd Fntlt------104V 201V 103X ZOIXUb. Ry. l a ........ U X U 1 1 12 XUb . Ry.lBa,,ya.. I7X 14 26 27D. Raton S lam . 49X 63 X 63 X 68XU.S.CHtIraD,p. 41X 41X 41X 42U .S .reodP iB d . 39 36X 36 H 37U .S . In d -A l.... 71X 73V 73V 74XU. S. I t l t t o . . . . 44 43X 44 44U .S .Sabbaa..... 69V 47 X 47 X 49XU.S.Rabbat, Uu. 104 104 104 .......U .S .S a .« R ae ._ S3V SO SO »U .S. S to a l------M X *3V >3V M XU .S .S (a a l , |i . . . . 106V 104X 104X 106Utah Coppaa----- SI 56 S6V I fUtah Sac............. I IX I IX U X U▼aaadlBto C a t... 4«X 41 43X 47V o X m U M ----- 41V 4 IX 4 fH 4 7 «w a M * . . . „ . „ _ lo x * x * a lOVW abatl. pa. A .. 19 17X 17V 29HWait U d ......— l lV 11 11 13XWartUoicB------ S IX M X M X »9VWaAiBcboBM.... 46V M X MWWil Lk, U a . . U X U U l lW .* L .E .,lil pc. 21X 21X Z2X 24W WtoMaitoB... 41X 41X 42 42XW IUya.Om)«d 9V IV 9 <XW tU ybO m .,!*.. » 17 54 17W U m P a c U H . *9V *<V *9VWaohnaX.......... 10 1 107 V IM 107 VWaa*. PBcapb... 49X 41X 44 46

* fa .d h r l l^ f . t f a . flfbu I


aiareBbtUa pappr."!. liBbBBp* a tran i. ■M tlinf a lc t r - I a r b llta U A C ««im r- etol a ts tp -d a r Mila on babha, I I I . Con- marelal a la tr-dap Mila, l . t tX : daiaand. I.ITX; a a b l^ 1.HV' Rraaca, demand, M T i aablaa, l . t t . BRctaa faaam, da- BUtal. U l : oabla*. 1.14. eaUdara. da- amnA t* J9 ; oablaA I9.76. Lira, da- b6m 4 M l ; aabUo 1.44. KaakA da- maad, LIT; aabita, l.U . Qraam, da- maad. t.6 l. Maw Torh a ia b u ita an Kmittaal, 14V par a a a t dM«oaau

OoTaanmaiit boada, aaay. Railroad baadv aaajr.

Tima laaaA alaadp. Wxi* dara, alnaty dajFa u d a ls maatba. T % # l par aaat.

Cal) m eaar. atraa«. Hlvh, 14a; low. t ; ra llo c rata, I ; etoatnv blA 4; a fh rad a t 14; laat laaa, tl . Raak aeeaptaaeaa, •H .

STANDARD on, STOCKS/w S t f T p S ! r : * ^ “ *“ " •

Taaurdap. tbdar.M . taka*. BH, litoad

t , » * ^IN M* H* t*t(U* t it 414 41444 41 i f 44

•M W 114 IHM m . . « I l l

« . . 8



i f

Asserts Pier Builders Paid Money to Brindell

myrr, Incloto Tntimony of Contractori for City,

Eftinute Board A*ki Confcrenc*

FARIA Noa. t t.F) ^ o m p k a B tln g ad lla r ln llf on the approaching^ nnaafn* .b t r a f tka i m s u of K aiinna a t H i t t h r i r l d , ID L e tte r to U n le r -U aaaaa. th a Tm bp, t a r ,

“A j la a a aa « • lanora tba ta ta a tlo a aa f lha fu ta ra Atn*rtnin Pr**ldaal, how caa aoB ttiua ta l d lH rm am aal ba dU-

U M dt Na one knows w hether th e ] lln itad Stetaa with their anormona ra>M grcM would Interfere or not In o rder ta avoid n new 1114

**tlow CAO navnJ d iu rm a m a c t be dta- ewnned? The nations of Cnroga and (he Far Enel wnuia seem to be fo ra li ig

eonJitton under the ineplmtlOA of I O rant B ritain In order to enjoin th e

Lulled h tatea nni to t^ n itru c l any m et* w nrsbiga The discuaeloa would ewly aueeewd tn polaonlag the alinatlon and giving (I the appearance of nn nntl- Amarlena policy, to which Fm aca couM never aubaertba

^'France m nnot be suspaotad ka op- pooed to (ilfnrmainent but wa m ust realise that dlenrmament Is not a goea- lion which may be dealt w ith behJml the hstMs of the Americans

“The fu iu ra nctIvUiee of ihe L eague of ?fal Ions will be cloecly limited ow ing to the Hbaenca of the t'n lteil S tatea. but. on the other hand, the U nited Btates cannot rarrkaln absent from an iniernarintial organ laat Ion em bm ning p ra rlics lly the whole i>f the world.Herp is a cane in point Two A m er­ican republfca. fVru and Hollvin, nd- dreoaed requeals lo the leaguo N o­vember I naklng tha danava annembly to exanilna trealU a which P ars kisd Bolivia were forrod lo algn with Chiln In IMJ mad 1M4 Should both roqtSMta be arcepted and form a m ntter fo r tbe anchange of view*, thare pcrg ri the ra* m nrknble fact that a puraly Am ariegn quaotlon w f|| bo dlsrtianad wllhowt tAa | aavlalance of tbe United HtnteiL

'I n tha pranent cnae tba O nllad Btmtaa will suffer na damage, bu t it rllt be aeau tha t by a a traag a perndox

It in the mbeonca of tba United BtAtan from the leaguu, mud not Lta mdhaalow. rhlch menmcaa mn eneroaebisianl ugow

th a Ifowroa Doctrine ”


!*BW TORK. Naa. I ( * ) .—n « o r — WaaA: aprlng ptlacita mud R nM anatralghta, •TS9 ltK d; aprlng elaarab l U g td O ; w inter atrm lgbu, t . U g l . n . Rye. oMy: No I Wemtarn. |M # f. o, b. New York and tl.74 a. 1. f. domeatla. EUrley. sasy; feeding, aaum alting. 1 l l g l 14 o. i f New Toak.

LArd— Eaer; Middle W ait.IM A

gpot Coffaa—Emay; No. T Ria, T%t No 4 Bmiitoa. 110 H it

H uttar — Steady, reoalpta, 1.191; crearaaoTi h lghaf than amtrna. cream ety. e iu n a f t l aaorab d4; ftra ta I I I to t l Bcore). 4 lO tt t^ ; atnta dairy . fLnami. tuba. good to p rlm a 9 9 0&t, packing atock, curren t ovaka, Ka. 1 . • 4

Bggw--Biroog; recalptA A ld li fragh gntharad. e i tm ftrata. I I 014 ; flrttn , tTOSI; atmtai PannsylvmAlm and naarby W eatarn hennery whlto. ftra ta to on- tram, 1401 OD; atata. PensaylvaiilA mwd nearby henoary brown#, e i t r u . ldO *^i do gmtherad browns mtul tnlzad caiora. ftra ta to ejitrma, T7044

r^eeaa—Btendy; racetpu. t.441: a ta ta . whole milk, flmta bald, tpoolala. IT # !• ; do. average run, 14O ld ; a ta te . whole milk. flntA currant toakA mne- ciale. H O l4 . do., averkga run, t t i i o t l : s ta te whola fullk, twtna. held, afro- ctmlx. f t ^ O l7 i4 . da., avarmge run. 140 Z6

P o u ltry —Live, wamki no prlcaa quoted; dresaexl, steady: few ia freab. £4 040; turkeys, fraah. 400 40.

P o tatoeo—9temdy, sweets, Jaraay . bsk . TEOl^O.

Cabbages—Quiet; prin ts unchanged.

NEW YORK SUGAR MARKETNKW T O nit, Not I ( # ) .—Tka raw

augar m arliet waa easier and priooa doctlned and Into new low ground fo r tha aeaaon. There wera snlea of10.000 bag! of Cubos for prompt ehlp- meni at i ^ e ooai and freight, equalto 7 17 for contrlfugaL And tt w usaid that there was more sugar a v a il­able at th is level.

No change occurrod In refined suga r Fine g ranu la ted waa quoted at 10 40 011.00 can ta


steady ; aleetrolytin, spot and fou rth quarter, 14 \O l& Iron, nominally u n ­changed. Tin. steady; spot. 14 Tt; futuraa, H.IO I^ad . Irregular; spot, fi 1007.00. S lnc. Bteady; Bast Pt. U iuia delivery, epot. 4.TIOM4. Antimony, « fB At London: Copper, spot, (tO I ts 6d., fu*area, i l l lOs ; electrolytic, spot, flOO. fu tures, (102. Tin. apol. I l4 l, fu tures. £362 lj«ad, sp o t Xlt l i t . Bd., fu tu res, £S4 l ie 4d. Etno, spot, U l H a Cd fulures, U l 4a.

NEW YORK. Nov I { # l -N e w ev |- denoo landing to show that rmmlflea- Mans of ih* alleged ''building tru s t" o a ­ten d to contracts for work done for(h« d ry of New York was divulged kara th te m orning when Samuel ITnlermyar, couDBoi for the Jnlnt leglelative coai- m lttso iavM tlgetlng Ih* housing altua- llon. made puhlii' a letter from ro tsm la- ■ loner of Arn^unis David Ulrslifleld.

According lo Mr. ULrakfleMa oem m u tilt^ lo n , a firm bolding con trac ts to buMd a ll gtaten (aland p la n for lha D epsrtm ani of Docks paid Itohart P HrtndelL pfsaldenl of tha lluUdlng T rades Oounril. |T,5*0. with the umUr- • tand lng that r jore cash would be jml'! U te r Mr IDrshrieid Incloaad a copy of (eatlmony of l-*T*Kl#rick Tench and Howard H Hiierwhi. official* of thu T erry A Tenth i o, ^ firm of butld*^PH, tak en by e depijiy of the oOBlinleJilun- er'a office.

'"Prom this testimony.*’ l | r H lrahflelij wrtjfe. "you will find that Tefry A Teach Oo, which hne contract! w ith ihe 1‘ep arlm en t <»f I'»nks for lha conatru- tlon of H ere 4. T, l. iq gi^l | l . on Etiataa Island, has paid i>o a««ouat • f th a t con trari ll.iuo lo HrludelL with the tsaderetandlng to pay him addltJoDsl m onaya" ^

Mr. H lrshfield wrote tha t hta a j^ 'c i In baad lng over the i r a u r r lp t a ^ » to asAka the facta of the rase u r ^ a b l e should k(r. Utuarmyrr desire ta r^ n lln a e Inveailgsllon of Ihe t rxnjurJfJ&h

Fwllitaa,- Uaterwyct le a s ts ,YORK. Nov I - -A resolution

Introduced by Mayor llylan. asking the l.*oekwood cowimlttee Inveatlgailng the build ing elluittlon for a ronferanoa a t which municipal ron trarts could ba ax* amlned, was adopted yeat*rday by lha Board of Estimate si a Bprcial m asting. The contracts the board would Ilka aa- a ts taace In ei*m tn!ng are thoa* fa r Work on erhool buildings Tsgitm nny b rough t out at th* commtttaa'a haar- tnge )■ dreiared to have Indicated tbara w as m iinsion in bidding

A nother development yesterday In lha Inveeiigatlon of the ao-oaliad “build ing ring" was s demand made upon tha U )rkw ood committee for a thorough 1n< veellgaUon Intn the muntrlpal contract* and of the relation to them of every c ity departmaoL from tha Mayor’s offlo# down This demand. It was eald, wa* made by persons of Importance," but their nsmes were withbelil by tba committee.

ftamuel rn term yer, chief counsel fo r th e iaveetigattng cotemlttee. le reported to have nppoeed the widening of tha com m illsc I work to Include sn In* vaatlgaMon of th* city adm)n1e'ratlon< daclaring such an andartaklrtg would s ide track the committee's chief purpose of break ing tbe balMing ring He la also said to have polotod out th a t a* the committee la largely Republican, such an invesltgatlon could be r e ­garded ns an attack on a Domocratlr adminis*.ratt*in In preparation for the next muhlelpal campaign He insisted th a t p9>llilcs be kept out Of the Inquiry

It Is r*9gsrded aa prohehle. however, th a t If (he Legislature extends the e i la tenre of ihs Lockwood com m ittee a f te r Ja nuary I Its [vowera wlJl bo am plified and a Ri'arch made Into the m unirlpal depart rnm I s' relation to el- legedh rr>^oked contracts

Mr rn (o r myer. loM of the action of th e Hoard of Estlmsle. said h# would be glad to meet any committee from the city ert:nlntst rallon iind give all the le lp It denlr«.d The *•0011711111 ee ll p re ­pared to xhuw thsl tesMiriony (kt four hearings concernlni muniripal con- t r a r t s was euffli'l**nt to Justify can ­celation

At the Board of EsIlTnate'i m eeting U ontrolU r Dratg said borough preel den ts and heed* of departm ents should m ake an Immsdiata examiasUon of Contracts to ascertain If the city had been a victim of fraud li«yrough P re sid ea ts Rlegslmann nf Kings and Connelly of Q uicnt already have i ta r te d investigations

'^ e a t Prices UnsettledIn Early Transactions

< HirAOO. Not” I i m —lUUisa Ik foreign exchange led In h igher pHskk today fo r whsaf. Feyiag oa the p*rt o f boisss* w ith Ikatern coansctlan i found ofreH nge lig h t The absence of se lling pressure wsa ascribed largely

L to the drgstic nature of rvesmt ds-

I' cline*. f>psnlng quotalloaa wkichvaried from 14c off to IHc atfvajice. w ith Pecem ber 1 l4 lo I I IH a id March 1.9S^ to I HH* follsw sdhy gains all around, although In te r­rupted by a transien t severs asthack.

Lnter. enre^ along with wlieal and O ats dropped fo the lowest prlrSS yel Ihlrt sesAon. The close waa nervoua, lib to IH < enta net lower, w llh Dacaiabsr T« to

f e r n 9hr>wsd firm ness with wheat. A fter ( p rn ing unchanged to S r lower, Including December at I I I4 tn l l tb , the n .arket at-cred slight gsina oa m ost d*llv*>r1ea

H(i hsc.juently alt deliveries fell to new uiw figures, the (owsst tn four yeere Itijying had been m ainly for Hh> r'e . anil when this support gave out thkd r7i.9,rk rt was greatly weakeeed H r, p*>rte were circulated th s t Xanaas bank era w ere dlerusslng cgrtallm aat of cr'''t1ta The close was heavy. 4% to T*fC net l7iwer, w ith Decembef I.T4 to 17* ind March t T6 to 1.71^

<U(s reflected the upturns of Other gFAiin. s ta r tin g unohan gvd to %o lower. May 47% to 41%, and ihea gradually harden Ing,

I'v'iv Istone were depressed by weak* tie** In th e hog m arket

I Til «>• iri detailW heat—No 1 hard, I l l ; Ks, I hard,

1t 'n r n —No 1 m tied.

vellnw, 904111 %Oiile--No a Whits, 4 I# I4%

white. 40% 9BI% .Rve -N o 1, I DarleyTim othy Reed i RO^I t l .( 'lever Seed -1 1 d S tfll Mlu r k —NemlnaJ.I^ rd — 1174P^h*^-n 0(1^14 7 tMlNNEAUuLia, Nor I ( » ) ^ F 1 S U f ^

jr>'- In 74i-. lower. In c a r l ( ^ lo ta ta iu - liV piUenlp iiuolcj at 9 41010 00 a bar- re! In 41 pound cotton sacks; Ship- mi*hls 1 barrels.

D ran i t 'intf.TS i<0W heat <’axh. No 1 Northern, 1T4%

Q 1 77 % ; Dfcember. I f t ; March. 1 Tl, I'l.rn—No I y»l|ow, t0(f9l. i*ate--Nn 3 white, 44% 94f% . r u i - ,\o. 1 . 2 II GZ 11

Ns. I

Ka •

NLW ORK COTTON MARKETN E W T i^ f lK , Nov 9 ( .4>)— P ro sp e c ts

for a < old w ave f^iliowlng sh o w e r* or r a in * in (he b e ll, led to som e o o verlng and R caitrr^ tl b u y in g at th* o pen ing of the <'<itinn m a rk e t today, f ir s t p r ice s being e lev en po int* h ig her to fou rteen polr,te lu w rr . w ith near m on th * r e la ­t iv e ly firm , (d fe r lr ig i In crea se d r ig t it a fte r (he t'])entng, ho w e ve r, oW'trrg to d isap p o in tin g cab le s and 73-nllnued Iru D ih-preSSlona, wMh I*^rrp>mber soon S fllin g o ff fro m I !( 40 (o t9 2S and Ja n u e rv from 11 04 to 1^71. o r lw e n tjr-(w {. to tw e n ty -th re e

j (>7)lnts n^t lo w e r L iv e rp o o l bougttt I Nome cciitoQ here and epot house* I Iw iughr m a r monri)fi a g a in st sa le s <<f I rt ifrr i|» Tiv#-r1e*. w'l|;^ w a* fu rth e r

soMi'.rp..T r n v c r tn s i l.ut the dem anil w a s i i L p l I e d hy H outhera and Jecal Se 11J n g

7^»* ifiore u rg e n t demand from sh o rts seem ed fn h e v r bren supplied on the I s l e rrprenoon and the m a rk e ttu rn e d e a s ie r uri'lcr r e s U iln g or re n ew «d liq u ld a llo n I'crnm bor Sold o ff to 19 Z3 nnil Ja ttu a ri in I I A3 arou nd 2 o 'c lo ck , n r *hi7Ut IT to 24 p ii ln t i net lo w e r nn the r^p<'r<R tn<-renelng m ill c ij r I fl I In icn t In I'nK'tind and w c a k -ncae in o th e r m a rk e i*

T lu j ln g trecam e in n ir active la te r 1u the m o rn in g , w ith arM vr m onths se llin g 4Z to 40 p5>1nt* net hi«h^r on Coverin g and e upbo rr from lu '- k m w llh W e ll H tre c l f’i>nnecll<ina. Th'- im H ller volum e o f l^oQthern hedge ■I'lllriv w as one nf (he h u lliRh fn aru re i. wMl^ there w as n ls 3 t a lk of an oversnM m arket a fte r (h e b re a k of n e a r lr 4c n pound from tilgh p r ic e s r4-arheil nn Ihe late Oc to ­ber ra lly ( jlh e rw le e , and p-icept for (h e p rn a p e c l <•( c j M w eather, there w ae no s t )e r !s l fa^ ior con nericd w ith the sd5 I in r- , w h ich I'Arrli d Der^m her rOTi- 1 r*r1 s up In 19 kli and Ja n u a ry up lo 19 46

8pot r c l t o n q u iet; m iddling . I t 19


Guaranteed Protection

for Wholesalers of Merchandise

T h e A m e r k s n C r e d i t - I n d e m n i t y C o m p i n g ia w i l l i n s a t t h i a t i m e t o c o n s i d e r a p p l i t a d o i u ( o r C r e d i t I n s u r a n c e B o a d i f r o m a l i m i t n l n u m b e r o f h i g h ^ d e M s n u f a c t u r e r a a n d W h o l e i a l e n , w k i t e v e r t h e i r s a l e s v o l u m e .

S u c h w h o l e i a l e h o u s e s m u s t b e c o n d u c t i n g t h e i r o p T e ra t io n a w i t h c a r e a n d c a u t i o n a n d w i t h d u e a p p r e d i t i u n o f p r e s e n t d a y e c o n ­o m i c c o n d i t i o n s .

T h e A m e r i c a n ’i U n l i m i t e d P o l i c y g u a r a n ­t e e s t o p r e v e n t , e l s e p a y , h a d d e b t lo s s e s b e y o n d t h e n o n n a l , w h e n e v e r e x c e s s i v e lo a a e s o c c u r , a n d w h a t e v e r t h e a g g r e g a t e o f t h e n e t c o v e r e d lo s s e s u n d e r t h e p o l i c y .

l i M u i r i c a f r o m M a n u f a c t u r e r s a n d J o b h e r a i v i l l h a v e p r o m p t c o n s i d e r a t i o n .

A f wwB • ^ i jrf t t U tr t B itv i S t0 ,0 0 0 t0 0 0 ,0 0


lesyes eteweseo LrwvNsrTgw pkeiom

JAa P. OHRIEN. 8tat* A s« t 906 Klnnay BullditiK. Newaii, N. J.

PXoac Market iUO

NEW YORK BOND MARKETTk* ts)lewt*g qeetstteM were (emtshed

by FesA A negg?Open- High leg set

t1 tt

p m « II 4M 11

Am. Imsit A X. 4sAna. T. A T. «4t. 4* Am. T * T. evl. le Am. T. A T. OIL 4iAteh, f*e . is ........Atch. *dj, 4s etD.. AL Ceeet L let 4e ft. A O. gen. 4e.. .B. A a rd, I* . . Belli, ttsei fW. 4e. Beth. I. pur. m. le Cent, trniuhm 4e . Che*. A O. ovL I*C, a A Q, Jl. 4e. a.B. A g.j)i,div.,«e Chl. Ol. West. 4s , C.. K A »t. F C .M. A A t.F .ev .i^ C. A N.W.deh.4s,‘RI C.. H 1 A P.fM .ls C., R. I. A F. rsC.lsCbll* Te ..............Chile elt k*..........C.C.C. A M.L,g«n.4e Del. A Red. tW. 4b Den, A H. O. b. 4s l>«n. A fi. O. ref leBrie gt 4s ..........H A M. ref. I* . . H A M. tse.Ill C s* . l« iQt M. Ce, lot. M. Co 4tts, »Lf. lo4. R. T re?. 4* tot. M. M. 4s . . . KCF.AAM. 4*K. r . Be. ref. 9* .. Lehigh Vat. cJt «B Midveie 8<ee! «*,. Min. A AL L ref. 4s 11. K. A T.. let 4s . Mo. Pee. gSD. 4e. .. X. T. Gsnt. de^ is X. r. Ceet ref, 4%e N- T. Rellwey 4s. .. N. T. Tet. Co, 434*. Penn*, geti. 444* •• Psiise. I s . . .. Per* Mer. 1st Re Pub. ier. gee, le .. ReeAlng gee, 4s . a L. A A. r . gee. Is a L. A a r . pi. i*. a L. A a P. e4J.«* a L. A a P. l*c.«eSeeboerd edj. 4* . . A*. Pee. «vi. Is . . . Bo. peo, ovt. 4s . ie . f t . 4 e .. . .A*. Ry. le . .........As. Kp. fee. 4s ... Ueteu Pee. 1st 4*.. Vnloft Pec. svi. 4*. (Te. Pec, 1*1 r. 4s.. a a Ateel Kt la .. Ve, meltwM I t • ■. Wlteea Ce. 1st •■. WIlMft Ce, evt, 4*.

Low- Ctos- tng

J in

txhM I*

German Financier Sues Britishar in U. S. G)urt

NFJ'W TORJC, Nor. I Question*I e ffe c tin g the right of e Osrmen cltlien

to gue In United States courts while thn U nited fltetes end Qenmeny stjll er* techn lceny el wer ere Involved In * su it In equity brought by Hugo fitlnrvce. OenDAO ftnukoler. la the Psderel t>ls tr fe t Court here. Judge Jullu* Msyer before whom Herr Rtlnass'g clelcn we* heArd, today Issued e tempormry ordt^r ty in g up until Novembsr 13 more then IIAA.OOO deposited hers to the ecqpunt of H arvey Allen Miller, e Brttleh su b ­ject.

H err Stlrmee elleces ta his ecticjn th a t lest June be nsmed Miller a s Me A m eriran agent to deal to roel. Iron and o ther commodities, errenglng for him a IBOO.OOO eceounL Mr Mlllnr. the p la in tiff asserted, now denlee end rf'- pudlele* (he contract which Stlnnee declared he tlgaed.

H err Atlones has melnUlned that hl« boelaeee arrangem eiite with Mr Miller w ere authorised and licensed hy the w a r trad e branch of the Rt&te Depart vient. end, oonseqtishlty, sre wfthln th« Ikrladlotlon of the federal court

M 14 «t%It M7114 Y1H

««14 4«H4114 11144T 4?V A U S

V A4414 1014ft ««<n Tlf ! 4 ??!I

n i 4 41%14 41

m lTtm tt< If

ill• Is*

it% tM4 U H l l f l 14 u 41% U H 11 TIV4 Tl Tl I4H t lH I t 11% IIH 11 41 t l i l

1 1 1^ 1 1 1 ^ m

M , II II IIH 14% 44%

oovamniiNT boxdAlni


17. K Ulk IXih JUT. H I* M.H H .U V.|.U6.,tto to, *T.. H .t l M .lf U . i t n . t l UA bjM BTTW ’tT H .H i i . t l H .U H .l i

t o , ^ . . IT .ff t t . f i M .ji i i . l * f J i S l , U iT.H H .N H .l i f i . l tft X t jk i i i S i : *11 i l .H H .it H .H H .H

i(h «\{.'H H.M H .l i H .H i f .H IIH ., H .H H .H H .l i H .it

ii« h ii I tk s? SI


* 8TimMlMi H ............. H f t

_ O u • f itoifM <)6.. ■tol lB pi> MSw t**'

Britain Honort MorgenthauWAfllUNflTON. Nov t (jp , - . f i r

Auefcland Oeddee. the British Ambasae dor, today bestowed (he Oraorl Uruee <<f the O rder of the British Sm ptrr upon H aory Morgenthau. former American Am baaaador to Turkey. Id recognition o f gervIcM to British nlvlllehi end mlll- ta ry prleonera during the war

f^oMarcyA mowC o l l a rA COUAX TKAT9 XKaiT rORIHI KNOT THAtY T U D T u a n j c X 3 c OkwAwkne ac» MT

Lnsr^ON Nov 9 (.P) -B a r eUver4S%d per ounce lU r gold. 1 }ts 4d M oney. & per cent. D laco un l r e t s a sh o rt M ils . (% per rent : ihree-m O D lh h il ls , t n lC iQ 4% p e rc e n t . QoM prem - 1na>ii^A( I.jnbon, 14<)D<»


Whff Are Certain People Unusually Successful in the Stock Market ?

Pre<iu«<tit]y It it osM el a msn. 'T Ir le lu rk r ' IMt In most nsM* hlH suf-rr-ea |i d')* to se rth ln t hul lurk- Th* aufr-visful iradtr saver hure otrx-ka until h* htiowa ttk« fundsrT\Poisl ferta underlyln* thiw* Ml'i'k*

When yeu wanf ai-ruret* Intur- inatluB nn sny ittieka drep lain nur li.-ardrnnm - - rvil UN by phnri* — w rite Ua 4 l*((ar. Any InfnrmehuP ynu went «IH he rumiihcU yuu aht-erfullr without uhLgktlob.

TheMarket Barometer

le our Weekly fltisnrlsl nuhlloetloe. prepared by asparte. Tt ceststas velusbl* dele regerdlsg eteck msr- knt ertlvKlec

Kent In yea P U R E regulnHg, *• tesued efsey Meadey \f ye* wtA reqaest NN-g.



and an audit company cannot gain the confidence of the busi­ness community in a few years.

The J. Constam Audit Co., founded 25 years ago, is still leading the field.

How many audit companies are there in Newark today that were established in 1895?

There’s a Reason

J.C0NSTAM AUDIT CO.Essex Building

The Forenoet Audit Company in New Jeney

Manufacturers, Attention!Young married man. college gradnate. desires to make

permanent connection as Export Manager and general Com­pany Executive with reputable manufacturer (large or small) with office in Newark or New York.

Offers 12 years' intensive export executive and selling experience and ia widely traveled abroad. Satisfactory refer- encea. At present acting Export Manager at salary of $8,(KXI. Addreaa M. A., Box 1, News Office. j

I t l * *222 Market St, Newark, N. J.

N»w Yerk fHicug* rlltekirgb

, RUBIN BROS, for Psinte of Qneltty

e u lanteM Avsme->, n. a.

t **ta**ap*it"

CTOciiiouny MtniiftU___ _ o r PAor jriwAA

S O U T N E R R H C I F I COwe ef CM iMgset aed fHAset lellieeA eyeMwie I* this oe«»-tey, ewiifag u d csbW«11Iu*liW*«et*Ml steewektp, ellMe eulw A lw Mereele oed Merty tt% *f CullfertWi pfwoti *11 UiJstAMvegaHe* gleae r-rseCe ■■- u e i^ ig iw U rtv tutsreel inIH* r m -----etwek, whlth kse*■ leC iie lii eeeei «*ln* ef*Aew4 |iM e shafv.

Analysis and Chartits 4

h r Hie fieegsMy.___I m grephts gees-*f t%* mefseeiWt sf

M K .Pree •* reqvesi.

Aek tot Nn. NK*m

H U D f E V p t U i S d Q l

a p o R ^ N n S r a S im if - B o i iD i

w f l S ^


The preferred atock of the largest concern of its hind in the world, one of the most pros a m perons companies oj Northwn New Jersey, sold at a price to yield.....................................................

BnaineM has ahown an average annual increase for the p » t three years o f ................................................

Dividends have been paid since incorporation, on both preferred and common stock, semi-annually, at the rate o f .........................................................................


8 0 %

FERGUSON-<;OODELL CO^ Inc.n Whs 44tk SW«< New Ttirh Cllr

8«HI> M* WITHOUT OBLIOATION ON MT PART DATA ON TOURp M r i m n a D b t o c k o rp u n iM O .

EiSELE & KIII6mueiEniKaiiNUTiiNi' o t e t e j m i n .

s K e u N i T i t s ;• C l i i t O Q 8 b e e t ir


M il u k e n & P e l lI ........iFMChadboimieMl

i T 4 i a « a i IH . t m a m i fta d a ll '*

UNUSTKD erO C K S g 1 0 1 1 0 1 , a t lha e a t ie r e l s e e '^ i l ^

sc u N T O H S T s m . Miqr.ifye

v.H~u(amlpera i p c n * B o m *

i ■

* ' e S i

4 IN E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S . T U E S D A Y . N O V E M B E R ft, l f t 2 f t .


Ti f t i A n i

s C S r 5 l 3 . ^ ^ “-^ M u te r.liJ r u fu«"L

IN H E M O tlA MIK u d **d 1srlK( iM iiw r «f "If * * t ' ' t * i

1«Md teu lit* i'. Mm. a . ii. I <M* te*»«r(. »h» »•* “ “•* '• "•* "*■ 191V«

fillif* ... „ wwiTii o « !"•» •*l?fc eh wfcwfe tt tMB wUl'w ort*r*d. HH ih . H«tr terMtht*.

n r-« « WwiDter *. ••«•. •' *21 iM. H I Uarrto Johft. b«Mv*a„ T J aS m t e t e j i t e . C U I« .» . :lM . t l t e . n l t e f u lw -

ITT. Jim i » . u d r u n t f . ite»rf lH . n r Ate' i lu fM . ' r n n i l » ; • / - ," III* wUk h»r «*•» ■> k.ppr »»d Wwjj.

MlIH PU llM lh It la •• dirk M Mfkt.I ..wl «o loinh', btu*.Pm I lav*d r»u. «l*«r dtuihtM*. n«f* lb4ByBU 1|B#W,a m t ImM iM ^ “ *"*

m m * i^N icL r MyTHtHa h k i . h a r ttJ BMCER

i S r Wlhla« b«rfP««. JUi !LteM I l l KBfibWbwdey. NM*«Wr W, »l I F- J 2k-iM M it vlk ‘fklrmokm r«M*t#ry kt »h# •*»•Swikee ' ---- -flf« mt tiM fuklTy,

n.’.MI*BeLI,-0 » ! l .n m k .r t. 1»!«. * » "" ■Ma . ( III. Ml. M frlm CamiiWI. "«» ite i Md m u d ,. » n ite « .» } « " •* '■•mmrr iMUiy k«d tM Drtkkt* * 512 ViSl

fr«m hi? r*#i4knck. *f^.?**?*

Rf Mkinarr <•*»' (kth*f »MIhMfekM, iMkcN. wb* d#pkri#4

from ki N<>v«mb*r I. H*l Juit (IfiMH >Mr> kC<> lb'*Ttikl f#». likkf fkU*r, pm*MIII kkr M i h^mrli r<*kf ni#mnff ltn*wkBWMtly. tMMler, fpiid **»«*Tli*r* !• t»M • d»y, dr«r r»ih»r.Tli*t w* do ftot i MdIi i*f y*'*!. . wBM ih«r« »t notbiAd l*f» bw* * h^Rftkcfc*And k kkd k „ n

DBRBAVKTI W im . M iJ !?mfUAHS7<. CtlAHl.EA, /ObKPH AND UROlinE hk0(MI. ¥AIIY UlIK.srH. OKH- TRl'DE MARBAf'll

A B o t b e ^ ^ i n r w O l b e f o u n d m

U L P W A N T I D - I I I N

A f- toAOSNt*—LIT. klM1«» M tk y*«*.«te_j*

n il Ui t n r « n 1 *T£.“h. 1 will c « T .r t u r y n d J . l . * ,?•'.nil thnl

t e W .te » te r , K .T .n ter W. •< ■ *■ ^K m m I . t l . k l . |l» i '* LH.rtk ^ i A ^ in S n . aol««» H*li IBM. i l m . i . "Ki .IJtrid t . r Ik . r.p*« "< •'.•f "■'■ „'V; ("IB .nl In Ik . I'alB.iarr »l <»• M telrlir,.

rWI-JIllddTnlr, en K.TTrili.f I. >*>•■ I te m . k»lo»U huatoiid .( Mnn Cn»- Bai.' C m . trtaMla. rnthMlr*l Heir|n n H lw * n ' Aaewlnllu »nd C«.« l.«Ue• In . rn le rn a l Aid t ’.ten. .ra kledir In- TllU I . .Urnd Ik. fwiertl frum *1. Mil- d m t . IH J.mM .I m t , en « n n ^ ad y . M.T.mkar 1., M ■ A. U . u »‘ Paiiiek • €klked'.J. wkTM . m ««« kl.k "■*• "• Itekl.m »ni !.• olfTred for Ika rapoM ot k'a "Ml . 1 » A. Id to i .r« . .( .1 I’kiie- te>bln. r .

irHOteMAH—KBfwd In '. "" T .” - dkjr. H.T»i.k»r I. HI*. jnk.i>.» i roaamal IM . MMkTTl. m ru a. r u n 1 nonlh * ter«. « .l.ilT .a »od fri.nd. i n kindir I"- TtIM I* . im d ih . f k u n l from H.k»n. A te iik 'k . . . f a u n l 8k*r.l.

IH l.TtM matmrr . f oot da.r Molkw-I.-iRW. IfkurlfM VkB Efnburfh, irh** -------kwkj tw« y^kri kfo lo U/. Sc>r«»bm tJuci 1 ttiteUffhl fit kiiMt MiBfWbrkko*.Jiiil k m«iniiry fi>kd kkd tfUk.Ahd k k^kriarh* itlll t**r yok.Totm eiATKRA-IN IJkW. BBMni Mk-

OODKLKT. UA^JK COI.2.INS.iJt lorlkf fnkfnorr kf " 'r dkrllkf Mktb«r. »K<f ilUil Nov«mb*r I. Iftl-

In r»y hr«rl your ifri*mofy llkfwk kwaMtly. tandkr. fctDO and tru*;

ThdAff i§ iin( a dky, d*kr muthir.Thai I do not tpoah of i ■>«.

Yi>t M UTTIaK f>Al*Glin;il. VTVtAN niHUKOVV

Sirkkva. kk Thirkday, Narambkf IL1. 4L rktkrmvkt U BkJlywaM C«m«tary:UiA»k(1i pkpkfk RlkkM eapy

IV laviflp ni*mofy of tny Httla frfond (}«Aork« Ollkari ralUn. who rticJ two y*ara

A<t> (May, Noa^mbar f, IM>- Jmi aa iha iraok iMvta wora tamlnf to •old,OMf Lard okllad yoe. daar 0*»ofC*. I<* n*T*

kkd tk hold. MAhOARET

pkRkfkI>fM''l(RAr—At RldfawkM. W. J . k» Wo-

t. |t} t, iViltkkm J. l^ A rk /. aeM Tfkrt Pdnartl aMvl** n WadnaMlay.

Vffllbtr Id. at hM riiMkked. H Bokthkik kvcdkk, Rldptvkkd. N J . kt

mikcrnait kl VkIkAlk, tt. T.t .lt

IN fond mkTOory of mr rtakrly kkloTM fklMr, IHlSd Pm lCH*Abkr(*r. whk fatl

kktaop Vevkmbkr I, I fll Tk Itvk (d thk bkkrti of thokk yoo IkVkd 1«

kot tk dlk.BCI^RAVSTI DAUaurtlB, PLORT.

|KlWA>ft>—Aiafkrd C., Alkd Vovaikbkr T. » H k< Mkkkkqvkk. Imklkkd nf Iriikla Htolpk <kkk Vkk Pklll. IkrTH-kk. kt. Ibk

IV IkTlnr Jkkmory of _my doarly kklavadid.

!|I. bnJ | r t t prik^i*rikk r^krfli. Kk*arli,_ R-J.. ki

taukbkkd, Jnbfi Ckrr Crlfar. who oklayrd Into r*»l Vovktnbar I. l l l l .


yplkwii W#dA*kdky. VwfMMbar It. Ikt*r- .- .k t tk WITIriw dfkvk C*n»*t*»7. Now prkiia-

O. R. ' ' Nk, i n Hokkrtllk rh-ntkf Mk. 4f. O. C. B.: AC OiryMikUm Vk I, K #f P.I EM tllla Idkdkk No. it*. F akd Aa U.. kkd frtkkda ijytNd.

tv mamory rvf my laih»f. Thomka WIndIa,who dlad Sovambar t, I tll


p u d .W .' tr i-k wklTh d a ^ W Ite r .p u l l r . a«ld . . d n « u n « t r : a .« » M . «« :m'vlH.lli f « l . n 't e n• I . , irn k ir . A d J n n T r« k . ^ JJ l-Naanrk leranlnr H tm . ft* f tl» **•■

a u to MMCHAHW. .OfH.4 .pMlIn. f .r ram U lanl m a te . l . .

■taady koatliok. kldbakl — __T1IC OHICAT ATLANTIC A PACITTC

TBA COMPANY.I t . n . r al.. J .n a r Cll»

Rnda.n T .b n l* 0 » t. ■ M te

■ U P W A M T f D - l l l l

" t s s m s f .!5 r " U S !S te r S 5 L KWkktkd: Wkkckir MriPMrt wM lk^ikd* 5 'kjiek Bkfkkk Cku i t i V^ikjr k t. O '

HELP W A ir m y -d n iMAN. Dilddlk

iMlki: Ckkd Parth AIbbdpN J.

kkjk_________c a r p i .n t r M i,_ in e iH i Ap.lT A.

A teM , r i* M n l l i ^ iir i M *T.c u c k MAkaa^-eOHd H

ITtedIkf c « t elly W i.m

111 J .IH r AT.I n u k l uXai

coiX iC TO It—M u Mpartn i d I.■nui H llM tlac. fkalllAr v ttb H an rk a te

•ukarkw m u i p u d i . u t« | f.;..rl«> iHM ri kete r u .m d . A n ir n e n I**.M .nM N n ru lL K.roLI4CCTdi w u i te i MAkir te*iti—

ritk t m u : M l.rr u d unmiMlM- •> C n ri at.

lUTO MKOlIANit*. W M (i.nntej«w ». " * ■kinimT h u i r man. Ik tefiri, k w te rb *. tlarka. dTlran, aU .am ... a ^ t e t e a n .kM. kUrka, drlwkfk, kklkankk,

bot'^ark, hokkkftiak. firkflikk, WkldblM*! jwykind k( work yo*t <>••*«;•• •*? I? **** tk plckkk kll. bkkrw- T _Aj P- n nr^.r -mlUROVlf AOKNcir. ^__

) t t MAin .1 , Of.r OfOT*. IMMjOtte|lk AUfoMouiLE W A iiH ik ^ 'n i*

CAH C0-, II CENTRAL ATM. RE.qyiR R a t Iie . e r v ic e a o r Tw6 M-;

APPLY.AUTO K 'l lO O l^ L te n Ik . J> ^ a i l

Wkr: kolltnitad rkurw oh kp'l*r**‘* m , wk p#i rot* tbk ikkitkk kkd iM loBk rokq Itkiwhk ihrkOtk trkfnd, k k j^ ' r .p .lrin . I l l :and H . te n m ., 71 tirrlteO'*'.*TW.

A t^ 6 *i(CftO0 L—w ■you drlTlkff kkd rdpklrllif kH k ^ tk * ^ ^ khd iniekk; Wk dkt f«tt tllkkikk^ill ro«r»k. J l" a ppmn krkklkfk. Wklfkk

tvim*r WkariUflOk.ArTOMOBTCi MKCtlAKlCl wkttUd: ••Ip

rirat'Clkak iBkk kkkd apply: kkMfH k ^ -!ndi apply by lattar. S5!(iravlnua aa^wrlaDCk. Addrkia n. ^ , wm Mb. Nawa kfflra ________aUTvj bCHr>01. s p e c ia l COt M j r

to drivk, bk<>oilrfk k tfhkkftkkji - affar «■ oprii for two wa«kk aklf;■ irnla-if. tarpwrjikf Aktk ictioul, Hd WkM*mfiiM* a rc ________________u .

c o f iM I M K w k k ik ^ iW k-Oari^i i i o ^ work, Kkod pay. PTkereaelrk Pkkkk. Jkt

RAWkr4 k t -. B « -^ Q u T ^ k ^ i l i r ^ k r k k f k y

blkMBlf jkMkTkDr kMful. Apply l»r. Ikl niktkR kwk.__________



cm ow B iive jd U M w y ^ A k P .- r o o t o r c» o

flWAlrr*4ltH . . . t . J tm l i !iloffokkn, Poulbbk wllllkf tk wkrk.Tkktk at _______

lifinZtS Wkklk4i kikkdy PkkttlkOJ fWkd aalary- Inqmlrk tdokia Nardokk^^ft.]pkkd

C u tn l .T... d tr .U . w'lb llBul-

C Jl 111 v .nG iK ~ & A in g ^ -n n t . I w•ARk of bYknoh pkktry

D^kk k C __________C inS cbU ktl wkktkd, paady to

work, t l Mkrkkt ic ____95o£^^^^W$dtw, kkoimd kkkk. Bntoo Kawt

^ £ F ! iMAV ~*kllA k *te<TM. Ml

Ad. work; | i r . H iu t

w f t e r Im j " te *l

MlteMa.Im t m a l A wa u n r .

- i te tf f*»«>* u d te 't . .. ~ lt* ‘3 tel»T M.M A N - K ,p w lu iH ~ F S i" ^ w i

m u Antir H w rM u W arC ^ i n flkJk a n ., MkkUlklr,MAN J o wkkk~aik^ii Aki kiikk r tk k ik k l

J O P W A R 1 ID - 4 K Ml i f i W i i i i «

• i I 3 m A g ~ wm l i i t i i . t e

teE T SfrtnT f i i S r i t e C e r a i

s s m s s i S s s L•Tk,* -d a r

IteH irtol H M jtU u Ia l iT w e S f mmmtm

JST t ,

III RokkvUlk «krkkd PlfikkBtb ktk.

k rW UMWliwifrilAls

MAN. aldorlVa |t>o4 k*»k Ikk v

■t„ orakjk,M ltX W R iaU ^ tlTkir v tfb kWA tMlkJ

rn d r fte * .rk l fM d H r U d iU te r wk. B ^ k ite d * M m i X te u r . II Mala

at, E u i OTUd*> N. 4.1 a .a t d m u E merk.lAa c r banr

MoViofT p tc to a B o a ro k ttiw iv y T M M tet l rT tiuauaij arlTau laalrM tlH i IrrH l

■T.tia: m a a a U h u Ute u u l h . A te n r Mamda. ItteM . I l f t e n d n .

OPEEATOR OM , n r r D i a M A C B on rO E HATTEEasaE.

■ ro c kl» n U ___ ,

AddrH. E W.. ■HlP^iNd

I d i r m A. cH

EU ntetb alaa aad u k aaaau u la iT aa« ■H .I I I I , H na M iS r H I ___ ______

M rlldbi u id ateM » t a ) i t . r t ib l a m t ApaJp ITte ' fteld kdtick Pbkkkik CoUkmN..Jai ^ H T M B t i t " U 0 E l B i i = $ M i r 5 5 F C

w w lu e a d lu a , Applr IH CPna a t .

W. M« wUHaa la par I I I f a r iraili ub . H art AppTlcalleD. ceaJMntUl.

0 * 0 . L.. IMLDNBE Ot>..E. r a r a l l . a t , E H U aart H4.

o r r i q i aM U t a MV.. iM. at dalad p n a ra l .KIm amfe,

familiar with d.iiaa . ( naalilw, ladpwolark a te paaaral au M aa t I . amiltar: n- piv la .wa baodwrlUai. plTlap i r t i rm and l.I.nhoa. nambar. A d d n n N. J. A., hna II. N.W. offln.

E m a .ra .t , pablle terrlM TMm i».l____C b oV /A pp ir ' i f i M n te H.ERArriMAN; .ap Ml .a eJ la tb« larw l .1

klplkff kad P«w*r p ^ t ^ulpnkoia «A

kkfkl■Irkd tk lltkt tktUr.Ml, Now* offWw,

piVtk k'V Rikkikp kU OMD OMiipttikllkM, lo 14 ykkPk kf kfkj dktkiti »f pvWkTo>kiit kAporlka«k, kdsokilkk kkd iktkr

AddrkM J, iu ll-itkTf dk



PARNAN—Oa NeTTwher T. l l t l , Harr ^ r u n (M* T«!lri. b.l.Tad wtf. . f Pai- rM Parnan. R.laliva< and frlanda a n Hadir lnili.d I . .H ate ika f .nan l Irem kpr rtild*kw*. 14 Nkw Tkrh kv«au«. kk W ldrffOtr. NkTkfkbrr tk. kt ■ A. M ; to • i J e w i^ Cbkf<*. wh«rk k btfb mkM of

EHlkik will i f JkffkTkd for ihk rfpoko kf ■Ml. InlkTMkkt tn tbk Ckowikry of lb«

t Bwpflvhf*-

ITIC »tkh tk •■pr#kk Aur klnr-Ar* ihfhk* to our rklktlw** uid friond* for thnfr kind

•ympkthy and bwawflful finral nfronop* »i Ihk funrfkl of nur bklovEd wir* fad molhvr. Prrihk M Townloy. BpteriAl ihtnbt lo nur pk«tnr '*Mr. Doyd, for kind worO« of ropi' ikJktlkn. ;;nd to Jkitiff rook, uhdfi'tkkrr. ,'ur kffiritnt ■orvlcwo.



JUNIOR a c c o u n t a n t IN • M O ^ t PI..NIUH AI'LOUNTAHT in II MONTIII

•klkkikka; akkd not bo ikflktofod;Mt I ykkrr Nport-

Th« khorl cut to lurcokk In tb« kocoBk!. EM> find 1e th» La Akll* Prkhl«m Motbod. bkhi-'h irpinr you la your own bomk lA your «E«t« iimr, 11 ptkfffl Wfort you kctuol lirot.lrtiii tkfeoo bodily from buaInkkB. knd

I nuk'if.r* you by ilv ln f rod *rti*kl kwouni- iny «ip«r)Rnrr you «r*f B>ka llv«n uktlaUka V«rw>iikl <nd indlvldukl roTunritBltok Ok koy poiali ua wbicb >oo kkod bklp<

rnukl hkvk kl iMkt - .«Bk« with rolkfl druf Mork; kplkkdld opportuklty for man with kmbltlon for kdwkockkkknt: pood kklkry kkd hok/k. Apply Poktor* Drue etork, Ormnik bC kkd RockvIlU kvk.; ibk coreor.

MikUlDAddrkialtrit;uft]BT. rkfflktkrk^ aIm

itwkdy pB^tiok for bkkkkf mik.K. r BaX lla NkWB offlkkaDRl 'KlllfT HOT wknikd. pBind b lUln

ftUlDNAM—Al e«Mimlt. V. J., rwIdkiiW, m .Vkrtmbor I, lIH . ChBriki Prokfl* r«ril- C m, t l bU btlb yokt r*kkfkl kkrrlrki kill C lfcA l kt blB fkkidokkk, lb BnuUrkra. , in ik ilt. N. ia, kk Wkdkk«dky, Notrktalkr II, I kt l:M P. M


Tou cBn rklk* y<ror oklmry tbrkkfb Lk hna* trkinlok. fklJ for k porkkOkl tflb, or pht>n« ut wrltk

•'’o,. I l l Clinton pt,^

CtfUMITT—^ Novkabor I, 111*, kt b«r fkwUkkk, II ■■

(PM ljllc|rLB*l. HHInMall K m l. Marnrai. baj.nd

,r lb , la t, Patrlea IM

a,d farahat fuarral

■ « r r - 0 * Mandar, Nwranbar I, IMI, aa Taa Unrn. belnrad bu*b.nd ef E»ma aar a te taibar af Dl TTUIIam Q, aad

_ ..Marjnrw Ra v r . Mtinral n n l r a i al raaldaara 1 1 1 Norib N1n*ia»Bth iiraH.

M Onaaa, ITadnradar. Nmr,ittbTr II, al f i l l r , M laiarmeal al taaraalaan af

PET.JACOBT—On Pppter.eNaTanPar 7. l l t l .

Hartla, balaite wita af A’tum Jaeabr Tu- PPM aprvlaai will Pa h H d \t h ,r raaldaitrt. ■MM IaM ,. ! l Cm UPI pvanpa. » Wadnaa- te f . HaraPibM II. pi 3 T. M. Intarmani in WppI darP pn . Camatarr. RlltabHA N. 4.

■UCM—Op Mandar, NaTHBbar I. 1111. EteUa ElaP (r h BMIet). widow of JMip ■Mb, u a d t t r a a n Ralallvn and friend. a t tlw n iillT a n kladir I.TUrd te a im d tb# EMilfbl frwip tha naldaaea. II Hwiberrr

Era, aa Wadnaadar, NaTeraber l». al I I t IpelPaniMp PHTala. Eaaablll Crarat- f. Ptaaaa amll fiawera ,

teS te*VkVkVkkANt}BL-"-On NAwombor I. II3«, Mlnklo,

vlfk kf John W. MBhfkl. kfkd M- - - ......................dt ■M en. Rklkllrkk tnd frlaailB kr« ktkdly In

' i i M tk kttikd Ihk fonorki k«ry1c«k kt h tt

R H iim u .R uor>aK v o r and a u—An «*m«rk»mt comnunl«>a|1en will bo hold kt Ihk Pg4k« rnom on WAiInfkiBr, Viwtmbkr Ik. Bt l i lk A M.. f>r ih« purvYw rf cok' durMkf th# funrrki *Ar«v« iif our ikt* hrrithvr, MAnfArd C. l>ntafifl. i t (hi PUthRr^abytkrtkn r'hurth. I'akm kftil J,*fkT»ttkklriotk,

Vt Ardor of FRKr> BVrNDEN. Nfkftkr. AARON U. ilW V t., Akrrrkkrr

ImA PAIaI.Fa RXTKNSION tmiTKRIlTT. ■ultk 1041. W’lBi bklldlnk, VkWkrb, N. J.

I'hon* llulbkrrr H4l. ___» x r f

M srrv idO n v a k b r

uFFTcM MAN.'kkjMbU kf dlrkktlkf bttitefAAd prlclntf dkpkrlMknt: ilro Nil lifwr-

mkiJPtt Bad kkl*ry. Addroak O , B«s II, S tvtB offtro, Irrlaj^kM.OPVIcis M T . M d kpfi^iiMlty (kT kJ'

vkuckMifit Addnpkk - -N*w* A, i t t , , D«t II,

uHOANIPT knd khklr dtrootar, WklokafiaM41- Ki ChurclL Blnktnftkldi Apply ArtbMr

A Rllor, 44 WktkkkMar kk«,. Booninkid, kwlntf rkfkTkneok kM a ^ r f dkkfrod. uLTblUE BAUlililEk t e r ^ t n ^ T . pnT-

oattkjn: Nkwkrb kkd vlelklly: good o p m - Apply room 131,(anity for rlkht pkftlkk.

I'rud#ailkl bid#._______rillNTRli —Tounk mkh wbk tk qwsMttkd to

kll kladk of prlBllB# for konlark* prLnltnf uftlco; pood tiklkry

tn« ii#htukukl opportualty forrcporlvhc*. kf», Bklkry dkktrrd, •!«. ilrw F. Y.. Bax 4. “

ii#ht _ >«lrwd,

NkWk kfflOkTS*

I'lliVTflR—AlJ-krogad mkQ Cor ownatry nnwBpapcr and Job ofDco; eloka, bkklthjJthy

111arsf] vi« korroiindlnci: 41 bokripi r WMB. wknikd 4t oock. Apply 1___liarnardavlU*. V J.i'Ll'UfiKM—L:kl>«rikk«k4. tk Ikktall bkt

wktkf bMtlBk lyktom kad ikkkfkl kkaf ♦<flk‘ ‘ - - -

IH ItMlb k ^ tr « t i c

ir e : 0 > f i i^ i ig : ~ w ; : j a a i< .u i r ^ iS V X A aS !'jirtoO dm A E rtB i: ■an^^ '. l ^ y ^ p im a . g

b u d la u r T f iP liP li . ■apirpi pRIm warb. n im lH P I MPlIlMi a te ipaaiiip i ppwwk. u n t e u p i M i l m w lite: Mala nT tn a

tedraaan ip rr MRaclad. Nwwp ■“GrKNo

M i

^ ^ ^ S L r r s r - a S - s t s s1 ^ - t l l . t e TUT paam l P ra te t e h a S ^S d j^ iT o M —W u iad. aatartM uJ ta lla iC

far triMlUBt a te alarpta. Adteapi a . ^B « I t , Nawa oftlaa. ■AaVBE am wkkikL Am Iv

Mikbklkbw# Mrkki Ck. Mkkdkir a t , Mow.kfIL

■ ^ i p r a B s r j K B K a sI W E t ^ TO O Lj._A rPl,TJMWTEOW cok, u^AUBTiii etT. cSTf.f l i l O E - w u tad far r e p e i r in r u lT te K i r

TAILOE w u ta d ' ^r i n * ? “ t*d; p ad w a in , ataaEr ME. te ll rand, to Wati. t i l Rartalb a*a‘ AIUlE-COAT MiXAh~

A ^ r I E lum fiald aea,taTl o e

PITl d<

A»t>T C. Da r t e t CT A fi^R Wknikd.Cbktbk»a N. J.

rOOL I ^ E E I i e nia(.elaaij .th a n paaJ te l • » l r ; plaa a flni-claaa UtlH b u d aa tael

- T i i T u i i R W T f i . r -------------------- « * •

r a i l s iiU T K i,Mfj. Cm, I I Eblppiap H,. hlihwt

UalfM An

• l E L E


• ■ • V A t o a i MO.

> W i t e I dte* waHUaH ter>a*auup |.

I irala

WOMAM BH-K i o m i f t .

PPM Ml •


T uwaH Il­i a . '* t e l

R«a Mkkblnk A T»ol G«„ 14 ekkil

PFWd~L#raRMR kk tkkldk kkd kkWdk wWfB|

ftilur** IminKfiotoly Ja n#«~nrkt-cIkM ■l«rK». Buburba of * -r»f*t Sfw k

ce. iubgrh, vl N tu r b ; atala aalarr; gmca. Aildraaa M. ¥., Boa II, Efaalpf

I viEEENo pL MA%mr&

H O L T NAM E SO CIETT NOTICEMRMBKRB of (h^ rathfMlrBl lli ly Nkm«

•kd'irtr krw raquMBikd tn m m In th« kchanl hkll thl« kvanlhf nt I n clo H to rfilt thk hAm* nf aut d"A#Mkii hrothor. Hurry <*ot, kt 134 ikTntB Bir««t.

JOHN O DKLAVrT._ __ Aplrltukl DirATtkf.

M O URNING GOODSOCR hUrlt F*krBnt«»d. flnlkhod In *i hnuri;

i-klikdAd ff»i and dkilT»rkd or p«rkAl pnkt. liUwinAU. IIS Main >l. ,r.BBt Oranio, fnrknr fUrrliiftn •* , rhnhii I I7 J,w S dyk mournlrik In I* br . puaran'

tkkd ; CBlIkd frr ffAtlvwrnd. l-nlLkn J'« ^I*kk 'Ink A PyolBk. 3tr N. Otknpk rv% Mkt IkAl.UOURNiNtJ 0<> >1»A dyori Id 14 h.ruri,'dy**

fukrknttwd: noil far and d*1*v*Tud. R*y«f A e^Ak, SSS^FnrrT *1.; uhnnn 4141 4lk,'k*tMOIJ«Sl?(0 dr'fj iiTl bimrT .'.-aliaS

II A ifl.


F.RNKSr II. FOUdNER. H I BROAD UT AHIIEHA w.nled on rallululd navatlln. IIT

Van Durv-n it-


A rrL T OEEORH* CO.BOT Rwftnkd ykkkc mkk,

kvkf, to wait Ok tadk___ II kT(mmlaln khd

kBvlBt In rtoro: kSkoilknt opportanliy fur •dm /irrm oat; oe nlfbl work; Tklkrtaru rwqutrkdi. Apply bktw**h t nnd i. Fuklkr'« d rk | itork, Orand* ■t. And lluBovtllk kkk.. oa thk Cor* uki.

TM fUmfM R ATM., mWARM. M. J.

BMAMMIiBR a n d lAACQUMBSmmwt hk npw rt ^ ^

rLlMREFld fBlT) WANTED. LOWR, 44| liAJtT JERflET r r . . ELTT4BBTH,

PLl'MBERil WANTED. Apply II \_rrn bterdy at.

I-LATER AND ACID DIUDER MuRt havk full khowtk<l#k uf k«|iJ d tpytu

for bfOM finikhta: kxe«ilkot opportunity for f.iod mkh. Apply Kkkk«y-Kkrmkci Cempkey, 144 w*-»i Bad kvkn, Nkw Tork, third floor

• ; kpkA khkp:Wtfllkn kt.

FAlNTI-dAe Wkktkd, flrol clkj IT p«r dky. laqulrt 4|

Oranjfk: pboko Orkaia t l f l . ______ __FAINTEIt WA.VTRD ToS OUt E ES


for knd dkllvarod. O ntral Clokalni B n. 4441T>v#lmr Tk-. 4T Hk'lkVtll# kvo •

JR.t MkWkpkpor knd Mktlrr* Unlaw af N«w‘ ■

Iff fitch ktrkkt. on W<dtikkdky, H, kl A 44 Ae M. Intkrmtbt InOkikkUry.

AHiORCT—Mkwkrk, NkrwmWr T. Ill*, «r, Mad 41 yokrt, bklovkd hksbkkd af ilk - Mkrlkrkf. Eoiktlvok, fH^dk. blko

4 Jo r i^


city Lod#k No 14. O.rktktiy. kfw rkkpoeitbJly ikwllcd ta

I kkrwtckk kl hM rwBtdanc*. I l lifkWkk, ItkWktb. Tukkdky kw«alnf i t

MkclU Iktrrwikkl Ik Now Torb Qkykl oapykiUaBek of tbk fimllr.

,U«tJBn*4>n. KkWknibkr T, lit* , Raboii,of tbf.lA tk t>orktbp Bkil MllUr.pilwklk kt Mkaloy Cklo‘B rhapal.

«#• tlrkkl. Intomokl tk Fklrmauki

Nk^mbor I, t i l l .

rhana }|T Rraneh RrfMjIr.PEOPl.M'p BURIAL rOMPAVT.


iMiir. «Vrl*il*n. I t lo 14 yo4rk, to Uk» chaff* tif rrnkl: ano with ootna oxpor1»nrc

praf^rrod, glr* a#k, rkfkrkncM and knlary want'd. Addrfjk H. F. B . Box 12, N*miI'fftrriM>V wani<Ml ' work from IS noon (« I

r . 11. A;>p>/ BakoTlIi* Brftk<'hNi-wora Prrnin# Now*, t* llyrll* k^»-.N'lwkrk. N- J . ___Ui >y k—Hvraw nikahlno hkOda. f iad oppof;

(ualty. Nkv Torh I'ontlnkntklFIllradoB Co , i'kBtkr Niptlay. _ _ _buY, kin>n|. to |«km cunira and iky Bffht

Imd*. !4f. par hour: II ral** aTpry month.ftalmuM Mfw Co,. 4lt Houib jjnnh kt.___Bi.’T for pflntla# offico; tn* who ran fkkd;

fkaer BAkBikltaf. kir brakb work OB amal) brk«a aovoltloa; oiokte Uai opportuDlty f>>r right pkrcy; Eiaia pkat kxpkiikock kad pkikry • xpactod to ktkfl- KEENET- KARMEN CO., IPf Woal Bad ova . New Turk,



i'AlN'TERH traatod: laaldo and eutxldki oob- unlcjn. App|#M4 Houth kt.

HANIHT wkntod for moktag ntcturo work: Apply I. Blgk,

*• * * !» « , I l lBpgiifflktd kVa, Rkwralt; p b o n o ilW ATaiMAN^i^W Elter B lU !,-acte MO,b a r lu f I r a B u ', IleaHa u d i ta tr ln in

•» la teatt m Bawna, O ruE .H i. i-m * * " IT'etaaaMbi ■ ('.llan. D„ L. E W. l l 'E .w x f fS E teterlawiw*. aalara* W"i1» r Motel. O tu te . T i W

w w teE i rS te i r t* Qi u mR n te n te ; Cor collaatMf la T H S C eaJ work; | | | p u waak: ia#4 i

A l i i » O n « te . bltr. Bor B. Nawa orfick Ontem

TOUMO MUI TO WORE » MAlUini R a u n m u t a l In rf, u iM la r iInetsriac pUni; (a te wateOi raal

a te a u a . Appl, ta Tba (tabornr Ca., I l l kummar ara.


■ ■ V A B K ,' M. J ,

* A. M. a te I r . M.

■i * r u m * o*.t e n itatarai wrt-ki' p iM e tiw ^ 2 jjb m aaaa itewa ai tetlDlla ApplT anplarm H I offlca,Dear, batw au l.-ll A. M. aa« II M.

.T; RErjUlENrBA RBQVIEED:ILT; __________ _TARB PAID. l i t Pa^ B R *+. , ^RW EITT CAE TO BALLANTINB ^ aS

foUNO Ma n , aboat II. waalte wka ranFord kkf kfid !• wltiiag to gaikt

'all lodky baforo 4 P.l i t Fkirmoual avo.


J*w«ll at Ert« croaalnf.

aalary lo kikrt | i :Co., jn l,^fay;klU «i. _llOY wanted for off)''fl

arhoal gradukio Now* offlrk

proroaa #ElagraTlnf

work; graeimap Addrkaa B. W.. Box 14.

BLECTRiriAS i HELPER—Want a roeni m IIIIKR MIXER oa inlilof rail,: maM b* man who la InttraatoJ In tbo work: i atoady aad aobfr. Ilatfiold Co. Plakk akd

porirncad or n«>i. work will bo prlnripally | Aradtefny_ att.old homn» will pay all you aro worth dr«M K. H tlrti 141, Nawa offloo. _



I? " “’’.■ ..r-i' ^ "sn en I amt ’l F m” BauT^8m ,., I t TI SpHagDalA a ta , Irrllift oa. lO IN o Ma n la aollait aatambojl, la«ar-

karo, goad eommiaalMia: okikbll^kd

YOt’NO MAN wfth krtpkrlkUkk la rkpkl■ utomnbMk tlrkk aad tubkk, Ap^y A*-^ r kf

•omUod Tlr#


OTU--Ok MMdky. _______ _________RHM A 4^tdk, wMdw kf Wllllkm F- Otta I f^BnFLfrp BI'RtAL Ct^MrAVT.

kftra ttnk htkek hrokitrlnth, whtto or allvrt gmy pluah cmakot. with moaotv* bar kandloa, •kgrkTkd nkmk ptatk. rawk«t boauittuUk linkd with Dm kttk kr kktin; kut# d# raa*. adTkrttalag, •mbklmlag. drokalag. ahavlng, rrurtflt. rkitdklkhria, glorra rhkln. hkkrto and thrkk roarhoa to any rity rakiotkry Funoral narlork fr-no.

LOT kkntrd to run orranda all d*y. Old IHktcn laland Dy*r* A CIoaoorA it* Broad

i t _______ ___ _________ __________Hot who ukdoratanda ao7t pnidorlog. tl4

Markot at., f ln f fitxir._____________

DOOK-EEEPSR.tArge Tnanufactwrlng ronkora h»k yaking

for a trimpolont dounla-Bnlry huok-mrapar

I gkrwlkak will bo hold at h«r Aoma. i f*4oAl upw^mautVkMM, on Wadiikodky oAutag, Mr U. kl I k'c4krk RoUtUff aad

tra IkirMkd t« kUkfid, Ul«rmant «tnnk««t CkMktkry kt thk kokraklonck

: thk (kkiUy.OTT-*Raikrkd Ikt# rant* Bkfvrday, Koranic

\ Itie . Klktl O 0*4. Ih hlk l l t l y««r, bw- lllwbkAd kf ilargarkt Utt (naa Mttlkfl.

ft^d rrt«;tiU kMl Ihn Hkwahi Ti>ung^ ft. V. a r t Ikvitad la kltoad ihk

el WodaratUy. NorkHkhor {8, kt > F. M . htk rwktdkkro. t Moroor court, ii,-

ekklBgat I* TVkkillknd Ckinotkry, Ptakao M H OkWkrk.



r s t .y i i . t f i poirrH oRAvnit avr. HI KRARVY AVF... KEARNT. TEL. t t lU AKLTNOTOV.


i . t - .

.RpRD"ite|gd«Mly at Akvonnk, 0 .« gy, Nkvrmhkf I, 1414. Alfroil J. Raad tk hik I4|h your, and Alfrrdi J. Ilaad la Mk l;h T|kkr. balnrtd huahand khd

klkk Rkkil la## TlUoyi. ' kro kindly tnviiad to

Wt, w n*k ao|k y^wr,fr„ la Mk i;h raar. ^•FH l k*n 4il LkklM hklaUvkk and m tadk

eU aid Ihk lUnkrat korrlcof at Jantph DanaSiw^k fj ------W kk Tie iiria ia t

«*k fankral Rkylor. H I eprlngTIkld ava- kk Tlfhfktlkir, HkVkiPhar 11, at i Pj M.

At FMrmkuot O m attry,

. aat/x rink hlk^k hroadelklh. wh la r* t'lvor t griT p^uoh ckkkot, with nkaxklra bar handikk.

angfkvad Mmo riRtk, Ckol<»t bk«nt!fif1lylln*Hl with fino iitlk or katin. idvortlk ng, kmhfilming, drookthr. ahating. rruclflt, randalkhra, b'.UV**, rnalrk, hraroa and th'#* roorhak. Funaral PkHora fraa ('kH an- twarrd by auto ao fkr aa Rahivky. tforrla* town. raMwall. Jerkoy City, air. Aulo. ror- logo f Aaalrkd.

for nn« who la famlUar wUh Iho wt rk good

?<iatl1oa la offarod. HUt# p»rtlcala.rk lo I L , Box f t . Nawa ofDc*.

k k p e r io v c b d in b e e f




FlflfiT 14STOCK HOLDERS 111 A RE IN ALl ’ e a RS I’iS f; _!*F^ DELIVER WIU.K V t_ Ip N oU A ^^ T o V w iS ir ^ ^ ^ ' and

______ Corporktlan. 344 HaHny at.TOUNQ MAN wkntkd for ofRaa work"

knuwlodgk kf hook-hkkpinf aakontlal. Ad- drkM M. Y., Dki 144, Naw< offlco,TOUNO MaM, t^kfkd, aa ktora port#?

lo drlTk prirklk car; atat* oxnarttkck. Ad- drkkj^r. _JT^ Shot Ikl. Nrwa orflc#.VoUNU iTa k , axporkbekd Ik taa aod^eef-

faa llkk. Van Dyk'a, 4IL Clinton atk., near bkrgkn at.




OrRI^-mRkrtnkd whlkk gift fkf ikMTAl hkegk-wkYh jn fam ltr m throo; tnwat b« wllitAg («— »ip »*• bUA w j miB* w W1MIWW ra

fk !o Thoukkkd lalksda Park la nmwmrmonthk; good M |t|n n , fino homk Md gokd

P ^ ty : rofkrkWcko rkgkttkdr»II II WkjTkn pf^^MtUontclAlr. Moatclklr. or phono 1914

OIRLR. two, whUa. family of fomri ^ a cook and f tn t fiwor wnrkar. other nurao

and kkklaikJit rhainb«rw»rk. no Uniadry. iruat hkvo good rotomneo* gfM>d horn* H SoUoTUk kva.. I’ppor Uontclalr, phoma Mont­clair yki4WGIRL wnntod oifory oth»r Hunday Tnil on*

nr two rvonlngo a wooh In kalp o«t tn drug atorw- oiiporlnnco n<-t onrciamry Holn- man Pharmacy, Main and Waahtnxton xtA. Ekkt OrangelilflLil. iwii, f>r mothar anrt dauahlrr, wkita.

for gknoraLl houaowerh and aralai wiih rafo of (wo amatl ch)Mr#n c'all morninaa n* fTktilrtga. SI Map>wnft,i Xlaplrwoodor jrhonc 1IS4 South

kklkOBiaa and kkllkotor. Apply roottk 1 14, i n Mirkkt kt.

□ REENWALD PACKING CO„b a l t im o r b , m d . ■ALB84CBN,

H E L P W A N T E D -V O M E NARI le i B—I gd lak kkd fMk, loark good pky*

fkkhikk drawing, CAktnmk

»t>OKKERPER—Cf>Tni*#i*tU toupl man, 2f lJ rrkrii, axpBfifrnrecl In iHjoh-kornlng

work, u anted by tnodlng concam; aickllont pprmanant po*lf1on- tnlaroatlng work, with ■ hanok for adianckmaat. In largo atapl*

atate kg*, axporlknek, oducailon. Ad*

riR EV AN, (Whttki. dark a wkak.

AdJr#aa F B.. Box Tl. Nawa nfflr*.

LBADmo BuerNRse holtie reo r OANTZINQ T in e TEHHITORT. CAN i PLACE SEVKaAL Ul(il{ CI,JL8a URN TO . t . » - -AT>Va VTAOB c a l l in g OV FoKURh T honool. if f Broad at.}

houra par day; 1 ' creTOMERS: rCRUANRNT. WKI.L-PAY- |S1 a WMk; barley eoal. IVG POMlTION WITH EXf'BLLKNT

M d n lllnktratlon; eoarkk highly ladomod. and oroklng elkMak, EdIU Tonng Art

hool, 4tf Broad kt, I m 4a t i m B.

GfRIe frolored I for gvneral honaework * caaable and n«ai. n>nr*> tu a'-t m *-ctin<4

fnnld aad goo4 waltreni, rpf*rmrpii r«- qalrrdj^grwd wagM._App> iftS LJlMHoii 4re. OUils—Nahl, nnpkhia, while girl »lih re/*

eronowB. for general houeew-irW l-j frmil' of two r.dultB; no waahlne Ml r'l-'rp-i.finr yve.. UonIrlalT, near Upper Mountain ave.i

tMk paid.OIRL wanted a raahier In mn*,-inc p'etnra

houkk, with llitle knowledge ..f bf,nk*kkkplAS. Apply Forejf* lull Th*'>rer l t lMl a ve., kl Rnamhurg Mgr.

linedrertJK._R . U'»» 144, Nawa offlca. lHKVK-KB6 rER . young mon; wrlta. aUtJnj

agk. aipknanro and oalory eapaotwLflrma G.. Mnx llk._V«wk offlcw._______

BRASS TUBE BHAklKRS aleady. _Appiy ?I4 B .J « h kt.. V. T, Ht*TCHl-ri%—“Toukg ntah io ooUell and <k-

y i

lU>BlfB9CK^9al*rkd tato rf«L o« Pim> ay, flakkinbkt 1, IpM, Charlra, boloved bu*-

af UHlk Bkknbkkh (itk« P rkhi, aged foara. R«latleak and frlooda. klao the

art Saath Rad N<l l i l t , ladepnndant d«r kf FoteoUrk, and thk WikAbora af thk Itakl Tumeeroln ar# meaf re«p««t fully ] Hod la altead Iho fuakral korvleei. on i

___ lay kwkaiii#> NoromlMr 9, at 1:444f9im%t at hlo rkktdkhCk, Mk Springfield aee,. . Mrakr iunea atrokt Inctrmenl in Falruiikunt m am ery kk Wkdakwilkyb NnvemtHr U, gUhk kkav*atka«k uf the taally.


Phon* 1011 ArHagtonArltk^

phono IM Arlintlon. ff^JRokldanre. 414 Kearny k*e., Bgtkn. V. i .

User ordera and hklp in otore; brtkg yovir referrnrra. Fred Kani, 114 Chteinut at . NullkF, N. i . ____________ _ ________urTCKEWi — Twe D n i-e lu , ta te b ,"

w u tte : |b» pet "e*^- I=b“lteH.. K utO tw n*,. ___ ___________ _----- gUTCitkR w a n t e d .

D retf, J. Vetler. I t North NIn«lw»tb ,1 .K ,il OfmBS*.^ __________ _________ __ -(i'l'TCHER—tl««l tr ie , ttMiar worb. Mill

•lit. Mm I U,rk*T. •• mUBII,Farm*. ___

I avk., LycMit

UT'iTTiER—flood euiter; gooJ wigca palll ti> right man. Ilartman, 411 Kearay kva,



’ •TAWIRllACII—Or» Nnvembkr 4, S|}«Frkdkrleh i., bkipved huxband of Loalaa M. Kahke llkuekhaeh. aged 49 y««rt. Funeral •krvtck* will fee hkld at hla home. 41 Wakh> lafton avkkue. on Tueaday evening. Noeem- W 9. kt 1 : 1 1 k'nlork. Ilelatliyak and frlMidk MU htndlr Invited Membkra of Rkdlaat p tar iMXigo No 90, L O. O. P., ar« Invited Ik attend vkrvikea at I P. M. on Tuteday, ISIkrlaant at (ho conVanleaca of ih« famMy.

VBRRLANI'-“ Gk Nkvomher 7, 191*, ai hla

r lknok. t f l Central avenut, Harrl*un. N.iTfea, feklkvod huafekitd of Sarah E. Vra*-

latkd. kfkd 41 yaara. Hklaitvoj and frlenila, akso agembkiw of the Wife Weovara' Unlim,

HStAU. P ' l . ' TEL. M41 HAtlKRT.A. J S i IIOUaK,

t'NDSIlT AKERS. o m r » AND cKArEL. _ _

1*0 nr^AvwoHif PL crtii.pRAUCli*


R. rMJAVGF AVE P l^N E MKT 4M9, ” wii.LiAM F Jiir'rjJN.


j l l nemlng ava, Tal. iH Mulberry, rg iu

BUTCliltR W ANTnb—Tooog iulthari ahofl Addreik ^nkivlllk, Boi ll4, NkWf

butehkr wantkd; •tkkdV Apply 411 Waahlkfton

rdted on* dlatane*.


Jr# InvIWd tk attend tha funeral ■orvle-a* «tr* - ..........................John h. CtnnFk funeral rhapel, m i Knarny atrUkUk. ckMikr Durgan kvante, Koorny, N F-. an Wkdkkaday, Vnv«mfeer id, it :;io iv hL Jklkrmkkt Ig Avilkgton rometery.


Killmatea ulren. All fla»ite* rf «orh. ik.kl Caot^i ava.. Eaat Orange.

"'poWKUrt A'Me<10 \VAV.

hnlltk. effioa.BUTrfiBR—tItMbd

Job for right■t. _ _ _ ______ ____ _ ,Bt*fi,’>4ER wanted, kiaadr poollton. Ap­

ply Roth A t'o.. 19 Brnadb u tc m b r TfANTicr). * ca ll f a l l s

MARKET, 414 pFRIVaFtELD AtO.&ifrcitiiiRs w a n t b S. Alfl4l^lt1A^i

GO.. U WAIU> ST. CITT.BlTfY’HBH wanited A { i^ Thlant WfeHa

Ma^hrt. H I pkrgan at.______KijT^'HRii wintad. Inqutrk BkfTk Rkkf Co .

414 C lln ta rijiv k___ _____-liARRRn Wklta'd; fim -efaii“oh1y naad a

pir; 1 1 1 a week ami nna day off.

FIREMAN wantkd. Apply Hehool, Ann at., city.


SENEBAL rOUNOHT POHBMaN In » r ,r Irmi Jobbing ahop; muat be kiperlaared.


capable raan, with auceeakful record iMiglnnera. Phil Brick Booth Fanodry Co.,tlkrtlnrd. C o n m __________ __________MAVi>T MAN. with lawla, tk“Sk^odd /oba

around buUdIkg. Apply » »Yk.tlAKDf MAN, eoiora^ kliiStk. Apply Wind'

aor Hotel, L'Wknga.

•A L B a v m

iKPVRAVCii COLLBCfSlff” (eolgredh j>. . . . _ - pt■o3

ff AlTWB A CO, fkqulm akgaH* anead akleaRikti for their LadlW Bboa DkkkOnifint.

debit, akliry tl9 - |U . Call room 44. Proc- tar batwekn 1 kkd 9 P. M.. or Tuka-day moming between l:M knd Ik <Ycloeh.

JUNIOR BXBrrrrtvBA—Vkung men with high kchael kdttrktloa

and aocna previoua axperlatirk In aalee da- tkll, ‘ ^ .ateraa

potltlone the kxkoutlvk and.

Apply ourth tfloon

kfnployibkkk afflok,

BALBUMIOH—Are you IntaruktetPTnpUahlng *■*-----navk yuupLLahIng Ihlnga In btwlnaka UfeT

pep end enthualkamT IfcorrkUpcndkBkk, purchatlng, mkUl I ^ •^^flfmatlTk we will

raa or keeaunlltigt inukt hkTe in# ability | opportunity pf a«<MlAtlitf withikhk potitiflke which will Uavalop into of loi^tnallonkl r»pu.‘ IkUoh that rayp every Induatrlaue kklwaun

a naodgoroa Income; thin ponltlCk In parma- nant for the go-^etteri rtana other need apply Call 301 Superb bldg., | 1 | Marhal ^ ; atk for Mr, Ckan, manager.

iv n n rn iiA L p b r s o n n e l serv ick .’'Exactly what tha name Impllra*'

411 Dfoad kt.

1 av*leii

HTATCABY. MONCWENTB. MAL'.aOLjfUliai i"i-»Te so nilANGW AVE. Wl’t- 9I4L

CEM ETERIESW lBPUAN -^n Kovogaher T, iSio. Emma '

J.. Wlfo of Theodore F. Wtmlkian and ' daughter of l^amnn J4 and ih* kU JulA t ,Okbotne. Iteiatl^ea and frlknda ara kindly . uut »1 e 'olftiIkvilkd to auand the hinenl narYlck a: her • perpotunl rare Addrakifkkldknee. M Evergreen avanukt Hlkoni' Adam Fr*nk, j\fak drtji. 144 llroaJwny, Sawflkhl. S J , on IVediiwnlky evening, Novain* T.'!T. ' w~feer 14. at I u'olkcK Inu-rment la Roav I E .tii h ILHiLl-A .x CKMILTBil V.dale Cemetery al etinvknlenea of the family. Dalawanna. N. J-: L>n trnll*> llr.ii helwaen

WIIJJDN- .in, Monil,^. NA..B,b,r I. l(I«. I Jrt

tl\Ti and frleoO% am invited to altand. |>i

Springfield ava,. Irvington._____________LIAnnERR <twn>. fiTii nlMi. Wkntkd, H

Center at., ki'*oM tha alrekt from Bud- eon-XI an ll^tUg tufe^_. ^llAKBfell- Wanted, good baffekf. t i ktart

a I r>nc«| UgluU wagaa paid. 41 WUUaui et« eliy,nARHEii wanted: H i a weakT 4? Twr Cktit,

«v*r m . Call 41J_ WBjblngion ave,____Carrier WANT«iv-Grtf>u ^Art'RKRj | t i


Room l l j ,_______Jui'gA W ffiR i! a5 iD FRAliSitg WANticB''

EXPERfKVCKD ON HAIR OKNAUBNTS. a p p l y ATLANTIC COMH8 WURKB. BRUaBVILLE p i k e a n d niVEIl JxD,NORTH > R L I> ro ;^V .__________________JUNIOR katkaman who haa had gonna ax*

pkrtkftra In Jewulrr Una wanlad for laeal lamtotT: a la ry hunia Addrkaa S. A, L.,B«X_tW, '>ff>ca- __________ ______________________ _____JIO SA%Tieitg. axparlaac^ oa eeiiuleil

noTkUlag; kteady work, Nawarh NueeUyPp. I l l Naw iL, otty.___ __________JANITO^I muai underatand aieam haati

hagdy man In genkrali amall family. Eapklho^ 44 SUtkktith kva.LADIES* 'TAII>0‘li wanted

SALESMAN, with ordinary tniaihgenea proptiiy an- pUkd. who In Imbued w4th fh# apfrlt of progrkkk: |e aueh a man we have k Vknkkay on our forea paying a high tneoma with a fmur.1 nlu,t te »ctlr, ,nd bblw m Ih, ,(M Of II a&d 41; Ineert phnn# niiinb«r wferra yog

durltif (ha day. Adding y. F. D., Hqx 14. Newk efflea.LE8HAN—\Tk have an opaaliii

<HRL wanted (o aaeembla aheii on optiralBflv DOlt nmUDCTOB.

Wa a r t Saatret^

gooda; alao girl fr>r tight foot prera worll. " P- ShkTt, Inc , 141-iOf Chgilnm at

. __-.rlks arounf lady whk hk# had «sgarlagkkiIn boa bo* worh kkd who a*k n

ijiHL (W H iTB i' # o r ' (ie n k b 'al if iu is i:ttrOKK: SMALL FAMILT; auODtt'AnCJ:

korh kkd who aak man- kga a kohgol: kklaxr H.MI a Tkari a&kwar atflotly eo«ndaatlkJ| aaparl- «kkk k»d fufkiwncak raqolrkd. Apply

RBFBfUekCl&g RBQCtRED.' CALL DTRNK!t i l MT PRQEPKC _______^ K L Wkktkd to tkltk charge af glkaaiiig

and dMikg gtare; kxpartanek not gkoai- ■“ ClIktoD ClkgkiBg kkd Dyalat Ca,, 44#•ary.

CllntkhotR L ^A neat girl for gkatral h

In emaJl family ef fferko; In amall, madam houta: aad klaap Jg a# aut, Iki|utro 19 Vakkkr k*«.3Tr i ;~ te*L FMibs. te te s t" wUb b ite ,

AM MM of «Mld. (I TbVl" tl.. ■ootb OMte*. OM blook IMB iMilOF MS


. y * te* nm am * M br, bM*dnoH sM ot CAD bl bnp ionont offleo, teTMtli Door, s te UJk U

lirriL lor teoMAl boteowofli. k> teith teteUr"■ U rof te a lti ; M w utiibs: to te m t te l Mf-

tTanatt. I l l Oro r, rS.. t wrtb OMteo,StfcL—Nm I wkH, iW Sct n d u lrs

u d whlBC. I I Nortb A rtbj|tte

I . ■ A m u io « i t * 00.E « ( 0 (u s « ! th o a , Oru s o IIICUIKL lionlte lo

B 6 C lt-K **F **—a«tori«oood kote-fc,iooowor. owo hudwrlUnf, s ir lo t u * . t e -

AidroH b I t , a t e

eobteettoBorrWkahtkfteg ai.oIk I i kf m

»o *o ik M M te loteMte lb■ i ; s u i a r i ! ’ K * T ^ **

partenok kkd kkikfy,IjL NewkotrtOk,B l ^ l V i p i P l R Wkktkd)

wgikR wkkied fw gkggtkl hMMa-ikJTTkmiiF, c«ai kwkRiMvrBLworh; •wall ramlly. Cadi awaiklk^

Tt Ofkd, i l l Jkhngeg gwk., fWr.I Qimtte k S tit Uo t» tm itt with hg>F gM

hewwerfc. WodUfklr tlTW; H nTD eipie


.... — kg f«r -aalaatnkn la wark fmin aur lookl aftlkkl

ana who la agpoHanoad Ig egeelkltg warh' wa went a man who la not only Jeaklag at Iha praxent, but (ha futurat g aaka with Inltlitlvk who nan thlnh for felmaalf; head required I premium paid by u* i i i g r ^ B W , Bki 144, Non a office.BAloESUEN — Nktlonkj r f^ n la g f i^

hex opkhad brknoh afflra have, otferlkS man of eherkotar. eoargy end datermlkklian en npportunlly to pertnenastly eaikfellkh ihemaaiyax. thorough trklialng end kk-estrt-

>ki bi^., t i t wgildI'.on. Apply 144 ^ n 1 • 1-; pbiine llarhot I l4i

WEST RlIMlFt,ATVN « r:MKTBRy. e( Dali . ____ _ ____ ______J , Invi:,, with , j ^ - „

e* wlanmg Iota, . ... ,-um. ■* '

BrT-axttikn, t i lHunterdon gkar Cllnion arri.__ ___

----------------- MfN.” ’ ■|7 I P i n WEEK IN in t e r st a t e OOlf-

MEROE'AND EXPORT ^^OltK.Thk eppgrtukliy of a lltatima fur a parma-

nanl futiue at * galary rknglng from 91.404 to 914.994 par ya*r when kbla to handla tfea wgrh efftklagtly; the men wa flaalfa muai |i« over t l and common achool rducailan; be wllllkg Ik Learn In tbely apxra time and hkfk nnllgillkd ambition, detarmlnktlon and IntlktlT*; go eipaelknoa narekaarr If wininglo dkvolk g few houra kkoh w**h ta Ji-»rn Mioti. Apply 190 feairk l bldg, ' t i l Important taohniogl knowledge; th« faw let.; phAna Market 1141oho^n will fee Irklned by nkperix and ----- ---------------------- ’----Mklkted to pkfltlenk and kklariea according

H AI. L 3 M E ,f*—n s a 11 o k fcT"*akIaia~"~er Mni5iIlSiihaa iipaned breach offlaa hare. krtklikSman of ohxrkoiar, energy aad datamtkMtkn an opportunity (« permanently kelkhllih ihemaelvaa: thorough Irklnfng aad eo-gnaig- ilon. Apply 190 t'eairkl blda.. t i l Brkkd

Apply tap #4,

'Mtgd. i« tg gwiRiw. gUUhWk, 9<fSkia JptggfkJ attkAy ptditikkk with gaed p«y. ly gi gpkkT nk I t A W. V*, 91 Otto

w v . . <.

B 5 S X I B S i Hm ? wifliwK ' te l, i n i wdltroMte t e » » b r o l t e (vWta, ooloote)

f , r ftteUBli kowli, boudite bow ,*■kite-»b»mb ■ — te l I moite te, M utm oato, n n o lF tem lllo ir lAUdMwe, o ^ o n v M jte . o w T SoFi oteo

O n L (wUlo^ te r kOHioofa ^ te i s J ib lA to I P. M. to w £ « A wwk. IIT e W te

Ote.! Pbote g . » . IM,

T,L « li l iiSv Im ;c s i m u L ■ ifPLO Tinurr A om oT ,

II MomMII » t, w t h oltF boll, ■

I I I • M oibr tewsbwaitteL■•Ha i l l lo IM m u tb t «*•)• " t e I II , *0 wtebteEi a u i ■ -----------WlkiA afiouodlo

I t . iteoi OMilko,i te te b '

COOKI, M l lo ITI AWAltru ■ - -- - -ootoMd;•te* k te j te o i te te IM, *0 w m iteki ■ oihor poriilou) m m m sIb iA wOkli m oo t Alo o or, M b te te COOK—Wonwi irbo dootfo.

b te i Pbo_—■ — —a m t , aaSattamaai , f t t ■teg i f t i t e l wiA

MM * M te Coll 111 Moo^flold o te .

M U te d te Out WMIOIA I I < M m

■oteo WoTWlF Ote

larmeTit In KalrinoTuil Cautetery al Mi« con- ^rnltnca of tbe famCy, C EM ETER Y PLO TS FOR SALE

REQUIEM MASStol'KAr'ST—Mkia of requiem nlM ba *f-

r i i o t m PLOT in Mt. Pltaa^nl roniMerr.NteWPTh, Addreae H., llaf ITS. Nawa offlc*

WIIST BT. _ _ _RAITtHER wanU'T;__2r«*Tbaa1, #IA niMon ge*DENCH h a n ^ waniort In baaing mill.

Jiibk T. Ly_mkn, Mfatclair, ___ill •OTRI.a'^K waniad. Hotel ^1. Francla,

Bkat Park at , city, Apply at bxffeec khap.

to gbllltlkki Iktarvlkw by appolntmani ndly’ Phone Marllkt 19491 or addrkaa Ur. w. H.KktL fll> Broad xL, Newark. N. .1.

‘ HiGHEit”

‘ s A L B t i7 i^Ona^far^Nkwark, o4»a for flrkgfgki kgMti-‘ ............enca hatoful, but aat naeeaMtryi mgit haeg

good record and be wUllng te workt rapid promotion I# Okpnfela mani no beoka. tniltf- Mica or xamplkk, TI4 Ura«d gt.» rkkiw It;

-J........................ hamt to dapint* kk thing I* Okthallc rkkiofyi rkfar* MM p9QgM )-wgc«k IM pgr mmiht

Qrkkffg IIM kp w rltf TtOa ~Omagg, »r gddfvw G. W.< 1 emrg.

Pheae rg II, Idkt

144, Mtwi

a u tf . w w tii te *w Mfifte **M1wor* la A a t e U l i t e a r ) ( M MteA l(

■boolw OS".a m . i . i i ^ i M y t e * w w s

« u « of teM . Dr. Kwatew! M o u ■ » - H ite i l te ._____________________________

CLERXi. aver IT, for poalxl mail tkrvloki 9119 mnnihi exparlanca unneceaxary. Far

Tree rartlmalarg uf examlnaMon write .1 T,«onari1'(former civil aervlce examlnarL 139 KnullaUe bldg^Wirabtngifln, D r. CARl’ttVTfcit, kfc'lp carpanloT, aTea Jalkkr'

m en WAHTKU—t h k UtGHKIT PAID _MEN IN THE UNITED iTATEII Ain: i oMranra niDton at.

SECURITT BALBSMEV; i f TOU w ant t o ---------------------^HAY'SiMRM------------------- —l e a r n THIE BU8TNBM AND GET .f reu kxea em * r^* lll- . *kni». - - — iVlTHfW THE 111,449 A YEAR rLASH WE (m ^ rU k lti•'iLTSl S 3WILL TEACH A METHOD THAT v,lt.L^ ~ABSOUfTHLT MAKE YOU A St’tH KSA


AVB.. S O U ^ ORANaEiwgaikd

VYITHIN THJRTT DATS IF YOU ARK• ■ ------------------I t f l

t-reil fftf the r#iM.xa of ih» aoul of Mti~”p,n#a okarey In Si, Aluvilua'a I'hurcli, xt 1 o cJock

FLO R ISTS^ *• --— m V ..^ 1 V . , , lib 9 •? b.JUrteW eblnertluv mernlng, N‘avamfe«r 1J» Helatlvre i kj^d frlki.da are Invfua m aiiand. 1

ANNIVERSARY H A SSRTIOWN—iltecond annlvrraxry inata of

pkgulem will b* nffertil for ihe rapoan »>f ■oul uf rirai-l^kaii I'rtvala I^vlil A Ur»wiL hi #1 . rx trkk 'a rkihadral. ■>n \\ iMln*i,ia> mkralog, Novemhar 19, at | eVInck «iin “ *x kifla* -*' - - - •

9'1'NKUAL dcelgna. pa I me. dkceraiiona for all kcrkxlo'ia. rinialr delivery. O^nneHy d

Riu..kett 149 Hliiemneld ava : f9 llalmor.i Tel. B H. 4471. Hlgklow Jl7*.____ _

riveter, willing go dUianca. ataady iHipiar merit. driver for team. axIaaman'BanktiL experienced handttng, aelllni uaad earai man


, . _tgry grnrainliMlok baklk; hokke-to-hoQkk gMlIgg; our miSi mghlBg frem |io t* | u i weMuy.

I <'xll mom tl>, 199 RfVMul ai. ________^ALKmiLK—Twn f’ar ~Iokai~ larrftory; ait*

_ 4 w 1^l* ri^ rk iliQ rSdhIUi g* Ughdnr wath. 0^1 t« | ti t tU .i l l

***^***’i Wwqtriii ^ i p l i w y i f K al^m yi

b l ^ S l |g f t*wgr m tm , i j » l r ^ Venagrlkl T ar ft Hayaltr Oir* H V-

• u t e n ritead te .

perianck helpful but net naeaakkfyi afdkfly nan prafkrted; no baehk InaurthOk, ga

k'fbibM !<

for window clegftlng. axperlenoad.rkt

. ft''*’maxhlnk daxlgnlnf, 949 U |49

aamgoed par. P(**dy werVt waiur,

hitmen man. farm hand, anrtftr.


Ing lo ieX-rnbiia boy.drattamxfi. — - - - waah: other vaeanklea

GENEBAl. AMERICAN AOSNCT, f l rgdar at., II.

Bktkbllklied Rfly

MEN—Wa w*kl few tend max weU ae.QUklatkd tg Kawgrk to praaknl kitraeo

th e iDt-kklllkg WkgaaUupi we kaalat yea g* kklaa kM BVV9 liber*] drawing aeokurt with oemmlxalan. oaii s . m. Clavklggd, rk«m If. t f l Mkrlikt at.

ramplea to tgiry. ParmanMi ggaitl^ ta Apply TM B n id a t , «gltamen who qualify.

II, CHnian kt. knttgnek.

IWWMIMni wOnma^afX > ^ imS

H *te_ o i a . jC lM i,

1 1 1 ' i t e t b 'O t e W tetote » . te*ItlW I j l l r . K l 1 T« I te lh OrMte i t e .

SALESMAN wanted, grkfkrgfely with atr, to demonxtrktk, kaU and altaoh new ■Gniaioti

for AFord mntori okg ha haadiad kx aUig- lin«. Wrltk or oall Dura Mff. Oa, M NarfkPlfieanth k4„ Exkt Orkkgk, H. J, ______

B o oeT lH C tib "IIM " B U i Itite telM teteiii lw obonbintetd-V illrM i, H I Von iv i.,

; ^ K r WAiw S ox 'w .,^

COOKi ■ W T P W A aanro

fled 111 action at Sedan from nn No-Ykwfeer 19, l l l l . nelk*1vM Vnir'rrkr’i'dx ‘ htkdly liTYUraSfe ■**

IiaH riN--Guld bar pin. Monday, November 1 . with xmgll paarle kfid amHhyet lu

center. Finder kindly return (o 999 Boulh • ifefigk nva.: ijbftal fewxnf

cdfiVfiCRM AN-"fthnri‘Order oooki 4 nlghti week; aalary fit,Vragen:

I Central at* , rnualo .

attendLO ST

HEE—J^kligm an I»iy-*09lylxne welder i ■raat d«Muad far tratnad man. Write fiy

keokixi and fra* aftmlgglag rard to opantnf olkkg, Wkdnakdxy ava< Tw*!r^ 84. T. H. 9kl, f l i Want Twenty

.* **'* mkfgery of onr dear aci mil , reiurii to Mr* B. A, Atli*, 34 WavaHy ave _ brMhar. David A. Urnwn. teUn hi* Tleenrd.

< liAtj^—Smk’l binch bag an Saturday, with crrichei work and kaT# kindly EAnRINO. amall dlaraond, Thmday, NAt,

4, gatwggk TkrmUal ^ 4 SoLth ICuaa kVk.i

at *kw alght-wgakking. Nwvxiahgy 19. C. 1 W olteu m (Mr t te . Wo" T if* .

SALKSMBN—Wo •obM llbo t m « t e « • •vttatftigkd to karnlkg tl.994 k year or Mkig

for anlea dapartmanl: m«al hg- NtMtal. Mgt kpMgrakogj thif pgilUkg M hlrto a ggsici- taut man tg fill It. Addrggg Bgg 1f« NeWk offlo*

___ _ _ __ , ^^liraan.ikRIlt OfWhgg; Rhogg l i f t ..5bOK*ifer fgmtly g |^ gJiSIlii ng UacMirf

N work, d ill l l BIIMSt i t e ) UI.

I'f* for hta cmmtry at Sedan rmni mi Ni. vxmfear tg m i .W* hung g kervlce rikg far you. dear acn.

Bkarath Old Olnry tru*.With Uk ruddy red and 1ia field of ultii*

And ib t e a r lh*t xiaad tnr you ft ugg hlktad by th« morfvlag ageahlne :• It la near «et with tearx fqr you. ftpd from kg*r.iw # xuaakf. dear mn

II Irlafk Hok a'rfeat megiortek of you The rad 1* tlM l*vg sf your ime »aia>r'a

1 HANK HOOK Nk. 97TI1 —Laati payment hae bpeq r.opped. I^Uidly tolurg (a PldalUy

Truiii Company, ___ ............llANK IIOpK No, 14791, Half Dima Skvinga

Hank. Kindly « tu rn_ lo bank._____

, , ^ . hlg*A .^ 7 h k whHk wk4 y««r manhood trui*.Tgg blgk !• (hg Cigg 'gfidk w fetch almne In

lifeaml rgwardt jiftone Rgniaon lll l , IfOiilldT'-^g^^gdgkkdfcy. Navamhto

hgtwek* R:I9 kt>d < a'elook In tfea kt1ar< itkon, bktwokn Carttondl tl. and SummM at*.,

ilEN Wkiitki P to ^ E paamkfcx ■■ firemen;jw TtoH rogdBt writo I Igfarwigtlggi 9U4 IH9 month;

traig partark on large---------- — . 15

HANK BOOK loktj No. 74991, ^ l u r n Ta 991 nremma at . city

IH pannaylvkaig Etatkon. nr an Newark (gfe*M i l ........... ......... -.....................

dad w/ City.

fergkggikR IffW Jamallily far ................... . . , ,no kgpkftoiigg gpin iary. Uttv Rairway l>k*4. flH L jgdM^pgM^ faft

■ALESVAM wahtkd for gi Newark: muat fee gygg '

oapafejk of kayglaplai aeUlag gitionailr arggnivakaamagt,flfk^

. ’ i r j s r B i s a u :aaUlag gMHto; ggog M w*rk M is ltg IA U n rn f tw 1 1 1 .

lALEftMBff WAIfTEI>~-T** ilgg .v ilk kgta." k gkIJgSkI ' gdygrtiged

trgtn. Mf4 In hHlal flndap will be llbargliy- . _ - ------------------rgwgrde^. T. Ta 94f WaahlasteaMEN WkMtodl ggS FM Ityg llbt wLi* man for

ggkfdg) w ^ l HMiit to g t a gg« (Wfelk of aaming 149 g lM g t , Cgll I to 11:19, I to 4, r ^ m , MT IftgrkgIgL,

HANK BOOK M ill, PtMfk return to FldaL ity Trukl i \ \ __ ___

y»ur xyak Whan w# ggld fMd'fey to you.

Naw Ihk V9d gaama raiSdar ntlll.Aad the while kkaow bUMMl>rad loo,

Hat agwdto-felkk haa ggna, dear aori................. tore for you

CROCHETED YOKES, thruej Saturday I'atdweii car, Montclair; reward. Fhnae

fllTW Veroke, Utx. M. M. Jofeaxton.I DOU^Lytal, Sunday P. M-, female pn<’dle 1 " “"^■ ^ M te ir 'W e lo liu A ;’ a w ” ;«x •log; all white, flaod toward fnr any In - 1 -

I^ r,« ._ ,L L phon,_W*Mrt» IH i._____ . J»f*-**‘ ^ _

inlR,1 T tiw tte te tu rdar alibi | nwsid.Fhona .q jS flB . - r .............. -X - -{liXO—Opil lS « »•• ■Uh I, ilamnnd U lp ,

l« i te tw M nrawoMi .«d c « itn i i m , «B Amlwnt .L . *•■! u ru t , , . Kn. *. t,

BIN(»--i«»*i"' t e E ‘» / '» • . Sunil,, aitte.

ntubllM t i ifll, r tk l t la N M nite^ite vIoUiHf i iW in te t t r unoaumJl «* t e n Niw ateW M ^H S mwith, Ate ty a a Q it te I t V fii. r» l* . 1,

MEN—lu to M i TMT tepananllF b r .tadr- Ini t e U n iMteMtar! im l l nm,. k. - r i i , . t e u

T. J - T r A T lW WilHr il., Itewartr. w J. ‘I J tH l l l J E i l

SAJ.KSMAM—T k, O te tlte iM C H te llr Co,h u ta* * te Mli i te te te taU n n

I .d ■ ( ,n in a i f t e l j M te i r u r t te ltr la t n

» « M A ^ « D ," ftlS ;K rTnA V kV ''-* lrt!w E ,,' h « a V « b - s 5 r l W A L I ^ = ^ k 7 T l n i ^ - d a > . a t r 5 ». ^ D . FABILV, MRS. CATKb r in K ! i l l I a a J lW «^^* M y d ir . j S t ( r R,tej|^ ij

MCN Wiilti* tar teWirtiairttk inut iitedr IALMMB|l~«MIWlta Milted.MrMntlwi•mplarniwti rTMli Jtef\l'*.0»a ri.diilrM Iliit, teUte SM aTll *• » . tat

CnmiwiriHAM t i Mbs dt.

a* ® V ? ' ‘ I r,ta™ wllll.m llalin, I'fldjdnrisv—B triir* T,, i l BltainriCil. ' W ,rt Or»ns,; t.vrarjL .

r 'L * * j t - i , . ■ I ■ . . . . R *»irt, Cf>f aWAk—9 w i i i M B lw M rrblsh mM,

id tetekta- -^4 Vn im ra d ter tM rnaaa th T ite l te ■•rtta i , tU « M i te, liitaltW i «a4 trlMd* ate l a r ^

day) llcxnae tagteturn wlDl.m MW,,_IKid—(*.iii,"puit!

Mirt whiUL an .w .n■■ I. .O l, ^

No. 191. Finder plaaxa I »***> |41 Frankllfi ave., ;

_ _______ i*tokf1ite r tw M M t f J M l M r w > te tM »ii N«r

jataaf C tette l iK w -iM. « taw nilM trun T a n t ^ l taM\. k i fu itt l tr with

■MHh, *1?. rillnw___ tk name of Hex;

Rxwgfd If totgrnad to |74...jM g ____ _Sokth E l^kkth k ^ _l^ ik -^ l^ w k 'aad A lta ketiarr bitoh; tia.

ward -tf VktkTQfd tg W, wmiajgg, siOtxggg toaAi Vtafoka N, ft.IXXV-eRkS Paktkgxwx, wHS igg ‘bU»d ayki

■ward far lalormaUan, Mrg| E. Flrlh, i t <X!aTh

•Whito p ^ l k i mataf aaitwara to'naiM • lltl f M4 Ml, r 7>o4P»rl ay*ip lR N a —Betwkeg Moamouth iU.

, Itoktgamxryi rtward, Mri.►utU ell ^ __________________ _ _

hkltw ■I

_ J fi» rvwikrii, 'muriBomli T * i t e r-« te t ,,- , y T lit io n .________ ___

' ' i g E S r ! « s &H. ^ B fite lfa te l | OteJi*r' -

St W SiiW t>7-----------


_ ■BOMBII |M>dte r fUM ikkUbiiti tekijr kl ItUM. ■•**'•■ tetatekM, nod ^ S r t M m l e , T., Mat t i l .u l i r r d te iHi* .i«sa. t

a MMI work In ■tetarrad, k«i 6 " te d / and

y > « 6 CVU

lAI. w* n o r i

V f - r w - * «■ ite tilll . I » , I

-'tenter CM h n .. teau kr .


rl«kt iU ilF a iMtaR S i " R liiiite ,.

t e ^ t e t e t e s a r : i i ^ W K . wik"«Mv.

lALBSMAN-teH n n * (tete te te ta Site M MJk «iMWt[Tii

s A ta i a i i r ' ^ ">•teUliMi llnte at

MiMlM Mir.

u d u IFtunw .l

m B a t i W l a

CLRRKIA *rte IT, t e k iits l Mill nrv1r.t I l ls noBihi , i r t e ln e , iM teH terr, V*r

trte piH laotan at witalaiM te. wrlta j . Iw M irt Itarm at mtv aarrlaa tum liw fl,iw ite rd ( t o n w Mm wrTlM r u i i l i n s ^ o i t a bi, kidfc. WtekitMtifc K ft

rdT, temili Oni o i x i H j a r R ____

Ihrgg lg fggaUpi tal, ftrlfa LoBtol gyg.

orfloog. to■tone. wNyMtfl il

- - . " B f t K iIWWA UlM*


H U M e v aroC KL. A rL A c t a CO, !

ate a ktetlta* ft* • k « d maa ■■ ta d ro f d ip Md " t e l S id a U

r aaamam ta Mk** t a * ^ . w tilte ik iW t ' i * ^aaa Ab. ‘

K S taT “

bsYi CT ito ir lEmUsy m k»n»v 1— .

tllg g I M Apv* g i ito i^ h rto iE i

I S % c


ODMrAfneW W taSMjJiTitaiJl^Y teS^Si^ if^S*dgtlte,

M tanltelm llte w ini I, tu tag tji

J ta te j

s f g m &_ m a tia t t Am

H itas^


S a id —Ia a V ^ i tm t e - .

adultxOr*Ag«il lA f b - 1

wgkhii BL . g»p.f f i t l D *

fttgdieg. V ^'W M

of I r rgfarenc

Tl W kHo tm e

kf rhi tofervko kWen Ingi t , cityB oT hb

ynungdren C glotr, VN a s s e i


Tb* > tax. r«i York, c women feaaioD . creexlnikillqulr* o1 ark C'l Newark

Pl- lufir.• >( Cll

kkipinrt1 4 1 Chi K l 'B l iE

■ mell, Tw»nt1* NU'it&K

) oun^Hon

X' -ode ^ h _ LNl'KrtE


NV1l?<Fp'ti - n*

^ - .r - I N C U S K

r liia r


o r t . «' tK r S

LAl-ILl W KA ftP a U j 1



M MUdbggir


_ ■ j ■ ■ 1.- , >v> • ■ , V ' -


INncraB. iti>w w mSl » a W ' i t t f i - t *t_^WW»i U d u f i ' •nnift UalfM x n

m in

M •


m. 1 ,

I r a t

ftT ft Oft

4*fJa1C»nfftcn _____

X. IL nn« II M.

I o o o n im JC: T t t i S S l k nnMVtKBD; ■ A n s i t «+. , IL L A N T m )Kxi

trt ft* n M n I h * » » ; tnoal n* v l l i f n ^fin* h*m* Md r*f«r*srM

itcuir, *r 1914

«Tnflj of n s s r * . irnr%«r, oth*r nur*«

>rv»rk. rvO tkiwiAr?. 1 * . horn*. H>nlclftlr. phon* Uonl-

h»r fl'iodnr ■nd on* ***h tA balp o«t tT] ftrf M*1ft-knd WiRhftnfton ft!,.

knrt (lauffhifr, wbit*.I Rnd iRVlvi wHh pnfo

t'an mnrninr* «i*- •1 RVO.,

P»n«rBl Knup^«r>fb ;or* to M P«cofiflr*pi. rrf^r^ni^p* r**p T IftS LJ1!I*{oii Bm. nrhn* fJfl ’ »Uh rn/- houwwnrW I'l funJl? Mn*. ''l-rp-'*pp*r Uouiitatn •**,i

•r In mnvlnt pVtn^knowlrilpf* of b4,nb* >». mil Tb-imr | t l Roaftihurp Mjtf.

nbl« *h*11 on ofrtirnlIfht fw t proRB Wf>rl|. ld | CkMtnui m\

aCNCMAL fTLT; QUOD WA<1IC9; RCD. CAL.L DTRNK,Vft______’ chArp* of otMiJai«p«rt#nt« »et P*o«i’; pftd DlotPf C«.. 44*

If ] hOMiwlSiii i^ ; In ■Bklt, B«dom •c oul. lni|Hlro 14

» •irtpt with thlld. II TmyU* 91,. Mk in m tppiltr m 4

w S T T i l S B n O n /Bamik Or»M».

r1 i i f t i l r t ft<l%lorfk ArllMtM m%.

> M po4n Ip u M b b

t S T i T t S a S

ir n t w ; ICi i^ S J m

>»»nlt ijLZAt a wnnk. l i t CHMa

'MUMM OB PREBEtft™l « rnSBkGhAi ftt>-iTrilJUffc pCwSSrXTJsnUrt*

■ L F W A N T B ^ V O M i

hn«« M t U«

t e a r 'm T K r

Hfc I ty - l U i i i i M c i b M W i< T P T■Ml QooD W A dia tn tioH ^ThtB kT , iM aitoxD n _______

M ao M *m 4 tnlnU MMfW •«■

■ttf WAWlDwWOMWT ss t «rsi i r « “i.“assa

Hn«ti; M landnir wnri. LaMa> I I

A D o t h e r ^ a o T a d v e r t i s ^ w 3 1 b e f o u n d i n f o U o w i n g t e d i o n

W ^ X H ' a U M (W l i ^ * « A ~ nE M P L O T H U IT W A M TED -W O H BN

1TK>t n.


rAM tiiT WAnVINQ. fTtrrlUatf IrMpd M- «•»! in«> fniic>r PlveM, t*( . par ppWM ft**

mm UUaI t M n ^ . IHI iprtA#rt*M •*«.. Irirtnntee; nkee* w arv ir *444,

i 5 iS u l t ir s e p t» * .

. t e r vork. xm it m m m , L<nai,

___ - . undi■Itloa w»h un.Ji (.miir

fil: ar Haht hanH*<)r1i. Habfol

M (i) . MioiacE L lamiatti r t aan tHif p iia»H . wnata^i ( l a ^ r wark, a a ^ W .•>UaHll« ita ._________

B i l l i j a . ^ a i l M ^ u l wtte aataalaiaaaa

ila a a l lah i t t m aU iin Mil.





t "fcn»5» pjU °SKlrrr pflESV ■

________ rto aa tia rte l l l l l .l i n i v t l :

~ ^ t r » D BAKBKaP a id —CampaUal Man inf i i a p J a iaa i'

work; B. waafelaC. tewlr I IJk a n te M w a . MoBtotalr 1 »tea» B oaulalr ITII. UXiD a t took an l Aswaololn woA| laar

•dult* In (*4nUp, ITI i*aU*Qe rd.. ftnitn OrAAd*! pboM I49ILI K f b ---------------------


W A f r i i a i r i Applr II ■tUoTUio 0

TOUNO aa l ao n naailtr

a l b .a u . eoala a a l lah i a tloaol Tkiaw a a l aool i n iap lta oitfU td ta ta iiilaourr .Ilborol aamaiiifkia. Boa M. Nawatkl i t flflk a»a. K. I . C _________V Sl’N i i l j i b ? u ^ flio VinAi fo a l a la -

ooUoo; tom« otporloaeo ftolorroli (Mn- Itlo. writ,, ita llaf o«A taaortonoo " try AUtona U t . , Boffico.TOt'N(i“ W6 »iXS;


le. Itova

, tmmm, —yertan— •«« : f*«d lMM*j

I Cell Mif l l Uopulaie.

T is ra ;t* DOT* or fovtnki

wA««t t« tba riflii B^vthurf** pK. or pbon* f ^ N a ~ V o l l iK w tatoE T ^H aa U laha a

ooe rvar c*tir** i% n*rtt*i. pmid vUl* ta tr*ltil*o Appta *t (b* Mfiapliol for Crtp- plad Chilar—, I tf Cltft*a *»»-. W— iirft TCUKOltetDT—M*M W w«U X M a U i.lA « '

UM,ety *Bp. Acod*ta / KflXlD Vntitod t«r ftr«4-fl4 w e iF lS r

toftiIII . A n ir . vw P at

TtCTtTRB •ppoplunltr^ oli tp**i, abU-iOTtOR

• i roMPf io4)«* «f raftaaaae'ti et** _ _ BfMi; prirota Inatrartloti; t t r lr r«d1*4ntloaMvtaad. brtn^ pbotOfTtptLreraptL Andf«T IfaradM

todleo. *QT Broad it., >4*wtrk,TiBR'fl HbC^BR lo aeeH""wUB para

of 1 rhiidran, afod I moiilui a*4 I refarancM r*qutrM; *oUjt Ml P*l month, ftppiv » Bruniwlak tA. Monlrlalfi phon* iTlW yotililalr. _i^ M E IT H IIELPBlt oraatol. la laSToliarr

of rblLdam whrra another nuroa U bopl lONrvno* Call Wadoandar adioraoon * vevnlnc Mra. William Q. Uanaaa, flO Rldf*f t , c1ly_ ____________ _B oT H R k'i HFij>cn *t u ikT

rnuDf (Irt pr*f«rr«d. tvo aaidr*n Call SIT Uonlolatr am.. U| otatf, N* J ; phona Uontolalr 4l1il

f«l; epirarlvaltp to vrlatai- In #0d4ki m mura; Mnaanoaor. adraaaomaulo ft. H..Boa IBI, Itatloa r , Maabattaa. ifOUNuTdADt I* b ti^ ta ilfra: ?«rf plaa*-

ant verfe; food ohaao* tar ad-faa«*m«ai.Apaip afiar 4 P. ft, or 1« A. M.. 414 Cmm- tfal am.T6 tN Q iIa dT to h*Ip taladlof' itiaih foom

biliroan 11 A. M. and I P. lf .| no ftinday work Eiooi l i Ko* fl.tT I’KO \ a DT «p offlco rlork; fl*ad/ pml-

tlon, atalo aalVT and alporltfi**. Ad- die— ft r B B*i 14, Rowf ofne^


“ 11? • s> o i: i" i i? r ‘’ i . t i i r * r T . [ r j , v : :

eeiered. wikio" a e ^ a S r ir iSdroaamaktr or tiff.Lt wurli. •iporlioniod

ftMtihof, tjT lltdfurO rL, goat Uranfa o i n i r wliboa' pvsTilon aa aaalatoat T S T

koopor. no Bii^nrjtnvo, pood adni^atton.Addrao* Q. H Hoa Hi. N*wi olllco. __5TKts e*taro3T~* poaftlon a^*r fabaol

aa aaalatanl r*baral boiuaworkfr. Call II P^TOw at.^ U r^ ja , _____5TA1., coatT'colorod. vtfho* hatf tltaa^flaM,

mornlnm or waltinf dinaor Johafoa, 1L4 rt., Oranfa

OtftL wtRboo darV~wirE7 ToaiaradTr 1^* . Call at 111 Itanh “

ftallntorbSTftL—t emna fl

work, fallOranf f ___________ ____________ _•u Ih L (mlorodl wlahoR pooltUiw to tiORwork.

no fundaji work lOu i.>rRton _ VSUsekll-lkpflllo^Co'lorod «omaa wflk-a^U^

flvo 7*ara aa boua*korp*r In fatnUr of adwUa, p*r*vnaJ r*r*rvnooo |imn. Addraaa Aw U. B., m N«iftalliH fivieTcb speT , w uhteiitTor, wU i h »o-

altVoa. elij or eounirr. Addroaa M. A.,Boa itl. N*wt offli'*.UOUIEli'ilU 'lK ; Buflfo-tfoi W f i i j f o i

caok, ao laiindfT- Caro ic Mr*. If#r*r, 411 Aron a r a _____H oue ■ W ani< S I[r^ ier*T

work, Cali 44 Wrifki ti.

E M P L O T H E ir r W A N T E O - I U I I ____________ A M ) WOMENK X r iH U ooavio looino foolttn a i owo-

lofeor or bouokoovor; («robiiM M M kouoA U Oottkfo *b, tof Poof.

A P A t n m r T k i o o w A i f t f u n A n u m B i l f f t i i M n i A i f t p i ______________ T O U T T O U T ^ i W O l l O l f t

B O U S E H O U ) C 0 0 0 4 - r o M i m « I

i lM M b a U Qm A W h M Im r w i , r i ruAKa a t .

e u a u M i Avm, iH f wiM iaiii I

M M , M a t t e l

ed f" l» w e HI M l |\M •

ftrir «lar*d. wUl rrita Hi Br<Ur>rd

pbana Batty

ti«R part t f * i 'ford at., Baoi I biieti


H O U S E H O L D G O O D S -F U K M T D U-A w n I Bop mod kappiir

booanio k* dotiM too noma w tt raijr aM ail raA tiro. It rm lij la aurprlolpf hfV a food ptor* of torcutar* WUl fo far Ifvarw promotlnf happinoaa. W# ln?ha jranr ta- Rpov’iii^n of our lari* atook and flno aonarto Dion cf BUfktijr iiiood and aantalo ptaooa aC (b« L*tt«r rrado. Up QUt of In# klfb roat d iatrln w t oam you 1 1 % to 11% on all

, purr huoo Thn Buit«o. t i l to 1 1 1 . ii

I 111 opwi:«f maeklnaa, 14 i* tH i , ku<'b»ti afomt. II to t l l j drotaor* AM

rbtrroaala«v 44* t*) Ml; l.H I fullta, | l . l l and I I t ktiKota, oklna alufoia roniiA a«4 WiUaro dlalng room lak)*a ildokoafwai

' k!iH>«ci ciooota, wardroboa. booiraaoa. ry tabloa, hah rarka, mtJToiw. can aad

Ilia doMiaa. AtorTto ihaliA. biiehoa tAbio* an-l halra •paclala: B iM - ^

Quartorod omk droator aad ehtffoaiUar •* ivAM bAftrMin ' ni rati or

you 1 1 % to on ano asd Dua* place pajlee iadlao* w r t t^ dafka. If U Inm, 14 I* i l l i pmtvot a ^ tamitwr*.

worthi m . In ., . Worth |JlO. plaDo Aowilan turailian talal&i macklno :

f«itd mahogwiy bookmM f«v. 14. lot k*nna rhalro II I*

iRtUro, ol*rirtO tifnt

wt£oa^ Ifh t I

' j n r r ' S T f S r ;

If A f RE IT.<4 e: waniad, oiporloarod,i Riactri'- itatlii. II HUford a ra

Tho K»wark CHr Hewpita) ioBoot *f |4«f*- ta i. r«fl*i*rod WDd*r iho rofonta of Now York. nrr«ra a throo-roor oonroo to yo%Pf woman dr*!rr>UR uf Rnttrlng tho nufalaf pfo- fORolois. R liberal monthly allowanoo. In- croaolno oacti ymi'. «Lth hill malntoiianco, will b« glvvn. Par turlhor Mrtlcolara la* i^ulr* of th« Sup*rinl*nd*nt d( Nuraoa Now- ark C'lty tfotpllaJ, HI Palrioount am-, NowRTk. N. J.

P I' lufe in HL^wbitoi. iS to n ir lE # " w e• •f chliJran «h«ro anoilior noro* ftyL I*

ofiipioyrd Apply Mra. Arthur r. Konalor.14 rimion »\w. ^Kl 'RKE. undnrwrRduato. for atabl dkty In

■ rnall, primt* hoapUal TaM t4d ionill Two-ntloth Of, thli RirornooB and omoinf. NU'il&f!, • aprbl» Rod nprrlptbcod. (*r two

>ounr rhH*-ron, fo«-J *as*R: itoadjr poft-llon T*1 SouLh f)ran|R l**c____ _

for bahy fa montha: fwed koflMj 0>-od whOMM. r*-|ior«n''«a 24l Turrvll rto ,

gif't^h i>mTH» I hi'o* lu llKl IlHK. U?rj>KKUKA* I'ATK Kt iR FLOOR

IrfT t iTI.s Tmn i'hiVATR HoIPITAIay inMNnON^AVV:___ _________KVIt^lR fnr iwii chiidron r<.ini[>oloBt, rofor-

p-n na App.y T] f'ruRp*rl at. iummlt,^■ir> nii> Nujrmit _______NL'MSKH— Wonirtl. jridararadkiRtOR and In-

ri<>arl*nrBd nviiRtiR J-hour duly. ApplyTl ‘Vntral a»*. _ ________NUI1HI-; iMolllfoM pr*f'‘Tohl)r piporlonood;

r’ - I'b lypaik-rUo *4* llro fc ^ ^*ipvitiin--od r.i'* month-old l>o/.

rrTi 'wp aa. Phona OranfO.orc '^vToR B K xi'riH K vrRn jjio z'a‘<v

KrS KKI,l,>Hfl AM- TfUMMmp UNLAl'If.d' AM ail.K UNDERWHAfi S t t A ' f N'"MK. LRAMN'ElidPa id tim r w . . hk w iiii.c i.e a h n in q ,

iiAfPi rsivntwRAM ro .,Kl K rlCKSTH A\T;_______

nnifiln-' k. r .ilahor* r^• 'jfirra f- r lo-lirn' .'.Ik waltl*. atoadj

w-t IT i ->'l ;'ni AtiU imn.vd^ktRly, Kar- rla-II A w{ i: N- -) i'.-mth at , llar-ria- ■' t<..i 'li'i 'a froi-i J- ■j-'ti Ki


B ^ d * t_________ _____ ___ ______TbUtNO UBNi WWW on. tfeaftloeal wpfortun-

tty iw cata iratoMlonkl wpartw— actlkf ta mortoa. Bird Film Biudlo. I l l Waabinf- tan at. __

EM PLOYM ENT W A m P - j O3CK>E KRRPKR, ii p«ar^ •sptftanoA 4w-

oiroa work tmninf*] %ocitfa4>e. faUabtoi mfaroQco*: rtafonabl*. Aditaff f t . Boa II.Now* ftriro .___ _________CHa UKPEUR. oaoiflliBrtafchat^ ****i ^

diiairiuoa. morrlid oaD, want* poaltlwn with prwato family wk*ra k y Imo *f firwt* i-laao man ar« waatodi wrUtM and Mrwwkkl rrfarnn-M. William J Njiohoio, |1 lUclor •(. CkAl K*^KUn, coUrod. a^biM 'i s ^ t i o ^ iwT-

rai* or -ommorctai: mako own ropalrt. 14 yoaro oiportonoa Pk*no 44UM Oraaww; I t H. u.. I l l Amhorol ot, Bam Oraaga. CRAl'PPRUh wlwho* powJI on, prhral* of

comrnorclaJ. 1 1 loarW ouarlwaf*! J**d toarhinlit. Addroo* 0. N., Boa 111, N«wo officoC H A U P ^ F U lT n '^ (h Ih U I i k « t pWh -

•Tiriw; win go out dr *fty. Waiter Oti- chrlatj, I* Nawark tl.

COOK—Good flwward ao*k w u ta dtalngroom and kllchtn to rga on poroeniago.

Addroaa H. F.^Bok 6T, Ni o o rfle^U'oinrod^ wLohoo ■•lluoiioa. rootau-

raht. ciwb houM or kotol. m l Norih Fifth at.. C»]

La DT wwald Itl 44«. aa hoar.

Ml ftata ol.. Baal urajig*L i'i 'r fo a T ■ woman, coiari

wkiMw to tak* homa laundry1*4 ■tMai aoa____ _LAUk'baaBfl, nrai ,!>■. ki.kM

tak* k»m* 1 1 1 North Fifth *llX (?N EiH fter flrit c lu , ' h t

14 *t Edward_____NUmil-^lraHuol* wlahoa pormaiiowl

•Itlon. wlitlrif to gr. Watt or Nouth, f Mil i-nUdm. AddrtMuffloa. {>rana*. _____aiporlancod. wiakt* po*ltlon| **W'

flnm oai oa*oo. ooo fumlth docior'a r<d»r- y o ^ _Address f*_fti_®c* Ntw* *ffl<3a-

_oio'rtZ' F^wTewi, aundry w o ^ CaJ]

•r • wwrE

]t. Box

iftOBr t la

airinq ,oor pood Ik*** a*k*

Fifth at..r*A ftPENTRT-^oFfii;

, rbpairuuLadiaa. don't lar« roor $» - -

hied, wnaa 'e a t* m* aad hart lA*a takd* >1k« ^mm. John lloath, lU Uarkat at., he^* m*at Two door* rroai Sunday CaUi asd*r l.anovor iboo dtoro; imiJoay oatraaoa.

r a a W K S T . r r i B 66F r i - « K ~ r i i W :wood: rarl»d and Ion* ayporiaaoodl d«*Lr«a

l« rhamg* poMiloa lo * Chrtatlaft firm; conirally locacod; III. Aid*a** N., ftoi IT4, N'owt orflro■ T aN t^ K A l-F E tU ^ ra t^ iw Ulkl in*

oommarria) fsparlaao*; alioolutalir roll abta] rofaroaoa*; |l f . Addr*** L.« Boa AT,N**f orflr.o ___________iTRHdiS'HAPUlS. n* nkMteAM.

With koowiadi* of booh-kfoplag; N«wark prafaiTod Addr^e * R j %gi I*. W*wa of f i t . RTEPfoaRA PHftfc. with cohof* t^raltafv.

dryira* tocralarlal poaltlon. *fflc1*nt wurk*r. Addroaa I., &oi I4l, Now* _^lo*. STENOIRAFHIcR, Ihiiroufhly oiporioDCod

and aaonrate opm for poaliioo No* 14, oalary |14 Addr**a H, B-1 i, Nawt offico. B^ENObRATtlBR, oocr*t*rlai oiporttnc

capabit kaadling *11 i-rric* work drroo Q W , Boa ISI, N*w« uftlra BTENfVlRAPHBR. oapitin/. *d. vtaBff

p(i»|i1on. aalRry »xpMtod II* lo 111,. Ad- djr**o B Una li t , Nrwa offloa

«ip*r'«Dc«d, rapabl*^

f;«Ci fow-piort lrof7 auito n i l . worth |JlO. piano ii*>»rtki 1144.V* ‘*rt h Iworth | l i marbl* inp .. . . . flRfur^, dlahM. a A*«ar«. Ola; Poll to^ t at tup and lypfv u r d**ka goailarad oek dir« (a*!« m u > ]*4 offlaa ohatra.Mg >0E flJing t>te«w r aarh)i b***, ood h)«Uro**o«. r*i(i ■ and •arpoti W* wfl, • i-ro^t dofkoaUa on « govd* and deUYtf at )ogr ». aJi cliy gad lubtahiA do-jii*rt** road# froo --f rbarga f t J* Bant, >** 14&-M1 Bmad ■(.. uoar L*<t*w*aan

____________ ____ _________ _

Mr. r«L 9**^^ lutair fteaa. nowmalet*. I**-^ dfwwvra,■ ‘ • form.

Ball pamoaallyi aganta, alp* all fetkda at ecflif

t«y«n«ra; b*«t p r ta e fM ftMETER-r tTf pUANB r r .Pkftae Uarkat UM; « r e m » Waraftp

M a ' i S I r t r -----------*«Blp all k tste M•«U tltT• 11) » •/t n m I t U H I M u : in te r n JbMlAu b D f in r . O in te g u vU ait m i l I l f tin « l i d l a j b a ltn i ted te t iH l t i liklte tram I n to I I I M te l Miiii!!*

M ciM . I TinRi ind ted m m n i l Into ITI t f l l l iihalm. «,_»«!. , 2 | toui III t o J U' I f : ilM r t f g te f ftlM ttr ta lm

L*dri>iim 1 ind i l l iliMi «< mlM tltewiw

J. B n

lanauea; f t f M I aawta d iM fita ii m

♦ W b n o o ib te ti t e l

m .

« > s h £ £ @ lm T AteO’ w i l t b .

JfL R tM rrni w i - r

__itoiIII tel

lOdj: Oar prompt attantlon will aara row . doiiara. Hr. imtth. M Icafttiar H.I

^bant Narkat 4tlt- VAN

41^ < i f B r m s r m ? H ' y s r ^

.J M O im r ORANQB ATft Iftp ar Kigkl Pknaa UMikefty Mfi,

Gel ewr onttmata *• y av :I faenflelM 14 ** ethw dioleti

ANTIGUB tkwwori* wRtawt alftgh I'-td.

BUkllrOM teXliJ Iolaml uid. t* . , .

no walnal obifrimnlo*. ITj 1 droOa form I 14 hii4m hair and t a ^ t J ctilffi-iiiUOf, 41 Waloon ae*i. f t O.

hftlr Bsailri 1 i'«d olaml I I • on*Ota* IIat>mo

•prlun. Old. I* 1 '■r otry

Wa bwy f f wNWia m yoara ta IBa bWfti pHron of alf far ii

S J R f l j U

N PQ«iiAX r v R f fm m i oow4t • o tn 'i i DRAHGi k r k .ar Night Phono Uttlbafir t»TU

UORRra P B L U ft Iff BraFalrmonat lI lV —f( yam Itai

nan of ratur n awaahald _nii htaA. offie raoB aad t* t - . do ao ky ndtlfyl prompt aetontioa,

i t W t M . l t o ^

-aalpinfat; prormat 4llT; mlBat pkam*

r i s i r s , .

ATTENTIosi ■'^lih II down aad t l a weak 1 oall biRnh*ta. qulita abaaU. awrtaln*,

nprawde. tabj* torort, ouriioraa, mci, Biat*IrM oa, apflrifa. elao oiolb«a aib4l r«Jn«a*tJ fur luea and womon at ii>rk kotiami prioeai no **17* eborg*, it wlJI par you ta toad ma

Sootal and I will i-al nu you. atrictly ooatl- otiiiai.^S Afwti are., aaar Hik at.

AN oaaoplioaai apportUDliy: ai a aacrifloo,*i*«aibl parlor and t-*dr*oai and dlnlag

roulii furaJlUr* n-j* lao* curlalpa. *li palat ngo. aopteJ-R'* or iog*(h*r, guodikawaa lor

i-uui);« RiRriing hou«oao«p;na OaJI tOwayand lumorrow 44 Mouth TSlrtaafPi iLA i i K N i i j s Hi'ue Ahu u n u l SUh E .. . _____ .

14.4I4 yardo ArmoUong'a Itaaloua, reg. I «aluo. Writ* for fi 44 rd.. a.igbXiy ivucbod by waler* 1-ea.t \ Markat 44M4i night t a i l aoauiiooa frlngt Ingrain, f i l . FruktTlt HT. 4at, lio . awmlaotoj', H a ll, 111. I&rae>■ ••r a II iprlLifio+d a**, _ACuRK ga* rR4ig*. ^«. 4 ilutnp¥r«y awlw>

raaito wRLoi boo tar, porf»i.i. roaaonakia Call beiwoon I and f i l l P. B . I4T

omuiptatai Wwrea. elL, ta ft the full ruJwt bflta f t a eea

-tlfyfkg aae. a»d yaw wlfl fwt


x>1M i,iJ wa to Mi 'lUJbA^ t tw a . l a i i l r * O itteiA I f i r i -

t mftpriAtCtaM MAtail pftM M lftrM l MMT

tk and twe att1« yeataai Nev^ 11} M JatteraoB i i Tw-

V&tllt roeMu nacawaaov

M te*T» It.! IteriboA. .iR>6 i a T 6 t a r : r i u u h ~i k :


■ S T M i

T » r• f . . T i lBYk—#tww oan. ________ ____

aaw t| daewrwMMft MAI. k*t water bad taai*(er aerwlae. iMgwlra Jaaltor or York, I Park

i# P4ta eww^ rftad~any vwetat te awli ww mm Ptaew f ^ m fwrmllwre ta taeftatf reetawrfW fMP


C o S lu t e t e fl,

s i K i r i d a H a . , M ~ a m

r . W. te r te f te -s f i Hobm. _ f te htelM teA . W f^ lN L

C o c I iHC II— rw a a l iU I M I

I*C lbq,dn

m c M A n /t . M RAMR VR

C A » r u n m r y a aBled at II MprtagTiald

Court bouoO. ofll lO WUlflL

OOllPAbuyi Rirklwii howiaiKll aad morebaa dlaa faf t

aotltaata a ’ HH.

rtT'aa paid tor aoroad- n a n s TH ?(l¥ S iT »nnlture, If y-ju a'ro willing lo aero

•n olihor larg* ar amall lola ol fega, fWT' nllur*. aw« lu* Ix for* yuu **11, than any atk*r

iN T ^ij^g ' Hianogaair furnJtura,

rouiiki, atnan,

T i :


BTtNfKlRApIfFRhandlhif *K hind* "f offtra work

[)., Boa ll, Nov>i ofnet.; BTRS'i'-'; KA rllEHi una roar wIth'laV 'd m ;

rri»F*ocf« U-ulao r. Siriiimaiter. t4 Dodd vi 1)1 ociriifiold

Taad altaratloui anyInt. roaaoixabla. Q.

Roahoii , 111 Mouth E ^ o a ta Nowark.^A R PEN tiR , rap^rlng. 'aIt*imU0B*~low

raix*. day or cualract. Cojoman. l l Till- in*hR*t_*^ lol WavRfir H*4- \CAIU'BNTER waiiia jobbing ind roEeTr ; .. ............... ... ................ ........................

work. Phono t i l l lYavorly, H. Kartmaon j MTFN'UOKAPKER, oip*n*n<'*ft dnolrea poH-124 South Mntaoaih at, ' j tl..n Phunr hrliav: !* IK ^ ___

Prk'ITCHBOAKP OPERATOR wlaboo poef- __ lion. I ll *tRji ll iCoopk*. K4 Contra!

BT.. CITY. _ _ ___ I a>r _ ________Ca hFk.NTEH. handy man, privalo place or ' TTI'HT, axpori*ac*d, d«*Iroa aatra work Fa

ag*. AodrcM 94. $■. Box Ilf. Nowa I 'lu In frt^' Umr, ll• Tn4Cl•ntly; caa d*r*t*J * hourj dally Mark*! S»TI

CAbJNKT iilAKBH and macbln# man waiita HMUion AddTMo 91. r. L. Box 11. N*«*

___ __ _ n a 5 j ;i 1 « WaaLiaguo ara., nvar ftalwM i t f

B o n m ri^ .N J , pboa* BalioulUe lT*4. a TTRaCTTVE furntahod dlaibf aad two baft

Lua of oaii, kttokawj__ trd K «|h BkU __ANuORa hi' .. ORaaUaaa. plain pa tk , i l i l l ;

aiinooi new inado by W M J lloaaa,phxn* Ji.mitofiRid l iU .__ . ___eT a grcto' RR.rtnc*. ^loadl) aak aatlkM

Bidoboar ! l.andoniPoly carrad. Dontok I ' '^ ‘t ■ *■ 4\ *.

IxuDV B) LwoBja fwg. Cktata* ioa lA tak11x104, rite w*ar. llbrmrr takia K t a a S

by >4 iDchaa. aak. dawk, doll ftalaki a* domiera i : : park ara. Apt B. t Magi<»Talkg*.Iilvi HALE uf p a r lo r^ ^ Uxiag roam #nttea,

yv*r*tur'*d, Upoitry. black and gold daukRK.. ,1.. a v*iuur at a roducUoa *4%. au r'^ajRhivod brand mw H Oin-dua, IIIJlruRd I,-..

I'N Ti^ I'i;0 In, tig

T* Academy at.; pkono Mnrkft 4MMM,A lffrlllN U you ha*o la femittawT '

gowda, carpota. ruga, r; OteO mo oofora yoa

It oaah prifao paid; owtlmatoo iplUM free.I tian : aond ’ Ktanoj at

_ . _ -All ar largotluaaUty; owo mo oofora yoa aall; poaIttwMy

aid; oWtlmBtaa glYM * boalnoM cooffdonUal and prampl atlaa-

" Lorniaa, lll<1 l l WoMfrph.i Un

ta leOtafprowM kf lotting mo a*o yomr you lot U lotv* jrciur homo. Tf

l l l iTDD not BELIBVl you a big ttofy wkaM H M lotting mo ow* yomr ilk n aaf

lotv* jrciur homo. If fen Want a ICO aond bwiiRl or Mkawa Hafwet 4l WaahiMtuB ■!., W, ft 0B,I pay prtoea |a f Ban

•f'-te’l.tei n tm , I raemg. ^ t k m 4 BM trri peremal Aeagii baata

awtlfufj Hied M thi aaparaia ai«M heaieri: rwaivTl. Ckrtalika ftC ^ 41 la«rwfaam pLj BkeM TwM Wkawrlf.S i ~ l i r e w fwwwk'wnlkrgUeA I ^ k k lw 'K r

Fkona VaYarb j l I I .T fleaft &aali ^aaeflaWpi

iwniw ttagawenannti waekngklri w t le e i Bwedta*# peMoeetani rent l i t tag tare R m U». M PaytM i t

I city, U tm 1 y tto a .S o o i T ^ i . r t e w iT r a rMPWrttaoal; 4

I m n n ta iae l S■IX

fmrntohad. yiee.B F ftSoiM , sil tatem i

Anadomy ft.ta v S N AOOin.

monta; garage, room for ane eagi mciitli. l i Uuatardob «L-

rooiti^ two Wlka, ail luj garage. rewM far «aa «

t l llunlardcu ah i Hal n i l .________fC im c A a V*.. i l l R ~ f ln i itoteTT

aJi Lmpta. aaewpl aJaatrta; AwHeWMCall » la I.M irrO y B W X

tel t«>»l-»TMWllW iK aaU K B iira i

tn ~ W tte r AH R tetete-

iprwvamawta; f i l l taoatk


ita Hgki Meataieliy ra il M i

Toad prtco II*. 141

n rw A T i W;boua**j par

atorka or auorv daaortpltan bualnooe oonfldonKoJ. prompt attonlloo. H lf H arkat T,«<iaarira lIT ftalaay ft.

I* P*u^ut•^aantanl*

fulL flat! tamheim, atoroo,ornea fvmltero.

nKoJ. prompt afUnlloii. Tai.


Adm i 'W lki raw iii atareiir*M J. k.. ^ 1 U l. New*




poiorflr DftAFTffhlAN”

TEl.Epfff'-NK f'I»KUAT6K ami ctarh. thma • Tprr!*ti<«. ritnrrnooa. Addroaa T.

IAddroaa U. F . Box 4.

'MUH X r'J In Mdd

bTK V-.or .« f it I’K r..uK !.«;!.•: IL A I STK S'

T 1 ‘N MV-T HAVi: n i o i i r s t kEFEUI.N- I P Tf- AMlMTV ►:YPBRlENrEr-l'- i ’fi,l.\lANFNT y SITI' N, ALL RE^IM.ins na.A-'-i,;: > fi »nki u r n t ia ll y ; hT ^rE JHM-4HV aM« HEFERkNCR IN

atrartuml. mill building*.L plant layout, ala*] 4*alga and d*iail. r*I Inforood rcftcr*!*I Non* ofric*.

ENOINEER—All-arvund moebaaic. oiperl- «nn*d RltoCtnexy. •lavtiori. ir.a<< car* any

1 plant Addroaa anginoor. 44 Df-rtao at.I OI-AtTNO exPEHT AND aITl KIND? 6? I CAhpENTRV _JOBM 2* MONMOUTH tT.

r !*7 l"roSrn^rl"m **•*'“ yoolUon with DO .tIViBg' '*•■ " Cominotrlal I or pan-tlm^ oloantag omea* ^—---------- - 1 factory. Addroao O. O , Bo* 14. Nowa effloa

Ik T rirF H ^ V H ?^ I **rvl. O. furnar^imAPHKR. ' HHI8. I carodtar. King, ll Hoyt ot.

ftoi Ho. nff|< 0.

WOMAN, aorraan, In holp out rraalBgx te1 kll^hon al wodillngi or parti**. IB o*nto

l^ur J l l Rldg*_n Hill,___ _____IVwMAN r^ftnrd olfhn* poalllno, 11 yoart'

•hporiBnr*. In ntonR|br,f offico and Itilrr- poop;*. Addr*Ri A. H., Boi I

ipitHga taaUmmea. romod iteblao. #4(1 chair* aad etbor fur-

Di’uif,* tar fvrnijUod roam hou**;)iO dM.Mra 24 t'*ourt it.

, <-,1 with box aprlng. fir^aaa Mokor _ii-_ h ’uhil #1. , phoii* D u Ml

C A H vii. uiJkCK wiLLmPr b bo . D ri>n, iatg* oiiR iwfa, odd rhalra (ino Irloh potol

rurtaltM r*Al Bi^dad couch ca*or, bath room rug. gag pial* ovoo. iwlvol aiooL good cit-Rii condltloa Addrogi C.. Box 14, N**e offiro.

a r e you looklbg tor ti^ blgfi iailar lar yaai furnttar* ur anything y«u n#** (or aale, In

largo ur aniaii li>i*. «n<l doal with rtputabl* rtoploT Thou writf op phon* MarkatiTIt J ■lloarmM IK Watiay *4,A K TlklU l~^l.'K jflll Kb ^ sTaN iED. ITT?


CfU’PflC .r«ving town will »#it now i|.pl«co dining ritum aulto, uctRg'oi) tabta lapaatry

chair* w,i, aiati r*iil apt. ill Blgoiow at., near Juhnaun avo.. Mrat floor (rwnl, pkon* Mavart' ftiSO

,al^ Tor Nr* ntturo and houaoboid g-yodg. no euantliy

re largo or toe amaL! sood peatal, call or hono Orango *441. b Farhag 4 Moaa, 11 II ontor a t, Oraago,'AIVaTB Pa R ^ voul;) l lk i 'u k«r llwat

and dlniag room, kl' h«n furnlturo; will prio* Adtlraaa C., Bog lit ,

kouaMooipLng, heal, t e . " » fwmiokod: adutia witk raleroweetnqtfira t i l Seutk ■gwantk a t _____ _TlrHCNOli a t . l i t —Four rwiMi l i^

M 4U U I I I l l u l (wMto). tMA)r* MlJ ohaaea awa.___________________ _TWO adulta. wUUTV tawmaj If I ipOi

aom tea iamltaw. I l l fwriagilold aval ' raiU rMjaeaabta I fUfTftft rwwma I adxlia Miy.I atflcaI PF TO-TW» illln ihT 'i»< Jlr»~ < W > rT fte tI on ene floor, avarp Itagd.; RoewtUl* aaa*

ttoa near Btiltaii aad IreUoya, aaparata J aloarn haalar, prio* |M pm moatn. Mookor,

4u| > arron at. _t UNf URN'INKe 6 I'reoan apa/tiMali Itakt

•ad boat piirate Craet awlrri 'aAnTu. Apply U * T h lrtj^ th aL, NowarktP EcgUA n IC ik r tlO N .' n»u rniFitVkur-

ooa, t l Ltaylon at., aoooad flaor, I rvoma, oloottta iigbla aeparaia ataan boaiara, 1b < mediate poa— olon, rant |4l- ttooewA jftlaabetb and H**kar arm.


and heaiara

lli’X 1 1 1 , NEWSI.K 1 rv.H Al'l-hKS,Hb t -Kl-'U T.fiTLNn^iKAi'HEli fur all around of flea

<A<>rK i-no W’h- wtinla t'> ga^n axporlobco: . Ilf idiiA/ Tepid typlgi, boot chance of*

fOTF I it.r pony whu ran qualify, otaady p<tt<k()n. Api* y 'vi IK Mairtv at., Eaot Or*

___________i l K-Vt^ lk APtlFR, *ap«H*ncod In ealie da-

p arin irn i wcjrii, mual b* willing to u** dlv'taprioni^. -.'a I or writ* J«rin*n Croamery Ma-'i'ln‘*ry NoiooQ at- xn-1 Locuat avc.,ftl-jcmn'.-I. N J j^E.Sut.1___ -RApHiiCR ax aaalatant In offlcpk oT |

wholcaal* houi*. nexi lyplat. wllllni loaa> aint Ip i»|ftc* routlna; atata ag*. aaJary aad reforonroa Addrea* Btano, Bax S, Nowg of-|lcei Orange._____ _______ _ ___________■TEM lUkAFKKRS. BECHKTa RIBB. el*.,

quickly trained and ptxcad, day and av*« tang ochoAi. attand your neareat Uraka aakae*, i^ENOQRAPHKR. expart«no*4. hour* I N

(0 4 34 Call Wodnoaday, l l A« Vm BantJay Ce.. poaiofftco bldg., ja e r Muth Ofanga tla> #r'EN'oallAPHER aid booif-kaeMer; etat*

aiporlonre, aga, aalart wanted, Ckrtatlaa.■ irooa f t . No« IM, Newa efftaa, ENrAiRAPKER—spo*dy and aoeurata;

■ tala 4|e . axporianco xnd aalary. Ad4raaa Box 10, Nawg gfflte, IrTthgtgat,

I 'I HAN ol 10 wtahea yoeUIOQ of reapObalblllty;I can g)v* boat of roforonc-o and ««cur1ty.I J^dreaa ll., Box ), N»wx o(flc*, UunU'laJx.] HAN. roi^abr*, wants poolilun aa lanltor of I hlgn-frado Xpartnant houM. vary b««( oa- , portODC*. phono K il Harkot or a0-Jr**a I ^ B., Nawa offlc*[ UaW oolorad, daeirso poattlon Xa hood

waitor; ago 11. Europoan or Amorican I plan, in or out of elty. L E. Nlcboi* iai} TtowArd ot. ____________I HAN. M. atagl*. carpamar, daelrea poaltlon I to da goaoral ropaira, bandy all around, would livo In, thoroughly rollabla, Addrom I fl. C . Bog 114, Nowi office

HAN haying apxre time Matur^ya^ iTnd Sunday would Ilka ornployraent any klrvd.

j Addroqa r . E.. Bag Newa o fflc# ___I HAN. eoinred. wlahae poaitlon a# jaaltOT~ I aparkinant heuao; wall oiportanoed. Q. W • P m 111 Aoadoni^tL

HAK. marrltd, wlahaa noalllaa aa lM l(er or Addroaa f t N„ Box II, Nawg

4 *diW ti

■ALBBWOKBIf.YTAICNB * CO. reqilre ealawwegMB

for ptace goodx dapartnaat, alan fewearioux otnoT dopartnathta thrangk-tos* •b.A. MteM ^

caroiakareffio*. _HAN. A.tete.te».

CARE POR KlRNACft BT. __________________

l^Mirri t t Mitlir i r nf


- --------------- partor whnla tltak phano Neth Ora ^ e l u 4,

pori lowing

tefrir*W'JMAN wlaboo rcklng priiat* family,

rooiaurani otporlonro. alnap bum* no Sund* y work '^all IK_('*nl?'mi ava,: Wo*tl»y %V--Ha N wlahoa fonoral houoowork In amatl

family, nu waohlng <irang*a proforrod. 14 i''1|fford •(., Eaai Urango. flrgi floor, WfiMAN, Am^riran of reflri#m*nt deolroo

paying Idtemote-rk. ttF«dlp«i>rk Ad dreta Chnallan But Iti. Ntwg uflirw. Wi 'Ma N w lahea l.imiownrk <>r work In ria

leuraiii nr klivtiao work, city or country Hr> Dupper 44( Fl(t»*ntb gv*W<>Ma N. with child I montha Idd, iaalrw*

placa houaeworX amxM eagaa. AddrwggtVant. Box ITA_Now* offico.W«#HaN, whfto. float. Amtrloan, with*#

houeawork or Ironing, morning* Addroaa U. G.. Bok 141. Nowa offlc*U^OMAN, colorad wlaltoa work, moadtaf

and darning Apply firtt flttor. I Orlonlt^pK nf*ar Ht PioMant tvo ________wntdAN. midifr-agod. dealrw* pngitinii aa

gLouk, elty or country, Addrea* U W,, n-na 14l Now a offiraW 'iMa N, white, wtahai waaking aad Iron-

ihg i'T tho day or auiieeio WMblng HraHorton IS Coee pi, Oity. w o m a n . T«(ln*d. wiahaa*paHtlea'li*~Eo»ao'

kt<*por. boat roforaxoat, Addfom IL W,, Bni; l4 4 Nawt nfftr*.tvT.HAN “ w ish e s to TAE* WaSHINQ

AND IRONING HOUE. KI BALDWIN8T , HAKAK. _____^OHAl*. talditwHued, wfakao keuae-

I work m amall ramuy; aloop noma, Tl

T il

N»w, ( B lM M l KOnM bufUt, 'u l .1, uid ihU rt. , ouk. prortb-aiiy now. atau Balflo o*aJ ooal.

ata* t l Inquir* apartmoui I. 441 Broad *i.; b» deaiora.

Ca b in e t §aj rang*, Dot roll ii -<ak parlor oiot*. iK Ella

B i m m

par a varyN*wa off1r o _ ______ANt iq Ce “W n S T rljh e

May inOKBflT PtUCK 14 CENTRAL AVE.; HUt. WILL pay orfli

bougTJtT I^ullH VALftNTlNE, Kfl.

BXCEI^riONAL BAROAIlffl34 and 40% oft

At flmltb'a. 44 Anadomy at., aoar Bwaa>horgor'a IHooaora,*ra | 1 | . bdffou.

round *xk«rDolon labia* |14. up-u>-daAr> iiLit-ar) luiio, brand n*w |l l . boo iprlug am] iitattrnaa. fl4. ooiugloto w^nut dtaing rnom ‘•rt* {vu*«n Ann* iiyl*. fl44. vaJg# leo^, iin g' <>d u n«w, Jacob«aa dining r<M>m auii*. Wl.IlH rn and MoJ~>' tty)*, IIXC. 1,404 yard* Hnn>'jni al l&c. par yard, flh* Axmin*t«r and M'llrnn rugu. ttfl. Ivory l>*dre«m aulto, 4140. riti« Id ot uffl-..-* (Lmitur* and a Urg* Id nf iniffr»|ian«teui goo<i* y*ry ch»ap, d« iivvrioa freo. opra ovaalaga Tal. 4711 M arhot,

a LiCT n \ C vacuum c le a n e r , imnp.I Iron and bulta. M* flaundora 144 Waka-I a v*., Nunh Nowaik-______ FL\"E-PIECE parlor full*. 140. h for^ chak, j I*, iinglo whIlB onamolod bad. oemploto.

1114, uoref couch, 110, commode, 14 44; Iwo reaKora, |J ■totamoti, (11 Kimwoed av*.. Kaixt DroAfe. _ro H s a l s —M.«~teS tFrini u i ~ w t t n H

- a ^ othor hotaaobold arUoloe. I l l Bouth I ElooMth bL; UacManoa.

iff IB "dALir-Fu-lte OtOT*. **H-le*4er~i ! carrtaEo and gaa dome. I ll Ltadaa axe..I Irvtatao*. N- Jj. ____________________

I FOR SALE—On# uprtgKTptaio: fla^ owedL tio i. M Plymoetk gt.. Hoatilalr; phone


fair priaof (or houa*haIl~gua2a] furniture H J Hunt, t i f Broad

•1__ph( * Hfmnrh Brook I4’lWILL flay (ha Mghoot prr* for heonakolO

goeda and om> • furnllur*. Kaotor, ilAradottty *| Harkat III._____W ANViSK^Tha furoicTire *( # 2)

room Eat Call or writ# J. MBhaaldWflt_Ti»*ntk a»e

ii^Mar; mnat ba hi gead awh-qitlon. not over | |* Oraf, t l Hyrtla av* .Now-ark.

F*«r«rweaI II J*»if(

YOUNG iXpUPLB.apartaonl; tight

A P A A T H E N T S , ROOMS AlID P U T S______________ ________________________COtJPLB wiebea I or 4 eafurmltatod rawma:

Im pta. Mavonianl tyctlay gtato rewt A4-c P j 1 *

COUPLE with oa* child dooira 4 or I immm flat with liDpta Sebopagta. ta oara mi

EadSih. I t Haw at,______________________Po u r FIVE ra«»a, wiUi al) Bfewte.. f ir

widow « 4(k thre* Oklldrea, l i RaoewmeaeetlonH , Bek 41

ll m«a( ba _______HaiM office.

iix m a fiSrla Tal1*bwf«k a

roU lt, ftwa MI thrwe adtatiL' d^aa ^ D . f l ipowlway a_re^I FoUft reema and bath wabteli I famltvi feat raeaenabta JbMr

Bni Ml, New* e^aa.

waaieftwtioa. Adt>

T h S T ^■a E. U,

X. all taprwYWMta. fM aaf* ar Karik Aotaolli* IM, Addrea 0. R . Rex

f o k n i s h e d h o u s e s t o l e t

BRICE HOTOB, I large rcoina and balk, tn ■ " •»««..ron Park ar*., p«aj fleoovllla av» . hot ,

a tr o le e t^ ty , exho^ttaually well fumiahod, t l ?aduMcx p rW erm s . m> anhuata. IlD O -lK^ “ •*m onih M colUnt roforwn f-i otpootod. Ad- i H a. - Y L ______________ ___________ _drte* W E^i 171, Nowa ofnoa, FOUR Or flea ppetna waatad hy fkro* adalta;_ - - - ---- impravamentx, aay t«*«d taeatloa. AddrmaF U R N IS H E D HOUSES FOR SALE O R ^— FLAT wanted. 4 roMao, bath, for adekla;

raforaaeo, real III to IM moutk Ad- Sraao X. R., Box I4, New* ofHeo

I M j k Ml

A T A K IM E N T S , ROOMS A l P f i W S W A f r n D - O V T V T V n

mederw kewak tmtll \ . taedtiuM Olaa RMSge rtelflity: ew 1 ■ m f t _ ^ _ ftoM Ml. Mwwd ; "


a m T BFU R N IS H E D P U T S AND A F A lT -


boilaeM pewple}North Breed ‘

at I reita epkrtMftl im- _________, i s : w a g *

ilE ^ BOQjf a ^ Mtaltawatft w ill MfljLH root of fla«it: all ftapteteataelil Mlta-

«aco* raget^ ; t i l pm tawak Fki^iB j/L fROAD § t., l iH —thrwa furaiiAed r w M

nu>4a««: batE Jla«ll1« u 4 fMJ OTMdtake»t. relareece. wa*. ItM._____________W jy fiP S aVST t e e ^

tar k e i i ia b e * ^ : wtti taMtafit • ■ Hll hiH diaired. __

aU liMBtk;ioiitk jNewfU aMth at. «JkLr-n tN la e O p n it~ is t e

Bkix Ilk, Kaw* offie*

BitiTtATiFiteWMr Ate.taare'vHL «BM W M |2

wkaAtaM talMUgM l i i■Eh at. a p t IE ________

mCBLT fumltBed, bright. « floor aparlmewt. four rooma.

aerrlra. a**ry aiwvealeaflo; tkirei Tktod, refaraaoan. _ApL 1 , IIHIfdRRftN l4'.V iTll^riBrniiir<H^^

or doiblaj ataatfl kaali *taa reeme. _ _ _ _

F U R N ISH E D F U T S A P A I t _ M E N T S W A N ir oRBFINHD aekpta deelm Iwtauftej

ta*Tit, ! •« ar IhPa* raetna 4ta i I Plight hawaekeeplM; foed ■ ijikll»*hM.^« or wukerbe: aUl* real aad M l p*itleeB4BA ddrm f t C , B*i IM- Nawx aflfad R B iP ^ W ^ L B yeao‘f“ r a tm ir i f E a r ta e ® i

faraiakod apartmaat In dealrakletaedttay eiEy or aebarba, retareaca. |l* f t Cea* HidSiRobert Trea;t. Wewarii. , __#AI#TBD i l awee'' ta "atata*

tm mndaraanallle Park ianioa taiBt; I bad room*; adatl t l ) ; Fem Bkar 1 to May per m ta f t He f l iak t »aa

AtaartaM1 ; vm p« 111. tipmpj

FU R N ISH E D F U T S AND A PA N T* R E N T S TO i n - O U T O P T O V t l

l«T«om awlte, MriktaBeft J l aparttaewl Bauea. «rlth

ATTRACTTVfthlgh-^claea ap_.......................

Ilahod peGttUtloa; BrIoB Ckarrk aata la^ poeaoweluB Dteatoker t ta dprtl; adalUj I IH monthly laqulta Fataraea. SI i waaaH aedL Ewal O raafa ____ _


m MAAT OAANax.>Mf In to a * iite — A t e 'l n m '•>• • • i l - r aHiiite, A. J. M M ,

OfmxaJ D-H—te, O nM A


WAJfTIID—Tkfte. Juyr J I tn rteia AaI A tearr F-ni. «)ili A nil lurt-ljlMA «r

rwatoteA. f-r Iwo MulU. Adli M W.M l III, N-WE »HH«.

y :


kereby itaak t* all partlae Mae* Ik* oarmaataa al m iim i t l ta

aawnat al Ike eaoti aad 4 if ■—■■Hettew ta I

eatad (bat ib« wboi* I of taaoiXLg

CBlEHtAL TBRRACB bare ka*o dallearad t* laa attardM f S* 1d«* flald aaaaaamaat cemprtaaa alJ loth tfM li aad pareole of taad aad raal aataSa IptBf oa bolb xldao of

ORJEKTAL TBRAACB frem Ortas tai plae* te OrlaataJ atraaL

The ownare of toad and r«ai eotalw ■neaed ta mlA carttfloalea a( aaaaaraeH apt heraby reqalfod to pay Ika ataoust aa

npon tbaft aad aaeh of tbom. ra^flt- tlvaly to mo at my atflaa, taly ktaL • • t rktaore Deeaikbee 11. 1114.

A ARCBtBAlA Mieataf of Raeaati* aad ftiMMgB

IfewwTk N J.________________________


T O L E T ^ U T OF j r o mand unfaratabad beta

^ommmioa. MorflatowarURKTiMEli

raadiatoEat* to c'o 1*40 4KH.

Fark pi . Morrtatows.

MECHANIC, expert, will repair all of car* for private ownera al you

yaraga. Phoae Artingtoo 1014.xahe*


v o id AN doalraa paaltLea aa kooaa werkari refaiwniHM: do Sunday work. IM War­

wick iL__WfiHAN waatj mahD^ al homa; 111 Rldg-^

MACHiNIJT. FATTOBT P R i f l S g l F ; 'wnod xv*. Pbooa Waverly t*K4; apply aJl


tkperlena*. wtahaa poattloo, Oiflinh. I l l Wdiva^ at.. Harriaag, N J.

Gead aalary lo thaa* w%* d«aBfp, IT Bank gC, city FROOtctlON

#» alt work, George Hara

Apply At Employiaettt Omea, fourth floor,


hare pooUloba for Mtapeteat aalep women ta Tarioua departmemta tkriMifhoat tb* itore; tall wataiB

between I H A H. and 1| H


tAdtea' ikoe Depxrtmeit.

fam lre the iaretita ta im fliA e il fltai^ Udiea In their undinrSAr depAiiMeAt}

,eea Aeotiitamad ta iir r ta f d p m llantile need ftafty* A ^ F ftlFi.

UBTa L RFINNER. flrat-ftliwioieo ^^elUon. Addi

ioran yeAPg' experf anr* planning. a«heda)lag mAterlal d)»-

trlburion. (ollowlTig up, dtapatchtag, aalary aocondary; futura xdvtncaiaanl and growth

5tth cenoera pAramaoni. Addraaa C. 8 .Ol II. Nowa offloo.

FUKc^fiXitNu A enoad> «an

parmaoeat. offtco.

WOMAM vliliH AI mothar'a^alpor,I part lima. Hra. 1C. B., KE Mouth SavonUk1 XL ______, W O H i^. ^o red . wlahaa waxbing to take, _honaa. Blanoha Chula*, l i t Wiekitfta ai' WOMAN want* amxU v a ^ n g to take\#m V_M n Vandaabarg. IT Huntordop n ,WOMAN "D^ftRBS iAUNDRY^ORiC f o

t a k e HaHR_ JULL_|1 BTOKE BT;__^Qbli^N. eldarly wlbha* to do h&oaaw&A.


FOR IA L E ^I gaa datoA 1 kpkalatarad _ p ^ o r *'*•(%_ placaa, Oraage litSM GAS HANQB, sow. coffi |f l;'ao ii for |ITt

algo water heat or. IIO. 141 Warrou at.__1*ADY will aoU lata alyl* lilagor oowtag

niarhlit*, |14 111 Roowrlllo aea . topfloor^rlght- _

oW p7

F U R N IS H E D HOUSES TO LET— I __________ O U T OF TOWNTO RBI^T—Furatabod hnaaa, I iw ivi and

W h . l>*o*wib*r 1 tfl Hap 1, all fnapia^i ■kowta. Ha* locality, tonnx roxeoDabla. W H Dole, 31 r>vtf|oak a*a, W, Otmmtmi phono O li«WruH ^K iN T. ^hv t l » » = n -room hoewa. I

hath*. artlotloaJly furntabod' eharmlpigly ' leoatod cloao to Uountain BcalUn and t ^ -

ley. gwrxgo _T^\_ Orange m ftW.


MAHOOAKT ekair, n^bl« no doaJora. Darla. iMrimaot

Ora age. «aiaa;

Arlington arA jE n itbL pleturao:14. 13 North

Inquire IK flouth Elovenlh ab_I Wo m an wlahaa Ixaudry to do a*

AGENT: thteoatUy up«r)- . ■ ** JO or

NawgIbsUIl n itom ; paii Una

Addreii A, fl,. Bax II.

kALEBUAN ■Ind., II fH il «ld. m il t* MaMtI.n, yaare' agperleaoe, daxlra* rakneaUeB tpifh

roliabl* eoneem. dty or road, no aiaeka or mngailaa* conaMeralL Addren B. T.. Bui m . Nowa phke-

1d(M: haa bait of '-I Box 1 1 1 , Nawa

■pI c I A iTpBiwniAirSeiraa ifiSnoTTsTtabi or factory or offlea butldlhg; ha*

rnfarai “ ' “office.W in d o w DKiMBR » ■ oud w rltv . A m

olaea. day and ^ I f opan. wiekei peaitloa. Ad^aaa W. D,. Boi Tl, Nawa 6 l A kb Dia Wa u IL i m * .

eiperlmentai work, want* poaltloA. ter it.^ tool makar.\ter ■*. I (oui m*—T. ___VotrNO lilAN, oolm^. wiitd ilk* l.pM iilM

M Mrlto la fan«* °r ito n j t ta S n t . r -■arai*Mater aa l nllaMh ■o a t. aHr,

y d r o a m i l H V M im raUllaa a ia A -g aS .

-J gedd refar* G. Cokrta. 14

aklpplBgs *•*•■ yaanf work at anytktog. ; » £ n r ‘« !

Ma, tea lu i a ^ t l a a ' t t _-aaa C ■„ » w HI, tttw t Irofalld IteW. i>. ■aalfia iiaaHlaa M (toiiH T T B

t f rttfm tttim aitoh: •J . a .. I l l K aiim My C B W T i ----------

EMPIOTIIINT WANTED-WOMINCOOK, aatotetaat a te raltoMa, teatoaa teO -

Uaa la kaaiWai feaaaa » M M l te M M i

otKaA^wjugaatiiir wMB^ W WRftldt f t Rtaiib ii ta i .l i ta f lr i

ITD VaPay at. (rear), Orxsgo. W a it r e s s Iwhito), r*nn*d. wiohoa ateady

I poeltloo. hoarding home; wlJlIng, not [ afrotd of work; horn* algtita Addreee L. R.,' Nox 1*7 Naw^ offiry, __I W~AfTREflfl. aiperleaced. wgnte tu3l or

lhree*quarter time, roetaurant. Addreee•*■ L-- u l New* offloe.

I YOUNG X aDT of' refinomoitl, t-we y«Af7 olefioal axparloneai. dexlrae poaltton In

office of doctor or denllat. tnlimj care of office and aocoonta. Addroea F. 0 ., Box 7, N*wa offlee.YOUNG LADY, a n w t file clerk, thereughi]

familiar with all lyatafna at riitng, wlaba pfwllleb aa aapervlaor of flloa: beet of rolofacee Addreaa T- L, Bo* L Now# office.

, riawa rTnxa ^ j**<i »■* ^ *t*wo ^ te»#te,, eellain tawto- "TODNG WOMAN wfSkvg p « c f^ " ^ a iu e w ^ AbF ttAft Ad* gped *pLM coeh: ma UkidiTi «• hetaia tahaa, atglM*. M ^ a a * a t; Ifalaa dtofraak.^■-tei ■ tauuLTi J-"ra^F 'C TTL ~_!3Tlt:t~c -


TOUjJg WOMAN daalrei olarlcai potation;knowladga of typawrltlmg and ataoog-

raphy: btainati M;bqoi ooarme onmplatA Ad< droae T. ■., Bot 141, Nawg offlo*.rotTNd L.A'6 r .' I r m ' .iterl*nM~la • !« :

lOAl lime, dtaltaa pedttaii la offlea wher* educAtloD and exparieno* coi K. a.. Bee t. News taf1«a<

---------------------- tarns


TotfifS^inTtE^iFBEta paaiitaa offloa Abgwaplag taTapkafla;

TotTNO U D T vin tolar r « B f i r n r d teillriB BHiiliitej rrmnA, r t

M tr tm m u .. B « E. B te l r tn il . C

to towTw';4 iw i W. T .

lu k >te to tin i.

O tu a ^tewonii

■KM I.T O w r

•w k :W te. - .TODWO m 1«-M

d n o n te w r

» 6 i a r wMT g S r; ~j a a r K » a t.

^ _ _____NEW ffOSil Mwlag mackiaa; In perfect

coadUton will Morlfloo (or l i t if oota at one*. H Bollovlil* XV#ONE alngl# hta, ■p* ag anS 1^xir m#tW*ia|

1 droM#r, ohltfoonlor (oxk). 4 ch*iri <mx- bogaay. blue irerhor boaib), 1 lUlobu#!)! <A#k); raaeonabi*. 00 d*B-«ri. Call w*rpri)' M97j between 1 xnd 4 P. f t OAK riiTl top ilrxk. cbxir. l*arb*:

oael. kltobBn itovo; ii.nd b«k*f r*aec»)- abl#. r #ll It* North Firih Bt. _>-a X s id e b o a r d , f i t bB«Bln*t, TT,

• Inglo bed oomplote. K 19 N:irih Nln* ^ n t h xt , E#Bt ^ a n g iPAKt,6R m/Prli; in At condition. loBtboT u --

holatored; aaorlfloo to qulok tniy*r 10(*l Cllnlon ava, aocond floor. d#41 b«iwe^ 4-T P UPRUv aT* •At.fc—c ablrioi g#B rxnr«, ay]iu-

d#r atoT#., luungOi paJtna oth*r ertinio*, Fittgarald. 41 ^frmount xva, botwoon 4-f

ilngA _________ ___STTTTII, mabngariyi good condl-

C. HaCTDan,

WE hava eovorai bnuaoB for rant, 14. I t , 11.II poome. Well adopted for rooming bewe*

pur*po#oo, For parMi-alxn apply to damuol- a-n-I.Areea. Inc., lib Harkot bL. t«| « t t | Hki

H O U SES WANTEDTO RENT-^Not leoa then (ear raoma: (fe ar

n».ar Nowaxk A-ldreM J. §]#eh IM -Ftotigo et.. Nwwark, N J.


ttd|i; reaioaabla; ao doalor*.

oflln* Tiaod andbargalnBirm, fl9 up; e*aond-band

« |Ui| , I totoWteBIM L lttlaton iSW rtfQ mao I

*#«oiid-ha/»d Plngerm,Naw Homa, Btaadard, Wh#«l#r A Wlioon. DointetlOi la floa certilltlon; w* repair all mAkaa; 14 yaen’ axp*rl«nc« xi th* old •tiMAd. Ml Mata at., Orange; phoa# Orange I t l l .(•■wiNo Ma c h in e ,a,piiMUj m .iH

pairing: uaod, naw machJnee ' — ~~ •wan ♦eon 4tl ■prtagGo:(l mve.~ iTO Vlfl and iTOviC TTeP aTk,

■tovaa and ator* repair*, r«paira Mtakad !• fn any Rtake ef atova rang*, fop- naaa. ataam or hat water b*ater monmfae< ursA i l i r a Repair Corporetlon, IM H btaiT It., MawarS| W. J.: t*i. Harkot ft iftSvE-W A^i* pallor etovA ta g o ^ eendl-

Hqr. f l Qmegweta eve., Eaa ^

ffafd hotaa ta prelhraaae Tl F a f ^ tate OmaiMi

E4W 14. Wkwa. alflta.

UfR__ jeriria itaiHaR ashen* er a f Mb* dag.


n a :W T ir i f t io i .y a


wtoteto) 1 8 5 I B 5dsiwwd. RtntaaM yaafi, tahreai** Ivaaa mm

**‘t w S j S £ j N « - O T N » g .

wtdUi.W ten u .

- V S I T A ' S S U . ' O J l vk H te a te toBtoi, .* l»W «w »».X iai|- ..

. If I■ley* Repair Corporxtlon, IM Hel-

- " * '»!. Harkot I t tl., La g o ^ een

_ -■ ■ ■_ . Beat Qrantei.T tl l tE f t^ l lC n tapaatay, laeae aaahtea

i u fMf« aalla, nada la a ir awn ikepi a*ld al wJtafaaaie priaaa e a ru f oae-harfi call and be aenvinBod. Bread UphaliteriM

B3BCWXWT liR p fttrala;

_______________f f B c l iirto f a.ilto j m r te f i , Tto-iteteitoM . rb .n . O tte t. I l l l J .

TWO KaMMAH lUHOBli -- w —»te>« iito.

iw n M lI .. lU

W e n i h kwmM k mWM' tl m w tofM- t m , te IW* ted to , M • vtolli PM a u

Iw f* toMk t e l fto. itowttosel . f r iB W n m t tv n W tew te tw * 4i*mPi u W H th t fctoh SIMHat, • • to n *m 1 1 % to l*% M 111 H ra te M jUAvUt. 1 TUeU t i lM lpy l i i —w m 4 la n to . ItolMt pvtor M d li*lB« PUMI MItoi, Atoiftote •tenat.

te n W iO iton iqteto ™ >**to MltM.rtem Mm* 6i A m teua PtotoU.

u « Mltolite ates Mpanto pton . to i l i l te iltw to n«a* MklPto n u n .

• , iMtiMlilPn, to n .ia p li , iM lu M rw T toMw, w*l m f m t tm attti

mtMmmil l i t t t » a lup* Xtowipart, . i l l .

_____ nW w vnr l i t e r .W— Ml' m t tn -ttoM AtotrliHl«C tMM HIU. I l l l . n « |U l ito to tta w n m . n r i to r m T l l t e i n niUM telto ft (nr Iteratf il

^ 1 will Vi iliawi n ®^ ^ , a i r n r r « i i r ! K )Bte fc * u to tow«M u I I win ftMIBI thito li IM 1 m i t e T « . i te , ^

1 1 1

• to te L

^ j m - u h s - m J

s M ^ J & r s x e tLdUdE* d*4bft Wa*4 Ofaag*i : :

. t o w nITS PER MONTH: EAiT ORANGE. R J W t now ogfer for rant 3 bexutl^j new

hou*#a with *v#ry Impi,, iTiciodlng Bieetrie light, only * mlhutoi fj^m lA#r.kawBnna ra l- rc#i1 gtoiir.h. ll la Impcrtnnt that yon In-

lh*AP linuxao ni epoa.RUGENE A XELLTp

MiBln at #n<l Arlington #v#., l ^ t OfMo#_ __ Phona H i Ofxnga,

■ O C n , 44 ft., on plot IIOxTt fl HMIWI 11re-:ima, 4 roema flrwt Door. 1 reoma on aaxa

aad. gultabio for ana or two (arnllloB or bull­a e purpooo# «f gny klad, real |fk p#r 1 month. John RumoU, RIvor rd. #nd Bo)- mont ^v« , f^ r tk Arlinfton, K J iTO RENT—OkerTTilng 14-raom ~^euaa{ O ,

Bilnutoe from Mounioin Station, | mlnuto# ft-rpin flouth Orange ova Irolloy; modam Im- prev«fnetili; Mg yard, garago; iKumedlxte ^omeetaon, t i l l # mbotk; a# agontx. ftranga |

BAST oRAifoO—u<Mi.;rK;run papier tllad bath

with op#A flrepiaea; «vei

LAROB nnranitahod r**m waptod. wftkts I or 1* mlnatac of the Fwar Oomora. A4-

dreaa aJI w ^ , L A , Rog II, N*wi _efft«>*- tEJEFlNED yapog poypla. wtl¥ k ^ y T montlki

old. wlaboo fire rooma. bath, oil Improva- monta. In two-famlir kouoo. *opay«’'> p*rch; rout not IS akcend |M. AMreer ,. A. Bm I4l, ___ _ _ _ _ _ _THREE EOOHfl. halft I* 1mm, kg ftm

admlU; raat not le etcaad | | | . AddrtaiT R., Bax K7 Nawa gffte^TWO unfurnlahod room* want*^; ReeerlTie

Boctlon. boat. AdSram V. IL, Bm ai.Nbw# offtaa. ___ _________I7K r u R N IflHiiD two ar ihree roeimA

kitchofiotta or email flat; eldarly oeupi*. Roaovlll* eoction rreforrod. Addraao B IV. Bob 1*4, Nowg efncB.WILL P at |I4 ag b o a ^ er rewaA for ta-

formation roaulting L my Boanrlng I or oipro roomo In good location: elty or oub- irb*. with bath and eiartrlr llgbta. *lll pay 1 ‘ a Tent if hoai hi lerludod. laaoo by fear If doflyod. IH I V*maa or wrltaQ. fl. _WIUlam*o«, _4l 4 Ogdon gt , _No"ark. r i rootaa WhMti^' airTra»t^, Nowark

er Baal Oriage. F. 141 Itambh Arilng- t*e aea.. Eawt Oramga.r H r man wife, rant act

ovar 9H. Addresa J n., Box 14. Nawa ogfloe4 OR T rooiBi. wIlS) Imptx

FlIHi-lC aoUaa ix karoay gm% kp tBg kudora af poraoaal tprwsrorty ihai tM f SM

mqiuked to raiura lAa lutai ral** •! aysB pareonai proporty xi gold ca tka 1*4 dO •f oetobor. 1114, to lb* Beard of Aarnmm nan l and Rovlglon of Taxaa at It*

a tka City Hall on ar bafere tka 111 Hovamk

akatatMemlpraparty which may ba claln •mpt freo) taxattaa nni«* tk*•empllad with

If ratara lx nta mada indef oath ktad Sflo •wrdtaf U taw tho ixtlng afftoan wBl Mptag r««r poraoaal proporty aa**trilAg p* i k C1«dn>a*L ___fcOARD OF AflSBflSHBlrr AMD RSYHOOE


oxL Xnd In io rai nad* (ar tadaktadi

to« to ito to E

FREEH O LD P R O P O S A UNOTICE la heraby given that aeatad k l i i «r

propnaata lo finmlih flftooa kaatbed faai cl hoM for the fir* Aaparimont al iMa l■oroagh, Will be raaolred by tka Maya* agd Countm af the borough of Freatoeld. Al mn adjonmed regular m**Miig to b* hold ml tk* munletpaJ bDlldltig on Ktta4ay aretakg. Nevaniber 11. K14 at I o'rlerk. Tka light

I la rojart any and al; bUla la rogerred.I HAROtJ^ UcDERHOTT.

Clerk of (h* berough of Fr*«hold, M. J.

■i tor man aod wife, rent o< Addreaa J n., Box I4. No#

1^ Imptx . romt III., P h o » B. B P41T; J. Eaptay, I* Hloi-iata pi


ATAlLABLB at one*, hlgh-^taB* (uur-roam apartment; beat eoctinn Eaii Orenga Ad-

d-i-aa B., Bex II. Kow*BExTyflytJt 4-roorn flat wiik I batha; par- qnat floeri; ail up-le-the minuto im- provomenta: 1a a 1 faml)y houa*. Inoludtag a garago rar an* oar and all tin* fruit Ireaa, In Baat Orango; rant |M per memh. Inqulra Flnnae 4 Ftarimii, 144 Harkat at., or call Uarkat fill.

■ ^ ^ T C in iE te '.T ' anfur- pjxhad roonvi for goaltoman; aiaiB, oteo- Pbame Bit “ “Ploamflold 44 1,

mX floor; Had; ikoaf

r rlarge llviag i'Tmpt.; IIU.

i t ftati tote b i t e t e , ' bn«.| All impite*-


Owp. Oro'i i S l R ¥ _ ------- _____

j rJ. M.v fniftfWloli 1«M.IL M U W L S :.^ * iteUlte to liA iltoi* ^ . n w r O r s k ^ i t , ^ I t o a ; n . M i l l

' i t * L j r » r < S a

wftoc. f'Don*

i t x t a x L r g o i i lAfSo

m_ ia4em _tukk

l«ri real ftM Mg T*» *4,, Nawark.wintor'a ikPply

lii Bioomnw c mplT o o '

tewift r H w u i t e t a lS r i l l

Mft ImprnoBimak1 1 1 Elmwea4 aw*te

trloUjCORHe K—l-teom agatarnont,

eleetrta lighta, ataain h*ai Bapt IXs., ear Hmog and Laokawaniu giailoa. Haple- Wf*od._ _Fbon* flnutb Or a n f 1414,




IftWSI. Iki tforfh d im h.-M «I•MM to MW k«iiftto«i 1. t, I. I ~ I te th : tr tr r m to v i I

^ M W t J i a r i P ^ A V t e ? ^—■■totoftteM t t

r m r * M ir r ,

■i i T ' o i i w ^ x u a v v i ; , ' •m - i i iftftft tell-. |H l - tte-te *** totb, 1 10 1 .u f t li,l *«tM •tepltoft.

*HSff'****' *''■ k w * —

Reduce Waah Day To “Wash Minutes”

Tit th« wiih up In ■ •ih e e i—phonr Mulberfy 4010-^and your wilO day prnlilem li o te r for ■tvitiirr week. Nd w i»h . erwomnn to dlM ppoint you no ilo p i to c le tn up— no smell ind ste tm 10 /ill ihe Ei’u ie all Ihr horrors o( w ish day vanish when you rely on our rff 'c icn i work.

R em e n ’h cr th is l i noo rd in .irv l ju o j r y . W e dun'l in srk vour e lothe*.!*> u a s li Them d e ir t wIthnuT ruInlnE them .O ur »nrk U the kind vnu will rri'ommend W vniir frieodi,

C A L I .

278 HouUi Twitfth StrtetDownlwwn O fflte

1 0 5 H u l s e y S h e e tNext V. M. C. A.


te a te n to H U i t o t o '^ p T i t i i n f A . ' ' W - #LaxativeoiUUfCIW—r i n iwnw t f i W k t ftll I

•IIU riftA Mt, u l t t e w d 0 »., B u i Ofteift) p t e u O iu i»

s a i g a

>. iVJIM X h n A to U r L |te»,

■ O l i y i T O l I T - M A i f l O M

kft«T O B ftjnui, i if tA flitoWft mL^ r ^ tb w Am , hup* •**-u| tru r f i

t g i s a t to.. cK -teTM to Qrftate.mild kmlk, faaawt Hank ta

tat* giBtataiami ml a n ATA. M taak*anep it., ^w tlT O g

APANTBlirr^fl^ AND PIAtl

D o n l io V it M - otli«r d*7 wBh ■ o n i t l p a t l * * - D o n 't p f ti^ /i* /o a ti /N im w tIk ■MiiganOMnlHk U M n]M H trte« i•to b to co o ri* * *ittoi n i a r t i Ow• to m n c l i , I t e *WHt tWtoAl H PM itonln««M B * » { t te |f t T B *

t f f t i t e t

e l ®

A t *

MUNYONSPaw Paw Pills

- R U G SOLD C A R P I 'O R I ^ N V J .


iudge (or T oondf _ a M i ^ ‘PhiU*toU>'*

O H w oiC to w r iM ioiooa. I tbonlrfroaiputairiB ed miw to whioli w t will

} p W CTMiD for hiHi qwlitjr. T M l i w hy it is to tittT—

M a p p ctiiiiii sod Doutm* ^ * I n iM b M btesk .

O a lr t h s d e n iiin s h a s *Thftucl(>bis” on tbs kboL la s i s t a p o n i t


m n x rVBttC ca.M CiOiMm* ft* NPW44H

^ * B le ss in gto every wmum, but good health n vitally important Attention to liver, kidneya w d bowels will improve b eai^ and health.

\ W i


m t b o o o to women, be* cause thqrregulatetbe func*

tkms of all these organa irhboutanyirritatioaordia*

agreeable ^ e c t

Um Ofoa To KeepVM ten m IM opir m » JM o m 8m oM O w M ilvgg” ~

ijBySrSSEhSS'fiESEB P G b w s w l w w * C i7 ^

Motor Truck Dealer liv e OppoTttmity

Fsctory reproMQtsHvss offer rsmarksble opportunity to • Nswilrk motor truck dealer to secure a line of higb-grsde worm-drive trucks fhit it thor- oughlv established throughout New York, New Jersey end New England.

Lins sella successfully against any competition.

Aggressive advertising and sales co-operation.

This it an exceptional oppor­tunity. ACT AT ONCE!

Johnston & Landau, Inc.1926 Broadway

NEW YORK cm rToleylwe# CotuiihlHUi 48lf«8

R adio TelegraphyLasdiat to first n i4v con- narelj flicense.

IndfvUnsI laitrnctlM.Earstl anjr tiwe. ran soo iK L aT a o d r k s s

EducsUonsl Department 1.11. C. A* 107 Balasy St, Nswtrii

mAM»0ATt''ihs^sMfe a*

W i r e ®

¥ > , ¥ .


You Certainly Will Not Want to (hrerlook^Thew Money Sarlngr Apparel and Home Needs Specials45c Woven DreuGi

Great Floor Covering Event!!and Csrpshi s t PHom That MesaIhooBsiMk of Dolhv^ Worth sf Dmlrshls Ruga,

DeeUad 8 « y l^ '

Seam less W ool T ap estk y B nissels R ugsOne of the most popular mgs made, givea excellent service andn | A

may be had In a variety of deaims and colorlnga, making them lult-1 1 able for parlor, djnlng room or bedroom; sizes CM2 feet; special

Size 7.6x9... 27J» Size 6x9.......19.98

Heavy P ile Axm inster Rug8^.^vahaAlso Setmless Wool Velvet Rugs, s splendid sssortment of Oriental and Per- i A ^

Sian designs, lovely ooloring, for parlor, dining room or library; sp ecia l...................

Felt Base R oot CoveringsR e f ik r 75c Grade

Full two yards wide; a large variety of patterns and color com­binations, for kitchen, dining room, bed room; special, sq. y d ..

OKNCINB COWK UM OLaVM—iU culA r l .l» g n tm : A ajpUiidKI aatortmtDt «r SaaISM and eslart. | |A inttabla for u r room In tha hauaa; aoacinl, yd.


Wool Wilton RugsSaamleaa, handsome patterns. Sfans^SaU; regular $ 9 B ^

Sba 8JX10.6; r^u lar fK . S p ad a l.............................. 8 4 i0

Heavy Taj^stry Rugsbed

18.9$Tbs ideal rut for dining room or bed room;

dlfferani psttoms; rsgu-thswn le manylar $26 vahiss; very spoclsl, 0x12a t .................................................

Hca*y V ^ e t Stair Carpet

Deslmblo patterns, suitable for hy|| run­ners and stair cover­ings. Very epe- U 9elai, yard

Heavy Tapaaby Stair Carpet

27 Ina wide; pretty petternsi eullablo for stair coveringe or ballrunners; rofulsr1 JO value. Spac.

One of the beat Amarican-made ginghanw; beautiful aa- aortmrnt of p la id s,^ ecka, stripca and plain colon; an Idea) grade tor making house dresses, bungalow aprons and ‘2 j ^ Qkiddies’ dotbes; spedal a a« ■-•-w * 6a 6-6 at «•« a a aa se es

40c Colored Outing FlannelH stvy well nspped flannel in a largq aasortment of naat

pink or blue stripea; wide or narrow effects; ideal quality 29cfor making undergarmenta and pajamas; qmcial..

Two-Clasp ChamcHsette GlovesExcellent quality, in whita, b lu k , brown, beaver, ^ a y and

natural chamois; embroidered in self colon; best wear- 59cIng winter gloves; very spedal

Washable Bloomers (or School Girlssplendid to wear under ginghim frocks, end always pre­

ferred by the school miss; these ere shown In pink or blue ging­ham; shirred elastic top and bottoms; ■ most unusual 24doffer; special

Men’s and Women’s Handkerchiefs

S m art H a tte rs ’ P lu sh SaOorsSome Faced with Beaver-

Offered SpedaUy

1.98A chance to l |y in a good supply of handkerchiefs at a

little price; women'e are one-corner embroidered effects or ■choice range of sport handkerchiefs; men’s are made ofBne hemstitched cambric; I Sc and tOc grades; sp ec itl..

Spike Hat Pins Are the ModeHere b an Untnual Value—Buy NOW

No other trimitiing is needed on a tailored or ready-to-wear hat than one of thrae handsome hat pins. They are the genuine. Galalith; some set with rhinestones, others with colored atones; In a score of beautiful color combinations. Sale Jewelry 39cDept. Qioice, each

We’re not gelng te gnote compara­tive valoew-^e’ll let yea be tbe Jadge as to tbelr trae worib.

Htndsomo glossy eailort, in omsbroonit, roll brinu and Knox ihtpcs; may bo had in solid ooiort of blick, brown, ntvy, boavtr Of In , effective combine- Hons.

Indodod SI* Smart Uatrimmid Vet n t Hals In a varied aeBorimeat efModelB, 1> plain cedon and combi-

6ee wladow diaplay.

Q o sin g O u t 8 0 0 T ow elsThese are offered at a pile* that

ia Iota thin todty'i whoiesale coat; subleci to alight mill stains or mis- weave; choose fromBommed Hack

......... I Chrte.

Bad'Border Ciwah Towats.

Sniped Claes tWweU . . . . 15c

ITubkachcd Mualhi1*Btronx. oloea even w«av

InehM wlOa; A n p e rto r 0**1- t Af, itr thee win aiv* tin* »r- 1 4 ^vtc*; SKCla). r e td ...............

TaksCiireofYoyrEifesThoasaads efWa An Ballcviaf

.Paeple ^aai ^reatiala

S p e c ia l a t $ 3 . 8 9• r a a s a r d g e ld -f t lU d tlM rae p ^ .

e k e le te n in o e a t tn f o r f ra m e W ith lainc* ephero averr pair war-rA n tvd . In o ln d iaa eXAralnAtlen o l r o a r e y*a b y .e e r re ita te re d oatom - •trlit.Op«tn> Pea*. WAla Floor Boloomr

Newark’s Center for Nottingham CurtainsOver ^000 purs.An enormous purchase brinss three sensstionsl low prices.

' Worth to double.

1.99 2 .99 3 .99ExtraSak»>People.Extra


w ith Thanksgiving just over th« horizon and every woman on A e lookout for a bargain in Lsce Curtains, we know this offering will bring a crowd. ^4,006 Ynk Art Tickiwi 1 CnlNMi

Mill lenglhi, some subject to slight, hardly noticeable imperfections, otherwise 79c; all are yard wide, shown in a vast range of handaoma pat­terns; choice, 24c



Half Pairs Amure Portieres

The kind that would sell up to $15 tbe pair; some have tassel fringe, shown in red or green; cen be used for single door or coudi coven;Bpecial, each a . . .

All have strong overlocked edges; copies of the finest hand-made laces; beau­tiful designs, full length and width, white and ecru.

Duplex Window ShadesSeconds of the 1.45 grade; a

two-in-one shade, white on one side, green on the other; full length and width; com­plete with slat and Bx- 89c3.99 turea; tpecial

1 0 0 0 H ouse D resses and Bungalow A prons1.98 t o 2.25 Values

Extra Sizes to 53 ,Included

There Is a spiendld variety of styles, some self trimmed, some trimmed In contrasting colors. Ginghams, Chambrays and Per­cales; in light and medium ef­fects, stripes, dots, figures and checks; made with pockets and some have loose belts. And, re­member, extra sizes are plenti­ful. Choice ...

New Wall Papen (mSale

A tmtUIT of v w i r oo lortn^ iiiiA d«Blirn$. f*r kItchBn. bed rao n t ^ n - Inv room; worth b roll,for

9c, I2j^c, 15c


13 Black Dress Taffetaas IncbM wide; b«*vy ga*llty

talTvta with a rich chiffon | Z f t flnitb. A bargain that | , U ” ahoukl not b* cverlooked.

$3 All Wool Serge44 inchM wide, aponged and

ahrunk, aplandid wearing quality,This qnailty la aU 0 0cornea in a good ahada

aavy blue .....................

$3.50 Dress Satinsas Incfaea wide; popular for aftt^

noon and evening trocka; baa a rich luatroua Salab. COmea | in navy, brown, gmen, red I J±y and black .........................

$6 All Wool Coatinp54 Inchea wide. Am quality,

heavy weight yet aaftly Anlehed in ellvertonea, velour, chin- ra | \ Q chilla, and heavy b r o a d -^ ,7 0 cloth; leading co lo n ....

$3 Black Duchess Satinty aatli

1.69High grade heavy quality aatln at naa a purthat haa a pure atlk back

—oomce 3B tnehca wide ................................

All*Wool Heather SuttingiAn Ideal weave for tailored eulta

and coatt; makei Into excellent ■pert akJrti aa walk A variety of color comblnatlont; 84 4 Inchea wide; regnlar $ijo Z ^ l l quality ..............................

DRESSESFor Womoi and Misses

An Odd Lot of / v / % f \Them SpedaUyRepriced

Every frock in this assortment has been taken right from regu­lar stock and reduced because wo could not fill In on sizes. There

taffetas, satins, tccordlanplaited or ruffled georgettes. Many attractive styles for choice.

A Feature for this e v e n t- . c .Full Size BlankeU and Comfort*

Actual $4 Vahie

Choke 2 .9 8150 Women’s Coat Sweaters

The BUnketa are DonbU WS tic — H etvy, woolly Anieh; choice of pink o r blue bordara.

6.60 Woohup BlankttoPoubi. b«i biA»k.tA

h . . i r wtAt.r *«***'‘v,*®“•xtTEiq b if vnlue. nnd he p r ip u e d for V re it; padr ..- a

or btu* border!; buy now ^ /YQ

Jack O o V O

H w Cearfevta Ara FnU Bed S l a e - P r ^ Serai or Pemianiilkaiine covering ;alwer •croll ftitched; pure while cotton Allmg

4.98 SilkoUna ComfortaWeaBoft ABC fluffy MinfortAb1«e; eev-

n-vd on Me., with putty fleiAl And PewlAn dHl(n.d .llko- ^ Q Q tin .; W.U fltli^ with nft, t> .7 0 wUU ootlon ........................

Hen la th i Leader Bargain from Our Recent Big “Buy*

$15 Cotton Ejad Felt Mattresies■ w * V . r * ’

■■-V. -v 'jS iiifo ; V

Uae the Club Plan Na b tia » -N a latemt

The*# wart made by one of the lifg* tel makert ef bed apringa and mat- treaaet in tha world, and ai our prlca are trsly aeatatlontl valet; moat all ilaea to eboeae' from. Spoclal . . . .

Made to SaUfoir Id—Spedal

T b.y AT. eplMi- dl4 to illp on w h.n niBDlng out t . th . *tor. or Around ih . bone, on a cold m erataci mod. with pAOk.tP aa4 All round bolt—AAllOT ool- lATO Aom. trim­med tn contrAAt- lAg eelorA

Qnldren’s 50c “Newsboy” HoriaryA Spedal “Boy” Brti«s IV m to You at 3Sc Pair

A eicAf AAvtiur of l ie on everr OAir of th M . On. h«*J *^“ * * ^ S 5 Took by th rifty pAr.ntA TbWW ntooklncp y . mod. of *ztfA arnTT th . popnlAT In l fib ; on* of tbo boat '

- ■■■ i r l v e ----- ------ --------- -«FTtT_ . .fl»$ ontton, . . . . , ----- - - — .wMTinff Modilfic* will !(M*UEpt Mrirtcwunder to* moft trrlitK oondltioAi^-wlME I to Iff; ipOEikl*

jo lgfci i l l psur

Angora SetaFOR TOTS

CuBddlsf cf Sywtoff w ifaggbign

Wonoi'a CMhaml StocktngaMade ef a good baavy nariao

yam, with rolnfoToed heolt and too*; juit tbo right weight forwear now. Sliee iy i to 10, 50cIn black; actual 00c Valut

Men^ Heavy Wod SoKp«rfaet And will a iv . eaeaUABt

•.rriq o : mAd. up of MavT wool, oontAlnlnv fuel .nooab ootton w keep them from ■nrlnklPl! la gray, blnok with m j l>o*l* £And toAAi elao. I to llW i j )V C ■poelAl .................................

Hate b a Dedded Uadevpridmr for tbe Uttle Chapa

rtitM l with lA in alae plate mly- or; filooly dMlgaedl «Ub- 59.98

Iroffy Easiiidi BgssfaistVllh aoUd woodaa wheela, atattad

aldtNi aat boitami dwanM


1.45srsa-’ra-iST ps ik 'poat «f material u auk. up a ce

J r . N orfo lk $ 7 S uits4 .9 8at .......... \

Snappy new suits, msda up In (loa Oss- almerea; a vtriety » l deslrabla pstteras; tlsm S to 9 yean.

Boyi Junior Ovtttonta

Another tm pertadt Avlaai UlUtAlT eat e r" Ito lto .ffe e t.) . 4a mford or StaeklnAw^tb).oUM l_ to

woulde yMTii opoelal At

B aaem en t N ew s o f C o m p d lin g In terest< & veOaiAn,w|tk A tllUnt oot.ri damapoo-gg^

novo _ _ Stoat • U i f t tera* apAolal






cenptra- w b« th« rill.lilort, brinu lay be re of want ibtna-

mm4 Vet uriaent of ad combi- »Ut.


irtment II rcgu- mse we

T h ^

cordlan rgettes. choke.

m OM 1Um t te <

R E W A B K E V S m G B X W B . T U E 6 D A T . N O V E U B I S B ' S . 1 9 2 0 .

I I P 1 1 6 - 2 5 D i n l n c C h a i r s , 5 1 3 .7 5Attrtctiw fiiakt in Coloniat motif, done in •elected qnartered

otk of golden Bnbh. The leete ere covered with gmuine Spenieh leather in a bandaome shade of brown. '

Ann chair to matdi the above marked down from S21.00 to U8.75,

Hahne 8tMerehandUiM Abreast of the Times


- ~v< A credit to thy Anlng room; mtde' of golden An*

ished quartered otk after the Colonial period of d eiip . Flfty-fou^inch plank top, half nvell front and mirror' back. *' ' ®

Every home maker is anxious to have her home unusually attractive when she entertains her Thanksgiving guests.

The dining room, particularly, as the center of the festivities, should show noticealsle improvements in appearance.

An entire new suite, if possible—some new pieces anyway— new curtains, rugs or draperies in either case.

And because of the fact that Hahne*s has repriced all suc^ needfuls deeply downward, It’s doubtful if there s a home ia« greater Newark but that can enjoy “something new” for t|Je' holiday.

Genuine underpricings on Thanksgiving furniture of tional merit await you tomorrow. ,^33

$895 Dining Room Suite, $675

The suit shown is made of selected American walnut, the interior parts being all quartered oak. Included in the suite arc ten pieces as follows: Buffet, Dining Table, China Closet, C abinet Serving Table, Arm Chair and five Side Chairs. Tfie chairs have seats of Im ported tapestry.

$36.50 Serving Table

$31A worthy ■dditlon lo your dlnlllR

room. Mide of golden Rnltbed quiriered otk. In the Colonial motif. Thlrty-sIx Inch pitnk top with coinmodiout driver.

$340 Dining Room Suite, $295

’ ~ A copy of the William and Mary period of design, executed in Jacobean-fln-

ished quartered oak. Suite consists of a sixty-inch Buffet, forty-eight inch top

Dining Table, Serving Table and China Closet. A remarkable suite for so little


$472 Dining Room Suite, $398 Nil

m* f P srfi

.fiM tHf at•fern.m

.>91 . lAt.ipmeefAbl »,f ,m£homi4 hU .hBfi

vt otiT iw ( v9H u1 sirllg 5 i» yotfl 3iIR 9iti

A suite of superior American w alnut showing burl panels and radhoj||l|j^

teriars. There ts a large Buffet, a C abinet Serving T abk, an Extension T ib llf

a China Q o se t

4A 1 E

i trr ftJiriC IHSHt

Dining Room Suite, $419

$16.25 Dining Chair

$12.85Chttr to Quten Anno motif. You

moy hive It In American walnut, mahoginy or Jacobean otk. Haa panel back; the aeaii are covered with genulno leather.

Atm chain to match tba obovo, reduced fnm $21.00 to only t it-75.

$63 Buffet

$55Haodtome buffet of golden quar­

tered oak. Mirror bask ond thelf. Pluib lined illver drawer. Baaa U 20x62 inebea. A uaelul and ornamental piece at a bargain.

r :'r'irAhlua ua'i■ •-rw“.w r

Cabinet Serving Table, China Closet,'D ifilng Table and Buffet, done In Amer­ican walnut or mahogany. Interiors of solid mahogany. A copy of the Louis XV. period of design. A handsome, durable suite. 1


A Sale of Hall Clocks at i

$74M Clock $56.10

Of imbation mahog­any, ifl plain motif; 78 Inebea high, 17 Inchet wido and II Inchee deep.

$m .90 Clock $81.67

In Adam motif, wttb r o a b o g t n y - tlntehod frime; SO Inchee high, 20 inchee wide and 12 Inehea deep.

$121 Clock $90.75

Imitation mahogany] cite In Adam motif. | More than four feet high,! 17 Inchee wide and II i Indiae deep. I

$229.90 Clock $1.72.42

Nlnatyona-inch clock, la aelaoted mahogany. With brace welghta,

A most unusual offering of

rarely beautiful hall clocks of

reliable makes a t 25% less than

the regular prices. The prices

quoted include the federal tax.

B u t one of a kind in most in­

stances. .

For a Christmas gift show­

ing exceptional thoughtfulness

these afford a superb choice.

Clocks purchased at this sale

will be held for Christmas de-

Ik cry If desired.

$272M Clock $204.60

A megplficcflt clock In heavy poet Colonial motif, dona In figured mthogany and with Prenco beveled plate alaea. Two fool wide M inchee high and IS Inehae daop.

$432 Clock $324 ^

A richly figured ma- hogany caee with French beveled plate glaae. Sbowt th o meon' a

&ha*oe- Tubular chlma. 7 Inchee Mgh, 21 Indtea

wide end 14 Inchee deep.

$441 Clock $330.75

$577M Clock $433.12

A elock In Queen Anne motif, mahogany frame.Laltlead gleie door, threeheavy brace weighie and _____ ______tubular ebimee. 81x24x j hijjh" ifinOhaa trtda 18H In ilea I IS Inches deep.

Post Colonial notif In flgiircd m t h o g a n y , French beveled pi t ie glees, heavy b r a • ■ weights and thorn tho moon’s phases, 7B la '



M T , ir M NT Buipla

loneii'saiples,15 . v -“ -TS*■trm r ftl af ft CElfbty

eei alan

ctSkM f'l'114-’ purcMaM of


Your New Lace Curtains, HereVs Less Than Regular Prices

$2.75 $3 $3 .50 ' $3.75 $4.50 ,

-i • -.j,*- ■ ''C ,

$ 6 ' s -

C u rttlo k qtmry room In y o u r h o m e, i it ie th e r y o u l iv e In i n A |>trtinent o r # i#|>*

f a r » i l H o va iS f C u r t i ln r f o f y o u r to w n b o u ic , eo a n tr y o r ip m m er c o t t i » r

S e iim W M d r t u b e t u

An WWW •pivnOTy wr liMaMnM* mni mm imime ■ ip iiiiiam six

Curtiint of diinty Krimi, benatifol merqulsette andpmtty vodei In whHn 'Amblim f;'m .and ivory. Trtmminjp of novelty laces and duny and filet pattern laoes,'of hiemUltch

- ing and drawn work,In 8 word, eam lw jwttH b« praad to oikllilt for Ow odHlrattoa Of yoar Ttii«kaflvln||[


ODD L O T SfTcdnegdiiir Only

S o M all or pftone Orders SOc Blooniers, 60e

neri) oelar bsalst|,r . e l a y l o . X walat and kn»s; fln lsh ta with n f f la i bios stllehlna OP two row . ftf •iftittft Second Floor, v*.

38e to I2J8 Call Bella, 26c to f L66

rail B l^ l nlats<: tieebransed ana niebd pbltd. Bsomtnt

47e Borlao, 38c nretVIoar.

1 Bon* IlM Tab StUta, |L M Mm airt wWta ^ t e d j r t a f ^ plain «sHw aM eujm: k^tad mndala. ilae T -enir.» ••••«*.fleer. .f- i'

Storm Sorgo, f l i tU,r Flnoly wevon. all wool. I W s J I l -

t Itc Potilo BiB Onttor, I*e '..iMalael weed handlo.' BaaMMwa, v

„Wo«oa'b IBJO’ Ltimw Uaifbim lIJO


: $f ImitatioB C«t Qiiaa

Buy Good RugsWhile Prices Are

■ ReducedMore Than 35%


A splendid opportunity to procure that nniclMiecded r a g , and tave' ’ fcOeanm.. ■’ , .4

are Chenille “utility” rags to ateoa and doUgna suHtbio iw ev^,rooftthe hottie; fdl priced fan far lowar than Uio ragolar mark*

.uc.1 Meat vaeftd

''ti^tona eiieta In an wt

#.i I*;


r n g p l b d i ^ l t tr a e t lW t B o . P M h i | t l d Edaad J

M h o■ V n ow M n n r


.aoira inches ......27x54 ■ lachtf

j T S f J B S ' . t t J r v r & s i

m , I fmift p<H

^ v E ’® S = a

MV c w tn l (Tib;1 M.M*.

M w M l MMU tadV Witk ■»««••iMi K im . ____

a ^ ^ w c r w i r

M« el*ttl*i W tmn*.

J s r s L %

■OIWAK iMRlt, ) Ii.w W T-. ■roMM, tUt MA, m »vl»r. I v j M j f i ^

T *Vr**** ‘i T ^

5 5 5 « a w s ‘ « ‘* ; f i

’o iS ^ ^ n * D vitirf

,., H * - I u ^ tkfM-

t i l » V 4 . Trt. tM aW ltM^

I C ? &

- ‘" S T i I S i J ! w a w f. . . . ____ m

U A L E S T A I l FO R R A L t - O U T O F TOW N


lOCAkPiM HCT y y i c i

•M tk It*

OMD CBAItCI f ir w w k tu n u U i m r i » Ihitai i i d in liiom ii I I .if f wlU l« r

I l-ton ll7 brwk h iim : l i m m , iM r f i r r r M.; prim^ H .III.

TU BroAd ot.* FBlITi

T«i. H H in u .


W g flo 9 k tvrtbw. whM tow mm•m AMM 1* n»mfc lUrtrUllv,•at H r # M m r ; • m lnst« Ml**

Mtk. lirf^iJrUwjtMiit^wlOi •(►•• HrnytMfcI v I T f f

It.: II r « n i i iM i llrnilnM w a n .I a r id ll.M l.

. I l l

• W A m ' SM

M.Ilt WILL BUT I •M-fUBllr b n M M w v rw It.. H w Bm c h i I:: in a I v la i ia

VTtlia^ not naeli caiii n i«M .

Matim, m l m biU iU li aim a MB. Balak CM ail t M m , Bi M O niT iK o f tf l k A H ii i V i r ^ H

: H a iia iv VItH CASH irm b v I l.«aBllr. II rw nu . F5C~lZ£X =fW a

a w r i .m lif a ra ; arlM i i l r M ,« l.

_ ------..Ini m m i IMbith, a iili aad i i i r i r«na: H taut M at:


t b a n a m n l braid m w haaaaa la • ta a a a i IM MaptmeM. n a « la f f r m ___aCliai m ati> ( t n n j . f 3 i i ? i a t . r M « 8

trallia: In m i ihiw raa

TWO-WOW « * t t a L , 'a „

Ufht aU anaa4

• i m M tar I n a M l b a ila m l i i ta iM r t wirdi ta


th i Ilia4 i t i IlM IlM.•It.H pw »>*'. ■iBlitaat.

' s s s ^ i

Wi h m all hladi af p tapirtiii *f twa aad tbraa fm rllr haaaaa la Uia iH ri • • vary t i i r tirm i: aoro* Im midlili pm iM lai.F ir full pirMealiri m A aieoidlio A Co.* I ll MirlHl II . m th nw r. roam 1 1 1 : phaaa Mirbtl tl7>.___________tiAMiiiB ar.. I l l , MV >iciaj~iTi.-

. . IIBaat Ofaaaa,

>ti m r i a m j k iai lad im o -F M A r M « p v ,m i i «

____ -taiatiF hauaa.I l l Mwtli atrlaMlh M,

r. /.J

t hara anara l hiaad aair baaiM l i ____4 Naptraaod n a « la f tanm I la

----- L I Md I U l 'I r a i f l ia timiB

to itation v d I r a __ __

9i, 40i| kfct. WawAtB, W, J .


ladi tar IM I M B aaM tanaai l i a i aa« U «hTalaai!taatar£«1bS^ anlra I t t i l l r u th at.------------- i C H T i S B E D T I * --------------

rmatlaallF laa ftaar, n td a f•BMrilaaallr wall liaalidbmlnMB o r ------ -Klrifi>y M4f.

w ew H otw tofi v m ................ liArkota9km» AMI

I ttroo UtmOoitm w f i l f i J i

Vmm F tM ,

aadr aaa-lh»U>; I w ia ii. haih.d rirjm w i M a fa M n a tia i a iiti i n

v iM MUi | | , |M | tarma aair.«1AU P * a i M a ‘‘V .S { A ^ T iu ^ t ia .‘r ? * i•otlM; •l«r«U»r


•Ml*•M il p*r Um : mW-

fa a M . taia •"« w im ia 1 1 lalaliaini, H laata


W i n ? : s . r.taiaih ȴ Aa-

c S r d ^ a f ^ T ^ J J j f i ^

T k «

A n .Om

N e v w k E T e a i igv lU n o t b * r a n * * f o r e r ro r * w t a N u * d o te m A t f t e r

F IR S T im e r t io n .

U T A I I A f i lN I S


r««rni; rU Imot*; orlc« Km *i bld^

M u

MOKHOtfTH tTi, lU . M U OtwtM ^•-fA m ny; puwM* flw n. rammi

u d •t*etiie Llfhtj yrl*# MSOC M u Kaodt* bldlf.

ll-ltOOll bo«M. BMr o U llu ; both. « tum j t«oa f*r lo ru * : ••wif duor*io4i

tmniodloto woMrtRlon; M.Mt pub, mi*mm monthly. OfbiR, tH firtmon'# bid#., N*A*rkaNORTH VfALi^'T IT. U w m *

b*tb; n«*m, bardwutd floor*; IMU cll4i u h l u IU .:h ; • Ful liarwiki* E B,Bond * C*7lnoMT«4BrMd >t., Nowwfh

MU iroU u M« JttMy; «iuU iM8Q. .

Hdlofi M U troltair »M JHMy; l*bor. Borry Broo., i l ClIwtM M lF iS r i r T I to o i ” oTovfttut «lM4r^

a « t i A

,wwv r a«i ^vw linMl. *lw“Maaar.nlrlRd motor u d Ufbt Inotulod.

CommorelAl, eomrr C»mm«rr« «t.II

' M O im , ALL BHfCBB. OK LACKAWAHIfdl.l ta ao. ~rr.. m w m i lv al N m r i l i hw t

fariiiP id. Barry B rai, Il'C lIataa aL

________V.I , IB... i-r P — - ......... ....-----SeW l-nnan haaia up-lo-llia-BifaaiM

uanar tianitam d WiM: m u t lall u o.r

■HtlUtAff A v r , batvaaa Alptaa aa i au raami and baih: drIramaF la

prtM lt.M«. Uaa U iA . B taii bUa.

WUI »arlfliii laar taram Bamualaaa-Lv. lan. laa., I l l Marlin at.: til. H»l MILk p rin T t r __Bunaiia raaaau eampal aam

ll-raan raaidaaaa: t l i l l l ; ill In p a i .; '

LTAinA AV*.artah hawa, hitli, ataaai baat. .

tw in . Maa Maadl, Biaai bddB.

•rO*B ■•■.aam, mi i■rloo no.tlR: InuudloU pooMorten. B lu d if i l ; Mfa. U H

LAKBBIZMIbou iM llty; ..........

hm i Mutrtrlty,frtoo ■*“ “ --------Im ttK. s ll BtumiUld m ,

»ar; M Ttalia: aviF. Banwtta

naal aall am d r *-raa

Waaaaahla Id a a n ia iM IMOV&

U IiOHT IKi<luiU r I____ ______• M b mm f u l i u ; i u -

^_______ . ______ baatan a a i M naaiia:a a v M liabatt aaa.: n m aiwrtiaaat M e an . IH .IH : li.llO eMh. _

Twa-taaUF b a w . a a v BnaabiCh U m aul: f v a aat a m i, v b a ta ta a & aiira; aaa, ataawMtr: I m r la n a a ; aBartvaal Mw t a e a i : J li .lM : m m a.

iiA nniFT kTBvnth,Elliabath iM Mwliar a*aa

PboBi WarariT tH I.

pairaai tiaaaat alaatrlo; -------------------------- aalF II.IM .

— NICW boaaa, I rnoma: *v,ry taabraaaaaat: I ■a blaalu aa i fv a la M m rb : lit t a i i u n

ah: bait bar l i lha Oraabai: ai*ina Oaaaaa W ill. _____

, WatMi A«a. II—Will SiralA«T o n a iie k , aw af apt-, all i_______ _ taadara Ipb ta , la aoupla la

n lu B tar l iard. ladr u ia abUd: lal. IIIIROtaapi*


■U rabmj and Iliad l>itb: all lirpa aad lldbt: MMpa, alaatri*. f ia kllcbai. Iiaad tr:

» c r -Uulldwt aad . Owiara,

M Oraad ara., aft ■ a th Otanaa ara*

BbW Akb BLAB, Baal BaUli. f i t Braad a t i a i a r - ■llaat iaranm aata

Biucie a Fa r t h k n t n o caE —dtoM fraaii aintrallr iM ilid : I t apam aaita; all m d -

arm ImpirraiaaBlai praarnt law rawlata IT.laa jU ^ ja v ; an t>a aaak tapalrad tlL tM i

IlMAK AVK—d ll and tbraa haU lrbaaaaa; praaaai m ital tl.a ta par n a f i

s » ^ A ^ t i * k i W ' ! i : . 3 i k r « i r WUTATH lAUL

II.IM CAIML■km Immadlatalr; aa ana a t tba a l l ta BaaarUli, n av raa tia l V M a. with daadr tw a-av brirb B anfH

in s u r a n c e

b«M llJMtNId# id ilH . t . ___ ^ ,b u II room* ttroiTi brot, oloctiio tlftit* RWDtbts, MrooM, InelvdtaK poFch oerdOM, In tlp*lof ihApo; oonvrnltnt to atAllM u d t«o trollRya; prtco Hop with Btoron*V ljC ^ trs l ; nptn fnr propUitiM.B U -rA k K t~ V aliib ir ilt. I aai"*! Taana

aid bathdl whii* aiBkii araapat raat I lia

Kr iBoath; banaln, Ill.lM . Briadm ain, 1 Pradaallai bida.; UkL l u .

tltpPBCT air aaw all raam hamaa <m I^arthOrara at.; la l taa IMa ta a ltar: artoa. tarma

m m ia k l i Orbai, III firam aa a bulldtap. RVCl>iUU.T. l i t •bipard ara : all l i ^ i a :

a a in T ta i...............rtiallaa.

J i l t m iatb: pr1» I t . t a t ; brokar fhiaw ewnar, Otanaa t i l l .

E b e b o AACCOOWT iMvtRff cUy. viU ■MrUUo bemo

b«llt for ovnor. b u or«ry iNAfiaj Houn . - I bUoM tob o ^ •«•«■•, HIM M Ib .______ -•tUKNi, M ^ lo A trollwp U d bMi I blcMk#to m ImmU ImmtdlU* pnimUnHj i Lm R roouliwd: llrMI ra totWH _Ubo roota •DbvuU, II Klawmd fL . Bl

BBAUUIUL VTLtJLi | l raiWMi tardwood riom u d Lrlm; oil mod«rs taBro>r«ut*{

m i l U ^ i lllaHdl «TllMUr fouood , N. Ja

blooho OU (u o to Nowub; lot SfbJHlla lH : RWnfbiT. M U BtSO Bf t lMfor. M^TIt. B uM tU teK h . H I

Vorona.^AC1)B-^Fop«1*Uo« I


It,; V « _ ._For u y ro*l ulM d i

• t ^ cwit C u l J

r^oM ty,

W o t O r e ^

« n nA U T R iM T t o e n i tv TUB u. e

lA ia fiaa i> : la lha dtalba M ara M n f ripldfr takao, laiBidlala

•atlaa u phaaa a t willaU lanaiarF:aad addtom, aid arraaia-

maata will ka mad* for Laapartkiai th an lata u a lha ban bar lb ta il i iu ta tadari boa t n ii i tb m p b prapartr.MilbafTT HI*

DATTO RA R Fm .I ia lta a a d al.

'H L U tt iN ritoiO, I h . M

FA CTO RIES AND L O FT S W AN TED• S 8 ¥ 2 B = K ;n rC R

vttbobt powof, Om BoldUp •♦•■a Nowmrb, N. i .

irtU u M*mi

REAL ESTA TE W AN TED.dirr Po«r proporty, •#••%* UFiBtJM

yoo u ro . with Wm W*dfbwT lT13i*7*« Wlloon «v«. of (bo MWitboaikd Df ' 'OU cllMto tro loolrtiif upto< .

HU1, trrlbflow. WMgMhibIn ClintonRojornio McUofti*__W | bavo > otoAdy di

u U

tbroo fomtiv bowot ta wooewible F u k HlU McttOM; no cbud« u l u i

tad Iw IM , twa aadta woottwible F u k

and Clinton __ _______ _ ____ ..•ato I* offerUd. Marty /• tM oW . IM^Ellaaboth and tfoobnr arno.; W aouty Tidla

“F nopB itT r owNKBi.LJot your proporty with uo; asyUklM

•ad arorytbla# you haro; o u b oMtomuf Paifa b Draab- sbon* Hkt, t4i4.---------------- i s f f

patranlilBf our offko, oarldya. Ml Broad i t . :

D^TrOU wlob to aoll you V^^ot^rty aad . la* tttunodlat* canh, now li tbo tlmo f u

foa to o*lU by ffrljif m* tbo foil dol^la aad BTioo, proportUt of any d«oeriptl«Lboli Harman, 104 Kinnoy bBlldlnghON%. two nad ibr*o family bouoMniraauSj

Kovarti aad all tba O raoM ; Mbd parllculnta hobort Monnol, ^R Batab pL, aou boToatooaik ataj opon oioo o t ^ l u a OldNBllI of Nowarli u d t e a s CMaly w

tMMBDUT*iiiwrroia hi

OK•Jl m adon Impta..

• -» lor

FAMB■taad iL : Martial *«d«.


LOWELL FL,, a a v W maiabla Park—Oowt Iwo-tawllr, I t roam*, aaparala aatruaaa

aad baatan: ilaetn id tr: n tir If.i**. B nad- nalar. I l l FradanUit kldp.: llbl. HA

'¥ W o > A m T W ick: — “ “

itaam. •laatrit, wraaiia, aiwalua; fa ra « i Iw twa ta n : Al Madniaa. Oalla, A n a M il liarhatrW o-M aklLT htmaa; lint-rlaaa aaoditlca]

Improramanti: nl«a lacatkm; • • pa rad w rw t; barrala for aaleh aat*. Addraaa F. O. Boi Ml. S nr Bniapwleh. I*. J.VACAJIT: Wwb trom aaatw; t-raam haaaal

Ilk, Mw; Impta.: farapai It.***..,]•** tp rW tla l* a mCOorEE CO.,

J t n « r O t j

AVE—Twa nary ktIUi baUdlac,' diairirt, tarda pla*. r i i a f -

■EALEOOlt iBd_Banida,^«M*^ I

atlaaajataratw, Eaat Oraaaa.. iMALL kfirh baiidKfa* .

laraa lata; pHaa tl.lM aai aaip T ldlE . n * EEOAP i t ^ l l W . ML B liX ^ o fM r pMMRty: boot no^ motM and bath, ■toata, oloetiH,

|3,IM eadh; rlolally Iditlolaa ara. w d OablMt •«.; aaatalM all MBuai# Improro- uoalo, lacladlaf otaotito Hibtn, ehootaat trioL oU.: In BddtUaa w bu m I fattwaa. ta* ela^ax fallatUod bHehon; upigtally rattablo

tor daciap ar aroftMoatl a tu ; aaklat aaty 1I.4M; roaial |U « a maatba Btolwlva pbUf Wovaon. 4T| Contra! aaa.

$6XiHc’ F A fik '^ Tb« bou M U aW* bouoo InKowark dor lltaMOi all

raottbo aad bath, ovory mndwa tmpcar*ta*atila#

Boad A

lAOiaa B«

rwm&rMalMaa~paaaiatr . E. E. Dapali aaw n ta d

■‘“ ’ ' s i b ^ i i j w r r *

vapwaat Cloota, mn p ^ m . oloaplncta trai­

tor appolatJBrnt tamob Froptaaoa, wtaoiial llfbtlsid f i i t i ______MaoMtlaM; drtrowairo: eonvoaloRi ta tral-

B. B. Uoiidhw eet thaiia bamo»a atI i c « „ IbaT ri* B*aad i _________________O^'NJCH te "tfllvraibaa; oaoMt ba

potbarad with Kowarb prapertyi m u t tollkr Cllataa ar., ap -ta -^ U two-

FOB lALB-EMatfW ta ooil watakty twa* family boaoo, 111 Falrrlow ara., ^oroay

etty, N. J.i lU aM aaroo roooui aU tm- prtmm«als; phoao lOtIM Borpm.

WaU*baBt vr«*FM w *Ityi fM paroh, boaatiM larfa omb lira- piaoa; lOf foot traatafa; faradai i t mlaataaAW m i vrvBiavvi daraWo;to Rldblaad or Mawstata Haiiaa,

h e b b b b t AUtTnipriMaa Oraatfa Tiff or Om aia Hdl.

M M -t -iaalata; d a i3 r farida,

flawan, a a v trallara. Vaadariwat. i l l Halai tMTU.-------

m u traia, aardamWalaaa a ra i pbaaa


l i t i m l r t t l' apariw

l.u * i twa-taaillr hama-ataad. fa , aparimaata. taraIPbad raama

alab baaaa, martiid plotaraa ataraa; plat IH alM , Fbaaa Oraiida M t ^ ___________


L re w F i n nra—A tm atlra

ara haata: l«t tla lM ; : |*,1M. I l l Rlllilda I

LTONB FA Ein—Atlraatlra l-raam bi all madara lat lla lM : Itam dlata


LIKDEM. >t. ].—II mlaaUa aat, Faaaarl' w l a Eallroad: madara hauaa, * Uiaa

rMnto aad bath; hardwood Coofo and all IMPU.; M.IM; a roal b v r ^ a . Phono Ua- dwD tSTI.

BDIATB Ff^E B flO K y • • ilartldo oi.; I fm iw : all

■toami pTieo |S,TH; r u b aoadrd, Md ■■«§>#»■ BOO Oalla. fm mb ^ ^ : pBmo MH Mm *i ,__

• f a A ^ (p raoiT o luatlMW H om iaf

famtlr boaoo, U rnoru; B u tea p lu ; ttoaiita olootne, ooparala oatranroa, boltoro, lunporrktr. I tllod laratorloo. bailor pantrlao, win taka ll.iQO caah: balanca moriwaR*- IpaiHra Sit tiorBM o t. a a u Aroa at«M •tall•ta ltou rp mora.

T 5 e

lala:baa F i t aaaw In a v band.

H ,l*t. R. A. ■abrall, mla H it MarhiL _______II l ira , raaww knbai nm ni Udbta, m : in i*ii**i

APAETMEKT UOUBB BABOAm. AivtkMwt h a u l ar I* rinmiaa: raatla«

I,ai than lll.lO par raami tetal ra il,

Malta ________|l,l*<i aa apaiti, Rawa attk-a.


raami aad baib: allat alaatrti: taa bat

baaUr, abawar hath aad ataami prleai l awair laariaai tad at laari, Inqaiia i w h ■ d b tv a lh at.

I llb aL, M irT d taT a Nawath' ___haiai a n . : *.Umllr btaaai ra itlaa ll.M* " 1 y: awaw wUt aan rtnM |ll,l** t laataa-

i ataaaat a t taab n a a l r a d . ------------ 1 bL

Farry Brea.,

■MBB AYE., cataw—O aa-laiall^ aln^----- All ImplAi ft«am hoaii tm m tor

mil tmmm H r oaUk buy^r. Ho Hdi B H u b l ^ * pb*ao I t l l

-*TiM Hm8yt o«i>u«(o lm ' ii to iUtlon «nd

____ tad; prle« lli.loo;MulMr. Md W u t u f t ; mony

■CTT aituhoT^d*room baalrra: prior


IBM innn «ii,*v pw rw ra, t r a j404; tar im^UJnto ■oly. i tll.HO,

•( Pbo!I l l Brood lont HM Ukt. WBGQt’AHlC •ECTIoR—Raw twa-famlly

hoQM, 11 roOTM. I om pulmw; l-d v fU - ac*i puqurl fl<Knw; laa, olooirloHy, oloam hoot; (Irot floor 1tu * a ftO o month; Immo

apuim opt;

MlLDoUnMUi a u a lr : plao«; !• m llu to a lb ol lakfwood • • BuiM tat Bay: fiohlof

u d bonUoi; Iota IlM ap; ouy torma tu o k a Boock Ca. I l l H u M t at.

L in k F iB i


iH - tily .

FBIOB atrVT I tH FBB LCFT,T t t etoday

An toto MwlH. fw aru tu d . Wrtto today f i t map aad p ^ l M l M M, Hanwoa, 14 woft KwwYork City. K. T,a Hoai ITIL

toUto who doalro (o ooU or lau a ohoald •auu lt Joarpb H. H t m Ca.. I l l M uhat •t,. Kowarb. (oorrtof M»oo ltld.>^NB, two. tkroo aad •Is^tamlly liii

I AMP' . .EANDU TOtmn u t m i o n c

'dailtBalUmira, Fbllidalphk*nfcta I ta fc FraaU aM aad Boataa, dlM ta a iaa

gi g p ^ ^ o o ii

S m m r w n a n i C T s ^ ■pMad. fifty------- M d w H«£ r u y ooaMUoat Lu

A Am u At Btaitoa; bat as»d eold water! ■!«•■• k « t i raomi kf day, IS and «ba by waM 1 1 1 mad ap. i?-H Math m .,aaar Broad i t , Kawarba K. J . _____SfLL IT..

IffiialrAC^'oN n enm K o v m S S m S T r (SoalaJ^^Saw'lT nB l•r aldbt pbaaa Itirbat ll*C

lU i IT.. 41—A ttm U ra fan llbad nwni ta lal, for piaU itiui aaly. with p r ira ti

famllT: rafi raa m ranilnd. M irbn 1*14, i f f tL BT., Il~ ^ w a I v ^ ilaiplaE laaaii;

■lit rMBL ffiOR IT , 111


. HI. i i v Wartaa at__Pwalifcniraoma. tar llfbt b ia ^ baiptad: raaaaiibli.

dilpblA Wiinlatton. Balttmor*. « ,* » ■ - taa. ate.} trtfoko ara baobod toe abor« polai •amo to fo loadod aad jwiara Ucht; atbora to po Ilf at u d rotara loadod: rtaaouhlo r a tu far uabookod poritou of tHpa.

J a m ul i a r

ATm Tl--Twa aaaaiatlwatof ta roonto;

•aa lu ;iiInMninwtoo tabaa.

at*it; ru ftia p

J^Ainif H^Vp-tO'dato furalahad paam for llfht bouokooptnfi bw^aou MwpJo.

flra mlnatto to tuboe.

Wa HtoCallao la loual H n iM « BKHMp muad, paokiag; rpoala! a r m n l m m t m

plaM#: mlghmi typo of aaprtofc

JA H ii AT,, 4 4 l i ^ M lupa roam; •aluiMotwa gontiaBWt.__________ ____________

LiI^ROB room, (uioml, la auportor u a r t -

Far tatofoaooa aak awr Aau to yaWi

. , avory toodora Improvomaat a«diwoaloiiaa, laolwdlaf olorator oarvloa. Call *:ot ItH , apartmoat 14.

la ^ lo r oaa oa aoaoal f ia u :

JfFOHP f L , H

.0 1prlrata

K A.


ItOPFBJi O C H ttH U V ^ '* * * F h a u U v ln t M il___________ tt* FWaa n .« • “ H o n t '

WhN paa IBB k a « ika flw« •p-tk-Wa aaalpmaai ta Mawa

--------------- .labla prtaw


marlM at a vary raaaai . . ,Tbo aipoflraoa af orory » a a wo

bat elaoBod him u aa axportf lu faralluo. ^

Tbofo U to Job laa l a r u t ___M alt bat what wtU riaolTo tW Maaa aav> loou atloattea of aar Itr, Baabaf . wboaa lanf otportoaoo u d ouoM matbad* »»aboibta a truly w»*Uflad_ aandoa, . .

Faokard w to r Tapp S to lw M p ,

torbuyort; aloo am proparA ta oolloot

ranti u d maaodo proportloa; beat raaalta. Haora, 1 1 1 BfoA ot.

tvo-fimliy Ko«m w u tA , alty h • oborbo; ftro addrooo. phoo. partMluW la

anowor. AddrouD, i ., Bci 44, Kowo offteo.EEAW SKlCITnilCED

dooetiptloa wuLod for galck aaJa, BUAKD JRia 141 HAfUCBT FT. MICT.


S. J. UATZ A CO. kara saah buyoro far a*l Undo of raal oototo: qalek action: fraa

llttlftta. FbMa MP4 I f t t ; II Cltotaa at. ONlt, t aad 1 ~ifb^l7~toaaat7 w o \a H

bayora; call or o«nd partlenlafa* «-L*raofi. Ine„ tIS llarlMt

Samtitl,lik i. 4HI,

with mo ^or qukikLiVr yoar proparty ___ ____ __rooolu. no llounf obuaa.

HApVIIAHAN. u cI jw tow f t .

S jr rO E D r . HAC BV O tr>rM ldaal.4 m aH if raainaltaaa tap apiM alarifa *bbI4* anttrata *t rila-

_______ A ll II f w raraliufa ta worthtad, h a n tt r tand la a m w , M -la-th i- ilM hatlHid. irw tad • ^ M n l p ta* th i p m aad m d a c tid hy a m peaetkla

nortad, mta< '

wi yaanatia latlitimtMyTit-



TMfd u a .1 pkeL O E S ip a H ir

famUy; vary raaoonaAla; boaa B. B. «»».

v i « » r a■ad I, Kawa oftlaa.n T r t H B i n r P i : ;

with pliue, ta r a nA* -Addraaa A. B.,

haa I ll«ht lap ■aahtaa;S a s s s s f

i^ A m o rlo u i aaapio M raoma; naa oow - pa; pTlvata o a tfu c a.

____ _ Flta, 44—Klooly famlahodrMWA amltabH Hr light hoaaokoopiog.

Tall Hub## 44H L T O d U 'm f ; k u u r f * front raotn;

fwwiiakad; all oowToaloocao.p f id F t i :

_mealy fwHilahaa; all aodroaioociHtTLElfcltT f t . HI—^otOKED

riRM -cLA Pf n n u n u iE D n ontFBOVEIIEMtEaB E 5E K 57T¥i


okaav'-, 111 aaA l i t —K uilyLreow. ♦I,llj^w1th_jratu. __


BOtTKPTKOA. s i r ^ ^ A A J fT ATI.. Id_________________.. Klaoty H nU bad

room for ono ar two foatlenen; aJl Im*provomonio.koB fH H ., id l - :^ * .urn*n m vw tam m»» ------- fOOm# Ia

prtrato family; aittaalo tor light hoapa* k a ^ a g : iloaiHa Ught. gaa, a l a ^ ~ 'aOdbio, ______l^OETH TRlETitikTH M ,iyn*n ■ m o ,n r* n ,n 1 1—Twa ta t '

•lahad raamA Mtakla tar lt(h t b iaa ih i iF'taa: hot water; m v teallin, lIlrMTi_____^ E T R l i r a A T lI^ ^ E m itU a ; 1UAEM WEm er ~>MHWWW*i • rvw4

u d prttola ba(b; oaltabla for I m u . ^ flBW a t.. I l l—NlMlr taratlhfd rMm, lar

bawaabaapAtoi hapA tfooartobalk: Ih m m liilw i ik i i and troll i n .NEW PT.. II—Twi Ivan, la ia r roomi: taka,

•Ish aad r a w ; lUtar laami: all Imptwra-m iiti: riaionitMi. ________ _We LPON FL., 1 1—IVT* tra it room for

BTOEAmi FTOEASB Lar V ba raapaMMa I v y a v

CLBaM. Wa a n ■

RFOEAMI ru ra n v a amd

X;k b 6~ BCM3HE. u t r t j ll 11 I ta lE

i^aoblaa la opr[, PRT LOCKBD III for* tholr safety Is oral


dtoira lu ilic i In N aw a^ V aaharhalici __________. u (or ru u iu : barn taa i all aiaUau,

Elaraa, 11 Clliiun it., Iiiwiwp;, i iIavb burori tor laV Irtad of laal tatala

For oulck riaalU lim paw yrahatty with Moroindint., II BtoamHald a n .w a n t e d —^ apanlia i , v yw h v ;i U r*l v

nil: caih b'upin: aaM i raaallA FapfBk I4l Muhet St.. Kowan, If *W

_ J,Nor, 11; OM or two'* teaUly haaiw aay

AddraaaN.. Bni T4. Newi <


Banruk, If. 9,FAJtTKBMmtF lA lA To Cloaa Oat Kotdlaga

Korlboaat aoi>rMT Batttk Oyapga id KavtoP a t

iBVBH-BOOIf koaaa; wVI aall roaMnably (0 Mttla op oatato. I l l <^a

Hontotalt; til. ISflM Montolalr.I l l C lm aaot

H U ffew tra!

_ I ■ _poasotaloa ta c u a apu im spt; prtoa

144; S4.9H euh , l lu ry J. Ftsvaruip Tncu,Bllsabeih and Haakar a ^ a ,j^ Warorty Till. SbdCVflXB-—Two-tomUy, a o u i^U on and

trolley, 4 rooms and bath first floor; 4 roams and both aocond floor; i rooiaia third flau ; stesm heat: all impto.; lot I I sIDO, paausalon soroftd floor; pTMo IT.IM, H T. ytobortson. •Roaorlllo aod Ttb avoa.; lal B, B,J i l !.iWOAD FT , 111, bat wean Id aad 4th avoa,

Ftoiw u d briok roaldanrok 14 room*; aloe* U4« light; pargaat floor*; Imsnadlato poo Moslaa; prtrs |14.IH.

■AMUKLBOK'LARtBK. INC..H3 Karkot_stj__________ Tol. 4441 Mbt»

CTiifVhN aVk., l44-*Ono-family kau a , 1 1raama, I hatha; all Improromanto: apt-at'

tew* awMr will oaertftco and ouko auy

to poa-^ U iirk o t St,; Hi|t. «4ti.

in H S ir« R E i~ m n ij> iN a " ;tIM Aaar* H u rooms, hath, oaeoad

Ikird flaara; pPrt tasata.; prlea ti.SH;; tofma. Orbap, 114 Flrotnen's ball^^u. _FAK A Tke^lpM ^ial* poaaes^on'i N>HmUy: 4 raapM. bath; nowly painted;

H r drtrpw ui HHa I3.H4; ilttls caak ^ Qrau j l Oraii. m ^ r k a i U

«*HipHy” iiewe. A Voeim,'haiST, wall h*Uti fothA neighbor

B .r i.. tarpM u fu a e d . it.; phons^tMl Kul^rry-


iAifUELtON'LAMEN, INC..J g J J I u k e t Bl__________ Tel. 4H4 Mkt.

PECn.VD FLAT VACANT.Narib Brnsd at.: yalinw brick, twoifkfb*

lly; II rooms, all Improvemisnis, oaeopf alac- tne; inalooed porches, steam; fine tor room- lag; rents II.IIO; uk ing IlS.OH; aol maeb cash ro y jred P^hono lj M, T ill,________go. tf iT lit.

BCTI6 .N'—Two iwO’famUy ipyaroinanta but eiecirki

.- t spaatoallab: soli at bar- fljia, f tlb St.. Podowlch, 0K~]ilVB.—Handoome. bilek

4-ruRlly npartmsnt; oppenu- aopraatiut rsaktenre Fall AUsopp. Kinitor bldg. ‘ll^kV lm m aStoto posasa-

brlrk b a ^ ln : Isirr vnao o*taw**e* * rwraip, in spcitflee far 11.444; oaay

l i t K ukot Stlau Third are.—InupadiU#

$ aae*famMr tergala: f m n a .H good oanHtlon,

Proto A Oroaa. 184 Market at. advartUament nniiisr Arllngtno-^ISR''

fraih b«ys one-fe.mlly Mtaohed house rtM PppdbP ib ^ prteo H .ial. balauo mart*

j i IID Market i t .FCTILfaB — la m in g boiisa pmpoelUoft; t»room biirk; corner property; near sta

tlab and iH aM t.

and troileri: plenty nf room for gnrago, 141 W am n |>t.j^ulo agent

wwMMriUy: ia parfoot eondl* bath, alt Inpts. but heat:

Btoemfleld ate,; price 14.104; Fiacra. s-----------

__________near rontral are.—Two-tomllykoaae, II room#. 1 baihe. oeparslo baolora,

larga open alUc; Immodiaie poeoeaetoa both flaota; lenas can be urangoa: a bargalP If•old at oare: 17.104 Address Waldron, I t Kearny o t. Newarh. H. 9 . <uwnor>. filCAR rtST R A L Two thrae-Hfluiy

hou*«o; 4 flats, I et^rea; 40 raoma tnr*im«. will sell to quirk burer fnr subject to If.000 prtrale loan, Speculator'a bt,y Oriiso A Orooo, 1 hot St

la: g a ^iif . t i*

a good1 1# IfU-

FABK AVB.. 14—How oae-famlly boasa; Irooms, tnoludlng inotoaod sun aiM atoeuhg

porcboo; RiM breakfut room, tiled bath wUb abawor; drWoway; iooauaa high and aeleot neighborhood; price 111.144; S f^ ta __tWttor'e phono. 741 Orange.

T F " i r j rOR gALk O R ^B K ^^w V a f ij Iwooiv^ * h a t b it ,

B R O W N A C O ^IS Baker st,, Usplerrcod f phene go. Or, 4447*

Tbr fall parUcBia^r* aniT iowwt prlou of ’any Maplewcnd or gorntb Oraago rabl - - Lurta FiMta,

Pbaaa lia rka# 4444,[WOOD PiiA ir e «t a h ;

I Cm

w tau taaairi i ( 1. Lawla F la m 411 Broad St-, Newark.

Tba Fred L. OalssJt CotbpAJiy*Real Batata, toauraaae; app. Map'ewHd ita .

H o r r BBCi:PTlOKAL OFFORTONITT.We are auihnrlsad to aall a kandaoma

briok realdenc* nt Datob <Mealal typo foa ItS.HO. The critloai purabeaer who wtti oisot otoaual Talus far bli money. wlU find tbia a very intaruatlag prepoaltlo** It Is rontenletitky Inoatod In a choice neigh­borhood. en a Largs plat, with two-car gar­age. cenUlns centsf ^ 11, ontrt large living rcem with fireplace d atog room, butler*# pantry, biteben: 4 maator bad rocru and t bath# en second floor; two large ohambeta. bath and store room on third floor: h u li

n r o BCVTMBM IKCOXB BntLDZNfM 144-U4B Kswioa

------T41LT --------BfX-FAMI L t D W E L l^

THUEEDAT., g ^ E H i i a n , a t i f .

T* F v Cat! Cai Eaowla m M irtei* ,■sAd for Clptatorw■ “ TOtJ^------ROBERT B. iTOUTRKBCBOB

Auctloa Deputment,II CUKTCm BT.

Phone 4414 Karhat

#CS .lic k u t i i a Itat jtoar i M a i ^ w f t h E lk in E ltigtaakWEB. H <Sta*M M.|

yhaii 1 1 1* R irh iu


. . • tita ita hiEaii: )fav arlii Ii l^ h t It M i l . t a l a M VM;

(IREAT * im u * ( ir 1 If VDV arlH ll Haht _ _ _ . .

■u , a u * i until .old: w i fcudli tirwu, liti. kimlRMa uatwrlnnUliA it.- : n tiU nalliMM,

Crapirty ■i»irvltod. Bant d i l v i efllca M n. T A. B_.| F. M. Monii EMlty, l4l

LONO dista n ce m o v in g o u eIPECtALTT.

o il or tw i lu tliO H i wlih yrlTiti tam lly. Hgitpa seaoiid Basf, lofl*NTCBLT tir ilik i^

•as ot kitchen aad kTti.. A Eai ITl, MlWi »W1n

TT—L v aa

or two whhN. r .


IH-IIT n i m j 9A IS Mkt 4414; alfbt pkaM V B t m .


S S I4 S S :■aaHuT,

tfeii>Fn% t I v9 B B o!

t i l i S S L T XiMil inS sad plane

t t a u a n taraitara1M< I■ aruc .

OtEaa. II Eaak a t t a h w _ M i M • l l t i Blfhi yh ia i 0 * 1 Wwiarta.

t o c A i AWb lA M MWJLHCI UHWiWlAvon ava.: pi

badlfag. H am p tva.: pMae Waveavoiiy 444; •allma4aa

ISUfS,Main St.. East Oraags; phone Orange H4A


UF-TO-p a TE sales roam. 44S4R. a a u ____• t nag Csatral avs^ toag laaas a t madw-

ats rantal, J. FslblsoLab A Csa, 144 Brand St.B S n C S O T W i *__ _____________ i l l I U I lW k :

BOOM Mt; CALL OIBiB.w m Ii aoniAdsrORBCNHOUIX for real: ______

partnsrabti with one uodsrwtoadlag buaf- neas, Call Wsdnssday, 4 P. IL. IT Boatb Midland av«*a Afilngtsa, W. J ,KALiiy^ Csatral ava.--l,44i'DT gr„ b su Csatral ava— X4H a^

ft., immsdiato pososaaton. Bsrrr w as.. IICUntOh stala 6d d 6 "T eaa$ik iHri*it>y swttod


OEAME A.’ID HGNTCLAtE—O u - t lM r kl ij aU Itoptaj iRsmedlato _

Owner. /ae«b gehnatwr |4 Unisea pL. Waa-bawkan, N. J .j til. UllM IIITW.


beautiful palm room and MaspUto perch aad all chetsi appelntmenta Ibat go wltli , , .. ___tth a n&omodern resldeaoe,

M U R D O C H O O M P A K T .Real Cvtals Brsksra,

LaoRawanna. Montolalr. Phone 4414.t**F.FRRR RENT may bs ebtalnod for you la

this attrsetlvs new t-famUy houas, Jua#fir-------------- --- ' -

BMTBK'BOOII bsuas and lUe bath: all tap to j 4 yuan slg- iFmlnataa to aUtlab

and trollayr price t i , i s a Kaff. Amatardaa ava.. Blgbtb ot,* Roselle.

FARM S F O R SALE41 ACBXiy l-room bfruas, bar*, wagsa baaaa

hog psn, ahkksn hbdas. fntlt, 1 horsaa 4 oaws. f hetfsr bull, 1 H cblebsaa. sU eropa

--------- ------------------N ,4Hksg

a ^ farm iarplsmenUi 17,414, WmrsT T« Broad, -----room 411.FT% A dtC t. l•TSom houae, bam, sblsban

llARFHAliL FT., II—Ten-mom brick bsuas: Improvemeale; for quirk to Is owner THll

aacrlfu-*- eeey tentwFAULTBIagOS LARFXN, INC.*

144 Msrk* t at. ___ ts l . H H M «.WAFllEN^TiiN AVK., 14—Two-fsraUy k « i^

4 room* In each apartment; price tl.H #on very easy term*


FT. # t^d^-^iw e-M ofy Vriok”IT rwoma. 7 baths; fin* rooming boues

propoBiiloa, price 1 1 1 .tH j saey Hrms. iAMl'itlACiVl LAlillEN. INC..

118 Merkel - i . ___ . T«». ItM JMki._^flffftT’p t. 4«—Itolah' reeWsMo. 14 iwsma

snd bath; all Improvement#; Immediate

oempleled; one floor now renteid for a period of yeare at a return greater than total carry­ing ohafgss of (be prtrperiy, Including T

Cnl. on your Invertment, let *S sand yoa tailed parttralarsI^ANKHtfoKM-TATljOR COITFAKT,

At l a okawenna Tegmitml, ^ s a ioia lr N. j .

TWO* FAMILY bmiss: I sepsrats attainhtaiert: span firMlasaa; i baiba; hard-

woed fleers; elsetilo llghto; paparats a ^ Inneae. appar fleer ready for ossapanap} nilos II M W Fonlh End Rsa) Batats On*. I l l Orange iC . MMtalaIr

M itaEU h S U tiiE

n mlnile# D.. L. A W. Rta'ft

Itation:ka bath, laiT* storage sttle. steam, sfss-

irla. W iw eW n ^ i |M t sM ptoud, ^ 1 h |

'* ™ ^ : w P E w ; . A k ; j : N " 1.VC.,m Merkel _i! ____T*l. *H» ..

SRt^NRwTcii V t .—immedlata pseeesetsni one fam llf bargnln: » l a m rsoma. hethj,t. room for driveway a a i garage, quick

14 reotos; allrHto 11.144 yeejrty; ssU^fir

144 Be

Mis prim li.VtoT rabJeH to tl.OH atraigbt loan. Oroas A Qroes. I l l Mantel al.

taMi bssded. k<4 Barfai it., I ta tli i iTy itata.

b ria«—Tvi-IuttUr, U

6S#NEfi >.rJcV iktoi-iiory hoaii »ui » l » i Atldr*,* M_. Due II*. N*wl oflloa.

fW (i

.tall k it i l r h « l l i f t f i l l Inritata i iNta.E—W ta ll l l HR--------- impiti H li; I-

• p T i t ^ ^ ' i s s n a



a iMl bargaja.a#„ Orange 7441, 4414

fta.ftataiA Bauer, t h Ifain

and lOISJ.

M etsch«sWILL aall to party wall ratemmsndsA t-

rosdL Hlty Imprersd osttags: 14 mlantaa

rlswark] nlrsly loiaisd] llttia cash; balaaes ll menlhly. Call etga ehep. I7 | MartSsI St.; spen evenings.

hottss, hog psn, fmU, one bores. I sew*. 14 hogs, 140 chickens, price 14.140, cashto,104. WsBBsl, 1H Broad, ream 4l|,

AOlBi, 4-rs«i* beaas, beat, henae, fraktf to miantss is %r^u

eblabsahsaas, fraktf to mlantss is trsDsy; price

IS,»I4b halt SMh Wsatel. Til Broad, rsem*u,

t t0 6 1 » L H i V ihU .hsuee, I rooms, ooiU

lliinery or any ether good baalnsM Ig- danaatiwan, I4 li Bo. OraAga ays.,galro St

Unmedlataly.CTliaK first foor: "auttabla for

Ll. CAPCKDaR for aaraM tM W tog^ light prleeai storags rataa roasonaWa;

turn leads surprtainflr low. 444 Bank a t ; m_Mnrket._______________________

o r c h a r d ft., tt—tATgo, well-boatod.aocond Door front room, neatly furalehed.

•aUnble bnslneaa oosple or two genUemeo; I roihutes Is Dread and Market,

1T7—Neal front hsaee-o r c h a r d ft.. -keeping roetn; elsan. well-kept

•anvenleat Pert Kswark, Llntoln F ar^OECHAED irr.. i t —n ic e l a e o e , f e 6T4T


l l i—Two baasAsnt rasanaS K a m o T iE , - - _______with bath; far bonasbaaptng

b ^ l Tosm; bsateA ORAKaB *Th 44i—n r a

aiaa larga

__ _______ _ _____ klubaa aadbed roam: n a mage; all Impta.; el set rta id eteam. BiaakwsiL

tpguflTta n d ________ - . . .FEMNlNAfoM ET., It.

Park—t v f i . la iity taata; Mitahw HBBM.

furnished Hr two gantlsiMai I


rKNKIllQ'rOK Sp., 44-nTwolight honsebasatof.

or tram 1 to 4 r . M./mm 1 toIT O N ifE V IS ir

wa Ml — , tar CaD • ta t / H F . M.

aVS,; *T—L anae see OV IWQi MWEj

Unpla.; walking dtaunea nptewA. Ward, im H IN B AVET U4—Tw Tlargo


^ectiia light, eteam heat, gaa, uao at bath; laundry prfrllegss; very reaoenatoa

MOVINa, aaio tnwki MiDta Call KeatM

1 li t . Flangint ara. Sand sKprsan __BlaabrOfM gb TH:

________________ __ wl OrangnWB5 0 Vj|~oui™ii«e srem hlngr Tal^MgJ*

PLANS iT„ 184—Freal room, with m a at kitchen, far light housekeeping; atoo

Mngls main; atssto heat FiA?hB~FT', HI—Csaasetlhg bsnsskaapiag

•lFl-1141 HArrlaon. any Uma Traanfer Ga* 44 Magrtonn ava.


u i* - u i i BEOAD n . : w a v e e l t *t*ean ATTEACTIVE FLACB fO LIVE. ■NVa. WARM EOOME WITII EATH.

HOME COUrOETE COtmTEOUB EEEVlCmameeioam a m p eu e o fe a m fl a m .

ATTRACTIVE nxm, wltk Utahanatta: bMutItil iMlttili, an. blMk rn m ML

Fw Bw I iTa, a y . tv a lH m la i ia * it b t v t a (Teat ra a v ; llckt

sshsil or sfflue >. ar fur ooaunaraM nast tergs^ dl^da^w lndswa^ M vkst s<Broad, AAdrena C,. Baa IH, Wswa efftna* I^ R O t taiisrlM aatahUabmeat ate

and rmmm toTat witn ar wiibantt o ? !

rmmm to 44 Fontb Oraags ava.

•TORB, i r t Market Fanil, atattwa; rani

dry A Iron Works; j . , . ______ .ATo AM nnd fsar ra iina to 1 : Iwtogwio

manto; 414 Fantb OaMpS ava. thgiiMw Il4Huyva at avs*


TWO a tn n rn jaa. (HtBB BraaE fL.EllubaUi. N. j T aBBlMa* « ttk lapH aii

•COM (urillH t, BlMM, i t a u , hM t u d ataa- (rli IlihL A B jA r^ Laauaw. i t Biaad BL, Elliabata. S. J. ___________________

t l


TOUE B««da Blari* ta B u lta fr rw nn: *m1 ot i v i (a a n a tia d i atai v * u t 111 n e v lv ; faad. . v i t a l haitatafai raa>. . . laivtBfi , ---- -------- -- ----------- _ _

•onibli ritH ; l i l t i ta t i iH aw afaataltal ■H V bifar, IBlkllB n u t a f n i f l

MOOEBM BTOEAtlB COi,t t Aciil u i r

)BM dTOlUOl% v £ i r T t ! r


su tH iU ^ M horse, eew, pigs, shlekena, all tsslRa I daraa strawberrisa. |4 fraU irssa, near FrasholA Monmsuth CoMty; swaer'e

r A—We inabs dally trlpa to Maw Tmtu wilt take loads ar part to at toom vary tea* seaabty.

Rrice, |4.l44i part eaah, Nehar, Engllihiswn, • J .i M tblarmdtioa ar afftoa la Raw Tsrka

AT FFRtKGk L A K M -^rsa awa fwwk 1- resin hsMb* r^ b n ltd ln g a j Maa! Inanftoni

fruit and barrisa; must be eeaa to ba appro- Claud; aaarlflss to quick buyer, Dwner, M. PltigsraM, Bsimar, N. J , R. F. D. Ha. li

to • wfn be pi

phonl d v Jn t'L ik l■ i & i f i r " ■' t»—T-t*

nisbed: svery impreverasht; good nutballd-

vHg im t itoglag Hrnlf a M n s s l h a O l ^ l ^ and a n

I muato

o N io iA l^ i i& T i 'E S i iT W A r io l l t a :iB«al*rOMBt»^T-ta»ta bMHi tallr ta ^

l i ( i : itH k, tMlA ltl .l t* : r u -M ik ta u n u i • t a v kuBiiH . Dh u U/, F in e taMtalUt HT KBrkit it.V aA R ^ A *T A «6^ B«HBi--------


M-tH ArllBftBB f t ) p h u i ’lBpHiil fUtai u d VIetniB i

E i>«lH H d pBikiH—B u ir t F lu a E eU klllM I MB.

I.IH iL ' IBBtn k tita Bnlt taiMil. m i .J .5 .FARM 1,1

h t t ? t { t i h . ‘% TiE>:;

[ aeNM^MStoda: faw prtosa ngsdi lisfsrt fan bwp ass Orbei


Mta* H ita^ at.i i BitMkid *-

Bit tatata. kBUBTB; H .tt#. ElBiid. Ml ita r:

AHiaftw*AEUMOTOW—H H BB,di b u n «M.(BmtIr Bt-

taalud fiMMl t r4M«M u d b ith : v io , | | l S 7 b e I e e w BMrt«BfB. U n v E Or*v, It* liv k i* I*.

M dl: . rdBFOR BAUB. msdern Uoasea;

. tsrmi _ _.’ben. Farm Wawarh, N* J

an Imprsva*

a,m n«m i: u d up^ a a ^atawan, K. i . Jacob A. LrffSrtv

tiiY U W r B n Bv v w 5 i:; i l u d w i t , . l i t l l d m u d H BMBthty: i , t i m or

---------- . . . ta.. iff. Olm.fcviE ltX & firm. “ ‘

------ H5'NBHAEE tTO EA in

141-141 R ilw r It. CHI

Rhofie War. 1444 e*t of trueka for movti ycA per load storago. Worage, j l lent '

O rE E ftBATB you been one of tbe Iweky saas to

eas ar msda af anr ivtnt ar ataragn, sUlf

- ________ . . I l iia S ra ran paf m 4

5**1 F tsmm FI Ifaffati, TfafAta* m m uttliiBcrBBF tfm*. wta F taU

iTnttal, • f ta b u iFmapi,

iik H n iL S.f*. M ltafT. n n B ta ta rw t BHtafW , t v *UB BllFi .HB4WBBWB lat**

•iiiB* talnf n iH d In r«nt i r l i t h ivtid till ■" - --iT Why llvi l l f u r l Ovlnf

_ . Ik* riBt n o p i t BBw riB «1 B b* flFta* tar fb v awB h u w i H*«Fi

~ t a i l n « BBIl * 1 l lH l u d l l

FA R M S F O R S A U O R E R O fA N G l

cm , phiBB a CNrVBHTTT HOtanie *

yiur » B I U ACEBd buBlItal VIB*;m d r

U lE I t . t t naiBii BI.14UB, ilieiriai ta id in iI M i *111 BBtatttaa, n n o in U* EintaB

tin a i, liti, biitaM i on*(IB"IOiB. iti.J b u m 1 A. M.-t f n . HorTl. E eStr. MbIb 11.. EbM OrmBBi; p h i i i O n iB i Ml*.

MBV A l l BV*.i:n U fL V t j M T M UlBtB.: M t bIf! Itarta B m aih it.

■iata aH ^ 'td d l b w b> K li* * i l i l .

-A HOKE »OE EVEETEOOT.” _ That h v k ^ BBT BMltB.BBi BV Mill]

*B ItaH llvBdBF ta It l i d wi a n illll (tadtad hnUB f v tb i bemiliiB: l( iMklRf ter "Ihi rt«k( ilBM a t t

Btaltal B u riB

•Ed! lata traltLEVki _____ _____I bVB, MtaMHIMBI *B k u m BBBf

yon nr# the right

H f<prloW* aowa to see naj ws will ftod . ysUdWito anr llsL anmptjflng all jnvaMj^ito

m U f snaHftoa 4IA4I4 Hr 114*1441 14 rosma* i ilU baibat FHIFa# (m m . ttoBH* aiaatrtok

Mind. A ddnv B ifia li, B e . W, ifel. OtatatA

A S T o n r ; ,hounknplny.

BROAD BT., H it—i ^ l r taniibB d (roi4r « n . i l i i n : llital k iv ek iv lB E i tn a *

bm iinn l kltilMBHli: nwalBB WBtaf " 'tlliOAD B T ..T lt* ^ L u f . 11*^ i M wiik

kitobenetts; diabaa taralabadi rnnatog wator; stsam beatj an toiptoj a l i l H BII^AD FT^ 441* awr. Baetor favartaibtag

Military l^iii, ■inito ta tnbs>—l^rga front roewi. Hr a fsatlsmani pbsas,BROAD FTi. Ifl—A tlfaatirarw 5 r " w ®

hiiebsnstta: all Impta.} aloslp HraHBadjrafinsdiR 0l B * ¥ E r 1 1*1—ta**

fln r , tar |ttk t kweiBeiflas]IB »ttk wilkiB. ______________OaO FtT IMI—Iv B * t a n t a C r

a t Ib ii alBB t a u t

' t i t : iM i- iL B »bU V kl l BlBBI I«*v t i adilta.BtviB*kiBt. —

BROAD a t., t i l . m . C u tra tLvEA RliBiBBt new , aaltaklB tar t i l l

iHl.ABgAg ~ i F ~ ii*L::45 d a v ta k » tan jC ra l

n * a a wllfc ra u la a v a tir , atiam b iUB B diw tatadaS B O i0 i''W .. l l H - t a t a i raev . «UL

kltafiiaitlBi Blvtitai natta iw aa bat wBiwi Bdaltiwn««ri mevhie*f f c d x i r i i F ; f f r : v - v

BIB *r tara B in tliiue; n i l n a a n tBydtajti t v light faei

5 S i , 8 l i f f a . ‘ S S i i a £ . — ,tle u llr la in , Blkl m n i nw atac Ea* aadtlau llr laiFB W I raitai nwataE EM aad dtid vBtar, Kaita, alMirIci la id Mr Bulla-

BHBt FkiaatH ia v k m tia a v ld a a d lE F a iE .i H r « t i u r w : ' ' ' « ; ....— -u— m —

NBVIr niwakad r*«Mar a^ llaB iy a ■

NBVIr EnWakad r*Hi: k e a n all EaHiT* n ia la t aaaaaatlat rieta tar ll«ht EnaaiEi ra

H t i W a i W .. i t t l V n '■awing rsawn H r ii« - f T i

TWA. U i taaat tatlE•Iv in a aad n l , i ia l ta a ia i * It* in r wiiE.AVa, l lV -% a *1

la ^ s iw o fn s i with s r wfti

laaME «a« afiar*i «taa** E «.tar; a t lav taw a t v

kaiFtaf.a 7 w W -X m . W -W a a ir I ta B lS a i

tr lia i i M U ; itaWta ataatrta. MtaaM • id iF l la ttiila f v BM>f— *a a a v t ■n-

k ra t 'e a a a d U IS a E e e l7 7 w 5 3 gagnrniw bwian*

watar and hRsbsk; all Itnproes-y n to .FARlfc FL, 4* near tabaa Tw»*>^m apn<^

■ ------------- ;atonn).prtvUags;ment. with benaakseptog prh atoctfto, hot wttor; alas aHgto i

II Tws iwanm nnd fcltoban^tws adniw

fACtFlC IT .n i l f«r llffat b ia n k u t la t :

oaiy; IT n r w nE ___________ _^I!4T e e i t . , I—Ll«hl f n a l n « i | all In -

p re v u m ti; eennaliat ta in n e r u dJW"«y- _________ ______________QUITMAN BT. t). a n r Cllatab a r a —Cl*

BH.«lr f i r a l i ^ ran ^^ ^ ilT a li: lU i ta

EDiEVltiLB, dMitk TiBlb I ^ A t t r i e - tlT* l i r t , Iraii Teem. «Mh ilia e ic '. . . . ----- „ icllr and

k m . la rrtn d i beun. n ttab li t e f twe b m - t l in m i t j y i a i m l i th m ear lliMa, D., U d W. u d iv i a jlia ira__________________EOBE VILLB AVE.—Fir b u lH ii m U *

reim: i tm a . ita rtrlilir: « ! » . FrirataU I ,

taa llr . A m irtaiv: n fw ia c ii ru a li id .E UH. _________EOBEVILLA (lEtaM iH i t In l—O u ^ r t« e

l i r u . ehnrtal n « m . Bliilr t a f E E al , will b u n d ; arlrtai km A t i l l E. E.

iKIlli iL, t—L v i ii s i w n a a r i m bu d nuU itataliB ra « u am ii: u ikltd(*°.AemMBE AVH, M*—varaMEad

all DnEiwri-

lay m awta_ jtlir. FEW. EEFINED' irw M

W uaaakla aaatlea:ail

Vuaa___Iftalir. Htabi W anrtr M*».

futlh_ ta *BBta t u D i f u nr iM it , wita n f m » » i u aowr r a e a m

lita»l. 1*1 B m u n .&OOH, Ii FfiTita lin lta i a jf e«ir*a***ui>

m l m iM iibli. A d in v I t A.. B « t i t .Itawi itfiei,IAutM tM K T kktfffl IV., l lX - d u iU f i i i

ler b m tlta l fn n t raaaii aU l*i»ia: IT a« « k : pnraiA Ainitlc u tw B y ; rV y u v . lOtr^H ’ HlRTBENtn *F.. ft*—N luta H f-

ililiid r«atai, ilBBri V eeew eilee; allta n ii .; fer lifkl k i u i k ti i taBI r r l r ata. iOOTR B 'ivftf'H l BT.r W - ^ e « ta

Bitaid Im t n ita IV a u Hdr v ra»Mgtrl: iM W iia ia ta .__________


<H Twa ala'ital^ k d ta d ru a ia ''« ik 'k a ta ; a u aaltaUa

tar 1* 0.I d - U n a t m t laviL iHlaM a ■a m pTi; i l v i iE v rauM :iitATE bv:

tar kindjiM napTai aU

J E R r a n m c r m = wr x v t r m w .;y A p i s a r____ n o p li ta ta r Ei iiataiiBlafi aS

g f e H i ; m i l i n u i r m a l * -----------BDMWrf

l » tlira

Wwm tS tttm H .t filt-

■U T ORAJ Twv ateel]

ssupla, ttawshi ref ng tiM M d

trtqtty, heiI aFt oil


ter—rum Second noei K a b n t :

r<y r* 2fl*iSICntclai

dnoble bl aseoie. prlrioKanoe

reome. ft lUent; pr it rsem ^ alf^ Webt oh,

hlcffly fui oeuple. I l l iteani aad


TOtTNQ U rourk wl'.

Orvaye. I


■ snpls; ^ a


u bktlbmprivate 1



have uat hands# ms stfaw hesi|BROAD g

and bo«j IB|; totea^ tfROAD~ SI

hMit; fe raassaable; BROAD Ml

tweooWt f

irrecTK BOARD, I HltLBiSi

•Jl ImprlXSo k r


MXPOLXB- ^ igkSb y k m jT A<


t s .

iu M to u jlart* It:eatrsi_av

RAFT OR m en i

Ornngs |Si

"BUM KNnooommi

iMUie couirnla aadHoS t(5u

duuble I cellenl tak irnln and PldSAFAN

fcH; in sistJuu an c<*Mpto C

M and »Asservai

»on guMt#pletriy fui ht disrrlm Orange 11



Fall III Fliro*. < Vviodrom boys' seia lestolmsn fjrnniis w


-» K »r* *M i 11I

14TUf bra

.HsaCltbinaad to


•• im m . M w lr I * mK p iM U «m

Q ? 5 ^

£ h im — kala« n w w la 4a oalF.

^ ■ ■ a r S tS L


S ?S rS 5 i

■tMt !• toS S vi

ruiii^ OKV OR TWO

r a tB M R ^ m tr f f eeeaaelaet lu •a ; bat aa4 ealJ bP 4 a^ II and 4l*«$ftatttk at.,

* J.T a n i ia C r roam i t , vUh piiTat* . Marhat BSS4.

m al.—Fw althad » li€ ; wiMBabla. ■ aw iiag ra o m i. a baat; n iaaia^ ;a»aa,I furalabad paom baataaaa ^apJ* .

pa raofii; la J laS ia

n^rcvifniaat aad Uor aarvlea. Calll>a aa aaaoaH iaar: raaaana>blai aaar It.El plaaa, faf ana

Addraaa A, B.«

fcWaHeaa aaapia raoma; oaa aaw- yrlvaia a a tr^ g a .

tUalf faralakad at hoaa«ka«pXoc.

rva front raaia; raalancaa.^K iiDBD ROOU«^ ALL

l4t^H<»^kaai>>it» . __R-BtNOLR A ^O .BABANT BUR-

— f vaui i ad Kitlaman; all Iw*

iT ^K aT ao m aT afor itfht hoaaa*

ii flaaA baat, Aa*

T,. i l —Twa fkr- r tight haaaabeay-►yi, IlUaya,______laaaalUa; I roama >ta for t reaa. ^ rmlabed raam* far a t alaetrta aad > an4 traHara. nuiap roama i tali^ ■awj all im yrar^

ittm i roam far rUh artvata tarn*

lafL____________ana ar two wlih

I. A44naa N. r .

r«a ~~ vall-haatad.aaatlp fumlahad,

r twa panUaman; larhaLai fraat ha«aa* walt*kapii houaa; Llatcin Park. UARoi, r i i b ^ f


taping; alM larga

MBB, klukaft ao4M liapu.j alaetrta

tpp~~'*^ **—farolabad alaava HtlainaAi kwlaaM

■Twa raoBMa for Q I ta I ' l i P . U.

4V—Laaga fraat ' ivo; ka*tj all lytawa. WarC Wo Urpa raoaia; (, paa uaa of bath; raaaonakia room, wUk aaa ^ evaokoaplng: alao

ting baaoakaafimgban; all lapfova*

i w a n - g pttalliga; ataaa>. I i ^ raam.MW kltekaa- ip lati twa ndalia

raat raaan: all L to irohay aag

ntaton aTo.^-^OoM ^^^rlToto; ataaea«

:h at., f l^A ttrao - rUh •leeWrtly and tlabla (or twa ga«> *a car Uaaa, t-

laalaoM gaaU w aa,t r : wltb yrtaataracof ragiifad. Ri

.t(aa>—Om ar twa alaaly faffclaliad.

bb n n »■ » tflU ' 1—L u i* HMi *11 lat*rwr<-

m bhail ~ m ai Ml ikl* im Um ; im u 1««*.

««ato t• • aOMr


: n f w v a a i— m H A.. Bas 1M«

f .,■ 1 aU IT •

r., iU —WlMlr f*T- «r wBMaila*! all

ITm I ■ * re

>.. w j m r i c g rta lk t MM MlUU*

im W iW gi

h a h . a T T s ?iriSBlUeB « i l y n -

l l l W«liAlii»>># ■« m m m to twwi «M«.

-M M * W H t l * -l i n m i i l 'l t o n t o .

i r s w A B K w m m s B i f r E w a t u e s d a i l r o y e m b e b i . m .

P U ira S H E D R O O M S W JUrTEOm u a n a Ufwiili) 4ulT«* l«r> •m witk p n n to t»mHy, ‘ -------

II, W»w •jmea. rotisad


gantlaotaii daalra walUtor- Qttarteri, aaay aec'Ofi to lladaaa tm kaau balk and alratrictir aa* iTbta family praforrod; atoat Ml

Addraaa r . E.. Bor II, Nawa

- ^A M aroulil llba^oom wfllT pri- family (Catholtrl; aaar Bt, lltrh««ra

Wck. Addraia T- M.. Box t l , Bawi

R y S in iA D T iriOhoa tumivlv^ room In ^ Nej^ark yrctliM: pboni ooaarotliMi'"** * * “ llaaaonabU, Box IT, Nowiatfiea,fd tm o Tuiini.Be couple doulrr* one or two

light hotiaakrtping roome: c^atml looa* ^w^^^jAddroaa W.. uua N^wa offko. ^OvIfO MAN waata room tn private fam*

llyi locatloQ near Robert Treat Hotel. Ad*Araaa Z. J. M., Baa New^ o f n e e .____T C B S i i M A fr wonid like room in w lvate

faml^l nO' other roomem ptefetroA dcaaa T. W ^ B o i Its, Nowe office.


T5lw 3“ TiAN “ Smlrao W w If.II to II wouk.

tf , New#I K x O .B iQ j r d M t i t a A


room; A. B..

efc_PIWM am a^Addraaa 'toom with

. Q., Boa

rU R in S H E D ROO M S T O L E T -O U T O F T o w n

BLIH-AltraotlTe olagle room, f l week; alao nira front room, for two, MCh; all ImproTemeata; private fam*

i fare nifltted paople.__H4 llontginBery ■!«■LKICFIRLD. OilMrae at.. M^Two fur^

Umo4 rootna; light boueekeeping. prlvato aanai haat, uaa of laundry; convenient to <dlMfc ttaU ^ aJid Jltneyi refarenooa.

r o t SAUAN u a n ^ k T o '

r o K r i i . i iw A m m

Can ha ^ r a t a d to yanr laabdfF tub; BO carrying ar llfung af wateri think what thla maana; guarantud to wiurk auual to oanehtoM eoatlag UTS; will laat a Ufa Umo; tMa won­derful mackina wne the aeaMllon af tbe recent eUvirto ehnw; oait ba e ^ In operation ia our etara; paya for Itaaif In four monlka.

CM. n . - - , f t Arademy at

J A l f O U N B A U CO* ■ 1. l i l t . .Fhoaa Mnl.

A R P H A L T i T R l P a H IN O L S l rOR gALB,

Red, gray-grean nnd bine'black.

T U B P lT T fl CO.,II Park et.. near SfOlWry*

Tel. blul. n i l .

F O R SA LETWlIiVR dranaen; ftlnaont

Pkana Warerly IIT.m S v — ' - -

aawt Plnn 1 1

___Bcrap binditag; auto truck load da*llrarad 1a tbe city or Irviogtoa for H

Thana War, J««,IfNOXT CP 3VKR f<(«. T il Reuttiitb Rlghtaealb a l

l , m ROLLa tkaed heavy, alaie lurfared.aapbalt raoflngj axciLlrnt oondldon; EtM

tbaa half coat of new; |3 p«f ru|i of 111 #4. ft. Lewie Wrcckiop Co.. PaJham Bay Naral gtatloa; phone Weetrboeier Jl£l F* 1 |H . 0-BOHB. haroRkprleaa gun. Tj ia. barrage:

|w lha.; III drop; ir. idlftad and choked bared; a lam e geltor. Adlrtea J*. 0., Poxil4j Newa o f f i c e ______ _If'BORK, haRunerieae cuii, une' bruah

gUn: one lO-lr!. bArrpl. Veth ?lgb( wetfht; Uk* new. Addrvaa Ji>»i'pK. Boa li t , ,n!«wi 0^ 1 _____4«e r n i T tT.iyiTTi.v CKTibTi-TNCM


f T f " >LAC3r(>NP:s, i i i . m f«i9.IIO; 1,^00 la yard. H lluntetdoa it . ;

O iS T R U e n O N

S d w e b

f l i S ,

MUSICAL m S T R O H S N T S n s m i s s o p p O R n n im u

M il. t i l l .(

■ i n OltA^ClR, North Btghteenth at,. 111— Tww ntoaiy lumtahea room*, etiitabie bual*

Mdl ooupla or will rent aeparalelj to gra* Mi toant refereanret two mir>utra Antpere i t o t ^ Md oiioloe ^wo JltAvya. caU avanlnga ■ABT OILANOR. goull SVaiflut et. I0-*I

Maaly tornlahed freot all Impta.;.• W m io a l to atatSoD and trolley: builneg. OM Bll a l Woman preferred. Tel. Orange

W a m w i . fh .

a L L hinile flf pium Hng fixturea aalii^flttjtige fur new dwrtllaga nr alteration Jobo

Bale at low prirea, copalatlng of baU) taba la\atarlvs. lolleta. waah tray i and enamel wain truy cover*; alnkg and drain boarUa range* and range bollera, ataam aad hot water healing holler*, radlatare; all parti for fixturea aiiid eeparataly; hollar repair liquid For repairing cracked or leaking b<itl* ere; out neceeaery to be la bu*ln«e« to pur- rhaee aame. E, It. TA*oaard, J l-S l h m ji* hardy *t , cppoelt* W ashington P ark; phou«Jdarkei ___________________ ...____________A L L kind* of eocfiTit niate^ali a inhalt rue*

ner moftng at loweat prtcea; asphalt ehln*

Klee, t e l l and cheapeot, *e**ra l carload* oo and. aliQ do roofing; wa oeUeaf. Tb* O. K Hcoflng Co.. I l l Mouth Thirteenth ott

phone W avenr 1014, ___ALL~l*ading~meKee of electric nailiilng me-

chlnet, Kdcn. ka iy 'V aC t (lcjp*r N^nie-o E lectric ; inako your own ■el ’rilon;(riel l3 your Some. Wra. It, Jaanouheea Ctj,, !*^ ja » le m y et.; phone tfST Hulheiryj _ _ e S p lF A L l P i j .V T R O ilT fN ll

Regia I I B arrle 0 fi”aL fumlfllied rtioiiia elngl* and rn

Mltaf all oonvenlencea, l^atne of refinement; m ad araf rata*; i;ear RrU k Church Riailua. ftABT O ftA N d uT ^ o rth iM h it . ISO— r C T

Imbaa room for coupla; houackaeping vUagaei alao furnlibed room fur gentle*brivUagi

f i f e -

s a B i i jETm Tjb


- - - , ORANUF. Tfalii eU MT—Large front room, eultelile for li*d ronm and

i jUlng reel.*; fwo ui'-n prcf«rr*<l: Flrei floor. ■aW TuiaV iIP. Main ■!.. bOO, epi. *—J'Toht

room; tialh, h*at, electrk . one »t t'»o; tok t houerkeepini dT>elrfd. f>rauge S9S. ■AeT'oRANQM.'Nerih Fuurl-eufh eU 1 1^

Xitaheai>(le and Sed ra'ini. Ilgl;t h> uea- yingt fOQil ir*raU«»D; reMned couple o»iJy. “ y R A N J trN t 'h ” NIni‘ e’enIh et7.“ Rl—

mom: eteam heal; near train,OfpBi|w ear: with or without prlvUcgee. RJiI t oii A’N iIrtr’No. lu ll" et.T lOfL-Js^rely

fknilabed Worn for gentleman, prlrctefUmllyi convenlfnt to ireine and __IIJF roH A N iiB , Ninth avV,' «i—Large.

bright fiiruLah»d roern; fp" one or two geu* lltmaaj extra fin* location (or tranelt.

ORANGE. Soutn Wadnut aCf fT— Two ruam*. tight hoiM^keepIng; wUl realarat# or together, all ln p r^ ‘»>m*n*i._______

. 10—Twe gee, alao*

I a it

ART OHANG'k, houih riinion e ar thrae fla* room*; vseeat,

trtqltr. heat, wa.ef In room. B A ^ T ^ V ilA N U ti —furnleheil reohi, with

heat: guallemen only N'<Tton, H t Main at.iRv iNGTON, Ounimlngi el., ii, nea:

room let.. Cen* Inquireter—rumlihwd

•acflnd floor. ___ ___E B a RNY', ITiltIb eve., SiS— A furtilabaS

room with e'l Impro^ eTjient->. rh^ep. ifbNTCLAlB. C»ran,»e rd . IH —Mee'iiiPul

double bed r am . aU mr>ilem ln) ruve'> mania, prlvllegte; I m’nu:ee ta car XTid train. o K a NOE C1..^TEK, ‘.’lave.ami el., i t —Tvro

neome, furnlehe<l or unfurnlaiied, apart­ment; private bath; o'her hmM*<>aerphg rpoiw*: a l^ oar wJio would take care houae, f f i » T OHANGE. H ick e l . 174— lArge room,

nic^y furtilehed, uoa of bnlh ethI kltcliOQ; oauple. |14. t>r nrDaUet room for on*, |L , ■team aad e le rtrb _________________________________


'’ji' wA«FHALT tK IN O LH r r , *, R NArLon. fT.I TKL. UARKtT IttS l B«TABUI i i j r _____________________________________________iMEftTcA.T .oupl, win Mil w f (inlnf room

eulta of eU M plecra ' rry r*a*on*bl*i flrel- rlaa* rondklun, worth Inveatlgeilag. 1 |;^ n bU li *ve,. H a r r l a o j . ______________________AUTO 'RoBBir” "iriovea, caeirag

blan" • 'goada•1*Al^B>*TTOK— Pantal PanVel f a n t il

fruiu tiiejiufartareri nien e Sl.tS up; boye' |1 am n B ^ m *n . 3 i_Hp^ln|f»eld avjha r e TOU

aaverd,lanketa: we repair baga, *ult caaaa. oanrae

Aaohenbaek Leather Sheb* Ml PlbPe

Don tiad C«tiA T TEN TtO .N '— W enied, puppi-e. fox ter*

rlera, tjuatema, puodlae unJ crown toy doR4j poelilrcly bigbret prlc«« L>el‘l , geld* flab, blrtle and tup^ 'lee of *11 k'nde on haad; blfdr and deg* taken In board, washed, clicked Bad UiUcked; alwaya oper Leughty A WtlJIama, IS ftoutb Omiige avo, to Buneet are., N<*rth Arlington; ArlVtjgmn tS4 _

rabbit hmiuda. ifoi lerrL’M aJfe- dal ae, f'rx hau 'd*. alac Jog A*

Bucher, bud •tore, 4*U E lg lu eve.

DOt) far eale; Bngilab bearle bound; famal* aud two puppiee S mouilia old. <.*an b*

■aen at S P, M. Ot U t L lring sicfi DH ■H.’ V ^ 'n iE R

H o d p iT A r. r t jn I 'j'- .a a n i > c a t b .}9 'ii- t4 'TeeAenl et. Tel IPtO MulbOffy.i« /li, feV r, hiiutd. y .r ’Vt|||*m i. K Ot*

•“.:o Verona. N. .1r o i l F.41.!. -H t'ifr hird i l 'a i can'l l>* heat.

J. A Hilbert, O-een Vi ie je . N J ! irLHadleon Ill^ p a rty B . _____________ _ftSn R A LK — T H R Iii^ 'R A P B I T ' HOONllff_ J 6 I BUU M f.R A V E . C IT T .BBT)r(>HRI?L> If-n ia *1 A'-'-hU I* . T l monihe

u»d, flue watcii dog M-e V. Hj.(cb<'i<1or; phone l i iW . MorrleloWD, N J,

C h JcjC P iuPTOtONS.


looking for bargain* in ttora f ;i turaa * Wc hev* thein. Bliuwu lo j llnj.-i

el., near Rpfngirieid »vg ; _phone * . A. C ro iii., F R iN t f S l l , i*« H » b ,

Alwaya lowen p^icca-Mhat'i my way. WHT PAY HuliRf


A l^ hiiAd* of etote f ii tu n e ebe before buy Sontmcf,

a ^ .|_ t * l. nifcloi'A l' aH LUA U »«K

r r

ebea|ii ete me si* d^lngfleldiprlngflei

nigeloiv H?TN A Jsl^ lV sale.

relingbuyecn avam

aA RO A lM S IN R f jR C T R ia H O TO W .n # kind ant.

•altK at rcaeonaL Crocker-WliOAler Roblne b M'r^ri,

id flee you wwat. LDle ^ c a a ; (bare nr. n aailnghnuei


fof rent er Wanar* w ani*r«

■itnghnue*. Teerleei. ; *11 guaraat*edi W*


Bt'^T DRRHSKIi TOULTKT AT l * L g ^ 1^43 l E.VTtll VtARRUT_______T^’lSNTY Tli R''K chMt-ne. i moniKa olTj

SH Ju( ka. v l i l i . i k .!•* >«etgb(. IS- n u iik l, FlDr:<iep*clii n l., i aldwe.i m-ar rifle range.


Tou tiA*i l-UT lu^A. ''aiLH. 4>a’.a. dreeee*. wearing apparel, r ic , at pronihmNl N< 1- depafimeijt Ji .rt 1 at the a Jv fjt lie d Mie

Ice and w# wt;i truef y -u,RMAIJL iV P ^ K Ia'' J-ATStiCr^Ta

htrlotly ci»f. fl lie n I al Write Lic piArtIcu'ara.A., J. k ;-L ilAS'. I'u-itbaeit.v Ag*nl.

IM ia ln l S ic ..i .aa -Sew lo ik I’U/;__e*Ll hauda*'Cne arai oo*t, Mi. ao*

other Irtmmed. f i l l , n*v%r a o m ; ale* m ainlflgani eeal doTman, l i f t . Mra. n«a*elL l * i Wm » FortT-ll.ATd at. New farkr

b Tc m l » ii , m .

U A D m n c A ita a r r DlUKX nuaiK EM AND n n tK T j

COt.llBOIC!l AND ECHO'ttJ ot Hfw York and N ,« J,rMF-

Bgpanatca la the *lgu *t auccoae.A6*ih«r acbool baa Juat baeo *dd*d ta th*

Drake fqhoul cbala.THIRTSCN POVnrftfTFU BCHOOLB. o v iR ise.aej aiHxirsfsFTil. T tudbntm

Tbe beat poaliiutia are ecoured for l^rak* gmduaiHa Drake t r a l i ^ atudentP reoelv* the prcfwwnc* everywhere, Aak gay *uo- ceeaful buiincag mna. Attead a *chaai wh<>ia* leputatfoi* •trchfitb and ••rrloa Mmraand I fakoiwble attantlon evorywhera. _DKAklB JND iECRBTABlAL

a i:u o o iA „ ,l l l- lf |.IM Uarb«i at., Newark. N. J*SSI Brmd *t., iftlMbeth.ISI Ornad at,. KltaabaUi.SIS Main au. Orenga

IIS Kaet >'roM at., rlalnflald.Oiher hchoolij JerMy CUy ll>. Borfooo*

Union illil, Patera* 1. Paaa \tw York

PhoM a*4 OvttaiI? yaw? ftokb la r«I to irtm a dfstl-

tlaa->*tf ti aaada ta ha ta iM «F Tepalred'—tal ga a*ad omo af aur *RR*ft warkAen la make it right. of> that yawmay get ih* ktmoat anjvymeat fr aia It duiiag the todoor aeaaaa. W* wtit gladly eaamla* y a v laairameat aad (ell yoB what aeeda to ba daoa, with­out obllfallaA or coaL A poelai card af lelepboa* will bring *n* of our mea to you,

u SAUBBnoxm * co .

ALWATi BlQel_'amt-iii,|toM Mibto ^"huniMkW hrahgr; hll itoea*

eeSiBly UYaadgatod aad yo« ar* prateetfld tmytof nwm WeiiaaL 4H Bfaad. raom li t .

la. iaa WatiaM,bwalhgai fttiokly and wlth-

yaa have a butlaoM tor TM Bfoad. room 4tli

BAKSmYi raralgtsmaatblyi prioo IX«4U.m .

Bg prapafty; racaiptaIjicluding ILSIS

Pa(era*\. City.

Paaaalc, Drooklyn,


m o lu n a A iK t; Call. VoDAf.Plauoa, player-plaooa. VIctroLaa at

m arkably low pheaa; aaay torma.N EW A R K F IA N U E N C H A N a S , The WorklngttMa‘a P laao dlora^

I I * i*nu(h Q ra i^ a ava.

BARSBT, torludtoi weekly; grtr* | . . . .

■tack; haJf oaah. M'*na«L TSS Bread. 411.

tS ! l^ ^ :A S tS S »to M d m M towfc

Um M M w loadU di ( y t m u M . k k

a« Utol « • U . nMWMM I ~~~ W illi., k m*• I ».UfNy tolM katory. W l Hktonwi k m

aaW y: rea l I t * 1 f t j t o J S WWani#l, m Broad, : *»???«“ * toiam W Hto^^p l i» . WkTsrtp t i l ) ; I » iu (toll. a n4m i

DUTCnSII » d r n c r r , , .l i t . vMklyi arte* II,.M ; IniMtl.aU. W*nael, 7tS Broad. room

bMlDeae, LSa«411.


dU>B«T. l a r g b st .fdanta accepted any llandag.for cAUUof.

Hew ata writ* __ _ _

J . KU G LA IK J i t ,



CaVTER upright plaAO. gtMd aa new; eacfl* De*i Poasu, WLeaatr. Kraolch A Baeh,

Doll, Gahler and-on* b a n d i t mora big blif-

ialna; on may paymrnta New Jeraay Plaaa larag* t'e., 119 WMbtogUa at.

FINE new playwr*plaba Jiat taoelvad from th* factory to be eold for caah ar three

yaar*' tima Hew Jeraay Piase Btafag* C*,, lie WaehlBRiim *l.

B*a«i receipt* |lM weekly; rent |3&; price , pj^ifTIN a and paperkaaglEig; lo w ^

I' “* “ * "■ flrat clam work gnaraataad.IW WalmMit ava,; tal. W aeailr

« i5 c i~ T

nBWaWWlLSlJN VARH.____________acheel for boy* wltb aeund, manly

iND,T o O T c w m rI t , .d Uk,l«'.

Fh h p luok pUr*n. u .' TMT p.jrrntat p i . . ;


CONTBCTtOMKlir, c to .r * .4 n*IK'" ‘"*■1___ , t . W ftklr: rW.Bl.], I I . J W . J , room m .

DBUOATMkKN: btot W«.ltun; n n lp l lII.* * •*.)).; FMt («•; prir* ti.lN .

Wm u I, t . . B rsvl. r u m III.OELICATKNKN uiA .nK .rir- n re lp u IDI

* » k lr ; r u t t i l . Inolodliti I ri»m>; prtv, ii.lQ.. Ww m I, 1 M >r<ud, ruom 1 1 1 .

p l i» . WkTsrtp l i t . ; I »UI cklL '* ' W.nlirdnB rt.

dw-r«iiBk; woAknwMiilk H r - *Bt«Hl: (nlm Bln rarnM ud. JBnrtklN k

L u to r l l l 8e,lhTw«lfUi Bt,; y . rBTty W t .hRooKLYit w A ix r A ra f t ^ 7 k t m

Bink Bl., tttlt B kM PMHiB, I 1 .M kDt palpUn. Bod Mlclmlntac m me r r i S i i i t S ^ c o —N itSK * n W '

kUfl&r, rM nitkbl.; (lnl-«tM* vbiIi BBl n i (IT ko, .v * .| Wl. .TI

S H K H ito .nil p .p ,fh .B iikk i t o i ^ kriUkl mi work .H.rAiUMA. W . W.ltoi W t

aontk ElBT-ntli II.; I.T HIT M u k .^

':iIrtlfiitir, under etrotig man teacnera. Thor- uugh preparation for College, helenUti Hcneol, or Baalneew Gomglet* ooureaPhyMral TTaiaing. Frtoaary Daparimant.__It s not too lato to r*flai,<>r tor High hcheal

Ceurte In twa yaara or I'ommerrlal C*urM

U i Writ* far caulag; fptatna If Haleey it,FTaN dh." piayiiir*

. toatnii Faaae Ptoaa

graadai •-(A J i n


. . , phonofrmphfc ie r■ale; yau get what you pay fur, aad pay

for what you get her*: make New Jeiney llaiM Itoimga Co.,IngtDJi at.

mlalaka, IM Waab*

btotyi, Mom a t■A&

pfoparty artgati

Bin hMtaa, ISfrtOM tlrSM-



QBmUUIe flTOBB. oaw try tamo, Inciodlbg pfopartyt price I t ft.KI: *H1J bear airicteal

laveettgatieu: Urdo. W<T u.

Urma. I'eiuel. TfeO Broad,

In l - l meath*. dAr or avetiing aeeatoag.............. ........ P. ACOUMCFtClALMClI

C^raog* ava., MlMj IIJ«


gprinef eld. ( ira ^ v ava.. in-.,t^ Li.K^ lO itu d an r^ e e lre i puptla tn Gfeetu

l.atiti. Rngllah or algrlira. A direv t \ A, Box I I . Hewn offU*.


. .J*nota blayer prrfaei orderi IlS ii


t s r s j m ,)oa Davla H U B, B,---------------------

D a a c io f

B A u .r r *coadltlog;

elctrola, iiall ’ J al

used; prir*ii!B SleufllbferOrange.NIMS' pi4r*p-planOi for aale for raah or

elainiatiLi, call before r*U piircheeft.

A TTi^-liui;—Vm I .« A Nerton. liulii»a knkMk, t o n . . tim toU r of BNiinf „■

|« M k U kklktol.U . . COItoMT •tim k

plane; ll(i on* doaen naw 1ST hlela

miLBN H aaB caBladlM, genii

t t park PL. I*men and children

id woL. eyp Inbee; dren taught to

danoe graeefullv and with dlaatty; private laeeone l l A. U. te 1* k'. U ; InetTbet Ou elEAe *ech pn-1a r eveninj; | o*clocki uaenihly alaeeve caeh Thuredev end iater- day ewrilnar at * oVlv* y . Ot' en Urulheri’ orcheatrai Ur. ValetiMno ai pianoj Mr, H«rt W Nurrnea. aaioclate leurher. Pheaa Market 9419,

& r rv u PA^OB p a Taj Market at.

tIUrS OW'N I)AiNt;W \!.SBWAWr. ano;ng Ever;

Aca.'ARKrTAU•1 Uidhiiltt. Ol.-^TilfHT.rllon. Me.

- ___ --- .'ARKli;ng Every Night. T:IJ la Midi

Priv a tb i^ w o ^ b t Arpoi.-^Tipioor L**r< oe. Wl^|t Ira'rurilon, MQi

V. ~{. 'S I i-H aEBT) Da «i IW ua•M n .v“ T “ ' EUfl* kU t., t,l. Ukt. ll.A

All 11 « D*n«at Jaaoee or tiie ae^wn. Iti- fluding tlw vet Plepi adviin'-ad pUaree la«e>lay a’ d 'PiuretgT eri>nlt:gNt lieflnnai* Moarlar %qd Piid'ty. liS 4 ; aeeeniblr dAXi'i* WadneF iay a .d £a1aruay, I |9 le 1] o'clock.

pri RTUDio <'ki-Mon'"TTaJT iT*'.'•wxrb ; iirivare or «lQjx1 e«**nt;

ahart fjaiFin, etAn-lerd acjii-ol, ■o.til ili*iQfe ToeoJar atiJ ^eturJi^ ^uightai cioaa rr«i«p- Llun P.Mar nl^hia. TaJ. 44»l Uarbati reA. degqf aiM MtrLeCuaNCIN'T LE.iKON’I ^ t r t M l r fhvktol

or avcnlng. It Delmewl av*,, ■oat AJb*rl B .nA L_PrUi,_>ll*%« H » ,

make a epveU lir of power work a&4 wUlag- Call h^up Mb-kct Istl-S-S .

K L E C r K lC M u ro tt AND R E P A IR 00.

Maaiy made fun Tiopaftere of


TOtTNO roon

Orange.LA D T of good eharaeter want* rith private fami!y. vicinity of East

IT ivy court. O’eng*. ____


g*ail*nia«} with private famllyi breakiaat; new, uu'^o-date apartmeet. Waverly.E^BOB f u r ’room. pfivVta TamllT]

•tiltabl* for twa ientlom et ur buMneae • aaple; board tf daalr*d. Branch Brook

FURNISHED RO O M S AND BOARD____________ ________________________

llBim.BlCAN daetreg fumltbad r*e« with irirat* family; with or without beard;

hafeMllka. Addreae U. 11.. D n i t l . New* T_ifflaa_____________________



l i l t* m s b ro a d , t e i .. w a v . stiaS U ififlM cqup la or two gentiamen may

hare uauaually attractive front roam In handeem* bofne; atatlonary waab bawl: ■C y t heal, *iectrtpt(.v. S3S waakiy, R.B.SUj A oAIi MT,, 19T9, Amarican Hotwe—Room

and board; axoallent niealei ham* oeok* feta# reaaopabto. Phene MaBcet t S79.

titdAU ST., iTri^Larg* franVreem; ateam heat; for geatlaraea or buetneae oeuplei

reaaanaMa] (able board alao.______ _BROAD BT., Ioes*-^lArga room, far Oa* or

two getttiatnjf t| with gonJ (able boaM.^ .7 H—itJB R '^ M rc T u rt; 'ir?^

iTECnON INVITED; ROOM AMD BOARDS > n UP W K EKLT. ililLBJDE“ AVE.. SSu—Room and lieiirl;

all ifltpreramei^e; near three m f line*. LiJuilC ROOM \ b<1 board far reaMotac)*

warbific maa. I l l week. >Ji Uslb ave., BaeaaTiUk_________ ___________________

BOf'g 10-y«n.r hrowa chinclbin* overgeatj

r'lrl'a t«.yMr derM green rw«t wltb eaulrrel lar, glrVa 14-year coat. rrlKtgre; gllihtty La*d. I t Fpplrt at., NeaI Grange. _ _ BAAGAiS'—Pour' aiilu xvvxmer r;>bea; iwe while l<r<1 liUnkete; flnwit quality; make

offer fr»r one nr all._ iltangp BEAMS, columai ar.d angiM: aeoond baud;

all iltra M, Retobman A Bona 1*4 Fre*llnrhuywn a v * . ____________ _________BArt?~rAPHLU.7KM. road; In ■iTw'i'ent iwn-

dltlea. Inquire by teiepbooe ibllJ Or­

SAnv’ «^OACil, flS: gcn=d foedliiooT Ti quire Oelhard. II walaon ave.. Newark. _

HAlnr CARKIaGB for eal«: food cundlttonicnll tn 11 ml OKI. JaonM. 191^lk _______

DFBT’ ^ C 6 .” m111ianf cverroei; 4-y«*r-»ld;met m : prlr* |4. 41 W afcD aV., I). O.

<^ME, look At our ptUTubing (Dturei before you purehae* eleewhere, poruelala; cnam*

elvd ilnka vaeb tuL-e. | l . s l | eleeet*. ll.iOi beth tuba and mvatMie* at d oonetderable ■aving. heideoburg On. liS Third ava,

, Thlrty-elatb and Yhlrty-arveatb N T. CHSAP—Ntae window •SEea, flleet iang7~3

feet i Inohea width, Kabarl Qerher, IT■A’aahliigtftu »i,. Baat orahg» ________<56NTP^CTIONiR'B gaa~ ^y a , ~w«h ferteJ

draft blower; new* peed. B k m fiWCaldwell. ______C A d li R ^ G T f T lB t m ih U

I t Lombardy tt.DO TpU WA.NT TO H '

bulldlu BlterettoRgr year sScONU-BAlfD

fRACfJCAJ. runnlMR*. made fun and ntade to eeda*.

of all klml* of fura, __............... lA R M EN T b A a p E : i A L r r .

19 Springfield ave., neer High et,Phoa* Verliet 1 74 __

I M l ra p a ii^ and ramo4# *■!. r»e»oaabTa Mri. J. Lulha. Lit South 'i ««ni> ftrei «t-,

^ ; a g t o ^ _________ _______ t “ T”QENL'IKB BudaoQ eeal ». .::reT col*

la r; jterteet enr d1 ften. Pheu* D B. 91ilfl_ I*ON T cc^tee. trl-rkm*d wU» bln'*.* f-n. P-w

model; Mae 11-40. Itb., ption* Sttb Krarnh Br«X>k. _ _bavT I T

^ N.1 -___ .v u


> 'fL danalng c-ouree giren b' _ prlva.-Hy for t9. ItudU, 111 Bp-HagfUld

ave., Newark.

r MAi*gThtteri

pe:f lent, to 40 p^r cant bulli-- , ^ your fkra from ua, barKa:ne Id ceata, J, M- llalchev g. fo,. I l l Ha.eey et. eeraor Branford pi-1 open Saturday B P. M.

T y p e irr ile n an d SnppUeia ll mekee of rebuilt lypewntere cbeapeet

exchangee tn Jereey; TU-itaia |u.(v fer three foouti.e, cepalrlng. Tbvinpao'''e Lypeeriter da., 144 B road et.i Market t* iv **;ai l MAKES, reated. ecld, eaeb or termi;

year guaranty! daltvervd for i.-upeotieu.AdJreeo^jHeomam Roa I, N*we _____BURROUGRB boak-kaovtng maculae, II*

ool i rtmaenable. Todd eheek wrkex. I l lUndafwaoil lypew iiter* Park place.

eheas. Wagner, 9i

m. B. LaaSrSi

sTTREWRlTBRS at aU m ih ii eaugbt, e*ld.robulH, ranted aad repaired; outald* in*

ipeetloa; eupplte*. New Jetaey Typewriter B icko it^ Market et.. Market MfL UKDIRWOOD, lUtplngten. oilwf. |l4_up

l^ar ' B u y ;

BSCONU-KAITD BVILB1N9 MAr ia l of Ibe “a l d ^ haiM iim k mr* law York: large atbah ag AhoMl averythiag

‘ ‘ ‘ wiw'k*Rneit

idfaga In thla aftiri IwabaP.^Mglik _dpof*,

.New York: large atbah ag aoaoat aveihooded to bufli withj aemueg to aar ing operatloMo fram aame of (b* bulidfaga In thla aftyi laMsbar, Mah* ------£ i r . V a * .to lltTi eta. and Ntoth ara.* N. t . i telChele^U O LA S atoam hallore, J FaStoiaf^ualveo.

air valve*. Pit* ***1 flitlaga 9iH : alee largor planti. Thnmaa A. Doagiag, MDIbura ave., M lllbw , N. J. i aetahllaaw Uil*DIuV—Wo isiva M i l yardi"of”fwod flHtogi

who wasta ItT Apply Barlaw V««a4ry.LHC.IClB


B, A. are.W D 3 f n r = r ^cLBorino

make*, Ohio. _____________taday'e bargala, tmed rra«i*Rrfm] hew. regular I4LH. prtro |Ti- Jaa Oo.. Si Academy et.; IHT

Ternngtak, Bitfoka, Boyal; ' * fmWr, uke



-AOXD Amerloaa want* board and

K. O , Dc:leaUi

. la private Kewa efOee,

B O A X D D iG -O U T O F TOWNa u n oxA jfaa, rn ap M . it.,

IMt* rMto. wUk k w J , .e tA .1. tor ma- •M toto A IM i f l . to l iM Atlw; *m t i m - WMM)^nl.A Fboa. I . t t Oivaf..S a T o E t S a a r H e i M m..

Ibrta, froal M an, near Laekawaaaa. Coatral ava trallOM 4« tube*. Orange 4411. BA«T ORAMOK-^A iw l Iwm* fw you;

ream and heard i relareacee. ntone Oraag* S5S4B; Bogart.

"BLIC KNOLU"* 41 Elm rd , Caldwoll, oak aaoommodato s 'few mar* wtntar guaate,

)Mme cooking; wltbla five mtaulea from trail aad iraHey. H. A. LooBey; tel, l ie. HoTitcLaTK” Wagbingtaa ava. 414-^Larga

double earner reoai, with twia bode; *x- celieni table; elaeirleliy, elaam; pear eatiAol,UAln ai^ tro lly .__Phone HHM Unptclalr.

raSm; every home, com^ family i aoavonleat to

PLEASANT troht fort: In private

cuUuu end trollera; gentiomett or bnelneae llfitW'coapia Orange

TflU -BBLVtUBRa S« and 91 North Munn ave., fja«t Orange. RefervaltcM are new being ned a for aea-

BDik guMte; large, airy roam*, Ally aad earn* pletviy tumiebod; tahie unexoalied; catering tn dierrlmlnatlng people; aduita ouly. Phone urarg* <914._________ __

BOARD W A ffrE D— O U T O P TOWNHUiilNMSi gaaUetnan wadta aunhy room

aad buard la fo a l O m ^ : private CamUy preferred. Addreee S. T.. Box 9«, Nam oftlea

Oo. Si Academy et.r lHT Mulberry, fOH SaI aB—Tb o M k ^ of flno ouirm *ai^

14 la. wide, II Ik. high. 4*i)gbt; M, lia. addmaaai dolleanri Mad dimft, monay order. Ln>wU Wrecking 0*a, Pelham Navalgtailon; phone Woatokeetor 11 11 liiLFX"^0 HT eeoend* l ^ oaT* €>ea»i a}M

werdrobe tninke OriMtela Trank Co., •19*140 Central are.PIKE TOLtDO COMPUTtNO tC,

0ALB CHEAP.n o o n ,_________

t CO0BT IT.ALB i.,” u>


OENUIXB W. W. OrearMN iu ^ i-b a rre l gun, 11 gage; aetomatte ejeetor er aa-

Oactof, Jakn MalllM h Bona, 111* I t l Mar* ket *L. Newark, N. /.

tiABDBB IK m i M to aad eakvm s**rra iF a W r ie a r E dC. Paemia as< O ar ita

i n a d o lA ]mLat*aMAl natrli im ; ll-y rs r rUe; eaeollmi^^ebeJIar, .

dlUonj Itl. odftra

Addrean O. B., Bm 111, Nowe

OAB Bhdtoatnra. haw aad im tJ tetoi im taarbla nmntal »1m m ; afaor hmsMioLd

good#. 141 North Third gt.boaghi l^sbUo Top fleer. 114

OAR LAMP; At onodlLlOAS Bervlqo; eaet | l l ; geli I t l.

South Orange ava .__nVNH for biro; I1.ll paf day[ 4e*

relt full raluo raquirod. Harvey Qaeda ^ South Tweiitieth aU GOO'D OVKROOAt POE S A t i r 1^ HMITH bt ., NEWARK,

RtNDU^A W ?6 b . in fiva-t era^ 11.14; alan ordaM

wood. W. ■, BticklOi 14* phone ITO Branch BrMk.KUS'P US B V S t^ a r te r

biJihead*. oBvalPrreio printing, j , _______TIar6F~herraiai H gailoa Mpaallr.

• t , nea

rantale It.M ea; aappMee. repairing. Oeu* tral Typewruer E l.. H Park p li Mkt. t04lL

Cb d Ct j P rodne*AFPLBB AWD p o t a t o e s rOB SALSLWo have load* oemteg eaoh day free* our

long tiipe: thla M your epportenltyr oboloo winter Baldwiae and hreoningi |i-M per buthel; very boct round palatcee, 14.49 per bag dellrored. eperial price* lo doaieni at our ware houN. Motol^id Eipree Co., (IT Brood rt... Newark, n . j . ; phone br%n<h^roak l '<v.

S lio rtlitn d And TjrpvwritlBf.INSTRt'CllON to ehorthaDd, typewrfttof:

even Dci. fruplle plaoeA In p -«i<lonii D. 99. !r ^ ^utli et . ev ito*-i'l^N ••'rita1 IIlihH, sKriiKTAKliiii. tta..

quii'lrly irolnM and plaocrl: do* tnd eve* ntng jchi>r<l, aiiand ytrur neorvat Drake ■<-bool.

D re itn a b in f Aed M illiner;TAYLOR hr«4Bcutl1ykg. MUllnery, Ledieg

Toilurtng Hrbool, no cloee**. lad^viduol la* itruvtl»e. ilky ond evening oloeeee. Mery 1. Lro rh . IM lim ad et., upp. Oerhlroi tv*. E L T IB of ~Iiaa1gr.lng; Day o'.tj

EvanT-e ‘ ''mp-tarn. Leorn tiia right w«)-, Send ft r »r. ipi , 70 iipiAoy at.__________


o i ’ a r a n t e e d : iiF u * ■ r l*r<^*ri! M

Fto. 4 T. A a l>ower praoe i-to. gtralm Nch M Ntornra pruee, Tvelg ht tJdO TW.

&lILt,IN-J M A C n iN E N lIt Na, t Rrovrn tt Rharp fu'l unive.-aal, complete. No. I Kampamltb piuln. gear boa. Index beadi N a 1 Brevrn A gborp pton*.

L A rH K S J t lOemplota Etna of d*n*oa Falla MTAE lotbee and ALaMB ih«tt*cut Lathve la etoak. new. Ita l Dillard teml-quiok chaaga 14x1 w. toper altacbtneaL k ill Reed w, ehuok.Hal Menaroh quick ohange, malar drive. Ila l Oliver qalok ohetige, oabMiet leg*.J9, t4. 19. II ta, aWlBg latbea, M wet) a*

aatemotU*. drill prvaaee and email (oole, ASHr.R MACKI.VRHV COHPOHATtON,

49 M«'~hanlc al.________ Phone Mulberry tIT.

to. . _ New

^fi«>y^l'l*i>o^^oraJt« Co. STQ WaaAlaglakjtU TINKR—PTiTrU i i plane maker, r*-

Doliinr, *11 hronchoj. new etrsnga, relta, F_ Urunawick . I M Wav,

lifo/aTe rh*TVgiti to play inB et* rohi, tuning ployar. repolra C. J, Loitl,

19 ItjvTh f'.irk iVlrt, ji , OrUBgl. llT i Of.rr* ilring anJ eolieblug; p ilfe r Be*

11'|Q4 rMuiAieU *ud rlianrd, J, WUllam Rl'liOr-li. Tsj South Oronge a VAj Wav. j H T. PlJlTl:M.tMANu'’ ”rfi'Hirtng. C. K- OiM

trrniiar A Co., formerly eupa^tanSant piano rvpalref^ Bamberger A Co .; W»v, HtT. Folt XaLiH—S tetaway grand plAna, oaBWei

•Ice, tiooi In guaranteed porfact arday. Minnlager A Co.. I l l Main *4 OrMg*. JSa;- »r.^nd-boo4 l i Roi* player-plano. m n

oOii henrK. IS of mtOflc. New Jareay toM-t VUr*ga Co,, 599 WmlitngtOA Bt

l.«‘l'ltA.NliRK A Ci),P L A T k n x T I N>*.L> AN D R B P A JR B D .

fll^NK WAVF.riLI IITI. FtSTSITi-i A.Siu. ni»h»»tyiny

tul IftT | 1S0 foeu. Pii addrM* W,, Bl N««r| office,



age i'u.^41J1.DljX LI l^ U L

fUOi *Ray 1eC??LCx.or«


#tlUED Ca r 'player ptoba,eoey to-rni. Linker Co.,

ti^xt la liotulicrger'a.

ui>‘il u:>rigitt plouoi, |H * |T I| Mttay toT (inie. .S'ewark riA»a Stor>

uih Orange ave,I7S« player pfaa,, rrma, Baker C«k. tH Waah3 h i


u)M Atot.^RTTiI t l WAahtogtoa

IfflOOANT f^-\iule pla

eair Urma llaker t'Ov,^._^neii tv Bojiibergej-g. ^ E IN W a V grar.d* perfoei h s 4IH i

term* R eaer Ool. 114■t., iv it lu Haciibeffer A_____Maiiooan 'Y upright plana,

eaf>y lerma Baker Ou.. 114•t., r i l l ti» HoBibergofa iwirinii I'LA rku, ii-D.tA M«<i m

i'.oker > a.. I l l Waablugtea wLi. n*inL-erg«r'»,


lltta^ fWaaklAi

•ti^ I

y ierma next to

dHu.SINUKIt npriglit plane; baagtlflii lone;1140 baker Co., I l l WaahJngtaA aC. neat

to Boniberger‘0.__

CLOVER KQNFT k» nail aavpaldi 91 oenie: I lb*. I l . f l j II tha^ 9M&

Shlber, Raadolpn, N T,__________IH Ibe.,

Qoar go

JUST raaolvad. A few oartowAe *r oheloe New Tork patatoeai wHl evil d lre^ fr^m frrtofat

train at D.. Li. • W. Atotloc^Flfth tt., tiar riMa. N. J., TueeJay. Wedneodar and Thureday. Phona Harrleoa T4iT or UarrlMq ISIL OT oall at ami-Mi,_________1,449 BUSHELS AFFTaES, eonnd. eprayed

fraHl Baldvria. RpT*. OveaatBgo, Grim** OOTden. I>eleWBr* iWda Wlneaopi, FoIIim water, f].4A per baahelj by aapreao 14 buehil or tooro dolivvrod tree; oarload Irti, II p<--r barrel of ltd ILw. hulk f e. b. Charlee A. Bo^ R, P. Na l. nelawejw. H. J.

L s d d s n , D s n ic lu u d F lsg p o ltt

A rc n rP L rr* and htgh-elaw •CAffoldi, maalla rope. ato.

aad factoria*, RJk for ('uuloiTHE HOCK-A-WAT LA^OEH

)!d* laddere, for bulldvru

>g and price. D D EH i'O.._______ LAB

Q. L . K lM M E n L C A B H D .. Preprivtor*, l i r S p i tBgfleld ave,., Newarkj aol. Wav. tJ9f.


BMPIRB LADDER CO.. 164 F lk d l MT.

Q A IU M V ^natoa A m fewu Eaa# BL; ekll any tirno, __

f Z Z n « w f N ^ 9 t % . agimahL mouDleS: twelve yaairr axparl<

tard for prtara. Ava., PevcT, N.

_ , ___ enoa:

/allh A. ByrAm. 41 I ; tal. 494J.


W ttc h M u d J a w th yLADT‘S fancy gold watch; trimmed with

green gold I^k embleia; Id good oondtitoa FreedmaA, 111 Mulberry IL


—CArdi. lakato |l .4 t l.l *\*P*h IdttorhdA^e *t e i i rF is i ie a t

BMT I iJRiT-io jth

«b* tot tol* T;r.


Fall 111* M Ml iw d ntokto. B. X A.. riwM, C d.nkto. C nw .i aw atoMtlTy, V.lstoaiM; Alto A (uU IIA* o( flrlC Andbar*' HDAll klcralAi ttiUi A m A l radamlon: fAMAlrntnU tAlKA, A. KAtolu, tT loavb «»AA«« ATA., tor. HoWArJ to., «ltf,________

S^ x c iA U ro H ONB -wBieK o in .r . ■AlA-lriT* (w(n-«^lB4.r Bir.liHWi H*. ir(n* B BtrAtiaa aiat.r «kMl; |T |

l4IB rqad ■!,. ntm otK N.

Otony e ve.CThUK‘'cpuni*r’"3iw "_quire H t Bergtn i t ______MILl ,'girndr* A. paaaed kY hoard ef baelik.

R, ifciMnkmAM, MoM DAlfTi ^(hm Union

MOIETBIM ketfera: full bleodad. Ml Joralemon at.. Bellwiitei____


IN ST R U a i O N

M sO c

Ava, IrvtnyUtA. liA lH ro v erra t. ataa l i t laSy'o a tn * dr«M. _elao II: Alao crap* 4a okine dreaa i l l

rOR BAl.W; A lio 3 i$ T T L r WATCH. CALl. 1. VANDBR-

CllaionMUflUi Ri


A day of He* r a t for oi]*: well____ .Mi very tine qnAlity. a4 as icti

tive sricA: alao oat a day ebeatsirt AdJtv** BOt I t . Aveka, Pa.OVUnCOAT—Oirk b!u» oUAaklllAI

‘2 S

blue■iae; baited model; like saw.

]lih i t ; prioa roAaotuiblalIlAl targe 144 loutb

CNB ria-foot akow oao*. ene^eak m i f typo* on* isuul ■afe.writer, o«a rell top

IT BliKiiTsflaJd ave.5 i i H 6 4 'i # ^ ) h ] M - b . . i t o . .U in , tilrt,.

lAlk arA MHIUnA. BlItobAik WklAto C*., i l l PlA* At. B<lnkWk»>r'. >f, /.

TBN__ **** IndlAAAto. I ladkn WtoiU) At naua .4 mii

.■M tAl IkdoMiTi.Dl tat cAih; All HhvMM ikwA le j5 irt* .

• n i l MOTOR COMPANT,IM -------

(or PAAtA ^htoitui « m a JAAIte AM**, IIAM: lAAfA

rfro * B ; lATi'it

a s a a .

imj4 lee JUrwa are.k umsposA(M . t ‘ MB A. X. A.

HOTOItqTCt-Bi MArtar-DAvWtAo. lAto l .U , ^S w T *l{rR l?B f*r?lI..* irw ?WMA A l ln r . vaa; »wfMt outoA nM I t W i l L J ' ^ a w A . O T ^

maI mIm . hAOlAA Ji», k*.n r a m p l . ;^ *m > aS mi S t Iw H uw 7 JK .k ^ H i toad ilrMi ii»i.itdld b«r (w FtAtor-. l>rac Itora. Otaac* i t ktK* A»A1 on th* otniar.

to i l^ — ®=— AAln * t *nrA a. at7 (ArAfA

Am n i nliAblA (*r lAra* in to lArAa*;AAAlki.^ « itk kwTT kingAA aaA RaiA wttli M taaM ItAAi U i'H P*t PAW. U « i( W r a t t ta Ol^ FaUi u Bu HavaI b m Im i

w * n w B cuooL o r iro tic . BAMJO, m a n d o U n , o u ita r .


PaBAlAr Qaick R*iiN rrR U M Eirra ro H A l b .

__ Eaciuelvo Agency.^WBOA** Banjve,

*'U1B80N‘ Mandeltaa Qaltara, UhateLm and In*i>ortod Tloltna

Weekyr Faymaata,n o r m , i t o i i p. m , if c o u r t st .

EAOTIUB FIAEfD PLATIIIflfew waeki; isesap kAik If ira aong* wits ppritor gwtsg and

iacfl ^oft hen^tj


porter ecroiv rutting lathe, boLlaw eptndla l-ft. heJ, -omp!«i«, eieu nev rbu>'k. jlTI.

New 19-In., fenoh power drU.*, IH 10.Nea 30-lq, ll. ii. upright drillt. 1141.41. Ten laihr.i, prt^R« l7fi to fllO ear-h. illlllng macblnec. Drown A SherpCv tlTA Oaxvln Uliiliig bfaehloe, conapielv, fITL


___ H Mwchenic ft. Phone 1974 Herari;___

llAHDMAN mah iTAl. Baker Co.

to Lembergef'a li-N u T ^ plarti* ^asa,

belter Co.. n*itib«rger'A

logarw ^ane; laelig like new i 0.. 511 waakiBfIos at., neat

- m r r eaay term*.I l l WaokitigtoB ita nawt ta

CONFVOnoWttT,r X a i a .

ccmnoTiONBRXt.weekly rieatoto n t l :« Nertok* r a a S l lL l / lCONTBCnOIIHBT. atattoserf. ^ « r atere;

weekllr reoSpto l l t t i pria* |k.M4. Nortod R Norton, roam 110, I f l Markei n.

togarf; weakly reeatpto four raome; prto* HOD. ISl Markcl *L

tsklonery, cigar atore;price I

1 Market OLNurtoe

BBSTAURAffT. Hoboken; weekly recetpia |IH j prtee IL444| excellent appdrItiTtliy.

Naiian R Nartem, raem 114. I f l Mark*i «uB U T C B B B .

eetyti averfartun, room

1 '

RBi . Mantetalr: weakly re-r | |M i price M,I44. Nortos R n Il4. l i t Market i t

_ p t js iN J i ib lN —ow ca.





effenH a^ ra

elgar,big an Be«rhei

ft*x guad Masd. M Drvkore,

*au *4 Asy fwaanabl*14t Market ri.


. . wttk five iwemtbethp rant ItSj lacam* |II0.

Madera Duatoaoe Urokeri. 141 Markal et.beuaa, t tFUBHldltBD raaBUng

oargalAj eonlrali big int-em^ Meders RoMstaa BruMra, 141 Markof it..


~SFPiPLa cbs o p a u . k i n m

BOUGHT ANI> tOLO, Ch a r g e Fo r LfSTINO,

U h n ia u f p ia v o . T i l l ; toCii.. H i Waaklngum et.

berger’Ar^eR saT Babw


Piaae% 0rfBB% E lc . W i a l t iCAIH paid fer lew. atlfkdlT oaad er

bead BprighI laifiuel Orr, 144phtfue Market M4I. Of aen i PueUl'i e ^L'a 'SH pa id

BES co:ST.. PHO N E _________________• AFH palJ~ fur need planoe and V la lfd ^

K«wnrk Fiaao ftlorwM 0#^ 14 Seutb Or* heneMul. ITI.

•w. HlfkaT load ar aeaesdR

bet H4I. y aand peaUij wttl emh :D ~roJ^U iEi> ilAJ^ilL ^ I A ^ 3LLaN, 414 tOUTN UXTBBNTII VE hARKBT M14.

..NRR—Plartea Asl^ »lArer*alAAMi tuned and repaired. Wm, Pehetl, T Rleord

■t^Ntwerk; N-Uri^t 9T)>.UFliU^lit PlAlIb wanted: ■tato srabe And

price. M. Dempeey. 440 Ftrteanlb ave.

K o ju a s CO..MACHlNBTtf formerly

Newark fe-?ond-Iiar,d Machinery Ce, BUYERS AND SELTJ'Rff OF



HAN1».Wa r e IfOrSB. vs ms r HE?^rNUT «T.


J hy

repairMOTORS.W* bwy, ^ ! , pen:, pxrliangR, Inatal

arid maintain electrical equipment,Dealere lo eU ar.d eteam enclne*, generater




11-44-10 Mechani* aLPheeae flU . »MS Hi* MarRaL

—, but very goaiL 14 new drill*, *t eld prior*.I ihaper*. goad in(ib(>B. good eeiarrion.T B«a«r preeae*. In.rge, medldrn. tiwalL MHleri, planer*, foot preeeoe, bend mwo Blewarik forgea. viaea, anvile, palley ahafU

feel leathvr helUng in pnlla CONSOLIOaTKU MACHINtCnr BX. INC.

Ml kfnlbrrry et._ jAreund the corner from city helUl

COMFT^ETB line* of metel wnrkine equipment an eur floor for *ale: en­

tire plant or alngle tool* purrhaenO; we make a epealaity of handling large ta«lA.

•UN MACinNEIlT CO., INC,,141 Commerce et., Newark. N. J.

^ ^ k a t 14t9, i 0 1 0113 AMD ngPAlftS.

RS-*-Tha ktod and elee yea went; for le at rea*or.el>le prlcej^ they

gner"*. Crocker-Wheelrr. weetlng- . levrieaa. Rnbblae A Myere *t‘M

gUArantend: wa ntake a apeclaity »f power werk. llsbtlng and repetrtng. Call ue up.

M«rk<«t l&il-f IELECTFlTO MOTOR A REPAIR COMPANY. M4 Haleey .Newark. -N Mki. I ltl- l- .l 14—Ho. tIA Farrel l^oundrr PatU-'n Dlai

Feed I^weaeeBrand new. t-lnnh atreke.

VOTOR»*-^Th4 rant or aal<

are Wigner'B

t o.Ratchet dial feed: cam knookeiiL Pri

(A«gk( to A few waeki;toU; iateci aonga witk *>*0 ;** qelek, eaay been (left handL pr*- fiM*r*Aex atyU. WINN SCHOOL OF M U - LAR MUSIC, 111 Brand * t ; Mkk niT.

>rtre eaxh b. IlrUlgeprrrt.

J. L. LUCAS B R ltX lirO

MT Tenadirs.

moNBT A. B A L D lWInttuQtlan to

r tu o . ^ 2Vuo1 ^ W t.iy-Weed at.; P k n * lU rt fW M lB M dm n w to n

RMiUBNOB, . _ .iw p< W itt «TA. Biiiiw tn* V. t.

^ j a u l b s TAHMta,Tm cIi*- ot

n n A f w o a o N t jO n c aT u .h t f at PtoMt „ .

I l l Orcb.rd ,v . K--»H d I l f ,a i W , HUI. W T g j | ^ _____

n o t u n . CTnmM. uimilallito CMtoM M liu4oA CUM. Iwtouailtoi, Bwlto. ■(•■■■

ledA oew w Iw . «t roMonobto v r l ^ i> rtn t. iMtrMttoB, M t p w tototofc

B. 1, louiijl . o f Mlnati. riia* Tfcli.toA n ifeitor t t . « » •

* tO!t, m e .iS t . coifw.

RHTABXi.ltfib lltO.ItpTOHS - - ...........


AND UrNAMOt. -------- IN »TATi■TOCK IN RTaTK IINPAIR. in st a l l AMD RENT.


_________ T»U H I . MAHg8T,#i>6l5Vi()IHClM<l * ilACHINKi X - Wl

loaonar, u •M tor. t a u I

,« «Abt». ' lol.tor.i.hor.

artp aaw, borer, variety

Wto kiMh _ Rtlaabatk pbanorrepb Oe., I l lPlh4 at,. Mlxabathpart, N, J.K C H li iT - I B S , Xoato i!o « S ■

w.tor hM* u d all n b to r raolor/ .a , . Fk«M IterkM Till; TIiomDM..

Co.. Ml HarkM at.ifL k i. h . V.i.. . . w _ V U l W


T tik ia f M ic k h mVYCTORIA, large mahogany Ahlali enbtnat.

1749 alee, piayi all record*, haa cumblna- tlujj rrpicduci*!. autemaao etup aaBahlre pniht. ret'ord ibelvui and record*: | i l for ail, Cabie'i Kxpiees I'o., ITT Plan* ■!.: open Ua^r, Kur.rla)' Inuluded, phune T ill hikt. ON Ibc eecond riwr uf 11 Wcit Park at,

ie 4 pretiy phqnngraph el op with bcauti* fill phen>jgrap7»a, |ft aecuroe oo* of thenk the baianre pay aj you like, eoav* and eae, Mc inm _Corp ,_1S W._Fark *1., *Men4_^oor, WONDEkl'I'L bargaliii on phonagrnphei

beeuciful IM etie. perfect eendition, 4t9; I t l alee mehogauy. |1&; |lo0 alaa. playi aii record*, lie. look ua over before yeti do buy­ing. s5 Xprtngfleld ava LiAHGAlN—Brand ~new talking machlAaejb.Ay iLpr riv;ord; TnAboaary or querteyed t-aV tlrvlen, regular 9TI: wnlle tkay laet will

I *, 414 eaoh. Otobe Ce., I l l Ear-t., mom 14.____.MOOilAFHS re p a ir^


- ___ Ytaeorla, In|9 i take* I t with r

w. a .

gnod aa new.rtlled for end delivered frve; prteee law.

Springfield Avenue Muelo Shop, II Sprlhg- fiel'l av a ; open evealnga and jundaya LaiuIB rahlnet

He«, |9 i taki gain, caU ereniaga Orange-^ i ; b i^cter otaehtnee a bargeJa ^eea ]

piiouogntphe repaired, expert wevL J,Rich. I ll SpringRoJi] ava.; Mkt, IML

Bteraaej eeet d«; A bAT-

4 FreamAH at.

V IaHj^IFUL ewblnet phonegrapb wBC orda, will accept fjirt reaaonsila

Aidreee B. p , Box I 4, Nawe eftlasiirONn-UAND Vlctrul.

‘js ;-

inrt, IB good order i Ireei S. H., Box Tt, Newe ofTlae.

Aealtos ■VKi; .rtM r,.»to»bl«. Ad-

VleUiii, E tc .ALCtSlri DKVITO.

Ylettne and euppllei. aritatlo rapelHag 44t_Vtm*d OT, J^enr'ind floor),_neaf Orr ng* al.

violin with bow aod"i^f<t. ?nli elxe; | l i . Forbergrr. I9T FlfteanU) are.






NO CHARGK r o R LISTING WE HAVE A LAHOB Ll.tT o r MTOREX, HOOUJ^O HOUBEH. OTIIKH iri'SINKSkF-S. A L^t^om iJfe a g en c y ’ In Newark, ri-p.--

■enTlhf I wo popular make# of ''art, nvedc addition^ riaancei thla la an opportunity te gel Into a goiHl paying buitneae. Addrraa !•, Uoi 111 . Nrwa afflr*ATTBlCnoN—A bll n.or» t l .n Ih* olh-r

fellow; I bay everything; beet i>ridw* paLd for contenla nf etnre# and merchundlev of all ktnda._W1 liner, H Hprlngrieid av« . 9iki 9749. ATTENTION—R*at prlre# paid for ator«i uf

all kind*] aee me before you lell Hammer, IT! iprtogfiaid aw i phone Bigelow lltT. jjjL kfnda ef btialnree plaoee aoM. lf~yea

want te buy or »ail, »#• Newark ttuilntai Ntchasse, IH Market a t j lei. Market 1414, A<'T QU10K—1 pay mare Itiau ethera for

atore*, ataoka and marcbandlae of every ktadi lUBUA, III Spruce et. I 4111 Wevtrly, i i O r o B I W i W dU it^k lgbeat quAiltyi

•altad paasHto asd vesdiDg maablbesi tlctl the aale* reama of Tike Nallanwl Oam Co., taanAraatmrer*. 41-44 Spring aL. Mawarh; pborti Dmneh Brouk Ml.MEtT pfioa* fvr pastebU i f fiareal

gel my eatluate ftrOT Lane*. II Sautb Orange ave«; JghoM_ IH I Market ^ H r e c t lO N U l t . uliiin. rrocarlu. no-

(iob*. aobeal auppiieai ranaon far ealllag, Rieknami ^rlcM rraaonabi*] no ageBta> Ad*


atvd41 WliriAW a t ; FTTasa Oi "pTfSTlSn7 derarAtlag,

pla* ‘Weal

iTAwra«MHtolRtojf Shi

sbia; T r m w m T l

ORaYT&H pamter And pAHrhAs»*r HHiMlili vows wsriu V. iWMlHk ton* O rasra

. - rAtlav. OMiplaalerlni: very reaaoasbl*; eat at,: Market T14t. .



deeesaed. formerly raalJlsB St Oraiif* AW., Newark, K. #1, knowing (heir preq«at whayasl queeipti to rammunlrat* witR THE UHRMAN SO'IRTT OF

OF NEW YUlUL HT Fearth Av#„ N*w

HCTS LAiiiiK S^RJITA'... _ . .ATUAMTID c m ON TMtlllVDA'

1 ), a n d To ALBANT, N. T., B r AND IITM I ir NDV.; BOTH


chaaed tbe hoalheea kaaws Btirlttif Uarageto located a t Beat Oraag*^ hvpi David All etalma agatoat the a sM ■anted before November l l , 1 Addrea*.. (Signed) B, F.

baled Neve ruber I. 1414. _ _ ■ ■ ■W wife, MargAre| Spstodk hSS ISII J ^ is ilr

and board. 1 »oi fanyessiblg S | i # debta that have been M atraatad HliSa 1^ vemher I, 1154,

ANTONIO_______14 Seventh Ava., Naersfkti

TlKi~KOTicK—1 will V*l h* ra i^ M L any d»bta eentrActad by n p wIfSv

Pvrrtoeau. a* aba left my had sad I November I. 1110.

_W IL U A M r W M T n M

m tkufi, RALPH

far iba del . JImenea atnea Jt.l|

!er iba debta of my wife, Italy 14, m tk MR. RALPHI t Weat l id

nUNK6 R^—Party wltb OSr1 hsTtsv Aam mm irattos far w m m o iS S t t 141 W snsB

meet A party *if ganwar* will furniaa car In aaaaldlai Inf pna ot the hwatera,

MY WIFE. Vary OUehiiat, l i f t 4 a r ^ s f ^ i | l beard Sapt. I, t wUI sa t ^ naHMOTS

for any dehu «OAtra«itad by Bar,____ _ '__________ JAMKl J . QILCHWBT.

•<SLD hit fraearr atof,. llli Cotol # t.| rr-..1Ii,.r, «m pnM «l thtor itoliM M m«

No.. I«, IU». al •!»» • a l a r * . ____DAVID aODBUBR.

BoiioM* PtnwuJiAN EXCLUSIVE draaa sarlar,

can purchxae dreaaea, atilfa

ireee C. Boa 14, New* offUe.weekf;r reoeipta

M told OACAFE, vary biiay corneri

near lL4o4i Tvni naty Mi; meat ba a«l<. . Aorount at aloknvea Inquire Berta, II Orieena tL, eer. We rren_*l.Can TOtf tBTo« t u a tor a ckaaoa lo* make

lU.oei to A rihanctal mall order hualaaeaT ^H rcra M. O.. Rhx I. New* otflr*.cigar and etAtionery etore wentedr rnurt

be to Chrtallan aetobborho^d. AddreaaC. 4.1 Boa II, N ew a^rflre.____ESUO BTOHit-l want to buy drug atora.

goad paying ator* oaly: can pay ap (u 11.994 down: ho brokera. Addreaa A, S., Box it, Newa office.E lS c f HlC' M rX ei )* r fortarto* “iiiirt;

iTMhta, home*, at wboieaale prinoa, Fheo* 1179 Wav., after 4 P. M-, er writ* Okue, l i t South Eloventh at.FIRST CLASS flandy a^T

looatiea, near aeboeJ | two with farinture.

A ..aad _ .A LowenetaiHa aur'eeaaor U K. Market 4Vj HArkel 1IIL

; s r

cigar) uaaa

■ton I "r»oi nllful roama,^ Mr'fiigemery ot______

Fl uRTEEk'D rooml Tig houaca for aaJe, all •laea; aeme m eaay torma. See Sauadari,

4 |l Bread at., near ffahne'a.___

Make your veeted wUb

buaJaaaai m y av coaatr; partlautora Aad laweat pri Bread at. room *il-

Suiph«awSATOPltONPl wanfedj mai«Nly O; mart be

|f>ed oimditioo and rvaaoaabl^ Faggeaoo, |_Llberty eL, lilonmUeld.S A X O ^i^B . F-b y to ; caJI waiklbiiA ^aba

W. FaerlMir, l l Tarlor at., elty.

B u j « tMANDOT^nr-BANJO for aala; atmoft

eevt 119; will pell for beat anev.Bunterdee it.

new:»n. Ml

BUSINESS O PyO R T U N IT lE S■altncERY groRB, I roopia; rest 111

||gu weekly buatoeae; aaloa 11.94 141 Peahlbaraaln. H arir L40ba«

999; big oe AVA

CONFECnONEmT*ClGAn STORE, With 4 yfmma; xj) laiPt*.! iaaae- |t l4 weehlv bual-

neee, price 91.400; varib doubla. L aru , Ml Pet;hlii* ^y».^ I n q ^ e groeevy atove. aROuARt and ranteetloAara atom, ream.

kltnhea, bath, bet water; doing good bwfl- Doae Addreaa G. C-, Boa 4, Newa effloa, G R ^~fH fV t ORIT£b4M bU alM T li;

aale, aeiilAg oe aurcouaf ol geSxg to Burapei71 >lBtUeon it. ___________g jtL i> il‘s AM tifKM HXCRAMaa ^h I-

tlv.ix pmmroa b o r tn (w t ip

HAHDWARRIt PoBih Qfnito* IfH HiartaL

. ab. Addt •**

Addno* a. a. B«wanltdi^^l bat (wN«m at-

«. TUOHO, Uaahw j f ria l C * ra* ^ M»tl, Now T « k i M « d ^ bV_.

jM M a lr : .Apart UaM iic Ux

f A U CONAHRVATOIlf^CJJf MWIC: t lB rM d iL , __ Matort ItlT.

wid Otbor l i ^ —icr. t i* n r ih « . T,i. t t t ttw * mlloT* baltlito.

_ _ i . HiwpiS eUito .hall biolMt:I ta l i M td M drum Brawn hobrt. V.

wliltoto K H tanM ababaa ilTA___________t W o r t S l t o t r i l l titiia: »ia« bl^^tBoad

btto. M. MlfetodB d fttM. l i t Ttollkc- h«rN« AVI. .F B E T i t m W v l r R i a i-ap w*ii

CWI Wall D rinn Moua

S w la w y W o M%i SiamAAtledl^^^nauiwY skk,

IlfVBfTOBB- Wa apaariaiaaS) higheat gradeT per eant. iaveaiaiadt'to ewuntry; amang

Caateat Induatrlaai abaalwte iafatyi se hded debt; refaranra: ail banks aid

treat ovmpanlaa, Dun'a and liradaireet**; kighaat Tatlng peaathJa. Addreaa at eae* fof partMelara, Baw Ud, Wawa afttae.I Have io4 gharaa Barnrtt* Coal lirtqeatua

Cb. Heak vhlas I wUI a*U,-aJl af pan, al I l . t l par ahara with t¥a divIdiM; 4a nat writ* u»i**t F«u Mva tha aaali; no iradea eoAriderad- Addreaa B, C, B., BogIHj Kewa offira. _____________L£AVT!*iG eltyi ai«M Mil large, apaelra

ahop, toadanlg aqtxlppad; goea ioaailon; m*4* up traoka and Jltnaw badle*: diaa lum­ber cut vaady fer aaa 4tod trade nama. Ad-

— h gNBY toaaed sttlokly■tnettd aiaolilMiTi atd.; satea. airtatAAdlag

•aoABBU And trad# aaeaptaaaea ganhawaC CaaeaH Gfoaamaa, t l t^S to a at*X u ln ^ fK iid in S ^ .r 'V irU L - m j^biulr. *i-


WHY raiUAto A wage rarnert money work; a few dollara lnvL_

ue new will make you Independent; thla ia an opportunity lo gel In on the ground fioer to a aueaeaafuJ manufacturing buatoeaa. Full parUaulara, Inqaire C. l*‘'Tamboaf, l iBank at, ________ __WANTBIL-imail graoary and detioaUeaeb

m y av coaatry lew*. 0 |ra faU ce to WoAial, T99

__ , , , yoern 411.__________________Wl(iL rra wraat l lM fer a chAAae to asha

tli,4M la A fluAolal HARd ORDBR BUIL y ito T Addreaa M. O., Dag I, New* afflee. WAtf^ED ehaafdeur wItL money, aa P V tM

la Jltaey bua ntoning on paying line, Ad dreae U R , Beg Ti, Nawf emoe. # A R fiD —runitallad ream bouaa akoai

Deo. I; will par good fair priee, Addreaa

?i. C, B., Box 11, Svwe office.tot URUBNtLt BMdaii trU rto w T lE S imetal patanted Invention worth th«e«anda:

ao«t of toola to manofaetur* trifling| •vlling price beifiw half dollar. Addreaa v . A. h.,Bt.x TI. New* e r f l o e .________ ________| 1£9 BUT! alork a ^ atand^if aa ^ater,

riah, vagetablo and fruit store. I4I Mul* berry i t ______


MOT. FRdPr IT-4S MBBMX St*. MVWARK, N. J. Wa vU have osr amal awaUw aa

TUDBDAT, NOTBMBBR 4fh.We kava Jaat roeelvad 14 head af

eatra chaloe draft aad expreaa boroaa fram ranasylviMkla. They are aa eaoepUaaaity goad lot ef boraea and are all aeollmated and ready fer Ismedlata oaa. If you are to Dead 9f heraa* ll will ha io your ad- vaatage ta inapvot tkla eonalga*

DO MOT MIBB THIS SALBbR arrm > B D i r you

‘ :n B D WIT* RCI1AS8.


H o m T R a n

____ A iil i^ l l i^ A N a H L a b u hJaH n ra lra i, Ott. I

o n car lo a d o r b x t k a f in bbO Rrai law* w atoh iu troai l.ltO ta, t t l lb*i olaa ooma aoallKtlaA b -----4,0# boait aaoA oraanb Iba allr,


p O R ll l itv ta iawa. w atoh lu f r ........i . t t i lb* I olaa ooma *aallKtla« banoa thal Nloa boait aaoA oraanb Iba allr,


AU monor raRraded If perehaaaa are pat I* repreaealad

Wmiia Uoaii

L. a . i U t MalbtoTT.Ifonorr.bMaiM*

»#■ wUb m t u i a*4

ROH BALH—BoeelHiK Maab m an abant atoM roan aid, ooMla and drlolaa. #• oa-

taant lomolac altr; nuonobla oCfar n - fnood. Mark M. kooaht. n td n w ar ao,,, M, CIcaA Wtot O n m a; Rbona QrOnra lU I. SoAH6iN5~md KoofT alaWaa. Oaraaa ta

U n i ronanl ■tamptir altandM


■ m n l aapraoMaa: oil wdofaattandod ta. U. H. Marlolan. i t

t Pa >lw*« M«l. »*»._ lo u lo * our dMarlpllati; Uoolwto. rako* rloraai whaloHl* aad n -

touljEnKokbaoh. Kawwh'a Lortoat Hanooa

ven. La Lowanitelha I f l Bread Rrannb Brook 4444, *

-------innij: %>»• k a r e m a ie -------TO HATCH TOUR WRMITURB; V l CALL TOR AND f iru V B R i WB Al *o ^ T BIOOND-IIAMD rU IU tm jH B , NATtm AI. BBD RBFINIRHINQ 00.. 1 « WAMONO. TOH r r.| PMONB MAHkB T IH t. re E iP H O N T HaaaHT iV ir tor aa i

earpet eteaAing. Aitx Reaa * Baa, afflea 14 NlBeteenib av*-, faatory 11-14 Alalaa at., Nawarh; melor ear sarvlaai molk-pfoof ■ ta v ^ and packing.f e i L l C T Y P IX T — N a U ry . G om m ^~ o t Jood%

MSX., apediiflcaiiona, lliriJ■pe^ iRcatlowa, eealnf, ver. Idlllao Chip,

. . . thria, iodg* Asd bael-nddreealnf, w ry reaaonaWa; laiilil-

' ‘ 144 U arkat aL, lAw-graphing.yere' bldg. __ ^WAONlitriiUilll from aid a»rp*to; r n ' t o d

earp<-t cleaning. H aR n ar R o « W arbA U c .. 11-1,'M Al»lna a t, Irrlnctan, K. J.i RkaiH ITS, w .T ,; RiDinr Mr oar.ioa aad all





1 gsaranteo te make any aktpii alao rebuild and point tip. Boyle,

........................... ''« l4


eari-off clotlhai aelto and svereuai 4il«. Mr. Cakn,BEST prtaea for tadlea'

« paid far lisdlay aad gratF mg aad thorn: I I U 1 1 1 far »afa: aead paaiaf ar R iL. IIT South OraMS A9M

flatkTng, eboea; 1*. evercoata

ATTENTION — OLD . «e pay L4I a lb* for j

mafmtlaaei alao tobk. Than* 1 Juefc Co.g lM*t44


SM\ and peraapaUiy ia yaar ap* e, and iMpaol o|7A ariaottos

wbataihei add charm peeranc*. I'on, . ,of Iflcotlnee, truadctolbR dwatyn* v*lout% Uheuiiie de Laia*. Fnbsa valvoia. allka aad ixiine. Kvetr garment modalad by a axagier of art; eertatn to appaai ta ywor aaaaa af hlgh-Haaa dr«iKamaklng; a t popalar prictdi Alierathini free. Open avanlngBa MuL ItlY*

JENNIE ROICBSLBIl DAVIB. t i l FMrmount avq., near Bopih Qrasi|a avS|

"M A ffflC 88igS~ RENOVAtlD by the Improved methad; braaa bads frias* qaaredj box tpringa rapalrad; faalhar pUiawi p«hnvel»4{ matlreaaea and bei aprtbfS SMd# to arderi aatlmatM cheorfatlp gives.AMBBJOAN MATTRBBB BRNOTATtM CD»

m i BAHOLAY BTd Rhona Wav, TtfL

iUTTHHaAT niiaTat»j~br~tito WEam tOMlhodi boa asUoa. npolraAi foalkor rH*

lowt fanftTW trtioai oed

boa asUoa. npotraAi foalkor rH* otadi br-oa kodo moHakoAl otoi-

. J box arriaca moAo u orOori oolUkiFiKhaartollr il-ok i la addlltok wa oarOT toll lln. of boddlM, kox ORrlOft, OfOtafO A mgiin toeii .old a t raaaaMbto Rfiiiaaii


Rave yea a rnrifing prabli want complete prolactlOH fJ pnaittea or unaeruputoa* aosiraatan mechaalraf If you da, d a s 't fall to >John J. ftanka. advlaarf asd asp*- •pecIxMat la reufing aeoatrsfitlas af dWripiian, Office t Hailraad pl» ■ Church, B. Orange; Jpl^n* Ocmnga 114f liAftRFlisEB ’ranovaled“liy the “iwgraval

method, box apring* reaaJrad; faalsap gU* lawt renoveied; braaa b«da rapallahad) Stol* trraae* and bqi apring* mad* t* ardivi sp« betoiertofi ally aovere and aaw tsristiara nude ta erder; reaaonabla; aatlskstasfully gl .Hewarlt, N. J, ______

B E D “&UGS, ttOACHt? .'We oeniract to exterminate bsga

min Im hemea apartmanta. ata^i s f pm aiS do It with K-Z-RUl. Tel. S44I Mul.: 144 H,

tL R. eve.; lor sal* a t Bagabarfar'a, .aebeajnea, Flrtmea’s Fhsi tosay, sU drsg

^ d hard^ure ftorea H-g-Ktll CiBemlast Co. MATThES.'fKH rehuvsted s t dusiemaria r*vl-

(lenc*. m'>d«‘rn method, | t ttpl box apriagq reiieired; f**ih*r ptilowa renovated: braaa beds repeltxbad, mxttreaaaa and box apriaga made to order Maekle Broasa, Atoerinajl ras«~ 'irr> 0k s« > aSabas Mki^aaiV.ovalur^

DR. C, D. MAMDBVTLLR. 144 Molhavry at., betwaon Bast Ktosap aad Wslsttt

■la,. Ne«erk. Kaura, 1 to 4 asd I to I, p. U. Gfflae oleaad Wednaadays dad Sunday

SUpBRFLtfOUS HAIR reraorad hy atastrto* ]|yj twanty-ena yaara' aapaHesea,

MlU d A. OUNBAR. mootmor ta MHR. IL w lin R V B L T , i i i WABiitNOToii n .

•'b* f r •

^sap draw I » 4 Fan*

nlnglojj _at. i Market f i l l ■f.wYNCI MACHlNBi'iwMlrad right I s r a d r

home; eny make, dead postal (a R. Kraa- aey, H4 South iiith et., or phofi^Hkta llt'U

‘wiRTira aNtd > iK if6 1 i i , ’ STANDARD ELBCTRIO O a,

41 SO. OB A NOB AVB.; TBU MBT. PBff. ^ OLD raga end osrpeta made Ini* new 9Sa«.

New Jemey Rug Warka, 1414 BgrtSSlIald ave.. Newark-lrvfngtoti; Wdvariy IMSoHX*lA?rB Tia' tL«dfnid~M SW n£t

rhavmailan. H. ollrUa »M oaototMl. 1 Blnokar at,, k»rb of Hahk^o HOBA

.diM' oai aanty aUt-oK opoala], prtaa, tor BUk’a___ _______ tobliM' inoaoti ookaf o t Al, Hr. Ckarlg* 111 Erag4 a t______

HBWBPAPERE • .» ] . roBai l.U a n B b n 4

tv* tor n*wao*para: I .K ■ u a t n l lb* tor ' ' blcBoat artoaf for otbor

b l i t or WooliM*

BEST Fooh prlrto »*M -w atakt* Jow tliT . M w a ttehot* at ju»»-

Ih ln r of VAloa: « a .n a n a ln o * Eoao* balM B ia n ; l i t H a rkat at.! p hag# M iilbarty t lH .FORTAaB iTAMJ** wnalaO: calloaUaaa,

tup lln laai bliboot R rlm aoMi • M i l ^i K b m ; , « q . ‘r v ^

EST sfl«as paid for todlfir. M wmtf off etolhlAf and ehaaa tll-IH T w

and ovj^oata. lead peejal *r phana WaitwUTl. p . Ttooklar. i t lW a a t Kisnay

Me ' mANROK. t i t WARBHJt VT,^.. „, ! ! .■ = ? J 3 W

tow^^Tftwm* liajkto


a s i w A i i H v m n s Q w sw b . w b o >a j . v o v m t m s t .

';3nuM X U M MDtoK OA* c a

A u m u o m I

I i t i

j m


i ? C ^ S S

> 8 6 1

4 t :

« & •

t > - e ! -

M l U n m pt.


i - ^ s a n a s - s r i f f

____ 1 h u o HAI

* " * ’ V W R P 1 I ! I

rifM nMUMwM

’■^ l i t " 1 ^ A

M, auMMitibn r K

'm i lM ^Um «*4 Mm C i T ------Ckrw«vkM i t ,


« n m o w u l »

, £ X V

h i n i 8 « 4 , H e .

■ » j « J S ‘S r

V, H *g<iH tS w T 0 3

~ MMli

H ism ll

n *OM* ■**■!■■• vm * i ' i l i i l t

u . m.

CtM iliM M *« tMTMltMi M ■ MWi .

IM b i IMIlMI, nBAhl " w ! V % MMOB CAB OOB»AMT,

iS»-l«l C w tfS i n .

• M

i r u t « & ba« m . ■ « ------

i v u y iDi ui rE S r j !

! tk it'iii i tH lii .


« w u t M Uli • r l i i ■ riM iBAtli

NAUiOff U O lpB CAB CO.OAklut A c * a r . m w * £ b ^ m.

OAXTAM MOTOBA COBfOBATMHi!l>n B ilM i it., Niwirk,

n a i i i H ulM nr i t o .K t .

K ir MMUBcd I t f t tiiiM rW Ki H M i M MW.

mut l l l i M in i i t i t i f I B u mlot 4iinaiutr»tl«a«i iV t U i i i i l i j liM t h u Ib t priw i f w u t i i u 4



-K s : ,

m r m m t n * o a I i BV l b l t S B O O M V m U B DIM OOB KBIT n n o CAB D m tn m li BVBBT UM D CAB » AOUX


ii t i n n w„ ABDAN) P A n r m %BO«Oi w m tB B BOB


i ! n s ^ 4 » < ; . i i A ; r w a e i V111* L IW R T r TOURlNa. ____


FMrf)«U —9m Si« iw lM i ft r«ftl lai. IH tftVrtftCi **0^

i l } ! » r w « s r » i!H» Fm i c.

j? '

A P T — f l i

'I f f id b m Am *^ ' W i j s s :

M T O I M m A t f f B H M S V t tf - - - - - - ^M i I k M i i I i

_ V li WAAT

m m o m

H W B a T™ wt ^

t i

i * l J S 2 f V * ! . ***> **,-.Wti warn 1

«l W SiU A ll f t .

M n a a » ftMttUftai «<M iir«ft ftU ftfvmfti: ftU ftsuft u >

hftlftMnr. ftftiftti AM., ftHiMBt. W i t%M**mAi AL 4M1 B. B.

” l 6 K S ^ S = @ r aV S i im * * OfcM w

7 ^ ^n t r

. W f, T n T i _

t H « i A -L j t c i n ! nn i iiw tj —wi iwA M «i Mlliit

T«u •( M iraii AeiiAlAi ■■«■' ^ ***ai ■*iM iM ihli i t h f ri Ol ^ . t i t OiAUml mw, Bm i OriAAA_________ __________________

^ B & * i K m ^ i 3 S U * K S r

C M l i B b i

IW Ml)

^ _ ____ ..._ __ ______ o|iii|PvJuiuM t AelaesAAi '0 * , M« C u tn l » a ilUrhM 1*11.n n ^ i u v i u j f f p a r « n > i i b ^ u l m

M i i t i u i 4 ■ •« tJiwii BIIMI *• H*a I i Mkppricliitd. t t n « i t . B u t O ru f i i n i l

n s - * * !

Bft V t» a liiifB IS fttfl ftftOMSSfliBli f "

: ^ z s i r s ^ i


H -*i A n th Oim a T m SIT j & M MM.


UP ABB BAU. n n iip lil i Um m AAlto fir

1*1* POBip U B rW *AF, «Bt i i i iW , n g i Ai i l r J r w h & t e s

D C B * i» # * e # e -J& ^ 3 tJS f / i r y t K i - W s T

■VIA SVS IVi KBIft V{ By 9• M ^ M »u4a: w « ^ i

l U w S f f r * ' " * * " * ' ^ ■*


SM j Wk-

Mbta *M fm m « i l - p in n A y i i j i * i lnlalt ird ir t ■ iW A * » A | U rn .AlHl

s r ln W A i mtm Ar irpo twt— *■ H n H U r

• * 4 w *t l V i - ^ tm l i

f it* cu b ,Mr. g "

I 4*41 B. B.Cw., if* CnlT il A m M i-

titBD CLCABD C i l i r III* AAMTHi •iHipi, r u l i n 1

Miss,I lls ItMftftTd aUI 1 | i f C M m Ivt Bft1 1 1 1 1 WAVtMU Mdl

ttoft litMftt Mdftft, ibr OrftftA j

KT7rF MOTOB COn CvBiral ft^« . BftSt OvMffSk

Omifft l i f t .T T B iw sw i r m s B i i i c *

M W CAB rtCARAM:CAB fill.ON c L iis BOA


CABk^N MOTOBl CO; I* H iln r i t . Ni

r h i c i M ilb irrrIB infTFW ootH i

l7 i W iU n V B IS n l i t9BB TOPBlMBiBA COBP.. wtrk. i t >■TT t*4*r

TT1*1T l-T in iM ir tn d -

.... . jftf MU,n i l t»urlft#| t lifts; Mll<

1 ^ t « ^ rM 4 ltls« ;_ |ll|,

M itIUBtAa.i i p g ? A f w . , ^ > A i « f N « - j tMl! irV b lB A E e * I, l-PASStirOBB

^ ^ H ^ A B o r a .

I T J j y .


6 S Tw r a u :

M a M G A S I U U X S - I I A L I S T A T I' n iniW'*


AAM fU M t* II.4MXt KUtUABA n COMMtAAtON tk*r(t(.

RlrlwrA X K«hi, Bni> Mtf.

fldkBl^ MAKKtT qiilekiT i i K ip ir tr •■■- ■■ mm fcnli in ■■■ m ftiwl *•« m mMI

B*nA»A*A tk i l l i l i , M M , liaAi i»i)>l-'WiuUM. iW.; •T t u n la.


M O t O B O A B CO..II* B M ^

f i a n : . * ® '

" 7 w I * iK S 6 ^ '

-. (Anif«*«T i n __, ___ _ ,, .a m n . tiw ii. M ik lA a r. nM«h*iuUM. iln. UaiMrirT M m s M i ^ ■■ '

•ti-i HKmir M i id U M n . C n n i l * r o B > n i t 1 t i l 4tt* H »rK l

MO DONtS I ^ E ^ b

fOBD DBBD OABB.I* iM rtafi AMHmtAkli Hm it ikAiili: l i itiiitiliA ,I M lT«rrt AWN M f . i| tilA lM : Am w w ia H i riMA 1) t - tm i warm Arhn,[• l - t ta ; *kAlB ArliA


OARTAN MOTORA OORF, II H i ln r M., Niwark. FhiM K « lu rry H u ,

l i l t i m j m .■Ml Mwly I

I tn ik r i titw .

M^fiMiAAirl B n iti im il- ■ M : Nlf iMW il {***. Po-

O ira fi. M U litn i M MIIIMra

M r u t ti», cT J, r ■■

SfttfftftU^ iLt


W ? . ___ _________________•hlild: oBi r n r old: t M rcila i AI Midi- (Ian. Mack I n t i r u d i w f M otn Carp, 1111 BraaA iC, Mawai^ N. J .i W im O r III*.

•> i 5 a . * 3 f * u S ;

1 fliAt-nlam itid ltl i

MACK i(* -M A. a . rW nlll chmNi and cab; MV tlvss: Umtik Ukv ftftvi ftSftfftftOr

m s m asw i r n k j Issh tU s ftvsri MrsiBi Uach IntsmstfoMl Msssv T llfc, Cstsk, U t l Broad vlni Msvarb. K, IMI Wftt.M iM L » --- ----------------------------

tORP, III* n n a k iiitt w in i M M i n rfaa t condlUna: i rM 111*. AWIn AAM AaM

Co., tu . , l i t RliMitlald a>n., Btmnflild. IH* ^A D lU nt! t i l w k i ib r im l Uki Hw:

Ir (a noM l m, wiAiili Dnahaia Ca., A rn k i B w d KltUf i t . Wawark.

1(4 T m T ltu r Anil L___old; M U II f i i n j i r i i U m w T i

i n m l i . I t* ik {■(•------- ■ — - - 'Cm . i l i l B n i i n WamlT.

■4, Niwaih.


Body <

I Orsss «i., wstakSi Oip B i t B i r a f t i ^ K M r e o V l i

iAAtt d l t i i Mt i Ai l l S ■»»»» Cpi • M r , w(WadMMi aU m m S u M (kiri w aadarni karaatai win aill an

~U1a t rw a ta .--------

T V u S S S . ^ 'DRITA RI0r~


m u r

C K rfla lti f e f T N

STATB; ONE'THIRP CAAH; BAUNCRONR_TeAR. PHONR ORAWOB 4IIIW.__CAbilXAf~oMaa, l l l i t M rfial a n lm aa i

food rsbbsr; v«iT sasr istms.Um StAUTO car . ( t l i r

RaRiMla I t wm-

■iw OrarwuB catAlaa (lr«i*aaaSttIn 111 bargiln. Mask l i ( i r u i l a a i ) Watat Cira., lU I 0md ■(„ MiwuR, N. /TW aiartf 4*1 A

CAblLLAC oaaaa, l l l i t parfml a*a«maai

SC oSI~U -|bbf'.' U i'f ------------------

M A ?t~xr1. 1 W aian i

n Wdr a id iaAt. C. dSMfttlrM food: Al I h ^ s ;

Mm Ii tvtonultoiiftl Mslor 1 Broad «t., tiovftrlla K. J.i iS tI lift*,- F S E ^ m s r t a E —

CRRVROLAT aadw , ***; n r K U Raed am- AlUaa: ika («r*« ara (aadi t a i m U rn -------------- — n iU r r i prUi

rOAP U arlif, ‘I*.Ur (at. Al lamlia nM lIi

** Baatk o ra ia a(.i “

Dnr-BlAar IK ta I 4m wiraadclaa (rid t i a iraa tu w l aaa^iB ind p r ln BrMN-H r i» Coi , - Il^aaa PanaA M. J,

u d id iir m alpnaR li aaw b f t t t ^ i ftrti f t l l . Addross K U 7 TIi Bsvs ifnoSr

EO rdft3stsri pew SsJftt: > sftidltUfti JIM . >him lEVM BfciftvsM tor.. Mm

• Conmnw^R ln ^ d iilM iisd vhils r « ^ s r A BtiBaft-Dtsls-Sesah,



Oaaaralar aa* WacsaU RntlaA, M i(. la kaalaia. ilam 11*1.La t e m l moAii

[ tjJh n iM a w a r A«a^ n a rAar n ia i kwO* H^j^dMlU

klaM A A t,

FOR AAbB-Cadnlaa llu iaa la i. ttl lO : call aad laah It m ar

I aadHantiir, 14 Maokaala «t..


i u i r«t ds slftft sM<i f i h m

IlM flvbf. PbsM 4IB ftornsr^ltl id U A, 14.. Sft t to 4 P. U

Bcimorrllla.bOlWSMfT\\9 J.

f t i f b i i A n R 111 .■paalal Ka laartact aarti

( t n t t l . l l l . Pkaaa tTI4d OraRAa. c S i V R 6 i « ■■ ------ ’—


•x u lp M l I ------ —Akpir 44 Waaflda ara. deeanNrsUaa ilT n .B i f t f ib fW-i“— ’

IP yanr kaitarr r n u diwaTTia.i faaaaataa _____aaaninid k r tka alAnl rapalr m ia U tW SadI ix a u

ftrailm i aftw ■

■tali: downlairn aarrici .tailaB for WUIard baitory; all makaa ripairail. and rharaid. PAUl.'l UKKRItATOn A iia o .nkto_ ata.,

■L, kaC W M klania

aaURR daaia . aaT rnanaM i

a i i i f tid . M AaraaUaalk a n .______iJi

naefiat caadlSai n i l , kilwaaa

44_wmiarn it., kat^ w i I aad Bklaar.n i l , kilwaaa I A. : DORT ndan, l i l* li

Ut(iat will aall «



i : ^ ' i,<H>IWu wKMOrT'

I ^ tn tb U H t

A ataauM tn.' Mataln. aacat.

. - l y a d a s ;

t i l* la lIM , 4*1 taaHa#.1*11 kakr t r w d taa rta i.

kakT f n a Z M *ar. hWT i tw d . i-«m t. *•*.

ana Mkt. HI.

tP YMU liN ra la ablal* a laaa aa tin t kiid a tn a a l t i n . M. B y rn Cn,

yiiwy k ; a n iUai NAii HW,dsftsftd SB^dlftSds vSsiu


IH* taM*aP- m t aadamT


1*1 ____ f t i ! * 4 iim a rl(a t .f t S f i i r t i N w aa B in kind a a l a n r w i*

m I aad f par *w l,t am ia «f Ml* a i i a. h a in ikar i ii r M N tttejrluam a A Kart- aaaaa, l^^aa^lilA«a^•taw. f i t Brand i tM 0 > t* ' -> ---------------=--------

S 1 1 ^aara I.

W “flcai~a»r aiooad aadlaldad taliM M la ^aWiaa.

1111 1-paaa. Ckaadlaa,IIT Allaa tAaiMH all I

J *t*~«H.a3Muiaif*li~Br*l aad am-

Oail t r w rlu r n n III

Tka akara m a kR ii kaaa aanaM alr f n a m r w d Jam aiiid ajid kaw oar aan i m r -uilT far I* aaraj: iAaeu! tanaa tor tkli n u . Akt l*H i MiAlllatar-CBrtaa OarparaiUa.

MODAl. ta Mnpaaabtta napa, la r>ad aaa- chaalcal cm dlttoat paiat aad U rn a*awi

In lh .r aakaU tarr aad flaaa laaliaadt aa U iian iiv a anr la n n t I l ia or b n l affar u lu i It lidap. M. 1- tiiilA II* H ilaai at. OiSD rriA M B R , 111*. t-p iiM m r 'tm r~

Ina. tallT lanlppad. Ilka liw i 1*1*. 1- P iiiiB iir (aarlBf. aaw Una. m nalila •nalpaiant; Ika aDOTi eaia am prlcad u - luiullr Isw for kklck aala. R. C. AakaUdl. H I Cmiml am ., oUti pkiaa lit* Mafkat.

____. haa iMaa B ill TiiTllliat will aall ckaaa J a n n Aafliiiw.

H I Hawtkarm aaa.. en . I ^ l a a*.1 1 1 1 p ubaie lidriiMr n n tn fiaa n a tUilaa.

Ill ito. t bnriala far aalck bun r. 1*1 RlUik itk iTi.. BtUabaU.


BW lbifiAKjHl' l i . iU-«rilB4*r,~ iincar toartaa: Al taWItlan <

114 BilliTllli a . a i B. B. I**t.___A U 'K l io w u P A fn fn i i r

-CLAAt aalenuM la AHallaC,

ACTOMOBILB m D B B K iTS^-lloflsWdlM*N ov^R opA li.. . _____

rAltUM QEB'lllCB CO.B u t

K4.41 Worth Hlnotoonth vt.. Orftiifo. Ni J.I tol. OfftnSS 1411*jrftiifo. Ni J .; tol. on

n u t 'C tA J l l i f t s t s r o s ^ ftftlBilsi. Mi «».I l l Boffsn S t ; B ljotsv 1111.

bbidM^ H-o* bus m i t s v t a i UsM tm* ruM Uks ftsv : Wftftl*! MStt M boM. dM

» i t U Braid a*., Mawara,J.I * tii w a r tflr .

— raah M r a a l tS Ii M M liw aa lU aa l

l l l B r M a t . Bawl

aaaAlUaai ’bnraali^ a tw rrnk_C ica.

aBTOCAH (an r), l-taa oaal y,*«*i ka iR ^ Malar Track Carp, PH ilar Track Carp, a r t i 4111 Wacertr.iv S i¥ i1 9 , li-i

s rr foo^ ootidiUssi first H sd M Cssstp Bftkli

srSk, J s r s u CItfiW D lf u id lU^tssr'idissrtii Mim jfssjiTftr^

fsJsi oosdIfiM AL. Mftsk bfarsftW ftl Mstor Trosk Csrft.. l l t i Broad st* HtvsriiiN. J . t 4111 WAV,iif]STANirT;i.(aai

BallciUU . . . . .y p n b cedaa, 1 *1*1 kaa tW d alarUr a a i

rlM i la aamIMBt nadlU eai naN nU aknp. I l l Matifc M att at.. Ntr-

BtaanUcld 4TH.

- n e kDondlilmi a kartala. Mao' Motor Truck Carp., l l i l rarly 4Hr Itl* PORP

IM av with opal Twoltlk t t

Mao{ f i a u tw e f ^I Broad ttTTWa.

P ana-tOL warta.drtTa *ckaapt itHt w*r4 la i anbody and « k , |IT*. II*



Paru . (UUata adlaatlnn. labaUdUBlAffOVt ftOd o ldu l Ift SIfttSa

l i t BoHw iiIs ovs. Phoas **t J E E* OldtelToFlLB^sarliifti food oMditlOfti ft

bsrfftlAi |44i.P A ld B ^ U r .V fto d modoii ft no okSftSi

food ftt<Tks c, r _S k ^ 4<41 B

1 stufdv 9^1 |M i.~ B r im ^ * i74 Csfttfftl ftVSai tsU-

SMI. sft h msr^iO iW i t i C1tAfj|h i

. M B T 'T f i ' LOAM’" rat nad aaoaad cw1ai«a.'a t n r t i l ^ a a y Klaaay *t. MVTBBA. a t p b n t io m i

M 0 I T 6 A G E 8 W ANTED

Ik OS ioo< ni l T S ^ l t .

IM iftftrtfsfo »o«Vit i *«s r v

ifM to .osprltri IrtO UwN H mvftlMj ilUs fssn a tssd ;

Addfvov M.i iJoN 49. Ns m

^ baIr s




C S A T T IL L O A N S - P U S O I U L

Wa hm d'ntB ar oa a ^ a a ' \ a 4 ^ fa ra ltm aRAaai ranaaaar. ta uarm at haataf atiadr M . wltkaut (a>jalrlnt *C amplaraiai ala*

------ [i:?iS5m%^*Wb*aa dabradl WfM n ary ta anpfId tnliMuaa, *|Lul


; t M ' iS 2 o K A V f 3 S T f f t ^ r o r i 5 £ 4 'L TtM

UlilillO BlLX m i l .MftAT hSVl•hock obsorb

IJMAABBi •-vr*,. appai•burboM. M trs t l r ^ iMi

^ r . moienMisr ftftd in m j wtU f0 ftsr^ -- 41. NfVS oNloSal iK lW JT b if :^ I i ia r

I ta th ar aaUai aantl aw aaa r t down paynaaL Addran

wa aaa a(M Taa aI^alkaiaD dataimatmUr at a Mk aarta*

t i yaa: thia dam antralar baa aalr m about i,aao mllHi ruaraataad aaM aa mwi ta rm if daNrad. Mkt. lll* i MaAUIMar-Car- un Coraaratlaa.

» C S v R b U l fU* AN^VROLBT aadaa, H a n l~ lff i . aaed oaBdUioBi ra id U rn aad f tad palaii

T ; J ; p o c k *tiAi eo„.la in _______ Qpp.:jiT aadaa. modal

I Qraaa *4,, upi l l i l f f llT R o i.

ail yaar round aart paai palati n ry raaaaaaMa.

P A P tX K O C -S U a i CO.,I Craaa a t, u p a ta ira____ OPP-s t n e f - (During.

I ntm i

taaai parfroi macbaulcal conSltloai tp- paaraaoa Ilka naw,

m o to r dALBa OABaOB CO.._______ IH Main at- Aaat Oraiua-bTbnriV plI.dV ooaaran aXl aaibiaa ra n par-

tlcularir adapted for wlntar uaa; Ibla ccr kca barn tboruucbly «oat oror and palntadi iocka and runa Ilka nawi torma IT daalrad. Mkt. ItTl; McAlUatar-Cartaa Corporotjon. b ^ p tiii’ BBOd. touriilfi r«built, t aa tniT

tUaad and jruaraaiaad: prica lac tiumi-dUia aala at f u t ____M O TO R r A L E B O A RAO B CO.


(»lf BNt

ttna' deal* f lk a » * « r a f M l- 1m ta d by lo cal buaition m aa. c a a d n itd I* • B rlrlt a f aaraica, and nat balaty u au ka........ ................ ........ ■ "--daT; iMti

W R m N O MOTOR 00..U ) c k m t r a l a v b .

»ayi vary (air and halpla . n tul aad caurtenn danlia

aUtatlT cab-van waicacaad; „>h iarvica; liaura> n " .? i T i r

flaw a*ricaapa<I oad'ktaorad laaa ciinctru an A attakald h ra ltu ra . pUuaa,

BORROW ladtu rata t f Intaraat

daauB nnd i.ulak aarvUai•tc .; prompt wrlt«. ciii


fs w t floSTa rssm 4fL jalcorw# Ns. 4T.Manta: f : l * ta 111*', Aaturday. t P, M

BUUITARI.a LOANI. sM d pp miorssA snt«f sM ehsi-

IS f i i i : Isfftl isUrsot; iftfUISfktUL sour-


lloM r lOftMd « t*l Morifftsss; fH ho sihsr efiftrr kwts ssm es; kU MiS

RKtJiTAALB LOAN aOfllRTt,II* M trhil t t . tProetoi'* aid*; I......................... 1 W adacadu nlirkla.

■ «Na. l i T by Ik a i■ ow grro .^ idstijf s»A ' . n*l Mrefs#4#> ■tsts


VAN POSNa X AUCTION BOOMA 4b ftostb OvftQS* ft*'*>

tmfso F A ra c N o rti car ralc. t i l t Rtsilfbshsr SMlftHa I ««rj llrss*

run. laiM mllssi tks ftttr look* sM rskv•kV

___ ll.lMm > lattAsbsksr. Mf sii isurtaff* w f

io« mltskfs^ slmoai llks a s s . .. .11,411 m i UttftsbskoT. i l l tosrihf. svss-

haulsd rtns Hr«i.......... |M4m i itvAsbakor. ria ro4ilsl«r. rsssstir

ovsrhfuJsd. for 4ulrk ssU.. I4TIHIT NatUsal. sts lourliif. ossrbsitsi.

Nftftlatsd - il .tio] • » Moaros is«irlfif, rasi l . t i f mUsfe

now ifftrs shoo asd sttrmt; sost11.414 ............................................... Il.ltoCots #lfkt roadtlsVi must of# sad drlvs (htt ssr lo spiifootsu H 1444

m i Rtn fstir lourlhft so rf Mno oon*dUlon IITI

1111 ChwimlMt Babjr Graxtcl, vfry flnooondliloa . HM


RAvr okANaB, nT jPkana Oraatfi lit .ATrrOMOBtLB

a u c t io n RALS.Fifty dlRotaal autkaa W plaaaara aad tam-

■ncroUl ear* will k* a*M at TORUC AUC- TIOM

* tt Main at., Baal Ornnai.

s / A f U a , a N d ti l fBbfftftd Bsv tiros; vivo m

ooftdWIii fSoC TsL 4441 A. I tRBO rn fa la r far aalai U partatl n u i a i

Ja*. W aluaaa. I l l Atalb

a e m A S T T u S T i x s iuoai la r iu I* aalti M Track*. U WllUaai at,5 H T r5 i r iK i5 5 i t !

"ee*iB^3™eaalCla S r ^ ta M iB a

___dlllSft. ___Twaoty-flni at., frrti . l i l t auioDioblla tor 11*41 Ja*4 Uit aar faf

aa aaioaeklta n takw ie . oaa ka maa al

ifi-TOil Maiwaili aaw akaaf kodri d j i noidtua*. k a r « ^ H * • & * ! *RMa U

Kaarnr at.. NawacB.V U . kalf-tm; ^ ^ a ^ r n f ^ M

tUh; bftrfkiki ts rv s Ift mIL B if tS fct t WtiiUm s<

114 Main aL. Orania,i f l t ’ w T {

* III*b o b 6 B rdadiMari — .

Ilka naw; wiadatdal kay *4II Hawthorn* 14., O w m BUMMER Top fbr tta iw ' iadrta*

artalb* bmla

Unai palal Maniaa,

n y r i i u n « t n b B R A Li b B H ^ l- ta k T iiM at aaw, wBk k a iT m l

n k . W RarcUia aaa.. Bairlma._______•I*

_ Cl fid* oarniMai. II, or ArUaktaa **l

brand m w i111*1Coil

FORD t a i t 111*1 do»aaJat)l*twa aatroa. r to a * B B r tlH ._________

S-toa pkiul badr M«»<~fcarfL

w ib b w wUkn ta aoU cadai. laU »odN ■undard t , at a l i n t tm iuM a Addm i

W , Baa >1. Naw* aftln .bO R f i lm nadat i fliwt alan ranoJa* taa-

dUlani will ■acrltU*. Call a t Morrla Oar- II*

tlpH k A etA H A fk^ RAfAbik E k .ARB payfa* I* ta 1* aaaU

3 d auia'ataaa* wkaf* tha fakrt*aaa. m AprtnaflNd aaw.HlaH-UllAbB auta rap*lrlB» TichArd ’*

~ ' at Aat* Rapalr Oa, t lpradaaMalB. B. *»«,_________________

P o U rm a p a , 1»I*| drtra* A** n a t t iaxiraa: wIS tall ekaa*

apaaialtr. Kssrar tLj

mS: _FhsftS iM Ill lioPtclftlT.


G 55ofib lTcard lira*;

H I HArristovn,B tn n f . i i i i . ”

clam aaadlli

•OOP*,lb jBcaf*a. mT j .

iT J im S iM t aaadlHaa, '‘ I k t

phofts Cftidwsit liW iF ^T IsJ s# t s t t s i f i r la

• sEirs r iw ftft4 UTSS.

SUICiC litia i-possufor f Osll 14 ftrsip iIS. Nivork. Na 17________

_____ nsVuosftf BUttbfUi

wMWXPAI, iWa na1*11 PfMliPlaariMI lapaad m n d l^ iiia n

tu n ; *>•*. M am kr'a Oar***. HluWn Ul. Mlilkara t*(W.____f f in iS S U 9 > r* M S * S

tlra* f*od- * ' ---- *■■

n S S ^ . - i n ^ s r v r rml bariNai aaw lUaai raatly p a l a t ^ II.IM, . Phaa* i*t

MnrrtatawB, N. 1 _______________________a R fU t BAROAiNa-oo* i i i i T

_______ _ tllT i palM aadAl BMckaidaally. Phee* •*<

^ * S iK u '’)MVlTBFCABtIll{tETKtfp'’Al>4b --Vl WUXI AM J T ._____

taV*' 111011*1 : parfaat aaf l lS 'w R P . ,VoKb iowta*. lata modal; partn t

(‘hsnli'Al eosflUloti snd must bs i

Vhs 'i l t i f libs BOW,If Kosmflsid ftTS.6« fi*A ifn :T *T T

Em; two sov sEtrs llrss, St.

I ll l«pft|SIHfOfalle lS in S lsIse ,

spproolsfod.410T0R kALES OARAGR CC*.

E«st Orsofs.

Al >hi Tblrtsshtj W M fl

rics for bualbsss rossMU, 14. Nows uffUOa

T itf ; stsrtUa Hjitrsi: s f i f t s ;Til ■ ‘•osth

' sslftft. i s U 'a s t AAdrsss 1„

114 Uatn SIffriXNLicKft itRUNorvDi

CfUNKi ^

imif* ehslos fs rd s for 1 * . A ^ r Istitbsta I MMM

___________ I 'lp r o j jn r i f BbHAFT*; AUig ALL AUTO MA-m i;K ^noin'CTinx oRINDinu

r’S U f ' f r ^W y sriy T‘lUS Brood

CHINR w o l: , . - - , .......... — Voo. SVC TO n. H- I'HminmiCK. i | BBi>' LUN PU; TICK. B-

FoflD SsdAfti oMsvj |94^ hUSil N- Ja

i . Iftrtor,B tjh ig rf; ftsrissl

H i. Alisft’

. jH i m bJsu lvosiT rs■hofs suil lui'tSa bufnpof ssd SpiAlftl sH stItbit esr ti r»ftUr Wttsr UuB *

ftsily porfsiti t«rrns. MArbsl 14Tt| MiAI-llitor-rtinon C^^DO^st^on.

It wteliP isftl fbsA .,tss; prtoo M ii; u m tbs suh.

. rsbbor i sump Pbofus

IF li HIM ms*. Imfslr* ft! tmitb'sOffSfs. ivi iftrlBfflsii wsa, •srmsr Pssr

DC DOft tosrlBC. sftriir H ilt ■&«riflsSi mvst bs Mid

fiulchly If roft 11 BrsoBU iti. CTosb/


iMSth ft.H ? i “p i :

aiiwfl*.Tiraifth at

K la *a*d aaadllUB, anna la j aad pal akavi taaika* prfaaCBMTBU 41* O ta w l aaa.,

IW o W ^ im i *ItspftIrtM ftpsslftllits

Sfs4 SstTloe Csr <. D Aa^whon. Abj |

r tS H S itss BsossftablSh

NBW ib i s ssdfth tops ftftf II tbf eftrs; siso owspo lofts (or ths_______ ____ __________ .... roftdotsfl

Tsnr prsctlcsJ for ssm sisr ftnS wtsisr Msj psiDttDf and trlm oilsf bad ft vpsolftlty rs- oovsr top with cldoSQ sids eurtslftSa Alls Top Bqsipsisst COa. 411 WftiblftfttSi Msrkot 41ITW.

rO B ALL C A »A _ _


BABN Bri Airro l i t Hslssjr vIn 214 W ftstllth

LLIaCO BBIIT ............ ...................fonorfttorft stftrtsrs. msfAMsi Ptpslrsi Ift

n u '£ T o ? ^ i S ^ 'o n ^ 'b A a M n o A P xt« Wllllun at., batwaa* W iikliicM a i l

Holaay iia . ; In tka baatnan alaa* iW . AUTO TOP*. a1fp cav***. ndlatar

pord ono-msD (op, sllftsh* ooMpIPord rsdlfttsv obri

aiionif Asis n b r, __________MU.i p sM rooiftlskodi M d sft ftsirT^lSi n hftif priMi (Si Voids 1ft MSSSBIt oBds eomplslSa I I I ; motsiftf Iftiiifc L rftdl«4m trsamkSiMftSk sis. f t t

Dodfs, K sfvoll ftftdcororSi |1.TI, Boononif UtlMy It.; Nftrtift III*.PORlithahaodft rftdlftiprft. trm«iHftisti ift»Itidfs sA, sis rT iU sw illili ftTft.

Ila tl B tm i ftfttsI - I aUa kmaa * rla laU af U a ar ntami

Aackaabaak Caaaaa I tflia ., H*’t IRBP TuloaahL:"’^

ttarli» la mwork fu srsftttsa. Fhftfto l l i

Its* ,Nl> . rusdstsri

^ ^ S f C lm k a a i i In parfam «OsdItios;^t> BMVBtfthlss; Mftl bftrfsts


■aa; will lacrlflc* f « ll.l» t:* a*d I P. K. I l l Narth Maaa aT*..*llriThant Markai ITI.____ ___________

NBW P O R D i^M I m^ P H ^ T Z T It ^ V u i n ^ ’h ™» I « T PHpMJB WAVARLT t i l l POR AP- FOIMTItr

(m rla* ' tme-*eeue*n. fac aI4*W4>*%.

at lilt , IH


i t lb C H V v m d n fftSitpSi SSI

I M I W . ______T 5 5 5 lf t l drirsn T loc idltion. CftU Arli(if(oa

Oft W fdnosdsr. Nov. I I , l l l f . tbs ffiMsw h tf wttt W so ld: tllNths roolft. hsd roomftnd ftftilor fw niltsrs. boohrmsst. bosk s t is d i, l i^ p ls s s s s l s t d isks*, hrtcapahrsn, iU*ns,

HiftlrSa tsw bovos, r s f s . Unslsvsn 4 sJ , vM ss, k rs h ss ii sU ftiUsUskS. tss-

IIP Iftbus* 4|DUi4L plUSWSf SSliSS Jftsi* ^ss« drsosesft, oblffOBiilsrs, hodft ip rtsH rtP«4N too BftiftsrotM to moftlista

M C M b A T ^ ^ f ^ ^ i D A f

pankta*H tr* la r a a r a p p a ila a llf ar at ra a r aww p ria a

BROWN'*AUTO AVCTIOM RALBaROOMA Tkird aaa, earaar Blavaalk at..

B. H KRU^OBR,I • Au«tl*a*tr,

• 1 ^ 1■WBATBl



t i f i r i r M S f ^aw td . ate.

, AMUantaa

i M j L LA P C H 0 W I I 8

fa rk at ii*.

City I pkcn* ilpy-

Llil roar ta r kaaai tlaa par ataL aoinnw. Ua Ika .Rad M aaM, wa aim kar aw* M

fSfPTfitPIHrftW that you can haa* tcartd tf lla d tr rtpalrtd wltkaut r tj

la* ky L. LawT*iM*'a kauaitd praataaf•naatalln Ik aluw ^ain V tldla*r HI Halaty M a t, NawtrX I

liM t B*< Ik em *0*

idytac U m iHanlaiawa,

Tara tt.

for ovs«r*S ftppsftftl, pbrj^s Msisrs Cofft.,


• Mofttles* jM r im Wu Bos t«. fill III I4SWS

M i T i r f i S R i i t . fiTf'^Vk'ui’s . r ai(k



" m y s s i D 'c itn o M B iu r A.C

*!S iL i?txrr;.jrIti* ll^ la d a rH a r^ taarfi*. f-pa*>

-ataai a i r " in m a la id . P * ^ » J Sffi *,A ^ l n * c y i n R<**f*i^d;*y*.t iTa.


FORD tar*. laaHaaa, runtbautt, dtllcartta, W lU l* M«d*ia; aarlaai aaadl-

tlaai t i tm *a*d tiraa. dtmauatablaa, . .T O tV i »<ik*r**l**. 4«l fcmk Twtii

jljyafttSfeJiffjlSfcI p a ir bpwrHm a t t a in raaaa

jjjpttuimsii Of pAtiwumig

Ohwiaafa **«jil* taarlRB,

ft iftilllftftam S e t


m ftSftftSbaacr'la 'H ral-alaaa m a d U ^ i

fiti.pTL'WSSTiU* Sl*KS*.*"C T a a a r ^ s g & i r ^ m a a n S p r ^

*A !LakuUallr kb a taaaattw aW

1.IW7 I t Olai, U k a . c a . « J j 3 r i ^.v (or 1 •» 4 pv ssiishwood ovs,, Bm I

sn A ~r iW p 'T'Tgw ir.M nd aad a i a n d ^ rtai

m o to r ftlRViCWIma at.:

n iu t r u *ttOtSMlCSl

fl- h VBMftftr

»ffi5EE2 =eff iarfcat111*

amdliUaj1*t Rid**

iirj'iaodtl 'k ; A) cua. MaarlNawp. M. J.«*r *w: In (aa i a*ad|.


i i i 'B i

Pkana __i l i i ; a n d witk Tiaa{"«l j*arruuwa,_H._/.

........ » w ;“pi-tc*'"ilWwafRca.‘ ilka’

fo m r-CUrwr I» l l I

JIatTMIawa. W. J. . I » t l Nartla*

.1 M fR at HI*.

• IA r

Appir IM

■ uT'lSBEanfrilllkaSf


L-m F s T airsftt tisss bftri snl

; ^ 5 c S S F »Nadis a s i e a w ^ n

O iiiy jKIft*WiSlflsft.

AUTO f t X i i ' aacand-kaad t tm i

mnk. I lm i all work ICirha,

ulcaaiaadj b u t* tal Vft fcftftdloorsatsod. M.Mftri “ ^I ^ n i l T r T K S f t f :

Biraala if aaU a t aaaai tanaa, Ud IrtatTtmatk af.

tt k fa S H W i a t f a U '

riH K 'T m iu , sR A k b ’ :

At*icTYl'.*S» ■ moMis wfti

U rtU h taw d ,flR B I^ m liaS

ml^no; IOnSJi Dll llolLCADlTal



'•■ Ji

LUTOMOBna M V A IR m_ W ! A s u B l l £ & a i U O i


B itfW

t i lIl Bf "'ffftBflgLf ' § tt

Btoh.. 4SIf T y ^ ------ SfeVS=i@H. Ja

T m T w mf w l d i w i


>TSI I f l b i L i _ U « l L■ a m t


3 £ » iS l? S S u -? “" *


I k h W M * r w 4 w t ■ r w l

t » v t f i a w a w B . N « t a

c ra d K , b e t a p la n v U e h « w U a a y tm

t a p ic k f ro m A * f l a a w d o t M o g l a

w a to e k a n d p a y h a m a fl w o o k ly w

m o s tM y • f f l M p a y w w t a

Bqr What Tn lik e

P ly A i Tn ' Ev d

Wa malH • • « c ln A arp for orodtt N sn d « f t* > H sedlM N rai a t aa tra ekwSN far A w e d w e . ThIa tt»ra •pwW N tbo mm m mj«Mfe attro n d ftvH yas Sw boselli

by h f oA m o b v * n f t **“

TksH Prkft-Rsdocsd

G a i n i f l f t i M l U t f

Toftts of h p m / t

. S I f t C N * N lh O f t . » % 0 f t

M M b I W l l l a a . r t M O C

k . i . c . a . l S f t O f t

I W b « t t v t l M O M i r » 9 lO f t

i v f t ’ M i i M i

A g s s w i i O p i m d w i a i f l i i l t

I l f t a f l i N s i i l f t T s f i i i t


B u A n1 1 2

PLAtNI Park*r o liald, *ti ivaaaB G Ika Trp; 3 « :tor IU J< If KaA in kRlAibaralRB•a* fIMruptdH

ItMoraiir« n k of bit* Talk Htdk* TkbATlBR HralRtd al MRPtloA. to atwAt laHtaa li

llek art Mr. akAp

tutad h r " Park& fli

•)krwHdsnt kaar. fur

Kr. Bhi K a t , wai Kait Baa Aa* ]l*kl aad Abiti tatad fba

U r g e

For Ia*tc**i 8i

n u T i ARibor I add a Id,Tka worl o f plara. dock, hal

Tka do kaan bull poratloB wood Or T*yk Cit 4*1 feat 1 to tako I

■avara boltt by atall Ik* tka Dcw th* work

W ith 1 It la cat wIB ba e


f e i S B t i CammBBAMDSSoanra

t* Uh


tiT u iW ^tlr*a

•SOLOSi______f« M«H. •■r^«**o-STSSiirr**"-

m l aMMfblw TO* d o lM i t f lo

iO w mU t ar

MM m a yI tfM b m fltr MaflT «M

M W A B K 9. 1199.Is Allegedly Judgment Dwtori i :

r#wM fcr»te. t( iM i r m n PL A tM m t.D . Wo», t.—W ktawMtk

(••rlw of WMt toTurtk o t r M O rf li.M. Ttoo prooUoat of iko n iM l t'kxoa Oolf Club oa4 aa offu lal of iho Trpofbttndonr o o B fM r, >weer ; iM awOiut whom h Jar# ta tho Sam- iraol Cewatr Ooort b ro o f i t lh a n r i la t

. ------^ ia a a in M araao tho i w a i of

r I tU M lh favor Nonh PlalafloU,

•JKeotitlee, Mh lNAii*e 1,414. liidwM w | l t ( apparal, aa aulomo-

lorI f ------- ----------------- „ „ — „IQ aatoaMhUo aaol& hl oafir la «haborolait of T h an k o g lv te Dar. l*Tl» k u O M a a a lu a ta rr ponUaa la taaa> ruptOA lkroa«ti h it a t u n a n Vote nriaaaa.

iUmoHIa* to tho l . t oto aaiaaat to |worth of w oarlaa apparal, aa out kilo Toiata a t f l .o tti (Oir halto aad ittoha rataod a t t l* i la a a ta a ti polldoa kartaa ao valuo aad houtobold toodo rtlaod a t |l t« , on whloh b* c la ln t u - iMptloa. Tho eaao baa boot) ro tom d to Atwooi U Do Oootar of Htwarh. lotoroo la haakruptor.

Ilobort Mtwton Craao, who raproooato Kr. iharpi, otatod th a t ho wooU now IrlUB a Bolt on tho U M M bond pat kp |n Ih t tato lroacp prooaodlnaa laotl- tutod b r Hr. Wloaao dt tho Umo of

V arkoi't arroot oa tbo ooarof of •baekam aioa Oolf Olab. tia Hol­

loa. ptootdoot of tho wolf tlub aad vtoo ^roHdont of tbo TTpofoaBdorW Ooa- Hay. furalobod tho bond.

h&. Iharp, who oorrod tn tho WoHd ffar, woo run lato by Ur. Parkor In ffoot loTOBth otroot, whilo tbo tormor boa ]l•h llnk tho roar lampo on hit oar, tad outtalood injurloo wbiob ataotol- latod Iho amputation of ono lo(. ,

y o u rs fo r SOLID ■delight


Ltrge Electric Dry Dock For Perth Amboy Ccnnpany

Isrpto# 6f Sh4 yWW8.FBftTH AHBOT. Nnv. t^irtk

Amhcf Dry Do«k Compftiir m & wtU ftdd ft lO.OlO'ton dry dook to It* plftnL T lo work of d rud fln t ftnd tho hulldtnf of pUro. prior to th« nrtWftl of tho dock, hnft hooft compUtod.

Tta* dock. op#>rft(»d by eketrlolty, hfti hfton built hy ttaf Em«rv*tiQy Floot Cor- porfttloft undor the dlrocUon of Look* wood Oro«n A Co., enflnsort. of Now Tork City. Tho dock li IIT foot wldo, 4 | | font Ion#, and will bo Iftrgo eftoovh to tftlio ft ohlp 60ft foot long

iovotfti now bunaiftgi hftvo booti bulU by tho compftny In ordor to ta> •tgll tho noooooftry mochlntry, wbleh tho Dew dock roquiroo tn order to do tho work on tho k rg a r «hlpt.

With the opening of tho new dook It lo eotimfttod thftt ftbokt MOO mon win be employed by (ho oompony. I

UL T R AA Newgrker, travel­

ing in the Far West, referred to “the place near the corner of Broad and M arket , Streets" aa the “Tif­fany of Soda Foun­tains—H olzhauer’s." I

V« alw tyt knew oar aoda was the flncti ever, but we were i tittle titnid about claiming quite so much for It. '

BOLZSAIJER'SiR Q A D S i.* a B tn r J

PUBLIC SPEAKINGNew Class Stnrts Monday, Norember 29

IOnly fifty mew wtU be eaveUed.

Bmly ewrolawat adrlaabltA courae detigned to help men adrance fheioaalvea In butineaa

by developing Mlf-couftdeiMe u d ability to talk on Ihelr feet and put Ihelr ideaa acreaa. '

. fiMh Mas CM* y«noiial AttanUonw a rn oat Oa u . ro a oiacxL ta

Ed. D e p t T . M. C. A., 107 Halsey St.

DIABETESWoudartul Intavatltlal Oland

B itrae t It u urvat blsMlaa *o tufTvrvrs f r e n DUhatva. T ie*t- m vnti with thia remarkahla ox- irum balsa retM va the teg a r

Dm h rahoonablv timmafrom

dlMO*..aad within e raaaouai the aufTarer la fr*i

ef » • — — .It la folly euaiwntaod. Dr. Roa- au la . 111 Waat TIth i t , hatwwn Celumbua and Amatardam av«a, Hew Torli Cltyj houra 10 A. U.i* I P. M. dally; 10 A. M. to I t noon, tundaya.

BON-BONS CHOCOLATESAnnounce the opening of

• temporary sto re on

Central Ave., near Broad S tW here we will be pleased to serve our many friends with candy only.

Upon completion of extensive alterations we will open our permanent store fronting on Broad S treet and on Central Avenue.

TMLHSzmg'B i A ll

n IP a lni W M n C I M S H O U M U g p e S

(ud La Grippa

Newark School for Stammering

A aohool for mao and womao wha daalrs to ovorooma Any fo m of CkfacK dva apowah. OparmUng oyalMn so aaaafui tn PhllftAalphla and P lttabufgk

Fdpr cdn^lAT iM ftllv

Educational DepartmentT. M. C A , 107 HklMy At, Nvwwfc



Predeutliia to opponualtr to Mcuro • Reliable T a lk b i Maeblne at * atTlog ao great ‘ that proapective buyera ahould not fall to respond to thia aniionncetnent vithoat delay.

L'A rtltte — Edison— Stridfvariut— Regina Phones— C Im Iq H S i■ that have been need I n deroonatration bootba.

P R IC E S C U T FOR Q U IC K S E L L IN GThia la the greatest o t all aalea in Newark.

GREATEST In the number of merhlnce offered.

Re*- Price fl2 5


GREATEST bi varMy, atyle and range o f pricea.

Here are three exemplea:

Reg. Price 1140


GREA1ERT tn nonw-aaving opportonitlea.

RW. Price tlSO

SALE PRIC E *105Have one aeitt home

fer . . . . . . . . . u . . . . . . . . .

D O W N . Balance on

Convenient Paymenta.

"Xthe purest iJiat» m o n ey can b i y

IF you used inferior salt on * your breakfast eggs, you would realize that there arc different kinds of salt.

^ The cheaper kinds lack flavor and purity, so we pay a little

more for salt that is perfectly pure.

In making Bond Bread, we can not afford to use chesq) salt, because the Bond Bread flavor would suffer if we did.

Bo we buy (regardless of price) a salt that is super-refined—as pure as you can buy for your own home table.

The Bond which is on every wrapper is your guarantee of this purity that means supreme flavor and digestibility.

Pure salt is only one item.»

Purest flour, yeast, milk, sugar, lard and watcre-all free from substitutes— that is what Bond Bread is made of.

Tkese ingredients are guaran­teed by our Bond from which B ond Bread gets its name.

A Llbbnl Amount of R e^ rd i Will Bo Added If Deiired


is the most perfectly equipped deport- ment tn the city. We tre exhibiting the Istest popular stvies In

G R A FO N O LA S SO N O RA SAll of the Latest


WISSNER PIANOS903-905 Broad Street Newark


If you cannot come to our big ■ale aend your name and address for full particulara and list of ad- ditionai bargains.

Name .............

Address . . . . . . . .


* * I ............. . I” * - M . i U l . M M H M t l . t i e ...................................................................................................................... . | , i « 'M. I ............................ .....................

Extraordinary ExhibitNov. 8 to Nov. 13

W E have arranged an exhibit of custom-built m otor car bodies, which are mounted on the chaasis of the famous

Cole Aero 8Ihene bodlen are the latest products from the hsnds of the designers of the Royal Motor Body Co., and tnehide individualized linca and color achm ea tn

TW b Cat% Limoasincs, etc., etc.

Fo« are tnvUed to inepeet theee de luxe ^etmene at your teienre during the week of Non. 8 to 18

The Wallace Mo;tor Car Co.8 9 4 ^ BiMd SL, NeiraA

OtM'ftrsnIam ft||ghaM tlT UmM..''

* J b - , ,:*■, . .. .. .■ ■ .1;

' ' '



! P.'* i<V

f / w V v w f nf r r

TTC'^ff ‘ S W il

* W A S K B v i o r a Q m m B . n n w D A T , s o v u i b x b % i n .


n u u m u o r M O tm oa» c»

I ■■ I

' ™ ^ ^ ^ 5 f v % 5 ® 5 r S

P a m i a r C h M

t u g S S ^ M n J B i ^

r ■ L .lfcM rk .

m b s s s s s s l" 0 ii i j i i i |ip j |i l C s m '"

w >iw in M«tM, a t

i f r r e j

A w urernm 1

y r : C ‘

v u Mdrjri 0*1%l». J .‘, m . M at'”tK hC 'K R .'iraIMrfoctCuv4n MoUn

Wl trtTM l,«4i b Uh :, M4W4^, ^

S A U B to Itoi t o l i i i t to to^to*f c S r i f f ^ B C

HP S L JB S^uJB SM toJto * —



S T &t*. M l M j M n m _ M fc Titototow_to* _wto

T T O g j n e w ^ j g f g A ^ r

• I w i L t f i i i t rto. H. ■tm««ll. 41

tlrto i l l «p»u4;


la a M K T S S S t iu T aaM

S a m u

ah«»i alH ntatntiI •^ ^■ * * * *'IM l( n >bla*flM I

UAVUM MOTOm O ff m , onaad jUMar. tM vtJuAfBm m.

aalat, .«IU B.

I to lw ■MliMtetto. A iifM i C. Wm

l S \ , fM it ia ii ^ 1 la a l.«4« JtBwi It at » w « u kaaaatat b m fea a ^ a#

ah lap MiA l g BiSr « « |

Oaaa 1


HhfflMS 1111lu r i f«r d4qiOOft^tl«V] l i H l t w th*a till frlMf

M M i i MW.

F aL, M ««a^ I K alW rr t»M.

. i ta aia a lt i HlfM Ir >») ratd iaaa Ttaai (aaiaataa la a

UMaar AaiaMMia Oa.. Ml C u M a«a.i

i v^iiaa i j a W h a U C g: a.aaw t&aat mm* t a ataa la M

a a ^ ^ a j ^ s A J s ^ ; ________

r 2 S £ f ^ ' ^ i & a s u a H it.

_____ . j aaw tkaat awal %a aaaa la aaajpgM t^til. I I n a a aL, f a a t Oraaaai aall

vr n v M r a ta aMala a Maa aa flrataM laaaiaaaa, caaavlt laa. M. Biraa

.........iW ilff^ a*B iaiaa* m ------ -------- ,-------

Haa»a| a t____ Tat It l l Har»attaaa aa ftiai baal aal awMfatai ‘ .........



• V a i l t H * V A b lw i l l h i e O H V I H O B D

e ! » $ n ^ j r D ' * c i r » 8 S £ s■ ▼ C U T O A B A V A » « * t K .


v s m m r a ^ s f f i e u .MVDERA .

nfw iM o iD ik a k m m rtV M VAiH a u t o m ^ la i t r m f f o o .


l i l t Paba; VairOaiA w A a t j ----t i l l a»air4iai Ha laaMaat a raat I t l i Q Ia m la t 4H laaHat) aarr ‘III! . ^ - 1

aealHiaa. , . .i m Palaa Mart aw M i la Al aai Tfea C. r . Brlaaa Oo„ 111 Caalnl i

a f e e a l t i l B. H

t f !■Im aaaMtliai aiaHMM

lA-W BaatA Otaaya awhi £ u

J l - m W A fS p U i TUB— **^***"ija5|elfie * * * la t i '

and 41 aaaia: «» kaaa a

n s 4 ' f f l ? r a > s s = r = :


l i l t A#t«r«iw toitM,l i t ! a u a i lAII* ~111

o tS b c L o iv o caJEC raoB laaH , raa laaa tkaa I.M*

ILi m CAavroM n i l WHlaalt

I t n a t n w . FAIItTflBk

• t f i t MdU.Ib b r OrtoA MiMk


•l« C m i f k m , , Rm 4 O w t n Orrnnt* I tff .

in a iH ( $ r iT r s ie t J i i3 t r ~



N i-PAaMNUBB T o r a m

'O T S C iVC O M -

M Halaar it.. NawarA. I t A.raaaa lla lb a trr tM l. l>OlAI« laa

u r o r o rw ^o tH . ' i i r r i ' 'r a o t Mari tpo* raallUaai l l t f , VBI.IK. l i l t (aurlBti I lapa; H I*

D W IlU V U .A M im avii,1. t.rA A aB taaiL


alaar It.. NawaiA M H llbarrr l l l l ,

iiaai • lanikra laiW.i i s ^rtit-JiX;

lll t i m r H itV M a a M i 4 ftaa aS aT II aawfr MalaA; all* aaMaiu iM . Va

O M aa. M b k m i iX HUIbari

nm oL ii' u ^ c a r , i» #tPOSilu ^ i aw r a n d CAtm waalliai bar- HtT oraaabaaa. f l H aalaaB a^ a t .

Iona, f * l t^ a S S ? a a b and ___•hlalAi ana raar aid] a b an a la i Al aoadl- tlan. Mach iBlaraBtlaMT Molar Oar*, l l l l Broad a t, Maana^ H. J.i Waaatl* 4»1A MACk n i '- M I T B. r ^ t l t ehMAa aad

p s tT T s a s i r i i r F Ta* ' " ‘ "M.,aw bWr aad la*M., c T X DaUar,5 S 5 S 2

chbi M « Um ; tntofcI M MV u«4kj im k liM fl««r

bifrck iRttmfttioMi M«t«r Brohi f t . HRVMka HriTt t i l l to i t .

MW Mtatotbltoi | l to ;v r @ R j S !

Wim MtVWk,t^RDr 11M roMboutt v l t i tlMtW{ fw^M

eoRdittoii »rlo4 Mlta BlRIWCo., Ito .1 n l UliRMfiRli i»o,a j j —wlMli. ,________________________________

: r E L j xto 9 »o i MRUff lUwirfc food robW^ y w d wi t i j H t j _ y

MACK i . BaTR-lM^ilfMir btoi t i i iM ib t old; i t i ta 14 tsseoasori) Urw

btrtolOr Itook lau Cori . tilt toiNii toovortr.

Th *VI. Ill I _ « M dM M M R

Araaaa 1

f OroM it.. wKUr*. Om . d i« 5 i ^ i

r5*rSri*Ui", toon.

y«rr 0M7 t t n u . lorn i t R o t« 4 ^ U Will-

jo s fe ___ i-ta ToBMaro,


rO B M —1*11 K R i. . _______ ^ ^ _____aTATB; ONE.THIRD CAaH: feAtANCB ONBjrjfAR. PHOWR pRAHOB IMIW, i’APiiXAg~ iaaaa, m i s paafaat eaaditi

iaat aaalapad doodraar aardas I t . Addnai B 0 . M.. Ba« i«. MiBBr " . ■ ' ' --------

AOTU CAR. I i l i , aaaraaa badr a a i aabi’ a aaw OraraUN eaatalaa tlraai eaaAMlaa A il

0 borfhin. _ _ _IH I PfOOd Otaa MOVWta Rr

M *^ lakorsMlomil Molw ':: J T to

. Co i j i - t t!f«0 rood; Xl

1 IA ^ “7 ,



g n W Uarfca. t i i f - ^ a i i :------------s a y w ^ ' i a g

t toads Al ahapas ra rr load Haah taiarMlIaaal Malar Traiih O ah , Braa4 al., Mawarh. H. J.s 4*11 Waa.^— " ' » k w M K ' i i i i ; —

K i l b aaarSag, 'I*. daaaaaaiablaiMaaitar IA* Al laaihanlnallr, a t |144.

.................. - - OrasaiM ." '

W A b L A O B M O T O RCBBTROUT eedea. 4H^y^M _la geM M ;

14 Baath Ocara a t, Baat


diuaas tba t tm tra (aadi I aatra tiraa ■ad athar aaU M M t i aaw M ta r r i »rlaa }1I4. A44raaa B I m Baa t t M an attlca.

kBO rwitaWs atw paiatsi a i t a Oraaga

Dar'MMar 1% ta I laa wana.drla* Ifadfei aacapHnaal afaitaiaats *rMa I t lM . Matal> Mrara Camaaar, L#aaa Pariaih M. i . WELCOME


iit4 b 0 1 ii ir ta w 4 B d .^ t m i B a s M iN aj l l l l eat dawa Aaiaa, M f S d e n gaad

naaliiM ardar. OaUtla. I l l P laa t a t_______

Oaaaralar aad Macaat ‘ a t la baalai ilaaa sMI.

iadal % *tn

rOR aALB-Cadinaa IlnaaMM. I t t l i s rail aad Irak It

llaa at*a* Phoaa 41R •omarrttl* batwaaa traas |l,4 ia. Pbaaa I1I4J Oraa i a n d II A. M., w 1 ta 4 P. M.. w wrtta }. cMBVrO U T b ^ iraaA asrtiRaimar. 11 Mioliaillo It., lomarrllla.______ atrailaai m a t ba aalds aa*i r raur baiiarr raaa Iowa, hava aaaaaatar atirr aaiattad. t i Raaaaaaaath m

I n ardar. OaUtla. I l l Plaaa a tW A iU aH r l l l l , U f t t f f S B B U T 'Ipaalal An taarlads larti

traas |I,4II. Pbaaa tJIWcm bvrOu t

La t e i i i i aqulppad) I aatra

Ap p It 44 Olaarida an ., lia iia ttra tlaa | l n a .

■ f C T S s n a sr * 2 i j s r s i

i t lM b II4-IMI ahaaMi Hi4* *■**! Al M adUm j b a r t a f S aak M in w to iS

faiar ^ a a k Carp., IH I B im d a t , Marrarli.


IV paur ballarp rwaa Iowa, hava aaaaaatar aaanilBail bp tha aldoM aapatr m ia Ih tha

tatos down town aarvico itailaa (or BrUh

Xhbw oawMK vvrm. «'y / j a l 4HI toO ^Iw

(aaw), l - i n

To Unlimited Creditbitlorp: an mahaa rapaSfort and charaaApA ui.'i o r h e r a t o r a U A d.Tm o • t a .,11 WllSSaia It., h a t Wanhlattaa aad Matlaap.

MODBI. 14 Bapaaab4la aaapa,chaaSrat oaadllslaas paHil

ipa, la food m - t and Uraa n a d i laaa Inalaaads aa

ils hda Uaii aaad tH y utIUs will aatl abaap. l a m p MMiariaB,

111 m w th iM aaa,. car. I ftlt* M. l l l l bUDaC loaitad w s l» (laa w a^tlo* .

Malar Traok' arks m i WhTMir.W U f i a . T i

U a wK. Hadaan Caaatp tig., lo w if CRp.

c a a v n o u r r i» b d c a r i

Iraliiar vphalaUTp aad ala -----Inaipaaalva aar ta n n s IlOa or biat attar u k ia It tadap. K. I . U td a M I

tlrti, r tc .: barfala far ahlth bapar. Mb aar. l i t MlaabatA a ra , M laabah

ir. H * aa |

III* ta UM, 414 m ataa . l l l l biAr diaad taanaf . 1*1* habp trsad laarMt.

oviiOp i m .

todny. H.r S S s f i l i .

HRktoy 1 . flW 'tm f*

i m , T- toWRlot*

^ i r t e ^ «»•• i m ■*

4H.U S ;

•TBAMlR, l l l l , T-pItlaaIlia. tvHp aaatppad. Ilka aawi

aaiH iaor lahrina. aaw Una.•Oilpnioats tha abon can uiwllp low foa aaioh lalo. i l l Oaatial avo., clips phoaa

m - i ________n u B l U L I B - m .


m O b a n A itM it . ait^ilMAoyranaor Toartapi Al i

III Balirvilla aval B.i s o i s f s y m r f ^

__J4 im w sT o ____________________iH'tooT fMk > 0 ^ i » i oiij

Mwk fnti


r i K n & U JS ai4 tl B ofM at.i

B tlk lk l t l i . kb

DODOB AMD DORT VABD OARA.1H4 PaataliT. l i l t aidw t


if * i par laa t.i a n u a t I4M u j aa abarpad. B abarrinj^aioa A K an.

tm tm t UM woonO norta

CM h l n T i g rW ciniini il.j y arhat IHL •CifBiW Tl-dM ti i}*-m at a * / raa t an Arid hand wi* aawtMa. Cfcaa DaibaL rU Rialar-at-law. H Cbnlah a t• -----^ C » W 8 T ~ T < r t o a K * "^™ ”


i m Moswoll tototM,

ipK Caia aara Li ll* l.paaa. Chwdlar.

n r AOaat^Tha abaat can b a n baaa aiamalaip taaa

Jaaaaatad aad >*ar aar aap l . _

Kip far I* dara: aaaolM U rm tar thla aalA H, |4f*s HoAIIWar.CaftA *ar^Captaa O ar|nntlaa.

an that m r l t a l a aarwn t* ta lia.a*i

mtp;aaat a( pnnaatp ralaas lUlt .Ilhanl n t a n r t Addnaa M., Doa t

than I* par tia ra tiaad ;

s L T t ; i ^ » r s ! s x s ^ i £m .

g j A T T l l . L O A W U F B n O N ALB M O T im t r £ o * J 5 r ^msaar Oh Halt ar bam Iie«Vrochoval. t* p erew

vlik tilt rmtuirtM of 01ompiwoni otto

toortooS - t P a S V ^

___ __ MM IMiToOlWtolOi taB toir»l t otnr|r«, m 4 Mt m VIn ta »ohf ■ g ity ! v«ry toir on! totolw: tWtatir coii< M ^ l a l rnmA co*rt«tratf tow

to dw. ea onp«l4

Tkt« *0* If'ty Motto by local bu B toir*i of Ml

ONklMbitoi privoti kouri I ta I

Coll, writ* or

tOtJ CAM BORROto » to U04 M lofol MU Of tnttroM ICOMOO AM M i^rto l«tb fOneorn on

plORM. OtC. i prOUpta — coil or

ttrOKuro,* MiAitoOto ond uotaT'

a -Vtawri floor, iW « jiflJL ” Irkotiff^No, It-

EMUlTAHIdR LOAN*, tod to tuioiuioPMd ■alar and c h a t

la l l lfs l>«al la tom i.■S qultb, ooatldanllii. umii iiu , call or taloptiaaa Mar

HVl'tTABI.R tOAJI iOCOrPT,.11 MarkM at, IProclar'a hidt.l

Om dallr and n id a ro d u nlpntt fed to am licrprrd <No. I I ) bp Inr al




C i n S B V f ^ TRwSP r o T l A l A ''


AUTOMOBtlaB PBMDBBB Bo w ^tU Ml rod RofloRfcto i

ro R U ^ E R -R IC B CO.,14-M North NttotooRth

Root Ortofo. X. J»; talc OfAnjo IMV

ootentotalo MloMHa f jy ^ m ^ T o v J ii i. tato im ^to w te sT T o o B lS B

MM liko now: borfota; WMI to ooMi 444M U rtllo too.: BlooMfltld 4TH.» 5 S 5 ---------- — ------ -— "

condllloni a barpala. Mark ______Motor Track Cotp., l l l l Broad i t sTorlr n i l _________________n>4 rORD oao-laa. wonw-drira U

llhr BOW, rbrops l i l t Vard aaa -b m ____with epan bodp and cab, l i l t IH BaUb

IIU i baa Vard aiartar aad lalllBt aaadltlaai m i l aau

'anat. M. J.s to t Or CAjETOWtoEior"

o3irliaai Ih -

■htap. ti* Martb Hath a t , aRP.e i e w m :

Pant, t l i i l im adJurlapA nballdlB*tan__rpait aad alilaat la Mata,

II* ^ la v ll la ava. ___ Phan* **l *• B,5 l33 tudrild t-d f*«rthds pead^eenditlni a

bartaid: 111*.PAIOB—Olonwaaf BHdals (laa * a « a i a

■aad alui

_______ _ aodu: in aaoaUaat ibm ib ru d aaw tiraa; w in whaalai m *aM a*I

■aad. Tot m i B- *•oondttlaa------------------- lEot 4*41 B.i s o 'n a ^ a to r tor aalai la parltoi n h a U f

eaadlUaB, laa. W alm aa, 1*4 BaatSTwMtp.Hiat a t, trrliBdtaa.

w n

alurdp W i tU4. Tha C .r . Bril

m l aolomabUt (or •M oOtoauMlO

114 Uoln f U, Root OMftgOk_ TETOut ba 1

1 5 I al

r i m 6a„ l i t O n tn l a ta . | tala-Phoao 4141 B. B.__________oLijbBMOBlUe l-ep t, l l l l

thach ibanrbara, oaini tin

DODOB raadMir. ItlTs aaw a W urnT piA ii Ilk* m*wi waadartat hap a t MI4. Hi

aMps aaob or m Ubs m a lt ta t tai ~ — ‘t down poymotoa Addroiiran moloiulor aad loaaoL

' or MUas iBiait

I Maflp n

*w,nSIt wo off tap.

kwimptoi air-I MU IM M «r % r w :

f t Mawthorna a t . Oranta.BUMMEli +ok #*r i a l r t t a m a i J«r,

' u Maladad.braad bows Mda npthi Mat It, or Apl&dWR IM


wo oaalioaiasitBB donaaalratar a t 7 ^ . •Arlaa

D E K firaroT trysiiira doiaaaal------ — -kla Aamaatratar haa

I'ltiow adW a ta nU aaBia, lala m dal Itandird 4. at a i n a t Mwiiflm A d ln n

rt.. Box II, Mowa iKlaa.S fF U f.'if tT m d X

f t . i tMl tbio doiiiototMtor bto obv vwok 1,449 mOto; oMMOiood u m u m l• M M ro A Mkla l«f4; M ^ ta tto -C sr-

ton CotoorlTo S f t i•aod OH,


tin t a im taaabiBdltia'ai wUl MorttUa. CalTal Monli Oar^

HltlH.<i^AD« aata r ip ab rih i^ ^ jR H ly ^^

U U 'U f iI MM I

■pnotal4y> Ktofoy At B. B, M4ia

otoOltItoj MbIO.rADDOCR-EtTkl COo.

l* tl C T itvR O Ijd

paad pAlaii ro S tire iiv i. IISIT n tra is wW tall

ra lU r^

BBamuaiMTa OrdOO. 10040. wwwp a. .vnno«J1 yoor fovnd Otoi food polakl t m llroolWT roootooWF. ____ ^

FADIKKTX-BURI ft., uy«talyw._______Olft

Fhoto l44tR ilMtctolr._________pp. g«P n u t U K X lM o ilB J a d ^111 441s a taal H m i J « ™ 1 • • '“ IB* ------ 1.1 „,.pj4iowa, f t J._________1*1 Morrlatowa,

i i i i . i-GptUW laartdBs la tbM-OHp H alt

in* wtaiafpartaof' machanlcal ooadltloai ap.

pHimoa Ilka now.MOTOR RAUOa OARAOB CO..

114 Main at-jJBaat t ^ * . ; __oi^M liorituCcaaBn; an aTl ooa«m car

ticularir odoploa tor wlntor uoo; thla car

cUm 'aaadltlH i I u t r a rli phH * CblJwOlt IIW.

.-rrt ' ------,a r i a lm a tBUlCk. 1414. l.panaM ariCill 14 (M ite ip iA b b .,

■TO., Mawarh. N. f.naw.


• • '* to t H lllhan laiW.

URMD P aMEMOMR car ia l b . m i utmlabakor aadtA I ear* tlrra,

rnh 1,444 mllMi lookt oiid r u f Iko no%‘ ..........................................11.144

1414 tltolAbfkor, bta ali toartaf* vtrvlow mlltof*. oTmoat Uht n « w .11,411

t>!l Muiotokoro oti toortnt. ___hoolto rvpointto. fin* tlrtr . . . . |440

n iT Biwdobnkrr. ata r«iiUi*r, rootoOyovorhoulto. prico for quick lotA, 94tl

HIT Kotlotol. nla toorlnf. or«rkO«lto.ropotatad ....................................... f l.lio

1414 Monrto toorlni, nw l.lts mltto, now apiro ahoo o to aitroo; root♦1,448 .............................................i t , 064Col* alfht rMitalor; nrn moot oo# on<l drivo thla oar U appiioutu it 4«44

1414 Rro foyr totirlnp, vary fin* eon-ditkn ........................... 9178

1411 Ch«(tro|4it Baby (Jrnml, v«ry fto*eondltlon .. 1894


E A ir ORANOB, F ^ n * urnogt HI.


VAN FOiNAR AUCTION ROORf.49 Sciutta Oronga pv*.

<Nk Wodnoaday, Nov. 14, 1414, tba follow

Fifty dUforowt Mbkoo of plootar* o to oom- -----------... .0- in ¥VliLl” AUC.m*roUl oolw will bO o^d TION

, tonoaday, . . - . - - .win W toid: iHnlnv room. b*d room


oa4 iiurtar fvrnUura. b bOkroMa, book atando, tto'ptvoo 001 of dtatoB. brie-a-brac, httan*. tktaM. Okalra Ivo bon*A rngA ilnoioom aad ojtTvti. vaova. brotitaa. oU palnttatA ma-*■-------lahlaa. qttitu. plUawA c®Uoa mat-

Roro lo yoor opporlMUF 4o farokaao •ar At yo«r own prUa

iieuiariy aoopio* ibt wmi*i **»», ♦hmb haa bora tbi>r(iuihiy loiio ov«r and pota(*d; looka and runa Ilka now; Urm* If doitrtor MJiL 14T1. MtAlKataf-Cartoii CorporattOP.b o u tiK ' HROI “loarinar roballi' iwnaiH

lUtod and fuaraaiood;, pr^c* for ItamO* dlAlo aaie at r04.

._j#l 1.-- -Ulo KkilboM 14IW.* C T B e e i a r ? i 5 $ i a r_____________ , n m

Una n o d ; Al mohaalaailp, Karrtoiiria. N. J.W 5V M 6m .i

m S T "F b m

ra il barwalBS ----- .n w a a

; : /T h tV c appon body and cab, |1

Twamh^rt.______________ftikfUfiUlCa l-lov, rofebit

tltoj taijMi U pwlti T i^kA M •**,

aMaUMi atodC5 B E ^ m5 3 K

bMiri-'roM MHwalli anT f W E a d p i Baao*iidlTlo«i b to f i^ ■ told kl OM^ f taarar at,, Ntwarh, ____________

lU to

Roararf S T h S i ^ s r

Hob; barpaiai t.g l^ H H a n a t-L b a apoadwaih. ahptan badpi aaaaUHt

■HdlUahs a u p l a a m B m e w f t e e C

TORRAl* i ‘toi. ~>ftoota m , vRkbwiy Ak4 oak, » Bkfrlaaa am ., RatTtoBa,________

# 6 iid 1«sJ, defltowUUo two otUtov Pto«a n %. t| i

itM w w ' y-iah^I4i HAarrp a tIII.

T lw i^ A c * iu * r iB*i, I U bH E tt.«rB (at m atrd M W h

Ij ARB paplat I f ta If aaata pamBd ta to iboH whar* tha tabrla

la la load ttad lU « ; hniif la roar i ■ ----------------- ■ ptfaa.aad |H a b tn m rh a t |



T U i r a a O B n b m I B a rriM

tB VBfB BBniMrt. N«t B IBBtrict o C fid t, t a t • p tio vliW i M ta t a J90 M p k k f fB o i tliB llaB B t d o t U n g In

M r Btoek m O pey hi b m H vaVkly «r

fliMthty o t B w p i y w e a .

Biy JlkA Toq lAe h i At Yw Em

w «

B T id l t N * f « 4 « v * . N o

M M t t t A t a t o t a

T U o M o ro opw M O O t o M « q r

l y t i s t a p t o g t a O W lIp O M

^ ^oetallfta ik AJI uppol io ivlto Car *

Oo Akywlioro. A n y_Ratio Rtatomblfh

NRR "ot^a todto fto amp ___Inf earo: aloo oonpo iopo for tka r**4etoft

vory praotIcaJ for tooitoor and orlNtof «Ml painting and trlm otag bnd i opoofalty ro* toror top wllb oloooa old* oinoAto. Atoo Top Rgntpn)tot OOrp 111 w io k ItfU iI M ' i f r T i f !------------ i B t o T t w n i r

OBARg, A X Iiii, I r ^ 4. PRICES .20to35?. REDUCTIONS,

iRR A_____.. TOR AUi i


MOTOR nalaCi OARAOR CO., 114 Mota »t.. i to l Oraago^__


* >T. .

DPKOBn.B tawB oari ria llliaas roBIlT palalH I tl.tM .

_oprtifown. N, J.qHXf~BAROiawA“-0M m i i-p n oonto^

owo tlH* Ulta now, l l . m r ioAoUa, II iitotoflold ava_______________________

.. . (A*»r B‘»rrw g,a^

CW ilCIVD. lIlTi alartor, Ufbilaa a r f im ; Al ■h*D«: tWo a*v «ilra tlra*. Til iowth

III roRp.. ILUAMAl ■hap*: <

Tkirtatotb at.jj<f> touring, lot* moiioli p*rfoot go nafilcAi oondiiloiT and ititot bo oooi ta to

oodkA LliVl W^ oou oaorl-flea rot VualnoM roonoa*. AddM i

npprvclalvd.MOTOR NAIaKN OARAOR CO,.

814 Main 01., Eoat Prong*. SrU N D liR I KEOBOt'ND. ptBTONB~AK6

cluH K sH A irra; albq aLl a u to m a -CHINK WOKK. Pni'KlICTllVN ORIMDINU OO.. alfC Tf' B. H. KHBDRRlCM, 1| HRD-LKN P L ; THU H, H. IW . ' . _ _______C O L V arro T T rp iti. Itli) modal I twa a i t n

■hocr niid tul'M, buniiicr aad fpoclal lu a i ; Ihl, car Ir r»alJr brttrr ihan now; maahABl- cally prrtaol, l,rmr. Harkol UTll llaAI..llBiar-ration C or^o^tt^ . ^

WKiT^ ca

14, N«w« ufflo*.

BARNRTi AUTO m Haitay oTh Howatk.: i i w » t I«th at.. M. T. Chala

* 5 i o i r » r a ffiifLco K iiZ f™ ____________________inaimtor% ataHirn. raaftMlaa lapalnB n

&gonomtora otaHora tnagnoio

f l tr £ V a & (A ijA io fA iK ‘iiABMafO B * ^, i ibtiium It., batwaw WaAladWl a m

Halnrr rto.: In tha boalBm rlara IWI.ilib

Ford oto-nMtt toAUTO TOPS.

chotog ford! for tolA X p ^ B o ^ ;4 (MtagOb 114J Bpimd n . 1 pkOMly l i t .___________________________

FRW Broad ^

Wav«fly Tt. ro R 0 o*^n;~ totF^(tlo i M l ta portoto

ordtt: 1440* B* Togtor. Boi iFi, AAlOi- fawiK. N. Ja

Ford rndtator «ovi Dodga MaxwoU and __covoro. Il-Ttw Rconomy

•L; III ■ ■Mali*y___ farkfl 4411.FOluJ ptoin rooUlmoA. goofT

Yotoroar todo ootr booda radlaloi

tnomy Aoto rikttob fto

ttiaa half pttEwi ( l l > o ^todo oomplola, |9 I; rootofA litoPA .....10H98 044, Iffbooda radtatork tranttoli

Ridgt i i . nooir Mloo^mold

'^ . ! K i . r ; u : T 5 s ‘7 i r S . a - L * h .H

O T 5 T WOanfa. It* Bprlnftlal* aaa., aan ar Vaur.

reb a rs m a r aaah. PhsM

ladvin a l Bmlth'a

*1.11 R i m aata UwH la lau atichi ‘ ■ "hrnbaab Caavaa

DODOB (onrlB,. t i r l r 111*1 Ilka naw| ’b , 1, 1,1 thla w a^^^■ ihcrifleo: muti

fiuichlt If yow I H Broom* ■!•. CTooby,

} win ao4 ai

ttoatk vtf m - r j :

ahanla.TwHitb a t ____ __roR D 'takai>aill in partaat caadltlHs

AUTo'TTREilhininnniW lie ,; a t e ^ - h i a d

Vu|,.ABiRaa Ce,, t f | KTarhli rorh Kaafintaao. ITWha ll l l

iraH rahai m m <*I ■•<•* ar mrra; alaa ami**

F g t*m , l i f P g w i T "lantaod; tanor uikto rtX*-------------------

(Ta Ali aim 'm a CLBVRLANO ruadrttrs fru U n U y

p*w. will Mcrttto* for 11,144; eall totwoon I aod T F. M. I l l North Mutid nvOaioUr: phono Mark*i fTl ____ _ _

n e w t o r Dr—Iu F i i i S W i i r

aaalAMaii n i l U rpata al l i l t Rlifff* tti

Mfond* baad tlnpi mnk# titaa; ali work i Kicban,

p f u D ia n n o t i“ ? » r m 7 " i f i t , j i h r «»,tiTH-pa*ua«w. laa aalA H i Blah au.#*vaf-l•wvHl

__ __ PH(M------------------po im tm I m t.

taarlaRl Brivan t.iH ;dUlan. Chll ArtlMlIon


IttO CMEVBaLlV i ^ ^ s panaat h

iSgID B riH tO W that a n aan S a a aobrvd caUhdtr rrpalrad wllhoai rrarlpm-

by L. LawtaBH't patanlai praatH? Wa■paelailaa la alamlnuni waldlaa. I*> Halaap •(.. Ntwark.

AUTO AVCTIOM BALtBROOMA Third aaa , caraar Eitvasth a t. Maw Tark c l l , | phos* Btpy-vaaaal * l t

U at raa r aar bans■ . : I* '

aaah.(Saa par cant, aaainil wa alaa hap a a n far

i . ' M i t i t _______________________i m C B iM . ifi*. toarln.s J r l m I .M

mllaas tiba naw; altar wantads to a# aald (nr awaar'a ■«■■■!. Carvaa MMan Carp., H a t r i lv n r b , K. J. s phaa* MalbatarMl*.


M lW ohAL kM , m l . t-p u .:naraataad paH «li aatra -

^ ! a , ,_ tH l^ _ . t« ; i W g atj.r ^ ! S V .r* 7 T n ia iy A :.* i * T 7 J S ! S S i*81t iH f l • ty U l^ Hoynoo to m g , t>]

toku rj Ita* NOW.Chiumori twwrtafa

U l l i m j f t r i i . :I f n HvpiMbisa laarlav.» U


rfPM*t Ip u m

Parkdp tiaM, f naxaa tha T |r38:r«in ARbitan iB iU » rI (Ua ruptan WhMH

•rarth < tFih TP itlabB 1lATlRf

1 * ^

n i lAMba*Tha wof pit dock, I

Tha baan b poratli wood T ark 1 4 lt tH to tak

B«v. bntit 1 atall I tha n. tha WI

Will It la will b(


p T i M S eranert:saetsfir.

I^A ir M|m rr i s i r

« ? J J W S S

» r U e !

tor «M «*nS i .^ T C !

«btw j«a «dih i| ia vMkljr «r

N aa tajr ba baMlIt Marty aaa

Ii >


IiAHesediv|1 2 3 0 d Ju d g m en t D ebtor

MKwm.or.T*ath gtrwi. PtaM- »i « ika MMfea*

rfWiil $ tn k » «f (k( i r iv f f .PLAUCFIELiD, Ifor.

r»rk«T Mt WMt a«Tu IKM, TtM prMldm raxea 0«1f Club u d ■■ MI the Trfffsnndara* ObaadaPi v w r ;iliL M M aat whbM a j u F ta a * tM i-irWI 0m t 7 0»«it brddgat la a larIM (or lUUH la (aror a( ^aiaatl akarf X Mam Ptelanald,^aa tka raMlt of Ml aalaMBWla aaal&at aartp

y o u rs fetrSOLID

kiarBlaa a t Thaaki Taa O M a

lA a t aartp la ^ a s M M Bap, M f t

aalu ata rx paflUaa H ruptan Mti«a«h hia a u acaanI WUMb

Aaaatdlad to tka pe tlO eekM a^tS ei'e toaata a a a a a t to t l ,4 l t , la a M M l U«*irMth ot woarlaa appaidL aa MtOMO- ^ila Talaad a t f i t t fcalla u d•tleka aalaaM a t | l « i laaa iaaa i prtialaa kaTtaa aa Tain* ta d houaakald fooda ralaod a t t***. oa whisk ka olaitos aa; imptloa Tbs oaas baa baan ratarrad to Altraod Li. Da Oaatar a t Mawark. ralMaa la baakniptep.

Ilsbart Mawton Craiia, wba rapraaaata Mr, Ihsrp. atatad tk a l ba w o m a«w Iliad a BBit OB tba I l l f M boad pot ap [a Ika taaslToacr prweeedlnsi la ttl- lutad br Mr. W laaaa d t tba Uaao olKr. ParkaCa arfaat oa tba ooitiaa of

a tlMBkaMaxoii daU Olab. t n Ital- toa, praaldaat of tba dolf olab aad atoa praaldanl of tba TpaafsaadarP Oaa>- p ta/i tviralBbsd lha boad.

Mr. dbarp, who sarrad to tba World War, was rua loto b r Mr. Parkar la Waat Saraath atraat, wblla tba forwar Paa Hdbtlnd tba raar lampa on hia aar.tad taatalaod Injufiaa wblob naoaaal- tiad tba aiapatatton of on* lap. .

Ltrge Electric Dry Dock For Perth Amboy G>mpeny

fif NWW8.r i f tT H AMBOY. Not. Tbo PortA

Dry Dock Company ooob wlU B 10,9f0>toii dry dook to ltd p lant

Tko work of d ro d fln t and tbd building of pUri, prior lo tho arrival of th« deokf has boon compUtod.

dock, operated by eknotiiolty, h i i boon built by tb« Bmnrgtnoy FUot Cor­poration nndnr th* dlraotlon of Look- wood Qroen k Co . eagtaneri. of N«w York City. Th« dock In IIT font widn, 4#t feot long. «nd will be large enough to lake a nMp lod feet long

•everal now bulldingv hav# boon built by tko company In order to la- ntall the nooenaarr machinery, whloh the new dock requtrec In order to do the work on th* larger ehlpe.

With the opening of the new dock It le eetlmated th a t abput 1.(00 men wilk be employed by the eompeny.

BON-BONS CHOCOLATESA nnounce the opening of

• tem porary store on

Caitral Ave., near Broad S tW here we will be pleased to serve our many friends with candy only.

Upon completion of extensive alterations we will open our perm anent store fronting on Broad Street and on Central Avenue.

U L T R A 'A Newarker, travel­

ing In the Far West, , i referred to "the place n ea r th e co m e r of Broad and Market | ' | $tTeets" as th e “Tlf- !fany of Soda Foun- 'ta in s— Holzhauer’s.” i |

Wp alwpyi knew our lo d i w u Ike Antit aver, but we prpfp t little timid tb«Ul claliiilni quite lo much for I t f i

Holzhader'S, ., i i a R Q A D S t * f f i » t n r U

nBLERro t

All Pain

Headaches Neuralgias Colds and La Grippe

S i r —

New ark School for Stammering

A aofaool for meu and woman wbo daoirs to oToroomo any form of Dofao. ttra Boacsta. O pam tlnt Brstom So aao. •ooafui In Phtlodalphla and PUtobunrk

Wvr H m la r Iwualn

Educational DepartmentT. M. C A , 107 Hkleer S t , NkwmiS |

PU BU C SPEAKINGNew Class Starts Monday, November 29

Oaly flfti m m will Im « wo)M.I B H iy m t o Im m I id iiM lile .A course duticned to hdip men BdvBnci thetiiMleot In butlnet*

by deTeloping Mlr-coafldtiMO ind tbility to Ulk on thtir fMt ind put their Idou Bcm*. '

. Each Mm CMa Penonal A itm ttowmiTB o « OAU, ro w

Ed. D e p t Y. BL C. A.. 107 Halsey S t


W oidarml IbCariilUal O lu d ■xtrnot le • ( re a l btaaalbg (s eatferora from Din bat aa Traot- m anu with thio roanrhablo as- tmnt holoe remoea tba s«A«t and within b reneeunble Inm tba aufforor Is m o iro ntiw rn*n ot

& lnm b«t and Ametordom avaa. How fo rk C itr; hour! 10 A. I P. U. dally; 14 A M. to I t noon, tundaya



42n l M M V E IW


SA L EPredeotlng tn opportunity to Mcure ■ ReUtbte TBlkiag Mnohlno i t • urtng bo l r t « t that protpecUvo buyers snotiM not fail to rwpond to tnl» Banonnceinont without deity,

L’ArtItte—EdItOB—Stridinrtm —Rtglaa Pboflet— CliulqBBt' that have been used in demonstration booths.

PRICES CUT FOR QUICK SELLINGThis It the greatest o f til sales |n Newark.

GREATEST In the number of mnrhinn offend.

GREATEST In varMy. atyk and range o f prtcea.

Here are three eiamptea:

GREATEST In moner-aaving opporliudtkii


"\the purest thatL m ongrcanbiy

IF you used inferior salt on your breakfast eggs, you

would realize that there arc different kinds of salt.

T h e cheaper kinds lack flavor and purity, so we pay a little

more for salt that is perfectly pure.

In m aking Bond Bread, we can not afford to use c h e ^ salt, because the Bond Bread flavor would suffer if we did.

So we buy (regardless of price) a salt that is super-refined—as pure as you can buy for your own home table.

T he Boncl which is on every wrapper is your guarantee of this purity that means supreme flavor and digestibility*

Pure salt is only one item.I

Purest flour, yeast, milk, sugar, lard and water—all free from substitutes— that is what Bond Bread is made of^

These ingredients are guaran­teed hy our Bond from which B ond Bread gets its name*

R<«. Price fl25

SALE PRICE >85 R « . Price 1140

SALE PRICE 'SSlSi/Tna <105Have one sent home

for ............................. ..

D O W N . Balince oa

Cooveolent Piymenta.

A LIberil Amonnt of Records Will Be Added If Desired


is the most perfectly equipped depart­ment In the dty. We are exhibiting the latest popular styles in

G R A FO N O LA S SO N O R A SAll of the Latest


WISSNER PIANOS903-905 Broad Street Newark


If you cannot come to our big sale send your name and address for full particulars and list of ad­ditional bargains.

Name . .





tieomse imfity goaraiiteed hy oar as hoosewivea ahowed us)

‘/ ’i .

• l i B U N l

Extraordinary ExhibitNov. 8 to Nov. 13

WE have arranged an exhibit of custom-built motor car bodies, which are mounted on the chaaaifi of the famous

Cole Aero 8These bodies are the latest producis from the hands of th* designers of the Royal Motor Body Co., and iiMtude individualized lines and color achmies in

Town Cam, Umousines, etc^ etc.

Yimi are Utvlted to iiupeet tiueo de luxe ipeelmene at pour leisure during the week of Nov, S to 13

The Wallace Moti>r Car Co.894.896 Bnm d S t , N e iw A

O fM H R n s la ts • " • > ? ? . * j ! * * ' '^


■v r ■'.y f / y . r r ''w . r


^ ^ i i ^ B V i m n i l O ^ C T ^ NOVEHBBB K & » :

the Home»Makers of Toiay’ t ^

JU S Tm o e «A»*vI— - — n


TiT 1 ' h . V m : k « v . u im l*hly 'milrt' <n

"W ill i-iifni’ n>pn M *ln ■ lAlill i‘f luv«. _ , _

“ lll'llN H lt H IE L A M M A R T ." r H— InPO*.’ roulrt yuu i3r«w A pie-

hin- iiml ■•■11 “ llW y " ‘ 'I ’ln'* rhA ra’'ierli*iie« '>f » * l’’l "• '"•■ J ’J e m ? " "

to tell HA of A ApAOlAl ni<*tlnA of tli* MethATA And JilAtroni' Club toniffbl ni

ffelKh. Aft«r you hsv« reaJ (b»

I th in k ihA i I n w * b a i K irl namail ieith-

doAcrlbod A

MrooUon* for ihono who or* polnp to Mtoad th« niAotln* w» will hA»e a l*i- to r fro m otAderoA BIia w ont n u ii ln i i M i l 4 AA»«nl O ih tr inrm brrA , -wmi

AHoe***- • • ••toW ro w ill be A ApOflAl m ee tln e for - ^ a

t k ^ e i l o n o f o f f l c r e of Ih . J I' <> *ln x-ur !* • ' ’• ' ’« r”" "J* **j S i h n * And M a lro n A tT u b At !■; Ibo | m i'niIon ron ielh ln A th e l 1 w «« lo te rM te detlfTA hom o. U dtolA Aireot. Bm«l <>i- ' In «n(l It Hire In A ptA ninro fo r me to do A U A . on T u m d n y , N or»Itib«r »■ »l » no I Aia v e ry , very m u ch in iereA ted In Ip. I f . ' n rlin m ln * i n d o il eo rto of eporlA And. " A ll tiiM nbore lM n « outelil* " f th<‘ I o»[,o,-i»lty In yo u r cdltim n fo r *1 rlt .

PatehWork Quills that Will Please tlie Modem Bride

M i r •« !* I^ A WA

OrAAOee w ill uloeee m oei A iinll"- M Ie u III tile N ow erk T o rm ln e l not lA U r ihe ii T : l i o 'r l iK k etiArp. n ear OrnnKi- rnr. Aown otAira

•VJNCE- i n - a \V H II-K."

"Tee I thouAti7 iVwee APillnir jhout U m a 1 ehow od tih uA-iln f^Soryl-o-ly MABM to be r l t lu j ln * f i l e w o n d erfu l p a lM n n rfeo lh o r, eopeclA lly th " Aoeuerf lt*A perfA rtty b e a u tifu l up n fu u n a id le pA ft At th e re u n try .

nWrte. have you been nuUlna yel Im *! It Juat ( re a tf Sevaml daya a |u fM r of no went aflur eehooi, Wa went •AAfrwbere. tbrou«h iwampe, over •MAdawA 'n everywhere IniarInAble. MU tbare waan'l a nut anywhera. and 1 toUAB to think we purely muat he the

•Ate Around ih it dtklrtofere aenrly home wniao wa

M toi A dandy hlokery nut tree Teu MMM iMTa aeaa UA comlnc bonta Oh.

^ * V a|L n i call It Aolta for now ■o’o t too ffaleb aome of my dearly betovatl MfeMI VArh. Rbli if love.

“O L A D C T B a—tA "m n i r • r u m a m • - o - a.

H r fOOdOAOAl How l0B( I haVA bAAa• M r t Waii. 1 vAii't o u r im a i mvat- t t l l n * At Asr r«lA th a t la ta r lalM*

^ n N ( A ( A lV lM n to A M « .< X « . KoAettoA AAMIba At tkA noA««A I OAW A |M A VAllt AOOtttAIA WAA b li^ ^ tMlAeIMa I t htofc. PwrlUfo It vAA BAl or Mtok I AIAA*t AAA It elOOAir TbA f tM i waA tHaunAd w ith atarat And •AAtotf fear kaaA afea wara a baad of f l M r tiM al ap felaah rIfefeM to wfetafe t W fcat taaA la tha f to a t a tiaaol (ar

w ill you pleeee tm e a ln e A a tr l name of M eile lln e w hen you have

111'"* hy in.I lint- ^

■■i Krnlyn. J w ould Hta- to c o r» « p o n d wii>i MlrvK T o r.

• DAT'HllTr.R CF ERIN " IIT inn THINKfl f H B* ElSf*.

"I.tko I he bad p e n n y . 1 am bound to return, but I will not lU y Iona, elthoucb I limply muat e o n ara tu lA le 'he f 'r 'A on the different olube they have Atarted. They rertAlnly are wonderful.

■1 did not aO to the J. r . O. party> but did go to one on D om e 'e InvIlAlton and certainly had a lovely tlioA. AuntU of Newton, 1 am w attlna t» hear froyi you. but 1 will be patient a little longar, Ae I know you a u kapi buiy.

"DiDiurA, I Atui IIVA Down Naek an d would bA ilad to know you, Moy I bavA your aamA And aAdrAHt

*r;oAAttA VrAAkas Toa. It U tka tanp la An featt Klnnay AtfAAt tkat wa ipaak At. Aro Aot your InllUla d, and da youact IIVA a t 1* O----- itPAAtt I am luoatBort I know yoa aad alao ro a r alitar, w bo you any la dead.

"ttamara aad Coaatta TraafeAk <1 r«a Bvar attaadad tfca tampla yon aartatnly ■ aat know Doraaa, fa r afea la one of the aid bad falthfal atatabara, aa la fear mother. They are lovelr peaplA ta

! "Aatrlnilta. plaaaa Map I kava poar BABA and addraat, a r will pan A«t n lna froM Carolpm aad Arrlta to maT 1 would love to haar from poa.

Tltiubbp, wbp daa 't paa wrttaT A n pou Atilt I1IT t know 1 proMlaad to vidil pat:, bpt I havA torcBtUa paar naiBA aad addrtaA W ith lova,

Soft .Wool Hos^ WiD Bti Fathionable for Sport

waa i ia t aMid aa a Aaoa-aa t Mlat afeAM Will llria

a a t MAat) aerraafaad van ld lava ta aiaat fear

«A b a t IbtM 1 OM t aaa ba wba

lavalp th laca of ranlA to ’tr* aoi

laa t tBaaadtatalp aaw

^ a ra fM it Aad

’i w S ' l a r a to aaarpoBA "THR U P-*

ifedtora aad 1 aaa*t wall aatll I aap ir aadb Bight ta aaa whatI i a n la a a R la d a f^ daaorlp-

4 > tr lpI t a A T> u p habbtoa m u

. i a h l a « Atapla*; Ad a n 1 laaa taa akat- n ffea., 1 kaow Rato-

» a (a la Vra. H—'a b Ifea aM M ar la aww aad wa will ifeAMOlag of Artotor Aparta. Bopa

111. U tter ta yrtat- Aad am I bA feaar the Haala a « b U aattlng

t o tb a girla aad n m m mfe"

f M tr tn M BM la. 1 havua't I la a aA A l o u ttoia. Bow

tarn M t t I eauld ao t go. w eald pou p leaaatlraw a girl

tan A M Oaaaaaawn, t io M Bm . Thap a ra tooalal paU

A OAIX TA ao w o B tao .* n Ia a loBg Ihaa Baea I laaC w ra tm

bat 1 bava baoa m baap a t aobool that 1 did liat bava tba tima.

*Xaat t ia a I v ro ta I aald that I traulA Ilka la (orraaAeaA with aoma girl about thlrtaaa or (ourtoaa paara aid, but ao aaa baa tn i t ta a to ara aa pal Will •aagbtrd plaaaa writa to maT Wahrt knowa aaob o thar for alMat tbraa paara,

‘Alaor ara tbara aap daaalag oluba patT I baTA aavar m ad a f aap. It Iham a r e I vanid Ilka to boioag to lb I f fkon araB*t. whp J tblah It would ba a good i la a ta a tari oaa (If I eould gat aaaugh glrta lataraatad),

"Wall, I think I hava wrUtan aaough tar MM tb aa With lava to all.

"M IU, DREAD." e a AWa hava bo dasolag elaba. Bill

DraaA Hoot of our oluba ara oarvloa alubor but parhapa pou oonld Intaraat Boino a t lha g lrta■lagBO T i n HAIXOWWWM PAJITT.

"Wall, ham I am back again. I t U aot too toon, la It? It h a i atamad in ' ago lo me alaca I wrota Uat, re I thought I'd wHIa again.

‘Ttn 'l th ti glorloua waather tor htk Ing, gtrUf I'll n p It la Ho hlha of tba Slat, Hap BaaT

For Aonie rtaaon allualona to "long winter cveninga" ere AAldom found now.Ferhapa the motion plotura la raapon- ■ Ible for ahertenlng the houre betwAAO lupper end bed time, but atill It muAl be cDofAaaed that more ttiua la apant at homa during tha wintar aiontha than at other eaaaonn of tha yaar.

Many (amlllaa hava a proapactiva bride la fit out and aranl to maka har hopa chaat Juit aa aamplata aa poa- •tble. Why noi give a aerlat of real old faabloaed quilting partleaT Not eo many yoara ago a brlda'a outfit waa dacldadly lacking IX It did not boail*Hveral pauhwork eovarlata. Tharo waa no dbd Co thaedoilgna th a t wara wrought nor to tha amount of work entailed.

Without doubt tome fortunala brtdea have aome of thaaa old gama paaaad down to Iham. for thay warn mada of good, atrong fakrica aad w tra wall | cared for by their erlgtoal ownam If you are not ao fortunate, do not be dlAoouragAd. but collact all tha acnpa of last Aummer'o gloghama, llnona, eal- ko, pareala or prlnta aad oat tha paiobti anltabU to r tha daiign you ehooaat bafera poa a a k poar frUnda to help. A few ra td a a t now Motortel of ona-eolor will Moko the au tit go mara quickly and give It a m gular daalgn. Evan tha IlttU gtrla wbo are making their flrat aaama will delight In tha work, for It li aaay to do and laon givaa appracUbla reau lta

There a rt any numbar of u t t a r n i to ahooaa IroiQ and tha two ^ u l l ta ptc- tutad abew a eoMpttcatad and a aimpledaalan Tha baahat qnlH la made of . ---------------ploh and graaw ATtat a f oaa material, queate^ that her friend work her In- Whlle the lapar patokaa am -hit or male In the Pafli

Ualtia you are a lra a fp M ppllad with lha knltUd wool apart hoaaw bldb pau Inland to wear tbla w la ta r w ttb pour aaw apart ahaaa, h a m tba a kaaa flttad over twq palTf of a rd taarp allk ataok- Inga ih aaa flttad a r a r a atagid pair of illfc ateeklaga <wltl faal a littia bit too f iu g tar parfaot aaM fart. whan doanad over tba bnUtlar w aotan atoak- Inga Aad at all foetim ar. dpart aiwia •hould give tha foot parfaot comfort and Daadom.

The tport maid la p ln an tag ta waar, for akatlng .and - outdoor apurta tbla wtnlaf, I wo polra of o lorh lagai ribbed wool onaa.rellad down a t lh a top. bop tooul faahloa ovor tk la a o r o t o ^ n g i ol llila or altk la tba aaaio aba d a All tha bathing gtrla and oamp giria wore' roUed-dowo atocklngs laat atnaniar, and the trig atfaci, thap bava decided, muat to earriad over th rough tho win­ter aaaaoa—but. of oouraa, otocklnga rolled down front tho bam kntoa would ba a b it wall, oblllp. a a Januarp lea Tharatora, tba two p a ir of hoaa. Two pair of atochlnga aapaclally tt Uta outer onea are of fhwtch wool, will meal) more roomy ahoaa If you hopa to to comlortabla golfing. tramping, eoaatlni or akatlng tbla w intar.

One pair oA allk hoaa, however, la quite tnouth lA plaaao taohloo whan It la a queetlon of danolng alippari or buitoaed walking boota Black allk

: 14,'dv

otoeklni-a am again faahtonabla aad aaa aoat them la ahaar, laoa pattanied weave or ribbod affaed, above tba llgbl- dblorad tape of buitonod boeta worn wrih dalktp aftarnaea aoatum aa Cloek aaibroldamd atopklogn of m th a r haavy Hlk a r t llkaA<wlth bnltonad footwear


JAZZ RAGFrefewtwsl pteM MiiTtaf ta tffc r -W fl* -

MfB flft|r«r« i* t t I»t*rt>flnyl«aMM irn u for r A ip c»ii forT K II d«no«BlrGtloB.

FRANKLIN SCHOOLStone at Btraad TtoaMea RoUdlag

Oaaa gieiilaaa t k iaa Maakad IlM

Why Dela LongerFor rauty ypara yon htm vtabad

you could |gi to tba point wbtrn you ware ablt lo opaa a diartA dc- count ti tha |ood Mom.

Yon know tfedt thli la not only t convtnidnt way lo ahop, but II AtvaA you UMOty—you can uwnya •to Uto tbinci you ocad at tba tlgM yon moat theo without bavlng tlio

. c u h .Don’t delay tbla Impertairt u d

pruratalva tltp any lonttr.Efiloy the c o D ifo rlt of thrifty

ihojoplM tt the beet etoraa.The Newark Sbopplnt Syatoto can

■bow yon bow.Tha plan It elmpla and caalMan-

tidl lo every ruep^CooM In todey or Into oall Mill*

berry 1237 for fnll Infonngtlofl.

Newark Stioppini S]|M40S-t WIm B n tliliw

•11 B n n 4 B lra torhoaa Malhaavp IMT

te r and th en aen t ooa to each friend w ith , a li t t le e m b ro id e ry c o tto n of a harm onloue color. T h e te n d e r re

....... - a r e " h it or 1 I t la l i In th e p a tch aa a ramB iM ." ‘rba~adigaa t o th a b a t e a t . b an - 1 much th e la m e a p ir i t aa th e i d ie t and Jo ln tag p a to k a a a m p in k an d j a verea In her a u to g ra p h a lb im . If th a b a ck g ro u n d a ro u n d tfca b a tfca ta Iig rean . The b ack to tk a q u il t la o f a pale p in k tih m ualta,

T ha o th e r q u il t la k a o w n ao " iaw teach" wr "goaM okaaa." T b a long ■Irlpa ar» of rad f ig u ra d oalloo, w hile th e t r la i ig u la r p a lc h ae a r a odd b in plecad w Sh w b lta m da lla . B o th of ■ Iheae qu ille a ra halrloom A. T h a fo rm er I t e f a p a tte rn m uch In v ogue r lg h ty - fWo y i a n gro

The th ro e p o lc h a i W l auggoationa fo r o th e r q u t l t f a n d a re t ru ly old taah loned and q u a l a t T he In it ia led one la a palvh from a a ia n a g ra m q u ilt once quite the rage . T h a p a lch ce w ere m ada up aa ahow n w ith a w h ite o b lo n g cen-

tb - p a tc h e i a a d le t te r in g w e re done In a pale color and w h ite It w o u ld be a qu ilt th a t any one w ould be p roud to

T ha co m p le te ly em b ro id e re d p a tc h la done In o u tlin e e tltch . E ach p a tch In tho qu ill hae a d i f f e r e n t dealgu and th l i one w aa done In ra d an d Joined w ith tu rk e y red. A n o th e r w « doiio In blue ehow lng l i t t l e D u tch wind m ills and wooden shoed g ir la a n d waa Joined w ith d» lfl b lu e g in g h a m .

The o th e r p a tc h le th e w ell know n m a lte ie oroaa p a t le r n m ad a o f odd plecne w llh a w h ite g ro u n d .

I t one la a r t t i t t c a l ly In c lin ed there a re m any po ea tb llltle a In ap p liq u e pat-

t e m a D alar, tu f lp o r o o n v an llo n a l roaaa aaw ed f ta a ly on p ta la g rou iida a ra d a llg h tfu l. F o r t h a c r ib . M other Gooaa c h a ra c ta ra o r b a r n y a r d p a ta w ill pleaea th a ra a lla aa ch ild . T h a y m ay to lha aam a aa th e D g u r a i In tb a nuraery w a llp ap er .

Tha queaclon o f g o t t in g th o q u iltin g done o ften k a ap a m a n y p ao p io from doing th e p leo ing , b u t It g a a l ly la a •Impla proeaaa i f th e r e a m aav arh l w u rk a ra R e g u la r f ra m a e a r a m ade fo r th a purpoaa, b u t a n y m e th o d th a t w ill keep the q u ilt , p a d d in g a n d lin in g evenly to g e th e r an d ta u t w il l to aalla- faclory . .

In q u iltin g a e lm p la p a t te r n m ay ba uaed o r lh a q u i l t in g m ay fo llow lha outline o f th e f ig u r e i n th a pa tch . Hmaller q u llta m ay ba q u il le d In the hand w ith o u t a t r a to h in g I t th a pa tch design la foHowed.

On th e w ho le It la f a e c ln a t ln g w ork and h a i tn te re a le d tb o u a a n d a o f In- gantoul and c la v a r w o m en th ro u g h o u t oar h la to ry . E v e ry c o lo n ia l m analon and W eatarn c a b in h ad Ita q u iltin g fram a In uaa d u r in g th e w in te r m o n th a One o ld -faah loned la d y la q u o te d i "H ow

I much p iec ing a q u i l t la I lk a l iv in g a fife. Tha L ord a e n d i u a th e pieces, hut we cqn cut th e m a n d p u l them | loge ther p re t ty m u ch to a u l t ouraelvea."

It le a good th o u g h t to r th e p re sen t day, aapaclally fo r th a b r id e w ho can i piece ell h a r h a p p ie s t th o u g h ts to -11 g e lh a r In a q u il l th a t w ill la s t a Ufa lime.

New Bedspreads

A o o u n te rp an e th a t w ill ap p ea l to th e m o the r w ho Is c o n tin u a lly c o a l in g a reg im en t o f em ail c h ild re n off the beds la m ada o f w aah ah le crepe \ piece of d e lic a te p in k , b lue o r yellow crepe cu t In tw o a lr lp a th e w id th of the m a te r ia l and Jo ined w ith a needle-

— ■ w ork form a the top p a r t of the spread , ' " • f A fu ll ru ffle of the c repe fa llin g o v e r ’

"W ell, g irla . how w u th e U a llo sr 'a 'an p a r ty f A’ an ccaaa I n o p a f I a u ra ly do hope ao, fo r th e g ir la m u s t h av e w o rk ed very h a rd to m ak a It ao, I am ao so rry 1 oould no t Camay b u t m o th e r did not w a n t m e to go. b acauaa I d id n o t have any ooa to g o w ith , an d aha w aa no t fa a lln g wall.

”1 w ant to m y oouatn 'a H a llow a'an p a rty , though . A nd, A lr la th e y p layed

I the eldee o f th e bed fin leh es th e cover I I t w ill bo eas ily la u n d e red and will I need no Iron ing , an d the In it ia l coel j

Win be but U tile . .A new m a te ria l o f looae w eave do- I

s igned e sp ec ia lly fo r c o u n ie rp a n es m akes an a t t r a c t iv e bed c o v ir ln g w hen jem bro idered In eom e d e lic a te ehadn. One o l th e new ones la m ade of Ih ls m a te r ta i b a v ln g a fin e b lue e tr ip e snd the p a tte rn le evo lved In F ren c h xnote.

* ■ ^

m e f a r w k a t o th e r I o f tk a tlm a o I d id do

t a m te a r a b taa ." j w r T R a c K u c s .*

ito to B to fe W H O L IK B * O CROOlitTHW.

| 9 M t w rI ta yP a o a e la tta rT I g a ln c to a r r l ta fo r ev e r ao

see m e I a lw a y s th o u g h t I a a y o u r p a g e la fo r g i r l a 1 h a v e re a d I t a v e r a laca Alaa th a b o y s ' pag*-

I lk a to a aa aom a a f y ou r lo o k to r lh a i r oolora,

tk a y o n ly w e a r thorn on

a id co ld a r a th e p ra t l la a l col- I ab au ld lik e to th a n k

lad y w ho g a v e d lreo tlo n a ^X ym plc P a rk a w ay b ack In

I w ou ld h a v a lik e d N a- a c an a ry .

p le ta ra a a ra fin e . U ll-an - y o u r fr ie n d to aand yon a

f r A a M o n trea l. I cam e from h ln k 1 sh o u ld l ik e to know

I. can you o r th e re s t o f th e m e th a h la to ry o f th e old U rla R o ck ? g i ’E S T lO N a "

MR J. r . O. M OTIIRH .H a y I^ J u a t pop In fo r a m inu te?

] feaaa th d a g h t a lo n g tim e b o o t WHI- A a a d a t la s t 1 hnve m ade th e p lunge c an n o t t e l l you, g irla , hew mui-h I

' ' t t i f y o u | le t te r s , a l th o u g h tt le q u ite feta y aan i i ln e a 1 w.-s n g irl.

w tn t - t o see an old fr ien d o f m ine a h aa been co n fin ed lo h e r b<Ml for

ly iwfc w eeko, and ehe w ae fe llin g aw m any o f th a J . V. O. le t te r s a d m issed , and sh e Is un iflder i seem

k ^ Iab s™ I um. Hbe Is over eeventy i "f,<4d.'s > I g u c sr a perSiin le Just vm. desr

Me ahe reels.

hope!ah h e a p ' I •hes foI girls,

1 . 1 d o n 't Ih r i n ih e h r I sfeat my tio th

}aea 1 d fn 't

w ---wv .'w ., - w - itligt •SM *ag* sat iw V, - ■ - — -to y < l t to M d 1 UkU ffUiGj Ofk« f t r l »uppoM d to ro I eentrGL d eo tf n l i a horrv o f p l« n lj

oTdkrfiowInc w ith roGoi In •G<*hcorfiGf It G ■prGjr o f ro»oi. T he ueed GTe p in k end b lue. A firm w h lta b r« |d W ith co llo n f r in g e I* iew eil Ground th e e d f t i .

A m ore elG borirle ro a n te rp o n e thG i w ill be in ltfcbU fo r th e R ueet room le made of h eav y lin e n In n a tu ra l color trim m ed w ith h an d -m ad e lace In th e egme shade The lace la act lo th a linen In len g th w ise s t r ip s a n d th e w hole fin lih ed w llh a heavy shell crochet-

Of course, linen le e sp enelve , and If you w llh to buy an e v c a llrn l q u a lity th e p rice w ould be a lm o s t p roh ib itive . T here Is, how ever, a v e ry heavy q u a lity of u n b leached m u slin th a t rsacm blea linen and Is an e ic e l te n t iv ibe iltu lo . A q u a lity su itab le fo r b ed sp read s co sta a titt le m ore ih s n t l tb a y e rd and la tw o and a h a lf y a rd s w ide, iho r ig h t w id th fo r a dduble bod. F o r ab o u t a d o lla r a y a rd you can pu r-’hose m ualln th a t la Jimt s lig h tly l ig h te r In w eigh t and ab o u t bhe c o rre c t w id th lo r a iln g le bed.

T ha bed sp read ra n he m ade In s tr ip s an d Joined u w e th e r w lrb s tr ip s of heavy f ile t c ro ch et of le f t pSalti an I trim m ed a ro u n d the aides and bottom w ith a n a rro w fringe. As th is fringe le h a rd to o b ta in In a n y th in g bm dead w hite . It w ill bo n e ce ie a ry to dip It In te a If you w lih to m a tch th e m uslin .

A n o th e r a l t ra c t lv o w ay fo m ake the ■praad 1s lo h av e th e m a te r ia l stam ped wWh a design o f som e k in d and than em b ro id e r FVench k n o ts w ith heavy cream w h ite nr colored co tto n th a t com es fo r th e purpose

T h e re It itlU a n o lh c r w ey to deco­ra te Ihoee sp read s snd Ih e l Is to a p ­p lique on flo w ers o r f ig u re s of some U lo re d m a te r ie l A room h av in g ft hedeprsftd of Ih ls type end c iirU tno to m aich would he moat a r l ls i lc snd tho cool would bo com pacfttlvely lltf ls

Orange and Lemon^AidNines a tro n g d r in k s have been b a rred

th e lodft fo u n ta in w llh Ite a isn r tm a n t of aoft d r tn k a haa becom e In c reasin g ly popular, a n d th e o ra n g e Jules d rink holds h ig h p lace In p o p u la r fav o r F o r­m erly th e Juice had to tie e s tr a c te d by hand on a sm all g la s s bu lb or In a sm all crude m achine, o p e ra te d by hand , bu t now If you s tro ll In to a F if th avenue re frg ah m en t p lace you w ill see oa one snd of th e ao d a b a r th e now e lectrica l a id fo r o ra n g e d rin k s .

I "An c ra n g ea d a , p lenae," you say lo ! the w h ite -c lad c le rk .

He eelecla an o ra n g e , h a lv aa It, pu la o n e -h a lf on th e a lu m in u m bu lb of tb e m o to r-d riv en Juice e i t r a e lo r . placea a g la B b a o ea lh th e sp o u t to rece tv s Ih s Juice, snd In a J iffy a ll o t lh a Ju les la e g tra c tsd , q u ick ly an d c lean ly , w ith in Ti»w o f thft c u tto m « r.

"PJGln w GtGf o r ir lo h F t* g i R g t h i d o rk

"VlCllTs” you rGpljTs Mkd llG G^fli G im iG choppo4 ICG. ihGn flllG up th er U gi w ith T k h y Gild plGCoi h^foro ydu

dow n OiG OGllmr tr fU i » lo o k in g r Iggg GUd no I l f l i t whGtGtGrp GSoopi G rGfkdU. N o rg o f UG f t r ie w o u ld do ll« b u t f ln e l ly one fflrl To luntGored. e n d Gho w ont dow n, e p p e e r ln f m b re v e gg g Itou. but 1 bet th# W M n h W o H o f If i bGf b o o to 1 d o rfo t tu m ontloD tbG t m y oooein hGd g CGtg God Gomebow tb o CGt foUowGd her d o w n itG lre end f o t b o h liid h tr . W hila ibG WGG Y ookinf In th e flGGG. poor pusey enm? up b *h in d hor nnd tookGd OT^r h«r G houlder. O lrlG , you o u fh t (o hove hGGfd h « r t^'roGin! I th o u fh t th e pohcGronn w o u ld be In a fte r ug.

“Brown^ByGd Ap p g . you w r i te lovely rbymGi. I 'v e dtooovrri^d you, howGv«r. Tor Uvg In A rlln f to n , don*t y ou? And y o u 'k n o w D lddlM very w tllT

"Ml]"Bn"FoGG y o u r d o f l i g d arllD f. W llh I had biro.

•*8lne«r#lys^ 'JE A ^ o r G RESN A C H K S.^

A H o rm c H n w m mmmmwm « i i a l k i »m O M T H B COVBTHT. •

"W ho GJin I. e n d fro m w b a re T Ob. JiiGl GftothGr G irl, o f r o u r f e — g r a f u le r co u n try m Gid»n w h a n It co iu g g to the h lih ll f r ' Gnd iG G m ln f ly fo r« lfn cue-

io n ii of thG c ity f l r l e A i I hnlG from G w rll know n to w n abo ut fourtGon tnil«* Gouth of N ew ark . 1 c o r ta ln ly cGn •g reo w ith th# 'W om Gn In liooro it* gg to ihG Joya of thn o o u n try .

'1 did not fu lly r a a l l in ih « b a au ty of 111* cou ntryaU la u n t il I Jo in ed tha Indiff^Tftnl th n n iK a of y o u r buay c ity . T iirii iu)w a buTiltj««aa a l r l h a v in gfound rm ploym ifnt her** H o w e v e r. T nap<*<"l to apcnil wt^ek-AUda In m y daer ojd hom^ tow n, i.Noto (ha c iv ic p r ld a f)

"F'roOahly 1 am Ahand of aoma m am - harn nil to tha Id a n d flC B tlo h of tha W om nii In Itoom I I H tran ira aa l( m ay

I ;ini v la l l ln a n v r r y itaar frtand liarp U o n ilm ia to kn o w w ho 1

1 .t, / plciiAfl v ta ll a l l frlan da (ii wh''in ' iirdG w r r f aa ii! tiu rlfiG your dirty Pi1 N fw tan . I tU raH ay (hid a l i i

f<ir ai.inia tlm «. aa

Just a MomentDAtieT G T H rM O T n A ?in r n ^ nrgmplli>ii by John O. Q«ltilua, lha

Bunahlna Man. Dayton. O.W h a l 1 do th o u k n o w a tt not

now ; but thoaa a h a lt u n d a r ila n d htaraG ftar—Ju iiu allL 7- I f w e b u i undaratQ od th a iK t la

thiiiffT hai vexaa ua Ju a t a t th e praaent

hour.If W6 bu t k n e w — ah , w all i l i

vain to alfrhAnd ap^cuiata on th lnR i beyond

our ken 'Wa know th a t e a r th i i f a ir and

Ufa la aw o«i.And Gomcthlritf lalla ua thGt wa

caiino l d la .And If wa l i r a a n d leva tha rood,

ah ' th a nWa faca (Q faro w ith tru th aoroa

day muat m aat.- ^ l a r a n c a H a w k ia

f Per Gipita Cost

Maid’s Correct Aprons Of Hemstitched Linen

Tha m ald 'a a p ro n a t th e fro n t door la m ore Im p o r ta n t th a n th e rowti In w hich you a n ta r th e d ra w in g room to g ree t your g u ea t. B y th a co rrae t ap- p po ln tm en t o f y o u r A b ig a il w ill your v ia tto r Judge y o u r k n o w la d g a o f con* van tlone l ita n d a rd d . a n d no t by (he frllla and fu rb a lo w a o f a zp en a tv a type th a t you y o u ra e lf a re w earin g .

Tha roald m u a t be v e ry n e a t and very Irlm . H e r g o w n m u st be dark and ezcaad ln g ly plaln« her coiffure and fo o tw ea r p ro p e r ly aen a lb le and In p e rfec t o rde r. H e r a leevaa tnuat reach her w ria ta and ah o u ld bo fin lih ed off w ith oloae. u n ru m p led e u t f i o f apeck- IfBi w hile . lU r a p ro n m u a t ba tm all

The m an o r w om an w ho r u n i g litfioh room o r r e f t a u r a n t w ill u au a lly ta ll you th a t you c a n ‘t h ope to m ak a a ■ucceaa u n le ia you t a k e th e troob la to figu re y o u r par c a p i ta coat. F o r Instance In th e lu n c h ro o m w h a ra G

I tab le d 'ho te lu n c h e o n la a e rv ad a l a I i ta ie d p rice you rau e i f lg u r a a ia c tly : how much y o u r o v e rh e a d azp an aea a re

and thle m uat d iv id e by th a m im - I her of people w ho u tu a l ly com a for ’ lunch and th e n fro m (h la p a r c ap ita

overhead you m ay havw ao m a d a fln lta | Idea of how m uch you m a y apend par cap ita on food If yo u a r e to h ay a lha en tire a ap e n i# p a r capttG com a w lth ia the am oun t you ra c e lv a fo r lunch .

Tha b o a rd in g h o g ae k a ep a r who m akev a re a l eueceea u a u a l ly haa to flgura ou t h e r p e r c a p i ta coaU par meal. Bba m uat k n o w a b o u t how m uch ■he can apend fo r e a c h m ea l and aha m u lt keep w ith in It. I t la b e lte r alw aya to uaa a p p ro x im a te ly the am ount aha can a f fo rd th a n to aklm p one meal to apLurge th a n e x t. t

Aad th a h o u a ew tfa ah o u ld know about how m uch aha c an a ffo rd to ipand fo r e v e ry m ea l. 8 o m e ttm ea t t la even help fu l to h a v e a c e r ta in aum laid aatda fo r food each d ay an d to m ake a po litt o f k e e p in g w ith in th ia | But th e re la no ap ec la l a d v a n ta g a of ' keep ing

'T a n Jo |p il U\f R r r 'f h Ip tle ra vory .»ucb, an c i a llbny^ 'b | .lun t fo m e from h l^ 'vP , , . i ,s.* J ^ ' I ludae V'vur aocia) I 'lrc le to be very^ n d a e . IJ<'i*n nuikn s ru n rs dthI roar- ' 7 , . *la lada { M erge. How lu.^hj - a n d n u m b er th lr -*n h o p e lth l^ (V .'sn 't FO In th e rub - to o . , . . i,

e lose » 1tn heat I '■W>n. A?" Tee, I J u .t know we n nnd lo all | cou^d become good frlohdrt. aa h ik in g

.S lnrerrly ' one of my pleanurea. H peak lng of ' vara llona . I had a \* r j pli'aiuiru but

,sqs.»s...M m uch w ith in H. I know houaew lfe w ho fee la ao p leaaed whefi ■he can p lan a m ea l th e am o u n t■he haa a llo le d t h f ' e a tra lg h tw a y , goea to th e roovlea ■ w h a t aha haa krtvad.feor If ake h aa aav ed anoggh I aha atopa a t th a Ice c re a m ' ahop and haa a t r e a t b ta ld aa .

But Ih la la fd o ltah m a n a g a m e n t. If you can a f fo rd a c e r ta in a m o u n t It . ihould ba y o u r a im to ap en d a b a u t th a t, Jurt aa m uch aa It la y o u r a im not In apend m ore. F o r eap b c la lly

dren and a h a rd -w o rk in g m an you can ­not R lwaya Ju d g e th a i r a p p e t i te by your own. T h e ra a ra b e t t e r w a y i to •kirop th a n on y o u r food axpanaai. >nee you h av a f ig u r e d on a m axim um vmouni to a p an d on a tn a a l yow rea lly lave no r ig h t (o c u t m u ch w ith in It.

end ra th e r aaucy. T h e b ig w h ite apron .................h u Quite g o n e o u t ; o n ly nuraem ald* your fam ily c o n a la li o f g ro w in g chi w ear w h ite a p ro n a now . and then only In tho n u rae ry — n e v e r In (he atre»>t The houaem ald w a a ra a tin y apron, rrtap and d a in ty . I ta ch ie f re q u ire ­m ent !• a look o f h a v in g Juat come from tha m ln la tra t lo n o f a ho t fla tiron .

T he beat d rraa e d m a ld a a re w earing Juat now a iirona o f f in e llnan w ith hami^Wohed hem , p o c k e la and belt. If m ore tr im m in g la dea lrad , th e re may h» a n a rro w e d g in g o f c ro ch et laal ■ round th e ad g e o r a c ro c h a t Inaertlon blaecting th a ap ro n . T h e linen apron

i h a i m ore i ty le an d ociapncaa than o th rr k lnda, an d m a ld a them aelvea like th a i* ap rona . a lnoe lin e n m ay ba Ironed 1 lo look am ooth a n d lu a tro u a w ith o u t | th* b o th e r o f a d d in g a ta rc h ._________

Items of Interest

T opeka h aa f iv e w A rten ta x i d r iv a ra

T^a n u m b e r o f w om en w ho have w rtllan a u to b lo g ra p h la a la e itra m a ly•m all.

wU i

Dill mil vi>ungnO } '.u r I, h ol

ir-i, I FiiUT^'AriH(K o th t'j of U ur’ •> ?• H b land M sry

k.-v-ThtA iirtjnH I 11YV** lak o n m J J to o f j in y b in li pill in S-'oU14 any |o f thfl . ........ . _^ e of la r I f* w n ■15 f iK it n a i t a i T K a jA fs . I T . Trolly rom c bn' k

r y )t he

lahd. g u rx i (ho

Gar • " ' , . . I riM'xr<1. 1>lls Is "nlT n,}- PS-jn-l t s t i . r . ^ rn u s ln ts -l I m si

■ I hftvfert f . .r * .. l ts n th s r,..uTnii, no, ^1J,'...S1 W J l. S lrls, n,y in o llis r h s . r.'o .lv ^a:-t qert t e 'w n tw T oday whvn sh r m .l M a„ d .

rftih e r short ons s t Ih e s e s ih n rs . T o u ri tru ly w aa m aid o f h o n o r ■( th ^ June wFid'lIng o f a d e a r fr ie n d In Aabury I 'a rk . no road* lha occmalon a vaca- iion nf a frw daya.

you a n . AKt C lu b , d e ar Diyn, ■■ I am g re a t ly In te re a le d m vrtte r (‘o lor atudy W h en w e get bet-

m ay be mhle to g ive auggpatlonp abo ut X m aa

PMtsdsIphlk's firs t hotel sielosWolT for women bss rscently been oponed.

HIM Noll K- Mlrlon Is tho flw t woman ta Wsho to bo nomlnstod for ConArsss.

R glon I o s r i ot I

Ohs w k s Ku ln it tn w r it s 1 Ih n lis h l. II, yoa w-on'l b ru t im*. b^t'auae I

w f ’te j too .’Irle, n you n o t lc r m y n^ni'h*'r nayp can f ia k e eco n ea and n ian n n Ijtd*'

yon a t ^ l d la a te io ttic o f b f r r ' t a l k p b o u t rrtke. plt'K and linB il'

hU a n y ono riut miruHSH Ii t k in g line . KvM ryljufly an\ i ,O th e r'! b a k in g ah^'W" on my

k n o w w h e tsu T li iliM'M of

‘■RO M BbTN '

Toil m ay ha In le re a te d In B eet Top’i id ra for a d ra w in g club.


' w niTR nN -O N T.V nN K BTI>IE O F THF! !‘A I’KP ANT) HKNO YOUR R E A L NAMEa n i> a m i>r 14hh Art e v i o b Nc k o fiKlOO FAITH T H K T WlJ-ilA j > Vothr dellcloUG p u r# Ju ice d rin k fo rp v n i . iN H r n v s l e h h t o u d m i r B i t . “ s to . lo c iu d io g w . , tsv .

L ja n d s F r a g r a n c eth a slm plak t m eal


so good In fo o l th a t you w o n d sr if ih s r s s s n bo sn jr th in g b e tto r.

T h ia new e le c tr ic a l Ju ice e x tra c to r conalate o f g vartIcaU y m o u n ted m otor c a r ry in g a n a lu m in u m e x tra c t in g bulb Gt the u p p e r end. T h e w h o le l i m ounted In a hoU ilng m ade o f co p p er and tin - lahed In pollahed " liv e r plGla. T h a bulb la e u tro u n d a d by a m e ta l baa ln w hich caicbee th e Juice a t I t ta ao a w itt ly ax- traiCted GOd p o u ra I t In to th e gpout, w h ich Im tu rm d a llv e r i lh a Julca to th e g laaa u n d a m e a th .

CoBdeawd Funiittin,

If an apple a day kecM the doctor away, surely the pure juice of fine a p p l e s will prove a healthful b e v e r a a e — good for the little folks and tho older folks as well—pleasant to the taste, colorful, satisfyingBajr a Irr tfeg a w r t « r iklloii to jRiir fiBeor, dolksteggeR d ta k r

or cstafgetkMor

P. HoCrmn G Soea lac. ■ 40S-40T G f « n S tn g l , Nowttk

PhM W M s r k to 7 « t t

I *

A VroBoh tnvsBtor hso d ss ltk to •Its to fqrAlturs osiwgrlnM thg m

pois of dlMlhf room, oMUng rooBi k bsdreem with g ttfskg room lo r goingklto h o B utgggllg . w b lflh m g y ho poglMilAwor ID B feo»B#t rntioh targgr WBii fen

ra« A m U iJlo tta^ ii^ I w h titati, Th« boa Itootl whon'Am coTgrort 'W ith g w irt-

U ggplh l WMinfeitofelKMvJv" '



tdtdr Dtotta‘’ iSS»_)eitotot.haogrB b jr feof "M m u NM i m tofifelg to .fe '

' - ' ' Ife.i


for Bed Room» Dining Room,Living Room! Bedding, Carpets, Etc.

AT YOUR OWN PRICEBalance of all atock In onr building SLIGHTLY DAM­

AGED BY FIRE AND SMOKE, some perfect, including newest style period suites, all at food as new, will be SOLD REGARD­LESS OF PRICE. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD to make room for our new merchandise, previous to our reopening.

You Cannot Afford to Miss Thia Big

AUCTION SALEWednesday—Thurirfay—Friday—Satur iay

V Each D a y / r a n 1 to 6 P . S L -S a to rd ay U iriil 8 P . ML

Nationu Fuhniture C«.93-95 S p ring fie ld Ave., NewaHc

\ i : KC|jtKIS aLOrr; Auetlo«g«r

IMB j r a i f i o t e o n t ln a o u i gorvtoo go Vo­iles m stro B o t W lohU g, K sji.

A to ta l o f l . l l T . i s i w o m a n Ir tO ro g W K rv .T o rk o ro rs» lg * g fo a to CO'llflil tlOOtlOB.

K rk IliBaig a il lg M sTghoU o f Togofea. Ke i„ liBg . toco lT od s lo t to r tw o o tr - th M g ad gB g-hB lf fg » t l o " a ^rom h e r to ( h tg r . W ho Ig to n r in g JgpBB.

' nth thg old of hsr buiMkad and hr •d.gtbtlnf gqgohlBo. Mro. JohB A. R, rltni gf How Orloang pot ita *.0M js- I of prooorvog lb two Monthi thli luiimir,

MIh K w a g r o t V . L gajdm hu* ^ ' f o i - peet P la tM . N. J . !>»• m o rk r te u o es n ta th o o p o r to lo n Of g » g * po«- m iD tal good t a n a .

st. l ^ t l bgg g“ n«ggB-pggr-old ftrlrsbbi, LsoBA.Hbrwtta b v BgiBO, whobsi d s llv s rg a ggvarB l gow«o“* ** p is I t t a s l ta I b a l o « r . Mlgg H o rw lt i ta H id to bo tfeg o a lp « t n o r w o m w ta AmsrIoB w h o bgg oV to a e ta d to g ra b - b ta te s t o ap ae ltj^

T h ir ty t l r l t g u ta ta y a d l» • ■ n w p tag tor» Bgor M aw O rtaA gg w o rk w hsti Ihs w o B g ao tag a t d a e rg g d I b V aboold w ghr blgeM gp g eg th fgg* < to tfeg w h o o f aaffatv aiiA GGiaBimMl * ^ I n a t F O ther of

PAPEKING th* ttr l awFlof » * *■ *1bloogM iP I^gfe m to r !«**•

Give Lilm th a t second £ a hp K IU X ^ fe A & M u o n lfO lv iB rth ^ Ita n ra w Javort its flaky U^tpaat brnbaan tafa ■uidH h r haaltlqr, cbadigli appadtaa lor Maibr fifty jraais.And afllioH of ii>utba« to > laamed that dw loeilvabsfefaisvtoydUioftKlBia]firia siB id y and taoB f.


im w in t bogrt a a d

U, a iW M i EGtoliaa BfeBatlaNtaX■ I f

■nufeaiito V.A f ........

O to n ia• •• a W 9 G sA b ;**»*»v fijOl

J 3 w j : » S w - S S i . ' - j i S — ... ..................nsjanp.aaw iwtoipgRiMi..ijR> i C i a h a o j u »

a 'V .

b to ta r[ M W -


«C ETLY DAM- ling newest > REGARD­ED to make pening.

SaturdayB P. M. *

> t

" JbI » • t .


.'W- r '


k1» p in k nosi)l*r^ a n d ------

'O h , but I m ean porn^ on»* ♦ ittra !” w t n l on Mlaa F u i t y W u « y . "W h ile I

imtilriK lh tllMht'a aJl*y I h*ard a fu n n y tiuia* in the r[omf t Ifa y b * lha K u c iy P o i has allpped In and l i hliln tf

' W ell. If he l i J'll drive him o u t'” aa1d Mr- lAinKeftra, r n ic h ln f up hie red w h ite and blue etripetl Theum attam r ru tc h i that wan like a barber pole tu rn e d upnlde dow n, "n o n 'l be a fra id , N urne Jane "'

U riiv e ly (.'ji' le W ia a ily went out Into Ih e k ltrh i» jj and np^'ued the t’ lo M l tlot^r Out ra n a t itt le reddiah brow n cre a tu re , not m u ch In rK e r than u plum

"«.>h Iv^" ^auntied Incle Wlfc^lly. “Thi» d oeen ’t louk n iu ih lik e F u tiy K o x. N urat‘ Jan e . Ih o u fh he ll aom*> w h at the eum e *o lor."

"Nr*. I am not the f o i . I am toa a j ." apoke the lin y , brow n cra a d ira .' t am a P in e Mouse, and 1 11r« In the woodis Dot fa r from hare- t am d to r t of ro u sla to the Field Mouae and the Ju m p in s Mouse. I caine In thJi nflar* noon w hen Nuree Jane wae down to the i>vree and four rent store. I wnAtad to frei a few rrum ba, which 1 knew she W ouldn't m ind me tnkinv.. aifd I went In th e elooet and fell asleep, I iruesa**■ S -——


you callod. Nars* Jane, five th is Fine Mouse a ll the crumbs he w hu ta”

"Oh, th an k y o u r iQueaked the MttU ehap. **l hope I n a y sone day do you a favor, Ua«U W tfcU y, aad yom too. N urse J a a s . ''

"F ray do not mention It,” spoke the bunny uncle. "I suppo^ ,” he w ent on. '*Hiat you are named Pine Momee becauee you eat pine tree cones.”

"Not eznotly,” answered the ttny crea­tu re , look ing a t hie short ta ll to make sure no crum bs were s tick lu f on |L "Wa a re nam ed IHne lllee because we like to eat the bark of pine, ( rse a 1 l-ave some pine tree bark stored aw ay In my bu rtaw , or undirdr>mnd tuDueL for w inter. But I thouffht my famllT wtruicf Hke a few e s tra crumbs, so I canva to v e t a few.*

"H ave a ll you wiett** lo rlted Uncle W laa lly . no Nurse Jane filled a little basket, about the site of a thimble, w ith crum bs for the Pins Mouse, and aw ay he scampered out of the hollow atum p buDfalow.

"W aati't he a euta little chap?*” apoke N arae Jane, when Uncle W ifv lly w ent to bed th a t n lv h t

^ery ,** ag reed the buany Ksnllemaa. *'1 hope I m ay meet him again,” And Mr. L fongtart did. I t whs the next

a f te y a e e g th a t U ncle W ta g llr w a* hop* p lu g th ro u g h th e fo re s t He had been to th a th i r te e n end fou rteen c en t e to ra to f t f a r a e Jan e , to f e l h e r a c a k e of m a p le a p g a r w ith w hich to m ak e eom e p o p o o r* fudge , and. when th e b u n ay f i h b l t w a s a lm oet back a t hie b o llew • tu m p bunpaJow , he heard a h a rsh ao ipe in b u sh ee behind him. '

‘T h e r e he g o e e r grow led tb« o p lo a

N ow r i i v* t h iB ir 'I te o U W icv O r f« T * ,o a * 1f«k V M k

o » » r bio 0houi4»r u d to w tho M ookr B toah I i u r ru n n in g o long tb* w ood­la n d p a th .

"W oii, ho o h an 't foC mo It 1 o aa koop ohoad o f him I" aald tha b a a n f . b a c ta - » lo « to run .

B at. Ih o u a h u n o te W1«»11y ra n aa foot aa ha could. th« Ttuahjr B laak H oar ra a ta a ia r , and ba ' » q u lo k lr oom ln# n a a ra r o!id o a a ra r I lu w ara r, p n c la W I m i y lu rn a d a co rnar « t tha M tb , w h tra a ta a a a fr a a buah h id hlM to t a m o m en t from the s ig h t of tk# h t t f

"Oh, tf I only bed sem e fe e d plnee to b ide s ig h ed Uuole W lrglTy. to e k fn i • b o u t "U ui th e re e re n 't e s y hollow e tu m p s or h o les t h n t I cen eeel 0h< fo r • good piece tn h ld eT

And th e n w h ite the B ieck Buehy B ee r w ee e t l l l ou t o f s ig h t deurn th e p e th , « l i t t l e brow n o ree tu re popped o u t on th e p e th in fro n t o f Uhole w lg - giiy-

*Tou m ey hide In my tuanela end g e t ew ey from th e bed beer,” held th e IttU e ch ep g

''W h o e r e yeu, end w here Id y e u r tu n n e l r* e sk e d Mr. Longeere.

T dm th e P in e Mouse, to w hom you en d N u rs e J e n s w ere so k in d le s t n ig h t/* w ee th e enew er. ”Aod h e re Is e n e d o o r to m y ^ n n e t o r u n d erg ro u n d b u rro w house.'* w i th hie sh o rt te l l th e F in e M ouee po in ted to e sm ell h s le In th e g ro u n d

'^ h , th e n k you, b u t U e t Is toe lltU e to r m e lo sqoeese Into.” sold U ncle W lg g lly . "A nd th e beer U com leg B o erer end n e e r e r P

"U el W e 'll m eke the tunnel le rg e r fo r y o u r sp eek ed ftts P in e M ouse. **QuUk, m y f r ien d e P he sMed: ”b s lp • e r e U&nle W lgg lly . W ith y ou r pew * en d y o u r e lew e d ig e b ig bole end m ek e o u r tu n n e l le rg e r so Uftele W tgg lly oea eUp Irr en d h td e P

O ut o f n e e rb y tueaeVe eem e eeven m illion n ine h u n d red end tw e n ty -tw o ib o u e e n d s ix hundred end fo rty o th e r F in e M ice

W ith o u t loftlDg e second they fe ll to w ork , e n d In leM (ben e m in u te th e y bed d u g e tu n n e l le rg e enough fo r U ncle W lg g tly to hide In. Down th e b u rro w e ttpped th e bunny esclea Just e s th e b e e r cem e elong.

”8 n lf r i i n l f f l B n lffP w ent the B u eh f *1 w o n d er w here Uncle W lg g lly

w entT” B ut, look es he did, th e b e e r oould n o t f in d th e buhny. end h i bed to go e w e p w ith o u t oetok ing him.

T h en Mr, L o n g e e n cem e o u t o l the tu n n e l, tk e n k e d the P ine Mloe end hopped e e fe iy to h is bu&geJk>w. And If the* r e g d o ll 's ru b b er bell d o esn 't d r in g u p e ll the m ilk out of the Ink w ell, th in k in g lt*s sods w aierr Til te ll you n e x t e b c u t Uncle W lgglly end J u m p y M oueoj

PiOteres of chiidrea «r« de«1red t o r use w ith Hedtlm* Storlei. Sviiii the Util* eoe's pKotegreph. «ltta nerae, eg* end sddrees on berk of ph-tiir«. vrbich will i>* returosA Ad> drese id Ed litir Home Paf*. N'«w«r1gBv#ldlg N*wi. 7U-JLT U siksi

H ia fB W lq r Yoa’Te Tired

DIAMOND DYESAny Woman can Dye no^v

Girls’ Beavers $8 and $9—for $5.75

Lotui Hlrcemvre—eUk Used tiOdleef Beevwru e t se,Si

HE.NRY GABEL 201 Wuhington Stra«t

We R^nevetc All Hlsda «if Vsts Fkeus Nevkst STSi

Each ptukes* ef "Discaunil eee^(etn« dIrBctlont »« i la p i* 1M1 t o r wemee <-sn diama&d dya shr old tadvd farmentei 4rep*riM. ro re r te g e •rsry th in s , w hether ■ eo], iilJk. unen. eetlen or mii*d sodCb. e e«w. rii-L, redelMi color

Bur 'X.>lem«Dd Dr«v"—no otb«r k in d -then perfect resutte er« fuemqteed eves If rou here se re ii dT«d befor* Druggistw ill ehew yes Dlemend Dree Color C e r d __Advertlj


Her* yeur old furelture reaedeled in tbe U(«*t ntrlto. Just like sew. et resKneble price* Aleo •* • furniture fer eel« reieon ebl* Ull'. eovere rnede to prd<^ gTle


Ha h n e & C oMerchandising Abreast of the Times


Join the Hahne Christm Player-Piano Club

Ihsury Set le jpenlge laeethsr, ggs U r ^ Beem OyeneCuged eed ^


Neur M stefM d Ark w MTWev•verlr

Western ElectricHousekeepinRaises die houew e

to the ihgHkyof home ittanager

I ^ V S R Y w o m n vA o hM clBctiidty M— 4 in iiCT hotno <an pat tn end to / the afe*oM drodenv c/t h o u e e w ^ . W este rn E lec tr ic eppliencet meJie

I >«vca your hardest taaka sMjr.

h o M e hy littledie mesker**

earns its cod,

DonH hesitate about an electric washer

you need it nowa !• the Idee all thioaghthe Waatam Electric Waaher aad Wrtoger.

Aa inportant fcatare la the patent aafetp da. vice to relpaae the tension of the wringer toOb.Bo even if tha dothea should Man to b o o ^ , theywoo t tear. '

Another point yoaU like ie the W eetem Wt - tric wooden cylinder. Made of maple, whb tbe edge* rounded, it*a ahm y* easy on the dothee. '

ld<wbbing,iioecrubbit» That^ tbe W epteni S lM rle way. Hot, aoepy water awWiea badi

' and forth throQfh the clothe# tiO th e y m a p o uiaaa and aa bright as new.; Get four demonstradon loday»

aavotiiia ucTBiee&B a m H . H.l.Tu a^MM«r«Ksasps.)Tbi Mfseaglik

S T * '

' 4.V.-


■ a. -'it-L

• a v u o N D aoeBBTClU O M r B H -ffBaiABBTH Buc.eum.Tco.r u H u —kMMirt * 'HONABCH aUCTklCAt. COl

.r .jom a

j o H iu i ia ,

itoHB aLBcraicaL SHOPM kattla lt.M .J.TW M aaOM rrMoA V naL B cm icco .N t a v k , N .X TM M trkttTM l WILLIAM ILIAMOUNBAU CO. H w ir k . N .J.7W ShBarrr taor A.a.cLAaaliHrark, N.J.1W.HirANM0ra.UBAMBBanaa a.eaSSCTShS

f i e i r « « m SIm- ^ nSlM ilw esd


Don’t Let Christm as F ind You Without Muiie In Y our HoiJB., , The Hahne Christmas Club Wni Put the i i i i* • - i a

Gulbransen Player-Piano iI n t o Y o u r H o m e — C o m p l e t e f o r s

$595 =Including Bench. Special Rolle end Free Delivery.The easiest wsy ever devised of buying a Player-Piano. "

The Christmas Cluh is made up of 200 Gulbransen Player-Pianos- the nationally known aMt advertised Gulbransen, fhe Player-Piano with a ten-year guaranty.

The Gutbranien is the best player-piano made at the price It is easy to p la y it reaeonte dyour every wish Faultless in tone, beautiful in construction, ’

$ 1 0 M a k e s Y o u a M e m b e r


By paying an entrance fee of only $10.00 you become one of the members of this club. This tee is credited to your account on t,he pur- chaie price of the piano you select. The balance IS paid in small weekly or monthly- payments -paym ents so small as to be easily met by

any one.

You can hardly have all the en^ymeqta a fe ' real home unless there's music'available for fimlly circle—end there's only one ilutra*M that allows every member o f die family to btv a share' In providing this entertalnineBt—db ' PIaye^P^•no. , '

We are also sole distributers for the Mehlin, A. B. Chase, Hazleton, Gabler Fischer, Hobert M. Cable. Ricca. Welte- Mignon, Angelus, Art Trio in uprights, grands and reproducing pianos.

Request CouponIf you cannot come in right sway, fill eitt /

this blank request for more details and; catalogue:• IName .................................................. ................../




*‘W s Printed f f

I-------- ----------------------.■^N

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CiSSLT -V-----N

B X dt

■ANMI a coswamtHtwwrh. K. J.TW. mmrnfrr 4tOO'LOuaraLOM AMMNmtarh, N.J.tVB. Bq—a Bt. aoa- WnarO $U*NATIPHAL Sa.BCTnC COS n Stertijasr

1" t»t . '



I' V ■'

Ready for you, in our Pattern De­partment, thirty December styles in the New McCALL PATTERN— the pattern that makes home dressmaking easy for every woman. •

No pazillng "dots.’; PRINTED VORDS that you can read at a glance — full directions for use .printed on every pioce.

Number of the pattern end the size I OB earii piece. The New McCall Pat- I tarn a h m you In clear type' the atru ib t of the gooda. *

-N av Mad of eftvMoptk tee ; a aepa- rate envelope for each alze,'tailing t te

amount of material required for that size alone. Diagram on back of enve­lope, showing exactly how to pisce pat­tern on msterisi; and how to put the goods together.

If you have never used patterns, be­cause they seemed hard to understand, and you were afraid you might waato your time and spoil your materiala-^ here la the pattet}! that will make your home dresamsking safe and practical,

If you tup paherna, come In and lot ua show you tke.patteni that will UMka' i your aawlgi* •■■t— nUi i*aeiilhAAii J ' to work


h i

Ths Pdttem that Makes ffo m


Baeg h r IBtmry" <Hi

' * ' vi.1l


Ik W ik t to you r«1iow i wliO or« tito t ro u k lo U> » 'n d 111 cu rto u h i

■ M y o a r ^ o t o c r a p h t fo r tuo benefit ^ Ik # oolttoiA. I iippre('U t« It. and «# ^ t i l t foU ow i w bo #r« not abU to draw,

B M fiy •▼arT m ail I i # t l« t(rra ■ fM a te r y o u r c a r to o n a

W othlB f tk a t haa baan atmrtad by roti X F. B. w#mb#ra. axoapt tha hamllcrafi

**tr# fto4 BO m uob atlvniton aa your oortooBB.

A# th a t la w hy I a»k you to k«**p |k « B s o ln v . a n d aliO why I am uatna |k a « i M ra p id ly aa poaalbl* Nr^ ■!! f ll^ dtrawiAga o f ra rtexm a th a t ara aont In iiww k# UB#d. Kor tna tance 1 hav« a •o o d OBi Ob tm liU ca but a* *ba1 Ihvup

4nnd now th # r a r to o n la oiit <’f < at« T)wil*a OB# d lB a d v a b U f t of rarJuoDa.

^VntBBBth#y a rc nif»#ly Ihay ara of IHtlo VmtBB. .

F o r th a t r#aaon H I t b a tla f to daTola y t a r t h l l t an d tim e to ru m ln f out ear- tBBBt th a t a re good a t any lima, or fa<rf fo r a lo n g e r period than Juat d ro a M #l#ct1on tp o r t ra rtoona are g lirag a In aa«aon, fu r foo tba ll and baae> kn)] nokar m any m onth* in tbam aalfe i.

m aking all that nol## while 1, a paare- fwl ilJenl member. He here aleaplni rom fortalilyT But M‘« a good thing a fte r all lhat you made ■« much noiaa. oilietw lne I would allM be eleeping and jiuor J. y . B would nrv»f get a U ttar from ma T know l u r Flying[lulfliinaii und Tinker Tib

•*Kaj- HMI. have )O J any c ig a r baltda o r e tam p a th a t you have no uaa fo r . H ecauee If you l»ave ellp them to me- 1 fav o r .pU tu ree helng put a t the head nf th e colum n, hut my fee* h a in 'l aeen a c am era for abou t th ree y eari, w ith th e ex cep tio n o f one. w h«r* my fcalP waa ta k e n o ff - th a t la. I waa only (.Akan l>«low th e h a ir lino. 1 ouppoae ihiH le t te r will be com pared a» a ball o f m ueh to a rock. H#}, Bill, w ill you ploaae puhllah you r picture'^ I w ould l ih r to know how yuu l<>ok

I'O U T U B IB riNIBHKD,”A couple of w eeka ago I took p g rt

lb a po litico ! debate , th e aub ject o f dia* cuealon be ing w hich p a rty , the flapub - llcan o r D e m o c ra ts , w aa m ore advan - togeoue to the 8. A I waa Ob th e l>emO''ratlo aide, and loat, lha p.olnia I

, g ave b e in g eu rp a teed by Ihe llepublloan ^ jh f t l l lo n g e r th a n th* g rid iron aporr, , g av e aa m any po ln ie na 1 could.It Btlll th # la t te r leBda Itaelf b a ile r to i th o u g h 1 am a goclallei’H ill# re p ro d u c tio n , I th in k , . |f (h e re waa ever a ‘hoi) b o th e re r'F op th a t reaao n 1 am ualng here and | F ly in g D utchm an, who la in the« iB O ther fo o tb a ll oarloon. m we are w hich I am w ritin g ihla l e t t e r

4 V h a t m ig h t be called (he heigh t of : w a lk in g a ro u n d m ore th a n aMABoa. F«>o*.h#ll la a lw aya la good I alock b roker, noalng In to

■lim iB tl l a f te r T h ankag iv ing . and ih a l p lea ta quM w a lk in gfo d t« . •m ark the l»lg Yale Frlnceton K » e yeara ago

It •b o ilg h o f Ihfa. I^et'a ge l w here B iart#d H ere la a le tte r from

O. Cp . o f th e Hu. That*! lom e com ’ iligg o f a nam e | nm not go ing lo

c 'A to aolve It. leav ing our newttM lh o p 10 w r i te a g a in utid explain.

. • j g L At Any r a te , here l» hie lo ite r and '^gg rioaa. W e'll have the p ic tu re f l /a t '

**X>«gr B lii: H era 1 am W hat iayMay 1 JolnT All r ig h t ' Thanka!

fUl! th e to# la b ro k en and 1 appear I l^BW th a P u h * Roniioco an J 1 am alao

and nhoving, wltl you? Pleaaa excuae me for the time belpg while 1 calm tbla w alk ing maniac Youra for gaaleea g tii i to r e a llAMCfS NA^)Q.*'

l i r r e la another lad who aeema to he intereat*d In parlor magic—<.'aldvell Hpori by name. W'e had hla plotur# In the column the other day. If you re ­member Her* la hie letter:

AlkOTHKR Ol^D-riMKA,"D ear DlH and boya: 1 have not writ*

ten In a long time, but | will try to mak# up for It now Ob, Bill, I nearly

WlifTrytoHeattk GreatOutdoors Hut Wiiter?T h a t a J u il w h a t you do* fo r

ev ery tim e your fro n t door o p ^ a cold d re f ta e n te r your b o m a Mo a 'o n d cr you canhoi g e l up en ough h e a t^ I b a la l l ah

ORSCOVESTIBULEon your and I tE E r TUMHRA.T IN To’im n ous, yea'llfind th a t your hem* I* much w arm ar and your eeal will laat longer.

W rite Now for B eokltl

r*T Om p M o le tlifB iH aI 'n OMCO rredact*

Orange Screen Company513 Valley StMaplewood, N. J.


. So , O ra iifo

/0 e « 0 « f « « 11• r r V e « r

' • a s *


r p A re


t '

'.i ■n th e 'Buffermor#' r lta a of W. O. I M M Advancing In my atudlea <badk-

'‘|ImmH ) i w hich la vary eacouraglng to

WBvld Itha to ba callad W. O. Cr. A t UlB R h. T h la may aeem like ra th e r JIM aAJ A ana, but«lt really ataada for a JpWMB, abA I defy any one to find out l b JM A filar

BBOinrg LIKK BTOIIT.*t>BBB •p o o a tlm o I w at tnt*r*ft*d aM fle. and. oe l b«lnc andowtd with

toe m lieh inonay. moit of my ifdal waa hom e-m adt I know thnrs oHiar boya In th* aam* ri> now a i

I than and lo h*r« 1* on* of sIm pU tr te k a

*Tnka n han d h * ro h lft and in on* itly law a penny. When the

|M « M w n plan* th i t on tha tabi* and M k nont* on* for a e*nt. W han th* jp U V In producod p n U n d to w rap It p p In th a h an d k areh le t but really Palai it. P laeo th* handkarehlaf on U * tnk in and nak any on* to it*p up

(• • I Ik* cant. Of cour*« th*y wilt n o on* you hay* lew ed up in It*

and 10 th in k th* raal c»nt *1111

Cm. Pine* a h a t ov*r tb* handkar- t an d lak o a clnna In tb* aam* hai.d

P tk n pad! eaat.

D raw n by M y a ta r lo u W . O . C r. o f Hu.

M l

*Vnt tko hand w ith Ib o ^ la a t and e*nt M n r t ^ l * npd w ith o in a r hand teueh

, ^ ^ |h * anin* in s ta n t allow th* I finny to d rop from hand Into plnaa I W nhaw th a plaao to th* paopi*. Than lall* th* h a t o ff handkerchief and I'eMW th* la t ta r in to the air, and, lo!

M ht ban patood th ro u fh tab)* into


fn ll, I (u * M r * t «*id *000111 for Imt bofor# I oloee, you will fiml th tg Bertblile A cartoon. It le the OAftoofi 1 hav# ever drawn Ih

It Ib no niAitevpIece. like fonie ^AOAB th a t have been publlehed. but

1 al^ah fe#l well rewarded If you pghUBh It. •T ourv ,


O ur membwT wiio ueed lo elgn Quen- flA Irn rw ard b#k l^hanged lo H. 8. A IhfObAbly he had a gnod reaaon for It. M l to tn# h la form er namn roeafit MAra thAB do th e Inlllale. There li nu

1 AAdOUBtlBg fo r taelee, however, and . AAF nam # you followe w ant you may

w ith in reaeon.W riN ue a le tte r , H H. A;Her# le a Jolly good le tte r fVonn Fly-

l»V Dutohm en. 1 like hie hame It | b chock fu ll of romance, and carries i t# bach lo th e days of good old W.

C lark Hu b m U and hie eua tales. Here Feu go. F ly in g D utchm an.

*‘l>#ar Bill! Tve Jupt got fInIpheH

w ent w ild w ith pleasure when ! taw my p ic tu re In the paper J am in favor Of hav ing o th er pictures a t Iho head of th# column.

"T am very Intereeted In magic, and 1 IkAve a amatl tet. f>uk« Narkoe, ynu w rite good le tte r ! I wr#i lo K^an-burg fo r a ehort time during the lu miT Well, Dill, I am a t laet In high achool, Pleaae, B ill, send rae aome etampe, will youT How marsy boys g rt The Boys' W orld In Btihday achoolT Well, there la a good, funny fo rtune-leller on page 6 fo r the week of Urtnber 24.

"Ask Broken \ f ln g if he took hla nam a from b reak ing hla arm : 1 alao had the m lifo rtune . I like the cartoons lha t are In the pap«-r and will try to draw one eo our membera oan aee whut kind of an artla t 1 aoi. I had aomo •av#nty-flv# etampe to give you. hut I hav# m lita ld them. Wall. Bill, the foun tain p#n la going d r r and I muat cloaek 1 am. CAUmvMTaL 8POHT."

FICTt^lIBB rO^llYQ t%.In addition | |o th# carioona you fel-

lowe ar# tend ing in, I am alio In r e ­ceipt of A num ber of p lriu rce of the d iffe ren t boya who are affiliated with J. P. &*, And Tm glad aome of you have a t laet aw akened to Ihla phaae o f our column.

O riginally 1 wanted you lo ten d In p lcturea to b# used a t the head « f the column, aa la done w ith the Juat for Glrla. But for the pn^aent we shall continue to uee the Uketieiaei of you lada In the body of the column, with your le tte r ! or auch commeTlt~Aa aeema needful to accompany the picture.

F or inataiic# we hav# w ith ua thla evening F rio th# Hed, represented hy a le t te r and a photograph.

''tH a r HMI; Hcltow Bill and fellowlt. I waa aome glad to aee my le tte r In the column. 1 am aendtng a p icture of m yaelf and W tty . w hich !■ my dog D *tty la aome rield-moue# hunter. We taki\, her out a lte r them w ith aorne o th er doge ipaaf fall the C. C. I. farm left aome corn stacks out uU w tn le r Thla sp ring F ran k , a friend of mine, and 1 had ihe dogs oul hunting, when 1 th o u g h t of a goi»d plan. F rank though t It waa a good plan, too. Do we linik the doga'dow n to th e corn alackA

gOMU r m i STOHY.We caugh t els mice and one rat.

Me then a la rted for home. Sometime some of you fellowe rid# UP and aee t.ur a ta t# flah hatchery, There are Ahnu! ISO poi>ls The amall pools ere uho-ii tw enty feet by fifty fe tt The

I big pools ar* ahnut fifty feet by Ih lrly - ! riv*' ft*#l They raise rainbow trout.

T h e re is H ope!Lion B randM ilk : “Mygracioun,

that milk bill has made her

AIAfd#rlng U am on N agg for calling m* | baas, nalmon trout, brook troutAAlhea in hla Ustter lo you Fieaaa for-

him ; h# only a child, ('an t you hear th # g roana and m oani; can't

a## tb# flaeh and bones, of that pAor vnembar, H am on Nagg J Just J # t back fro m th e Velodrome and 1 gkAFBd a t U am on 'a house for s«pper. After auppar w# decided to write.

**t aee you d id n 't ilk# th# (Hrmait liBgo th a t 1 w ro te befor# ao TH atlok to good ole U nited Brates. The laat

• tliny 1 w ro(# I promlaad to aend In u ' I rw m agic trlcka. Well, here goea.

n * a e ar# not exactly trick# but are th ings th a t a lm ost every one Mn ;do.

HBRIC'B A TRICK."Take flva pennies, nUkl##, dimes,

A t g uartere t i t depends on how much tobney you w an t to makey, and bor- Pww tw o m ore coins of the name value fr#m the audience. Then you announce tliAt you a re going to lo u a t money ^Allthg th# person who lent you the nion«y to co rrec t you If you sru wrong. Rou count, one, two, three, four, five,

seven/ 1 have eight psnnlee.**Th# person w ill eay 'No, you have

MYBll pennies* You count over, repeat- iS« the sam e th ings the person wlH A lfre rt you again. You repeat the op«rat1ona a few m ore times and then yau Bay qulokly. *Well, can i keep your m#B#y if Tm wrDAgT Nine out of ten pBOpla w ill aay *yea‘ Then votr. say, 'W ell. 1 am w rong, so Ml keep your .W#iiey.’ l o u p u t five pennies in a |ia t and oovtr U over with a handker- khtef. T hen yo« aay;

am now gotog out of th s room* W hile t am gon# you may take a \ fa n n y out of tb# hat and mark U so I th a t you know It again and pass it i grotiad so #v#r3r body can sss It, and ] thatt put U tn th a hat. i

* ^ b # n you recu ra you go up to ths I t ABd p u t y ouf haad In It and pick

tk a penny th a t f##ls th# warm est, j tla fa n n y w ill ba th s on# marked, be* '

the w arm th of th# psopls's hands haac th a penny.

t 'W l^ thaaa tr ic k s ; If you don*t sue

kind speckled tr->ul'■When the fish are big enough they

lake them out of the pools and put them In s tream s an over New Jersey. They hove houses where they hatch th# eggA 1 'O W#11, so long fellows and Bill. Toura, LRIC TH F l<Ell."

Now you ss* how he Looks, fellows.I 'rc t ty classy Is Eric the Red. H«

faint 1 And no wonder—look at the sixe of it- Cheer up, lady, cut out that expensive bottled milk and uk me after ibis." (L»dy revivei.)

, M oral; The laine quantity of Lion Brand Milk joes twice ai far as bottled milk and coats lets. And Lion Brand requires no ice to keep it. Use It in coflFee, on cereali, fur cookinj and bakine and for every milk need, ft cer­tainly cu tt down the milk billi.

S ave BUAirD LabelsRtdtem thtm at

Lion Brand I^rrmiitni StartNewark, 78 Bunk SI.r*i****B—tM «.*•* M.

BkTMI**—•> Ba*t iu t M. J*n*x n tr—tu ('.stnl An.


CONDENSED or EVAPORATEDItmdt ^ ikt JValvfi t f

NtUti't U ilt Food ftr BMt$


*They WORK while you sleep**

■ ought to b# abl# to spin a good a#g yarn of th s days of tha Vlklbga. and 1

! s-m hereby asking him lo do so.CONDOR A9KB FAVOII.

I Our m am bsr Condor Is asking for j p lans by which ha can inaks a model

De yeu fssl blllaua eoastlpalsd, head­achy, upsst, full of oeldt t^ks one or two CaMarste laulfht f*r your Uver and bowel# Wake up with head clear, stomg«|| right, braath sweet and feeUnf gas. crlplng, hoclnrouvenienos. Chlldrae lave( 'a ic a re te too. 10. t&, 50 eetita ^

youT n o n * r w ill IWl choerfully I ° t s F r.iM h ntonoplso*. If say of youItllown esD socominridste him I wl*h

•I),' WWotlo Br**«)lM PSM ih* 1 yo" P‘»"*nod sprosd tlio W*nk*t* sod f l l | “ L** . .

B *t-s hit* to M t snA s m n . f * ? T '- esslonslly, n .te h s* of wlr.l*** outfit*. >Uo. ooldonlty. Ilk** tham. Condor sdds:

-Dosr BUI: 1 *u to llontelUi Htfc.t Bohool, sm tw*tv* ytll'* old snd In tb* olvbth CTsdo, 1 sm Intirosud In wlr*- l**s •Inetrlesl sspsrlm enunf.

I don't know tb s t l bsv* snytblnit

boTors t h it tb* tmlL Tours (or . ski* p isU slsan,

,T lira pi f f l l j y M A i lS \ l

POTCKMAN."U,—I cfcsUssco Mybedy to tsll

MiHrs Xo*ot mgr nsms sad wbst ttMN m a e r . |«n A n tro rt to mnko tkn llyoly ky uotnff ptotnr**

in ( r a i l is nvMssond ky th s ro i. IH n e •* •** o( our nU Mnm- e I M * odlsMl Cor M lo n t thM

iM la t, nsrlow iy, « • ! . V k rm n t toe tksm .

i Im r jm m d b # to fT igt

ctso to sny to you tkis ovinlpc,'ou oilt h s t I 'm « lo 4 to n * o t you o i l o i s ln

■ ad V rkiM U Mraoehao, w k o boo th* to e tb s o b * . ooya to lo y th * aom * fo r M m.

M ot H r. P ooso tn lb* b a ll J u t now •D d k* a sy « to to ll you h s b o s n 'l f o r . ■ o tto n o k o u l b is e s r tn e n orU oi*. AIM

- - I - !• - ■)b c M U M sk o d s n d I M jA k f A f ftnimVik iMdO“ : .k 0 .


M an k in d ’s B est F oodBread, in some form, has sustained manlritid from the beginttma of things until now. Bread—good, wholesome white bread—is to^iey m an’s cheapest and best food. Brom cave dwdling to kitchenette, it has been the staff of life.

The best*breed is made with Pillsbury's Best Flour, the favorite with housewives everywhere. When buying flour women often e s k , "Is this flour as good as P illA ory’s?" T h a t’s w hat we m esn by Pillsbury's standard of quality.

Always buy Pilkbary*s Family of Poods—diflerant In Idsd, b o l alike in quality. A t your grooer’a.

Pillsbary’i Beat Plcmr I^ b o ry 's Wheat Cereal Pillibury’i Health Bran PiUtbury'i Pancake Flour

Rye, Graham and Macaroni Floors


I • • • • •I • • a • ^

FAMILY O P .F O O D Su rv B> 0 P 8 /

B e s t F l o n rP IL L S B U R Y F L O U R M IL L S C O M P A N Y

U lo M a p U ls , M in n . i 'I ’i l ls l i i i rv '■ 'V '' - v v i

i 1 V.’V- -ri l lc i i l t h l im n

v*ua* luaiwreMi]

FREEA 10-Day Tuba of Pepto- dent is sent to anyone who asks. Mail the coupon. Watch the ^ ects. See the changes they bring in atwedc It win change your ideas about teeth cleaning.

tioo.. Highest sutboritlM agree on the need for them.

Thus film is combated twice t day In most effective ways. And Nature’s acid-fighting foreet are given multiplied effect. -------- — r -

See What HappensW h en you b ru sh te e th in th is w ay

Thase new principlea an feat being adbpted. Modem dentiita everysylien are helping. Old methods, which brought opposite effects, an being dis­continued.

It is time that you made thit test.. Your tooth brush, probably, hat proved Inadequatk, Teeth have discolored and decayed ^ h m a .

If yon feel the need for new protee* don, see what tbit way does.

TMa offers you a ten-day test of a new teetlMleaning method. Millions now employ i t Leading dentists everywhere ^v ise I t

Yen think that your tooth brush deans. See ths difference when you aid it In thla way. Letm the reasons for the new resulte. It may lead to life­long benefits for all who a^e in your home.

You mutt fight filmYour teeth are coated with a fUm.

When fresh it is vltcouk—yon can feel k now. It clings to teeth, gets between die teedi and atays.

The toodi bmih, used in old wiys, does not eAdently combat it. Much of Um film remains. And night and day it Buy do caaaalaaa damage.

Moat tooth troubles are now traced to film. Datplte the tooth brush, they have baen constantly increasing. To ward tham off you must combat that film.

How film ruini teethFflm abaorba staiiia, making the teeth

dingy. It la the basis of Urtar. It holda substance which fermenta and foems acid. It holds the acid In contact with tha teeth to cause decay.

Milfions of germs breed in i t They, wMi tartar, ara tha chief cause of pyor­rhea. Thasa ttoublea have been alarm­

ingly common. Pew people eecape them elL

Fight it twke B dayDental science, after years of re-

search, has found ways to combat film. Able authoritiei have proved them by careful teste.

The Five EffectsE ach u se o f Pepoodei# bah ita

•sHnti, l e tk M e lh a .

l k * e i e H m ,

I e a fOe* la h r a « ifM iln\

• - H M ashA M Oka MMMI •« %edMfBh

Teeth win iJutenTaath glisten when the film ts gone.

HilUont of teeth now show tUa. You ■eo them wherever you look.

Those whiter teeth mean cleaner, safer teeth. The high polish is verv da- iiinbla, for film cannot aatily adhoro to tudi surfaces,

Dondsts adviao that ddMran'a taath bo bruabod with Papsodent twica dally from tbs dma tha flm toodi af^aara.

Watch the change

Tha mfthoda ara combiaad new Is ■ dentffrlca callad Pepaodent. And mil­lions of ptM ls pow amploy l o t i ^ by dontal advieik

Other efffcta ara alao attained— natural aids to Natura. Tha fivtoffaela wa d ta haro t ^ e ird q ovary i^ipllee-'

Sand tha coupon for dia 104)ay Tabs. Nota how d a a a dba teeth led after aalag. Moik the abaanca of tha vis­cous film. 'Sea how taadi vddlMi aa dm 8lm>coat dlaappaua

Cempara your taath now wMi yonr taodifaiteidaya. Tbaaliidfabywfael yon aae Md fad., TUa Atnaat impoc- tmtt teVeib Cvt out tha oonpoa new.

ttT b Jh y T iib e K ro i


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IfM II fUMOMEMY OOMBfiinf,U , DapbAt UM a Wtfwii #80. COM

; ■/ -Is'. )W,T^-ntll>lw***fV*(**>**M***t*^****«*M *M*#M

^««fi!*e^ff#efieafieaa#iX!fif1i4 4#«*ie4e*«*«e«««!be«»eeeee'

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timAKK wmnrn ymg. rmsmr. ymwmm #. tbb. r ' f *

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Facts about her skinthat every girl should know ik

k M TM fl]


ho » n .

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oa tb«

d«f ia lature’i lUpUed

t btiag j rw b w e which

inf dil­

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Is fens, b. You


’a teeth se daily


yTaba. A after dia vit- a a s t h a

til your by what ; uapofM DOW.

'* lillll


How to remove skin blemishesPeflliaps your skin is constantly; being marred by unsightly little blemishes. Authorities on the skin now agree that in the great majority of tases, these blemishes are caused by bac­teria and parasites that are carried into the pores through dust and fine particles in the air.

By using the Woodbury method of rleans- ing 3rour skin, you can free it from such blem­ishes.

Jiist before retiring wash in your usual way with Woodbury’s Facial Soap and warm water, iiiuriiing with a dash of add water. Then dip this tips of your fingers in warm water and rub>them on the cake of Woodbury’s until they arc covered with a heavy, cream-like lather. Coyer each blemish with a thick coat of this and leave it on for ten minutes. Then rinse v ^ carefully with clear, hot water, then with'cold..

tUw ^ tp a tm e n t regufarly nnd^e blem­ishes' will grwlually disappear. , ^

t ' ■

r * . r - ‘

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. 4r . . '4

I S 3TOUT sldn a am etan t source o f worry to you? Do you find its care con­tinually perplexing? T hedear, smooth,

flawless complexion you long for—does it seem to you a special gift of nature that only a fortunate few can hope to possess?

You are wrong if you think th a t a beautiful sldn comes merely as the result o f good fortune. Any girl, by giving the skin the special care its spedal nU ds demand, can win the charm of a snxioth, dear, soft complexion.

Remember th a t each day old skin dies and new takes its place. You can make the new sldn what you will—by regular, persistent care. You can overcome any condition th a t has been troubling you.

Is your sldn marred by blackheads— by ugly little blemishes? Is it too oily? Is i t dull, sallow, lacking in color and life? Begin, today, to give it the right Wood­bury treatm ent for its needs, and see how quickly, with this care, its own vital power will h d p to overcome its defects.

Ob this page you will And three of the famous Woodbury treatm ents for im­proving your sldn. Each one of theK treatm ents has been worked o u t carefully

and sdentifically to meet the needs of different types of skin. Follow the trea t­m ent your skin needs, regularly and per- d iten tly—and within a week or ten days you will begin to notice a m arked im­provement in your complexion — the greater softness, im oothnen, clearness th a t you have longed for.

The very first treatm ent w ith W ood­bury’s will leave your sldn w ith a slightly d raw n , ti^ht feeling. This m eans th a t your skin is responding, as i t should, to a more thorough and stim ulatiiig Idnd of cleansing than it has been accustomed to. After a few nights this drawn sensation will disappear and your sldn will emerge from its nightly treatm ent w ith such a soft, d m n , healthful feeling th a t you will never again want to use any other m ethod o f cleansing your ftice.

Woodbury’s Facial Soap is sold a t all drug stores and toilet goods counters in the United States and Canada. The famous booklet of treatm ents is wrapped around every cake. Get a cake today— b ^ n your treatm ent tonight. A 25 cent cake will last for a m onth or six weeks of atur treatm ent, or for general cleansing use.

“Y o u r t r e a tm e n t fo r o n e w e e k ”■A heautiful UttU set of fFoodbury’s skin preparations sent to you

for 25 centsSend 25 cents for this dainty m iniature set of Woodbury’s sldn preparations, con­taining y o u r complete Woodbury treatm ent for one week.

You will find, first, the little booklet, "A Sldn You Love to Touch,” telling you the special treatm ent your sldn needs; then a tria l size cake of Woodbury’s Facial S o a p - enough for seven nights of any treatm ent; a sample of the new W oodbury’s Facial Cream, W oodbury’s Cold Cream and W oodbury’s Facial Powder, with directions tell­ing you ju st how they should be used. W rite today for this special new W oodbury

Address The Andrew Jergeils Co., 1411 Spring Grove Avc,, Cincinnati, Ohio.

I f you live in Canada, address The Andrew Jergens Co., 140 Sher­brooke Street, Pertji, Ontario.

The new treatment for a tender sensitive skin

Dip a soft washcloth in warm w ater and hold it to your face. Then make a warm-water lather of W oodbury’s Facial Soap and dip the cloth up and down in it until it is "fluffy’’ with the soft, white lather. Rub this lathered cloth gently over the skin until the pores arc thoroughly cleansed. Then rinse your face, first with warm, then with clear, cool water and dry carefully.

By making this treatm ent a nightly habit, you can gradually overcome your skin’s extreme sensitiveness, and give it the power of resistance every normal skin should have.

For the commoner skin troublesYou w ill find nm ^ U trratmtnti in tht bookUl, “A Skin You Loti to Touch". Tktj booklet is wrapped around every cake of (Foodbury's Facial Soap.jimong the treatments \t [ieej are—Ulackbeads Conspicuous Nose PosesCuASSENED Skin Sluggish SkimOilySkim andShinyNo ii T endek SkimBleuisues Sallow Skin, itc.

For fonspicttous nose poresDo you know what it is th a t causes conspicuous note porcsf The pores of the face are not as fine as on other parte of the body. On the nose especially there are more fat glands than elsewhere, and there is more activity of the pores. These pores, if not properly stimulated and kept free from dirt, clog and become enlarged. T ry this special treatm ent for this trouble, and supplement it with the steady, general use of W ^dbury 's Facial Soap.

Wring a soft d o th from, very hot water, lather it with Woodbury’s Facial Soap, then hold it to your face. When the heat has expanded the pores, rub in very gently a fresh lather of W oodbury’s. Repeat this hot water and lather application several times, stopping at once if your nose feels Sensitive. Then finish by nibbing the nose with a piece oj ice. Always dry your skin carefully. Before long you will notice how this gradually fcduceithe cnEuged pprei until they are inconspicuous.

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— -----------— -----

?|,New Baseball War B re a b Out, Eleven Q ubs p Forming Reorganized Major League Circuit

E ight N ational Iveagur T eam s A m algam ate w ith Tfankees. W hite Sox

aJid R ed Sox in F ight on Johnsom sin— Ju d g e U n d u

^ [ O ffe red Com misaton C hairm ansh ip a t SSO.fXX),

^ F ive R em ain ing A m erican Lx-agiie Nines P lan a D ifferen t


'Y CH1CA "*U Snv21 oil

' 'll# 41't\iii-

a > '«rU}| h Ifk'i'ir rluh lejigilr A »i«mbet of trie i 'A*ueflioaf'n U iar T>i* Ait’.'^rW««- ■Wn emJm tii*’ pla-i^ra n'.fIII* th rea *“ n iu r« . r.ta" air' p r- i

» W rrl»M t 4 li I

%***ug1 of III# of th*.. tlgnftl c :ul'" anil ii m

taan'ji dfti• ttrmi _ ............. _

« ) . In I .«• »- e l 1 )I r -y or

Ul* io a iu * ow fir'i !'>■ i I j I'*-O rta t . l ia i Ion nf ih* no* JaaRUio « ania

^ fU r Ihe fU‘* ArrfTlf*n la**tfu* luHa k t d T"fu*a«1 In reply to an ultUnatuo^

Py th f olh#T c lu tii. RlvIiiKtkoif) an ht»ur and a haJf to Join in Um r«orfanlxatiotn

A fta r o r^ a h l l tn f th* naw laairufl lha _ b ^ M ta l l m a in a te s procoadad w iih (ha

plan for s'lvlMati r 'ln lm l of pm - faa slo aa l baaaball. and a p r -m iad Judffn

t S *««aaw V lx*ndU of • 'h lra rn e tia lr- ir M an o f th a tr lb a n a l v h lrh wHI anvaro

%%$ cam aJudffo Lastlla. If h« a rc* p (i th a poal-

^ tian , w ill b* rh« aupr#m « d lc ta io r of a ll f laagpaaa fo tn ln i tha plan and wIM ra II «»lv* a M U 17 of I &&.000 a year^ * 'ril 4o a ll In ray p o » a r to holp m ako

te M b a ll w o rth y o f th* nam a It baa bOrti* a ll tbaaa yrara . hu( 1 J u t l c an 't 4*«l4a bach a b if th in g rlirh t aw ay . " M i d J u d f * l ^ r t d l t w h e n o f f a r o d l h a •h a lrB a iia b lp o f th# r^ow baaoball tr i- b tlM L propoaod p lan phoutd b*» f lw a t tb ln f fo r ib« aatn*."

Aa cbalTAiaA of th« t r ib u n a l J u d t * w aald r*c«iy* m or*

V w m t IbAb b* g a ta now^ tiM nd tad third mamban al tba trl*

M l

btttal wilt ba appolntad Utar, awd oaa 11 tUm will b* ch M a by tba m laar

&addniba>BMnMSteUsTM • ( Dm m«w U x c a i

•II Mat a lflit far y «ma» Oltr. wtiara NaUaaa) Aaaaalattaa af Mtaar

. teagvaa oiaala taftan i* praaaat tka •N M atttoa ta tfta«k

f t ia n lao r 1«m m Baaikar waald ; H rra (a t aia m m wkti* J>«ta L asdij I iraaig ba g traa a aaatraer far a a n n

f a a n , aooorftlaa to a atatomafll mad* : a fla r tba m aatlia b r lb* «tab owoara

J a d ta Laa4li V aa aatlffad of h u ap<C iatraaM b r a oaMMltlao a t tiro awm-

r t aad ho toU thorn ho woald tab* lha a a t to r andor adrloaooaiit tor a tow[‘•fto•Mm for tbo now loaaao and o

' eaatraltlna body ooetala froontnt MCaroBOO to tbo mMor Itaanoa, which

I am c t m ataoraaoo that tbor will not I aa ararieokod In adalnlatratlon of ih*

aaaso and that tholr to rrite rr will aol i a laradod I* ooloetthg tho twoltth

ibor of tho BOW loairiia Tho aottoB eano aftw aa all>4ar atloa of both fo e tto n i to tho ro o r-

ih alaaa, with nettbor oldo ta u o otboT.

r I i- iiv lng f rid nn-l ih n l In *M • I ' Ui.ii bt r rtt rii-t h trlc lly l•‘aMli4‘

I I'ilit Mhi iiDJ v>>ir litsJiU I'lnllyII ' ifinir r< 4 |>orm11'l I Hii-ft to th e ir l<1 Kr co'jlil 1n4 m urltn l

h ; 'VI jl»* pb-euirt w it^ rii 'lltlf lua tly r ’ tRfit ih f l r r eip '-nn Ibl h! |e P U» ih^fr (r P lllu e rill uTmI lhf‘lr r n a l m

!■# Miarhird'K ot •ftvrrol boor* Ih* e k v n n r |i |h

o* riTfft plwftilnd With M'-*irp f ie if in h Knd U lU rr Lo b r it if Tb#> < <h«r fi^ur m«rn' b*ra, who w*r* ho lttln* etu? in tu ihp m ooting. It wa* m ade t^laiti (ha t lli» w hole objAct o f th e jo in t inA etlrg of ow ner* wa* th a t b* rccon■ tru rlrd on • vich a IiIkIi plan* ! • to in^-rll ptjbllo o o n fid rn ic luul ( h i t n con tro l of liMootiAtl li« #«t a tillilicil of I m rii of Piich ca lib er an tc cofiinianil nuM te roap r' t

It o a a a m n h a a in d th a t aanh club would havfl oil# vo ta and th a t the cuk- Raailona o f a tc h c lub wnuM hr fu lla runatderad- It waa fe lt hj tha alavan ow tiara th a t an lo n o aa Ilia le a iu a a ro lad aa laaouaa. th a aalftah tn ta raa ta of aach laaotia would ba [la ram ounl In In ia rlaa o u a a f fa lra an d th a t It w aa only by unaalf lahnaaa In In ta rlaa o u a a f ­fa lra . w ith no advan taica to any l a a |u a o r club, th a t lha co n tro l of boaaball could ba put oa a n a ltru ta ilc and Ini- p u rlln l baala

"T ho flya d la a rn lln * c luba w arn t ly a n u n til a o'ctoclr to a p p aa r In tha inaai- Ino. bu t fa ll in g to ba p reaan l, tba e layan a ta n a tu r la l p rocaadad w ith tha fo rm atio n o t a Iw e lv a -c lu b la aau a , a i h ray id ad by lha raao lu tlo n a o f U ctobar I I . Thia la a f u f w ill ba know n aa tb a haw N ationa l I ja a in a . and John A. H a rd la r w ill co n tin u a a i p raa ldan t. aac- r a t a r r and tra a a u ra r .

-T h a la a m t contprlalH h lh a laapna a r« th a B o n on B ra y a a tb a Boaton Rad Pea. B rook lyn , C h lcaao Cuba, Naw Y ork Q lanta. Naw Y ork Y ankaaa, P h tla- d a lp h la N allonala, C ln e ln n a tl, I 'h lc ac o W h it t sin . IM ttab u rfh , 8t- I .o u lt Na- tlona ld .

A n a a a a f« r T w e lf th 4'tab.T t w ad a c ra r t) th a t lh a tw e lf th club

ahottld bo th a flra t of th a f l i c d taaen t. tn g A tnarlcan l^ a ^ u o cliilw th a t ym uld a p p ly fo r m am bari'h ip P a l l ln f to ra - oatva auch a p p lic a tio n w ith in a rraao n - ab la tim a, a tw e lf th ntub 1i to ba rp la b ' llabdd by lh a naw n a tio n a l laapua, and It I t no t lh a In la n tle a t h a t m inor l a a tu a ta r r t to ry ha Inyadad.

"T ha m a e tln y th a n p roeaadad to ra- a f f l tm Ua accap tan o a e ( lh a I d ih a r p la n o f baaaball ra o ra a B laa tla n w hich.

iHm Otwftw.-------------- from tha Johnaon c irc u it

'p p p ftm P with tha club ownari a t ih.- i l l a l SMalwa »f a ltb t National and ■ m * AMdrtma Laa«tM eluba. but with- SSI fW slt At I:t4 yantnrday attar- BSMI tlM Jolat M«hiMl ltdtttd ah nltl- ■ s thia ta tbn lo h u a h eluba talllha

th a t they eauM elthar coma evarSSS u h t pa rt la tha maallna, wbteb WasM ba varam ad by a piaJoHty ro ta

’ laaesa would ba formad. Fall- few fa haar from tha ttyn A joartcan M acM dhba, tha otbar alaran elubn Waat ahaad witb, tbalr antiouncad

Tha tlaa alaba which ntood with M s w a s la tlM flpht ara Datralt, Phila. JNSjUa. Claralaad. W aihlaatoa and Sh

l4H* a lsh t thay malntaliiad that tha laasha wauM hava ho affnei oaMW taapw

tha n a ja rtty ot tho Amarl- m S UMptio and ooneaquontly aro tha

" !* •« « •." Clark a n f f l th of« tha Waah"W aahlhptea etah aalA

^The Amartean Lom u* will oparat*ttiB m r w ith o r w ithou t tha Chtaa«o, Maw York and Bootoh cluba*'

now la a fu a w ill p Itc Naw York, 'OhM afO aad Bonten tw o eluba in tha p a m ta a ru a . Brooklyn njao in in- « a m p ty lnp a m a ta r New York th rea f a p r t a m la t lm . Tba c th a r m am bart SMro ahO lh n a tl. P ltte b u rth . St. t.oula

MUladatphIa (N ational) and i M a tw alfth m tm har yat to ba chooan.9 . ^ fa rleaa to yoatarday*a action, mam-

M S a t Johaaon'o T a lth fu l Flya" had jm laroS th a t tha tkraa Amarloan

* 1 f ^ a dfiiho would not ba abU to taka t P**ft*e» Into tka naw laapua main-* gfePjhS th a t tha pMyara on a d u b ba-

f f S S a ta tha laaffua uadar eontraota 1 feSSUf***? sthfea 'Thli faetor, thay laU. J WaWa i t r a tha Qva ramalnlnc Amerl R psh Um c m o il ................


Minor League Qubs May Reject Ran;Echoes <rf Federal League b Magnates’ Fight

Fultz. Hickey sitd Tesmey Lesd in Oppoiitioo to dvillisii Tn-

bunsl for Csme.

Revertion to Old Syttetn


A nd H ank 'n lln ly lin e

*Aa*»a cluba additional h tran tth Sh4 deshle tham to proctad with orfair- Uhtteh ad a naw Amarlcan Laapua In -

P * t1*mI club owner* *aii1 eh*f would Uj ^TlcM t® th* la*t eourt** bofor* allown plA ytr to be taken over by the]| l M W iMffiMh

• W W M t by Wrw Lees® *. lotloerlUg atatem ent waa teaue^

W Iba eitib owner* f o m te g lb*saw la a s t ti i

^^0 tlM Am erican puhllci Th# eleTan * * d u b a w hlab w*ra elsB atory to th* r*eo-

l a t l o u ede^ited a t a m eeting in Chl> fago« O otabar i t , met *a:cot*dinf to th* MU tha r«*o]uUoni ihl* m orning. C lark O liffltb and. iubaeQu*ntly, A tto ra« r O aM s* W. Mm*r. rapraaeni- )hV th* 4lr*etor* o{ the Amerir^an I^acka* a44ra*»ed tba m eeting, e ta tin # th a t lAa f i t# dlaM&clng A m eriran IdOagaa aJttbt would not a ttend a joint ***tlon of oigb owner* w here rn e jo rfy rule In tu tero lub affair* could prevnil.

'T h ey propoaed th a t the flvn d(eftnnl> in s elub* appoin t a com m ittee of thrp« to meet w ith a like com m ittee to rep- re ien t the N ational I.yeasu« for the pur-COM of m bcoqucntly m u t i n t a oommli t,« ofU hreo from lb* m inor Icaau** t

~ drarc « plan for th* rro fu a n lia tlo n OTbaifball

*Th«*« i*l*ycn *! | ra*tory nwnar* »tuod on tb e fun d am y n ta l p r lnr ip lun (h*t Under lb* old yyRtitTA of I n t r r l r a n u * *f- fa lr t , be lay con tru lU d by leeyu* yola i. (Clllehn*** and pollUc* had c re p t tn the yam e r**uUlnK Ic erandul* on Ibe

w ith alight m odification*, wa* fun.-ially adopted. Th* chief m odlfIcall” ii arn th a t th* m inor l*ayue* •hould 1>* rr- queated and permlUed to chooee en a i- ■oclat* m*mb*r of iha board of cnorrol

"If t^OTable K eueeaw MounroliiT.andla )oddo of tlie B lctricl L'ourt of 1h« Unlt*d State* for ('lilcnyu, w v unanlm oualy temlored the poaiilon chairm an of the board of control for a tarm o t *eyao y*ari at an annual aalary ot ISC.OOO. A com m ute* walled upon Judga Landl* t* tender him tbo poaltlqa. which tender, a tle r an eaten alee dlacuialon w ith Ju d (e Landli, - now ha* under eonilderatlon.

•Th* Laakar p lan p ro rld e i for the appointm ent of two aaaoclate membere of tha board of control, neither of w hich waa eUcled. A com nilltee from lha m eetln f h a i gone to Kanoa* <'lty to tender tha minora an opportunity to elect a candidal* of thalr own chooelng aa aaaoclat* m*mbar for tha a ll-y ear term . The th ird momber, whoee term w ill he flya yeare, ■wa* not cboetn | pending Judge L and it’* acceptance of th* ehalrm anth lp o t th* board of con- tn>!.“

Tha commltt** which w ent to K anoai City to Inform the m inor league meet- la g « f Ul* action of the new N ational League, conalaH of CJarry H errm ann, ehalrm ani Barn»y D rayfui* and I'harles H- Bhb*Ua The name commlitoe. with the addition ot Colon*! JV'Ob Huppert. la lo *erye aa a d ra ftin g commute*, with a 11k* num ber to b* appointed by the minora, the chairm an of which d rafling commltt** I* to b* th* cha ir­man of th* board o f control.

Oemmltta* la Uamfl l u l a a*Th* dull** o f th* d ra ftin g com­

m ute* w ill b* lo form ulat* th* organlo undvr w hlrh b***ball in Intvr-

lib4su * affair* and In *U dl*put*d raai* t*r* with player*, ahall operate. The organic law will a lio provide for com­plete fup*rytalon of tne e th lr i of th* gam * on th* p*rt of both owoera and player*, by Ih* board of conRol.

■Tt Ii hoped and believed by the m am beri of tho new N ational League th a t tho high charac te r of th* chair­man of the board of control and thoa* to be elected a* aiocclate membora will be a aufflclanl g u a ran ty to Ifaa ba*«- ball loving public lhat the national gam* will b* oqnduottd on th* bigli p lan t which public In tc rea ti and public m orality demand. It 1* thought th a t w ith the aid of a board of control of th* character Indicated, law* will be onaotad whlob Will f o m e r atam p out (am bling in connection w ith bM*ball

"It I* th* ballet ot the member* of the naw national league th a t the public uoiitrol umler which they voluntarily place themoetveo today will. In la rge m eueura wipe out th* pollltr* of l*agu* • n1 Interleagu* affair* which ha* r«- milted In untow ard condition* w ith which the puhtic 1* fam iliar It la b e ­lieved 'h a t 111* new method of voting, hy c' tnatend of league*, will have a liv .fnld effect of, flre l, preventing mliiorliv cluba Ic any league from b* Inif IrtTiRif'r In the ponUlon n( havltiK n< Nni > In IniprlenffU* nffiilr* *nil. veton'l will prftvi'nt the r#f'iirrt>nr* of ft Ion# > niitlfiUrd ilenftlrif'k In Ihft ch00(*- Ina of ft a fflc fr of llfi con-tro lling bi'sRri. TL# dvMllook in Ih*

of th* chnlrraan of th# r!#fun<?t yRtlofivl Comralijiior;. IvfrhI)' toli'vaUB p o lit ic * . 1* m a in ly rcep o rsIM o for th# trouble through which haHchiill Km* lately sone "

Th* italem ^Qt w*e plsned by a rep* ree«nt«t)v* uf each club taklnir part In the formutlon of the new laas^^^'

I t l in 't nnv e ia ra e rn tto n (o ita t* th a t one of th* inovt talked of loot- ball pl*yer* tn the FiJiet Trulay 1* ^far* tin H a iry O arrlty J r of the PrlniWtoo v i r i t ty Jmn't know any Martin Henry Q arrity J r ? Well, Hank then- Hank O arrlty . the bullaty jrnunf man who la bor*d ao I1r*leaaly tn tha Oranae and Black caua* a t Carabrldc* Batiirday. Some bucko. H ank, aurej^ a fUtlng eoc- eei*or to Ih* nrlfktvy*. the Mahans, the Caaey* and (ha ra*t tha t have *pruna up around Boaton. He'* a aon (hftt an}* m otbar m ish t w*ll va proud of and dad too. But tha O arrlty* of Newton. Uaei.. aro not i t a ll aaclt*d over the fact that Hmnk wag li a tar for Prineaton Ratur- day No alraa* not a bit af It. Mattar of fact, thay 'd have been dl*nppolnled If Hank hjuln 't turned In a full day'v work, for th* O arrllys are a aport-lov- 1h^ family, and wii^n't there example fur him lo follow* No. tt W'ftsn't an older b ro ther In th is naee M waa an ' older sla ter. H ank haa two oldar ila- 1 lera. Deatrlca. a Blramcina grad, never ' went tn much for aporl, but £ it« lle did. E fle lla la the oldest of Ih* fan ily . | She captained (ha buNkelball team at Tladellffe and played a forward on the hockay (earn, proving aurh a corking fjna a ll-a ro u n d atflla ta th a t aha waa honored w ith the presidency of lha col­lege a th le tic aasoolatinn Now. Hank's h av ln i hi* fling in v trs lty aport, being a a ta r In haaaball aa well aa football a t PHnogton

T here lan 't much rhan re r f lha fine old Irlah nam* of d a r r l ly dr«ipp1ng out of lha gport lim elight wh«n Martin H enry J r tucks hi* abeepaklTi 'nealh a a to u t arm and acta forth to rotiQuar lha world. Here are Hunk'* Iw'j youngar brotbori* Bob and Herb, com­ing up to keep Uta family hefora tha hubllo . B ob 'a ca p ta in

ItlSli Achool eitvan . which promlaaa lu win the aoholaatlf eham plonablp up around Boaton thl* yvar, and on* of hi* i ^ t garnaat co-w orkari tn th* back- held la hla b ro ther H*rb Both ara Hated for g raduation In Jan* and Bob, who la o a lj an Inch and a half ahy of it* faal and who v a lgha In a t H I povrrrla, la haadad for Pfincatoa. Herb aUnda five fea t akva Ihchat aad welsh* U4 pound* H* doaaa't know juak w hat h a 'i f o lh f lo do y*tv but It'a a cinch th a t h* len t going to b* th* only on* of tba five to go w ithout a collage de­gree and ha'* iu r* to boh up aocne- where, who knows but to eupply no- o ther caao of th* C n lla h u a tw o or three year* haneaT

ratuJa a g ra n t footbnU p ln y a r o r th a t h l i y o u n g e r b f o th a n bnva a tood o u t Ut eoholngtio pUy« fa r anqw aatlo& nhly h a ra 'i a t p l r l t th a t e n a a o t lo*a and w hich w ill be a w in n e r w h an th e can - ▼aa k n lc k a r an d d e n te d boot* haye

la id M td a t a r a ll tim e.

D ofniBi on R ih Ih U io n

Fk>r ibe boy who aim* for a college education there '* a apieadld esam pU In the ^ rn e n o a e of the O arrlty boya. Tha O arrlty* a re n 't rich- They 're com­fo r tab le but not In a poaitlon to put five children through college. But they have eom athlng more than w ealth, (hey have a nriother who t* recognlaed as a born leader and who haa given her eon* the Inap lratloa which hM made them pracUoaHy aelf-aupportl»s while

N ew ark figh t faaa will get th e tr ftra t peek a t I^oule Bogatli. the aanaational B rldgaport w efterw elsh t, oa Jereay eoll tonigh t In th* bout whloh aende him arathNt Tommie ita p le to p a t the Coloa*

I aeum Club. It would probably not b* a very herd m atter to pidh a b a tte r oppo< nent for Bogagh, bu t tb a Uon-baartad Tommie will fill In well anoogh to give tha foA* an Idea of w h at the Nut- m aggar can do, aad r ig h t aaw the la t­te r* ability ta a much dlaoaiaed queg- tion. Any num ber of fana who ware a t the ringeide the n igh t he (ought Jack B ritton In B ridgeport will never be copvluoed th a t B ogath didn 't r ig h t­fully win the. w orld'# w elterw eight ohampionahlp on th a t oocaaloa. W hether of not th is oontentlpn 1* righ t rem ain* a m aita r o f opinion, b u t aaver-

I f l t ln * *n iSucstloo. Th*7 hAT*n't | If* p r i t l j nCAr • i u r , IMiif

of the SflWton

Tiger Football Mentor Skips “Easy Monday”

Princeton Squad Loses No Time Getting Down to Work for Game

with Yale Team.

Roper Reviews Harvard C o n te s t

picked out *oft Joba< either. T aka the cnee of H ank Ail teat aumnaer H ank worked In a foundry out in HamtUon, 0-, ahpvallQg Band end (airly tkaklng In the Intense h ea t of tha molten Iron. A year ago he apent the in inm er w o rk ­ing aa * ream «r In the For* A lvet aklp yards And while Hank wa* w orking In ahlp yard and foundry, young Bob and Herb were engaged In the con- (reotlng bueinrae up home. They hired ten boya to help them and took a ntim- ber of oontracta to build drive* and wBika and they even tackled th* tiok- llah Job n( rebuild ing golf club green* L ittle wonder th a t Hank O arrlty

W IN T E R M u n a in g w e a r i t in e o n ip w m b l« fo r c o m f o r t . I t i i t i u t d c o v e r* th e

f o rm p e r fe c t ly — th e f a b r ic g iv e e w ith e v e r y m o t io n w i th o u t lo s in g th e ■ hap e .

Y o u r s u r p r is e a t th e m o d e r a t e p r ic e in c r e a s e s s « t im e p r o v e s M u n s i n g w e v 't s p le n d id w e s r - in g q u a li t ie s . A r ig h t s iz e f o r e v e r y o n e — m e n . w o m e n a n d c h i ld re n .

Let Munsingwear Union Suit Yoa


F i w , M APLEW OOD, N . J .gerlptfon; Bl«ck and white body, black head with gray ( j f t e ^at awn had on collar with South Orange Town-

No. 3S2. Reward for return or information

M B a n e t t S t ,

■■ Sfc'

PRINCETON. Nov. 9.—Rill Ftopr'r fk lppad ‘'E a iy Monday”--w en t right on paal It. In fa#l, a* If (he foM hullera nwt-er did know whJil a day off w*e w ith tha raaull tha t lha Tlg»-r vftrsUy icrhl''''rn warn nw busy ypsitar- dftv as any ^Vnlnnsdsy during (ho s#a- fenij Klrnl cam# ik l"ng in thofla,,l I. ri r r w fib'h (h# rngular*R l ' . r C t h o l i p l i t T p a r t I ' f t w ' t h o L j r s nn l ' n : i T h U y F l P ' r ) a I n r I ' l f l R O f f fJ P W p U y sRni In ilnrnmy « . 'r lm m age w lih thahir-i I m..ifii-* jn t r the same weight socks

llr'for.v thf- 'itori ws'TP B#nt out yea- ' j a i ■ ”t4TdiL>, Head ' oach Illil Roper aBaam- | ^D U S h O C S l bW-I thnm In the field hou»«

th a t th* tlt]a*bolder dld&H have any the better u f It If the beat h* oould gat waa a draw , w ith hla aw n refai’#* In the ling . Than therWa Bogaah'a vte- lory over Johnala Bummer*. Even ana of Johnuia*a n e a t blaaad local rooter* haa adm itted th a t Bogaah whlppad hla man and when th li Louie wae good anough to DODVlBoa tba Bummer* cheer leader th a t he had aoroetblng on Jo h n ­nie, then MLtter Tommie Btapleton la la for a m taarabla half hour tonight. A&d there era a ha lf doien o ther young men haraabouta who would b* In Juet aa tig h t a pceltlon a* Thomaa If thay undertook the tain ting of th la K alian B earcat from Bridgeport.

KANAAB CITT. Mo.. Hov. I ^ W a t cloud* loomed dark and farb lddlag fa t Iba propoaeote of ih# J4«kar plaa for baaelHtU reargan lia tloh when tha preal- lent* and oluh owner# of tha iw anty- ona n iU or leaguai of (ha aa tlo a m al In convention hare today to vote on the propoaad civilian tribunal aa th* eu- prem* go earning body of organloed baaaball.

VFbrn tbe commlttaa of threa. ap* pain ted by the twelve-club New Na­tional League, organlaed yaaterday la Chicago, arrived her* to prevent tha La*kar plan fo r the conaideratlon of the tnluor laoguera Indlratlona were th a t II wuuld ha overwhelm ingly de­

led. Tha minor league leader# de­clared tham aelree capable of eettling their aw n diapulaa and conducting Ih flr aw n a f fa lra

The om m ltteoi, which brought ta tka m inor leaguer* lha a an o u aa aaea t af th a ac tion of the elghi N ational League aluk aw nere and tha three club aw aer* af th a American League In Alamptlng tk* a tru e tu ra of Ike m ajor laagaa* la favo r of a twalva-dihib loagae gav< em od by a oJvlMaa tribuaal. eonalatad of O arry H errm ann, .chalram a; Barney I>r*yfuaa and Chariee l i B bba ita ^ e a a rapreoentatlvaa ware prepared to affe r Die minor* the opportunity of ael*at- tng an aaaoclate member o f tka H k' tlonal Board ot Central under tka L aaker plan.

Thomo* J. Rlekey, praaldant a f tha A m erican Aaaoclattoh' D avid L. Fnltk, kood a f tka New International L aagun and A. R* Taarney. praatdent af tka W eatem and Threa fleagw aa, a ll raaag- n iiad laadare in m inor leogna kffnlra, w ere nnanlm ona la aapn an in g tAali dlaapproval of tka Laakar p l a i ^

**fo have tka m ajor laaguaa^i tk* offtoiala to govern a t wonld be m aratp to g a back to tka aid a frtem from wkleh the minor* w ltk d rav laM w inter." Praaldeni H ickey aald.

‘ a m ajor Uagwob do a e t kava to ■aloct the memkgra of the now oom* mlealon (o r n a We are oapnkla a f ta k ­ing oara af our own a ffa lra Tw enty one m inor league* ttnlakad tke H id aeaaoQ and th irty -aav tn a ra raady la a ta r t n ea t aaoaaa.

* ^ e employ more p U y w tk a a da tka m ajor laaguei oom htii^ i w a kava a t laaat no muek money Invaatad and ifaver w ill eanaeat to a aekema by whiok we would kave no volaa In the oalactlon a t the man to handle aur affalra*

"Wa w ant along w ithaat the major* and eqjoyed proaperlly and t am eonfl dent wa con oonUnue to handle our ewn hualneaa."

W ith a revolutionary tnorem ant aw eeplng through the m ajor league* the m inor leaRuera themeelvea a taried a cam paign Involving a ehake-up wlth-

11n th e ir own organlaatlomThe cam paign Involved the rem oval

o f John H F arre ll of Auburn, N. T.. who hae been aecretary and treeau rer of the oseoolallon Bine* It* form ation tw enty year* ago, and the election of U. H. B eiton of Rock Inland, UL. oa hi* aucoeaaor.

B eiton fo r a icor* o t year* hoe bean a dom inant (actor In minor league at- fatre. He form erly wa* pfevldent of the Three I League and (or aeveral year* ha* been pre*ldent of the N a­tional Aeoocletlon of Minor League*, an honorary office carry ing no aalary. Mi* tupporter* claim to have enough rote* to Iniur* hie re-election. !t I* planuod to vote him a oalnry cf |1 ,H 0 and move m inor league h a ^ g u a r ta ra from Auburn to Chiaagm

B xpoiura of o rooke^aa*^ tn tka W orld'* Berle* of H l l haa bean a g rea te r benefit to the minora than tba maj'^r leaguea In the opinion of Pra*l- dent F u lu Of the Naw In ttrn a tlo n a i League.

'*The benlahm ent o f tha gu ilty p lay­er*, the expoiura of tke whole vlctava plot will impreM on our young playara the irerlouaneto of their duty to tha gam e m ore than any talk by tha m an­ager* and oMar p la je ra aonJd eon-

Lftit Strufglc for Upper Hsnd c4 Diamood Dsted Two Years

and Cost Millioot.

Twelve-Qub Loop Tried Beforo

CHICaOO, Nov. T)>* A t u l i « te*«bsll w u wSteta b * o n l u t (*11 s re n s s Fr**t4«&l D*a Jah n aes of Mis A j-M lr** IjMkVu* anS h a t takan tSras a ( It* club* le Ul* paraonnd o( tba N*iS KatkiiiiU Laa^a* fam iaS yaaiarSar. ta« Sa* brouckt (orih ranlD ltcaae** ot tha laat baiaball war, which b ro k t out IS Ih , la r in s e( 111, and la iled twd y aa ra

II waa la r ly In l t l ( that th , r , d , r a t L » s a , w u o rc a a lu d aad waa tb u th t nol caly by Iwn m aj«r l , a t a « ~'ba N ational and Amarloan—but by i l l tba minor l«aguaa \

Tba total coat of th a t war. a hloS finally waa aaitlad aarly In l l l l . navn* hM haaa atataS by ih«*a involved. b u | It la batlavaS k a tw u o tl.OSS.bOD and )4,teS.S4S w aa d rassad by cisb ow nira o s both atdoa.

Tha Uagwa waa arganlacd hara w l;h Jnm aa Olhnora u praaldant r h n r i i s W aaghm an asS W'llllam W nikar. both ttockhelSara taSay In lha Cuba, wara p rlso lpal tw a a ra Is tha Chicago club, r u i BnJI, MW fw n a r o t tha HI. I.oBlg B row na waa tha principal barker (or tha S t Lnnla elsb a t tha Kadaral*.

Praaldant Ollmatw than IniarcitaS Hobart W ars a f Maw York, to fc th a r w ith m as In P ttdabnrgh. B altim ora, IndlaaaM tla, Y a ita a C ity and Burralo. T h u t US laagiia w as laanehad.

I t wa* a h a rv w t for th* ball play- a rs . Maay who had baan raoalvtn# ta la r la t o t ab o s t IftSoS a aooaon pro- autwd aontraeta. a lU a r w ith tha aaw orgaalaatlon o r w ith tholr own elubc ta r tw lea th a t am oasl- Injim cllon aulta w ara oM nnas and sSlom aya' toaa wara tra ta a sd a a a O osairuetlon of naw ball parka eoah fartsD ia . Savan o t U*m hav* baan Idla alaa* tk* w ar w u aat- ttad a tta r th* l l l l aaaatw

I s tha alaa tiaa th* N ational Loagu* w u a tw alva-atsb a rg a n lu tlo n . and a t ta r a taw u a a tla fa c to ry yaar* da- oldad to r a to rs ta an tig h t .club orgaal- ■atlOB. Thla nM.d* tha apanlng to r th* axpanatoa o t tfe* Am arlcan Loagna than a m inor body. I t w ont Into tho a b a n d sso t eltlas *r tha Notional— Clavalakd, Baltim or* aad W aahingion, aad Isvadad CSileago. la la r going Into Haw York. F U lad a lp h la B eiton u d • t Lroola.

H. F. Whitney Nominated Prraidmt of U.S.G.A.

O H *rb«rt W alker. pr»»1dant of tbaUnited Stataa OoM A uoclatlon , will b* lueoaodad by Howard F. W hltnay of N nauu whan tba vota* ara c u t at Ihd forthcom ing ilnellon of officara W alkar ta forcaS to rc tlr* owing to th* preea uf builne**.

Other ehajigee In (he Itet ot official* are fbreooat In the nom ination of Rob­ert Qard1«ier of Chicago fo r one of (h* vice prVfMffita The complete ticket ** announced yeetirday hy W. D Vanfl. r, pool of l lo f r i i County, ■ecretary of tue U. 8. Q. A., l i a* follow*:

Prekldent, Howard T. W hitney. Nan- m u Country Club; vie* preiidenl*. A P. Byer*, Allegheny, and Robcri A. O ardlaar. Chicago, eeerutary. W l>. T ia i* f lfm l. Morrt* County Country d a b ; treaaifrer, M Buckner,<lardea City; executive commltt##. Al­bert D. Locke, B rae Burn, chairm en; NelaoA W hitney, New Orlean*. Hugh Wllaon, llerioB C ricket Club. FhlL*ac1- pkla. and Jam** D. StandJah, Loebmoor, D atralt,

Tba nam tnatlRg cam m ltta# for 1922 oftloara will -aanelet of Jam ee A. 8 tm - moa. N otional lAnko, chairm an: H arry Ia Ayer. Brae B urn; W. C. gowne* Jr., OokBiaat; R obert P. Jone*. A tlanta, and

Rutgers FootbaO Men Still Work Slwrt Shift

Coaches' Develop Plajrs for Game with West Virginia at Mor-

gkotown Saturday, '

Gardner Laid Up at Home Here

NEW BRUNSWICK, Nov, I.—Th* Rutgar* fDotball aquad cnntlanM to tak a thing* aa iy yaatarday and aooh a th ing u a ,h a rd aorlmmaga w u n 'l a v a a th o u g h t b t Inataad tha coaohu . tinuad to w ork on devaloplng th* flnar point* of th* playing o t th«lr puplU ^

I'Aiil Roboion Bpant tha a ttam oon Ih-At Fall's first tingle many j e l ru ' t in g the linemen, g iv in g pOft lou

hustle Into heavy lar Attention to Lent*, the fra ihm an find; 8llker. who** detenilve ptayingmen

clothes, but go right on wear- r;,«C u»V ‘"or ^ .‘[ .‘ .’'a' d^^h.;Heudder, a U tte r man la^t sooaon. Dala

for RTll.oijr'n If tcturc ' Tt th e roauUn nf Ihe H a r - vHrtl itarr,# Not of It we* r r l t l -ciein. fur Rop»r 1* Ju#My proud of the w ay th* boy* id ayed a t rn.mb''idg#. N-^r Ih h# too o p t ic IbMc ov*r tlie Vale g&nie, frellDR th » t y* l* will r*ov# an equal ly h a rd nu t lo c rack

In reply lo ii d i rec t Queitlon a* to whftt he ih r iught of Pr lnff ttoh H chance* w i th (lio E l l i . Hopor il#clft,r#d th a t Yale xvft* i m p r o v i n g ev e ry day. nmi actual lv had cm* of th# b#et team* In (he Kft«t

W i th t h e prellTclnftry t a lk over, rhs boy* lined up on Unlvere lty F ie ld e x ­p ec t in g a a b o r t elgnftl drill, and then ro m a ln e d a t w o rk fo r nn hour and th re e -Q u a r te r* . Only tw o recularis were mlauihg. C ap ta in Mike Cel iahen and J im M eM anmon. the b ig g u a rd who p layed iu o b a r«m *rk*b l* gam e agalnet th e C r lm io r Cftl laban t* not In ju red b u t wa* g iv en a welU deeerved rest il f tca he bore an e x t r a la rge ahare of th e h a r d k n o rk * of th* game.

McManmon. w ho lost five (e f ih In the Wept \ l rg ln la patne, w ent to New Y ork a g a i n to *ee hie epeclal lnt j<j*t lo be *uro ih n l tl»* H a rv a rd hackn had don* no m o r* dam age. Tral tipr Keen* F l t i p a t r l c k , w h o haa Inspected counl- kee* T ig e r te a m s a f t e r the i r big rame*. d ec la red (b a t he never IiiilI nn eleven com* ou t of ft gem* in as iiurf^'ct co n ­dition . Not nn t>range end Hla rk plnyer wa* Inju red.

W hile R o p er t a lk e d ' in the Ynrslty. N a t i*op put the f in ish ing louches on h is ncrub*. g iv ing (hem the Inioet Yule play*, and then sen t hl^ tnu'lgikilc! s ta r# p.galhBl t h e vntreKy w hen the l a t t e r got on th* fie ld In a dum m y ser lm mag* W h i le raoS! of th# ftfterf^^on wa* con- eujned in thl* ilcrrnfl# ttgninat th e Tale plkya, aeve ra l new creat ion* of Hill Roper , enpeclftlly defllgnetlMo w ofry the Blu*. w ere pnic llccd. '

T ick e t* fn r ih e T'rlncftton-Tale s t r u g ­gle a r e uven now a t a prem ium la r r l n c e t o n , ajid a r e being f ran t ica l ly Bought.

Waat Oraug* PaMkollnw Ocak Aoilaa,The W'e*l Oraug# Poet, AmerloaB

Legion, football loam la dealrou* of aacuring game* w ith local team* avar- a g l a t m pound* Tka A m orloik U -

Yet it’s feet that come in direct contact with cold pave­ments and angles that arc exposed to every chilly breeze.

yC ool socks make for foot com fort—.solid convfort if worn with our solid-leather oxfords,

A wide variety of all-wool socks In attractive heather m ixtures—all-wool by our own test.

A wide variety of thor­oughly good, a ll-lea ther shoes. P lenty of brogues.


lay. th* fraahm an up w ith Injarlaa.

Th* baektiald mvn an<f and* w4irhaS under Coach RcndAll. RUI K ln f- mnn, a N aw arkcr, who ha* baatt playlns tackle, hn* baen nhtfted tC and In an at tem pt the coacha* are m ak ing

I to bolatar th* wins* (or be tter aJfan- *tv« movaa. Klab, ano ther N ew ark boy, who wa* looked upon by tb e qoaoliat to ih lr t th* N ebraaka tnda, bu t who w as Injured th* day before th* Kama, t* ‘ turned to tba aquad, aa alao did ioney, quarterback, who haa baan past­ing.

laid up a t hla home in N ewark alnos lha N ebraaka gam a laat TueadbY

W ord fri>in U ars in to w n ta ll* (b* etory th a t W eat V irg in ia la p lanning for a big day In th* m ountain town naat Baturdky whan th* Bcarlat *!*▼*■ ■taeka up apatiK t th* Mounialnaoi*. This will b* th* flra t m aatlnc ^ th * two taaum on the W att VlrBlnl* f r id - Iron.

smartly because

Scotch knit jackets, waist­coats and golf hose.

Heavier underwear in­cludes union suit No, 939— our raglan . shoulder spec­ialty. Fits the figure like the atmosphere fits the earth I

Coach Frank Mill waa praacnl at baakctball practice In tha Ballantln* gymnailifm yaaterday afternoon. Ifor* than forty oandldaica were preaant and ho agprctiad latlafactlon a t tha ahow. Ing mad* by candidate*. Fram all praiant Indlimtlana th* flearlat fiv* IMi aeaion will b* a fast bn* and th a n wit] be aom* ptronp competition for Ihe guard and forward poaltloda. The only weakness la a t center and no promlalng m alarial hat yat appaarad. Captain Hall Itoka the height for a good pivot man and > ltb 'u g h Datt- Unger, a letter man A at acMon, hn* thl* qunllly, b* Is lacking In savaral other depaatmanta of th* gnat*.


A TU Dtaspo* ahlp ba nest an tha atai

th* M tea 4nsb* bald

J a i l > turm<M brlagta aald, I* many q •ty. p« prauim larant I -I w ■tndy. man nt oar* to could a (Igkt I laoaptl'

r’SIb a nr

sw • -U ai Icuy uwant kw u i ba

to Atlith* boi

“Ik,* hare wplay. 1 liaa w eanvtri o ttb la yonr k"8* tba pn atndlna as tks ball gi

apyadk ThM C balld U

t k a I Clby ■ last to b*(mh s MO*city w III* Ms right I that bi thsna I

Tk f aumra* n ig h t a* nn i might

Of tl Havaiu waa TC thq eoi U had gtoap ilbl*.


Entr A. U. I which Oardan tft a r club* ( will p Itadini follow and h<


OonvenIsiMBreadvny Csnsrs” Fifth AvkttV a rm M 4lstti

NEW 'Yo r k Q tyA;' • , '

*lan;ales* FightUpper Huk] Qfl d Two Ye*n ^ llio M .

I Tried Before

•-—Tfc*Im I f»U

kQ Jo h n to B o f rb# d hoe t^oo t roo roonntl of tko Nti# n*d y«tur4ar. to* D Jaloconeoi of tk# htch brokt 001 14 I Lottod tw o y e o r^ 4 that lh» Foderol .4 Mkd WAf fOufkl ojor UAgao*—tboAh—blit b r All tho

tb o t wmr. wblo4 %t]y In m l , DtTor hOM iDVolved. b ill MQ uid »d by elab ownAro

yohloed horo w ith trooM ont T'harlAi tlhi& WAlkor. both Ln th« Cyb«. w«ro tbo 1‘hlcAgo elabg

>r of tho Ht. l.^ot4Lnelbal b a rk e r fo f if tho l'•4o^AT•.» th an lniAroAt»4 tw Y ork . to f» ib o f

B^ilmorO)c u y AAd BurraioN

» iMBChod. for tb i boU play- Ad boon r o c o l t t^ ,bo | 0 aoMpn pro* Nor w ith tho row \ tbolf own elyb^ It. Injim otlon oulU llom oyo' food wor« uotfon of ROW boU L Motor of th o a I tho W4T WHO oot- oaotHi• N btlonnJ Lionctio

■fnetory yooro dO'< okfbt'Club o rrn a li

J a oponing for tbo A m erican Loacuor

I t wont l&lo tbo if tho National-—• and W aihlngton, ». Iat«r going Into Iphla. Boiton and

Nominated t ol U.S.G.A.r. profldont of tho Uooclatlon, will bo ,tA r, Whltnoy of toa aro caot at thd Ion of officora re tira owing to iho

rho Itat of offlciala lotnlnatlon of Rob' ;ayo fo r ono of tho > completo lirhe t ao r by W. D Vand. r. ty. ooefeLary of lUe »wa:I r . W bftnoy, \ a * - r tc o prooldotita. A j , and H o b rrl A.

■oerotary. W I>.County Country

K lm er M- Buckner. :lvo committee. Al> kO Burn, chairm an; ew Orloana. Hugh kot Club, Fhlladel- Standlih, Lochtnoor,

Kiinmltloo fbr 1122 of Jaiiloa A. bull-

a ehalrman; Harry : W. C, Fowneo Jr„ Jonoa, A tlanta, and

roll tala Chicago.

AyBirs nrUlaa 'It will Irop. .


M Om nrA K s m o i e M P ia tcbobut.

S P O R X S 1Atlantic City May Get

Dempsey-Caii ber GoBndr AnnoaDoa Wfoltfay Shore

Rcaort Men Are Eager to Bnt« Bank Dien.

Hawaa hoporihoa li Sbehred

ShaoDOB and SaxoB An Si|Mcl To MeoC ColoeMUB

St. BcDeAd Socieodi Hay TmW ahl

ATuanc cm , mw. ar-n« jmo&i«ip»»r-g »»re»« CkraMtl*r «kuB>>o«* fhi» boat will b* boU u axiMU* onr Boxt «n«*or If tbo «ll7 m at* a iha a u t im a t Mod* lu t Bl«bt b f Wfll- UIB A. B ndr. OM «t liw H w e to is at ik« boitio. M wUh wb«« wui r«M tbo dooioKb M to w W o Ifeo boot hi U bo boU.

J«it oCt-Ma* tboro ooovi to bo oo !»• ounoottblMiilo obblooloo In Mo war otbriBoInc tbo ftgbt to thli eltr, Bradr mid. In foot, ho tbo««bt tbo piono bod BIOBf OOOllflOOtlOBA O M h OO OOOOtOibn'itf, popoloriljr with tbo pooplo oad proxualt]' to tho b ln o r citloo wbofo to- loroot to pBClUotIo o lto ln l i BTOOtoot.' *1 woo oaprooobod rtotorioi’.*' ooU

•tadr, *br a bla Atloatio OUp awa. amaa af wmllb, whoto aaaia I do aot mro to bobUob, who aokod M wbp woooald aot boat tbo Dompooy-Ciipobt too (Ickt boro. Tho proaotoro oro la a loooptlTo attltado aad It'o up to tbo piaooo th u arobt tbo obow U bid tor

. Tboro lo bo robbob wbp U o bobi rimUbT bo boM boM 00 woU M la Boo-

Bb or Bow Took or odbor pWom Joot ow bb dodtaMb phibB haa bam do- " 1 apab. If tba paapio at ADobUo

wOJBt tbo Itebi and taoko th (bfbliMtr obobih,

ClipwBbt fcbbwb (btbiblp obObih, tbo ilfb t win bo bra««bt boro. Notwanr otbot piaooo wbbt It olao obd It wo«M bo «pto AUaatio Clip to obow wbp tbio Is IM bmd atom.

■TbMmbSp," mid Bradp. who woo horo wotoblbt tho opontap ot a aow plor, 1 waa raaladad bp tho eobmrea- itoB with tho AtUbtIo Cttp aon of a coararaaUoN 1 had rlpht In tho tobbp ol thia thobtor aonral aMalbt ago with roar Kapor.

"Ho w u ioMbb aw Bp oplaloa on tho prapoaltlaa at hartag a giaatBtagiaB htra Par atUaiio o lirtoo oaah ao tho ArBp-MbTp bad athor Ug toat- ball gagMo bad M« ivarta ovaata at •tarp ktaA Tho 1dm of tho luetam oppm lod lo BO thoa ao o good oba ThIa DoB pin y .Carpoatlor ftrtt Bight ballt that ataglBB.*

Ifca atdog pcadaoor aald tho Atlaatlo CItp maa who hod hrooohid Uo aab. loot U Mb lodap hod toggootad that bafaro bo loti towa aorarai dapa ho boo ho Boot aaoatal pthor ‘Mg" Bob af Uo rltp who woro aorp oaUaglaatlo oaor iha Idoa ot hoTlag tba meob-dloeewod right bfwagbt boro. Brodp daolarod that bo tatt

Bg tOgglmama! 4 IT •Mg" 1 ' oauaaltba anoh

Brodpt protlp aara ho waaM too bwora bo loft Uo roaort la galbg to ha hold b tboTh fight

ouramor tlB o. Mr. Bradp doelorod lu t Bight, and ho leoaod to ragori Ula ao an >tbor roaooB whp Atlanito CItp might oxpoet to haao tho battia

Of tho offor which had como frOB Haaaaa to otago tho fight and which waa rodOBilp horaldod ao Uo oooao ot thq eonfllet, Promour Bradp dmlarod U had boos foond to hara coBo from a groap that wao aot coaoldorod roopia. MUa

Metropotitu Boaung Touiney BUnks Are Being Diftributed

Ji Mogi gofooitad tba t t o w h top PaaMob *-0, root orlop aftoo-

Booa a t Ibo doadoaip itobL fa tbo I Uo 010011 d tiO B A tbo

Boaroot tba Bfopotoop eaaw Acadomp hopM llm waa U o Ora-pardBork.

Joo Clooilok, wbo waa plarlag gaor. Ib MmB far tbb Bmadlal to a ^ wao Uoalar tor hlo agaad. Otaortak la addl- tlBB ta raaalag baok paata, broko Uraagb too AdaAomp Itoa Ubo and agala far im to fiftooa powd galaA Tad Ptok rlpwad off aortoal oad maa for aabotaatlal golaa (or tho Anadamp

la tbo amoo Ibo Jaatoo tam mW. Biwwa, wbo wao p l t o a l ^ ^ toam tor m, Baaodlatb oootod b toookdowa ta tbo Brat gaarlir ofUr Captato B w lg a rd u d Browa mada aarotal raao aropbi tba wlaga. Brwwa taa thM r porda to flogor to Maaa l ^ h a n ba> btoddbebBBOtoaaraBaeb y b e tr r to r

B lau I B a w ia d C M thoBaattog tor toi

Tba teaHtoi

■ m . . e . . . ---- .7 -.OUiom . . . . . . . . . .OOaOor .7 . raooKalobl ............ ItlgM a a M .. , . . , . gBo orr

Johnnie Ward to Meet ' Gray at Trasler dob

Bont b« Fint ■ EmI For Roegh end Reedy MdCegiOoit

Undar MMifCMOt efCknkeKal)

M w• t lh w Ftrt

toMB ad KiiMM ton atabt toa OM l ^ toaan. tba K.

to t t .flpaa bad Baa P ib iitp

to .ftoa atpto o a aia aaWL

aaart btlag tbatba af tba

Kmh9 Bk Tive QdM WinOm Sbaatock Peieen, 2414

Tbo Koaiar M g Ttoa baokatoan tobB Ito itoto abalib t ttotorp laat

• ' l l aa Uo WaobiBgtaa

ibatorwalghh tba Mowtoh, la to Bbho Mo

alfM 0* < Itoolgar fbrti tta b wbora ■galaot tbot rnggod ioboalo (hap. Tho hlti oroBBd Boot roooat atotehoo woro BTord of Ibo H altooraotoaa Ig Omp. tbo lag Ward a bard patoud.


o£liCS3ii^ 0*0 *a o»aa < » t• •OiR*

lihiODowl-Jeff Skill FU t h Fettae M Gerdm

KHw O^Saord. totawr wMIliwolghi i haBglaa. aad Paff gantb ot Boponao, tbo obawploa giobo'trottor ad IM boi- lag worlA ara dowa tor a fttuoa- roaoU oagagomoat taalght at Kadlooa Bgaafa Qaidaa, Mow ToMl R wttl bo tho toot boatog' Obow aattt ttooonbor n . tor Ibo boiao too* to to toowo into

Iwa tooortobdo of ItoBgbto haa bom otgaod to boa Bddto (raaro, tormor otobtoar baaai; to tho aoart.ftoal od toa roaaia. cntora baa oaavod twoatp kooekoatt out of tweatp-omoa bento ho haa bad otneo ha tarnod protm- oloaaL Abothm foTmar omatonr, Cbarllo tolklagtoB, It to obow on tbo mmo cord la «no • ( tbo proIlBA with Trod Bapdtr of Bopoaao ao aa op" ponoat

Entrp birnko fer tho Hotrspolltaa A A U. boxing champlonohlp loaraaBoat, which will bo bold In Hadloea Bgaara Oardon, Now Torh. Kcrombor It and tA aro bolag dlotrlbuiod aBaag tho clQb* of tho diotrtet Tho toamoBoat will prorldc cotnpotulan botwooa Ua Itading amatcaro In olght etoOOoA at followo: lot. 111. III. U e t i e 1*1. HIan d h o a rp w o lg h t dlalalOA

Towdia* nattono HaDp IPmi<ADBtJ‘HIA, Ha«. l^^iOW Toad*

lor, PMtodalpbto Itghlwolght aeorod o Cleon knoekoat In tho BtU reand ortr Horlom BddU KoUp at Mow Tork at tbo ulpapto A A horo toot night. Tho mnteh wao ochodalod for eight ronnda, Tondlor wolgbod IIIH ponndi and Kollp tlppod tba bmm at IIT.

grooalmf tooiaoto r m h ite .CEDCAdO. Mot. P (.B)— Ralph arpaa

laoft BAttoaal pockot biiltardo don. toot night gotoModploa. loot nignt ooiomoa Walter

W abhna of Kangoa CItp to tho oooond paino ot tba tlnnlo. Tho oooro woo H i to It. Tadop graaklln mooto Hatnro, aod Hataro mooU Oroonloor

boto btotlTtoioa.

Vhfd baa boob la tho gama twa oad baa Bbaagod to kmi Ho boo boaad obont ataoi. dartog bto abort coroor, a aatobor af cboto tiitotaittag to htoathaat rtotoftm.

Cbarna Koie who - - -m u b a tg to to

rtopoaMhto tor Vard'a iMiwi i a a f tho m a t Bap ftpM, ~ weight, to olao K o ln toOMfOBoat. a Pipal aad WWia l o ikiaa, to take ptoeo In Maw Tork. to la the Boblag. Prrol to mid ta bo abto ta BOtkO 111 with OBOO.

“Whininf Up‘* Gmm fcr NtiaeA GennwtoifB FWe T «i|h t

The Newark Iobb of tho baatarn PoPhothall f Bgwo wtn taka part to o "warBtagM * gaao tonight, i r l i r to

nupm olriisthe loooi fo potoo of Uo row night at thopiopooa bare the toot twabinatloa tatoto Rw ttaar amatowB at itoo wtu both botior ^ than thop wata tor Motrthe pothT.

Roodlng, with a powarfa l Itoo-aB li to bo on Tlow bora tonorrow. The PonniplTBalaao h«TO Brala Ratoh bad Joe Drapfnt la tbo dorward poolUoai, Jake Saggartp at eaaior aad Poo Mor- rti and Prankla Bopla a Nownrkor, at tho gaard plaota.

Tho Hoodlag toom lo tiod tor 0iwl ptoeo In tho maoo, with twa rlctoiioo and BO dofootA

Mdhw Ab Autumn Sunshine



Man to ManW$ Broadtg Cktbn Them

OVERCOATS at*To Bo Unmatehod in Fobw

AR Idiida of (yoooti ora botag elknd ■» dl klidN if h«i«, thore tnd evtmrfaero. Sono Mi Mt I& Mloo fcr i fciMi* Some Mi MMirtd tt M worth a bt laon tNin iMy era Mot « il for bocaaia they bad b«M narkod M enubHaet plfcaa-MPT*

m. TW Ovtreoati we olfcr hara rial m«f4t—real efcp.r e a a o ii .are n o t ta k e n fro m th e n ir lc e t grab b a t . T h f y e o M t f c o M i i

an d a re w orth b y c e m pM l w i t < Wco n a d o n tio u a a a k e n , than f c i p r ic e w e h a v e f in d . I

amo OCtlaoo of a Birap In datao. tbo

BUBO botwooa tbo Original BtoMtoOa Bla PTro and tho Junior Ordor Big Btoa. oohodalod for toinorrow night at ibo Crooo Bircot ecbool, Barrlaon, haa bora eollod off oatlrolp.

i» , >* r'VtCTOWV— CLOTHee— -eM O P - C t O T H K i —


i;: ■ ’

Itfa th e rare H c n m a le a f n d lo i r e d b y

a g o a lo n e th a t m e k e s PtJNCHER CIGARS

fra g r a n t to m la o t

p u ff

$37.50Many stylea to chooie from.Ve are also showing a fine line of the famovt PATRICK OOOATK.

Men's Trouser Suits, $42


T h is W eek ’i S h ipm en t

O ffe rsOretoter vihMi fNm oar New Tara tae- toiy. Cowfirigon hat proved ia eiwy ■Si SwI wth9 cmr hrid that o v yriM a m yen w aa on whit j m boi; w d era a le l i w empUiM to Sw tv k

f . jft■■ i

Young MoHp Take Your Cholera <yf


All One



T c p V p i d B o W i n i n g t o t o p

- . i S O a n d 9 3 5

W . ^ ? R 4 . M w ' | W W n b o l •a p e r lo rjrfm v Miwrflwraaii «f choicest fclto



The surest way to cut clothes costs is to boy salts with extra trousers. You’ll get slmost double service.

These are sll-wool suits In navy and oxford gray. Rightly tailored throughout.

Men's Shoes-Special175 Pain at only

$5-45Think of it! $5.45 for a pair of truly good ahoit Reason? Broken lines—mostly sizes 9 to 11.Come a running if you want a pair.


UMflao’doefc 807-813 Broad Streetp Newark

j f , - 3 | - v ] r — M , ' ' ^ J t ^ E E U ' d S i £ 3 J Z Z J i : d J c H J L _ l l c : . - ^ E ’L l c ^ c £ £ i c ' I . ^ l ? 2 J c - ^ J i r d l i - - r ‘J ^J.3J

ohist Now' ' —a Motorcycle

If y « i wiaS"*I ^ r . b«a)go t n o ton _____ .bn« gpa tor gvor Waao i

j I iflgp diyg IVt ftoot.

wut Uto blood toe ro H s S T W < Iyou warn 1 hdahlqr eeter—htot

B« wro Ift •Hsrley-Dsvidson

IX o iiv M u n r i i I


Makers of SEE-BO BrewAmnuieo a New

ISM M to’iSmb Mid O'Ceok

i.8d M a l f - &O i i j r i l |r o m c M e e W u m a tU i M a lt a n d a d « B t S o a o n a H op a aa h era to fo ra

—.toLimA-B. ■- e- ifc I ------- -- MssfiratMiiHraTl fixAeltw raraiet raraiweilraAidlet ra raS k S h lib m A w iH 'iR

^ -rairai-i:-•nd m bw iriA (to « w . a M ^ J e ^ Bd waftoktrwMb. iileit' rCiwAldarttt

L % iitH l^nd.HaHpfltoloaad’XBrpiMiiilfnccmtolMhMrmoA l i t o H t o ^

C ilL O I tE IM X e .

eseieavosasssel^eeitieiAaj pfciatt >g4e»s4«

Have Woa Nmm and Lott Tkfc« Cmiti Moplci

Are Secood.

| P * « 4 Hope. Leadi lodividuabj

vBfTAXK B?ianM

Quintet Letifing I Bogash and StapletonMinnie Pin Tourney To Qash Here Tonight

Bridfcport Wekemeight, Who De> feated Jack Btittoo, Will Make

Jener Debut *t ColoueuD.

Flattened Willie Rrao Saturday

ly a * B *H V»4g» U w tm Mttlme ^ Ik > • llM M tv Bowline

KWiri lne to n » »K«rdo )um TIM B«P* ptaoor* Imto wow

lootooti o a i teTO rtoolToO tkrao HkkIo M e * la oooooe and

i p eraor to Uo Ika loodtrt (kor miwt O p B t a u r K««t UNO enkios. At eroooat

k**o vow ft* nnd loot ikro*. Tho tooa h u ■■ o( is t .a

| |M l o tko oooooe koHk koMoro kovo l i tf;ne kk Kooroe*-

Tko Ctllow KMl Moolslolr Lode* touao llod t e Ulltd eloeo. Kock koo wow

j uaooo OOd tool ttoo eoAMo- Botk kora 9 •aorae* *f **1^ trklla a t u tor

atkwda balwaoa tko Oektr aod Oorlkthlao klnMon. Tko « ttan « H d Oarlatkloai kara tiro fawoo w m to Ikolr orrdll, wkUa tkor kara k m oat kaak taa r tlniaa. O tk tr kaa

aoaraeo of t t a i ; ika Oortaiklana, n a . Tka Uaawlatr LiUeo kaa tko klek<

a t **t.

Laala Baeaak Brid ea e ir t, wko fnmkod lata Ika llm lle k t a daw Moatka aeo kr e tr ta e Jaok B rittoa. woltor- walekt akoMplaa, aaa of tko haaloot oraalpra Mr. BHttaa kaa ooor kad, la to Bioko kla kow 10 Mow Joraar Caaa to- nlekt wkaa ko takaa aa Tavarto •U kloiaa of ra ttrao a a t tk a Oatoaaoan A. A. kora.

Booaok kaa foackt a aaaikar a t koala alkco ko H it Oiiiioa. oao of kla moat bkBortaal rlou rlaa katac a m WlUla Bjraa a t Wow Bniaowtoli. wkooa Boeaak

la tko tklfd roaad B atardar BlekI a t m iad a lek la i f r O T ^ tk a t ho la a kBBokor of ■ ora tk aa o rd laa rr aMItir-

Btaotataa la a lad witk a wallow too.I Oak'It waa llaalo toa v k a otoppod

Xopao, aflar tko la tto r Im pUad ap

■kaaard of tka Bapa aata ia t U load- IM ladirldaal raao. Far Iwalra

ap aroraeo a< l t d ad B aatalair la aaoaad. Bo h u

B Iw tlra eaaiaa aad klo a n ra e o m t. Wdad af ika M oaitlair wko kat kaarlad aaooa eawiad

IM ik a klekoat tadlrldaal aoora. ltd. jBBBowtae la tka a u a d la e of lha •MM aad M in d a a l roeorda-.

a raoord of olektaoB oaaoooBtlTO kaook- OBia. Haao Ikaa ktaplotoa kaaw’t foaeki Mask. Ha laU e f t to r a wklla, tkoo took OB Jokoalo kaMaMra kara a t the OolaaaoaiB'a oam aor aroaa aad waa oloartp oatpolBtod.

Theuck ha h u boaa kexlac to r a k sa t tsn r )raard| B aeu b la oalr tw aatr-o aa roara of aea. Ho la an Itotlan bar, fairly c lo r^ koaar, raaeod and a tor- n tls pagehor. Bo to of ohort, a fu a tty atatarK aad wat/witiek ta look o t whoa la aetloa. kat a t o ftastira workar.

W. Voto«ko*4tat»aa f Ia«Bt**dt*ddt«* I I■ •••••eyp teea 1 •f •oeB«o***e^« T ■

I Japt.4.}«*.■** I t■ ...j.mi'k, ■ rm " : " " : : ; i I

w llk Cwa.» ( J f ) —■AW niAWCUOO. War

Walkar Ooaktaa a l Baa Fraaotaea laai a lek t dataatad Dartd HsAKdlaaa afO k l o ^ IM ta n la lha a au o a a l l l . l M ikllaa MllUrd toaraajnaw t Caokran raa awt la ikinaaa laalaea. RIa klek n n a wara fartr*sM kt awd tk lrtr-tk raa .

• 4 *«0 a * 4 a



[lU .. . . . . »■


ilALIf*.}iT . iITt.tI fMIt*m . ilU ii t i . iItl.S111ItO.l* i i t . t I tM I t l . l Jtt.l t«*.t H i.l 1*11 l**.l l i t . } 1*4.1 111 lU .I l« ,« t i l l H i.l

Tka Craakar.Wkaalar kowlara win OUak wItk tka Waolaa B lastrle ta lg ta t tiBMiTiw alekt aa tka W alaeartk . W katiaa allaya. Tka caaiaa will ka H aaK fattun fe Idaen* eaaitatK

n ttn e ir iiA L t .a A e mDintlnN a I irtTBHKATIOMAI..

Etf'laMB H I III III K otatort.. It* lU H I b A . . . . . I H l T i m Oorord. .. IH IM It* Oohnra... l i t IM l i t FluowwM 11* 111 tH " ' ~ ' 1 ItudM ap.Waadloap, T

M alt.. M llU ilU 1« H

Totala..'**« 41* m

m>wio MAViwnra grmat annual


A MwHHwdo od Aaloaadlae BaaeaMa Bwow Boow im a ik H d tkowM e

S A V I N G S O F 2 0 % T O 4 0 %Wo Will a t m Towr FarokMoa FIUM OF C R aB eB OwW Tow Aoa Boadr *m T«aM


MdlmiMyIn M htttfid ,•Uk tkada.

A m erican W a ln u t Q u m h A n n e D in in f B o o m S u i t e ( 4 P f e e e 8 )

doll Moantatr It t ioWiot lBt'Tnr—K«o. FHoo MOO...............oniwA OLoaBT-ouf. i>noo tio a .. RXTBHMON TAB1.B-.aoQ PHoo IIHa m VINO TABU—Boa ntoo h m . . .

n .id 0 1. to

"SaE" 394.49Cook 00 OooON

Balo of •lio.oee ofRUGS

6 2 . 7 5 S a , -In * *ariH]r nf F lonl

is te tm a o m -

SALK o r o u i r r i stOOM OMfU

$269i-Bom OstOt

$369' • i i t t d ? "

O il H e a te r s

Lodwtjr Biunuum’i UBERAL CREDIT

M *«r o otaok ontrU or oa It la OOD a m iHrr to aaf a rMoat. Taor aorokoaa will ko ■pilr. Thoa pair tho balaaoa

WhMhor reo *«r Mthro ooiti. It 'S 3 rw 7 V * w » ilr . Tkoa oar‘fuXoTa ^Ow o IM ro n h o ia . .. .(ta a *1* Pankaoe..,.Ow a noa Pw oaaw .....Oo o naa PoooMmo. . . .Oo a 1*4# Porakaoo...I.....*, go a tiaa Powkiot... . . . . . . .

di ta MAM M a Weak

7.9 5lams onnh on*Ir! nn aJAad TMlMlM to hOM.

G old enO ak



C oal R a n ^ins. M m 9AA

28.79n u k okoTno oatiw. •*.11. H a . k 0 10, lead hohar aad Molanmr.

WiMMplnteM«i MliMter uU«i M l m 4 fw M■lOMirraATtBf prt—a.

D A H .Y 5 : 3 0

M«fBB wttB UAa,

Our H m #



1M.146 WESTt a » > s t

. L a m * t t k AO49-51 Market Sl , Newark

O p posite C ourt H o o n

W B te lB M i wtth ■IB t v enlr stona



_ ..__JWoa.*oadiMMiototr • •*••« 0 o

t**«tat«4dIb p to •.•••MBOO.

iMgyClri5^»»Vfte_»!• o.;d.iipwB44C M tM M ^.o .o

Bleomflortl ao4 W. Omacw...*

l a iu?:im

» tJt

4 i aad Poppe StiD Leacbiig QaV4iarl Bible CIbm Bowiers

\Ofdfc aad Bapiw a r t a tin tka raal

^ t H a od tko Oalakod BIblo a a a o two- feowUae to n raan aa t wHk oik ola-

OMm M tkolT orodlt and no da taata Mp KtaolBBat kad Foatar combination ■CkMoad wUk twa wtna and no dofoata. *6rU l a f tka laadiBQ pair M thowina ^ way la tka Indlrldnal hish aoora G o witk a Mark of l i t . Tba Conrter* ^ S U e la y dao load tho taama wHk a . m aoora raoord of 111- ICkO rtaorda follow;i * iB M .-»-

tBMOBtMtOtl • dBAMtid**.'

*•»•■#•* *0w*k*'• 4lQt«»BO4 0 0 * 0 4 l a«»i»MB*dtaOai aotBe«ta»aoai

AYol«l.lHMtM.ItIB.iHil if .llil..l i io lH*.l


.......... 11 g

'FreduHiB* akwas'.

lawaoVe 14

tkookr# A a* 0 * •

1111 t4I

.......... 1.........4K1

Noid: Refbnaed A lUley Team P r o p e ^ e Tourney Lekderd

la tko aaaoanoomoDt of tho ataadlna od tko toana of th* Proara**hro ChurchBawtiaa loaeua lu*l alvan out, tha Worth Ritoniiad A aulntat la Uadlna

■S- . l.w.ii othar memboto of tho drcultWith ocTcntaon vlctorlaa anil ona do faat. Tho Chrlat Eplicopal Church A toaai la in aacond poalllou with th lr lu n w la t and flva n tbncki., Tka Bmmanuol A combination la In

c third ptaoa with thirteen w in t and flva dofoata Tha Bnunanuol planoro have ao fa r rooordad tha hlfbaat tonm aoora, ltd.

Ptllaortne to tha otandlna;tliBdlBa at lha TVaia*.

---- W. L H iNorth B«fMniod A................. 17 I *71Ckrtil Kpuaopol A ...

onu«l A.' 'A lto o M ..............

*5'SeiiStfH B.V.V.'.V- wSTiuo A...........TIM Prookytwloa.


iubm iaait tnd Ridibenet Fives IWd in Ironbound Pin Lea^e

eabmarlno Boat Corporation and Rabbaroat Company bowltna taama

•M tlad tor_ firat plaea In the Iron-


Hanataoturara' Bowllna {.oapua. araa aanouaeod today by Soerotary lOlaai Faltmath. TIM Submartna and

•akkaraa l planara hava won ala .altaiBht aaMoo aad hava yai to ba d . .

/ l ia M i. Tho Bakaurlnoa havo bleb

ad tha R alla r-H an oquad t W i M ttio ladivldiial plnnorn wltb

.i|M g|W ;M M a of U4.'Iae> la tka ataadiaB ^ tho

WA ABilOO' o.pwi t'ddA



v m iLMItt

' f


T H E "STAM DISB" OaolgB I M —to T w lo h it

What does the modem housewife think about wooden beds

I t u p_____ w i t h t h e I n s a h l t a ^w o o d e n b e d f o r t h e s a k e o f I t s a p p e a r a n c e i n h e r r o o m .

B e d s . O n e s le e p e r d o e a n o t d is t u r b t h e otnC T , o r c o m * m u n l c a t e c o ld s o r o t h s r ln > f e c t lo n s .

Have You Seen Your Dealer’s

Display of


B t d l t f o t S le e p

P w l o d D e t t o n s I p E x - q o l s l t o G o lo r m g s —e v e n

4 m o r e a t t r a c t i y e I n . t h e r o o m t h a n a n y w o m le n b e d s y o u e v e r s a w .

I m a g in e h e r d e U g h t In t h e s e n e w P e r io d D e s ig n t I n M e t a l B e d s tqr S i m m o n s G o m p a n y l

A ll t h e s a n i t a r y ^ a l l t l e a t h a t m e t a l a l o n e c a n g iv e —

THE 'WTANDMH" D M lB iilM S -to T w fa r*

A Saaton wall oBiiiad (or tta ■muMta aimidlciWr—Sliiupoaa atw Sqnara Staal lubfatoi aM ai-lata, MBovth, baaBttfBlI• M t o

A v e r y w id e v a r i e t y o f P e r io d D e s ig n s , e x e c u t e d I n S im m o n s S e a m le s s S q u a r e S t e d T u b in g — b e a u t i f u l l y e n a m e l e d I n D e c o r a t iv e G o lo r a .

tha aoMptad deoetatife c o lo ra .—S lm m o B a p a M B ts d BtMtad ataal iioM aat CormelocJu. rEatF fdltaB Your cboica ot Im n M r aad


Doubla W idto. ^ a c ia l l j piMW* toft In IVfn

B u tte f a r l^ e e p . N o is e le s s . F i r m . F r e e f r o m r a t t l e , s q u e a k a n d u n s t e a d in e s s .

T w in B e d s , G r ib s , D a y B e d s ^ a n d S lm n u m t S p r in g e , I n e v e r y w a y w o r t h y t o g o w i t h S h n - m e n s B e d s .

T h e f i r s t B e d s t h a t e v e r f u l l y I n v i t e d c o m p le te r^ a e ~ o r to f i— s o u n d , n a t u r a l s le p p .

I f y o u r d e a le r d o e s n o t s h o w y o u t h e S im m o n s l i n e , y o n n e e d o n l y w r ite t o u s . W e w il l s e e t h a t t h e y a r e s h o w n t o y o n .

A l l h e r s t u d i e s I n d i e c o m ­fo r t a n d w e l l - b e i n g o f h e r

lu b le I n t e r -f a m i ly w i l l g i v e d o u i e s f t o t h e S i m m o n s

F r e e B o o k le ts o n S te e p t — W rite U i f o r **W h at L e a d in g U e d ie a i Jau m a ta a n d H ealth m a e u b m

tm td & n m dSajf a b o u t S ep a ra te B eds t

T u d nS te e p s e n d ••Y o u n fo r e P erfees N i ^ f e R m r

Proving It DailyElectro-Medkal Therapeutists Are Demonstrating

Day by Day to Hundreds that Eleetro-Medical Treatment Is of Greatest Benefit in Cases

of Long Standing Illness

Aided by the Wonderful X-Ray,Positive Diagnoset Are Made and Correct Treatment

Immediately Administered

Special X-Ray Examination for IJmited Time, fofi Only One Dollar

The X-Ray Examination

27 EAST PARK STREET. NEWARKAt««>a tko COTIHO' fma> tka Faktia aaovMa TWbiIm ] B a tin BalMlBK D m to it la Ika TaiaC otH a4 tha tta h

OFFICE HOURStMondays, Wednesdays snd Ssturdiyf, 9 A M. to 6 P. M.

TiMsdays and Thutsdsys, 9 A M. to 6 P. M. Fridays, Clomd All Dty

Sundays, 10 A M. to 1P. M.

Tlien are hundradt, taa, ttmiaciida of cate* of tont ftandinii tllneu whteli hava roduood tbo anfferart to a •Mte of bopeloM datpalr. Thit I* t wall-known fact; and It la not to t)0 woodared at baoauM any lllneta, If l«ft nneared and kllowed to run tta couraa, Hpi tho atrenttli, anartr •ud vltillty. it affocta tba mind, leaving only a gray, cbeerloM outlook upon Ilfo without the moral atrangth to fartbaf combat tbo progrcaa of tho malady.

To ttteh aulfarata wa tay: Eloctro- Madleal Mathoda of treatmant bold •Bt deflalta hope of auhataiittal and rapid InpfQvaniaat and thla fMt wb

) praying dally In the ofHoa af tha Btoetro-Madleal Tharaplata at 27 Baat n f i mvM*

furttiar, Blaetiw.iladlBU Matfeato Sa away antlrely with palstol bb4 Mibm tlniM fatal aargary. Tba bm of thS kaifo haa baan almoM antMp doM away wKh. Aad doatog hy BBBMtt- Ing dntgt la found to bo nuniMiiary and UMloao.

Slaetro-Medloal Tcaatmont It ieoth'> Ing in tbo aitreme. It ta not an nn> oommon thing to Snd that paticnta who bata not had a rafreahlng nigbt'a •leap In moattw can go to bod after0 few tMBtswRti and onfay a fullnight of raonporatlog aloap and raat. And thoa tha tnatmaat aids Natura. It anpptlM tba rlMlty and anargy lott by montba of aaflMng and aids lha ladad ayatan M Suuw off tha garma of AMaaa

T h ey H s v e S u ffered Y ou

U k eN o t E x p e n s iv e

Man tnd women who hava, ua doubt, suffered fuat at long and )uat M painfully at you, hava

n Sftod OBt of their deapoo-* daiwy iBto a chaartul, happy, eon- MBlad frtiaa of mind hacauat they b m takan tha Blootro-Madlcal Traat- mast and h tn bean benaSted. Thla «B aas prava to yon If yoa will take tbo nunblo to InmtlgaM. Tbaro are bandrada of written teatlmoalala on Sto to the ofSoN of the Elootro-Madl- oM TbarapMa which pmro tbOM faoM.

And Blactro-Medlcat Treatnwnt la not expenalva; In fact It ta moat rea- aonahle; and any penon of ordinary mkana can afford and will be glad to pay tha mederata chargee tor tha •Imoat poalttva beotSi to bo dtrlvrd from tho treatmaiit

TniMiim ieBit W h ic h t h e G ov-

e m in e n t U s e sToB wBl Snd Inttinod In thcM

offtoM toa Mwo IdaaHeal Etectn- Madloat Appllaneea which a n ta um by tba Oortromont to Itt atrlotu Saottartama and with which Ooratn- nrnt Fbytlctana sta parformlag laeb M m loaa wortt to tha natoratlMi ta btahh of and woonded aoldlora retutnod from tho battloSelda ofrmneo. ^

Tou wW and bon i lympttholle, totMUtast teicraat to yaur wUl-beltig, tor wo eai»ot aftord to 4*11, onca wa taka your caM for trottmoat

Ehebo-MeiBeri IherBidsto sue- oesBAdlr tiw t anaeiBia, ssOmia, piyoiThMi, bm^muai, Madder and benrd troabK braaddtlA eatanb,

b ----*B -*v vnUi hDDI*bafo neorltta, a n ip d l^ flstala, BtroDen ginnda, toot, neonsthe* nlik nanraiKli i^edaiatie eon. pl^to^ jaandtee^ mUgtb dji^tp- sia, iMso% SsU'•towi^ patiltli^ fotttrto beaitbtini, intcateat tronUo, fnaonida, IM* M(f tmibtot ttver eonpUnl, ivaak hnig% obeidtr. htmorrboldB and latonadi tn N ij^ ’''' I {

H o w T o R e t d i O u r N e w a r k O ffice s

N e t « S m t ta r h r att cannot bo too U w aito ototod

that tho Wootro-Modtonl OfncM art not, la nay • SwUtartom.

S IM M O N S C O M P A N Y,-.n.

lU ZABX rH A1UMTA SAN n u N a s c o h c m t u a l

w h i• l\ 0>M M i

PalSoBt* a n apt fNtrfrod to apend Ttluabla ttoio Jw iff !»«• >»«"*• **

ibair totoaia• I b t i f o i lM th o t t e o m m S c a n a , £ A a a ,

Oar Itowufc efSoM at« aoaaaai. aady loeatod. They aro aliaatod at 27 But faric Stroat, AU anrfkca can aad jttneya nanlog oo Stnit fiM Parit 'Sttoet' Paik'* Btraot •-i rMiaa Bfwd Street baprotB dto, ikr> vloa Tarintoal aad Robatt Ibial Uitili . Ofllat hoan

Moadayii VadaibSaya aad »

Ikt MM •oM*^


MKOtW rabi l ia tt • ( gai Tkla haa k la thM t to


O talaatar•aarHtF—ir•Q th a W ar t a a W at amiwar la a t I k iaaua* loa war nkbit aarir ta U avaKlaa, at

A tav a rlu laaaa tatto

Tka taa-' altaaothar i la wkaa It aaM Oaaoo ■artaU tlH .

0< eaarai groat a ao a a a i arunmo


TiucyiTo: #r tko apo) tOMorrew t tioa aaO w aralaa tt liooa oaa or ■alt la atar VTarCaa C M tl aakod fnl of tho and oallod oeatlaaod ■ tlclool eoT< to poraotot ftroo m u t

Attoatloc tho roqtlrt ■Boot M ota.oi to bu1 wood*. Sn>t a y roapoi Dioroaard > oubjooto tt nao, b i t t ■oaa. Tho ao tout. Il that tho (U ky proolan

Silver•llTor Tki Ho wa* ThI* la t

leal Surrej iwrtmtiU when tt rei X Barer, •f hun uf the heardora w la tka Vteln oral yoaro. trap, anchi tro t trank but ha krol o lfh t nil*' boforo ho 1

riftoan <I ' a c ru a k ln c •aoh wltb dolleacy, in wkoro tho

A tioe I aUvor TIp’i wora sav« aoT om inon aooopt bo ABOtkor ot romovod fr

In a lotti Biological glvoa tbo Tip and hli

"Whllo I o( a larg* a lot of : Dtibou, nc Mlvad unt ■OTOml cni a man ntt tont UP th boar lu t provad tba atm at It daitroottv* Ic - onttla, r. > bona oorvlea ai ha bappom

"A aaeon ta tha iprl ta gat tha

"Buatar mandad to put him 01 tha apring waa unabi tha hoar a kltlad by anmiBtr, h bMo klllat boar and h

"Ba hapi tka fortpai ala waakt fanad tlTti ytar aid a katoaglng aatflt, nan

-All tbo eruahing t Ikt baar*# aattla wai whara tba aad aatan

-Tha tn WM a No. II. Tho ( fONF tool I

* ^ a do ya r ii froai tha kMr 0 aad had ti vriia f a u a d tram wkar

- ta t » amay Ira

... thraagk bt ' ataJ plaaai

aad lara maklag a

-B a wa Maad hlat M panall Bawlar MB k M t I lk waald aw a a t f iM b* •k ta t twa'

-Tha la v a ra aft*i B a a k tr a

m - i m -

^ to 8 F ,.;A »■ » A . f L W S


. . . . . . . . 7



Sfemto k vm

nonstnting HMedical I Cases

t Diagnose# tment

d Time, fo#


1 to 8 P. M. P,M.

Icrf M «tM 4> •Isfnl « 1 •»o»>

Th« OM af dOOft <kiM«tlg bf HMMt- to >> tmniBMiary

'•■hBMIt It tooth' It ti not u nn<

Ind tbit pitloMa rtfrcthlng nlght'a I (o to btd tfttrnd «)o]r t full ■ tlMp u d m t. WBt tidt Naiurt. l]r tad Mtrgr lott

and aldt tha nr off tha gonna

cm lToeat Trcitment la ct It U nwtt TOa-artoo of ordinary d will be glad to chargee for the

dit to ba dfrivcd

llw npM i sue- iMmia, aathma, m , MadStr and nehltl% adanh, inwnwno^ imn- npUoiNr flitula, oat, acoTMthe' rbaonatk eon* Twtlgo, dTapep* idi gall' o(ti% heaitbnni,

fttBODUnfalg kM. coMphtnt, weak Nnonboidi and

Our Newarkeesoat art atami* ara titaatad at 27 1 inrfhca tan aad Sroad Siitit paaa k' Stttat antaaa « m . PabOa Sai»httl. trtW ' R ata l .M 0 '

aaadaand aaat

to«Mi.|SaB<M ' '/B


OUT m THE OPENAll Set (or Opening of Upknd Seaaon Tomorrow

Baetac a Ikeaeatt* ta r ter the taoala t • ( fh« haatiaa oeaene to t « ' tla« te be aa rai* ea bevtea e (ever- aUe tey far (be epaalaa at tba tn a t- taa aaaaaa. Wbaa aaa toaa batpaa ta aaaM aloaa It to ramambarad tar r*ara altarwaid.

WUeb la ta aay that aat kaalara wha ara tiaaahn la | tm arrea are very aatbaataatlo abeal ^ aaadlUoaa aattaara. Tbata pwalata. batota^ a baUat ifeat aanatMag baa aa—at a wUaapraad taatnatlaa a a a « t rabMta. wbicb ram tha abtaf Itaaa at gaaa awartoaltr baraabaala. Tkia baa baaa ratafrad to baratafara It thaot eehiBBi) It baa baaa anpha* alaad daily br aaw n tarta tran traih t lMtaw.

Oeajaatara aa ta tba aaaaa at tba taaralty>-ir tbara to a aaaraltp—r a a a aU tba Way tren a aarara wtatar ta a tae W a t eaaiBar. Ot tha twa tba tor- aar la at lltUa aalaa, la mu tplalaai btaat i i loaf a f te r wtatar bad te ta .n a way t tb b i t t were thlob. Saaattnat, early la Iba w a ra ta g ar lata la tha a ra a la g , aa tha treat aaglar weterad aleag e> b a c k -e e a e to read to a r rraaa > to re r lta aWaaia, ba W ight eaaal a daaaa eettoatalU In a taw atlaa.

Tba ta«‘wat n ianar auggaattaa U altagalbar dfitaranL Tba doubt aawaa la wbaa It la oeBtaadad that Iba wat- aaaa aaaaaO bavoa la tha way at wartalltlaa.

Ot eaaraa. It may ba tma that tha great aaoaat at rala eaitag iba ayrtagaad ewnm ar mostba wao hard oa tha

yeaeg gawa. It to poaalMa that waay yaaag rabbtta and aawly batebrd pbAaaaM parlabad. Wa all kaew, aa tha atkar band, that tba eaallaBad ralatall prawotad uauaually rich aad Iklrk ragalatlea aad that Iba abaaaea at baary traaia up la data—a truly ra- marhabta aiala at alfaira—baa latt tha growth aairawaly luah lar tbla iiaaBii at tba yaar. Tba wool aiaallaat oarer baa baaa attardad arar alnc« aprlag, aad •I'ar Rabbit tbaratora baa net baaa abllgad la torage lar trow hla aafa haaata

Thai rabbiu ara aub)aet ta dlataea apidawlaa la aot opaa to quaalton. Owe aMh agtdswM ewagt iba hktabae at ben dira la a radlaa at laaay wUaa la lower COBBaailaut thU year, oeaiplotoly alaarlbg thaw at yaaag. It waa Im- poealbla ta traaa tba aowrea at tbo dlaaaaa aad aqaaily Iwpoaelhlo to ehaaii Ik It alwply leaded aa tba rabblu wbaa thwt ware a taw waaka aM aad tkay aaaa aaeeawhad.

Tha ahitf toot that dtoeredita Iba Mae ot a dlaaaaa apidawla la Kaw raraay oaoiaa tram tha raaaal aanaal tiald trial! at the Kaw Jaraay Baagla Club. haM aaar aiadttana. •owareat Oatuty. Rabblta ware aa hlaatltol that tba paoki la tha tiia li fratatgtlr ipllt aa- Why ahoald that ba Iwaiwaa If aa apl- damta ware abraadt

Wbalarar bto ballaf abaat the rabblta. tba aiparltnaad banter U paaylag tar a baaay trael taalghi to kaaeb dawa a let at tha ratatallon allll etandlng. That talltag. ba hopaa ta ftad tha aartb damp aad tha aklaa clear.

r d ntphra IWhlgc • • • negalW « i rewardaC

Whlitag win r«a fraw iwatoa lo alghtaaa la>|haa laag aad traaa aaa ta twe poaada m weight, Ibaagh Ihay grew weak larger. Wwy ara e ( h

arly whiiaaaaa aad bagta ta wal IhelT appaaraaaa aft Iba Jaraay aeaat wbaa the aeld waalhar pata la. The Hog, Ilka the whillag, nakaa Ita aaaaat Tlilt with Iba eaol waalhar:

Kcrtting 111 in ColonbU.*tlaBaral" Rudolgh Karatlag, tofwae

aaaratary ot Iba Kawarh Balt aad Fly Oaaltag Club, wbo baa baaa la Calaw- Ha. Baalb Amartaa, tar aararal waatba la aeaonlaaatBg traw a aaaara aHaah at Bialanal tevar. The *Waatta aipaota to rotara Is tbla oaantry badara laag.

Cod It Cboltrt Btakh.Cod aro boglaalag ta raa at tba

ChaUra Baaha, aad, daag«o Cha Wild waatbar tor tbla aaaaoa at anworoaa oalobaa ef Iba tMh aro wade thaas daya (raw make tba trip traw Wreak Lead. Big eahaato at tba laafae ttfh are looked tor Bay tmr aew'ae n o waatbar baeemaa eaalar.

a tMh aro hatog Iba beau

H vntors V tm ed o f F lret. 'matt owriij ■(W.I

riucirroN. Meo. m aBiieipattaw a t tha apanlag o t the gannlog aaaaoa taaaorrew tba D apartnaal ot Coatorra- Uoa Bhd Daralopmaat baa toOhad a w aralag lo aportaraoB ta aaetd aara- Isaea oaa or Botllgohaa whlah way ra- ault la etartlng toraat tiraa Btota n r a Wardaa C P. WUbor. author a t tba ag* paal, arkad that aportawan la oaia- ta l of tba woodlaada aa o t tbatr gaah and aallod a ttrailan to tba toot that aaBlIaaad aporl oaa ba bad aaty It eat- tlolaal eoTOr Oblata tor gawo aad that lo porpataau tbla oaaditlaa woadlaa d firaa m art ba aroldad.

atuation la ealUd In tba aggaal ta tha raqalramoBi that wrIUan gaewlte w ait ba obtained from local tira war- dona to build opan firaa la or near tba wooda. Bach permita ara laaaad fraa to aay roapoaaibla paraoa agan ragaaet. Diaratard of tbla reqatrawaat net enlr aubjaota tha rlolator to a aabatantlnl naa, bat tanda to atlmalata oaualaae>

’ Boaa. Tbo toraat tlra altaatlaa baaawa ao aouta la Idaaaaohoaatta latt woatb that tba guanine aeatoa waa auagandad by proalaiaatlon of tbo Ooromor.

Silver Tip Mdrtudor D etd,BllTor Tip Orlaaly la dead.He waa a bad astor.Tbla la tha epitaph that the BlOlag-

leal Burrey ot the United Btataa Da- partmeat of Agrlculturo eoooelrad when It rooalred a Utter trow Cbarlaa X Bayer, predatory animal laageotor af tba bureau at LAodar, Wya., tailing of th# « d of a 1,000-pouBd mooaroh of baardora which baa baaa killing atook la the VielBity of DubolA Wy*, for aav- oral yaara A tlfty-pouad Ko. * bear trap, aachorad to a twanty-foar-foot tree trank waa BlWer Tiya undoing, but ha broka tbo tree and tore a awath alght wlUa long through tbo foroat befora ho finally gara up tbo ghoat.

r rifteoB dead cattle, each klllad with *a cruahing blow bonealh the oyea and eaoh with tha llror rowoood aa a bear delicacy, marked the trail lo tho point wboro tbo animal waa trapped.

A 1100 bounty had boaa plaead oa SUvar Tiya head by atookwan. They ware aaoad thia monay. howaoar, as goTaminent huntera are not allawad lo aaoapt bouattae tram any aoaroa. AkOtbar atock killer haa Ikua bean rameoad from tho rango.

In a Utter to Dr. A. K. FUkar of tho Biological Burrey. Inapeotor Bayar glraa the following acoount of •tlray Tip aad hla end:

■•Wblla reporta oamo la oocawimally a t a largo eiwor Up that waa dalngn lot ot killing In tba HolnHy DuboU, no autheatU report waa ra- aalTod until tho aprlng ot I t l l . wbait aararal cattUmoh aakod that wa aaad a man nfUr tha bonr. A hunter wna aent up Ibaro and roparlod klUtng tba bear laat eummer. but Inreatlgatlon prorad that tho bear moat wanted wna •till at largo. Ha waa particularly daatruotlra that aummar, act only ktlU loT eattU, but doatroylng oawpa aad f, I boxea belonging to tba fapaat aerrlea and wrecking anytblag that ha bapponed to oncounlor.

"A aocond hunter waa aent up thora In tba Bpriag of l i l t . Ho, too, worked ta gat tbo boar, but without auccoan

"BunUr RowUy waa than rodow* Bonded to UB aa a bear Auntar, and wa put blm on tho traU of tha grlsily In tha aprlng of HID. For a long tlmt ba waa unable ta find any trash alga of tho bonr or to find any eattlo fraahly kitlod by him. About July II. tbla anmmor, ba oamo u|An A oow tbAt bAd boon klllad a abort time botoro by tho boar and ha took up tho trail.

"Bo hapt after him unlit ha got him, tba forepart of Baptambor. During tha ■In waoka that be followed tba boar ba fauad flftatn bead of two and thraa yaar old eattlo that tba boar had klllad. balonglBg to thf Doublo Diamond antflt. near Dnboln

"AU tbaao caltU wore killed by a amahing blow banaatb tho ayaat tram tba boar’s opan paw. In moat aaaaa tha BAttla wart not aataii upon, axeapt Wbara tba bear had taken ant tha Uoar ind Mt#n ttet.

T h a trail that finally get tba bear waa a No. I, and wax la i about Auguat II. Tha clog used wa* a log twanty- fanr teat long and (Ira Inabaa tbrvugh.

T tia a l^ wap broken aft about fifty yardi from wbara tba trap waa sa t and tha bear aarrlad away aaran taat ot It, and bad tbla faaloaad to him whan ba rnia found. Ba waa found alght mllos from trhara he got Into tba trap.

“fit tmlUng thraufb tha 'timber many traaa abt aad aaren Inobaa

_ Ihyangb had bean nprootad, and In ear- ' atnl plaaaa tha bear got late wtadfnlls

and larw out tha dawn lega. atmoit maklag n road baUnd hha In. dalng ao.

"Be one dead wbM hir. Rawlay tom d blm, and bad bean'dead too tong IP permit of UMng hie ehln. Mr. Hewley eald tha bear would weigh nbaut 1,M« ponndk tha front feet orenJd nwaeuro about eight and one- h ^ inahee aaroaa and OH hind toot ■hant tvolva Inahaa U tanglh.

T h e (aat that the ether baatara Oird « m r tta grieaty W gat tha »i*e

. • n h t y Mr. itewiayB

More Land Potted.And ettll It gaaa ani Mora land

paetad agalnat buntlagi mart good araaa abut down aa, pamibly tor aa In- lafiBita partoA (Onea tba ‘Vo Trao- poaolng" elgn ta pet up by a land- ewaar II un ally elaya np.]

Aora attar aora bat beau oloatd lo huatlng la Bamaraat County thle autumn. Karan farm awnara la oaa bunch hare oomblatd and aarrad tormaJ notlm an Iba hualaro In tha •bapa ot Bowapapor adrarttelbg,

W byt .Tba aama aid etaiy, ‘The prtrOagaa

granted rtiltlag guabara hbra baaa aa abuaad In tha pam that tbla yaar tbataw will ba Btrlatly aatoroad,"

A tow apalllng It tor the many. Onma >a«n, rouatabaute, baadlaaa maraadara

aaaing at large with deadly waaponi, akeattng at anything that moraa. la-

' radlng doorynrda, laaiing bare dowi, trampling fanoa wtraa aatagantolng tha mao upon whoao ganareolty moat of aa dapand far tho ^ r tla g o of iboot- tng. They eare nothing about tbo othor follow who appToolatoa aad raapaeta tba appartunlty granted bbn. •utriea It that they bora what they regard ee a gaad Uma. wbatarar happaaa tomarrow.

Oaa of tho oado tbo ttow Jarooy Flab aad Oamo Cenaamtlon Te ague to aaak- lag lo roaab la the aad af tbla aorl ot doaporado. It raoagnisaa that If eueh rowdytam eoatlBuaa anAoakad tbo timo la coming when land to knot orar ar fleh tbroagh will bo bard to fled. It la aald that tba laaguo la eonaUar- lag a plan to poM tbo atnto with oftara of a reward tor oonrlotlon of anybody found damnglug farm property or rlo- lottng tho itata floh and game lawn

In that moromoBt It ahould hero tho ■upport not only of all roapootablo hunton aad aaglara, but i t land- ewnora gaaarally.

W inter A r r iv ili P le n d fsLTho loaaoB tor whiting, Itag aad

hake la new In full awing ta acarby wtlare, and. aceerdlag to the etorlee of "rogulars" wbo made the trip to tho Scotland tlghteblp Bunday, the flab norar bit batter. Numaroni aatobta ware made from tba boati that left tha boat taeuHO u tb* Paaaaia Off tho Long Breach >toT largar acboola of tbo flab bare bean boob, and Now- krkori who maka tho trip t* tho ptor

GdBdb Bd«m lRay Ortmehaw at Woadbetdga M pro-

pnriag tor a hnaUag trip I a • c

S. W. PttoHu at thb Hto wW ba am ef a parto af four wha wtu bual la tha oolghbarfeoed at WaUrleo temorrew.

BOOBarry Warfal ot this alty baa Hmd-

bam la view tor a huatlag Mp. a t *WUllem Murray aad F. Cbi i i y at

lummlt wlU ba la tha (laid lagatbma • *

Barry Bagel af UtOetan a oa bit wny ta Faaaaytoaaln.a • •

o . r . Keubmw ar toaet oplaaalbg a daektag trip.

OaMf-Doertrem tba bnman epeali

aatmale ean tba appaitta e( man ware ngHf.

alaat te that ot a apidar ba wamld aat aa aa ta twuaty-foar boara aa4 ym aall for a aaaeh bafara gotag to bad. a « «

Aa alaetrla b am ga wbleh K a n aortala araaa of water wMb eleitoiff haa baaa darlead ta praaamt ftoB fry(ram antartag Irrigatloa aaaale ai ditabto I I lator pertablag by ttm aaada ta loa tialdei

• • aAa aa lUuatratlen at iba le a a li .

o( tba fax. bUBtara beoa told bow aa aaiiaal, bard proaaad la tbo obaaa, bae coma aoroaa a eomrada aad agparaaUy ptrauadsd It te taka up tba m aalag to full now ot tho tlaU. wblla tba ttoud oaa lumaluad bMdaa aatu the Paag waa peat

a t eat Beuparttoa ta Ite etoa a baa M

thirty thbaa aa etiaieg as a btraaWbaa a abamelsaa to Mtodad R Me

an power of obaaglag Ito eater aad tba wbeta hady raaiatat af a naltonn Hat

« * *Tba beat glua in the wartd to aald la

ba that made from tba abtaa at tlaB• * a

Tba aptoaa ar tbema at the blaak- tharna ara net latraqaaattyl aaad to aama paru of Ragland aP fMh hooka.0*0

r ito tkat Imbablt deep wator aad Ha aaar tba bottom ara not aalr me taaacioaa ot Ufa than tbaaa^rbieh Uva aaar tba emrfaoa, bat tbair Tlaah kaapa longer.


me Smariness IsJ]liened '^ o A Windew KmtJth !JlkreJSid%uflever %inkJb(ndft^%e7fkmMo Wecasj1iS^‘'Blo(kSi Or l)6fh coat,Km m i^)^H ek VM Dre ed, Be Selfft


, Slem'8lo(^MdShkJrej1s0niM’ ,> Jn& ^bk^% e& a^Of^Sh^

Waltokla ito r banleOA

■akao tha beat


Old Gibm lUtea la EnlwBfBMCGREGOR’S

SportlBir Goodi DcfiRrtBMtit BOOTH BIOAD at LAPATBTR

Sm art Clothes

For Sale in Nevjark by

Bamlber^er C a

E x tr i 'l

(Jucm m lcv I l ( ) o r ( \ ) \V r i iy ( " ( ) .


Rugs and Floor Coverings

An oiormiHis csdi purchase of $80,008 worth of Rags tnd FhMw Corerings iQows OB to «n at prices unheard ore. Look around, compare towchandfae and prices, and you win find


$1.00 Yard Wide Fiber CarpetsRererslble, extra fine snd durable; for

halls, rooms snd ninners. Yard................

79c Heavy F d l Base R oot Covm ngDurable and long wesring; wtshes easily, i Are

For kitchen, bith, etc. Square yard. .j. . t . , .

$2.19 Carpets, $1.57 YardFine, heavy velwt carpets, cut from roUa; lu»>

trpus grades; neat Oriental and Persian | CJ pattema.' Special, yard.........................

$30 9x12 Heavy Bnisseb RugsMade one piece, in pretty Fenian and Orleotal

patterna; a fine rug for any room. ACSnoplal * A f la Z U

S50 9x}2W..&<I Sioaiw'k . . n n e V e l ^ R i i g f

■ nwri for • httufiy family.cookad aouthern Style

TTBRBUichldtaib Aadrlaabi

•0 Oat av«ry grain atand* alone. Then poni the rich chicken gravy ewer th* rica and let It teep down each plnnp, tender flake. You never t a i ^ anjrthing iquite to good.

SiooahouldboaarvodaaavagtUbla. B a tlta tand meatt. ira ara over

praparaiI t It the moat tconomlcal food you can hny.

One cupful nakeo anongh for a family of five.

Kioe coouio DO aarvoo as ■ vtgtiaoia. yon ^ potatoao with all fiah, p o u l^ a it'improveaagoodMuporattir. Thar throt hnndratfwm to prapara rice.

With Rich Chicken G ravyRoast TheraUndwaatoiorlca. I f any la h ft, aarwe it

with tngar and craam ter breakfast I t can ba mado into many tasty dlahas \ ij coaiblning it with laftovar masts. You wilt tn ji^ riea every day. And it will aava yon mongy on grocery biUe.

The bealthfnl properties of rica aro aqualad fcw no other food. American rica is the worldv finest It dlfeats in ona hour. Otbar foods taka frofti ona hour and forty>flva minutes to four hours. Rico builds strongth sad auatains I t I t Is idsal for hard-working man snd woman. It Ronrishaa growing children.


TIm Sooth Gives Us tilts Matter Rodper ie j to iy b M y ja toIbre ewmaalm ape totoapp hr tbatr aaebtoe- ritomug

ket tam* to mepipa 0 . rbaV paetoa M to etmpto (bto natotofp a tiit Haa me K e( Mma itoy Iry.WiA ttet NknfennUv In. n emlnev. tine n Assn Mfisliln er snMtofnr# hrtdiL^ iMr c w |i i 5 y $ |w s « r sM • •• low#l sommmM i l f f S i S l V n # ^ ifp iiisA tif# ee itowif Hut waiim continnfli t# to ll U h rk» ofosoionslty wm

* ,s» Ennetp sttek t# h e tt^ Be#-Ats Is Iw fts ii^ -S i JSlL’SEJr'

CeoedteaegrSlaedwdeeekSeek far eaeadbar ef encallaBtHere are a few edwi.

raoipaa far rice.•-£


■ t

L $ a m S E KVBMDK}

m Mcreluuidbt porduM d iMtiTMa M w d O iiM m be M t e f i d . if I

8 tm CptM $ A. J k ltg , iHdmUng aatw nkg

B A M R ]1—^ "TT

"HO J Ll/1•V

" O n e g /^ ^ m e rtca 's G rea.t S to r e

W o m e n ’s P e ttic o a ts M a d e to S ell fo r 3.00, o n S a le a t 2.00

^ CO,M

Big Sale Daytimeime Dresses

A t Surprising SavingsThe fimout Queen mtke dresses, noted for tb d r

trim, smart lines and excellent fit. Offered in this event at price-cuts to make every economical home- keeper renew her home dress supply. A wide choice in each group, in fitted and *'Biflle Burke" types.

Sizes 36 to 52 at each price, but not in each style,AT UB—CtMcked end stripsd parcalM, trimmed vMi

rlqoe or eelored diambrty. Ottiert In itriped (inshas), at trimmed ooDeii mid cnlTe. Tliii model in ell tiiee,

AT tJS —Smart frocks ia cheekod dflfbam, blscL Icm - der aad Mae trimmed vlth white striped percale, with piquevestaa, M aleem, larga adf conar aad pique trimmed pocket.

AT U S - n a a quatitr Striped sad plaid ginghams in sew- •ral m y good stytes, p r e ^ eaengh for indoor afternoon wear. Plaia aad "IHlHo Banss," sflSedTriy trimmed.

«M s:«Ana<


Sale! of Women’s Silk Q iris^ as Umbrellas 8.34ft

(Thi lmai«0«a)Just 75, Made to Sell for 12.00

Black, navy and a tew gm ns and pnrplea; moontod on eight-rib para­gon tramet with white tips and white club ends to match.

Beautiful handles—full length bakeHts-hardwood mistion—aad


Six HuMred Hand-Blocked Untrimmed Hats at 6.95

Copies of ImporisMade of finest hatter’s plush, panne velvet and

iy smart tLyons velvet In exceptionally smart shapes that will admit of either drew or tailored trimmings. Small,medium and large, flaring in indiitldual ways. Black and the preferred suit shades. Two hundred in all.

' Fashionable Ostrich Bands On Sale 200 and2.9S

Made to Sell for 3.00 and 4.00Black, henna, brdwn, Mue, men and Other late

fall shades, as well as some of the smart variegatedeffects. An unusual opportunity, while 300 bandslast. ‘

n A i» B * iw iw R -u - .T H i» o f i o o a .

the Perfume a Personalitylii^

" These arc the famous "Hcathcrbloom” petticoats, whose wearing qualities are very well known to thou- sanda of women.

Well made, with smoothly fitting tops and plaited flouncn edged with plaited ruffles.

One hundred and twenty In all, in black, navy blue, emerald, Russian green, French blue, purple, taupe, light gray, rose color and brown.


200 M o re B o y s’ S u its E n te r th e S a le a t 14.85

Regularly 22.50, 25.00 and 27.50We are doing this to reduce our stock in quick

time. In the lot are suits that have been seUlng at 22.50 up to Z 7 .5 (^nd now marked lower than metr actual cost.

The materials are all-wool. Patterns tre good- looking. Tailoring and style are all that they should be in high-type suits.

Belted and norfolk models. Sizes 7 to 18 years.No m ull or phone oiden can be filled.

B A K U u t a n w —o o o i r D n o o u .


D id y o u »»y to a n tly M » «>*"’•cbmetof by witcbing him reid • uovo-ptpw?

Tik« tb* moa vfao tit* bttide you In tb« ear on tbo way to work in tN morn- iai. If you try to poneh « bit of oe*t from U t pipor, h« Irrlubly boidt it ot IB nnila ta dtfoot your pUnt. Ht in ID ogolot. If bo docin’t M«in to mind ■ad bold* bit paper to iccommodatc you, ha la an altram. If. perchance, bo fold* it up earnfally aad hinda It to iba motor' man oa tha way out, be it a phllan- tbfopiet

Then Ibart is tbt newapaper acaTenftr —ha who nertr buy* a paper and walta patlaalty to pouoc* upon ih« Brat one thM la ditcardad. Nobody I* hit friend. You laar up your ptper rtther than aanonritt hi a meanneta.

IVa ao lataroftlnt way to atudy bamanlty. Why not try It oo the way botna tonItblP

ebony aniih—with bakelite ctp* and Urge wrist rings In white snd cotora, indnding the new mottled effects. While they Isst, A34.

ImpoilaiitFer WitJnetJay Only

■»■■■ wUfn Um M. ta «au, _____ . mnS ww r«iu>«aVwBffmPtww Hhcf win • •Ml* bM Sms, wv the hwdtaia■f iwah IMMItMuTN* ■OL MUtttT

MM «ff C. O. D

w o m m lOD OLOTKtt I.M flwTM ef rvwneh Bid

aklw; owafMMi atyl* wKh tulli «ut artfia; all alata frwm 1% to TH wktto m It , Will!* they lu t. First ITowr.

M e CMBnfiLLAA IJSS Of M ltoa in b r^ lla elotlu tM l

m Uw ajBd rAtmpvoof. moantod • • ■tPMbf pwwvon and at**! rwia.A »«4t BMortfnoi}i or haindlM far mem WflaMB. FVit Flowr.

m UtF DRimBB. USOf MiifUl chMk MWfe la darli t — .

bhM a>4 biww«: ilaM I ta U raarei two madal* with toll aklrta, 1aa« ■iMvai aad woekata. Trimnad with

' plaid puiarlsia. No mai!. a 1X*L WbUa lOf laat.

nUlm aad pu fawaa ar C. ith ird near.

woMBir*s r j s hats* assA aoUaatliMi af maart hata, laolud-

tnv aoasa af haaver aad oaaaa la biaek. Imwa, capaa and heaaa. Whlla aalT U k au last. Third Plaar.

lt1ElT*i i in n T S AND DHAWHIIA 1<SS

A alaaa-«v of aaaaoaabta aibdar-waar: krokaa Haas and dlaceattBiad aambara omwIptlBf ar rlbbad aad hat n m a a t a No Mali of ^ o n a ardafWv Wklla tati laat. Ptrat FIm

W O m U T S SIL K H O Sft, TSa Afada to wall f s m i . Brokaa lota

a f pura aUk hoaa; ataa illk aad fllMr ■ Ixad j arllh doabla aolaa. high i p t t ^ kaala, IlSa gartar ta»a and paaMad backa. Foar ahadaa af gray. All a»iaa la tka lai, ba t aat la aaeb akAda. Fitat floor.

CHiLDHHiri SROHS. M i P a taa t aoll and daU bid battaa

ihaaa In alaaa t to 1 , but aat te aaah atHa. WhUa I I I paiiw la a t No Mall, ahoaa o r C a D.^a Saoaad Ftoaf.■LACK CHAHMHViVs SJS TDw

f t a n la r I.M. I t ta t l laahaa.wtdAIdaal for inaklag Spurns; a M _

atavial with a aigh aaUa Whlla H I yarda la a t Saeead


•IloTm iTH HAHPIRis SJM SagulaflT B.II. A largo aaaarHaaat

of fina paftarak Tkaf aN Bat vK k rhiaaatonaa ta a gaUarF aattlng.

r ta u h a d with aafaty catokaa. fflral Floor.ROOM L O T t W A LL PAnBH* A l t

Stegaiari* I t t . For llvtag room, d lo i^ room, halla and kitokaa, TwO’ tanad atnpaa. tapMtrtafL ngurad atflpoA truss elotha^ and all o rff at* faota I t roUa aM* wall aad II rardp bordar. oat-oat or otralght. Fourth Floor.

KHirS Nia&T tKIHTi. MSOf dOBhOt modi to atll for I.M : t.H . full cut SkMSm ot ttta wall-

kaowa **UalvarMl** braad. aad oottfartabla. Ko mall ar phaaa tirdara. Firit Floor.RAND COLORED ARTOTTPM*

Lt»Kagulany I.M. Maa lAaM. that

mar fu many an unoaad frama, A varlaty af aubjaou. laalodlaf: , lto> Uglaui picturaa, figuraa aad •oopaa. Whlla tkay laat.Floaf.


Exceptionally Advantageous Prices on Hudson Seal Coats

Hudson Seal (dyed muskrat) Is the fur that today stands high in fashion’s regard—not only because of its rich, full-furred warmth but because of its durability and the grace with which it follows the draped and “wrappy” effects so much in vogue today.

A t 299.50Hudson Seal (dyed musk­

rat) sports type coats, hip length, richly collared with kolinsky-dyed squirrel or dark natural beaver.

A t 499.50Handsome 36-inch length

Hudson Seal (dyed*muskrat) coat^ perfectly matched, with high roll collars gnd cuffs of

If fur, natural gray squirrel

A t 399.50H udson Seal (dyed musk­

rat) coats, 36 Inches long, of very fine, perfectly matched skins. Trimmed with taupe nutria.

seo r dark natural skunk.

A t 650.00Very beautiful Hudson

Seal (dyed muskrat) wraps, three-quarter length, self- trimmed or combined with full-furred d a r k natural beaver. Exquisitely lined.

A nd on up to 995.00A wonderful assortment of ultra smart effects in coats

and wraps, blended with moleskin, beaver, squirrel and other contrasting furs. At most conservative prices.

B A H B K R aB R 'B —T H IR D FLD O R .

Nearly 2,000 Pairs Women’s High and Low Shoes Reduced to 6.90

Representing discontinued styles in which size ranges are no longer complete. AH sizes in the assortment, hoxoever, with an excellent choice in each for early shoppers

985 Pairs of High Shoes 763 Pairs of Low ShoesIn gunmetal calf, brown leather and patent colt, built on a number of fash­

ionable lasts. Sizes arranged on separate tables for quick selection.All of these shoes were formerly priced much higher. A very substantial sav­

ing is embodied in this sale price, 6.90. No mail or phone orders.BAKBBBOER’B—8KCOND n o o a

A Remarkable Sale of Blankets and Warm Comfortables

The B lanketOjOO to 7.00 btankett, 4J8 pair. Crty bUnkrt* for (ha

full tlM bed. Whita wool bUnketi arc tiaa lacladed.

9.00 blanket* at 6.98 pair. White weal mi»d hleaketa.

JlflO blanketi « 8.T5 pair. All white MankeH, made of varm wool mixed cloth.

11.00 to 12.SO blanketi, 9.95 pair. White wool blankma of the full tire.

15.00 hlinkett, 12.56 pair. Of extra quality white wooL Twin bed ilze.

White aad plaid12.80 to 13.00 blaafcam, 10.95 pair, ■n wool bluiiite In tbo alntla ataa,

The Comfortables7.50 to 9.00 comfortable*, 5.98 oach. The Allint* tre at

an extra Ana quality, corered with I |ood grade af allkoUaa, with and without bordart to match.

8.00 to 10X0 comfortablet, 6J10 each. Tbo eororinia areof Agured silk muD with plain bordara ta match; also tome with illkoline and attecn eoveringa, with plain horderi to match. . :

10.00 to 11.00 eomfortthlei, 7X9 each. The coverings of tbeaa Gomfortablaa are of heavy weight aateen and tilkollne, alto of aolid colored aljk mulL

18.00 eomfortablea, priced 11X9 each. Filled with a Ane quality white cotton and covered with Agrirad sateen with plain hordert to mutch.

20X0 to 25.00 comfortables, 13X9 each. Tfaa Allinga tre ef the hli^eat grade, covered with Agurad aatin, with plain hoideri to match.

w tw ra a m aanw R —T O W r F ID O S .

Cmufotmiut ^ mkl and m o e n t^ fttiwfr Mart flm tm t" • id*........ - ■ M a r mmr~ ^ "tr to Orn *P ar

iChefe O sA k t t rM l-k u de

Women’s Fur Trimmed SmtsO f H ighest Q ua lity a t



Model, exktWrttf.wPettor w o r k m a n t k l p ^ t o t f y t b i M to retatt M fnm 79S0


The majority of them^ moat tinuwi! I« re l^ f J > ; The baUnce-eota of the wtm high Qrdef» wdneed from ngttl^

'■::y.-^uxses. M aterial todude the w f a a h l o n a b k w e w i a r t ^

,T b u e l M U p i l ^ ; n i ( h m w m

,4 All the winter abac


___Ihe saleTlume who to wear thelr;^ jrura wm choke In


flneiy tdiQfed •re a e l M l a ^ ^ ^ ^

See Additional Bmbcrgw Advmirikg

NO. 1


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