;·DAILY PILOT~;; - City of Newport Beach

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Transcript of ;·DAILY PILOT~;; - City of Newport Beach


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Sought in Coast sexual A.ttaeks

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;·DAILY PILOT~;; ( . • "..II!"'. ' .•• •

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Santa /\na pnllcl' todc.iy released these photos of K ai Cin· dy Sllvna. 2fi, and h l'r son, Robert Eugene Gildon, 6, ft'arcd lrnlnapcd by four a rmed s us pects who s t a bbed ;inothc•r m <m to death March 29. A third woma n , Mary J oyct• P;,idd10 . ahas Anita Love, 1s also missing . J\nyQJle knowmg thP1r whl'rl't.1bouts is asked lo contact the Santa Ana Police I>q>arlment at R:W-4211

' , unl(er Control

Doctors Say Diet ·', Will Peel Pounds

BOSTO~ </\ I' 1 l>ortnr-. h:tv1• dev1~<'tl a 1h1·1 lhal <11!11\\' p<.'opll' to <·~1t .1lm11!>t nolhtn~ hut stay healthy and control tht•1r hunger while tht•} lose• poundo; or flab

P al1t•nt!'> on the diet <ll'veloped by Boston resl.'archers all' only tin y amounts or m eat and took vitamins and minl'rals In their fir st months, lht•y lost ahoot h.ilf ;i pound a day .

Doctors said tht' dit•l did not up se t t h e palat'nt s' hody chemistry the way fost1n,:t d()('s. Evl'n b<.'ttcr. th<" patients rt' port­ed they w<'r<' not hungry

The r l'sca r c h cr!'> c.111 the• weight-loss approach "rirotc•10 sparing mod1f1cd fast."

The d1el 1s !'>1 m1l :ir to lhl' popular Sti llman d1t•I , <'Xccpt that it is morl' restncti vt•. The Stillman diet allows a pNson lo eat lar ge r amounts of food, bas ically protein , and requires no hospitalization .

J( a die ter fas ts. his hody generally be~ins to burn valua· ble prolrin as well as the un· desired Cal . The new diet is in · tended to compensate for this by providin!i an external source of protein.

They caution that it remains in

te '\t1ni: st:ii::"" and that over· v. e1i:h1 J'K'Oplt• ~hould not try 1l on their ov. n.

An estimated 40 million lo 50 million Americans arc over· weight

The research was published in today's New England Journal or Medicine It was conducted by doctors at New England Deaco-

(Sff DIET, P1ge AZ)

Oakland Bans Skateboards

OA KLA N D (AP) Skateboards and roller skates w 1 II s oo n b e outlaw e d In downtown Oak land a nd motorized skateboards banned anywhere in the city.

T he City Council gave pre· liminary approva l to a city charter amendment after city traffic engineer Ronald Hurl.but said a youth was clocked doing 54 miles an hour aboard a non· motorized skateboard.

The measure will be formally approved in two weeks.

'Midni ht g . Rider' Sought

A police dragnet is out today for a motorcyclist who apparent· ly attempted homosexual attacks on two young men he picked up along Pacific Coast Highway in Huntington Beach.

Police have dubbed the suspect the " Midnight Ridel'."

Investigators said today neither victim of the Wednesday nif?ht assaults was serious ly in· JUred . Both escaped from their captor.

One yout h , a transient hitchhiker from Canada, told in·

' vestigators he w as choked and ' beaten in an attempted sex as·

sault in a parking area just off Pacific Coast Highway near the Santa Ana River Bridge on the border between Huntington Beach and Newport Beach.

Police U . John Foster sajd to· d ay that lo one sex assault the at­tacker duped hi s v icti m by claiming he had found a body in roadside bushes and asked him to examine it.

omcers said when the victim bent down he was jumped and collapsed to the ground as the m an began tea r ing at h is clothing.

Investigators said they do not have a distinct description of the man but he reportedly prowls Pacific Coast Highway astride a metallic blue 600cc Hond a motorcycle.

The second attack on a young m an befriended by the suspect near the Huntington Beach Pier area occurred early today. in· vesUgators said.

Peace Talks End VIENNA, Austria (AP)

Peace tallcs between Greek and Turki5h Cypriots ended here to· day.


To Peel Off Flab


Tris Banned ChilJren's Ske~ar Nixed

WASHINGTON (AP) - A feder al agency today b a nned production and sale of children's s leepwear treated with Tris , a chemical fl a m e r e t a r dan t believed to cause cance r .

However . the Consumer Product Safety Com· miss ion voted 3 t o 2 agains t r ecalling the 120 million Tris-treated garments already sold.

The commission voted 5 to O to allow cons umers to bring back garments for r efunds if they can s how that the garme nts have never been washed.

Commission Chairman S. J ohn Byington s aid th at washing a garm ent a t least three times " will r e move any unacce ptable risk."

Commissioner s R. David Pittle and Tha ddeus Garrett opposed this position , saying that because Tris had been found to cause cancer in labor a tory animals, a ll garments treated with it s hould be r e· ca lled from consumer s.

Michelena Appears

Anthony Testifies


' -

Witnesses Plead for · Viet Vef

SAN FRANCISCO (AP> - A fo rmer Brinks security guard wb(> repented in court his brief life of wine and women financed by a $400,000 heist tr.ls been sen· tenced to 10 years in a federal prison.

" I thought it would solve my problems and it didn't," Richard Charles Rees said Wednesday of his ill-fated, ll·month adventure.

U .S. District Courl Judge Charles B. Renfrew order ed Rees, 27, to prison despite de· fcnse witnesses who urged that the Vietnam veteran be com· milted to a rehabilitation center.

Rees pleaded guilty March 2 lo a charge of bank larceny - tak· ing $373.000 belonging to banking institutions - and to transport· ing $411,935 in s tolen money from California to Texas.

The judge ordered that the 27-year -old former Marine serve

Before G d J the maxjmum 10 years for each

ran Ory count.. to run c~ncurrently. Renfrew said the request by

defense attorneys that Rees be Orange County Supervisor voluntary, as were those last sent to Delancey Street ~ounda·

Philip Anthony a nd lobbyis t J a nu a r y by hi s f e I low lion, a center for ~x-conv1cts '.l"d F r ank Michelena were among supervisors, Thomas Riley and form~r drug addicts, was "Just those who testified Wednesday Ralph Diedrich. not viable." before the Orange County Grand Michelena, who was a major " My obligations are to society Jury as the jury continued its contributor and fundraiser for as a whole. If the sentence lags so three·month probe into county Anthony's campaign last year, rar behind expectations, you political practices. spent more than three hours <See BRINKS, Page A2)

Anthony was the third county closeted with the Grand Jury. supervisor called to testify since Earlier, two Diedrich aides the Grand Jury investigation got tes tified . But n e ither Ray under way i.n early J anuary. (See PROBE, P1ge AU

So far. two indictments have come from the probe into cam· paJgn financing related to possi· ble conspiracy and misconduct in o(fice offenses.

And it is Anthony's success rut 1976 campaign that is a focal point of the inquiry.

Wednesday the Westminster supervlror ~ his a ttorney, Verlyn Jens , walked into the jury ~aJting oom and wtre out in about30 m utes.

His appear e reportedly was

Pizza Parlor Bandits Flee With $900

Two men Oed on root with $900 in small bills Wednesday night after holding up a Costa Mesa pizza parlor at gunpoint, police r eported today.


Weather Cloudy tonight and Fri·

d ay with local morning drizzle. A little cooler in· land Friday with highs in the low 70s. Lows tonight in low SOS.


College Youths Who.~p lt Up The lwo partially .disguised

bandits entered a rear door or Shakey 's Pizza Parlor, 2214 Newport Blvd., a l 11:05 p.m. while employes-we~e cteanlng ap the Jood outlet sbort.ly after cJos. jog.

The orange baa become . a profitabU aymbol for gays in San Francilco. It is being wed jn a proteat against Anita Bryant's campaign for repeal· ing o Jaw barring job bias

,ogain1t homosezuals. See P.ogeA.s.

LOS ANGELES <AP> - M er an absence or nearly a decade, thousands or college-age youths are · once again descending on popular California and Arizona r esorts to celebrate the Easter holldays with a week of unruly partying and mischief-making.

" They come in to whoop it up," said Yuma Coun t y, Ariz., abcrHf 's deput y Edward MUtnaitls . •

The story was the same in Parker, Ariz., where between 100.000 and 130,000 youths have been attracted by the nearby Colorado Ri ver camp1rounds, two beaches and a county fair.

" They j~t Jove to break lnto campers and cars,' ' lamentod P a rk er Poli ce Chle f Shirley Bassford . " They &el SC&Mera, radios, tape decks, particularly CB seta.''

She added: "We had a lot of peopleundertbelnfluenceon fool and drlvtn1, with quite a few drug violations - and, oC course, the buraJary rat. increased."

ln Palm Springs, police said they have had to doublc/atrcls to handle the eatlmate 100,000 youtha who streamed Into that desert resort.

Fotty~t a.netta had been


made as ol Wedoesd'a1, most of them minors caught drinking or youne ad ults c h a rsed wlt.h drunken drlvlnr. said Palm' 5Pt· Jnft police spokesman Gec1rgc Ktna.

Between 8,000 and 10,000 fun· seeldo1 skien have packed lnto Mammoth Lakes, and 1 baodlUJ had t>«in arnaled as of Wedrtta· day for public drunkenness.

Accordlna lo wltnesses, both men carried pis tols and de· mandeci money from a pizza parlo,- cubler. After aatherlng up the loot, lbc bandits apparent.­ly fled on root, police hid.

One of the suspects wore a nylon stocking over bis hetd while the other held a white handke.rchlef in rronl of his face to conceal rus idenUty. police uld.

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A2 DAILY PILOT s Thurld1y, April 7. 19n

Wholesale Prices Junip I.I Percent

W ASIUNGTON (AP) - The government said tod ay th at wholesale prices increased 1.1 percent in March, the second big m onthly iner~asc in a row and much worse than expected.

The increase w as sure to fuel dem ands that the Carter ad· min is trat1on t ake s t eps to counter a growing threat or an in·

f'rorN Page A J

PROBE ••• Rhoads nor Lyle Overby would discuss lhl'ir test1 mony. which look most of the inorning hours

or the two tndictmcnl!> already handed down by the Grand Jury, one released Wednesday showed that perj ury cha rges lodged against political activist Loran Norton came in testimony that conflicted with his one·lime con· f1 dant, Gary Newmyer.

Norton, a Republican can· didate for stale Senate las t yejr, a llegedly told the jury that $5,000 he received from political finan c·1cr Gene Conrad was not used for campaign purposes.

Norton, according to the in· chctmnent, also told the jury he had not discussed the investiga· t ion w1lh other pro!>pecttve w1l· ncsscs and had not told Newmyer what to say when he testified .

But Newmyer said otherwise when h1· twice testified. throwin~ his IC'st1mon} into d1re<'t conflict wllh Norton's

Those contradictions are the substance in the seven·counl in· d1ctmcnt of Norton .

The former Santa Ana police lieutenant and oneti me aide to cou nty Supervisor Laurence Sch mit 1s accused of three counts of perjury and single counts or four perjury.related charges.

The sc('ond man indicted , Ca l a ba sas Jewell'r Mar t in Kirschner. also faces fi ve per -;ury·related charges _

KirsC'hncr was shown on J\n· thony's c:ampa1gn ~tJtl.'mcnts JS a $2.500 donor to his campaign. Thal money a ll egedly w.is ('onr114f); and alh•i:t•dly w.Js fun · n1·lkd 'through K1r~c hncr to c·on· C-l'al ttll.' 1dcnt1ly of it s true donor.

nauonary surge in the economy. The March increase followed a

wholesale price rise of nine· tenths of a percent in February and was the largest monthly rise since October 1975.

Although prices of fa rm pro. ducts led the price surge with • 2.5 percent increase, 1he most a larming danger s l1tnal In the

0~1tr Piiot 51•11 Pi..to

Leap fo r L ife Candidate for job as llunt· 1ngton Beac h lifeguard J1tmps from ci ty pi e r in :-1mu latcd rescue effort (l u a I 1 f ~· 1 n i.: l l' s l s f o r lifeguard s arc being con· du t' tcd thi s wt•ck bv the c·1t y':- marine sa fety of· fl<'l'rS

price report wu an eighl·tenths of a percent lncrease in prices or industrial commodities, up from a six·tenths or a percent increu e in February.

Economists look to prices ol ln· dustrial 1oodl as giving the bell picture or u ndel'lying infl•· tionary trends. T h ere were sharply higher prices during the month for melals and metal pro­ducts, textiles , apparel and transportatfoo equipment.

The Labor Department said price• also turned up Cor lumber and wood products, rubber and plastic products foll owing declines ln February.

•.. Price trends at the wholesale level are eventually passed along to the consumer at least in part, s ince they represent highef' coets to butineuet that produce the &oods consumers buy.

It continued for a 12·month period, the March increase in wholesale prices would result in an over· all increase or 13 percent for the year, well into the feared double·ruglt range for inOaUon. Wholesale prices increased 6.8 percent for the l2·monlb period ending in March.

Th e Labor Department's wholesale price index stood in March at 191.9 percent, meaning th a t goods priced at $100 at wholesale in 1967 cost $191.90 last month.

There is no question the March price report comes as a blow to the Carter administration, which had been hoping for a downward trend in wholes ale prices to reflect the improvement in the wea ther following th e severe winter

Court Aide's Art Stolen

A lot of people who have visited court official Ma rlene E Nelson's office over the years have stopped to ad mire the framed color photo view or the Grand Canyon that adorned her wall

It may have been admired in the Orange County Superior Cou rt administrator's d ivision for the last lime.

Sheriff's officers were told that the picture disappeared after the office had been closed for the night. Mrs . Nelson valued the picture al $100.

Nuke Breeders Delayed Carter Says U.S. to Study Alternative Designs WASIO l'iGTON f A Pl • Prl'~1

d<•nt Carter announcer! todc1\ I hat he 1s dcfrrri ng l 1 .S . de> velop menl or nuclC'ar hre~der rcilc rors. th<' p<>\\l'r planb thilt pro ChJC'C Udd1ltonuJ Ful'I but (' OUl<l hf' l p 1nrreasl' the· ~ JHt'Jli or ;1tom1r weaoonry 111 th<' wurld

C artcr said the risk of :o;pread mg nuclear weapons " would ~ 'astly increa~ed by lhe further s pread of s<"ns1tl\' t' 11•chnolog1e., which entail tl1rt'l' t ;,ic'l'f'S~ tu plutonium. hq~hly <'nr1ched u r an ium or nthrr w1·11poni. U'tabll' matt•rt jl ··

The br<'t'lh'r 1s powrrcd hy

Bingo Bill Seen LOS ANG l';LES I 1\ P I Even

hl'forl.' the final ballots were counkd for a popula r measure to lrgahzc bingo, the C1ly Council was sl•ll1ng its legal wht?els m motion. By u vote of l 1 to l. the <· 1111 ncll Wcdnl'sday lnstructC'd thl' city attornry In draft legi.~l a · lion allowl n it lhr game ror <' h a r 1 t ,, b I t• p u r po s es , a" a uthori zed by the ball ot m easun•



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plutonium and is <>o named bl•<'.iu~t· 11 µro<luce-. more rul'l th .in 1l consum1:~

The statem e nt issued by (' ,1rll'r S31d the united States Wlll st uch · alternati ve dt's i~ns of the brt.• t~tln " but pos tpone their Jd11pt1nn for comml•rc1al use

Without mPnlluning the project IH nam<' th•· !.lall.'m enl ap· pt· J r rd to '>Pd I t hl' 1•nd of the pro­pn-.cd Cllnrh H1 vcr breeder reac· tnr :i $:? b11l111n. demonstration plant pl.inned n1·:1r Oak Ridge, 'r1·n11

f'art<'r c;:ud h<' would also dcfrr 1ndd1n1lt•h the t·ommt.·rc1i.I 11•pro<·es!.in~ and rrcyclinft o( plutonium produced by U S nutlear power programs

J\ rcprocC'ss1ng plant planned bv industry at Barnwi.•ll, S.C .. but n(1w seeking frdera l support, "will receive neither federal en· couragcm1•nt nor funding for its co mpletion 3!> a reprocessing Ct1c1lity "

Carter said the United States will shift 1ls nuclear research m o ney t owa rd alternative systems of nuclear power that do not make available materials usable for nuclear weapons .

While cutting back the breeder p r ogram, which would have multiplied nuclear fuels, Carter pledged to increase U S. produc· t ion capac i ty fo r enri c hed uranium, the fuel used in conven· lion al nuclear power plants .

This pro mi se wa s a r e· assurance to both the domestic nuclear Industry and foreign na· lions thal fuel would continue to be available for conventional plants a nd th ey n eed not necessarily build breeder reac· tor11.

Carter added he would propose legis lation " to permit the U.S. to

Hm1lington Boys ~Fair' After Ordeal

Two young Huntington Beach boys who spent two days trapped in a storm drain were rePorted in fa ir condition today ln Hunt· ington lntercommunily Hospital 'a Intensive care \U\ll.

Joseph G. Dupree, 10, and Jerry W. Marlow, 11 , were taken to the hospital Tuesday n.taht nftr.r firemen rescued them from the 30-lncb·widc pipe.

offer nuclear fuel supply con· tracts and guarantee deli very of s uch nuclear fuel to other coun· tries."

He said he would continue to ba r exports of uranJum enrich· ment and nuclear fuel reprocess· ing equipment and technology.

And Carter said he would seek esta blishment or an international proeram to develop alternative nuclear fuel cycles and measures to assure access lo nuclear fuel s upplies and spent ruel storage " for nations sharing com mon nonproUferation ohjectives."


DIET .• • ness Hospital , Harvard Medical School and M usachuse tts Institute of Technology .

" For the conscientious physi­cian or family physician, this protocol could have real merit, " Or. George L. Blackbum , who helped conducl the r esearch, said in an interview.

" Phystcjan s upervis ion is ex· t remely important.'' he said. " The doctor mus t be a partner. People don't need to go to dJet milla to do this."

Jn an ear ly s tudy. the r~· searchen tried l he dlet on 167 adults, who lost an aver:age of 40 pounds each.

The diet was tested over three years on four YOWl• people who have Prader·WUU 1yndrome, a disorder whose symptoms in· elude mental retardation, obesl· t.y and insatiable appetite.

The patients were a llowed to eat 1.5 grams of meal for every kilogram of ideal body weight. Thls meant that if the dieter wished to slim down to .200 pou nds, he ate about three ounces of meat a day.

The dieters also were given vitam.l.ns, minerals and digestive aids.

Budget Decreased WASHINGTON CAP> - The

Sena~ Bud1ct Committee ri)· commtnded on Wed.nHday an.a. cal 1978 apend)nl prolram Of $458.I blllk>n, - mil on lesa than bad been urfed by Prell· dent Carter. Tbe 1dm{ru1traUon ha4 rttommended f'59.I bi.Won.



Carin- Choic e Wisconsin Gov. P atrick J . Lucey, nominated today by President Carter to be am· bassador to Mexico, says hl' will resign within the next 90 d ays from the office he has held since 1970.

Rain/ all Due Over Much of Udifomia

ByTbeAssoclated Press Rain is expected to spread over

much of Northern and centrnl California by Friday, the Na tional Weather Service predicted today.

A low pressure area was cen­tered about 500 miles west of Crescent City early today and a weather front was forecast l<1 move over the north coast by this evening.

Rain was ·likely in the <'Xlreme n o rth t o nigh t, s pr e ad ing southward Friday.

T he snow level was expected to be near 4,000 feet in the north and 6,00<) feet in the south Friday.

High temperatures were ex· pected to drop sharply as the storm moves inland .

lagunan Stabbed ..

In Back A Laguna Beach city play.

ground supervisor who doubles as a teacher'a teacher's aide al Aliso SC'hool was In satisfactory condition at South Coast Com· munity Ho:.p1tal today after bt.'­in g st abbed once in the back with i. knife.

Gerald Marmello's roommate, Daniel Parker, 22. was jailed, bookt:d on a charge of s uspicion of attempted murder and held on $25,000 bail.

The sta bbin g was at Marinello's home, 615 Seav1cw St.

Officer Mike Slusher , who with a reserve offiee r , Bill Yourex. ar· r ested Parker, said the s tabbing was apparently the aftermath of an argument that led to a fisl fight. and then to the stabbing.

Marinello, 32. suffered a \loouml in the left center ot his back , three inches deep. Slusher ~aid the wound might have been more serious had the knife not glanced off a rib.

Slusher said another room· mate took Marinello to the hospital and called police after the incident at 12:30 this mom· ing.

Marinello is employed by the cit y recreation department.

Reduced Bail Frees Hanafi

WASIONGTON CJ\P) ·- The son ·in· law or Han afi Moslem ch1cflain Hamaas Abdul Khaalis is free on a reduced bond after promising to appear for his pre· lt minary hearing late this week .

Abdul Aziz, charged with buy. Ing weapons following a felony conviction, was released Wed· nesday after his mother· in·law posted a $5,000 cash bond.

Aziz had been held on a $75,000 bond since his arrest last Friday.

Soll)', rhe


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BRINKS .•• lose any dctern•nt," t he judgo !laid

Recs enjoyed 1w11rly a year of fast Hvin~. a fter he varushcd f't'b 11. 1975 with a champaAne crate stuffed with cash. leaving puuled law authoriLics in his wake. He had s topped his Brinks armored car at a San Mateo restaurant on pretense of making a delivery toaRirl

Il e was cupturt..'d without re· s1stancc Jan . l:l hy the FBI in a ~ m a 11 N l' w M 1• x 1 c o t u w n soulh\•ast of Santa Fe .

Rees took lhc s tand Wl'<lnt>S· day to plead his own case, after earlier admissions he had gone nearly hrol.e s pending the stolen loot on gambling and romance In Tc" as.

Asked" h y he took the money, Hees replied, " I was running away Crom thing s ... I was mixed up at the time. dido 't thlnk il was that big of a deal. not any bigger than what I had done in Victn:im."

fie lold of his stint in Vietnam, where he became addicted to morphine after 1t was used to treat pain and of later attempting suicide by !>Wallowing explosives afler ther e were •· no drugs

. available."

Deaths Suit $500 Million

By The Associated Presa A class·action suit seek·

ing more than too<> million for the deaths or a ll 2'19 persons aboard the Dutch <1 1rlmer involved 1r1 th e Canary ! ~ land runwa y catastrophe has been fil1•d in U.S. District Court in San Francisco.

Two other suits were nlso filed Wed nesday in Los Angeles and San Dieito by r elatives or pe rsons who died in the Pan American 747. the other jumbo jet in· volved in the March 27 col· li s ion that kill e d 577 persons a t Santa Cruz de Tenenrc.

Your Choice


I ull f flc•for~1 Hf1rrc111ti••' l"lu., Our Pt•r..,;ouul

fht1• \ t•nr tiut1rt1Hlt•1• Iha I 1 ·1 ·r~1 l"roduc·t R., .-.,.11:

275 East 17th St. f'eMBedtoNc,,.......I

s.nk.Y ...... ,....

Costa Mesa .. .......... , ........ 2 o .... w..e .,. c.1• " ·

Phone 642-8882 Store Hours Daily 9-6 S8t. 9-5:30

"" ........... ..,... SIKe . ...

.. ,.,,., .. "Mil• ..


Orange Coast EDITION

Today's Closing .Y. Stoeks


·N-M Teachers Offered 9% Pay Hike By MlCllAE[, PASKEVICH

Of I"' D•oly Pllol ll•ll

Teachers in the Newport-Mesa school distrkt arc being offered a nine percent pay h ike over the next two years a s part or a ten­tative three-year contr al' l agree­m ent, it was learned today .

How eve r , sour ces said, teacher negotiators we re unable to s way the district to grant bind­i n I( arb1trat1 o n i n rutur e

g ri evance proceedings. Arbitra­tion as well as wages a nd health and welfare beneCils will be open for r e- negotiatio n after the second year of the three-year pact.

Th e tentative agreem ent also would reinstate a former t eacher transfer po l icy that gives teachers with seniority m ore say in where they wis h to teach, sources said.

Tennis - Phooey Mo'>t tennis play('rs will admit the game can be frus trat­ing <.it hmt•s This pictorial comm ent o n how frustrating 1t t·an lw \H1s inspired by photogr apher 's d iscovery of thi s but ll'n·d tennis racque t m a tras h can j ust outside lht• public· c·ourts at Hith Street a nd Balboa Bo ulevard m Ne\\ por1 Ht'aC'h Coif :.i nyonc'~

Wholesale Prices Jump I.I Percent

WASlll:'><<iT0\1 11\l' l ThP ,:tovt·rnnwnt -. .i1d tnrt.1y th.it whnl c..,;111· pru·1•.., 1n(' rt'.1, 1•<l I I perc1·nt 111 M:m·h, th1• '>l'Cond h1i.: monthl~ 1ncn•:t!'>i.' in . 1 row ,ind muc h worM' than ''"Jlt't' tt•d

Tht· tntT<'~"l' wu1> s urc> lo (ud dcmuncb tha t the Cartt•r ad m in1 s trat111n takt• ' lcf>' to count1•r a ~rowin~ thn•at or an tn· flat11111ary s urite in the eMnomy

The Marc h mcrcaM~ follov.ed a wh o l<•sall' price rts(' of n1n<' · tenths of a percent in Febr uary and was the laq(<'St monthly nsc s in cc Octohe r l975.

/\l'though prices or farm pro­duc·ts led the pr1 ce !-Ur~c with a 2.5 rc-rcc-nt 1r1cr<>r1Sl'. th <> most a larminit d 11 nl(er M~no l in' th <.' price n•port was un c11:ht lc>nt hs or a pc>rccnl 1nc rcasc In prll't':O. of indus trial C'ommod1t1 rs. up from a s ix -tenths of a Pl'rcc>nt mcn •asc in Fl'IJruary

E conomists look lo pricc>s or in­dus trial goods a s giving the best picture of und e rl yi nf! infla ­tionary trends . Th e r e we re s harply highe r prices during the

m onth for m <'t alc; and mrt nl pro· du1•t c;, lt>'Ctll1•-.. i!pp.irl'I an!I tr<1n~port.1t1on 1·ciu1pmPnt

Tht> I .. 1ho r f>pp,1rt m1•nt said prtC'l' ' .d:-ci turnt•d up (or lumber and wr>od produt t ~. rubbt'r Jnd p I a ... 1 I(' ll r 0 duct s r 0 11 C) w Ing dt'cl1ne' 1n !-'('bruary

(( COnttnUt'd for a 12-monlh period, the March increase.• 1n v.holrsale prices would result in an over-a ll increase or 13 pe rcent for the year, well into the feared double·d1g1t range for innat1on . Wholesale pnces increased 6 8 percent for th<' 12-m onth period end in g in March.

Mesa Girl Hurt /\Cost a Mesa gi rl was taken to

Hoag Memorial Hospit a l this morning after her car rammed into a tree in the 2300 block of Irvine Avenue. Newport Beach police identified the driver as Katherine CianC1one, l9.

On March 30, district and t eacher negotiators r e ached a te ntative agreement on teacher contract demands in private sessions with a state mediator who was called in to break a 21· day impasse .

Both sides have ins tituted an information blackout on details of the accord until lhe school board meets April 12. A vote by teachers on whether or not to ac-

cept the package would follow board action on the pay plan.

Teachers sought a 13 percent pay r a is e over the next two years. bindin g arbitration , smaller class s ize limits and a seniority-based teache r transfer policy.

However, teacher negotiators settled for the district 's nine per· cent pay raise offer, no change in

maximum c lass s ite Um1ts and

advi sory a rbitration in post ­contract dis putes. accorclin l? to sources close to the negotiators.

A nine percent pay raise would m ean a teacher currently earn­ing $10,446 per year (the lowest s tep on the pay scale > would r e­ceive $11 ,386.14 a year in two years.

Al present . the m edia n inco me for Newport-Mesa's l,250-plus t eachers is $17,210.

A teacher at the lop of the pay scale presently earning $19,066 a year would r eceive $20,781 .94 a fter the s econd year of the con­tract. If the teachers' 13 percent pay request had been agreed to, a te ac her at the top of the pay scale would earn $21,544.58 annually.

Under advisory arbitration lbe board of education would have the final s ay on a recommenda·

<See PAY JOKE, Page A2)

Ca1·ter Ends Nuke Plan U.S. to Study Alternatives of Breeder

WASHINGTON (AP> - Presi­dent Carter announced today that he is deferring U.S . develop· m ent or nuclear breeder reac­tors , the power plants that pro­duce additional fuel but could h e lp in c rease t h e s pread of atom ic weaponry in the world .

Carter said the ris k o f spread­ing nuclear weapons " would be vastly increased by the further s pread of sensitive technologies whic h entail direct a ccess to plutonium, hig hl y enriched uranium or other w eapons­usa ble material. "

The breeder is powered by plutonium and is so named because it produces m ore fuel

Carl's Sign Bids Nixed In Oelllente

By JACK CHAPPELL Of- o.llr P llel$1efl

Oversize signs requested for two Carl's Jr. restauranls were denied by the San Clemente City Council Wednesday following a lengthy and at times heated dis­cussion.

The s igning saga included : Counci lm an Th o m as

O' Keefe's threat to quit if the council approved the s igns

- Carl Ka rche r , founderc.AL. Karcher Enterprises restauriit't c ha in , blasted 'socialis m ' and government inte rfe re nce with pri va t e e nterpri s e H e threatened to pull o ut his $1 million c ity project , two eating p laces.

- Councilm an Willi am Walker pus hed s weeping r evision of the city s ign law to a llow " freeway o riented " bus inesses lo put up huge new s igns .

Karcher Enterpnses request · ed e rection of 50-Cool pole signs at potential restaurant s ites al 5 l5 N. El Camlflo Real and at 3929 S. El Camino Real. thereby exceedmg a 25-fool he ight limit. Add1tlonally it sought to exceed the maximum s ign s ize by 76 square feet at th e North El Camino Real site .

Don Glenn, a Karch e r spokesman, said the big signs were needed to draw freeway traffic to the res taurants.

He said for the two res taurants to be profitable. the North El Ca mino Real restaurant would need to get 20 percent of its busi· ness from the freeway and the South El Camino Real eatery needed to draw 50 percent of its business from the freeway.

Citizens Sally Sergeant and Carolyn Koester spoke ln opposi· lion to the oversize ~lgns.

than it consumes. The s tatem ent i ss u ed by

Carter said the United Slates will study " alternative des igns of the breeder" but postpo ne the ir adoption for commercia l use.

Without m entioning the project by n a m e. the s tatement a p­peared to spel I the end of the pro­posed Clinch River breeder reac­tor. a $2 billiOll, de monstration pl ant planned near Oak Ridge, Tenn.

Carter said he would a lso defer ind efinitely the commerci4tl r e processing and recycling of plutonium produced by U.S. nuclear power programs .

/\ r eprocessing plant pl anned


by Industry at Barnwell , S.C., but now seeking f ede ral s upport, " will receive neither federal en­couragement nor funding for its completion a s a r eprocessing facili ty "

While c utting back the breeder prog ram , wh ic h would have multipli~ nuclear fuels, Carter pled'ged"'to increase 1J .S. produc­tion capacity for e nri c hed uranium, the fuel used in conven­tional nuclear power pl ants.

This pro mi se was a r e­assurance to both the domestic nuclear industry and foreign na · lions that fuel would continue lo be available for conventional pl a nt s a nd th ey need n ot

Tris Banned ChiUlren's Slee~ar Nixed

WASlDNGTON <AP) - A federal agency today banned production and sale o f childre n 's s lee pwear treated with Tris, a chemical fl am e retard a nt believed to cause cancer.

However , the Con s ume r Product Safety Com ­mission vot ed 3 to 2 against recalling the 120 millio n Tris-treated garments already sold .

The commission voted 5 t o O t o allow consuTAers t o bring bac k garments for r e funds if they can s how that the garme n ts h ave n ever been was h ed .

Commission Ch a irm a n S . J ohn Bying ton said that w ashing a garm ent a t leas t three times " will r emove a n y un acceptable ris k ."

Commissioners R. David Pittlc and Thaddeus Garr ett opposed this position , saying that because Tris h ad bee n found l o ca use cancer in laborator y a nimals , all garments treated with it s hould be re­called from cons umers.

Hunger Control

Doctors Say Diet Will Peel Poumh

8')STON CAP ) - Doctors have devised a diet that allows people to eat almost nothing but slay healthy and control their hunger

Rhodes Raps Capitol Jobs

WASHINGTON CA P) - House Republican Leader John J . Rhodes says he is "shocked" to find that two congressional clerks, Including one technically appointed by him, are running $1-million- a -year print shops rent-free on the Capitol grounds.

" This is one of the archa.lams around this place that need to be re-exam in ed and changed," Rhodes s aid.

while they lose pounds of n a b.

Patients on the diet developed by Boston researchers a te only tin y amounts of m eat and took vitamins and m iner als. In their first months, they lost about half a pound a day.

Doctors said the diet did not upset the pati e nt s ' b o d y chemistry the way fasting docs. Even belter, ttle patients r eport­ed they were not hungry.

The research e rs ca ll the weight-loss approach " prolein­s parlng modified fa st ."

The diet is s imilar to tho popular Stillman diet, except that it is more restrictive. The Stillman diet a llows a person to eat larger a mounts of food, bas ically protein, and requires no hospitalization.

nec essarily build breeder reac· tors.

Carter added he would propose legis lation "to permit the U.S. to offer nuclear fuel s upply coo­tracts and guarantee de livery of s uc h nuclear fuel to other coun­tries."

li e said he would continue to bar exports of uran ium enrich· m ent a nd nuclear fue l r eprocess­ing equipment a nd technology.

And Carter sa id he would seek establishment of an inle rn ationaJ progr a m to develop a lte rnative nuclear fuel cycles and measures to assure access t o nuclear fuel s upplies and s pent fuel storage .. fo r nations s ha ring common

(See BREEDER, Pa ge 2>

3 Injured ln.V~ey

Plant Fire Three people were reported in·

jured in a fire which gutted a -Fountain Vall ey paper factory at 11 a.m. today.

The ins ide of the 12,000-square­foot building called the Paper Factory, at J1065 Condor Ave., was totally destroyeo but its wa lls re m ained s tanding.

Fountain Va lley F'ire Chief Al Hole> said the blaze began in a back w a r e hou se w h e n a ma nuracturing process Cl ashed in front of two employcs.

Hole s aid the victim s ' names were not available .

One employe s uCfered first­deg rec burns on his face a nd was rushed by an ambulance to Foun­t ain Valley Community Hospital.

Another employc was cut while r unning from the scene of the fire , said Hole. No report was avail able> on the seriousness of the injury to the third victim.

Mesa Thieves Get

W88hers, Dryers Costa Mesa police a re seeking

thieves who carted away four wa s hing mac hin es and three dryers early Wednesday morn­in g from the s torage yard of a local appliance outlet.

The theft was reported by an employe at Ray's Refrigeration, 721 Randolph AVenue, Costa Mesa. Va lue of the machines is estim ated at $700.



Deatm Suit $500 Million

Laguna to Cut Bingo Hours Cloudy tonight and Fri­

day with loca l morning drizzle. A little cooler in· land Friday with highs in the low 70s. Lows tonight in low 50s.

By The Assoclatf'd Preu A class-action s uit seek­

ing more than $500 million for the deaths or all 249 persons aboard the Dutch airliner involved in the Canary Island runwoy catastrophe has been filed in U .s. District Court In San Francisco.

Two otht>r suits wcl'o al80 rtled Wednesday In Los Angeles and San Dle10 by relatives of persons who died In the Pan American 747. the other Jumbo jet tn· volved In the March 27 col· llsion that killed 577 persons at Santa Cnai de Tenerlfe.

By PIDUP ROSMARIN Oft,_ Oelly P ll04 Stell

A mid cri es or religious persecution. the Laguna Beach City Council voted Wednesday to reduce sharply the number of houts a charitable organbat.lon may hosfbingo games.

The amendment to the city blngo ordinance provides that bingo be played no more than one day a week, no morf than six hours a day, and not Al all between2a.m . and 1.0a. m .

The ordinance was brou1ht back to the council for revlaion as a d irect response to news stor1es detailing the plan ot a church group called the Temple of Inspired Living (TOIL) .

T01L's founde r and ~rfme minister, Frank Winston. aou&M

to secure a 10-year lease on lbe vacant Finit Christian Church building on Legion Street. TOIL, which makes use of bingo to raue funds. proposed to hold blngo garnet four d_ays a w~k. abt tloun a day.

TOIL planned to lease the pro­perty from another Beverly Hllls·based concern, the Carlyle Group, which seeks to buy the church and the land. The sale is 1n escrow.

1ay Murloy, who acle<f assates agent on tho deal, accused the Dally Pilot, for it.a news stories, and the council, for ltl reaction to them, of religious Intolerance.

He aald 1lnce the newspaper prlnted the story of the uuaao• Uon. TOIL be.tam• "v~y on lriallnLaiun• aucb ...

"Without lbe· TOIL itsue, this (amendment ) wouldn't be on the agenda," Murley said .

He said the c hurch uses bingo a!'I " a viable alternative to tithing," and for that, he said, It was "subjected to old·fMhloned muckraklng. ·~

He aaid the Daily ~lot stories were ••yellow journalism" that ''tarred and feathered" the church "Ul\tuatly."

He -.ccus~ the council of ••1os­ln1 •labt ot treedom of rell&lon, and ~ataUon oC church and state/ '

Morley eald any invcaUgation of lbe '?OIL church s hould have been done by s.ho police depart· ment. anc:lnot the newapaper. ll~ley. called bin•o ,an Jn·

novatlve source of f\U\dina ror d·

ty projects. Under rules· or the bingo ordinance, 60 percent ot game revenues would be con· tributed to projects in the city. "You should think about increas­ing, not decreas ing, playing time," Murley said.

He added, "We need creative sources of fundlng in Laguna Beach."

Murley had been the TOIL church's choice to head a three­m an committee to adminlater bingo lw1d.9. _

Others or the La~ina Beach re· 1Jdent.s who s~ke were 111 OpPoSI· tlon to the '.I'OIL plan. Jocelyn Cuthman saJd, ''We don't want to- . become a Lu Ve1as. We doa' t need lhlS kind of fundlnc. ll they want to call it religion, that's r e-­ally bYtltJical."

INSIDE TODAY The Ol"01lfle hos become .a

profitable aymbol for ga11s in San F'ronciaco. It iB being used ill a proCest CJQ<JJMt Anita Bruant'a campaign for r~al· Ing . a law boning job bi48

.againd homoae:r:uala. Ste

. P.age~.

·•••ex AtVturS.Nlce .. M-yT'" 11 Irma hfMtcll u MtYIH •.. , c.111 .... 1. AJ M11t11el l'llllft •• Ct•nlfl .. CHt ........ ,.._ tU c:-10 AU o. ... ,.c.v., Ae c .......... AU p ..... 9t.J OHlllNtollc" 41 S-1• Ct-4 ••11111'1••'• .. Mkk Mtf'ktl\ M4 ,.....,,.. __ ... , Ttlevltl• .. "--· . ., Tlotetn• •••• "-- ., .... - M 1111 ........... •• .. ,.. ...... A4 A•UflMn ••



A2 DAILY PILOT c Tl'lursdAy. April 7, 1r1n . ..

Anthony Testifies Political Practices Probed

Orange County Super visor Ph ilip Anthony aod lobbyJst Frank Xidlelell1t were a mong those Who t estified Wednesday before the Oral'lle Cott0t,. Grand Jury as lbe j ur}' contiDued its three-month pmbe foto county polttical pracµcea .

Anthony was the third coonty


PAY HIKE • • 1.100 from an independent arbitrator <"aHed ut to set.11e g r ievances filed by ertber party after a contract rs &igned .

And the proposed contract would rein~ate an inter ·&chool rr a nlfer pohcy that gives teachers with !>eniority more \ ' Ole<.• rn whC're they wis h to leach . This pohry i.J nuicaUy the ~amc one the d1s.tnct r escinded a bout a year a&o. 50ur~ei •aid

H approved , th e coetract would be ret.l'tactive lo July 1, 1976

Teachers would r e('civc a five percent pay increa~c for the 1976·77 school year and a four percent Increase next year . The pay r aise pack;.igc doesn' t in. dude fringe be nefits.

On Ju.ne 30, 1978, the e nd oft.he second contt'act year, oegoUa ­t1oos could b e reo pen e d on WM-ges, lm1d1ng arbitrauon and l'Jealth benefits.

s upervisor called to tes tiry since the Grand J ury ioveAtti,galion eot under Wtry in early January.

So far, two Indictm ents have com e from the probe into e&m· paign financi~ rebted to possl­bJeamapiracy and misconduct in oUiee cffrmes.

And it is Anthony's s uccessful 1978 umpaign that is a foc;.il point oft.be inquiry.

Wednesday, th.e Westminster s upervisor aDd lti5 attorney. V erlyo J enaen. w a.lked Wt.o lbc j W'y waitln& roorn aod were out in about30milwles. ,

Hi& appearaDce rcporledly wu volwit.ary, as were those la.st J a nu a r y by hi s fellow supervisors. Thom as Riley .ad Ralph Diedrich.

Michelena, wao was a lllaJOI" contributor and rundraiser for Anthony's campaign lai.t year, s pent more than three hours closeted ,.,il.h the Grand JOI")'.

Earli.er, two Diedrich aides testified . But neitJi er Ray Rboads nor Lyle Overby would discuss their test im ony, which took m ost of the morning hours.

Of taae two indictments already handed dowa by the Grand JQl'Y, one released Wednesday s howed that perjury ehacges lod1ed against polit.icaJ acu .. ut Loran ~ortoo came in 1.e£Li..mony t hat

confli cted with hi~ one-time coo· flda nt, Gary Newm yer.

Norton, a Republic an can· didate for s t ate Senat1? la.st year, a llegedly told Ule Jury that ~.000 he received from political finan­cier Gene Conrad was .not med for campaign p urposes.

Norton, according t o the in· dictmnent. a lso told the jm-y he bad not discussed lbe inveliti&a· lion w!.th other prospective wtt­neuea and had not told Newmyer wb4't to sa.y when he testified.

·Bat Newmyer said otbenriste when h e twice testified, throeiAg bi5 t.estimooy into direct collfW:t with Norton 's

Those contradictions are the subst.aoce in the seven ·cou.al io­dictment ol Norton.

The former Santa Ana potice lieutenant a nd onetime ajde to county S upe rvi sor Laurence Schmit is accus ed of three counts of p erjury and s ingJe counts of four perjury-celated charges.

The second man indicted, Calaba sas jewel er M arti n Kirschner , aJso f aces five per · Jury-r elated ch ar ges.

Kirschner was shown on An­taOC>y's campaign statements as a sz.soe donor to his cameaign. Th at money all e gedly was Conrad 's and a llegedly was fun­oelled through KUsebner 'to con· cul tbe identity of its true donor.

Toxic Gas Victims

Feared Kidaap l'it!ti .. Santa Ana police today released these photos of Kai Cin· dy Silvria, 26, and her son. Robert Eugene Gildon. 6. feared kidnapoo by four armed suspects who stab~d another man to death March 29. A third woman. Mary Joyce Paddio, alias Anita Love. is also missing. Anyone knowing their whereabouts is asked to contact the Santc.t Ana Police Departm ent at 834-4211.

13 Countians Held On Heroin Charges

State and local n a r cotics a gents a rmed with arr est wa r­rants swept through central Orange CoWlty Wednesday and arrested at least 13 people SUS· pected of being m e mbers or a

$60,000·a-week beroin traffic rina.

Those arrested were indicted Tuesday by the Orange County Grand Jury.


VERON A " - South Co a s t Rcpcrlory T heater. Tues day . Sunday through April 23, 8 p .m

Mesan Draws 90 Days for Auto Theft

A CosLa Mes an who was jailed in Santa R<trbara when officers s potlt.'<I h im <lrivin~ a car I.hat wa 'I s tolen two months ear lier has been sentcnn·d lo 90 days in Orange County Jail

S uperior Courl J udge James JI Wa lsworth ordered the jail term and thr<'C years probation for Jame:; R1vr ra, 27, of 250 Jo' lower St. after he pleaded guil­ty Lo laking a vehicle without the o wne r 'g consent.

Ne wport Beach police said lhe car was stolen in that c ity last Dec . 23 and r ecovered in Santa Barbara Feb. 23. Rivera was or­dered to make r estitution.


BREEDER • • nonproliferation objectives."

Tbe source saJd the contract of. rl'r contarni. no <'hangc in the dJg. trict 's currcot class &i~e hmll which averaees out to about 26 sludents !X'I" class.

FuU duclObure of d e tails of the tenta.llve contract 1>hould be a vauable following Tu.esday.'s ~chooJ board meeung

Rescued Boys Improved Two liu.otilletoo Beach bop,

over cOllle by toxic fw.mes while oc a Torn Sawyer-like odyssey in· to Hunt.iDgt.oa Be:ac b 's Sllbterr a. nean flood control channel tunnel system. were r eportedly improv. 1og today.

The indictments capped a six­montb investigation into the county's heroin traffic that was coordinated through the District Attorne y 's Orfi ce aod th e Ca lifornia Department o f Justice.

Aloog .with agents from those two agencies, the arrests were carried out by narcotic officers or· the Orange and Santa Ana Police Departments.

Carter said the United Slates will s hift its nuclea r r esearch money t o ward alte rnati ve syste ms of nuclear power that do not m ake available m aterials usable for nuclear weapons .

Teacht>rs will receive the copies of the p ropoGed cootract •md wLll Volt! oo 1t the followwg Wl't'k

Fog, No Wind Stal,ls Tiro uad Ytrehls

Thf' two lead v a chts 1n the H,dboa Yacht ciub 's 600 mile 11 1m~top Guadalupe Island Race wi-rc s lallt.>d in fo~ with no wind orr San U1ego Loda)

F' irelock . !lkJpped by Syd John-; rm of Santa Barbara 's Pier· 11 o int BJ) ' ' ..i l· ht (" lub . had m oved Lnto the lead M>Ven mi.I~ ,1head of &II llartgc & Red Baron II o ut of the Hunlln gtno Harbour \ ..ichl Cl ub. F1rclock had 6J nllll''> to go at 8 a m . and w._., not t' ' peeled to f1n1sh tx>for~ late to t! J v or early Frida y

The f\U'lf' boats in thP Ne...-port lf.11 hor \ acht Club 's 800-m1l1· ( \1 ho San l.uc:.i !> ral'(· ..ilso Wt'r l' C'Xpf'rie rll'init li i; ht w1nd'1 off M :.i~ d.ilc•n<1 Uay on tlw RaJll ~· :~hforn1a coa~t

J ohn Scrtppl' 79-foot ketch Miramar out of \bf' San Di~no Yacht \tub h a,. taken over th r b!ad and 11'> n1hn~ 10 mile:. ah ead c)f John Reynald!I ' J8 foot C~t If or the Nl"Wp()rt Harbor Y2":ht Club Ghflfit II wa<11 t he f1r'lt hoat l rt i. l :.1rt ta i.t SJIU r iJa v at noon '¥1iram.ir -. 1arll'd 20 1 1 hour\ tut t> r an tht- revers~ h ,1ndu:ap I ;) l ' I'

Welfare Planned WASJONGTON <API The

)} a 1 r m a n v r t h e S ~ n .i t t • • \grirulturf' rommatll'(' today dt'

1()1.rn('t•ct lh£> Cartt'r adm1mstr:.t llHI · ~ loud :.tamp proposals as " 1r~t s tep 1n destroying the pro ~ ra m . Ch airm an He rman F.

1l' 11lmadgc < 0 Gu ) . s aid he will n lroduce l t>~1 !llnt 1on to coounue h(' program a'> 11 1!1 for one year 1nc1 then to <·onvnt il to c ash A't'lfarc handlt'd hy thl' Depart nent or Health, Education and Ntlfare.


llt•MrtH WHil Ptfl\•Otn t • "Cl ~vblt"'-

M<•• -.... V t •flt f"\U,.fllt • "CI C..,,.,M W........,

,...,..,"""'' ld-


0..-•~ _,, .•• 'IM'\l•IOI ,,_.~ .. ktv U.t0t\

Coet• ... HOMall 'UOWt \ t A• , ,,,.,..,

Mt1t1noAfH•f\ \ P 0 Aiec t W , .,.,.

Spok esmen s aid Joseph Oeupree, 10. and Gerry Ma rlow, I l . were sUll lis tcd m s t.able coo·

d 1tion at the Hun tingto n Jn. tl'rcommunit7 Hospil.Jll tnlensrve car<' unit.

" We tried lo talk lo the m Wc·d

Betty Huber Of Costa Mesa Dead at 56

Private ram1ly serv1c~ a n! pending for ~Uy J Huber. Sli. ~· lo n g -time CnslJ Mes;,i rL'Sl~t wh" d ied Tuesday

!\1 r '>. Huber, wlm h ved al 250 Lo \ o la R(lad . Co'>t:.t \ l c-.a . wa!- a loca l re:.ldeot for th<' past 35 ~ c•a r -. and w;c, actJve w lhe Mt·:. .. Verde Republican Club and the Co<., ta Mesa Womcn 'c; Club

Sh e also s an g w1tn tne :-." o:i' 1

Acklinl~ \'O<'al g roup ,ind " '" fo rmerlv <i1Cln•e 1n IO<'al Rov Scout aci1v1tH•s ·

Sh t> 1., s u r ,. 1 v (' <1 h ,. h \' r hus b a nd. Wllli :1m lluh1•r of tlw l.11\' 11 1 a Hn :11I add r l' s'> h1·r m n tlwr, Miidred Tr1hlwtt of f i lt•ndale . two sons .. John W lluber and Thomas Hu bl'r. bolh of !nine . a dau J:?htt•r K:ith v S1ers on of fo:c;cond1do . s~ters M a rg u .• Bradley a nd Gen f' llnpk1ns, hoeJ-1 ol Glendal1" amt th n·c- i:ran<lr h1lclrrn

The famil ~ h .i-. c; u ~J: l' S tl'll m 1·1nonal d <'l n11t1on "I t<'I th~ Or~1nge Count)' Ch;1p1t·r of thA..· 1\ m t"n <"an Hear1 t\ "IS0<'1ation

13 Suspected

lli~al Aliens Held in Irvine

Irvine police a rTested 13 people s uspt>cted ol b~ng illegal alien.~ Wednesday night whe n they stopped a s maJI, green van near T rabuco Road a nd Culwer Drive .

Those a~sted. including both men and women, we re turned o ver to Immigration offi cers from the U.S . Border Patrol at San Ysidro.

The dri ver o( the van. and onl' o r two others escaped arresl when they jumped Crom the vehi­cle and fled into t.a.e nearby or ange g roves just be/ore police made the traffic s top.

Officers said they s topped th <' v ao just llfter' 11 p .01 . after ~e driver alletedJy failed t.o stQtJ at a stop 5'gn. They said lheoy were tipped off about a "suspaom· lookin«" van b1 a nearby gas sta­tion atteada.nt.

Disabled Protest LOS ANGELES (AP) - A

group of JS budJupped pel'S006 be&aa a peaceful OY~cntabt de­mon1tn1tron Wednesday, oceupy. Ina the Loi A.Jl&eles ol~cs ol Utt Depllrtment of HeaJlh, Educa­tion and Welfare. Tbe Jou! pro­test foltowtd simUu action ln Wuhin(ton and other dtlta by persona wbo demand ftl!orcc­met1t d d'tff ~ lawa roe t.M handtca:pped.

nes day but they rea lly weren't ready yet. But we t a lked to Mrs. Marlow today and she &aid they seem 100 ~rcerrt improved," saad ~ve Set. Luis Odloa, of the police deparlmect ' s Juvenile bureau.

Torture Victim

Sets Talk on

Human Rights An America n wo man , im ­

pnsoned and tortured in Argen· un a for 16 months belo~ her reJease last year, will discwis the Cart.er administration 's po!licies on human nghts and U.S . fonign policy at UC Irvine lorughL

The lecture will b e held at 7 p m 1n Room 220 or the Social Science To~r. Ol~a Talamante wo..-ks for the

Argeot1nt" Commis~1on for Human RlcJrts. The commissioo wa i. formed before t he 1976 Ar~t-ntioc military coup by ~cv e ral ¥tt.orneys.

M 1s~ Talamante has fil ed c·harf{es of police torture, arrest and 1mpns°"merit for political n ·aM>fls and other hum an righ' \' rolat1on s with the fn ter ­Aml· ri c an Commissio n on Human Jtigt>ts of the Organiua­l11>n ol AmcricanSbtes.

Pizza Parlor

Bandits Flee With $900

Two men fled on foot with $900 1n itma.11 btlls Wednesdar night a fttt holdinc up a Costa Mesa p127.a parlor at gunpoint , police rcportl.>d today.

T be lw'> puually .d isguised hantita ~fld a rear door o( S hakey '!I Piua P arlor . 2214 Nt'wport Blvd. . at 11 :05 p.m . while emploJl8 were deaning up the food outlet shortly after clos-1ns.

According lo witnesses. both men earried pislols and de · manded money from a pizza parkJr eashier. After gathering up Ute loot. tbe bandits a~ ly Oed OD foot. police aaid.

One ol u.e suspect.a wore a nylon stodciDc over bis head wh ile the ot.hoer held a wtait.e hnndkerd»el in lron.t ol b.i..s Catt to conceal his idenlitr. police s aid

Fire Station ABadlWk

JACKSONVILLE BEACH, Fla. (AP> - The see mincty best fir e ­proteded buildiJl& in t.bis city can 't get fire in · s urance.

City Manaeer Warne Bowen won't al'gue with an tnsurance compaay wbkh canceled covera_ge on tht J acksonville ~ach Fh'c Statton becau.se of termite infestation a.nd in· adequate electrical wlrtoi.

•'T h e bulldfnc ls . just otm ap w\ttl termites;• Bo~,.. said. " We ba..-e a definite need for 1 oew 6.re •tation."


Deuptte, ol 16761 Vie wpoint Drive, and Marlow , of7592 Volga Drive, both in Huntington .Beach, were rescued Tues day just m inutes before they would have died.

They were rescued about 4 p .m . by Fire Depart me nt Capt. Gene Saunders. who inch~d his way down a 30-inch diameter concrete pipe with a r op e lifeline knoUed around his aokle .

Because the arrest operation is continuing, not all the names o( those taken into custody so far have been released.

One suspect was identified by police as Abelardo Jimene'l, re· ported owner o( El Castillo Bar in downtown Santa Ana. Bail on J imenez was set at $200,000.


MatciIJ\fucer. 'I t

,,.- ..z= ~ -

Campaign BegnO FRESNO CAP > - Gover nor

Brown has begun a campaign for fede ral support to break up large landholdings in the Wesllands Wate r District and proposed a concerted, j oint effort lo enfor ce federal reclamation law in the 600,000·acre d is tr ict west or here.

l I

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Tlwrsday. April 7, 1977 CAIL Y PILOT A3

()range County Losing Citru~_ Identity By KATHY CLANCY

OI • ... 0 .. 11, ~ .... ,, ...

Orange County farmers once grew more than 80,()()() a cres a yea r of the citrus fruit that gave the county its name.

But by last year the orange grove area had dwmdled to only nbout 7.000 acres.

And while agricultural produc­t ion once covered more than one third of the county 's 780 square miles of land, it was scattered across onJy 43,381 acres or 68 s qu a re miles last year.

Wednesday county s upervisors b egan discussing ways to keep at least some of the r emaining farmland from being swallowed up by what has become t.he coun-

ty' s chief growth crop - booses and urban development.

A 14-member agricultural pre­servation committee at work the past two years presented the board with three alternate methods of keeplng at least some farm acreage over the next 20 years.

The proposals vary in price from $7.8 million to $146 million and call for preserving from zero to as much as 10,000 acres of Ulla· blesoil.

Supervisors agreed to s tudy . fhe proposals ove r the next few weeks andseta9:30 a .m . April 27 hearing on the committee pro· posals.

They also said it is likely the

A~WlropM ..

SMALLEST MARINE JERRY PLEBAN AT ATTENTION More Obstacles Than the Average Boot Trainee

Standing Tall ·· 4-9 Marine Makes the Gratk

S 1\ N I >IE< ;o 1AI' 1 .frrry J PIPhan ' -. four rnol 111111' frJml• d Ot''>ll t fit tlw -.11·n·11I \fl'' of th<• l l ~ ~1.1ri11" an1I ''"''' fJ1l' t•1 m1·1·t tho · l 11 1 JI ' fl\'\: root 1111n1mu1n h1·1~ht rcqu1rc•mc·nt

Hut a Mar1111• he· 1'. thank:-. to ;1 t•11mmanclant·., w,11\1•r ;1llowmg lht• 115 pounder In l'nh .'\ l Of f1 c 111b .II th 1' ~ar1nt• f'o r ps lh'<·n11t lh•pol twl11•\ 1• ht• "' the· i:;m,1111•'1 rn.11111111!1· corp<; .

J'l1•lw11 20. nf ( 'lt•vc•land . rt· r <'11t h 11ro m111«•d 111 t h1· r Jrtk of l\rl \ ,1l1• f11 ' I c I." h .11! I II OVt' r c·orn1· nWI" 11h.., l;oc•l1·' than th t·

Billy Cancer Race Nixed

'J 1\ Pl.ES. Fla I A I' I Tht• local r hartrr of th1' ,\OH'rt(';tn (':.inn•r Sor1t•lv :-.aul 1t do1•.,n 't "';11\l th1· $100,000 that <1 prnmotc•r s ;u cl woulcl h{• r :wll'•l in J

r;1n• frat urini;: th<' l'n•" d <· n t ':-. 1'11 ;11 n ' rn o \.. t n ~ hrolh1•r Il1lly

D L Stont•hur1wr ,1

loC'.11 hus1m·:-.smun, 'jld ht• p a11l SI0,000 lo hav<.' Billy Cart rr attend a s wamp buggy ran• for the• ran1·er sor1Ny during Carter 's v1:-. -1t hr re Aprt l 21 23.

" fit'Caui.e of the pol iti<'al nv l• rton cs of Carter 's srhcdull'<l ap~aranrc. it was fell best to withdraw ca n<'cr !-.oc1et y recogni · tton ." said David Shanord , pres1clrnt of the Collier Cou nty chapter .

average 1...<'atherneck clurin~ his 12 weclu. of boot camp here.

On a field cx~rc ase al Camp Pendleton, othe r Man nes were as k(•d to leap over a wall.

.. , had to put my rifle on the wall , st ep in a hole on the wall and then crawl over ." Pleban re­called

Wh1k jogging . Pleban had lo take• almost two steps for every one by other members or his pla· loon

Tailors faced a t a'k when han ded hi s dress g r eens for a ltc•rat1om; · a ~tandard Man ne ,,, ercoal r ame to his ankles, ,:ind .,h1rt ptwkt•ts wl•re ut his bell Ir' t•I

The· s hnR strap on ha!\ rifle had to h<' rlrasllcally shortened .

Still . his rifle quahricat1on test 1•Jrnl'd ham an expert class1hca· tion, and he wa!\ a high finisher an physical fatness tests. depot of f1dals said.

" ft waR a C'hallengc," said Pleban. who received !-.kept1C'al looks when he arnved a t the de pot an December .

" But I didn 't qui t ." Pleban ' .itd. " I didn't want anybody to s<1y I got special fa vors because 1 wac; s mall "

Observers said he made the grade without help .

" All in all. PFC Pleban was one of the best rccruiLc; in my pla· loon, " said the platoon drill in­s tructor.

" He just stayed in there," re· m e mbered PFC Michae l A. Wright. 18, of Hartford, Ill. " He was an ins piration to the whole platoon."

Pleban is on leave before begi nning training at Camp Pendleton 's sc hool of ad ­manls tralive per1rnnoel.

farmtni lsaue will be referred to county ~tanning comml&sloner:; fol' debate·before final acLloo is taken.

"( really lbinlt we are in a period of tJme now where we abould make a decision. " Supervisor Ralph Diedrich saJd.

"In a aense I suppose we should have made the decision earlier." he continued, "but just because lt wasn't made earlier doesn't mean we should not look at it today."

FarmlanCJ preservation cannot be viewed alone, Diedrich said, ~ddlng supervisors also will have lo look into vter s upplies for ir­rigation anoways to keep farm­ing compatible with s urrounding

Kidnap Special Concern

SAN BERNARDINO <AP) Police are worried that one of two small girls believed kid· naped after their mother was stabbed to death Jasl week ·may urgently need m edi calion for cys tic fibrosis.

urban communitie~ And board Chairman Tom

Riley said the committee's re­port might be refined and sup­plemented with other preserva­tion alternatives.

The county panel, which in· eluded county officials and repr es entat ives from agricultural and bus iness in· t e re s ts, co nclud e d that aericulluraJ will all but disap­pear ln the 1990's unless pre­servation steps are taken soon.

The committe e's Cir s t a lternative would encourage pre­s erv alion of agriculture b y monitoring development and of­fering property tax cuts to farmers .

T h at alternative would cost $7 .8 million in the loss of property t ax revenue, the committee's re· port said, and would postpone but reC'ognize the eventua l demise of farming.

The second alternative calls for the uurchas~ of develnomenl rights on up lo 10,000 acres of farmland and recommended the bulk of the purch ase com e through a bond issue.

The report. noted, for example, a $125 million bond proposal, if approved by voters, would tack 13.4 cents per $100 or assessed va luation onto the property tax · bills over the next 25 years.

That amount could be cut.

l.. AP Wl-.Pl\olO\

P olice investigators said the children, Brandi Summers, 5, and Tiffany Wise, 2, d isappeared last Thursday about wben their mother , Beve rly Wise, 26, was s tabbed to death in her home.

The Summers girl s uffers from cystic fibros is and requires re­gula r medication, police detec-

TWO MISSING GIRLS BELIEVED KIONAPEO Brandl Summers (left), 5; Ttffany Wlae, 2

ti ve David Franz said Wednes­day .

"She was in the habit or ta.king her own medication," Fra nz said . "She knew when to take it and that if s he didn 't s he would g et very sick."

Franz said he hoped a doctor :;omewherc in th e stal e soon would report being contacted for medication in such a case .

License RequiTed For Working ·Nude

..... ..-

" Ri~ht now our mood is op­timi s tic," Franz said . .. I ' m drawing on the fact that the girls weren't killed in the home and that whoeve r took them has some d ementof kindness and is carin~ for them."

The mother 's body was found s lumped an a living room chair by her hus band. Air Force Sgt. Claude Wise. when he returned home from his work at Nor1oon Air Force Bast. '

Police at first be lie ved the gi rls ' disappearance s t emmed

Employes o f nude dance, modeling and "rap session" studios in unincorporated areas of Orange County wlll have to ob· tain licenses from the County Sheriff's Department, the board of s upervisors has decided .

At the request of Supervisor Ph il Anthony the board ruled that a n('w county ordin ance n·­quiring the licensin~ will take cf. feet immediately.

The new ordinance a lso re­quires such firms to post signs in Englis h and Spanis h saying , .. Patrons a re prohibited from dis robing on the premises ." Crom a child custody dispute and

questioned Mrs Wise's ex ­hu s band . Roy Summ ers of·- ... Li ve rm o r e, in Nort h ern Californi a Investiga to rs have decided Summers was not in· volved and they art.• ha rried , Franz said .

Anthony hact called for the or·

dinance in February a fte r some Midw ay City r eside nts com­plained about two firms operat­ing in their area.

County officials explained the license will r equire a crimina l re­cords check by the Orange Coun­ty Sheriff 's Department befon· being granted.

At the tam e, Midway City Chamber of Com merce Presi­dent Del Catron complained that nude mode linit and dance firms wC're moving mlo unincorporated a reas because some c ities had adopted stronger controls .

Only licensed employes will be permitted to work in the nude.

however , if dollars could b(' generated through revenue s hnr mg, ~rnnts, fees assessed to d\'· velopers or lease or farmland. •

The third proposal would caU for the public to purch ase larar and s mall plots of farmland near freeways and other visible locit­tions. .,

The cost or tha t a lternative wus estim ated at $74 million, and lhl· committee concluded it too likely would h ave to depend upon passage or a bond issue .

Copies of the committee's rf' port may be obtained through supervisors' offices or from the county Environmt.•ntal Manage­ment Agency.

Countian Perishes In Crash

TUCSON, Am <AP) - Pima Cou nt y S h e ri rr •s deputi c:-. planned today to return lo lf\l' s ate where a Li ght plane cr ashro to continue an investigation 111t11 the death or James 0. Smith of Anaheim, Calif.

The wreckage. hum an remilin:-. and Smath·s identification cardi­werc found Wednesd ay at the re­mote site by a backpacker, sajd Lt. Norman Ranger . Ranger said Michael Lillyquist or Plaltevallc. Wis .. s tumbled on the wreckutw and found the identification und hum an hand. Smith was las t ~cen Feb. 3 when he took off from Phoenix.

Officers who fl ew lo the scene late r reported human remains were sN1ttercd over a wide are;.i but cut s hort their investigation because -0rdarkness and to await Federal (\viat1on Administration offi£.ials. •

R ange r sai d th e hik~r found the r emains Wcdnesduy mornin~ abou t 40 mil c :-. no rthwest of Tuc~on and it too\.. him about four hours to hike into the s heriff's s ub s tation ,n Marana. 23 miles from the c ra$h scene. •

The plane, said ran~cr. was thl· same color and carried the saOl{' numbers as t he one Smith, 3;1, w as flyin~ when he vanished more than two months ago.

Th e plane wa s owned by Smith·s cmploycr, E lbert Long. -A Civil Air P atrol Search afte\o Smith left Pho«nix following a flight from Full<'rton fa iled th locate t~ wreckage.

" We've ~ot a tas k force work­ing on it but so far we've turned up nothing tangible," he said. noting that Summers' s t atement that he was e lsewhere al the time or the crime checked out.

A man with s hort r eddash­brown h air. " which would be consistent with military person­nel," a nd wea r i n g a blue vertical-s tripe s h irt a nd dark s lacks was seen escorting the youn~er child to :a gold Camuro the day Mrs. Wise died , f "ranz !>aid.


Draft Women Idea Mulled

WA S HING TON (AP) Women have proven to be s uch a n assel lo tbe Army that "serious consideration" should he ((iven to drarting them if Congress restores conscription. the Anny chief of starf says.

But, Gen. Bernard W. Rogers added in the interview today in the Washington Post, th at he and senior commanders do not want to give up the all-volunteer Army and return lo the dra(t.

Rogers, the Army's top man in uniform, said he has been im· pressed by the quality of the women entering the service and said the Army is conducting its first fjeld t~l l.o determine how many more women it could effec­tively use.

SAVE 15o/o Severa.l Styles To Choose From


OC Seeks $4.8 Million Queen and dual size · • These ere very comfortable sofa bt'ds

for sitting and !leeping.

Furuh to Aid LOw-coat Homing ProjeclJI A $4.8 million federal spending

program to help provide lt>wer­cos t housing and restore dedin-1ng neighborhoods won the 4lP· prov a l of Orange County superVlsors Wednesday.

The applicalion for federal Hou si n g n nd Commuo\ty Development funds covers J*O­jects for county government an<1 13 citle5'ln UH! county.

Supervisors earlier this year held publi c hear ings on lh€' spending parknge.

fo'lve cities along the Orange Coast wUJ share 1610,000 ln tho ptoaram while county projects account ror another $2.2 m!lUon.

The county aubmlt.s a con,. solldated appUcation for county projects and those of 13 smaller dtiea ln the county while larger cities receive their all~aUons direcUy.

Of the total, $2.49 "'ntion wm go for public works projects and another $780,000 for home im­provement loans . ·

Projects for cities along the Oran~e Coast include $120,000 to buy tand for a Laguna Beach senior ciUtrns boualng project. $190,000 to build now streets in Founaln Valley's ColonJa Juarei community and $.1.5,000 for im· provemcnl plans 1n San Juan

Capiatrano'e ta Rios barrio. Another $1.50,000 would be used

for property acquisition or public works projects to reduce home . costs in Irvine and $25,000 for Irvine senior citizen or student hous ing.

In addition, the City of Seal Beach would receive $88,000 for alley improvements and $2,000 for n housing information pro­iram.

County government's share of the appllcatlon also includes $120,000 to buy land in Capistrano Buch !or 40 to 50 low-coat homes.


Optll Mon,. lhuo. & Fri. hat.

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. : .last

"\~ ' I -.. ; . "\~~. with .... T .. ~,· "; om

· arp hlae , .

BLACK GOLD DEPT. - You might think it would be impossi· ble to lake a plunge into the Pacific Ocean and coma up dry. Don't bet on it.

Two oil companies, Gulf and Shell, took a $175 million dive off our coast recently and apparent· ty ca,ne up with goose eggs. No oil.

All of this developed some 75 roiles off our coastline at a loca· tion known as Tanner Banks. Tb.is locale is far enough out to sea that you wouldn't witness any of the drilling activity unless you are a boating person .

Both comparues were hopeful that at Tanner p anks, they would be pioneering a vast new un· dersea oil fi cld..6nd the millions or dollars starn!a rolling out in the gamble.

Thul'Mlay, Apnl 7, 1077

. Satellite To P r obe Heavens

WASHINGTON (AP) - A s ophisticated new scientific satellite will be launcJted next month to study some of the most mysterious objects in the un· iverse - pulsars, quasars, ex· ploding stars and black boles in space.

All are sources of high.energy protons, or e lectrom agnetic waves, such as X·rays, gamma rays and gaJactic cos mic rays .

THE SPACE AGENCY had hoped to launch the satellite April 15. but officials said today that the shot has been postponed until at least May 1 because of a defective guidance gyroscope in the payload.

The information gathered by the satellite could lead to a better understanding of how high energies are generated in space, how basic elements are formed and how the uni verse was created.

Warmt h For e cast

Flood Victims Begin Ret11rn

By'l'beA.llOClated Preas Thousands of Appalachia flood refugees beaan returning to their

water·ravaged homes as governmenL agencies prepared to feed and assist them.

President Carter declared parts of soutbeastem Kentucky a dlR· aster area Wednesday after a White House official Loured the stricken counties.

OFf1CIALS IN Wes t Virginia, Mingo County, in the southwest Virginia and Tennessee also part of the state, the worst hit. were seeking federal disaster "AN ENTIRE community was declarations to make flood vie- washed away," he said of the tims eligible for government as· Mingo County town of Matewan, sistance. where only 25 serviceable houses

The U.S. Geological Survey remained. " I am determined lo said that although some rivers see Matewan resurrected .'' were still to crest today, waters About 11 tons of federal rood have begun receding across the commodities, including 6,500 region. T he agency said the pounds or canned beef, were sent flooding was the worst some of by truck Wednesday to flood· the areas could expect in 100 r avaged eastern Kentucky, state years. Agriculture Commissioner

Warmer temperatures a1so ThomasHarris said. were to provide a respite from "The U .S. Department of the cold and snow that followed Agriculture just made it availa-Monday's downpour and resul· ble to us. tant flooding, blamed for at least ''We've got it going now. It's 14 deaths. just a matter of coordinating,

T U E NATIONAL GUARD knowing bow many we'll need to moved water purificatlon units to feed and for how long." GULF ALONE PAID $25

million in 1975 for the rights lo drill on federal tracts beneath the sea at Tanner Banks.

Then the company outfitted a self.propelled floating oil rig nam e d Al e utian Key and s teamed off to find the Black Gold. By the time the floating rig had started drilling the sea bottom while moored in 680 feet of water, GuU had spent a report· 'cd $71.4 million .

From a practical standpoint, the National Aeronatucs and Space Administration <NASA) s aid it does not know where the data might Jead. But it noted that scientists have studied other forms or electromagnetic radia· tion in space, such as ultraviolet and infrared, and have transformed the data into elec· trical applications, holography, radar, infrared photography and radio and television .

The appeal of the crippled widow of the only U.S. soldier shot for desertion in more than a century may end in a personal decision by President Carter, one of her backers says. Antoinette Slovik, 62, lives on welfare in a Detroit nursing home. She is asking for benefits pro· vided by a $68,000 life insurance policy taken by her late husband, Pvt. Eddie Slovik. She met with Pentagon of· ficials Wednesday after sitting in her wheelchair in the rain in front of the White House.

the Virginia communities of Gate HE Au;o SAID arr angements City, Pennington Gap and St. were made for air drops or large Charles. Other communities re- plastlc containers or fresh water ported that water for cooking and in lo communities isolated by the drinking was scarce. flooding.

The number left homeless in Martial law was declared in the state was estimated at Harlan County to keep away between 1,000 and 2.000. "gawkers" and guard against

West Virginia Gov. John D. looting. Sheriff Billy G. Williams Rockefe ller IV estimated complained that ••streets are damages at $S0 milllon with crowded with people who don't

belong here." ' All this rather expensive effort .began last November . By Jan. 2 :Of this year. Shell had joined the ':Tanner Banks wildcat plunge. Lebanon City Falls ~. Then on Jan . 18, Gulf an · ilounced it had eompleted its first .'well to a depth of 9 ,000 feel and ;plugged the hole with concrete.

NASA ANNOUNCE D today th at the 7.000·pound satellite will be launched from Cape Ca naveral , Fla .. and will be named HEAO·l. for High Energy Astronomy Observatory . The second and third payloads in the series will be launched in 1978 and 1979.

Offensive Raises Fear of Israeli Action

Stop Waste Stop Waste

: Now that doesn't mean Gulf :railed to strike oil. Plugging the )lole would be normal procedure ;with an exploratory well , regard· ~ess of the find . The company :would then drill several other ex· j>erimenlal holes in the same vicinity.

THE IDEA IS that if you s trike <Oil with the first drilling, then the company punches dow n some more holes to determ ine the sizC' of the undersea oi l pool.

But, just finding oil out there i sn't enough.

Gu lf 's a r ea exploration 'manager, H.F. llazcl. explained 'that to be economically feasible. ·,YOU must hit a n undersea oil pool .that will produce about 1,000 bar · .re ls oC crude per dny from each well

Abruptly th is week. both Gulf ;ind Shell offtc 1.1ls announced they are pulling up ~takes al Tan· dl<'r Banks /\ r.111( spokesman :was nuult«I :is !> ayin~ lhC' loc-;itHm is ·· a h1ll<•r disappointmrnt

A Shdl offi cial. how1• vf' r .... ud. ''W1· 111)1\


! W<lllt to ~I V I' th<' 1m prr:-<.11m tb;1t w1" n • thro""mg m Hw tow1•l al Tannrr BJnks '

TOWEL OR NOT, hoth com r> :11111•s an· mov1n~ on with their n it n~s whil1• Exxon anll Tc x;Jt'o ~till plan lo s ink ll•s l wtolh in the ,-ann1·r Hunks vwin1t y • r>oPs ;ell th1 -; m1-.1n Tanrwr 1i :111ks 1' v0td or Bl.ir k <;ol<I " l\'tJYhl· Hut m a\-hr· not. ton

• l>r c:ordon G;1s till , <• San Pie go St <ill' i.:1·ntoi.:y prof, -; ays ~hat purwhini;: down a tt•-; t wt•ll pnd then !\!'t·rn~ hk1· you 1ust lo ... t y<1ur shi rt " ;111 old otl comptiny ruse . Soml'llOlt.'" tt's done to fak l' out thr com11d1t.111n. ; Remember this about mlm1•n They ure reputt'd to have a cnl Orful vocabulury l hal can turn tht• air blue at times .

Rut they don't know wh:ll th1· tyord " quit" means.

Much of the information these satellites seek cannot be col ­lected by earth observatories because· of the hindrance of e arth's thick atmosphere. Orbit· ing at nearly 250 miles, the HEAOs will be above the al· mosphere.

Earlier. less sophisticated sate lli tes have identified more th;.in 200 high energy sources in space, and the HEAO series 1s expected to locate thousa nd s more because the payloads will sca n a vast area of the uni versC'

The previous information ha:­helped form a modern view of a cont1nuously evolving uruverse

BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP> -Palestinian guerrillas captured a vital Christian stronghold in southeast Lebanon today jn a major offensive that raised fears or Israeli intervention.

Israeli warplanes were report­ed to have crossed the border on ; low.a ltitude reconnaissance flights as guerrillas victoriously announced the initial gains of their new offensive, s taged with tacit Syrian support.

Prose c utor Murdered KARLSRUHE. West Germany

<A P > - An unidentified gunman firing from a motorcycle as· sassinated Wes t Germany 's lead· ing prosecutor of urban terrorists today as his car pulled away from a traffic light in downtown Karlsruhe, police said.

ACT Seeks Ban On TV Candy Ads

WASIUNCTON ( J\ P> - Young children are the unfai r victim!i of telev1s1on commercials that make between ·mcul cand y snacks look ~!amorous, when in fact they can cause obesity and bad teeth. a Boston· based organization says .

The group accused four candy companies, including the makers of " Ltfe Savers" and "Snickers Bars ," of unfair and deceptive iidvertlsing practices and asked lhc Federal Trade Comm1ss1on to slop th e commercia l messages.

•·THE OOLO MAY believe the c·ntire commC'rcial message, par rot its words and remember the nume of the product without ap­prt>clatlng the motive of the nd­vntiscr.' ' the organization, /\c· tlon For Children 's Television (ACT >. said in an action filed Wt·clnesday.

" Neither will the child r e· coj(nu;e the health problems re· l3 ted to the consumption of these

products.' ' ACT in the past has won

!i horle r aclvcrt1scmcnts o n te levision shows designed for children and a ban on on ·camera commercial pitches hy hosts of the programs.

ITS LATEST COMPLAINT was filed against the Nestle Com­pany, for advertising its " 100,000 Bar;" the Fox-Cross Candy Com· pany . for advertising "Ch arleston Chews;" the Squibb Corp . . fqr <J dverlis in g " Life Savers;" and Mars Inc . . for ad· vertising the " Snickers Bar," "Starburst Fruit Chews" and the .. Marathon Candy Bar."

Southern States Cold Freeze Warnings Issued in Emt

Teneperatures · HIOll t.ew

•• 1\ I? 'IQ ,.


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( I NSHORT ) The Baden· Wuerttemberg ln·

terior Mini s try said Federal Prosecutor Siegfried Bu back, 57. and his driver died instantly and his bodyguard was critically wounded. BW Strengthened

WASHINGTON (AP ) - The House of Representa tives is tak· ing President Carter's human r ights stand so serious iy that it inserted stronger human rights language than Carter wanted in an international aid bill. It then approved the bill 194· 156 .

Rejecting a written appeal from the President a gainst tak ·

ing "an overly rigid approach," the House adopted an amend­ment Wednesday that requires Americans on the World Bank and other International lending organizations to vote against loans for countries that violate human rights. Gandlaf Probe S e t

NEW DELHI, India <AP>-In· dian's new government said to­day it will launch a broad in· ves tigation into the "excesses, malpractices and misdeeds" of for mer Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's emergency rule.

Home Ministe r Charan Singh indicated to Pac.liament that Mrs. Gandhi 's controversial son Sanjay would be among those in· vestigated by a special com­mission of inquiry.

We'll tell you

WASHINGTON CAP >Sen. Thom as J. Mcintyre - <D· N.H. ), vice chairman or a f ederal commission to eliminate wasteful paperwork, acknowledged his "profound embarass· ment" at learning th at a com puter mixup caused the mailing or duplicate copies of his newsletter.

M clntyre said th at "even worse. the problem was caused by a computer program whi ch wa s in· tended to prevent dupll ca· lion of addresses."

He said he will "do ev· erything in my power tu make sure it doesn 'L hap· pen again."

whereto go Wherhcr it's a tip on a fine restauranr, a clue ro lead you to a painting vou've waited a lifetime ro sec or a mini-review of a movie or play,

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Singer Target of Gays Anti-BrymU Campaign Profitable Bwine11

SAN f 'RANCJSCO CAP) - When San .Francisco's la rge a nd, activist ho mosexual community opened 1t• annual gay softball league aeuon this sjring, the ceremonial pitcher stood up to tos~out the traditional first ball. He threw a n oranie instead.

After the ga m e, ~vcral thousand thirsty spectators poured int4 the c ity's esllm ted 100 gay bars and , m ore <>ften than not, were greetf:!d by s igns saying, " We f>erve only California ofange juice."

ll's all aimed at~inger Anita Bryant, wh• does television comme rl'/als for Florida ora nge J UICf and Is s pea rhead ing a ca,,pai~n to r e pe a l a Miami or -d inance prohibit ing jo b H Y414T

discrimination agailst ho mosexuals . FOR A CITY 9f 665,000 r esidents with a n

estimated 100,000 h•mosexuals, m any or them politicaJJy active, Nass Bryant has become not only a rally ing point but a lso big business.

Whlte and ~old t ee shirts with anti-Bryant slogans-such as "Squeeze a fruit for Anita" - sell for $6.95 eac h. Marty Thomas on. m anager of The Town Square, s aid he s ells m ore than 70 s hirts a w eek, calling i t " fan-tas tic ."

The Ta vern Guild , a consortium that in­clud es most of the city 's g ay bars, has adopted a n offi cial policy of se r ving only California or a nge juice when possible.

A BUSY RECO RD s tore on gay-ori ented P olk Street rill l'd Its front windows with ga y m aga zines mlerspersed with old Anit a Bryant r ecords.

" We even :.<'II a rcw old Anita Ury <.1 nt r e-

cords that ha ve 1athered dust for years," said a clerk . " I imagine they are buyint facetiously."

Miss Bryant's group collected enough s ignatures on peUtions to force a counlywide r e f e r e ndum o n the ordinance. lt w as s cheduled for June 7 but a judge Issued an in­junction March 31 prohibiting any county ac· Uon pending a hearing scheduled Friday.

GAY LEADERS HERE, who saw the June 7 e lection as perhaps a crucial turning point in the gay right& movement, were gear­ing up support for Florida groups opposing Miss Bryant.

" This is critically important to the gay m ove ment, " s ald Hank Wilson of the Gay Commwtity Center . ''If gay people win, It will push us ahead tremendously.''

Wil son s aid Miss Bryant •s anli ­homosexual campaign has led lo the eay com ­munity organizing a boycott or Florida citrus products.

.. IT WILL CONTINUE, either until the In· dustry terminates he r e mployment or she stops doing what s he's doing , talking hate," he added.

Miss Brya nt, 37, a nd the molhP.r of four children, began he r petition drive after the Dade County Commission r efused to rescind the ordinance . Her husband and manager, Bob Green, also joined the effort .

A devout Southern Baptist, she told the commission she feared the ordinance would encourage homosexuals to recruit youngsters to their ranks. " Hom osex ua ls cann ot r eproduce, so the y must r ecruit," she said.

Miami gay leaders s aid they had no Inten­tion or r ecruiting anyone , wanting the or· dinance only lo forma lize their rights to open housing and employm ent.



SaidFound At Eateries

Designed for entertainment LOS ANGELES <AP)

- Six Long Beach-based r e s t a urants have bee n na'med in a civil s uit ac ­c usi ng the m of health s t andard violations in ­c I u d in g h uvi n g l ive cockroaches a nd rode nts in the kitchen a r eas .

Th e r es t a ur a nt s, .. .... .. o pe r ated by S pecialty R e s t aur ants Co rp . o f Lo ng Beac h, inc lud ed . -..... th e Ca s ta w ay

"'" wt,..P""'0 Rest aur ants in Burbank Colao•t a nd Pomona, the Proud Sandy Hill, former Bird near Los ~ngeles b eauty q ueen an d lnte rn ataon a~ A1~po.rt , t c ) c v i s i 0 n ' the Ody.,sey in M1ss1on n ewswom· 0 r 7 1 .. , ~fills ar:id Pieces of E ight

a or • 10 Ma n na dcl Rey. They year:, , v. 111 be t h e w e r e a bo acc us ed o r n <' w. c o h o ~ t o n f a 1 I u r e t o k e ·e p A BC s ··Good Morn p e r is hables a t p ro per m g Ame ric a " c ffct - tem peratures . tiv r• J\pra l 2~ M 1-.s The :. 1xlh f a c ili ty Hill , 30, b currc-nth na m ed v. as the Port s O ' :1 r e port t•r fo r KA BC Cu 11 r cst<t urant tn Sa n TV Los J\ng ·IC''> . P~dro •. cited for m inor

' v 1olat1<>ns s u c h as a fjal Url' lo s u p p l y

Appointed Capitol New,. S.-rvlce­SA C R A M f: NT O

Gov . 1-:d mund G Rrow n ha s appointPd lia r vey l' urJ?atch or S<lfl DH·i.to to th e C ali fornia llor:. t• Racing Boo rd

e m plo y e w as h a r eas walh soap and towe ls .

Depu ty Dis t. Att y . .Judi t h Gelfand sa id a pr C' limanary in junc tion v. 111 Ul' sought l o p re vent the s erving or food In the f1 Vl' rr:-t.1urant c; unt i l the y <'ompl y with r egul a l10n :-

Gift Probed Assemblyman 011 Spot?

SAN FRA NCISCO I A J> 1 All \" Gen. Evelle J . Younger s ays h(· will look 1nt11 thr leRnht y of As­sem blym an W1ll11• llrnwn Jr . ., f,11lur e to report a $2,500 tc ll•v1s1on ~l'l ~IVf'n lo him h) the owner of a c hum of nude enrounlt•r purlor~

The ln Vl'S ll g11t1on o f t he Sa n F r a nci sco Oem oc·r al will!)(' a am cd a t finding nut " whether or not thC'r c's bcr n u v1olnl ion of anv laws relative lo re port.Log," Younger !-.:ud Wedne!>da y

THE SAN FllANC'JSCO Chronicle r eported Wednesday that the 1'V Net was pu rchased by Samuel J . Conti. own er oC several nude encounter bus inesses in the city .

The Chronicle s1tid the set was purchas ed last

Books, records. even the TV set. have a way of cluttering up a room. But we have a way to prevent it. Come in and choose from our selection of handsome, sturdy furn iture made expressly to hold these fun th ings. Then put your house rn order. You 'll en1oy 11 more. All furn iture 1s ready lo assemble. YOUR CHOICE ENTERTAINMENT FURNITURE

Reg. 19 .99

12.88 A. TELEVISION CART With walnut grain laminated wood shelves. Plated steel walnut trimmed legs. 2 1'2 ~ heavy duty. non mamnCJ swivel coasters 18 ~• • H x 14" o x 2rw Model J:UT402.

B. BOOKCASE Durable solid core construction. At1ractive walnut finish 93/e'" x 24 • x 2e• H. Model#27.

C. RECORD CABINET Walnut finish and solid core construction. 1s :lf•" x 24 r2" x 22" H. Model ~28.

Kl11 your lawnmower goodbye Healthy, grQw,nq d •<":hondn flat'! ready tor transpla111 r g t.'a,..os a beau• ful. dense 111 ... ~ E•Pl!C a / adaotable lo tandscap ,.~ nro1llc':> .n ' ' never r ePOs to t i' mov.eo 18" square f.a1s DICHONDRA FLAT:;, Reg 1 79


Fantaay flowers Peler Pan (Agapanthus) Is an evergreen that grows 8-1 2· 1all With blue f lower clumps on top of 12-1 s· stems. Blooms midsummer to early fall. Plant In sun or partial shade. In one gallon cans. PETER PAN, Reg. 1.69



Nature's holiday gift The unmistakably sweet fragrance of gardenias. The Iona-tasting rainbow hues of hibiscus. Enfoy it all now at your houso. It 's a lovely way to say "Spring is here." 1 gallon. YOUR CHOICE GARDEN SHRUBS, Reg. f .69



November and delive red lo Brown 's home , but that 1------------- -------"""----------r----------"----------------------t it was not reported o n the assem blym a n 's Stale· m ent of Econom ic lnterest.s fil ed with t he F air Political Practices Commission cov<'ring the period Dec. 3, 1975 to Dec . 6, 1976.

BROWN SAID TH E s el was n 't delivered until a fler Dec. 6 a nd therefore it would be listed on his next St ate me nt of Econom ic Interests The a s­s emblyman s aid he told Conti he would deduct the value of the TV set from lega l recs Conti owed him .


Executive Ofllcet: 781 2 Edinger Avo., Hunllngton Beech, CA 926<67 Soutflern C1//fornle Regional 0 1flces: 4 140 Long Besch Blvd., Long Beach. CA 90807 8955 Volley View St., Buena Parj(, CA 90620 G} 20715 S. Avalon Blvd., Caraon. CA 90746 • 1001 E. lmperl 11I Hwy , La H1br11 , CA 9063 1 • 1095 lrvlno Blvd., Tu1tln, CA 92680 .. ~~!o 23& N. Citrus Ave , Weal Covina, CA 91 793 w 101•

The tall & short Your choice. l ta ll 11n Cypress or Saagreen Junipers. Italian Cypress grows fest and forms a stately column ol blue oreen Seagreen Junipers spread out wide end stay low. forming a blue-green blanket. 5 gallon. YOUR CHOICE IT AL/AN CYPRESS OR SEAGRC£N JUNIPER, Rog. 5.99


Floating foliage Hang a garden of greenery for a natural accent Indoors or out. Choose a variety of plants. In­c lud ing piggybacks, creeping charllee. coleus and oll'lers. Ins· Pol• with wire hangers. YOUR CHOICE HANGING PLANTS, Reg. 3.99


Ward & Harrington Garden Grove Fullerton Coate Mesa Orange

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324 West Katella 532-2506

S•I• price1 good Thurtd1y through Sund•y. Cloaed Eaater Sund1y, Aprll 10.

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Opon Mon thru Fri. 9 to 9 Sat. & Sun. 9 to 6

Open Mon. thru Fri. 9 to 9 Set. & Sun. 9 to 6

Open 9 to 6 overy day



Costly 'Adjtistinent' Orange County supervisors this week hardly

drew a deep breath when they shifted budget ac­counts to cover an unbudgeted $4 .1 million worth of patient care ut UCI Medical Center.

The budgeting undersight occurred last year when county officials somehow convinced themselves that a teaching affiliation agreement with UCI Medical School was plunging county taxpayers into deeper shades of red mk at what was then the Orange County Medical Center.

In their negotiations with UCl for sale of th'• lnedical center, the budget officials and supervisors bad argued that at le ast half that red ink.would disap­pear if UCl bought the medical center and took over its operations. · •

So they budgeted accordingly and estimated the medical center's cost to the taxpayers for 1976-77 at an unrealistic $.S miJlion. Now they' re told the t ab this year will be $9.1 million . There's no claim that UCI is at fault . The fa ult admittedly is poor budgeting.

Hence the hastily and quietly approved budget adjustment or $4. l million- which represents about five cents on the county tax rate. That m eans last year 's s lash in the county tax r ate was~'t all that 1t was cracked up to be.

Or. to put it another way, it will be taxpayers who eventually pay for the $4.1 millio miscalcula­tion.

Robin Hood Tax Plan

1ndeed. most local officials already ha ve checked it oH as :l tax shlft, rather than a tax relorm.

Unlike payroll or "commuter" taxes which hcncfit the area or employment (usually a large cityJ rather than of residence (usually a suburb). the pro­posed tax would be imposed only on residents .

The idea would be to permit cities and counties to levy an income lax proportionate to each resident's state income tt•X obtigation- 5 percent for counties and a n additional 10 percent for cities.

The tax would be collected by the s tate and dis­tributed to cities for property tax r elief on the basis or their populoation, rather than the a mount of tax con­tributed.

And the property t ax re lief would be based on in­come, rather than the value of property owned. Families earning more than $40,000 would receive no property tax benefit and st ate income taxes would be increased for families e¥ning more than $37,oo<f· a year.

In short, it's another Robin Hood plan under which higher income areas would help ease the pro· perty tax burden for lower income areas, while re­ceiving little or nothing in return.

There would be a benefit for older property owners living on modest fixed incomes. But the t ax burden would s teadily increase for younger workers as they moved up the pay scale.

And one key to any true t ax r eform, reduction of s tate-mandated local government spending, seems to have been overlooked.

The local income tax measure proposed by As­semblyman Willie Brown ( D-San Francisco), sup­posedJy as part of the state's effort to reduce property taxes has little to attract Orange County support.

ln fact , s ince only 75 percent of the money collect­C'd would be used for property tax relief, the re­mainder being allocated to "any general governmen­ta l purpose," the end result could be even higher gov· crnmentspending.

This plan is not the answer. ~ ~ybt ltAn wi 11 se1\ us som~ f Arts ~A<k.11

Hanging Around Congress Can Pay Dividends WASHI NGTON - Nebraska's

Senator Edward Zorinsky has gotten considerable attention and praise for telling a reporter th at he has better things to do with his time than si lting a round the world's most exclusive men's club .

Mr. 7.orin!lky's compl aints about his colleagues aren't nov­el - egocentricity, pettiness and a disinclina-tion to do the public's busi ­n ess - but th ey seem more irritat­ing I y tru e after the con­gressional p erform a n('(' o f the l ast thrt-emont hs .

The legislative passion and concern has been concentrated in descending order of importance on 1) salary raises. 21 fringe ben efits. 3> what limit s 1f any should be plat·cd on t.'l!Lra income tamed by moonlighting mem­bers who can't make it on $57.000 per year . anc1 4) the low est.et'm these paupers are held in by a citizenry which doesn ' t un ­d e r s tand the extent the 535 sen a tors and congresspersons

sacrifice themselves for lhe com­m onweal.

One reason sena tors don't get the appreciation they deserve 1s that 1t is so hard to find out what. beyond thei r salaries. 1s the ac­tual level of Mmpensation for their often dubious and dispensa ­ble services. Wl' a ll know about the recent 30 percent salary in­crease. and the private sw1m­m 1 n g poo l . and the free massages, but there are other acts of selflessness practiced by members of Congress many of us haven't heard.

FOR EXAMPLE. I didn't know unti l l read Robert Shrum's re­cent article 1n ·· ~ew Times" that t he kid s o f sc n .1 t ors und represent al1\·eo; can >:et their term papers written fo r them by the drones an I he LI brary or Congress.

Or who would have' guessed thJl carh of tht> members gets two free potted plant!! every month, free luggage, tax-free c1gg1es, free combs and brushes, and a subsidized bar bershop where the senat oria l self· sacrificers can get a rator-cut and a shampoo for three bucks and a shoe shine for two bits. You can 't even get u two-bit shoo

Russia Takes Grim View of Athletics

For the 1980 Summt>r Olym­pics the finest athletes ln thc­world Wlll converge on MO!>cow. They mightiti1 "well s tay home

H whnt's past is prologue. the Russians will man11Ke lo win hy hook or crook .

The world's earliest athlete-s - in Spurta and OU>c1cnt Romt: - literal l y 'tran for their lives."

In athle tic competition. b» c k where the Olympics began. th e winners won no big money - bu\. th ey we re other ­wise motlvat<'d :

The losers were put to death. Russia takes athletic competi ·

lion almost thnt seriously today. Look at the !ace o( Olga

t(orbu\. when she competes : in her face you can see the im­portance Russia puts on win­ning!

Chicago Tribune sportswriter Rick Talley has been dotng 1ome investigAtive r eporting on this subject. He confirms that



·Gus LelJ c-ovemmcnl control­lowu milk prices. That's whet free enterprise is all about. Rtmember?

G.J .

( PAUL HARV~Y) they don't play fair. He says th,·y are. rn ract . ''the mo~t ac­com phshl'd. bl11tant cheaters i n the history O( SP')rt "

F,xamples: nor is Osenenko hot-wired his dut-ltn.i: sword in the Montreal games of 1976.

R uss1a 's wat<'r polo team. out or the running ror medals. tned lo withdraw Crom further play, clai minJ! 11lncss. but suddenly recovered wht>tl threatened with banishment. from world com­peltt1on.

l\NO RUSSIA 'S wei~htliflers c::i me to Munich m 1972, bloated wiLh steroids.

When the W1>rld Acrobatic Champion~hips we r e held in Kiev in 1976. lht• Soviet hosts rigged the Judging, changed the rul es during the competition a nd manged lo <tward top team a nd lop individual prizes to Russian.4'.

The Americans - who h ave bested the best of the Russians in every competition outside Russia - not wanting to create an International bruhaha, bit their Ups and went home.

AMERICAN t eam manager Bob Carmichael s aid, "It's dlf· (1cult to descr ibe how brazen those p eo pl e are. how de ­termined lo c l3lm victory however \lnfairly ...

Tulley flgures that even NBC wlll rue the day it paid the Russians $8S mUlion for broad­cast rights to these nut l(ames, expecting that RuHla wlll aJso demand and get dozens or Sov· let edited "cultural hours" on that network l'howinl( the world the " unblemished b auty" or the Soviet Union.

[ )

Hill : wife. d aughter and his son-

OF MAN in-law. who works in Wright's VON ff F own office." T e ll us agai n.

_ _ Congressman Wright, how much you give up to come here a nd

s hine in a late ni g ht movie serve. anymore. .

Another thing senators give up ~ for Lhc public good upon assum- . ing oHice 1s paying for their own meals. The prices in the Senate dining room are so low that last year the food subsidy worked out to e ight grand per senalor or $800 .000. And these guys can ac· tu a lly froth at the mouth at giv­ing hot lunches to Chicano school kids .

Sh rum discovered a neato trick for J!Ctling around th e a nti­ncpollsm rule. Instead of you ~c r<HC'h my back. I'll scratc h yours. 11.'s you hire my wife and I'll hire ynur kid " /I. dau ghter of Reprrsental1 vc J nhn Dent or Pennsylvania went lo work in the office of Representative Richard lchord of Missouri. Another Dent daughter was hired by Connec­t1c u l Congress man Robert Giaimo, whose own daughter, in turn. was given a stafC position on Dent's House Elections Subcom­mittee... Newly elected House Majority Leader James Wright has had hi s clan 'all over Capitol

ANOTHER THJ~G you ar<' forced to give up if a lynch mob or \lolcr·s deprives you of your con­stitutional rights and makes you endure the pain of ~enatorship •~ your current lousy and expensive health insurance. Senators get free physicals. free lab service and free funerals. In the event they recover, they get a Oat -rate. subsidized bill for their private room at Walter Reed llosp1tal.

There is simply no end to the deprivations that go with being a member of Congress, Shrum tells us: "Secretari es report that they regularl y shop for con g ressmen 's groceries. c lea n their houses and lake thei r cars to be repaired . A House member recently djspatchcd a leg1s latavc assistant to bury his daughter's d ead cat.•• ·

Oh what these dedicated men. who incidentally get free car washes in the Cree parking s lots, will not forego to play swobby on the ship of state.

T hese tried and tribulated

sena tors with their free WATS lines for unlimited long-distance calling need every penny in pay a nd perks because many of them arc rich. a nd th e rich arc notorious for believing it is im ­moral to spend their own monc>. Erghleen sena turs a rc provablt· m1lhonaires. and while that pro­portion of feel thy rich to orcUnary folks is slightly higher than in the populatton 1n gene r a l, less opulent sen a to r s need not d espair.

THE WASIUNGTON Post re­ports that it is a job in wtuch one can WJJX fat not only in power but in wealth. The newspaper in­forms us that the sainted George McGovern e nte red the Senate ~S.000 in debt and IS y~ars later has a net worth oC $237.000. Not il­legal, not immoral. not unethical but not deserving of pity or pra ise for having gone without in order lo help his fellow man. McGovern may have he lped his fe llow man but he helped himself loo so that we owe him nothing. He's been paid off. Likewise a Hubert Humphrey who entered the Senate worth about 50 grand a nd is now worth 12 times as much.

Hang around Congress !or a

while and you ma y not get very rich but you11 be comfortable, especially with those pensions which pay 10, 20, JO a nd more thousand a year. Jf you're :isking why congresspeople ~hould get more than the ~oc1 al sccunly checks you'll have Lo li ve· on. t he ;.1ni.wer i s becau~c I hey'vc !>acrif1ced so m\lch.

H 's mildly disguslinR to see these ri ch people const antl y tussling over how much ncher they should allow themsel ves lo get . but what is amazing is that m the last three months they've mad e more noise about their sa laries than they have about the _ n ational budget. Every time you tu rn on the set they're in Ule

, mid.'lt ol anothor cont rovcrsy, be it over lltiing their secretanes as call girls or sneaking their Wl\'e:, on free vacations to Europe.

A disagreeable and d isillusion­ing lot. they'll nol get the support they think they will if Jimmy Carter doesn't heed Tip O'Nc1ll 's warnings and goes OVl'r Conj(rc•ss to the people. So, Sen. Zori nsky, you're m iRtakcn . Jt's not a waste of time. Sit where you are, snooze through a couple of terms and you 'll wake up Wfalthy and. as a s peci al added bo{lus , they'll tell yo" you're a hero.

Adnainist~ation Seeks Balanced Approach /

'Eurocomm.unism' COnfuses W ASlllNGTON - The Carter

adm i nis tration's uncertainty what to do about ever more powerful Communist parties in Western Europe r esulted in a l ast- minute signals switch In the White House twt> weeks ago, blocking a presidentiol s tate­ment that would have been in­terpreted as breaking previous hurd-line hostility to the Italian Communist party.

Eleventh-hour intervention by Zblgniew Brzezinski, President. C:a rte r ·s na · tional securi­ty adviser , bloc k ed Is­suance or the State Depart­m e nl s tate­ment March 18 at th e White House s wearing-in or Richard· K . Gardner as a mbassador to Italy. That saved embarrassment for Jlal y's ruling Christia n Democrats. But there s ince has been irritation In Rome over what the government there reels is overly solicitous treatment or the Communist and Italian left by Ambassador Gardner.

Both the aborted presidential statement and the new am­bassador's conduct renect the s trong reaction of Mr. Carter's non·career diplomatic appoint­ments to the Yord·Kissinger hurd line again s t mi s named " Eurocommunism" on grounds that. it smacked or lnterrerencc with Jla.lian politics. Sul State Department professionals dis· believe claimB of independence from Moscow bf the Eurocom­m unlst.s. who If they achieved power would de~troy the NATO altiance and challenge U.S. ln­nuencc in Western Europe. The recent events 1how the Pl'esidcot. hH not yet made his choice.

The new Carter appoJntccs in


the Slate Department. seeking to s how that the new President has new ideas about the U.S. not in­terfering with "Eurocom ­munism, .. pushed for 8uch a statement at. the Gardner swear· ing-in. "The new fellows over there are zealots on the old bugaboo of U.S. interference in foreign politics, .. one career or­ficial tDld us. "They can't forget Chile, and so they wanted the J President on record ...

OLD-UNE diplomats, fnclud­lnR top hands in lhe bureau oC European affairs, wanted a dif­ferent presidential s t a tement. spelling out this fundamenta l point: the Carter policy would not differ from Pres ident Ford's in basic opvosition to "Eurocom­munism" (even though it is far more liberal in handing out visas to European Communists).

The r esulting presidential draft was an amalgam ror both points o{ view. combining these contra.sling themes:

First ( satidylng the old tJmera), that. lhe U.S. prefers de­mocraUcally-eJected govern· rncnts that govern dcmocratical· ly without foreign ideological al­liances (moaning Moscow) and that the U.S. Is concerned about. the Italian Communist party up­holding democratic values as prom teed.

Second <satlaryln.r the Carter newcomers), that the U.S. will

Quotes "The press Is the best instru­

ment for enllghtenlng the mind or man. and Improving him as a ra· tlonaJ. moraJ and soclal beinic."

Thorno.a Je/feraon

.. never again intrude In Italy•s in· ternal political af•alrs Cas in past CIA contributions to the Cflris­tian Democrats) . ·Ma~ing the u sual obeisance to Mr. Carter's hum an rights the me, th e declaration promised continuing u .s. ercorts to develop closer friendship with Italy.

When word or this leaked ln Rome, Prime Minister Gluflo An· dreotti 's embattled Chris tian Democratic government was dis­tressed. The Italian government felt that. any statement ' which does not put the U.S. squarely against the Italian Communist party would immediately be in· terpreted by ltali an vote(' as a s witch away Crom Henry Kiss· inger's hard line. r a ising Com­munist prestige.

AT THE LAST minute, Dr. Brzezinski ordered the statement held up. Agreeing with him was Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. nt that time preoccupied by pre­Moscow preparations.

Thal relieved the Italian gov­ernment - but only momentari­ly . ltsoon found furthe r cause for concern when Gardner, a well­known liberal Democrat who has been professor or International Jaw at ColumbJa. arrived In Rome.

Within hours of presenting his credenUal11 to President Ciiovan· ni Leone. Gardner paJd a call on Pietro Inguo. a leadlng member o r the Communist party pre. ~idlum who ts pra.fdent d I.be chamber or deputies. Protocol required Gardner to can on In­grno, but Christion Democratic pollticlaM were u~et \bat he did so with such speed . The irovem· ment was al t10 ll1Jlrieve4' by Gardner·~ lnterview over tho soclallaL left's llalian tclcvialon &tat.Ions before he went on the government network.

NUANCES of pre8McnUal pro.

se and ambassndorial conduct are e xaggerated by the hand·lo­hand psychological warfare over rapidly advancing •· Eurocom· munism .. in Jtal y' s political trenches. Every syJlablc uttered and every action taken by the U.S. is now endowed with political s ignifiCaJ'¥!e, and what the U.S. has done so far - despite th e withdrawal of the Carter policy statement - is extremely unsettling to anti-Communis t parties of Italy.

The policy stateruent may yet be issued ln a less conspicuous place than the Oval Office of the White House. Indeed, disagree­m ent over whether or not to l!isue it is a measure or the new ad­minis tration's uncertainty. Or. Kissinger blas ted "Eurocom· munism" as afl unmitigated evil for tho West; the Carter a'1· mini s tration cannot decide whether to s t.ale its opposition In such blunt language.


DAILY PILOT Robt>rl N. Wtrd. Puhll!hrr

Th1m14s Kuuil. f;r111or Borbarn Krtrblrh.

£d1tonlll Page t:drtor

Tho edltnrial pace of the Dollv P ilot seeks tn inrorrn and 11t1mulate render• by preitentinR on th1t paire diverse commentary 00 topics 0( interKt by 11yndic:&t· c-d <'O"'mnlats ond cattoonhrts, by provldlnl( 1 forum for renders• , ·iewii and by presenting this ne"''P•JK'r's opinions and ldcu~ on ('Urrrnt topit'' · The t'flitortal Opinion~ ol th<" 1>'111)' Piiot app.•nr Ml.' 1n rhr <'d1tor1.1I column ot lhl' top of lhl.' p ol(C . Opinion" C''<· pn·~\t'rl hy the' 1•olumni'<t!I and roanooni~tx nnd lcttrr wnt<'" are tht•1r 014n and no cndnrs<'mcnt or their vlrws by lhe Dally Pllot. stlould ~Inferred,

Thursday, April 7.1977 .J ! --/


The Good News is •••• Development of San Onofre Slate Beach m eans the fac ility is closed to Easter Week visitors . Park was to be open April 1 but hitch developed in water system . Opening is now set May 27 in time for heavy J\kmoriu l Duy weekend crowds.

Beatles Lose Bid To Halt AlbUnt

LONDON (A P ) - The Beatles have lost a high court bid to ban the release of a lwo·record album of their early music.

The four mus ic s ta rs, through their jointly owned company Apple Corp., asked for an injunc­t ion against the a lbum t itled " The Beatles Live at the Hamburg Sta r Club 1962" which is to be re­leased in Germ any today and in Britain next month . It is expec ted to reach the United States sometime la te r .

THE RECORD JS BASED ON tapes made when the Beatlel> were s tall an unknown group working fo r a few pounds a night in Hamburg, West Germ any.

The court t urned down Wedneday the plea by J ohn Lennon, Pciul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George I larrison the four who made up the group which s pli t <.1part 5' ~ years ago - saying they wail· ed too long before l aking legal action.

THE JUDGE SAID THEY HAD known of plans to turn the t ape, m ade with the ir knowledge, into a r ecord long bl'forc they tr ied to stop it.

The mus ic, from one show, was taped by •• King Size" Taylor , a friend of the Beatles. He banded together with I wo other men, Paul Murphy, manag­ing d irector of Lingasong, and AJlan Willia ms, the Beatles' fi rst manager , to put out the record . The in j unct ion sought was against Lingasong and Murphy.

Art Group Plans Meet 1. aguna Rc•aC' h

Museum of Art afflhaks wi ll m l'<'l al 2 p m Tuc•i. day. April 19 a l t he m useum . 307 Cliff Dn vc. Laguna Bl•ach

Followini:: a bu:.1 neS!> ~rlan~. D;,iv1 d Ro-,c;,

\'ideo curator of the Long B<>ach Museum. will give a d emonst ration and his­torical lecture on use of ' 1deo an art.

T ea will be ser ved after the leeture .

5 Magical Days at Fashion Island April S through 9 --. JlieclJkwica!J!and of <!Jz

Live Actors, Puppets & Magic in a lantasy-setling.

The Wizard's Magic Show


Three Shows Daily 11 :30 A.M. . f:3o·P.M .•

3 .30 PM.

SPECIAL A TIRACTION Chuck Jones Magic Show

TU ESDAY · APRtL 5 ONLY 11 ;30 AM. 1.30 P.M.

3·30 P M.


PIQhc Co .. 1 Ht"''""' 0.1- J""bo<w -J M~Arlttu•

O•llY P1lol Sl411 PNIO

Development includes 236 recreation vehi· cle stalls, 63 tent camp sites with s toves, t a bles. etc .. 619 day-use park ing spaces and " 16 unisex comfort s tations" accord· ing to the parks depar'lment.


• Thul'lday, April 7. 1en

~ Cobra Skin Purse Sales Halt Ordered

SAN DI EGO IA P > A reta iler of high-fashion women's clothing. John Hogan. mu.st stop the sale of purses made from cobr a skins, Supenor Court Judge J ack Levitt saad in a restra ining order .

Levitt set a hearing tor Monday on a request by the c ity a ttorney's consumer protection unit for u ruu inJunct aon against the :.tore.

lm•estigators charged the store with unfair competition by means of offering for sale an item made in violation of the state's endangered species ac t.


Ss>ec*tr: FGr'lftlf' GOV. EDMUMD G. l,ATJ IROWH

Awardee~ Include Sen Hubert Humphrey Assemblymen Ron Cordova and Dennis Mangers

UCI Scientists F S Rowlands and Mario Mohna

Cocktails: 5:30 Dinner: 6:30

TALE OF THE WHALE 400 Main St. Newport Inell

00flatl0ft: S I 0 .00 '"' ,_ C .. for Ticbh: 644-639' • 644-4167

5H · t 514 • 511 ·fl4t lhnl

Thcr1•', JI J rtlCUl..irly r Oly =>POI 111 l'J1 .'/ Ynrl . "" L •111q•un Avenue. It \ a bou 11qu" Cvllr cl Ch 1 ~h: ' . ,,., , ,L, i: tht~ V1cto11.i11

era flour1~h1:S Amonq 01h1 r 11nd. in Ilk' tin/ h..i~cmrn1.

SJCh<:tS ,Jn f t i 1 ,1•, llJrll OI tlir C• r I iry 11Y,p'1 111011. ,1rr• m 1 f,• by hon J. Co11 l,111 I' O.it, i1,:.n. 11 1.. , I 11Jr111 • 1!;-l 1.1 I~ .. ~< •

eJLh , combrd 1)1:011 , 1nir•· ~ ... t ', '1111 lit l 1nrl I. I \'.1tl1

irr1.011 .. d I 1 r I •I 1 I rirf,. 1 1 <jtll tu 1111:11 u: .1 . ..

CO.JI, ~1/C. S.M, $100 r 1•;,n, P,S)v1, $60 (.,,, ·"' • f .::-• .t ·. $50 • l I ' ' . S16 L,1 ''·. 11.!1. ,. 1111 1: ' 111, M1 I• I ,,, $4 SS U1n, .i1tJnt'. C 11111 1111 , ,, "1:., ,. 0.:Jytimc L1n131 1 11 •



Shop Mon- Fri. 10:00-9:30, Sat. 10-6. Sun. 12-6 . Bullock's South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol , Coste Mesa, phone 556-0611

. A• DAIL y PILOT Thurlday, Apri1 7, 1977

Tax Rate Bill Backed Day Camps SClieduled ,; Proposal Aimed at Schools' Legal Services

By KATHY CLANCY Of Ille !Mil• 1'1194 11•11

Orange County government and six youngsters will be Involved in six one· cities have agreed to jointly sponsor a week sesaloM between J uly 11 and day-camp proeram tor children this Aug . 20. J

year . E ach c ity will pay about $2,000; F o un tain V a H ey . San Ju a n county costs for trans portation , pro-

~gislalion that would provide a aeparat.e t ax r ate to finance

legal services for Orange County school districts ha s won the en· dorsement of county s upervisors.

Under pr ei.ent s t ate law ther e 1~ no p rovision ror a :-.cparnte i.chool le gal service tax levy .

Capistrano, Brea, Fullerton. Tustm gram coordlnation , ranger taJks ll.Dd a nd Or ance are Included In the ven- use of county park fac ilJt1e:l will be •' ture, which won county a pproval lhls about SlS,000. ~

Computer Due As UCI Gift

A computer . syste m with the Jateet development in progr a m ­ming capabili ty has been given a nonymously to the d e partment of information a nd c o mput e r science at UC Jrvine .

The computer, valued al more than $100,000, will be Installed for use i n course wor k and student r esear ch this fa ll , according lo Dr . Fred M. Tonge, professor ot i n form ation and c ompu t e r science.

Funds for installation . amount· ing to approxim ately $9,400, are b e in g obtaine d fro m campus sources and donations . A gift of $2,000 to help bring the system in­to oper ation bas been made by UCI Industrial Assoc iat e:..

The new rate would be levied through the cou nty Depa rtment o r Education to rinancc services p r ovid ed b y Coun ty Cou ns e l Adrian Kuyper's starr.

THOSE SERVICES now cost about $150,000 a nd r epresent a bout one-fifth or a penny pe r $100 o( assessed valuation . but t hey are levied as part of the cou nty's gene r a l-purpos e tax rate.

KuyPer earlier proposed that what in thNit has been free service to sc syste ms be hal t· ed. William Court . Kuyper's chief deputy, told s upe r visors Wednesday that K uyper s til l pr e· · fe r s that choice.

But a committee or !.Chool dis­t r ict r epresentat ives and t he cou n t y adm in istrator ·s o ffi ce favor ed the separate t ax levy m· s tead.

McCOURT SAID Kuyper could " live with that " if the necessary legislation is passed .

/ I.

Visits Japan

K u ype r had p r o pos ed th at m ost free service be halted, con­t ending a new sta te law no longer would require him to serve dis· t ricls except in cer tain cases re ­latin g to bond Issues and some legal agreements.

BUT EDWAR D ARVIZO, a county admlnistra tive analyst, said that legis lation was prompt· ed by the Santa Barbara county counsel who inte nded t hat it al· low his office to charge fees ror school services , not drop them.

Mccourt con tended the fee s t ructure could r equir e elaborate accountlJlg of an a ttorney's time a nd would be impractical.

Fred Koch. an cissoc1a te coun­t y school super intendent, sa id two s chool districts e mploy their own attorneys at a cost of SS0.000 a year each. Twenty other dis­tr icts w;e a co mbination of coun­ty counsel assistance a long with so m e private a ttorneys.

Deaths • ··Elsewhere Brown Woos

ANN AflBO R. Mich ( AP l Dt•a n Burton U. T h um a , 74. Cn1n·r s 1ty of M ic h igan pr o f c:-.i. or (•m e nlu:-. ur psyeholugy a nd lhc a tlm1n1!.t ra lo r wh o headed th e un

• l\' ers 1t y':-. Rt•s1d c n t1a l C o l l t•i::c dur i ng i t s fo rm allH' years , died Wednesday

D eath l\'ot ke• PllUI "

MIN~IC A PRU1 f l rft',id~nt o f H unl"'l'JIOtt 6'" ,.,. ,, C• llf,u·,,,,, rt\" •tt t 'f'lt' '" A pt11 h 1'11 \v,..,•.,,t'I bv h .- r , ... ,~ f-r , ,, .. p,uttt Y ttl u .. " "' C• C R PrtJ• I' fV>ll G•'°""" t t l W Pruitt r u11.,,,,,, C• f\'1n,..,u.tt l • Ct ••V"n f<lf ( •J ,.1,.v• f"IQl•ff'lrf1 "1l1Jr-t 14 IJt•• ti ,., 1rHt ~.,,,,1" 1 no "'' q• '"'' ')• , ,, fJt 1,,r1 th1l'1 ~mnft.tl '""'V•f •·\ , ,., t ... • h••l ft \ 11 April Q ''Ill 1 l')IH"M 4tf I It t

C P\r•\t• .. n (hurr'°I HuM1n 1t"n 8•111 ,, ( ' In •·'""'"" ' wHI ,,, tlflY•t f l 11 W• ' ' "'•n'>t"r Mia~t •dl '-"·"" P11•' 1 q , ,,,,H•r\ C)m1th'\ M ,,rlu P; Ht.J.,t •"•jltln Oe•t h , ,,,,,., tnr,

H U e E ll

Auto Maker SACRAMENTO <AP ) Gov. Edmund Brown

Jr fli es lo J apan today his 39th birthday to Lalk about br inging a Japanes e automobi le p la nt to Ca lifornia.

It wi ll be the fir~l lime t he Dcmocrci t1c gov­e rnor has left the country s ince his e lection in Nov· e m ber 1974.

I le is scheduled to re turn Monday

Boundary Dbpute io Court

SACRAMENTO < AP l - Caliror ni a 0Hic1als s ay they'll i.ue Nevada lo s ettle the boundary dis pute north of Lake T a hoe · but they fully expect the U.S. Su p re me Court to lea\·e it as 1t 1i..

In s u C' h ca s e . th e three Nevada gam bhn ~ ( ca s i n o s th at w o u l d Stlll (' J o t h c r w 1 s t • f 1 n d th emselve~ in Californi;1 ..__ _ ______ _. wou ldn 't have anything tu wo rry about

Labor Czar Bridges F e t e d

LOS ANGELES <A P I Labor lea der llarry Bridge ... once· pro:-.ecuted hy the fed eral govern · ment ~cau:-.e of hi .. alleged Communi .. t a((ihat1ons. 1s now being prais ed by an 1ndu .. try of(i c1al as a " powerful and s t abil1£ 10C influe nce" on the ~a terfront

Pa ul V. F ah('y. pre­sident of A n t h on y Schools of Newport Beach. has been a p­pointed to the Coun­c· 1 1 f o r P r i v <J t l ' Po s l ~c cond<iry E du t<Jtion a l I n~t 1lu· lio ns bv t h e ~ l ate Board of Education.

week . Fountaln Va lley 's progr a m wUl be A REPORT BY GEORGE Osborne. . oper ated at Mile Square Park, the r.-

dlrector or the county Environmenta l port sald , while San Juan youoestera M anagement Agency, s aid about 2,000 · wlll use Dana Point Harbor .

EASTER EGG HUNT CHOCOLATE LOVERS bet ween the ages of 4 and 11

thousands ot CANDY EGGS

hundreds o f PRIZES

wi II be yours to find on Saturday, April 9 t h · 10 a.m.

Located in the park area Across from Vista del Oro

Village Center_.....,. ---------- ON EASTBLUFF DR IVE


Rr TT Y J .,.UOl A r~\1df nt t f'"•' t M~\,, ( 'lllM rtH.4 P t\,fl'd 4w~y Apt d ' 1 U I ~vrvtVl'ltt b v ..,,..,. hu\Nntt W m H u!Yt', (C1'\ht M f'\4' C•• .. ~ ·~ Jn"n w Hun.,ir •nd TMmn\ Ho~t CY\t,, o t lfVllY , C. rMUQl'tltr K .tlh ; S,. ,,.,~ ,.f"I

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-I• # f Pl' I ,~, I 1 I t I • 1'11 ' I *'1

Bndges, the 75-ycar-old founder and pres ident o f th e l n t e rn at1 o n a l Lu ngs ho r e m c n ' s and W a reh ou~ e men s L' ni o n . was honor e d at a t t•st1moma l dinner Wt'dnr:-.day. two weeks befor e he l !'I to retm: a:. leadC' r nr the powerful dock union


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M"-'' 1Ary n1•1 I ,~

r ' ACll'IC VllW MIMOlllAL 'AU

Ce molc>ry Mor1ua1v Chapel

3500 Pacific V1Pw 011ve NPwport Cali fornia 644-2 700


Laguna Beach 494-94 15

Laguna Hil ls 768-0933

San Juan Capistrano 495-1778

IAln-11••1110M AIHl•AL HOMI

Cofona del Mar 8 73-9450 Costa Mesa 646-24:.>4


110 Broadway Cost& Me sa 6't2·9 150

S MrTH TVT'HeU UMI WHTCllffl CHArlL ~27 E 17th St

Coste Mesa • 646-4888 S anla Ana Chapel 518 N B roadway

S anta Ana • 5-47-4131

PRCI HOTMIU SMITH'$ MOITUAltY ' 627 Main St Huntington Beach



HOMI 7801 BolH Avo

Weatm1n1ter 883-3525

B ill to B a n Se.rual D t.play LOS A:'\c; El. ES I A P 1 County '>Upcrv1i.or ...

arc conside ring a n ordinance to proh1b1t s idewalk <1 1., play or puhhca tions with cover s s how1ni: or m en t1on1ng se\ ual dl' I ..,

Ot !'>l All.' . . John Van dP Kamp <oubmitted the proposed ordm<1ne" Wed nesday. citing compla inl.6 fro m c1l1zt·n., ancJ c 1t1 zen ., group:. .

Kai•.-r BlaekU•t i ng !\'I.red LOS A:'\GELES <A P l ~ Stal<' Air Rei.our ccs

Boa rd Ch <J1rman T om Quinn say:-. he will ur~e lht· fedrral Em 1ronmt·nt<il P rotc<'twn A~ency not to hlack!Ji.l Ka1i> t>r lndu .. tri e'> Crnm i.:n vt' r nm enl con t r .a cts bo..•C' JU!'l l' of lhe l'Om pan} ·.., air po llution VIOia lions

Q uinn ... 11 d Wl0 1lne c;da v h <> wa s a& ain .. t hl:-i ck lt:-.1111~ Kat'> l' r .. lwC' aus<' 11 cou ld only be a di'· .1 .. te r fnr thl· 111mp.m ~ which I m con vinced 1s now llmng c\t'ry lh1ng I hat 1., hum anlv ~>S'>lblc to Mih 1• Its a ir pollu11un prohlr m "

Spring Courses Announced at OCC

More tha n 200 day and evening nine-week cours e .. a r e bein~ offer ed th1'> spn n.: al Orang<' Coas t College d un ng r cg1s tr al1on which runi; Apnl 11 15

T ht" C'l a:oses whi ch range from half a unit to fbu r u nits. will begin thl' Wt'ck of Apn l 18

HE>gistralion will be h l'ld Mond ay through T h u rsd ay from 8 a . m . t o 7 .30 p.m . and on fnday fro m R a .m . to 2 p. m . in the OCC Admissions and Records Building. Registration is on 11 firs t-co me

' fir s l -:-.e r ved basis a nd no appoint m e nts ar~ nccei;sary .


Hoon to 3 ll'M: GOOD FltlDA Y SHVICE Hynwts. M.ditatloH ancl ComnmtiOft

7:30 PM: FRH ALM "Sttoff of tM A.....,_ ..

wttt. Anthofty Quinn


Candln. Gnc)orfm MeM' Choir


Chof r and l1t1frwMftt1 11 :00 AM: HOLY IUCHARIST

ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 4 II ,ri Av...,., Lc.c,.. teech



Add d imension, d isplay and storage with a working wall of six-foot hlg~bookcases . splendid singly or side by side. All wood with precision Europea n hardware, magnetic door latc hes and a unique sllde·out rod system that lets you b ring the 16" deep a djustable shelves to a forward, deeper p osition without tilting . Decora ting service. delivery and our famous warranty o f quality a t no extra c ost. Look at the quality, then look a t the sensational RB price.

~If 011d bottom tlO«JO- boollco ..

~1 79.

'" 01111 .. COllllly: COME HOME TO RI FURNITURE


ANAHEIM, 1972 W. Lincoln • 778-1231 HUNTINGTON BEACH• 19431 Beach Blvd.• 625-2873 COSTA MESA. 311 5 N. Harbor Blvd. • 549-8781 LA HABRA• 1720 W. Whlttl.i' • 891-0718 ' ULLEATON • 3105 Vorba LllMSa Blvd, • 624-8011 SANTA ANA/ TUSTIN • 1703 ! . 171h St. • 543-8201

" , . ,

. .

• I

.. .


. .

.. 1

• •

r ~ I . . "

• • ' i wesl~ ,.,

dick · =- ve=r=n=o=n==r=·s



Shift into Spring

W estclff P'taza 541-4121

lolboeltl.d 675-1904


.. -~-.... .... W I­,._., , ...

_, __ , .. s_.., IU

The perfect gift for the perfect woman. ~LG~

Ole•~ No-'••• lill4N• 1ff'

Padded Bra $10 00

White & Chemp1an• A & B Cups Only

$A>I ~S··· Far awa_Yi hard f.o find very_ lovely ond unfqrgettahfe ...

Visit 'San Wcas at The ~forekeeper.


17th Ir lrvt.._. Ave., Newpott B~uh, Calif. (714) 645-0792


. '

ThU!!d!y. Apn11. t9n DAil Y PILOT A 9

Uie,frlde. ca rm el

Black, Navy, Camel: Red, White

Wntclff PIG8 • Mnl,.t .._.. P1L 141 H14

104+ JR.VI~ AW,S+&-el65 NltWPOllT BB.ACK• CALill'.



Tl'lur9day, A.pt1I 7, 1977

~ lWlbu

Fresh flowers or an Easter Lily in an embroidered woven baaket ... sent. jilhu anywhere by FTD ...

See us for ... Terrariums, Green Plants, Euter Lilies, Azaleas, Mums, much more!

AU beau t.itully Hollister wrapped .

(Closed Easter Sunday, April 10)

1 Gal.



Open House Set at Park

Orange County's Envtronmental Manasement Agency an<t_ the Bowet'S Museum ~ plannln1 the third anniv~ary open house at 5,!500-acre Ronald W. Caspers k egional Park.

The event, open to the public free of charge, will t ake place April 23 at the park, located about seven miles east of San Juan Capistrano on Ortega Highway.

THE MtJSEtJM WILL PARTICIPATE in !he open house by setting up a mobile display of his· torical, paleontological and natural history artifacts or the area.

County park rangers will lead guided nature tours through Bell Canyon to acquaint visitors with the native trees and plants, wildlife and geology of t he area, which bas been left almost entirely in its wilderness state.

( )

VISITORS CAN OVTDOORS bring their lun ches

. _ or buy food at the western chuck wagon that will be

provided. Picnic facilities are located throughout the main activity area.

County officials will be enforcing the " no pet"

Records Out WANTE Dli\MO~DS • Gt:MSTO

SACRAMENTO CAP) - Callfornia Atty. Gen. EveUe Younger says 2.3 million outdated criminal rttord folders have been destroyed . The announcement added lbat by June 30, his office expect.a to have thrown away about five million fl.l\gerprtnt cards and e.s million name in· dexcards.

Jewels by 1oseohs 1s searching tor diamonds and gemstones lrom pnvate 1rv11vt<luals and estates Careful examination and evaluatl()n by our ex08f1s Highest poces paid. Call 5~0-lk>66 10-9 d111y, S1turde1y t0-6, Sunday closed. ask tor IW Joseott

iewels by ioseph , •••• f •••• ,,,, • •• • as:t ........ ... ......... . J, ...... .

ICOM M25 your lifeline.

SALES & SERVICE 20 Y~an SCUM Locatton

Derington's Merine Electronics 355 IOTcU Newport llvd., Newport hoch


s57500 f'orff Anhtwta •

& Mount wfth purcltaH 1$100 'falw)

... ~ ...... lvy" by ~HFl.,w'1W•

0 -> .. -~

! z

0 • 16th ST




Ideal for patios and balconies. For container or garden.

Becomes an attractive dwarf tree , full size fruit.

regulation and driving wit=hin=-:::th=.:e:_:p::ar:_:k~i:=_s,:.=li:m:_::it:.=.ed=:. __ .::'.:==========~=========:::!:::::::::::._J

111'11 Now in bud, 5Gal.

1 Gal. Reg. 2.95



ready to bloom aU summer. llUB -- Thru April 12

LOS ANGELES <AP) A 30-year-old hotel de·

veloper has been fined $2,500, placed on three years ' probation and or· dered to do volunteer work.

• Specials WmUed to Supply on Haod

PHONE 546-5525

r c 0

2640 Harbor Blvd . .. C:osta MeMt DAR. y 9-5:30 Sl 'N. C) • .)

John Jacob Feinberg pleaded no contest in Superior Court to grand thert in the falsification of building department records.

Feinberg is a partner in the Queensway Hilton Hotel in Long Beach.



"~~ 12 ~



0 .. IJJ

FllOM ~ SO. YO.





• EASY TO 00132 ¢ 6'1, I 6Va I 5n6'" . $1 .08 sq. ft. , EA.



AHO COLORS I . .. 0d 1Zi12" o~ so.



• ri-----------, 1. RADIO SHACK I


Save $3Q


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Rcalt!>l 1c 001 proves ht-11 doe~n I hcivP to bf> high• Listen to radio. play tapes and

rn..iJ..c your own Ptiono input . headphone 1.:ic.k. auto stop At 37% olf

11 s well w orth .:i tcst ·l1sten at The Shaclo.J(I .


: - Reg.79~ :

i 1 Q! .. ,, ! ~:.~ .. ~~ i:~; . I WITH COUPON I play and FM stereo to your I ' I car or boat Stereo/mono

I S11de Chart translates I switch Realtsttc makes 1t 1 O codes and CB I easy to install. cheap to own'

I 1argon Persons


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Reg. 3A95EA 59~ 't ·~,9~

Reahstic's MC· 1000 delivers dynamite sound rn a genuine walnut veneer enclosure•



Collect farTllly events. favorite voices with Realtshc's CTR·39 portable sound collector. Now S30 OFF•

6995 39~.9

Chronomat1c4'l04 gently wakes you to music or 24 hour alarm. Snooze Bar. Sleep Swttch. Big digits! Wood grain styling! A Reahst1c bargain!

Save 30%


Reg. 3495 4995 I 2· 1494' •

RADIO SHACK'S 1977 PR<CES ARE ON AVERAGE WllH<N "'Of OUR LOW 1975 PR<CES I ...... 1 COllOMA DIL WAI ..,..,....TOM 11ACM fOUMTA .. YALLIY LA941MA...... SAICTA AMA SAM a.IWllCta ..,._..

)4Jl_C.......... •ttlW-•.., I"·- 9'111_t...,_ "" L e.4ow llH ·-- llllCIV9l COSTA MllA •":':'.:::..- ~: --..:.:.~- 1".?e.,. ... , .. !!!! _ _.__ *~~ .. ,.,__ ,,.. .. _...,, .,.,,_., wn---Tll _ ............. _, ..,_ ftlM-........--~ .............. ltttW tNltit ••~• • 1 ..... "*'l11•Mtl\ _,_ , .......... - .... u SAMIUAA.. ·-- i t .. _ _ .., __ __ ,,... ...,.......::-""..... CAPtSTIAMo -- ---IA....,,~ W __ ..,. aup1 c.1111_.,._ ,... __ AJllDl'lllUM.llOlla

, . Th_11rsd&y_...__A ..... r11_1_1_1_9_n _______ C'~IL v PILOT A 11

Te rrncs & 50l'lt youi emotional problems 10 0~1n tonhdtnce & control Of your lift tilt OEVEl OfMEHT CENTER gives 1nd1v1dual l group guldWt 81ofttdback •• • p<09ress1ve relua11on aud•O· ptOgratnmtd ltarn10Q

Five From Coast Win College Aid

Five Orange Coast high school s tudent.a are winners of corpora te-sponsored four-year merit scholar&hips for 197i.

National Merit $1,000 scholarships and college· sponsored C<>Ur-year Merit Scholarships will be an· nounced April 20 and :!7 , respectively.

QUEENIE By Phil lnterlondi

,,, __ , .

• • lf. Jt

• • lit

• • ,..

.. • It

... • ... • • • • • ....... ~ ........ ~"'

CALL TODAY FOR Corporate-sponsored winners include Cynthia

S. Mc Far lane of Estancia High School, Coeta Mesa : Virginia M. Clark of Dana Hills Hlgh School , Dana J>olnt; Carol C. Humphrey of El Toro High School :

• ,.. ~!"--' •

FREE CG111111. TATIOll (714) 848·1231 Mary L. Hlavin of Fountain Valley High School and

Ryan J . Laughlin, a Seal Beach resident who al· tends St. John 80$CO High School In Bellflower.

• Jt

• •

• • • • • • I Civil Grumbling ... Gloomy Gus

* • * •

~ ... ~. DAILY PILOT t In the

-------------------.,,·,, ~ ! ~~-

4 .. 7 ""-1 P•-"w- •·-- ,.. t••• _._.,.~•• •••,•••

The fastest sneakers on TV.


Lung C~cer Rises Aniong SF Wolllen

SACRAMENTO (AP> - Lung cancer rates rose an alarming 200 percent in 11 years among women in five San Francisco Bay area counties , state health orticials report.

" We're beginning to see an epidemic or lung cancer among women," said Dr. Donald Austin, chief of the State Health Department's Resource for Cancer Epidemiology and the California Tumor Registry.

HE ATTRIBUTED THE RISE to <in increase in smoking among women . Stale Health Director J erome Lackner said two other factors may be in· volved - the employment of more women in (ac. tories, and an increase in smog in the area .

The lung cancer rate for women in the counties 1s still less than half the s tatewide rate for men, the department said. However, the ra te among men ap· pears to have leveled of( after a 40-year rise.

THE COUNTIES ARE ALAMEDA, Contra Costa, Marin , San Fra ncisco and San Mateo. Though no s tatewide figures were released, Lackner said the counties have reflected statewide conditions accurately in the past.

Adding to Lackner 's "extreme concern" over the statistics was the fact that lung cancer kills 90 percent or Its victims, he said.

The lung cancer rate among all women In the counties was 10.l cases per 100,000 in 1964 , 20.3 in 1970. and 29.9 in ~975, the department said.

AMONG WIDTE WOM EN, THE rate increased from 9.8 in 1964 to 30.3 in 1975. For bl~ck women, it rose from 11.3 in 1974 to 22.5 in 1975.

The lung cancer rate ror white m en in

California was about 70 per 100,000 in 1970· 75, the de· partment said .

Austin said there is usually a 20-year lag be tween an increase in smoking and an increase in

• • • • • Jt

• * ,,c..~...--....~ .... -+-• ,.. . ,__,,~~.,, ~~-~.,, • * r.:---:--~~~~--r--:::

:~=l-~::=:~~ ,.. • ,.. Jt ,..


.. Jt .. ,.. .. •

I : =:=;::====t=

54 FoahlOft lllmtd • MEWl'OIT HACH PMne 644-42Zl • lung cancer. ========================================================---

An inside tip from our

P,!!~ce!!!~!:!!!!!~· some big savings. Every day, Orange County commuter living thousands of people call our 20 miles from work, our sources 26 paid informers for inside tips can tell you that you could be on how to save hundreds of saving over $150 a month simply dollars in monthly transporta- by taking the bus to work. tion costs. They'll also clue you

These experts are our Orange County Transi t District inform­ation operators. They're at their phones 7 days a week just to answer your questions about how to save big money by getting around the county by bus. · Maybe you already think of the bus as economical transport­ation. But you probably don't realize how economical it can be.

in on how easy it is to ride the bus. They'll give you all the facts you need to get where you're going. And once you try riding our our clean new air­conditioned buses. you'll see that It's a lot more pleasant than driving your car through that traffic. So the next time you

need inside information on getting somewhere in Orange County, th ink of our paid informers, waiting just a phone call away to fill you in on how to get there and save money at the same time.

Call OCTD's paid informers at

547-3311 or toll-free ZENITH 7-3311, 6 AM to 10 PM weekdays, 7 AM to 5 PM Saturdays, and 8 AM to 5 PM Sundays.

The T earn: Linda Blue, boug Sulley and Jack Barnes in Newport; Don Herzog and Cort Kloke in Laguna Hills; and Bernie Brown in San Diego. And they all have the same thing in mind: Arranging an Equity Loan for you.

Here's an example of a Newport Equity Funds-arranged Equity Loan: Borrow $10,000for10 years

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a t 10% simple annual interest. You'll have 120 monthly payments of only $83.33 (interest-only) and a final principal repayment of $10,CXX) The Annual Percentage Rate is 11.7% ..

Call the T earn at Newport Equity Funds. They work together to help you get the money you need .

Newport Equity 'Funds, Inc.

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SAN DIEGO 297·7100

• • Jt

• • Jt ,.. ,.. • • • • ,.. ,.. .. ,.. • • ,.. .. ,.. * ,..


BOOMER GL021A. ~~e JAiJo N ~AND WIT~ Mt. R:lrl.IN 1~~ GACZDetJ PAf~ 1> PA~OI%!


by W111. F. lrown and Mtl Casson ~ ~~ 'f 'tbu GO F1IZ'ST AND \Wtf~ II.£ /tBOUf l'f.





by Charles M. ScWJ

by Templeton an~ Forman



by Joe Marthtt1

... oJL.V, Tfo4EN ~EC{ CALL.ED IT PESERTlo..I.



TANK McNAMARA . Tank hascrblhed WOW I UN[;(Rf5TIMA1tC/

1n a celebrrfy rn17 McNAA1Ala\ GUY. WILLYA tondembiktr~ LOOK AT T~ 61~? and as he plummets to.i.vtl 0 mti'clllWl<j wall, his wf1ole li fe IS f IW!1riq

befon' hi'>~ .






~ ·~ I'! - .....

L _, -l l: __....'._,. _n.l JA-

Cl\llL:WAR ...

by Tom latiuk I ~ ! 1HAi'5 111E 4010

"1Wrr'5 OFF!

by Ernie Bushmiller

r I








by George Lemont

by Ferd and Tom Johnson FOR(;JET 1978! TAK~ A PE:EKAT WH,A11S GOIN(;, 10 HAPPf:N WHEN l ~ET HOM~ ·

!':'~ · ~ -

THE GIRLS ~ODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE GORDO by Gus Arriola UNITED Fea l u re Syn d icate weoot id•nP~ui.Sot-r

IA ' HO,•, 4 '> n 1-c111111es .ii" , •1ao.

I C••Oup ul lltl<'.t •Q r e\ 4 1\ Pnrl o l ~pie

i. M ,.,,, ,11 ~') and at>el 1.nmp· 1~·l1on 'lO Steel Q"rJor

10 f',Hly 1111 !he 54 Ool ·d &Sll <Jroom 51 f em1n1ne

14 Wo rt• ,' "lime word\ '.A Drunk en cry

1 < lhJvcrse 59 A111n I 11 ( tlcJo - lngdOm I 7 ~land on 60 Moh1m

OM s head m101 n 1 ~ Very ruler •

one om lor1ao1e

W Heedless ot

? 1 P111cheo

det rllr 61 Span11h

erllst 6;> River

blrr ler i 63 Sub101,,eo

I 2 French c ity I 3 Acli.e


38 Nal1veof EurOIM!

40 FlllYOt , 2 More comoelenl

:i3 lmp0t1ers At>br

DOWN 19Elttenl ot '' l 1~moh1n1 1 Kind ol • l>thl'f e•clam1

75 Having no YICIOrtes

'l7 F1ah a11ing hawk

30Ctub 3 1 Flll wllhlOY 32 Ort h leader


S<X1nd '1 1 Secret hon 2 ·· . .. ol w1tc1ter ' 3 ~rate lo

Lucreee·· ? 4 Sea Prtl,. tttong bf own

Sh1lae 25 S.uHge u Fisll 1~11• 2tl Run out o4 , 5 S mntits Potm gur u

:lThOuntu 27Eeo 111 P!eh' 48 Herdolcet• • tie

4 P1c 111C 28 Tien ···· , 7 First features As11n

33 Proleu1onal 5 Footb411 mount11ns ITIOftgages. oroup player 29 T111I jU"f 49 : ~lie j Abbr 6 French rnembtt 2 • r 0

36 Makes lace 1u1ho1 words Abel 3 7 Perc eive 7 Drug 30 Rep111s SI Fu lener 38 Ha1y 1mounl chairs 52 ·· ·· de·

oimosphorn 6 Wynn 1,,d 32 Canada· 53 8::S~ atilk 39 Tropical Sullivan U S A 55 El ••• ·

cuckoo 9 Pert ot a coons 40 Dcoma shot 3' Give out S1>1nlth •I "He's the 10 Race111ck sparlnotv hero

•..• ol my bulldtng 35 Full of yeus 58 Old Eng eve·· t I Oec0<11ofs 37 Re1101ou1 coi n

' 2 Regions rlems 2 group 57 Actress· -'4 Pursued wOl'dl Furow

r.--T-2~:--'1r--r:--i & 17 !l



) 1








'Nf'l..l P1CIC a..Jl.'/

~eloJE.~ ~~

~f:.~~ET E~ES -

J.IP~ Me/:T J,.IP~

J.>Jc W~IT&

1/'J A Ff!W )J~ O~&~/

.._ __________ _.__. CM~-P;,4.


Y!~, ANO ~I~ NtC,, t MOPf


WF'I !!

by Harold Le Doux TllAT WA5 A MILLION YEAAS /ltrGO!



by Tom K. Ryan

by Mel

_.,, ltr VDU HAVf TMa 4.AMI ~9Y·~IT~~ Al.t.

Ye\« UF•, MOW WI!.&.. YQ..l I~ IMT TO MllT' NIW


"Now. dear. be sure and stop at the slJltion that brings us those nice proar.ims on educational TV! ..


'WolO ... A ~E ~FUL! G:no1HING IT ~~ JUST CAQMS. ~UH.h ! • ·


Solon Slippery I

Reporter Tal,b to 'Ghost' WASHINGTON CAP) - A r eporter

repeatedly telephoned the office or Rep. John Dingell, (O·Mlcb.). But Dingell was out.

" The congressman will call you. back," promised his secretary.

She called back late in the day and asked, "Do you still want to talk to Congre.saman Dingell? He's on the line."

"'I sure do," said the r ep«ter. Silence. More silence. " Hello, hello," said the Teporter.

"Congress man Dingell, arc you there?"

More silence. Finally, the secretary was back on

the line. "I'm sorry. Congressman

Dingell is not in his office. He left. a bout. an hour ago."

Japan to l,imit U.S. TV Sales

TOKYO (AP) - J apan agreed to· d ay to regulate exports of color television sets to the United States, Kyodonews service reported.

Kyodo said tbe agreement was reached at today 's first meeUog between Robert Strauss, President Carter's special trade negotiator, and Minoru Masuda, deputy vice minister of international trade and industry.



$oath Coast ?laza

·-Public AUction:) ri., Sat. and Sun. evenings at 8 p.m.


1 JEWELRY CHINA CRYSTAL : : Plus hundreds o( other 1lems ol furruture, objels d'art, etc. I I Merdla!ldi=.e consigned Jrom oul-0f·pawn , bankruptc1e., l'u11rt orJ1 rro I 1 salC$, banks, etc. I

I Movcxl for convenience of s.llL It -<: NEWPORT GALLERIES. LTD.

2542 W. Coaat H,,y. Newport Beach. CalUornia 92663

(71 4) 64~2200

TJIE 1''Al\1ILY CIRCUS . By BU Keane

' 'Mommy, ore you gonna toke us to see tho Easter Bunny so we con tell him

what we wont for Easter?"

At Saddle back

Mental Health Classes . Slated

.A series of four special workshops examining various facets of mental health will be sponsored by Saddleback College this month, starting at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Room 313 of th e s ci e nce and mathematics building. ·

The opening session wrn be a discussion of emo­tions with Dr. Robert A. J ensen, professor of psychobiology at UC I rvine. J ensen, a specialist in mental influences on learn.ing and retention, will discuss ways to keep emotions in control.

1:he second workshop, set for 7:30 p.m. on April 14, w1U feature a talk on indi vidual identity by Dr. Margaret H . Peters on , a Newport Beach psychiatrist.

On April 19, Dr. Laud Humphreys of Pitzer College will speak and on April 21, the talk will be by psychologist Or. Susan Saar.Skeen. China by Limoges, Wcxlgewood, Rosenthal and others; fine Europc..111

and Amorican cut crystol dnd art glass; porcelam figurines; bronzes; hn· · fum1turc>, chandchers and onr> ol lhe largest displays of fine jewelry m Ille: wuthland. Evc:rytl'ung from 20 Cdr.Jl diamond soltlaires to gold neck cl\J.Ui:. ..



I EARL'S ', rLUMllMc. Enrollment


I m........ Ad . BonkAm<m..:..ird, M .1sl<'r Ch1rq1•, P"r-...onal Check, Tern.s .. - • VaDCIDg I I s,,..,\l•te trt Your A~=-C.11 I


M1 s:;1oN v1L.JI)

1 Mon, Tues. & Fn JOa.m. lo tip 111. Seit. J.! nuon to 5p m. 1 ;111;1~~,m:~",,C;'0'~1;~".~ I SACRAMENTO ( AP)

1 !5un. 2 p.m. to~ p.m 1 495-0401 - Whatever critics may 1 ro'. 1A M Eo;11 sa y about Californiahigh

I AUCTIONEER: mi.N•WOO<• c0-~ .. s;,~&·;, school students, they ap. I Ari Levu1e 1 642- 1753 ..J parently aren' t shying I 1 -------~-.., away from <J cad c mi c


I WE BUY FOR CASH _j' [ ••oYD J classes in ravor of a uto L. M. 0 . shop and cooking.

OR SELL ON CONSIGNMENT. A s tale s tud y said WHOLE ESTA TES OR SINGLE ITEMS INFORMS In the classes in all academic

------------------------~ ~:~~ f:~~cdy~~/n~o~~ virtually all vocational classesdeclmcd .

It's our secOild THE STUDY covered

1 , 794 sc hoo l s 1n 7 h through 12th grades in 1975-76.

English class enroll · ment showed the largest gain , u p more than 103,000to1.84 million. •o 0o. . ~ ~

THERE WAS a 50,000 increase in 27 varieties of math classes , to a

Thu...O.r, Aprll 7. 1977 DAIL y PILOT A J 3



Happy Easter

We'Yeaoc 'sar8•dns you'd newer expece afind

ma llardw .. eSCore:


• This is the one you have been hearing about and seeing on TV

• Replaces paint brush and roller

• It really works!

i3' 9 ffl. 2.79


Crown irueYalue More than you expect in a Hardware Store ••• anruversary 0


• ·: o · • •o

and You're mvited total enrollm enl of l . 27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ million; a gain or 62,500


"• .

to·~ tP.e P~rtYi:

R iRht now throuirh April 9 th! We're celebrauna our ll('C()nd wofl­derful (because or all the ni~ people we'vo mot> year in llun· t.i~n ~ach, 80 p leu-.e join ~. end enjoy our 11pec1el ~urpr11M> Part,y.

Where: We're ln lllho Rnfow11y Rh11ppin1t Center, ot 9 1:12 Adem& Avenu!' end MalfT!olla Rtl't'l't. Como by nnv t ime Mond1ty t hrou~h Thurtldny, H to 4 , Fridnv 10.r. ,, . 11nd wc'rC'opc11 Saturdo19:30 lo 2.

What: Who: We're havin1t n hiir r akl". punch ·You, orClluree.And, Bob Ewen, t he ond coffee, and everylhmir that fr1l'ndly P«lOJ)ltl Federal manaal'r. makn a perty fun .•. ballnoM will tH' on hi nd to help you help us for the ltid11, party favor11, Lhllll4' ttlebrnlr. l.>o comt' by. eay hello, nwful paper hnL'! we nll love - f'l\JOY tho nfrei1hmcnts. And 11ur­rmd. ainre 1t'<1 n surpn~ pa r iv - pr1M-• ·'"rprue•'f

For the People since 192:3


Bob P.wnn, MMngu

in 32 science courses, to 804 ,000, and a 51 ,000 in­crease in social science, to 1.47 million.

So-called applied arts classes showed declines 1

from 1973·74 , the pre· v ious year In whi ch figures rr o m those courses were compiled .

INDUSTRIAL ARTS. ~overing a ran ge of classes from auto shop to photography, declin ed 22,500 over the two years to a total of 590,000.

Home economics fell 15,500 to a total of 372,000 and business education declined 47,200 lo 491,700. Agriculture was an ex· ception, Increasing by 6,400 to a total of 71, 700.

Suit Settled SAN F RA NC I SCO

<AP> - United Vintners, Inc. and its parent firm, Heublei n Inc . , havo agreed to a $900,000 set­tlement In a 1973 civil rights suit alleging h lr· ing-promotion sex dis· criminaUon.

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Men's long sleeve and short sleeve sport shirts. Clearance!

Now 5.99 Orig. $10 to $13. Make your choice from a selected group of sport shirts In a variety of styles, fabrics. colors Umlted quantities.

Family shoe clearance!

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12.99 endup.

Choose casual and dress shoes for men. women and boys from a selected group.

Umltld quantities.


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Starts Friday at 10 AM. Shop early to·r best selection as quantities are limited. Fantastic storewide savings now!

Super savings on men's suits for Easter! Clearance

Now 69.88 Orig. $85 to $100. We show just one example of a selected group of suits that we've priced for your wearing and saving pleasure. Choose from various styles. fabrics and colors. Shop early for best selecllon in your size. Men's sizes. Quantities limited.

Stilts OYail~ at Hunti11C)ton lt«h, Newport ltock.

Men's casual and dress slacks. Clearance!

Now 9.99 Orig. $17-$21. Casual and dress slacks In a selected group of styles, fabrics and colors. Limited quantities.

Fashion , handbag clearance.

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Quantities llmlled.

{_ S.ave one-half on selected dresses· and sportswear. Clearance!

5·03 off Orig. $6 to $25. Great buys on dresses, pants, tops, shirts. blouses to wear now. Misses' junior and half sizes.

Quantltln limited.

Girls' . spnng dresses. Special 3.99 Easy-care dresses of 100% polyester knit. Delightful spring colors, great for Easter too. Sizes for pre-school girls. School-age sizes, 4.99.

Quantities limited.

Girls' sweater closeout.

No.w1.99 Orig. 5.50. Shetland style sweaters of soft acrylic knit. Favorite cardigan design In white only. School-age girls' sizes.

Quantities llmlted.

COSTA MESA. 2300 Hcrbor Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH, 7777 Edinger Ave. NEWPORT BEACH, 24 Fashion Island


Eggshell Canvases 'Can't Be Beaten~ By MARCIA FORSBERG

Ol lhe ~lly ,. ... 1,lifl

Decorating eggs a l E ai. lert1me has long been a ritual in our country .

Pack&ged dyes a nd transfers are available at th e grocer y store, and magazines fea turu tricky new ways to transform

Dally Piiot Photos by

E. Lee Payne

Artisan Karen Lynch adorns

ostrich egg with ink and

English water-colors. She also paints

intricate designs on turkey and

geese eggs.

plain white shells into marvelou:. banners of color

Artisan Karen Lynch has r e­fined and expanded the craft or egg painting. Not limiting hcrseU to springtime and chicken eggs, she works her m agic year ' round on egg canvas es that m ost or us never even have s een.


I ( •


\ ) \ ., ,

' .. ~ " .,

The Santa Cruz r esident em · belhs hes ostric h . turk ey and geese eggs with lJtlle folklore scenes . bloss oms, m ythological creatures, animals and nove l de­signs .

RAW EGGS arc punc tured and blown out, then Ms Lync h d raws

mtricate pictures with a technical pe n and ank Shl· pu1nts the hollo1.1. s phe roids 1.1. 1th En.:l1s h 1.1. at er · colors and dyes.

R eacllons to the cu nta loupc ­sized ostrich eggs r a nged from amazement l o di s beli e f at Knott 's Berry Farm ·s Country Fair. where she will demonstrate

Apes: Insight Into Man By OF.~NIS McLF.Ll. AN

()t tfwo Daily P1ldl ~l •U

I n 1971 U1rul<' c: a lrt1ka -, Bn n d amour a nd hl·r hu!:>IJ,111d. Hi.H t m o' eel to tht• rcnHtll' trun1ca l r a in for<'sls or Bo rneo to study or .ins.tut ans

'" l really thou~hl th<' r c wac; :.i

·h a nce the study Y. ould bt· ,1 fa ilure .

ora n~utans e ve n ha vC' adopted h~r as the ir mother and c li ng to hl•r for months J

But 1t was n"t lhl· 1nrh J1ini.:

.. But after the fir<;l f('w months .... <' we re a hie lo follo w Bt·th .md Burt five days s traig ht. Once we did it . we kne w nothin~ w as ~oing to stop us .··

MRS. BRINDAMOUR . ;i 30· year old a nthropo logy doctoral ca ndidate al UCLA , was i.( 1vang a sll cl e pn•~cnlalwn on hc• r field .... ork at Orani!t' Coast Collei!t'. IC'n<' h<'!:>, l)(ll '>< tnnu ;. .... 1rn k 1·~. 1n

sects. he.11 nr I ht• hu m id1t' that roll ed 1'w1r 1·l11t h• 0

'- th.it 11 .... coura~l"d hi r tht• m11 .... 1

It 1.1.a.., thl' .... uh1• l"1 11( th1•11 , I u d ) l 11 t • r 1· d h .1 1 r 1• ct oran~utans

Beth and Burt arc JUSt t wo of t he Y. lld oran~ut ~1 n'> tht· onh lavin l! As1a t1c n•prt•<,t•nt:atl\t"' of the ~rt'Jt aJ>('' lh.11 tht· e1111pl1 has SPl'nl 'om1• 5,000 hour-. ... tu1h IOI! 10 t hl· n·moh' JUOJ!IC' out r t' ac he:.

Shl· 1!'1 onc o f three• wom<'n ha nd -pickt'd to ob,en'l' the• great .1pt'' rnan ·s doM•sl rrlullv{' hy th1· lutt• anthropologist l.oui~ B 1.1..·a kev who ht• lie\"l:d the· study wou ld JHO\ 1d1• a h<>tlf·r un· derc; t .inding of thl' hehav111r a nd -.urv1val of carh man

· I litera ti\ Y.ouhl ~· · • r 111 m' p illow al night b1..·cJ ui-c 1L .... .. , 'o diffi cul t to g1•t c lost• lo t hl·m .md follow them

I I 1s not surpn-.inl! that aft..r <;pe ndml! tha t muc h t ime with tht· apes that she would han• nam ..... fo r them 1Some orpham•1l hahv

1 .I a n t.' Goud.il l 1s .... tud)tng 1·h1mpanzcc.s in T anzania a nd

Daily Tension Eased By J UDITH 01-c:;QN

0 1 ,,,. OOlly 1'1101 \ 1 .. 1

You 're a wire. mother and professional. Your days or<' filh•d with demands al hom e and at work

Pressure mounts. You struggle to j!et it all don<'. Tension . Tens ion . Tension 1s gnpping your head . You want to escape from it all

What's the solution? Accordins.t to Margaret H . Peterson. MD. one of the ans wers is to go ahead and gel awuy, e ve n 1f it 's just an extra run to the bathroom

In a talk for the Women's Division of the Newport llarbor Chambe r of Commerce, Or. Peterson s poke a bout how to cope with tension .

" THE SINGLE m ost common caus e of t ension in working wom en is performance anx­ieties ... s he s aid .

'" Most women who e nter professional life do so with starts and stops along the way. Most wom en over 30 had to be supermothers and s uperwives.

" We were bright. industrious, conscientious and covertly highly competitive. We got a lot of strokes for being nonthreatening."

But being put in this nonthreatened posi· lion , women did not learn to set up priorities . Or. Peterson noted .

" WE ARE EXPECTED to not ru(fle feathers. to always do a good job. We may not ha ve the freedom to s a y no. But we are frustrat· ed by the fact that we cannot do a ll the jobs we are suppost'd to do ...

She uq:ed th e women to learn to s e t priorities based on t heir own values and those of their companie11. The priorities then are lndlcat­~ by the values.

Dr. Peterson said one of the prtoritles de· finitely should be "lak~f care ol _yourself, "


which mc ludcs sc ht•dulin~ time so 1l 1s m ost e n­Joyabl<'

The psychiat ris t , whose' practi ce 1s II m1t<'d to adult wom E>n. said <'ach person 's optional use of time proba bly is d1rf<'rent ··1 need to be busy,·· she expl amt'd . " I nl'<'d m y lime scheduled fairl y well . Th<' worst poss ible thing I do is nothing ."

CHANGING PACE a lso 1s important. These kinds of r elaxinJ.? a ctiv ities could include ROing to movies, belnit with frie nds. lending house planL<>. going to Laguna to s hop or soaking up the sun.

" The most important thing 1s not to go full s peed on, full s peed off. but with a chang ing pace

.. My day 1s naturally paced with see ing pa · tients." Dr P eterson added. " But I always manage to get out of the offi ce for a cha nge of scene.··

This cha nge , s he said . some times only means walking into her secreta ry's offi ce or lo the bathroom

She illustrated a " two-minute re laxation series" which working wo m e n can giv e themselves as a present ·

pur THE FEET nat on the noor. Curl the toes of one foot under, then relax . Lift toes up toward ceiling and relax . Repeat wllh other foot.

Lift legs sUghtly otr floor until tension ii; felt in the thighs. Relax . Let knees fall apart and re· lax U ft s houlders up toward ears then relax. Make fists and extend arms bne fly. Let head r e­lax a nd roll &round

Dr. Peterson offered four steps to good pac-ing

- Don't drive to meet someone else "s s tan­dards

- Know what the proble m to be solved is - Implement. whateve r dedslons you have

made. But don'tdo lwo thlngs al once . - Evaluate your work.

Dian l''osscy 1s observin g gonll a!i in Centra l Africa 1

The Rnndumours · s tudy a rea 1s a 14-squ a r c- m i lc tra c t o t lowland tropica l rain forest and swamp. Travel is laq~ely con­ducted by boat.

Th e ir earli est o bserva tions wcr<' of orangutans f<: cd1ng or t rave ling throug h the trees. Each night Lht• ape~ m a kl' nes ts out of br anc hes :rnd <>vc n dur i ng rains torms wri t make overhead plat forms

MRS. BRINDAMOUR :;aid the re was no p roble m with ag­gression from t he o ranguta ns . In fact. '" they were so s hy and a n noyed al our presence. that lh<'y'd try to fl ee ...

Although primates arc defined as being social. o r a nguta ns arc th e onl v o nc·s who remain sohta r v ·in adulthood , s he ex plai ned

Orangutans b<'gan lafe a s s m all , t hree-pound infants. (A wild adult m a le m ay s.trow to be four feet tall a nd wei g h a bout 150 pounds) .

Infants will c lin g t o their mother's s ide for th<' firs t two ye ar s, th e n occa s i onally separate ror s hort periods .

In the third or fourth year. they begin to travel indepe ndently of the mother . but stay close.

They l<'a rn to eat by observin!l th e mothe r . Orangutans' die t cons ists or bark and a variety of some 300 types of pl a nts and 1n· s ects .

' ' WE HAVE NEVER seen an orangutan mother offer food to a begging inrnnt." she s aid. adding the infant. lake a c hild , may throw a tantrum.

By the time they are five or six. they have been weaned and the mother is either pregnant or has given birth .

Male offspring are treated harshly. observed Mrs . Bnn· damour. The mothers wltl refuse to share their night nest or even be in the same tree with them .

It Is as adults, s he s tressed . that orangutans become solitary Males avoid contact with other males ·· If th<'Y meet up in the for<'st they eithe r fight or n ee ·

There Is harsh compe t1ton for th e females. which leadtt to com bat. she noted. Males often will be s een Wlth t errible wounds or ml!uilne fingers. toes and ears.

Part o f th e Brindamours'

.. .. I'.._

her craft through Sunday, April 10

Ch.Jldren a r e espec1all> skep­tical. Ms Lync h noted that she often IS asked 1f the eggs a rc real or 1f they are roc ks

AN IMPORTER suppli es them to her from Africa. " T h<'Y a ren t taken from the wild , ' :.he ex plained. " The ostric hes are bred on farms , for both feathe rs and eggs."

Ms . Lynch s aid tha t "'i t almost takes a hatchet to break a n os­trich egg'· s ince they a r en ' l as fragil e as they look

In fact . because of the arch, " an eggshell is s tronger than you would think.

"It's the stronges t arch1tec· tural structure in the wo rld 1f you apply pressure from top to bot· tom . But 1f yo u s qu ee ze 1t s ideways - well, crunch," she s aid, s miling.

AN EGG PAINTER for seven y ears. Ms Ly n c h has d is­covered that her 'canvas" pre· s ent s a wh o l e range o f pos sibilities to e xplore

Because the roundnc!>s of an egg provides anothe r d imens ion than just a flat piece of paper. her paintings can be interpreted m terms of a story told in a circle. with a s cene having a beginning and end.

Duck eggs have a li g ht blue tint , makin g th e m •• good backdrop for goldfis h a nd sea s cenes .

Turkey egg s. whi ch a r c naturally speckled with brown fl ec ks. a r e the basis for Ms Lynch's desert landsca pes. de c.·oratcd w1lh bloom ini.:) l H "tJ

Ms. Lynch 's inte rest 1n l'IU!s. co u pl t>d w i th h er !OV(' for rolklore. led her to resea rch and write a book on the sulJJcCI

" Egg pa int ing ha!> always held a fa scin a t ion to people from ea rliest limes. 'she said


eg1:s with natu ru l mo:.i.es ancJ d ) es, and decorated eggs ali.o h a ve been round In Egyptian tombs and m the M 1ddle East dating Cro m the 13th century, she add ed .

.. Thl' rc 1:. u whole history ef eggs being used m s pring and fall rituals as symbols of new life."

E arly cultures drew parallels between the c1a: and the earth , s he re vealed . " Jus t nbout every c ulture has a myth about the egg and creation ."

In on e m y th . the s hell represents the earth. the yoke is the s un, the m embrane 1s air arid the while IS water.

E ggs 1n orthodox Chris tian countn<'~ hav e us u a ll y sym· bo lized the poss1b1hty of rebirth and have lied 1t to the r e birth of Chris t, shl' said.

" In m a ny countries. eggs were brought to ch1ldr<'n by a nimals othe r than the ~unny." s he said. In Eastern Europe. 1t was a red fox ; in Tyroha . u red rooste r ..

Th e ~ raduat e o f Ringlin g School of Art in F lorida noted tha t th<' strongest egg c ustDpis a nd lrad1 u o ns are found in Europe

' HEROWNWORKhas bcenex· h1b1ted an the California Palace of the Legion of Honor in Sen Francisco. alongside the farnous Imperial Russian Easte r eggs.•

The Rui.sian t•ggs. made of pre­cious metals and encrusted with Jew e ls. were presented e&ch E ast er to the c.· tarin a of Russta for a period of 40 years during t.be rt•1g n of Nicholas II.

Ms. Lvnch. who t ra vets an­n ua lly with he r c r a ft to re· na 1ssance and m edieval fairs. feels ··fairs arc a na tural way to work because there I can lnte· g r a te my hre with m y art.

" I'd rathe r talk with the people I ~ell my things lo, instead of do­ing pamttngs that sell in galleries where I nevl'r m eet the people who buy the m ."

• BEA ,\~OERSON, Editor

Thursday. Apr il 7 1977 DAILY PILOT Bl

Birute Galdikas Brindamour

duties arc to rehabilitate illcJ?al· ly captured orangutans and pre­pa re them for release into the wilds.

She said the young o n<'!' ofl<'n imitate human beha vior s uch css us ing tools or throwin11 a l11J.! a cross a nvcr lo cross 1t

"TIIELONGER •H st udy thc great apes the clearer 11 1s we a1 c all made of the s ame fab ri<' ··

Although oran~ut an i- ll rt' un e ndangered species. s h<' su~~ ··there s llll 1s hopl' ··

Oe11p1te loggin ~ co ncesi.ioni­lhat are razing the o rangutani. ' forest homeland. there are ef­forts being m ade al conservation and of settmg up preserves.

" Tl 1s cll'ar ." s aid Mrs. Bl1l'\~ da m our, "' that no s pecies can be :-a ved apa rt from its cnvir~ " m cnt. Ultimat ely, conservatlon or orangutans is pa rt and parcel of conservation of the tropical r a in forest. "

During th e que s ti o n a od an!. wcr11 period . the young an. thropoloi:1st wus asked , " Why °'-1 ) OU do it .," •

"" It 'll !limply cu riosit y," s he sai d ··1 h:wc always been in· I <' r <' Sl<'d in ora ngutans . It S<'<' m ed to m e he was a little humansluck in a red suit. "

S he added, " The more we learn about orangutans , tbe more wowantloknow."

' \

Sporting casual, soft

hats (above), men's summer

styles range from pip/in "racer" to golf caps.

At right, feathery

headgear tickles

the fancy of daring damsels .

Capricorn: St.art Anew


ARIES (March 21 -Apr il 19): Try new ways to com municate. Utilize natur al q uali ties, ab ilities to break thr oug h red t ape. One who seems pom· pous . d is ta nt will show that he actually Is a n ally.

TAURUS (April 20· M ay 20) : Report con· cerning fi nances should be taken with prove rbial gra in of s alt.

- GE MI NI ( Ma y 21-J une 20): Hi g hli g h t naturaJ quali ties of vcrs a t1hty - ask questions , display intellectual cun os1ty. e xpand horizons.

CANC E R (J une 21-J uly 22) : You may have s urrounded yours clf with too many details. Key is to get n d of r ed tape . ·

LEO (July 23 Aug . 22> Romance, creative a ctivi ty, lovc theSl' are ~pothghted . Signifi· cant chani:c 1s due d on' t re!>1st progress.

VIRGO (Aug . 23 Sept. 22) : Obt a in e xpert counsel in connectio n with property , securi ty is­~ues, lega l a ffa irs Fa m ily me mber 1s involved.

LIBRA CS<-pt 23 Oct. 22> · Avoid trying to do Loo much at onct'. Ors:J n1zc plans. prionties . See places . people in r cahs t1c light. Steer a way from self-d eception .

SCORPIO <Oc t. 23 Nov 21 >: C h ec k possessions - count your change. Acce nt on b uy­ing, s elling . Avo id bas in ~ actions on impulse. Ke y is to be logical, to we igh vanous poss ibili t ies - a nd CO!'I L'I .

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) : Aura of mystery wo rks t o your advantage. Cycle is favor ahle, you land on your feet. Don ' t t ell a ll

CAPRICORN ( Dec 22-J a n. 19) : New starts in new directions a r e fe atured. E m phasis on light m a rca11 prf'v1ous ly obscur ed, Importa nt to impa rt Be opc n-mind<·d . receptive

AQUARIUS ( J a n 20 Feb 18> Fnendship and money may m ix J S 1f oil and wate r . Know it and a ct as 1f :iw<1 re so m ething of va lue m e r ely to pul off e m barrass· m en!. You ca n ' t buv lova lt v

PISCES t "Pb. 19-Marc b 20): You ~ct act ion a nd plenty of 1t ' T here could be conflict of in­ter est. Protect self duri ng 1n·f1 ghting .

.. ·-


I '12 H.tlor .... C..te Me.41 - 148..0JH

•. ~ ,.. . . . ... .,, ....... .. ', .. .. .... " '


By ERMA BOMB ECK One of the biggest pr oblems

confronting women who go out· s ide of their homes to work 1s g ui1t.

T here is no doubt in my mind t ha t if I gathe red my c hildren a round my knee and s aid . " Dea r h e a r t s, ne xt Tuc c;da y, your mother will be s worn in as the firs t woman Pre~ 1dent of the United Statei.

" This m eans I will ser ve as ch ief of s t ate , make s ur e feder al la ws are enfor rcd. be comman· der · in-chicf of our arm t·d forces. direct U.S fore ign policy. shape m y party ·s stand on forc•1J!n 1s

sues. urge Congr ess lo ad on my leg1s lallve pro posalc; and prc'>1dt· over t he 132-r oom White llou::.c. · t hey would re a ct as foll ows

Son . "Does t hat m e an you' re not going to the store toda y ·•··

Da ughter . " Don 't for S(C'l you got baton-twirling car pool on Wednesday "

Hus ba nd : "' Whal would you want with a house t hat bi):!., You can 't t a ke c urc of t he o ne you got. ..

The ~uil t is cnmpounckd b\ lhl' fru str a tion of not bt•ing abll' to compl:un about a ny pa r t o f your e xt ra-curncular acll v1ty If you do. you "~l . " You a skcd for 11 i\o one 1s askm$t vou to Y. Ork You can always quit your 1oh '·

I have a fri end who ' ' ju"t go in" t hrough tht· tra ns1t1nn period t ha t everyone• who works ha., bee n through The other night s ht· c a m e home to :rn open front door . a stove burne r th11t had bc<'n on a ll day, liquid buttc r on the br eakfa,,t ta b lt'. u nm ade beds.

Tripping On Guilt Righted

the dog e ating pe anuts from a n a shtray and 15 kids in the hall bath showing m ovies in the com · m ode th a t thre w them in to h ys t e ri cs every t i m e th ey flushed.

She pounded on t he bathroom d oor a nd said , "Doc~n · t anyonl' c ar e th a t th e dog 1s ca t in~ peanuL'iJrom a n as htray '!"

A voice came out, " We told h im he'd ruin his s upper , but he would n' t lis ten ."

When she complai ncrl to her husband he r etorted, " f don ' t know why you h ~1 ve to work a nyway. You ' ve ~ol l'verythm~ he r e you nc-cd · - s e lf ·cll'anmg ovens. push -button s toves , ICl' make rs , elcctnc broo m s . blt•n · d er s, s tea m irons a nd wall.to· wall conveni ences . IL '!> a r egulJr Dis neyland .··

" I've noticed." s he said . " The kitchen is Adventu re ! and, thr p lumbing, F ron ti crland ; lh c• g ar age T omo r rowl a n d ; th e bed room . Fa ntasyland . and the bathroom , Main Street , U.S.A."

I don 't think I 'll ever for J?el the d ay I had written a column , lec· lured at a luncheon. co me home . m a de beds, put in a load of c lothes and startcd di nner when m y ~on s aid . " Why don t you ma ke som e le mona de'? ..

" Why don 't you m a ke it " " I sa id

" It 's your Joh ... hf' ret:i ll atf'd I thought <i hout lh<il onc for a

long time and d ccided wha t did 1t p r o fit m e l o he a n e xpert le monade maker - whe n l fnilcd to r aise a child who rcsp<•c tc•d ml' a s a person .

I 've never felt ~uilty c; inr<'


E Stewart Cole H i-Tide. Dally, Catal ina


( 1\1/\11.ROX



Mad Hatters Top Headlines


llat tricks for Easter and springtime arc kicky, classy chapeaux that cry out for at· tention. The fashionable male is donning sort ware toppers in easy, casual materials, while women arc having their fancies tickled with flouncy f eatlters. Throw your hat into the ring and watch the reaction during the Easter parade.




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Includes the following i tems:


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Shoes by Poppoqallo ~ ~r; .

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Via Lido Plaza 3423 Via Lido. Number 13

,,,_,,.WW kl HUO"'°' """"'"''

875-0321 Hours 1<>-8 Sun °11·5

Wife'S Worth· at a Premium Thursday. Aprll 7. isn DAIL V PILOT 83

~ (Ann Landers DEAR ANN LANDERS. Ye.stcrduy was my

birthday and guess what I received as a gift from my husband . A $10,000 life msurancc pollcy - on MY lire.

While discussing our insurance coverage re­cenUy, I m entioned to ham lhal he carried no in· s urance on MY lire, and 1f l should die, he would have lo hire som eone lo care for our home <Jnd ·family. (He doesn 't even know how to turn on the was hing m achine) . Also, he would lose about $6,000 a ye11r Income from m y pa rt-lime Job

Al the time or our t alk. m y husband fell strongly that women m·cd not he msurt•d unless they are the m ain source of u family's mcome. When this insuranc(• poh<'y came on my birth· d ay. I had miKed frt'linf(:. . I W ilS hurt lhal r had to r eceive life insurance as a "s.:ifl ." lo pre>ve I was i mportant to him. But I was plt'ascd that he ftnal ­l y did it.

Ann. please advise your male r<'aders to ap preeiate the value of their waves before it 1s too late . The s m art. husband insures his wife as well as him.self. Sig n m e SI0,000 WORTH Of" WOMAN

DEAR WOMAN: You've made an enellent point and I concur completely.

Too often a husband thinks of hJs wife only In terms or her emoUonal worth and overlooks the financlaJ facts or life.

Several years ago I printed what a wife's SHvices would cost ln cold bard cash - If a husband had to p.ay for them. Would you believe approldmately $16,000 a year?! And that was betore lnfia&Jon, dear. Thanks for wrttlng.

DEAR ANN LANDERS: My parents and I WC'rc having a discussion t he other night. Now we need your advice. We we re urguing about " the prope r procedure" whe n you pic k up the telephone receive r in a party-line situation. My m o m says you should s ay •·excuse me" and acknowledge your m ist ake. I say you s hould ha ng up quietly and not break into the conversa· twn . Who is right '! WllAT'S MYLINE

DEAR LINE: I ' m with you. It's less disrup­tive lo t'llck off with no comment.

Most people who have party lines know when a third person picks up the phone. They ap·

/Ima Cunningham donates her painting as a door prize for the Arthritis

Foundation benefit. Leigh Dodson 's interest is fashions.

Show STOP-per

predate ll when that lndlvldual cub out prompt· I) . No apology Is necei.sary.

DEAR ANN · The letter from the husband who insisted that his unfaithlul wife r enew their weddi ng vo" s be fore he forgave her hit close to home. In m y case, the shoe was on the othe r foot.

When my wedding nng was lost. I r efused to weat it.s r eplaceme nt until we renewed our vows. My husband agreed but was extremely nervous all throug h th6 cere m ony. 1 didn't get ''the m essage."

Within six months I lea rned he had been car· r ying on ao affair for nearly u year - before, during, and afte r the r e ne wal or our vows:

I 'm happy to say tha t out of a ll the pain came ;1 deeper under st anding of how much we needed each other . My big mist ake was t rying to be ~oo self-sufficient and independent - demanding nothing - making him feel that I could get a long without hjm. J am - SMARTER NOW AND TEMPERED BY LOVING

DEAR S MAR'l'ER : Thanks for the s hort course. U's a claJisic.

11ght'JJei~ht "'W001) perfect Tor fuster. ..

the. 1ightest wz.i9ht \)/QC)l coat yrul l ever wear w oven 'n Scodand \_~1lore.d ~dusive.iy for us. 1ight blue., orange., and tan.

@)~o@@)~@ 44 fashion island, newport center 644-5070

How much do you know about pot , LSO, co· caine, s peed, m elh, uppcrb and downers. glue and heroin? Are all th('SC drugs dangerous? Get. Ann Landers's new booklet, "Straight Dope on Drugs." For each booklet ordered . send a dolla r bill plus a long, sell·addrc!.st'<I envelope (24 cents pos tage > lo Ann Lande rs, P .O. BoK 1400, Elgin. Ill. 60 J..ro.


, .... • • I

J1".:'f-~ /~J,ff '.,

~-l~~w ~IN 14 KARA! GOlll Now you Can Wl'3f your la•ortto Raggedy Ann Jnd Andy pcndanls and rtnf)~ .. 11 1n 14 k4r11 gold Pric•· 1ncludos chains.

Mdl.ler Charqe


Newport Beach

The Woml•n's Aux i liary or th(' l\rthrtfl'> Foundatwn of Or.1n~1· County will honor 1\llt·n L u d d e n • l t• I l· \ I s I II n pcr somthty ;ind arthn\I', t el('thon t' h,111 m ,1n for 1977. at 1\s annual runrl raisin~ proJt•rt

The· th.t rtl\ t•\t•nl titled Salut1· t 11 Out ...,t.ind ing Pl·rs11ns 1STO l' 1. \\Ill begin with ;i lunrh<•on .11

noon. Wednc!>day, April 27. in thf' Newporter Inn . l.11ddc11 "'Ill s1>e·ak on c1rlhrit1 .... and s<·n l' as m J:..l\·r of u·rcmuni1:s

\ f Jsh1on <;ho" ft-..it ur-1 n~ <11•s1J.!1" for tr;i\el ann 'acat1on. v.111 follow ~

Thi· \\'omt•n .., \ ux­tli <tr\' ,.., n s upport i.:rou p or tlH' Or.tnl.!I' l'uunly Branch Cll th1• '\ at1onal Ar thr1t1 ... Fo11nrl ,1t1un

l'roceC'd~ rl'ma1n 1n Orangl' County to hc·lp maint:11n th t- Art hrit t!i Cit n1c at th<' Oran~t· Count\' l\h'd1cJ I ('l'nkr 111 Or Jngc

R<'servat1on5 Jrc to bt· mane by Wednesda~. April 13 with i\tr .s :\I a r.., h J 11 A A<' ck . 673·7760. or Mr..., Richard Fuller. ti73-3475

TrY Our New Front Door


K~•t of C1hforn11. C•fft" "'' ull1ma1" 1n cftUll, relnlld t90rUwelf lef'*'"" Our S1lklln 1Cn111 11111 fem1n1n1 Ot'm•or• Shy Citndldly conec:t Exprus1ng the mood ol Spw'I) IOd Summ1r l1~1on. Solkhn ~nm In a luwn ltkt blend of TRlVIHA POLYt!iTEA and SILK Solt patttlt re II«: ting p11nl ''"' tu•y• A 111111 coordinete tank anti 1~11

f11mou1 vnoothlit pent Here. one o f mariy b"'utlli1I looks lo! Sp,lng end Summer from Koret o f C111forn11 SM them tll today.

Fo. fill•'*"'-"'•""'~ ..... ~. -..w .......

-.. ,... ... _ _ _,

j I


,.._24" ._.._ ... .. n •

........ c.ia­"w<-....

S1HCI t t41

Dl .. AftTMaNT eTOI ..

11 1 • MIWPotT '°"""""• AT !MnaSIC'nC* Of MAbOt ... NIWPOttT .....



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• I I



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On Bear Street ...

. . . between Corona del Mar and Long Beach That is ... between the Corona del Mar sig r-f;~ and the Long Beach slff on the newly opened~:~:: Corona del Mar Freew~·

You' ll find it more convenient



" ·i!:l)ltA!::::DAl::LV::=Pf=LOT======:::i;::=:::===::::::Thu=~:::=·""'==='=l7~.=1977== ~- !'~ :::;;:::::...~~~~~~~~~~·.-~~~~~~~~~~~~-·· ..


. . • • , • , .



• Tho fol_.no oe•oon• ••• O«>lnq 11<111· : ...... ,: SOUTH COAST OEVELOF~RS

I HC. Jl:Z0.8 w.st Cen1ra1, SOnt• 4n•, CAft104

SC I NV£5TORS I NC • e Celll•>rn111 <OrJIO••llon, 3120-8 Wnt CCimrel. S-1.t AllA. CA. '7104

Thll bu\lnotn h COr>dUCti!'<I bv o cor DO<Otlon

~INVESTORS, IN \. VB. MEHARG, Stc. ITr••surer

This stote~( ....., ,, f1f•"ff w 1•n Ot11 Cou111v C•~·~ of 0,.,..,. C•>un•y n11 , M9f"chlt.1•n

"7 ... , , Publl"-d Or""'l" Cout Oollv Pt101.

All"ll 1, U ,11, 1', lt71


SUll'£1110ltGOU!tTOPTMI! ST4T901i'CAU FOlt ,_l.A FOtt



E"411r o1 JOl-iN CALABRE SE. a~• GIOVANNI CAt.ABR!;SC. Ot<~·'"·a

NOTICE IS HfR EllV C",11/E N t~.11 CA RM E \.4 MA~SAAOTTI ""' l llM ,..,,.,It:" Of!t1r 1011 tor "'°'"''to nr N.tr ·tM tor h\Ut\n<t Ot l,.,,,.,., T"' t•trTI,.nt try tn 11\e Pf'.' U f1oni1r r rter,.nc_f' ,,, wtw h 1• m.tdt t ()I' tur t~r Dtjrhcul•r\ Ann "Mr v.e 1lmt! and ot.-c"' nt n"'«"""O '"• ... .-,,,,. ,., ~"" y l IOr '"0'11 1&, ttl/ , al 10 00 a .rn ., In '"" tourtroom ot ~o.trtment N O • • ot ~10 cou•t Ill 7"10 t'.IVI( (~n·~· Orl¥e We\I, In lllO CllV of !Mlf'llA An•,

• C•llf<1rn14 O•led Aorll 4. 1'71

WILllAM E ltJOtlN. eountv Cltr~

..OV I . GIOlllO.AHO ,.$S .. . llMl111t-•. ~lte­S.llt• AM, C4. '210f 1114)WM46t AllWlley~ ... tih-

t Pubt l\lled Oran<)le c....n D411y Pl1M A11<117 .l , U , 1'n IO I• II

PICT1nous •u11N•ta ........ n aTSMllNT . ""• Tonight's TV

T1" tollOWtfll ,.._ It 9'1"41 w.i. M"'n

<;Ot.Ol!H WUT OEMS, 62' S f!«lld A~, Suite IO. ~""• CA ...,,

JoM - ~. t"2 Com ..-e eru.. "'-'""""' liNctl. (,A .,.. Tltlt .._II~-- Irr• In . ....... ..,.,,............, Tiii~ •l•- ... flied wtltl lM

C-tl' Cltftl Of 0.- C-1'1 ..i INl"OI W. "'1


CAUl"OlllllA CAUNUMal• cvr .. •••~


CAST ALLOYS. INC'_ • CO.l>Ot•hOll • 11'1..AtMTlf'li'$

Highlights ~

THI Tlt.AVl!U! llS fHOl!MNITY c;oMP.ulY,o~t(loo\. O.~nts I

KTLA 1J 8 :00 - "The Lemon Drop Kid." Bob Hope plays lbe title role In this 1951 r:novie comedy .

DE NI S \.l!VASSUl!lt. 81t40 i L004M, -. JAMES L()G4N M41N~. j Jlt •• ~ okO JAM!S I.. 111\AIN, •"4 0.ANNY 1(1,-CHIN, THlllO P41tTV Ol!'.PllHD4Nn

K'ITV.8' 8:00 - Jacques Couateau.

Yo11 • •• l\er•bl' •u,..rno..eel •n<I r11aulr•ct to Hrve 11po" DARY i. l'.AltlCl!lt. 1!50 .• Fi.t<Mf'. R..,c,, A. M•"°Mv 04•1n11H'• atlornev. who•• -r .. t ""11 Wllt lllr• Boul••••d. Lo• f """'•· c:.t111ornle tOOtO end vl>Ofl J0NC 5 .ANO 81!~AR who I• etlornev

The Great Sea turtles, believed to have evolved from prehlatorlc ages, are ex· amined in thls documentary on the laland of Europa between Africa and Madagascar. ·

!or 11\e M»w-n•l'Md Oet•n<le1>t •"" thlrd·PMIY P1.in1111 . .... Whow ..SOr•" I• 5'01 WHI Ttlll'O St.-t, L.ot •noe•u. Collfornle '00,. •n •nu••• 10 tM • 1"trd•DO<W<Otno11lnt - lc;ll lt~ewlln ,.,,,.., _..,... wtt11111 ZO<ltv• on ... '"" s.rvlo of 11•1• •urnmon• UPOl'I vou u ctuslYeollheO.vol-vlce. 11yout•ll

CBS.fJ 9:00 - People's Command Performance. Entertainers from all phases of show business are shown in their best-known performances in thia special, seleeted by viewers.

10 clo to. IUCIOn*tl Dy dotlauir wlft tw taken •v•lntt wou tor t he nll~t dPmoncled In 11\e llWf'lk>Mty com1>1a1..i Tf\e ... tUIOO~-yOU-.-..lfhA COOi' of lhe <om04olnt of the 01•ln11lf w111e11 ..,._, lfWll bUt we not requlr...:t to •Mwtf

EOW4RO M l(AITZM4N. Cle-rll UnttedSt.t"OlstPl( tCou'1 8rS4t.LtE•'10IMANUEL DtoutyClerll.

OATEO; 0.U-r lJ, 1'1' 15E4LI JOt4ESAND8EDHAll Htl WotTlll"'St,.... Le•A-1•, teli-.. ... fJ U I '14-tttt llTTOltNEYSFOlt 0.t-nt •"4 Thtr<l l>any Pl•lntlfl

PuOloMle<I Or- Coe\! D•llY P iiot. M•rc•l•. 3l.-4"'llT. t• .1tn 11?1-.71


JUNtAl llXA NOa• ci."'.i11to&o.,111>1S.-••"'"


TV DAILY LOG ~--~----~------------'"'."'""'::"""""'"'.""':'"~ trust: dlSCMfl ht is .. lttlt to the


9 :00 DD Cl) CiOl (Clll m) ~ e rm Cl) ca (I) m Mews B <Bl Stu T 11t (j) &..... PYie D &unlmolt m P•ltlidet f1111lly O»Mlta·lZ fli) £ltdric Cotti""' m OraNtk s.na Qt) MIU Doudn

-6:30-u "TITANIC" ·ROBERT ,.. WAGNEl/ 8. STANWYC« 0 111"11: (90) "Tltu1t" (dtl) '53-Chflon Wtbb. 81rbm SUnwyck. Robtt1 WllJ\tr. (I) Wy Gnttttll (() "'" (Im ... " ~tr. $flow m Fatlily Altlir ((llJQJ) r......t mz.. ((3 Cl)) llwitdlecl mr-1•

7:00 o u 0J1 m m m Ikon 0 um Oub ( 41 My Three Sons c' I To Tell the Tnith O Cotl<eatratlon m I Lowe l.Ucy Ill The fBI m CJriklren·, l"roeram IX Andy Gnlflth tD MacKeil/l.threr lleport (i.3) W > The Partrklct hmily

-7:30-CI Andy O l.o¥e Amerlun Style COJ The Odd Ccluple U The Gona Show (l) l:Wld~ra O The Joiltr's Wild

(JOJ "'' (() IUtdl &amt m <<2fl m> ll'ldy Bun<h (Ull Wl The W"llllur11 Btotfltn fl) Today's l:oc*lflc ~ Hop11's Htroa fD Cll1RMI 11 Tonipt m Pnct b R1rtit Of Amelia: Tlir Toullf CJpentnee

8 :00 0 BUGS BUNNY EASTER • SttOW/ Bup ashd to

sub for Usttr lt1bblt fJ ([1101) m Bu&l B1nRy bsttr Sllow Bugs Bunny, with the aid al soch olhti famous urtoon tharactm as Oaffy Duck. Stlmlu the Cat. Pepe le Pew, foehoin leehorn and Yostm1te S.m, Ines to help a desperate Granny find 1 sub stilule 101 the [a$ler Bonny wllo is bedr1dd'n W11h a cold. U FANTASTIC JOURNEY! * Slave wo1111n revolt·

•II men dlAppt1r CJ QJJ rn ® m ranfastlc Journey ··Turnabout" When lhe mftll of one of the 1111)8 spheres abuse and dea11de lhf female poJ1ulahon, the women revoll and cause their lormtnto11 to d1sapour. 0 MoN: (2hr) "Tile ltMOll Dr0tt llld" (com) '!II-Bob Hope. < e 1 Mom: CC l (l~r) "bu,ade In hpan" (dra) " 't l- Tere~ W111hl, C..ml'fOn M1lth,ll U U•H ~;) llt futurt~ lhe pt\l1c• tram ol Cleaver. Ha•en and Bundy try to kttp • )'OllRl 1111 l1om to1~m1lint su1C1de. only lo !tarn the one pmon who tan stop htt- hei l1thtr- 1s under poltCe av•rd and annot be relused. O C.tlrilla Valente Ill Collttrt lhe popular singer 1$ backed by the (dmonton Sympllony 01thn1T1. m JKqun ~en ''Se11clt in th• Deep · The myste11ous Grut Su Turtles_ beh•~d rvolved hOlll the preh1sfori<: age.s, aflracl the crew of Ill@ Calypso. lhry YIS•t Ille 1$1and of Europa tn lhe Mo11mb1que channel botween Africa and Madaauur. Ill Perry Muon w Jap;intSe o~"'' ~ MOY11: IC) (2hr) "Godsptll .. (dra) '73-Viclor Guber, Oawld Haskell, Jeny Sroka. Ell) Mastefpiece f~tre: Upsblra Downtt1Jrs "Will Ya No Come 8.Ki A(11n" When Richard bnmJwJ • fish• 1nR lodce 111 tht H11hlands of Scot• l~nd, Caton Place seivanls flfvi lo men•et under unusu•I cond1Uons.

CD '""'* dtl '"""

estate of llcm Ed Huter. llld. ct. sptle llts alf9ttioll tor Katlierine tt. ness11 Hd he1 dau&hlet, Bern1delle, wows to dtJtror kalheri"e's hulblftd, Tom, wllo mlde vile ICICllSlticlllS apinst her. (I) Melll« a:> (2llf) ""' ....... Eatw" (6'1) '64- Mne Bltlcrolt. • <ta <IJ> a "'-'....,CR> "NOll·lnwolvtftltnt" Wojo lffeSts 1 citilen tor not stoPPinc •robbery and Baptlstl, • new· womM cktec!M. bunas in a "ftaslttf." CJ Oral~ Cit Mffle: a:> "Tiit Ill lie•" (com) '60-T0111 C41rtis. m ...,, Criffie S11M • l1le VllJlliM m Clvlllsatl"' "Lirht or uperl· enu" Remtnndt anil Vermeer, two Dutch PtlRltlS wllose ptfctption of 111'11 molutlOllind tl1tir art, 118 prototypes for Sir Ktwllt aar11·s study of 17111 Ceatwy t.ope; time at NIMNUcs 11111 rmo..

-9:30-• (121 ())) Cll Tltrw'a C.· MllJ "No Qiildrtft, No 0ocs· Wllt1I Jldl llri4lp bome • Pllllll'J, IOOlll­

llllles .bnd •lld Clirissy rtmind ltim thlt the lladlord doesa"t ... pets. flJ s..c.,... c....,

10:00 UO lltws u (rat! ft)) (J"j) WestMt ...... u l ··111n2 Solomon's Kid" An ldoc>­lion arranied •Y ~ and Janel 1s t h1ea1 ened when lhe foster mothtr fates the IMOSl>l!cl ol an 111Guuble illness and runs away with the baby. 1,2t1 &ullsmole fl) Mlsa de II Im T~ 111 the s.in Gab11el MISSIOR, with composer U11abelh Waldo conducting Ille Pan American Enstmble and Ille Sacra· mento Chofale, actOf Hellf'f Darrow hosts and nplalns the eleinem of the 54Jan1$/t M$..

-10:30-m mm ..... m rrofilll-K.L ...._

1 1100 l'J • ()) Q)) llews 8 11J CJJC!I Ghn 8 LM AIMflCMI Style m sinates MmJi u, 0 fronsicft G) Mary lbrtltl-. Miry Mllr1-Cl) Tht ltolM~rs (CUJ ())) The btl<JI Sllow Qfl llatol~ mw.111 (121 Cl)) LM a.n.. Style

- 11:30-0 (@ Cil) (I) CIS Litt ~ "llolft- Slly AAlt. .. (C) -Cty ,_ .. (dra) '74- lohn Fonylhe. a ID> C1J (l.aJ m Ja1n1y c.i.... {() The PTLQu41 0 (3 (f)) tDJ Tltandly IUpt S,.Cill "'Ge11l0o Riveia: Goodni&bl Amenca" m """ Cl) S(t. Bllko ®The 700Cltlb

12:00 U llat Cl( Gl"04ldle C!I Moltle: a:l "f• QwtlS"' .. A(e" (adv) '66-l!Qrer Ha11111. GJ Cress-W"lts m MoN: "~of lift" (dra) '34-Claudette Colbtrt.

-12:30-u All~ Sllow: "Homr " tlll 8lldl ...,_.," "Cosfe4 ~ .. St. MattlleW," "OeM ..... ~ m ~ "l1le Harder n.., fflf" (61a) '56-HumpbrtY Bot•rt.

1:00 o aii CJ) <m r....,.

2 :00 a .,..,., Oonltf••tlf•: ..... M111t•"•Mano1c.•

-~30-CD AUlcflt SM: "Tiii ~ let," "lf1dt .. 1111 .......

-3~5-u Mowle: ....,.... A ........ Doubt" (SUS) '5'>-0111 Ad'M.

P\lllff ...... °""'91 0Nnt o.l i. li'flot I """ , 1'! I 1>1' 11

l;averne, Shirley Top Jesus 1Vovie

NEW YORK CAP> - The first hall of " Jesus of Nazareth" oo NBC was seen by viewers in 22.9 . ml Woo households Sunday rugbt, accordlne to the latest A. C. Nielsen figures. The only show to top it for the week was ABC's " Laverne & Shlrley.''

The usually top. rated Academy Awards ce.remOQy turned up in fourth place on ABC.

ABC CAME AWAY WITH another wlo for tho week, it.a 13th conaecutlve. The prlme· tlme averages were 19.9 for the network ; r epresenting J4.2 million homes; 18.7 tor CBS, or 13.3 million homea, and 15.8 for NBC, or 11.2 mlllion.

At the bottom of the week's list was NBC's re~ peal of "Ca plain & the Kings."

The 10 lop·rat.ed programs last week were, in order Laverne & Shirley, " J esus of Nazareth," Happy Days. the Academy Awards, Barney Miller, MASH. Three's Company, Hawa.il Fiv&-0. Barnaby Jones and Welcome Back, Kott.er.

FINISWNG IN T UE 11THROUGH20 positions were in order "Chisum." What's Happening, The Caroi Burnett 'show, Eight Is Enough, 60 Minutes , The Jeffersons, Perry Como's special, Maude, MitzJ Gaynor's special aod a tie between All in the Family and Charlie's Angels.

Nashville 99, the new series starring Claude Akins. rwshed 33rd in it.s premier outing on CBS. The CBS News documentary on Rhodesia was 65lh among the week's 66 primetime programs.

NBC said its research department c;stlmates that 70 million people saw at least a portion of lbe opening installment or "Jesus of Nazare~" and that when it concludes Sunday, that figure will have increased lo more than 90 mlllion.

. {<3)

<ibe§lippaand ti.~ Tiu: Story of Cin<.lcrclla

Richard Chamberlain Gemma Craven _,..,,, ... o '-.••"'4

2 :00-4:30-7:00-9:30


COST A MESA 546-3102










'F antasticks.' at U CI; Serial Expands


Three Slwws Closing IC you can't get tickets for the clos­

ing performances of " The Fan­taatick.a" at the Westminster Com­munity Theater this weekend (and you probably can't), you can $ee the ume play for 75 cents at UC Irvine tonight through Saturday.

The UCI production is a student of­fer ing at the Fine Arts Lillie Theater· under the direction of graduate stu­dent Margot Abbott Curtain time is 8 o'clock and reservations are being taken al 833-6617.

M EANWIULE, THE Westminster version of "Fantasticks" is one or three stage productions drawing their curtains along the Orange Coast this weekend. The others are "Luv" at the lrvinl\{:<>tnmunity Theater and " The Girl in the Freudian Slip" at the San Clemente Community Theater.

S o ndr a Evan s 1s directing Westminster's "Fantast1cks" with Kent Johnson, Bille Hess. Saundra Al· Je n, Robert Sax, Robl.' rt J ames, Ch uck Stanear t and John Autry among the cast. Curtain 1 ~ 8:30 Fn· day and Saturday a t 7272 Maple St., Wes tmjnster . Reservations 893-8626.

" LUV," THE FIRST s how a t Irvine 's new theater in Newport Beach, gives its closing performances at 8 : 30 Friday and Saturday evenings.

Intermission Tom Titus

The Murray Schisgal comedy ls bei~ presented at the former church on Cliff Drive at El Modena Avenue. Reservation s 646-3178 d ays and 557.7297 evenings.

Tony Brandt 's production of "The Girl in the Freudian Slip" winds up with performances tonight through Saturday at the Cabrillo Pl ayhouse. 202 Avenida Cabrlllo, San Clemente. George Alig, Joanne Applegett and Jeff Corbin head the cast, which performs at 8 :3Cf'. Reservations 492·046S.

Three professiona l prod url1ons round out the menu of local theater, all continuing their engagement:.. They are :


LOS ANGELES CAP) - Fans of the daytime series "All My Children" will be getting double their pleasure starUne AprU2S.

A BC Television an­nounced that the seven-

'B~· "giell• ' year-old serial will ex­pand to a full hour, ap-pearing on the network a D- -alled half-hour earlier than lts

·~ present time. Last year ABC also

LOS ANGELES (AP) converted two other - "The Billion Dollar seria ls, " One Life to Movies" is the title for L ive" a nd "General NBC 's Big Event for Hospital" to 4S·m.lnute May 22. David Niven will ahows.

host and narrate a re- =:~=~~~~~~~ view of the 12 biggest,. rr-~--....~ moneymaking films. I • uc-...-MNI. I

The film s include tvUT-·nu::aoAM-•nu " Jaws," " The God ­fath e r ,'' "T h e Graduate" and " The Sound of Music." Olivia DeHavilland will make a n appearance to r e­minisce a bout "Gone With the Wind."

S.ADUt l! ll&C M ~l. AIA • ... . ... '\. 111•1 '....... .. . . .... . ,,. . .

.. AIRPORT 17711

MATlNHS DAILY I 110.J.:JO.l:>0. 7:JO.t1>0

MOK-TUIS 7:l0.t:>o

S COAST PLAZA >t1u 111111s1 >4S 11t11 .. t•••


. ''THI LA TE SHOW" ...... _,,, .. ., . .. 1\J .... " . -"'" ,,, ... ,.,

SO. COAST PLAZA J'lt .. n11UI $4& 1lll 1t11'"''~




•w;;·;; 'I 1 1,. ...... ,, • ri ., \ • • • • L 1.1••11i,.1 U• l\H :





'l'MJltdest ...... LOS ANGELES CAP> A ~HOUSl IY Tffl LAact.. f.!::=========' V "THE TOWH TMA T

~ :: Lfhle--~ - William Devane has s igned on as coach of the p e nnant·bound Lillie League team in " The B a d News Bears in Breaking Training ."


q--rHI DOMIHO NIHClrt.i~ ~SHOOY-fl.I


1BLACK SUN----1 It could be tomorrow!

(R )

~ ------~

.. """' ... -··· ,..,..



11••• tN11,.•rt•tlo11f

' ~

\ George C. Scott · A Dort/Pot.vsky Production A Frankl1n J. Schaff1.., Fiim

" Islands In the Stream"

THURS.-FRl.-SUN. 2:00-4:00-8:00

8 :00-10:00 I

SAT. ONLY 1 :00-3:00-5:00-7:00


HACH AT ELLIS, H.1. 147-9608 147-6017

• • , .... ~•o•"..co.t:""" ._,...,._ .... T£CHNICOLOll9 ,.II( .. oeu .. ,..,,.,.ct oe

• -


""0000 tlAIC*$TO CHOCHIOU'a '"4aMACYl

Gas-for-cash Effort ~

Pleases Exxon EXecs CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) - An ex·

perlment by Exxon to find out wbethu more customers would be

gas and pay cash c.in save blmsell Sl 40 every time he fills up a 20-gallon tank.

Chno11 inl( 11 personal wUUngtopaycubforgasollnelfthey phormnt.'Y 111 un lmportnnt could get a discount seems to have d "c I 11 Ion be c u u u ll been successful , dealers and com· Jn vol Veft lha hell Ith of YOU pany officials 88)'. and vnur fnmllv Soane of " It's been working well. I think it the things y~u :1hould look has helped bu~lness," says Lee ror In rfr r 1dlna upon a , McCaskill one of the 35 dealers

Exxon otficials said they were q>n· ducting the program to determine whether the d iscounts would lncrease bus iness. Some dealers say it has and othe rs say business has been about the same.

phurmacy ar e serv ice , · i · ' · •· d u 1, c n ct a b i I I l y . parttc pating m lhe. program. I think ' " I don't know whether it ' s in­

creased my businei;s or not, but I do know l 've been a ble to help my c us tomers hang 11. ther e ·as g11soline prices have conlirst cd to go up," scfYJi Robert C. Benton, who owns a station ' in downtown Charles ton.

JlromptncRll. fnlr dcuhng people are watching their pennl~s 1and complete :.locki.. now and 2 cents a gallon makes a d1f-

Wc think that we got ference." ~ood mork11 on all thc'le importunl polnb 1111 well oi1 mimy other ... aut the onlv way h1 reully know I ~ to .sive U" a try. The people who work in our phurmucy rl'nlly <'Ull" about you !>U we a Pc <'onfidcnt that once you trv u ... you will be b11l·k ai:um and will consider us your fJmll y pharmac-v

THE PROG RAM began an Sep. tembe r in Charleston and Abilene, Tex .

" I had a few credit card customers who fell like they were bt:ing di'S· criminated against; but now every· ,body seems to be well satisfied ," McCaskill says.

EXXON DIDN'T REDUCE its whole.'\ale prices to dealers. It is tak· mg into account 1975 credit sales, and cash sales during the experimental period. to provide rebates lo dealeni as an incentive to participate in the program. YOU OR YO t: rt

DOt:TOH Ct\N f'llO"IE U!-1 whe n \ Ou nl'l'cl a <lclt\'erv We 11.lll dt•h\Cr µrumptly­w1thoul l' 'Clra char11c A f:rt•;1t manv Jk'Oplc n•l v on u~ fo r their hcJlth need., w,. welcome rl'<IUc:.is for d t • I 1 " c r y s c r v 1 c c and <' h <1r~c ae<'ount.;

Under the experiment, m otorists who pay cash for gasoline ins1'ed of banding lhe dealer a c redit care! get a di scoun t of 2 cents a ga llon . A cus tomer wimng to pump his own gas can r ealize s ubstantial savings.

Don Wright. r1eld sales m anager of Exxon in Charleston. says 35 of the 41 dealers in Charleston are participal· ing in the program .. Dealer reaction has been good a nd the cash customers love it ," he says

rARIC LIDO P'HAlMACY JSI Ho .... lo.d ,,. .. ., ... ....,

..._,_.. 1Hcll 64Z-1 510

A GALLON OF regular a t McCaskilJ's Cull service island costs 61 9 cents. Someone who pays cash can get it for 2 cents less than that . At the self service island, McCaskill charges 56.9 cents a gallon, with a 2· cent discount for cash. This means a

Officials hired a research firm to find out how credit card customers feel about the program, but the results are nol in. Wright says Exxon should be able to evaluate the program by mid-April and m ake a decision on whether to continue it. ----------- person who is willing to pump his own

Share Easter Joy! Rl·member fnends and rela tive~ 1.vnh tl.oughtful I ldllrnilrk <:<mis



103-123* INTERESI

steady, steady, steady.

For the last 16 years, through booms and recessions, lndlvldual Investors. as well as trus t and profit sharing plans, have earned l 0% or more on their money, most of the time IJlOre. Often as much as 12%' on short term (3 to 6 years) trust deeds on choice resldentlal properties, with large equity and high security. The title Is Insured and recorded In your name.

In those 16 years. no one has ever lost one cent on their investment at A. A. Aju Co. No one has ever failed to earn I 0% or more. No one.

We take care of all the paperwork, details and payment c:ollectlons for you.

If you want your runds returned sooner, after two years we will make every effort to reassign your trust deed to another Investor at no cost or loss to you. We have never railed to do so.

If you want s table high Interest. a nd If you have $5,000 or more that you would like lo Invest, p lease call or write A. A. Ajax Co. for our complete brochure on trus t deed Investments.

•when a loan Is prepaid before maturity, you receive up to a six month Interes t bonus on 80% of the loan balance. This may Increase the yield up to J 2%.

(714) 772-6230 Ask for Bob Mayu or Barbara Frenkel

505 No. Euc:Hd Ave. Anaheim. CA 92803

(714) 837-3744 .. Ask for Sandy Ross

Suite 202 Taj Mahal Professional Bldn.

lAguna Hilla, CA 92653

County firms Reports Gain.s Pacesett~r Telllr Gain

American Pacesetter, Newport Beach, has re­ported net income of $2 ,827,909, or 41 cents common s ha re, on revenues of $33,054,900, for the year ended Dec . 31.

Trus compares with net income of $2,004 ,757, or 29 cents, after extraordinary income of $40,000, on revenues of $27.651 ,841 for the previous year

Avco Earning!* lntrease A\'CO Financial Sen1ceo; Inc , Newport Beach.

a wholly own4:d s ubs rd1ary of Greenwich. Conn based A\•co Corp , has reported net earnings for the first quarter ended Feb. 28. before unrealized translation gains on foreign exchange, $12,321,000, com paled with $10,472,000 a year ago.

After unrealized foreign exchange gains, net earnmgs for the first quarter were $15,402,000, down from $16,478,000 in the like 1976 period.

Total receivables outstanding at Feb. 28 for all A vco operating divisions we r e a r ecord $1,968,319,000. compa red with $1,828,378,000 at Feb. 29, 1976.

ltficrodaf a Sale• lncreue M icrodata Corp . . I rvmc. has reported revenues

of $8.626.000 and net income of $8,000 for the second quarter ended i''cb. 28

In the prior )ear's s econd quarter, revenues were $6.255.000 with net income of $587,000, or 34 cents 3 l>hart· . on I ,i18,000 average number of s hares outstand1nlo!

Fmanc1al results for the quarter include adjus t­ments resultani( from a physical inventory a nd e f· feels of increases tn labor and overhead rates. The book inventory was wntte n down by approxi mately $500,000. Consistent with the company's prior ac­cou ntin~ policies. these udjustments do not include product development and start.up costs. which are expensed as incurred .

While sales increased in the current quarter 38 pe rcent over the like quarter a year ago, the rate was not s uffic ient to support the forecast made at the beginnin~ of the fiscal year of $50 million in re­venues .

National St1•te.• Gafns National Systems Corp , Newport Beach, has.

announced sharply improved rel>ulls an its final audited revenues und earnings for the year ended Dec . 31, 1976

For th<> y<.·ar. earning'! from <'Ontinuing opera­tions advanced 112 pNc·l'nl to S'9R9,000. or 66 cents a s hare compared with the previous year's earnings of $467,000 or Jl cent'! a s hare. Net revenues were $21 , 157,000, an inc r ease o r 121 percent over S9.S87.000 for the previous year . Net earnings, ln­cludang cxtraordrnary c redits, increased 116 per­cent to $1 ,9ft7,000 or $1.33 a s ha re compared with $920,000 or 62 cents a s ha re .

For the fourth quarte r , earrungs from continu· int opera tions were $262,000 or 17 cents a shar e on reve nues of $5,408,000. This compares with e&(nings of $201.000 or 13 cents a share on revent*s or $2, 724,000. Net earnings , including extraordina~ c redits, for the quarter a m ounted to $575,000 o r 38 cenf.8 a share compared with $387,000 or 26 cents a share lut year.

~11.es, Lo••e• '"~re .. e Lion Country Sarari, Inc., Irvine, has reported

1976 revenues of $6,237, 163, com pared with $5,552,216 for the previous year. The 1976 revenues include a $1.6 million gain from previously reported termination or management contracts.

Despite the increase in revenues, the company reported a 1976 loss after laxes or $2,055,863, com­pared with a loss of Sl ,212,0IS in 1975.

The 1976 results reflect a loss of $2,115,000 from sale or the company's Florida pa rk last January in a transaction actually consummated in December 1976. This rigure included a goodwill item of $1 ,391,000.

The per-share loss for 1976 was $1.17, compared with a loss of 69 cents in 1975.

\'TN Rqori• Profit• . • Mortgage brokrra. Offered to Callfomia re••dents only. VTN Corp .• Irvine . has reported a prom for the

r -------------------------,· lhl rd quarter fi scal 1977, endod Feb. 25. Revenue!' for the third quarter of fiscal 1971-

I f om interested In trust deed investments. , were $4,709,598 compared with $4,163,870 for the I Please send me more lnformouon. t slmllor quarter of fi scal 1976. The protlt for the 1 t third quarter of tlsca l 1977 was $80,S54 (which In· 1 I eludes a tax credit of $38,000, or 2 cont.s a share), or I N•m• I 5 cents a share, compared with a loSll or $371,583, or I l 31 cents, for the third quarter or fisca l 1976. I Phone t Prollta for the first nine months of fiscal 1977 I I ended Feb. 2S amounted lo $473,372 <lncludlnat a tax I I c redit ol $232,000, or 18 centa). or 33 cents on re I loOdrm I venues of $14 ,881,864 compared with a loss or I I '862 774, or 72 ct?nts. on revenues or $12,877,938 for L.!>! ________ _s::. ___ ,!" __ ~---~!..f ~~8~trst nine months of flscal 1978 ended Feb. 27,

Toyota Hikes Auto Prices

TOKYO <At>) Toyota Motor Sal~s Compuny, the sales arm of Toyota Motor Compa ny. plans Lo increase retu1I car prices in the U.S. murket to make up for exchange losses from the recent rise 1n the yen against the dollar.

Company 0Hic1a ls decllned Wednesday to give d etail s on the planned Increases.


The company said export prices for passengN cars'\o the United Stales wen• 1wgged at u 290·yen per-dollar rate. Offlc1als calculate that $12 to $15 1s lost per car ever y tame the dollar falls by one yen

The dolla r (coll 1.1 5 yen Tuesday, c losing at 272.85 yen. The drop continUl.'d a decline that hai; lowe red the U.S. currf'ncy by 7 3 percent :.1nce th(• start of the year .

State Bef"f Prkf"# •Low• . Prices or' beef in l2 major California cities ap Safes Boom pear below the national avcruJ:e in March, accord-

1-1 D II b ing to the California B<'ef Council. · · Mi ay uys water from a dis pens ing A new s tate survey, to be a monthly reporting

m ac h in e at a Concord s upermarket, service to consumers by lh11 counc il . s hows an where the manage r s ays water sales are average of $1 32 per pound for hve popular beef booming becaus e of California 's drought. cuts . But J oh n Arnd~ . whose Hayward- based Ttus compares with an average of $1.40 report-firm sells purt1 <.1nd dis tilled water. says ed by the America11 Natmnal Cattlemen 's Associa his 6,000 or so machines in Southern lion in a survey of l!l c1tws ac ross the nation. Both Ca lifornia were doin~ a brisk business s urveys are made the same day on th<' same cuts. even befor e the d r y ~pell s t a rted . ground beef, bone-in round s teak, bone-in sirloin

---------------------- · steak, T-bone steak and seven-bone chuck roast.

Moderate Growth Viewed by Bank

Global economic recovery should continue at a moderate puce an 1977, but a number or long-term problems must be resolved if there is to be con· tinued growth in 1978 and beyond, Bank of America says in a recent report.

" Private in ves tm ents r emain low in many in· dustrialized countries and payment imbalances continue," the bank says , adding that large debt burdens or the developing and Eastern European bloc countries continue to increase.

Yet the g lobal econom y has shown " unexpected resilience over the past five years," says the report. World employm e nt , production and use of in· dus trial capacit y have ri sen from their 1975 lows and currently are at more satisfactory levels ac. cording to the report '

Bot A RedU<'e" Water IJ•r Bank of America has announ('cd 1l will cut water

consumption by at lrui. l 10 percent al branches a nd ot her units in the s tate not already affected by local conservation pro~rams.

The bank operates I ,081 branches and 11 offi ce buildings in the slate .

Because of d ifferi ng maintenance problems and plumbing systems at o(rices. the bank is leav­ing decision son how bes t to Jch1e ve the· c·utback l l) the individua l units.

AV Ill Plans Tolfr11 AV 111. an Irvine produce r of corporate a ud1v

visua l m arketing proArams. has opened its studios for informational lours for corporate executives.

Tours arc held only by rcscrva't1on to allow participants to sec work an progress and talk in St!Jdio with thos.e work1n~ o~ proJ~cts r a nging from shde presentations to motion picture and multi­media progr ams.

There is no charge for a one-day tour. Further information is available :.it 754-0122.

O,·•·r 1,ht· Count•·r NASO listinqs

I 1 l • \ 6 7 8 • 10

" 17 11 .. t\

•• •1 II •• 111 1"I

,,. 71 1 111 n 1 H• tl

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• 70. 100 1•


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Thur!d!y. April 7 , um I / N DAlLY PILOT • t •

NameGaDteS Family Moni~n Falk

By MILTON MOSKOWrrz; It may not matter much to you what corporations call

themselves, but the managers ol compwlies ue~ar to have a passionate concern ror such questions. At least they spend a lot or time making or considering nu me cbanies.

Jn the beginning lt was easy .The man who founded the company put bis name on It. We still have many compan.lea with family names (and with members ol the original fami· ly still a<'Uve>: Ford. Pillsbury, Weyerhaeuser , Du Pont, Hewlett-Packard, Schlitz.

MANY OTHER FIRMS HAVE RETAINED fam11Y names even though descendants of the founding ramily are no longer a<'tive in the company. There was once a Mr. Sears and a Mr Roebuck ; the}'formcd an alliance in 1887. There was a James Cash PeMey and a Frank Woolworth. King Gillette founded the razor bl.ide company bearing his name. And two brothers·m·law, William Procter and Jam es Gamble, began making candles and soap m Cincm· natl 1n 1837.

However, the people running the S.S Kresge Company have decided they don 't want to perpetuate the founder 's name. Over the past 15 years t.he company bas transformed itself mto the nation 's largest discount operator under the name K Mart. The 1.095 K Marts today account Cor 95 percent of the ules and profits o( S .S. Kresge, and so the com­pany wants to rename itself t.he K Mart Corp.

Kresge stock·

Money Tree

holders w1ll have an opportunity to vote on the name change at the company's annual meeting May 17. One large stockholder has already objected tbal the cbanj• makes no sense He is Stanley S Kresge, 76-year-old son of founder Sebastian S. Kresge. Kresge left the company's board last year.

THE KRESGE MANAGEMENT IS FOLLOWING ct route traveled by many other corporations that deemed lts logical to have their corporute names reflect their pnnc1pal line of business. That's why Standard 011 or New Jersey changed its name to Exxon (that was probably the biggest corporate name change of our times >. and why Cahforrua Packing Corp rechnstened its Del Monte Corp .. <Neither New Jersey nor California objected tothosesw1tches.)

D1vers1f1cat1on 1s at the root of many corporate name changes Tennessee Gas Transmission became a con· glomerate called Tenneco. General Shoe evolved into Genesco. Pepsi-Cola, having absorbed Fnto·Lay and Wilson Sporting Goods, tumed into PepsiCo.

Then there's the trend toward short, snappy lilies wh1cQ soon become so fam1har that you forget where they came from Columbia Broadcasting System 1s now Just CBS. Radio Corp. of America changed to RCA American Machme & Foundry IS the antecedent or AMF. Umted Shoe Machinery 1s now USM. Trying to erase the memory or It~ founder, Jim Ling, L1ng-Temco-Vought changed to LTV. And Corn Products refining. m one or the most mystenous of all name changes, became CPC International (the old name 1s still better known than the new one>

SOMETIMES A COMPANY J UST CAN'T make up 1ts mmd A New York dairy foods holding company went for many years under the prosaic name of National Dairy Products Corp Not very exciting Then 1t moved its bead· quarters to the Chicago area, site or its m1ght1est d1v1S10n, Kraft Foods. Did 1t take the name Kraft'> No. at had to adopt the stilted version of Kraftco. Last year at had enough of that Now it's - would you believe'' - si mply Kr art Inc

My favorite corporate name as the one that was devised in 1974 after the merger of M1ssoun Beef Packers with Kansas Caty Beef Packers. The resulting company. one of our largest beef feeders and slaughterers, 1s called M BPXl, Corp

S&L Sponsors OutiTJg Brentwood Savings & Loan Assocu1tion's Westminster

and Long Beach branches sponsored a " day at the circus" for SO residents of the Holiday Hacienda House. Westminster. They attended the recent Shnnc Circus at Holsa Grande High School.

Tickets for the outing were donated bytheShriners.

Price Report Gloomy, But 1~1.arket Rebounds

NEW YORK CAP) - The s tock market turned upward today, shrugg11'1g off the news of another jump m wholesale pnces last month

The Dow Jones average of 30 industnal stocks gamed 4 1Spomtsto918 88.

Gamers held a slight edge on losers among New York Stock Exchange-listed issues.

The Labor Department reported that the wholesale price index chmbed at a 13 2 percent annual rate in Mare'h, for its steepest rise since October 1975

But the news prompted no heavy selling, and traders eVJdently took the calm reaction of the market as a cue to do some buying

S~~C:S'c lAP) FIMI !><>w JO'W'\ l••r•11n

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"Got .a prol>Um? Then wrltt to Pai Dunn. Pat will cut red tape. gtttang the. aMtHr& and. action ~ nted to aolve iMqu1he• an governnum mid bwine&S. Maal 11our questiona to Pat Dunn. At Y01tr S~ce, Orange Cocut Dail11 Pilot , P.O. Bor 1560, Costa Mtaa, CA 92621 • ..U many lettera 0$ poulble will be aMWtrtd, but phoned inquiries or lttttrr not mcludlng the readn'1 fuJL name. addrt8$ and bwinea.s hour&' phone number cannot be considered. Thiscolumnappear&d4i· ly tzcept Saturd4ya ...

DEAR PAT: T have ordered many items from mail order firms and this is the first time I've had trouble. I sent a check for $21.49 worth or merchan­dise Crom Madison House Gifts In Miami on Dec. 10. 1976. So far , I 've not had an answer to m y Feb. 15 letter requesting the merchandise or a refund .

L.F., Costa Me~a A VS reportt'd Feb. 4 that Greenland Studios,

Inc. filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy proc:eedlngs oru Dec. 21, lt76. Madison House Is part or this firm , u are Improvement Books, Health House and Palm Company. Although one A VS reader wrote to say that she had received merchandise from Greenland after the bankruptcy declaration, you' would be wise to file a claim with Judge Paul G. Hymar, Referee in Bankruptcy I Greenland StudJo), P .O. Box 010230, Miami, FL33101.

Greenland Studios contacted ttus column re­cently regarding Its current bus iness situation. The firm 's letter states that under provisions Qljl(he Na­tional Bankruptcy Act. customers who have re­ceived neither refund of the purchase price nor de­livery of merchandise prior to Dec. 27, will not re­ceive either Immediately. Refunds or merchandise will be provided "as expeditiously as may be perm ltted under the Bankruptcy Laws," the letter advlsf's. ·

"We hope that this can be accomplished In the near future and we'll com munlute further with you

. s hortly with a lime schedule when this may be ac­. compllshed," said Greenland'i. customer service


. .

Chiropractor• Feel Pinth DEAR PAT: What agency, if any , regulates

and licenses chiropractors in California? I would like lo issue a complaint, but do not know where or to whom 1t s hould be directed.

A.R., Costa Mesa Submit your complaint to the State Board of

Chiropractic Examiners, 1021 0 St., Sacramento, CA 95814. ThJs agency band.Jes complaints relating to matters of fraud , misrepresentation or WJ· professional conduct, advertising any means of treatment of a veneral disease or treatment of pro­blems, and practitioner's Intemperance ln the use of liquor or narcotics that would Impair the performance or professional duties. You a lso may want to contact the CallJprnia Chiropractic Assocla· tlon, a professional group, by writing lo 2201 Q St., Sacramento, CA 95814.

OH Leak Turn• Out Well DEAR PAT: My 1974 Chevrolet. which l bought

in Florida, burned so much oil that I took it to a re ­pair shop in this area . The repairman discovered that a loose wrist pin had glowly gouged a channel in the cylinder wall and the entire engine had to be replaced. I was informed that the problem had ex­isted since t bought the car and that it was caused by " faulty asi.embly at the factory."

The repairs cost $960 t have requested reim ­bursement or some com pensation from Chevrolet but have been told only that the car 1s out or warran· ty . Bccaui.c the problem ex1~ted i.mce I bought the car I feel Chc..rolet s hould accept m y clai m.

A J .. Santa Ana C'ht•\ rolet rt·p-0rt., that a \elllt>mt>nt bai. been

reachf'd and.> ou ha \'f' be<>n reimbursed S7S2.98.

Balboa Marine Hardware

l\ussrll I 11ntrriors

ChH1&Game1 s,.clalf'dng"' bockga:vu:oon 645-5021

()rq ....,... "' n~·21 !; I ) u I ..



ttbTllli holr rtMOYal by waxhtg

' .. t . ' ~ ... ~ •

AURA SALON 631-1390


good food for proper growth The right diet can mean Iha dtl ­lerance between a big healthy plant and a runt. Use Vl,gro Plant Food tor beat results. 1 gal. Reg. 1 39


does the Job on snails and slugs Attracts and kllls slugs and snails that are out to eat up your plants. 2'n lb. box of Vigoro pallets or meat Reg. 98'


cure-all for plants and pets 5% Sevin Dull by Vlgoro protects lawns. trees and vegetables from In· aects and cats and dogs from fleas 1 lb. Reg. 1.69



Ullll l PlAMl Pl• CUS10Ml•

dust off destructive pests Vlgoro has the answer to getting rid of Insects and fungus right In this squeezable 10 oz. ouster. Reg. 2.19


tomatos' favorite treat Sura, plants are particular about the th ings they like best. So Vlgoro· makes food tor tomatos to make them grow healthy. Reg. 1.39

ggc ~:-::-=----:-\

this dust Is good for tomatoes II there's bugs arou nd whose favorite food Is tomatoes, then dust your plant• to discourage their ap· patllee. 4 tb. Reg. 2.3•


malathion to the rescue Spray a little 50% Vlgoro Malathion on flowers. lawns and vegetables and do away with Insects. 1 pt. Reg 3.89

2'' 50,

I Malathion

Spray MU) llOS I


support your local tomato plant It's the new tomato ladder to promote healthier plants. No stakes or tying needed; made of heavy gauge wire: helps prevent ground rot and wind damage. Reg. 4.99







Available with 4 speed or fully automatic transmission. Multiple

lease & flexible purchase plans available.


1972 IMW ..2002 Automatic. AM/FM radio & air cond. One owner car ( 121 FTO)

1973 IMW 2002

4 speed tran s mission and sunrool (907MFG)


A utoma11c. alf cond maqs & leather interior (665SFW)

1975 IMW 2002

Automatic. sunroof. air cond. & stereo. (0154)

1975 IMW 2002

air cond &


With two toos 4 speed A superb classic' llTX 775l


A utomatic w ith two tops A n excellent classic' (04621


Automatic. AM.'FM stereo radio & cruise control ( 155LPH ). ·


One o wner car A utomatic st8feo, air cond & pwr w indows. 1538MVIJ


1973 IMW 2002 fll

Loaded - includes atr cond. stereo cassette alloy mag wheels. fog lamps Kon1 s e tc (238JTGJ

1975 BMW 2002

A utomatic. air cond & AM.'FM stereo radio (0300)

1975 IMW SlOIA

Automatic. air cond . & stereo. XLNT! (062NIF). Sold & serviced by us.

1976 IMW SlOI

Air cond . pwr steenng & bral<es. stereo & only 11 .000 m iles. 1611ADGl

The difference between a Mercedes-Benz lease and any other is the Mercedes-Benz.

The car you lease does make quite a difference. After all, you don't drive the lease, you drive the car. And when you lease a Mercedes-Ben z you drive some· thing special indeed.

Whichever Mercedes- Benz model you choose. you drive one of the world 's most r espected automo bile s. A ca r with legendary eng1 neenng, meticulous craftsmanship. outstanding performance and safety

Something else: you 'll drive the car you lease for two, three or even four years. Most cars look out of date all too quickly. But when you lease a Mercedes-Benz. you drive a car with classic lines and timeless­ness that is never out of date.

We have several leasing plans to offer you. One 1s certain to make it more convenient for you to drive a Mercedes-Benz than you might have thought poss1- 0 ble. Call us today for the , surprising facts.

Ask about our many convenient

leasing plans.

Mission Viejo Imports 831-1740 A 11tlwti::u1tl J) pn /rr 495-1700

28701 Mcwguerlte Pkwy.





COSTA MESA 979-2500

• \ \ - J ~ , . ~ • I " ·

Guess which car dealer is mad· because

he has the world's lousiest

location? If you guessed Jim Parkinson, owner of Beach Imports, you are right. He has to sell PEUGEOTS, but no one knows where his locations are.

1976 PEUGEOT CLOSE-OUT! For a limited time we're self ing 1976

Peugeots at close to original dealer cost. Tn "'"' '~ '""" ,i.-,,.. -v #'T f'\ 1 t'UI rn-vi-·, P~t t1 off~ ('l'~ to U'\

w •h a 'Pf" J '"''"'' 1uln•e '" j "" .. 1n-. .. ,, l ..... >aY•"'J" <YI •o Y'XJ by \u n I n. * I • ; I"<>'' CJ' P'?.;'<<> y oho) <>"'ln')I

f. ~ • .,. cc.t r~· , ,.1 O"'! mcxfo' 811 "'fYY ~:::;;-41~-- 1'176 P<:VJ<Y.>' <YI Of lo'.

Model 504 Sl.Sedan 504 Station Wacon 504 Diesel SedMI 504 Diesel Wacon

',., h•l''Y Th\ oflor .,,p;,,., Mo1 J I, I '177. Anrl <JI •h-iv1 r~•'"~. w~ can .av how lontJ lOUI '"'"'....j \o\AJOI.,!\ w.11 1,,.,, 1 ---· °"' Yow

s.a-w 11t1a1 rib• ....... ........ ' 7 ,320 {S..0260f ' 6,320 Good '7,785 (Slr.~7) '6,785 s.tKtl•

'8. 4 00 (Slr.20ZJ) 17,695 0... '8,865 (S.'902) 17,995 heh


$149!+~u JI> M Qfl!h °""" EM leow. (ap CO\I • ,,400 w of feowt • S1(X)J; lorn months foft, lox. licenwi & \flCVrlly ~down· on oppovod c1.,01, 100481.




Bunker Shot Al',. ... ,.

Arnold Palmer, the winner of four Mast e rs ch am· pionships, hits the ball out of the sand during today's first round act.Jon of the Augusta , Georgia golf tourney.

Hooker Breaks Swim Record CAI'\TO:'ll , Ohw Mbsion \ '1t·

jo 's Nadadon·s took a maJOr slt•p toward thl' wo m e n 's c h am pions h1p Wednesday in the first salvo of competit ion at the Na· tiona l AAU indoor s hort coursl' meet with Jennifer I looker lead· in g the way with an Ameri can re co rd 4 :42.62 an th e 500-yard lreestylP

The 15·H'a r old M1si.1on V1r10 High s ophomore broke her own recorrl a nrl N<1dadores couc h l\t ark Schubert sa id. " It had 1o be the b c·-.t s wim of th c- med through thl· first day's compelt­taon

.. J ennafc• r hrokt' he r own re cord b y fl\t ' st·conds , anti we had !>Orne other fine swims. including Ali c(' Browne's s econd ( 4 13.G4 >. Valrru· l.l'c 's fourth (4 :46 44 1 <in cl N 11· o It' Kram t' r 's f 1 fl h 14 47 .l:l l ..

Orlan c;oodcll , Olympi c Games and Y.Orld rhu m pion 1n th e 400 an d 1,500 f reeo; t y le m cll' r s, was upset an the 500·) ard fr eest y le• hy USC' s Bruce Furniss Furniss won in 4 20 2.'; , Goodl'll wa-. s1•concl in 4 ' 21 lS. a head of M1sc;aon V1e10 '11 Casey Converi.l', Bill Hubas horf and Ed Ryder. who cam e in 4·5·6

" Bnan didn 't <1w1m h1-. own racl'. " say11 Schubert · 111· s hould have lakt.'n <'<>ntrol earltl·r but hf' triE'<f to lay back It was a ,.:ood lesson for him lo learn "

Tonight' s expected h1Mhlt ~ht fo r M1M11on Vl<'IO comr'i 1n lh1• women ·., 200 y J rd frf•9-. t \ 11• where Hooker, Lt't'. Kramer nnd Brown return to the waters , Fortner Newport Bea<' h r<''>I d ent Allison Grunt, romprtinJ: • . . Dodgers, Giants

·Open Play Today LOS ANGELES- The Dod$(ers

•got off t o their 20th seai.on in Los ' Angeles today against the San '.Francisco Giants with Don Sul­

' t on on the mound for his sixth "fitraighl Openin g Day a p ­

i,,earanc<'. John Montefusco pitched for

:San Francillo in an attempt to 'tast\lon back-to-back no·hltterll. !l'he Giants hurle r tossed 11 no­.hitter in his fi nal 1976 game at ~llanta, losing a perfect game by \va lking a hatter ifl the fourth in pmg. , LA returns to ;iction Friday l'ight in a 7:30 tiff with the Gi an L'> ..again providing the opposition.

out of Hall'1gh , N l' , was sc1:ond in the 100-yard breas t with J

1 :04 .17. Two tcen-agt•rs from the South ,

Tracy Caulk in -. an d Nancy ll o~shead , " C'r c big hits They lowered Aml'r1can records twice m winning their event.

Hog s h ead dropped the Amt.'rican standard in the 100 bulte rfly to SS OS in the trials and ln 5-1 57 m the final s

Caulkins. 14. an t'•J!hth grader from Nash\•illt•, t•<iu alled th at Y. Ith record tames of t ·03.89 and t O:l 011inthe100 breas t!>l roke.

\ nother Am ('rt ( an women 's r t•f nrd fell lo Olympia ns I..inda Jt•t t>k of Santa Clar ::i. who raced thr WObacks trok<· in 2.00 52

John Naber ~nd h1:. Southe rn ( '.d 1fomia team mat t's won thn•1· o f lh<' four ml•n s final s Tht• o ther Trojan Y.1nncri; we re 1-~urm~s and Joe I\ollom. 48.42 s econds m the 100 butterflv

Only Auburn freshma·n wh11 SC'ott Spann cou ld b reak Southern Cal' s domination. lie 'A-1111 the lllO bre ac;btrokc tn S6 00

Mt-. H " • , ... .._~, U \ C" I ' ' \1 1 "" .. w \ "'~

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Mariners No Match For Angels' Tanana

SEATTLE (AP) - Frank Tanana, cool, cocky and confi­dent, told you so.

The 23-year-o ld Califo rni a Angels left-hander said earlier this week he would beat the Seat ­tl e Marine r s in Wed n esday night 's American League opener . He a lso said he'd pro­bably pitch a s hutout.

He did both. " I had my good stuff tonight,"

said the 6·3 southpaw after his n In e - hit . nin e - strik e out performance before a r ecord opening night crowd of 57,762 in the Kingdome.

The old record for the largest opening night crowd was held by the St. Louis Cardin als, who drew 47,568 at their night opener at Busch Stadium in 1970. The bigges t night ope ne r for a n American League team was in 1968 when Oakland attracted 47 .233 fo r it s fir s t game in Oakland.

The ~ame m arked the return or m ajor league baseball to Seattle, which lost Its fir st team, the Pilots, after one season in 1969.

" I was hittin g th e corners whe n I had to," said Tanana, who is scheduled l o pitch agains t Seattle's expansion team again in the last of the J\ngels' fi ve. gam e opening set here Sunday.

" When you know where the ball is going, you c:.in pitch with 9().foot foul lines ." he said. " I was impressed with our attack With that kind of hitting, it's go· mg to be easy to keep things go· mg . ..

Tanana. a 19-gam e winner in 1976, was In trouble only once. in th e e ighth innin g. Sealtle s hortstop Craig Reynolds singled and m oved to second on Jose Baez's single with two out.

Steve Braun walked lo load the bases , but Tanana got out of the j a m by fanning Lee Stanton.

.. Mr. Tanana." said Darrell J o h n s o n , t h e M a r i n t · r s · m<1nager, " 1s a ht.'lluva pit cher. Il l' definitely was the d iff l.·rcn <:c tonight.

·· Wh<'n you ~et s hut out 7 0 . thrrt• ar« not :i lot of bright s1>ols out there. nut l'lf.!hlhandcr .John Munta~uc i.l11J a h1·1luva JOh inn· hcf "

Montague replaced Sl' atll t• s lartl'r Diego Segui in the fourth aftr r the 38-year old Cuban-born


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r ight-hander, the oldest starter in the majors, was rocked for s ix runs on five hits ln 3% Innings. Montague allowed one run on six hits.

" I was getting behind hitters so

A...,ea.Slate All~.,.KMl'Cltadl• 1710I

.Aor1t 7C..t11om1ut Se•lll• 7 :!Oo m . A1>rll •CA411ornla•1Sotll• 1 lOo"' Aprt l •C..tllotftl• •t ~''"'" r lOo m .Aori llO Call~t••tS..atll• l l0 1> m

much that I bad to throw more pitches than I wanted to to get out or the innings," saidSegu.i . lt was his 600th major league game and his 165th starting assignm ent

The Angels, considered a likely contender for the West Division t itle this year following the

ofrseason acquisitions or fre~ agents Joe Rudi. Don Baylor and. Bobby Grieb, collected 11 bits.

Rudi, the former Oakland A's s tar now occupying left fie ld for California, wielded the big bat Wed nesday night, driving in four runs with a two-run home r in the third inning and a two-run double in the fourth .

" The importance of the homer a nd double were winning the game." Rudi said. "The :> e Angels arc a s uper g roup of guys."

California scored in each of the first fi ve lnnings. Reynolds, Baez and Bill Stein each collected two hits for Seattle. Stein's double was the only extra-base hit off Tanana.

A P Photo


Sports Clipped Short

Havlicek Gets No. 25,000 BOSTON - J ohn Havhcek, a

mainstay with the Boston Celtics for the past 14 years . now 1s one amnnR four in the history of the National Basketball Association .

The former Ohio State star 4'Cored his 25,000th career point W edn('11clay ni$(ht and brought 13,000-plus hometown fans to their feet for a two minute ova· t1on for Jl nvlicek culled u "mce .ichievt'menl "

Ills 21 point effort was in vain , howt'ver, as the Celtics d ropped a 104·93 dcc1s1on lo the J louston Rockets.

" If I had lo do il again, I would have dunkl'd it ," said Havlicek, "even ifl had missed it."

II avllcek entered the game with 24,994 points . He collected point No. 25,001 on a layup with a n assist from Jo Jo White, who s tole the ball.

That achievement placed him alongside Wilt Ch a mberlain, Oscar Robertson and J e r ry West - a ll retired - - as the only other players to reach the 25.000-point pl ateau .

En11art Wins Suit OAKLAND - Bill Enyart. who

suffered a kn ee injury whil e playing middJe linebacke r for the Oakland Raiders In a 1971 Na-

tional Football League exhibition f(ame, has been awarded S777.000 in a m alpractice :;uit.

The verdict wa s awa rd t'd agamst Dr. Robert Rost'nfeld, head orthopedic surg<'on for the Raiders und the l.Jn1vcrs1ly of Southern California Two other doctors and the Raid<'rs club named in the original :;uit were dismissed ag defendants.

Enyart. now 29. had sued for Sl mtlhon, claim ing that he never was told I hat his left knee Hga · ment was torn and s hould have had 1mmcd1at.e s urgery .

Snme In Detroit DETROIT - Suntanned and

fresh from Florida spring train­ing cam p, the Detroit Ti gers were warned they <;Pdld expect s now showers and temperatures in the low JO's today for their A merlcan League baseball season ope n e r agai ns t th e 'Kans as City Royals .

IHbb• A dvan<"e• MO NTE CARLO Eddie

Dabbs shook off early troubles a nd went on lo record a 5·7, 6·1. 7.5 victory over Onny Parun Wednesday lo advance to the quarter-final s of the World

Ch a m pionship Tennis t ourney. In other action. Bjorn Borg

beat ViJay Amntraj. 6·2. 6-2; Adriano Panatta topped Rirgl'r Andersson. 6-4. 6 -4 ; Rala s Taroczy slopped Mark Cox. 6·4, 6 - 1 ; a n d Guillermo V1la o; eliminated Ion Tinac. 1-6, 6·3, 6·4.

Rosf"U'all WI ns JACKSON, Miss . Top-

s eed ed K<'n Rosewal l over­topped Charlie Owens, 6·1, 6·1, In the feature m atch of first ·round action at the $58,000 Tennis South InvitalionaJ Wednesday night.

In other matches, Rill Scanlon defeated Anand Amritraj of In· die, 7-6, 7-5. South African Bob Hewitt stopped Peter Flemin,:t, 6-4, 6-4. a nd Brian T eacher downed Fred McNair 6· l, 6-3.

Cliff Richey outran 18-year-old Ricky Yzaca of Ecuador 6·1,l7·5 and former NCAA champion Bill Martin beat Sherwood Stewart, 7 ·6, 6-1.

Blue Return• MESA. Anz. P1tch<'r Vida

Florenee Blanks ·Kelly in Pool. Tourney

Blue will be back with the Oakland A's before Saturday's opener, but he has lost his chance to pitch in that contest and will be fined $500 for each day missed si nc e he left training camp, owner Charles 0 . Finley says.

The 27-year-old left·hander lert camp here Tueaday, saying he was golng to his m other's home ln Mansfield. La. , and was " fed up'• with the way be had been treated by Flnley.

By JlOOEll CARLSON Oft• Deltf f'llet Stefl

The final two matches or first round action in the $50,000 Na­tional Invitational Nine-ball cbamplonsblp pool tournament et Irvine's Registry Hotel Is on

\,tap tonight (7: 30 ) with Paul )Jrlcnza tangling with Lee Boyar

nd Harry McConne ll te1t1n11 Cl.a­ro Murphy. W tdnesdar. U. was Richard

rtorence, J m Mata.ya, Wad.o Cra.oe and JUch16 A.mbroH ad·

vancing to 'Friday' s quarterfinals, each in Impressive action.

Friday's quarterfinals at 2 w\11 pit Florence against Mataya and Crane against the winner of tonight 's Brienza-Boyar match. Two other quarterfina ls matches will follow at 7:30.

Florence held tht> hot hand Wednesday as be dealt southpaw Ed Kelly hia finL ever pro· teaslonal blank1n1, 11.0 • . with a nawleaa performance. Florence

simply made everything in sight in the poeslble category a nd Jen Kelly with diffi cult positions whe n he couldn't score.

Crane, down 2·3 In the early go­ing, pulled off the upset of the day with a steady 11 ·5 decision over Louie RoberU. cons idered one of the favorites t o capture tho crown.

In the beat m atch Wednesday, Malaya, plaaued by early . and mid -match acratcb troubles. overcamo the lnte.n.e Terry Bell

t o record an 11-9decislon. Tied four times a nd traillng

4·5, Mataya rattled ofr four straight victories and m oved Into a 10·7 lead before holding off Bell Jn the21-"·hour match . •

Ambrose completed Wtd · nesday's salvo to qualify lor an evening berth Frldoy with an 11-9 victory over Lou Bute r 11 .

Friday's quarterfinals sur ­vlvora will cluh In the aemlflnals aL 2, followed by the cham­plonlhlJ> match at 7 . 30.

c ............. HAVANA. Cuba - A team or

co Uege player s fr om South Dako1 a w as 1tiven an ot her basketball lesson Crom a Cuban all-star squad, losing 88·69 Wed­nesday night.

Cuba won the first aame Tues­day ni&bt 91-72.

C1arkFlred Mo nte C lark, who turned · the San Francisco 49ers into a winner in his first year with th r NFL c lub, w as fired Wt'Clncsday with three }'Cars ll'fl on his contract.

Kings Face

Atlanta In Playoffs

ATLANTA (AP> - The Allan· ta Flames will tr y to do somelhinl{ differe nt tonight -win a Stanley Cup playoff game.

The Flumes have mudc the Na­t ion al Hockey League playoffs three times in the five years s ince they entered the league in 1972.

The only probll'm hus been the a bsencc of a victory

The Flumes droppl•d a 5-2 de­c ision to the Los Angeles Kings Tuesday night an the opener of the best-of-three series , marking

Ort Tl' Tonight

Cha".wl 9 at 8

their i.evenlh con::.ccutive loss in postseason play .

Last year the KinRs eliminated the Fl ames in two s traight gam es. WIO!llng by l>('Orl'S of 2-l and l ·O. In 1974 . /\ tl untt1 dropped four co nsecutive ~ames to Ph tlad elph1a, th e eventu a l Stanley Cup winner

F accoff tonight will be before an expected sellout crowd of more than 15.000. The final game of the playoff, if needed. will be played at Los Angeles Saturday night.

·' ll 's a situation where we have to lel it all hang out for 60 minutes or we'll be out of busi­ness." s:ud Atlanta cotich Fred Crl'1R_htnn . " I huve a very strong feeling that we'll be playing the re Saturday night. We have too m <my ~uys with ton much ch a raC'tc•r to he be a kn twice an a row like that. "

He said the Fl am<·s appeared tu bt• C'om1n g ha c k Tuesday night, bul I>on Kozak 's 55-foot i.creened s hot gave Los Angeles a 4 2 ll'ad to insu re the victory.

Cr<'1~hton sai d 1l "ai; the first pcnod that C'Os t Atlanta th e ga m (•.

"The thin(.! th~1t hurt was our s tart. We ployed ver y poorly in thl' first prriod. We turned the puck over more in 20 minutes than we C'an in 60 minutes if we hope to win a playoff gume," he said .

"Playoff tension" was a factor, said Creighton, addin~ that it was his veteran players who s uf­fered more from the l'arly jitters.

' ' We played ne r vous ly. like we were afraid lo make a mistake, a nd you can 't play that way. We d idn 't havr enough people play­ing well to win," s aid Crt•aghton.

Davis Cup

Team Picked Roscoe Tanner and Brian

GolUried wall play s ingles and Stan Smith will team with San Cll'mcnte's Bob Lutz in the doubles competition when the United States squa res of£ against South Africa in the 1977 Davis Cup Am erican Zone-North section finals at the Newport Beach tennis club April 15-17.

Tony Trabe rt, th e non­pl aying captain of the U.S. squad, m ade tho announce· mcnt Wednesday.

ll is counkrpart, Claude Li!>ter of South Africa, am­nounced that Ray Moore , Fre w M c M i ll n n , Byron Bertram and Bernie Mitton would rcprc~cnt that couotry.

Each ca pt a in h as until Mond ay, five days before start of play, to make one change if desired . Bob Hewitt, a promlnent South African, was not selected on the original team Wednesday but may replace one ot those c hosen on Monday.

Smltb returned lo top form l ast week by winning tbe Pacltlc SouthweaL singles championship when 'he de· teated Gottfried ln the flnal1, H I' t enmcd with Lut~ ln doubles but the duo w3s der re eled b y H c wllt and Me MUlnn of South Africa, leadlnlf to speculation or Hewitt's addJUon to tbe team.

1lncredihle Victory --Grant

"It "as the m ost Incredi ble thing l've seen In year!!. "

Tha t w as how Oa vC' Gra nt. Orange Coast Coll ege' s crew coach, s ized· up his freshme n eight- after they h nd defeated highly-tout e d U niv e r s ity o f Was hington in the finals of the San Diego Class ic la s t Saturdoy

Orange Coa s t had lo!-i l t o Wa s hin gton b y about three qua rters of a boat length in an e arli e r heat. thus Grant was a bit shocked to se<' his OCC yearlings r ow the way they did

" Ye a h . t W<J S s u r pri '> C'd. Wa s h in g t on 's fr c s hm t> n had neve r been bcutcn in four )'<'arc; a t San Die~o and to the b es t of m y knowledge ha d Jos t only one r ace to a Wes t Coasl <:r ew the las t 15 years ." s aid C ranl.

" B ut n o o n ~ t ol d our fre s h me n it c o uld n ' t be d o n e . Th ey w C' rcn ' t aw l'd al a ll l,,y Wns hmg ton J\ncl "he n Wal)hing ton bn rcl y hl'Jt thl'm in tha t hl'ol, they kne w lh<'y w er e in th e right ba ll park . . . they knew it was possi ble, " ~ays Gra nt.

And 1t wnsn ·t a flu k(' Co;,i~ t ll'd all the way, winnin j.( by llbout I. I ;\ seats (21:? St•condsJ.

'' It wn s th e 1-( r c llt t's t <1C c o mplis h m <>nt o ur frt•., h mt•n



have t·\·e r h;id. They b<'<.i t thr be!>l. It " a !> exc it 1nii l l) se<' a nd th<· c rowd (an c·~t1mat l'd 10,1)()()) "ent - c i·azv "h(•n tht•v sa " .,,> m co nC' h;;d a t' h <t n r~· t•> lJc;.il Was hington." sa id Gr.int

T h l' Cna ... t r n a t• h Cell hi e; f rr<.h mt·n might clo wt· ll <·.irhe r 1n tht.• Wt•t•I-. .

·· ronwll I n1q •r ... 1l ,\ tra im•d \11th u:. tht• \\f't• I-. lwfort· lht• r are· and tn prac• t1t·t· ~t·:.s 1 t>l1 !> f"11n\t•ll J U ., l c· nu ld n ' t s hal..1.• u u r frt•s hmton." i.ays <i r ant.

1\ lo l uf I hi' c;·C'd 1t , o., a yo; tlw OCl' l'O:J ch . i.hould go to frC'!>h man 1·na<'h Larrv Moore, a formt·r O('C and Ciirnt' ll oar ... man now 11ork ing on ht:. m~1 !-t l <: 1 ·.., ck i.:n·" .11 \'(' In 101•

" 11 1'·~ clww;) c. up1•1 h 1011. ....n .., ('1'Jllt

T h :ll wn' q111l 1• 1 \1t l1•nl ~atu r 1l;1y

;\l 1•m l11·1' of lh1· fn· , hrn 1·111 rr·" 1111'1 111h·cl Scot t ll.1d tk1• ll ri,1n Wh1t fonl. l-. 1•\ 111 \1 11ult 1 u11 I • • 1n 1;1111 lrl :\hk1• I ,111 . J un 1-: ... ..,11 k l '.1111 l .. 111\ . I .1r1 1- l h11m.1~ .inti 1 0 ' '"·1111 ·t1•1 n :\l 11rr.11

\nothf•r 1•\ 0( ( ' m.ir, m;in, 8'1h '*'"man. 1, rapiclh turn in~ th1• l C' I n hw r rt' W proJ.( ram around.

ThP t·n vari.it y f' i l( hl 'ht- II , c·omprtin lo( in th i• rat1•1I race· at ~an 1>1 1· 14 0 , won .. a , 11 ) ddr atlni.t " ' 't'ond placr t S{' h\ to , .,comts Hh r..c• hoat l1· n~lhi. 1 .

" It wa ... g ri•al, g r1•at, great," ... aid N1·wrn:ln, in hb. ..,••contJ \1' 3r a -; t 'CI '" c 'lat' h , " wf' ' r1 · ia ... t h<•coming 11n1• or th1• twll1•r f rf'w.., on lh1• <·<1a.,I "

Fornwr 1',11! , 1111 11 11-:h 1 ll u11t ing tnn lk .11h 1 .uv t Or,1111-w < ' 11 1..,1 ( 'olll•i.:1· lli•, kt·tll ,il l ' ' .ir11l1111 t Howl :--nook. has h1•1•11 a \\ .tt1l1·1J .1 SI :~ • l Jl'" t ~r.1du .1lt• ..,,•h11l.11..,h1p

Snook . "hn " il l i.:1 .11111 .11 1• 111

M .J v fn1111 Whtl tl•·r ( "111•·1!• "' ·" Ont ; of [\lo O (' ll1l1•i.:1• h,,... l.; 1 llt,oll pl.1y <'r ' o n t h1• \\ 1 t ( 11,1.,1 .1warclt'( I th1· honor

:-,niw1I. h." .1b11 li1·1·11 ·""' ii t• t 1 v nut for Ath ll't1' ' 111 '\ 1111111 t EJ .,tl M.1v :io•.1u111• 1 I( ht do1·.., n·1 m .1k1' tha t tc .in1 ho· " 111 lll'&:ln ... tucknl l1•ad1111 i.: 111 tlw (.di

SK IPP! ;\ /\ IWl ' l':I> ll1•nni ' !'\mllh, S;,i1hll l'ha1•k t ·oll1•g1•.., top ha s ketbull pl ayl• r tltl' pa' t l\\I• ' eusons, has narrow1•d ht ' four y l' a r c 0 11 t.• ~I' (' h 0 I 1· I'... I () Was hington S tut r 11nd l' :il !'.l ah · c Long lkach J


145 A veroge

300 No Obstacle For Kona Bowler

By ROGER CARLSON Ot tht' O • llv P 1to1 Sl•U

Newport Beach 's ,Ja ck Rog<'n camr up with a once 1n ,1 li fe t im e perform a nce las t week at Costa Mes n' !-t Kona L anes

bowl.Jn~ a JOO ~ame Jt 's not thl' firs t 300 e ver accom phs hc·d a t Kon a , Ill f JC'I

1t was th<' second in a two wr t·k <. pan. Hut nin!.1dc n ng thl' 23 ycar·old Roj.'en 's c redentia l~. and the c1reums tance'i. 1t ' one of the m ore r c .. m a r kabl l' fea ts e\'cr accomplis hed by an Or anJ?e Coas t ar<'a bowler

Rogen l' nler ed ll'ai.:uc this S<'a:.<>n wit h a 138 book av e rage a nd h as bC'en s porting a 145 norm rl'tl•nt l) .

lits fi rst J?a m e Tuesd ay w<i c; a 121. followed by a 161i 1n a mb:t' d hand ic ap ll·aguc

T hen it a ll fc-11 in plar l' as he n pp1•d off a do7. C' n .., trikt·s " Ther e we r e quilt• a ff•w lut'ky onei. ," ~ays Rogc n. " Some wl'.'rc quite h igh and th <'r(' wt·r<' only ~'" or "even pocket hns ··

J\dd 1t1onal i rony 1s s 11pplll·d b:r Kon .t l.onf'.' c; gencrnl mJ nager Dick St oeffler

·· I could unders tand it with old <• r pmc;, " ~ay '> Studflcr. · B ut WC' put brJ nd new pins in thrc·r night., <.- arlil'.' r a nd that usually kills scoring Yo u JU' I clon·l .,l1•al .11nth111i.: with nl' \\ fl lll !\

.. ltogt•n sa} :- l l•n:-.1on duln t rf•ath i.?t' t t<1 l11 m until ht' hat!

r.11tl1•<1 •• rr th(• hr' I nine ~lnk1 •s Thl·n t h<· 10th rr a m 1· l1Hinwd :ind lhn·l' m ort• stnkt•s \I. t' r l' neh· ... ,,1n to pull off t h <> ft·dt

· t w,1., nrnnus . '><t)" Rof?t•n " "1uthp <1 \\ ' But .irt1·r lhl f1 r ... 1 ... t1 1k1• \\ l'nt to th1.· Brooklyn .,1d1·. I dnln I ti) to Nim pt•n, a tl' I JUM tned lo ... t.1y 1n lht• snmt• pa ltPr n

As 1t turnl'<l out . a ll three' of llo~en :. 10th fram1.· s tnl-."" hi t on his Brook I~ n t n~ ht 1 and a i. Stot'ffl l•r puts tl · •'f'ht• ' ' hole place wC'nt e r a.Ly · ·

S toefner lrken'I <> 300 lo a no h1l1 N in baseball \ p<'rf t•rt game 1nvol\ 1.·~ ll'ns 111n .rnd th1· hu lld 1ni.: pr<':.~u r t•. 1•x pl am s Stoeffler . · It ·, nnt Ilk<> ~1 holl' in onP 111 gnlf " 111·11· 1•111· ""'ell plac t·d s hot s 1 mpl~ folls 1n for a h1 i: ., urpn sf' "

Hogen . who has be<'n bowhni: fn r ahoul 10 v1•ar, , "I\"' h t:- l nn~ t·st s tring of s tri kes pnor tn lll'l tl· t·t1011 v. J " 1•11.:ht <1 11 ring a pr~1 c-t 1n· :.t•ss1on

\\o 1• vp h<tcl 25 or :m p4" rf1•1'1 t.m11 •' .. ,nc-1• l~!il! · ..,av ... Stodnt•r " But without quc·~ t1on th 1' ''th• h•\H'~t Jl'C t •t!.; •· ho\\ Irr evl'r to do 11 h<'rP ·'

R1·~.1rd lt· :. ' 11f Ro~t·n ., J vc·r J/.: l ' h1· onh bo" le; orw•· ~ \\ 1•1•k. h1 .. 1e1·1·nt rlfort ..., somc1h1n1! th .it :1!1 .99U of 1•1·r11-1~1 noo linwkr., r r·i:.1n lh ·.,s or th111 .11 1•r:.i)!1• i "' il l "''' l't .H· lOmph.,h

Readers Corner lJl' ,11 ~II

I v. .1... both uni m prt'\"l'ci .11111 rll, .q>prnnl t•ft I>\ l ht• ('nq•r aj!f• nr ttw -.un .. rt l.<><1~ur " " 1m final " ;\1 ;1 rr h 2.• Th<' ar t 1clc• on lh1· 'a 1 ~r ty t>\ <' nt 'i "as a 'i alway'\ , t•\ccll enl but you 1·ompl<'tcly •it nor~d rourzhly om• half of th1• meN 's entries. I am rcfl'r rtn i.: to the fros h·S-Oph s w im m ers Tht>rl' wa s enouj! h <'xc1tc m ent and 1.JIC'nt in t hat g roup to warra nt ... o m <' ink in the g<'nc r a l a r ticle J lld not JU~ I in the results, wnt ·

tc•n 1n 1111(• p1 int .11 lh1• hollom of lhe p J gl' J a m 1A nl1 nii to 1nforrn \nu r 1c.ult•r <> aoout 111s t .1 It•\\ 111 thoc; r nut, IJnc11nl'.! d fo rt ..

Major·League Standings '

Tim Sh11•ltl c; n t Ed 1'>on c;rl lwo ml'e l rf'r ord<1 . nnr 1n tho · 200 frl 'l' a nd th<' o thc•r 111 ttw l tHI fl v 111 .. final hottc•rn v tr m r w .1:. fa~trr than the va rsi ty winm·1-. R1 t•k J\ldrirl i.:t' of Foun t :iln V:t l lr ~· Kl' tth l 'yekaw a . a lso of Edison . set onl' m el'l r r c-ord in t he 200 ill · d iv1d ual m <'dl cy and Just m1ssC'd a nother in thr 100 fr('c. J erry W1nfrry of Marin a a lso e r ased the JOO back s t andard . Finally, th e \hari.:ers nf Ed ison <S.-an McCram•y, T im How ett . Shields a nd llyt'knwa 1 wi ped oul the' 400 fret' re lay mar k by over thrc" secnnd c; All the"c w in ners would hn vc plac<'d 1n th<' ch ampionship final of the va rs ity d1v1s ion Our und<'rdassmen arc .111s t askmg f or th e s am <' \' crb i age a s New port 's F ean1ome Foursome or Jeer f'ulLc; , Jnm es Rer jl'<'SOn, Peter Gorm a n a n d Ka1th l\enworthy . Afte r all . the!'e un ­derclassm en from all the Sunset League school!! are going to he the Mike K ell ys , B o b Mont · grains. Bill Babas horfs and Mi!te Vellekampsofthe future .

American league East Dlvl'ilon

w I. Pet. ( ;8 Balt imore 0 (J 000 Boston ti (I .000 C le veland 0 ti 000 Detroit 0 0 .000 MilwaukC'e 0 (J .000 New York 0 0 .ooo T o ronto 0 0 .000

WestDMslon California 1 0 1 000 Chicago 0 0 .000 Ii

Kansas City 0 0 .000 ' i Minnesota 0 0 , ()()() I 2

Oakland 0 0 .000 '2 Tex a~ 0 0 . ()()() ' :i Seattle 0 t . ()()() t

w•,..way'•O•m• (;alll.,rnla T, !><•111•0

ToUy' ' O• m•' ( " l< • OI' ' " " '" 10 111 Al To~nln ·~·-· I ) •Ot IC•""'' ,,,, l~llltllCIPfl " I ) al D•froll fllohorl•

,. n1 T• •n (8 tvltW>fl ,, It ) at lle tt1mo1• IPAI,,.,..,

,, 1)1 MllwltU-• l fr e..nll\ U !t i e t N• w Vetll IH.,,,lor

11 I Si Cl t Vt lfft(I l ! <h nlPY 1J 111 t i lkKIOll l.lor11it"'

,, 111 A119tlt tAylffl" 111 •1 '-orllle (llomo"l

National League East Division

w '. Pct. GB Ch1caji(o 0 0 .000 Montreal 0 0 000 NrwYork 0 0 ()()()

Ph1l ad<'lph1 ::1 0 0 .000 1'1ttsburgh 0 0 000 S t. Louis 0 0 .000

West DfvlRlon C incinnati l 0 l 000 Atlanta 0 0 . 000 ':.i

Houston 0 0 .000 ' '.2 Los Angeles 0 0 .000 h San Fra ncisco 0 0 .000 1,;

San Diego 0 I .000 t .... ,.. ... ~., Oom•

(ln(IMAll ! . SM O •"OO' T~y'> O...,•t

\ I l.oul• l ()eMy II • or l'~ lf fl'IP I? l • I ti Pll l•bu1011 IA""" , .. ,o, A601<1tr H.a•

Nr w Verk l~uwor c; 111 "' Cnluo1> IOUN" UIJI

c;.o n ""'"Cl'<• fM(lnlMll'~O t• Ill a l ~· t'ullOll J I 101,

~ • .,.,o ...... ' '"" 01-oa t91rom 11 ttl •1 Clnc111~a11 rz.,,,,,.

" It " ll•nl• IM~Ur\1'111( 111 11 I ll • I Hou1lnn lll1Cllt rot10>1tl.

J rcaJize the n~sults of athletic e vents arc called in on the phone but I'm suggesting , for a m eet of thi s moJ{nitudc. a report e r s hould be dis patched to t"Over the event. This m eet . o sea 11on fin a ls nrfa ir for m ost , ~howcases at

, least as many 1;uper ti m es as a m ld !lca son IO<' UI tr a c k lnvita· tional. l know many younJ{e r urea a thle tes would a ppr<-Ciate thtl r due rccogn1Uon .

Sincerely , Dave Pickford

€dl~n Asst . Swim Coach

lllUf8day. Apn17, t077 DAILY PILOT C:J •

Marina Nine Bags Title SANT A MARIA - M a rin a

Jllgh s V1krn~::.. the w1nnlngest te am 111 the Or a ngt' Coust are a w ith an 11 3 r ecord , s we pt to the Sa nt a Ma r 1,1 Jn v1 t ation a l b aseball cham pions hip Wednes · d ay everung a:. prt l'he r i. Randy Newman and Mike Ho rs com· btned for a one·h itte r 111 s tifling San Marcos. S 1

The Huntingtoll Ueac h-b ased Vikings s t ruc k 1L ri ch in the first in n ing as they ca m e up with three runs . Greg Ventura s tarted I t w i th a s in g l e and Mark Dapcllo, an a ll-tourney choice

w ith teamma te J e ff M a ncino, doubl ed h im h o m e . D a pe ll o follo wed lhat by s te aling thlrd and horn£-.

Je(f Graham 's double in the second inrung led to a nother run and two San Marcos e rro r s pushed the score to S·O alte r three Innings.

Bors re lie ved in the t op of the fourth inning .nnd squelched 11

bases·loaded situa tion with one out.

San Marcos could get only one hit off Vikings pitching, tha t in

the first inning when Marina Cell bthmd . l ·O.

But Ventura . Oa pcllo a nd Man­dno took care of that in quick fashion 111 the botto m of lbe fr a m e and Marina w~:. on lt!i way to the tourna m ent c h um p10Mhip.

,.~.w~• r n •• , h ·-·

'•C>l l t\Q"'" ' J ') I 0 V1nt u rA ' ' .. ' ' 0 Fyt•,lt4"' ltJ ) 0 0 0 ti•rw ey I t 1 0 0 I P'1f'•th t JO OO Oapoo110 OI\ ; I I I r.;r4tt"..im m 1 I ) 0 M l\l'tc1no, Ml , 1 l 0 N1w m • n p 00 0 0 Ir w in ID 0 0 0 0 llM • O ou o o ,0, .. 1 2 0 ~ 0 l o t t i' 7~ ~ , '

MOroll~ IMI~·· r " • S•n M .uc~ '"" MO 0 - 1 I ..

M or in• 111 000 u I 1 0

CdMWins; El Toro, Tars Fall

South Team Tabbed

23 Area GritMers Earn A.l"/,.star Spots

Cor ona d e! M a r Hi gh 's Sea Kings , beh ind t he pitc hing of J ohn Db t aso a nd Tom Neeson a nd depth in th e ba l ltnJ: o rder, ca ptured the con!>olat1on c ha m ­pionship of the Pomon a Inv1ta · ttonal bas t.•ba ll tourn a m ent Wed-11 e s d ay li t P o m on a 's R a lph We ls h Park .

T h<' SNr Ki ng~ s trur k early to record a 6· l del' l!>rOn o ve r Clare­mont.

O th e r O r an g<' C on s t area te ams in lourna mt•nt action on the road wer e not a s fortuna te. Newport H a r bor dropped a p<t1r a t th e Coachell a Va lley tourney, los ing to E l Cc nt ro ' s Cent r a l H igh, 8 6, in nine innings , then los ing the third pl ace ga m e to Ca le;\ico, 9·5, a t College of the De ... ert .

E l Toro w as abo a third place gam e ' '1ct1m ai. the Ch a r ge rs' de ­fl·n~e ;.igain foiled the m with 51x l'rrors lc :.id1ng lo a 6·4 i.ct back to Pom orrn 's Glad s ton e at Apple Valley 11.r l!h 's 1nv1tat1on a l.

Corona dt' I l\t <1 r p1c kl·d up a pair of markers in the frr :.t inning o n a n rh1 ~ in g l t• fr o m En rl ('<1lh :.on and J ohn Barth ':. r bt ln · pie .

J\nd thl' g a ml' wa s put out or f l'· :ic h in the t hird ~ i th ll four .run 1•x p los 1on , hi ghlig ht e d b y ('alh~on 's !>111glc'. nn r br d oubll• frn m ,Jim .J <m t''> <i n d a run ~coring s ingll' from Br un • lle l'k

C lar e mont w a:. !>t y m1l'd on fi \ ' l '

h its and could Sl'<Jrt' hut nne run o ff lht• ~ I a n! .., of 0 11. t aso and Ni: cson.

~~m1 t1 nAI\ N (' W pc)f f I t)

•O r ~ rtM

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South coa ch BiJI Workm an of Huntington Bea ch 's E dison HJgh has seleded his 35-man squad for the 18th Orange County All-st a r football gam e to be played July 7 a nd 23 from the blue chip lis t hail from the Orange Coas t are a .

Amon g the squad bo a s ting All -C JF cre dentials a re firs t t e am 4·A gem s Stf!ve Rakhshani of Edison and F ountain Valley's Ste ve Steinke , 3-A selec tion Reg­gie West of Santa Ana Valley and 2·A pick Corky Calvert of S an Cle m ente.

AJso selected a r e s econd te am 4·A choices Ken Mar~erum of F o unt ai n V a ll e y an d Edison's Ra n­d y Hollada y ; 3·A p icks Rick Wa rd of Santa An a V a ll ey a nd Steve Alm o nd o f Or a nge 's El Modena ; and 2·A s tars Al· BILL WOlllCMAM le n Streete r of San Clemente a nd Costa Mesa's Da ve Mollica .

The Barons of Founta tn Valley le ad the list wi th four pl ayers . w h ile Edison. New porl Ha rbor a nd Westminster furnish three g r a duating sen iors to lhe a ll ·s l a r tiff. wtuch benefits t he Childn ·n·s I los p1tnl of Orange .

Other schools with mu1t1 .p1cks arc Corona de l Mar , t-.:1 Modena , G a r de n Grove ' s Lo!> Ami gos , Santa /\na 's Matl· r 0 <'1. llunt· ington Beac h·s Manna a nd Sun Cle m ente', ear h w ith two w le( .. lions .

" We- t ried to co m(' up w ith a good group \\h lC'h W<' Ced c an ac cept coaching t h<it mi ght bl· nf a differe n t n atur e , · .., a y!> Workman · ·And '-'<' madl• our pic ks wi th tht• O\ c rall s ucccs:. of the ~Quad tn mind ·

P r;ic lH' e . p rnbahlv to tak e pl<.ict• a t Or a ngr Coai. l Coll t·J!<: in ht•u of recond 1l 1ontn J.! \\ Ork lit E d is on High, rs ex peeled lo b1.·g1n

Jun e 20 with 14 pr a c ti ces s ch eduled.

The game is being s witched to Anaheim 's La Pa lm a P ;.i rk this year due to r enovation a t Orange Coast Colleic's ::.t ad1um . " The gam e could be m oved at the last momenl to An ahl'1m Stadium if the dE'm and t:. heavy e nough, " says Workman.

The South trails in the series with 4 vic tories a nd 13 losses a nd the llebcb have never won two in a r ow <the South prtvailed in 1976, 33-lO J.

Workman s a ys h is t<'lim will em ploy s 1m1lur defe ns ive t actics to Edison's <an attacking 5·2) a nd an ! ·form ation with ::.om e vana­tions. " We d hke to i:?et Doug Bo::. well l Westm ins ter) a nd Mike M e rk CE I Mode na ) into th e b ac kfield at the same time ," says W o rkm a n , wh o w u s S un s e t League coach of the year m 1976 a ft e r leading Ed1~on to lhc cham­p1ons tup.

Edison kams h ave recorded s even v 1rton~::. rn .... a ch of the la:.t four yeari.

The 1977 South All -s l ar !>quad : 0,.•rt \ ttt•Y"1 rnt f'\ l'\.11'tf I ¥ ti ih t 11 \

M <1r f" l tth"'f'I"" l l'tf""l 1,.. 1 M H OrtY• M 'lll l \ t" I.• M I 1h WI U)\ , , .. Joo ( I '("~1 fMI'\. • ft t M1

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St Of' • by 1,._1nq \ S.nuUft•h

, ft p J1'l Jiit) ,,,,, -4 10 \ l<l\ .,..., 1100 .. ·~ •

OCC Nine Loses, 6-3 t4' "' fl""' ' ( .,1 . . .... ,

, ~ f

100 ?no , \ & n <ll\ ?00 • • I~ J

CdM l• I E l Toro 14 ) •I> r h '111 t1tt r h r bt

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\c'or~by ll'\n +nq\ . .. . 1 . •lt t'"""' ()H'I '" n ~ • f 1 r •n on • '"°'' n J J

LONG BEACH Lon g Bea ch City College r a ll ied for a run in the seventh and two in the ninth to h and Orang<' Coast College a fi-3 d efea t in the ope ning round of th e LBCC ha::.e b c.111 tourney <it Fll a rr Field . he r e , Wed n<:i.d ay n1 ~ ht.

OCC's Pi r ates r eturned to ac­t ion today aga111st LA Harbor. The Hues h ave two ga m es 1-'n · d ay, fa cing Compton at 10 and F u ll crton a t 2, bol h at Long Bt>ach CC.

Coa ch Mike May ne's Pi rates o uth1l lh<' deft·ndmg i- tale cham­p1Qn V1k111gs, 13·12. but OCC h nd two rwrners thr ow n out nt t ht· plat e .

Long Beach ·s t wo runs in the

ninth , <'Om 1nl! a ft C' r t \\ o outs . we r e u nt•a rn c d Th i· l 11ratcs lo aded th <.' baM•:. in t h l• l.i !'. l of lhl· · ninth, but a doubl <' r lay t·ndc·d th<' g a m l'

Dary l S(•oni .... rs h ad two s ingks . :.ind '1 tri ple'. h t•tn ).! th rown out a l th<' pla tt· t ry 11hi to s t r e tch hi" thrt•(' ba~ I' hlow 10\11 a hom l'r . R1rkey l"r ick :1bo hanged out three f11ts t wo !>ing lcs <1110 <1 clou blC'

~b r., r tu r ,,. • ··~ I () t I

'"1.-no tot r f JI 0 ~ f. un h / , on o r,. ' ' ,, 1ti 4 0 I I H HI ~ I I) ~ I Vl'l" •fllf .•. \ I) I 0 l(' '' "'' l ' t'I I> • 0 I I) w.,,, ,,,, I I U I 1 Qr,, 11 '9 H

" L ~ 0 II q"" .. , .• .. • ~ \ l "'I .. I I> o " n 11 q""' ,, ,,, \ \ t ' t I ... .lb ) IJ l

)(Or~ by'""'"•' r h ,.

L n "11181'¥J\ (.IY'I ?<I t ,.,_., 11 I O'ttnqr (.I)·~ t Ml) IQ) ,,,,,, ) 11 I

Ima Lulu Tops Field

Im a Lul a, 011 4" of the top t rotte rs in the coun · t ry , will make ht•r firs t ~ta rt of the ye a r Friday nig ht in lh<' s ixth r ace al L o s Alamitos Ru cc Course in th <> $!0,000 in­vita llon:il t rot.


'- ~ .>; <.;:_~!' -

I m a Lul a wil l b e dri ven by .Joc O ' Brie n, a h flrne~s racin j! h a ll of fnm rr, who will b<' m nl( . in g his second s t a rt of th<' eurr l'nt S<'ason .

SKIER'S DELIGHT 1977 Challenger 10· Ski. 454 Chew Golden Eagle 1el. w 'matching double axle traitor . ... . ... ... . .. . .... .

EXECUTIVE DAY CRUISER 1977 Chaparral 23'. 460 V-8 Jacuw 1ot fully loaded

PERFECT FAMILY BOAT 1977 Ranger 18 tn·hull with 120 Mere Cruiser . . •

CLASSIC CUDDY CAI 1977 Ranger 19 deep V·hull

:)W ~ _..,..., ?J

. • . : oniv5799 5

. Dlacounteds999 5

.Sensibly PrtcedS 5 6 9 5 Last vear , Im a Lu ln

won l95,ooo nnd had n bes t t im e of 1 57 4 15. She a ls o had four othe r vie · t ories under t wo minutes :ind will thr<.'nten the Los A la m itos track record o r 2 :00.2 /5 in a fi e ld of s ix h ors es Friday night.

V-8 Volvo Penta complete ..•.•. •.. . .• . . . . .. Now Ave II able$ 6 9 9 5

Volleyball SCIV41 SIMCll"'I•

w I. 01 Soul~fn(Alif~rm• 10 f P • pr,..rttl "" ft l U'~ A 1 ) UC \ 1nlA ll•rbArA \ J l ' 1

s~n O•- '\l~I• • , , I ' s ~""0 ou1n 1 ~ l o tto ltt 1 I 1''J uc. tr 11 1,. n tn ••.

WMN•OY.•ko•n P • fll)<lr(Jlno ,,..I U( ln.11>< I \ &. 1f • •

n 10 , U~t dol V( l " l~O • 1\ 0 IJ. 1, ;

l'rl4ay •0•-· UCLA Mu' '""'I• 0010.•a p .. _.,,,.. ., ~ [)ft911 ~1•1•

s..-,··0."1• u' s.11t e Datlw»• e1 v,1 ... 1,..

_ .. ~~-\, .:_ ~

.:. . . ~ . {-11_11 - •. -:: .. ,/~-::t:

Distributor of AMF Alcort, fecrturlftCJ Sunfish, Force 5, Mini Fish, Puffer

AYallabl• at drotffcafty Nductd pricH

NEWPORT LEISURE BOA TS 2210 Newport llYcl, H.wport leoc1t

l ... d fe TM~ c..e.wl



• C4 DAILY PILOT Thursdl)', April 7. 19n

'.Nothing Bashful Br?wn : Shines

ruauc NOTICE PICTtTtOUS ........

...,..$TA1WWlff TIW...._..._ ......... -IH >

1>$VQQ.001C"I.. M0'1YICT1Qr MANAOUHMT. 11"1 fl~ .... Hvnll~ ...... C.-"1641



Tiie t••ow•"tl p0r'°" h -... ttuti-"'" ... TMI? .. onco .. LANT. H JS

About Tars' Corum.For MD , ·~

,..., Errol""-'-· t~ ~ OOlllt. NlftlN,IMfl IHCll, CA t2t 11 Tll~ ~· It G9fldllct.0 llY lift ln­



W•Hltr AW , .. Yl'tlt19ton llM<ll, CA ·1 .. l

VIima I.. (""Clm4fl. 11'110•11 Trte ~·"" lo v•.,. t'l"1•1)

flll\ O<;\lneU II (Ol'O\KteO Cly en II\ dlvldWll

Vlt""'L Goldm.fft

By DaveCwaaJ.Ditaam Ot t,. O.Hy ,. .. uw1

Some times the cool confidence ot N e w port Harbo r sprinter Chris Conlm can be mistaken for arrogance .

T ake, tor Instance, this

incident in a r ecent m eet ' with Edison High o f Hun­tington Benc h :

Corum put on a powe rful kic k in the back s tre t c h of a 440 -yard d ash, look the lead , the n tu r ned h is h ea d and b egan to c h at with a

t eam rnJate h e had Jullt p asse d , gest ur i n g

cas ually with h is h ands The con versation t ook

place on the third turn, a nd Corum breezed t o a fi r s t place finish w i th lit­

tle apparent effort. Teammates, coac h es and fans w ere buzzing.

You see, one does n ' t talk when runni n g a

s print . Al least , not out loud . Not t o someone else

,Vi the race. Not t o so­m eon e you Just passed.

• " Ye a h , wasn ' t that ~rid icu l ous?" muse d

Newport Harbor -coach Bob Hailey. "That's just his cockiness coming thro u g h ."

Corum l'xpla1ns , " (

·wa s t e ll ing Frank Venclik , 'T h is su re doesn ' t remind m e of 1-ast yl'ar . • I r eally got

..killed last year agains t Edison . In f act, I'v e never done well agains t Edison in any sport."

Cockiness. confidence ~ arrogance ... whatever you w ant to cal 1 it. Corum know.s he h<t~ become a good spnnle r

H e won the C l F 440 frosh-soph champ1onsh1p last vcar and anch ored NewP<>rt llarbor '!> 440 re · lay t eam. which ali.o

look first in the CI F champ1onsh1 ps •

OA1ly Piiot P""t•


Vince Brown of Mat er Del CSaola Ana ) un ­corked a shot put etrort or 54·2'4 W e dnes d ay, one o f bia best of the season , but his team still lost the Angelus League track and fie ld meet t o hos t Servite (Anaheim>. 65-53.

Brown's person a l b est i s 54-6, less tha n four in ­

c h es better than bis dis­t a n c e W ednesday.

Bill H a rtnett won the

high j u mP' Cor Mate r l>e i by c l earing 6-2 wbi_le teammates B ob Mer­rigan and J oe Pangrazio w on the 220 and 440.

Y .. IHITY ~·•llllllllMterDet

t00-1. ~ ISi I0.1. t. Mere .... lSl 10 l 3 _.,.,..n IMMO S.

no-t. 1Wtfft9¥' (Ml 2• 1; t. Chase IM l 1• 3; l . Montie! (SI 14.J.

..., 1. p_,.,10 IM) SU; Z. H o (SIU t · l. OIOI\ IM) S4.4. ,,no-1. o.<n.nne tS> 7:06.1 : ?.

A• vU !Ao\) 2 Ol.4; J. BenMll 151 t : " • .

Mlle-1, Peter-a ISi • :3'.6; '7. 8r•mbUa CMI 4. 41.0; 2. 0- <Ml

'· ... "


Ba8ehall Results For~a . ..,.

JUNIOlll YAMITY SAN CLIMINTI Ill - F• wctll, c t

.. ~1-0: CAiiey, lb :M>-1).0; .. All\laG, If :J.O.O.O; 0..-.,c 1·1~: ll11nlck. n • O· l ·O: Maton9son9 , rt 1·0 ·0.Q; .. orvelll, 311 "°'°4: SU..lf.lb 1+1M>: Oll"ltlrll, .. 2-0-0.; R-. p 1+1M>; 0.lf\S, Ill 1464; Mtlet~. lb M>-0.o.

I!\. TOttO Ml - 0..rl", n J.M-0; Matr•119•. lb J.0.1.Q; Bryant . 30 1-1 .0.0: o.at Kfl. t11 ~ M : C.•11•, n 2-o.N; _.,,._, rf 3-M.0; SIAnet. cf 2•1-M: Glls- 11 i-o.1-01 Oevh, c 3.Q.M : .......... If t -6oM ; Glbot, II t.o.64.

S.nCl......ie E.1 TO<'O

r II • Ql>t aao ~ 'Z • ~ 000 .__. • 5

• · •8' SAN C\.SMINT• (JI -Faw<etl,d 1·mll-1. Pltlri• CS) 10:09.1 ; 7. !)-0.M: t.i•er. 211 ).tM.4; Hlllllltd. If

l..t WIS (Ml 10.111.J; 3. Clark (M) 30.Q.l · t: Avulclt, "l+o-11; o .. " ..... · t0 ·2t 0 c 3·0-H; ""-ton91CllOQ, ti l• t · t .O:

t?OHH - 1. O'M<tlley !Ml 1r..t : ?. ~valll. 1112-1-'MI; i.ewlt,dn>o-o-o; ColemM ISi 16 6; 2 J, McC.rtll't (Ml M.,.11 r , lb M · M ; 0.IAI, lb t .().6.0; 11.• . &..owm~o~.

lJOL H- 1. 8 ennell CS) • O.I; ?. DANA HILU co - Sl rof!Q', n O'M•llt'I' (Ml 41.1; 3. ColemM (SI 4-0·M ; ~. 2b 7·"2-0; S.IM, c l

Tiii\ •l- w.n 1111«1 wllll the Collft•Y o- ot Ot•- c ... nty Ofl l!Mr<ll " · ,.,,

"'"' """''.,..Cl>.,_ Cont .,_.,, Pltoo ~'"' "·~.i1ane1•111. 1m





The 10110.tnv oa1.- ar• ctolno W.tlM\\M:

M ONTCL A IR PIN ES "S~t.t,TES, c /o J , Bl ram. 120t Dove $lo, Ne-1 8HC'-. CA. '2W>

Jamtt R . .Blr•m. JOitt Grellde Vl1ta,L~Nltutl,CA.'2477

II-Id E . Sodtttllno. !>GO VIII l.ldo Nord, N--1 8e1e", CA.. '1663

This ~lnett ts cond11t ltd by • llmlttd IMl'tnttnllnlP· J•"'""· Bl ram

Tiiis atAt-t was filed with the C1>11ntv C .. r'I< of Ol'e,.... CO<ll'llY on

"lllM P\lbllu.d Or""O' <:<Mst O•llv P1IOI,

Marth24.31,atldAP<ll 7, 14, 1911 u n-n

PUBLIC NOTICE Mart111e.1m. o 6. 3·0-0-0; Smith, If 3·0·0-0; Munn. c FP3'S' FICTITIOUS BUSI NEU

Tiit• \!Al~ W~\ Ill.., • Un l"­Coun ty (lork ol Or•nQU Co .... ty O•t M•r<n 14, l~rt. .. ,,, .. '"""''"*' 0-~ Co.ISi Deity PtlOC. ~r<n 11,24,Jt • ..o..,,111. n11

t o11-11



"'"' '°''(lwjllQ _...,.. ... clOlft9 _,_ M\\ • \

EVAOP.t, PflE'SS. "" Monrovle Ave . Ntwoon &KPI. CA 'l1MO

eu<OM Comm ...... cati-. Inc., e C•lllor111u Cor-•Oon. 1tts -ovl1 Avt , N,._l8"1C'-,CAf'lMO

TM\ b<nln<KS 11 <onducffd OY a coor. POrAllon.

rurao• com ........ lca! l""'· ' nc. lhl• \I 1lf'fnl!nl w•t fllod wllll 111•

CooJn ly (I••• ol o ... "99 Count)' Or\ MArt n JO, 1911

F7401t Pobll\l>ed Clf•naP CoHI Dally Piiot.

A1><ll? , 14, 11 . 18. 19/7 1m.17

PUBUC NOTICE 440•tlrt'- 1.S&t111ho 46 ' · 3-0·1· 1: BUtn\, l b 7-0.1·0; Ehluw, rt Publl9'*' 0-- Coast ~n., Piiot. ...~.STAT£··~NT M• .. re1• v-1. - IN 0.13: :11.t. 3-0·0-0; JHse"· 3b 2·M.O; Harrlm111, end Apr\11 t• 19n ~... ~ -~ HJ - 1. Ha rtnell CMI 6·2: 2, Cll\2· l ·1·1:WUIOCk. 00400. Merc11t4, 31• ' ' T"9 fC>llOW•"Q 11"'"°'1b001"9 bu\! · FICTITIOUSIUllNl!U

Wt l9lendl1)..0; l . A-n(M) H. S<ortllY l lWll"ll~ 11•~n nouas: NAMl!STATIMINT LJ - 1. flt""""" (SI llM; t. Hellon r h ., __ P_ V_ B_ U_ C_ N_O_T_J_C_ E ___ , ALll ENTERPRISES, UIS S""•· TMlollowlnQ D«lllf't\ ere C1ol119botl•

CS > tG-7; 1 Gonules (Ml 20-1. S.n Clemente oot 100 o-,:i ~ 3 fnoton Pl .• Ne.otoort Beach, CAI., neon n . PV-1. KHcltlalt ISi H ·O: 2. ~noH1ll' 003 000 t -4 J t -------------1 • V·202. ttMO C.t,L GR.&.PHICS PRESS. U9S

Meye'1(Sl 11-0. J Goll Vin (Ml 11-0. , F ICTITIOUS 9 U$1 Nl!SS Joseon S.1(1,._, 181S ..,.,..,lnoton Monrovl 1' Ave., Newpor t 8eec1" SP- I. Brown (Ml S-.214 ; 2 . F<*lles NAME STATEMENT Pl .. Newoort lle<ICh, Cal .. " 11·70>, •:IMO Clllllornla"W>

(51 »-l~;J °"""""' l'il !IO~. OOI ~.-• This I>'"'~' ts co..<1uc1~ Dt .11n In· Eu•o0<1 Cnmmunlc•llont. I nc:., • AAT£SIA TOUANAM£NT TIW! IOllowlnQ oer"°"' .,.. ng uu .... dlvld .... I. r alllo•n•• C,,,O')l'AllOll. 1Sfl ""°""'"'"

s-v1:::':?:',!.~ .. 0e1 .... OSH·SOPH ~\·~e SOFA GROUP. 116~1 L•- ~s l(lnvo11e A•• . Nt .. OO<t Beach, C• lllornta'l?MIO t oo-1 '""'"'re (Ml 10.9; 2. Mania Oii>~ "'""" c '11 T'-ls statMM"I w•• 1111.'d wll '- 1he Tr.ls t>u.i,.....s I• conouct..i by• cor·

(S I 3 Mur!lfw !SI. ESTANCI .. Utl - Sc:llfffH, ,b, ~ti SI ' • lGe, £ !Toro, A loJO Couftlv CtMlt of Orange Co11n1y on oor•llon 3-1·1-0: Sant• MMl.t, cl , ~l ' · I ; fl Aob•rt CllMI •• Trown, t8 M•rchll,1977. "u•-·c~·-1ca11-. 1nc.

110-1. Ao<;lrre (M) :US; t. Mllrpll., 0 'prom•n- . 1,..1.,,. C"9111S c -· ~·r·~.. -· ()1111 1 :J. Urt!ll 151. Hayp\, lb, 310 ; Bl'nflCI I,''· . I ' t ; • Ao't<·m•"" Fr.,ncls '""'ten. 24611 !<HOU l lli~ Sl.\IPmt1'l WH llled with t t>e

...0--1. ttolc.omb (5) SU; 2. GltnOM ;~~.·.r;:e~4 •• ~;. !. ~~·~:,. 't::'~;~r.31~: W09C"llf L•ne. E• Toro. CA t7'10 PubHshfd O"~'>"f Co•tt O•tlv P •IOt (OUMY (IPf' 'C: of Of-•"91' CoUf'llY Ort CSIJ. - <MI. •·1- l·t; Cnintt. rf, O.l ·IMI: 81,...e, or, Thll buslneu I• conoutted b'I • Aorll7,14,ll,16, IW7 n1e11 "'e•,hl0,1'n ..,_1 ~1"' ISi i:ll.4: 2. Arnotd 0-1 ·0'4; a-. pn, 2+o· Cno•. rr, 11t'nerel0<1-Yito -------------i F7«1tl

CMl 1. --(Ml. 24-0-0. Roller! c '"'""' PUBUC NOTICE Pu~"-°'~ Cl.Ifft Dally Piiot. "'''-'· Floru IS i ~52.7; 2. OHtp. Scotelly lmlrtts lhl' )t.tlemt"'t was 1111!<1 with ' "" -------------1 "°"" . 14.?t.?8, 1917 1-.17

man IMI J Ou!nn (Ml. h Countv Ot•~ ol Or•nve CCll'nty on , ..... 11-1. Floras ($) 10:21.0; 2. ,. • OCEANYI EWSCHOOL OISTAICT O>ltnft IMiiO>&~n<Ml. E~lanri J 7•1 t!JO 1-1~ 1 ~ o MMt/IU, 1977. FlllU nnw .. , ..... A,..,.,.. "1 l~ .. - t . OdOQet (5) l6.J;t.O'NeU Pioneer 0» 020 0- 2 • C. Publ lthed OrenQt Coast Delly P llol, HIMl u'9tOfl8U<ll.CAtt

(Sl 1. ~-, m. Marti\ 17,14,31.an<IAOrll 7, 1911 MOT~::~ .. \~~~~~Eal~ UOL.H-I. 8•9941 IS) '2.1; l. ton.n NOTtCe IS MER EOV GIVc:t~ 1'-&1

MA'•'-el fNll3. G<""°"" tSI. s f hall 4411,....,.,-t, s.rvlt•~ 7. 0 l '"" Board Ol Tru, ... .-s or 1"9 Oc• •n M•l er~••Y 1 Serv•"·l H~ PUBUCNOTICE Vlew Sc l'KIO• O•\lrl'tn• Or""'l"COun1v. HJ a. X1'ultl tM ) !>-&; .i . Per r - - - ----------• HunOnqton S--•c t-. CftllJOtt\trl. w ilt,. ..

ISi , -a~ '!" P ACI FICA SOl<TIALL JStt CCI"" bitt<.. "] " ·to our<M..., ••• m.n ll I 1- ' .._ ISi If.~. 2 O'Oo1111e1( TOVANAM£ NT FICTITIOUS IUSIN£SS ed ol<>sllc countnlOI'\. \OIA\'-t•\ olM

t'>•) Pere- ISi. C...tot.ilon S.mtlln~•· .. AME STA T£ MENT rota lebh> mlfn><'\ lo ~ Ck>llo/,,..,.., and ,.., _ 1 oanlP" 1<;1 1o &; 1. SnilOy tORO N'I DIEL MAR Iii C.o•l•n "'"" lollowln<r P"'loOfl I\ doinq b11,,. ln\talled at varlnu• ""ool\ on thl! UI\

( 4)t 'J ~'~'•" CM> ? O t O 01) '\ Andr,. 'Jt> l 1I)11 R t\•'' 1 tritt <tl1'd # 4 , 77 , t OOUt'rPM\CtfOIOr 'lhjf'(\ •,P I 8.iroll• I~) .,, .... ], N1chl .. 1' I( ... f 111! 0, K l•ouQll . ,, I I I I A N l w HORI ZON':o PRODUCTS. recoroe". 8'<1< W•ll l)o• '""IV@d VP In

ISi l W•~..cn lSI te,r ~ 1171· 1.0; .... rnoo\M n l'H ~ r 1•?• c,,,,1111im D<i .,'. N• wPOrt 8e~ch. 9 .00 A,m. Ap<ll I~. 1917. o>I IM Ad ~• ES.MMEN Anttr•• ,-t HJ'' I") To,rt-<, cf / o 1 '· t A'lh·60 m rnf\ltaliOtl OUfc~ of .,,.,(t <,rt'W)nl Die,,

_,,, ... "°41'>1 IU\.'>l MAltr Ot• Rv"' ' "· 1h 7 0.0 o. JorqN. llll 1 0 O·O. Ir''" E. S•~Qt• I , 197' S~n1ta90 lritl. 1'n WMnor Av,.nue. '1unllnQt01l •00 1 Fat•v (')1109, 7. Pro1q~r S<ortby lnnlft4'\ Ori.,.. 'l••wnorlR•Mh CA~WI 8eolC ll.C..Hl,,..n1o\~:lf,•J.ot wnlrh 1lm1

lM I 3 HUll\11 I, r h • T " '' bv""""">f Ollduele<I bt .,. Ill· "'id bids Wiii be ODl'Md a nd ,. ... d In <IC•



Tt\I' follOwil'IQ Dll•SOflS ••e <IOlllO bust· ftt'• \ " \:

DAHLIA co .. 3010 so. Mein ". eso. s.1~1 ' 11n.i c 11"1101

Ao I 1 Nt•oll W,11\ n '1010 5o. Mau> SI , 1~0 . ..,,.,,,~""~·CA 911111

John o. W•l\h, llllO So. Mdln SI .• 818 .<t~nl~'IM,(A ~7QI

T'-'' bu\ln<·" I• c""du<'-d bv a ()fl:nCf dt o..u •r"' ·rVll o

A,-t A N1• U W .-.1, h

11\IS \lnt•oner11 w" lll•d wit'- '"" CoiJnty (IPrk ot Or.>1"190 tountv "'' Marrn 31, 1~11

Currently, hl' holds the best timl' of all On.tni!l'

Coast ar<'a at hletes 1n .the 220 ;ind S('COn cl h (•S t In ~e 100 and 440. Ile also

=4l.n chor s Newport · '!lbrbor 's 440 and mil e rr

picked out a collt•Jw llCLA . But eve n sprinll•r of his talents may f111c1 1t tough to make a tl·am of CCLJ\ 's c-a l ibcr

with thc JV team . H ailey says h e s hows a lot of


'120 1 F • •e-, ISi 20; 2. Var isco Pdcllir A 100 on o - ~ ) 1 dl • •Oua1 ""dance with SDl« lli<dllor>> now Oil • IM )) HllllSI Corona Ml Mar 000 IJO ?-. • 1 f••'<I E' "'tQl!I ltl~• n tneoll1ceo,.a1d Olstrlct.

A•O 1 c..,,,rnv IS) !.6 t; 2. Wall<er Thi\ ' 'M""''"'' wn• llled wit'- th• All Item• orovldl'<I thrOUQll thl\ bid

•1eo.1 P11bll•hell Drll"'I'• Coe\! Oally Pilot •

APrll 7, U . 11. 211, IQll 1390·1'

Tay tea m s. both o f whi c h "?t rc the best 1n the

O range Coast arra ni:ht now.

" H e mav bf:' cockv. but ht> 's a r£>al competitor • s ·ays Jla1try ' 'I've m·H·r

had a kid ~ho was m on· o f a l'Ompct1tor th ,1n

1:6rum " {" Corum sa\''- h<• J.:C't!> h1 -. '.:Sf\~1rat111n from Brian '1''1 c r I fl l , I I ()rm I ' I

•. tl.it>Wpor1 I l.1rl1or ' Prl n11·1 "'ho 1·11m 1wt,..., (111 l ('I \ llllW

" Ttwr1ot n·Jlh turn1 •d ml' on tot r:irk , awl I 4't1ll look up 111 him , , lo1t . • Corum sa\•,

Allhoui.:h ht•'., . 1 pin1or. (;t1r11 m ha <.; .1 I rt•.111 y

TCLA l'Ould make an AAO m .1n nut of him. hke thc·v did with Tht•nnl • 1(;111('\' .,,IV'- . • i\nd ('hri '\ t ' .Jll run .1 h1•c· k or an l®I ,

Corum hJ., ii lot of run

111 n~ to <lo for !'\ 1•wport II iJ rhor ht 11111• hl· .ind I l'I. \ .. 1.111 t:ilkrni.: . :rnd It\ th.11 term• hi.., two hrol h1•r ... m.1\ h(· mak1nf! hcJdlin\'" of lh~1r own

J1mm" Corum. aho .1 ·1un111r . ~pt·<· 1..1h1t''\ in th1• ~and r ; 111 varsity at the

oul:.i•t nf lhc "i<'Json. b11l now h•· .., c; pht111g time·

Thc s w it ch to J V 1s due ·

in part to Jimmy 'i, re­cent bout with the flu . and another factor is the presence of Vcnchk on t h e varsity, an 880 run ·

ner who holds the fastest time of all Orangl' Coasl area athletes nght n ow

The third C orum brother. fr eshman R o n . also appears to be an 880 ..,pec 1alist M asley s ay..,

the· \ ounge ... l Cor um 1<; a ~ood runn1·r hul n o l J

great orw •. . H'l ··chr1s wa s n ' t too

~real when he· wa::. .1 fr eshm an eit h er . and look at him now,' ' H.nh.•y :.ay<.;

For Coast Area

Checking Golf Results M(" \ 11£ \Ul T\

• l ,aC.U"A aU•CH : ', #>I '4• •' l'l4t'I\ t _,

• 1 ,, .... n, r ,,,.,,, t •• " • • f •r,_,,,_. f ..,.,,,, it) 1 l '

:tiVv • <t "I- lf'f . , lfl ' . ' ,,,,, ~ ,, ,, . '. • 1 11&\ ft t l t ' 1nil M , !V••,, M t'°"""'"~Nil\ 'I t M I I l'H I .N ... • 17 II l'i t I ( ,,.. 'f ,._. '

: ' ''-; .. , :~:'"' ~ .. , \/• t ' • • • •' I ) i,,.n,q• l •ttJ'',, tr\ a ') '~ Ill l fh•~ I,.,, f . ,, ', ,, • D' t jt' I J I It , . " ... .

' . h ill h• .. .. 'it ' ff h• f

• 4~ 11n ""' ' " .111 T ( ~ J ''lhf I rtl lt M ,,,,,..,.

t 1 •e. i I , \t I ¥ r • '' .. ! ,, , '" ~ " t • \ 1 I f. JI I Wt f I \ I t '110 •O l•H 1 W n,,.....,1 t 11ra~t 1 '-'"'"• W H rtY

' 10• J I 11 t I \ 11<· Q "' ,

: t 10• ll '") , 1 t "''II 1 • M 1~1•t111 f

CIOI Jll-1/1 lllO(;ANYON CC

• \.nw ftAll .. ttt Fourv1me • M 1•1 ' I , OUC)lt"\) 1 Mr ,,nn Mr\ W llhAnl i Hfhlflln, Mr IWWS Mr\ W iii tit(IQrn ' !141 ) Mf • ..., Mo t JAi > f'n•A M• ~ .1M M f\ L~u r """' ~ 1 , ,,, M , " .... Mr'- fOM 6'1•n\. Mr ,.., t M

r r•n" F•rcao, M r a nr1 M f 111 I o • Dp"'n\ey, Or.MllM" l 1>"1\lr>f!t 1

l,.Ow f\All flf r tu1r "''m" 1 fh t.

M Obrn D•( lt Turr"n P111••' • hi·• m•' H 1 P Smitl'\ \ \ I l lf'W\ ttf'W1'l• H 1• 1

lt •dQf'r . Don Motton 1(1"' ft wt· 11·1• t

) l'-1 1 I n.NIGUILCC

~.,k • n Gam~ l>••ul 1 1 "" • ·11

~"•r h"t Mir- I f\1 11 (M • It '' t t 1 Bud Y.vn.,, 11th hni J •-0 •

n.• utn ,,," Mh \ Tnm f.l n- • &t"Mlt Low ~ f!JI Fevtv.'fil" t M f .. "''' rs Tlm M..-b t Mr """'Mr 11 11 A ulthurn 1'• 1 Mr •f\O Mt \ •• • v

C,8Mlil'. M r MVt M f\ ~Htnfo'f' r\" Afl \,,,

.~\; 1 Mr tlnd M" . A'y W rll M t

'>'"" M" .. J11<-. w-..r '" • M1 "" 1 ·~ Al Slmmt, Mr - Ml\ L lnt!I :r°'..,. * · • •t•ntct-nt •s Cuo R"''\Ulf\ ; p,,.,, : '"*' FfiQht - 90 IMrt"n fi"f '11ff ·••ldon. J M•ll 1 Vic• Or••ld~"' •flltnt - Don Cr•wf nro O•I l\•11 · • •ul•Y, l •nd 1 "l>!( r"1.ory '' Fllahl : .-1 ll•lf <l<'I 1Cr1tn .. AOIMfO. l ·VO :f rit••u ror') rllQl>l -G ~orqe

o\ ~ :: Pro Scores ~

~ M•tl"'411 llH~t11Mll 'lt\OCl'110n ~ .. OU\10<1 I~ 110\lm q' ~ 81111 •10 •01. N• wOrl••n• ten -~ •••lllnqtl)fl'7 cnir.>on••

\en Antonio 111, P'-lllO(jfolf'n•" 111'1 Oen,.., ltll "''·•f'lt••\

, ll • lllMll..,._\ .. •11 " •h1l.-,ID1h•• J , Montr••I t 1 l 11'1

"""'I MW\ Ion• U nl t4ov\lnn I

o""''"""" ""''"""•ot•, .1111 ... i.r,°"4' ... hcllO

W()M(H S lt(SVLTS 111\ltNE COAU CC

I 1t I orf\1m1 t f. t '"'"' I (,I 11~ rMR '' "t 1 A ll • ._,"'""' " '\J 1 M ,..,, .. ,. , t(• '., ''

H ' Hf"' t , '''""°' ''"" f ~' ""' r ~ I•\ n.i-nv U•"'14'r .on, 8' "' M ·~ ,.,,_. ,. _,., c..,.,..u1 I)

< • "'"' t ,,.,,n A tb11rh\f"I, 1()

t "'" 11,, • v •• ,,. n 11 ~ t•qM I f 11 t "•lt' N rtu)fi 1' 7

ft 11 I I '1# I lftfif\• ,,,, ( "'IMP'lll'\ f 'f '4.l10 t/ r 111 W t' II•• 1.111rn~m,.,,t I\

I f+IJ'" 1 M 11 • , , .,,, , t' 1 1 1. ~ •

Hf'tt1f't\ 11•~ 1t (lf"'*O'"'' W" •'I" \1

ft f •"lhl t ( ·•'"'-"n- ,,,,~, ''· ? • ti ••'\ l 'h " •t I t t.H)\ H,.1-' tt' i~

I • ,,,, .. , , u,, .. ,. M Arnfd ,.

1 • ,,,,. .. ,,., t V 111,_ t'I t ""'' J-1.H • I •r" v", ,.,,..,,,,, ,t-11•AI • v ti\

f) I f1 1t't t Hf lo I'\ "'"''W'h' 'I 1

I\." •' tf H •" JH VII • H· tly () fQw ••'t'•

llANCHO\'IN JO,aou1" GC li A"l 't\' t ,.,,1 ,n.,m•n• o\

r t.f)hl t P.'l ,,mdh Ml 1 t ·'""""

,, H. n'"" "'' 1 •1• ..,. ' '"" P ' , h•f'·'l'f \I • lit. t J I

ft f h"lnt t '"'""' W••th•1tf\ , f> I "' I O•J W 1tf•v ,. • • t f)hft•f" ' ,,,, 1r ll

'h"'"•"""'"' '" '\ ( ~lt1lM 1 ft,. I M rtr r H • tf n

ft t ''°"'• M "'"""'' W"•Q"I 'l ,,._._,J11

' • P' , • -...tl .. Po\""~·· · •• ,~ MrS'IVl llDl! CC

l'ti tt .. I , ., l n11'"~""''""~ A ')'·' t f- 1 '" It I • 11 "J

N •' •rt-"' HY t. l ei , I 1 I ( i .._.,1\0( .:. •,. ,.. • f ,...,-4' v .. n .,,~,,, 1 ..

t ,,,., t M, ,.,, y",1t• •' M•ll)- W l•ll •"H• P \t (Mtll't.,lf

R ""'"~""" ' ' ,. , .. ,,. r . ,,,. ., • : ' "" 1

, ..... l'l. ~~· .. , Oott- •• ..,, ... " '"· .. M '"''""'''"II

0 f h O'\I t U l•tt Doody, 11 " 1 ·~ ' ...., , t 4 tt .,. • ' •P A""9 .... ..,

Calendar ,,.~_. ' A•rtf"

A.U •b•fl - , If ""' •I ..... '""'",. t "'''"~" c;..mtrt>.tr ~ Coll~ /Ill \9'nta """ c:ou..,.,- f n'YI"~• Gol(t.irt" w""' • '"'''" Y '\ ,.MO'\llt (ntl~ n JO) • • t-1 An1 it' lc l c11.1r"f"1 , Or!\nO'f co~Ht r~ll•o• v• C.llmOIM " ' LOftQ O~A(ft Cl• 1; (1\11~ •t 10 • m , "' Futhrrton Coll,.,. Al L.onQ &o4Kn Clly Coll- 411 1 pm In U>t"! &e.tcll IC>urMY. IJ(I, ('hAnm"" . (.S F11ll<lrl0<1 And ~ (.11111. t nll~~· •I Or- COunly lour""y ~I tJ C trv.,.. ~\de'f'\ lfto\.e" it t t>, T nv"!l•V 'w1nner1 •I MOn, Fri"•• ' OllH l\tUf') ... ,,..,.,., V\ l'W"W)f'l • 1f'U'\of"f ft 1 l t

,,.""' UC. l rvtr\f"" ~·All,,,, Ch•rn · l>·on\" •.,.•I VC S.nla B"'O.'•

r, ,,h track - M t '"" Anh>., l n Coll•<l" ltl c;otOenW•\IColltoe 11 >01.

S4t""""' ( ...... 11.) AAv•Mll Mftt,.,. 0.1 11t f ul1ttrton

11 n '" Ett1'\0n At H.,wtt\(U #\I"

Hu , ney Go10~" Wttt COlle9f' "'' °"'ln>8 Al H....COCll IOIKMY f2 )0 VCI. Cl'MKJmM. GS tF1111erftlnl nf\ft ~tf'wrrn C.allfofn•~ CoHfl'Qlt •t Or .. ,,q,. t"flunh tnu<f''l"W""n\ " """'"'l"tft'" ' P .., .. m,. "' PW>On

Bree, Meek Tri11mph Mike Bret', Jr. a nd

i:tues t Rick Meek of Hunt­

ington B each . r~ptured the A division doubles ti­tle in t h e Huntington Seacli ff Tennl~ C l ub rh ampio~hips over the

weekend by defeatinu J\l(ln 1-'n•nch a nd iUest H a nk LeichtfrJed o f I rvine, 6-1, 2·6. 1.6 in nc­t Ion nt • Hu ntlnglon

S<'acliffTC Jn lbe B Division, Jack

.l :m~sen an~ Jim Kfanc o r Cor ona l!t'l Mar t o p -

pied Miko Fazio and

Gary Sisel of Santa Ana, 6·4 . 8·4. Gar y Despars and Nick C l abaugh of Lom o Sanla Fe won over Rob Zi nnegrabc a nd

OiC'k Hobbin s of Costa Mt>sa for the C title, 6·4, 6·3.

Jn the D divfsion , Dl'rtk Ness and Greg

Wooten of Jlu n tinJtton Den c h defeated C h ris llei~e nnd Lurry Enri·

quei of Anaheim, 2·6, 6-3, 1 -S1 f orth ctll1e.

IM i l >l•rol<l IMn• Count~ Cl'"" o l O•dnQU Cou"IY on mu•I rnttl all aGPh<able fooer.111, \!Alt - -• c;11 •M l, 10.t;i.Conrov (SJ PUBLIC NOTICE MA rt,.24, tm. ""dtoulcode'- PUBLIC NOTICE 3, ~~It • .,, 1--------------1 F 7lU7 The Boord ol Tru\I•~" r r• •rvrs '"" Mil• I HHnld IMI • ;SS J; 2. F ICTITIOU,•VSI NESS OAAHAM&JAM ES 9\9111 to ~1e<t ""' dM a ll b•O\, bn<I 101---F-,-CT-IT_l_OU_S_•_U_Sl_N_r_s_s __

W~lll t< (Ml J FotO"" '"'· N'IM E STATEMENT 701 W1hhlrt &l•d Uth ~·- wa ive •nylrTOQUlarily IMre1n, N,aME ST'ITEMl!NT , ,.1le-4 Hrrn40 •M• 10.no: 2. lne l ollow•no ~· loOfl ·~ do1n9 Ovfl LO• An~•n. tA'I0011 Marcll16.1917 Tnefollaw1nv oer~•dre<lolnollusf·

Pri•llotM> J Foiq..- '>I nr.\ " ' PubU•ht'<I Or.ot\Oll C0.11\I D•llY P iiot, OCEAN VI EW l'ttS\a\: lll .. t4 - t ""nqldon 10,; 1 . R1wr• E\l.t,NSSCOTTTURNEA .. S'>OC M• te .. Jl. -Al>fl17.U.11,.,,, : SCHOOLOISHncr arRRV PArcM, '706 "iMbor

IM l 1. ,._ !Ml WO C N•woorl GPntrr Or• N•woort 1771.77 Bv: 0..rli'\0>1eflun4 Blvd . '>U•lf'?O'I .... U>\U M-.a, CA ~?6?> ))llLH - 1 lk>rw'M 1'>1 "9; l. M ot· ~ ... .. CA91tol>O Clerl<ol I.... Btwrlv Kev L.o,.,., ? ltS Potnc>n..

lr~rn tMIJ R.,.'" "" ' Wtlh...., D w"""'· 11\\ C<rr•lo• P U BLIC NOTI CE ll<M~Tru,t•~ :c. C.o\tdMl"o• CA'7&21 ,. .,, ,.,._., 1 S.rv111..e1 ' Lt'l''"·'~M'h C A 'l}'-1t p ublnned . CtW t Dctflv t>ilot. £vr (1 .11~ Ayrrc.. 1Vi09 F4'nstt.tW Mllerfof•v I - ••r Cl•" J·\O ). Tni. bu\lnttn '' <un<lud~d llY ""In 1-------------- 1 M•ttt l\31, :. 1917 ..... P•remounl,C'1907>l I I 1 0 OOll~lt •S• 19.1 •: 1 ~1vulutl "CTITIOUSIUSINESS UA5·17 Trtl\bu """ ls c""dutledbY•llmlt-

~·"" t :!> I , I v .. r isco Mt. W 0 W<1qlll N'IME STATEl\o\E NT ""Mrtnor....,t>. HJ - I L•D •v M l W, l. C.d''•" T"'' ,,.w,,,....1 wA• 111 •'<1 wll h ,,... T~ lollOWlnQ OtfloOr\ Is dOi"'J bu•I· PVBLIC .N°&iCE °"""'IY K.W•"9

t M ) S. 0 Oonnt1 11 1Sl Coon11 C.I•<• o f Or•nffU Cu\ollllV U• ""''"' T"i" \t4'1H"ft,..-n , w u' t Hwf whtt t~ "•P 1 f 9'• 1\) ·~ 1"1, 1. friflllodmttn M.Arcn \t, 1•17 CRE4TtVE OJVESTMENTS. nl - •.------------ r '•U"t' Cl,..• lt ,,, ()'"".,.... Couf'll V "''

l~ t I IC•n•.,. t F7JI .. ~nliHVO Or Coron.1dol M.,.CA'n6'\ FICTITIOU$8USINE~~ M •r<~/\.llll CI T t Wtnt•• ~ h .it~. l. !-IOI· Publ"'"" 0r""9' Co·•" 0 ·•11 • PolOI LAtrV J !>I"""! l 1J ~nt.,.d Or~ NAMl!STATEMENT • PJ11J

, .,. 151 J H-gl'r 1!>1 . Ma r< n 11 1• . ll •nCIAe>rtl/ 1917 1011 .11 co;~~":!.:!'~ ~AC~eel by on l'I• ... ~:!s':Ollowll!Q ""'""' •S "'""" bU\I• l>IJbtl•lwod ()ran~ c.o .. ,, O•ily P1101.

Margerum Leading


d 1¥1duel HI ODEN LA IC ES AS~OCI ATES. _A_0_'1_1 _7·_1_•._2_t,_19_._19_7_7 ____ 1_17_~_· 17

L•,,.,d \lmnq ao:io£.~11St.. S-taAM,c"quos 1 h•< sldtcrncnt W d> nJect with tho! CllarlK O. v.-rwooa. 9)'12 JurA


lffJ Counl'f Cler~ ot Or•n'l9 CC>llnty on ~ .... untlnqtonBoo .. <n.CA 9'~4!> FICTITIOUS BUSIN ESS M &rt'> 10. ""· Tll" t>uslne•• Is (onduct ... hy • llmlt- 1'!0

NAME STATl!MENT •1•54 ed PArtnersl.tp su .. E .. 1()11 COURTOl'TH E' TM IOll-•nv -- IS dOlf\9 btlM• P111>llW'd ~ Coa~ Oat1v Piiot. °"'''"'O:UnMr- STATl:OFCALl~ORNIA l<Olt

lleli> .. ,. "'""" 11,2'.lt:..-CSAll<tl 1, 1t71 Tiiis "·•-t WA\ 1111'<1 wlllt ..... THllCOUNTYOFOA .. NGE REDA PRODUCTS. 30 8vrnln9 1030-'77 County Clerk of Oranoe Countv on No. A·.OIJ1 1,..,. ROll<l,-..ort8eac.n,C.llfornla 'Mrt"31, 1917. ..OT I C E 01" H l!A ltlNO O F'

~l&/JO PUBUC NOTICE " 14061 .. ETITION FOR AVT .. OIUTY TO R41Dl'I Re<IA, l08urr\lnqTr .. ~Aoad, ~ Publlshed °"~Coast Dally Piiot. IORlllOW MONEY ANO PLEOOE:

N•woort &o<I>, Cdlllorn1a q?660 -------------1 April 7 . 14, ?t, 111. 1911 1284-11 STOCK AUECVIUTY lPus ou .. nen "con<111ct0d by .n In· JU> 1 '"" M-111 Ol thee tal ofO,.\ll N

Fo unt ain Va 11 ey a1.1<1u••n·i-A~- FICTITIOUSIUSIN&SS PIJBUC NOTICE s. ~ERBERT".'°SR . °"'"~.-:. lli oh's Ken M argerum ""''"' ..... ""MIS'TATl!MllNT Nor1ce 1s .. EREav 01veN t"• '

e th Q C + T'-1• \ IAle<nPnl w•t 111..t wit'-'"" T'-\' followll'IQ perMWt I• <IOlng b<gl. THOM'ISE.O'SVLLl llAN aSE••"culor lOpS e range Oas. C""nlv Cw .. of o .. 1noe CO•l,, IV on M \Ut· I FIGTfT10US8USl .. US ol th~ Wiii of C.avln S. H•rb<Jd, Sr.

a r ea i n three track and March?t . "'1J Ror!e~~':.1.~:.~~c;:;!:is, U UI NAM ESTATEMINT O•rnstd, "'" llled l'M!r•ir\ hll verllitrf r leld "'vents. Gll'IHAM&JAMES. Attf. Tiie 1onow1no oer~• arectotno bust· o.llllor> ior 10•0 I<> borrow money • .,.,

~ 101 Wll.,.ln11011,.v1rd, Utll Ftoor Wllll""' A. ""'"''•• 14211 Randel neu as: 10 n•l'llQC ''°'" u vc:urlly and that Margerum 's personal L .. A"991-.Catlferlll•-11 Plo!ICt', TU'ltln. CA.,6ei) MANAGEMENT SCRlllCES A'). .. 11"11 11, 1'11,et'l;OOAM lntllf! Suoerl ....

best in the }()() (9.8)' the F7JU4 l'-'' l>ll>ines\ I\ <ondu<IC!d by Ill\ Ill· SOCIATES,811 N. Bro.'ldw•y. Sulte400, Cour l Ol lhe St41te ol C.lllornla. lor I"" Publl....,.,Or•"O" Coa\I O~llv Ptlot. <llvl<lull S1nlaA ...... C.lllorn11'1VOI CO)Vnty of Oran~. Dlll>'lrtment No. :r

120 h1~h hurdles (14.3) """''" Jt, MldAorll 7, u , 11, m1 o~ n T~I' :;'.~:~=.,~· ~.'!"~~Mt wllll C1le Ettwarrf E""""" J·J~t. 18811? s~1>ta thertol.•1100 Civic Center O.lve w .. 1. <.ind the tripl e J' ump Clar" C.rclo. Fountain VAiie y, Cd1il. ~nta'lna.C.lllornlA.h•lboMll••das

P V BUC NOTICE Countv co.,., ol 0••"<1't County on '11708 ti.. llme ""4 pl«• tor Ille heart"!I c,f (48· l3~) are tops amon g M1rc11 u. 191t, NoleJust.1111111'1~"'" c11rec.1~1e. Hid 040t1t10<1, -" e nd whe•e ..,..,, athletes a t area schools. •--------------i P7al Focmt•ltlVAll~Y.c..111·"'71)11 Oft•111n' '""r"'fd•,,thf>es1e••m•v•o-

,.,CT, TIOUS IUSINI\$ \.IEYI! R. AN l(l!A 'IHO 1s .. ••1. Tiiis IMolM" I~ <on<11td•" b• •n In· """'•no.,.,,,... ( ,)Uy>, ,, anv ll>ev hlYI'. Two oth e r athletes NAMEn4Tl!Ml!NT mt Wll\lllr~ ll•d , Slr. >u dMctva• wn1111eoroor-.1anotbemad•o,

have mana11ed to set top '""'°''°"'1nve>e•-•..,ee10ln9bv\I •ntrlyHilh '"'°''° F-.tE.J~t R,.,.,..,..1s11e<ur11"1MM1it101ne s~11t " MS\ • " Pub"' """ °'·....,. a&'t D•ll\I Piiot. Thi• st•t"""'"' ... , fnt'd "'"" ' "" Dllttlf)ftl'lffurt""'°"'llc11I•-..

marks in two Separ ate A. A. CX>NSTRUCTION CO .• 10/ISll Marc '- 31,.tn<IAl>rll 1, "·21.1?11 Count y Cl•r1< of O••n119 (.ounlt on 0Ated~h11, 1917 c vents. ch a r 1 i e S..nJuMO., F ...... tatnV•ll<'V.CAt'1oe UJ().'77 MArt n'9,1tl/ WILUAMB. StJOHN ( 'hr1s t 0 nsen of Ed1' son J•"'"A..Allr>. i110WSMtJ""n c•~ - ------------1 "1- Cout1tvO•r1<

~ Founta•.,V•llov CA9'2708 PUBUC NOTICE P111>llsntct Or- Coelt Dall., Pl•ol Tlle,,..,S4llll•..,, Worllt'ft••· I Huntington Beach ) <011""' c. 411""· 1im1 ...," J.,.n A0<11>,u.21,18. m1 1tt1.11 "'"'"-O'S..llt•An

I d th ·1 ( 15 8) Cl .. Fourt1alnV .. 11ov.CAt7Jlllt AttatMY•lltL.t•

l'a s e m1 e 4 : . n1.t>u11nH6ucon<1u<t•db~9tl 1,, F1CT1nous1u s1 NEn PUBUCNOTIC E •w11t111n111..,4111"1-and the 880 (1 : 57 .8), i-1 1vktu•f. NAA\[STATl!Mt!NT

H rs co1•"""c. A11.., T ... 1o1-•nv ow'°"1.oo•nt11UsJ. L°'A":"'"·~A*11

0 ~)~~~~~he=~~~~ s:o~ r:v~:y ~~~~~: ~~;l\~L~:.~~.,, t;: MUT•~k ART AFFAIR. 411~ Hlltrl• "~CZ~~c::=~~~1::r· M=~~;~=/:~w •"",: 0;;

.Put (57. J '1/; ) and discu s M .. rcn t .. "17. ---u W.y, N""""'1 1lr8".ll, CA"660 Tiie follo•..tng jl9UOI\ It ""1nQ M l· ' " ,..,., Jo.,..,..,M. Comtno., •11~" Hll..-le neuui .

(163-J). Publl"...S OrMQ!t CoHt O~lly PllC>t. W•v, N..,oortB••t'-,CA'2660 THE FINAi. TOUC,., 1no Oran~ T h e r e Jay 8 a re March t >.u,3!.-AA>r111. 1mto1 ... n 1~•· """~' ts~uc1ec1 bV en tn. AwnU11,CAKl•Me\a,CAn~11

dMdual. Linda MMle K•hoe, 164 Woll 11111 S.MUI dominated by Newport 1------- -----1 JotM&M.Comlnin s1ree1.lilo, l.,Cott• Mha, cA9'&21 NOTICa OFa .. 1..woP Harbor HJgh, whic h b as PUB UC NOTICE n1, st•temrnt wfl rn~ with tM ThK IMlneo Is conauc1re1 by •n 1n- llUL ,.110 .. UTY Ar J--------- -----t Covn ty c1 ... 1t of OrenQt Counlt on dMdual. PRlll'IT•S•L• recorded 47. 3 in the 440 l'ICTITIOUU USINllSS M•''"~t.1971 UlldaMariel(~._ No. A•ml u nd3 •Z10ln lbemil e N"Mlt:STATEMlt:HT fl74ljK Tiils srate~t was fll~ with llWI INTHISUl'UICMCOUltTOfl

· • • 'Tl>• t ollowlno person 1, d otnQ Publllhlld 0<•"9110lell o.ll't Piiot. Countt Cl••lt ol Orenoe Countt on THl!STAT EOFCALl"OllNI" T.,.~Tr11<-•lldl'leff1Maril1 buslneUM: AorU 7, H,?1 ,2t,1tn 1216-71 Ao\Arc'-ll,1917. INANOP'ORTHE

l"orOr ..... CotttArffAltll.ifl RE"L ESTATI! IN11£STMl5HT .,*4 COUNTYOflO .. ANO•

1~1'~:.!=~~~1°:::·~~"" PROPERTIES, 3'169 Coa•I HIQl>wav. PUBUCNOTICE .. ~,~~~.~~,coa~.~-'.1"'1 f,~~1; • t8n,.t11a00""!!'!'~1he £1 .. 1e ofJOH,. D•naPolrll,CA'7i119 , -------------1"'------------:-;:--I ... . ............. 1>481 ••: l ltltl C.Corurn CHIO •11d Harold e. Pall&•,"'" Br-nlnQ - , Nolkt Is ""rAl)v OI""" t'-AI '"" 0 ,..

Krul Mrs !SCI 10 0. Jt 11, l u•tln C'I '16'0 FICTITIOUS llUSINUS PUBUC NOTICE ..... dtr\19nMl wlll ~II •I or1vale t al a, tC> ""' 110- 1. c. CO.um (NHI 7?3: t. J , Tnl , ""'"""I• COftduct.O b't an NAM ES1AT ( Mt!NT '""'-Ul -0..11>4clder, sublKt lo<on-

Waltt" 1£sll n S; 3. (tie) Fulltr IUI ll'ldl•ldu•I . TIMI lollowll>Q pcrson ls llol.,g ttutl- ll<ma llool of Mid $Uller lor CC>llrt 0<1 or ftnd 1Cr11l7¥'1'\ ISCI n 6. M E P<lllat ... n •• . l'ICTITlOUS IUSINISS 811114'""' "'" dily (Jf "°""· 1971, Al'""'

••O I J WAllart (Ell) ftO; 7. C. lhlJ .,_..;.._, .,,., 111 ..,. with tlw! JOH N O'LFX EY'S BOAT ANO '°'"Mlt:STATEMl! NT f'l lllu ot I LOCIC ANO RONAYN E. •t Cnrum lNHl •t.5,l. Jo,...•Clf VISOa. roun t, Cl••I< of Oran- <.0·~1, on V'IC .. T INSURANCE LTO .. !>05 30th ll>t IOllO#fl'IQ person is c1oln9 bll\(· t orn&" for bt1n~llclerto, u oo l80- 1.C1'rl~'1'tV'n (Editon) 1: P.l: MarchU 1tn - '"' ~trHt, Newvor-ll~"•h..CA9166S fteSsa-.: Wttt tnlMl•t' Av""""· County nt

' Ttl-"' (0t0 1 U.6; l. V.->elklC • • -1•~ JoM 9"rrv 0 U"'Y. 19S62 l>v~I*> PAYLE'>'i ' AUNOROM .. T. ~ Ort"'lt. Si.tie of Calllon.ta. • II Ille NMI t 51 , r .,_Cl I .. un11~ •- r • .,_ N-oort Blvd. , N- t l • f'll, rll 1 Mit e - I: C.l>rl sl@Mfln ttd l,oll ) Pt1tlll"'8d Orange Coe1t Olllly Piiot, rt.•· ,..,,o.,..,.•' '-•- '2 .. l r lohl. tllttt - Int .. ~\ Of H id cltt ·

1 M&rch:t•,31,endAofll7,14. ''" ,.J1';!,':""l'M\" <on<lll<.ted lly .n 1.. OoroCl'll' A.Hfoftry,"7 !!. 20\ll,P.O c .. Md. '" - to all UM> certeln '°"' • 15 I ; 1. '"""'°'.....,ICM ~n.S; :L • l1'•·'1 ...._

8 O, -r BQll,.U,~-. CAt?U!o propi&rly SllUAI• In t ile Cl l y ol

l'OPe ll (FVl 4. 21.0. ~ -~ ~~ · v __,,,~,.-.. 1 WHlmln\111', Co1,.,1y or Or-. $IA\e 2 "'"-'· ltl• l Oem•rdl ICMI ...ct Tlllt ,..,,..,...nt w .. flltd wttll the Tiiis l>lnllleU b ....., _ _. oy Ol1 ,. fJf c.111om1a. oenk.ulerlyd-ribed n

Y°""9 tc:MI t :n .t; 2. W•llat?loute PUBUCNOTICE c.ti<\t., Oatlt 01 Or"~ Count., o" dMduat tollowt,'-'ll · lMVlt. XU. •1-------------t~~t•n Tllls ,~::r:;,_, wltll Ille LoltJolTr«tS751n per_,.,.

IJOH .. - 1 Ma,,,.rvm (FV) 14 3; 7 .. F1Ult C. Corded In 9oG11 214, PAQel 1 - t of Oaw\On INHI 14.•1 J, ltlttl &latlC PICTmOUSIUtlNt!SI l'IMlt!WldOr-C<Mst O;ally Pl'°'- CO<llllY Clll"lt of OrMIOll ovntr on Mltc"l-s~.lntt-oetlflkeef !M IE\ t.,.<i.>8f'Cllleddl0 (LB) •st. MAMlllTATIM•NT 1Mrdll7,1411enc1Aorlt1,Un M«dlll,lf17. "7"6) (Ollft1Y -*'tlf YldOrahQe Cotll>IY.

3>0l H- 1. K•-"'" fNH l 3'.•: ? T~ foUowlng """'°" I• dOlno "'"' tOS4-7' Pllbllshlld °"'* CNtC o.itv P ltol, more cornmottlY - 11ow11 n: uu1 Slreuu IMV) 2U; l. Rtddlclt (LBJ nen •~I! Apr11 7, H . 21,l8,1'n t JID.17 " "' ' °"•.WntmlMl11',C.llfornla. 1' • . LUCER NE J!AH BRIEl!OGAS, PUBLIC NOTICE hrm•ot,..1ecoslllnl.-tu1--,or

4Atl rel..,._.,_...,, H•f'bor G 7; • os Ave11lo.t O••n•d•, • •U, S•n tilt Vflfled si.i.. on c:onflrmot>on ot 2. F ounl• ln V•ll•t O .t; a. S.11 C•..,.....• . Clt"6TZ PUBUC NOTICE nt•. or oert cull a1111 ll•fat1c• ClllfMmeU6, hyrnour WllU, • OS Awnld• PICT1TIOUS IUSI NISS •vlden<fdll•rr•o•uec11n1d1W~

Mii• re lay-'t . N.-rt Harbof Gr•n• <I• . •411, ~ C.ltmtnte, CA NAMll STATI MllNT Of' T•ll,, Detd Oii ,,. or-•ly '°Mid. ll· tl .O:?. C-• Cltl M•r J · H .• ; J, t7'1' ThttfC>llOwlnQperi.onureOOlnoblllf- PICTtTloutlUSINl!SS Ten11t•nntol•mt11111ll>tdtOlltt lM110tll· CO\IAMMe) · JO~. Thl•Ml-•lsc.ndtltted byanln• ntu•\I NAM•S'tATIMl!NT tdwllllbl ...

HJ - I Bvtl (Hiil 61: ' !tit) Freltr dlvldU•I VINTAG E OE SIGNS, 3401 VI• Tll• • allow I no peoon 11 ctol110 Bl!lorOffers lobeill wrltlno llndwlll (L8l enllGl>"t.,. 1v1 ~ ~· , s.tvmourWll-• o,ic>tlO. Lido Vlll•Qe. Newoorl BeAt ll, Mlntn•: tit , 1101...0 et ll>t •fotts.tld afllt• At

LJ-1. LAlne IMAflll•l 1'·': 1. Thlt llllfl'Mnt 9f fl lt4 "'""\IM• C.Att~ lWIH ~OTOS. 760'1 Otll'f Or., Any llrf\f tlf ler ff'9 llr,I Pllbll<•llon P•rry 15Cl n -o•4 ; l . ,..ull•r 1v1 no. coun ty C.tt•lt ol arano- count., on K ,,.,, 8u\~e. 30?9 Flllmof'O W•t• LeouM NIOU114. '"· 9?6>7 Plt•IJOl Alld oefore llatt Ol t ll•.

TJ - 1, llMf'Qflrvm IF\11 41·1'111 ; ? Marc11n.m1 CoilaMtM.C:A•>•?t $flaron Y. Ylll\<t'f, ,,,,, VI• kn 0•1~01'-l••d•'tOI M•rl"·"" llt110"0" fllttl •• 1•1; 3. Laine PJnM c;t...,,. Sfonlln, •Mt ll1nlc• 81vd,. ~o.MlulonVlalO.CA '7•7S Ml<MelfllldO (Merl11a) ., It, KATl, 91tANOlt C:ul\fer Cltt.C.A'°7Jn Thi \ \w\1-• I• t-ucltd b'f . ,. fi.cvtOf'Of the

Pll t. lt<tkMIWIM (Cdlt011) t4 .. ; 7 & .. Al.ARI Tlllt blltl""o I• C011d11dtd 0., e lndlvldlltt. ttt.ittlf teld flit) Ori)(,_ (Cltl •nd OUIMrlOot A .......... _1c;.r...,.tl011, Alty•. ...,,.r•l ll'f"nt"lllO Sheron v . Yancw ' JOHN A llAOO 0.C.ll41d (CM! t) • Altn. 1(-9U'"" • Tith -~ WH lllf!CI wllh ltw I LOCI( 6 llON'IYNlt ' ~ .. 1 H.,_ (,Cl'1'1);2.9- tt•WihN .. ll<rd. Tllll •l•l-1 .... f tMlll wh" .... Co\11\tv ci ... Of Or~ Countr 011 MttweMtNM .... A-

(Marln11 .S4~) $. WUIOll IEOllOnl kltelM (.ov"'"' CIHll OI 0.AMO CWlllY on Mertfl1a.tt11. - .... WKlllllMW, CAfli&l Oll-10 .. .,.tt, !"'f!CA .. 111 M•rth'°,tm. ..,..,. •-w let....,

Of t. "•rH r CSC) 10 1: ' "111111"'911 Ora1100Cont D•llY Piiot. ' '""' P t1bll\tllldOP..,..CNdO•ll'f Pl10t __ ,.. lllMf G•••noyttl 11 .. a1 1614; a. WlllOlt Meftllal,MllAtlfll1,14.21, ,,,, l"ubll\lltd 0.-CHd Dally P llOt. ~tdl24,'1,8tld Af)(l l7, 14, 1t71 • Pot.1111 ..... Or .... Coe\I D•lly Pllo~ llllltol'l) I~. trn..11 Apr117,14,tl,2'."71 ,~.,, • \1>047 -.,.a1,-i~.1.1,ttn UtlH


The Bluest Markttpf.ct on the Orqe Coast


ncemenh. Per 1 lo1t & found ... . .. SOSO.~ Services & Repain 6000-6099 E•yment & P ration . . . . , 7000-7 I 99

One Cal I Service Fast Credit Approval

Me«hondlw ...... 8000-8099 Bocrtt & Marine f~nt ........ ~9099 Automobilff & othef T rontPOrtotlon . . . 9 I 00. 9999

I ~ForWt ....................... G~ 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••


Chattnlna 3 Bedroom. 2 bath home with :iweeplDK uppe r Newport Bay vtew, tu.xunous Master bedroom swle, aoanng woodbeam cathed ral beam celilngs and much more.

~.~.~ ....... !~.~~.~~ ....... ~~:!.~~.~ ....... I~!.~~........ ~~~t:2~~· !:~'!:~ .......... !!.~~ ?.~'!!'!'! .......... !!~~ ~ .......... !~~ ~~ .......... !~~ ~

AITRACTJVE Linda Isle 5 BR, 41r., WB.L LOCATID OfftCE ILDG. ba., fam. rm. & formal dining · tge. 2 St.ory 13,000 !:-iQ . ft. IJldj(. umong ex· tile patio & waterfront deck. $3.50:000 ccllent neighbors in civic center area.

Hoom ror additional l ·Story S.000 sq . BA YFRONT , pier & float. lots ft. . bldg. & still hav~ ample parking.

$185.000 to $325.000. to build your own Priced at $420,000 Will exchange. (~;~m home. S~veral areas lo choose 673·4400

BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 3 4 1 Bu y\1dt• Dr•vt• N B 675 · 6 16 1

I 002Gl'Mf'm 1002 ··•·••·••····················•·•··············


Impressive lwo·1lory home with a flexible floor plan for the r~mily with dilferent lifestyles. Spread out ln t.hia 5 bdrm & den home Sparkhni.: pool and large patio area. Located on two lolb with two stradas



ThufWdey. Apt11 7. 1977 DAILY PILOT "

~.~~ ....... ~.~~ ........ ~!.~.~ ........ !~~.~~ ..... : .. GIMf'd I 002 6"INI I 002 G~ I 002 GeMNI t 002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

GOLF COURSE MANSION One of Mesa Verde's finest! 1~ ACRE ON TIIE f'AlRWAY ! A fabulous home Cor entertaining . Regency architec · tu re. marble entry. 18' ceilings. 4 bedrooms. gourmet kitchen and a paneled den. Additional features in · elude crystal chandeliers. air condt·

. t1onmg. solid oak cabinets and all the quality a builder would build into his own hnme. Pre~enlcd at $330.000.

Ufllill()Ut: li()Mt:S REAL TORS'. 546 5990

1525 Mesa VerdP Drive. East. Costa Mesa .ilso 111 Coron.1 d"I MJr J I 61!> 6000

••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

DOVER SHORES H you enjoy that great feeling of ele~ance & spadou6ness. this home rould be the answer. T hu property con· s ist:J or <• very large llvmg rm .. family rm. & formal dining rm - also. 4 large bdrm.-;. + wet bar. Thcr<.' is a view from moot every room. There ls also a J car garage. $350.000.

RENTAL DEPARTMENT Please ca ll our rental specialists.. Barbara or Carol for harbor area re· s idential needs .

BACK BAY VIEW!! Approx. If.I acre. vacant building site . overlookin~ illuminated golf course. Corner location. zoned A·I. topography map available. Only $59.500.


WESLl·: Y N. . • .. -


631-1400 ~~~~~~~~ Gfltff m I 002 GeMf'GI 1002 I

TAYLOR CO GflWral t002G~al ' 002 ---------1 ·........... .. . . . . .. . . . . ..................... . ................•.•.... .............•..•...... COSTA ME.SA

Hideawa y! 2·Slory . 2 bdrm . Cape S e ri es , adult condo. Nestled In ~ucalyptu.s trees, w /dbl. ga rage . frplc . e ncl

FA.MT .lSTIC IUY En.JOY d llfe or leisure IO tJus ele1eantly decorated condom1n1um One or C-Orona del Mar 's prime areas with 11erunty ai; well as tcMls rourt:i and p ool For o nly $141 ,000 lnrlud1nl( the l11nd Thi~ luxunow. and ~par1ou1> 3 bdrm ron dom1n1um 1i. trul y a


We'll share this 2+ units with you and there ·s room for your .. subslan 11111 yacht ·· The fun neighbors makt! up for the fa <1that1t n~ a bit or pen.onal ••PJzzaz ..


Popular Lido Isle 3 bdrm & den home. Quiet Loe. (Street to Strada> Lovelv patio. wet bar. formal dining . Lge. master bdrm w /sundeck $895 Mo.


Two luxury units. secluded area of old Corona dcl Mar. each with unobstruct· ed bay view. They're big . they're beautiful ! Mus t sec' $320.000

pe1t.io. ~.ooo 673-3663 642·4799


••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• HYOUROWN

LANDLORD Herc's a perfect rt!mt.-dy for your .. barl{amrtib" t ake 4 bdrms for 1Jv1ng . · ·~ baths ror n•l: e f . r1replJ<'c ror warmth plu.~ an ovcrs1tcd lot for run M:.tkc }Ourself Wl'll Lnday ' Call our hOUlit' doctor and don ' t p11 v another m onth·, r ent • Pnr t!d at SSS.000 for Jn 1mmed1ate <·urt- ! Call

... ..,. in Harbor View Homes. New paint inside and out. Upgraded carpels . wall mvenngs and drapes. ~ Bedrmi;. lge family room w 1wet bar. fo'ormal tlm tng room 2 f'rr cplacei. View covered patio Somerset model. Askut~ only SH~.950. 644-7270

21 t I S.. Joaquin Hiiis Rood $275,000 NEWPORT CEMTER, M.I. 644-4' I 0 llR OK ERS-RE A l TO R S

'1 0 2 ~ W 9 olbo~ b 1 I J U I bargain 673~ 1.i,,,,, ,. ' •.• j · . ,

G1Mral 1002 V.AIUYERS BRORS: ~•ef'tfsen ••••••••••••••••••••••• s~r int. no down. J br.

w/central air cond & heat. New ('pts, (am rm w /frpl. $43,9:,0.

I : \I IHI\ h I \' f 1

• 6 73·6900 • @fbt .,_.. clleck tt.lr ods daily Giid ,..,ort er­ron 1.-diatety. TM DAILY PILOT assmtn lability fw tM first • cornet iM«tfoft CM\ty.


Waterfront c:o n dorrumum with 1tourmet ltrtclM!n c:an be yours to­

G1Mral I 002 G"'""°t 1002 .................................•...•........

IUCH EST A TE /!--$69, 950 ,, ... , . ,,, .. ,, ~~~

r~;1~t~e!~t~{:~~~~ [® tu!UWle~~~~~~~~ p111es leads to execuuve . --·-••i:::•·~ 4 IDRM +

----------MESA VERDE

COUMTRY CLUI collect 842 2535

_______ .. ._1 day . D1~ cover the prt vacy. comfort and

SUIORDIHA TIOM OPPORTUNITY Attractive 2 hdrm horn•· on front of.ex· tr:i deep ll 2 lot. on wide street. one block from orpan l'il'nty of room fur new :md unit. $84 .SfHl



Pnme Country Club area of Mesa Verde Qui et tree lined c ul dt! · l!ar leads t.o l ·story spacious 3 bedroom home Large master s w t.e plws 2 twm s1.il'il bedrooms t'amrly room hoast s ma:1:s 1ve !> lon e f1replar t-. breakfabl bur and ovt•r look:. tropr t:JI iturdt-n patio t'ull µn ce $100.000 ltl '• Uuwn CA LI. ~771111

enLry. l'' amdy slre Lrv~----------- POOl - $55,000 Room · CounLry Kltchl!o ...._. __ ~ JOI( to beach from th1~ plus :sweeptnK Mas te r .--un M• beauUlul garden horoe l:iORM · Pool :.r~ed back Large Co:.ta Mesa home II u "e L iv R oo m . ~ ard Owner anxroui. w 1th ~ o v c rs 1 led itourmel kitchen with UoURht new m ust ~ell bedrooms, family rm . l>er\"c through wmdow 10 Trv Sti,!*IO total down heavy :.hake roof. llled pnval~ patio Wmtlmg Ca.II for appo111tment t' n l ran c e w .s) & :.lairs to maste r s1Utc

Plllllllhtr'• HotJu: All ~al f':'ltatl' advert1st"d tn this n1·w~parw;•r 1:-1 :o; uh jert to tht.• t 'l'<i••r JI Fair ll OU'>lll~ i\1·t o f 1968 wh1rh makes 11 111<·~.11 lO ;u1 vc rt ts 4' .. 1111 y IH (' ference. lim1lal10n . or dlscnmin<1Lwn based on rare. color. rl'111:1on, sex . or national ong1n. or 11 n inte ntion to makt.• any such preferenrc, hm1ta lron. or discnmmat1on. '4

This newspaper w ill not know1nl(ly acrcpl any adverti s ing for n•al t:state wh1d1 1:. tn v1111:1 uon or Lhe low

HouMs fOf' s• •••••••••••••••••••••••

1002 ..•••.•.•.......••..•.•

IF I\ pool home I~ ror you toroe kC thLS 11orgt'Ou:. 3 lw!lrvorn hl')m~' It '11 .i i.l('al ot $6.1.~·

I"-'<! C..1rpd H1111ltM:o1 75'l 120.!

presu~e or Lido bland m th1 <. rasy to love con dorruruum. $229.000.

640-6161 ~., .... -~ · .......

• ,"'• '\ ? ....



Lawson Re.t lt y Comp.my

:J4lb Vid Lido Nt•wpor t Be.lCh 7 14 -67'j-45h2

2 STY. rooL 6"tt'at BUCH - S57,950

I 002 G"'"°al 1002 ....•••..•..•...••.....••.••••.••.•..•.....•..

LIKE NEW Dramatic living room. formal d1 ntnR r oom gardt!n v iew k it c hen . artlsltc o~·n s lJtro; to 4 lledroo;n. 2 h.rth with ~eparJtc ma s ter & new ca rp e t ,., n1• w r h1lc1re n s s wt4' 22 ft drape!'. and lu <i h ne" b.t llrtJom !>Jze d party landsrap1n11 This '' .r room ov i•r lon k ini: " t· J t· 111u 11 horn ... " 1th 1·11urlyard Jl u r n. r11rn-d 0 1r heat .111111t111" (lt).178MI I l'O\ t·n'11 pair" t ull 1111u·

·, $hl ,!...C1 CALL 7~ 1 JWI

[~IH~Hlj !p~~:;~~~T1Es _ · CLOSE TO

Newport leoch $129,500

Don't miss Lh1s quaht} bwlt 4 bedrm home with " p.irkl1n:: n e w hJthroom., lkaut1ru1 t'u»tom pool by Irvine P ool s M1111y ('UStom f1•<1ture-. thruout Local 1..-I m 'llewport H.irbor 1111-:h Srhool Dist Call :..10 1151

RtEEWAY HOME Clos<- to t'r1·4'w.iy .1n11,1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiri



T'To~ ides the setting for thJ ~ t harmmg doll hou11e m bu·yde da~tanrl' to the 1Jt-ad1 Lob of !ihrubbt'ry & trees it ivc yvu that rn v<1te. s ecluded reel 1111( 646-Till

IW7 ti()tu f1~plarc Great locatton and ctuldren wmg. As ~,,." ,. ·• " •. •··• •, • do~c t o park. tennis ~umable monthly pity ·

-[ ® !

t-ourt.' and all school1> ments $233 per month

l.ilJ~ :H;ll Ju:,t hi.tt!d call 54G·5880 total Call96J.-0767 _ iiCii!JJ rorrulldct a•ls . • .. ,., ••. , . .. ,."·· •OP·····

!ttilUlil •HERITAGE REALTORS A GRU T llG Newport Exec.

w~tg>u~:UL FixerUoDer ~~~~~~ l\.llkmdsofroom1nth1s:1 Beautiful Vltw OF' EXECUTIVE

ON Ly bdrm house 1n th ·Jt llA CK BAY Lar ~i~. RmUT POOL s pe c 1:il V1lln A<' at i.prawhnl! ranrh s tyle • mosphcre of Eas t l:iluH llerc·s iln opportunity for $69, 950 Excatrn& potential in ont· thc executi ve who w<1ntio. The ont you h.tve been of Newport Beach s t.o f1xup ahome thcway " a1trnl( for ' Towerrnl(

SS7 ,000! Grt!al Cost;i tw wan•· tl 1r you h .. ,e t r l•es :.heller roadway 'I • 3 a .. d fine.t family dr"a~ Jus,·t '"" u •' c:.a area . oo:: rooms '" " t th t lt•a'"nn to th" c~ .. nut1vc n... c listed .i t $152,5-00 t:Jll 1ma1trna ion. ll> rs JUS w ,, .., ""''" + ..,..>n ' om e r lot' Call

673 ~ the home for you Youd rt• l r \. d l ' Co t l J I{ t!

Red Carpet Realtor:. t>ctt~r hurry on this one• walkway to :-.ecluc1ed en 7!>4 1202 [ N'f'•'H ,. ,. ·~% '"• 1 c..11';;..5-0303 try' Lavi s h Irv rm

D~~~~~~ -~IU!lt\1 E~::·,~~ ·:Vi~'i.t;

Adult Condo Extr a large, upgraded 2 br .. In lht: Woods ... near • new luxury home with pool. ree room. secu.nty & many xtras. $74.9SO.

645-3474 --1-.-YOUR •

.._.COME - Separalc bdrm complc), " MOM'S HOUSE hOUl>t'l> ~ '! wccpini.; SMARTTllnlX

TAX7 ATDAD'SrRtCE ~·c--c- bdrms• Sparkhnl't s um Soontostartacross from • r•rlc t•d rii-: ht ' Mt'"'ll'" As Yau Like It! Vertie n v rlh s ht•:i t 1-------

did lh I di d d mer fun pool' Won't lai>l ' c ..

.. or c a n or C· Ju.'lt what the doctor 's or .. IEOIOOM ~nta l\n• Countrv Club. d t the t d ., Hurry ' Call 847 ·UiJIC • J

Wooo •• IDG'"' uc axes an in dered peace, fresh air.

2 , . ,,, ,., ., . ,, \ ,.,,, , ,.,, .... 1• l'Om1sl1ng of;, J BR. z~.,

.. surance from ht:s return ' sunshine Wht.•re innuen STORY bath. 2· :.lory owner·s llt-11uulul l)OOI wilh lob bJrl!Jln llui-:c mas ll'r v r d 1• r k i n 11 1. a r 11 t- ., u 1 t t• v I u s J m or t' ll•.nrbcpd )ard Rovm for bedrooms nrn ll\! )Ours

------------ huMl ur tru1kr varkmi-: " for ttu:-. fa m il} i;11r homt.• BeJrm:-. w :.unl.ltc r oun The owm·r 1:. nut 11f .in•u

:'oot•v.-. c•omt•r. Rroa<lm oor Your s avrn"s on rncomc tla1 romrUeii hve Shdinl( IUCH [~ lf~~'!l ' tl! home +two'.! BR. 2 bath 2 bdrm & den, 2 bath tax will help pay for thus door~ open to s unsw<>pt Executive hom e w1t h :J ; . apls. for r ental. All have h o rn t• • s h a kc r o or . lovdy patio Cr;1rdul plantini:s doublt' door entry to k 1nl( . ____ ~·--~-- fir e place, . I nterest!ng · 'at11cd ru l l't•11 ., dm1n1: EJ'Slde DUDlex rt.'qwrc mm1mum <'lHl' s1tl'<I bvms room wtth courtyard entr y Cov ·

2 UNITS t.ry llltChl'n Call Al!t'Ol and IS mot I\ alt'<l Your ~~'24 to~ lll!> lde homt' 1i. M·rluc11•(I ha.,

rm + 1-.1l1ni.: a rea rn with price and 'rEHMS Co ll t nc1ay , tomorrow cra c klinl{ f1rcpla1·e cred parking for R <'IU'S· k 1\ r hi' n ha n11so m '" you can afford. may be too late . 842·2535 llugl! famil y room plu:. Buy 11 toduy & watct. it 'lum1J1<l11nr hnck frpk . CaU S•O-l

666 ,.,,,,. ,,,., . ,, ·· ,, ., •·111 ,,, 1 n •r room Located 1 m1 Capistrano appreclutc before fou

WTSID~CM z ~drm Qwner" 11n1l tn COSTA MESA fnml U11rhd11r fl•nlul 111 USTSIDE r\'ur lurn·nl 10~ umt• ,..\t rn dean 1 W r m &

1·h.ir m and b1· • 1' .atl; tu t.u; Call ~)'!(. :!.'l \1 ... ~·r~1~.~~",n~: ~~~~::1" a~ [(C lffi~ :li~· ~,~ ':n.r::u~c~uy •~·~[iY~s~~~s Beach lill<e~o:'~~~:ooo.

[~ lifj~·ULI w~i· :i~iif .,,,.,.,, ......... ···, cust.omoup1ex. s14o.ooo Utt1v-"'-R• ...... ""Jitjj;Jt ·~:!'!,Prop. . ----.. -·-~ [ ~ ~ A1. 559-4~ ...... , -·r LOIJlllMI 1--··-'.1.s.._1.o.6.o.· .. - W~t M ·~""' .. , "" ""'""'~'~'~?~. """'"' "~ ·~~lltl ~! .......... !!~~ ?.~~:~::: ... !!!.~ $410 fo1 lioth. r 1nll} "" puol home

$77,500. Ut·st f J~tJ-1tlt• lur•llon. t:X<.1.USIV,.: WI l 11 hnr k frµlc . low 1nJ111

~I - 11 l1!111tn<1· p.ni SHl!l.~JCJ '

lc6oo lay rrop. It~

• 675-7060. ANYTIME l~~~~~~I -------41a~Jt.HISH



Elrunt 3 DR . J 11 1\ horn" . 11unny pat111 w pnvaw pool & jnruu1

640-9900 ~t 17,900

Spanl:.h urrht.o:t un<t rc'<I hrh·k J)JthwJy unlry i\wl'io.Omt i1 pan1ir.h n·d hr11·k frpk t 'ormal d111 Ing Chc'<'ry . Mnvenrc.• nr t• kitchen w / panlry Lur1ee famil y room Wlndlnl( rron stnlrc1111e lo mam -----­moth mo stc r wing ~ling private dl'n or of fire ' 3 more bdrms + 3 balhll. E Z cart> yard J cnr garage. Call now to see. 646-7171

Ol'fN Ill 'I • U \ 111'1 fO t'/ N"' f '


Rcmchette ---- ,::oodc; tu ~(·It. place.· an 4111 2- l'R So Sh , h

S 1 n l h 1· our I v p 11 u I • or~ omc.

WITH VIEW ffK & FIND' Al'IER ICAN SLMG "S'' Clui.,,111l'fl !'tt·,•tuln SS.S.000 Hunt Bch Xlnt :">early 2 •" n·, n1"itlt'fl l'honl•642 :i67K 10<' Lit yd , lrlr accc~s amon.: ~rant 11Jk' uni) <, l C M A Y P U [ D I S Y N N U S T O Pnn only 545~790 21.,m1le:stnthnurfw1t h 5 C MA l T Z M S l U R PI K S T I ~ 1002GIMf'OI 1002 d remarkabll' r 11,torn S R W [ ( T J f A R E L z z J S H huilt J bdrm + 1ten .. D fa m 1 I y rm h nm,. d t ' S W I N G S I C D E r 1 E S I "jO\C'd to m ;mm11i · tht• I L C E K A H S S K 0 I IC R R S p11no r .. m11• h1l h rOIJtt E<;SACt'O ATIEW r;an('hland \!CW i\l >tO :, s s w A M z L E B s N tJ 0 r K s c~r l'CwerNI 11.irk111~ t [ '( I L T 0 A T C 0 I N T [ A J room for ,·amper ... 1>011111, H S E 0 z S [ < I D E J I C R .- S etc The corral c1111 ar " ~ co mmodat~ a ~ mun y T N H E £ Y • L G S T H W T U N I hon.es a:. } OU 1·ould ever T 0 K C Y K 0 U <; U I N Y I Z O S S W want with room lo :.pare t w C I T O t " s < c " ., o z z ., z T 0 f,. FER IN <i PR IC Jo: '' -' n '' " H S A C H A M C A G E L A E K A H S l

C~~2 I t A R S £ C IC S A t: E S C A L P [ R H E S A E P I W S C 0 U L P E R H 0 Z I 0


l11w•1< t1Dt11 Hodde" WO<d l ""10 .. •i>Pe•• loMe•d. back· wt11t up, <io- °' di~tlly F11\d ucf\ encl IJo• 11 111, ,



WHITE WATER OCUH V1EW Cyprus Shores b<.>s t buy - Newport Be ac h inve s tor -; h e r e's a tremendous opportunity ! Cus tom built 4 bedrm & ram rm. 21h Acre park. $210.000.

L ll S K -- R E'A LT Y " ./11/i II I> I II'" & S 1111 ( ."

GE 810181 ILllNS CD.



Call for appointment to see this lov· ely view home overlooking the bay. 3 Be droom s. formal Roman garden.c; wilh European Old World elegance. Exquisitt quality by Ivan Wells . $289,000.

881 DOVER DRIVE 631-1800

[tllfilll Rare opportunit y to pickup charmmg duplex with good spendable One bedroom units wit~

S.ick Ou t Satch Scd 1 per Sch!Ml tz

Schnozz Sh4ke A Leg Sfde~ lc l.

Sneakers ' 1002 G1Mr .. G.......i .a. I 002 G1•r• t OOZ

1002 ............................................ .. . separate j!arages and prl v11te ya rd , 10 .a 3 neliflborhood of moetly s ln11le family bom~s

PRIDE OF Full price $71.900 CAW..

St zzler TOll'OrrQ\lt :

Snow Job 5unny Side Up


OWHBSHIP 5.56-2660 Bedroom home 1n East 0 u r f 1 ne s t u pp er • SELECT sllfc Costa Mesa• Huge ~ol I 002 CMMr.. I 002 westJude 3 bdrm home. R·2 l0l' •••••••• •• • ••••• ••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••• Ktcentty upgraded PROPERTIES Roo Carpet"Realtors thruout and large. Fot 7!14 1202 the homeowner. Rudy GcMrol I 002 ~--........1. t 002 to move·in. For the In· .,._,..111111 veator ready to rent. Call ••••••••• •• • ••••••• •••• •••• • • ••• •• • •••••••••• • DOW 54&-2313

MIWPOltT'S llST IUY Charmin,. elegant 4 bedrm home in Newport s best location. Private beach . Huge formal dining . Fabulous master :iullc w / frplc . Park like g r o und s w / pat1os. $155,000.

~ L lJ S K ~ R E A L T. , , ..

:1 J.,/111 /> I rl\·/... .~ .\,.11 ( o> .

LARGEST HEWPORT CREST Pt.AH Ocean breeze - live at the beach. 4 bedroom, 3 bath, + formal dining room and family room. Includes ice maker·refr igerator . washer. dryer and freezer . Motivated seller. $107,500.




644-1766 ,,., ~AQUINHlu.1 .. 0

IN .. M'Oftf ClNTI ..





Brand New & Glamorous Contemp With Over 100 Ft Of Frontage Overlook ln g The Back Bay . Exciting Unlimited View! Courtyard Entry Fully Landscaped. 3 Spacious Bedrooms 3 Baths Family Room With Wet Bar 2 Fireplaces Red Cedar Shake Roof & Sidln~. Vaulted Ceilings Living Dining & Family Rooms. Buill·ln Kitchen 3 Car Garage $278.000

111 DOVla DRIVI 631·1800

macnab I Irvine realty

CAMEO SHORES Superb 3BR. :! bath home on cxlra·I~ . lot w / room for addUion & pool New CMrpe l s. drapes & ceramic tile flooring : cupboards Ma lore : new appliances Incl. m1cro~ave oven , tras h compactor, security alarfl" srstem. Covered patio for outdoor hvin~ . Soft water !'YSt em. Must see to believe - but hurry 11 can't last' Make us an offer w e <'a n 't refuse! Sandt~ Ftx f>44-6200. <M61 l


Q DAILY PILOT Thursday. Apnl 7. 1917

Hea.t:a...fot: S. HOUH for S• HcMIM1 For S• ....................... ........... .................................. . Cheerel 1002 C'i.-.r• 100 CodoMeH 1024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••


Thia Mtu Verde Pool home wilh 3 bedrooms. 2 bat.ha and fami ly room was JIASl listed. It allloa--------­hu boat access . llurry, owner anxloua . Call ..._.P.._.a 546-4141. • •••••••••••••••••••••• 546-4141 Beach howse. 2 loti.

600 W. Balbuu. SlU.000 ~~II Rlty . 675-4tl00 ~


Sbr. 1bu . wet bar. form;,I c1in.r m, den & fam rm $1711.500. 673·3226

~defMar 1022 tjjiii~jjiiiii;;jjiijjj;;iiiii;';--...~-~·······················

M.wporl RMera 3 Bedrooms, 3 balhs & fam ily r oom. 2 Story Large wal led p1tl10 . Jo'lreplace. Pooh>. tennis courts and clubhouse 1li6,000



IYOWHU Spyglass Hill , $2Q>.OOO 5 Rr 3 &t. View llarhor View llllls, $189.500 4 Br 2 ll .t , Vaew 640 ~ :!!1111 1Qu11.hfied Buyeri. Only•

VERY NICE Duplex So of Hwy On c:orncr 2 frplcs. llrdwd rloon. $155,UUO b> owner 673 6000

~ oct;ANVIEW. pool. Un· w.uaJ home w 3 & f.tm rm, lanai . lot ISOx l.50 '

WALJ(TO IEACH fee. 48111 Surry, t:.1meo Beaut iful 3 bedrm . 2 11.tghl<&nd!> Open U.111} balh. family rm Corner Owner. 675 83<11 lot on qwct cul dc·i.ac Costa Mesa Nr Park a nd Rec Center 1024 AJI ameniUes. •.•••••••• •••• •• • •• • • • • •

646-3928. eves . 645-5253

Lachenmyer· Realto r

Beautiful Townhome

Open 1925 Lanai Dr !'>Br. xl n t country rib loc Ma n y xtras 54H~l4 /~(l 201H

MESA VERDE Hcpubllc ; beaut Spanish s t yh..><I home with laq{l' lot . 4 Bdrms . 3 bath!. . d1nin1-t & fJmily rms. & offiC'e. Offcr t'<i ill $127,500


f CCADIN ASSOCIATES I " [!(ll'Of(s '



Alley entrance & room for add1llonal park1n,. Hardwood Ooor~ , added t'ncl puuo


17630.•"qe Co"• ..... 645-9161

Goff CourH View 3 Bedroom nestled n ght on 8lh Falrway o( ex l'lusive Santa Anu Coun · try Club. Decuruled lo a " Tet>"! Jo'amily room . Cormal dtnJOg Magnift 1·ent a t rium. Yuu won ' t believe the sunsets' $110.000. Broker. A.sk for Sharon. 963-8961


BACKYARD Re a part of the a<:t1on on the !Ith gret•n' 1-'rml din rm & ram rm & 1 bdrm & J b;1th:. Mi.t r bllrm duwn:.ta1rs put lhl' childre n uJ)'ilatrs Btrt lndst·pJOg All this for S115,000 545.9-191


L~ 4 br + den on Ii: . lot. t'ust. 18xJ6 pool -+ s pa Frml. din rm . used hnt•k frpl. Finished g<1ri1gt'. 1 hlk lo l'.:st11nc1a P ark Si19.500 . Pr1n . only 546-8872

PRICED RIGHT!! Just hsted ! 3 Br :! Ba c ustom h o me Su per pride of nwncr~htp ,

Easts1de St llcJv y shake roof, bnck fpl c in Fam Rm Will go fa:.t ' $71,900. t:all 642 6368

Hout•• ForS. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• r;:;::. .. i,,.4i1~:~~··io4i ;;;:;.-·1·~~·; l:;~'::t···io6·; HuntffM)to.. luch I 040 lr1'- I 044 ....................... ...................... . . .............................................................. , ..................... ,-........ .

Comfort Foraa.11h1

Fine family homt: 3 bedroom1. d1nlnli.\ kit c hen , lur111l' la vm& room is &rut for tinter· t111n1ng H1g covered pauo. Only $9),900, call Tarbell. KL Trui. 842 II&<&

Coal Pool PriYowloat

Super fint• home. great fun cenltir, pnv1tte yard pool & pJrly bar . 4 bt.-"<!rooms. fumlly room. fircplac.:1J, formill dining. Grc;il for summer . $86,500, Tarbell, HLTRS. c:aU 962·5566

O WNER 'S BARGAlN · Grub 1t qwck 1 Prett y wallpa~r . c:arpel s. new tilt> , p.inl'llng . 4 bedrooms, modern k1lchc11 lhul Mum will love Stil .000. Tarbl'll, RLTR.S. l'all 842 K!!Sil

OWN 1-: 101 1,.1.X t-;H S<t' l' SSS hue' I H •rsal1ll' bedroom:., d1111nl( kttcht•n. big h v1ni: room. heart y ftrl'plal'e C'O \

ert'<l 1Jilt111 Clo!>c to C\ er >'thing. $611.700, Tilrbell. RLTHS. t·all !162 ~

WALK TO BEACH af you C'an tear yourself ii way for a '~ hour from th1:i IO\'l'IY. lurl(e. Olll' ycur new. 3 ~droom . 2'7 bath f're,ley bua It townhou:_..c Only $72,000 Call now


Grtial pool home wath flfl' ring & lot:. or dcc:k ing. Only a male from lht• ocean Huge bedrmi., formill d1n1nl(, hugl' f.imily room . 3 car gara~c EH•rythmg for family fun ' Just SI I0 ,000

II Roberts Realty

I~ II lkac~ l hd

Mu111nrt1n It•" "

Suns ltllne! C ute 2 bedrm w1lh c us t om firepla c e & tai.tetwJy enclosed front pal10 . Yard 1:. 11 landscaped mast.erp1ec~! Near com munity park and pool and teM.lS court! Sound nice? Call Red t:11rpet .. H.caltors. 833-3380


$69.900 Chorming Irvine pool home. Qwet tree lined street. F'orm al dtn . , wood paneled ltv1111< room - brick Cireplac:e . Large separate Maliter wing . But llin book sh1:lves. proCesiuonally landscaped grounds + beautiful kldney s haped pool. Don 't m 1Ss th1::. at only $69,900 Call now 7S2· 1700

"· lo


WE HAVE ONE with a POOL AND SPA. An ex ccuta\·e family home 1n th e presl1g1oui. l{ACQUET Club' !' a rk and TENN I S co urt s ncll r by . $119.500 Ca II now for an appoint ment


20361 S1otn Valt.y Orin


<Ol I Lagu na (' :rn~ on Hoa ti al Can) on :\111mul llospit <ll l

Large ~ bdrm. :! hath . mas~iv(' stone fircplaee . l't' tH:c•cl with 170 ft. ol gra111tc ·rut:k \\all . 220 \\.1rn1g . s pnnklt•r sy:-.ll'Jn , pusloral 'h'W. SI 15,000

I 028 LA MIRADA Cnob~l111l'lahll' \ ' lt'W or l'O:JSLlllll' & Catalina S1w<:1ou:-. ·I bdrm. J baths and a bonus mom~ ~lass1\·c timber~ spun lhL' upper lc\d. Prokss10nally tk•t·or;iLc<I. :\ delightful. s unny home. SJ 15.000

* 494-7551 • I 000 Mo. Coad Hwy.

LCIC)llna leach

LOl,PMI ~och I 048 °LOCJlll"O .. ach I 048 ....•...........•••••••.......................


3 Bdrm.. spcak('r system thruout. Family rm. with fireplace. 3 cur garage. Call ror appQintment.

PRICE REDUCED ·ro $249,500 - ,...,

< '\ 1" LIDO HEAl~'l'l" \. .... . , , "' . .-1'( 3377 Via Udo , Newport leach

~ 673· 7300

L091fta leach I 041 Hewport 1.ach I 069 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

CALLUS ... For all the latest multi pie listings 11v111lable JO Laguna Beach urco.

mll'l:!l~IP~ ~EUiltl~

499· 2800

LOCJ11ftC1 Nl,...t I 052 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCEAN VIEW Moftaroc h lay Terr ace 4br . pool i. 11cd lul $158 .000 Cly ownr , 673·0180 dJ} l>. 496 ti271


3Br . fa m rm , 2"2ba. supe r c u stom almo:i l new. Tai.tcful decor JO· side & out . 2 patios, view or mtns . Asking $142,500.



'1 Br. Omin~ Hm. !-'amity Hm. fplc, full y carpet ed,

Udo Isle 3br, l''Vba. Sl~l .500 By ownr. ti73-6915

IAYSHORES Land Included

Executavt! churmcr. 2 + spacious n•r!> ill1lc gue_,'t quartP.ri.. j at·un1 & much more. Property Jlou:.e, $187,500 642·38JO


Super i.harp N1·wvor t !'lhorc i. to ca t1on' C:ori:cnu" · real wood ·' wJl lt• ti I bdrm Jc c oralor ' s del1i:ht! Chcf 'io gourmrt kitche n Pnvatc mstr. swtl' . 3rd hdrm. <"an be jWJl that or den! New paint. Seclud<'d patio. Cuslom sundeck . J og to bcac:h 2 blo r k s ! Ca ll l u lla y ~MJ.7171 (lf'Jf~ Ill 'I • II' I I,.,, I 'I It

[~Bl profossaonally l11d11tpd , HEW ILUFFS CONDO

RANCH REAL TY 551-2000

nr Crown Vullt•y Mall , A CHARMER with pravac:y & great

ll loom1ni: !Jc·lor c-.: Model, 3 lir 2' • Ra, end unit. Hy o wnl.'r . !'IOI l'l.1yJ. Sl2fi,OOO. 644 7901 Open llou :.c Ua1l y ll·6PM


$60,000-$70,000 lftTwtift&lniM

THE HOMESElLEtlS 752-5353

- CjttClt ocean •iews from hlrtg room, din. open v 1ew :!!)!'1 1 l i\ n a Ing room and two upstolN IMdrooms In Hril 3 Man a . O~·n llou::.1· Sat &

bedroom 11/ J batfl fOMify home. Redwood Mt- Nf A y Q C K terior. AU MW ~wood and bride ellhrior. , "'" "" "., ... Patio with llQ. C11stom lllftdKk witlt lonfy LAGUNA 6£ACH LIDO ISLE hy own. l lol •iew. Al this and witltln wdkincj didartc• to (714)4~.:~~6 __ Orvll'tO Open Sol 2 4 Hie ._ __ h. ~ 129 500 38 H. f 2Ur . 2ba. den rm . 5145,000

UC'Ull; · ·• fl • • C usto m · am rm , pnnc.:1pal:s only ~2-t>08..'i 493 8812 2''ziiA, wet b<tr, inter

SAN MIGUEL • com. lav1~h ma:.ter i.le , for appl \ b , Th. 4 l. .\1;1 •' \ SOtlTH l. ·\G V'.'11\ d _ _. h

' s uper uy . 1s .,.. 11 : 1 l·: I, I.I\(; l'"'I \ tu: \('fl ecorah:u w sop 1s t1<:a bedroom family home t:ri li:.~l l:t'J 1.,51 197 ·:!olK!I lion. }Cl ll\011bk J Car San Ci.tMnte I 076 with POOL. SPA. TILi-: gar. lndry room l ' b to •••••••••••• • ••••••• ••• rwf. T R AILl::ll uceei.!> ,..ho pping & ::. l·hh . /\ROVfo:Tllt: HEACll andona c:ul-de:.a t Ju:.l $1W.500 Tllt-:ULTIMATt-;

Nt•w 3llr . 2 ha . Si-1 .!JIJU 2514 W C1·ntral . S .•\ 121:115!}.I t>ll7 . IJI 73KJ

Why Not .... ? (:l .E~Ml\I< Ilk 21JJ. n t':.V c·hcck fh1s out .I llH rpt'.'o. lrph' . bltn UllQ humt• al t•nll of pri,•atc Jiil' (' \!I , 2 m1 from bcilc:h , cul dl' sJt· ~ t 0 11 tht• p11n1111ly !1611 J.1[>11

r.ai:ht f or Soulht·rn lrvine 1044 LOCJlll"O~ach 1048 IOHDREALTY Rl't•fgall' t.:ondomm1um (ahfornaa entertaining • • •••• ••••••• • •••• • •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1131 9-111 "' u11ob::.lru1·tcd wh"'Jl••r ~ l!J.000 Call for an JP LOTS FORS "'LE -- °'' , u uart' IY a' ;ial, th• ' pmnlment C'uh·t•rdale l'l.in i:l 3 "" lolk•fon.st 1055 1:, S,111l'lt•mcntl' 'i.f1m•:.t

IX'tlroom, :! hath Nt•w I IS TL" N TO T II L" • • ,., ' " ••••••••••••••••••••••• UJ:::HTHA llENHY

SNt;AK PR1<:v11-:w 211 brand new :! ~tor)' ----------1 homes Wc:.t!>1ck C.:o::.la

r:ASTSIUI'; L.:1· f . rm . 2 patios Call 64!'1 7:!21 for details now.

CENTURY 21 Westcliff Rralty


$.">(JOO down. RSllume tsl & :md, ownt•r will tak(• Jru t\11 2 bt:droom unab en Long Bench O-On ' t :-.at on this one' 549116.55

SIERRA FOOTHILLS lma1onc the rrcedom ) •IU II ho1 v1• on your own <!O aC'rc1•:.talc ! Use 1l as a farm. onhard . hide u w a y . r 1• l 1 ,. a l o r whateH'r C:f't tlwn· 1n a few ~ hort hour., unt:I un w 1 n d ' I n S I .. : R R ,\ foothlll 'I nPar l..1k1· babt'lld Only :! •, .1 Vt rt ' Sc.'f' partun·~ l1wlt1v

DONALD M BIRO A \\Oct ol•\ teoho''

Mesa Appl. only. Wnlt• C lass1f1l'(l Ad #1!04 Ua1ly Pilot , P . 0 Box. 16:;(), Costa Mesu !Yl626


I nr. 2ha. fom rm. ll<>nl 1ntt>n•om , ftrt· alarm i.mokc alJrm . 1ww tpt i: l'IOM' to ~lhls :.hops & rl'tTl'at1un 91-1 .:><X.1 l''or 1\ppl l' llll 546 5'i41..'i

So. Cdlf Realty

II s a pear h ' SpJt'IOU' J Hr 2 Ba . f.tm Rm :O•ol,1r water heater On 11u1d t•ul lie 1oac w 1>nl'<' ~ 1n rung peach lr•' •' on lgc

MOMTICElLO J Bdrm . 2 hath townhousc with dh l .i: ;1 r a .i: t' • :.! µ o 11 I ~ & dulJhouSl' r;n ,11 '"'"' lion. near :.t hoob & :.hup i>anll . $57.5011


Dano Point I 026


lot . H> ownN l'nnt• On ----------' ly $75.000 545 3273 ur t.!1 •,il ·1 r l'lc"'< fnr ''" nr CH

~342'2 1·upJnn :"or l>1•J• h I!. SJ•I

POTIKTIAL + :? t ' nits, l(Ood are a , ~tte-.cl 11u•'k<11(f'. l(t)otl potent 1.11


4 Hr homr on qu)l'l cul ch-

nc111~·nt1· 1· ... , 10 'r' rl<'w :\1u:-l ~•·c• 'c"m ,Jl su;~ ~iu Pill' r H E l:lh ~,f,()t.\

SUPER !! 1-<•r l! I' 01· 1 .. 1n \'11• w I Bdrm horn1• S 1·1· u n l\ S.ihsf•ution & "-•r,•1111' will lw )1111" lo r 11111) Sl3'1 soo

l'OI NT ll 1-:.\ I. I ' ( all 1!*' ~Alll

RAMILIMG ~ at· ha' F.11n llm . + z IUCH ESTATE tplr " & mon· fl'I ~111 Fountain Vailwy I 034

5 IR - POOL II \Rill"' flt-: \I r' ••••••••••• •••••••••••• Tr•••• hnl'<I apprn.ll'h to i t;K 12Hti or S:.I lll~'t. h1u11tu1r1 l'Jrk .! ''" .I 111 th t h c·nd Unit l "'11h1111 \ rlJ

• l'i l''ll'C'U '.\I..' rJnt l\a:." \ Vt:ROF: homl' :i ;\ltlt• ~. l '.tr l. Yi:! .• oo I- 0 rm a I ' n 1 r Y t 0 Ur & tam1ly Mini r ond firm l'r1111· 11111\ . 111 u.17 I dramall•· h vini: room ~ms ownrr5574392 •>f:,!)4 ~ t-'ll{'mal ll1ntni: t'I 1·om l ' •

nwntl) 'eneJ from hu1i1• DISIGMEO FOR country :.tyl <'d k1t t hl0 11 H"'-Y LIVIMG Sc11ar ,1l<' family mom "'"..-

lJncl1•r coni.Lrutt 1on ttu.rry & you r an choo!IP your l'olors • Separate r h1lllr~n 11 ar4'11 M ~tr bdrm win~ has sauna. 1acu1.u, & your o wn pnvate den. ~Tml din rm plus hdrm & fam rm. 2 frplc s . W a lk lo golf ro11r.1e & only $212,000 51.S 0491.

C)\'1•rlc1ok:. i;purkllnl! J)Cl(ll and ter ra t l' ' Ston~ fi rt•pl :Jl'I' ll 1d t' (I w It y wtnl( for ma~tt'r Mu1ll• & c hi1drcn ' !I quarter i. s tyle' & grace '1<'511(ncd on one levt•I. Hurry won't last. 96.1·71181 .

(> ,,, fl l .. ' If ') " ~ "I t'I •J 1'f 1

[~1&11\I ----Walker 8 lee Real fatale

C0 ... ()0 ~ l'f": L'l 1\ I . IS I' llU . <' M I• \I ' T11u1· h,t o n1• llt'.111\ 96.1 Ut!G7

By ownr llp,.:rrl c1 4 llr, 3 b o • I( .1 mt' fa an r rn P n11t· only $K~ !IOU ~2 7!10.1 .


c.1c;AN1· 1 r SPRJNKLF:RED Yl\RO w , fn.ut trees. huitc• p;itao & still m o re rm fur Sell thinj!s fa s t with Dally

Pilot Want Ads - ca mpe r . ho111 & 1111 01 ------------------ Bt-;/l.UT. I HH, 3 II ,\

C..llQ~ £) '-,( f>t:: ~C::.. ~ GIANT Mnvr• m n1niJ \:)~ \"Qt,J ~~~ - ~ v(/" ~ close to Mile S<t l'ark

That Intriguing Word Gome witlt a Cltudft Agt. 645 ... 616

0 lleo1•0fll;. .. ,,. ,. cf ·~• tOVt Kto ,,_b~ed woirdi b•

low ... '°'"' ,_ .. -i. _d ..

- -- ---.......... °" •Kh I 040 •••••••••••••••••••••••

t' Jfl)\'b. dr:.tJX'" S7ii.!IOO 1:1 1 Hus . Bu 1 Id your 4 Bdrms

P~ Showplace ~2 0545 dream home on this unc· Waterlront Li•ing Jtt-:ALTORS

,· quc cunyon Hew lot . i\ DOCK 4110r . 3Ba, Waakr . lly :.!15 lx •I Mar 4!1:! ·41:!1

Pn.V3CJ rnwllr>:>l'tllng onaqu1et owner pen ncb Nr bt:at•h& l'k . Nl'w:mr. ll or i:cou s t' x l' l' u ti v<· h nm l' S w i m pool . J <ll' U II I ).( fl' l' ll h fl U ~ C

Spac•111u:. lloor plan •I l1t•droom:. . loranal llin ir1 1! r<><'k farcplJC'I.' l>l'I uxt• k 11 c·hen. ownt•r 'Jl'Jlt•ll . SH .IJOU BK H l'Jll 540 1720

TARBELL "~ I fn California"

$ 1!1 !JIO \ppru\ $ 1K , OO(l

" J 'sumc• lhi' :!Ur. I Ila ~ pool 1·11 nt111 l'ITI

"' $3<\14 mu :1:lh :.~1



IT ALL ADDS UP end location on green·

bl'll , s pacious. 2 frplc:s . l<tundry rm .. 4 b1i: bdrm!> . family rm & l'loi.ets l(Jl11re U01vcrs1 l\ l'arlt locatron ~ .ill ,1-•ld ' up l o J buy Jt Sl t:!,51!0

~~-~oo_o_~ VILL~ REALTORS

IRVfNE'S FINEST 13caut1ful Rancho San

road in tlw prc1o llJllOUs 581 ·8115 2 0.1, 2 :. ty lt v rm. liq Fvn Patio ar{•a of La~una . A pel'k MUST SELL HOW lkl<11·ut1n g, mu~t sell.

&.per hi>mi' fur the fa ma ol lht• lll'Ci.111 included £or $80.400 Ownr 554·2078 "-'7 50() Relow mnrkl.'l Showc:asl' . ly who lo\ l' ' uuluoor ~ · aft3 /wknds $77,400 3 Ar. P4 Im . ----

parties' 111 1! t·onH·cl TillS Wt-:EKSSPECl/\L- plu~ ll i·pt , lndscpd 75 HARBOR ESTATES patio, flower planter... . Vari•~ 111 1.·1k", ut1l rm

kl I I I Landlocked but s till a L., ' Pa11oram11· Ot'l'an view :.pnn 4.'r~ rnn ant rl' I ' rt 1, ,, •l n t y o r> en 3 "'' ·d piece or the a ctmn. In· " ~ from this 1700 !.q rt ., hr ar ..... room:.. t•\ ''" a fort ...... , 1Sun. 581 1132 or · · · · .. ·

d L• t I vei.t in La"una s futun·. 0><1 & den Rltn TV & s l"r"o t•n an•a r nrma 1 mini: , "' 581 ·9199 Jim · ' ' bnt·k hrcplacc . $70,llOO, $ti,OOO to Sl0.000. mduclNI Wov<-n shad~·'· IJKH. t·all 540 1720 NORI NS REAL TY MlssiOft Viejo I 06 7 &inken luh in :\htr. hath * 494 0057 * •••••••••••••••••••• ••• <.:ourtyd cntn No c,1r" . TARBELL

"# I In California!"

" t'OOTllll.I ~'> .. ~r th•· :.l·a X i\loof'I :1 br 21 , Im townhm <:1•ntral i\ l'. loaded w \Ira~ l'omm pool. 1acu111 Man t o fo~lu or. nprt , UC ! Nei.lled 111 lh1• hill ~. rurJI s ctttn1: SK l ,!J5 U. Owner / bkr. 4tl5 ii78!1

IYOWHER 99 lnd.'>t p.i ID!l.~100 '"k for

llo1. Wm t'hurchall <:o • OCE.AM VIEW 4 5 Bedrooms /\egean '193 3121

llu1ldml! stlC' cxclui.an• Mdl. 2200+ i.q ll . up· area. 1\hso iJ;.'(1t·h le:.~ .:radcd. $89,900 . Call San Juan thJn JOO 1·11s) s ll'l1' to the ~91CIG Capistrano I 078 ~and ' S>!CJ.llOO I. h -.-069 •••••••••• •• •• •••••••• •

fi~fic:BT?fil ~':~••••~••••••••• Dt;l.UXI:: CONDO. SJ C.: 2 :.t y, 2 Br I Ra, good IOt'. In

tmellGt? KINGS ROAD complex. All amemti<'s 499-2800 Jo.:xclus1ve · P 11 norumll' incl dshwshr & air cond ..

- --- Ocean view ovcrlk 'g all on g i.elhng model. lO'o PRICED TO SELL \/uJhly 11 llr + 1-'H home• Oµ~·n hllUM' S.i t 1Sun . IO S 171)1(;1 Wl•:o. lport Ur l'all 5.51 4·t21> Joaqui n Townhome . 1·-------~!111111•1

Ov1irlooks greenbel t & pool With this home you can forget those yard chores & Pnjoy elegant lavin g . Beller H urry '

Newport Day. See boat dwn. Owner trans ferr<'d . ra ces, Christmas $17.000. Pncedln!>ell1m· parade. sunn:.e. s un:. ct ml'<iiatcly . 498 3136 Walk to b<.•ach. 3Br, Jba, C/\ l'TAIN'S_J_ll_(,-L--

Irvin. 1044 •...•..........•..... .. Woodbricl«Je Arborialce Sop('r upl-(radNI 2 br. 2 ba lux <·ondo ~n. form din ilrt' J Nt'.1r lakt· SI 11 . ~00 snuou UncJer mkt Xlnl tc•rm ' Avi11I .1p pr r1 \ \1>111 :.to th Ill~ ~·1111, Ill :1.1ll 11t1J hy

t::i 11 645-030.1


..... , ....... ,,._, .. , •IWnt•r --------

Wooclbrid«Je A~e ~ Choice Waterlront

RGMho San Jooquln 1\11•w 2·1evel Exec. Condo .!hr & 11,.111111 l(olf i·our .. f' Sdt•l'l carpet & mo' e In f'utt1n1: 1: ri·i·n ::it b:.il'k now Reduced for qwc:k llooa forl'' 1•r '1c"' dow '·111• 673-2624 1548 ~1~



A stunnan1: Plan 47 dt• corat<'d {'l<'Aantly 1n warm ('Olors Thi ii l•1vely home cnm••s ('om1>IN1• with a i.t•p:.irntl· paneled ram rm , upgraded t•:Jrr>t't !> & drap.•11. i.t'P formal danm1: rm and hK'att'<i on J ~a11t1full~ ln.ndsC'llpt'l l lot with a lat lJce coH·rcrl patio Many otll<>r c.>. C' ltlO~ extr., ., 1n rl1J1lctl l'nn-d n1-tht ol ~l.000

111 tt•nn1 ' • luh ~Ii .soo ( J ll K:t.1'.ISll --.kc.I) " I.II

~ 5Zl5 t"Vt'll & wknd-, un.I relax in g r11 c1ous lav-•-.---------c 1n~ an Univer sity Park . 1•

red hill~:.:. 552·7500


Portofino c u..,tom designed 3 bdrm , 2' 2 ba .• rlin . rm .. (pie . in ma:.t~r & LR. Sweeping ocean vu. professronal landscaping. Sl 73,500

Shangri-La Th1-; J bdrm home has il all ' lJ1g s tained glass window. random plank nrs. track hl!hltng, hre pit & much murc . $159 soo

dCI'\, wet bar. 2 frplcs. 2 car (lat. C' 'prt. decking. L n v e I y 2 Hr, 2 ll a New thru-oul . Ay owner twnhomc, $85.()00. Ownr Op hs<' . 1721 Kin its Ftd. 493 t>S1J7 ' 645· 2818 or 645 5746

ROOM FOR IOA T Camper t oo- in these two new ru!>lnm home' tn Nl'wporl ll )!hli. . J Br+lge bonus rm . 2· ~ ba. fam+din rm:., 2311-1 sq fl . 2 s t ory. lots of wood. $141.000ea

3106 & 3112 Broad St East of Nwpl & So of 15th St Open wkd yi. I J . wkndi. 12·4.

WARM&WOODY By Owner. 3 Ar, 2ba & den. Obi gar, landsc:apcd " s pnnkler sy~tcm & at­trat'ltv~ land:.cl.lpe h ght· tn.R Lite rear patio, ar. 1·1•ntcd b y full trctlts 11 \ll•rhead & enrloMn~ lath greenhouse Nl'W cl)l 'g & talc entry. 1\1 • rented hc:ivily m wood. Pricl'fi to move qwck ill $79.900 . Jo'o r appl 496·4331. rnn only - -- ---

SPACIOUS ... ... ANO PltlVATI'.: ; lux ­

.... E~ORT HEIGHTS ury 4 bdrm .. 21 2 ba . • 2630

" "''" i.q fl Own~r bwlder pro-

Call73H~22 West<'rn Pa<'1ftc Prop.


2 'l) townhome. 3 RR. 2 ha . ram rm. Walk or bicycle to pool , tennis. golf, parks & shopping. Plan 102 an Cuhfnrnia ---------­Homes. lla11 many <'Xtra

Arch1tect'l. luxu ry Ocean view by owner . .i Br . 3 ba, 2 frplc s . 708 St. Ja mes Pl $225,000 l'h 645-21118 & 645-5746

vided over 50 extra features; l · year new . $195.000 Didn't work here, but if

you will Just ~top by you m11(hl lhmk he at least 11topped hy. The beauty of lht'I home ls just too much t o d e11c ri be /I. super 4 lx'droom family home in the COLONY on a cul·dc·sac ~trect with 11

larl(l' lot Near POOL und TF.NNIS C'OUrls . Sus.tm Ca II for uppt.



DORADO!!! In Ir vi n e 's exclusivr RANCH, this beautifully decorated 3 bedroom family home wath lat\leful color coord1nn· tlon would be a real JOY to <"1111 home. Now only $79.900. (;all for appt

features · • Pla n t Arbor w /overhead .sprklrs. •P aneled l'"am rm w rbookshelve.s •F re s h p olnl & wallpaper • Laundr y area w /cnbinets • Coverrd P:tlio • foully A C: •Pt, US MUCll , MUC H MORE

CAPISTRANO HESTER·IROWH ------- - REALTORS 833-9711 Ocean View. Rdwd & ----------Glass. 3 Yrs old. <IBr. s-taAM 1010 3ha, $224 .500 . 702 S t ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jame11 Pl. 64 2· 4211 1 owner . BARELY

HORSE COUMTRY Rur al atmosphere. Love· l y one-ac r e hill 11 lde h o m e. View s of thr valley. Lot..'! of trees. I\ n ewer, cui1tom 3 BR . h o m e, large p ool. rm.ooo 1---------1


3 Monnrch Bay l'latu Laguna Niguel

496-7222 131 ·0136

Early area. m ajor green ~It Ii: . 3 bdrm & family rm "custom " t: p lan at $134.500 AGENT 640·5560

... jus t 4 years old, thi11 two-s tory " Bradford " Condo has 3 bedrooms , plll.'lh C'arpctin1t thruout, a separate dinin~ room P J, US fenced patio. pool ond dubhouse fa c1llt1es. Close to 1>chools, too. On· ly~.000.


1 I I I ·1 11


I I 11 I' ~ ,

f C 0 P H U l I'm wri1tng • book ebout

I I I Ii Iii-I droq 1rall 1c. I 1v•• tAn'I f in,.., II I <•n'1 dt'<•de who

.--------.... 9th •Int - · , ,

I NETERI I 1---.,....-... ,-T'l,,......,,..-... ,--i O c-"'"" ll>e th11c~1. n..ni..i

..___._..__....__._.._~ V"" J:.:::v,:., ',~: .. '",:.:;"1.:"'ao!

H . B .. C . M . , F . Vly T ouchs l o n.e Really , 963-0867

Dutch Haven American

C h oice llun tlnl(lon Beac h loc111tion nor 1chool11, 11hopplni( und Marina. Nett 3 bcdrm w 1h1.111c family rm, gas blln klt , massive s tone fp lc A barJ(aln al '66.990.

5.11 5800 w ........... ""°"

..., •• M.tworll


Prestigious Turtlerock e UNCH RIAL TY Bdrm . c u s t o m . Quiet 551-2000 l.a9ino leach tree lined alreel. Gated ••••••••••• •••••••••• •• earden entry . Huge Cali f Hm for sale b'/ OCEAN VIEW s~parnle family room . owneor. 3 Br, upgrd' • 3·Level 2 BR. high up on F ormal dininl( room . love l y lndscp d , & Riv iera <'O&lltllne : 2 Brick frpl r In e legant courtyd. $73,500. Call baths. beomcd llv. rm ., llvlna room . Large S.Sl·24SI . PrinconJy. fpl ; occon vu 11undcek . m111ler w in g. Laundry ----- F' a mily dlnlni · carp & room . rro(esslonally 182,500-4Bft . 2ba. frp k . lou or c('rnmlc ti°tt' la nd scaped . 3 co r 200 f\ lo the trg t11k~ . $lOSOOO • (lara11e Only $123,000 Club rights. pool. tennis MJSSION RF.Al TY Call today! 7521700 brand · ncw . T ry U'k • • '"' " ''' '· " '' '"""' ,, down or 3BR. :Iba, 3-ear 494-0731

[e li~~ .

11 ti 11ar. Entl~c 2 nd. rlr LOWDN Lgl' Exce9 rm

l-"-t111 .. ~-jlllill,' ... _""L114_~-· m uter llu1le. $89,500. home . C on yo n Vu . ' ; Owntr/ bk.r . 540.0S.SS or UU.900 . 638 · 3881

581-5886 own/bkr.


'"· " )'!' ./,.' MAI ... P'

7olt 'IO 0 ,,"n

••••••••••••••••••••••• TU ST JN MI!: A DOWS. plan 1U6, 4 DD, 2V. BA, A/C Owner 838 0183

••••••••••••••••••••••• 1100

••••••••••••••••••••••• 24xSO 2 Br 2 U. , A/C,

rl11hw1hrAdi1p0aal , many xtraa. dult park . f.I Toro, $2$,000. lmmed ()( cy, !Jl&.Mll9 o r 768-5208

·- ·· .

I ~•••Ustote Ottwf'Rnlbtate otMrRHlllbtcrt. ......._U•fwabMd HoeM1Unfwnbhed Honff Utrfwnll.a.d Thutadax. Apnt 7. 1911 DAILY PILOl Cl ~~~;········· ~;:~··.zc,·oo ;;:;,;,::,,·;::o;;;.;······· ••••••·••·•••••·•·•·•·· ·••·····••··••·••··••·· ...................... . """ - I lOO ...................... . .................. ~~.~~ e!!~=.~~.?!!.~ ~!4!~ ....... ?~.~~ ~~~~~.?~~~ ~!.~~~ .... ~.~~ .... ~ .. ~i;:':.t!.~~ ..

••••••••••••••• •••••••• Vacanl. 3 BR, I~ ba • .,.,,._ l~ .... M+wrpor..+.. h 1269 CostoMetG )724 ShorecUlf z.a 2B Ilk IDEAL Ta~ 3 Bdrm 2 Bath custom Nlct 2 Br bouae. Nf'WI) ck»e to OC'e n S3.5iCJ Ask ........ .._ " CK new. bt~I 0~~an a.vie! lt UMrTS f'or ownt'r occupincy bWld On lbe Patasades. deocoraled. rncd yd, gar ror Keith '11 Bkr ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........... .... ...... . . ··::0.·•


OVetlooldna aoll roun.e. SanuAna 9600.000 Nr b~ach & San 4fl6.4'7flD $270 lst/last 2544l: MOVllHMOW J um1nr Crr.-k. pvt - ... .._

M2.000. US.3Ull 2712~-~'!:!~& Clemente Pier. 10 yrs C--.. Mtr 1222 Onnge. 5482178 ~~~~~· & rn=~~u~:;5:ti ="g·br~~a~~~ 2Gbrl' =~~IOJ:i:l'l!~P~ail Acn-.tor-.-. 1200 llU.~RUMDY new Must Me soon at ....................... •I br. incl rerrig Teoex898889l S mF"M 2BRCondoA/C SX?S denw/"°°',Jac11U1,ten· • PhoneSt'rv. lltdpool •••••••••••••••••••••• • RIAi.TOi

67Ml&I SUM~.N'TRF.ALTY Cozy 2 br dpht , frp l. Privacy Adults Sl95 Al 2BR<:.ondoA!C S350 nli . SlZS mo . C41111 2J76Newport8lvd. CM

10.6t7 AClts CAU..49WIOO hrdwoodfira So o(Hwy Ulllpd Nopel.5833-8974 St.op lookm~ 2br , aar 28Rhome l36S 644-4832. S48·97Mor64S-3967 LAGUNAIEACH ... - 1 Adlta. no pell . $375 Ptex SomeutllS22S 38Rhomc -s ---- - --- ---

" ~~ '91- e7J.6089 Get ready' ~ Cor lg 2br Tenex 898-9891 Sm Fff ..,. d NcarOl'eft\belt •Borrego Sprinp duplex Ta_.........- · - gar. plu. Pe u . 3BR home ram kll 1385 Big Canyon 2 BR coo o. I - leach 174*

Ocean " Canyon V1ew1 $29.500. (2)1Br. Income 7-1 bdrm rum unlta. bltn 2 BR .• I ba .. slngle hou.ae TM\t'X 891J.9891 Sm Ftt Manners Cove West. a Br 38R home $400 S'l95 Mo. •Mu11l lea.se .....,..... SI 60,000. y...,,. S3K y r . Car ry ~If. owe. range & oven. <.~romlc 00 lot. Dbl. gar. ~ Mo. 2 Ba. adult condo. Pool. 328BRR~~ome NEW !!~ Udo Really 673 7300 :::;·;~;~~::;Y••1•;;·;P·;

"Z' . .. EALTOR Taxesl264yr. a3:Hl9'74 •·le In kitchen •- ba'"· Y"''""lyl•• ,..,..,, a bor3e~ So S A ru J•" ~ ..... Au"'l " /1.S ......," u .u,., ~ _... n ---~----1 Good s l A.. Ul.>l ...... ""' ....... . . . .....~ ... . .. - · 30Rt.nhomeNEW $425 LIDO ISLE. yrly $800, Nr bch. Ulll pd. Res(I 494-8611 an u na rt!n ~c Prop. 87~5726 nver, 2br S290 53S-7313 .. oRCUohome •He available June t. 3 81 2 empl'd odl~. 4IM-4200 A.I_.__. -.... ...

1 area . Trade ok . Only Teoex898-9891 Sm Fee ...., .-..- B 1 s lh ...:.:.::.::..:....:....;.~;__:..;_;.;.:..;___

FOUR ACRES ., .. YTWMI ..... ty. SllS.000. Choice S roadmoor vlt!w 4 Br l \Aa Ba . nr Bcb. dts· 38R me 1450 a. ge sunny o u o n the edge or th ll We can land It for you. DimdBourke,Rllr model.4&dam.2"'2ba, 2 Only 1245. 2br . IKJ>lll10. h /wash. stove, ~. Va- 38RhomeA/C $450 patio.642-S002or61s-&428 ... ...,.t .. ec.h 3769 ClevelaJld Nat' I Forest Buch area. Probates. S46·99SO trpl. pool / park. Rltr. K;t:ne~·~~~l Sm Fee cant. 968-8l96 ::::::: = BLUFFS, 1 level. view. ••n•••••••••••••n•••• overloo k i n g bea u L bnnkru't1tcles, trus tee ·~...__.r:_._ 2~00 6"· 1790. " Br Crplc bl'R• OW 3BRhome ~7" 2br . 2ba. trpl S5801---------M i tt VI T S11les, lorctld sales, under .un .__ - " '' • ' ....... • .,. ., STStS TO IUCH BKr e a Y. erms. market values. We can ••••••••••••••••••••••• So. or Hwy. Lovely 2br 3 Br, l ba hse. Newly re Bo Is a I GI d n We II t. 3BR home ram kit S500 644-4201or548-4411

R. (?lO 677


jomt venture . Call World COSTA MESA. R3 CP house. Formal dm rm. dt.'<' . Outside pet ok. Lrg $390/mo. &46·7563 48Rhorne $525 Harbor View Homes 4 b r , 1


ba. yrly $35(i ORS22-~ WideBrokers,673.-4545. Zon«:d for 16 units lrpl .. no pets. $450. yrly . yd. $375mo. 642-8614 LEASE 3 br, 2 ba, oov'd. 4BR homeVtEW $550 lam rm. close to park & 2BR.Cum, wnlr. ~

--~~=::.::::=.. __ J•--------•I w /variance possible 17 Avaal 4/16. 675-49M Rent This Heat l ltt patio. bJlns. 2 childre n 4BR borne tri lvl SSSO pool & all schools. Avail 2 BR. ~~Y~OHT OHEACRE unjts. Has 2 Dplx. I SPAC10US2Br ram rm I B a th hom e with OK. no sgls. S360 mo. 3BRhome A /C $600 Mayl.st.$625. 8J3· l&6l Unf. 3BR.2 bu '"'"c

Mobil h Le I COSTA Mrf' tl .. _... $275 ooo Pri 1 • • 3BR home ocean VU S600 ....., e m s ite. ve . ~ ,......,.e . · nony bltns, 3 blks to beach. enclosedgar .. onalgclot 892, 1877 4BRbome. Nwpl Heights. 3Br. tba. All us.able water. pwr, C...twyfhtanclal ~mo. 840-3358 with big shade lrees & POOL.SPA frplc. New paint. 521 El phone. AU ammuls ok DUPLEX REALTORS 752.5353 rovered patio. Good loca. 3 Br , Fam Rm, 2 car ~ar, $700 d 5 Low dwn. Xlnl term!j Cameo Highlands 4br. 2 lion. close lO shopping bltns.A-lshape 5 mmto 5BRbomeNEW $700 Mo e n a S42 / mo . associated BKR. 2 B ~ d room PLUS baths. view. '650/mo. In· Families pref. Kids /pets beach. $385 mo. Al\ 5PM Yes. we have a large _548-__ SOt_ 1 ______ 1

(714 )677 5691 bachelor urut. each with LAMD cl gardener64S-S657 OK. $375/mo. Call Agent 963-0346 selection or homes for Real Sharp! 2 Br + M:.lr BROKERS RE Al f0R5 lOI~ "°' l olhoo ~1 • JU1

OR 522·0530 pnvale yard S76.9SO ""'c.ooo C·I lot S9 by 290 837 ,,....., N I lease in the IRVINE I bo I ----- 540..s144

, eves 963-488S Beaut . Lusk home 2br . """"'· 0 ee. AUractlve,b clean, com- area. For a ny of these or suite. b tns . at s tp.

El CaliComJaCoasl den. lam rm. For lease3 Sharp 4 bedrm. 2 ba cor rortable3 r. 1 ~4 ba. Xlnt others that you may be S625mo. 558-&484 Clean 1&2 br . Adults. 00

IUILDBS! Iii Plac• . S700/mo. 673-5721 w /massive brick fplc . Westminster Ma ll. Many lrvmeSPECIALISTS Ba. Monaco. incl yard 16th. Sl. N. Hts. 646-lllOl INVESTORS! I.'-' Quail ~ Properties. to 4 months . No pets. ner home. Lge li v rm c o n d · W a I k l o rnterest.ed in. call lbe SPOTLESS 2 Br. den. 2 pets. S200/$225. 2421 E

98 ACRES b Prap-..&.i Patio&manyfrwllrees. ex tra s S385 . I n cl care. avail $550 mo - et w een ....--..•• Outofr ... -..v 31"a Odrms, (rplc, garage. g d A A I 5 / 7 ~ B I be b Ocea n slde 1 V1sta . 7S2·19'20 __..,, Walk to be h C • ~ _.,.. Co ll ege Park area . ar e n .. r vai Agent ti73 · 6S l 0 o r I r ,cose to ac .qUlel

Beautiful rolhng halls Moo OUAnsr NlWl'Oll llACH ~ 2550 mo. yrly ~~:i:Jsl.,.· .,_, $435/ mo. Call Larry. ~1052 ~ 644}5734 ne.igbborhood. Ideal for Small spnn•' fed lak~ ••••••••••• •• • • • •••••• • 546-5880. 3 Br, 2 ba, near beach. s mgle person $23S mo. ... 6 Unit £/Side .,_. .. ___ L S1SO al Beach! Utll pd, •·t •· last + de p afl 6 $6000 / pcr acre . Call ~ ~- qtllCKPOSSESS. Mesa Verde3 Br2Ba.va - Frplc . S37S / mo . Ca ll refrig +more. Plx, call , ~J.~ · ' 546-5880. 1 .., 13 custom homell. 3br. Vacant house with 2 cant . Immaculate. ~or96G-4849 s mall Cee. 645-4900

L o v c Y Prid e · or · l :V.. ba , $.S9,500·$65,900. bdrms .• 2 baths, dining ownership units-Oldies Bob Lamond ?23-836S or rm . , frpl c • pri vate mo. 546-®S Rent or lse. 2Br , t i.<t ba ••C~rsGulck but go .ci d 1 es n ca r 128-78$5 pa"o·, yAar 's 10.,.., .. , $385 M•S'"' VERDE twnbme In Centra l H B. RAHCH REAL TY We~ t~ 11· ff offe ed at .. " ......... .:: A p I 1 bhs 55 2000 Bluffs area condo. 4 Br. a" . r Ac r os s from 111° " h per mo. 00 /C u e *"'""' / mo I

• -lliliiiiiililiilllll•iillllllliliiiiiiiiiil By p .. 3 Br 2 Ba . clean as u · _.... · • 2h ba, 2 car gar . frplc ,


S2 0 s. 0 0 0 /\ • L°Abools on the La Buena BAY & e~ •cH 842·0070 ----------1 POINTMLNTONLV Vtda. l;;.ft whistle. $400. !>45-0630 all --------- RanchS. J . 2 Br+ den.on wet bar, pool prvll( 's . Nr C.INtetr Loh/ -------- REALTY 759-0811 4PM . HIMt~• GolfCourse w /primcVu, schl s . S600 / mo Ca ll live

BIG! Crypts 1500 RmteMs. Farms, Kl S HcrbOur- 3242 ssso. !>47·7044 644-4250.

C~ypt #709, 6th level , iiil IPlac• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••u••••••••••••••• Easl s1dc 2br hse/ gar 3 Br, 3 ba townhouse. Woodbridge new S & S. 2 Br. den. 2 Ba condo. ••••••••••••••• •• •• •••• ..... Quail l GrovH 2700 Cotta Mesa 3224 D /PETS Ot< ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------

single. Mngnoha Court Prap11rti•• AVOCADOS BEAUT. 3 br , 3 ba, ram S34S Sparkling ne w cond . twnhse. 3 Br2'~ Ba, A/C, Nwpl Crest area. $<&95. Pac1ficVlew. 499-2386afl 7.S2·1920 ~ rm, frpl. frml dm. rm . lBdrmDuplex~. S470 <.:al l " Lila ". immed . o ccy . $475 67!>-074Sor751·4686 4PM 1•00 ou•n sr HfWPOIT llACH 4 + acrl!s and a 2 Or, 2 Ua lllr. bch. $750. 6'W· l03S G?5-82Sllor&W-4848 846-1371 or846-S456eves. M7·942.8 Ocean View. 2 Br Condo,

4 cemetery lots 1'ac1f1c 13 UNITS Eastside. Yrly Eastside-lm mac. 1 Br BEACH Exec ln· level, 3 TIIE RANCH. 3 Br 2 Ba. 2 S475. One Child OK . View Memorial I' ark. ,mt·ome $30,900, expenses do!lhouse w /sideyrd, no Br 3 Ba . fplc , lge Fam fplc"s . Huge Family Rm, 631 1020 or642·4804 evs.

home. tr7,SOO ~

$295each. 54R 2662 ~783 , price $390,000. --/. :_~n.6u~!~ $225. Pb Rm, wetbar, grdnr 2"'2 $450 mo. 548"8921 UVH Monaco mdl. 2 br, G R0

E ATS REC RE A · ~rcial ull ror address. pnn· • · · ca r gar . $625 Art 5, The Ranch, 4 br. l"• ba, den, 2 b a . fr p I . T l N: w 1mm1 n g.

Property 1600 c1pals only. E 2001·3 Bdr, 2 Ba. Fpl, s.54-4442 pool. frplc . short lease. Wash/dry. comm. pool. saunas. 2 health clubs, ••••••••••••••••••••••• PRIME EASTSIOE C.M. O/W, OR, dbl gar . w /OP· •---L- 540-04mort>44-84lS Aft 5 p M & wk nd s billiards. n1ght·hghted

<S> 2 Bed rm. Houses, AVOCADO COUMTRY CONDO. 2Br. 2ba, dbl n.r, patio. Grdnr. $425, -::.-••••••••••••••••••• _644} __ 9448 _______ teruus courts. Pro & pro Comme rcial lot . 63.125, 19th & Pomona ~.000 cash. 499 34S9

Fai r view Sl. Yrly in gar. mc's wshr /dryr /· '"" 0 shop golf dnvrng range come $15 .~. expenses 3BR. 2BA home on 8· refrig. Brand-spankm ' '"""

157 WA.LHUTS9UA.RE &.ag..aleach 3 248 1---------1 partyroom ' $3380., pnre $180,000. acres. Fantas tic view, n e w . Yr ly Is e at REAR 2 br. adults. no Clean, s harp 2 bdrm con ............. •• ••• ••••• BEST RENTALS FUN ACTIVITIES : Fl.all·

4 acres mature treell $375/mo. Call for appl., t $260 do I d u ""2br walk bch /s hop Co"do"'l·nl11m1fTow11 pe s per mo w/centra air con 1 Spectacular Oceanfront ..,,,., · l ime director, free Sun·

• 8 UNITS V1' .. ona St One Owner must sell Won't Mary or Don """3352 I ""752 b I housesforslH 1700 - " R .,..,.. lJorung. Cresh Y pamted CliH Dr. 3 br. Crplc . ~ r . great oc day b r unch. BBQ's. 2 BR. 511 RR, 2 Bach In- last long. BK COLE OF HEWPORT d t t ..,_ 3 br lk bch/shop • ••••• ••••••• • ••••••••• $1

8 ""'' l714 1522·20fl0

0 Su H_.__ rea Y 0 move in o $600/ mo. (213)876-2723 _, · wa trips. part ie s . s port

CONDO S PECIALIST come .uvv .• expens es OR 676 5711 REALT RS per ~ttst Owner pays wa te r . No eves $700 Harb Vu I hlls home tournament:; & more!

II B C M 1" VI $41134 . price $206,000 ____ :...... 675-5511 only$340/mo. Calltosee! $750Nexttobay /1sland BEAUTIFUL APART· · • • '! · "40 2455 Real Est• 3 br. 2 ba. stone frpl , all 3 Br. 2 ba Condo New un· S1J004 br. ocean view

Tou r h s l o nc Hll y, [ . ~ W 1-:J\STSJOE38r.2.Ba,$425 new kitch. appl 's L i.: Ii it MonarchSummlt. Lag CallOurRentalOept. MENTS S1ng l,ll, 1&2 96.1 1..im Ci) -~~r~I ~ 2900 mo. Fncd yd. wlk to bkyd $430 mo on 1 yr Niguel. Adwlts only. refs bedrooms. Furn & un

••••• •• • • • • • ••• • • •• •• • • ho N 8 hi I Mod I d I W

" - ll ps s c s pell. ls e Ca ll : 96ts· l383 art req . S4SO/ mo on lse. um. e s open at Y Lt• isurc orld Tow~rs "\ BuyernN!~:1 DPLXwtthm e hlld;en . OK. ga; , 325 6PMorwknds . 494·7262,StoS wkdays. 10 to 7 Roo mmate Vu, lux Hv Meuls, maid. --- - 5 m1 of t:M Vay around Roch t 642.38}3 service avail. No lease IO': cJn, $35,000. 496 1840 6 Units income $910 SP $100.~GJI 1846 - es~'::._ --- 4 Br, Niec cul·d"·sae. "'•25 4 Bdrm ram rm 2 ba ed So dul' --- -- · · -- 4 Br, 2 ba. n r . So. Cs t ~ ~ • • • reqwr · r ry, a .,.

lncomt: Property 2000 ~.000 W A.MTEO Pluzu. cpts, bltns, frp lc . mo. K.Jds & pets, but no frplc. new cpls Top or only. no pets. •••••.••• ••••••••••••••• ReallltoESrsTER-BROWN_ dshwhr. cov'd pat.to. Obi cat. 642·2178. RANCH REALTY World $550, 640-7662 IR Uruts, xlnt rental area. 833 !l7Sl Would like an old house, uara"e. $<l30. !>49-3262 S. Jumt 0 kwood badlyann~ofrcp:ms, .. " 4BR.2 ba, fam. r m . frpl, 551-2000 l.aglMaHilk 3250 • r~ ...o1 AA Exchani::e for more un- Duplex & 2 houses . or Vacant Lot. Cos ta ---------•1 i::ar dr . opnr. Mesa ---------1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Capistrano 327 """"'en pcu1:n\enls 1ts . Pleasccall& lv msg $147 ,000 C M. Inco m e Mesa tHlg Beach area. 38r,2baCollegePark Ve rde . $475mo. 7S2-0759 lRVIN E JBr 2 Ba. alrcood, dose ••••••••••••••••••••••• w/anssvs Ukr. &15·4286. S13,800....:_!ly_o~768·6354 542.3379 $400 or 64&6310 2BR.2Ba ..... S375·SS2S to pool, good view, $400. New 3br. 21Jiba. unfurn.

3 BR, 2 Ba . .. .. $(25 / $600 No pets. 837-8594 townhouse . E n c l dbl ............. jMortfli 880 l r vine ( ol l 7lh I


••••••••••••••••••••••• :l BR Br. 2 ba Mesa Verde $42.S

1 br house, ulil pd. S2LS. 3 BR. 2"'2 ba ..... 1475/585 garage. ds hwhr. drps , mo. Collect rents & show 4 BR, 2'h Ba ... ~1$125 3br, 2ba condo. Obi gar, frplc. pool & Jacuzzi. .,., aplS & pay only $125 mo. BLUFFS pool & rec area, $330 au. Dana Harbor. $385 Dnve by 350 Avocado Sl 3 BR 2 o - ...,S month 837 398S 4"., • ...,,,

• ••••••• • •••••••••••••• R-Mc:Carclf! &call"""-0282 ' .,.. · · · - · · .............., 3102 -, ~ BlG CANYON --------.-~ 11t0 Newport 3 BR. 2''l Ba ...... $700 38r. 2Ba. A/C . . $350/ ll)o. Condo 2 Br stud io, refn g ,

............... /'-"' 110016th St.

<Dover al 16th l 642·8170

A CONllCNICNTSHOPPtlfC ANQ.D,4il:~li~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cotta~5417729 lmmac 4Br, 28a , fenced LAKE FOREST 23706 So r esina . Nr s hag , pool, sauna. all SCW1f'+C CUIDC FOR fH( ·~ Stop here ' l.ook mg lo • yd. Paularino Sehl Ou.· 3 BR 2 Ba $S7S Moulton Ctr 955·2200 pnv Walk to shops $265 c11.-.,-C Al OH THC co move• We prob have ex t.nct. $HS mo !>45·2600 ' · · · · · · · · · · 552·9003 . mo. 833· 1562 evs. . ...._.-r""'

No Waist Seam!

lOY2-l8 Y'1

~ 1ff Mi'- 1Tfc~-r.-

Butterfly Beauty

flu!INll1r\ aliRht on th1\ COl'I ~11111 t11·.il IOI ill ryt'''

I 1·1 l tl11t 1m~g1n.111on ~<W 1

f'u \ unu'i.u11I \rr,•o·. m u, ... •.1nw l ~hnr\ 1hrc111gnnnt 1111 lh" • 1opll{l11r 1111111 ""' ? 111t( h1• 1 f'~ t 111' l).ll<h p;i ll t tn P'~'"' va1t1a1'.r\ f<M ~1ntle dOUDlt \11'

11 s IOl"f In ~ w1y w11m SI 25 lot rach p.lllrtn A.M ve1 y soon1 hrn. wh•I p1easu1f J~ Pd(h oa11e1n l0t lrl'\t <IA\\ lo sflo mlo Ille lice l11t1n1 Ju mail .ind h.inllltnt Send to (no waist seam) ~se of lh•s 1umpsu11 lip 11 up qu1rkly

Pttntfd Pallein 918~ Half S11~ IOI?. 1217. l • '~. 16'>. 181+ S11e 141> (bu\I 37) take1 J 114 yards 4S '"'h laboc

Send $1 ~S '°' Heh 1>o1ll~1 n Acid 35' IOI UCh 1>o1tlern IOI h1$1 ct.us a11m.t1I, handl1nc s.s ...

Allee Brooks NoOOlocrall Dep1 105 Da11yP1101 Bo11 163 Old Chelsea Sta., New York. NY 10011 Pnnt Nam e Address, Zip, P•ltem Number MORE thin Mf before! 2(1(1 dtsTans 11t11S 3 frN ptintld 111-iidl HEW 1976 N(tDl£CRAH

Marian Maritn CATALOC1 His tvtrytlllna. 75c. Paltttrn Dept 442 Crtelltt wttti $.lt111ts t.00 D Crte~tt 1 Wmll'lllt . _ 1.00

232allywPllOI 8 s Nifty ntty l•ltta IJIO

I HI 1 th I.. Now Rlpplt Croclltt 1 00 York, N Y 10011 . Prlnl Sew + bit teok - 1JS NAME, ADDRESS ZIP, llttdltpehlt ltok 1.00 S I Z E a n d S T Y I. E nower Ctttlltt l ook 1.00 NUMBER Halrplll Crtdltt l ook 1.00 Dt reu klltW llow to 11t , l11stant Crtclttt look _ 1.00 111tt.,11 fru? Send now tor tnstlt!t M1C11 .. ltok _ 1 00 ur lltW J1ll.Wf11ttr r1tter11 '"'ta11t Money ltok 1.00 C1ttto1-clfp coupon Inside tor Co111pltl1 lllft lttk 1,00 lr11 '•lier• ti ~our chtlct, Co111plttt Aff!llllt 61 4 1,00 Stlld 75- llfWf 12 Prllt Al16'11s II 2 !10• Sew + Kiii l eok $1JS looll of II Qullt1 II so, hntatt Mo11y CrafU 11.00 M .. tulll Qullt lo°' U 50. 1ns11at ra.-10 •• 1.00 15 Q11lts ~ Touy n 50c 11n.t S••lftl ltt• 1.00 '°" ., 11 Jllfr •If• eoc

Jctly what you ·re look mg 3 bedroom. 2 bath. Open ~Hoa. for . St!r ving .ill beach beam. fireplace, extras "'-p-:-. 3226 Logillatfic)Mft 3252 NEW EXEC Sat& S.11 1-5-areas. & all Orange Co 646-9091 .,_ _., ••u•••••••••••• ••••••• TOWNHOUSE ,...... <.:Jll now for info. 645-4900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Large attractive Niguel Secluded h11ls1de view .~~~~~~~~~~ • • ConwMn G.lck Exec Condo tnhse 3br. Walk lo marina & bch 's home . $4 75 . Le ase . prof. lndscpng. 2 ~r2 Ba, Finest a pt complex. l br

2br. frplc . encl patio. Sparkhng2sly, 3 Br, 21/J 494-9721 wood fplc, ha rdwood Complete w /everythmg aa.oo ,...._. 3107 pool, clbhse S395 673-2332 ba, cpts. d.rps , lrplc . Rec. floor. cpts. drps, bltns, rno. mo. to mo. 675-75Jtl •••••••••• ••••••••••••• facilities . Lse $435/mo. Lovely2Br&deoGarden pati o. p ool. $42 5 . or675-2543 s ous 4 b 2 b 1 4 Bdrm, 2 ba. Nr So. Coast Call Pal Fry. 493-9672 or home in Niguel Shores. 2~·2145 ---------

pact r . a. comp Plan & scbls . Frplc Chris831·2715. Beach, t e nnis. pool. •-lwnh furn Frplc·. W / 0 . · 11573c, ...... "'''"-f e1 8 0c M · ~ dshwhr. 2 rar gar No $a8Slmo. 548-7822 " ""'rv ""' RVl"E $525 / mo. 493· 846 or ean vu, 3 min anna. u..fwNIMd

S 7

S f NEW 4 Br 3 Ba. Fam Rm. 495-5830 New lux Jbr, den, lam ••••••••••••••••••••••• JI e l s O o r 3 br. 2 ba, family & play lplc, lncd yard . Near Yrly lse $425 mo 4 Br 2 1 ...... _ __..

1 3255 rm, 3 ba. Furn. availa · G•Mral 3102

Apnl /~ay S2000 June room. New paint & crpt. schools . ........ 847-7851 • · ..._ ~ bl $575 Open knds ........... JI ..... 0078 .,.,., Ba FP cpt s drps e. · w · ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,_."" u Y '"". eves Oshwhr. dbl gar, Coed ' ' ' ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• C II Bo only yd. $425/mo. $49-2665 lllwlilq• leach 3240 lndsc pd . 551 · 2000 or FOR LEASE·Brand new ~~lo~ (2el.J l 47~~~- BUENA PK. New I &2 Br

Colta Mesa 3 124 --- .. •••••••••••••••••••• • 894-3484 home in wooded a rea. apts, cpts, drps , bltns, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 ~r. w /fam rm. newly Vacant. 4 BR, 1:v. ba , 4Br, 2'1tBa. c pts, drps, 3Br. 2Da. view, immac, lo pool. The Villa Woods.

$1~ I Br, p11l1n, reCni.i + lots more Pl-c Nice ' Small fN· 64S l !l(IO • •CCMtta .... rs Gtaick

remdl't.I. S32S. I lnCa nl. close to ocean $375. Ask MODEL HOME AC. patio, etc. Close to maintenance yd. $420 8182 rth St. (7141521-7072 nopels. 2l92 Mlner . Call forKeitb, 968-1317,Bkr. Oeertleld Park, 1800 schls,nr corner ofRidge mo. 493·520tl llalM>al5'and 3806 837 ~ sq.ft . 3 bedrm , 2 baths. Route & Toledo Way . Duplex S JC, lBr , 2Ba , •••••••••• .. •••••••••••

Lovely 3 BR. 2 BA home Brand ne w 3 bed rm Was a model. Supe r Drive by 25111 Clneria double gar $350. Imm. Yrly. bay view from deck . w /(rplc, blt.ns. uttached LANDING b 900 home with all the de · Way . Or cal l ( 714 ) Occ. Phone 548·2954 2 br , n e wly redec . ......... .... •--a. 31 69 •· 1 g p tlo c t 'd ome, 1 coraling, wallpapering, ~ wkdys 9-S. S600 _________ 1

~ _._,. flar. °' r a · P sq.fl. with formal dining. upgraded ca rpeting, mo. ~__.._ •-- 3280 Gar oge s pace . Stv & •••••••••••• ••••••••• • • thruout Avail now only ls I I •· ~- refng patio oas BBQ

aUFFSCOMDO Trtno model 3 bdrm. 2•., biilh, frplc: Subm1l on t htldren & iwu. t.casc ~pc-r m o

C.F.C*5wriY RIAL.TORS 640.001'0

---------$145 Al BuC'h' Wnn 't liut. Ulll pd, Call Small f' ee 6'So4900 • •COM-lrl G.I•

Big Canyon lowoho me , jtOll C()Ul"Se vu. 2 BR. 2 ba. Si l To 10/ 1. Agl &10-S560

"5 owner wan yr se .. decking etc. Oo neat cul- ......r--•-v•-to 3267 • •••••••••••••••••••••• l a u n'd r y h. 0" k . · SS50 per mo . iocldg de sac s treet Ne~1r -- ... N M · s h 0 up · cums LE. ~ardener. u ed ln $525/ . / I ........ . ...... ........ ew ommg un m. 4 $400 / mo . incl u til

962 2459 a.~- 3 bed.rm, 2 bath 1 v 1 · d mo. easle. casta del Sol adull lovey Br. 2 ba. ram rm, cpts, 675-2099 ___ ....... ., n c u g P o o • • . · drps bllns lse 2526 S •----------

Mesa Verde 3

Br 2 Ba, hou se I n great garden er.e tc. Age nt 2 BJ.I. A /C, view, club Deeganor'S46·~. ' Cclplstraao .. ochllll neighborhood. Im med . 546-4141 pvlg s . $400. 644-ll97 or •••••••••••••••••••••••

t"am Rm , Liv Rm &tZ-0331 -t- 9 w1fplc . ronv to shops. poss. $400/ mo. Roberta Wntwwwst« 32 I Gorgeous ocean view Olx i.chools & fwy Cust de· ~Rea.J~~ty~MS-~~1688~~~~~ New 2 BR. San Mateo, on 2 Br. l YA baths Cordova •• .. ••••••••• .. •••••••• 2Br, den. 2 ba, lge deck, l"Or . no pea . $450 mo. _ ~0th r;irwayi R;~~~ hom e . Tennis . pool Jbr, H•ba. new cpts, pnt & rrplc, etc . S350 / mo 87~7 Su.per cl.n ! 2Br. lBa condo ... : n

1290oaq u 0

· available . $325 . Pb drps. $365. 898-8000 or 541M933,673·9439 ,,..,. 830-9616 8924401

+pool. $315/mo. Call _;__;_,:__._ _ ____ I ---------1 MYTWNHSE, YOUR 535-2001 PLEASICOME Hewporf IHch HOME. 2 br , 111.t ba .

CLOSETO BEACH LEASIME! ...... ................. U..fwllithed 3300 manyxtras. S325permo. 2 8r, rormaJ dining, 2 Ba , • 2 Br+ OenTownbome Waterfrool·Dock, 4 BR. 2 •••••u• .. ••••••••••u• Call Collect · 213-373-3824 lSly patio hme. Fplc & 5'25 Mo. l mo. (!'ff rent! Ba, frplc. new crpts, CdM-SUperb ocean vu 4 eon.add Mer 3822

Sl8S. l Br. yard patio, wetbar, t.ennis & POOi • • 2 Br + Den Townbom drps, bltns. f700, 644·9932 Br 2"'- Ba, 0 / R, F / R. Im· •••••••••••••••••-t•••• relr1fl + more. Pix. Call ! $375. 5'5-3359 5'50Mo. l mo. rree rent ! or152-8686 mac. Fncd. Ordo. Xtras .i.---------•

$210 2 Br. btam ce1lfls blln&. + more. l'lx. Nace •r~a. Fee. 645-4900

• • COMWUtft'I Gttlck

Smallree. 645-4900 3 B Al RV $750un!, S85()f,644·2970 ••COM••nW. SPACIOUS • r ~Mr + BLUFFSCONOOS

b stocage. 0 • Leases etartlng st $450 Ca.dJ u•el-2 Br. In~ ... yard. o.Jn'g, 3 r , 2 ba duplex, pvt • 2 Ellec. ore. auilu $.178 Month. Aaenl 6'4· ll33 • ........_1_.._~ 1425 ...... ""'' yard. S295. Space for Mo. 752-1700 • _..___

......_ U.,_.IMd $275. View Cat.alin.a, gar . wasb /dryr. l child ok. No M N 111 ?. ,, \ 11JN •0111 "'" ' ' ...................... .

§§:;~~;~:~~~ N;::~::::~ ~-=~'A'':M~~ [.CIHPt'ltl ~~H D~:rg~~fj£ ~.:r::~~~~t~~', 1 m m 11 c 2 b r . 1 b a 3000 aq ft . 4 Br, ram, din, S&19E11 SHARP 3BR. fam rm, din rm. 2- •~--------• & CataUna views . Clos\: dollhouse w /huge rear s tud)' . 2~ b a, n e w 3 Br. 2 ba, rrplc, D/W, 'IVRTLE ROCK 3 Br 2 f,.Plcs1 bltn1, wet bar, &.lmwyC_. toshopping&linebeach. yd . Re ( r i g . 1n c 1 . cpta/d.rpe /pa.int lhru-oul. cov"d. paUo. Bike to bch. Ba, Fam Rm, Dln Rm, huge oeck. '675/mo. Va· :! Br, den, I \.'J Ba. d in.in& 64>4·21111 Pets /ch.ikl ok. SUO In c 1 g d n r I w l r $C.1S mo ?lf.393-5'177 Lge yd. Near pork & cant. area, pool. jacuzzi, $395. •--------Gemini Realty 83!Ml6Z3 546-7639 · pool, IMS mo. Isl & last JA.COIS llil.TY HB. Malloy Realto r s •--------____ ....;.._ _ _ _.. Nl_3br,2 ba, rplc. DW.~ Beauillully dee. lge 3Br, + 1200 aec. dep. Agt . 675-4670 963-9771 l)uplexSo-ol·Hwy,28R,2

._ 2ba Squeak c lean va 7S2-0188 ----------1 Ba . mode rn kil c ht!n . Laguna Nlauel, 3 Br 2 car •;:;5 con= can.t . $395. Y 968·5779 ii 3 Br 2 Ba Allio V11la con· walk to park & bch.. $<&30 Ba, pool & grdnr lncl. a rea. /mo. S57-1623 Brand n ew twnhm e. $500 / llo . 2B r + deo ~'.':~air, no pet.a. mo Agl.6"·7211 tsSO. Dana Polnl. 3 Br 2 Agl .• no ree. Woodbrldf!. Vac~ nt . home. Walk to bcb. Pool ()pen daily 603\.\Jasmine Ba, lplc, $425. DP. 3 Br- 2 Share a home, s hare lhE 3Br. 28a, 2 car ~arage, 2br, l ~ba. ke boat 1 &teonls Santa Ana . 2BR. 28A. 2 BR. den, 2Yt ba. W4'l Ba. fncd yd. fplc, $350. rem. 5 Br 3 Ba, rplc. ram = location. pt.a " rec lieu. Lae $350. mo. 00 '550 / Mo. 3 Bdrm o n Poot Waltt & beat pd. bar. 1800 Sq. n. B.!aul. DP. 2Br 2Ba,vlow, $32$. nn. formal dinlng, Diet • 751-034!' peta. M4-5565&'1~~ Pen lo sula , w a lk to lsl m o . + d e posit . carp. &drps . ~Mo Santa Ana. 3 Br l S. . yard for clop. On Nwp1 , br, l~ ba, cptg, drps, The Wlllows. pool bome 3 beach. 536-1.189 days, 75MWO Scenlc Prop. 675-5'126 Span.Wl alyle, rncd yd, Bch Goll OJurse. Rent focd yd, klda, peta ok. Br 2 Ba, fplc:. "50mo. IS7~ / Mo . 4Br+deo eves bard~ nooni, sm. f750. sec. '40(), *'~°' w ater pd $39$. (213 ) •••• w/view • . Ti-


1Juf)lex. 2 Br 2 Ba. formal T.,torMcldelfttty Ml.-S _..... boJveralty Part. 2 Br Z tll$0/llo. 3Br on water U.hw....,.. lS2S dl.nlnJ, 1>11Uo, avail. $400 -.29M 495-4481or SUPER 4 Br nr S Csl Su • b 2 .. _ Ba. cul de sac 1411> mo. wkbdoclt for your boat •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• permo. 1SZ.78U, Norma;

15.1089 . • per .ocaUon, 3 r . .... Pool, Jae, tennis. 752·1847 - /Mo. Avall A....11 thru ~ 675-3m .ives. Plua, tio.t gate, vacant cpg drpa OW 2 car •'"" .,, .. 2Br vdan View 1•r s un $47!S. 152-1920, J eanine oar.' Chlld'ren/~t OK. EkOCK Glee, lat AtCUSL On waler with de


It 2 ti ' ' I ~ 83$-0ZlJ Pa MS " .. ~ F R D Rm boetdodt c • P• oa , poo' Ul 2BR a~artmenli ........... _,_.~ 1206 · - 1-0 . ...,,. . ......... A ... .. 4 Bt. am m. In • Jacunl. &22·9827, San

- - _, ... .............. •· SISO/ Mo Wlnter. $1200 Cl"'m $400 $4~. F replace & ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Bdrms on a qul"'l cul.. ooree. 2 Ba, cuJ de •• c loc. Nr. ... "'·-in

2 B

1 Ba ... ln d

1 b l" N ..... tenni3 .tr pool. lllOO mo. Mo. ln s ummer. Bayview Built·IM. CdM locaUoos,

" '""'"' g r ... e, .. c es ra e wpl Lov~ 3 br. 2 ba w /d '1>• S"5U e ec dep . A"l. r"ntal 2 Br lrp lc cl<llW! t<' all 67$-2311 ask yrl)'. no t•r, 20R Sap- Hght s aru . N e w I) fplc, l>W

12car1ar. Avail 7Sul.88 • e legantly rurnlsbed~ 4f lwllhFwwithect for Llnda ..

phlre. ss:'I(). ~ drmdld ~~tch:.. OlnW. Nn1e• I mm ea . $3 75 I mo . Boauu., avallablo ::~::~:_-·•••••3••7•2•4• .,._. .. -.... ~ ... --............ -.... _ .. _.._.. .. .._...,.111-1111-....a

rapeii • cu. ,a s . cc 983-4588Aict . • nolee Woodbridge OnlbePark! .,000/M 2 8 d ~"'.....,_ ...._,, .. ""° 3207 fron t t r e• r yda w , 18drm.28a, llowie . - 0 r + en, ....................... Newly decor a ted 28r , ........ - ••••• 0 •••••• 8•rden e r ava . Oa r ~at, 3 bl', 2 ba, drp11, 2 $115/ mo. 142.2978 boat aUp avall , brand szas. At.traalvt l "den, pallo, "ar age, mature Lu:Jcury Bay Vu dpllc , 3 Br "'50/ mo. 208~ Mariu c..,. pr .• cnrt achoola, new e\lo mlntcond. l•e pallo, 11ar. quiet lldlt&, non-t.moltera pre 2 Ba, blt.ns, fplc, cpta, Way. ()Cf 21.lt Sl. Mr a bopt . Avail lmmed Woodbridft38r. 2..,ba, W•1m ... Hwt adlc., no pets. 2234 A. , ftrTM, no petA, all no dr]>4, patio. $550 mo. Balaton. W\day otc pb tm/mo. 96M5et. Act.. FR,ff1>l, A/C,twnbm. c.16Sl·l400 Ru\ .. rs D r • • C M . fee. 11~1; W..as.-0291 751·- /9 aoree. "90/mo.6"~ l ·aJ.l..454.,SlCM ,_eTW.580 ____ .......;.m_· _smo_




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QI OAILY PU.OT Thu~ey. Ap!!l 7. Hin ~!s::.•.t:.~ .... ~!:-.~ .. !?.~~ ~~ ..... ~~~~~:..:•a. Trwt SOU ~~ ......... ??~~ ~.~~·~.~ ..... ?!~~ Afs hanh u.tw.. u.tw.. ............. u.t.r.. s.....•- 3'86 . ....................... DRINKING ••••••••• • • •••• •••••-• ••••• •••••• • • •••• ••••• ••••• • • • •••••• • • • • • •••• ~ Sh are 3Br hse, Lake • 1 MO FREE RF.NT• t' r ta\ .. 1 probl~m• Ill•--------· eo.taMno J I Z4 CostoMeto 3124 ,........_OAS.odt 3140 ....................... tl'oreat. clb mbn1hp. uUI. No leue req OLI. ofcg LOAMS IY2% doesn' t 8<llv.- tht>m U ••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• L&e. quiet. hlX1&11ous •. ex rapfemS81·3'64 Adj AlrPorler Holel yuu nee d h fl l J>. l'Oll

1.1 c . 2 br . 2 ba apt fTI>m 1 rm lo 2.2001q fl AhoWTDLo..t CAREManor llU111nt11l in AVON

An YOllA AT BEACH 2br dphc. frpl . Elevator l o accrue pnv MalUl"tl resp fem lo 1bare LOWt;ST RATES. full F'lun:sl Tt"r masmce 11M9 Oruae 633-~ am pet. all uUI pd. AvaH bch. Party & gam<' room. Oceanfro nt duplo. no aerv1cu. 833 3223 Tit W..... Mf9. Co.. L.. tflt ! 4/23 D.'iO ~2031 lolal a~urlly Pe rfr cl pels. Prl' r non-s m oke r noon '42-2 171 54s.G6 I I ;;::r-llHoft SMftSttlnO/

, ... ,.,......, ..,_ 2 8 1

Ba IJV1nl or wknd rctrcal fo r ~8'111.ft 4 P_m ___ .... .._~ 1 __.._. .... 50 ---------t ~ - ~r mo r • lbe advent11rous adult _.__ 1 .............. £AO -.a ,,_. "'"' P"RJYATIPAITY ••••••••••••••••••• ••••

Awlnnlng combll'OllOn aar. couple. aml chUd , Star tin!£ • l $S15 / m o ~ ..._ 4- ••••••••••••••• •••••• •• Sdiio9la It Of odun oportmont homes aml pet OK. 5318-3818 4!19-2&5 • •••••••• • ••••• •••••• • • LAGUNA lliCH Wiii pay more for your .....,_ .. 7005

If so. you' ll " nJoy mM Intl pt<>plfl whllf' !>t!lhni: wo r ld ra m o u .. A VON l'roduc t s GOO<i ~;irn ings. P1t:xlt,te hr!! Ca ll 54().7041or 7."nlth 7 t~ ~" ... luxuryop,.,,,.n- .. ond --'--------i 6--- s~ FT ir_.1 2ndT.D.MHS'13 "'"' """ '" '"'"~ 1 Br condo .... .i~ v · ..-~ _. ---------i •••••••••••••••••••••••

supetb IOCftonon ot 0 P'tmlum . c..-. ..... .... 1617 WESTC FF N 8 .. EN WOMEN washer & drye r . Very '41 Im ... Flt wl•d AGT. S..l scm C-rclal Stor. fJa a.cttmllh/ "' l

IOcollOn. Tennls • gym ~Thefopy clean. $235 mo. 9'3-U.2 •UlllfwM*1 JtOO --------t or can be used as pro ,..,,_,../ 1~FODllo.U'!L spa • swimming• bllliords. DILUXI z 11 2 IA ••••••••••••••••••••••• 150 I Westclff Dr. rees1onaJ orhce. Located Lost a FolBd -•....,. ""

&ibysllkr . p /timc. for or cH1on11I wkdy-i Nw11t lkh 8 rtll 642 7376

One & Two Bedrooms. One Botti ,1 Near beacb. new 111 /fplc . THE EXCITING Newport Finand a l Ct r in okler :i1hopping corn ....... ..... ..... ...... TWO WEE.K CLASS Ffomt230. ~~\/llAQ. patio. encl gar, dabw.hr. PALMMISAAl'TS. l.HllalgOffic.eS,.• ple x , w it h rus tl e at Lodlrfomd 5300 NATION WJDE J OU (i) ...,.Q......,. ti- ·· •'"'V"" 1m ok" a l a r m . Lndry ....,..,... 1"9'ESTONPT c m011phere . si75 Mo .• uW. ••••••••••••••••••••••• PLACEMENT

&byaltt1:1r. hou:sckt~pcr. li ve in. Must dri vl' & h11ve rer11 . Unwed mother OK 7ti8-8508

·- " -...~u • all on Sit e Manaaer paid by landlord ASSIST MICE a50Pauku1noAvt., Cotto lllaa 7st•tM fac il . Ideal for r oom · SCH. (TI4 ) 642-3111 ext Z46 Ml~ION H.EALTV $100 R E WAKU. Gol d GOOD JOB

~~~~~~~-~!-!!'-!!!..,!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I maw . $3(1() mo . 84S-38U ~~~fi~.R. Prlme location In Hunt 985S. Coa11t . ugunu Ch arm b r ;icelel . C M. Ol'PORTUNITIF.S l Sr. patio. aar. adlli. no Adllll8, No Pets in g t o n B e a c h o n 494.0731 ~~r Lng Ben areas. AMHICAH

------lebvtlthr Wantctd

Kllb)'1'h t .. r needed ror 1 rnonlh old infont .l d ay wt•" k 1 n m y ho m , . ft('ferences ph:usc C:ill "96 ... '!880

COf'OftOdtl Mer 3822 CostaMHa 3124 pets S200 mo. TIM.2 Holt. U61 Mesa Dr. Brookb unt, 800 squartl ---.------I IA.RT&IDHS ••••• • • • • • ••••••• • ••••• •••••••••••••• • ••• ••••• Nr. Fwy. 67J.-0289 ts Bllts East of Newport feet . Single. garden type 4 D XE OFC"S LOST: Black & While M SCHOOL

b Utvd. ) store or offi ce. Good e x· Conf rm . seat 25, a ll neutered cat. ··ouver··. Lge ? r wtwood beamed Q\iet. cottage type lge 2 3 Sr 2 Ba. & 2 Br 2 Ba, rec 54& 9860 pogure, assigned par k · paneled. s m wbse in re· Nr Hoag H~p 548-0923 ll04 E . t7t h St .. SA ceil gs. ,Sec'luded. Cpl.II , br. pvt paUo. gar . Wash rm. gar, BBQ. Nr Cit y ---------1 Call M P l ar 1 or 2 y r . lea se . Lake . 834·1960 re!ng. l hM4·56ff7 rm. Wtr pd. S260/ mo. Hal l.l.905\ Holly, 848-3311 rtllVllWIMG ~67 r . ummer For e~ t a r e a . K e n t Found: Ma le Aust ralian Schools CoastT0 Cou11t

,._...._ ........___ 31 .. 4 MS-ZMO eves 6ll0-6775 ...... 0 U ... IT JIJl.rktns Shepherd mix on Balboa L . A CO LL EG I': 0 ... BanJnnR _..__ .. ' lllCETOllEACH ..n " DB.UXEOFAClS 714·581·9393 Perun. Pomt 67~ MASSAG L'. Lo ·u <'Os t MEW ACCOUNTS . ... .. ••••••••••••••••• Spac. 1 & 2 br garden apt. Deluxe 4br, 3ba . f / p . .._Be ....... H "' ..

NEW l BEDRM A PTS. S225/ mo. Pnv pau os.

Garages. Dnve by 2477 ~Iden. or call ~rry, S4G-~

l.t«> ot orange Cou01Y's most beoull!UI a partment commonmes. A reloxtng l8ll1ng wtlfl s1reoms, waterlolls. ond mo)osllc trees. Footumg pools, Jacuzzi, souno. blllords. and excntng ckJbhOose wit! soclol events Tennis. gym. Ond YOleybOD al The VllOge. More or ~Ing you're looking tor. Fumnure Is OYOloble. One Ond l\lllO Bedroom AdUllLMng. omces open 9:00 to 6:00 Now reollog

Pool & rtiC. AH util pd. dtw. alt. gar. fncd yd No Im .,. 11$1 Comrnl & indstl spaces, RETAIL STORE "'OUND Yng m1tle dog , Day-Eve Sat Clusse:. In Toka• Runk 1n N B ha~ Adult.s . oopet.s. $185. m o. dogs . 1703 Alabam a . Conumporary & caaual 200to2000 s q. ft . Aslov. Be h 960 r Al l Mesa Verde a rea good Sa.ntaAna S567 17l un lmmcdiot<' o 1wnini:

as J:7< sq ft. Lag Niguel & ac urea . :.q l hse uest :>45-8849 be f • tor a n exper 'd n~w Jl. up. lncl.refn g. 536-3465or 536-1718 TilebeslofNewport 's Missio n Viejo areas n e w 1mr1r ove m e n t s . 'J / f\t · i\RTlSTS WOHKSHUt'~ l'.Ounts person. w 1good

El P uerto Mesa 3Br . 2Ba 4 Plex. frplr . good life . Handy t o S .D . Frwy. C rpt. c ust l1g h t 1ng. a Oay1evs classei; Or uw· den ca l s ki ll:>. vant ty or 1009 M~e, CM ga r , rn cd patio. cpt1 , • Beamed ceilings Call: 831-1400 frpk . et c Casb for im Found . Whtie Samoyed ml( & painting teeh.nq 's. duties. xJnl bcnefll3. c:i ll

---------1 drps, blto s. d s h w1hr. ·~~&rec&~nlers proveme nls + Clexlble Female. llasSlltches. color& com pos 581·1676 forappt 646-7121 2 Br w/corport $190. New walk to pk. schl1 & shop =~ '°c:;f~h m~~ Commerc ial Sho ps . o r le&se 675·3080 (1().4 ) <714 > 529-1674 GtnTJ\R LESSONS for oil paanl. wa ter pd. 2192 "c·· pml(, ~mo 847 3346 or fUm. bachelor S230 ~ s!8~~:~~~";15~5

STORE·O .. ~flC E·SHOP F o und . S m a 11 b r o w 0 ages, lhorouith leachmii Bar 1t1rl . Jt t r Jt 11vr . ~a lar} + Culle~~ ok 646-5544 Pla cenlla. <.:all betwn 968--4967 Unfum. l br $255 Newp<>rt & Buy Cenlc r Dachshund mix. Hunt & pop songs 962 74\111

_1_.s,;_.636-4 __ 12I0 _____ 11

rvine- ----31- 4-4 HUllYFOI EXECUTIVE 2nS2 Ne wport Blvd , CM Bch. ---

D PTS B •llE.<l<T.,""'~Tlo... ._, ..... OlltOfflc .. s 646 W2or 6442228 Call"""·3116 f' REE P I C T u H 1-; Ui\HT EN DE H Mudt

NEW BREE A l r ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~ " .uirrr • ""° FRAMI NG CLASSES. have re (erence:1 w/loft . fplc. applns, pool. WOODBRIDGE 1433Supen or Prime Location t..argeoffl ce or shop !!pace FOUND. Wht. m a le poo. now r o r m 1n11 c1 l I COCKTAIL WAITRESS· j a c uzzi. e n cl. "a r . P lNES APTS Newport Beach 338llV1aLldo. NwptBch hac k o r L a itunu S e a dJr. loy Vic Hrookhurst FRAMED IT MYSEL f Mw.thave e xper&must Ad ul,ts. $260 m o . 39 1, 2 & 3 bdr m un it s 646-8453 F\lm. or unf. SlS0-$500 S port :.. $ 150 l!l 5 1 &Adams. U 8 !l63·2965 Soulh Coabt V1 llu~e 1-'ur be Jtlruct ivc Apply m H.amUtoo. 645-4411 Des i g n e d li k e ear l y Seeretanal ser v avail. Nc wporl Bl v d . C .M W or mal1on, call Lurry, J)f'rson litwn 6PM & 8P~ .

Best bet. S17S for lg lbr , good location.

Tenex 1198-9891 Sm Fee

SQ.5 mo. Lovely 2 Br. wt pd, encl gar, a dJts , n pets. 548-9441

Ca liforn ia bun g a lows. Orea~~'l3.a~ ·view . Arcade Center, Suite D FOUND Sibenan llus ky 751-6306 Chaton N IRhldub 725 F ro m $2 70 . 11 ~ ~ , ....... _ _..._ Fr- forlnfo or eull642 8M or Malamute, fem. Vic. Jobs Wanted 707-5 Hake r St C..;.M ___ _ Pinest.ol'M!. ()(c hni. 9 5 :30 , . i'.1- · , • "'"""" ...,. , ....... _..:;al R .. 4500 17th & Ora nge, C M . • Oai.Jy. mm~ 87S.S820 wkdys only -rrr ent 645-75+1 c ves ••••••••••••••••••••••• l:t~ A Pr o f c~s 1 o nal

---....i. ,...,.,.,.," •1

_, __________ _, ••••• • •••• •• •• •• • • ••••• f\all bid~. m11lnl man & CO<-ktail W J1lr1!1!1~ t:ntc r f~"" "~/ • • CdM dlx 2 rm s uite. ---------•LOST . Lgc Be ige Ln~ ~round care ctt·. st>ek.:; an e>.c1lm1t. µrohtable &

Br and new " Orangelrri·' ~- ut1l pd, At C. a mple pkg. AIRPORT haired. Male cut Vil' ruJl lime p<>s1t1on rtoom g t a m ou r ou:. pro f.: s~.


condo l Br + lof'l d e n. $155. mo to m o. 675-~. Ample pa rk In.:. fr~way Beach & Elus. lfB. Blue & s alary Wn tc J\d ~~ u.-ar n m <Ill hr-. rru m pro Manager want e d fo teDD1s. + r ec Cacil. 1295 FROMS240to$335 & airport viinhihly 3200 blueeyes.substanualre· Daily Pilo t P O. Box fessionals l hchn1· a rtsof small apa rtment bldg. mo. 661-0633 (714 > 5 Beaut apt plans. a vail. ~Offices Sq fl w / r t·ccptlon of ward. ~7·0033 1560. CM Cit 92&-!6 waitress teduuquei. Day De cr e ased re nt fo • -~ 3152 rum or uolum. Bac h, 1 1 blk to 0 C. Airport. 01)( rice. pn v offi ce & r t.-:.t LOST : Gray s tripe d To p n o t c h C ont rci l lcr or i>ve ses:.1ons, pl.Jcc servi c e . 2 Br 2 Ba . ---r--._.,.... br. 2 br . Iba . 2 b r , 2 s ui l l's w t c p ts. drps. room S784Per mo mcnt asstJ>t .l(oodJoh op adul ls. 64""126 • •••••••••••••••• •••••• ba•'-- . Beam~" 11· v r ms. · · I f'M female c a l 6 t o es in S"""ksum "row•h mfn"o ts . no pe .rJ TENNJS •·SEA u.... """ J a nllo na se rv . HARIORIEALTY · """ ~ " ..... ,.... pty CJll Ci l4 1 i:>ltl l!J.\

.. dimng areas. s t orage. S""t Al l ut·i1 ample front. wht on chest . v1c t hat w ant s s upe r io r . , . 1 f C k' 1 E/Sid 2 B 1 ·~ Ba f I w lk th be h f J~ m . .. 673 .... 00 Bun"'"~' I . Gu;n"'"' . E l "Uld•· n··e •u1thout Ov"r· :So ..... J I

0' . ' d I e r ~ • P c a to e ac rom pat 1 o s . d e c k s • prkg. No lse r eq'd. ~ ..... V'A' ,. .,. ... "'.. " ~ ... - ... Wa1tre:.i., Inc. li9'l2 ~k~

pool , twnhse s tyle. Kid Uus smashing l&2 bdr m l a n dsc ape d i:rounds. S .E Bris tol. N8 557·7010 l•--------111111 Toro. 586-8634 head expe~ 641)--0l e! I Park Bl. St eC. l rvane. CJ OK. Avail n o w S2 apt complex. With ten rus cov. r rkg. l!ahled te nnis, ...... uo ""' 6 ~.... I bh pool " raEE !-'or lease 1400 s q rt. of. FOUND: Blk S m Lab w.i.. W.ted 71 00 .,.,, 14 .........,,1 ......... . c u ouse, . v o I e y b a II , 2 s l y .. _.MO"' r R b ._.,.. 1---------

d k ....,.. 1ce/ ware hou11e + 4000 el n e ve r puppy. w l •••••••••• • •••••• • ••••• ...._ ________ _

S2l5JIDRM Clean. cpts. dprs, stv. runr1ed wtr Laundry . G r ee n l awn . <.:ov ' d gara1tes ()(f Sl. par king. Adul ts. n o pe t s . 202 .,ullerton Ave. < 1 blk t-; o( Nwpt Ave & l blk So or Bay) 631·0397

Jacuzzi. s aun a . s un ec clubh o use, b1 1l1ards. f\JU service. tnd1v1dual k ,. & beauUful landscaping. s wi m min g poo l. ping offices. monlh to month sq ft storage yard in s pot onnec . 960-1468 Ac~Cletic Beauty ~I e~ec . klWhe~ . D1sg· pong, hydro-spa. gy m rent includmit : Recep· ~,v~~:i1 1 ~~Y f0~.~P~~~ F o U N D . F cm a I c ~pandin~ Mortgage ~o Mon agcrTypc

was er. s e c ea m n Sorry, nopets. lion s erv. personalized pump & t5ccy ser vice s Do be rm a n . a ppro x 8 s im~ 1 opening or MANIC URIST o ven. Adults only. No Soulhwesl Com e r phone cov e rage, m ai l Nuliona l Scrvil'.cs Co 1T10t; Har bor & Adams . . an cxpcea'rt accts ~~y /rcc New :.a lon 1n CdM h,1,. pets. 1br1275 2 lir $325. Edinge r/Newland rl1s pa lch . unJe r J(rounll 640-825() • CM. S4&1406 clerk. II Mary .•• a ,'4.-o tmrned openmit avall ror

5-CIT.rroc:• Apts 8400Edinge r . H B. prkg. Janitoral serv. All <1l<7l4l963iR73 ~amcurn .. t cxp~r'd in 23731 Manner , LaU Nig < 7141847·!160.'i Ulil. except phont- INUUST RIAL R ENTAL l''OU N D, Ch 1 bu ah u a t;qual Opµort Em ployer J uhett e, , l>Cul plu rl'ci

C714 )493<Ml Ol'!!:N 9-5 Di\ ILY 'f lit: t:X ECU T I V i-. Y/\ltO Sl'J\Ci': Rt:NTAL t ype? h :malt- Or a ni.:c /\CCOu0c~11t .. :C n:i1b & Pt-tllcurc~ Na11 ()(fac .. hour~9 tn6 "V ITI-'. ' ' A' .l . .,.• "·7~ ·· · • 64Av._~:::._MontcV1sta ,CM ,,, ., u l .• - ' ----- Rooms 4000 ., ..... ,.... ,,., .,.... .,..,..,<J>J PRO l'ERTY cp unu cr manJlo(C -

Newly r edecorated l U •••••••••••• •••• •••• • •• 640-~70 soot> i.(I . fl 167 1 ·· n" MANi\Gt:MENT m l n l o l rr..intlU rt:. t 1230 .Gas & wtr pd. Adlls. twwporl S.och 3169 Sleeping rms $60-$1U5 mu . 01'~(; SU IT E ror r e nt , l'l tH'e nll .1 J\vc . C M f''ound : youn~ kmalc dog Immedia te opcnmJ( with i-'inunnal ;1rran.;cmenl:. 114 E 20lh St 548·0137 •••••••••••••••••••• •• • 1\11 $."JO. wk. :->ha re k it / ocean vie w. h~ balcony. $700 mo. li7!"1 · 1311U o r mix Shep . ~olden _w / blk. major Ilea I t-.:i. t ale <.;o l·omml'ru.u r:l lc w icxpcr

S l·~ t on tai l V1c 1n1 t y 1\ " "0Unl" r e", u·~• ofr1 "t' & pn•se nt chenlclc Call c.:n8,. 3 br apt or use ·1t as 2 Br. 2 Ba lwc. apt over bath. Sh own Mon S at upi;lru rs w /garage, ~ Mli-<t262 "' · " ~ ' "'"'"' ' M M ..,., ' hi ------1 Brook hurs l & Atlanta s ki lls . d:it a p rorcsi.m·.: r a i:nano 673 · 283~

Nt-:W2 0 EDRM APTS. br & dt'n. f'rplc . patio& looking Newport Ba y ··only " ~all a rt lpm. mo 5J6..K834Uavid l~ 2000SQ FT. oog.7870 e xp(.'r d p lus . Ncur oc days Sl!l-6.Ti4 e11cs. $310/mo. Prlv patios. Pool. /\d ulls SJ2S. No with balcony & fir eplace . Re rs rcq d . 556·~ or EAST C M NEWPORT Bt-:ACll -------- Alrport . Only <•x1kr a pp · --r.24. or77aE~eldsenO.riorvccablyl pet.s. &1~-3381 or 837 ·95 17 1675/ mo. 559· 1802 S411· !'ie54 Retail or ofr • sp~cc al 642·734.11 SlOO Reward . lost g r ey ly. P hone Wkduys for BEA UT Y . H a ir st Y It s I

ROOMS $2S wk up with · · - - - male poodle. vie Knox· l 752 7121 Larry. 5"6S880 Adults over 35. l & 2 Br PA.RKMEWPORT 40"-511. Rcdccorcl.. a m · Rentals Wanhd 4600 vill e & L ake, llB . app · · wanted forEI To ro s alon . ---"-'------1 uni. Sl75 to $240. 311 W. B ac he l o r s. t o r 2 ki t chen. $37 .50 wk up plepr kg., pvt . baths . 1770 ••••••• ••••••••••••••• • 960-1559 ACCOUMTIMGCLERK Call~·4H3. ~5. Nl'ar new 2 br, l'I• Wilson, 6.11 2177 Bedrooms &Townhouses apt.s.548·9755 OrangeAve. L1z640-4871 Housinn n __ _._ .. for v l"lt -- ---·----1 L rd dlls F ,.. ._,.,,~,, " 0 D Wh 1 Wit h some expcr. 10 key.

lll, pa '°• .:a en. a • East.side IRe 2 Br. bllni1. r om S249.so Man. e mployed d a ys. Ofc - Store - lnrlstrt CM ing UC I P rofl'll:.ors & F UN : 1!1" ma e & type To Join outst 11no no pets. 642-1600. cpt.s. l'OCI i.:ar. no pets Spectac ular s pa . l ot nl kJtch pr1 v1leges. SlJS mu. $125 $ 18 5 & $2S5 • Fam1hel>, II Wt'Ck pt•riod Samoyed, vie Edinger & mg optics (1rm In lrvinc-

",. llR, 2 ba, prc rcr m .ilure ....... ~9217U recrei4tio n p r o gr a m , 631--0674 C.M ., • ., .• 130· or679·3700 J une 12 lhru Aug J2th Bols aChicaH B 1445-1J53.'l Ind Pk Call Mr. Backe _.,,, '" social progra m . 8 pools, 8 .,....r, .

;111ulls . no c h ll!lt' rn o r - --- - tenrus courts J\t Fas hion Room , Laguna Bear h , U a n a- p o I n l I S a n <:all 833-5l!fl Found : S mall l!te brown 556-8200 f'\'t s M2 SA4R _ 5fcjf11~~~~.'3~~~r ~e~· II.land. J amboree & San Sl20mo Workm~ man . (i(•menU.'. All kind!. incl ~us1 c1an with sli!ady an fe male dog r~cenUy h a d Advertising

11!.DQM $2 1 S Encl tronl patio. l'nrl Joaqwn llJ lls Road kith. pnv 497 2014 rlen\aJ tm cd From SlJS. come looking for r oom pups. Vic. <.;hapma n & "" (71'"t6'" .. 1900 · . • M H as l e r . J\ n ah e 1m

llWHG CLE:tlK lloag llosJ>1lal ha:. a cur· rent operunR for a U11Un1! & Colll'C\ lon Clk to work 1n our t redil o H ll'. ' · llosp1lal t•xper prcf 'd . l'' 1t 1mt• tJ,ns Con• .iel Pt•rsonnt'I, 6.t!'>-8600, N U f: 0 i:: Mature arlults only no i.:nr , fnrd bk yd. reder. "' ..... P t l p vt b· th n '196- 840 ror rent In Luguna, t,;d . 7~1113 Cle k T . t

I~ Lim::e 1&2 br upl'> $3~0 186 .. ~ :l l !>t M -- v e n . •1

I - ---- Must hJ Vl' room for r -1¥plS Ut.hwhr . gas BBQ. S21~ ~9080 or 63 l 2932 S pa r i o u s n e w 2 & 3 ~:~l.ll pvt ho me. $'95. S ll A R E U f l' s pa ce !< mJll pia n o Heason FOUND· Maru. 10 s peed ror Class1he<r i\dvertls· BOJ\TCARP ENTERS mo C.u!I pd 77)1 Seoll Pl Bdrms. 2 b a ll'i uo 1 l ~ --· - -- Pho l ocnp1 ..r . o th e r s Ple.1.'>e I H·I 32711 bike 62nd & W Ocea n mg l.K'pa rtmcnt of the F d b t M~ Jfi ll nr li42 ~3 Db 2Br. :?ba apt in 1 plel(. acro:..'I rrom oceanfront & I Lrg bed room w lpn ba . .tva1l Pvt prkg & olher - -- front . N li. 645·6200 l o Dully P1IOl MJv dl\O J :. l'.~~~[1~r~ "n~~cd ~!~l


THEIAYLUF I k 2U1lr m , wat4•r pd Prom $240 lll'au11ful. ~11ar1ou.' Ol'.W apt:., t>ool, jlvl Jlill 111!1

/\c1ult..,, no 1wt~ :t!9 i\Vf)("JdO. <.:: M ~ ()111.'l

:!hr w / l!IH. $220 Cpt , wuw r pd, 2176 l' laccnt1a " E. ' (.'oJl bc>twccn 1 & !'>,

N\'w cpt5, 1Jrµ~. xar n.:w r1ty n·crejl10nlli de for 2 persons. in 41 J Ur i. me n1lles Lag . lk h . ~s/lft•Ht/ Identify s 1s l o r dt•r il ... '>k o r l·o benefits l'acaflca liy $25ll Ha rbor •& kcr ar.:a veloi>menl ~ mrnlc'd ue home in C M I ge k1tch Call 494 1034 ~ Gen t•r al Advc rt1 ~ in g N pper YJt:hlf.. 928 W. M7~ c upancy . t'am1h es & ....... 1645 of;o3 · • •••••••••• •• •••• ••• • • • Found Bl k / t a n Ge r m D 'h l7th St .Cosla Mesa ~ accepted 13M up sWlm t .,...,. •••••n Shep. vie LaCap1lla I". V. e p u r I m c n t w " n ----------

675-4911 Brkr Vocatloft lefttals 4250 CORONA DB. MAR Opportunity 5005 962-8290 ~ir~ w~~t :;:da~:!~i---------l.a.rl(e 3 br. 2 ba up per New shui.c, 1irp; No pets U!rpo rt fl7~ 7~ 1 ·3696 Tn -I ·- 28 s:ioo & S3 5 • • ••• •••••••••••• • • • •• • P r i vate off ice In t he •••••• •••••• • • ••••••••• Found : S m a ll . !'ihaggy, good phone voice. Salary BOATS

1s& c~av:n Pia~ C~ll BEACl lfRONT Mutual Savings Didi( Uu.s111ess Sa le s Co s ells wlutc mule dog Red l'.OI· commens urate with tX· WILL.ARD IOA T CO Monthru l-'rl&»8250 SO~~~m.~ACH A mpl e pa rk lnit . air · busmcsses m So. Oran gc tar Irvine. 552·3052 or 1>en en ce Excellent com H200 Com1orAvc -- --- cond1t1omng. Jan alorlal <.;o. Rest a urants. Bars. 5.r;1.39a0 pany benefits . 1-'ountam Vallt'y

WESTCLI FF 2 RR-ea ch w /ball'ony & s ervice inc luded . Over c tt•. Ruy or s e ll. Call -- For Interview cull Im med 0pening5 ~·or --

8- R .. "'DNEW-- ~ Br, 2 ba. adults. No Oeco n Vl l'W l.l v r m 440 sq . ft. On ly $177 per 831·0070. <Also Salesm en Found . l n sh Selle r vie. 642-4321. c xl 276 f':xtenor<:arpente r'

"'' pet.5 S29S1monlhly . l nq w /fll)lc 2 bo , :1ccun ty month. 67J.4400 wanted ). Beach & Garde n Grove Equal Opportunity l ntenorCarpcnll' rs

2 l1r garden a pt, Cri>lc. pelao. <1,,hwhr. S245 N r lrvm~ lod. area 557 2114 \

91e8tiBJIU l700W~lcllff 0r , apt l8 bldg . poo l , jac u n 1 Bl.. H. B. 893·MS9. Employer Touc h·UP -- - &al'. h f ron t pr opert y . HARBOR U'"'UOR STORES E xpcne nce Prcferr~

ldcti llviocaled for IJDO Jd"'al for 11umm" r rental """ f~ou n d M al e C oc k er AMWAY DISTRll3UTOH m- ' ..._ .i F' p " ~ $20,000 month . Equal Oppor Employer Folholow v.,._,.. S EN I OH CITIZE NS 2 ... . 2 ho. l!Rr, .<>n. ., & Del Mn.r 8eati0n fully S2'J.OOO month S p a n1 e l. V 1c up ,11 e r IS helping many persons


1121 w WtlMm Mt. 2010 OR llANDICAPl'El> her tr.oo /\~ 64S 7573 t urnished $.175 wl•ck ly $42,000 monl h N e w po r t Ba y . C a 11 cam money working l! 10 1-1.HlNOK llNfU RN l)ownt.own ~ba Me:1a - -- af'll'f' June 15 $450/ m o Broker 640-9019 ~ 4 hr a day We l'.an hl!lp

•:•nr townhoml• w /(l'fll w;alk In a ll &hop p1n 11 Owap ut any pnre. Lie Ull JUJle 15 /\ D1v1-.1on or you hi3-4786 · U<l.' pal.lo & rnl' gar aitc C'IUl t'l l>e'>l l(Ded lo 41C . bach St·nr hth Sl6S CANN ERV VILLAG E II arbor t nve .. 1m~·nt l"o GIFTGALlEllY Lo s t f' e m G e rm a n -----•i\clulu. . c hi ld 16 & o ve r rorMftptr whC('lch niM Tenex 89119891 Sm Ff?(' REALT Y. 673 6261 Shepherd. 9 mos. miss Apt M I( r · J\ ss 1s la n l s.

11 k ua ht!lor S205 St Newport Beach Wa nt 1ng I wk o n El Toro Rd. Mainte nance Cpl .. 'roo

•Smo pet " _ 1 H~ 40 YRLY. 3)TIOld. 2Br. 18a. 421 31.!.l. • Nwpt B~ PRESTIGE al'ltve portncr or m.a Y be nr s o. f'rwy. Blk /r cd t· apt Call646-4700 ~

Ur•ul n w 2hr , 2ba in 4 tti l E 18th. 64.2 ~ utd pd, clOM lo beach , ...... to s.ar. 4300 pur r h ased Mr Sm ith ta n. Left. ear dwn Ans to p lex . P•lio laundry , -- Cllllttl ne1f(hbothood. new ••• • ••••••• ••• • • • •••••• MEDICAL OFFICE o oam-4p!:!?l 675·l<*> Junt!. Reward 495-0120. ASSEMILY hlln-'. $3(1() t\(2 1603 0-P'oMt 3126 k't~l ,~ !"':i'·.o~ '!;~ Uuis Uan :adult male l o }'! h~~o~e•r:::;~·u:~ Penoaais 5350 Fast growing skateboa rd

.. ••• •••••••••• •••• •••• po!llt , 813-9404 ~f\ 6P M share m y ~•Pl Sl!IO m l:! r~ture11 a va il P r e fe r NJ\ TU R AL F 0 0 D • •••••••• • ••• ••• • • • • • • • manuf' Ii> looking for a 11· Seau\. n e w lbr · 2 b 0 1 Ar 2 9r apt.'I, t pectar ular 5"48·7806 days. 646-5484 :i1andw1ch b usmc"SS. Fan sembly workeN Day &

IOOIUCEEPER Sm all busy offl rf' se<!k~ s h .irp con :1c1r ot1 0 11 ' per~on a J!' ' is 35 wi th m1mmum J yr!l Int ypm~. payroll . A I'. J\/ H . .ind slutt!m~Ot!-. I nterc:.ltn~ VJPl'd a tmo:i pherc SouthlJnd l'ropcrtic~ -631 2950Carol ·------

t.ownhou.ae •"n>k . l"nct ocean vle-w. very c tun. ~ase yrly. uJ)8tain. 2 Br e ves a f\ 5 gen pract1t1oner. Ya 11l t asu r lease Curre nt d ui Dnnklng problem? night stuns . Apply 17932 1wr , l1teyd $400~ 1603 itir . d llh wi\h r , pat io, 1 Ba . w /pauo, itar. & occupa ncy ly gro:.s approx $JOO Ca llAlcohol Hc lphne Sky P a rk Cr .• S t e G. IOOKKEEPEll

Dl:J.,UXE 3 llr 2 nu , no rm m $22!) 586S478 w as h 1n J,? f ar 11. SJSO S hare hse. bt fl La k e S32500 __ 2'1_ h_n;_a_d_a-'y'-83S __ .J830 _ _ _ lrvl __ ne_·-------1 Conslruct1on cxpcr ck · pc-la $350 Nr s (;at -- Reliable w/ ref"s inqwr e Forest area. d ub, ut il , Ed•Rlddlc, l oc P REGNANT? 1---------•I 1>1 r 11 ble. m a mt a 10 cusl P1au 644 l l03 aft ~ S P AC IO US 2 B r n r alt6PM S7s-R21l Sl60 Respfe m . 581 ·2424 (;arina c o n fid e nt 10 1 ll'd1tcr.. . uencral led ~l' r __ · • Marina Appll c, c pls. ----- 646-3811 .. ll't'rUl.£RS .. I

,._ '-•chAlor . pvt p~Un. drps. S220. 4.96 Mn bef Wutc llff 2 br. 1.,., b a Elderly wom an would hke roun$eling & r e ferr a l ~ Ulru trial ha l, Mrs . J\n ..,., .,.. .. 0 to s hr lovely hm Cd M Abo r tio n . ado pti o n & Expenenccd der'IOl"l979 3UOO .i1)()(1 toe. $11!0 + lllill 7PM townhouse Adults on.ly , · • PLANTS·GIFTS <An ah l k~plng -- - -----846 4M6 no pets. S340 1'12S Bet! w /11a me . Re f s . P .O. Box Ne w Shop only $6,750. APCAR~ 547·2543 CARPENTF:lt Exp rouJlh

3 Br . 2 ba . 2 d~cks. CordLn 541\ 7533 7)&, CdM, 92625. • WELDING MAClllNE ------- ---1 & hn~h. Must h<ivc own Nl':W Studios [)~luxr 2 garage, drpa. $325. No - --- - t hr Patm & 1¢.ara1tc S280 pcta. 33966 Silver 1.40 • Newport Heights. New 2 Maturo e mployed per M>n $79,500 SCHOOL P vt. *SHARON'S* tool 11 <\9i<.!ll$3 2 JU u

mo. l f)l9 Anaheim 8t .. tem. 493--087&. BR. 2 Bi\, no pet&. $325. ~8~1~"i:~c~r ;~t u523 cA .. ftl l•f\-·.lr>-11"'E Jr~~':1~~~~~ OUTCALLMASSAOE ~c~~.~-w-.. • H_H_EA_ . -M11r. Il l> ~ 5106 , ... ,, ..__ ... 3140 642-2164or673.(Y782. · · " ""'"';,~ "•" o;• 49!H 224 3'48 Cm:rpn Drh• "" ""~ ~ -- - - ...,.. --- 751 9346 54.c. .. , .. , )

(:ardtin 11pt. z br. 2 ha . .. •••••••••••••••••• ••• HI-RISI ---------- ' Nice offi ce tipa ce in Costa Small Dr ess Shop. l'n me -"' .. f lt& I / t . Ovr 17

,, __ /' ""ti" Malu- adut•· llllTO 1•"'-CH I y Raft..- J)lv. m an will r ent room Mesa n r . Harbor Blvrl in loc. fnvcm. & fi xtures on· *KAREN'S * (Across From M-.... :;ROLo<:C·oAt.IRonsWASl ' '"'',... v · '"' .... - A """"' or share my 3Br , 2ba , new s hopp ing cente r t y . R o u . 548 ·0223. OUTCALL MASSAGE OrangeCo. A1rport) r.i .. 00,lLfLml-.-.t...a.. * 2 ~hew'hrb,r •• :t .b•1·arf~J~ .· LUXURY 2 bedroom. 2 Nwpt Tw n h ae . w / l Call ~7-0825 · MS-4325. 586·5540. C M SP M·2AM 83ll-17l!O Equal OpporEm ploy<'r 2950 Hurbor Bl. C.M .

...... .....,..... ....,.... " .. " b 1.1lh . lu xu rlouti w hit e p e r s o n . Pref f e m . ---------- 1 275E. l8lh St .C.M. mc:I. yd. No dogs. 1703 wool carpeta . J ust r e · 642-1950 N .B. Penlnsula Polnt EXPANDING OPTICAL M•ss•4 E CASHIER

631-3003 Alaba ma, S36· l48S o r d e c o r ated . K ll c h e n Ofll e 15.X2l ' unique MFG CO. lsln posiUon A AW ASSISTANT Rct11ll hardware 11t<>rt'. 32 --------- 1 S38-l1l8 blalUns & refr1Rtralor M/SO'ato r entrm orsb•re bul~inR SUO • offe r a n exce llen t op· FIGUUMOD&S CIVIL ENCINEER I LM wk Sol & Sun a ~HAT COMDOI Deluxe pool side xtra lge Lovely balcony wllb ex· apt. exp. w /lem . 645-4840 67~0 · · S44-0lS3 portunlty for t he right ESC~S St3'7& $18'1fl Mo . mus t i-:xpcr 'd S t 11r1

3 br, 2 bo, c p\3, d l"J>I' . 2br, 2ba, bltns dsbwhr. pensive view of Lido Isle. Sta. 1204 aft 6 ~rson Minimum S75. VR 1 BF 1n C1v1l l::n111necring m m. wage Xlnt 1>eneflt11

lrplc, walk-In cloae1:,Jvt Nr ~b. Adull8. DO pets. Newport Bay " Ocean AVOID INCOMPAT18LE PlcrlO m~~l~:rJ ~~~·li r~~:~ OUTCALL ONLY or E .l.T . .... ll m inimum Kmn Rima . 2fAi6 Jlor ho ~luUboh. o2ucsaer. l(Aadrl.l sp o nl&y SQ.5/cno 536-3362 Unde r g round p ark tnic. ROOMMATES' b.c.ti•t S.ltH ... --""o-.. - ,,~2 P H 6]1·3111 'l! 2 yrs exper In Clvl l U1Yl'f. _C_M ______ 1 , All security bulldtna&. "'-·- CO ~ ()(flee avail . Overlooks .,...,.., • "3 ,,.. ,,.... c.ngineer lng Rc 11ueal c;;-$35() 642·1155 New 2 Br , 1 ba, GIS. 'Jlenant.s must qu•llfy. No ~··•4n- 'A1U a l""'rt & m o untain s . "'0 R S A I. E S M A LL EXOTIC CillLS i4pplicaUol\ll, City 0 ' Sun ~Wlnt MMINC POOL

- ,....,Id s m ...., _... """• -'-1' .. -en or ....,. . I t o 2 ' ... ~ r Juan Capt• lrano. ""' 00 S • ' \d lt E .,,d 2 b .... uu • .... ~ .,. . ..... .,..., ..,.,,.... .... - Takes lbe Guesswork 3S? M1chelson , l rv1ne. FABRIC STORE H.B. M• ..,aa" •· M..,,,.lln° 0

...,, OECK .. F. ' ' 1 u . .,. ~ r a,. .... drp\ bltna. (1)826-411116 year le ase 11vall able . outof findln& thnt """' ,.. .,. .,...... " Pa~eo Ad e l•nto, Su n , '" •. ~ )';ndgar , pool.Llieeoew. • · $l , OOO p e r m o n t h iY 752·0234 Cell~l616 Outcall5"42·3Ull /S43·3250 J uon Ca p istr •no. \; ll New r n ·w . rorm1nr. now noJ)tb.644-M78 FROM 1220. mo. Lge 1&2 UUliUes paid. 6'73 ~or R~~~ce~:,1E Office or desk space 182'1 Man S8 nds nttrac. yns RELAXING MASSAGE 9267S u r c o ll C7 U ) I.a bore r 'I, 84t c ku p

IArtle 3 Br 2 Ba paUo Sr,2 ba a«. a pta. Adults 675-2573 Westclllf Dr NH. Reas. lady. Must tr~vel w/f1eld Bob J am t'I · 49:l-1J7l Flhn~deadlln" l-'l n11ht· r 'I l.<! 11dmrn 1027 Valeocla .' $285: :~opoolpe~ j~~~zJ' Orean Vu exec lwnbse Roomrmita needed for a 548-3614 : S40-~H8 unit . <Mldw~tl Huy & Lit'. MaMeUr Apr. 15 1977 S M ~~~:~ ~~ ~J;~::~~~ !'14&-9080· s:u.2932 · · · · )'l'ly ~ntal In Laguna. aeU fine jewelry. anl1 Outt>allsg..9 494 51ll A moll I t

• J.Jm Ma anoUa. 912-1800 NwptCrest, 3Hr, 2~ Ba. Owo r oom o r a harr . ~ Ofr. Bank or Costa qll(t. Invest or work on · uto ve be respons ible . Ab t.' ' 2 br, lgc dlnlng nn, cpta, La 2b 2b b lt frpl , wet bar. M l r ec. Wa ot DO n · a m o k e r a Mesa P lan , $9S m o . com m r 0 Box -1624 st*f._. leadtr New Detail Shop needs rorm it . flow it, & f1nlll drpe. poUo. Kidsok. S245. rae dr·a~~·b na•, racU. tM0.11'73-2332 494-0ZM ~3900 N D 1s•~So. EI Camlno Reat help It New Co. Goodst.c.ad 9G-08'78 gar., 'I · rvua W"lt . ..., Top wages paid . to:nglne llC('()Un U . a:;xpanding.

Hamllton. MM088 OP ENHSE Sal /Sun M R oomm .a t e w a nto d : WISTCUFfAllA ..._..,toL.oml SOJI SanCle mente. Fully be. Steamers, ena palnlen, J M HUDSON 4 SEASONS APTS •LOOlATTMS•

1 Bl~=t;~h~· 2Br, f e ma l e . 2Br . 2 8 .a . ~EWPCIRT BEACH • •••••• •••••••••••••••• Forappt .492·7296 bulfe,., 4s poUshcn . up- CONST INC.

Spic. 2 br tnhae, 1 ~ ba. IDr 2~U. ipact pt lBa . SJ7$ mo. 30

r . 288• Pooblde ;J!_l,!;5014

. lAOO Sq ft . t wo pvt. br 's . ht, z.d&-lrdT.D.'t •SUZI'S• hol i& te r y 11hampooen. Avery mcllow Compa o ~~v_i ~~·m"o~u~i:s .... Tut.e!~y ::O~at: M25mo. (213) 332-3270 _, ,., MOOpermo .642-0200 LOANS AVAILADLE Outc.itMa&aallc ~':~.~~pf;~ up & d e· ~H33J Jo.nnSt. MRr apt3 tel, bltns . lg e ncloted •- c M

11 2.B

28 ~ Fem . Rmmate 23·23 to WIU aub·l t>a se Yll or more Credit not lmporta nt tOAM·2AM 731·5'48 20S9 Harbor m. CM ClflLD Siller w 1cor t

-- paUo. 2 car pr or Hunta UI • • nevt · r . a." ah.an: 38 r. 2Ba. duplex In of 900 i\q . fl s t<>n : In a 673·4883 Broke r 645-1000 work 4 dys a wk 11rt Duple x. Quh't EuUlde 2 cm.r SD Fwy, 7891 Stari pe~&J,;[2,g much cedar Nwpt . Shores. t block Costa Mc 1u1 Shoppln a MoitCJC!C)eS. Trnt BF.AUTIFULOI RLS sc hl. £ / Bluff ~4-138 ar. bltrui, pvt yard. Oar, SL 2 bl.U 1 /0 Edlnacr . S:SI · from ~acb. $120/ m o +- center . 8 a k o r at DHdi SOJS ha v c 1& n e" c I t I n I Auto &&andard Trans re· wltd~ 16th Place 5300. no peta . w/o O.acb Blvd. Open ·-L l ll "" utll Call Lori 631<()048 Fairview. 979-0MO •• •••••• • •••• •• • •••••• • meaa&RC about t heir bullder . ~xp only. Xln\ ...... ..:...:..-------t &40-Sl89 S.t/Stln 1·5 M•r 8'2·2014 - ._.. 6 - Al\ahe.lm Studio. 53S-S3'3 beMflt& 962·66M Child Care wanted for m

" . ••••••••••••• • • • •••••• • Ml•~ ahve 2br townbou11t' 0f"f1CE S P ACS. llOO sqft For • 11lc 2nd TO $.'S,950. 2 -school &RO <"hlldre n I Bright, cheery up1talra Ilk to Bta~h. 2Br . 2Ba. Oceao view. 2 br. Pool. apt nr So Cout Plaza compl f urn New port 10% Int . d uc 3n 9 Will FOR LADIES WllO wa nt Auto tuna R&R mctc h· my lrvlm' home . Wkdy a pt w /dt'ck 2 br. Sl7S DJOmo. Oblp.r. 2Ullth (AUl!dey. Adults Nopell CallMarti after~ wkdaya Blvd C M $350 mo d 1acounl .. 1*2·8911 aft lo lallt lo• IJuy . Call amc. F'.xp, owntool1. iclnt l :».~ . 30. Carlnl( pe ~ulta No peta. 146-27'5 9-. a.>-M6tl 050, -..1 meee ~16 M f tq>m anytime. 1~1-&137 benefiu 86Z-66SS ca II evn ~-OM4

ThU!"!lday. Apr117. 1917 DAILYPILOT Q

I Add IL.Build 1t .Diaper 1t...Hammer It.. . Carpet it.. .Cement it.. .Wire 1t. .. Hoe it ... Clean it.. .Move IL .Press It .. Paint it.. . Nail IL.Plaster 1t ... F1x it. .. SERVICE. DIRECTORY PJumb 1t ... Patch 1t •. Pipe 1t ... Kemooe1 it .. . , .

Roof it ... L andscape i t ... Tile it ... Tnm 1t ... Sew it .. . Haut it... Add 1t . Pldnt it ... Alte r It.. . Learn it ..

*.,.• t•...... CarpetSerflce C ttodor h• bl I' 1dl ' 1 ,.....,/l'apet'-g ,.. ... /P.,_., '1 '"ug Tl"Ms.nic.. .............................................. ···········•····•···•·· ......................................................................................................................................... . APPUANCE REPAIR We CMreCarpel Cleant'rt. Re mod la. Addl\loOI , Prol. J1penne Landscap Want a REAU. Y CLEAN ,., y C..t1e PAPER . PAINT PLUMBER 21.)'ru.apr Olurk's 1'rff Sva. Palmts .

Sl.0 - Servlc:e Call Stum rlcan or shampoo Pauo CvB .. Deeb Any IGI .. Gantenioa. Free HOUSE? Call Gingham Qr . 20 Vrs Expr Save SS NON UNION oUvee trimmed, thtMod. Call (114)S49-2'22 atsoupboiAtttY·•llwork lJf>CS or cooatrucuon elt.54.S-T072Geo. lbu$bl Girl. Freeetll.64S-5123 A;~~~;=~ Wortt guar. free est. no 75l·M390t'84S-4287 11tun e d , removed

AnMcdw.. iu&r Reb/MC. lreal ~80~~101 " Son BOB'S GARDENING & Mn Kings C leanln& . Pnc:ca incl malt'' l /labor wait. Reis. 64.2-l950eve. 1toofiMJ 546-Q229afU •-•••••••• .. •••••••• ReasRatea~l6 LANDSCAPING SVS. ~lnttog & carpet co Guar,lnsrd.rreeest. Painting. lntr / Exlr I • •••••••••••••••••••••• Tree Trim. rvmovt-, Architectural & Strut MO 8 ILE Hy DR O SPECIALIZINC ln all to\&U lawn malnl. New ' WE DO IT ALL " Ted627·'1900or~Ol.S4 icuarantee m y work . •• ~dally Roollne Co. prune. Reu. Fullt toard tural Plana. Rmdl & or STEAM Cpt & Uphol types remodeling. 11 yrs lawns, aprnldn, ..ecil.D& 835-al PETERS PAINTING Ralooable prirca. free Dunt buy lhat run of~ TonyMWU& newcoaatrucUon ~Id dunln(I . S up e rlo t in area. All WOik l\W' *-._90i.l1 ~t.reatmDL~eeesl. ..ulllA""'" '"TE Expr 'd . Reu Ri te1 . est.Jlm, 96(MM1. null roor until you ve Bro ·s Tree S•rvic:• /C om ' l / lodu Rt riul method U< gq tt Ask 962-8314 ...,. ~. S31-C'78).. ''"' "v""" F Eat c 11 C se"o our new hea vy " · M0-70a0 CLEANING. SaUafac· ree · a ene Expert painting Cuatom weln"t shlnales 5,.....181 Palms trimmed / c ul

ab 0 u l c 0 m r;> I et e LEE al. JARVIS Oardenlba malnt by lion Guaranteed. Call 552"°'51 work & mat.erial:j . 25 yrs _,,_~.'.-- "or• Sr. ,5


Free eat . R•u prtceis °t -1119'& Jarut.orutlolditecl1 5erv Addit'• Rmdl '" hra8-6 Japanese Comp! Now1873-m6AMWAY R f .,....;uwu.a ' ' ..,. ~ :::f.'!.:;"? ............ ~lns United Ph9S2:32()(). U~·31~ aervlce. P'ree eat. Llc · lNTERIOR/EXTR Pa.lnt· ftfc~~~~~encu Oon673-1.Z3S.646-0008 ---------t>e,y Care-lolanta to 7 yrs C27, 54.S-6106 Houaei:leaN.n& by reliable ing. Expr'd high quality s..lllg/Alteuitto.. LEE'S 3' yrs. exp. XJnt. my home Coala Mesa. c.w.-. AcoaHc a.ctricd G .. .__ a~ coup le , referenc e s . work. SUper reu ratet. Painting. lnt / e11.1, c:ollegtl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ref 'a. BofAJ MutCh. &

~ ....................... smsw•KMi 821Mll26or96S-5813 6'15-3181John •lwel'lt w/2 yrs exper. Doyou-_..... •nme--lna Cash Call : 1.AeTbeTree Call548-3CMT. ••••••••••••••••••••••• EL"'.-roRICAL SERVICE ••••••••••••••••••••••• e a bl I ..,_..av ...... - 67$-51$0 -.--r-L--- Economy Acou sta<'.11 . CALLS.., .. hr &SMALL flANDYMAN: Carpentry. Housecleaning & Window EX<1NTPA1NTING r a ona e. ree d o o e . Dreas. a hlrt. ---------__ , __ .,._. Qual ce1lmga, new or re· JOo.,, ... :"" ......... · eleclrical . plumbing. Cleaning. Good rates & lntr& Extr. Rua. estimates. 640-8l97 alt.erat..lona. 842-1804 . ...................... . I t DO>.............. I Fr t c:.o27osFR0 D ~...... 'Wt-"- ,,. .....

ATTENTlONMEN . spray, repairs, ree es . 9AMto8PMM'1·2787 refs. Cal " Big 1.yno" ee es ._.. b rw:nec;::¥r Cw ---~• 19 Do • ~1800. ELECTRJCJAN All ty~ 536-m.1 •••••••••••••••••••• ••• ,.,...._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• n l put ll off any · ..-~ Sa u· .,_ u PAINTING lntr / Extr ••••••••••••••••••••••• d i 9 H of work. UC'.'. /Bonded, in ve rne -.-ve ... oney HOUSECLEANING .Reuooable: depeodable. Weddlna photography . Ftn.Y~<- Wlndo.-s rty . ses. =·u:-:'~tt~ L~~daa ~.':'/.~~••••• srd. Fl'ee est 540-3404 ~~~~~~S is our Bualneu. Call Free est. C a II J a Y ~~ ropr besott.oogr apppiy. Thcoe Manufacta.red b~c:o ofy ~~ ~~h ~,, ~~· ~s 1182-.33S7 PATIOS - WALKS Roon SERVICE 540-1.863 Janice's Raggedy Ann's MS-'1965 ~7 ra h'f Sales 962·0880 541J.7087/642-9CIT2

C¢' al~"- Ph.alltps Cemenl Co. I.Jc ....................... Bu.y Wrap - Deliver at675-6553 Paiotany8drmw/2c:oats T••IUo. R--'-__,, & &nded. For est caJI Linoleum, no wax, t'OV· a___• oua+ palnl n-am cell · ~ ID--'r .,._... • ....................... 751-5657 aft 6 pm or 7-8 & . b n Hand.I-Mao. No job t.oo big -- I a ~ . .... ••••••• ~:':'!:':' •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••

CUSTOM CABINETS am mg, repatr au oor or small. Call after 5pm. ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.ngs, closet& xtra. Roaer TC CANOPY1V SERVICE Kllcben. garage. bath , :,~~ Ile.

498-2'l1l & 551·3778 INCOMETAXSvs 494-4201 V~~:S~F:f'll~R~ lst RATE SERVICE

playroom , etc. SpeC'.'.1al Ceme.nt work or all lunds ·~ 3> yrs expr. Call now £or EXPERT PuoUng. Fair Free Fat. ~l439 Al Fair Prt~960- 1633 this month on g:irage RedS ra te. Freeest GarA-A- apptmyourbome. pri ces Fr ee •st TrL. cabinets lo' ree e s t 75().5485 7S0-662S <K""'9 ....................... Burton E. Davidson CPA "'"tab'·- bed..,.,..,. ... ....; ~g '""' 6'1S-3115 eves ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sloploader. dump truc:k. 9118-8182 ~·5553 U> ....

0·--· .;:-••• ::: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

,._ llt I man c rrwr, S ~ e';!r Reliable Expr Japanese hau.lmg, tree worlt. grad · ....... WORK GUARANTEED HOMESAVERS Plumb CE.RAMlC TILE. New or ......-pc st p00nng mis g L Gardener . Reasonable uig.demo. etc '151·3930 WO. lntr/ Extr. Free Est ~ & H · tin 'Free L remodel Fr est . smljobl. ••••••••••••••• •••••••• your own forms, save prices. Free est. 64S·5230 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Yrs Ex r 642--0295 ll1i ea g. 1 es welcome SJ6·2426 aft 5 Carpentry . Small jobs money 494 148S Mike Hai6tcJ Professionally blown m. P $10 hr. Honest & re lable ----------1 Paneling, door hanging ••••••••••• • • • • •••••••• do-It yourself prices. Lac. lntenor & t:xlenor paml service. 80! A. Mstrcbg CERAMIC TILE . Tuba . Uc c:onlr, est. 548 2719 Child Car-. Expr Ha wauan gardener Hau.lmg, moving, cleanup 325018. bonded. !Jt)l.9546 mg, Guar satis fact ion. 847-0383or 7:>l ·3150· shower s , k 1 l c hens ,

-- ··~•••••••••••••~•••••• Yd cleanups. pruning, f7 /up. Treework. Reas, Frest.a,751·2S348ob Repairs & Re pipang Ooons. patioa645·2129 c.p.tS..-.lce Child care Lie d HoL tnrr1ming, haul646-4676 fasl. freeesl~ Dnuns cleared . water ....................... I u n c hes . L 0 V IN G Mmowr Professional Palnlulg In· , Carpet Man will lay yours CARE Ref~ 642·5299 Ex P r • d J a P a n es e Soru\Y & J er. FREE haul· ••••••••••••••••••••••• tenor / Ext.enor, free est. hlrs, etc, ~~1 .'l:pe~. Re~s TNe Set-'Yke or mane . Repa irs & - gardener . Compl yard Ing, cleanup, <tree work Fl.replaces-Planters Expr'd, 642-0386 rates . ac orr 5 • • •••••• ••••••••••••••• cleaning too! Guar work The fa stest draw m .the malnleoance, s hrub- ror usable llems. Feo 8rickConcrete Patio 768·7962 Removals. lrlmman g. al bigger savings. fo'ret! ~e~t a D:i1.ly Pilot bery , trees . Fr es L C'.'.es / b ldgs removed Block Walls BBQ Pits SEI:L Idle items with a J-Wve something to sell '? pruning, free est. Lic'd est, 645-3646 Cla51>1f1ed Ad. 042-5678 548-1630 M7·200S Refs, &ts. 646-0464 Daily Pilol Classified Ad C'la!>s1fl~ds do IL well. FUily insured. 642·2624

°""' , ... o.llr ..... ...,., .... rov~-111,...._. ~, ••• ..ery ..


HllpWant.d 7100 he-lp Wanf•d 710 H14pWanhd 7100 l+ipWClllMd 7100 HetpWaslt.d 7100 HefpW..t.d 7100 HetpW.t.d 7100 .W,W•hd 7100 HllpWmhcl 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

MASSAGE TECH ENGI N~:kv~tNG AJDF. OEMONSTRATORS for General Shop·Alisembly & Industrial 1 Afl"lll 1.au..rtisin· g • • (nod . a pp la a n et's & Madurunl( Small grow ~ MISI

. S904·Sl lQ2 Mo Jewelry Fra & Sat 10 6 ing co. Good advance- URGENT With d iploma for top High SC'.'. h?OI dt'K~ee +t"x · and some other days ment for the r1gbtdepen· Clerk·TJPIS0 t <'.lass LEGITIMATE spa. pet '" Sub·pro.essaonal 1213l 240-7000 or <714 ) dable person Ex per NEED Mr Giarrusso, 752 9561 englne40ring work Re 768-5573 helpful. F 1llme. 645.QSS Posllioo now available •MASSAGE Qu~t apphcauons, City by appl. only· lll1h• 1-L- f- part time assist.ant to TECH-FEM * ol San Juan Capistrano, --.- ..-. .... 32400 Paseo Adelanto. Dent.al Recept. Peno ore. G&IERAL OFACE Legal Advertising Direc- 60% Comm -Guar rnm.

PACKAfiBtS Female. $2.50 per hr lo start Merit ratses 1537 .Monrovw Ave, Newport Beach. S48-51.2S

PaJ.nten. with a t least 8 yrs exper only . Call 6'2-211128. SAM· l2PM .

Sao Juan Capis trano. P /timc w /possible future Lite typing. Girl Friday WOMl:M-M&I tor, 25 hours per weelt P\111 & P.T. work. Legit. Ca 92675 Or c·all 17 1<1 l t>xpansaon of hrs. Ex- No sh nee'.'. . Should be TRA.IMHS mirumum, ooon.S:OO PM ELITE SPA 54CHl196 jim ________ _ 49.l-ll71. Flhngdeadhnt' p e r ' d all phas es, famaltar w /O fc prn daU,y. MATURE DAY LADY .

~ ~~ ~!kexper Apnl l5. l977.5PM espcc1allyiosurancepro cedure S al co m General ofrice ex - KentuckyFnedCtuckeo, ClVI LPRINCIPAL <·e~smg S<ilopen Career mensurate w/exp. Call Mach Oprs --'-ceandlighttYJ>(ng baking exp. Ho&ten.

r .. 'GlNL' ER I".' G Al DL' t>ppty 11 B 842 6631 for mtervw Mon· Fri , 9-5. .& _ ..L.1- .-.. ......, hr s. l 0 3 Mo n , Fr 1 c.n .... I "-~ .... 41'0~ Mo ., 17141846 3375 ~senmaers skills required (35·40 """" __ ,, 1_12_

~ ...r•• wpm >. Typing test will ""°"" I n payr o ll . Sa l $600 +Good be De flt package.

Hli:b school d rizrcc• + u DENTAL ASSISTANT Gene ral Office must lnYenfory be admin.i4tered to all MAT U RE W 0 M AN rrunlmumof 2yrsexpcr Opply avaal lor . bnght work weekends,' phone Packwars applicants. p / t am e l o w e l co me ~'~~~ In Sub -profess 1on11I alertyoung ladymbusy 644-0SlONewportDunes -~-· newcomer& & contact engineering work . Rt' dental offi c e . Ca l l · Coll......__ Exposure to and / or merc:hanaa. Fiexable hrs quest applications . City 673-7841 GB4ERAL ClERK un::T"~ general understanding of Need car. lite typing. :--.. 'i "i I ~O\\ A -.,'.,(J(IAI h of San Juan c.;ap1strano, Dental necept Ortbo ofc Night shift. Trainee pos ln~ctors court system• ·and legal 547-3095. PWIOllSICIAgettcy 32400 Pased Adelanto, t:xpcr. pre('d Frorn. & w growing financial or SHI,,,._, filing procedures deslra· 3723 Birch St N H San Juan Capis trano. Ba ck . Sa 1 ary ope n garuzalton In the Fai.hion Dav-Week-Mr "oq"lh ble. Mature women wa nted 557 ft0 ;.5 · · "'- ,.,.,,7"- or cal l <714 1 1 d I' · ., f o r h o u sec l ea n1nu -v .. va. ,,_ ~ Newport Bch. 640-0121 Is an area. •C<I s I yr Or 1 ~ner ., •NV¥ E I 493-1171. Filmt( deadlme - - ore ex per fo' igure ap ~ Automobile necessary servtce. car nee, p /llme u 14rro mp oyer April lS. 1977 5PM DENTAL Recept1on1sL t1twe. hLe typmg. Letter Ylt0U'sY~iapl2°y for occasional loc:aJ driv· ~5123 .._ __ •R• e•ta• in_ ed ___ • I

, time )( ""r 'd fr b · f "'-'" • ,,. ing. Excellent company ---------.. _________ _ Clerlcal. Gl rl L' rada y , . e ,,.. o usy comp()Sure as marn unc .......__._alll!--2.0f

r ofc. Good oppor. for t!n Uon Involves replying to W'E PAY YOU! bene!its. -. """' c Perm /pt taml'. "'P nee, thusu1s lJc person. /\lso client corresp Regular CallOrComelnToday Exper 'd lyping , Insur. PAYROLL mature prer 751 1_111_t> __ , p ltame assistant. Call hrs 5-l.JOam , however I IEL[~ Send short resume or No smoke. 646-5~. llW..a#!.. Cl.Bl(

CLERK ~ mo·s trauuog OD day persooalbistoryt.o: MEIHCALX-RAY ...., T r a inee aud it po s shirt 8·5 oecess. Xlnt EXEC SECRETARY.


360 F / t1me . Cood Fashion bland. Must type. Front office •P·

Benehla Mr. Druhe , pearaoce. Salary open 644·79.\S. 640-3'21


PRINTING TYPIST 646-88116 wkdys. .......,...., I tillist

To do hand collalang, XJnt ~ fol' lndlv. 1litcb1ng . Trainee w /b1Utpn1 baclr\round welcome . Typing 65+ . eav y

phones. Good benefits We orrer excellent frln~ ~- Salary $800. Flrm benefits. Please apply ated i n Cl ly or person to Orange.

ltll'6 MART EC °'\ Y"i I RO\\ A " 'l()(IAl L~

REPRODll:TIONS Peno:IMIAcJIKy 3723 Birch St. N.B.

INC. 557.0045 100% Employer

33U W. MacArthur Blvd Retained Santa Ana. California

An Equal OpportmtJty RecepOonlat with medical Employer M / F ~rlence. GP's office.

M6-3ll03 Diefcrf Stspenbor work ing conds & co seRv1cs.~ MllteTinsley P/tlme. 646-5194 RECEPTIOHIST

;;1~~~~ 1,1:i:~·a~r~~ For ( 00\ h os ptlal benehls i\ppllcataon i.> 133-1441 DAILY PILOT MEN ror LA Times de· (3) Perm. jobs Now. for ---------1 ReaUurantMana.gef' Oppor & C'.'.hallen1tt for Please call , It ' ~ accepted bt:twn 1$ nooo & i---------· P.O . IOX I 560 Lt very . Perm '. p tume . our new c:cwporate ofc in Publlc Relations

d Y for dppt 2 4. lllO Ne1Nport Ctr Or. SJ"'O SanJuanCapLSlJ'ano. Ill TACO #14 m~ture. refip. tD iv l r ~nd fo1oor. ~ 8 644·4360. lntenor Designer needs Costa Mesa. Ca. $275 lo ~ per mo. A olc expe r Req ·, .i r DISHWASHERS 12t as k ror Carol Geer or P/tlme help Exper de· 92626 548-l740 NcWpoti•oct. r urate figure JIJllludt· Appl) 1n JH'rson 'lano s Ra b 1 s1~ 642-2255 MORTG GE BANKER Starting s alary $18.000 lite lyptnl( Xlnl workm i.: H('l>t • .111r.1n1 3201 t: CO<lM r ara at"ano . Equal Opportunity A ~ UNIQUE PIJDllC per yr. + bon"• & other c'Oflds & heneflL 'I i\ pply IMYIHTOIY Employer expanding co. needs ag· ljllll. -8-noon& 2 1. l llO ~ l!wport 11 .... y.Ct.1 '1 ----- GIRLRIDAY C,_....,..LCl..,.I( -----=---=-----! gres.'11ve people an field IEl.AJIONS fringe benertU. Can · Qr Dr. 2nd fo1oor . fli 8 DISPLAVWINDOW ""'""""" 5R LEGALSECRETARY aak>anreps. XJnlloc:ome d.ldate ,tnuathave exper. 644·4360 ask for Carol TRIMMER ~~b~l~~;!'n!:~~~~ Manual lnvenlory -wlll Experienced. for heavy for self s larte r . Wiii 54M455 OPPORTUNITY w/Oel Taco, Naugles, or GeerorSUelleblcr For Jr . Sport&wear _.. ofOff keep record or move- gen' l praclice ; boolt· train. 834-1622. aak for ~AualOpporEmpJoyer other aimllu type fa.st

--- totake ., .... ~~ ·~ mentor a ll inventory in t eeptng experie n ce 1Bil~·~1~-------~~~~~~~~~~~I r oo d restaura n t. Commission Sales. Una Chaul Sl«e. Some exper HaJes-Lang:;ton factory, eva luation or belpfulCalJ64().()800 - Qualified applicants only que new comer & res1 prefe rred Appl y In ____ 547-<*2 same <cost e tc: l &main· •- ------- -- MotelMa1dneeded, lnclda ratM.P/T1ME KELLY SERV ICES ' call Tania at Hewitt· d t rt d per'lon " Pl!trae'> . 117 Rl lain records of produc· UFICMIAIDS wuhlng wtndows. 4 hl"ll 601:1 MARKETING DIV . Kenny Corp . <1141 ~:.i=~~~loo:~~~=I Westmmaste rMall GIRL IDAY Uon . Muat be good &WSUE11trston day. 5days week. SAM· ?::t~':LJv:~:~ NEEDS PERSONABLE, 752•7591. Co. lo'orlnt. 7Sl ·6333 DurtFm and"pposs lur ~ll £x~~1n~~lt!!lollnc:c puro-de w/flgures, detail oneot · Hlriognow. LakeForest bll.2PM8 • • ~.5030hr. 493-1664 Mr. Drube,644-ms. OARRTIIECULANTETDEP, ESAOLPF.SLE·~~~~~~~~~

mot pn1n. <'.Ur nt.>e, 011r 20 cedw ..... "" .... Ii ed, neat writing. 10 Irey SUn & Sail Club. 24752 wn .... : - - ------- r. COOK. evenlngs & Sun S~ st . JOhr.s wk 497 2201 Ille l Y pang . fallna • by touch. Ut.e typ&ng. Ex· Toled!> Way, El Toro. NIGHT CLERK. full Ume Personal ~anagemeot : : EOT l t ~ JT 'l. ~jlll--------day lunch. Sec Mano11er evt ship /rec. & able to han· per, In Inventory control 586-0860 apply In pe-nn only. AIJ Agency will represent RET •IL ut Rose & Crown, 38IO --------i di~ phone menages req 'd ,..., / l r 1 PUBLI C & B El NG ~ Pla aa Dr . ,~ <.:ootnuitnbutormt.eresltldto F /Ume permpos. nrar A 11 p Ln.. F{TIMI Baba M o t el. 2250 :!!'}S~.Y.f'S//c:oe~:.fs· !FIRST!JNWORKJNG CLERKS

a ' rport. Call Mon-0 at pp y n enon Ne-port Bl vd Costa WITH NEW PUSH BUT Vllla&e plUme incom e or 11000 I " CAMUO .... FG Relief . Xlnt benems. .. . _N_o_e_x .... p_nec:_._(_7_14_>_9_57_·0282 __ • TON TYPE. MACHINE. I'",. mo u r morti + betw n 10am·6pm for .., • Bayview Conv Hospital, Meea ~?r:c~· :~~·:u~.r<·~~~~;t ht• nd11~ M .11un rfP~ 644 ·6500. THE

7'!°~<.:~~!~~: 2055 Tburin Ave. CM. NU_ RS..;,_E- - -----i ~;~Lt~g~~~crho:g Con+~~ R lager , 16 F .111 h1 o n taltll2.1 ~ -- So OfGufleld l 6'2-~. RH SM,......_ TERM . M ULT IPL E l11land, NB. &lwn 9&11 UrtHr' p 11 m 1· 6A M GIRL ~IDAY F.Qual()ppor Employer MAIDS Day shill. f/ti me . for PHONE SALES LOCATIONS, S, 6 & 1 :c:ss:e&=:.!t!1'~ &3&5 9 30\ M 1 JOA M s.cntarial,booldwcp IRONING / Earn xtra SeaclirfMotel conv. boepat.alw /actlve. Phone Sales people. HOUR S HIFTS . Laguna Beac:b. Other

Ill ;JI/\ \1 & W M ll l'M In lag & g••'I office money . t ome to m y 1661S. Coaslflwy rest«alive nursing rro· male or femaJe, 16 to 65 CHOOSE WEEKDAYS. areas have openings COOKS, RARTF.Nnl.:R~ DRIVERS p ·r1mt• Over 21 y r~ hnrnt•d Opening:. Appl y In ptt!IOD. Me ·o 1-:111' PIUM. 410 E. 17LhSl, CM

COOKS. FUii & pttlmt' Day WOTk F.xpc-r & rt•f'I ~·d. C.11 M2·847S Or ~

COOIS 1-·utl o r p /Um c Will tra1n. Studenlll wekom1· Apply In penion. fl am burier Hamid , 1545 A.dams Ave, Costa Mt'tia


Ltin at'"' 1n.: 3 1'~ SPM _ ....... I .w.... .....a.a __ ho M !ltC!'rl""Y I day • ~ .... ~Be h gram . Coo d sa & yearsof age. Guaranteed EVES & WKNDS also. No exper. req'd, ~ \1 c ~1·k 1115 W 18lb w- ..,.. , VTTKW. me u. ~- . ~ .... a ac benefits. Contact Mrs R E LIABILITY. BON ~·· • .. L.D. "-dks.. 1305 E. wk. MCM280 Call494-4892 Gray. Parle Lido Conv wages or commissions. OABlLITY & X LNT Apply at any of our ...... (OIUJI TIN.I 250 East 11lh Street, st.ores

---1 W~ A•e. s-to MAIDSWANTED C.enter, 466Fiap blpRd. SUltt' 0, Costa Mesa. GROOMING AR E A ~NewportBlvd. ~~~Cr~! !1C ~~l~ryMr~lnnat~ A-. S47 .. 00__ J~ry Top wages p81d! The Inn N.8 . 642-8044. betweens 00 & 8:30 p.m MU~'T Cosu Me4a 842·7702

., J . Hl:alBT at Laguna. 211 N Coasl Nunerr.man, r / lim e 64&4223. 5m8 11 232 ~r mo &id Girl!' nl'eded for r lr an ~ u u • Jir.~ • ir.a5 Hwy Lag Bch l!;'n I Op rt l rlll•h.tt•k ( o l M1:.~1on :.t•r\'u·~ Own t r .tee.. full ~ '"".,...._ ' · · Good r inae beneriu ""'ua ~ uru Y \. 1r10 M:l l 11100. E xt or p t ~!>- SIJO NtrN Interviewing at S MAIDS WANTED J acklon & Perk.ma Co Emp oyer ~.303 btwn fl~ Coast Plaza Loc:allon £or DooQuisot.e Jllotel 6757 Irvine Blvd. SA

eitper 'd F / llme Sales 2100Newport81,C.M. CNearSand CanyonAve) ---------GUARDSWAMTID People In Cine jewelry. ----=-----1_MB __ u._34_. _ ___ --i

Full & P 1t1me· lrvlne Top Ml. bene., is advao· MALO WANTED MIMSISAID! cement. Call Mr. Moma. UdoSbores Motel

!!'ea. A1e 2 l & ovfedr. s&l371. Call~ Openings on days & ann .. ature m e n pre ' . shifts. WIU train. EKper Uniforms rum. No caahl•-------- Maintenance Helper, pref 'd. Please apply , out!Aly. Car & phone nee: IQ'TC._,. MAMA .. & aome exper preferred. Park Udo Conv. Ctr. 466 Apply Unlvenal Prot« Elqier'd, Must be fastfry Coot.act Mar. &42-5777 Fl a g s b I p Rd N 8 lion Service, 1226 W. 5lh c"ok Good wages • 642-*>44. ' ·


& DRAFTSMAN Full or parl. M . K . Eoga.neerlog. 2022 Quail S t , Nwpt Bc h <7 14 ) 54.S-5074

TOP PAV Call Or Come Jn Today

IELL~ 6E A V 1Cl::S

833-1441 1401 Dove Street

Ste 340 Newport Beach F.qual Oppor Employer


RM'SALVM"1 F /time & P {Ume 7·3 & 3·11.

udo Conval~ent Ctr 1.565 superior A vc

Newport Beach 648-7764

IH Sip u•hor ll·7 Mesa Verde Conv. Hosp .. 661 Center St . C.M. 548·5SBS.


Progres siv e arowth ori e nted electroni cs manuf has 1mme d . npcnlng for repair l«h. 2 Yrs college or equivalent 1•xpcr an 4!lcctron1cs r e· q'd. M1Utary training or !IOme repuir cxper . Pte· f'd. Xlnl benefits loclude

S t . S ant a An a . I o bentfltt. MAMAfilMIMT terv1ewt1 M·F 10 llkam· Apply Moo is Tues lAguoa Beach ExecuUve Nurses Aldea, all shifts,

SAi.iS ASSOCIATIS SAlLMAKER has Pot•· POUCY TYPIST Highly vlalble, comfort•· I.Joos open. Some exp de·

Large loaurance co. w/ ble office. CdM . Good sl~. 5411-3464. nooa&l.J0.4 .30pm. JOU.YI06B lnwbolesaleaupplybusl· on call to start. also n ess affiliated with wk/enda ooJ.y, day 1hlJ\ •

~==Y dynamic faat growing We train you to work medical /denll&l Insur.

...... ._., DISC GUARDS OldPloce

xlnl worldna conda & parking. lnnovaUve ~ Sall Malter tseamstreiui =~o:~u~;.;~:i.t pie .. Highest c:ommlsaaon full tlmtt . Apply In

Has a few openinits ror tm"-Rh Costa Mltta uper'd cook• 'fop t02E. BakerStreet Penn• nenl. Full a. Part- ---------s.Jary & benefaltl , apply Costa Mesa 979-$300 ume. Phone" lransp re.l•--------1 ooly In person to Cher Equal Oppor Employer q'd. Retired welcome. Adams. 4880 Campus Dr Ca.II 546-0274. olc hn 10-2. Newport Beach Exec . Secy w / so m e 1_Cloaed ___ w_ed_ n_esd_ a_y_. __ 1

COOKS, So . La~una , odvtmktg bkamd & 1.at.e UARDWORK bkkpg. Mature/ age 35 to LONG HOURS

C.M .. N.B • p / tlme & 50. A.sit for Mias Dwlbam GOOD PAV 648-21187 f/bme. Coffee shop exp ~ Re11. please. Charhe 's --------- HOST~ OuUOfc.~l alCSIClllTAaY w /exper . Shilt 10· 4

COUNTER HELP. full or Report to General Mgr. wkdayg Apply Rlaaer. pert Ume. exper prel'd mu s t b ave I( o o d betwn ~UAM. 3-SPM. 11 Apply dayg onJ.y. CaJ>Wn secretarial skills & will Fasbioo hlaod. NB. Mike '• l"tab Fry, au w be tested. heavy work --- -HO- -- ----• 19lh8t. CM I oa d . Please on I y •-

qualified apply. Salary PUICHAS..._

0~ '' '·"'' ! (i ' " .. , ' -

54M4H Equal ()ppor Employer

CROCHETERS Nt:eded . l800 mo. AGIMT apply Arvilla, 1143 S. BJO ·REAGENTS Heavy food. beverage • L.andec:a1'9 Spray Opr. Cout llwy. J..laiuna Och .,._ ___ S4e-__ ~_1_s ___ _ 1 room exr,er . Leadlna YOUJll, m1tu.N penon,

_4M-__ S2SZ _______ ~......_......__~ N.8. hole . Call Moo·~l mec:tiantcalty Inclined •

DBJHILP Experience nee. Apply Sen Antonio W tnery. 1500 Nnport.Blvd. CM

DtJJvery, ll&ht. p / tlme. li(uat have car & know bNch areu. Work out of J.qllDa otnce. Call Mr ~49'"2$70

FtlSPAID lam·Spm, 8«·1700 ext pbyalcally fit. WUl lralo. lmJMr. Pcdler. 1e84751 tpm•5pm. Ea crow Secy lo $12K

Secretary tor7S8 Housecleanln11. exper . PurchaseClk tol550 Own t ra naporlallon . 1 •~.a.-AccounUng Clk ts50 Over 21. S3 00 hr to start. ~~llU""._

Alto Jl'H Jobi 8'2-1"10; MM8'7l YOUQI mu w /tNOk. no lr\l1ne Penonncl Agency --------• es.per nee. alnt pay. hf'8.t 81 E17t.b Coal.a Meaa HOUSECLEANING Serv. ben efl ll + % 0 r·

SUtte:!:M 6'2-1470 need1 women ! Own PROP'ITSispa.8'n-T95 trans. Pam 53l.e522 <Jw1.a. ,

major lntematlomal c:or · with °"" muJU baodtcap. poraUoo needa people 12.50 per hr., mu.at have oriented uaoclates full own car and phone. Call or part-Ume. 494-5273. Moo. lhru Frf IH2 for ln·

Manaaement Trne can earn $1000-+- per mo. Fuller Brush. 531.e864 or (1) 657·7778.

tervlew hrs . Hy-Lond Home Sant.a Ana. 1861 West Ulh St. S.nta Ana. 531-8741, otf B~unl, so. ol We.tmln.ater

Tli: 50.55 accurate ly. spllt·UP to 100% for top person, Ullman Sails. 410 Ull ....... big"'-chool arad. producers. Call for eon- 29\bSt NpBch. ~O ""' °" ., fldenUal Interview Sam ---· -=-- ----

Will be accepting ap· SUmmey,673-7601. SALF.S, co . upaodlna pl.lcationa Mon-Fri Sam· needs 3 people to work 9·30am. Equal Oppor RECEPTIOMIST p/\lm.. Xlnt oP9lY tor Emplyr m t i To l600 collqe student. 847 · '1206 S.U't:CO INSURANCE Progreulve animal ---------

CO hospital offers excep· SALESGIRL wanted. Ex 17S708rookbuntSt t1 o oal future Cor p'd.Foroewatore. Marc ..

MANA•IMIMT MUISISAIDIS fountalnValley versatile. take charae . O' P olo . Full tlmt> Ambitious people for • Orderli•. Day 1hlfl1 POOL Route Man . ex · matureperson. Mln4yra 67S-5211. 175-911"8 subltantial 2nd income. Meta VerdeConv. Hoep .. per 'd Sweelwattt Com· ofc exper. req'd. CaJlt-----lllEE ... -• 557-4rll.S 8610mterSt.C.M. &*11.CaU T~Ul. ~-1511. SALHIBP

MAMICUllST MURSIS AIOIS uc:.no..1n BULLOCKS So. Coast wlexillUna c:lientete for & OIDlaUIS , p a...&.a For Newport Ctr law Plua u now loterv .. w European. H.eallb Care ALLSHlf'TS , .. 8'9111 firm . Some typlnlJ ln& Cor Sal .. people with Ctr. lo pneU,ioua bd> Eirptr. pttf'd. Wlll train '1504S1 unlimited av&llabWt.y " area. Good poteoUal . lolerated lndlrid~l.s. n-r•tlr -------- nex.Jbleboun. .. ,""" •-~t. Ir I tu~ Uf'IJ • RF.CEPT /BKKPJl. 4·mu Appl Pt......t otc ·~ ... UK.'IJIJ 'e pet"CeD· UdoConva eaten nuaP Mmt be eic,per'd ln abttt law firm In lrvloe. Exp rr.M'OI on-81.Fft 3Ptn·5Pm taae P~· Exp ln all 15MSupertor Ave metal. c lose tolerance. nee. 833·3822. Uu.oc::KS = oall an. Call _N_ewpo__;._rt_&e_a_ch_ 646 __ ·77_64_

1 dial caliber.

11 AD Squll .

__ 335'1 __ . -----OFFICE Help. Mature UC•TtOMIS1' ln OPPort•r.~ llAIUNETECHNICIA.N womao. non·smltr . As· For pf'OCt'tlve nrm ~~~~~~=~~ Mu#l have exper, 2nd slst In ofc . work, an excilloa Industry. I; clau Ile . required ; pleuaot c:ood's. P 1Ume Looking ror penouhle, S•l'StN'M Radar eodonel'.Mtll de· to1tart.Cal1Joy63H212 self·atarter. oxper r• · lt4'aDBantwin alrablt . Xlnt Co . ~ulred. xlol benefit•. 48 bn n . Siil A Sun a benerlt1 , ul com· Don't 1tve up t!M ship! Salary open, Plua. con maat. Good 1tartl11& aHntur•t• w 1exper. " U.t" ll In el1sslfled. 14M41S lat'\ Debb'8al540-l001 or wq~~~ C()n. RZ::..,.'!,a r I oe h c ~ •bot• l'e.ul ta I Equal ()ppor EmploYer apPly lo penon a\ 1931 lad iqr., Kerm Rima.

~Ave, 5..A. -Harbor Jll. c.11.



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Cle DAILY PILOT Th1.1rlday, Apn11. 19n tw,Wmhd 1100 Applicmcn 1010 ,...... 1050 U\lftlock 1075 MlllWcal loah,Sall t060 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• •• •••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••• ....................... ........_.... 1013 •••••••••••••••••••••••

HlfpW..ted 710 tWpW..ted 7100HetpWmhd 7100WAI TR£SSES" D c I ' •- I RA-f. Mora1nm1re brok~······················· M 12' Sl •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••.•••-•••-•• Hoaleasu . Apply in FROT AMACED llOT ut ve vet so 1 • ov t r1d & d · blk . ont1omery oop, 21 .,. b CW POINT Sale. 330jj W es ea l . G .am e 1 t' t. 0 e ran. Conn Min <> M11 Uc t-lec fiborglan Lapatralu:

~ Secretary• p /hme to SWJTCUBOAKDOPR peROn Z,.. l7l • . Warner nr llarbor, Satlta mattclWla cofrl!'e lllble.'$, ~ade Morg"n 6\Cld1ng. organ. C'l\C'ctllrnt rond1 hull m1ny ~tru Bril\ol ASSIST. MGIS fJUme. m~~ be a good 11 nd R ect' pt 1on1 s t . Wllt.ttsa/Wa!tera wi.oUld Ana &7'&-29:21 will W\it , 11ora tables a. Western If 14 > LI00.1600. I' P 532· 1.259 C'ond Car top' $895 .

We nttd 2 abarp &ala typ19 1 S• .ry com - wukend1 & company wlmds Private club AV· . Lam111. nal.li tofa. glas.s 338-lOll fo'mder Rhodes Sta e 73 768·5800or495-122l EXPERIENCED In =ural~ wll~~ty holidays Mwstbeablt1lO ply In person 1101 Mew~W..._. Lop dinette. r ut velvet ~-IOlll eOIO Twin R everb '.imp ----- ----WOCDIO' I t:uropean Con· 1 L wor nii 8 ~:S meet the public & handle Bayside Dr. C.dM ' & Gw Dryer rh"lr· Kng or Qn s11e ••••••••••••••••••••••• w t J BL ·s II ke new 23' Stlt.r part1&Uy r.tored lempo ruy clotblna D aguna ea bu,,ypboOd. UlelyC)tn" nnsWEEKSSf>ECIAL bdrm set. matlreuea. ~ • Wll.htraller$700. 5'7·341'1 .ale.. Fl\lme,perm JIOIJ. 114~J~y. 1 . required Cootac1 Mrs Waitnu Food/~ktaJls S5ttforloth gla:.s &c wood coffe«" WANTED Mer~.30 S&1lll7•prOritab&nna Eq {)pJ>or. mpoyer Jobuon 6429060 Applyal't4pm,Sid ':1 Blue BURK£SAPPLJANCES tables _ALL IN TOP CAS H DOLLAR OfficaFunitwe&

18- .-

50- L- C_A_T_ X.ln_t_cond _ _

pl.anlort~ mlndedSecretary, p fUrne. SHO Co&dweUBallker Bed.107211tPl.N8 ll4SD,BakerSt.CM EXCELLKNT CON PA I D FOR YO UR ~,...t IOl5 Black spar~ & tnmp: person. Call Mon·S•t bra mo Sh, typlJla req'd. Tc•rha111 S-. 546-8672 lmM734 OJTION ~-4'760 JEWELRY, WATCHES . ... .................... SUillS. 67)-Sl90 d " betwn 1 Oam-epm for Send resume PO Box 548, '" Wait.reAes. So l.aa. NB & ART OBJECTS. OOLD. lflCCopier. cul.II tolenlnb. 557 9i509 '1 ' app t. TIU: LOOK . ElToro.Ca92630 ~~.'~;np~o:m::ln)'ec CM P it & F/t. Colfee SEARS ELECTRIC ~·~~rlmplt. Good SILVER S£RVICt:, $130 6n 1311 d11y1. _ _ _ e_v_s_. ----~. peopletoworkfromou; ~be~pc~'ollose· DRYER.whlte. $7S. ~~17461 FINE FURN & AN 673-2l23eves •NEW*

SAL.ES-N•tlonal Sporting trvlne offlct'. Full & 549-03.S~' c. 14

) ~-3026 TIQUES. 00•2200 rm 1087 Gooda Olalributor seeks SICTYJIUPI.. p/tlme shifts Top M1ytag washer. 3 cyl FUIH.FttOMMODELS 11u--'-&'-ET&l!!...S •-•••••••••••••••••••• RAHGERZO motivated telephon e P"ull time .I bMaturde comm . paid , sa lary W"'.,..HSIS SJOO . Coldspot refrig, Solas. chalts, s ave 50% .WWWAW AW Rare. wknd. r rui

1ae, day

saJes oeople to call on womao w t goo while training. Phone .-11R w/aut u ice mkr. $200. ormore 714-075.5&20 fromyourbuslne:sscimt DAR!.I NG baby. rabbit:. 111111 Trullt•rab e . Full eslabUsh-ed & new ac· telephone voice. :540-6001 ~/O•w 21 both x.lnt cond. 960·3616 St!nd one c•rd for euh for f.ustcr SS ea Buy riot 8t 1 o n . S4 ~ 9 $ . co unts thruout us. LEONARDSMITH Gulliver·s ~laurant . S Pc dinette set w / lea(. tag plu..'I one spa.re. We {uhbil!I, cu.ic fret•. $10 (.;onlplete. Salary +comm . C .M . IAY &IEACH Interviewing Mon thru Decorators mistake . xlnt cond, dk brwn return permanently pair Mll·SlOI art 4 Walbr&Anoc. local.loo. Call 9am-4pm UALTY 759..0111 TB.EPHONE Thurs belwn 3-5pm Ex- Thermador eler C'OOk · forrnica top. swivel c~ni . sealed atlra~ive tag. & Pianos & Of'9CIM 8090 3404 Via Operlo, NB. forlntervw, 979-4123. perienced only fu.ll :lime top, s bu.mer, Harvest floral yellow & IHJ1ge str ap, meeting a1rhne ••••••••••••••••••••••• 67S.tl433

SALES Lunch&dlnner'. gld. orig price $199, aell combo. $120 493-1989 v1.pn.t reql""'•ui&reUm1ee~t.s .. FoPrrea· BAL, DWIN Parlor Grand . ls lande·-r- .,.,-.-•• -... 000--. _A_u_•_A SALESPERSON p /Ume 18482 MacArthur, Irvine $149. 64.>9'7l4. BLACK 8' VINYL SOFA. "' ...,,., " tS 71 ~ 000 "'_, ""

Decorating Qr. lru11de & SE.CURITY T red r personalized tag enclose 'o·.,·8330 pilot. diesel, 6 lnstrU· field work. 640-2700 1 0 your average 139 Cu. ft. rro11 t -fr ee $250. wallpaper . fabri c or .....,. menl s, sel f ta1l1ng

GUIDOS ~.,01 the mill phone Wanted exper, proficient refrig., top freezer' ln 552 ~ " Day Clo" paper & we sac N~w Yamaha ron- wtndies. pedestal sleer · SALEPERSON M CALLUS NOW!! operator for Xerox 800 use is mos. $175. 642·5965 QUEENSlZE Waterbed. wtU back & trim your sole Piano. Ebony. $1400. 1n11:. Mansfield h ead.

F/time. w /knowledge or Above average waget. word proce1s1tlg Westinghouse Refrig landlord s ays sell. Call lags. Or try two cards ro<1l S2000 548 0223 . CNG s tove, etc. Days boats & their at · Paid wkly. Uniform & machine !n busy (Wlule) Xlnlcond. $75. aft SPMMS-7896 backtoback 645-432.'i.Sl!iiS.'i40. S49-9616.Evesti7S-t2U. ceuories Phone eqwp furn . Paid vac. Work 6 hrs 3 day eng.mttnng flnn. Good Ph6Jl·32S4 PRICES 673-4080. lransp & phone req 'd represen~anallonally general clencal skills & FwwihreW.t.d $2eaor3 /SS S.wiRqMac .... 1093 l Man Scorpion 13', full

SEAMSTRESS-Sewing & Call (2131 573-9150 or !k~~ .~ s:tc~.t·'Sl ab1hty lo work under F'ng:idaire, avocado lS-6 Pvt Ply wunts ho113eful 4 Slags $1 OOcu ••••••••••••••••••••••• r111: . good cond. S2SO. tuttlng, boat covers. Ex· """tn teU90GuaMrds Sy:.tepms. Arizona . We prov id e pres:.ure also reqwred cu. Perl. Top fn.r. $200 of furn Mo\lnSt 1nlo 4Br S/9lags$1 SOea l:?I Antique SmJtrr Sew 962·8T.'3an __ 5_P_M _ __ _ per preferred. Apply c' onlercy a:.:. pleasanl surroundln~s & l::qual Oppr Emply r muslsee S8l 7504 home M u:.t be low lOor more$l 4-0e<1 milch"· S7.'i ~ath <.:all Islander 30 Mk n w /sllp, btwn 1(}.3. Fd. Monterey Park. Ca a relaxed atmosphere Starting S725 to S7SO mo Hoa pr1red C:u.h 960-20\JIS, Sales Tax lncl~ded Tim ai5.'i2 <UOO __ IOddlod for race & crwse.

NORTHSAILS 917~ . EOE Call Mary Ann, Al!IC 8015 S-6PM NOCARD <--4' G~~...a... 8094 many xlras . '27.000 . 7_14 751 ~for ap_pt ••••••••••••••••••• •• •• Draw your own or send ..,.....-.•"9 VV<D d · 377 913 Electnr Ave Our pay '>lruc- ture 1s one PUIUC 7' blot' qwlted bOfa & rhr. name address phone & •••••••••••••••••• ••••• ay, 518-4 or eves.

___ Se_ aJ Beach SECURlti GUARDS of tht' besl Ill lhc bUJjl Wanled· f'\Jll or part lime. * * glass cortee lbl. $165 we'll inake one C'ard per Lynx irons, 2 lhru Wf'<l.:t> 4!J9 ;J.i58. A:lk far Bill. ~ret.ary We hJve an 1mmed nest. Wchaveaguaran workonboats.someex· •FURHITURE• ~-8630 tag. Add2S<each p ,-rf.,l·t <'ond $125 IJ' CYCLONE xtras llke

COf9nrate s-ret- opemng for a stturity l~ base sala1y m add1 perpref'd 645-0222 .... UCTIO.... Send check or money Or· 557 1lllll ne11o . trailer. 'eest offer . ·...-· ~-. - , 0 uard a t our· manuf. uon to a liberal boous & -- "' " Oecorawr mistake' Qual d t

S Orr ,.• ·~ m Ill " y 'l er 0 "' s I c b ,. 960-2598 m i ..c - I u rac11Jly on the 2nd shift. comrn15sion Ou can so fa & I o v es ea l PILOT PRIMTIMG rqr a e ..,cu o vl'llr. ------re11ponsib1llt1es. ex per Relu'cd md1lary who has IOBe ' WAREHOUSE *Decilen Wtk~• Yellow / w ht. $650 p 0 Bo 560 Ulnk, s norkl<', fin:- , :.u1l, 12' FIBERG LASS Reg 'd .. r~~,;;:~? :~nbegl ~n served In the securi ly 2 Sh I ft s :iv a ti 3 b I e S~ Loh 644-5382 Costa Mesa~da . 92626 ~wk~ 5~~~~~:.,~lr~;;ond ready to swl. Gd. boat

" field or retired police MANAGER COMlmumllh _.! · 1 for bt'glnne r . $300 . we ek o f 4 / 18 . Send r I f'd 8 30 2 JO & 3 130 !I 30 flv1· '7 48" pecan round dming u "'TTRESSES ... ., 97a 1 Resum e to : Classified orcepersonne pre · days a week SlockUqllidatioe1 lbl , exts to 7'. Like new •- * TV, Rodio. O't.¥'- "-------Ad#OOS, Dally Pilot. ro We oCfer outs tanding Good oppty for ind iv. •Friday 7•J0PM $1115 4~3298 Single Sets S39.SO HiR, Steno 8098 UDO 14. $875 w ,..Ir. fuJJ

C M wages & ben1?fils ioclud- w /expcr 1n warehouse • L'-· 11 Size $44.so •••••••••••• •••••• ••••• ···ov~rs, " u•hio'n ... •. boal Box 1S60, ost& esa. mg profil sharin..: paid In Contact R<'11ee Ros&• t Su · $$$SAVE $$$ 1-'i kt h · ·u ' ... ' " .. Ca . 926216. rash quarterly . stock 833-8095 ~~'."req'd .pea"~0~n!fi~ ~(;~ c~~~~l, B&J MotltCS\ Fot1ory COLOR n·s hook . etc . Mus t sell.

Secretary I Recept1001st ~hase plan. 10 paid Foor Pcnoeaf 111teni.w pkg. Salary open . We honor BoCA. Mast.er 586 1154 838 !:o~t Is• c;, ~.A HCA· ZENITH MAGNO 675-~---~---Nwpt Beach Su1hng bulJda)'s, paid mt'd1cal, TIMM.IF£ CharStc , CAS H & • 547-5636 GoodSelect1on Guar Ld . Id' busmCS6 Office + Sales dental. vacations. sick Ul•"'RIES, l .... C. ~'~~~ CAS H! ER ·s CHECKS Ant. fro me/ mirror SSO . X Portal>le11 &Consl)les lrr!11e1r o&l~ov'::. u c1:~ & phone exper desired leave. rel.Jrementetc """' " but NO PERSONAL lg dbl box s p /mall. new NEWPORTBCHTENNIS SlOOtoS268 f'ull time. inc-I wknd !> To~Terlroft liqid Oppor E:Mpoyer CHECKS PLEASE. Food $125, pr new cust s~I. CLUB. L1m1ted Mem WRl<ilrl' TV Jerry_67_S-0006 _____ _ c.au 714.&u 7IOO Cherry Fasteners '~ '·d f.:O\\ , \<;,\(')llt\11 'i available on the pre· sprcadll $l25 pr. metal berships 644-0050 785 W 17lh CM, 646 1786 loah. Sllpa /

l21A E . Warner Ave PersOMeiAgncy cruses.. It.ems subject to cart w /elect . ull. $10 . GUITAR $25, Sngl bed Doc.b 9070 SECRETARY Brokeruge Sant.aAna.Ca927tr7 37238 h S N 8 presale. ralm blkoul wind s hade $25 4 ~rougbt 'iron Complete compone nl •••••••••••••••••••••••

r d C II Telephone t l"l' l , · · " .. "'rTBlS "'UCTIO.... 74 .. w ~ ..,.,., """" · - ::.yi.le m. sell 1mmed1ate , . exper precrre a 1714>S45SSl1 COUPLEMEEDED 557-0045 ~• .- " , _,.........,~ barstools $25. 645-3269, ly Aka18" reeltoreet. fi6NewportShpavailoble 644·9lll askfor Maggie EquaJ()ppEmplyrm /C llXniEmployer 20751/:i Nwptll.CM g' lle-ulon ,..A"Ch & lov 646-71118 Pioneer Amp tuner . for approx 2 mos . i----------i To answer our telephone, ,._ (714183,9625 •' '-AN 1:....c "123 ..... " 9 "ECRETARY.maturetn Ret.arned ....._. - ""'Ml, $125 Solid w"'Ki Cr:.ip• R trk . Sanyo .,..,..,, or.....,..,14 " m your home dunng non "'""" "' Villl's Latin lmports "' d.Jvldual for ooe Sttrl of SECURITY GUARD ore hrs. Ideal for semi re· or 17 I 4164M616 l run d I e bed S l 00 Ope.rung around Apr 11 turn tab I e I. an c er loah. Speed & fire m NewJ>(lrt Rapidly Part·Ti!IR llrt'<i or d1Sabled person 673-3600 l..Jdo Village Mall. Nwpt speakers. fiSO or bst ofr Sid 9010 1•xn.andmg bustnes:.. typ M t I 645·9064 m;-a m ust Shorthand Wt•haveanopenmgfora w' ~ s . l ';:. ev 1'1 n We u- Jobsl 9'()yste.rVelvetSofa$150. PINBALLS SO lo choose ------- •••••••••••••••••••••••

p tune secunty guard to =•nuns er. r a ey l'Nlfll • 8030 lttc pr f. R r hr.s , crewel •--"'- & M.......1- Glaslroo 1973. deep V hull , helpful. SWary lO S7SO k h r Thi or No. Hunl Bch area p from for your game rm mu:::,. _......, lB ' 302 fo'ord Eng. 'l70 642 1324 8 5PM v.or any s I l s pos1. Backg d ho!> rt I TO SS$$$S$$ ••••••••••••••••••••••• des111:ns $lS ea, :i marble Al Amusement Under -,-pm..t 0 --- lion will provide vaca- roun '" · P a • Secretaries Unused Sankyo Super s. lop tbl'I $100 all. Brwn GI 12931 M St ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vvolvo ltBI B

1 ouldri vfe .

SECRET ARY lion rehef & be on call on med.tC'al o r nursing field f.-t sound. p o w e r ioom r ecliner chr SSO. mlSc ass. ' arn .. lo ..... -1....& anson r r , x nt sac. or a reht'f ba::.1:. Rel.Ired helpful fo' o r inh•rvit•w ,. .. its 64S.3167, :;707 Seashore. GG.638-2162 ah.....ciifffeftCllK•/ st·hool. 7Sl · 4185 or

Well groomt.-d J>t•r:.ona rail llt'kn Tuley wkdy~ Tech Tvnish t·amcrn. ~. 5S2..so49 aft Nu S«Yle• f020 "'"'' .,...,., b I e s cc r c I a r y to nulilary who has ::.crvt'd ~l !'I PIX 0pe''"r·~ S n (1 l German Sliver Parade ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,.,.. .,,._ x-______ _ L d C t 10 lhe secunly field or re· """"~ Saddle Appr $1500 ASK

an scaJ>t' ontrac or tm .. >d pohce force person BRl::NTWOOD NURSES NEW Trundlt.> bec1. mat · · SPRING CLEAN ING 17' Stevens l-1albou.om. V-Typm!l & hkpng cxper nel pref'd 546-1506 Acdng Cl«tts OOCJS 8040 tr esses & ,. o ,. t• r mg SlOOO/bst ofr 642·6256 Have your hull cleaneri & dnve. <'USlnm pamt & in re-~wrcd Only quahf1cd To---- ... Te ............ _ ---------•I~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• $1251Hest 0Hcr IW8!i958 l:twnlOAM /5PM ready Hogan&SOn01v tcrtor V:\nt·c trlr anplic:rnls need 11pply .... ~ nrua u,.._,hn..- · S C 1 w lma"" .,,800 8460"16

.. Cherry Fastener!> "1..1,.-·- -..- .. Golden Retr1ev1•r Pups. Schwinn Varsity lO-s1>ccd mg e rv1ce o mp ele · 't ., ....... .,.. · """ jl 1<!24 E WarnerAvc ---------•I Rcceptionlsh Champion hoe. AKC Mu.'ltscllfusl' Housefulo£ 14" w1rewhcels . 6JI ·~. underwater yacht mum· '" "

R09""'1 Gardem TELLER CJeriLs 0 F A I.I w k s rlassy nr / nu rurn. Nuug 673-S852cvcs. tcnancc 531 5921 2301 San Joaqwn ll1lls Santa Ana. Ca 927o7 F / lime pos ition avail 96 6360 sofa / love scat . J(luss cof - -- -----1 l<I ' SKI Boat 9011P Mere. Rd .. Newport f!.:h 17141 :><15·5511 Uanking exper prt!f 'd TEMPO 121315

· · fee/end tbls, dcC' lam~ . For Sale : ln 'tl s terltn)! 6 YEARS EXPEHIENCJ-: $1000. Xlnl. cond. Call :

SECRETARY t:xecut1vc Prc!>1dcnl ·~ personal sect 'y Com pose let.ters. d1ctapbonc. t.ype 7S wpm, lite Sf)l Logan Inc lrvrne In dustnal Park. 556~41 <Joyl


!IPotSs~ ·vaLT

rt Ml•f»"IAUv Yt n" . ' ' • •

ll41C....-Dri•• 546-.041

tArros11 l''rum Ora11Me <.:c1 A1rpurl 1

t..qual Oµpor to:mploycr

EqualOppEmplyrm i r Cllll Mr s Todd al TemporaryH!Hp AKC. Wes t Highland woodgamcsel. 2bedrm s1lverwareserviccfor8, Varn,paint,layout&de· ~.(.i11 _____ _ Goldenslalc Bank 1n Caff540.44SS WluleTernerMalePup, sNs, qucen 1ful l. 11allo SHO ; Community sign non·sk 1d. Spars Boah Storog. 9090

SECY JRECEPT Downey. 10230 S Pam fo;qualOpPort-:mployer H wks . Easter g 1H . dlllset&more. 9fl2·8217 s1lverplateservicefor12. clean rigging . wax & •••••;•••• • •••••••••••• mount <2131923 !1461 1---------· 002 9!ili.1 S'lS-0: S1lverplalc silent wash . Top qualtty , lo Kap1dly grow1n~

Ar r h1lcc tural l-'1rm Equ,1IOppEmplyrm1r ~Sal. 8055 butler & c1g ca se. $50 pnces Fresl "4S928S Boa; Storase Space WOME:HWAHTED DOGOBEDIENCE ••••••••••••••••••••••• each; Spanish )!u1tar Available . Newport -needs multi talented __

se<'Y Typm~ 80 wpm, l TIRE CHANGt:R Min 1 person of<'. a happy yrllre storeexp l600 +t.o warn Arrh1t.f'ctural ~k start 645-2380 11.mcl h1•lpful not rt'(t d --- -\1on· 1nro. 752 9164 Peter Tl.A Va AGENT \ L«ndrum & A!l::.OC .

J ' k for ku,l1

for hou sec leanin g serv1rc F\111 or p /llmc S3 20 hr Must have own tran~ Irvine area !).'i& 0327

CLASSES start Wed , GARAG ESALE made of R05cwood & 10 Boats. McrfM Ounes. S3I> mo 644-0510 A pri I 20, 7 . 30 PM SATURDAYS Apnl 9 & laid Mother or Pearl. Eqyipimnt 9030 Nwptdrv area 546-4928 16. lO·SPM. University $125. Call 9611-589tl urtcr ....................... TrCllt5pcwfaHOft

Par'k. Irvine 17626 Iron 5pm. Complete Chr y .,J1• r ••••••••••••••••••••••• COLLIE PUPS. AKC. Bark Way. Some trad1 maruJoldsfor Jl~C'u VS AJR.rcrft 9110 normaleyes. beautSuble tional. some ''o ld Piano. Kimball ronsolt'. ln c lud c'i m.1 n 1folds , •••••••••••• •••••••••••

2 yr:) a:. a manaJ(er Womrn wante<l to work & While. $7S lo $200 modem . Sofa·bed, sofa maple. bcn cond SROO. !: rizer~ . t' lbo w o; , end BABY ACE '75 Coot. 6 dorne:>Ur & mtcmatwnal for J Jn •ct• ' H UJ:i:edy 9f.i3.BS4 I w chr, love scats, ore roU·a way beds. $35 ea . 8 plate- everythmR for ltrs. TT A .&E. $2500. t.''<l)er SalJry + comm \nn hr1u.,1•1· li.t •wn 1r1• ReRISlered Kcesbond pup chrs. <'ard t bl set. end pc Broyhill dm set SSOO. twin engines with 430 PhoneG42-6760 art 6pm.

SC-CY JRECEPT10HIST c .. 11 f'aul !W!f 4111 Start $2 511 hr Ha l lll':. pies, 6 2wk::. old Easter tbls. lamps , dbl bed . SS9-5420 hours $225 total cost -------- -~~ 11.hrl' pli::k~~~ blf.~r '"j "I'll &VE.I .a.'-~ thru rn ms f~3 Sun Shown by appl only. gla!>S dmmg tbl . drapery Mesa Verde Country Club Call Dale a t 496-1821 Cu:ifM!rs, s. I d d J I ood l & ' - ~ Aws:n' <2131 592-3GU or <714' rods, lampshades. pie· Eqwty Gold Membrshp i1 SEAGUU. Outboard Rent 9120 iv'...::~ ... wl Ilk I'· ypm~ k with m1J1Jmum 4 yrs ex WOMEN ~ l\pp11rel d1' 8"6·5166 lure frames, lg mirror, for sale. 97g..;431 aft Spm mtr Xlnt. cond ..,.,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• kC,.,....,,a 5 1 "'to wor pr needed for hll(h com tnbulor w b:l">lt: rn1tlb good cluna & s ilver. tbl ~ CAMPER'S SPECIAL!!• Tl*Sal 111 our Bay~ide mer c 111. I age n cJ: in abtlity 97'J lt!OS, H :XHo 5. Male Golden Ret. for stud hnens & lace. Oneota I & 4'x8' HO & N scale tram 99S·'l70'7 eves. an 6P M SoPt:r c lean 1.974 l ton ulesol~tt Mustbcwl'll ..,_ n..a"b. ,. I tor ask for Mano 2 Yrs old ~/paper• • l tr eas e I It / F' d S C ·---·~ "-. - "'"' an1que ur s. ayout,compeewx Aut.opilot.WoodFrecman o r uper amper J.truom · 1100 smOltt'r 6< appt ~~I ...._ ... _..a.....,.. s hots 85 lbs . Beaut. kitchenware, women 's lras SlOO S46·1>1m model 11. S'lS(). Call Special · fully loaded' '-'f1JOY "" rkm.: wilh Pt.'<> _......_....., ""' ~· ytl I h 10 k ll C C

1 c 11 ~ 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .....,.......,.. an me cot es sz • n1 mg 493-6825 10' i' ampway ampcr. P•· 11 ' r!i av1.s Typist. exp Xerox 800 s upphes. mtnk cape. DE WALT Radial saw , Many extras! Asking wkdy~ bl wn 10 & 12 ol)t!r1tlor I nterm11tent ....... 8005 While adorable poodles. coost. quaUly & Jig saw. WANTED. Trailer or dot $'1500. Call 962·9898. M2 1112fi work Nd lmm~hatdy ••••••••••••••••••••••• l o y, AK C r em a 1 e . Ofnce desk SJ() ; pool l ble Gd. serv. life. SS7-8077 ly for t!'I' Outboard, call

S•·rvll'C MJt1v n Attl'n nw<xnrt- 752~ Wonderland 751·5588CostaMesa $150; '64Chev 4dr$SOO; J erry67S-0006 1970 OPEN ROAD II '

Of . FREE patio rum $20; porch SW· Paddler would l i k~ lo pad · ---'----- ---• cabover camper. x lnt

fl .int 1·xpl· r d l1ay & Ji---------1 A t I mi: SIO; dlrung tble $15; 2 die for a n Outri gger loots. Power 9040 i'()nd. 557·8681 t-:v.., 1''1111.'lt ll 11m1· 1\p- TYPISTS ft 1ques. SealyhamTemer rcfng $125 & SSO; prac Club. Exprd. 673·1077 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --- - ----µly Shl"ll StJlto11. 17lh & INSTANT 111 t: E w " r l' ho us c AKC. 847·954-0 t1ce golf net $30. ; child's POOL TBL, custom, full Classic '64 Chns. Croft Motoriud lillH 9140 ----------i lrv111c. NU <ramrrwd w1lh ov1•r SOO • 11wino set $20 TV cabnl S S t 18 Va ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~.ET ... IY ---- ffi\,1,1(' ht1'lfCb. 111ekelo AK<.: fo emale Corker PUP· ,, • 5Z + rum & appUances uper por . .

~ A ~rv1r1· Mie ;\llcndilnl l~SIGNM£NTS p 4 mo 'hots --·• SlO each ; day bd SIO . '·k M t 11 • w/409 hrs Bnstol cond As81~l to Ofr M.anagcr u•-r 'd J"\lll or " tJm(' Ai) dt'On 1.Huno::. , nn·w. or y, " s ' n'-""s Beam bot lies . 2SO' "'• u e new. us se now RI ue book $3900-or r . l N ..- ,. i:iln., , wJll docks , lovl ng home Sl50. ""odWl n"ld. misc pipe 499·34S8eve G7S·'>nl>fl(lO•i 'n mnnu rorp ew 1\pply Arru Stalioo. 17th 644 2879 aft 6 30 PM w ., ......., ...

modern plant In 11 8 &lrvuw. C M J!rdndfalher rlorkll , · · · f1lt.m~. hd tools, pipe Afncan Zebra Skin. ge· . ----.ir•·u ne('d ll d yn • m 1 r SECIETARl£S f,u,cinuuni.: anUques Btf 1. a Hect 1onate. in dyes. misc baby 1lms nwne. includes health 35 Chns Tn-Cabtn. AP. 1>l'1i.on cxp~r'll lo "'" ~Vll't' Sta IMlol fu11 nr OverSl .OOO.OOOWorth telhgent ln!lh Setter. 5 9142 Annik Or. 11 B C'Crtlficate.497·1329 SS. OF. new cpt.s. 80 hr.. pha1tt''- 11( o(c work p llmf' Apph 990 E TYPISTS Amenran lnlemJtlonal mo AK<.: make orr 9682165 since M.O H on twin f'lelli.t• _.pply 111 Jlerwn (~3."ll tfw) N H (:.ille111!:" , lll02 T K1•tt1•r &40-54ts ' . SCRIU •as Chrysler V8. Set' al Slip

ScJ.eiaC lni: St . lrv1nt· Tel ------- Moving sale, yd furn. l IVft"1. 35, Balboa Coves If int °'?· S.Winc) Mac9'. Opn STAT TYPISTS 754 1m Open W1-d thru Oooorman Pincher, male, sngl bd cmplt, lawnmwr. lut'111£IS rail (7141 984-3961 eve

54l2 Mcl'"udi.lcn Av\' fo '"''""'11",.., '°"''dr 11 c Snl !I /\!\1 lo4 P!\1 V1s1l' 6 weeks. no papers. 125. old p1ct frames. records. ~ft AsJung S18,000ortrade" lluntinl(ton Bt!ach \1rpon ~o .it.141 Mil' I & fl - -- C..all 646-2231 & misc 620'" Acacia. Reduce - Piano -714/ltM,ll AU 1-:n.: 011k lluffrt $225 . -- CdM Fri/Sal/Sun Pooch - Eotire - Jet Surfboard W:1ter Jet

-~~~~~~~~-jSharp Gal µ l11T1t> thJt Cl.ER"S M.irbh• t11p w,,.,h,land FrfttoYou 8045 HEROIN powered Bsl ofr over

Secretay ...... Front ore l)t'r11onalil y Xlnt typing & hl' t•vY ~ for indu.'1t 'I rt•11I etil. °' c. lllOO

ltll~ 'Y\ rkO\ I A\'i<)CIAI 1-.

PM'H'HtlAA)Mcy 37?.3 Bl~hSt., N.B

557-0045 100% Employ~r


c•,in ~r'll..•lld lh<' wa\ 1 I\ "" lllf' b11t·k1ni: $195 ufler ••••••••••••••••••••••• Moving, mosl everyth1n11: I'm writ.Ing a book about S300 Ph 642-7344 lhulk & do. No typrnl? or f'<11d Vaul10n.' 3 30 pm call ~9')41; F'rt'<' to good home l.ab/ goes 64 2 l 6S9. .at I \.he d.rug traffir . I Just 2l ' Day Crwser Olds pwr fllMY <'lot.ht.>oS Pr1if ~ ~ Duy Wei'k M1Jfll.h Hea ul 1 t ul rou otl bed C.:Ollle, female. S mo. All SaEmSuenion ~M CM fo'rl tau't ftn1sh It I ran't de Jacz pump. $5995 S4(). 7osj yni Surry 00 cigarettt!1I Or LonRc-r w 1solld brass headboard !!hoUI. 493-9180 l· n . 9-S C' 1 de who get s th c or 963-SOS9. Mfit & R E co S48 8300 ll'11 Your IH<'ISl<>n HEROIN ~IOumonJy YOODOH'TPAY ~ ~ SWING SET, 2 swmgs & Moving Sa.le, Everythmi: ----·- - --- '67_ 0_w_ens __ C_a_b_1_n_C_r_u_1s_c_r- 1

---- , seat&lldder . must go. Furn. free1er. , WEPAYYOU! Kimball ·dU() art player 847-0688 ski equip. , appl ., TV , Moving. 9 gold dvnport Mechanically OK SHJ"1MG & P.ACICAGIMG DIPT.

Call nr C(>me In Today IU'•nd pinoo xlnt cond. clothes etc Sat only 82! $100, 7' be11(e dvnprt $4S, Outside needs work

IEL[~ Sell/lnf? 1142 1244 TOY POODLE Puppies, 3 Cortez St. CM cnr Bnstol wrght iron fern s tnd $35, Make offer. 557·2337 ask

We h11vc un OJ>('nlnl( man nlJ 1t•rl depl Sul open w 1i.onll' ex per . but 11.•111 · · l " v,. , . tra1n. Full ro. beneht~ . ell-1441 Oeltron1 c Corp . , 929i---------•

a., b d •-N-> dbl bd cmpll $35, Capt for Mike ••SllOPAT• • m...,es. pure re ' no .. -..... chr 125. misc sm tbls1-------- - - 1

pnpt•ra . ll weeks . Jonathan's ~ MOVING S ALE. Must 111).$25, denUst drill $50, Sears L2' Fiber Class sell . Dinlnl( rm tbl , 6 Uu Cane projct r $35 , boat·Merr SHP oulbrd.

CANNERY VILLAGE Blue eyed bird d ol(, chrs, rhlna All wood. plants lg yuccas, ferl\5, Must sell togeth1•r 1 $86. 25 Shops to Serve You female. 4 mo. Very lov· Uvlng rm d ivan & rhr , ~ p1ders. other m lsc Call t1ft . 6 PM 6'1S..tl04S

TYPtST 4223lalSt.NwptBth Ing. mist l amps . stereo itcms. 642-1272. loah,SaH 9060 SHIP/ltEC'G Needed full t1n1e. Must Anllque sora & rhair, also 7Sl-5327pm I M agnovox ), othe r VW Camper tent. Sips 6 •••••••••• •••••••••••••

Hakedil , t:.M. S4S-0403.

Fa.~t fiKced mantdactur· be accurate w t recep- nusc items. Ge Sh r 6 It.ems. 3242 Washington Fits all. Xlnt t'ond. As k· Deluxe Columbia 36 Why ~t.0~~mde~~!f::1eia:: llonist background. San· 842·7430 x1r:·w 1kf'ci/~~ni::1~ Ave. CM. S46-l447 ml( $100. &12·9101 bear JOO''I of the cxpent1C' dJvtduaJ Expr In tn.ick ta Ana /Tustin area Ren aissance fa<'lory dog. owner heartbroken. Honn 1060 WEOOEWOOD" G of a luxurious bout wheo routing, packing. etc Salary C'ommensuratc showroom now open to 548-9321bef. 4PM ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ads st.v you haven't Lhc ume w

w / experience . Call h bll b t PlNTO gelding 5"' yrs wtgrill. beaut. con $60 i.a1l everyday' Why •S.C:. 11-'" & ::!w~f~~~~ .. Fl~~~~: S44·S33'7 btwn l~ll AM or ~ e ear~ r i ~ YR ~p~ I Free. beaut. mother cat & &how / pleasu'rc. ssoo' 10 spd. bike, rode 3 postpone your family 's

Ac~Cl.ka&Bk.kpni advancemeot.' Starting _2_·3_P_ M _ _ _____ "--lan&V~llenteypool 3 kittens. very me llow. 768-0230tives llmes.pcrf . 16() Obi bed unJoy menl or u Cully M .. \V anv P-itaona' '"""'b'1" •. I 645-8399 w1wooden rram~ $30 MIJ u Ip p" d I a r u (: r

· -v 1

.,.. S3 to $3.50+overtlme.i---------•J lB es .. ant ques . M 7 1 ed Wooden lbl w/4 chrs ~.,1..,._., H~ · " Employers Pl}' AU Fees Apply an person. 9· 12 Uh*I Wll•tiq Wholesale & retail Color SEU. idle items with u AW>' are, yrs, lra n $3$ 644.7183 sni ....... t . ere 'I an °P·

U& ~,.. Ace.ocy wkdays. 8:11 W. 18th St. . - -- brochure free. Monday DaJly Pilot Claulflro Ad Western & Ena. Sound. . por t.o Join 3 famlhe11 In 4020B~hSt,&.el0t Col!taMeu. Saturday a-5 s.sa.7242, 642_5678. 15 binds. w1tack. $550. MIRROR . 48 .. x 30..._ ... th~•r lo n g stand1n.i .

New-portBeadl m.1180 ---------· ..... ._. D82l6S 2304 w 2nd St Phl46-a021or840-1421 ver y aood cond $50 harmonious love amur ~--l s A · · ·• r. wMw • 1050 d .. SS4-032D w111 marvelous sallboat

Sr. ••Sii=-' Xlnt oppty ror indlv. • · · ....................... Argentine sid le 18 18.IXXI <only S:,O. mo for ("

1 _. w /3·S yr11 worlime o 'e .... •CH 1010 STOREWlDESALE +brldle, Good cond.. BeautyShopChalr thek1tty1 IT14>67Wl.36 ......... b'I· ._ comp. exper. Typing ....................... New£iusedrum. appl 's, M~~aell lmmed . Dryer.dorSale! "'6'-••s~

_.... WI SO+ , accuracy • must REFRIGERATORS misc. WllJIOn'& Bargain 642 .. 94·94S8 .. ..-- "'" SBIETAllS


Famous Western E uro · pe:in mJke. Limited number for sale. All µneed well below retail. All w / fa l'lory warranty & lulJy assembled. Call for detaJls. MS 9'189

Mo~°:r!'r' 9150 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Honda 197:? SL70 dirt bike. Xlnt rond. $250. firm. 673-6429

Honda 250 Elsinore. $650.

6.11-~'lO. ~73·S8S2 eves

45 Harley · Davld son Tri ku . Dtipendable . $1,400.

S57 2165

1973 Kaw H2. 750 CC. spec µainl by Damon Rebll cnJ( suso. 642-8907 or 75!15807

iO Triumph Bonneville. Completely restorett. n4!w en!(, trtins, brlc.s. etc R<>CPl ll , '1200 Award Mtn. Sat·, must sell , xlnt runnmic <'Ond. &tit Ofr 675 R443 aft 5PM

·nn; Yam 400 Mono. man)' xtrlUI, llke nu, -.tored 6 mos . $950 . li46~

Must Sell '74 Suzuki RL 250 $400. "70 Hood:. SL 90 $260, 3 Rike 1'raJler $300 . Take all for 185(). i>h . 9639152 More Jobi tban peo·

plel ! I I I Top IHSSSnt Many needed now. 'type 50 wpm or more. Sb, no ftb. •Ute ab Gk.

lndivlduaJ needed w /lt1· Good t>eMnt pllg. Salary WASHF..RS-ORYERS Nook. C2 Stores), 545 & 1070 "Commande r " Full d •1 --'U $700-teOO. Recond!Uona·Repros & 814 w. 19th . CM 842-'7930 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Amailog grill cooks Keel Soop t714>639·S724 '7'2 l la.rley Davidson 125,

ust rec."' ng exper . Fr D 0 0 1 11walul with ne'Wllpapers or4.94102l folr cond $200/bst of!r

opcoXlnt .bmeClt pka. SaJary ~'~~~ al amage. uar / e &548-3262 WA....,.ED only , In 7 minutes . --------1 """7"""'-'""' 29 Yrs In Oranite Co. 1"'111 C I 20 '64 Good Cond. ....., -.. .., 'vpm.

DUMLA,'S **I BUY** TOP CAS ti DOLLAR S3l·333'1 loa<ied. $3SOO. Exotic Laverdu 7SOSF

'~~~ 'Y\ JR~\ N1l.,Qt IAl l'- l81S Newport l:U, CM Good used Fumlturt> & PA I 0 f 0 R Y 0 lJ R ~ 01'1 Aquanum + stand 615·3704 lute '75, mtnt cond. 1900

C~_,L$48. 7780 A~~Uencea--OR 1 will JEWELRY. WATCHES. & mlt1C' p&rt.s $25. Call ml blood red 848-3347 P'aru ....... , ART ORJECTS. OOt.r>. !n9-6247 IR' HOBIE w1lra1IC'r. new ' . . NYi:; rRO\A A51QCIAI [ 'i 3123 BiRb St.z N.8 Whol'll VoorTradc? se or SELi . for You. SIL V KR SERV ICE. tramp, rudders. Bllr1&ge 76 Kawa311kl KZ 900 like

H7.00d S182perDay MASTERSAUCTIOM FINE FURN & AN · Ml~l•10111 atotl'd. S1400 firm . Oy!I new. cuswm eeaL 3000 hlM•llAllllCJ 1lull'1UtUelopay 646-1686&113-'621 TIQU~ MS-Z200 Wmted IOll 2 \ 3 S 9 5 6 6 2 I . mlJ~.S2000orbcatoffer . 37Z3 BlrcbSt, N.B. 1~ Employer for Ill\ lld In the Dally Pilot. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ti: /W\nd 714-840 2184 ~ nJn

117.0041 R«alned Si'l"V1re Directory that cnn ruvtcra twin bed-enclosM Solid aoJd Omega watch. ~ 11 · eve 1 J~ Emptoyer ellabllshyourprofealonnl In Soan. ublnet. Perl 11200 value. make ocrer SSSCASH FOR ~ER No 10827, 1ood '73 Yamaha J.250C. aoo.

a.talned F\od what you want ui Identity. For more In· for I.flat guesLUaed only over suo 631 · 3530 , Good used rum1mr11t11 rumacond . $700. 2t5S2 Loe SerTanos, lAa. Dally PUot Ct...tneda. ronreuon rail 542 S678. 6x ·s.. Make of r 844..-039() mSM2 evM\lnp rnn & ac.ovea $46-0768 114&-14<M Nia. ~..oao

0 J~ _!l~. t 00

• •' ' • ti 1 I

~u:·1 Trudt.t 9560 Autos Want.cl 9590 Alltos. lmport.d A.utos, l111ported Auto1, l111porhd Thursday. Aprll 7. 1977 DAILY PILOT CJ l 9 IS •••••••••• •• • •• ••••••• • •" • •• • •• ••••• •• •• • • • •• • •• •• •• • •• • • • • • •• • ••• •• • • •• • • • • • •• ••••••••••••• ••• •• •• • • • • • ••• • ••• ·• • • .._ • .a..-.. , _ _...... • ·•o• U•ed ... ......... , , U1ed

.......... ............ "72 ~\/. 1.Uv, l ood cond. o.t... 9720 W..~1 lem t740 _,y ... '"r .... ·- _, '"' • AMTV

.... U - ... a El111· n,~"' i- Best orf .. r 768 5228 To• ,~ '''' ••••••••••••••••••••·• •••••••••··••••··•····· ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. ~ '"~ ... ~ . . ,.- ...•..•..••......•..•.• ··•·•••·•·············· ... ,_. .... G .. Ion, It re•r. Port .Pnvale Porty. DOI.UR TOP IUYH MB •st l90Sl, ••••••••••••••••• • •••• • (oho 9772 foord 9940 ......., 9957 11'1 J»pe, curb & more. '75 Raochero.AJC 46S bp , p.a.ID RARE XJ..ntcond '811Toyota 4 drauto R&U. ••••••••••••••••• • ••••• •• ••• ••• •••• • • •••• • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••• $.'500. J ay 546-SSt!f__ AM/FM, ti track ~tereo. !-'Oil ~l.t:AN ~o7 p~~1o~i~;,~~P ~ . 838·93..a ~~ ~ SlOOO firm OltAMGE COUHTY ·n t'lnto, aood cond.

"70 Tnumph Bonneville, ln1lenn 1: plt.c. 6 mu.: COSTA MESA MG 974 2 VOL VO .. PH IL 0"1wr ~S.ke 0Ht!1 ISO-cc, idnt cond, askan wh!J, crwse cnlrol, ~hdl DATSU.._. ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMM A<.: l...ih.· ·7s <.:cl11:4 1 F,...XCLUSIVLLY VOLVO LONG ~ .. c;fit; $1400/bestorr 768-8MS. w /sUde w mdows, 25,000 f""lll OWNl'~ fi 120011 \t•r> LaraestVolvoD-Ouh.•r FORD

ml 64.5~ 2114S llarbo1 UIHI '7 l MG MJcAg.t. ~· urc!ul 11li:.. look!> , 1 un~ m Ora.nae Count)• T.! l'1nt.o Run.ihollt , i\ <' '76 Moko 440-AW ,

73---;;-T- Xtt .. ~- p U O.t.a Mci.<1 :,411 &110 12131!ml ltl30makeofr lilo.1: 11l'W t>rk Ml'! BUYorLF.ASJo: s lu:k , So.000 m1 11r1.:

Wbeelsmat h u p -pipe , • · ord / MGI Uro"'" SacJtJl1: mt Auto, OIRECT nwnr. $14:10. trt:') tl:!Ml "'' pep, cut p iston, Jo' ox Loaded,lom1,xtracln '76Dal:iun2110l . 4 ~p<l,u1r . 9744 AM / .. ' M , Vtup , pin 530

=~i:ci1a;:~k~u~~;~;. ~~r~ ::~.75~~0 n IMPORT CARS ::~· 1~1~/:~1~a3::.~~ ~1:··~·~~- ·~::~::.; ·:.:~~· ~~~i~i 61~~t~.9~.: ~U-~i' ~.~~-,,~.·~ ·~r:·d~ ,t.cY111·n~r· .. ~~~! . caps. Xlnt cond. $1200. t'leetSlde, hi ruise AU MODELS thnn 550<l m1. $t000. Ph Yt!Uow. Mags, ~9/ofr. ' ... 5J8...47Sll fl 6pm b - -- - ~-- t2l3l800 9143 496-4739or ~7 7103 ii Toyota Corolla 1600, ai.uuorn, radials. dk blue

• a _ . ___ _ uckel 11ealll c pt.s, Lan· Autos. I~ - - - __ - elect ii:nt 4 i.pd .:d e<>nd, 2025 S. Manchester 1 .... ... . ,, , ,., °'-"•m• 1n1 1ext lmmuc cund. '1S Honda CBSOOT Ukt' tlau top & tarp, reblt cog, ••••••••••••••••••••••• '11 Dutsun Sta Wgn, lu '69 MG B. new clutch , $800 , s.~ 2 f ........ '-'••-.. , .. .,.... ~ lr12 :'>OO'J new, under 200 mi' $ll1S.

5x!!'Ml m & out, 77<1·!1286 ;aft Gefteral 9701 m1lt'S. xlnt cond. 1-·or info needs body work, siooo · 64 4

Anaheim 750- 01 Phone8'2·1768. _ ,.._ _ __ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6'23390or646·7ll89 642-9254 Tri..... 9767 Atlto6,UMd '1:lLTDCountrySq. Wgn ·72 P IN1:0. ~tt>el btllled

'74 Dats u n PIJ , auto. XKE Roacl~ttr ' 6:1 l!n l 510

Wun,-cle"n , •.u·ck '~ 9750 ••••••••••• •• • ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• AM 1t'M stereo, A/C. t!lx rodui.l tires, &ood cond , 1B'16XR·75. Fast. I h II l!l "'" O I l I N " u " '70 SPITF tnf:. Nt'w top , ,._...... 990 I mt, 52200. Plt·use call al t 768-0376

Sacrirlce, $340. w cam per s e . ·""" pa esc11 1w:.ir ew mui::s. R i ii . gd cond. • ••••••• •••••••• •• ••••• ~.,.. PM 378 ---------mi, 1 owner . 968-2355 red hut~. 1ww lu1> $5000 SIOOO 6<12 9731 n dials, s t ereo. Clean . . ...................... 6 . 581· 7 """'°""' 9960 Call646·5638 a ft 6 Ucnllc)' " 'f " <Sllll71!8l PIJRSCH£924S ru n s gr1:at. $1 2SO '72Pinto,auto, xlnt. Mus t•••• .................. .

Motor Ho.wt. '744x~ ~. Ton ' l;t; Sl'll, ll 11 1> . u 11 . '75 Dut11un Sta Wgn t.10. We h ave an (.')(('cllenl v.a!n_ 3l9:1 * $499 & up * tel l. Best Ort e r . pp . 1970 P lymout h Duster . We~

9160 G~:=· d1arcoal ovr shell grry , u1r cond, Auto, r :u·k, liki.' ~lec1lonplus lhe olluwagen 6'5-50'11 s mall V·8, air. a u\<>, xlnt.

••••••••••••••••••••••• gray hides. Very i:ood new , 8J3·3UJJ da):S or (;hamµaunship Edition. •••••••••••••••••••••• • cond. $1200. (1 )493-~ automoh1lc' 496 7139 eve l!r12 LTD Squire Wagon :

FOR 1B4T 68 Datsun PU, h ard toCmd JIM IUl'IOii\N MTflS HOW!!! HEW•USED A/C : Auto tr:ins, P IS. '74 Plymou th s tatio n 1300. Body never bent, E I d •75 280Z llLLY ... TES vw·s P / 8. n ew r '•dr' al•, wagon, $1,99S .. SeelnDa1-t97626FT. s b aru. Ne w tires, 21.24 Cour4dolJI\ "" u "' ,. p de 752 7°•7 c whocks. dlx rack . l ly Pilot parking lot 330

GMCMOTOIHOM& chrome nms. AM / F M. asa na .... A.JC. sterl"O t.iru>, nt'W YW noas HE ~ ~ r 1 ally l':Jll c \llLOS ... - ...- O•er 125 owner. $21~ Call bef s W~at Bay St.. Cost 11 'Fully aelf cont1uned. _$1200. t 'rrm 557.:.0206 ~Aff;"~IO:-J 75i 7K-l; · ratl' ... mag,, \Int cond San Juan t:ap1strano pm S49 ·08S3 or eves Mesa o r call 642-4321 for Wffkly &dallyrentals • •

76 Chev. t.uv. Camper - S!.1175 or .. ,.,umt· low 837-4100493·4511 IMSTOCK M2·0727 more m formalion . ask

CALL TODA. Y! w I b 0 0 t • " M I ... M Alfa Romeo 9705 ll',IM' P> rnb l~J.I 53511 Herd to fiftd ror Rlck or Oscar in fleet

979.2500 Ca!!setlt: . Bt•st ofr •••••••• ••••••••••••••• ·75 2"'1Z. C'lrJn, lo m1 . '62 B SC. New tnl, reblt A.MC 9905 1!173 Torino. Sl950. Full garag~.

__ 6444498

. TRUE CLASSIC "' tcans. runs good. 970.1149 rnoc:t.11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• mamt. & rl'pa1r records. -- ------

25. N R OAD. Fully 7lFordlOO 4whecl $.lrive " ""' _,.,., ..,......... . ' S -- - waion:. . Two to choose OP E - Alla's Cmhl'lta Snnnl ,\ ~~~.,. ~~~pe. o'rnebewsrtaodsrr' ~_. Asking $4800. ~ ' 74 A.MC Sportabout 752-0ZW. 968 7343 '7S Ply m outh station

self-cont. Reserve now 8

• bed. AM/FM :.tert'()'. clean Iii body with 640-70'.!2 1976Ponche912 naallUUll De.luxe. l).r)I, l' · p 8 · ORIG own selh n l( LTD Crom.One 1s9-passeoger for Easter . 644-8385 -'- t """nd . ..,""',or l>ffer bt>auliful utw red pamt W1lh air rood. & stereo. tiR,1(11et!,J~·. r echnan,g !>eats. S2lSO wag , Country Squ ire. for $2.395 and the other 1s

~i'J ...,.,., and a '63 1300 Veloce ' H 260Z 111r. AM / FM , \~JNONI. 6'2·33'79 1!173perfcond,allextras. a two-sealer for •$2.295. Trallen. Travel 9170 engine in gd. running mag~. "Int cond, $<1700 MIHT COHDITIOH luldc 9910 Lux car ror only $2700. See m Dally Palol park -••••••••••••••••••••••• v.. 9570 cond. <this engme ha:. M to'day"l 833 l~ llLL Y .a.TIS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5Sl·SS33 ing lot. 330 West Bay St . 16' Shasta, self-cont. New ••••••••• •••••• •••••••• been r unning strong m .73 1200 1 pd A' t L'.. "" Costa M•sa or call gas/elect. r ef rig. $950, '72 FORD VAN my Spydcr 'U l l replaced htr. gd t1sre11' &'' b~cl; ' VW.PORSCHE ~a~ui~~a~np~~a:p\~:~ '73 LTD Brougham . 2Dr. 642-4321 r""or more an · 642· 1765 a Cl s; 30 + . . 1t w1th newer ltlOO l. Will Sl900 Call "G"'""" brwn w/Wlule mt., vinyl formation. ask for Rick wknds. New p a int, new tires. sell all - mcludmg spare .... """" San Juan Capistrano A/C, AM /PM . .SO CC top, loaded, n u radials. Os fl

S37SO. 646-9743. A .M . <I speed trans. , lots of 1975

DATSUH 837-4100493-4511 eng, xtra clean. $2.SOO. imm ac. 494-6474 or car m _ cetgaraice. JwtoSw-flce,Ports ~ j!Wc parts and a n MG 968-5430 --.- '13 Uus t P 1S. Rcyl. dri.<.'

lrA.ccftsoriH 9400 -. -- Mitten car cover for 280COUPE Porsc h e 91 4 1.7 '73 . Codilloc: 9915 F ORD Mu s t ang 70 brk 11 rr lo ml air AM •••••••••••••••• ••••••• 66 Ford Van. SIOSO. Runs SISOO. Phone 645 .5108 4 s peed. mag w heels, Phoenix red. (990JFU) Grande V-8, auto. A !C. rad·. xln't cond. sisoo.

v w ENG IN FS good . J:d _ t ires. body , t.tfter 6 or u45.7!:.4~ und whht• l'Xtcnor. air rond . Kon is, AM / FM, $4650. -··• ••••••••••••••••••• stereo. rlean. Make or 963.893J USED - tn :nu'i LT rt Jll,7611ij8<13 lca\'erns.:for lltnni~ sterootape&inexcellenl 547-0-041 days . Eve & ~-\'\ fer . 644·9726 1--------

DerBuggyShop530~J40 Mu~t ~ell,66VW Van,xlnt condu1on 1215488\ wknd 640-7153 ask for '65 Sqr bck . 2nd ownr. ~ '70T· BIRUAM/ l'' M cass. '1llFury,v1nylto1>,cle1rn, running t·ond. A:skm.: '67 GTV 5 s 1xl. Wt•lwr '· OMLY $6695 Byron Xlra c lean . AM W M , . full Perl cond aut.o. air. Xlnt cond. $67$,

NOTUNJ_;~~OVER ~J. 8'J3· 1832 _____ ~~~~~un~\~tl'~~~:i:.:'.! 67Por11cheA M/FM,reblt ~~~ofr. 645 · 3'1l5 ' .• ~-. • : ~~t sefi"'~soo or best 4~~----

Chnstiun Car l'o C 646-2688 eng, best offer -..:::.-..~ - olr. 581·7897 PonHoc 9965 Sue '74 hevy Van.•., ton, S4S 274-1 ---- ~'../ --- •••••••••••••••••••••••

549 8-098 t'lL'!lom11ed. :\laKS. quad - - --·- ·- - '&1Falcon6cyl., auto. Call . • - '12 Spyclt'r Grl't·n n111 :?X45llAHBOR Bl.VD Q J" Ip · 75 Pontiac A~l n' Air 1'' rd t •

1 d r'o lllpe de<. k. i\M F~I . lo vert. lo milea"l" ma"'

5 ·73 914 2 0. Appr. Grp. Iii! rty anc r1cl' Cherri 642 -11'\2 D)S ' · · •

o a t•mrt•Jrcn - . rru V-8 IJ5()1 SJ600 or " ,. 40.6410540-0213 Maf(s , or~ w 1 blk . (,utlfJ1Ht•1•d b7~6614Eves $400. • 25,000 m1. l"l'On. lklow 2 Ford trut k 15". Sl ug ~torr 64.i 1s&s · stereo. new 11111 Supcrwr Rat

9725 AM FM 8 tk. :lliM mi

1 ,

1 ...

1• • whl ~ le , xtras $1975.

whls, 1 :.phl nm , 1 tlrop cond. i\:.kinl( $!WO. J'h "' ' ti:! 4·dr J-'jlcon . Good 1:1-17 5713 center. T handle gear '7S Oodue Maxi Van. mdl. 642 0&11 •• ••• •••••••••••••••• • • ~liUO 1112

Jll">H I' •I• II• I k '''' .,.,00 -- - -., t raru.1JQrtallon car ..... I I sluft u:.,embly ror VW 830, &-WOO m1 . Chrysler Audi

9707 ill K.'MI ~puh·r Xtra low ·71 !111 Wh1lt' I o"m·r HEW '77 RA.lllTS I 1 ~""' -...1., 1 ,1 firm. s.is 75811 · '7 ti Firrhi r< •

0 m a':.

Slll. P~ir VW ad:ipters air. a uto, p JS. Ask mg •••••• ••• • •• • •• • •••• • •• rn1 ''"' • t1nd See to ~upt"r111r cond. Abking *I 00/o Discount • ,.1 l\ ., ,\ 1 "ti ---- - - AM F~I lladm, aar c-nn<I. S7.SO. L'.ampcr roof \Cot $4500 979 1805 a:.k for hl'l1t·\I' ~14u0 H40 ~70 S<.'Olt l'h642·0641 P /s, P w $:>400 or b:.l ~- Gm<.: Van rndio 51S. Mano 73 . 1001 ..s. Jlr. 'tereo, On Most Models < ·' 111.1~~ 11

1 Mercwy 9950 ofr. ~8762. Dual port ht•:tds ror VW . - Salver Blue . 1 mm ac. ·7 1 SPIDER 124 •7; l 1 ng 7U rn rs t.• he 91 l T •VW s..a,.,,..rket • ' ' ·• 1,., • C:ount~.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• --- ------S20 each Pair IS" ma~:. 67 Ford Super Van · 1on1o: $3200. 673-6789 _ :-. e w hr ks. \ \I FM . A\t / FM . i\ C, cover, ski '67 BlYl 74?0AW •. $Pi ll !lrf, 1 •vm.t 1y 1962 Monterey . nuns '67 Firebird. AC, PS. PB, S.hole Ford SIU '7 1('h••v wheel base, 1 µt &- lj .

71 FOX

4 dr. sunroof, mai:s. re<l ~ l>lk $1700 rack, Ret·aro Sl°ij\:. , l?BiJYP r,H'i/ •••. i lit C.iuill.tl good, SJOO or hcst oHcr AT. n~·w tin•s & muffler,

Va n stecrini: bhl $5 tra rk. $900. 548-:!6119, AM FM stereo & tape. &l21858 Burgu11d) l'h o ne b?Bi·iOJ/Llll .• •.Ill CJll67S24111 aftlpm ~Jt.73 1i8:l-_i ____ _ i\ u tom u t 1 {' po 0 I 642 6351 8'79·4573. • M,JSll'I Ol·.1kr -- v- 997 4 chlorinator S4 TJbcx Xlnt. cond. $34SO is F1ut ~ l'.l lo.i1.kd with 12 t J ,1r&l7'1 .. ') IO!l ::!hlll) lt.itluu Ui\\I 9952 .;.'!":•••••••••••••••••• chlonne tahleb. ~k· t•a Autos Wanted 9590 581 I~ exln1~ llo•lnw hook Like lloMs Royctt 9 7 56 ·1:11 Wnn XYl7b4 .. $1177 (.n,1.i M l'\,I S<lO-~ 1 UO MustmM)

333 Jo: 111111 St , C'M ••••••••••••••••• •••••• new .a•n •1112u •••••••••••••••••••••• • ., ••••••••••••••••••••••• '75CHEVYVEGA

"'"337'1 WEWILLIUY ' i1;Aucl1 Fox Wh1te.4ilr, .. "' lDEAlERINU.S.A. '71Bq971DMP \127 7 Nabers '67 Mustang. xlnt cond. 4s~>d.a1r cond .. wh1tt! "~ AC' t·ru1secon 11 ul. Honda 9727 liw1n8'1 ')(10 .. $131/ YOURDATSU~ i\:\I VM :.terco 1-.11111 , • ••••••••••• • • • •• ••• • • • ROY , ~ Auto, P I S, nu lire!> . extenor&lowm1lcs. 1':x

Fnur lnilf.: Whl'l't~ Wllh l'AIU !'OH OH NOT C1x·o mats, 4..~pt!. S.1!1.~I IRR 6/ 111 J J?7LJJ $1 617 Cad1·11ac 69,000 Orig. ml. $1275. tra clean· MUST SEI-: ! 1-'tUIO. uncll'r 5.00t'I 111 111-.. TOP DOLL ... R S52-llO:lll afll·r Ii p M & Brand Mew '77 CARVER 70Gh10 Conv. 749 I '1 717 548-4039 (3711-'KEl. on tar es SISO. 8!#1 7!1:!7. "' ROLLS ROYCE ' O..,.LY S2 99 5 FOR TOP CA.RS wf•ekemJs HOM DA Cars r . 71 Bue.,,, 7710 ')l'l77 Mustan~ '66 6cyl Huns " A.utotforS°'~ BARWICK DATSUN BMW 9712 MAHY ~~~·:;h 70Poprop3l~8 \ 22 77 CAD '76 Seville. Loadccl J,lood. Xlnt cond.

SanJuanCaptslrano • ••••••••••••••••••••• • ToChooseM-om! MO•~• '71 Cmpr '•71HJ ~J $7777 $9.950. 18,000 mi, cru1~c S13UO 557 :12t1!I . ....•........ .... ... .. ~s/ 831 - 1375 493.3375 Cl0$l0\UNOAY$ 1n.1 4':>AC1Hf' '1lil7 cntrl.644-14541

Classics 9520 -- - --- I- UNIVERSITY Subaru 976 2 '" e11 .. 11r11;:n11 $Nil - - - Oldsmobi~ 9955 284S llAH BOR Bl.VD

••••••••••••••••••••••• CASH FOR C.ARS . Oldsmobile •••••• ••••••••• •• ••• • •• Fwy l'lo~c. lor dirt·ttwn!> 1~~ 1 Cadrtlllal (· Coupe Ddc ••••••••••••••••••••••• 540.6410 540.0213

TRUECL"SSIC Tops ()ollar $ pau'I for Honda C GMC call 1 e. u Y equ1ppe . ·73 Olds Toronado . ---


"' 1

d 1

k & ars • 1974 DL. 4 dr. green w •vin S289S. 841"7994 aft 5PM Loaded ! Stereo. Ong '77 Ve" a . like new, 9.000

Al'o 's G1"uhet1 n Spn' nt A c ean use <'M'> , tul' s True .. • f A IC 36 000 .. Cor v tl • \~k ror Paul COME, ... &-SEE "-> lop, sunroo • · · owner S26SO. 640 •\6'16. ml. mll"S, radio. 67S·t>588

• Clean '"l llod y with e C!> . ' ~ ,... II bo "I d I t d $2 2SO '68 Cad Conve r tible, " " O'N1•1ll THEALLHEW .!ll"10 ;Jr ru v mi. x n con . • . -- ---- aftSPM . beautiful lll'W rl'd 11a1nt HOWARD c .. ·.,--•·t ('r1:.1.1 \-h-~3 S40 9640 ~\·3907 evs /wknds white, full pwr. SlSOO,ofr. 74 Toronado, 'Int ('rind lo -- ---adtr u 't.J 1300 \. dnr(· °'" rvt... 630CSi HOW! -- -- 848·!1!l58 m1. full JI" r A \1 WM . llaH· :-.oml'thrng to sell'! enginl• '" i!tf runnins.: l>ovr At Quail !'t~ 1Y73 llonda <.:tvu·. l llbk, Toyota 9765 ---- -- -- stereo. S4~r.J5 K.11 !ll07 Cl._&!'i~1r1l-d ads doll well cond. llhr '\ l'n1:1n1• hJ'> N~:Ytl'ORT JH:,\Cll SADDLEIACK S1950 ma1?s. m·w ra,.huh. • •••••• • •• • •••• •••••••• '70 Cad. dcV11le Sedan. --- -been runnmi: ,troni: in Hllenf(, h\:! K'Jlt7 75!15&17 l,oaded ' Xlnt cond. Autos, Used Auto1,UHd

Wl-' l'\Y IOl 'l>Ol.L\lt VA.LLEYIMPORTS .,..,...,"", h I> 'II IA>VWConvert Whll1:.nu 71.000m1. S192S. S51-64S9 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • mySp) tll'r 11llro·11l.1n••I 1"l)ltTt>l'l·<.;L,· llC'\H<.; ""'"" '~'J" orl' r ~ '77 1y: b n 0 1t Wllh nf''41'r lti{~l l Will J' 831-2040 495.4949 2 ~.:, 1u~~ & rk'> 5.,s FOfU,1<;-.: UO\H.!-.Tll l(crrmnnGhio 97 3 5 '""'°""" "74 F'LTWD Bro~ham ~ell ull ml'ludml! ,.,µ.in· nr 1 I. \...,..,1c., •••••••. •••••. ••• • • •••• loaded Jmmac Pvt Pty 4 '>~l·ll trans. lob oC IC)'uur •·.irl••·•tr.iili·.in 19WVW<"am1wr. 11111110µ . ..,...,"'.17141640-SJJS ·-'- d MG ' ' ~ Karm.1nn <:t11 1 •" 1>1.1100 .,,.,..., Jiu"' 11Jrt~ an on . Q.,e us fir,1 clean Rl•hlt i.'nl! Sl~SO \I lt ( ~~ m1 'lhllO 111 b,· .. t

1 en r ;ir l'O\er or 1 ... us.o IUICK ..... , .. ~, CORONA fi428!()7nr7S!l !'~17 S150tl l'h11ne M!i !i l OM "' ~ $ 1 51 • •~01oow11v ......, " "' S after ti or 64S·7S42 Jntl :!9'.!.5 lfarbor Ul\ll \ A'41• ""'" Mcnda 9738 67 VW Camper. fully lt•ave msii for Denni-; < n-.t.i \1t''J ~1 ' 1 ?!'..o<t HA VE JUST eqwp'd w /gas & propane

• PIHSTRIPIHG • Freehand $2.'> up r~ll! 7:lll7

'61 Karm ann Ghia ;!lllll 1·1 eng, 48 Wtber&. hl'ud wk . Empi, 8 !IJ>Oke!l, rad111h• rrcond . thruout. Set! tu 11ppret'. $2000 or MnN1ffrr trade Cor I' ll. 1-:1 Camino or Hanrhcro 1'12 ltill(t

Olli T1mP Ah1•11 l111111 1•r 1!138 l'l v mo111 h l s Uorder I' .11 rnl ' t.1111111 w111:on. Clit•' nt ..ix 1111111 for fedi. on '11('1·1.il 11r•lc>r Sw1tch1::>1 rnr 11.;ht~ .inti sirtn ant;wt 'll('Ml'i '"m" work. Charac\l'r '.ir par ex<'rllt>nrt• i\uv 11ffe1 OVl'r Sl.000 ('.111 ' lli41 .(!!Ill frm 6µm IOpm P11ncho \'1lla nf'<'d not apply

1926 Model T Ford

289FordC t Auto Tran.~anu.i.lon

Corva1r F\"cin1 Su111wn (;orvettc R(•nr SuNpen.

Tubular F'ranw Maa Wht•l!ls

$3950 ----~--5. \.113 __ . --

.. Wheel Orf.., .. 9510 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73 Olazor , olr . extras, Xlnl cond. $4000.


'70 4x4 Sroot. Heavy dul> b umpen1, winch, m a gs. Sac. $1.100. 646·8008 _ __ 1



CONNEil CHEVROLET ~ ll.1rh11r Hl~d

\ '11-. 1 \ \1 1-:. ..... \ 546- 1200

IOI' Hlll.l. \ll l'hlll

I \I \H.lH \ n .u I- UR ,\LL

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mazda 'tfl Wl(l ·l'll>tl /.XX111~. 6P M. .1 Ill\' tM.' S H dh 1. \\ II

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ff} k \t W .iood .... 1111 Stf'l•I hcltl"d r.l 1l1~1 ' n .. w kum !>hock~. 1\ ,\I I- \1 1.1d1u II lr .Hk '<l •' ll'O ~JltOO

"33 5712 J~k rur \nclv

'75 200 2 .a~plf . 1\lr . /\'1 FM sterto, Pin strtp•· '· Radial s and M •1n • EXTR ~: M F.LY NI<'~:' Only S6500 (l.1~29N llK I at Crevier BMW. 835 3171 &inta An:t

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Trcb 95'0

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76 Mercedes 280. cream color, all xtras Assume lff or sell . J im 675·3121 - - --

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SPICIALS 833·0730 work, 400·8418 8 210 4 Door . 4 apeed, _ho_m_ e _______


nMllo. (087PKE> 75 ~LC. b1ack , t an Int.


2 Dr. 4 3J*(l, ndlo .tr heat.er. (072NAL). Tb1e week


1971 TOYOTA c01tOL.1.A coure

4 1P«ld, r1dlo • heater. C813C8Ql. Thia week

P1us Tax• U cenk

·74 COUP F. De Ville, 27 M. xlnt. $64SO. Ong. owner. 552·8766

i2 Eldorado immac. All xlrau 39.000 mi. Nu steel tires $4950. 640-8639 eve.


12 Charger SE. $l585. Xlnt cond. MA-41Mllll or 675-82S8

'74 OMC '-'T , SIB, 6 cyl Plld For Or Hot ·~tick •bell, mau. 21'5HAR80 RB.LVD.

MOW $2795 unde1r warranty 20.000 888 DOVE STRE!:1' mi. a lloy \llheela, aun·


MJSSJON Vl &J O IJ I ·2110 4H-12 IO Potd

\...... Olarbor Is Victoria > i....,, Xlnt cond. COSTA MESA 5' · 44& 1150 N ew 642-0613 JffW!, P$00. -------

Near MacArth ur r o o l. ri e w X W :Jc •Jam boree Road• M lch~lln1 , $21,500 .

llJ.1100 4.9'_"'8_ Wl _____ 1


ll I ·2110 495· l 2 I 0

1800 BS S ptwgn , A /C. '7$ Oranada Pwr s teer atereo. lo m l, xlnt. cood. brakea, Top cond, Silver, SS.29U or 547.3339 low mi 4.94-7377

OUN TOa lNO V I • u•a '''"' ••oo,., 1 1r, ,,,,.,,,,., \tH'• fW1 00*''' O•W: Of U f1 , tMftO N••t" .n ~htrj!f ,.,H, •in•I 100• l1nleO g1u1 l&JKVV I

PINTO IUNAIOUT ' '"'. eu•n .,,,., . f.-t~O'., . 1 ... ' f ll>O '"'t't' Wf\ttfw• I t 11 ~ \

• "'"° "'•" _..,, , ra .... , ,., "'"•• ~·e•.or •uov• r•t• t 7U,., lt .C)

'f:J2 DAILY PILOT Thursday, April 7, 1977

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', .. ·::......... FEATURING \It ..









1971 t.:

TRIU1<4ftff S 1599 SPITFIRE U)06FP ... 4 Sl'EED • RADIO

















vc11i~~~r' 001q~o u ,....,,., ,I),, "' " ' 9'0"...,ed 10 OVf ...... O• Pt T OY ~he



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• • • BANK






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.... ,3 0:16219 ,. • ,...,. t)(: o mo









' 70 COROLLA 4 Sl"EEO ,, 137H9


'74 rc>RSCHl '14 · All · S SP



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d' ::r -

D11ntington Beaeh Fo11ntain Valley



A.f t'eraoon N.Y. S'ocks


Wine, Women Repented; Thief to Pay SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A

forme r Brinks securi t y guard who re pented in court his brief life of wine a nd wom en fi nanced by a $400,000 heist has been sen­t e nced to 10 years an a federal prjson.

' I thought it would s olve my problems and al didn 't ," Richard Cha rles Rees said Wednesday or h is ill·fated. 11-month advcntur<'

U .S . Dis trict Court Judge

Cfl arles B. Renfre w o rde red Rees, 27, to prison despite de­fe nse witnesses who u rged that the Vietnam vete r a n be com­m itted to a rehabilitation center .

Rees pleaded g uilty March 2 lo a c ha rge or bank larceny - tak· ang $373,000 belonging to banking mstitulions - and to transport­ing $411.935 in stolen money from California to Texas.

The Judge ordered that the

27-year-old former Marine serve the maximqm 10 years fo r each count, to run concurrently .

Re nfrew s aid the r equest by defe nse attorneys that Rees be sent lo Delanc~y Street Founda · tion, a center for ex-convicts and form er drug addicts, was "just not viable."

''My obligations a r e to society as a whole . If the sentence lags so fa r behind expectations, you

lose any deterrent ." the j udge said .

Rees enjoyed nearly a year or fast li ving. a fte r he vanished Feb. 11. 1975 with a champagne crate stuffed with cas h, leaving puzzled law author1t1es in his wake Ht' had i.topped h,Js Brinks armored car at a San Mateo restaurant on pretense of making a delivery to a girl.

He was captured without re-

Ca11er Ends Nuke Plan U.S. to Study Alternatives of Breeder

WASHINGTON <AP> Pres i-d ent Carte r a nnou nced today that he is de ferring U.S . develop· m e nt of nuclear breeder rc•ac· tor s, the power pla nts that pro duce add1llonc.tl fuel but could he lp incrca:.e t he sprt>ad of a tomic weaoonry an the world.

Carter said the n :.k of s pree.tel ing nuc lear weapons " would be vastly increased by the further s pread of :.ens1ll ve technologies w hich entail direct access to

p l utonium, high ly e nr ic hed ura n ium o r ot her weapo ns­us able materi al."

The breeder is powered by plutonium and is so nam ed because 1t produces more fuel than 1t consumes.

The s t atement issued by Carter said the United States will s tudy "alternative designs of the breeder " but postpone their

Baby Death Case

Doctor Ousted Second Time

Fire Hits V a/,ley Finn

A multi -a l arm fi re roared through a packag­ing factory m a Fountain Valley ind ustr ial area plan at 11 am today

The firm. thl' PaC'kagt' F :H· tory .1l 11065 Condor C1rcl('. '' .. ., compl t'te ly en gulfc-d m names which were battled hy fl\' (• llunl 1ngton Rt•ach and Fountatn Va!lt•y fin· units

Imt1al reports indicated t h at tw o co mpan y employes s uffered burns or cuts <luring the outbreak of the rare Apparently no firemen were injured in the fa rt•

The roof of tht' huild111g w a" hurnt'd t hroul!h and wall ., Wl' rt' ht•i.:11111111..: l o burklt• ,.., f1rt•m1•n " trug gled In nvpn·o m t• th1· -, tuh born hi Mt'

Gay Cyclist Sought in HB

A police dragnet 1s out today for a motorcyclist who apparent ty a ttempted homo!lexual attackc; on two young men he p1rkl'd up a long Pac1f1c Coast ll1~h"- aY 10

Huntington Bc:irh . In ve s tigators sai d today

nelther vichm of the We<1ncsday n•ght assaul ts was st>raously 1n j ured . Uoth escap~d from tht•1r captor .

Orang~ Coasl

.._ 4 ,.,, n i~


Westmin ste r Com mu ni t y Hospital officials have again sus· pended all m edical privileges of Dr . William Baxt er Waddill, 43, a Hunt ington Ha rbour physician cha r ged with murd e r in the Ma rc h 2 strangulation death or an hour -old infant. ~

Dr. Waddm ·s privileges were fi r st suspended March 9 by the hos pital medical executive com m1tlee "hen police launched a probe into the death or a baby girl born after an uns uccessful s aline a bortion attempt.

The committee reinstated Dr. Wadd1ll 's privileges except ror perrorming abortion:. at the hospital. Just before the phys1 c1an 's March 24 arra1~nment in West Or.mge County Munic1p.il Court

Hospital officials declined to give reasons for Waddill 's seeond s uspension

Waddill will race a preliminary hearing on th e fir st degree murder rompl :unt Monday 1n We'-lminsll'r 111· 1s fre e on $25,000 bail

Waddill had nu eommt•nt on his Lilt•<i l SUSp<'nS IOll

Tht• We:.tm1nsl1•r ho'ip1t.1l has ht•t·n lht• targt'l of at lt•u st three anl1-a bort1on proll's t demonslra· taon'l m tv.o v. l'eks police c;a1d

But ho'>p1tal off1uals said the demonstrdtions have nothing to do"" 1th Wadd1ll 's c;uc;pe ns1on

Westminster poli ce Lt Joe Woods said about 300 protesters picketed the hospital for about an hour Monday. Woods said some of the picketers were youn~ ~irl !'i ""eann~ parochial sc hool un· 1forms

Spokesm en ror Blessed Sacra· ment and Saint Bon aventure pansh<'S said members of their congr egati ons hav e heen in ·

volved with the protests but de· nied picketers have tn<' luded schoolgirls

Peace Talks End V IENNA , Aus tr ia <AP )

Peace t alks between Greek and T urkish Cypriots ended he re to­d ay

adoption for commercia l use. Without mention ing t he pro1ect

by na me, t he s t a t e m e nt ap· pea r ed to spell the end of the pro· posed Clinch Ri ver b reeder reac­tor . a $2 billion , dem onstration pla nt planned near Obk Ridge, Tenn .

Carter said he would also defer ind e fini tely th e co m mercia l r eprocessing and recycling (lf plutonium produced by U.S. nuclear power progra m s.

O• O• 1'1101 S••11 PMIO

~pforLlfe Candidate for job as Hunt· an g t on Beach lifeguard jumps from city p ier in s imu lated rescue effort. Qua l ifying te s t s for lifeguards arc being con­ducted t h is week by the c ity ·s marine s afety of · f1cers .

Soldiers Warned NAIROBI . Ke n ya <AP >

P resident ldl Amin of Uganda has ordered his soldier s to stop arresting and lnllmld aling inno­cent civilians, Ugand a radio said in a broadcast Wednescjay. Amin cautioned the a rm ed fo r ces against creating fear and panic among the people a nd interfering in the judiciaJ process

A reprocessing pl a nt planned by industry at Barnwe ll , S.C., but now seeking fede ra l s u'pport, " wi ll receive neither fede ral en­{'OUragemcnt nor fund ing for . its completion as a reprocessing fac1hty ."

Carter said the United States will shift its nuclear r esearch money toward alte rn a ti ve systems or nuc lear powe r that do not make avail able m a teria ls usable for nuclear weapons.

Rescued2 Improve Hospital


• in

Two Huntington Beach boys, overcome by t.oxic fumes while on a Tom Sawyer -Uke odyssey in· to Huntington Beach 's s ubte rra­nean nood control cha nnel tunnel system, were reportedly improv· ing today.

S p oke s men aa ld J oseph Deupree, 10, and Ger ry Marlow, 11, were still listed in s t able con· dilion a t the Huntington ln­tercommunity Hospit a l Intensive care unit.

" We tried to talk to the m Wed­nes day but they really weren't ready yet. But we talked lo Mrs. Ma r low tod:Jy and s he said they seem 100 percent improved." s<1 1d Detective Sgt. Luis Ochoa, o f the police depa r t m e n t ' s 1uverule bureau

Deupree, of 16761 Viewpoint Drive. and Marlow, or 7592 Volga Drive. bot h in Huntington Beach, were rescued Tuesday jus t minutes before they would have died

They were r escued a bout 4 p.m . by Fire Depar t m ent Capt. Gene Saunders, who Inched his way down a 30-inch diameter concrete pipe with a rope lifeline knolled around his ank le .

Il e and other fire m en had sea rched num erous t unnels for the boys, who were report ed mis­sing Monday when they didn't come home for dinner after going nut for an Easter vacation adven­ture

The tiny tunnel beneath Beach Roulevard at Heil Avenue - one

<Stt TWO BOYS, Page A2)


An Easter egg hunt will be held in Fountain Valley Saturday for toddlers lo children 9 years of age at 10 a .m . north of the City R ec r ea ti o n Cent e r , 16400 Brookhurst St.

Children will hunt for candy eggs a nd special prizes a nd be visited by the E aster bunny. The event Is s ponsored by m embers of the Fountain Valley Recrea· t ion Department of the J aycees.

sistance J an. 13 by the FBI in a s m a ll Ne w Mexico t o wn southeast of Sant a Fe

Rees took the stand Wedt)es· day to plead h is own case. alter earlier admissions he bad gone nearly broke spending the stolen loot on gambling and ro m ance in Texas.

As ked why be took t he money. R ees replied, " I was running a w ay fro m Ullngs . .. I w as

The Way It Was

mixed up at the tim e, didn't think 1

it was that big of a deal, not any bigger than what 1 had done in Vietnam."

He told of his stint in Vietnam , where he beeame addicted to morphine after it was used to treat prun and of later atte mpting s u icide by s wa11owing ex plosives a ft e r there we r e " no d rugs available.' '

l'llolo by 0 .. rte L tlmmerm•n

A Laguna Beach bathi ng beauty, circa 1940, stands by one of the hottest surfboards of the day. an 11-foot-long, 78-pound job m ade of redwood and spruce. The board was made by and belonged to Lagunan George Zim­m erm an. Currently fashionable s urfboard s . called "pumpkin seeds." by Zimmerman, would be about as tall as the gi rl in the photo.

Huntington Seniors Ring Their Chimes

Ne w chimes in Huntingt on Beach Jligh School 's SO·year-old tower have begun to ring, thanks t o the efforts or the school's graduating seniors.

Members of the class of 1977 or · ganlzed a fund r ais ing drive to get tbe $7,000 needed to buy the e lect ronic system which now

rings the hour daily Crom 8 a .m. to 9 p.m .

The students s a id they picked the project because the tower ls the last building rem a ining of the original school. All the others ha ve been r eplaced with newer structures.

Cloudy tonight und Fri ­d ay with local mornan~ drizzle . A htllc cooler an land Friday with h ighs in the low 70s Lowi. tona~ht 111 low 50s.

INSIDE TODA\' Music Equipment COrifisc8ted

Th e fund · rai si n g drive in· eluded a $3,500 dona tion fro m the cit y's r evenue s haring funds, whi c h le ft the s tude nt-r aised lund with a $2,000 s urplus .

That money. they say, will be used to buy and Insta ll a clock s ystem on the old tower .

School olficials s aid most of the donations for the c hi mes a nd clock came from a lumni, some from as far away as Alaska . Classes dating back to 1910 were represented and school oCClc ials said all the surviving m embers or the 1926 football team sent a donation .

The orange baa become a pro/itatu symbol for gay& m San F ranci3co. 11 1" being u.sed in a protest aga.mst Anita

· . 8'11on.t'1 campajgn for r~al· Jng . o law barring 1ob biol

.agafnat homouzuab. Su

. P.ogeAS.

ladex AIY-S.Mu ., ltj\9.,.,y,_ ., ·-· 9efMKll

., Me•ln .... C.IK""'• A• 1o1-nwa1,_, .. 0-111 .. c._11 Na11 .... 1 ...... M C-ICI AU OtHttc-ty •• Cf99-- All , .. ,.. ..., ........... At ....... CJ-4 •Mwtll ..... At Mec•M.,._.t ..., ·~

.... , .... h, .. ... ~·

.. , Tllfft.n -· ......,__. •t ... ,-., M ........... .. wwwi.- • • .... ~ .,

By ARnfUR R. VINSEL OI t i. Dally l'llel Staff

The FBI h as confi sca ted $50,000 worth of s t ereo sound equipment from a Huntington Beac h t ape and recording ouUet on ce con v ict ed o n federal charges or pirating copyrighted recordings.

Federal agents said the Pearl Music Company, 5075 Warner Ave .. won't get Its equipment bac k this time, although it was r e tur ned to oper at or s in 197~ a fte r a $12,000 fine was levied against lhe fl rm.

Authorities said the confls cat• ed electronic . equipme nt will be held as ev idence until the U.S. Attorn9'1 Otflc• decldu wbetherf" not to proeecute.

No matter what the outcome of that decision, s aid Huntington Be ach Poli ce Detective Bob Sutherland , who aided .FBI agent. ln the local investigation, the gear will eventually be sold at auction.

Investigators raided th.e firm loca ted in a Warner Av enue shopplne center March 2) as an outgrowth of a s..,arate probe in­to a n alle1ed international music casHUe t ape \heft rl ng.

They also aeJced a stock of merehandlee lncludina more than 2,000 l•Pe ca11cttc1 alleged­ly produced by tapln1 lealtimate rccordlJlia by 1rtl1ta including v1rtuaUy everyone from Elvis Presley to Eltoa Jallo .

No mana1em• ·~•men

for the Pearl Music Company were available for comment to­day about lhe latest music piracy cha rges against the Cirm.

A ge nt Die l< Web er, a s pokesman ror the FBl's Santa Ana regional office, said no ac­tua l arrests of any employes was m ade.

't'he deci1don on whether to file criminal charges or thal nature must be made by lhe U.S. Al· toroey's Office ln Los Angeles but In the meantime, the c:om· pa ny races civil s uit penalUes.,

lnvesUcators ralded the Pearl r.tuJlc company based on ln· torm atloo de veloped durtnf a probe ol a Milford, Conneellcut~ bated nrm which promises aab-1crlbt:ra ~ low·c.ost 1teieo t.11*

over a nv.,.year J>Ql'iod in return for purchasint a stereo sel.

A reporter for Lhe Hantord CCoM.) Courant news paper who became auspicious about ac­tlvtdes ol tbe National Music Corporation beean delvtnc lnto Its deallnp and rurniahed ln­rormlt.ion to federaJ authorities. ln~eAlgators said tbelr probe

lndlcaied the firm beaded by a former door.~to· ctoor e n · cyclol*ll• •utesmen, 1\onald Morf. Med the Huntington Beach · firm u ltl manufacturer.

"We are 100 percent ln accord wlth eYefl' copyfi8ht law." Mori told lhe Coor ant recen\11. "Go ahead and write a damn •&or>' lf you thtok we are l n tlola·


Donations to the fund also came from students, school st aff member11 antf focal r esidents.

The qhlmes 1y 11tem has the c apability of playing holiday mus ic. the school's fight song and the alma mater although al prH cnt It Ju.st rings lhe hour.

Memben ot the class of '77 have uked. lhe alma mater to be played for lh• first Ume during their lf'aduation ceremonies on \he campus ln June. -

H/ F Thursday. Aprll 7, Hin

Pilot Logbook

UFO to 'IFO': Takeover Ahead

By RICHARD P. NALL Ot , ,.. Otlty Ptl4C SU!lf

'111AT'S ODD," I said to my wile, as we neared home in Laguna BeJlch. "There seem to be lwo flying saucers up there ahead."

''They are fiying saucers," she said excitedly. We peered up lnlenUy bul I also tried towalcb where I was driv· ing on Catalina Street.

They were traveling from north to south, maybe a thousand feel above Pacific Coast Highway. And they bad colored blinking lights, lhat went on and off rapidly in a radial sequence-clockwise, I lhink.

Bul lhese saucers weren't in any hurry. Not like Neil Purcell's recent UFOs that disappeared over the Top of The World. These were moving at a leisurely pace, like they were enjoying the sights. And they were big.

NAL i.. REMEMBER PURCELL and l are both. trainec:f observers, he a police capt8.1n and 1 a newsman.

My wife told the neighbors. And we chatted on front lawns for a while. But the saucers didn't come back. Possibly light years away by now, I thought, powered by· some mysterious s tellar force and carrying tales of Laguna Beach to another galaxr.

Bill Conover was elated that we nad seen flying saucers. Although a resadenl of Laguna Beach all bis life, Bill bad never seen a fl ying saucer. But he conceded that the topic interested hjm and be was pleased that someone he knew had seen them.

I phoned Sgt. Dave Avers at the police department. No help . No other UFO sightings reported. Purcell must have been off duty . But these saucers that I spotted were big, Someone mus t have seen them . l wondered if Avers had heen pledged to secrecy by the FBI or CIA or some even higher power .. .

My wife and l heard Bill Conover yelling outside the house. We ran out.

BILL HAD BEEN enroute to his boat ln Dana Point as visions of saucers whizzed through bis bead. Then he saw them, coming back up the coasl, jusl as we bad described but going the opposite direction.

Bill got out or his van and climbed on top of it to look. As they got directly overhead , he said, you could see that lhey carr ied an advertbang message in lights. Bill drove back to Laguna to tell us .

My wife was disappointed. "It was the first end-of.the· world kind of thmg that I ever saw,·· she said.

I told our news photographers next morning of the fly. mg saucers that advertised a market chain. One quipped that it likely was expensive operating flying saucers. that 1 hey probably dad the advertising stint to finance in· t ergalact1c tnps

ANCYfHER WAG suggested that possibly the beings from another world had taken over the market chain. prov· ing that the Arabs and Japanese weren't the only ones with money.

TWO BOYS RECOVERING • • th;1t made· a 00 ckiir1•1• turn <' "C 1n•mc•ly d1fflru lt for ('Jpt :--aun 'krs to ncj!ot1ctl<' - was tht• la.t,t •)1)1• they plannl!ll t 0 !>c.irch

Racum Rap Stirs Flurry

l 1 NIT f>: I> N 1\ TI 0 'l ~. 'l Y . 1I\I' 1 A rc' m .1rk hv l S i\m h..l'.'>!.:idor Andrt•w Young thut h•• ' "ml'tames thought nmaan had " inv('nll-<I ra<'t!lm " touchNI off ltvt•ly rl':ll'llon to•lay amoni: dt• ld~;it<'!> to th<• l 'oiled N at1om1.

Young , the far !l t h la c k t\.merican ambassador to the world ori:anizat11m. told n Bntish 8)'oadcast mg Corp . intt•rv1cwcr that Britain lnstltutionalht>d r,cism " mon• than unyonf' 1•l11c in the history or the t'arth ."


DAILY PILOT !::.=t~~·~~,~·r,::::::::.:~'Z (o.t\t l'\tb'1\f\11'1t (Ot'l"tt.i.f ~ ..... ,~ 41e

And on Wednesday, Captain Saunders !'aid he had gon<' almost as far as he could to the end of ms lifeline held by other hremen al the tunnel entrance when he heard the boys moaning.

Investigators said today that Detective Gil Veine. of lhe police 1uvenlle bureau. was interview 1ng the Deupree end Marlow hoys. who had a history of play· ina a round the tunnels.

" We want to know how long they were in there, for one tb10g." said Sergeant Ochoa .

One of the prime con cerns 1s aho trymg to establish what type of toiuc gases tbe vicllms en· countered inside the ne..,..ork of tunnels and which caused them lo pass out.

The two prime theories are that ll was methane, or swamp gas caused by decaying veee\a· tion swept Into the s torm drain or perhaps carbon monoxide rtom the exhaust of autos on Beach Bo"1e~ard.

-Increase •

Exceeds Forecast

WASIDNCTON (AP) - The government said today lhat wholesale prices increased 1.1 percent In March , the second big monthly lncreaae in a row and much wonetbanexpecled.

The increase was sure to fuel demands lbat lbe Carter ad· m inl s tration take s teps lo cQunter a growing threat of an ln· nationary surge in lhe economy.

The March increase followed a wholesale price rise or nine· tenths of a percent in February and was the largest monthly rise since October 1975.

Although prices of farm pro­ducts led lhe price surge with a 2 .5 percent increase, lhe m~t alarming danger signal ln the price report was 'an eight-tenths of a percent ancrease in prices or industrial commodities, up from a six-tenths or a percent increase in February.

Ecooomlats look lo prices of in· dustrial goods as &iving tbe best picture of underlying tnfia­tionary trends . There were sharply higher prices during the month for metals and metal pro­ducts. textiles, apparel and t rans portation equipment.

The Labor Department said prices also turned up for lumber and wood products, rubber and plastic products following declines in February.

Price trends at the wholesale level are eventually passed along to the consumer at least in part, since they represent higher coets to businesses that produce the goods consumers buy.

lf continued for a 12·month period, the March increase in wholesale prices would result in an over-all increase of 13 percent for the year, well into the feared double-digll range for inflation. Wholesale prices increased 6.8 percent for the 12-monlh period endmg in March.

The Labor Department's wholesale price index stood in March at 191.9 percent, m eaning that goods priced at $100 a t wholesale in 1967 cost $191.90 lasl ' month.

F .-...PageAl

.. PEARL ••• lion . . . "

The music tape sales which the FBI claims Is an international scheme used to induce prospec. t 1 ve clients to buY stereo sets also orrered free hol idays at a New Hampshire resort.

Resort operators turned clients away, churning to know nothing of lhe asserted vacation a rrange· menl.

Fog, No Wind Sudls Tu:o uadYachls

The two lead yachts in lhe Balboa Yacht Club's 600·mile nonstop Guadalupe Island Race were stalled ln fog with no wind orr San Dieeotoday.

Flrelock, skipped by Syd Johnson of Santa Barbara's Pler· point Bay Yacht Club , had moved into the lead seven miles a head of Bill Hartee's Red Baron II out of the Huntington Harbour Y achl Club. Flrelock bad 61 miles to go at 8 a .m . and was not expected to fiolsb before late to­day or early Friday.

The rune boats in lhc Newport Harbor Yacht Club's 800-m.ile Cabo San Lucaa race also were experiencing li ght winds of( M a1dalena Bay on the Ba)a Collfomia coast.

John Scripps' 79·fool ketch Miramar out of the San Diego Yacht Club bas taken over lhe lead and is 1ailln110 miles ahead of John Reynolds' 38-foot Ghosl ll of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Ghost 11 was lhe first boa\ to start last Saturday at noon. Miramar started 20V.. bours later in tbe reverse. handicap race.

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. Children's Sleepwear Nixed

WASIDNGTON (AP> - A federal agency today banned production and sale o( children's sleepwear treated with Tris , a chemical fl ame retardant believed to cause cancer. ·

However, the Consumer Product Safety Com· mission voted 3 to 2 against recalling the 120 mllllon Tris·lreated garments already sold. ·

The commJssion voted s to O to allow consumers to bring back garments for refunds if they can show that the garments have never been washed.

Commission Chairman S. John Byington said that washing a garment at least three times "will rcmQvc nny unacceptable rtsk."

Commissioners R. David P1tUe and Thaddeus Garrett opposed this position, saylna that because Tris bad been foWld to cause cancer in laboratory animals, all garments treated with it abe>Wd be re­called from consumers.

Feared Kidnap Victi•s Santa Ana police today released these photos of Kai Cin· dy Silvria, 26, and her son, Robert Eugene Gildon. 6, reared kld.naped by four armed suspects who stabbed another man to death March 29. A third woman, Mary Joyce Paddio, alias Anita Love, is also missing. Anyone knowing their whereabouts is asked to contact the Santa Ana Police Department al 834-4211.

Anthony Testifies Before Grand Jury

Orange County Superv isor Philip Anthony and lobbyist Frank Michelena were among those who testified Wednesday before the Orange County Grand Jury as lhe jury continued its lhree-month probe into county political practices.

Anthony was the third county supervisor called to testify since the Grand Jury investigation got under way in early January.

So far . two indictments have come from the probe into cam­paign financing related lo J>05Si· ble conspiracy and misconduct in office offenses.

And it is Anthony's successful 1976 campaign lhat is a focal point of the inquiry.

Wednesday, lhe Westminster supervisor and his attorney, Verlyn Jensen, walked into the jury waiting room and were out in a bout 30 minutes.

His appearance reportedly was voluntary, a~ were those last


January b y h is f e ll ow supervisors, Thomas Riley and Ralph Diedrich.

Michelena, who was a major contributor and rundraiser for Anthony's campaign last year, s pent more than three hour:. closeted with the Grand Jury .

Earlier, two Diedrich aides tesliried . But neither Ray Rhoads nor Lyle Overby would discuss their testimony, which took most of the morning hours.

Of the lwo indictments a lready handed down by the Grand Jury, one released Wednesday showed that perjury charges lodged against political activist Loran Norton came in testimony that conflicted with his one·time con. fidant , Gary Newmyer.

Norton . a Republic an can · didate for state Senate last year, <•llegedly told the jury that SS.000 he r eceived from politica l ranan­c1er Gene Conrad was not used for campaign purposes.


e Thry wF'le r 0 wr•ll '.u1INl Ir ( (101" .1nfllhcr, n match ·8 was only nAlurat And -;o It 111a•.1ha1 S:>ny malchcd lhe It::::::;:~~ 1wo Component Stereo ;Jnd Comp;ict Slerco became <ino-tho SHP-59. r OfT!b1n1ng mr bl":;t fcalures o f bolh. The fut111ch sounrl ot componenl s1r:rl"O phono, FM, cassclle player/recorder plus AM/rM f1o;tf'ntnq w11h n serarale IWO·way $peaker system. And lho "dn-;111nrr" good looks ol n compact, including a -;moked dust covor. •

Five Held In Beach Brawl

Five peoplt' were arrested in Huntington Beach Wednesday after fights broke oul between beachgoers at city and slate bcuches.

One altercation drew a spring vacation c-rowd or about 350 peo­

. pie at Pacific Coast Highway and 5th Street.

Police said they arrested three people in the skirmish at 1 :JO p.m., including a combatant and I wo girls for allegedly inciting th(' crowd

Another b.illlt• erupted beneath the city pier and lasted for about 10 minutes while a crowd of 100 milled about.

Rocks and bottles r eportedly were hurled at a police officer , but no major injuries were listed.

The skirmish reportedly was set off by two young girls who battled each other before male friends joined in.

Authorities said alcohol was blamed for the misunderstand· ings and there were no indica­llons or gang riv airy.

Death.$ Suit

$500 Million By T he Associated Press

A class·action suil seek· ing more than $500 million Cor the deaths of all 249 persons aboard lhe Dutch airliner invol ved in the Canary Is l a nd r unwa y catastrophe has been filed in U.S. District Court in San Francisco.

Two other suits were a lso filed Wednesday in Los Angeles and San Diego by relatives of persons who died in the Pan American 747, the other jumbo jct in· volved an the March 27 col­I 1s 1on that kall r d 5i7 pcr!>ons al Santa Cruz de Tcncrafc.

Your ChQice


275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa .. _..._ .......... 1 o ... w.-.. c:.t. " ·

Phone 642-8882 Storo Hours Da~ly 9-6 Sat. 9-5:30

~ ................ sa.c. '"'



I Irvine



Today's Closing N.Y.Stoeks


• Softens Tree-fe~:g Penalty By IDLARY KAYE

Ol 11• Dally .. 11.1 Sl•ft Irvine city officials have sof­

tened their earlier position and are now recommending that the Presley Companies be fined only $4,000 for illegally cutting down eucalyptus trees in the new Orangetree development.

Last m onth, Assis tant City Manager Paul Brady suggested that. the developer be charged

$19,000, or $500 for each or the 38 trees cut down without city permisst6n . He included that suggestion in a memo to the city council.

But a new m emo lo the city council by Eddie Peabody, com­m unity development d irector, suggests the $4,000 figure pro­posed by the Presley Companies be accepted by the council.

When asked why the city's

position has chan1ed. Peabody said he views the $4,GOO figure as ' 'a more reasonable approach."

The community development direct.or said the Presley Com­panies also will be nquired to in· 1Uate a replanting program to r eplace the eucalyptus trees cut. down in th e wind break . However, he said, the replanting probably will not be very costly.

The number of trees to be

replanted will probably be rather small, since most of the 38 trees cut down were scheduled to be re­moved anyway to make way for roads and other facilities.

Also, the trees to be replanted will be s mall and not SSOO specimen trees, s ince that is not practical with e~alyptus trees, he said.

Officials of the Presley Com­panies maintain they should be

Ca1·ter Ends Nuke Plan '

U.S. to Study Alternatives of Breeder WASIDNGTON (AP) - Presi­

dent Carter announced today that he is deferri ng U.S. develop­ment of nuclear breeder reac­tors, the power plants thnt pro­duce additional fuel but could hel p increase the sp r ead of atomic weaponry in the world.

Carter said the risk of spread­ing nuclear weapons " would be vastly increased by the further spread of sensitive technologies which entail direct access to plutonium, highly enriched ur a n ium or ot he r weapons· usable material. "

The breeder is powered by plutonium and is so nam ed because it produces m9re fuel

Insulation Addition Needed?

WASIUNGTON (AP) - Up to two-tbird5 of aU American homes

"'tnay have to be insulated or have more Insulation added under President Carter 's energy con· servation program, Federal Ene rgy Administrator J ohn O'Leary indicated today .

O"Leary told a Senate hearing that one·lh1rd or all existing U.S. homes have no insulation and a nother th ird arc badl y in · sulated.

He said the President's pro­gram would contain a " blend of incentives and disincentives" to make sure that all homes are energy-erricient. O'Leary said he is h opeful this can be ac · complished within 10 years.

As ked later by a reporter whether this means that two· thirds or a ll homeowner'! would be required to add insulation. O' Leary said that was essentially correct. lie said a cra!>h na · tionwide program lo get all homes and buildings properly in· sulated 1s needed " given the seriousness of the s1tuataon "

O"Leary's comments <'amc as details of the Adminlstrallon·s over-aU energy package began to unfold.

White House energy adviser James R. Schlesinger r eportedly wH bnefing key members of Congress that the remainder or the President's program, to be unveiled April 20, would Include continued ·price controls on natural gas and probably a stiff tax o n ruel - ln c fri c l c nt a utomobiles.

Or~::J.Coast Weathe r

Cloudy tonight and Fri · d ay with local m ornin g drizzle. A little cooler in­land Friday with highs In the low 70s. Lows tonight in low 50s ..

INSIDE T ODA V The ot"CJl'lge hoa bf!com~ . a

pro/UalM 1J1111bol for gays jn 1 Son Frandlco. lt u bdng

wed in a protut. Ogain1I Anita B111ant'• campaign for repeal· bag . a law barring 1ob bia.

.ogohttt homo1ezual1. See , P.o01AS.

ladex ., ..... .. ,,. M ., ..

04 ... , M .... A4 M

than it consumes. The s tatement issued by

Carter said the United States will study "alternative designs of the breeder" but postpone their adoption for commerci al use.

Without mentioning the project by name, the statement ap­peared to spell tge end of the· pro­posed Clinch River breeder reac­tor, a $2 billion, demonstration plant planned near Oak Ridge, Tenn.

Carter said he would also defer indefinitely the comm er cial reprocessing and recycling of plutonium produced by U.S. nuclear power programs.

A reprocessing plant planned

by industry at Barnwell, S.C., but now seeking federal support, " will receive neither federal en­couragement nor funding for its completion as a reprocessing . facility ."

w·hile cutting back the breeder program, whi ch would have multiplied nuclear fuels, Carter pledged t.o increase U.S. produc­tion capacity for enriched uranium, the fuel used in conven· tional nuclear power plants.

This promis e w as a r e­assurance to both the domestic nuclear industry and foreign na­tions that fuel would continue t.o be available for conventional pl ants a nd the y n eed not

Tennis - Plaooeg Most tennis players will admit the game can be frustrat­ing at times. This pictorial comment on how frustrating it can be was ins pired by photographer's discovery of this battered tennis racquet in a trash can just outside the public courts at 16th Street and Balboa Boulevard in Newport Beach. Golf anyone?

Doctors Say Diet Will Peel Pounds BOSl'ON <AP) - Docton have

devised a diet that allows people to eat almost nothing but stay healthy and control their hunger while they lose pounds of nab.

Patients on the diet developed l>Y Boston researchers ate only tiny amounts or m eat and took vitamins and minerals. ln the.Ir first months, they lost. about half a pound a day.

Doctora said the diel did not up a et t h e p atie nts• bod y chemistry the way fasting does. Even better, the patients report· ed they were not hunfry.

The res earcbe.rs c alt the weight-loss approach " proteln-1paring modified fast."

The diet ia similar to tho popular SUJlman dlet, except that lt ls more restrictive. The Sllllman diet allows a penoo to eat lar1er amount• or rood, bas ically pl'Oteln, and requires

no hoepitalizatjon. If * dieter fasts, h is body

generally begins to burn valua­ble protein as well as the un­desired fat. The new diet Is in· tended to compensate for this by providing an external source of protein.

They CfUUcla &bat it remaios tn tesllna •lllfl and that ov«-· welghtpeoplnhould not uy It• theirOWft.

An esUrnated 40 million to 50 million Americans are over· welsht.

Tbe research was published ln today's New tnglaod Journal of Medicine. It was conducted by doctors at New Encland Deaco­ness Hospital, Harvard Medical School and Mauacbuaetta Ina tltute of Technoloiy.

" For the conaclteUou1 physl· clan « faoUty pbJaldan. tllla

C9" Dl£T, P .. eAJl \

necessarily build breeder reac· tors .

Carter added he would propose legislation "to permit the U.S. to offer nuclear fuel supply con­tracts and guarantee delivery or s uch nuclear, fuel to other coun· tries ."

He said he would continue to bar exports of uranium enrich· ment and nuclear fuel reprocess­ing equipment and technology.

And Carter said he would seek establishment of an international program to develop alternative nuclear fuel cycles and measures to assure access to nuclear fuel supplies and spent fuel storage " for nations sharing common nonproliferation objectives."

Sabotage Probed in 1975 Crash

By WILUAM SCB1tEIBER OI t._ Dally " llot St.II

Federa l investi1ators are probing the cause of a 1975 Marine Corps plane crash in Mis· s ion Viejo to d etermine if criminal charges can be filed ag~inst anyone in connection wilb the mishap that killed tour people.

The U.S. Attorney in Los Angeles, assisted by the FBI , has been gathering evidence and con­ducting interviews for about three months. according to Asst . U.S. Atty. Richard Plymale.

Plymale reportedly brought 10 witnesses before a federal grand j ur y las t week lo present testi mony supporting the conten­t ion that the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station craft might have been tampered with prior to takeoff.

The C131 transport plane crashed and burned In a Mission Viejo fi eld about eight miles south of EJ Toro on Sept. 26, 1975.

Four or the six people on the plane died in the crash, includ­ing, Lt. Col. Julius M. Lewis, 43, of Mission . Vie10. the pilot: Maj. Harry Collins, 40, or Irvine, the co-pilot ; M.Sgt. Willis Nichols. 38, of Santa Ana, a crewman and Sgt. Terry Dillow, 28, or Santa Ana, also a crewman.

Ply male confi rmed today that his investigation was launched as a result or several contact.a with survivors oC the crash victims, primarily the pilot's wife , Sueann Currie Lewis or Mlsalon Viejo.

Mrs. Lewis ls a Los Angeles County deputy dis trict attorney based in Downey and onetime candidate for the 74th Assembly District scat.

<SeeCHARGES, Page A2)

13 Suspected

m~~Aliens Held in Irvine

Irvine potlC!e arrested 13 people suspected of beinl Weaal allena Wednesday night when they stopped a small, 1reen van nfar Trabuco Road and Culver Drive.

Th<>&e arrested, lncludlnt both men and women, were tUl'IMld over to immlaratlon ofrlceta from the U.S. Border Patrol at San Ysidro.

The driver of !he van. and one or two otben escape<! arrat when Ut*y j umped trorii the ¥ehl­c le and tied 1ftl0 the nMrby orange groves Juat before ~ce made thetrall'le atop.

orncen 11ld they •tOPDed tM van ]ust lftel' 11 p.m. &n.r the drlver aJtesedly fa_lled to atop at a ttQP stcn. 'Ibey •ald the7 were tll)Md oft about I "tU.lptloaa• J0oldn1'" nn by a nearbt 1u •ta· tlon att.ndant. '

charted only $4,000 since only eight trees were cut down illegal· ly. Company officials say the other 30 trees were slated for re~ moval in their tree removal pro­gr am whJ~b was given pre· liminary approval by the city.

However, the company never returned to the city to obtain a final tree removal permit for Orangetree located off Irvine Center Drive, between J~frey

Road and Sand Canyon A venue. A similar situation occurred

last yeai;- in Woodbridge, where the Irvine Cos;npal'\y cut down 2S e'Jc alyptus trees without perm1ssJon, Peabody said.

The company was not charged a fine, but was r equired lo r eplant 25 trees in locations speclfied by the city - mostly parks and medians in the Wood·

(SeeTBEES, PageA2>

Dally ............. 'y'"" .. .,. ..

DAVE SINGER, RUNNER · UP AWARD WINNER, WARMS UP Skateboard Competition Drew 80 ·Participant• Wednesday

20 Youths Collect Skateboard Honors

Twenty Irvine youths walked off with prizes at Wednesday's skateboard contest in University Commwlity Park, including the best overall pri~ given lo Dave Shipp.

Shipp, who won fi rst place awards for his age category in both the freestyle and slalom competitions, was given a s kateboard for his victory. Dave Singer, who placed second in his age category in both events, was given the runnerup over all award. also a skateboard.

The contest was sponsored by th e ci t.y a n d b y Hob i e Skateboards. The events drew about 80 participants and dozens or other youngsters watched the contest as part of their Easter Vacation.

Third place winners received

Peace Talks End VIENNA, Austria CAP)

Peace talks between Greek and Turkish CypMot.a ended here to­day.

T -shirts, second place wiMers wer e given T-shirts and knee pads and first place winners re­ceived T-shirts, knee pads and helmets.

Freestyle winners included : - 10 and under: Greg Bovin,

first ; Dave Huegy, second; Mark Lieber, third.

- 11-15: Dave Shipp, first; Bob Johnson, second; Matt Abe, third.

- 16 and over: Scott Aki, first: Dave Singer, second; Robert. Aki , third.

The only girls to enter the com· petition were Linda J ohnson and Dawn Arthur, who competed in the 16 and over freestyle event. They both received awards for, their participation. ·

Slalom winners were : - 10 and under: Eric Poppa,

rirs t ; Greg Bovin, second; Mark Lieber, third.

- 11 -15: D•ve Shipp, first : ' Dale Bessemer, second; Nat

Abe, third. - 16 and over: Rick Barret,

firs t ; Dave Slnger, second; Robert Ald, thlrd .

Tris Banned · CldlJren'• Sl,ee~ar Nixed

WASIDNGTO CAP> - A federal agency today banned production and sale of children's sleepwear treated with Tris, a chemical flame retardant b"elieved to cause cancer.

However, the Consumer Product Safety Com­mission voted 3 to 2 against recalling the 120 million Tris-treated garments alrea~y sold.

The commission voted 5 to O to allow consumers to bring back garments tor refunds if they can show that the garments have never been \\'ashed.

Commlsllon Chairmans. John Byington said that wu~a garment at least three times "will remove an)' unacceptdble rlsk."

Com.mllalonera R, David Pittle and Tliaddeus Garrett opposed this polttlon, 1aylng that because Tris had been found to cause cancer in laboratory anlmals, all garments treated with it should be re· called from consumers.



-Whole Juinp 1;1

WASIDNGTON CAP> - The gove rnm ent 41ald today that wholesale prices lno•~aaed J .l percent in -Marcm, the ttectondlbig monthJy increue ·in 11 row ond much woraethan expected .

The increase was sure to fuel demands that 1\he iCarter ad· minist.r~tion lake 9t.eps to ~ounter a J:J'OWing 1hreat.of an in­flationary sur3e in the economy.

The Maren .ncrease•followed a wholesale price rise or ni.ne­tenths of a percent to f'ebruary and was the largest monthly n se

sinceOct:Qller 1975. Alt.lllougt, prices or farm pro·

.ducts h9dlttle price --- With .a 2.5 ,percertt. increase, !the iintiK alarming danger a;.n.t in the price report was an'11iaht-tenths of a percent Ulcrea.se ln p.nces of induslriel com1DOd~s. ~ Jrom a~)x·\efttbs QI "8,pettentlnme~ in !February.

E Cl:onOm.illts lookJ,o,prU:es.of in· d~trial goods as gwing &he1best plctun of unde.r.Jyin& in.Ila· tionary trends. l1bere were !harply higher price~ dllrin& the

Mdaelea8 Ajtpear.s

Anthony Testifies Before Gn111d J8'y

Orange County 6t1pef\~isnr Philip An~hony and lobb,)lilft. ,Jr.run!< Michelena were -among those who lesllfied Wednesday before·the 01;ange°County Grand Jury u the jury continued •hs three-month probe inlo C®nt.Y poh\ical.practices · Anthi:>n,y was the thtrd eount,y

s upervasor called to \69\ify s anae the Grand Jury uw~ligu\ton aot under way in early lJ anuary .

So far . •\wo indictments .have come from the JWQbe 1nto cam­'pa1gn financing .rele~ed lo ~i· hie conspiracy and misconduct Hl offi ce offenses.

And it •is Anthony 's su~ttl 1976 cami>Sttn that 1s a '1ocaJ point of the ioqw.ry .

Wednesday, the Westminsw ~uperv1sor and his attorney. V-erlyn Jensen. walked into the jury waiting room and were out in aboutSO,minutes.

Hi::; appearance l'l?J>Ollledly was Voluntary. a~ wure those last J 11 nu u r y by hi Ii f e,ltl ow s upervisors. TbQmas RUey and Ralph Diedrich. ' Michelena. who .was a mJljor l-onlrlbulor and fundra.ser lor i\nthon,y's cumpa\gn lHt ;year. ~pent more lhan tht-ee hours closeted with the <Wand ilury.

Earlat}r. two Di;edrjch ~s fest.ifaed But n~tiher by Hhoads nor Lyle O"erby would discuss thear let1timony, wt:Ucb took moet.ofthe morst.ing~.

Of the l wo indictments lllreadj handed down by the Gritnd Jury, llne reJcased Wednesday showed that perjury c.•har&es lodaed .1ga10st pohhcaJ activist Loran 'iorton cam<' an t<'!lt1mony that rnnfhctl'<l wath has one-Lime coo­I 1dan t. Gary Nt>wm :ver

Norton . 8 Republarttn can · <.lidat<' for .. tall' Sl'nul<' lust year. :illt•1.wdl~ told tht JUr) that $.5.000

Torture Victim

Set8 T al.k OD

Human Right8 I\ n i\mt•rt<' an womun. lm ·

J>r1snnc'ff .ind tortu~ 1n Ar(leo-1 an ;1 ror ltl months before her 11•l1-.1c;t· 1111~1 vear . wUI drscuss the ('art Of" udmamst r1ttloo 's J>Obr1<'s nn human nJ!hU. and t • S foro.a1n pllh<'Y ut l T lrv1nt" tontitrt

Thl' hwlure w1U M hekt at 7 P m an Room 230 of the Social Sri 1•nr<· Tower

01,:tll Talamon\(' works for1'he Ari?~nt111~ Comm&Sl'l<>f1 for tluman H1~hL'> . ThP commi811ion w tu• formttd brfore the lt?6 l\rgentmf' maJitary coup by 11cv(•ral attorneys ,

M 1ss Tala m&nte flH fi~ <•hur i:cs of µolict' tortw-e , armt 11nd 1mprisonmunt for ptltitieal 1·1o;1sons and -0tht'r hi.woan .ftfbts v1o lahon t. wit h 1he •not-er · 1\merican .Commi•s4<>tt on lfum un R11lhts of the .O..taniza· tjon of Ameri~n 6t•t.es .


OAtti flHOt

the J:neiv.cl ..from 11ktlttica1Jftnan­a.ier <Goene 1COD.liad ~ 1Dllt 1uaed

\fQr calllPAian1~· NQltoq. acnMding 1to 1tbe in­

·climmnent. ao •hilt! tthe JUIJY he lbad .not rdi&cusstd !the anv.tlea· 1tiQfl with otho:r •Pl'Qll~e wrt­·MSsea and had nOLtold'Me.wmyer what t.c>aay whttn h~ied. ~t 'Wew~er 1:uud othe~

·when het1wice teetlfied, tbrowine his &~ iuto.<Unot $10fifllat ~.~~

:l!httie 1fllM'llr~ioti005 are ·U:~ t5ub9tance .ain ttbe !Seven-count ~ dic\awtnt~~-

'l'tie for:tnflt' s.nta l\na policre lieU\ena.ot and on&Ume ;aide 119 county S.uper~ L•i.t:ence Sctunit-.is~ Qif~dlQWl\5 Qf J"H'JWW ,and~ ~,of fpur ~~la.I c:lharaM.

:Dbe nctttld tftlAn iincliMeel. CJl!lall>Noas 9~ IJll.attt,"1 Kin.elmer. abP f~ fiw per, jW'y~la11ld.ohat!Je6 .

rJCimiJ1bner '»'~ -ebown OJl An­\hooy·s -ca~paign at:neroenta 86 a .a2.580 donor lo .bis canu>aU=n. Tbat :mol\Cy B!l.'leg.edly w_as •Conrad's and .alleaedly W86 t(&m· nelled ittwo\lgh Kiraohner to <1on· oeal the idcn\ity of Jts true donor

ayne,_ .. ,.._.~ A dlMStac.llOll -tlUJt Nek­

Joc 1111111re11Nn 1i80 imUliclra for the deatbs of all 2't persons aboard the Dutch airliner m vol vcd in the Ctt11ary Island r unway catastrophe hai; been fll~ in U S. Oistnct Court 10 San Francisco

Two other s.•ut i; were also liled • 1<'dne1'duy m L06 Angeles and San Diego by relativ~:. or P<'r!ion~ who died in the Pan American 1!i 7. 'be ulhtsr Jumbo JE't in· YOlvecl u1 the Mar<:b Z1 col· li s1o n that killed 577 persons al Santa Cnti de Tcnerife

Cleaver Due At UC Irvine El~ Oiuver. the fonlMr

8Jadc Panther le.der Who 1s now a Ml!J· fll'Odann.ct C9!'MHWY8\nle, ~~at UC lrvine 1"rid•7 fliibt.

Cleavor'1 tdt "WJll begiD at l p.-. at Cnnrf<W:d aaJJ and 4s ope• toi:lhe s>Ublic . 1"ic~a are a for 'OOI stade11ta and tc (tr ou.en. The)' ar.e *'1ailath .tllhe CMlp"5 aueoi111lff ...... vf-(~. at 'mclrilftrwi d&cec ... at the door Friday n1ght.

%e lorQHlr Wtiv.e •ill d lti­c uss .what he caHs his · ' remarka­ble J>Olili ca l and p e rsonal turnno.tt' ' sinoe ~ ireMlclllM n this country to face six charces of intent to ICilt wialo~ ft!-. a s~ with (hl)clan& ~ce in 11181.


lltordtltfor ma11 and metal pro­.due • • ~. appaffl and lUfl9"Chlllmuiguiamem.

"!'be Ldbor "Department saill prices also turned up for lumber and wood produca..., rubber .and i>LMUc iJ>t'Od uctg 'fdlJow~ Jiedl19esiin February.

P~ \lrencb .at ttbe • .,.....le 'lev6l ar,e.ev~Q>UMd.JIJnnc to tbe,ctO.l'WlUDer zileut .in part, J!lin.ce they •epremnt bi&Mr e:oaH 1o busineeees ~ IJlnd.Qae ith2 joodr; C:ODIU1m8 ttqy~

CHARGES •. Plymale said he~lU&tPn!lmmled

wiMJi .enou~b o-reUmidlary ~ideoce 1o ..,n.Unce him tbat 'I.we .ftoUld loolt linto it -a-0.ittle 'TnOl'e. " 'ffe s11id 'the inve-Stigation wasn 't opened as a favor to !ijrs. Lewis or anyone else.

The new lJ)J!dbe ~JUll'J1Jdly came as a 1nupri1e to Bl!tg.'Oen. A. C. Pommerink of Dana Point. ~be lf"etil'ed El Toro~ommandant

fllt.ar&I ~ pass tbe gavel. Newly elected Laguna Beadll Mayor .Joa 'Brand gives a smack of appreciation to outgoing Mayor Phyllis Sweeney early today after he was the unani mous choice to succeed her . Coun ­cilwoman Sally Bellenie was picked vice mayor.

Irvine Planners OK Commercial Permit

who was in charge of the base.at The Irvine Plaaning Com- Commissioners al so -con -Utetlmodf tb.ecr.asb. miuian bas approved a com - sidered that the parcel is

When told \be o~a\ion rnercial Jll'C>)ect within the Irvine physically separated from the is involviz\i Ille posaijaility that lndt.wtri&lComplex . light industry in the complex by the iJ>lant!'s ,coo\J'Gl6 ~Lhave The s ite. at the east comer of property owned by UC Irvine and ~en aabotagJtd, !l\innmenink Jam bore-e and Ma c Arthur by adjacent commercial de-said military probers irom the Boulevards, is llC>ned for light in- velopments locate d within Naval jn.....tW.

0 Uon fiera:ice 111..... Newport Beach boundaries _ .. ._.. dustry andl"esearcb. h. k" the Mat:me CQl'P6 Air Mish¥ llowever the commission In other action at t as W e(? s Bnard oo.,~d th.e.aame &:round. arauted a t:~ditional use permit meeting. commissioners :

"ln a military Cf'asb Uulident. aUowme ~ site to be us~ for - Approved plans by William lbere Mi aJw•>'6 ~ tharougb ~n- ··administrative. profess ional J . Krueger to develop 27 single-14eSt.i&a\ion at sevex:al levels and and business office" uses . family houses in Northwood. HJs ane df the primary conaidm:a- \1 development will be located on a tionJ; is ~n Unie11ti'""'atino of 'Jibe :14 .6 acre site is to be de* 7.6-acre parcel at the northeast ubotaae."Pommerlok.aaid veJoped rtzy MacJam Inves t · corner of Bryan and Yal e

" 'l,'bere are &eti,Proc.edui:5.and ment5 . City planners were Avenues.

San Juan Agri-plan Adopted

By LAURlE KASPER Ol lht D•llY Pllol Stell

San Juan Capistrano city coun­cilmen adopted a general plan amendment Wednesday which will preserve 230 a c res or farmland for " agri -bu~,jness.'' .

The action wus taken on a split vote. with Coun cilmen Yvon Heckscher. Kenneth Frie~ lll!d Douglas Nash continuinc their support of the program. Coun· cilmen John Sweeney and Richard McDowell opposed it as they have for months.

Although farmers have op· posed the program ~n.d threatened a possible lawsu1t m the past. no one spoke in opposi­tion to the plan during a pubtic hearing befort.' the council's vote.

The farmers later explained that lhey fell there was no need tor them to speak s ince the coun­cil knows their opinion of the pro­gram. They said they are plan· mng no specific acl.1on against the city at this time. Althou~h Sweeney said he

as re es with agric ulture pr.e­servation, he said he haJ opposed the city's program since a n clec· tion las t year indicated res idents don 't SUPPort it.

The councilman argued that a study committee should have come up wath more alternative means o f prese rving th e farmland. lie also objected that the caty doesn 't h ave the money to buy th e property if that becomes necessary .

But other councilm en a rgued that the amendment 1s just one step in the planning process and other as~ts of the program still can be considered.


th.is.is part.of l~)Jll'008dw".es, " ,be oiuginally concerned about the - Approved a request by _ the noted. &~ Jbat tlbe i~ve amount•af traffic to be generated Irvine Company to allow night bridge area investigation <Jf the 1'131 crash by 'ttle businCS1i eomptex , but lighting and a 36.jnch by fi2-in r h Peabody could not give an ex-

TREES ... yielded no evidence of deliberate after further studies decided the non-Hluminated entry sign for act figure for lht• cost of the lumpering. i~paat .,.,..... ~ '-' than wilh the Rancho San Joaquin Golf Ir vi ne Company 's r eplanting

Thc ~li~ F~~~~~oot _:l~~t:~=d:~===~==·--~===~~~~~~~~~-~~~- ~r~a~~~e=. =====p:ro:g='r;a;m;.~~~~~~~~; pilot error .in 1hc c rash anti in- · dicatcd that mechanical failure was thcprobdble cause.

I l is the thrust -of the Jatettt in· ves ti gation to establish th at members of an airer.aft main· \en ance crew fore~ a repair teol into the control cables OJ the plane for reasons stitl unclear due "to ithe 41boo\ad .of seceoecy thrown O\Oerthe probe.

!But Pommet"ink '$Std ~t'h e mrUtary investiteation yielded no cvideooe 'ihat could have led to cramimll action through military courts

Tbt tet.ircd generaJ aJSCI 11oted that 1t was highly unlikely .Lewis and has co-pilot would b:ave 6\len aollen mto the ~t •Of .atte tiU­fal.ed plane •fjt was 1UD{it!\ofly.

··Both we~ outstandini pilot 0H1oers and if anyonewoukl-have known of probl*Un& with tbat vlane. they wtiuld, .. .Pommet!in.k said


DIET ... pl!Gtocol oo.ild have real merit," I>r. Ceofl&~ l.. Blankbuf!fl, lltho he.lPed oooeuct 'the l"e&earcl\, s •ad ia•n 1awrv~.

··~""., •upervlttioo is ex­lr.err\4!17 Mni»on.ant... he Ila.iii . · ·nw ~ •U9l be • partner. Ae.p&e doll 't 4'1eeCI ISO -11> -to ·~Mlt mim."84k>tllis . ...

I.a - e11tl1 ... )' . 4ehe .,.~. S~Ni tiled ehf ~jet Qft lSV adults. who I• an-a~ge-of' fO pOWMla eaola.

!!he 4.1« ... ~ ..er fhriee Ye.wJ• '-" ~ ~e Who ~ Pr~ul«~lll 11~e. 11' di .. ~r ..._ n«>ptoms in· c ... .etM.al -....tion, obet\.­ty and insatiable ap.Petlw. n.e patieMa wwe llt\.clwed to

e• t• fJ"_...4''1flleatlor every kB..- ffl Ide.tel bMy -weight. 1'" mea9t 1'taat ff the dieter wished to s lim dOW'n to 890 pou~• . ~ ae about <three ounces or meat a day.

Tbe dieters also wer.e gillen vit-i.,nk'cN..0 di&e0e a ids .


• l n<>v Y."1'" • o w .. 11 su111>(l fnr •'f'I" nn'Jth111. 11 matC'h ·a wa . oniv ri.11 ur111 And ~,., If w8" l h,11 Sony mntched the I(;;:::::::::~~ 1w0 Crimn0nr•111 .,,,,.,.o And Comnnc1 &10reo llec.11me ---.....;-~ !JO' - lhP ',LIP 5'l r."ll'Tl'HnoOQ lhr> bl'• I 1Nt1U!l!g of both ------Tri .. lu'I, ,r 11, .. • d 1 t c "n ~' nen1 •.1~1110 phono fM, c t1 '1':• llf' p l41yr,r / 1•.,•rirc'lc-r nl 11r AM I FM li~fpn;nq with <'I

'• f'·"·"'' u. 1· , , / pr 1~N y· f••m Anet th" ' <1r '>•nnr>r' " q , . ..,., ,, 1'' ' I J com1 .ic.t. 1nclu l nq ,1 ~rnoi.f"d duc;t ( 0"',

Your Choice

·-·-­... ..-l_i_ "''"" ,_ V K • ~fl, l•*'taftd0..Mf' .. ~

13 Co1111tians Held On Heroin Charges


~~-.... ,..,'1 ..

'=!...-r:" o., .. , .. LH\ • • , ...,.. ..... M

'""'""''""' .... fl'll.._. ... . °'*•• c.w. ................ ...

l•tiM'l•a.M" tlNO~~MflW'f "~"t::.~:~~,.~'Wir.1.o1,.':'~" .. ...,.~,,, .. ,.,._ T~•PMl--

Cl .. tlff41d Aclv.'1111•1•-,,_,_lt'•l'"• ...,.oiu. ..... . _ ... ,_


275 I_, 17th St. CoshlMesa • ~ ••' r·= rm•-- ---,...,.....,., -

Pllo•e 642-1,112 Storo Nou,. D"'1 U s.t. 1>-S;JO ......................... "'




l Laguna/South Coast EDITION


fteraooo N.Y.Stoeks


S.C Sign Fight Stirs Socialism Chai-ge By JACK CHAPPELL

Ol 1"9 O•llY l"llel Sl • ll

Oversize s igns requested for two Carl's Jr. r estaurants were denied by the San Clemente City Council Wednesday following a lengthy and at times heated dis· cussion.

The signing saga included : - Coun c ilman Th o m as

O' Keefe's threat to quit if the c9uncil approved the s igns.

- Carl Karcher, founder of Karcher Ente rprises restaurant chain, bias.led 'soci a lism ' and government inlerre rence with

. privat e e nt e rpr is e . H e thre atened to pull out his $1 million city project, two eating places.

- Councilman William Walker pushed sweeping revis ion of the c ity s ign law to allow "freeway oriented" businesses to put up

huge new s igns. Karcher Enterprises request ·

ed erection of SO-foot pole signs at potential restaurant s ites at 515 N. El Camino Real and at 3929 S. El Camino Real, thereby exceeding a 25-foot height limjt. Additionally it sought to exceed the maximum sign s ize by 76 square reel al the North El Camino Real site.

Don G l enn , a K a r~ h e r ,.

s pokesman, said the big signs were needed to draw freeway tramc t.q th:e restaurants .

He said fQr the two restaur6hta to be 'profitable. the North El Camino ReaJ restaurllnt would need to get 20 percent of its busi­ness from the freeway and t.be South El Camfoo Real eatery needed to draw SO percent of its bus iness from the freeway.

Citizens Sally Sergeant and

Laguna LiRJit~ Bingo Over Church Protests San Juan Agri-plan Adopted

By LAllRIF. KASPER Ol tho O•llY Ptlot \ Ul t

San .Juan C<1p1st r;.ino (•tty coun­cilmen adopted a gcncr<1I plan umendment Wedn esd ay whi ch will prese r ve 23 0 ac r es of farmland for " agri-bus aness."

The action was taken on a s plat vote, with Counc ilm e n Yvon Ileckscher . Kenneth Fri ess and Douglas Nas h continuing their support or the program. Coun· cil m en John Swee n ey and .J.!.ichard McDowell opposed it as They have for monthi. .

Although farm ers ha ve op· p ose d t h e p ro~ra m and threatened a po~sa blt· lawsuit m the past , nu nnt• spokt• 10 oppos1-t1on tu th<• plan dura n~ a pul>lic hea n n).! lx•fon· th<· eount·11's \Ole

The r.1rrnt•rs l.1tN explained that th<·~ h~·lt th1•rt• was nu nee<t tor th1•1n to 'll'"'k smn· tlH· coun cal kOO\\S thl'tr opm1nn Of lhl' pro· gra m. Thl'y saul lh<'> a re pl an nln g no s pecific uc.-t1on aga1n:o.t the city at this time

Although Sweeney said he agrees with agricul ture prl'· servation. he said he has opposed the c ity's prog rum smc·1· an l'lt•t lion last yt•ar ind 1c·at1·d rt•sHh•11h don 't ~upporl 11

Th<' counc il man an.:ul·d that " s tudy c•ommi tte1· should ha\1· com e up with mort• ;ilt1•rnat1H• m ean:. of JHl' '.c•r\ 1n~ th1· fa rmland lit• a lso ntq1•1·tt•cl that the t•1 ty <i<wi.n 't h.1H lhl· moll\' ' to bu) t he prop1•rt y 1r 1h ,1t becomes nt·ccssar)

But other counc1lmt•n .irAucd th at th<- am<'ndmt·nt " JUst one step an the planmn~ pron'' .ind other USJ)('CtS of thl' progr.im <.tall can be coni.adcrC'd

The amend ment plare<. t h<' land uSt' designa tion of '" agn . business .. on two pa r r 1>ls or I Jnci tn the city. Om· hunc.l n•ci acn ·<.. which arc currently ui.rci for rm~ c.rops, a rc on Del Obas~ near Marco i'' o r s t c r J uni o r lla gh School. The second parcel of 130 acres i s a n o r c hard a lon g Camino Capistra no north of

(See AGRl-PLi\N, Pa~e A2)

Or:::Ctl-~o-aM Weather

Cloudy tonight and Fri · da y with loc al mornin g driztle. A little coole r in· land Friday with highs in the low 70s. Lows toni ght an low 50s .

Tn1nis - Plaooeg \ lost tmms player s will admit the game can be frustrat· 111 ~ at limes Thi s pactorrnl comment on how frust rating 11 can h<' was ansp1rcd by photographer 's discovery of th1-. halll'r<'d tennis racquet in a trash can j us t outside tht• p11hh« rourts Jt 16th Street and Balboa Boulevard in '\t•>A port Rearh . Golf a nyone .,


Lagunan Stabbed; Roommate Arrested

f\ Laguna Beach c ity play . ground s upervisor who doubles as a teacher 's aide a t Aliso School was an satisfactory condition at South Coast Com· munity llospatal today after be· m g s tubbed once in the back with a knife.

Gerald Mar ine llo's roommate, Daniel Parker, 22, was jailed, booked on a charge of suspicion of attempted murder and held.on $25.000 bail.

Marinello, 32, 1uffered a wound in the left center of his back. three inches deep. Slusher sa id the wound might have been more serious had the knife not glanced off a rib.

Slusher said another room­mate took Marinell o to the hospital and called police after the lJ'lcidenl at 12: 30 this morn· Ing.

Marlhello is employed by the city retreaUon department.

New Rule: One Day Per Week

By PmLIP ROSMARIN Ol I .. O•llY Pllel St•lt

Amid cries o f r e li g ious persecution, the Laguna Beach Caty Council voted Wednesday to reduce sharply the number of hours a charitable organization may host bingo games.

The amendment to the city .. bingo orwnance provides that • bingo be played no more than o~e

day a week, no more than six hours a day , and not at all between 2 a .m . and 10 a .m.

The prJiinancc waa brouah' back to the council for revisiotf as

• a dfrect response to news storie!\ detailing the plan of a church group caned the 'remple of Ins pired Living CTOIL >.

T OIL 's founder and pril'l}e ministe r , Frank Winston, sought to secure a 10-year lease on the vacant First Christian Church building on Legion Street TOIL, which makes use or bingo to r a ise funds, proposed to hold bingo games rour days a week, six hours a day .

TOIL planned to lease the pro­pe rty from another Beverly Hills-based concern, the Carlyle Group, which seeks to buy the church and the land. The sale is in escrow.

Jay Murley. who acted as sales agent on the deal , accused the Daily Pilot , for its news stories, and the council, for its reaction lo them. or re ligious intole rance.

He said since the newspaper pri nted the story of the transac· t ion. TOIL became "virtually on tri a l m Laguna Beach "

" Without the TOIL issue, this (amendment > wouldn 't be on the agenda." Murley said . .

He sajd the church uses bingo <See BINGO, Page A2)



ilevich, 50, died and came to life again 24 times , the official Soviet news agency Tass reports.

It sald the c•uses of her deaths and revival a re still a mystery.

Tass sald a team of two pro­fessors and seven assist ant pro­fessors in Minsk labored over Miss Misilevlch for two days and pronounced the case ".beyond the limits of uahal n otion• of medicine." She now ls ba<Jk to work.

Th e s t a bbin g was .al Mar inello's home, 615 Seavlew St. l:AJ•e Without u .. ger

Cai;olyn Koester spoke in opposi· Uon to the oversiie signs. .

!fhen C0\,1.-cilrnan Walker opened discussion of a new sl&n program which he said would af. tow businesses within 300 feet of a freeway offramp to erect signs 10 feet above freeway or above mature vegetation along the roadway.

"The aity bu to recognize we really are a partner with busi-

neas. The b<ltter the businessman does, the more oex-vlce we can af­ford," Walker saJd.

He said the clty should help businesses wl.Shlhg to settle in the comnhmily, particularly in the south ehd of town which he termed " bllghted."

Walker said the larger signs would be seen only by freeway travelers and •few nearby resi­

(See SIGNS, Page A%)

0 .. 1, .. , ......... lty " "'"• ........... "

PUCKER UP- And pass the gavel. Newly e lected Laguna Beach Mayor Jon Brand gives a smack of appreciation to outgoing Mayor P hyllis Sweeney early today after he was the u nanimous choice to succeed her . Coun­cilwoman Sally Bellerue was picked vice m ayor.

1,Sgiina Tabs Brand -In 9-hour Meeting

Orange Coast Coll ege geo· graphy instructor Jon Brand was elected mayor of Laguna Beach tod ay by his fellow councilmen.

It was a bloOdless coup short on congratulatory or acceptance. s peeches, in part because the council had started its meeting at 3 :30 p.m. Wednesday and was in no mood for long talk today at 12:45 a.m.

Brand s u cceede d P h y lli s Sweeney .

Councilwoman Sally Bellerue was elected vice mayor. but only after relator Georgia Gill pre· sented the council a petition, s igned by 400 citizens, demand· ing that Councilman Carl Johnson be chosen vice mayor.

Brand r eplied to t he peti ­tion ers, "I think Carl Johnson ought to be mayor of this town.··

But Johnson . a s even.year ve te ran of the council who's never served in tbal capacity, declined both posts. He sald he

long had made it clear that de­m ands or his proression (he is a res earch sci entis t ) were too great.

Mrs . Sweeney said, " We havo tried many times to J"ersuade Carl. and the answer has a lways been the same.·'

Johnson said he appreciated the " expression or confidence" given him by the petitioners.

Mrs. Bellerue made no com­ment.

Brand's confi rmation as m ayor was unanimous. Coun­ci lm an Jack~cOowell voted against electing Mrs. Bellerue vice mayor, but offered no ex· planation. He had nominated Johnson.

In a related action, the council voted to hold future r eorganiza· lion meetings on the first r e· gularly scheduled meeting in March, except in election years, when new ofrlcers still will be picked the-first meeting after an election.

Breeder Reactor Program Def erred

· WASAINGTON CAP> - Presl · (f ent Carter announced today

. that he is de/erring U.S. develop· ment of nuclear breeder reac· tors. the power plants that pro­duce additional fuel but c9uld help tncreas~ the spread or atomic weaJ>Onry in the world.

Carter said the risk of spread­ing nuclear weaPons "would be vastly increased by the further spread of sensitive technologies which enian direct access to plutonium. highl y e nric hed uranium or other weapons· usable material."

The breeder is powered by plutonium a nd Is so named because It pl'()duces more fuel lhah it consumes.

INSIDE TODAY The orange lull become a

prof 1table symbol for gays 1n

San Francuco It b being ued ift a prote1t agatn1t Anita 8'Jlanl'• campaign for rttpeal· fftg , 4 Jaw barring job btaa

Officer Mike Slusher, who with a reserve officer . Bill Yourex, ar­res ted Parker. said the s labbing was apparently the aftermath or an argument thal led to a fist fight , and then to the s tabbing.

New Diet: Eat Morsels The s tatement issued b y ~

Carter said the United States will study "alternative designs or the breeder" but postpone thei r adopUon !or commercial use.

,ogalnd homouzuals. See .PogtA5.

•••ex ... _ .. """ .. ~yTrw " ..... --...c .. ., IM¥1H ... , CM'"flll• Af Ii' ..... ,, .... , IN aattHi.. CJ.II ..... _,..._ •• C-'<• All O.•:r.c-ty •• Cf'M"""' All , .... .,., DNUI"'*• Al ._., CM Mllel'IM ..... A6 SleOM_,.,.., ... , •llMFUI-- ~· Tt19"1"-i •• ..._. .. , TllMI•" ... ::.T- . , ...... , ..

•• ........... ... •"'**"" .,

laguna Baseball Tryouts Scheduled

Tryouts for Laguna Beach Senior League Baseball are scheduled from 9 a .m. to noon Saturday and April 16 at lhe Laguna Beach High School baaeball field. T~ league is for boys a1ed 13

through lS. Coaches and team managers are needed a• well. Further lnlormetion '- av.tlable by calllnc Mona Melnyk at 497·2105.

'sparing modified fast." The diet is slmlfar to the

• popular Stillman diet, eitcepl th'Bl it. is more restrictive. The Stillman diet allows a person to eat larg~r amounts of food, b asically protein, and requires no bospilall~UOQ.

Jf, a d>eter taata, hla body gen.rally betSlnt to 1"arn valua· bJe protdn a we\I •• tbe ua... desired fal 1'• new die{ la Jq. tended to compeneate tor tip by provUilne an •xteraal IOUtee" protein. l

TMJ uuUon lhat tt remah• n lelUnf 1\a&4'• and tb~t. o~•r· wetcb 1*1>1• should YI U'Y l\ °"

. t.helrown.

An ..wnatect 40 milllcm to so mllUon Amerl~aoe are over· welght.

The reaearc$ wu published ln tod~y•1 New EnJland Journ.i ol ftled\~Jne. It 'YH cond'-ctecl by d~ton al New Enaland Deaco­neu Hoapttal, Harvanl Medlcal sc·•ool and · 111111uch_..lta rn.it~ofTechnolon.

•11"9r tht consclfllli<>\a pl01tl·

clan or famlly ~alchm, W. p~ eoald bavt real' m.tt." Dr!- ~' L. 8lackbUl'llf no helPel c~uct \he r .. •.,.ct.t aa.14 tna\rifrvlnr.

( ... DIST. P .. aAI)

Wtthoclt menUonlng the project by name. lbe ata te me nt •P· pea red lo a pell the end of the pro­poted Clinch ~iver breeder reac· tor. a $2 bllUon, demot\sttaUon .PJ•nt planned near Oak Rldce, Tenn.

Carter n£d he-Ytould alao deter lndeflnitflJ Ute commercial reproeeutA« ahd recycling of p1utontu"" }roduced by U .s . nuclear power fro1ram1. :

A ~in1 plant planned by lnduttrJ et Barnwell, S.C., but p,cnr 1eeldn1 federal support, '"ill retet.e neither rederal en·.

COUrll'tftltl'Yl nor fundln1 for Its comJJletton H a reprocesl'ina' taeWtf."


.• ,

A2 ,. ' .. .. . ~


SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A ·rormer Brinks secvrlty guard who repented In court hls brief la(e or wine and women financed by a $400,000 heis l has been sen­tenced to 10 years in a federal prison.

' .. , thought it woulft solve my problems and it didn't," Richard Charles Rees said Wednesday or h1s ill-fated, ll·month adventure.

U .S . District Cour t Judae Charles B. Renfrew ordered Rees, Z7 , to prison despite de-

Huntington Cops Hunt ~y Cyclist

A police dragnet is oul today for a motorcyclist who apparent­ly attempted hpmosexual attacks on two young men be packed up a long Pacific Coast Hlgbway tn Huntington Beacb.

lnvestieators said today neither victim ol Ute Wednesday night assaults was seriously in­Jured. Bolb escaped from their c.ct.Ptor. . One youth , a transient

hitchhiker from Canada, told tn­'(estigators he was choked and beaten in an attempted sex as­sault in a parking area just off P.acific Coast Highway near the Santa Ana River Bridge on the border between Huntington B~ach and Newport Beach.

Police U . John Foster said to­day that in one sex assault the at­tacker duped his victim by c laiming he had found a body in roadside bushes and asked him to examine it.

Officers said when the victim bent down he was Jumped and collapsed to the ground as the man began tearing at hi s c,lothing. , Investigators said they do not have a distinct description or the man but he reportedly prowls Pacific Coast Highway astride a meta lli c blue 600cc Honda motorcycle.

,The second attack on a young man befriended by the suspect nea r the Huntington Beach Pler art' a occurred early today. in

vestigators said


AG RI-PLAN The related preser va tion pro

gr a m, which now wall be inserted 10 the Open Space and Conser va laon Element of the g(•ncral plan. ca lb for a reduction of taxe5 on l hc land , ordinances and general pl • .n amendm<'nts and .i " com pr l'henM\'e ancenta ves pl an" lo rnpc wtth Lhc obs tacles to con­tinued agriculture.

1\ mon~ th t· an tc:nll \'C'S to be t·ons adcred are help in prevent­ing vandal1:.m and theft . prov1d-1og adc.-qu~te access to the rarm:.. cil p1t a l prOJ<'t'ls lo cor rect d r a an a~c problems. assistance \\ ith labor :.upply and employe hous ing, and the promotion of lo<· ..i.lly grown farm products

I t a lso n 11ls for the '";tabll~h mcnt of a "value mecham:. m" to <"Ompensat e fo r th e am end ­ment's errcct on the v alut' or tht1 property. ·

Caty Mana~er .James MocalJs suid a ll the leg;J! s teps needed to ~gin th t• proi:ram have now ticen taken but · ' the work':. only just twgun." lie explained that nnw the city mu!>t devise specific l') l'ml'nl~ 1n th,. lncenuvc "ro gram

DIET .. . '· Phys1c1an supervis ion 111 ex­

trem ely important," he snld . " The <llX'lOr mus t be n partner . P~ople don 't n<'ed to go to di et 111 Ills to do lh.11."

l n an early study, the rt" ~t urcheri; tried the diet on 167 a(l,ults, who lost Un averuJlC or 40 p~ndseach.




Thuriday. April 7, 19n I

Years Increase Exceeds f"-e witAase. who ure~th

tb• Vietnam vet.eran be eom· ndtUd _.,a rdtabWt.tloftcem«.

Rta Rk"acSed _pUty Mardi tQ · a ch~ of batik letten1 ...L t.U· Ing $373,000 belonging to banking institutions - and lo transport­ing $4.lt.sm ln stolen money from California to Texas.

The judge ordered that the 27-year-old former Marine serve the maximum 10 years for each count. to run concurrently.

Renfrew said the request by

" My obligaUooa are to society as a whole. lf the sentence Lais so far behind expectations_, you lose any deterrent," the judge said.

Rees enjoyed nearly a year of fast llvine. after be vanished Feb. 11, 197S wtth a champagne crate stuffed with cash, leavin~

puuled law authorlti~ in his wale~. He had stopped bls Brinks ar~Hd car at a San Mateo ruiiurant on pretense of maltin, a 4.tllveey to a girl.

He was captured without re­sistance Jan. l3 by the FBI in n small Ne w Mexi c o town southeast of Santa Fe .

Rees took the s~aod Wednes · day to plead his own case. after earlier admissions he had gone nearly broke spending the stolen lool on gambling and romance in

Texas. Asked why be took the money,

Rees replied, "I was runnlng awa y from thing s ... I wu mixed up at the time, didn 't lhmk 1l was that big of a deal, not any bigger than what 1 bad done ln Vietnam."

He told or his stint in Vietnam , where he became addicted to morphine after il was used to treat pain and or later attempting suicide by swallowing explosives afler there were "no drugs available."

Forecast WASHlNGTON (AP> - The

government said t oday that wholesaJe pnces increased 1.1 percent in March. the second big monthly lncrease in a row and much worse than expected.

Sewer Rate Hike Legal? New ~a San Clemente's sewer rate in· raised the city sewer fe~ from SC dates of actions and tr any Hollle 0 K d

The increase was sure to fuel dem ands th at the Carter ad ­m lni s trati on tak e s teps to counter a growing threat or an in­flationary surge in the economy.

The March increase followed a wholesale price rise of nine­tenths of a percent in February and was Lhe large11t m1tnlhly rise Slnce October 1975.

crease could be in trouble. to S9.2S in an ordinance passed ln analysis wer e given to the social

Fos l e r Knight , of th e California State Attorney General's Envjronmental Task Force, said Tuesday environ­mental study requirements must precede enactment of laws sub­ject lo the California Environ· mental Quality Act <CEQA) .

The San Clemente City Council



Thal Got Away Laguna Beach police are try.

ing to catch a thief who made an iJlegal " catch" Wednesday of a 10-foot-long Sailf15h.

The sailfish was mounted on a wall at an Wllocked storage room at 990 Ocean Front.

Officer A. J . DeLuca said if the sailfish ever surfaces, It shouldn't be too hard lo spot. The blue -gray stuffed fi sh, with bright blue sail fin, has a broken bill .

The snub-nosed fish wa s valued by il$ 01't'ner, Realtor Norine A. Haas at $300.

In another theft Wednesday, an inflatable rubber boat was taken from the backyard of a home al 533 Brooks St

13 Suspected lliegal Aliens Held in Irvine

Irv me police arrested 13 people sus pected of being illega l ahenl> Wednesday night when they s topped • small, green van near Trabuco Road and Cul ver Drive

Those arrested , including both mt'n and women. were turned ove r to imm ig rati on officers fro m the U.S Border P atrol oi t Sa n Ys idro.

The driver of the van, and one or two others esca~ arrest when they Jumped from the veh1-d e and fl ed inlo the nearby orange groves JU&t before police made the traffic stop

Offi cers !.aid they s topped the van J W>l after 11 p m <•fter lht' driver allegedly failed to 111top at a stop sign . They said they were t ipped ort about a "suspciooa­lr)(lklng' ' van by a nearby g88 sta­tion attendant

November and effective In and ,conomic consequences or December. the r ate increase.

In response to c:ballences by " I meantechnlcally, theyhave the San Clemente Homeowners' to evaluate the environmental As s ociation, the council impact before, making the fsnd-approved a negative environ- ings aft.er analysis before lhey mental declaration for the action take action, " Knight said. in February . Obviously just because Lhere

Knight has tent a letter or in- are a few adverse impacts qulry to \be city aakinl roe the doesn't mean they can 't go ahead

and adopt the ordinance. but they

,.,.... P,..e AJ

SIGNS ••. dent.a. He termed the arrange­ment "a good tradeoff."

Councilm an O'Keefe didn't agree.

He called the pole-mounted freeway-oriented signs "lollri?OP s igns" that resembled "picket s igns" from the freeway.

O ' Ke e fe said Walkt-r's " ma tu re vegetation" provision would allow signs 160 reet hJgb to clear obfltruction by eucalyptus trees. (Walker later said he meant only shrubs, not trees. >

Counci lman O ' Keefe uid permlWng the Carl's signs would reverse a councilm anic trend of 10 years toward control of signs and would "open the floodgates" to la rger and more obtrusive s igns .

" I would seriously have to con· s ider if staying on the council is worthwhile if we start wiping out trends taken over so long a time, and , I don't say that lightly,'' O'Keefesaid. '

Mayor Donna Wilkinson sided with O'Keefe, but reluctantly.

She said she could understand the chain's d~ire for oversize s igns, but "I would agree it is not in the best interest or the city to lake those s teps backward," Mayor Wilkinson said.

At the same lime. she urged Karcher to continue with bis city projects. (The council later ap­proved a rnonine and lot com­bination the chain requested at North EJ Carruno Real.>

Karcher stepped to lhe podium.

'' I wonder If we are not being a little bit narrow minded," the restaurant magnate said .

" I 'm very concerned about our country now with all the OSHAs ca health and safety re1ulatory body ) and can 't do this and can't do that." Karcher said, adding that the country had " lost the free enterprise concept" and was " so socialized now."

O'Keefe re11ponded saying the citizens of a community have " the right to vote to determine ir th\'Y want a garish Las Vegas community or a subdued one.·•

are suppos ed to make the analysis first.

''Technically under the law if they don't do that first the adop­tion of the law is void, it bas no force.

"Somebody wou Id have to go to court setting it aside, m ind you, but that's the outcome of those kinds of things," Knight said.

City Attorney F. MacKenzie Brown, said Wednesd ay he had not seen the lette r from the at­torney general's office, and he declined to com m ent on the points raised by the st.ate at­torney until he saw it.

Knlght said that to "straighten things out" the city could re­adopt tbe ordinance.

Brown said he was not making that recommendation now.

" I iuess we'll just have to let somebod:y take us to court and let the Judge tell us what to do." Brown said.

The city has 7,SOO sewage blll­in1 accounts.

f're•Pa~ AJ

LAGUNA BINGO .•. as · ' a viabl e alternati ve lo talhaos. · and for lhal. he said. 1t Wa5 "iub1ecled to old-rbhioned muckraking."

Ht' said the Daily Pilot stories wtrc ")'ellow journahsm .. that " tarred and feath e r ed " the cburch "W\Justl)'."

He accused the council of " los­ing s ight of freedom of religion, and separation or church and state."

Murley said an y investigat1on of the TOIL church should have been done by the police depart­ment., and not tbe newspaper.

Murley called blneo an in· novative source of funding for ci· ty projec:ts. Under rules of the bingo ordinance, 60 percent ol game revenues would be con· tributed to projects ln the city. " You should think abouL increas· Ing. not decreas ing , playing tim e," Murley sa id .

He added, " We need creative sources or funding in Laguna Beach."

Murley h ad been the TOlL church's cbolce lo he~ a Ulree­man commiuee to administer binieo funds.

McDowell said , " ! was as­~urcd . . the ordinance would protect us from problems. We've had nothing but problems. Laguna Beach has prided itself on ha ving a vlllage· like at­mosphere - and bingo's not part or that."

CouncUman Jon Brand, who moved for approval of the a m endm ent. ult'J only half· ~erious ly. " I don' t want lo see the Mana move l.nto C..t•na Beach. I don 'l want to see the PoOr squan­dering their tnoner at the blngo tables."

Hades, Dogs Votes Delayed

The San Clemente Clty Council delayed action Wedneada7 on control of newsr ackJ and decon­trol or dogs at aelected areaa alone tbe beach.

By Panel A Laguna Beach man has won

approval Crom the South Co_ast Regional Zone Con~erv atwn Commission· to continue con­s truction of his controversial modern home extending over a canyon off Morningside Drive.

Jim Carneiro, owner of the va­cant property at 1S15 Morn­ings ide Drive, won the battle following an extended hearing before the panel.

A boul 10 neighbors protested the style and lines oC Carneiro's structural steel-supported house and a few claimed the city never notified them of its planned con­s truction.

Laguna Beach city agencies. inc luding the Architectural Review Board, have approved Carnelro's plans and permits.

"lt will be totally out of character with the r est or the h ouses in the neighborhood, " commented Hubbard Keavy, a retired Associated Press ex­ecutive and newsman who lives at 1415 Morningside Drive.

Coastal Commission members at one point appeared ready to ap­prove Carneiro' s three-story , multiple level home which will ex­tend about30 feet over the canyon if he changed its design .

Although prices of fa rm pro­ducts led the pri ce surge with a 2.5 percent increase, the most alarming danger s ignal in the price report was an eight-tenths o l a percent increase In pnces or and.ustrial commodall es, _up from a s 1x·tenth!. of a pe rcent increase an February .

Economists look to prices of in­dustrial goods as giving the best picture or underlying infla­tionary trends . T h ere were sharply higher prices during the month for metals and metal pro· du c ts, t extil es , apparel and transportation equipment.

The Labor Department said prices also turned up for lumber and wood products, rubber and pla s tic produc ts following dee lines in February

Citizen's Alliance

Meeting Tonight The Laguna Beach Citizen's

Alliance meets at 7 :30 tonight to discuss items or local interest in­c luding Sycamore Hills zoning, "grandfather" clauses to protect property owners and the status of a cha rter city proposal.

The meeting , al the conference room or Laguna Shor es, 420 Cliff Drive, is public.

Your Choice


' .. s30000


No reores entative ol th e church appeared at the meeting.

Othen of the Laguna Bead\ rc­"ldents who spoke were tn oppo1l· tlon to the TOIL plan. J ocetyn Cushman said, " We don't want to become a Las Vegas. We don't need Uilil kind of f\lndlng . If they want to call It re1t1ion, lbat'a ~ all)' bysttrieal."

Tu councO, wtllttled down to three members by the illnesses of Councilmen 8 . Patrick La.De and Anthony Di Giovanni, bdd over the two eontrovenlal items to enable tbem to be beard by a run puel lo two weeks.

I ull I ru·toru Morrtuati••" 1•1,, .. 0 ,,. l"••r .. ouul

1> 111· \ ,.,,,. f.uurruat•·• · Ou I 1 · • · 1· ~1 l"ro .,,., H 1• "i t•ll:

Councilman Jaclt McDowell used \he propoted emtndmcmt as a Chance to reiterate hi" o~I· Uon to any btnco tn tbe ell)'. He distributed copf., of • Christian Science Monftor 1rtlcl• to the cooncll. The artlele called legollied 1ambUn1. "a bad bet at beat. " •

The propo1ed publication \'end· inf machine Jaw Mtl 1tanda~ for matertal i>eJnc sold, requ1,... a etty P.ft'llllt Wore macblnet can be Placed on pdMlc propeny and elltabUIMs a pdorf l1 •11tem for 11loe1ttn1 •P•O for th•

in~ two •l.,nene.. of tM law an oppo1ed by CalllonlU Newsp1tper PubUtben Anoel• Uon r••mtaUva • ' c.a..utv­llooal.,.,.....

275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa ............ ., .... J ...... ..,, ... "' e..t. lit.

Phone 642-888!-srore Hour$ Daily 9-6 Sst. Q..6:30

........... AIM.._.ltN

Ti..te ........ 1Pre .. 11f 0

Srrtc.Y ... 1 ... , ...



I Or ange Coast EDITION


Today's Clos~ug N.Y.Steeks


N-M chers Offered 9% Pay Hike By MICHAEL PASKEVICH

Ol IM Oelly ,.llM Ji.II

Teachers in the Newport-Mesa school district a re being offered a ,nine perceiit pay hike over the next two years as part or a ten· t alive three-year contract agree· ment, it was learned today.

However, sou r ces s aid , teacher negotiators were unable to sway the district to grant bind· · ng arbitratio n in future

grievance proceedings. Arbltra· lion as well as wages and health and welfare benefits wlll be open for re -negotiati on after the second year of the three-year pact. ,

The tentative agreement also would reinstate a former teacher tra nsfer pol icy that giv es teachers with seniority more say in where they wish to teach. sources said.

Tennis - Phooey Most tennis play<.'rs will admit the game can be frust r a t · !ng <it timc•s T~1s ~iclonaJ comment on how frustrating 1l .c:an lw wa~ insp ired by photogr apher 's discovery of th1!> hallert•d tennis r acquet in a trash can j ust outside lh <' pu blic <'ourt~ at 16th Street a nd Balboa Boule\ ard jn N<.•\\ port lkach . Golf anyone''

Wholesale Prices ) Ulllp I.I Percent w ASlll NCTON I 1\ I' I Thi•

go vt•rnm<'nl sa11I Inda\ lh,1t wholc~alc· priN'' rn1·11•a ... l•<I I I percent 111 Man•h. th1· -.l't'ond hi.I! monthly rncn•aM• in a row amt much wor~e th an t'XP<'l'lt•d

The increa)C wa'I 'ure lo fuel demand:. that tht> Cartf'r uti min 1s lrat1on take ~lep~ to counter a grow1nl( threat of an m fl ationary surge in the t>conomy

The March incruse followed a wholt>sal<• price ri se of nine• tenths of a J>('rcenl 1n Frbruary and wa~ lhl· l argr~t monthly mil' since October 1975.

Althou1oth prices of farm pro· du cts led the pri ce sur~c with a 2.5 pcrreonl incr<.'asc, the most alarming danf.!er .signal in thr price report wus an e1Rhl·lt>nths of a percent rncn~as l' an pr1ce.s nf industrial commochti<.'s. up from a six ·lenlhs of a Pl' rrrnl increusr in F ebruary .

E conomists look to prices of in·

dustrial goods as giving the best p icture of underlying infla tionary trl'nd s There were isharply higher prices during the

' month for mt>l<Jls and metal pro. duet... . kxt1lcs . a ppa r rl and transportation <'qu1pment

Tht> Labor l>eparlm t•nt said prtCt"!'> al'u turm'<I up for lumber and '4ood product!>, rubber and JJl a!>tlC prOdUCl !> follow1ng de<'llnc' an F('bruary

Oakland Bans Skateboards

OAKLAND CA P > Skateboa rds and rnll(' r skates will soo n be o utlawed 1n d o wnt o wn Oakland and motorized skateboards banned anywhere in the city.

The City Counr1I gave pre· limin ary approva l to a city cha rter amendment after city traffic engineer Ronald Hurlbut said a youth was clocked doing 54 mil es an hour a board a non. motorized skateboard .

The measure will be formally approved in two weeks. ·

On March 30, dis trict and teacher negollatora reached a tentative agreement on teacher contract d emands in private sesslona with a state mediator who was called in lo break a 21· day impasse.

Both sldes have instituted an information blackout o~ details of the accord until the school board meets April 12. A vole by teachers on whether or not to ac·

cept the package would follow board action on lhe pay plan.

Teachers sought a 13 percent pay raise over the next two

,years. blndin_J arbitration, smaller class stze limits and a seniority-based teacher transfer policy.

However, teacher negotiators settled for the district's nine per· cent pay raise offer , no change in maximum class size limits and

advisory arbitration In post· contract dl!outes. accordlnll to sources close to the negotiators.

A nine percent pay raise would plean a teacher currently earn· Ing s10.~ per year (the lowest step on the pay scale> would re· ceive $11,386.14 a year 1n two years.

At present. the median inoome for Newport-Mesa' s 1,250-plus teacbersls $17,210.

A teacher at the lop of the pay scale present.I)" earning $19,066 a year would receive $20,781.9' t after the second year of the con­tract. If lbe teachers' 13 percent pay request bad been agreed to, a teacher at the I.op ol the pay scale would earn $21,544 .~ annually.

Under advisory arbitration the beard ol education would have the final say on a r ecommenda­

<SeePAYJllKE, Page AZ>

Car·ter Ends NUke Plan . •

U.S. to Study Alternatives of Breeder : •

., •

WASHINGTON (AP > - Presi· dent Carter announced today that he is deferring U.S. develop· ment of nuclear breeder reac­tors, the power plants that pro· duce additional fuel but could h elp increase th e spre ad or atomic weaponry in the world.

Carter said the risk or spread· ing nuclear weapons " would be vasUy increased by the further spread of sens itive technologies which entail direct access to plutonium , h ighly enri ched uranium or other weapons· usable material. "

The breeder is powered by plutonium and ts so na med because it produces more fuel

Carl's Sign Bids Nixed In Cle1nente

By JACK CHAPP ELL , Ol Ille oeff'( ~ Meff

Oversize 1i&n1 requested for two Catl't Jr. reatalitanU we re denied by the San Clemente City Council Wednesday following a lengthy and at limes heated dis· cussion. •

The s igning saga included : - Councilman Tb o m as

O'Kttfe'a threat to qujt If the council approved the signs.

- Carl Karcher . founder of Karcher Enterprises restaurant chain, blasted 'socialism' and government interference with private e nt e rpri se . H e threatened to pull out his $1 million city project, two eating placei1.

- Councilman William Walker pu1hed sweeping revision of the city sign law to a llow " freeway oriented" businesses to put up huge new signs.

Karcher Enterprises request· ed e rection of 50-foot pole signs at potenUal restaurant s ites at 515 N. El Camino Real and at 3929 S. El Camino Real . thereby exceeding a is.root height limit. Addituw1ally It sought to exceed the ma:umum sign s ize by 76 square feet at the North El Ca mino Real site.

Don Glenn . a K a r c her spokesman. said the big signs were needed lo draw freeway lram c to the restaurants .

He saict for the two restaurants to be profitable, the North El Camino Real restaurant would need to get 20 percent of Its busl· ness from the freeway and the South El Camino Real eatery needed to draw 50 percent of its business from the freeway.

Citlftns Sally Sergeant and Carolyn Koester spoke In opposi· lion lot.ht oversize signs .

than it consumes . The s tat e ment iss u ed by

Carter said the United States will study " alternative designs or the breeder" but postpone their adoption for commercial use.

Without mentioninc the project by name, the statem ent ap· pea red to spell the eod of the pro­posed Clinch River breeder reac· tor. a $2 billion, demonstration plant planned near Oak Ridge, Tenn.

Carter said he would also defer indefinitely the commercial reprocess ing and recycling or • plutoni um produced by U.S . nuclear power programs.

A reprocessing plant planned

by industry ~t Barnwell , S.C., but now seeking federal support. " will receive neither federal en· couraceinent nor funding for its completion as a reprocessing facility ."

While cutting back the breeder program, which would have multiplied nuclear fuels, Cart.er pledged to increase U.S. produc· lion capacity for e nr iched uranium, tbe fuel used in conven· Uonal nuclear power plants.

This prom ise was a r e· assurance to both the domestic nuclear industry and foreign na· tions that fuel would continue to be available for conventional plants and they n eed not

Tris Banned Children's Slee~ar Nixed

WASfUNGTON (AP) - A rfral agency today banned production and sale of c ldren's sleepwear treated wj~ Tris., a. cbe~c_. .. q~m~ r~tard~n~ ... belle~oca s~can~ r.

However, the Cons umer Product Safety Com · mission voted 3 to 2 against recalling the 120 m illion Tris-treated garmenUI alreadf'90kl .

The commission voted 5 to 0 to allow consumers lo bring back garm e nts for r efunds if they can show that the garments have ne ver been was hed .

Commission Ch airman S. John Byington said that washing a garment at least three times " will re m ove a ny un11cceptable ris k .''

Commissioner s R . David Pittle and Thaddeus Garrett opposed t his pos ition, s a ying that because Tris h ad been found to cause cancer in laboratory animals, all garments treated with it should be re· ca lled from r.onsumers.

Hunge r Control

Doctors Say Diet Will Peel Pounds

BOSTON (AP ) - Doctors have devised a diet that allows people . to eat almost nothing but slay healthy and control t heir hunger

Rhodes Raps Capitol Jobs

WASHJNGTON CAP) - House Republi ca n Leader John J . Rhodes says he is "sMcked'' to find thal two congressional c le rks, Including one technically appointed by him, are running $1-million· a-yeal' print shops rent-free on the'Capltot arounds.

"Thia is one of the archaisms around this place that need to be re· examined and cbanged," Rhodes said.

while they lose pounds of flab.

Patients on the diet developed by Boston researchers ate only tiny amounts of meat and took vitamins and minerals. In their first months, they lost about half a pound a day.

Doctors said the diet did not upset the p a tients' body chemistry the way fas ting does. Even better, the patients report· ed they were not hungry.

The researc hers call the weight·loes approach ''protein· sparing modified fast."

The diet is s imilar to the popular Stillman diet, exeepl that lt ls more restrictive. Tbe SUlbnan diet allows a person to eat lar1er a mounts or food, baaltaU,y protelli, and requlres no bospkalization.

necessarily build breeder reao-tors. .

Carter added he would propo$e leglslaUon "to permit the U.S. \o of(er nuclear fuel supply cOI)· tracts end guarantee delivery of such nuclear fuel lo other co~· tries ."

• He said he would continue to bar exports ol uranium enriclt· m ent and nucl-.r fuel reprocess. ing equipment and technology. ~

And Carter said he would seek establishment of an inlernationkl procram to d evelop altematite nuclear fuel cycles and measures to assure access to nuclear fuJ?l supplies and spent f\lel storaie ... for nations sharing commqn

<See BREEDER, Page Z)

Bridge Favored In letters

By JO.\NNE REYNOLDS Df .,_ 0411ty ~Ii.I lte4f

A.-esmanfor thl U.S. boast Guard saJd today he has received aboul <4C> l~ters favoring and two letters opposing the grant1n1 of a permit for a n ew Coast Highway brldgeov.r Upper Newportllay.

Lt. Cmdr. Foster Thompson satd the favorable letters un. iformly Ur"ge the Coast Guard to grant a permit for the new bridge without going through the time. consuming public hear ing pro­cess.

The two opposition letters, one from Dover Shores res ident Dr. Edwin Amyes and the other from Timothy and Amy Leason urge that the hearing be held to ex· plore the possibility of making the bridge taller.

" The objections a gainst hold· ing the hear ing, based on the time delay it would cause in con· s truction, a r e very valid,'' Thom peon commented. ·

Thompson explained that lhe notice to mariners. posted last month, requires a 30-day period in which members o( the pubUo

(SeeBR.IDGE, Page AZ)

Mesa Girl Hurt A Costa Mesa girl was taken to

Hoag Memorial Hospital this mornbag after' her car rammed into a tree 1n .. the 2300 block oC Irvine Avenue. Newport Beach poJlce ldentlfied the drl ver as Katherine Cianrlone, 19.


Wea;th er

Deaths Suit $500 Million

Laguna to Cut Bingo llotirs· 1

Cloudy tonlght and Fri­day with lotal morning drizzl~ . A Jittle cooler in· land Friday with hlgha ln the low 70S. Lows tonl1ht in low~.

By The Aa80Clated Press A class-action !luit seek·

Ing more than $500 milllon for the deaths of a ll 249 persons aboard the Dutch aJrllner Involved In the Canary laland runway catastrophe has been filed In U.S. District Court in San Francisco.

Two other suits wer e alao filed Wednesday In Los Angeles and San Diego by relat.lves of persons who died In the Pan American 1'7. the other Jumbo jet In· volved ln lhe March ZT col· llalon that killed ~n persona at Santa Cru& de Tenui!e.


By PlUUP ROSMAIUN Of 1111 Dally ...... Stitt

A mid cries o r religious persecution, the Laguna Beach City Council voted Wednesday to reduce sharply the number of hours a charitable or1arunUon m ay host bingo games .

The amendment lo the city bingo ordinance provides that bingo be played no more than one day a week, no more than s ix hours a day, and not at all be\ween2a.m . and lOa.m .

The ordinance was brought back to the council for revision as a direct response lo new• i t.ones detailina the plan of a church group called the Temple of Inspired Uvtne <TOIL>.

T01L'• founder and prime mlnllter, Frank WiuW\, aoqbt

to secure a 10-year lease on the vacant Ftnt.. CllrisUan Church bulldlng on Lea.Ion Street. TOIL. which makes use of bingo to ralee funds , propoted to t-old binio garnet four days a week, sht bOW'I •day.

TOIL planned to leaHthe pro­perty from •nother Beverly KIUa.baMd concern. the Carlyle Group, wtltch aeeks to buy the churctt and the laJ\d , The sale ls lnescr<>w.

Jay Murley, who acted as aaJes •cent on the deal, accused U.. Oall1 Pltott for tta new• Mrie1, and the coundl. for Ill reaction to them. Of~ lntolennce.

He tall alnce I.he new1paper printed Ula ltAWr ol tJae tnDIM• U.. ron.-.eame "vlrtaaUJ • lriallnlAil'I* ...... ••

" Wilhoul UM TOU. Issue. tbls ( amendmentJ wouldh 't be dn the a.1enda." Murley said .

He aa.id the church uaes blnfo a s "a viabl e alternative to tllbing," and for I.hat, he Hid, It was "1ubjecltd lo old·fashk>ned muckrlktna.''

Ho said the DallY Pilot 1tori• were "yellow Journallam" that "tarred and feathered "' \be church ' 'wtJuatly. •'

He eecUHd the eouncll ol "1M­tn1 elsltt ol fnedom ot relllbt, and aeper.U"' ol eburch Md atat.e.''

Murley said •ft1 lnvestla.Uon of the TOIL dn1r(b 1boold -.ave beat doDe by tlle police "-tt• meat.udnottMDtwlPll>"'·

XurteJ' called &info • ln· DOYaUfte-Nmff flf f\aMll.lll JW d•

ty projedl. Under' rules or tbe bingo ardlnance, eo percent of 11me revenues would be con· trlbuted to projeet.s ln the city. " You should think about inc:reu· ln1, nett decreasing , playioa time." Kuney said.

He lldded, "We need crnUve aourca ol tundinl in Laauna Beach."

M urJty had been the TOIL cburch'a choice to head a three­man committee to admlnlJter biDI O fundl. _

OU.. ot I.he La"1n1 Beach re· •ldtnfa who epoke were in onotl· Uon to the TOIL plan. Joctiyn c-..hm••'-ki. '1\Ve don't waatto become a Lu Vesu. Wt don't n.S tbll kind of f\lndlna. U tMJ wut to call it rellJlon. "ll'a re­allJ ~.··

INSIDETOD~ Y Tht orOftll' ha.I become .a

profitable iumbol for go~· m Son ft"raacflco. IC u bring iutd m aprotat agabut A nito B~qnt'• ~~for rep.al· fftg • o bo ~no 1ofJ blot

.ogofn1e homotuuoll. See

. P.og1 ""·

" ..... .. M M ... ,

CM 9'-1 .. ....




· Co11ncilman Seeks·' Dog ~an on Beach


Of ll)O O.ily PllOI St•tf .,,-Members of Newport Beach's pro-dog organiiation,

SCOOP <Soclety-Concerne<I Owners Of Pets) are treading on thin lee plant as far as Councilman Don Mcinnis is con­cerned.

Last week Mcinnis, {in ooeanfront resident, lold the group's president he bell~ves the best way to handle the city 's problems with dog droppings on beaches is to ban the animals completely.

Don Berman. president of SCOOP, had gone lo the city council wjth four re­quests to liberallz.c existing dog laws.

None of the council members were impressed with Berm an 's request. Mcinnis was the mosL outspoken:

· · 1 · m sick and tired of the whole sub. jeel. You don't have to be a genius to see the laws are being ignored Dow," he said.

" Frankly, 1f it comes back again to the council for chanAe in the ordinances, ll l!YNOLOS

th(' re 's going lo be one councilman who voles for a complete ban." ....

THE DEAD AND the severely burned lay strewn about the inner courtyard or .Robin's Hall at Newp0rt Harbor lligh School last Wednesday. It was the well-staged af­termath of a s imulated explosion of the school's m ain boiler ::i dry run jus t in case tragedy really does strike.

Of course, there were 'occasional smiles through the artificial blood and a few students waved to friends as paramedics carted them on stretchers to waiting am­

bulances. One paramedic aided Lisa Schone

and Maureen Sweeney who sat crying and bleeding against a tree. They were as convincing as the dazed young man who vigorously pulled at a fireman's coat in hopes he would help an injure<I buddy or the girl who repeatedly ran screaming from would-be rescuers.

A Huntington Beach paramedic said he wasn't prepared for such authen­ticit y.

l'ASl(l!v•cH He suggested that several of the JI arbor fUgh students should get acting awards.

On thC' serious s ide . authorities said emergency person rwl who partil·1patl'd in the mock disaster will be that mur h b<·tt l'r prc·pared should a real one occur.

• * * TllE ANSWER rs th anks, but no thanks when it comes

tn purt of North Star Beach that the county offe red to give the Cily of Newpor t Deach . .

Most of the Upper Bay bea~h is owned on a 50-50 basis by th e two governm ental agencies. County offi cials offered to give the C'it y a piece of county-owned land at the back of the beach off North Star Drive.

The property, according to City Manager Robert Wynn. consists of bluffs th at a re eroding due to overwatering of lawns m the Dover Shores area at the top of the blurf. .

The council turned down the county's offer . Councilm an Don Mcrnnis observed that he could unders tand the coun· ty·s motives.

" If I owned a liability lrkl' that. I 'd try to get n d of 11 too." he said

· l wonder 1f this was a tongue-in-cheek request by the county." mused Councilman Ray W11hams.

Irvine Softens :Stand on Trees

By IOLARV KAY E OI ,,,. 0~11 • ftlhrt Sr.ti!

Irvine city offl c lals have sof lened lhC'ir (':lrhcr pos ition and

'are now rC'comm cnding that lhe Presll'y Comp,mies be fin l'd nnJy

'$4 ,000 ror 1lleitally 1·utt1 ng down e uca lyptus tr<'<"S 1n t he new Oran gctrN! devt'lopm C'nt

Last month , Assista nt Cit y M anal(t'r Poul Rrady 11uggesled th at the developer he charged $19.000, or $500 for ench of the 38 trees cut down w1thn'1t c ity ;>e rm1ss1on He Included that 'suggestion 1n a memo to the cit) .count• il.

But n new mt>mo to the c ity ~oun(' 1l by Eddie P eabody, com mun ity development dircC"tor . s uggests the $4 ,000 Ngure pro­posed by the Prealey Companies be arcepted by the council.

When asked why the city 's Jlos1tion has C'hangcd, Peabody i;u1d hl' views the $4 ,000 figure as " a mor<• reasonable upprouch."

The community development di rec tor swd the Presley Com­panies also wlll be required to in-


ll1a t<• a repl anting proi,: ram lo replace lhl' eucalyptus tr<.'l'S <'Ul d own rn th e w ind b reak . How<'ver, he said, th e replanting probably will not be very custly.

Tht- numb('r of trt•<•s lo bC' replant t'<i will probably he rathc•r !>m all . s111(•e mrn;t of the 38 trees r ut 1town were S<'heduled to bl- re moved anyway to mak<' wav lor roarts and ot h1•r f.1c11lt1l'~

Also. the trc<•!> to be repl .u\l~ will be s m a ll and nol SSOO speci men trees, s ince thal ls not practical ~1th eucalyptus trees. he said

Ofricla ls of the P resley Com­oani es maintain they should be

<'ha rged only $4 .000 ~tncr only eight trees were cut down \!legal­ly.

Ji',.... P age Al

BREEDER • • nonproUferatlon objectlve.s."

Carter said the United States wilt ahifl its nuclear research money toward alternative systems of nuclear power that do not m ake available materials usable for nuclear wenpons.

. .

~tliOny Testifies Political Practices Probed


Orange Cou,f)ty Super visor Pblhp Anthqny and lobbylst Frank Michelena wer.e among those who testified Wednesday before the Or ange County Grand Jury as the jury continued its three-month probe into county pollticaJ practices.

Anthony was the third county supervisor called to testify since the Grand Jury investigation got under way in early January.

So far, two indictments have come from the probe into cam­paign financinc related to possi­ble conspiracy and ml.Bcooduct ln office offenses.

And it is AnthQny's successful 1976 campaign that is a focal point of the inquiry .

Wednesday. the Westmins'ler supervisor and b is attorney. Verlyn Jensen. walked into the Jury waiting room and were out iD about 30 minutes.

His appearance reportedly was voluntary, as wer e those last Janu ary by bi s f e llow supervisors, Thom as Riley and Ralph Diedrich.

Michelena. who was a major contributor and fundraiser for

Rescued2 Improve in Hospital

Two Huntington Beach boys, overcome by toxic fumes while on a Tom Sawyer-like odyssey in­to Huntington Beach 's subterra­nean flood control channel tunnel sy!it em. were reportedly improv­ing today.

Sp ok es men s aid J oseph Deupree, 10, and Gerry Marlow, 11 , were still listed in stable con­diti on a t the Huntington ln­lercommunity Hospital intensive care unit.

' 'We tned to talk to them Wed­nesday but they really weren 't ready yet. But we talked to Mrs. Marlow today and she said they seem 100 percent improved," said Detective Sgt. Luis Ochoa, of th e police d e partment ' s juvenile bureau.

Deupree, of 16761 Viewpoint Drive. and Marlow, of 7592 Volga Drive, both in Huntington Beach, we r e rescu ed Tues da y jus t mmutes before they would have died .

They were rescued about 4 p m . by Fire Department Capt. Gene Saunders , who inched his • wa y down a :JO.inch diameter concrete pipe with a rope lifeline knotted around his ankle.

Ji'.-... Page Al

PAY HIKE • • lio n f ro m a n Independe nt arbi trator ca ll ed in to settle ~ri cvanccs Cile<I by e ither party after u contract Is s igned .

And the proposed contr act '-"OUld reinstate an Inter-school t ra n s fer poli cy that gives teac hers with seniority more voice In wher e they wish to ll'ttch. Thi~ p0hcy Is basic ally t~ sam<· one the district rescmdea about a year ago, sources said.

If .i ppro ved . th e con Lr a ct ~ould b<· relroacl1 vc to July l. 1976

Tccichers would receive a five percent pay incre ase for lbe 19l 6 77 school year and a four pcr c<'nl 1ncrease next year. The pay ra1sl' package doesn't in­clude rnnge benefits.

On June 30, 1978, the end of the second contract year, negotia-1 ions could be reopened on wages, binding arbitraUon and h('a lth benefits.

The source said the contract of. fe r contains no change in the dis­trict 's current class s ize lim.it which averages out to about 26 students per class.

Full disclosure of details of the tentative contract s hould be a vailable following Tuesday's school board meeting.

Teachers will receive the copies of lhe proposed contract and will vote on It the following W<'ek.

Anthony's canu>al•n las t year, spent more than three hours clogeted wtlh the Grand Jury.

Earlier, two Diedrich aides t estified . But neil h e r Ray 1lhoada nor Lyle Overby would discuss their testimony, which took most of the mornina DOW'S.

or the two indictments a lready handed down by the Grand J41"~. one released Wednesday showed that p erjury charges lodged acalnst political activist Loran Norton came in testimony that conflicted with his one-time con­fidant, Gary Newmyer.

Norton, a Republican can­didate for sta te Senate last year, allegedly told the jury that SS.000 he r eceived from political finan­cier Gene Conrad was not used for campaign purposes.

Norton, according to the in·

-,,...P-.,e AJ

dictmnent. also told the jury he had not discussed the lnvesUga­tlon with other prospective wit ­nesses and bad not told Newmyer wh at lo say when he testified.

But. Newmyer said otherwise when he twice testified, throwing his testimony into direct conflict with Norton's

Those contradictions are the ~ s ubs tance. in the seven-count in­

dictment or Norton. The former Santa Ana poUce

lieutenant and onetim e aide to county Supervisor Laurence Schmit is accused of three counts of perjury and sil\jle counts of four perjury-related charges .

The second man indicted , Calabasas jeweler M a rtin Kirschner. also faces five per· j ury-related charges.

Kirschner was shown on An· lb9ny's campaip statements as a $2.:iOO donor lo his campaign.

Ca rter Chofc~ Wisconsin Gov. Patrick J . Lucey, nominated today by President Carter to be am­bassador to Mexico, says he will resign within the next 90 days from the office he has held since 1970.

BRIDGE • •. can notify the Coast Guard of their feelings about the proposed project . That 30·day period ends April.26.

Thompson s aid that means his stafC will begin preparing a re­port to the 11th Coast Guard Dis­trict's commanding officer, but he said any comments that come in a fter that date will be con· sidered.

Doctor Suspended In Infant Death·

The district commander in Long Beach then makes his re· commendation on whether to grant the permit with or without a hearing to the Coast Guard commandant, who renders the final decision.

Thompson said tha t if a hear· ing is called for by the comman­dant, it takes about 60 to 90 days to convene the hearing because of federal requirements concern· ing notification or interes ted parties.

Following the hearing, a final decision is made based on wnl· ten transcripts of the procedure.

Westmins ter Community Hospital officials have again sus­pended all medical privileges of Dr. William Baxter Waddill, 43, a Huntington Harbour physician charged with murder in the March 2 strangulation death of an hour-old infant.

Dr. Waddlll's privileges were first suspended March 9 by the hospital medical executive com­mittee when police launched a probe into the death of a baby girl born after .n unsuccessful saline abortion attempt. · The committee reinstated Dr. Wa ddill's privileges except for performing abortions at the hospital, just before the phys i­clan ' s March 24 arraignment in West Orange County Municipal Court.

Son~ ;The


Hospital officials declined to give reasons for Waddlll's second s uspension.

Waddill will face a preliminary hearing on the firs t degree murder complaint Monday in Westminster. H e is f ree on $25,000 bail

Waddill had no comment on his latest suspension .

T he Westmins ter trospilal has been the target or at least three anti -abortJon protest demonstra­tions in two weeks police s aid.

But hospital officials s aid the demonstrations have nothing to do with Waddill 's suspens ion.

Westmins ter police Lt. Joe Woods said about 300 protesters picketed the hospital for about an hour Monday .

ThPy were ::;o wt'll ~u1led for one .tn')lher, a malch .: was only na1ural. And so 11 wn11h.11 Sony m.llchod the lt:::::~~~=-=-~~J;5riiii~~~~~~~ twri. Compont'nl Stereo and Comnncl S1Preo bPCllme onc-thc- Sf IP 59, c omb1n1ng the t··"'·' fl .11tir r:; of both. The lull rich :;ound of comronon1 , ,,..r,,,.. phone. FM, casqc110 plnycr/recordor plus AM/rM l1r.ron1ng with a Grp~rnta two-wny t.Pl'nl<er syslom. Ann 1h11 "dos1pner" rv>od 11.iok~ of a compact, includrn1 ,, smokC"d du-;1 cnvr•r

Your Choice

Funeral Scheduled s30000


·-·­"''"°'"' ..W 1>11W1-. , .... ~ Yi<•4'>-•t14'1ftlf<W0.-ol~

,.__., ....... • 11•1 ..

'-r-."'::.t:it ~ ... ~ _,,...

A•'111•1>1Mf ......... t-W-.


For Psychiatrist Funeral ~ervices will be held

Saturday tn Corona del Mar tor psychiatrist Algerd Krukas who died Tuesday.

Dr . Krukas, In addition to his practice in Newport Center, was an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the UC Irvine School of MedJclne.

He was a member of the American Psychiatric AsM>eia­tlon and the Southern Callfomta Psycbtatrtc l\ssoclallon. Dr. Krukaa alao waa a member oC tho Amertcan Medical AHodauon and U1 atate and county cbap­l•rt .

Dr. Knlku JoJned tho atalf of Moa1 Memorial Hotpltal Lo 1m

and in 1976 was chairman of lbe psychiatry de!partment at the hos pit~.

Prior to coming to Newport Beach. he maintained a practice In the Los Aneeles area and waa an Instructor at the UC LA medical school In 1980 and 1981. He was a professor of medicine at the \JSC medical school from 198b to 1968.

lf• leaves hl1 widow. Bertha of Newport Beach ; two daughters, Jackie and Candy, both of Woodland Hilts, and his mother, EmllyofChlcaJo.

S.rvlc• will be conducted at 11 a .m. Saturday at Paclftc View Chapel wttb burial to foU&tr at Pacitlc Vlew lfemorial Park.


I 11111 ut· tor11 nurrouri•· ' ,., .. ,Our 1•,.r,ot1uf 0111• \ , . ,.,. feuurflol•·•· Ou I,.,.,.!/ 1•, . .,,,,,,., "•• 'tt•ll:

275 East 17th St. Costa Mesa

' ,

Saddlebaek EDITION


Afternoon . N.Y. Stoeks


• y •

Charges Weigh~d in Viejo -~lane Crash By WILLIAM SCHREIBER

Ol Ow O•lly Pilot St•ll

Federal investigators are probing the cause of a 1975 Marine Corps plane crash ip Mis· sion Viejo to determin e if criminal charges can be filed agains t anyone in connection with the mishap that killed four people.

The U .S . Attorney in Los Angeles, assisted l>y the FBI. has

been gathering evidence and.con· ducting interviews for about three months, according to Asst. U.S. Atty. Richard Plymale.

Plymale reportedly brought 10 witnesses before a federal grand jury last week to present tes timony supporting the conten· tion that the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station craft might have been tampered with prior lo takeoff.

The Cl~l transport plane crashed and burned in a Mission Viejo field abQul eight miles south o< SI Toro on Sept. 26, 1975.

F-011( ot the six people on the plane died in the erash, lnclud· ing, Lt. Col. Julius M. Lewis, 43. of Missipn . Viejo, the pilot; M'8j. Harry Collins. 40, of Irvine, the co-pilot; M.Sgt. Willis Nichols, 38. of Santa Ana. a crewman and Sgt. Terry Dillow, 28, of Santa

Ana, also a crewman. Plymale- confirmed today that

his investigation was launched as a result ol several contacts wlth survivors of the trash victims, primarily the pilot's wife, Sueann Currie Lewls of Mission Viejo.

Mrs. Lewis is a Los Angeles County deputy district attorney based in Downey and onetime candidate for the 74th Assembly

Ca11er Ends NUke Phm \ .

U.S. to Study Alternatives of Breeder WASIDNGTON (AP > - Presl ·

dent Carter announced today that he is deferring U.S. develop· ment of nuclear breeder reac· tors. the power plants that pro· duce additional fuel but could help incr.ease the s pread of atomic weaponry in the world.

Carter said the risk of spread· ing nuclear weapons " would be vas tly increased by the further spread of sensitive technologies which entail direct access to plutoni um , hi g hl y e nri c hed uranium or other weapons· usable muleri aL ·'

The breeder is powered by plutonium a nd is so named because it produces more fuel

1.1 Perceni Price Hike 'Al . ' ~

WASHINGTON (AP ) - The "16vernment said today that wholesale prices increased 1.1 percent in March. the second big monthly increase in a row and much worse than expected .

The increase was sure to fuel demands thut the Carter ad · mini s tration take s t e ps lo counter a growing threat of an in· flationary surge in the economy.

The March increase followed a wholesale price rise of nine· tenths of a percent in February and was tl;le larges t monthly rise since October 1975.

Although prices or farm pro­ducts It'd the price surRe with a 2.5 percent inerease, the most alarming danger signal in the price report was an eight-tenths or a percent 1ncreasf' in prices or industrial commod1t1es. up from a s ix-tenths of a percent increase in F <.'bruary .

E conomists ln<>k to prices of in· duslri al goods as g1v inR the best picture of unde rl y ing infla. tionar y tre nds. There were sh arply higher prices during the month for metals and metal pro­duct s. textiles. apparel and transportation equipment.

The Labor Department said prices also turned up for lumber and wood products, rubber and plas ti c products following declines in February.

Price trends at the wholesale level arc eventually passed along to the consumer at leas t in part, since they represent higher costs to businesses that produce the goods consumers buy.

Orang~ Coast

Weather Cloudy tonight and Fri·

day with local m ornina drizzle. A little cooler in· land Friday with highs in the low 70s. Lows tonight in low 50s.

INSIDE TODAY The orange ha& become .a

profitable !Jlmbol for goJl.t in San F'ranci&co. II is being u1ed in o prote1t again1t Anita Bryant'1 campaign /or repeal· ing . a laW barring job ln4I

.against homosuuals. See

.Page AS.

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than it consumes. The s tatement issued by

Carter said the United States will s tudy "alternative designs of the breeder " but postpone their adoption for commercial use.

Without mentioning the project by name. the s tatement .aP· pea red to spell the end of the pro· posed Clinch River breeder reac · tor, a $2 billion, demonstration plant planned near Oak Ridge, Tenn.

Carter said he would also defer indefinitely the commercial reprocessing and recycling of plutonium produced by U.S. nuclear power programs.

A reprocessing plant planned

by industry at Barnwell, S.C., but now seeking federal support, " will reeeive neither federal en· couragement nor funding for its completion as a reprocessing facility."

While cutting back the breeder program. which would have multiplied nuclear fuels, Carter pledged to increase U.S. produc· tion capacity for e nric h ed uranium, the fuel used in conven­tional l)Uclear power plants.

This promise was a re · assurance to both the domestic nuclear industry and foreign na­tions that fuel would continue to be available for conventional plants aad they "Deed not

Tris Banned. ChilJren's Slee~ar Nixed

WASHINGTON (AP) - A federal agency today banned production and sale of children's sleepwear treated with Tris , a chemical flame retardant believed to cause cancer.

However, the Consumer Prodact Sal8')' Com· mission voted 3 to 2 against recalling the 120 million Tris -treated garments a lready sold.

The commission voted 5 to O to allow consumers to bring back garments for refunds if they can show that the garments have never been washed.

Commission Chairman S. John Byington said that washing a garment at least three Limes " will remove any unacceptable risk ."

Commissioners R. David Pittle and Thaddeus Garrett opposed this position, saying that because Tris had been found to cause cancer in laboratory animals . a ll garments treated with it shouJd be re· called from consumers.

Brinks Holdup Man 'Regrets' High Life

SAN FRANCISCO C /( P > - A former Brinks security guard who repented in court his brief life of wine and women financed by a $400,000 heist has been sen· tenced to 10 years in a federal prison.

··1 thought it would solve my problems and it didn 't ,'' Richard Charle11 Rees said Wednesday of his ill-rated . ll ·month adventure.

U .S. Dis trict Court Judge Charles B. Renfrew ordered Recs, Z1, to prison des pite de· fense witnesses who urged that the Vietnam veteran be com· mltted to a rehabilitation center.

Rees pleaded guilty March 2 to a charge or bank larceny - tak· ing $373,000 belonging to banking institutions - and to transport· ing $411,935 in stolen money from California to Texas .

The judge order ed that the 27-year-old former Marine serve the maximum 10 years for each count. lo run concurrently .

R..etitrew said the request by derense attorneys that Rees be sent to Pelancey Street Founda· lion, a center for ex·convlcts and former drug addicts, was ''just not viable."

" My obligations are to society as a whole. lf the sentence lags so far bebind expectations. you lose any deterrent,•' the judge uid .

Rees enjoyed nearly a year or Casl living, alter he vanished Feb . 11, 1975 with a champagne crate stuffed with cash, leavln~ puuled law aulborlUes in his wake. He ftad stopped his Brinks armored car at a San Mateo resh1uraht on pretense or makln' a dellv6)tto a girl.

He wu captured without re· siatance Jan. 13

1by the FBI in a

small ' New Mexico town eouUut111tof Santa Fe.


... ... Lose Withotlt B-ger


necessarily build breeder reac· tors.

Carter added he would propase legislation "to permit the U.S. to offer nuclear fuel supply con· tracts and guarantee delivery of such nuclear fuel to other coun­tries ."

He said he would continue to bar exports of uranium enrich· ment and nuclear fueueprocess· ing equipment and lef'Hnology.

And Carter said he would seek establishment of an inte rnational program to develop alternative nuclear fuel cycles and measures to assure access to nuclear fuel supplies and spent fuel storage " for nations sharing common nonproliferation objectives."

Jury Hears Anthony, Michelena

Orange County Supervisor Philip Antho .. y and lobbyist Frank Michelena were among those who testified Wednesday before the Orange County Grand Jury as the jury conttnutd its three-month probe into county political practices.

Anthony was the (.hfrd county supervisor called to testify since the Grand Jury investigation got under way in early J anuary.

So far, two indictments have come from the probe into cam· paign financing related to possi· ble conspiracy and misconduct in office offenses.

And it Is Anthony's successful 1976 campaign that ls a focal point of the inquiry.

Wednesday, the Westminster s upervisor and his attorney. Verlyn Jensen. walked Into the jury waiting room and were out in about 30 minutes.

His appearance reportedly was , ere those last

January by hi s fellow supervisors, Thomas Riley and Ralph Diedrich.

Michelena, who was a major contributor and fundraiser for Anthony's campaign last year, s pent more than three hours

<See PROBE, Page AZ) '


B4CK TO UFE MOSCOW <AP> - Sofia Mis·

ilevich. 50, died and came to ure again 24 times, the official ~viet news agency Tats reports. .

It said the causes of her deaths and revival are still a mystery.

Tass said a team of two pro· ressors and se.ven assistant pro­fessors in Minsk labored over Miss Misilevich for two days and pronounced the case "beyond the limits of usual notions of medicine." She now ts back to work.

New Diet: ·Eat Morsels BOSTON (AP) - J>octors.,ave

devised a dJet that allows people to eat almost nothtna but 1ta}' healthy and control Uleir b\IAler while they lose pounds of nab.

Patients on the diet develOl>ed by Boston researchers ate only tiny amount.a of meat and t.ook vitamins and mlnerala. In their first mon.t.ha, they lost about half a pound a day.

Docton sald the diet did not U\)&et the patlenta• body cllemlstry the way fastl~ doel. Even better. \he patients l'fPOd· ed lhey were not h&lllll'Y.

The re•earebere uU the welaht·l~ a~b ••prateiD-

• •

spartnc modified fut ... · Th~ . dlet ia slmUar to the

popular SWlman diet, e~cepl t.bat it. 11 JDOre natrtcUve. Tfle Stillman diet allows a penon to eat larcer aC'.l_lount• ()f fooct. ba•ic.Uy )rOtetn, and requires no hO.pit~Uon. '

If a df~er , .. ~. hb body 1en•r• ~ to ,bum nh1a· ble pnUla N Well a& tbe UD• dutral fat . The new cliet la la­teaded to eoaq1e111ai. for OU. by ptOvldtn( an dl4nal source "

"°'*· ,...., fA&lon \Mt,,, ...... teat~= elid 1.~l • .... ---~...,

their own. An estimated 40 million to so

million Americans are over· welgbl

Tbe research was_publiehed ln today'• N&w Entla..rut Joutnal of Medicine. U was conducted by docto"* at New England Deato­netf HOlpital, Harvard Medlc'1 School sncl Jlasuchuut.ts tnsUtute "Teebqol~. '

llPQr ~~d--- ~· clan or famJlr, ~ciaq, *' oroc~ eoblllltln.l .,.t, .. br. ~ t. ietbura, 9bO letp.t.-.e rtuaft)i. ....... .,

<iii "~-Al)

District seat. who was In charge of the base at the lime of the crash.

When told the investigation flymale said be was presented

with enough pre Ii mi nary evidence to convince him that "we shOllld look into it a UUle more. " He said the investigation . wasn't opened as a favor to Mrs. Lewis or anydne else.

The new pl'obe apparently cflme as a surprise to Brig, Gen.· A. C. Pommerink of Dana P<>int, tbe retired El Toro commandant

• Is involving the possibility that the plane's controls might have been sabotaged , Pommerink aaid military probers trom the Naval Inves tigation Service auu the Marine Corps Air Mishap Board covered the same ground,

Vacation Fua

" lo a military crash incident, (SeeCllARGES, PageA2)

A skateboard contest in Irvine Wednesday drew about 80 competitors and dozens of other youngsters came to watch. Dave Singer, 18, of Irvine, got in a few warmup runs on the skateboard· course prior to the freestyle and slalom events . Singer won the runner-up overall best award for the day 's events.

13 Suspects Held On Alien Charges

Irvine police arrested 13 people suspected of being illegal aliens Wednesday night when they stopped a small, green van near Trabuco Road and Culver Drive.

Those arrested, including both men and women, were turned over to immigration officers from the U.S. Border Patrol at

Cruddy Air In Saddleback Wa.n'tSmog

Despite the acrid, gritty air that stung yaur eyes and gave you trouble breathing Wednes· day, there was no smog in the SaddJeback Valley, according to Orange County air pollution dis· trtct monitors.

In fact, the district reported no SplO& of alert proportions any'f bere in Orange cooniy, even tbou(h alerts were called in the San Gabriel Valley and other areas in neiJ}\borine counpes.

So what was tha~ stuff in the air that made Saddleback Peak dis· appear most of the afternoon?

Accordin_i to the! pollution con· trot people, lt was particUlate matter and other cbemlcall that ~ q,ake tbinga look brown and.buy · but aren't meuured for heaW\ alert. pul1>08e&.

Water Refaied LOS ANG.t-..a ~~P> - In.yo

Couw bu turned clown, a pro­Polal by I.At Aqelta that \Ile dty 1M _..... to pump more water otl ol tlle 0... Valley in order &Jt ~ ... ,.._Vet Ul tbe d~t·parGllec San Joaqutn VatleJ •

San Ysidro. · 1 The driver of the van, undone

or two others escaped arres t when th.ey jumped from the vehi· cle and fled into tbe nearby orange groves just before police made the traffic stop.

Officers said they stopped the . van just after 11 p.m . after the driver allegedly failed to stop at a st.op sign . They said they were tipped off about a "suspcious· looking" van by a nearby gtS sta· lion attendant.

Animals Buried .WEST MILFORD, N.J. (AP/

- Local health officials supervised the burial Wednesday ot the rot.Ung remains of about 30 large Uin\als fo~ at Warner Brothers Jungle Habitat. a safari park that closed in October.

Deaths Suit $500 Million

8)' TbeAuoelaled ~re11 A class-action 1uit seek­

ing mo1'e than $500 mUUon tor the deaths of all 249 pereona abc>ard the Dutch airUnet involved ln the Canary Island runway calattrophe has been filed In U.S. Dtstrfct Court in San Fr&Mlaco. ~o ~•r suits wer&

also filed Wedneaday in Los Ante1ea and San Diego by rel.UV~ ol persons who dJed lft the Pan Amerlcfn 74'7, th4t other Jwnbo Jet ln­voJvtd 1n the March 27 col· lhl'n that killed 577 penooa al Suta Cru:i de Tentrlle.



~Juan Agn-plan Adopted

By LAURIE KASPER Ol I,_ OfllY "11•1 )l•lf

San Juan Capistrano city coun­'cilmen adopted n general plan am endment Wcdne:sday which wi ll preserv e 230 ac r es of farmland for "aart-bushle&s."

Tbe action wns t aken on a split 'Vote, with Councilmen Yvon •Heckscber, Kenneth 1', riess and Douglas Nash contlnulng their s upport of the program. Coun­<!i l men John Sweeney and l,lichard McDowell opposed it a!> tpe.y have for montru. .

Although farm ers have op­posed the pr o ~ram and threatened a possible lawsuit m· tbe past, no one spoke in opposi-

. Gon t.o the plan during a public nearing before the council's vote.

The farmers late r ex plained that they fell there was no need Jor them to speak since the coun­cil knows their opinion or the pro­gram. They s aid they are plan­ning no specific action against the city at this tame.

Although Sweeney said h e ag r ees with ag r iculture pre­servation, he said he has opposed . the city's program since an elec­tion last year indicated res idents don 't support it.

:· The councilman argued that a s tudy com mi ttee should have !;'Omc up with more alternative mean s of pre s erving the Jarmland. He a lso objected that ,llle city doesn't have the money 1.o buy the property IC th a t b'ecomes necess ary.

But other councilmen argued that the amendment is just one s tep in the planning process and qther aspects of the program still ca n be considered .

•. Front Page A I

·DIET .•• •·Physician supervision is ex­

l remely important. " he :.aid " T he doctor must be a partner. People don 't need Lo go to diet rnills todothas"

In an early s ludy , the re­.searchers tried the diet on 167 adults, who lost an uv('rage of 40 pounds each .

The diet was tested over three years on four young people who have Prader -Willi syndrome. a disorder whose sy mptoms ln ­~lude mental retardation, obe:.1-ty and insatiable appetite .

The patients were allowed lo cat I s grams or meat for every kilogram of ideal body wt>1ghl This meant that if the dieter wished to s llm down to 200 pounds. he at e about thrC t! ounces of meal a day

The dil'tl'rc; alc;o Wl'ff' J.!I' "" '11amm)\, n11n<•rub .ind d1~· · ... 11' ,. :ucl r-.

Bike Saf ety Show Set in Laguna Hil ls · Approximall'ly ~ Lai:un..i Mil l.; }'ounJ.'(st <• rs will part11·11wt.. 111 .1

bicyl'11· )> Hfcl) program Apnl 21. (i(')> lgned to c urt.I bak e in1ur11•' ~cl l'ncouragc ~reull• r drivu {bPOll:-.1 \ l'OI''-'

Burh;a r;i lll•ndcr•w11 , l.ogunu Ililli; orrice manaacr ror th<' Auto mobile Club of Southern Cahforma, announced th11t Le<.t· Ulg will begin al 0 a m al t he (.' tub's bicycle safety lane, locul tel a t Lomarena El e m cotary School, 25100 Earhurt Road In l.a ,::una Hall~

LT 11 i n I! o m o d i f 1 e d d y namometer , bik e lla feot y futures such us wheel und rrumc •llgnmenl, i;pokes. bearin~s and ~· r a k l' s w 1 I I b e t t• s t <' d ~l andlrhnrs, ~rap~. hi:ht!> anc1 ~Hlectors will ulso be chet•krd

Additi o nal in formation 1 ~; ~~a1lablc by cnlllng Ml<'hurl n ~atson, 991-3440. .


DAILY PILOT · ~:t.~:.~1·r.':..':i=::~;:.:;.

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• •

Tennis - Phooey Most tennis players will admit the game can be frustJ:al ­ing at times. This pictorial comment on how frustrating it can be was inspired by photographer 's discovery of this battered tennis r acquet in a trash can just outside the public courts at 16th Street and Balboa Boulevard in Newport Beach . Golf anyone?

Clemente Says 'No' to Carl's


Oii ... D•1ly .. ii_, 51•11

Oversize s igns requested for two Carl ·s Jr. r e!>taurants wPrc denied by the San Clt·mrnle C1tv Council Wednesday following u lengthy and ut times heated dis cuss ion .

The s igning s aga included C o u n c i I m u n Th t1 m u s

O' Keefc's threal to qu1 l if ltw council approved thl' signs

- Carl Karcher, founder or Karcher Enterprasc~ rc::.Ll!urant chain . hh1stcd 'socialii;m ' ;and government inlcrfrrC'nct• \\1t h p r i v a t l' C" n l e r p r 1 s c JI r• threa te ned to pull out h as SI mil hon city pro;t•ct. t \\-O CJti11J.! places.

Councilman Walh ..am W.tlk<·r pus hed SWCl'l)lnl! re\ l 'il!IO nf thr nty sign law lo ,Jl111" ll 1•1•" ·') 11ra ~nted .. busine:.ses to put uµ hu~e new sign ..

Ka rcher Enterpnsf'c; rrqut·st ed erection or 50-loot pole s1i::n" at potenll.il rest ;1urant 111tM. al .)15 N . El C.1m1n11 Ht·al Jl\d ut 3929 S El Camanu RcJI th1•11•b> <'XCl•edJng a 25-foot hl.'1~hl h m1t Alldi t H>nJ ll ~ it sOUJ,!hl I n 1 ''CC't'l'd

lhe• rna'\1mum "1~11 ""'' h~ 1r. squan• ft •\'! .ti lh t• '\11r1h El <.:umino rtt ... 1 .. 1t1·

D o n G I e n n . ;1 h .1 r 1• h l' r s poke, mun . ~iml thf' lil1t ' '''"" 14 t>r<• nef'dt>d 111 ch aw frn·" 1v trarr1r L•J the restJur .1111

Laguna Cuts

Bingo Hours Over Protest

8) PHlUP ROSMARI N 00 tho 0~11y " '"'' it•t•

A m 1 d r r 11 -: 11 r r ,. I 1 Joe 1 o"' 1wrs1•('11l1m1 . the l. .lj.!\Jnu n1 .. 1ch <:11v Council \otcd Wednesday tu reduce !oharply lhe numtw1 of hours a charatablt' or~an11ot11in may host bmRo gam es

Tht aml'nclment tn the city hinito ordinnncc prov1dc'I that h1n~o be played no more than one d ay a wcek:Dno m ore than !>ix hours a Ky, trnd not ul all between 2o .m . and l0 a m .

The ordinance w as broui:ht back to the council for revision as a direct respons e to news stones deta1hng the plan of a chur ch jt roup called the Temple of Ins pired Living <TOIL )

TOI L's founder ;ind prime minister . Frank Winston, sought to secure a 10-year lease on the vacant Flrst Christian Church building on Legion Street. TOIL. which makes use of bingo to rat"e funds, proposed to hold bingo games four days a week. six hours a dav.

TOIL planned to It-use the pro­perty from another Heverly HIJls-based concern. the Carlyle Group, which 11eeks to btiy the church and the land. The ~ale I~ in escrow.

Jay M~rley, who acted as s alca agent on the deal. aceu11ed the .Dally Pllot, tor Ila news stories, and U.. council, for It" react Ion lo t.f\em, otreliglOOJ lntoferance.

ff e said W>ce t.M n wsf)tper printed the story ot the tran1llC• tlon, TOlL became "virtually on lr1al tn Laguna Beach.••

Front P a ge AJ

PROBE • •• closeted with the Grand Jury.

Earlier, two Diedrich aides t<•,li h e d . Rut neith e r Ray Rhoad:. nur Lyle Overby would· 1l1st: uss their testimony1 which took most of the morning nours.

or lh<· two indictments already h:indc•d down by lhe Grand Jury , om• rl'h•a:.cd Wednesday showed t hat penury cha rges lodged a~ a1nst polittral activist Loran :'\or lon C'amc an testi mony that l'l>nrlictcd with his one-li me con­f 1dant . Cary New myer .

Nortt1n, a Republican can­d1d•1tc for s t:ilc Senate last year, allegedly told the jury that SS,000 h1• r cce1vro fro m political finan -1·1l'r Gene Conrad was not used ror (•a mpaign purposes.

Norton. according to the in­<hct mncnt. obo told the jury he hJd not 1..hscusscd the investiga­laon with other pros pective wit· nc·s~es and had not told Newmyer w h :it to s;iy when he testified.

Bul Newmyer said otherwise "hen he twice testified, throwing his testimony into direct conflict with Norton's

Tho!ll' contr:ididions arc the '-Ubs lance an the seven-count in­thctment of Norton.

Thr formc·r Santa Ana police lil·ultmant und onetime alde to <"Ounty Supervisor Laurence Schmit i1-; uctused or three counts or Pl•rjury ancl si ngle counts of four perju ry-rdated charges.

The s econd man ind icted, ('a labasa!I je weler M a rtin Kirschner, also faN•s five pcr-1ury related char ges

K 1 r'lrhnl'r w<1s s hown on An· thon} s c,1mpu1gn statements as n $2 500 donor Lo his campaign. Th .it m o n ey alleg edly was Conrad ·!) <1 ncl allegedly was fun. 111•lled Uarough Ki rschner to con-1·1•al the idl'nl1ty of It!; true donor.

Gay Cyclist

Soughl in HB·

Sex Assaults A policf> dragnet is out today

for a motorcycll!\t who a r parent­ly uttempted homosexua '1tlacks on two young men he plclCed up along Pacifi c Coast Highway in Huntington Beach.

In vest igato r s said tod ay neither victi m or the Wednesday night assaults was seriously in· Jured. Both cscnped from their ta ntor

One youth. a t r ansient hitchhiker from Canada, told in­vest11ators he was c hoked and beaten in an alt.empted sex as· sault in a parking area just oft Pacific Const ltigbway near tbe Sonta Ana River Bridge on the border between Huntington Beach and Newport Beach.

Police U . John Foster said to­doy that in one sex assault tbe at· tucker duped his victi m by churning he had found a body in road.side bushes and asked him to examin~ It.

Otrl~ets said whel) the victim bent down he was Jumped and collaps(!('.f to tl)e &J'OW\d u the m an beaan t earlnf at his clot.hlng •

fnvesllgatonJ s f.k\ lbey do not have a dl.8Llnct deacrlpllon ot the niao but bo reportedJy prowla • Pactrtc C<>ut. Hl1thw•1 •tnde a . m ct alllc blue eooce Honda m otorcyct..

F,... PogeA J

D , 0 t d CHARGES • • Octor Us e there is always a thorough ln­vea1U1auoo Ml several levet. M.Dd one of the primary contldera-

• tions is an lnveatleation of · s d T sabotage,"Pomm erioksaid. econ Ime "There are s et procedures and this is part of the procedures." he

W estminster Community Hospital officials have a~a1n SUS· pended all medical privileges of Dr. William Baxter Waddill. 43, a }\unttngton Harbour physician charied with murder in the March 2 strangula tion death of an hour-old infant.

Dr. Waddlll 's privileges w ere first suspended March 9 by the

Fog, No Wind StalJ.s Tiro

~adYachls The two lead yachts in the

Balboa Yacht Club's 600-mile nonstop Guadalupe Island Race were stalled In fog with no wind off San Diego today.

Firelock. skipped by Syd' Johnson or Santa Bar bara 's Pier ­point Bay Yacht Club,· ~ad m oved into the lead seven miles ahead of Bill Hartgc's Red Baron ll out of the Huntington Harbour Yac ht Club. Flrelock had 61· miles to go at 8 a .m . and was not expected to finish before late lo· d ay or early Friday.

The nine boats in the Newport Harbor Yacht Club's 800-mile Cabo San Lucas race also were expe riencing light winds off Magdalena Bay on the Baja California coast.

John Scripps• 79-foot ketch Miramar out of the San Diego Yacht Club has t aken over the lead and is sailing 10 mi lee ahead of John Reynolds ' 38-Coot Ghost II of the Newport Har bor Yacht Club. Ghost II was the first boat to start last Saturday at noon. M ira m ar sta r ted 20 'h hours later in the r everse handicap

hospital medical execuUve com­mittee when police launched a probe into the death of a baby girl born after an unsuccessful saline abortion attempt.

The committee r einst ated Dr. Wa ddill 's privileges except for perform ing abortions at the hospital. just before the physl· clan 's March 24 arraignment in West Orange County Municipal CourL

Hospital officials declined to give reasons ror Waddill's second suspension.

Waddill will face a preliminary hearing on the first degree murder complaint Monday in Westminster. He is free on $25,000 bail

W addlll had no comment on his l atest suspension.

Tbe Westminste r hospital has been the target or at least three anti-abortion protest demonstra­tions in two weeks police said.

But hospital officials said the demonstrations have .nothing to do with Waddlll 's suspension .

Westminster police Lt.. J oe Woods said about 300 protesters picketed the hospital for about an hour Monday. Woods said some of the picketers were young girls wearing parochial school un­iforms.

Spokesmen for Blessed Sacra· ment and Saint Bonaventure parishes said members of their congregations h ave been in· volved with the protests but de· nied picketers h ave included s choolgirls.

Bloodmobile Due T he Red Cross Bloodmobile

will be at the South Coast Com­munity Hospital from 12:30 to 5:30 p .m . Monday. Appointm ents may be made by calling the personn e l department at 499-1311.

Son)' ·Jhe


Thf"y wNe rn well sullPd lor onf" anolhN, a match wns only nolural. And ~o II w:1s lh<>t !: ny matched the 1wo Comnnn11n1 ~.lcrPo and Comp;ir.1 Stereo became onl'-H10 St fP.<;'l, cnmhtrWl!J thC' br I fe>aluros of both. The lull rich snund nf cnmnoMnl · lrorrio phono. FM. casnctte nl~ycr/1rcorc1er rlus AM/rM lislening with a sC'r:frnto 1wn·w<1y spn:ikor ayslcm. fi nd tho "designer .. 1100<1 look-; of n compocl, lncllidlnri o '.lmoked dust c.ovc• r.

noted, saying that tho intensive investigauon oC tho C1!$1 crash yielded no evidence of deliberate tampering.

The military probe ruled out pilot error in the crash and in­dicated that mechanical failure was lbe probable cause.

· It ts the Uirust of the latest in· vesttgatton to e s tablish that members or an aircraft m uin­t enance crew forced a repair tool into the cc;mtrol cables ot the plane-c'tor r easons sti ll unclear due to lhe shroud of secrecy tbrown over the probe.

But Pommerink said the military investigation yielded no evidence that ·could have led to crimmal action through milit ary courts .

T he ret.lred general also noted that it was highly unlikely Lewis and tus co-pilot would have even jtOtten into the cockpit of the ill· fated plane 1r it was unfit to fly .

"Both were outstanding pilot orficers and if anyone would have known of problems with lhat plane, they would," Pommerink said.

Asst. U.S. Attorney Plymale said there 1s no intent on his part t o discount the fi ndings of the military investigators.

" We will t ake a look at what t he Navy found but we are always looking at the potential that a crime was committed," he said. "We are focusing on a dif· fcrent objeclive than lhey did."

Plymale expl ained that there arc paraUeled lines or jurisdlc· lion between the U.S. Depart­ments or Justice and Defense and , with the app r opriate coordination, his department can cross over into military m atters:

Piymale's o!fice has reported­ly been asked to study allega­tions that h1~h-ranking Marine officials were notified well before the crash that the Cl31 h ad been cannibalized by its ground crew for parts t o repair other p lanes and thereby rende red uns afe to fly .

Your Choice

~ I


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Thursday's Afte rnoon Pricee




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Steel Talks Conthwe WASHINGTON (AP> - Free or a

strike threat, steel union and lndwstry negotiators worked against tonight's self·lmposed deadline tor reaching agreement on a new contract for 340,000 steelworkers.

The talks are taking place under the · lndustry's experimental negotlaUn1 agreement, which calls for au un­resolved contract issues to be sub­mitted to arbitration Aprll 20.

Fuel Suoplles Drop wASHilifGTON (AP> - U.S. re­

scrv .. ol oU and natural gas dropped asaln ln 1976, conUnuln1 the steady doWJttnmd of re«ot -yeara, two ln· dunry trade Ot'tlllihUona say.

The American Petroleum lnaUtute, ll•ulnf. le. annual atalement today. taJd 'poved reconrable reserves" of crude oO at the end of 1976 wu. eaUmated It ao.t bUUon barTtla, a decline ot 1.7 blUJon barnla from the prmoua year.

s . Name Games~ .

Family Moniken Fade By MILTON MOSKOWITZ ;.

It m:ay not matter much to )'OU what corporutions call themselves. but the mannae'°' or companies appear to h•~ a pass ionate concern tor such questions. At least they ape~ a lot of time maklnR or considering nnme chan1es. :1

Jn the beginning It was easy. The mun who rounded Ult company put bis name on It. We still have many comranld wUb family names (and with members of the origlnn fai:Ds~ ly still active) : Ford. Pillsbury. Weyerhaeuser. Du Pobt-Hewlett· Packatd, Schlitt. ·

MANY OTHt:R •"IRMS HAVE RETAINED fnmlJi names even though dcsccndun~ or the loundlng family a~ no longer active in the company. There wu once t1 M!f Sears and a Mr. Roebuck ; they formed an alliance In 188_~ There was a James Cash Penney and u Frank Woolwort~ King Gillette founded the razor blade company bearing h name. And two brothers·ln·law. WilUam Procter f James Gamble. began muking candles and soap in Cine; notiin1837. '

However. the people running the S.S Kresge Companf have decided they don't want to perpetuate the founder's name Over the past 15 years th e company has transformed itself into the nation 's largest discount operat-0r under t~ name K Mart. The 1,095 K Marts today account ~ for 95 percent of the t!

sales and profits of S S. ·.~ ~ Kresge, and so the com· ( · r pany wants to rename itself the K Mart Corp.

Kresge s tock ·

Money Tree

holders will have an opportunity lo vote on the name change at the company's annual meeting May 17. One large s toc kholde r h as already objected that tha change makes no sense. lie is Stanley S. Kresge, 76·year-old son of founder Sebastian S. Kresge. Kresge left the company's board last year. 1

THE KRESGE ~IANAGEMENT IS FOLLOWING a route traveled by many other corporations that deeme<l,~ logical to have their corporate names reflect their principJS hne or business. That's why Standard 011 of New J cn1e)i changed its name to Exxon (that was probably the biggest corporate name change of oor times). and why Califon\l4 Packing Corp. rechristened its Del Monte Corp .• (Neithtft New J ersey nor California obJected to those switches. ) !~

D1versLrical ion is at the root of many corporate narn!l changes. Tennessee Gas Transmission became a COQ• · glomerale called Tenneco. General Shoo evolved int~~ Genesco. P epsi·Cola. having absorbed Fnto·Lay an4. Wilson Sporting Goods. turned into PepsiCo. i~·

Then there's the trend toward short, snappy titles whic soon become so fam11tar that you forget where they cam from . Columbi a Broadcasting System is now Just CB~ Radio Corp. of America changed to RCA. Americ Machine & Foundry is the antecedent of AMF. United Sh , Machinery is now USM. Trying to erase the memory of ltai founder, Jam Ling, Lmg·Temco·Vought changed to LT'{.,! And Corn Products refining . in one of the most mysteriout: of all name changes. became CPC International lthe ofcl~ name is still better known than the new one >. • ,.

SOMETIMES A C0~1PANY J UST CAN'T make up i~ mind . A New York dairy foods holding company went for many years under the prosaic name of National Dairyj P roducts Corp. Not very cxc1Ung Then it moved its head­quarters to the Chicago circa. site of its mightiest d1v1sio~,l Kraft Foods. Did it lake the name Kraft? No, at had to adopt the stilted vers ion of Kraftco. Last year it had enough O:fl that. Now it's - would you believe? - simply Kraft Inc. ' ·

My favorit e corporate name is the one that was devisetlf in 1974 after the merger of Missoun Beef P ackers wi~ Kansas City Beef Packers. The resulting company, one Oll our largest beef feeders and s laughterers . is called MBP~ Corp. · .,.

Retiree Business Class to Begin

A free Saddleback College course des igned to unravel the maze of insurance r ed tape, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the term inology m retirement bus iness deal­ings wlll begin Monday in Leisure World.

The course will convene at 9:30 a .m. on six consecutive Mondays in the recreation room at 2355 Mariposa West. At· tendees livtng ouls1de the retirement community will be ad· milted through Leisure World gate number five .

INSTRUCTOR SHIRLEY LASKIN calls the class a "bow·to" course m ma10lalning business records , usi ng charge account bus iness a nd credit and a s1mplif1 ed ap­proach to handhn~ bui.mess affairs m re tirement.

Mrs. Laskin 1s a business executive and a graduate or the Columbia University Sc hool of Business.

" I've designed this class for practical and Immediate used by those who rind themselves curious, harassed or frustrated in their business affairs." said Mrs. Laskin .

"It will a lso provide an overview of today 's growing de· pendence on computers and data processing and how these methods affect the 1nd1v1dual in his day·lO·day business de· ahngs.''

~nter Funding Set Coldwell Banker M anagcment Corp. has negotiated $2.5

million in long.term f1n anc1ng for a new Huntington Beach shopping center. Th<' loan was arranged on behalf or W&D Commercial Properties. Santa Monica. -

The proposed 6.8·acre. 73,000-square·feet neighborhood center will be located on the northeast corner of Atlanta and Magnolia nvenues, where construction was scheduled to begin this month. F azio's Market and Santa BarburaSavings & Loan will be among the tenants.

McClellan. Cruz, Gaylord & Associates. Pasadena. are project architects. The general contract.or Is Hlnnewlnkel Construction Company of G urdena.

Bo/A Opens 'Ho":8e' A pubUc open house to mark completion of a $320.000 ex·

p ansion and modernization of Bank of America's Main & El­lis branch, Huntington Beach, will be held throughout the business April 14, according to W. S. Peterson, branch manager. Refreshments will be served. ·

Key element Jn the renovation is the Installation or two drlve·UP deposit windows on the west side or the building facing Delaware Street. The units will be open from 9 a.en. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Thur3days and from 9 a .m. to G p.m . Fridays.

The LS-year·old branch has been enlarged ncorly SO per· cent, permitting expansions of the teller line, omcers' plat· form Brea. merchants' deposit section . aefe dcpc1lt racllltlea and customer reception area.

S&L Sponsors Outing Brentwood Savings & Loan As"SOdation'a Westminster. '

and Long Beach branches sponsored a "day at the circus" for ' ao residents or the Holiday Hacienda House, We1lmin1ter. • They att.tnded lhc recent Shrine Clreus at Bola a Grande H1Jh' • School. J

Ticketafor the outln1 were donated by the Shrf nera.